HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL LIONSHEAD FILING 2 BLOCK 1 LOT 2 EVERGREEN LODGE FKA DOUBLETREE FKA CREST HOTEL SDD 14 REQUEST LEGALMINUTES VAIL TOl,lN COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 16, 1987 7:30 P.M. A regular meet'i ng of the Vail Town 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT:. bf'Lf1^Q4-- Council was held on Tuesday, June 16, 1987, of the Vail Munjcipal Building. Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Gai I Wahrl ich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce 5 at MEMBERS ABSENT: TO}IN OFFICIALS PRESENT: John Slevin Hermann Staufer Ron Phj'l lips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk The fjrst order of business was a ten year emp'l oyment anniversary award for Charlie Turnbull, a Town of Vail Heavy Equipment Operator II. Ron Phillips introduced Charlje and gave him a silver Town of Vail belt buckle. Pete Burnett and Stan Eerryman stated they were pleased and honored to have Charlie work for them and commended hjm on his good attitude and sense of humor. Mayor Johnston said the Council appreciated Charlie's commitment and h'i s loyalty to the Town. The second item was Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1987, second reading, adopting the 1987 Edition of the Uniform Electric Code by reference. The entire tjtle of the ordinance was read by Mayor Johnston. Peter Patten explained they had received aletter from the State raising the fees very slightly that day. After a brief discussion, it was noted the increase in fees would be included in the ordinance on second readjng, and it would just be published in full. Gail Wahrljch-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the ordinance, and Kent Rose seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The third item for discussion was Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1987, second reading, annexing East Intermountain to the Town of Vail. Mayor Johnston read the tjtle in n of whal the ordinance would do and thanked Eobbi Salzman and everyone who worked hard to make this annexation happen. There was no discussion by Council or the public. A motion to approve the ordinance was made by Gordon Pierce and seconded by Kent Rose. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The next jtem was 0rdinance No. 16, Series of 1987, first reading, amending Specjal Development District 5 (.Vail Run ResortL by amending the site p1an. The full title was read by Mayor Johnston. Rick Pylman explained what the amendment would do and gave background information on the area. He noted the inpacts to Simba Run and explained why the PEC approved the amendment unanjmously. Gordon Pierce stated he would have to abstain from voting sjnce he did the architectural work on the plans. Larry Eskwith then requested the Council to jnclude two fjndjngs in the motion - l) that the SDD zoning is in conformance wjth Town of Vail zoning, and 2) was for the general welfare of the cjtizens of Vail, Jay Peterson, representing Vail Run, asked that the item be tabled temporarily. Vail Run and Simba Run representatives were jn another room working out an agreement which should be concluded shortly. Kent Rose then made a motjon to temporarily table the ordinance, and Eric Affeldt seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The fifth item was 0rdinance No. 18, Seri es of 1987, fjrst reading, amending the parking on private property chapter of the Municipal Code. Mayor Johnston read thetjtle in full. Larry Eskwith briefly expla'i ned what the ordinance would do. Mike Cacioppo asked questions to which Larry responded. Kent Rose made a motion to approve this ordinance, and Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal seconded. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimously 5-0. The next item discussed was Ordinance No.20, Seri es of 1987, first reading, making a supplemental approprjation to the Town of Vail budget. The full title was read by Mayor Johnston. Steve Barwick explained what the supplemental appropriation was for and djscussed a few changes made sjnce'l ast week's Work Session. Mike Cacioppo asked questjons, to which Steve and Council responded, and stated his concerns. Ken Wilson asked questions regarding how the Council made thejr choice for the Town Manager's resjdence and explained the problems he saw. Cynthia Steitz, Chris Neuswanger, Mike Cacioppo and Djana Donovan commented on their concerns regarding the house. Ray Story, who helped Town staff plan a schematic design, explained what was planned. Cynthia Stejtz again stated her concerns over the costs planned for the Town Manager's house and over West Vail street assessments; she felt the money should be spent there. Gordon Pjerce explained that street assessments were made because the streets were jnherited from the County, and East Vail res'idents did not want to help pay to improve them. Charlie l,lick gave a h'i story of the Town Managers' housing problems and why he felt it was an appropriate Iong term investment for the Town. Gajl hlahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the ordinance, with the deletion of the Town Manager's residence jmprovements unti1 an appraisal was completed, and this motion was seconded by Erjc Affeldt. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimously 5-0. The next item was the return of Ordinance No. 16, Serjes of 1987, first reading, amending Special Development Djstrict 5 $lajtSua-EaEert) by amending the site p1an. The full title was read by Mayor Johnston. Kent Rose made a mot'ion to take the ordinance off the table, and Gordon Pierce seconded. A vote was made and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. Jay Peterson, representing Vail Run, stated that they had worked out their differences with Simba Run. He explained they had agreed to certain items which shoujd be jncluded in the ordinance, which he would give to Larry Eskwith. He read thejr list of items agreed upon: 1. Parking will be prjmarily for employees and long-term residents; no commercial vans are to be parked there. 2. No snow is to be moved on to Simba Run property. 3. A bufferi s to be agreed upon by both parties, with the approval of the Design Review Board. 4. The landscape plan will feature a minimum amount of ten foot spruce trees, adeguate to locate one tree for every eight feet around the parking lot. 5. A five foot berm will be placed around the parking lot' 6. There is to be no lighting around the parkjng lot unless required by the Town of Vail. 7. The lighting on the ramp is to be no higher than four feet. Chris Neuswahger stated his problems with the proposed ordinance. Nicholas Giancamilli, representing Simba Run, stated that what Jay presented was pretty much what they wanted to accompljsh. Eric Affeldt made a motjon to approve the ordinance with the addjtional language read by Jay Peterson, and Gail Wahrljch-Lowenthal seconded. Peter Patten then stated his concerns that the DRB may have problems with the eight foot spacing between the trees around the area and also no light'i ng around the parking lot. Jay explained he only used the number of trees as the minimum to be purchased, and that there would be no lighting around the parking lot "unless requjred by the Town". Larry Eskwith requested that Eric include the findings that the SDD zoning is in conformance with Town of Vail zon'i ng and is in the general welfare of the citizens of Vail. Eric Affeldt included these findings jn his motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0, with Gordon Pierce abstaining. The eighth item was Ordinance No. 19, Serjes of 1987,rfifst reading)establishing a Special Development District for The Valley Phase III (E'l k t{eadowsly( Mayor Johnston readthetitleinfull.KrjstanPdraw.ingsandgave detailed background information on the area. She also detailed jtems included in the ordinance. She noted staff recommended approval wjth five conditions: 1. The development of each bujlding envelope wi l1 comply with the environmental impact report, especially the design recommendations cited by Mr. Dan Pettigrove in a letter concerning design mitigations for rock fall hazards. Each indjvidual owner will be respons'i ble for completing the rockfal 1 mitigation measure per the Pett'i grove letter. Studies will meet the standards outlined in Section 18.69.052 of the Town of Vail zoning code. An owner may choose to have another qualified engineer/geologist design appropriate rockfall mitigation measures, as long as the mitigation solution does not have negative visual impacts and -2- is approved by the Town of Vail Conrmunity Development Department and Town Eng'ineer. 2. The proposed preliminary Iandscape plan and design review guidelines will be revjewed by the Design Review Board for their approval before finai p'l at submittal . 3. The app'l icant agrees to revegetate the access road if the general subdjvision improvements are not completed by September 1, 1989. General subdivision improvements are defjned in Section L7.L6.150 of the Town of Vajl Subdivision Regulations. 4. The declaration of protective covenants for the Elk Meadow Subdivision states that design guidelines "may be adopted". The staff would require that the wording be changed to state that design gujdelines "shall be adopted". The ful'l paragraph would read: "Guidelines for the development of the building envelopes and tracts shall be adopted by the Committee, which shal 1, among other things, interpret andlor implement the provisions of these protective covenants. Guideljnes may be amended from time to time with the majority vote of approval from the Committee and approval of the Town of Vajl Design Review Board. The guidelines will be available from the chair of the Design Committee and Town of Vajl Community Devel opment Department. " 5. The following engineering jnformation will be submitted to staff by June 15, 1987: a. The revised master drajnage plan. b. The preliminary plan will be revised to show the new turn-around dimension on the west end of the property. c. The road plan will have an eng'i neer's stamp. The preliminary plan will be adjusted for square footage totals due to the removal of the four guest parking spaces on the west end of the project. d. A letter from Nick Lampiris wjll be submitted to address the rockfal1 design requirements. A graphic is suggested. e. Gas line and fire hydrants will be indicated on the utility plan in the appropriate areas. Kent Rose stated he wanted jt made clear to the public that mitigation was recommended for the structure on1y. Peter Patten commented that rockfall mitigation would be decided upon by the engineer and explained why the burden would be put on the owners to do the mitigation. Peter Jamar explained how the rockfall mitigation was developed and how jt was sjmilar to other areas. Kristan stated the PEC did approve both requests, with J.J. Collins being the only one to vote against. After some discussion by Council, Kent Rose made a motion to approve this ordinance with the inclusion of a requirement that a letter from Njck Lampiris outlining his opinion of whether or not mitigation js necessary for the open space area of the subdivision be subm'i tted before a second reading of the ordinance, and Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. At this time, a typographical error was noted on Section 4, lten 72. There should be a dollar mark ($) before the .30. Krjstan then explained the Council needed to make a motion to approve/disapprove the request for a major subdivision jn compliance with major subd'ivision requirements. Gai'l Wahr'l jch-Lowenthal made the motion to approve the subdivision, which Gordon Pjerce seconded- A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The ninth item for discussion was the Town of Vail Auditors' 1986 financjal report. Charlie l'lick introduced Jerry McMahan and Steve Thompson, head auditor, of McMahan, Armstrong and Kenney. Jerry explained the Town was in compljance with requirements and in very good condition at the end of 1986. He gave highl'ights of the audit document and an overvjew of the Town's financial positjon. Charlie l.lick made conments on jnvestments made during last year, then Jerry McMahan answered questions of CounciI. -,-.-''''.-.''*=-- ..Tli6'next jtem was hesolution No. 20, Series of 1987, extending the SDD 14 approval 1 (Doubletree Hotel)r/ Ton Braun explained what the resolution was for and gave Fsrlfnation on the SDD. He then explained why the staff recommendedbat denial . Tom stated the Planning Commission had reconmended approval of the extension for one year only with the following recommendations to Council: 1. The Town Council look at the parking requirements; it seems they may be overly restrictive. 2. The Applicant injtiate talks with the Vail Valley Medical Center like last year regarding shared parking. Peter Jamar, representing Vail Holdings, urged the Council to hire a third party to study lodges, hotels, etc. parking needs; he djd not feel jt would be near as much as what was required. He commented the Applicant wou'l d agree to a twelve month period, and the'l andscape plan is underway and should be done by September l, 1987. After some discussion by Council, Mayor Johnston made a motjon to approve the ordinance, conditional on the landscape plan being completed. Kent Rose seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The next item of business was an epBeaf'df a PEQ decision on a request for a density varjance to enclose ten decks.at'Treetops EuiLdinq No. 2. Eric Affeldt called up this item because he notice(tlQr*ie++b+eaKi-ng nlw ground by enclosing the decks. Krjstan Pritz reviewed the lreasons the PEC approved the enclosures: 1. There was a minimal amount of increased GRFA. Substantial 'landscaping wjll be done in excess of that required with the fact that this was a major emphasis of the proposal and did not include maintenance and upgrading which would normally be required. Balconies remain for each unit and are usable. Peter Patten gave additional background informatjon on the item. Staff recommended approval of the exterior a1 teration, but denial of the density variance. Diana Donovan commented on why and how the PEC made its decision. Tom Briner commented on why he felt the variance should be granted. Gordon Pierce made a motion to uphold the PEC decisjon to approve the request, and Kent Rose seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-1, with Eric Affeldt opposing. Under Citizen Partjcipation,.Diana Donovan remarked she was upset that the four-way was cold and uninviting now with the new street lights. Stan Berryman explained the design approvals by the State, and that we actually were able to get ten foot shorter posts and non-standard lights approved. Ron Philljps stated there would be no Town Manager's report. There being no further business, the meeting was adiourned at 10:50 p'm. Respectful ly submi tted, Paul R. Johnston, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman 2. 3. -4- I bl fllr WHEREAS, the Planning and Environrnentar commission has unanimousry recomrnended that the Town counciL extend this approval; and WHEREAS, the developrnent of this property as prescribed by ordinance #5 of 1986 will be a benefit to the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of VaiI. NosI, THEREFORE, BE IT REsoLvED BY THE TowN couNcrl, oF THE ToI^rN oF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: The approvals granted by Ordinance #5 of IggG are herein extended for a period of twelve (12) nonths. TNTRODUCED, READ, AND APPROVED AND ADoprED this 16th day of June, 19A7. RESOLUTTON NO. 20Series of 1987 A RESOLUTION EXTENDING APPROVAL OF SPECIAL DEVEIOPMENT DTSTRICT NO. 14 (DOUBLETREE HOTEL) FOR A PERIOD OF TWELVE MONTHS (t WHEREAS, the owner of the Doubletree that the approvals granted by Ordinance #5 and Paul R. ;Iohnston, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandrneyer, Tohrn Clerk Hotel has reques of 1986 be extended; a*.rrout 1-i*^"J' fiq>w.a.: \-{+ \\.Lqq-}. .d; qPUad'a T"1"^--\ J- <--1+ \<6, ttt(. I TO: Town Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE! June 9, L987 SUBJECT: A request to extend the approval of SpeciatDeve'lopnent District No. L4 (Doubletree Hotel)Applicant: Vail Holdings, Ltd. partnership The attached mernorandums and ordinance provide backgroundpertaining to this reguest. A nurnber oi issues relevant tothis application were discussed at the planning commissionrsreview. Among these incLude a strong concern fhat the interinlandscape plan for the DoubLetree be completed as soon aspossible. It was also suggested that the developers of theDoubletree establish contact with the VaiI valley Medicalcenter relative to the possibility of constructing a joint useparking structure. Additional iniormation wirt b6 pr6vided tothe Council concerning these issues at Tuesdayrs meeting. The Planning conrnission action was to recomnend the approval ofthis sDD be extended for a period of L2 months. rr apiroved asper this recommendation, the approval of the sDD would-then beextended to september LB, l-988. The planning connission alsorequested the staff to pass along to the council their concernover the existing parking reguirements. rt was their hope thatan independent siuay couid be- done of existing p.irittgrequirements to evaLuate whether Town regulatlons areappropriate. This issue was raised relaiive to theDoubletreets proposal and the present shortfall of parking asrequired by Town codes. \. .- r(" ' ( f' TO: Planning and Environmental Cornmission \FROM: Conmunity Developrnent Department DATE: June 8, 1987 SU&IECT: A request to extend the approval of Special Development District No. 1,4 (Doubletree Hotel).Applicant: VaiI Holdings, Ltd. Partnership The approval of a special development district expires after l-Bmonths if construction of the project is not initiated.Approval of SDD No. 14, which allows for a rnajor expansion ofthe existing Doubtetree Hotel, expires in JuIy of 1987. Theapplicant has reguested an extension of this approval foranother 18 nonth period. fhe Planning Conmissionrs action onthis application is advisory. Any final approval of extendingthis zoning requires the review and approval of a resol.ution bythe Town Council . ISSUES REI,ATED TO THIS PROPOSAIJ ( The two main issues relative to this redevelopment centered around parking and additional density (see enclosed merno toPlanning Commission dated February 24, 1986.) Specifically,the staff r/as uncomfortable witn Lne significant amount, ofadditionat density with the absence of an overall Land useplan, and the proposed parking that was 50 spaces short of whatis reguired. The applicant has requested approval for theidentical project as was approved in l-986. The recently adopted Land Use Plan has enabled some re-evaluation of our previous position relative todensity. Given the outcome of the Land Use Plan, the staffwoul-d not present such strong concerns for the additionaldensity as was stated in 1986. This is due to the fact thatthere was a preference in the comrnunity for concent,ratingdensity in the existing core areas, and nore specifically, nearthe Frontage Road, Goals fron the Land Use Plan include: 2.L The comrnunity should emphasize its role as adestination resort while accommodating day visitors. 3.2 The Village and Lionshead areas are the bestIocation for hotels to serve the future needs of thedestination skiers. 4.2 Increased density in the Core areas is acceptable solong as the existing character of each area ispreserved through implementation of the Urban DesignGuide PIan and the VaiI ViJ.lage Master plan. -Ir 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the marketplace demands for a full range of housing types. The shortfall of parking spaces proposed with this developmentis still a major concern to the staff. We continue to hold theposition that private developnents should build the requiredparking to avoid the significant problems in the longei tern.As Vail Mountain becornes nore and nore developed and-skier lurnbers.increase, there will not be available overflow parkingin public structures to make up the short fal1. For thisreason, we cannot support the extension of this specialdevelopment district. ( t i/. J' tl ( TO:Plann'i ng and Environmental Commission FR0M: Community Development Department DATE: February 24, 1986 SUBJECT: A request to rezone Lot 2, Block l, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing from High Dens'ity Multiple Family to Special Development Distri ct in order to develop an additional 92 lodge rooms,5 condominiums, and 3,350 square feet of meeting rooms/conference space at the Doubl etree Hotel . Applicant: Vail Holdings, a Limited Pantnership I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL A request has been made to the Town of Vail to rezone the Doubletree Hotel sjte from High Density Multiple Family zoning to a Special Development District. This proposal js requested jn order to allow for additjonal development on the sjte. The rezoning is required because the present level of development js over that allowed under existing zoning. The development proposed with this application includes 92'lodge rooms, 5 condominiums, and 3,350 square feet of additional meeting room space. The following table illustrates how thjs proposal relates to the existing development on the site as well as that allowed under the existing zoning: ZONING ANALYSIS OF DOUBLETREE HOTEL Site area 2.6298 acres or .l.l4,554 square feet ALLOWED DEV. EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL UNDER EXISTING DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT HDMF ZONING Units: 65 du's 83 du's 5l du's 134 du's (19 condos (5 condos (24 condos 128 lodge rooms) 92 lodge rooms) 220 lodge rooms ) 25 units,/ac 3.|.5 units/ac 19 unjts/ac 50.95/ac GRFA: 68,732 sq ft 73,577 sq ft 42,576 sq ft 116,153 sq ft Parking Req'd 52 enclosed 200 enclosed 200 enclosed 198 spaces 115 surface ll surface ll surface Req'd 261 spaces Meeting room space: 4040 sq ft 3350 sq ft 7350 sq ft (i^lhile this table illustrates some of the more significant elementsrel.ated to th'is proposal , there are othen zoning considerat.i ons to be made when evaluating this application. These and other aspects of thisdevelopment plan wil l be highiighted throughout this memorandum. ( II.EACKGROUND ON REVIEt,tl PROCESS TO DATE 18.40.010 Purpose The purpose of the specia'l development d.i strjcts is to encounageflexibilitv ilexib_ili-ty-in the development of land_ in order to promote itsippropiiifd-irse; to improve the design-,'-'lhlricter and quality of new development; to facjlitate the adequate and economicprovisions of streets and utilities; and to preserve the natural and scenic features of open areas. Historically, SDD's have been proposed in Vajl to allow for thedevelopment of sites that would be unable to do so under convent.i onalzoning. Exampies of these projects would include valli Hi where densityincreases were allowed in exchange for restrictions on the property toensure their use as employee housing, or the vail village Inn whos! mixeduse character required the SDD zoning. More often than not, however, SDDzone districts have been requested to allow forincreases in densitiesover what exist'ing zoning on the site would allow. This is the case withthis appl icatjon. There are a number of criteria to be evaluated when reviewing a requestof thjs nature. Foremost among these are the nine design standards that Fol lowing the-acquisition of this property by Vail Holdings, Inc., amajor renovation of the existing faciIity wai compieted during the summer and fall of 1985. It was at th.is tjme that the staff first bigan adialogue with the developers and their des.i gners concernjng thefeasibility of additional development of this site. To dale, the staffhas spent a considerable amount of time with the designers of thisproject resulting in a number of additions and modifications to theoriginal]y proposed development p1ans. To assist in this process, thedevelopers agi'ee'J to pay ihe bili to bi.ing ieff l,linston in as a designconsultant for the Town. This is similar to the role Jeff played in theieview of Phase IV of the Vail Vjllage Inn proposal iast year. Inaddition to this rev'i ew, a work session was he'l d for the Town council andPlanning and Environmental commission in Novemben to brief them on theconcepts being proposed in this plan. As js the case with any rezoning request, fjnal decjsions concern.ing thisapplication are made by the Town council. The planning commission iev.iewis advisory to the council and any approval of this plin would involvethe adoption of a new ordinance granting the rezoning request. As stated in the zoning gode, the purpose of special developmentd.istricts is toi-- III. are listed in the zoning code. As stated in the code, ,'The developmentplan for the special Development Districts shal'l meet each of thefollowing standards or demonstrate that either one or more of them is notapplicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the publicinterest has been achieved." In addition to these criteria, it isimportant to considen the underlying zoning as a point of reference inevaluating this request. These ioning coniiderations as well as otherissues that have been raised during the course of this review will beaddressed in this memo. IV. ( The following are staff comments concerning how this proposal relates tothe design standards as outlined in the zoning code. A. A buffer zone sha] I be provided in any special development districtthat is adjacent to low density residential uses. The buffer zonemust be kept free of bujld.i ngs or structures, and must be landscaped, screened or protected by natural features so thatadverse effects on the surrounding areas are m'i nimized. This mayrequire a buffer zone of sufficient size to adequately separate theproposed use from the surrounding properties in terms of visualprivacy, noise, adequate light and air, air pollution, and other comparable potentiaily incompatible factors. The buffer zone referred to in this des'ign standard is specifically forsDD's proposed adjacent to low density res'i dential uses.' Zone dislrictsadjacent to this property include high density multi-family and thepubf ic use districts. Consequently, this standard is not d.i rectlyapplicable. However, with a few exceptions, the proposal is within theexisting zone district's required Z0 foot setback. B- A circu'l ation system designed for the type of traffic generated,taking into consideration safety, separation from liviig areas,'convenience, access, noise, and exhaust control . privaie internalstreets may be permitted'i f they can be used by police and F.i reDepartment vehicles-for emergency purposes. Bicycle traffic may beconsidered and provided when the site is to be uled for residenlialpurposes. The.proposed site p1 an involves a number of changes to the exist.i ngvehicular access, to the property. Among these aie the addition of a newaccess point to service the ioading and trash facilities, the removal ofan existing road cut to the hotel entrance, and the deveiopment of anewly al igned-entry to the hotel . As a part of the environmental impactreport for this project, a traffic report was done that evaluated tripgeneration antic'ipated from both the existing and proposed developmenI onthe site. One conclusion of this study is t[at boltr ieft ana right iurn'lanes be provided as an element of thji development proposal . Inaddition to_satisfying the recommendations of the trirfic report, ifapproved, slight grading changes would be necessary to the miin 6ntry tothe facility as per Town of vai1 engineer's requesi. It shou] d ue niteJthat any changes to the road cuts requiring state Highway approval wouiJhave to be obtained prior to the issuance of any buiidin; plimit for thisdevel opment. t (c. Functional open space in terms of: Opt.imum preservat.i on of naturalfeatures (including trees and drainage areas), recreation, views, conveni ence, and funct.ion. 0ne. change proposed in this plan relative to functional open space iswith respect to the Middle creek area. At the present time this area isovergrown with vegetation with no real relationship to the existingfacility. Landscape improvements are proposed in this area of the s.ite,as well as on the Town of vail stream tract, in order to open the accessto this stream. llhile a limited amount of landscape mater.i als would be removed to allow for this development, a preliminary landscape plan hasbeen submitted indicating a substantia'l increase in plant materials onthe site. The views,/spacial analysis provided in the environmentalimpact report indicates that there are no real significant view impactswith respect to vantage points along the Frontage Road and Interstate.The scale of the buildings, coupled with the gride change from theFrontage road to the s'i te, has mitigated the potential view blockage fromthis addition. Short range vjews from some unjts in the VailInternational condominiums would be affected by the expans.i on proposed tothe north of the existing bujldjng. D. Variety in terms of: housing type, densit.ies, facilities and open space. With the exception of the five condominium units, the residentjal development proposed with this SDD is short term lodging. Otherfaci'l ities on site in addition to the meeting room spaci include indoorjacuzzis, an outdoor pool , a restaurant, a nightclub, and limjted commercial . Also, see Section VI on Lodge Rooms and Condomin.i um Restri cti ons. E. Privacy in ne'ighbors. Given the nature adjacent sites, terms of the needs of: Individuals, families and of the uses on this site, as we] I as the uses onstaff can see no factors with respect to privacy. F. Pedestrian traffic in terms of: safety, separation, convenience. . - access to points of destinat.i on, and attractiveness. At the present time, guests of the Doubletree are prov.ided wjth apedestri an Iinkage to Meadow Drive in order to utilize the Town of va.i Ibus system. l.lith this proposed addition, an extension of this wa1 kway.isincluded linking the existing walkway with the post Office/Municipal - Building area. This walkway runs along the south side of the property. (_ G.Bui1ding type in terms of: relationship and bu1k. Appropriateness to density, site It is felt that the designers of this project have done a commendable job 'i n relating this addition to the existing structure. Spec.i f.i ca1 1y, the addjtions are done in a way that helps reduce the mass of the existingtower. As was referred to earlier, the grade change from the Frontage Road to the site has allowed for a design that does not appear to add considerable bulk to the site and works to enhance the overall visualquality as compared to the exist'i ng building. H. Buiiding design in terms of: Orientation, spacing, mater.ials, color and texture, storage, signs, l ighting, and solar blockage. As is the case wjth the massing of this proposal , the siting of theproposed additions work well with the exjsting tower. The extensions ofthe existing building help "step" the building off the Frontage Road. Considerations such as materjals, color,/texture, s'i gns, and l.i ghting would all be addressed at the Design Review Boand level if this project were approved. A sun,/shade analysis in the envjronmental impact report demonstrates that the proposed expansions would have a negligible effect on the Frontage Road. I. Landscaping of the total site in terms of: Purposes, types, maintenance, suitabifity, and effect on the neighborhood. The proposed 'l andscape plan shows 37% of the site being landscaped. Thisdoes not include portions of adjacent property between the Doub'l etreesite and the State Highway Department right-of-way that would also be landscaped- It should be noted, however, that this area is required to be landscaped. Particu] ar attentjon has been paid to the loading/trash area as wel'l as the surface parking that js on the site. A cons.i derable amount of materi al is proposed in this area in order to screen thisportion of the site. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS RELATIVE TO THIS PROPOSAL With the approval of an SDD, the development plan submitted establishes the development standards for the property. These would address the standard zoning considerations that are outlined in other zone d'i stricts.In evaluating this development p1an, it is important to consjder the standards establ ished in the underlying, or exist'i ng zoning. Thefollowing is an analysis of these consjderations: - Uses There are no changes to exjsting uses that would not be alloweq under HDMF zoning. ( V. ( - Densi ty Aside from the important sjte plann.ing jssues which must be discussed, the overriding issue is how to deal with the request forsignificant addjtional density. While the Town deals w.ith requestsfor additjonal density quite frequently, seldom are requests madeof thjs magnitude. Historjcally, the staff has not supported requests for densities above that allowed under existing zoning. hlhjle there have been notable exceptions, the Planning Comm.i ssion and Town Council have also been quite critical of requests for density increases. The growth management report of .|977 and ageneral concern of allowing additional development in what js perceived by many to be an overdeveloped Val 1ey, are often cited as reasons fon denying additional density requests. Prompted in large part by the Sonnenalp request in 1984, the Town has been working on the Vail Vjllage Study for over a year. One of the goals of the study is to evaluate the potentia1 for additional density in the Vil lage area. This potential is evaluated based more on design considerations than on what is necessarily alIowed under existing zoning regulations. In conjunction with this evaluat'i on, goals and objectives are being established to outline improvements that should be done to the Vi11age in conjunction withthis development. A trade off, or bonus system, is to be developedthat would allow for additional densities in exchange for substantial return to the community in the form of public improvements or other exactions. It is important to note that this system is being proposed after a comprehensive evaluation of theentire study area that has identified both the improvements to be made as well as where additi onal density could be accommodated in asensitive manner. It js also irnportant that during the publ icprocess that has taken p'l ace for the Village Study, there was nor a uniform response in favor of considering additional density jn theVi11age. However, there has been support for a system that would al'l ow density increases in conjunction with the comprehensive studyof this type combined with a substantial return by the developer .in the form o-f public improvements. Given the suUmittdt befoie us;lt is unfortunate that the Doubletree Inn js not located within the Vail Village Study Area.It is equal'ly unfortunate that a Town-wide land use plan is only inits ear'ly stages of development and not near completion as is the case with the Village Study. The land use plan would provide thestaff a better understanding of the implications that this project may have relatjve to other development potentials in the Va11ey. lllhi1e specific analysis of the Ooubletree site would indicate that some degree of additional density could be accommodated, the concern of the staff is how this request relates to Town-wide deve.lopment issues. For example, the traffic report for the Doubletree suggests that trip generations to the sjte can be accommodated off of the Frontage Road. But what wou'l d a cumu'l atjve impact have on the Frontage Road'if similar requests for density'increases were to be granted in this area? Likewise, it has been stated that the design impacts on the 0oubletree site are positive from a standpoint of reducing the mass of the existing tower. However, without a comprehensive analysis, the staff js uncomfortable of what inrplicat'ions this proposal may have on other properties located along the frontage road. Anotherimportant consideration is a system of trade-offs that would be establjshedfor increased density in the Vi'l 'l age. Wh'i le there has been a formal discussion with the developers on what public 'improvements could be provided in conjunction with this development, wjthout a Town-wide analysis, the staff is unabie to provide recommendations as to appropriate trade-offs for this grant of add'i tional density. Setbacks The proposed addition encroaches jnto the required 20 foot setbackin four areas. l,lhile three of these areas are along the Frontage Road and jnvolve only a few feet, there is a considerable encroachment along the west end of the property adjacent to Middle Creek. A portion of this encroachment involves the infill of an area underneath an existing deck. However, new construction to accommodate a pre-function area for the meeting rooms is proposed to be constructed up to the property line. The staff had requestedthis area to be re-evaluated in an effort to reduce this encroachment on Middle Creek. It is important to maintain some amount of setback of buildings from the property line in this area. He i ght The proposed additions do not exceed the 48 foot height ljmitationin the HDMF zone district. The existing tower is 72 feet jn hei ght. Site Coverage Site coverage a1 l owedplan includes 47% of under the HDMF zone district is 55%. This the si te be ing covered by bu i 1d ings. Landscapi ng As has been mentioned, 37% of the site is landscaped. a 30% requirement for the HDMF zone djstrict. This exceeds Parki ng There are a number of approaches that can be taken in evaluatingwhat the required parking is for this deveropr"ni. n.girdilrr orhow the numbers are carculated, the proposed developmeit do", normeet-the parking that would be required'for this level of -' deveropment. There are 167 parking spaces on the site that can beconsidered a grandfathered situation icurrent requirements for theexisting development on the site wourd be r98.pJi"ti.'- ii"'n",development proposed for the site would require g+ spaces iffrisincludes a 5% multi-use reduction as weil ds u soz r5Jr.iiJn to,^ l!: l:lyll:d, parkins for the meetins room space). Considerins thero/.granoTatherecr spaces, an additional 44 spaces are being addedto the site to accommodate the new development proposed. itrisresults in a net defjcjt of 50 park.i ng spaces on the site. Inevaluating the parking reguired, the ;taif is comiortibie-wiilr aigtal 9f 2ql spaces to be provided on site. It should be notedthat this figure of 26'l spaces gives the appl.i cant consiaerit.ionfor a 50% reduction of spaces fir a meeting'room raiiiiiv-as weiras an interpretation that acknowledges a 25 space ihortiiri-tnat ispresent at this time- |,|ithout these considerations, the requiredparking on the site courd be as high as 316 spaces.' ii-ir-iettthat the 261 figure is both rea'l isiic from a planning standpoint aswell as reasonable in terms of the interpretations tiat niue oeenmade. VI. Fi re Department I ss ues At the present time, the Fire Department has not signed off on thisdesign because of inadequate access and operational widths for theadditional developnent proposed for the site. rinat aeterminat.i onsregarding code requirements wilI be made at the building-p;rmit 1_eyiew. if this project is approved. Any significant crrinies to thesrte.pran that may result from this review would requ.i re pianning Commission approval if made. Easements 4s--proposed, the underground parking structure and portions of thelodge addition would encroach on existing utility.lr.r.ni.. Ifapproved, the design of the underground parking ltructure woulda'l low access to these ut.i lity ljnes. Construcfion on these'easements would require approvals of all utjlity companies prior tothe issuance of any building permit for this pr6j"cii t_ Restrictions on Lodqe Rooms and Condom.i niums The staff has requested and the applicant has agreed that theaccommodation units proposed in this plan would be deve'l oped aslodge rooms. This would mean that if a proposa'l to convert theseunits to condominiums were to be made, they'would be reviewed wjthrespect to the criteria out'l ined in the condominium conversionordinance (i.e. if approved for conversjon to condos, they would berestricted to short-term rentais). In addition, the-applicant hasagreed to restrict the conversion of these units to a time shareform of ownership for 20 years. The staff has also requested thatthe use of the 5 condominiums be limited by those restrictionsoutlined in the condominium conversion ordinance. This wouldassure the Town that these units would be in the rental pool 49weeks of the year. VII. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As demonstrated in this memo, the proposed development plansatisfactorily addresses a number of design standards outlined in the SDDzone district. The plan presented provides a number of s.i gnificant improvements !o llg existing site conditions on the property. However,the plan is s'ignificantly short of what the staff feels to 6e therequired park'i ng for this level of development. In addition to theshortfall of 50 pllfins spaces, staff also quest.ions the high percentageof v1l9t spaces within the structured parking area. As proiosed, 76 ;i-the 200 spaces would require valet service for util ization. staff isalso disappointed to see the proposed surface parking on the site. whi'l ethe location of these surface spaces is not highly visible, it would bemuch preferred to have the parking entire'ly eniloied. It js the feeling of the staff that th'i s project's inability to meet theparking requirements is an indication that the development proposed is inexcess of what the site is capable of handling. The development proposeJincludes 134 dwelling units. This number is over twice that allbwed --- under existing zoning. To even consider support.ing a project that isrequesting this dramatic increase in density while not meit.ing itsparking requirement is inconceivable to the staff. It is the feeling ofthe staff that it is the burden of the applicant to demonstrate how it.i ssatisfying the development standards of the Town. l,lith an SDD r..oning - request to allow for this increase in density, .i t is the feel.ing of thEstaff !hat this application should meet and liceed the respectiie minimumor maximum development standards of the Town to show the highest qualiiydevelopment possible. This project has not demonstrated thit it ismeeting this objective. The staff feels the parking requirements as described in the zoning codefor. those types of uses on this site are valid. Here again, it sh6uld beemphasized that the required parking acknowledges a 50%-reduction inmeeti.ng room space, the multi-use credits, as well as acceptance of thegrandfathering of the existing situation. The Town simply cannot affordto make concessions with regard to parking. we cannot riiL tt'e creatjonof a parking problem with respect to privite developments as this willaggravate the problem of prov.i ding skier parking. This becomesparticularly true when consideri ng a request for such a significantincrease in density. 10 t,|ithout the information afforded us through the completion of a land useplan and policies app'l icable to these typis of density increaseproposals, the staff is not in a position to support density increases ofthis magnitude. Approval of this proposal would'estab]ish i significaniprecedent-with respect to a Town policy on density increases wi[hin ttre IgTn. A land use planjs an important tool in evlluating proposals oi-this nature or other issues such as the potential land traie at the Lodgeand spraddle creek sites. The Plann'ing conrmission is strongly urged to- cons'i der these implications when evaluating this request. ( lnwn 75 3oulh fronlage roed yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Mr. Abbas Rajabi 3080 East Geddes Place Ljtt1eton, Colorado 80122 Re: Doubletree Landscape Plan Dear Abbas: offlce of communlly developmenl August 29, 1986 I have had an opportunity to review the landscape plan (submitted duri ng the Design Review Board hearings for the renovatjon of the hotel) fo1 lowing-our discussion a few weeks ago. In addition, I have visited the site to evaluate impacts from construction at the Vai'l Valley Medica1 Center. It is the opinionof this department that the proposed 'landscape plan is a vital aspect or the overal 1 upgrading of the property. After discussion with other members of ourstaff, our position on the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy as itrelates to the required landscaping is as fol'l ows: 1, A portion of the approved plan has been installed. prior to the issuance of a final Certificate of 0ccupancy, the installation of alllandscaping not directly .impacted by the footprint of hotel expans.i onsha'll be required. Details of which materials not to be p'l anted can be worked out between the staff and your landscape contractors. 2. A letter of credit, equal to .|00% of the estjmated costs of thoseportions of the p1 an not'i nstalled, shal'l be subm'itted to the Town priorto the issuance of a final c. of o. This letter of credit shall be he'lduntil the approval for the hotel expansion expires. At that tjrne, ifconstruction on the expansion has commenced, the letter of credit wil'l be re'l eased to you. If construction has not begun, the letter of creditwill be utilized to initiate the installation of the landscape p1an. As stated, we fee] strongly that the landscaping is an important element ofthis site. I fee1 the options offered to you piovide fleiibility relative tothe potential hote'l expansion. At the same time, however, I must have concrete assurances that the landscape improvements ultimately are instal 1ed. I hopeyou understand oun position on this matter. please feel free to contact mewith any questions you may have. Si ncerely, A <') / \ o*".. \7 j\Crlr.A- Thomas A. Braun Sen i or P'l anner Peter Patten Jim Tha'lman TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Apol 1o Park Ho1 i day Inn Kiandra/Talisman Manor Vai I Doubl etree l{orki ng Fi 1e Com Dev staff March 3, 1986 Doubl etree Parki ng # of Spaces Av. 0ccupancy from '85 survey Duri ng the P'l anning Commjssion review of the Doubletree subrnittal , the 3 day parking survey of Vail's parking lots conducted in conjunction wi th the Village Study was cited as rationale for why Town of Vail parking requirements for lodges are unjustifiable. Staff maintained at this hearing that the 3 day survey was not adequate information on which to base this type of decision. To complement this survey, an additional survey was done of a number of lots on Friday, February 28 between 6 and 7 pm. The results are as follows: Tab'le # l 80'136 125 l8l 60% 63% 66% 40% 2/28/86 0ccupancy 88% 75% 74% 62% The above information indicates a significant increase in utilization during Friday's survey. It is felt that the most significant conclusion resulting from this additiona'l survey date'i s that the utilization of these lots can vary dramatically. This, in turn, should demonstrate that the limited survey dates we have cannot be used for justification for questioning the parking requirements of the Town. In addition to the above 1ots, the Fr i day: f o1 l ow ing 'l odges were a'l so surveyed on Table #2 Doub'l etree Marri ott Enz ian Lionsquare Lodge Antlers # of Spaces 'l 76x 205 46 106 13 Occup ied Spaces 1b5 195 38 16 55 % 0ccupi ed 92% 95% 82% 71ry 1C,ol * A number of these spaces are inaccessible due to construction activity. 75 soulh tronlage road vail. color.do 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 2, '1986 ofllce ol communlly developmenl Jay Peterson 0tto, Peterson and Post Box 3149Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Winston Statements for VVI and Doubletree Dear Jay: Enclosed is a bil] from Jeff ttinston for his review of last year's vvlproject. His accountants have no record of payment ueing miae on thtse bills.would you please pass this a'long to Tony Genth -or whoever".ii best sulieJr'o orscuss this will Jeff's accountant? I have also enclosed the mostrecent bill for the Doubletree review showing ttre unpiia'uiiance todate. Thanks for" your help with these matters. Si ncerely, 4rrn Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner TAB: bpr Enc I os ures o MR. PEf,ER PATTEN DEPT OF COI{MTTNTIY DEVELOP 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, C0 81657 vv vvl REVIEI{' (GENTH) '"r,"rro" AssocrATEs. *rc. = r426 P€ARL STREET MAL! -BOULDER, COLOFAOO EO3O2 (303) 440-9200 CLIENT NIIMBER: 50544 STATEMEM DATE: 0l/09/86 DATE INVOICE NO AMOIJNT BALANCE oL/o7/85 0037s 40.s6o2logles 0039s t892.2to3/o8/85 0041s 269,2r TOTAL BALANCE DUE 220L.98 CURRENT OVER 30 OVER 60 OVER 90 INTEREST BALANCE DUE .00 .00 .00 220L.98 329.99 253t.97 ,/,1-^,t' '=:/W\wrNsroN AssoctATEt. r$fc. -1426 PEAHL STREET MALL BOULDEB. COLORADO 80302 (303) 1404@ WINSTON ASSOCIATES PIINNING AND TANDSCAPE AFCI.IIIECIURE MR. PETER PATTEN DEPT. OF CO}.IMIJNITT DEVEIOPMENT 75 SOUTIT FRONTAGE ROAJ) vArL, c0 81657 PRO.'ECT o CLIENT NTMBER: STAIEMENT DATE: 50547 03-1G-86 DOU VAIL PROI REV-DOTDLRIREE DATts INVOICE NO BALANCE FORWARD: PROJECT IOTAL: IVTAL BALANCB DUE: A},roulfT PAY'I'{ENTS BALAI{CE 482.63 482.63 482.63 CURRENT 482.63 OVER 30 0 ovER 60 0 ovER 90 0 BALANCE DIJE 482,63 MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 1, 1986 7:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Vail Town 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT: Council was held on Tuesday, April 1, 1986, at Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Dan Corcoran Gordon Pierce Hermann Staufer MEMBERS ABSENT: Paul Johnston, Mayor Gail Wahrl ich-Lowenthal TOl,lN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Erandmeyer, Town Clerk The first item on the agenda was a consent agenda for the following items:A. Approval of minutes of March 4 and 18, 1986 meetings.B. 0rdinance No. 5 Serjes of 1986 second reading, concerning the Doubletree special Development District' on tite."rrT*-]f.C. 0rdinance No. 6, Series of 1986, second reading, _.-.._....---- D. 0;4imneerNo. 7, Series of 1986, second reading, concerning horsr-drEwh-1.&tsls": - ----/ E( Ordjtfance No. 8, Series of 1986, second readjng, regarding the Annexat i on of Ja]af_!.rest_._F. 0rdinance N0.9, Series of 1986, second reading, vacationing the small portion of- a Chalet Road cul-de:la-c_ q!_9e]_den_Peak.G. Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1986, second reading, zoning the reannexed portjon of West Vail. Mayor Pro Tem Rose read all the titles in full. Dan Corcoran abstained from voting on item E, 0rdinance No. 8, due to hjs jnvolvement in the issue. Eric Affeldt asked that item B,Ordinance No. 5, be removed because he would not be able to vote affirmative on it. Jay Peterson also asked that 0rdinance No. 5 be removed from consent agenda because he had questjons requiring further discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Rose removed items B and E from the consent agenda. Hermann Staufer then made a motion to approve items A, C, D, F, and G, whjch Gordon Pjerce seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The next item was Ordinance No. 5, Seri es of 1986, second reading, concerning the Doubletree SDD. Mayor Pro Tem Rose read the full tjtle. Jay Peterson had questions*co[e6r-nfiS SEction 9 B to which Peter Patten responded. After a short djscussion, an additional sentence was included: "Any proposal to condominjumjze the accommodation units would require approval as per the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Vail." Dan Corcoran made a motion to approve the ordinance with the amendment, and Hernann Staufer seconded. A vote was taken and the motjon passed 4-1, with Eric Affeldt opposing. The third item was Ordinance No. 8, Seri es of 1986, second reading, regarding the annexation of Solar Crest. Mayor Pro Tem Rose read the title jn full. There was no discussion by-ToTfrdiTrc-r the public. Gordon Pierce made a motion to approve the ordinance, and Eric Affeldt seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-0, wjth Dan Corcoran absta'ining due to hjs work on the project. The next item on the agenda was Resolution No. 9, Seri es of 1986, concerning authorization to deal with Merri ll Lynch. Charlie t^Jick gave a brief explanation of the resolution noting changes requested by Council at the afternoon work session had been made. There was no discussion by Council or the public. A motion to approve the resolutjon was made by Hermann Staufer and seconded by Eri c Affeldt. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. o o MINUTES VAIL TOi,IN COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 18, 1986 7:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Vail Town 7:30 p.m. in the Counci l Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Councj'l was held on Tuesday, March 18, 1986, it Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt [)an Corcoran Gai I Wahrl i ch-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce Hermann Staufer Ron Phi11ips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk The first item the agenda was 0rdinance No. 4, Seri es of 1986, second reading, regarding P Mayor Johnston read the full title. Kristan Pritz briey'ly ned the background of the ordinance. There was no Council di scussi or{.Wahrl ich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the ordinance, which A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0.Gordon Plerce seconded. The next item was Otdinance No. 5. Series of 1986. first reading, regarding a special development district for the Doubletre Mayor Johnston read thetitle in full and noted the title had not been corrected of the typographical error. Peter Patten stated that the dens'ity and parking issues haq not been addressed and gave reasons why the staff still recommended denial . Jay Peterson, represent'ing Va'i 1 Holdings, stated briefly why he thought the ordinance should be passed and then answered questions from Council. Dan Corcoran made a motion to approve the ordjnance wjth the conditions listed in Section 9 of the ordinance plus the following: 1. Change paragraph A. to include a notice that current owners who purchase one of the five condominiums will be exempt from the two week restniction. 2. Before a building permit is issued for construction, the owners will grant an easement to the Town for public use for access to the Vail Va1 1ey Medical Center. 3. Before a building permit is issued for construct'ion, the owners must pay $235,000 into the Town of Vajl parking fund. This amount wilI be guaranteed for six months. After sjx months, the Town may increase the sumif it chooses to do so. Gordon Pierce seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-1, with Eric Affeldt opposing. The third item was 0rdinance No. 6, gspies of 1985r-+i+st--+€a4+ng, negarding title certific title. Kristan Pritz gave a brief explanation of the ordinance. There was no discussion by Council. Kent Rose made a motion to approve the ordinance, and Gai'l Wahrlich-Lowenihal seco,iC:J. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. The next item on the agenda was Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1986, first reading, providing a definitjon of horse drawn vehicles. Mayor Johnston read the fulltitle. Larry Eskwith explained the reasoning behind the ordinance. After some discussion by Counci1, Eric Affeldt made a motion to approve the ordinance with the changes noted below: 1. Change wording to read that Town Council must approve any iong term permits; short term permjts may be approved by Town Council or Town Manager. o DOUBLETREE PARKING ANALYSIS Total # of spaces required with proposed addition, Meeting rooms Lodge rooms, condos Lodge rooms/condos (80 spaces) Meeting rooms (14 spaces) 85% of 50 space deficit = 42.5 15% of 50 space deficit = 7.5 14 spaces 80 spaces 94 44Total # of additional spaces prov'ided with proposed add'ition, 211 proposed - 167 existing = tf4 42.5 spaces 7.5 spaces $5,000/space $3 ,000/space 50.0 spaces $ 212,500 (lodging and condos) (meeting roons) @ @ . I o?L -HV \- /' | ,,.( 1," '/ l*--.u{" .1 Iva' :;/1 I = 85% of new demand = 14.8 or 15% of new demand spaces (lodging and condos) spaces (meeting rooms) o DOUBLETREE PARKING ANALYSIS Total # of spaces required with proposed addition, Meeting rooms 14 spaces Lodge rooms, condos 80 spaces Total # of additional spaces prov'ided with proposed addition, 44 211 proposed - 167 existing = 44 Lodge rooms/condos (80 spaces) = 85% of new demand Meeting rooms (14 spaces) = 'l 4.8 or 15% of new demand 85% of 50 space deficit = 42.5 spaces (lodging and condos) 15% of 50 space deficit = 7.5 spaces (meeting rooms) 50.0 spaces 42.5 spaces @ $5,000/space = $ 212,500 (lodging and condos) 7.5 spaces 0 $3,000/space = 22,500 (meeting rooms) $ a5;d60 94 o.t 9o IIIINUTES VAIL TOt,lN COUNCIL MEETING JULY 7, 1987 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vail Town Councjl was held on Tuesday, July 7, t987, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building' "a-ni ( OL MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Gai I l.lahrl ich-Lowenthal John Slevin Hermann Staufer Paul Johnston, Mayor Gordon Pierce Ron Ph i 'l I i ps, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town AttorneY Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk The first order of business was approval of the June 2, 16 and 30, 1987 meetings minutes. After a short discussion, there was a correction noted to be made on the . June 16 minutes. Eric Affeldt stated that he voted against Resolution 20, concerning the Doubletree. Eric Affeldt then made a motion to approve the minutes with the noted correction, which was seconded by John Slevin. A vote was taken and the rnotion passed unanimously 5-0. The second item was a final presentation of the market/financial feasibj'l ity study for the Vail aouatic facilitv.- Kristan Pritz introduced Tim Garton and Ford Frick who gave the presentaETon.-Tim Garton first thanked those who helped get to this point, then gave background information and the goals of the Task Force and the conclusions they had come to. He then gave a slide presentation of areas the Task Force looked at. Ford Frick jntroduced Ron Rjnker of Barker-Rinker-Seacat & Partners, architects, and then explained the conclusjons they arrived at and how they approached problems. Ron Rjnker explained sjte needs and how pool area would fit in Ford Park; he also gave a brief breakdown of operational costs. Ford next explained pricing strategjes, marketing groups and potential revenues. Tim Garton addressed potential questions that came up during June and noted their conclusions. Councjl asked questions of the Task Force members and consultants. Joe Staufer first complimented the Police Department on how they handled the July 4th crowds, then stated his concerns over the aquatic center, to which Tjm Garton responded. Krjstan Pritz corrected Joe stating that staff was not by any means marketing the project, but was oniy informing the publ ic of facts concern'i ng the aquatic center. Joe responded that it I ooked 1ike a Town priority, and Pepi Gramshammer stated he was angry over how much staff time and expense was spent on the project when he felt the pool would not work here. Ron Phj'l ljps responded with the hjstory of the project and compared it to the Congress Hall and noted how the two were jn different stages of development. Al Wejss and Dave Ganton corrnented on why they were for the aquatic center. Council then asked more questions of the Task Force members. Mayor Pro Tem Rose thanked everyone for their work on the project, they had been veny thorough, and stated the Council wanted to digest the information and wajt until the Phase II report on the Congress Hall came out, when the Counci'l would then work on bonding jssues for one or the other or both. The thjrd item for discussion was 0rdinance No- 16, Series of 1987, second reading, amending Special Development District No. 5 lResort) by amending the site p1an. Mayor Pro Tem Rose read the title in full. Rick--tr9lman explained additional condjtions which where included at the first reading. Jay Peterson, representing Vail Run, had additjonal word changes which Sjmba Run agreed with. There was no discussion by Counci'l or the public. Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal made a motion to approve the ordinance with the inclusion of language presented by Jay, and it was seconded by Hermann Staufer. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. Next on the agenda was 0rdinance No. 18, Series of 1987, second reading, amending the parkjng on private property chapter of the Munjcipal Code. The full title was read by Mayor Pro Tem Rose. Larry Eskwith explajned brjefly what the ordinance would do and there were no changes requested at first reading. There was no discussion by "t the public or Council. A motion to approve the ordinance was made by Eric Affeldt and seconded by John Slevin. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The fifth order of business was Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1987, second reading, establishing a Special Development District for the Valley Phase III (Elk Meadows).MayorProTemRosereadthefulltitle.Kristanpr@as requested in the ordinance since the first reading. After a brief discussion by Council, John Slevin made a motion to approve the ordinance with the changes stated by Kristan, which was seconded by Hermann Staufer. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The sixth item was Ordjnance No. 20, Serjes of 1987, second reading, making a supplemental appropriation to the Town of Vail budget. The full tjtle was read by Mayor Pro Tem Rose. Steve Barwick explained the changes made as requested at fjrst reading. Erjc Affeldt commented on what expenditures were for and was disappointed the press was not present to note how the public's tax dollars were being spent. A'l t.leiss asked questions concerning the appropriations, to which Steve responded. There being no other discuss'ion, a motjon to approve the ordjnance was made by GaiI Wahrlich-Lowenthal . The motjon was seconded by Eric Affeldt. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The seventh item for discussion was Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1987, fjrst readjng, amending the Town of Vai'l subdivision regulations concernjnS eond_grnjxium conversjons.MayorPioTemRosereadthetitleinfuli.KristanPrjtzeims in the Code would be and why. She then went over criteria used in evaluatjon of the request and why staff recommended approval . She also noted staff would like the Code to be nevjewed every two years. Peter Patten cormented that would protect the bed base of the town, especial'ly if there were a Congress Hal1. Mayor Pro Tem Rose made comments regarding Sectjon 3C that there was no time ljmit for a unit to be furnished and made available. After some djscussion by Counc'i l, it was agreed to add the wording "wjthin 90 days after the date of recording of the condominium map". He then stated addjtional concerns which were already in the Code, as noted by Dave Garton and Jay Peterson. Peter Patten next stated problems with Section 2. At this time, Hermann Staufer made a motion to approve the ordinance with the changes to Section 3C, and to review the Code every two years, and jt was seconded by John Slevin. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimously 5-0. Next on the agenda was 0rdinance No. 22, Series of 1987, fjrst reading, primary/secondarv connection amendment to the Vail Municipa'l Code. The ful l title was-retd-byTayor pro fim-TAs=;--ftf Pylman explained the reasoning for the ordjnance and what 'l anguage staff wanted to add to the Code. He stated there was one sentence which the Plannjng and Environmental Council recornmended, but was not included by Larry Eskwith because it was too subjective. Erjc Affeldt agreed with Larry. Erjc asked Kathy l,larren of the Design Review Board if she agreed with Larry's language; she feltjt was too loose and was not very comfortable with it. She felt it encouraged two structures and not one. After some discussjon, it was agreed to make the first sentence of the PEC memo the first sentence of the Section. There was more discussion as to what the intent should be. After much discussion by Council, staff and Kathy Warren, it was decided to table the ordinance and rework the wording. A'l t,Ieiss stated his objections to the ordinance, to which Larry Eskwith responded. Jay Peterson then made comments as to some past Council decisions and the reason for the ordinance. Kathy Warren recommended applicants be encouraged to 9o to the DRB before the PEC and a lot of money is spent. Peter Jamar noted more illustrations should be done to help the DRB and PEC make decjsions. At thjs time, a motion to table the ordinance indefinite'ly was made by John Slevin and seconded by Eric Affeldt. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-1, with Hermann Staufer opposing. The njnth order of business was 0rdinance No. 23, Series of 1987, first reading, /f++isid€ residential zone distrjct. Mayor Pro Tem Rose read the full title. Rick Pylman exFIETneTThaITte-ordinance was for, what it would do and gave background i nformati on. Gail l'lahrl ich-Lowenthal had to 'l eave the meeting at this time. Jay Peterson, Peter Patten and Rick Pylman answered questions of Councjl. Eric Affeldt made a motjon to approve the ordinance with instructions to the staff to include language that equestrian lots be required to border public'lands. The motion was seconded by John Slevin. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 4-0. -2- T The tenth jtem was a Doubletree sign variance request. Rick Pylman gave background informiiion-ana exptaTnea un-ailThe request was for. He presented photographs_ to the Counci'l . He then explained the criteri a used jn evaluating the request and the. iinaing., "ra rtv thi staff recorrnended approval. There was no discussion by the puUlii-or Councii. A motion to approve the variance request with the findings as founa in the staff memo was nade by Eric Affeldt and seconded by John Slevjn. A vote was taken and the motion passed unan'imously 4-0. The e] eventh item for discussion was the-Rimel density variance appeal . Eric Affeldt spoke up that he brought this item up and-:fr'di'I6ilto know why the variance was_approved U! tf," Ffinning and Eivjronmental Conrnission, Rick Pylman gave background infornation ;; ih; u"ri"n.6 and why staff recormended denial and overturn the PEC decision. Kathy Warrtn, representing Lle Rimel , listed reasons why she though the variance should be rpprouia- 'She distiibuted copies of zoning maps and discussed the areas shown. After mirln a.ir.rtsion by Kathy, staff and Council, John Slevin made a motjon to uphold the pEC decjsion, and Hermann Staufer seconded. Kathy asked to be able to address any problens Councjl members may have had wjth the variance. A vote was then taken and fhe motion was denied 2-2, with Mayor Pro Tem Rose and Eric Affeldt opposing. The variance was denied and the PEC decision overturned- There was no Citizen Participation. Ron Phillips stated for the Town Manager's report, the Town received $18,000 from an UMTA grant and out of 23 cities rated, Vail had the highest efficiency rating for our busesl He noted that bus ridership for the total area was up 23% over last year for the July 4th weekend, and overal 1, June was up 13% from 1986. He stated the real estate iransfer tax iund was righi on budget for June and $12,000 over budget for the fjrst six.months. Also, sales lax was $106,000 over budget for the year so far- Ron commented that Heritage Cablevjsion was going to survey al I the lodges gnd pgb] ic with guestions regarding tie publjc access studio-and the public's satisfaction with it. There be.i ng no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 p.m. Respectful 1y submitted, ATTEST: Plmela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk Mjnutes taken by Brenda Chesman -3- The Doubletree Hotel is requesting a sign variance to a1low anadditional building identification sign of 2O square feet to beplaced approxi-mately 65 feet above grade on t,he north elevationof the building. The staff worked extensively with the applicant to present thisparticular proposal which r.,re felt was in line with Lhe intentof the sign code and the previous approvals granted to theMarriott, the Holiday Inn, and the Raintree Inn. The DesignReview Board recommended unanimous approval of the request. To: Design Review Board FROM: Conmunity Development Departnent DATE: June L7, L9g7 SUBJECT: Sign variance request for the Doubletree Hotel APPLICANT: DTM Vail , Inc. r.REQUEST The Doubletree Hot,el is requesting a sign variance toallow an additional building identification sign of 20square feet to be placed approximately 65 feet above gradeon the north elevation of the existing building. The signwould be identical in size and design to the eiisting silnlocated on the east elevation of the building. Therequest requires a variance from the size, height, andnumber of signs that the sign code permits. The Doubletree Hotel , as a single business use, is allowedup to two wall signs with a maximuru conrbined sq,uarefootage of 20 square feet. The height allowabie is Z5feet above existing grade. The noubletree currentlydisplays two wall signs, a 20 square foot sign on the eastelevation facing the South Fron€age Road and a sign of ipprgx+Tltely five square feet on the southwest p5rt,ion ofthe- building- This sign is oriented. toward the |edestrianpathway that leads down to the bus stop by the ile arena.There is also a sign narking the western entrance to theDoubletree Hotel parking 1ot along the Frontage Road. The reguest for additional signage requires a variancefrom the conbined maxirnurn squire foot of 20. The totalsquare.footage with the proposed addition would beapproxinately 45 square ieel. The request also requires avariance from the number of signs. ttie reguest is for atotal of 3 wall signs, along with the entrince/trafficcontrol sj-gn. A third variance is requested fbr height.The sign location is approxinately 65 feet above grade,although its distance ibove the revel of the Froniage Roadis approxirnately only 25 feet. Attached is the applicantrs statement in support of therequest. FINDTNGS AND STAFF RESPONSES Before the board acts on a variance application, the lpnlicant must prove physical hardshiir- and tne loard nustfind that: rI. acent lots or w A.There are special circumstances or conditionsapelvinq : veqetation, s structures or othei-rnEEEEiG onacent riqht-otantct the effect venessested, however t suchcl_al c rcumstances or cond ons are e to therticularbusiness or en resires to aw attentioneneralesses or enterDr se o s. Staff Response: The Doubletree Hoter does have a legitinate identifi-cation problen due to the size and various exposuresof the building and the fact that for the entireproject they are allowed only two signs with acornbined totar alrowable arei of 20 iquare feet. TheRaintree Inn, Holiday fnn, and Marrio€t Uark .rehotels that have also recently received siqnvariances due to the size of their projecti. Stafffeels that the Doubr-etree Hoter nas- siii:-ar specialcircumstances that warrant this increase in thecombined square footage for signage. We alsorecognize that due to the design or tne Doubletree,it is difficult to utilize one waII sign ttrat traseffective exposure to both east and welt_boundtravelers on the South Frontage Road. We feel thatit i9.a regitimate reguest to have two signs reratingto this exposure, and that it is also in itt" itt.r.=iof the connunity to have signage oriented to thepedestrian area that relatei to the Town of Vail busroute. With regard to the variance for height, while thesign itself is.approximately 65 fee€, abov--graae, theFrontage Road is substantially higher than fhefinished grade of the Doubletiee farfing foi, andthat circumstance rnitigates the iinpact 5r tne heightrequest. B. That soecial circunstances rrar6 r-r^f ^,^5.F^,r r-.. .Lr^- Staff Response: Special circurnstances were not created by theapplicant. That. special circurnstances were not created bv the c.That the antin the variance will be in eneralharmony w the e of this title and wmaterialLtrto the ns resworthe vic n o adiacent ro to thenerghborhood, or o the c welfare Staff Response: Generally, the staff feels that the sign is inharmony with the purposes of this titl;. Staffbelieves that the size, location and. height areharmonious with the surrounding setting ind will beconpatible with the scale of the existing building.The size of the sign is in scale with the rest of thebuilding and will not draw undue attention toitself. D. The variance arrri] i ad fnr daae nnf Aayraw.{- €>an +h^ Staff Response: The applicant is requesting an additional 20 squarefeet of signage beyond that which is existinq andapproxinately.25 feet beyond what is allowed by thesien code. Given the size of this building .rri th"difficulty orienting signage to the exposures of thisbuilding, staff feels that-the applicairt is notreguesting a departure from the provisions of thesign code any more than is truly required to identifythe applicantrs business. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff supports the variance request for size, number of -signs and height. Staff believes that the pioposat isharmonious with the sign coders reguirenent thit signagenot call undue attention to itself.- We feel that therequest for the additionar square footage does not departdrastically fron signage al-lowed within the code and thatthe height. request does not depart radically from theintent of that section of the code. we d.o teel that theleight could be further rnitigated by placing the sign aslow as possibre on the building face. stafi recommendsapproval of the request, recognizing that the applicanthas a difficurt site and has rnade a reasonabre altenpt towork with the sign code. The variance applied for does not depart from the toor use. PROPOSEIT DOUBTETREE SIGNAGE: DTM vail, Inc. desires to erect an additional buildinqidentification sign at the Doubletree Hotel. This sign would b6located on the north face of the building and would 6erve toidentify the building to those approaching the bulLding fron thenorth and the west. Currently the only identification of thebuilding visible frorn the Frontage Road occurs on the east sideand is visibly only to those approaching the building fron theeast. The existing signage ls proposed to remain.signage consists of one sign on the east wall ofone sign near the pool on the southwest portion ofand one srnall freestanding sign located near onedrives to the hotel . The existingthe building,the buildingof the entry The new sign would be consistent with the design of theexisting signs and would be located on a wall which is -currentlv blank. (see attached sketch). The size of the proposed sigiwould be twenty (20) square feet wbich would be appropriate tothe scale of the building and the vrall face to which it vrould beattached. The height of the sign would be approximatelysixty-five (65) feet above existing grade. The installation of the new sign would resuLt in non-compriance with provisi.ons of the Town of vail sign cocle. Thesignage would not comply with the regulations iegarding the rnax j.mum heigtrt of signs nor the maximum size of signs. theieforea variance of those provisions is being reguested.- specifically,a variance to section 16.20.210 lJall signs - single Business u-seis requested for the following reasons: sii_g - The maximun size of signs permitted is(?Ol square feet. The proposed signage will be inof this requirement. 1. trventy excess 2. Eejgh,! - The sign to be applied to the north sideof the building will exceed the naxirnum height:twenty-five (2Sl feet from the existing grade. This variance is being requested in accordance with chapter16.36 of the vail. Municipal code-and conplies with the prolosesection of that chapter. The variance is requested to leslen-thepractical difficulties associated with strict conpliance of theprovisions of the sign code. The difficul-ty ariies because ofthe size of the structure and the relationship of the structureto its surroundilgs. The variance _is requestea to properly andadequatery identify the building and wiLl not be delriinentit topersons residing or working in the vicinityz to adjacentproperty, to the neighborhood or to the public welfaie ingeneral. rt' I tl ll,lllt[-l tl[____ll . l: I.lr- :. . I rt tJ 14 -6tr {? s Bf I:|E 'f' l- .:: -:r{t' E (l9 l-il ll-l E ORDINANCE NO.5 Series of 1986 AN oRDINANCE APPR0VING A Sp[et*\, DEVEL0PMENT. DISTRICT (KNOI'|N AS SDD Nq( i4)J{D THE DEVELOPMENT, PLAN IN ACCORDANCE hIITH CffiER 18.40 OF THE VAIL MUNiCIPAL CODE AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARDING THiRETO. lrlHEREAS, Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code authorizes specia1 development distri cts within the Town; and IIHEREAS, Vail Holdings, a Co'l orado Limited Partnership, has submitted an application for special developrnent approval for a certain parcel of property within the Town known as Lot 2, B'l ock l, vail Lionshead 2nd Filing, to be known as Special Development District 14, and commonly referred to as the Doub] etree Hotel; and WHEREAS, the establishment of the requested sDD 14 will insure unified and coordinated development within the Town of Vail in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated; and ll|HEREAS, the Planning commission has recommended approval of the proposed SDD; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants and visitors to estab'l ish said Special Developn,ent District I'lo. 14; NOl,l, THTREFORE, BE ]T CRDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOl,lN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Secti on I . Amendment Frocedures Ful f i I 'l ed. P'l ann inq Conrmi ss'ion Report. The approva'l procedures prescribed in Chapter'l 8.40 of the Vail Municipal Code have::en fulfilled, anc the Torrn Council has received.rhe report of ihe Plann.'ng and Envi'onre.tal conmission recoenencing approva.! of 'rhe proccsed Cevel:rn'ani plan 1'cr" .<ll 14. Secticn 2-. Special De'"eiopment District l4 Special Oevelopment District 14 (SDD 14) and the development plan therefore, are hereby approved for the development of Lot 2, Block l, Vail Lionshead Second Filing, within the Town of Vai1, consisting of 2.6?98 acres or 1'l 4,554 square f eet, more or 'l ess. Section 3. Purlcse Special Developnent District 14 is estab'l ished to ensure comprehensive development and use of an area that w.i 'l 'l be harmonious w.i th the general character of the Town of Vail and to promote the upgrading and redeve'l opment of a key property in the Town. The development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Counci'l and meets a'l 1 design standards as set forth in Section 18.40 of the tilunic'i pal code. There are s.i gnificant aspects of Special Development District 14 which cannot be satisfied through the imposition of the standards in the High Dens'i ty Multiple Family zone district. sDD 14 is compatible with the upgrading and redeve'l opment of the community whj 'l e maintaining its unique character. Section 4. Development plan A. The development plan for SDD 14 is approved and shal] const.i tute the plan for development w'i thin the special development district. The development plan is comprised of those plans submitted by Anthony pellechia, Architects as dated December ?7,]g8,s, and consists of the following documents: 'l . Sjte p'l an 2. Pre'l iminary Iandscape plan by Berridge and Associates, Inc. 3. Typi cal fl oor p1 ans 4. Elevations and sections 5. The Environmental Impact Report dated January, 19g6 as prepared by Berridge and Associates, Inc. B. The Development Plan shall adhere to the following: Setbacks Se',-backs sha1 'l be noted as on the site plan'l isted above. He i ght Heights of structures shal'l be as'i ndicated on the e'l evations'l isted above. Cc'.'e:are site coverage shall be as indicated on the site pian listed above. Landscapinq The area of the site to be landscaped shall be as indicated on the prel iminary 'l andscape plan. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to the Design Review Board for their aocroval. Parking and Loadiry Parking and loading sha'll be prov'i ded as indicated on the site plan and floor p'l ans as llsted above. In no case shal'l the parking prov'ided on s'i ie be less than 2'l 'l spaces with 200 of those spaces underground and a maximum of ll located on the surface. Parking access sha'l 'l be controlled by a gate (or similar siructure) or by an attendant or by other acceotable methods. Section 5. Density Ex.isting development on the site consists of 128 accommodation units and 19 dwe'f ling units consisting of 73,577 square feet of gross residentia'l f'loor area. The approval of this developrnent plan sha11 permit an additjonal 92 accommodation units and 5 dwelling units, consisting'of 4?,576 square feet of gross residential floor area. The tota'l density permitted with the approval of this development plan consists of 220 accommodation units and 24 dwelling units with a total of'1 16,.|53 square feet of gross residential floor area. Section 6. Uses Permitied, conditional and accessory uses shal'l be as set forth in the High Density Mu'l tip'le Family zone district- Section 7. Amendments Amendments to the approved development plan which do not change its substance may be approved by the P1 anning and Environmental Comrnission at a regulariy scheduled pub'l ic hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 18.66.060. Amendrnents which do change the subsiance of the development plan shall be required to be approved by Tortn Counci'l after the above procedure has been f o'l I oiied. The Cornmuni ty Deve''l opnent DeF,artment sha l I deterr,i ne what consti tutes a charge in *-he subslance of :re developnent plan' A. Secllgn_qj_ Exp irat ion The applicant must beg'in construction of the special development distri ct within 18 months from the time of its final approval , and continue diligently toward the ccmpletion of the pr^oject. If the appiicant does nci begin and diligently work toward the completion of the special clevelopnent d'i s''rict or any stage of the special development district within the tjme limits imposed by the preceding subsection, the P'l anning and Environmenta] Commission shal I review the special development distrjct. They shall recomnend to the Town Council that either the approval of the special development district be extended, that the approval of the special development district be revoked, or that the specia'l development district be amended. Section 9- Qonditions of Approvals for Specia'l Development District 14 c. The development contained within SDD 14 shal'l not be converted to any form of time share ownership for a period of 20 years from the date of the approval of this ordinance. The applicant agrees to limit the use of any new dwelling units approved with this development plan to those resirictions outlined in Section .l7.25.075.A Condominirim Convers'i on of the Vai I Muni ci pa'l Code. the 92 arjd'i tional accoinmodation units permitted with the approval of SDD 14 shall be deve,loped as lodge rooms under a single ownership. Tne applicant sha'l 'l bear al'l costs related to the design and constructi on of the right turn deceleration Iane and left turn lane as recommended 'i n the transportation element of the Environmental Impact Report. These inprcvements shall be corr,p leted prior to the 'i ssuance of a temporary czr-,-i i i ca:e of c::upancy f or" any nevt resi cjenti al uni ts cievel cp:d cn "he si:e. 3. !:i-r- +., '.he :S:-:-;e lr a :,,-;'-irc F-",r'rit- t.:e alO'i i:ant. Shal i cer-clstrate rnat ali r equil -o appiovals f t c'r' -une 3iare iiigiway Deparii;'eni for changes to access off the south Frontage Road have been obtained. B. Section 10 If any part, section' subsection' sentence' clause or pnrase is for any reason he1 d to be inva'l'i d' such decision sha'l I not val idity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the hereby dec'lares it would have passed this ordinance' and each subsection, sentence, c1 ause or phrase thereof' regardl ess of one or nore parts' sections' subsections' sentences' clauses dec] ared invalid' Section 11 The Town Council herebY necessary and proper for the inhabitants thereof' Town Council part, section, the fact that anY or phrases be finds, determines and dec'l ares that this ordinance is the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and of this ordinance affect the DAY OF ordinance on the day the Council Chambers of the Section 12 The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provisions of the Vai'l Municipalcodeasprovidedinthisordinanceshal]notaffectanyrightwhich has accrued, any duty imposed' any violation that occurred prior to the effectiveciatehereof'anyprosecut.ioncommenced,noranyotheractionor proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed and reenacied. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision oranyordinancepreviouslyrepea.ledorsupersededun]essexpresslystated herein. lNTRODUCED, READ i.ND PASSED 1985, and a Public hearing ON FIP.ST READING THIS sha] I be he'l d on this of Vail MuniciPal Buiiding in Order-ed Published in ful1 Ai ::)' Pame'l a A- BrancineYe:" Tcwn Cl erk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON this day of Paul R. Johnston, MaYor SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED thi s ciay of .l936 at 7:30 P'm' 'rn Vai 1 , Col orado ' , 1986. i II ! I ; ATTTST: Pame'l a F.. Brancimeyer ' Town Cl erk Paul R. Johnston, MaYor , 1986. Doubl etreeTO FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Apo11o Park Hol iday Inn Ki andra,/Tal i sman Manor Va i 'l Doubl etree Marri ott Enzi an L'i onsquare Lodge Ant'l ers * A number of Working Fi le Com De March 3, 1986 Doubl etree Park'ing # of Spaces Av. Occupancy from '85 survey During the Planning Conmission review of the Doubletree submittal , the 3 day parking survey of Vail's parking lots conducted in conjunction with the Village Study was cited as rationale for why Town of VaiI parking requirements for lodges are unjustifiable. Staff majntained at this hearing that the 3 day survey was not adequate information on which to base this type of decisjon. To complement this survey, an addjtional survey was done of a number of lots on Friday, February 28 between 6 and 7 pm. The results are as follows: Table #1 The above informatjon jndicates a significant jncrease in utiljzation during Friday's survey. It is felt that the most significant conclusion resulting fromthis additional survey date is that the utilizat'i on of these lots can vary dramat'i ca1 'ly. This, in turn, should demonstrate that the limited survey dates we have cannot be used for justification for questioning the parkjng requirements of the Town. In addition to the above 1ots, the following'l odges were also surveyed on Friday: Table #2 # of Soaces Occupied Spaces 80.|36 L?5 l8l .|76* 205 46 106 73 60"/" 63% 66% 40% 163 195 38 76 55 2/28/86 0ccupancy 88% 75% 74% 62% % 0ccupied 9?% 95% 82% 71% 75% these spaces are inaccessible due to constructi on acti vi ty. a ^-Date of Applicallon January 27, 1986 APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPI{ENT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT PLAN I. This procedure is required for any project that would go throughthe Special Development Dj.strict procedure. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Vail Holdinqs, a limited p PHONE 476-78I0 81657 K. Peterson ADDRESS P. O. Box 3149, Vai1, CO 91658 PHONE 476-0092 C. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE 476-78I0 D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LEGAI DEscRrPTroN Lot 2, Block 1, vaiL/Ltonshead second rilinq B.NAME OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE JAY E.FEE Igroo. oo PArD tl z ,l Y ( ____7_______-r__4 rt+o ,l2o.y't-'* u.- F. A List of the name of owners of all property adjacent to theSubject property and their miling addresses. II. Pour (4) copies of the following information:. A. Detailed written/graphic descrirrtion of DroDosal .B. An environmental -impact reiiort shilt'be submitted to the zoningadministrator in accordance with Chapter 18.56 hereof unless waivedby Section 18.56.030, exempt projects; C. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the demandsgenerated by the development without undue burden on availableor proposed public facilities; ADDRESS 250 S. Frqntege Road West, VaiI, CO 250 S. Frontage Road West, Vai1, CO 81657 ADDRESS 250 S. Frontase Road west, Vail, CO ( ovER ) ,t a frb' bkk'' f'tL ORDINANCE NO. 1 Series of 1990 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RE-ENACTING ORDINANCE 7 SERTES OF 1989, A SPECTAL DEVET.oPMENT DTSTRICT (KNOWN AS SDD NO. 14) AND THE DEVELOPI'TENT PI,AN IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 18.40 OF TH8 VAIL Mr.,NrcIPAL coDE AND ""ffi;ffidoRrH DETATLS rN REGARD WHEREAS, chapter 18.40 of the val-l- uunlcipal Code authorizes special developrnent districts within the Towni and WHEREAS, SDD No. 14 for developnrent of Irtt 2' Block 1, Vall Lionshead 2nd Filing was originally approved by ordinance 5 of 1985; and has been amended by Ordinance No.7, Series of 1989; and WHEREAS, The applicants wish to rndke amendrnents to sDD 14t and WHEREAS, the establishment of the requested SDD 14 will ensure unified and coordinated development within the Town of Vail- ln a manner suitable for the area in whlch lt ls situated; and WHEREAS, the Planning Conmission has recommended approval of the proposed SDD; and wHnnnas, the Town council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate and beneficial to the Town and its citizenst inhabitants and visitors to establish said Special Development District No. L4i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIIJ OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADO, THAT: SECTION 1.REPEAL AND RE.ENACTMENT. oRDfNANCE ?, sERIEs oF l-989 is hereby repealed and re-enacted wl-th anendments to read as set forth below. Sectlon 2.ent Pr es FUI sion Report. the approval procedures prescribed in Chapter 18.40 of the Vall Municipal code have been fulfilled, and the Town council has received the report of the Planning and Environmental Commission reccmmending appro";al of the proposed development plan for sDD 14. Section 3.Special Developnent District 14. Special Development District 14 (sDD 14) and the developrnent plan therefore, are hereby approved for the developrnent of Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Llonshead Second Filing, within the Town of Vail, consisting of 2.6298 acres of 1141554 square feet' more or 1ess. Section 4. Purpose. Special Development District L4 is established to ensure conprehensive developnent and use of an area that will be harrnonious with the general character of the Town of VaiI and to prornote the upgrading and redevelopment of a key property in the To$rn. The development is regarded as complimentary to the Town by the Town council and meets aII design standards as set forth in Section L8.40 of the Municipal Code. There are significant aspects of Special Development oistrict 14 which cannot be satisfied through the irnposition of the standards in the High Density Mu1tiple Fanily zone district. SDD 14 is compatible with the upgrading and redevelopment of the cornrnunity while maintaining its unigue character. Section 5. Definitions. A. rrTransient residential dwelling unit or restricted dwelling unitrr shall be defined as a dwelllng unit located in a rnulti-fanily dweJ.J.ing that is managed as a short term rental in which all such units are operated under a slngle management providing the occupants thereof custonary hotel services and facilities. A short term rental shall be deemed to be a rental for a period of tirne not to exceed 31 days. Each unit shall not exceed 645 square feet of GRFA which shall include a kitchen having a uraximum of 35 square feet. The kitchen shall be designed so that it may be locked and separated fron the rest of the unit in a closet. A transient dwelling unit shall be accessible f,ron common corridors, walks, or balconies without passing through another accommodation unLt, dwelllng unit, or translent a residential dwelling unlt. Should such units be developed as condoniniuns, they shall be restricted as set forth in section L7.26.075 A-c governing condominium conversion. The unit shall not be used as a permanent residence. Fractional fee ownership shall not be allowed to be applied to transient dwelling units. For the purposes of detennining al1owab1e denslty per acre, translent residential dwelling unJ-ts sha11 be counted as one half of a dwelling unit. The transLent residential dwelling unit parking reguirement sha1l be 0.4 space per unit plus 0.3. space per each L00 square feet of GRFA with a maxinum of l-.o space per unit. SECTION 6. DEVEIOPMENT PI,AN. A. The development plan for SDD 14 is approved and shall constitute the plan for developnent within the speciat development district. The developnent plan is comprised of those plans submitted by Pellecchia Olson Architects as dated as follows: 1. Site and landscape plans by PeJ-J-ecchia Olson Architects dated January 8, 1990. 2. Floor plans and parking plans by Pellecchia oLson Architects dated January 8, 1990. 3. Elevations and sections by Pellecchia Olson Architects dated January 8, 1990. . 4. The Environmental Impact Repart dated January, 1986 as prepared by Berridge and Associates, Inc. B. The Development Plan shall adhere to the following: Setbacks Setbacks shall be noted as on the site plan listed above. Heiqht Heights of structures sha1l be as indicated on the elevations listed above. Coveraqe Site coverage shall be as above. indicated on the site plan listed Landscaplnq The area of the site to be landscaped shall be as indicated on the prelirninary landscape pJ.an. A detailed landscape plan shall be subrnitted to the Design Review Board for their approval . PARKING AND LOADING Parking and loading shall be provided as indicated on the site plan and floor plans as listed above. In no case shall the parking provided on site be less than 184 spaces, and there shall be no less than 68 spaces available to the Doubletree, its designated employees and guests in the Vail Valley Medical center parking structure. These 68 spaces shall be available to the Doubletree fron the hours of 5:30 pn to 6:00 an. SECTION 7.DENSITY. Existing developrnent on the site consists of 128 accornnodation units and L9 dwelling units consisting of 73,577 square feet of gross residential floor area. The approval of thls developrnent plan shall pernit an additional 62 accommodation units or transient residential units and 5 dwelling units, consisting of 33r450 square feet of ltross residential floor area. The total density perrnitted with the approval of thls developnent plan consists of 190 accommodation units (62 of which may be transient residential units) and 24 dwelling units with a total of 1071027 square feet of gross residential floor area. ALSO, a SPA FACILTTY OF APPROXIMATELY 18,OOO SQUARE FEET SHALL BE ALI,OWED. SECTION 8. USES. Pernitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be as set forth in the High Density Multiple Farnily zone district. In addition to these uses, Transient Residential Units shall be allowed as a pernitted use. SPA FACILITIES SHALL BE ALLOWED AS AN ACCESSORY RECREATIONAL USE TO A IODGE AS PER THE HDI'{F ZONE DISTRICT. )l Section 9.Arnendments. Arnendrnents to the approved development plan shalI foLlow the procedures outlined in Section 18.40.100 of the Vail Municipal Code. Section 10. Conditions of Approvals for Special. Developnent District 14. A. The development contained within SDD 14 shalL not be converted to any form of time share ownership. The applicant agrees to lirnit the use of any new dwelling units approved with this development plan to those restrictions outlined in Section L7.26.075.A, Condominiun Conversion, of the vail Municipal Code. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the restrictj-ons set forth in Section 17.26.075 of the Municipal. Code of the Town of Vail shalL not apply to the dwelling units during any period during which they are owned by any individual who is also an owner of the Doubletree Hotel. B. The 62 additional accomrnodation units pernitted with the approval- of SDD L4 shall be developed as lodge roorns under a single ownership. Any proposal to condominiumize the accommodation units would requJ-re approval in acordance with the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of VaiI. c. Prior to the issuance of a building perrnit, the applicant shall submit to the building department all required approvals from the State Highway Departrnent for changes to access off the South Frontage Road. Prior to the issuance of a tenporary certifj.cate of occupancy for residential unLts constructed on slte after the effective date of this ordinance aII inprovements reguired by the State Highway Departnent access permit shall be completed. , D. Prior to the issuance of a building pernit for the construction of any improvement in SDD 14 the olttnerr or olitners of SDD l-4 shall provide to the Town of Vail a copy of an agreernent between the Vail valley Medical Center and Vail Holdings, Ltd. allowing the Doubletree Hotel , its designated employees or guests the right to use a minimum of 68 parking spaces in the Vail Valley Medical center structure from the hours of 5:30 pn to 6:00 am. This parking agreernent must be in a form that nay not be arnended or terrninated without the approval of the Town of VaiI. Section lL. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinancei and the Town Council hereby declares it woufd have passed this ordinance, and each part, sectJ.on, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or nore parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section L2. The Town Council hereby finds, deterlnines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 13. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty J.mposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as conmenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provisLon or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. 16rh 1l DAY Charnbers of AND ORDERED -&E!sl:-, ordered published tn full this 16r! ^Zf %r leeo. Kent R. Rose, Mayor INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS gp January , l99O at 7!30 prn in the Council the Vail Municipal Building in Vail, Colorado. ATTEST A Pamela A. Brandneyer, Tourn Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING PUBLISHED by tltLe only THIS 6th DAy OF 1990. Brandneyer, Tor.rn Clerk Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST Parnel.a E $ <l). 1rn ) I I I E E E F g oc E E I dl g ci EEg€ fBjs ,.{ s9g Qt b Eg oc E Ioo E!g b 5 olJo a EEt q fr 9 .g 3 o fi o F Eo E E a 8 E g g sg Eo U' 5 f;c ef fi 6 E F Ea Etr6o 3 .c. €66o b o -9at l t I 'sl e ci I I I I I I -l\l$ I o g I rl ) I E 8' o bo o o o a,rt s .c a bo E e P,gI 7 E o IEI a '6 g ls Isl \.t\ It EIFl sqccdciE1 EItlsl g$ o Eot nx rc E g b Ia E I ;N9e EQblcl oNElb$ 5S fl,q btolJ EE9= =y ge Or €ct;3Ecib{5lg\ol?l e$'es ENE\oip6 EEcI3BEiE;8E i ffiEEtriEF g$ s lffiffff Fi Eo o Ea E Eoo 5 MINUTES VAIL TOI'IN FEBRUARY 7:30 P.M. COUNCIL MEETING6, 1990 A regular meeting of the Vail Town 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: TO}IN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Council was held on Tuesday, February of ttre Vail Municipal Building. Kent Rose, Mayor Tom Ste'i nberg, Mayor Pro Tem J'im Gi bson Merv Lapin Robert LeVine Peggy Osterfoss Lynn Fritzlen Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney W 6, The meeting began with the approval of minutes of the January 2 and 16' 1990 meetings. There was no'discussion by Council or the public. Merv Lapin made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, which Peggy Osterfoss seconded. A vote was taken and the motidn passed unanirnously 6-0. Next on the a was Ordinance No. 1, Series of 1990, second reading, regarding the The full title was read by Fitz gave br i ef--E l?I3T6iifr?I-Tnf ormat i on re gard i ns the Doubletree project, and noted there were no changes made from first reading. Kristan and Peter Jamar then answered questions of Council. Merv Lapin made a motion to approve the ordinance, and Tom Steinberg seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. The third item was Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1990, first reading, an ordinance amending Title 8 of Health and Safety of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail by the addition of Chapter 8.36 Skier Safety. Mayor Rose read the fu1l title of the ordinance. Buck Allen briefly exp'l ained what the ordinance was for and what it would do. He then answered questions of Council. Peggy Osterfoss requested "snowboarder" be included in each section beside "skjer." After further discussion, it was decided to change "cross country" to "telemarking" in Section F. A motion to approve the ordinance with the noted changes was made by Tom Steinberg and seconded by Merv Lapin. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. Item four was 0rdinance No.4, Series of 1990, first reading, an ordinance approving an intergovernmenta'l agreement between the Town of Avon, Eagle CountV' ald the-Town of Vail regarding the Berry Creek 5th Fi'ling and the Miller Ranch. The full title was read by Mayor Rose. Larry Eskwith explained the ordinance and reviewed changes made since-the Council last saw the agreement. He reviewed the change to paragraph 2, and answered questions from Council. He and Council then discussed the intent of paragraph 9, and clarification of paragraph 9.D. It was also noted there was a typograbhica'l error on page 1, line 2, to be corrected to read "by and among.u niler mirch discussion, Robert LeVine made a motion to approve the ordinance with the noted changes in the agreement. Tom Steinberg seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. Next on the agenda was OrdinUSg_Nq. _5, Series of 1990, first reading' an ordinance amending to allow private off-street surface parking-as a conaltionaTFMayor-RolE-read the full title. Mike Mollica stated the request for the amendment to the zoning code was being made by Vail Associates. He reviewed the criteria used jn evaluating the request, explained why the Planning and Environmental Conmission (by a unanimous vote of 7-0) and the staff reconmended approva'l to change the zoning code, and answered questions of Council. Ted Ryzick, of Vail Associates, gave further explanation regarding the requested zone change. After much discussion by Council, Jim Gibson made a motion to approve the ordinance as presented. Robert LeVine seconded the motjon. Peggy Qsterfoss stated her concerns over the proposed zone district changes. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-2, with Peggy 0sterfoss and Merv Lapin opposing. Next was ResoJution No. 3, Series of 1990, a reso'l ution proclaiming the week of February 12-19 as Skier Safety Awareness l{eek. Buck A'llen distributed "I Care" buttons to Counci'l , and gave a brief explanation regarding the resolutjon. Merv Lapin made a motion to approve the resolution, which was seconded by Jim Gibson. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. Seventh on the agenda was Reso'l ution No. 4, Series of 1990, a resolution designating Presidents l{eekend, February 17-19, 1990, as the 10th Annua1 Smoke'l ess Weekend. Susan Scan'l an stated this resolution encouraged people, for the tenth year in a row, to refrain from using fireplaces and woodstoves during the Presidents Weekend. Tom Steinberg made a motion to approve the resolution, which Peggy 0sterfoss seconded. Robert LeVine suggested trying to get residents to use their fireplaces and woodstoves'l ess throughout the year, because guests would not want to do it. Susan responded this was one of the items they were working on now. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. At this time, Larry Eskwith asked Council to go back to the Intergovernmental Agreement. He had forgotten earlier to mention one minor change to the last sentence of paragraph 10. A'l 'l Councilmembers agreed with the change made. ce request was next on the agenda. Tom Braun explained staff memo was given to the Council. the differences between the Finishing Pritz and Mike lvloll ica reviewed the fi-The appl ication since the There was some discussion by Council regardjng Touch sign variance and this request. Kristan di fferences Mayor Rose took a moment to announce the unofficial results of the VMRD swimming poo'l comp'l ex e'lection. He stated the vote was 992 against, and 199 in favor of the pool . The discussion of the L'0stello sign variance request continued. Tom Braun answered questions of Council regarding the previous signage of the building. Peggy 0sterfoss commented the request h,as no larger than the previous'ly existing signs, and the owner needed the variance for vjsualization, so she fe'lt the request was reasonable. Robert LeVine questioned the old paint spotlighted on the side of the build'ing, to which Jay Peterson, representing the app'l icant, responded it would be taken care of. He also noted the landscaping, painting, etc. for the exterior would be taken care of th'is sunmer. Peggy Osterfoss made a motion to approve the variance question, finding this was not a grant of special privilege, and was a hardship for the owner. Tom Steinberg seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. The ninth agenda item was appointment of Design Review Board members and P'lanning and Environmental Conmission members. Ron Phillips remarked that Al l{eiss wou'ld'like his name added to the list of DRB applicants. There was some discussion by Council regarding appointrnents to committees by a majority vote. Tom Steinberg stepped down due to Eri k Steinberg's application. Applicants for the Planning and Environmental Commission were Erwin Bachrach, 0iana Donovan, James Johnson, Ludwig Kurz, Erik Steinberg, and Al l,leiss. A vote was taken and Diana Donovan and Ludwig Kurz had the majority votes for the two PEC openings. Merv Lapin made a motion to appoint Diana and Ludwig to the PEC for a two year term, which was seconded by Robert LeVine. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0, with Tom Steinberg abstaining. At this time, Robert LeVjne made a motion to reappoint Jim Shearer and Connie Knight for a two year term. They were both appointed in December to complete terms for iwo former members whose terms ended February 1990. ltlayor Rose seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0, with Tom Steinberg abstaining. Applicants for the Design Review Board were Erwin Bachrach, Patricia Herrington, and Al }leiss, A vote was taken and Patricia Herrington had the only majority vote. Merv Lapin made a motion to appoint Patricia Herrington to the DRB for a two year term, which was seconded by Robert LeVine. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0, with Tom Steinberg abstaining. Council directed Kristan Pritz to readvertise for the other opening on the DRB. There was no Citizen Participation. llerv Lapin suggested the Council direct staff to look into removing the franchjse fees on Public Service of Colorado, AT8T, Holy Cross Electric Association, and 60% of the franchise fee on Heritage Cablevision. He explained he fe1 t since the Town was do'ing so well, Council should lower taxes, and could do so by reducing the franchise fees. l4ayor Rose responded that he felt now was not the time, but maybe at a later date. Peggy Osterfoss agreed with Mayor Rose. Jim Gibson stated he agreed with Merv's concept, and he felt it was a good idea and the time to do it was Th some changes- -?- now. After much counci'l discussion, it was declded the item cou'ld be brought again during the budget process later thls year. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectful 1y submitted, Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Mlnutes taken by Brenda Chesman -3- t', z, F z, * I BC<trr+ ba + ) bqsf(v) + bco<f FI+ =55luE! sf <f r.oocfr@(Y) Fl =E <l(Y) r-l 555d'o ! tO r-l <fsf cl ro 'o ! (\toroto ro or 5'o OlGI FI =!t u)ro =|tt o$I 5E f\lc)I I be Fl 3 baor(o+ bar{CI+o ' I beOl(\I:+l i ooo <f(v) Fl (Y) |<)r{ (o Fl roorr{ N st(vt(a <fo ooo o(t Fl (a(\l ln(') FI <\t(r)r\ @(o (o(o str< st'(Y' (7) <tOl ooo oo Fl LL =a >zd, =FFot-ad,E,g .!- =o lrllrldF UJJco =8 CL llz {* | =.rlJltrllFrltrJ(5 l< l(5ot>t<cllJJ lk lj = l- l=3 lg lJr..{ 13 l<FIJI> c)(JCL (5 = LtJ Jqtd =utlrl Cle.z,. bquJ=lJ- \u_or-r Cto r/) d-o- F(5d-H=<=H\=a t4cZFNI t-= aU1 =Oa/,x:hlrJ anF(9Hz, = a-. =>-+Jd.14 l,r.l <5J AZ,coz,11<.=2,=oo-l\JF JF.<= C'z,l-a UJ LTJ JJ (-'dO Z. llJ| < lrJ Ott) = bqdz(-) O lr.l =Fr J |J- \.F J LOan <, r{Oou)l-E<r!F>tno FCrCtZ l! lrllrJ > =oocL cr &,c) o- cL (5J cl o_-Zlrl < {Frr u.r > (.'=-OFZ,FJ r_. <J 3n FU-Olt) = Ur &.4F lJ,l r-.r (5 (/!eo ill!oo lJ.IF!J(J C5LrJ <JFlt z,V, lLt(-) !-d. d. <5frJ <9 =,CL r-r (5 ]rt>2,JJr-{co d. z.<trJO =atNo=J=J (5 =Fr (!t>2, JFie.z,lrl OoNtz, = lrl =z. or (f, J oz E =&,ulo- 69 t,Btt ,rm 3od EUJfrz;xrrv f IJJ <FZrt9=o< NOr.,|'Vn]VA P tt | | |w2 . l2 t---l----lJl \)? rl9l lql ll -e Z lt-l 1 |z :lkl < |;51;l H llrlt..E +tzt ;tbtPilio >G -- z io- 66z>-ooQZt!<oqde.x -* =h53:EE 9r,ro Ftt't;*5co Srtr IJ14 H 1 Ldr{d Hd=oo (,z =tr tr) Fo TJ.JF l-lJJlr.lF tn u.tlrl FlrJJco=oa UJ =z (D .) I Il+,lq It:ol 5l-l Nololz I(t,l rr,(I)l (\tt-l (\J.tJl ro (ul -t (hal 9, =l E trll o "l<E=<t<4> N x E(uo-co- Fo =t at! o -F @ e5o.t (u(J Loat !(l, +) = =tr z ri rrl J ILoz3oF rJ) Or(Itrft I(f, NTN Irt,O c4, I il ciz oul J ttoz Botr o UJEI l! z3=c 4 z. ur 1 a IIo zIF = l!- >< NIrir{ >otdz Es.f lF. <e> F-tr-po Fzt3loIF UJ) uJ @(\IowG,ii I = ,.o =;*.F@ N uJ ts- E E -rO<F(rOr!<zEt!F(nZ )t<o(JF =oH#YF-zJ8 z. 6 J(L v ; I z JIY 6F 73 E6 (lirg \JZ O <-os?fl =O ulFo c0o?z F(L ulY uJo o-t- (E UJ(L u-ON -@a\,5Ro> I r-l H !'uoezo !nl z."ozrd)o =zJO(L u- :f= =uJXdd= BE}E} F u,l LLo UJ z @I F tr o- .JFh> duJ>aLOL9oquJxo-x>Er-J =IL UJ @ F o E oo (l,tt 'E t E Eo(, AO f=e6>Ef=E =t=o -E ts =Eulo-zo F(J fE 6zo(J 2 TO: Planning and Environmental Cornrnission FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: January 8, 1990 SUBJECT; Amendment to SDD #L4, Doubletree Hotels I. BACKGROUND OF THE PROPOSAL The Doubletree HoteL has been purchased by Gerald Katzoff, owner and developer of several spa resorts throughout thecountry. Mr. Katzoff desires to construct the renovation andaddition to the Doubletree Hotel as previously approved in L986 and as anended in early l-989. However, the proposal isto revise the interior uses of the property to accommodatean L8,000 square foot spa while reducing the number of accomrnodation units. The rnajor elements of the proposalare as follows: --Reduction of 30 accommodation units/transientresidential units--gz to 62 --Reduction of 9,L26 sq.ft.: of GRFA--42,576 to33,450 sq. ft. --Addition of approxinately 18,000 sq.ft. - of spa andspa related facilities --Reduction of 9 parking spaces--261 to 252 spaces(including 68 spaces within the proposed WMCparking structure) --Conversion of an existJ.ng spa inthe southwest corner of the hotel to new accessoryretail of 900 sq. ft. --Elimination of 7 surface parking spaces on the northside of the site and converting the area to landscaping --Mi-nor revisions to proposed el-evations --A slight easterl-y shift of the building additionadjacent to Middle Creek to enlarge the creeksetback --A relocation of the 5 approved condominiuns retainingthe same square footage of 6585 sq. ft. of cRFAtpreviously approved in the proposed north wing, theseare noq/ proposed to be located in the south wing onthe east side top floor --No revj-sion to the location or square footage (3/350sq.ft.) of neeting/conference space Special Developrnent District #1-4 was created in L986 with an approvaL to expand the hotel with respect to numbers of accommodati-on units, condorniniums, meeting/conference space and underground parking. The Special Development District was approved for an extension in l-987 and then revised with Ordinance No.7 in l-989 creating the shared parking facilitywith the vail Valley Medical Center. Please find attached adraft of revisions to Ordinance No.7 of L989 which includeprovisions for the project now proposed by Mr. Katzoff. II. SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DTSTRICT CRITERIA Section 18.40.O8O of the zoning code sets forth designcriteria to be used in evaluating the rnerits of a proposed Special Development District. ft is the burden of theapplicant to dernonstrate that subnittal material and the proposed developrnent plan cornply with each of the following standards. or demonstrate that one or more of them is notapplj-cabIe, or that a practical solution consistent with thepublic interest has been achieved. only those criteria whichare affected by the proposed revisions will be addressed. A.Desiqn cornpatibility and sensitivity to the irnmediateenvironment, neiqhborhood and adi acent roperties relative to architectural des scale bulk, buildin heiqht, buffer zones, identi character visualinteqrity and orientation. With the exception of minor changes to the elevations,the proposal has no effect upon these elenents. Uses, ..activity and densitv which provide a compatible,efficient and Werkable relationship with surroundinq The spa and spa-related facilities are considered to be accessory recreational uses to a lodge as permitted under high density nulti-fanily zone district (theunderlying zone district for the SDD). We do not foresee any negative effects of the spa use of the hotelproperty. Compliance with parkinq and loadinq requirernents asoutlined in Chapter 18.52. The following are the new parking calculat,ions: B. Existing parking spaces L67 New Parkinq Reguirements 62 accommodation units at 40O sg.ft. Meeting space Condorniniums 0 2 spaces/unit New accessory retail e 900 sq.ft. Parking for spa facilities TOTAL Less 5? nixed use credit(as per previous SDD) TOTAL NEW REQUTRED TOTAL REQUIRED FOR ENTIRE PROJECT VVMC structure spaces TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED ON 50 14 10 L2 89 -4 aq 252 -68SITE 184 Thus, there is a loss of only 9 total parking spaces onsite with the reduction of 30 accommodation units. Theallocation of L2 spaces for the spa comes fron the owner's estimation that the spa facility can handle approximately 40 people at a tirne. A conservativeestirnation that 254 of the 40 people (10) are non-hotel guests would result in an excess of parking provided forthe spa facilities (1-2 proposed). D.Confornitv with annlicabl-e elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Desiqn PIans. The revisions proposed retain the project's compliancewith the VaiI Comprehensive P1an. Identification and rnitiqation of natural and./or qeoloqic hazards that affect the property on wffi There are no geologic hazards that affect this site. slte plan, buil.dinq desiqn and location and open spaceprovisions desiqned to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, veqetation and overall aesthetic qual-itv of the comnunitv. The only revision to the site plan is to el-iminate 7surface parking spaces and to replace the asphalt withlandscaping. At previous discussions of this project it was requested by the Planning Commission that theapplicant attempt to accomplish this revision. F c. A circulation system designed for both vehicles andpedestrians addressinq on and off-site trafficcirculation. The circulation systen rernains unchanged frorn theprevious approval. An additional Level of parking isproposed due to a change of use from previously approvedparking spaces to spa facilities. H I. FunctionaL and aesthetic landscapi - order to optimize and preserve natural features,recreation, vi"ews and function. Again, there will be a net increase in landscape area asa result of the proposal . Phasinq or subdivision plan that wiII rnaintain a workabLe, functionaL and efficient relationship throuqhout the development of the Special DeveloprnentDistrict. No phasing plan has been proposed for the addition. III. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Please find the proposed developrnent standards in theproposed revisions to ordinance No.7 Series of l-989. Withthe exception of the parking revisions there are no changesto the previously approved developrnent standards. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approval to the proposed amendments toSpecial Development District #14 - Doubletree Hotel . We feelthat overall, the proposed developrnent should improve thearchitectural and landscaping quality of the hotel property as well as provide the conmunity with a high qualitydestination resort facility. The proposal actually changesvery little from what has been previously approved. Conditions of approval shall be consistent with the previousconditions adopted as part of Ordinance No.7 Serj.es of 1989as attached. IV. PROPOSED REVISfONS TO: ORDINANCE NO. 7 Series of L989 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RE-ENACTING ORDINANCE 5 SERIES OF 1.986, A SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (KNOWN AS SDD NO. ].4) AND THE DEVELOPMENT PI.,AN IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 18.40 OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Chapter 18.40 of the VaiI Municipal code authorizes special development districts within the Towni and WHEREAS, SDD No. 14 for development of Lo:.- 2, Block L, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing was originatly aPproved by ordinance 5 of L986; and WHEREAS, The applicants wish to make extensive amendrnents to SDD 14; and WHEREAS, the establishment of the requested SDD 14 will ensure unified and coordinated development within the Town of vail in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the proposed sDD; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants and visitors to establish said Special Developnent District No. L4, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCII-, OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: SECTION 1. REPEAL AND RE-ENACTMENT. oRDINANCE 7, SERIES OF l-989 is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments to read as set forth be1ow. Section 2. Anendnent Procedures Fulfilled, Planninq Cornrnis- sion Report. The approval procedures prescribed in Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal code have been fulfilled, and the Tonn council has received the report of the Planning and Environmental Cornrnission recomnending approval of the proposed development plan for SDD 14. Section 3.Special Developnent District l-4. Special Developnent District 14 (SDD l-4) and the developnent plan therefore, are hereby approved for the developrnent of Lot 2, Block L, Vail Lionshead Second Filing, within the Town of Vail, consisting of 2.6298 acres of 1.14r554 square feet, more or 1ess. Section 4.Purpose. Special Developrnent District L4 is established to ensure comprehensive developnent and use of an area that will be harrnonious with the general character of the Town of VaiI and to promote the upgrading and redevelopment of a key property in the Town. The development is regarded as complimentary to the Town by the Town Council and meets all design standards as set forth in Section L8.40 of the Municipal Code. There are significant aspects of Special Developnent District L4 which cannot be satisfied through the inposition of the standards in the nigh Density Multiple Fanily zone district. sDD l-4 is cornpatible with the upgrading and redevelopnent of the conmunity while naintaining its unigue character. Section 5.Definitions. A.lrTransient residential dwelling unit or restricted dwelling unit" shall be defined as a dwelling unit located in a rnuLti-fanily dwetling that is managed as a short terrn rental in which aII such units are operated under a single nanagement providing the occupants thereof customary hotel services and facilities. A short term rental shall be deemed to be a rental for a period of tirne not to exceed 3L days. Each unit shall not exceed 545 square feet of GRFA which shal1 incl-ude a kitchen having a maximum of 35 square feet. The kitchen shall be designed so that it may be locked and separated from the rest of the unit in a cl"oset. A transient dwelling unit shall be accessible fron common corridors, walks, or balconies without passing through another accommodation unit, dwelling unit, or transient residential dwelling unit. should such units be developed as condominiums, they shall be restricted as set forth in section L7.26.075 A-G governing condominium conversion. The unit shaLl not be used as a pernanent residence. Fractional fee ownership sha11 not be allowed to be applied to transient dwelling units. For the purposes of determining allowable density per acre' transient residential dwelling units shall be counted as one half of a dwelling unit. The transient residential dwelling unit parking requirement shall be 0.4 space per unit plus 0.L space per each 1oo square feet of GRFA with a maximum of 1.o space per unit. SECTION 5. DEVELOPMENT PI,AN. A. The development plan for SDD L4 is approved and shall constitute the plan for development within the special development district. The development plan is comprised of those plans submitted by Pellecchia Olson Architects as dated as follows: 1. Site and landscape plans by Pellecchia olson Architects dated 2. Floor plans and parking plans by Pellecchia olson Architects dated Decernber 7, 1989. 3. Elevations and sections by Pellecchia ol-son Architects dated 4. The Environmental Impact Repart dated January, L986 as prepared by Berridge and Associ.ates, Inc. B. The Development Plan shall adhere to the following: Setbacks Setbacks shall be noted as on the site plan listed above. Heiqht Heights of structures shall be as indicated on the elevations listed above. Coveraqe Site coverage shal1 be as indicated on above. Landscaping The area of the site to be landscaped on the preliminary landscape plan. A plan shall be subnitted to the Design their approval. PARKING AND LOADING the site plan listed shall be as indicated detailed landscape Revi.ew Board for Parking and loading shall be provided as indicated on the site plan and floor plans as listed above. fn no case shall the parking provided on site be less than 184 spaces, and there sha1l be no less than 68 spaces available to the Doubletree, its designated employees and guests in the Vail Valley MedicaL Center parking structure. These 68 spaces shal1 be available to the Doubletree fron the hours of 5:30 pm to 6:00 am. SECTION 7.DENSITY. Existing development on the site consists of L28 accomrnodation units and 19 dwelling units consisting of 73,577 square feet of gross residential fl-oor area. The approval of this development plan shall permit an additional 62 accommodation units or transient residential units and 5 dwelling units, consisting of 33,45o square feet of gross residential floor area. The total density perrnitted with the approval of this developrnent plan consists of 190 accommodation units (62 of which may be transient residential units) and 24 dwelling units with a total of 107,027 square feet of gross residential floor area. ALSO, a SPA FACTLITY OF APPROXIMATELY ]-8,OOO SQUARE FEET SHALL BE ALLOWED, SECTION 8.USES. Pernitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be as set forth in the High Density Multiple Farnily zone district. In addition to these uses, Transient Residential Units shall be allowed as a permitted use. SPA FACILITIES SHALL BE ALLOWED AS AN ACCESSORY RECREATIONAL USE TO A LODGE AS PER THE HDMF ZONE DISTRICT. Section 9.Amendments. Amendrnents to the approved development plan shall follow the A. Section l-0.Conditions of A rovals for S cial Develo District 14. The development contained within SDD 14 shall not be converted to any forrn of time share ownership. The applicant agrees to limit the use of any new dwelling units approved with this developrnent plan to those restrictj-ons outlined in Section L7.26.075.A, Condoninium Conversion, of the VaiI MuniciPal Code. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the restrictions set forth in Section 17.26.O75 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail shall not apply to the dwelling units during any period during which they are owned by any individual who is also an owner of the Doubletree Hotel . The 62 addltional accommodation units perrnitted with the approval of SDD l-4 sha]} be developed as lodge rooms under a single ownership. Any proposal to condorniniurnize the accommodation units would require approval in acordance with the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Vail' Prior to the issuance of a building pernit, the applicant sha1l subrnit to the building department aI1 required approvals from the State Highway Department for changes to access off the south Frontage Road. Prior to the issuance of a ternporary certificate of occupancy for residential units constructed on site after the effective date of this ordinance all irnprovements required by the State Highway Departrnent access permit shatl be conpleted. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of any improvenent in SDD L4 the owner' or owners of SDD L4 sha1l provide to the Town of Vail a copy of an agreement between the Vail Valley Medical Center and Vail Holdings, Ltd. allowing the Doubletree Hotel. its designated ernployees or guests the right to use B. D. a ninimum of 68 parking spaces in the Vail Valley Center structure from the hours of 5:30 pn to 6:00 This parking agreement must be in a form that rnay arnended or terminated without the approval of the vail. Secti.on 1-l-. READING THIS in the Council Medical am. not be Town of DAY chanbers of If any part, section, subsection, sentence' clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinancei and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section L2. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of VaiI and the inhabitants thereof. Section l-3. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution comnenced, nor any other action or proceeding as cornrnenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expresslY stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FTRST OF , L989 at pm the vail Municipal Building in Vail' colorado. ordered published in fulL this - day of . L9ll9. Kent R. Rose, MaYor ATTEST Pamela A. Brandmeyer' Town clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS DAY OF 1989. Kent R. Rose, l{ayor ATTEST Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk ,r.j- 1 TO: Planning and Environnental Conrnission FROM: Comrnunity DeveJ.opnent Department DATE: ,tune 8, 1987 SU&fECT: A request to extend the approval of Special Development District No. L4 (Doublet,ree Hotel) .Applicant: Vail Holdings, Ltd. Partnership The approval of a special development district expires after 18 rnonths if construction of the project is not initiated.Approval of SDD No. L4, which allows for a major expansion ofthe existing Doubletree Hotel , expires in July of 1987. Theapplicant has requested an extension of this approval foranother 18 month period. The Planning Conmissionrs action onthis application is advisory. Any finat approval of extendingthis zoning requires the review and approval of a resolution bythe Town Council. ISSUES REI,ATED TO THTS PROPOSAL The two nain issues relative to this redevelopment centeredaround parking and additional density (see enclosed memo toPlanning Conmission dated February 24, 1996.) Specifically,the staff was uncomfortable with the significant amount ofadditional density witlr the absence of an overall- land useplan, and ttre proposed parking that was 50 spaces short of whatis reguired. The applicant has requested approval for theidentical project as was approved in 1986. The recently adopted Land Use plan has enabled some re-evaluation of our previous position relative todensity. Given the outcome of the Land Use p1an, the staffwould not present such strong concerns for the additionaldensity as was stated in 1996. This is due to the fact thatthere was a preference in the community for concentratingdensity in the existing core areas, and more specifically, nearthe Frontage Road. Goals fron the Land Use PIan include: 2.L The cornmunity should ernphasize its role as adestination resort while accommodating day visitors. 3.2 The Village and Lionshead areas are the bestlocation for hotels to serve the future needs of thedestination skiers. 4.2 Increased density in the Core areas is acceptable soIong as the existing character of each area ispreserved througtr irnplenentation of the Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vail ViIIage Master plan. o ,, t, 5.4 Resl.dential growth should keep pace with ttre narketplace demands for a full range of housing types. The shortfall of parking spaces proposed with this developnentis still a naJor concern to the itatr. we contlnue to troia tneposition that prlvate developrnents should'bulld the requlredparking to avold the slgnifl.cant'problens in the longei term.As Vail Mountain becomes more and more developed and-skLernurnbers-increaee, there wlll not be availabre-overfl.ow parkingin public Etructures to uake up the short fall . For thisreason, se cannot-support the extension of this specialdevelopnent district. 'jf'.n''' () TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 24, 1986 A request to rezone Lot 2, Block l, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing from High Density Multiple Family to Special Development District in order to develop an additional 92 lodge rooms,5 condominjums, and 3,350 square feet of meeting nooms/conference space at the Doub'l etree Hotel . Applicant: Vail Holdings, a Limited Partnership ( I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL A request has been made to the Town of Vail to rezone the Doubletree Hotel sjte from High Density Multiple Famjly zoning to a Special Development District. This proposal is requested in order to allow for addjtional development on the site. The rezoning is requjred because the present level of development is over that allowed under existing zoning. The development proposed with this applicat'ion includes 92 lodge rooms, 5 condominiums, and 3,350 square feet of additional meeting room space. The following table il'l ustrates how this proposal relates to the existing development on the s'ite as well as that allowed under the existing zon'i ng : ZONING ANALYSIS OF DOUBLETREE HOTEL Site area 2.6?98 acres or .|14,554 square feet ALLOWED DEV. EXISTING PROPOSED UNDER EXISTING DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT HDMF ZONING TOTAL DEVELOPMENT Units: 65 du's 25 un i ts,/ac GRFA: 68,732 sq ft Parking Req'd 198 spaces Meeting room space: 83 du's (19 condos 128 lodge rooms) 3.|.5 units/ac 73,577 sq ft 52 enclosed 115 surface 4040 sq ft 5l du's (5 condos 92 lodge rooms) 19 uni ts,/ac 42,576 sq ft 200 enclosed I I surface Req'd 261 spaces 3350 sq ft 134 du's (24 condos 220 lodge rooms ) 50. 95/ac 116,153 sq ft 200 encl osed I I surface 7350 sq ft 4,- (l.Jhile this table illustrates some of the more significant elementsrelated to this proposal , there are other zoning-consiJ"raiions to uemade-when evaluating_this application. These ana oir,"r-iipects of thisdevelopment plan will be highlighted throughout th.is memorandum. II. III. Fo1 lowing the acquisition of this_property by Vail Holdings, Inc., amajor renovation of.the existing faciiity-wai completed auring the surrnerand fall of 1985. It was at this time tirat the slaff itrit uigan adialogue with the developers and their designers .on...ninj tn"feasibility of additional development of this site. io oiie, the staffhas.spent a considerable amount of time with the a"rign".r-of thisproject-resu'lting'in a number of add.itions and roairiiiiioni to tneoriginal 1y proposed development-plans. To assiit in ir,ii-pro.ess, thedeveiopei's agi'eed io pay ihe rriri to uring;eff winiton in'"" a designgonsultant_for the Town. This is similar to the role Jeri ptayea in thereview of Phase IV of the vair.village Inn proposal tasi yelr. Inaddition to this review, a work session was held for the iown council andPlanning and Environmentar commission in November to uriei-inem on theconcepts be'i ng proposed in this plan. As is the case with any rezoning request, final decisions concern.ing thisapplication are made by the Town council. rne piinning"doiris.ion rev.iewis advisory to the counci.l and any approval or ilris pj'in "oura involvethe adoption of a new ordinance granting the rezoninS ,.q;..t. +: :!ltd in the zoning_ggde, the purpose of special deve.lopmentql sEr't cts i s to: 18.40.010 Purpose ]l:..ry1n:: gl lf :?::j1l development districts is to encourase ftexiU_il!jy_j_l-.th9 deve'lopment of land..i.n order to promote irs :!1..:!:i*:_-E: i rl i Tlf gy:. the des i sn,'.'niriii..-.[ir-ilriii iv"ornew development; to facilitate the idequate and economicprovisions of streets and utilities; and to p..i"ru. ir,e natura.land scenic features of open areas. Historically, SDD's have been proposed in vail to a'l low for thedevelopment of sites that wourd be unabre to do so under conventionarzoning. Examples of these projects would incluae viiii Hi-wtrere aensitvincreases were allowed in exchange for restrictions on'ti,r'e property toensure their use as employee_housing, or the vari viii'"g;-rin whose mixeduse character required the SDD zonin6. More often il"n"noi, however, sDDzone districts have been requested to allow for in.r..r.l-ii aensitiesover what-existing zoning.on the site would allow.- inir-ir"tn" case withthis appl ication. There are a number of criter.ia to be evaluated whenof thjs nature. Foremost among these are the njne reviewing a request design standards that are listed. in^the.zoning code. As stated in the code, "The developmentr plan for the Spec'i a1 Development Districts shall meet each of the( following standards or demonstrate that either one or more of them.i s not- applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the publ icinterest has been achieved." In addition to these criteria, it is'important to consider the underlying zoning as a point of riference inevaluating this request. These zoning coniiderations as well as otherissues that have been raised duri ng the course of this review will be add ressed .i n th i s memo . IV. The following are staff comments concerning how this proposal relates tothe design standards as outlined jn the zoning code. A. A buffer zone shall be provided in any special development districtthat is adjacent to low density residential uses. The buffer zonemust be kept free of bujldings or structures, and must be landscaped, screened or protected by natural features so thatadverse effects on the surrounding areas are m.i nimjzed. This mayrequire a buffer zone of sufficient size to adequately separate lheproposed use from the surrounding properties in terms of vjsualprivacy, noise, adequate 1.i ght and a.i r, air po11ut.ion, and other comparable potentia'l'ly incompatible factors. The buffer zone referred to in this design standard is specifically forsDO's proposed adjacent to low density residential uses. Zone dislrictsadjacent to thjs property include high density multi-family and thepublic use distrjcts. Consequently, thjs standard is not directlyapplicable. However, with a few exceptions, the proposal is within theexisting zone district's required 20 foot setback. B. A circuiation system designed for the type of traffic generated,taking into consideration safety, separation from I iving areas,convenience, access, noise, and exhaust control . private inteinalstreets may be permitted if they can be used by poljce and FireDepartment vehic'l es for energency purposes. Bicycle traffic may beconsidered and prov'i ded when the site is to be uled for resideniialpurp0ses. The.proposed site p'l an involves a number of changes to the ex.i stingvehicular access to the property. Among these aie the add.i tion of a newaccess point to service the loading and trash facilities, the removal ofan existing road cut to the hotel entrance, and the deveiopment of anewly a'l igned.entry to the hotel . As a part of the environmental .impact report for this project, a traffic report was done that evaluated tripgeneration anticipated from both the existing and proposed developrnent onthe site. One conclusion of this study is that uotn ieft and rigirt turnlanes be provided as an element of this development proposal . Inaddition to-satisfying the recommendations of the traffic report, ifapproved, slight grading changes would be necessary to the main entry tothe facility as per Town of vail engineer's requesi. It should ue n6teathat any changes to the road cuts requiri ng State Highway approval wouldhave to be obtained prior to the issuance of any bu.iidini permit for thisdevel opment. c. Functional open space in terms of: 0ptimum preservation of naturalfeatures ( i ncl udi ng trees and drai nage a."as) , recreati on, ui."i, - convenjence, and function. One. change proposed jl.tlris plan relative to functiona'l open space iswith respect to the Middle creek area. At the present tiine this area isovergrown with vegetation with no real relationship to the ex.i stj ngfacility. Landscape improvements are proposed in this area of the site,as well as on the Town of vail stream tract, in order to open the accessto this stream. l,lhile a limited amount of landscape materials would beremoved to allow for this development, a preliminary landscape plan hasbeen submitted indicating a substantial increase in plant materials onthe site. The views/spacial analysis provided in thi environmentalimpact report indicates that there are no real signjficant view impactswith respect to vantage points along the Frontage Road and Interstate.The scale of the buildings, coupled with the gride change from theFrontage road to the site, has mitigated the fotential ijew blockage fromthis addition. Short range views from some units in the vailInternational condominjums would be affected by the expansion proposed tothe north of the existing bui1ding. 0. vari ety in terms of: housing type, densit.i es, facilities and openspace. with the exception of the five condominium units, the residentialdevelopnent proposed with thjs SDD is short term lodging. Otherfacilities on site in addition to the meeting room siaci include indoorjacuzzis, an outdoor pool, a restaurant, a nightciub, and lim.i tedcommercial . A1so, see section VI on Lodge Rooms and condom.i niumRestri ct ions. E. Privacy in ne i ghbors. Given the nature adjacent sites, terms of the needs of : Indiv.i dua'l s, fami I ies and of the uses on this site, as wel] as the uses onstaff can see no factors with respect to privacy. F. Pedestri an traffic in terms of: safety, separat.i on, convenience, . - access to points of destination, and attractjveness. At the present time, guests of the Doub'l etree are prov.i ded with apedestrian linkage to Meadow Drive in order to utilize the Town of vailbus system. with th'i s proposed addit'i on, an extension of thii wiir<wiv'isincluded linking the existing walkway with the post Office/MunicipalBuilding area. This walkway runs along the south side of ltre property. t Building type in terms of: relationship and bulk. Appropriateness to density, site It is felt that the designers of this project have done a commendable job in relating this addjtjon to the existing structure. Specifical'ly, the additjons are done in a way that helps reduce the mass of the existingtower. As was referred to earlier, the grade change from the Frontage Road to the site has allowed for a design that does not appear to add considerab'l e bulk to the site and works to enhance the overall visual qual ity as compared to the existing buiIding. H. Building design in terms of: Orientation, spacing, materials, color and texture, storage, signs, Iight'ing, and solar blockage. As js the case with the massing of this proposal , the siting of the proposed additions wonk well with the existing tower. The extensjons ofthe existing bui'l ding help "step" the building off the Frontage Road. Considerations such as materials, color/texture, signs, and lighting would all be addressed at the Design Review Board level if this project were approved. A sun/shade analysis in the envjronmental impact report demonstrates that the proposed expansions would have a negligible effect on the Frontage Road. I. Landscaping of the total site in terms of: Purposes, types, maintenance, suitability, and effect on the neighborhood. The proposed landscape p'lan shows 37% of the site being Iandscaped. Thjs does not include portions of adjacent property between the Doubletreesite and the State Highway Oepartment right-of-way that would also belandscaped. It should be noted, however, that this area js required to be landscaped. Particular attentjon has been paid to the loading/trash area as well as the surface parking that js on the site. A consjderable amount of material is proposed in this area in order to screen thisportion of the sjte. v.ZONING CONSIDERATIONS RELATIVE TO THIS PROPOSAL [,lith the approval of an SDD, the development plan submitted establishesthe development standards for the property. These would address the standard zoning considerations that are outlined in other zone districts.In evaluating this development plan, it is important to consider the standards established in the underlying, or existing zoning. The fo1 lowing is an analysis of these considerations: Uses There are no changes to existing uses that would not be allowed under HDMF zoning. G. r Dens ity Aside from the important site planning issues which must be discussed, the overriding issue is how to deal with the request forsignj ficant additional density. t,lhile the Town deals w.i th reguestsfor additiona'l density quite frequently, seldom are requests madeof this magnitude. Historically, the staff has not supported requests for densitjes above that allowed under exist.ing zoning.l,lhile there have been notable exceptions, the planning commission and Town Council have also been quite critical of requests fordensity increases. The growth management report of 1977 and ageneral concern of allowing additional development in what isperceived by many to be an overdeveloped Valley, are often cited asreasons for denying addjtional density requests. Prompted in large part by the Sonnenalp request in'l 994, the Townhas been working on the Vajl Village Study for over a year. One ofthe goals of the study is to evaluate the potential foi additionaldensity in the Vi11age area. This potential is evaluated baseq more on design considerations than on what is necessari ly allowedunder existing zoning regulat'ions. In conjunction with thisevaluation, goals and objectives are being established to outline improvements that should be done to the vi11age in conjunction withthis development. A trade off, on bonus system, is to be developedthat would allow for addjtional densities in exchange forsubstantial return to the cornmunity in the form of public improvements or other exactions. It is important to note that this system is being proposed after a comprehensive evaluation of theentire study area that has identified both the improvements to be made as well as where additional density could be accommodated in asensitive manner. It js also important that during the publicprocess that has taken place for the Village Study, there was nor auniform response in favor. of considering additional density .i n theVi11age. However, there has been support for a system thai wouldallow density increases in conjunction with the comprehens.i ve studyof this type combined with a substantial return by the developer inthe form of pub1 ic improvements. Given the 3ubmittal betoie us, i-t'is unfortunate that the Doubletree Inn is not located within the vai1 village Study Area.It is equal 1y unfortunate that a Town-wjde land use plan ii only inits early stages of development and not near compl etion as is the case_with the Village Study. The land use plan would provide thestaff a better understanding of the implications that th.i s project may have relative to other development potentials in the Vaite!. L ( lih'i 1e specific analysis of the Doubletree site would indjcate that some degree of additiona'l density could be accommodated, the concern of the staff is how this request relates to Town-wide deve.lopment issues. For example, the traffic report for the Doubletree suggests that trip generations to the site can be accommodated off of the Frontage Road. But what would a cumulative impact have on the Frontage Road if similar requests for density increases were to be granted in this area? Likewise, it has been stated that the design impacts on the Ooub'l etree site are positive from a standpoint of reducing the mass of the existing tower. However, without a comprehensive analysis, the staff js uncomfortable of what implications this proposal may have on otherproperties located along the frontage road. Another important consideratjon js a system of trade-offs that would be establishedfor increased density in the Vi11age. l'lhile there has been a formal discussion with the developers on what public improvements could be provided in conjunction with this development, without a Town-wide anaiysis, the staff is unable to provide recommendations as to appropriate trade-offs for this grant of additional density. Setbacks The proposed additjon encroaches into the required 20 foot setbackin four areas. hlhjle three of these areas are along the Frontage Road and involve only a few feet, there is a considerable encroachment along the west end of the property adjacent to Middle Creek. A portion of this encroachment involves the infill of an area underneath an existing deck. However, new construction to accommodate a pre-function area for the meeting rooms 'i s proposed to be constructed up to the property line. The staff had requestedthis area to be re-evaluated in an effort to reduce this encroachment on Middle Creek. It is important to maintain some amount of setback of buiIdings from the property line in this area. He ight The proposed addjtjons do not exceed the 48 foot height limitationin the HOMF zone distrjct. The existing tower is 72 feet jn height. Site Coverage Site coverage a1 lowed under the HDMF zone djstrict is 55%. Thisplan includes 47% of the site being covered by buildings. Landscapj ng As has been mentioned, 37% of the sjte is Iandscaped. This exceeds a 30% requirement for the HOMF zone district. 8 Parki ng There are a number of approaches that can be taken in evaluatingwhat the required parking is for this development. iega;aiess orhow the numbers are calcuiated, the proposed developmeit does normeet the parking that would be required for thjs level ofdevelopment. There are 167 park'i ng spaces on the site that can beconsidered a grandfathered situation (current requirements for theexisting development on the site wouid be l9g spaces). The newdevelopment proposed for the site would require g+ spaces ittrisincludes a 5% multi-use reduction as well as a sor rlauci:on rorthe required parking for the meeting room space). considering the167 grandfathered spaces, an additional 44 ipaces are being addedto the site to accommodate the new development proposed. it'ltresults in a net deficit of 50 parking spaces on the site. Inevaluating the parking required, the ataif is comfortibie witn atotal of 261 spaces to be provided on site. It should be notedthat this figure of 261 spaces gives the applicant considerat.ionfor a 50% reduction of spaces for a meeting'room facility-ai wellas an interpretation that acknowledges a 25 space shortfall that.i spresent at this time. ||Jithout these considerat.ions, the requ.i redparking on the site could be as high as 316 spaces.' It is iertthat the 261 figure is both realist'i c from a p'l anning standpoint aswell as reasonable in terms of the interpretalions tiat travl ueen maqe . VI. Fire Department Issues At the present time, the Fire Department has not signed off on thisdesign because of inadeguate access and operational widths for theadditional development proposed for the site. rinat aeterm,i nationsregarding code requirements will be made at the build.i ng permit _.1e_yiew_ if this project is approved. Any sign.i f.i cant ctrinses to thesite plan that may result from this review wou'l d require FlanningCommission approval if made. Easements -as-proposed, the underground parking structure and portions of thelodge addition would encroach on existing utility eisementi. Ifapproved, the design of tle underground parking itructure would a'l 'l ow access to these utj 1 i ty I i nes. Construcii on on these easements would require approvals of al l utility companies prior tothe issuance of any buiiding permit for this project. ( The staff has requested and the applicant has agreed that theaccommodation units proposed in this plan would be developed aslodge rooms. This would mean that if a proposal to convert theseunits to condominiums were to be made, tirey'wou1d be revjewed wiihrespect to the criteria outlined in the condominium conversionordinance,(].".. if approved for conversion to condos, they would berestricted to short-term rentals). In addition, the'applicant hasagreed to restrict the conversion of these units to a time shareform of ownersh'i p for 20 years. The staff has also requestea thatthe use of the 5 condominiums be limited by those restrictionsoutlined in the condominium conversion ordinance. Th.i s wouldassure the Town that these units would be in the rental pool 4gweeks of the year. VII. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As demonstrated i.n this memo, the proposed development plansatisfactorily addresses a number of design standards oltlined in the SDDzone district. T!'re plan presented provid6s a number of significant --- improvementr !o !!9 existing site-cbndit.i ons on the properly. However,the plan is significantly short of what the staff febls'to 6e the - ' required parking for this level of development. In addition to theshontfal 1 of 50 plll.jns spaces, staff also questions the high percentage 9I vglgt spaces within the structured parking area. As proiosed, 76 ;i-the 200 spaces would require valet service for utilization. Staif is a1 so_disappointed to see the proposed surface parking on the site. whilethe location of these surface spaces is not highly visible, it would be - much preferred to have the parking entirely eniloiea. It is the feeling of the staff that this project's inabiiity to meet thepark'i ng requirements is an indication that the development proposed.i s.i nexcess of what the-site is capable of handl ing. The developr.ht p.oporeiincludes ]34 dwelling units. This number is over twice that allowedunder existing zoning. To even consider supporting a project that .i irequesting this dramatic increase'i n density while not meeting itsparking_requirement is inconceivable to the staff. It is the feeiing otthe staff that jt is the burden of the applicant to demonstrate how It issatisfying the development standards of the Town. t,lith an SDD rezoninq - request to allow for this increase in density, it is the fee1.i ng or il,Estaff lhat this appljcatjon should meet and lxceed the respective mjnimumor maximum development standards of the Town to show the highest quari[v"'devel0pment possible. This project has not demonstratea itrit ii i;-"-'meeting this objective. The staff feels the parking requirements as described in the zoning codefor. those types of uses on-this site are valid. ttere again, it sh6uld-beemphasized that the required parking acknowledges a 50%-reduct.i on inmeeti.ng room space, the multi-use ciedits, as iell as accefiance of thegrandfathering of the existing situation. The Town simply cannot affordto make concessions with regard to parking. l,le cannot risk ttre creationof a parking problem with respect to privite developments is this willaggravate the problem of provid'i ng skier parking. ihis becomesparticularly true when considering a request foi such a s.ignif.i cantincrease in density. :C t0 (l{ithout the information afforded us through the completion of a land useplan and poljcies applicable to these typis of density increaseproposals, the staff is not_in a position to support density increases ofthis magnitude. Approval of_this ploposar wou'ld'establish i slgniiiiiniprecedent_with respect to a Town pollcy on dens.ity increases wl[tr,ln ttre I9ryn. A land use. plan ls an 'important tool in evlluating proposals ofthjs nature or other lssues such as the potential land tiaie it the Lodgeand Spradd'le creek sites. The Plannlng commission is stronglv urgea-iJ--consider these irnplications when evaluating this request. (; t C C j, ,f, t..lt a (_, ORDINANCE NO.5 Series of 1986 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (KNOI,IN AS SDD NO. T4) AND THE DEVELOPI*IENT PLAN IN ACCORDANCE l,lITH CHAPTER 18.40 OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL COOE AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Chapter 18.40 of the Va'il Municipal Code authorizes special developnent districts within the Town; and WHEREAS, Vail Holdings, a Co'l orado Limited Partnership, has submitted an application for special development approval for a certain parcel of property within the Town known as Lot 2, Block l, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing, to be known as Special Development District 14, and cormonly referred to as the Doub'l etree Hotel; and WHEREAS, the establishment of the requested SDD 14 wil'l insure unified and coordinated development within the Town of Vajl in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated; and WHEREAS, the P'lanning Commission has recomnended approval of the proposed SDD; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that jt is reasonable, appropriate and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants and vjsitors to establish said Special Development District No. 14; NOt,l, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOt,lN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Sectjon l. Anendment Procedures Fu'l filled. Pla4ninq Commission Report. The approval procedures prescribed in Chapter .|8.40 of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Town Council has received the report of thd Pl anning and Environmental Commission recommending approval of the proposed development plan for SDD 14. Section 2. Special Development District l4 Specia'l Development District 14 (SDD 14) and the development plan therefore, are hereby approved for the development of Lot 2, Block l, Vail Lionshead Second Filing, with'i n the Town of Vai'l , consisting of 2.6298 acres or 114,554 sguare feet, more or 'l ess. .- j, ',' I c, Section 3. Purpose Specia'l Development District 14 is established to ensure comprehensive development and use of an area that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town of Vai'l and to promote the upgrading and redevelopment of a key property in the Town. The development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council and meets all design standands as set forth in Section .|8.40 of the Municipal Code. There are significant aspects of Spec.i a1 Development 0istrict 14 which cannot be satisfjed through the imposition of the standards in the High Density Multiple Family zone district. SDD 14 is compatible wjth the upgrading and redevelopment of the community while maintaining its unique character. Section 4. Development P] an A. The development plan for SDD 14 is approved and shall constitute the plan for development within the special development district. The development plan 'i s comprised of those plans submitted by Anthony Pellechia, Archjtects as dated December 27, 1985, and consists of the fol1ow.i ng documents: l. Site plan 2. Prel iminary landscape plan by Berridge and Associates, Inc. 3. Typical floor plans 4. Elevations and sections 5. The Environmental Impact Report dated January, |986 as prepared by Berridge and Associates, Inc. 8. The Development Plan shall adhere to the fol lowing: Setbacks Setbacks shall be noted as on the site plan listed above. Hei ght Heights of structures shall be as indicated on the e'levations listed above. Coverage Site coverage shall be as indicated on the site plan listed above. Landscapi ng The area of the site to be landscaped shall be as indicated on the preliminary landscape plan. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to the Design Review Board for their approval . Parkjng and Loading Parking and loading sha'l'l be provided as indicated on the site plan and floor plans as'l isted above. In no case shall the parking provided on site be less than 2ll spaces with 200 of those spaces underground and a maximum of'l I Iocated on the surface. Parking access shal'l be control'led by a gate (or sjmilar structure) or by an attendant or by other acceptable methods. Section 5. Density Existing development on the site consists of 128 accommodation unjts and 19 dwelling units consisting of 73,577 squane feet of gross residentia1 floor area. The approval of this development plan shalI perm'i t an additional 92 accommodation units and 5 dwelling units, consisting of 42,576 square feet of gross residential floor area. The tota'l density permitted with the approval of this development plan consists of 220 accommodation units and 24 dwelling units with a total of ll6,153 square feet of gross residential floor area. Section 6. Uses Permitted, conditjonal and accessory uses shall be as set forth in the High Density Multiple Family zone district. Section 7. Amendments Amendments to the approved development plan which do not change its substance may be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 18.66.050. Amendments whjch do change the substance of the development plan shal 1 be required_!g_be approved by Town Councjl after the above procedure has been fol'l owed. The Community Development Department shall determine what constitutes a change in the substance of the development plan. Section 8. Expiration The applicant must begin construction of the special development district within 18 months from the time of its final approval , and continue djligently toward the completion of the proiect. If the applicant does not begin and di'l igently work toward the completion of the special deve'l opment djstrict or any stage of the special development district within the time limits imposed by the preceding subsection, the Planning and Environmental Commission sha'l 'l review the special development distrjct. They shalI recommend to the Town Council that either the approval of the special development district be extended, that the approval of the special development district be revoked, or that the special development district be amended. Section 9. Conditions of Approva'l s for Special Development D'i strict 14 A. The development contained with'in SDD'14 sha'l'l not be converted to any form of time share ownership for a period of 20 years from the date of the approval of this ordinance. The applicant agrees to limit the use of any new dwelIing units approved with this deve'l opment plan to those restrictions outlined in Section 17.26.075.A, Condominium Conversion, of the Vail Municipal Code. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the restrictions set forth in Section 17.26.075 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail shall not apply to the dwel'l ing units during any period during which they are owned by any individual who is also an owner of the Doubletree Hotel . B. The 92 additional accommodation units permitted with the approval of SDD 14 shall be developed as lodge roons under a single ownership. Any proposal to condominiumize the accommodation units would require approval as per the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Vail. C. The applicant shall bear all costs related to the design and construction of the right turn deceleration lane and left turn'l ane as recommended in the transportation element of the Environmental Impact Report. These inprovements shal 1 be completed prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for any new residential units deve'l oped on the site. D. Prior to the issuance of a bui|ding permit, the applicant shall demonstrate that all required approvals from the State Highway Department for changes to access off the South Frontage Road have been obtained. E. Prior to the issuance of a bui'l ding permit for the construction of any improvement in SDD'14, the owner or owners of SDD'l 4 shal] grant an easement to the Town of Vai'l for the use of the pub'l ic for access across SDD'l 4 to the Vail Val1ey Medical Center located on'l ots E and F, Vail Vil'l age Second Fi'l ing, County of Eagle and State of Colorado. F. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of any improvement in SDD 14, the owner or owners thereof shall pay into the Town of Va il parli nS f-u.t4 .lhe-.-s.gm of $235,000.00. The amount of $235,000.00 shall be firm for six months. After a six month period, the Town shall have the rjght to increase sajd sum to ref'l ect the increased costs of bui'l ding parking spaces within the Town. The owner or owners of SDD 14 shall have the option of paying the parking fee in its entirety at or before the issuance of any building permit' or in the a'l ternative may pay the fee in five equal installments of 20% of the entjre fee. Should the owner or owners choose to pay the parking fee in insta'l lments, they shall pay the first installment to the Town of Vail at or before the issuance of the building permit and at said time sha'l I issue a promissory note to the Town requiring the issuer to pay the rest of the parking fee in four equal annual installments of principal and interest payabie on the anniversary date of the first payment and each year thereafter at a yearly interest rate of l0% until paid in full. The promissory note shal'l be secured by a deed of trust on the property included within SDD 14 and the form of both the promissory note and the deed of trust shall be as determined by the Town Attorney' 1n 5ection ^"' if any part, section' subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be inva'l id, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sect'ions, subsect'i ons, sentences, c] auses or phrases be declared inval id. Secti on 11. The Town Councit hereby necessary and proper for the inhabitants thereof. Section 12. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED 1986, and a public hearing of March VaiI Municipa1 Building in 0rdered published jn full ON FIRST READING shall be held on .|986 at 7:30 p.m. Vail, Co1 orado. this 18th day THIS 18th DAY 0F March this ordinance in the Council on the 18th Chambers of the finds, determines and declares that this ord.inance is the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and The repea) or the repeal and reenactment of any provisions of the vai'l Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shalI not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as cornmenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shal'l not rev.ive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. ? \a day lir I Pamela A. Brandmeyer, INTRODUCED, READ AND in full Town Cl erk APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this lst day of A rj I , 1986. { ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk Kent R. Rose, Mayor Pro Tem I \)ir This the The A. B.NAME OF ADDRXSS c. # D. RSo S.futqke ?D, cxE*f Date or apprQtio' tiP iez - APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DrsTRrcT DErrrELopMEbrT aEFF FtfreeVtW fffEl0gto { I.procedure is required for any project that would Special Development District Procedure. go through application will not be accepted until all information is NAI{E OF APPLICANT ADDRESS A PHoNE?'ba38S7?k :snuratrve PEtrEA -kflAR loO S.frep1Mt- eI>, t'vtthT + repHoNE 17b-7!*l V&ru-, co O1657 AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ADDRESS LOCATION ADDRESS OF PROPOSAT submitted. J38-8788 LEGAL DESCRIPTION $100. 0o gta.E tlMv wtotlgr$w ^ecoAo ?rt-r..to pArD C8* 4 51'bX - ri tl\ uoT. --740'97 rt4rLl A List of the name of olrners of al-1 ProPerty adjacent to the Subject property and their miling a.ddresses. II. Four (4) copies of the following information: A. Detailed written/graphic description of proposal ..8. An environmentil impact report shalf.be submitted to the zoningadministrator in accordance with Chapter 18.56 hereof unless waived by Section 18.56.030, exempt projects; C. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the demands generated by the development without undue burden on available or proposed public facilities; FEEE. E. (0vER) 'f , Apptication fotfPecial DeveloPment Oistrlt Development Plan D. Existing contours having contour intervals of not more than five feet if the average slope of the site is twenty percent or less, or with contour intervals of not more than ten feet if the average slope of the site is greater than twenty percent. E. A proposed site p1an, at a scale not snaller than one inch equhls fifty feet, showing the aPproximate locations and dimensions of all buildings and structures' uses therein, and all principal site development features, such as landscaped areas, recreational facili- ties, pedestrian Plazas and walkways' service entries, drivehtays' and off-street parking and, loading areas with proposed contours after grading and site development; F. A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet, showing existj.ng landscape features to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features, such as outdoor recreational facilities, bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, Idater features, and ottrer elements; G. Preliminary building elevations, sections' and floor plans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth eguals one foot, in sufficient detail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interior circulation, locations of uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development. III. Time Requirements The,.Plirnning and Environmental CorunrlsSion meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An application with the necessary accompanying material must be submiut-ed four weeks prior to the daLe of the meeting. NoTE: It is reconnended that before a special development district applicationis submitted, a review and cornnent neeting should be set up with the Departnent of Comtunity Developnent. PETER JAMAR ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING, DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS. RESEARCH April 30, 1987 A. Peter Patten, Jr.Director of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Dear Peters In accordance with Section 18.40.I00 of the VaiL llunicipal Code,Vail Holdings requests a review by the Planning and Environnental Commisslon for the purpose of granting an extenalon of the approval of SDD*14 whlch was originally granted on April 1, 1985. No construction will be taking place during the 18 nonth timeIimit and we request an extension of an additional 18 monthe. Please advlse me of the hearing date when scheduled. Please contact ne if you have any questions. PJ:ns cc3 .I. ltichael Holloway Suite 308, Vail National Bank Building 108 South Fronlage Road Wbsl . Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303) 476-7154 1. 2. AD.]ACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Lots E & F, Vail Village 2nd Vail Valley Medical Center 181 West Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 81557 Lot 2, a resubdivision of part of Lot D, Vail Village 2nd Vail Professional Building Joint Venture (/ r -r N&f 4arJL crlo Box 3100Vail, Colorado 81658 3. Lot 4, BLock l, a resubdivision of Lot 1, Block l, Vail International 300 E. Lionshead CircleVail, Colorado 81657 4. Tract A Vail Associates Box 7Vail, Col-orado 81658 Town of Vail- 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Highway Depdrtment 420L East''Arkansas Denverrr..Colorado 80222Attn: Rick Evans R'th.a r'f- Irtb 7z tQ^ i jr- 5.r>, r r / Prolect Application "l-. ,:- c-* "! r, Proiecl Name: i Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl. Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL E statt Approval Project Appllcatlon O prolect Name: ..\. )*.\, f(\ee- --1--* .^.- Proiect Description:r' a,u*...,k " \ Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot L- , Block rilngt-/ r1. Comments: Design Review Board Date \ Motion by: [,.-Ja,^,t ,,'- seconded ,r, t^l:- ^:{ 9 r-/ DISAPPROVAL--app66v[---at - -r' --. v APPL I CAT] ON 24 JuIy 1985 DATE 0F DRB ,MEETING: 7 Auqust legs DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l.lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION I5 SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a plannjng staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No appljcation will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointnent tr,ith the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTI0NI Genera.l- upqrading of rhe former Cresr. pRB issues: guest tower repainting, re-roofinq of comnercial buildinq, new elevation treatment (windows, doors, paint, etc. on commercial building) new signage, landscaping upgrade, garage entry cover. DATE! B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: AddresS 250 S. Frontage Rd. West 81657 .lIItt Legal Description Lot Bl ock Va i 1/Lionshead Fi 1 i ng 2nd filins Zoni ng C. NME OF Add res s APPL I CANT : 250 S- Fronf ^.ra R.l WeSt 81657 telephone 476-7Bro D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S RTPRESENTATIVE: Altlony Perrecchia A bon) AddreSS 730 Seventeenth St., Suite 414 Denver, CO AO2O2 tel ephone s34-4rj,4 E. NAME OF OWNERS: Si gnature V_ail Holdings -- Srnith Bovd Associates - Abbas Ra AddreSS 171 Church St., Charleston, SC telephone (8o3) s77- 00 70 F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $10.00 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $25.00 $5o,oo1 -$ 15o,ooo $5o.oo $150,001 -$ 500,000 $100.00 $500,001 - $1,000,000 $200.00$ 0ver $1,000,000 $300.00 II4PORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISS.]ONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addjtion to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant nust stake the site to indjcate property iines and building corners. Trees that will be removed shou'l d a'l so be inarfLa. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEl.l BUILDINGS will norrnally involve two separate neetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approva'l . 3. Peopie who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeling and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. MATERIAL TO.BE SUBMITTED NE!\| CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site pian of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (1arge boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ). 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plajn and slopes 40% or more, if applicable. 6. Ties to exjsting benchmark, ejther USGS landmark or sewer jnvert. 7 . Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off sjte showing size and type of cul verts, swal es, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to'i nclude: cabl e TV Tel ephone sewer gas water el ectri c c. Property lines showing d'istances and bearjngs and a basis of beari ng d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevatjons e. Al I easements Exi sti ng and fi ni shed grades . All existjng and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, servj ce areis , storage areas , wa1 ks , dri veways , off-street parki ng ' l oadi ng areas, retai nj ng wai I s (with spot el evations) , and other si te improvements ' Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to'determine heiqht of buildinq. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. To be submitted with site plan. C. Preliminary title report to accompany all submittals, to jnsure property ownership and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (L" = 20' or larger) - 2 cop'i es 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or,larger trees,.other'shnu6s-anil-nai.iVe.olants th are on the site and the locatjon and deiign of pioposed landscape area.S rvith the varieties and approximate sjzes of plant materials to be planted. N ?. Complete 1andscape materi als.l ist. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site p1an, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape p'l an shou'l d be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristjcs may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot ljnes and bujldjng corners. Trees tnit wi ll bb'lost during constructjon must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. q 10. E. Archi tectural Pl ans (t/e"lt ' or l arger) 2 copi es O 1. Must include floor plans ahd all elevations as they will appear on completion. Elevations must show both exjsting and finjshed grades' Z. Exterjor surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and-submjtted for review on the mat6rials list available from the Department of Cornmunity Develop- ment. Color chjps, siding samples etc., shou'l d be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F. The Zoning Admjnistrator and/or DRB may require the-submission of addjtjonal plans' drawings, specifications, samples and -other material (including a model) if deemed necessary ro determine whethei a project wili comply with design guidelines' II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUiLDINGS photos or sketches that clearly'i ndicate what is proposed and the locatjon (s'ite plan) of proposal may be submitted in tieu of the more formal requirement: S]vql above, as long ai they piovide all important specificat'ions for the proposed jncludjng colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL v/a. 0riginal floor plans with al1 specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies '/ c. site pl an showing exjsting and proposed constructjon - 2 copies topos ,-.''D. El evati ons of add'i ti on E. Photos of exjsting structure F. Specifications for all rnaterjals and color samples on materjals l'i st available at Department of Community Development At the request of the Desi9n Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each ut'i f ity verifying location of service and ava'i lability' See attached util ity locatjon verification form. H. site .improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and ljsts of easements' IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and wi l I be requi red before any bui l di ng recei ves Department: A certified improvement survey A. Building locations with ties to property B. Bujld'i ng d'imensions to nearest tenth of foot' C. All utility serv'i ce lines as-bujlts showing size of ljnes, type of materjal used' and exact locations. 2 copies Drainage as-builts. 2 coPies Basis of bearing to tje to section corner. A11 property pins are to be ejther found or set and stated on map' All easements Bui.l ding floor elevations and roof ridge e1 evat'ions' when the proiect is underway, the following a framing inspection from the Build'i ng showi ng: corners, i.e- distances and an91es' n E. H. NAME 0F PRoJECT: Doubletre LI)I UT TU\ILKI'{LJ tel Vail, Colorado STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTI0N 0F PR0JECT: General upsradinq of rhe former crest LEGAL DESCRIPTION:z 1 trd,/Vai,l- Lionshead The fol'lowing Board before A. BUILDING jnformation is required for submittal by the app]icant to the Design Review a final approval can be fiven: TIATERIALS: TYPE 0F I'IATERIAL COLOR nooi Si di n9 0ther |Ja'l I Materi al s Fasci a Soffi ts l'li ndows I'lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F'lues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys metal - to match the roof B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: refinished meta painted wood natural finish wood painted stucco prefinished metal &ted wood painted wood wood and metal wood and metal painted wood metal - to match the roof metit - to match the roof existi cLear glass with nted frame Trash Enc'losures Greenhouses 0ther PLANT I,IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanica'l Name Common Name Quani tY Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVEO for coni fers. (over ) *Indicate caliper for deciduc'ious trees' Indicate height PLANT I,'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS T0 BE REI,|OVED tt Botanical Nhme Cormon Name qn.i,,Si ze Type Square Footage GROUND covERs s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I,IETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls'fences, swirming pools, etc.) Please specify' ;L.^ ? ,_i UTILIfi LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISiON JOB NAME LOT BLOCK F ILING ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk 1ines, nust be approved and verified by the following accornpanying site plan . Authori zed S ignature Mountain Bell I -634-3778 Western Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service ComPanY Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael LavertY Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Va11eY l,later and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek lines or ProPosedutilities for the Date * For new cc please fill attached sht NOTE: 'Itrese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut Pernj't fron the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail ' d building pernit is not a street cut Pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separatelY. This fo rn is to verify service availablity and location' This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. \ Proiect Appllcatlon Proiect Name: Proiect D€scription: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Legal D€scription: Lol Architeci. Address and Phone: Comments: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Summary: ,.1., l, |, Town Plan ner E statt Approval Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Oescription: Contact Person and Phone 1 t :l ) /. /,>> t l/17 d, 1.4 0 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL i\.'t .'li ..,4 -- II ,l-,ul {"r^u Approval j i.. I 'r ,11/' .t lh. toi""t Appllcatlon Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: b Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: ) APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL --- Summary: B-st6lifpprovat b/!;-.i.,:' . f, |- l, .a C, ORDINANCE NO.5 Series of 1986 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (KNOl,lN AS SDD NO. 14) AND THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 18.40 OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. I'IHEREAS, Chapter'18.40 of the Vai'l Municipal Code authorizes special development districts w'ithin the Town; and I{HEREAS, Vail Holdings, a Colorado Limited Partnership, has submitted an application for special development approval for a certain parce'l of property within the Town known as Lot 2,8lock l, Vai'l Lionshead 2nd Filing, to be known as Special Development Distrjct 14, and conmonly referred to as the Doubletree Hotel; and C IIHEREAS, the establishment of the requested SDD coordinated development within the Town of Vail area in which it is situated; and Section l. will insure unified and a manner suitable for the 14 in tr|HEREAS, the Planning Cormjssion has reconmended approval of the proposed SDD; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate and beneficia'l to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants and visitors to establish said Special Development District No. 14; NOl..,, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOl,lN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: The approva'l procedures prescribed in Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Town Council has received the report of thd Planning and Environmental Commission recommending approval of the proposed development plan for SDD 14. Section 2. Special Development Distrjct l4 Special Development District 14 (SDD 14) and the development plan therefore, are hereby approved for the development of Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Second Fi'l ing, within the Town of Vail, consisting of 2.6298 acres or .|14,554 square feet, more or 'l ess. -.t- .i. jr I,' a C, Section 3. PurPose Special Development District 14 is established to ensure comprehensive deve'l opment and use of an area that wi1 I be harmonious with the general character of the Town of Vail and to promote the upgrading and redevelopment of a key property in the Town. The development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council and meets al1 design standards as set forth in Section 18.40 of the Municipal Code. There are significant aspects of Special Development Distri ct 14 which cannot be satisfied through the imposition of the standards in the High Density Multip]e Family zone district. SDD 14 is compatible with the upgrading and redevelopment of the community while maintaining its unique character. Secti on 4. Deve'l opment P'l an A. The development plan for SDD 14 is approved and shall constitute the plan for development within the special development distrjct. The deve'l opment plan is comprised of those plans submitted by Anthony Pellechia, Architects as dated December 27, 1985, and consists of the following documents: '1. Site plan 2. Pre'l iminary landscape plan by Berridge and Associates, Inc. 3. Typical floor plans 4. E] evations and sections 5. The Environmental Impact Report dated January, 1986 as prepared by Berridge and Associates, Inc. B. The Development Plan shall adhere to the following: Setbacks Setbacks shall be noted as on the site p1 an'l isted above. He i sht Heights of structures shall be as indj cated on the elevatjons listed above. Coverage Site coverage sha'l I be as indicated on the site plan'l isted above. Landscapi ng The area of the site to be landscaped shall be as indicated on the preliminany landscape plan. A detailed landscape plan shall be submitted to the Design Review Board for their approval . a' Parking and Loading Parking and loading shall be provided as'indicated on the site plan and floor plans as listed above. In no case shall the parking provjded on site be less than 21 1 spaces with 200 of those spaces underground and a maximum of l1 located on the surface. Parking access shall be controlled by a gate (or similar structure) or by an attendant or by other acceptable methods.0 -ry DensitY Existing development on the site consists of .|28 accommodation units and 19 dwelling units consisting of 73,577 square feet of gross residential f'l oor area. The approval of this development plan sha'l I permit an additional 92 acconrnodation units and 5 dwelling units, consisting of 42,576 square feet of gross residential f'l oor area. The total density permitted with the approval of this deve] opment plan consists of 220 accommodation units and 24 dwel'l ing units with a tota'l of l16,l53 square feet of gross residential floor area. ction 6. Uses and accessory uses shall be as set forth in the High 1y zone distnict. $j.s--L. Amendments Amendments to the approved development plan which do not change its substance may be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regular'ly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisjons of Section .|8.66.060. Amendments whjch do change the substance of the development plan shalI be required to be approved by Town Council after the above procedure has been followed. The Community Deve'l opment Department shalI determine what constitutes a change in the substance of the development p'l an. rmitted, condi l\nsity Multiple Pe ti on Fam ( '" i.,:'-' r t Sect'i on 8. Expiration The applicant must beg'i n construction of the special development district within '18 months from the time of its final approval , and continue diligent'ly toward the comp'letion of the project. If the app'licant does not begin and diligently work toward the completion of the special development distrjct or any stage of the special deve'lopment district within the time limits imposed by the preceding subsection, the Planning and Environmental Commission sha'l'l review the specia'l development district. They shal'l recommend to the Town Councjl that ejther the approval of the specia'l development district be extended, that the approval of the special development district be revoked, or that the spec'ial deve'lopment district be amended. Section 9. Conditions vals for I Development District l4 A. The development contained within SDD 14 shall not be converted to any form of time share ownership for a period of 20 years from the date of the approval of thjs ordinance. The applicant agrees to limit the use of any new dwel] ing units approved wjth this deve'l opment p1 an to those restrictions outlined in Sect'i on 17.26.075.A, Condominium Conversion' of C in Section not appiy to owned by any the Vai'l Municipa] Code. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the restrictions set forth 17.26.075 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail shal'l the dwelling units during any period during which they are individual who is also an owner of the Doubletree Hotel . B.The 92 additjona'l acconmodation units permjtted with the approval of SDD 14 shall be developed as lodge nooms under a single ownership. Any proposal to condominjumjze the accommodatjon units wou'l d require approval as per the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Vail. The applicant shal'l bear all costs related to the design and construction of the right turn deceleration'lane and left turn lane as recommended in the transportation e'l ement of the Environmental Impact Report. These improvements shal 1 be completed prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for any new residential units developed on the si te. c. t' t:'" C D. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the app'l icant shall demonstrate that all required approvals from the State Highway Department for changes to access off the South Frontage Road have been obtained. E. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of any improvement in SDD 14, the owner or owners of SDD 14 shall grdnt an easement to the Town of Vail for the use of the public for access across SOD 14 to the Vail Valley Medical Center located on'l ots E and F, Vail Village Second Filing, County of Eagle and State of Colorado. F. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of any improvement in SDD 14, the owner or owners thereof shall pay into the Town of Vai 1 parli nS f-u.nC .lhe_ _9.um of $235 ,000 . 00 . The amount of $235,000.00 shall be firm for s'ix months. After a six month period, the Town shal1 have the rjght to increase said sum to ref'l ect the increased costs of bui'l ding parking spaces within the Town. The owner or owners of SDD 14 sha'l I have the option of paying the parking fee in its entirety at or before the issuance of any building permit, or in the a'f ternative may pay the fee in five equal installments of 20% of the entire fee. Shou'l d the owner or owners choose to pay the parking fee in installments, they shalI pay the finst installment to the Town of Vail at or before the issuance of the building permit and at said time shal'l issue a promissory note to the Town requiring the issuer to pay the rest of the parking fee in four equal annual installments of principal and interest payab'l e on the anniversary date of the first payment and each year thereafter at a yearly interest nate of l0% until paid in full. The promissory note shall be secured by a deed of trust on the property included withjn SDD 14 and the form of both the promissory note and the deed of trust shal'l be as determined by the Town Attorney. -. - 1n Secti on '"' lf any part' section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town council hereby declares it wou'l d have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regard'l ess of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be decl ared inval id. Section 11. The Town Councj'l hereby finds, determines and dec'l ares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 12. The repea'l or the repeal and reenactment of any provis'i ons of the Vajl Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other actjon or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repea'l ed or superseded un1 ess expressly stated herei n. ? INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED 0N FIRST READING \ 1986, and a public hearing shall be held on of March ,'l 986 at 7:30 p.m. Vail Municipal Bui'lding in Ordered publ i shed i n ful l Vail, Colorado. this 18th day THIS 18th DAY 0F March this ordinance in the Counci'l on the 18th day Chambers of the tj' Pamela A. Brandmeyer, INTRODUCED, READ AND in ful I Town Clerk APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this lst day of oO Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk Kent R. Rose, MaYor Pro Tem