HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT 8 B SOLAR VAIL ONE COMM TELECOMUNICATION LEGALVait l/atat'a /"f't' t iti ar 2 Laf f4, filacK2, Sa[ae V*i/ h.6'* { r r 5 a n &. r,r r : li r,t . 2.r 1 iluly 29 , L995 Town of VailOffice of Conmunity Developnent75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 8L657 L'r.al-1 /lt 1. I tJl\ra Site Acquisition Seruica, Inc. Page 1 2105 Jachson . Golden, CO 80401 (303) 277-9090 . FAX (ioil 277-9283 $U+E \-[t RE: oneconm corp.'s Proposed vArL Teleconnunications Facility;Desigm Review Board ("DRBr) Applicatlon; Solar VailBuilding; 501 North Frontage Road West; Vail, CO Our firn, Site Acquisitlon Services, fnc.(nSASIr), representsoneconm corp. (soneconnn), a wireless telecomnunications comtrrany,for real estate acquisition and land use matters related to Lne-establishnent of OneConmrs Vail area facility. llhrough SASI,OneComl is subrnitting the incLuded Design neview Board ( 'rDRBrr )Application and support infornation, thit describes the proposed OneConm Facility (rrFacility") in detail, to the Town of Vail forreview and connent and for consideration by the Townrs DesignReivew Board. orKutll @RP. onecomm is one of the targest providers of speciatized MobileRadio (trSUR',) wireless co4nunications serviclE in the Unitedstates, measured by the pipulation of its servLce area. onecomnls_in the process of repra-ing the sHR system it owns and managesand.expanding its service areas in colorado by deptoying digitirnobile networks. The new, Enhanced specializeA r,r6nife naAi6 {nE${Rn) networks use digital technology developed by llotorola,ITc. Through the application of digital technology and nulti-site reuEe of frequencies, Digital ltobile $etworki are expectedto provide On€Cornrn with ESTIR capaclty of up to t5 tines ilscurrent Sl.lR capacity. OneConnrs digitaL, teleconnunicationsservice capacity wirl be conparable-to or even greater than thatof a single, analog, cellular carrier in a slnilar geographicregion. onecomn first-activated its digital network to provide conunercialservtce to the general publlc along the Front nlnge of coloradoon June 30, 1994. Ahe referenced, proposed facility wi1l be apart of Onecomn,s I-70 Corridor lletwork and will provide 8SMRservices to residents and visitors in the vair arla, includingmost of the ski area. OneComn's ESIIR services include an enhanced form of traditional ,analog-based cellular service, called digital cell.ular; digital2-way radio, with both one-to-one and group communications modesi message paging, with numeric or text capacity of up to L4Ocharactersi voice nail with on screen notification of newmessagesi and, soon, wireless data transrnission without addingadditional hardware. t{hat is really new and unique is that allof the listed services are provided by oneCornm with a single,easy-to-use handset, the OneConm Unicator. PROPOSED OITECOTII{ TELE@ilrIT'IIICATIONS FACILITT GEITERAL DESCRIPTIOIT OneCorun had identified the proposed Facility Site, the Solar VailBuilding (rrSolar Vailo), as a location that offers a relatively-unique opportunity fron whlch OneConmrs wireless telecomrnunications services can be provided to serve the vailarea without the need for a comnunications tower. In the FaII, L99O, another cellular telecommunLcations services company, U S WEST NewVector Group, Inc. (ftNetrvectorrt), secured a CUP and DRBapproval fron the Town of VaiI to install a l2-foot by 24-footmechanical equipnent building adjacent to the east end wall ofSolar Vail and to place antennas on the roof of the building. Somewhat sinilarly, subseguent to Newvectorrs initialinstallation, Cellular one was approved to place an equiprnentbuilding at the east end of the Red Sandstone School , thebuilding adjacent to Solar Vail to west, and to place antennas onthe roof of the School . During the Sunmer, 1.992, Newvectorrs CUP and DRB approvals were nodified to atlow the instaltation ofadditional antennas on the west end of Solar Vait. Those antennas were enclosed in a false rrchimneyrr structure to ninimizevisual inpacts by naking the building addition architecturally- compatible with the existing building. Onecomn's proposed Faeility addition is sinilar to the addition approved for Newvector in L992. Specifically, OneCornm proposesto add another false ochinneylf enclosure on the roof of SolarVaiI and to place three antennas, attached to a triangular frame,in an area near the niddle of the westerly-half of the buildinqtroof. The proposed Facility is depicted on the includedExhibit B, Roof Plan and Elevations. Note that OneComm is notproposing to use an equipment building as was used by NewVector and Cellular One. Rather, all of OneComm,s radio eguipnent,except the antennas, would be contained within the itchinneyrr enclosure on the roof. With respect to zone district setback requirenents, the facilityis on the roof and wiII not alter the existing setbacks.Relative tg zone district height lirnits, the staff report for theinitial Newvector installation related to its CUP noted that the Page 2 rrexistingrr building height (to the roof top) vras 34.8 feet. According to the application submitted on Newvector,s behalf forthe addition of the Newvector 'tchimneyrt on the west end of SolarVaiI, thatItchimneyrr extends to a height of 4 feet above theperineter parapet wall, which would be to about 39.3 feet abovethe ground/adjacent grade eLevation. Based upon the NewVectorinfornation, OneConn's proposed nchimneyrt would extend to about 39.8 feet above the groundr/adjacent grade elevation. Theadditional height of the OneComm Facility, approxinately 6 inches bigher than the NewVector trchinneyn, is required to contain allof Oneconm's equipnent and elininite the need for an independent, OneConm eguipnent building. Continuing the comparison of the existing and proposed 'rchimney[facilities, OneCornm's would be S-feet high by 5-feet wide by 5-feet long. Nevtvector's was approved to be 3-feet, 3-inches wide(projected out fron the face of the building) by s-feet wide(parallel to the face of the buiLding) by about 4-feet, 6-incheshigh (fron the roof surface. ) The applicant states that the overall inpacts of the Facility upon the adjacent vacant properties to the north and east and upon the Red Sandstone School to the west will be minirnal ornon-existent. OneComm has planned the Facility to minirnize its irnpact by proposing to create a nchimney' to contain its equipnent and by placing its antennas bacl( from the limits of theroof to mininize their visual irnpact. Concerning the view from the frontage road and I-70, therrchimneytr will likely not be noticed as it is a compatiblearchitectural feature on the building. trhe antennas are of snall diameter and will only be seen fron distant vantage points. EIIHIBITS The following Exhibits are included and made a part of OneConm,s CUP application: Exhibit A - Application for DRBExhibit B - Roof Plan and Elevations deplcting Facility Along with this application, lre have included a check payable tothe fown of VaiI in ttre anount of I 4O.OO which includes thegeneral filing fee (for a Minor Alteration to an existingbuilding) and the DRB valul-atLon-based fee (the construction costof the rchimneyr and the platforn to support the antennas areestinated to total less than $1o,0o0.) Page 3 An original and four (4) copies of this menorandun, including the referenced Exhibits, intended to serve as the ProjectDescription, are being provided to you. Although Oneconn's architect and its other consultants have made every effort to prepare their respective drawings, maps and plansin accordance with the Townrs requirenents, we recognize that the need for nodifications to those docurnents may occur. Should you need such nodifications, additional copies of the documents or any other infornation fron OneComm or its consultants, please contact us at SASf and we will expeditiously process your requests. Should you have any questions or if you desire additionalinformation, please call us at (3031 277-9090. Sincerely, SASI Larry D. Storms, P.E. Vice-President Selection, Acquisition, Permitting and Engineering Representing OneComm Corp. Enclosures cc: Dennis Clinpt OneComm ConsuLtants Page 4 |l ./llll r||ll il'l r.rlr.d ul?/tl DESIGI{ REVIEW .llrll 1,1 :l"lij llr_r.l,ll-/i:; l.rr.-I t-r ' 'rtl' o BOARII AFPLICATION TOTTN DATE REEEIVEDI OF VAIIJ' COITORII.DO IJ. I. A. c. tJ- E, F. I. J. DATE OE'DRB MEETING: tirti**i*t Iucougt,fr.rg 4fprrfflBTJQlgE-ltaldojl_-eg seHEpuLEp FoR BEy I Etf"-********** tBQnllc'f -..r lI]IB!{alroN r It,N^ME OIr OWIiER(g) I FICssl any ( c/o Kent Br AflJ$,EFJSL-ETGNATIIB&I.Malllng Address:2O va v?+"1. !.o*gl6sf phone (303) 479-5500 APPIJICATIONS rdILL NOf BF PROCE$,SSD WITIIOVI Olfil8fitg SfOtyAfURE Condomlnlun Approval lf apptlcable. DRB FEEr DRB fees, aE shown above, ars Eo be paid at the t i,me of euhml t.tal of blr€ DRE appllcat lon . LaL.er, when appl.ying for a bulJ,dlnq permlt, please iderrLlfy Uhe accuraLe vatuaEion of the propoeal. The Town of Vall wltl adjusb blre fee accordirrg uo [he table below, to encure blre correcE feels paid, FEE PAID! i _ CHECK-fu .... ... ..pJ}EF; - nvt rEE_ECITEDgllEi .J'YPE O!' REVIEW: -*--,New Construcblon {$200.00) x Mlnor Atterablon ($20.00} -. .. Addl bj.on ($50,00) . - Conceptual. Review ({0) MalLIng Addlress r ?10?..,,Jactcsgn. s!t ..Golden, Co 8040L phone (3O3) 277-9O9O ADDRESS! 501 North Frontage Road West LE6AL DESCRIpTIONT Lot p_sr!_ jr_g_ Bl.ock 'J _ _.*$ubdivlslon Vail,/Potat,o Patch -, *-.- * If propert.y ls descrlbed by a rneeLs and borrnds lega1deecrlption, ptea€e provitla on a separabe sheeb and at tach t-o Lhj s application. ZONING: -H,D-M-E NAI"IE OL. AI'I'LICANf r One Comm Corp. (c/o DeAnis Climp) *-----Mailing Acldressr 4643 so. Ulster, Slll-lC-$qqg Denver,. CO 80237 phone -(-9-Q,3 G. }IAME OF ApIiITICANT'g REPRESSN'I'ATIVE: -{@ VAIJUATION $ o $ 10,000 6 10, oOi .f .50, 000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 sr.50,o01 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver' $1. 000, 000 l,'!:g 4t 20,00 $ f,rr. r/r, $100.00 s200. 0o $t!00 . 00 $500. 00 I)ES:TGN R&VTEW IIOARD APPROVATJ EXPIREF ONE YEAR ATTER FTNAIJ APPITOVAIJ UNL,S$B A DUIIJDTNG PERI'IIT I8 I86UED AND CONSTRUCTION I8 STIIRTED. tJlISCllIpT1grili . Add f,a+se "chimne_y_"_.e.n.d_-a+Je-n4q9_a__atl-_e€_^.-- roj ect description. Exhft i. 1,1 ir 3.osj OE b : I t, k!lt III o Exhibit (z 43) oo Exhibit .. B ,. .-(r "1 :) otgI Hxlnl' +>fi:F*+): :$F 96E ign Review Action lrt TOWN OF VAIL category r,rrru"t{L eroyeaName, 0ne/C+rwr-'- (o(y'e.^/a-, 4v>rt 5)ifu 6/e.-) Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: lt-'L3-'?Jl-f:r'i ..----\ ArchitectrcontacU Address and Phone: \ \*----l_ Project Description: Jto{ tarL so^ )1. LegatDescription: Lot Bbck A suoaivision ii fu,bft /^ {< d zone Districr Project street A adr""st 5'a t t.i, f,, ,nht. ?'d. U ar / Board / Staff Action Motion by:Erv-t Vote:{-o Seconded by:fr!*"-- (npprovat ! Disapproval 3 StaffApproval Conditions: ( 4 t " *ni' I '.i ,/^ ,1. t- "Jr L ' -'--\ ^ / /wb) jtba^{ )t''anJ *att. u{7 kllTown Planner Date: 1 -L/''i f'DRB Fee Pre-paid TILE MEMORANDI]M Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Deparfrnent August28,l995 A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the installation of a second cellular phone receiving and tansmitting facility located at 501 N. Frontage Road West/Lot 8, Block Z,YallPotato Patch (Solar Vail). Applicant: OneCommCorporation Planner: Randv Stouder COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant proposes to install a second cellular phone receiving and transmitting site at Solar Vail. The PEC previously approved a Conditional Use Permit (CLJP) to allow US West/New Vector to install a oellular facility at Solar Vail (see background section below). OneComm Corporation is now seeking to install a second cellular receiviug/transmitting station at Solar Vail. This new cell site will consist of elechonic receiving/transmitting equipment to be housed inside a new "false chimney chase" located centrally on the building (see attached drawings). The false chimney chase would match the existing New Vecter chase on the west side of the building and wouldbe 5'x 5'x 5' in dimension. Three "omni whip antennas" would also be mounted in the middle of the roof. These antennas are proposed to be 20'tall. The proposed cell site is located in the High Denslty Multi-Family Zone Distrlct (IDMF) and is considered to be a public utility or service. Thus, a Conditional Use Permit is required. II. BACKGROTJIID On October 8, 1990, the PEC approved a conditional use to allow US West/New Vector to construct a "cell site" adjacent to Solar Vail. This included a meohanical building 12' wide,24' long, and I I' high, and 3 whip antennas mounted on the roof of Solar Vail. Staff classified this use as a "public ufility and public service use," which required a conditional use permit in the HDMF zone district. The PEC approved the conditional use request with the following five conditions: The applicant shall screen the dumpster with a S-foot high fence, or other acceptable solution: The applicant shall plant seven spruce and five aspen trees in the area between the mechanical building and theNorth Frontage Road; l. ) F : \everyone\pec\nemo8\oneeorm. 828 3. The applicant shall treat the antenna with non-reflective material, if needed;4. The applicant is to ensurc that none of the retaining walls are built over 6 feet high; and 5. The applicant shall submit a plan to improve the existing timber walls which will be acted on within one year. On May 11,1992,the PEC approved a Conditional Use Permit to allow US West/l,Iew Vector Group to install satellite dishes on the Solar Vail building in order to improve the oellular tansmission quality frorn the East Vail area to the Dowd Junction area. The dishes were mounted on the west side of the building. The dishes were enclosd within a "chimney chase." (Please see attached drawing.) The applicant constructed the chase around the dishes in such a way as to make thern appear to be ohimneys on the Solar Vail shucture. The applicant used a different siding material immediately in front of each dish within the chase structure so that the enclosures did not block hansmissions. The chase included a chimney cap to create an autlentic look. ilI. ZONINGAI\IALYSIS The subject property is located in the High-Density Multi-Family Zone Dstrict (HDMF). According to Section 18.20.030 of the Zoning Code, '?ublic Utility and Public Service Uses" can be allowed in the HDMF Zone District as a conditional use. IV. Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Deparfrnent recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. The purpose of this zone district is as follows: Section 18.20,010 - Purpose. "The High Density Multi-Family distict is intended to provide sites for multiple family dwellings at densities at a ma)dmum of 25 dwelling units per acre, together with such public and semi-public facilities as lodges, private recreation facilities and related visitor oriented uses as may be appropriately be located in the same disfict. The High Density Multi-Family dishict is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities commensurate with high densrty aparfi,nent, condominium and lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable residetrtial and resort qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards. Certain non- residential uses are permitted as conditional uses which relate to the nature of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation F : \everyone\pec\nemos\orecoNn. 828 community, and where permitted are intended to blend harmoniously with the residential character of the distict." Staff believes that the proposed use is compatible with the existing condominium use, and is generally consistent with the purposc of this zone dishict as long as the cellular transmitting and receiving equipment is camouflaged. Stafffeels that the antennas should be painted a flat (non-reflective) tan to blend in with the hillside behind. This should lessen the visual impacts of these relatively tall features. Staff would like to see the height of tlese antennas reduced if possible. A condition has been added to the end of this memorandum regarding this issue. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recrertion facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staffbelieves there will be no impact on the above-referenced issues. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic Oow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal ofsnow from the street and parking areas. Staffbelieves there will be little to no impact on the criteria listed above based on the applicant's represcntation regarding maintenance requirements. 4. Effect upon the character ofthe area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk ofthe proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes the proposed false chimney chase, which will enclose the receiving and bansmitting equipment, has been designed in a way to compliment the existing Solar Vail building. The proposed chimney chase and whip antennas should have little or no effect on surrounding properties ard uses. The PEC has required signifioant upgrades to the property with each CUP request. Staff feels that this is appropriate. Stafffeels that painting the west and south facing sides of the entire building would improve the aesthetics of the site in general. The applicant has agreed to repaint these two sides of the buildings and this committnent has been listed at the end of the memo as a condition. B. Findings The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before eranting a conditional use permit: F! \€veryone \pec \netlo s \one corBD. 828 l. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be derimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. V. STAFFRECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit based on the criteria discussed above, with the following conditions: l. The height of the whip antennas shall be kept to the minimum height necessary and shall be reduced in height ifpossible. The antennas shall be painted tan to help them blend into the hillside beyond. 2. The applicant shall re-paint all exterior surfaces of both the west side and the south side of the entire Solar Vait Building. The paint color shall match the existing color. 3. The applicant shall oonskuct the false chimney chase using cedar siding painted to match the rest of the building. The proposed chase will be himmed to match the existing chase, shall be no larger than 5'x5x5', and shall have a chimney cap to match that of the existing false chase, Please note that, under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code, the approvals shall lapse if construction is not commenced within two years of the date of issuance and diligently pursued to completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within two vears. Fr \evelyong\p€c\mehos\onecoNn. 828 o Eaibit B CE {\ I II I n Ir T9Ii th ;ff o Exhibit B (z oe 3) oo Exhibit B - . (roq 3) o{zz.l!- {.{ .!F 13 H6 !H o o P E zo ulJul aul = aIli : f,ll5 -d i-..J--,J\4:, I oI I '.1l"tlhlfl ltF llull rltll lrl l,l rovlfcd }-0l5l92 I t.ll "l c, Date of APP1lcat.i-otr DaLe of FEC MeeLittg trPPLICtrTION fOR CONDITIONAI.. U8E PERTiIE Tlt J n 1:rror:rrrlttt:e cor'rd j.t iotta-1. ttee Tlre ;rp1>l i c:rrt J.on $ltl)rnil:tet.l . ls r:equlretl f or artY ProJect: 1rer.'rnlt. wl I I ttol l're accetr>l-etl uttl-il reclutred Lo olrt-altr a al I i rrf orloat iql) is A.11AME 0f' APPLTSANT one !-c@ clim ADDI{E$$ *€g];]9^'-Viater, suigs # F'ONED_egver, C9, 80237 -. .. ,, -*.--.---2229 l,lAME oli. At,pr,.rcAl,tT, s REPRESEN.TA'IMs+EI (c/o lja.rry storms) Alrlrttl!;sli 2105 raq-qs-gl-- *lFlffii-.idiJl''=eoso G o I d e n, r--CJ)-.1Q.,1Q*{-0 1- o.ltnMl: or owNErl($) (trrrlnL or:rfyp+Eeesgfel R@ olrHER (B) STONJTTUnE ($) ADDREIi $ ( c,/o Kent Br i r,T6ffi-CTd5.f479--s5ooFttr--_- I,OCA'I'J Ol'l OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL:LO-'IJS-BLOCK iinniirti s 6 o i - rvbil'i''. il qq@ rEE $200. oo PArD??,oo'''cK # )Z(L- n, ,.I'III1 F'BE }IU$T BE PATD T]EFORE TIIE DEPARI'MEI{T OT COMMUNITY I)IiVEIJOPHI.TNT WTT-,I ACEEPT YOU'I PROPOSAI.,. ,9Larn1rerl1 adrlr:esseirl envelopes of the nirnles of owrters of al I propbrty acljacent t-o htre elbJect property ll.lCI.UDING PROIIE1ll'y ilnllinn AWp aCnClSg STREETS, ancl a Ilst of names and ma1.Litrg ArI<IrCS$CS. 'I'IIE APPI,ICAI'IT WILL T]E IIUSPONS]tsI'E F'OR CORRBCT' OWNI'I($ AND CIJRITECT ADDRESSES, I I . PIIB*APPI,ICN T'IOI.I CONF'EII!;NCS: A pre-appl j r:al:ion cottf erence wittr a planrri lrg. st af f nembet' ie sl:r-ortgly- errgcsesLecl to determlne 1.f any addltlonal Lnformatlon is leecterl . l'lo appl lcatlon wlll be accepLed rrttf ess 1.b cc'mpleLe (nntsl- .lnc.l-urle all lllms requlrecl by l-he zonlng adrnirrlsLrator) . It is the applicantrs responstlrtllty to make an appolrrLment wlth tlr€ staf f- Lo f lrrd out about addlt,lonal submltLal requlremertts. Vail, CO 81657 art o 2 !,tlrltC Pqt.to lttth Irr. PLRA$E NOTE TtlAr A CO$FLETE APPLICA1ION WILL STREAJ4LINE rHE APTJI{OVAL PROCESS TOR YOUR PRO;PCT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIOI.TS ()F APPROVAI, TIIAT TTIE PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAI, coMMISSIOI{ (PEC) MAY STIFULATn, !!! CONDITIONS OE APPR0V^L MUST BtT C0MPLIIII) WITIT I]IIFOITE A BT,lILDTI'IG PT]IIMI1' I5 ISSUNI)' Four' (4 ) t;op j.es of Llre f ollowi.rrg itrf orrnat'.i on ntttsl; br) sul>rnltt:e<l: I . A cte$cr:i p[ .i r.rrr of Llre pt eciee :ral-.ure of L]re ;rro1:ose<l trse and it,s OperaE j ntJ slrflract.erlBt j.cB all(l lnea$ureB proposcd to rnake the use compatlble with r-rl-her propertios irr the vj clnj l y. il'he desr:ritrrtj.ou musL also adclressI a, Relatlonshltr> an<l ilnpaci: of tlte ufie orr development ob iect-l-ves of tlre Town. D. Lil . lllhlll l.ll- l/rrll_ r'ttll trt !l a I lt :1tr--,-jl ?!!-..,45i revlrcd 1.0l5l92 Dal-e of APPII caL j-ott Dai:e of FEC Meet,ittg APPLICtr'IION rOR CONDIITTIONAL UBE PERHIr I t_l oil l',j ":r5 ir : 9r 110 . (.rr,t2 l-' .ll I requlrect to obLalrt a aIl i rtf ortnatJ'orr 1s Tlr i, n 1.rror;erltl t;e r.:orrdi.t i otra.l. uge the ;rppl ir:rrt l.ott oul)rnitl-e(l , A,I{AME Clf' APPL,ICANT One lg4n Jcl c,/o Denni s 1im I s r. eqrrl r'e<J f or arry proJecL 1rer.'lnlL. wlll rroL l're accePt e<l utttil tf II. rrr. PLnASE NOTE I'ltAr A SQI{RIJETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE rHE Appt\OVAL PROCEISS ['OR Y6UR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF' CONDITIONS ()F APPROVAI, TIIAT TIIE PI-,ANNING AND ENVIRONMNNTAI., CCTMMISSTON (PEC) MAY STIFIILATE. Jtlt, CONDITIONS OE APPROVAL MTJST Bll COMPI,Lrll) wI'l'll BEFOI(E A tstrlLDll'lG PEItMll' 1S ISSUEI). t'rrur' l4't copj.es tlf Llre follc-'wi.trg j.nfor:tnal:iort nttlsl: bt: subr{ritl:ed: 1. - A rierrr:ript,i.orr r.rf Llre precise r!at--l)re of tlre proposetl ttse artd il:s OI)eraU jng characLellBt j ce all(l lneastlres prop(')s(:,fl Lr: nrake the ttse compallble wlth crLher properbios in ttre vi clni t y. 'J'he des<:r ipt lott mtraL, al.so adclress; a. ReJ atlonshlp att<t lrnpact of Llre u$e oll deve-IopmetlL ob.ier:Li-ves of Lhe Town, ADDI{E$S 4q*l;- rsg,i-\trster, su.i-t*q #5uu , ----t)ItoND_eff_Er_-cg_.gQ2l? . -. ., .,,--- B,}.IAMB OIT AI]PI,ICAI,IT, S REPRESEN'IATIVEIA T ( C'ZO .L"qI: tH.lf,-r @rl-zl'sogo ll^Mli OF OWNLTR($) (Print oq;fY aessler Realty ComPan orfNER (8) SrONr\TUnE (81 Ar)DRE$s ( cl9- Jgnt-Erl PHONE -5f,UUvail, CO 8r657 NTITT_-art o D. ti't . l.,ocATl ol,l 0F PRoPosAL r LEGAL: r,O-TJq-RLocK 2-" TILTNG'P"t-lo Putth ii rj p iin i i S o i -Ielq4-qlgtt ug "-,Lea9-nE-sE rDE $2oo. oo perrr@q1'r:x t )Z(L-nv T.III!..I F'EE MUSE BE PAID I}EJFORE TITE DEPARI'METIT OF COMMUNITY DlivE!,0Pt'lEttr wrr,l AceEPT YOUI1 PROPOSAL. st'arn1recl, acl<lr:egsarl envelopes of the nilmes of owners of al I propert.y ocljacent l-o tlre srrbJect prot)erLy INCLUDING PR(),2EltT'y bEttirun Artp ACnCTSS STREITS, ancl a llst of names attd maj.lltrg acldresses. 'I'll[q APPLICAIiIT IlIILL BE llU5!'ONSlRl,ll FOtl coRREcl' OWNNIIS AND CORREC'T AI]DRBSSI'S. /---ri2 r%<_b,-E @ PIIE-APP J,I CAT IOll COl.lFEIIF;NCE : A pre-appl jcat'.ion cortference witlr a planning staf f tnelnber.' is eti'ongly srrgc;est'-ecl to <ieLermine 1.f any addltional lnformatlon l.s neecleil . llo appllcatlon wllt hre accept,ed urtf ess l.t- complet-e (nrtrst lnclurte al I 1t'.ems requlrecl by the zonlng adrnlrrlstrator) . Ib is the appl.icanL's responsllrtllt.y to make an appolntment wlth the staf f to f ttrd ottL about addl,bional submlttal requlremertts. -2229 : $ I E : rc ! E E t tl i i l''. 3 tt, JuIy 29, L995 ..s,\5, I S in Ac quis i ti on S entices, Inc. Page 1 2105 Jackson , Golden, CO 80401 (303) 277-9090 . FAX (303) 277-9283 Town of VailOffice of Comeunity Developnent75 South Frontage Roadvail, co 81557 RE; gneqo.nn corp.'s Proposed vArL Teleconmunications racility;Conditional Use Pernit Applicationi Solar Vail Bullding;501 North Frontage Road Westt VaiL, CO Our firm, Site Acquisition Services, Inc,('rSASIn), represents onecomm corp. (rroneconnn). a wireless teleconmunications conpany,for real estate acguisition and land use matters related to tne-'establishnent of OneConm's Vail area facility. Through SASI, OneComrn is subnitting the included Conditionit Use peimit ("CUp"1Application and support infornation, ttrat describes the proposed- onecornq racility (rrracllity,,) in detail, to the Town of ilaii rorreview and comment and for-consideratiori by tbe Tosrnrs planning and Environmental conmission. oFECtmt coRP- onecoru is one of the largest providers of specialized iloblreRadio ('sltrl" ) wireless comnunications servic-es in the unitedstates, measured by the population of its service area. oneeornnis_in the process of reptacing th€ sltR systen it owns and nanagesand.expanding its service areis in colorado by deploying aigitilnobile networks. The new, Enhanced sp€ciatlzla uirnire naaio("ES}|R|r) networks use digital technol-gry developed by Iotorora,IT9. ?hrough the appllcation of digitat technology ind nutti-site reuse of frequencies, Digitar Mobile Networki are expectedto provide OneConm with ESl.tR capacity of up to 15 tines ilscurrent sl.tR capaeity. oneconm's diqital , telecoqmunicationsservice capacity wirl be conparabli to 6r even greater than thatof a single, analog, cellulai carrier in a sinilar geographicregion. OneCornm first-activated its digital networtc to provide cornrnercialservice to the general public itong the Front ninge of coloradoon ifune 30, 1994. The referenced, proposed Facility will be apart of OneComnrs f-ZO Corridor Xetwork and will provide ESIAservices to residents and visitors in the vair area, includingnost of the ski area. oneComm's ESIIR services include an enhanced form of traditional ,analog-based cellular service, called digital cellular; digital 2-vtay radio, with both one-to-one and group cornnunications modesi message paging, with nuneric or text capacity of up to 14ocharactersi voice roail with on screen notification of new messages; and, soon, wireless data transmission without addingadditional hardware. What is really new and unique is that allof the listed services are provided by OneConm with a single,easy-to-use handset, the OneComm Unicator. PROFOSBD OTf EClTfiiT TELECO}IIIT'}f ICATIOI{S FAC ILITY GEIIERAL DESCRIPTIOil AilD ZO}IE DIS'IIRTCT REQUIREIIENTS OneConm had identified the proposed Fasility Site, the Solar VailBuilding (rrSolar Vail"), as a location that offers a relatively-unigue opportunity fron which Oneconnrs wireless telecommunications services can be provided to serve the vail area without the need for a connunications tower, In the Fall, L990, another cellular telecommunications services company, U S IIEST NewVector Group, Inc. (rrNewVectorrr), secured a CUP from the Town of Vail to install a l2-foot by 24-foot mechanical equipmentbuilding adjacent to the east end wall of Solar Vail and to place antennas on the roof of the building. Sornewhat similarly, subsequent to NewVectorrs initial installation, Cellular One was approved to place an equipment buil.ding at the east end of the Red Sandstone School , the building adjacent to Solar Vail towest, and to place antennas on the roof of the School. Duringthe Sunmer, L992, NewVectorrs CUP was nodified to allow theinstallation of additional antennas on the west end of Sotarvail. Those antennas were enclosed in a false rrchimneyrl structure to nininize visual inpacts by naking the buildingaddition architecturally-cornpatible with the existing building. Onecomm, s approved proposed Facility additlon is similar to the additionfor NewVector in L992. Specifically, onecgrur-_pEposegother--flalse rrchirnnevrr enclosure on the'roof of SolarVail and to anc'ul-ar roof. The proposed Facility is dep on the included ExhibitB, Roof PIan and Elevations. Note that OneComm is not proposingto use an equipnent building as lras used by Newvector andCellular One. Rather, all of OneCommrs radio equiprnent, exceptthe antennas, would be contained within the [chimneyrr enclosureon the roof. The Solar Vail property is zoned High Density Muttiple FanilyDistrict (f'HDMFT') according to the Officlal Zoning Map, Town ofVail (sheet 6). Chapter 18.20, Title l-8 of the Municipal Code ofVail, Colorado ('rZoning Titlerr) discusses the intent and purposeof the HDMF district and provides the related developnent Page 2 guidelines and requirements. The objectives listed in the ZoningTitle for the HDMF zone district state that:rrThe high-density nultiple-farnily district is intended toprovide sites for rnultiple-farnily dwellings at densities toa rnaxinum of twenty-five dwelling units per acre, togetherwith such public and senipublic facilities and lodges,private recreation facilities and related visitor-oriented uses as may appropriately be located in the sane district. The high density nultiple family district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other anenities conmensurate with high density apartment, condominium andlodge uses, and to maintain the desirable residentj.al andresort qualities of the district by establishing appropriatesite developnent standards. Certain nonresidential usies arepermitted as conditional uses which relate to the nature ofVail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation cornmunity, and where permitted are intended to blend harrnoniously with the residential character of thedistrict.'l OneConmts proposed Facility, tike NewVectorrs before it, is arrpublic utility and public service usen and is listed as aConditional Use in the HDMF zone district. OneConn believes itsproposed Facility conplies with the objectives of the zonedistrict. With respect to zone district setback requirements, the Facilityis on the roof and wi}l not alter the existing setbacks.Relative to zone district height tiroits, the staff report for theinitial Newvector installation noted that the I'existing" buildingheight (to the roof top) was 34.8 feet. According to theapplication submitted on NewVectorrs behalf for the addition ofthe NewVector trchl-mneyrr on the weat end of So1ar Vail, that 'rchinneyn extends to a height of 4 feet above the perirneterparapet wa11, which would be to about 39.3 feet above theground/adjacent grade elevation. Based upon the Newvectorinformation, oneCommts proposed rrchimneyrr would extend to about39.8 feet above the groundr/adjacent grade elevation, Theadditional height of the OneComm Facility, approxinately 6 incheshigher than the Newvector trchimneytr, is required to contain allof OneComm's equipnent and elininate the need for an independent, OneConm equipment building. Continuing the comparison of the existing and proposed rrchimneyrl facilities, Oneconm,s woul.d be s-feet high by S-feet wide by 5-feet long. Newvector,s was approved to be 3-feet, 3-inches wide(projected out from the face of the buitdlng) by 5-feet wide(paralleJ- to the face of the building) by about 4-feet, 6-incheshigh (frorn the roof surface.) Page 3 PROPOSED ONECOTII{ TET.|1COIIIIT'T|ICATIO}fS FACILTTY OPERATIOIIAL CTTARACIIERISTICS ATID IIA:ETERS FOR CT'P @TISTDERATIOIT OneConm's proposed Facility will be connected to electrical power and telephone services available at Solar Vail. No offsiteutility irnprovernents or extensions are anticipated to be requiredto serve the Facility. Once the Facility is in normal operationthere will typically be only 2, ot less, OneComm-related nai.ntenance, passenger vehicles per month visiting the Facility. The Facility will be nonj.tored rernotely for any disruptions inservice that could occur due to any equipnent failure oraccident. The Facility will not be rnanned and, therefore, there is no needfor water or sanitary sewer services. The Facility will have noinpact on air or water quality and will generate no significant noise. The CUP application requests that the appl.icant address severalinterest areas and consider certain matters relative to theproposed Facility. The forn of the interest areas has been changed to guestions to inprove their clarity for our response. 1. Ithat is the proposed use's retationship to and rhat will beits i4nct upon the Twn's develo;nent objectives? The Town of Vail enacted the Zoning Title for the purpose ofpromoting the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the Town, and to promote the coordination and harmonious developmentof the Town in a manner that will conserve and enhance itsnatural environment and its established character as a resort andresidential community of high quality. The resolutions containedin the Zoning Title were prouulgated to achieve the following more specific purposes: 1. To provide for adequate light, air, sanitation, drainage and public facilities,' 2. To secure safety from fire, panic, flood, avalanche. accumulation of snow, and other dangerous conditions; 3. To promote safe and efficient pedestrian and vehiculartraffic cLrculation and to lessen congestion in thestreetsi 4. To promote adequate and appropriately located off-streetparking and loading facilities; To conserve and naintain establistred conmunity qualities and economic values; 5. Page 4 O 6. To ensourage a harmonious, convenient, workablerelationship arnong land uses, consistent with rnunicipal developrnent objectives i 7. To prevent excessive population densities and overcrowding of the land with structures; 8. To safeguard and enhance the appearance of the Towni 9. To conserve and protect wildlife, streams, woods,hillsides, and other desirable natural featuresi 10. To assure adequate open space, recreation opportunities, and other amenities and facilities conducive to desiredliving quartersi 11, To otherwj.se provide for the growth of an orderly andviable comnunity. The proposed Facility will expand the provision of enhanced telecornrnunications services to Vailrs residents and visitors. Inaddition to serving the day-to-day teleconmunications needs ofnillions of people, wireless communications services filI acritical, life-saving need during natural disasters andenergencies, Many health, safety and public agencies have enhanced their response capability by using wireless services. The applicant believes that the proposed Facility's services will improve the quality of life for Vail,s residents and visitors,help vail to achieve its developnent objectives, and will not have a significant, detrirnental irnpact on the Vail area. 2. lfhat will be tlre effect of the use ulx)n light and air,distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities,schools, parlrs and other recreation facilities, and other pulrlicfacilities and pulrlic facilities needs? Once constructed, tlre Facility will be unmanned and, therefore,there is no need for water or sanitary sewer facilities.Electric and landline telephone services are required andavailable at Solar Vail. The applicant states that the racilitywill have no impact on air or water quality and will not generateintrusive noise. The Facility will not be lighted. 3. tithat sill be the effect of the use upon traffic, wittr lnrticular reference to congestion, autonotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flory and control, access,raneuverability, and reloval of snow fror streets and lnrkingareas? Page 5 COHHIT}IENT I ior**tr8\ztrrril lllj ocr r o 0s+ llj sotE[lttE A 'w OriCJ1tr TITLE 625 IIESI RTDGE PIKE EIJILDI}.E E, SlE 2O5 ffiJSIICEItrX{EN PA L9428 l - Effectirrc llate: Septanber ZL, L994 ab 7:ffi Al'I Order rb. 308409 -C PL/q 2. |ILTA Ogrsrs Fo1tcy nupseO Irrgured: 10 BE DEIEFMINED Exhibit 3. Al.T[ roan Fottctes hryoeed Insnrred: Dmr.urt: $ Plqnsed lrsrrred:rnqart: $ 4. lbe cstatr € lrrtergat tn lfia Isrd desrthed cr r.eferred to in tlr.ie (bud@rt and covered teein is: FEE SIT"PT.E OnrErrs PrErnl-wl! $ Lerderre Prerni.r.nr: $ ,wJd'l Lerder Ctg: S Add'l Ctrarges: $ Tax GrtificaG: $ ffiorsutent Ctg: S lED Ctnrgies: $ 198-oO lltIBIJ ClDRfs: $ l.98.OO TIMR TIT'LE I}ISI'RA}CE GMPA}W C)rst@ nefemre FAESSTER ArErrt ! S fsoed !y:nagle Ootmt!, Title Ch4r*rraticn 953 S. Fl.cn{6ge Road, #1OO vArL co 81,657 FAX (3O3) 476,-6426 (3O3) 476-648 rErwer 572-L49O and title tlseto is at tl€ effegtllre daE temof veeted in: FAESSTER REALIY OO4PAI'IY, a Ooloratu corpor"atior 'cli-lii-i '-l"llI l. .'. lllt ltl | :l-l! l:1 95:fI l'-'|-l -l'l--l 'rl COMMIT!.IENT SCHEIITLE B Orrler'rftr- 3O84O9 -C Slectto I FTIITNEMENMi .IHE Tt'IJI*r!G TNE T'|E NEQUINE@|IfI TO EE U}IF[,.IEN WTllT: Itsn (a) FalilEnL to or for the ffirrt of tle g,rartors or nDrt4|Egus of t}e firllq|sideraticn for tle estate c ln@est to be hstrred. Iten (b) ProIFr insbrrrEnt(s) oleatirry ttp es-tate or interest tr he irrgrrred rujst he exec:rted arxl &rly filed for rec@d, to wi.t: Itrn (c) PaylrcDt of all taxes, c}nrges or assessren6, fe\rled srl aespssed against tfe subJect prfftises dridr are fte ard pn1abl.e. It6tl (d) Additional rertrulrrenents, if any, djsclo€ed belcr.r: 1. Release b1' the R'blic lkustee of Eegle Aor-rrty of tle Deed of Tru.st frsn rcEERT 1.- I.AZIES arrl DIANE J- IAZIER fc lIe us of MU.}8IA SAI/ITG, a Federa-l SarrlJ€s ild Lmn asslatlcn, tD w-re $480,CUO.00, dated Jure 30, 1986. ard remrded July 12, 1986, ln E€k 445 at Page 452- 2. [tsed frcrn FAESIjIEF, REALIY miFAl.lY, a Colsrato corlnraticrr trJ A 4tYm [O EE DHIEFMINED. l{JfE: I}:ly execubd real prcperty tansfer Cbclaratisr, eBecuted try eitfErtte Gterrtor or Grantee, to arorpaqy ttre Deed nentlcred abore, prrrsuant tnArtic.le 14 of llor.tse BilL r.b- 1288 - CnA 39-14-102. 3. E\riderre sattsfactory to tle Corea5r on its cluly autlnri.€ri €errt liat ttp"rea} estate transfer tax" fuposed tD' Orrdfnarre l.b. 26, g:eries of 1979, oftle Thrnlrr of Vail, Cofotrado has been f,afd, arr3 tlnt ttE llen inqEsed bySectiwr 11. tlereof, tras been ful.Iy satisfJ-ed, A CEIiTIFICA'IE OF TA)(ES TXJE IJSTII.IS EACH TAXT}G JT,JRI.SDICTISI SITALI-T BB OtsI'TAINFT FRO{ IHE mrNTY TRF.I$IRER ffi ME CIIIJNIY IREA$.TRER'S AIITllfftIZED AGENI FtFSIIANI 'lO 1983 C.R.S., 39-1-102 (14.5) AT A OIAFGE O!- $1O.OO EAtrr re TrtE OJSIrI\GR. IIIE GI\4PAI..TY RESERVES TTIE RTGXM XO Mu.ur A}I ADDITIOI{{L SEARO{ oF T1IE REcrRns IN 1TIE OFFICE OF THE CT,ERK AND RffiDB FUR, EAGT,E Cn.'NTY, COI4RAIn FOR fl,MI4EI\TT IJEI€, TAX IJEI,IS ffi OTTIEIi SIMIIAR ffi DISSIMIIaR I}ryof,IJhTI'ARY MATIERS AI.FEI--II}E TI{E EANIEE ffi GRAIVIES, A}.ID 10 I\GKE S[.,CI ATDTTI0N\IAL R4UIREMENIS AS IT DEEI'6 NEI]ESISARY, AfIER THE IDENIITY OF IITE GRANTEE CR GRANIECS TIAS EEEN DISff.GED 1() TTIE ffiVIPAM. (Corrtirrued) TIU)R TIT.I,E I}IS1JRA}trE ffi',IPAI,IY c: u[tl.rI'rilHr{'r SCllt]JUr.E n (<rntlnred) rrt. lrl tt-t, V 1ll (h(L-:t: No. :lCl{14O1, -{:: 5. t|r: I ard relerred ttt irr llr: (l nml tnnrrt is rrrerirrll tlxl I and in llrr Shrtr-r of ('lr l(n'irrt), Orrn ty of Eagy.le , rlt:srri hcrl as follrrax: A lrrrt.icnr <.>f lr.rt B, Blcx'r{ 2, VAIL,/II)|'AI() PA'l(Jt, a su,;rlivisicrr rerrrnlerl ,ln Eltcil{ Zllil at. Fhr;le 629, of lJ'n FJiu;l+: Oxnlty, (j<tlc:rttkr Cle-rk arrl rE -rrr-lf'.r's r:r"l-rLrr1r;, si:r icl lru'tirrrof: Lar xl lxli r q; rrur e lxrrtl rj;r.r I ar: I y r}:r;r.x:i lxxl a:r f-r-)1..1 cr,J$: Berlir'urirr; at- lle {jolrilEasterJ y curre,r of sai.(l IoL {}, wlridr ls a fnirlt;(r) tfn l.lortJnrly rU qllrt-of -Way UrE oe I'rrtea.state Hiqlrway Mr. 70;tl'rlr.r: hk:sl;er'ly alcrg sa1d l*:rtJ r'ly Rt.ght- of-Way l.ire arr arc distarrl!r;l 2(X.1.93 f'eet (!r a 3,99(t-(lrrj foot rmUus cr rrwe trl tle lelt; wl-r-xl: crvrl;ral. arr;l.e Ls '2" 53'u/" arrl td r-lse clnrr'l I ner rs scrtrth llz'lJfi'28" trl'.j-gt a <-lit;l:atrrr r.r.F 2(-)O. r/I ft--er t:; t'lrlr-rg hkxtlt 0"(I/' 12' h,ertt a (ll-sl-arr:r: of ziJl].{}li lt{lt: trl a r-r)J.r rt rrt l.lyJ t*.rrtl erly lr-rrr rlary I irn oI said IoL 8;tlerre R.,rutJr 86'.16'09" Ehst atu[l sald lqf,rU-e.lJy lrr.nrJrry 1irr:r adlsl.irrr: <.ft 199.'/4 feel; 'tr.r 'tje M:rtl eag L-er'-l y cDlrrlr of sai.r'l trrt;8; Llx,.r'r xl .$rntLlr {Jo EhlrL E.lctrXJ t}n EaS trrr:l y tx_rtrrvJar'y -l .irn ()ll salcllrrt. {l a rlistarr:e crf Z(JO.(X) f(+t to lJE lbirrt of t:le<;lirrrri_r r1_ 1'I(Dli'l' l'11 11 ll.Lc;(rt{ANJi Cfl4PAt,ly nQUInEUENIE (srtfiared)(Jrfu rft, 308409 I\D:IE| TRIS trIfiIIMEIIT IS ISS1JED I.,PoN tHE ExpREss AInEEUENT AND I$[)ERS.I'AI'IDII.I; 1IIA1' TIIE APPIICABLE PREMII}G;, GTAFG,ESI AND FMS| S.I{AI,L EE FAIT' Eff TT{E .E.PPLICANTIF TIIE APFLICA}IT AI.{D/M ITS DESIG{EE ffi TUIIINEE CIfFES| TIIE IRAI,ISA TIoI{ @'IIEMPTATED EY cn oIHm$IIsE RELTES tJFCr\r rHE mvMrTttENr, ALL rN AmaDAltcEwlTll 'IIiE RUI,ES Al'lD SCHEIIJLES OF RAIES O.r FILE WITII If{E cDInRAm DEPAI|IHENI OF ITCilRAMJE, TImR TIIT.,,E IISJRAI\rE CCMPAl.'ry COHHITHENT $('GTTNE B Sectisr 2 EqEPf O.tS Ofitrr ib. 308409 -C nE mfig cr grltcies to be iseried will contain etq.El'tfcrrs b the follauing matbe!:srnlerss rlE +-'n ane disPosed .'f to tIE satisfac{tcrt "i th" crrq'rr},,: 1. Rlglrts or clalrns of parties irr posse$siql rrct stn^rn b!, tlE Fnrbll.c re<nrds. 2' Easgrents or clairns of eesererrtg, rpt Stsdn rry tl* trub'J-* res:rds. 3' Diweparsies, glfricts in bcundary lirEs, gh*tas" in area, encrcadnerrts. arrdany facts .ott{afr. a cr:r€ct strrrrq, arO ot-U= prenies rq-,rrlcl dlsctose ardwhich are rrrt stsrr by tte 6rrbfic remrds. 4' Arry llen, or rJ.ght to a lien for;sefirics, labor or matErial heretrrfore tyr hereafterfurrLished. iryoeeo hy laor ild rqE sh:ern ti trre glrniic r:emrds. 5- IEfects, llqts, , ad1g5s c.taing c otfer rrtt€rs, tf ant/, creaH,flrst appgrlrtg fn tfe prbllc reords or agtact isg ",rt*q.rorc b tJE eff*ti\rB datebereof , lut prlor to t}E date tl€ prqo€ed fuJsured 6qur-Tes of remrd for \rarrte ttees'tate or lnterest tr nDrtgage ttElw) covered b:r ttrie CcftinltnErt. 6' Tanes or special essessrErrt6 whtcrr are rpt sts,m as oristirg uers by tte pnrblicremrds. 7' rnarldititrt, ttre<rmerrs-poltrywi-1I tesubiectbtl€rrnrtsaqe, Lf any, rpbedu-de,rSesrior 1 of Sffirlle n trermfl 8' Rigtrt of tle erqrieton of a vein or rode b errtr:act ard rgrp\re hls orE tlrexefrsn,etntld tlre sarte. t IgTd to perntbate sr interect tle prenJ.ses tg€g5, grEnbd, 6sreservst h Urdred states htent remaded ruay z, tgoi., i" sod( 4B-a; fo;; 5o3, arxjre-rffirded July 15, 1939 jrr Bod{ 123 at ragA eiZ. 9' Right of wav fm ditc*€s or carnls crrrshlpted by the auunriry of tte ftdt€dstatee, as lesl3 ed ln lxdtect states patent r,ecuroea t{Ery z, 1gO4, in BcrJ< 48 atPaEe 503, arrd re-rearded .r'ry 15, L939 tn Bod< :r23 at @e 617. r0' rbstrj ctlcn's, wtrich ilo rpt ffirtei.n a fefelture or re\rerter claus. as *.ltal-r*d ini'gtrrrnerrt r"*94 r"rarrfi b, 1924,-il Bd( z.';tprs" 628, ae arcrrJed bvinern'nEnt t"mrgeg^potetnner 24, Lg75 ln Bod( zir-aE-r,ag* g50 ard anerded osbher26, 1992, in Bocil( 592 it Fage 372. 11 ' Easerents for utiltty ancl ctratnage as slu.lr crr tl= rec'rdecl plat of vail/htatoPatclr. 12' AlI leases ard lrrrnrrles rrcrud1fg hrt rnE limitedl to }enrrarxllrn of opti.cn erdr€a€e betlEPI fa':lsrer nearW oarriarrv, as Lesscur Erd tls l,tesl.t r\ev, vec+ir cro.rr, a"]ess€ remrded Jtrrlary ZB, igil l_ B@k 546 at p"S" 5fz./^attlnrred) TLCOR TI,I'LE DWURArtr Clrl,tpANy ErcEpur(l6 (crtiflnd) ftfu rkr, 3ffi409 { I Any and all. r[|rcdesr€d ta:r Fales- Itolts: (Fcn r€.Frpt of a GrtLfl,ete of rbcs un erLuntrfi lJ"Et ttgrc arg tbsdstrng apen lry sa1e8, tlE 6borE etepEr'al wlll rDt affEar <rr tte lnltnrss bbe i$eued tErsrrder. ,',,r',J llltll TT(IE TTNA Ir'ETRAhI]E CC},IPAI.IY EXHIBTT D CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TOT{N OF VAIL ADiIACENT PROPERTY OWNERS SOI,AR VAIL CONDOI.TINIT'!,TS Project Site: 501 North Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado West: Assessor's Parce1 No. (APN) 2101.-063-02-013 Towrt of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 8L657 Lessor,/Use: Eagle County School District RE 50 J (Red Sandstone Elementary School) Eagle, Colorado 81631 North: APN 2101-063-02-004 Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado S1657 . Use: Vacant East: APN 2101-064-00-002 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81657 Use! Vacant South: North Frontage Road and Interstate 70 State of Colorado Use: Roadway/Freeway o THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PBOPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on August 28, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: t Faesster Reattycompany- conditionat use permit.I ' 501 North Frontage Road WesVPart of Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant Larry Storms of SASI, representing Faessler Realty CompanyPlanner: Randy Stouder 2. A request for a major SDD amendment, located at the Vail Athletic Club/ 352 East Meadow Drive and more specifically described as follows: A parcel ot lend iaTraa B, Vail Mllage Firsl ming, Torm ot Vail, Eagl€ County, Colorado, commencing al lhe . Nstheast oomer of said Tract B; thence N 7S46'00' W along the Norlherly line ol Vatr Mlhge, First Filing, and along the Nonherly tine ol said Tracr B 622.86 feet: thence S 06'2652' W a dislance of 348.83 feel lo the Soulhwest comer ol thar parc€l ol land desoribed in Book 'l91 al Pag€ 1 39 as reoorded January 1 0, 1 956 8nd fled in Fleception No. 102978 in the Eagle County Fecords, said comer also being th€ True Poinl of B€ginning:lhenco S 79'04O8' E and along ihe Southedy tine cf said parcbl 2C0.00 f€€l lo lh€ Soulhsarl corner thersot; lhence N e"52O0' E and along rhe Nonherly line of that parcel ol land described in Pf,ok 222 alPage 51 3 as recoded in 1971 in the Eagle Courny Records, a dislance of 66.78 feei lo the Northeaslerly comer of said patcel of land; said corner being on the Wesi€rly right-of-way line ol Gore Creek Foad, as platted in Vail Village, Fitth Filing; thenoe N 21"13'37'W a distat'ra ol77.37 teet ajong said Westerly right-ot-way line ot Gore Greek Roed;'thence N 89"29'22" Wa distance of 12.80 feet to the Northeaslerly comer ot lhal parc€l ol land descdbed in Book 191, Page 139 as recorded January 10, 1966 and filed in Reception No. 102978 in lhe Eagle Counly Reoordsi fienco Norlhwesterly 26.51 feel along lh€ arc of a 37.50 feEt radius curve lo the lett having a cenlral angle of 40'3080" whose chord bears N 53'a0'00' W a distance ot 25.96 leet to a point ot lsngency; lhence N 73'55'00" W and dong said tangsnt 166.44 teel: thence N 85"10?1" W a distanc€ ol 50.40 fe€l10 rhe Northwgslody comer of the lvlor.rntain Haus Parcel: thenc€ S 02"1800'W and along lh€ eastedy line ol said Mountain Haus Parcel a dislance ot 100.00 feet to the Southeasterly comer thereof; thence S 45'1353' E a distance ol 38.70 feel lo lhe Tru€ Poinl ol Beginning, conlaining 30,486 square ,eet, more or less. Applicant: JWT 1987 Vail Limited Partnership, (d/b/a Vail Athletic Club), represented by Stan Cope and Michael BarclayPlanner: Mike Mollica 3. . A request for a minor SDD Amendment to Special Development District #21 lo allow for an interior remodel to Gateway Condominium Unit #5, 12 Vail Road/Lot N, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: KarlKehrmanPlanner: George Ruther Ftovorlrons\pednolb$\081495