HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT 8 B SOLAR VAIL 1990-1992 US WEST DISH ANTENNAS LEGALVatl l/afafa Faf.h Fir'oiq I lof 38, Eto"( s- Solae /ai/ (rt-s, [lttdol r 5A afi'nns Mb-/ qq7 T0W:{ 0F VAIL FILT COPY 7J Soath Frontage Roail Vail, Colortdo 81617 ,01-479-21 18 / 479-2r t9 Dcpartment of Conmanity Deaelopmcnt July 6, 1992 Faessler Realty Company 20 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: May 11, 1992 PEC Meetlng - A request to expand a prcvlously approved condltlonal use permlt allowlng a publlc utlllty and a request for a varlance from Sectlon 18.58.320 regulatlng satelllte dlsh antennas lor 501 N. Frontage Road WesULot 8, Block 2, Vall Potato Patch. Dear Mr. Faessler: Enclosed is a copy ol the minutes of the May 11, '1992 Planning and Environmental Gommission (PEC) meeting at which your variance request was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of the conditions of approval. Please note that the approval of this variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or it the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years from approval (May 11, 1992). lf approvalof this variance lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department statf and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. '/.1 /i,, Andy Knudt36n Town Planner PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May 11, 1992 Present Staff Greg Amsden Kristan Pritz Diana Donovan Mike Mollica Kathy Langenwalter Mary Caster Gena Whitten Dalton Williams Absent Chuck Crist The meeting was called to order al 1:35PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. 1. A request for a worksession on a conditional use permit for the Vail Team Tennis facility, generally located to the south of the Uonshead Skier Bridge and north ot West Forest Road on the existing tennis courts. Applicant: VailAssociatesly'ailRecreationDistrictPlanner: Mike Mollica There was general discussion relating to the proposed tennis facility. 2. A request for an extension of a previously approved setback variance for the Pitto Residence, Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village Eleventh Filingl2920 Booth Creek Drive. Applicant: J. Russell Pitto Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica reviewed the request. After some discussion, a motion was made by Dalton Williams to approve the request. Gena Whitten seconded the motion. A unanimous 5-0 vote approved the motion. 3. A request to expand a previously approved conditional use permit allowing a public utility and a request for a variance from Section 18.58.320 regulating satellite dish antennas for 501 N. Frontage Road WesULot 8, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: U.S. West New Vector Planner: Andy Knudtsen/Jill Kammerer The presentation was made by Kristan Pritz, A motion was made by Kathy Langenwalter to approve the request per the staff memo. The motion was given a second by Greg Amsden. The molion was approved by a vote of 5-0. PlannhO and Environn€nlal Commlsslon Medng, May 11, 1992 ; aI -l FIL T COPY Present Greg Amsden Diana Donovan Kathy Langenwatter Gena Whitten Dahon Wlliams Absent Ghuck Crist PI-ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May 11, 1992 Staff Kristan Pdtr Mike Mollica Mary Caster The presentation was made by Krlstan Pritz. A motion was made by Kafry Langenwalter toapprove the request per the staff memo. The motion was given a iecono oy Gieg Amsden.The motion was approved by a vote of 5-0. \/'r- Vr'( [*fu rffi\ JU , \ Y*'fccfw \ The meeting was calred to order at 1:35pM by chairperson Diana Donovan. 1. I request for a worksession on a conditonal use permit for tre Vail Team Tennistacility' generally located to the south of the Uons'head Skier Bridge and north of WestForest Road on the existing tennis courts. Applicant: VailAssociatesNailRecreationDistriclPlanner: Mike Moilica There was generaldiscussion retating to the proposed tennis facility. 2. A request for an extension of a previously approved setback variance for the pito Residence, Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village eteventfr Filingl2920 Booth Creek Drive.Applicant: J. Russelt pitto Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica reviewed fie request. After some discussion, a motion was made by Daltonwilliams !o approve the request. Gena Whitten seconded the motion. A unanimous 5-0 voteapproved he motion. public dish ,} {t' 4. A request to rezone the 'Ski Museum'pocket park site from Public Accommodation to\ Public Use Dislrict. The slte ls located at the northwest intersection ol Vail Road and West Meadow Drive. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica presented the request to the PEC, stating that this was a Town of Vail request, stating the change of zoning was @nsistent with the zoning of other town parks in the area, as well as the Vail Land Use Plan and the Streetscape Master Plan. Mike also stated hat this request would need to be approved by the Vail Town Council. Mike stated that the staff was looking for suggestions as to what should be placed in the park, as well as the as naming the park Diana Donovan voiced her opposition to having the park named aftsr a specific person. Kathy Langenwalter suggested some son of artistic bencfies and that a permanent art pedestal be a part ot the park After further discussion, a moUon was made by Kathy Langenwalter to approve the Town of Vail's rezoning request and Gena Whitten seconded the motion. A vote was iaken and the motion passsed unanimously, 5-0. 5. A discussion concerning the roof form lor Special Development District No. 6, Phase lV-A of the Vail Village lnn; Lot O, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing/l00 East Meadow Drive. Applicanl: Josef StauferPlanner: Mike Mollica Kristan Pritz summarized the resolution of the project for the Planning Commission. She reviewed the issue, stating that this was an unusual circumstance and that she felt the change in the roof was not a minor amendment to the SDD, but a DRB review. She stated that the Town Council could have called up the DRB decision for review. However, at this point, the decision could not be called up by Council or the PEC. Diane Donovan stated the Planning Commission appreciated the comments given by Bill Pierce and Mike Lauterbach. 6. Bruce Chapman asked to present a letter to the Planning Commlssion regarding ltem #1 on the worksession agenda. The letter was in protest to the tennis facility proposed near Lionshead. The Planning Commission thanked him lor the input and stated hey would be voting on the issue at the meeting next Monday, May 18, 1992. 7. Aooroval of Aoril 27. 1992 meetino minutes. Kathy Langenwalter moved to approve the meeting minutes of April 27, 1992 with corrections. Dalton Williams seconded the motion. The Commission unanimously approved the motion, 5-0. The Commission discussed Kathy Langenwalter's suggestion of adult play equipment in public parks. Kristan stated she would pass on the Commission's suggestions to Public Works. The Commission also discussed the possibility of naming the ski museum pocket park in relation to its midway point between VailVillage and Uonshead. Kristan also stated the AIPP had received a $2000 donation but had not been granted the NEA grant. She also stated that Dan Dailey will inltiate the clay work for the artwork. :, d lffstan stated that afterthe report is presented in July, the project may need to be delayed unUl he spring of 1993 because of funding. Discussion was held on the proposed West Vall Employee Housing project. lfistan stratedquestions should be directed to herself, Jen Wright 6r iitt xammer6r. fhe Commisslon statedtlt€ Teeg for incorporating soms type of pa* area in the houslng proJect Kristan stated ftesite.had zjling for tour primary/secondary units. Kristan atso st-aied'that a tetter was beingssnt to all the persons who recently signed and filed a petition with the Town ol Vailexplaining the proposed housing devebpment. After further updates, the meeting was a_djoumed at 3:05 p.m. t l. Project Application 5- za- ez Project Name:$fu //a;/ Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: lorn qd { J n. /s.< s/ 6"{/- (a Eolal Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Filing Comments: nsJ a . /rr^zV .!4) )r s/t t Seconded by: / rztt/l.h /l* Desiqn Review. E* L". fL n - / ,ti* -l= d"ILa.- uel'tqll7 ho *dt .'t Lrr trL o o /_Z/-,1-7-Erl-- 7'1 6-;7 //o(' ft;+ 6 t*e-a 1Jtuy // Ok;/,(Y1 d a'/-Je../ /j 6,. //.- A rtrJ ir. fu .'zq tt/hft/^n /, 6*,1t1.FV*)r,gfi e,:// 44 4-2o-?/ 4<- DISAPPBOVAL ,/a I( an J---- ( o//r*. ./ summary: () ,p* I to's o^ fL ^' u 4 --rr, ba-.-.^.- t4/ eE) a146) {a-. /, ^Lr.f .,4.et 'or, ft< ztwl s,* J/ 6,./.la//)r,.{ q5 c---re{zn* -/ ,r-24y' r tr.>*,_., < 1.,7n J nalo'T/z a/q< -.. -ol -' t\ .}1 -^)...tZ.w /. D a-t<-- Stafl Approval "d{'|. t ;f 'r7==-:-= ---4'Y 4-'-l<zn1 VMlu__a2,0+ I /',\vr D uodn'F\t Y4a'd ,:nfl J-OMEMoRANpuM s, *"K u rw planning and Environmental Commission I\*M_ Community Development Departrnent fozU Vn\\, \,kd{{_ftOWD - ,\Lr/ ,\"" r ,, '_\ i{rr 1F*.(/\\tn^c.-tMay rr, reez G wu $!]_ntc A request to expand a previously approved conditional use permit allowing a \[.\. public utility and a request for a variance from Section 18.58.320 regulating ', _ I [vf. satellite dish antennas for 501 N. Frontage Road West/-ot 8, Block 2, Vail &()e" il" Potato Parch. tt\fr Applicant U.S. Wcst New Vector Y4 Planner: Andy Knudtsen/Jill Kammerer TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. BACKGROUND On October 8, 1990, the PEC approved a conditional use to allow US West/l.Iew Vector to construct a "cell site" adjacent to Solar Vail. This included a mechanical building 12' wide, 24' long, and 11' high, and 3 whip antennas mounted on the roof of Solar Vail. Staff had classified this use as a "public utility and public service use," which requires a conditional use in the HDMF zone district. The PEC approved the conditional use request with ttre following five conditions: l. The applicant shall screen the dumpster with a 5-foot high fence, or other acceptable solution; 2. The applicant shall plant seven spruce and five aspen trees in the area between the mechanical building and the Nonh Frontage Road;3. 'The applicant shall neat the antenna with non-reflective material, if needed;4. The applicant is to ensure that none of the retaining walls are built over 6 feet high; and 5. The applicant shall submit a plan to improve the existing timber walls which will be acted on within one year. Following the construction of the cell site, the applicant completely rebuilt the timber retaining wall staircase and dumpster enclosure with new timbers. The dumpster has been relocated and "screened" by locating it at an angle, such that it cannot be seen from the North Frontage Road. To satisfy the second condition, the applicant planted 8 spruce and 6 aspen. aU. DESCRIPTION OF TIIE PROPOSED REOUEST US WestA,Iew Vector Group is currently proposing to install 4 satellite dishes on the Solar Vail building in order to improve the cellular transmission quality from the East Vail anea to the Dowd Junction area. The existing whip antennas on the roof of the building are intended to rcmain as they are neecssary for service to the Village and Lionshead areas, according to the applicant. But because they do not adequately serve the areas outside the central core, the applicant would like to add the satellite dishes. The dishcs are each 4 feet in diameter, and would be mounted on the east and west sides of the building. Each sidc of the building would have a pair ofdishes, one to send transmissions, and the other to receive thcm. The dishes will be cnclosed within a "chimncy chase." (Please see attached drawing.) The applicant will construct the chases around the dishes in such a way as to make them appear to be chimncys on the Solar Vail structure. The applicant will use louvers immediately in front of each dish within the chase structure so that the enclosure does not block transmissions. Each chase will be capped with a chimney vent. With the request to add satellite dishes, staff is requiring that a new conditional use be evaluated for the proposed plans, as staff believes this is a significant addition to the previous conditional use appmval. In addition to the conditional use, a variance has been requested since the proposed satellite dishes do not moet all of the standards of the zoning code regarding satellite dishes. The specific variance rcquests include: . Section 18.58.320(D)1. An increase in the number of allowed dishes on one lot, from 1 to 4; and . Section 18.58,320(D)3. An increase in the height of the satellite dishes, from 15 feet to 36 feet. M. FUTURE EXPANSIONS OF THE CELLTJLAR TELEPHONE SYSTEM From discussions with Larry Storms, the consultant representing US West[.Iew Vector, staff understands that no additional equipment will be needed at this cell site in the future. The dishes which are currently proposed will effectively transmit signals from East Vail to Dowd Junction. The section of Interstate 70 between the Main Vail cxit and Vail Pass has been very difficult for the cellular telephone industries to service. As a result, both US West/l.{ew Vector and Cellular One have been researching ways to enhance the signal in this strerch. Additional equipment will probably be needed near the Forest Service campground in East Vail for both companies. However, the effort to improve the cellular telephone system in this area will not require additional equipment on Solar Vail. It should be noted that Cellular One has a cell site located at the Red Sandstone Elementary School. Because US West/tlew Veclor has had difficulty in this snerch of thc I-70 corridor (Main Vail Exit east to Vail Pass), it is likely that Cellular One has had the same problems. It is also likely that C-ellular One may request satellite dishes such as the ones proposed at Solar Vail to solve the transmission problems. Though staff has not heard from the Cellular One representatives at t 36 feet 53 feet 29 feet 41 feet 36 feet 57 feet 25 feet 49 feet O*Maximum Dish'' Height: 15 feet 4 on this lot 36 feet Maximum Size of Dish: 12 ferut in diameter 4 feet in diameter Setbacks Front: 20 feet 57 feet West Side: 20 feet 25 feet East Side: 20 feet 49 feet Rear: 20 feet 154 feet* Variance required. o this time, the PEC should be aware that Cellular One may be requesting similar approvals for the Red Sandstone Elementary School site in the future. Iv. ZONING ANALYSIS There are two sections of thc zoning code which are applicable with this request. The first involves the High Density Multi-Family zone district standards, and the second involves criteria found in Supplemental Regulations, providing the standards for satellite dish installations. Zone District: Ibt Area: Building Height: 45 feet Setbacks Front:20 feet West Side: 20 feet East Side: 20 feet Rear:20 feet 120 feet 154 feet Common Area Allowed (Note existing GRFA is 10,902 sq. ft.): 3,815.7 sq. ft. 2,266 sq. ft. 2,331 sq. ft. or 35Vo of GRFA or 20.8%or 21.47oDensity: 25 units per acr€ 24 units No Change Coverage: 55Vo of total site area l2.3Vo or l2-49o or or 23,957 sq. ft. 5,357.7 sq. ft. 5,390.2 sq. ft. Supplemental Regulation Standards Code Requirement Proposed*Number: I dish per lot High Density Multi-Family Residential 43,559 sq. ft. Proposed Chases and Code Reouirement Existins Satcllite Dishes V. CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA AND FINDINCS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Dcvelopment Department recommends approval of,the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. The purpose of this zone district is as follows: Section 18.20.010 - Purpose. "The High Density Multi,Family district is intended to provide sites for multiple family dwellings at densities at a maximum of 25 dwelling units per acre, together with such public and semi-public facilities as lodges, private recreation facilities and related visitor oriented uses as may be appropriately be located in the same disrict. The High Dcnsity Multi-Family disrict is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities commensurate with high density apartment, condominium and lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable residential and roson qualities of the disrict by establishing appropriate site development standards. Certain non-residential uses are permittcd as conditional uses which relate to the natur€ of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community, and where permitted are intended to blend harmoniously with the residential character of the district." Staff believes that the proposed use, being one that is listed as a conditional use for the zone district, is one that is compatible with the other uses in this disrict, and is generally consistent with the purpose of this zone district as long as the use is carefully sited and scrcened. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other pubtic facitities needs. Staff believes there will be no impact on the above-referenced issues. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. o Staff believes there will be little to no impact on rhe critef,ia listed above. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the propmed use in relation to surrounding uses. Suff believes the proposed chimney chases, which will enclose tlre fotn satellite dishes, have been designed in a way to compliment the existing Solar Vail building. Thesc dctails may irnprove the character of the Solar Vail building by providing some relief to the cast and west elevations. Staff bclieves that, at a minimum, they do not deract from the appearance of the building. The impact of the proposed chases will have no effect on surrounding properties and uses, in stafPs opinion. For the prcvious conditional use, the Town required the applicant to landscape the east side of the site, around the proposed improvements. At this time, staff believes that there is adequate landscaping on the east side but that the west side should be improved. Staff rccommends that the applicant plant 3 spruce in the area around the proposed west chimney B. Findings The Plannine and Environmental Commission shall make the followine findines beforc qrantins a conditional use Dermit: l. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be deuimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to propenies or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. VL VARIANCE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Departnent recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship ofthe requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Suff believes the character of the area, as discussed under the conditional use criteria, will not bc significantly changed. Staff bclievcs the chascs and three spruces may improve the character of the Solar Vail building. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The two specific variations from the code which are requested are as follows: l. An increase in the number of allowed dishes on one lot, from one to four; and 2. An increase in the height of the satellite dishes, from 15 feet to 36 feet Concerning the number of dishes on one lot, staff believes a sEict enforcement of the code regulation would result in a practical difficulty for the applicant. Staff believes the unique attributes of the cellular telephone communication system requires more dishes than the typical use of satellite dishes. Because of the different nature of this use, staff believes there is no grant of special privilege. The hardship in this case is that the communication system requires a sending and receiving dish pointed in each direction. As a result, four dishes are the minimum number which can provide the service which is requested by the applicant. Regarding the height of the dishes, staff understands there is a minimum Gfoot separation required between dishes for them to function adequately. Given that the dishes are 4 feet in diameter, the minimum height required for this system to operate correctly would be 14 feet. Because the system works on a "line-of- ' site basis" (telephone transmission is only effective when one can see the antenna) the dishes must be set high enough to be seen from Interstate 70. Since the code only allows 15 feet of height, and since the applicant needs to B. o set the dishes high enough to be in view of the Interstate, a variance is needed. The 36-foot height has bccn rcquested by the applicant as the applicant believes this height will be most effective in transmitting the signals. Staff believes that, given the technical requirements for the dishes, as well as the architectural solution for mounting the dishcs on the side of the building within a chase, that a variance from this section of the code is reasonable. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes the proposal will have no effect on the issues lisrcd above. The Plannine and Envinnmental Commission shall make the followine findines beforc granting a variance: l. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfarc, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforctment of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propenies in the same district. 3. o VIL STAFFRECOMI\IIENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of both the conditional use permit and the variances based on the criteria discussed above. Staff believes the findings have also been met, specifically for the conditional use that: l. Finding I is met as the proposed use is in accordance with the purpose of theIIDMF zone districq2. The operation of this conditional use will not be detrimental o the public health, safety or welfare: and3. The proposed use complics with all the standards of the zoning code, with the condition that the variance rcquests are approved- concerning the variance, staff believes the findings are met as follows: 1. The technical rcquirements of a cellular telephone system are such that their needs arc unique from other satellite users, and because of the unique naturc, there is no grant of special privilege;2. The variance will not be dctrimental to the public health, safety or welfare; and3- The variance is warranted, as a sEict inlerprctation of the code would result in a practical difficulty for the applicant. Based on these findings, staff recommends approval of these variances with the condition that the applicant plurt three spruce on dre west side of the building, in the vicinity of the proposed chase. Please note that, under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of vail zoning code, the approvals shall lapse if construction is not commenced within two years of the-clate of issuance anddiligently pursued ro completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within two years. c;\E€\nctrr6usrrcst.5l I Plas Revier Based ontbe 1992 Unifor:n Codes NAME: GARVEY ADD ADDRESS: 14L E.ttEADOw DR.vArL, coLoRADO OCCUPANCY: R-l TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON: vlHR DATE: 5-7-92 CONTRACTOR: RIPPY CONTRACTORS ARCHITECT: SCHULTZ ENGTNEER: BOYLE. PLAr{S EXAMTNER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REoIIIRED The Ltcns listed belor are not Lnteadcd to be a conpl€te ristLngof.arl possible code requirements rn tae-aaoftea-coaes. rt ig agrutde to selected sectione of, the codeg. Tha following ig ao[, to.be construed to be an _approvar of any vioration- tr any 6r tue pro-vigione of, the adopted Loaeg or a'y 6rdinance or iue Torn of valr. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED TN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC.].2101991 UBC.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT NEEDS QUICK RESPONSEFIRE SPRINKLER AND FIRE ALARM PI.ANS DEPARTMENT.3. STRUCTUAL ENGTNEER OKAY WTLL BE REQUIRED AT FRAMING INSPECTIONAND A REPORT FILED WITH BUILDING DEPARTMENT. FIRE SPRINKLER HEADS WITH APPROVED BE THE FIRE f*,'[fM,I I I I ii I -FxHrElL-e SKET,.! -i; *:no-A-l, \'*i-##,ffix-&;q-, r,_,! qFovT r lNC, - IL ?' s/lt 172 Egg,!p-s]o tsol|Er8rc Ferrrsorrr S/ltftz ,,Exliilarr ? ffi€I" It[?:-"ii..&"!ftllg' Fl.T;t,-, gsll+llF E:ugso tlol|lmrc. s/u/ezEr'ISbHI \' I' Itt t{rb' I/4/ n A ^tOK ; 'ltl ,:ut-Lf ru,// /<-t< i /,* t a SrW /'4" (tr'" C-'-z- /*.-l h-. I "J1^/ -e.,rrccy'{ <.- fL tan i**z-4 7nU AA"-U fL "c;L--r-*'' L- n4d/€/ ?6 f--"/ .r/ t'{- 6z-'14-; 1, ?\Jd & C,/ il uk,, tK ;f tfL"r ",ttt- h c/'a--.a/" h'" trrfl I ta- rlv:l t_ r '.__ y'n --L1 ,h /=."_.1 , 1 ,tn/ 14 a-'LFr n a-fut-=-'t ,wA &h;l ^ \ #' *{'c \t lolrtrun $s*.$s -1 ) t-'z-qL- ; oz tr =tllj.L n U) UJ IJJ Ll- == UJ 90 bEot +flJ/5 rdlerla e{o\o\ \l trlz H(n z ' a'l lO\ro\ l- qrn o z #. 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PE EToo3oq' ED o.E =EgE :-gtc ob'== 1cl =E.69o9 EOc6*' .t p, EE c CDoo1t g,ooo(' goI .=.atttfo !tc6 CDc co oc ;}oF o o CDg E oaoqt E (t ct .9 = o EcE c;36 E;i.=oo sbE EEi €rE :!Ec96- o,t EEE EEE500;Etr6- o ET:.=- GAEEsEi €E ='E6: :E€ iasrr C6 0'--s; o gE* 3U>o ct=c.,=J=Eti8 aEe T9 AO6tr9r-OCt -o6 H6 PH<F 2 ; uJ @ zz99 =38anO1>E9l!<o*HdFt o ts3i9? d63tr fl fl f, \, s N \J' \) ') c.lq =trlrl ctz d uJG ttoz il I I I q ctl uJlEI -rl ;l zl 'lotH ciz ct UJ .E Jtt!qztol F \\)-f :5 \n:-'. \ 'ii=zoo-l az to = o- o*,5 =o2 o o = E =e,ulo' $\ s & :€ uJ =.:. J =EJC) ,6uJ E (E uJo. bEgF<gfr Eg '9EgE d=E FE! 6tE oo3 iuE ;=Fi!E u,ooF zs9zec)o =z o-- P ntD @ .Q\\9 t't ,L uJ tr @ @o-zo Fo.gJ Y llJStffi L:$ ffrlEc=lr'?ocr EHo I ,-t Ib!Zl ts =E,lrl o-zIF(J EFazoo I-\ I 75 routh front ge road |rll, colorudo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 )o- e4 - eiT Date t'lork Sheet was turned into the Comnuni ty Development Department. offlce of connunlty drvrlopmcnl BUILDING PER}.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this ?enlit. lfQuires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, !lgj.le"!"s,.(Publ ic Works) reyiew and approval,' a planning' DepartmentrevTew 0r Health Department revi'ew, and a review by the 6uilbingDepartment, the estimated tine for a total review nny take ai t6ngas three weeRs, All commercial ('large or smal'l) and a'll mu]ti-family permits wi]lhave te fallow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnis. Residentia'land.small projects__should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or snnller projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments. wi.th regard. to necessary review, these proJects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possib'l e. !, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. ,) \.\ 75 3oulh |ronlage road ueil. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2r.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED IVITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOViN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMItNITY DE\IELOPI{ENT !4ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary' ordinance No. 5 states that it is unr-awful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash durnpsters, pori.able ioileti andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sid,ewaik, alley or pubfic P1?9" or any portion theleof. The right-oi-way 6n all Town ofvarr streets and.19ads is approximately S ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirl be striltry enforcld by the iown of Vairf9lJic Works Departrnent. pers6ns found vi6latinq this ordinanceyrr+_ be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said naterial .rn the event the person so notified does not comply with th;--notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the i"iii" WorksDepartment will renove said mateiiat at ihe expense of personnotified. The provi.sions of this ordinance sfriff not beappricable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To revi-ew ordinance No. 6 ln fuL1, prease stop by the Town ofY?il Bui+ding Department to obtain a copy. tiani< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. (i.e. contractor, owner) l Read and ackn wledged by: , i EE*r,rKu;ar:* -r O Ie ' *it ,Roy Perlmutrer, Architect TO: COHPA.IIT: CI1T AIID STATE! FA"T NO. : FBOH: DAIE: NO. ! STARTED: /rnv) Cvt'tp -o,) R,?, e l- l-t^o I ( lc77 - (303) 755.5519FA)( TIHE NO. OF PAGES IRA}ISMITTED: (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) RE: C oz /*lt - MxF vtq av v w"vtzo THrc '- l{LP;(s Y-( 6t/k< 9 Yufrg;l\L C-rwz/.k1 4{g THL UtvVr., zto,Nq 6vL\r?Ep (by vl-iv'Fs ;;;;1' ' 'A: 'ii;!'^) rirr l p's R;tt1r- N.rfra-p1€e, :UvK.f Wrru FE ?Wn c_, a?t M \tUl. lQvf<?z- ?wouJltr'{(l otJTE t?r- ?AaH fr-ilretlttk SS ?RbilAJ d'ru p17pay.e R? pp*ilrV63 7-*qZ - Vrc,D. . -IF TR.AIISHISSION ^rS NOT COMPLETEI PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE I9 W' 1^,78 fu? ; W,#ffi, ErF;r,Ey;wB: E hr N /c'r -tpt/p l,A{..P\ Yorl Sulccgl0,AvillonTopsr wV&? +\w frNq zsit soirdr R*crRord Tgr'11s{ 6) , Auron, Colondo wl1 Officc (303) 7554696 r FAX (303) ?55.55{9 MA&Y crE l<-f- ,U su/ N/cl g't w Nol 6'92 !7|23 tz3'/- OB s.ERoftDr,Ry rEL 3o3-1]8s1 The ENGtfrt_EFntNA OBOUP, tNC. P. 1 !, Job tttt.,903-uAtL _ ,.,,..,solrii-- tl +"9.-u.c.E/t /13Job no.l,33.rr -=rec_ i no3t_. -oG.,___ $^Ifii;F#ig#Jl.3d^*,0 ovEtqf- bftrt gprce VtPYt- Sronro 7/e Ler*N oa, Lt{gp? PLextet+as .acceg g lo * *tl eu.a - r($ I I r0- - 4nx 4n nrra- @*-kso1 w N.!t WfsellU- {'n.'tS, 4eM co3 VluAcprrrort Rov fu.*rune.,lR.Hf 5-S-12-o .STYLES AND ACCESS Sldlng t{onrzoNttL slotNogilFTER STRIP I' HORtAOiltrlL StDtMl OUTSIDE CORNER POSIS 'Olh.r rlyh. rrd lcccasdlr! rho n d*,h, \JEsf 5r-eArtor{ t/4t'- l'.O" @ eor fu,wrvne.Arcrfr h /"\ EAST EuEVprfroN (\d ,-g-11-D _-__ A Stonns Consultan o ts, Inc. +c"a&ay 0.5 2105 Jackson S&€el. Golden, CO 8O/t01 . (3113) 27t-9ll9o . FAX (303) 2Z-9288 Uay 4, L992 Town of Vail Department of Conmunity Development75 South Frontage Roadvail, co aL657 ATTENTION: litr. Andy Knudtsen RE: l.lodification to and Addition of Antennas and Enclosures;U S WEST Newvector croup, Inc. rs Vail CellutarTeleconmunications Facility; 501 N. Frontage Road Westt solarVail troperty; Vail, colorado Gentlemen: On behalf of U S WEST Newvector Group, fnc. (,tNewvectortr), our firmhas filed applications with the Town of Vail to nodify itsreferenced Conditional Use permit (ttCup.), to secure Varianceapproval and to secure Design Review Board approval for theProposed Modifications as described in our April B, LggZ letterrelated to existing Cellular Telecommunications Facility("Faciligy't1. The cUP was granted by the planning anaEnvironmental Connission ('IPEC) on October 8, l_99O in response to 9ur letter, application and Exhibits dated Septenber 1O, 1990included as Exhibit B and incorporated into and raade a part of theapril 8 subrnittal by reference. This retter and the herein referenced information is intended tosupplement our three. pending applications and respond to yourquestions and requests of April 30. Should you have additionalguestions or desire additLonal infornation prior to the pEC,s orthe DRB's consideration of Newvectorrs applications on ltay 11 andl'tay 20, respectively, please call . With the assistance of clenn Waddell, Newvector,s project Engineerfor the Colorado Rural Service Area (rRSAil) No. 3 that extends froneastern Clear Creek County to the Colorado Utah border, we haveoutlined below a surnmary of the additional questions raisecl andfollowed those with our responses. guestions and resgrcnses: 1. CAN ADDITIONAL, MORE DETAILED INFORIIIABION ABOUI TIIENCHIMNEY-LIKE ENCLOSI'RESII BEYOND WHAT [fAS DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS SE TION OF THE APRIL 8 LETTER AND DEPIC1TED IN THE EXHIBITS, BE PROVIDED? Yes. We have asked Roy Perlnutter, architecturalconsultant to Newvector, to respond and we understand he 2. sent 3 sets of drawings to you by overnight nail for l'lay1- delivery. The rrpreliminary-subject to U S WEST Newvector engineering reviewrr note was added to thedrawings because, dt that time, NewVector had not concluded that the proposed, painted, vinyl siding wouldpass the radio wave transmissions without significantattenuation. The acceptability of the naterial has now been confinned. COULD THE CHII.INEY.LIKE ENCLOSURES BE INSTALLED AT THE NORTH, RATHER THAN SOUTH, ENDS OF THE SOLAR VAIL BUILDING? As discussed on pages 8 and 9 of the April 8 submittal ,each of the two (on a buildinq face) antennas is fourfeet in diameter and the two need to be separated byabout six feet Eo they do not interfere (wavepropagation) with each other. With this configuration, the highpoint of the reflectorof the top antenna in the enclosure will be at aboutelevation 8250 feet (building roof elevation) and the lowpoint of the botton antenna will be about elevation 8236feet. As discussed before, the directional, higher gain antennas are proposed to improve Newvectorts cellular-signal strength along the I-70 corridor between the vailTransportation Center area and East Vai1, and betweenWest Vail and Dowds Junction and to help NewVectorachieve the FCC's quality of service requirements forthose areas. Although the existing whip antennas willcontinue to provide service for the Vail and Lionshead areas and the ski area, they do not and cannot neet theceI1ular transmission requirernents that will be roet withthe additional antennas. fn NewVector's opinion, pLacing the antennas in the rrrear locationrr, as depicted on the included Exhibit, will compromise the intended coverage for the antennas. Onthe east side, the radio wave propagation from an antennain the rrrear locationfl wil] be susceptible to existingground interference/attenuation. Note that the existingground is elevation 8236 feet and higher about 15 feetout from the antenna. Sirnilar1y, the Red SandstoneSchool's operations to the east of So1ar Vail roay inpactthe antennas operational characteristics on the east.The closer, rrproposed locationrr for the antennas,relative to the I-7O corridor, will be the superiorcellu1ar transnission locations. |9ain, should other questions arise or should you desire additionatinfornation, please call. Sincerely, Storms Consultants, Inc.a \.--.NYbsh Larry D. Storns P.E. President Site Acquisition and Land Use consultantsRepresenting U S WEST NewVector croup, Inc. Enclosures cc: l.Iike Curnrnings Roy Perlmutter tDs/1e '', 3SI \l\ !,n.N?\-' lio cAttr nl l*<" cl'aree o" F TRF,.",I RPA o,'t unyi ** %r^l,rt F Vo,r- Dn, & Co^ruu^Jny Dever-cntaErf ?5 Sqrr* ftoltlney- Fo*t **ff1H,1* fo t kz, 4,,w1 kuupr'la.t Roy Ferlrauttcr AIA Hnclpal 2851 S. FarkerRd. Sultc 9:lO Aurora CO 80014 (303) 755-o6s6 fax {3Os) 755-5549 V^,u, (otdzrrro At6Sl frortr D^r (.*,rz lKrlqegLwrrft?_bxr€r 4-b-12 k: hNleuu*A*rr,wf **. f^,- E,rruDrNG. E.rceoseO AF€ Z @ES oF "dor-oenuo RSA Ab. 3 hptnrlu^, RenEns+rp, dS tJesr /Jeut/ecroe Geo* /pc. Gtte*.tu Paen.rgL , CO3 t'aru CA- SrTE- ADprz6il 0F AprepruAS AMD 6N4.LOSgREL(" DzR,^trruC, 0r T*€ 5o-lp- Vn,u 6r.lrr-Drrrcz DATTED 4- ZS-12, .SizuT 1o /or.r AS l?z Tk€ Rcovair oF Arq StoznS or SrzpLcS Co,uS vuTAruTS . |4ttKEg tt ftr.r^l,NARy- SveJF-cr To USTdAJVG €NaIN€ER-rNG P.EVIEto, t' Storms Consult"rrt! tn.. 2105 Jackson St€st. GoHen, @ 80401 . (3lxl) 2?7€090 . FAX (303) 2Zf-9283 April I | 1,992 Town of vail Department of Comnunity Development75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8L657 ATTENTION: Mr. Andy Knudtsen RE: Modification to and Addition of Antennas and EnclosuresiU S WEST NewVector Group, lnc. rs VaiI Cellularlfelecomnunications Facility; 5oL N. Frontage Road Westt SolarVail Property; VaiI, Colorado Gentlemen: This letter and the included Exhibits accompany U S WEST NewVectorGroup, Inc.'s (rrNewVectorrt) Appl.ication to rnodify its referencedConditional Use Perrnit (oCUPtt) and to secure Variance approval forthe Proposed l.lodifications as described below related to itsexisting Cellular Teleconmunications Facility (trFacilityr). The C-IIP \ras granted by the Planning and Environmental Connission(nPEC[) on October 8, ]-99O in response to our letter. applicationand Exhibit's dated Septernber LO, l-990, included as Exhibit B andincorporated into and made a part of this Application by reference. PROPOSED IIODI FICATIONS NewVector proposes to add directional-cellular. grid-parabolic antennas, as depicted on Exhibit E, to the east and west buildingfaces of the Solar Vail Building as shown on the included ExhibitsA, C and D. ftre existing cellutar whip {onnidirectional) antennaswill renain on the roof sf ttre hritrdinqr. The directional , higher gain antennas are proposed to inproveNewvector's cellular-signal strength along the I-7A corridor between the Vail Transportation Center area and East Vail, and between West Vail and Dotuds Junction and to help NewVector achievethe FCcts quality of service requirements for those areas.Although the existing whip antennas will continue to provide service for the Vail and Lionshead areas and the ski area, they donot and cannot meet the cellular transnission requirements that w111 be met with the additional antennas. To nake the additional antennas courpatible with the residential-character of the Solar Vail building and other properties in thevicinity, Newvector proposes to construct and attach chinney-likeenclosures around the antennas and on the east and west faces ofthe building. The locations of and details for the chinney-like enclosures are shown on Exhibits A, C, and D. The Community Development Department,s October g, j-99O report tothe PEC, pertaining to the cup, described the now-existing rlcirityand. provided a zoning analysis of the Facility. Tha proposedl'todifications, as described above, wirl increase the height oi the.building from 34.8 feet to 38.8 feet, remaining werl berow the 45-foot_ zoning height linit. The existinq whip antenna tips wiIIrenain at a heiqht of 40.8 feet above existing grade. The zoninganalysis will not be otherwise changed. The Department,s report stated further, relative to the Facility,the following (excerpted from referenced report): CRITERIA Al{D FIIIDINGS Upon review of Section 19.60, the Cornrtqlil" Development Departmentrecommends approval of the conditionar use permit based upon thefollowing factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Relatignshio and inpact of the use on d.evelopnentobjectives of the Town. The objectives listed in the Zoning Code in the purposesection for the HDMF zone district state that: rfThe high-density nultiple-family district is intended toprovide sites for rnultiple-farnily dwellings at densitiesto a maximum of twenty-five dwelling units per acre,together with such public and semipublic facilities andlodges, private recreation facilities and relatedvisitor-oriented uses as may appropriately be located inthe same district. The high density nultipte familydistrict is intended to ensure adequate liqrht, air, open space and other amenities conmensurate with high densityapartment, condominium and lodge uses, and to naintainthe desirable residential and resort qualities of thedistrict by establishing appropriate site developnentstandards. Certain nonresidential uses are perrnitted asconditional uses which relate to the nature bf Vail as awinter and sumner recreation and vacation community, andsthere pernitted are intended to blend harnoniously withthe residential character of the district.r'(Section 18.20.OLO) Ihis proposal complies with the purpose statement of thezone district as it is a conditional use that is listedin the zone district. The effect of the use on liqht and air. distribution of2. 3. o population. transportation facilities, utilities,schools, parks and recreation facilities, and otherpublic facilities needs. The proposal witl have no impact on the Town serviceslisted above, No site parking is rernoved to allow forthe mechanical room. Effect upon traffic with particular reference toconqestion, automotive and pedestrian safety andconveniencg,. traffic flow and control , access.rnaneuverability, and removal of snow from the street andparkinq areas. This use will not impact traffic as it wiII generateapproximately one trip per month. U S WEST Neluvectorexpects that the mectranical eguipnent wiII require anonthly service call. Other than this impact, theproposal does not affect the issues listed above. Effect upon the character of the area in wbich thepronosed use is to be located, includinq the scale andbulk of the proposed use in relation to surroundinq uses. The character of the area will be affected by theadditional mass and bulk of the equipment building andthe antenna. The inpact on the surrounding uses fronthese additions will be rninimal because the fewsurrounding uses are located far fron the new buitdingand antenna. The surrounding uses are the Red Sandstone Elementary School, the N. Frontage Road, and I-ZO. Thereare no adjacent uses to the north or east. Concerning the school, the new nechanical building willnot be visible because it is located on the east side ofSolar VaiI. Concerning the roads, the speed of driverson the interstate is such that they are not likely tonotice the antenna or building, Because the antenna isshort conpared to the distance from the antenna to the edges of the roof, it will only be seen from distancesgreater than L89 feet. Fron this distance, travelling at65 miles an hour, drivers are not likely to notice it. Planning staff discussed other options with theconsultant. There are two locations to the north ofSolar Vail which could accommodate the building. One isbetween a large retaining wall and the building. Thishas drawbacksr tts it congest the space imnediatelyoutside the dwelling units which look out to the north.Another option is to locate the buildinq above theretaining waII; however, the waII may not be strong enough to retain the hillside and support the weight of 4. the building. As a result, staff decided that we could support thelocation on the east side of the building if theapplicant nitigated the irnpacts of additional mass andbulk by inproving the appearance of the area. Theimprovements inctude enclosing the existing trashdumpster and planting seven spruce and five aspen trees.Staff believes that these improvements will result in more attractive tandscaping than is currently around thebuilding. FII{DIT{GS The Planninq and Environnental conmission shall make the followinctfindings before qrantinq a conditional use oermit: A. That the proposed location of the use in accord with thepurposes of this Ordinance and the purposes of the district inwhich the site is located. B. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions underwhich it would be operated or maintained would not bedetrinental to the public health, safety, or welfare ornaterially injurious to properties or improvenents in thevicinity. c. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicableprovisions of this ordinance. SIA.FF RECOIIIIEIIDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the conditional use proposal . Webelieve it neets the conditional use criteria as discussed aboveand that it is in accordance with the purpose section of the EDMF zone district. Staff review has showa that it will be operated ina way that is not detrimental to the Town and that it conplies withthe provisions of the Municipal Code. Iife therefore recornmendapproval with the following conditions: Prior to issuance of a final certificate of occupancy for themechanical building, the applicant shall: A. Screen the dunpster with a five foot high fence B. Plant seven spruce and five aspen trees in the area betweenthe nechanical building and the N. Frontage Road; and C. Treat the antenna with a non-reflective material , if needed. (End of Departmentrs October 8, 199O report). NewVector believes that the Departnentrs earlier findings, asstated above, would not have been significantly different had theProposed Modifications been included in the original Application.Accordingty, CUP approval of the proposed Modifications is herebyrequested. C9III{T'ilITY DEVEIfPTIEIIT DBPARTI,TEIflT'S ZOilING AIIALYSIS OF TIIE PROPOSED INODIFIEATIOIS Following a rneeting with the Department on February 26 | L992, weunderstand that the Proposed ltodifications were discussed in theDepartment's staff neeting on l{eeting on l{arch 3. We rdere subsequently advised, on Uarch 6t that it was Staffrsposition that the proposed antennas are rrsatellite Dish Antennasrl(hereinafter ISDAB) and, accordingty, subject to Section 18.58.320of the Town code of Vail (hereinafter rrCoderr). NewVector does notagree with the interpretation that the proposed antennae are SDA.An SDA is defined as follows (Code Section L8.58.320): rrThe satellite dish antenna shall mean a dish shaped orparabolic shaped reception or transmission antenna which isnore than two feet in dianeter (includinq dishes stored ortemporarily place for more than one day) for the receptionald./or transnission of satellite signals, including, but not.linited to television signals, Al.{ radio signals, Filrt radiosignals, telemetry signals, data communications signals, orany other reception or transmission signals using free airspace as a rnedium, whether for commercial or private use.rl(underline added for emphasis.) A primary element of the SDA definition, "for the reception and/ortransmission of satellite signalsrr, is not met by NewVectorrsproposed antennas. Notwitltstanding Newvectorrs disagreement, inthe interest of expeditiously gaining the Cityrs approval of the needed antennas, this Application includes a Variance approval,request, subject to the Reservations of Rights as hereinafterdescribed. RESERVATIONS OF RIGETS Newvector contends that the antennas, as described earlier in thisApplication, are not Satellite Dish Antennas (r'SDArr) as defined inSection 18.58.320 of the Code and are, therefore, not subject tothe requirements set forth therein. However, Newvector will subnit and pursue the within Application for Variance approval upon theexpress condition that the Tolrn of VaiI agrees that no waiver ofNewvector's position (that its proposed antennas are not sDA) isintended or implied, and that no esloppel will be created by thisApplication. Newvector expressly reserves its rights to maintainand pursue an appropriate adninistrative and/or judicial determination consistent with its interpretation. VARIANCE REQTIEST AND I}IFORI'IATIOI TO SUPPORT A FAVORABLE FITIDING The proposed antennas compliance with the requirements of CodeSection 18.58.32O.D UiIl be as follows: No. l-:rrNo more than one satellite dish antenna shall beallowed on any lot as delineated on the official Town of Vail zoningi map.rl The Proposed Modification includes 4 directionalantennas. Since the intent is to improve cellular-signal strength both east and west of the Facility, antennas must be configured in each direction. TIro antennas are required in each direstion to provide both the trtransmitr and rrreceiveu functions. A VARIAI{CE from this requirement is requested. TheTolrn of VaiI PEC may grant a Variance fron thestrict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofcertain regulations and requirements of the Code,including those listed in Code Section 18.58.320.Drelative to SDA, trin order to prevent or to lessensuch practical difficulties and unnecessaryphysical hardships inconsistent with the objectivesofrr the Code that would result fron its strict orliteral interpretation and enforcement (underlines added for emphasis.) The purpose or rrobjectivesrr of thepresented in Code Section 18.02.02Ofollows: Code, as reads as xA. These regulations are enacted for the purpose of pronoting the health,safety, morals, andgeneral welfare of the town, and to promotethe coordinated and harmonious development ofthe town in a manner that will conserve andenhance its naturaf environment and itsestablished character as a resort andresidential community of high quality. B. These regulations are intended to achieve thefollowing more specific purposes: 1. To provide for adequate light, air,sanitation, drainage, and publicfacilities:2. To secure safety from fire, panic, flood,avalanche, accumulation of snow, andother dangerous conditions;3. To pronote safe and efficient pedestrian and vehicular traffic circulation and tolessen congestion in the streets;4. To promote adequate and appropriatelylocated off-street parking and loadingfacilities;5. To conserve and rnaintain established comrnunity qualities and economic valuesi6. To encourage a harmonious, convenient,workable relationship among land uses,consistent with nunicipal developmentobjectives;7. To prevent excessive population densitiesand over-crowding of the land withstructures tB. To safeguard and enhance the appearanceof the town;9. To conserve and protect wildlife,streams, woods, hillsides, and otherdesirable natural featuresiL0. To assure adequate open space, recreationopportunities, and other amenities andfacilities conducive to desired livingquartersi 11. To otherwise provide for the growth of anorderly and viable community.(ord. 8 (L973) 1..L00.)'r As to Findings the PEC shall make before granting aVariance (Code Section l-, the grantingof a Variance from requirement No. I will not granta special priviledge inconsistent with thelinitations on other properties classified in thesame district (HDMF).The existing NewVectorFacility is likely to be the only Cellular Telecomrnunications Facility located within a HDMFdistrict in the Town of Vail since only twocellular service providers are licensed by the FCC and the other providerrs facility is located in thePublic Use District. Further, as a I'public utilityand public service usetr, a future such Facilitywould first need to secure a CUP in a HDilFdistrict to locate there. The granting of a No. 2: No. 3: Variance from requirement No. 2 will not bedetrinental to the public health, safety, orwelfare, or materially injurious to the propertiesin the vicinity.The Department's report,excerpted and presented on pages 2, 3 and 4 of thisletter, addressed these areas and others. The Proposed Modifications will actually enhance publicsafety by increasing the cellular coveraqe area forthe Facility and inproving cetlular communicationsfor Vail residents and visitors. The Variance is warranted pursuant to requirementNo. 3, because the strict or literal interpretationand enforcement of this requlation, allowing only one antenna on the Solar Vail property, will resultin nractical difficulties and unnecessaryhardships that are inconsistent with thettobjectivesrr or purposes of the Code. The ProposedDlodification will: B-1), enhance the provision ofpublic services while not impacting adequate light,air, sanitation or drainage; F-2), help, byproviding improved communications, to secure safetyfrom fire, etc. for Vails residents and visitors;B-3, help, by providing improved cornmunications forVaiI residents and visitors, to promote safe andefficient pedestrian and vehicular trafficcirculation and to Iessen congestion in thestreetsi B-8, help to safeguard and enhance the appearance of the town by incorporating enclosuresin the design that blend and are compatible withthe existing building,s architectural characteriand B-11, with improved cellular communications,help the comnrunity to grow in an orderly and viable manner. trThe terporary use and/or installation of asatellite dish antenna shall be linited to a naximum period of one day. Only three temporaryinstallations shall be allowed per business orresidence per year.rl Since the Proposed Modifications will not be aItTemporary Use6, this requirement is notapplicable. rrThe maximurn height allowed for any satellite dishantenna, when measured from the top of thesatell"ite dish antenna down to existing or finishedgrade, whichever is more restrictive, shall not exceed fifteen feet.tl Tvo antennas are proposed for each (east and wbet) No. 4: No.5: No.6: face of the Solar Vail buitding. Each antenna isfour feet in diameter and the two (on a face) needto be seperated by about six feet so they do notinterfere (wave propogation) with each other.Accordingly, about a L4 vertical foot segment isrequired. To comply with the requirernent, thebottom of the lower antennas refLector would thenonly be one foot above the existing grade. Thatheight would not provide sufficient height abovesurrounding and adjacent terrain for the cellulartransmissions to rneet their intent. Since theantennas will not be seen, being fully enclosedwithin the chimney-like structures, their actuallocation relative to existing grade (a maximum of30 feet to the top of top antenna,s reflector)should be imrnaterial . A VARINICE frorn this requirement is requested. Thesupport infornation for this request is the same as was provided in response to No. l- above. rrThe maximum size of any satellite dish antennainstalled for use by a single residence or businessshaIl be linited to nine feet in diameter.Satellite dish antennas serving rnulti-fanilydwellings shall be limited to a maximum of twelvefeet in dianeter.rl The antennas for the Proposed l'{odifications arewell below the twelve foot dianeter maximun. rrNo advertising, Iogos or identification shall beallowed on any satellite dish antenna.m fhis requirement will be net. rrSatellite dish antennas shall cornply with theexisting setback requirenents of the zone districtin which the satellite dish antenna is installed.SatelIite dish antennas sha1I be prohibited in easernents and public right-of-way. No portion of asatellite dish antenna or its supporting structureshall encroach into the verticaL plane as drawnfrom an existing easement or setback line.rl This requirement will be net. rrlssuance of a building pennit frorn the conmunity development department shall be required prior tothe installation of any sateltite dish antenna.rl This requirement wilt be net. No. 7: No. 8: No. 9: nAdjacent property owners and owners of dwellingunits on the same lot as the applicant shall benotified of any application for the installation ofa satellite dish antenna. Notification proceduresshall be as outlined in Section i.8.66.080 of theMunicipal Code of the Town of Vail. Names andnai.ling addresses of adjacent property owners andof owners of dwelling units on the same lot as theapplicant shall be provided to the community development departnent by the applicant.n Newvector understands that the Town of vail willdirect the publication of the hearing notice. oneset of stanped, addressed envelopes for theadjacent property owners for hearing notices isincluded. !'Due to the special aesthetic inportance of thecore areas of the town, exterior installations ofsatellite dish antennas in Conmercial Cores I andII shall be pernitted only if screened by sone typeof enclosing structure. Said structures requiredto enclose a sateltite dish antenna in these areasshall comply with all applicable zoning regulationsand shall be architecturally compatible with theexisting structure.tt The Solar Vait property is not located in either Conrnercial Core I or II. However, to minimize any iurpact percieved to be associateil witb the proposed Modif ications, chlnney-like enclosures are proposed as discussed eartier in thie letter, EXIIIBITS The folloring Exhibits are included and made a part of NewVectorrsApplication. ExhibitA-SitePlanExhibit B - Septenber L0, t99O 1etter, application and exhibitsExhibit C - site Sketchr/prospectiveExhibit D - Building Isometric/AntennasExhibit E - Antenna Inforrnation SheetExhibit F - List of Adjacent property OwnersExhibit G - Authorization to Act for NewVector Along with this Application, tre have included one set of stamped,addressed envelopes for the adjacent property owners for hearingnotices. we understand that these wilt be nailed certified/return t-o receipt requeated by staff. we have also incruded the s?oo.ooatrpLi.cation fee. Should you have further queetions or require additionatlnfornation, please call. Please lat us knou the pEC hearLng datefor this Application at your earliest opportunity. Sincerely. Storm eonsultants, Inc. |\\ S\,\ I Iarry D. Storns, P.E. Preeld€nt EncLoEures cc: Anne Drebin (Exhibits A, C, D, E e F)Xike Cumings (Exhiblts A, C, E & F.) 11 o ExHrS,t E ,-1t'' T Eu IE HIc o E v\ 2I.nT H-o t F ITo a--_-J,* tEll2l tJ t $g $g su 8B r$r$ t 0 I 0$FfNJ aE -..tsr0F @,- s$$$ U r0 rg s$s0 o rE -{rflr' bI s0oS *0 ag f$$$r-l\i r-l-9,rd k {ra$rfl .i*r{t {.^rs s0 tt dd H6 Horg t' Hns$HSo$r$[$h;!l Ei fia (4Dat Hli tl HP z,oFo =u,lEFIn {z z,lul-z { FvE a tr IJ i lia rflt3gr ?s ri @l .------.-d -J EXHIBIT F CONDITIONAL USE PERI{IT TOT,{N OF VATL ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS SOLAR VAIL CONDOI'IINU!'|S Project Site: 501 North Frontage Road West, VaiI, Colorado l{lest: Assessorrs Parcel (ApN) No. 2101-063-02-013 Town of Vai.l 75 South Frontage Road litestVail, colorado AL6S7 Lessor/Use: Eagle County School Distrlct RE 50 iI(Red Sandstone ELementary School)Eagle, Colorado 81631 North: APN 210L-063-02-004 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, Colorado 8:.657 Use: Vacant East: APN 2101--064-00-002 Town of VaiL 75 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, Colorado 8L657 Use: Vacant South: North Frontage Road and Interstate ?0State of Colorado Use: Roadway/Freeway y:.YFII NTI*-i". otoue, rnc.l FEd Esbto 8nd Zqing ! 3150 i6lst Avqr.r s.E PO. Eox 732s Edlww, WashlE0on 980(F1329 ?'6717-ffi t Exhibit G ltt:}tHSr NEWVECTOR GROUP March 18, 1991 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We, at U S WEST NewVector Group, lnc, haw authorizcd Storms Consultants to act on our behalf and represcnt our interests within the Stato of Colorado If pu have any questione or need frrther verification, please contact me at Z)G45()-81fiL Sincerely, . /'l|jlIq,y((L"r- ,-*., Jane L. Alcorn Regional Real Estate Coordinator Real Btate Department. fila U I tlst C.lluht U 3 ft8? ?|rhr Exutg,r B Storms Consultants '1384 Snowbsrry Drive. Golden, Colorado 80401 . (3031 526-1367 Messages (303) ?30-7?81 Septenber 10, l_990 Town of Vail Department of Cornrnunity Development75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8L652 Re: Conditional Use perrnitt US WEST Newvector croup, Inc. rs Proposed Vail cellular TeLephone Exchange sltet 501 NorthFrontage Road West,. VaLl, Colorado This letter and the included Exhibits accompany US I{ESTNewvector Group, Inc. ts (t,NewVectorrr) appticat-ion for aconditionar use pernit. rt describei t[r6 proposed telephoneexchange.improvement in detail and presenti tire requestidinformation to support a favorable ilnainq for theconditional use pernit by the planning and EnvironmentalCommission during its October 8, L990 neeting. COLORADO RSA NO.3 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND NE['TvEcToR US WEST NewVector croup, Inc. (rrNewVectoril) is a subsidiarygf UP WE|T, fnc. I one of the seven regional conpanies crealedby the divesture of AT&T in tgga. Tha Colorado RSA No. 3 ( trPartnership" ) ls a Limited partnershlp that includes asLinited Partners several telecornmunication cornpanies thatcurrently serve the Rocky Mountain area and intludesNewvector as its General partner. NewVectorrsresponsibilities include obtaining the requisite cellulartelephone interconnection with tht landlirie networkiestablishing. operating and naintaining the cellular servicesystem; and marketing cellular service. The partnership lsone of _two companies that secured the right thls year fromthe Federal Communications Comnission (ilFCCrt) to establishcellular service in specific, rural areas of Colorado. Nestvector is also licensed to provLde cell_ular teLephoneservice to a rnarket area that l_ncludes fourteen westernstates, plus sone addltional local rnarkets that lie outsideof that area. The FCC regulates cellular communications andallovrs for only two celLular franchises in each metropolitanarea. In addition to its right, through the partnership, toserve the Vail & Avon/Beaver Creek areas, Newvector holds theexisting telephone conpany or rvrire-linerf carrierrepresentative license to provide the Denver-Boulder-coloradoSprings netropolitan areas with cellular mobileradio/telephone systerns. INTRODUCTION TO CELLULAR TECHNOLOGY In the past, nobile telephones nere only available to aprivileged few who were willing to tolerate the considerableIirnitations of a system that utllized only L2-2O channels andoften had poor voice quality and spotty coverage. These syatems operated with one centrally located high-poweredtransmitter to cornmunicate with all of the rnobile units inthe service area. This technology did not nake large scaleservice practical , because each of the systens channels couldonly handle only one call at a tirae. Channels could not be reused because the transnitted signals were strong enough tointerfere with one another. The current cellular telephone technology was developed byBell Laboratories to respond to these problems. This systenconsists of many 1ow powered antennas erected ln a honeycombpattern of rrcellsrr that invlslbly blanket the service area. The cellular systern coneists of a celluJ.ar phone that bothtransmits and receLves rarlio signals. Fron the mobile phone,calls are sent to a central cornputer called the Mobile Telephone Switching Office (MTSo). The MTSO interconnectsthe cellular phone transmission with the local landllne teLephone company systern which conrpletes the calt. As the caller drives from one cell to another, the call isautornatically handed off to another cell by conputer. Thecells are also over-lapped to insure calling success evenduring the busiest hours and days of the nonth. The systenis engineered to provide excellent signal strength andclarity. In addition, all NewVector cellular service systemsare compatable with each other, so when a caller travels intoanother city, the systern still works. Expanding further on the technology, the cellular systen is anon-wire line telephone system which enploys radio waves totransmit and recej.ve telephone ca1ls. The FCC has authorlzeda very linited frequency band of 417 fixed channels for use by celLular telephones. The authorized frequency band lsrelated to the FM radlo band, but is seperate and distinct from commercial radio broadcast frequencies. By divldlng ageographical service area into |tcellsrr, the technology allowsthe repeated reuse of the 417 fixed channels to greatly increase the capacity of the systen. The same channels can be reused many times for different cell sites in the samegeneral service area, so l-ong as the cell sites wLth conmon channels are not adJacent or so close as to interfere with a each other. The location of the transrnit/receive antennas for the cellsite is crLtical. If the facility cannot be placed so thatthe ce11 sites are contiguous or 6verlap, telephone callscannot be rrhanded-offrr from celI to ceII. This results in asubstantial risk of conversation breakup, interference lncellular calls and/or the inability to repeat or reuse thechannels. Further, if each facility's critical siting needsare not met, an optinun deslgn cannot be achieved, and additionaL cells and the additional related facilitiesare then requlred to serve a given geographical service area. The Fcc nandates all technical standards for the performance of a cellular telephone systern. The FCC also reguires that aprovider maintain a certain voice-quality level of servicewithin a service area in order to rnaintain its License andfranchise in that particular area. fn 1981 and L982, the FCCissued Cellular Orders that stressed the urgency of thepublic need for the implernentation of cellular service. The FCC subsequently announced Lts rrgoal of introducing a nationwide conpatible cellular service without indue delaytt and affirrned its rrpreemption over technical standards forcellular systensir noting that rrit is irnperative that noadditional requirements be inposed by the states which couldconflict within our standards and frustrate the federal scherne for the provision of nationwide cellular servicerr. PROPOSED VAII, CELLULAR TETEPHONE EXCHANGE GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND ZONE DISTRICT REQUIREIIENTS NewVector proposes to construct and/or erect a telephone equipnent building, rooftop antennas and related equipnent as shown on the included Exhibits, and to operate a telephone comrnunication system. The facility and its operation are, sometirnes, referred to as a rftelephone exchangett. The proposed site, as defined in the included application, is occupied by the Solar VaiI Condolninimums (r'Solar Vailtr). The condoninirnun developnent is entirely owned by Faessler Realty company and, as such, does not have a multi-owner condomlninun assocLation. The Solar Vail site is zoned High Denstty uultiple FamilyDistrict ('rHDMFn) accordlng to the Offlcial Zoning llap, Townof Vail (sheet 6). Chapter L8.20, Title 18 of the l.tunicipal code of vail, Colorado (ttZonlng Titletr) discusses the intent and purpose of the HDMF district and provides the related development guidelines and requirenents. As a rrpublic utility and public service userr, NewVectorrs proposedcellular telephone exchange is permltted in the HDMFdlstrict, subject to a lsiuance of a Conditional Use permitin accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60 of theZoning Title. wlth regard to setback and helght limltation requlrements,the proposed telephone exchange wiII provide the following: Front setback Side setback Rear setback Height linit Required (ft. ) 20, 20t 20, 45' Provided (ft. ) 55,38' to bldg L20' 40, ,l :t tips of rooftop antennas to subterranan parking grade PROPOSED VAIL CELLULAR TELEPHONE EXCHANGE OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS AND MITIGATION The Conditional Use Permit application requests that theapplicant address four interest areas relative to theproposed facility and selected site. The form of theinterest areas has been changed to questions to improve theirclarity for response. 1. What is the proposed use,s relationship to and what willbe its impact upon the Townrs development obJectives? The Town of Vail enacted the Zonlng Tltle for the purpose ofpronoting the health, safety, morals, and general welfare ofthe town, and to promote the coodination and harmonious development of the town in a nanner that will conserve and enhance its natural environment and its established characteras a resort and residential comrnunity of high quality. Theresolutions contained in the Zonlng Title toere promulgated to achieve the fotlowing rnore specific purposes: 1. To provide for adequate llght, air, sanitation,drainage, and public faciLlties;2. To secure safety from fire, panlc, flood, avalanche, accurnulation of Bnow, and other dangerousconditions;3. To promote safe and efficient pedestrian a vehiculartraffic circulation and to lessen conjestion in thestreets i 4. To pronote adequate and appropriately located off-street parking and loading facilitles;5. To conserve and rnaintain established conmunityqualities and economic values;6. To encourage a harmonious, convienLent, workablerelationship anong land uses, consistent wttnnunicipal development obJectives i7. To prevent excessive population densities andovercrowding of the land with structuresi8. To safeguard and enhance the appearance of the towni9. To conserve and protect wiLdtife, streams, woods,hillsldes, and other desirable natural_ features;L0. To assure adeguate open space, recreationopportunlties, and other anenities and facilltiesconducive to desired living quarters;l-l-. To otherwise provide for the growth of an orderlyand viable conmunity. The.proposed cellular telephone exchange is prerequlslte toefficienty and effectively providing celLulai telephoneservice to Vait,s residenls-and visitors. In addilion toserving the normal teLeconnunication needs of rnillions ofpeople dally, cellular telephones fill a critlcal , life-saving need during natural disasters. Uany health, safetyand public agencies have enhanced their response capabilllywith cellular telephones. The applicant believes that the-proposed Vail area qeLlular telephone system, with theproposed cellular telephone exchange as lt primary, requlsitefeature, will greatly enhance the quality of 1ife for Vail'sresLdents and visitors, help vall to achieve Lts developmentobjectlves, and will not have significant, detrimental inpacton the VaiL area. 2. I{hat will be the effect of the use upon liqht and air,distribution of population, transportation facilities,utilities, schools, parks and other recreation faciliiies,and other public facilities and public faciLities needs? Once constructed, the facility will be unmanned and,therefore, there is no need for Irater or sanitary serilerfacilities. Electric and landline telephone service are required and available near the site. The applicant statesthat the telephone exchange will have no slgnlficant lnpacton air or water quality and will not generate intrusive noLse beyond the site's boundaries. Nightime securlty llghting, ifany, will be directed inward and away from adjacentproperties. 3. What will be the effect of the use upon traffic, withparti.cular reference to conjestion, autonotive and pedestriansafety and convience, traffic flow and control , access,manuverability, and rernova] of snovr from streets and parking areas? The appLicant responds that once the telephone exchange is innormal operation, associated vehicular traffic will be on1-y occasional , typically one maintenance, passenger-vehicle per month. 4. What will be the effect of the use upon the character ofthe area in which the proposed use is to be located,including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relatlonto surrounding uses? The applicant states that the overall impacts of the telephone exchange upon the adjacent vacant properties and/or upon the adjacent Solar Val,l developnent will be ninimal ornon-existent. NewVector has planned and prelirninarity designed the proposed telephone exchange in an effort tominimize, to the maximum extent practical , 8Dy inpact fromthe facility. Although the egulpnent buiLding wlll bepartially visible fron the westboundrNorth Frontage Road and from westbound Interstate 7O as indicated on Exhibit c,aesthetic inpacts will be nitigated by finishing visiblebuilding surfaces to natch Solar VaiL and by extensive landscaping of the telephone exchange site. EXHIBITS The following Exhlbits are included and made a part of Newvector, s application. Exhibit A - Site PIan, scale of l_rf = 2Or.Exhibit B - Site Survey and Legal DescriptionExhibit C - Site Sketch,/prospectiveExhibit D - Building Isometric/AntennasExhibitE-TitleReportExhibit F - List of Adjacent property ownersExhibit G - Authorization to Act for NewVector Along wiLh the apptication, we have included one set ofstanped, addressed envelopes for the adJacent property ownersfor hearing notices. tile understand that these will be nailedcertified/return receipt requested by staff. Should you have any questions or if you desire additlonalinformation, please catl. Sincerely, STOR}{S CONSULTANTS Larry D. Storms, P.E. President enclosures . f(o?oseQ fETArNlN4NAuul ?Ao?,gtD ve 1vLVtu10H9r"Al0 ?&effQ gUlLPlN4 t ''tt6. trfrfffi.d88'Et 'nrltfr a-?n Et '.rcg.ad}ot al!.4 -lt - e2to -ra \\ ffi0?0aeP.tTr-lk /a -:--=\>, ----......-'--t *k./-N-r -.--.' '''|> / "r_-- *-.-_ ti|--1 -'-2.'. J ----''tt --'''''""' "-'-' 'r' .,at. -ra 't ----'' -{ r;\ \,------,r ' dsr-,,,o !a,t nr 6 to ...-a -t'/'-.-...-_-.-..-'..-- , . it.l NfENnE HGHtvAr 70 ao.n( ontq FnovlrcE maol LWEHD KoVzW dAN1bUR sKET(A 1-7'qo-A-f YKO?ObEP TREYAa AT *LAR VAIL W- U.g.tAE€f NEhIV (ARAJ?, lNe. (OY fERI}IUTTER ARCHffEAfNaKrg I'ffi'n l'?-o'- o" or1:' zto (r \t / I o ExnrBlT C @r SKElLl s-' +'qo-l.'lq,+, qO gOv?\F. yAlL RoY reeunru-rTEE /€;cnffECT wK l.4,wvET HEhlyefiDz. - ^FOV?, lNe", Ex rr \g rr I) tt) ctr tul.rt 'ron"'It\tl ^tlltx{^'(r?rcrr] T-*'"*"',-\ BUILDING ISOMETRIC {llls+'o (ll .' r.Y.c. Prt3 (r0 t! r^{rfD l0 l^lor c0r0i oflISllO lltosrol eo^r c^!:3 0{90t t.r..c, nro fi"!hffi'til$,lo$Bi"l'o 0. ttlomc ror t0 tc^Ll o tr- X l.l\ B, m C- SECURITY TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY3575 Cberry Creek Drive No.. Denver. Co. 80209 3ZL-ZZL? DATE: AUGUST i7, 1990 ORDER ll: 600027 PROP. ADDRESST 501 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST OWNER/BUYERT FAESSLER REALTY COMPA}IY, A COLORADO CORPORATION TO BE DETERMINED PLEASE DELIVER TO THE CUSTOMERS CHECKED BELOW: US WEST NEWVECTOR GROUP, INC.P. O. BOX 7329 ATTN: JANE ALCORN BELLqVUE. WA 98008 -1329 ATTN: 2540 SI'NSET DRIVE , IITZT LONGMONT, C0 80501 REFERENCE: NE}J VAIL ATTN: ALTERNATE i|z PROJECT ll Z+ttO ATTN: TO:ATTN: ATTN: TO:ATTN: TO: TO: TO: TO: TO: THE ABOVE IS DETIVERED TO. CONTACT I(ARL THANK YOU. A LIST OF CTIENTS THE ATTACHED TITLE SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING DIETR]CH AT 329-9999 COMMITMENT HAS BEEN THE COUUITMENT. PI.EASE o CONDITIONS DEFINITIONS (a) "Mortgage" means mortgage, deed ol trust or other securlty instrument(b) "Public Becords" means lltle records that glve construcllve notice of matiers affecting the tiil6 according to the state law where the land is locat6d. LATER OEFECTS The Exceptions in Schedule B - Seclion 2 may be amended to show any defecls, liens or encumbrances that appear for the f irst time In public records or are creaied or attached between lhe Gommltment Dete and the date on which all of the Requirements of Schedule B - S6ction I ere met We shall have no llablllty lo you because of thls amendment EXISTING DEFECTS ll any defects, liens or encumbrances exlsting at Com milment Dale are not shown in Schedule B, we may amend Schedule B lo show them, lf we do amend Schedute B to show these de{ectq liens or encum- brances, we shall be liable to you according to Pa ragraph 4 below unless you knew ol th is informallon and did not tell us about it in writing. LIMITATION OF OUR LIABILITY Our only obligatlon is to issue to you the Pollcy referred to In thls Commllment, when you have mel its Requiremenls. lf we have any liabillty to you forany loss you incu r because of an error In thlsCommltment, our liability will be limited to your actual loss caused by your relylng on thls Commitme nt when you acled in good laith to: comply wilh the Requirements shown in Schedul€ B - Section 1 oI eliminate with our written consent any Exceptions shown in Schedule B - Scction 2. We shall not be liable for more than the Policy Amount shown In Schedule A of ih ls Commltm€nt and ou r liability is subiect to the terms of the Policy form to be issued to you. CLAIMS MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT Any claim, wheth€ r or not based on negligence, which you may have against us concernlng the tiile to t h e land must be based on this Commltment and ls sublect to lts t€rms z. a 4. c, SECURITY TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY 3575 Cherry Creek Drive No., Denver, Co. g0ZO9 3ZL.2Ztz STAI{DARD COI{UIIT{EIflT FOR TITIJ INSIIM}ICE SCHEDIII,E A 1. Comnitment date: JULY 16, 1990 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Policy or pollcles to be issued: Forn 1987 (A) Olrner's Policy- Proposed Insured : TO BB DETERUINED (B) Loan Poliey - Proposed Insured: (C) Loan Policy - Proposed Insured: COMMITMENT SEARCH FEE TOTAl, 3. The FEE SIMPLE interest in the land described inat the date of the Commitment Date by: FAESSIJR REAI.TI COUPANY. A COLORADO CORPORAIION EXAMI KARL D, TYPIST: RLL Co--ltment Number 600027 Amount 1O BE DETERMINED TO Premiuu BE DETERilINED $165 .00 $15s.00 this cornrnittrent iS owned 4, The land referred to in this cornmitment is described as follows: A PORTION OF LOT 8, BLOCK 2, VAIL/POTATO PATCH, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 629, OF THE EAGLE COUNTY. COLOMDO, CLERK AND RECORDER'S RECORDS. SAID PORTION OF LAND BEING PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 8, WHICH IS A POINT ON TITE NORTHERI.,Y RIGHT.OF-WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 70; THENCE IIESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT.OF.I,'AY LINE A}T ARC DISTANCE OF 200.93 FEET ON A 3990,0 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, WHOSE CENTRAI AI{GLE IS 2'53'07" AND WHOSE CHORD BEARS S 82'36'28" W A DISTANCE OF 200.91 FEET; THENCE N 0'07'12" W A DISTANCE OF 238.85 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 8: THENCE S Continued on page 2 Continued frou page 1 86'16'09'E ATONG SAID NORTHBRLY BOT'NDARY LINE A DISTA}ICE OF Lgg.74FEET.To rHE NORTHEASTERLY comrER oF sArD Lor 8r THENCE s 0.07'12" E AT,ONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 8 A DISTAT{CE OF 2OO.OO- FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COITNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PURPORTED ADDRESS: 501 N FRONTAGE ROAD I|EST Issucd on: AUGUST 17, 1990 I Commitment Nunber 500027 SCEBDI'I.EB.SECTIONl Requlraaeatc The folloulug requLreoeqtr EuEt be Det: (a) Fay the agreed atrounts for the interest in the land and/or for themortgage to be insured. (b) Pay us the premiuns, fees and charges for the poliey. (c) The following docuoents satisfactory to us tlust be signed, deliveredand recorded: l.This conmltment is subject to such further exceptlons and/or requlrementsas nay appear necessary when the name of the proposed insured, (ScheduleA, Item No. 2a) has been disclosed Conmi-tnent Nuober 600027 SCHEDIII.BB-SECTTON2 ExeeptJ.oae Any pollcy ue legue wLll heve thc following ercept:loae ualeea they are tekencare of to our sitiEfactlon. PART Ie l. Taxes and Assessrnents, not certified to the Treasurer's office. 2' Any facts' rights., interests, or clains which are not shovn by the publicrecords' but which could be ascertained by an inspection of siia taira orby naking lnqulry of persons in posses.sion thereol. 3. Easements, .or clairos of easements, not shown by the public records. 4 ' Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary Lines, shortage in area,encroachmeats or any other facts which-a correct survey -would disclose,and which are not shown by public records, 5. Any lien' or right to lien, for services, labor or uaterial heretofore orhereafter furnished, i-nposed by 1av and not shown by the public records. ^^RT Ib 1. Any and alL unpaid taxes, assessments and unredeemed tax sales. 2. Covenants, conditions and restrictions. which do not include a forfeitureor reverter clause, set forth in the instrument recorded MARCH 5, 1974 IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 628 AI{D AMENDED SEPTEUER 24, 1975 IN BOOK 24I AT PACE 950. 3. EASEMENT FOR UTILITY PURPOSES AS SHOIIN ON THE PLAT OF SAID SUBDIVISION A}TD AS RESERVED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED UARCH 5, 1974 IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE628. 4. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCH OR CANAIS RESERVED IN PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 15.1935 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 278 AND JULY 13, 1939 IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 617. 5. Deed of Trust frorn ROBERT T. LAZIER AND DIANE J. LAZIER. to the PublicTrustee of EAGLE County for the beneflt of I.IAJESTIC SAVINGS AND LOANASSOCIATION' securing an original prlncipal indebtedness of S335,000.00,and any-other amounts and/or obligations, dated DECEMBER 15, 1979,rCCOrdEd DECEUBER 20, 1978 IN BOOK 279 AT PAGE 853. ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS GIVEN IN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE DEED OF TRUST RECORDED DECEMBER 20, 1978 IN BOOK 279 AT PAGE 854. 6. DECd Of TTUST from ROBERT T. LAZIER AND DIANE J. LAZIER, to the PublicTrustee of EAGLE County for the benefit of CoLUMBTA SAVINGS, A FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, securing an original principal indebtednessof $480 ' 000.00, and any other amounts ana/or obligation", - dated JIJNE 30,1986, recorded JULY 18, 1986 IN BOOK 445 AT PAGE 452. Continued on page 2 EXHIBIT F CONDTTIONAL USE PERMTT TOI{N OF VATL ADJACENI PROPERTY OWNERS SOLAR VAIL CONDOI,IINT'I,IS ProJect Site: 50L North Frontage Road llest, VaiL, Colorado weat! Assessorrs parcel (ApN) No. 2101-063-02-013 Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 8L65? Lessor/Use: Eagle County School District RE SO J(Red Sandstone Elementary School)Eagle, Colorado 81631 North: APN 21OL-063-02-004 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVall, Colorado BL6S? Use: Vacant East: APN 2LOr-O64-OO-0O2 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestValI, Colorado BL6S7 Uset Vacant South! North Frontage Road and Interstate 70State of Colorado Use: Roadway/Freeway H%TJnH!Eo!l* 8daru., wsrt'&lebo 08000.t320 eoi ?r7.4t00 tr,XHIBIT lrstnnsr NEI/IIVECIOR.GROUP ,ruly, lggo trO WHO!,T IT I{AT CONCERN! lfe, at USI'EST NerfVector Group, Inc., haveStofims ConsuLtantE, to act on our bEhalftllthtn the State of Colorado. If you have any questions or need f,urtherat (206) 562-257o, autboriaed l€try Btotxrs of and, represent our lnteroatc verLfLeatLon, pleaee contact ne EJ,ncerely,tud*J*d ann snrltlrglta Aoqulgltion Coordinator DBN/LSTTS U 3 WEST C.tul|' U a WEST Pdn! X Vi; ,-hr,..-. /?(d4 afunf ,/-ffLd) 7ytn *"" (,oA %.drtr*, "ery*l pUeLc NolcE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of Ure Town of V_ailrvill hold a public hearihg in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipat Code ot the Town ol vail on May 11, 1992 at 2:ffi p.m. in the Town of vait Municipat Builiing. Gonsideration of: 1. A request for an extsnsion of a previously approved variance for the Christania Lodge, 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing.Applicant: Paul & Sally JohnstonPlanner: Mike Mollica 2. I request to rezone the "Ski Museum'pocket park site from Public Accommodettion to Public Use District. The site is located at the northwest intersectlon ol Vail Road and West Meadow Drive, and more specjfically described as tollows: A part of Lol "B', Amended Map of vait Viilage, second Fiting, county of Eagle, state of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th P.M.: thence Southedy along the East Line of saH Section 7 a distance of 390.78 ft; thence on an angle to the right of 90o00'00" a distance of 25.00 ft to a point on the East Line of said Lot "B', said point being 73.00 feet Northerly lrom the sE corner of said Lot '8" and the true point of beginning; thence continuing along the aforesaid course a distance of 98.75 ft to a point on f|e Southwesterly line ot sau Lot "B', which is the Northeasterly line of W. Meadow Dr.; fience on an angle to the left of 121"43'21'and along the curve to the right having a radius of 17s.oo teet and a central angle of 02'06'21 and an arc distance ol 6.43 ft to a point of tangent; thence continuing along said tiangent a distiance of 33.97 ft to a point ol curve; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 75.00 ft and a central angle of 50'23'00" and an arc distance of 79.04 ft to a point of hngent; thence continuing along said tangent a distance of 13.48 ft to the Southeasterly corner of said Lot "8", said corner being 25.00 ft westerly of the East line of said section 7; thence on an angle to the left of 90"00'00" and along the Easterly line of sald Lot '8. and along a line parallel to the East line of said Section 7 a distrance of 73.00 ft to ttre true point of beginning, more generally known as NW corner of Vail Road and West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Mike Mollica 3. A request lor an extension of a previously approved setback variance tor the Pitto Residence, Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village Elevenh Filingl2g20 Booth Greek Drive.Applicant: J. Russell PittoPlanner: Mike Mollica 4. A request to expand a previously approved conditional use permit allorving a public utility and a request for a variance from Section 18.58.320 regulating satellite dish antennas lor 501 N. Frontage Road WesULot 8, Block 2, Vait potato patch. Applicant: U.S. West New VectorPlanner: Andy Knudtsen/Jill Kammerer 5. A request for a conditional use permit lor the Vail Team Tennis tacility, generally located to he soutr ol the Lionshead Skler BrfJge and north.of Forest Road on the existing tennis courb. Applicant: VailAssociatewailRecreationDistrictPlanner: Mike Mollica 6. Any items tabled from the April 27,'1992 meeting. The applicetions and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the VailTrail on April 24, 1992 :i::::. ::ral. ::|..' rii :li::: it::: :::::i :titi l::r: TOWN OF VAIL 1l r I{AME L( .> DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM "nn-{ ,l'ry q !-tt'*i :: .::: :. : :/;; ::.lr:.il :i::tli.li;:ii;;;:;.i.irI,fE; 0t 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS s5.00 01 0000 42415 UMFORM BUILDING CODE s50.00 01 0000 42415 UMFORMPLUMBNC CODE s36.00 01 000t) 42415 UNIFORM MEC HAN]CAL CODE s32.00 0l 0000 42415 IJI.TIFORM FIRE CODE s36.00 01 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE . s30.00 01 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS')s7.00 0r 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES / STUDIES Rn r< 0t 0000 423?l PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS 0t 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE [$40 PER HR.] 0r 0000 42322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 01 0000 41412 CO}.ITRAC|ORS UCENS ES FEES 01 0000 41330 OTT{ER FEES 0l 0000 41413 SIGN APPUCATION FEE s20.00 0l 0000 41413 ADDITIONAI SICNACE FEE tSl.OO PER SO.FT.] 01 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 01 0000 41331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 7fr lL: o-3 01 0000 fi"-A by Sf+ r- s C",.^, ;tt o { Qr-c-y'{+o',(/,s1,.1"1 /^o. 0l 0000 41330 ADDIT]ONAL CRFA '250'200.00 01 0000 41330 CONDTTIONAL UsE PERIVIIT $200.00 0r 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS THAN IOO SO.FI"I s200.00 0t 0000 41330 EXTEzuOR ALTERATION IN{ORE fiAN IOO SO.FT.]s500.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INEW 1500.00 0 r 0000 4l 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPME}IT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMENDI $l.l )00.00 0l 0000 dr 130 JC1AL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND 200.00 0l 0000 4t330 STJBDIVISION 0l OOOO ]IJJO VARIANCE 250.00 0r 0000 41330 ZONINC CODE AMENDMENTS 0.00 01 0000 41330 RE. ZONINC 200.00 0r 0000 ':.. r'!:.::r: r:j...:..:.:i,:,:a, it:.i i:::. i..i.l:r.ri:j . i :i.: :..i i :.,.- i .: it Torrr{ o;-;;;a__ __* l,liscel lareqls CEsh fi+-i ff-gr'-l4:4€:St F.:BcsiFr * ff$El3sHtrc,tunt# f,H#1318 5TDFJ,IS f,Dl{gLrLlnllTiipr r{r sffFtF.:t EE FBIr' DE5IGH REUIE Hrrlcuri t Len,lered I IB. Bg Itefli psid fiJ. &ffer04t 3f,lFfrEl tlhange r*turned t THF|rrl< Faunt paid 28. BS IJ. FJ'.J lftflJ l.'our cashier 5TEFH9HIE revis€d 9/4191 ,l DRB APPLICATION - IOMT DATE APPLICATION DATE OF DRB oF \ttIL, COIORTDO RECEIVED: MEETING: I. ********** TETS APPLIEATIOIi WTLL NOT BE ACCEPTEDttNTIIr ALL REQUIRED fNFORMTTION IS StBMItfED*tt******* PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRfPTION: Add antennas to existing Cel.trrtar B.TYPE OF REVIE9I: New Construction c. D. ($200.00) '.X Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: 50L North Frontaqe Road West LEGAL DESCRIPTfON: Lot part of 8 Block Subdivision VaiI/potato patch If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. ZONING: HDMFE. F.LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area. N/A Colorado RSA No. 3 Limited Partnership;G. NA-I4E OF APPLICANT: U S WEST Newvector Group, Inc. - Gen.-PartnerMailinq Addres P.O. Box 9121,7 Be.Llevue. WA Phone 206l450-8108 H.NAME OF APPLTCANT' S REPRESENTATTVE:Sf orms e.)nRrr'l tant s , Inc.Mailing Address i ?tO5 Jac.kcon Golden - CO 80 1O4 Phone )7 7 -g-oqo I . NA-I'4E OF Realty Company SIGNATURE (S} :Mailing Addres Phone 47 6-5656 J. Condominium Approval if appJ"icable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of subnlttal of DRB applicati')n. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vallwill adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - s 10,000$ 10r 001 - s 50,000s 50r 001 - $ 150,000 $150,001_ - $ 500r000 $500r 001 - $1r 000,000$ over $1r 000,000 4 rutB @ tl/OlO7 IFEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 9200.00 s400.00 $s00.00 * DESIGN REVIE}T BOARD EPPROVAI EXPIRES O}IE YEAR IFIER FINAI, APPROVA! uNrJEss A BUTLDTNG PERMIT IS ISSUED AlfD CONSTRUCTION Ig STARTED. *TNO APPLICETION TIILL BE PROCESSED WTTHOUT OI{NER'S SIGNATURE 1 \-'i N *rr':unr.# fHSlilg illiflt r*lj5ltlTftr{T5 rHf,\coHFrTrEHCL usE p EF$']]T Ftri,:r-rni tendered l ?Bg. BB -I-ffL'H 8F l,,|FI I I- pliscel laneous Cash tl4- 1iJ-9? t 4: I?: ?6 Fi+tr*ipi. * fig5?f,E, Itenr paid Amnunt paid fi1[tB$g413gg1gg6 ?BE. gg [:h.lng,:' r*' t urned ] F. r-rrl THFtF.tl< l/f]lJ lour r.:shier ETEPHBHIE revised s/4/sL O O Appricarior, o".. fft'Mot o' ,nge PEC MEETING DATE TPPLICAIION FOR l' VARI.ANCE I. This procedure is reguired for any project reguesting avariance, The application wiLl not be accepted until al,l i.nformation is submitted-- ----; QSA U"3 Ltaa11s1 fnBrruERsxrf . -A. NAME oF AppLrcANr Ll\s:"".']- *,-,v"-..op 6po.D i;.-:?;ii.Fnet.r*. ADDRESS P' u. Bo l{ qr Lrr PHONE B.NAI'{E OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS ZroS Snop.rrnl Sr. NAME OF OWNER(S) (type owNER(S) STGNATURE(S) ADDRESS LOCATION OF BLOCK Z PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LO ADDRESS S5 +? 6- s6.r6 {.1<, ! elr-z uutrc|| T_E-u- FILING PotAIs PNtcr{ .,J,1. "E. FEE $2s0.00 PArDZ|:uLcR * Su!r.'^nrto '/ +/C/q- uetrsJ\ II. A pre-apptication conference with a planning staff member is stlongly suggested to determine if any additional informalion is needed. No application will be accepted unLess it is complete (nust include af] items required by the zoning administrator) . It is the applicant's responsibi:.ity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional subnittal requirements. Dor..tL. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPI,ETE APPLICATION ViIILL STREAI"ILINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PRO.]ECT BY DECREASING THE NI]MBER OF COND]TIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING A}JD ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A variance to and structures in 6 s"oeor. C ,,1/,'* THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND AcRoSS STREETS' and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICA}IT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURS OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the requested other existing or potential uses the vicinity. FouR (4) coprEs oF rHE FoLLowrNG MUsr BE suBMrrrED,(|!:,lt-X*'o^u 2. tOO"gr"e to which relief frt the strict orliteraL interpretation and enforcement of aspecified regulation is necessary to achievecompatibility and uniformity of treatment amongsites in the vicinity or to attain the objectivesof this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air,distribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. 4. How your reguest complies with vailrs Comprehensive PIan. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scaLe ofat least !'t = 20' stanped by a Colorado licensedsurveyor including locations of all existing improvements, including grades and elevations. Other eLements which must be shown are parking and loadingareas, j-ngress and egress, landscaped areas and utility and drainage features. e site plan at a scale of at least ltt = 20t showingexist.ing and proposed buildings. AII preliminary building elevations and floor planssufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. A prelininary title report to verify ownership and easements. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners, association, thenwritten approval from the association in support of Lheproject must abe received by a duly authorized agentfor said association. Any additional material- necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by the zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improvement survey andsite plan nay be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. TIME REQUIREMENTS 17 The PLanning and Environmental Commj,ssion meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A conpleteapplicacion form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four(4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoningadministrator) wilL be accepted by the planning staffbefore or after the designated submittal date. All PEC approved variances shal1 lapse if constructionis not commenced within one year of the date ofapproval and diligently pursued to cornpletion. If this application requires a separate review by anylocal, State or Federal agency other than the Town ofVail, the application fee shall be increased by$200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but arenot limited to: Colorado Department of Highway AccessPermits, Arny Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shaLl be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50t of theapplication fee. If, at the applicant's reguestr dnymatter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter tobe re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall- be paid by the applicant. B. c. n E. F. A. A. B. t 'I c. appri.catils deemed by the CornmunityQ..re:.op*ent Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be nade by the townstaff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Connunity Development may hire an ouLside consul.tant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shal1 be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the tirnehe files his application with the Conmunity Development Department. Upon compLetion of the review of theapplication by the consuLtant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of Lhe consultant which have not been paid to the consultantshall be reLurned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by theapplicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. a€vir€d 9/4/9L trc0APR 10p92Date of Application Date of PEC Meeting APPLICATION rOR CONDIIIOIIII. T'SE PERMIT AND FOR VARTANCE APPROVAL 7This procedure is required for any project required to obtain aconditional use permit The application will not be accepted until afr information issubnitt.ed. Col-orado RSA No. 3 Limited. Partnership; I. A. R NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT __U S WEST NewVector croup, Inc.-Gen. Partner APPLfCANT' S REPRESENTATM____rXterlqE rlgnsultants, Inc. P.O. Box 9L2LlBellevue, wa _@69 NAME OF ADDRESS Gol rren _ CO 80102 PHoNE4.9-Q99_ NAl.,lE OF OWNER(S) (print.o Faessler Realty Company owNER(S) STGNATURE(S) ADDRESS HONE 476-56s6Vail/ LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL:LOT____rQ_BLOCK 2 FILING&EgIo palch ADDRESS 501 North -Erontaqe Roacl-West FEE $2OO.OO PArD cK# THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the nanes of owners of all property adjacent tothe subject property INCTUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT 9IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORREC? OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLTCATION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff member isstrongly suggested to determine if any additional information isneeded. No application will be accepted unless it complete (mustinclude all itens required by the zoning administrator). It isthe applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with thestaff to find out about additional submittal requirement.s. rII. PLEASE NOTE TTIAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAI, COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPUTATE. AI,I, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUITDING PERMIT IS ]SSUED. Four (4) copies of the following information nust besubmitted: L. A description of the precise nature of the proposed useand its operating characteristics and neasures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in thevicinity. The description nust also address: a. Relationship and inpact of the use on development objectives of the Town. b.{t. su YIA zLX = 2 | /16L /{'n* 5, z{< BY D. E. E l' 61i""^' !.1' 1 4 /;nL,Z dt4 4t" L\ oo 4*4**az_f 5r.(^/ fur& 7*e {/zs EnzSo,y' e( Z-uza'-/ 6//--d' h^--2,*- ,a-/ -.U Project Application ,,," 3f t':-/ q t /,Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: LesalDescription, t-ot d , Bro"k Z- , rr.n //../ /"/e&., 4{6^L Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: '^" l/t v/ 'f I DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: Summary: Town Plan ner *""Iu 'n'dii'vlon r tset, DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE oF ong uEnttNd: t*trrtt**t THIS IPPLTEATION WILIJ NOT BE ACCEPTED uNTrrr ALIr REQUXRED INFORTTATION IS SUEI,TITTEDat*ti****t PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTTON: I. A,+ *la!)N on Ajrfttleo D?AuilAtas. Eat,pilp^tr Auaona *un auffEp To 8E |AANTaD aaittfctt EflsflAh| Buttute nhElt 7#E B.TYPE OF REVIEW: X ui.tor Alteration Conceptual Reviewc. ADDREss: 5ol Norflt Froarncc RdAo hrgsT' D. LEGAL DEscRrprroN: r-l-?AwoFfr- Brock z subdivisi on Vltu / Por*ro Pxct+ If property is described bydescription, please provideattach to this application. zoNrNG: Ubtnq New Construction Addition a meets and bounds legal on a Beparate sheet and F F.LoT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing applicant must provide a currentlot area. G. H. {,rJgSf .84{ I.NAI'IE OF OWNERS: Condoninlum Approval if applicable. DRB FE8: DRB fees are paid at the tine of issuance of a ,t. K. buildinq permit. F8E SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0-$ 1o,ooo 910,001 -$ 50,000 $5O,O01 -$ ]5O,OOO $150,001 - $ 50O,o0o 9500,001. - $L,000,000$ over $t r000,000 *NO APPI.,ICATION TII,IJ EE PROCESSED FEE $ lO.Oo $ 25. OO $ 5O.OO $100. OO $200. 00 $3o0. oo TITBOUT OMTERIB SIGTTATURE NAI'{E OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: *SIGNETURE (S) 3Mailing Address a m'n MAR J f99tStorms Consultan o tS -- \,i - \ F \l,rt^.a /,.DATE: ''( Vrci, 1384 snowberry Drive . cotden, cotorado 80401 . (309) 528-1362 Msssages (3og) 230-7281 JOB NO. SUBJECT: -v\l'\ i..-n\ \/ A r v' WE ARE SENDING fitacn"a YOU: Under aeparate cover via the following: REMARKS: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL NO.coPtEs DESCRIPTION coPtEs SIGNED: 1384 Snowberry Driue Golden, CO 80401 Sforms Consulfonfs Zoning ond Site Acquisilion Consuilonfs Representing: US TVEST New Vector Group, Inc. (303) 526.1367 dep€rtmsnt of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 965 pEC 11, 1990 NO PLANS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 047i 0 D D D lE T BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL JOB NAME: SOLAR VAIL/CELLULAR SITE MAII AI'DRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 7 L9-635-7199 CONTRACTO rINU TRI PIIASE row" o. uAtL *EG. "o. lfE:F- 524-7 r35 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, MECHANIC TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. I ELE. OTHER CONTRACTO I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP DIVISION GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : 2OO AMP STNCT.E PHASE t t tv v ABEHIRM I22a34 SERVTCE TO PERMIT NO. z F- J EUILDING ELECTRICAL 2 ,000 PLUMBING MODULAR BUILDIGN.MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A- VALUATION PERMIT FEES N/A N/a 2,0-00 BUILDING PERM IT $s strt-$bq4 tJ PLAN CHECK E LECTRICAL 44 NEW() ALTERATION OO AODITIONAL l REPAIR (PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODAIION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN-UP OEPOSIT !"'*of.?L {llour_ 1 USE TAX ROOF TYPE HEAT SOLAR wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES SLtr ERNST GLATZLE E DEC. L2, I99Oli-r-orlrc-oFFrc-nr-- o-At-E -ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDEO: Y N INiTIAL ST CUT 'NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: 'o**'"o I I I hereby acknowledge thal I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and slate that all the informalion provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and olherS1di .-//t FOR HIMSELF i *i . ",F,l.orE - coPY oF DATE DFC IIT penurrto BE KEPT oN JoBsrrE 1990 NO P]3NS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION 04? 1 5": department ol community dwelopment TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT DT D D,n T BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL FILING JoB NAME: solen veu/cELLULAR srrE MAIL ADDRESS 949-4530 ARCHITECT rrnu TDC TOWN OF VA|L REG. NO. _ 719-635-7 r99 GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM TRI PIIA.SE ,o*" o, uo,a ^ru. "o. 118-E 524-7135CONTRACTOR PLUMEING CONTRACTOR MECHANI TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, TELE. OTHER CONTRACT i- TYPE oF coNsrRucloN t t tv 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHI OIVISION L22a34 RM GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :tnn lrtD c?rtnt f DIJAeF et pvTrrst Tn PERMIT NO. z tr<5-) BUILDING ELECTRICAL 2 ,000 PLUMBING }IODULAR BUILDIGN.MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R,F-A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES ^\/A N/A : ,0-00 BUILDING PERMIT i-s -i- ' l-" Vr R\. c'4 -\J '-J- PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL 44 NEW ALTERATIONlOO AODITIONAL REPAIR(PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - H€IGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE -ffi DESIGN REVIEW BOARO rroon i I I CLEAN-UP OEPOSIT EXT wALLS I -l N6NE - |USE TAX TYPE SOLARHEAT GAS WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES SlLlL __ _EESq!_9r4r4E_.* _ ! !Et._12, leJg_ ,ILOING OFFICIAL DATEADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: N INITIAL sr cur I lr INING AOMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING )NING & BUILOING NOTES: o.ro I I'. I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stale that all the information provided as required is correcl. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and othergrdingncesgl )e fown applicable thereto. . ", i(j "/ "/rl 1/l -t- CONSTRUCTION PERMIT i rir.I.ir{1 :1r r- . tiilL;,iI:. t rt ' ' v' DATE \2- \?--qO Lt7 loPERilTT ilO. dcplrrncnt of commnlty druclopmcnt TO B€ FILLEO OUT OOMNETCTV PRIOf, TO ISSI'ANCE OF PERTIIT WPEOFPERMIT|-_ C eutLott{c Ef erecrRlclt-E uecHmtrcll nutr PLUMBING FOUNDATION T.TYPGOFOOXSTRUC?IO'I I nm lvv 2.OCCI'PAI{CYGROUP ABEH I R II OlVlSlOtl 122c31 GENERII oEscRlPTloN oFlt9Rl( : TYP€ GROUP G.R.F.A, VATUATION d;ili JoB NAME: €91-srr- !?a''L OIYELLING UNITSI - A@OUi'ODATION T' S -l{ElcHttl,lF . - M).FIREPLACES lllSUtATlON: tvPE THlcK Ess F-vlLLt € flRr't: OC--r towtrt oF vAlL RCO. NO. '.,o *t\Q-6BE -ttCtQ { /z -/2-7o - - 6ATE I hereby acknowledge that I hav? read thls appllcttlon. tilled out In futl tho Information regulred. iirptli"ci" accuri'te ptot plan. and stste that all tho Informalloq ercyifd ar requlred i3 cori€cl. I agr€L to somply with tlie Iniormatlon lnd plol qlan.lo comply wiih rll-Torn.og!|:ryT^!"9^tl1t:;il;;;Ji; -dirc i'r,13 it-.rrre accoding to'tlre Tovn'a i6nhg and subitlvlslon codes. design ?o,iar., .6.t.^ued I lnilorm Brdl.lino Coae and olher otdanen@s of thLTorvn appllcable theroto.review approrred, Uniform Builrling Gode and olher ordinances I AND THE rowrl| oF vAtL REG. lto. TOWrrt oF v lL R€o. flo, OTHER j I -\ 75 lo|rlh f'onl,rg. ttrd Y!ll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO3 FROM: DATE: SURTEqTS Read and olllco of communltli dcvclopmcnt AI,L CONTRAqTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED IIITII IITE TOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMT'NITY DEVEIOPMENT ltARCrI 16, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARKING & !,IATERIAL STORAGE rn sunnaryr -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful f,or anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterlal, Lncluding trash dunpsterl, poriable toileti anctworknen vehLcles upon any streetl sidewaik, alley or publLc p_1?9e or any porti.on theieof. Tie right-oi-way 6n ali Town ofVail streets and_roads is approxlnately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.rh-i: ^ ordinance witl be strillfy enforcid by the toirn of, VailPubric works Departnent. persons found vl.olatins this ordinancewlrr be given a 24 hour written notice to reroove-said rnaterial .In the event the person so notl.fied does not conply with tbenotLce within the-24 hour tlme speclfied, the puific WorksDepartment wlll renove said nateilat at the expense of personnotifLed. The provisions of this ordinance etritt not beapplicable to constructl,on, uaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the r-ight-a-vay. To.review Ordl.nance No. 6 Ln full, please stop by the Town ofVal.l BuLlding Department to obtaLi I copy. flani< you for yourcooperatJ.on on thls natter. acknowledged by: NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSTTE PLANS IN SLOT_EUS DATE il6v 1. 1q90 0467 3-.' hn dopErtmont of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION trtr U tr ll!.1! BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL rtrruc vArL JOB NAME:SOI.AA, VAIL ACCBSSORY BIJIG. Hnur U.S. W, NEWEGTOR ulrrmonEss 3350 161 ST AVE. S crrY BELLEVoE, WA ?fl008 rrnu ROY PERI,M0TTER ARCH fAIlIlBbRtgg, 40 TNVERNEI'm pR. ctrY ENGLEWo0D, C0PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRMDICK BROWN - t 33-ATOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. 343-0683 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. OTHER CONTRACT r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I lt t rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A 8 E H I R M OIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - PROPOSED NEW PREFAB ACCESSORY BUILDIN( PERMIT NO, z tr BUILDING 24.000 ELECTRICAL 3.000 PLUMBING T MECHANICAL RELATED SITEN IMPROVEMENTS.TOTAI 27 .000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A VALUATION PERMIT FEES V B-2 27 ,0OO BUILDING PERMIT 261 sFq= =e* p Sr.J +c( =_,, PLAN CHECK 170 ELECTRICAL 4L NEWTr$ ALTERATION ADDITIONAL l REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO,FiREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE 288 R.VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARO 2' CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 2\O USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF SOLARHEAT wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 1,035 MICHBBL I,IHITAKER NOV. 1, 1990 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr cur I |* | 'UILoING OFFICIAL OATI Ar{DY KNUDTSEN NoV. 1, 1990 :ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ZONING & BUILOING NOTES: OEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full lhe information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and slale that all the information provided as required is correct. I laws, and to build this struclure according to the T owj'9lonhg and ivision codes, design review approved, Uqifoqm Building Code and other or he T oy{n applicable thereto.revrew approveo, uflrorm CLEAN frP m: t.l-l.r'- 'iif ii,ii' :o1 's,a^,f^ - , GL ,5r.,^t5. C/a lopo7 NATUFT OF OWNER ANO THE OWNER. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF \"*\ coNsrRucrloN PERM lT llslt .-..-/ dopartmont of community dwolopment TO 8E FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO TSSUANCE OF PERMIT E/Burlontc D ltuuetncEl'elecrRrceL MrFouNoATloN E MECHANICAL tr -frttNUV'011ee0 OATE - lrr-23 I r.TypEoFcoNsrRucrror.r I u rrt rrfrl a. occuPANcY GRouP 16lx r n u olvtsroN GENEf,AL DESCRIPTIONt Niu) PERMIT NO. zotr fJ BUITDING ?-z/- tza 5 ELECTRICAL q1-qaz 35 X PLU EING ^/ ./+ l(, rEcHAa C t t/.4 x TYPE GROUP G.F.F,A. VALUATIOI{PERMIT FEES U h-'----a 2L .L/C'C BUILOIi{G P€R IT ZGI oq35- PLAN CHECT llc- ELECIRICAT 4l PLUMBINGIEwO<f ALTERATION () AODITIONAL REPAIR ( DWEILING UNITS - ACCOT'MOOATION UNITS -HEIGHTNFT. - NO.FIFEPLACES I/lECHANICAL RECREATIO F€E 2-s E INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW 60ARO z5 CL€AI{.UP OEPO9T l-2L/ Exr.wALLs | | |USE TAX TYPE OF ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: Y N INITIAL ELEC.TOTAT PERMIT FEES z.r ffitC I BUILOING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read tlris application, filled out in tull the information required, compleied an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is corect. I agreb to comply with ttie iniormation and plot plan, to comply wilh all Town..ordinances and stat€ la'ws, and to 'UultO this structure according lo the Town's zoning and subilivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Gode and other ordinancgs of the,Jown applicable thereto'r SIGNATUBE OF ANO THE OWN ( ( I \ ( ( LEGpILILOT 8 . BLK-4-- AEsc. lr,rr*o u^'WM rFrue S?72#rlitb*rr*- OWNER. ^esflte feLl\ zn ixuPoxo' \Jpcta Elb57 cn $eueroT ARCHITECT ,rwft"{?gc,Ml,erytcr-W ",n ? N Gw NooD en./"]16;1 tol GENERAL CONTRACTOR -{\a n\ e.rf) rFr F -f'.\.'-l-\ \t\ AJ fecrnrcat CONTRACTOR FIPM IOWM PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL R€G. NO OTHER cor'TTRAcTO FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO T€LE. '\' I 75 soulh ironlage rord Yaal, colo.ado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SUBTECT: olllse ol communlty development ALL CONIRACTORS CURRENTLYIJ REGISTERED WIIE TIIE TOWN OF VAIIJ TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONS1rRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash dumpster-, portable ioileti andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewal)<, alley or public F_I?ge or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way on ali Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance wirr be striclry enforcid by the Town of Vail $!]i-c works Department. persons found viotating this ord,inancewilr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-sald material .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice witbin the 24 hour tirne specified, the pultic WorksDepartnent wilJ. remove said uaterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snlft not beapplicabLe to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the rigbt-l-wiy. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain i copy. tiank you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) *a.) rNsntoN'REeuEsr TOWN \i -r.q i ra--i ... t3 ROJECT' ,1r, .iJo€. ,\ .NAME j' i-' tr DISAPPROVED t it' THUR FRI tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEE FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHE.ETBOCK ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr H.EATING N ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL oorc ,4 lZ -?a rNsPEcroR 'ii .'rrr- rt-r i'i.\,}rf 1r R,'r.Ft,-r t,J JECT DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:FRI @PM rNS#cnoN REouEst ^ " TOWN OF VAIL ] r',\ \ttr ,:=.--,\trs..,.. \\\'- MON TUES @ THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr E tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING. :-GAS PIPING B INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP.'POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH _tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CQNDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR[-\t\*N - Jt.r^^r - tr FINAL ippnoveo -fr O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED coRQ[QflONS: INSPECTOR f SPEIN b CTION REQUEST' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oore &/tt/?L JoB NAME // 5.,' a (h /- ;iV;:tuo'' bu,L")", CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:s WED THUR FRI AM LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE. tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHFETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOB CO}IPLETED before o The itens belon glvlng a perult Please check off FINAI PLI'MBINC NAL INSPECTIONIS ueed to be conplete a flnal C of O. Iu the box provided. DATE: FINAI. MECHANICAL DATE: IMPROVEMETTT SI'RVEY RESID. NA!{E: DATE: tl [|FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O DA?E: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: LA}IDSCAPING DI'Etl DATE: (:\\\rrlgFILE NAI.IE:. :l I Project Application ..\ /D."" U(f J/, /(Fd Proiecl Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone owner, Address and phone: ^,.1'-)'"a-*r,* f n s t/a- , Za Uo , ,Q J, Architect, Address and Phone: 5zo - r36f Jdl ,U/nrLcgal Description: Lol Comments: Design Review Board Motion by:L"^l on d./ Jr, t ?? ) DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: S-o , ^J, /'a s- Staf f Approval DRA TPPLTCIIIOX DATE APPIJICATION RECETVED: DIJE OF DRB !,{EETI}TG: n {- i',lq? o IS I. E trvrl'rq.clft 8ut\-s.,,r I , h os{t..F r\rule-xt/Ag awo - -F E LA\ LD EAV\F F^q ?.r\ + LY tri R i'rs . '.Lry,;F {priling Address:-US \,..rEa\ Ne.^, Ve.-1o,n 4!6r vP lf ru.-. - 6trtfen- " -ln-n-r-"-Jn-* P';. B; NAI'IE OF APPLICN{TIS REPRESENTATIVE:StoF.^s $ NS\A-\AdIJ "' ( 3l'tjfl*****THrs App,,rcATrori wrLL Nor BE AccEprED *t?fo"" rNFoRuATroN SUBMITTED***** PRE-APPLTCATION UEETING : A pre-application neeting with a planning staff rnernber Lsstrongly suggested to determine Lf any additionallnfotmation is needed. No appllcation vill be acceoted the zonincr administratorl .It ls the applicantrsresponsibtlity to make an appointnent wlth the staff to flndout about additl-onal eubrnittal requlrenents. PLease notethat a col{PLETE applicatlon wlll streanline the approvalprocess for your proJect by decreasing the nunber ofconditlons of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALLconditions of approval nust be resolved before a buildingpemit is issued. applicatlon sLll not be processedsithout Ownerrs Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: C.J s.rle\r oT 1 E RF:-c-T A TELEPT{$^tE B.I€CATION OF PROIDSAIJ: Address So t Noarx Fuo*nae Ronr Wesr r.,egal Description *a Pat<r oc B Block Z - subdivision Vtr. r/Pot^-o Pat".., Zoning g c. D. NAI'iE OF AppLICAIIT:_Clr.Df-.Oe$. RSA No. 3 L,,.,reD l'nEtr.rGlLsH,P Phone k o3) 5?l:--133-)- E. NAME OF OWNERS: SIGNATURE(8I S llailing Address F. G. 2-o Vnru RonA VAr.. Cr.9\6s'l Phone (:+:!-117.gSe s<- Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: Tlre fee ritl be paid at the.tine a buildinq oermit is paid for. VALUATION FEE 910.00$ 25.00 $ s0.00 9100.00 9200.00 9300.00 $ o- $ 10,001 -I 50,001 -+i3c,cc1 - $500,001 -S over $ 10,000$ 50, ooo$ 15o, o0o $ 5OO,000 $1, ooo, ooo $1, ooo, ooo II. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING AI,[, SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to neeting subnittal reguirenents, the applicant nust stake the site to indicate propertylines and building corners. Irees that will be removed rnust also be narked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will nomal-ly invol-ve two separate rleetings of the Design Review Board, so the appllcant should plan on at least two meetings for a final approval . C. Appllcants who faiL to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled neeting and nho have not askedfor a postponeuent will be regul-red to be republished. D. At the dlscretion of the zoning adnl.nistrator, the following items rnay not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. Tbey, however, have to be presented to the Planning Departnent for approval: a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterlor changesthat do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or publlc space' which have had letters subroitted fron adJoining property owners approving the addltion; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condoninium association. E. You nay be requtred to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property (1..e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, wetlands, etc). You should check with a Tonn Planni:r before proceeding. Exrr\B rr b 'atZo* rll h-gg LPIIL 6utt'l+-o @$^, 0 9w aP SutruDinl C1 (zl {' P.Y'c' Pftr llo 8E trnE9 lO ralpl ':Otol 0f €$slbrc lu..ercl colr crt:a (rxsrDt t.r..c. ,tetl atF-t t!$rc To lqjt. 9r.0€.lo c^ldr (tr3l*c toDt or attro[|a ztT*>L BUILDiNG ]SOMETRIC plnlqo vAtL vbt4* ftvta.i RoY'rER Ll"1 UTTER, D&4t r7-fr--( xot tO scae oI ^J )< {,r,,'1,o.-1 ..r;'. ,="'l:".':<ry-"v*n"t $ *,*.r*a,,,_F'1''/ +or -*-t' \t+* ^ Jrv ,nrrr'(c*s *",ru*^iJ "l ,4.' .,f *o'n'' J \< -,,r' y"h,n"r' {' }r f\ r v\w ktv.\t9h'\-!L. + t- ,/ ,/,I- :+- f',-a-r_lit_ ,/- /t E {*-._ ' 'u} , ,, ,/ .r/*o =.ai wr,-.!/ ..t./ -.+ 'ltt rb , -/*-i '4ir rh r - 3..rd _+ .*t -{E i Jr .---'& g .n ^:-slwW"ilg'i-!E_._ ,r#. 'n'-44 f '= -' {- }*t-'Vtnt8ffi(* - t"'?44,}r- ''-' t'/ € .1#ii:. M - -/- a* €- -?{4 \=\- rIL T COPY PEC Minutes LO/e/90 Meeting south and north elevations; expanding the floor area to the northby shifting the walls adjacent to the decks out by one footi changing the roof from a gravel roof to a gable roof with shakeshingles; and reorganizing the exterior storage in the courtyardin front of the unit. The remodeled unit would have the samegross residential- floor area (GRFA) as the conbined area of theexisting two units. Andy reviewed the zoning considerations, andthe criteria and findings for a variance. The staff reconrmendation was for approval of the request. Staff felt the approvaL would not be a grant of special privilege because othervariance applications had been approved for siurilar requests inthe Vail Rowhouses. Staff found that the location of the Lotlines was an extraordinary circunstance that was not typically found in the HDMF zone district and that other property owners inthe same development had received variances from the strictinterpretation of the zoning code for sirniLar type of reguests. Kathy warren guestioned the need for a variance. Diana Donovan commented that an expansion of the building to therear should be explained in the zoning analysis in the staff memo. Andy explained that an existing wing wall determined the rear setback that the proposed expansion would not extend beyond theexisting wing wall. A notion to approve the requested variances per the staff merno was rnade bv Kathv Warren and seconded bv Chuck Crist. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR, CONNIE KNTGHT WAS ABSENT Iten No. 6: A recruest for a conditional use permit in order Patch.Applicant: U. S. West Conmunications./Storrns Consultants Andy Knudtsen explained that the applicant proposed to construct an antenna system on the roof of Solar Vail to provide cellular phone service in the valley. An accessory building to hold transrnission equiprnent would be constructed irnrnediately east of the building. The proposal was considered a conditional use because staff had deterrnined that it was a rrpublic utility andpublic service use.rr The public utility use is listed as a conditional use in the High Density Multiple Family zonedistrict. A recruest for a conditional use permit in order to L4 PEC Minutes Lo/8/9o Meeting Andy reviewed the zoning analysis and criteria and findingsrelated to a conditional use reguest. The staff recommendation was for approval with conditions. Staff believed it met theconditional use criteria as discussed and it was in accordancewith the purpose section of the HDMF zone district. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, explained that theapplicant had agreed to screen the trash enclosure. Kathy Warren conmented that door did not read correct on theelevation drawing. The plans called for an 11r tall buildi-ng andan 6rgrr door. The draving dld not depict the diruensionsaccurately. Roy Perlnutter, architect for the applicant, explained to Kathythat the floor actually started 4fr below the door and lrould recheck the drawing to nake sure it was accurate. Diana asked if they would stil1 need the exterior set of stairs and Roy answered they probably would. Kathy warren asked if the building would have siding and Roy responded it would. Kathy Warren felt that the retaining wa11 issue needed to be addressed and Jay Peterson explained that he would address the issue with Johannes Faessler, the owner of the property, but didnot feel the burden should be put on the applicant, as they weresinply leasing the space. Diana and Kathy asked what the antenna would Iook like and LarryStorns, representing the applicant, explained that the antenna would be set in the niddle of the roof and vould be painted lightblue or grey nonreflective material in order to rnininize visualinpact. There would be no strobes. Andy Knudtsen conmented that the staff did discuss thepossibility of additional sites. Larry Storms explained that the applicant may need other sites inthe future which have not currently been addressed. Any newsites would be repeater stations, which would be snalf in comparison to what the board was reviewing presently. Diana commented that the .retaining wall needed to be tied into the proposal as well as the dumpster. She also suggested that the exterior stairway be addressed by the Design Review Board. Larry Storns explained that the stair access was for the cell building on1y. There would be no access to the nain building. 15 I PEC Minutes LO/8/9O Meeting Jay asked that the tining on theuntil spring.wall and landscape be extended A motion to approve the conditional use request rler thestaff memo with the followinq conditions was made bv ChuckCrist and seconded by Dalton Wi11iams. Conditions: l-. The applicant shall screen the duropster with a fivefoot hicrh fence 2. The applicant shall nlant seven spruce and five aspentrees in the area between the mechanical buildincr andthe N. Frontage Road 3. The applicant shall treat the antenna with a non-reflective material . if needed. 4. The applicant is to insure that none of the retaininqwalls are built over 6 ft. hiqh. 5. The applicant sha11 submit a plan to imnrove theexistinq tirnber vralls to be acted on within I vear. Diana asked that the motion be arnended to add tror other acceptable solutionrr to condition No. 1. A motion to amend the lst condition of approval to stateI'The applicant sha1l screen the durnpster with a five foothiqh fence or other acceptable solutiontr hras nade by ChuckCrist and seconded by Dalton Williams. VOTE: 5-O TN FAVOR, CONNIE KNIGHT WAS ABSENT ftem No. 4:A recruest to anend section 18.52.160--off Street Parkinq and Loadinq Exenptions, of the Municipal Code.Applicant: Town of Vail fom Braun explained that the parkj-ng section of the zoning code had allowed for certain areas of the Town to be designated exempt from on-site parking requirements in order to rninimize vehiculartraffic in the pedestrian areas of the Village and Lionshead andallow property owners an alternative for neeting parking demand. To achieve the goals, the progran reguired property owners to pay for parking dernand created by new development in lieu ofproviding parking on-site. 16 f/'( \Efut/t / i 1)1/ /\/.,17 t { TO:Planning and Environmental Cornmission FRoti!: Connunlty Developnent Departnent DATE: October 8, 1990 RE: I. DESCRIPTTON OF PROPOSED USE Theapplicantproposestoconstructanantennasystem.on.theroof of Solar i"ii t" provide cellular phone service in the valley. An acceisory luffaing to hold_Lr-ansmlssion equipment will Le constructed irnnediatety east of the building' The rrantenna systemtr ls made up of three, four foot high antennas nounted on a two foot hiqh.triangular structure' The antennas are approxirnately 1.5 inches in diameter and are nanufacturea w-tin a non-r6flective surface. The color will be light blue or grey. Ttre accessory mechanical building-yill be 12-feet wide' 24 feet long, ai.,d 11 feet high and witt trave a flat roof . It witl be located on the eait side of the bu11din9. The "il".i"r-wtit te finished vlth wood slding and will be painted to rit"ft ifrt existing bullding.. Some sLte work will 6e done to provide spaee for-the mechanical building. A-new retaining witt to thl north of the building and some stairs to the s5uth ritt at=o be installed. fhe interior of the U"iiai"g will bave rowE of shelves. They will extend fron the floor to the ceiling and wl.ll hold the radios that g-nerate the transmissi5ns. The rotta of shelves are located in the center-oi trr" u"ifding to allow adeguate ventilation and to allow accesg to sentice the radios' The purpose of this proposal is to be one of several tian'smi-ssion sites. -Th-e network of antennas ilork together,to blanlcet ttre aiea, guaranteeing high quality transmissions for cellular ter-lnoirei. the applicants are proposing other antenna sites-at shrine Pass and the other near ttre I- ?OrlMinturn exit. This proposal ie considered a conditional use because staff fri.-AEl"i-inea-ttrat it is a rpubllc utilltY.and publLc serrrice o"".i- tni= nr" is ti-stea as a conditlonal use in the iign-D"""ity r,tuiiipfe faniLy zone district (HDMF), .Section18.20.030. aitfrouin this uEe does not have a specific dtvrr675s7t/ A reguest for a conditional use penmit in order to consdruct a four foot high set of antennas and an i"-"t""ty mechanical- building on the Solar vail Property located lt sof North Frontage Road/ A portion of Lot 8, Block 2, YatL/Potato Patch. applicant: StornE Consultants for u.S. West definition in the Townrs zoning code, staff believes that ) there is a close match between-the pioposed use, as describedabove, and this_category. The Toun of-vail porice Departrnentrecently applied for a conditionar use to build a 4o toottower with a ten foot antenna. staff deter:mined that the i.,, I 1-proposal lras a 'rpublic service facirity. r! The design revie'i'criteria prohibit roof antennas unress they are appioved bythe_Planning and Environmental Conmission lfnCl as-aconditional use (Section 18.54.050 (C)7). II. ZONTNG ANALYSIS MaximumRequired/Allowed fxisting proposed A. Setbacks:front reareast sidewest side B. Site coverage C. Height D. GRFA E. Parking F. Units 201 201 20, 201 558 451 48t 120 | 50r 251 11. 6? 34.9 r 4gl 120 | 381 251 L2.3* 40.8 | No change No change as the proposed structure isconsidered nechanical area. wo additional parking is required withthe additional mechanical space. There are 24 existing units.is proposed. III.CRITERIA AND FTNDINGS upon review of section r.9.60, the cornrnunity DevelopnentDepartment recommgnds approval of the conditional irse permitbased upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Rglatignship and inpact of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town. The objectives listed in the Zoning Code in thepurpose section for the HDMF zone district statethat: xThe high-densj.ty nultiple-fanily district isintended to provide sites for nultlple-fanilydweJ-lings at densities to a naxinum of twent|-fivedwelling units per acre, together with such iubfic 1 2. and semipublic facllities and lodges, private recreation facilltles and related visitor-oriented uses aa nay appropriately be located Ln the samedistriet. The high density nultlple fanilydistrict is intended to ensure adeguate light, air, open space and other amenities conmensurate withhigh density apartment, condominiun and lodge uses, and to naintain the desirable residential andresort gualities of the district by establishingappropriate site developrnent standards. Certainnonresidential uses are pernitted as conditional uses whl.ch relate to the nature of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation conmunity, and trhere pernitted are intended to blend hatmoniouslysith the residential character of the district.r' (Section 18.20.o1o) This proposal complies with the purpose staternentof the zone district as it is a conditional usethat is listed in the zone district. The effect of the use on lioht and air, distribution of population. transportationfacilities. utilities, schools, parks and recreation facitities, and other public facilities needs. the proposal will have no impact on the Town sernrices tisted above. No site parking is reroovedto aLLow for the nechanical room. naneuverabi,litv, and rernoval- of enow from thestreet and parkinq areas. This use viIl not lnpact traffic as it will generate approximately one trip per month. U.s. West/New Veetor expects that the mechanical equipnent will requLre a monthly service call . other than this inpact, the proposal does notaffect the issues lLsted above. The character of the area will be affected by the additional nass and bulk of the eguipnent building and the antenna. The inpact on the surrounding 3. 4. and bulk of the proposed use in relation to I |: It' IV. FTNDINGS uses from these additions wlII be nininal because the few surrounding uses are located far fron the new building and antenna. The surrounding uses are the Red Sandstone Elernentary School , the N. Frontage Road, and I-70. There are no adjacent uses to the north or east. Concerning the school , the new mechanical buildingwill not be visible because it is located on the east side of Solar Vail. Concerning the roads' the speed of drivers on the interetate is such that they are not likely to notice the antenna orbuilding. Because the antenna is short cornpared to the distance from the antenna to the edges of theroof, it wilt only be seen from distances greater than 189 feet. Fron this distance, travelling at 55 miles an hour, drivers are not likely to noticeit. Planning staff discussed other options with theconsultant. There are two locations to the northof Solar Vail which could accornmodate the building. one is between a large retaining vrall and thebuilding. This has drawbaclcs, as it congests the space irnrnediately outside the dwelling units which look out to the north. Another option is to locatethe building above the retaining watti however, thewall may not be strong enough to retain thehillside and support the weight of the building. As a result, staff decided ttrat we could support the location on the east side of the buildlng if the applicant nitigated the inpacts of additional mass and bulk by inproving the appearance of thearea. The improvements include cnclosing the existing trash dumpster and planting seven spruce and five aspen trees. Staff believes that these improvements will result in more attractive landscaping tlran is currently around the building. A.That the proposed location purposes of this ordinancedistrict in which the site of the use in accord witb the and the purposes of theis located. 't B. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrinental to the public health, safety, or welfareor naterially injurious to properties or improvenents inthe vicinity. C. That the proposed use would courply nith each of theapplicable provisions of thls Ordlnance. V. STAFF RECOI,II,IENDATTONS Staff reconmends approval of the condltional use proposal . t{e believe it neets the conditional use criterla as discussed aboye and that it is Ln accordance with the purpose sectionof the HDl,tF zone dletrlct. Staff review has shown that itwill be operated in a way that is not detrimental to the Town and that it conplies wLth the provisions of the DtunlclpalCode. We therefore reconmend approval witb the following conditions: Prior to issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy forthe mechanical building, the applicant shall: L , , ! 7 N tTlut t- 'c qLl o l-{'' A. screen the dunpster w\th a five foot/higtr fencel c.l k,"^Arr- 4 rF--a<,"B. Plant seven sprucb and five aspen trees in the area . D c. betneen the uechanical building and the N. Frontage Road; and Treat the antenna with a non-reflective naterLal' if needed. d.l c (-(,^tlr-^,.t-r, -0il lci [-e L, , 1t"-' l,l A* (,t Y (tu l tfu )/a ...ulr,.L'( i.--f c\- f.( .u{ y' j r o.("'', < o . I nLu,., /.,*1 .,-.,*Cd 't f""- & dn, {o u-'-Q 1Jta,rJ, ," ,/-L , '/rr,. fi; or..t.J,/a.f-(u 4rJ,gJ- \-., ttr'<l ,."7 4/*i k t,Lt.cL /\J ( cL-< c: \no\u {- 5 t*+ l-'//. swest A"' J.n Al,3 l" 'd+1. ?RotosgQ firrAtNtll4NALL\ ?AO?IO6EQ U9NilV 1l-1??tl0{Vtet.|rl44l oI I I l$' l- \'L ...LxHtBtT A' R- {.p B- Re69 aluilp$q 49 ta ,.l.l tl 4 a.tO ti,. -ro il- ,. tr0?05e? -51P-l'r'. t .t ....-.- E)AAaaarri -;g 1.1 \"@o,nfuan,, T,N to *r,r..\ \--- 'tt a ||!4 i31 rr( \-- osro E.t a. | !a . i.a Nf6hst,''tF too|ttr m lto.rL(tto|H FaonhcE mol EHP ZXtllNq A2't'PuR {a tf 144r rl:::w#!xl+,* TKETCH 1-7-4o'fsfKO?ffiW rREYAE- AT AIAR VAIL tok U.g.tdE€f NELdvfc-rorc. dRA)?, ll.l4. <OY ffi.LPIUTTFF. ARCH fiECfN?Krs ' @'n l''zo'- o" o; f4 fr v-/ o o ExntBrT C I w SKETLI g- +'qo-A-l RlY+bZEtiuTffi. P'hrEcI io?' .J,1.AE5I urnYeLw- ^Fov?, Ne ' Exn\g rT b i \kg9 t"stLL @,1^I Ddl-tl'l 6w ov furuDrn{ C1 BUILDING ISOMETRIC r|ot :o 3cat t----IMrI ttewrctm cmuP. tttc. -ilrtltt. lrlltlr|t tttv^ltqrt a ir.lto4 xrr,r I lrtrr torv^r. v{! ll'af.t. lLF ,n ;rrl-k' ao g,UtsUFY j 49,5Eq 5,F, i+o"nns /r*u p*ru#rrvqg I &) (f Etr 4 *'J = 4+ 5o 5r F , I r \ ,r gfi'qdtlA ar;l:.e lvtplvg- r (tB v3 FJt$xt9$:, 126p 9F , iffi€ tri'f;> i l"\re4'= .?88t ',tof t /fu <,P, ieou*e rtvrv 9r'i€ e,Jt* e1 E I i'6t1F-. ft€E A rttiL fu#,dLLfif S :tr .aot+R /*rc hwl ; +lvo fi ,\ .'t$tel61*uy:1280'f :,K"E?*,b zS8 f TON L tQ tTt '. I I Ilr ,eew( Vrnu Y: /cr 6Ftb f 42,5 t 7 / 'ffii=@' TO: FRO}T: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Conmission Connunity Development Departnent rlunle-ZS-,--l99O Q.kk- E, 1 fq o A /tf-.-tt # 4 c.nol . z.,t-r. F".^, / f )a n.Lu a, 4 -)W A,4 e-l "/ a--k--i"-a a."J ^t at.c<,p*/ Applicant: J/z--*'+ Cau"l/-4r dt <,.t* t P1,'.. V n.<c Ana,,.o--p;^ f/* ,l:{.,_ , U^.'/ /rV*r4/or*L( -,./ 'I. DESCRIPTTON OF PROPOSED USE The appricant proposes /b .nu,a,,**l ,.;.- a,,.,Llr,--.,,.-^ a- ,1114 /.*^- a-^. "l .^Jr a .c,<,A, ;';;;; ['Lr, fr-*.A'..is,',,y! "7 7i1, Fra'-/o7- &,--,t A Vorf+u'y -zr& 6, Bt".l- e 1r/^:r/ P-/"/r-L p.j.l W,*"^^,/.--.- '7/*.." .,'' /K.^"d ,/,)'q-;4'.- /4"- #,l;Or/. .^k*** ' ,-..,,^-kJ d>4, .^ #f2. - /,.,t 4,.fL W ln n^d/,Ll^. .n/^.d,-t. W: B*,-.^.,4 a,,// k 7eJ<,.,1d\ /-L -r"czJ-"t/ tL J.J&' uo: / h* rL'y. *t 7u,,tt o.l d-e- !274V),"-;/- -LlV+4. E@ri4.4 I The purpose of vf:,,'tL fir^ fL ya>'^ et )"^_-" _.0^k, /.4trv-.--l fL / ' t t67-.1di-,^ A-l.r.o4"_ fl_ .*d__, &_e.j+*---- r/*J sLo"lu {=d W fu II. CRTTERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Connunity Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: L. Relationship and inpact of the use on developmentobiectives of the Torrn. 2. The effect of the use on liqht and air,distribution of population, transportationfacilities, utilities, schools. parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion. autornotive and pedestrian safetv and convenience, traffic flow and control , access, maneuverabilitv, and removal of snow from thestreet and parking areas. This project wiII have no affect on any of the above criteria. 4. Effect uoon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located. including the scale and bulk of the nrogosed use in relation to surrounding uses. oo d-, y Y'" - .+L x. t (A { 4I I .;i0..+ rl I Il -- zl lr'4 tr -i l)'' I rl-_c, Y {-- I g4 -f* / o IV. FINDINGS The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followincr findings before crranting a conditional use Bermit: A. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of thls ordinance and the purposes of thedistrict in whlch the slte is located. B. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrinental to the public health, safety, or welfare or naterially injurious toproperties or improvements in the vicinity. c. That the proposed use would conply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. \ 4' -+-l I r t"I to'l dM\ 4 s1 4z Y I t'| -' da''n 'o' ' Y- 351 +t,r ilir I ---- '-- ,t I ---- 1q ,'.r'1 \i ..t3b Jo* 4o^ lo' [= \(,*-<4 r-1 /', lDo -7 't - - r-^' + 4+ t 13 ' L>" - ,-rn | ,1r.4" v42D4 t ltZSuu ttvl x': y'l 25"/ -t Ou : -, C,A4a={sa-y'f Dl D/ l*h J{n^ 'H /z'x 24' Jr/^*" ^ /d'x^ / ao.,-"1 ,'/ /r-,,n* f*t fr'fQt , t fu.\ >i ,"--0ila^'t -WD /aty', n7. ^/ J Z'--L k/)"t ^n'/ "lA ',oVrL rk U,*;11;-z..ft/ D;f,|\ ^ +^ j-/D,ntep, f1-"" , ^-fr 6. oK u"*./.7 5Ds ?,s + 'zYK *2,;t" o s;a4 H'creea /* /r-yA"rrrr C fu &4a.4,€x-,.,\_- k uoL&_.1 iu4zl.t Lol=J n!r.&"u;,*$ y'o Ae/-zd.<r_ ta-_/-*fq^ 'tT 1,' / /k n^-uy'.*^o^, --/- Z L.,^-rt Crt^ o^-#,*^ ,4 /,2""1 ik ccnrcrjf<. A^ luc L .,La Jr-^ fL lz,3 i(;-r- 7o ,)tr' 7l'y'-,-)t. ' lf^tLat' , | ) /r'.1# )l a-7a'lc'"-''^"' r/ Storms Consultan o ts 1384 Snowberry Drive . Golden, Colorado 96491 r (303) 526-1362 Messages (303) 230-7281 Septernber 10, 1990 ?own of VaiI Departrnent of Cornrnunity Development75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 I 2) \J} ,() 1) .,r) k,,7J,z-t *;3 t v"r) l.,sq E.s Pv t- ; .i .*t^^; lu .ld i .,1 r.w-" , , ) u ' Lr",---,. t,l " I, /,--c'( .1 ' l c,u ,,l,o tr.-/ , u\A tj,;n^ )- l't^; I it.;,, , t) ..cii ,ii.r ,,r 1i1,,.,!,i,t..7- i61y1 cta.l-<-..-, ^ t',, ,.u.. r,,.') -, I S;i< (..vaic\.t< de n6 n / ^t it4 UL dA 0e'( k S'rU y.p-.) 6w-,LL,vS l' ,.-r-d".,",.,5 -ri7tr t J/.-,", Re: Conditional Use perrnit; US WEST NewVector croup, Inc. rs Proposed Vail Ce11u1ar Telephone Exchange Site; 5Ol- NorthFrontage Road Westt vai1, Colorado 4\ RlflThis letter and the included Exhibits accornpany us WEST ' ) 'io*,,u^ ^Newvector Group, rnc.'s (nNewVectorrr) appliiation for a * j,tconditional usl permit.'ri aesciiu"s tiii-pi"p"r"a-i}!prror,. a*'") exchange,improvement in detail and present-s tie requestla--- \) ,1,,,..iinformation to support a favorable -finding tor tne=- 't ll'" ,,conditional use Pernit by the planning and Environrnentar Fl*;ra'Cornmission during its October 8, 1_990 rneeting. a) ,:11 ,, COLORADO RSA NO.3 LIMTTED PARTNERSHIP AND NE9IVECTOR 6,,?v ' r,/u " Ius wEsr Newvector croup, rnc. (rNe!ilvectortr) is a subsidiarv ,"[,f-i,gf 99 wT?T, rnc., one of the seven regionai co-rnpanies .i.ii"A ") &by the divesture of AT&T in L9g4. Th; Colorad.o RSA No. 3 ,(ilPartnershiprr) is a Lirnited partnership that inciuaes ai ,@Limited Partners several telecommunication cornpanies tnatcurrently serve the Rocky Mountain area and iniludes /L.Jf<- NewVector as its General partner. NewVectorrs n . *responsibilities include obtaining the requisite cellular u<'Llr+'-L telephone interconnection with the landririe network; -L( fLestabrishing, operating and naintaining the cerr-urar service /system; and marketing cerlular service] The partnersnip is- ',)o7 rD one of tvro companies that secured the right this vear fron .jthe Federal communications conmission (rFccn) to 6stabrisn '42aa/ cl cellular service in specific, rural areas of CoLorado. ^_./Newvector is also licensed to provide cellular telephoneservice to a market area that includes fourteen westernstates, plus sorne additional 1ocal narkets that lie outsideof that area. The FCC regulates cellurar conmunications andallows for onry.two celruiar franchises in each netropolitanarea. rn addition to its right, through the partnersirip, toserve the Vail & Avon/Beaver-creek areas, Newvector holds theexisting telephone company or nwire-Lineri carrLerrepresentative license to provide the Denver-BouLder-cororadoSprings metropolitan areas with cellular rnobileradio/telephone systems . i. ,,o-,:t "u* ..' | (:r.,lrl ,..^ +/*l , /) s;k arlrV^f ,t/ "L-*rl"e*c ["Yt -< 5;k h 9arftr )l.l , .^ t< [,, o INTRODUC?ION TO CELLULAR TECHNOLOGY In the past, mobile telephones were only available to aprivileged few who were wilting to tolerate the considerablelinitations of a systen that utilized only L2-zo channels andoften had poor voice quality and spotty coverage. fhese syatems operated with one centrally located high-poweredtransnitter to communicate with alt of the mobite units inthe service area. This technology did not rnake J_arge scaleservice practical , because each of the systems channel_s couldonly handle only one call" at a tine. Channels could not bereused because the transmitted signals were strong enough tointerfere with one another. The current cellular telephone technology was developed byBell Laboratories to respond to these problems. This systernconsists of many low powered antennas erected in a honeyconbpattern of trcellslr that invisibly blanket the service area. The ceLlular system consists of a cellular phone that bothtransmits and receives radio signals. From the nobile phone,calls are sent to a central cornputer called the Mobile Telephone Switching Office (MTSO). The MTSO interconnectsthe cellu1ar phone transmission with the local landlinetelephone company system which cornpletes the call. As the caller drives frorn one ceLl to another, the call isautomatically handed off to another cell by conputer. Thecells are also over-lapped to insure calling success evenduring the busiest hours and days of the rnonth. The systernis engineered to provide excellent signal strength andclarity. In addition, all Newvector cellular service systemsare conpatable with each other, so when a caller travels intoanother city, the systern still works. Expanding further on the technology, the cellular system is anon-wire line telephone systern wniln enploys radio waves totransnit and receive telephone cal1s. The FCC has authorizeda very linited frequency band of 4l_7 fixed channels for useby cellular telephones. The authorized frequency band isrelated to the FM radio band, but is seperate and distinctfrom cornmercial radio broadcast frequencies. By dividing ageographical service area into rrcellsrr, the technology aIIowsthe repeated reuse of the 417 fixed channels to greatlyincrease the capacity of the systen. The same channels canbe reused nany tirnes for different cell sites in the samegeneral service area, so long as the cell sites with coltrmonchannels are not adjacent or so close as to interfere with a o each other. The location of the transmit/receive antennas for the ce11site is critical. If the facility cannot be placed so thatthe cell sites are contiguous or overLap, telephone cal-lscannot be rthanded-offI frorn cell to cell. This results in asubstantial risk of conversation breakup, interference incellular calls and,/or the inability to iepeat or reuse the & channels. Further, if each facility,s critical siting needsare not net, an optimun design cannot be achieved, and additional cells and the additional related facilitiesare then required to serve a given geographical service area. fhe FCC mandates all technical standards for the perfornanceof a celluLar telephone system. The FCC also requires that aprovider naintain a certain voice-quality level of servicewithin a service area in order to naintain its license andfranchise in that particular area. In 1981 and 1-982, the FCCissued Ce1lu1ar Orders that stressed the urgency of thepublic need for the inplementation of cettular service. The FCC subsequently announced i1* ttgoal of introducing anationwide compatible cellular service without indue delayrl and affirmed its |tpreemption over technical standards forcellular systemsrr noting that "it is imperative that noadditional requirernents be irnposed by the states which couldconflict within our standards and frustrate the federal scheme for the provision of nationwide cellular servicen. PROPOSED VAIL CELLULAR TELEPHONE EXCHANGE GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND ZONE DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS Newvector proposes to construct and/or erect a telephoneequipnent building, rooftop antennas and related equiprnent as shown on the included Exhibits, and to operate a tetephone communication system. The facility and its operation are, sometimes, referred to as a rrtelephone exchangett. Theproposed site, as defined in the included application, is occupied by the Solar VaiL condominimums (r'Solar Vail"). The condonininum development is entirely owned by Faessler Realty Conpany and, as such, does not have a nulti-owner condorninirnun association. The Solar Vail site is zoned High Density Multiple FaroilyDistrict (nHDUF'r) according to the Official Zoning Map, iownof Vail (sheet 6). Chapter 18.20, Title L8 of the Municipat Code of Vail, Colorado (nzoning Titlerr) discusses the intent and purpose of the HDI{F district and provides the related developnent guidelines and requirenrents. As a I'public l^- j- utility and public service-use.!!., Newvector,s proposede is peruritted in tire itourdistrict, subject to a issuance of a Conditional Use perrnit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60 of theZoning ritle. With regard to setback and height lirnitation requirenents,the proposed telephone exchange will provide the following: r) $iv':ort Front setback Side setback Rear setback Height limit Reguired (ft. ) 20t 20, 20, 45t Provided (ft. )55'38' to bldg L20' 40' tc * tips of rooftop antennas to subterranan parking grade PROPOSED VAIL CELLULAR TELEPHONE EXCHANGE OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTTCS AND I.{ITIGATION The Conditional Use Permit application requests that theapplicant address four interest areas relative to theproposed facility and selected site. The forrn of theinterest areas has been changed to questions to inprove theirclarity for response. 1. What is the proposed use's relationship to and what willbe its impact upon the Town's development objectives? The Town of Vail enacted the Zoning Title for the purpose ofpronoting the health, safety, norals, and general welfare ofthe town, and to promote the coodination and harmonious developnent of the town in a nanner that will conserve and enhance its natural environment and its established characteras a resort and residentiaL conrnunity of high quality. Theresolutions contained in the Zoning Title were promulgated toachieve the following rnore specific purposes: 1. To provide for adequate light, air, sanitation,drainage, and public facilities;2. To secure safety fron fire, panic, fJ-ood, avalanche,accumulation of sno\r, and other dangerousconditions;3. To pronote safe and efficient pedestrian a vehiculartraffic circulation and to lessen conjestion in thestreets; 4. To prornote adeguate and appropriately located off-street parking and loadlng facilities;5. To conserve and maintain established conmunityqualities and economic valuesi6. To encourage a harmonious, convienient, workablerelationship arnong land uses, consistent withmunicipal developrnent objectives i7. To prevent excessive population densities andovercrowding of the land with structuresi8. To safeguard and enhance the appearance of the towri9. To conserve and protect wildlife, streams, woods,hillsides, and other desirable natural featuresi10. To assure adequate open space, recreationopportunities, and other anenities and facilities conducive to desired living quarters;l-1. To otherwise provide for the growth of an orderly and viable comrnunity. The.proposed cellular telephone exchange is prerequisite toefficienty and effectively providing cellulai telephoneservice to Vail,s residents and visitors. fn addition toserving the nornal telecomrnunication needs of rnillions ofpeople daily, cellular teLephones flll- a critical , life-saving need during natural disasters. Many health, safetyand public agencies have enhanced their response capabiJ.ilywith cellular telephones. The applicant believes that theproposed Vail area cellular telephone system, with theproposed cellular telephone exchange as it prinary, requisitefeature, will greatly enhance the quatity oi life-for vail,sresidents and visitors, help Vail to achieve its developnentobjectives, and will not have significant, detrinental inpacton the Vail area. 2. What will be the effect of the use upon light and aj.r,distribution of population, transportation facilities,utilities, schools, parks and other recreation facilii:ies,and other public facilities and publlc facilities needs? once constructed, the facility will be unmanned and,therefore, there is no need for water or sanitary sewerfacilities. Electric and landline telephone service are o required and available near the site. The applicant statesthat the telephone exchange will have no significant impact on air or water quality and will not generate intrusive noise beyond the site's boundaries. Nightirne security lighting, ifany, will be directed inward and iway from adja-entproperties. 3. What will be the effect of the use upon traffic, withparticular reference to conjestion, autonotive and pedestriansafety and convience, traffic fLow and control , access,rnanuverability, and rernoval of snow from streets and parking areas? The applicant responds that once the telephone exchange is i normal operation, associated vehicular traffic will be only occasional , typically one maintenance, passenger-vehicle per month. 4. What will be the effect of the use upon the character ofthe area in which the proposed use is to be located,includj-ng the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relationto surrounding uses? The applicant states that the overall impacts of thetelephone exchange upon the adjacent vacant properties and/or upon the adjacent Solar Vail development wi]I be minimal ornon-existent. Newvector has planned and prelirninarily designed the proposed telephone exchange in an effort torninirnize, to the maximum extent practical , dry inpact fromthe facility. Although the equipment building will bepartially visible from the weetbound,North Frontage Road andfrom westbound Interstate 70 as indicated on Exhibit C,aesthetic impacts wil.l be nitigated by finishing vlsiblebuilding surfaces to match Solar Vail and by extensivelandscaping of the telephone exchange site. EXHIBTTS The foLlowing Exhibits are incl_uded and nade a part ofNewvector's application. Exhibit A - Site Plan, scale of Lil = 2Ot.Exhibit B - Site Survey and Legal DescriptionExhibit c - site sketchTerospeitiveExhibit D - Building Isonetric/AntennasExhibitE-TitleReportExhibit F - List of Adjacent property OwnersExhibit G - Authorization to Act for NewVector Along with the application, we have included one set ofstanped, addressed envelopes for the adjacent property ordnersfor hearing notices. we understand thai these-wirr ul rnailedcertified,/return receipt requested by staff. Should you have any questions or if you desire additionalinformation. please CalI. Sincerely, STORT'{S CONSULTANTS C\\.^fKo,. \\<-+.-.\Ft. ql\.NN V \ \'V \.J tarry D.\Storms, p.E. President enclosures o , it(irt'tf--1 ?, ,/ ? f A Z .,JZ ,/J,/L . .it ': ;:* / J, fflr i4'I 'L<,)i' - I '/ rLr 'L ,1 /-,., , .4 ,..) r. ,^,t 1:/ tl {t : ;,\ \ r1 't!)-/ -".- -\ tl f )'r(,v/ 'z " r I ,i ,'r; L., ,, ) t . fr --,'t l- !L .,tLxHtBtT A *.L+ ?A0?05e0 ueNfiv TALtfr{Or{Etr4ll a.p fa tt!.t t, -.Jt A.tO aa.l. ..-ra 2a .rr-_+Kef\g guilpNq ?f0?058?9TAIR- ru.a Arro ii'; ,. rt.t tehtfHn6 ,9 --.----' -tl Jrt. \-- ,' ' ds-",,, r.,t l!--- a * __-------- -_---- ,t --.-' -' "---' -/ ,o *a rat 'lr'r' f:r4/1-t4p NTEBWE tJoHVAr m eo.n ft'nFfn tntnltCt mtOl - : ftHllo*5['#,'*- aKE-rcH +7-90-A-f KO?bED TREYAE- AT QLAR. VAILwk u.9.1{E€r NEhlvfuiraR- daov?, lH4,(oY ffirj4uTTFR ARCH fteefN?Ktu ''n l,rzo,_ o,, o&I-4o ft v-/ o o ExrrrBrT C SKETL\I 1- +-1o-A- Iq'q'qO 1OV?\? YFILRov Peiurtt rI w. Kctlffeq (oR l.1,vw6T NEhlye6D3. ^FOV?, lNa, ExnrB rr b Pn€-tAfn|c^EO Uo{lxl|x6 : 'LAITORT oil tot cf Ergtxc Ro(r' til,.f ',Slfi-^l*' (rfE rl / {lll$-+-o (21 {' P.v.C, Pfts (t0 tE r^l{ED t0 l.^?c:tr Cotot Ofutsnxc 8ut!olo) 9!rr c^5-E (tr{90€ P.l..C. nFE} ^PF-Y IO|NC r0 four, &0c.r0 lr^tcfi €nsluc 90lr'a0{ oulrolnc. BUILDING ISOMETRIC Nor lO sC^!e uf:ryESr i Ex tr \B rr (]) c[' LULre 'v+ne' SrYtC ^drtxN^5(r\?rcal,l Pie-fABRcArto uouNI|HG -FlllFoav oN tot :i tESllNc ioor: I rl+-o iL- (tl 1' P.v,c, PtPtt (t0 8E P^$rEt l0 l|aT$t c0t0R oa ursnxo 8ur$010) CO^r Cag:€ (rr{90€ P.\:c. aPE) ^pr._y 30rNc t0 toup. EIOC.r0 ri^lfi{ tnsi 0 SDrNa 0N lutloftc. BUiLDiNG iSOMETRIC {or r0 sC^L€ SECURITY TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY3575 Cherry Creek Drlve No.. Deaver. Co. gOZOg gZl--ZZI2 DATE: AUGUST 17, 1990 ORDER il: 600027 PROP. ADDRESST 501 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST OWNER/BUYER: FAESSLER REALTY COMPANY, A COLORADO CORPOMTION TO BE DETERMINED PLEASE DELIVER TO THE CUSTOMERS CHECKED BELOW: US WEST NET,IVECTOR GROUP. INC.P. 0. Box 7329 BELLE^VUE, t^JA 98008-1329 T0: GREGO ATTN2540 SUNSET DRiVE, I|TZO LONGMONT, C0 80501 REFERENCE: NEW VAIL ATTN ALTERNATE ifz PROJECT 1l Zt'ttO ATTN ATTN: ATTN: TO:ATTN: THE ABOVE IS A LIST OF CLIENTS THE ATTACHED TITLE COMMITMENT HAS BEENDELI\TERED TO. SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE COMMITMENT, PLEASE CONTACT KARL DIETRICH AT 329.9999 THANK YOU. TO:ATTN Lx H,e'- L JANE ALCORN TO: TO: L CONDITIONS DEFINITIONS (a) "Mortgage" means mortgage, deed of trust or other security instrument.(b) "Public Records" means title records that give constructive notice of matters affecting the title according to the state law where the land ls located. TATER DEFECTS The Exceptions in Schedule B' Section 2 may be amended to show any defects, liens or encumbrances that appear f or the iirst time in public records or are created or a ached between the Commitment Date and the date on which atlof the Requirements of schedule B - section l are met We shall have no liability 1o you b€cause ot this amendment. EXISTING DEFECTS lf any defects, liens or encu mbrances existing at Com m itment Date are not shown in Schedule B, we may amend Schedule B to show them. lf we do amend Schedule B to show these defects, liens or encum- brances, we shall be liableto you according to Paragraph 4 below unlessyou knewof th is information and did not tell us about it in writing. LIMITATION OF OUR TIABILITY Our only obligation is 1o issue to you the Policy referred to in this Commitment, when you have met its Requirements. lf we have any liabilityto you torany lossyou incurbecause of an error in thisCommitment, our liability will be lim ited to your actual loss caused by you r relying on this Commitme nt when you acted in good taith to: comply with the Requirements shown in Schedule B - Section 1 or eliminate with our written consent any Exceptions shown in schedule B - so:tion 2. We shall not be liable for more than the PolicyAmount shown in Schedule A of this Commitmenl and our liability is subiect to the terms of the policy form lo be issued to you. CLAIMS MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT A nyclaim' whether or not based on negligence, which you may have against us concerning the ti e to the land must be based on this Commitment and is sublect to its terms. 2. e 4. SECURITY TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY 3575 Cherry Creek Drive No.. Denver. Co. 80209 32L-22L2 STAI{DARD CO}TMIXI{EI{T EOR TITIJ INSURANCE SCHEDIII.E A 1. Commitment date: JULY 16, 1990 at 8:00 2. Policy or policies to be issued: Forro 1987 (A) Ouner's Policy- Proposed Insured: TO BB DETBRUINED (B) Loan Poliey - Proposed Insured: A.M. Amount TO BE DETERI{INED TO Co-mitment Number 600027 EXAM: KARL D. TYPIST: RLL Premium BE DETEMINED (C) Loan Policy Proposed Insured: COMMITMENT SEARCH FEE TOTAL $16s.00 $165.00 3. The FEE SIIIPLE interest in the land described in this comrnitment i.s orrnedat the date of the Cormitment Date by: FAESSLER REAIIY COI'fPANY. A COLORADO CORPORATION 4. The land referred to in this comrnitnent is described as follows: A PORTION OF LOT 8, BLOCK 2, VATL/POTATO PATCH, A SUBDIVISION RECORDEDIN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 629, OF THE EAGLE COI'NTY, COLORADO, CLERK AND RECORDER'S RECORDS, SAID PORTION OF LAND BEING PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 8. WHICH IS A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT.OF-WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 7Q; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 200,93 FEET ON A 3990.0 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, WHOSE CENTRAI A}IGLE IS 2'53'07" AND WHOSE CHORD BEARS S 82'36'28" W A DISTANCE OF 200.91 FEET; THENCE N 0'07'12" \l A DISTANCE 0F 238.85 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 8; THENCE S Continued on page 2 ,i Continued fron page 1 86'15'09" E ALONG SAID NORTHERLY BOI]NDARY LINE A DISTANCE OF Lgg.74 FEET To rHE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER 0F sArD LOT 8; THENCE s o'07'r2" E ALONG THE EASTERLY BOITNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 8 A DISTANCE OE 2OO.OO FEET TO TI{E POINT OF BEGINNING, COI]NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PURPORTED ADDRESS: 50L N FRONTAGE ROAD WESTIssued on: AUGUST 17, 1990 o Cornmitment Nunber 500027 SCIIEDI'I.E B - SECTION 1 RequLreaeatE Ihe foll-ouJ.ag requl.reneate luEt be Eet: (a) lay the agreed aurounts for the interest in the land and/or for themortgage to be insured. (b) Pay us the premiums, fees and charges for the policy. (c) The following documents satisfactory to us must be si-gned, deliveredand recorded: l.This comr.itment is subject to such further exceptions and/or requirementsas raay appear necessary when the name of the proposed insured, (ScheduleA, Item No. 2a) has been disclosed Com-itment Number 600027 SCHEDI'LEB-SECTTON2 Exceptioas Any polJ.cy rre issue rriLl. heve the fol-louiag exceptlona ualess they are takeacare of to our EatlsfectLon. PART Ie 1. Taxes and Assessnents, not certified to the Treasurer's office. 2. Any facts' rj-ghts, j-nterests, or elaims which are not shown bv the publicrecords, but which could be ascertained by an inspection of siia taird orby naking inquiry of persons in possession thereoi. 3. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepanci-es, conflicts in boundary li-nes, shortage in area,encroachoents or any other facts whieh a correct survey -would disclose,and which are not shown by public records. 5.Any lien. or right to 1ien, for services, labor or materj-al heretofore orhereafter furnished, inposed by 1aw and not shown by the public records. PART Ib I ' Any and a11 unpaid taxes, assessnents and unredeemed tax sa1es. 2. Covenants, conditions and restrictions, which do not include a forfeitureor reverter clause, set forth i-n the instrument recorded MARCH 5, 1974 IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 628 AND AMENDED SEPTEUER 24, 1975 IN BOOK 24I AT PAGE 950. 3. EASEMENT FOR UTILITY PURPOSES AND AS RESERVED IN INSTRUMENT 628. 4. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCH OR CA}TALS RESERVED IN PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 15.1935 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 278 AND JULY 13. 1939 ]N BOOK 123 AT PAGE 617. 5. Deed of Trust fron ROBERT T. LAZIER AND DIANE J. LAZIER, to the public Trustee of EAGLE County for the benefit of UAJESTIC SAVINGS AND IOANASSOCIATION, securing an original princj_pa1 indebtedness of $335,000,00,and any other amounts and/or obligations, dated DECEMBER 15, I978,recorded DECEUBER 20, 1978 IN BoOK 279 AT PAGE 853. ASSIGNI'GNT OF RENTS GIVEN IN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE DEED OF TRUST RECORDED DECEMBER 20, i978 IN BOOK 279 AT PAGE 854. 6' DECd Of TTUST froN ROBERT T, LAZIER A}ID DIANE J, LAZIER, to the PublicTrustee of EAGLE County for the benefit of COLUMBIA SAVINGS, A FEDE&{I, SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, securlng an original principal indebtednessof $480,000.00, and any other amounts and/or obligations,-dated JIINE 30,1986, recorded JULY 18, 1985 IN BOOK 445 AT pAcE 452. Contlnued on page 2 AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF SAID SUBDTVISION RECORDED MARCH 5, T974 IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE IEVISED 9/r9l90 g puBLrc NorrcE (GrL^ '' ?( q. 1-'v U bqup,q NOTICE IS HEREBY cfVEN that the Planning and Environmental Conmission of the Town of Vail will hotd a publlc hearing Ln accordance with Sectlon 18.66.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of VaLl on October 8, 1990 at 2:00 p.!. dn tbe Town of Vail Dtunlcipal Bullding. ConsLderatl-on of: A reguest to anend section 18.04.l30--definition of Floorarea, gross residential (GRFA) r 18.09.080 HillsideResidential District densLty controlt 18.10.090 SingleFanily oistrLct density controlr 18.12.090 Two FanilyResidential DLstrlct densLty control and; 18.13.08O Prinary/Secondary District density control , of the Uunicipal Code.Applicant: Town of Vail A reguest to anend sections 18.04.360--deflnition of site coverager 18.09.Og0--Hillside Residential District site coveragei 18.10.1l0--Single Fanily oistrict site coveragei 18.12.110--Trro Sanily District site coveraEei 18.13.090-- Prinary secondary District site coverage; 18.L4.110--Resldential Cluster District site coveragei 18.16.UO--Ipw Density nesldential District site coveragei 18.18.110-- Mediun oensity Residential site coveragei 18.20.110--High Density Residential Dl.strict slte coveragei L8.22.110-- Public Accornrnodation District site coveragei L8.24. 150-- Connercial core f District site coveraEei 18.26.120-- ConmercLal Core II District site coveragei L8.2?.090-- Connercial core IIf site coveragei 18.28.l2O--Connercial Senrice center District site coveragei 18.29.Og0--Arterial Business District site coveragei 18.30.U0--Heavy SenriceDistrict site coveragei 18.32.llo--Agricultural and open space District site coverage and; 18.39.190--ski Base/Recreation Distrlct site coverage, of the lrlunicipal Code. Applieant:Town of ValI A request to amend section 18.52.16o--Off Street Parking and Ioading Exemptions, of the Municipal Code.Applicant: Town of Vail A request for a uaJor amendnent to sDD No. 4r cascadeVillage, Area c in order to nodlfy the Master Developnent- PIan for Ipts 39-1 and 39-2 of the Glen lJyon Subdivlslon ln order to increase the height llnltation from 25 ft. to 35 ft. and to increase the naxLnum allowable GRFA per lot frorn 31oo sq. ft. to 55oo sq. f,t.Applieant: Andrer D. Norrls A reguest for a side yard setback and stream setbackvariince in order to ienodel Unit 11, A & B of the Vail Rowhouses, 3o3 Gore Creek Drive, Lot 11, Block 5, Vail Village First Sillng.Applicant: B. A. Bridgewater 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A request for a conditional use pemit in order to constmcta four foot antenna on the roof of tne Solar Vall bullding located at 501 N. Frontage Road West, Part of L.ot 8, Block2, Vail Potato Patch.Applicant: U. S. West Connunications/Stotms ConsultantE 7. A reguest for a conditional use pernlt ln order to sell beerat rholesale and to sell beer for off-site consunptl.on at 143 E. lteadow Drive, Lot P, Block 5D, ValI viUage l'stFillng.Applieant: First Brewery of Vatl/Dean Llotta 8. A reguest for density and setback variances in order toconstruct additions to the Christianla Lodge located at 356 Hansen Ranch Road, Irot D, Block 2 Vall Village Lst Flling.Applicant: Paul R. itohnston 9. A reguest for a for a naJor change to exlstlng developnent approval for the Valley, Phase VI.Applicant: Edward Zneimer 10. A request for a height variance in order to constnrct anaddition to condoniniun unit E-6, Lot P, Block 5D' Vail Village First Filing, 141 East Meadow Drive.Applicant: !t. Willian Snj.tb, Jr. 11. A reguest for an anendment to tlre approved access plan for Lots 5 and 6, Block 7, Vail Village 1stFiling, 146 and 126 Forest Road.Applicant: Ron Byrne L2. A request for a variance to allow a satelll.tedish in the Gore Creek 50r setback and a request for a floodplal-n modification on L,ot 3, Block 1., Bighorn lstaddition, 3907 Lupine Drive.Applicant: Ron oelbaun The applications and infornatLon about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Connunity Developnent Departnent office. Town of Vail Conrounity Development Department hrblished Ln the Vail trail on septenber 2L, 1990. EXHIBIT F CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TOWN OF VAIL ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS SOLAR VAIL CONDOMINWS Project Site: 50L North Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado West: Assessorrs Parcel (ApN) No. 2l_OL-O63-02-013 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado BL6S7 Lessor/Use: Eagle County School District RE 50(Red Sandstone Elementary School)Eagle, Colorado 81631 North: APN 2L0L-063-02-004 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado gL6S7 Use: Vacant East: APN 2L0L-064-00-002 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado gL657 Use: Vacant South: North Frontage Road and Interstate ZOState of Colorado Use: Roadway/Freebray S"(4 l/'-/--f P"*+P"*-J f,.;{ [i*, g,l*'l [ ), "'^' La4 itr 9aF (t27 st tr{g ffi ^t il! loot<-t( {oY lrz lr,r^/ L*T,'J{HJSEn'"t go[6r,us, Wsshlng0on 98008.1329 m6 7t7-{S00 -v tr xH\BrT I llF:l,UFSf NEWVECTOR.GROUP July, 1990 TO WITO}' IT MAY CONCERN: IrIe, at usl{Egr Newvector Group, rnc., have authoflzed Earry stome ofgtot':ns consultants, to act on our behalf and represent oui LntereEtswlthln the Stat6 of Coloraclo. If {9! ItuYg any questions or need furtlrer verif,icatLon, please contact mear (206) 562-257O. Sincerely, u/^ ,4 6GZ.-/d/q facl^unn Snlth Slte Acquisltion Coordinator DEN/IJS!TS U S l|trEsl C.luht U S $,EST P.g|m rfgfrornn lngtatled I{S-DOB Veraion 4. 01 Bad ccnnand or file nane ReEident portion of l,lODE loaded COU1: 9600rnrBr1rp LPTI! rerouted to COUI: C: \> FASTOPEI{ inetalled US-DOS Version 4.01 Bad comnand or file nane Resident po*ion of l.lODE loaded COl,t1 :9600rnr8r1rp LPfl: rerouted to Coltl: C: \> TO: Planning and Environnental Cornmission FRol,!: Coumunity Development Departnent DATE: June 25, 1990 RE: A request for a conditional use pernit for an antenna and tower to be located at 75 S. Frontage Road, VailMunicipal Building.Applicant: Town of VaiI Police Departnent I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The applicant proposes to build a tower for a new antenna and nicrowave dish as part of an improvernent to the Emergency Services Conmunication System. The totrer will be40 feet tall with a L0 foot antenna on top for a total of 50feet in height. There wiII be one 2 foot diameter microwavedish located at a height of 35 feet. The triangular towerwill be mounted on a 4 foot sguare, cement foundationlocated l-7 feet north of the Council chambers and 30 feetwest of the existing Police Department tower and antenna(see attached site plan). The purpose of this project is to improve the Emergency Services Conmunication Systen. The center is currently housed within the Vait Police Departroent and provides emergency services to dispatching operations for eastern Eagle County. In order to send and receive signals on numerous frequencies frorn the center to the outlyingtransnitter sites, the Town currently uses a conbination of antenna and cable connections. The new tower with the ml-crowave dish vill iurprove the systeur by elirninating muchof the cable links. This proposal is a conditional use application because the Town Municipal Building is located in the Public Use zone and public service facilities are onJ.y allowed in that zoneas a conditional use (See Section 18.35.030, F). The Townof VaiI Zoning Code does not provide specific development standards for setbacks, height, site coverage etc. for thePublic Use District. As a result, the PEC urust use thecriteria found in the conditional use section of the code todeternine if the proposal ig reasonable. II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the cornnunity Development Departrnent recomnends approval of the conditional use pennit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: L. Relationship and impact of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town. The proposed use is consistent with the purpose and general provisions of the Zoning Code Section l-8.02.O2O, 82 concerning safety and the need for emergency communication systems. That section ofttre code states that: rrThese regulations are intended to achievethe following more specific purposes: 2. To secure safety from fire, panic,flood, avalanche, accumulation of snow, and other dangerous conditionsirl 2. The effect of the use on liqht and air,distribution of population, transportationfacilities, utilities. schools, parks andrecreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Since the tower and new equipnent will inprove emergency service to eastern Eagle County, theplanning staff believes that the use will have aposl-tive effect on the above referenced Town services. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, autonotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from thestreet and parkincr areas. This project will have no affect on any of the above criteria. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which theproposed use is to be located, includincr the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The character of the area is automobile oriented as it is surrounded by I-7O to the north, Vail Road to the east, and the South Frontage Road tothe south. The antenna wlII be prinarily visible from the interstate and the exit ramp. Staff looked at other options for the tower location during ttre review. However, a key factor in the discussions is the nininun height of the microwavedish nececisary to ali.gn with the microsave dish mounted on Vail Mountain. As a result, thisproposed location, which has the highestelevation, results in the shortest tower. Thenorth side of the building is also a good locationfor the new tower because it is the least visible.It will, however, be visible fron both the east and west bound traffic lanes on I-7O. In an effort to make this area of the Town MunicipaL complex as attractive as possible todrivers on I-70, approval of this proJect will becontingent upon the Police Department inprovingthe area in three lyays. A platforn used to measure air guality will be removed since there is nolr a newer apparatus on the roof for thisfunction. The Police Department will also repairthe chainlink fence along the northern boundary ofthe site. The third improvement to the characterof the area siII be new trees planted to bufferthe area. Staff has discussed a plan for 3-5trees to be planted in the State Highway right-of- way and will work with the colorado Division of Highways for their approval to use the right-of- way' rV. FINDINGS A. That the proposed location of the use in aceord withthe purposes of this Ordinance and the purposes of thedistrict in which the site is located. B. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public heatth, safety, or welfare or materially injurious toproperties or inprovements in the vicinity. c. That the proposed use would cornply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. V. STAFF RECOMUENDATIONS The Planning staff believeE that this proposal will haveminimal negative impacts and that the overall project will improve the character of the area. Therefore, staff recornmends approval of this conditional use penrit with thefollowing conditions. Prlor to operating the newly installed eguipnent theapplicant sha11: 1. Remove unnecessary uechanical eguipnent on the roof; 2. Repair the damaged fence on the norther property line; 3. Buffer the tover by planting 3-5 tre,rsi 4. Paint the toner, dish, and antenna with a non-reflective paint color. :p Date of Application Date of PEC Meetins APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT is required for any proiect required to obtain will not be accepted until all information is APPL ICANT o.3 L Ne*,Ve.-TiE GRcuP.r f,.w<-. - Ge.P [:4E1r.rBR. m0sEP10tgs I.Thi s procedure use permit. The appl ication A. NME OF ADDRESS a conditional subm'itted. wgsT F. A]ist of the names of ou,ners of a'l'l property adjacent to the subiect property INCLUDING PROPERii BEHIND AND AcR0ss STREETS' and their-mq!1ilg-aggflllil:itr lppr-rcRNT t.trLL gE REspotrsrBLE FoR coRREci owNERs AND c0RREcr ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I{ITH A PLANNING STAFF I'IEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED io orrunMtHr rr-nni AooruonRl TNFoRMATI0N IS NEEDED. N0 APPLICATI0N t'JILL- BE AcciprED .urnLE's'j'tT-;i'idipiei'i iriutl-!tclune ALL ITEr'ls P.EQUIRED-BY_rHE-Z0NING loNililrnnionl. - - ir rs rHnppLrcANi' s RESIoNSIBLIT! To_MAKE AN APP0INTMENT l,JiTH iii jrnnF ro-itNt oui nsoui nooir19NAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS' pLEASE NoTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATI0N I'IILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PR0CESS ion"iouii-pnoiiCi evffiri,ib iii r'rlueei 0F coNDITIoNS 0F APPR0VAL THAT THE pEC MAy STIpULATE. ALL coNDITIoNS 0F RFpnOvRt- lvlUST BE C0MPLIED I',ITH BEF0RE A BUILDING PERI'IIT IS ISSUED. 'H9NE(zo 55 g6 a_-r_z-s1 B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS l3B$ sH"*BeerY be,,re pHoNEGor\ 5?-6- \36'? c.NAME 0F 0|rlNER(S) (Print or;t OI^JNER(S)' SIGNATURE(S) ADDRESS PHONEG'3') +?6-s6sg PnFr uC D. LOCATI0N 0F PR0POSAL: LEGAL: LOTJL-BL0CI 3 TILING VAru/hr.a'ro hrcH ADDRESS SoI Noern FRo*nnat Roru \Ntsl E. FEE $'r00 pnro4l-q!-rl cK #--.[Y0- BY THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I'IILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. REv S'ttRu5-: (0vER) Conditiona'l ut. e{t -Z-t III. Four (q) copies of the following information: A. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. The description must al so address: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on'light and air, distribution of populat'ion' transportation faci'l ities' uti'l ities, schoo'l s'. Pgrk: and recreation facilities, and other public facilit_ies and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particu'l ai referenc€ to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic f'low and control , access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and park'ing area. 4: Effect upon the cha.racter of the area in which the ploposed use is tb be locatdi, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. B. A site plan at a scale of at'least l" = 20' show'ing proposed development of the site, including topography, bui'lding 'locations, parking traffic circu'lation, useab'le open space' landscaped areas and uti'l ities and drainage features" C. Preliminary building e'levations and floor p1ans. D. A tit1e report to verify ownership and easements. t. If the building is condominiumized, a ]etter from the condominium association 'in-support of the'proposa'l must be subrnittdd to staff. F. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application asdetermined by the zoning administrator. * For interior modification, an improvement tutuey and site p1 an may be omjtted by the applicant. IV. Time Requirements The P'l anning and Environmenta'l Commissjon meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each monih. A comp'lete appl ication fonn and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the date of the PEC Pub'lic Hearing. No incomplete applications (as detennined by the zoning administrator) wi'l1 be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal date.