HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT 8 TRACT C RED SANDSTONE SCHOOL GENERAL LEGALAlldcewn I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department January 4,2005 A request to proceed thmugh the Town of Vail development review process for the proposed construction of a community garden on Town of Vail property, located at the Red Sandstone Elementary School, 610 North Frontage Road West / a portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Planner: il. SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is the Red Sandstone Elementary School, 610 North Frontage Road West / a portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. The property is zoned Outdoor Recreation District. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST It is the desire of the applicants to construct a community garden located at the Red Sandstone Elementary School (610 North Frontage Road West / a portion of Tract C, Vail Potrato Patch). The Town Council serves the role of "property owne/'for all Town of Vail owned propefi. As the property owner, the Town Council must consent to the applicants proceeding through the Town's development review process. The applicants' letter of request has been attached for reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Should the Town Council support the concept of this proposal, the Community Development Department recommends that the Town Council approve this request to proceed through the development review process. Please note that an approval of this request does not constitute an explicit approval of the proposed improvements; it only authorizes the applicants to proceed through the Town's development review process. ATTACHMENTS Aflachment A: Applicants' letter of request Attiachment B: Site photos 1il. tv. Wil/'76frot"$t;r6' Kate Cocchiarella, Kay Graybill, and Kathleen Stephanoff BillGibson E.A.R.T.H. Red Sandstone School Community Garden Project Dear Vail Town Council Members, We would like to request a place on the Town Council agenda in order to pnopose the creation of a School Community Garden located west of Red Sandstone School. The garden would be located on Town of Vail land and we would like permission from the council as the land owner to proceed with the Design and Review process to see if the project is feasible. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, ffi.!M,, L7 QLu, Ulrtb X,,a"*aS Kate Cocchiarella, Kay Graybill, Kathleen Stephanolf o E.A.R.T.H. - EnuironmentaL Autareness Reaclrcs 77rc Home Our mi,ssionis to lrclp sustain a a.ilfitre lwnoing diuersitg, celebrating communitg and respeding ourfragile earth and allits beings. A proposal for E.A.R.T.H. Red Sandstone Communitv Garden The garden would be an academic resource. Curriculum will be developed that will allow the standards taught in the classroom to have real life application. Reading, writing, math, science, and social studies can all be taught and reinforced through a garden based curriculum. Gardens that have been established in other locations have shown improvement in student achievement. A community garden at Red Sandstone Elementary School would be beneficial in many ways, it would:I foster environmental stewardship in our young citizensI promote awareness of where our food comes from and of the link between a healthy environment and a healthy body I increase communit5z interconnectedness by sharing a common resourceI establish an innovative educational tool that would increase student achievementI teach a sense of place through the growing of native plants and establishing a deep connection to our mountain environment The children would participate in many activities; such as:I preparing soil and learning about necessary soil nutrientsI planting, tending, and hanesting cropsI preparing meals and learning about nutritionI composting scraps This experience exposes children to food production, ecologr and nutrition. It also fosters an appreciation of meaningful work and fresh, natural food. This garden would be available to many programs already in existence, for example: Vail Recreation District Summer Youth Program, Gore Range Natural Science School, Vail Nature Center, Home School Families, Eagle County School District Schools e START UP COSTS 1) proposal costs - architect and engineer - 2) building materials - railings, fencing and gates, soil, compost, rocks, lumber 3) labor 4) tools 5) irrigation 6) sheds 7) curriculum development $50,000 YEARLY / ONGOTNG COSTS 1) maintenance 2) fertilizer 3) seeds and tools 4) water 5) insurance 6) irrigation repair and parts ($SO 7 year max) 7) educational materials / copies and books $1,000 per year - insurance not factored in FUNDING - project would be self- funding 1) fund raisers 2) grants 3) RSES FIA - for ongoing maintenance 4) user fees from organizations using garden 5) in kind donations 6) volunteers I DESIGN AND CODE ISSUSES 1) sheds a) door height b) head height c) entrances d) size 2) retaining walls a) height b) grade behind cf materials - cap with cedar or redwood d) railings 3) paths a) materials - soil pep and wood chip base fencing a) height b) materials grade of beds stair versus step heights 4l s) 6l o TECHNICAL CONCERNS 1) ownership of land 2) ownership of garden 3) relationship with VRD, TOV, RESo.J a) phns - level of engineering needed, ADA issues 5) irrigation a) water rights b) who pays, how to estab-lish biUing amounts 5) insurance - liability responsibility 6) maintenance guideline 7) user guideline o CURRICULUM This is a very superficial listing of areas that could be addressed through a garden based curriculum. A detailed curriculum outline will be developed once the planning of construction phase is well under way. 1) literacy - reading directions, writing manuals, writing up findings 2) math - graphing, predictions, calculating areas and quantities 3) science - life cycles, soil chemistry, ecosystems 4) social studies - history of area - farming and ranching, homesteaders A garden based curriculum incorporates visual and tactile learning experiences. It will follow expeditionary learning philosophy, which has been shown to increase student performance, especially with students who traditional methods typically fail to reach. Student performance would improve and the personal signilicalce of the lessons would be enhanced. oAttachment B TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: or MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 23,2004 A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-9C-3, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public indoor community facility, located at 551 N. Frontage Road WesWail Potato Patch, Red Sandstone Elementary School, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant The Town of Vail, represented by Lynn FritzlenPlanner: Matt Gennett SUMMARY The applicant, the Town of Vail, represented by Lynn FriElen, of FriElen Pierce Architects, is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for a public indoor community facility located at 551 N. Frontage Road WesWail Potato Patch, Red Sandstone Elementary School. Based upon staffs review of the criteria and findings in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves with conditions the requested conditional use permit, subject to the criteria and findings in Section Vlll of this memorandum. Staff believes that a public indoor communig facilig on this would be a benefit to the community and is compatible with existing elementary school on site, provided that scheduling is managed properly. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST Pursuantto Section 12-9C-3, Vail Town Code, the applicant, the Town of Vail, represented by Lynn Fritzlen, is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for an indoor community facility. The proposal involves new construction of an 8,978 square foot gymnastic facilig adjacent to the existing Red Sandstone Elementary School, located at 551 N. Frontage Road WesWail Potato Patch (Attachment A). A copy of the applicant's request and the associated architectural drawings are attached for reference (Attachments B & C). The new facility is intended to replace the existing, antiquated facility presently located in the Town of Avon which is no longer of practical service to the needs of Vail's community. BACKGROUND On October 13, 1986, a Conditional Use Permit was approved to allow recreation facilities and programs, as well as storage, to exist at the'Old Town Shops", located on a portion of Tract C, Vail Village 2no Filing. The granting of this Conditional Use Permit allowed for the |[. v. ol relocation of the Vail Gymnastics Program from the Red Sandstone Elementary School Gymnasium to the 'Old Town Shops", occupying a total of 3,200 square feet and utilizing a required 30 parking spaces. On August 20,2003, a proposal to demolish the 'Old Town Shops" was approved by the Design Review Board, thereby necessitating the need for a new facility for the gymnastics program. On January 7, 2004, the Design Review Board (DRB) conducted a conceptual review of the proposed Gymnastics facility and responded favorably to its design, stating that it blends well with the architecture of the existing Red Sandstone Elementary School and the site itself. The DRB did not raise any issues of concern with the design of the proposed facility. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Planninq and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approvaUapproval with conditions/denial of a conditional use permit. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town.2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safe$ and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas.4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses.5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. Conformance with development standards of zone district. Desiqn Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has no review authority of a conditional use permit, but must review any accompanying Design Review application. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Gommission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conformtothetechnical requirementsoftheZoningRegulations. Thestaffalsoadvisesthe applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. v. Staff provides a staff memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Town of Vail Zoninq Requlations ffitle 12. Vail Town Code) 12-9C: GENERAL USE (cU) ZONE DISTRICT (in part) 12-9G1: PURPOSE: The general use distict is intended to provide sitesfor public and quasi-publb uses which, because of their special characteistics, cannot be apprcpiately rcgulated by the development standatds prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or projecf are necess ary to achieve the purposes prescribed in section 12- 1-2 of this title and to provide for the public welfare. The general use drslnbf is intended to ensure that public buildings and grcunds and ceftain types of quasi- public uses permifted in the district are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with sunounding uses, an4 in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensute adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities apprcpiate to the permifted types of uses. 1 2-9C-2 : P E R M I T T ED USES; The following uses sha// be permitted in the GU district: Passive outdoorrecreation areas, aN open space. Pedestrian and bike paths. 1 2-9C-3: COND ITIONAL USES; A. Generally: The following conditional uses slral/be permifted in the GU distict, subject fo r'ssuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16 of this title:(in part) Public and pivate parks and active outdoor recreation areas, facilities and uses. Public and privafe schoo/s and educational institutions. Public and quasi-public indoor community facility. Public utilities installations including transmission lines and appuftenant eguipment. Seasona/ slrucfures or uses to accommodate educational. recreational or cultural activities. oo 1 2-9C-5: D EV ELO P ME Nr SIANDARDS: A. Prcscibed By Planning And Environmental Commission: ln the general use distict, development standards in each of the following categoies shall be as prescribed by the planning and environmental commission: 1. Lot area and site dimensions. 2. Sefbacks. 3. Building height. 4. Density control. 5. Site coverage. 6. Landscaping and site development. 7. Parking and loading. B. Reviewed By Planning And Environmental Commission: Developmentstandards shall be proposed by the applicant as a paft of a conditional use permit application. Srte specffib development standards shall then be determined by the planning and environmental commission duing the review of the conditional use rcquest in accordance with the prcvisions of Chaoter 16 of this title. 12-16: CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS 12-1Gl : PURPOSE; LIMITATIONS: ln order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permifted in ceftain districts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characfensfbs, conditional uses reguire review and evaluation so that they may be located propedy with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their effects on sunounding propefties. The review processprescnibed in this chapter is intendedto assurecompatibility and harmoniousdevelopmentbetween conditional uses and surrounding properties and the town at large. Uses /isfed as conditional uses r''n the various disfncfs may be permifted subject to such conditions and limitations as the town may prescribe to ensure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with development objectives of the town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied. 12-16-8: PERMIT APPROVAL AND EFFECT: Approvalof a conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion or the use for which the approval has been granted has not commenced within two (2) years from when the approval becomes final. ol GeneralUse (GU) Public / Semi-Public Use Public Elementary School Allowed/Required Existinq Outdoor Recreation VIII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of a conditional use permit in the General Use (GU) Zone District are in the provisions of Chapter 12-16 (Conditional Uses), Vail Town Code. Consideration of Factors Reqardinq the Conditional Use Permit: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town, Staff believes the use of a public indoor community facilig is in concert with 5 .a SITE ANALYSIS Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Current Land Use: Development Standard Lot Area: Setbacks: Building Front: Building Sides: Building Rear: Building Height: Density: Floor Area: Site Coverage: Landscape Area: Parking: Land Use Open Space CDOT R.O.W. TBD by PEC 26 TBD by PEC N/A TBD by PEC TBD by PEC TBD by PEC TBD by PEC 188,771 sq ft 140' 60'/170'(w/e) 15' 28,326 sq ft 30,874 sq ft 88,612 sq ft 38 spaces Zoninq Natural Area Preservation Not Designated TBD by PEC TBD by PEC TBD by PEC TBD by PEC Proposed no change no change 38'(east) no change 28.s', N/A 37,004 sq ft 35,950 sq ft 81,809 sq ft 57 spaces * All Development Standards shall be permitted as indicated on the approved development plan dated February 23,2OO4. VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING North: South: East: West: Medium Density Residential High Densig Multi-Family Residential Open Space (oo 2. the Town's general development objectives and more specifically those objectives of the Land Use Plan. The nature of the proposed public indoor community facility is harmonious with that of the Red Sandstone Elementary School and the relationship between the two is expected to be symbiotic. The site itself was selected not only because of the existing school, but also due to its central location in the Town of Vail and it being one of the last available pieces of public property. The development objectives of the town are further met with the intent of this proposal, which is to ultimately serve the children and parents of this community. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that this proposal, as designed, will have a negligible effect on the light and air for the existing Red Sandstone Elementary School given the low roof height (28.5' at its maximum) of the proposed new facility and its general design. Additionally, given the general topography of the site and the placement of the new structure, there is likely to be no impact at all. The new public indoor community facility is intended to serve 70 children per day during a 10 hour period, per day, which is the cunent average at the existing facility. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff believes that this proposal, as designed, will have no effect upon the pedestrian safety, convenience, and access ofthe pedestrian easement and the bike path parallel to the North Frontage Road. The applicant's representative has been working closely with the Town of Vail's Public Works Department to ascertain that all the correct dimensions for maneuverability and parking are being met. The Town of Vail's Public Works Department has been working closely with CDOT to ensure that the traffic and access codes are likewise being adhered to and any mitigation measures necessary are taken. Attached, please find the applicant's representative's responses to the comments of the Public Works Department (Attachment E). Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff believes that the proposed new facility will blend in seamlessly with the character of the area in which the structure is proposed. The existing Red Sandstone Elementary School is built into the hillside in the same manner as the proposed facility is to be constructed, and the proposed materials and colors will complimentthecharacteristicsoftheadjacentschool. Theheightandsizeofthe proposed new structure are dictated by the dimensional requirements for the operation of a gymnastics facility, and the capacity needs of the applicant. Comparatively, given the rather large scale of the existing school presently 3. 4. ot situated on the subject property, the bulk and mass of the proposed structurewill be of a much lesser scale and will be set back from the school. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinos before qrantinq a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the General Use (GU) zone district. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval with conditions of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-9C-3, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public indoor community facility, located at551 N. Frontage Road WesWail Potato Patch, Red Sandstone ElementarySchool, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Staffs recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence presented, subject to the following findings: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the Conditional Use Permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the General Use (GU) Zone District. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this conditional use permit request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: This conditional use permit approval is contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail design review approval for this proposal. The applicant must submit an application to CDOT forwritten permission to park cars on the North Frontage Road during periods of parking overflow. 3. Hours of operation for the Gymnastics Facility will not interfere with school programs, parking, and activities. 1. 2. or X. ATTAGHMENTS A. Vicini$ Map B. Applicant's letters of request C. Architectural plans D. List of adjacent propefi owners E. Applicanfs letter addressing PW comments Attachment A Dt{(dra.ru\ MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department November 16,2004 frtffi1/*,t"O e)fi-fc -($-\7 ITO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ilt. A request to proceed through the Town of Vail development review process for the proposed construction of a community garden on Town of Vail property, located at the Red Sandstone Elementary School, 610 North Frontage Road West / a portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Kate Cocchiarella, Kay Graybill, and Kathleen StephanoffPlannen Bill Gibson SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is the Red Sandstone Elementary School,610 North Frontage Road West / a portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch. The property is zoned General Use District (GU). BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST It is the desire of Kate Cocchiarella, et.al., to construct a community garden located at the Red Sandstone Elementary School (610 North Frontage Road West / a portion of Tract C, Vail Potato Patch). The Town Council seryes the role of "property ownef for all Town of Vail owned property. As the property owner, the Town Council must consent to the applicants proceeding through the Town's development review process. The applicants' letter of request has been attached for reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Should the Town Council support the concept of this proposal, the Community Development Department recommends that the Town Council approve this request to proceed through the development review process. Please note that an approval of this reguest does not constitute an explicate approval of the proposed improvements; it only authorizes the applicants to proceed through the Town's development review process. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: Applicants' letter of request tv. V. rb}+* Dear Vail Town Council Members, we would like to request a place on the Town council agenda in order to propose the creation of a School Community Garden located west of Red -sandstone School. The garden would be located on Town of Vail land and we would like permission from the council as the land owner to proceed with the Design and Review process to see if the project is feasible. Thank you for your time arrd consideration' Attachment A Itffrt! E.A.R.T.H. Red Sandstone School Community Garden Project Kay Graybill, Kathleen Stephanoff htutl"t&, WU'-X-pa1 e< E.A.R.T.H. - Enuironmental Awareness Reaclrcs TLrc Home Our missionis to help sustain a anlture lwnoring diuersitg, celebrating communitg and respecting ourfragile earih and all its beings. A proposal for E.A.R.T.H. Red Sandstone Communitv Garden The garden would be an academic resource. Curriculum will be developed that will allow the standards taught in the classroom to have real life application. Reading, writing, math, science, and social studies can all be taught and reinforced through a garden based curriculum. Gardens that have been established in other locations have shown improvement in student achievement. A community garden at Red Sandstone Elementary School would be beneficial in many ways, it would:I foster environmental stewardship in our young citizensI promote awareness of where our food comes from and of the link between a healthy environment and a healthy body I increase community interconnectedness by sharing a corlmon resource I establish an innovative educational tool that would increase student achievementI teach a sense of place through the growing of native plants and establishing a deep connection to our mountain environment The children would participate in many activities, such as:I preparing soil and learning about necessary soil nutrients I planting, tending, and harvesting cropsI preparing meals and learning about nutritionI composting scraps This experience exposes children to food production, ecologz and nutrition. It also fosters an appreciation of meaningful work and fresh, natural food. This garden would be available to many programs already in existence, for example: Vail Recreation District Summer Youth Program, Gore Range Natural Science School, Vail Nature Center, Home School Families, Eagle gol.rtt* School District Schools o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 Da-(?aLlJ ?JJ..-t!' Ld. x, '-B\K e :l te r I NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES KTA }-'-'qT++<-.T\^_ ADDiALTCOMMBUILDPERMT PCrMit #: BO4-0174 Job Address: 551 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: 551 N. FRONTAGE ROAD Applied . . : 07/13/2004 ParcelNo....: 210106302013 Issued...: 08/04/2004 ProjectNo . : ?r? l<t.(- OZo5.' R.5{=S ,L\ --"^-"toa Expires. . .: 0l/3112005 owNER EAGI_,E COI,I{TY SCEOOL DrST RE O7/L3/2OO4 phone: PO BOX 740 EJAGIJE co 81631 I_,icense: CoNTRAcToR FRotflr RANGE WIREIJESS, rNc. 07/L3/2004 phone: (303) 703-4GGz 5355 S, Bannock Unit A Littleton, Colorado e0120 License: 780-B APPL,ICANf FROlinr RANGE WIREI-,BSS, rNC. 07 /]-3/2004 phone: (303) 703-4657 5356 S. Bannock Unit A Littleton, Colorado 80120 Iricense: 780-B Desciption: Replacement and upgrade of exisitng cellular equipment located on the roofofthe Red Sandstone Elementarv School. Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $48.000.00 Fireolace lnformation: Restricled:# ofGas Appliances: 0 Add SqFf 0 # of Gas logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY Building---> $623 .55 Restuerant Plan Review--> Plan Check--> 9405.31 DRB Fee-----------> 50.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $x,031.85 $0. 00 Additional Fees----->$0. 00 $0.00 Total Permit Fee-----> $1.031.86 90.00 Payments--------------> $1,031.86 $0. 00 Investigation-> Will Call--> $0.00 RecreationFee--------> $3 .00 Clean-up Deposit------> TOI AL FEES-------> S1,031.85 BALANCE DUE-----> Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIL,DIIIG DEPARTMENT o7/29/2oo4 ecD Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANbIING DEPARTMEMI O7/1-3/2oO4 warren Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRB DEPARTMENI Item: O550O PtBL,IC WORKS *'* *t ***'l | *a'l **** 'i*l 'l* + * ** ****,*** 't*)* * *,t*** {! * See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2t49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATI.JRE OF OWNER FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2 '***1t*{.'t'}*f**'|t**'t|:i***f*****{.*'t'}*'********l't{!t+*||'t|'t*t*********,}!t,}tt|!***!t*!t**'|'****,$*'***,|t***:t*{'|t**|r******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0174 as of 08-04-2004 Status: ISSUED '|*'|***|t*!t*!**f't'|**l.**'t*{.**!t|*'|*|:t|*'}ttt*!t'|t|'t*|t't|'t'|'|***!*'}**'}*{.|t{.{'|{!*lt{!t!t!*!t******* Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 07A3t2004 Applicant FRONT RANGE WIRELESS, INC. Issued: 0t/0412004(303)703-4667 To Expire: 0rl3t/2005 Job Address: 551 N FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL Location: 551 N. FRONTAGE ROAD Parcel No: 210106302013 Description: Replacement and upgrade of exisitng cellular equipment located on the roofofthe Red Sandstone Elementarv School. Conditions: Cond: I @IRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. t * + + + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '* 'l * * * * * * * * * * + * * ** + +:t* I * i * + + t * +'l {' * * + * *'* * **** * * * * ** * * + + * * 't * * * * * * * * * * * ** *:r ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO shtement** * **+** ** * * * *+ * * * *****+a * * *++ *+ + ++*** * f+!t*** *+* * +**t'+*i.* ** * {. * ** * f * ****************++* * f* * * * Statement Number: R040006350 Anorrnt: 91,031.96 Og/04/200412:10 pM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #4528/Front Range wireleas Permit No: 804-0174 T14:e: ADD/ALT COMM BUTIJD pERIr,tT Parcel- No: 21010 63 02 O 13 SilE AddrEgg: 551 N F'ROI{TAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: 551 N. FROIifTAeE ROAD Tota1 Feea: $1,031.86This Pa)ment: 91,03i_.96 Total ArrrJ pmts: $1,031.86 Balance: $0.00 ++'l + + ++**++ f *t* a+ + + | ** *** **+ **** * * ***1.*1.* ** ***r|!**lr* ***+************** ** * * * ** ****+ ** * ********f ACCOTJNTITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Prnts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PEMIT FEES 623.55 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 405.31 INC OO1OOOO31128OO W]LL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO APPLICA o TION WILL Nor BE ACGEPTED rF rNcoMplEr:"?jlli:jhs WvBuilding Permit #: wwvwvarL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION *.i*'l*!t***t********t***ir*:l**i*i*r*rrFoR oFFlcE usE oNLY*******.t+rj.***rr***rrr!rr*r*t*r*r*** tther Fees: )RB Fees: ubllc Wav Permit Fee: RECEIUTU tLi 1J,,,;: General Contractor:(ut lh*r- IJvt-r.ttcc Town ol Vail Reo. No.: 190 -g Contact and Phone #'s: Sean lflc(on'nzll =ot-191-531{Emall address: Conlractor sisnature: 6Al'rl COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRIcAL:g 48,0@4 OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAL:$ {tr,00o s For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-32&8640 or visitffil robName: fu, 1*ilnl-*Nv JobAddress: 146 N'fta{f}qL L9' f--Aau, 1a.t^t,rrt, tb, IlL41 Legal Description tlLot: ll Block:ll ririns'Itt"t.,"'. Owners Name: Eff 'k'".T't!2i:Address: 751 L. lw5T.,{ert t C", 8t t 9t Phone: ArchitocvDesigner: (g)C AC"rl, fWE Address: 1lttu 6. ItfL al, alnF- | E o 'non"'to,..7gr-L111 Engineer: KOc ALcAr Ec-r /. fiqr ttstlc Addre*s: 21.133 iTf":H.u ^*,7't tf E- t ED Phoneiot. .11o ^Li11 Detaileddescriptionotwork: AfOtfoil oF L tlEW E-?il t[t&Att4, Ptotf Atlf6f^tit, ,rt E.rrrftia illctagUlJt |$tf+ AttocrIfED 4Ir <abul4 WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) OtherfrJ Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( 1 Aoth ()Does an EHU exist al this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Singlo-family ( ) Two{amily ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Bestaurant ( ) Otherp 4Oaorf- No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I /l No. ol Accommodation Units in this building: l//4 No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) F:\Users\cdev\FoRMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM.DOC o'[' f f l#*lt#ff oo I To: Matt Gennett From: Chad Salli Date: February 13,2004 Subject: Vail Gymnastics Facility After reviewing the latest site plans for the Vail Gymnastics Facility, Public Works comments are as follows: 1. provide a P.E. designed erosion and sediment control plan .2. The Town's parking standards are 9'xl9' for 90 degree parking with a24' drive aisle and , 9'x25' for parallel parking. Please adjust the parking lot layout to comply with these' I standards. / l. Currently it is posted no parking in the turn around area by the school. Ifparking is to be \ allowed in this turn around, a fire truck must be abte to make the maneuver without interference from parked vehicles. This is possible by shrinking the center island and widening the outside of the turn arormd at the soutleast comer.4. Where is the snow storage to be located? \ Ttere may beyetla;rd issges with the proposed location. Please verif and mitigate if necessary. A?litg!*rc 6. Please submit final drainage plan for approval before building permit set. (7 ) A" eastbound left on the frontage road is currently waranted in the A.M. peak period per the C-DOT access code. A left is not currently warranted in the P.M. peak but will be warranted with the additional nips created by the gymnastics facility. C-DOT has said they will require a left be constructed with this project due to the existing warrant in the A.M. and the trip increase in the P.M. generated by the grmnastics facility and safety issues. Should you have any questions, feel free to give me a call,926-2169. Preliminary Traffi c Assessment Vail Gymnastics Facility This report describes traffic volumes, now and in the future, at the intersection ofthe North Frontage Road and the access to the Red Sandstone School. The site is currently served by two full movement access points, which serve as access to the school and a bus stopped used by both Vail Transit and ECO. The Vail Gymnastics Facility consists ofconstruction ofa 65'by 80' building to replace the current facility located in Avon, CO and parking improvements above the bus stop. The North Frontage Road is a two{ane frontage road within the I-70 right of way. It comects the Main Vail and West Vail interchanges. The alignrnent is essentially straight with gradual vertical curves that follow the terrain. The posted speed is 35 mph in the project vicinity. Recently conducted traffic counts conducted (attached) at the school show; the peak traffic volumes occur between 7:30 and 8:30 AM and 2:30 and 3:30 PM. The existing volumes at the site currently warrant an eastbound left turn lane in the A.M. peak hour (72) per the C-DOT access code. The existing volumes in the PM peak hour (18) fall short ofthe left turn warrant. The addition oftraffic generated by the Vail Gymnastics Facility has no increase to the AM peak hour. The PM peak hour is increased by approximately 20% and the projected left turn volumes will warrant a left tum per the C-DOT access code. Traflfic counts conducted at the existing facility located in Avon (attached) were used to determine the new volumes. Since the AM peak hour volume is not increased and is greater than the projected PM peak hour volume, a new C-DOT access permit will not be required. The C-DOT access code does not require construction ofan eastbound left tunl with the construction of this project since the controlling peak hour The proposed parking by the project of57 spaces should provide sufficient parking for the school and gymnastics facility. Field observations were performed at both facilities. Observations showed the greatest demand for parking at the gymnastics center was 25 spaces which was between the 5:00 - 5:30 PM time frame. At this time the school's demand for parking is minirnal. School activities conclude at 4:00 PM per conversations with the Red Sandstone School. The greatest parking demand for the school occurred during normal school hours. Observations showed that 28 vehicles were parked 2:30 PM. Combining the two peak dernand (although different time periods) as a worst case will still allow available parking. Demand (Field Observations 2/ l2104 Red Sandstone School Gymnastics Facility Avon 2:00 4 2:30 28 3:00 t0 3:30 l7 4:00 2l 4:30 17 l6 5:00 25 * alo rt.Hp on fu'+tu/b4o. 'ltli*s ul t dbf UtuhLl tlt tt Total (In + Out)Total (In + Out) -\- I i t '+-'.ii ',. 'r * l,.r_'j . ,- llll r.'. 'a ,'..4 . . 8IlL9/2894 lE:43 !)744764e1l,FPS PAGE A2 c&Ftecrt Henworih.Prwlak 6cotcchnical, lnc. t0t0 C(,$$ Rned | 54 Gltnw,trd Snrings' Colomtlrr 81 601 Plroncr 970-945,79ftt Fax: 970.945-ti454 r.nrail' hpgeo@hpgcottcb.ct)m H EP\IVORTH . PAWLAK GEOTEC H NICAL January 16,2W Fnulen Pierce Architects Attn: Lynn Friulen 1650 Vail Valley Drive, Suile C-l Vdil, Colorado 81657 lob No' lM loz SubjccC Geologic Site Assessment, Propoeed Gymnasium Addition to the Red Saodstone Elementary School, Vail, Colorado. Dear Mrs. Fritzlen: As rcqucsted, we have conducted a geologic site asses6ment for the proposed gyrnnasium addition to thc Red Sandstone Elementary Sshool in Vail, Colorado' The study was c.ondumed in accordance with our January 6, 2004 profesSiOnal scrvices agreemelr with Fritzlen Piercc Archiects to evaluate tlre project area geology end assegs its potpntial inf,lue. ncc on the propoeed construction. Geologic conditions at the site were observed dunng a fteld reconnaissance visit on January 9,2W4.lVe alSO reviewed published geologic literature and previous regional geologic mapping. This IWo(t summalizes our findings and preSentS Our corplusiOnS and rccommendations. PROPOSED DBVELOPMENT It is our unde$tanding that tbe proposed !]g11ragirrm is to be cut into the sourh facing hillside above the eristfirg parking arca on the east side of the Red SanGtone Ele,mentary School, The main structrre will have a footprint of rorrgily 65x80 feet wift a roughly 20x25 toot eotrarce area et the southeast corner of the building' The gymnasium will be a two $tory steel frame structure with cast-in-place consrete walls. The roof of the structure will be corrugated steel. Upslope cuts for the proposed strucftre are proposed.to be 25 0o 30 feet. The existiqg driveway and parkiqg area east of the school will not be significanfly modified. If developmetrt plans change significautly from those described above, we should be contacted for review and additional analysis. Parker 303-641-7LLg . Colorado Springs 719-633.5562 r Silverthome 9i0.468-1989 8tlL9l2Ag4 L6:43 e764764eUp FPS PAGE g3 Fritzlen Pierce Architects January 16,2003 Page2 SITE CONDITIONS The Red Sandstone Elemenary School is located on the north side of Gore Creek Canyon at an elevation of roughly 8,235 feet. Snow cover on the site is currcntly about 2 to 3 feet. The valley side in the project arca slopes down toward the south. Natural grades in the proposed pmject area are up to 50 % and transition into a 0opographic bench above the property to the north. Grades on the bench average about 15% la 20%. Site grading in ttre pmject vicinity currently colsists of a bench cut into the valley side for prior constnrction of the existing eleme,ntary sctrool and parking areas. The exieting Red Sandstone Elementary School appears to be a.two story wood {iame structure wirh e steel fra,me concrcte addition on the east side. Both sections of the existing school have a walkout level on the south side and erc cut into the south facing slope 20 to 25 feet on the north side of the rcspective structures. Vegetation in thc project area corsists mainly of native grasr, weedo and brush. A drainage ditch runs roughly east- west oo the hillside bench above ttre existing school, Exposed botrlders on the hillside are up to 2th feet in diamaer, subrounded end are mostly granitic. Existing buildings in the viciuity of the project area consist.of the existiqg Red Sandstone Elementary . School to the west and a four story wood frame condominium conplex on *re properf,y to the cast. GEOLOGIC SETTINC Gore Creek Canyon is located on e stuctrral platform between the Sawatch Rangc anticline to the west and the Precambrian core of ttre Gore Range to the east. Both are {irst order regional geologic structures.rhat developed during the Laramide Orogeny about 40 to 70 million years ago. The northwest bending Gore Rauge fault zone is located roughly 2l& miles to the northeast of the project site. This structural feature reprEsents ttre transition from the crystallirc rocks in the core of ttre Gore Range to the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the strucftral platform mentioned above- Regional geologic mapping shows that tle formation rock on the north side of Gore Creek Canyop iu the project area is the Pennsylvanian age Minhrn Formation (Twcto and Lovering, 1971), The Minturn Formetion is an interbedded conglomerate, sardstone and shale with minor beds of limestone and dolomite. Beddiry near the project area strikes to the northwest and has dips benrreen 25' atrd 35' to the southwmt (Tweto and Lovering, 1977). The Gore Range fault zone may have been active since the Laramide Orogeay, but is not considered to have been active in Quatemary time, within the last Job #104 102 c5lftectr ALlL9l2g84 t4343 sza+tanp FPs PAGE A4 Fritzlen Pierce Architects January 16,2003 Page 3 1.3 million years (Widmannn and Others, 1998). The closest fault zone to the project area with known or suspected post-glacial activity, movement within about the last 15,000 years, is the Williarus Fork Mounain fault located about 20 miles to the northeast (Widmaunn and Othors, 1998). The upper Gore Creek Canyon in the project area was occupied by valley glaciers sevcral times during tbe Late Pleistocene' Morraines essociared with the l-ate Pleistooene Bull Lake glaciation are present in the project area- Post-glacial colluvium and local outcrops of the Minturn Formation are present on the surroruding hillsides. SITE GEOLOGY Surficial geology at the project site is dominated by Quaternary collttvium eod Late Pleisrocene age glacial morairc. These surface deposits overlie thc Pennsylvanian age Minilrn fonnation Oroughout the pmjcct area, Colluvium: Colluvium in the project area consists mainly of Minturn Formation derivd blocls of conglomemte aad sandstone in a silty !o clayey sand matrix. Blocks ' vhry from pebble to boulder size. Glacisl Moraines: The glacial moraines in the proje,ct area were deposited during the Bull Lake Glaciation in the Latc Pleis0oceoc. These deposits form benches on the valley sides in the project area. Thc moraines consist of subrounded to rounded pebblc to boulder size clasts in a silty, clayey snnrl matrix, Boulders in the moraines are domiruntly granitic and represeot varying rock types of the Gore Range to the northeast. Mllrtur-n Fonnation: The Penruylvanian age Minturn Formation comprises as much as 5.300 feet ofclastic rocks and subordinate interbedded carbonate rockt betweenthe Pennsylvanian age Belden Formation and the Pcnnsylvanian and Permian age Maroon Formation- The forrntion is dominated by arkosic satdslones, arkosic conglomeretes and shale. Limestone and dolomite beds are interbcdded with these clastic tocks, but arc minor t0 the fonnation. Bedding in the Mintum Formation nortfi of the project area strikes northwe$t and dips 25" to 35' to the southwest. Job #104 102 c&Ftecrr ELltet2as4 LBt4s e7s4764e!D FPS PAGE g5 Fritzlen Pierce Architects' January 16,2W3 Page 4 . CEOLOOIC SITE ASSESSMENT There are ssveral conditions of a geologic nature that should be considered in project planning and design. The proposed gymnasium is not locatcd within a potential debris flow or snow avalanche hazard area, but the Town of Vail has designated a mediun . severity rpckfatl hazard intfieproject area (Tovm ofVail, 2000a). The geologic conditions tbat should be considered and their potential risk to the proposed development are described below. tr'oundation Bearlng Condltlons:,firo on-sitc glacial moraine and colluvium in the buildiqg aree should be suitable bearing materiale for a spread footing foundation sy$tem. If Minhrm Fonnation sandttone is ercountered in the base of the proposed e;cavation, the sandstosc would also be comidered suitable bearing material. Foundation design crircria should be dweloped basod on the results of a sile spccific geoechnicel $udy. Rockfdt llazarrls: The Town of Vail has designrted ttre uea in tlre vicinity of the pruject site a medium Beverity rockfill hazatd area. The proposed gymnasium will be located at tlre downhill edge of tre dcsignated rocldall Inz*r:,d area: At the time of our field reconnaissance viSit, the proPerty and surrounding area wag covered with up 0o threc feet of snow. We found no widence of roclf,all evetns in the recent geologic past durhg our visit, It is our current opinion that the rockftll hazard potential at the proposcd gymnasium site is low and thet mitigation measurcs, at this time, do not appear to be warrailed. Vy'e reeommend that an additional field reconnaissance be performed after the spring thaw in order tlpt we can bs certain ttrat no roclcfall hazards were misscd due to the cutrent level of snow cover. Construction Relsted Slope Inctebllity: Deep cuts into the glacial moraine at the project site could present the potential for construction-related slope instability if grading for the proposed stnrcture is not engircercd properly. Excavation for the proposed gymnasium is likely to be relatively extensive with assumed upslope cut depths of25 to 30 feet. A geotechnical engineor shorrld review the proposed site $adrng plan and develop appropriate Sading and eartU pressure design criteria as part ofa site specific geotechnical study. Earthquake Considerations: The project area could experience eartbquake related lob #104 102 eHFtecrr al/L9/2844 L4.43 e7a4764eAD FPS PAGE @6 Fritzlen Pierce Architecte January 16' 2003 Page 5 glound shaking. Historic earrhgualce ground shaking in the region has been moderately strong, but has not exceeded Modified Mercalli lnteruity VI (Kirkham aud Rogers' 1985). Modified Mercalli Intensity VI ground shafiing should be expccted during a reasonable exposure time for the proposed gymnmium, but ttle probability for stronger ground shaking is low. Intensity VI ground shaking is felt by most people and causes general alarm, but results in negligible damage to $tructures of good design and con$truction. Occupied structures should be designed to withstand moderately strong ground shaking with little or no damage and not to collapse under stronger ground shakinc. The region is in the 1997 uniform Euilding code, seismis Risk zone l. Based on our cufrent rurderstanding of the earthquake potential in this part of Colorado' we see no reason to'increase thc previously accepted seismic risk zone for the region. LIMITATIONS This study was conducted according to generally acc€pted engineerutg geology principles and praCtices in this area, at this time. We make no waffady either express or implied. fire conclusions and recomncndations submitted in this report arc based on orrr tield observations, interpretations ofprevious geologic shrdies and our experience in rbe area. This report has bsen prepared exclusively for our client to evaluate the polential influence of the geology on the proposed'development. The inforrrstiou is suitable for planning and preliminary de.sign. We are nd responsible for technical interpreutions by othen of our information. Geotechnical snrdies will be needcd to provide foundation, retaining wall and sirc grading design criteria' Ifyou have any guestions or require further assistance, please call our office. Respectfully submitted, HEPWORTH-PAWJ#QEqTECHNICAL, INC.A#6//zL@ Arthur Buck Engineering Geologist Rcvicwed by: Daniel H. Hardin, Job #104 102 ceEtectr -.,_q!/Ls,t2ss4 toz43 e7a4i64sla FPs aO PAGE 67 Fritzlen Pierce Architects January 16,2ffi3 Page 6 REFERENCES Kirtfiam, R.M., and Rogers, W'P', 1985' Colorado EartlquatuDan and Interyretaiors 1867 to 1985: Colorado Geological Suvey Bulletin 46' Town of Vait, 2000a, Offrcial Rockftll llazard Map, Town of Vail: Prepared by the TorrrnofVail.Vail,Colorado(AdoptedbytheTownCouncilon October 17' 2ffi0)' Town of Vail, 2000b, official Debris Flow llazard Map, Town of Vail: Prepared by rhe Town of Vail, Vail, Colorado (Adopred by the Town Council on october 17' 2ooo)' . Town of vail, zc/|}0c, offrcial Avalanche Hezard Map, Town of vail: Prepared by the TowgofVail,Vul,Colorado(AdoptedbytheTownCorrncilou' Oclober 17,2000)' . Tweto, o, , and Loverirrg, T . , |97.| , C*ology Map of tttc Mintum L'-Mirute euadrangle, Eagle and, Swtnrit Counties, Colorado: Udted States Geological Srwey Proffesional PaPer 965. widrnann, B.L. and others, L998; Prettmircry Qtnternary Fuh and Fold Map and Daa Base of Cotomdo: Coloradp Geological Survey Ope'n File Report 98-t. lor #104 102 ad6tecrr From: lo: Date: Subject: Matt, "Lynn A. FriElen" <LynnF@vailarchitects.com> "Matt Gennett" <MGennett@vailgov.com> 0110812004 8:44:50 AM RE: Vail Gvmnastics Public Notification Could you help me out on a couple of items: 1. I need to confirm the adjacent properties to be noUfied, at this point my understanding is that the adjacent properly owners are the Town of Vail, Sonnenalp and CDOT. Do you have a notification address for CDOT that you use routinely? 2. I included a project description and nanative with the submittal. ls this adequate to meet the submittal requirements or do you want me to address each criteria point by point. 3. Please forward me the existing conditional use permit for the Red Sandstone School, it is very important that we identifu the existing conditions of approval. My fax number is 476-490. 4. The full survey with all easements identified in the title report is being delivered to our office today. We will forward four copies as soon as they are stamped. 5. We submitted 1/8" plans, sections and elevations. Do you need additional copies? 6. Asuming that we have all this information to you by Monday, when could we have our first public hearino? Thanks, Lynn --Original Message-- From: Matt Gennett Imailto:MGennett@vailgov.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 07,2004 4:47 PM To: Lynn A. Fritslen Cc: Greg Hall; Russ Forrest; Stan Zemler Subject Re: Vail Gymnastics Public Notification Hello Lynn, I brought the application to our planner-staff meeting yesterday and we went through all the submittal requirements for the Conditional Use. Unfortunately, because it was deemed incomplete, I could not include it on the public notice for the 1126 PEC meeting, which had to go to the newspaper yesterday to meet the publishing deadline. Therefore, it is not possible to get it in for a final approval on 1126. There may still be a way for us to do a work-session with them on this item during the 1/26 meeting, l'll have to check. Also, I am meeting with Stan, Russ and Greg Hall tomorrow to discuss the project and roles/responsibilities. I know there has been confusion up until now over who is supposed to do what, and I apologize for any misconceptions I may have caused. The following submittal requirements (verbatim from the form) for a Conditional Use Permit remain outstanding: - Stamped, addressed envelopes and a list of the names and mailing addresses of all property owners adjacent to the subject property, including properties behind and across streets. The applicant is responsible for correct names and mailing addresses. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. -A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. The description must also address: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportaton facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon trafflc, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Four (4) copies of the following: - An improvement survey of the property showing property lines, locations of all improvements, topography, and natural features. - A site plan at a scale of at least 1" = 20'showing proposed development of the site, including topography, building locations, parking, traffic circulation, useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage features. - Building elevations and floor plans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth inch equals one foot. "PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED. ALL OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE. Please give me a call with any questions or concerns you may have relted to this letter. Thanks for vour time and effort on this matter. Sincerely, Matthew R. Gennett, AICP Town of Vail Status: I Approved corr rsi Deverop'ENr Ro;fFo RM I lpproved with conditions fr Denied Routed To:Leonard Sandoval. PW Date Routed: Routed By:Matt Gennett Date Due: Description of work:Conseptual review of SFR. Address: LeEal:Lot | | Block:I Subdivision: Comments:Date Reviewed: 3-2-04 Fire Need additional review bv Fire Add note to site n: 4' concrete panwl2" invert (No Heat Show on site plan : heated portion of driveway to be on a separate zone marked at control box. Area in ouestion could be h Culvert must be Minimum of 18" in diameter. Show on site First 10 ft of must be at 8% show on site Show all ired oarkino soaces on site Extent drivwav further into bank bv 6 ft to allow vehicles to backout per TOV standards. Show limits of disturbance fence on site Show some form of erosion control measures on site plan per Town of Vail standards. Show qrade contours existinq, qrade elevation 84, 86 . back side of lot. Provide stamped approved drawiing from license PE for retaining wall 4-6 ft in height. when aoolvino for the buildino permit. Revocable rioht of when applvinq for buildinq permit. f,rt NrrY DevelopMENT Rourlruo FonuGoruruu Routed To:Mike faudrn, FIRE Date Routed:01t14t{4 Routed By:Planner Date Due:01t21tM Description of work:New Construction / Conditional Use Permit Address:551 North Frontage Road Legal:Lot: l8A Block:I Subdivision: I VailPotato Patch Fil. 2 Status: I Approved I Approved with conditions V{ Denied Gomments:Date Reviewed: Need additional review bv Fire z...y'@ Zsz <2,*ja <4C-r' &tf Ot l.),nn l,iilldn. Ali\, Ai"( 1rite'1 I&ill,art t, P'i:f( e, A.chit(d Kathv Hr-.slirrg.r, l}.rJinsil M.ln.l,,lr't January 7, 2004 Red Sandstone Elementary Adjacent Properties Contiguous Properties: Tract C, Vail Potato Patch Subdivision Solar Vail, Vail Potato Patch Subdivision Neighboring Properties: Lot 1, Block 2 Vail Potato Patch Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch Lot 4, Block 3, Vail Potato Patch Lot 5, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch Lot 7, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch Lot 10, Block 2, Vail Potalo Patch Lot 1 1, Block 2. Vail Potato Patch Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch Sun Vail Condominiums lirirl) I,tsl \i.ri \'.rlir.v f]rirr,. fallrrLi'gr., i.. 1. \rail, Coh,rarli, ii ii,-ll l). rifii..l.iir-r' I i' I : tl. ii.lrl,.'lltl!'1 f.: ir ii.rr.3-1r ,: ila r r. lr;lr,r 1-.. r n rr r \\'{^a \,lll,l11 l}rlix lr i t\l}l ol FRITZLEN PI ERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL. COLORADO lv.rif,,l;'i,-'i.1..1:.\. \rl:ir( OO lVilii,rttr i. f ii: (1 . .\ri ltil{.(1 f ,riirt i ir, s|r rq.t, liLrsi i.:\,\1,)ita$.r oo FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLOMDO To: Town of Vail Town Council From: Lynn Fritzlen Re: Vail Gymnastics and Multi-Use Facility I nformational Update As requested at our last presentation to the Town Council we have addressed the following and included the information in this packet: 1. Proiect Budget - We have prepared a total project budget based on information prepared and gathered since our last presentation. 2. Project Funding - We have prepared a summary of contributions and revenue available from the gymnastics program that would be available for funding construction, building maintenance, building replacement reserve fund and debt service. This analysis indicates that based on a participation of 450 studenb, there would be approximately $57,000 per year available for rent (debt service). 3. vail cymnastics Program Revenue and operating Expense - David Ward, Director of the Cymnastics Program has prepared a current and projected budget for the program. He has prepared an analysis from 350 students up to 550 students. 4. Construction Cost - Viele Construction has prepared a detailed construction cost estimate based on information provided to them by Fritzlen Pierce Architects and Redwine Engineering.5. Construction Components - | have included meeting notes that address the type of construction. mechanical equipment and finishes that Viele has included in their budget- PEC Hearing: The project is currently scheduled for a public hearing on this project for Monday February 23,2003. We have submitted drawings, complete topographical survey, geotechnical assessmen! project description, title report and project narrative. ProjectBudget:Thetotal projectbudgetof$1 ,548,727 isgreaterthanhoped butcanbefundedby contributions committed to date and surplus Cymnastics Revenue (or rent) available to service debt. Total debt would be $51 9,00 based on this analysis. Construction Costs: There may be some additional savings in construction cost. As more detailed information becomes available competitive bidding by subcontractors can be obtaineo. Lower Parking Shelf and Bike Path lmprovements: The Town of Vail Department of Public Works is managing this project and is in the process of initiating discussion with CDOT on their requrremen$ as well as preliminary construction cost estimating. At this time we have not included in our project budget an allowance for costs associated with these improvements. Contract Type: In order to schedule the project properly the construction contract type needs to be chosen. The Contract could be negotiated with a selected contractor or opened up to Public Bid. Request for Action: 1. Determine whether the project will move forward this year and if so authorize the funding of construction documentation costs of approximately $65,000. Detailed proposal to follow- 2. Assuming the project moves forward this year, determine the Construction Contract type to be used. 3. Determine if the costs associated with the Lower Parkins Shelf will be included in rhe Vail Cymnastics Budget. ii'itrl i:ii \.fi V,tll.t,iiri,r. i,tiiri:{1, i- i. \'.ril. i .. '1.'r r,i,,llii,',- :r. )-ii I tr 1, i,; l 1 ., -ii i.ri,.l,rti1 i:: rltrr.r-;\r,:ii,r: ir tt'r i..,,r;l i ERCEFRITZLEN PI ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COTORADO Ownership It is assumed at this time that the Town of Vail will build the facility and own it. An operating agreement with the Vail Recreation District for the use of the facility will be executed upon completion. The school district has requested a joint use agreement to address a number of issues including parking. Action ltems for the Town Council . Approve the proposed funding, budget and schedule for the Cymnastics Facility Construction. Inform other contributing entities of the project status. Allow the Cymnastics facility as proposed to proceed through the planning and design review process. il,i,',i.1),t \,rl \.rrl ,t ilr;r.. t.rtlri,iiii, 1 i \'.tii. i,,l',r.r'i ;;: i,l- i' )-ir I I .,lt-' I ,:.-;i i:t,..i,.,ril i 1 I rri ,,,:ilr rri,l, iiI|r,r r:. , ,,rri -:: ,,i,"i.. i,1;1.,1, i,rt.., i. ,,.,,, FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLOMDO Construction Cost Earlier this year Fritzlen Pierce Architects requested preliminary pricing proposals from three contractors; Viele Construction of Vail, Beck Construction of Denver and Arco Construction of Missouri. Viele construction recently finished the Donovan Park pavilion, Beck completed the Cancer Center in Edwards and Arco had been suggested by Rod Slifer as a reputable prefabricated building supplier who had done work in the area. All of their proposals came in very close to each other at about $1 35 per square foot. Based on that information FPA, at the direction of Chuck Ogilby, reduced the size of the facility to meet the projected funding. Lower Level 333 sf Main Level 6,905 sf Total 7 ,238 sf $977,'l3O - Total Construction Cost 7050sf @ $1 35/sf: Optional Upper Level 1540sf $207,900 = Additional Cost 1540sf at $135sf $1,185,030 Total Construction Cost with the optional upper level. Construction Cost Exclusions: Architectural and Engineering Design Equipment and special flooring and wall finishes to be provided by VRD Landscaping to be provided by the Town of Vail Earth haul away to be provided by the Town of Vail Permits and Tap Fees to be provided by UEVWS and the Town of Vail Parking improvements to be provided by Eagle County School District Schedule It is recommended that he construction of the building envelope occur during the summer months when school is not in session in order to minimize conflict with student traffic and parking. A tentative schedule would be: 10122103 to 12lO1lO3: Finalize Design and Funding 12/01/O3 ro 12/3OlO3: Town of Vail Approvals 01l01lO4 to O4/O1 lO4: Construction Documentation O4lO1lO4 to 05/01/0a: Construction Bidding and Negotiation 05101 /o4 to 06/01 lo4t Pre-Construction Planning 06101lO4 to 09/01 /04: Construction Exterior Envelope O9/O1lO4 to 12lO1lO4: Construction Interior Finishes j{'r-:; [.r.. \',i11\,]li.i i!r',i. l.rlhrii:. r,,i. \',rli. i 'l',r,rll 'Iii)i- i'. .l:ir,i-!,.i, i,: l j 'r (l.i'r'..li,i' f:r riii.,,ir\.iii.rr1 i):lr\ i-..t ()'j: !",\\\'.!,tli,rr,. itil,tr ir.r t \lr i ERCEFRITZLEN PI ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLORADO Traffic lmpact and Parking There are 26 existing parking spaces that are striped. Nancy Ricci, principal of Red Sandstone School has identified 38 spaces for Red Sandstone needs. The Cymnastics Facility requires 12 parking spaces . and one drop off space. The proposed parking plan provides 57 spaces, 7 in excess of what is req u ired. Red Sandstone Staff 28 ' Red Sandstone Visitor 10 Cymnastics Facility 12 Total Required 50 Total Proposed 57 The additional traffic impact from the Cymnastics facility on the Red Sandstone site is anticipated to be negligible. Red Sandstone School peak traffic impact occurs in the morning and the afternoon during student drop off. Peak impact ftrr the gymnastics facility is anticipated to be offset from these times. Mike Ortiz of the VRD, confirmed that 90% of their classes are scheduled from 3:00 to 9:00om Monday through Thursday. Toddler classes are scheduled in the early morning from approximately 8:00 to 1O:00am. During the morning, toddlen are typically escorted by parents into the gym and stay through the class. Mike has stated that parking needs for toddler parents is 6 to 8. Parking for staff is 4. Parking requirements for after school hours (after 3:00pm) will vary since most students will be dropped off. VRD after school program parking needs are complimentary to Red Sandsrone School neeo5. Funding The following funding has been discussed to date: $380,000 - UEVWS $150,000 - Town of Vail $100,000 - Town of Vail in kind contributions $250,000 - Vail Resorts $150,000 - Eagle County School District $1/030,000 - Total Funding Anticipated Other sources of funding that have been mentioned include private donations and the Vail Recreation District. ii.-',ii:.i:i \, rri \,ili ", l,\rr,. i.tilrriil,r'-i \i)ii. ( , i,'!J,.1,! i;i{, !' ! ,l:'i) .l i:,.i ir.l l 'ii il .l; r,..i'1lrj f irloiiir',,iri,irr i)tli'{ l.', r lr l \i\r\\ !.!llilli llrli., il: { {ri!l i\'.riFirli;i,ri iii..\iilri,',, O irr'r ir.rl f. l'r,-',.1. .\.r: li'ttr l f-|llr! Ii( r!rlfJ. lillilll(,!, 11,!.iitl'f FRITZLEN PIE Attachment: B ARCHI-r L\-.,.r VAIL, COLORADO o RCE November 12, 2003 To: The Town of Vail Town Council From: Lynn Fritzlen Re: Vail Cymnastics Facility History of Project Development The Vail Cymnastics program has been one of the Vail Recreation District's most successful ventures. The program attracts students from Summit County to Edwards and has grown significantly in the past five years. FPA has been working with the Vail Recreation District on the site selection and design of a new gymnastics facility since early 2001 . This process was initiated due to the impending and now completed sale of the Town of Vail Shops building, to the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District. The old Town of'Vail Shops housed the Cymnastics program. The Cymnastics program is currently located in Avon in a facility provided by Vail Resorts. Over the course of the last three years numerous locations have been studied. The conclusion of these studies is that the Cymnastics Center best fits on the Red Sandstone School site and the school district is in support of this decision. ln June of this year Chuck Ogilby directed FPA to prepare schematic design for a Cymnastics center of approximately 8600 sf over an enclosed parking structure on the Red Sandstone site. Estimates for this facility came in between 2.1m and 2.4m. In order to bring the construction cost into line with available funding it was decided to eliminate the parking structure and shrink the total square footage. In September of this year FPA revised the design and presented the information to the Eagle County School Board. The proposal was received favorably. Subsequently Karen Strakbein of the School District wrote a letter to the Town Council expressing approval and a preliminary commitment of $150,000 to fund the project. Building Program The proposed gymnastics center is a free standing structure with an on-grade entry. The uses are distributed between the levels as follows: Lower Level -The lower level has an entry foyer and small reception desk for VRD to collect fees and assist members of the public with information and forms. Main Level -The main level has administrative offices, bath room/changing rooms and the gymnastics area itself. Option Upper Level - The upper includes a viewing balcony and an exercise room for dance, karate, aerobics or children's tumbling. ii'i., J,i-ri\.rii\,ril'r l-\ri,i, i.tl,ir i, j \',rr i r i, 'i],1, i lr '.' l'. ,,. .r i , r, l_. i , ir.J..-r ilr i: .iit, ..:'i il.,,, lilL, l' ,,'rl ,:.,ri.. ,,,ri.,,, i: i \., 1-iL,tl t ERCEFRITZLEN PI Attachmcnt: ARCI rr I Lr'v r \, VAIL, COTORADO D. l.ynfl f riukxr, AlA, Ardritect Wiilia'n F. Picrce, Ardtilccl h'athy Heslinga, Busifl ess lvlanager January 12,2004 Mat Cenn€t Planner Tor,vn of Vail Departrnent of Community Dwelopment 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail Colorado 81657 Fa><: /.97O147}2452 Re: Red Sandstone Elementary Adjacent Properties Matt The following are tie adjacent properties to the Red Sandstone Elementary School Site: Tract C, Vail Potato Patch Subdivision Or,vner: Town of Vail Sohr Vail, Vail Potato Patch SuMivision Owner: Sonnenalp 20 Vail Road Vail CO 81657 Interstate 70 Owner: State of Colorado Department of Transportation 4201 E. Arkansas Avenue Denver Colorad o 80222 I believe this completes our application requirements for the Conditional Use Permit for the poposed Vail Gymnastics Facility. Please call with any questions. Sincerely, Lynn FriElen AIA FriDlen Pierce Architecre Cc: Creg Moffet l{r51i F.:st \,,ril Vrilr:v Drivr, F,illridg(' t.:-1, Vaii, t-r :L rt;idr:' il'1 651 l'; .17()..l li,.a).141 i :'-.t10..1i(r..lir( )1 [; iil()lS)\..ril,jfchit('ca.{rxl ri,$1v. r,ilih rr 'h iie '. ts |r)$| Attachment: E !-,-r:r: I ri.-rlt'|l,,\1,\-,'\,t r:ittle. i !Vil!lirrr f. Pic'( c, .'\11 lriti'{ J (,:lth-"- fle:lirqi, Il t rs i11e:;s \1att,:lqrr FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHIT.-. - VAII, COTORADO 12h8l04 To: Matt Cennett From: Lynn Fritzlen Re: Vail Cymnastics Facility Public Works Comments Here are our responses to Chad Salli of Public Works comments: 1. provide a P.E. designed erosion and sediment control plan - A preliminary drainage report has been submitted w part of application. The drainage report identifies a diversion pian and associated improvements. As the projea moves foNvatd plans and details will be submitted for review. 2. The Town's parking standards are 9,x19t for 90 degree parking with a 24' drive aisle and gtx2i,for parallel parkint. Please adjust the parking lot layout to comply with these standards. - We met with Chad on Thursday and reviewed a number of revrsions to the site p/an to address this issue. We have attached the revrsed site plan. 3. Currently it is posted no parkint in the turn around area by the school. lf parking is to be allowed in this turn around, a fire truck must be able to make the maneuver without interference from parked vehicles. This is possible by shrinking the center island and widening the outside of the turn around at the southeast corner. - see response above, 4. Where is the snow storage to be located? - Ihere is less than a 5% increae in total paved area with this plan. Snow storage will generally be as it has been historically. 5. There may be wetland issues with the proposed location. Please veri! and mitigate if necessary. - Creg Barrie brought this tssue to our atte ntion. The lower portion of the site where the proposed bike path improvements are located have existing wetlands. Theil removal will have to be mitigated by locating wetlands e/sewhere. The upper portion of this srte is dominated by sage and arid landscaping as stated in the geotechnical report. lt is not possible to determine whether there are wetlands in the area of the Cymnastic's Center proposed site drsturbance at this time. We propose to retain Montane engineering to provide a wetlands report as soon as snowrne/t 6 adeguate to revealex,'sting vegetation. tf mitigation is necessary Creg Barrie reguested that we work in conjunclion with the Bike Path Proiect to provide required wetlands mitigation. We suggest that thrs be a condition of approval. I have included sorne Photos of the site taken this summer. 6. Please submit final drainage plan for aPproval before building permit set. -Will do, we have discussed this with Peak and they have provided us with a proposal for services. Z. An eastbound left on the frontage road is currently warranted in the A.M. peak period per the C-DOT access code. A left is not currently warranted in the P.M. peak but will be warranted with the additional trips created by the gymnastics facili$. C-DOT has said they will require a left be constructed with this project due to the existing warrant in the A.M. and the trip increase in the P'M. generated by the gymnastics facility and safety issues. - We met with Chad on Thursday to discuss this item. Chad relayed to us rhe reiu/ts of his meeting with CDOT on Friday February 13, 2004. The quick synopsis is that CDOT would |ike to see a turn lane added but cannot require it based on this application. The position of Public Works is that they will not provide an additional turn lane at this time, Chad and Creg will be at the meetin1 on Monday to elaborate. i t,:(: f.1)( \'.ril V:llri::i, l-rrr.,'t . l-:lilrili;r' l.-l \",ril. ( .: rlr.,r.r':{i-' iJ lri:ii l:,: 1r:i,.,.:1r,.{,.1-11 l: :i.rir. 'f i' .1'',:! 1 | : iirir,i!rlii.if':lrilL,r:{5,L( ri r. ,r' ii.r .lri,/ 1.. 'r' TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970479-2138 Bu dhg-> 95 ,973 .75 Restufiant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> S3 , s82 . 94 DRB Fee-> $0.00 Tota] Cakulated Fees--> $9,8s9.59 lnvestigation-> will call-> $0. oo Recreation Fee--> $3 . o0 Clean-up Depoeit_-> 90 . 00 Additional Fees-> $0. 00 Total Pemdt Fee-> 50,00 Pavmmts---> $9, 859 . 59) $0. oo $0. 00 $0. 00TOTAL FEES--> S9, 859 . 69 BALANCE DUE-> Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIf,I 05/O7/2Oo4 CDAVTS Actsion: AP PER REVEIW AIID APPRoVAIJ BY IIOUGLAIID AND AS, oQutrr* oF coMMUNrry or*tt^, o."*\ p.vsptf 3\k \ t#lR\E\ NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEWCOMMBUILDINGPERMIT Permit # 804-0091 Job Address: 551 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 551 N FRONTAGE RD RED SANDSTONE SCHOOL Applied . .: 04/30/2004 ParcelNo...: 210106302013 Issued..: 06/08/2004 TqJ-o'l -c{:1}t.- Expires. .: 12/05/2004 ovitNER EAGT.E COIINTY SCHOOT, DIST RE 04/30/2004 phone: PO BOX 740 EAGIJE CO 8163 r. I_,icense : coNrRAcToR TO$IN OF VArr-, 04/30/2004 Phone z 97O-4'79-27-OO 75 S FROMTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 License:453-B ARCHfTECT Fritzlen Pierce Architects 04/30/2OO4 Phone: 97O-476-6342 1650 East Vail Valley Dr, #C-1 Vail, CO 81657 License: C00O001402 APPLICANT TOVnI OF VAIL O4/30/2OO4 Phone z 97O-479-2!OO 75 S FROMTAGB RD VAIL, CO 81657 License: 453 -B Dssciptiqq. Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 1,100,000.00 I{EW CONSTRUCTIONOF VAII, GYMNASTICS Occupancy Tlpe Factor Sq Feet Valuation Schools Zone 2 II-IHR & III-IH 79.20 5,?53 $455,537.50 Totals. -. 5,753 $1,100,000,00r. Fireplace Injonnatioru Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas l-ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet *" FEE SUMMARY sEE coRREcrroNs auaclDro DRA'TNG' Item: 05400 PLANNTNG DEPARTMEIflT 05/24/2004 MF(G Action: AP Conditions of approval to be met upon insp, ITCM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENI 06/07/2004 CDAVIS Action: AP VERBAI APPROVATT GRAI.TTED By M.MCGEE 6/7/04 FIRE SUPPRESION A}TD FIRE AIJARM SYSTEMS REOUTRM Item: 05500 PIIBI-,IC WORKS o5/o4/2oo4 Ls Action: COND Town of VaiI will act a eeneral on Project one is hired, project must, start when gchool is out in ilune in order to get a6 much a possible completed before school starts up again in August 04 Pu.blic Way Permit Required Stamped retaining wall drawing from a license PE, for wa1I 4-5 ft in height.. DRB , reguired. IICM: 05550 ENGIIIEERING See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatio4 filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniforrr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIIESTS FOR INSPECflON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY+OUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:fi) AM -4 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI PAGE2 ***{r***:ft*****{r****'t*jt**#*ffirl****#*t*rilri*rriif***rFi****{i*tkrBffiti*!t***ttt*it**th}lt***{r****ffi CONDMONSOF APPROVAL Permit # 804-0091 as of 05-0&2004 Status: ISSUED *i*ffi i#r*{it r*rilli*!**ihhffi **#**!*!t**{.:t{il*!ffi *lHi*ffi rt** PermitType NEWCOMMBTIILDINGPERMT Applied: M/n/2004 Applicant TOWNOFVAIL Issued: M/M/2004970-479-2700 ToExpire: 12/05/2004 ]ob Address: 551 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: 551 N FRONTAGE RD RED SANDSTONE SCHOOL ParcelNo: 210106302013 Description: NEW CONSTRUCTIONOF VAIL GYMNASNCS Conditions: Cond: CON000A[83 A NFPA 13 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERSYSTEM REQURED t APPLICATION WILL NO &oo ll ({ -0004 , etc.!RECEIVEU A"if I ii .-.;, T BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Project#: _ Bui Permit #: I',/WNNUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR TNFORMATION Phone #'s: .{tq-zqqq 5i,rsre Ne,,vt r+ | -ftvn Gattectos q-?q-aa-]cTown of Vail Reg. No.: -Tou:n af V*rl coMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $torem -[14O^ ooc) For Parcel # Contag!Assessors Office@ ***t*i*s$*!|***|F.****s******++*r*FoR OFFIGE usE oNLY******ss****t***'t*tti'**t'***t'***tt*"'*'r : 2@wA3oZOr3 JobAddress: ssr r1"). F'rn*oqe % ' u 'Job Name: VArl Gttrnr-ras*rcs Fac-.rir*.1 Legal DescriPtion Phone: U-O _ .- lq-ls s, trroataqeQcl Va-rlOwners Name: fotrr,t o{t/*tl rj.uo e . Uartt Va,Ueq X 99) A;:.;;"Jil;'"'#"'^...t+i-pcr-rrpase rzecrecr*ooa-l fcrcr&tr-t rit (ed Sards]one WorkCtass: Newfuf Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) NoW*ftyp", lnterior( ) Exterior( ) Both Restaurant ( ) Other( )fyp" "f eldgt Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ONo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: O : GasAppliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pelet( ) Wood Burninq ( ) rto Wood/Pellet( ) Woo{Qq4 Noffvpe of Fireplaces ProPosed:t?l3 ffire5piinmiSvst,em Exist: Yes ( \WaiM AtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPE RM. DOC oo Land Tifle Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUIION Date: 05-09-2003 Our Order Number: VC50000768 Property Addrcs: s4s (Nia 645) N. FRONTAGE RD. (RED SANDSTONE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) VAIL, CO 81657 WINGSPAN AQUISITIONS, INC. 789 CLARKSON UNTT 705 DENVER, CO 80218 Attn: SUSAN CUNNINGHAM Phone: 303-863-9861 Fax: 720-294-1423 EMail : susancunningham@frii.com Sent via Fax Form 0ELIVERY -. Land Title Guarantee Gompany YOUR GONTACTS Date: 05-09-2003 OurOrderNumber: VC50000768 Propefty Address: 545 (AKA 645) N. FRONTAGE RD. Buyer/Borrower: TO BE DETERMINED Seller/Owner: TOWN OF VAIL, A COLORADO MUNICIPAL CORPORATION If you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please contact one of the numbers below: For Closing Assistance:For Title Assistance: Vail Title Dept. Karen Biggs 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. ,1203 P.o. Box 357 Vail, Co 81657 Phonel 970476-2251 Fax: 970-{16-4534 Email: Kbiggs@hgc.com N*4_" -lp or directio-ns for your up-coming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at *rvw.ltgc.com for directions to any of our 40 office locations. ESTIMATE OF TIITE FEES TBD Commitment $250.00 TOTAT $250. O0 Forn COIWACT THANK YOU FOR YOT]R ORDER! o o Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. VC5iXXX)768 Cust. Ref.: hoperty Address: 545 (AKA 64' N. FRONTAGE RD. 1. Effective Date: April 15, 2003 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: "TBD'Commitment Proposed Insured: TO BE DETERMINED 3. The estate or intertst in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the elTective date hereof vested in: TOWN OF VAIL. A COLORADO MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED PAGE($ FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION oa Our Order No. VC50000768 TEGAT DESCBIPTIOil A PORTION OF LOT 8, BLOCK 2, VAIL/POTATO PATCH, A SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 629,OF THE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, CLERK AND RECORDER'S RECORDS. SAID PORTION OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGININNG AT THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 8 WHICH IS A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF wAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 70; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SA]D NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 200.93 FEET ON A 3990.0 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 2 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 07 SECONDS AND WHOSE CHORD BEARS S. 82 DECREES 36 MINUTES 28 SECONDS W. A DISTANCE OF 200.91 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 562.56 FEET ON SAID 3990.0 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT, WHOSE CENTRAL ANGLE IS 8 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 42 SECONDS AND WHOSE CHORD BEARS S. 77 DEGREES 07 MINUTES 33 SECONDS W. A DISTANCE OF s62.09 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 8; THENCE N. 11 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 22 SECONDS W. ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 8 A DISTANCE OF 413.05 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER THEREOF; THENCE S. 86 DEGREES 16 MINUTES 09 SECONDS E. ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 8 A DISTANCE OF 629.66 FEET; THENCE S. 0 DEGREES 07 MINUTES 12 SECONDS A DISTANCE OF 238.85 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF EACLE, STATE OF COLORADO. oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. VC50000768 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors ot mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly hled for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. o o ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) OurorderNo. VC50000768 The policy or policies to be issued will contain excepions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 1 . Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or clainr of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conllicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, ifany, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIJ CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 15. 1935. IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE I78. 10. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS. WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MARCH 05. 1974. IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 628 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 24. 1975, IN BOOK 24I AT PAGE 950. I I. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS, AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT OF VAIL/POTATO PATCH RECORDED IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE 629. 12. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF LEASE TO EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RE sOJ RECORDED SEPTEMBER 29. 1975 IN BOOK 242 AT PAGE 52. 13. RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 20, 1983, IN BOOK 352 AT PAGE 39I. oo LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSI,]R.E STATEMEIVTS Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing district, B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective Septemb€r l, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at leasl one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refrrse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or fi1ing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from lhe transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemnifying the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been con$ruction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of cenain construction information: financial infonnation as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as rnay be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-l l-123, notice is hereby given: A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothernal energy in the property; and B) That such mineral estate nay include the right to enter and use the propefty without the surface owner's permission, This notice applies to owner's policy commitments containing a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. Nothing herein conlained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fullv satisfied. Form DISCLoSURE 09/0'llqz . r-' ^-^ JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Gmup of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July 1, 2001 We recosnize and respect the privacy expectations of today's consumers and the requirements of apolicable federal and state priiacy laws. We believd that rirakihs you aware of fiow we use your non-public personal infoimation ('Personal Inforinatiori"), and to whom it is discloseil, -will form the basis for a rblationshif of tnist between us and rhe'public tlat we serve. This Privacy Statement provides that. explanation. We reserve the right to change this Privacy - Statement lrom tlme fo llme consrstent wlm appllcaDle pnvacy laws. In the course of our business, we may coll€ct Personal Information about you from the following sourrces: * From applications or other forms we receive from you or yoqr authorized representative;* From ybur transactions with, or from the services being pi:rformed by, us, our affiliates, or others;* From bur internet web sites;* From the public record.! maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities. oi from our affiliates or otheisi and* From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the hotection of the Conlidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrirsibn. We limit access td the Personal Information only tir those emDlovees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other li:gitimate business purposes. Our Policies and hactices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other real estate s-ettlemerit service providers. We also mav disclose vour Personal Informatiori: * to agents, brot rn o, representatives to prwide you rirfr ,.*i.r, you have requesred; 'r' t-o ti-igd-party contractois or.service proiriders who provide servictis or perforni marktiting or other runcuons on our oenall: anc* to others with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information when you direct or give us permission. when we are reouired by law to do so, or when we-suspect fraudulent or criminal aciivities. We also mav disclose vour Personal Infomration when otherwise peniritted by applicable privacy laws such as,.for exainple, wheir disclosure is needed to enlorce our rrgnts anslng oul ot any agreement, ransaflron or relatlonsnlp wlth you. One of the important responsibilities of some of our affiliated.companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such documents- rnay contain your Personal Information. - Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Cenain states afford you the right to access your Personal Information and, under cenain circumstances, ro find out to whom your Personal Information has been disclosed. Also, certain states afford vou the risht to reouest correctiod, amendment or deletion of your Personal Information. We reserve the rilht, wher6 permitted by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the crists incurred in responding to such requests. - All_requests submitted ro tht Fid€lity_Nalio-nal.Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company shall bb in writing, and delivered to-the following address: Privacv Compliance Officer Fidelily National Financial. Inc. 4050 Calle Real. Suite 220 Santa Barbara. CA 931 l0 Multiple hoducts or Services If we pro-vide you with more than one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice rom us. we apologlze lor any lnconvenrence mls may cause you. Form PRIV.POL,CHI a- TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO E1657 970479-2138 Prry't -0057 Action! AP Actioar AP or?*rrr*r oF coMMU*,* orurrot\..- ( -?c' k.-\o-t''-\'-tt= NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES NEWCOMMBUILDINGPERMIT Permit # B0t-0207 Job Address:Status...: ISSUED Location.....: 551 N Frontage Rd W Red Sandstone School Applied . ' : U7 /24/2ffi1' Parcel No...: 210105302004 Issued. .: ffil0U2ml Expires. .: O1/291?ffi2 OWNER TOWN OF VATI,07 124/200t. Phone: t FINAI{CE DEPT ?5 S FRONTAGE RD vArr, co 81657 Lricenge: COITTRACTOR EWrNG TRUCKING & CONSTRUCTIOOI /24/2001 Phone: 910'926'2170 P.O. BO( 2303 EDTOARDS, CO' 81632 License: 128-X APPIJICA$I ETIING TRUCKING & CONSIRUCTT.O}T /24/2001 Phone3 970-926-2770 P.O, Bo)( 2303 . EIIwARDS, CO 81632 LicenEe: L28-X Desciption: . Town of -V-ail Adjugted Valuation: $O.00 iongLruct a Eoccer field. 4,400 cu.yds' cut, 4,600 cu'yds' ftlr. OccupancY TY?e Factor Sq Feet $o ' oo*ToCals... Ffreplace Infomatfon: Rettricte* \ I of Gas Appliancca: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of w.rod P" "t, ti**tttr*"'drtt*d ARY affid"'*'r*"r.#rtrr{'h'*'r*r' Bu drng-*> So. o0 Restuarant Plan Revlew-> 90. oo Total Calculaled Fces--> S23 - 00 Plan Cfreck-> $o.oo DRB Fee---------> 520'00 Additional fe€'--_> ($23'001 lnvestigattur-> $O . OO Recreation Fee-------> 50 . OO Total Permit fee'__-> 90 ' 0O WilI Call*-> 93 . Oo Clean-uP Dep6it__--> 90 ' oo Payrnents-------> lo ' 00 TOrtAt. FEFS---> $23 .00 BALANCE DUF--> S0 ' 00 {..fl|..*}a.tr.ada,r.,,'t*ffi-.tlta r'1**rr'i1|"|+'r Approvals: Idel,m: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{T 08/01/2001 GRG IbEM: O54OO PI,AT{NI}IC DEPARTMEITT 07/30/200L ao Item; 05600 FIRE DEPARTT'IENT Og/1z/ZOOt cdavie Aetion: AP FIRE DEPT APRPOVAL REQIIIREME!0T WAIVED AS NO REQUINF.D. IEem: 05500 PITBLIC V|ORKS 07/30/zOO]. LS Action: AP ITem: 05550 EITGINEERING t*rHr'lrr*tatlrrRraaihte*at+ati*.*aat Haaff ttaff Ft*tita€r* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit DECLARATTONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fitled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, io comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT OUR OFFICE FRoM 8:(b AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Depeit To: N\A *******rl*****ffff***rff*fi**r******+**r***ff*rr***rr************:l1ti.-....*rr*{ir***************r*r***** CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL Permit # BO742U7 as of 08-02-2001. Status: ISSUED 'r***{rt*************!**.|.r*flffi!H*******i.l*t****************#**********ff!H**lH*******.*********** PermitType NEWCOMMBUILDINGPERMIT Applied: A7/24/m1 Applicant EWING TRUCKING & CONSTRUCTION CO lssued: 8/Oz/2ffi1 E7VE262T0 To Expire: m/29/20ff2 Job Address: Location: 551 N Frontage Rd W Red Sandstone School ParcelNo: 210105302004 Description: Construct a soccer field. 41fi) cu.yds. cut,4,600 cu.yds. fill. Conditions: Cond: CON00O{917 final review of ftnce required by planning Cond; CON0004923 All work to be in accordance with approved engineered plans, geotechnical investigation by CTllThompson, tnc.,lob No. G93352 6/L4/U, & the applicable provisions of Appendix Ch. 33 of the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) as adopted by the Town of Vail. Cond: CON0fl)4924 This is nengineered grading" as defined in Sec. A33@.3,'97 IJBC. & is to meet the requirements of Sec. A3309.4 including observation of fill, compaction, etc,, by the Soils Engineer. Special inspection reports shall be submitted to the building official for review & approval. O rucn rre zb rggr THETCKINZIE GROUPFebruary 25, t99t Design Review Board Town of VaiI Vai1, Colorado Re: Renovation of Recl Sandstone Elenentary School Dear Boaril llenbers: The work scheclulecl for tbe sunmer at Red Sandstone Elementary is as follows: 1- Resurfacing the portion of the building tbat now bas wood siding. The concrete portions ni.11 renain. 2- Adding light fixtures at the eastern parking areas. 3. Aililing steps anal a siilevalk fron the lower parking area up to the upper bench. 4. Relocating the existing slitles nearer the jungle-gym play area.5. Refurbishing the area where the sliites are currently locatecl antl create an area for picnic tables. Tbe exterior of the bui.lding ri11 receive a conbination of stucco and cedar lapsiiling. It is planned tor the stucco to relate to the colorg found in the rock outcroppings in the area and the wood siding to relate to the existing vegetati.on that surrounds the structure. The Light fixtures that are arkleil atstyle, color, height, an<l wattage as those The steps and siilewalk are to eucourage as is presently the eomrnon practice. Tbe existing slides are being relocated they now occupy will be refurbi.shed upper level ancl to create a sna1l. area for Any clisturberl areas will be socldlecl construction. Ile hope these changes neet rith your approval . Sincerely, L*r.ev lvlcLrxrz-rs Larry ltcKinzie Ll{/ner Enclosures:1. Drawings2. Photos3. Color Samples4. DRB Application 105 East Second Street I the parking areas will be of the sanethat exist currently at the school . peclestrians not to walk in the roa<lway to a safer area for play anrl the areato nake a more usable play area on tbepicnic tables to be placed. upon conpletion of the necessary P.O. Box 929, Eagle, Colorado 81631 r 303 328 6506 RevCd 2/ Le /eL .ll'uii I. DRB APPLfCATION - TOWN OF VArIJ, COITRADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: aartaat*at .|l'UI8 APPIJICATION IIIJIT NOT BE ACCEPTED trlttrL Ar,r.'. REQUTRED rNFoRI{ATTON IS 8UBI{IITED latataattt PROJECT INFORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE toR. ftT c. D. OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition LEGAL D Subdivision POTATO If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. E. ZONING:?urzLlL u+e' F. G. LoT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. NAI{E OF Mailing H.NAME OF Mailing I. NAI'IE OF $o$ Lo,001 s 50, 001. $150,0ol. $5oo, 0oL$ Over - s 10,000 - I 50,000 - I 150, oo0 - $ 500, oo0 - $1, ooo, ooo $1, ooo, ooo FEE $ 1O.OO $ zs.oo $ 5O.OO $100. OO $2 oo. oo $3 OO. O0 VALUATION *NO APPL'ICATION WII,I, BE PROCESSED WITTIOUT OTNERIg SIGNATURE '.-'J1.\ FAPl4t|*t6. APEA+ AL\@ |?€L..ctCATl.o|L1 CrF /--t-l DEa- X uittor Alteration Conceptual Review D Block a neets and: bounds legal on a separate sheet and see ATfA4H h€fsf must provide a currentb-bt HO AppLICANT: li.x&az€ &t-r;r.JYY A?*'c?ot-' DIS| t€ fuJ Address: ?- tc Y?e l t4y_ APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE; ril€ I-11YII\\ZIC, @\4-? Address t ?. ct. bex n ?cl EN-<LE, aa . I I bz' t --is# OWNERSI €*d,E eaul-sf'( **wt- E>t*lPtc.:r' *SIGNATURE (8) : Mailing Addres J. Condoninium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE:buildinq permit. FEE SCHEDULE: trith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptuat reiiews. The property ohrner or his repre'sentative shaLl be piesent at the DRB hearing' LIST OF I,IATERTALS; '8 BIPCK z SUBDMSION Iac>TATO FraSC-H €;P-. !\J , T1NAI'{E OF PROJECT:@tpNLEGAI-, DESCRIPT.ION:ffi AfiAiCtTT^EfiT The following information is Review Board before a final STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: A. BUILDING I,IATERIAL,S: Roof '.t)Siding tea"')"7*-\ Other Wal-l Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings ChimneYs Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other IANDSCAPING: NAMC Of PI.ANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: >LUALEE AI-J O COLOR r Ae€\ \{,-,r' \l+- t'.- 1 ., ; l' ' I,-r ,/& n' i I TYPE OF MATERTAI, t-,t-LnnN - D?4L9, .,lr4o. .'*ttrlJr) ow5 NA- ExtsrlLJct caNc]aET1g B.Designer: Phone: Botanical Name N,\- common Name ouantitv Size't EXISTING TREES TO BE REI,TOVED }JA *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees' 7 &L rJ6g €LAT trees. ir,ANt r'IATERIALS: PROPOSED SHRUBS Indicate height for coniferous Botanical Name UA Comnon Name Ouantity Size* IJA of proposed shrubs.Mininun size of shrubs is EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon. Scruare Footage GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION IJA i c.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retalning lvalLs, fences, swirnmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximun height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION- CONTROL e4)t> tm eve'\-v lP f+fe *re aneE"a, - lf€j..[, L,lc*Ir Ftrruee> +*frv|., r\^AT4{i Tw*,€ EYt :>rr xs 4, a.f T+e 1$e.rt u <- AJza, - UTILITY IPCATION VERIFICATTON SUBDTVISION JOB NAI'IE LOT BI,oCK FTLING ADDRESS The location and availability of utilitles, whether they be naintrunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site p1an. Date U.S. West CommunLcations L-800-922-L98'7 468-5860 or 949-4530 PubLic Service Company 949-s781 Gary HaIl Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-553 0 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle VaLley Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: This form is tolocation. Thispreparing yourinstallations. e- ){-q t L\-od\ \LuGo ?.25- q I A street z lzs/g,/--F-T z- z* ?/ These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibillty to obtain a street cut pernit fromthe Town of VaiI, Departnent of Public Works and toobtain utLlitv locations before diqqing j-n any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. Abuilding perrnit is not a street cut perrnit.cut pennit must be obtained separately. verify service availability and should be used in conjunction withutility plan and scheduling * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations whenobtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. L( DArE: _ 2-Z+ -ql I,EGAL DESCRIPTIONs Lot ZONE CITECK FOR sFR, R, R PrlS ZONE DTSTRICTS f?2-Tl.otrl 5 eF Block ?- Filtng 6ee ffiE+rnwT-a OWNER g.Al(rt-€ zz)Li.,\Jfr .44 l-lec)L D,5?HONEt/.R.cY t{egl|szt€ ADDRESS: ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT P.JbLI C- u 1A 8x12,-,1 1j g- PROPOSED IJSE E I.EI\MJTAE\T 44aa9L roTsrzE 5,?al A4. v"-.2 - b=z- l PHoNE ?ze ' b6o 4 Existing Proposed TotaI Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRrA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining l{all Heights Parking carage Credit Drive: Environmental/Hazards : Does this request involve a How much of the allowed 250 3t /61 Reqrd (300) (6oo) (e00) Pennitted Slope (1200)_ 88 Actua]. Slope Allowed (30) (33) + (8s0) (42s) = 20. 15r 151 (30) (50) Date approved by Town Engineer: 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) snoel Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris FIow 4) Wetlands 250 Addition?Addition is used with this request? 10 LEGAI,' DESCRIPTION: REMAINDER OF LOT B A portion of Lot 8, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch, a subrlivision recorded in book233 at page 629, ot the Eag1e County, colorado. clerk aDtl Recorrler's recorrls,said portion of land being rnore particularly tlescribed as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterl,y corner of said l,ot 8 which is a point on tbeNortherly Right-of-Way line of interstate Highrvay No. ?0, thence l,lesterly alongsaid Northerly Right-of-Uay 1i-ne an arc distance of 200.93 feet on a 3990.0foot radius curve to the left, whose central angle is 2 53'07" antl whose cordbears S 82 36'28" T a rlistance of 200.91 feet to the true point of beginning; theDce continuing along said Northerly Right-of-l{ay line an arc dj.stance of562.56 feet on said 3990-0 foot radius curve to the left, whose central angleis B 04'42" and whose corrl bears S 77 07'33" l{ a ilistance of 552.09 feet to the Southwesterly corner of said L,ot B; thence N 11 1?'ZZ" v along the llesterly boundary line of said Lot 8 a distance of 413-05 feet to the Northwesterlycorller thereof; thence S 86 15'09" E along the Northerly bounrlary line of saiciLot B a distance of 529.56 feet; thence S 0 07'L2" E a distance of 238.85 feetto the true point of beginning containing 1B7.353 square feet or 4.301. acres. nore or less. ONE ACRE TRACT A portion of Lot 8. 233 at Page 629, said portion of land Block 2, VaiI/Potato Patch, a subdivision recorded in Book of the Eagle County, Coloratlo CLerk anil Recorder's records, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 8. which is a point on theNortherly Right-of-Way line of interstate Highway No. 70; thence westerly alongsaiil Northerly Rj.ght-of-Way Line an arc distance of 200.93 feet on a 3990.0toot radius curve to the lefb, whose central angle is 2 53'07" and whose chordbears S 82 36'28" I{ a clistance ot 200.91 feet; thence N 0 0?'12" }t a distanceof 238.85 feet to a point on the Northerly boundary line of said Lot 8; thenceS 86 16'09" E along said Northerly bounilary line a tlistance of 199.74 feet tothe Northeasterly corner of said Lot 8; thence S 0 07'12" E along the Easterly boundary line of saicl Lot 8 a distance of 200.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 43.560 feet or 1.000 acres. more or less. Fll.t c0Pr 75 soulh honlage road vail. colordo 81657 (303) 47$.2138 (3(B) 479-2139 septenber 28, L99o otfice ol community development Patricia conran Superintendent Uag1e county School District REs0,f P.O. Box 740 Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE: Red Sandstone Elementary School Dear Us. Conran: The Town received your letter outlining your pians to put an antenna on the roof of the Red Sandstone Elementary School . Justafter your letter arrived, we also received an application fronU.s. west for a conditional use pernit to put the same antenna on a neighboring building, solar Vail. After talking with the consultants for U.S. west, they indicated to us that they are pursuing the Solar Vail location rather than the Red Sandstone Elementary Sctrool location. As a result, we believe your reguestis no longer needed. The Town does want to express our appreciation for the Schoo1Districtrs investment in the Red Sandstone playground. I understand fron Hal- Sohrweid that a significant arnount of noney was spent on the landscaping. we appreciate your efforts to nakeproperty in the Town of Vail as attractive as possible. Sincerelv/1 ./C--,-dr-/- 6;'\i.\' //Andy Knudtsen Town Planner cc: Ron Phillips o Rtc'0 AUG 2 91990 Encle CouNrv Scuool DrsrRrcr RE 50J P.O. BOX 74O. EAGLE, COLORADO 81531 . (303) 328-632t OR 949-5310 PATRICIA C, CONBAN SUPEFJNTENDEN? August 28, L990 Ron Phillips Town oiVail 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Phillips: Enclosed is a letter from US West that outlines a proposal they have submitted to the Eagle County School District. You will note from the enclosure that the approximate size of the antenna is 4 feet high and 2 inches in diameter. we believe this is in keeping with our agreementswith the Town of Vail. Should you have any concerns, plea.se let me know. Sincerely, /dhaa ( fu4a4 Patricia C. Conran Superintendent shk Enclosure , P.Ah B) s^-,^f tonF .-Sl4., U A-" il+ *r n U*' .','::rr ::' =' ;:: :::; -=-, P,u,A - ril''' Gregory P. Davison Rfc'D AUo 2 91990 SITE ACQUSITION CONSUUTANT REPRESENTI NG US WEST NewVector Group. Inc. US WEST Cellular '' US WEST Paging 2g ,ggf Ms. Patricia Conran Superintendent Eagle County School District RE50J P.O. Box 740 Eagle, CO 81631 June 14, 1990 re: Red Sandstone Elementary School, Vail, Colorado Dear Ms Conran: US WEST NewVector Group, Inc. is in the process of expanding the cellular phone system in order to provide cellular (mobile) phone service in the Vail/Avon area. As celIu1ar technology reguires "1ine-of-sight" placement for optinum coveraget prospective site locations are restricted to a relatively small local-e ca11ed a "search area". The Red sandstone Elementary [rSchool in Vail is one such site. \ i/K- J VUI-A typical cellular communications site consists of approximately A ,flfour "whip" type antennas, thirteen feet in length and a'\1,/'lparabolic link antenna to be mounted on the roof of the building. {t" -A space of approximately 12t x 30' (360 sq. ft.) is necessary / either internally or'in the form of a Prgafab shgller placed outside, adjacent to the school , to house radio transmission eguipment NewVector desires to negotiate a long' term lease'with the Distrj-ct toward this end. I understand that space 1s already at a premium at this location and I would like to discuss possibilities for either helping to acguire additional space for the playground from the town, renting existinq space thereby affording lncome to the Sci-rool District, or providing some other service io the school in return for this lease. NewVector has successfully constructed several sites of this " nature at schools in the Denver area' with favorable results - AII licenses, permits and approvals are the responsibility of US WEST Newvector Group' Inc., including licensing and freguency coordination with the Federal Communlcations Commlssion (F.c-c- ) - At your earlj-est convenience, f would like to meet with you to further discuss the options available to us in terms of consideration and to answer any guestions that you might have concerning the potential site, 1ease, or cellular theory in general. 2540 SUNSET DRIVE, #I26 LONGMONT, COLORADO 80501 GO3\ 772-6251 *- t," "td\ MOBILE: (303) 880-a550 ff I nay be of further assistance, pleasb do not hesitate to contact me at (303) 880-4550 or (3031 772-6251. isition Consultant US ITEST NewVector GrouP, Inc. . Davison 7101 West Yale Avenue No 601 Denvel Colorado 80227 303-986 6658 July I2, 1990 Eag1e County School Disbricb c/o Alpine Engineering CompanyP.0. Box 97 Edvlards, C0 B1 632 Attn: Mr. Kent Kreihn, Presldent R. J. lrish nsulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. (aU, at- 0\- t Co Sd-rrt(' d"4 P"'&'6"4 Ta'oa g*{iae ai olrp*4 4 llt"Srrt sl"-Jl d'n P,"t s*/sb'^ Ek"w*{\ ft-171a2 GenLl emen: This letber re po rt will reiteraLe and document engineerlng geol ogl c opinions e x pressed by t,he unders igned to your Mr. Kent Krelhn during the course of our joint reconna l ssance of ihe subject projecL site on Thursday, July 12, 1990. My objecbive has been Lo generally outIlne geologic conditlons across theproJect and conLlguous areas, and to del ineate any geology- rela ted ha za rds that might constrain oecupabion of the planned playground area extension. That playSround exLenslon a rea 1s sited inmed ia tel y west and slightly downsl-ope from the Red Sandstone ElemenLary School on the northern slde of the north service road paraL lel lng Interstate tltghway I-70 in the NE'l /4 Sl{l/4 Sltll/lf Sec. 30, T.5 S., R.Bov'I., in the Town of Vail, Eagle Coun t y, Colorado (Figure 1). The planned pI ayground area extenslon incorporates a roughly rectangular area about 25 to 30 feet wlde and abouL 100 fe et Iong easb to lres t. Durlng bhe course of thls inveetlgatlon, I have revie!red the debrl s fl ow, debris avalanche, and rockfaL I hazard analysis maps prepared for the City of Va11 by lLs consultants, and have completed a geologic reconnaissance of Lfre site. I under'3Land bhab Lhe area to be added to Lhe exisLi.ng playground area ls to be merely graded and seeded l.,ith gra $ s. No stt:ucLures are Lo be constructed within that area. The soi e conce rn for bhe Seol ogl c sensltivity of the area, Lherefore, ts for the pe ree i ved geo Iogy- relaLed risk, if dny, to t.he children and school personnel who wouLd be utilizing Lhe plai/ground area. Topographlcally, the school and Lhe playgrourrd area to Lhe wesb are locat.ed near Lhe bopographic brc;rk of Lhe ItorLh slope of the 0ore Creek Valley immediately abo'/e ils Lratrsiblon to the relaLlvely flat floor of the valley. The existlng playground area appears to have been creaLed 1n part by cutbing lnbo Lhe genlly sloping hil. lside anci in part by extending !hat, flaLtened Consultani ro Designers, Contfactors, Planners R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Mr. Kent Kne t hnJuly 12, 1990 Page 2 area wlth filL created from soils recovered from the cut. Thenaturar sLope above the cut for the f irsb 100 feeL or so ( rateraldisbance) 1s genLle, on bhe order of 4 or 5:1, but steepens toabout 2:l to 3:1 for the next 150 to 200 feet in el,evatlon where t,he ground breaks across ihe cres t of a narrou west-trendlngrldge. The valley slope ihen flattens out for about 300 feet(lateral distance ) Lhen rises ebeeply again to Lhe crest of bhenorth-bouncllng riclge of the Core Creek Val Iey. Geologlc cond 1t i ons across bhe project area, and upslope to any pert, lnent elevation or dlstance, a ppear to be re 1a t 1v e1y benlgn, I found no geologic condl!lons thab should consLraln the utillzatlon of the anea pLanned ior bhe playground extenslon, The sibe grading thal 1s planned shoul-d not change that conditlon. As a corolLary bo that concLuslon, f bel leve that site developmenL as pl anne d wl lI not lncrease the ha zard to otherproperty or structures, or to pu b1l c bui ldlngs , rlgh ls-of-uay,roada, str€ets, eagem€nts, utlltites or faollltles, or other prope rt 1e s of any kind. Bedrock across the site and beneat,h the ridge that, constitutes the northern side of Lhe Gore C neek Va1ley 1s the P enn sy I van I an- age ( 280 to 320 million years ago) Minturn Formation, comprlslng l nt e rbedde d sandstones, congLomeratea, and shaLes, wlth a few thln Ilmest,one straLa. SeveraL thousand feet ups lope from theproject slLe these strata a ppear to strlke general l y norbhward and Lo dlp wesLward at about 20o, but they do noL crop out withln the project area or immedlate vlclnlty. Instead, Lhey are blanketed by soils thaf were deposlted by one of the glaclers that flowed down bhe Go re Creek Val l ey from the 0one Range bo the east cluring the Ice Age that began about 2,000,000 years ago and termlnated about 10,000 years ago. The 1ow, narrou rldge that cnests about 150 feet above the project area is a laLeral moralne: that is, a ridge of so11 deposlted by a glacler along Iis side, Beneath the school and bhe pfayground area, the moralnal solfs are probably several tens of feet thlck and may be subs tant I al l y t hi c ker. Those soils are a he Le rogeneous deposit of sllty Lo clayey sand and gravel, wl th num e rous eobbles and boulders of granitlc rock, sandstone, eonglomera te, and llmestone. Those boul d ers are scat tered within the depos I t, as e videnced 1n bas eme nL excavatlons for homes sl ted on the moralnal rlclge crest and swale; and are scabtered as we 11 across Lhe surface of the rnoraine. Mosl of bhose surf ace- se at le red bouldens ape par t 1y bur l ed wl thin the flnen gralned componen ts of the so11 and probably have not moved from 0he 1r sltes of deposlLion slnce R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, lnc. Mr. Kent Kre ihnJuly 12, 1990 Page 3 the glacier mel.Led awa y probably several Lens of thousands ofyears ago . Those boulders are not the results of rockfallsgeneraled from cl i ffs hlgher up the val1ey s1ope. This 1sindispuiable: most are rock types Lhat ape l nd l genous to LheOore Range, noL the Lower part of Lhe Gore Va11ey. I found no evldence of geol ogi c cond 1t ions that would constltute s lgnlflcant ha zards to Lhe planne d playground area developmenL. No landslides are evident acrogs the project area or upsl-ope, and.the grading work proposed to create the p I ayground exLensionshould have no impacl on th at exlsting natural sl ope stabillty.Moreover, the project area does not appear to be a target areafor debni s f l"ows or debris avalanches, and 1s not on lhe alluvlaI fan deposiLed by waLer de bou c hi ng from t,he Red Sandstone Creek Val ley several hund red feet to the west. I conclude also that the rockfall ri sk is negl lgible. Numerous boulders are scattered across the va 11e y sl ope to bhe cres t of the morainaL ridge about 150 feeL in elevatlon above theplayground area, but those boui de rs are partl y buni ed wi th in thegranular soils of the mora i ne and are unl i kely to be d is lodged by erosional forees (e.9., gullylng by surface water runoff , lce wedging, or earthquakes ). Moreover, the upper two-thirds of the monalnal ridge 1s covered wl th dense brush and srnaIl L nees. Tha tveget,aLion would tend to prevent d l sfodgeme nb of boul d er s fromLhelr surface siLes, and woul d strongly lmpede the down sl ope travel of any boulders that improbably might be d islodged. No Iedges of ro ck cnop out bh rough the lateral moralne, thus an 1n-place be drock so urc e bo genera I e blocks Lhat mlght tumble down the gIope is Iacklng. Bloc k s of rock bhat mlght become delached from Iedges of rock HeIl upslope f rorn bhe cresL of the moralnal rtdge would be trapped by lhe swale formed by the back slope of thaf r i dge, or would be trapped by the houses that occupy that area. Those h ous es constltute a probabl y unintended man-made rock-fa11 barri er relative bo bhe playground extension area. In conclusion, the proposed sit€ for the p I anned playground extension appears Lo be subJect bo a negllgible degree ofgeology-reIaLed risk. In consequence, the s1!e, I bel leve, can be developed for the proposed purpose vriLhout correcLlve engineering or en gi n eered construcblon or other geol og i c hazard- mitigation measures. Sur fac e water runoff fron parb of Lhc school yard is direcbed ln to a drain pipe that discharges the wat er out across bhe R. J. lrish Consulting Engineering Geologist, Inc. Mr. Kent KrelhnJuly 1 2, 199O Page 4 eastern end of the playground exienslon areato be ctlverbed away from the playground areaarea !rlIl be flooded perlodlcally. I have appreciated lhe opportunlty to lrork wlth you on thlsprojecb. If you have any questlone or would like to dlseuss any aspeets of my work, please feel free to call. truly, Irlsh Consulilng EngIneerlng Geologl sE RJ I/bac That wafer needs 0therwlse, that K+Nrk-jiLN \ \ i' r \ ( i i /' ( .;AV)" FA *rEo 'ffi'fA;,%;)),*d ES\6', "\. u"" t i,/1-.,: N +:--; t /lfN,,\s+-:a|Ii$t iiL \ V4Y/;-/ffi,f-_Vi:Ii!.1" \l --'..---'---:..W i-\Ni y,SS)ti\N :i .(Rto\,\., .\EZ ,,L, tooo SAOO X fra,tecr Sne PROLJECT S|TE ,ll'NSNiNl-1ffirgNN)Scate or Fecrn?,,/, i 'r' v NSr ;\\\,N-N\\N\-] ^ .\€ N \i'r-.r:i1: 5;-- Q:- E (\ t4 \ .j E + { n .J -.12 ' tit , t rl, i'l/t -. \, 7-t- MAP ,tro ,/aa /Vo. 2/O 7-/z90 t:t4. I o Project Application Project Name: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 4 4. Com ments: Design Review Board ,"1 urorion uy,.."'""'{4-' c /h D^E E-/- 7D APPROVAL Sec.onded by: orsnppnovei /dJ plar;rt *r, nYporo A 4.d"ena Y - /- 7o hr6tr tr Staff Approval vfu rnn tT41t<-f {fl- so4 o To: Town Council FROII: Connunity Developnent Department DATE: Augrust 7, 1990 RE: Land Lease to Eagle County School District I. DESCRTFTION OF THE PROPOSAL Eagle County School District has proposed to lease land fromthe Tovn of ValI for a playground located next to the Red Sandstone Elenentary School . Speciflcally, the playgroundwlll be located north and west of the existing bicycl-e/pedestrian paths (See attached nap). The existing swingset will be the on3.y play eguipnent on the leasedparcel, the rest of site wiII be sodded and left open. II. COUNCIL ACTION REOUESTED Final approval of the lease is requested at this tine. on,tuly 10, 1990, the Council reviewed the proposal and gave conceptual approval with the condition that studies for rockfall hazards would be cornpleted, insurance and lease issues would be resolved, and design plans would be completed. A hazard study was done by R.J. Irish and neets thespecifications of the hazard sections of the Municipal Code. The proposed lease has been written by the Town Attorney andis attached for Councilrs review. The design plans have been reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board, conditional upon the Town Council approving the lease. A second issue has come up sJ.nce the conceptual review byCouncil. staff research shorirs that the agreement between the Town of Vail and the School District for the use of the gymnasiurn and weight room will expire August 28, 1991.staff recornmends that the Council condltion the playground lease, requiring the School District to renew the agreementfor the use of the school facillties. III.@ staff recommends approval of the lease with the conditionthat the school District renew the agreement with the Townof Vail regarding use by Town of VaiI of Red Sandstone Glmnasium. Staff believes all issues related to the play ground have been resolved and that it trill be beneficial to the conmunity, LGRAANC AND LANDSCAPE PUN - ,1.7.".'t',".fiHF'lirrFA? IrrE "i ,.-zn@osm Rm sAulstotttE ELEMENTARY scHooL PLAYcRoaNDARa .'r 7 C{raC. Orltlt -'Dxr/ttq,' , rtDro Eilrali lrll 't. --.-\----:i--:'----;-- \--:: :1 ||stxl tt!! stc|l -t LOT 9 slt{ varL cotDolllNflls PI{ASE I \*- r-?0 R.o.f,. e ./ ItI Scx.. r'- 20' ' 6gP xnc r*"tr r,;n'.c *Siffi#'"u ,' o :':, . . ET{IIITA : a |erccl of laod locltcd ln thc sg r/4 of s.ctloo 6, T5sr'880[, of the 6th p.l|. Bagtc C6uatyl Coloradol Fre ggrttcularty dcecrlbed ar iolloue: leghalag rt r polnt m. tfre aorth lloe of s Dqrggi of land iescrtbcd ln'Beicptlont{o. 154791 recordcd JoIy le |1976,. ln ttre recdrde of rhc !a81e Couaty Clerk E'reeo'rdcr, fro-r rhlch rh.'aorth.ericoroer oi Lot, 9 sua yaf'Chcorraiulg,-ii"s"I bcars s8lo45'4411 126.21 flct; thiate tr0'2ltzg.E, 77''z2..fcet; thenccs80'_12f25?, 49.65 fect; rheocc sllclz'22?, 33.00 feei; thenci s6t603.46tl,. 12.07 fecr; rherce s34"38'|ol:gr 65.07 feet; tlrioce igsoot,gr,-10.70 feet to apolnt of curvaturc; .'thcacc elog the arc of a coc taoteat cur"" io the lcft 61..4t < fectr havlog a ifdtua'df 49.0o foct, a,.leotrel iotle of z5'to'J21 eod''a'chsrdrhlclr bcarr [84'08rszill, 59.7E feeit;' thcoce s58i5i52'g, 26.12 feeti thenca'f,28n32r05-g' 59.12 feeti theacc I52'3lrog'E, 5o;oo reit to the fotnt ofbeglnalog. Parccl coatrl,Es U313.59 squere feet. . .: EACLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RESOJ EAGLE, COLORADO Red Sandstone Elementary School Use Agreement between the Town of Vail Recreation Department (herein the Recreation , Department) and the Eagle County School Distrlct RESOJ (herein the School District ), for use of portions of the Red Sandstone Elementary School at Vail by the Town of Vail Recreation Department. TIME PERIOD OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shal1 beeome effective immediately upon signing by authorized personnel of the Town of VaiI and.the School District and shal1 run for a period of ten consecutive years. The Agreement will be reviewed Jointly during the month of August each year or as needed by either party. THE FOLLOIVING AREAS SHALL BE USED JOINTLY BY THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1. Ground 1evel : Gymnasium (Room I57), storage at Northwest Corner of gym and connecting restrooms, stage area and music room. (Attachment A) Areas to be used exclusively by the Recreation Department: 1" Second 1eve1 over gym storage: The weight room (Room 239) and storage (Room 24]-). RESTRICTIONS 1. A11 areas within the schoot bullding are prioritized for educa- tional activities for Red Sandstone Elementary students. 2. A11 equipment sha11 be properly stored after use. TO1VN OF VAIL BECREATION DEPARTMENT USE OF COMMON AREAS 1. The gymnasium wiLl be used for active spolts and games such as basketball, gymnastic sports, and other sirnilar events; weight lifting will be permitted only in the area designated for such on the second floor. (Attacbment A) 2. The stage and gymnasium areas may be used together for p1ays, musicals, or oiLer types of performances. The stage area may be used for practi.ces tbi ttre above performances but not for athletj-e games. 3. The office for the Reereation Department use will be in the weight lifting room. 4. Locked storage for the Becreation Department to be purchased and lnsta11ed by the Recreation Department, will be located i.n the weight lifting room. 5. -2- The music room may be used as a meetingRecreation Department sees flt. AfterDepartment, furni-ture should be placed Every effort will be made to work withregarding areas of common use. room or classroom as the use by the Recreationfor school use. the Recreation Department SCHEDULING The princi-pal is in charge of scheduling the use of his or herbulldlng; the Recreatlon Department will be responsible forscheduling of all shared spaces durlng the .non-school hours. Theprincipal will receive tlmely lnformation regarding alL eventsscheduled by either entity. In scheduling special school activities, the Principal will notifythe Town of ValFdeation Department a minimum of ten (10) daysin advance; if the activity does not permit this advance notlce,the Recreation Department will give highest priority to schoolfunctions. Every effort rryi1l be made not to di-srupt scheduleddates of either party. Activities calendars will be used by both the District and theRecreation Department to identify and coordinate alI specialprogramming; a communications system should be developed to ensure the currency of celendar dates by both parties. Representatives of the School Dlstrict and Recreation Departmentsha1l arbitrate any disputes over usages. SHARING OF RESPONSIBILITIES It is understood that the school custodian and maintenance staffwill maintain the building. It ls understood that the Town ofVall will help maintain the grounds regarding litter, trash, andgeneral clean-up. It ls also understood that the Town of VaiI w111 remove snow from the school roadway on a priority basis to complete the work one-half hour before arrival of the first bus. The school custodial staff will tend to all other snow removal such as walks, steps, etc. INSURANCE The School District wiIl lnsure the Bed Sandstone Elementary School- with the normal soverage 1t purchases for similar facilities. 6. I. 2. 3. 4. 1. A. The Tow"n of Vail will purchase pefsonal those persons using the facllities under liability insurance to cover the Town of Vail Use Agree- ment. A copy will be sent to the School District for their records. RECREATION DEPARTI{ENT LIABITITY The Recreation Department shall be responsible for any damage done to Red Sandstone Elementary facilities during the Recreation Departmentts usage of these facilities. Repairs or replacements shatl be paid for by the Recreation Department as approved by the bullding principal" B. The Recreation Department sha1l have supervlsory personnel on the Red Sandstone Elementary premlses during all hours that the build- ing ls open to Recreation Department activlty" The Becreation Department shall have total responsibillty for the securing of Red Sandstone Elementary School common use areas upon completion of each sesslonrs usage. c. Parking will be school is in session -3- PARKING restricted for school personnel use only when or during school functlons. Eagle County School EducationDlstrict RESOJ : ATT.ACHMENT A.. I Z3-'A'-'a-?e--' I HTEP..OEPARTI.IENTAL REVI El,l P?.OJECT: D.qTE SUsl'llTTE}: >/24 CCl"u"'EltTS IIEEDED BY:. /naplkY BRIEF DESCR,IPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: HIM+ar: t(.ot>( 4 A.gpt *".ry \-lor,O -rrP (Ll,La4,tu.(.$D 71" /ru^ \^,1UL. f'.rd-f A\'Ic-,{L'taf* vE-Qt*t - q;6-L F.{,fA Fa€s *,.+f<ta+6Nlf . Ft^f"J 'Poovt;r'a,o I\Jry /\€r(Ae- . FIRE DEP!.RTI'iENT Reviewed by: Conments: Date POI.ICE DEPARTI,IENT /ntrc/ -i// ,^o, i &; n ,ta-*,c{z.'7,i-y . d^ !a*l tq I -/ga,t'e': DateRevieved by: Conner,ts: t '.ir. .ij; Revie,red.by: CO;::uents: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING *// o.J"rr///4, tV fM o,h -{*.-J, PUELIC TIORKS P.evier*ed byl Date Co:arients: ,'-t""'fr coq/;4a*J 4*./ r.* { .i^tr'-/ fiYt'Y 'r^kjb&ccf .U' ,U/- s ' of nof*J '4 dt4 7n"* Crr--^..7 ,&-,* -7y"*-y', &?,r^ ,n -r{ P4 4 J-d-"( /*.//.V /1 'zLi/-L4, /-ka-4-1- ,1,1-)r€-z) -/ / /zL4'L4t L k-Ll* Da te Proi ect k fu ^l s /a^. 4- /-z',""<,.-r"'-:oateor@ {- PECDRBT Town Counci]- 'a / -t ::::':::::::]]: - l.', .' I :: ", {:: :: :.:r::,,,:,.,::: il-. oo r^r/ Liil lJ fu E*d-L 4 dJ/"/" 7-z+-zi d /.'. /1il lr.-. /. ,ztJ j-*f/ "f ,rl-t t^-/ elutu ry */t-,"t,y /r*Lt. rtL/ pal /" *reJ {t u-*7o -l L-t.^ea uec\- i{ ft,r^^\ J^*f '*J t*.r;s" J m ol 'nt f{ .s ,-llot- ("-L,-;^tr t reu;sd /.6J &a*;PA'6a t^e, t DNA TPPITCATION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB UEETTNG: *****Irrrs APPLTCATTON !{rLL Nor BE AccEprED uNBrL Ar.,rJ rNFoRuATroNIS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION ITEETTNG: A. pre-application meeting with a planning staff nenber isstrongly.suggested to determine it any additionaiinfornation-is needed. llo-ip"ii""ti"ir wiii-o"--ac"""t"a . It is the applicantrs appointment with the stresponsibility to make an appointrnent witn trre siarf to findout about additionar submitllt reguirements. please notethat a coMpLETE apprication wirl itrearntine ttre-ipprovarprog?:? for your project by decreasing the nunber-ofconditions of approvit ttral the DRB niy stifui;G. Al,L :c?ld+:igns. of approval nust be resolved Uet-ore a buildingpermit is issued. - Application will not be processedwithout ownerrs signalirre. A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION: E cu-az ,r. a\ouro € ^.H'6r+ q B.IoCATTON OF Address ? //I'€,qaI Description l.ot \ Subdivision C. NA!{E OT APPLTCANT: Mailing Address: PROPOSAL: , I "l^,.Ar"rlo..r[ ] sFl N.{;D "'l APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATTVE: Address:'B.x BIock Phone 7L-93+ (p %t LS Phone 472-zt=b F-tt> 631 D.NAIIE OF' Mailing Maiting address:_E:r Condorniniun Approval if applicable.F. G. VALUATTON $ o- $ 10.001 -I 5o,oo1 - 9150,001 - 9500,001 -$ over $ 10, oooS 50, ooo$ 15o, ooo$ 5oo, ooo $1, ooo, ooo 91, 000, 000 Phone 3?g- &3?-_\ DRB FEE: The.fbe will be paid at the time a buildingoermit is paid for. FEE $ ro.oo s 25.00I 50.00 $1O0. 00 $200. O0 $3 00. oo (0vER) t II. I!,TPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. fn addition to neeting Eubrnittal reguirements, theapplicant nust stake the site to indicate property Il-nes and building corners. Trees that wilL be removednust also be narked. This work rnust be completed before the DRB visits the site. B. The review proeess for NEW BUILDINGS will normallyinvolve two separate neetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two rneetings for a final approval . c. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled neeting and who have not askedfor a postponement will be reguired to be republished. D. At the discretion of the zoning administrator, thefollowing ltens may not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Department for approval: a. Windows, skylights and sirnilar exterior changesthat do not aLter the existlng plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from anyother lot or public space, which have had letters subrnitted frour adjoining property owners approvingthe addition; and/or approval- frour the agent for,or manager of a condoninium association. E. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Tonn Pl-anner before proceeding. LIST OF I.TATERIALS NAI'E oF PRoJEcr: Eco f*'^fr"o (:nei;.' DEscRrPrr trHtBr.|- cmErrr3m rrrr\ErEtcc. ( /C*raor JD,I,LOT_ BIpCK OF PRO.'8CT: The following infornation is Review Board before a final BUIIJDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other l{all l,tateria}s Fascia soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trim lland or Deck Rails Flues Fl.ashings Chirnneys Trash Enclosures creenhouses Other SION Ro reguired for subnittal to the llesign approval can be given: TYPE OF I,IATERIAIJ COIPR rl*l-A A. -r /x NIN STREET ADDRESS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ila.16 F\/A xlosl6 N/h *Indlcate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Mininum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. Botanical Name Conmon Narne Ouantity Size* Nor-tC n, /n / p**T r{ATERrAr,s: ll lh PRoPosEDs]IRUBs d/n EXISTTNG SHRUBS TO BE REI.IOVED *Indicate size5 crallon. of proposed shrubs. Minimun size of shrubs is Tvpe Square Footaoe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR UETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.OTHER L,ANDSCAPE FEATTRES (retaining wal.ls, fences, swinrningpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maxirnum height of walls tlithin the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum heiqbt of walls elsewhere on the property3 feet. Maximum property is 6 feet. ADDRESS OI{NER 3ECgreEe- ZONE DISTRIqT PROPOSED USEIfT SIZE Height Tota]. GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water course Site Coverage Landscaping Fence/Retaining Wall Heights Parking Credits:Garage Mechanical ALrlock Storage Drive: Slope Pernitted Environnental/Hazards : ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRIqTS Block iling RD Allowed (30) (33) 201 15 1 15r (30) (50) baAt'9 4az =j,cl {'-r /4r (3oo) (5oo) (so0) (1200) (50) (1oo) (25) (50) (200) (4oo) Slope Actual AvaLanche *u A$*c.r\q:D ffEror'n Flood Plain Slope Geologic Hazards Approved/DisapprovedZoning: Date: Staff Signature E:SIBIT A A parcel of land located ln rhe SW f/4 of Sectlon 6, T5S, Rg0W, of the 6thp.lt.Eagle County, Colorado, deecrlbed as follows: Beglnnlng at a polnt on the north 1lae of a parcel of land descrlbe<t ln ReceptlonNo. 154791 recorded July 16r 1976, in the records of the Eagle county clerk &recorder, froo whlch the northeest corner of Lot 9 Sun Vail Condomtnlurns, phase1 bears s81o45'44"w 126.2L feet; thence NBlo45t44'w, 123.40 feet; 'thence qll:17t22"8, 33.00 feet; rhence s61"03r46-I{, 12.07 f.eit; rhence s34;38i0i.w;65.07 feet; thecce s85o0lr28'l'1, 10.70 feet to a polot of curvature; thence alonithe arc of a non taogent, curve to the left 6h.29 feet, havlng a radlus of 49.00feet, a-central lngle of 7so!0t32" and a chord whlch bearsitg+'ogr52'.tr, 59.7gfeet; thence s58o15r52'v, 26.12 feet; thence N28o32ro5'rl , 59.42 feet; thenceN52o31f09'E, 50.00 feet to rhe polnt of beglnning. parcll contal.ng 10365.3gsquare feet. 9ry saq€R r fhz. Co*t 3?-"'6i Town Council +dt/ ft^-* F"s*n*-;l- #" |,PS ,\ 7Conmunity DeveLopment July 10, 1990 - ttt -l* g- | r**-/r\^\Departfoent 0 A reguest to lease land from the Town of VaLI to expandthe playground of the Red Sandstone Elementary School . Applicant: Eagle County School District represented by Kent Kriehn I. DESCRTPTION OF THE PROPOSAL The representative for the school distrJ.ct, Kent Kriehn, isproposing to lease an area approximately LOOtx Ls0r from the Town of Vail. This would be located neEt of the elementaryschool and northeast of the I-7o pedestrian bridge, on TractC, Vail/Potato Patch. The school district would improve theleased area with an irrigation systen and grass. Noplayground equipnent would be installed. There is anexisting swing set in the area that would remain. Townrecords show no approval for the swing set. The area is adjacent to a rock fall area as designated onthe Townrs hazard maps (see attached nap). The applicantwiII be reguired to conplete a site specific hazard reportper the Town of Vail ordinanceE concerning geo-hazards toinsure the site is acceptable for a play area. IT. REVIEIV PROCESS The Red Sandstone School is located in the Public UEeDistrict. In that zone, a public school is a conditionaluse. The playground site is on an adjacent tract that is zoned agricultural open space. Staff considers the playground to be an accessory use to the existing school(conditional use). If given conceptual approval to proceed by Town Council, the request would be reviewed by the Design Review Board. III. COUNCIL ACTION REOUESTED At this tirne, conceptual approval by the Town council is allttrat is reguested. Before the school distrlct puts moneyinto a lease application and consultantrs fees, the District would like to know if the Council will allow the proposal togo through the review process and if the Council generally supports the project. The Council will have anotheropportunity to revierd this request after hazard studies are conrpleted, insurance and Lease issues are resolved, and l -lf I TO: FROil: DATE: RE: design plans have been developed. ,,^ L-.-f " tt r\ 'r*"' tt'L \,* o'i , M*t' u.-\*-u\" .,n i* -,r*)' w{Mt rrlrfl / \rt' ,/' \o ," .$+ L,, u u (gw q I 'ti*. t# l_1, tm;;ar m !tri E iinI o) department of conr mun ity tle'relopment75 soillh f r,)nlli$e rd. Yail. colcrado 81C57 {303) 476-7C0$ '"-*"''5'*1 I * . '"*' *,^*-ri !-'- I 0ctober 7,1982 Mr. Gary Denker, Principal Red Sandstone School 55.l North Frontage Roacl Vail, Colqrado 8.|657 Re: Red Sandstone School Dear Mr. Denker: I ccmpleted my routine'inspection of the kitchen at the Red Sandstone Elemen- ary School on October 6, .l982. The kitchen is'in superb conditon; Mrs. Salazar does an admjrable job with the sanitatjon of the faciljty. -lhere are two areas, however, vrhich do need some attention which are not wjthin her realm. The first is the dumpster which needs a cover. If you call Eagle County Trash, they w'i 11 be happy to provide a dumpster wjth a ljd, The second concerns the bathrooms in thb'gyninasiurn. The food scrvice inspection form includes the rest- rootits for the facility, in this'case, these gymnasjutn restrcoms. Nejther the girls'nor the boys'ioorns had paper towels, nor did the gjrls'room have soap. Good toilet practices are especially inrportant at thesr: cat"1y ltqgel of the children's deve'l opnent. Therefore, I vtould hope that hanging toilet paper? paper towels and loap may be provided at all tintes to encourage such practice. Thank you very much for your cooperation. If you have any further questions' please do not hesjtate to call me at 476-7000 xl05. Sincerely, /_) .. r F<-'i'JtL, toqcl-^-\-\\ RUTH COGAN \! Environmental Health Officer RC: br i, I oo :$t 1.,i ;7 "t ,'."..'.,jt' ol*/ Project Application Project Name: Project D€scription: Owner Address and Phone: 1 :btiArchitect Address and Phone: L€gal Description: Lot Filing Zonei Zoning Approved: ,F Design Review Board I Motion by: -'0n A ,..1"/ Ll Q l/1 A seconded 6r, l\'t>h o D II APPROVAL Date '-t ,l ,,.J DISAPPROVAL I V n alA ( uV',Q,,i g - A1*'--Lo'-' {t " - + u/ , +h '9 o fSl'u ( oa s;JavJ i ,, saJ8. t-ri tr"te"J Chief Building Off icipl, i ,-+ c A sJ ruc*i " Zoning Administrator Oat€: I DESICN REVIEW BOARD of DATE OT MEETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: ACTION SUBJECT: ( z TAKEN BY BOARD: VOITE: FOR: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUlrlltlARY: SECONDED BY: ABSTENTION: Chni.rnan of tho Uoard oo oa PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE N0TIcE THAT pierce, Briner, and Fitzhulh scott Architects, representing the Eag'l e County School District RE_50J, have requested a variance from Ordinance I'lo. 9, series of 1973, Section 14n sub-section 5 (Free standing signs) in order to construct a 4l .25 square foot sign located on a portion of Lot 9' Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch. Application has been made in accordance witn 0rdinance No. 4, Series of 1978. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with 0rdinance No. 4, Serjes of 1975 before the Design Review Board on liovember Il, 1976. The Design Review Board's decision will be transmitted to the Town Council for f.inal decision. The meeting will be herd in the vair Municipar Buirding at r:00 pM. TOI,IN OF VAIL DEPARTMEi{1. 0F coMMUNITy DEVELOPMEt,tTI t,rt' ,t/\CCnl.,t-,li Kraffrer ' ' ,5ign Administrator l_/ oo oa DIISIGN R]]VII;ilI BOARI) DATE OT I{IBTING: IIEMBERS PRESENT: ACTION MOTION: VOTE: SECONDBD BY: AGAINST: AI]STINTION: -..-APPROVEDT L/ _ DISAPPROVID:- SUI\llUARY: FOR: oo DESIGN REVIEW BOARD oo DATE OF MEETING .SUBJECT: AGAINST }'.APPRaVED: l./ DISAPPROVED: ra August 27, 1975 Diana Toughill Town of Vail Zon'ing AdministratorVail, Colorado 81657 T Ggnllcme'n: lirr at3 ronding to youi X herewith: - undot $Farete coqcr by rnaocengBr - for lrour lpproval J- lor your use - for dbtrlbutlon tolour lubaontractorg - |! pcryour roqu€8| - a9F'rgrrad E notad - to ba oorroctarl thr followlng on thc rbovr projccti 1 Copy -Letter from Departrent of Colorado School Laws, 1965 Labor and Employment on '1. - Drtt€y or mrrk "VOID" anyprtni! pruVlovrly i$uod loyql not bslrlng revl-londdbof t. notrd In tho rgvlrlon column, V.ry lruly youra, PIEHCE, EFINEF & FITZHUGH SCOTT INC. sy Tom Briner .,onn ol-u, ffi\ UltrtENr oF LABoR nr0lupLoyMENrGove'not fb]frffib!) DrvrsroN oF LABoR, sAFETY sEczorv JAMES M. SHAFF.ER \_W_/ 200 EAST NrNrH AVENUE JAMES A. uNDERWooDExecutive Dkectot \WZ DENVER, coLoRADo 8o2og supervisor l!"', \) i^I hl,,^W,^ F " + s'J''nv| COLORADO SCHOOL I.,A}TS. 1965 Bui-ldlng Codes - zoning - planning. - Notvithstanding any authorlty delegated to a county, cityr-or clty and county, 6r a plannlng commisslofr the-board of education of a school distrj-ct may deternclne tne location of public schoofs rtithin the district and erect necessary buildlngs and structures rvlthout a permit or fee, or comDliance I'rlth a local- buildlng code; provided, that prior to the acquisitlon 9ffand for schooi buit0ing sites or the constrr-rction of buildings thereon, t[e boa:'d of education shalf consult rvilh the plannlng Comnission r.trhich has jur- isdlction over the territory in whlch the sitet bullding or structure is proposed to be located relative to the location of such site, building or structure 1n order that the proposed. site, building ol structure shall conform to ttre adopted plan of the communlty insofar as is feasible. A11 bulldings and structurbs shatl be erecled in eonformity luith the standards of the lndustriaf comnlsslon of Colorado. A board shall advise the planning commission vhich has jurisdiction over the terrltory in vrhich a site, building or structure is proposed to be located in 'r,triting relative to the locationof such site, building or structure prior to- the ar.rardlng of i contract for the purchase or the construction thereof. L23-3o-25. (Address all questions pertaining to plans and specif ications to l}e#-+€=+*€r !Safety TnspectiongE-iffi'-FgnE€ 1 tt77' craay' s'tSectlon, Division of Labor, Denverr'Colorado - B02Ol oi phone 892-2101. ) oo Plerca Bdmr & Fltzhugh Scott Ine. ArchitecturePtanning August .|4, 1975 P. O. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 30347&3os8 Mr. Leonard J. Arnold G. E. JOHNSON .CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P. 0. Box 2.|39 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80901 Dear Leonard: The enclosed Schematic Design drawings for the proposed Vail/Minturn K-4 School have been approved by the Citizen's Advisory Committee establishedfor that purpose by the Eagle County School Board. This school is designedfor a maximum of 500 students and as presently designed has, to my best calculations,40,500 square feet gross area. A major qual'ification to the Schematic Design is Alternate No. ln d lUfr- nasium/inulti-purpose space with locker rooma, etc.,TFaf represents a pos- sible incrieabe of this project's scope that would be funded by the Town ofVajl. As df this date, there has not been any agreement reached for this possible change to the School District's program. The requirements for the school's mu1 ti-purpose room et al ., are shou,n on Sheet SD-4 of this set. For the purposes of systems analys'is and cost estimates bQth schemes for the multi-purpose room should be considered. It is important to the District that this school be ready for occupancy by September 1976. A target date of September 22 has been established by the general contractor for beginning foundation pours, with preparatory site work beginning in early September. Recognizing the constraints of this schedule I will appreciate yourim- medjate attention to this project. I am hopeful that 3-4 days will permit you to digest these drawings, formulate questions and even consider alter- native solutions to those problems posed by the drawings. I will be calling you August 20, or before, to set up a meeting to discussthis project and to ascertain whether you feel a joint meeting with all parties involved wouldn't be beneficial . Thomas A. Briner TAB/im Encl os ure Copies to: Johnson-Voiland-Archuleta, Inc. (Bud Johnson) Rice, l4arek, Harral & Holtz, Inc. (Don Marek) "Town qf Vail Zon'ing Administrator (Diana Toughil'l ) Car'l Oppe,ra&eim Robert Cordts K-tWT/f"' (J Frtt d It s E ? E g!at, o EEI 0b 5o FI 3 11 I I dldl Ft blW I €E { .93 !EdE br E s Itl,ca, o- g i,a F a(D .E Rl (t) I ul*l {J a'l \'l I EAx.D Eo :E E E () >l = ot t-\-^-_' ?i!cE o 6* E(D tt's o ts ;tl .,HS'6!'Fi ;I-tEColtr or: 'd ttfl " l:,l -€lo=l :Nl* SrJ -E rXI !-l =tlo.I I ;! i tt G H -li Iq gl Itta€tt t3o Lt tD Ez o E$ASEEIiEgIi.e Fi:€ifie! E s E Ei;giriff ?E Es irsl;EE€ i fE HE;afi;Ei:€is FiEEi€€EEI:i: T ;aEET:F*E: € ! ^". l:6::€Fg€Fe; S *: Ei€;;E* ; F € giS:EisiaiHi€ EAg€EEilggEf;E zo F o Fltr tu ko h EsE< rs-d;lqx 6ts]()r. hOoE2 #E g 6 G q' o, 'h tro o(t o T o o 1.4-- OA41-r" ' PF'opg=-<{ o -TOtnN OFdU.t__ L-' LEASE THIS LEASE, made and entered into as of September 16, I 975, by and between the T0t^lN 0F VAIL , C0L0RAD0, a Col orado municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as'LEssoRu and EAGLE c0uNTY scH00L DIsrRIcr RE s0J, a governmentar sub- division of the State of co'lorado, here.inafter referred to as ULESSEE',,, l.lITNESSETH: l{HEREAS, lt is the mutual desire and intent of the parties hereto to beneflt the local school district so as to further the education of the people within its Jurisdiction i and t,lHEREAS, it is the belief of the parties hereto that said desire and intent can be rea'lized in part through the provisions included in this Lease; . NOl.l, THEREF0RE, in consideration of the covenants, agreementsr iltd terns herein contained the parties hereto agpee as fol I ows: l. LEss0R hereby'reases to LESSEE the surface rrghts in and to the follouring described premises (hereinafter referred to as the "LEASED pREMIsES"), situated in the Town of Vai'l , Colorado, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, to-wit: '. A portion of Lot 8, Block 2, vail/potato patch,.'a.subdivison recorded in Book 233 at page 629, .: of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recor-d6rts records, said portion of land being moreparticularly described'as follows: Beginning at thJ Southeasterly corner of said I-,ot 8 which is a point on the Northerly Right- of-Way line of fnterstate Highway No. 7O; thenceWesterly along saj.d Northerly night-of-Way linean arc distance of 2QO.93 feet on a 3990.0 footradius curve to the left, whose central angle is2053'07" and whose chord bears s 82036r2B" w adistance of 200.91 feet to the true point ofbeginning; thence continuing along said NortherlyRight-of-Way line an arc distance of 562.56 feeton said 3990.0 foot radius curve to the left, whose central angle is 8004'42" and whose chordbears S 77007133" W a distance of 562,09 feeL tothe Southwesterly corner of said Lot 8 i thence N 1Io1? ' 22" W along the Westerly boundary lineof said Lot B a distance of 413.05 feet. to the Northwest.erly corner thereof; thence S 86016r09u E along the Northerly boundary line of said Lot8 a distance of 629.66 feet; thence 5 9067t12tt64r LEA si - I o the true point ofsquare feet or E a distance of 238.85 feet tobeglnning, containing 187,3534.301 acres, .more or less;. 4f/ LEASE - 2 to have and to hold the same, wlth the appurtenances there- unto belonging, for and during a term of Fifty (50) years, beginning on September'16,'1975, and endlng on September 18, 2025, wlth the right of LESSEE to renew under the same terms and condltions as are hereinafter set forth for an additional term of Fifty (SO) years, beglnnlng on September 16, ZOZS, and ending on SeptemberlS, 2075 And, as consideratlon therefor, LESSEE hereby agrees wi th LESS0R as f o'l I ows : l. LESSEE shall use the leased premises only for school , recreational , and/or community purposes. 2. LESSEE shal I keep the 'l eased premi ses , i ncl ud i ng improvements, open to reasonable public use at all times during the original term and any additional term, of this Lease, except that such use may be limited in the event of damage to the premises or other conditions which in the reasonable decision of the LESSEE render usage of the prernises impracticabl 3. LESSEE shall pay as rental for the leased premises the sum of Ten ($t0.00) Do1'lars per year; said rentat shall be due and payable on September l6th of each and every year during the original term and any additional term of this lease. 4. LESSEE sha'l'l indemnify and keep harml ess the LESS0R f rom any or a'l 'l I oss, damages, charges, or cl aims for the same from persona't injury, includ'i ng death, or property damage which may arise from activities under or relating to this Lease; LESSEE will obtain and maintain during the original term and any addi ti onal term hereof 'li abi I i ty i nsurance to cover itself and LESS0R in a mjnimum amount of $100,000.00 per person and $300,000.,00 per accident, and certificates of such I o ,' insurance lssued by the insurer shall be flled by LESSEE with the LESSOR within sixty (60) days after the date of this Lease; said limits of liability shall be subject, from time to time, to the LEss0R's approva't for adequacy of protectlon; any such insurance policy or policles sha'll contain a clause whereby the insurer waives soverejgn immunity therein. . 5. LESSEE shall at its sole cost and expense provide sewage disposal for the Ieased premises through connection with the sewage facilities of the vail water and sanitation District, a Colorado special distrlct. 6. LESSEE shall at its sole cost and expense construct roads, which meet or exceed LEssOR's minimum standards for roads, to provide adequate access throughout the leased premises for school, recreationa'l , and community purposes, and thereafter keep and maintain said roads in good condition during the origlnal term and any additional term of this Lease, making repairs as necessary 7. LESSEE shall at its sole cost and expense keep and maintain the I eased premises, inc'luding improvements and vegeta- tion, in a good, c'l ean, and hea'l thful condition, making repairs as necessary. 8. LESSEE shall have the right construct on any part or or buildingfadequate for usage as , al at its 1 of t and premises to+-+ra.a*r own cost he I eased 9{,'hbi.aiscnool expense, to a building , and to construct other improvements ordinarily incidental school di strict. a. LESSEE may, at its option and at its own cost and expense, at any time and from time to time make such altera- tions, changes, replacements, improvements and additions to.the 'l eased premises, and the buildings and improvements thereon, as it may deem desirable, including the demolition of any building(s) and improvement(s) and/or structure.(s) that now or hereafter may be situate or erected on the'l eased premisesr provided that to such a schoo'l in the local L;ASE - 3 the use of the leased premises as a school site is not thereby permanently terminated or abandoned, nor curtailed for a period of time longer than reasonably nequired to effect such altera- tions, changes, replacements, lmprovements, or additions. b. Until the expiration or sooner ternination of th'ls Lease tltle to any building or buildings or improvements sltuate or erected on the I eased prem.ises shal'l remain sol ely ln the LESSEE. community use of the the leased premises in ons: i bl e LESSEE shal l bui'lding and improve- school bu i ac co rda nc e c. ldi wi LESSEE agrees to permit ngs and improvenents on' th the following provisi (f) as promptly as poss on the leased premises a as described above. erect ments L (2) in accordance with the provisions of CRS '1973 922-32-110, and subject thereto, to permit the use of such buildings and improvements by community organizations. It is understood that no use by community organfzations will be approved by the LESSEE if it interferes with LESSEE,S use, or if its continuance interferes with LESSEE'S use, or if LESSEE'S use is impaJred or adversely affected thereby, or if LESSEE, in, its sole discretion, determines that it is beyond its power under the statute to permit such use. subject to the foregoing conditions LEssEE agrees that it will permit community organjzations the use of such bulldings and improvements without distinction as to the geographical affiliation or origin of the user communlty fJrr I DaqftjVnhaff i I iated with or has its origin in f a'g'le--c;fty Color a part thereof, or a muncipality located therein. d. The parti es hereto sha'l I agree as prompt.ly as practicable on pertinent provisions relating to community use of the school building or other improvements, incl uding ihat but not'l imited to rental charges, custodial expenses,.and it noazianorganization, so long as such user org 't s sft|J LEAsE - 4 o insurance requi rements part of thls Lease. , vrhich provisions shall become a 9. Hazard I[surance.Insurance in an amount equal to the current appraised va'rue of the school building and other improvements on the leased premises to insure said improve- ments with respect. to fire, flood, and other typical local hazards shall be obtained and marntained by LEssEE during any term of the Lease. . FURTHER, fol1ows: IT IS ilUTUALLY AGREED by the parties hereto as t. In the event LESSEE ceases permanently to use the leased premises for. school purposes or persists in using the 'leased premises for punposes other than school , recreational, and/or community purposes, LESS0R may terminate this Lease during any term hereof by siving written notice thereof to LESsEE. For good cause LESSEE may terminate this Lease and cease using the leased premises during any term hereof. If this Lease is terminated by either party at a time prior to six (5) months preceding the end of any term hereof, LEss0R sha'll have the first right and option to purchase any or all improvements erected on the 'reased premises by LESSEE at thelr appraised value as of that time; at the end of any term hereof or at a time within six (6) months preceding the end of any term hereof, and provided that LEssOR has not exercised its option to purchase the improvements as aforesaid, LESSEE or its successor shal'l remove any and all improvements which it may have erected on the leased premises and restore said premises to essentially the same condition which existed at the inception of this Lease; in the alternative to said removal of said improvements, with the consent of LESS0R said inrprovements may be gratuitously dedicated to it by LESSEE or its successor. LESSEE shall not be deemed to have permanently terminated or abandoned the use of the leased premises for school purposes by virtue of any cessation of such use the LEASE - 5 result of circumstances beyond its control such as, but not necessarily limited to, cessation the result of damages by fire, flood or other casuarty, t'lar, strike, catastrophe, or the result of curtailment of its educational program or dictated by administrative requirements 2. LESSEE shall not suffer or permit a lien to be asserted or filed against the leased premises arising out of ts operations or activities; but, if such be suffered or permitted, LEssEE shall prompt'ly cause the removal of the same; and, upon fai'l ure to do so, LESS0R may satisfy and cause the removal of the same, and LESSEE agrees to reimburse LESS0R on demand for the costs and expenses of any such proceeding. 3. All claims, demands, disputes, d.i fferences, controversles, and misunderstandjngs that nay arise between the parties hereto sha'll be submitted to and be determined . and settled by arbitration in the manner hereinafter set forth, to-wit: 'lEither party may, by written notice to the other, r. appoint an arbitraton; thereupon, within thirty (30) days after the gfving of such notice, the other party sharr by written notice to the former appoint another arbitrator; when the two (2) arbitrators have been appointed as aforesaid, they shall, if possible, agree upon a third arbitrator and sha'll appoint him by notice in writing, signed by both of them in tripl icate' one of which tripl icate notices shal l be given to each party hereto; but, if the other party refuses to appoint the second arbitrator or if thir.ty (30) days shall elapse after the appointment of the second arbitrator without notice of appointment of the third arbitrator bejng given as aforesald, then either party hereto (or both) may in writing request a presiding Judge of the District Court in and fon the County of Eag'le, State of Colorado, to appoint the third arbitrator; upon appointment of the third arbjtrator (whichever way appointed as aforesaid), the three (s) arbitrators shall meet and give AtFJ I-EASE - 6 .{ t,J p'l,cr'1 G u"t #-/J -,'tL $o,rp c*i,r. ;t "r+ -l -Ftransfer or assign any Perlo-e' out first obtainins the E-h L grn -d ease or the appl ication 'invalid by a court of r of the Lease shall not in full force and effect. h^r rL [t-rg, n:H"il1*".t"?hJ1T:'r o.-HJifr,"rpu.iyleretoshalt i nterest i n the 'l eased premi ses wi th written consent of the other party. 7. If any provision of this L thereof i s f I na'l ly determi ned to be competent jurlsdiction, the remainde be af fected thereby and sha'l 'l remai n opportunity to each party hereto to present lts case and witnesses' if any, in the presence of the other, and a decision shall be made; the decision of the maJority of the arbitrators shall be binding upon the parties hereto and judgment on said decision may be entered thereon in any court of competent jurlsdiction; said decision shal I include the fixing of the expenses of the arbitration, inc'l udlng reasonable attorney,s fees, and assessment of the same against either party or both parties as Justice requires. 4. LEss0R also leases hereunder ar'r water, water rrghts, ditches, ditch rightsr pumplng ptants, and irrigation welIs, if any' now on the demised premises, or to be hereafter placed thereupon, rights-of-way for water and ditches, and a'll ease- ments and extensions thereof pertaining or in any way belonging to said premises or used thereon or ln connection therewith; LESSEE agrees to use the aforesaid water rights economical'ly and efficientlyr preventlng so far as possible waste thereof to the end that the validity and priority of said water rlghts may be malntained appurtenant to the premises. 5. LESS0R covenants that it has good tit'le to the 'leased premlses and that they are free and clear of all llens,t.n.rr- brances. LESSEE's obligation to perform under the terms of thi Lease is hereby expressly made conditional upon LESSEE,s receiving a commitment for a policy of title insurance showing title in the LEss0R free and clear of any and all encumbrances LEASE. T a-{-Nq\l I 8. This Agreement sha'll be deemed to have in the State of Colorado and shal'l be construed of the State of Colorado, and shal'l be binding u to the benefit of the successors and assigns of hereto. been made under the laws pon and enure the parti es Lease by I ts it had IN t.'lITNESS to be made executi on the actual l,|HEREOF, the parties hereto have caused thjs on the date first above written, each party hereof attesting that upon said executlon authority to enter lnto the agreement. t: Tot{N 0F vArL, c0L0RADo AND EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL RE 5OJ DISTRICT ATTEST ,*0 S EC RETARY PRESIDENT ATTEST LEASE - 8 1;t STATE OF County of The COLO RADO Eagl e forego i ng ) ):, ) ss instrument was acknowledged before }li tness My Commi STATE 0F CoLORADo ) county of Eagl" I tt' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before *-tt,me thls t0'^ day or JqrEL._ , 1975, by J. F. c0LLETT and ERNEST CHAVEZT as pRESIDENT and SECRETARY, respectively, of EAGLE COUNTY ScHOOL DIsTRIcT RE 50i1. }'litness my hand and official seal My Commirssion /-texpires z 6/zP /76 n an ate o ora me this lt{day or _\ e fha*rl_r , 1975, by TERRELL J, E JEFFREY, as Tol'lN MANAGER and T0l,l|N CLERK, the TOl^lN 0F VAIL, Colorado my hand and official seal. ssion expires: Jo.,n,r Ul, [e-lg. e$ - LTASE - 9 MINGER and ROSALI respectively, of .l LEASE THIS LEASE, made and entered into as of September J-fi, L975, by and between the TOWN OF VAIL,, COLORADO, a Colorado municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Lessor", and EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RE 50,I . a governmental subdivision of the State of Colorado, hereinafter referred to as "Lessee", I^IITNESSETH: WHEREAS, j"t is the mutual desire and intent of the parties hereto to benefit the local school district so as to further the education of the people within its jurisdiction; WI{EREAS, it is the betief of the parties hereto that said desire and intent can be realized in part through the.pro- visions included in this Lease; WHEREAS, Article XX, Section 6, and Article XIV, Sec- tion 18, of the Constitution of the State of Colorado, C.R.S. L973, szs-f-zol and 8zz-32-110, and Section 13.1 and Section 13.3 of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado, grant to the parties hereto the right to enter into this Leasei and WHEREAS, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the Addendum to Lease dated September 16, 1975, this instrument supersedes the Lease dated September L6, 1975, as modified by said Addendum to Lease, between the parties hereto as of September L6,.L975i NOW. THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants, agreements, and terms herein contained the parties hereto ag'ree as follows: 1. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee the surface rights in and to the following described premises (hereinafter referred to as the rrleased premises"), situated in the Town of Vail' Colorado, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, to-wit: A portion of Lot 8, Block 2, Vail/Potato Patch' a subdivision recorded in Book 233 at page 629' of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Record- erts records, said portion of land being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of said tot 8 which is a point on the Northerly Right- of-Way line of Interstate ltighway No. 70; thence 4nil' Lease Page 2 Westerly.along said Northerly Right-of -Irlay linean arc distance of 200.93 feet on a 3990.0 footradius curve to the left, whose central angle is2053'07" and whdse chord bears s 82036'28" w adistance of 200.91 feet to the true point ofbeginning; thence continuing along said NortherlyRight-of-Way line an arc distance of 562.56 feeton said 3990.0 foot radius curve to the left, whose cenLral angle is 8004r42" and whose chordbears s 77007 '33n w a distance of 562.09 feet tothe Southwesterly corner of said Lot 8; thenceN 11"17 | 22't w along the Westerly boundary lineof said Lot B a distance of 413.05 feet to theNorthwesterly corner thereof; thence S B6016'09"E along the Northerly boundary line of qaid Lot8 a diitance of 629.66 feet; Lh".t"e S 0007r12n E a distance of 238. 85 feet to the true point ofbeginning, cont.aining 187,353 square feet or4.301 acres, more or lessi to have and to hold the same, with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, for and during a term of thirty (30) years. beginning on September 16, L975, and ending on September 15, 2005; Lessee has the right to renew under Lhe same terms and conditions as are hereinafter set forth for a second term of tvtenty (20) years, beginning on September 16, 2005, and ending on September 15 | 2025, provided that the school building, which Lessee shall erect pursuant to the terms hereof, is in good, tenantable condition on September 15, 2005i Lessee has the fur- ther right to renew for a third term of ten (10) years, beginning on September 16 | 2025, and ending on September 15, 2035, provided that said school bui]-ding is in good, tenantable condition on September 15, 2025; and if Lessee. erects a new school building during any term hereof to ?eplace the school buitding whj-ch Lessee shall erect pursuant to the terms hereof, Lessee shall have the further right to renew for a term of thirty (30) years, commencing' on the first day following the expiratlon of the term in which the new school building is erected, with the right of Lessee to renew for an additional term of twenty (20) years thereafter, provided that said building is then in good, tenantable condition. And, as consideration therefor, Lessee hereby agrees' with Lessor as follows: 1. tessee shall use the leased premises only for school , recfeational, and/or communily purposes.' t 6rN) Lease Page 3 2. Lessee shall keep the leased premises, including improvements, open to reasonabre public use at all times during the original term and any additional term of this Lease, except that such use may be ljmited in the event of damage to the premises or other conditions which in the reasonable decision of the Lessee render usag'e of the premises impracticabre and as otherwise provided herein. 3. Lessee shall pay as rental for the leased premises the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per yeari said rental shalt be due and payable on September'I6th of each and every year during the original term and any additional term of this Lease. 4. Lessee shal1 indemnify and keep harmless the Lessor from any or all loss, damages, charges, or cfaims for the same from personal injury, including death, or property damage which may arise from activities under or relating to this Leasei Lessee shall obtain and maintain during the original term and any addi- tional term hereof liability insurance to cover itself and Lessor in a minimum amount of 9100,000.00 per person and. 9300.000.00 per accident, and certificates of such insurance issued by the insurer shall be filed by Lessee with the'Lessor within sixty (60) days after the date of this Lease; said limits of liability shall be subject, frop time to time, to the Lessor's approval for adequacy of protection and shalI be increaped at Lessor's reasonable request. made in writing and delivefed to Lesseei any such insurance policy or policies shall contain a clause whereby the insurer waives sovereign irnmunity therein. 5. Lessee shall at its sole cost and expense provide sewage disposal- for the leased premises through connection with the sewage facilities of the Vail Water and Sanitation District, a Colorado special district. 5. tessee shall a! its sole cost and expense construct roads, which meet or exceed Lessor's minimurn standards for roads, to provide adequate access throughout. the leased premises for school , recreational, and community purposes, and thereafter sJ Lease Page 4 keep and maintain said roads in good nal term and any additional term of aE necessary. condition during the origi- this Lease, making repairs 7. Lessee shalL at its sole cost and expense keep and maintain the leased premises, including improvements and vegeta- tion, in a good, clean, and healthful condition, making repairs as necessary. 8. Lessee shall have the right at its sole cost.and expense to erect on any part or all of the l_eased premises (sub- ject to compliance with the applicable provisions of duJ.y.enacted zoning, buildingr ErDd other laws of the Town of Vai-l, Colorado) a buird.ing or buildings adequate for usage as a school for grades kindergarten through grade four (although usage by r-,essee of such building or buildings is not limited to said. grades) and to erect on the leased premises other improvements ordinarily incidental to public schools in the local school district. (a) Lessee may, at its option and at its sole cost and expense, at any time and from time to time make such alteritions, changes, replacements, improvements, and additions to the leased premises and the buildings and improvements thereon as it may deem desirable, including the demolition of any.buiLd- ing, imprdvement, andr/or structure that now or hereafter may be situate or erected on the leased .premises, provided that the use of the leased premises as 5 school site is no! thereby perman- ently terminated or abandoned, nor curtailed for a period of tirne longer than reasonably required to effect such alterations, changes, replacements, improvementsr or additions. (b) Until the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease, title to any building or buiLdings or improvements situate or erected on the }eased premises shal1 remain solely in the Lessee. (c) Lessee agreeg to permit community use of the Echool building or buildings and improvements on the leased pre- miaes in accordance with the following provisions: Irea Se Page 5 (f) As promptly as possible Lessee shall erect on tie leased premises a building and improvement,s as described above. (2') In accordance with the provisions of C.R.S. 1973, EZZ-lZ-ttO, and subject thereto., to permit the use of such buildings and improve.- ments by community organizations; it is under- stood that no use by community organizations will be approved by the Lessee if it unreason- bly interferes with Lesseers use, or if its continuance interferes with Lesseet s use, or if Lessee's use is impaired or adversely affected. thereby, or if Lessee, in its sole discretion I determines that it is beyond its power under said statute to permit such use; subject to the foregoing conditions, IJessee agrees that it will permit community organizations the use of such buildings and j-mprovements without distinction as to the geographical affiliation or origin of the user community organization, so long as such user organization is affiliated with or has its 'or.igin in the Eagle County School District Re 50,J, or a municipality -Iocated therein. (d) The parties hereto shall agree as promptJ.y as practicabLe on pertinent provisions relating to corununity uee of the school building or other irnprovements, including but not limited to rental charges, custodial expensos, and insurance requirements, which provisions shall become a part of this Lease. 9. Lessee shall obtain and maintain during the origi- nal term and any additional term hereof hazard insurance in an amount equal to or greater than the current appraised value of the leased prernises and the school buildings and other improve- ments on the leased premises to insure said improvements with respect to fire, flood, and other typical local hazardsr drld ffiF") Lease Page 6 certificates of such insurance issued. by the insurer shall be filed by Lessee with the Lessor within sixty (60) days after the date of this Lease; Lessee agrees that if any or all of said improvements are damaged or destroyed, said damage sharl be promptry repaired or replacement improvements promptry erected on the leased premises by Lessee, applying thereto any insurance payments received by it; provided, however, that if said damage or destruction exceeds fifty per cent (509) of the current appraised value of said improvemenLs, Lessee shall be required to repair or replace said improvements only in the event it is reasonabre at that time for it to continue operating a schoor on the leased premises; said insurance policy shal1 provide that any ross shall be payable Lo Lessor or Lessee in accordance with their respective interests in said property. 10. In the event the school building or buildings are destroyed or damagred by fire, flood, or other casualty so as to be rendered untenantable, cessation of their use by Lessee for a reasonable time shall not be deemed to be an abandonment of its leasehold interest under this Lease, provided that Lessee within a reasonable time informs Lessor that it shall repair or replace said buildings and that said repairs or replacement are in fact made in accordance with the terms hereof. Further, it.is mutually-agreed. by the parties as follows: hereto 1. In the event Lessee persists in using the leased premises for a purpose other than school, recreati.onal I and/ox community purposes in violation of paragraph I on page 2 of the Lease, after receiving written notice of said violation from Lessor, Lessor may terminate this Lease during any term hereof by giving written notice thereof to Lessee; for good cause Lessee may terminate this Lease and cease using the leased premises during any term hereof; if Lessee ceases to operate a publi school on the leased premises for a period of thirty-six (36) consecutive months during any term hereof, such cessation shall IJe aS e Page 7 create a presumption that Lessee has abandoned its leasehold interest under this Lease and Lhat Lessor may terminate this Lease due to said abandonment by giving written notice thereof to Lessee, which presumption is subject to being rebutted by Lessee; in the evenL Lessee ceases permanently to use the leased premises for school purposes or abandons its leasehold interest through cessation of use as aforesaid, as determined by the agreement of the parties hereto or the final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, Lessor may terminate this Lease during any term hereof by giving written notice thereof to Lessee; if this L,ease is terminated by either party at a time prior to six (6) months preceding the end of any term hereof, Lessor shall have the first right and option to purchase any or all improvements erected on the leased premises by Lessee at their appraised value as of that time; at the end of any term hereof or at a time within six (6) months preceding the end of any term hereof, and provided that Lessor has not exercised its option to purchase the improve- ments as aforesaid, Lessee or its successor shall remove any and all improvements which it may have erected on the leased premises and restore said premises to essentially the same condition which existed at the inception of this Lease; in the alternative !o said removal .of said j-mprovements, with the consent of Lessor said improvements may be gratuitogsly dedicated to it by Lessee or its successor 2. Lessee shall not suffer or permit a lien to be asserted or filed against the leased premises arising out of its operations or activities; but, if such be suffered or permitted, Lessee shall promptly cause the removal of the same; and, upon failure to do so, Lessor may satisfy and cause the removal of the same, and Lessee agrees to reimburse Lessor on demand. for the costs and expenses of any such proceeding. 3. AII claims, demands, disputes, differences, con- troversies, and misunderstandings that may arise between.the Lease'Page B parties herelo sharl be submitted to and be determined. and. settled by arbitration in the manner hereinafter set forth, to-wit: Either party may, by written notice to the other, appoint an arbitrator; thereupon, within thirty (30) days after the giving of such notice, the other party sha1l by written notice to the former appoint another arbitrator; when the two (2) arbitrators have been appointed as aforesaid, they shall, if possible, agree upon a third arbitrator and shall appoint him by notice in writing, signed by both of them in tripricate, one of which tripricate notices sharl be given to each party heretot but, if the other party refuses to appoint the second arbitrator or if thirty (30) days shall elapse after the appointment of the second arbitrator without notice of appointment of the third arbitrator being given as aforesaid, then either party hereto (or both) may in writing request a presiding judge of the District court in and for the county of Dagle, state of colorad.o, to appoint the third arbitratori upon appointment of the third arbitrator (whichever way appointed as aforesaid), the three (3) arbitratorg shall meet and give opportunit.y to each party hereto to present its case and witnesses, if any, in the presence of the other, and a decision strall be made; the decision of the majority.of the arbitrators shall be binding upon-the parties hereto and judgment on said decision may be enf,ered thereon in any court of competent jurisdiction; said decision sha1l include the fixing of the expenses of the arbitration, including reasonable attorneyts fees, and assessment of the same against either party or both parties as justice requires. 4. Lessor also leases hereunder atl srater, water rights, ditches, ditch rights, pumping plants, and irrigation wells, if any, now on the leased premises, or to be hereafter placed there- upon, rj.ghts-of-way for water and ditches, and all easements and extensions thereof, if any, pertaining or in any way belonging to said premises or used thereon or in connection therewith; Lessee Lease Page agrees to use the aforesaid water rights economically and effi- ciently, preventing so far as possible waste thereof to the end that the validity and priority of said water rights may be maintained appurtenant to the premises. 5. Lessor covenants that it has good title to the leased premises under a warranty deed dated May 15, Lg7s, r.rhich was duly recorded on August 7, I9'l5t as Reception No. L37265, Ln Book 241 on Page 153 of the records of the County Clerk and Recorder, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, subject. to a deed of trust dated May 15 , 1975, recorded on August 7 , L975, as Reception No. L37266, in Book 24I on page I54 of said records; Lessor is the named insured under a title insurance policy cover- ing the leased premises, to-wit American Land Title Associalion Ownerrs Policy, Policy No. AZ-039850, in the amount of.Two Hund- red Twenty Thousand Dollars ($220,000.00) i and Lessor shall enter into a subordination agreement with Vail Associates, Inc., to subordinate said deed of trust to this Lease. 6. Neither party hereto shall transfer or assign any interest in the leased premises without first obtaJ-ning the writ- ten consent of t.he other party. 7. If any provision of this Lease or the appJ-ication thereof is finally determined to be invalid by a court of compe- tent jurisdiction,.the remainder of the Lease shall not be affected thereby and shall remain ifr full force and effect. 8. This Agreement shall be deemed !o have been made in the State of Colorado and shall be construed under the laws of the State of Colorado, and shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the sucsessors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto .have caused this Lease to be made on the date fj.rst. above written, each party by its execution hereof attesting that upon said execution it had the actual authority to enter into this agreement. 9 Lease ATTEST: Pagd I0 TOWN OF VArt, coLoRADo and EAGLE COUNTY RE 50,1 SCHOOL DISTRICT Ernest Chavez, Secretary dtr\ J, President t Lease STATE COUNTY Page ll 'My STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss! The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 16th day of September, L975. by Terrell J. Minger and Rosalie ,Jeffrey, as Town Manager and Town Clerk, respectively, of the Town of Vail, Colorado, Witness by hand and official seal. commission expires: June ss3 The foregoing instrunent was acknowledged before me this day of September, L975, by iI . F. Collett and Ernest Chavez, as President and Secretary, respectively, of Eagle County School District RE 50J. Witness my hand and official seal . My commission expires: OF COLORADO OF EAGLE spEcrFrcATroNS FoR A pLAy rairlrry RED SANDSTONE K.4 SCHOOL Vail, Colorado August 31, L978 The Land Design Partnership Ron Liston, PrincipalSuite 208, Village Plaza Glenwood Springs, Col-orado(303) 94s-'6830- Kopf & Kopf Electrieal Engineering Glenwood Springs, Colorado Eldorado Engineering Company Glenwood Springs, Colorado (:3 CONTENTS General Conditions of the Contract for ConstructionList of Drawings Section R.G. -- Restoration of GroundsSection E.!i. -- EarthworkSection S.E. -- Structure Excavation and BackfillSection EL.W. - Electrical l,IorkSection A.G. -- Aggregate Base Course and Sub-base CourseSection C.W. -- Concrete WorkSection B.P. -- Hot Bituminous pavement Section G.W. -- Gabion Wal1sSection R.W. -- Railing WorkSection F.D. -- Foundaiion Drain Lines and AppurtenancesSection T.W. -- Timber WorkSection C.P. -- Concrete pavers Section F.G. -- Finish GradingSection L.G. -- Landscaping oF GroundsPlant List I I I I t I t I I t I I I T I I I I I I I I t t t I I t I I I I I I I t I INDEX OF GENEML CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION 0. 00 0. 01 1. 00 r. 01 1. 02 1. 03 1. 04 1. 05 1. 06 1. 07 1. 08 r. 09 1. 10 1. 11 I.12 1. 13 2. OO 2.0L 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2 .06 2 .07 2. 08 3. 00 3. 01 3.02 3. 03 4. 00 4. 01 4.02 4.03 4. A4 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4. 11 4.r2 4. 134.I4 4.15 General Provisions AbbreviationsDefinitions The Contract Documents The Contract Owner, Contraetor,'and ConsultantSubcontractorWritten Noticeliork The Project ldorking Day and Calendar Day Work Order Change Order SuretySubstantially Complete Completion Control of WorkResponsibility of the ConsulcantArbitration Plans and Working Drawings Conformity with Plans and SpeeificationsWarranty and Guarantee ConsEruction StakesInspections Pre-Construction Conference Scope of Work Changes in the Work Change Order Form Addendum Form General Specif ications Cornrnencement and Completion of the ldorkLiquidated DamageIntent of Plans and Specifications Acceptance Claims for Adjustment and Dispute Waiver Assignment and Transfer of Contract Superintendence InsuranceProtection of Public Utilities and other AdjoiningProperty Damage to ConstructionPartial Payments Final Paynent Idemnity Laws and Ordinances I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t INDEX continued 4.16 4.17 4.L8 5. 00 5. 01 5.02 5. 03 s.04 5. 0s 5. 06 5. 07 Construction GuaranteeConstruction Guarantee Fo:srSpecial ProvisionsInstruction to BiddersInvitation for Bids Award of Contract and Furnishing of BondList of Suppliers and SubcontractorsNotice to Bidders Proposal FormsProposal Form Schedule of QuantitiesContracE Agreement Performance and Prices i-r I t t I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I SPECIFICATIONS FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SECTION G. C. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION O. OO GENEML PROVISIONS. 0-01 ABBREVTATTONS. wherever the following abbreviations areused in the_se specifications or on the plani, they sha1l beconstrued the same as the respect.ive expressions iepresented: A. C.I. Anerican Concrete InstituteA.S.T.M. American Society for Testing and Materialsc.R.S.I. Concrete Reinfoicing Steel InstituteA.I^I.W.A. American Water Works AssociationA.I.S.C. Anerican Institute of Steel ConstructionA.A.S.H.O- American Association of Srate Highway OfficialsN.E.C. National Electrical CodeN.E.M.A. National Electrical Manufacturers Association 1.OO DEFINITIONS. 1.01 THE coNTRAcr DOCIJMENTS. The contracr Documents consist ofthe Notice to Bidders, Special Conditions, proposal , ConcractAgreement and contract Bonds (when required), General constructionspecifieations, Technical specifications, plans and all modifi-cations thereof incorporated in any of the docr:ments before theexeeution of the Contract. The Contract Documenfs are compli-meltaryr an-d what is called for by any shall be as binding- as ifcalled for by a1-. L.02 THE CONTRACT. The Contract Documenrs form rhe Contraet.The contract represents the entire and integrated agreement bet*ween the parties hereto and supersedes all prior nefotiations,representations, or agreements, either written or ora1. 1.03 OWNER, CONTRACTOR, AND CONSIILTANT. When the words "Owner"or "contractor" are used, these shall mean the corporations, persons, _institutions,- organizations indicated in the contract Agreement.wherever in this contract the word "consultant" is used-it shallbe understood as referring to an authorized representative of theovmer, acting personarly or through a representative duly authorizedin w-riting f or such act by the Consultant. 1.04 suBcoNTMcroR. The terrr "subcontractor'r, as employed herein,includes only those having a direct contract with the contractor,and it includes one who furnishes materiars worked to a specialdesign according to the prans and specifications of this work, butdoes not include one who merely furnishes material not so worked. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section G.C. 1.05 wRrrrEN NorrcE. wrirren Notice shal1 be deemed to havebeen dury served if delivered in person to the individual orto a member of the firm or to an 6fficer of the corporationfor whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by reg-istered mail to the last business address known to hiir wh6gives the Notice. 1.06 woRK. work shall mean the furnishing of alr labor, mat-erials, equipment and other incidentals ne6essary or convenientto the suceessful completion of all duties and o6rigatio.t" ir-p_os-ed by the_Contract. The Contractor sha1l not "mfloy on theworlc-any urrfit person or anyone not skilred in ttre tasi< assigneato him. wherever a certified skill is required the skilled - worker shall have a valid certificqte in his possession duringcompletion of the work. unless otherwise stiirulated, the conltractor sha1l provide and pay for all materiais, supplies,machinery, equipment, too1i, superintendence, rabor,'{-nsurance,and aII lvater, Iight r po\,eer, fuel , transportation, and otherfacilities necessary fbr the execution and compreiion of theI.Iork covered by the contract Documents. The cbntractor shal1pay all sares, consumer, use and other similar taxes, includingoccupational license or Eax- The contractor sha11 be responsible for initiating, maintainingand- supervising all safety precautions and prograis in connentlonwith the work. This shall include compliance with all applicabrelaws, ordinances,- rules, regulations and lawful orders oL'arrypublic authority having jurisdiction for the safery of persoirsor ProPerry. 1.06.01 Additional work. "Additional work" is that which re-sults from-a-EEEigE 6Elteration in the plans or speeificationsresulting in over-run work that has to be' done undei ttre contract.rt is that work which is necessarily required in the performance 9I-ttt" contracr, rhe unit price of irhicli has been esrltrlsnea lybid items 1.05.02 Extra W9EE. "Extra work" means the performance ofwork and tne f-fuinis-hing of required labor and materials outsideand entirely independent of arid not necessary to complete thecontract, or something done or furnished in Lxcess oi the re-quirements of the contract, not contemplated by the parties, andnot controlled by the eontract. No extra work shall-be startedby the conrracrol without authorizarion from rn. e"as"ie""i---.i L-07 THE PROJECT. Tt-re Project is the total .construction programprepared by the Consu,ltant of--urbicb:-€hE-ctsork.eo-6rformed::.undLr EheContract Documents may be the whole or a pait'. 1.08 I^ioRKrNG DAY AND CALENDAR DAy. Any day, exclusive of sat-urdays, Suldays, and National Holidays,-on which vreather andother conditions not under the contr6t or the contractor willpermit construction operations to proceed for a major part ofthe day with the normal working force is considere-d " workingDay. A Calendar being excepted. Day is any day of the week or month, ;o-?ays I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section G.C. 1.09 WORK ORDER- A work order is a written order issued bythe consultant requiring performance by the contractor of aha-itional work of the type and kind specified in the contractD-ocr:ments, 4ry and all work perfo:*red pursuant to a work ordershall be perforrned by the contractor at'the unit or otherwisestated prices agreed upon in the contract and sha1l not beotherwise negotiable. 1.10 CHANGE ORDER. A change order is a writren order issuedby the consultant cove-ring 6hanges or modifications or irte-fia.r"or specifications,- or both, within the scope of the contract.rn addition ro such_ changes or modifications of the plans oispecifications, or both, the change order shall set 'forth thebasis of paytrenE and time adjustm6nts, if any, for the lJorkattected by the Change Order. 1.11 SURETY. The Surety is the corporation, partnership orindividual, other than Ehe contractor, executiirg a boha iurnishedby the Contractor. 1.12 SUBSTANTTALLY COMPLETE. By rhe rerm t'subsranrially com-plete" is geant that the Work, structure, or facility ha's beenmade suitable, in the opinion of the Consultant, for'use or .occupancy, and is in dondition to serve its intended purpose,but still may require mino'miseellaneous work or adjirstinent. 1.13 COMPLETION. By the te::m "Completion" is meant that thework, structure, facility or project performed under the contractDocuments is totally complete-and in iroper working order,operati-ng.as specified. A11 warranty arid guarantee periodsshall begin aE the date of completion. 2.0a coNTRoL 0F WORK. 2-oL RxsPoNsrBrLrrY oF THE CONSIILTANT. The consultanr shalld-e91{e questions wlric! may arise as to the qualiEy and accept-ability of materials furnished, work perforried, r-ate or progressof.work, interpreration of working Driwings, pians ana sieclti-cations and alr questions as to the acceptable furfilhnent ofthe contracE Agreement on the part of the contractor. The dutiesand responsibirities of the consultant as set forth herein shallnot be extended except through written consent of the consultanEand Ehe Owner. 2.01.01.-Ob:erlration of the !trork. All materials and each partor detail-of-TEE-Tork-shaIT 6'e subject ar alr times to observa-ligg by the consultant and the ownEr, and the contractor wilr beheld strictll to the intent of rhe contract Documents in regardto quarity of materiars, workmanship, and the dirigent execitionof the contract. observations may te made at the iite or at thesource of material supply, whethel mill, plant or shop. TheconsulEant shall be alloired access to all'parts of thL work andshall be furnished with such informaEion and assistance by theContractor as is required to make his obsenrations and coirstructionreview. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t Section G.C 2-0L.02 Acceplgbilitv of Work. The Consulrant's decision as -Eg i?e acceptabiriry or adequacy of the l^Iork shall be final andbinding upon tt_re contractor. Tire contracror qsi"es to abide bythe consultant's decision relative to the perf6rmance of the !ilork. 2.01.03 con-sullantrs Decisiqns. Arl claims of the owner or thecontractor shalGE-presenrea ro rhe consulranr f;; a;;i;i;;. --'- 2-o2 ARBrrRATroN. Any controversy or craim arising out of orrelating to this contr-act, or the 6reach tttereoi, sha11 be settledby arbitration in accordance with the construetion rndusiry Aibi:tration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and'3uat-ment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may-be enierEd ,tl^::l^a:yr! having jurisdicti6n rhereof . Snoufa iti,r.-t"--;;t--ar-spuEe or any_ questioned decision of the consultant, it shalibe promptly submitted to arbitration upon demand by either partyEo- the dispute. The contractor shalr not delay th-e {ork bebauslarbitration-proceedings are pending unless tre 'stratt have writtenpernission from the consurtairt to do so and such delay "h;li-;;;exEend beyond the time when the arbirrarors sha1l hav6 opooitunityto determine whether the work shall continue or be snsp.irded E:ldiiF.decision pr_gtt-. arbirrarors of such a dispure. Any demandtor arbitration shall be in writing and shall be belivered'to theconsultant and the adverse party eitlrer by personal deiivety oi- - by registered mail addressei to the rast i<.n'own address of eich,within ten-days_of receipt of the consultant's decision, and inno event after final payurent has been made and accepted. sto"ralhe consultant fail within a reasonable period to mike a decisionregarding a claim of the ovrner or contratEor, a demand for _arbitration may then be made as if the consuitant's decision hadbeen rendered against the party demanding arbitration. 2.02-oL. Arbitrarors. No one shall be qualified to act as anarbitrator-Eho-haslllirectly any financiai inieiest in the conrracc 9r who has any business,or- family relationship with the ornmer orcontractor or the consultant. Eich arbitrator selected "ir"ii l"qualified. by experience and knowledge of the type of work i".r"r.r"ar-n the matter to be submitted to arbitration. - 2.02.02. Procedure. Arbitration shall be in accordance with theprocedure andJ-stanAards of the construction rndustry ArbitrationRures of the American Arbitration Association then 6btaining. 2-03 PLANS AND \^roRKrNc DRAwrNcs. plans will show details of allstructures, lines_grades, landscaping and a sunnary of itemsappearing.on- the Proposqr. The contiactor shall kLep one ser ofPlans available on the Work at all times. The plans may be supplemented, from time to time, by such workingDrawings as necessaly ln tle judgment of the, coniullant to adeq-"uate_ly control the !trbrk and s-ecuie its proper performance. worli-ing Drawings shall be furnished by the donirac'tor to the consultantrn_ every instance where custom materials or fabrications or equi-valent iEems are involved. I t I I T I I I I t T I I I I t I I I Section G. C.t 2: 03. 01 Wofking prawings . Additionally, inuonsultant determines that llorking DrawingsConsultant shall courmunicate su0h fact in wrtractor setting forth the scope and detail oDrawings and the time within irtrich the sameto the ConsulEant. the event theare necessary, theiting to the Con-f such lJorkingare to be submitted After submission of -any working Drawings to the consultant, heshall have a reasonablb time t6ereaftei within-which to examinethe same- The contractor shal1 not proceed with work coveredby working Drawings until such time Ls a set oi workins Drawines.reviewed by the consultant, has been returned to the C6ntr;;;;-' Jfe' lontJact.price shall include rhe cosr of furnishing allWorking Drawings. Review of l{orking Drawings by the consultant shall not relievethe contractor of his reiponiibility under the contract for thesatisfactory completion oF the Work. 2.04 coNFoRMrrY wrrH PI-ANS AND spECrFrcATroNS- A11 work per-formed and all materials furnished shalr be in reasonabl" t1o""conformity wirh the lines, grades, dimension" "tta r"i"ii"r-i.["iru-ments shown on the plans or indicated in the specifications. rn the event the consultant finds the materials or the finishedproduct in which the materials are used not wiitrin reasonableclose c-onformity with the Plans and specifications, but thatr-easonabre acceptable work has been produced, he shall then makethe determination if the work shall be accepted and remain inp1ace. In this event the Consultant will , in writing to thecontractor and ourner, state the basis for acceptance and providefor- an appropriate adjustment in the contr..t iii". for slchwork or materials as he deems necessary to confo:ur to his deter-mination based on professional judgment rn the event the consultant finds the maEerials or the finishedproduct in whieh the materials are used or the work performed-are not in reasonable elose conformity with the plani andSpecifications and have resulted in an inferior ot ,tt ""iisfactoryproduct, the l^Iork or maEerials shall be removed and replaced or'otherwise corrected by and at the expense of the contrictor. 2.05 WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE. The successful bidder mav berequired to furnish a complete sEatement of the origin, com-position and manufacture bf any or all materials anE equiprnentto be used in construction of the Work. The contractor warrants and guarantees to the owner and con-sultant thaE a1l materials aid equipment incorporated in the _P_roject s!ra1 t be new unress other:wiie specifieb, and that allwork shall be of good quality, free from fault and defects.The contracGbr fuither warrants and guarantees that alr laborperformed in the execution and compl6tion of the work shalr beperformed in a good, skilled workmlnlike manner. I I t t I I I I t I t I I T t I I T I The liarranties and. Guaranties provided in this paragraph, 2.05,and elsewhere in the contract bocuments shall bL in-aahiiion toand not in limitati-on of any other r'rarranty of guarantee or remedyrequired by law or by the Cbntract Documenis. 2.06 cONSTRUcrroN srAKES. The owner wirl through a qualifiedLand surveyor_furnish and set construction stakeE .estduti"ti"gbase lines, elevations and measure-ments necessary to the propEtprosecution of the work contracred for under theie Specifi-cati""". The contractor sharr be held responsible for the preservationof all stakes and marks, and if iny of the consiruction stakesor rnarks have been carelessly or willfully destroyed or dis-turbed-by tle contractor, th-e cost of repiacing them shal1 becharged against him. The contractor shall not proceed until he has made timely demandupon the surveyor for, and -received from him such stakes- andinstructions as may be necessary as work pnogresses. The l{orkshal1 be done in close conformity with suth Etakes and instructions 2-07 TNSPECTTONS. A11 work and marerials sharl be open at alrtimes to the inspection, acceptance or rejection of tire consuiiatrt. The contractor shal1 give Ehe consultant reasonable notice of :!ill+lq new work and shall provide reasonable and necessaryraci-lities tor in_spection, even to the extent of taking outp-ortions o! finished work; in case such work is found Eatisfactory,the cost of taking out and replacing plus 157" shall , uy apfr;:---'priate change order, be chargLd to itrb ovmer. No work- srriirbe done at night without preiious approval of the consultanE. 2.08 PRE-cONSTRUcrroN CONFERENCE. upon award of the contracrand prior to Notice to Proceed, a conierence will be conducEedwith the ovsner's representative, the conLractor, subcontractorsas the consurtant may deem advisable, and the consultant present.The purpoge of the conference is Eo correlate scheduling bf worki-tems included in _the contract, and to discuss potentiai problemswhich may affect the Work. Section G.C. 3.00 scoPE oF woRK. 3.01 CHANGES IN THE WORK.Through the Consultant, the Or,rrnermay at any time during Ehe progress of the work make arterationsto the llork provided for in- the Contract Documents without consentof.the Surety. The liork, as changed, shall be performed as iforiginally specified, and sharl ii no way invalidate the contracr.Any difference in cost shall be added to or deducted from theamount of the contract, as the case may be. Adjustments in theapoyllt-s to be paid to the contractor on account of changed workshall be determined by one of the following methods in ihe orderlisted, the earliest iisted being used unlEss impractical: I I I I t t Section G.C. I I I t I I I t I I I I I a. Unit prices submitted in the Contractor's proposalb. Unit price agreed uponc. Acceptable lump sum When in tle judgment of the Consultant it is impracticable,because of the r:rature of the changed work, to fix the anountto-be paid for i! by -aly of the a6ove merhods, the amounE. pay-able shall be adjustabrb on a Force Account basis as folloirsi a. Labor. For all labor and foremen in direct charge ofthe specific operations, the Contractor shall receiv6 theraLe-of wage (or scale) agreed upon in writing before be-ginning work for each and every hour that said labor andforemen are actually engaged iir such work. An amount of 257" of the sum of the above items will alsobe paid the Contractor to cover overhead, additional bond,property- damage and liability insurance, workment s compen-sation, insuranee premiums, unemplo)rment insurance contrib-uLions, and social securit.y taxes. b. Materials. For mat.erials accepted by the Consultantand used, the Contr.actor shall recbive the actual cost ofsuch materials delivered on the Work, including transporta-tion charges paid bI hiur (exclusive of machineiy rentilsas hereinafter set forth), to whi-ch cost 107" wiil be added. . c. When additional work on a Force Account basis is oer-formed by a Subcontraetor on the project in accordanclwith the provid.ions of a Force Account, a percentage basedon the following table will be allowed as additionil to thepercentages in a. and b. above to reimburse the DrimeContractor for the administrative expenses incuried inconneetion with the work. Bid items- in the original contractare not to be considered: to $1, 000 $1,000 to $10,000over 910,000 $1,000 $10 ,000 107" $ 100 $ss0 plus 5% excess overplus 2% excess over Approval of this additional percent.age will be nade afterreceipted invoices are furnished by the Contractor. d. ,For any machinery or special equipment (except smalltools), including fuel and lubricants, plus transportationcosts, the use of which has been authorized by the Consultant,the Contractor shall receive the rental rates agreed upon inwriting before such work is begun for the actual time thatsuch equipment is in operation on the Work. e. Miscellaneous. No additional allowance will be made forgeneral superintendences, Ehe use of smal1 too1s, or othercost for which no specific allowance is herein provided. I . Section G.C. I I I I I f-. Compensation. The Contractor,s representative andthe consultarit -shall compare records of the cost of workdone.as ordered on a Forbe Account basis. g. Statements.. Statements shall be accompanied andsupported by receipEed invoices for all materials usedand transportation charges. No payment will be made forwork performed on a Force Account basis until the Con-tractor has furnished the consultant with itemized state-ments of the cost of such Force Account work. I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I Section G.C. 4. OO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. 4.01 COI0'IENCEMENT AND coMpLETroN oF THE woRK. The conrracrorshalr cortrnence the work covered herein within ten(10) ;"1;"d;;dqy! of issuance of Notice to proceed. The contiactor shalrwithir.'r thirty (30) calendar days of Notice to proceed submitrn writing to the consultant his proposed construction schedule.The contractor shal1 then proceea iritfi the work and sharl com-prete same wirhin_ rhe peribd of rime called for in speciirProvisions - comeletion of the l,Jork - following Notite to proceedunress-the period for_completion is extended aJ herein provided.Extensions of time wirl be granted the contractor by thl ownei yrhen, -in- the opinion of the-Consultant, such time delay" "r"b-eyond the -control of the contractor being due to circimstanceswhich could not reasonably be foreseen or avoided. claims forextensions of time shall be made in writing to the consultantno later than ten (10) days after occurrenEe of the event causingthe-deray_. rn- the case o-f continuing cause of delay, ottiy o.r.- " claim within the time specified shalI be necessary. -Fairure tomake such claim within the tirne specified shall constitute waiverof any claim. 4-02 LTQUTDATED DAI,IAGE. rf the work embraced by this conrractis not Substantially conplete on or before the dite set for com-pletion of gly extension thereof, and in lieu thereof, the Con-tractor sh.a11 pay t9 the Ovmer as fixed, agreed, and iiquidateddamages, tle sum called for in special provisions - LiqriidatedDamages - f9r each calendar day br delay until l,lork is satisfac- !?Iiry completed- whatever sums may be- due the owner as liquidatedclamages_tor deray.nay be deducted from payments due the confractor,or the Contractorrs Surety. 4.03 TNTENT oF PLANS AND sPEcrFrcATroNS. Anything menrioned inthe_ SpecificaEions and not shown on the p1ans, the Specificationsshall govern. The contractor shall not take advantage of anyerrors, discrepancies, or omissions which mav exist in the piansof specifications, but sharl inrmediately cali them to the attentionof the Consultant whose interpretation br correction thereof sha11be conclusive and binding on the Contractor. 4.04 ACCEPTANCE. when in the contracror's opinion the work isc-omplete and ready for final inspection, the bontractor shallthen provide such written notice- to the consultant. upon receiptof wriEten notice that the !{ork is ready for final inspectionand acceptaneg the consultant shall promptly make such inspectionand, when he finds the lJork acceptabie ,rnaer the contract bocumentsand the contract futly performed, he shall notify the contractorof this Acceptance as'of the date of the finar inspection. Tf,how-ever, the inspection discloses any work, in whoie or in pari,as being-unsatisfactory, the consultant wilr present the contractorwith a list of items requiring correction,.ani the contractorshall _irmrediately take necesslry steps to rnake all corrections.At this point the consultant may, at-his discretion, determinethe work to be Substantial ly cofoilete. upon correciion of thel{ork, and subsequent written notice to the consultant, anotherinspection will be made which shal1 constituEe the final inspectionprovided the Work has been satisfactorily completed I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I Section G. C AJOS CLAIMS FOR ADJUSTMENT AND DISPUTE. If iN ANY CASC thccontractor deems that additional compensation is due him forwork or material not clearly covered'in the coniract or notordered by_the consultant ai additional work, itre contractorshall lotify the consultant in writing of hii intention to makeclaim for such additional compensatioi before he begins thework on which he bases the c1bim. rf such notificalion is notBlvel , and the consultant is not afforded proper facilities bythe conEractor for keeping strict accounE bf ictual cost as Tequired, then the contractor hereby agrees to waive any craimfor such additional compensation. -suc[ notice by the c6ntractor,and the fact that the consurtant has kept acco.trt of Ehe costn-s aforesaid, shal1 not be construed as^ proving or substantiatingthe validity of the c1aim. rf the claim, aftei consideration by"the-consultant., is found to be jusE, it will be paid as additionalwork as provided for herein under section t.r0 -^"change order". 4,06 wArvER. rt i-s expressly understoird and agreed that anywaiver granted by-the consultint or owner of an! term, provisionor eovenant of this contract shall not constitute a pretedent norbreach of the same or any other terms, provisions or covenants ofthis contract. Neitt-rer the acceptance bf ttre work by the ornmernor the paym-en!- of all or any pait of the sr:"rn due thb contractorhereunder, shall consEitute a waiver by the ovrner of any claimwhich the or,rrner may have against the contractor or sure"ty underhis Contract or otherwise. 4-07 ASSTGNMENT AND TMNSFER oF CONTRACT. The conrracror shallnot r_ssign or transfer this conEract or part thereof or any inter-est therein without consent in r,rriting of the ovmer and contrac-tor's Surety. The contractor will be permitted to sublet a portion of the work,but sha1l perform with his olrn organization, work amounting tonot less than 50 percent of the total contract cost, exeepE thatany-items designated in the contracL as "specialty items"'may beperformed bv _sub-contract and the cost of bny such speciarty- itemsso_performed by sub-contract may be deducted'from thl total costbetore computing the amount of work required to be performed bythe contractor with his o\dn organization. No sub-contracts, ortransfer of contract, shall release the contractor of his liabilityunder the contract and bonds. 4.08 SUPERTNTENDENCE. The contracror shall employ a comperenEsuperintendent who shall be satisfactory to the consultant, andnecessary assistants who shall be in attendance of the projectduring the progress of the Work. The superintendent sha11're-present the contractor and all conrnunications given to the super-intendent sha1l be as binding as if given to t6e contractor. - rm-Portant cormrunications will be confirmed in writing. other conm-unications will be so confirmi:d upon written request in each case. 4.09 TNSURANCE. The conrracror shall irmnediately provide andmaintain adequate workmen's compensation rnsurancb ior all laboron the work under this contract. The contractor shall also obtainand maintain Pubric Liability rnsurance with limits of one hundredthousand dollars for any one person and three hundred thousand I I t I I T I I I I I I I I I I I t t Section G.C dollars for any one accident. protection under said policiesshall extend to the owner and contractor. certifications ofsuch insurance shall be filed with the owner prior to commence-ment of operations. Proof of carriage of insurance by sub-contractors shall also be furnished. The contractor shall furnish insurance as separate policiesor by additional endorsement to one of the atove-mentionedpolicies and in the amount set forth for public Liability andProperty Damage the following insurance: Contingent LiabiliEy. Collapse of buildings or structures adjacenL to exca-vation (if excavations are to be performed adjacentt.o same. ) Damage to underground facilities.Contractor's Public Liability and Property DamageInsurance. The Contractor sirall procure ind'snEftmaintain during the life of the Contract, Contractor'sPublic Liability Insurance of not less than $100,000for injuries including accidental death, for'eachpeTson, with a-total of $300,000 for each accident;and Contractor's Property Damage Insuranee in anamount of not less than $100,000 on aecount of eachaccident with a toral liability of 9200,000.e. Automobile Insurance - Bodily Injury and property Damage. The Contractor shal1 procure and malntainduring the life of this Contratt, automobile insurancein an amount not less than $100,000 for injuries,including accidental death, to any one person andsubject to the same limit for each persbn, an amountnot less than $300,000 on account oi one aecident,and automobile.property damage insurance in an arnou.nt,:not less rhan 950,000.f. Builder's Risk. "A11 Risk" forsr of coverage insurancein the amount adequate to protect the Omei. TheBuilder's Risk poiicy shali include as additional namedinsureds, the Owner, the Consultant, and all subcontractors 4.10 PROTECTION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES AND OTITER ADJOINING PROPERTY.The Contractor shal1 take all reasonable precautions for the safetvgf, and sha1l provide all reasonable protection to prevent damage,inj_ury, or loss Eo other property at the site or adjacent thereEo,and he shall be liable foi any and all clairns for such damage onaccount of his failure to fuliv provide such protection. TheContractor shall notify all pu6lic utilicy companies forty-eighE(48)-hours_prior to the conrnlncement of any woi:t in the vicinltyof the utilities. No work sharl cournence until the utilities hivebeen located and staked by the utility company or written consentto proceed has been given by.the consulcant. 'rr utility servl,cemqs! be inEerrupted the Contractor sha1l norify the head of localadministrative services (i.e. City Manager, Mayor, City Clerk),as applicable, and utility users -affectEa by tfie int.tluption- ofservice at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to interruption.Notice sha1l consist of publication in a- local newspaper- and/or announcement on local radio or television stations. a. b. c. d. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section G.C 4.11 DAI"IAGE T0 CONSTRUCTION. The Contracror shall safeguard,until all work embraced by this contract is formally accEpted,all construcLion, boEh_ complete and incomplete, against dimageand destruction, and should damage result, tre wifl be requirEdto reconstruct or repair it at his expense in a manner conform-ing to the Plans and specifications. - rn the absence of definiteinstructions in the Plans and specifications, reconstruction shal1be in a manner suitable to the Consultant. 4.L2 PARTTAL PAYMENTS. on or abour rhe firsr of the month rheContractor shall submit to the Consultant for his approval , anapplication for payment for the previous month's poition of thework perfolmed. The application- shall be prepared in such formas approved by the consultant and supporteil by such data to sub-stantiate its correctness as the Consultant may require. Tf pay-ments are to be made for materials and/or equipmeni on the site-bg! "9!-yet incorporated in the work, the Cdntiactor shall pro-vide Bills of Sale or such other documents as necessarv Eo es-tablish the Omner's title to such materials or equipment, includ-ing applicable insurance. The Contractor shal1 ilsb warrantthat such material and/or equipment is suitable stored so as toprevent damage or destruction. If the Contractor has rnade application for paynenf as requiredabove, the Consultant shall issue a certifitate for payment toEhe Owner with a copy to the Contractor within seven cilendardays after receipt of the application for such amount as hedetermines to be properly dub, less a i-0% retainage. After theConsultant has issued a certificate for pa)rment, Ehe Owner shallmake paynent to the Contractor on or about the tenth day fo1l-owing Ehe issuance of the certificate for payment. 4.L3 FINAL PAYMENT. Upon acceprance of the complered Work bythe ConsultanE, he shall certifv to the Owner th-at the whole - VJork provided for in this contrbct has been completed and acceptedby him under the conditions and terms of the Contract Docr:urenti,and he shall approve the final estimare of the Work and issue afinal cercifica.te of pa)rment. whereupon the entire balance foundto be due to the Contractor, including said retained percentagebut-excepting such sum as may be reLained lawfully by-said Owner,shall be paid.to the Contractor by the Ovmer in a-ccoidance withthe Contract Agreement and exisEing State 1aw. Before pa)rmentof the final estimate, the ContracEor shall submit evidbntesatisfactory to the Owner that all payrolls, material bilIs,.and outstanding indebtedness in connection with this Contract !ave_been paid. Neither the Certificate of Acceptance nor thefinal paymenE shall relieve the Contractor of thl obligationsof any provision in the Contract Docurnents or for fulfillmentof any r^rarranty which may be required in the Contract. 4.L4 INDEMNITY. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and save the Owner harmless against all claims of third'parties brising out ofthe construction. This protection sha1l inl.1ude, buE not belimited to, the following: claims or liens of mechanics ormaterials men, claims for personal injury or property damages,claims of patent infringements or the use of any- articles, - gaterial, equipment or process that may be patented, and claimstor injuries to workmen': employed in the construction. I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I Section G.C. 4.r5 r-Aws AND ORDTNANCES. The conEracror shal1 ar al1 rimesobserve and comply wirh all Federal, state and local taws, -- ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect thecontract or work and shall indemnify and save harmless theOwner.against.any craim arising_frorn the viorations of anysuch laws, ordinances, and regulations, whether by the Con_tractor or his employees, except where such violations arecalled for by the- prirvision of' the Contract Docurnencs. rf the contractor-performs any work, knowing it to be contraryto - such laws , ordinances , ru1-es and regulatlons, and without " written notice to the Consultant, he shal1 bear all costsarising therefrom. 4.16 CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE. The Contracror shall supply rothe owner on the form provided, a guarantee that a.ry pbition ofthe work failing to operate properly will be replacla^,ot repairedat no cost to the ovrner for one (1) year from dlte of complLtionand further that any individual item- of work requiring reiairor replacement during _the aEove guarantee period shall carrya similar guarantee of -one (1) year from the date of i-ts reiairor replacement. rn addition, the contractor shall be responsiblefor furnishing three printed sets of detailed plans and specifica-tions concerning the operation and maintenance of any meciranicalor electrical equipment and including enough detail io verifycompliance with the intent of the specificltions. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I T I Section G.C. i.tt coNSTRUCTToN GUAMNTEE FoRM. CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE The Contractor does hereby guarantee to the Orrner, that any equipment, materials or other products involved in the \^lork, including the completed Work or any part thereof, failing to operate properly shall be replaced or repaired at no cost to the Owner for a period of one (1) year from the date of eom- pletion and acceptance of the work; further, Lhat any. indivi- dual item of equipment, material , and/or workmanship requiring repair, replacement or correction during the above guarantee period shal1 be similarly guaranteed for a period of one (l) year from date of said repair, replacement or correction. A11 repairs, replacements or corrections shall be commenced within a reasonable time after notice of such deficiencies, and what eonstitutes a reasonable period of time sha1l be corlstrued in light of the magnitude and exigency of the need for such repair, replacement or correction. Authroized Representative of Contractor Date I I I Section G.C. 5.OO INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS. 5.01 rNvrrATroN FOR BrDS. sealed proposals wirl be received andopened publicly at I I at rtraEerr_ars anct the Iabor and equipment innecessary for the construction specified for the furnishing of allperforming all operationsherein for the " I I I I t I T P1ans and Specifications are available from for per set.A refund of will be made to bidders, contingent upon return of plansana-Epecifications in good condiiion witfrin teit (ro) days afi-i---award of Contract. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bid bond or certified checkin the amount of 107. of the proposal . The proposal Guarantiesaccompanying the,three lowest proposals may be held until thecontract is award_ed,_providea trrii period ioes not exceed thirtycalendar d"yg, The Proposal Guaranties accompanying the otherproposars will be returned promprly afrer the- biil piices havebeen compared. The or,rrner reserves the right to rej ect any or all proposals oraccept whaE is, in his judgment, the best'bid. The Proposal and Proposal Guarantee must be placed in one enve-lope securely sealed therein and labeled: " - tl I I I I I I I 5.02 AWARD OF CONTMCT AND FURNISHING oF PERF0RMANCE BOND. Thecontraet will be awarded as soon as practicable, to the lowestresp-onsibre b.idder whose proposal complies with the requirementsof tlre doeument, provided- this proposal is reasonable dnd it is inthe interest of Ehe Owner to accept it. The owner reserves the right, based on consideration of all factorsinvorved, to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informalityin proposals received. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a oerfollnanceand-payrrent bond executed as surety by a corporation authorizedto issue surety bonds in the State-of Colorado and satisfactoryto the Owner. Such bond shall be in a penal sum equal to Cheamount of the contract priee conditioned upon the ferformanceof the Contractor of all undertakings, cov-enants, te:ms condi-tion,s, and agreements of the contraat; and upon prpmpt paymentot the Contractor to all persons supplying labor and materialsin the prosecution of the work provliled in the documents. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I Section G.C. rn addition, the bond shall provide that if the contractor orhis sub-contractor fails to duly pay for any 1abor, materials,Eetm-hire, sustenance, taxes, provibions, piovender or othersupplies used or consumed by sirch contractbr or his sub-contrac-Eor-in performance of the wbrk conEracted to be done, the suretywill_pay the same in an amount not exceeding the sum-specified'in the bond, together with interest at the iate of eigirt percent Per annlrlD, 5.03 LIST 0F SUPPLIERS AND SUB-CONTMCTORS. The successfulbidder should at the time of the pre-construction conferencesubnit to the Consultant a complete list of suppliers of allmaterials and equipment, and a list of all sublcontractors,itemized as to the items of work to be done by each sub-contractor. t t I I t T T I I I I I I I I t I t I 5.04 NorrcE To BTDDERS. rt is recorrnended that bidders on thisproject go over the specification details with the owner's repre-sentative of this project: Section G-C. The ProjecL site will be shown to all interested Contractorsmeeting at only on the Unless otherwise specified, all materials which will become apart of the completed work shall be new and shall conform to thespecifications referred to herein Whenever an item of equipment or material is specified by abrand or manufacturer ts name, the Contractor shall determinebid prices on the basis of said specification and said bidprices shall be used in determiniirg rhe low bidder. Equipment and materials specified by a brand or manufacturer's name is so specified to define a desired result and to insureconpetitive bidding on an equal basis; however, dry specifica-tion of equipment or material so specified shall b-e cbnsideredto be followed by the words "or equal" whether or not the words"o-r eqr13|" appeli with the specification. The Contractor shal1make diligenE effort to procure the specified materials from ?ly anq all, sources, but where materials required by the Spec-ifications become unavailable, substitute materials-may be' used,provided that no substitute materials shall be used withoutwritten approval of the Consultant, said written approval Eostate the amount of the adjustment, if any, to be made in favorof the Owner. The Consultant's determination as to whethersubstitution shall be permitted and as to what substitutematerials may be used shal1 be final and conclusive. If thesubstitute materials may be used shall be final and conclusive.If the substitute materials approved are of less value to the Ovrner or involve less cost to the Contractor than the materialsspecified, an adjustmenE shall be made in favor of the Owner byan appropriate change order. The cost of furnishing, transporting, sforing arid otherwisehandling material shall be included in the bid price regardlessof whether the material is an item specifically- covered-by a bidprice or is included in the bid price for work in which thematerial is required. I t Section G.C. 5.05 PRoPoSAL FoR CoNTMcT AGRIEMENT Proposal to I I The undersigned is skilled and experienced inpretation of -plans - and specifieations. Havingthe plans and specifications for , hereinafter ca1led the Owner. the use and inter-carefully reviewed t I I I t I I I I t t t as prepared by the sultant an::'p'=81:rq Dy Lne uonsurEanc an(t rr-ncling them tree ot ambiguitiesand sutticient for bid purpose;- further, having carefully eiaminedthe site of the work and. trom his own ohserwaii or.o lrrc cariofiai, having carefully examinedthe site of the work and, 'from'his own observaEio""l-rri"'";-ii;Fi;;himself as to the nature and location of the work, the chara.t.r,quality and quantiEy of materials, and the diffi.,ttt:-"" iit.iy-i6be encountered, and other items which may affect the pert"m"ice-of the work, the.undersigned-purposes to"furnish all iabor, .quipr.ntmaterial, superv_ision, technical- and professional services'req^uiiedro complete the work in srrict accordince with the contract Docu-ments ac-cepEing in fu1l pa)rment the prices stated opposite res-pective bid items conrained in rhe attached Bid Schbdule. The pldersigned has based his bid solely on Ehe contract Documentsand his observations and has not relied- in any way on any explana-tion. or inte_rpretation, oral or written, from- any other iourte;further, he has carefully checked all figures entered in the pro- pgggr Form schedule -of Quantities and prices and agrees the ownerwi-rl, not be responsible for any errors or omissionE on the partof.Ehe undersigned in preparing his proposal . Any discrepaircywhich exists between the bid piices is itro'"rn in wilrds and'num6ersthe value shown in_words shali govern. The undersigned in no wayassumes liability for negligence of the Consultant. The undersi_gned certifies that this proposal will not be with-drarnm .for thirty (30) days afrer bid-opining. If awarded rhecontract, the undersigned agrees to ex-ecute-said contract Agree-ment and Eo furnish the specified bond and duplicate policiEsof insurance as required Fy tr," General conditions of'the spec-ifications within ten (10)- calendar days from and after the^ dateof written notice of award and submission of said ContractAgreement by the Ornzner. Attached hereto and made part of this proposal by reference arethe following:(a) Proposal Form Schedule of Quantities and prices(b) Bid Bond or Cerrified Check(c) Acknowledged Addend 'ms (if any) I t I Firm Name and Address Signature of Presiding Officer Date of Proposal Corporation)(Corporate Seal of I T t I t I T I I I I I I I I I t I I Section G.C. 5.07 CONTRA THIS CONTMCT, made and entered into as of by and between hereinafter ca1led the OllNER, and hereinafter called rhe CONTMCTOR- WITNESSETIT, thar the parties agree as follows: 1)- Yo=rk to be performed. The Contractor agrees to furnish :ll 1?b?r, supervision, technical , and professional services,materr-ars, and equiprnent required Eo complete and agrees Eo .rcomplete the work, described as " tl in accordance with the Contraet Documents. 2) contract Price. The owner agrees to pay the contractor forthe FatlsE-ctoi!-Eompletion of tf,e vrork, ln'a trre conrractor asreest,o accepr as full and complete compensation for perfor*ance oFthe work, the rates and piices stated in proposai s.h"dnle ofQuantities and Prices subject to any additions, deductions, orb-ot!., provided for elsewhere in thii contracr. Such paymentshall be made in accordance with the procedure stated'iir par- lSraphs 4.12 - Partial Payments - and- 4.13 - Final palm.ent -General Conditions. rN wrrNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contractas of the day and year first herein above written. ATTEST: Owner ATTEST: o CT AGREEMENT by by contractor I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I I I t I o NGS:PLAY FACILITY, REDS o ANDSTONE K-4 SCHOOLLIST OF lof2of3of4of5of5of7of8of9of 10 of DRAWI 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 IO Site Plan Layout Plan Grading PlanSite Plan Cross Section!ial1 & Footer PlanStair DetailsRailing Plan DetailsElectrical Plan Landscape Plan I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I SECTION R.G. RESTOMTION OF GROUNDS 0'00 GENERAL. Restorarion of grounds (hereinafter carredclean-up) shall be a continuous"process'rtor-pioiect sEart-!p to Final Acceprance of the woit uy the con'suii.nt. TheContractor shaIl, at_all times, keep properry on which Worki". .tr progress free from accumulatibn^ of'rr"t" materiar orT!?+"h caused by employees or caused Uy if,--w"ri, and hesnarr carry on a constant _program to maintain plant areas,structure sites, rights-of-ways, and the surfate of sEreetsano roads j-n a condition satisfactory to the appropriateauthori_t_y, granror of the rights-of -rry, ""a ii'lr,e Consul_tant. Upon completion of the Work, th-e Contractor shallrernove all remaining rubbish, tools, equipment, scaffoldsand surplus mate{iars from the job ind'lelve ihe-work.areaclean and free of debris. The tonsulrant sttaii-te the sore ]udpe aq to whether streets, roads or property have beenrestored to a condition as good or betier^ ttrai "t trr. startof construction. preriminaiy clean-up sha11 b.-.orr*"rrced assoon as the construction site is occupied by the contractor !::.1:dllg. his employees, "nppii.", m-ateriai or equipment)ancr shall be a cont-inu-ou9-process, if necessary, in brder thatthe site of the work shall'have an appearance ind/"r-riiiity--equal to or better than the start of^^ttre hrork. I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I t I t SECTION E.W. EARTHWORK 0.00 DESCRTPTTON. This rnrork shall consist of excavation,disposal, compaction, haul or borrow of all material encoun-tered- or required within the limits of the work, necessarytor the construction_of ramps, wa1ks, retaining wal1s, or-o.theT-requireuents of these specifications in Iccordance withthe lines, grades and cross-sbctions shown on the plans oras staked by the consultanE. common excavation shbtt consistot the excavation and disposal of all materials encounteredin- the work, including suiface and subsurface boulders, unlessotherwise noted. 1.00 CLEARTNG AND GRUBBTNG. prior to beginning any excavationor embankment construction, alr necessary-crearing Lnd grubbingshall.have bee! performed. This shatl iirclude clEaringl grubblng,removing-and disposing of all vegetation and debris wiitrin therr-mits ot construction as indicated on the plans or required bvthe-work, except such objects as are designated to remiin or "r"to be removed in accordance with other sections of these specifi-cations or as shornm on the Plans. This work shall include- thePreservation from damage or defacement of all vegetation andobjects designated to remein. 2'00 coNSTRUcrroN REQUTREMENTS. The excavarion and embankmenrsrequired shall be finished to smooth and uniform surfaces. Mat-erials shall noE be wasted without permission of the consultant.The consurtant reserves the right tb make minor changes in graderines, cut slopes or fill linei during the progr.ss 5f the iork. 2.01 EARTHWORK - coMMON ExcAVATroN. Marerial ourside of theliurits of slopes will not be disturbed. prior to beginninggrading operations in any area, al1 neeessary cleariig and-grubbing in that area shall have been perforired in acEordancewith these specifications. The contrattor shall nor excavatebeyond the dimensions and elevations established. couunon excavation sha1l include all materials of whatever natureencountered in the work. Where excavation to the finished gradedsection results in a sub-grade of unsuiEable material, the - Engineer may yequire the Contractor to remove the unsuitablematerials and backfill to the finished grade with approved material . The consul t anr -rnay -,de s-ignat e :a s,unsuf,bab l e:iEbo s e, :rnat erial d. .,tletr i -mental to'the finished ramp, walk, or structure. All unsuitablematerial shal1 be disposed of as directed. Unless otherwisespecified, rock shall-be excavated to a minimum depth of 6 inchesbelow sub-grade within the limits of the work, and- the excavationbackfilled with material designated on the plans or approved bythe Consultant. I I t I I I I I t l I I I I I I I I t Section E.W. 2-oz EARTHI4TORK - EMBANKMENT coNSTRUcrroN. Embankmenr construc_tion sha11 consist of constructing ramp, wal_k or structure embank- l:":::^11"1:'9i"9_prepara.ion of tfre "rbis rrpo.,-rtt.h they-ai;-|J'be praced.; the pracing and compacting of approved materih ,itrrinramp' wark or structure areas .here unsuitbLle material has been'removed; and the p1-acing and compaeting of approvea rnaterial inho1es, pits, and'other-depressioirs wit6in thl'work .;;;:--o"ry^^approved materials sharl Le used in the construction of embani-ments and backfills. when the source of embankment material is not designated on thep1ans, approvar of the source will be r.q"ii"a-uv Ir,. consutiant.Approved borrow mareriar sha11 not be prdcea ""tir all avail;bi;suitable common Excavation and structuial Excavation has b;;;--- -praced in the embankment or fill. rf the conir."tor places moreborrow than is reqgired and thereby causes " r""i. or^suitalLe-- :I::":,tion material, the amount of such wasre shall Ue deauciearrom the borrow volrrme. A11 embankment material shall be compacted to 95% relative com-Paction,_dry-density as determined in accordance with standardrroccor Densitv, The moisture content to be used in compaction or embankmentsshalI be as ordered by tle consultant to obtain the percent ofrerative compaction r-equired for the embankrneni materiar. Except for rock embankments, all embankment materials shall bedeposited in -l_ayers not exceeding eight inches of thickness beforecompactioq. when approved embankmeni materiar consists predom-inantly of rock roo-1arge ro be ptaced in eight-inch riyli"l-Crr"consultant may permit the materiil to be plaEed in maximun layertnr-ckness not to exceed two feet and the placing of occasionaiboulders of sizes larger than the maximum layer"thickness. How_ever,.each layer shall be leveled and smoothed with suitablereveri-ng equipment and by distribution of spalls and finer frag-.ments or earth. Embankment.s consisting predominantly of- rock larger than eighti?glr:.in greatest diileirsion sttatt not be "o""trit"ted above anerevation rwo feet below the finisired suu-t;;;;. The balanceof the embankmenr shal1 b; ;o;;;"ed of ""iE"ti" mareriar smoorhedand placed in layers nor exceeding eighr i";h;; in roose rhick-ness and compacted as specified. Durnping and rolling areas shall be kept separate, and no liftshall be covered.by_alother untii compaction complyi.,g ,iih-rl,"tpreviously descri-bba is obtained_ Where eubankment is_to be placed and-compaeted and end dumpingi: pgryitted, rhe- sropes oi ttt.-o=iginar' ground-or embankmentsha1l be deepry plowe^d or ",ri--i'to Eefore""t"iii'g end dumping. I t t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Section E. !,1. whenever embankment. can be deposited on one side only of retainingwalls, or similar structures, care sharl be taken th-at the area ( immediately adjacent to the structure is noE compacted to theextent that it will eause overturning of or exceisive pressureagainst the structure. when embankment is to be placeb on bothsides of a concreEe wa1I or structure, the operation shalr beso conducqed that the embankmenE is always. at approximatelythe same elevation on both sides of the itructui-L. 2,03 EARTHWORK - BORROW. Borrow shall consist of approvedmateri-als required for the construction of embankments, backfillaTd other portions of the work. Borrow may be obtained bywidening cuts on the Project, from other locations within- thelimits of the work or from outside sources as approved uy ttreConsultant. A1l borrohT areas shal1 be bladed and reft in such shape as top-ermlt accurate measurements after excavating has been completed.The finished borrow areas shal1 be approxiuraEeiy tme to lineand grade established or specified ani shall be'finished sothaE no water will collect or stand therein- 2.04 ROUGH GMDE. A11 spot elevarions and proposed contoursshor"rn on the Plans repres-ent finish grades. 'Roirgh grading shalla11ow for the pracement of 6" (six iiches) of toi"oll in iccord-ance with other sections of these specifications. 3. OO TECHNICAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS 3.01 urr]-rrY sERVrcE LTNES. utiliry service rines (sewer, warerand electrie) are located in their approximate position on thePlans_- Line depths are nor known. it shalr be the obrigation ofthe contractor to locate and protect these lines unless i deter-mination is made to relocate iame. rf relocation is required,extra payment for the required work will be made on a negotiatedprice basis. 3.02' ExcESS EXCAVATED I'IATERTAL. Excess excavared mareriar shal1become the property of the conEractor and shal1 be his responsibilityt.o renove same. from the sit.e. However the Owner reserves the rightto pick and choose excess excavated rocks Eo remain on siEeHandling and placement of these rocks will be paid for as anexEra item and payment will be made on a negotiated price basis. t I I I I I T I I T t I I I T I I I I SECTION S . E. STRUCTURE EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL 0.00 DESCRTPTTON. This work shall consist of the excavationan{ {19gosa1 of excess material so developed, backfill, beddingand fi1ler material required for the construction of siructnr"S,all in accordance with these specifications and in reasonable ,close conformity with the lineL and grades shown on the plans,or as established. site excavation and corrnon earthwork shall be completed beforestructure excavation and backfill is connnenced. structureexcavation and backfill shall include only that work requiredbelow the elevation of the final site preiararion or griding. unless otherwise specified, sEructure excavation shalI includeall pumping, bailing, draining, sheeting, bracing, sheet piling,and incidentals required for proper execution of-the work. 1.00 MATERTALS FoR STRUCTURE BACKFTLL. srructure backfirt shallbe composed of materials designated as crass A, class B, or classc. The Plans indicate the use of base-course aggregate or classC backfi11. However with rhe Consultant approvil Class A or Bbackfill sha1l be permitred. 1-01 cLASs A srRUcruRE BACKFTLL. class A sLrucrure backfill !ltf] be composed of suitable marerials developed on rhe project.rf the material contains rock fragments that in the opinibn 6fthe ConsultanE will be injurious Eo the structure, the nativematerial will not be used for backfilling and the contractor willbe required to furnish class B structure-backfill material. L.02 CLASS B STRUCTURE BACKFILL. Class B srrucrure backfillsha1l be composed of materials from excavations, borrow areas,or other sources. This material shall conform to the followingrequirements when tested wiEh laboratory sieves: Sieve Designation % by Weight PassingLab. Sieves r00 30 - r00 60 max.5-20 In addition, this material shall have a liquid lirnit not ex-ceeding 35 and a plasticity index of not over 6 when determinedin conformiry with AASHO T89 and T90. 2- inch No. 4No. 50No. 200 To be I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Section S.E be suiEable for use under this classification, backfill shallfree of frozen lumps, wood or other organic material . 1.03 CLASS c STRUCTURE BACKFTLL. class c srrucrure baekfillshal1 consisE of.crusled stone, crusbed slag, crushed gr.rr"t,or natural- gravel conforming to the followiig requiremEnts whentested with laboratorv sieves. Sieve Desighation 3/4 inch No. 4No. 8No. 200 In addition, this material shallceeding 30 and a plast.icity indexin conformity with AASHO T89 and 7. by Weight PassingLab. Sieves 10030-60 25_505-L2 have a liquid limit not ex-of not over 6 when determined T90. 2.00 CONSTRUCTTON REQUTREMENTS. Poor foundarion mareriar shallbe removed as directed by the consultant below the normal de-signated elevation. Material removed below designed erevationshall be replaeed with approved material !trhere T9ck, hardpan or other unyielding material is encounteredit shall be the decision of the- consulEant to either remove thematerial Eo the designed erevation, or to raise the foundationelevation, or otherwlse re"olve the condition. Backfilling shall consist of placing materials in rayers of notmore than 6 inches and compacting them to the requirld densitybefore successive layers aie placed. structure backfirl clasic sha11 be compaeEed-to a denlity of not less than 95 percent ofmaximum density determined in accordance standard proctor Density. penslty requirements will not apply for Class A and Class Bbackfill materials which as det-eiurined by the c-onsultant cannot.betested. The Gonsuttantr.can,if he so. orders,.,-rsq11i1;s 95, percentcompaction for Class A and Class B backfill maEerials, it tnematerial can be tested. Excessive use of \,rater during backfilling operations will notbe permitted. Backfill shall not be placed against newly constructed masonryor concreLe structures for a period of L4 days unless authoriLed. unless ot.herwise indicated on Ehe Plans or directed, all sheeEing ,and lracing used in making structure excavation sha1l be removed-by the Contractor prior to backfilling. t I I I I I t I I I T I T I t t I I I Section s.E. O 3.OO TECHNICAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS. 3'01 OVER ExcAVATroN. over excavation beneath any structureshall be backfilled with class c backfill with 95 percenr com-paction. 3'02 sorl,s ANALYSTS. A11 excavarion, backfill, and foundarionsoirs will be inspected and approved by the consultant and/orthe Ourner's soils engineer pri-or to any structural forming orplacement of concrete, timbers or gabions. I I I t I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I SECTION EL.I^I. ELECTRICAL WORK ELECTRICAI, 0.00 DEScRrPTroN. rt is the inEent of this specificarion Eodescribe the complete,electrical installation, including mat-erials used, applicable codes, all power, conirol, and Ippurt-enances, accessories, and equipment connections necessary fortle system to function as sfecified in this and other sectionsof the specifications The work to be performed in accordance with the requiremenrsof this section consists of furnishing and installing of allelectrical work required by the drawiigs and specifiEationsfor all por^rer, conirols, aira indicatin[ f:_gtts. The work shalr also include Ehe performance and installationof such necessary-work, and the providing of such necessarymaterial , and devices, of a minor nature EhaE are neitherindicated on Lhe drawings, nor specifically mentioned in thespe-cifications, but which are ne-cessary for the compliancewith the codes, and for the successful-operation of'the en-tire electrical and c_ontrol system indicited on the drawingsand/or deseribed in the speciiications. The contractor willbe allowed no extra compensation because of this requirement. 1-00 MATERTALS. Elecrricar equipment and fixtures other rhanare furnished wich equipment specifi-ed elsewhere, shalr be asindicated on the drawings, or is specified herein. A11 elec-trical . equipment Shall-:be approvea :by :t-he -uede-r.witeer, s Lab -oratories, shall meet the r'eluiremeirts of appriCible coaEsland shal1 conform to NEMA standards Al1 minor items of electrical apparatus which are furnishedwith the various items of equipmbnt but whieh are neitherdetailed on the drawings noi set forth in the specificationsshall be consi-dered pait of the electrical work. 2.00 GENERAL. A11 elecrrieal materials shall be new andshall not be installed in a damaged condition. The contracLorshall-be responsible for Ehe dellvery and safe storage of hismaterials and -equipment and shall arrange !o have maEerialsderi-vered to the job at such stages of the construction aswill expediate the work as a whole. 3.00 INSTALLA,TION. A11 work shall be done in accordancewith best recognized modern practice and shall conform tothe 1978 National Erectrical-code, and to any revisions tothe Code by the local authority. If any conflict occursbetween the above rules and this specification, the rules t I I I t I I t I I I I T I I I Section EL.W. are to govern. The Contractor sha1l accept this conditionupon submitting his proposal and no extra payment will beall.owed in order to conforE to this condition. 4'00 PERMrrs AND FEES. The contractor shalr obrain anvneeessary perrnits for the inspection and installation ofthe work and shalr pay all fels in connection therewith.Aft.er all required blLctricar work has r.en -orjieted in amanner satisfactory to the Consultant,. the Contlactor,when-lequired, sha11 pr-ocure from the proper authority acertificate approving- the work and delivei it to the bonsultant. 5.00 TESTTNG. when the entire electrical and control systemshave been_completed, the contractor shalr carefulry tesi'ih; - wiring. The contractor wilr be required to furnisir all appar-atus necesqary for the testing and -shall have the sysEems^ inqroper condirion for service with all circuits suitlbly identi-fie$.and-tagged. The sysrems shal1 le ."iiieiy-fr." from unin-tention_al grounds, shorl circuits, and any othLr defects. Afterthe.lighting fixtures, controls, and all -other current consumi_ngdevices have been connected to the system, the contractor shallagain go over the systems and satisfy the Consultant as totheir proper operation 6.00 EQUTPMENT AND MATERTAL Lrsr. Before ordering any marerialor equipment, Ehe contractor sharl submit to the donsultant a :?mp,lete equipment and material list showing make, type and rnan-utacEurer's name and trade designation of all the eli:ttriealmateriars and equipment he proposes to use. This list shallbe accompanied !r ttre manufacturer's specifications for eachrtem ot material, and such other detailed information as theconsultant may require. For equipment that is di-ffeient ihanEne brand or make specified, the contractor must submit proofof similarity and eiluality. Tlg" lpp.oved; .this- lisr sha1l be an addition ro rhese spec-ifications, and shall be of equal force in that no variationwill be permitted except wi_th'Ehe written approval of theConsultant. l-00 DRAWTNGS. The contractor shall examine the drawings andspecifieations to determine the locations and extent of Ittthe equipment to be connected to the electri-cal control system. I l,l: -Ioc?tions of equipment shown on rhe drawings are rhe appro-I xi-mate rocations, and the Contractor sha1l insEall them so- that I I I I I t I I I I I T I I I I I I I I t bection EL.W. they are syrnmetrical in their respective areas. He shall checkthe.equipment drawings furnished Ly the equipment manufacturerto determine the coriect location ior roughiirg in the outletsfor the connections to the various items 5f e[uipment. Thechanging of the location of the outlets to cotifoir to Eheseconditions and any other minor changes of the location ofoutlets required shall be considered as a requirement of thiscontract and no extra charge wilr be alrowed'for such work. 8.00 CUTTING, PATCHING, AND TRENCHING. lJhen cutrins-patehing, and trenching'is iequired, it striif U"-io"E'i,a neat workman-1ike manner. 9.00 wrRE AND CABLE. lJire and cable of the size, wire number,and- type sEown on Ehe drawings sha1l be furnished and installedas hereinafter specified A11 wire and cable, unless otherwise specified, shall becopper, Insulated for 600 vo1ts, and sha11 eonform to thelatest_requirements of the nati6nal Electrical Code, "rrdmeet all applicable specificarions of the ASTM. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t t I SECTION A.G. AGGREGATE BASE COURSE AND SUB-BASE COURSE 0.00 DESCRTPTTON. This work shalr consisr of furnishingand^placing one or more courses of aggregate on a p."p"rEdsurface in accordance with these "peElriE"tions in reason-able close conformity with the lin?:s, grades and typicalcross-sections shown on the plans or eitablished by'theConsultant in the field 1.00 CONSTRUCTI0N REQUIREMENTS. The eompacred aggregarebase course and sub-base course shal1 be tonstr.r.[Ea fn atleast two rayers of approximate equal thickness or as indi-cated on the plans. The maximr:m Compacted thickness of anyone layer shall not exceed six inchei (6"). compaction of eaeh larer shal1 continue until a density ofnot less than ninety-iive (95) percent of the maximr:m fensitydeLe:srined in accordance with eirstto r 190 Method c or Method-D has been achieved. The surface of each rayer sharl be main-tained during the compaction operations in sirch a manner thata uniform texture - is produced ind the aggregates firmly k;t;JI,Iater shall be uniformly applied during-Eomiaction in Ehe amountnecessary for proper consoiidation. The soil aggregate material shall conform ro AASH0 standardspecification Designation I'I L47-65 or latest applicablerevision. when two different -aggregate sizes are called for on the plans,the first layer Eo b--placed sharl be classified as sub-b'aseaggregate and shall conform to the requirements described here-in. The second shall be classified as' base-course aggregaEeand meet the following requirements: PERCENTAGE BY WEIGHT PASSING SQUARE MESH, SIEVES Sieve Size 11/2 inchI inch3/4 inch No. 4No. 8No. 200 Sub-Base Course Aggregates 100 95 - 100 30-70 Base-Course Aggregates 10030-6025-505-125-15 I t I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I o SECTION C .I,'. CONCRETE WORK 1.00 GENERAL- This section shall include all items of plainor reinforced concrete, The contractor shall furnish all 1abor, material , equipment andincidentals required for the instarlation of alt'steevLs, "rr.hor",bolts and embedded items. 1.01 APPLTCABLE coDE. For concrete requirements or standardsnot.specifically stated or reasonable iriplied in these specifi-cations and/or plans, parLs 1, 2, and 3 bt the American borr"r.telnstitute "Building code Requirements for Reinforced concreteACI 318-71" shall apply and -are hereby made a part of, thespecifications to the same extent as ir it werL written herein.rn case of conflict between these specifications and/oi fr"""and ACI 318-71, the specifications itatt govern. 2.00 SHOP DMWINGS. The Contracror shall submir three (3)copies each of bar schedules, bending diagrams, reinforcing anderection.drawings to the consultant for review for all reiiforcingsteel and for all pre-cast concrete components prior to fabricatibn. 3.00 coNcRETE TEsrs. 6" x 12" cylinders shall be taken at rhepoint.of placing in the forms, shall be job cured, and tested inaccordanee with ASTM standards by the coi.sultant. For eachsErength.of concrete used take one set of four (4) cylinders ofg19h d9y's pour but not less than one set of cyiindeis for.eachr00 cubic yards.potired. Test rwo (?) cylinders ar seven (7) daysalrd tw9 (2) cylinders ar rwenry-eight (28) days. In addirion, " when-, in the opinion of the coirsurEant, tlere'is a possibilitvot the surrounding air temperature falring below 40- degress F. ,additional specimens to be- cured under jo6 conditions iay berequired. 3.01 ENFORCEMENT OF STRENGTH REQU]RIMENTS. Should the slrengthsshown-by Ehe test specimens farl below the specified values, ih"consultant shall have the right to require changes in proportionsto apply on the remainder of-the work. rn the event of failure of test speeimens for any portion of thewolk which, in the opinion of the- Consultant, wiil' endanger thesafety of the structure; a sample core shal 1 be eut from"thatportion of the structure and subjected to a standard compressiontest. If the results of this teit are not satisfactory, anyportion of the structure found to be inadequate may be- orderedstrengthened or replaced, and the costs of -this remedial worksha1l be borne by the Contractor. I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I ,Section C.I^I.o 4.OO MATERIALS 3'02 RECORD oF I,JORK. The contractor shall keep a record. oftime, date, and location of each concrete pour and submit theserecords to the ConsultanE. 3-03 NOTrcE oF TNTENTTON To pouR. The contracror shall norifvthe consultant ar leasr 48 hours before an intended casi-i;:;i;".concrete pggr.- No structural cast-in-p1ace conerete shall bLpoured until all reinforcing, forms, "nd foundation soils havebeen inspected by the Consultant. A. cement: A11 cement shalr be portland cement Type r or TvpeIr-gg"Ig:ring ro "specificarions for porrland cemeir't" (AaTM"-C 150-62). - T-ype_III cement may not be used except upon writtenapproval of the consultant. uie the same brand lemeirt for arlexposed cast-in-place concreEe. L.lao.,g_Aggregate: Fine and coarse aggregate shall conformto "specification for concrere AggregarEi" I,q,sru c33-6tr). Fineaggregate shall be c1ean, hard, natuiat and'free from ati foreignmatter. coarse aggregate shall be sound, crushed rock or gr"r"i,free from adherent-coating, organic water, or injurious amountsof flat or friable piecesi Th; maximum size of Lggregate shalrbe I Ll2 inches. c. water: water used in mixing concrete shall be portable, cleanand free from deleterious amounEs of oil, acids, aricalis, ""aorganic matter. D. Admixtures: "Protex" as manufactured by protex rndustries,rnc., and conforming to "specifications for-Air-Entraining Ad-'mixtures for concrete" (ASTM cz6o> is an approved air-enirainingadmixtures. other admixtures for retarding'br accel"r.tittg--;rr--crete may be used in strict accordance with the manufacturEr'srecoumendations and ASTM speeifications upon approval of theConsultant. T. storage of Materials: cement and aggregates shall be storedin such a manner as to prevent deteriorilioi or intrusion offoreign matter. Any maierial which has deteriorated or which hasbeen damaged shall not be used for concreEe. 4. OI CONCRETE MIX. +.. Proporti-ons: Concrete is to be proportioned according toraboratory designed mixes using the typ^e of aggregat.e and"producingthe minimum of twenty-eight (26) days- uttimate-coipressive srrengrhof 3000 psi. 411 coircreie shari be-made with stone aggregare un-less specifically noted, and no concrete sha1l have a-Ig davcompressive strength of less than 3000 psi. l. Lab Designed Mix: Prior to the beginning of the work, thecontractor sha11 submit a statement of the pioportions proposedfor the concrete mixture, including the "ggi"glt" sieve analysis. I I I I I t I I I I T t I t I I t I t Section C.W. This shal1 be accompanied !y a report in detail from the con- :T::: supplier.or. an_inspection slrvice showing rhe maximumslump test, and Ehe 7 and 28 day concrete strengths obtainedwhen using the materi-als- proposed for the r"rt.-"-tt" "tr-rrgir,determinations shall be bbseb on not ress than three (3) con-crete test specimens,for each age. strength shall be'1s7"greater than that called for on the Drawiigs. No substitutionshall be made in the materials used on the"work-r^litho,rt addi-tional Eest in accordance herewith to show that the quality ofthe concrete is satisfactory. A11 streniit -i."t" shall be madein accordance with ASTM standards. c. cement and Ialater content: The minimum quantity of cementused per culic yard of concrete shall ae S i/Z sacts. !tratercontent shalr not exceed 6 u.s. gallons per sack of cement. D- Air Entrainment: An air-enEraining agent shall bb added toall stone concrere so as ro enrrain 4.5 t;r ;.;l-plus oi *i"""-I per,cent air by volume. use air-entraining "gurrt" in strictaecordance with the recornrnendation of the rnaiuflcturer and thetesting laboratory_for the design mix to assure strength require-ments are being fu1ly met or exieeded. E. Measurement of Materials: Measurements of solid materialsare to b9 ty weight.only (in_pounds) with ar1 ingredients r.igheaseparate1y...!,later.is Eo be by weight (in pound"f o, by volurnE(ln u.5- garrons) in such a manner as can be closely controlledfor each batch of concrete. T. Mixilg of,Materials: The concrete shall be mixed until thereis a uniform disrribution of the materials and shall u" Ji""t"ig"acompletely before the mixer is recharged. For job-mixed "o.r"reEe,the.mixer shalr be rotated at the speEd r""oorr"ided by the manu-racturer. For stone concrete, mixing shalI eontinue for at least one minuteafter all materials are ii the mixer. Ready-mixed concrete shallbe mixed and delivered in accordance with "tentative Specifi"iiiott"for Ready-Mixed Concrete,' (ASTM Cg4-62). sufficient time shall be allowed for proper mixing of the concreteEo provide uniformity_throughout ttre Latth. Long-delays in rnixingor long waiting peri-ods before the concrete is piaced,- shall beavoided. Over wet mixes shall be rejected and ihall not be correc- _t-gd by the addition of either aggregate or cement to the mixer.Mix not less than ten minutes ii-trlnsit mix trucks after additionof the mixing \^7ater. G. consistency: slumps shall be the minimum, consistent withpracing requirements. slump tests shall be made in accordance\,tith "slump Test for consistency of portland cement concrete"(ASTM_c143-58). Unless wrirren approval is obtained from theconsultant, the maximum slump shaii be four (4) inches and themaximum size aggregate shall-be one and one rrair (r l/2) inches. I I t I t I $ection C.I,L I 5. OO CONCRETE FORMS. A. Forms sha11 conform to the shape, lines, grades, and dimen- sions of the concrete as detailed on the drawings. Undressed lumber free from excessive knots is permitted only for form work of unexposed concreEe. A11 forrns for exposed finished surfaces shail be built with the material needed to produce the form, texture, and design specified in Concrete Finishes of this section. B. Design of Forms: Forms shall be sufficier_rtly tight to prevent Ieakage of mortar and shall be properly braced or tied together so ai to maintain the desired position-and shape_during anE after placing concrete. The design and engineering of !lt9- -formwork, is well as its construction, shall be the_responsibility of the Contractor. The formwork shall be designed for the loads outlined on Part 3, Section IO2 of "Recortrnendea Practice for Concrete Formwork" (AC1347). C. Forn"Ties and Incidentals: Form Eies shall be bolts and rods (adjustable for tightening) arranged so that_no metal is within 3/4i, of surface afler rem6val of iorms. Ordinary wire ties will be allowed, with the specific approval of the Consultant. No ties through exposed c-oncrete wiil be allowed. Set forms for all required an-chors, bolt inserts, s1ots, sleeves, supports, -eEc., furnished under other portions of this specification and installed under thls section. D. Removal of Forms: Forms shalt not be disturbed unEil concrete has hardened sufficienEly to permit their removal with safety. The removal of the forms- shal1 be carried out in such a manner as to insure the safety of the structure. Unless otherwise permitted by ttte Consultant, forms shall not be removed until 24 hours after pouring. 5.01 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS. Expansion and control joints sha1l- be constructed in accordanee with plan details. Unless otherwise indicated on rhe drawings, install- 1/2" t!ic\. asphalt impregnated fiberboard expansion joint fi1ler (AST, D1752).wherever concrete slabs abut building, ind as shown on plan details. A11 expansion joint filler shall-extend the ful1 depth of the slab' 6. OO CONCRETE PLACEMENT. A. Preparation for Placing: Before placing con-crete, "11 eqYlP- rnent for mixing and transp6rting concrete shall be cleaned, all debris and ice-shalI be rbmoved-from places to be occupied by concrete. Forms shal1 be properly tr-eated an$_all reinforcement c1-eaned of ice and other .b"t'ittg"". Watel shall be removed from place of deposit before concrete is placed- I I I T t t I I I I t I I I I I I t I I t t I I I T I t I I I Section C.W. B. Conveying: - Concrete shall be conveyed from the mixert.o the place of final dep_osit by methods which will preventthe separation or 1oss oi rhe miterials. Eq;ip;ent iorchuting, pumping or pneumatically conveying ^concrete sha11be such size and design as to iniure a iraEtically contin_uous frow of concrete at the delivery and without separationof the materials. C. Depositing: Concrete shall be deposited as nearly aspracticable in its- final position to Lvoid segregation dueto rehandling or flowing.- The concreting strait Ee carriedon at such a rate that the concreEe is aE all times plasticand flows readiry into the space between the bars. No con- :I:!:--!h:t. lras pirtial.ly _hardened or been "onir*ir,"red byroreign matter shall be deposited on the work, nor shall-re-tempered concrete be used.- when concreting ii once started,it shall be carri-ed on as a continuous opeiation until theplacing of the_panel or section is comptbtea. place'.orr"i"t" in-approxirnately horizontal layers avoiding displacement ofreintorcement above fresh concrete and formatioir of seamsand planes of weakness in sections. when construction jointsare neces"1ry,._they shall be located as specified in thissection under "construction Joints". For'bondinq fresh con-crete, roughen and crean exposed surface, and brish with neatcement grout. Place new concrete before grout takes initiarset. D. Compaction: Place concrete in layers not over 24,' deep; :?Tl?:t "l"l ]"y."r bg mect-ranical internal vibrating equipmlntsupplemented.by hand spading, rodding, tamping, as"directed.uo noE use vr-brators to transport concrete inside forms.Limit vibration duration to tire time nece"""ry to producesatisfactory consolidation without causing objectibnable segre-gation. Do not insert vibrator into lowei "oirrse" that havEbegun to set. E. hleather conditions: unless adequate protection is pro-tldg{ and/or Consulrant's approval is obtlined, --orr.r"r" shall not be placed during iiin, slee!, o, snor. When themean daily temperature falls below 40oF^ the minimum Eemper-ature ot concrete as placed shall be 50"F., and alr concret-ing shall qonform to i'Recoumended practice for cold weatherconcreting" (ACr 306). concrete plaeed in hot weather shal1meet the standards of "Recounnended practice for Hot weatherConcreting (ACI 305). F. Protection and Curing: Inrnediately after placing orfinishing, protect concr6te surfaces nbt coverla Uy Eor*"trom ross of surface moisture. Keep a1l concrete in a moistcondition for at least five (5) days after placement. curingcompounds may be used upon approvai of the Conbudcant. 7.00 SLABS oN GRADE. A11 slabs on grade sharl be poured dir-ectly on the prepared gravel subgradE. construction joints sha1lbe as shown on the foundation driwings. Finishes, expansion andcontrol joints, curing and protection shalr be as "p"iifi.d underother sections of this section. I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I Section a.". O 8. OO CONCRXTE FINISHES. A. _Patching-:_ Iurnediately after stripping forms, all exposedsurfaces shal1 have fins ind other prbteciions carefully're-moved, offsets leveled, and voids saturated with water indpatched to a true and even surface with a wood float. patchall holes left by the removal of form ties or bo1ts. patch- ing material sha1l be a stiff mixture of sand and cement,the color of which matches the concrete being patched. Anymajor area of faulty or honeycombed concrete shall be compiet-e1y removed and patched according to the instruction of tire Co-gsutrEant. B. Slab Work: See finish notes on drawings. A11 concreteslabs shall be screeded to levels or gradei indicated andf inished monolithically 8.01 RUBBED FINISH. After removal of forms rubbing of allexterior exposed surfaces of concrete shaIl be started as soonas its condition will permit. rmmediately before starting thiswork, the concrete sha1l be kept thoroughly saturated withwater. Sufficient time shall have elapsed-before the wettingdown to a1low the mortar used in the pbinting to thoroughlyset. Surfaces to be finished sha1l be rubbed with a mediuincoarse carborundum sEone. 9. OO REINFORCING. *. Reinforcing steel shall be deformed bars conforming to"specificationi for Minimun Requirements for the Deforilationsof Deformed steel Bars for concrete Reinforcement" (ASTM 4305-56T); and shall be grade 40. B. Welded Wire Fabric: Welded wire fabric shall conform to"Specifieations for Welded Steel Wire Fabric for ConcreteReinforcement" (ASTM A185), and shal1 have a minimum wireyield strength of 40,000 psi. C. Placing Reinforcement: Reinforcing steel, aE Ehe timeconcrete is placed, shall be free from rusE, scale, or othercoatings that will desEroy or reduce bond. Reinforcement shallbe accurately placed as shown on the drawings and shall beadequately secured in position by concrete or metal chairsand spacers. D. Concrete Protection for Reinforcement: Where not other-wise indicated on the plans, the minimum thickness of concreteover the reinforcement shall be as follows: a I I t I I I I t T I I T I I I t I I I Section C.W. { 1. Concrete deposited asainsr earth2. Slabs and wa1ls not 6xposed to weather3. A11 other concrete plated in forms:For bars larger tiran /i5For bars lf5 or smaller lO.OO TECHNICAL SPECIAL PROVISTONS 3tt 3 /4" 2ttL L/2" A. Forms: Forms for all exposed surfaces of concreteretaining walls shall be p11i,rood. Straight runs maybe inf!) dimension, however, curved runs shall le timited to2' wide (horizontal) form dimension. cone form ties shallbe used' cone form tie indentaEions sha1l be left and notpatehed. B. Finished surfaces. The exposed surface of arl concretewalls shall be finished by rubLing until all form mark andirregularities have been iemoved.- The plywood wood grainpattern may remain in the finished surface. c. concrete curb and Flatwork. concrete eurb and flatworksharl meet all requirements of this specification and shal1be construcEed as shown on the detaili on the prans. unlessothervrise specified all flatwork will be a minimum of 4',thick with reinforcement as shown on the plans and shall havea minimum.3" compacted thickness of subbase beneath it, includ-ing the sidewalk over the gabions. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T o SECTION B. P. HOT BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 0.00 DESCRIPTION. This work shall consisr ofone or more courses of bituminous pavement onbase in accordance with these specifications.able close conformity with the iines, grades,and typical cross-sections shown on th6 plans by the Consult.ant. construcCinga prepared ano l-n reason- thicknesses,or as directed 1.00 GENEML REQUIREMENTS. The bituminous pavement sha1Ibe -composed of a mixture of aggregate, fillei if required,and bituminous material. The-iggiegate fractions shal_1 besized,- uniformly graded and com6ined in such proportionsthat the resulting mixture meets the following gradingrequirements: Sieve Designation J/ 4 rnchl/2 inch 3/8 inch tf4 It8 Its0 Itzoo Percentage by Weight Passing Square Mesh Sieve 10070-9560-88 40 -7228-589-323-12 The consultanE shall have the authority to change the abovegradation requirements within reasonabie limitsl Also theConsultant shall have the authority to design a completelydifferent job mix formula in the event that two seDaratepSvement_layels arg specified. If such changes ar-e requiredthey will be done before the contractor has Eonunenced r^iithgravel crushing operations. The Contractor shall provideto the Consultant the job mix formula(s) to be use-d on Ehejob and the Consultant shall approve same prior to plaeement. 2.OO CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. Bitr:minous pavemenr shall b-e placed_only on properly constructed and actepted surfacesthat are free from waEer, sno.rr, or ice. The pavement slal1not be placed when the air temperature is lowlr than 20eF. ,or when weaEher-conditions are detrimental to Ehe properplacement and finishing of thb pavement. Previous to the placement of the hot bituminous pavementover the unt.reatbd surfaces, the base shal1 be primed inaccordance with the Consultant's directions. I I I I T I t t I I I I I t I t I I I Section B.P. Prime applications normal ly range from 0.20 to 0.50 ga1 lonsper-square yard. Th. prime shal1 be eompletely cured beforepaving; however, if the asphalt prime is-uncov-ered longenough to a1low dusting to occur and create a potentiallvpoor bond, a tack coat may be necessary in accordance withthe Consultant's directions. The hot bituminous,pavemenE shall be laid upon an approvedsurface, spread and struck off to the grade- and elevitionestablished. Bituminous pavers shall be used to distributethe mixture either over the entire width or over such partialwidEh as may be practicable. After the mixture has belnspread, struck off and surface irregularities adjusted, itshall be Ehoroughly and uniformly compacted Uy rolling. The surface shall be rolled when the mixture is in the propercondition and when the rolling does not cause undue displa-ce-ment, cracking or shoving. TEe number, weight and tyire'ofrollers furnished shall be sufficient to oblain the requiredcompaction while the mixture is in a workable conditioii. Rolling shall be continued until all roller marks are elim-inated and a minimum density of 93 percent of a laboratorv specimen made in the proportions of- the job-mix formula hisbeen obtained. Any displacement occuring as a result ofthe direction of a roller, or from othercorrected at once by the use of rakes andmixture when requir-ed. the reversing of causes, shall beaddition of fresh To prevent adhesion of the mixture to the rollers, the wheelsshal1 be kept properly moistened with water or other aoproved maEerial . Exeess liquid will not be permitted. The mixture shall not be delivered for use at less than 235oF.Should the temperature be too high to pe:mrit. proper compac-tion, the Contractor sha1l wait until the mixture has cooledEo a reasonable rolling teurperature. Unless otherwise specified, the bituminous material usedin the mix shall be AC 120-150, and shall be used in suchan anount that four (4) pereent by weight results in thepavement. T I t I I T I I I I t I t I t I I I t SECTION G.iil. GABION WALLS 0.00 DESCRTPTTON. This item consists of the constructionof walls in wire mesh gabions in accordance with these sDec-ifications and in reas6nably close conformity rirrt ih; ii;;"and grade as shown on the pians. 1. OO MATERIALS. 1.01 Gabions. A. wire' A11 wire used in the manufacture and'assemblvof the mesh sha1l equal or exceed Federal Specifica;i;;' QQ-I-461G, I^lire,_Steel, Carbon (Round, Bare and Coated)including the following specific requirements; finish !,class 3 weight of zinc-colting. Wire mesh for Gabions (cage thickness L2" and greater)shall be 11 gage (U.S.), Soft temper. Tie and connecttng wile shall be supplied for securelyfastening all-edges of the gabions iira aiaptrrams. Gabionsshall- be provided with 4 cr5ss connecting .ire" in eachcel1 2 unit high.and 8 in each cell one tnit high. Gabionsshall also have inner rie riires connecting rhe Eiont i;;; - to the rear.face at approximate spacing oT. I2,' in bothvertical and horizontbr dimensionl . TIe wire shall meetthe same specifications for wire used in the mesh exceptthat tie wire for gabion cages shall not be more than 2gages lighEer. A11 wire used., including tie and connecting wire, sha11be certified by-mi11 teit report(s) showin[ "ornpii"ncewith spe.cification requirements. B. lJire Mesh. wire mesh shall be woven in such a manneras to be non-r-aveling and have elasticity. Tests for com-pliance with these and the following prolerries shall bedone in accordance with Colorado pr6clauie I 6130. Acertified test report, showing Ehese required results andinformation shall-be supplied-with each^project. Tests areto be run on eages of th-e same specificaiion, made withina year prior to the date of letting. I T I I I I I I I I I T I T I I I I I Section G.W.o C. Non-raveling. The mesh for gabions shall show noraveling beyond the mesh opening in which the breakoccurred when the loading is continued after the firstbreak in 'the test conductedr'roi.th the prrll ps1sl le1 tothe axis, of the wd.re. twisG. D. Elasticity. For gabions, when pu1led para1lel tothe axis of the wire twist and defornation is controlledby spreader bars, no wire shall break until Ehe mesh hasbeen stretched at least 4.5"L. The pul1 test shall beperformed both para1le1 and perpendicular Eo the axis ofthe wire twist and in either case, the first wire breakshal1 not occu.r until the loading on the table below hasbeen reached. E. Edge l^lire Connection. The edge wire connecEion for both- gabions and slope mattresses shal1 be strong enoughso that when tested the first wire break shall occur inthe wire mesh. F. Selvedge. The selvedge on each sheet of mesh forboth gabions and slope mattresses shall be galvanizedsqeel wire (as described above) 2 gages heavier thanthat used in the body of the mesh. For gabions, it shallbe attached to Ehe wire mesh strong enough so that krhentested, no wire sha1l break until the toading on thetable below has been reached. G. Field Connections. The field connections betweenadjacent wire baskets shall be made as recornnended by themanufacturer and shall develop a connection strong eiioughthat the failure under test shall occur in the meih raEherthan in the lacing. TABLE FOR MINIMI]M STRENGTH TESTS FOR GABION BASKETS ONLY Part lJire MeshPulled paralle1 to wire twistPulled perpendicular to wire twist Connection of Selvedge wire to mesh Minimum Strength Lbs per lin.ft. 3400 1000 2200 H. Dimensions. Gabions shal1 be supplied in the varioussizes shown on the p1ans. Cages furnished by a manufac-turer shall be of uniform size. a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I Section G.W. I. Tolerance:.. Ail gab_ion_dimensions are subject toa tolerance limit of + 3"L of manufacturer's stated sizes. I.02. liprap. Riprap shall consist of hard, dense, sound,rough fractured stonl or local sandstone, "i tt"riry cuticiras practicable. Thin slab type stones and flaking-rock shallnot be used. stone shal1 have a specific gravity of ar leasr 2.25 and shallbe resistanr to the action oi air ind water. Flaking or frag-mental rock will not be permitted. The_sizes of riprap stone for gabions and slope mattresses shalrconform to the -foliowing , " Stone Size Gabions (cage thickness 12" or greater) 4" to g" stone within Ehe exposed front face of the gabions sharl beplaced by hand only- ro creare a nearry iil"f,-f;;nt rac" "i-neat appearance. Payment will be made under: Pay Itern pay Unit Riprap Cubic yard Heavy Riprap Cubic yard Excavation and bed course material will be measured and paidfor in accordance with Section 206. 2-00 coNSTRUcrroN-REQUTRED{ENTS. Gabions shall be placed togglform with plan details. Riprap materiar shalr bL praced incrose contact in the unit so that maximum fill is obtained.The uni-ts-may be filted by machine with sufficient rrinJ rortto accomplish requirementi of this specification. wh-e1e the lengEh of the unit exceeds its horizontal width thegabion is to be equally divided by diaphragms, of the same meshand -gauge as rhe f"9y, inro cells"whosL ldgah aou" oot exceedthe horizontal width. The unit shall be fuinished wirh thenecessary diaphragms secured in proper position on the basesection in such a manner that no adaitibnal tying at thisjuncture will be necessary. A11, perimeter- edge-s of gabions are to be securely selvedgedor bound so that rhe_ joints formed by Eying the ielvedgeEhave approximat.ely the same strength as- thE body of thE mesh. Excavation for toe or cut-off rralls shall be made to the neatlines of the walL. A11 gabion unirs shall be tied together each ro its neighboralong all contacting edges in ordEr to form a continuoui conn-ecting structure. I I I I I I I t I t t I I I t I I I I SECTION R.!f. RAILING WORK 0.q0 DEScRrPTroN. This iteur shalr include all handrailand guardrail. The Contractor sha1l furnish aII 1abor, material, equip_ment and incidentars required for the installation ,ir 'arr handrails and guardrails'. 1.00 MATERIALS. A11 railing components shall be carbons-leel, C1010 or better with i bronze, baked painred steelfinish. The installed rail shall meet. structural require-ments for 50 pounds lateral load per foot. 2.00 TNSTALLATTON RIQUTREI,IENTS. Railing insralled in rheconcrete over gabion walls shall be grouted in place withPor-Rok Grout or equal . Railing insrarrations bn concretewalls and curbs shatt be with bise plates centered on warlor curb and secured with Redhead /fF.S. 3g26 or equal . I I T I I SECTION F.D. FOUNDATION DMIN LINES AND APPURTENANCES 0.00 DESCRIPTION. This work shall consisE of rhe furnish-ing and placement of the 4" pipe foundation drain ineludingany necessary excavation and backfill with L-L/2', cleanwashed gravel around the pipe in accordance with thesespecifications and in reasonably close conformity with thePlans or as directed by the Consultant. t 1.00 MATERIALS. A11 marerials shall be new and the bestavailable quality. Foundation drains sha1I be: (a.) No. -1, 4" V.C.P. perforated, 4 foot lengrhsconforming to ASTM C-700. Joinrs shall-beClay-Lok type conforming ro ASTl,l C-425gasket- type . OR Porosvrall Underdrain Pipe as manufactured byI,tralker Poroswall Pipe Co. I I I I I I I t I I I I t (b.) (c. ) (d. ) Perforated styreneto Vinylex tubing. Approved Equal . OR rubber plastic drain similar OR 2.00 INSTALLATION. Foundation drain shall be installed asshown on the Plans holding the point inverts as shown. L-!/2,,washed gravel shall be initalle^d around the foundation drainto the minimum' dimensions as shornm on the P1ans but in nocase less than one cubic foot per lineal foot. The Contractorsha11 take care to see that the pipe is well supported andthat positive flow and drainage bxists. I I I t I I t I I t I I I I t I I I I SECTION T.W. TIMBER WORK 0.00 DESCRIPTION. This shall include all itemstimber. The Contractor shall furnish aI1 1abor, materialand incidentals required for the instailation ofbraces, redheads, bolts and spikes. of wood equipmenta1l anchors, I. OO },IATERIALS. 1'10 TTMBER WALLS AND sTArRS. All rimber walls and srairsas shornm on the Prans shal1 be constructed of Eimbers'meet-ing the following requirements: b. Yellow pine of 6"x8" cross sectional dimension. Grade 3 quality milling (four square corners). c. Pressure treated after milling with water-bornesa1ts. Preservatives meeting or exceeding Fed-eral Standard preservative Specification fT-W-550,Treatment Process Federal Standard TT-!tr-57I andthe American Wood preserver's Bureau Standard Lp-22. L-20 VERTTCAL TTMBER ELEMENTS. A11 verrical rimber sreppingcolumns, posts, ladders and capitals shall be standard airhcustom Timberform (columbia caicade Timber company) componentsor equal as approved by the Consultant. Alt mbtai ladd^errungs -and assembly components shall be as per Tirnberformspecifications. 2.00 SHOP DRAWINGS. The Contracror sha11 submir three (3) ggpies _each of erection drawings and bill of marerials of atITimberform components as shown-on the plans. 3.00 INSTALLATION. A11 timber walls and sreps sha1l beinstalled as shown on the plans. Timberform -components shall be installed in accordance with shop drawings aporovedby the Consultant. I I I I I I I o o SECTION C. P. CONCRXTE PAVERS 0.00 DESCRIPTION. This shall include aI1 concreEe pavers 1. OO MATERIALS. A11shall be Turfstone asLoveland, Colorado. dimensions: Widrh 15.61"Length 23.61"Height 3. 61" concrete pavers as shown on the plans _manufactured by Valley Block Company,The pavers shall be of the following- I 2-00 INSTALLATION. The Turfstone units shall be placed over I a 2" of leveled sand. The sand shall not be "o*p"tt"a. aspace of 1/8" sharl be allowed between each paving unit. I I I I I I I t I I I I I T I I I I t I I t t I I t I I I I SECTION F.G. FINISH GRADING 0.00 DESCRIPTION. This irem shall include,grade, provision and placement of topsoil and clean up of roushfinal lrading.- r'00 GENERAL. 4rr disrurbed areas sha1l be topsoiled wirh arleast 4-inches of, soil meeting ih" top"oir requirements of thisspecification. The conrractoi shalr i"ppiy iJp".ir and ar1 nec-essary equipment and labor to transpo.t,'siteab and rinlsrr- ---- g:?9:_:h:--!?p"?ir.. Rough grade snair be approved by the Con_surtant prior to rhe spreading of topsoir."Finish lraaes-rieshown on the Plans and- sharl 5e maintained in " irrr" and evencondition. 2.00 MATERTAL- Topsoir shall be natural friable, mountainloam_capable of sustaining vigorous plant grorih. rt shaltoe or unlrorln composition and free of weedi, lit,ter,lsturnps,roots, stones rarger than one inch in diameier or any othermateriar which may be harmfur to plant g.oritt oi t,i.,bu, fi""t-ing operations. 3.00 TILLAGE. furmg$iarely prior ro pt,asing rhe ropsoil, rhesubgrade shall be riIl-ed rir-l aeptn oT z inErres using a chiselplow or rotariller. The- rilrage'sharl a.-;;;;p1isr,ed acrossthe slope.- Folrowing tillage End prior to pra-lment of rhetopsoil, the subsoil surfae6 sharl'be raked'.i;;; oi "ro".",debris and rubbish. 4-00 PrAcrNG ToPSorL. Topsoil shall be spread over a1l dis-turbed areas ro'a minitnurn thickness of 4 i;"h;;. The finishgrade sha1l be raked Eo remove surface ir;;ili;;ities and toremove- depressions. _The grades shal1 be adJusted co assure :li!^.1: planred-Brade shltt be I inch betoi, tn. ad3oining-grade of any surfaced_area. Topsoil shall not be pi."ea " when the subgrade is frozen, exiessivery wet or compacted, lTligT.ly drl: ?r in a condition derrim6nrat ro rhe'proposedp.t-anting or finish grading. 5.00 REPAIR. Where any portion ofor otherwise damaged prioi to finaldescribed in these Sp^ecifications,repatred to establish the conditionEhen retopsoiled. the surface becomes gullied acceptance of the workthe affected area shall beprior to topsoiling, and I I t I t I t I I I I I I I T t t I I SECTION L.G. LANDSCAPING OF GROUNDS 0.00 DESCRIPTION. This item consists of sodbed and seedbedpreparation, sod, t{ees, shrubs, and all planting and soddingdescribed herein and shown on the plans. 1. OO }{ATERIALS . 1.01 TOPSOIL. To be provided by Contractor. 1.02 PEAT MOSS. Colorado mountain peat or approved equal . 1.03 FERTTLTZER. seed bed fertilizer shall be a contnercialtype with 16-16-8 mixrure or similar rario with 50% of totalnitrogen in a slowly available form. Fertilizer for trees andshrubs shall be a slow release Eype such as Osmacote with aL4-14-14 mixture or similar ratib-. Fertilizer shall be de-livered to Ehe site in standard size bags which show weight,analysis and_manufacturer and shall be ipproved by uhe cdnsultantprior to application. ]. 04 I^IATER. Supplied by Ovrner. 1.05 STAKING, GUYING AND WMPPING MATERIAL. 4, Bracing stakes: Required length of sound, durable, un-finished lumber with top and bott5m dimensions of not lessthan 2" x 2" or 2" diameter. B. Wires: Galvanized malleable wire No. 10 gauge. C. Rubber hose: Two p1y fabric bearing hose having an in-side diameter of not 1es! than one-half-inch D. Wrap: First quality, four inch wide bituminuous impre-gnated_tape, 'corrugated- or crepe paper specifically manufac-tured for tree wrapping and having qualities to resist insectinfestation. 1.06 SOD. A. Nursery Grown: Any sod planted on cultivated agricul-tural- land and gro!,in specif ila11y for sod purposes. It shallhave been mowed regularly and carefully and otherwise rrain-tained-from_planting to harvest to maintain reasonable qual-ity and uniformity. B. Thickness of Cut: Sod shall be machine cut at a uniformsoil thickness of 518 inch, plus or minus L/4 i-:nct., at thetime of cutting. --.,Mcasur-enengJfoE:_f,bie_koes s:-ahall- exclude topgrowth and thatch. t t I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I Section L.G. C. Pad Size: Individual pieces of sod shall be cut to thesupplier's sEandard width ind length. Maximum allowable de-viation from standard widths and lengths sha1l be plus orminus I/2 incb, on width and plus or minus 5% on length.Broken pads and torn or uneven ends will not be aeceptable. D. Strength of Sod Sections: Standard size sections ofsod shall be strong enough to support their orrn weight andreEain their size and shape when suspended verticallv froma firm grasp on the upper IO% of the section. E. Moisture Content: Sod shall not be harvested or trans-planted when,moisture content (excessively dry or wet) mayadversely affect its survj-val. F. Time Lirnitations: Sod shall be harvested, deliveredand transplanted within a period of 36 hours unless a suit-able method is approved prior to delivery. Sod not trans-planted within this period shall be inspected and approvedby the Consultant or his representative prior to its install-ation. G.. _Mowing Height: Before stripping, sod shal1 be mowedunitormly at a height of 1 to 2 1/2 inches. Sod shall berelatively free of thatch, up to I/2 indn allowable (uncom-pressed). H. Diseases, NemaEodes, and insects: Sod sha1l be reason-able free of diseases, nematodes, and soil-borne insects.State Nursery and/o'r Plant Materials Laws require that allsod entering Inter-state Cornmerce be inspected and approvedfor sale. The same applies to sod being-shipped Intri-state.The inspections and approval must be made by the State Agri-cultural Department, office of the State Entomologist. I. Weeds: Sod shall be free of objectional grassy and broadleaf weeds. Sod shall be consid.r.-d f..e of fuch iseeds ifless than 5 such planEs are found per 100 square feet of area.Sod will not be aeceptable if it cbntains ariy of the followingweeds: conmon bermudagrass (wiregrass), quackgrass, johnson--grassl poisori ivy, nutsedge, nimbLewi1l, Canada thistl-e,thistle, bindweed, bentgrass, wild garlic, ground ivy, peren-nial sorrel, and bromegiass. J. Inspection: The Contractor shal1 submit to the Consultantprior to deliverl , information as to the field location, speciesand percentage of purity of the grass sod he intends to deiiver. 1.07 PLANT MATERIAL. A. Plant material shall mean trees, shrubs, and plants of alldescription required to be furnished in accordance with Plansand as specified. Source of supply of all plant marerial shallbe given to the Consultant. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I Section L.G.o American Standards for Nurserv SEock recommended for use andadoption by tffi of Nurserymen, Inc. B. Plant material shall comply with State and Federal Lawsregulating inspeetion for disease and insect infestation. C. Substitutions will not be DermiEted. If proof of non-availability is submitted to tLe Consultant, i written pro-posal will be considered for nearest eguivalent size orvariety D. Unless otherwise specified, all plants shall be nurserygrolrn stock, sound, healthy specimens typical of their spec-ies and shall have well formed tops and- vigorous healthy-root sys tems . E._ A1l plants shall be subject to rhe approval of rhe Con-sultant. Plants may be inspected at the growers nursery atthe place of collection. Approval of plants at the sourcedoes not alter the right of rejection at the project siteduring the progress of the work. Rejected pllnti shall beremoved from Ehe siEe immediatelv. Plant stock shall con-form to the code of standards set forth in the current tothe code of standards set forth in the current edition of F. The nomencl-ature used in the plans and specificationsconform with few exceptions to that of the current editionof Standardized Plant Names as adopted by the American JointConunittee on Horticultural Nomencl-ature. A11 olants shallbe true to name and quality as per plan and true to plantmaterial listing in the specifications. Each bundle- ofplants and all s_eparate plants sha1l be properly idenrified !I-weather-proof labels securely attached thereto beforedelivery to the project site. G. Guarantee: A11 plants which die within one year afterplanting sha1l be replaced once by the Contractor ac one-half the -original coit. Replacements are to be made only when conditions are favorabie, so that the plants may havea reasonable chance of survival . This euarantee sha1l bevoid in the case of neglect or abuse on the part of the Owner or loss'es caused by extreme storm damage. 1.08 Seed. Seed shall be fresh, c1ean, new-crop seed com-posed of varieties and mixed in proportion as folrows: Seed l{ix /11Merion Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis Merion) Manhattan Perennial Ryegrass(Lilium perene "Manhattan") Seed Mix /ll to be used in place of 30% owner t s requesLsod upon I I I I I I t t I I t I I I I I I I I Section L.G. I Seed Mix /12Fairway Crested Wheatgrass(Agropyron Cris tatuur) Maadow Brome (Bromus beibersteinni) Red Clover(Trifolium prarense) Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis) Grass seed mixture shall be delivered insize containers showing weight, analysisgermination test. A11 seed sha11 complystate and federal seed 1aws. 2.OO DIGGING AND }IANDLING. Prop. bv wt.-*n61:- 2.0!_ A11 plant material shall be dug and handled with reas-onable skil1 to prevent injuries to ihe trunk, branches androots and sha1l be packed in an approved manner to insurearrival at the projeet site in gobd condiEion. 2.02 Balled and Burlapped stock shall be moved wirh a com-pact natural ball of earth so firmly wrapped in burlap thatupon delivery _the soil in the ball -i-s stiit firm and tompacrabout the feeder roots. The minimum sizes of bal1s, balidepth and diameter and increased ball size for collectedstock shall be in aceordance with state of colorado regulations 3. OO INSTALf,ATTON. 3.01 FERTILIZING: Fertilize all areas to be sodded at rherate of l0 pounds per 1,000 square feet with the afore des-cribed couurercial fertilizer. 3.02 FINAL GRADING: Rake all areas to be sodded ro removedebris, stones, surface irregularities and to incorporatethe fertiLizer into rhe uppei surface of the soil. 3.03 SODDING. A. Starter Strip: The first row of sod shall be laid in astraight line with subsequent rolrs placed parallel to andtightly against each other. Laterai jointi shall be sraggeredto promote more uniform growth and stiength. Care shall-beexercised to insure that the sod is not itretched or over-Iapped and that all joints are butted tight in order to pre-vent voids which would cause air drying of tne roots. . 30% 207" ro% sealed standard , name of vendor andwith applicable T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I Section ".4.f -B. -Sloping Surfaces: On 1:3 or greater slopes, sod sha11be laid with staggered joints and-secured by-pegging. C. Watering and Rolling: Contractor shall water sodiumediately after transplanting to prevent excessive dry-ing during progress of the work. As sodding is comptetLdin any one section, the entire area shall be rolled. ftshall then be thoroughly warered to a depch sufficientthat the underside of the new sod pad and soil imrediatelvbelow the sod are thoroughly wet. 3. 04 PLANTING PROCEDURE. A. -Planting OperaEions: Perform only during periodswithin the planting season when weather and soil condi-tions are suitable and in accordance with locally acceptedpractice, approved by the Consultant. B. Plant Locations: Locations shall be staked by theContractor and approved by the Consultant prior to exea-vation. C. Excavations: A11 excavations shall be in accordancewith "Typical Planting Details" which form a part of thesespecifications. D. Obstructions or Adverse Conditions: Remove any rockor underground obstrucEion to the depth necessary to per-miE proper planting according to drawings and specifica-tions. Conditions adverse to the establishment of plantmaterial encountered during pit preparation or plantingsha1l be brought to the attention of the Consullant todetermine alEernate locations or procedures Eo correct theproblem. E. Plant Placement: Set all plants plumb and sEraightand at the proier leve1 so that after^ settlement, a iormalsurface exists. F. Backfill Soil Mix: The following soil mix shall be usedfor backf ill 'around plants: I part peat moss 3 parts top soil Subsoil encountered in the Dit excavations shall not be usedin the soil mix. q. Backfilling: Every care shal1 be taken during the back-filling and tamping to avoid,injury to Ehe roots and to elim-inate all air pockets. Any roots which are found to be bruisedor broken befoie or during- planting shalf iurnediately be I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I Section L.G. pruned t.o sound tissue with a clean cut. When particallybackfilled and compacted, cut the ball ties and remove theburlap from the top and sides of the ball and cut or adjustto -prevent- a1f pockets. No burlap shall be pu1Ied from-under the balls. .Wire mesh used to secure tire ball shallbe removed prior to the plants placement in the pit. H. lJater: Thoroughly water to saturation all pits andbeds during t_he same day of planting. When planted,hratered and fully settled, the planis shatl Le plunob. I. Water Saucer: Construct a 4" deep circular watersaucer around each tree J. Fertilizing: _ After placing backfill and prior to finalwatering, apply fertitizbr at ihe following rite, Shade trees - 2 pounds per inch of caliperSmall trees - I pound per inch of ealiplrShrubs - L/4 pound per'foot of heightEvergreen" - t/8 pound per foot of-height or spread 3.05 SEEDBED PREPARATION. A11 areas nored for Seed Mix /12shall be tiIled to a deprh of 2" by chisel plow or rototiiler.rn areas inaccessible to mechanized equipment the soil surfaceshall be scarified by raking. Fertilize- al-l- areas at the rateof 8 pounds per 1,000 squarE feet with the aforementionedconurercial ferEilizer - 3.06 SEEDING. Seed Mix /i2 shall be sown ar rhe rate of 2pounds per I,000 square feet, exercising great care that auniform distribution of seed is obtained. Seeding shallbe done on a stil1 day using a hopper type seederl Afterseeding, the surface shall 5e lightly r-aiced. If ar rheOwner's opEion, Seed Mix //1 is uiiti2ea instead of sod, aseeding_rate of 4 pounds per 1,000 square feet sha11 beutilized. Following raking, Seed Mii /fl shall be rolledonce with a roller weighing not less than one hundredpounds per lineal foot and thoroughly \^rater with a finespray 3.07 TII,IE 0F SEED. Seed Mix /12the late fall prior to rhe firstMix ill, if utilized at Ehe Or,,mer,between June I and August 15. shall be seeded only in permanenE snowfall . Seed s option, shall be seeded 3.08 EROSION BLANKET. Slopes susceptible to erosion asdesignated on the site by the Consullant shal1 be treatedwith an approved mulch and jute mesh erosion blankec.Jute mesh shall be secured to' the slope with ground sEaples.Provision and placement of the mulch bnd erosion blanketshall be paid for as an extra item based on a negotiatedprice. I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I t t I Section L.G.o 3.09 I^IMPPING: Wrap all deciduous crees except aspen. 3.10 STAKING: Al1 trees of 2', caliper sha1l be staked inaccordance to the "Typical planting betails". 3 - 11 PRUNTNG: Each Lree and shrub shall b€ neatly prunedin accordance wiEh standard horticultural practice ro pre-serve the natural character of the p1ant. 'Limit pruniirgto the minimum necessary to remove injured twigs ind brlnchesand to compensate for the loss of roo-ts during"tr"nspr"ttiing,but never to exceed one-half of the branching-structure.Paint all cuts over one-half inch in diametei with an appro-ved Eree wound dressing. 3.Lz MATNTENANCE: until work under this eontract is com-pleted, maintain all plants in a healthy growing condition. I t PLANT LIST Common Name 7 I t I I I I t t I I I I I I t I I I Botanic Name ntit Size 6'-8' B&B 8'-10'B&B 6' B&B or cont 6' B&B or cont 6'-8' ccint. 6t-8'cont. 6'-8'cont. I gallon 5 gal . L8" -24" 5 gal . L8"-24" 1 gallon 1 gallon 1 gallon 2'-3' eont. 5 gal - 2'-3' L8" -24" cont. 5 gal . 2'-3' 5 gal . 2'-3' Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Colorado Blue Spruce(Picea pungeni glauca) Lodgepole Pine(Pinus contorta latifolia) Do1go Crabapple (Malus "Dolgo") Hopa Crabapple(Malus "Hopa") Shubert Chokecherrv(Prunus virginiana melanocarpa "Shubert") Serviceberrv (Amelanchier alnifolia) Froebel Spirea (Spirea- bumalda "Froebel', ) Greenleaf Barberry(Berberis thunbLrgi) Mountain Mahogany(Cercocarpus montanus) Potentilla(Potentilla'iKatherine Dykes") Rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus sp. ) Redoiser Dogwood(Cornus stolonifera coloradensis) Siberian Peashrub (Caragana arborescens) Tanmy Juniper(Juniperus sabina tamariscifolia) Tatarian Honeysuckle(Lonicera tatarica) Zabel Honevsuckle(Loniceri korolkowi "Zabeli") 32 25 7 L2 I 6 11 30 13 65 308 118 9 3 50 10