HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 2 BLOCK 2 LOT 8 A VAIL GYMNASTICS FACILITY FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM LEGAL/*/1o-atfrhL ffriaq e lat t-,1 ,6tu.(P Uait Gyn*"/r rs fr+A? Fnt 57c*Kt c 57sl"a I n#tu Tttla: -!caEate: td: /.6 _ a I -Q*SS..-^l-s\-1'-" &-rv'-' tft"^-\ C*l t-n c"-o.^-s-^* tJ 23698 Highway 24 I P.O. Box 460 r Minturn, Colorado 81645 r 9701827-5120 . Fax9701827-9126 r 1-800-843-2704 AIL ELEENOMGS LfIi.. Sequence of operation for Silent Knight 5700 Addressable Fire Alarm Control System The Vail Gymnasium will have 2 fire alarm zones - lower floor devices and upper floor devices. In the event of a smoke detector, heat detector or pull station activation on the upper floor, the horns throughout the entire building will sound, the strobes throughout the entire building will flash, the elevator will recall to the lower floor and the communicator will communicate an alarm condition to the monitoring company. All strobes will by synchronized via synchronization module built in the FACP. In the event of a smoke detector, heat detector, pull station or sprinkler flow activation on the lower floor, the horns throughout the entire building will sound, the strobes throughout the entire building will flash, the elevator will recall to the upper floor and the communicator will communicate an alarm condition to the monitoring company. All strobes will by synchronized via synchronization module built in the FACP. The fire alarm panel will annunciate the floor and specific detector location and the horns will be able to be silenced while maintaining strobe operation, All wire will be 18 - 14 gauge solid copper for the SLC loop and 14 gauge solid copper for the NAC circuits. vAtL rlRE DrpAQIdrrox Srproved as Sutmtttffi '-'-"= , Rppruv# as Hstatfl/ 9.u. { .2 /1',^o ".,--- ,. AIL ELECNONICS LfD. Vail Gymnasium Device and Address List: Device Upper Floor: SD SD SD PS PS SD SD SD SD SD SD Lower Floor: PS SD SD HD HD SD SD PS SD SD SD SD SD SD TS TS FS Location Storage Room Top of Elevator Shaft Outside Elevator East Stairwell Gym Stairwell Gym N. E. Gym N. Center Gym N. W. Gym S. E. Gym S. C-enter Gym S. W. Exercise Room W side of Exercise Room E side of Exercise Room Women's Restroom Men's Restroom W end of Corridor E end of Corridor Main Exit Electrical Room Elevator Equipment Room Oubide Elevator Closet Computer Closet Outside Offices Sprinkler Riser Room (Supply side) Sprinkler Riser Room (House side) Sprinkler Riser Room 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 OB 09 10 11 Address t2 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 23698Highway24rP,0.B0x460rMinturn,ColoradoSl645r9701827-9120tFax9701827-9126r1-800-843-2704 IntelliKnighto Model 57OO Single Loop Addressable Fire Alarm Gontrol System The affordable addressable solution. IntelliKnight Model 5700 is a 50 point class leading single loop addressable fire alarm control/communicator system that provides you with the revolutionary value and performance of addressable sensing technology combined with exclusive, built-in digital communication, distributed intelligent power, that includes an easy to use interface. Powerful features such as drift compensation and maintenance alert are delivered in this powerful FACP from Silent Knight. For more information about the IntelliKnight system, or to locate your nearest source, please call 1-800-446-6444, or in Minnesota, call 763-493-6435. Description The IntelliKnight 5700 performs dritt compensalion and calibration dlecks on each of the sensors in the system. The basic InlelliKnight 5700 system can be €nhanced by adding modules such as lhe Remote Annunciator, the Serial/Parallel lnlerlace (for printing system reports), and an Intelligent Power Module. The Model 5700 also Jeatures a oow€rful builtin dual line lire communicator that allows tor reporting of all sysl€m activily to a remole monitoring location. Featurcs . Up to 50 addressable points.. Upto 125 zones and 125 ouFut groups.. Uses standard wire-no shielded or twisted pair required.. Built-in digital communicator.. Central station reporting by Point or by Zone.. Supports Class B (Style 4) and Class A (Slyle 6 or 7) configuration lor JLI,.. Distributed, intelligent power.. Drift comoensation.. 13 pre-programmed outpul cadences, (including ANSI-3.41), and 4 programmable outputs.. Notilication circuits can be conligured as 1 Class A (Style Z) or 2 Class B (Style Y), or auxiliary power lor resettable, constant. or door holder DOWer. . Built-in synchronization for applianoes from G€nlex@, Faraday, System Sensop and Wheelock@.. Built-in annuncialor with 8o-character LCD display.. RS-485 bus provides @mmunication to syslem accessories.. Up or Download programming, event history, or det€ctor status via r€mote or direcl connection.. Built-in RS-232 interlace for programming via PC.. Built-in Form C trouble relay rat€d at 2.5 amps at 24 VDC.. Two buill-in Form C programmable relays rated at 2.5 amps at 24 VDC. Approvals: UL Listsd / NFPA 72 (Fil€ No. 52766) -Central Station .DACT -Local Protective Signalling System -Water D€luge Releasing Service CSFM Listed Speclf lcations PdmaryAC: 120 VAC,60 Hz, 1.5A Total Accessory Load: 2.5A al 24 VDC 2.5 amps at 24 VDC ol power-limiled notification Dower Standby Current: Alarm Curr€nt: 160 mA 330 mA Notiff cation/Aux power circuits: 2.5 amps ol powerlimiled power per circuit at 24 VDC. Model 5700 Mechanlcal Specif ications: Dim€nsions: 12-314'W x 15-1/8"H x 3-3/8'D (32.39 x 38.42 x 8.57 cm) Weight: 11.5 lbs. (5.2 kg) Color: Red Telephone Requirements: FCC Part 15 and Pan 68 approv€d Type of Jac*: RJ31X (two required) sft"ilf4T ${lri}{i.}:lll' .;. .j ::: :i:: i:, iH::: I,i:::ri:i::{ :i SLC Sensor Devlces sDs05-APS Addressable ohotoslectric smoke detector. SDsO5-AHS Addressable h6at sen6or. sDs05-6A8 Six inch base designed for use with detector head models SD505-APS,and SD505-AHS. sDs056tB Short circuit isolator base for SD505-AHS. and SD505-APS detectors. SD5O5-ADH Duet Housing, Detects smoke in HVAC ducts. Use with S0505-APS. SDsOs.ADHR/DTS Addressable Duct smoke detector with built in relay module detects products ot combustion present in air moving through an HVAC system. Providss fofm C alarm contact. The SD505-ADHR is compatible with the SD505-DTS, which provides remole annunciation and iesting capabilities lor the SD505-ADHR. Use wilh SD505-APS. sDsoo-Ps/PsDA Addressable Pull Station with visible LED. Intelligent SLC Modules SD5OO-AIM Dry Contact Input Module. Designed to used with normally open dty contacts- Mounts in a 4 inch square electtical box. lt features an indicator LED to shovr alarm status and a coverolate- SD5OO-MIM Mini Dry Contact Input Module. A minjature velsion of the addrgssabls input module which is designed to be used with pull stations and other normally open dry contact inputs where a smaller size is desired. SD5OO.ARM Addressable Relay Module. Fealures 2 Form C output relays, designed to mount on a 4 inch square electrical box. Provides indicator LEO to show outout status and comes with a coverplats. SD5OO.LED An LEO driver capable ol driving 80 LEDS through the SLC loop. Up to 40 SD500- LEDS can be used per system. SDsOO-LIM Addr6ssable short circuit isolator module for SLC devices S-BUS Accessories The lollowing it€ms listed are devices that connected lo the IntelliKniqhts RS-485 Bus 5860 Remote Flre Annunciator The 5860 features the same 80 character backlit LCD display keypad and lirefighteis keyswiich as the 5820. The system can ba lully programmed and operated from any remote annunciator. 5880 LED/IO Module Features 40 LED outputs, I normally open day contact inputs and one piezo output. 5496 lntelligent Power Module The 5496 is a 6 amp.notmcation power expander that provid€s four additional power-limited noti{ication appliance circuit. 5865-3 and 5865-4 Bemote LED Annunciator Features 30 Programmable LEDs (15 red and 15 y6llow) outputs and Diezo sounder. The 5865-4 adds a silsnce and reset swibh to the package. 5883 Relay Board Feaiures '10 General outoosa Form C relays. Used with 5880 module. 5824 Serial/Parallel Gateway Module Has one parallel and one BS-232 serial pon for connecting any standard IBM-compatible printer to the IntelliKnight system. lntertaces with building control system. SKSS Silent Knight Software Suite 5660 Up Download Software Userfriendly, WindowsTM soltware for remote programming of lhe IntelliKnight panel using a PC. 5670 Facility Management Software Powerful end-user software allows vrewing of detector status and evant history via modem or direct connection, iN*C:lA 5700 $i!{..tiN"*' $i\iI{j*.$T 7550 Meridian Circle, Maple Grove, MN 55369-4927 aoo-446-6444 0r in Minnesota 763-493-64i|5 FAX; 763-493-6475 World Wide Web: http://www.silentknight.com TIADE IN AMERICA FORM# 350392-Pr€liminary, Rev. 10/03 Copyright @ 2003 Silent Knight SLC DeYice fnstalfatian 5.4 Heat and Smoke Detector Installation The iaformation in this section applies to the fotlowing models: SD505-AHS Heat Detector. and SD505-APS Photoelectric Smoke Detector. See also Section 5.9 for iaformation on how to address thE detectors. 5,4-l Wiring 1- Wire device bases ds*own iu Figrur 54, 2. Set the address for each device as described in Section 5.9. 3. Connect the device as shown in Figure 5-4. I I I I I I I I Sli. 4 {c).8s a} I ocffi3&L Figure 54 Heat or Smoke lletector Gonncction to the FACP I t";i...- r51N5 tr- A.1 1 N otifi cati on Appli an ceJAuxilia ry Pover C i reuits be Programmed to be used as NACs *" **o aseb+ilt-in * lf.t]:::^CPwhich c&11 D€ pru6.'""--- fi:*a'iildili-,'Jt'-,1-H$T:'l-,T:"entionalnotificationappliarruesand hori' .,bese ternrriuals can 4.11.1 Gonventional Notificaticn Appliance rhis $rb-sesrion :ll"fi:l$r rHi:Tr1"r*"ffi:*'entionat notification applianses for class A (Sryle Z) ano t- i.*tJj "ffi:liaTf::ffi*'::H*'" appriances in the Appendix A ar tlre back of tbis manuat' Tsin'S411 aClass B notrfication appliaace cireuit: 1. Wire Class B Notificatlon appliances as ;hown in Figure 4-29' ,r,L-^rr.r:h ff.sr&1n11111rg {see Secdon 7'4)' Shown in alarm conditon Claes B SuPervised Notiflcition Circuits i'-\Y+ UL Listed 4'7k EOL Model7628 Figllre lF29 GlasE B Notilication Appllance Clrc$lt Wtring i:t;:f:iffi i,*""'1fil:.''l,T:::i"**appriancesintheAppendix*'n.01:xn 151295 ,.-.,.. !,-tt...r,,..=".. , . :,.,...,,.r.'' . ' .''tt.r'r;i:;iffiffi Addressoble Heot Defeclor lntellilhighto oddressoble heot delectoru combine occurole heot debction wift pin-point locotion lD. An essentiol tombinotion for ony instollotion. InielliKnight heat detectors are an essential component in virtualty any IntelliKnight installation. The IntelliKnight panel recognizes each detector by its specific address, so precious seconds are not wasted in determining location of an alarm. Like other IntelliKnight detector models, the SD505-AHS ofiers a low profile for pleasing aesthetics. The lntelliKnight family of detectors has been designed to use a @mmon base, Model SD505-6A8, allowing complete application and placement flexibility. Combine all this with the features you've come to expect from Silent Knight detectors-easy installation, stable operation, RF/transient proteetion, and vandal-resistant locking-and it adds up to a flexible solution for all your fire protection needs. hdclSDs0llllS lldrsbloHxl D.h.for The SDS0$AHS is a heat detec{or suited to virtually any commercial setting. The SD505-AHS is an absolute temperature device. This means that it resoonds in alarm if the temperature goes above the trip point (programmed at the panel). The SD505-AHS orovides accurate temperature measurement data to the fire alarm conlrol panel. This heat detector is particularly suited to environments rfiere smoke detectors cannot be used because of the presence of steam or cooking fumes, such as in a kitchen. The SD505-AHS unit is made up of an extemally mounted thermistor with a specially designed cover that protecis the thermistor while allowing maximum air flow. The thermislor reads the temperature ftom the air it takes in. lt then transmits a signal representing the temperature to the lntelliKnight panel. lf the t€mperafure exceeds the trip point (programmed at the panel), an alarm occurs. The status LED lights continuously during the alarm period. Under normal conditions, the stiatus LED blinks approximately every 15 seconds, indicating that the head is communicating with the loop. Foolu€t. Low profile, 2 inches, including oase . Absolute temperature device Simple and reliable addressing Uses digilal communication protocol The SD505-AHS is UL Listed and meets the requiremenb outlined in NFPA 72 Inspection Testing and Maintenance, Chapter 7. CFSM listed MEA listed FM approved SILENT KNIGHT Heat Detector 17 to 41 VBC Cunenl Consu mption: $andbl/: .55 mAAlarm: .55 mA Detection TemDerature Range: 135"F to 150"F (57'C TO 65"C) Ambienl Temperature: 32'F to l00oF (0"C to 37"c) Mounting:4' SOR, 4' OCT Single gang mud flng Rated Sacing: sD505-AHS SeeCncttom Operaung Voltage: 70'between sensors on smooth cailings. Comoatible Base6: SD505{AB (SoldSeparately) (6'Base) sD50$4AB (4' Base) lhdel SD505-AHS Addresssble Heot Deleclor tgfemg $edfrollorr The conkactor shall furnish and install where indicaf€d on the plans, dressable heat detector Silent Knight SD505-AHS. The combination detector head, and hrisuock base, straH be ULo listred compeiible with Silent Knighfs IntelliKnight fire alarm control panels. The base shall pennit clirect interchange udth Silent SD5O5-APS Photodectric Smoke Detec-tor, s SD505-AIS lonization Smoke Detector. Base shall be the appropriate twist-tock base SD5056AB. The srnoke detector shall have a flashirg status LED for visual supeffision. When the detector is actuat€d, fie fiashing LED will tatcfr on steady at full brilliance. The detector may be reset by ac.tuating the control panel reset switcfi. The vandal-resistant, sectrity locking featur€ shall be used in those areas as indicated on the drawing. The locking feature shall be field removable when not required. \troltage and RFltransient suppression t€chniques shall be emptoyed to nrinimize false alarm potrential. Dbmeter = 3-15/16" Height = 2 inches, including base ilodel SD505-GAB Detector Base (F ront Vrew) ilodel SD505-AHS Detector}led (Front View) .- tfsmeter = $.15/16"F /"\ r',,fN%t\\w \ iGlffil ----: i/-' ?FT SILENTll\l KMGrrr 7550 Meridian Circle, Maple Grove, MN 55369-4927 80lt 4{F6444 or in Minnesota 763-493-6435 FAX: 763-493-6475 World Wide Web: http:/ M,r/w.silentknight.com TADE IH AII'ERIGA FORM# 350229, Rev 01/01 Copyright @ 2001 Silent lciight Addressoble PhotoeleCric lype Smoke Delecfor Detect smoldedng fires quickly ond gel help fost with I nhllil(nighto photoeledric smole deteclon. lntelliKnight addressable photoelectric smoke detec{ors are the clear choice for commercial settings $here smoldering fires are a threat. ln addition to accurately detec{ing a smoldering ftre, each SD505-APS photoelectric detector has a unique address, which is recognized by the IntelliKnight panel. No precious seconds ete wasted in determining location of an alarm. The SD505-APS compensates automatically for contamination in the environment" And detector testing ig simpl*even from a remote site. Like other IntelliKnight deteclor models, the SD505"APS offers a low profile for pleasing aesthetics. The IntelliKnight family of detectors has been designed to use a common base, Model SD505€AB, allowing complete application and placement flexibility. Combine all this with the featrres you've come to expecrt from Silent Knight smoke detec{ors-easy installation, stable operation, RFftransient protection, and vandal*esistanl locking--and it adds up to a tlexible solution for all your fire protection needs. lod.lSEEllS ldog/ldtocaHe Plolorluldclype hob Df,dol The SD505-APS is particularly suited to detec{ing dense smoke typical of fires involving materials such es soft fumishings, plastic, foam or oiher similar materials which tend to smolder and produce large visible particles. The detector fealures automatic compensation for contamination and a simple detec{or calibration tcst procedure that can be run from the panel or remotely (using the WindowsrM based dornloading sofiYvare). The SD505-APS units made up of an LED light source and a silicon photo diode receiving element. ln a normal standby condition, the receiving element receives no light from the pulsing light source. ln the event or lire, smoke enter the delector and light is reflecied from the smoke particles to the receiving element. The light received is converted into an electronic signal. Under normal conditions, the slatus LED blinks approximately every 15 seconds, indicating that the head is communicating with the loop. The LED lighb continuously during the alarm period. Hrru. Low profile, 2 inches, including base Simple and reliable addressing without mechanical switches Automatic compensation for sensor contamination Built-in fire test feeture Simple detec'tor calibration testing through the control panel or remotely through a WindowsrM based computer sotware. Vandal-resistance locking features Field cleanable UL listed, meeG NFPA72 Ch 7 requirements CSFM approved MEA approved FM Approved SrobDfldol 1741 VDC Curent Consumption: $andby: -55 mA Alarm: .55 mA Ambienl Temperaturc: 32oF to 100PF (oec to 5rC) Mounting: tD50sils SpoCnonor Operathg Votiage: ,|: Squars, 4" OCI Single gang mud dng Relative Hurnidity: 85% noncondensing Air Vdocity:0 - 300 FPM Cornpalible Bases: SD5O54!\B (Sdd Separately) (€i Base) sD505-4AB (4' Base) SILENT KNIGHT lhodelSD505-APS Addressoble Phobelectric Type Smoke Defecfol Erglneedng Spodfr olloilr The conlractor shall furnish and install wtrere indicated on the plans, addressable photoelectric smoke detector Silent Knight SD505-APS. The cornbination detector head, and twist-lock base, shall be ULo listed compatible with Silent Knight's IntelliKnight fire control panels. The base shall permil direcl interchange with Silent Knight SD505-AIS lonization Smoke Detec'tor, or SD505- AHS Heat Detector. Base shall be the appropriate twist-lock base SD5056AB. The smoke detector shall have a flashing status LED for visual supervision. When the detector is actuated, the flashing LED will latch on steady. The detector may be reset by actuating the control panel reset switch. The calibration of the detector shall be capable of being selected and measured by the c,ontrol panel without the need for external test apparatus. The vandal-resistant, security lod<ing feature shall be used in those arreas as indicated on the drawing. The locking feature shall be field selectable as required. The SD505-APS shall aulomatically perform a functional test of the detector. The test method shall simulate effects of products of combustion in the chamber lo ensure testing of detector circuits. .- Diameter = $15/16" Height = 2 inches, including base hd.lSDffilD*ftrEolc tfnnldnl haelSD505{lt D€b.lorllcod (frortdd Diameter = 3-15/16" /"'- 6N \\ ril srLENrI\\A KMGHTT" 7550 Meridian Circle, Maple Grove, MN 55369-4927 EOG44&6444 or in Minnesota 763-49&6435 FAX: 763-493-6475 World Wide Web: http:/rflwrrr.silentknight.com TADE IT{ ATERICA FORM# 350225. Rev. 12y01 Copyright @ 2001 Silcnt Knight SD500-PS and SDS00-PSDA Addressable Pull-Station IntelliKnight's addressable pull stations combine fast response with pin-point location lD. The SD500-PS and SDS0trPSDA are a single action or dual action addr€ssable manual lire alarm puil sation for uso with Silent Knight's IntelliKnight fir€ control panel. Extremely easy to operat6, the SDSoo-PS/PSDA provides a fast and practical means of manr.rally initiating a fire alarm signal. Th€ IntelliKnight panel recognizes sach manual pull stration by its specific address saving precious seconds in detemining the location of an alarm. The SDS@-PS/FSDA mounts to a single gang box and teaturos a rugg€cl metal construc'tion that lasts and lasts. Combine all this with ths features you've come to expect trom Silent Knight - easy installalion and stable oporation - and it adds up to a flexible solution for all your fire proteclion ne€ds. Model SD500-PS & SD5OO.PSDA Addressable Pull Station The SDSOGPS is a single action addrassable fire pull station, and the SD500-P$DA is a dual action addles€able fire pull station. The SDsoFPS/PSDA feature rugg€d metal construciion A terminal strip on back of the pull stafion allows interconnec{ion of the pull station to the SLC ot an IntelliKnight control panel. The SDsOo-PS/PSDA is designed for indoor use in non- explosive environments. The nomally open initiating point cDntacts are gold-plated to avoid risk of coffosion. The SD500- PS,/PSDA has been tested by UL for compliance to ths l€quirements of the Ameficans with Disabilitios ACT (ADA). Features. UL Listed. CSFM listed. ADA compliant. Key reset (Same key as Silent Knight enclosures) Surface mount back box available Terminals - acc€pt up to 14 gauge wire Extremely easy to operate Conosion-resistent gold" plated contacts. Reflec'tive label makes it easier to locale in low light Specifications Operating Voltaqo: Sbndby Cun€nt: Alam Cua€nt: sD500-PS Ambier Temperaturo: 32"F to 120'F (0"C to 49"C) Mounting: Single gsng box - Ootonal Red Surlac€ Mount Box PS-SMBB SITENT KNIGTTT e r xo.qiiaqFFrt Operation The SD5oo-PS/PSDA single aclion pull stations are operaled by a pull on th€ front pull cover ol the station. A plunger switch, wired to a selt contained addressabl€ module, is released as the pull station opens to initiate the alarm. Once operated, the cover hangs down and can be seen up lo 100 feet away. The pull station is ros€t by returning the tront cover to the normal upright position and relocking the station with a reset key. The reset keys are the same keys used on Silenl Knight enclosures. The SD50o-PS/PSDA includos a status LED which blinks, indicating that lhe addrossable modulo is communicating with lho loop. The status LED lights continuously during an alarm. A dlp switch on the addressable module is used to set the unique address. ,55.n4 .55.n4 SD500-PS and SDSOO-PSDA Addressable Pull-Station Engineering Speciflcations Manual pull station shall be addressable Module SD50GPS/SD500-PSDA. Equipment shall be made of 14 gauge C.R.S.(Cold Rolled Steel), painted with a red €namel . The labsl shall contain tho words Fire Alarm and be made of a reflective material embossed lext 3/8 inches tall. Operating instruction shall be clearly visible on the same label. Manual station Shall contain a key operated test and reset lock using a lock plate actuator, th€ key shall match the control pan€|. Manual station shall contain four terminal blocks with two connected to the addressable module and two connect to the SLC loop. Manual station shall provide data to the control panel with an lD address programmed by dip swltch settings . Manual stations shall be Unden ,riters Laboratories lnc. listed and installed within the limits defined in the American Disabilities Act. Wiring tt \ llounting to Single Gang Electrical Box Mounting to Optlonal Surlace ilount Box Installing SDSm-LK FIEP SD5IXFPSDA SILENT KNIGHT A l$qlil'a CCT'$rlt 7550 Meddian Circle, Maple Grove, MN 5536S-4927 8OG44G€444 or in Minnesola 763-4936435 FAX' 763-493-6475 World Wide Web: http:/Arww.silentknight.com TADE IN ATERICA FORM# 35q342. Flev. 09/G3 Copyrighr @ 2O0O Silenl Knigt frlodel SD5(l0-AltIl Addressqble Input ltlodule And Iflodel SD500-il1il illinioture I nput l[odule lntelliKnigh's oddresoble contocl nonitor modules combine lost response with pin.point locolion lD. A combinotion thot mves lives ond plopefi The SDSOGAIM and SD500-M|M are addressable input modules for use with Silent Knight's IntelliKnight fire control panel. The SD500-AIM and SD500-MIM are designed to be used with pull stations, water flow switches, and other applications requiring dry contact alarm initiation devices. The SD500-A|M addressable input module mounb to a 4"-square box. The SD500-M|M mini input module fits inside a single gang box. The modules are supervised, single input contact monitors. Using an EOL resisier, they monitor for alarm contact closures and for open circuit wiring fault conditions. The SD500-A|M and SD500-MIM ofier a compact design for adaptability and pleasing aesthetics as well as easy installation and stable operation*a flexible solution for all your fire protection needs. todolSDS0Giltord SD50illt lryltodd6 The addressable inpul modules elgand the flexibility of the IntelliKnight system by allowing the use of contac,t type inputs. Typical applications include manual pull stations and water flow switches. ;.olmu Operates on Class A {Style 6 & $yle 7) or Class B (Style 4)SLC Loop, Single contact monitor. Up to 127 modules per SLC loop. SD500-M|M mounts in a single gang box. SD500-A|M mounts in a 4"-square or double gang electrical box, and has an attractive ivory cov€r date. SD50GAIM/M|M are DIP switch programmable- Accepls up to 14 gauge wire. Bolh modules UL 864 listed; comply with NFPA 72 2500 ft max. wiring distance from input module to contact. CSFM listed. MEA42992-E, Vol. 9 FM approvcd slxtoo.Atfl Each addressable input module is programmed with a unique SLC loop address. The module supervises the wiring to the contact with an End Of Line (EOL) resistor. lf a fault occurs in the wiring, the module alerts the FACP. Ambi€nt Temperaturc: 32oF to 120oF (oqc b 49oc) Mounting: SCmmor Operating Volkcge: sD6@{tr 21VD,C S€ndby Cunent: Alarm Cuncnt: 0.55 mA 0.55 mA SDsOGAIM double gang box or 4'-square electrical DOX SDsOO.MIM single gang box SITENT KNIGHT Illodel SDS0O.Alfrl qnd SDs00.Irllftl Addressqble Input cnd lllini lnput Modules Engineering Specificolions The contractor shall furnish and install where indicated on the plans, addressable input modules Silent Knight SD500-A|M or SD500-MlM. The modules shall be UL listed and compatible with Silent Knight's IntelliKnight FACPs. The SD500-M|M shallfit inside a single gang electrical box. The SD500-A|M shall be supplied with a plastic cover and shall be suitable for mounting to a 4"-square or double gang electrical box. The SD500-AIM addressable input module must provide a monitor LED that is visible from outside the cover plate. Iodel3D500{lt FROt|l UEYT +18 rod.l SD500{lm ffiJ"^* sroE Ytg|t rll llln ilI iui iit?i i*il m rFl srLENr IitrKMGHT 7550 Meridian Circle, Maple Grove, MN 55369-4927 EOO-.14F6444 or in Minnesota 7634936435 FAX: 763-493-6475 World Wde Web: http:/ vww.silentknight.com UADE IH ATERIGA FORM# 350231. Rev- 11/0t Copydghl O 2001 Silent Knight sD500-AtM Installation SILENT KI\UGHT and SD500-M|M Instructions The following instructions are a quick reference guide, refer to the confiol panel installation insffuction lnle lliKnight 5 8 2 0 Analog/ Addressable Fire Systern P N 15097 2 fot detailed system information. Wiring the SD500-A|M / MIM Nole: Installotion and wlring of these devices must be done in accorfurrce with NFPA 72 and local otdinances. Tefidnate the wiring as shown in Table L See also Figure l. Speclfications Table 2 lists the operating specifications for the SD500-AIM and the SD500-MIM. Table 2: SD300.All, and gDsoo-tlll{ Speclflcations Figure l: Wring the SD500-Alt and SOsm.Hil Setting the Device Address The range ofvalid addresses is I - 127 (0 is an invalid address). Refer to Figwe 2 to set the dip switches to the desired address. Table l: Wre Connestlons sD500.AtM so5txt-iltt Terminals To: 5820 or 58{5 Termlnals Contac-t sLc sLc ouT sc-.. +s+ Contac{ A :,t..:-' ' -..-:-,i t- . . ,tt. To N.O. Coftact B To N,O. Contact Specltlcadons Mar Line resistaace 5Oft lvhL Alarm Cunent One device in alarm 23mA. 46 mA for two devices in alarm. .5 mA for each addi- tional device in alam. Max. Voltage 33V Operating Temperature 0o to 49o C (32" to 120" F) Indoor use onlv P/N 151071 ' 5D500-A\M and SD50ID-M\M lnstalhtion lnstructions StatuE LEI' Mounting the SD500-A|M Mount the SD500-AM into a double gang box as shown in Figure 3. Mounting the SD500-M|M Use the adhesive-backed velcro pad to mount the SD500-MM into a single gang box as shown in Figure 3. t ++I Addrsilsrs I Lr,*t 3 ,l g t€ 1l 6il i.hfll ftld lh6 rElriEE d tlE dS E|rlEhEE h fi* 'dltt' j tE*filr|lltfrldarian |.liffi.Ib j. rddm* intb rIr|dr ir *?. ef,drF t. + 5 ,ril $rd 6 rE q'r hsNtn! rdK d / \r.rrfna:p;$ /-.,. /t.., t" Figure 2: Setting the Device Address. Nole: The dip switch settings shown in Figwe 2 apply to the 5D500-MIM also. 7550 Meridian Circle Maple Grove, MN 553694927 6r2493-64ss 800-328-0r03 Fax: 612-493-6475 @ 1997 SilentKnight P/N 15l07l, Rev. A, lll97 SILENT KI\IGHT P/N 151071 at GiEIUTEX Gommander3 Series Selectable Gandela Evacuation Applications The Commander3 Series is a low orofile slrobe or horn/strobe combination that offers dependable audible and visual alarms and the lowest current available. The GE3 Series offers field selectable candela options of 15, 30, 60,75, and 110 can{ela. The Commanderr Series horns offer a new synchable chime and whoop tone and provide a selection of high or low dBA as well as a selection of a 2400 Hz (remote signaling) or a low frequency broad band 1500-3000H2 mechanical sounding (evacuation) tone where doors could be a problem. The GE3 Series are easily field changeable from temporal 3 to a conlinuous tone by simply removing a jumper. The GEC3 is shipped from Signals the factory on the temporal lower frequency mode and it comes standard with a rugged cast metal mounting plate. The Commanderr has a minimal ooeration current and has a minimum flash rate of 1Hz regardless of input voltage, The Commanderr Series comes standard with the 4" mounting plate which incorporates the popular "Superslideru" feature that allows you to easily test for supervision. Also included is a locking mechanism which secures the product to the bracket without any pcrews showing The Commanded (GE3 Series) appliances are UL 464 and UL 1971, listed for use with fire protective systems and are wananted for three years from date of purchase. GES3 GEC3 Standard Features . Field selectable candela options of 15, 30, 60, 75, and 110 candela . Prewire Entire System, Then Install Your Signals. Ease of Supervision Testing (Super SlideJ. Lower Installation and Operating Costs. Input Terminals 12 to 18 AWG. Switch Selection for Hlgh or Low dBA . Switch Selection for High or Low Frequency (1500-3000 Hz). Switch for Temporal 3, Chime, orWhoop Tones. Tamperproof Re-entrant Grill . Surface Mount with the GSB (Gentex Surface Mount Box) Synchronize Strobe and/or Horn by Using the AVS-44 Control Module Silence Horn While Strobes Remain Flashing Rugged Die Cast Metal Mounting Bracket True Evacuation Tone . Wide Voltage Range 16-33 VDC or FWR ' Seoarate Hom and Strobe Functions. Available in Red or Off-White Approvals '@"ffiIHE Americans with Disabililies Act (ADA 4.28.3) BFP (City of Chicago) BS+A/MEA #285-9.|-E CSFM 7.|35-0569:l 22 (GEC3) 712s-0569:.|23 (GES3) NFPA 72 UL ULC Dual Listsd 464. l97l i GES3 24 VDC Selectable Gandela Low Profile Evacuation Strobe Wall Mount Model Number Part Number Nominal Gandela Voltaqe (uL 1971) GES3-24WR 90+1321-002 24VDC 15.30. 60.75. 110 GES3-24WW 90+1319-002 24VDC 15.30. 60.75. 110 GES3-24PWR 90+1322-OO2 24]/DC 15.30. 60. 75.'t10 GES3-24PWW 904-1320,002 24VDC 15.30. 60,75. 110 GEC3 24VDC Selectable Candela Low Profile Evacuation Horn/Strobe Wall Model Number Part Number Nominal Gandela dBA@ Voltase (uL 1971)10 Ft GG€g*lrlu{R..90+1317402 24 VDC 15.30. 60.75. 110 100 GEC3-24WW 90+1315-002 24VDC 15.30. 60.75. 110 100 GEC3-24PWR 90+1318-002 24VDC 15. 30. 60. 75. 110 100 GEC3-24PWW 904-1316402 24VDC 15, 30, 60, 75, 110 100 Notes: The GE3 Series is not listed for outdoor use. Operating temperature: 32"to 120'F (0'to 49" C) Model designations: "W" = Wall Mount "R" = Red Faceolate "W" = Off-White Faceolate "P" = Plain (no lettering) Available with all models. These units are non-returnable. "Agent" bezel also available. Operatinq Strobe Current @ 24VDC 15 Candela 55mA 30 Candela 63mA 60 Candela 88mA 75 Candela 1zmA 1 10 Candela 136mA Note: For nominal and peak current across UL regulated voltage range for filtered DC power and unfiltered (FWR [Full Wave Rectilied]) power, see installation manual. DBA @ 10 ft. per UL454 (Hichl DBA @ 10 ft. per 111464 (Lowl Dc (mA) Horn Mode 16v 2$t 33v 16v 24v 33v 16Y 24v 33v Temo 3 2400H2 7A 83 84 71'75 77 13 19 24 Temo 3 Mechanical 76 81 82 70'73-/b 16 22 Tcmn 3 Chime 70*7't).7'1,66.68.70'I 12 .15 .g€nfirr6&$:ltlgis.:81 86 87 78 80 '14 21 28 Continuous Mechanical 80 84 85 72*76 78 13 18 25 Continuous Chime 70'7l',73.66"68.70-10 15 Whoon 82 6.1 83 6S*72"/5 43 51 56 .Operating the horn in this mode at this voltage will result in not meeting the minimum UL reverberant sound level required for public mode fire protection service. These settings are acceptable only for private mode Jire alarm use. Use the high dBA sotting for public rnode application (not applicable when using the chime tone. The chime tone is always private mode). Notes: The sound output for the temporal 3 tone is rated lower since the time the horn is off is averaged into the sound output rating. While the horn is producing a tone in the temporal 3 mode its sound pressure is the same as the continuous mooe, *...-.._-...::.:.......... Ir' 'l ti..t.--.-----.--.-.\, | |:il,iiil il lr ilrit::ll:. it I i"i. .... r' ; i..,i;lil.$i$,,. I iiq$iiit[llif . Iii'"'"'ll ii..4if#**iii.ri :l.. . "l::':":'::-'" " ., I 1 Dlmensions Switch Locations Mounting Super Slide" Die Casl Metal Mounting Plate: Mounts to single gang, double gang 4" square boxes or GSB box. Gandela Selection Candela sel€dion s1!d€. snilch D€pr€ss c€dtr and slide silch lo desied Br€ak ofi pin andins€d inta hol. al th. botrom ofthe sel.clor to lo.& candela s€lting Sagnal musl be remov€d rdn bGck€r d pin grshed foNard frbm ba.*sid€ o|r of hole Gonventional GES3/GEG3 Series Wiring Diagrams UL L|bd Cqltdhl &f.tthd{l|rl Clrqdf Sl,\4ICl-l POSTION Hiconl Swr'tch Position 6 ON > HIGH dB OFF> LOW dB as Switch pollllons 1 rnd 2 lh lhe off porition lo 3€l€ct isolat d horn afld Elrobd pourer hputs. HEHEEH123456 Removing Bezel UL Lbbd Contsol Prt|el Sryrnrked thnrl Clreuit Wiri4g Diagram GE3 Series with AVS44 Synchronizatlon Module rEtft*fitr r|glatctt Architect & Engineering Specifications: The audible and/or visible signal shall be Gentex GE3 Series or approved equal and shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. per UL 1971and/or UL 464. The notification appliance shallalso be listed with the California State Fire Marshall (CSFMi and the Bureau of Standards and Appeals (NYC). The notification appliance (combination audible/visible) shall produce a peak sound outpul of 100dBA or greater at 24V as measured in an anechoic chamber. The signaling appliance shallalso have the capability lo silence the audible signal while leaving the visible signal energized with the use of a single pair of power wires. Additionally, the user shall be able to select either continuous or temporaltone output with the temporalsignalhaving the ability to be synchronized. Unit shall be capable of being installed so that any unauthorized attempt to change the candela setting will result in a trouble signalatthe fire alarm controlpanel. The audible/visible and visible signaling appliance shall also maintain a minimum flash rate of 1Hz or greater regardless ofpowerinputvoltage. Theapplianceshallhaveanoperatingcunentof 55mAorlessal24VDCforthelSCdsirobecircuit. The appliance shall be polarized to allow for electricalsupervision ofthe system wiring. The unit shallbe provided with a mounting bracket with terminals with barriers for input/output wiring and be able to mount l0 a single gang or double gang box or double workbox withoutthe use of an adapter plate. The unitshall have an input voltage range of 16-33 volts with either direct cunent of full wave rectified power. The appliance shall be capable oftesting supervision without disconnecting wires. Also the appliance shallbe capable of mounting to a surface back box, GiENTE)(EclFIFCIFIATIclN Fire Prot c{on Producb: www.gentsx.@rn 10985 Chicago Dr., Box 310, Zeeland, Ml 49441 616892-7195 1€00/436€391 FAX 616892-4219 centex @rporation reserves rhe nghl 13 rnake chang* to tie pbduct dda sheets at their dbcretio". *) Prhted on Recyoled PaP€t 24 units per carton 27 pounds per carton GE30201-3 GiEl\lTE)( Commander+ Series Selectable Ceiling Mount Strobe and Horn Strobe Applicationa The GCS/GCC Series b a ceiling mount strobe or hom/strobe cornbination that offers dependable zudible and visual ahrms and the lorcsl cunentarrailable. The GCS/GCC offers field seledable candela options of 15, 30, 75, 95, and 115 candela. The models are easily field dtatg€able fiorn temporal 3 to a continuous tone by simply removing a dip switch. The models are shipped from the factory in the tesnponal alarm mode. The Commandef Series homs prwide a seledion of high or low dBA c well as a sdedion of a 24fl) Hz (remote signaling) or a low frequency bmad band 1500-3000F12 mechanieal sounding (evacuation) tone where doors could be a prcblem. The GCS/GCC Series comes standard with he 4" mounting plate which incorporates the popudar "Superslideru' bracket that allortrs yor to easily test for supeMsion. The GCS/GCC Series has a minimal operating ornent and has a minimum flash rate of 1Hz regadless of input voltage. Commandef Series appliances are VL6411971 listed for use wih fire protective systems and are wananted for hree years ftorn the date of purchase. GCS24 GCG24 Standard Featurce . Fidd selectable candda options of 15, 30, 75, 95 and 't15 candda. Plavirc Entire Syslem, Then Inshll Your S[nals. Eaecf $nervhiulTe$irg (Super Sllde). Lorver Installation and Openating Costs. Inp* Teminals 12 to 18 A!\G. Switch Sdec{ion tur HQh or Lorv dBA. Srrlldr Selecfion for High or Lot Frequency {150o3m0l-ts). Tatperymf Re-entnant Gdll. Synchronize Strobe and/or Hom by Using the AVS44 Control Module. Silence Hom \Mtile Strobes Remain Flashing. Rugged Die Cast Metal Mornting Bnacket. TrueEvrcudionTone. VUde Volhge Rarge 1&33 VDC q F\,1/R. SepraeHom ad Strobe Fundions . Avail$le in Red or Ofi-Vlhite Approvals .nSr"Er=:ffii . Americans with Disabilities AEt (A0A 4,28.31. BFP (Clty of Chlcago). B9+4,[EA#285.91.E .Pending. CSF|| 7136-0669:122 7125{559r123. NFPA 72. UL tlLC Dual Lbted tl6a, 1971 GGS 24 VDG Ceiling llount Selectable Strobe ilodel Gentex Part Number Gandela (uL r97r)Number GCSa4CR 9(X-1213{X}2 't5, 3{r. 75, 95. 115 GCS24C1^/9,J4..1215{f}2 15.30. 75.95. 115 GCS24PCR s121ffiz 15.30. 75.95. 115 GCS24PCW 9/u{--121ffi2 15.30. 75.95. 115 GCC 24 VDC Geiling Mount Selectable Horn/Strobe l{obs: The GC Series is not listed for outdoor use. Operating temperature: 32'to 120.F (0" to 49. C) Gentex does not recommend using a coded or pulsing signaling circuit with any of our strobe products. See lechnical bulletin number 014 for more information. fiodel designations: "C" = Ceiling Mount "R" - Red Faceplate 'w' = Off-White Faceplate "P" = Plain (no lettering) Available with all models. These units are non-returnable. Gandela Operating Strobe Current @ 24VDC 15 72mA 30 88mA 75 176mA s 200mA 115 214MA. ilodel Number Gentex- Part Number Gandela (uL r97r) In Anechoic RoomdBA @r0Ft GCC24CR 9o+1209002 21mA '15. 30.75.95. 115 100 GCC24CW 9'U,{--1211{0,2 21mA 15. 30.75.95. 115 100 GCC24PCR 90+1210{X}2 21mA 115 1m GCC24PCW #.1212{tr2 21mA 15, 30,75,95, 115 100 DBA @ r0 fr. per Ul-48it Glidhl EA g 10 fr. per uLl6t fl-owl Dc(mA) Ho.n bde l6v 2N 33Y l8v 24,3:Dv tBv 21v 3:tv TemD 3 2400H2 7A 83 a1 71'75 77 13 19 21 Temp 3 Medranical 76 81 a2 70.73.76 16 22 Conlinuous 2400H2 81 86 a7 74.7A 80 14 21 2A ConUnuous Meohanical 80 84 85 72.76 7A 13 18 25 'Operating the horn in this mode al this voltag€ will result in nol meeting the minimum UL reverberant sound level required for public mode fire protection seryice. These setlings are acceptable only for private mode fire alarm use. Use the high dBA setting for public mode application. ilotla: Tho sound oulput for lhe temporal 3 tone is rated lower since tho time lhe hom is off is averaged into the sound ouFui rating. While the horn is producing a tone in the temporal 3 mode its sound prossure ig lhe eame as the @ntinuous mode. tounting 3- SI,|AP COVER OVERASSEMBLY 2. INSERT L@KING SCREW li I I I Ii 1. SLIDE ONTO BMCKET DIMENSIONS:6"X 2.6" Dip Switch Locations Hlhl-rr-rht aa-EIrIEr{.tta Fb*. .ntdlblh- L!lrrtd. NOTE: To prewnt aacidanlal cendela seloclion change, remow the scr€w from lh€ wrlock posilioo ard dace in lie lod( poe'tio{ sfr€r lhe d€atod Intlorly ls l€l€dgd. F"rE €H o Gonventional Wiring Diagrams GCSTGCC Series ffinfl ttF.ttr|fiIdClfiit 1@-\ '.,- Eimagltfil f||nHJ${Cratil Wiring Diagram GCSTGCC Series Using the AVS44 Synchronization Module IIIfiT.art [anI5 Architect & Engineering Specificatlons The visible and audible/visible signal shall be Gentex model GCS or GCC or approved equal and shall be listed by Underrriters Laboralories lnc. per UL 1971 for the GCS and also UL 464 for the GCC. The notification appliance shall also be lisled with the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) and lhe Bureau of Standards and Appeals (NYC). The notification appliance (combination audible/visible units only) shall produce a peak sound output of 90dBA or gteater as measured in an anechoic chamber. The signaling appliance shall also have the capability to silence the audible signal while leaving the visible signal energized with the use of a single pair of power wires. Additionally, the user shall be able to select either conlinuous or temporal lone output with the temporal signal having the ability to be synchronized. The visible signaling appliance shall also maintain a minimum flash rate of 1Hz or greater regardless of power input voltage. The appliance shall have an operating curent of 73mA or less at 21 VDC for the 15 Cd. The appliance shall be polarized to allow for electrical supervision of the system wiring. The unit shall be provided with teminals with barriers for inpuUoutput wiring and be able to mount t0 a single gang or double gang box or double wo*box with lhe use of an adapter plate. The unit shall have an input voltage range of l6-33 volts wilh either direct cunent or full wave rectified power. GiENTEXcc'rrFtrttATroN Fire Pmtedion Produds: ur/w,gentex.com 10985 Chicego Dr., Box 310, Zeeland, Ml 49464 616f,192-7195 l-8m/,4i}G8391 FAX: 616/3924219 Ga|b. sFdin r€oftEr 0|€ ritn b rEka dranCra b $e Fodu.t detr d|.ab at lret dloUori. 24 units per carton 29 pounds per cadon fil *-*"*.0""- GC010102€ tukdel 5700 tnstallation and .Qperatian Manual 5.2 frllaxirnurn Number of Devices A total of 50 addressable devices can be used with tlre syttem' 5,3 Wiring Requirements for SLC Bevices The following information applies to all sLC devices. Refer to the section drat describes the tlope of devise you ar€ ia*talli+g for details. 5.3,1 Wiring $LC devices in Style tl{Class B} No speeial wire is reqlire.d fer eddrcssabl,e loopr The wire ean be untwiste4 unshielded' solid or siranded as long as it rneets lhe Natisnal Eiecttic Code ?6G51 re-grrirements for power timited fire prctective sigrraling cables. Maximunr wiring resistancs is 5O ohms. Maximum loop iength depends on the wire gauge' lMre Gauge ller. Disbnc. 22 AWG 1500 fEet 18 AWC 3900 feet 16 AWG 6200 feet 14 A\l/c 10,000 ftet Figwe 5-l and Pigr:re 5*2 show how wire length is determined for out-and-back tap and T-tap style wiring. , SLC Circuit i I $LC devi':€ Dottad tine.f6lh sfiows how wire disiatlce is calcuhted tuf the SLC device al tf'e Ead cf ltre run. The wire dBtance alusl b€ less than ihe tnaxirnum per wire g8uge. <-_-_.----l I S,LC device ! I i SIC devke l0aximum loop resistanc€ = 50 ohm$ II Figure 5.1 Galculatlng wtre run fengthtorasfficost and ba€* 15'!295 Voltage Drop Cabulations 1. Gentex GECS horn strobes have a voltage operating range of 16-33 volts D.C. 2. Silent Knight 5700 NAC Circuit can provide up to 2.5 amps 3. Voltage Drop is 6.35 rrofts for 1000 ft. of 14 gauge wire at 2.5 amps 6.35 volts = 1000 ft. x 2.54 ohms x 2.5 amps 1000 ft.f = RxI 4. 24 volts - 6.35 volts = 17.65 volts ttrldlat s7O0 lnsiafafiar a*d.Oper*#e* t***ual 3..6.2 Cutrer* {}rffi Wor*slrsgt (Copy tbe page if additional sparc is requircd') Trble $2: CslTtnt Calcuffi'r ** C B tl v ri ?f I J Aefnr€ Yot Eegfm tnstaffine fiachd?g8bls BsrY Strs IIrr-,Isd lor 2i[ ]r+. 8fixrdfu, i*tkt-.Alea* '11s,t{rdncr$hft.StarS$5616"llEtm 7 AT{-"---Zi,?ti gS $i[ 23S *A{E TJ{675 toA 13 AH L-t,{450 nA '+r $re itEr:' ri&e 6*ery wltt capaaiiy -q2'eater 'thg.a te4xird' *** f$si?tg rdi paner eni5 llb .rtdndby *r alwtn 6ar7€r2t fer.b#r*l eelculatio* d*iag 24 y-4t, l21l IUC s 249 rac. *.*i{cxrbwtarnnm&gr refo n t}c aazi*um untbert rhat the coatol pazel ctft contmunicate wilh. In santa dases iii{ffi ir*i f"i tU" ii& ry4q ai*et,,ay m*it *. tott SB tt S eunstt' k thac ewt m ;:;rilJ"ip"*;'iippty'uwt t"*"i*"Vi-iri"i-itn sflcd,,a+Jar tl* corres ctnfgurstt^n' 3.6*2-t lglaxlrnum tsattery $tandby Load The table below shows ltc mffiiIlIlII r. tattcry standbylsad for ttrc 5?s- based ol1 24 and tr brsesf#a*ey. Trr€ *aodby }o4d sslsuletioa$ of liue E.is &s currcnt Fras' ca*eutatisa Wbrksheei tTable 3-?) must be lq.ss than the nunber slrswn in the table below for thel battery cirrJ ussl asd stg.rdby h$ss.reqsilpd, . &e4trlrd fur NFp,a ? Z Al,'(,iliary Pr$.tcc&d F'Ee Alttn system for Fire AI*m fusifB {$$ ea$ ad naow ffi;#;;A^riitffi*-tyitiiiiffliioiity E#iit1' *a"aisi*t,Etarm conntuaicarar.;Fr*ttnrfttgr Table 3-?: Surent Galeulr$on Worl(|hest ;ffi;hffi1;;"ffi;;;'w ,;;;;;: i;;; ao.i'E tw'tnat operation' doot twldox **ve Nlat ond. n&it be incla'ded in the 2'5 A lotat csrent that cal be drgvett Jrom me Wnet ffiffi tt' tel" e6*e'*rroeitse *$qi&Silat:K&lF.el{s- mt sqpp{nt tfte-Es&"€f'ldHiqs r[Esl{Ert0i[ t!# r$8€o ul Ers:r r|eER€f t* ra4 oowiH.sbrt6" in6i{iis* rlr€ syse-m,6qd4f,ld*4*F}$eryne#i-gia{be.ist5Bsi@tavi**les*'$ fu reeirad lC hmas .ran6l pe*L U,u fat*c, i+ ln c*c.ttoC. &c co.'tc{ beitlry ampereslhour r6ing ae*&d *61as 3.7 \ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact c*/- 0oct z MVNOEYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Coloradg 57 without this informatlon: Fire Sprinklei Jnop Orawings are requlred at time of permit submittal and must'include the iollowing-. Permit application will nolpe accepted Auti t,6 Ttii}i VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT Fire Sprinkfer: $-ffi Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or TION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U} Project #: Building Permit #; Sprinkler Permit #: IC.E.T. Level lll (min) stamp. Contractor. (Labor & Materials) =42 Soq- BO for Parcel # ent c Contact and Phone #'s: q10Town of Vail Reg, No.: Address: 55/ Nprtll +y-onbes-Maili, Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) Workclass: Newpf Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Retrefit( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other (r,{ No. of Accommodation Units in this bullding: <)No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: O Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No WDoes a Flre Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( .HEUEltf gghrr*******ri**rr***********FoR OFFICE USE ONLY****************** fr*****!t***** 't** **** / \VAiM8IS\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\SPRKPERM.DOC o't t24t2002 ,aL:i3-- FdL.' €l flrg IotecUon,lnc. 04-1808 SUBMITTAL MANUAL VAIL GYMNASTICS FACILITY Vail, CO 536 31 % Road Grtnd Juncllonr CO 8'l5l)4 Phone: (97O) 434{AO3 F.x! (97O).134{aO2 EXGEL FIRE PROTEGTIOil lJrlG, Vail G1 nma.*ics tr'{cilit}' Vail, Colorado tr'ire Protection Product Data Inrler I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXCEL JOB NUMBER O+T808 Item l. r. 3. .t. 6. 7. 8. 0 lo. ll. 12. 13. ll. 15. t6. 17. 18. Description Hldraulic Calcs Baclflow Preventer Tanper Sritch Water florr slitch Alarn/Strobe O$erhead fue protectior sprfukler piping per NFPA 13 Or erlread fire pmtection sprirliler piping per NFPA 13 O|erhead fire protection theaded fittirrgs Oterhead fire protection Groored frttings Check. Globe. & Ball lahes UpngAt Sprinklers Pendant Sprinlilers Sidervall Sprhklers Siderrall Sprillilers Upriglrt Sprtuklers Head Guards Sprhkler Escutcheols 2%-' Siugle Fire Dept. Corurection [Iangers Sprre head cabinet Identifica tiol Sig:ns Model U 72" Febco tvtoctel 850 DC Bacl{lor Assemblr Potter OSYSU-2 Potter Electric Model VSR-F Sprhli-Lanu 2+ VDC Dllaflow Sizes per Hldraulic Calculations Dl mtlread Sizes per Hldraulic Calculations Ward. sized per lndraulic calcs. Central. sized per h1'drau.lic calcs. United brass Viking M QR. SSU. Broue. VK 300 VikingMQR. SSP. White. Wi 302 Viking M QR. HSW. Brorue. VK 30+ Viking M QR. D4'HSW. Bronze. VK I78 Tpo EC-ll. SSU. Bronze. TY5l37 Tvco G2 Model 89. Wlite Croker Model 63-t I Tolco As Required As Required 19. 20 2t. I I I T I t I I I I I t I I I I I t T i**tr Job Number: 041808 Remote Area 1 - 150 135 120 '105 *90 8-gt- o (D ^^tL '- 45 30 ,t( Waso 600 7so 9oo l oso 12oo 1350 Water flow, gpm 00.@;tatflc Fres sure J .r z ro-r J(y !F.\Jt J w ,1 .i t.m n@ I I with hose st 70.67 I tt ftEMS Syste I mdc tman(curve rt#$Job Number: 0+1806 I I I I I I t I I T T I I t T t I t t Remote Area 1 - 041808 LMF Vail Gymnastics Facility sr.a. c€rti.tbr^i:.e llurlrr N.t.c.E,T.# 90020 551 N. Frontage Road Vail FD city ]$b lztpc".Vail iCO | 81657 0+18@'lA.cad System |aEIn(,I€s) M.d ttuEd.g SFiJC.. 0* 11-2 K-Factor 30.00 at 7.175 Light Hazard H@AltusA€om. 100.00 0.1ogprnfft'z I 504.00ft' (Aclual 1 505.40ft'?) Addltdd H@ 54&4.6 Node Fbw(ooml &,r*s Ol Spild.r CdclhEd 2s6.00ft' 100.00 q*..n Fb{, D.Ddd I t.iJ $er ii.qdld (m|nil! rio6 $t!c)19'1.20 , ?91.n M&in6 PE*m Ui6dru In L.aDs 0.000 Muine v.h€ny AboE Gdnd 16.09 b€tween nodes 93 and 49 i.dnnffi Volutu ..D.city oMr.t Piodr l VduD 6pciy o. Dry FiF.189.79ga1 | 0.01tr Supplies i Hose Flow I Static Residual B Flow Node I (gpm) | (psi) (psi) !" (qpm) Available @ Total Dennand(psi) (oom) Required I Safety Margin(Dsi) | (bsi) 1oo.oo_ | l oo.ooo gb.ooo I rzrsoo 99.646 | zgt .zo 70.667 | 28.979 Contractor 0+o71 codtl|ff lcdulrt Ray Segura I Excel Fire Protection, Inc. Fh6. I e*ooo (e7o) 434-4s03 I 536 31% Road (97O) 4s4O802 rays@excelflre.mm Grand Junction 81504 excelfire. cotn Job Numben 0+1808 Description: Remote Area 1 - + lrost Demandlng Sprinkler Data if;*ff J1^Jr.,'r^ .f (o .t-. S t I I I T t I I I I I I T I I I I I .;iltr - r ilBll Job Number 0+1808 l'1 Rernoie Area 1 - Gvm PipeTvpe Diameter Flow !'elgg8t HWC Friction Loss Lengt'tr Eq. Length Total Lenoth Ptessure SurmaryDownstream Elevation Discharge K+actor pt pn FittingG Up{CCtrt -,.....Route1...BLr I -, Q=30.0O 4.10 .\\-\ 0.024238 16'-C 16'-C Pf 0.388 Pe Pv ls \ 29514 -295- q=30.0o ' X=t12 y z.sogBL -F o=6o.eo 832 c=12t \ 0.089544 to-L 16'-C Pf 1 .qs3 Pe Pv 14 N-5 29',-5 q:30.80 K=11.? .. 7.563 Sp(-7.563) w 8.995BL 1.72ffi / O=9 .91 C=120 Y 0.:36'-l s',-7vl 4'l'-11v, Pt 8.479 Pe Pv. 15 19 29'-5 29',-5 q=33.59 K=11.2 8.995 17.474 Spr(c3Gj- E6|7'A\ N a=94.39 2.91 C=124 \ 0.202041 11',-311 17-8/, PI t;2.567 Pe 0.614 Pv -* 19 18 295- 28L0 1P QP 17.474 20.655 PO(11'-3%l -K 0=9a.39 1 .94 C=120 v 0.061915 16 -C 16'-C Pf 0.991 Pe Pvt 1E #.3 n 20.655\ 21 .646 -.'. -- -, *-'.,.-- ,6.09 c=1V \.0.228516 I J.L 1J-71/' z0-|71 Pf" 6.087 Pe Pv 34 28.-0 2A-0 21.ffi PO(13-7%\ 'tt I 6.09 C =2g-2 27-3y PT Pe Fvl 12.670 8.67143 49 28'-0 8'-0 27.733! 49.074 r 4E(6-10) .20 v0 7'-10 34-1 41'-11% Pf v 9.585 Pe Pv, 49 93 *U'e 3:3 49.074\ 58.659 E(6-1 0), PO(1 s'-7%\, C(13-7%:".I 20 16.09 C='l2O I 5'-C Pt v 5.943 Pe 2.1ffi Pv 93 I 8:0 \ 58.659\ 66.769 BFp(r4.8oo)FR '-- - a=191.20 io,qg c=tz I V o.oB43J3 o-! J-{ Pf 0.253 Pe 1.3O1 Pv91 3'-0- o'-0 . 66.769\ oe.szg )M I .26 C=14 132',-5y cJ-! 1ffi',-2y PT 1 .260 1 .084Pe Pv 91 'I 0'-0 -24 oo.JzJ 70.667 3E(17-11). S.|..Route2.. fL ;t v Q=30.r/ 4.21 C=1 06 16'-( Pf r0.406 Pe PV 29'-5 29'-5 q=30.77 ri11 .2 7.549 \'7.956 Sp(-7.s4s)) t-YQ=8.5i t 6'-c 't 6'-c Pf w 1 .502 Pe Pv31 -B'-5 29'-5 q=31.59 K=11 .2 / .vco r 9.457 sp(-7.s56) --E! A'- ._ - !1f90-er 3.?4 C=120 0.211709 36'r S-7Y' 41',-111/, Pf 8.864 Pe Pv 31 35 zs'-5 q=u.44 K=11 .2 v..F/ 14.U2 Sp(-9,457) e6|7%\RNI I0 0=96.81 13.24 C=124 ' 0.211709 11'-31/t 12-8v. Pf 2.690 0.614Pe Pv 35v ZJ -J 28'-0 14.342\ 21 .646 PO61'-3y2\ lEquivatent Pipe Lengtns ot vatffi Lc vatue wti.rttiptier I | 1 eaua rnsioe oiam*er \ o ut -| \@l =t"ao'Value Of C 10O 130 14O 150 Multiplyrng F3ctol __*_9J1q_____ __ 1.33 1 .51 L=9tv 7c,zg l;. * yW :i;tt - ,i*ff Job Number: 0+1808 I I I t I t t I t I t I I I I t T I I Description: Remote Area I -PipeTvpe Diameter Flow V"ffiort Length Eq. Length Total Lenqth Pressute Surmary'Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Faam Upsteam AO Arm-OverBL Branch LinegM Cro6s Main DN Drain DR Drop DY Dynamic FM Feed i/hinFR Feed Riser MS Miscellaneous OR Oubigger RN Riser Nipple SP SprigST Stard Pipe UG Underground Diameter lnch Elevation FooiFlor gpm Discharge gpmVelocity fps Pressure psl Length Foot Frbtion Loss pr#Footl-lWC Haen-Willbms ComtaniPt Total pressure al a point in a pipePn Normal pressure at a point in a pipePf Pr6surc lo€s due b ftiction betvreen pdntsPe Pressure due to ele\Etion difiererEe bet^€en indicated pointsPv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe ALV AnSV D Balv BFP BV c opls Cr cv DelV DPV E EE Ee1 Ee2 t FDG 'EfEE Rg FN fT g Glov He HV Hvd LtE Alarm Valve Angle Valve BushirE Ball Valve Backflot| Preventer Bufterfly Vatue Cross Flory Tum 90' Coupling Crcs Run Check Valve Deluge Valve Dry Pipe Valvegff Elborv 45" Elbo\.v 111/: EltuN2EElbr! Flo Device Fire Departrnent Connection 90' FireLod<CrM) Elbor 45' FareLock(IM) Elborv Flange Floating Node FireLod(CTM) Tee Gauge Globe Vah,e Gate Val\re Ho€e Hose Valve Hydrant Long Tum Elbo\rv MeclEnical Tee Nozre Pump ln Pump Out Post Indicating Valve Pipe Ouuet Pressure Relief Valve Pressure Reducing Valve Reducer/Adapter Supply Swirg Check Valve Sprinkler Strainer Tee Flow Tum 90' Tee Run Union Wifsbo Water Meter Valve cap mecT Noz P1 P2 PIV PO PrV PRV reo s sCV spr St T Tr U \MrF WMV z I t I t I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I Job Number: 04-18O8 RemoteArea l -Gvm Supply at Node 150 '6 gtu aoo 60 si tl atic Pres€ure 100.000 -1218.00 @ 95.m0 I" i291.20 r n@71 f,ith hose s).667 l lr€ms iyste m dema I nd curue 15 9so 3m 1050 Water tlorv, gpm 1350 1500 Supply at Node 1 100.000 1218.00 @ 95.m0ffi 99.el6 @ 291.20 "'r-t *r*" 191.n@70.67 6!ir.|n D.Ed (l.d|cro lb. st ft) 291 .2o @ 70.667 Job Numb€r: 0+1808 futY t\a -b -'b (9 Up -\--=--(ll (:, (:) t:] - E-udv__t L -1 tr ''| t-----1 .s llll uJ -! llrA EI'E o E ;EEED;1 ?o o Job Number: 041808 Rernde Area 2 - Exercise Room 150 135 105 on gru Soo ,45 30 15 0 Waso mo zso 9ffi 1o5o 12oo 1350 Water flow, gpm St.Iic Pres sute 00.00 J .1218.00 @ 95,000 l-l*].o,lnnJ*o* 10p.51 @ 31.3e3- System demand curve ramS Job Number: 0+1808 I I I I T I T I t I t t t I t I t I I Rernote Area 2 - E(ercis€ Room 041808 LMF Vail Gymnastics Facility $A CrtfEinnAi:.@ tlh!.r N.t.c-E.T.# 90020 551 N. Frontage Road Vail FD Vall co 81657 0+18O&1A.cad llod D.MdiE sFi't.f Dd 5.6 K-Factor 17.34 at 9.592 Light Hazard H6AffiAtSdF. 1m.00 0.10gpmn3 1075.00ff (Ac{ual 1 080.24n:) ArEodHEs|dl. Node Flo/rr(oorn) t{nb.r Ol Sp.i*Lri C.lc{5<l b 173.4/.fF 100.00 SFt m fim D..i$! I T.bl t /ii.r R.q.hd (lEldlng fb.. StleG)108.s4 I 208.54 iadin[n Pntu t$.tuE€ h Loop. 0.000 nhitrh\/.bdrAhd Gorn 9.14 between nodes 92 and S lhitrm \r.&.ry LHrr qond Vo{Jd c.Drcrly .fl4€t PiF. 189.869a1 V6lE ceclv ot Dry PI6 0.01fl: Supplies Node Hose Flow {opm} Static I Residual Fr Flow(psi)l(osi)e{oom}Available @ Total Demand {DSl} {ODm} Required I Safety Margin{Dsi) I (Dsi} 1 100.00 | 100.000 1218.00 9S.809 208.54 31.393 | 68.416 Contractor | 04071 cdldta.n I corctra. Ray Segura I Excel Fire Protection. lnc. Pnm I Ed..rt. (970) 4314803 | 536 31% Road (970) 4311-0802 rays@excellire.csm clv Jb Grand Junction I CO 81504 excelfire-csm ,1il$Job Number: 04'|808 : Remote Area 2 - Exercise Room t.l) irod Defl|andirE Sprinlder Data Job Number: 04-1808 : Remote Area 2 - E)€rcise Room Jn'fuJ,y ' ^l'6t'/+ 6to wf,b \- t%"t"ry \ _ d**r,; f V 8qs {a ?psi 6 11s,tl .l 05123/04 TIIU 16:51 $AX Job Numbs: O'4"1808 DescnPtion. Re{nde Area 2 ff '7o 8 -Fvf r5oo? t7 2S-6 o'f rzJ_g_______-y.,po ;;&\4.\ 31 878 \ il.Azq 3E(17'11)'S THU 16:52 FAx Job Number 0+1808 Remote Arm 2 09/23/04 lgu 10:52 FAX Job Numbet: 04-188 R€mote Ar€a 2 '.l) ltlcl OerE]dln! Sptrnf'|€r Deb I I t t I I I T T I I I I I t I I I I :iii!l - .iIff Job Number: 0+1808 Report D6criplbn: Rernote Area 2 - E)(ercis€ Room 9'-0 9'-0 12.8ffi 8'-0 a-0 8'-0 8',-0 a4 8',{ 31.393 3E(17-11). S ga 9{11.115 102 54 1 t .826 12.%4 .6 10.316 SDrG1o 9-0 94 12.268 13.rt31 9'-0 1 1.007 1 1 .115 239 8',-2103 9'-0 ) o" = '"oo'Schedule tlo Steel Pipe Inside Diarneter Vafue Of C 100 130 '14o 150 Fac{or 0.713 1.16 1 .33 1.51 Fitinge Legend ALV AngV b BalV BFP BV cplg Gr cv Delv DPV E EE Eel Eez FDC fE fEE nS FN 'Tg Glov GV Ho€e HV Hyd LtE mecT Notr P1 P2 PIV PO PrV PRV red o sCV spr St T tr U WirF WMV z Alarm Valve Angle Vahre Bushing Ball Valve Backflotiv Preventer Buuerny Valve Cross Flo,t/ Tum 90' Coupling Cross Run Ch€ck Vahre Deluge Valve Dry Pipe Valve9f Elbdiv 45" Elbo{,\, 11./." Elb6! 2%"Elbor, Fhru Device Fire Departmenl Connection 90' FireLock(TM) Elbot / its' FireLock(TM) Elbo,v Flange Floating Node FireLock(TM) Tee Gauge Globe Valve Gate Valve Hose Ho€e Valve Hydrant Long Turn Elbolfi Mechankxl Tee Nozle Pump In Pump Out Post Indliatlng Valr/e Pipe Outlet Pressure Relief Valve Pressure ReducirE Valve Reducer/Adaprter Supply Swing Check Vah,e Sprinlder Strainer Tee Flow Tum g0' Tee Run Union Wirsbo Water lider Valve Job Number: 04-18{E Report Description: RerEte Atea 2 - Exercise Rmm I I I I I I I I I l t I T I I I I t I Pipe Type Leg€nd ,. AO Arm-OverBL Eranch Line CM Cro6s l\rain DN Drain DR DropDY Dynamic FM Feed MainFR Feed Riser MS Miscellaneous OR Odrigger RN Riser Nipple SP SprigST Stand Plpe UG Units Legend Dhr"t", l*h Elevation FmtFldiv gpm DischargE gpm Valocrty fps Pressure 6lLength Foot Frldbn Loqs D6ilFmtHWG Hazen-Williams ConsianiPt Tdal pressure at a point in a pipePn Normal pressure at a point in a pipePf PresBure loss due to fdction betlveen pintsPe Pressure due to ebvaton ditference bet reen indicaled points Pv Vebcity pr€€sure at a point in a I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I t I I I Job Number: 0+1E08 : Remote Area 2 - E(ercise Roorn Supply at Node 1(F 90 -aD o- E/t a Eo- 45 15 9so ru 600 900 1050 Water florr, gpm 1m0 I atic F rreaaur€100.000 1218.00 @ 95.000 08.3 )rsten t.54 wit +@31r r derrEr I t frse s{rei393- I I I d cun€ lllls I Supply d Node 1 100.000 1218.00 @ 95.000 *& FattriD df T..l 99.809 @ 20ri.54 q-- o.,-td 108.54@31.3S WnD.n:i(n bd.rs no.r S!..rb) 208.54 @ 31 .3S Job Number: 0+1808 At€a2-E)(ercbeRoom E} I-o! $ t:l c: Dn E rr ft] EIE /FEA€A, &$uaLE Gf{ ECK ASS6Jtds{"y@ EACKFLOW PHEVENfTION t I t I I Characterist!cs Fhysical Frape#ies Size of Maintine Max. Working pre$$ure Hydrostatic Iest press. Temperature Range End Connections Materials Main Valve tsody Coatlng Shut Of Valves Trim Elastomer Discs Spring Application Non-Health Hazard 2 1t2, 3,4" 6', s" 175 PSI {1200 Kpa) 350 PSI (2400 KFa) 324 F to 1400 F (0o C to 600 C) Flanged ANS| 816.1 Ctass 12S Ductile iron Grade 65-45-12 Fusion epoxy coaied intemal and extemal, AWWA CS50-90 NRS resilieni wedge gate valves AW\4A C509 Sronze EPDM Stainless steel U.S. Fatent No. 4,989,635 MODEL 850 DOUBLE CFIECK ASSEMBI-Y Agency Con'lpiiance ?1/z* -8" {l-forizontal and VerticeN l,Jp} " Approveci by the Foundaticn for Cross Connection Control and Flydraulic Research at the r-.,niversiiv of Southern California. . ASSE i Sid. 101s) " ANS|/AWWA (C510-89) . 0AN/CSA {864.s). FM Approved" . UL Listed" " L€ss gates noi FM apprcved. Les6 gaie6 not UL llstcd unleEB instalsd wlttr Ll L iisted gaia vaives. t t t T I Options E uurrra.osay RW Gate vatves E Wye- Strainer ffiodel 850 Flow Calnves 6" Minimum Refer to Lo6al CodesItlE IA {t -E r!-F 4OO GPM F zOCO GPM MOfiEi- 85e VERTICAL IhSSfALtATISftt ! l/2* anci 3" =15an th 10 q J !43 o 4 5000 GFi* Dirvlems lon'ls arnd Weights NETWT.HETWf, "'= o r r o u "thlti!?i*21t2" 403t4 25112 12gA $ 4 418 71t8 199 m417t& 255ft 127tA 101t4 4 1E 7 3tE n1 n3461t4 Z 14318 10114 51t2 81t8 zu 312 ' Wlh NRS GatB Vatues Note: Dime.Eions ar€ nominal. Alo.,l|ancs must be rnade fornornal manuiadurjng trie.6ncas. ftfiodel 850 Materlais of Constnl.!ction 850 Top View iF*FE,i $ffiS EcldustrBes" 6me"iElvt& li i A Unit€d Oominion Comlanv I I I I I I I t I I I t I T t t t T I ITEftI DESCRIPTION !,A'ERIAL6 ITEM DESCRIPTION i,TATER|ALS rTEff pESCRtPTtOi{ UATFFTALS'I Body 2 Cor€r 2,1 BRing 2.2 Cap Scr€w 2,3 ilsx Nut 2.4 Erpansion Pin 3 S6at Ring 3.." Gasket 4 Arm 4,1 Bushing€wing Pin 1.2 Swing Pin 5 R€iaining Cllp 5.1 Rolaining CIip 6 Chack Dsk Assy / LO6,at Ptn 3 L$/r Spring R6in. 4536 GR 6545-1 2 A536 GR 65-4S12 =PDM ASTM DzOOO Plat€d Ste€l Plated St€El 420 SS 8584 Alloy C83600 EPDM ASTM O2OOO 8584 Alloy Ca3600 Acstal R€sin 304 SS 302 SS EPDM Coatod GR. 45 Dudile lron with typ6 304 SS Etern 304 SS 8584 Alloy C83600 e Spdng Srem 304 SS9.1 Elastic Sbp Jam Nut 1g€ SS'10 Sp.ing A313 Typ€ 631 SS10,2 Spring Shim A3t3 Type 631 SS10.3 Sprihg Shim Acatat RBEin {8. oNLY)1l Spring Guids Bt30 A[oy C2000'12 Uprspnng Retnr 8584 A[oy CS360012.1 Bu6hing-Spr. Slsm Acoial Resin13 PivotBeanng B5BS A oyCggBOO14 Flan06 casket Rubber.Fabric'15 BEanng Sock€t Ac€ial R66in16 HexJam Nui i&B SS17 Washer 302 SS18 Flange Nui ptatod Si€ett8.': Flsng6 Nui plated St6d1e c5\B BsE4 A oy c8360o24 golt pht€d Stasl 25 Bolt Ptated Sle€l26 G6sk€t EPDM ASTM DZ0O035 GRins EPDM ASTM D200035.1 Back.UpRlng Acotat Rssin 36 Colief 8584 A oy C8360040 Eall\blv€ 8584 A oy CB440O41 NipplE Bras6 42 Gate Vahe (OS&Y) AVvwA C5O9 43 Bullfi6ed Filtin! 8584 A og Ct360O43.1 Bulkhead Fitting BS&t A$oy CB36O045 Gask€t EPDM ASTM 0200045.1 Gask€t EPDM ASTM D200046 WashBr 896 Altoy A6046.1 Washer 836 A oy 26047 Nut 8584 A oy C836OO47.1 N'rt 8584 A[oy C836OO P.O. Fox SS70 . Fresno, CA 93747-807c Ya>|: ZCQ 25?-879'i . wu,!v.cmbjnc.con: 59850 i!E? Al;rndte.iatr. copr*gtdod. prinrad ln UGi i lrl i Ce irtio ! Div ls i tt,i I t ePoTrEFr OSYSU-tr, .2 OI,.ITSIDE SCREW AND VOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWTCI{ DIMENSIONSI t t I I I T I I I I TYPICAL ELECTRIOAt- COf{I.JECT'IONS PARTS ,vG, s979-6 TYPTCA!_ SWITCT-| ACT'ION CLOSED VALV'POS]TiON JI;N.0. N.C. OFEN VAI-VE coM. sw #: TC SUPERVISORY CTRCUII OF CONTROL PANEi- II.i DICATING 0€vlcE END CF :-lNg RESISTOR i o*". ,yrrn-, N.O. N.C. Contacts shown in normal (valve open) condition.DWG. #97e-2 LOCAT CIRCUIT t I I I ORDERING IhIFORMAT'IOrT MODEL D=SCRIPTIONOSYSU-1 Ourside Screw a yoke_supervisory Switch (Singte switch)osYSU'z ruru.*r;:::.,"=ff:ri:*ff::::t'Optional Cover Tamper Switch Kit I For pressure reducer type valve installation kits (if required) contaci valve manuiacturer. T STK. NO. 1 010106 101 0206 5490233 czcuubz 0090131 I