HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 TRACT B GOLDEN PEAK 1995 REDEVELOPMENT APPLICATION LEGALVAJ!\T\TTLJBtJJ*P"-k?'&dT"'"J\'*nx5 Dt This packet contains miscellaneous information related to the Golden Peak Ski Base RevdeveloPment Applications. Application submiued: Approval of Ord. 24, Series of 1995: slr5l9s r2l19lgs 'sq nl:24U'R'F' GR(' lP TO: FROM: DATE: REr MEMOn.ANDUM Goldco PceI Emplopr Suncry - Rcnltr Approxinucly 900 cmployre nwcyi wflr mrihd out scptember 2l , rhmugh gcatembcr 29, 10t rwpotrrcr n/crt rctuncd. 'ttc tbllowing ic ur ovcrview sf thore l0g suniyr Profilo ofRccpondcnor l04m rcuond cmployecs. qycn rplit bctwccn full.tirnc (56) rnd part"tinc (52) mploposr 6? work out of Golda P.d. & 40 lror& out of Vail Villlgc. Mqjorlty havc othcrJobe . t2 havc l, 2, c l+ odru jobl. 92 lrtr yornround reridcou, rnd 76 of ttore havr livctt tn the velhy j+ye$sr 5! livo itr VBi[ 45 liw down vcllry (Minftm throrgh Gpnrn) AnlvalTlngr Mon 8roupcd in thc moning than in thc rftemoon; 96 rnive betrvcm 7:00 rur aad 9(D am. Employcrr dcprrtrler ere aton rpnrd.out with 93 rrrpo,ndarte drpofting bctvreen 3t00 & 6:00 pru. Modc of furivalr Mrq/ rtspon&nt m$lcd hue thrn o[r modg ehoving ttr# rone emplgrces chrago thcir rrrivrl nodcr tuuughoul ihc ycar.o 73 rpspood.ntr drivc thcir orn cr,rs; 13 crrpoot (wift ar avrlagc of rpproximrEly 2 oilrcr pesrengcn); 44 riria thc bru.r Of ttc 55 rcryondontt who live in Yail, 3t rrporbd ttat thry ride thc btrg and 32 drive thlir crrr. TUr rhowt thrt of thc dorra-vollcy rcryortdesb, oaly 6 ridc tbc b'uc ild 18 rlrive frgir ctlt, SthercEnploycer Park. Prtklng loortion is ftirly tprud-out but of tlr rerporaes: 20 puk in tho main etructurc (primuily payfu $4.7J wirh a dircount croO; l j pa* t Fotd perk (for frcc): 32 park at the rccocr fcld (for fiso); and, t pc* rt Goldcn Pcak (5 pafing rnd 3 parkiq fon ficc),r somc rurpondcnh hrvr rntrged perl<iag *t condor, .b., or dldtr't rl3wrtbr quction (whcn thcy lnlwuld forthc mo* part thc rcrt of thc guastioarnriru - perhepr wonicd about rcvoding thcir parlcia3 rpot). Devid Co6in P,3 9ildt5 IOTAI iE||Oa{t!lr t(B r OUEEIQH I Blircitl YFrr.ktr|ntl EUBVEY , Ff3P4lrE8 Ftn il',iii;;i i4|i,r:r:.2 tut ?im . Pe Timr 6i ,i.;:s'.;i" ^:rl ;;'.,-1.';1 4.1:l'r-.i'flr:odi.4.ii [.bn!h:.d Errv;Ctr* 4|fe '4lnadvil t(ll€r 't/Yt SttrrFyafd 'lna taaaonr On.illn Frod/furrll Oflr ?wo liaaa + Otfirr:i!Cayrrc! at-50 .80 60+ J tt| hr oihr ;:i . !" ri ;i:.i ::i ;.::'i-.\ ;it 5arland c'ti l-4Ir| rm Edfidt lrorrrirl0 xintufn Eryls i,'l oilt t C{H/sll$ Qlltar! (Xh0li it I I t7 13 aa I rhtii.j:ii il!t +,,.1 . 1 tt < tr$. 9!00 lr!lS. tloo lm l;00. 10;00 rn Ycailr T[rE klYr Furi Tira krv! frofil t Pm Yl|r,E0t rtrd|.t1'+'. t:.'...'.rgI < e r.ntfi E-t Z 'nodha1-l yrar* 3.1 vrr.!. y.r. ta.'|''!.1'il'li:.i'h.:il?1:|ii::::r C Varl t5l4llvtl 10 I tar llnj Yr9r.inrlnd : I jt ",,,il,r.L,,' *#iff ;l$i Port tiG! ,r;] jlIIl,r';f;l$-4rii I Onldrn F€k l.lorthaart hevar Cl!.l At!tynaad Vrl Vilhir Vr I lhoFyrti Thr l.tto|lt 0n lilta Frodlncrnl cotDEtr lEAr lu rllto3 TOlA|iltlolrlta rt r oufitQu Oll TYJr I rlFc I Oil'r !|'llryo.E] UonihrC tta hF|lnr vcll VllE. cctttt CLtk A,ror'lrrrd iri.i $ ii, ii;irY{r'l-1 i:,|;,1'.1 r, I Corarn Fgtl OlhPl it;i',Xi:r;:;i;1.;I 0{0 , Hn lq Ol}rr lr*,,i,::!r.i.!.i,'j:i.;.,.i :. j?liihli t lalSonrl a.ll moat€l.I yalrr !-l yrrrr l| ..v|, ofFlm Elwrdr L6! trillc Mrnttm &eh nrd Cltl rLlil;i,l,i:iiJ.lr,'#",i10 Dnr. Om a1 t0 Ir-40ad. I l{l| ta vA Crocclta fltlrfl Yaa ia 74C . ll0o rtr IOO , tr@ tf,l orm . 10:00 ror lf { }0O Fnr $00 . aOO p.n ,l;00 . l'{D s'n[!r[ . 6:00 Fnj. 6:00 prn Y66 in t na Btar Fur: Ti,6a [.fv. Fforn: Yfl x arl0 arto x a!ltot0s x t$0 tl !0o x ii.?r'tt D|:T A/l '95 eI:ZER'] V.F.F.E. GRt,|..ip no'o:J,;;i**{l loral iatPrt EFS! 07 |l OllEtlDre I t!|ai,rrl Y.trng{.nd ,,i i;:i ;i; :.i;-j i;l:*11i1? FlrltitrrE ttd.?tm. i,i i!,r:. ,,i..r" I r:i .::.!.,rr ,r !.1r,1r..i !:nr V:t.i+ fi:::'ll_,i.i3 Liodh.rd 3t.r.s gr$lt tlow|td Y V rg. Vrl 6hesy:rd Th! E qrr OrlMr( beallailitoth- r. -:l:'.:ljj :i::'t ,.:.".::..r !r r !. r:rirl' :',r |';.' ': rrl';i/| + ''.r [!iuiNi:?tla tlgn! Om Two Ithrr E nFtrvrftl Uon$!fli Thr eedortr Va'l V llt &rv.. Ol.l tf'!!r!rllld 6 oao i:,+l.1''ffi1 t lira an *I.,i:r;:iLiii:irt srarotul I a t 4lnnthtC'lt urttrlr 1-l y{-r l'r |ca'r at-to I t.60 a0+ t flt. lr vA + Et*ryd OyFAn AirYrd. Lc.dviL Mint!rr1 sgh lld Clllt erFoi 0lhrri t il{i ;iiilisiii,i:';il.i!,lI'.jdi:, rr fia,put, I Frople lt i:',i: u;,{r;1l 7:00 . 1S m 3!rXJ . ,re rn lltrxr. t0lL n I r.Il . atOO p.lt '1i00 , !:0O $l arrn . Et(F !firt 3100 !fi Yr: llc lllnr L.r\,| F.r. Y6! m P5 ',.: "JL'iii ' x ';1r . ,,. T -i;;;i'tlli:ii. r.,!;1rr ',. i I' i',:til P,5 \ gOI.DtN PIAK EIl| u27tgt IUIAL ilar{tltltt t7 r auailJ!! l/!tr* tr, VriaErJr. hn'li r r - .ii' : 1r':#, i(..,.i.r... ;-i rL;' i'[1;;1*"zl*'n' Ucrqttalr.vr C|lalr &rcnl|td Vil \flruly tmpyod ?hr ll|!!na 0n'tlrn tOOa/ftlrll urtt: .rn,i.: il,: i,.;.i];ijil6 0'4d I lla a!$onr VlrlVrlrr0? BR:rlr *e!t 41.!0!1{0 6D+ i'r:;:i{j4}i:-fri,ft)nI < 5 nEridra onl Twn lh:r + Other &'t,l'Jylfs E.1l o'nndr l.e Yt..! 3.6 yr t F+ ErC..Vd Gyttutt ldwrCr Lcadvill! ll6tsm !|tl! lLd llirl 0otrr l:ii!r;iH::r:;;;:':il;t.i, '| 0 o?lur Otn Ctryud !sr OthF; ll Crr!09, , PuFb Ycl I\b '.:'..r.:'r -i.,;r.rilriii!,iii,if,,ll < t:m -l?10D - 0:00 rrn tigo - 0t00 !.n grCl, - lono |rtr F l:00 ' *!0n Fnan0.l:m!|n 5rg0 . Cr00 !mIa0O!.i I r 4i00 t{ Yer No tiit !-vr ifltll tq k{v' ,rorn! Ylt llo r$,li'iil ii,r.'.rill rrl;' tlLlr OCT 0/l '! Gol"oE ttAK JarE6 I9TAI i!|roilEsr t7 a ql]lgll(r t Ea!5od ;.r]:li!, il:;rl. ,:I FJ .l-nn v. tt. R, E. (nwP P.?o F!B-Tima 1,. ,, .,, ,, 't i..l rli.,l;, r :.-.r,1,,.,, ,r Batlan Fx[ I lr4rhaal Eatrilt Clt.l lr.cvrhaS Vd Vill:g. Vrl thcirtl|{ It. laaton! O,llltn Fnnain+td Ona lhnr rffii- F 'rFaoyrB: I ":l r 1il;,1ri riiii:i;l:: i"' Tht l0!0nr v.rt Vlrea E€rvtr Grll I l{1| Inr Dthlt l.;rr i: .-t ' ...j; r "''"1 t 5.|.6'|li ,l1'90 t r.0rl tH ler VA C.l2 rnendrr 1.3 ya.n +i y$n | + yr... l r;'.;j.i,l jl!:ii;ti;l I VJI E.tl!.Vril 0t!$llr !dwsidr l*ldYilh Minlun Frgl! fi*r I eial 't o Dtv6 Clqrod lur Otho i ;i ,,; :. ,: ::l,i,i"i.j ll Cerutul, t lople Y|| ft! arlt ?r00 - lrC0 m Crog. e!00 dn C:Og. lor00 fn F lO:00 r,r l|00 ' ardl Frt{,60. t:00 p'n FlgO - a|CXl p't .' lrgo ,|i Yrr 1{oT{r lalv. tcr: Yrr J; il;."o|ff' v'F'E'E' cR.,'rP tETlrt rcr^tmtto 1|.|: It a fl]trunil I Bc|ranal FrGTi|n. ,:i'tj;iiI'i, li: I.|,+',Y,h :i:ii.lI 4qdrn F.dk I nr|rb*, hvrr Ontl Afr!wh3ga Vrl Villrg. V![ th.pyrrt Itr! E..ronl 0ftMan tooditrtJl O{hr.r lill:it'j;: ;i: ri"ljf,F /''.1' "'H Tw9 Tirnc I othlt knCoyroL !, ! {,ri :;'.iir;t}i,i#li !hnrhe.C fnr lrt:ctro Vrl Yllayc EElwl Crl* A|!whrad oth||: l:iii:i,"j{ 1;lii 0{0 *l.E*;'ifv$i otftllta 4l t0 51.90 6Oo a ltr fur va , llr fer Ofi.r i:; t:i..-.:! :.,11 ;r;ir.; . -.:-*:.) fi7 Er.ac.ti Y.r.io{n{ atIt 50t! E < 0 months a.'14 rnottfir l-I t.'t+t y.-r 5 + ylft $'":,!i;"i:ii.i )ri l;:iiir vcl rDgrc Vdl Gyprur" FCr at LaEella llot!rn t.91. Rrd Clilt r.r' iii.ri i.'lili,', iI Othcr;il;i: ,1:itii"l:r"::liriil;iiiiili; j,1,]i;idrilr,":; lO bnv. Owi C! "'i;{.11 . r1 :,i!t\'.'ii.!4::ill l|tE tcH, iL Gt 09 ?100 . r{Jo nr ]00. t!00 |jn tl0o - lOr& rnt lor00 lm ,..f lf r'r .li'{L1$E;;it,ft::t'-4dt{tt s SiOO cm 8100 . +00 lln +!0O-E Dpn 5'0O - l:0O p|n! 6$(l orn Yrr Lo Trna |.tYr l.om: Yat x ara! x iiilr:: :i"l*r,ir; |; rtiiirilil . CtFol1l Oih.ti ri .., .. r,' :iii l,r { trl r,,:ra ,. :'l :.i'.it . lr Co.reol, I F.!pL YT Plar I r r*ilii;,f'r:ii,r 0|:T e/ coloE tl tlAt( EM lhttar tu tttiltro l[t! yt o P,9 , olJEIItol I Eaar.d.l Uon$c.d Tha 8.en3 Vr:lVillt. E!!v!. Crag* Attowh|.d grha|l ' 1r i.i.., ;i;1 -i.ii,{rfii{-'iiiti1l! 040 t1-50 g1-80 60+I Xrr ir vA a r't!n! 1\,E Tlior tOlii Er1glsyl|r: 11 il illf !,rr.)il'i itlfi!i[],S5 Col!F|| PB.l j;i:irai[:l i.i; r,ii'i[:,| <6mo hr €'lE m! nlha I t yrtn -1'r Yrlt5r' lonrd vdl OyFclrn lCrrrrk |.!avto E glE f,ci CHI li'n'rhtrd EStrrGt f.aat Angryhaal Vl vl!.!. VJI tnoiyrfd lh. atrrana On'Hm loo6nGlil < 7:!O tn Crmcl ll! Ulhtll rrli*,ii;i;t*;i t:qt . l!00 alfO. tlftl, l|n f,,r)o. t0:00 rm < itrtn !.n l;00' *00 rrn +tgg - trm ilrioo. 6:00 p|n > Er00 Fr\ Ytg ilo lim Llyr for: Tlrlc Ltffl F.!mi Yra Nil x 4r00 I !;10 x I 4latoF r iji&ift I ! ri:,!irl l:lil.i.; i i,"; 1 . PIEY $]fiit,,,;rii :jcli.:i[,fr{$ritiiHl lrlr I g 9[T O/i '95 ( sOtDEf'f IEAX EMt oiil?/D! t otAlrrt?${altr tt r oulgtqt r Gotdrr til V.E.R.E. GR$JP P, ro otr,, I El|.cnal Y..nitgnd 1::: ii:il :"r.i' i;:.'a rr+llmr PrtTi/nc .,{ # .i-ii, i j ji t:, :;?irTi$t;hr'.i!-.' l i.r lro:d !iav!t Cfaa* lr|!whaad V.il VLgc V.[ lhcrvud th. tar|ortl On.llt[ lwdrfi!|{]l Olhcil i. l.,., i.:' 1.1j, " rr; Jr.-irl;l*; l:,:r,jla Ndnr D^! Twg Ikcr I Oth.| Erngl9yarri Ol,|.r! i.i.'ri.... ...i irr3 0{o lirn hr*Tt 5tt!an6 Vril Vlgr lrvrr Crurt Arfcwh3.d 11.t0 5t-80t0* I lf! iof Va 9l! r dlt 1.3 Ytara$l yq.rr iC:lir'.i;i:iI Vtil |n le'Vlll Edwr{a La.dwl. Mitr)rrr F.ql.n d glfl 0tfurt l"rl riit:; :i: iiif.3jil;):.9;:1r1;;lo oftva (r*n cirgJtoc el, Dthan Y.t ltl 7:m ' l& rnt:dt.froor|n lioo . ldroo !m < 7t0O r|n { lno pm t$0 . ar0O pnl *00'Er00rr"t:S . C:oo prnI n.0O trn Yra Timr lervr for: Ir|ne lf,na EOfi; Va.It x 10o t:10 x 5lgo t'{lo x x {!30 !!00 x ;l litl$li,iirili :iliii:ldr x iriil ;i il,i ;ri,i:Nj li t.oc I C r:rtT @/l '95 @1 :.f/lPl'l v, F, R, E. GFSJP coLDE{ F/!rAt( *f TO?ltlEllq*sr t7 I alr!!! 'I SrrcorEl Ycftiolr l {r i'Jii;ri,t$*r?il$ i,i r*?i,r: i,/lYt,*ttd!. tfiifinr !i r 11' 1E&.i1 I 'ti,r. :\rr.r{, liotdltrd lotrsr Crerk Anowturd vril Vrltogc V.illhorrrrd Tht 6o*onr O|}Utn Fo.d/tl.tdl Otrr!.''ilii:r'., i..iii,r il.*t...,ilt l|on. Ona lwoll''a a O !r lniaycrol ucQrlsid Yha lermrr* Vlt Vlft|r Brlvtl grttk Othot: lill: ;r' 4'l:.d ;*Gfr:i;!l.<,I O-{O at-80 !t'aQ !0+ I tl.t tor VAI Y!.Fiosrd. ,.; r:-:.J:.r 'r1il ...1+\.1.,1 ,., 1;! r li.- r:; q\1i.:ri-\_! iltlj 4.:I 4 3 dorrthc +11fi6|,\tba l-8 YLfl 3.1 yrrn 5 i yaa6 ii:..:ri.a;i'.,iri:ii :,{ f Ei.?il l CrC.'Vrll GyprrEl idwrt! Ic|dlllll! ll rtvrr I16 Bd qitf L-rt'aa !ua 0Grl t:m. a:OO Fn !:00 - l:66 a"' ti00 . l0i90 rm idl,li.:.tl.iIt ( t:Ct rrrr l'00 . ar00 rm +rCC.6100 pm3:m'li0p|nI E:m pn l*rw Fur Llv6 lrmrl YF! No 11ne Tinr Itb l,l li:r;::i,ir,:.,llr t*ili:ii T i: t0 $rlE*!Llltlli?i t F.F It 9cT 0/i '95 e1:35Pt'r V.ll.F.E. GFtlJP GOLDEIU ?EAK'UI TOt {tlllr{tlltlt! tt t PuEQrldir I gcuclJ Yaf.i0trn{ illi'-i- : .,.. ..ri'r:l.:,i,t". '-" u ;, r.,l,.jritt,l r.: P,1! !/l?,1! r!r,, v lB|J. Frt lirrE il ij,rii '.'i, f - i;i.,,.,;iil.i. LhnA.tc Datvrr Cralk lrrlvhrad v.a Viltre. v.r giepy$d ?h. hxaft on{!r f*dtktrll 0ah.l ji'.Liilii,'"fi;11;,:tri.;igi;jl 4 Nlnc onn frrr! t O$tr qndgyrE; licrnMd Th L6!ah6 Yd Ylbg. 8.lYar Crul Arruwltrr,l ,;i'.irrlr#r8i:,.{!ll t { ! rnodhr 41.60 9!'!0 50+tltrt rVA , lf6 lvr o0lg,f:; r 1 .. r{, ... !. +i .k,:: x -r:f ;! ;* rj.-:ir i,i,i,lii&'' Yr+ta!rll' Ell rn.nthrl-l ya]r :r-t ytrl El'tF\rru 0yprum !dw.rdr lotdYilla Minl|fn B1|l Rilt othr,l ":., rr: i: htvs t,|r,vt Crrfndl 0ur Orhen !r Y!l l.tc ii:ifi"r1'':.,iJJ.'lgll E: ?:0O r! 7100 000.m 3109 tr0Q !|n 9:00 . lorlto ryl-/ ,|0,!0.|n iilil:.l;,i,;t, tigil i:i;;,f.iti.ii:$ill{te < 3t@ p.n 3,00. ar00 F|n{;00. lroo !r'ql Oqolmr stq) ti vBl a Tl.F I !ry! lqr: Ti,ts L.rq llonr: iL.r.lii.r,:';.ltilr*iii r,lijiiiiii':,i t $i€o TrCO x x a:lO 100 x T I t 'ts jil lr.lt 1a:cc x ,,,;i{i-l,*r;i rl; IO QCT @/l '95 At:$Pty \/.tl,R,E. Et?uJp corott|| Pt{t dltcll at TO'AL RCIPo.|GI: tt t ougnll x lllF ir:?-:..i t. -:,jiii. rrii{gl, i.! (jaltn Fek Lrlhahc- flu 19131113 Vril V|r* Lwol Crlgl a'|!whaad nllrr: I i: ,iii,. " r,,,i ,.ilL,#ri+a,il.r-[I Dao 4 t.t0 | 1.50 l(l $ I Hrr tor VA , Hfa lr O'|rr i,:r+ i:rii..i ;Iif ':j,i7 t!.ootr . ;. r-'rl -,t. r'i it-I.i.f i:. iili ;'6itO Dl|. O*n Crr ctrD9al luc ottrr: i/ rf ,:. rL |la$.Vol 6t!tlrm Edrvfar L|.((t ! Alnturn Edr rh! g,lt Olhtl tl < rr0o am t.ll mFlhc 1.2 ye 9|r!{ y*'* t:00. lt(F |l|r 0,00. t:6 rrr trCrd - 1off m < 9;0C un1fi0 IOO ort +00 . ar00 9{rl !:OO . a!60 Fnr 0|o0 F|n Ya. xl Timc luvr For:'l||no Lcaya F nri P. 13 GOLDST ptAI tir AlztrAE TOTAIiFtrolt8t! t? P, 14 f,- ouEf [rlil !c.ronel Ylrr.F0l!C i jlI;.:;: l; :": lj..li.i.li,:i_!t,,111. I fftll.Trr* l|4.liirr l;;,.1: ::ir:; ;; i ji ;.i iq +.i ;,i iI Gltdan F!!t UDratla|,i Balvr t:4tt Ar,cwhtad Vdl VI||.C! Vdl tholvird l1'F 3r.rorl On-htn Food/Bnil Oth!r; ii':'.dlt i i, ;i".; I ii!,1.: ;,,f {ia N6tra On! Twa lhf.e + O$a lnyloyrl I ''-,'iil,ii*t:e"! 0*ilr UonlJlHd tn. Stlartt Vail Mi rof ltryir Oerl Irowhr.d Uthlljiiii ! :.llll.l..- [: :il_ iiii+i j{d {Liic | lao +t-50 ! t.i0 FO+t Hrr tar VAt HE laf hE :', Y.' . ii t k. i i.t,i"lf aitrit t7 Eaa|riri <0|lt|! E.l3 m.ilhr I : )rErrtr4 year iir.lrliiiliii'.r v|il l€de Y|l Gyl|^rin Edrvrlor Ulderlo MFqt'N Eflr FeC Clitl olhrIt ,i;;{.ili4 lil{ i€* ;ijiilO orh,! Onn q; Crgeel luo gtlxrr il ;fl]l.''.,iit,",1.$:;i r,:;dl;11;llc.lDml, , pledo Y00 tr00 - l!00 rrrl0o. $m rFt I (10 . lCoO .rl ;+;{;ll < 3too na Ai !0 . 4;00 fi rr 4r!0. !;0O Fn Cloo . 6:S Frn) 0rdr rrrrr Yc! ilc linrt Llrvll lor: Titr! latw lrrfir Yat tI' i :'.:iri'l.rii,, F..r.lii:s ;i'ic,:.il{ili r :;l,ji*li I li-il:lji,i I x i,1.r y, i:;. r x +f0 la|ou x x aittt EDWAES ;;ili;$iif.i:ii; r I alt .,1,ltli;:.1$iqiii x irii;ii.Ti]i x ta drlt'i.i.it',i. GOLSEII PEAK EIIF z C. 'nlALrrlrollgE& !t . ql|lllot I larsontl uonah.d la!|lar C.rch arruwltatd v.r v{rla Vl lhopyra I fL SattarE on-llrr Foodfutnil &ll mqtil;I'l F-rSllrl| gfla tlro Tlfia . Orht lnFbyrrrl uoBgr|{d llc 0raaoru Avtn vCl Vl|!|r iPrut o|frt Oltrl t :1,,; jii{ iiid':,itl* t al.5ott-s 60+ t I lr. f.r VA I ll,t lur Oltwi ri;,,,. tiiliil: j t 11,1"'6. 13;i"t E !|e.tl P.15 {lihi'i x st x aal r-t !l8llVllq,|ruft E*rtdr Loldl. lralo i.d ctir ttl$r: Crpd6l ll'rt OliEfi Ns iir';,;ri;'l' 3 f lj:.41:i:rr .- 7to0 6,n ii. l;: r"aiii|,El iri'ii'.,+,iiilii |r r'|eool, t LoFta ?100. l;lE rm Tr00. l:S rtlr 0100. l0r(10 m i -? iloo';i; 3!9€ . 4:m 'ln,tr90 . ltpo t E;O6. G:6 prl > Erm Fn linE L.svc tarl Tlnr Ll|V| FE I tr.lnl',iiiflirl:d T *u iiriiiairi.Llj ll "lnl x r:ii,,ll,iiiir;il'*',i.ii,|' ltournFr i:+dJ"ii* acl 04 'l ootDElt FtAt( &t0196 lpTrtiE:'!O*tI3r tgt , oLrtrtri I E .!d|J V.g.F.E. GF',TIP F. iE F5-Tlm . j:r,,j.,tii i: r:).U1 ;Jn ii,r 6ot6r.r ptNk lirnCtlic lalltf C.€ek &(gwha{r,l Vd MUr|a VCI $trtyfft ?h. t.tt!nE on{/tn lnflrnltl :i?,J,rrirJii;:.l;na N ta Two TiG. t OrhE lnrCcv€ri: x Etr, i+; "1' 5 Uonrbar(l I hr 5a.rano VtilVillr0r B!.\r Cceh Aniwha!d {1.50 at t0 60+ I llr! for (hl!r Lri#lilli.ilr-rill"ii I 13 m|1fil t'3 Yet.t s'! vrrrr E+ t!Cc-v!t OtFrrm fuwl4r ltod$rl. if,m!m Eryl: n c Airr Ylt N! Ii.:i!S,t ii;.:,'-qi#itli$ill < Tr$rr1 7100 - ll00 on lioo . tlOD !|n r,0O ' lO.S0 r.n ['- u]liri;il-'i? ;TlIrll < 3!m Fr ItrPg. +6 P|r 4r0g . t{X, p.rl !r00 ' i{[ pm t G:m Fh Y6t IrJo limi LtrYE tofiliifi. La|v| F ofir f:1i:ii?$T--i; x lilAllroT .::i{,ifriliil€i,, I no 0r:T 0/ '9s @1:/1Pt't v.tl.R,E, GF':!P cotDErrP/rstx *lE TPT|rrltdi8Ei! lor P. i7 .. . .. -Yq*'l.rli ,. ,..,.. .-'.i-.-tiu;*, ir;-i I .: ; ;- , Fi.tm3 ; i+: L-.....#li tli.di., , ouE3rru I EaltonJ hltLn Liaflth.!d Thr 3.$gnG Vla y|l|rO. Lrvci ara* Arl!,f|l!d lirvrrhrJ IE|,JC' cf.Ft A.Evriad V.il Vi&e.vt shagyud lh.5Flrnao h tuG4t.Ol0frt; i :. .1..; .; ,_ 'j:,i..-.':t. . ]4it d{.r , rj;:j;:{l:: ?$/r Tkr. + Oli.l En!loy.r; .illritritr othtr: iliiil'iir;rfi i'ii+i0 040 4t.50 f l.toirt + 6 + vcffr ii.ii;i i:Eiijiiif i ; Ar$-[I vtl Er!|r-v* 6tlrclm E/vrrrl l|rdvlrlt i,!fltwn lrytr i.d Afi 06s: ?'f riril'qf ;#t*?,8*;:-{.t!o tthF Of,,r crr C.rrgC tsafftcfi I hru ]!r orirt :rr r*!.jj.r-.{ rn.i, "/rar,, SalonC ( ! |lrlmir E 13 rhonlhrI Z YCCata Frft , fccd.ta No llrl:.:.,r:i;iri;It < ? 7100 gdo frl6fm.g;(ttrn ttoo - t0!0O n an*00. t:6 sn {rEO - E:O F'l 5:OO. €:Ou t|lnb r'0O prn Y!o ib T ||'! k.e.lor! llaa lmvr from Yra totat i38Pof,Cl! ura 9CT 0/r '95 @I:/ZPl't V,F,F,E. GFrll.JP co.-EEru pE r( a"f. "u*=, a nEsto 3ct ttRoulllbfr ilc|th 0W lat lr!ry +art lEtll.n' !lrs.'Era 6cll Culrrc geHri ft!* tYall o'/ Let rjon$aad B!'udsE lonl rllrl SoaFr Fbld 0th:fi i1,,..,.i'it: : t l irti{ : ;i l.lo {ew MLohr ! E i:li,i 'r i" ;l x t t3 2 z eo t0 rl |rotlv t. cqflus 6 tc 5$ x x flDEI t{Jt fM E0i90 lvolcalr gcrrd Juglirn Ertl. othsfl f.lnl l|r nr!r[t Oartinni.ln ! | nlnutcl l0 htFtlr{ l0 n{ulct otl-" lt , t{e {qw M|Iir Co|nmllrtl Cotl E urJs lGrda, ar.. t&lhi.,U g!ntt!! ntol ofird ar!3tTl[tnant tl Dec!firriir IffPollfi3 rv oF a tE{r EKltcxOOr Ft ?Etmu; uQ FAtnottcE al FIJIY! MOTJ 'A 0?6 a cllDiEN't C$frfittFt 1 'I 7 I F.g. I otT 0,r '95 0-:,r3Pr't v,F.R.E, GFUJP €et-Dc'| P€aKEne mtal iltPolllCl: rt I It ClElDil. Nonlt 90y t{t H4V C?rco Lgt M$r ltru.inti 6rll Eour* 0dCen Fcrlwrl Dof LEt Uon$$a tl&slgta torC hrl $ear Fi.ld o$n; ;, .:::;1, ;: it :,:i,i:;;;t!)'14 Yr. (e H3W MldI NO YI llI Cffinrrrur gltrid J|lrEl 9tt 1!tlo Orti|: Fuirrl uf Orgln 9ardltrtion I S |nlnutcr lO dtrrr t0 mlrutt 0thsl l,;ri i;.'iiilSll$lXlt Y.t |,to Ho|f M$uhi hrnner*er t ' rii,rri,l:fi"i r'll v.t r5 cotl !l!$.r 8!r!tc. lr.r l.lcutnl Cornmantti l{o Frn Narr! YrlPphono J: ogtflnranit L!'tltt nEEFOlC4r !V DgrAht s{r 3K ienOOLti llcRl?lfic sxl tATlgL tAca ar{il,t7a{ler itE! P, 19 i ;i li#f iii,j'fi iiiirtrI dllllr ,r00 Lor :r;iriil',,1r i ili;i:l' x x x t!.J61? oFtAlloahuJut x x w^lll fr{,E 9tr x x NUI oalc{Oro. f{01cotrv:ItFll 20 otlY IAY F6 ouT3E x Tx UCIT nql ?|or 4 COLD:T FIAT E et?',9a r{,;.:::. i. 1.1. i#r.ii$i(;. i14 Y* Hot lbdl rlr',-:' i f.;.,: r".i.",-+-1:.:r./, -ir^.r'1,4',' G1-.-^'.'.nd{t:11;i* W turil Dor/d Jerlritlon lr€1. w3n vll utfl:r: F,4 litlt! tra h,vA|ei+llTO! EiDgflsti t? t tltIIlIEA13 i$nh DIy Lol |l(ty Crott rlt Mttl 8tsr|.lt r.qlll Co'f ta Goldan Farl WE:D.vIrrr Li,xdrrrd 3trucqJ[ Fatd Prl( E9caot l|!rdort*' F|irl ol (}tln orttar,||lln ! 5 tior(qt l0 mlnuEs 30 ||'|lnut g Oth.tl Itn It6rr MgSfrl Conrtrnlri hat llD.d- ltMi6 Afoo Nr,thlnt Crnnntntt; l{o F,rst lirnrl Tntahcne ti D r't|t!|rl: |. tlll ilaiotrtE! !Y oePAfir xErT Ffr 3EflOoL Ft rEkn|!'r! axl nArnor nAcE x iEED t?tl FOI llro EAII VAL h!C ocT a4 ,95 @t:45P1, cotgEtt PEAr.,re V.P.F.E, GFUTJP P.tl ?dtr|. ,||sor|rt$ 9? i i',,:pi1+ i,i iir;r;tt Yrr *l !turlh Dry I atl+'lt Crort Lll rrain g €trnt Oall Cognl 0old!|1 P.rk Wrt| Ory | nt li,n'th!.d ttruau'C tord Fafh tonoc? Hata Othar! I te x 6i! *l r Fon vl ; iri/,;r,,,1,.; :li'illla ovtrrrn llo C!itirciEi XoW LlrJlil Cfrflmal*ai wnh(rn Dl wy' .finctlon E4lr wrn Vilrtn i Pai|lt ol C]Biq Cutrnior t I hl'Utal l0 rrrirutr= iO inhl|irB uutfi Cori &Erdt lrM€n Ar.t Nol' n! Cemmmgr Fitst a111a! ttl(rhanc rr DqDirbr rr L0ttar illlitl4F lY rPlirsr| I ti I EgHOOLft TlSKttti{G 3ll FAInOL a^cc It{^Y .?4.277Q It t I TA:I!ul ,t{t{Hhit i. x uf VA45Y |l tFel ugT @/r ,95 @I :,,rEPttl colDErF!^r( *e llo it9 gcrrhmta! V. FI. R. E. EFO]UP lotrl rrtPoillEE! !t ri:ji:ii11ir111i^:,, Xonh b4 t n]l, yOo.rtlr lltin E!rulqlfa Gg|f crr6E G,!.ltn tall W€Bt Drv tot LbnCr*'l ttructiJE l-*d Fril sqEE|t Ftlt Ctnrfi at! la Y.3 a tlerv Muulr: 1) wdnnt| Dgrrd J,lr.lrlr 6rgl: Wlrt \rJl ottl|: Pliit ot Ordn Dafilnrtlon 15 mi nr 40 rdrutol 51, nl n.r odrll orrl Irordr 6aruF Afat flqtfiln9 Cgarmr|[l it!!]r:*i:;;12l Y.i N! Ert Nan r I clgDit rl DrlJrlrnri l Lf|n iLtolt€3 lY tlmtl0: T sxr 9q t00l FEr||;rcfll{l t|( | latto! iACE !:i*.,lf,it:.i: tl T rr$ lYYllrrut'tE l!.;i:ii;ilr"i:: I I UVE T{ IH T tnlr. lrr.|rcH Mil:iix.i{ lDlv rE x x x I x t( mt$l Gaa.t9ct rt hgr l0 o[T 0/r '95 @i.:/lEPt'r v,F,R.E. GEWP corDEr FrAx *o rqTAIllir(ttlt! It fflt/al. vrl|i|r; t t3 tuE tlod orii DaV l6t hllt Qe$ lot M. h lrl/ctlf ! Itoli Co! r.r coldan 1..[ U|ail Doy Lrl litaaiad Etu€tu|r 30116r' ft,t,j Oth.l l.r{j,.1:lt.i j;,,,rr, ;:;rli li,:;:, r:; N! Florv l4!rh: n,.;ijrli I jr.j:i,: i.,f 16 YEr N9 Yaa Wdc l Dgr/! Jtnflion r{llc Orlrl loir .,l orubi D.rli6rti^n 1E a*rut!! lc nhsna lU tr*trrlcl AilFr tii lfl i]i'il.Tif ,r,lililSj{.ffi $rff ril0 t hGrtulht cort l urdrr $.d|:! Arlr l|ot ,rg gomnfilr! flu Firn llsm!: ?d.tncrD tl DErrl cltl lll!0l|ll lV biFlhrrfif,t sxr fcxnnLll TtcKrTtr*i txt P Ttot xaa:t ;ji,it!ij;;*;5111r,*'r mtv fE 6FOT stEtr al| wah:l{orrlt it{ti,r';}ry.,,.r,.r1{ "ri;. lt, .t,. t: i*lii..i.l'.:[r I I weulD AOD mrE ltlE To t\fott MV ,i',liiii;j'iiltr,t x I rouexl 'l-act C 0t wFto x T ifotl.D 9rrt To TTAFNC ,j,*u."ii:ii;5ii EDllba x x ircu'vaL Fnlo 1l ucT a/i ,95 ol:,t7Fl" v,F,F.E, 'J)t JP P ,24 colDllt PE ( Etr JZTtat TOf t tEtPorft*t tt t ta rienh D.r l,tr I lolt Crorr I o!t rr Itgatun 0E:, C.vrla G6idr6 Prrt Warl oay LDr Lhnrhcrd ilrrr:trrr: F!1! Frri Socct Hal{ orlxr: i,:ii,ji,':$+i,}, !.,[ ;t-ilr:i?,ti',]Jli;i: jji',i it,i j;; 116 Ayt'r'rd Wehctt DrYft J'!4i9o EEI' Wrdl Yrl 0$r: Ir|||| ol Orlt.t 0rrtitulicli! .'-uEr 20 rinutrl lc iinuto, OtI!r: H!i"i,ti,,..rxt:ii#]ii,,l,it!iJ:ttp;It Y.r No llow Mlchl Co.nnadltl NI tl!- Mqeh; corl t oodel lrriar tu.r tiodrir Cntt nanta! a rtmto GO ' MI.!Iitto ND flr! lrnr: ?cl$ho|l. lr O+nitrrtfi Lltts Ets6t3:t tY ggrl|nfltrl J tfJ{ooL IB T|c[mt& 6Xl trA I RrrL FAC' ,i'...:i.,r; ,... I ;t;ii 1" +;.. r ',1;; x t roo i JEH rrouc,l i,s::;i.li:it:: I dJtdllru dJcte 3tr II;T'EY ;,'lir:::iriti4a!c:i I ?ot anotlD fuF tY x cE|e{tl 0iltrittE MltEx ;di;,,i.iill;3ili: T x ta6u.v lL I x r K TI tAtl VAIL t ''At(ilrEa I 0||tPs|^rF Foivt iEaD. r0!olf34rll ll{Ef hr1. rlcT s/t ,95 @I:/t€Pt'i v,tl,R.E, GEq.JP GOLOEI 'EAX IM eri 0E TqTAI lltFArlE r et lufifiro NrEh DgY L.i llory grClr Letllri Structlrg Gdl ilrrq,tc Gcldlh Fe.lwrll Dry let Uoi$rai 5f!ctttc Br,l tMk 3ocl:., Fdd 0 rflt ;:ii 1 l;'ij F, rd,ri:+*rii,il I i:;r t{l Hlrr Mlr'hr Doti{ Junctlcn Err, 0tfft Fr'n{ d Orgln Da nrlirn! I i FldJraa iIO ttttlJ|r! l0 ritttte t drhri clnt lralCcr glwior Arrr tlotE o co$iraorl t",. *," ;rr.:i.ilj+i;: dilc+#TI Y.' tle Rm lF rtC.tErr tj g0t0r!n!dl l!11!a iErr*EB ft Dltannr Tt*l AChQOI t3 Ttc(E?tlt€ 3Xt FAltran BTT;E ,lt P, 25 x DOX'? F10W tEiluFer(il UF e IOT x i!,r,iiliLiij x I x uE xJt? ? tnc?All T€ t4vrctl.t Pru" !C GOLbIil PTAr EilP l/a?,!5 I9TAIll|fot$:i! tz ir.||t. I rit q!lE!!r l{qlh 0.y tol llcly O!6a lt't L.q $mttw! Golt Ceuro odd|^ r+* ftcrt Diy lul Limrhced Et',u,trrc For{ Plrtt iurrlaa fla c ori3l ilr:il:ii iii,,,i i, m llow lttlchi NA eo|nnrntr NO :r l'r.l ;::. : In r!l' :l j..l.ili;.iil;t la Oypnrrn w0laan ogwC Junariorl Egh W.d V.ll orhH: tohr d 0.g16 1t mlrut't l{, minulsr ilg trlnr,llEa(hhrl l/ Yea llnw Slrdt! Corn,ru'rlxi [',tilit'il $i'd iirir$:ll,iF.tti l{o l{ow liochl ec|'rrntr: It cl.t kord.r t t{E! Arta l|lrli'{ Ce|nmnari ilo Fitai iimrt ?dephcni r! CaCarltmntt Lrttar itgFof{lll ll !4rn ft sxt sc)€olrl tlcKm cirr lla I iolitct x ulFf' :CHEOUITI I EIYIFIE I I x 0i tst h1r !i r:lgT @/ ,95 0i :5@p1,t v. Fi. R, E. ERct,Jp GOtPEil PTAI( E aE TDa on$rd J!nfiion lt9|. Yffn vt I Orhon Foht of orin gdiaration 1t lti|iift l0 ,rtrl||lt tO ml||rrl qthe.r toa( iEleorllt: l? | ottrllE[1l Nrnh 0.y lDt |toty cbaa Lel Mrin liruotr,r, Etll Cot.f.! Cclm Fool' wrn Ory tot Uonlhl|l Sfloruic Fod lrk losa.t Fldd 0llron i:i' . r?, i\ j. -', , u : :r-4t"r -,:!;j.. ra,/bi,i;rl:,.,rl: rr Yat Crl5 a-t 3iri'! Arctrst n| Coolnrrul liorlv UlCt Ccimantsr N! frfi N hi TrkFhon a: oiutttcit: lcttr tnlrr(lEt tY lfPAnTu$ll lKr tcHo0r. F!tcp I txq!I{ ttttot iAc! 'l'r!i.l:$jx f,$ F.t. lO ugT @/l ,95 @r:51pt'i v,rr.F,E. GRu.tp ooLDE r,:Ar -rrl tot tEsrortt|| It P. !€ llllrty ! \ t/ltrtt C tavArt$J I 6l-s"'nx It No.th lav r.'l Huh C|!s loi Mrh Sry! rrq!lf Cc|'.! Oslltrr h.l W|.l Drr Lgt Lignrfierd 8VllEtsrE |!ra F t Ecce|r Fi6id ortrr: Yrr X{r lbw Mchr Y!| lac CE natt[ i Y.? lio l\blolr Drwd Jharn E.Ct \r tl Vrrl Olhcr; lolnt ot OiE|n Dcrdngdon l0 mhsla5 l0 'r|lrxdcrE0 mhuEE Orhr: Conrn!nttl llo HIII MUGh: Cor||!ol3; o!8t lrgslbr SI'rlGt Ar.r t&,rUtr Co'|tirt|ltl lleft.r rfil.r td.ph.rr ,r gcrtttrn.rtt L.ttr Eltflt|8 w lElrr/nfi5rttt to{oq.ft TlCrFtU€ 5Xl FATirrL IIIEE l/|aT v|.ll I I r0 rutfl AT PGAI couf,Jttrltl {4,+ll;n* ! tqtn&tl I lrgr l, ocT @/i '9s 0r:szpt' v.Fi,E,E. EFUJP csLDE P3{r( EuO !{e tlo Oam aitll P.2-c r/lllrllrrrl,:r itr.vA|lalM ndtlt nlaFottEc: tt I Olrtrnrlr! Nonh DtY tal HCv Crall llt [tin ltr|&nnc €alt C.ur. CrlaGn Fcd lvrtt Oay Lct!!^dittl at't/ctyc Fld Irt Saaar ! .ld Olh||l Eytaurn W|.oon DorNd Jr.xct6n E4lr Wt|I Yd Orh;l Pri rl Orh lro9ihgSOn ! I rintbr l0 hlnut t !6 rrirrtrt Otr!al Itaw l{tlhlgi|i titcl C0€l lltt toi/rc Arrq NEd!tg Ccmr:rlr No Filit llm.r lblsrncnr ,l Olp|ltrrd: Ltm? itlioitEll lv gtFAiTrsr $K BCHo(,L Ft lEt(l'|il6 e|( FATIIOLict CDMiDI x x Fr$ 2,1 rlUT @/l '95 @1,:53F1'l V.11.F.E, '!E0|-JP aoloEtlFrax trf to?lrrtcf,ti& tt P. 30 lrdt,lrllrt .vttE. ,tl Nrl llrtt O.t tor Hnl? Crorr Lt|l Ulio 8tr|a||a GDI Calrre C|}i.rn ?r: \r,trl Drr Lla Lion*htt gtscturt F! Flft toera Edd lrlhf ! !5 tlrrv ia.rJr ilD c.ttirittl wd?ot oofil Ju.Edon hla W..t V{ Othr: tri cl lJrtin D.rtlnrttt|l tE ttirlrr a0 r*rlbs lD rrgrutrB Ot|r|ll tb horr atulh! Crrnrtntri l.|e ltow Mucl: C0rnrrolrr Eaal !.nrd.i }?rica Ata! Ilxlh r|g 0ommntsi Yal ilo Fird lbrnr l dsi tr o|9rtrrld; Lnlat tc*lof||tl rv ottAt kr ll0 3CllOOLtl ?tcr{Elt{0 rf,t P^tf,ot n^El ETIT YAIL t x fii. la trCT 04 '95 01:54F1' V.rl,R,E, riRlUP aotDEilnAr*e rolt! llftl|L|-! rOl la !r\ ,tt oGrre! Itla.th hy Lot HCY Cfr. tll Mln 3sr;flro Oolt C'l'!| 0Cdrrr frrl wcar Dry br liro||lrd luuelrl-d tr: Ar.r;r|. tl.5 odiat lh HrlN lijdr t{c Y3 drrlrte : Ir!w! Ju,ratanllel! W.rt Vd $fir! Foinl .|l OAn Daad.idon 1l 'nhut$l0 |ttrur l0 ri|||tr Olh.t Yrr lls How hrch: 9!tfitantrl io HeYt ilurt Odnrrurh turilr-a, E ryka Am tlr.fltnlgrdr! N' fktit Lnir T*!lEn. ll Ihplllttail ! Lli|r EXNII.|trrut|tIIT all l$toor FI TIEIEIIIB 5K t tiaxi lct frxrF0T IAATv|l I I |l,!l| ll ucT 04 '95 @1:55Pt,t V,F.E,E. GFtlf ?,az eq.Dar! rdno llr l{0r, ttaatr 'lr\.' i)\ rnf,iib..rJ*l3g\Y5+f th.'\,rt!?ltlllllo5lli t! r o|||Inrtl tortt Oly L|l )5ly c'||r totl|Jt t!|lfrrolof4rrrrr ocLJ| lblrrt Dd l.t rDmMal ttllctrat d h.t L|!€r idd Ohrt flr VX t{o Cdrrirltrt W.lotl Oowd Jqrrtaoal. Arcl ItL.a V.l 0tlwr hi't !t Oitrlrhilvn1l itrllrr .r0r iLioa l9 rfit|lr Gdr:t t\tc Hlr Uudr! Effi.! rb X.{n L||dtrGt nq*t 14rt lludrhfraALa f,n$*! Cr n|frl IFrlr| t'tlrttifl6 ,r hlaih|lal l.rtt, ErronttY4ttfrtht tr| tct{Fl f3 flCE no IfiI FAIELtllt T r{itun I I r[tiDt I I ?xr l0 .1. 2. 3. Parking Requirements (Golden Peak) All Seasons- 35 Units. Parking at P-l - approx. 45 cars/summer Texas Townhouses - 13 units. 15 spaces. Some with post and chain Vall Tralls East - 26 units. 23 reserved w/sign, post and chain 1 for each unit 8 reserved in P-2 not deeded P-2- S spaces 4. VailTrails Chalet - 19 units. 14 on South side of Gore Crk Dr. 15 on North side of Gore Crk Dr. P-2 10 striped on lower or north 15 striped on upper or south Vorlaufer - 23 units. 12 on Vail Valley Drive. 16 on Gore Creek Drive Area to northwest corner of Gadtlyn. 10 spaces P-3 approx. 11 - 12 cars J approx.23-24 cars (Ghristiania) Tivoli - 10 spaces reserved for guests Rams-Horn - 15 units. 14-15 spaces G40tlyn former Garden of Gods - no surface parking ' /,L, & 24.h _ 4*n^., c_L/txrth4fofn'* 5 u.hnnrrx r/ U /-dv {'a,rht }3fe 'lo'xa,s?a = lo' -- Sp',/,no* l^eg [,] oa-t 7tsp,a.'^4;n-|t* L',dr;1 "!"*s o'e( erc*ed 4*1 qrer'2(tr'(- *,ov+n(ay l{.igl,+ c+k sfu<{ tn' 4'ktpa{r4 y'.ro @r q6,,r.rry' -:, c[^n"11 ?e ef Lkt /w€ qrta- Ledoeen, 35'+ lC a,ou,- - ;r f{; r(.uq-f un&.rr +{<p il,- i,o ..c-,.'=;{"lrrJro*o sL&/ orovq. )e.t/ ,7t"a4ir,"iien cLook"ir, ,*p wLif %.ef io6( ft"r pa€ s ilpr vst, -lte 7cr4t"-t to'/4,+ Ah+. WC vrca& 'C/l 't* sty L5 "4:', vG | ./ . f I tf* q{.)- ,,u[ta {ht I is e'-'fi[o yohr:s r{JqY -lS.€€ ; qUe + wLy b eo54e ={q,'r-Ne76 t-|o"" J(& C-otl {",- >( ,3s-YO L),.re is ^o1 antrwln;A) seue(NL q/q9 Srg':{Ltr,J ru'o>( L,r fu'-e(- - !,rea^-s, tr9'-=CWtr z?s.€ qs eal 9Je '9.>ow'-9- S(o,p).o3 ro,eC 1".. ,u,/kP - 9ea.q 9(o6t.*t7 tve€ eO utt=( 9, J s - 9o,^.. s(aprnj rroeF ac> por{[t siJe \\ tt, ,. r I | ' l r ^il [td3 oLqt e*-, h+rgLft - fuA,+p*o! pc|d ,ieok olo^ror - ,t:eNL, toJ" sC-6.,."3 zloo D -1,a7r),4e +* &f e€ LAJ L* &sL{f h'J t oooo {{?ll .,b?<' 6a.o \@!?(\I4' rt 3rl rt Ef, (, @lalc'lstl rJ'l'ldl8l I I <oiqi cD.Orl F! Itl <r, tt@ @ q ;€o(\l ()oco Il aol F' >i 8ioitt.s' olol i i coqsrO\(\t(o ao co ctiotg.€ctt aO . !i;1i i3lI lc'I t_oct ttt€l-a .giE E '!'F i; Ei€ g i:-e o'. .E:9.bi ae€l H. EiEl(g Flr',l - (ll i tll I-i i"l:l!tt: 81818'rilcilc;' 318r8 sl-iR-l .t- ol-,o€l(Dle)! I I;.:o.o o,o,o otd'o oi(0 0'o;.(i (, ol d -,El iiCt'Fl?lei ltt1!t: |: Plsls'c'ildlo-13i8 l-:glv, I a:' Pi Iil i itii lo' 8l 'g 8lE ts ;:F,gi lifii i i , | ' 'El i= =:=li I i:l siEi.gi:r ! t6t :El'=l:i.? i i i; slsE:E I , i i=. rElElE:E Bl8'BiR;3 3i8l818 E *lBiB]S H:;lFi* g; 'ii:lelslc g:gls;c 8,818 filFlg $igl€'fi giHlH S:sls disis dtrri;|" i!i;lll al":eiaici- -l-lg!- j,illlil:il::ll; els einic EiElEiE;€ *lr' $l$i!Fi eiRIti€ g Fl ala,s $i616 I - il I:tl i C .lAln'Cici..r:s'o:-' R: lpl- Bl : . =i * elri;;a!ugisi*l; t":il!llill! ui s;ul=i;. siBl sia'ell,ll| -l I,et ,iit : I cl*l= cig eiEi iAl3E,-a,lsl !i?ler sIE$l3iE f,EI€I#E cloqriF E:ai o! a.' IE; I E;[,\!@o!c> 3i6:iieto 3iRgi(rlotelstl S!aSp,s @-i "r. .Oid coi :.i $elslotf-- I *81 fl.31 E! : Ei Or i-."iD"lgEluel :gi FiE. ii€- s!8,NOI i=tet\ro!;'o E :Flrlo ,.8:t'(t:s!i<l=ls l=lolq to I at,lol() I(B lsl.IEI rttlcrlq- tr.a Eo(J io !a!ellJl<r tq, l-€l< isir!<'o id q' tlt '=t>u, ooo ,rri-.\,,Qr('@ro (3Ol r-++O)Fut tD Ei ol l.- iEislel t,|!ol Ei(rlotel{l s Eq o ;'oo so trtt CTq-. E!D:EI(r! Ea =-6(t q, s s!r!<loi siN i {x$ I s I I i I I ,lc(t.Ei Gta i,il fld ffint- ol.=i=l Er=iGr>j 1: , CD oooo I I I I I I I t I I ,l tl I tl I t ! I : Ill )l)'tl I i I I I >l)jl ?r bj I i I (l:l I I I ! I ol(rlrdl'.cl thi o tg E out ooo (tt illi-! l,i iii, lllf ilgs FHsft$Flqsls€H igigf, *,g'r'i'iBiEi':ai i*l*i-i *l"i-i"i'i'i"i i ti iii,iiilii;' $qf,-Hflil$ngil'l i$i=iai"ie,nig:'i-:=i?i-: I fffla-s$l*r,B',Ha r!.it: .l .!t:tr;'i ::::;l l!!r': t. ;,':irlr: igsiBt) ' 'p:;:s:F,i ' 'tht : ,\ l/ ,l:- rEiil$g r ,-i .':, ,l!:r rl':l 1r:'i ilrl ri:l lpl;,slel ig;3'siti 18t6'.6.6'|" 9i,i'; ir: ! Ir.:.1 lrt. I .t rlr'.t ,,'l], |i ,rl ii:::l l!"i, rlllit!i',!rr'.=t lris'tii , lllir : - rC:g I i;iagri oo oo I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t: I I I I I mi iffiiiiiiii ffiE#1 \{*-lsfp,ffi1-rur1 ser,s i ir.i i i*i ii11i11'11 iil 1 1gnffi**1 \ ffiffiffi 6g v, o 5olt, o GEcD I I I o(lI o UJ 6oo r! oooo I I EI3l ?l sl EIol c'i I ,;-.g' G,7.l>tt>r>,i, .lt .tl srt .. ::lettEE.= .It ltt 3or (:- 6Eo.eIJ EiqrcECt qr E.Ebgo9Ug? .= . ct: Gr. a, E (\t Et dl J-F(t =rh.= nta '-r:.Fgi(l'6' o-o- I. I o lll .E oul v,o() TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDI'IVI DavidCorbin JoeMaloe Jue 7, 19 Golden Peak OIf-Site Improvemeub - Estimqted Costs Kent Rose looked at DWI's cost estimates for Gotden Peak off-site improvements and had tbe ' following commeds: l) Tone A -\Iail Athletic CIub to Golden Peak . I PatchAsphalts $2.31/sfmaybehigh* concretc unit Pavers: $6.30/sf is tow. Probably more like $6.75lsf. *'Widen Bridge Declc Kent estimated the cost to be $76,000 ($ 120/sf x 45' x 13') vs. DWI's estimate of $55'000' The PatchAsphalt alld concrete unit Pavers probably balance ou! plus any difference is made r.p in the contingency. The Bridge Deck cost should.be increased' - Total Cost- both sides (DWI):S245,719.0E ' Total Coril- both sides G.ose):$'275,069.09 (BridgeDech add'l desip and contingencY costs) 2) -ane R - Gotden Peak/'lVfanor Vail Cross*elk Connection :* Patch Asphalc $2-3|lsfmay be high* concrete-tInit Pavers: $6.30/sf is tow. hobabty more like $6.75lsf. The PatchAsphalt and Concrete Unit Pavers probably balance ou! plus any difference is made rry inthecontingencY. Total Cos* - both sides-@\ilD: 597'385.29 Total Cqs* - both sides @ose): S97n38529 3) Kent Rose's estimate: Nfiobilization TiaffcC-ontrol Ercavation/Backfill LftilityRelocate hinage Dcoolition@ & Gutter (1,400 lf at $15/10 Silewalk (8,700 sf at $10/sf) Aqrhalt (650 tons at S40/ton) Vtblls (5,500 sf at $25lsD CotingencY a'tli1/o $2O,0m lo,(Xro 1s,(xxt- s,(XXt 5,(m s,(XX) 21,(xI) E:/,(Xn 24ofif t37_5m $3rj(I) 4q_725 s38tt25 o o 3; oo o t/'lis. EliabethRoss Johnson ' Ski Club Vail P.O. Box 518 Vail, CO 81657 ./ Mr. Harley G, Higbie, Jr. 1600 Broadway #1400 Denver, CO 80202 - Mr. James H. Clemonl Jr. King Ranch Kingsville, TX 78363 ' Northwoods Condominiums Attrr: Mrs. Brinkman P.O. Box l23l Vail, CO 81658 " All Seasons Condominium Association Attn: Dave 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Ms. Barbara M. Osborne 2014 Sea Cove Court Houston, TX 7705E Northwind Development L.L.C. 1202DelMarBlvd. #7 Laredo, TX 78041 Ms. Kay H. Chester 395 Mill Creek Circle Vail. CO 81657 ManorVail Attn: Sarah Newsam 595 E. Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 BEST COPY AVAH-ABLE ."i{ t 1 a le Valley Water & Sanitation E46 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 /Mr.I,ee M. Bass 201 lvlain St #3200 Fort Worth, TX 76102 a35 East 42nd Sfeet NewYcrk,NY 10022 .,4lnls Del Norte Association Attrr: Ginny P.O. Box 69 Vail, CO E1658 "/ Rams-Horn Lodge Condominium Association Attn: Dianne Milligan 415 vail Valley Drive Vail. CO 81657 -\Ic\dltr< \ ci llfV r 5F Fz3o(J l!J(9 trJ r.--- \ \{\ \ )il\ \sr,) l::(e (9z =tri !..l(9 J J S2 Sg r-l -I 6.gH)z c; s a ^qF* sa F zI o-p E F() F JJ J s nl:Izl.o a J '_9 oBlJ J tl. i r.,- lrj(9 J) J 4 trJFgaE tdFz \oJ/ G\ \/9 llJ\ I ^F \I P'r )I d> a\ r< ,) Y lZl )n J7 .L ) 7 ) ) s5',^l =l =o 3; -<d YE tr sIHE F F z) t: r,,,r-.----O'---- .'<tdclobv.il #;"Sl'1?" ' / 111a.I{arIeY G. Higbig Jr: . l50OBroidwaY#1400' Denvcr, CO 80202 r' 1{s. Barlara M. Osborns ; ?014 Sea Covc Cottfi Ilouston, T)( 77058 / NorOrobd DevetoPman! L t202DelMarBlvd'#7' f:redo,T)( ?8041 . /R"rnr'tlo- Lodgg Condominium Association Aro: Dianne lr{illigan 415 Vail ValleY Drivc Vail, CO'81557 J W.Janestt Ctemont' Jr' KbsRanch lColo'iUe TX 78363 r Nortlm'oods Condominiums Ann:-L{rs. Brinkman' P.O. Box l23l' Vait, CO El65E / All Scasons Condominium Association Attn: Datc 434 GorcCteek Drivc Vait,C,O 81657 . );'. .., . /lvfanorVail Atn: SarahNewsagt '' ' igsE VailvallcYDriro 'Vail, CO 81657 O*,pa!,t-UJ 7 5' 200 :{ 76102 ,r"( THIS |TEil ilAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that he Planning and EnvironmentatCommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance wifr Section 18.66.060 of the Municipat Code of the Town of Vail on November 27, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In conslderation ol: 1' Alequest for amendments to The Town of Vail Municipal Code, Chapters 16, i8 & 2 to allowfor modifications to the Sign Code, Design Review, Commercial Core l, Commercial Core ll and Supplemental Regulations. Applicant: Town of VaitPlanner: Randy Stoudet I 2, A request for a setback variance to allow for a residence undq constnrction to eircroaoh into the front setback located at 2850 Kinnickinnicl/Lot 6, Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision. Applicant Am. Bros. Development Inc., represented by Bob BomePlannen George Ruther 3' A request for an additional 250 square feet of GRFA to allow for an addition to a residence located at992Ptarmigan Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 7ft Filing. Applicant: Ray and Mary KelleyPlanner: George Ruther 4. A request for an additional 250 quare feet of GRFA for an addition to a residence located at 31 10 Bootl Creek Drive/Lot 9, Block 3, Vail Village I lth Filiig. Applicant Bill Pierce for Diane Hughes, King Hughes and Kendall Bumey . Planner: Jim Curnutte ^M A request for an amendment to Ghapter 18.39 of the vail Municipal Gode ( ski Base7 Recreation) and an amendment to the previously approved development plan to allow for the redevelopment ol the Golden Peak Ski easd, biated at 485 Viit Vaildy Drive / Tract F, Vail Vittage 5h fiting and Tracr B, VaitViilage 7th filing. Appticant: VailAssociates lnc., represented by David GorbinPlanner; Jim Curnutte and Laurdn Waterton- 6' A request for an amendment to chapter 18.24.050, Permitted and conditional Uses Above Second Floor, to allow for a modification to the Zoning Code. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther o 7. A lequest tor an ffinal 2fl) sgualc bd d GRFA b alil hr an addtton b ! ' r8ddene locebd at lo{2 Eagle's I'loet c[cft/lot 2, Btod( l, vafl Mltage str Flllng. Amllcanu Dan DorulotPlmner: Georgo Rufier E9! hnguT. fnnpndon 0.l-b Fori rrqr.c ru||| lf lnr ndlc&n PLr.ad .ftla|4 Fbo ofrt7i.2!STDDbrililomdim. 2';Pinos Del Norte Association . . :. -ra, -- -: Attr: Ginny P.O. Box69 Vail,CO E1658 /R^rnr-Ho- Lodgg Condominium Association Attn: Dianne lr{illigan 415 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO'81657 -f v'ski 61p6 Vail P-O-Box5l8. Vail, CO 81657 / t*.rrarley G. Higbie, ir- . 1600 BroadwaY #1400' Denver, CO 80202 : J Mr.Ianes lL Clemont, Jr' KingRarch Kingsville, TX 78363 r' Northrroods Condominiums Ann:-Ir{rs. Brinliman P.O. Box 1231. Vait, CO 81658 /All Seasons Condominiurn Association Attu: Darc 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail,C,O 81657 r' Ms. Barbara M. Osbomc' 2014 Sca Covc Court HoustoqTX ?i058 / Nor&oind DeveloPoen! L.L. ll0?DelMat Blvd.#7 I-arcdo,TX 78041 / l\ts.I(ayll Chcster 395 Mill Creek Circle VaiL CO 81657 ,'ManorVail Attl: SarahNewsasl 595 E Vail ValleYDrite 'Vail, CO 81657 -o . ; Ilp;cr EaSlc Valley Water & Sanitation ; . - Disbict ii', gqgForestRoad i; ;' vail, co 81657 \_i ,' {,:,.:i .. il.i/Mr.Lee M. Bass' .ir,il zol Maio sL #3200 -i i-i i port wottn, I* zeloz I :.: :' :, i: i -:- , I :.j t . ''t' , ',' ftti.Etizabith Ross Jobnson i ,,:i 435 East42nd Street ii Ne..vYorhllY 10022. A*a- r./t/:,t)l,/-.-l J/-.- /lte-.?l>t<l <4eet v._,-> q.C?f o o THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance viith Section 18.66.060 ot the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail oi November i3, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. . A request for a an additional 250 square feet to allow for an addition to the Tuchman residbnce located at 3110 Booth Cr'eek Drive/Lot 9, Block 3, Vail Village 11th Filing. Applicant Mr. TtrchmanPlanner: Jim Curnune 2. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a Christmas Tree lot to be located at 2313 North Frontage Road/Lot 3, Block B, Vail Das Schone Filing #1. Applicant: Steve LincksPlanner: George Ruther A request for an amendment to Chapter 18.39 of the Vail Municipal Code ( Ski Base Recrbation) and an amendment to the previously approved development pl4 !o allgw for the redeveiopment of the Golden PeakSki Base, located at 485 Vail Valley Drive / Tract F, VailVillage Sth filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th filing. Applicant: Vail Associates Inc., represented by David Corbin Ptahner: Jirn Curnutte and Lauren Waterton A request lor a fninor CCI exterior alteration to allow for the addition of a bay window-to .the Lbrd Latigo Shop tocated in the A & D Building,286 Gore Creek Drive/Lots A-D, Block 5D, VailVillage 1$ ming. Applicant: Barry Florescue, represented by Chamois PiersonPlanner: Lauren Walerton Arequest for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a telecommunications antenna to be irs,tailed at the Evergreen Lodge to be located at 250 S. Frontage Road WesVLot 2, Eilod( 1 VailLionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: David Crispin lor Evergreen LodgePtanner: Georgre Ruther A request for a modification to a previously approved plan to allow for a reduction in the nurnber of dwelling units located in the Lodges at Timber Creek Development located at 2883 and 2893 Timber Creek Drive/Lodges at Timber Greek. Agrlicant: Chuc-kOgilbyPhnner: RandyStouder 4. c, 6. -.>-d. -' 'o---;'''' : Up;er Eaglc Valley Water & Sanitation "'Ski CIub Vail ''Distict P'o'Box5l8: iii-ioi"rtno"a vail, co 81557 : . Vait,CO 81657 / W-IIarIeY G. Higbie, Jrt', l/w.Lee M. Basst,,\;i6iV"io.ii*SZOO 160O Broadway #1400 , :. rort wortt TX lctoz Denvcr, Co 80202 i,f': ; . .t.' fiO..Elizabitb Ross Jobrson I Mr'Jarnes H' Clemont Jr' : , ISSEa$42ndStcet KingRanch ,, N"*i"*,Iry 10022 Kingsvilte, TX 78363 )Pinos Del Norte Association Attn: Ginny- P.O. Box69 Vail, CO 81658 'itams-Horn Indgc Condominium Association Attn: Dianne lr{illigan 415 v. ail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 r'' Nortlmoods Condominiums Attn:-I{rs. Brinkman P.O. Box l23l Vail,CO 81658 / All Seasons Condominium Association Attu: Dave 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, C,O 81657 r' lds. Barbara M. Osbome 2014 Sca Cove Court Houstoq TX 77058 r' Nor&orind Developoeng L'L.C.' l202Dcl Mar Blvd. #7 I:rcdo,'I]{ 78041 / lvls.K.ylt Chester 395 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO 81657 ,'ManorVail Atn: SaralrNewsam 595 E. Vail ValleY Drive VaiI, CO 81557 e-** M o THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE ^ NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on October 23, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: 1. A request for a Minor CCll exterior alteration to the Lionshead Gondola Building to allow for the construction of an ADA elevator and a handicapped accessible ramp located at 600 Lionshead Mall/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail/Lionshead Filing #1. Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. represented by David ThorpePlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed amendment to Chapter 18.39 of the Vail Municipal Code ( Ski Base Recreation) and an amendment to the previously_ _ approved cievelopment plan to allow for the redevelopment of the Golden Peak Ski Base, tdiateO at 485 Veil Valley Drive / Tract F, Vail Village Sth filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th filing. Applicant: VailAssociates Inc., represented by David Corbin Planner: Jim Curnutte and Lauren Waterton 3. A request for a Conditionat Use Permit for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit located at 126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Ron ByrnePlanner: Lauren Waterton f l€veryono\psc\noticesu 02395 *w o 'i Up;lr Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation. Disticf 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 ' :/ur,Lee M. Bass i lZOt trtain St *:ZOO : FonWortb, TX 76102 :.- .l i rtis. Elizabe:cr. Ross John son , 435East42nd Street NewYork,NY 10022 , ,Pinos Del Norte Association Attr: Ginny P.O. Box 69 Vail, CO 81658 'Rams-Hom Lodge Condominium Association Attr: Dianne Milligan 415 v. ail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 i:.:' !' J^: -t " Ski Club Vail P.O.Box5l8 . Vail,CO E1657 / W.llarley G. Higbie, Jr. 1500 Broadway #1400 Denver,Co 80202 -l Mr. James H. Clemont, Jr. King Ranch Kingsville, TX 78363 ,' Northwoods Condominiums Attn:-lv{rs. Brin}man P.O.Box l23l Vail, CO 8I658 r' All Seasons Condominium Association Atb: Dave 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 r' Ms. Barbara M. Osbome 2014 Sea Cove Court Houston,TX 7705E r' Northwina Oevelopmen! L.L.C. 1202 Dcl Mar Blvd. #7 Laredo,TX 78041 / Ms.IGyH. Chester 395 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO 81657 /ManorVail Ath: SarahNewsam 595 E. Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 qc"* Pn"A.-,"ut ,' L"' .:: . i.. ..:.. . . THIS ITEil TTAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERTY :.: . PUBLIC NOTICE i: ruofide F HEREBY GIvEN that the ptanning and Enviror.mentalComrnission of the Town of Vailwill told a public hearing in accordance rvith Seclion 1a.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the. Town of tlail on October 9, igg5, at 2:00 P.lvl. in the Torvn of Vail Municipal Building. ln, considerdion of: 1. Arequest for a Conditional Use permit tb allorv for a permanent tent for the Vail Associates ski school and children's pavilion to be located at the Lionshead ski base, Tiact D. VaiULionshead, 1st Filing. AS4rlicant: Vail Assrciates. lnc., represented by Joe Macy PEnner:Randy Stouder 2. Arequest for a density (GRFA) variance to allorv for lhe conversion of attic space to GRFA located at 3130 Booth Falls Court/Lot 6-A, Block 2, Vait Village 12th Filing. Agplicant: Jeffrey & Eiteen Schiffrin PC=.nner:Randy Stouder 3. A=equest for a Conditional Use Permit 1o allorv for::re lemporary placement of a mobilel€l lab to be located at the Vail Valley h4edical Cer,ier, 181 Vfest lriieadorv Drive,tots E 8 E-Vail Vittage Fiting #2. Al3plicanl: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Dan Feeney.Phnner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a Conditionat Use Permit to allorv for a privale club to be localed on the 3rdard 4lh lloors of the Senanos Building located at 298 Hansen Ranch Road/Lot C, Block A'Vail Viltage 1 st Filing. A5:qrlicant: PIa.nner: drena Parks, represented by Gten Healan. Jim Curnutie 5. Arequest for a minoi CCI exlerior alteration and a site ( cverage variance fo allovt for theaffiilon of a bay rvindow 10 the Lord Latigo Shop locate j in the A & D Building, 286 Gorebek Drive/Lots A-D, Btock 5D, VailVillige 1st Fiting. Agqrlicant: Barry Florescue represenfed by Sage pi,rsonPtsnner: Lauren Waterton 6. A uiequest for a minor subdivision to allol for a shift in the location of a building envelope loeated on Lot B, Spraddle Creek Subdivision. Aggrlicant: Luis A. D'AgoslinoPE:nneE: George Ruther 7.' A@quest fot a conditional.use to allorry the First Bank of Eagle County lo locale a brancho&e at the Vail Gatervay Building/l2 Vail Road/Lot N, Block 5-D, Vail Viilage Agalicant: MountainBancshares.lnc.P[:rner: Mike Mollica/Andy Knudtsen o ie;"r nulrt vallev water & Sanitatioo ,'1,'iri*;"'t"; ,Pinos Del Norte Association i.8j,':j#,,,, igrrn5-1{orn Lod ge Condominium u$n,uP'* "'#s::ii,, Hf:;:js:#l:f'"' I t'tLt'lt-"' 5' Clenoont' Jr' H?ffillo'"" 'h#n*,ijf" , 15;gu;;Hi;13"i'"""' 'll';fti'h"1'ffi" "i$i:ST:i.F""" C-rrtt / Ail Seasons Condornioium Association H*{3:',"#"*' o THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTfCE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a pubtic hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ot the Municio_al Code of lhe Town of Vail oi September 25, 1995, at 2:(X) P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A requestfor a Major SDD Amendment, to SDD No. 7, to allow for the conversion of 17 dwelting units to accommodation units at the Marriott located at 715 West Lionshead Clrcfe/IrTaniott Mountain ResorULoti 4,7,C & D, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing." Applicant Mary French for Marriott Mountain Resofi Planner:George Ruther A request for a wall height variance to allow for the construction of an elevated parking deck at the Kreisetmeiei Residence located at 2686 Davos Trail/Lot 5, Block C, Vail Ridge Subdivision.Applicant MichaelSmithforChrishineKreiselmeier Planner:George Ruther A request for a Major sDD Amendment, to SDD No. 30, located at the vail Athletic club/ 352 East Meadow Drive and more specifically described as follows: A parcel of land in Tract B, Vail Village First Filing, Town ot Vail, Eagle Counly, Colorado, commencing at tho N6nheasr domer ol said Traa B; rhence N 79"46'00'W along the Nonherly lin€ ot Vail Village, First Filing, 8nd abng the Northerly tine of said Tract B 522.86 leet; thence S 06'26'52'W a dislance of 348.83 teel to lha' So#rwest comerbl that parcel ol land described in Book 191 al Page 139 as recorded Januaty 10, 1966 and liled _ in Reception l,{o. 102978'h the Eagle Corrnty Records, said corner also being lhe True Point of BeginningirhEnce S ?9'O4D8' E and along rh€ Sournedy tine of Caid parc€l 2OO.@ tegl 1o the Soulheasl cornet thereof; thencg N 6?52m' E ard along lhe Northedi line ol rhal parcel of land described in Book 222 al Paga 513 as recorded in . 1971 in lhe Eagte County Records, a dislance of 66.78 feel lo lhe Northeaslerly corner of said parcelol landi sajd corner being cr the Wesierly right-otway Fne of Gore Creek Foad, as planed in Vail Village, Fifih Filing; lh€n9a-N^- L4"1337'W a dislance ol77.37 teet alo:ng said Westedy rightof-way line of Gore Creek Road;lhencE N 99n22' W a disl,ance of 12.80 feet lo he Norlheasterly comer ol lhal parcel of land described in Book 1gl , Page 139 as recoded January 10, 1966 and fil€d in Reception No. 1029/8 in the Eagls Counly R€cords; lhenc€ Nodhwoslerly 26-51 leet afong iha arc of a 37-50 feel ra(f,us cutv€ lo the ten having a c€nlral angle ot 40"30OO whose shord beaG N 53'40OO'W a dislance of 25.96 leet 1o a point ot langency: lhenc€ N 73"55D0'W and along said tangenl 166.44 te€l;lhence N 85"10'21'W a dislanc€ ol50.40 feet to rhe Nonhweslerly comer oflhe Mounlain Haus Parcel; lhence S 02"18'OO" W and along the easlerly line of said Mounlain Haus Patcel a dklance of 100.00 feel lo rh€ Soulheasledy comer lhereof:lhence S 45"1353'E a dislanc€ of 38.70 feel to the True Pcint ol Beginning, codaining 30,486 square fieel, more or la€s" Applicant: JWT 1987 Vail Limited Partnership, (dlb/a Vail Athletic Club), represented by Stan Cope and Michael Barclay Mke Mollica A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for an expansion to the Scott Residence located at 1150 Vail View DriveAot 5, Block C. ApplicanU RussellScottPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a wall height variance to allow for the reconstruction of a driveway at the Redpath Residence located al2692 Cortina Lane/Lot 10, Block B, VailRidge. Applicant: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Planner: Planner: Ft6'cryonetscdrEtice\092595 Bob Redpath George Rulher 6. o A request for a rezoning of various properUes throughout Town, (as descrlbed on the anached Exhibit A), from their cuffent zoning designation to fie Natulal Area Preservation District (NAPD), General Use (GU), or Outdoor Recreatlon (OR) Zone Districls. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Jim Curnutte & Russ Forrest A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed atnendment to Chapter 18.39 of the Vail Municipal Code ( Skl Base Recreadon) and an amendment to the previougly_ , _ approved d'evelopment plan to allow lor the redevelopment of the Golden Peak Skl Base, fiated at485 Vail Valley Drive /Tract F, VailVillage Sth filing and Tract B, VailVillage 7th filing. Applicant: VailAssociates Inc., represented by David Corbln Planner: Jim Curnutte and Lauren Watenon A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an addition to an existing duplex bcatbd at2527 Arosa StreeULot 3, Block D, Vail Das Schone Filing #1. Appticant: Galen Aasland Planner: RandY Stouder + FteverlroG\pec\nolicel$92595 -,'a. 1, t "- ,,.?- -o UpFer EaEle valley Water & Sanitation Distict 845 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 frlr. Lee M. Bass .ZOt Main St #3200 FortWorth, fk rcrc2 A*.gi,rra"*Ross Johnson 435 East 42nd Street NewYorlql.IY 10022 ,Pinos Del Norte Association AtEr: Ginny P.O. Box 69 Vail, CO 81658 /Rams-Hom Lodge Condominium Association Attr: Dianne Milligan 415 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 '' Ski Club Vail P.O. Box 518 Vail, CO 81657 / W.l*rley G. Higbie, Jr.. 1600 Broadway #1400 Denver, CO 80202 I Mr. James H. Clemonf Jr. KingRanch Kingsville, TX 7E363 r' Northwoods Condominiums Atur: lvlrs. Brinkman P.O. Box 1231 Vail; CO 81658 / All Seasons Condominium Association Attrr: Dave 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, f-O 81657 r' li,fs. Barbara M. Osborne. 2014 SeaCoveCourt Houstoq TX 77058 r' Northwind Developmen! L.L.C. 1202 Del MarBlvd #7 laredo, TX 78041 "/ Ms. KayH. Chester 395 Mill Creek Circle Vail, CO 81657 r' ManorVail Atto: Sarah Newsam 595 E Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO E1657 o THIS ITEM MAY EFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on September 11, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of:I * A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed amendment to Chapter t 8.39 oi rhe 7a Vait Municipal Code ( Ski Base Recreation) and an amendment to the previously' approved development plan to allow for the redevelopment of the Golden Peak Ski Base, located at 485 Vail Valley Drive / Tract F, Vail Village 5th filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th filing. Applicant Vail Associates Inc., represented by David Corbin Planner: Jim Curnutte and Lauren Waterton 2. A request for a rezoning of various properties throughout Town, (as described on the attached Exhibit A), from their current zoning designation to the NADP, GU, or OR Zone Districts. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Jim Curnutte & Russ Forrest 3. A request for a Major SDD Amendment to the SDD #31, the Golden Peak House, to allow for a modification to the approved density, located at 278 Hansen Ranch Road/Lots A, B, and C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing and a portion of Tract E. Applicant: GPH Partners, Ltd.Planner: Mike Mollica 4. An appeal of an administrative decision by the Zoning Administration to deny issuance of a building permit, located at 5040 Main Gore Place #A3/Sundial Townhomes (Phase ll). Applicant: Jeffery SchillmanPlanner: Randy Stouder 5. A request for a worksession to discuss the Eagle River Watershed plan. Planner: Russell Forrest JrY' W F:Weryono\pec\nolice€r\091 1 95 o Up;* Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation Distict 846 Forest Road Vail,CO 81657 /w.I*eM.Bass 201 Main St #3200 Fort Wortb" T* lctoz n'Ski CIub Vail P.O. Box 518 Vail,CO E1657 / Ur. ttarley G. Higbie, Jr. 1600 Broadway #1400 Denver,CO 80202 :" lt."!.:- t /{vIs. Elizab itr Ro ss Johnson' 435hst42nd Street NerarYorlql.IY 10022 ,Pinos Del Norte Association Ath: Ginny P.O. Box 69 Vail, CO 81658 'Rams-Horn Lodge Condominium Association Atm: Dianne Milligan 415 Vail Valley Drive Vail, CO 81657 J Mr. James H. Clemont Jr. KingRanch Kingwille, TX 78363 r' Northwoods Condominiums Atuu]vlrs. Brinkman P.O. Box l23l Vail, CO 81658 / All Seasons Condominium Association Attn: Dave 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 r' Ms. Barbara M. Osbome 2014 Sea Cove Court HoustoqTX 77058 r' Nordwind Devetopmen! L.L.C. 1202 Del lvlar Blvd. #7 Iaredo,TX 78041 / Ms. KayH. Chester 395 Mill Crcek Circle Vail, CO E1557 r'ManorVail Attn: SarahNewsam 595 E. Vail ValleyDrive Vail, CO 81657 o TH|S IrEM MAY EFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN hat the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on July 10, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request lor review and approval of the Town of Vail Non-Point Source Water Quality Management Plan. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Russ Forrest 2. A request to review a request by the Vail Consolidated Water District to create 3.2 acres of wetland area located at Katsos Ranch, Applicant: Water District Planner: Russ Forrest 3. A request for a minor CCll exterior alteration located at The Landmark Condominiums, 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1 ,Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Geoffrey Wright, representing Landmark-Vail Condominium Association Planner; Jim Curnutte 4. A request for a joint worksession with the Design Review Board and the Planning and Environmenlal Commission to discuss a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an addition to the Town of Vail Public Works Administration Building and a renovation to the Transportation and Fleet Maintenance Buildings located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/on an unplaned tracl, located north of Vail Village, Eighth Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knutdsen 5. A request for a site coverage variance to allow lor an expansion to an existing residence located at 1816 Sunburst Dr./Lot l,VailValley Third Filing. Applicant: John StanleyPlanner: Randy Stouder A request for a joint worksession with the Town Council and the Planning and Environmental Commission to discuss a proposed amendment to Chapter 18.39 of the Vail Municipal Code ( Ski BaseRecreation) and an amendment to the previously approved development plan to allow for the redevelopment of he Golden Peak Ski Base, located at 485 Vail Valley Drive / Tract F, Vail Village 5th filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th filing. 6. o I THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTTCE tS HEREBY GTVEN that the Planning and Environmentalcommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 12, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an automatic teller machine to be located at 263 East Gore Creek Drive/Lot E, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: David Gorsuch and Beth Golde, representing Vail Bank Planner: George Ruther 2 A request for a setback variance to allow for an addition to a residence located at 1390 Greenhill CourUlot 12, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Summit Vacation Properties Planner: Andy KnudFen 3. A request for a floodplain modification to allow for the development of a residence located al3797 Lupine Drive / Lots 4 & 5 Bighorn Subdivision/Second Addition. Applicant: Chloe Moran Planner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a joint worksession with the Town Council and the Planning and _ _ Environmental Commission to discuss a proposed amendment to Chapter 18.39 of the \ _ vail Municipal code ( ski BaseRecreation) and an amendment to the previously approvedj- 1 development plan to allow for the redevelopment of the Golden Peak Ski Base, located at -\ \ 485 Vdit Valley Drive /Tract F, VailVillage Sth filing and Tract B, VailVillage 7th filing' I Applicant: Vail Associates Inc., represented by David Corbin Planner: Jim Curnutte and Lauren Waterton tu+^*e n;1"/ *#t Flaveryons\pec\trolicss\061 295 Dasr Vn 0fficers: President Directors - Judith Berkowitz Bob Galvin Secretary - Gretta Park Treasurer Dolph Bridgewate r - Ellie Caulkins - Ron Langley Inc. Patrick Gramm Bill Morton - Connie Ridder B HouEowNERS OCIATION 1995 GOLDEN PEAK REDEVELOPMENT PLAN NORTHWEST PERSP€CTIVE OF THE PROPOSED GOLOEN PEAK MAIN BASE -.-, il*".'.": I he most important redevelopment project in Vail's history is in the final'phase of public review by the Town of Vail. The $27,000,000 Golden Peak redevelopment plan has been under discussion by the Town of Vail since May of this year. Over the past two years, the Homeowners Associ- ation has coordinated communications for representatives of neighborhood property owners with Vail Associates and Town of Vail authorities. The purpose of this report is to give neighborhood property owners an overview of the development proposal including is- sues remaining to be resolved. The 1995 plan will replace a plan for the site that was approved by the Town of Vail in 1985. The 1995 plan appears to conform with the neighborhood covenant agreement. Key comparisons between the plans include the following:r The base lodge is in the same location as was approved in the 1985 development plan. The square footage within the base lodge has increased over the 1985 planby 27%. This figure does not represent an additional increase gained by building a separate Children's Center that was originally located in the base lodge building.. The maximum height of the base lodge in 1985 was 40 feet. Six per cent ofthe 1995 base lodge proposal exceeds the 40 foot height by seven feet. The additional height was required by the Town of Vail planning staff to enclose roof top mechanical equipment. The 1985 plan permitted 137 unenclosed parking spaces and 12 enclosed spaces. The 1995 proposed plan provides 162 enclosed and 59 unenclosed parking spaces. Fourteen enclosed parking spaces are in the main base lodge and the remaining 148 are in an underground parking structure. The parking structure is hidden beneath landscaped open space. The proposed plan provides for a pedestrian walkway and other enhancements along Vail Valley Drive between the Vail Village Parking Structure and the Golden Peak Children's Center. The l 985 plan provided minimal streetscape improvements. Traffic congestion is proposed to be mitigated by creating sepamte drop-off/pick-up areas for the Children's Center and the main base lodge Access to on-site enclosed parking is available only by prior reservation. Shuttle bus service by the Town of Vail will be increased. No provisions for improved traffic control were included in the previous plan. Up-mountain capacit_v rvill be increased from 1,130 skiers per hour to 2,250 by upgrading lift 6 to a high speed quad. Race facility and safety conditions are to be improved by the relocation of lift l2 and the poma lift. . No such commitments u'ere made in 1985. A management contract between Vail Associates and the Town of Vail is to be adopted to provide a means to monitor and implement other improvements that may be necessary as a result of impacts from the development. In 1995 no contract was included. Special Golden Peak Edition December. 1995 75 sort F'DI',tag. Bood UaU Colorodo E1657 9m 479-2100 FAX-970-179-2 r 57 Post Office Box 238 Telephone: (970)827-5680 Vail, Colorado 81658-0238 Message/FAX (970) 827 -5856 1995 PERSPECTIVE N-_ l{. 20r|llo lllalYgts ft€ lollowi.|g rq ng a|l!iyd! l!!r b€!|l p.O.rcd lor thr pupolc ol co.trp.ring tE Fop('sedrcoavdogncnl d5n lo ft€ ski SardRrqldon rorE di6trlcr davaloFrraal stardenb and to thcp.evbuEly app.oEd lS35 da\/rloo.r€nt dm. Fo. r moro coflrotetebrc&olr'l ot tt6 so€ctth u36s wlfiln fir bollding |rtd r co.Ipartaoo ot tho 1985 app.ov€d plrn b fra t 99S p.opc€d pLn, toalo 8e€ lha n.n pac€. lrnri:- Fc.5rmuaEo,.! slotabt|xh..tfil6 a,ot( 6t r- t- tn 4(y Cdirlcd i. tiUoro.'( rd t ii*!a a,adr.+i.rBlira t3l8tn,arrc-., J|l,r i 1!* r 6r ltFct tr Idtq irt*b--tiD rori.n rarcrr|!Ei.--..r. '. T}bltu- 'Et/d- r ia ,rd. p.t i9.eE, 12 tF-.tsrtdlll,|rr. E r..h.l uir.,7ofid.roancd ?.a at' |? c'*hr... cfE Fs drtr *r.d.t d h rad. -_ thi. 69u'i id'rd. ta8 rnr.a.d ar.od, 1. F.a ..Enbd rid, ?h. D.drrit u,ir, 2i e.a,.t .ta, d.4|6n +|o. .r|d3o C rD. C.or. drE{d '€. -. Fr . nM (5tb (hi.n' ot trr br*r4 n ieh b 6tc1,b.d n d. Sb &- F.q.dbn 26. ObEi. -...s a PaF-c drt 6.r|... .ndrd b th. jn ot ihr D@ntun. Noa: arEh-6rt 6-*d ;.g.tr5f.'D6bulret itnby6!aotth.h.taar thirincal'rorhn t5b.r_ Squr. toobgs o.lcrbtbna r.|d comp.rl.oo tc lh. tg!! rpprorr.d ptrn Sdr..s Footide bv Use Ratrl srncs Ra!tt!rant llca(.ltne/SH scfiool Corfurlrbcl'n6€lirg roq||s hCoyse lo.lofs R€35€r|del: GRFA Ccffiron arca Pddr! eree Cl|5rsr! Skl Sdrool Prlvat€ Cl|i O€n.|al Com'll.fr tula: f,kctnnicaysto..o€ CtE llio.l Rei|roonls Eaaa t dg.Tod E!!re Foohg. bv Floo. FirBt S€cond TNd Fo|',rtr TOIAL Sdfire Foonlp by DE ino Uo|t Unlt t Un{ 2 Untl3 Unft 4 unl 5 Un[ 6 ToI.I GFFA: Residendal Comnlon ArEr: Totd Rr.l.Lnd.t Floo. A|l|! 1995 *Chenoc 30.097 + 725,115 + 199(18,330 + 39%9.2)a + 197%6qrn + 26i{ il,8il7 + 6l%3.33S + 7A%5,0OO + 8St63,295 + 25%3,580 + 40% -3.590 + s3%A,agl + Eat6+6.910 + 15996t|t,3f7 + 76t6 2,883 1,800 2.68A 2,8ii9 455€ -L0ta11'162 +2.82 17t1U t tt,r, ll THE SOUTHEAST BASE LODGE Above is a comparison by the Town of Vail planning staff between the 1985 and 1995 development plans for the Golden Peak base lodge building. Note that the Managed Parking Structure identified in the square footage calculations did not ex- ist in the 1985 approved development plan. ZONING AND ARCHITECfrIRAL DESIGN The $23 million base lodge is the focal point ofthe Golden Peak redevelopment. It is a mixed use building containing resi- dential, retail and skier service facilities. The lodge's European style is remi- niscent of Austrian design themes found in Salzburg palace architecture. Exterior ma- terials include native and cut stone, stucco and slate-like concrete roof tiles. The proposed base lodge is 17,629 sq. ft. larger than the 1985 version. The great- est increase occurs in the six condominium units. The condominiums are permitted by the neighborhood covenant agreement. Nei- ther the covenant nor Town of Vail zoning places a limitation upon the amount of square footage that is allowed within the base lodge or on the site . Six percent of the roof area is 7 feet higher than the 40 foot maximum height ap- proved in the 1985 proposal. The increase is due to a Town requirement to reduce the flat roof portion of the structure by placing a cowling over mechanical vents and to pro- vide skylights for the condominiums and public areas in the building. Project archi- tect is the Vail firm of Pierce, Segerberg & Associates. Landscape architect and park- ing structure consultant for the Golden Peak site and streetscape plan is the VaiVAspen based Design Workshop. Y 99'1',iii (") I i I I t!.-,.tr.,..111,..1......i1ltl EAST ELEVATION I !I ._.- -.1.. WEST ELEVATION I I - -\ i .ooI *"L. NORTHELEVATION I F!,F." i I 3 Mill Creek Circle to the Golden Peak Children's Center The following streetscape improvements are to be installed at Vail Associates' expense: A small parVplaza will be located on the southeast corner ofthe intersection of Vail Valley Drive and Mill Creek Circle. The park is also the intersection ofthree pe- destrian/bike routes that traverse the Golden Peak site. From the parVplaza following the south side of Vail Valley Drive to the Children's Center, a 4 to 8 foot wide decora- tive concrete block walkway with curb and gutter will be built. A landscaped buffer is to be placed along the street side walkway between the parking areas and the base lodge. New Vail Village style street lights will be installed at 100 foot intervals along the walkway from the Vail Village Parking Stmcture to the Children's Center. Because of safety problems, Vail Valley Drive will be realigned to improve sight dis- tances on the curves befween Manor Vail's vehicular entrances. The realignment calls for curb and gutter on both sides of the street. Pedestrian crossings from Golden Peak to Manor Vail are to be relocated near Manor Vail's north and south entrances. The existing pedestrian crossing from Man- or Vail to Golden Peak is to be closed to im- prove pedestrian safety. The north vehicle entry to Manor Vail is to be realigned cre- ating a "T" intersection that will require a full tum to enter Manor Vail. Northeast ofthe Children's center, the east bound bus stop for the Golf Course shuttle route is to be improved. When occu- pied by a shuttle bus, east bound traffic should not be blocked because ofexpanded road width. There is concern that the pro- posed road width will not be sufficient to eliminate traffic blockage. A new plaza for the Manor Vail en- trance to Ford Park is to be constructed. The continuation of the west bound bus stop for the Golf Course shuttle bus route. prssctrtly-illhiilocatian--is-in juss!ia!-- A crosswalk will be located at the inter- section of Vail Valley Drive and Chalet Road. The status of Chalet road will remain unchanged until alterations are recom- mended by a neighborhood assessment committee based upon the experience of the first year operation of the new Golden Peak facilities. Neighborhood Entrance Signs: The stone pylons on which signs are inset are being requested by the neighborhood for in- clusion in the streetscape plan. The purpose ofthe pylons is to identi$ resi- dential neighborhoods and to improve traffrc control by reducing un- desired parking and skier drop-off activity in adja- cent residential neighbor- hoods. The decision and cost to install the pylons are the responsibility of each neiehborhood. \\ ,pVail Village Parking Structure Mill Creek Circle Beginning at the east portal ofthe Vail Village Parking Structure, there will be an eight foot wide pedestrian walkway on the west side of Vail Valley Drive to the en- trance of Mill Creek Circle. The walkway is to be constructed of decorative concrete pavers and will have curb and gutter. A 5 to 6 foot wide walkway with curb and gutter is proposed for the east side of Vail Valley Drive from the Gore Creek Bridge to the Rams Horn Lodge. The bridge over Gore Creek will be widened to provide for pedestrian walkways on each side. The east side walkway interconnects with the Ford Park stream walk. The Rams Hom Lodge objects to the removal or re- location of tu'o large 30 foot evergreens at their drivewav entrance to allow for the continuation of the east side walkway. Parkine on the east side ofthe Vorlaufer has been reconfigured without loss of park- ing spaces. Existing landscape improve- ment and a retaining wall will be relocated. The rock planter at the intersection ofGore Creek Drive will be lowered and reduced in size. East across Vail Valley Drive, the en- trance to the Gore Creek neighborhood is proposed to be modified in order to allorv an adequate tuming radius for service ve- hicles. The realignment ofthe intersection and entry will require approval of adjacent private property owners. The west bound bus stop for the Vail Village shuttle located between the Vail Trails Chalet and the Gore Creek Bridge will be relocated near the east oortal of the Vail Village Parking Structure. The reloca- tion was necessary because of a road re- alignment to provide for the retention of parking at the Vorlaufer. (continue next page) TODCE NOTES/ LEoEIID o ***i *r.'* Ii LrocE I-.--__i cocE ATtiLfI' CLUS /u )--_ , , ^-- k-*: Vehicular Garage Entrlncc 1.- :- ----- --r--: - --,. ------- - - -:--:-:- ------- --:--:--:- - ------------:--------::--::::------:--:--: - 5 The east bound Galatyn Lodge Bus Stop will be retained. The bus stop is in conflict with the existing pedestrian walkwa!'. The walkway nanows causing the potential for pedestrians to spill out into the traffic lane. No commitments have been made bv either Vail Associates or the Town of Vail to cor- rect the problem. This portion ofthe streetscape plan ter- minates at the Mill Creek Circle park/plaza. The Art in Public Places Committee has re- quested that the 1989 Alpine Championship monument, formerly located at the entrance to Vail, be relocated to the park/plaza. The neighborhood has requested to participate in choosing the art work most appropriate for the location. Golden Peak Children's Center to the Soccer Field Streetscape Plan Required but Not Completed. Twelve percent of traffic accessing Golden Peak does so on Vail Valley Drive west through the Golf Course residential neighborhood. The Town of Vail has re- quested that Vail Associates provide a de- tailed design for streetscape improvements between the Children's Center and the Soc- cer Field. The Town of Vail has said it will undertake the cost of making improvements. Recommended improvements provide for a road widening that includes a bike lane. A ten foot wide pedestrian walkway is pro- posed. Extensive retaining walls will be re- quired in the vicinity of Northwoods and Pinos del Norte. Concems have been ex- Eressed that the proposed road widening is excesstve. To date, not included in the plan, are re- quests by the Homeowners Association to construct a vehicle turn-around and bus stop at the soccer field. Presently, there are no means for vehicles to turn-around on Vail Valley Drive in the Golden Peak neighbor- hood area. except in private driveways. The tum around will reduce traffic through the Golf Course residential neighborhood and eliminate an irritating source of traffic con- gestion. The soccer field bus stop will in- crease the convenience of bus service to Ford Park event facilities during the sum- mer months. Improved street lighting also has been requested. Parking Structure and Private Club The development plan calls for a 64,800 sq. ft. parking structure for 148 vehicles. With the exception of the vehicle and pedes- trian entrance, the structure is totally buried and landscaped. It is Vail Associates' intent to finance the cost ofthe parking structure by treating a parking space as an amenity that is acquired through the purchase of a membership in a private club to be located in the base lodge. To satisfy theTown of Vail's requirement for public parking and the neighborhood's desire to avoid traffic congestion. a reserva- tion public parking scheme has been pro- posed by Vail Associates. Ifparking spaces for the members of the private club are not reserved for use on a specific day, then by calling a central reservation telephone num- ber anyone may reserve the available space within a set number of hours prior to the ac- tual use. This approach will relieve the traf- fic congestion when the new Golden Peak parking structure is full. A matter under negotiation is what hap- pens if the parking stmcture is not built. Vail Associates has stipulated that if the sale ofprivate club memberships is not success- ful, the parking stmcture may not be built. If this situation occurs, the Town of Vail will require a pay-in-lieu fee from Vail As- sociates or that they build a public parking structure elsewhere in the community. The area currently landscaped due to the design of the parking structure (in the opin- ion of the developer), would become sur- face parking. To remove the surface parking, the Town of Vail would have to credit Vail Associates for the soaces. A primary source of neighborhood sup- port for the project is the reduction and re- placment of surface parking with landscaped open space. Adjacent propeqv owners oppose replacing landscaped area approved in the redevelopment plan with surface parking. Many believe that the parking structure should be required as a condition of approval. so the site cannot be developed in the future . It is recommended that this portion ofthe site should be deed restricted as landscaped open space that may include an enclosed parking structure cov- ered by landscape open space. Long Term Management Plan The concern over traffic congestion, parking and other development related im- pacts has caused the need for the Town of Vail and Vail Associates to adopt a long term management agreement. The manage- ment agreement provides for the monitor- ing and mitigation of ongoing issues. An assessment committee will be formed that includes representatives from the neighborhood, the Town of Vail and Vail Associates. The assessment committee will recommend solutions to resolve such issues as managed parking and drop- off/pick-up functions, mountain and ski school operations, on and off-site traffic management, as well as community pro- grams and special events at the site. Traffic Management It is the responsibility for Vail Associ- ates to insure that traffic congestion does not occur at the site. The management plan defines the conditions under which Vail As- sociates is responsible for providing person- nel to manage drop-offipick-up parking areas on the site. Additionally, the plan re- quires both the Town of Vail and Vail As- sociates to address traffic congestion issues on the arterial roadway system accessing the site from the main Vail roundabout to tlie Ford Park Soccer Field. (continue Iast page) Neighborhood propeny orvners have re- quested that.traffic flows be compatible with their desire to further oedestrianize the Golden Peak area. Additionally, property owners have concems that there be a means to divert or redirect traffic away from the neighborhood during special events and in heavy traffi c congestion conditions. Neighborhood representatives have asked that an electronic notification sign system be installed on the South Frontage Road that can be used to control traffic into the area. The notification sign system can be used to alert drivers to the availability of parking and drop-off/pick-up sites at Cold- en Peak, Ford Park and the Vail Village Parking Structure. The electronic sign system is included in the Manaqement Plan. It is desired that the system be installed at the time the Golden Peak site is developed. In conditions of inaccessibility at Gold- en Peak and Vail Village there is a need to provide an efficient turn-around of east bound traffic on South Frontage Road. Pres- ently there is no opportunity to reverse the direction of a high volume of traffic. The success of the main Vail roundabout has demonstrated the value ofthe roundabout configuration as an efficient means of dis- tributine multi-directional traffi c flow. A reduced version of the roundabout has been suggested as a traffic management project. One site for a proposed roundabout is the South Frontage Road at the Cross- roads Shopping Center intersection. Con- cem has been expressed about potential traffic congestion at Blue Cow Chute and the South Frontage Road. Objections to Zone District Language The Homeowners Association strenu- ously objects to proposed changes made by the Town's planning staff in the zone district language. The changes undermine the spirit and intent of the neighborhood's covenant agreement with Vail Associates regarding the prohibited uses. Amendments recommended bv the nlan- ning staff remove long standing prohibied uses for the zone district. These prohibited uses were mutually agreed to by Vail As- sociates, the Town of Vail and neighbor- hood property owners when the district was established in 1985. Ifremoved. the Town of Vail can ignore the prohibited uses, caus- ing the neighborhood to have to litigate ro enforce the prohibition. The inclusion of the prohibited use in the 1985 version ofthe zone district prevents the Town from allow- ing the outlawed uses. Additionally, the planning staff has re- served for itselfthe right to approve amend- ments that do not alter the basic intent and character ofthe approved Golden'Peak De- velopment Plan. According to planning of- ficials, the proposed amendment process would not be subject to direct notification by letter of adjacent property owners as is presently required by the public hearing procedures. The HomeownersAssociation views the zoning changes as creating the po- tential for abuse and arbitrary conduct by public officials. Vail Associates does not endorse the Town of Vail proposed changes. Repre- sentatives of Vail Associates have been both forthright and rigorous in respecting the spirit and intent oftheir covenant agree- ment with the neighborhood. -o- The Homeowners Association has worked cooperatively with Vail Associates and neighborhood representatives to encour- age several changes to the plan. Proposals from the Town of Vail to make Vail Valley Drive one walz. requiring a bridge to be built at the east end of Ford Park. and to build an obtrusive parking structure at the Ford Park Soccer Field have been with- drawn through the effort of the Homeown- ers Association. Concems or questions regarding the proposal and this report should be directed to the Homeowners Association's Adminis- trator, Jim Lamont. GOLDEN PEAK REDEVELOPMENT PLAN East Village Homeowners Association, Inc. Post Office Box 238 Vail, CO 81658-0238 Telephone: 970-827-5680 Fax: 970-827-5856 To: Easr Vrl bfficers: President - Bob Galvin Secretary - Gretla Parks Treasurer - Patrick Gramm Directors - Judith Berkowitz - Dolph Bridgewater - Ellie Caulkins - Ron Langley - Bill Morton - Connie Ridder Town of Vail Town Council From: Jim Lamont. Administrator Date: December 19, 1995 RE: Golden Peak Redevelopment Plan The Homeowners Association requests that the Town Council include the following points in their consideration and approval of the documents providing for the redevelopment of the Golden Peak Ski Base Area. I. Zone District Language: l. The Homeowners Associations requests that the amended language in Section 18.39.090 Development Plan Required (D) concerning the zoning administrator (Community Development Director) be struck and/or that the following languaee be included in the section. "Zoning Administrator or Planning and Environmental Commission amendment to the development plan shall be conducted in accordance with Sections I 8.66.1 30, 18.66.080 and 18.66090(C). In addition to the published procedure and notice as proscribed in Section 18.66.080(4), the zoning administrator shall cause a copy of the notice to be mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid to the owner or owners of record of the property which is subject of the hearing and the owners or owners ofrecord ofthe property adjacent to the subject property (ifthe adjacent property is a condominium project, notice may be mailed to the managing agent, regis- tered agent or any member of the board of directors thereof), for any amendment to the develop- ment plan." The above citations refer to the following sections in the zoning code. I 8.66. 130 Amendment-Hearing Upon filing of a petition for amendment or upon initiation of an amendment by the town council, planning and environmental commission, or zoning administrator, the zoning administrator shall set a date for hearing in accordance with the provision of Section 18.66.080 and I 8.66090. 1 8.66.080 Hearing-Notice (A) Not less than fifteen day prior to the date set for the hearing before the planning and environmental commission, the zoning administrator shall cause a copy of the notice to be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the town. I 8.66.090 Hearing-Evidence (c) Hearings shall be conducted in such a manner as to afford an applicant or petitioner and all interested parties the opportunity to submit exception to the record, contentions, and arguments with respect to the issues entailed, provided that the planning commission and the town council may limit the taking of evidence to evidence not previously submitted and made a matter of record. Post Office Box 238 Vail, Colorado 81658 Telephone: (970) 827-5680 Message/FAX: (970) 827-5856 n HounowNERS TION,INC. o Base/Town-Golderi Peak Ski of Vail 12/19/1995 2. Section 18.39.075 Prohibited Uses is requested to be retained in the ordinance. The present zone district language is specific as to certain uses that are prohibited and should remain in the ordinance. When justiffing the elimination of section I 8.39.075 Prohibited Uses, any interpretation that infers inclusion as a permitted, conditional, or accessory use because of the specificity of defined prohibited uses is a defective argument. Item 7 under Prohibited Uses stipulates any other use not specifically permitted or conditional in this zone district is a prohibited use. Prejudicial statements by the town staff regarding the covenant requirements, during the review process, have not instilled confidence in adjacent property owners that the Town ofVail will not at some point permit or require uses that are in direct conflict with neighborhood cove- nants. The elimination of the Prohibited Uses section opens the possibility for a covenant en- forcement action to ensue because the Town of Vail prescribed upon the property owner (Vail Associates) an activity that is not permitted by the covenant agreement. It is considered that the removal of the section 18.39.075 Prohibited Uses is the breaking of a long standing trusting rela- tionship by the Tourn of Vail with neighboring property owners and Vail Associates. II. Proposed Parking Structure and Infrastructure Improvements: The Homeowners Association supports the development plan as it regards the design and location ofthe proposed underground parking structure. Should the applicant at some future date determine that the construction of the parking structure is not feasible, the Association will weight at that time the merits of any alternative proposal(s) to provide parking off-site. Should a proposat Ue maae to l an election to amend the covenant to prohibit surface parking. The Homeowners Association will not support any effort to construct a parking structure to serve the Golden Peak Ski Base at the Ford Park Soccer Field or any other infrastructure improvements that will increase traffic flow into and through the neighborhood. III. Developer Agreement: The Homeowners Association and representatives of adjacent property owners wish to be consulted regarding the final language of the Vail Associates/Town of Vail Developer Agree- ment. The agreement will contain policy and design decisions that affect adjacent property own- ers regarding streetscape improvements, maintenance standards, and other relevant items. It is requested that the Homeowners Association be included in the drafting and review of the devel- oper's agreement and other supporting documents, should they be amended. IV. Golden Peak Entrance ParkiPlaza: The Homeowners Association on behalf of adjacent property owners wishes to be con- sulted regarding the design of the park/plaza located at the entrance to Mill Creek Circle and Vail Valley Drive. With the attachment of the foregoing items to the approval. the Homeowners Association is supportive ofthe project as proposed. JL-,uy- 5&.-'E.lsr Vu-,t lcr HomnowNnRs Assocrarto fNc. Otlcer6: ltesialeff - !r,ob Gslvi! Serret ry - Gteu4 lbrls 'l restlaer - Pa:rick GreoD Dircclors - Juditb Bcrf,o*.itr - Dolph Brirlgcwatcr - Dllio Caulkils - RoD Lauglcy ' Dill Mc,rton - Connic Riddcr Prxt Office Box 2i8 Vail, Colorarlo 816.58 Telephone: i97O) 827-5680 Messag€/FAX: (970) 827'5856 FAX TRANSMISSION COVER PAGE To: Susan Connelly Time: 0l:10:17 Pages (including wer):5 From: Jim Lamont Administrator Dale: 8f29r95 Subiec{: Golden Peak Redewlopment Plan Status Report 8128195 Special Instructions: Please review and respond as appropriate, E.mr v,fo". H;; ;ffi;t.,ArroN, INc. Officers: PresidEnt - Bob Galvin Secreary - Creit. Pa*s Treasurer - Patick Gnmn Diractols - juCith Berlowic - Dolph Bridgev'ater - Elli€ Caulkins - Ron Langley - Bill ]vlottou - Con:rie Ridder To: Eob Galvin and Board of Directors Golden Peali President's Advisory Ccmmittee Frmr: Jim Lamont Administsator Date: Angust 28, 1995 RE: Golden Peak Rederelopment Plar Status Report A rrork session before tle Tortr of !oil Planning ond En'irorunental Commission is scheduled for Monday, September I l. 1995. Representatives of adjacent property owners are urged to utend. 'lhe rvork session is a resumption of fte public review process begun in June. Elements of thc plm havc bcctr undcr rcricw by ftc Town of Vail Staffsubscqucntto lhc Torvn Council, in early JulS establishing several plaruring policios trat will effect the fnal fonn of the proposed project. The results of several meefings betneen Vail Associates and the Torvn's plaming statl at which a rcprcscntativc of fic Homcormcrs Association u'as in attordancc, yicldcd rccomrncndcd refurenrents to dre proposed plan. Relurenrents include fie follovring iterns. l. The parking lot for the Ctildren's Center has been expanded. The alignrnent of Lift 6 may require a minor adjustnent. 2. The number of parking spaces accornfiodated iu tfte skier dropoffpick-up parking lot has been expanded. 3- The lbur-rvay stop proposed at the lr{anor Vail intersection has been rernoved. Addi- tionally', chongcs in ftc aligrunc.nt of \rail Vallcy Drilc ha'r'c bccn madc in ordcr to improrc sight lines in dre vicinity of dre \Ianor Vail irrtersection. The euhance trr dre prilate cr:rrdonririutns to be huilt a Crolden Peak has heen changed and is no longer localed in conjunction t ith dte Manor Vail intersection. The Homeou-ners Associatiqr remains to bE coninced ttat fie design for the I\4ans \rarl intersection is tre safu tbr pedestrians and vehicles accessing Manor \hil and Ford Parli. 4. Certain changes to de l,fill Creek drainage and flood control devices have heen recom- mended. A large portion of flre \dill Creek draiuage bypass tfirough Golden Peak is proposed to be placed in a culvert. The level of sbeam florv to be maintained in the Golden Peatc,"lv{anor Vail/ N{ill Creek fributary conlinues under discussion. 5. The appropriateness ofthe rnodified nransard roofdesign for tfie hase lodge huilding has been challenged bythe Tonn designrevierv consultant. The consultantfeels too much ofthe roofarea is flat. In dre opinion oflhe conzultan! dre developrnent program requires that o pre- domiaantly flat roof be used in crder io accommodatE what he considers to be excessive density. It is noted that the proposecl architectrual design of the buitding for the most part is consis- teat w'ith the Torrn of liail's architectural design guidelines. Further, the footprint of the building Posr Of[ce Box 23E Vail, Colorado 8165t 'l'elephon€:(97())H2"-56t1(i lvlessage/FAx:(97()) Ebrtv|lleo€ Hfireofn'! Asd.toft O Colden Peal,i Redevelopurant Plan Status RePort 8.€8;95 has been shrunk and fre maximum heiglrt of the building is the same as approved for the 1984 propsal. The Tonn staffpoinb out tratbecause of fteroof design a greater proportioa of dre lrAosed buitding is at the maximum height. The Homeowners Association observes that photo- Lrai,hic view impact studies crrnducted frour sumounding properties do not appear to indicate ad- v'eme impact upon views. The Homeouners Association notes that to date thEre bas been no negative response to the architectural sryle from panies in the neighborhood who have reviewed lhe application, Furdrer- m<re, that neighborhood propErty owners appear to considor lheir Golden Peak neighborhood as having a distinctive identiry'', separete from the commercial core of Vail Village or the mega- strrcfure image of Northrvoods/Pinos del Norte. The Ilonreowners Association has expressed that the architectural sty'le for dre Golden Peak slii base building should bE an oulstanding alpine architcctural statemeut compatible with lhe atfibutes of stmcnrei ou adjacent properties. It should have a design qualiry that pun'eys a tradi- tioal uni$,'ing sty'le for buildings in the neighborhood that rvill remain unchanged, while prol'id- ing ftematic inspiration for those buildings that will be redeveloped, The pnrjeol arshitect has been requested lo makc design refincments !r unify and drama- tize rhe arctritecturat sgle of ttre buildhg. Tbe Homeowners Association urged that a uniform mEtrod be applied to compare the size of the building proposed in 1984 widr the present proposal. 6. The appropriateness ofan off-site parking structure to be located at dre Ford Park Soc- ctr Fickl is rmder questioo. Vail Associates does not appcar lo acccpl thc Towns ralionale for the need ro constnrction an adjunct parking sTnrcture or to pro\ide additional prblic parliing. \rail .tssociates appears to favor prir'ate ownership u'idr a supplemental resen'ation system available to the general p'ubli" or a mesns to accommodaie both pubiii rnd private parking demand. Norftnoods Condominiums, as rvell as others in the community and sunounding neigh' bahoods oppose a least-cost-to-construc! no frills, unenclosed parking stucttlre at the Ford Park soccer field iite lsee attached leffer), Others oppose the soccer tield location because it will en- cour&ge increased ta{Iic in the neighborhood, os rreli os provide the impetus to construct l bridge attre east end of Ford Park. The Constlction of a bridge could iead to a one-waying of Vail Valley Drive and result in increased taffic congestion and inconvenience for the surrounding resi' dantial neighborhoods. lvlany believe. including professional advisors, that public parking struc- tures drould be dtectly accessible and adjacent to the South liontage Road. l:tbrmed sources indicatc that ifrcquircd, drc socccr ficld parking structurc may causc thc cntirc rcd*rlopmcnt plan to be financially unfeasible and therefore unacceptable to Vail Associates' 7. Detaited plans and designs for streetscape improvements to manage traflic tq from, aod be1'rxrd tbe Gotden Peak Ski Base site on Vail Valle,v Drire have yet to- be lbnnulated. De- sigpcrJ arc anaiting suncy inlbrmation to dctcnninc thc prccisc location of cxisting improrc' nrats and boundary iines. ThE Homeouners Association has requested an improl'ernent plan and managementagr€e- meat be prepred fq the route Aom the mairVail entrance at I-70 to lhe Ford Park Socser Field. Tb managcmurt agrccnrcnt is to dcfinc thc tcrn:s and conditions undcr N'hich rcnrcdiation mca- srges are 6 be made. The irnprovement plan is to identifo fte location ntere specific iruprove- ments are to he located and where optional improvernent-s for srpport facilities are feasible tlnou ghout llrc cornmunity. 2 Eertvlll.ss Hdrwnsr A!!od.lm o Golden Peak Redevelopma:t Plan Status Report 8128195 The purpose of the plan and agreement is to provide for a means by which vehicular haffic can be limited, diverted, or deflected away from the Golden Peak neig$rborhood. The desirod re- sult is dte improved capabilitv for tansportation rout€s to be used prirrrarily for the safe and efii- cient circulation of pedestrians, resident-s, and mass tansportation vehicles, as is the present condition in Vail Village. To date the Homeowners Association is disappointed with fie lack of cnlhusiasrn or di. reslness on lhe parl r.rf publiu ollicials lo addrcss praclical plans to resolve lransporlalion and safety issues rvith neighborhood property owners. Vail Associates remains, as it has for lhe past tuo years, engaged with the neighborhood in au informed and creative discussion regarding the means by u'hich tansportation and safety issues can be resolv'ed. \4tith regrud to lhese mstters, lhE Hcmcor.rntrs Association views the Town o.f tr'ail as a co-applicant, in conjunction with Vail Associates. Atternpts to mainain tre stntts $lo or to mini- mize the perception of impacts from tafftc congestion upon the surounding neighbodroods is nei- fter a short term pao&cea nor a long term solution. Once lhe Goldcn Peak impnxctnenls are umpleled, if trallic oongeslion is aggravated, in all likelihood both Vail Associates and the Toun of Vail rvilt be held accountable by neighbor- hood prope(y o$ners and taken to taslc to correct fte deficiencies. 'lhe Homeowners Associ- ation requests thot o tofEc contol plan and rnonagunent ogreement with supporti.rg financial agreements be adopted pnor to flre final approlal oftre Golden Peali rederelopment plan. E !tvlt.!€ Ho.idna! A!!od8!m O Golden Peali Redevelopurent Plan Status Report E/28l95 aug-t?-196 15rB 4.| l.sR Ven Vrnebr Iwi.r. Vrllage lrrrr Flii:u Ctr rJrr:t:ittiLltrr A1 O!; I-ctrer !o rhs Toqtn Colrlcil arrd the Citjzsnr of Vril t}lr ll{adunc Mayor. LgJtcs and Genlerttcn qf tho Ccuncil, Fellow Citizens: It b wi,tb t'Gal ccnc.m llal t writs !o ycu rcgardiag tlc subll: o:td oot-$o-subdc efforLr on the pslts of vrdouilrsupt to urba[izr Ford P8rk. , Most recentJy, I bave lcarazrl of g sclrEtuc whacb-y Yall Assrrcigrs wculd b;ild n 'rdowotownr" ri\ffii"ffi glilg'H'#$'$i*is'sg::Ff fl'f.l['Jo#L*"]'k'x"iTJ'1Il.ffi;il.d:il;#?.;;'1;il8;';i';;irc li "riil'cip"rt<:islt wotrd 'ikc.to ttnj:rr u*L cii iirlit[a tl' ii;i irEntiir otl-oulir rtr.s *us "ot pur of rlic orignJ orrrchare' '-!'i" sDc3:i Edrt eirr .aar'mded 'rirh vaf nssiiiitii'iiJxifrogc 6i"l*,ng olthc licr'h*oods site. rnd crsL curri&ratio:rs ud w85 'lDdlad iEtcnltd rc t"rjrri! !s opcil sPfr) Tt: pryIirg snrcnlc os prcposed by V!:i Associa(ca r( lh" rucc* SclC is rrnrc*pl.ublc lue :c lbc fi.t fui n i cpcUv tt. jari ryp" o'i "O;fice tat *u oigirally.;--opo:cd for ''bc Villagt lltu:turc .- iJi,ffi.iif,"ii.oi, ili;ifi,f"t i* ti;;r'io *outd coni:u*'ii. s.; cycsor. tor Lhc .lciglbo*ood succutdirg i: 3rd fol rtre comr,uni-ry-i i *r.t.rt--'s1t:le ci yol will rcracrs':cr rha'' o': ltvicwilg itTifriia'irti rii,t*- vtal"ge:Et,*c' thc cc'u'nr:n':v vitcc.o.spclJ ccosid:tsbiv mcre to iiii;Fr""'et +. oc frcory]r.s-'tring ;i iLc no,'-of-*cnii'c "hJl" orF :ces todav' If the iroDosed suucnrlc v';rE buricd. .n,l prcperty londscrpd, it r:rithr bc rcccplllc' +1Y:lver';.-*d'iiJ-b;;;il tc 6 dar;oot:s rrec:irri r i'c utrc lc nilcw a Privslc ccr:rpe'nl lo *: l.o!a-n jalo'lit " e,]i-i*Fri='.,,i':."1 tusitop*cd lt:r:cturc bas :ict bcel desilsed to gccot:lnfi1r1'' lhc cvcr-ircrc.siog derEan* or r:ay*rcii-. iu-r;at};r'6.P'ct;tit an iverdlw lor '-ur rlts sFrtg vail ;64ft; waits ro dcubl:'o<[ at thc i.w lcae ferilit s: 6ollc:1 Pcal v!j! AssociBl?6 .1rs consis:ently de:iieJ |:1y rlsPonsibiiity tcr t-e ovcr-axi'le o( ow 'xisir'g ['Hf"Et,}iHff;:i,1ii;;:"#i"Si.'};k*'i*1.'l*l""-"d-3s;..ll'l'3,'s;'iF,ft'ir"ii vrii ;isoclaps is sclling 1l'c6uared Ls-tiekrts iu DcnT r' ff ,ipJH#g€1"f.3."#ff #,H:.,1*"si:,Tff f ,::;,illf.'#ffJffifi :' ;-nA tiridfr ii;;ll"; L*. no'""-'.r, "s ii"J*gt-"* Gi.r picpcry o'ncr' I fird it tcrdlv- 'fi;;;;[iil;;;t"-iab;LLd'6 i"c, ui 6tl fot i!"'prigenv on wh:ch $c tE$.lakint:' iiil 'fIV.]i f[*;"J" trs :rt.ti-Jcri,Jlc-rr. t"*i"urioo rluirc; day skiers do njll o Ea:r ;;-tily d;;;il iiar ar:pre ioea iwcsiot'Jre tvtu:'ott is Licnstcad' ior cxRmplci io ,icEojlEodsE tlosa rcods. This ir oco spccibc ax3s?lc, bu! ]t letel to thc bror'dcr c,rrs:iol qllf 'JE bcsr htcrBsu o! our cosni[aity F build uC luiid rrd build. and n:srcr plar, mcstc; plao' reas:c; flu' r':'jl For{ Park e?a5r€455i{34436 tC0 E-t tvir:Ccw Ltire Veil, Glotado 5l6i? ttTC) 4?f -55?? E.! Y rot^! ,t,< ,ntr r 93 478 166i P,Ot TOTA. P. 01 no lcEg"{ f 4iS? 4 Vail Associates Real [state 0roup, Inc. D.vcl.p.E of v.il, Saevat Craak Retorl" 8.ch.b. eukh lllfw'R[0'DJAN t9l99t Mr. Jim Cumutte Departrnent of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Golden Peak Trafhc Study Dear Jim: As I believe you know, TDA, Colorado, Inc. conducted a trafftc count over the holidays for VAI in the Golden Peak area in conjunction with Departrnent of Public Works' studies along the Frontage Road. TDA is compiling the data now and should have the data and a "needs document" ready the by end of the month. We would like to schedule a meeting for the week of February 6th with in4 O"rigrt Workshop, VAI staff, Beth Levine of Gordon Pierce's office, yourself, Greg Hall, and Mike Rose to consider the results of these counts and discuss design issues. Following this meeting(s) TDA can complete a Design Day Condition in approximately one- month's time. I would like to see this achieved by the end of February so that we can jointly address proposed traffic solutions as quickly as possible. Please let me know what available dates mieht work for the TOV team the week of the 6th. Very truly yours, VAIL ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE GROUP.INC. 6/.5 -Rr*so cc: Joe Macy, VAI Jack Hunn, VAI Beth Levine, Pierce, Segerberg, Spaeh Bill Kane, Design Workshop David Leahy, TDA, Colorado, Inc. PO Box 959 . Avon, Colorado . 81520 . phone 303 845 2535 . fax 303 845 2555 fh,"^---.-f4 Ll-:-- David G. Corbin Vice President DGC:mdi tt Easr Vrlllr HounowNERS AsstrArroN. Inc. Directors Officers: President Judith Berkowitz - - Bob Galvin Secretary - Gretta Parks Treasurer Dolph Bridgewater - Ellie Caulkins - Ron Langley Patrick Gramm Bill Morton - Connie Ridder To: EVHA Board of Directors Golden Peak President's Advisory Committee Vail Associates, Inc. Town of Vail Town Council Planning and Enviromental Commission Reviewing Staff From: Jim Lamont, Administrator Date: June 12, 1995 RE: Golden Peak Design Considerations The following is a summarization of comments and concerns of Golden Peak neighborhood property owners regarding the proposed plan for the redevelopment of the Golden Peak Ski Base Area. The concems were expressed at the Presidents Advisory Committee on February 20-21, 1995 or have been brought to the attention of the Homeowners Association. Summary: Traffic congestion resulting from Golden Peak becoming a major "por- tal" to Vail Mountain is the primary con- cem of the surrounding neighborhood. There is an expectation that an increase in users and a greater number of peak use days at the ski base could have a deleteri- ous effect upon surrounding residential neighborhoods. It is proposed by representatives of neighborhood oroperty owners participat- ing in the Golden Peak President's Advi sory Commiftee that the), respectfully requests of the Town of Vail. that the neighborhood be included in the Vail Vil- lage Pedestrian Precinct. In concert with the redevelopment of Golden Peak Ski Base. the neighborhood's inclusion in the pedestrian precinct will enable municipal authorities to provide. on a timely basis. the necessary management decisions and infrastmcture improvements to accomplish pedestrianization of the neighborhood over the next few years.. Methods proposed by neighborhood property owners to limit or curtail negative impacts from the redevelopment of the Golden Peak Ski Base upon the adjacent residential neighborhoods from expected increases in both summer and winter vis- itors are presented in the following repon. I. VAIL ASSOCIATES' POLICY GOALS AND PLANNING CRITERIA: Vail Associates have set forth the fol- lowing goals as the primary factors to de- sign their base facilities. General Goals: I . A cap of 19.900 skiers on Vail Moun- tain, unless otherwise provided for by con- tributions to Town of Vail to orovide for infrastructural improvements. 2. The company's marketing program will increases skier usage of Vail Moun- tain in the current lorv use periods. 3. Balanced access to Vail Mountain from base "ponals." 4. No net increase in vehicular traffic into the neighborhood. Golden Peak: Site Specific Planning Criteria: l. Uphill capacity of lift system will be 2250 persons per hour. a. Lifts 6, 12, and poma will be relo- cated and upgraded. 2. Arrival modes will provide for access by 5000 persons within a 2 hours period. 3. No net increase in access bv Drivate vehicles. 4. Base facilities will conform to condi- tions of 1983 covenant agreements. a. Main Building: 72.636 square feet. six condominiums, and certain limitations upon uses within the building and on the site. 5. Building and site will be used to for summer activities and functions. a. Four on-site tennis courts will not be replaced. II. FACILITY AND BUILDING DE- SIGN: According to Vail Associates the architectural style will be similar to that of Bishop Park. The footprint of the pro- posed building is the same as that ofa building proposed in 1984 for the same site. The 1984 building envelope has been modified to accommodate an enlargement condominiums on the upper floors ofthe building. Neishborhood Concerns and Comments: 1. The architectural style should be enduring. 2. The Texas Town Houses stated that they did not oppose the reconfiguration of tho building mass as long as it did not ma- terially diminish the views from surround- ing private properties any further than the 1984 proposal. 3. The design and massing relationship betu,een the proposed parking structure and base building, including landscape area, venting, and noise control is a concern. 4. Pedestrian flow through the building to the lifts, including ease ofaccess and noise consideration. Reouested Documentation: l. The relative change in height ofthe proposed building in comparison with the existing base buildings. 2. Topographic maps with proposed structures and surrounding nei ghborhood. 3. Sufficiency of sewer and water utili- ties for base facility and neighborhood. 4. Photographic view studies from adja- cent properties, as they would be affected by proposed on-site developments. 5. Define interior uses and space alloca- tion including: a. How many seats in food service facilities? b. How many seats are presently provided? c. What are the operating hours of the food service facilities? 6. Exhaust noise and food odor nuisance abatement methods? III. PARKING: A two level parking structure accommo- dating 120-150 private vehicles is pro- posed in the area presently occupied by four tennis courts. Present on-site public parking is proposed to be removed, as a Post Office Box 238 Telephone: (970) 827-5680 Vail, Colorado 81658 N'lessage/FAX: (970) 827 -5856 EVHA/GP 6/r2tr99s means ofdiscouraging traflic that current- ly causes gridlock conditions throughout the neighborhood. Parking spaces (18) for the six condo- miniums will be within the base building and accessed separately from the parking structure. Exterior surface visitor parking spaces (4) for the condom iniums is pro- posed at the entrance to the condominium parking garage. The purpose for the sur- face parking is to provide for a since of private entry to the condominiums. Trventy surface parking spaces for the Children's Center will be provided. Thirty surface parking spaces are to be provided for user drop off/pick up by private ve- hicles and courtesy vans. Neighborhood Concerns and Com- ments: l. All public parking must be removed from the site and neighborhood in order the eliminate traffic congestion during the winter months. 2. Exterior surface visitor parking for the six condominium should removed and replaced in the proposed parking structure. 3. The location of the exterior surface parking lot for the condominium appears to adversely affect the functioning ofthe site for pedestrian and traffic circulation. Ifrelocated, the area could be used to im- prove landscaping of lower plaza or used for a pedestrian circulation area. 4. Children's Center drop off function should be moved to north side of building. 5. Will there be Special Event Parking in the summer and winter months. 6. How employee parking spaces and where will employee parking occur on site and in the neighborhood? 7. What are disincentive for public park- ing, i.e. cost, lack ofavailability? 8. ls parking demand based upon pre or post redevelopment figures? 9. In a private parking structure, how many car will be parked. how will they be owned. Note: It was pointed out that when there are large events being held at Manor Vail, overflow parking occurs on the present Golden Peak parking lot. Requested Documentation: l. The relative reduction in traffic vol- ume between public vs private parking scheme. 2. The expected demand for public vs private parking scheme. 3. The operational program, manage- ment policies and system for private vs public parking scheme. IV. PARKING STRUCTURE DE. SIGN AND ADJUNCT FACILITIES: A two level enclosed parking structure at its southern edge is integrated into a slop- ing site that allows the top surface ofthe structure to be at the same or similar grade with the staging area for Lift 12. To the west, the structure is partially exposed by a downward sloping grade from the Lift l2 staging area toward the intersection of Mill Creek Circle and Vai[ Valley Drive. The structure's north and east elevation are exposed. The venting for the stmcture is non-mechanical through vent ports on the north and east elevations. The parking structure, near its northwest comer, is en- tered from Vail Valley Drive. Portions of the north and east elevation are to be screen with landscape barriers. The sur- face of the stnrcture is planned to be land- scaped. The Vail Recreation District (VRD), the lease holder and operator of the existing four tennis courts has relinquished control of the four tennis courts located at Golden Peak. It will maintain control of the two courts on Chalet Road. Neighborhood Concerns and Com- ments: I . Views of the parking structure facade from sunounding residential properties primarily located at the Rams Hom Lodge and All Seasons Condominiums. Con- cems include architectural and landscape design and finishes. 2. The proposed relocation ofthe tennis courts to the surface of the parking struc- ture could have impact upon views from surrounding residential properties, pri- marily the Rams Horn Lodge and All Sea- sons. If vierv blockage results from the parking structure or the relocated tennis courts, Rams Hom opposes the parking structure. As altematives they suggest open space or surface parking only. All Seasons opposes the continuation of sur- face parking, the tennis courts and any use ofthe surface ofthe parking structure that would result in night lighting and an in- crease in noise levels. 3. The architectural design and func- tional relationship between the base build- ing and the parking structure on a seasonal basis. Issues include: a. location of goods delivery and trash loading function b. air quality from food service and parking structure exhausts c. lighting ofsite, building exteriors, parking structure, spillage onto adjacent sltes. d. massing relationship between the two smrctures. e. vehicular and pedestrian access in. around, through, and between the two sffuctures. f. abatement ofnoise sources from on- site uses including vehicles, crowds, and exhausts. g. on-site traffic functions. h. landscape treatrnent and uses for the surface of the parking structure. 4. Servicing ofspecial events on the site and within the buildings including han- dling capacity of comfort stations. conces- sions, support utilities, crowd and amplified sound noise control, race facili- ties and sites, staging areas, performance sites, crowd control, transportation ser- vices. and frequency of events. 5. Chalet Road complex landscape should be improved, since 1984 planned provided for upgrading the tract on which the fwo tennis court are located. 6. If tennis courts are removed what lim- itations and guarantees will be made that a stnrcture(s), with the exception of the pro- posed two tiered parking structure, will not be constn:cted in the future? EVHA/GP 6n2tr995 Reouested Documentation: l. Sufficient documentation to verify location, aesthetic, function, frequency, and control ofnuisances ofthe concems listed above. 2. Provide documentation that surface of parking structure will not be used for temporary or pennanent uses that will ob- scure or block view from sunounding residential properties or create nulsance. 3. Written guarantee that structures, oth- er than the a two tiered enclosed parking structure covered by landscape, will not be constructed in the future. V. LIFT LOCATION AND DESIGN: The planned uphill capacity of the Gold- en Peak lift system is projected to be 2250 skiers per hour. Peak capacity is designed for 5000 skiers in a two hour period arriv- ing at portal. Present uphill lift capacity is 1300 skiers per hour.. The upgrading of Lift 6 to a high speed quad will accommodate 2,250 skiers per hour. As a comparison the Vail Village Vista Bahn is 2,400 (?) skiers per hour. The upper terminus of the lift will be lo- cated midway between the base of Lifts l0 and I 1. The base terminus is near the present base lodge location. The loading que is located on the west side of the base terminus. Present uphill lift capacity is 1, 130 skiers per hour. The alignment of Lift l2 will be altered. The upper terminus will be move several hundred leet west. The lower terminus will remain in the approximate location of the present terminus. The proposed ca- pacity of Lift l2 is 1,000- 1,400 . The loading que is located on the east side of the base terminus. Present uphill lift ca- pacity is 960 skiers per hour. The poma lift is to be relocated from the near the westem boundary of the Golden Peak site to an area near the Children's Center. The capacity of the poma lift is to remain unchanged. Neiqhborhood Concerns and Com- ments: l. Lift l2 view obstruction, impact from alignment. crowd control and trespassing. 2. Means of prohibiting trespassing on adjacent Mill Creek Circle residential propertv. Skiers trespass in the process of seeking a direct route to the Vail Village ski base. 3. Means of improving or eliminating pedestrian circulation on Mill Creek Circle roadway between Golden Peak and Vail Village Ski Base. 4. Northwoods and Pinos Del Norte are concemed about maintaining existing ski in-ski out access routes to their properties. They are also concerned about lighting and noise nuisance resulting from reloca- tion of poma lift. 5. Manor Vail suggests that means be found to reduce the noise from the Might Mite, a mechanical ski instruction device. Requested Documentation: l. Where are race sites? What are the support facilities? Define their location, facility design, and spectators areas? 2. What is the lay out of skier circulation flow around lifts 6, 12, and the poma? 3. Locate access points for neighborhood residences? 4. Define exact location for base and upper terminal locations for all lifts, the elevation and design of terminal equipment, and their alignments. 5. How will trespassing through adjacent residential properties on Mill Creek Circle by skiers be eliminated? 6. Define what will be the pedestrian and vehicular traffic volume due to the increase in lift capacity during the high demand periods of a typical peak use day and throughout the season. YI. MASSTRANSPORTATION SERVICE: The location of the Vail/Lionshead shuttle bus stop is being proposed in its present location. Traffic studies indicate that the bus system will need to deliver an estimated 600 person per hour (27% of estimated anivals) during high season peak use moming hours. The bus stop is located in closed proximity to the relo- cated Lift 6. The bus will navigate through vehicular traffic seeking access to the Children's Center drop off(4% ofesti- mated arrivals), a proposed four-way stop near the entrance to Manor Vail, and an entrance and exit drive serving both the private parking structure (10% of estimate arrivals) and public skier drop off (15% of estimate arrivals). Town of Vail expects to eliminate bus stop at the Galatyn Lodge (east bound) and Vorlaufer (west bound). Note: Estimated arrivals percentages are found in a report conceming Golden Peak Base Design Day Growth Scenarios pre- pared by TDA Colorado Inc. a traffic planning consultant firm retained by Vail Associates. Neighborhood Concerns and Com- ments: 1. Vail Villagei Lionshead Shuttle Bus Stop should be located giving skiers the fastest and shortest route to the Lift 6 so as to encourage use of the shuftle bus system. Northwoods and Rams Hom Lodge are the advocates of th is proposal. 2. Locate Golden Peak bus stop in north plaza. separate from drop off/pick up area. Keep buses out oftraffic congestion areas. Efficiency of operation over convenience of location will encourage use ofbus system. 3. Bus service should be increased to encourage skiers to use the bus system. 4. Eliminate all private cars from the site and use buses as the sole means of di- rect transportation to the site allowing buses to provide the quickest access to the lifts.. 5. Provide special children's bus to the Children's Center from special children pick up stop throughout the community so that parents can be assure that their chil- dren will be transported and delivered di- rectly to the Center by qualified supervisory staff. 6. Expand Vail Village/Lionshead Bus Service to VAC - Ford Park - Northwoods - Golden Peak, via a nerv bridge at east end of Ford Park linking the South Front- age Road rvith Vail Valley Drive. o EVHA/GP 6n2n995 7. Increased bus service will increase bus noise nuisance, make transition to electric bus fleet. 8. The East Vail shunle bus stop is im- properly located, during bus loading it causes traffic to be blocked. The stop needs to be relocated so that the east bound bus pulls completely off the through lane on Vail Valley Drive. Requested Documentation: I . What is the maximum capacity that the shunle bus can bring to the site on a continuing basis? 2. Is the location ofthe bus stop the most efficient to maximize the number of people who can be brought to the site? 3. What is the potential for the proposed bus stop to be obstructed by neighborhood traffic congestion? 4. What are the plans for improving the loading stops for the East Vail/Golf Course shuttle bus route? 5. What provisions are being made to accommodate the loading of large size tour and school buses? VII. USER DROP OFF/PICK UP LOCATIONS: Children's Center and Skier drop off functions will be separated. Presently all drop off function occur in conjunction with the Vail Village/Lionshead shuttle bus stop. The Children's Center drop will conlinue in its present location in conjunc- tion with the shuttle bus stop. General skier drop off will occur on the north side ofthe base lodge/enclosed parking struc- ture in the area presently occupied by a public parking lot. The general skier drop off will accommodate parallel and angle parking spaces for 33 automobiles and courtesy vans . The design capaciry for the drop off function is to provide for present levels ofdemand for the 300 per- sons in the peak moming hour who arrive by private automobile. It is the goal of Vail Associates to not increase the volume of skier drop off by private automobiles. Courtesy van usage is projected to in- crease from l5 to 50 persons arriving in the peak moming hour. Neighborhood Concerns and Com- ments: I . Skier drop off must be user friendly emphasizing three minute or less length of say for both drop off and pick up. A minimum numbers of skier, three or more, should be required before being allowed to use drop off. 2. Skier drop off traffic cannot be al- lowed to block traffic flow on Vail Vallev Drive. 3. Supplemental skier drop off locations should be open at the Vail Village trans- portation center, Ford Park, the Soccer Field, Lionshead, Cascade Village, and other location along shuttle bus routes. 4. Informal skier drop offs in adjacent residential neighborhoods should be closed. These include Mill Creek Circle, East Village neighborhood and the Gore Creek neighborhoods. 5. Locations for efficiently turning around traffic beginning at the Blue Cow Chute and South Frontage Road continu- ing at points along Vail Valley Drive to the area ofthe soccer field should be con- structed. Tum around locations must con- tinue to function even if drop off locations are blocked or closed. 6. Electronic signage along frontage road should be used to inform users ofski drop off/pick ups if they are open or closed. 7. Drop off/pick up from private ve- hicles should be prohibited at all times. 8. Drop offipick up from private ve- hicles should be prohibited during peak hours. 9. Allow drop off only for ADA and special buses for elderly who can't walk long distances but can ski. 10. Limited drop off should be per- mitted, pick ups should be prohibited be- cause greater congestion is created due to longer wait times. I I . Charge fee and provide valet service for drop off/pick up by private vehicles and vans. 12. Increasing drop off/pick up beyond spaces already provided at the exiting bus stop/drop off will increase traffic and con- gestion. Convenience and efficiency will increase traffic and congestion, built it and they will come. Vehicular drop off must be discouraged not increased. I 3. Eliminate drop off/pick up for chil- dren. Provide special children's bus to and from the Children's Center fiom special children pick up/drop off stops throughout the community so that parents can be as- sure that their children will be transported and delivered directly to the Center by qualified supervisory staff. Similar to how school bus system works. Disperse and increase child care facilities at Lion- shead and other sites to relieve pressure on the Golden Peak facility. 14. Ski Club Vail, parking and drop off area eliminated or relocated. No drop off or turn around should be allowed at Ski Club Vail. It is already too congested. 15. Ski Club Vail (SCV) can change drop off times for participates to avoid conflict with skier traffic. SCV only has a problem when there is excessive snow or during special events. Needs short term parking for team transport vans and drop off area for athletes. Needs long term parking during race events for "rep" vans. Needs direct access to club building for "rep" van during evening hours when races are being conducted. Requested Documentation: I . A traffic management plan that indi- cates specifies fafTic volumes that can be accommodated before remedial measure are required. 2. A management plan for remedial measures to eliminate traffic problems in- cluding additional capital improvements to roadway system, signage, additional drop off/pick up locations, or prohibition stratesies. IX. SKIER AND PEDESTRIAN CIR- CULATION: Traffic management projections estimate that 40%o of skiers will arrive at the site on foot. Primary pedestrian access routes are from existing Vail Village pedestrian paths (3 l%), Vail Valley Drive - Transportation Center to Golden Peak (13%), Chalet Road (16%), Ford Park/Manor Vail Portal ( | 4%), South Manor entrance (19%), and Vail Valley Drive - Northwoods to Chil- dren's Center (7%). Pedestrian walkway eight foot wide from the Vail Village Transportation Center to the Golden Peak site (except for Galatyn Lodge which remain as is presently con- structed (width ?). On-site walkway sys- tem converges on Mill Creek Circle and Vail Valley Drive intersection. Walkway from intersection along Vail Valley Drive to Golden Peak Bus Stop (width ?). Walkrvays from intersection ascending gradual incline to area near Lift 12 then along south edge of parking structure and base lodge building (width?). Walkways from intersection along drop off/pick up area to ski base lodge plaza with pedes- trian route through the lodge and between parking structure and lodge (width?). Walkways from ski base lodge plaza around east side of lodge building to bus stop area (width?). Neighborhood Concerns and Com- ments: l. Pedestrian access to Golden Peak should be encouraged as the primary means of arrival and departure. 2. Regrade northwest comer of Colden Peak site so that skier can ski to oark area south of Tivoli Lodge. 3. Lighted walkway (width?) from Golden Peak shuttle bus stop along Vail Valley Drive to soccer field parking lot. 4. Maintain bikepath from Vail Village to Northwoods/Pinos Del Norte alons present alignment. 5. Eliminate trespassing problem lrom soccer field parking lot through Northwoods. 6. Improve Bike path and pedestrian access from Vail Village to Golden Peak. Regrade alignment so that it is easier for skier to ski both ways between Vail Vil- lage and Golden Peak along route ofpe- destrian path. 7. Pave portions of pedestrian path through park south of Tivoli Lodge that are unpaved. 8. Pedestrian walkway along Vail Valley Drive from transportation center to Golden Peak should be on the west side of street and at least l0-12 feet in width. lighted, and meet streetscape material de- sign standards. Walkway should be de- signed to discourage pedestrian from crossing roadrvay at dangerous locations i.e. Rams Hom comer. 9. Encourage improvement and use of other pedestrian access routes to Golden Peak. 10. Discourage but accommodate pedes- trian access through residential neighborhoods. I l. Provide safe and convenient access points lrom sunounding residential neigh- borhoods to Golden Peak. 12. Parking spaces at the Vorlaufer along Vail Valley Drive should be re- moved at the expense of Vail Associate- s/Town of Vail and relocated in the proposed P-3 & J parking structure. 13. Parking spaces at the Vorlaufer along Vail Valley Drive should be re- moved and replaced across the street on land fill on Gore Creek Stream Tract at site of present bus stop. 14. Vorlaufer parking spaces on Vail Valley Drive should remain and rvalkway built to accommodate existing parking spaces. 15. Improve pedestrian crossing areas at Chalet Road. Manor Vail, Rams Horn Lodge corner, Gore Creek Drive and Vail Valley Drive intersection, Mill Creek Circle and Vail Valley Drive intersection. Blue Cow Chute and Vail Vallev Drive intersection. Reouested Documentation: I . A plan detailing pedestrian walkways and streetscape improvements from inter- section of Blue Cow Chute and Vail Valley Drive to Soccer Field as well as from all routes leading from Vail Village to Colden Peak and Vail Valley Drive. 2. Define uses for the surface ofthe proposed parking stmcture showing how it will improve skier circulation and safety. 3. Define use ofsurface of proposed parking structure during non-ski season months. 4. Provide financial agreement and schedule for construction of off-site im- provements for pedestrian, roadway, and streetscape lmprovements. VIII. TRAFFIC CIRCULATION AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: Traffic surveys indicate that 8000 trips per day (4000 entrances/4O00 exits) to the Golden Peak Ski Base occur on Vail Valley Drive as gauged at the intersection of the Blue Cow Chute and South Front- age Road. The Golf Course - Vail Valley Drive - Golden Peak access accounts for 2000 trips per day (1000 entrances/1000 exits). Neighborhood Concerns and Comments: l Vail Associates and TOV need to work together to minimize traffic volume. Improve capability and response time of Vail Associates and Town of Vail traffic management system and personal. 2. Prohibit public parking on site South of Gore Creek. 3. Establish a resident permit parking system for areas south of Gore Creek. 4. Provide means to turn traffic around in road right-of-way. Remove need and use of Pinos Del Norte and Northwoods driveways as traffic turnarounds. 5. Where feasible limit cross traffic tuming from Vail Valley Drive except at controlled access intersections. 6. Eliminate vehicular access at dangerous intersection to Gore Creek neighborhood at Gore Creek Road and Vail Valley Drive. change entrance to Chalet Road. EVHA/GP 6n2n99s 7. To reduce volume of cross traffrc turning at dangerous intersection split ac- cess to Gore Creek neighborhood, Texas Town Houses and All Seasons by Chalet Road; Vail Trails Chalet, Vail Trails East and Lot P-2 access by Gore Creek Drive. 8. Provide electronic status report signs on frontage road to direct traffic to avail- able parking and drop off sites. 9. Provide electronic signs to prohibit or limit public access to Golden Peak during peak congestion periods. 10. Provide electronic signs at public lift, ticketing, and transportation terminals giving waiting time at respective areas. I I . Reorganize special events such as DEVO so that traffic and parking conges- tion is significantly diminished or eliminated. 12. Proposed four way stop at North en- fance to Manor Vail is unacceptable be- cause it wi[ backup traffic flow. 13. Proposed four way stop at North en- trance to Manor Vail is acceptable because it create a safe pedestrian crossing at a key intersection. Requested Documentation: l. Provide statistical documentation based upon consumer surveys document- ing percentage of skiers who will use Golden Peak ski base facilities and lift sys- tem. Extrapolate projected peak usage pe- riods, resulting conditions and demand on infrastructure. 2. A plan detailing roadway design, flows, volumes, and sign program from Main Vail interchange to soccer field. o c.c- J; /-uat^^ B,lsr Vrlr,.q.cn Houn owNE RS AssocrarloN, INc. FAXTRANSMISSION I pages including cover. Bob Mclaurin (Please forward to all parties) Larry Grafel Greg Hall Susan Connelly Tom Moorhead From: Jim Lamont Date: May 28, L995 RE: Golden Peak Redevelopment Plan The Golden Peak redevelopment plan has been officially submitled to lhe Town of Vail for review. A work session with tre Vail PlannineiCommission and Town Council is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on June 12. 1995 at the Town of Vail. Copies of the Golden Peak redevelopment plan have beern forwarded by Vail Associates to representatives for the following Condominium Associations: Manor Vail, Rams HonL All Seasons, Vail Trails Chalet Vail Trails Eas! Texas Townhouses, Galatyn Lodge, Vorlaufer, Nortrwoods, Pinos Del Norte, and fre Tivoli Lodge. A copy for Mill Creek Circle property owners has been forwarded to lhe Homeowners Association. You or your representative are invited to attend a meeting of the Golden Peak President's Advisory Committee scheduled for 4:00 p.nr. on Tuesday, June 6, 1995 at Man- or VaiL The purpose of the meeting is to discuss tre details of the redevelopment proposal wifr representatives of Vail Associates. If you will be attending the June 6th meeting please leave a confirmation message at tele- phone number 970-827-5680 or send confirmation to FAX number 970-827-5856. I can be reached at telephone number 714473-8751 until June 2, 1995, trereafter at the Homeowners As- sociation's phone number. Officcn: Prcsidcnt - Bob Calvin Secrctary - Grctta Pa*5 Trcasurcr - Fatrick Graon Directors - Judith Berkowia - Dolph Bridgecrater - Ellie Canllcinc - Rou Langley - Bill Mortou - Coanio Ridder Irr =\ o-1,'\ PZa^'t/^*tfu-o t fu^ Post Ollice Bor 238 Telephone: (303) 827-5680 Vail, Colorado 81658 MessagdFAx (303) &27-5856 aILLAGEasr V B HomrowNnns A o SSOC IATIoN,INc. Dircctors Officcrs: Prcsident - Bob Galvin Sccrctary - Gr€tta Parks Trcasurcr Judith Berkowitz - Dolph Bridgewatcr - Ellic Caulkins - Ron Langlcy Patrick Gramm Bill Morton - Connie Ridder In this Issue Special Feature Golden Peak Ski Base Redevelopmcnt President's Committee Report Transportation Plan in Progress -o- VA/TOV Managed Growth Contract Signed -o- Main Vail Roundabout Approved -o- Golden Peak House and Serrano's Bui lding Redeveloprnents Underway -o- P-3 & J Sites Planning Progresses -o- Federal Court Decides Lodge at Vail Land Exchange Site Suit -o- Noise Study Findings -o- Medical Center Wants Mobile Lab Port On West Meadow Drive -o- Association's Area and Menrbership Growing -o- lntroduction This is the May 1995 report to Home- owners Association members and Vail Vil- lage property owners regarding the activities and issues ofconcern to the As- sociation. The subjects dealt with in the report could have a substantial effect upon the Association's efforts to improve the residential qualities of Vail Village. lt is the purpose ofthe Association to provide a voice for property owners so that they may influence the outcome ofcritical issues that will determine the quality of their neighborhoods, property, and the Vail community. The FlomeownersAssoci- ation is a voluntary neighborhood im- provement association of Vail Village property owners founded in l99l as a Colorado not-for-profi t corporation. Golden Pcak Ski Base Arca Rcdcvclonmcnt The Homeowners Association is working with neighborhood property own- ers, Vail Associates, and the Town of Vail to elicit comments and conrmunicate con- cems raised by property owners with re- gard to the proposed redeveloprnent of the Colden Peak Ski llase. The Association is working with all partics to identify con- structive solutions and to encourage coop- erative agreements for resolving conflicts in a timely nranner. The Association urges property owncrs to cornrnunicate thcir concems rvith the issues raised in this report to the Association. Prcsident's Comrnittcc Rcport In the near future, Vail Associates will submit their application for the redevelop- nrent of Golden Peak Ski Base area to thc Town of Vail for review and approval, Public hearings are expected to begin in June before the Planning and Environrnen- tal Comm ission. The Town's review pro- cess is expected to proceed through the summer months. Vail Associates antici- pates commencing construction on the base facility and accompanying modifica- tion ofthe lift system in the Spring of 1996. Architectural design and site plan in- fonnation rvill be available fronr Vail Associates in mid-May. Traffic and con- sumer surveys are in final draft. Photo- I graphic view studies from suffounding properties are in the process of being com- pleted. Plans for mitigation of some off- site impacts are under consideration. Over the past seventeen months meet- ings of the President's Advisory Commit- tee have been sponsored by the ['lomeowners Association between proper- ty owners in the neighborhood and repre- sentatives of Vail Associates. The President's Advisory Committee was es- tablished by Homeowners Association President, Bob Galvin, to facilitate com- munication among condominium associ- ations, individual property owners, and community decision makers. The Com- rtrittee consists of the Association's Board of Directors, individual property owners, representatives of condom iniurn associ- ations and property managers. In February and March of this year, the Homeowners Association held meet- ings open to all Golden Peak property owners, with the President's Advisory Comnrittee, and Vail Associates develop- ment executives. Supplemental meetings have been conducted by the Homeowners Association and Vail Associates with vari- ous property owners in the neighborhood. Tlre purpose of the President's Advisory Committee meetings is to provide an op- portunity for neighborhood representatives and property owners to address various as- pects ofthe redeveloprnent plan presented by Vail Associates. Findings from these meelings are the subject of this report. The primary concem of the surround- ing neighborhood is traffic congestion re- sulting from Golden Peak becoming a rnaior "nortal" to Vail Mountain. There is an expectation that an increase in uscrs and a greater number ofpeak use days at the base area could have a deleterious ef- fect upon adjacent residential neighbor- hoods. As a result of findings from traffic studies requested by the Homeowners Post Office Box 238 Telephone: (970) 827-5680 Vail, Colorado 81658 Messagc/FAX: (970) 827-5856 Association fronr Vail Associates, as rvell as comments made by neighborhood prop- erty owners, VailAssociates is exploring methods to improve tralTic nlanagement on their site and throughout the neighborhood. The findings of studies indicate that traf- fic management techniques and changes to the public roadway system throughout the Golden Peak area rvill be necessary. As an outcotne ofconcerns exprcssed over traffic congestion, there seerns to be agreernent by neighborhood property orvn- ers on a consensus statement that was expressed by Arturo Brillcmbourg, presi- dent of the Northwoods Condominiuln Association. "lt appears we agree our conrmon goal as ncighborhood propcrty owncrs is to become a part of thc Vail Village pedes- trianized prccinct. It rvould be considered too far reachins to ask the municipal au- thorities to abruptly make the transition to pedestrianize our ncighborhoods. A radi- cal approach would not be rvell received by the general public. What is needed is a plan that provides a steo by step progression toward the goal of full pedes- trianization, This incremental approach will give the authorities the opportunitv to gradually prepare the necessary improvc- ments and management systems that will permit total pedestrianization. " Many property owners have stated a feeling that the traffic demand upon neigh- borhood road and pedestrian routes will in- crease greatly. Tlrere is a disbeliefthat lhe traffic projections based upon existing conditions is a realistic prognostication of actual demand once the Colden Peak base and mountain irnprovemcnt are completed. There is a universal desire to make improvements for the sake of pedestrian and vehicular safety throughout the neighborhood. There was concurrence at the Presidents Committee meetinqs thal the site and traffic managemcnt plans wlrich are emerging from the planning process. have merit and can realistically providc for "existing" vehicular traffic conditions. Currently. traffic managcment at Goldcn Peak is providcd b.v Vail Associates pcrson nel, I-lowever. there is considerable rnisgiving that the critical Vail Valle], Drive corridor bctrveen the Vail Villape parking structure and the Ford Park Soccer Field can safely handle unregulated mingling of pedestrian and vehicu lar traffic seeking access to the Golden Peak Ski Basc. Narrowness and blind comers along the Vail Valley Drive corridor are the reason area property owners are skeptical of safely reconciling multi-modal transportation 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97A 479-2IN FAX-970-479-2157 the Town of Vail. The irnplementation of planned and approved "incrernental" solutions to solve enterging traflic hazards is an acceptable problern solving procedure. It is noled that thc resolution of problems can bc incrementallv "solvcd." Just as eqlrally thcy can be incrementally "ignored." The Homeorvncrs Association recommends that assurances be received from the Town of Vailand Vail Associates that as a cond ition of approving the redevcloprncnt plan. spccific critsria be adopted that will sct in rnotion thc resolution of traffic problcnrs as thev emerPe. To facililate gaining agreenrent from Vail Associatcs and the Town of Vail, it is vcrJ irnnortant for all affected condominiunr associations and individual propeny orvncrs to ofTiciall], register in rvriting. their concerns and oositions rvith lhc Town of Vail during the public rcvierv proccss. The Horneorvners Association, through thc Goldcn Peak Prcsidcnt's Advisory Committec, will facilitate comnlunication amons and are of lesser importance to the reviewing personnel and authorities. ln the past. neighborhood concerns have not fared u'ell in sainins favor or lhc attention of revierving authorities without considcrablc ac(ivism. Caining thc attcntion of government officials is most difficult when the necessity to invest public financial resources may be required for reviewing and approving the proposal. Plcase note that in thc public rcvicw @ including condominium associations. havc lcgal standing. In the review @ rcplcsent neighborhood issues and concerns as rvell as provide technical assistance to membcr property owners and condominium associations. It is advised that all affcctcd nroncrtv orvners makc nrovision in lhc near future for their official represcntatives. property managcrs. and appropriatc profcssional advisors to attcnd all rrertiuent nublic hearinps rcgarding the Goldcn Pcak rcdcvclonmcnt nronosal. It is exoccted that the public hearing process rvill commence rvith the Planning and Environmental Commission in early Junc 1995 and continue before the Town Council and Desisn Review Board during the sumnrer months. Vail Associates intends to begin construction in the Spring of 1996. It is important for neighborhood property owners to recognize that the Vail Associates corporate executives rcsponsible for the planning of the Golden Pcak redeveloprnent plan are to be comrne nded for their cooperative working relationshio with nciehborhood DroDertv owners and the Homeowners Association. Over the past seventeen months corporate executives and advisors have been candid in their presentation ofthe proposal's detail and as well as forthcorning in providing tcchnical information when requested. Projcct planning executives have responded positively to construclive criticisrn by amending the proposal to acconrmodate ideas and concems of neighborhood property owners and the Homeorvners Association. Representatives of the Torvn of Vail, who have conditions. The Vail Valley Prive corridor must safely accommodate an expected volume of 10,000 daily vehicte trips on peak days for skier drop off/pick up, buses and courtesy vans, delivery trucks, neighborhood residents' vehicles, in addition to a minimunr of eight hundred cn route walking skiers all within a two hour period at the bcginning and end of each ski.day. According to Town of Vail traffic officials, similar demand levels are placed on the corridor during the summer nronths. The responsibility to resolve adverse traffi c circumstances throughout the Golden Peak neighborhood is the mutual responsibility of the Town of Vail and, as project developer, Vail Associates. lt is the position of the Homeorvners Association that agreements for the financing. conslruction. and operation of access improvements and the operation of trafTic management systcms are a nccessary condition to project approval by property orvners regarding the details of thc review process. Throughout thc review process, the President's Committee will provide a forum through rvhich rcpresentatives of property owners can coordinate the communication of their interests to the Town of Vail, Vail Associatcs, neighborhood propcrty owncrs, and thc general public. lt is irnportant to bc aware that during the rcview process negotiations are conducted be[veen the Town of Vail and the applicant, Vail Associates, regarding thc technical details ofthe proposal. H istorically, adjacent property owners have been excluded frorn these negotiations and discussions. In the Town of Vail, by tradition, neighborhood property owners Inay only participate in the review process by giving testimony during public hearings. As a consequence, by their absence, the concerns ofadjacent property orvners do not carry equal weight Golden Peak'$llic lssues attended President's Committee mectings and technical advisory meetings, have con- tributed to an understanding oftechnical planning issues including providing op- tions to resolve problematic issues. Golden Peak Transnortation Plan in Progress Vail Associates' Golden Peak Traffic Advisory Group is in the process ofpre- paring recommendations regarding a Transportation Plan for the neighborhood. The Traffic Comrnittec is composed of technical advisors from Vail Associates and the Town of Vail. ]'he Homeowners Association participates in the committee's conferences. The committce's analysis is based upon traffic studies prepared by traffic consultants providcd by Vail Associates. The findings of traffic sludies were pres- ented at the March meeting of the Presi- dent's Committee. In summary, the traffic reports shorv that currently, on peak skiing days, 10,000 (24 hour period) vehicular trips occur on Vail Valley Drive. Eighty-eight percent of the traffic arrives or departs on Vail Valley Drive via the Blue Cow Chute. According to Town of Vail traffic officials, the Vail Vallev Drive corridor is one ofthe busiest fioroughfares locatcd in a residential neighborhood in the community A peak skier day is defined as a day with approximately 14,500 skiers on the mountain, which occurs l0- l5 days per ski season. Permitted skier capacity on Vail Mountain is | 9,900. Traffic counts show that l6% ofthe traffic volume is on Vail Valley Drive in a two hour period, T%o during the peak morning hour and 9% during the peak af- ternoon traffic dcmand cycle. Typically, the skicr traffic rush hours have a duration of two hours in the morning and Nvo hours in the afternoon. Currently, during peak days, between | , 100 and I ,500 persons per hour can be transported up-nrountain by the Golden Peak fift systcrn. Of these,34o/o arrive at Golden Peak as pedestrians; 367o are adult drop offs, arrive on courtesy vans, or park in the public parking lot; 22o/o arrive on the Town of Vail shuttle buses; and 8o% are Children's Center drop offs and employee parking. The traffic manascmcnt and stre et im- provement plans are beginning to emerge from the Committee's deliberations. A fi- nal configuration for the plan is dependent upon how many people will shift their up- mountain access to the upgraded Colden Peak lift system. To estimate up-mountain demand, Vail Associates is conducting a Skier Prefcrence Survey. Preliminary re- sults, based upon a small sample, indicates the potential for a significant shift to Gold- en Peak. The Cornmittee will not nrake its final detemlinations until a larger sample of respondent's inlonnation is analyzed. Vail Associates' planning target is to achieve a mininrum increase in private ve- hicles accessing a redeveloped Colden Peak. Thc goal is to climinate all on- street stacking ofcars which is prescntly a significant source oftraffic blockage. For planning purposes the uphill capacity of the upgraded lift system of 2,500 skiers per hour is bcing used: a projected 50% in- crease in skier dernand, Traffic studies show the ntost efficient means of acconrnrodating skier access is the park and rvalkhide mass transporlation option. Corrsultant reports indicate it is possible to meet the 50% increase in skiers aniving at the portal by increasing acccss on private courtesy vans by 233olo, Town of Vail buses by 100% and on pedestrian routes by 75Vo. The reliance on mass transportation reportedly will cause a net increase of 17 (5%) vehicles pcr hour on Vail Valley Drive. Vail Associates planning executives say that the 50olo increase in skiers at Gold- en Peak may not be actualized. Peak use conditions may not continue due to better distribution oFskier usage throughout the season, nrodifications to the nlountain lift system, and an improved traffic nranage- ment system. The issues oftraffic generated by adult skier drop-off/pick-up and public parking are the present day sources of concern for neighborhood property owners. Further, there is a consternation that by increasing the number of peak days throughout the season, as rvell as an increase in use of tlre base facilities for special events, there will be an unacceptable seasonal net increase in traffic flow in the neighborhood. It is pointed out that Golden Peak is the only remaining ski base with close-in vehicular access. There is a need for authorities to pro- vide assurances to the surrounding resi dential neighborhoods that these traditional sources oftraffic congestion and gridlock can be elirninated. Secondly, that the vol- ume oftraffic being projected can be sys- tematically reduced in order that the neighborhood goal of moving toward a controlled access pedestrianized preciuct can be anained. Consideration is being given by the traffic advisory group to a traffic managc- rnent system that, in concept, is able to eithcr "accommodate" or "redirect" privale automobiles away from the Golden Pcak ski base. Implicit in each approach arc l0:25A, l2:25P,2:25P, :25R 6:25P,8:25P 1610 Sunburst Driw l610 Sunburst Drivc significant changes in thc present trans- portation system. The "accommodation" method recon- ciles present peak traffic volume with on- site facilities for private vehicles. A pro- portion ofthe present private traffic vol- ume seeking access to Goldcn Peak rvould be eliminated by removing the existing public parking lot. The "redirect" approach provides for traffic roundabouts at key locations on the South Frontage Road and Vail Valley Drive. Using a traffic management sys- tem, private skier vehicles can be rerouted out or diverted away fronr the Golden Peak neighborhood and ski base area. Private vehicles presently are seeking destinations at the Childrens Center, the public parking lot, the public skier drop- off/pick-up sitc, residential propertics, truck delivery zones in tlrc East Village, or are exiting from the Vail Viltage commer- cial core. Attention is being given to the most suitable techniques of reducing lhe influence of skiers' private vehicles, while permitting access to area residents, Chil- dren Center patrons and the physically dis- abled.. The existing Colden Peak public park- ing lot is habitually a prirnary source of traffic congestion on Vail Valley Drive. Private vehicles searching for close-in pub- lic parking are often the cause of gridlock on the Vail Valley Drive coridor. To eliminate this source of gridlock, Vail As- sociates is proposing that public parking for an cstimated 125 vehicles be removed from the Golden Peak site. Public parking rvould be replaced with private parking for an estimated 120-150 vehiclcs. Private parking would be available only by pre- arrangement, thus eliminating traffi c searching for close-in public parking by the skiing public. The Town of Vail must make a deter- mination if "private" parking will be al- lowed in lieu ofrequired "public" parking. Surface parking cannot be expanded by provision of the covenants. The "redirect" approach is a means to divert away from or redircct traffic out of the Colden Peak neighbortood. The inrent is to reduce vehicular traffic using the Vail Valley Drive corridor in order to improve pedestrian safely and increase the efficien- cy of the municipal bus service to Golden Peak. Redirection encourages private ve- hicles to use public parking structures lo- cated along the South Frontage Road rather than attempting to drive to the Colden Peak ski base. Further, a degree oftraffic that currently exits the comnrercial core via the intersection of Core Creek Drive and Vail Valley Drive would be re directed to exit on the west side of Vail Village. The redirection would be accom- plished by means ofa series of "electronic" notification signs that would inform skiers ofthe accessibiliry lo the Golden Peak ski base during the ski day. During peak use days the signs could be used to alert skiers that access to Colden Peak is linrited to permit and resident parking only, and close-in skier drop-off/pick-up are closed at specified hours. The traffic control sys- tcnr rvould bc managcd by thc Torvn of Vail. Presently, there are no means to safely and efficicntly turn around lraffic on the South Frontage Road or in the Colden Peak neighborhood. l'he inability to redi- rect traffic is a substantial origin of grid- lock and traffic congestion. Traflic roundabouts are being studied as an efficient means to redirect traffic flow (see article on Main Vail Round- about). Roundabouts are used to maintain a constant traffic flow as well as efficiently dispersing and redirecting traffic. Round- abouts appear to be feasible within the public right-of-way on Vail Valley Drive at the upper end ofthc BIuc Cow Chute (intersection with South Frontage Road), the intersection of Mill Creek Circle, at the in- lersection of Chalet Road, thc north entry of Manor Vail, east of Northwoods at the Soc- cer Field Parking Lot, and at the east end of the Soccer Field. A new four-way stop is proposed for the intersection of Vail Valley Drive and the north entrance to Manor Vail. The entrancc Bluc Cow Roundabout "accommodation" concept that constructs a bridge at the east end ofFord Park that would allow for a "Vail Valley Through- way" or a "Secondary Access" approach to alleviating traffic congestion. The "Vail Valley Throughway" would cause private vehicles to enter the Blue Cow Chute, cir- culate one way on Vail Valley Drive and reconnects with the South Frontage via the proposed East Ford Park Bridge. The pub- lic in-town shuttle buses would be allowed to circulate both ways on Vail Valley Drive. The "Secondary Access" concept could allow private vehicles to deliver ski- ers or pedestrians within walking distance of Golden Peak from a satellite ski drop- off/pick-up near the Soccer Field. Also, the bridge would allow the in-town shuttle to more adequately serve Ford Park. Anothcr source ofgridlock is the children and adult skier drop-off/pick-up location near the Children's Center at the Golden Pcak in-town shuttle bus stop. ln the same area, traffic blockage also results fronr bus loading at the East Vail shuttle bus stop. Presently the bus stops in the traffic lane. The loading function is a primary source of stalling traflic florv through the area. Similar problems exist with in-town shuttle bus stops located near the Galatyn Lodge and the Vorlaufer. These two stops are to be abandoned. Under discussion is a pro- posal to relocate the abandoned east and west bound bus stops to a location at the east pedestrian portal ofthe Vail Village parking structure. It is proposed that the adult skier drop- off/pick-up will move to the north side ofthe new base lodge, where the present public park- ing lot is now located. The adult drop off/pick up will also function as an adjunct in-town shuttle bus stop during peak skier use periods and special events. Courtesy vans will also load in this location. The East Vail shuttle bus stop is to be incor- would also provide acccss to a driveway that will serve the private residences in the Colden Peak base lodge. Under discussion by the Traffic Advi- sory Comnr itte e is an adjunct porated with the in-town shuttle stop. There is a concern that as the drop- off/pick-up function becomes more user- friendly it will cause an increase in private vehicle traffic at Golden Peak. To disoerse drop-offlpick-up stations, it is proposed that additional drop off locations, on the north side of Gore Creek along the South Frontage Road should be constructed. Drop-off/pick-up stations should be placed at Ford Park, the Vail Villagc transporta- tion center, Lionshead, and thc Westin vil- Iage center. Golden Pcak Pedcstrian Acccss For safety puryoses, most prirnary pedestrian corridors will need to be up- graded. Planners and neighborhood prop- erty owners agrce that the rvest sidc of Vail Valley Drive is the safcst location for the pedestrian rvalkway. Adjacent propcrty owners, who are most familiar with traffic problems along the strect, believe thc pc- destrian walkway from the Vail Village parking structure to Goldcn Peak should be at least ten to twclve feet in width and physically separated from vehicular traffic. The west side location provides the op- portunity to reduce the desire for pcdes- trians to migrale onto the vehicular travel way. The walkway will continue on the west side of Vail Valley Drive to thc inter- section of Mill Creek Circlc thetr onto the northwest comer of the ski basc site. At thisjunction the pedestrian walkways pro- vide three pedestrian avenues traversing the Golden Peak sitc. An extensive area of the base lodge site is set aside for pedes- trian and traffic circu lation. Vail Associates intends to regrade the northwest corner ofthe ski base site so that skiers can ski to the Mill Creek Circle roadway at the intersection of Vail Valley Drive. The regrading will allow the park south ofthe Tivoli Lodge to be used for skier circulation when conditions permit. Mill Creek Circle property owncrs have requested lighted stone pillars at the en- trance to the subdivision with appropriate signage to deter ski drop-offlpick-up and parking from occurring in their neighbor- hood. As a means of further controlling traffic and access, Mill Creek Circle resi- dents have asked that the public street be converted to a private road. A specd con- trol feature has been suggested to be placed at the entrance to slow traffic entering and exiting Mill Creek Circle to lirnit danger to accessing the park south ofthe Tivoli Lodge. Presently, infomral unpaved skier/ pe- destrian pathways through the park are in need of paving. Safety improvements to pedestrian pathways betrveen Vail Village and Golden Peak, in- cluding changes in grade, better lighting, widening, and rcalign- ments for bettcr line of sight, have becn requcstcd. There are fur ther concerns from adja- cent propeny owners that rneans nrust bc found 1o inrprovc pe- destrian circulation through the Mill Creek neighborhood. Trcs- passing upon private property is a conslant objcction from proper- ty owncrs. There are physical and legal lim itations to attain a suitable right- of-way for the pcdes- trian walkrvay. Con- sideration is being given to tlre need to widen the Core Creck bridge at the Vor- laufer Building in order to provide a safe crossing for pcdestrian traffic. Parking for the Vorlaufer building causcs a potential safety problem. The intersection of Vail Valley Drivc and Gore Creek Drivc at the Vorlaufer Building presents safety problems for both pedestrians and vehicles. The Gore Creek Drive to Chalet road is a secondary pedes- trian access to Golden Peak. The route is approximately 100 feet shorter than the Vail Valley Drive pedestrian route. The east side ofthe intersection is the sole legal vehicular access to the Gore Creek neigh- borhood. Chalet Road has been lcgally blocked to public access by the abandon- ment of a portion of the Gore Creek Drivc right-of-way south ofthe Texas Town- houses. Many neighborhood property owners believe that the Vail Valley Drive/Gore Creek Drive is the most dan- gerous intersection by which to enter their residcntial neighborhood. The intersection is a primary exit for Vail Village Commercial Core commercial truck traffic. Increased pedestrian and bus traffic on the Vail Vallcy Drive Corridor is expected to increase the danger for pedes- trians and vehicles entering and exiting the Gore Creek neighborhood. The Gole Creek neighborhood includes the resi- denlial properties of Vail Trails East, Vail Trail Chalets, All Seasons, and the.Texas Torvn FIouses. It is expected that if Chalet road is not availablc as the primary access to the entirc Gore Creek neighborhood, action will bc taken to cause access to the neighborhood to be divided between two separate en- trances: Texas Town Houses and All Sea- sons, via Chalet Road; Vail Trails Chalet and Vail Trails East. via Gore Creek Drivc. Further, it is expected that pedestrian ac- cess through the neighborhood to Coldcn , Peak cannot be legally prevented. Repre-., sentatives at the March Presidents appear to agree that the matter needs to h resolved, However. the resolution ofthc issue was not to be tied to the approval the Colden Peak Ski Base. Northwoods/Pinos Dcl Noric Access Corridor The private driveways at Ski Clu Northwoods and Pinos Del Nonc arc used as "bandit" tumarounds. At there is no effective means of vehicles. Moreover. theconstrictcd of Vail Valley Drive frorn Coldcn the Soccer Ficld causes unsafc - ri'sll5o2orl "o1ers I a\ bKi commingling of pedestrians and vehicles, both summer and rvinter. Property owners in this area are concerned that the redevcl- opment of Golden Peak rvill induce more traffic entering the neighborhood via the Golf Course bridge through a residcntial neighborhood on an extremely narrow roadway. Transportation planners have proposcd a rcmcdy that rvould include rhe widening of Vail Valley Drive to include a bike and pedestrian lane with the addition of irn- proved street Iighting. A vehicular round- about is being considered at the east cnd ofthe Soccer Ficld. It is noted lhat no definitive plan has been brought forrvard by Vail Associales or the Town of Vail to address the afore- mentioned issues. There are significant uncertainties on the part of neighborhood residents that ofI-sile repercussions from the Golden Peak redevelopment will not be addressed in a positive and forthright rnan- ner by responsible authorities. The Hone- orvners Association continues to urge Vail Associates and the Torvn of Vail to make an investmenl comnritnrent to address constructivel], these problems as they arise. As well. the Honrc- orvncls Association pronrpts pnvate proper- tv owncrs to invest in thc upgrading and irn- provernent oftheir properlies. It is etnpha- sized that Vail Associ- atcs antic ipates making a $22 rn illion dollars invcs(rncnt in lhc ir Goldcn I'eak facil ities in the neighborhood. This investment rvill have a significant iln- pact upon property val- ues throughout the arca and thc comrnunity at Iarge. As well. the As- sociation asks the conr- munitv to respect the necds of the Golden Pcak neighborhood should the), desire to be included in the Vail Village pedestrian prec inct. Golden Pcak Tcnnis Courts To Bc Removcd The Vail Recreation District Board of Directors has approved an agrcement to abandon thc District lcase of land at Cold- cn Peak on which four tennis courts are lo- cated. The District will rece ive $3 t 0,000 to vacate the long tenn lease at Colden Peak. The funds frorn the sale ofthe lease will be uscd to expand by onc additional court and upgradc all courts to clay sur- faces at thc District's Ford Park Tennis Complex. Landscape inrprovcrnents at the Ford Park conrplex rvill also be made. The District's Ford Park Tennis Conrplex is op- crated by the District under a land lease from the Town of Vail The trvo hard surface courls located at Chalet Road will renrain. The District rvill continue under its lease rvith the Town of Vail to administratc the two courts. Thc I-lorncowners Association askcd that a portion of the funds received by the District front Vail Associatcs be used to l '. * r upgrade the landscape and general appear- ance ofthe Chalet Road complex. The staff dircctors for the District responded that the Torvn of Vail owns the land at Chalct Road and therefore is responsible for nraintaining the landscaping. The Dis- trict Board took no further action on the re- quest. lt was noted to the Board that the Association request was made because rnany neighborhood property owners be- lievc that its should continue to invest in rccrcation arnenities within the neighborhood Tolvn of Vail/Vail Associatcs "Managed Growth " Contractual Agrcement Consummated Vail Associates and the Town of Vail have joined in an agreement for a "man- aged growth" contract. The agreement sets terms and conditions for each party re- garding the anticipated infrastructure and employee housing needs related to the ex- pansion of facilities on Vail Mountain. The most important feature of the agrccment is the setting ofa "bench mark" canacity of 19. 900 skiers on Vail Moun- tain. The bench rnark capacity is based upon Vail Mountain's present peak day ski- er capacity as reported by Vail Associates and approved by the U.S. Forest Service in 1986. The Town of Vail's infraslructure system is programmed for an estinrated ca- pacity level of 14,500 skiers. lf Vail As- sociates seeks to exceed the bench mark capacity it will be required to pay on a "fair share" basis into a fund to provide for an upgrading of certain infrastructural faci- litics and systems. For the past two years the Homeown- ers Association has been working to induce both parties to move beyond their adver- sarial stance toward each other. This was a result ofcvents that occurred in conjunc- tion with the Gillett bankruptcy period. In 1992 the Association called for ajoint planning effort between itself and the two entities. Thejoint planning effort was called after the Association became acutely aware that if the antagonistic climatc went unchecked it could result in negative consequences for residential property own- ers. The Association engaged both partics in a dialogue with respect to infrastructural improvements ainred at protecting thc resi- dential qualitics of Vail Village neighborhoods. The Association publicly conrplcm- ented the new nranagerrcnt tearns of tlre Torvn of Vail and Vail Associatcs for their forthright, analytical, and collegial ap- proach in rvorking with the Homeowners Association. It was expresscd, that rvhile there rverc sonte issucs necding further clarification in thc contract, thc agreelnent provides a framc'rvork and process rvhere- by additional issucs can be considcred. Resolution of othcr equally inportant is- sues raised by propcrty and business own- ers can be acconrplished through lettcrs of intent and collateral agrccnrcnts. The Horneorvners Association stated that it was the hopc and belicf that the con- tractual agreenrcnt will providc a nreans by which "trust" could be rcstorcd benveen property owners and the trvo entities. The Association gavc its full support to the cf- fort and urged that the contractual agrec- ment be consumnrated. The Association rernains conrrnittcd to continue its parrici- pation with both organizations to fulfill its goals to inrprove Vail Village and its attendant neighborhoods. Main Vail Roundatrouts Approvcd: The Town Council approvcd the pro- posed roundabout dcsign for the Main Vail interchange. Thc Torvn ofVail received one bid for thc project. Thc lack of bid- ders for (hc projcct is attributcd to a con- struction boom currcntly underway in the State and rcgion. The town staff though negotiations, de- sign nrodifications, and extend- ing the project completion date to thc cnd of sumrucr, brought the project rvithin its $2.1 mil- lion budget. A rcprcscntative of the I'lorncowncrs Association par' ticipatcd in design and review discussions for tlte roundabout. Furthcr, tlrc I lontcowncrs As- sociation, tlrrough its profes- sional planning consultant, conducted a researclt study of Europcan roundabout designs as rvell as o(her traffic control systenls that could function un- der sinr ilar circurnstances in Vail. Thc rcsults of the Hotne- Association research presentcd to the Town of Vail roundabout design teatn. Modifications, including sepa- rated bypass lanes, signage, and landscapc designs, suggested by the Horneowners Association lrave been incorporated into the final design for the Main Vail roundabout. Accolding to thosc responsible for de- signing the roundabout, it is the most cco- nonric means to itrcrease the capacity of the intersection by a factor of fifty percent. Any other proposal including stop lights and alternative ramp sites cannot attain thc cost to bcnefit ratio delivcrcd by the round- about proposal. Slate and Fcderal traffic engineers lrave signed offon thc proposal. In prior decades, agreerrlent fol a roundabout de- sign could not bc had fronr State and Fed- eral Interstate llighrvay authorilies. Whilc the Main Vail roundabout will be a first-of-its-kind for the interstate systenl, it has received approval only after a high lcv- el of scrutiny by engineering professionals responsiblc for dctennining the safety and desie,n standards for the nation's hiehway systenl. It is obscrved by the Homeowtrers As- sociation that the Main Vai[ roundabout is but one incremcnt in an ongoing effort to inrprove traffic circulation throughout the community. According to traffic manage- merrt authorities, the $2.1 million round- about is but the first irt a projected $54 million program to make necessary infras- tructural improvements to the frontage road system. To date no ongoing fund has been established by either state or local authorities to undertake these inrprovements. Goldcn Peak llouse Rcdevelopmcnt Undcrn'ay: The existirrg building has been dctnol- ishcd. All owners and mortgage holders have come to an agreement with the proj- ect's developcr. Duc to construction costs, minirnal rcductions in building size are un- der consideration. Town officials are beginning the pro- cess to redesign Seibert Circle in conjunc- tion with thc redevelopment of the Golden Peak House. The Association rvill partici- patc in the oversight ofthe design process. Scrrano's Building Rcdcvclopment Approved: The Vail Town Council approved trvo varianccs and a conditional use perrnit clearing the way for the redeveloplnent of the Se rrano's Building. The Serrano's Building (formerly tlre Cryano's Buildittg) is located next to the Colden Peak l louse. The approval of Scrrano's will pennit the simultaneous redeveloprnent of both sites, thus nrininrizing disruptions to tlre neigh- borhood. The I lomcorvners Association pro- vided testimorry to tlre Torvn Council and Planning and Environmental Commission concerning tlte redevelopment proposal. It rvas the position of the Association that all requests by the applicant must be treated on an equal, fair, and consistent basis wilh all other properties having received sirttilar varianccs or conditional use grants in the same zone district or neighborhood. The Honteowners Association cltal- lenged a planning staff interpretation that requircd the applicant lo obtain a cotnttlotl Emr Vrlrln HounowNERS AScrArroN, INc. O{Iicers: President - Bob Galvin Secretary - (}retta Parks Treasurer - Patrick Gramm Directors - Judith Berkowitz - Dolph Bridgervater - Ellie Caulkins - Ron Langley - Bill Morton - Connie Ridder To: Bob Galvin and Board of Directors Golden Peak President's Advisory Committee From: Jim Lamont, Administrator Date: August 28,1995 RE: Golden Peak Redevelopment Plan Status Report A work session before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission is scheduled for Monday, September I I, I 995. Representatives of adjacent property owners are urged to attend. The work session is a resumption of the public review process begun in June. Elements of the plan have been under review by the Town of Vail Staff subsequent to the Town Council, in early July, establishing several planning policies that will effect the final form ofthe proposed project. The results of several meetings between Vail Associates and the Town's planning staff, at which a representative of the Homeowners Association was in attendance, yielded recom- mended refinements to the proposed plan. Refinements include the following items. 1. The parking lot for the Children's Center has been expanded. The alignment of Lift 6 may require a minor adjustment. 2. The number of parking spaces accommodated in the skier drop-offipick-up parking lot has been expanded. 3. The four-way stop proposed at the Manor Vail intersection has been removed. Addi- tionally, changes in the alignment of Vail Valley Drive have been made in order to improve sight lines in the vicinity of the Manor Vail intersection. The entrance to the private condominiums to be built a Golden Peak has been changed and is no longer located in conjunction with the Manor Vail intersection. The Homeowners Association remains to be convinced that the design for the Manor Vail intersection is the safest for oedestrians and vehicles accessins Manor Vail and Ford Park. 4. Certain changes to the Mill Creek drainage and flood control devices have been rec- ommended. A large portion of the Mill Creek drainage bypass through Golden Peak is proposed to be placed in a culvert. The level of stream flow to be maintained in the Golden PeakManor Vail/ Mill Creek tributary continues under discussion. 5. The appropriateness of the modified mansard roof design for the base lodge building has been challenged by the Town design review consultant. The consultant feels too much ofthe roof area is flat. In the opinion of the consultant, the development program requires that a pre- dominantly flat roof be used in order to accommodate what he considers to be excessive density. It is noted that the proposed architectural design of the building for the most part is con- sistent with the Town of Vail's architectural design guidelines. Further, the footprint of the Post Office Box 238 Vail, Colorado 81658 Telephone: (970) 827-5680 Message/FAX: (970) 827 -5856 o opmeGolddn Peak Redevel nt PIan Status Report 8128/95 building has been shrunk and the maximum height of the building is the same as approved for the 1984 proposal. The Town staffpoints out that because ofthe roofdesign a greater proportion of the proposed building is at the maximum height. The Homeowners Association observes that photographic view impact studies conducted from surrounding properties do not appear to indi- cate adverse impact upon views. The Homeowners Association notes that to date there has been no negative response to the architectural style from parties in the neighborhood who have reviewed the application. Fur- thermore, that neighborhood property owners appear to consider their Golden Peak neighborhood as having a distinctive identity, separate from the commercial core of Vail Village or the mega- structure image of Northwoods/Pinos del Norte. The Homeowners Association has expressed that the architectural style for the Golden Peak ski base building should be an outstandlng alpine architectural statement compatible with the attributes of structures on adjacent properties. It should have a design quality that purveys a traditional uni$ing style for buildings in the neighborhood that will remain unchanged, while providing thematic inspiration for those buildings that will be redeveloped. The project architect has been requested to make design refinements to unify and drama- tize the architectural style of the building. The Homeowners Association urged that a uniform method be applied to compare the size of the building proposed in 1984 with the present proposal. 6. The appropriateness of an off-site parking structure to be located at the Ford Park Soc- cer Field is under question. Vail Associates does not appear to accept the Town's rationale for the need to construction an adjunct parking structure or to provide additional public parking. Vail Associates appears to favor private ownership with a supplemental reservation system avail- able to the general public as a means to accommodate both public and private parking demand. Northwoods Condominiums, as well as others in the community and surrounding neigh- borhoods oppose a least-cost-to-construct, no frills, unenclosed parking structure at the Ford Park soccer field site (see attached letter). Others oppose the soccer field location because it will encourage increased traffic in the neighborhood, as well as provide the impetus to construct a bridge at the east end of Ford Park. The construction of a bridge could lead to a one-waying of Vail Valley Drive and result in increased traffic congestion and inconvenience for the surround- ing residential neighborhoods. Many believe, including professional advisors, that public park- ing structures should be directly accessible and adjacent to the South Frontage Road. Informed sources indicate that if required, the soccer field parking structure may cause the entire redevel- opment plan to be frnancially unfeasible and therefore unacceptable to Vail Associates. 7. Detailed plans and designs for streetscape improvements to manage traffic to, from, and beyond the Golden Peak Ski Base site on Vail Valley Drive have yet to be formulated. De- signers are awaiting survey information to determine the precise location of existing improve- ments and boundary lines. The Homeowners Association has requested an improvement plan and management agreement be prepared for the route from the main Vail entrance at I-70 to the Ford Park Soccer Field. The management agreement is to define the terms and conditions under which remedi- ation measures are to be made. The improvement plan is to identify the location where specific o pmentGold6n Peak Redevelo Plan Status Report 8/28195 improvements are to be located and where optional improvements for support facilities are feasi- ble throughout the community. The purpose of the plan and agreement is to provide for a means by which vehicular traf- fic can be limited, diverted, or deflected away from the Golden Peak neighborhood. The desired result is the improved capability for transportation routes to be used primarily for the safe and ef- ficient circulation ofpedestrians, residents, and mass transportation vehicles, as is the present condition in Vail Village. To date the Homeowners Association is disappointed with the lack of enthusiasm or di- rectness on the part of public officials to address practical plans to resolve transportation and safety issues with neighborhood property owners. Vail Associates remains, as it has for the past two years, engaged with the neighborhood in an informed and creative discussion regarding the means by which transportation and safety issues can be resolved. With regard to these matters, the Homeowners Association views the Town of Vail as a co-applicant, in conjunction with Vail Associates. Attempts to maintain the status quo or to minimize the perception of impacts from traffic congestion upon the surrounding neighborhoods is neither a short term panacea nor a long term solution. Once the Golden Peak improvements are completed, if traffic congestion is aggravated, in all likelihood both Vail Associates and the Town of Vail will be held accountable by neighbor- hood property owners and taken to task to correct the deficiencies. The Homeowners Associ- ation requests that a traflic control plan and management agreement with supporting financial agreements be adopted prior to the final approval of the Golden Peak redevelopment plan. o Golden Peak Redevelopment Plan Status Report 8128195 AUG-1?-1995 15: AB | 343 4?6 466r P.6l I/: a'deu \\* VAIL VLLAGE I.NN Village lnn Pla:a L-t:ntLrrlinirrrl' An OpeE L€tcr to the Town Council tnd he Cilizens of vail Dear Madame Mayor, Ladics and Gendcmen of the Councj.l. Fellow Citize ns: It is wi*l greal concem that I write to you rcgarding the subtle arld not-so-subde efforls on the parts of variouigroups to urbanize Fod Park. Most recently, I have learnecl of a scheme whercby Vail Associales would build a "dolvnlown" - stvLe parkins gafagc on rhr exisring parking lor adjacent to thc soccer field near Nonhwoods. lt ;J;i*";ffi;r;A rtr"t tt,i" "rea rfiint noibe pari of Ford Park. Having bcen on.tltc council and one of the d6oonents for the pLrrchase oi rhe sitc ou which 11'e park sits, I would lrl(u to remrncl tnc Cor".ii, .iA fi" fown sraff tliat alrhough rhis was not part o[ drc origina.l lurcha-se, thc soccer, neld site was traded wilh Vail Associatcs in cxchangc fol rezonrng ol lhe Norlhwoods sltc' ano cash considera ons and was indeed intended to remain as oPeo sPace' The parking structure as proposed by Vail Associa(es a( the soccer field iS unacceptable due lo the facr i'rar it ii exacrly the s'amc rypc o'f edifice tiat was orignally. proposed fol the village slructule - convenient, cheap irhd cheerfui ior those who world construcfit' an eycsore tol,th9 letCll:]:h?i: suncuhdinE it ani for the cotnmunity rs a whole. Some of yor.'t will remember lhat' on revlewrng G"-oeoo"l-ofa"i for lhe Village strutrure' thc communrty voled to spcnd considcr3bly more to piop"ify t"r'a."rp" the facilityl rcsulting in thc tlori-offensive "hill" one sees today' lI the proposed struchrre wcre buried, anrJ p-operly landscapecl' it mlght be acceltabl::.-Il1::^"t' we wduld'be sct ng 3 dangerous precedent if wc were to alloe a Pnvale company to r'Lse I own Iand in a for-proflrt-u"nrLrei Thisp.oposed structu!€ has not been designcd- to acconunodate.tne, ever-increasi-nc demandS of day-SkieiS, but lathet, tq provide an Overllow IOt IOI tne sPaces Y iur Assdciiarcs wa;u o double-seli at the new base facility at Golden Pe3k vail Associates has consistenrly denicd any responsibility for tbe over-ta\inB ti-*{:,{:dlq --,, oarkins hf-rastnrcture by day-siciers. stating thai they have a minima-l rnpact l lrnd ttus very nars il#iiil;;;;;i;"i 1fr1 il;Jt u*.""utside <if trrgh season wh'gn bo(h stlrc(urcs are full is wben Vail Associares is sellhg discouuled lift{ickeB iD Denvet' As tarDayers, and propery owners. we have paid whal I belieYe is our fair-.sharc of th9 pirkins ;iit.-nti IJ;i"!" iilia'u" "o"s-^rulared^for this f,ust srcp in accepring ils-responsibilitv to oark the cars it enticcs hcrc. However, as a ta.\payer and 3 proPclry owner' I ltnd rt totary ffi;;;;;;;;;*tf",id u" *idlo iooi tti 6 t for rhe'pr6periv on which thc new.parking is trift. li Vri ii.i*i"ies'nas iodeed come to the rcalization tirat -tlre ir day skiers do n-eed to park, tl"o tl"y n"""'oio* than ample laad (West of the Marrio( in Lionshcad, tbr exanplq) to acconr.modate those needs. This is one soecific examplc, but it leads to tlrc broader quesdon: Is it in the best interests of our ;"-.#fi; ffi;A;-ii,o f,iilh?d!:rtta *J-ait.' pt#, msster Plan master plsn' until Ford Park no loaser cxists?Iirlltll rosellFld{F#l PreEjdent f Ittl ,i I I too *' lvleariorv Driveo lail'^l:l;:,t:,l,tutt (970\ 476'5672 IOTAL P. A1 4 E.lsr Vu-,r,.l.cn Homn owNERs Assocnrt oN, IN c. onicers: Presiahdt - lJoD Golvh secrot!ry - Grcus Pa*s 'll€sflaor - Patrjcf Gnun DirccloF - Judit Dcrko*'itz - Dolph Dritlgcwltar - Dlllo CaulkiEs - Ron Langlcy - Dill Morton - Coanic Ritldcr Prx! Officr: Box 238 Vail, Colorado 816.58 Telephone: (9?0) 827-5680 \{essage/FAX: (970) 82?-5856 FAX TRANSMISSIOI{ COVER PAGE To: Susan Connelly Time: l3:14:05 Pages (including cover) : From: Jim Lamont. Administrator Daie: 812U95 4 Subject Gore Creek Neighborhood Plan Status Repod 8/28/95 Special lnEtruclions: Please review and respond as appropriate. A tentative date for tre second design crileria meeting for representatircs of neighborhood property owners unable to attend the first session is scheduled for Friday. SepbmbesS, 1995 at 10:00 am. please qgtvise lf lhis date is acceptable. Represenlative of Vail Associates. the Town of vail,@to attend- | will be out of town until Sepbmber 6, 1995. Please learc word by phone at my message number 970-827-5680 regarding you ability b attend the meeting. E.rsr v,r"C "ffi ;ffi ;r."t^rroN, rnc. Officers: Presidert - Bob Galvi: Secretary - Greit. Parts Treanrer - PaEick Gra'nm Directors-JudilbBerlcovitz-DolpbBridgevrater-EllieCaulliins-Ronlaagley-Billlrlonon-CoanieRidder To: Bob Galvin and Board of Directors Gore Creek Neighborhood President's Advisory Committee Frorn: Jirn Lamont, Administrator Date: ,\ugust 28, 1995 RE: G<lre Creek Neighborhood Plan Slalus Reptfl Property owner representati\€s met u'ift Torrn of I'ail and Vail Associates officials to dis- cuss the merits of four different hafiic circulatiorr options for fte (Dast) Gore Creek Drive and Cbalet Road. The purp<lse of lhe meeting was to dcfine design consideralions ttrat should be ad- dressed in a plannlng ef|ort to improve tre safety of pedestsian and vehicular taffic flows iri the neighborhood. As a gesture of cooperation, Vail Associates is proliding a limited amount of de- sign services for the project through Desigr Workshop an Aspen bosed londscape and lond plan- ning firm. \.{any property'o\rners rvithin the neighborhood are seeking the abandonment of al[ prrblic steet right-of-ways in tre neighborhood in order to obtain ownership ofparking areas and to pro- tect dre neighborhood's privocy. Neighbohood property ol\ners cunent$ ore responsible for fie maintenance of fie Gore Creek Drive right-of-u'ev drough agreement rvilh dre Torvn of Vail. A portion ofGore Creek Drive right-of-way adjaccnt to lhe Texas Torr'nhc'uses has been abandoned The four traffic circulotion options under considerotion are: L Close Gore Creek Drive at Vail Valley Drive, vvitr a pril"le enry*'at Chalet Road. De- sign to minimize car headlight impact on tte Texas Torvnhouses. 2. Gore Creek Drire one way going eost, s'id: o private entry ot Vail lhlley Drive end o private exit on Chalet Road. 3. Private entry at Vail Valley Drive, close Cbalet Road to rehicular access. 4. Privatc Dntry at Chalct Road for Tcxas Tounhouscs and All Scasons main parking lot with a landscape banier severing Gore Creek Drive. Private enty from Vail Valley Drive for Vail Trails Chalet and Vail Trails East. The design considerations raised at lhe meeting are as fbllows. 1. Texas Torvnhouses" duough a 1986 right-of-wa-v vacation agreenrent widr the Tolu of Vail, has ou,nersldp of fte Gore Creek right-of-rvay from u'est of *re enty to tre main All Sea- son's parking lot to the $estem boundaq, of \4anor Vail. The vacation agreement requires a 20' pedeshian easement along lhe center line cf the lbrmer right-ollu,ay as well as access guarantees for cmcrgcncy vchiclcs. 2. A portion of Hanson Ranch Road along the northem houndaries of Rams Horn Lodge and All Seasons was racated by fte Town of Vail in 1969. The vacation agreement prolides for Posr Office Box 238 Vail. Colorado El65E Tdephone: (9?0) 82?-5680 MessagEtFAX: (9?0) AaVUl.Cc H.r|snrlAsd.lm ^ v Core Creeh Neighborhood Plan Slatus Report 8/28/1995 no public access easements. O*ners of the r,acated rigbt-of-uey expressed no interest in reopan- ing the forrrer right-of-nuy to eitrer pedestian or vehicular access. 3- A defined pedestiau route follou'ing tile aligunents of Gore Creek Drive ard Chalet Road is desirable. In the ninter monlhs Chatet Road is closed because piles of snow are used to block r'&icular and pedeshian access. As a consequence, pedestrians fraverse All Season's private parking ld to acoess Se Golden Peak ski base area. Concems over liability issues u'ere raised. The meus to define lhe pedestian route u'ere generallv discussed in terrns of improving loca- tioru lanlscapa signagc, and lighting. Stone entry galc posts wsre des<ribed as a possiblc mcans to demarc.ate lhe neighborhood as private and having no public pnrking or slii drop-offavaitable. 4. t-nder a single enty scenario, a truck and rehicular furn-around is necessary particular- ly in the rrinter months for tastr removal fiuch large delivery and fire protection vehicles, Due to space lirnilatitn rurd 0re Gore Creck Drive vacalion at the Teras Townhouscs there is n<r locati<,rn where a trrn around can be legally located. At the present time, the only site large anough in the neighborbood to allow for a truck and vehicular tum around is at the intersection of Gore Creek Drive and Chalet Road. 5- The mcrit of safety condilions at lhe entry inlerscclions on \:ail Valley Drive rvere dis- cussed. According to a senior frallic engineer for the Tou'n of Vail, given dre amolnt of traffic generated by tre residences in the Gore Creek neighborhood, f$'o efltry points are desirable. Concerns were e)ipressed trat the Gore Creek Dril'dVail Valley Drile rlas the least safe intersec- tion for vehicular enfy into d:e neighborhood because of dre amount of taffic congestion emanat- ing fnnn olher sources at that lucali<n. 6. ln ao etlbrt to detennirre if dre Chalet Road could be the neighborhood's point of entry, designers 'rtere requested to explore means to eliminate rehicular headlights from shining into the Texas Torr:house residences. It rlas presented that Chalet Road near its intersection rvith \zail Vdley Drive ftere is an area \r'here rehicles entering fre neighborhood can more safely maneuver in lhe presence ofpedestrians. 7. The allcrcation and location of parking areas along Gore Creek Drive was discussed. Parking sparre location rvas discussed in tenns of finding optional areas to nrake landscape. park- ing. or circulation improl'ements. An inventory of parking space along Gore Creek Drive in the neighborhoodistobeconductedaspartoflhedesigneffixt. Ituass$ggestedthereisaneedto establish os'nership or€r spaces currantly adjacentto a'lbrvn of\/ail ouned open space tract lo- catcd bctnccn Vail Trails East and &c Tcxas Tounhouscs. 8. Included in tbe discussion was a long range proposal lhat would encourage a tr.vo- tiered paiking strcture on the P-2 site. The P-2 site is a covenanted parking lot jointly ouned by adjaceot property orf,Ders. 9. It u'as noted that interest in reder,eloping specific properties rvithin dre neighborhood has been expressed to fte Hon:eorvners Association, It was point3d oul trat fie Vail !'illage Ir4aster Plan suggests trat the neighborhood can accommodate increa-sed densiS. 10. Toras Townhouscs is concc'rncd witr a potcntial loss of privatc porking spaccs in or- der to accommodate fum around or landscape buffering functions. 2 EelVlC.HcEfr^r|dF Gc,e Creck Ncighborhood Plan Status Rcport E28l1995 Once fre appropriate infqnation is gBfrered regalding lbe parkiag inveotory aod onarer- ship boundaries, a moeting will be held u'ith repesentatives ofneigbborhood property oumers. rt second dcsign sessioo for lhoso unablo to attend ftc frst mccting ir to bc schoduled in lhc ncrr fu- ture. t 21959 103195 I.t' t tr 284652 1!'1'f\lfl'r n\r r." -1 BAL DUE 190.6tr |\l\N01" |\0 110 l OLO PEAf,I BASE 190.6t I--: ----:o2aa0 ITO}IN OF YAIL-s- 3c93t84 120595 WINSTON ASSOCIATES ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING URBAN DESIGN . LA\DSCAPEARCHITECTURE "ri,lt Itfv0Ict llr. Jir Curlutte TffD of Yail Dept. of Coraaulity Developaent 75 S. Irortage nd. tlarl, C0 . 8165? Cliert ID: CUH{U ?roject {: 50556 Vail/lliscellaoeous project flevier Gold peat Ski Base PR0fESSI0[il $mvlc[s r[RU 0ctober 31, 1995 tnvoice | 21959 0ctober 31, 1995 Page I Paylelt received il olr office after 10/31/95is lot recorded oo this bill. TOTAI, FEE$ 0(-ccoo-2223b flDt orbo% -/l;tr9^,*,--r**-_E@o*__- ,f^1* $o*1,,''t D UU \\ TOIAI, REIUBURSABI,E EXPI:{SES r* IW0lcE T0TlIl *r lccounts leceivalle Invoice Date Description 21921 9/30/95 Bitlirs lrount 118. 13 101il, Ptsl I}UE llll0lcts 591.1{ 64.50 Balance Due 118.13 118.13 WINSTON ASSOCIATES. INC.I3 2O PEARL STREET IUAI,T-BOULDER. CO 8O]02 (lol ) 440-9200 FAX 1103) 4,19,691 I 50555 9ail/f,ircethlron lro j cct lcrier 0old terl 8li 8ue lrofessioarl Senices lai0unillc t4emls ()ltside Senicu Latr Folt Iavoice lerr Inolce | 21959 0ctobar 31, 1995 laga I nruc8 mr D||t ?n.11 Project Eilltlg Suuary : Currelt 591.11 6r.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 ?rior 9{5.52 89.{8 0.00 0.00 0.00 lotrl rt3{.66 153.9t 0.00 0.00 0.00 655.6{ ft,AJt{L t"et+iVlna lEtS: fll 30 DltS DmtLED ilmr$ mfllGnNrol lr. Jir Cunutte lorr of lail Degt. of Coruuity Developrent ?5 8. trortage Id.Irll, C0 81657 Cliert ID: ClllfU trojcct f: 50556 lail/tiecelhaeour lroject tericr GoIi pcal Sli lase Pr0r$Sl0fiL StnI$S ttrRU 0ctoDer 31, 1995 nIs Irroice | 11959 octoblr 31, 1995 lrge I Iorrs Clrrge Clieft Coord.-Plole/luo l0l 8193 Jcffrey t. riutoa 0.50 39.t0Jir C. Comrlt Coord torlremiol l0ll5l95 Jrffrry t. Iiartor l.t0 ll8.11 Dlt/ptC rorlsurlol Desigl levier r/Client l0ll5l95 Jeffrel t. rirstor 2.50 196.S8prc-reetiag/ field visit leprt lritiry l0l 8195 lcffrey t. tirrtor 1.00 n.ts Derign levier co[elts 50556 lail/liscellurou Projact lerier €old leal 8ll tue ::1: lrrrrl lire 10/15/95 Jrffrey r. rimtor ?0?lr FStt mruumul8 Brt8[g8s leirbusable Ergoasec t0/10/95 trto tileage to?rl tttnuns$tt BltBtsts 61.50 6{.50 laroice I 21959 0ctobcr 31, 1995 Pagr t lours Clrrp r.00 $ 158.00 59t.ll o a Tohr..t (}F uFt x t_ Itilccllmqts Cdr 08-07-95 6?156r li Receipt t 178358ficcowrt.* ffi*Sff}SS68 TNIL CSSOCIRIES\PROJECT COhISLILTR}IT5 PR55 THRqJGH Fmount tendered ) fE@.@ Itrr p.id hornr peid uggaaz?zw 1586.A8 'Charq€ returrcd > A.gg ' Tf-|Fltrlt( Vetl Fr..H8_1ee5 L2.4 0 u[NSTUl..t ASSOC. INC 449 697L P.Al WINSTON ASSOCIATES G lt v I x o :l lt E r{ T A L tlA t{xtNc ullrAr{ DgslG!l L..\ ti D5C,l Pt: ;tR e HtTGCTIJ t u DEsrcN Rsruw lf{nuonuouru June 4, 1995 TO: Jim Curnuttc Laurco Watcrton SROM:JcfiWioson Golden PcakSkiR.E: Afier review of thc architcctutal drawings daad 5ll0l95 and thc sia plan datcd 5/15195 I have four basic conccrns, in ordcr of priority: l. Mansard Roof I am deeply concerned at the iilroductioq qf 1 mencard-eppearing roOf ilo the Village. The dcsign guidelincs and ovcrall themc of rhe Village clcarly do not condooc maasard roo8. It is tnre howcvcr that wc bavc on occasion allowed roofs with flat scctions to accoumodarc cxrcmcly dccp building cross scctions to avoid overly long roof pitcbes. Eraurples that come to mind are tbc Gold Peak House, Covercd Bridge Building and the aw Sonnendp. Howwer, in all of tbosc cases we established two key design criteria: (l) tbe flat ponion of the roof should be a very srnrll percconge of the ovcrall width of thc roof, and (2) ttrc flat portion of thc roof should not bc pcrccivablc from public view. The GP ski building docsn't mct citbcr criteria - the flat ponious are significant, and rhc me"<ard appearaDcc is relatively visible in at least 3 arcas. I havc labclcd tbem alphabetically on tbe auachcd photocopies: ' (A and B) on thc nonh end of each wing, where thc roof slopes ura lhe corncr and clearly' eviilenccs that tbc roof is not gable;. (C) on thc south-cast corncr wherc tbe nvo dormcn projcct ftom a roof plane that is parallel to the roof plane finher back, bur which is connccrcd by a visible flat projection;. (D) on lhe southwest corncr. I tltit* this roof issue, if not adilressed, Ius the potential of serting at wlforunate precedent for futurc buildings in thc Wlage. 2. East Sidc Building Massing The ncw building is moving mrch closer ro Vail Vallcy Drive oppositc Manor VaiI. Whilc thcre is a fair amount of aniculation in tbe upper ponion of ahe building, otr the northern % of tbe east sidc tbc borom two floors appcar to prcse a fairly stark, 2<torcy wall to thc srrcel The proposcd landscaping witl have a softening effcct, but lhe net rcsult is stitl a tack of ground llooi intcrest/activity. Suggestions include adding wirdows to both 6e parting garagc and rcail walls, 6,J Basc Facility $ l r{s't ('N assoctltEs. tNc-I !:O PEAXL STNGE" MALL Boul'DEt ' co lllrlo:| !o !) 4.,O-9 !oo FAX a;0-rt l{.r.69 | I Ft.H8-195 L2.45 fur*r* Ass(r. rhc 449 69LL P.@. J. Goldcn Pcak Rcdcvelopment DesigaReview Junc 4, 1995 Page 2 GPEAKSKI;REV or, if lbc sclback Prmits, adding a narmv bard of rctait or ofiicc spacc acccssiblc from thc Vait Valley Drivc valkway. Building Massiag on Souttqre$ Corincr Thc upper two lcvcls of southwest corncr of the buitding has a choppcd-offquatrty that i! appearg unrcsolvcd and is rcletcd o, ed firdrcr bclhc, the mnnqrd (or a tcast oorrgablQ roof conAitio'n discttsscd in Jl abovc- fhis ponion of thc buildiog apcarr !o bc a combiuation of attached shod rooft, r I thiDk it DEds a bcur rcsolutiou Thc louar lcncl (iust above tbe roof of tbc par*ing geragc) cottld bcocfit ftom morc fcncstratiou or sonc othcr epproach to ta&c away $c st.rt wall frrom what will bc thc pedcstriao levcl. Evcn thmgh this is not e scect clerrstion, it is on a rnajor pathcray o and from tbc Goldco Pcak basc arca ud will bc bigbly viliblc. Roof Overhangs Althougb I havc oot mcasurcd them to scc how thc design comparcr b thc 3' to 4, ovcrhurgs recommcndcd in tbc CCI guidelircs fl realizc this is outside Orc CCI rree), decper roof overtengs would givc the building a morc Vail-likc cbaracter ard one ihat is morc il kccdlng with somc ofibc morc alpinc-looklg buildings in thc vicioity. 4. 'rv I Nsl0N issarctArcs. Itic.r.r:0 nEAIL SIRGET \r aLr.aUt|LDEt. CO rolar:r.trf | {.ro. !t:orl f ^X r-to.lr .a.9.i. I I Rr.E€8-1995 t?t46 0 IJTNSToN Assrrc. rNC 449 691.L P.O3 FLJM-1995 L2249 fr,** Fssuc. Irc 449 6911 P.U -i.e:€6-i3$ rZ,S1 0,: .r.r t. r.trlr I et,, i., 49 69LL P.6 P.6NSrSl't. |':i:, I't)I .il..lr . ir UJI I l' i i.ll l. ! l- t-1' it | '!' iiti I I Ft.Gr€8-195 i___-__J ir lall,l tlllll llllll tltlll' tltllltllltllllllltllllllltlllll'-llllll tlItlltl. lltltlllll,ltlllllllllItlllllltltlItrl 449 69Lt P.g?l.E 1l IJIhSTIN R55UC. IFt.G.€8-195 12:53 !7 I I -,1 __"i" lllllrlllllllllltltllltltllllllltllllrll lllltltltltllltltllllltltltl H H- 4.ffi-19$ Lzts/-frr*t* Rssoc. '€49 69LL P.6 TTITfl- P.G o WINSTON ASSOCIATES ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNTNG ' URBAN DESTGN ' LANDSCAPE ARCTIITECTURE IWOICI Client ID: CURI{tl 9roject f:50556 Iaroice | 21860 lugust 31, 1995 lage I llr. Jir Curruttte lorn of lail Delt. of Corornity lleveloglent i5 S. Froatage Rd. 'rlai1, C0 8165? Vail/Xiscellaleour Project lerier Gold Peat Sti BasE /e,sc{'ea'(*reW '/'u lR0FESSl0lllt SBII,ICES tlRU lugust 31, 1995 fqk c,,) Papelt receiveil io olr office after 8/31/95 is lot recordeil on this bill. TOIil FEES TOIAI, RTIilBllRSABIE EI(PEIISES {56.88 TOIII, PAST DUE IIIIIOICES tgt.2t 65.73 // ,/ ( t59.9e ) \331::;;..-/ @t6, nqs fry"A" sliz/qs chr"k *: l@7g a,F: clg3/_s/ tt / ct<iu1#\/o vEtg wtNsToN Assoct ATES. tNc.I3]O PEARL STREET M ALL BOULDER. CO 8OTO?(303) 44O- 9?00 FAX (30_t ) 449-69r I o 50s55 Vailfliscellamou lroject lerier Goli Peal Sli lue Inroice | 21860 lugust 31, 1995 Pagr 2 916. t?nufcS [0r D0t lroject Billirg Surmry : , trofess!oaal Services leirbursable lrpelses 0utside Serrices late teas I!?oice le|s , ,- Cl!!r!t 39{.?6 65.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 , Pricr 433.13 23.?5 0.00 0.00 0.00 lota! 827, 39 89.r8 0.00 0.00 0.00 {59.99 tlllS: [El 30 DIIS {56.88 916.8? DHIILED IltV0ICt D()CUt[tfuI()i Ut. Ji! Curt[ttte lom of lail Degt. of Courtlity,Developlert ?5 S. Frortagr ld, Yail, C0 8165t Ciiert lD: CUlffi Project f: 50556 lailfiiscellaleous project lerier Gold Peai Sti Base PR0ftSSI0l{$ SERII$S l[B0 tugust 31, 1995 Inroice | 21860 lugust 31, 1995 lage I tE[s 77 Eolrs 1.50 u8.13 1.50 ll8.l3 Desip Revip{ ltlielt 8l2t 195/l Jetftey I. rinston Design leyi/r - lpplicaat 8127ll5 lettrel l. tiastor Travel tfte 8127t95 lettuey l. linstor TOTII, FIES Iilt{BUnSmH iltElisES leinbursable lrpelses ?/31/95 lelephore POPP ?elecoo f.00 I 15E.00 39{.2 6 r.83 I 50556 11voigg I il0f0 Vril/liscetlamols lrojed nerler tuglst 31, l99l Page I::lL:::l-:::_T:-.-.__...-.. mIrE0BSr&t uErs8s cbargt 8/2?/95 hto Xileagr 63.90 65. tt tont tEI[B0nsm[E ilt8rsEs | 65.73 a %Jollllt{ilrt PHrLUrs tAG[t clr. RtcoRDrF Ju !l 2 aa ?l{ t0l llllEREAS, Vell Ageoctatce, tnc., a.Co-lo.edo Corpoterton (.Declerant"), gthe onner of all of rhe lana'decciiy. io +;1brr'ii-"-t'tr"t"d hereto and by ,reference1ncorporatcilhereto(the-iuu1ectland-),"Ld_-.o'..conereEoondD: I{HEREAST fire subJect r.sod tnclud_ea -r oubrtenitel portroo of reod rn-cluled rrthln the vati -vlllage nrlrr.rr_rrros, -eccordrog io ttre recorded pletthereof , Eagle county, Coloraio t;iii4, tui;g-tt;J-o -r' rne recoroed Prrl l{llEREAs' sloul-taneouoly rlth. the _er-ecutloo hereof , thooc certtln protec-ttve o0venanrs of val_r vlliage Hfti pjltng, f[QJ-;;'rJ.o"d oo tbvecber lg.1965' la Book l'r at pqge 35f(ri;;iir*, riir"g ii"i;"ri;" covenanta-), havebeen aneoded ln order -to rurittei eetablleh "ia ,"riiiio the character andvalue of the real properry lncluded *ftf,fn """i iUfrJi-..a lIllEREAs' Declarant co'teeplstee that that portloo of the subJeet l,aaay'deecrlbed l,a Exhtbrt-B-, atteched ttereto and by ,.f"."*"-lncorporated hereln(the -'nprored parcel-j',eui-;; 'lip-.*", by'che .oorii,r"rroo of a prtnaryililll'iii* atructures (the 'uarn rurtarng-i a'a ;;;;;i; rcce.aory rnprovs- IJnEREAST Declarant deetree to create certal. protecttye covenaotgaffecttng the grbJect land ntth r*rtch to iupose land uae'iestrlctlons rnd ln-eure the conct.nued ertatence of peroanent greeo areag aod open cpecea for thebeoeflt of atl 0f the preseat "od futor" omers 0f the fubJect land and theohtners of land deecrtbed es follors (.Beneftted taod"): lotr l-rI l.crusrve and rotg l3{Lr rocluarvc, rlock l, aodIots l-15 lnclu-elv-er__t-l-ock 4, Vall Vlllage H.ret ttllog; lote i;:#'rl".'"'f @*i"'r*ilii:r:.H;i"'t',Ti,":;1"*j:,'; j jc, v-ocf, l, Err vurage -s€oeoil nirG, ;;";i"s ro therecorded plet thereof, county of ?agle. NoJ' TUEREF0RB, ro cooerderattoo of the prenreea, bclarant, for rteelfend lts grauteea' oucceaoors and asalgor, age_e-ter"ry irpora, e'tsbrtsh, pub-lr'eh-, ackoovledge, declare and create- ttre follorr"g'proi""trve covenants forthe benefl't of arl p€rsoos^go *y ooe om or hcreifier acqulre a fee ernpreounerehlp l-ntere't la the grbJect land aod ruo"irl"JL;d, alt of ltrrch cove-nants ehall be deened to run rrth and be-btndtng,rpoo it.'subj..t r.and and to lil:::"r..r the beoeftr of rhe qrbjecr tand, do"irtJ. rr"C,' "ra *y-"*"I 3521$ roof-l/^55 t^e1933.- .(.7 r{r{ I. I,AND USB.&e SubJect land uay be ueed oaly for the followtng: Inprorred Percelrl.l lllthln the l{aln Bulldlog located on the l.l.l Shl loclera/Eoployee locker Romr 1.1.2 Skl SchooL eod Skl prtrol Faclllttea 1.1.3 l^tft ttcket Salee 1.1.4 lennts Pro Shop 1.1.5 $lJ ktpatr, Reotrl, Sales aod Acceaeorlea 1.t.6 Restaureot/Bar/Soack Bar/Caody Salea 1.1.7 Ttnter geaeonal skr school Related chlrd care aod0lrlldrenr a $kt school and Aglrurtenaot RecreotronalFactlltlee and ?rograne 1.1.8 Su,rer Seaaonal 1bm of Vall geereatloo Offlcee 1.1.9 lteettng Roono for Declararrt aod coununlty{}rtenterl 0rg anl zat looe / I(:;' l.l.l0 rojgry hcveotroo rnd rahabrlttrttor tactlltrcr torDeclrrautrt ule l.l.II Baatct Rental l.l.l2 Speclal Cooounlty Eucnt! 1.1.13 Stx (6) ttultt-teolly Duelllng uolts 9lthln thc t{atoEulldlng 1.2 rtre follovltrg user outeldc of thc llala hrtldtry locatcd oo thcSubJect l,and: 1.2.1 Skt Tratle, Slopee and Llfte 1,2.2 Snomaktug Factll.tler 1.2.3 Bue eod skrer Drop-off nlthtn the rnprwed ?ercel 1.2.4 surface parktng lote rtthln the rrnprwed parcel 1.2.5 Skl Raclug Factltttee r.2.6 publtc perk, Tot lot, tenule aud vorleybalr 'ourte aodPlaytng Fleld L.2.7 br{.stlog Tater Treatlent end storage pacrrittee 1.2.8 16rmter.n storage Bulldtoge lblted to therr preseotslze aoil geoeral locatioo 1.2.9 Skt School lctlvttter 1.2.10 Spectel Comunlty Erreotr l.2.ll outdoor ber and barbccue on the aouth rtdc terracc ofthe llal.n Eutldlng. 1.3 rhc followlng u'e8, eubJect to DEcleraotre hwlog beea laeuede condttlooal uae perolt (lf regulred, or lf rot requlred, provlied Declaraotshall have obtaloed_epectflc approval therefor froo the'v"rr ru- o-"ri),ln accordance slth the applicable provlelooa of the vall Huotclpal coder 1.3.1 Becreatlot Roouy'Xlnor Arcade 1.3.2 Addltlonal Storage lulldluge for l&uotato eulpoent 1.3.3 Sumer Ortdoor Storage for lbuotatn eutpent 1.3.4 Redevelopnent of lfatcr storage b(tractloo aod rteatnentSacllltlee 1.3.5 Redevelopent of Skl Reclng Facllltler 1.3.6 Xedevelopent of hbltc ?arls, playgrounde i.3.7 9rnmer ibreonai (bnounity Gftceg and progranr 1.3.8 hbllc or Prlvate Parttng Structures 1.3.9 Seaeoaal structure8 to accoonodate athletle, cultural ,or educatlonal oervlcea 1.3. l0 Redeveloplent of Skt Ltfts and Towo requtrlog a uate-rlal chaoge fron the prese[t conflguratl.on. 1.3. ll. llodergro,rort pcrklng .tructur" locateil rr:t-thlo the perl-oetero of the land dcscrlbed tn Elrhlblt G, attachedhereto aod by reference lncorporated hereln, together C o Nd ,/ r/ o Ct ..:.' '. i'- .. -'o'-'-" ,'l Drctltng Uotte outslde of the llrln Bulldlog lnY ourface parklog, parklng ltructule or uoe deecrlbed 1o peragraprr l.t.auoiJ-itiita" of the Inproved Parcel' ercePt aa Day *-'p"t9l!!eit. as e coodlclooal ute pri"'*"t to PsragraPh l'3'll above lnlnal and/or Ltvestock Oorale or Baroe SgectaltY ?ood Eatablletueotr furface Parklng beyood the approveil Develolneot Plen Alptne Sllile Eocloaed or conered teonlt or volleytell eourtr AtrY other use no! P€Elltted for.or allored s deecrtbed ilt;;;;til; r'r,'i'i' l'3' l'4 aoil l'5 cbore 2. NUISA+CE'. No noxloua or offenatve actlvlty gha1l be carrleil oo oor ehall aoythlog be """J',J^oJ-t.a"a *i"f'JtJicooltitutc 8 publlc ouleance on the SubJect laotl' - rtth reesostblc rcccor thcrcto' ' grovldcd chet thc crtrtcncc of roy t*rt*itt-*i.rrc-'rhitl oot lttcrltllt affect thc otlrtroi:it"-"t-1"" fu grrrlc of ruch land' l.4Acceeeoryuececuetonarllylnclileotelsotho!edegcrlbcilln patagrePho l.lr l'2 and t'3 lborc' 1.5 llooe occuPatlooe' eubJcct 3o the tlruaoce-of r hoc occuPltlon perillr, ro rccord..";";'.;-;;eiicaur! ;";;"i;;"-oi-.t" vell ttuntctpal code' 1.6 ltre followlng ehell be prohlblteil uacs on thc 9rbleet lrnd: I' 6' I H::"1"'il:;'5:3':l'H!"il'i'li'"':Hl"li:'hor' zed 1o r'6'2 tf i:13 ""ff"'"i:t';::" "i''t;"'it'1"t""'SlliloiJ-'li fi:il.o?o of the 9a11 HunlctPal code 1.6.3 1.6.4 31d 1.6.5 1.6.6 1.6.7 r.5.8 1.6.9 1.6. 10 o 3. .",* i?'"lTiH:1i"i.:'!i"!!; stlpulatlona t egree["ol*toreach."ll'iitiJf Al,':i"rtlti"i::;***"1f T"""'""t?'fEti!! ::ilJr::J"Tfil',"'',?"..'ti'ili"1,il,'{fr ,:;lii;F"-'L"ir""'ve*teodedroruDrr|' Janua't ,, ."7L;; ;i;, (10) yeers e8ch.flve (5) eucceeSlve teroS or Eeu \rv' 4.AHENDI{ENT.lbccooitltloo.s,rcetrlctlonr,otlpulatloo''rgreeoeot' and cov enaot" cootaio";-;"'-;il -;;"1,'*:Tjiiti if *lii tiTllii:i:ii H:l"l"il*il'll f,i::fi;Tqiii'iiib) -'?5t er tF errvatcrv orned rarir t'rtlrlo ghe !encflEJ-;;'' a" th'e-=*;;; tn"" 9 "r'o* ur the prrbrle rec- orite on f l1e rn it't of fice of ttt" =t:tl.rx -""C ireco;dei '+f &r61e courtyt Co lor ado .,. W,#i:.il"T:.*::".i*'il5l::'::"$";::;::1o. "oiirr.;65 the tlfrh rluog-p-.1.-uJr"" gv:na1r.6- ee aoeoded, the tlve Covenaot! eno provlalone contaroeil wtthto tue necrli;;;;-;l Protectlvc corenaote ehall iot"ro and control' 6. !}lFoRclry]trl' rf eny- Perso-o ehall vtolst: o: thresteo to vlolatc snvoftheprovrorffi'or-tt'i"-'ro'tt-""i'*rtehall-bclorfulforanyPersoo or perooos o't'*.1'1"'-p'"p"ttv *tlt-t ;i"-;dJd Ia*:' Eenerlted lanil to 1,, " i r t u r " pr o c e ed r ng o l;", ;; :"'" t""r:".td :: ;f ru lU iJ Ti""lT"' .lt*tli: lnetn'trtent, to enJolD ln:. P:::":..:i;i;;-.f;t- ouch vlolrtlone' to recover aut"gu'l'l";;l';; puoltlve f6r ouch vlo1rtlor rt o '1,. SSVEIIIILITI. Invrlllrtloothlr tnetru pcot or court aoy of thc othcr provtrlonr hcrcof cffcct. of llt oo! or rorc ol tb. prout.lona ot order or dccrcc rbrll lo ao vlle rftcct rhtcb rhrll releln to full forcc end IN tlITlftsSS ttltEREOF, Bhe uodcrrtgoeit, bctag thc Declerant herctn, hae hereuntoset1t'handendrealth1r20t1t|1yofg'l983. ATTEST: STATE OF COLORADO COUI{TT OF EACIJ 8l: ltre foregolng lnetruoent eas ackaorledged before re Dgg€mbeff__, 1983, by Earry X. hoptoa III, ) ) ) YA1L ASSGIATES, IllC., e Cotorrdo Corporatlon Dedlcatlon aod Ornershl.p day of Aprll A ghls 2otb day of ee PrealdenC, end by <tr{ ffi ,re- Abslstant Secretary of Vall Aasoclates, IDc., a Golorado 6rporetlotr, 18 lleclrraot. WITNESS HT UAXI' AND OFPICLAL SEAL. Hy Connlealon exptree:- 6127184 HORTGAGEE:REPTELICBANK DAIIAS, N.A. as Adnlnletratlve Lender for ltself and Contlnental Illlnols Natloaal Eank & Trust Coopany of Chlcago,Flrst Interetate Eaok of Denver, N.A., Banters Trust C,oupaay and Fl.rat Nattonal Bank of lllnneapolle Vlce Presldent STATE OF TEI$S COT'NTI OF DALTNS ))se ) The foregolng Certlflcate of acknowledged before rue thle 8thby llelll P. Davt! Hy comlsslon enplree:8t26t86 .D.' re'#;c[c$ r Address: 2207 longwood lane . Dallas. Texas 75228 t': i.::j:. :'. l'?.' :'|'' ;i l:::',' i,..:, !. :' of Ttv:t 1.,, C,::.;,,:-i::, [.:1 .ir'i :, i, 33 llltneae ny hand and eeal. at- t \i.:, (Artrched hercto .nd fontnS, covenants datcd Decenbcr 20t EXIIIEIT A a prrt hcrcof of r983.) Declrretloo of Protcctlvc t)Fl ENTIRE GOLDEN PEN( DTRCELEXilIIIT A A trrcr of lrnd locetcd h Scetlos 8, fouolhlg 5 South, laogc 80 lfelt, 5th Prluclpal llcrftlhn, Eagle Gounty. Coioredo bclu3 r gortton of lrrcc Do yr1 ViU.gc Scvcnth fitfnf ee iccordcd to thc Offtcc ol th9 te3lc County Glcrt end iccordcr Dccenbci l?. 1965, fllc oo. 1027801 trrcl l. ADcndcd Vetl Vtllrgc Dltth ifffo3 r r.cord.i to-tbc Offtcc ol thc Ee31c Couotl.Cl::l rnd lccordir Novcobcr ft; f965 lllc oo' 102538 rnd eo unplatcd Prrccl or llno toc"tia lo thc sul/4ltttUi rnd thc sf/zNEf/4 ol retd scctloo 8, bcln3 Drc Datttcultrly detcrlbcd ea folloits: DEGINNINC rt I polnt or thc Eect llnc of thc SE U4 lftl l/4 of rald Scctlon I' rrhence thc llE.o-"i ii t.ia-ii r/q NJ l/4 bcare llorth 00'01'06" $GsG' 274'44 feer, aald polnt bcing oo thc Southerly rlght-of-uat tlnc of Vdl Vrllcy Drlvc end on I curvc to th;-leit: THENCE f64'?9 icet rlon3 thc erc ol oeld curve iirrfr,g r deltr of 53.5r,15;,. r radlus of 175.00 feet iod e chord bearlng ii,r.t-t4.f2,32' Eest, I58,?i feeti TIIENCE South ?5'21r06" East, 215'00 feet along eald Southcrly righi-of-uay llnc to r golnt of curvc to thc rt8,ht; THENCE 34.90 feet.along sald curve havlng e deltr oi t5tootoo", r radlus of 125'00 feer and e chord U"".fig Si"ii Oi;Zf'06" East, 34.?9 feet; lllENCE-South 59'21'06" Easr. 40.00 feer ro " pJlnt on rhe lieslcrly boundary line of a 0.265 acre p"..il of land; THEticE along rhe boundary of lald parcel-the followinS courses; Sourh 30.38,54', llesr, 90.00 feec; south -6r'llt36" East, 155.28 feet; North- 07.34.5?,. Easr,90.00 fcet to e polnt on the Southerly rllhc-of-ual-llt: of Vatl Telley Drtvc; IHENCE elong sald rtght-of-wly ltnc South 82'25'03" East, l28.oo fcet io ! potnti TttENcE a"p.ttiii irra rritrt-of-nay llnc South--ol't9r57" t'est, 357.4! feet ti.'pofot on cire Soulh bo'ndary ltnc of rrld Vall Vlllage sevenrh Ftllng; nrirrcg elong setd boundary ltnc thc_folloutng courses:_t:ytl 79o2orO5.. East, 135.10 feet, ttorttr 89j4iii?" E""t,5f5.OO feit, Souch 80'32'23" East, 355.00 fcer,-Norrh g245g,00,, E8st, 105.00 fcct to.e polnt,o-n the-uest boundary llnc of vaif Vitfagc fcnth Fuine rg rccordcd_tn the Offtcc of the Eoglc County Clerk end iecordcr Aptll llr^1973, ttlc no. 1234383i IHENCE South 07.02,00" Si=i. fSa.l8 fect aloni safd-boundiry-llnc to ' polnt on the Ea6L-6'est Cenrerllne of sald Sectlon Ci tfffffCU Soulh 89'42r37" lJest, 3086'04 feet to e polnt; IllErcE Sorth 00'09'OO" ltest, E76.50 fcct to e polnt T-ll" Southert'y boundary line of fatl Vtllagq Flrst Ftltng as recordcd in the gfftcc of the Engle Crrunr! clerk and neiorrler August 6, 1962, Dtlc no. 96382;-IuENcE aleng srt'l boundarl. llnc Souch 6i'28'OOn f"st, gff.i0 feet; South-80'00t00" East, llU'4i ;;;;;-i;r;h !!'29'00' East, 405.19 feet; North l3'50'10" Hess' 202'56 fegti- Norrir i0o3o'00" L'est, 161.i2 f""t to r iotot on I cune-to the rlStrt; THESCE gl.15 feet along the rrc of sald curvc iraulng e dcltr of 28'43100r', a radlus of 16l.9l feet and a chord bearlng tlorttr 3ii5l'i6" East, 80.31-feet..to 1 loJnt of ,.n"r". cur*e.30 the left; fiEicE 9.24 feGt rlont thc erc of eeld curve' i"..ing a delta of 03.llrli", a radlus of 166.05 icct end r chord bearlng i"rit"qi.f6ri6rr Esst,.9.24 fecti IUENCE North 45'3514{" Eaet, 84'80 feet toq oolnt of cuslrc to thc rtght oo ih. Southetly rlght-of-ury llne of Gore Crecr ilil; iltii}ialit'feet elons thc rrc iit".ie cirve brvtos r dcltr of 80'36'13" and e radius of 20.00 teeS to e polnt of curvc to the lclti IltENcE elonS' ealil Southerly rlght-of-uey ttnc, 120.50 fcct on thc erc of latd curve havtng " i}ll-ii-i0t4i;6t"' . '"it* oi zzs.oo reer and'-"!::li::It!-:o":1, .^ : l-:..I I- 'I 69.08134. Esstt 119.0? feet to a PolDtS ItrENCE Sout! 84'291090 lttt',171'80 .' feer elont ""fa So.riilri"-ifcht-"i-"e"-!!ga to e polnt:df -curva to the le[t;; ' -l9lgfrcrff tlght*f-"tl ltoc on tbc ere of aeld currrc trvras r ricrte*iior!!;ir;rt;11.!:il::^:t"19:ig":;':-::t ?.:13'l.leerru3 rNoTE;TlrtlprrccldoegnotcloeeurlngthcrccordcrlplatofthcAnendednr , r tr rl trlll;rao Flfth fl'lins: Vrlt Vlllnro, Flret FtltnB: Va11 ::ff lifrfoi'iil., ae.rr fcct;-lrttlci Soutb 0{'2er09' Dert. 53'99 fcct aloog the SourhcrU'hlfri:tf-uay-ltar of Gorc Creat' Ioeil to r Dotrt of curvc to rhc rlght; lpr6-iif.5g feci rlooj thc ltcttcrlt rl3ht-of-rry ltac of Yatl Vlllagc Drtvc oo tbc arc of rrli! curvi bevto3-l dcite;1 90'38t0fr; I redlua ot 83.18 fceG end.-.f,.iii""trig tg"tfii'f6tof" 1.!3r.118.2d tact to r polnt of curvc to tbc r.tti-'rinriiaa.ir r""i -oog 'td llcrlerly rlght-of-uly^ 11t: oo rbe arc ot .dd ;l;;i"rii i-9.1te ot 2i'32r45" . redtur ot 175'0o feet snd r chorrt bcartd;;;;h oi;3iri6;' rt"t,-ol.ri-fcct-to thc P0ltll ol EEorNNlNc ""itiroior 19.835 tcreo Dote oa tcll' EXilIDIT D . prrt hercof of 1983. ) Declerattoo of Protccclvc(Atteched hercro end forolng Covenantc dated Deceober 20, -o EXHIBIT B IHPRO1TED PARCEL A tract of land located in Section g, Townshtp 5 South, Range g0 West,ljl_l'l".lt:l :.:::1!i:": e.sll ggyTrv, coro""ao u.ine a portion of t,fl Tract B, vail Vrrrage sevenrh rilini-"" ,"""ii"a-in'tt"';;;i;; ., .t,uErgle counry crerk and Recorrler oec6nrbgg-it;-riis, frle no. 102?80;Tract F, Amendea Jail-vlllage ptfrh-itiln;'i"-r".oraed ln the officeof rhe Eaqle countv clerk aid necoraer HJiemf,oi-rsl-igeil iii.'n".102518 morG particularly desCrrbe<t as eofiJ"", -BEGTNNTNG. at a polnt on the southerlt right-of-way rine of vairValley DrLve whence the NE corner of said SEtNWt bears Nortlr24 O7..2lr t{est r -432.91 feet; THENCE the followfng co,rr;;; ;"1. polnt on ^the p19r_e_rrv righ_r-of-".i irn.-"i-ilirr-ci""r-cir"r" ;rl south ,t9'tB,t6" wesi, 85.?I feetj zi ioutrr--io;oo;dd; ;;;;;-'{3.00 feet; 3l Nort}r 94.17r39,'tilest, i3.25 feetl 4) Norttrg9'flf 55" West, -!9.?8 feet; 5) North 3go39,ii; we.st, 32.OZ feet;6) North 86'28,{3,, t{est, l95.lZ teet; 7l North lZ.Ob,lA;-W."t, -' 41.{0 feet; 8l Westr 50.00 feet; 9)-trorttr iC.lf ,2{" t{est, iO.ggfeet; 10) North Ggorl'55" r{est, 53.95 feet; r0el HortJr ii.0t;4b-.t{est, 25-00 feeti rrt North 26;4i,4,1" }resi', ,a.iz reetl 12) North -q6'18'13"_l{est,26.97 feeri t3l North 20.OO-ieail flt uoittr 26.t1ri{'r{e9t' 11.72 feeti 151 North s2. 2s,53' t{est, -gi.6f -i!"li-rCf -Hoiln 69'26'38'tfest, !2.72 Eeeti l?t west, 2s.3i feet to a ioint on-acurve to the right on the Easterly right-of-way line oi uiir-Creercircle; 181 rHiNce {2.95 teei at6n9 f,iir-cr""ft crr.re on t]re arcof said curve having a delta of 15 il,55i, a-iiatus of 161.92 feer,and a chord bearlng North 40 36132r East, lz.g3 feet to a point ofreverse curve;18A) IIIENCE 9.21 feet along the arc of a cirrve tothe left havlng a delta of03"llr13., a railus of 1.65.05 feet and -l chord_bglT{lg North {6 36156. East, g.2t feet; 19) THENCENorth {5 35r{{r East, 8,1 .{0 feet to i polnt of cunre-to tne rtghton the-Southerly rlght-of-way lLne of 6ore Creek Roadi 6)nlEfce.28.14 feet along the arc of said cunre havlng a delta or go 36rl3.anda radius of 20.60 feet to a point of curve 6 tr,i-iJiti- iit -rtriNce along said southerly right-oi-way llne, 120.50 feet on the arc ofsal.d curve having a delta of 30 lt,og", a radius of 22j.oo feet and l9!9ld_bea-ri19 south 69 0gr3rl'East, 119.02 feet to a polntr 221 THENCE souur 81 29r09' East, lzl.80 feet along said souttrerly right-of way llne to a point of curve to ttre leftl i3) IUENCE 104-.25 ieetalong said southerly rlght-of-way lLne on the arc of saLd curvehavl.ng a delta of 119"27.11", a iadl.us of 50.00 feet and a chordbearlng south 84'29 r0g' East, 96.3? feetl 2/IITHENCE south g4o29,0g.East, 53.99 feet along the southerly right-of-way llne of core creekRoad to a point of curve to the rightl 25}THENCE 131.58 feet alongthe lfesterly rlght-of-way llne of vatl village DrLve on tlre arc oigaid curve havlng a delta of 90'38103., a radl-us of 83.18 feet anda chord bearLng South 39ol0r07i Eastr'ffe.28 feet to a polnt ofreverse curver 26l TIIENCE 2{8.93 feet along the arc of sald curvehaving a delta of 81'30100., a radlus of 175.00 feet and a chordb€arlng South 3{o36r06' East, 228.17 feet; 271 THENCE South r75'2Lt06" East, 50.ii feeL i,a ijre ?OINT gF BEGiNNING containing3.649 acres more or lesS. NotE:This_parcel does not close usnlng the recorded plat of ureAmended Plat of Vall^Village, Fifth Fllingr Vall vlllage,FLrst Ftltngl vail vlllage, seventh Filln6, una vatt viriageTenth Fillng as recorded in the offlce of-ihe Eagle county-clerk and Recorder. The acreage was computed using a dellaof 76' 03r30'and an arc length-of 26.55 iJeC. .t". .'a i I ExltIEtT c (Attached hereto and fomlng ! pert hereofCovenante dated Deceober 20, 19b3.) c o POTENTTAL SITE OF PARKING STRUCTURE EXf,lEtr C A tract of lrnd tocrtcd ln Sectloa 8, lornehlp 5 South, Rangc 80 Hctt.6th Prlnclpal Hertdlan. Eagle coun!yf colorado bctn3 r portton of Tract E1vatl vtllagc sevcnth Etllng es recorded lo thc offtcc of thc Eaglc countyCletk and Recorder Deccobcr 17, 1965, fllc oo. 102?80i Trect F. Aoendedvatl vlllagc Etfth Ftltng as rccorded to thc Offtce of thc Eaglc county . Clcrk and lecorder Noveuber 15. 1965, flle ro. 102538, belng rnorc pettlculerly dcscrtbed as follons: EEGtS:ttNC at r potnt on the Southerly rlght-of-uay ltne of Vatl Valley Drtverhence thc liE c.lrner of saJd s[l/4!iill/4 besrs North 24.07r21', tlest,432.9lfeer; l) IHEltcE south 49'l8rl6" uesr, 85.11 teet; 2) luEt:cE south 90o00'00" l?esr. 43.00 feer; 3) IHENCE North 84'll,39" neBE, 43.26 feeq.4) IHENCE - -liorth 68'll'55" Uest, 80.78 feet; 28) IilENcE Sourh l2o05r4l. Hest, 71.59feer; 29) THENCE south 18'26'06" Eas!,79.06 fcct;30) ruENcE south 8lcl6r25" East, 105.20 feer; 3f) ilENcE Sourh 05.02,33,. ffesr, l?0.66 feet; 32) Tl|ENcE Sourh 84'35'46" East, 37f.65 feet; 33i TIIENCE North O?.07,30., Easr, 161.25feer; 34) THENCE 85'54'52" l{est, 140.36 fcet; 35) flIilcE Norrh 03'10'41" Easr, 171.96 feer: 36) THENCE Norrh 75'21106', $esr, 137.99 feet to the poINT oF BEGl:t:tING contelnlng 2.540 acres nore or lcss. of Declaratlon of Protectlve tr.l '*t4*(rc O FIRST AI'IENDMENT TO DECI,ARATION OF PROTESTIVE COVENANTS ' Aitc 7 4ztPl{'$$ WIIEREAS, Vall Associates, Inc., a Colorado corporitlon(rrDeclarantr') created certain protective covenants affectingcertain land located within the ValI Village Flfth Flll-ng, VallVillage Seventh Flling and unplatted portlons of Vall Vlilage(the rrSubject Landn) by Declaration of ProtectLve Covenants,dated Decenber 20, 1983 and recorded on January 15, 1987 ln Book455, Page 933, Receptlon No. 352167 of the records of the Clerkand Recorder, Eagle County, Colorado (the rrDecLaratlontr) i and I{HEREAS, the Declaration benefits certain owners of landadjacent and proximate to the Subject Land (the rrBenefited Landrr) ; and IfHEREAS, Declarant desires to anrend the Declaratlon to allowa Secondary Building to be constructed on a designated sLte onthe SubJect land; and WHERE.AS, the Declaration provldes that lt nay be amended bywritten consent of the olrners of (a) 258 of the privately ownedland within the Subject Land, and (b) 75* of the privately ownedland withln the Benefited Land, as the same nay be shown by thepublic records on file ln the office of the Clerk and Recoiderof Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, Declarant has obtained the written consent of theottners of the Subject Iand and the Benefited Iand as reguired,to anend the Declaration as set forth below. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premLses containedherein, the Declaration ls hereby arnended as follows: 1. Land Use. Paragraph 1 of the Declaratl.on LE anended byinserting new Subparagraph 1.7 lnrmedlately folLowing Subparagraph 1.6 of the Declaratlon whLch shall provlde asfollows: 1.7. lflthln the Secondary Bulldlng located outside thefmproved Parcel , as rrsecondary Building.r ls referenced lnordinance No. 6, Serles of 1988 adopted by the Town Councilof the Town of Vail on February 16, l98B: 1. year-round child care and children,s skL schooland appurtenant recreatLonal facilitl-es andprograrnsi and 2. Children's ski school senrLces and prograns; and Bll ,1, L, lf'lf n / t rf l* l+< f . tl..t. I -r I . j l ' ' ! i.i. :ii lj :- i 'lr' jr : 3. ComrnunJ.ty events and prograns; 4. sirmrner recreational programs. ?. - Effect. Except as provlded ln this arnendnent allprovisl.ons of the Decllratloir shall be unnodifled and shalrremain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the underslgned, c and P !|; o"'r.'"nt , 1988. VAIII ASSOCIATES, INC.,a Colorado corporatJ-on o hereLof ATTEST: ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGI,E } Subscribed and sworn to before1988 by Lorry ( Lichlt le(ne thl,g as [r'cr lf ot Auo;(tttt ,of Vf,ILASSOCIATES, INC., a Colorado corporation,on behalf of suchcorporation. lilitness ny hand and offLcLal seal . My cornrnl.ssion expires: l) -t74 | r \88 -r- R 2 o |r) to za Lil E O Fa LLJEo u_ _J z Ez tlrj E UJFI = lom Jg lro z =P IEFf,I o f-'- tJ <TiFoa*E= lrl trF:z./l ----U.: //..rl x.."'--_--i' d ELffi !, E() thzz F 6trlF F .J z )< E, s zf,o(J lrJ (, UJ lrlFF Ez ; t F b s l,ffHp Pie (,z : L i.F F- td(9 JJ J CDz =tr:Fi?it- tl'- F z Hin tr. F F JJ J @ o TOVIN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Kelnvord: SPARC User: CHARLIE Parcel FiIe Maintenance e6Ets66eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6eeee66e6eE€€ee€eeeeeeee6eeee€eeee€€eeeeeee6ee€ E Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Addrese or Situs E 6e6ee6666666d666a66656666666666e666666e6e6656656e666666665666d656e66666{6Ff,6666fr H 2101-082-35-001 THAIN JOHN A & CARMEN M 483 GORE CREEK DR.-L',I,I IT tr 2101-082-35-002 GLASER BARBARA M JAY r, & .to 483 GORE CREEK DR> r,a. ,, o tr 2101_082-35-003 VAIL INTERNATIONAI, INC 483 GORE CREEK DR ' 'V' ,' E E 2101-082-35-004 WOOITEN RIKE DITZLER & BARB 483 GORE CREEK DR [rL? !r tr 2101-082-35-00s H 2101-082-35-006 E 2101-082-35-007 r1 2101-082-35-008 H 2101-082-35-009q 2101-082-35-010 E 2101-082-35*011 atseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€€€eeEe€e€€e€ee6eeeee6e6666eee€666€€€eee€€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6e€* eeeeEeee€ee€66eeiie€€ee€e€€€6€e6€eeeee€eeeeeeee6ee6€66668€6ii€6€eeeeiteeeeeee€6e6€€ SEMMER WILLIAI,I B & MARY H 483 GORE CREEK DR>t*{ E WOODHULL J R & BARBARA A t 483 GORE CREEK DR' It RIORDAN GERALD & I'I,AUREEN 483 GORE CREEK DR7t,*< !r STR,AUSS JOHN L & BONNIE P 483 GORE CREEK DRAFd Et THAIN JOHN A & CARMEN M 483 GOPJ CREEK DR W\ E( 483 GORE CREEK DR ? r* f El 483 GORE CREEK DR 2"- EI CHATFIELD HELEN Ti DONOVAN JOHN F O,wner: DONOVAN JOHN F Acres: GE RD FIL 08/os /es STH5 LOT PE.t( WEST E Rn r( Use: !r Legal : .. -- -- -- -- 11 a6ee6ee€ee€ee€€6€tsts66666eetsetse6e6€e666€eeeeeeeeeeeeeee6eeee66eeeeeeeeeeeee€eeee* Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Addrese <Fs>Parcel No <F6>L,ocation <F7>Schedu1e # <Fl>HeIp, <F2>Po8ition Key, <ESC>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Kelmord: SPARC User: CHARLIE Parcel File Maintenance 08/oe /es ee€€etse€6€6ee€66666eeeeeeeeeeeee6eeeeeeeee€€eeeeaee666eeee6eeee6eeeee€eeeeeeee6fn Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name street Address or situs tr 666655e6666e6666a6ee666e666 eeeeeeeee666e6ee6666eae66eeee66ea666 eaaeeeeee6666e6efr H Parcel: 2101-082-35-011tt Situ8: TEXAS TOWNHOUSES E Parcel: 2101-082-37-004 'I Situs: AL,,L SEASONS CONDOS HAWKER MTCHAEL JOHN & Jrr-,L 483 GORE CREEK DR? t* b H MACCORMTCK ALEXANDER 483 GORE CREEK DR-, , . H VAIL INTERNATIONAI-,, INC 483 GORE CREEK DR W I H tr Et E 2101-082-35-014 E 2101-082-35-015 H 2LOL-082-35-016 H 2L0L-082-36-000!{ 21.O1-082-36-001 E 2[01:082-J6-001_ !a 21,O1-O8V-36-00p'. jn 2101-08p-37-00iL Itt 2101-092-37-4,q2 Jtr 2101-082-37-003 E 2101-082-37-OO4 DR DR }T Ft aeeeetseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetse6ee€e€ee€€iteeeee€€€e€€€eeee666eeeeeee* Ee€66Eee66e6e6eeeeeeeeeee66ee6e6eeeee6666666E€€66tiit666€eeeeit€eE6ee€686666ee6866€ Use:Ohmer: PFEFFER THEODORE .f & THEO q Acre6: Et s Legal lt ae666eeeeeeeeeee€e€eetsE66it€6€6€eee6eeeee6e6e6eEe€ee66E€e€e€e66€€e€E66eeeeeeeee€E Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <Fs>Parcel No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <F1>Help, <F2>Poeition Key, <ESC>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Keyword: SPARC User: CHARLIE 08/oe /e5Parcel File Maintenance eeeeeee€€€e€€€€€eeetseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee66e6eeit€eeeeeeee€eEeeee6eeeee€€€ee€s Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Address or Situe E u6e6a66a6a66e66e4eeeea666666e6666666 6ee6eaeeeeeeeeeeee665566a656e6e6e6aee6a5e66frE 2101-082-48-001 H 2101-082-48-OO2 'I 2101-082-48-003n 2101-082-48-004 11 2101-082-49-OOl E 2101-082-49-002 E 2101-082-49-003n 2101-082-49-004s 2101-082-49-00s E 2101-082-49-006 E 2101-082-49-007 HEAD MARTHA 325 MILL CREEK CR tl ET EI E lt FI EI n E E( tr BERKOWITZ HOV'IARD P & JUDITH 315 MILL CREEK CR LEWIS JEROME A & MARTHA DEL 305 MILI, CREEK CR RHINEHARDT MAURICE O - TRUS 303 MILL CREEK CR PRECOURT JAY A BASS RICHARD D CAULKINS ELEANOR N _ WTLLIAMS W GR.ANT SLAUGHTER LON & NANCY S FORBES WALTER & CAREN 328 MILL CREEK CR 312 MILL CREEK CR 304 MILL CREEK CR 302 MILL CREEK CR 392 MILL CREEK CR 382 MILI, CREEK CR REDD]NG STEPHEN J - REDDING 342 MILL CREEK CR aeeeeeee€eee€€eeeeeeee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6eeeeeeeeeeee6eeeeeeee€e€eeee* e€eeee€€E€€e€e6eeeeeeee6eeee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee66eeeeeeee€eeii€€€€€666etn Parcel: 2101-082-49-OO7 Uae:Owner: REDDING STEPHEN J - REDDI n Acrea: ltt' Situs: VAII, VILI-,AGE FIIING 1 LOT 10 BLK 1H Legal: . aeee€e€€€€€e€e6ee6eeeeeeeeeeee6e6eeeeeeeeeee€€tseee6eeeee6eeeeeeeee€€€€€eeeeeeee* Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <Fs>Parcel No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <F1>He1p, <F2>Poeition Key, <ESC>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Keyword: SPARC User: CHARLIE Parcel FiIe Maintenance 08/oe /es eeeee€eeeeee€€ee€e€e€e€ee6e6e66€e€eeeeeeee666e6ee6e€€€ee€e€eeeeeeeeeeee6eeeeee€€ E Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Address or Situs n 6e6ea6666666e66ea6666666666ee666666666ee666e6666e6666566666666aeeeeeeeaeee66666F E 2101-082-49-008E 2101-082-50-001 H 2101-082-50-002F 2101-082-50-003 E 2101-082-s0-004 H 2101-082-50-00s E 2101-082-50-006n 2101-082-50-007q 2101-082-51-001 E 2101-082-5L-002 E 2101-082-51-003 GUNNFRANCESE-TRUST CHESTER KAY H CLEMENT IDA LARKIN JOHNSON ELIZABETH ROSS HBA LAND COMPANY SMEAD HAROLD JOSEPH VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 LOT 1! 395 MILL CREEK CR 385 MILL CREEK CR 375 MILL CREEK CR 244 WALL ST 244 WALL ST NORTHV'TIND DEVELOPMENT L C 365 MILL CREEK CR HIGBIE HARI,EY G JR & LORRAI 353 MILL CREEK CR BASS LEE M 345 MILL CREEK CR OSBORNE BARBARA M I JENNING 335 MILL CREEK CR It Et n q' FI E tl EI EI EIDRESCHER JARED M & IRENE M 244 WALL ST a€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€€e€e€eeeeeeeeee6eeee66e6ee6€eiteit€€€eeeeee€6e6eeeeeeeeee€eer e€66eeeeeeeeeeeeee€e6e€ee€eee€eeeeeee6eee6e66eee€e€eee€€eeee€€ee6eeeeeeeeeets€e€€s Parcel: 2101-082-51-003 Use: E Situ6: ONE VAIL PLACE CONDOS OwneT: DRESCHER JARED M & IRENE Et AcreB: Fl E L,egal: n ae66e6eeeeeeiteeeee€€€e€€e€6€€€e€6e666e6itee6666ts666€€€66eteitit66€it6E6€e66ee6ee€€ts€T Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <F5>Parcel No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <Fl>HeIp, <F2>Position Key, <ESC>Exit o Uaer: CHARL IETOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100M Kelrword: SPARC Parcef General Infornation Maintenance o8/oe /e5 e€€E€eeEeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEe€ee€e€€€€ee€€eeeeeeee€€ee€e€eeeeeeeeee€ E General Parcel Data Maint - Action: Update Record lt 66666e666666666666ee6666666 6666666ee6e6466666666e666666666ea66666666666e6666666frE Parcel No: 2L0L-082-36-001 tl Schedule #: 009371 F( t( }I F{ n ll !I It FI E Street Addrees:x Situs Location:E lJegaL Deec:n Acres:tr X-COORD:E Y-COORD: Dir: VAII., VILLAGE City:s Status: A Active Retired(Y/tt1: llst: FII.,ING5LOTP2 Retired(Y/N1: USt: CHALET RDFIIING5LOTPlBLK3 .00 E Tax Rate Area: 103 H E ABBr Use Code: Assessed/Exempt' ll n Pub owned(Y/N): N n n Primary Owner: P-2 ASSOCIATION t COWPERTHWAITE Phone; F( n t'laiLing Addr: 303 EAST 17TH AVENUE SUITE 1 !r n DENVER CO it a Zip: 80203 n Et Contract Owner: Percent/Ownership: .00 n aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebeeeeeeeeeeee6e€eeeeiteeeeeeeeeeeee€€eeeee€eeeeeeeeef<F?>write Record, <F2>Allow Fractionsr <Esc>Cancel TOIIN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100M Kelnvord: SPARC User: CHARLIE Parcel General Information Maintenance 08/oe /e5 ee€iteei:eeiiee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6Eeeeee€€€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiieee€€€€€€eeeeee€ E General Parcel Data Maint - Action: Update Record F( o6e66656666eae666666A66666ee6eeeeaeeeee-66656666666666666666666e6666665666666e66ffE Parcel No: 2101-082-36-003 Schedule #: 007111 Itq Status: A Active!r Street Addrees: 434 Dir: E Situs LocatiON: VAII., VILLAGEtr Legal Deec: City: E Acrea: .00U X-COORD:q Y-COORD:E Tax Rate Area: 103Et AsBr Uee Code: Assessed/ExemPt:r Pub owned(Y/N): Nu Primary Owner: ALL SEASONS COND ASSOCIATIONu I.lailing Addr z 434 GORE CREEK DRE VAIL CO Phone: !t F( F( F( F( Ft F{ tl It It F( t( E( t{ tl n ZiPz 8L657 n E Contract Owner: Percent/ownership: .00 l{ a€€€€n6e6e66e66e€eeiieeii6eeeeBeeee6ee6€e66eeE666e6E€e€€€eeee€6€686666e6€6eeaEeeer<F7>write Record, <F2>Allow Fractions, <ESC>CanceI TOVIN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Kelnrvord: SPARC User: CHARLIE Parcel FiIe Maintenance 08/oe /e5 eeeee6eeeeeeeeeee€e€€€€€e€€eeeeee€eeeeeeit6eeeeeeeeee€eee€€ee6ee€e66eeeeeee€€€€€e E Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Address or Situs El 6666e6666e66i6666666665666666665666666666a66e6666666666e666566666eeee6e6.de66666fr H 2101-081-08-024u 2101-081-08-025 E 2101-081-08-026 ALLEN JAMES C & BARBARA A - 595 VAIL VA],LEY DR E FRISON BARBARA 595 VAIL VALLEY DR Fl MCDONALD RODERICK J III & S 595 VAIL VALLEY DR F( 600 VAIL VALLEY DR FI E 2101-081-08-027 ANpRTKoPOULOS A G & JOHN G 5gJ--ltAIr y_+!I,_Y DR F1 H Z1O1-O8L-09-002 sKI cLuB VAIL 600 VAILffi E 2101-081-09-004s 2101-081-10-001! 2101-081-10-002 E 2101-081-10-003E 2101-081-10-004 H 2101-081-10-00s E Parcel: 2101-081-10-005F Situs: PINOS DEL NORTE aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€€€eeeeeee6eeeeeeeeeeeee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€eee6eeeeeeee6eee€€T e6eeee6e6eeeeeeeee€e€ee€eee€eeeeeeeee666eee6ee6e€€e€e6e€€tseee€€€6ets66eeeeeee€€e€ VAIL CORPORATION THE PINOS DEL NORTE APARTAI'IENTO 600 VAIL VAI-,LEY DR E PINOS DEL NORTE APARTAMENTO 600 VAIL VALLEY DR E{ PINOS DEL NORTE APARTAMENTO 600 VAII-, VALLEY DR I{ PINOS DEL NORTE APARTAMENTO 600 VAII-, VAL,LEY DR r( PINOS DEL NORTE APARTAMENTO 5OO VAIL VALLEY DR H Use:OwneT: PINOS DEL NORTE APARTAI'TEN E. Acres: El E Legal: , El ae€eeEeeeiteeeeeeeeeee€€€ee€e€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEe6e6e€eee€€€ee€€it6eeee6eeeeeee€€€€c Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <FS>ParceI No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <F1>Help, <F2>Position Key, <Esc>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Keltword: SPARC User: CIIARLIE 08 /oe /esParcel File Maintenance eeEeee6eeeee€€€eeee€e€€66€eeeeeee€eeee66666eee666iteeiteeee66€t!€iia€6ee666e6eee€ee€ E Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Address or Situs F( u666d6eee666d666a6666666666e6666aee56e666aaea eeee66e66,66e666e666eaee6d66eae6666fr H 2101-082-58-001 E 2101-082-58-006 E 2101-082-s8-007 E 2101-082-58-008 E 2101-082-58-011s 2101-082-58-024 r{ 2101-082-58-025 E 2101-082-58-026rl 2101-082-58-027 E 2t_01-082-58-028 E 2101-082-58-029 H Parcel: 2101-082'58-029 Use:H Situ6: RAMS-HORN LODGE CONDOS A R H HOLDINGS PTY LIMITED 416 VAIL VALLEY DR I( MURATA KIYOSHI & CHRISTTE G 416 VAIL VALLEY DR TI KURTZ NORMAN D & HELEN M 416 VAIL VALLEY DR It KURTZ NORMAN D & HELEN M 416 VAII-, VALLEY DR tr POWELL JAI.{ES B - QUAL,IFIED 416 VAIL VALIJEY DR tr TYM INTERNATIONAL LTD 416 VAIL VALLEY DR II SINGLETREE PROPERTIES INC 416 VAIL VALLEY DR F( SINGLETREE PROPERTIES INC 416 VAIL VALLEY DR F( AHDERS WILLIAM R & PAULA 416 VAIL VALLEY DR E( MIRANDA JESUS A & CECILIA B 416 VAII, VALLEY DR F( JOHNSEN NIELS W & MILLICENT 416 VAIL VALLEY DR F( Owner: .fOHNSEN NIELS W & MILLICE }I Acres: E aeeeee€eeeeeeeetseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€eeeee+ e€€€eeee6tseee6eeiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEeeeeeeeee€e€eeeeeiieee66eeeeeeeeeee€eeeee€ee6e6c u Legal n ae€€6eee6e6666666eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6eee€e€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€eeee€6eee6eeeeef Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <Fs>Parcel No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <F1>Help, <F2>Position Key, <ESC>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Keyword: SPARC UBer: CHARLIE o8/oe /es Parcel FiIe Maintenance eeeeeeEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€eeeeeeeeeeeeeee6eeeeeare€eeiieeee€€€eeeeeeeeeeiteeeeeeeee€et F Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Address or Situs E( l1e6666e6ee66de54656666656e666666655e eaeee66eeee556566665666666666e6e6666666e566fr H 2101-082-58-011 H 2101-082-58-024 E 2101-082-58-025E 2101-082-58-026 H 2101-082-58-027u 2101-082-58-028 E 2101-082-58-029q 2101-082-58-030n 2101-082-58-031 r{ 2101-082-58-032q 2101-082-59-001 POWELL JAMES B - QUAI-,IFIED 416 VAII, VAI,I,EY DR II TYM INTERNATIONAL LTD 416 VAIL VALLEY DR EI SINGI,ETREE PROPERTIES INC 416 VAIL VAI,I,EY DR tr SINGLETREE PROPERTIES INC 416 VAIL VAI,LEY DR EI AHDERS WILLIAM R & PAULA 415 VAIL VAI.,LEY DR F( MIRANDA JESUS A & CECILIA B 416 VAIIJ VALLEY DR Fl JOHNSEN NIEI.,S VI & MILLICENT 416 VAII, VALLEY DR E LERNER MOSES 416 VAIL VALI.,,EY DR U POWELL JAMES B - QUALIFIED 416 VAIL VALLEY DR TI BAFFORD JOSEPH EDMONDS JACOBS WILLTAM T JR 416 VAIL VALLEY DR F( 123 WII,LOW PL aeeeee€e66eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee66e€ee6eeeee6eeeeee6eeeeeeeee6e€6ee6eee* eeeeee€eiiiieee6eeeeee6eeeeeeeeee666eeee€€€iteit€€e6eeeeeii6eee66ee6e6eee€€eEE€ee6ee€q Parcel z 2LA\-082-59-001E Situ6:0659 Use:Owner! JACOBS WIIJLIAI{ T JR F( Acres:u r,egaI : -aeeeeeeeEeeee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee66eeeee6eeeee€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€€e€ee€eeeeeEeeeeef Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Addrese <FS>ParceI No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <F1>He1p, <F2>Position Key, <ESC>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASS Parcel File Maintenance Kelnvord: SPARC Uaer: e€eeee€eeEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€€eeeeee€eee€ E Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Address or Situs E 66556e66e665ee66e6a66666666 eeeeeeeeee6666666e566666666 6ee6eeeee66666666666e66d6ft a CHARL MIRIPOL PATRICIA _ PFEFFER 434 GORE CREEK DR KAEMMER JOHN R & JULIA D 434 GORE CREEK DR BUSBY CASSANDR.,A E _ TRUSTEE 434 GORE CREEK DR DECOENE THOMAS J & ADELIA YI 434 GORE CREEK DR aeeeeeeeeee€€€€€e€€€e€eeeetsEeeeeeeeeee€6eee6e66eeeEeee6eets66€eeeit6eee€€€€€6e€tse* eeiteeeeee€€€€eei:€€eitEeeeeee€eeee€€eiiee€e€eeeee6eeeeeeeeee6iteeee6iteeeee€€€€€eeee€ E Legal : ,._ -. -. F( aee€€ee€e€EeeEEeeeeeeeeee66Eeeee6eeeeee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€€€eee6eee* Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <Fs>Parcel No <F6>Location <F?>Schedule # <F1>HeIp, <F2>Poeition Key, <ESC>Exit t Rl00 IE 08/oe /e5 !r 2101-082-37-OOLE 2101-08 2-37-OO; E 2101-082-37-003E 2101-082-37-OO4n 2101-082-37-005 E 2101-082-37-006 't 2101-082-37-007 E 21.01-082-37-008rl 2101-082-37-OO9 E 2101-082-37-0LOn 2101-082-37-OLl s Parcel: 2101-082-37-011E Situ8s ALL SEASONS CONDOS EAMOOS&CO ITATIILTON MARY ANN S PFEFFER THEODORE J & HAMIIJTON MARY ANN S GARCIA LESLIE C SCHNEGELBERGER DAVID J MALO JOHN F & KATHLEEN _ Use: 434 GORE CREEK DR 434 GORE CR3EK DR THEODO 434 GORE CREEK DR 434 GORE CREEK DR 434 GORE CREEK DR 434 GORE CREEK DR 434 GORE CREEK DR OwneT: DECOENE THOMAS J & ADEI,IA E Acres: F( F( F( t( FI FI EI EI tr t( FI F( TOVIN OF VAIL Id: ASSR1OO Kelruord: SPARC Uaer: o CHARL 08/oe /e5Parcel File Maintenance eeeeeee666€666€6e€Ee€Ee66E6e6e66E€e€6666eeee66666e66e66666666eeee6eeee€ii€eeeEee€ E Parcel No (Seq) Ovmer Name Street Addrees or Situs F( 666e66666666e66eee eeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeee6sea66 e6eeeee6e6eeeeaae6ea66666ae6665666frq 2101-082-37-012! 2101-082-37-013n 2101-082-37-OI4E 2101-082-37-OL5!r 2101-082-37-OL6 E 2101-082-37-0I7 H 2101-082-37-018 E 2toL-082-37-019 E 2101-082-37-020 H 2toL-082-37-O2]- E 2101-082-37-022 UIYMAN TIMOTHY E _434 GORE CREEK DR Ft F( Ft Ft }I n It t{ q tl It WYMAN FREDERICK II - TRUSTE 434 GORE CREEK DR STAUTNER ERNIE & JILL 434 GORE CREEK DR STAUTNER ERNIE & JILL 434 GORE CREEK DR SHANNON ELIZABETH A 434 GORE CREEK DR SCHULMAN STUART M & SARAH V 434 GORE CREEK DR PETTEE INDUSTRIES INC 434 GORE CREEK DR STAUTNER ERNIE 434 GORE CREEK DR JIJMP ALICE K & MARJORIE B 434 GORE CREEK DR EDWARDS BYRON T & FRANCOISE 434 GORE CREEK DR BREY HENRY L & VIRGINIA G 434 GORE CREEK DR aeeeeeeeeee€e€e€eeeeiieeeee6€6e€€eeeeee6eee6eeeeeeeeeeeee€eeeeeee€€eeeeeeeeeeeeeY eeeEeeeeeeeeee€€e€€6e€€€eeee6€6€eeee€eeeee66eeeEe€tseeeee666tse6€€ts666e66646eeee€S IE E Parcel: 2101-082-37-022E Situs: ALL SEASONS CONDOS Use: BOEKEL ROBERT G BOEKEL R G OwneT: BREY HENRY L & VIRGINIA G }I Acrea: Et 434 GORE CREEK DR 434 GORE CREEK DR Owner: GREENLEE IJORANCE IJ & BARB rr Acre6: F( n Legal: . rr aeeeeSeeeee€eee€€€eetseeeetsE66eee€eee€e6eeeeeee6eeeeeeeee€iteeee6eeeeeeeeee€€e€€6* Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <FS>ParceI No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule * <F1>Help, <F2>Position Key, <ESC>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Keyword: SPARC User: CHARLIE 08/oe /esParcel File Maintenance e€€€€e66B6eE6e6666eE66eeeee6€66686666€6668€€e6Ee€eeeeeeeeeeeei!€€€€itE€ee€eeee6ee€ E Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street, AddreEE or Situs E 05666666566666666a666666666e66ed6666 eeeeeeeee6555666e66666666656666656e656e6665fr E 2101-082-37-023 H 2101-082-37-024 E 2101-082-37-025E 2101-082-37-026 E 2101-082-37-027 E 2101-082-37-028 E 2101-082-37-029E 2101-082-37-O30 E 2101-082-37-031 E 2101-082-37-032 E 2l_01-082-37-033 AMSEIJIJKE&CO 434 GORE CREEK DR l( F( It t{ EI EI Et EI Et Et tl ALLEN CYRUS G JR & CYRUS G 434 GORE CREEK ALLEN CYRUS G JR & LUCILE L 434 GORE CREEK ALL SEASONS COND ASSOCIATIO 434 GORE CREEK ALL SEASONS COND ASSOCIATIO 434 GORE CREEK KUBBY DAN * ESTATE OF DAN K 434 GORE CREEK DR GARTNER SUZANNE E 434 GORE CREEK DR ROBTNSON LUCILLE BURNSIDE _ 434 GORE CREEK DR DR DR DR DR GREENLEE LORANCE L & BARBAR 434 GORE CREEK DR aeeeee€eee€€eeeee€eetseeeeeee6ee€eee€€eee€eeeeeee€eeeee6e66Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€6€ee* eeeeee€eiie€e666iiiiit€€eeeeeeeeeeee€€e€6eee€eeeeee6eeEee666ee€tseEe€ee6eeeit666ei!6Ee€ E ParceL: 2101-082-37-033H SiIus: ALL SEASONS CONDOS Use: u Legal ' Ir aeee€e€ee€eeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee66eeeeeeeeeeeeee€eiteee+ Seguence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <Fs>Parcel No <F6>tocation <F7>Schedule # <F1>Help, <F2>Position Key, <ESC>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Keyword: SPARC User:08 /oe /e5 Parcel FiLe Maintenance eee€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€eeeee€eeeit€€€€e€tse€eeeeeeeeeee€n Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Addreee or Situs Ft fi6e6e6666666d664aeee6666666 e6,6,eeaeeee6ee6eeeeeee6eeee5eeeee5eee5666666666aee666fr o CHARL GREENI.,,EE LORANCE L & BARBAR 434 GORE CREEK DR 434 GORE CREEK DR 434 GORE CREEK DR ALL SEASONS COND ASSOCIATIO 434 GORE CREEK DR KENDRICK JOSEPH T 434 GORE CREEK DR POLLARD IVILLIAM A & JEANNE'I 434 GORE CREEK DR B & B INVESTMENTS 434 GORE CREEK DR HANSEN JULIAN R & BARBARA P 434 GORE CREEK DR II JOHNSON KATHRYN MOLZAHN 385 E GORE CREEK DR F( MADDEN KATHI.,EEN A - 385 E GORE CREEK DR E( GOLDEN DAVID S 385 E GORE CREEK DR II aeEtseeeeeeeeeeeeee€€€€€€€e€eeeeeeeeeeeee6eeeeee€€eeeeEee€ee€eeeeeEeeeeeeeeeeeee* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€€ii€ee€€e€eeee66666iteeeeeeeeeee€e€e€€ite€e€€e6eeeee6eeeeee€e€ Owner: GOLDEN DAVID S Acreg: E Legal : .-,- --.- }I ae€eeee66eee6eeeeeeee€€€€eeeeeeee6e666666666€eeee€€e€€€eee€€€ee6iieit6ee66ee€€€ee* Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <Fs>Parcel No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <F1>HeLp, <F2>Poeition Key, <ESC>Exit IE E 2101-082-37-033 H 2LOt-082-37-034 E 2101-082-37-035 H 2101-082-37-036 E 2101-082-37-037 H 2101-082-37-038tr 2101-082-37-039n 2101-082-37-040c 2LO\-082-38-001 E 2101-082-38-002 H 2101-082-38-003 PERROTT SHIRLEY SM]TH - STAUTNER ERNIE Et E tl It It It It s Parcelz 2L0L-082-38-003 Use:E Situs: VILLA VALHALLA CONDOS FI tl TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Kelrurord: 0ASSRM 08/oe /e5Parcel FiIe Maintenance e6E66eeee66ee6666ee€€e€e6Eeee66€e6eeeeeeeee666e6e666666e€€e666€6e66eeee6eeE6€€efs Parcel No (Seq) Olrner Name Street Addrees or Situe Fl 6666666565e6a666a6555656665 eeeea66eeeeaeeeeeeeee6.eeee6e6ee6,eeeeeeeee6e66e666665fr o User: GAR SWENHOLT VICTOR A & MARTHA 4].3 GORE CREEK DR ROBERTSON NEDENIA H I MEYER 413 GORE CREEK DR HIMSI, DIJNSTAN C & SHARON J 413 GORE CREEK DR BALKIN GILBERT & JEANNE E 413 GORE CREEK DR aeeeeeeeeee€eeeeeeee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef eeeeeeee€€e€€e€ee€ee€ee6eeeeeeee€€€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeE6ee€66eeeeeeeeee€ee€€€€ee€ n Legar : _... -. n aeeeeee€€€€eeeeee€eeeeeeeeetsE6Eeeeeeeee€eeeeeeeeeee66eeeeeeee66eeeeeeeeee€e€eee* Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Addreee <FS>ParceI No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <Fl>HeIp, <F2>Position Key, <ESC>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Kelmord: 0ASSRM User: GARY Parcel FiIe Maintenance o8/oe /es eeeee€€eee€ee€ee6€tseee6e6ee6ee66eee€e6€6ee€€€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€€e€€6e6€ee6e€ E Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Address or Situs n 6e6666666 6.e6eeeeeeeeee666e6 eaeeeeee665e666e665666aeaeae66eeee66 66,eeee6,6,e66ee5eefr E 2101-082-32-024 E 2101-082-33-001n 2101-082-33-002 H 2101-082-33-003 E 2101-082-33-004 H 2101-082-33-00s E 2101-082-33-006 H 2101-082-33-007 H 2101-082-33-008 E 2101-082-33-OO9 H 2101-082-33-010 H Parcel: 2101-082-33-010!{ SituB: VAIL TRATLS CHALET n 2101-082-33-011n 2101-082-33-OL2 H 2101-082-33-013 H 2101-082-33-Ol4s 2101-082-33-01s H 2101-082-33-016 !1 2101-082-33-OL7 H 2101-082-33-018E 2101-082-33-019 H 2101-082-34-001 H 2101-082 -'34-002 VAIL CORPORATION THE ZI!,'MERMAN J D SIMMONS MARK TODD & GRAMM WALTER PATRICK RIJMBOUGH STANI.,EY M JR FEY BARBARA J BISKIS M INDREIKA Use: GRAMM WALTER PATRICK BALKIN GILBERT & JEANNE E MAZER LOIS KOSLOFF ALAN W & JUDY R MOYB CO THOMPSON .'ACK E BOHR RICHARD MPL TRUST REG KARN VIVIAN A OLIVER ROBERT LEON ROOSEVELT MARJORIE S BAILEY DORIS A LYGMAR INVESTMENTS INC POBA 413 GORE CREEK DR 413 GORE CREEK DR 413 GORE CREEK DR SARAH L 413 GORE CREEK DR 413 GORE CREEK DR tr El FI EI It t{ tr tr E( Et tr 413 GORE CREEK DR 413 GORE CREEK DR 413 GORE CREEK DR Owner: BALKIN GILBERT & JEANNE E n Acrea: F( 413 GORE CREEK DR 413 GORE CREEK DR 413 GORE CREEK DR 4].3 GORE CREEK DR }T II l{ !t u }T rt }I Ft It It 413 GORE CREEK DR 413 GORE CREEK DR 413 GORE CREEK DR 413 GORE CREEK DR 433 GORE CREEK DR 433 GORE CREEK DR 433 GORE CREEK DR 433 GORE CREEK DR aeeee6eeeee6eeee€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6€eee6eeee€€ee6e€€ee€e€e€€€6e666eeeee€* eeee€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€€E€€€eeeeeee6eeeeeeeee66ee€ee6e€eeeeE€e€€€€€eeeeeeeeeee€sF Parcel z 2LOL-082-34-0O?E Situs: VAIL TRAILS EAST Use:Owner: OLIVER ROBERT LEON I( Acres: n Legal : -- -- n aeeeeiteeeeeeeeeeeeeee€eeeeeeeeeee€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6eee€€€eeeeeee€eeeeeeeeeeee* Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <Fs>Parcel No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <F1>Help, <F2>Poeition Key, <ESC>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Kelnvord: 0ASSRM User: GARY Parcel FiIe Maintenance 08/oe /es e666e66eeeeee€€86666666it666666ee€e66666e666e6e66e6eee666666666666eeee66ee€Eeee6€ H Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Address or Situe F( 6666d66dde6e66666666e666e66e6666666666666666e ea6,eee6,6e66666ee6e6e6eee6e6666eeeefr E 2101-082-34-003 E 2101-082-34-004 F( E( aeee€eee€€6eets6e6666e66eeeeeeee666ee€ii6eeee€€€eeeeeeee6eeeeeeeeee€€€€€e66eeeeee+ eeeeeee€€€ee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee66eeeeeeeee€€€eee€€eeeeeeeeeeeeeee€e€eeeeeeeeeeeee€ !r 2101-082-34-OO5rl 2101-082-34-006q 2101-082-34-007 H 2101-082-34-008 E 2101-082-34-009 E 2101-082-34-010 E 2101-082-34-017 E 2101-082-34-Ot2 r{ 2101-082-34-013 E Parcel2 2L0L-082-34-013tT Situs: VAIt TRAILS EAST n 2101-082-34-014 E 2101-082-34-015 H 2101-082-34-0).6 'I 2101-082-34-017n 2101-082-34-018n 2101-082-34-019 H 2101-082-34-020 11 2101-082-34-027 H 2101-082-34-022E 2101-082-34-023E 2101-082-34-024 E Parcel: 2101-082-34-024u Situs: VAIL TRAILS EAST VANDERMOLEN ROBIN A - TRUST 433 GORE CREEK DR WHITEFORD G MITCHELL - 433 GORE CREEK DR FRAY NORMA ISABEL _ TRUSTEE 433 GORE CREEK DR otr* R.BERT LE.N TRANSVALHOLDINGSSAI BULKLEY PETER R MOBILE HOME LIVING INC VTE ENTERPRISES EBER ELIZABETH A KREIG LOUIS T JR FOWLERJRJRAPMD DTGGS MARSHALL R JR & RINEHART RICHARD D FOSTER RICHARD W & PARKS M B 43!T GORE CREEK DR CRO 433 GORE CREEK DR 433 GORE CREEK DR 433 GORE CREEK DR 433 GORE CREEK DR 433 GORE CREEK DR 433 GORE CREEK DR & N N 433 GORE CREEK DR ANNE 433 GORE CREEK DR 433 GORE CREEK DR BETTY LO 433 GORE CREEK DR 433 GORE CREEK DR EI EI E( tr tr F( E( t( E tr ET }I F( E( F( F E Ft Ft E Use: E Legal Et ae€€tse6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee666e6eeeeeeee66eeeeEe66eee6Eee€€€ee€ee€eee6eeeeeee€€€Y Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Addrese <Fs>Parcel No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <F1>He1p, <F2>Position Key, <ESC>Exit OwneT: EBER ELIZABETH A Acrea: BURGERMEISTER NANCY & MICHA 433 GORE CREEK DR tI F( TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR1OO Parcel File Maintenance Keyhrord: eASSRM User: GARY eeeeeeeiteeeee€eeeeeit6ii66eeee6eeeii€eeeeee66eeee6eiteeeeeee€Ee6eee6eiteeeeiteee€ee€6€ F( Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Address or Situs Et 6eee66e6e566ee6da66ea66eeae66666e6666ee566eee ailaeeeel.eeaeaeeeea eee66,eeee66666e6fr 08 /oe /e5 a€€€e6ee66eee66eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6e6ee6ee€EEe€€ee€eee€eeeeeeeeee6eeee6e€e6ee6eee* eee€€6ee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6e6eeee€€€e€eeeeeeeeeee€eeee€ee6eeeeeeee€ SIMONTON WILLIAM K & MARGUE 433 GORE CREEK DR REPETTI GEORGE M & ANN D 433 GORE CREEK DR FINN UTE AMILIE SOFOCLES L4 433 GORE CREEK DR PARKS M B 433 GORE CREEK DR Owner3 PARKS M B AcreE: Use: E Legal : ..... -- E aeeeeee6eeeeee€€€€€€€eeeee€€6€€€eeee6eeeeee6666E€ts€6e€ee€eeee€e€€tstseeeee€€ee€€€Y Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Addrese <Fs>Parcel No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <F1>Help, <F2>Position Key, <ESC>Exit It EI 666ee6666666 E 2101-082-3 101-082-3 101-082- 101-082- 01-0 82 01-082 TOI{N OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Kelnivord: SPARC UBer:08/oe /e5Parcel FiIe Maintenance eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€€€eeee€ Fl Parcel No (Seq)Owner Name Street Address or Situs F( eeee6eeeeeeeefi e6e666a66666666eafr &N N^ 433 o CHARLI 33 33 33 ae ege€€6€€6ee eee€eeee€ee6€6e6eeeeeee* eee6e6Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€eeeeeeeeeeeeee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeee€e€e€e€€eeeee6eeeee€ OwneT: ALBRECHT FAMILY PARTNERSH IT Acres: E n Legal ' rl a666eiieeeee66e666Eii€6eii€€€€€€E€€eeeee666ee6ee6e6€€Eeeee6eeeee6€€6ee6eeeeeeeee€€Y Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Addrees <Fs>Parcel No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <Fl>HeIp, <F2>PoEition Key, <ESC>Exit 4 4 4 34 34 18 19 20 2t 22 F( It l( F( t( F( t{ F( F( F' E( 016 017 6666e6 R GGS TER D & CREEK CREEK CREEK H E E l( EI It FI BETTY DR DR DR DR DR RE RE 2[ 2tr 2I 2T 1-0 8 483 4 L4 43 33 -34 tr E Parcel: 2101-082-34-025H Situg: VAIL TRAILS EAST DR U6e: FINN UTE AI,I JRA HALL R ICIIARD 2101-082-34-025 IP 433 GORE THAIN JOHN A &,€A8MEN M TOWN OF VAIT, Id: ASSR1OO Kelruord: SPARC User:IE o8/0e /esParcel File Maintenance e€€eee€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee66e66eeee6e€ee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeee€€€eee€eeeeeeeeee€ E Parcel No (Seq) O$mer Name Street Address or Situs E 666ee66ee6e66e66ee666eee66ae6666A66ee6e65e666ee66e666e5e66e6666666e666666666666fr o CHARL FRISON BARBARA W 595 VAIL VALLEY DR I{ DAVID FAMILY PARTNERSHIP TH 595 VAIL VALLEY DR N RIDDER DANIEL H & FR,ANI C 595 VAII, VALI-,EY DR II HAECHLER MAX & ELIZABETH M 595 VAIL VALLEY DR I( TUCKER DOROTHY J TRUSTEE 595 VAII-, VALI,EY DR FI HAECHLER MAX & ELIZABETH 595 VAIL VALLEY DR EI 595 VAIL VALLEY DR I{ 595 VAIL VAI-,LEY DR E 595 VAIL VALLEY DR E 595 VAIL VALLEY DR EI 595 VAIL VALLEY DR FI a6eeeeeee€eeeeeee€e666ee66ee666eeee€€eeeeeeeeee666eeeeeeeee€€eeeeeeeeeeee€eeeeeT eeeEeeeeeeeeeeeee€€eeeee€eeeeee€eee€e6€eeeeeeeeeee66€eeeee€€eetseeeeeeeeeee€ts€€e€ Use: F( I.n.tEEElieeeeeeeeeetseeeeeeeeeeeeeee€eeeeeeeee.eeee.ee666e€6.eeeeeeeeeeeeeee€Eee* Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <F5>Parcel No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <F1>Help, <F2>Position Key, <ESC>Exit TowN oF VAIL Id: AssR100 Keyword: SPARC User: CHARLIE Parcel File Maintenance 08/oe /e5 e€€€eeeeee€e66eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€€6€€eee€eeeeit€€eee€eeeee€ee6eeee€€s H Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Address or Situs !t 665666e66e66666e6666666666e eee6eeeee66666ea66666e66666e66666e6666666666666d6666N E 2101-081-02-001 H 2101-08I-O2-OO2 H 2101-081-02-003E 2101-081-02-004 E 2101-081-02-005 H 2101-081-02-006 E 2101-08L-02-007 H 2101-081-02-008 E 2101-081-02-009 H 2101-081-02-010 E 2101-081-02-011 q Parcel: 2101-081-02-011tr Situ6 i MANOR VAII-, E 2101-08L-02-OL2 H 2101-081-02-013 E 2101-081-02-0L4E 2101-081-02-0ls E 2101-081-02-016 E 2101-081-02-OL7 H 2101-081-02-018 E 2101-081-02-019rl 2101-08L-02-020 H 2101-081-02-021 H 2101-08L-02-022 E Parcel: 2101-081-02-022E Situs: I.[,ANOR VAIL BURGHARDT KURT & ALISON G WERNER I.,,AVERNE B ROSENBERG JACLYN B KHADEMI MONA NEWMAN MARY JO aeeeeee€eeeeii6e6ee6eee66666tseee6ee€ee6eeeeeee66eeee666e6666e666eeea!6e6eii€tse€6ee* eeeeeeeeeee€Eeeeeeeeeeee6e66eeeeeeeee6€€€eeeeeeeeee6eeeee6eeeeeeeeeee€€€€e€e6ite€ Owner: NEWI.4AN MARY JO Acre6: E F( CLUFF EDWARD F 595 VAII-,, VALI,EY DR It BUSH WAITER L .TR & MARY R - 595 VAIL VALLEY DR II WELLS DAI{ON JR 595 VAIIJ VALI-,EY DR FI JACOBS H A & M R - TRUSTEES 595 VAIL VALLEY DR EI BAUER GAYLE 595 VAIL VALLEY DR E( KIDCO 595 VAIL VAI-,LEY DR II RODGERS ROBERT J - TRUSTEE 595 VAIL VALLEY DR F( SANDISFIELD INVESTMENTS LlM 595 VAIL VALLEY DR EI SIMONSON E A _ SHAW EARL L 595 VAIL VAI,LEY DR F( 900482 ONTARIO LTD 192 BRID 595 VAIL VALLEY DR F( THE MATTHEW J ALLEN TRUST 595 VAIL VALLEY DR F( OwneT: THE MATTHEW J ALLEN TRUST II Acre6: F( U6e: u Legal u a€€6e5€E66eee66eeeE6e6aieeeeeeeeee666eeeeee€€eeeeeeeeeeee66eeeeeeeeeee€€€iteeeeeeT Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <FS>ParceI No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <Fl>Help, <F2>Position Key, <ESC>Exit Kelrword: SPARC User;08 /oe /es e€e6eeeeeeeee666e6eeee6eeeeeeeeeeeE66666ee6e66€e€eee€e€eeeee€€eE6eE6e6ee66eeeeet Et Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Address or SituE q t656666666664666-4666666666666666aee6e66e666666666e6656666666656666666e666d6eee6fr o CHARL HANKTNS GLENN A & PATRICIA 595 VAIL VALLEY DR it FAY WILLIAM M & JEAN B T UN 595 VAIL VALLEY DR TI J & R PARTNERSHIP 595 VAIL VAI,LEY DR It CHEEK EARL J & TIMOTHY N _ 595 VAIL VALLEY DR I{ A R D COMPANY 8 DION ARTHUR 595 VAIL VALLEY DR H CHEEKJOHND&NANCYG-595 VAIL VALLEY DR Tt AUTREY-CROCKER CORPORATION 595 VAIL VALLEY DR I( SECURITY TITLE GUARANTY CO 595 VAIL VALLEY DR II aeeeeeeeeeee€eeeeeee€eeeeeeeee€€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€iteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* e6ee6tseeeee€€€eeeeeeeeetsee€eeeeeeee66eeee6eeeetstseee66eee€€ts66e€€6eetse6ee6e€6e€E€ Use: E Legal ' rr aeeiteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€€€€ee€iteeeeee6€eeeeee66eee6eeeeee6eee66eeeeeeeee€€€€ee+ Sequence By!<F3>Owner <F4>Address <Fs>Parcel" No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <F1>HeIp, <F2>PoEition Key, <ESC>Exit o Rl00 IETOWN OF VAIL Id: ASS Parcel File Maintenance E 2101-081-02-023E 2101-08L-02-024n 2101-08L-02-025tr 2101-081-02-026E 2101-081-02-027 H 2101-08L-02-028 E 2101-081-03-001E 2101-081-03-002 E 2101-081-03-003 E 2101-081-03-004 E 2101-081-03-005 JEMEZ VIEW COMPANY EDWARDS LEE M JEMEZ VIEII COMPANY 595 VAIL VALLEY DR II 595 VAIL VALLEY DR IT 595 VAIL VALLEY DR E OwneT: SECURITY TITLE GUARANTY C IT Acres: ltFt Parcel: 2101-081-03-005E Situ6: MANOR VAIL TOWN OF VAIL, Id: ASSRL0O Kelneord: SPARC User: CHARLIE o8/oe /e5 Parce1 FiLe Maintenance eeeii€€ee6eeiteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6eeeeeeeEeeeeeeeeiteeeeeeeeeee€€ee€€€ee€6e6eeeeeee€ H Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Address or Situe H 6666666e66e6d66666 e6e66eeee66eeeeeeee6eee656666e66e666 eeeeeeeee66666e66666d66aefr H 2101-081-03-006 H 2101-081-03-007 E 2101-081-03-008 H 2101-081-03-009 H 2101-081-03-010 H 2101-081-03-011 H 2101-081-03-012 H 2101-081-03-013 H 2101-081-03-014E 2101-081-03-015E 2101-081-03-016 E( Parcel: 2101-081-03-016H Situs: MANOR VAII., DAMIANI LEYDA WD 41 CAMELIA 595 VAIL VALLEY DR Tt MAISH JAMES A & ROBERTA B 595 VAIL VALLEY DR H RICHHOWARDH-TRUSTEE 595 VAIL VALLEY DR F( WILLIAMS IIAZEL P - TRUST 595 VAIL VALLEY DR N REINKE GEORGE B 595 VAIL VALLEY DR E 837130 ONTARIO LTD 746 WATE 595 VAIL VALLEY DR H WRIGHT SARAH E 595 VAIL VALLEY DR I{ FUHRMANN DAVID T & MARILYN 595 VAIL VALLEY DR RICHARD A ENBERG LIVING TRU 595 VAIL VALLEY DR ROSENBERG SYDNEY J 595 VAIL VALLEY DR ENBERG RICHARD A - LIVING T 595 VAIL VALLEY DR Orwner: ENBERG RICIIARD A - LMNG E Acres: lt H n lt. EI a€€eeeiie€eeeeeeeeeee€eeeeeeee€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€e6eee€e€€€€eee€eeeee666eeeee€Es eeee€eeeeeEeeeeeeee€€eeeee€6e6eeeeeeeeeeeeeee6eee66eeee6€€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€€ee U6e ! n L,egal: n ae€e66ee6e6eeee€€€€€86€eeeeee€ee€eeeeee66666e6eee6eeeetseE6eEetse66ee6eeeeeee€eees Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <Fs>Parcel No <F6>L,ocation <F7>Schedule # <Fl>HeIp, <F2>Posi.tion Key, <ESC>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Keyword: SPARC UEer: CHARLIE 08 /oe /e5Parcel FiIe Maintenance eeeeeeeeeee€€ee€€€€€Etstseee6€ee€ts€€eeeeeee666eeeeeeeeeeee€Eee€eetseeeeeeeeee€e€€e€ E Parcel No (Seq) owner Name street Address or situs El u6eeee666666d66de656666655566656556666ee66ae6666666e666e55666e6 eaeeeeeee66e6e66fr E 2101-081-03-017! 2101-081-03-018 E 2101-081-03-019 E 2101-081-03-020 E 2101-081-03-021 E 2101-08I-03-022 E 2101-081-03-023E 2101-081-03-024tr 2101-081-04-001tr 2101-081-04-002 H 2101-081-04-003 E Parcel: 2101-081-04-003E Situs: MANOR VAIL CINADER ARTHUR & THOMAS EDWARD F & CINADER ARTHUR RUBIN PHILIP M RICHARDS DONALD GEORGE NEFF ROBERT S SANDS FOODS PTY LTD Use: JOHANNA C 595 VAIL VALLEY DR H DORIS W T 595 VAII-, VALLEY DR II JOHANNA C 595 VAIL VALLEY DR FI 595 VAIL VAI-,I-,EY DR E 595 VAIL VALLEY DR E 595 VAIL VALLEY DR E( 595 VAIL VALLEY DR EI REICHERT CHARLES A & KERLA 595 VAIL VALI-,EY DR Fl WEINSCHEL SHIRLEY K 595 VAIL VALLEY DR E{ HAGAN DONNA LOUISE _ EBERLE 595 VAIL VALLEY DR It CINADER ARTHUR 595 VAII., VALI,EY DR II & D aeiieeeeee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6eeeeeeeeee66eeeeeeeiteeeeeeeeeeee€eee€€eeeeeeiteeeeeeeT ets6iie66ts66eeeeeeeeeee€eeeeeeeeeeee66e6e6e6eeie6eeeiieeeee6e6eee€66Ee6eeeeee€ee€ee€ OwneT: SANDS FOODS PTY LTD E Acres: E Legal: - lt a€e6e6e666ee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6eeeeeeee6eetseeeE€€eeeeee6ee€€€eee66tseeeeeee€ts€T Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <F5>ParceL No <F6>L,ocation <F7>Schedule # <F1>Help, <F2>Position Key, <ESC>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR1OO Kelnrrord: SPARC User: CHARLIE 08/oe /e5Parcel File Maintenance eeeee€eee€€itEe€€e€€6Eeeee6666eee€e6€ite€eeeeeeeeeeeeeetsee6Etseeeeeeeeeeeee€eEit€€€€ E( Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Address or Situe El 666666666566i666a6 66eeeeeee6e666e656 e66eeee6,66.6.eee6.6.6.ae66eeee66,5e66666666665665fr rr 2101-081-04-004E 2101-081-04-005 E 2101-081-04-006E 2101-081-04-007 'I 2101-081-04-008E 2101-081-04-009n 2101-081-04-010 E 2101-081-04-011n 2101-081-04-012 E 2101-081-04-013 E 2101-081-04-014 E Parcel: 21.01-081-04-014n Situe: MANOR VAIL E 2101-081-04-015n 2101-081-04-016 E 2101-081-04-017 H 2101-081-04-018 H 2101-081-04-019tr 2101-081-04-020 r{ 2101-081-04-021 E 2101-08L-04-022 E 2101-081-04-023r 2101-081-04-024 E 2101-081-05-000 E 2101-081-0s-001 E 2101-081-05-002 IJNLAND JAMES M & JUDITH J - 595 VAII-, VALI-|EY STEEL S DAVID & CATHI.EEN C 595 VAIL VALLEY 595 VAIL VALLEY DR DR DR E( EI ltIJNLAND JOHN L KING WILLIAM E VOSS .]AI.4ES BONNIE & VAULMAN ROBERT M 595 VAIL VALLEY DR El JOANN 595 VAIL VAI,I,EY DR FI 595 VAIL VAI-,IEY DR rr a6eeeeeii€e€€ee€eeeee6€€6ee6e6e6e6€eeeee€eeeeeee6ee6eeeeeitEeeeeeee6eeeeeeiteite€ite+ eeeeeee€€e€€€€€ee€eeeeeeeeeeeeee6€6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€eeee€eeee€ KEARNS DESMOND P & BESSIE J 595 VAIL VALLEY DR E( RICHHOWARDH_TRUSTEE 595 VAIL VALLEY DR I1 HICKS HARRY C & MARY ANN 595 VAII-, VALLEY DR II EDRICH JOCHEN & EVA 595 VAIL VALLEY DR F( HICKS HARRY C & MARY ANN 595 VAIL VALLEY DR II OWNCr: TIICKS HARRY C & MARY A}TN F( Acrea: F( BOURS WILLIAM A III & ELIZA 595 VAIL VALLEY DR II HARRIS WILLIAM R 595 VAIIJ VALLEY DR II Use: u Legal: .,. -. -- l( aeeeeee€€eeee€eeeee€eeeeeeeeee€eeeee€€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€e€e€eeeee* Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <F5>Parcel No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule #<Fl>Help, <F2>PoBition Key, <ESC>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR1OO Kelnrord: SPARC User: CITARLIE 08/oe /e5Parcel File Maintenance eeeeee€e€€ee€€€€€e€€€€€€eeeeeeeee€e€e6€eeeee6666e666e6Ee€€€€tseeeee6eeee€€€e€€e€€ E Parcel No (Seq) Onner Name Street Address or Situs Fl 6d6d66666666666666666e6666666566e6666666e6666e66ad6666e66666eee66eee6666666e666fr DUFFIELDMARTYNE&SUE 595 VAIL, VALI-,EY DR Fl OBINGER THOMAS R & JANIS E 595 VAIL VALLEY DR II BLATTNER JOSEPH L JR & GERA 595 VAIL VAI.,LEY DR FI SIMON JEAN P 595 VAIL VALLEY DR II COHEN HERBERT A & ELTEN E 595 VAIL VALLEY DR I( SMITH CHESTER C AND MARJORI 595 VAIL VALLEY DR EI BECK WILLIAM L & COLEEN F - 595 VAII-, VALI.,EY DR EI KEARNS DESMOND P & BESSIE J 595 VAIL VALLEY DR II JOHN H JOSHUA REVOCABLE LIV 595 VAIL VALLEY DR FI KEARNS DESMOND P & BESSIE J 595 VAIL VALLEY DR E( MANON VAIL 595 VAIL VAI-,LEY DR lt aeeeeee6e6€€€€€e€€€e6ee€ee6eee€€€e€€eeeeeee666eeee6€aeeeeee€EeeeEeeeeeee€€€€eit€* aeeeeeeeeee€€€tr€€€€€€e6666e66€€iteeit€6e6eee6666ee6E66€e6eeeeitEe6e66eeeeee€€€€Eee€s Parcel: 2101-081-05-000 Use !Owner: I,LANON VAIL Acrea:E SJ.tu8: MANOR VAIL BLDG. A COMMON E Legali E aEEeeeeeeee€€€686E6€€€eEe€€€€€€eeee€6€eeee6e66e6e6E66eee6Ei!€Ee6eeEeeeeeee€eitEiiiiY Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Addreee <F5>Parcel No <F6>Location <F?>Schedule # <Fl>HeIp, <F2>Poeition Key, <ESC>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Keplrord: SPARC User: CHARLIE 08/0e /esParcel File Maintenance eeeeeeeeeeeee€ee€€e€€€eeeeeeeee€e€€€eeeeeeeeeeeeeee6eee€eee€€ee66eeeeeee€€e€€ee€s Parcel No (seq) Owner Name Street Address or Situe El 666666666656656c56666666ee6e66666666,6666666e6 6.6ee6e6ae66666e6666666666666656666fr E Ft H 2101-081-05-003 E 2101-081-05-004 H 2101-081-0s-00s E 2101-081-05-006 E 2101.-081-05-007 E 2101-081-05-008 H 2101-081-05-009 H 2101-081-05-010 E 2101-081-0s-011 E Parcel: 2101-081-05-011tI SitUB: MANOR VAIL WILLIAMS DONALD H _ TRUSTEE ROSENBERG SYDNEY J & JACLYN LOREE L F III-DAVIS NORWOOD INVESTORS PILON C A t BEKHO BISZANTZ FRANCES RICHHOWARDH&BARBARA REED V'ILLIAM A & MARY J LAUTENBERG FR,ANK R .-, -595 595 s95 595 595 s95 VAIL VALLEY DR EI VAIL VALLEY DR II VAIL VALLEY DR I( VAII-, VALLEY DR El VAIL VALLEY DR It VAIL VAI-,LEY DR E 595 VAIL VALLEY DR E 595 VAIL VALLEY DR I( aeee€€ititeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€€ee€e€eeeeeeeeee€e€e€€€€e€eeeeeeeef eeeeee€eeeee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€eee€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€ee€€€ee€eeeeeeeeE STRONG WILTIA}4 L JR & SHELB 595 VAIL VALLEY DR I( Use:OwneT: STRONG WILLIAM L JR & SHE E Acre6: H ! Legal: .....- lr aeee€e€€€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6e6eeeeeeee€6€6ee€ee€eeeeiteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€it€€e€ee66e* Seguence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <FS>ParceI No <F6>tocation <F7>Schedule # <Fl>Help, <F2>Position Key, <ESC>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Keyword: SPARC User: CHARLIE 08/0e /e5 Parcel File Maintenance beeeee€€ee€e€eiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6€eiiee6ee6iiee6eeeeeeee6eee66iteeeeeeeeeeeeee€eee€ E Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Addrese or Situe F( u66e6665666ea66da666656a66e6e666e6666666e6ee6 6.eeaeeeaee666e66ee6e6ee666666e6656fr !r 2101-081-05-012E 2101-081-05-013 E 2101-081-0s-014!r 2101-081-05-015 H 2101-081-05-016 E 2101-081-07-001 H 2101-081-07-002 E 2101-081-07-003 E 2101-081-07-004 E 2101-081-08-001! 2101-081-08-002 q Parcel: 2101-081-08-002E Situ8: MANOR VAIL CARTER MARY ROSS BOWAUT INCORPORATED BATECO PROPERTIES INC DALGI-,E ISH PROPERTIES FLAMBEAU INC MACMILLAN MARTHA B LOWELL ROBERT E & JOAN W 1980 CARGILL MACMILLAN JR F PIPE _ PIPE - LANDERS - MOO 595 VAIL VALLEY DR F' 595 VAIL VALLEY DR Fl 595 VAIL VALLEY DR F( 595 VAIL VAI,LEY DR I( 595 VAIL VALLEY DR FI 595 VAII, VALI.,EY DR E 595 VAII, VALLEY DR E 595 VAIL VALLEY DR E 595 VAIL VALLEY DR I{ aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€eee€€e€eee€eeeeeeeeeeeee6eeeeeee€€eee€€€eeEe€€e€6e€66eeeeee€e* etsE66eeeee€ee€ee€€eeEii€€€6eeeeeeeeeeeeEeeee666ee€ts€eee6e€€Eeeee€e€€E€eeeEeeeeee€ CABELA RICHARD N & l"lARY A 595 VAIL VALLEY DR E{ CABELA RICHARD N & l"lARY A 595 VAIL VALLEY DR rl U6e:Owner: CABELA RICIIARD N & MARY A n Acres: Ft l Legal: . H a€ee6eetse6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee666ee666e66eeee6eee€eeeeeeee€e€e€ee€tseee€6eeeee* Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Addrees <Fs>Parcel No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <F1>Help, <F2>Position Key, <ESC>Exit TOWN OF VAIL Id: ASSR100 Kelnrord: SPARC User:08/oe /e5Parcel FiIe Maintenance eeee€ee€€e€€Eit€€6€eetseeeee6eee6e€€e66eeeeeeeeeee6ee66e6it6eeitetse66ee66eeee€eeeeet F( Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Addrees or Situe E{ ue6666666e66i665a6666666566e6665666666e66666e66e6e6e666666666e6e666666666666666fr o CTIARL PAUL AND SISTERS INC 595 VAIL VALLEY DR E( RIDDER PETER B & CATHLEEN B 595 VAII, VALI-,EY DR N LIMPE ANTHONY T & EMILY T 595 VAIL VALLEY DR Et BETHKE PATRICIA D 595 VAIL VALLEY DR F( BOLDT THOMAS - SCHNEEBERG F 595 VAIL VALLEY DR U 595 VAII, VALI,EY DR II 595 VAIL VAI,LEY DR II 595 VAIL VAI-,LEY DR II aeeeee€eeeeeeeeeee€ii€€6iteeeeeeeeeeeeiteeeeee66eeee€6e€€€iteee€t€eeeee€€eeeee6eeeee* ee666eeeeiieeeeeeEiie€€€€€€n6666eee6e66ee66666666686€€ite€ee6ii6€etsEe€€€e666666eeeet u Legar n a€ee€€eee6eeeee6eeeeeeeeee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeee€eeeee€eetseeeeeeT Seguence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <F5>Parcel No <F6>Location <F7>Schedule # <Fl>He]p, <F2>Position Key, <ESC>Exit TowN oF VAIL rd: AssR100 Kelrword: SPARC user: CHARLIE Parcel FiIe Maintenance o8/oe /es e€€6€eii6e€E€itere6e€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee66eeee€eeeeeiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€e€€e€€€ee666e€ E Parcel No (Seq) Owner Name Street Address or Situe E 6e66e66666666eeee6e6ee66eaaeaeeee5ee6e656666e666eeea6e eeee6,6,eeee6a666e6566666e6fr IE E 2101-081-08-003n 2101-081-08-004E 2101-081-08-00su 2101-081-08-006 E 2101-081-08-007!r 2101-081-08-008 E 2101-081-08-009 H 2101-081-08-010 H 2101-081-08-011 H 2101-081-08-012 H 2101-081-08-013 E Parcel: 2101-081-08-013E Situs: MANOR VAIL s 2101-081-08-014t{ 2101-081-08-015 H 2101-081-08-016 r{ 2101-081-08-017q 2101-081-08-018 H 2101-081-08-019u 2101-081-08-020n 2101-081-08-021 E 2101-081-08-022n 2101-081-08-023 E 2101-081-08-024 E Parcel: 2101-081-08-024H Situs: MANOR VAIL MUDD ELIZABETH J BANKER DAVID L & PAMELA S TEXAS PAPER CORPORATION PRATT DON FISHMAN ROBERTA W EISENBERG PHILIP M WEBER THOMAS R 595 VAIL VALLEY DR tr R & S A - 595 VAII, VAT,LEY DR Ft & BETH S 595 VAIL VALLEY DR E( 595 VAIL VALLEY DR F( KAHN ROBERT S & LOUISE S 595 VAIL VALLEY DR U RAISER MANFRED W & INGRID I 595 VAIL VAI.,LEY DR U FAY $TILLIAM M & JEAN B t UN 595 VAIL VALLEY DR F( Use:Owner: FAY WTLLIAI'{ M & JEAN B t H Acres: r( DOOLEY DAVID J II & MARY C 595 VAIL VAI,LEY DR F( SM]TH JEAN K 595 VAIL VALLEY DR E HATHAWAY HARRY L & BETTY F 595 VAIL VALLEY DR I( ORR ROBERT D & JOANNE W 595 VAIL VAILEY DR F( aee6eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee6eeeeeeee6ee66eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiteeeeeeee* e6eeeeeeeeee€eee6ee€€€666ee€€e6€eee€eee6eee666eeee66666€€€ee€€ee6e6ets6ee66ee€€€€ BENDERLY JASON & MONICA G 595 VAIL VALLEY DR F( ALLEN JAMEiS C & BARBARA A _ 595 VAIL VALLEY DR ET ALLEN JAMES C & BARBARA A - 595 VAIL VALLEY DR EI Owner: ALLEN JAMES C & BARBARA A H Acres: n Use ! It Legal ' n aeeeeeeeetseeeeeeeeeeeeee6e666e666eee6ee6ee66eeeeeeeeee€eeeeee€€€€€eeeeEEeeeeeeef Sequence By:<F3>Owner <F4>Address <Fs>Parcel No <F6>Location <F?>Schedule # <F1>He1p, <F2>Position Key, <ESC>Exit Clt.\ ORDINANCE NO. 6 Series of 1988 AN,ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RE-ENACTING SECTION 18.39.030' PERMIiTED USES OF CHAPTER 18:39, SKI EASE/RECREATIoN DISTRICT ,, l i3 0F THE VAIL MUNICIPAL c0DE' WHEREAS, Sectiqn.18.39.030 of Chapter 18.39 of the vail t'lunicipal code describes the permitted uses of the Ski Base/Recreation zone district; and : IIHEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc. has submitted an application to amend Section 18.39.030 of the Vail Municjpal Code; and LHEREAS, the p't anning and Environmental Commission of the Town has recommended approval of the amendment to Section 18.39.030 of the Vail Municipal Code; and 1IHEREAS, the Town Council considers lt in the public interest to amend said section of the Munlcipal Code. NOI{, THEREFORE, 8E IT ORDAINED BY THE TOl,tN COUNCIL OF THE TOl|lN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section l. Section 18.39.030 of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows: 18.39.030 Permitted Uses A. The following uses shall be permltted within the main buildlng ln the Ski Base/Recreation Di stri ct: l. Ski Lockers/Employee Locker Rooms 2. Ski School and Ski Patro'l Facilities 3. Lift Ticket Sales 4... Tennis Pro Shop 5.. Ski Rgp.air, Rental , Sales and Accessonies. : Q. ' RestauTant/Bar/Snack Bar,/Candy Sales 7.,,,,..,Sgmng,r,Seasona'l Town of Vail Recreation Offices 8.-i,,,.., fttgeting Rooms for 0wner Use and Community-0riented 0rganizations , -9:.*.,,InJury.,Prevention and Rehabilitation Facilities for Owners' Use 10," Eagket Rental . 11. Specia,l Community Events B. Permitted Uses t.lithin the Secondary Building 1. Year-round child care and children's ski school and appurtenant recreational faci'lities and programs 2. Children's ski school services and programs 3. Community events and programs 4. Summer recreational programs C \ ,'. ' } "" '((,C, C, Reta'i I and Meeting Room Space Limitation 1. Retall sales space, whether it be a permitted or conditional use, ln the . first two floors shall be limited to a maximum of 15% of the non- .* residential gross square footage of the main build'ing. Under Section 18.39.030, retail shall be defined as tennis pro shop, candy sales, ski repair/rental/sales and accessories, and basket rental . 2. Meetlng rooms shall be limited to a maximum of 5% of the non-residential gross square footage of the main building' D. Multi-family dwel'ling units within the main building if the following requirements are met: l. The dwelling units shall be a secondary use within the main bullding if they meet the fo]lowing crjteria: a. No residential use on ground level . b. Visual impacts such as surface parking for the dwelling units shall be minimized by providing at least 40% of the required parking within the main building. c. The maximum gross residential floor area (GRFA) devoted to dwelling units shall not exceed thirty percent of the total gross square footage of the main structure. Section 2. In accordance with Section 18.39.110 of the Ski Base/Recreation zone district, the development plan submitted by the developer, Vail Associates, Inc., is hereby amended by the Town Council and incorporated into this ordinance. The approved development plan shall be amended by the inclusion of Snowdon & Hopkins, Sheets 7,2,4,5, dated 2/l/88 and Sheet 3 dated ?/4/88 as wel'l as Vail Associates revised Master Plan dated 72/14/87. llith regard to the recreational path relocation south of tennis courts 3-6, Sheet 3 shall be amended by Matthews Associates Sheet L-l dated February 8, J.988. The approved and amended deve'lopment plan shall incorporate by reference in this ordinance the fol'lowing conditions: Vail Assocjates shall contrjbute 50 percent of the cost of a walkway to be constructed between the Ramshorn and Manor Vai'l at commencement of construction of the main building as described in the Golden Peak Development Pl an. 'Vail Associates shall contribute $10,000 for a traffic control gate installation at the bus stop upon commencement of construction of the main building as described in the Golden Peak Development Plan. -?- ( tt' t'( , !es-U-gn 3.- If any part, sectlon, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of thls ordinance ls for any reason held to be invalid,.such decision shall not affect the validity of the rema,lning portlons of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared invalid. Section 4. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and we1fare of the Town of Vall and lts lnhabitants thereof. Section 5. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vall Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effect'ive date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any crovision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded un'l ess expressly stated herein. INTR0DUCED, READ AND PASSED 0N FIRST READING THIS 16th day of Februar.y , 1988, and a public hearing shall be he1 d on this ordinance on the l6th day of February , 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Muni ci pal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ordered published in full this 16th day of February, 1988. V€f ' AND APPROVED this lst READING AND ORDERED March , SECOND day of PUBLI SHED 1988. Palne la A. Brandmr It'lTR0DilctD,.,RtAb,.',;;;,;iii,i,\\u' in full Rose, -3-