HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 3 LOT B ALL SEASONS CONDOS UNIT REMODELS 1 LEGALl/u /il.,{: ftutr 4 Lrt'1, B/t,/1 3 Ail JA'*r- (a-n''h'' l/'*/ ?rrt/*-h ' 7 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \).''^(O't('K.t !5-R\Ks u\-&\ B\ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ,&\( \-E'-<.-N,A ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 804-0113 Job Address.: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: ALL SEASON PARKING LOT Applied...: 05124/2004 Parcel No....: 210108237003 lssued ...: 06/02/2004 ProjectNo...: ?Rsd\- O(31 Expires'..: 1l/2912004 owNER TTAMTLTON/VArL PTNSHP 0s/24/20O4 Phone: 427.5 S BEIJIJAIRE CIR ENGLEWOOD co 80110 License: coNTRAcToR Atencio Construction 05/24/2004 Phone: 970-827-5969 P.O. Box 217 Minturn, eO 81_ 54 5 L,icense:773-B APPLIcAIiff Atencio Construction 05/24/2004 Phone: 970-827-5969 P.O. Box 217 Minturn, CO 8l_ 54 5 Lricense: 773-B Desciption: REPLACING EXTERIOR STAIRS TO PARKING SURFACE Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Conshuction: V B Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: S12.583.00 Add Sq Ft 0 Fireplace Information: Restricted: # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas [ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 * t * { *,*rt * *,t * * i. ** * * Building---> 5223.25 R€stuarant Plan R€yiew-> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> 9521.35 plan Check-> S145. 11 DRB Fee___-_-> g5O . OO Additional Fees-----> t0 . 00 Investigation-> $O.OO Recreation Fee------> $0.00 Total Permit Fee-----> $521.35 Will Call---> $3.00 Clean-up Deposit---> $100.00 Palments-----'---'-> $521.35 TOTAL FEES-----> $s21 .36 BALANCE DUE----> $0 . 00 Approvals:If6m: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI\flI o5/28/2oo4 JRvt Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNIIIG DEPARII4ENI 05/28/2004 MRG Actionr AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT IUem: 05500 PUBI,IC WORKS 'ta:* tl +t +t t t a t * *:** See lage 2 bf this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ANCE BY AT 4?9-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. STGNATURE OF OWNER R CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 t*t*****'t*:f**!i|''t*{.,**,|.********'|t*{.,l****|****'t't***,|{.*:t{t*{t'|t*'t****:i**'t*'t**'i'******{.**{.'lt*****+***,}'t******+**** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0113 as of 06-02-2004 Status: ISSUED 'l'**'t'**'**:|.*{.,t***'f:}*:f***{t'}*{t***t!t***+***,|*{t*:|'}*!it,$*!t*l't*!t'}|!t'|!}|B!l{'!|!* Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BLJILD PERMIT Applied: 05/24/2004 Applicant: Atencio Construction Issued: 06/0212004 970-827-5969 To Expire: 1l/29/2004 Job Address: 434 GORE CREEK DRVAIL Location: ALL SEASON PARKINC LOT ParcelNo: 210108237003 Description: REPLACING EXTERIOR STAIRS TO PARKING SURFACE Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.9.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.JIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. * * * *+ ** ** 't * *** f t * *+ ** *'l+*'t****** +*l * **'i{' * + + *'t * 'lr t** *'l !t *+*+'3* * *++ * * * ** ** * ** * * * *'t +:t+ +'t t * * ++ + *+ + TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *{. * * +* * * *+ * ***+ + * * ** * **++ * * * ** * * * *+*** * ++ +1.:t*++*** * +l* *** *t f, f * t* t * * ***** **** * *****t*{. {. * +a '} * * SEatement Number: RO4OO05938 Anount: $521,36 06/02/2OO4O8:54 AM Palment Method: Check LLO2 Init: DDG Notation: Bruce Harper Permit Nor 804-0113 TlT)e: ADD,/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Parce1 No! 210108237003 Site Address: 434 GORB CREEK DR VAII, Location: AI,I, SEASON PARKTNG IJOT Total Feea: This Payment:$s21.35 TotsaI AI-,L Pmtss : Descript ion $s21.36 $s21.36 Balance: S0.00 * **+:t * * *+****** * +* + ***+* * * *at** **i * **** l. t * ** ** f, ***+ + {.:}r}+** * * **r. * + *+ * * * ** * * * ** * * **+ * t * ** ***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts AD D2-DEPO8 BP 00100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 l,Jc 00100003112800 CLEANUP DEPOSITS BUILDING PERIII]T FEES DESIGN REVIEt.l FEES PLAN CHECK FEES l,llll CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 100 . 00 223.25 50.00 145. i1 3.00 " a5fa{'/2084'ffi; ffiLKPB#4*:F- *+**;- (*'"A'-''7;^' s 75:32 9749269S89 LKP ENG]NEERING INC PAGE 41,/43 Engineering, Inc. CIVIUOEOTEO{NICAL June 4, 2004 Mr. Bruce Ha4rer VaiI Home Rentals 143 E Meadow Dr., Suite 397 vail, CO 81657 Eagle County, Colorado ProieotNo.04062 c47 Jo'(( -o ( \3 Titt( \."--a-oz'--u\ I-P"*--^-('-^ uq t.-ot (\ RE: Open Ifole Observation & Foundation Investigatioo -' All Seasons #707, Stair Remodel Town of Veil ' r-,s^^t!,r{ U.,-^t " tru4f? ?r<Sot{ -<-rt3tl Dear Bruce: At the request of Mr. Robert Atenoio, on June 3,2004, we visited the construction site at the All Seasons #707, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. Thc purpose of our site visit was to observe and test the soil exposed in the foundation excavation for proposed remodel of the stairs coming into the parking lot. The excavation for the east stairs consisted of a large benctU 20 feet long l0 feet wide and 5 feet deep. The excavation for the west stairs consisted of a trench with nvo benches, 15 feet long, 10 fcctwide, and 5 to 8 fcet deep. The soil exposed at the bottom ofthe henohes consisted of light brown, silty, sandy gravel with cobbles and boulders. The soil is suilablefor Ihe design bearing capacigt of2000 psJ, Foundation walis retaining earlh and retaining sbuch:res that are laterally supported should be desiped to resist an equivalent fluid density of 60 pcf for art "at-resto condition. Laterally unrestrained sfuctures, rctaining the on-site earth, should be desiped to resist an equivalent fluid density of 40 pcf for the "active' case. The abovo design recommendatious assume draincd bacldrll conditions and a horizontal bacldll sr:rface. Surcharge loading due to adjacent sfructures, weight of temporary stored soustruction materials aod equipment, inclined baclcfill and hy&ostatic pressure due to undrained backfill should be incorporated in the dcsign. They should fiy to prevent the buildup ofhydrostatic pressure behind the retaining umll To reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the fouudation subsoil, we reqonmcnd installation of a foundation perimeter draia The foundation perimeter drain should consist of a . zl'.inch diameter, perforated pipe, sloped to a suitable gavity outlst, or to a flrmp pump location, at a 1/4 inch per foot for flexible or at a 1/8 of an inch for rigid pipc. The drain pipe should be covered with a minimum of 6 isshes of -3i4-inch free-draining granular material. Geotextile (Ivlirafi l40N or equivalent) should be used to cover the free-draining gravel to preveflt siltation and clogging of the drain. The bacldrll above the drain should be granutu material to within 2 feet ofthe ground surface to prevent a buildup ofhydrostatio pressure. Exterior backfill should be compacted at or near the optimum moisture content to at least 95% of the maximum standard Prostor density r:nder pavement aud sidewalk areas and to at least 9070 of the maximum standud Prootor dcnsity under landscaped areas. They should rue mechanical methods of compaction. Do not puddle tbe stair foundation excavation. The site surrouading the building structure should slope away from the stairs in all directions. A minimum of 12 inches in the first l0 feet is recomnrended in rmpaved areas, and P.O. Box 2837, Edwards, CO 81632, (970) 926-9058 Tel, (970) 926-9089 Fax g6ta4/26@4 L5:32 9709269889 LKP ENGINEERING INC PAGE A2/A3 Mr. Bnrce Harper Page 2-Project No. 04062 June 4, 2004 three inohes in the first l0 feet in paved axeall. ThE top of the granular foundation backfill shorrld be covered witb a minimum of I foot of relatively imperyiow fill to reduce the potential of surface water infiltating the foundation subsoils. Surface water nahrally draining toward the proposed stair rcmodel should be diverted arouad and away from it by means of drainage swales or other approwd methods. This report has been prepared according to locally accepted professional C.reotechnical engineering standards. There is no other wanauty cither erq>ressed or implied. Sincerely, LKP Engineering,&,r LuizaP hesident \\Gtsory20OZYC)\DoornrDB qrd Sldir9r\Ad,tthisfi(T$Iy Docl||nlnr!$Vpl GlK:no{62lprll-jird.wpd, ,rye LKP Enginecring Inc. IOWNWVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 TLt 79 0AtJ - o{ottt_) APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED /) fh't-on:i CONTRACTOR INFORMATTON S{a.le,o Co"sFan"fti" tact and Phone #'s:ct'to tn -neq VNt.ue coffiE_yaluATtoNs FOR BU|LDING PERMIT bor & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL:$orHER:S t2 .t82.qat PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$rorAl:g t2, SBZ ,gg Lor Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at g7h328-g640 or visit ****************t*********!Fr*********FOR OFFTCE USE ONLy**"****i**************************r*:r lo tOtr23? oo3 Job Name: Voi I A ll Srapr.JobAddress: 4s4 UecLahoi^e tLbrl Subdivision: initrtq^e k"Jxts tq3 g r++aos prr-,re fa'.i ttfri ' BoEf 5. [v6^d cd' u#tttgoto q-q -?rR Ineer:f(n G"tuFl,^w*s ress:?.c 6o> (Srz Vnit Ob. fta$g :c(1o1tl"l -?31l S-.tnia ?a"orqt I %plo.n^.'f pPt n^el^.( -t€ead.'\ WotkCl".t' N"*() A rod"t () Repair(g Demo() Other() Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior 0() Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: yes (. ) No Type of Bldg.: Singte-famity ( ) Two_famity ( ) Mutti-famity Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other (z\,) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: |/p .GasApplianceg( ) )Wood/peilet( )WoodBurninq( ) tt/A Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Peilet ( ) Wood Burnins (NOT ALLOWED Planner \\VAiIUAIA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07 t26n002 tl ffi I0hl\r0ry,4[ry Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Commun ity Development Project Name:9nio Project Address:C(eett / This Chsklist must be amoleted before a Building Permitaooliation is acepfud. P/, { { F.r. ,dd ,a E ,/6 .y d all pug.tof application is complete ,.. -r4 / p^^* y' nasDRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form ,' (94o lt'rJc. b*q"* - \ ^-f p/ Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MultFFamily complex Llsu GanUuS Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Work checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,parkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadways and shoulderc without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Fami[) Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on Dlans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: ?."{o ts \VailWata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Received By: 04n2no03 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeKs. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. C"rele.o.c/ttou Signature Project Name:\1o.1( AU 9c*>oi s tf ort., o5/ tt /o 4-----r---r- Print na F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 .t+{\a f4$ecl WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE REAg AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A .PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": No_x_ o o o o o Does demolition work being performed require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public propefi? YES NO)( NO_X- Job or Project Name: V\t €Asorl S.ia Date Signed: is this a new residence?YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved?YES Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO\ Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO >< If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES NO >< If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2L98. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE OUESTIONS. /.la,.to G*rf*ol,.u Contractor Sionature f Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- NOX Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES___._ NO < os/tr/o4 F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 J- ,J c(-l Company Name PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. rt sl r't'(/> Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifu (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. {y, Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work), This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. V, Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review, If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. Vl, tnu Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. have read and understand the above. F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below; ,.v\} fn" Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. tt tYl$ The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by:Gqrd 4[a1piq r/o^{ ql,( 9{,peow'S sttic (rlagc.T o< (nl o4 Project Name: Date Signed: Print Name Signature F :/everyone/forms/bldperm6 v Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notiff and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rock, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. \y' Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section I-4-I of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979). CODES 7.3A.L AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) g 1) $t *n"n"uer any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) S 1) I have read and will cornply with the above code ppovisions Position or Relationship to Project: DateSigned: of lfr lot F:/everyone/fomrs,4rldpermT 6- 4-O4; i O:36AM; US ,,VESi A4/At./2684 1L: ES 19784782b84 VAIL-HDME RENTAI-S i 97 0468067 Z @Ec![, y/5p{ . IT?EIil 3- 2e-O1 I I ffi1t'l*t @.rlrFtE'ErA/t|r(tt0qril-rtq!t'!.et!|+ )EelEa9ta.&.{qB E]!lTEIR,ffitltTtlrFrilDiE t EGr!rr|9E5|lD(iltrq164l(Hc-Ett |rrrdlt EOTrliCl|nSt70.ee;[f 1131191rilB.rE.fil(F{ - O|n!c Fryri* rrFIBLE!|&lFilIL - "frx-_ /'A-a ' c-nWir_ tr **: tor ci !f !l! r& tltffi + It! g*gn,"* itrdi-a -tir-rltrE'i#'fi ffiCiiin ; ;- pnloa ir d tqtlr *t 'ld.L I^i 6F.r qFID r s|r r.lr !r. ;?EtF.:rE=!ErG. f !FN' lGFl'Eft,!'d lE {t|Et =' =.+ q6-t tiltrr !rE?rE;e ! r!6r*r r- E I tE!. il!E*tll;ffi $=TE$gg5F5r It o tr' il E rirrs *ir I rrrrtra ir?B!Er.r!t!r!'Er!ED9qr1 g rC t*:'trtn w+ ,/q/,r ffiEffimffi#ffiffitsffiffiH*-a3q a ttarnEErra rD alir rcir1 -rt8- o4nnrl ./ t. / ./t $tfiqrr *t)'ffirtb- -DG- V"U il.-* P''!t Z PAGE 62 JOIN' PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name) Lin Grubbs , a joint owner of propeny description) AJ.l- Seasons Condominimums 434 Gore Crk Dr_ located at (address/legal Vail Colorado 81657 provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated 4-28-04 which have been submifted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for tne prooosed improvements to be completeC at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements Include: t. engineered systems using concrete walls with rnetaL treads and handrailinqs. 2- InstalL roof gutter with dcnainspout and heat tape on bullding ',E,' north side. 3. rnstall three vent systens (reselnbling dor,,nspouts| for RADON rnitigation frcrn eight units. I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance withJhe Town's applicable codes and regurations, €.r''+ Page l of :7l0ZlO7l\z 08-06-2004 Inspectlon Request Reportlng--- YAIL*G.O-:T-A$|il-OF-- --. Reeuested Inspgcr ffj:l 5[if" ousust 06, 20(x SIbAddrEssI 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL ALL SEASON PARKING LOT Page25 6:49 am ArPrD lnfiormadon Acdvfly: Corul Type: OiYnef: Ap,plhrnt: Contrclor: DescdDdon: trfotlce: Bo+otl3 TyF: _,Qcqpci*y:TH,iIILTO}UVAIL PTNSHP - 9ubfpc: ArFt&c: v B R€qu$tedTlm€i 08:00AM- Phone: 47t3174 EnbrsdBy: LCAMPBELL K Sld,3: hr3pArE: ISSTJED JRM Ao.nclocomtucfloo Phon€: 9ilIE27.6S9 Aiench Corilrr|clbn Phone: 97$827-5969 REPLAChIG EXTERIOR STARS TO PARKhG SURFACE ROT TED TO MATT At\tD JR - JttoNDRAGOf\, Reouested lnspecdon(sl Iteml 90 BLDG#lnal R€queslor: Alencb Consf ucUodRob€rl Conirnontsr tln l fof d.lt Acdgined To: CDAVISAclon; nmErD: InrDratonHlsbrv 226 FIRE DEPT'. NONHCATION 10 ElDgFooltnosrste€l * ADDro\€d " 0909/()4- lnsDector: JRM " 20BlDGFoundatonlste€l *Approved* 0d16/04 lnrpsctor JRM30 BLOO,F amlnog) BLDeFh.l - 21 PLAI$ILC Fourd.lbn Phn 22 PLAr*LCSibPhn naln: lleqn: frem: lbm:[ffr:bm: [efn: Acdon: Aclon: AP APPROVED APAPPROVED REPT131 Rnn Id: 2L66 ,F TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t35 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : Permit #: Status. . . Applied. . Issued . Expires . A0l-0038 ISSUED 08n4t2001 o8t2t/200r 0211712002 Desciption: Valuation: install fire alarm system to unit d6, fishman $1.200.00 RAIIDY L. -08/].4/20OL Phone: EI'ECTRONI0E /L4/200L Phone: 970-926-8788 FEE SLIMMARY **rrarart+a****a**.ta*tttattaaa'a*****trt'|aa'lrarr*at***'rr**a'| Elect ical-> DRB Fee-> lovestigatioG-> will call-> TOTAL FEES-> sso.00 s0.00 90.00 s3.00 s53.00 Fs3.00 s0.00 953.00 s53 . oo 90.00 Tolal Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees--> Tot l Pemrit Fee-> Paymenls-> BALANCE DUE._-.> Approvals:I€em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIflI OS/L7/2001 nvaughan Action: AP changes may be required based on field j.nsp maeter bedroom may require two smoke detectore based on coverage capabilit,ies. Og/17 /2O0L nrvagutran Action: AP point identification for zoning reguired CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. IN ADVANCE BY FROMT:(X)AM-5PM, l-i\-P-\ , -i3\\,_ j VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES tP--,r_^S-S-(" \.,-^ \\),(*5n ;!\ At\ S<--;-r.-A C.'r"'c\o t'#'trff"v ot{NER FrSHMAlit, JAY S. & 333 HII,I,CREST RD B{GLEWOOD NJ,07531- 80209 License: CONTRACTOR SI'PERIOR ALARM A}ID P.O. BOX 2568 EDWARDS, CO. 8L632 LicenEe : 429-5 ALARM PERMIT 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL RFQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BB MADE TWENTY-FOUR TI]RE OF O FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE 0l Va i I F i re Dept Vai I tu53q .-lii shop 97 O- 47t -2L35 (Inspecdong) are attime ofNVT{NYIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 81657 I F.:/a/€ryile,/fu rmgalrmPenn applicaton submittal and must ihclude information listed- on.the Vail, 2* pab;;fdtla form. Application will not be acoepbd witlrout this lnlbrmation. . .:d3.er j,,, 't!Jor,6r. COiIPLETE VALUAUOilS FOR ALARItl PERIIIIT (Labor & Materials) FfeAhrm:$ rz-'€ r*-rr*!.rrr*tr.*rrrr*ti*i.f,tr!.t*:li****t*FOR OFEICE USE O0lLYrr*t*ti|r't*i*****tttt*rt*tr*ttrtra*ltr "f ^/ \ra,Vr/dl fd \ol-is AwtsOfrceat9 # LesnlDescdption ll Lou ll Btoctc ll Filins:SuMivbion: Owner Naner ft g S1-fVy psJ Addrtssl Phone: l Phone: Il - betailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bUq. #) A4L S€Aso^rs f,tMJ- > l.( DetaiM description of work: frz.e xt'*r-tq s WorkOass: New() Mdidon( ) Renrodelld Repair( ) Retro-ft(J Otrer( ) !:::= ilrp""f BldS" SirSh-fat",ly( ) Two-tamif( ) Multi-famihFl Comrrercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) - l,lo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:l,lo. of Actommodation UniB in this building: Does a FirF- Alarm bdse Yes 0Q tto ( ) LDLAL ffiefiffiprmk|er svstem ftist: Yes ( )No X ]OMRACT OR II{FQBI}I4II Fi e Alarm Contractor: S.')e.Frre &. Aue-ryYt- Torn ofVail Res. No.: \ GnOa anO Pnone *t: C.r.r{€*. Re e*r+J lzG s'\$g ContractorSignature: &tr^ {de C'*lN , - So,. vh,L V, TOW}{-OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT V..o\ \1 ,. \\t3 I r ^, 1\ ,-{iUo-"\ Ui\\.7^ s{ a\ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES At ( s..-^.-r.-.s ADD/ALT MF BLIILD PERMIT PErMit #: BOI-OI IO DS-b({ Job Address.: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: 434 GORE CK DRIVE UNITS #D5/D6 Applied...: 0510412001 Parcel No....: 210108237025 Issued...: 05116/2001 ProjectNo...: Expires...: llll2l200l O$INER MR. & MRS. JAY FISHMAN 05/04/20Ot Phone: 20L-227-6L91 333 Hillcrests Road Englewood NJ 0763]- License: COMIRACIOR BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC 05/04/2O0L Phone: 970-926-3202 P.O. BOX 426 EDI'IARDS, CO aL632 License:158-B APPLICSIIT BOIJES CUSTOM BUIIJDERS, INC 05/04/2001 Phone: 97O-926-3202 P.O. BOX 426 EDV{AXDS, CO 81632 License: L68 -B Desciption: INTEzuOR REMODEL.COMBINE UNITS D5/D6 Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: V l-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $278,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplac€ Infonnation: Reskic'ted: Y # ofGas Appliances: O 4 ofGas l,ogs: 2 # of Wood PellEt: 0 +|.i't,|4*'|l||||'|*|'**:}**il|tt.l't*'l.*'*''''***''tt'||'.'||||||||.l|| Building--> 91,452.00 R€stuarenl Plan Review-> S0.00 Total Calculaled Fees-> 52,598.80 Plan check-> s943.SO DRB Fee-----------> s2oo.oo Addilional F€€s------> s0.00 Investigation-> SO. OO Recreation Fee------> 90 . 00 Totat Permit Fee-> 92 , 598 .80 Will Call-> 93 . OO Clean-up Deposit------> $o . o0 Payments------> S2, 598 ' 80 TOTAL FEES------------> S2,se8.8O BALANCE DUE--------> $0.00 Approvals:It6m: 05100 BUILDIITG DEPARTMEIIT O5/L5/2O0L CDAVIS Action: AP Item: 05400 PI-,ANNII{G DEPARTME!ilI O5/!0/2OOL bg Action: APPR It.em: 05600 FIPE DEP.A,RTMENT Item: 05500 PIIBIJIC WORKS Sqpggge2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in full the information requird completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as reguired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build 0ris struchne according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIoN SIIALL BE MADE TWENTT-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 oR AT O|JR OmCE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. S€nd Clean-up D€posit To: N/A ATURE OF O CTORFORHMSELFAND OWNE PAGE 2 * *l* * **** * ** * *** * * * **** *** * * ++ * * * ** * * * ** ****+* * * * ++** * * *i* * * * ** * * **** * * * ** ** * ******* * * * +** *r* * r** * *** * * * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 801-0110 asof05-16-2001 Status: ISSUED l*** * * * ** * * ** * * * ** * * ** * * * ****** ** ** ** * * * t* * * * * ** * * * ** * * ** ** * * * t+* * * * ***'l** ** ** * ** * * ** * * * ** * * ** ***t * * * * * * Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BLIILD PERMIT Applied: 0510412001 Applicant BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS,INC Issued: 05/16/2001 970-926-3202 ToExpire: llll2l200l Job Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 434 GORE CK DRIVE UNITS #D5iD6 ParcelNo: 210108237025 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL-COMBINE UNITS D5lD6 Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLI.ANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETMTIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.I OF THE I997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BE STARTED. ?l 6oc(-a)3k DtYno APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN Project #: Building Permit #: 97 O-47 9 -2149 (Inspections) Ji:,:::ffini:""p:!19, ll MWNOFYIN 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact Nss'gssors Office at 97O-328-Vfr o'Tvisit'www.for Parcel # Parcel # LtC> lo?, Lj'J oa^-j rob Name: Ftsitvrrr*p eEwapr-e Jobeddress: 4a{ (toE 1(.D?tv€ v^J.rTl D5 ,/ p (- Lesal Description ll r-otr (, ll orocr.' J fl riring, t Subdivision: Uft1L u ruu4(<€o*3uA'.,*HB+r**". ll$l$"n,ffi Phone: zc,t -ZZ7-GtclI ArchitecVDesioner: 5NA,iDbAr,Zt+t?rJ p5 Ww" $L,ir\- co at4#a Pnone: c1-/G -T.?Jrl 'fflL?L wo6tAEe-w[o.h.tt vr\rL co otb5b Phone: 176 - ?J-L7 Detailed description of work:lvleaoi WYP€v -e-,*,N€ vP,b Ds/pQ workclass: New() Addition( ) Remodet ee Repair( ) Demo( ) other( ) Work Type: Interior fQ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (V Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-famity ( ) Mutti-famity 0() Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 6 No. oF Accommodation Units in this buildino: NoflvqgofFireplacesExi s( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/pellet( ) WoodBurninq tZl"krct*> Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes 0O No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No kJ COMPLETE VALUATIONS CONTMCTOR INFORMATION FOR BUILD PERMflI(Labor & Ma r\I BUTLDTNG: $ /-/8,e.)ELECTRICAL: $I )THER: $-.Y-"VPLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $ttr ilhft,t REFUND CLEANUP Dqposrero:@& C.vrrw Er:r485 br \?u €o!:*rqs et: B\GSL General Contractor: baEa Cu:forq BvtuDeLz Town of Vail l(ri5 *Reg. No.: ts Contact and Phone #'s: 4Zj-- 32nZ ACCot/*D WI LtciLt Pf-oi. r,la.t €_ ********************tr******************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****************::**rr******^***-r*-&***** F:/everyonerorms/bldsperm fr@]@g.$aSqg w RE0D MAY O 27001 i-a Boo(-&3k DaYo APPLICATION WTLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Building Permit #: 970-479-2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontaqe Rd.Vail, ColoraZo 81657 Contact Eaale Count separate rermtts are requir€d I Assessrc Otrrce at 9 7O-328 D,i:,H:!Jg*,.I .--/ Parc t # LtO 106 2-ZT oZS Job Name: Frs+trarr*F> EEwlcDEL JobAddress: 4?,4 &6?E L€,OAv€uprfs D5 / pu LesatDescription fl r-ot' 6 ll ero.r' 5 fl ririns, t Subdivision: \l*\L u t-ut*Q€ o*s"Alrtgfi 'w6t+ru-two.ffiffif Phone: -^l -7-27-4.rr, ArchitecUDesiq,ner:SNourdtrr-r,Zr+6?rJr:5 WYw" \,rrru co Brcs Phone: qzc -zro1 E0fl[-"*- r,r^u6rr- a llffi"trqt v/ArL co auogb 1F6",*116- %L7 Detailed description of work: $)leLtDL Tewav€v -€.q&tf3/rce uJ"t? ys/VC WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel (X Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: lnterior () Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No 0d No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 6 No, of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireolaces Existlnq: Gas Appliances ( ) cas Loqs ( ) Wooaf."rrur@ Noflvpe of Fireplaces Propg!!34 Gas Appliances ( ) Gas tclEls (7) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnins (NOT ALLoWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes flQ No (Does a Fire Sprinkler Slctem Exist: Yes ( ) No Q9 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILD CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION (Labor & REFUND CLEANUP DEPOS|T rotfu-A Cr.'rnOa gOtt-ffiLS EDu:*eds Co 6tC3L General Contractor: WEn Cwfora. Btstt-EQ-; Town of Vail Reg, No.: l("o - ts Contact and Phone #'s: IZJ.' azbz Erc$*eD WLt Lr c)Lt P,6o) . utea Contractor Signature: ,6 clJ*J tL".-/,foL HBI ************************,*****,r*******,r*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******,r***rrlr***i************.*****!r*** F :/everyon{forms/bldgperm s3M8.6s REC'DMAYO22OOl TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT zd s. rnONrracE RoAD vArL co 81557 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTEDON TOBSITE AT ALLTIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 801-0038 Job Address.: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status...;.: ISSUED Location......: Units D-5 & D-6, All Seasons Condos Applied...: 03/20/2m1 Parcel No....: 270108237025 Issued ...: O3/2O/20[1 ProjectNo...: ?{5o6 -au5a Expires...: 09/16/2001, OI{NER ALL[, CYRUS G.. JR & LUCILE03/20/20O1, P}rone: 2552 E AI.,AMEDA AVE 79 DMIVER CO I0209 License: COIflTRACTOR BOLES CUSTOM BUIIJDERS, INC 03/20/2007 Phone: P.O. BOX 426 EDWANDS, CO 8163 2 License: 168-B APPLICS.IIT 'JAY FISIIMAN 03/2O/200L Phone: (201) 227-6L9L 333 l{illcrest Rd Eng:Iewood, NJ 0753L o763L License r Desciption: Demo interior of existing condo units only (D-5 & D-6). Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V 1-Hour TypeOccupancy: ?? Wood Peller Building-> 5195 . 00 Rgtuarant Plan Review->So . oo Total Calculated Fees-> 5324 .75 Plan Clreck-> ir26.75 DRB Fee--> SO.OO Additional FeeE--->s0.00 Valuation: $15,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y Inv€tigatlon-> will c.|l-> AddSqFt 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # o{ Gas Logs: 2 # ot 9o . oo Total Permit Fee--> S324 .75 SO.OO paysrerrts__> S!24.75 SO . 00 Recreation Fee--> 53 , 00 Clean-uP DePooit-> TOTAL FEf,$---> 5324 .75 BALANCE DUE-> Approvals:ICdm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 03/2O/2OOT GF<G Action: AP IIIIERIOR DEIUO ONLY. It,em: 05400 PLAMIIITG DEPARTMEIflI Item: 05600 FrRE DEPARTMBIf ftem: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS s0.00 PAGE 2 *S*#*"****{*#**Sts*#*ff*SiH*fflr**l{.|*rH***iH**€{,*****{.t*****rH*****Jl***rH*.*t.**ffi*lH CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 801-0038 as of 03-20-2001 Status: ISSUED PermitType: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: O3/20/2W1. Applicant JAY FISHMAN Issued: O3/20/2ffi7(nD227-6791 To Expire: W/76/2@1. Job Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Units D-5 & D-6 All Seasons Condos Parcel No: 2707W237O25 Description: Demo interior of existing condo uaits only (D-5 & D-6). Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG.) : ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALEDWTTH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.5.1 OF THE 7W UBC. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: CON0004595 INTERIOR DEMO PERMIT ONLY. DRB & CONDO ASSOCIATION APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO MAKING ANY EXTERIOR CHANGES. Cond: CON0004597 Must coordinate with condo association and Leonard Sandoval, Construction lnspector with TOV Public Works Dept., regarding all construcfion materials stagin& loading and delivery, trash, dumpster, etc. Please call Leonard at479-2798. Seg fage,2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permil DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUEgTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8;00 AM - 5 PM, Send Clmn-up Deposit To: none SIGNATUREOF CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE TCIWt{WVilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 432+E [orr(ata,nofifira(tb/t #5 , APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Building Permit #: Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanicalr etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: frelas ozsrz*tz Ezztazzs Town ofVail Reg. No.: /h8-'9 Contact and Phone #'s: /2t - lZoz o ,hrzr ,4rz=rzsav 7ee'otr, "canvaaor snatu(.z /L r(+tr or-a€-a/ ,(on r.r?uo;;FOR BUILDING PERMIT (lAbOr & MAICTiAIS eurLo}llel6 ELECTRICAL: $orHER: $ ./€ 2AO PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For Pat@l # Contad Assessrs Offie at 970-328-8640 or visit 2/o/oOz3 TezSniltin+,bea ntilmpt Job Address: 4lL te*so,vs /oaaa 62at' ?/nf 2'hJob Name: rt'4.zazt Fetzeve€ Phonet ?c/ -zz? -o/,Owners Name: g, iS.l6ytav Phontbro-qrc. - zzatAddreSS: ?d/ aa.4t .ArAe t*f ., Ld t/Af 7 futtat+-r7a,v: /btor€ ea. ,6+at?f ,//a WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel}{ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior pQ Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-famiV ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-famity $4J Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: € : Gas ADoliances ( ) Gas a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) NoDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**********************'t**!t******'k***** of Construction: F:/everyone/forms/bld gperm Environnren(nl Scicntistr' itnd Dngineers, lnc. FEB- 16-A 1 12 :33 PM I^IALSI{ ENV I RON]'IENTAL 979 241 4312 P. A2 Darnc h'Bot-oo38 oW' January 16, 2001 Mr, Jamy Pattprson hc-Construction Manager Boles Custom Builders, Inc. P.O. Box 426 Edwards, Colorado E1632 v Vai, 0n ,ail ,0, ,tt Of FI uwn 'eId,lttFt0, IPY Dcar Mr. Pattcrson: At your request, Walsh Environrnental Scientists and Engineers, LLC (WALSH) has completed an *LJra* insicction of thc above refcrenced strucure. Foliowing is a summary and recommendations based on the inspection conducted on February 13' 2001 , Asbestos Sanpling Asbestos sampling was conducted by Faron L. Compton, a WAIJH asbcsms inryectorrcertified by the State of ColoraaJand the EPA. e "opy of the inqecor's certifications are attached. This $rvey was performed in accordance with ColoradoState regulations govcrning asbestos inspections' Thirteen bulk samples of dryrall and joint compound, drywall t€xture, and- linole.um were collected and *UJitt O o an i*depena*i t"Uor"tory for polirized-lighi microscopic analysis on February 13' 2001' Srrnft" tocations are describcd on satpl. data sheets. All suspct ACM encountered during the inryecdon was in good condition. Laboratory AnalYsis Collected samplcs were analyzed by DCM Science L-aboratory, Inc. (NVLAP Accreditation No' 101258) of Whcat nidlge, Cotorado, urini polarizcd-light microscopy (PLM), a bulk sample arytf;is lethod ,.UUtirf,.A bftire Nation"i Voriniaty Laboratory Acgeditation Program (I.IVLAP)' Bulk asbesos oiptr. wcre analyzed usin! eee vetiroa 600iR-93/l15. while the EPA docs not 'certiff" laboratories, "tt.fytL"f methods follow EFA's recommendcd protocols using a NVLAP accreditcd laboratory' Subjcct: Asbestos Sampling Results The All Seasons Building Units D5 and D6 Vail, Colorado WAI-SH Project No. 445I-010 Wgitcrn Slopc I)lvlslou: 255 Moin Strccl. Gnrntl Junc?ir)rl, (,'ol{yad(l . tl l5(tl 7803 . I,honc (9?0t :.1 l-41136 . l^X (9?O) 24 | .41| ? . galshcnv.t:Om Corporate O0iccr 4888 Pcarl E:rst Circlc, Suitc 108, Btruldcr, Colorudrr . s0:10l-2'175 . I'hrrrre (303) 443-3!E2 , FAX (3031 44:l-0167 FEE- 16-A 1 12 i34 Ptl 1^.|ALSH ENV I RONI"IENTAL 976 241 4312 P. A3 Chrfrt otCttstodY A chain-of-crrstody rcoord for alt samples was u3cd t0 track the poeeeesion tlld UanSbr of each sample from the time of field collection thnrrrgh laboratory anttltit' Thlrecor$ containcd dre following: samplc number, signat're of mff""ioi artt oicollection, jdendhcation of samplcd malerial, req'ested laborabry'#;ii, rt'ilffi oi inaiuiau.rr in custody of thc samplcs, and rccord of possession' A c4y of the ctrain-of+ustody fiorm is anached. Laboratoqt Results IaboraOry resrlts and a description of each material sampled during.tfte in$ection ale Summarieed in the fotlowing subscctions. Coples lt tftt analytical data and tie asbestos inspection forms are attached' nd Olomoseneous AIeg-U - Seven sarnples of drywall arrd joint compound Drnvall an$ Ioint Comporlr! (Ilggofertgus Afqe--t-) is located throughout cach of the units and covers .-- r--^r a-l^Ll- l".i^- ffi;"fi'l'J,:",;;',"*".df;;.rh:drvwarrgl,"l*-*tn:$i:,1*;':if:':1,:lilliii:l;iHilffiilffiy6r"i;:;;'t;;'ro.*c iJ'i. iil g*a .on'CItion. simplc anaiysis or the material indicatcd . -i -. ^L- -^r^-!rl ia aatffiil#'iliffiffi,ff#;i;;tril; r"rli;v_ry1.p asbesosl rhe rlmovar of thc matcriar is not r.gul.tti by Reguiation No. 8, but is regulated by OSHA' D ,rvwa[ T.gxture (tlomgeenmus Area 2) - Five umplcs of drywall lexturc were collected from unit D6' The mareriat is located orffifr*-*drr.no c.irinds of the unit. The drywall texilre may t rendered friable during demolition activities and was fouid to be in good condition' The matcrial covers rpproximaefi t,500 square feet, Sample analysis of the material indicated that the texture docs not cont in asbcJtos; therefore, thc material is not rcgr'rlated' Red..Brick Partern LinolcuJn GlgmoEengous AIe.a 3) - One sample of.the-linoleum locatcd in the laundry closetofunitD5*asffiersapproximately2o.square|."t.Tdis.ingood oondition. Linoleum beoomcs friablc when disnrrbed. Samite analysii of the material indicated that fte linoleum conlains no detectable asbcstos; thcrefore, the materia.l is not rcgulated' Conclusions and Recommcndations WAL5H conducted an asbestos inspcction of Units D5 and D6 of the AII Seasons Building located. in Vail, Colorado on February 13,2001. The inspection oonfirmed the presence of asbestos-containing drywall joint compound within'the structurc. Remmmendations regarding the material are described trelow. Drvlvall and {oint Compo,un4. (Homogcneous A-rca l'l - Non-friablp drywall joint compound that contains ssbesros must be ,"rnoveaffitivities tlat will rinderllai*P 1elilil tt ::tl must bc performed in comptiancc with Rcgulation No. 8 ud29 cFR 1926. 1l0l as a class I work operation. ^*,Walslt 0nvifort rnctrhrl Scir:ntists ulld l.lnptllccrs. ltl(. FEB- l6-61 l2:35 Pt4 I.IALSH ENV I RONHEHTAL 9?g 24L 4312 P-A4 Altborrgh the joint compotnd was foud to cgntain regUlated emoutts of agbestog' the jOlnt compound and rhe drywalt compositc;;itit;;i; l"FF tfr "tU.tro*. Removal of srch is not governed by Regulation No. B; howwii,'""y ..""",.of asbeslos discovcred in a material req'ires compliance with 29 CFR 1926.1101 during.*o""tt* activities. nelno "f of drywall and.joint cornpound system$ is considered u uncrassifled aaivity in 2g cFR riie.rior. tincrassifieil esbestos activity requires Exposure assessment ana monioring, methods of co*fliance under paragraphs (g) (l) (i)' (ii)' and (iii)' communication of hazerd unaet <6, and other control measurcs which are depcndent upon cxposure levcls and not ticd to " rp."in. JLtt of activity iuctr as regulated areas under (e)' The State of Colorado allows the materiai to be disposed with construction debhs as non-asbestos conteining waste' If yot have any questions, ptease call me at (f0) 241-4636' Sincerely, ,'/ | @h" Faron L. Compton A"rh Cenified A$bcstos InsPector Auach$enlcr Asbestos tnsFction Dau Shecrs LaboratorY Analysis Resdts Chrinof4ustulY Form Inspccor Certifi cations Policy Sacmcot ,*"thit invc$rerio in$t"td&cc utithcu[rrst p'"tt|x,flg:.*:-'- I1"?1T,rl.g}lf*i$3[i31l:|1"1#li" rhr,l.d in rrr lqrod. t{o otlEr .,qtti.* or u$ly*.e cr'e. coflnncd otri,rg';it 't *i3"ii"t 6,tS tdg rrterriblc r*cl rrcru idt'c-6d; Ere61$' r ir OOrrSlc th|f ACM ruy rxlr i^ rErs nrt;cfc irmccernitrtc rlwing thi, "- 0""^*il itop*t;tt 11T 'Oulqrid arouorctEt- ttut hrt rE( bceo *nplod :tn d bc il;;; ilu-];ioirs urrit n rr." *.n ..pru uy r itc ccnifod r6crlo,t in{..ror .rvl 'rrrcr otlFn,i*' rditiood inftmtlxr ooBsfni'|g !it! ctwimnrrotrl condftloru hcoorg rvrihhlc, E .orrlusiotr enrt pc<nrneshtirnr rrrr*nod h rhir rcgott wm ot b' qritcrql vdit unlcu rhil inforr,ation i-JlrJrJ,f, ""*r*l'"' -'t "o"i#[in-'lf tlit ttp"" ttt tooOfod rDd r0pm'/cd ''! rn{tlry by WAI'SH t i'p""Ofo,ftitlliCo,tl rE?otlt d iwctigttlvu cantl rlttr th coclusirnr of tlrir rlrcanrrrt' lbir n4od ir 'ot6nd.d ftr urc onv hy thr clictl. Atry luon urc of lNr qx'I1 by rw('rE olhtf tblt rtr rbovr-rsGnrcd cliqd lri! tqnirc ruthrizrtidt by WALSH |trl po.rihh Wdr(itv of lc Eton' =- Walsh ljrtt'itrltttttr:rtlltl St:it:ntist s itn{l I:ltgitrtt'rs. lltr" Hpr 3O O1 1O32'la Sn ouJdon&Hopk i ns Rrch i tect ALL SEASONS CONDOMINITM ASSOCIATION 434 GORE CRTAKDRIVE vAIr,, coI,oRADO 81657 (97oli$cxnt (970) 47G25ECFAX p.3 ffi., TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Chrbtopher DentoE ttr tr'ar (nq y26-7994 All Searols Board January 8,21101 Remodel Unitr DS & D6 - X'bbnal Resideocc Thc Board bas revitcrcd the peopo*d plruS for 1bo rcmodoling of the abovE rgferonc€d uuits and is preparcd to gmot appooval subject to tbe follouthg conditbns: r No spaon dcck r No batlad sittiqg toom in conmon area stairwcllr Receipt of building pernit tom all mudcipal euthqrities . Coaryliance wilh an locsl ordiDano€s regardfug potenrirl asbestos nmcdiation . Suiable all risk nnd liability issrrsDce policy nami4g AII Seasons as a.n additbnal insurcd in the amormt not less rhnn $l,000,000 be tak€n od 1o insure that iftberc is any rl'rruga 16 common chpeals of tbe Association or prinate poperties tbat this wilt be tbc raponsibilily of thc Fi,l'-"'fs and.lleb oootaclor.r l!s1 rhis q6qft will bc coordiuarcd wi6 tic aruicipated rcoDvatioa of All Seasons vrhich is expected to hchrdo replacement of thc mof, decks and stairway risers. It is "'dcr$ooal 1bat vork otr thc AssociadoN oomrnon elerrents wil take priority over tlc remodeliqg urcrlc oftlese uuits We will cudeavor to coc4rrde urith thc Fishmarr's cootrEctor rcgarrding scheduling.o All repab work pertalrhg to tbc cbnngc iD tbp elwations as a resuh ofthc inrtallarioa ofwin&ws will be tbe rcqpoosibltily of tho Fishmas's. The replaccmcnt wildo,rs ntsl bc as oloso to tlc uiginal as poseible.o Rcpair ofany sncillary demqge caumd by &e construction to the comoo mea ofthe Association . Throwh cleadng of my uoils that nay be iDpactod by tho nomdcliug ss lpcessary. CC: Larry Barres VER FW:El vinPlttrEr nslD'ld l4ol AU Seas6us Cordoninfrln Assoc Frederi6k W>'nan tr, P:'csidcnt Hpr 3O Ol lO:??a Snourdon0HoPkins Rrchitect p-2 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Devdopfient -75 Sorlth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 td: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 w€b : wwwri.\rail'co. us Project Name: DRB Number: DR8010058 Proiect DesctiPtion:- Exterior window / door alterations PafticiPants: owNERMR.&MRS.JAYRSHMAN03/25/2001Phone:201-227-5191 333 Hilkrest Road Englewood NJ 07631 License: APPUCANTCRAIGSNOWDON' 03/26/2001Phone:476-2201 Po Box 3340 Vail. Co 81658 Ucense: Project Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL tocaUon: Legal Description; I'ot: B Block: grbdivision: ALL SEASONS CONDO Parcl Number: 210108237025 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byt Action: APPROVED Second BY: vote: DateofApproval:04/05/2001 ' Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN):Nochangestothesep|ansmaybemadewithoutthewrittenconsentofTownof Vail sffi and/or the Design Review Board' Plannerr Bill Gibson DRB Fee Pa'd: $2o'oo 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Rd. 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: Asbestos Permit #: Required per Ordinance No. 19, Series of 1998 Permit application will not be accepted without the following: 1. Copies of General Abatement Certificate and State of Colorado Certification 2. A copy of written arrangements with the facility operators for any temporary disabling of the air handling systems, fire sprinkler system, and alarm systems with the names and contact phone numbers of these individuals. 3. Site plan with details addressing: waste container storage location. waste load out area location. entry and exiting details of abatement area. details of entry and exiting plans for the occupants of the structure in unaffected areas. Contact Assessors Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit CONTRACTOR INFORMATION for Parcel # Parcef # ZtA 2 +7ez{ rob Name: flr4raarv /&arpaTra Job Addressi,4//, s%ane lavaa a4- 2-b Phone: 2o, - 2ZZ -G/1 'a 47d -VzozP roject Ma na gel./*, r,/erza r ant Phone:?Za _4-Zd .ZZd Air Monitoring Sp*ialist: ,4174 Detailed description of work:,4zht 4a?e .'fuaa+ r@z/,pa: atTa a"",'-fr-t ,t e. . //nma,,,,r- Amount of Asbestos: Linear Feet:Square Feet:55/Gal Drums: WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel(vf Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) On Site Abatement Contractor: /U/4 Town of Vail Req. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: Contractor Signature: CoMPLETE VALUATION FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Asbestos Abatement: $ ****r.**rrr.**********r.**r.******'r*********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****:k****tr***********rr**rt*****t'****** .tr K^-.-;I+V,J NWOTVAL\Y HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of VailSuwey Community Developrnent Department Russell Fonest Director, (970)479.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you conhc8 Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC --2. Was yourinilialconbctwitr ourstaf inurediate_ dow or : no one available_? 3. lf you were required to wait how long was ii before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this yourfirsttime to file a DRB app PEC app_ Bldg Permit N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the sffi person who assisted you:54321Nane: (knowledge responsiveness, availability) 7. 0verall effectiveness of $e Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is tre best time of day for you to use the Front Service .Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us h better sewe you nextlime? Thank you br taking the time to complete fiis survey. We are commffred b inproving our service. ^*Walsll Environmental Scientists and Engineers, Inc. January 16, 2001 Mr. Jamy Patterson Pre-Construction Manager Boles Custom Builders, Inc. P.O. Box 426 Edwards. Colorado 81632 Subject:Asbestos Sampling Results The All Seasons Building Units D5 and D6 Vail, Colorado WALSH Project No. 21461-010 Dear Mr. Patterson: At your request, Walsh Environmental Scientists and Engineers, LLC (WALSH) has completed an asbstos inspection of the above referenced structure. Following is a summary and recommendations based on the inspection conducted on February 13 , 2ffi1. Asbestos Sampling Asbestos sampling was conducted by Faron L. Compton, a WALSH asbestos inqpecor certified by the State of Colorado and the EPA. A copy of the inryector's certifications are attached. This survey was performed in accordance with Colorado State regulations governing asbstos inspections. Thirteen butk samples of drywall and joint compound, drywdl texture, and linoleum were collected and submitted to an independent laboratory for polarized-light microscopic analysis on February 13, 2001- Sample locations are described on sample data sheets. All suspect ACM encountered during ttre inspection was in good condition. Laboratory Analysis Collected samptes were analyzed by DCM Science l,aboratory, Inc. (NWAP Accreditation No. 101258) of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, using polarizedJight microscopy (PLM), a bulk sample analysis method established by ttre National Voluntary LaboraOry Accrediation Program (IWLAP). Bulk asbestos samples were analyzed using EPA Method 600/R-93/116. While the EPA does not "certify" laboratories, analytical methods follow EPA's recommended protocols using a NVLAP accredited laboratory. RECEIVED FEB 19 m01 Western Slope Division: 255 Main Street, Grand Junction, Colorado . 81501-7803 . Phone (970) 241-4636 - FAX (970) 241-4312. walshenv-com Corporate Oftice: 4888 Pearl East Circle, Suite 108, Boulder, Colorado .80301-2475 . Phone (303) 443-3282 . FAX (303) 443-0367 Chain of Custody A chain-of-custody record for all samples was used to track the possession and transfer of each sample from the time of field collection through laboraory analysis. The record contained the following: sample number, signature of collector, date of collection, identification of sampled material, requested laboratory analysis, signatures of individuats in custody of the samples, and record of possession. A copy of the chain-of-custody form is attached. Laboratory Results Laboratory results and a description of each material sampled during the inspection are summarized in the following zubsections. Copies of the analytical data and the asbestos inspection forms are attached. Drywall and Joint Compound (Homogeneous Area 1) - Seven samples of drywall and joint compound were collerted from units D5 and D6. The material is located throughout each of the units and covers approxirnately 8,000 square feet. The drywall and joint compound may be rendered friable during renovation activities and was found to be in good condition. Sample analysis of the material indicated that the joint compound contains a trace to 1% chrysotile asbestos. The removal of the material is not regulated by Regulation No. 8, but is regulated by OSHA. Drvwall Texture (Homogeneous Area 2) - Five samples of drywall texture were collected from unit D6. The material is located on various walls and ceilings of the unit. The drywall texture may be rendered friable during demolition activities and was found to be in good condition. The material covers approximately 1,500 square feet. Sample analysis of the material indicated that the texture does not contain asbestos; therefore, the material is not regulated. Red Brick Pattern Linoleum (Homogeneous Area 3) - One sample of the linoleum located in the laundry closet of unit D5 was collected. The material covers approximately 20 square feet and is in good condition. Linoleum becomes friable when disturbed, Sample analysis of the material indicated ilrat the linoleum cnntains no detectable asbstos; therefore, the material is not regulated. Conclusions and Reommendations WALSH conducted an asbestos inspection of Units D5 and D6 of the All Seasons Building located in Vail, Colorado on February 13, 2001. The inspection confirmed the presence of asbestos-containing drywall joint compound within the structure. Recommendations regarding the material are described below. Drvwall and Joint Compound (Homogeneous Area 1) - Non-friable drywall joint compound that contains asbstos must be removed prior to any renovation activities that will render it friable. Removal of such must be performed in compliance with Regrrlation No. I md 29 CFR 196.1101 as a Class I work operation. € Walshrcr?E:.' Environmcnial Scientists and Engineels. Inc. Although the joint compound was found to contain regulated amounts of asbestos, ttrc joint compound and the drywall composite analysis contain less than 1% asbesos. Removal of such is not governed by Regulation No. 8; however, any amount of asbestos discovered in a material requires compliance witlt 29 CFR 1926.1101 during renovation activities. Removal of drywall and joint compound systems is mnsidered an unclassified activity in 29 CFR ly26.I1,Ol. Unclassified asbestos activity requires exposure assessment and rnonitoring, methods of compliance under paragraphs (g) (1) (i), (ii), and (iii), communication of hazard under (k), and other control measures which are dependent upon exposure levels and not tied to a specific class of activity such as regulated areas under (e). The State of Colorado allows the material to be disposed with construction debris as non-asbestos containing waste. If yon have any questions, please call me at (970) 241-4636. aron L. Compton 6^rhL Certified Asbestos Inspector Attachments:Asbestos Inspection Data Sbees Iaboratory Analysis Results Chain-of{ustody Form Inspector Certifications Policv Statement I j'nirdblrc: WAISH coortraed rhis irwestigation in accordance with (r|rrcnt professiooal pnaices- This asscss.rEol vas limited !o thc sanpliag locltiqts ard loalyses described in tle reporr. No otlEr slrryling or arulyses were cordu{ted fuing this invesiStti@. Only readily acccssible $ccs rrere inpccted; threforc' it is possibte ttnt ACM m8y cxig in atEls tbst w€te iruccesstble during this non{eskuctive ins?€ction, Any Dalerial ctper€d tlDt hrs r{ bee[ sarpled shotld be as$tDed io b€ EsbestG-c.Irtlining unti.l it bas been s8fipled by 8 strte certified r$estos iDsp€ctd and proven otherwise. If additiorut infornalioo coceming site qryiroEEtfil cqrditioos beconcs available, the corrclusicrs rnd recooncndations prcseotcd in this rcport will not bc corsidsrcd valid unlcss this infonrutiqr ir rwbwed rnd thc cqplusiom and recoqunendeiors of ftis rqod are nodified ard apptovcd in sdtitg by WAIJH. ! is possible tlnt additiooal rcpons or irwcsigatins cq d dllr tlE coefuskrls of tbis EsscssrEd. This rc?o(t is intcrdcd for usc only by ttp clicd. Ary fuure use of this rEport by Etryorp other than ttp abovc-referprrcod client will requirp autnrization by WAI-SH md po&sible updat'nlg of dte rEport. € Walsll Sincerely, Enrironmental Scientists ancl Engireelr. Inc. aolaing: 4ll 9q WALSH Asbestor Inspection Fona Description of macrial: Type of S,rspect Maerial:Surfacing, Sample # Location I ? CONDMON Deterioration ygdgl darnage Physical danage Sig. damaged N^", Nrt kb, T.o Projecr: 446/ -OtO balrc Z/tzlor note: Sig- danqed = >1096 scaercd or >25/o local donage. POTETTAL FOR DISTARBANCE Hich Contact: Vibration Air erosion Comments: TSI, X nfiscellaneors lam:ged Donaged=<10%;<25% Moderate Low 4_T Good a,/ Homogeaeons Ara,#) Arnonnt of narcnal: vS 0oO HIY SICA L CI.IISSIFICANO N Damaged or signifrcrntly damaged thermal rysem insuianon (TSI) Damaged friable surtacing .{CBivt Sigifrcantly dauraged fiable sun'acing ACBIvI _Darn€ed or significantly damaged friable miscellaneous .{CBNI .f,CBlvt with poteotial for damage .{CBM with potardal for significrat danage lny rcmaining friable .{CBLI or &iable srspected ACBlvt Comments: = \\alsh ;:.': FlItr rr..rlt:tclrr.:t \ s:trt.t. -:ttrt | .rt..:rr tr,rt.- irt. WALSH Asbesros Inspection Forn Building: Prqect:4L(6/-oto Datc. 2l | 7.51 Homogeneors /uez*3 - Description oi o,,nxa, Il^toc*, -dn-," *x Wunt of naterial: ^/5"o f+ z Type of Suspecr \taenal: / Surfacing, Sample # Locatioo 7 3 + { TSI, Mscellaneons CONDTNON Daerioration Warer damage Physical damage Comments: Sig d"maged prmagd.Good ,- nore: Sig- danaged = >10% scatercd or >250/o local danage- Donged - <10% i < 2i% rcTEffIAL FOR DISTARBANCE t Moderare LowHi$ t---Cootact Vibration Air erosion a- V- PEYSICAL CIASSINCANON Damaged or signifiently damaged thermal sy*ern insularion (TSI) Darnaged friable surt'acing .1,CBlvt Sigifrcandy damaged friable sun'acing .{CBtvt Damaged or significearly damaged fiable miscellureors .\CBNI \CBivt with poteotial for darnage .ICBM with potcntid for significaar damage .{ny rcmaining friable ACBilI or fiable suspccrd ACBlvl Comments: = \\alsh_ I rt r,-'nc_a.;].-: lillr tt.'r::::(:tl.:: \1 s:tlt\t\ .:ttrt |.tt..:trtcgt.. irt WALSH Asbestos lnspection Form Xzne: Rc,le: kb' E"sc, tkojest: t44Lt -ol o Q714 2t r 3/ot Bwldng: frll fu- Homogencors *o*-3- . -, . ^ ., r{rnormt of material: 20 f { a Description of marciral' fuA DocV (a-fuzp L','ol-t-,r-', ,l ,(',ol;ra Type of Suspea lv{aerial: Surfacing,TSI.-/ lrfisceilaneors Sample # Location o1 corvDmoN Dererioration Water damage Sig drmaged Physical d.mase nare: Sig. danaged = >l0o% scnercd or >250k local danqe- fuTB|TUL FORDISTARBANCE High Damaged Good '''' Donaged = <l0o/o " < 250/6 Moderue Low Contact: Vibruion Air erosion ,/' Comments: PEY SICA L CIIIS\IFICA NO N Damaged or signifreatly damaged rhermd syrem insuiation (TSI) Damaged friable surtacing ACBlvt S i gnifr cantly dauraged friabl e surt'rcing ACB lvl Damaged or significantly damaged friable miscellaneors .\CBlvl ACBII with potcotial for damage ACBM wirh potcotid for significaat danage .\ny remaining friable .{CBivt or friable srspected ACBlvl Comments: : \\trlsh i-!tr !r.'r:t:tc:tt-:t \('rlllt\lr ,:rt,t l'.tl'.: I ttrr_t.- ,tr g gd a d Edtg aoatoo oE ooodrggd sdssadt 60 00arD;t da.ri g-.rtt t'irti ;: :3i: 3;iF: 3ie:: t-td I l-,1-r-ld 16 l-rl"l-l-ttlttlrtl ccrtooddCid odd.:€; l.'' l" qq s8ee 99 00€ocC d.:dcJ EQ F ==*&,FF JJ )-F88>t/cE-(Ju tS*itX S***Sq9aoo .ooro€'ei.iddd ..i,i d -,r 3 cz I F ta IJ s l|t.iiSB5E * $F riil EEE*Ei ti = s s fI€_, I= - i :. :, ie i:EiSiiii3Eii=isiiiSEi5<=a .ie:a e:;liE ilii SiEit' ilEEi a-Er6iE= E=EF 3g;=t EEti5 FEE=< Ca ..{dd <d!rd '.i {COA,.I { dC 555-IIiIIiAa:i- dgl:ZO I0 SI q.Jq.-] .cu.rcs H3qa9u 8e9)eoeZ.d EiEi )FozgS dE.8 JF6z' E9rF b- lJ., u, tt:OJ f;E=835ra {3ozisEiqEnT*T=iT * tll,z E i;iigii*,-iEdE8 iE,.E Fi E E8 d Fz d.taorl u64 a =Ezr93l2aIt:Eig -{I - Ecri o :Ei :. ;; ZF: !Egi;iE:i i ci5: I-Io Efii oB ;i* s Eai Esl;e EUgiE €s fiaE i 3Iso'" dddd Ed q9n9 ?::?nt-8tt;..e qqE9 qeeqeosri.. o.. lBc ddd l-lJ- trf. t-lo I I II 9qnq 4 F. ln t" I I q9qqn &,F t d a E) I Ib () TIran8,oe5D> zJotECitEI =s9:: d:8a h| r.lJJ bb EE 99 It;t * )t )l**rr*<rccrc €oaoo -a.i.| .i.aY|r.sl ls =tiis:iStEXl =Ee5Erdl|rt:Qt-l-F';!- '''i) i <dsc{ FEo<)AEl:iidEtl6-55iirt f!tt <dcjd i dat:20 IO SI q.Jq3-] .3u. r cs llSoa9z8E9)eOEe'd ,:El ;f;EE-F6! 3? ET t7zou 62 -l-a7FX iH3?al P z 4 tsnLrr iF ri:.E Er IIiESF E E ? a oz6 F I: (J t Fz 4I iiiaeiiEiEr] d =4 tl =z { t^ F7 li =.lI 20IU 6EEa-- EtEvrci=Cz -;l? a.2i ziiE i:z -:-I a E !t A J ;r r3I 33; -rl IEIt3'z qett d€c6tE 99 qe 9e <, cts3 ss ,g tg :E :F 3F 3E ls l:tltltlll eq qq sd h.-iJ-4 d*fEsf\ l: l:tttltt 33 33 t: I :. rt f* *lc .id .a- rl rl :efgr s taE E 2 Fc, 6t tdFI ZJOrE- a< =I9rz6:t= =ziFiZz?<A.l'F F F F 3TE E ! b ibt h< r-< F< ;<d El 3l Ed ;rdi TF TF :i ?Tt 3F 3; Ir 3= rteaa.*a.|t.riAA* ..!-n.a .: .lc-6t dLtt7,O IO SI q.Jqr-l .cur I cs l.l3ga9e8E9le0e;'d EiEi 33ozx= 2E EE =z =9 ..8:TE=- ?42 E;Ei6H..r::g;I s oOg=l ; 3:iE 2 * ..: r2i; I ri ! -'.; ii E ;t E5_3 i EEFEEE Q Alg; ir iPESFE ! EiEFg sb EFE:bi ! HE<i; E; 'FFEiE ; <i.Y H: ?TE3EE :YbE ir ------ I!r'5 x = sj8:E E R LE;It 6 E flEE=* F F'r 3 "5() 2 g .i = "e'ta2 6a6{Eatt -F( "8,tsaEii;l-t{_:g.r E ; :Io(,2..; 5FEgrg i?=ti-; Ei-iJZ5;ig J;i i .lt3 Er-i = i:*ir XJi 2-a LJ-4"&c) ggrd $ggg iddl 1lrlaa jJii.i leIo I I I <tddd * dTt! Fo E I c3 tF to' 6Ooqc5ir<5iE.lqa-t< =l7< ?!9Z<: 53 tat 3 zdz24e( 9E:Bs6aEs9;E Fi=B .adud 9 A dLttzo tO St q-Jqr.| .cu. I cs ll3oa9zEe9leoes.d IiEE fF 96 1Vt9Zzo H5 Eg v, l) 3BT." eEg 353!i$ a*.1 .r la' n.)z a rdt.a-oI rRY L>< at-i?/ oZ rr{E 5iE Xta =r- -OI o t aa R iii i t:eeii iiigiiiligr -l= 'l9', I q ;E3 6 t zotr\ e 8 a nJ!!{t: r3tr-! =EIOiTE -lta.aTE-Eti cz adl. =oz a F a 38<.zoTiJt,-zF=9!E-F95:= e=9 3ig g U 7,' '+ 2.E 2 .f fr n CD fr &- L) u.l4 ctoF =t-, l!o =esAJ L''t.,,-{{2_h ., \nVr 1 -.?,16\ l.-rj -c, -A\ni i\. :li :iti a - ?) ql =. l^ clcgrlol t.-rnlvr Iv ; l; El!rulq,>l> (, loulu Oi! | | lD|6'E IE F IF q, lc)tt,uo too to r' l= lgE IE I:.2 1.3 l; = | J 14s ls la?2 q- ifi or E-.>u; IUu\{-o It c lt-CD IO - l-o.tt lluIJ .- I r- -D lr- .r' loEru lcr-> l>1, o lo() tu..a,, lo >,& le -o vl ? e9E$ ;(n Q) .ogrz,-f;3tlt o o U J ;o o -lq,: 8t:(, ; !, oo < -l<g tgo zr-l o'xl ' ; ticD |gr;l; ;L t, t!o t0,: t.:r Itc, lsc lc l-c'| la,d. l.t gl t |' ac, J '!, N fn:r I vN IoN $- { v)J - l.-t F {,)o C\T c.l cO .ao-\ ,.71.\ =F (-.1 ./ = a.l F.>FF- ooat) = =', =A A'A_i ,-. CJ i,_e=e= 2 9e 3 ,_; E i:r) u .F \),3 a, 1=r-\ :\J e._.= u) o:;F -6ii .i r-' c c.ll- O*' =ch! ra O )X J,a=4 -!r\-t_!2 -.- (uoI (! O >ELt - tr ,-! .-th= 2 tr >c -. h o.o -Hiria\:-o0-\J€ cg r- Eirn'd)@ =.Y ii a 6 c"u 9.- =(a:A=C't = = F 6'..;.=IJH5F-=e.=:Et_ ,t IJ r-t \r, _-€ x;€ F fti .7, i*rri *gEY v.f Y l*, t -.4q'' lY - ': lir r< ': = ='=,e ^ ^-i , =Fi:= _.E Alio':S9tr x;-i E F:; v o.-'o I3 ksbF E34 Y'o\oY g tr:-j li (D -t (+i r. ()€ iD n;( o'i E9 r:)(=.3.SF3 c0 qO Elr.l Ii a, n'* g <'= = 4 ): X E ri a*vtr\-'\u, <Ev).=>tI]E cr E b *;<.E trl oaE 6 92C) - L L. l- vl !. = I r o Fz:?E€E; l.l;96oFl- FH i;Qt'!#t--EO-O'Y-r-it&)rv-(J-a =< c q a)- 6i.ob.F-t7 LN c \rj|.= E S \--./.\Fo.9 3 :s.lr-rFt-!.^: 0" = h:F#U I:F C o -:tt'l .<<F R<r l< =-L,orh!,, zAvF F{ EAv Uzo & tr t\F)FI €=AXv= L r-.q)laz ,-.b!r. {.x_6t-lr F3...tsl;6t F-'a Fr 5? y2tr! t-lor- ts?|a t=q.AI .! :':v-9 s e.tr ri3/ v ra Uzl-( a\a * F.-.I zFfl.FT F{a Hl-{ J F] FI]IY\ AA Avrt\J .9() a) .i l- !.) q) ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION .,'{';;.:;;;:;;;t;';;:"i;;;;;': " ' ' .' ST '.t i :!t INSP Issued: Expires: 09/18/2000 09/18/2001 ' This cttifiatc Lt nlful o.l, drt hc posutsiot gceifidtuvr. R.ecord Nrnbcr: 8879. of cutnu AEERA ccrtifutiot ia thc tfrsciplitc r--T- n ?'t- ^? r .^n ^ F __ __ _u ir uI__LULORADO 'cbtcdeoo D€pARTMENT oF HE{ITH ,^.&'lic;teC o ptor--Jng and imgmvng Je o..tth an4 /rffi\ =":-*1 to prc.FJng and 'mg.nvrag le o.alth an4 enYttonficnc ol aha peale of loerzO rl00 Crrry Gcei 0r. 5- Ccnvcr. !ai61s6s aO:::- f5:O Phrnc COf) ,t9?.U OOO P.urtrl:iFE{E,.,..J]'1 tI|<rj|,re Drqrlr I ritonrorv 3urldhg 121q €. i Iur Ayenue Dcsvet, Cuorio 60? ZGl716llolt 5rl 1700 ?o\t tot!f,'(btqtxr .' P O LICY. ST,^{.TEME}.i"I lltc on In'th+:lirsrca.se' itthemud is grater tJian'lio ssb€sros tte projer{ rngs! be.handltd as anashestdisbstedent Proj€rt; subject'.to all the.applicable reguirernents of,Regplatio6.No: E. In tfie scconci case, the proj€c! is coruidered.m.ssb€slos lbale'ne'tt,project if the compositeanalysis (the percmt of ssbesr's in the combined mud/dryr*,ait,courpcsite materiar) sho*6 anr.sfestos:conleat of greater r.han l?o. [f, on the other una; ne *ornoorit.ln"Lisis inil;; ;rsbestw conieirt noc gr€ef& rhan-i_fo,.even thougbr:ihc mud.rn"y;;ffi. dran rfo, accordingto R'egularion No. E, the msterisl is gel considfu AcM and,.doesiot tatt under the ubestosabatenrent requirenms of this rgutation. .: This policT ls effecrive'through Decanber 3l; 199{, rmle<s superseded b1a revised policy isuedprior to this dare. tl lliis policy.satanantr. pierse contad our rsbestos groug rt Steven D. Fine' Sr. Indrsaial llygienisr Compliancr Monitoring & Enforcenrent Air Pollution Control Division lf 7ou hc,ve any questioru Air Pollution Control Divisioo ALL SEASONS CONDOMII\ilTTM ASSOCIATION 434 GORE CREEKDRIVE VAIL, COITORAIX) E1657 (9m)47G2?:2r (970) 47G2684FAX Chrirtopher Dcnton, Vir trrrt (9701 y26:1994 All Scarons Board Janurry E,2001 Renodel Unltr DS & D6 - fisbuan Residence .ffi,, TO: I'ROM: DATE: RE: The Board bas rcviewedtle proposed plans forthe reupdeling of the above rpferonoed units and is preparcd to graar appmnal subject to the follo$uing conditioos: o No spaoudcckr No barhand sitting room iD conunon.lttr! stainrrcllr Receipt of hrildiqg pernit tom all ulmicipal authoritiesr Conmpliance with all bcel ordinaoccs regardilg potcntial asbestos rc,zrcdialiono Suitablc all risk and liabiliry inswancc polioy uaning All Seasons as an additional insured intbe amount mt lcss thau S1,000,000 be takeu out to insure rbat iftherc is any zlqmrge to co'nr"r'n elements of tbo Associstioa or private properties tlat this will be tbe responsibility of thc Fishmnn's an{.fieir ooorractor.r That thb work will be soordirated with ths anticinated reoovation ofAll Seasons urbich is erqected to include replacemcnt of thc roof, dccks and stairway risers. It is tnldefstoodlhat {ork on the Assooiationq co"'-on cbmeos wil takc prirority orru tlE remodeliqg work of these units- Wc will cndeavor to coolrrate with tic Fishrnan's coDtractor regardfug scbeduling.e All repah work pertaiuing to the changc in tbe elevatious as a resulr oftlrc insfallation ofwindows will be rhe p**ibiliry of tho Fisbman's. Thc replaccmc* windovn nust bc es closc to thc original as posoible.o Repair ofaay ancillary 'l^-"ge caused by rlr constructjou to the comuon area ofthe Associafion . Through cleaaing ofany uails that rDay be impaoted by thc rcrnodcling as rrcccssary. CC: Larry Barnes VIIR FW:ul Vril\F-UhtEr RsrEdC l40l /I P_@71tO-t€?434?6mAY-eg-g I a4i47 Pn coucHL r N il)I --..t.__ --t-- JxHo N I .[ Joql * .0 I I I i .It F T .iti I n p a .1 EI F E ll ! a ! fl clT; IEE:;: E TE g :tn f rt ;iig liii riii tiil iiif E-!t'5!iti $ Fe D !r1 EIt:I I .T rl E. gs e9 ;; !iIr .ll r\-L i.u.t> : n ! I 2 n {\ I 6 3n UJ trg 6 n J d ] ,a o n .tt f 1 : : ir I ri,.ri'- !iTt i:--- .". -.4Ii:r! ri 2i f{ ii x, o Tc T E 3 { .9 $ u1 t B t'l 5I t-,z al. o6 ca 3 x5zl >t r{i ;.: rt? o I,qf 4 : i 6 *3 ;:H EEF EEH:;Fp FII isf -., b9= q60E 5s5<r c?"ro'11" l11 Lv (d,n3 ile \ll:r\tlr|-SLol 91._ o X\--En a .0 sh *o l|xs o 5.It-\ t !\, < a rt 6. t IL I ,^l I S o c'l J 3a +k t {.1 \) 3A x d N I >, A, l\lJ>j ul 2A \0 \n .\ ; ca 6z 9.A' 6I { !lffii F.VV I x di I aEt -fJF -Ef,f i:l & i A a t T t ;!.E rJ-l !a E E T c I E a, n E .e a , FI I,! ?gt n I It T a cl j rii; !lii i iii isil g! tl siig ..9 ;is EEF!ifl..3f ig€E- F €pf tr80 T 4a u o I El rllr $r lE"ltl"l ti{ ; d ,_or I T--*---- ii $l LL A .^.S {'trlo rl, _!ct t I-Vrn 9 ;----t -. I 2 a.:rL- {i!.f$sJ it lv il .!lg t Jl IItl gJ ii t' c rrl r -J--Jl__ I I .".\t 3rs I \E J ! ,r H.-t\ |.t --- - --I i{I *"- \ \L.t ,t t.o,t o t i D E Ix 3 2 I 1-slfr id\I t-lt i - l,+.--l 1(ES f,H l..*ft lr I E l t t \ 1,t ttci..-_, - - ottl.ro(thl thl I o\c.l cO 1i ri -{Ldtr sic{l I h $9 sl $al A.rI Pl xi r ;?"{:b Aq #a. I sN tFeltrirg. 7,=6t .BfiItlilFoxl Ef {L ti.x t- F II irf Irla!vll flvrl <litiI l,i! l,tr tI1 lv c E II g 3 ci II ,: IIl-l\ " ra g .8x |- N $e *a* I* 9 ,Y M :l I.l; I a>t N A PIol II{l 9ll>l / 5J so \Ax*t> <) s lfi *lt *o.it *.lt-a c.r lr = ) 's cJ a{!' ra $l lll Iol'l ol lil Ji - I ll#j rr,i-d: | | - |;: i I -- - I ;iilEl s II \l:, .. I::ll;l dl iltI*[ 'i'1,, N a(n Iy r{ \s c1 l.,d E It E J .) i sJ a N TqI-t it {. I E .c n To 's N Ifirrf flr I J o IDo:r I ! I I t I t l Irf5l tru+ t r{ I o t/) G 0l f.,-6 od \) 3A * E, tI \b \b \b \b \) F' T(J F{ LJ t-f\J cd\*i5 hO M N M $.1 IlJ nJ ji IT l.:_ -13t._..:.... _l__.:(r,lr)t .D 14AY-69-A I A4= 48 PFr COUGHL I H ;tJ rb (438 (6 ir Otr CE nn ix I !J2 d 8 ol = ?i=.>: ui; 9i lJ.J } '-r c i I jE J,i. ffii P_49 nnn 5e:6"434"6MAY-49-O I A4.48 PH COUCHL I N -L A II i.' g .J IQrtfI I'f-' I J.li l,q t$ r. E g a t' =I ! :'l t[:l" !irigib iirilt ;t 60ititi;:; i,6.i!E *E e it c!rni: Etli!r.Q I E d t I 8! '! Nl m't !t qf ! l :r 6 a g E ,$[9! ={ iF! a1 ' r{tu\ t:t !itcl E E E a E s 7it ;.g-Fg EE -'t I II{d o< E.9 ,; T 5 ? e t 9 3 I tI! s E iti EisEtt irg.a:t€g 6!q*t PE F €ef<E JI i.I s T FtIg T d E I d .EI ctf a x SF66nil 5 'l5 ; !t gif a *E;i I!:; ! 4r;5 t 8 ,N Sle = s ,tx:sI T$ha N Erq .--:t ; \) 3a qt T Ib(Offii az v) d P r t ! I T t ! z E 5 oq 3 z = \J mAY-e9-0 | a4.46 Pn couGHL I N NO I[:Alt uails ond glo$ toltrnr or, virled fromI.I vlf lical ocr! run thfough !hi!s3 otn!r*:t.!A1t feprlsenl0tion Ot rUtlr6 u.tils li Orovid(d 'esoon!iii;lt lc consrrlt o glrLctvrol ?ng;ncr. slr cIt.fl sherglh ior /ccJ bccing ond iintl 5056"45A?6 t..r\rt.t. i |\uui 6 l/uljx lhs erlcrlol un rss olhenrh! soecified, r.qutrd b, monulrclurrng proceiS?! lo Jrc.r omltrilcs rflolionqhlps only. tl frmoint tfr Cu3,tr lrchitx( tc cererninc lhe prqor dcs,gn oi muth ro provrc /t!i!:ancc con gid€f oiionr. g'lff,g1g,. I IRAP:20:0 AJX (S.) rRlpE3o,o aux iS.)(B) Srsi . 2-0 (B) BASE . l-0 (L) ttEi = 2-6 (L) LLEG " i-0 (f,) F.rEG . l-0 (R) R ttc = t-o H\P. = 2-0 17/6t HYP. . {-l ll,/51 rRAPiloiD ^ux (sJ) rRAptzort) Ar/x (5.1) (8) aA$ - 2-3 (8) BrsE - r-0 (") t,rES = +-t (rl r.r,Ec = l-0(r) P.Ltc = {-0 (nl n.uc = r-o H\P. = /-g s716q HyP. . a-t Jl/6{ -R^Pt?oro Aux (s4) (8) SASI . 2-0 (L) LLE6 = t-0 (R) R.LEC . /-5 H\? E 2-C 17 /6. TRAPIT0C AUx (SJ) (8) crsi - i-o (t) tLEc = J-0 /^i ^, .^ [|1, r'l,Li.u r l-0 HYP = 2-0 17,/61 Scolr: U'll X rrrs o0.rbtrc r$ rE co{Irhrs ^a( txe rRoplAly 0f cus-rcMtrq,I |1^00r t 0001. r0 lt!! 0r trPR0]'.ClFtr t lF! ,t),^Cotlltil! 0, tltis otrl|rj: rS PtRerllto ll'xoul Ir[ ,i/ )ttrrtc$ HlrEr eElurggol Ot tr6Ll HNFvr t Dmt. / ,4?, ctA0, I UrE ICAPEZC0 AUX|L|AR|[S TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : OWNER FISHMAN Desciption: Valuation: ELECTRICAL PERMIT 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Units D-5 & D-6, All Seasons Condos 21,0108237025 ?Vsoi -aDSQ Permit #: E0l-0746 Status...: ISSLIED Applied. . : 07/09/2001 Issued. . : 07/11./2001. Expires . .: 01./07 /20[.2 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Iricense : COMTRACTOR HIGH PEAKS EIJECTRIC, INC. P.O. BOX 3291 EAGIJE, CO 81531 I-,icense: 150-E APPIJICAMI HIGH PEAKS EIJECTRIC, INC. P.O. BOX 3291 EAGLE, eO 81631 License:150-E o7/09/2ooL Phone: 07/09/2OOL Phone: 97O-524-L978 07/09/2OOt Phone:970-524-r978 electrical FOR REMODEL $9,000.00 FEE SUN,IMARY Elects'ical-> DRB Fee------> Inv€stigation--> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEEg-> $162.00 $0.00 s16s.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees----> Total Permit Fee----> Payments--------------> BAI-ANCE DUE.-----> $15s.00 s0.00 $155.00 s15s.00 Approvals:I€elm: 05000 ELECTRICAL DBPARTMEIIII 07/o9/2O0L JEvl Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FTEI_,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COII'PLIAI{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accuraae plot plan, and state that all the inlormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and iubdivision iodes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TVVENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PM. /. SIGNA L TVWt{uFWn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOI""TJ"?l;i'WYa,- oas-r Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) coNrRAcroR rNFoRMArr r$ O | - O | ( L Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: Qo4-lqLt?- COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALt OTHERS (tabor & Materials) AMOUNToFSQ FTIN STRUCTURE, / 3@ ELECTRICAL VALUAION: $ 9, Conbd Eagte countlt Assessrc oor".6-or-r*ooo * r, www,eaqle eeuljtv.com for parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bfdg, Oermit Job Name: o. / ntt Se";gdsf iSLn",o.^/ ( g*;l8ior:.JobAddress: 43tl Go$z craz'E OZ.Jr''''F\r\r''J' qi;ti D-f+ob .i Legal Description ll Lot: ll etocr: ll riling:Suoorvrsron: ^ I e owners Name: f'9;, *^o-/ ll noaress:Phone: lld Engineer:Address:Phone: l- Detaileddescriptionof work: Rek y L;7hi;rrt * o.^!lZl{ t*r r.tec (oDu. workclass: New() Addition( ) Remodet 0O Repair( ) Temppower( ) other( ) Work Type: Interior (\) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-tumily ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family pQ Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit fgr a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (X) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes $Q No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) ltto Pq ***!t *:t* **rr* **** * **** **** ****** * * * t *****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********'i *** ************************ Other Fees:Date Receivedr DRB Fees:AcceDted Bv: a- Planner Siqn-off:lIg EIVE. ,' | ,,1 F :/everyondforms/elecperm TOW1\ OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M01-0091 Job Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Locahion.....: Units D-5 & D-6, All Seasons Condos Applied . . : 06/08/2001 Parcel No...: 2"10108237025 Issued . . : 06/11./2001 ProjectNo: QffTot'C)oi(e Expires..: 12/08/2001 owNER FTSHMAN irAY 06/08/2OOt Phone: License: CONTRACTOR SKYLTNE MECHANICAI, P.O. BOX 1258 GYPSI'M, CO 8L637 License z 72t-M APPI,ICAIVT SKYI-,INE MECHANICAIJ P.O. BOX 1258 GYPSI'M, CO 41637 License: 121-M 06/o8/zooL Phone z 9'1o-524-68o9 06 / 08/200L Phone : 97O-524-68O9 go. oo Total Calculated Fees-> So. oo Additional Fees------> $53 - o0 Total Permit Fee--> PaYments----.-_1 BALANCE DUE---> Descipfion: VENT 4 EXHAUST FANS/ 1 CLOTHES DRYER Valuation: $1,200.00 Fireolace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: Mechanical-> Plan Check-> Inves tiga tion-> Will Call--> g4o . oo Restuarant Plan Review-> $t o. oo DRB Fee*-------> $o. oo TOTAL FEES---------> s3.00 $53.00 $0.00 s53.00 ss3.00 s0. 00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o6/o8/2ooL cdavis Action: AP see condiLions CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BI-,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CONOO04793 Dyer vent and other envirnmental vents must termi-nate a minimum of 3' from any opening back into the building 97 UMC Sec. 504.6 Dryer duct must be a minimum of 4" diameter, smooth ri-gid duct and not connected by sheetmetal screws and cannot exceed 14' in length 97 IIMC Sec. 504.5 , 504.3.1 & 504.3.2 DECLARATIONS I hbrdb! dcknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plar; and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforsration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM. BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OffiCE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 CONTRACTOR FOR HIT4SELF AND OWNET AJ"nnf$ G- z*ot \UtIldLL:EtEJte LOl,inty AssessarsOifrce ai 970-328-.8i540 or vtstt wr{w.edele:count.v.coyylifss'p67ss! g irr/urk Clacs: l.lew i l ). -'-----J! l',lo/Tvoe cf Fireplaces Fxistinq: Gas Apclianccs ( ) GaAoqs y'V Vt,nalp.tlet i 'I Wocd Bulniriq / i I r: I 07-24-2001 5:21 prl AIFryD |nforyrrtsr Acihdtv:ConArwl; tuicril' Ofirgr: Applksnt: Cffiacror: De*crh&m; Coflflind*: ln*p9qtlgn Fequ_F{Paote 1 Roausshd lnssEct D€D.r' Acitnlred Tol tnepcc06n Typol In8irecson Ates: Sltc,E{dtlts$g; , ,'rfA, j Um*y,ruryrqioo{ A ri L)(dA'/ BLDG fl,.|l .'uttl] ? frt*r"o*HKDRvAL ')uY J"g'td9 t 4r,.6oRFikDRrueusrs*osoe IJW ,5 , O/ fg( iu t,v BOl-0ltO - Typ.l: A-MF 6lccuFdfrry 2,|fi(na37c?6 hiR. a MRS. JAY Fa$hlil$N FOLES CtrSTOr' zutLO€RS, rt'C BOLES CUSTOiT zul||.DERS" lf{C F.ITERIOft REMOOEL4fir8fr{€ Lf$tl"S DilD8 Sub T\rDo: Arilf sNaer: gtstJ€D UsG: V1-}ffi lthpAJe|: CD Ptpm: 201-127-9191Plpm: 9?S€26-320t PItorP: 97tLAg32O? R0{rTED TO 8r-I" GfB,Sof'r tN Pr-ASINre{G Ar.rD CHARLTE - COAVIS Rco$cckll |llFfcg!9[dtl ItPrn: 0O BlDG*Sheetrock l{oll Roquos0r: EOLE$ CUS'rOM Bt S"ffiHS. n$Hn$ C.o'nimsntB: UntN D$'DG Asctonc{ To: CDAM$Acllon: Tlne €ro' W%Vwa trxraz7 4un lnso€ctonlrf sbon 2t g /< Rsnrte*brl Tlmei 0t:00 Pil' Flronp: 9t!4-l$8 Ent ood B,: LC+ql|F€€Ll K t,t/fltL A f ,Uan 7ft FA*{r lflr 10Hn: ttlltofi!: Sl lHri: €OItr[rr 7O flem: 90 oal8ro1 ConYrurfs: liiln: 50 O'll1?ttl lrEo{ldor:ELfr$|nsffio|r ' 0?/1901 f6petor: 8tr.D+Shalioc* r.lr[ S{"DG-trSac. Sl"Ocfutal Cttut Frzf' 3?7-32-f-s 5urc477.53 TYAT/7a (?r--gr .-- .aperuvs- e/cdlvb ' Aclbn: DN D€NIEDn b Actbn: DN D€htlED I1OIJGH T$PECTIC'N REOIJRED T.loR IJENTSIDUCT$ PSMNT FOR HEATIiTG Tfr,,sT BE PlcKED TF AfiM HEAT ROUC;H hISFECTON REprL31 xttrn lcl,: 788 ./,,, 11-05-20CI1 In*perrtlon Requ+st Reportlnf,Zggffll-- _-------u{uL_c.g-:"-Telt{fijlE-.-:- --- Lc-fr', Lt7?- 2125 I{{gu66te{t ins$ecf fr.tte Monciry, l'iovembe' 05, 2G01' Inepeihon fuea: CS Slie Arjoressr 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Unlts g)-5 & S"6, All Ss.sons Condss Page 10 A{F 0lnicrnaFon rlcthrity: For -0O49 Typr: liF[.!tB Sub Typc: AMF Consl Ty'pu: OccuFaFry: ura PErc€,: "{O10&37(D5Orttn€r: FSHITiAN JAY Coniracior: R & R HEATING Fhona: 3{13-824-9458 Apollcrnl: RARHEATII{e Phene: 3G3-'324-94S8 DeecilrUon: NEW PLtrUBlt{G SY$TEM FOR COI'Ir,FFlSlOt!, OF TWO lJttlT{i iNTQ ONg Slglrn: lnsp Area: lSSUED CD RecuesEd!!{gesnqn{gl Item: ?9o Pr.PltlFlnsi Rcqueiio.l R & R I-€ATING Cottifiants: $rc 39(HF08 Aslbn€d To: CDAVISi' Acilon: RequestEd f lrn€: irti;06 Am- Pnona. 97S524.1?10 Entered Elr: Df-LORES K T|me f r&r' Item: 2SO Itern: ?60bm: 290 & lMSPrcTTaq fiPgeo'o nem: ?10 nem: 2?0 tlem: i30 It m: 240 PLM&UrderoroundPt-lr&RorrgttD.W.V. " Apercved " 0ci11;0f In8patol: GfiG Aclion' APApfTROlEfl Comnl6flts: Tcit & 5 p*l OK lo rr'yrrr llrxaPLMSRwSftWdoi *fupreved'- 06: l l,Of lnsperfor. GRG Aclion: AF APPROvEI) Cotnm€ s. Teit a 100 psi. r)K l,o rcvor lko.. PLMB-Gas Pfitfrrg * Alprcu{d 06111;0l Insoector: GRG ' A&ton: SOND APPROVEgCLaMXTIONS Cc'mnlenE: Ts3l (? lO p6l. OK to co\r€r flcor. Wa{l n€€'d to rechacl( gna.stndotf tor N. thef .cs, 6s trlumb€r not "rU"."*Orfruf#*r6 ro sst dep€fkjlng on flnbh !fla&rtab. DOUE PlMFMh.. PLM&Frnai 'a REPT131 blun Id: 1039 a--;--= - i i !\,, )> I s 11{5.1001 tnspccflon Requcet Reporttngl:09_eq|___ __.____-_-Vtrt--C$_:Towtrt.i]F_.._ : _____._._.__. Rcgues.bd lnsp+rt oate: lnsp€ctlon Aresi Site A'Jdrsss: ilofidey, Nov€rnber 05, 20ol ct) 434 GORE CREfK DR VAIL Unlts 05 & c)'d, Al Sea$ons Condos Page 5 AJPrD lnJollmtlon Acthfry: Conet Typi: Paital: Chrnsr: Contrlclor: Aoollcant: Oei*iptioo:c"or nar{i Rcqugst{, lnsp€ctlofi{ s I Item: 3gS t ECH#lnalReqmrlo.: SKYLIhIE IIECHAMCAI- Ass|o.l€d To cDAvls- Arfon:. A ,geBo'c0 ti0t{091 T'pe: F-MEI)H - Occtrpafic}," 210r0823?025 FFHIIAN JAY SKYLINE MECHANEAL SKYLINE IffiCHANICAL 1/EIJT 4 EXF!{I.LgT FAIISi 1 CTI"OTTES DRYER ROUTED TO CHARLIE FOR AFPfIOVAL . CDAVIS Slrtus: h6ptu€a: ISSUED CD Pfrore: 970-5?4{i8O9 Phone. 97G5?+680{t xequecrerrffii Ttmo Erp. tn."rtrJ f,lY: fw lco?Anrc+-l/ 01:00 PIU 970.544-€+109 DfLORES K f r:\>E&-''P,a-t arl?qrrn " nl C"J €n- P, pe tN ftPe Pi@ /t/f) ffi-ffi***oh "'Aperoilec O?t12!O! hsDector: GRG Actton: AF APPROVEDfsrfr. 319 MEcltHsftri---- -;lruowd - ' - t:- * 07j1?ior liiFEcrrr-dRG nEflaR:'ccrnXpi'6vtDrcoNDrr]cr$s -.r _ Comrnonls: Wilt sdil nc6d lo do pftrs${,r€ iesl m n€$, hydronh h€.t hnes. uAlOqA 6t6( E/*tG[:m- 3f5-PrnBca+Pblng*- - ---._ltsn: 320 Mec$e*tgrrst'Flood" "Aearcvrd ---=< fPFS'eL ,"Oiil2tol Ini!*tor: GRG Aoton: AP AFPRWE t'tbm: 33[) MECFeSuDofvAfr .--"b-'---l ibm: 340 MECI-l-Ml6c.'lbm: lS MECH-Flnat , . r-.) | I'rspecfto^l5 ) .fi REpt'l31 Run Id: 1.039 dfiflr'lrY G1ltLoPllEllt Design Review Board ACTIOil r(}Rpl DsDartment of Commsnity DeYelopment 75 South Fronfdge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€l:970.{4.2139 fax:970'479.2452 web: w*w.vallgov.com Project Name: MORGAN/WYMAN WINDOW Petect Description: Participants: APPLICANT ATI.AS CONSTRUCTION 144 WILDCAT STREET EDWARDS co 81632 License: 255-A CONTRACTOR ATLAS CONSTRUSNON Proiect Address: Legal Description: Parcel l{umber: Comments: 1,I4 WILDCAT STREET EDWARDS co 81632 License:255-A 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL FINAL APPROVAL FOR A TMNSOM WINDOW ADDMON DRB Number: DR8080057 03/10/2008 Phone: 970-926-1455 03/10/2008 Phone: 970-926-1455 Location: ALL SEASONS B-5 owNER WYMAN, TIMOTHY E. - MORGAN, 03/10/2008 TRUSTEES 31 S HARRISON ST EASTON MD 21601 Lot: B BIock: Subdivision: ALL SEASONS CONDO 2rot-o82-3701-2 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Condations: Gillette Dantas +0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalt 03/19/2008 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLqN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of appro\ral, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEAIS. Cond: 202 (PI-AN): Approrcl of this project *rall hpse and become void one (1) rcar following the date of final approual, unless a buiHing permit is i$sued and orstruction is ommenced and is diligenUy pursued toward @mdetion. C.ond: CON0009828 The applicant strall add a center mullion to the proposed win<ilow to matdr the sliding door below and shall submit a revised rendering at the time of building permit' Planner! Ni@le Peterson DRB Fee Paid: S25O.OO f;n o.-'o "'.'3626215 >> Mlnor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Ocpr.tnent of Cornmriltt hrelopment 75 Sqlrr Fronog. Rood, Va[, ffi 81657 tel: 970.1179.2128 far: 970.f9.2.t52 ureb| n wt v, i€llgw,com Gondel lhlbrrnfdon r All prorecb t€qdilng dcCgn lwle$, mult rcclhra appoal prtor b grbrnlfie r bulirg pnt appllcdon. Pleae tefer to 0E $bmitbl ]€qrirer€nts for ttr prfiCcrrlar appro€l that is rEquesEd. An rppllceuon ft. DcCan R.irbrx, camot be acc.Dtcd mul rll nqirud ldbrmadoo 6 .ecehrcd bV Op Corrru*y Dardoprient lwE t- Ih€ ptojsrct may alp need to h Brew€d by $e Torvr @uncil and/or tl|c Phnnhg rnd Enykonm€ital Ommisdorr. DGtlgn twl.w.ppro|r.l |!gao srdd a bulldlng FnDh l'r lrucd rnd cd|Sudfi ommncrr wlthln onr trrr of tlrr Tprcv.l. MpAon of th€ Roqr|oft:Addincr a transom wlndow over a elidinq dl tF- .lar6, f 6 rn.at,-h l-ocadorr ol the Progor.l: tot:'/ Blor*:- grbdivision:@) Phydedtdrltw: AII seaEons., ugit 85. vail co 8165? . _ --- Percal llo.!ogz3Tor L (Contact Eagle Cr, Assessor at 970-328-E640 for parcel no.) Zonln9r bA^ Xan{.) of Ownu(r}:l(arin Morqan HalllngAddrw!2883 lJeehlll Drlve. Boulder, cO 80302 Phoncr 303-589-5824 otrrrr(r) 9gnabrc(a): il.nro ol Appllc.nt:AElar Constiruct,ion (.t Propatl l'lalllng Addrur 144 Wlldcat Str€et, sdqrarde, CO 81532 ptrone: _! ?-o_ - 92 6 I 1455 E-nulf Addru: i aeono@atlasvail .com Fat:. 9'ro-926-L453 fYpo ot nodcr rnd Fce: For @ndr.don d a new hrldirE or deop/rebuld. For an adddon wlere squarc foobgp F dGd to any rrCderdal o. co|fxrcdal buikf,rto (ird.dcf 250 ffirr3 & lnErbr @n €rg$s). For mlrFr chrngFs to bulklngs and $€ lrnprotuncrts, adr as, |q,rudng, p.lnu]E, wlfibr dddon6, lan&caelng, ,bnc€ ar! Gtahlno wdl+ ctc. For mirtr drrngcs bo brr*flngs ard s&e lng|otlern€nt+ $dr ts, rHDotlrrg, pdndng, wlndov{ add|o|rg, lan&ptn forc!3 and |€trlrJrE x6ll9 els Fot re$lorc b ddrs ahedy ryppwa by Plilrdr€ strft tr ttt DeCgn R6d€* 8oard, JEFF MORGAN P 'l/1 TUT}I v -,4, @0v oo ot { tr slgns D ConcegEl l R.evicw tr Ncrf Co.€tn ctlontr Addtion ! Mlnor Aierdon (mru+rnry/corrne|datl O Mlmr Aheratbn (Cmbfilrny/du9lcr) O CtDng€ b Approvcd Plens tr Separatin Requct $S0 Erc $1.m per squarc lbot of bbl dgn area. tlo Fe t20 120 No Fee t5s0 $3m t250 .*,no..JJ y.9 ey, ?nnsr. u u r..l VAIL iL- \\, lL- | lrtn . ^|Jnti I l/ E ill TOWN OF ALL SEASONS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 434 GORE CREEK DRIVE VAIL. CO 81657 March 6, 2008 Town of Vail Community Development 111 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Remodel - Window Addition in Unit 85. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter is to inform you that the Board of Managers of the All Seasons Condominium Association has approved the addition of a window above the deck door on the south side of Unit 85. Permission has also been granted to vent one appliance either through the east wall or through the roof. Ifyou should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Y" ^?. ]u.rlj P Oata"> Larry GlBames Managing Agent totxTPnoPEtflowtsR WRITTET{ APPROYAL ICTTER 4Tt^#*-aN a Flnt owner of property l@Ed at cNS ,) prorkh tlts letEr as wiltEn apProrrl dthe plalrs Gtetl wl{ch have been submitH 0o tf|e Torwr of Vall Cootrnrnity Devdopment Deparlnent lbr tfie prroposed imp.o\€fiErG b be @mpleEd at tire attttress nohd dor€. t undersbnd uratthe proposed lmprorcrnents tndude: 3^/o - 09 (htc) Addltlonrlly, plwr cncf thc rtabnert bc|our utilctr 18 rnod epdleUa to you: { t ,"ra"r*rl tlst rffipr ndifut ofls npy E n &e to dp fttE otq ttE 4Jttfi of tE twliltprw to asE anfltane nnth tn Tomb ryplbfu & atn Egtffiiotv rtfurna (/a/tldten) D I tqugt&alt n dtbhra, n*wq dur@, ,ryild, aE fl,* to tEfrrc aratte ouv af tln ra,f* gw, b bmaft b ny a@,tut by AE aptbft fv effinat apronl Hwenagilry tutlw rctht by tE rowrr, trleiltulbn) fr pganz*r /* rvrld tglit/M /r, Frwcr^Kxi|s\h|t|Gi\Plamlngp|d tu rG\f0_n*tof_itlt-A-2007.d0c P{E2dl3 nIrl Fu4 f' f;;! rr i tl t ,tT}-t a- rl !J V)oo-s3 IC#)t\;iu'=rnE:\oz-EiE9TegF(tr (o--{J 3{s+ az 6,F '---:'.J --..1- t + i ,: L.Y.!: riNrnlnI Y, l! $ $ - :vTi'Y fi6pE) + EPq,H\- \-,I I -o;XX t t\ <Eo\o\an5b;rl- =f > X :- a vL--r :r'-.r 1-\ JJ o. C€\,/ ,_TU - ?392Ea'r./){UEYYeE- F:g== s=:ilaLU-\Tt-q FtExH =Fn=;-VoZPiLF>[= H;-;r +==2=trtrgvouztr(n ><ut o IIJ(n o- Eo- DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ACTION FORM Depaftrnent of @mmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, West Vail, CO 81657 tel: 970-479-2L38 fax; 970-479-2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: B4ttzl+ R*zh-ace- DRB Number: DRB050002 Application Typer Prcject Description: DECK EXTENSION AND WINDOW ADDMON Participants: OWNER DKM VAIL LLC 01/06/2005 Phone: PO BOX 164 VAIL co 81658 License: APPUCANT ARCHITECTUAL SERVICES, P.C. 0t | 06 | 2005 Phone : 97 0-926-7 605 DANNY SWERTFEGER PO BOX 164 EDWARDS co 81632 License: ARCHITECT ARCHITECTUAL SERVICES, P.C, 01/06/2005 Phone: 970-926-7605 DANNY SWERFEGER PO BOX 154 EDWARDS co 81632 Licensei C000001800 ProjectAddress: 434 GORE CREEK DRVAIL Location: UNIT E-1 Legal Description: Lot: B Block: 3 Subdivision: ALL SEASONS CONDO Parcel Number: 210108237028 Comments: see conditions of approval BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApproval: 01/28/2005 Meeting Date: 021021 2005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. oCond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON@06908 That the new proposed window clad and trim match others o(istent on the building. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: ?? l: Qa1no, Exterior Atteratieffi ^':fi;ff*ffi,ffi;::'"* TOI,IN WTfrW , "" n/o;oJ;''*'fi.,Iil'"?'*fln''0" Rli#ffifiwffiffi ;AN 0 i.l lil05 TOV-C0$lt.DEV. General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to subhitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all reguired information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year ofthe approval. _ Description of the Request:S€€ aar/^cngD oEScRlPTroN LocationoftheProposal: Lot: I Block:Subdivision: Au!l!t!9Nr Physical Address: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:9E{5ITY I-I!,LTIPL€ FAr{IL Name(s) of Owner(s): Mail:,rg Address: P' O. 476- Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: ARCHITECT(IR (6 P.c. Mailing Address: P. q . Bo x 385 eDrlAR.r,S , <o 8l c 32- 8t c57 Phone: ft7o) 120 - TCoS E-mail Address:Fax: (7''o)'l14: 14? Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and tr tr &/Minor Alteration (multi-fu m i lylcommercia l) Minor Alteration (single-family/dupler) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request 4qn No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 refaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Page 1of L2/04128/04 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ., Generat fnformation: t' This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do nol require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS*" ,tE[ All pages of Application are complete E/ Checklist is completed and signedl'l/A 6 stamped Topographic surveyi, if applicable tl/A V Site and Grading Plan*, if applicablejt/A { Landscape Plan*, if applicable Ef Architectural Elevations*, if applicable (3ee lrrncueo enoroB)ff Exterior color and material samples and specifications. nATcH eXttTlltq , - ,^ Ef Architectural Floor Plans*, if applicabletllh Ef Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(sj for proposed fixtures, ifapplicable tY- TiUe report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements* C[ Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.f Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if apolicableHIA Ef Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*O The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above requirements: RR,era ReslDs C€ RETT4ODELProject Name: AF<,l{tTt cT >trrE27FEL,*<€€ntn€tor Signature Date Signed I -6-o Dexuy Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Fxterior Lighting Other l.r/A r.l/r Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. t{./a STucco (*eenr* @, lAir{eot€)wr|^r<$ txr5atN6 fi/A t-t/A t t/A y\ rrc$ ExlSTlLlL rw{Tctr gttlTll.|c yr^r4lcH gxl5Tll+6 wrlA'TCt+ ENTST|HG l+/A r.t /A r}lAt(H EXT5TTNL t\|ATCh EN\6TIN6 !l/A }J,IA N/A s/r rrla s/r o PRoPosEDLAND'.APTN" 1F, Botanical Name Common Name OuantiW Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Tiees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Type Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specily other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) AncHtrroc",f uri./\t- Sgrivrc-rtrs" p" C" 210 Edwards VillaAe Blvd. t C-2O2 . P.O. llox J85 Edwards, (lolorado {t 1632 Phone:970.926.7(r05 e Fax: 97O.926.7 61O January 5, 2005 Town of Vail, Dept. of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Barrett Residence Remodel - Unit E-'1 All Seasons Condominiums Parcel No. - 210108237 O28 To Whom lt May Concern: Attached please find our clients submittal for the above referenced prqect. Due to the location of the proposed changes to the exterior of the building and because they are so minor, we would hope that a Staff approval could be considered. Please call if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, ARGHITECTU Danny Copy to:Phoebe Barrett ALL sEASot coNDoMrNruM nsllcrArroN C/O VAIL HOME RENTALS, lNC. 148 E. Meadow Dr., Suite 3e7, Vail, co 81657 (9701 476-2221 December 22,2004 Community Development 75 S Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Remodel All Seasons Ladies and Gentleman: I am writing to infbrm you that the Board of Directors has approved the minor exterior changes at unit E I . Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Srncerely, {%A,,,4 Larry Barnes Managing Agent BARRETT RESIDENCE REMODEL APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW DESCRIPTION OF THE RESUEST Address - Unit E-1 All Seasons Condominiums 434 Gore Creek Drive Parcel No. - 210108237028 Zoning - High Density Multiple Family The following is the description of the request. A new window matching the existing ones will be added to the south wall. lt will be centered from left to right in the stuccoed element of this wall. In addition to adding a new window, the existing deck elements in front of the entry door and door to the dining room will be connected with a matching deck element. The existing stair down to grade from the deck at the entry door will be removed and a new stair will be extended down from the connecting deck element. All new materials will match existing and will be finished to match. There is no additional GRFA associated with the remodel of this Unit. r- t%qz (5z F2X IJJ I J IJJoo E IJJE lJl C)z IJJo @ IJJE |- UJEt o o IJJ.ho o-o E, o. I J ltJoo E lJlt UJ C)z. IJJa o UJt F lJl E,E E m Date: LZ{D'?fiM Our Order Number: V50007858 hoperty Address: 434 CIORE CREEK DR., @NDOMINruM UNIT E-l VAIL, CO 81657 Land fitle Guarantee Company CT'STOMER DISTRIBUTION If you hove any inquiries or require funher assistance, pluse contact one of the nwtben belnw: For Title Assistance: Yail fitleDepL Roger Avila rOE S. FRONTAGE RD. W, NO3 P.O. BOX357 VAIL, CO 816f,/ Phone:97M7Gt25t Fax: 9/041G4i132 EMaih ravila@ltgc-com For Closinq Assistance: AimeeDupont 108 S. TRONTAGE RD. W. T2V3 P.O. BOX357 VAIL, CO 81657 ftong90.4774529 Rar: t104lG4534 EMail: adupont@ltgc.com DKM.Lrc 434 GORE CREEX( DR. UNITEl VAIL, CO 81557 AAN: XARBN PHOEBB BARREIT. MGR. Scnt Via US Poctrl S€rvice LAND TITLE GUAN,ANTBE COMPANY IO8 S. FROI{TAGE RD. W. #1(B P.O. BOX 357 VAIL. CO 81557 Ath: AirEe Dupont Ptprc: 97L476-2El Fax: 9704764534 EMail: adupoa@ltgc.com DANIELLB SHAYNE KT'BBY & MARK CIIMIELEIVSKI I4I7 VAIL VALLBY DR. VAIL, CO 81657 Sent Vi! US hl Service MARCIARET B. HANI,.C'N, rc 225 WALL STREET SUTIE 2OI VAIL. CO 81657 Ath: MBG HANLON. BIIYER.'S ATTY. Phone: 97(H75-40,6,6 Fax: 9704768/,u Sent Via Corrierir* Land fitle Guarantee Company Date 1249-2,00/. Our Order Number: V50007858 Pr,opcrty Address: 434 @RE CREEK DR., @NDOMINIUM T'MT E-I VAIL, CO 81657 Buyer/Borr.ower: DANIELLE SHAYNE KUBBY AND MARKJ. CHMIELEWSIfl Sdler/Owner: DKM VAILLLC, A COTORADO LIMITED IIABILITY @MPA}.TY Wirc Information: Banlc FIRSTBANK OF COLOMDO IMO3 W COLFAXAWNAE *,,!ffiJr?!r?ir"o ''" C,Ei,iX IAND TNIB GTIARANTEE COTTPANY ABANo.:107W5U7 Accourt: 2160521825 Axention: Ainue Wont Need e map or dirrctions for your upcoming dosing? Ctec} out Land fi0e's web site at www.ltgc-com for dircctirins to any of our 54 oFrce locations. ESTIMATts OF TITLE IEES Alta Owners Policy l0-17-V2 9955 '00 Tax Report SCH# R008980 $75'oo Zl td ''{t': onlrr't . cqt,Ely ,fU h af€,tltg tl.lt tti'.6l..da!@t &o/yc foot tttl b. do7l.at.it .t tt.c tJt'' TOTAL ieTo'oo to|r cortl,:l oalo{TEANK YOU NOR YOI'R OR.I'ERI t. 2. Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT OurOrderNo. V50007858 Schedule A CusL R€f.: hoperty Addness: 434 CORE CREEK DR., @NDOMINITIM t'MT E-I VAIL, @ 81657 Effec{ive Date Novembcr 24, 2004 at 5:fi) P.M. Policy to be Issue4 and hoposed Insurcd: "ALTA' Owrcr's Policy l&17-92 Proposed Insurcd: DANIELLE SHAYNE KUBBY AND MARK T. CHMIELEWSKI $240,000.00 The estate or lnterest in the land described or rcferred to in this Commifirctrt and covercd herein is: A FEESIMPLE Title to the estatc or interest covered herein ls at the €ffective dat€ h€rtof vested in: DKM VAIL LLC, A @LORADO LIMITED LTABIIITY COMPANY 5, The land rcferred to h this Commitm€nt is d€scdbd as follows: AN I,'NDIVIDED 33.33% INTEREST IN AN TO: @NDOMINIUM I,JNIT E.I, ALL SEASONS, AC@RDINGTO THE @NDOMINTUM MAP THEREOF FILED FOR RECORD DECEMBER T, 1965 AS DEFINED AND DESCRIBED IN TTIE AMENDED AND RESTATED @NDOMINIUM DECLARATION RE@RDED NOVEMBER 16, 1988IN BOOK 495 AT PAGE 278, @UNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF @I'RADO. 3. 4. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirsnene) The following are the requirunenb to be comflled with: Our (Her No. V50007858 1. 2. 3. Item (a) Paymcnt to or for the account of the granors or mortgagors of the fuil consideration for the cstate or interest to bc insured. Item @) Proper insrrument(s) creatiqg the estate or iaterest to be imur€d must be executed ad duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or asses$ne s levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due aad payable. Item (Q Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: CERTIFICATE OF RJGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL IN @MPUANCE WITH THE TERMS, @NDITIONS AND PROVI$ONS OF @NDOMINTUM DECLARATION. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE @MPANY THAT TIIE TERMS, @NDIIIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TI{E TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. WARRANTY DEED FROM DKM VAIL LLC, A COLORADO IJMITED LIABILITY @MPANY TO DANIELLE SHAYNE KTJBBY AND MARK I. CHMIELEW$<I @}.IVEYING SUBIECT PROPERTY. TIIE FOLIOWING DEI..ETIONVMODIFICATIONS AFA FOR TIIE OWNER'S POLICY. NOTE: ITEMS 1-3 OF TI{E GENERAL H(CEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. IJPON TIIEAPPROVALOF THE @MPANYAND TTIE FECEIPT OF A NOTARTZED FINALLIET.I AFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF TTIE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE AMENDED AS FOLI.,OWS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENEML EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTT]RE LIENS RES{JLTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL F{,RMSIIED AT TTIE REQI]EST OF DKI\' VAIL LI-C, A @I,oRADO I.IMITED LIABILITY @MPANY. CHICA@ TITLE INSI'RANG COMPANY SHALLHAVE NO LIABIUTY FORANY LIENS ARISINGFROM WORK OR MATERIAL FI'RMSI{ED AT TTIE REQI,]EST OF DANIALE SHAYNE KT,'BBY AND MARK J. CHMIELET'SIS. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENERALP(CEPTIONSWILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY @NDUCTS THB 0JOSINGOF TIIE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION(9 AND RE@RDS TTM DOCIJMENTS IN @NNECTION THEREWITH. NOTE: UFON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES. ITBM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: ALTA COMMITMENT SchefuleB -Section I @equirrments)Off (hder l$o. V5m(Ir858 Continued: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR TIIE YEAR 2OO4 AND SI'BSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELEf,ED TJPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CTIARGBS ARE PAID UP TO DATE. +tt+**+*** NoTIcE oF FEE CXIANGE, EFFEC'TM SEPTEMBER l, 2002 Pursuant to Colorado ltevised Statutc 3G10-421, "Tbe county clerk and recorder shall collect a surchage of $1.@ for cach document receivcd for tecording 61 filing in his or ber office. The surcharge shall be in additiotr 0o any othcr fecs pcrnitted by stanrte. " ALTA COMMITMENT Scledule B - $ction2 @xceptiom)OuOrtuNo. V500O7858 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the fotlowing unless tbe same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Righs or claims of partics in possession mt shown by the public rccods' 2. Easemeols, or claims of easemenrs, mt showtr by the public records' 3, Discrcpancies, conflics in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroacbmcnts, and any facts which a correct survey and- irupec&on of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by be public records' 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for scrvices, labor or matcrial theretofore or hereafter furnished' iryosed by law and not shown bY the Public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbranccs, adverse claims or other mrtters, ifany, oeated, frst appearing in the public records or attachi4g subsequeot to the effective datt hereof but prior to the-da; thc proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate ;r interest or moftgage thereon covercd by this Commitment' 6. Taxes or qpecial assessments vaich are not shown as existing liens by the public t€cords' 7 . Liens for uryaid water aod sewer chargcs' if any' 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, mted in Soction I of Schedulc B bercof' 9. RIGHT OF PROPRJETOR OF A VEIN OR IODE TO E)(TRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE TTIEREFROM SHOTJLD THE SAME BE FOI.JND IIO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT TIIE PREMISES AsRESERVEDINUMTEDsTATEsPATENTRECoRDEDMAY12,ISgg,INBooK48AT PAGE475. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY THEAUTHORITY OF TI{E I.JNITEDsTATEsAsRESERVEDINUNITEDsTATEsPATENTRE@RDEDMAY12'1899' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. I I . RESTRICTTVE @VENANTS WHICTI DO NOT @NTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE' BUToMITTINGANYC0VENANToRRESTRICTIoNBASEDoNRACE,@LoR,RELIGIoN' SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN IJNLESS AND ONLY TO THE E)(TENITIIATSAID@VENANT(A)ISHGMPTUNDERCHAPTER42,SEcTIoN36fioF TIIEI'MTEDsTATEscoDEoR(B)REI-ATESToHANDICAPBUTDoESNoT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS @NTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RE@RDED NOVEMBM. T6, 1988, IN BOOK 495 AT PAGE 278 AND FIRST AMENDMENT THERETO RE@RDEDMARCHT, 1994. |2. EASEMENTS' @NDITIoNS, @VENANTS, REsTRIcTIoNs, RESERVATIoNS AND NoTEs oN TIIE@NDoMINIUMMAPoFALLsEAsoNSRE@RDEDDECEMBER0I'1965. ALTA COMMITMBNT Sche&leB-Section2 @xcepdons)Our Order l,{o. V50007858 Tte policy or policies to be lssud vi[ contair cxcepdons to the followtng unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Compaly: 13. ANY @VENANTS, AGREEMENTS, ASSESSI{ENTSAND/OREASMENTS FOR PTJBIJC UTIUTIES, SEWER, DRAINAGE AND OTHER.INCIDET{TAL PURPOSES THAT AFMCT TTTE @MMON EIJMENTS ONLYAS SHOWN ON THEMAPOF SAID @NDOMINITJM ORASCREA'IED OR RESERVED IN VARIOUS INSTRT'MENTS OF PI'BUC REOORD. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANI DISCI.oST'RE STATtsMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-ll-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subjcct real property may be located in a special taxine district' B) A certificate of raxes D'ifiid;';#;;GlilA;on-mav ue obuined from the cauntv " ffiilt"ffi;hral districs^and the boundaries of such districts mav be obtaioed from the Board of County *"ff[a*i, ,n O*ry Clcrk and Recorder, or the County Assessor' Note: Effective september l,lgg1,cRs 30-10406 requires that dl doclneDts regerlea for recording er filirg in rhe clcrk and recorder,s oin , o"u conrain a *p rargi" or *-"Gi o* inch and a lcft' rieht aod toftom marsitr of at least ore half oi'al-i*t. tn cbrk and rccorlei;i;ryF t record -or file any docu'cft that doCnot conform' except tbat, the rcquirerent.ro'rnt topi"ffi tu'u *t "nn' lv-:'l:*t"t" *ing forms on which space is provided i"l *cor&rg - filing information-at thc top margin of the document' Note: colorado Division of Insurarce Rcgulations 3-5-1, paragraph c oj erti-cle $^lecures tbat 'Every title entity "n rr u responsibilfo, Ji."i".s *n n "ppot oi-dta prior to the tic of recording wherever rhe title entity *rr"io-,n" cbsing and is respotrsiute for recording or filing of legal docurents resulting tor tililo.tioo wfrch was ctosea" Provided that kn. Tide ftarantee company conducts rc crosifu*J;cl"t"*d transaction and is responsible for recording the lecal documenrs tot o" uTJttiii'ilt"pt"t *ttt' i*iu *ftp'pot on the owner's Title -pJfLv tod O" Lesden Policy whcn issued' Norc: Affirmative mecbanic,s lien protcction for- 6e owner may be available (typicallv by deletion of ExceDtion -. + of S.#ofe i, i*,i"t Z of thc.Oomnitme;t from the Owrer's Policy to be ffi-tp"t -npliance with the following conditions: a) !!s tend describd i" s"h.d,rdt.f thi commitment nDst be a silgle family residerce which '- i*itao a condominium or townhousc unit' B) No tabor o, ."*.i"x ni"i #o-n'*ota by mcchanics or matcrial-ren for purposes of constnrction on ,h, hJ;;;;iiIlnJi'rta or.ir cottitt*t within the past 6 months' c) The cornpany -r.,i;;i-pr"pri"" "ma""i inaemoirying the coryany agaimtun-filed - mechanic's and material-ren's licns' ";m":m"*m*X"f "Xt"ll*ffi i'ffffigry".:"i":"1*ttobepurchased within six months p'io' t01il" itilof the Commitment' the requireme s to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens *ilI:;lu,f; dt*ror*, or.ot"io"io-^*Jri* i"rormation; fimncial information astotheseller,thebuilderandorthecontr"ctor;paymentoftheappropriatepremiumfulty exccutcd Indemnity aff*-L*factory !o tnJ "ompaoy, ard, -aity additional requirerrns as may be rccess:ry "ft"t-;"""t;d;n of the aforcsaid information by the Conpany' Nocoveragewillbegivenunderanycircumstalcesforlabororoaterialforwhichtheirsured has contracted for or agreed to pay ' Norc: Pursuant to CRS lGll-123' notice is-hercby given: - 1r This notice applies o "";i;-litttlryyTf ;ntaioing a mineral severance instrume lTffi:ts:I#trix"t11Ti,i;ff ;?i'"*tchasb"ensevered,reased,orotherwise conveyed ftom the #"F.il ilJtn"i*r.. is a suustantiat likelihood that a third partv holds some o, ", intcffii;i, g* ",h;a.t*r.b,;;;",hr.r"r ereg.i1,tn; rorertv: and B) That such mineral .'#"t; #fi,i, ot "gnt .o 'ot"t'ia u* the property without the nuface owner' s Permrs$on' Nothing herein contained will be deemcd to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages *i*ti t l*itt untes tne above conditions are fully satisfied' Forn otscLosuRE 09101/O? JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY ndenty National Ilaancial Group of compantes/chtcago Title Insurance company and Land Title Guarantee ComPanY July 1' 2lXl1 #rffi "ffi#'###lisi$#riffi *ffii$ffi?ffi-ffi # ffi;;;;;i.'Thi"Fri"acv-s[Effir1ff'"idljtha;--etpnprtio;-we reserve oi right m change this Privacv st"i#tri lin* time- o tifre consistcnt'with applicablc privacy laws' In the course of our business, we rnay collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: xFfr ilffi ku#"H.3;&$i,f:trnffi ffi '##*'il3id'rJtr#Ssi$,ffif ffif,Horothers;* From bur inrcrnct web sitcs;* From the uublic recorOs'f,iintaineO by governmntal eutities that we cither obtilin directly from those enrities, oi from our afEliatcs or othcrs; and* From consumer or othcr repofing agencles. Our Folicies Regarding the Protection of the Confrdentiality and S€ority of Your Personal Information Hffi ?,t"tg,T:$,,""ffiT,"1J.s,nffi s*#ffi-f"rTff 'd-"fi ,i'Ep-*"g$fro3$fr h-.t#Hff ' ;trfiffiffi&;;.nlg d;dGG or senaca to you or for other l-egitimate business prposes' our Potides and kactices Regarding the sharing of Your Personal lnforrration we may slare your P.ersonal tnforryr$on with oq.a$liates, such as insurq.nce companies, agens, and other real estat€ setflenent servlc€ providen. stc also nay disclose your Persoml Information: * to acents. brokers or rcpresentatives o plqvide you with scrvices you have_requested:- 6 ffi-ffia;;i6iitil.iriir'Fffillfro'"iai"r-*fr6 piir-uiae serviidJor perforni marketing or other firrctionl ori our behalf; and* o others with whom wj ffir inro joint narteting agreenents for products or services that we believe you may trnd of inrcrest. f"i:gts?"T.Tl',.ffi "s'JssHif'Hlffi h"&il3ldgss'4!l"!H3ffi :3'1d'{u-si*:y rnformerion whcn otherwise lffii;ffly-"fiffit dpfr:-acy-fifi' ni;h. ii, for ixainete' wheh disclosurc is trccdcd ;-#ffi;il?a;i"r#'t 5ii ora"y-at *irent, trinsaction or rclasi.nshi' with you. One of the imortant responsibilitieq of sorn! of our- lffiJiatedconpanies is to record documents in the public domein. Srrch'docunenti may contain your Persoml Inlormatron' Right to Access Your Pelsonat Infornretion and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion ccraia states afford you thc dght to access yoqr P- ersoral Information and, uoder- certrain circtmsunces, to firrl out ;-.rffififfi*p&#n-I"f"tililtiffilasili-dlctd;gd-,. Also, certain sates atr-ord.v91t the risht to rcque$ correctiod, ar'dn'nr or oir?Eii""ii"iip-frii1-rffoffiftii. frrc irxirvioc ri'gtt, wberi permiued bv law' to ;ilft;;;rs"-bt f"t m covE uc c,5sb ircuned in responrling to such requess' All requests submitted to tb€ Fidelity Na$o-nat linancial Grogp of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Coryany shall tE in wdting, and delivercd !o the tollowrg aoore{s: Privacv ComPlimcc Officer i6foo8"H[?f $uw4''*' Sada Barbara, CA 93t10 Multiple koducts or Servlccs If we Orovide you with more th4n 91g financial- product or Servicc, you tnay receive more rhen one privacy notice from us. We afuologize for any iuconvenrenoe thrs Inay cause you' Form PRIV. POL.Ctll *********,r**************{.1.*:t'r********'t*'},i**'Nr*,t * * *:l1. 'l * * * * x. {. * * *,1* * * 't *,1. 't 'i * {. tr:ir * l. {.1. *,} * {. {. * * **'N,} * * X. TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ********'t****.1.t(****,t,*****,i***{.**'l't{.***t:t,t*********,t**{.{'******'irloi'1.*'r'**'}'1.*1.'t'}*{.'1.******l.******* Statement Number: RO50OOOOOg Amount,: $250,00 OI/06/200504:33 PM Payment Method: Check Init: ,JS Notati-on: + 1 O 04 /ARCHITECTUAIJ SERVICES Permit No: DRBO5OOO2 T)rpe: DRB-Minor AIt, Comm/Mult.i Parcel No: 2]-O1O8237O28 Site Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAfL L,ocat ion : ttNIT E- 1 Total Fees: $250.00 This Payment: $250.00 Total ALIJ Pmts: $250.00 Balance: $0-oo * * * * ** * * ** * rt,i*{( {. * ** * * * ** * 't *tr**{r***{.*'*'t*'t*,*lr********'t ** * *'t {(*'* * ** * * 'f **{.{. *'}* *,}:t ** *!**:}* * * * *,} * * l. * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunnent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI/ FEES 250.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 g'.t0-479-2138 OV|INER TUCSON AZ 85739 CONTR,ACTOR .]ERRY SIBI-,EY PIJI]MBING P O BOX 340 MIMTURN co 81645 I-,icense: 134-P DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.,,..: ALL SEASONS A-2 Parcel No...: 2lOlO8237W Legal Description: ,, \ Proiect No : IU.N coTE, susAN R. & RAYMOND e. 0s/O9/2O06 62945 E FI,OWER RIDGE DR Permit #:P06-0042 Status . . . Applied . . Issued . Expires . : ISSUED : 05/O9l20f,6 : O5ll5l2ffi6 : lllll/2ffi6 Desciption: ADD GAS LINE TO FIREPLACE AND KITCHAN RANGE Valuation: $1.200.00 Fireolace Information: Resnicted: ?'!# of Gas Appliarrces: ?? **:t*'l,lr:t:fr(:t+*:l:t++:t+++:t**'l*:t't:i't*t(t*lr'**,i,lr*,***rt'*rt*1.***r(+,t*d.***t+:i+**,***x* FEE SUMMARY +t t ***t *,r,**r.,*+*,t*****r(+**+**i***{.+*!t**t **x.t ,t***,t t!**i.**:t***!.** 05/09/2006 Phone : 970-827-5736 #ofcas Loss: ?'! #ot Wood Pallet: ?? Plumbing-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > wilt cdt----- > $30.00 Resnrarant Plan Review- > $7. s0 TOTAL FEES------------> 90.00 $3.00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-- > S40. s0 Addidonal Fees---------- > Total Permit Fee----- > BAI-ANCE DUE-----. > $40. s0 $0.00 940.50 $40. s0 $0.00 ftem: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMEI{'I o5/o9/2OO5 JS Acrion: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLIRS IN ADV NEA 49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNA CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF o5io5/2018 14:54 FAX 5708275254 Jerrv Slblev Plbne INC 75 S. Frcntage t{d, vail, Crlorado t1657 E oor 8e7 -$7 COMFLETE VATUA FOR PLUMBIITG PER'MIT (Labor & Ilaterials) . perm:t # is above) J/A/ )ob Mdr.*s:o3 4 Gare- c-n-4-: >t I )' Alteration ( ) ryellf oh*l-l Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplo< ( ) Mulil-lamily -omrnercial ( ) Resburant( ) OUer( ) ilnc*mmodution Units in this bulldino: :' wo. of Eris0ng Dwelllng Units in this building: a woodTumina fircplace to an EPA Phase i ******************************* r****+**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************************t******+*** ,y F/everyone/fr rms/PlmbPerm . '' -' I "t 06-28-2006 I nspeclio-4 [e_q ue^gt Rg Requost€d Inspect Date: ThuEday, June 29,2006' lnsoectlon Area: JRM Site Addr6ss: 434 GORE CREEK DR vAlL ALL SEASONS A.2 A/P/D Information Activitv: P0&0042 Tvoe: B-PLMB Sub Tvpe: Const Tvo6: Occuoah'cv: U'se: Orftien COTE. SUSAN R. & RAYIVfONUG. Contracton JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING Phone: DescTiption: ADD GAS LINE TO FIREPLACE AND KITCHAN RANGE Reouested Insoectlon(s) NG Time Exp: Insoectlon Historv AMF Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM 970-827-5736 210 2202fi2n 250zffi 290 eouested Time: 08:30 AM' Phone: S70427-5736 Entered By: DGOLDEN K l,'^4 ln h ^r\'r 0 ('f J( / I ^,('u4w/tA , I REPTl31 Run Id: 5448 Dl;srcN nl:vll\T DOARD DATE OI| MI|ETING: MEI\TBDNS PRDSENT: SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOAID: MOTION: VOTE: FOR: APPRO\'[D: DI SAP}.)IIOVIiD : 1l sEcoNDED BYth-l l+fT= AGAINST: BEST COPY AVALABLE - L " Tn t'Y 'u"- ABSTENTION: ti l SUlrl\lARY: N\ N' N ri lt i a ITL { 'ct';1,'1 ,, ; ,, / - r).,.' t I. .t t t' tt I ^ .l,, -l t t-.r (,.,-l :' t .l / .i "1' -' at i '' , i ,";'( :-l 'l ,' ,)'t.-k'( r.'i;'| .,,ioLt:t- | r' _t I l ii l,c/ : J:i- ,' ;'- |!'rt'ii,,,.' !t t - ,,i/. i..J, ic (),,t;' aJ (4l E,I =$rl3*lgg .€l dI = I 00T rt?J 4l<x/JLrlF t0 E {IJ ?op zo3 h 2oU z Ld(, 2 a trlz\, ?ooozp3 zo U t- rnlI,3 JrBt )l 5lil J2 J eY J+63 g ar-EtQ)42 3^sr:)l- 4\)J-€Ao * 2€ :J J oU t"S4es-3 \D \o -_9 VIt tt)p Vq/oo-s- l/ v) ., --x 7 \, o' c9 rr) E J.xrrl .D 2 v u, P E u- J dA -5-ta-ct -J4v 5F 5 A4F(f) v LT'F r- !,'\ i HF \ o :a. !a\o J *o *E*g =\J\rF 1o VoA { Y. t\lAr- \n Lo(r).< \-tj \/) t t <. 7'!? oot- I UJe ) 4, *Jt- 5szF v-) pibd; tP { ll .b JoP 'l- st &(Ea f\\<A' "cn-x dde UJ <JJq4 6r G-': ? tJ, v t- .b 4)e AZ oo @ Thr^ Ie-b h ,n( .;.,I4 /^r^, ry lr/-lp *nifurry A-JLt*'d'n e"at:- &$r.t.r OO llnp"sul Dcc.k A&l'l-" -41 Sca3oos U*t B to Tac k l;tl;aaS6l- o-r.p it'n Gle ' O /mpoeJ i e +. crcouofc t fcof JA-,tu,-*t tat aila^J fu, h AtZ;,.+ or24. A 6, ,tJL4 tA,./ J.rz ,,6,.,t,,'i6tJl.. A 6, t/.J:,4 tA,./ J."L I t4 / i,.;httol? Itt.' .b&& oJb. oo DATE OF i MEETING MEMBERS PRESEI.IT: ACTION TAKEN MOTION: VOTE: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: DESIGN REVIEW BOARI) SECONDED BY oo S- tsY AGAINST ha'{{3 oo DATE OF MEETING I MEMBERS PRESEI.IT: oo DESIGN REVI]]W BOARD SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN MOTION: VOTE:FOR: _SECONDBD BY AGAINST ry . APPRovEDt , J*/', " /t't ,/y,o fi".,. t fu//, DISAPPROVED: / SUMMARY: lnwn n oo box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 oo off ice of the town manager August 4,1975 Mr. Stan Cole Box 443 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Cole: 0n July 3'l , .|975 the Design Review Board considered your application for a patio addjtion for a unit in All Seasons. The app'l ication was tabled because the Board fel t that they needed more information in the following areas: l. they would like to have a letter from the Condominium Association approving the proposed c hange ; and 2. whether a fence 'i s required around the patio by the Building Code. When you get the letter from the Condominium Association' either mail it to me or bring'i t in and we can discuss the matter with the Building 0fficial. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Si ncerely, DESIGN REVIEI,I B0ARD i. t- )/ /f, )t?.rtt,t't- /lo Klaner / fecretarv\Jenclosure I Oli I ,, rlf :Jli I !il I f.' i,l ol" i{tsi .:li :1 iilJ 'l I.ll i,iol: i clrI lra 3 r,J.! I 3r 'j8 I .]l ?-t it5 ti .tt r *,,---l- ".q,+il ll ;iJ :ijl . ru' - "ii. ii ir ,' il :l"l'lt' i'll 1 ",,t {'l,:I .ill i J ! I A t-.: t-r LJ --ra o- -'t I ecfr'' t'" D-.:,)-ro a rt) F.<tr> -J j{ ,tl .fl i;! :{ '"'pl. ,iJ </) =,2 c,,1 <:1 a"1 < 15::r;J E .:=_1-\ 'l <i'l --l ol FI <lii:l--li =lr =lleelioll I I I 9l al _l 6l;l slil JI Eli olr olt I I.:I :l; ti "1l!ii 1l i 1 I t J ! tl .i,.- | \al TI I t 5o o .t t1TI ir tlllI\ , t I i I :I F t; it!l ^{tt ( t. .lt !i 9 J T F I i /i:i $ el-tl ti I -' ill [-1_,+^ i{.:l r. iilt, 'i, i il-!ii*:il ili ' / r --r'f'31 llFf4 il IL L_{: ll:at . -..,;i',t . rif, ii r-iir!l Ir_r -ul { ,l': rjlJ I n *..,,. I f - | fi i-'{ | --t I :rt I n. l{jill lr { illl J i.t f J.I eiii -- - - t".a 'PttI q.it I'!\ 'J i ! i./ j J "J t-.-oJ { z. o ;( !.J J uJ t-- oJ [5J o o 9l:il;li: ai JI -+ r;l,:l n f ; ,: ti * l: 5 ri ll llI ; 'lIJ -e d rup {'$ir"l1ft I "gle.D1l 1.s I ,l= g i { -Q,2tt41tlf| f--t t- r'l I J ',J \j .:\-a t--.f '-rr -.- -l ;\ .{fl*; a'lirli,u .lI -J it,J ri '. l, "l ' i, i:.1;i lrr li i,,i{1' lllili 'r.|.J , ri ir--j ? I i,i . I -- ') i.: ): { ..1 L \.i -,zl-l:t I i 'ii . t I tr iilttl, i ..-i lr i'i ol' Iri. .lt1 nl9j,:. ' = |'t I ? .ti : ill t;\ \l\ hl "l .l :i,.l !t( i t\ o o I I I t l- 1r'lrl ,J : i ,' il t/i'l I i'!'-ir Irl . .i. Il !fr ,.arat!l .g d e/p t. ltlt lr IiiJ t'll fi,. I i\ J i t J i t! I'.l .<l I -lol -l ?l\l-t\ 1i I-lr-l . Ml! slrzl l l i \' -:q-iiznii- l' ilt: tii.- ' .,i { j I J I ol ;l(l 4 'i !1 )i l-ii.ti! l! 1i :f r! l! :\ i _! Ji .a l l I il .-!i nl ?oL JI d I I I I I't\l 'i ol FI<rii ;litlr)lr o o .l tl tl I .i rcJ;.i ^y- -Ul:i'i :il rii:;l . qr{ '.8, i-,'ilJ -r $-r ? {.j ' i; Q + T.lu;ih j ilri+1: i'llrt, t 1 O o i Itl ,li .:, $l -.1 ]J'rt ii :i ^j :ii { :1 1l l I=l:l I*l al -lFl <l <l:l;l IFiqi --t>l 0 -:- l J ,t.l I I , 't.'l ' rl ! | Oo oo Dl'SIGN RLVIT,iT I]OARI) srJcoirDtrD ""W AGAINST LrL-y.- DArE oir *uorr*,,//hhJ J4, f Q/J - I\IEitlBIlRS PRlSlil'lT : SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN [lOTION: VOTE:FOR: AppRovnD : I tho fit t)tk4._*u,6#er /o lL A,&al en d,uda^.- DISAPPROVI1D: SU},II{ARY: <- {iv,old ast "( at lnt#rl€", DeeK TrojeclzfTso * Ao'-.lzt, t+z< Ul;tlia^^. (-,.'rLz dr tt1 Ibq 5-t-n (ot( tr, ) -lt' , ?no pose c!- De. I A .X.1i 'l-;oa fr(ru, tlia,'- Kurf, Jr. ) , --1,ii ,,t) b T/re p-^- t --ttJ dr--'lL hr -b' -lrL on- E.At ,aiJ-e- 4, /tt^ seasans 1a-,1b,1';'^?, 6*//-i 4) tj"+ 4 /Aa h,ot^-,* f*h: *:-M, @ 712 pr-1ro'*'/ "{r."I' b4 A, --ik: *"drr,.rt/ n/ 't)*+;tz *t^iy'* on -o-/-( "4nu'ktt $2..**l'o(o.-/ru, affi"{f, ) ..r t ' t . I / -th t /,{.r-',fli, J<L*t.-r^.*/ Afr*r,t/ y'o .ro,*4/- -#*-&J*- @i lt" /*A'*i// -,t^/4t- *r1/. h," hoze, oae aeF,,1J *AJ ,{., d"J, u;A ,4. }^-// nM aa€ n/z//1, 4Z --// k /"*f/*"fr/ /a ftrc ./ r**Z a-lle ALL ftnsoNs cot'lDofirurfis* DrcK ADDTT toN For [r/;ll;qn K**z- AgY;l zzrtttf 5{o,^ Co la uhi\e 5Laco e+$. Build;n1'C" Eas| Ele''ol;on or{ord B,.nt. (oltiv-1 l/g" srnlg f- Roil;*.1 Deloi | -T"9 v ie- '/6" srnlc \ t"rg" cednv lrlr$r eailir"l +og |o be sct o* to1 t ALL TiAIO|\JS ao cOilDili1tllltlili* DEC( ADDIT l0N For W;ll;q'r^ K**z- ApY;l zzrtttf 5{en Cole Su;l'li'1'G' East 6leuo*;on o*{ord B.o,.t ^ Eciliurl 16" *ole Roilirn.l Drlo; | -ToP U ie- Ltv i r^1 P.op"s."t DesK Aed:li"rr i- T" *"+.1 ofl c,';s{;"7 Je'(s Liui wc R oot''I -Jrurof ' --- " DJc l( l"*3,'ceda-v 16tz la' ya,I;t^1 *og *o be 3t on to1 1837 Califohia Street Denuer, Colordo 8OpO2 (30s) 6s4&66 fpansamenrca lltle Insunance Go AF +,iffitr"ii" corwrctior, ililll rNvotcE -l ACCOUNT NO. t-.Richard Coates, 1600 Broadway Denver, Colorado L Atty. Suite 2600 TA oRDER No. 46500179 lNVorcE oNr 9/2L173 DATE pollcy rssuED 9l2Ll73 foeenrv rDENnFrcAroN Lot P-1, Block 3, 160 feet of Tract Eagle County fn,'^I ,13 -) and the EasterLy F-1, Vail Village 415, CUSTOMER REFERENCE 1 Seasons CondomLnLum Assrn. CHARGES INSURANCE PREMIUM Owners Policy ..---.-.J (700) Mts. Poliry --...-------l (700) TOTAL CHARGES Inansamsnca Irtls Insunancs Eo TIF A Servicc ol T ransqtner ica Cor porsl ion 'ERIOD END!I{C BALANCE DUE o9 30 73 75 oo PLEASE PAY TH IS AMc|UNT RICHARD COATES ATTY 160O EROADI{AY SUIT€ 25OO OENVER COLO -l Il.ansamenrca lttls Insunance Go RETURN COPY OF STATEMENI WIYH REMITTANCE TO: I83? CALIFORNIA STRETT DENVER CO 8020e I DESIGN REVIIIW BOARD DATE OF . MEMBERS MEETING PBESEI{T: ACTION TAKEN tsY- BOARD: t1/).t / ;, ,'l iMorroN' //0,Ut( / sECoNDED sv f/J,( kt4 VOTE:FOR: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: AGAINST coilDottilun A530qAil0ll P.O. aor 932 Phon ltt376o V.ll, Color|do El65t !o: statement DATE: Egtiuate d Quarterly Budgret: Your Percentage! t emounts Paat Due PLIS 10t Penalty ! TOTAL AIIOINT ilE: $ 7,557.5O thank you - BESIT -" I't'"3q1 COPY iAVAILAEIF i -v-\.-;q, :rsr " J a.Et r" t,1,11 S'€EI A hlYril{' li -..1 .rt'9 ar.! e - ' .:,.' ' ^ t) rrzt^-| $d**,|lr{t,ir .1.|{' r r' rlr{l ,!.antt, t dl ,1r> {hlt . tr , ri. t,, .,. I €-,I - t ri i r': .r",, ir: ,. ,,i- \ i . -l__ i. +,,1,i1,..- .. , t: e' t.!e '., ,1il':rr !. ' .1 l'l i"ll r*-' it r " . 'I e-r " BES' *q$Fil coPY * { AvAtrAELE I oz E =t LlJL ciz F() tlJ--)oE o- fi It\ t r'1 F =E. lrJ o-zo F C) :)g, Ez,o Jzoz9F oz o Lr- oz d! Jc 60ra*t' . TOI^/N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Investigation-> Will Call---> S0.00 RecreationFee*-----> $3 . 00 Clean-up Deposit----> so . oo Additional Fees----->s7s.00 So. oo Total Permit Fee-------> S355.75 $0.00 Payrnents---> $365.75 \^o-{ S,B\\L 3 AdS---o--+-a Valuation: $13,000.00 Fireplace Information; Restricted: Y Wood Pellet: **** FEE SUMMARY Building---> $175.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> s113. ?s DRB Fee------------> AddSqFt 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas l,ogs: 0 # of S0. oo Total Calculated Fees--> 5291.75 ToTAL FEE9-------> 52sr.'75 BALANCE DUE---> Approvals:I€etn: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIflI o4/os/2oo2 cDAvrs Action: AP SUBiTECT TO FrEr,D INSPECTIONS Item: 05400 PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Itsem: 05500 PUBITIC WORKS \}^\ o,t\.a,. s- DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 802-0048 Job Address.: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status.....: ISSLIED Location......: 434 GORE CREEK DR Applied...: 04/03/2002 Parcel No....: 210108237013 Issued ...: 04/1.8/2002 Project No...: Expires...: 1.0/1.5/2002 owNER WYMAN, FREDERTCK, rr TRUSTEEO4/O3/2OO2 Phone: 93 WIIIPPOORWII,I-, RD ARMONK NY 105 04 - 110I License: CONrRACTOR Castle Rea1ty Group rnc. O4/03/2oo2 Phone? c/o Fred wyman II 93 Whippoor'will Rd Armonk, NY l-0504 License: 199-L APPLICANI Castle Realty Group rnc. 04/03/2002 Phone: 9L4-273-3L45 c/o Fred wyman II 93 whippoorwill Rd Armonk, NY 105 04 I-,icense: Desciption: REPLACE KITCHEN CABINETRY AND RETILE BATHROOM Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V 1-Hour Type Occupancy: ?? 90. 00 ' .*r****.+ r*** ******rr*******r*,** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stirrcture according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A OFOWNER CONTRA FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 Permit #: 802-0048 CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL as of 04-18-2N2 Status: ISSUED PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBTIILDPERMIT Applied: 04/03/2N2 Applicanl Castle Realty Group Inc. Issued: 04/78/2002. 914-273-31,45 To Expire: 10/15/2002 fob Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 434GORECREEKDR Parcel No: 21,0108?37073 Description: REPLACE KITCHEN CABINETRY AND RETILEBATHROOM Conditions: Cond:12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGTAND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOI\4S AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF TFIE7997 I-JB,C. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTI]RED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. I o,o,,.^*n *k k*" 7.tErE oR u 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ll tzE TzE fr c r-7 6+ze aT coNTRAcroR rxroRunriox Generaf Contractor: 6rr: tvE;1_FrzA L)wrn*A/E '"ra"q:' f1*"' Contact and Phone #'s: fuED h)w**.r 4 tL/ -zl3 -zrc<- C.ontractor Siqnbture :4o(dr/^,-^v I nrli Errr rrrn -r.. UU COMPLETE V ,*r.**f,f,ffi,bor & Materials BUILDING: $ /0.frc-t>h^+ELE{;[rucALt $ l, h"e4 oTHER: $tttg /ffi PLUMBING: $ /,2212 rorAl: S t 1.Ar-a For Parcel # Contact Assessors Ofl1ce at 97O-328-864O or visit Job Name: L\vm *A/1L€M(EE1 Job Address: Et t {64:;aa'S'"i;V2:7' i:->E- ar aex-TrzJ/n r r Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: 'R4 o*-o v"11e:ftq6r> L\,nrr,/ ll ndaressgt b(ttFpoazc,ttqlKb Aerurr\kWn8t,rr-.1'3i/-t{ Ynn#,*PprA.r_ K tfuanh\of,Ett Ftr-",rD 847.,4: v*tu *r Lzt>Pl9r[t-+rr<:urt( Engineer: k o tt_6_ ll Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: V.FP| *c E- La,{t-uEn' t-ffg1 n,p!iz/'t Vah e'F *rn iz/"?.r1 WorkClass: New() Addition( ) RemodelkT Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior \zf Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-familyQ)-Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 3{No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (/ ) Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (C) Cas Loqs (6) Wood/Pellet (e ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Drlee a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( 't No &S Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) ruoA(f ,RO]IIED.TO^It{:.D.*._-.__..*FOR OFFICE USE ON LY* ****** ** *** *********** *************** 4ru -aotndfrfaBFuu I Eu:-1 rc of Construction: MAR2820 ,RBFees: I I N,cuDancv GrouDiPublEAfS 2t5it Fee-,--lLffi te Rece F.0z FREDERICK WYMAN II 93 WHIFPOORWILL ROAG' aRMCINK, NEW YORK r O5O4-r r OA t9 r 4t 273-5l tB FAX (9 | 4' 2'' 3-3 | 43 April9, 2002 Mr. Charlie Davis Senior Building Inspector Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 RE: Wvman Remodel Dear Charlie: Enclosed please find building permit fee totaling $441.50 for the remodel of my All Seasons apartment. Thank you for your assistance. Please be kind enough to send me the permits in the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. rely, lJM;z- FW:ml Enc. Fuicon\!'ail Remodel Davis 4902 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: This Checklist must be comoleted before a Building Permit apoliation is accepted. All pages of application is complete o 0 o o o Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form nro^ E rZEQU ( ra'--)) Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted N fi- Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) N/ 4- Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or material storaoe alf owed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval n/ A- Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring n' * Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial)t\'A- o Window and door schedule tL i4' o Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) rr, * o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) rv l-. o Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection 'i\/ * a Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated rL l- O Smoke detectors shown on plans ,J- f t 9 t tw Sf *tt- t'tv tl: c- Y\€-D iZ t:<vto'1\' o Types and quantity of firepraces ,no*fft FEc)attz E]> ?EFz6v'c Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: o o tr tX4'*tL' F :/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: f\st) TOVNOFVOFVMY HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Suwey Community D evelopment Departmen t Russell Fomsl Director, (970)479-2139 Check allthat applies. 1. Which 0eparfnent(s) did you contact? Building _ EnvironmenEl_ Housing_ Adrnin _Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your initiat contact with our staff immediate_ slow _or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to waif how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was his your first time b file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you:51321Nams (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nextume? Thank you for taking the time to compleb this survey. We are committed b improving our service. WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT": o Is this a new residence? YES NO Does demolition work being performed require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES No l-- NO -F.--.4- Y Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved?YES Is any drainage wor( being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements,YEs -No Ja- Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES No l--. Is the Right-of-Way^ ealements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES_ NO -.k- If answer is NO, is E paJking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YEs No lr-----t-- If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2L98. AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESNONS. or Poect Name: Date Signed: No J-'- o IJ o o Is a diffeient access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES_ NO or public property? F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 / Y<-E lr7Ll Company Name PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building Pernit Aoolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontaqe Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifli (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application, Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction, Sketch of work belng performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is requir.ed each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. Signature F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed TOTNOF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME if this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: o"t"' 3 {za /o z.-- F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 - PW*:! T'T T I T PATCEI#:T T T T' N T T' D !' ! T T Brdg. Permito,E I f, ' I tr I I 1.Job Name Streel Address nTln-n (lfunknowncsll r__J L_I r__l | | 479.2139ext.0) zipCity Phon€ # Stad Date Work is for (circt€ one) Comolelion Dal6 Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone (Permit Expiration Dat€) CAW Landscaping Temp. Site Access Other Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ 6. ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7. L Rubber out-riggers are required on Asphalt surfaces underneath the A signalure below indicates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt: at all times. utilily locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works ofiice to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth TotalSF $ Total LF $ Permit Fee Total Permit Fee $ Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-19871 Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) 9. 10. 11. 't2. TCI Cablevision ol the Rockies (1-800'922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, e)tt. 114) Holy Cross Electric Company (1-800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construction lnspector (97G479'21981 THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construction trafiic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit' All excavation must be done by hand within 18' ol utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Publlc Works Deoartment at 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencino of work. Failure to notify the Town will result in fodeiture of bond money, Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fe€. I certity that I have read all chapters of fitle I - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's Signature ol Agroement Print name clearly ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTFUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets h,ith names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Dal6 of Signature White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. o The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site, Such approval must be.obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftiflcate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: int Name -Signature F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 TptrNOF Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE s-2-10: DEPOSTTS ON PUBUC WAYS PROHIBITED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or ctruse to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewal( alley or public place, or any portion thereof. a Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or @uses another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. o Summons and Penaltys As an altemative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-.1-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979). CODES 7-3A.1 AND 7.3A.3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance, (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any seCtion of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amendd, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comolv with the above code orovisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: m l F;/eYeryone/formVb ldD€rm 7 Signature ALL SEASONS CONDOIUINIUM ASSOCIATION 434 GORE CREEK DRIVE VNL, COLO]RADO 8T657 (e70) 47G222r (970) 476-i:,684 FAX Frederick Wyman tr, President 93 Whippoorwill Road Armonk, NY 10504 FW:rnl Vai[Vail Bldg D€pt B{ 31902 (9r4) 273-3r4s (914) 273-511E Fax lllarch 19,2002 Town of Vail Building Department 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 RE: WymanRemodel All Seasons Condominium Apt. 8-6 434 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Dear Gentlemen: The Condominium Association is aware that tire owner ofB-6 wishes to remodel his kitchen and re-tile the bathroom. The Association has no objections and approves this project. .(tr?*^ z- Wymai II, Pres. I)oug West, V. Pres. 7 t /za/z utrx- FREDExTCK WYMAN II 93 Whippoorwill Road Armonk, NY 10504 (er4) 273-314s (914)273-5r18 FAX crgfu@aol.com To: LARRY BARNES, via fax: (970) 41C2684From: F"REDERICK WYMAN IIDate: MARCH 19,2002RE: ALL SEASONS CONDOMINIUM, 8-6 Please be advised that I will be remodeling my kitchen and re-tiling my bathroom. I expect to cornmence work upon the issuance of a building permit in May. I will apprise Bruce in the maintenance department when everything is set to go. I am writing you this memo in as much as the Town of Vail requires a letter from the Association before the issuance of a building permit. See attached letter to the Town of Vail approving kitchen remodel. FW:rnl Vail'rBarnes 85 rernodel 31902 cc: Town of Vail 75 S. l'runtese Rd.Vail, Colorf,o 81557 ,P -O? FOR ALt OTHERS (labor i tulaterie .;) ELEC! RICAL VALUATION: $ gOtIPLEIE ! I I F:/everyot/lonns/cleeem CONTN,ACTOR IN FORilAIION Phone #'s: cltar d qab-baoa rr**ttatltartlrt**t**t.*++**ttt.rr.***TFOROFFICEUSEONLY**r*ltrltrr..la*r*r*r***r**rr,rrrr.r.+ ( lob^ddre$: V3q @'A f;a work Class: New ( ) Addiuon ( ) location r Yes( ) No( ) lm of Bldg.: lSinshfandly ( )1 l ottw( ) units in this building:0,Io. of ExirtilE Orcling Units Is this permii for a hot tub: AllouNT oF sQ FT IN , TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMLINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE TOSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E02-0024 Job Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 434 GORE CREEK DR Applied . . : 04/03/2002 Parcel No...: 21.0'1.08237013 Issued . . : 04/1'8/2002 ProjectNo: Expires..: 1'0/1'5/2002 APPI-,ICAI{f DOUBLE DIAI4OND SERVTCES 04/03/2002 Phone: 970-926-6202 P. O. BOX 1-452 EDWARDS, CO 4L632 License: 2L5-E outNER WYMAN, FREDERTCK, rr TRUSTEEO4/03/2002 Phone: 93 WHIPPOORWII,I., RD ARMONK NY 10 504 - 1108 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES 04/03/2002 Phone: 970-926-6202 P. O. BOX 1452 EDWARDS, CO 4L532 I-.,icense:21-5-E Desciption: KITCHEN REMODEL AND HOOKTIP RANGE AND DISHWASHER Valuation: $1.000.00 FEE SUNIMARY Electrical---> DRB Fee-----> lnves tiga tion---> Will Call-----> $s0 - 00 s0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $53 . 00 Additional Fees------> $0.00 Total Permit Fee------> $53.00 Payments---------> S53 .00 BALANCE DUE__> 90. 00TOTAL FEES-> $53.00 Approvals:I€e-m: 05000 EI-,ECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENT o4/o3/2oo2 DF Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEMT CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond:12 i::"-:il.:.-:L"*.*-..1i::-".::'.:.::..T:*::.::.:::.::*:::.::.:::-:.::."-j:5-l-T*"."-; DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatior; filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inJormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninl and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. k), CONTRA FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI +**+ ++ ** ** * * f ** * * ** {. * + ++ * + * ++ * * * ** * * *** + * * * f* t * * t *** * * * ** + * * +* I {r * *+ * t * ** l. * * +* *:t + +t ** ** * * + ** + TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement +*f* +1* * * t * f* ** * * * ** ***++**++++*+** * *****i****if****,1+*+++1.:t:t*:t**+*+ * + +++**+**t***{.**+++tf+t statsement Number: R000002162 Anount: $53.00 04/L8/2oo2o8:01 Alrl Payment Method: Check Initr CD Notati.on: #5754 Permit No: EO2-oo24 TIG)e: ELEeTRICAL PERMIT ParceL No: 210108237013 SiTe Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAII, LOCAEion: 434 GORE CRAEK DR ToLal Fees: $53.00 This Payment.: $53.00 TotsaI A],L Pmts: $53.00 Balance: 50.00 ** ** * {. * ** * * f* * * * ** * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * *** * * * ** * * * * f,* * t * i ** l.:} * *+ {. dr * f,* * * * ** * * * t* * *'} ++ * * * * f t * *+ * * t} ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Cunrent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEI'IPORARY POWER PERM]TS |llc OO1OOOO31128OO I,,]ILL CALL ]NSPECT]ON FEE 50.00 3.00 rowN0FVtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colondo 81657 Electrical Contractor: Dn vBce- )) t *mo rt4x e tgr Town of Vail Reg. No.:zt{-E;Contact and Phone #'s: LoYb et )o- I za- eza z- Contracbr Siqnature:-Jt'JdL/nl'*-z- PLETE SO. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.easle-county.com for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Z /O | {: Z-S lD( 3 rob Name: lJ v, en-/ V6 novE c "' ai'T' #r;uffLL-D R v + tt Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: \1- A ovtpglry: b),t rfi + y E li od4'tt?o U, ppla- 6-j 1 LL iz L( ll ono"tgttr- L7 3 - 3 / // 5- Erigineer:Address: Arz_rt^o*k t{Y ll Phone: Detailed description of work: laSd-/ R dzaant ZE rno-r>Er - */e+k c-fi> F7-krue-/ 7\,, sft zLA*?/E/7 WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel Af Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior $ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) tlo (|) Type of Bldg.: Single.family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multrfamily ftTCommercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Ofrer ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2 7- 7t)No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( fi- Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (\-)- ll Ooes a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No1\r *******rt****************************rr**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Acceoted BY: Planner Siqn-off: F :/everyonqf orms/elecperm Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead seruices are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground seruices have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker pariel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In mulU-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will suppoft the added concentrated load. Please provide i copy of th-e structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. dtf this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permissionn from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. d and understand the above. please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. o o D o n HOW DID WE RATE WN'H YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrest Direstor, (970)47s.213e Gheck allthat applies. 1. Which Oepartner(s)did you contac0 Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB _ PEC Was your initial contacl with our stafiimmediate no one available ? slow 0r 3. lf you were required to wail how long was it before you were helped? 4.Was your project revievtred on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit NI/A Please rate fie performanci of fire sffiperson who assisted you: 54321Name: (knoded ge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of be Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What js the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you br taking the lime to complete fiis survey. We are committed b irnproving our service 1 8, TOWNOF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: 434 GORE CREEK DR ParcelNo...: 21.01,08237013 Project No : owNER WYMAN, FREDERTCK, rr TRUSTEEO4/O3/2OO2 Phone: 93 WHTPPOORWILL RD ARMONK NY 105 04 - 1108 License: Permit #: COI{IRACTOR MEADOW MOUNTAIN PITIJMBING/HEA}4/03/2002 Phone: 970-479-29A7. P.O. BOX 4564 VAIIJ, CO 81558 IJicense:288-P APPIJICANT MEADOW MOT'NfAIN PI-,T'MBING/HEAO4/03/2002 PhONE: 97O-479-298L P.O. BOX 4564 vArr., co 81558 L,,icense: 288-P Desciption: RECONNECT PLUMBING IN KITCHEN/NEWSHOI 'ER BODY IN BATH Valuation: $1,000.00 Status. . . : Applied..: Issued. . : Expires . .: P02-0018 ISSTIED 04/03/2002 04/78/2002 1.0/7s/2002 # of Gas l.ogs:Fireplace Information: Restricted: ??# of Gas Appliances: Wood Palleh **e* FEE SUMMARY #of Plurnbing--> Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call---> $15.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> 93. ?s DRB Fee--------:----> $o. oo TOTAL FEES-----> $3.00 $0.00 s0.00 $21 .75 Total Calculated Fees-> Add'tional Fees-----> TotaL Permit Fee-> Payments-----> BALANCE DUE--> s21.7s s0.00 $21. ?5 s21. ?s $0.00 Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT o4/o5/2OO2 CDAVIS Action: AP SUBiIECT TO FTEL,D INSPECTIONS Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:1-2 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inJormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. , i. OWNER CONTRA FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF +a'f*+***t++***+****:**++++t+'i***+*+********+++a**+++t'il.**+***t***tlt{.+**********aa***l*f,***ta TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ++aaf++*++**+++'t++*t*'i*****t+++++++'f{r**ar*'}'}'}*fa*'}**++*t*++**+****+'t*lr*+********i*all+*'ta*+* Stsatement Nunber: ROOOOO2161 Amount: i2L-75 O4/L8/2OO2O8:00 AM Pa)ment Method: Check Init.: CD Notation: #5754 Permit No: P02-0018 Tl4re: PLUIIBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2LOLO8237OL3 Site Address: 434 C'ORE CREEK DR VAIIJ L,ocation: 434 CK)RE CREEK DR Total Fees: $2]-.75 This PaymenE: 92]-.75 Total ALL Pmts: 52I.75 Balance: 50.00 ** | *:t * * * * * * * * | * * * * ** * t * * * * + f * t t * * * * t + t* * * {' * * * + t + * * * ** i *{.** * * * * * ** * *t * {t * * * * *** * * *l}* * f * ** +** * * ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 3.75 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 15.00 ltlc OO1OOOO31128OO hIILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO NWNOFWN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Plumbing Contractor: lftfuer- wcc:a'*Fr t/ Town of Vail Reg. No.:L*r.- t Contact and Phone #'s: Q.Jo -./ 7f -Z2t/ frte > E<t rrwas + c'ontractor t'nY).r./(") t u"- * 4- CoMPLETEVAIUATION FOR PLUMBTNG PERMTT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ /, trcd Contact E,Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Zp/ b* L3 '7O/ 3 Job Name: r ,uw Vnt,+4, t<E rwa>E t ,o o!j,f:i yt €ru? $,Ti.?*,, Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: E-L owFg7,B,nS VJw fiz A,r-, fl naareg:t L>r/ i@r- 1a 1 t-cpal ll rnon? ,q ?-,73 - j /E \- Engineer: Detailed description of work:V;z.*s.t?r r,l)d,*, iot/ k,trr,rr,x, /rueu g/-ttz"EIz_BaDIt nTht WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) OtherV)VEntaDE( Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family (\)- Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Unlts in this building: 3 *No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase Ii device? Yes ( ) No bd- for Parcel ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******************************r***** Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Acceoted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: F/s/eryoneforms/pl mbperm a ::'"1 t.!.'r=t" 'u*rit' K.l\(\ff)'" '\ \ nmtfrvnW,',, o. 'r' \* rhw uD wE RAtEWttH you? | Town of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russetl Fonest Director, (970) 47s.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Dqart'nent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB PEC 2. 4. Was your inilial contact wiih o ur stafi immediate no one available ? lf you were required to waif how long was it before you were helped? Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no. whv not? 5. Was this yourfirsttime b fle a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit_ trUA Please rate the performance of the stafi person who assisted you: 54 321Narne: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of he Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is tre best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would ailow us to beter serve you nexttme? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are cornmited b improving our seMce. slow 0r t. n 15:{3-8002- lndgrecurin ilelue*ineporttng7:QLen___ _---- -- -UAlL_c-c-.lQSlt-OE,------ Fage 4 Rtquestei! Inspect Date: F'idty. D€cernber i3. 200? lfte pedl!sn At{|t: CL, 3lh Addrtss: 434 GORE CREEK DR VA|L 434 GORE CREEi( SS ALLSEASOI.I 8-6 ALP,D lnlqffna0on ActMtv il!2-0o45 lyse: A-lriF Cond Tvr*: Ctcupcir'r: Or*iier: WYMAN. FREDERICK. II ThLt$TE[: t!sB€d!e!I!$c@ fi€m: 2;i6 FIRE DEPT- NO'nilcATlON Item. 3) SLOG-Frominglbm: 60 BL DG -lnsulebo'n Itsrn: 60 BLDG-Shsotr*k lt6rl - A0prdved '' 6;2402 In3o.clor: JliM 't6m: 70 BLtr*Mb.. llem: 9lt BLOCr.Fhtl ( Or- oo (8 4) f lr ''*'P Sob Typa: AlrF tJs€' V 1-HR Status: ISSUED |nsp .q6"' "O ConfrdDr: Csstb Roalv GtfiJo lnc. ADD[cant CostkRea[VGroublnc. Fhote: F14'27-1-;r145 De*Jcnp'ticn: F EPI.,{CE KTTCH€N CAAINETRY .1NS R FTILE BATHROOM Cornhrent ROUTED TO CHARLIE FOR EVIEf/ - OF:LORE$ R€ormsted f|m€: Og:00 Afrl' Phon€: 91+27:)-3145 Enl€rsd BV: LC MPBELL l( cJ-Par\f OF @ 6-r pr\,, .iru<* | \9 t cA{* s-..-\ J'1 -'l' s..\ h' *L 1: gO BLDGf,inal Ca$e R€ol,UCi o{Pr'-'--e Actlcn: AF APPROVEU REpt13L Run Id: 596 \ \ t t rl ;\!.\r(-r-^,\ \rr L\<tcit-,\ L,,\ t' \ , B\.\'J S A L\ !..-"--,..--r.--. C-r. .\o THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V47e-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OhINER Et.ctfi ca[---> DRB Fee Investi gati on> lJitL Cal.l.----> TOTAL FEES---> TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOb AddTCSS: 434 GORE CREEK DR Location...: ALL SEASONS G2B Parcel No.. : 2L0l-O82-37-007 Project No.: RESORT SERVICES P O BOX LO79 | AVON CO 81620 RESORT SERVICES P O BOX 1079, AVON CO 81620 SCHNEGELBERGER DAVID J 434 GORE CREEK DR, VArL CO 81657 D e partment of C ommunity D eve lopme nt Permit #: E96-0015 Status. . . Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 3039495013 Phone: 3039496013 57.00 .00 57. 00> 57.00 ISSUED 02/oL/lee6 02 / 01/ Lee 6 o7 /30/ree6 Description: KTTCHEN REMODEL ALL-SEASONS G2B Valuation:3,000.00 FEE SUI'lllAiY ******ffitr*!t r*thHr,ft*f ffi 54.00 .@ .00 3.00 57.00 Total catcutated Fees---> Additiona L Fees-------> Totat Permit Fer------> Payment EALANCE DUE-------------> *ffir Dept: BUILDING Dlvj.s]-on:Ite.m: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT02/OL/I996 DAN Action! APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffitt***ffiffi***loffir*Jr ***ffiffi,** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoulcdge that I have read this apptication, fiLl.ed out in futt the information required, corPteted an accufate Ptot pl.an, and state that atl the infornation provided as required is corrcct. t agree to conply vith the infornation and Ptot pl'an, to coarpty uith al.l, Tobn ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according to the Town'9 zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniforn Buitding code and other ordinances of th. Torrn app[icabte theflto. REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO}I 8:OO A}I 5:OO P OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OIJNEi {p **"uo'ut' ;il; -;; - ;;;;i -;;; - * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * statemnt Number: REC-0113 Amount3 57'OO O2/O:l?2-t?:lt ;;ffirrt ffiil; ciecr Notationz #2040 rnit: LRD Permit No: 896-0015 Tlrpes B-ELEC Parcel No: 2101-082-37-007 Site Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR Location: ALL SEASONS G2B ELECTRICAI., PERMIT This Payment Total Fees: 57.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 57.00 57 .00 .00 ******************************:*:}*************************:******* Account Code DescriPtion Amount 01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 54'OO 01 OOOO 41335 }IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3'OO Legal Oescription: Lot 0ffice TOI{N OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: Block_Filing susDrvrsroN, PER]'IIT # ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT IttAY NOT BE ACCEPTED !****************************** pERMIT INFoRSATI9N ****************************itl[ ]-Building t l-Plumbing ffi-nlectrical. [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other/tt_tE(to/: ct tot t/n/r'- ezgJob Name: t<,irCst-a;n-e,Erl i3 "36u Address: /Je 6io'rR t 41, <. !'',- Owners Name:D.,7 Jcu"t-a;t!,(ntfl-address: ,"utonr ro Art r tz c,t en./VVao Architectz t)/z Address: - General Description: work class: [ ]-New $fJ-arteration t l-Additional t l-Repair [ ]-other_tNumber of Dwelling UnLts. r1 Number of Accommodation Units:_ _5 n[tu"t and Type of Fireptaces: Gas Appri.n..t.4) Gas Locrs- wood/perlet- ,t********************************* VALUATIONS ********************************* VqtetBUTLDTNG: $ - ELEcrRrCAtz $),4UQ' orHER: $ rorAL: +4FA_ *************************** Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Ptrone Number: Ph. Address: Electrical Contractor: Address:,.J A .Plunbing Contractor: Address: llechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLU},IBING PERMTT FEEs MECIIN{ICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER, TYPE OF FEE: DRB EEE: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLTJMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECIIANICAIJ PI'AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNGs STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAI|I I'P DEPOSIT REFIIND !O: 75 soulh lro'|tage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROU: DATE: SUBJECT: oftlco of communlly deyelopmcnl AI,t CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISIERED 9IITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOr{N OF VArL PUBLIC I{ORKS/COMMIINITy DEVELOPMENT I.IARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I'{ATERIAL STORAGE rn summaryr -ordinance No. G states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash dunpster3, poriable i,oilets "ta---worl<men vehicLes- upon any streetl sidewaik, atiey or publicpI?:" or any portion theieof. The right-"i-;;t-bn atl Town ofvarr st,reets and.fgags is approxiroately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wil] be striliry enforc-ed by the Town of Vail:yfli:_w9rks Deparrmenr. pers6ns found. vi6rating tnis-orai'urr".lrrrl- be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove-said nateriii. - rn the event the person so notified does not cornpry with th;--notice within the 24 hour time specified,-ah"-;;fric worksDepartment wirl remove said matei-iat at irr" -exp"tse of personnotified-. The provisions of this ordinance srrlr not beapprrcabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or all.ey or any utilities in the rignt_"_*"y. To review Ordinance No. 6 inVail BuiLding Departroent tocooperation on this matter. fuIl, please stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. Thank you for your d and acknowledged by: to Projectosition/nelaEionEffi (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 soulh fronlage road Ytll, colorado 81657 1303, 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ottlce of communlty development BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE ll_i!i: f"li.t. requires a Town of Vait fire Deparrnent Approvat,:lgll.:.iL,llylji: works) reyiew and approval , a plannin!'oeparinent revlew or Hearth Department review, and a_review by the auiliingDepartment, the estimated time for a total review r.v Lt.'as lSngas three weeks. f]] c9mrn9r9ia1 (large or sma'll) and a'il murti-family permits witlnave to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnts. Residential 3l!,:Tu]l projects-shourd take a 'resser amount ot time. However, ifresrdential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned 9ill"iT:nr:,.with regard to necessary review, tfrese proje"ii ,uyarso take the three week period. Every attempt wril'l be Tgge by this departmeni to expedite thispermit.as soon as possible. - I-' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. l&to.tt n+^I,E y Develooment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDiJM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name:GZ 'LaEtea€tL Dale: Please YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site olher than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a.Revocable Righl Of Way Permit' required? A. ls the right of way, public property lo be used parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis,lh€ Town of Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-2158, 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) AGffiffiAre-regarding lhe need for a "Pubtic Way Permit': easements or for staging, .x NO -\ -x ,b -X 6) 7) 8) -'< x Job Name ot's o4try qru f'/l' Ll,, / S* 4763760S. DSN f^n^ -ULX-Y_ B-.( DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD pERMrr permit #: B9?-0112 #Of [ood/Pa t tet: ************t****************************t***************** fEE SUl.ll{ARY *t******************Lt************************************ r S SUED 05 /1.6 / reeT05/t6/lse7 LT/t2/tse7 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT BETTER HOME IMPROVERS 2695 SOUTH FRONTAGE RD, CONTRACTOR BETTER HOME IMPROVERS 2695 SOUTH FRONTAGE RD,OWNER SIMMONS MARK 410 w. CENTRAL, STLOAM Description: KITCHEN REMODEL 434 GORE CREEK DR ALL SEASONS UNIT B-4 2l-01-082-37-011 PRJg7-0062 Status. . .Applied.. Issued... Expires. . VAIL CO VAIL CO SPRINGS 8165 7 B 1657 ARK. Phone: 97047647L2 Phone z 9704764712 Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fi replace Information: Restr i cted: MuJ-ti-FamiIy Type V l-Hour IDD (P 358.75 .00 R1 V l-HR Bui Ldi ng-----> Ptan check---> 155.00 100.75 11, 000 fof Gas AppI i ances: Restuarant Ptan Revi e!r-->Totat catcutated tees---> Additionat Fees---------> .00 .00 REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }iADE TTJENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAIICE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: BETTER HOIIE II{PROVE. Phone: 501-524-3256 TOV/Comm. Dev' Clean'uP DePosit Refund approved amount date Add Sq Ft: #0f cas Logs: lnvestigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .00 Total permit Fee--------> 35E.75t|i|.|'cat|'---->].0oCtean-UpDeposit-------->10o.0oPayments----------------> TOTAL FEES-.--:A*****************************************i*t****ff*****************t*****************************t******************************** Itqmi .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:05/L6/L997 CHARLIE Action! APPR CHARLIE DAVIS' Itbm:'05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:os/L6/ree7 CHARLTE acEionf--AFin u/nItbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT '. Dept: FIRE Division:9?/16/\227_cg4BI,IE Acaion: AppR N/A _--. ' _-_- ^_ _.Item:'.0s5q0_PUEILIC WORKS Depr: pUB WORK Di_vision:05/16/1.997 CHARLTE Rction: AppR N/A **i*ff**tff*ff*******************ff***ff*****ff***************ft***ff***********l********i**rff***i***rrt***ff************ff***** See Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that rnay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknolrtedge that I have read.this apptication, fitLed out in ful,l, the information required, compteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and state that att the information provided as required is co.rect. I agree to compl,y r,iith tire information and pLot il,an,to comPty Hith al't Town ordinances_and state [aws, and fo buitd this stfucture according iothe Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabl,e thereto. AT OUR OFTICE FRO}I FOR HII'ISELF AND OI.INER . .* * * * *.* * * * * *,* * {. * * *.* * *.* * ** !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0112 as of 05/L6/97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** o Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMITApplicant: BETTER HOME IMPROVERS 97 047 647 t2 Job Address:Location: ALL SEASONS UNIT B-4Parcel No: 2101-082-37-011 Applied: 05/16/1997 Issued:. 05/16/1997 To Expire | 17/72/L997 Description: KITCHEN REMODEL Conditions:1. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REOUIRED IN ALt BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 Ptumbing-----) 45.00 Ptan Check---> 11.?5Investigation> .00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitPLUMBING PERMIT AT ALL TIMES P9 7-0 05 3 APPLICANT JERRY S]BLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645OWNER SIMMONS MARK 410 W. CENTRAL, SILOAM SPRINGS ARK. Description: PLUMBTNG FOR KITCHEN REMODEL ******r***************************r******r***************** t EE SUllfiARy Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 30382 AdditionaL Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> I SSUED 05/L6/ree7 05/16/reel\t/L2/ree7 75736 59 .25 .00 59.?5 434 GORE CREEK DR ALL SEASONS UNIT #B-4 2101-082-37 -011 PRJg7-0062 Valuation: Phonel. 3Q38275736 Phone t 5Ol-524-3256 2,200.00 Restuarant Ptan Review--> TOTAL TEES----- .00 Totat Catcutated Fees---> 59 .25 9i Lt CaLl,----> 3.00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE----**tr**ffi****************************t**********t****ff***t**************i**i*****t****ii****************************************** ItqnI .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DeDT: BUILDING Division:05/16/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: **********t*********t********************************************ti************t*********H****t********************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL I. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIB.ED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***********************t*******************ff**********i**************************t*****************t***************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have fead this apptication, fitted out in ful,t the infornation required, conpLeted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty rJith the information and ptot ptan,to comPty vith atl' Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according tothe Tovn,s zoning and subdivisibn codes, design review approved, uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabl.e thereto. REQuEsrs FoR rNsPEcrIoNs SHALL sE ilAoE TUENTY-FoUR HouRs rN ADVANC€ By trtewoneAl4tg-zlsa TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAlL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9 -21,38 E tect r i ca l,---> DRB Fee Invest i gat ion>[liLt caLl,----> Job Address Location... Parcel No. .Project No. 54.00 .00 .00 3. OO 434 GORE CREEK DR ALL SEASONS UNIT B-4 2101-082-3?-011 PRJ97-0062 Status. . . App1ied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 30394 I S SUED 05 /16 / reeT 05 /L6 / rseT L7/12/7ee7 9l-403 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMBS ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E97-0081 APPLICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 OWNER Description: ELEC FVOR KITCHEN REMODEL ***ffff*************************ft***ff**************it**** tEE SUlll,tARy SIMMONS MARK 410 W. CENTRAL, SILOAM SPRINGS ARK. Phone: 3039491403 Phone z 5Ol-524-3256 2, 800 . ooValuation: 57.00 57.00 Payments------- BALANCE OUE---- Totat Catculated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> TOTAL FEES---> 57.00 *****************************************i********************************************************************************i******* I!s4i,9Qqg0 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:05/16/7997 CHARLIE Action3 APPR FOR ERNSTIt'em:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ************t*******t************************************************************************************t*********i************** . CONPITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *****************i**********************i******t*********************i*******************i*************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this app[ication, f il,l,ed out in futl, the infornation required, compl.eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as requi red is correct. L agree to compty riith tire information and pLot itan,to compty vith att Tovn ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according iothe Town's zoning and subdlvisibncodes, design revieU approved, Uniforn Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Tovn afpticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-?138 oR AT oUR orFIcE IRoII 8:Oo AI'I 5:oo Pr,I ,, uonracE tsagre UounEy Assessors er"u [,^i,[.3i'* lffi Xil"?[ Xill, 3;ili3il:S3ff.v A4ot -o B) - S7 - o t rt omn: 5-t b-11 PERI'IIT iI , APPLICATToN UUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED I****************************** PERMIT TNFORMATION *********************.******** - 'l4-suilding 1l -rrumuing 12f-nlectricar [ ] -Mechanibal [ ] -other JobName:M Job Addressz 43Morc. CnaJz O^,,,t Legal Description: Lot Block__ Filing Owners Name: Architect z tu/tg Address:Ph. General Description: ^ Ilpnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appriances - cas Logs_ wood/pelretJ f,************************** ..-..P?'ufl"7*of;"3o.h...***;*;..-;;.;;.;;;-; 'Lv ELECTRICAL: $ ?8OO MECHANIcAL: $--- work class: [ ]-New trtr-Arteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair t l-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Units: OTHER: $ ToTAL: f_Jl_,l< _ ******CTOR I RMATTON *************************** Address: Address: plunbins contracror. C,Uq p/t,^hin f47 -A8t2 Town of vail ReAddress: phone Nurnber: 't-t-"*- -Oltfuown of VaiI Reg. No./2olPhone Number: - 87,77,7-oo?,/town of VaiI Reg. No. /?e-€e-F BUILDING: S C, OOo PLT MBING: i-ZZJ,-fr- ll********************rleneral Contractor: t Mechanical Contractor: .'r- /aAddress3 - ******************************** FORBUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLT'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI,TIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATUREs ZONTNG: STGNATURE: VALUATION CLEA}I I'P DEPOSIT REFTIND TO:Br+*. &nl-- ft /r-*.-1 26 9$t ,f . f,-^*f- Rd tA,,A ^-v 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (3o3, 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATEs SUBJECT3 ofllce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit any ="ir,-ro.i., sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dunpsteri, p"rluUi" toilets andworkmen vehicres. upon-any streetl =ie;;"ik;-;ri;y or pubricp1?:" or any portion theieof. The rishr_"i_;;t-;n art Town ofVail streets and.Ig"9= is approiinateiy 5 ft. 6ti pavernent.This ordinance wirl be =t.iEiiv--enforced by the Town of VailPublic works Department. peri6ns found vi;raain; this ordinancewiLl. be given a 24 hour written ""1i""-ti-;;;;:"=aid mareriar.rn the event the person so notified_aoes noi colnpry with thenotice within the 24 hour. tir"-=1""i;i;, "it,"-iiitri_c worksDepartment wirl remove said nateiiai at-it"-'""pli=e of personnot_iried. rhe provisions or ii,i=-"iai"."irJ ;frfii not beapplicable to clnstruction, '"irri"rrance or repair projects ofany street or at_ley or any utiLities i" irr"-iilili_"_r.y. To review ordinance No. e in fulr-, prease stop by the Town ofY:il B"tlding Department to obtain a copy. rtranX you for yourcooperation on this natter. 75 routh lrontage road uall, colorsdo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 otflce of communlty deyolopmeltt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If this permit. requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s (.public wopks) review and approvai,'a Fiannini-bip.rt .ntreview or Health Departm6nt review, anb'a-review by the guildingDepartment, the estimated time for a totar ""ui.n-iluv"iu[!'i, tongas three weeks. All commercial (Iarge or smar'r) and ail mu]ti-famiry permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremints. Residentialand.small projects should take a 'lesser amount of-ii;;: Hoiever, irresidential or smarler projects imfaii the various-uuou. mintioneodepartments wr'th reqard to necessary review, tt"i" p.oj".li'ruyalso take the three-weet< peiioO. Every attempt will be Tgge bV this departrnent to expedite thispermi't.as soon as possib'l e, - I' the undersigned, understand the pian check procedure and timeframe. 4t Communi ty Development Department. TO: FFOM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED o Job Name: Date: +-/6-g'teteas arding lhe need for a "Public Way Permit': 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public properly? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the righl of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit' required? A. ls the right of way, ea-sements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES NO (-/ t-- 3) 4) 5) 6) 8) lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obiained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspeclor, at 479-21ffi. I have read and answered allthe abpve q {-//- ? ignature DateJob Name 6-c contractor's u*gIr{'fi $o F ?ik ts' 5i ii l{ ii I ? E \Yl {tg -S o rfd8rll :l-t> -9,s ?iqerijE d_oE- Jrl-s{r,3'0" O \* Ct$: T .2f |-ort.f {6 3 *I.e Is E $ I \t A' \* 2\.tI1i iI'iat\lti.lE tai-ll j(fl i i ! t I i I I t II \I\r.\, I^':'. f l e+-! o -+-l I o ( g \o $\a trY ) T fl ={. t3G s !t\ t II *+ $r.ls ?J? { CT.o \ Srnzrrr,ro,trS ftLL SEaso*t\ B-L/ May 18, t997 TO WHOM TT MAY CONCERN: A11 Seasons Condominium Association hereby approves the plan for Unit. 84. f) <-/ /,Pa'"q dd Davral schnegerberqer €h Manager TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2t38 L"+ gt {, B\k3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMLTNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M0l-0224 Job Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: E-2 ParcelNo...: 210108237029 Project No : owNER ALLEN, CYRUS G., JR. & LUCrLll/01/2001 2552 E ALAMEDA AVE 79 DEN\''ER CO 80209 I-,icense: CoNTRAC:IOR FRISCO FIREPL,ACE & STOVE SHO11/01/2001 Phone: 970-668-3760 P O BOX r-330 FRTSCO, CO 8 0443 License:101-M APPLICIIIT FRISCO FIREPLACE & STOVE SHO11/01/2001 Phone: 970-668-3760 P O BOX 1-330 I'RTSCO, CO 80443 License: l-0L-M Desciption: INSTALL GAS LOGS, WALL SWITCH & PILOT GENERATOR Valuation: $ I,268.55 # of Wood Pellet: 0 \)o.^\ O.[.-;p-s$ A-d S.io.-^< tj,^,ri.V .E.2 Mechanical--> Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call---;' 1-L/0L/2AOL DF Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEbIT Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : lll0l/2001 Issued. . . llll4l200l Expires . .: O5ll3l2OO2 Phone: 0 # ofcas l,o&s: 0 FEE SI_IMMARY tt:+t****a*t.*'.:tt'itt.********:irt'*a*:***)t't't')t)*'t***r**"r'tt**'r'l'*C ofGas Appliances: 940. oo Restuarant Plan Review-:' 5r-o . oo DRB Fee----------- go. oo TOTAL FEES----------- 93.00 Action: AP s0. oo 90. oo Tolal Calculated Fees---- Additional Fees------> Total Permit Fee-----> Palments---------' ' BALANCE DT IE---> 9s3. oo so.00 s53 . oo ss3.00 s0.00 t,t:t:t||tataatttattltaattttttl**ttt***Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMSiIT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE coMPLIAtiIcE. Corrd:. 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI,DG.): INSTAI.,,I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFAqTTIRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER' 10 OF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIANCES SHAIL BE VElfirED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I TERMTI{ATE AS SPECTFTED rN sEc.805 oF THE 1997 IIMC, OR CmPTER Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS rO HEATING EQUIPMSTT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER IHE T997 I]MC A].{D CTIAPTER 3 OF THE 1.997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI-^DG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. IINLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOI]NfING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI.OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIID CODE ANAL,,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL, ROOM PRIOR TO AIV INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHAT.TICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRjAIN PER SEC. L022 OF TIIE L997 UMC' OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE L997 rMC. tttttttlt*r t*lll*l DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required. completed an accruate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan. to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOITR HOI IRS IN ADV OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE AND SI{ALL 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. 3 AND SEC.1017 0F jr ffiSH{r/ TVWNnFytnlY 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Pernrit #: Meclranical Permit #: 97 O- 47 I - 2149 (Inspections)) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:.; Mechanical Room Dimensionsr Combustion Air Duct Size and Location , Ir Flue,VentandGasLineSizeand Location. ; n nY Heat Loss calcs, 41'1A \ .- D 6o '' Equiprirent C:,ir7 Spec Sheets J ) tU 't Contact County Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel .# EEq;IFF!;F ffi#ffiXeryYtu; rob Name: tjAt r Jltorl ron nooress:brd, t\ z z i]n, ) legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Name:f\ 't'L '*\lre'tt ll noorcss: z-vq p\L{l,Yf U)!:'"frb-4ozq Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: . | . ., |lt\{e{l Clal.fl/fl Lry.S uorrcrt 3 Prr--c;f C,,,zilZd,(To€ WorkClass: New(J Addition( ) Atteratio${ Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single family( ) 'oupt$\oy' MLrlLr-famrly ( ) Comrnerciat ( ) Restaurant ( )other( ) -'-,-::- a</I'io. of Accoirr i-rrcrdation iirriL: in ilris builciirrq: Ngirvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances (l ) Gas Logs ( ) wood/pellet ( ) wood Burninq ( NoiTypeof FireplacesProposed: GasAppiiances([) GasLoOs( ) WoodiPellet( ) WoodBurning(NOTALLOWFD) Isthisaconversionfromawoodburningfirep|acetoanrpnprr@ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PER.MIT (Labor & Materiats) z(sg 6€c CONTRACTOR INFORMATION i(*****s* * *xx ***** Other DRB Fees: usE oNLy****x*****************xx***** fowrypf V;il Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: F: / everyone/forms/ mechperm n-off: ,-tr Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparb'nent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: Stautner Residence DRB Number: DRB020224 Project Description: Replace one exterior door and exchange 1 exterior door Pafticipants: OWNER STAUTNER, JILL & ERNIE Q710912002 Phone: 801 GREEN VALLEY LN HIGHI.AND VILI.AGE TX 75067 License: APPUCANT Matthew L Smith 0710912002 Phone: 376-0905 POB 1788 Edwards, CO 81632 License: Prcject Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Locataon: All Seasons Unit C-28 Legal Descraption: Lot: B Block: Subdivision: ALL SEASONS CONDO Parcel Number: 210108237015 Comments! SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApprovah 0810912002 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005480 Approval of installation of two exterior doors only per plans submitted Cond: CON0005481 The creation of another accommodation unit within the existing unit is not permitted per Section 12-6H-B in the Vail Town Code. Violations of the Vail Town Code are enforced per Chapter 1-4 of the Vail Town C,ode. Cond: CON0005482 Doors must be matching in color, style and materials oo Planner: Arrra*d,o- Cla3l DRB Fee Paid: $2so.oo ALL S€NSONS 4o r,tni\S Aren= L6tr+o "s1 # ' $,f\[ qr"rt5 ,r*m Application for Design Review Department of Community Development zs iitn itont ge Road, Vail, colorado 81557'- -iil gto.ctg.2139 fax: 970'479'2452 webi www'ci.vail'co'us ffiffii;|llffffii:1;;', review must receive approvar prior ro submitting a buirdins permit apptication' Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticula'. .pptJuiiin"t ii '"qu"i=a' An application for Design Rerview cannot be accepted until alt required information is ,."ceiuu-J iv in. id..tnity Development Depaftment' The Droiect may also need to *'r.lri"*"0'UVtr"-io*n Corn.iianlfloilne ennnin! and Environmental Commission' 'Deiign review agproval lapses unless a building p..tiI ."'Gu"O and construction commences within one year of the aPProval. Location of the Proposal: Lot: b Block:- subdivision: Physical Address: , i Jo-rrr-ru4o for parcel no;9et56", Zonins: $DfW Name(s) of owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of ApPlicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1'00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' ilil i"t.. ioJiti.t *h;;;q;t* i;bg9..it tdltij: anv residential or A tJ.r"r.iir uuiroine iin;il,d"t zso ?i9il9g-1.i*tior conversions)' S250 ) For minor .n.ng"t io'"b'ildings and site improvements' such as' \:2 i"r*nns, painiing, *inooi taaitions, landraping' fences and retaining walls, etc.'foirnrn6r cnanges to buildings and site improvements' such as' reroofing, painting, winoow additions' landscaping' fences and retaining walls' etc. ForrevisionstoplansatreadyapprovedbyP|anningstafforthe Design Rwiew Board. JD' Request: 1x. nV)-71 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition Minor Alteration (multi-familY/commercial) Minor Atteration (single-familY/duPlex) Changes to APProved Plans $20 -,ztz-1 Check No,: / 7r / BY:-' DRB No.: $20 *g '06/L8/2a82 19:45r r/LtrEt\ c. LAU;,rorJ|"o I JORDANW0 476 24osi o -8.02 'l 0: ggAlt,' PAGE 81 FA8E A/2 .li" I0l{l'l ,.qr lfrrfiilan: Appllcatior for Design Xeyhw ^_ D3plrtnerf of Conrnmry tltv,€lqpm|t . ?5 SoWr FmnbEr Road,.Vb||, fr*rio aresf' !E 9rD.{792138 fac t70.4fi:{fl ' rrtli wnrv.ti.rriLca,lr 5 rcguhing cecan mlnr mr* rlcEive apgwrt prror o !q!ml$q a turuttg Famit epctcldefl. f,reqeen-supnnnJ rqutenrens rto' un-ort# "pP.'ar odla-;gEicd. Nn "ieiiruon f;jiGii n rn nJgpld_-q$ ail ncuircd rnh.rnatiqo s ghtvec oy tre C6ru,lVir:wfi"n n oennm-jin nelr tF rlGgd tD be rcviad b frg Yp oune enfuor th6 ptar,nrc rsrd EnvhnmrFl Cgryns6brrirr rypcrd hm rrt-.e h4&,g FTDft-Fd -rmncusr q'nr,,.€hr ffgrhdlhGapFqr.L (Agr(act Ag|eco. As*ss d ttGt?$86{o for eamt no-) tslcl .caffr* ei{cct Rery||t lddreca of oryns(t)l Addnerst AddI'CE Reucwtnd F€is ,rhru4on llhfitton to ApFrurlrt Fl|r|q tr.1.F)-t'l TYPCtr9tra o F H $s lBs*l.m pa!ilu?footoftobl dtn ar€a, t'|c FFe +!S0 ft. oo$lEdcr olr nsvr br$firg sr dud6/dhrd. +f0o Fr en adddoo nigr fiurc tiags b dCfr b rpy rssHentbl renncrbf hfldif (hcfdca 250 .ddtorr e ircrb urrrersLrrr). CISrD hr nru ds|gcf b bufdht$ erl.| te knFumrrrt5, rrdr rg, tr|Ecdb,* Fah$B, wt@,, rddtbs. landxaflng frm.' ad ftlltfling sdt6 !tr,t2o fo. rrhor d!,tges E !e[ldng$ ind slte lrrrponunantr. $cfr rq, nrc:targ, {phht r'!Ind$r ldClb+ Ua|e*l!, hnes t|dnbbdogtdhdc.t?0 $r e|,idou b lrnr r&!.dy .pFiof€C Uy Hurnho *aF gl.tehigF Sdt lir Eqard. llo Fee Gr*l,lo.:-dy; oRs lr{. E{tcs EFttt{o.: Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffrts . Windows (ctrv *oll -*t**Ctern 6hFl( - I)'-EU)dte:Ha-htt-or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, Page 6 of L2l0zll7l02 Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. \ Lighting Plan: \ Io Indicate type, locatio\a/d number of fixtures. a Include height above giQde, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet W"u\n proposed fixture./\ II, REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing ngs, thffollowing supplemental information is required: u Color chip or color sample incl the manufacturer name and color number(s) tr Architectural elevation drawing 1ruhich clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim,or\, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of LZ/02107/Oz MISREMODELING P.O. Box 1788 Edwards, Co. 81632 To: ALLSEASONS CONDO ASSOC. lolm&nury FredWyman Re: Iill Stmnq Unit Chmge In unit C-28, Iill lus reEtested to malce ffime changes. This indudes sorne erterior uro* tlut nceds to hnte qprwalfufore u)e un start. Slrc lws requesteil 2 nctrt exteior iloors instnlled. She wwld lik'e to hnoe iloors tlut arc similnr to tle door on unit E-l utith the glass parcIs. Tlu major dranges wottldbe on tlu Sottth siile of thc unit. At some point cJunges were made tqlacing tlrc daor with a utindou), installing a stucrc wall to match tlu buikling.We wouldhnoe to tamsoe this windout and reinstall a neur daor using and trim tlu atea to matdr the eristing wall of tlu building. I am enclosing a cory of the proposal for yw to ryprooe for us. Slu lus also rcqueshd a daor instalkd inside tlu unit to crcate 2 sparate liaing spaes, Inc* Of W of stup. SNCERELY. ' ''' ALL sEAS0hs coNDoMrNruvr tsocIATIoN c/o VAIL HOME RENTALS, lNC. 143 E. Meadow Dr., Suile 3e7, Vail, co 81657 (970) 476-2221 MR. MATTITEWJ. SMITH 7.2-2002 MJSiT REMODELING P.O.BOX 1854 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 RE: REMODEL OF ALL SEASONS CONDOUNIT #C-2-B, O$rNER MRS.JILL STAUTNER "INTTRIOR REMODEL AND REINSTALLATION OF SOUTH ENTRY DOORWAY'' Qgq Go9rE c$€FK DR. [6 r L, Co . DEARSIR: rN REpLy TO YOURREQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF THE REMODEL OF TI{E STAIJTNER UNIT #C.2-B IN TTIE ALL SEASONS CONDOMINT.]M COMPLEX, BOTHMR. FRED WYMAN, TIm HOMEOWNERS'ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT, AND MR. JOHNKAEMMER, ITS SECRETARY, HAVE AGREED TO ALLOW TI{E REMODEL TO PROCEED UNDER TI{E CONDITIONS AND TERMS OF TIIE BY-LAWS AND DECLARATIONS OF TI{E ASSOCIATIO\ AS WELL AS ITS ADOPTED .POLICY ON RENOVATION" (COPY ATTACI{ED). AI,L ITEMS MUST BE ADIMRED TO. A COPY OF TI{E BY.LAWS AND DECLARATIONS ARE ON FILE AT TI{E OFFICE OF VAIL HOME RENTALS, INC., TI{E MANAGING AGENT FOR ALL SEASONS CONDOMINUM ASSOCIATION, AND AVAILABLE REVIEW UPON REQUEST. PLEASE DELIVER TO VAIL HOME RENTALS. INC. A COPY OF THE BUILDING PERMIT, WHICH WILL BE KEPT IN A PERMANENT FILE FOR UNIT rc.2-8, ALONG WITH YOIJR CERTIFICATE oF INSIIRANCE AS REQUIRED By "POLICY ON RENOVATION" PRIOR TO TI{E BEGINNING OF TI{E RENOVATION PROJECT. IF YOU HAVE ANY QI.JESTIONS CONCERNING ANTY OF TI{E ITEMS IN ETTIIER TTIE 'POLICY ON RENOVATION" OR CONTAINED IN THE BY-LAWS AND DECLARATIONS, PLEASE CALL ME AT (e70) 476-222r. SINCERELY, f{n*+,1 6'^/-) LARRYG. BARNES LGB/bh ENCLOSIJRE . ,4;i -'---L- r. i )I t' -,// jl' '.-.'/ I I ;rr?t-J , ,,t-y /r'^.i(".(,,i- osq.-G."\.. o I I \AIF - - Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July 17,2002 Matthew Smith P.O.Box 1788 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Stautner Residence - 434 Gore Creek Drive, B, Vail Village 1"' Filing All Seasons Condominiums, Unit C-2BlLot Dear Mr. Smith. The Town of Vail Staff has recently reviewed your Design Review Board application for the proposed installation of two exterior doors at the Stautner Residence in the All Seasons Condominiums. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: 1. Based upon the All Seasons Condominium Association's letter included in the application, it is understood that you intend to install a door at a later date inside the unit to create two separate living spaces (lock off type of setup). Please be aware that this is not permitted. According to the Vail Town Code as stated in 12-6H-8 (Density Control), a dwelling unit in a multiple-family building may include one attached accommodation unit no larger than one-third (1/3) of the total floor area of the dwelling. The Vail Town Code does, however, state that total density shall not exceed twenty five (25) dwelling units per acre of buildable site area (12-6H-8). Each accommodation unit shall be counted as one-half (112) of a dwelling unit for purposes of calculating allowable units per acre ('12-6H-8). The maximum allowable density for the All Seasons Condominiums isQO.8)welling units. According to the Town of Vail's files, the actual density of theXi'lseasons Condominiums is 40 dwelling units. !a.\nq\\u\ ts'4 ilwt\\r[q r'trrrl s -rJ Thus, based upon the Vail Town Code, as stated in 12-6H-8:the Town of Va"il Staff advises that the creation of a separate dwelling unit by the installation of an interior door would be noncompliant. lt is further understood that based upon these comments, you may wish to withdraw your Design Review application. lf you have questions or comments regarding this matter please contact me at (970) 479-1239. Sincerelv.z4@ Amanda Clegg Planning Intern Town of Vail cc: George Ruther, Chief of Planning {P *ut""'""o"* TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Job Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: ALL SEASONS UNIT D5-D6 ParcelNo...: 210108237025 Project No : OI{NER FISHMAIiI, .IAY S. & R'A}IDY L'' -06/L21200L 333 IIILI,CREST RD ENGT,EWOOD NJ,07531 80209 Licenge: DEPARTMENT OF COMMLJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M01-0093 CONTRACTOR R & R HE,ATING PO BOX 945 GYPSI'M, CO 8153 7 I-,icense: 2L6-tt APPLICANT R&RHEATIIIG PO BOX 845 GYPSIJM, CO 81637 I-,icense z 2L6-Vl Fireolace Information: Reslricted: Y d ofGas Appliances: ...ir* **ltt||ttt'raataa:taaaa****atl't**'l*tll++'tt*tt**'ta**llt****,t'll"' Desciption: INSTALL NEW HEAT LINE SYSTEM USING E)flSTING BOILER SYSTEM Valuation: $2,500.00 Medtardcal-> Plan Chcck-> Invedigatioft> will can-> S5o . oo Re$uararn Plan Review-> 915. oo DRB Fee-----"--> 90, oo TOTTAL FEES""-*> s3.00 s0 .00 $0.00 s78 .00 Total Calculaled Fees-> l\ddilionsl F€€s---.--_> Tolal P€nnit F€€--> PaYments-;' 978.00 95s . oo 9133.00 s133 .00 Wt Vilbq.6r a- ltrg, bP.b 3 unifcDs-b ISSUED 0611212001 0710312001 t213012001 06/t2/2oO! Phone: 970-524-9702 06/L2/2oOL Phone: 970-524-9702 O # ofGas Logs: 0 fof Wood Pellel 0 FEE SUMMARy *rttt*rlltr'rillt.trtartrattt"rllr"lrt'r'rttt'll"l'*rr"''r' BAL{}ICE DtrE-> 90 . 00 *ttat*laallaiaaaaa Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEICI 06/L2/200L CDAVTS Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (Br-,DGi. ) : FIELD INSPESIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' t...|.||||.t.l|t*lt||||l.l|l|..|i|||t.'....,|***.ill''||||'l|'.|.*|..'.+li DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioq fitled out in full the information required, completed an accurato plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tovm ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to ile towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REeuEsrs FoR lNspEcrtoN SHALL BE MADE TwENTy-FotrR HouRs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 4?9-2138 oR AT ouR oFFICE FRoM 8:00 AM ' 5 PM' SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRA ORFOR HMSELF AND OWNE {.****:}**!i,t****,t******,t*tt **rf ****,trr!t********'t't**'t*****************!t**:1.****'**'t*{'*+'******'t*'l***'r TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 07-03-2001 at 13:55:44 07/03/200t StalemeNrt *{"t*'f ***+** * *'i ++ * **lt*r'i*+ ***+** * * *+:t**tl.++ * *'lt *+* 'l 't'i ******t+ +*'t+***+'}*** +'}* 'l ****+'} *+**** *+ *** Statement Number: R000001030 Amount: 9133 Palment Uethod: Check .oo 07 /03/200101:55 Pll Init: DF Notation: CHECK # 5000 Permit No: Mo1-0093 Type: MECIIANICAL' PERMIT Parcel No: 21010823 ?025 Site Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: ALL SEASONS ITNIT D5-D5 9133 .00 Total Fee6: Total ALIr Pmta: Balance : $133.00 $133 .00 $0.0oThis Payment : ***** ***+** * *'t ** 'l **'}**lt'l f* * * * ** **+ *** * *,t *l':l*{.**t *:lt***{' 'r ** *+********{tt* | ****:} * f***** ***l{'**++ ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Oescri Pti on Current ffis cL 00100003123000 MP 00100003111300 PF 00100003112300 hlc 00100003112800 CONTRACTOR LICENSES MECHAN]CAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES t,'llLL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 55. 00 60 .00 15. 00 3. 00 t tagee Ptovl_deJtlechrnhal Room lryo{t dr.n'n to rcrlG to inchde:o Mechenlcal Room Dlncnibnro Qombutdon Alr Duct Size rnd Locatlono Flue, Vcnt and Ger Lino Sizc rnd locrdon NNTTUYIE Permit will not be accepted wlthout fte following: o llcat Ls Cahubtbnrn Equlpmcnt ftt/Spcc Shcot Br;an uJillio- ,y JobAdtlress: 4?qcaotr- Cl' ' OiL^€- WortClass: -lleuv() Arldlthn( ) AltEradon ) Repalr( ) O$er( 1 &Erior( ) Oher( )Does an EHU edst at $b locadon: yes ( ) No ( ) nE or ebsr Stnglefimfly ( ) Ouplex t l Urlu_rarl,Commerdal ( ) Resburant ( ) Oher ( ) No. of Edsdng Dwelllng Uni,B ln flib bL,ltdflg No. dAccommodation Unlb In thls bulldlng: No/IVp" of nt pt"..r p a urood buming fireDlac€ to an |lrr**rf,**r,trS*rt **rtttrtr* rl*rtti.lt,t*!i*:f !rrt F:/ilqTlm/,fotlt /m.d|p.|il Yg qfi"t "0Fln Deslgn Revhr Boad (DRB) apprwal ilany of tfie nEchanical norlr wilt Inuoh,c AIvVextrbr lrcrk Thb incluaes atd is ;d rmi6d Er rremovat alrd rupbccm€nt of tlrireway snow m6 ffii&feae contact a planner d--i)g-ztza bGlurc suuffi:rnl your-,neirrJrficat permtt TheTown of vall hrs ado$ed tfte 199E tnbmaUonat Medranicar cod€ (ilrlc) wi1|1 $e 1997 unitbrmMechanicat Code (uMC) is an accepaufeilurnativq All ncw Gomtrucdon wlurln ure Town of valt is oonsHered b be of unusually tsght coilstrucdon, urusall combustion air is rcquired to beifiil'tirom oubtde ure stiucure tbr rrechanicat gquipmengneErencethe 1992 UMbSec. 7}t:i----' -- rn Sermber of 1991, tle lhil Torrn coundl adopEd an ordlnance uilrldr rcsbits te onstnrction anduse of op€n heillfi trrcpbes t.'iuti" il;tat]ili-Dd;ldid'Since Urat time ure ordinane hasundergonc nunretous-chinges ano d'Liorrs, striring tb.c;,r"-,olnrre y€t-.fid;i.lh,e;; in addresclngtl'" air qu.ttty lsc,c. men6re G roiriJing criteria has been ado@rr: + Gonstructon of open hgilfi rlood burnlng llreptaces is no longer permitcd wlthln Town of vailmunhlpal boundahes, . trqlh+ltlttr - Eachnqr rhrc{ting unit may containr iff.t*lrt* Phase rl celtifiA "iio iir"r orirnins dsice and no rmrc unn trro (2) gns apfliences OR Tltto (2) Oas log fireplaces and lrc morc than trm (2) gas apptiance flrcplaces (B bc't).o ReeblctilDunflinq-unF - Eadr new rcstricterr dweiling unit may oontarn:onc (1) gas toe firepface ana not ilrc than one (r) gas appriane fircprnce. o A'E rmrnd*ron uqlF - Erch nqr a@nmoaratbn unit may ontain:One (1) gas tog ttu€place o. one tiigps apptiance fireptace o rf ttuo or mone seqar+ dwelling unlts or accommodation units are ombined to fbrm one taroeruni!' tfte combincil untt rn"y-.d;i" iiii t -oalurnino fircprace (if one atrcady exis6) and no rnonetrran 2 g"" appfance ttreptricesJirii.onrert up to trrd exisdngnr"pr"."s'o g;; r rf durlng tlre course.of a rtmodel an cxisdng woodbuming fircplace is allered or mo,r€d, tfre unitmust then cornplv wlttr all prouisdfu;tnc -ominance.-liilt il, ur" nrcptace m't bc conver*d tonaturat grrs or rcptaced tV Ln epl-ifrase II ccrtified unit.--- --, F:/Gnrton /fuil/rn chprrl i.t FI 9:t I I I\ i I EItt tsrY 14 ' I I liilll 0rI!ol FIrlltt 0) J$ gEi= it;:ilIIF' g a.t tu O) n It T T nfrl 14 '99 15104 zatzo 39vd o 3eB yr3s52rt 99nZ-LZ6-qL6-l J PAEE.gG' 6t:L6 lggz/zz/99: o1r56Pl.l lfill ttfr|{nm sR.Ei EIEi il 5d30Nvs '1 39rn39 f.nY t4zs/rs 39vd ,g 15:04 6 3git 3rl35s2r' 99VZ- LZ6-OL6-| F.t FtrE.BEE' 6liLA l88Z/ZZ/9Bt $-l'l $slslHlittlt ErnbOnFD S.ES i ilglq $ '99 Bl:ssPr't lflN iur L4 I I t t T E TIt,a, I ritrsg5 !Eti ItriI:ltal.lf i.! s m ut o rl F. ( t{ F'laa et ! ct T ttt , g 3 i E* E g u I f\a tr, , !t E sd3ot'tvs '1 39do39 * * * * *** + * + * *** ** * + * * * t ri * * * ** * +* * *,r** * * **** * * 'l * ** *** * * * + + * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * *+* * * ** + TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 07{3-21X)l at 13:55:49 07/03/2001 Statement * ** **,|* * ****'lr'i'|+* * * rr 't ***r'!t * * ***:*!t*+* 'l * ***:t***:!*'t*'|'|!** * * * +*******'t**l"l ***l'!t*'f *'l*******+'t *lt** statement. Number: R000001030 Amount: $133.00 O7/03/2OO'-OL:55 Pll Palment Method: Check Init: DF Notation:CHBCK # 5000 9133.00 ** *'t{r*** * ******'}l':t* * +r rr ***'}:t******** ***!*!**{'** * *'}**** * ** *'t*******+**** **'l'*'}**'t **********'+***l ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Prts Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrese: IJocation: This Payment : M01-0093 2LOIO8237 025 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL AIrL, SEASONS IINIT D5 -D5 CONTRACTOR LICENSES MECHANICAL PERI'IIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES t^]]LL CALL INSPECTION FEE Type : Ii'IECHAN I CAL PERIi{IT Total Feee: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: $133.00 $133.0O $0-o0 cL 00100003123000 MP 00100003111300 PF 00100003112300 t^lc 00100003112800 55. 00 60.00 15. 00 3 .00 TOITN dTVNII DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRCNTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P0l-0049 Job Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . ' . : ISSUED Location.....: Units D-5 & D-6, All Seasons Condos Applied . . : 06/011200l Parcel No...: 210108237025 Issued ' : o6/28/2o01 ProjectNo' ExPires..: l2l25l200l OWNER FTSHMAIiI JAY o6/Ot/2OOI Phone: License: CONTRACTOR R & R HEATING P O BOX 845 GYPSUIT{, CO 8163 7 License:146-P APPI.,ICA}IT R & R HEATING P O BOX 845 GYPSI'M, CO 81537 License: L46-P 06/ot/200L Phone: 303-524-9458 06/0]-/2001 Phone! 303-524-9458 Desciption: NEw PLUMBING SYSTEM FOR COITVERSION OF TWO LTNITS INTO ONE Valuation: $18,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ?? # ofGas Appliances: ?? # ofGas Logs: ?? ---__..{:lW:f-ldldt ?? ***,tt*||!t'|...||||*|..:}.'...'l.l|.'..|||*.|..,}.....'..l........''',|,}|FEEsUMMARY*****t****ii+***i plumbing--> S2zo . oo Restuaranl Plan Review-;' So , oo Total Calculaled Fees-> 9340 .50 Plan Check--> 56?.so DRB Fee-----------> So-oo Addilional Fees-----> 50'00 lnvesligrtion-> 90.00 TOTAL FEES- > $340.50 Tolal Permit Fee----'-> s340.50 Will Cbll-> S3 . oo Piym€nls-----'---'--> S340 ' s0 BALAiICE DL|E_> S0.00 *t:|:rt*tt:tlllraaaaaaaaaatrttttrrrtllaIIeM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMB{IT O6/oL/2o0L cdawis Action: AP II,eM: 056OO FIRE DEPARTMEIfl| CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. aaaa,l*aaat'tat**a+rt DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application. filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is cbrrect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to buitd this struchre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATIJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE APPLICATION WILL NOT lJr'n Ft FD BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTETE OR UNSIGNED Fioi"a *l --t'il-To t - oD s t, ? 6-r-cr Buildino Permit #: Pfumbiing Permit *1@ 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Plumbing Contractor: ?+Q lrl"^.f'nn lfnf Hffi Contact and Phone #'s: Pi.a.... -.&u- ra rD - 3go-Dson Contractor Sigptufd^: Z-)-il/zr/'r,o-'-, COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT ([abor & Materials) Conbct Assewrc Office at 97O-328-8HO or visit # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Name:.- ..kisxrrnn Ro n. A'o Job Address: rl3t{ Gcvr- L!- ' O r ; +a rrnit S D5 i o'''- Legal Description lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Namei., ,E:.r^nA ll $lRti,".r..ror E'*ltf , il Ph9F;,-rar-torqr Engineer: \Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Qr-",Yr. ,-.. 5 u.rl\t r"rr Work Class: u\ New ( )Addition( ) elteration ()Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-fami[ fi)Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of ExisUng Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: t l ltoge for Pareel ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* Oltrer Fees:Date Received: DRE Fees:Acceoted Bv: Planner Sign-off:).14/ ftcn tuu 27o lo 7- 50 F/everyon e/forms/plmbperm o t 2ool ft.tn-\RVri\----.r.1.,/ NVNOFYAItrIY HOW DID l,VE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Comrnunity Develoiment'Dtpirh*nnt Russell Fonest, Director, (970) 479.2139 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin Planning _DRB _ FEC 2. Was your inital contact wiih'our sbff immediaie siow or no one available ? 3. lf you werer required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a tirnely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ N/A 6, Please rate the performance of the stafi person who assisted you: 54321Name; (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall efiectiveness of fte Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 I 8. What is the best time of day for you to use fte Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you foriaking the time to complete this survey. We are cornmited b lmproving our service. **l** *t*:f :* ** ** **{.{.*** * * * ++;F;*:i** **!t,}** * * ***;i** * ******+* *;t*r!:t:} * 't * ** * * * +*;8:i* *:t *,i,}*:t*;****!t ** *:**+ . TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stalement-. {.}++*+*+**+*+****'l't{.************rl.:t'1.**'tf {r***'i*'}*****r}***:t****{.*'}*'}'t+*{.'t*lit't*{r'*i.'i**:t +'}*{r'f i*'l{t{r* Statement Number: R000000875 Amount: $340.50 06/0]-/200].03:24 PNI Pa)ment MeEhod: Check fnit: CD Notation: 4959 Permit No: P01-0049 Type: PLWBING PBRIIIIT Parcel No: 2LOL0S237O25 Site Addrees: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Locationr Unit8 D-5 & D-5, AII Seagong Condoa ToEal Fees: $340.50 This Payment: $340.50 Total ALL Pmts: 9340.50 Balance: S0 .00 ********************+*******'t * * 't * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * 'l * * * * {. * 't * * * * * + * * * '1. * * * * ** * {. * * * *,} * * *{. * * ACCOI]NT ITEMLIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 67.50 PP OOIOOOO3I112OO PLUMBING PERI4IT FEES 27O.OO l^lC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 IOI4'NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web l www.ci.vail.co. us project n" ", ,(ll k/J0n5 6rtb t DRB Number! DRB04o43s Project Description: EXTERIOR WINDOW REVISIONS Participants: OWNER K&S ESTATES LLC 08/2312004 Phone: 25 W FI.AGI.ER ST PH MIAMI FL 33130 Liense: APPUCANT SEBERBERG, MAYHEW& ASSOCIATE0Si23/2004 Phone: KURT SEGERBERG 1OOO S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL co 81657 License: Project Addresr: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 434 GORE CREEK DR., UNIT A1 & A3 /a. t U ittt.qt tri \ir^9 5 Legal Description: Lok B Block 3 Subdivision: ALL SEASONS COfuOO S ParcelNumber: 210108237003 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApproval: 09/0V2004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. o DRB Fee Paid: $250.00Planner: Matt Gennett TONNM Project n"*", r(l[ kl.V'S 6r"b S Project Description: EXTERIOR WINDOW REVISIONS Participants: OWNER K&S ESTATES LLC 08/2312004 Phone: 25 W FLAGLER ST PH MIAMI FL 33130 License: APPUCANT SEBERBERG, MAYHE\A/& ASSOCIATEOS/23|2oO4 Phone: KURT SEGERBERG 1OOO S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL co 816s7 License: Project Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL 434 GORE CREEK DR., UNIT A1 & A3 Legal Description: Lot! B Block 3 Subdivision: ALL SEASONS CONDO Parcel Number: 210108237003 Comments: seeconditions Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel 97 0.479.2139 taxt 970.47 9.2452 web: wwwci,vail.co.us DRB Number: DR80,10435 Location: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Action: S|AFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApprovalz 0910112004 CondiUons: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C.ond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constihlte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. o DRB Fee Paid: $250.00Planner: Matt Gennett o A Mlnor Exterior Alter{ns pplication for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97Q.47 9.2452' web: www.vailgov.com RECEIVED .' 1.-{ Location of the Proposat: Lot;-_f-gtoct.-- 5 Sub,Jivision:r|s=...'"* Kr+i:* u-'llr s General Information: All projects tequiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Tourn Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Physical Aiidress: Mailing Address:8/e l* t)t.l'ner(sJ Signature(s): Narne of Applicant:__se__#& Maili E-mail Address: / tr Type of Revierv anri Fee: n Signs l.l ConceFtua; Review D Nrrw Construction O Addrtioir Minor Alteration (multi-family/conrmercial) Minor Alteration (single-famiiyiduplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Req.rest $50 Plus $1.00 per squirre toot of total sign are.a' I'Jo Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/tebuilo. $300 For an addition v;here square footage is added to anv resident:ai cr commercial builrJing (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $?.50 For minot chanqles to buildinqs and site improvements, such as. reroofittg, painting, window additjons' landscaping. fenr-e-s and reta'ning tryalls, etc. $20 For mincr cha,tges to buildings anrJ site inlprovement5, su(:n as' reroofing, painting, window addiiions, landscaping, fences anil retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisi,rhs to plans alreadv approved by Planrring Stafi' cr the Design Review 6oard. No Fee Page 1 cf LZ/04/28104 . .jl. .....r- MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** tr All pages of Application are completeD Checklist is.completed and signedO Stamped Topographic Suruey*, if applicableD Site and Grading Plan*, if applicable tr/Landscape Planx, if applicable V// ltchiteltu.al Elevations*, if applicable V/exterior color and material samples and specifications.g Architech.iral Floor Plans*, if applicable fl7 Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable 6 titte report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements*'[J Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, W!tr gpplisglde,E Written approval from a condominium associationl landlord, and joint owner, if applicableO Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* D The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior' conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and underctand the above listed submittal requirements: Project n^ ", A"/ Contractor Date siqned gJ A- -"-/'- JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPAOVAL LETTER(.4/A) I, (print name a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval ofthe plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Page 2 of LIl07lL6l04 PROPOSED MATERTALS Buildinq Materials Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior LighUng Other Notes: .Au-e/q*. ftr+tezt@1 tu+(knp aw) f. nqqu am,<f Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach'a color chip, PROPOSID IANDSCAPING/r{X\(:" / Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Reguirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifo other landscape feafures (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc') 08/23/2004 14:18 FAX 9708450423 4uu. rJ' luvt | | ' .tvnll !, I Lllnl\ | FORBES GROUPI I LL ,. @"003 . Aderiflt Lrnd Tftlr COMM'TMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY STEWART T1TLE GUARANTY COMPAI{Y, A Texas corporarion, herein cdled t}re comlnny' for valuable consldcradon, hereuy "ommiu ro lssue its policy or policics of tide insurance. as idenrificd ln SJrcauU A, in favor of thc proposed tnsurcd named in Schedule A, aE omcr or mortgagec of the cstarc or inrrcsr covercd horebyin bclanil describcdor refcredto inSchedulc A' llPol PlYmln g{Ue premiumr and chargcs rhcr;f;;; ait suUiect to tlre prcvlsloru of Schedules A and B and to the Condidone and Sripulations hcreof . This Commirmettt sh.ll be effectivc only when the identity of rhc proposed Insurcd and thc rmount of ,tr" -po,* or policies commitcd for hrve been inserted in Scborhric A bcrcof by the Compaly' either ar rlie rime of ihe isruancc of this Commimcnt or by subscqucflt cndorsBmcnt. This corunimcat is prcliminary to ihc issuance of euch policy or policics of ti:le insurance and rll tiaUitiry and obligadoni trur"ooOlr shall cclsc and erminaG cix mouths affor the cffcctivc datc hcrcof oi *ft'rn rhc polty or policicr commirtcd for shall issrre, whichcvcr first occurs' provided that thc failurc ro issui suci potlcy or potlclcs ls not de fautt tif the Company' Signcrl undcr scal for Orc Company, bur his Commlcmcil shall no( bc vdid or bindiog until ir bears an authorizcd Counrcrsignailrc. IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, Slawi Tirt? cuar ry cornprny has caused ib corporate namc and scal to be hereunro affixed by iu duly rudrorized officers on the datc $hown in Schedule A. STEWART TITLE STBV^RT'IITLB OF VAIL, INC. P.O, Eor 2!o0 vxil. Colorrdp B 1658 (r70't 926-U130 GU^RANTY COMPANY Chsllman o! chc Ordcr No, 04035516A o8/21/2oo1 14:18 FAX 9?08450423 FORBES GROUPouu' lJ' rvvr r r'rrnr'r U^r T TTLLS.IIEDIJLEA Order Number; olo35516A t. Effecti.re date: l|ugrua ts L-, ' z0o4 at 7tas A.l. 2. Policy or Policies to be issued; (a) A'L,T'A' Owner's Proposed Insured: (b) A.L.T.A. Loan Proposed Insured: (c) Lcaschold Proposed Insured; ,rv, f rv, ,.latoo4 Amount of lnouranco $ $ 3. The cstate or ioterest in thc laud descrlbcd or referred :o in Ols Commitment and covered lrcrcin is f .. tl$rJ.c 4, Title ro the f,o. r i.r4rIa 6tatc or intcrest in said land is ar the offecdve date hereof vested in: I(&S EstrteE, LLC, I Colorrdo Llnlted Li.btllcy Corytiny 5. The land referred to in ttris Cornmirment is dcscribed as follows: sEE ATTiCHED l,EGAtr DESCRIPTION pua!,orB.d Adtdrera: STATEMENT OF CHARGBS {!4 Gorc crestr Driwe Al' E A3 These ctrarges aro duc rnd payable bofore a vai1, co 61657 PolicYcanbeiooued' os/23/2004 14:18 FAX 9708450423 F0RBES GROUP ovv. zJ..vu.r tr.Trn'r u", tr,".r*^ Order Number: 0{035516} @oo5||v. trvt r. 't LEGAL DESCNPTION CondoElLnl-un bl! A-1 asd CondqaLnlu.d Tml E, l-3. AI,I. SEASONS According Eo th. CotidoarLlnltrq Urp thrreot filsd lor r€cord Dec€nb€! 1, 1955 tt Receptlon No. I0253E and aa defined in tbe Coqdoniniun DeclarabicA rrcoxdsd ltove$ber 18, 1965 ln Book !87 at Drge 393 aE RccaDEio'r No. L02537 f,nd Ar*rdflents recordcd Novc$cs 23. 7-977 {n Book 262 rt Prgic 925 rt Reception No. RaorpE,ton No, 159ZA3f rnd Ehc tlrnded rtld Regbated DcclffiatLon recordcd Noveuber 16, l98B in Eook 49! rt EeEe 278 as Recepbioa No. 391477, and Firrh .l$errdncnt thcreto rocorded l6erch 7, L99,t lD Eook 6!{ at Paga 214 ag Reception No. 530?73 ' cogNTg 0s Ercl.l STAfE OE COLONADO . 08/23/2OO4 14:19 FAx gzo84so{zt FoRBEs cRouP @qo6Itvt ttvl r'-J SCIIEDT'LE E Socdon 1 Order Number: 04035516A REQUIREMENTS Thc followlng are the requirchcnL3 to bc complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for *ro account of the grantors or rnorrgagorr of the full consideration for the esurc or interect ro bc insured. lrcm (b) Propcr instrumcnt(s) creailng lhe estate or iutercst to be ingured must be Execffed and duly filed for record. to wit: .}{o|re, chl! relrort haa bcen prrgEoil for iuf otrrELonal EurtpoE.r oIr1y, os/2l?92t,lti+e 'T{4 e7o8450423 n,\, ,, ..fffiTri.fiSud _ Secdon2 Eh oo7||v. llu, l. --\, Order Number: 04035516A EXCEPTIONS The policy or policies rc be igsued will coruaia exceptions to lhc following unless fte safio are disposed of ro the satisfacrion of the Company: l. Rights or clainrs of parties in poesession, not shown by the publlc records. 2. Easernenrs, or cleirns of eae emerue, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicqs ilr boundary lines, shorrage in aroa, encroachments, and -any facts which a correct $urvey and inspection of the premisfu would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. A1y lieq, or right rq a lien, for services, labor or tnatefial heretofore or hereafter fiunished, imposed by law and uor shown by rhe public records. 5. Defec1g, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or otber mattere, if any, created, flrsr appearing in t}|c public records or attaching subscquent to the dfective datc hercof, but prior to thc date the proposed insurcd acquires of record for value the estste or inleree! or mortSege thereon covered by this commitment' 6. Unpatenred mining ctairns; reservations or exceptions in paleils, or an act authorizing the issuance drereof; warer righrs. claims or tillc rc water. 7, trry axrd nll unpaid caxca and as.aaau.Rta Drd n$redaeEcd tcx ealee' E. The effects o! lnclusl,one in ar{r general or specllic grEer coadorvancy, fire progection, soLl conserveEloB or oBhcr Clacrtdt or lnclulion in ray water Eervice or 6cfccE Lmpsovcmcnt aaaa. 9. AIl natt€rE lhovn on Ehc plrt ol Vell vlllage 5tb filine 88 RecePuLon Ito - 102538, 10, ProEecEl,vc covena1ltg of Vail vitlrga, Ftflh FII1Dg recosdcd Novcuber 13, 1965 in Book 167 sE P.go 353 aE Rec€PtloD No. 102537. 11. AII naEEers showrr on the Condontalul tdap fo! All Seaaonr, recorded D.ce|tibgr l, 196! rc R€ceptiorr No. 102638 12. Coadominlurn Dsctraration for Al1 SeatgDF Easotdad !flort€&beE 10, 1965 ia Bool 1E? rE PaEc 393 rr R€c€ptiorr rto, 1023?3 rnd lncadn,cnE recordad llov.hbc! 75, L97 7 Ln Eook 263 aE EE,gc 925 as ReceptJ.on No. 159283 rnd erlrndflenE aDd F.6s EatcE.ut recorded f,ov.I|b.r 16, 1988 l.a Eooh {95 iC PeE. 27', ea RaceDtlon rf,o. 391472, sttdl trLrats Ar€rr&rnE thargto taco-drd Dlrrch 7, 1994 la Book 53tt dts PrEs 218 rt RccspEl-on No, 53O27!, 13. eny and lItr exleting leaccs end tclancicr. 14, ;1ny and aII ata.SEBenE€ o! e*[reneeE whJ,ch may br dur and geyable to A1I geaEotlE Coadorol.nLual Agtocl rt:lon. 1,5. A Dcad of Trust datcd firly 2, 2OOA, eficoulad by K&9 EdEatca, IJDC, r Golorado ].lnl.c€d llrbtllcy cotnp!,ny, t'o thG Publlc Eruat€e of lrglc CtullEy' to EecuEc atl indebtedneee of 51,950,000.00, in favor of, Colorado BueLncre Danh !.corded iltrly Contlnued on ne*ts DEg. 08/21,t292!,l.l u1s ,444 ,p,?os4s0{?3,, , .. F0RBES GRoUP v Continuallon o! Echcdule E - SecElon 2 ' orda= Hunberr 0r103S315A 8. 2OO{ aE n€c,.pE{on No, 88!299. rrw, rrv, ,.@,008 08/23/2004 14:. lgneu,4J. Lvv-r 'FA{ rg?p84504r?3,.,,.,,,r I r I Lr F0RBES GROUP COI\DITIONS AI\TD STIPTJLATIONS 1. Thcrcrm moflgage, whooused hereln. ebrll includc dced of m$t, mrst dced, or other security ingtnrmcn:, 2. If the propored Insrued has or acquircs icturl knowlodgc of aDy dofcct, liq. cncumbrance, adverse clrim or other mettcr affccting tho eetare or intcrclt or morqagc thcrcon covered by this Commiuncnt other than lbosc dtown in Schcdule B hcrcof, aod shafl fail ro disclosc sush howledge ro rlre Comprny in wriring, rhe Company fiall be rclievcd from lirbiiity for any loss or dernage resulrlng from eny act of reliaNe hereon to thc ertcDt tlrc Corrpany ir prcjuilicc<l by failurc to so dlrclosc such lbowlcdge, If Se proposed lnsutcd rhall disclose such knowlcdge to the Company, or if the Compaoy othcrwire acqulres ecural knowledgo of aDy 8r.Eh dcfect, licn, sncumbrelce, adrrerse clalm or ottEr mrncr, tre Cornprny rt itr option msy amcnd Schedulc B of this ConEitmenr accordiugly. but uuch anendrrrDt shdt not tclicve thc Corrpany from liability prcvioualy incurred pursuant o paragrrph 3 of drese Coaditionr ard Stipuladons- 3. Liability of t[c Company urdcr thls Comnitmcnt shdl be only to thc named proposed Insutcd and such parties included undet tlc dcfinition of Insured in ihe form of policy or policics comnined for and only for rccurl lo89 incurrcd in reliaoce hercon in wrdertakiug iu good fdlh (a) to comply widr tbc requirsEocflrs hereof, or (b) to climiD$e cxc€ptioD! shown in Schcdule B, or (c) to acquire or crcaE rhe e$ate or hterut or mongege lberoon covcrcd by thie Comnibneil. In no cvent shall such liability excced drc amounr ctrrd in Sdredule A for rhc policy or policies commtned for rnd ildt lieDility is subjcct to the insuring provisioas, 6e Condicioru and Stipulatlons, and dte Exclusions from Covcr€c of dre form of pollcy or policier connrittEd for ia favot of tho proposcd losurcd which arc bmeby incorporarcd by refatncc and are made a parr of this Corrnitmenr exccPt n5 cxprcssly modified herein. 4. Any acdon or actions or righa of action thar dlc proporcd Insured may hrvc or may bring againsr thc Company arising out of thc status of ihc titlo to the estatc or intcrcst or thr stanrs of thc mosrtrgc thorpon oovered by this Commimenr must bc bsrcd on aDd are subjecr to ftc provisions of ibir Commitment. STEWARTTTII,E GUARANTY COMPANT Alt notice$ rcqtrired ro be given drc Compury and any lhtcnclrt in writing rc.quinud to be furnishcd thc Company shall be addrcrsed o it at P.O. 8ox2029, Houston, Teras 77252, ^fr identify tbis commiunent by ite prirued COMMITMENT ORDER NUM- BER whtch appears on Orc botbm of the fionr of rhc first prge of rhis cornnirrncnt' rrv, LuI '.. @ooot AUG, 3.AA4 8:UIgAI'I .CqsTLE RMLTY GROLF\v ALL SEASONS CONIIOMINIUM ASSOCTATION +34 GORE CREEKDRilTE vArI4 coLoRADO n657 (vtol47G2221 (9?0) 4762684rAx NO.7A3 P.2/3 ht&ridt$ymen IIt hcddcnt 9!Wldpponflnmn AruohNY 1050f (e14) 271{14s O10 t73{[t frr edr@taoLcm Augpst 3,2004 K&SESTATES C/O STJNDAIRINC. I, P. SUNDERI-AI{D P. O, Box 1393 Edwards, CO 81532 RE: Atl SeasonsCondominiumUoits Al & A3.Remodcl DearMr. Susderlan4 The Foarrd of All Seasms hcreby approves ofyorr rcenoilcling plan for tho aborre ,6g6spa6ql ,rnits rubjcct to the fullon'ing cooditions: e Reoeipt of Esbeslos cotramhadoo renediation certificae' Ccrtifioate of Insrrance sbowing All Sgry9ry^F-e samed insur€d forboth liabdtty insurrnse in an anoutrt dffi'tlto $l'ooo'ooo 8s w€lt as stac*qndatedworkman's conpelFstiott, Alcfrerofiodeonificciontothc Associstion aEreeing to g* ag 4amaffl1fV otbcr cosdominium ""it , "dct#.;;;;"ht""ts-ttd dy othcr damage tbd'rnay be otsaO"tarus.tltoiPurundc :' po* a perfornanco uona uta.oum of $100,000 to innue-yorg perforoancc for ;;Hl&ffi t" tn *.o"iu,r" comon eteopds c otberlvtreobers rsits or ffi*, * scas@ condomid'm ^Lsqgdation-fre cost ofthe employoot srtb' nrnrgco€d d rl.l, **ffiffiil., ui[a uv tru uuo'8ing ageai ftr oonitoring and assiltiDg qith Pur Proiect Frcqnenrlg str oilcnsive ;[i.frg prgJ."t ry qp cr*ses oeighboring uits to be ctcaned of du*" I" s* *#;rffs,;;iitioo {ombcr oo4tains you will pay for tle ;;it"el; d;;s[6a"ins statito "]u- ry effected unite' 'Ih" pl*'"*ds to ue amcideo to rcflect and state thc fullowing: o E$uior p.idi"g ;;"6;;i'Fcobtsclme oftbe Associstion The exterior de\dion wh€re any window or door reptacemems arc proposcd will A-re. 3.?@4 B:B9AH C.t* RERLTY GRoup O N0.?03 p.3/3 needtobcr+*ainedinhsontiretytoinzurethgttbestainsc@fornity.seo Iaalaging Ag€d for paint colore' o Any mofp*#;'#;;dd or asy othcr prrrposes ar€ to bc properly Ddctnd by " qo.fiiJ.otr aia tnu iseociationis to be indemnificd if there it ,ov t..[ oiroy attrihrtableto t]rae peoetrations' o n*i Ooio fur both washer and dryer installations' o plan notes,rili"d;il b;updated'basca m picirres. If the railings arc nplaced they *"'t L; ttPda toouv in tri *yte tlery curredly exist' o To tbe poiat pt*#,i-;ilimt* a"r' ii"onv"ntience to oler members ofthe- Ast"d;d"" Spccifid$y with wat€r and heat shut dorgnF' o Watcr rhr "f t"tG;tid+t" tettuO *lt" shqrld be in*alld' o In the eved th;; ;y;ilfr"tiog prrnpt loceted ia the rmits ttc are- A*r"4 i"O"iO,"f tUi off valvcineed to be iostslled- o Cortnrctio,n no,til il*ostn*tioo is to Eke place before 8:00 in ths nomine or ofi€ri;id ilfi;"sttttd- is to ula Plaf-or Senrrdav' No consts'stion is ," ,rl";*lr* ;; ilg-rr*kn di public-holidays to include but not limited tt l.alffiIv *tinttE-fft"ttgttft weekenj and Friday' ;;ilb*- if-ffi"sh iarurry zoos and presidects week, o parting, e*.n,ftiiil*ttrJio a +inere parking space' During tbe scason if thc prrting loriidu fftJ! gtj:;*"eC to a*p otrtheir manide and find prrtiry-;ffd";f th" A..SC lot 8o 0s not to inconvedioce the Ecmbers of the Asrocistioo' o D,l4st€rs. N"';;ild; wasre c otler natsrisls ir to be plsced in tho All Scrsoas d,ttp#?";;; tti"s q " a"tn* ryqdllY1.l k notto r€mah; tm zffio"ttioa mu$ be placed vherethe msoa$ng agem insfucts' o Ary c.ber issrer brougbtto your arcmioa by the lvta$ging Agetrt will be conPUa*ttProilPtly' SigIr andrcffilletteroManaging Age'c adtCIowledging and apcerptingtres€ conditiong' cl/U eric,kWYnsn idcilt SincerclY, 1t Project Name: K&S ESTATES CHANGE DRB Number: DR8050200 Project Description: REOUESTTO APPROVE AIR CONDMONING CONDENSER LOCATED ON SOUTH DECK Pa]ticipants: OWNER K&S ESTATES LLC O5/13i2005 25 W FLAGLER ST PH MIAMI FL 33130 APPUCANT K&5 ESTATES LLC 05/13/2005 25 W FLAGLER ST PH MIAMI FL 33130 ProjectAddress: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Locationi 434 GORE CREEK DR., UNIT A1 & A3 Legal Descriptioni Lotr B Block: 3 Subdivision: ALL SEASONS CONDO Parcel Number: 2101-082-3700-3 Commentsr see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:06/06/2005 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO WV,u"f ii,*1 -lof 6, blbJ nl+Ab6n-5 hlao I General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. tL 9o*?SS Locataon of the proposat: t-ot: B ebck: 3 ,roo,u,r,on' ,4/ &to*> 6,^JO Physical Address:44 (d?^ c(Uk-( AL 4t I *3 g 6ovloItoo L parcef No.: AolO?23'l OO3 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonins: +D /\F Name(s) of Owner(s):f ? s tsrq2s Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:b\, I glG S Type of Review and Fee: D Signs D Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) E Minor Alteration (si ngle-family/du plex) E/ Changes to Approved Plans E Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 Construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Mailing Address: E-mail Address: ( For Office Use Onlv: t Fee Paid: 2-A ' Check No.: & By:/uo Meetino Date: 1! ' f g-of Planner:rvo., l>&lo{ - o3Z5 I, (print name) description) JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER JoK^l SJ^Y7,{LLA,\L >, a joint owner of property located at (address/legal 4g+ ("st<- AJtrL?- 0(L' A-l \ A 3 provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: buwuJ >ot4 0+cV. I further understand that minor modiflcations may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. Page 2 of t3lI2l02lM MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS*X D Stamped Topographic Survey*o Site and Grading Plan*a Landscape Plan*tr Architectural Elevations*o Exterior color and material samples and specifications,o Architectural Floor Plans*o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixturesa Tltle report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements*o Photos ofthe existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.o Written approval from a condominium associaton, landlord, and joint owner, if applicableo Site-specific Geological Hazard Repoft, if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a pQect will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted wilh an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title repoG and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name:LT n /D&-1-- Contractor Page 3 of r3lL2l0UO4 Topographic survey:. Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor. Date of survey. North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or t"=20). Legal description and physical address. Lot size and build able area (build able area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, dod floodplain). Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown, Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationshio to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.r Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title repoft. List any easement restrictions.o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, alpng the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot.intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot,. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).. All existing improvements (including foundaUon walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).o Environmental Hazards (ie rock fall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed seruice lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc,. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from propefi, o Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of L"-20'or larger. Property and setback linesr Existing and proposed easements. Existing and proposed grades. Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. . A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. Page 4 of t3lL2l02l04 1o wHalA ft rn*\ h^ytcaJ,ths ,s 4 ncnftq o?,{1fu 1Wa"a /krz-Lu6routrd-p4to',*yz iT AV-- k Pn,-yv- 6/-o^yJ 1D MkTz$ 1-rytyu:- kk,r,,V>. l-f CpvJ cr.st-y hr-9as; ftlnl4 .il-r-)o "&.".{t 6 3ffit-c-s )A 1VW 9Nrn+ L,q- tK hi&--=r'/Aod5 , , 114{k-V-144\J .kft{, lTs /A^nt=ra lT wt u-- 0q-- t,o\)Lsr &LL TOWN OF VAII DESIGN REVIEIII' , s-'" --: ,,1,FPnO\rAt" .F ..1 MAR-30-2C05 I{ED 02:55 PM FRED t WYMAN Please forward to $uudcrland. F'W:nl Enc. Vdl\ttuF SunderturC 32905 ALL SEASONS COFTDOMIIYIUM ASSOCIATION 434 GORE CREEKDRIVE VAIL, COLORADO ET657 (9701 476-2utr (970) 476-25E4 FAX FAX: 91427351 18 ?, 001 (9r4r273-sr43 Qla) 273-5118 Frr crytw@aol.con Frcdcrick Wynrn tr, Frcsi.f.lt 93 Whlppoonvill Roed Armonkn IttY 10504 TO: BRUCEEARPER,ViTFTT: (970)47G.2684 FROM: FREDERICKWYMAN " +^),l DATE: I\{ARCH 29,20005 RE: SUIIDERLAI\ID .2 ..t 'lrIAR-30-2005 WED 02:55 P.002PM FRED I lvYMAl{ ALL SEASONS CONDOMINIT'M ASSOCIATION 434 GORE CREEK DRTVE VAIL, COLORADOEl557 (970) 476';221 (970) 47G2684 FAX FAX:9142735118 (9r4)?73au5 (914) 273-5118 Frx crgfr@oLcor Frcdcrick Wynrn Xl, Prcsidcnt 93 Whippoorwi[ Rord ArmonlqNf l0$4 March 29,2005 Mr. John Sunderland K& S Estatcs Sundcrlnc. 190 SingletecRoad PO Box 1393 Edwards, CO 81632 R.E: A-1&A-3 Dear lt[r. Sunderlatd: Tbe Board has revianved yor:r request to locate onp 38!IDL 018 Canier Condenser on tbe deck of thc comnon elenents of thc All Seasons Coodominiun Associauon and approvcs ofits prcsent location- t"r0@v-*?dedckWrmanf I srdctrt FW:ml vrin gundrsl&d 3?905 TOWN OF VAII., 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 9',70-479-2t38 NOTE: OWNER K&S ESTATES I-,LC 25 W FI,AGLER ST PH MIAMI FL 33130 APPI,ICANT SUNDER TNC PO Box l-3 93 Edwards, Colorado 8L632 License:789-B CONTRACTOR SUNDER INC PO Box 13 93 Edwards, Colorado 6lO54 License:.789-B Desciption: COMPLETEREMODEL 09/09/2004 09/09/2004 Phone: (970) 926-2777 09/09/2O04 Phone: (97O) 926-2777 Add Sq Ft: # ofcas Logs: 0 o DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNII'Y DEVELOPMENT A.L\ S'eQ--\o-K-4 \^t'{-\3-\ '-BUr3.-\l a-^\ \)t!\c..1_1- 5-$ THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES <J .t,ltt++t*'|*'t++*+'tt+++*+*||:t*|,i**|*)*,|*|t+*|*|,li+,ll*******|+**||**** Valuation: $500,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y Building----> Plan Check--> Inv€stigation-> Will CalF-..> Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family V l-HR Type V l-Hour ')') # ofGas Appliances: 0 $3,233. ?5 Restuarant Plan Review--> 92,101.94 DRBFee------------> $0. 00 Recreation Fee--------> 93 . oo Clean-up Deposit------> TOTAL FEES-----------> ADD/ALT IVIF BTIILD PERMIT Job Address.: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location......: 434 GORE CREEK DR., TINIT Al & A3 ParcelNo....: 210108237003 Proiect No...: Permit #: 804-0255 Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 09109/2004 Issued ...: l0ll9/2004 Expires...: 04/17/2005 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Total Calculated Fees-> Addit ional Fees---------> Total Permit Fc€-----> Payments-------------------> BALANCE DUE-----> s0. oo s0. 00 s0.00 s0.00 $5,338-6e s0.00 $s,338.69 $5,338.69 s0-00 Approvals:Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Lo/L9/2oo4 ecD Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09 / 30 /2004 l{P(G Actlon: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN| LO/06/2oo4 mcgee Action: AP FirecLaces are of significant concern. t"? O" inspected and brougha ,n? safe condition. Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS 09/21/2004 Is Action: Ap See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELFAND OWNEF PAGE 2 * * * * * 't * *,* *!* * *,1. '1.* * '* * ** * * *** * ***,* * * * t< * *,1*:t,i. *,F *:**{. '1. 'F 'l !t* ** * * * ** * *** * * *'**:t * {< 't {. * * * * ** * * t ".,* ***** {.***,1. '1.* * * * * * *,1.,t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B04-0255 as of 05-16-2005 Status: ISSUED +,*****!*f ***,il**:t'|+*****,1+:**!t,*****,1**,t******'****!******+***********,****{.'lrd.+,t**t * * *** *,t**:1.*:1. '} d. {.*:1.,} * {. * {.,1. * !N. * * PermitType: ADD/ALT MFBUILDPERMIT Applied: Og/Og/2004 Applicant: SLINDER INC Issued: l0ll9/2004 (970) 926-27'l'l To Expire: 04117/2Q05 Job Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 434 GORE CREEKDR., I-INITAI &A3 ParcelNo: 210108237003 Description: COMPLETE REMODEL Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQI.]IRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 @LDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVEDFIREMATERI.AL. Cond: 16 @LDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQIJIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.JIRED BEFORE A].{Y WORK CANBE STARTED. SS 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 COMP E REVISED VALUATIONS FOR PERMIT Labor & Materials ***4*+********'.***********r.***** RouTlN G INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE O N LY*******:r*rr*t****:\***************** BUILDING DEPARTMENT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT: APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED_A I ruN wlLL NU I rrts AUUE' I EU rF rNLurvrr';."ffX"";iliii" Bc4- * gl o tt s -zi 4g lt * pee.tiAlt) REVISION TO TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION General Contractor: Sv^:cr"tZ tNL Town of Vail Reg. No.:Gontact and Phone #'s: Joru fl,rcanJA,W 3%-/88f ATTENTION: JR, CHARLIE, CREC, DoRIs REVISED AMOUNT: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL:$REVISED TOTAL:$ _O - For Parcel # Contaet Eaqle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaqle-coun 2lo to bLbl oo3 Job Name Atrtrnl+srss *l I Ag JobAddress: +3+ bdtL a{lt.-? trL, Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Fiting:Subdivisio n: owners Name: p'. $ elffiLs Address: 6o*gqs loultyztls to pnone: jqb_,Agf ArchitecUDesio ner: .l aLctLB-&r- lYWt l+1'^)Address:phone'.q16_++33 Engineer:Address:Phone: TX'HffiH:,-'*Fmffi*\)k(Ukr,r(1 @ 3 (*s 6G Ciwindows\Oesktop\DFLORES INFO\Revised Bldo oermit.doc 10t1612402 ?imcoPY Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com May 16,2005 Mr. John Sunderland Sunder Inc. P O Box 1393 Edwards Co. 81632 Re: All Seasons Units A1 & A3 Conversion of Two Units into One/BP # 804-0255 Dear John. In the above referenced project, it has been determined that three existing wood-buming fireplaces exist in two separate dwelling units. During the course of construction the two units are being converted into one dwelling unit. This causes non-conformity with the Town Code Section, 5-3-2, "Air Pollution Control". This section states: "B. Consolidated Dwelling Units to Comply: If one or more separate conforming or non-conforming dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to form one larger dwelling unit, restricted dwelling or accommodation unit, the newly formed unit shall comply in all respects with the provisions of this Chapter." Town Code is written to require a maximum of one wood-buming fireplace and one gas-log fireplace. Our interpretation of the intent of this section is to remove existing wood-buming fireplaces in the interest of providing for better air quality in this valley. You have requested to be allowed to maintain all three fireplaces but convert all three to gas-log set fireplaces. Your request has been approved under the following conditions: 1) This request is for this project only. Any other projects must be reviewed on a case by case basis. 2) The existing fireboxes and flues shall be inspected and evaluated for integrity and safety by a qualified fireplace inspection company. Any life-safety items identified in the inspection report shall be rectified in an approved manner. 3) Provide the Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services with a copy of the inspection report and remediation prior to obtaining a mechanical permit to install the gas-log sets. Thanks for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at970-479-2142. Chief Buildins Official {p *r.r.r"o ,tr"^ SUl{DERZ c()nstntction ndndg{,nent . -fine jnisfus May 10,2005 Town of Vail 75 S. FrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Greg Denckla In reference to my conversation with Greg Denckla, I would like to apply for a variance on the fireplace configuration at our All Seasons remodel, building permit #804-0255. kr trying to comply with the spirit of the 1991 law to reduce air pollution in the valley and to reduce the number of wood burning fireplaces in Vail we would like to change our wood burning fireplace to a gas log set. This would give us three gas log sets in our unit. In accordance to the law enacted in l99l we would be one gas log fireplace over, however, we would be eliminating the pollution and fire danger associated with a solid fuel burning fireplace. If this is not possible we will leave the fireplace as a wood burning fireplace. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to your decision. Q.ia;*' )--=-___ John Sunderland Kft SEstates i 19ar Singlctree Road ' I).O. llox Horrre (970) 926-2777 . Fax 1c17,111 926-1932 l39J . Edrvards, Colorado iil1632 . Cell (97{) 390-1ii85 . EInail sundcr@vail.net TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 PARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO5.MO3 3()\.ox*; Job Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED l,ocation.....: 434 GORE CREEK DR., UNIT Al & A3 Applied . . : 0lll2l2n5 Parcel No...: 210108237W3 Issued . . : 0212212W5 ProjectNo : ?(soq -o3X,5 Expires. .: o8l2ll2oo5 ol{NER K&S ESTATES r,LC Ot/!2/2005 phone: 25 W FL,AGLER ST PH MIAMI FL 33130 License: COMIRACTOR SKYLINE MECHANICAIJ oL/L2/2005 Phone: 970-s24-68o9 P.O. BOX t_258 GYPSIIM, CO 8L637 License: 121-M APPI-,ICAI\E SKYLINE MECHANICAL 0L/t2/2005 Phone:. 970-524-6809 P.O. BOX 12s8 GYPSI'M, CO 8163 7 License:121-M Desciption: CONVERT 3 WOOD TO GAS FIREPLACES, A/C, HUMIDIFICATION, VENT 4 BATH FANS, 2 CLOTHES DRYERS, I KITCHEN HOOD Valuation: $6.000.00 FireDlac€ Infornation: Resdcted: Y # of Gas Appliames: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 *****x*'*:******,*'*****'t**,****'r,*'*.*,i*'i:*:.,i'i:a:**'*rt**:t'ti:**:i*'t****,tt'*'****+'i++:N* FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-- > 9120.00 Resurarant Plan Review- >go. oo Total Calculated Fees--> S273 . 00 Ptan Check-- > $30. oo DRB Fee------------------- > $o.00 Additional Fees-------> $0.00 Investigation- > $120 . OO TOTAI FEES-------> $2?3 . OO Total Permit Fee----- > $273 .00 Will Call--- >$3.00 Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENI o2/2t/210s GcD Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARl'l'lElflf CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TI{E 1997 UMC, oR SECTIoN 701 0F THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATTON MUST CONFORM TO IITANUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]I4C, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIAIiICES SHAI-,IJ BE VEMTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHAIIT TERMII{ATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.805 OF THE L997 UMC, OR CHAPTER I OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 Paymenas---------- > BALANCE DUE-.--_--- > s273 . OO so. 00 (BLDG.,): ACCESS TO HEATING "TN'"* MUST COMPLY WITH '*NT 3 AND SEC.1O].7 OF THE 1997 I'MC AND CI{APTER 3 OF THE Cond: 3L (BL,DG.): BOfL,ERS SIIA1,L BE MOInfftED I-,ISTED FOR MOUN:TING ON COMBUSTIBLE Cond: 32 (BIJDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIID CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQITEST. Cond: 30 (BIJDG.): DRAINAGE OF ITECHANICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPITY BOIIJERS SHAITIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. lO22 OE THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tltat all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTJR HOI]RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM, 1997 rMC. ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI'E CONST. I'NI.'ESS FI-,OORING. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF E2/Lst2a65 LAt46 9795246 SKYLINE MECHANI APPUCATION WILL NOT gE ACCEFTED IF IHCOTiIPLETE OR UilSGNED Building Permit # Mechanical Pertnlt #: CALo 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (Inspsctions) 814o PAGE AI|AL :.. r. ' Permit will not be acceptOd without the following: Pronide Mechanical Room layout drawn to scale tn include: o Mechanlsal Room Dimemlonsr Combustlon Air Duct Slze and Locatlon o Heat Loss calee,o EquipmentCut/SPecSheets at9 or uisit "i;trfet * VATUATION FOR MECHANICAL pERMIT (Labor & Materials) CONTRACIOR INFORMATION # ls orovided above Name: q1 New() Addifion( ) Alteration$) RePair( ) Other( ) DoesanEHu*xistatthlslocation: Yes( ) No( ): Intertor( ) Exterior( ) Otner( ) fti-fdmily fr1 Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Othef ( ) lrto. of nccommodation Units in this building:of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ilg,fiipe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appiiances ( )ffi wood Burning (Nor ALLowED) 6;n EP[-"h-;se Ii cier/ae? Yes ( ) No Conba and Phone #'s:Town of Vall Reg. No.r + * )t(+** + +** ***+ *:F+*:|< +FO Fi /euerygnb/ orrns/mechPcrm Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com January 3 1, 2005 Skyline Mechanical Inc. P.O. Box 1258 Gypsum, CO 81637 Dear Shelli: In reviewing the mechanical permit M05-0003, for K&S Estates I noticed that there are 3 wood buming fireplaces proposed to be converted to gas log sets. The attached Town of Vail ordinance outlines the number of gas log sets and appliances that are permitted in a single dwelling unit. Your options are to leave one fireplace as is and convert the other two. Or eliminate one fueplace, and convert the other two, See item #5. Also in your submittal you did not include any information for the air conditioning equipment, humidifier or kitchen hood. I need all this information before I can continue your plan review. Town of Vail Plan ExamineriBuilding Inspector Cc: Sunder Inc. f-p ^"","uo """^ 6Lt3L/2aa5 t4i26 97452464L4 SKYLINE MECHANI t,l fr! fitii 't, AnlD EFFTGIEilT H{DnilE lrlln rrDlFlER AT'ATLABLE NOW you can enjoy the convenience and cornfon of the new RESDELUX eledrode steam hurnidifier In your home or condo from the wofld leader in commercial electrode steam humldification"' NORIE.UI NORTEC's RESDELUX home humidifiers employ stataof-thsa( electronic technology to deliver clean and reliable humldity for your own personal cornfort. Simply set the relative humidtV level' snd let the integrated electronic comtoller lake orver, malntalnlnB the humiclity in your home automaticslly wlth unsurpassed accuracy' ) Put6. clean, sterile steam humidification > Fa.cy clianinEl using disposable cyllnder > Auto€daptive technolo$/ Edapts Io changing water condititjls ) A[omatic fill and drain cYcles aLl3Il2gas L4i26 s7a5246eLT SKVLINE MECHANICT PAGE 83 orlr,ttm t.hd.. r,.6rtih. ti.vF F6.H-trn THE TIIiPOTTANTGE OF r|AT'TTUG A RESDELIIX HUn, TDIFTER lil YoltF H{l'ilrE Comfort and hea.lth Studies show correct interior humldlty lewls minimire the spread of. bac{eria uCl , - viruses avoiding rhe ploblems assoclated with dry throats and nasal' passages during' the winter monms \ tnile Slso t(eeplng your shln supple. Nortec's RESDEIUX electrode steam humidlflers temove calcium and minemls f/om the water uscd so only clcon, PutE stcom ie sdd€d to lndoor ait, makinE tha air in ynl" home healthier to breathe. Protect valuable fu rnishi ngs, instruments and art wood and upnotstercd rurnnure, drapes. carpets anrl ather rabllcs argund your home will oll dctcrior€t€ more Gpldly if they get too dry or too wet. They need cotrect humidiv to mblntaln thsir shape and stGngth' The s6me Eoes fb, fine art and expensiw rnusical instruments, espesally pianos, o€ans. violins and telated strlnds and wood\r,inds, P|aintings, carvings, antiques and olier art tjeasures deserve your special a(ention' too' Reduce static electricityp;;il; ritovrni "trrir "lectriclty shocks in tfie wlnter time by keeplng your house humidified usin6l NONEC'S RESDELUX. o10lllt{,ta'0lF l t' I Home/Sizing Chart Recomrnended maxlmum home size 9q.t (sq.m)* orlrside air olF G17.9oC) and 80% R.H. Average ltouse: One oit change per houf; outside alr 20oF (€.7oc) and 8096 R.H. Loo6o house: Two air ohandes pet hour; outslde air 31"F (.o.6'C) and 8096 R.H. Steam distribution options : Eullton or remoto nqrted blorief peck: The RESDELUX wtfl blotv€r peck is a setf.conteined uol[ wlUr lls uw fa .1d stealr itisttlbutpr allowing hurnldlflca(on directly in the space. Dust dlBtrlbutlon node: The RESDELUX wnh duct nozle ls usually installed into forcAd alr ducts or in centralized heafrE systems to allow steam dispe6ion.in the alr before it emers lhe room to be humidified, 19fir (178) 3825 (356' 1455 (135) 2sLo(27O1 . Dlnr not irlct/de tflend mdfrr|! lFlnF grrn rt qr sn Fl&nl G3llltu h.rw 0o3cd m t5'F (23'lt) :loi n'H' 396 dc4n tlndlldl Control oPtions: Uhll mount€d humldlsat, recommended to automaticatly oonrol the humidifi er operation' DrFt |nouttted hlgh llnlt' tocomrnencled In duc,t appllcadons to ensure dre unit will not humidiry the duct more than 85% R'H' Ar p|Er||g srtltEh, recornmended in duct applioations 10 ensure the unit will not humidiry uhlees alr lg eitculating In thn rll lcj' I i I't I 6L/3L/zgAE L4i26 97452468L4 SKVLINE MECHANI \ I @@ HatdwlrcdCord or llardwiredwldng connectloo 7,4 2.76Nl6r Kw 11.5F,LA. (tull lo.d .|npc) Fqs€ dlscoonect Slze siatdfld MlnMax capacltles: 14 (0.491.8)2€ (0.$3,6) bs/hr (kg/hr) 2.9.LL.5 (11.043.5)5,*23.O (22.o47,0) cellons per ddy (lners Per day) Unn dtmonslon rryftho|n HoYret Pa.;h 6o-o e-.zs'<ree cm) to hel€Ft sf unh Unit dimenslon whfi blowet Pack 2s rbs (lJ.r(g)Unlt mldrt REsoELUx humidrFir€ ntc only ons of fie mdny leedtng edl* rcchnologie: offurcd !,!beonlc Eir nozl€s, uiEeonlc nozl€€ and rtosm iniedion humldlflcsrion' by NORTEC, un lndusw l&?dof In gE5-tir€d. U' € d E I 'o E Edl It ! pJlottec'@wtrvw.humidity'com u,s.A. flU|{ tEc Inourtr|ca !n.:. PO.Box 698 826 ProctOt Avenu€ ooil.nFborq. NY 136€9 TEL: (3'l51 4281255 EMAIL: noneG@humidiiy'oom CAI'IADA NOnTGO Atr C.|rahlo'|lng lndurirl$ |.td. 2740 Fcnron Roed Otiawa, Omario KIT 3T7 TEr: (6131 €22.03t8 FrJ<t G13I e2.79@ o EVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 PARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D NOTE: TI{S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCAL PERMIT PErMit #: MO5-0154 Job Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 434 GORE CREEK DR., UNIT Al & 43 Applied . . : 07ll3l2ffi5 Parcel No...: 2l0l082370f3 Issued . . : 08/2212005 hojectNo' yRTou_OSI5- Expires..: 02lI8l200f ovfNER K&S ESTATES r,Le O7/L3/2O05 25 W FI,AGI,ER ST PH MIAI,!I FI_, 3 313 0 APPLICAIIT SKYI-,fNE MECHANICAIJ 07/L3/2OO5 Phone: 970-524-6809 P.O. BOX 12s8 GYPSIJ!4 co 81637 Li.cense ! 121-M CONIRACTOR SKYI-,INE MSCHANICAL OT/L3/20Os Phone: 970-524-6809 P.O. BOX 1258 GYPSUM co 8L637 L,icense: 7,2L-Vl Desciption: ADD 3 GAS LOG KITS TO EXISTING FIREPLACES Valuation: $2,600.00 Fireplacr Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Applianc€s: 0 # ofGas logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY +*{r*1't trrt+{ir.{.**:*****rr****'r{.{.'*{.**'i******+*r************'r{.*'rx.* Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call----- > $60.00 Resturrant Plan Review-> $1s.00 DRB Fee----------- > $0 . o0 ToTAL FEES--> s3.00 $0. oo Total Calculated Fees-- > $0. oo Additional Fe€s-------> s78. oo Total Permit Fee-------> $?8 - 00 $0.00 $78.00 $78.00 s0 .00BALANCE DUE---_---- > Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMEMI 08/L7/2oos eD Action: AP signed off for Greg. r-,c Itsem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIiII CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Cond:. 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AIID SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 fFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIIL,ER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MAT.IUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF TITE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIAI{CES SHAJ-,IJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECIIANICAIJ EQUIPMENT MUST COMPL,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND EHAPTER 3 OF TITE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BL,DG.): BOILERS SIIAITIJ BE MOII{TED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. UNIJESS r,rsrED FoR Mon*rrNc oN "o""ot"oE FrJooRrNc. Cond:32 (BL.,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS Al.lD CODE AIIALYSIS MUST BE POSTED rN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A]iI INSPECTTON REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): BOILER ROOMS SHAITL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIoUID WASTE pER SECTION L004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfirre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OIjR FROM 8:00 AM - 4 TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF OWNEF AppLrcArroN wuor eE Acc€prED iF rilcoMplETF ef$.-pRJoy. o 3a r \ BuiiaingP"@ Mechanical Permit *: nnb5rPo I e7o-479-214e (Inspection}O C- O tJ{ Contact or vfislt forL Parcs! *t (Requlrcd it no bldg. permit # is provided above) rebName: lu-csEasarls 4t) *=JobAddressi tSrJ Qatu <.R€t( R V#rr- Lesal Description ll Loe ll Block ll Filing:Subdivision: ilwn'ers- minE f I s scr" ljjllnares;;;t Phone Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaiks descrlFtion off work loo 3- e,+s LnE [.]> To Ehsrt4g 6a pGz.9 workclass; New() Addltion( ) Alteration(r\f Repalr( ) Other( ) BoilerLocatlon: Interior( ) Dfterior( )'Other( )ooes an EHU e><lst at this locabbn: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type cf Eldg: Single.family ( ) Duplo( ( ) Multi-family (,i1) Commercial ( ) Rcscaurant ( ) Other ( ) t. , No. of FxisUng Dflelling Units in this building: 3 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireolaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) -Gas LoEs ( ) Wood/P.-ellet ( ) Wood BurnlnF (3) llet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) -- cortp+rre VALUATI0N FOR MECHANICAL PERM'I-f (Labor & Materials) CO NTRACTOR INFORMATION **++*+****x*+*+**+****#*FoR oFFICE Contact ind Phone #'s:-622{Tustral ?a Mechaniel Contractor: SKYI;*€ Mg.eF,ft.^nt *********+******* *** ****+:f t( Fil everyone/hrms/medtperm 6A|ZA 39Vd -'lvcINVHD3t4 fNI-]^)S 48 LZtlt 9AA4/tl/LA . ILO,Inc. dbd Flr eless flritnvy Sweeps PO Bol( 7 l irmn.ao 8r&l5 tohn slrndcrJrld PO B6 1398 Ed*adq Co tI632 Invoice Date tnuoice f 06Inn006 6+6 BlllTo P.O. No.T€(ms Projed Duc od r€ceipt Quantly Descrlpton Ra!s AtYrounl 5 Work DoDc TodEy GtlrlncF Ctcdcd al All Scrsons $Ctr,;^ pe fS !/,,,t Po cKwvfag' 4 r< 9fro t 7 { {f46 k. p"ronucn,D B*tu u;P'f 4l / Sk e'L ?o^V* t ' to Tli ?outT Ct"t-< a4 ?ircusseD .( l^ rnA -?o" '\au i./ 91L00 n0,w 1lark 3lou frryorr busincs!TOtal $27o.oo 6AlFA 39Vd IVDINVHC]I4 3NI-14)S ate9Dz9aL6 LZitr gaqzltt/La rNsrAlr.oflfi nrvo oPERA'o* o,fiE FoR HARGROVE GAS LOGS FULLPAN BURNER (FPP)NATURALGAS NOTE ! ADEOUATE FIREPLACE VENTILATION IS REOUIRED FOR SAFETI GAS LOGS MUST BE INSTALLED BY PERSONNELQUALIFIED FOR INSTALLING GAS APPLIANCES. READ INSTRUCTIONS FULLY BEFORE INSTALLING OR OPERATING. INSTALLER LEAVE THESE INSTRUCNONS WITH CONSUMER! Hargrove Manufacturing Corporation uses refractory materialto create ceramic logs. Each log is hand linished to aisure the most realistic. dbtailed loo available. The oas loo burner svstem is desioned to burn like wood with a yellow smoky flame. Fof tnis reason'the gas log set inust 6e burnedonly in a lully vented, non-combustible firbplaoewilhthedampercompletelvopen-andthEchimneyfreeof anyobstiuctionsrirrestrictions. Thefiroplace mu.stbedesigned@d..Theminimuhpermanirnt,|reeopeningprovidedbythefirep|ace chimney mu5t be 8" in didmeter (50 square inches). rhe realistic yellow flamE oroduces carbon monoxide and soot. Under normal eonditions these products are exhausted ud the chimney. lf fumes or soot from the qas burninq are evidenced in the room when the damper is fullyopen,itindlcatesthaitheflreplacedraftlsdefective. Donoioperateyourgaslogsetuntilthefireplacddraft is corrected. ADEQU Af E V ENNLAN ON IS P EQU I RED. FLAMMABLE VAPORS MAY BE DRAWN BY AIR CUHRENTS FROM OTHER AREAS OF YOUR HOUSE TOTHISAPPLIANCE. otPrft,5i/NflAucf,Ftfi pl.il'|FFft(; I e . O/Algat 6Atgq 35Vd THE SIZE CHARTBELOW INDICATESTHE MINIMUM SIZE FIREPLACE OPENINGS IN WHICH DIFFERENT SIZE GAS LOG SETS CAN BE INSTALLED. GAS LOG SETSIZE FRONT WIDTTI 4 4 118 22" ,:2 34"14', IVCINVHD3I4 3NIIA>IS 30 Br89re9aL6 Leilt gaaz/tr/La DO NOT USE A NAruRAL,GAS SET FOR PROP_ANE OR A PROPANE SET FOR MTURAL qAS,WHEN uslNc PROPANE tt-Fct Glsml ruioitiirrc F[oi si5itM MUsr BE INsTALLED. 1 . There are manv difierent local codes for gas fire logs. The installation olthis set must conform with localgo{9q of in the absence ot tota coabs, wiln-it'" trtational Fust Gas Code AN sil?zzg.l 1gaz..l. 7. !!s log *t is dxtgned fot ii-ihiliiiirlirGiC.-3' wnen glas6 flreplace doors are used always operate gas log set with the doors fully open to allow forproper combustiori alr. 4. A fire screen must be in place whEn the log set is in use.5. The appliance,and lts indivHual shut ofi vilva m rsr oe-d'isco nnected f ro r: $ifgllt-iqli;miii!,??'+?iixH#l",in"#;Thffi stT",stlnr{T,ifiiif$f $j$[f,:lliE$pres-su.res egualto or less than 1/2 psig.6' Minimum inlet suoolv presiurerl'i rfatural Gas is 7" water column. Maximum inletsupply pressure forNaturalGas is 101/2hriitercoluhn. --- * --- 1:4$1-uftllq, the logs become fragile and should not be handled. Knocking or rubbing logs can causego?,cl_etg!ggry,Tbleandisnorcovere-dunderthewarrantyu' use a sott' drv Daintbrus-h for periodic dusting of the gas f ire,logs. Special care must be taken to clean ll'JilTll?flJ;,flli3,jr#I'fi["S,:ootEutvi,ilirso re-mdvetni"whildpigments "ry }J * fr__* 18'Sets FPB.18 PGF.18 (2)PGF-FP-5 sD-2 EM-1 SPG Ac-18 24'Sets FPB-24 PGF-24 (2)PGF-FP-s SD-2 EM-1 sPc AC-18 INSTALLING YOUR H A R G R O V E GAS LOGS Removeallthepartsfromtheshippingcontainer, Yoursetincludesthefollowingparts... NumberbySet 1.Fult Pan Burner & Legs 2.Pedestal Grate Facing S.Hanging tabs for pGF 4.Silica Sand 5.2 Pan Fire Embers 6. Pilot Conhot (optionat) T.Alumlnum Connector 8.Fire Logs !.Dqmper Stop (optional) l0.Volcanic Cinders 1 l .Parts package (not shown) * Number of logs determined by sA sizeDS DS vc"2 vc-2 90" Setq FPB-30 PGF-30 (2)PGF-FP-5 SD-2 EM-1 sPc AC-l8 DS vc-2 ffiffi ofMa6\rNgrnuchFu[ p.dFppr{O 2 OF4 (7narsg} --- ailsa 39vd -tvoINVH33t4 3NI-|AXS at89vz9aL6 Le:,tr 9aa4ttr/La DAq"ffiA Attach tle damper stop clamp to the fireplace damperDtaoe. Hosrtton the ctamp to prevent full closure of ihefireplace damper blade. (Fis,1) lf the damper 6top provided does not flt, the insuller shall {tslat a pgrTnanenrdamper stop thatwill keep the damperopen a minimum of 3". FULL PAN BURNER POSITIONING 1. Turn gas off. (Fig.2) ?. Removeold log llghter, ashes, and other materiallromthefirebox. 9. . Center the full pan burner on the fireplace floor. For oesr resutts the ember bumer should be diiec{y under lltJ!::nf li_e_ylth.apinlmumot4,'iromtneiiohtioiiot me ember burner to the fireplace opening. Side View Flgure 2 Fireplace Floor Full Pan Burner Flgure 3 Full Pan Bum€r Ftgure 4 FullPan Burner 1. . T.he 2 = PGF-FP-S tabs are used to hano thepedestal grate facing on the fuil pan Uuinei. iFig. Si- - - ? Slidethe open end oJ the pGF_Fp_5 tabs on thelong side of the FPB sothatthevlreln av'erilciip-osition. ScrewLegs p. . PositionthepGF-Fp-Srabsthesamewidthasthe hangin g tabs on th e pG F. Hang the ijcF onid;-p'b F:FF:c IaDs. f._* ^ Attach the (4) screw legs to fie bottom of the Futlran tsurner. 1 ' The gas suppfy line should be ll2" lnstde Diameter (lD) up to 30 feet and 3/4,, for longer distances. frt*"ti"Jil,?g,ulilYfiFiill?r1?!\?T,,jxlsf,is.apsypplvlothe-fuflpanburnerprpe.whenbendinsarurninum i;ctuiled-r;ftfi;iii,iig""tothepitorconrro,.(|,['.T)tntt,be. (ffasbfetvpilotcoht'rolisuseaiJttbwliliru;ib;; 3. Check all conneclions for leaks using a soapy water solution. '1"'"Bnn?T#.1{iitd*#jrii*i#ff""?,*:1.fffr i,roreven distrlbution. flan ffiir[i:"orr') Donbtcrr OpMG.5|{STRuCnF,it pr/i\FFPlttc rOF.f Olzlbn --ffiLchAc-l8hero 6A|LA 39Vd ITDINVHDSI4 3NIIAXS aTa9vz9BL6 LZ.II 9A6Z/ll/Lg Flgurc 5 1. Fill thd full pan burner pan with slllca sand. should be levelwiihe lhe sideb of the burner. Place Sand level 213 of the Part A Embers on toD of the sand. Burner should be completely full and level, (Fig. 5) VOLCANIC CINDERS Part B Part A SD(sand) 2. Light the gas and observe llame for even distribution. 3. Part B Embers (rockwool) are olaced overthe sand to 9i mulate glowing embeni. For best results pinch off pieces of the Part B material the size of a di me and feather it out. Phce as m uch as desired overthe areathe gas comesthrough. (See Figure 3.) Referto the Pilot Gontrol LiEhtinq Instructions if installinq a Safety Pilot Control insidd or oEtslde the flreplace. LOG PLACEMENT .1. The_twolongestlogsarethebottomlogs. They should be placed directly on too of the ember bed. The bottom loos can ether be positioded on'thelr edoe with the tlat unfinished-sides toward th'e middle of the pan, orrilththefl at unflnished sidefaoino down in the sand. Alldw 2 to 3 inches of space between the boftom logs. (Fig.6) 2t The remaining logs are top logs. These logs are ptaced diagonally across the bottom logs and can be arranged to create the most realisticflame patternS. (See Figure 4.) '1. Theblackvolcanlcclndersareusedtocoverthefireplacefloor, fittings andtubing aroundtheburnersystem. {lthough notfunctional, the blackcinders actas apic.turefiametoshowofltheglowin! embersandyellowflame. (Fig.6) OttM8.s\lNSIRUcTlFril P |\FPFNo,t OF { p/4./9gt 2.. Theremainingl/3PartAEmbetscannowbespreadoverthevolcaniccinderslolooklikeadditionalfallen ash underthe loqs. 6Atgq 39Vd rvcrNvHcSw 3NI-14)S ar89tz9aL6 LZtrt gaazltr/La I r,mrrnD wARRANTY Rcfraciorv Loes Hargrove gas logs carry a limited lifetime warmnty against any msnufsrturod dcfeor or breakage wten installed indoors. A roplaccmail will bc availablc ftom thc dcolcr at which thc spPliarce was prrrchased, fbis wananty does not oover brcdkagc oauscd by oxccssive handllng once rnsta[ed snd fred, Outdoor applications cany a on€ (1) year linited wsnanry. Burncr & Gratc If the burnerr or gratc feils duo lo detcrioration withitr two (2) yean of the vedfied prrchase date, a frcc rcplaccmcnt will bc mrde available from rhc dealcr * whicb the appliancc was purchased, Valves. Remote Contgls. & Switchins Devlogg Hargrove warrants all valvcp, rcmote oontols and switohlng dwioos agaios manu&cntrittg dofeca, whioh appea wlthin two (2) ycars of &c vcrified purohase dato. Wanurty does not cova produots ftnt havc bcen damaged by misuse fiou overheating. Bcforc any Droduct is reqmod a Rcnrm Cioods Authorization ilmbcr (ROA) musr b6 issucd by !trugrove's Custuner Servioe Depaflrncil. AII rEulms must be aocompanied by an explanation ofthe problem and all nec,essary parts. All Othcr Parts If rry assernbled part shoutd fail to oportc or bc ford defcstivc whic,h appear wltrin two (2) years of tho vcrified purchase datg a replacemcnr will be ovailablo from tc dealo at whic,h the appliance was pucfnsed- Buyer shall noti$ Hargrovo Mfg Coqp. of any defect oovered by this umnty no laler tlsn thilty (30) days after defcct is discovcred' Failurc to providc noticc witrin thirty (30) days shall voidthc limitod wafianty. WHATIS NOT COVERED l. Removal and reinstallation costs. 2. Labor costs for rqrlaceorent or rcpair* 3, T$nsporlation or shipping cost. 4. The cost of o scrrrico csll to diagnosc hublc. 5. PainH Surfaces. 5. Drmagc or dc$s{ csuscd by improper installrrfiorl Nccidcnt, Efsusq abusg alteratiorl on authorized sorvicc lEchrician. 7, Replaccmcnt ofbunrot or combusilon chahbff resuldng torn lmpropor srcrage oftho applianc,c. LIMITATIONS A}.ID EXCLUSIONS l. No one has au0rority to add to or vuy rhis limited warranty, or to oeate for Hargrotc Mrnufacturing Corporation any otler obligation or liability in oomection witr this appliancc. 2. Any implied vvuranry applicable ro rtris applianoc i8 litnited in duration to the same period of timo as this witcn Warranty, Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied wamanty lasts, so thc abovc limirations may not apply to yotl. 3, HARGROVE MAN1JFACTURING CORPORATION WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTI.AL, SPECI.AL ORCONTINOENT DAMAOES YOUMIGIIT SUFFERAS ARESI.JLT OFA CX-AIMTINDSRTHIS WRITItsNWARRANTYORANY IMPLIED WARMNTY, Somc shtcs do not atlow the exclusion or limitdion of incidcntal or oonscqucnlial daroages. so tho abwe limihtions or exclusion may not appty to you 4, This waranty applics only ro thc originel purchascr itrd |!ay not bo lilrsfcned or assigned. 5. If you crruror voiS drc purchasc dst! of thc apptiancc, rhc wsnsory period will begin on ilre d.te of whioh thc appliancc was -anufacfured. 6. Replaccmcnt or rcpa.ir perts are wananted for the romaining poriod of thc originnl pan warranty, Wananty parts must !e obtained 0rough authorizod doalcrs of this product who will provido cigbal frctory rcplac€mctrt p0il6. Failure to usc original facory nqplacomont parts voids this wenonty. 7, The rnaximun liabiliry of Hargrovc Mfg Corp. in coonection with this linritcd warranty shall not ln any case exced thc contsact pilce paid for rhe product claimed to be defeorive or |msultable, 8- Purchasor c uscr egrocs to hold Hargrove Mfg Cory. b.rmless from aoy and alt clrims by thc buyer !s e rcsrrlt of injury or damage to an ultirnoe uscr or orhor porson oausod bt fto Foaluct sold hercin by tre scllo ro 6c buycr, whether the injrrry or damage rosulrs from fte assernbly, installdion, operalion" shiprnong storage, or manufacture of this product Ha4mve Mfg Corp, makcs no wananties, ocpressed or implied, ofiier than thoso oprcssly stacd hcrein. YOTJRDUTIES This applirnoe must be installed by a qualified installer, operabd and maintained in accordanoo widr all applicablc codos and the instuctions firnished with the appliancc. You musr provldo a roceipt vcrlfling rhc pwchasc datc ofthc appliancc wlten making a waffarly claim with rhc dealer from which lhc applianoe was purchased. This wamanty gives you spedfic legal righb, and you ney elso hsve ofter rigbrs, which vary tom stde to stde. To rtglster your Hatgrove pmduct, pbrse vlsit our wcbsitc rt http:lhnvrr'.hargrovegesb$.comhe&hth, CONTASI INFO: Eargrovc Manulacturlng Corp. Tele: (800) 72$'4166 6A/64 39Vd ']VCINVHC3I4 3NI-]A)S at89rz9aL6 LTirr gaa7/lrlLa 11- 1&2005 lnspectlon Request Reporting Page 32 4:24 pm vail*Co'- ctgr oi - Requested Inspect Date: Frlday, November l l, 2005 irispection Area: GCD sr re Address : 0fi uot"fo5.tTt"R["n Hb AJP/D lnformadon ActhrlM 804-0275 TVoe B-ELEC Sub Trce: AMF Status: ISSUEOConslTy[6: --- - _ Occupah'cy: Use: lnspArea: GCD Omier: K&S ESTATES LLC Appllcant ITIIPIITERIVERELECTRIC Phone: 970-949'1403 Conlractor: WHIIERIVERELECTRIC Phone: 970-949-1403 DesirlFllon; TNSTALL ELECTRICAL lMRltlc lll REMODELED AREA FOR LIGFmNG. SWrcHES AnD RECEPTACLES Reouested Insoecton(sl Requestor: WHITE RMER ELECTRIC Conim€nb. At & A3 AsslqnedTo: SFiAHN- Actlon: Tim€ Exp: Requested Tlme: '10:00 AM- Ptrone:97S949-1403 Entered By EIGOLDEN K Item: 190 ELEC-Flnal tr/MI-L AYv'o/-(o S {-*J H*{-1,) trft rfo{ lnsoecdon Hlstorv Item: 110 ELEC-Temp.Powet hem: 120 ELEC-Rouah '* ADDroved " 1209,0:I Inso€ctor: 6s Action: APPRAPPROVED Comment c€lllms only - 0{/31,05 lnsp€Etor: -LPV Actlon. AFAPPROVED Commont LIVING ROOM l,l/ALL ilAST€R BEOROOiI CElLll.lGv)u2r05 Insp€ctor: LPV Aclbn: AP APPROVED CO|nt|t3T{; INSULATE FEED€FI LINE COMPLETE MAKE UPnem: tso ELEC-Condultllsm: 1/O EtEC-Ulsc. " AFprorred - Ol toTlos lrFoec{or: cq " Acton: APPR APPROVED Comm€nt consduno llem: 19O ELEC-Flnrl REPT131 Run Id: 3885 1 1-30-2005 Inspection Request Reporting Page 2 12:57 om Vail- CO'- City Ol - Requested lnspect Date: Wednesdav. November 30. 2005' As5iqned To: CDAVIS Insoecti-on Tvoe: MECH lnsbection Aiba: GCD Site Address: 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL 434 GORE CREEK DR.. UNIT AI & A3 A/P/D lnformatlon Notice: Requested lnspection(sl Item: 390 MECH-FinalReouestor: SKYLINE MECHANICAL Assigngd.To: CDAVIS- Action: Comment: Inspection Historv Item: 200 MECH-Rouoh 02t23t09 Comment: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: ILE DOING PARTIAL FRAMING I INSTALLED PRIOR TO PERMIT Activitv: M0$0003 Const Tyo6: OWrier: K&S ESTA AoDlicant: SKYLINE l\ Coirtractor: SKYLINE I Description: QQNV_EBT Tvoe: B-MECH Occupahry: SubT6ne: AMF Status: ISSUED lnsp Area: GCD .05 NOTICED ALL n0rffi Y - *"''?::i#q;: gl{fl*%r- 310 315 320 330 340 390 SNT FULLY OPEN. lvlu.M_ ** Aooroved * lM ' ' Action: AP APPROVED ROUGHS APPROVED AC DUCTING InsDector: Art AIR CONDITIONER IS AND GAGE READS 340# osi Action: NO NOTIFIED REPT131 Y OPEN. Run Id: 3940 t B 1 ,t I : !. h p "sn ooG'$^ R wll-i-..'1sI \ s fI tl s*U\