HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 5A LOT K GALATYN LODGE FKA GARDEN OF THE GODS 3 SDD AGREEMENTS-2 LEGALTHE I,TARGARET HILL I.IARITAL TRUST 5OOO Thanksgiving Tower Dallas, Texas 752OL June 2, 1989 Hs, Kristan Pritz Senior Planner Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ms. Pritz: The undersigned, The Margaret Hill Marital Trustr whose Trustee is Margaret Hunt Hill, a Texas Trust, and owner of the Vail Garden of the 6ods Lodge, hereby authorizes Donald C. Hare' 5170 Sheiks Place, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado 8O9O4r to execute and procesg on its behalf all documents necessary or proper for the filing and processing of Special Design District Use on the Earden of the Gods Lodge, Vail, Colorado. Very truly yours, THE MARGARET HILL PIARITAL TRUST 2""6/'/H',,"(fu, ,tlareaTAt Hunt FtilI, Trustee / (4 - PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMI,IISSION FEBRUARY 12, 1990 L2:00 p.n. New member orientatien, Jitn Shearer, ConnieIbight, Dalton Wi11iams, Ludwig Kurz L2:45 p.m. Site visits 3:00 p.m. Public Hearing SITEvrsrrs '. \f. Appointnrent of PEC chairperson and vice- chairperson #f 2. A request for an arnendrnent to Special Developrnent District 23 and a parking variance to allow for an office expansion, to the VaiI National Bank Building, LO8 S. Frontage Road a resubdivision of part of Lot D, Btock 2, Vail Village 2nd. Applicant: Vail National Bank B1dg. corp. . #2 3. A recruest for an exterior alteration to the vailflo Lodge on a portion of Lot 1, Block 2, vail Lionshead Tbird Filing.Applicant: Craig HoLzfaster #t 4. A reguesL. for a rninor subdivision and zone change for Lots 4 & 5, Block 2, Bighorn First Applicant: sable/Lupine Partners, I-,td. #0 5. A request to anend a Special Developnent District for the Garden of the Gods on Lot K, Block 5, Vail Village Fifth Filing at 365 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: carden of the Gods, Mrs. A.G. Hill Faurily #S 6. A request for an exterior alteration for Condominium Unit #3 in the Gore Creek Plaza Buildingr at L93 East Gore creek Drive, Block 58' vail village First Fi1ing. AppJ.icant: Michael Sanner/Piero Rivolta #s 7. A request for a side setback variance for lot 6, Block 2, Vail Village Sixth Filing. Applicant: Clinton G. Ames, Jr. #q 8. A request for a heiqht variance to construct a new residence on Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch; Alpine Townhomes IV. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach 9. Discussion of revisions to Zoning Code, Sign Code and Design Review Guidelines. TINTER 1990 GARDEN OF THE GODS I,'NIT USE AI{ALYSIS * A11 AU and AU lock-offs sha11 be used for through out the year. short-tern rental ::.l:::::,li: ::: ::D(STING:::l::;:,,:':i;.,t;,.,l::i:::: :OLD:'SDD;:,:::::: :: :1::::t::t :':, . :,..1: .:,,I:NLW'SDD r:,:i :t,'. 5190 GRFA lN AU'S 16@7742 SQ.FT.1O AU 6 AU LOCK OFFS"" 16 @ 4s96 SQ.FT. 11 AU 4 AU LOCK OFFS 15 @ 5812SQ. FT. NA 2 @ 6745 SQ. FT.8 @ 12141 SQ. FT.6 @ 12648SQ. FT. NA 1 AU 610 SQ. FT. 1 DU 515 SQ. FT. 1.5.' @ 1125 SQ. FT. 1 DU 215SQ. FT, 1 DU 515SQ. FT. 2 @ 730 SQ. FT. lDU 90r 1DU 901 2DU @1802 SQ. FT. 17s94sQ. FT.14543 SQ. FT.16737 sQ. FT.18460SQ. FT. TOTAI- DENSITY:12.5 DU 1O DU 13 DU (AUS + DUS)1.5 DU (AUS + DUS) 4399 sQ.FT.3s75 SQ. FT.4360 SQ. FT.3712 sQ. FT. 45 FT. FLAT ROOF 48 FT. SLOPE ROOF 42Fr.SAME r3FT. 6" NORTH END 47 F"I . SOUTH END. Hl|.iH,l, : , ,,, :,: :,, 20F1.EAST 2O.O FT. WEST.2 FT. NORTH 1.4 FT. SOUTH 9.0 FT EAST 2O.O FT. WEST.2 FT. NORTH.I.4 FT. SOUTH 9.0 FT EAST 2O.O FT. WEST 1 FT. NORTH 3 FT. SOUTH 8 FT r2096'SQ. FT.6363 SO. FT.6831 SQ. FT,7214 SQ. FT. 6598; gQ. pf.OK OK OK 22 REQD. 28 EX. 27 REQD. 28 PROPOSED 26 REQD. 29 pRoposEo WINTER 1990 GARDEN OF THE CIODS ZONING AI{ALYSIS * ResEricted enployee units are not counted towards density or GRFA ** I DU equals 2 AU */r* Standard parking requiremencs applied *'t(Jr* A DU in a nulti-family building may include one atEached accom- modation unit (AU lock-off) no larger than one third of the total floor area of the DU, A lock-off ls not counted for density. Lock- off GRFA is added to the tocal DU GRFA. Parking for a lock-off is calculated by addlng the AU lock-off to the DU GRFA. The DU parking requlrements are applied to the total GRFA for the DU olus AU lock-off. Planning and Environrnental Cornrnission FROM: Community Development Departnent ran*a::r+-+e€o {r$ruq Pt nq}DATE: SU&fECT: A AMrequestDistrict #18, Vail village Gods Lodge.Applicant: Mrs. A. G. HiII DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL to arnend Special Developmentsth Filing, the Garden of the FaniIy existiig amount of r. Thi.s project has received one Special Development District approval in 1987. The approved sDD was then revised in the sumner of L989. However, the revised SDD never received finat approval fron the Town Council. Under each of theprevious SDD requests, the applicant proposed to remode] theexisting building. with the present request, the applicant would like to denolish the existing building and construct a new building in the approximate original building's footprint with a few nodifications. The request to rebuil.d the Garden of the Gods includes: A. 6 dwetlins units ='l*g.T"n.ft. of GRFA. B. 11 accommodation units o i${9-t sq.ft.l+}'.Lt 4 accommodation unit lock-offs 04?+€9TOTAL: l-5 accommodation units @ -e1ffirS sq.ft. GRFA ry &fibttxy !"' f#ftWrl*lre = --+.-5];Sffif'F.q;,r; eFobF,Mf*, sfrr-?r "a a'"rl lQk N,NY& a-/u,, I - D. I'J't 6, Mo. i., 3 t575 sq. ft. connon area from the Eo 21^93 sq.ft.4jqftr 1b Underground parking of L5 spaces. T ;=E;; r'"idi-3r the buirding i'?tiry{%t:-"'i;" surface spaces on the east side d+ll*i1rr€d€sE and 2 surface spaces on the south side {rivori siae) {tntq,4ii.#1ff, tfuJL*** a bus p,rrr-or#Jhkboutr'".=t "o.r,.t "ffffijthe property.fuourhi ,t vl%:+mlk Yrllo4the height of the buildinq -6f,4heiqht 5r tn" building is%f:f*'fE 4t allan f'r The existing zoning of the property (public acconrnodation zonincr) allows for .a 48 ft. heicrht for a slopincr roof .llt &dip.,',+2d vxtt-tuvncl*4f, r ni nTackday llu 7,t7cv{. - The applj.cant proposes to restrict all of the 11 as well as 4elling units per subdivision fr. )3dw the E mmodation units (fi*l#+s s{. mnodation unit lockJoffs and use restrictions ou{Iined in l ?Dg).1ilhEtu ML,4& +U1/ '.qa&N fu t%{i#r*')" acco acco the @r+*r/ 1,^&,4ta,lL: -t fl&! 61ua;.(-thlfut A' /)d/#l willtrtk,:tH'h'* ffij'vlfrdl 6, 4f$.# regulations 17 .26.075 that stipulate: rrThe condoniniun units created shaLl rernain in theshort term rental market to be used as tenporary accommodations available to the general public... An owner,s personal use of his or her unit shalL berestricted to 28 days during the seasonal period of December 24th to January 1st and February l_st toD$'5 4q ln 4 ils- pll,i#Lit,7/NT I,wu U twde au@X4,0q1t frfle-f tun -fJ$Jetyfu-y gntw attached zoning analysis and unit u=e anJtfsi= rch 20th.rl ftntlr ilv ll k,'1r ;fiii'J" rw,io aw-0a10 -h Nlyrl'rJ $^.ra#-0 gg,***Please see the _irtc,]:ftteal-in For n elif O ow thisproposal relates to th lage Master PIan. d Use Plan The Garden of the Gods property isrrmedium/high density residentialtr.This section states that a najority of theVillage,s lodge rooms and condominium units arelocated in this land use category. The goal of theplan is to maintain these areas as predorninantlyItlodging oriented with retail dewe'lofrmcnt r imitoa to snall amounts of rraccessory retailrrrr. The proposal generally description of the land complies with thisuse category. H A. - hrrffe?s alOng thadjacent to the \--This plan cal1s for pl antinqe east side of Vail VaIIey Drivesurface parking on the P-2 parcel . charts. -,yrrpi-f--*uba f, np W^l & VATL VILLAGE I{ASTER planters and private parking _f-ro_4_ _!he public riqht- of -ua.y- t o f l.J'pw ?p.acp f 9r'a ;rew- ^s-idey1lk,, ?n1. -tt,o.,J...n for i1e applicant hUwor]*fuith the Planning Departrn-ent and Town enqitoarr j-ve*atas_glU!;iaA*ttla-!-_f e-nsve_s=*thg_E:!inSplanters and private parking _f_4_o_IL _!he rkinq and circufation E_la-i\ o-hcr both- si-iles of This plan calls forvail vallev Drive.>cL Sidewatks are r*.'incLuded in the proposal. aI Brrilding Height Plan t.'-. )This propertyfalls within the maxlmum rangeis defin as nine feet The proposed height of the building is l. This height on zoning paxindoes meet impacts on des ited view B, Sub-area Concepts lle( The Garden of the Gods faLLs under the eastarea No.7. This plan states that the rnostpubJ-ic improvements in the sub-area re to pedestrian an9 bicycle safely. The publie ilght-of- malnEa]-ned an exiandE o .possible. SnE-area 7-3this property. +he-pJ^a an cally to 1.:3 VaiI Vallev Drive siei-ewalk- - A sidewalk (separated from-the ioiilTh-er€-possible) throughthe sub-area linking the Golden Peak base facilitywith the Vail Transportation Center. LandscapewIEn Ene VaII 'I'ranSpOfCaCLOn UenCef. IJan(lsCape irnprovernents and pe-ile st rian c ro s swa I ks-Eo--86- relate specif.fwf .\u.\0( "L$$'- building stories. A story"7'=_;-#of height with no roof inc traffic. .Special emphasis on 3.L, te Artrt'a^-/-t d virK: {"{|%^ important 1,,. nos o estrian 2. {- #Z-A Park!_49_Lq_t IAf-:iIL-\ Presently utilized aspamlng for adjacent properties. while zoned forparking (covenant restrictions also linit use of fl'r,,i,)L-W,lr';,^-u,p)i32l"r'*^;tpd,;htlto-rt!,-4,'aQl^r&^o--#r'$ VaiI' villa6e Master PIan GoaIs, ob'iectives, PoLicies.r-I' his site couldPractical difficuLtiesFdeveloping this site include the covenantrestrictions in naintaining on-site parking for existing and future denand. Possible public usesfor this site include pedestrian and buscirculation improvements. Special emphasis on 2.1, and Actio Proposal. Below is a sunmary of the goals, objectives, andpolicies that relate to the Garden of the Gods proposal: GOAL #1: ALITY REDEVEIJOPMENT WHILE PRESERVING THE UNIQUE TO SUSTAIN OF THE VTLI.,AGE IN ORDER L.: obiective: nhance new development and redevelo 1.3.l- Policy! Public improvementsparticipation of the Town. SENSE OF COMMUNITY AND IDENTITY. shall be developed with theprivate sector working with the GOAL #2: GH AR FOSTER A STRONG TOURTST INDUSTRY AND PROMOTE YEAR ILITY FOR THE VILLAGE AND nunber. of residential units 2.3 Obiective: available for 2.3.1 Policy: The developrnent of short tern accornmodation units isstrongly encouraged. Residential units developed aboveexisting density leveld oror shortte 2.5 Obiective: Encourage the continued upgrading and renovations and rnaintenance of existing lodging and c_glqgg5qig]--__facilities to better serve tne need!!'(1:@Zg#. 2.5. L Policv: Recreational- amenities, common areas, meet enhanced as part of anv redevelopmentproperEres - 2.6 Obiective: 2.6.L Policv: densit GOAL #3: TO RECOGNIZE AS A WALKING EXPERIENCE TOP PRTORTTY THE ErygANgIXq ffi__TH.g THROUGHOUT THE VILLAGE. 3.1 Obiective: Physically improve the e:eisEinrl:1edestrian ways by 3.1.1- Policv: Private development projects shall iasecporate streetscape improve ver EreaEmetinareas) arong adi acent nedestrian \'iravs,---^--.--------= 3.4 Obiective: Develop additional sidewalks, pedestrian-only lggftlraxsand accessible greenspace areas, inclutllif!6Eket parks and stream access. 3.4.2 Policv: Private devel-o{rnen ro:iects shall be .ed toincarForata new sidewal ke aleng stsreeE- adiaeent- tO thsproiect as designated in the Vaill vi'l'l age Mast'er Ptran PIan. GOAL #4: TO PRESERVE EXISTING OPEN SPACE AREAS AND EXPAND GREENSPACE OPPORTUNITIES. 4.l-.L Policy: shall be preserved (or o accessible locations elsewhere in theVillage) inproperty in any developnent or redevelopment ofVaiI Village. -t-$' GOAL #5: INCREASE THE CAPACITY, EFFICIENCY, AND IMPROVE AESTHETTCS OF THE TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCUI,ATION SYSTEM THROUGHOUT THE VILI,AGE. 5. L.5 Policy: Redevelopment projects shall be strongly concealed encouraged to provide, .underqround rkincr. 5.4 obiective: Improve the streetscape of circulation corridors throughout the Village. 5.4.2 PoIicy: III. ISSUES This section summarizes concernsissues that relate to the Goals,the Vail Village Master Plan. with the project as well as Policies, and Objectives of .,. ','..A.nsit iv'1ol s il" (lt' r"0p! ilrl W,i fi,\ls / ;lbeute is f (4) _ hnd\rCfi-elling ncrease in GRFA ('L,L62 sg. ft. ) devoted to unL when the prgposal is compared to the previous SDD.that the appl ben accohmodEEion uni-tse intentof this zone 4istr be primarily nroposal tha a _r_oqqilg_ -Ctet. Io ee Hous It is posi units having atotalare included in the pro at the square footage devot ld be utilized rnore EITI e ernployee units eache iootage o \ epproxtlnaEery--50-0-- e-TEree-EmF-f de-- un iES--E?roultt[ a 1 s o;""tiit€d{-:;; ";;i";;-;";i;i\J'".,"' and not be allowed to be converted to condomin ums in the future. Given the proposal to incorporate t ee employee units,the parking required would only incre se by .5 spaces. B. The total requirement for parking doesexisting 33 required spaces. not exceed the ve that two e footage o . Staff's opinio to enployee housing cently by allowing for ng a total square footage o t l,-I le, llrhr,lt" Restricted Units: ? of the total GRFA wilt be rental restricted. AII ofe L5 accommodation units should be used for short termntal throughout the year. Staff is also concerned tha@o f@. Customary lodge services and f aci 1iti. pror)'JN nnrS \4V" I o{'{ for guests shouLd be includeQ=ltrJhe_ We recommend ttiaE a aounge-1-iea and front to 48 ft. Even thbugh the 48 ft. is within the publ accommodation zoning height lirnit, the proposal may irnpact.a view cofriaor. rnetappfi.can i5-re5k:!!g_!n removed on the east surface parkilgtl+ (P2-legcel)given the need to remove parking fron TEw-n-of Vailpublic right-of-way. n cLuded in the first ffoor-plen. At this tirne,all of.these amenities have been i from theproposal'. It is our understanding that the owner doesintend tdlcondominiumize the project in the future. However, we believe that these services should beprovided. Views: The height of the puilding will be increased fron 42 ft. E. to 48 ft. Even is within the public accommodation zonf-n P ro-v 1fl i ng -s ! q f-f-r"!,q ilhIti!!rtbe__y:Leqs. Parkinq: AII required parking is provided. Staff believes thatitisv ulEerqround-+arls.ing t i t I eppioxifr-ate ty two spa-e s cou I d be to allow space for two addi ti ona'l Farking qnaces.- Foet€-rs-t6r tFe parking rarnp retaining wall must bebuilt on Garden of the cods property. blocks for surface iciently parking --sher+ld.-&e remov,edm'-nurr e f f ic i ent-I s e-o fthe fot. Snow storage area. should also be addressed for-the \ro' F.Landscapinq,/S idewalks/Bus Stop : The Vail Village Master Plan__s'Lrongl recommends that s].de e ProPosal does no Iks. Staff recommends a sidewalk on the west side of Vail VallevDrive. This sidewalk should extend frrcm the northcorner of the property to the south cerner. The eastside of VaiI Valley Drive adjacent to the P2 surfaceparking lot also requires a sidewal Planters and parki-ng should be puIled back off f the public right- of-way. turnoff is an irnprov t Staff believes that a bench S brporated into theplan. Thefeet.bus.turn-off must ldndscaping on the south side o ,tvoli. The two parking spaces be landscaped so that this area Curb and gutterthe property.wi1 ing or parking. /Pe required on the north side of n of the Gods contributes to the drainage problem would work with ong core creek Drive. Public works the drainage fr e owner on an arrangement to directthe northwest corner of the Garden of the Gods prope y to the inlet. Staff recomm ds that the applicant consider narrowingthe entry t Hanson Ranch Road and exit for core creek Drive by could ind d/signing landscape medians. This approach te more clearly that these streets allow only one /"ray traffic. visibility for cars exiting Goreive onto Vail Va]Iey Drive should be consideredCreek with y landscape irnprovements on the northeast corner properEy.of Re ild Vs. Rernodel of the Pro ect: Ihe northwest corner of the new building is proposed tobe located on a drainage and utility easement. Even though the existing building also encroaches into the easement, the applicant will be required to get approvals frorn all utility companies and the Town ofVaiI. A ti-tle report rnust also be:,subnitted. I \ we recommend addi\ionalthe project facin$. thethat are rernoved shouldwill not be used fo\ 11 Staff agrees that the building wLll function better forthe owners and that the underground parking is verypositive. I{e would llke to ask that the app}icant emphasize rirhy the encroacbhents into setbacks,additional GRFA and density, and other deviations fromthe public acconmodatiod zone district benefit thecommunity. Circuns have changed now that thebuilding is beinginportant that theproposal is Justif letely denolished. It is Lcant substantiate why ttris \ Er llr Ln \o FI r') F{ a, \0 H F. oo tn Fl Fl Q (\ E{ (n f-.\o o\ tt IJ ra F1 o rn '-lFl Fr Fr o c{ !J OJ a) \t tJoJpp{JoJo€.totqOcJOfq fEr h N-.rOOr r...EE{9!p!oQra(!qroota=zo g.t c') cr) {,lr F{ o nhl!oo) ,t (t)<6:te9; ?@!t9 h oo @ O) O) ta,\ll, @ FIL sRgOlstn 3eE --@3ool fo +a folJ) ci F Ll. .io @ oT lj.Fl-i, l- tt rL:t:;NFrfFU)FF(,r.rJcf63gg Flr .i ol (o o ^ad9r'r tlcH a{ ra @ol Pb ?b3 -vo)lr-llt-gd, 3(o @ h cio I (\l /4, @ trt 8A g, H;F ))ta,oov IL oa @|\lr, f IJ +o3 o at ri.FFi! f.- u 'r3i:3c{F-f|-c/)t-)- Ssga u, ^@6P Hptfol rr coo/ IL ctq 6lr+ @ (o h c, U) rOrt .E' tA' AI F Fj F: tr. l!llO ;FiU,66poro;6 fi;. :) f \l/<o.-*h E ou)(trt|n I roEh3i:;NFTIF('FF(/)uJcr:)ssgg I:) z tr cco s t) o (n ol Ftl. d tJ) (,(r, HH5;EAJY ".6 r5 ; i. ,:;;,o ut'uJ uJ E6Etr;) Zbt=:,t!. ul F,',.. tl. (9 o LIJ uJ () uJ tsU' Y F' FI 'b frrHtu.oro.(/)(n U)orro coroFr.o.FlOr\o r.-l €J \O C\. <r .r e, €r.r O 5Dt4<d Fl :ntn.i '-t o E F]z co d |r1 I,:lUOFr O .,1 |rrtt lL. O!r.OD=4 u xtao(9 (J (, u!r!.C r{ O {t O9 uloo.cEO it C F{ t-. e Q, ta 0,h E o.o qt !|..1 u .o.rl 61t li |.<rHth t) tr o ol-a t/.r. l|..ll.Ca 4o |!.8 (,J!! tr€ 00 Cru ru trD(,ltt I Q, trerJlco o c Q.t Ar.Otl..ruorrl o o (t-c t,! €cualroo a (! .JU AJtrL'|JuO 'OlU(t E c< !r..cO .r{ l. 9r 9t, tl 0,t o ai r<tr 0, >\ o0 '.a (, '-l O) 'na G|- O.JO F{ E 6(!.5 |U A '-{ r.. O Ja !A 0O O u0!r O g O | '{ O .i{ O Ft gJ |!FlF{A h E (J.r o.rrFi-rOObo.qrq'.<l!Fl!r<Ctk q, 3r!(! E ,AO<O(|{JO') I EEgo lr hJz u ! (i!J.dFlu.+l t ..{05O00tl) E e EF{A !r C .,,t al .! .dCL t+. = lr!! a, .(u _ | <..c a, .O E$aO E .rl \J |r, cO (! !, rra>\ 9 E u rC |-OO < .rt F{ }r $. nt h+f IF1 U ?.'r O A'JJlO. N l. E C lrl o.UE t :(!+{,rt {, Oo O A O ar 0) kF{Fl C L< !J€ ri .o tr o G trr (! b05a, t I ''r d dF{ tr<aJ E O r, !(J t .r{u 0t tr P (! o u.g6.r{ - E A! OI|.F{ 1.,L = 6 - Q '{r}| C !t F{r, O ! < Et{ O o AAtA v7 &r *{.{*{{.t** u)aOca()aHh $EesrE 3fr t-l Btrlz tlt E-! ol(4 cpoF{o (Y) S Dd op dpt\s t{ \0€1-.o\ ts|co lll ll otn(/t. tr|\O 'ch\o (\ \o^ er tl (n 40 |n afl Ft dp @ o o F{ oo U' ez l!oos3af{-, < ci s ror0 s bn$9F.CC::o33q<o(, 3N3 co lt)N $ tqoco n ujY (\l oo U) Jo t! an N SR bfrr< d s (r) roSO)stqrD('(', a.-Xxo;2 =^.i\UO lOr('l ln 9N Io (roo uJY oz F 9,X uJ s(t v) strc o ao o IJJzoN s I tr, s o)v z z z JO<:) F;bIs6 JO<f Y1 HS $6 .JtlJiF1, FfrEq qf;EF xUS, o UY o uJ9lrf,rHNVH:*9HL'GN arU' IJJ E LI 0) +J I +.1 t{ o t{ o r+{ OJo o)p Fl Fl.d..C tlo(ooO>l l+{qro o,c| .tJxo+J F{OADt'ld.,odHtrEr! +J PF{4(! +JF{CF{(u(H * q Aoaa6(,> rtr JF<oE Z$L<;ol!:-.;p5rI]t 4Z 6e lVrltv -'EL,i - snowbon & HoPKrNs o*Ctrcts LETTC @F TRANSnflITTAL TO \/ARE SENDING YOU p\ Attached E Under separate cover via I t/n Shop drawings p Prints E Plans 2Ol Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 tr Copy of letter fl Change order tr "*'-lat4 fu, /f/01'"" "" ATTENIION*-Wm,*Wa/4fu//lmWTartuaftd I Samples the following items: ! Specifications rwE (303) 476-2201 coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I l/r*lrln *l - k/t DlZus and, akaln-vg /ilol lqn 4 4,6,/t,"/mdtul4wdb,wd I l/ralqn tu_ I fla*lao ffiu/41/./ Ahlha rt.aa-./rptt< ; t*nr/a*z/4d14 I c ,I I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: n. For approval / ro,. ro,, ur" E As requested ( For. ,""i"* and comment ! Approved as submitted ! Approved as noted E Returned tor corrections tr Resubmit-copies for approval ! Submit-copies for distribution fl Return -corrected prints n tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO --1,-) sreneo:/4/&//L PRou]clztoz /@h, olbl 16. olrTl tr atElo.uaaa ata ttot aa noi.ad, kindly noaillt ua at onca. Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303-476-2201 Vail, Colorado 81657 January 26, L99O l{s. Kristan Pritz Conmunity Development Departrnent 75 south Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Dear Kristan, Please find encLosed four sets of revised information, based on comments frorn the January 8, 1990 work session, required for a special Development oistrict approval . Also included is a red lined set of pians showing tne-enfa outlined with catculations for your use. The HiIl family has been coning to Vail for years and has remodeled the Garden of the Gods building a few tines. They asked Snohrdon and Hopkins in L987 to look at remodeling the Lodge rooms on the second and third floors that were srnall, under-ventilated with ierribly low ceilings and out dated plunbing. The poo: ventilation in the loons riras a ierious problen. We looked at remodeling.the existing Lodge rooms into six air conditioned condominiums with kitchent and lock-off bedroons. We also added two elevators that would service all of the floors. The Penthouse htas also in need of Uetter heating and ventilation and ltas to have a tittle remodeling done. After that 1987 sDD approval , the owner took a hard look and decided that the plan was not really up to the standards that Vail seemed to be crealing with the larg-r bedrooms and bathroom suites. So the plan was reviled for the August 1989 SDD subrnittal. After the PEc approval , the o\tner rnet with the contractor' archilect, nechanicai-and siructural consultants. They had studied the revised plans and had met with the building.inspector. The problems were how to bring a 20+ year building that had been iemodeled several times up to the L988 code, how to lteave a new nechanical systen of pipe-s and ducts and a new sprinkler system in and around an existing structural system that also had to be rnodified. EventuaLly the discussion concerning-aII of these problems led everyonE to question the practicality of such an Lxtensive remodel-ing. Demolishing the building and usinq the sane plan was discussed. One advantage was that an underground parking |arage would fit exactly in the ioot print of the approved SDD and wouro allow for L5 part<ing spaces. Placing the mechanical space Page 2 underground allowed us to enLarge the ernployee units on the ground floor] The Hills have always h;d and want stabte locaLs to be in the building, but not necessarily work there. The new employee units are nolrt large enough for mirried couples. The ceiling heights in the todge rooms can be raised to 8 feet with all the mechanical systems in the floor system and also have sound insulation iir tne floor system. by raising the roof over the south end of the penthouse, I^re can encompass the required elevator towers. This January 1990 proposal places the rebuilt building in the existing nuitOing's firotpriirt. After discussions with residents of the vorLaufer, moving the building to the east cuts off more of their view to colden Peak. The encroachnent into the north and west set backs is mostly the single story part of the building and that acts as a buffer to the foui story part of the building. This encroachnent did not seen to be as big a problern as trying to preserve some of the Golden Peak view. This proposal is maintaining the same program we have been working with 6vel the years. The HiIl fanily has been using !h" existing two DUrs and will continue to use thern with the additional non- restricted unit. The farnily is larger now and this will accommodate them all for a long time. They do not intend to condominiumize and sell. It witt Ue kept as a family mountain retreat as it always has been, but now will be brought up to the first class standaid appropriate for Vail Vi1lage. Rebuilding the existing building is the only practical way to upgrade aia lring the building into conformance with the existing cooes. Remodeling just will not work in the long run. The program is the same. witi iebuilding, we have the advantage of including underground parking and 8 foot ceilings for the lodge rooms' We are proposing L1 AU's and 4 AU lock-offs for a 5811-.95 sq. ft. with 5-!Il!-s*.hcnr+"9 GRFA total of The GRFA grand total G re,d4s.J-3S. ft. which is was approved in August\9r9'l'*bur density is 1L.5 Iower than the P.A. a1lowab1e and lower than what GRFA total 0f L2,648.5 sq. ft. sirnilar to what DU's which is was approved in August 1989. The north part of the roof ridge is restricted by the View Corridor #s. the elcisting ridge is at elevation 2I9.o' as verified by Eagle valIey Surveying. rne proposed new north part of the ridge is 7 feet to the east. Dan Corcoran calculated that the new ridge can be set at elevation 219.6, to rnaintain the lower boundary of the view corridor #5. The South part of the ridge which is not in the View Corridor #5 is to be set lt elevation Z2-Z feei-. Which 47 feet above etevation 176 and under the allowable 48 feet height maximurn. Page 3 The Hill farnity has agreed to include in the landscaping-plan.the new bus stop, siae wafXs, curb and gutters. we are working with the staff and town engineer. To rebuild the existing Garden of the Gods is the only practical solution to all tne problens of remodeling and bringing it up to code. With the addilional benefits that can come with rebuilding, this proposal creates a first class lodge for the comnunity and the owner. Kristan, if you need further inforrnation, please call ne. Sincerely, SNOWDON AND HOPKINS ARCHITECTS Pn^ L{Cut Panela l{. Hopkins Partner GARDEN OF THE GODS SCHBDLLE OF GRFA L/26/eO GARAGE LEVEL Parking 5435.50 Square Feet Mechanical 669.00 EIev. Lobby 226.75 2 Stairs 272.OO 2 Elevators € 51, Lo2.o0 GROT'TID I.,ET/EL Enrployee Unit 0 90L sq. ft. = L8o2.00 Square Feet Common Area 1361-.00 2 Elevators € 51 L02.O0 2 Stairs e 136 272.OO Lord Gore Suite (DU #1.) (NR) 281L.00 SECOilD L,EVSL common 839.oo Square Feet AU #1 367-'70 2 Stairs 272.oo AV #2 35s.5o 2 Elevators 1O2.OO AU #3 405-oO DV #2 882.50 AU #4 349.00 #2 r-,ock-off 506.50 AU #5 375 - oo DU #3 1000.00 AU #6 375-OO #3 Lock-off 425.50 TTIIRD LEVE[., common 839.oo square Feet 2 Stairs 272.OO Av #7 355.50 2 Elevators L02.00 AU #8 405-OO DU #4 (NR) 1389.00 AU #9 349.00 #4 Lock-Off, 367.75 AU #1O 375'OO DU #5 LOOO.OO AU #11 375.00 #5 l-,ock-Of f 425.50 PENTIIOUSE 2 Stairs 272.oo square Feet 2 Elevators L02.00 Penthouse (DU #6) (NR) 5566.00 --,, -.. iQ|t,'I't ' ofrrrrr W P?.OJECT: DATE SUSI,IITTED: ECI"U'4ENTS IIEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIE }IORKS P.evier'red by: Ccnnents: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING INTER.DEPARTI'IENTAL REVI El,l 7\lz* J rnlt tlh lrlxl- t/e-t ) 'te-t. Revie,red by: Co;;ents: Date o 6"eu[k toNt u\\ flr&-ot 1i\b- ?l4't |ffif'" r\m-4fii ' ' 'C u uu 'i'wJ td*ld ,r$^d'an o\ rt\qr,o: 6eh\+ ND ',&^\ s Sdu K*\f UJac'en ; $orD *dr[ ru@i 5a uu,t trtag\^q rr* crhn{q+abh ur,\1,-'< iR @N\d\\ oNbL. Jli-l *h,rt wvtrhnu,^\ i,' N),tafh,[ $ 'Ad,Htr tK. i.,rdbae.k lih, 3 6D0r{ *C"l ,1nts Co.\tl..1 dD^t 5lruicq- or\d, *Y frtb4* 4..i pror,l 1',,te,D cn."d0,:",.0\ "[ p@r^ 1 tninirrng,*go4 , &anora\ . ii!* *rfk tff* ur\ ,W,JM , r.: ,t'd*abLirsw-n-k*$'k*ffi\))\r{- -\\\xJ ,\vllD: \v, w"_ (J-Y.vu(iljuv J t I viq1t 6cr-,&\-, w,\\ Wd.$ k- ^oftq/{h{'S ffi$\,st ur'ud'\\:\^ , C^ir"'*o&{X6Xl\,*dr iNS sA"r\ Di dr^A-:r,rntS oo 0AguNb --Fnpla+q!--U^il -pt L -- -rli ' qDl\\1t" -r4.l t --}id_(r&_5ufu__osn fut l' L-- 7 3$,5D , ?tf ,)15 _rN\Lt_]_ _ 3's 5D ,Js e,5 o +----- hpq.d 5t--5t I i I I f urr D*" qD od eER- S{rt s x\1 tD6. -]00D=qls.s__ e.-}[ ,5 {Dt__ __ ADJACENT PROPERTY OWERNS TO THE GARDEN OF THE GODS Tivoli Lodge Box 627Vail, CO 81658 Ramshorn Lodge Condominiun Box 705vail, co 8L658 vor Laufer C.otlfutL(N\( tLMl5 Mo.'E Lrvpv-Dz. vair, co \sssse 61b61 vlIIa Valhalla C/O Christiana Box 758vail, co 81658 Edwin C. Whitehead 15 VaIIey Drive Greenwich, CT 06830 .I"\$"\\W,b@ fficftez- CAt\Nar WWt Y+ll^Slf)^rq, {ioil g.-Ea!ftYr'ou U*1tHrt"',Co' '{: } l,'O /n,,lar/ {. 4,-4 Oatfu , , 3/>/qo @ 2nd Revision PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY cMN that the Planning and Environmental Cornmission of the Town of vail wiII hold a public hearing in accordance with Section L8.65.060 of the rnunicipal code of the Town of Vail on March L9, 1990 at 3:00 p.n. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: L. A request for an exterior alteration, stream setback variance, view corridor amendment, site coverage varj-ance, and conditional use for a deck enclosure and new outdoorpatio for the Red Lion Building.Applicant: Frankie Tang and Landraark Properties 2. A work Session on Air Quality 3. A request for a side setback variance for Lot 5' Block 2' vail ViIIage Sixth Filing.Applicant: Clinton G. Ames, Jr. 4. A request for a conditional use pernit to expand a proposed parking structure for the vail valley Medical center on Lots E and F, VaiI Village 2nd Filing at 181 West Meadow Drive. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center {/,/ 5. A request for a Special Developnent District for the Garden->X1' of the Gods on Lot K, Block 5, Vail Village Fifth Filing at // ) 365 core Creek Drive.' Applicant: Garden of the Gods, Mrs. A.G. Hill Fanily The applications and infornation about the proposals are availabLe for publ.ic inspection in the Cornmunity Development Department office. Town of Vail Comrnunity Developrnent Departrnent Published in the Vail Trail on March 2, 1990. crr m\k[ ttv\ UF II.!TER.DTPARTI.IENTAL REV I El.l DATE OF PUELIC +IEARING Date P?.OJECT: DATE SUSI,IITTEO: CCI',.|4ENTS }IEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF .pu8Lr.L t,0RKS P.evier*ed by: Co;ments: \JHD ftlfr)}F6 Revievred by: ,,, 0 ate_/- L/. 7o_ / Nf{ nonnb\LM"U"dff\r" "Wu'ffi,ru*^ d &6-'"h Z_ O , /l,r<,p.-/ g, y'4"rr/Lt* s s.+^z-t'/'"a;irry-'; 8zz7'''uo J"zt"/ '" }nsl2. 7f*7v,o"-< Z:?a-t/z z7 e/5',t':z*/22't <'c4 atzz''7',s -t POLICE DEPARII4ENT ./ '22 i/* goz''-/zze s'i''r) ' /tsav/o.,t Pf ' zrt''V a-\'a ZZr"Ps t/ Revi evred by: Cormerrts: Reviewed.by: Co;;ents: Da te i 't r. REC;:EATI O1,I DEPARTI.IENT Da te o,rl/ PUBLIC NOTTCE NorrcE rs HEREB' crvEN that the planning and Environmental comnission of the Town of vail will hor.d a public hearing in accordance with section 18.66.060 0f the municipal code of the Town of vair' on January 8, 19go at.3:OO pM in the Town of vail Municipar Building. Consideration of: 1' A request for a rezoning fron Residential cr.uster to High Density Multipre rarnily with a special Development District for parcel D, Stevens Subdivision. Applicant: FaesslerRealty 2' A request for an amendnent to special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village to amend Area D.. Applicant: VaiI Ventures, Ltd., Glen Lyon Office Building, Col_orado partnership. * 3. A request for a major amendment to the Doubletree Hoter. special Development District No. L4, 2so south Frontage Road, to change uses: reduce the number of accommodation units and +-c add a spa faciiity. Applicant: Jerry Kratzoff -4. A work session on a request for an arnendment Development District 19, carden of the Gods, 3G5 Drive, Lot K, Block 5A, Vail Vittage 5th Filing. Applicant: .Mrs. A. c. HilI " 5. A work session on a request to arnend speciar Deveropnent District T, Marriott Mark, 714 west Lionshead circle, Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filinq. Applicant: Marriott Mark to Special Gore Creek 6. A work session on a request for a ninor subdivision for lot 4 and 5, Block 2, Bighorn Lst Addition.Applicant: Sable-Lupine Partners, LTD ?. A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct an addition to the Vail Village parking structure located on Block 5D, vail village First Filing.Applicant: Town of Vai1. The application and infornation about the proposals are available for public inspection in the community Development office. Town of VaiI Community Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on December 22, L989 o ,r'*'' f.' PUBLTC NOTICE NorrcE rs HEREBY crvEN that the planning and Environmentar cornmission of the Tovirn of Vair will hold a pubric hearing in accordance with section r.8.66.060 of the nunicipar code of the Town of Vail on January g, r99o at 3:oo pM in the Town of Vail Municipar. Building. Consideration of: 1' A request for a rezoning from Residentiar. cluster to High Density Muttipr.e Farniry with a speciar Development District for parcel D, Stevens Subdivision. Applicant: FaesslerRealty 2- A request for an amendrnent to special Deveroprnent District No. 4, Cascade Village to amend Area D. Applicant: VaiI Ventures, Ltd., Glen Lyon Office Bui1ding, . Colorado partnership. '- 3 . A request f or a rna j or arnendrnent to the Doubletree Hoter , speciar Development District No. L4, 25o south Frontage Roac, to change uses: reduce the nunber of accommodation units and to add a spa facility. Applicant: Jerry Kratzoff J4. A work sess j.on on a request for an arnendrnent to Special Development District L9, Garden of the Gods, 3G5 Gore Creek Drive, Lot K, Block 5A, Vail Vittage 5th Fi1ing. Applicant: Mrs. A. c. HilL A work session on a request to amend Special Development District 7, Marriott uari, ?14 West Lionshead Circle, Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Marriott Mark ' 6. A work session on a request for a minor subdivision for lot 4 and 5, Block 2, Bighorn 1st Addition.Applicant: Sabte-Lupine Partners, LTD 7. A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct an addition to the Vail Village parking structure located on Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing.Applicant: Town of Vai1. The application and information about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Cornmunity Developnent office. Town of Vail Cornrnunity Development Departrnent Published in the vail Trail on December 22 ' L989 DtrFRRTMtrNT @F tr@ xxx MMUNITV DtrVEt@FMENT XXXX snLEsAcroNFoRM XXXXXXX 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPLICATION FEES 01 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORII BUILDINC CODE 1 0000 +2+15 1988 UNIFOR},{ pLUtitBtNG CODE 1 0000 4?+15 1988 UNIFORI/ MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORI/ FIRE COOE 1 0000 42415 1987 NA]IONAL EI€CTRICAL COOE I 0000 42115 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 BLUE PRTNTS (un-tns) 01 0000 42+12 ox coPtES ,/ sruores 1 0000 42371 ENALTY FEES / RE-INSPEcTIoN 01 0ooo 41322 OFF HOURS INSPECIION FE CONTRACTORS UCENSES FEES 1 0000 41330 0l 00oo 41413 .SICN APPLICATION 6lar4"2 n o 1 '':{l , h.I -*":l-|*t-'' Date of =r r. fJ r., ct g, t-r Ft o p tia l:-r5 t-. url A[tCation o"".*b.t 11, 1999 APPLICATTON FoRl,l FOR SPECIAIJ DEVEIOP!'IENE' DISTRICT DEVELOPT.ISNT PIAI{ tr, Thls-procedurc ls regulred for any project that would io throughLho Speolel Devcloprndnt Dlstrleg Proccdure. Ihe appllcatLon will not be accepted wrtll all lnformatlon ls subrnittr . A. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT Donald C. Hare' Agent for Mrs- A.G. Hill Family ADDRn$g 3170 Sheiks Pl-. Colorado Spgs,co 80904 PHOIiE 7rg_63s_4036 B.NN,IE 0F APptlCANTrg REPRESENTATIVE Pam Hopkins,/Snowdon & Hopkins ADDRESS 201 Gore Creek Drive, Vai1, cO 81557 p116p93 03-a 7 6-220L C, AUTHORIZAIION PROPE SIGNATURE ADDRESS sHowEzE-6.F& 7a+ D. LOCAIION OF PROPOSAT ADDRESS 355 Gore Creek Drive' Vail' CO 81657 LEGAI., DESCRI9TION Lot K' Block 54' Vail ViIIage 5th Filing FEE $100.00 '/c----'a\r :t r, . E. F.all properEy a.dCresses. adjacent, to theA Llet of the name of owners ofSubJ{ect property ond thelr miling II. Four (4) ooples of the following informationr i : 3i' i'li ii,y""ii:',i/i i.'S;. :T T llL'fi :'n r it i'"; i i u u m * r e d t oadnlntsrrator J'n aeiordancE wlth irripiir'ra. SA -niri6s by gection l8.96.0gO\exempt projecCir'- fhe zonlngunless waive C, 11 onel lpacc and recreatlonal.p.lan sufficLent to rxeets the dernendsg€noracec !v tlg.deveropr,ent wtthout-fifi;-6o"a"n on avatrabreor proposed public faclllries; / (ovsn) Vr^qni Ap"l . 0dNWr'" tl?5PUBLIC NOTTCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environrnental Conmission of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing in acqordance with Section 18.66.060 of the rounicipal code of the Town of Vail on February 1.2, 1990 at 3:00 p.n. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a minor subdivision and zone change for Lots 4 & 5, Block 2, Bighorn 1st Addition. Applicant: Sable/Lupine Partners, Ltd. A request for an exterior alteration Exchange in the Wall Street Building Village First Filing. Applicant: American Ski Exchange for the Anerican Ski on Block 5C, Vail A request for an exterj.or alteration for Condorniniurn Unit #3 in the Gore Creek Plaza Building at 193 East Gore Creek Drive, Block 58, Vail village First Fi1ing. Applicant: Michael Sanner/Fiero Rj-volta 4. A request to rezone a Special Developrnent District for the Garden of the Gods on Lot K, Block 5, Vail Village Fifth Filing at 355 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Garden of the Gods, Mrs. A.G. HilI Family l. An anendment to Special Developnent District 4, cascade -.-'{r village, to anend Area D, Glen Lyon office Building at 1000 south Frontage Road West, Lot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon office Bldg. - A colorado Partnership 6. A request for a height variance for Lot 3, Block 2, vail Potato Patch; AlPine Townhones IV. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach 7. A request for an exterior alteration for a portion of Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead Third Fi1ing; Vailglo Lodge. applicant: Craig Holzfaster 8. A reguest for an amendment to Special Development District 23 and a parking variance to allow for an office expansion, for the Vail National Bank Building at 108 South Frontage Road West, a resubdivision of part of L,,ot D, Block 2, VaiJ- Village Second Filing. Applicant: Vail National Bank Building Corp. g. A request for a sj.de setback variance for vail ViIIage Sixth Filing, Lot 6' Block 2. Appticant: Clinton G. Ames, Jr- at'lrkiLe7 Dw,t,' Tfroo o,rN ry4| -\ \_?b 6,0_ lPUBLIC NOTTCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environrnental Commission of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of VaiI on February L2r. L99O at 3:00 P.n. in the Town of VaiI Municipal Building. Consideration of: L. A request for a minor subdivision and zone change for Lots 4 & 5, Block 2, Bighorn l-st Addition. Applicant: Sable/Lupine Partners, Ltd. 2. A request for an exterior alteration for the American Ski Exchang,e in the Wa1l Street Buildingt on Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: American Ski Exchange 3. A request for an exterior alteration for Condominium Unit #3 in the Gore Creek Plaza Building at 193 East Gore Creek Drive, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Michael Sanner/Piero Rivolta 4. A reguest to rezone a Special Development District for the Garden of the Gods on Lot K, Block 5, Vail Village Fifth Filing at 365 Gore Creek Drive. applicant: Garden of the Gods, Urs. A.c. Itill Fanily 5. A Work Session for an arnendment to Special Development District 4, cascade Village, to amend Area D, cten Lyon Office Building at l-000 South Frontage Road West, Lo|- 54, clen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: clen Lyon Office Bldg. - A Colorado Partnership 6. A request for a height variance for Lot 3, Block 2, VaiI Potato Patch; AlpJ-ne Townhomes IV. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach 7. A reguest for an exterior alteration for a portion of Lot l-, Block 2, VaiI Lionshead Third Filing; Vai191o Lodge. Applicant: Craig Holzfaster 8. A request for an amendment to Special Development District 23 and a temporary parking variance to allow for an office expansion, fo! the Vail National Bank Building at LO8 South Frontage Road West, a resubdivision of part of Lot D, Block 2, Vail ViIIage Second Filing. Applicant: Vail National Bank Buildinq Corp. THE I'IARGARET HILL I..IARITAL TRUST9OOO Thinksgiving TowerDal Iesr Tcxac TFZ:OL fiidm Junc ?, lgBg Fl3. Kri*trn pri tzScnlor plenncr Town of Vall7$ South Front-ge Roadvri l , Co l orecto gf 697 Dcer ltlr. pritzr The under3i.g?.:, . T,he. Margarct Hil I Marital Trsrtr whoseTrustee is Ftargarar.*uit Hill,-"'i"r"= Trurt, "nO-o*,n"r of thc Valle.roen ot the Godr- L.odqe, n"rely.authorizog ooiald c. Harcr JlToShaiks Plree, Colorado Se.iic.l-Lt .e.ro C""^tvr'b.-Iorrde EO9O4, toexccute 'nd proceqr on rte oc;riirrr cocui."i'.'^ilo-rtry or properlor tht fIling..l_q.o."."i"E "i SpcciaI Drrign Dlrtrlst Usc on therrarcren of the Gods Lodgr, vJi i, EotoraOo. {e.v ttrly yourr, THE HARGARET HILL I.IARITAL TRUST ,Vn,.fu"/H^tdo'l ,.;.i ;; ;f Ytr,- ),w ;LiY r v.\ tb MICHAEL E. NUGENT ATTORNEY AT LAW SOOO THANKSGIVING TOWER DALLAS, TEXAS 752OI 211 . 922-tO32 December 19, 1989 Mr. Don Hare 3170 Sheik's Place Cclcrado Springs, Colorado 80904 Re: The Margaret Hill Marital Trust - Lodge at Vail Dear Don: On December 29, 1988, formal probate proceedings for the Estate of Al G. Hill, deceased, were opened in Eagle county, eolorado, under number 88PR46. In such proceedilgs, J\4r. Hill's will, Irtters Testamentary appointing Mn. Hill as Independent F.xecutrix, and other items, were filed. T: portion of Mr. Hill's will which gives the residuary of his estate to The MargaretHill Marital Trust is also being transmitted with this l6tter. The I-odge was inctirOea in the residuary. To- avoid this problem in the future, we are preparing a deed from Mrs. Hill as independent executrix of Mr. Hill's estate, t6 Ge Niargaret Hill Marital rrust.After execution, we'll have it recorded in Eagle County, eolorado. very truly yours, frrhlt Michael E. Nugent MEN/jh Enclosure '/" 3h. Tru.tcer r dltgratlon ahrll dcln nrccerary for thr boneflelrryf a psop.r lupPort ( ee hcrrlnefterdrflncd) aftor SrklnE tnto conrldrratlon, to thc .xtent the Trurtac ehall deen advlcablc, any other lncome or rolourccs of aush bcncflclary, known co the Trustee. Any lncone not dlstrlbuted shal'l be accumulated and added to prlncipal. (e) Terminatlon of Trust. Upon the benefici- aryt s death,. the undistrlbuted balance of hlsentlr. Trurt chall be dlctrlbuted, EE gjf,.ry' '-o such beneflcLarylr llnaal dcgcondants th.n Burvlv- tng. Should euch beneflclary not then be survived by llneal descendants, such share shall be digtrlb- uted, per stlrpeE, to my llneal descendants then survlving. Should none of my llneal descendants be then survlvlng, such dlstrlbutlon shal'I be made to the Remote Takers in accordance wlth the provlsions of Sectlon 4.6 of Artlcle IV hereof. All distribu- tlons upon terminatlon of'a Trust made Pursuant to this Sectlon 3.3(e) shall be subJect to the Contln-gent ?rusts for Young Persons provlsions'of Article V hereof. (f) Generatlon-Skipninq Transfer T9x Exenptlon. The beguest in thls Section 3.3 ls Intended-to quallfy for the GST exemptlon provlded in 9263 I of, the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and shall be construed ln guch manner lf and to the extent my Executor ehall deem lt advlsable to allocate guch exenptlon (or any portlon thereof) to thla bequest. My Executorr g declsion rrlth resPect to th6 allocation of the GST exenption to thlg bequest ehall bs flnal, blndlng, and concluslve. ARTICLE IV RESIDUARY ESTAIE 4.1 Dlsposltlon. A11 the rest, resldue and remainder of ny estate, lncluding any precedlng glft that shall have lapsed, hereln referred to aE ttmy reslduary estatert, I give as followg: (a) Spouse Survlves. If my spouse surviveg me, my nxeEutor shall dlstrtbute to the Trustee of THE MARGARET HILL MARITAL TRUST (rrMarltal Trustrr) an amount (the I'Marltal Share") whlch wlll egual the naxlmun deductlon allowable ln deternlnlng the federal egtate tax payable by reason of my death, pursuant to Internal Rcvenue Code Sectlon 2056' provlded that thlg Sectlon 4.1(a) of Artlcle- IV shall bc conetrued ao aa to 91ve effect to the unllnrlted estate tax marltal deductlon provlded by The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981; provlded, however, that such amount shall be reduced by an amount, !,f any, needed to lncrease my taxable estate to tho larqeat amount that will not result l-n a federal estat€ tax bel'nE imposed by reason of my death, after allowing for the unlfied credlt wtrtctr has not been off,set by trangfere made by me during my llfe and all other credlts allowable ln /.s/#{i#-4- LETTERS TESTTIIENTARY cAsE NUHEER 88-2448 - P TTM STATE OF TEXASJ couNrY oF D^Lrrs l I, EARL BULLoGK, county clerk ol the county o! courts, ln andfor sald County, hereby certlly that, on tbe llrh dey ol _ Julv A.D.,tg 88 by tbe probrte Court of setd County, bavt.og Jurlsdlcttou over Probate Eatters, Margare! llunc HII I was appolnted Independent Executrlx (wl,thout boad) ol tbe tbs Estate of AL c. Hlll wlll aad deceased Bavlng tlken the or,th prescrlbed bt lar, arld eppolatee ls duly quartlled o,nd is tully rnd legrlly ruthorl,zed rnd enrpowered to 8ct as tho Independeat Ex€cutrlx (rr,tbout boud) of the rlll esdol th€ above oamed Estete. I turtber cortltt tbat srld eppolntoenr l's e tf 11 ta tull torcc end cttect. fltaess ny band end Ottlclel Dall.as, Texas, rod tssued thts tbe 4.D.. 19 88 . Eve olllce tbc clty ol d eg July Serl , et llrh la ly EARL BUTLOCK County Clerk end Probate Clerk DaIlas County, Texas lhlo ogPr'. fuul4 EaOla County, Golomth CorllfLd lo bo tull, lrua Nnd conrc'l copy of thl orlglnal ln my cuslody. . ClerN. Iav@( t DcPutY clrf Sbaaoob /s/ ED HANSEN A Reliirxe CrorD HoldftEs Cor|u.r'ry o I.RANCE 1. 2.. Effectlve date: January Pollcy or pol icles fo be (A) ALTA 0wnerrs Policy - COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INS SCHEDULE A 8, 1990 at 8:00 A.M. issued: Proposed Insured: Commi tment Number F237609 Amou nt Prem lum 3. (B) ALTA Loan Policy TO BE DETEFMINED The estate or interest In and covered herein ls FEE vested ln: THE MARGARET HILL MARITAL - Proposed lnsured: LOAN AMOUNT AND FREM III4 ARE TO BE DETERM INED Total $ fhe land described or referred to in thls ccrnmitment SIMPLE and title fhereto is at the effectlve date hereof TRUST, y{HOSE TRUSTEE IS MARGARET HUNT HILL 4. The land referred to ln thls ccrnmitnent ls described as fol lows: LOT K, BLOCK 5A, VAIL VILLAGE, FIFTH FILING, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF @LORADO. Purporfed Sfreet Address: lssued at: DENVER, C0L0RAD0on: January 26, 1990 by: TITLE INSHANCE CIMPAI{Y2: 7200 E.HAI.IPDEN A DENVER, C0 ffi224 $03)757-5500 Commi nt Number F237609 SCHEDULE B-I Reoulrqnents The fol lowlng are to be complled wlth: Payment to or for fhe account of the grantor or mortgagors of the full consideration for fhe estate or interest to be Insured. Proper instrument(s) creatlng the estate or interest to be lnsured must be executed and duly fi led for record, to-wit: A. C.ERTIFIED CIPY OF CONFIRMATION BY A CILORADO PROBATE COURT OF THE PROBATE OF THE ESTATE OF A.G. HILL AKA AL G. HILL UNDER PROBATE NUMBER 88-2448.P IN DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS. B. SIPPLEMENTARY AFFIDAVIT, PURSUANT TO COLO. REV. STAT. 197?38-31.102 I{ITH RESPECT TO A.G. HILL, DECEASED, WHOSE NAME APPEARS AS AL G. HILL, IN THE CERTIFIED COPY OF THE LETTERS OF TESTAIVIENTARY RECORDED JANIARY 6, 1989 IN BOOK 498 AT PAGE ]7. NOTE: SAID AFFIDAVIT MUST BE MADE BY ONE OF LEGAL AGE HAVING PERSONAL I$IOWLEDGE OF THE FACTS; MUST IDENTIFY A.G. HILL AND AL G. HILL AS ONE AND THE SAME PERSON, MUST STATE THAT THE PERSON NAMED IN THE LETTERS OF TESTAMENTARY lvAS AT THE TIME OF DEATH THE OM{ER OF STBJECT PRPERTY AND MUST STATE THAT AFFIA{T HAS N0 RECORD INTEREST lN StJtsJECT PROPERTY. C. DEED OF TRUST FROI4 THE MARGARET HILL MARITAL TRUST, WI.IOSE TRUSTEE IS MARGARET HIJI'IT HILL TO BE DETEFMINED TO THE PI,tsLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE OOUNTY FOR THE USE OF A LENDER TO BE DETEFMINED TO SECURE AN AICIUNT TO BE DETERMINED. o tme A Relitfie G.o!p Hddhg! CorqNrry Comm nt Number F237609 o itme 2. z o COMMONWEATIH IAND TITLE INSIIRANCE COMPANY A R€lirn(€ Go p HoklirBi Conpxry SCHEDULE B-2 Except I ons The policy or policies to be issued wil I contain exception to the fol lowing unless the same are dlsposed of to the safisfactlon of fhe Company. 1. Rights or claims of parties in possesslon no+ shown by the public records. Easements, or claims of easemen+s, not shown by fhe public records. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortages in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correcf survey and inspectlon of the pranises would disclose and whlch are no+ shown by the public records. 4. Any lien or right fo a lien, for servlces, labor or maferial heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defecfs, liens, encunbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, creafed,first appearing In the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior fo fhe date the proposed insured acquires of record for the value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Ccrnmitmenf. 6. ANY AND ALL UMAID TAXES, ASSESST4ENTS AND UNREDEEMED TAX SALES. 7. RESTRICTIONS APPEARING OF RE@RD IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 355 AND AMENDED IN BOOK 593 AT ppGE 492, AND ANy AND ALL AI€NDMENTS THERETo. SAtD RESTRICTIoNS D0 NoT CoNTAIN A FORFEITLRE OR REVERTER CLAUSE. 8. EASEMENT OVER THE WESTERLY 1O FEET OF SI.BJECT PRFERTY FOR UTILITY AND INCIDENTAL PLIRPOSES AS SHOWN ON THE RE@RDED PLAT OF SUBDIVISION THE FOLLOWING HAVE RELINQUISHED THEIR RIGHT IN AND TO SAID EASEMENT: VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT IN DEED RECORDED JULY 27,I967 AT RECEPTION NI}4BER 106293, MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH IN DEED REOORDED JULY 27,1967 AI RECEPT|oN 106294, HoLLY CRoSS ELECTRTC ASSoCtATt0N lN DEED RECoRDED JULY 27,1967 AT RECEPTtoN NUMBER 106292, GAS FACILITtES, lNC. tN DEED REooRDED JULY 27,1%7 AT RECEPT lON N L"l'4BER 106291 . 9. pERFETUAL NoN-EXCLUSTVE EASEMENT oVER, UNDER AND ACRoSS A PoRTl0N 0F STBJECT PRoPERTY AS GRANTED TO VILLA VALHALLA ASSOCIATION, INC., A COLORADO @RPORATION, FOR c0NsTRr-cTt0N, MAtNTENANCE,oPERATI0N AND REPAtR 0F A SlvtMMtNG P00L LoCATED 0N StBiECT PROPERTY AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EASMENT DEED AND AGREEMENT DATED SEPTEMBER 28, 1967 AND RECORDED DECEMBER 22, 1967 IN BOOK 211 AT PFAE773.(cont.) The Ownerts Policy of title insurance commitied for in this Commitment, if any, shal I contain, ln addition to the ifems set forth in Schedule B-2, the fol lowing ltems:(1) The Deed of Trust, if any, required under Schedule B Section l, ltem B.(2) Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents or ln Acts authorizing the lssuance fhereof.(5) Any and al I unpaid taxes, assessments and unredeemed tax sales. COMMONWEATIH t^ND NTLE INSURANCE COMPANY A Relirme GrorD llddiBr CfilArry cAsE tD N0. F257609 EXCEPT IONS CONI INUED.. . 10. RESERVATIONS AS C0NTAINED lN UNITED STATES PATENT, AS FOLLOWS: SI3JECT T0 ANY VESTED AND ACCRUED WATER RIGHIS FOR MlNlNG, AGRIOJLTURAL, MA{UFACTURING 0R 0THER PURP0SES AND RIGHTS TO DITCHES AND RESERVOIRS USED IN CONNECTION l{ITH SI.oH WATER RIGHTS AS MAY BE RECOGI.IIZED AND ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE LOCAL CIJSTOMS, LAWS AND DECISIONS OF COI,RTS AND ALSO SIBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF THE PRERIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFRCM, SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE FREMISES HEREBY GRANTED, AS PROVIDED BY LAW, AND THERE IS RESERVED FROf\4 THE LAND HEREBY GRANTED, A RIGHT OF WAY THEREON FOR DITCHES OR CANALS ONSTRTJCTED BY THE AU1HORITY OF THE UNITED STATES, I1. SIRVEY BY EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING DISCLOSES THE FOLLOWING: I.) SPLIT RAIL FENCE OFF OF SIBJECT FROPERTY ON NORTHhIESTERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY LOT L INE S.2.) Tll"BER WALL OFF 0F ST.BJECT PRCPERTY 0N EASTERLY Al,lD NORIHWESTERLY LOT LINES. 5.) RETAINING WALL OFF OF SIBJECT PROPERTY ON hIESTERLY AND SOUTHEASTERLY LOT LINES. 4.) PAVEMENT OFF OF ST.BJECT PRFERTY ON WESTERLY LOT LINE.5.) ELECTRICAL TRAI.ISFORMER BOX OFF OF SIBJECT PROPERTY ON SOUTHERLY LOT LINE. Commitment For Title Insurance Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company, a Pennrylvania corporation, herein called the company, for a valuable con- sideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as ownet or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the iszuance of this Commitment or by zubsequent endomement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of zuch policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate 120 days after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall be issued, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the sompany. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Company has caused its Corporate Name and Seal to be hereunto affixed; this instrument, including Commitment, Conditions and Stipulations attached, to become valid when countersigned by an Authorized Officer or Agent of the Company. COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY n'""' r8* / P /r4.A - %u Zzpresir,enl U Conditions and Stipulations The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. If the proposed Insured has ot acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or inter€st or mortgage thercon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereot and shdl fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in wdting, the Company shall be reteved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance her€on to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires acfual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, advene claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liabiliry of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in relialce hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requircments hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire ot create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall zuch liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions, the Conditions and Stipulations, and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorpoiated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are zubject to the provisions of this Commitment. PA3 Am€rioan Lrnd Tlde Association Commitmont - 1966 Cov.r Page Form 1004-8 l. Ut -l-,1 X A=EE EI 9 H83 It F 9: o3d E oI oo 3 Eo * D) F} r-!t otl o 5u,E A)3f)(D oo 3ED3 !-={>m E E+o Fi=[ i;qfi tE$ S d 9ESIE.EE, r. elt:1g EfoI rr'- E ttr ?88 lRtrilfl:tr tbt tf, E[Atl G^il1 tltE lD tEfnlln @{Pfttr I Colondo Co4crtlal !cd!.ttc orUd'Ccrg4f tf rd ia cosldrntlo ol Onr ltollar (lr.@) .!d oths! Bood rad rrlnrblr corldlrtlo l!' brad oeld; t!. rcc.tpt xherco! lt hefabt cor:fccsed rnd rcloodedgcdl dorr hlralr.r r!brs., rcrrlsc rad qultcb!:r al1 thc rlght, t1t1e and lnt.rcrt rcqulrril by thc Conprny undor t,h:t ccrtaln rt6ht of ray grant, recordcd :a.b!lglgl- Plats of l:aFI6 C(,unt:t. Colc,raqq ! :ir i_u :ot*. t\. unto t I!6 pltrcnt o!,nar or (lnersr aE thelr rcrpocthr lntrr.at rrt rpPart t]tttl8, t-a t!. toUoi.llrE d.tcr1b.d ptoportlt to v1t: Tho 'I.n (lu) foo'. Utllity t|l:d Dr.lo.ao .rsr.eBt aloag thc 'J.storly Bldc of I-t llr and the len (ln) foot Uti.ltt;r and &rr{'rgr crgcrcnt rlons th. ilstcrly :1de of Lot J. both in lllock 5Ar Vall Vi1la1;ct nlfth nllhgr a Rcsub.il.vlsion of plrts oJ Vall Vitl3g'er l:rst :'ilinir a lart of section SLgh! (8), ?ovnship Efve (9) South, .Ral'e ::igl,ty (30) /'e;t cf the.:ixth (6e) IH-nclprJ. Hcrid!6n.'l snd h6bt cprraaly axccptlng rnd rererrl,rg to tha Co.npeny, tny ard rI1 lnt.rGtt othaffllo tcgulrsd ln aald propertyr orcapt a! abov€ stit^C. IN 'dmiESS 'dI{EREoF, the Ccopany hra caused th€se -csents to bc cxlcuted by 1tr duly rutlhorl,sed offlccl th1!Znd -d"v of--Ugr-, TiE I:CU:IrI STAT{ EISPHO.'G rlID lbr lorcgolng lnttrrtnss! :::s aclnorledgod beforc ;.c tb,!s zno dry of llet 199_-, by_j 3-s:srd D. 9. Chllda a3 '"i€ ?1c. Prodldcnt operetions and A.!l!t|rrt afitd7" nm! DtE tAIs DtE tr Ed. rhfr -{ d.y of Tl!f6?, Drtrro nOLf CROSS llEfnIC lgaoc!ttfot, Itt., . Color.do cotpot|rtls (lrrrrtultrr r.taard to ar Gr.Ecorl, .d tha DraaanS |llnra of !acor{. (h.r.tnaf,tar ralalrad to ra Cnnta6l. lE8!lg, Olaator oh.lnad aD a.aa.ant rcrga. Crantaar. hri lor utulty Frrpot.., vrrrch .r..rcnt r. no rong.r !..d.d or u.d Dtt G8antorr and InERtlS, Gr. ntor d.ri8.. to cone.y rald c..-aot to Crantaa.. t€r ?flSnErORE, for lnd ln conrldrntlon of thc tur of (SfO.OO, t a Doll.rr and oth.r good.rd v.lu.blc con.ld.r.tlon ttld to GraDtor blf G!ant.o, th. rrcolpt of ehlch t! harcb!, tcknorrl€dgd, Glrntor docr hareby rGalaa, ralGar6, aoll. convay a nat qutt clat! unto Caant..a, thclr !uccr..o!a and a€319n, for.v.r, lll o! th. r19ht, tt!l., lnt.8crt, clah rrtd dcE nal ehlch cs.ntoa h!! ln lnd to rn aaaalant rnd rl.gli:-of-vry ovar, ac!o!!, throuEh atd undas th. follGrt ng d.rcrlb€d l!nd. rlturtr ln ErgI6 eounty, Colorrdo, Tha clrt.rly LO fc.t of tat J and thcr!.t.rly_ 1,0 facr of lot k, Biock 5_A,VAIL VrLr.AGEl IITTH FILING, accordlnito the rccordcd plat therc6f- TO IIAVE fXD !O HOID rhe !.!.r, tog.th.r ulth rII lnd .lngul!! th. apPurtantnca! lnd prlvll.gc! tharaunto b€longlng or ln r n:rul,ta thcrrunto !ppart!tn1n9. lnd lll th. .!t.tc, rtght, tltlc, lnt.r..t trld clall rhatro.v.r of thc G!rnto!, althcr ln lle or .qulty, to th. propas ua., D.a.!lt and Dehoof of tha G.ntc.., thai! tuccar.ora ard raalgaa toaavar. ! rl!!l|l!t ttf,tnlo!, Or. nto8 h.. b.ritnto ..t itr h.d $ .ad ...1 tb C.!, .d .. .l r. tr.a llr.C ibvo rtlltrn. mL? CRG! ltElttc tssocla?to[, rr. ry //t ', I ..''($drtur.. 't'. t1,..: .' .li -. r-. - -. ATlEtl! r II "'.';-" -;i".': w 7^ ' I 'z i l, ; s?ATg or col5ttDo counra 9e (fur,i-aa. th' fosagolnE tn.trulant vaa a ck norrr.dgad b.fora ra\/ day of f-/..r2 r o<, t-r_ rr /. - , t! at INC. , rr|d o! Dy HOLI CROSS EIJSTRIC ASSCIT?IOr, l{ltn.t. Ey h.nd .nd o(flclrl, s..1. Fy CoclrrtoD E plr.r r fr.., .< 4-taoea r)t inp "' ,t't\(l gggE.PE lllrs DED !r r|dr u.r. -i3- 6., oc February , 196?. nr..a vltl. nttlR s sl!|t?lTtor Dfltfnlef, . gDY.nrotr I .udlyl.loa o! th. St t o! Colgf{o.J}.r.tn ft.r r.f.rrd to r' c!.ntor). .nd th. nt...n. drR7iai W*ta. (t!r.14'!c.t t.t.rtld __ _*!?*11,q.-.c.-)- l|llEABAs, Grantor obtalaad an clr-aot tcroc! Grlataaa' Lnd loa rrtar and aanltatlon lNrpoaaa, vhlch cerclcnt 1. lro tongrr r|add ot urcd lrY Grantorr aad LflEREAS. Gr.ntor da!t8.. to convay rlld ....!.nc to Grantaar. l(,w TXBnEFoRE. for c.d ln conrld.r.tlon of th. luo of (SIO.OO) tcn Dollrr. rnd oth.r good !nd valucblc con.ld.s.tlon P.ld to Gnntor !y Grrnt.at, thc Eac.l,pt of uhtch lt h.r.by .cktDeldgad, Graator atoar hasab!2 reolte, rclearo, !cl!,, convcy rnd qult cl.tD unto Grant.a!, th6lr rucceaaora erd aaslEne for€vGr. lll of lhe rlght, tltl.. lnt.r.tt, clrlE .rd d.or nd rrhlch Gr.trtor h.! ln .nd to rn aaaGo.nt lrd rlght--rf-Fy ovar, !ero!!, through and urdar tho follorr,ng dcrcrlDd llnds tltuate ln E gl. county, color.dor Th. ..rt.sly lO fG.t of Lot J.rd th. v!.t.!ly l0 fcrt of Lt k, Block 5-A. Vf,IL VILHGE, FIFTH PILII'IG, rccordlng to th. r.cordGd pl.t thGa.of. tO HwE At[) TO ttOU) th. r.t!., togcther Ylth .l,t ltd tlngulrr th. .pgrrt. nccr and prlv1l69.r th.t.[nto b.longlng or ln tn]trtlrc th.r.unto .pp.rttt nlng, .nd lll thc .tt!t.. r19ht, tttl., lnt.r.rt lnd clata rhltroavar of thc Gnntor. clthcr ln llv ot .qutty, to th. grQ.r u.., ban.llt . til b.lrf ot tha Galnta.r, th.1r .ucc.a.ora .nd taa lgrrr toranar. If ItttGSs mIEAlOf, Gr.otor h.. h.8.snto ..t' ltt h.d ltrrt rbr raltt.o. vrrL lltla I strltAttod Drsrnre! l?lE3!r iclth L.Pa.!ldcat Baourl rnd Chr&ur| S?A?B O! clulttL or C!I'RADO E! A /':t E_--. r..- :, ..'l "' Lv-1.?^.+&)./- f. E. prochltch Socrct!ry la. ?h. Coragolng lnrtluEant v.!r cknoyldg.d b.fora .. lhlatgth d.y of April , Lg67 , brt Keith L. Ero.,vn ar hesident and Chairman . .nd b!,W. E. Froehlich at Secrelarv lfltna!3 ry hard r r!.t offr,clll ra.l. -./A -'i -4' / /.a a .. -/- - <ia-t- ., z-/\w liy c6taalon b(ptr.. r r'tr crrw''r c ig"p"rr'rr. 9, ll7g -=.---:.ir---.:e'x'i:Ttliis:f, ::1<.' *,:r,i " t:...2'f ltlDtllF DtD !!lrg DalD i. .rd. thlt :39!L d'!z l!167, bctrrrn Ols ncILIfM, ttG., ' cotondo aftat aatasred to rr Grtntor), r n'l th' Pt"'ltt of tprll r CorDor.Clo! (h.rat!- ovaara of rccoct, (haral[ftar r.t.rr.d to .r Grr!t"' ). FFsnqS, Grtntor obtr lnaat an art!'nt 'cro'r Grrnt"t' lad tor utllltlt PurPorar, rhlch alr.lcnt lt no loq'! o'dd ot rad D!2 Grrntor r .ld irHBRElS, Grlntor d.rtrct to convcy rlld "'cnt to Graataaa. ; l(n IIEREIORE, for and ln conlld'rttlon of th' tur of (ffo.oo) f.n Doll.rr rnd oth.r good lnd vllurbl'' contld'rltlon P'ld to Gltntor btlt Gllntcca, tha r.c.t'Pt of ehlch lt hrrcby 'cknortlcdgd ' Gltator docr trrcDtr r!tr'rc, rclrale, r€11, convcy and qult cllll unto Grant€ar, thclr lueectlors rnd alllgnr forcvar, 'll ol th' rlght, tltl., 1nt.r.6', clah lnd dco. nd i'htch Grrntor h's ln 'nd to rn aaaaaant rnd r19ht-of-v.y, o\trr, rcror!, thlosgh and undcr th. folloulng d..c!1b.d l.rd! tltu.tG 1n Erglc county, color'dos Th. ...t.rly lo f6at of IDt J 'nd th' rrrt.rly IO feGt of Lt k, Block 5-A, VAIL VILIAGE, FIffH FILIMI, 'ccordlngto th. !.cordGd Plat thorcof. t{, fnVB AlrD to HOLO thc !rc., tog.th.r rlth 'll ' rrd rtnguhr th' apprtaDnc.a lnd Prlvuagat th.raunto bclonElng or ln royt'l'c th.r.unto .PP.rt!1nlng, at$ rtl th. a!t!tt, rlght, tttl'' lnt'r"t rnd cr,al! rlr.tlotrt.! of th. Grrntor, .t'th.r ln l'r or 'qul'ty, to tha proF r urc, bonrflt lnd bahoof of thc Gr!nt"', t}!ta 'ucc"'or' aod raalgnr forav.r. tI| rlltlag Etc, Otrotor h.. h.r.uBto r.t i!. had i:---E.,,!::jl t.nd .rt tb C.t rd strA?l G cotonAm ) )c@rlr oF pENvER ) tt Itlllll& ll. lhr forogolng .tnrt!u!.nt yr. act(lEyl,.d9d b.for. t th|'a 20th dry of aa Pr€sident - ADri I ta AasistrnE Secretarv , 1967, b1r Harlev c- niohic .r. . artd ry Keith L. Brotn - of GAS !IC:LI?IAS, r!r., . Color.do uy h.rd .nd offlcl.l .c.1. Ev.r Lusk -- rbt.r!' PiblIE Cotr.lon Eel!..r June 20, 1967. gal+L ta ---L&s-ffi uu,a,\ -reao. -drril tlo^r ) O(^-0t fl'^l N\Snv/ns\{ ) Op^5!olr . / 16,\ ' +il uI0L ,l*qfrrfra S\ Vtd'fr-) 3\.\ rt}.ter./Vnu(,^.ntbc (5.^\, Ann I {"i.,*j ]-?:t-.{ ( tifi,t^5^fusr.i!,,M. L€rtUiltaff- J 6oob,@l ud+ Wd I,L t t r. W u; nq\U&,ll*-$lltb ry' a 'tls. ft, 1. @ J's' ''3' / lo"'^zon'1''^bldh /.q adltut.2^^l il,A.d'r 1 Jv* ' Q'L > oryAgz 14/4"4 . Q,A.l J. J tualau'b J 3.J, I &1" Lil"fuuay= )..1. I/ t.rl:aq./'/' l.t !a.f /.s- G.-rv.a .-tt^.a -rIrt:r-^a _o. 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Y)?, HxuQ4'unil- > rn 6g{fr tp DLU- ' C ii tffitW iill ?//*+ononil//e 6r/r,a/- f"ar{ &rk tw t ,&ns'Ahka - ftq f{t fulo* n lrtl d ,dun*rJ 1D oaful* *Ia,a or t i Jrh o W!/a,,tL Plus /rh/ pruh V 11d,'! d&/b @t dililHqa nl fuN /h,^, t;r,f|riw , uii$ ft h,u$-* fl&,rt{Wabs Fift ! J ( '-' I t- __-.'..---'_ l - sNowDoN & HoPKrNs o*irr.r, 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 > wE ARE SENDING "o, { Attached f] under separate cover via { erint, ! Change order LETTIil @F TRANSNflITTAL tr Samples the following items: tr Specilications TO ! V Shop drawings Copy of letter ! Plans coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION /-/t 1140 4t.wr^/, 2, 4 %UlAAh w. ffi1fr, z/ah? tu4l40 ffi/b/Nht |frrlri? rl4ruw klnl4fvD . THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval E For your use fl, As reCuested D tr tr tr ! D ! Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections Resubmit-copies for approval Submit-copies for distribution Return -corrected prints E For review and comment D FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO -T)stcNED: fa//L-/ Pnootrrz|oz /'ffi) l|t', oor rE ol|7l.l, aacloautaa aaa noa aa arclad, lindly notlrt ua ta onca- I sNowDoN & HoPKrNs o*l,rra* 201 Gore Creek Drive vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 > WE ARE SENDING YOU 5l nttacted E Under separate cover via ;d erints LEnTt @F TRANSnflITTAL TO p enns Samples the following items: D Specificationstr Shop drawings ts Copy of letter ! Change order tr (303) 176-.220r coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 4 i/'/rr /frl I Mrm<'t utfl//,1 I 'h4,n/oof ?t/r{ !Lat h, ftlatl- lA 'I 'g'/r//*l I M',I r /,/ ii ih I *hnlr U4'/tuj /'jvliir 6el /ltr/ith 'ti^ E4rl4 I iililiw 4 /uW' THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval FFor yorr use ! As requested ! For review and comment tr FOR BIOS DUE Approved as submitted Approved as noted Retu rned for corrections Resubmit-copies lor approval Submit-copies for distribution Return -corrected prints ! ! tr u n ! ! 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO .4'-\ sIGNED: / f'fl44"-- Pioorr2.0? @|'t., c'd. rs, otr'l l, anctoattraa,r? nol ,a noaad, Xladly aotitt ua at onc.' o Snowdon and Hopkins r Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado December lL, L989 303 476-2201 81657 Ms. Kristan Prits Town of Vail Planning DePartment 75 S. Frontage Road vail, co 8L657 RE: Garden of the Gods III Dear Kristan: Please find enclosed four sets of infornation required for a Special Development District Development Plan- Since our last SDD approval in June L989, we have met rnany.tines with the owner, our struclural and mechanical consultants and with Hyder Construction Conpany (the proposed contractor). The special -problensof remodelinq thl elistinq- Uuitaing with an outdated and inefficient mechanical system, working within the franework of the low floor to floor dirnensions, and gutting the lower three levels, wtrile leaving the penthouse intact along witn tneir related costs eventually 1ed all involved to question the practicality of this solution. We then asked Hyder to cost out demolishing the existing building and rebuildlng. Then, we included an underground parking level . Th9 costs difierence between renodeling the 20 year ofd structure and rebuilding with today's new systerns plus the additional lower level parking have led us to this new SDD proposal . we are proposing to place this new building in the original -buildin|'s-footprintl with a few rnodifications. We are still requiriig the set back variances of the originat SDD requests. The pafX:.ng garage dimensions govern and fit within the original Luifdinqts footprint. We are noqr back from the north west corner property line two feet. I arn incfuding a color coded site plan for you-to lornpar" the existing and the new. We are also proposing in tnis SOp III, LL AUrs and 4 AU,s lock off at a total of 6006.5 square feet and 6 DU,s at total 0f 13160 square feet. The total GRFA is now 1_g,L67 square feet, which is more than previously approved, but when added wi€n tne Conmon GRFA of 284L.5 square feet, the total 22tOO8 square feet is less than the previous SDD. Our density is now 11.5 DtJrs, less than the previous SDD and we are maintaining three non- restricted DUrs, with 3 DUts and 14 AU,s all restricted. our main entrance floor elevation wilt be at 76.0" 6tt below existing grade Ievel with a ridge height of 48, above at 1,24.0'. .Eagle valley. Surveying will b6 out fhis week ( L2/LL/89 ) to confirm the existing ridge height and analyze the difierence in the proposed and existing in ielati5n to the aa-optea view corridor. We will keep you informed of their progress. a Page 2 l.{s. Kristan Prits December LL, L989 Our site coverage ls 77a6.5 square feet. We are including in the landscaping the approved, proposed bus stop and walkw?Yr a porte-cochere for-ine qn6sls, five exterior parkinq spaces on the lit", t3 parking spacei on the PIII lot with L5 parking spaces undergrouird. We aie eliroinating the two parkinlt spaces on the south side ind proposing an enclosed trash container. I,Ie believe this proposal is for the benefit of everyone. The_parking situation is rnucir iinproved over the last approval and the landscaping is sirnilar to the pr6vious proposal . our density is lower by two DU's and our total sguare footage is sinilar. Our AU's now are firg"i;iin frigfr"r 8,'ceilings instead. of 7'6tr and the plannlng ]:sirnilar but moie efficient. The penthouse plan is larger.and better ;i;il;a i"i irr.ir fanity requiremints. The additionar ski lockers in Lne toUUy space with restroouts and the two elevators will benefit all the guests. The buildingrs exterior will be a new cornbination of stone, stucco and wood siaing with a concrete tile roof. The portelcochere will be enlarged for guest pick up and drop off. This latest and hopefully last SDD proposal is one that benefits both the Town and the owner. lrlhat would-have been a fourth renovation of the original dormitory will now be a substantial first class addition to the couununity. Kristan, if you have any questions or need more inforrnation' please call me. Sincerely, SNOI{DON AND HOPKINS ARCHITECTS ?ar,-- Panela W. HoPkins Partner PwH/sIh Enc. I TO: FROM: DATE: SUR': The Planning and Environmental Commission Conrnunity Development Department June L2, 1989 A request for an arnendment to Special Development DistrictNo. 19, Garden of the Gods Lodge, 365 Gore Creek Drive, LotK, Block 5A, Vail Village Fifth Filing and Parcel P-2,Applicant: Mrs. A. c. HilL and farnily DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSALI. The applicant has re-evaluated theapproved plan. Below is a sumrnary existing building and theof the new proposal: IA.,) Renodel existinq.sixteen accomnodation units and add three-\--/ accommodation tnits having a total GRFA of 6,466 sguaref66r- D. B. c. Remodel two existing dwelling units and a Remodel two enployeg_-hoUging units: this changes one acconmodatlon unft at 5L0 sguare feet and one dwelling unitat 515 square feet into one dwelling unit having at 904 square feet and one dwelling unit at 470 square feet. Restrict nineteen accornmodation units (fifteen AUrs plusfour AU iockoff@nrais. Restrict two dwelling units per Section 12.26.O7S of theSubdivision Rggulqtions. fbig section of, tse.Zoning Codestates that: r{ o"dorrnhi0}l^,Xd l1 ul*{ a_\ro re&rc*qd units Expand conmon area frourfeet for an increase ofIudes a .3,575 square feet to, 4,013 sq\rare 4ar-square--faet. This expansion urt. E. F. west elevation. The condominiun units created shall remainin the short term rental market to be usedas temporary acconmodations available to thegeneral public.... An owner's personal use of his or her unit shall be restricted to 28 days during theseasonal period of December 24 to January l_and February L to I'larch 20. Upgrade of existing landscaping .rrd ffialong P-2 parking area. Il The project will continue to be run as a lodge in order to fl provide custonary lodge services and facilities to guests. II. REASONS FOR THE SDD REQUEST The Garden of the Gods project is located in the public Accommodation zone district. The existing sDD zoning that wasobtained in f.987 was.originally requested because the projectdid not meet the definition of a todge, was under the lllowabtedensity by .5 dwelling units and had a total conmon area thatexceeded that allowable. In respect to all other zoningstandards the project met the requirements of the public Accommodation zone district. A. The new SDD r est differs frorn the Public SDD the follow ways (Please see the attachedZoningys The proposal does not meet the definition of a lodge.According to the Zoning Code, Section 18.04.2LO, definitionof a lodge: rrA lodge means a building or group ofassociated buildings designed for occupancyprinarily as the temporary lodging place oiindividuals or families, either in accornmodation units or dwelling units, in qross residential floor aiea devoted !o!--dwellincr units, and ffiitsare operated under a single rnanagenentproviding the occupants thereof customaryhotel services and facilities.rl The Publictotal GRFA Acconnodation be devoted to 38 of thSpecial Development accommodation units. zone requires that 5Lt of theentlacconmodation units. {*s; 53o/o 500', sl't" 500., ifh iJgl, , ( t)t di increase in GRFA devoted to Ene District allocated 2l_*__o-Ltotal GRFA to er words, there tois frdlysis chart ease see Garden of the Gods unit Ath,aJ /)p,\D l6 3 un: r nAU-u,lt- ri,5 B.Densitv: SDD owable@i9Public Accommodation z(lgnsity. The Public Acconmodation zoning allows for atotal density of L2.5 dwelling units. The applicants areproposing a total density of 13.5 dwelling units. Theexisting SDD is .5 dwelling units under the allowable.Instead of sixteen acconmodation units and eight dwellingunits, the new proposal wiII allow for nineteen accommodation units and six dwelling units. (Please notethat two accommodation units equal one dwelling unit. An accommodation unit lock-off is defined as an accommodationunit that is attached to a dwelling unit in a multi-familybuilding. For zoning purposes, an acconmodation unitlock-off is not counted towards density, however the squarefootage is added to the attached dwelling unit fordeternining total GRFA and parking reguirements).Technically, the lock-off may not exceed one third of thesize of the attached DU.ffs are approxirnately 25 square feet I 5 AA 0u ncrease -sAU's wiII be more attractive for ests ands nelt le. ku,0Ahar{1'2100tfur The proposed GRFA is 870 square feet over the allowable. The new SDD has a total GRFA of L8,464 square feet. The PA zone allows for L7 rf 4 square feet. The existing SDD isunder the allowable GRFA by l-5 square feet.{!., t00 pur2) Common Area: ,tma,ffi ut 'ffiThe proposed 6o-rnmon area (4,018 square feet) is over theallowable conmon.area of 3,5L9. The project's existing cornmon area already exceeds the all-owable by 56 squarefeet. The existing SDD also exceeds the conmon area by 131-sguare feet. S\S*""t to alt of the other zoning standards andparking, the project meets the reguirements of the Public tibili and Sensitivit'v to the Imrnediate nment, Ne d Adiacent Pro rties Relativetectural Des le, BuIk, Build HeiqhtBuffer Zones, Ident Character, Visual IntOrientation C. GRFA: ,b<: D. A. Des to Th The somewhat lcantly u and d-5r -#* B. Sirnilar to the existing SDD, the proposal falls short ofneeting the definition of a lodge which would require that more than 508 of the GRFA be devoted to accommodationunits. Hotrever, the new SDD actually allocates more GRFAto acconmodation units than the existing SDD. The averagesize of the accorntnodation unit is also increased in the newproposal fron 287 square feet (existing SDD) to 340 squarefeet. In addiltftn, the number of accommodationlnll€s-isincreased from ten acconmodation units plus six accomnodation unit lock-offs (old SDD) to fifteen acconmodation units and four accorunodation unit lock- ffsin the new proposal . The percentage of GRFA allocated to accornnodation units has been increased by 88 over the oldSDD. AIso, the nunber of dwelling units has been decreasedfrorn eight DU's to six DU,s in the new proposal. d,^ As stated in the previous SDD memo, the was considered to be a sirnilar proposal the Gods. In taken the pos tion that rnaintaining re4for the se r-s pos or Ene Ramshorn projectto the Garden ofthe staff h . The intent -fiffi a majority of the project squarefootage be devoted to accommodation units is to rnaintainthe purpose of the Public Acconmodation district as a rrsite fgr lgdqes and residentia] accommodations for visitor-s---(Section 18.22.LL0) - Due to the fact that Special Development District zoninq isonce again requested, heintent of the Public Accommodation Zone-DIstrict may bemaintained without neeting the precise requirement to havea najority of square footage devoted to acconmodationunits. The staff originally analyzed this project in terrns 0r,f\a&fo: xac6tA Tr Autlort';(Y SDD Fro) 0rnt4nr 1X1-to"}LtD 6< ln*4 D\r*ap f+bb existing building is improved by breaking up the facade bythe use of balconies and_-Iglge dormer_s. The balcony squarefootage i e existing SDD from I,J-28 square feet to 2,287 square feet. The proposal wiII have a positive irnpact on the character of the neighborhoodas the design is within the allowabte height and sitecoverage for the project. Uses, Activity and Density which provide a comrratible,efficient and wol$a!]g_!e!e!i nship with surroundinq uses Densitv The proposal is one DIt over the allowable density. Thisrncrease ]'s supporEaDle due to the anal_ysis below: Restricted uni ,#4 rrkeysrtt ir9 AU's or DU's E-new proposal has twenty-five rrkeysrr available for guests. This number of trkeysrr is based on the fact that nineteen accommodation units and six , dwelling units are available as potential short term rental -.'.JO , units for guests. of the twenty-five rentable units, 4iW:-.t#.\ nineteen will be restricted as short tern rentals with twoa- .'INJ[J dwelling units restricted per the subdivision Regulations 4ll1llP- in Section 17.26.075..A'rll< --n\Ti; - This is an improvenent over the existing special ,tHiml . Developnent District. In the existing SDD, seventeen ,1LN'- rlkeystr or 708 of the units would be restricted. In the newtdb n proposal, twenty-one xkeystr or 84t of the units will be <ny - restricted of which nineteen accomnodation units are -U'iY-}b% restricted as short term rental units year-round.., Al'1V a-, -tllv! L Lsllll llsllLcl-l llllJ-L-t f scr-r- -l- \Jr.r.rru .\t' *ft, _--'.---=.- . pl,u t .,,fiuurUer oi unTG\2t" .1--=\ ----"'/The nDm-b-er of trkeysn available for guests is alsoinportant in maintaining the intent of the PA zone districtfor lodging. This is not to say that having the majorityof the GRFA devoted to AU,s is not an important criteriafor insuring tbe short tern use of the property. Howe4r,it should be pointed out that technically the owneF-couldr of-ccommodation oE each-oE these units. This believes that the pro al is 6n units with the short termrental restriction. fn addition, the applicant has agreedto restrict two dwelling units. fhis is not reqgired unQgrthe lodge clnversion reiulations.- izeil-,-TEE--iEntall significant negative inpacts to thebuilding. The reasoninq for the de mass and bulk of the e desc above also The additional GRFA (870 square feet)located almost cornpletely within theas proposed under the existing SDD. The applicant has also agreed to enployee restricted acconnodation There are no improve the existinq Dloveeunit and restricted remodeled dwelling unit.Theinto a uni The other st ee dwellexisting square footagedevoted to employee units will be increased by 249 squarefeet over the existing unit square footage. The present SDD allowed for 730 square feet of employee housing whichis 644 square feet under what is being proposed with the ne$r SDD. In sumnary, the employee units are beconing muchnore usable in that both units will be dwelting units andthe square footage is increasing. Common area The increase in common area is for lobby and ski storagewhich provide guest services that are necessary to anyfirst class lodge. Tbe.increase in scruare footaqe is not excessive Jhq U- Compliance with parkincr and loadinq recruirements asoutlined in Chapter 18.52 A11 parking requirements are met. Confornitv witlr ?pplicable elements of the Vail ConpliancePIan, Town policies, and Urban Desiqn Plans 1k ^.tlttD7i1.f \- | rr.lY $n togo'\i1Y tl]5 D. The proposal complies with Master Plan even though noEalled out for this site.Village Master PIan reads: the intent of the Vail speci f ic recornmendd€i5fr Goal 2, Objective 3, of the Vail rrTo increase the number of residentiat unit e vllIacte area----ava,uatre rorern overn omrnodation The developrnent of accornruodation 114ifs-ig ssting density l-e (Please nqEe the VaiI er Plan is not oe Garden of the Gods prol-ect supports thisgoal by restricting the nineteen accommodation units toshort terrn rentals throughout the year and by restrictingtwo dwelling units each having a square footage of 864 square feet per Sect 6.075 of exist al Development District in that the Vil1a Ls a oughout the year plus one more DU is L.3 @ 3.2 Thg{,a?d Use Pfatl also supports this proposal in therorrowrng lrays: The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible The hotel bed base should be preserved and used moreefficientty. The Village and Lionshead areas are the best l-ocationfor hotels to serve the future needs of thedestination skiers. Hotels are important to the continued success of the Town of Vail, therefore conversion to condominiunsshould be discouraged. Increased density in the Core areas is acceptable solong as the existing character of each area ispreserved through inpleurentation of the Urban Design Guide PIan and the Vail Village Master PIan. 3.3 @ KD 5.L Additional residential growth should continue to occurprinarily in existing, platted areas and asappropriate in new areas where high hazards do notexist. Affordable employee housing should be made availablethrough private efforts, assisted by J-irnitedincentives, provided by the Town of Vail, withappropriate restrictions. The existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Additional enployee housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. Identification and mitiqation of natural and,/or qeoloqic hazards that effect the propertv on which the Special Development District is proposed. Not applicable. Site plan, buildinq desiqn and location and open spaceprovisions desiqned to produce a functional developmentresponsive and sensitive to natural features, veqetation, and overall aesthetic quality of the community. The remodel basically occurs almost completely within theshell of the existing building. lhere are no najor changesin site planning or open space due to the remodel . Thebuilding design is inproved by the proposal . E. F. G.The circulation stem desi ed for both vehicles andestrians addr on and off s te trafficrculation. Traffic circulation on and off the property has not changed due to the proposal . However, staff believes that thecarden of the Gods should conply with a goal within theVail Village Master Plan which states that: Goal #3: ilTo recognize as a top prioritythe irnportance of naintaining and enhancingthe walking experience throughout theVillage. rl Objective #1: "To physically improve theexisting pedestrian ways throughout theVillage by landscaping and other improvements. rl Concept f25: rrcore Creek Road Sidewal.k. Aseparated walkway through the sub-area and Golden Peak.ure, it is have s lev Drive. The Ranshorn has built a sidewalk along the west side oftheir property that also extends over to Golden Peak. It makes sense for the carden of the Gods to add theirsidewalk on the east side of their property as pedestrians corning fron the Transportation Center will most likely walk linkin Transportation Center. LandscapeTFffivenents and pedestrian crosswalks to beincluded as required to meet demands ofpedestrian traffic.rl As with the RarngE:UfgpgSal , staf f believes that theequired to construct a sidewalkalong the east side of the property. It is inportantto have adequate pedestrian links between the Village area along the west side of vail Valley Drive. tfre__e&@b improvement would also include a bus turn ouE area on therden of the s pro The present bus stop is located at the northeast corner ofthe property.s better forthe Garden of the t the busyoftheirs CIES enter and e Garden e ubl c.ewalk will benefit the Garden of the Godrs. Due to the Eac e proposal isone dwelling un for density and 870it is very reasonable t over the allowablethe allowable GRFA,square feet over H. and appropriate to reguest that the applicant rnake this improvement. The proposal has been reviewed by the Public !{orksdepartment and would include a five foot sidewalk with curbbeginning at the northeast corner of the property andextending to the southeast corner of the site. Nolandscaping $rould be disturbed on the northeast corner ofthe property. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space inorder tg optirnize and preserve natural features,recreation, views and functions. The proposal also adds several planters on the west side ofthe property in the area of the pool . The existing spa is removed and replaced by landscaping. The railroad tieplanters along the parking are,?the east side of VailValley Drive will be ffie and additionalplantings will be added. The landscape proposal isextremely positive and will add to an already well landscaped project. lan or subdivision lan that will rnaintain aworkable, funct ent relat the development of the Special Development D I. Not applicable. IV. ZONII.iG CONSIDERATIONS REI,ATIVE TO THIS PROPOSAI-, A. B. Uses: Please see Section III B. Density/GRFA: Please see Section III B. Setbacks: No change requested. Heiqht: The height proposed is within the maximum allowed of 4gfeet for a sloping roof. c. D. The site coverage9,677 square feet.is dramatically below the allowable of The proposed site coverage is 6,821 square feet. This is actually ten sguare feet under theexisting Special DeveJ.opment District. F. Parkinq: project. As stated previously: ItAltheg e end product to meet onofa Parking requirements are met for the proposal.l ,,fr#t|\ srAFF REcoMMENpArroN enfff, t/[i'"tr' ' 'lnil* The staff recornmends approval of the proposallrU Basically, ourposition is very sinilar to our reconmendation on the Ramshorn to see a two dwelling units remain available to guests according toagreed upon use restrictions. Staff approval is contingentthe applicant meeting the following conditions: be i-s removed t what Theasa and the upon The applicant rnust subnit a revised enployee housing agreement with a floor plan that clearly indicates thelocation, type of unit, and square footage for eachenployee housing unit. This infornation rnust be subrnitted and approved by the owner and Town of VaiI before abuilding permit is issued for the project. The applicant shall subnit a written statement agreeing torestrict per the Subdivision Rental Restriction, SectionL7.26.075, the two dwelling units as indicated on the pEc plans as well as the short-tern rental restriction on thenineteen accomnodation units. This written agreement shaIlbe submitted and approved by staff before a buildincr Dermitr,, i s i s sued ro r the bn ", . "rl,.rJ[ion, ft' r cadn rrr'' t trvr Rrd, *. n 1Jl$fftfu * The owners of the Garde/rlof thd Gods shall construct a 0eg'llm{sidewalk and a bus lanet on the east side of the property. )'l'd'' The final design of the sidewalk and bus lane shall besubnitted by the appJ-icant to the Public Works Departmentand Community Development Department for approval. Thesidewalk and bus lane shall be constructed subsequent tothe issuance of a building perruit and prior to the issuanceof a temporary certificate of occupancy for the project. The applicant shall submit a written staternent agreeing ttothis condition for the Town Attorney,s approval before abuilding permit is released for the-renolif . .fr Urdad,-\L AO The vent, on the west side of the pool shallbefore a ternporary certificate of occupancythe building. l0 issued for The applicant shall provide written, Iegat, docurnentationof the Garden of the Gods, right to use the parkinqt spaceson the east side of Vail Valley Drive on a parcel calledP-2. The applicant has subnitted docurnentation of the Garden of the Gods, participation as a nenber of the P-2 Condominium Association. Honever, staff nust have written documentation as well as an attacired map to scale showingthe area of the P-2 parcel which is allocated to the Gardenof the Gods. This agreement must also be approved by theother members jof the P-2 Condominium Association. This document must be subnitted and approved by the staff beforethe project proceeds to second reading of the ordinance. \J.$ 4^(U, lo*t.Cf"t ridCI'a0t' j S' buo 10".-\',-{v r,,r,} t^lit[+4a' !,,: :,AU : PUB. ACCOMMOD ..i::: : EXISTING :ii,l:i:" r ':: :.: .!. :.: l.Ol-D SDD,'t NEW SDD 51 o/o GRFA lN AU'S 16 @ 7742 SQ.FT.1O AU 6 AU LOCK OFFS-*-' 16 @ 4s96 SQ.FT. 15 AU 4 AU LOCK OFFS 19 @ 6466 SQ, FT. DU NA 2 @ 674s SQ. FT.8 @ 12141 SQ. FT.6 @ 11998 SQ. FT. TRESTRICTED' :::::EMPLOVEE . i;' : , ;r: lJlllf$ ,,',:,1: NA 1 AU 610SO. FT. 1 DU 515 SQ. FT. 1.5" @ 1125 SQ. FT. 1 DU 215SO. FT. 1 DU 515SO. FT. 2 @ 730 SQ. FT. 1 DU 904 1 DU 470 2DU @ 1374 SO. FT. 17594 SQ. FT.14543 SQ. FT.17578 SQ. FT.18464 SQ, FT. 12.5 DU 1O DU 13 DU (AUS + DUS)13.5DU (AUS + DUS) .COMMON AREA 3519 SQ, FT,3575 SQ, FT.4360 SQ. FT.4018 SQ. FT. !, MAX-....i'i:r :i:i: ' r : ' HlGHT'::,:: I i 45 FT. FLAT ROOF 48 FT. SLOPE ROOF 42 Fl.SAME 42 FT. ?OFT,EAST 2O.O FT. WEST.2 FT. NORTH 1.4 FT. SOUTH 9.0 FT EAST 2O,O FT. WEST.2 FT. NORTH .I.4 FT. SOUTH 9.0 FT EAST 20,O FT. WEST.2 FT, NORTH 1.4 FT, SOUTH 9.0 FT 9677 SQ. FT.6363 SQ. FT.6831 SQ. FT.6821 SQ. FT. 5278 SQ. FT.OK OK OKto"*t*u i,, 22 REQD. 28 EX. 27 REQD. 28 PROPOSED 28 REQD. 28 PROPOSED JUNE 1989 GARDEN OF THE GODS ZONING ANALYSIS * Restricted employee units are not counted tor^rards denslty or GRFA ** I DU equals 2 AU *** Standard parking requirements applied **** A DU in a multi-fanily buildlng nay include one attached accom- modat j.on unit (AU lock-off) no larger than one thlrd of Ehe coEal floor area of the DU. A lock-off is not counted for denslcy. Lock- off GRFA is added to the total DU GRFA. Parking for a lock-off is calculaced by adding the AU lock-off co the DU GRFA. The DU parking requirements are applied to the cotal GRFA for the DU plus AU lock-off. JUNE 1989 GARDEN OF THE C'ODS UNIT USE AT.IALYSF * All AU and AU lock-offs shall be used for short-tern rental through out the year. PAZONE EXSNNG 'r::t::lltiti:OlD agg :'i::i'il'iii:i ::iiii:,I:,: NEW SDD,r,:i,ii::: 51 %53% 27.h AVG. AU 287 S.F. 35% AVG. AU 340 S.F. 4996 47%73 tYo 65% NA 0 16 AUS @ 4596 I DU @ 1134 5730 S.F.OR 34% 19 AUS 6466' 2 DUS 1728 8194 S.F.OR 44 % :i::ii:i'TOTAL KEYS ::,il;NA 18 24 25 NA 0 17 KEYS OR 70 %621 KEYS OR 84 % GOAL #3 TO RECOGNIZE AS A TOP PRIORITY THE IMPORTANCE OF MAINTAINING AND ENHANCING THE l,'lALKING EXPERIENCE THROUGHOUT THE VILLAGE. Objective #'l To physica]ly improve the existing pedestrianways throughout the Village by landscaping and other improvements. #27. Ramshorn Lodoe 0ne story residential additjon toexisting structure. Varied roofheights should be maintained. Also see Goal l, Objective 2 #28. A'l I Seasons Residential infill over ex.isting surface parking area. Developmintrequires substantial landscaped buffer between structure and existing and proposed pedestrianization. Also see Goal l, Objective Z #25 Gore Creek Road Sidewalk A separated wa'l kway through the sub-area linking Golden Peak with the Vai'l Transportation Center. Landscape improvements and pedestrian crosswa'l 'ks to be included as required to meet demands of pedestrian traffic. -40- !:St(- \--J Es a;P 6-ot< OA .F ,= -, 9Jv-c5(<FP>-f s- ;>k \J-r .-qr\:qr? . /- ./ , ( 4, =p OS +J G. -= (r-9;9 ,^, aIf5F I Personol Memo ftom . . . Bctry Roroleck /f // /q,r1 s DDUV | | \r ' Io h tvl - . ---J- '|I.r.-+- Project Name: Projecl Appllcatlon o Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: ero"r (A , r,',"n \JU 5?\ , r-, -\D0 Design Review Board di I 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 December 22, L9g7 offlce of communllt/ development Ms. Pam Hopkins Snowdon & Hopkins Architects2Ol- core Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Garden of the Gods Renodel , Design Review Board approval Dear Pam, On December l_6, Lgg-7, the Design.Review Board voted to approvethe Garden of the Gods remoder with the foriowing-conaitions: l-. The Employ"-" lgg=1ng aqreement and parking ag.reementshall be subrnitted to the staff. U;tif thesedocuments are subrnitted, the approval will not berrnal . 2. A utility verification form must be subrnitted.. 3. The seven aspen and the one 20 foot spruce wj.l1 berelocated to the northeast corner of Ltre property. Ifthe trees die they wiII be repJ_aced by sirnilarspecies. 4. The cotor of the building will be reviewed by theDesign Review Board when the building ii constructed.The Architect will be responsibr,e roi contacting "iiitand setting up.the Design-Review site visit to irre----project. The idea was that a srnall poriio., ot tnebuirding would be painted to show utt^ u""rrrute sarnpleof the color. 5. The sidewalk in the entry way area is proposed to betextured-concrete or pavers. The oesiin Review Boardpreferred the pavers. 6. The Town Engineer recornmends that the owner vacate the easernent on the sest side of the lot. The existlngbuilding and pool encroach into thLs easenent and itwould be wise to vacate the easernent as soon aapossible. If you have any further questLons please feel free to call ne. Sincerely, Kti#^fr'[ Kristan Pritz Town Planner Jlt sNowDoN & HoPKrNl ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vAtL. coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.2201 WE ARE SENOING YOU F Attachod E Under separat€ cover Yia tr Shop draYtings Ierintt D Change orderY aoor ol tetter TO LETTd @F T'RANSNflITTAL "^'" lDfwtanm,pl4"" ATTENTION R€: Hpry11 tr11.16bM O Plans C Samples the following items: tr Specifications coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION bWfrft 0rf,b km)rA{l2L) illqll,ll-A4 ful/ ef THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked belor: fl For approval I Fo, you, ur" E As requested D Approved as submitted O Apprcved as not€d E Returned for corrections I Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit-copies for distrihiion n Retum -corrccted prints E For review and commGnt D tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO .r'> stcil.Eo: fn4/t ? qxr2ro2 @, h" &or r.t' ot.,t .ncrorrr. .nt tot .. notad, kindl, a&lly u. ua onca. 4Jr-r- APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETII{G: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I.IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to deierminb if any addjtional jnformation is needed. No application will be.accepted unless'i t is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submitta'l requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE |pp'lica-tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. (aut rr"D{t) -t/IS SUBI,IITTED***** B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal Description Lot h Zoni ng 4W arock OA Filine alt C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Addres s D. NAME OF Addres s telephone /'/ @ te1ephoneflfu1/1lpl APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : E. NAME 0F OI,JNERS: Si gnature Address .F. DRB FEE: te1 ephone The fee will be paid at the tjme a building FEE permi t 'is requested. VALUAT I ON 0 - $ 10,000 10,001 - $ 50,000 5o,oo1 - $ 15o,0oo 150,oo1 - $ .5oo,ooo 5oo,o01 - $1,0oo,ooo0ver $1,000,000 $ $ $ ) q t $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $1oo.oo $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submitta'l requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property i'ines and building corners. I"ges- that will be removed shou'ld also be inartia. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. Z, The review process for NE|^l BUILDINGS wjll normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. people who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeiing and who have hot asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. o LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is required for submjttal Board before a final approval can be fivenl A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Siding 0ther lriall Materials Fasc'i a Soffi ts lJi ndows }|indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl as hi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of O"t;fli;:: a Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR Aft)( ah * tolrl PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES q(A PNap a,b.4w)vb 7 ,W,2n a*.F EXISTING TREES TO BE R€I'IOTE 2" loJL^")a-A+* | Mr-E for conifers. (over ) Si ze* ltlo ,lD,f ' rtt 4/+ *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height . "PLANT MATERIALS: '. (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS T() BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Comnon Name Quani ty IT lz -. 'qAUHP Jotuw l.ll)/-nQlrY Size ------- ,l Square Footage nNW uuautv"4loNtwanffiHlAdltg4ld* Tvpe *8, s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.OTHER]LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls,swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. I t Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vall, Golorado o Architects 30v476.1201 81657 GARDEII (F THE GODS SDD AIIEIID}IEIIT 4124/89 _In tle two yeafs since The Garden of the Gods recelved a zoning change fromPub'llc Accormodatlon to an sDD, th€ owners have re-evaluated-the eiistingbuildlng and the approved plan. The 1987 plan was defined by existingstructural and plumbing walls, existing windows, and 4 stair wells. The owners are now proposing a more efficient and luxurious plan without thoseconstraints. The bedrooms (accormodatlon units) are now larger vJith morewindows and ba'lconles. The interior is organized more efficienily, thepenthouse is enhanced and the exterior ls generally reworked and upg-raded. The enclosed charts give the specifics at this prop6sed amendment. Itt--lr/ Date of Applicati APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAL DEITE],OPMENT. DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT PLAN I. This the The A. procedure is required for any project Special Development District Procedure. appJ-ication will not be accepted until NAME OF APPLICANT ADDR!SS that would go through all information is subnitted. PHoNE 7/4./a% ,4a3b B.NAII{E OF ADDRSSS ADDRESS APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE .<,- .{ ., 2, /, ;/ - z -t(h_,elovl7/?-6sgils6 &7Ar'. D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI r"t ffiE ma W. U4lL, lo h/b^' pHoNE 4'/b'//tl C. AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURE ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION F. A List of the name of owners of a1l property adjacent to theSubject property and their miling a.ddresses. II. Four (4) copies of the following information:A. Detailed written/graphic description of proposal .'8. An environmental impact relort shall'be submitted to the zoningadministrator in accordance with Chapter 18.56 hereof unl-ess wiivedby Section 18.55.030, exempt projects; C. An open space and recreationaL pian sufficient to meet the demandsgenerated by the development wit,hout, undue burden on availableor proposed public facilities; M [ , ouaca '64 , tAil, utl,tAaa dnuu E. (0vER) Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail. Colorado Architects 303-476-220',1 81657 CHART 2 GARDEN OF THE GODS Zoning Statfstics: Pub'lic Acconmodation Zone District Site Area .5049 acres or 21,993 sf ALLOl.|ED Revised 4l24lg9 APPROVED 1989 PROPOSED 1989 GRFA (.80) DENSTT Y (25 DU's/acre) cot'lMoN (.20) PARKING BA. CONY SF SITE COVERAGE (.55) 17,594 sf 12.5 DU's lb AUr :, , ".-il 0t}\t '" 'u 3,519 sf 28 Existing 24 Required 9 ,677 sf 17,578 sf 2 EDU'S 8DU -_r? 10 AU ,/,,6 AU l-lock Off 4,350 sf 28 Proposed 1,128 sf 6 , 831sf 4,018 sf 28 Proposed 2,287 sf 6,996 sf sf lr tL 18,879 2 EDU 7 Dul 17 AU) Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive g03-476-2201 Vail, Colorado Bt6S7 4124189 CHART 3 REVISED FROil Tr/9/89 PROPOSAL FLOORS #AU/GRFA #DU/GRFA #EDU/GRFA COI'IMON MECH. NE}I S.F. lst 0 l_q-afla-st i 0 570 sf 2353 ?40 22910u CqjQ3J*sf) 1@438sf Znd 802954sf 10952sf 0 724 0 LTSIAUI @ 1492 sf 130/DU Penthouse 0 238 sf 3rd 9 0 3244 sf r o3%. sf o 724 0 216 sf/AUI @ 1472 sf 130 sf/DU 4th 0 Penthouse@4797 0 0 0 402sflDU * GRFA over 11/9/87 Proposal --+nowdon and Hopkins 'o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 919-476-2201r Vail, Colorado 81657 Balconies of LIl9l87 SDD Proposal Second floor 488 sf Third floor 559 sf Fourth floor 581 sf lleu SDD Proposal 4124l8g Second floor 799 sf Third floor 841 sf Fourth floor 647 sf Slte coverage lncreases by 165 sf tota'l = 6,996 sf ANA&NI torazrr caNws e fHF bhznnN ffi fila aDs +/z+laz /,, fluat t LoDa6 ',, hoY bz1 UAlb / eo b/kab z. 4nus/ilaY uDbE 0/rbu/D/ut/ tux 7h UA|L, fu 0///5b . o - Umunaqhp t/a h*+uw lADMas, bzx //M ', uhtL, h bloSb 4. U/hLA U4 Llha* ' e/o 4#E/g//A,UAffix ?5b Dnu , lo b/hob houa 4, l0HtTH6*o /a unLt/UV WUA fuUvqaroH, o( ?bb"o UAttt fpA/F ru%T 4a At/kturt tl/HauL 4t5 6upplatpa MA)6 houtpzL , to 60?o2 \': sNowDoN & HoPKrNs o*Ottats 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 LETTE| 0F TRANSnflITTAL Plans E Samples the following items: tr Specitications TO \,/ WE ARE SENDING YOU A Attached ! Under separate cover via f,erint. E Change order f] tr n tr Shop drawings Copy of letter coPtEs DATE NO-DESCRIPTION I)6 *t4udan+4/r4/n A,/ : A:4 oh,ua t r/auzlta,r:<4 4bri'ln 4-4lah/fr W 44 -46 ffisDo 421. paz. P,tyt'< *4.A6 Zht/D; tl,lrlilral a:l nat // /4/r7 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval ./ ro, ,ou' ur" I es recuested tr Approvad as submitted tr Approved as noted E Returned for corrections C Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit-copies for distribution E Retu rn -correctod prints I For review and comment ! N FOR BIDS DUE 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO ll ancloau..a ana not rt trot.d, kindty nolrtt {r .t onc..PnooJcrzrs? l@ |lI., ci6', |t.r ol./l I l7 I I. This the The A. B. PHoNE.l.l!.b.% ,4atu PHoNE 41b - //0 | ADDRESS *,.- -. - . 2. /. fi -; "-4.rHoNl7/?-6s9ilsa7z- ,' ( (.t &7a4 Dare or appricati O +lf fln APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT. DISTRICT DE\TELOPMEDTT PLAN procedure is required for any project that would go throughSpecial DeveJ.opment District Procedure. application will not be accepted untiL all information is sul NA},IE OF APPLICANT ADDRESS NA},TE OF ADDFSSS C. AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE information is submitted. ffi L ouacu OA , /Ht, utttAaa 4 nuaa PAID . q.i..r ,a , _ )r F. A List of the name of owners of all property adjacent to theSubject Property and their miting a.ddresses. II. Four (4) copies of the following information: A. Detailed written/graphic description of proposal .'8. An environmental impact report shill-.be submj.tted to the zoningadministrator in accordance with Chapter 18.56 hereof unless wiivedby Section 18.56.030, exempt projects; C. An open sPace and recreatioaa'l plan sufficient to meet the demandsgenerated by the development without undue burden on availableor proposed public facilities; E. ADDRESS LEGAI DESCRIPTION FEE $100.00 (0vER) Snowdon and Hopkins o 201 Gore Greek Drive Vail, Colorado Architects 303-476-2201 81657 GARDEII OF THE GODS SDD AIIEIIDI,IENT 4/2418e In the two years since The Garden of the Gods received a zoning change fromPublic Accormodation to an SDO, the owners have re-evaluated the existingbuilding and the approved plan. The 1987 plan was defined by existingstructura'l and plumbing walls, existing windows, and 4 stair wells. The owners are now proposing a more efficient and luxurigus plan wlthout thoseconstraints. The bedrooms (accormodatlon units) are now larger with morewindows and balconles. The interior is organized more efficienily, thepenthouse is enhanced and the exteriolis generally reworked and upjraded. The enclosed charts give the specifics at this prop6sed amendment. l'le are proposing to restrict all the acconmodation units, the dwelling unit#3 on the first f'loor, the dwe]ling unlt #5 on the second floor, ana tnedwelling unit #7 on the 3rd floor. Snowdon and Hopkins o 201 Gore Creek Drive Vall, Colorado Architects 303-476-2201 81657 CHART 2 GARDEN OF THE GODS Zoning Statistics: Pub]ic Accormodation Zone District Site Area .5049 acres or 21,993 sf GRFA (.80} DEilSNY (25 DU's/acre) COl,ll'l0t'l ( .20) PARKING BA.CONY SF SITE COVERAGE (.55) ALLO}IED 17,594 sf 12.5 DU's 3,519 sf 28 Existing 24 Required 9,677sf APPROVED 1989 17,578 sf 2 EDU'S 8DU t0 Au 6 AU Lock 4,360 sf 28 Proposed ' 1,128 sf 6 ,831sf Revised 4124189 PROPOSED 1989 18'879 sf 2 EDU 7DU 17 AU 0ff 4,018 sf 28 Proposed 2,287 sf 6,996 sf Snowdon inO nopfins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 909-47&12201 Vail, Colorado 91657 4124189 CHART 3 REVISED FROI'I 11/9/89 PROPOSAL FLOORS #AU/GRFA #DU/GRFA #EDU/GRFA COMMON MECH. NEX S.F. lst 0 I 0 2512 sf I 0 570 sf Z3S3 Z4O ZZ|IDU101039sf l0438sf 2nd 802954sf l0952sf 0 724 O 175/AUI 0 1492 sf r30/DU Penthouse 0 238 sf 3rd 9 0 3244 sf I @ 976 sf 0 724 0 216 sf/AUI 0 1472 sf 130 sf/DU 4th 0 Penthouse@4797 O O 0 402sf/DU * GRFA over 11/9/87 Proposal --Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive g09-476-2201 Vail, Colorado gt657 Balconies of lLl9l87 SDD Proposat Second floor 488 sf Third f'loor 559 sf Fourth floor 581 sf New SDD Proposal 4124189 Second f'loor 799 sf Third floor 841 sf Fourth floor 647 sf Site coverage increases by 165 sf total = 6,996 sf (a\".W To: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Developnent Department DATE: January 8, 1990 SUBJECT: A Work Session on a request to amend Special DevelopmentDistrict #18, Vail Village 5th Filing, the Garden of the Gods todge.Applicant: Mrs. A. c. Hill Fanily I. DESCRIPTTON OF PROPOSAL This project has received one Special Development District approval in L987. The approved SDD was then revised in the summer of l-989. However, the revised SDD never receivedfinal approval from the Town Council. Under each of theprevious SDD requests, the applicant proposed to remodel theexisting building. with the present request, the applicant would like to demolish the existing building and constructa new building in the approximate original building'sfootprint with a few rnodifi-cations. The reguest to rebuildthe Garden of the Gods includes: A. 6 dwelling units = 13,1,60.5 sq.ft. of GRFA. B. l-1 accommodation units @ 4,217.5 sq.ft. GRFA 4 accommodation unit lock-offs @ I,789 sq.ft. GRFA TOTAL: 15 accommodation units @ 5,006.5 sq.ft. GRFA c. 2 enployee dwelling units - 1,831-.5 sq.ft. of GRFA D. A decrease in common area frorn the existing amount of 3,575 sq.ft. to 2,841.5 sq.ft. E. Underground parking of 15 spaces. This removes 5 surface spaces on the east side of the project and 2 surface spaces on the south side (Tivoli sj-de). F. Incorporate a bus pu11-off on the southeast corner ofthe property. c. Increase the height of the building to 48 feet. Theexisting height of the building is 42 feet. Theexlsting zoning of the property (public accommodationzoning) allows for a 48 ft. hej-ght for a sloping roof. H. The applicant proposes to restrict aLl of the l-1 accommodation units (4,2I7.5 sq.ft.) as well as 4 accommodation unit lock-offs and 3 dwelling units perthe use restrictions outlined in the subdivision reguLations 17.26.075 that stipulate: ItThe condominium units created sha1l renain in theshort term rental market to be used as tenporary accommodations available to the general public... An orr,rner,s personal use of his or her unit shallrestricted to 28 days during the seasonal period December 24th to January Lst and February lst to March 2Oth. rl **Please see the attached zoning analysis and unit use analysischarts. II. VAIL VILISGE MASTER PI,AN ANALYSIS Although the VaiI ViIIage Master Plan is not officiallyapproved, the staff believes that rnany of the considerationsincLuded in the plan relate directly to this proposal . Forthis reason the staff has included an overview of how thisproposal relates to the Vail Village Master Plan. A. Illustrative Plans: Land Use Plan: The carden of the Gods property isindicated as I'nediun/high density residential'r.This section states that a rnajority of theVillage's lodge rooms and condoniniun units arelocated in this land use category. The goal of theplan is to naintain these areas as predorninantly "lodging oriented with retail development lirnitedto small amounts of rraccessory retailxrr. The proposal generally courplies with thisdescription of the land use category. However,staff believes that the applicant can gto further toinsure that the building wiII be predorninantly lodge oriented. Open Space Plan: This plan calls for plantingbuffers along the east side of VaiI VaIIey Driveadjacent to the surface parking on the p-2 parcel . be of l_. 2. At this time, there is not a specific proposal for upgrading the planters on the east side of Vail Valley Drive. Staff would ask that the applicant work with the Planning Department and Town engi.neerto arrive at a solution that removes the existingplanters and private parking fron the public right- of-way to allow space for a new sj-dewalk andplanters. 3. Parking and Circulation Plan: This plan ca11s for sidewalks along both sides of Vail va1ley Drive. . Sidewalks are not included in the proposal . Staffbelieve these irnprovements should be incorporated into the project. 4. Conceptual Building Height Plan: This property fall-s within the three to four maxirnum range of building stories. A story is defined as nine feetof height with no roof included. The proposed height of the building is 48 feet. This height does rneet the public acconmodation zoning maxirnumfor a sloping roof of 48 feet. However, there arepossible impacts on a designated view corridor. The applicant is working with a surveyor to determine any impacts on the view corridor. B. Sub-area Concepts The Garden of the Gods fal1s under the east Village Sub- area No.7. This plan states that the most irnportantpublic improvements in the sub-area reLate to pedestrian and bicycle safety. The public right-of-way should be maintained and expanded for public use wheneverpossible. Sub-area 7-3 and 7-4 relate specifically tothis property. The plan states: 1. #7-3 vail VaIIey Drive Sidewalk - A sidewalk (separated from the road where possibJ-e) throughthe sub-area linking the colden Peak base facility with the Vail Transportation Center. Landscape improvements and pedestrian crosswalks to be incLuded as required to rneet demands of pedestrian traffic. Special emphasis on 3.1-, 3.4. 2. #7-4 Parking Lot Infill - presently utilized asparking for adjacent properties. whiLe zoned forparking (covenant restrictions also limit use ofthis parcel to parking), this site cou1d. accornmodate a srnall lodge. practical difficuLtiesin developing this site include the covenantrestrictions in maintaining on-site parking forexisting and future denand. possible public usesfor this site include pedestrian and buscirculation improvements. Special emphasis on 2.1_,2.3, 2.6, 3.1, 5.3, and 5.4. C. Vail. Vi]laqe. Maste.r Plan Goals, Obiectives, policies, gnll_.Action Steps that appfv to carden Ef-ThE-EodE-ProposaI. Below is a summary of the goals, objectives, andpolicies that relate to the Garden of the Godsproposal: GOAL #r_: ENCOURAGE HIGH QUALITY REDEVELOPMENT WHTLE PRESERVTNG THE UNTQUE ARCHITECTURAL SCALE OF THE VILI,AGE IN ORDER TO SUSTAIN ITS SENSE OF COMMUNITY AND TDENTITY. 1. 3 ob-i ective: Enhance new developnent and improvements done by private cooperation with the Town. 1.3,1- Policy: Public j.mprovements shall beparticipation of the private Town. redevelopment through public developers working in developed with thesector working with the GOAL #2: TO FOSTER A STRONG TOURIST INDUSTRY ROUND ECONOMTC HEALTH AND VIABILITY THE COMI,{UNITY AS A WHOLE. AND PROMOTE YEAR FOR THE VILLAGE AND 2.3 Ob-iective: Increase the number of residential units available for short term overnight accommodations. 2.3. l- Policy: The development of short term accommodation units is strongly encouraged. Residential units developed aboveexisting density levels are required to be designed or managed in a manner that makes them available for short term overni.ght rental . i.s obiective: Encourage the continued upgrading and renovations and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facj-lities to better serve the needs of our guests. 2.5.1- Policy: Recreational amenities, common areas, meetingfacilities and other amenities shall be preserved and enhanced as part of any redevelopment of lodgingproperties. 2.6 obiective: Affordable ernployee housing should be made available through private efforts, assisted by linited incentives, provided by the Town of Vai1, with the appropriate restrictions. 2 . 6. 1- Policy: Employee housing units nay be required as part of any new or redeveloprnent project requesting density over the aLlowable by existing zoning. GOAL #3: TO RECOGNIZE AS A TOP PRIORITY THE ENHANCING OF THE WALKING EXPERIENCE THROUGHOUT THE VILLAGE. 3.1 Obiective: Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways bylandscaping and other improvements. 3 . l-. l- PoIicv: Private developrnent, projects shall incorporatestreetscape improvements (such as paver treatments,landscaping, lighting and seating areas) along adjacent.pedestrian lrays. 3.4 Obiective: Develop additional sidewalks, pedestrian-on1y walkwaysand accessible greenspace areas, including pocket paiks and stream access. 3.4.2 Policv: Private developrnent projects sha11 be reguired toincorporate new sidewalks atong streets adjacent to theproject as designated in the vait village Master pLan and/or Recreation Trails Master plan. GOAL #4: TO PRESERVE EXISTING OPEN SPACE AREAS AND EXPAND GREENSPACE OPPORTUNITIES. 4.L.1 Policv: Active recreational facilities shall be preserved (orrelocated to accessible locations elsewhere in theVillage) in any developrnent or redevelopment ofproperty in VaiI ViIIage. GOAL #5: INCREASE THE CAPACITY, EFFICIENCY, AND TMPROVE AESTHETICS OF THE TRANSPORTATION AND CTRCULATTON SYSTEM THROUGHOUT THE VILI,AGE. 5.1.5 Policy: Redeveloprnent projects shall be strongly encouraged toprovide underground or visually concealed parking. 5.4 obiective: Improve the streetscape of throughout the Village. 5.4.2 Policv: circulation corridors Medians and rights-of-ways shal] be landscaped' III. ISSUES This section summarizes concerns with the project as well as issues that relate to the Goals, Policies, and objectives of the Vail Village Master Plan. Density,/GRFA: The proposed SDD has L,573 sg.ft. of GRFA over the total- allowable under the public accommodation zone district. If the new proposal is compared to the previous SDD, it is 703 sq.ft. over on total GRFA. With the new proposal there is a decrease in the number of accommodation units(4) and an increase in GRFA (L,L62 sq.ft.) devoted to dwelling units when the proposal is compared to theprevious SDD. Staff feels that the applicant can arrive at a better balance between accommodation units and dwelling units which will more closely meet the intentof this zone district to be primarily a lodgi-ng area. We would prefer to see a proposal that is more in linewith the SDD approved in the summer of l-989. Ernployee Housinq: It is positive that two ernployee housing units having atotal sguare footage of l-,831.5 sq.ft. are included inthe project. Staff's opinion is that the square footage devoted to ernployee housing could be utilized more efficiently by allowing for three enployee units each having a total square footage of approximately 50o sq.ft. per unit. The three enployee units should al-so be restricted as ernployee housing forever and not be alfowed to be converted to condominiums in the future. Given the proposal to incorporate three employee units, the parking required would only increase by .5 spaces. The total requirenent for parking does not exceed the existing 33 required spaces. A D. Restricted Units: 471 of the total GRFA will be rental restricted. AII ofthe 15 accommodation units shouLd be used for short terrnrental throughout the year. Staff is also concerned that the project continue tofunction as a lodge. Customary lodge services andfacllitj.es for guests should be included in theproposal. We recommend that a lounge area and frontdesk be included in the first floor p1an. At this tine,all of these amenities have been removed from theproposal . It is our understanding that the owner doesintend to condominiumize the project in the future. Hor,/ever, we believe that these services should beprovided. Views: The height of the building will be increased fron 42 ft.to 48 ft. Even though the 48 ft. is within the public accommodation zoning height lirnit, the proposal mayirnpact a view corridor. The applicant is working onproviding staff with additional information concerningthe views. Parkinq: All required parking is provided. Staff believes thatit is very positive that the applicant has provid.ed underground parking. Approximately two spaces could berenoved on the east surface parking lot (p2 parcel) given the need to renove parking from Town of Vailpublic right-of-way. The underground parking could be used more efficientlyto allow space for two additional parking spaces.Footers for the parking ramp retaining wall must bebuilt on Garden of the Gods property. The bumper blocks for surface parking should be removedfrom the surface parkj-ng lot for more efficient use ofthe 1ot. Snow storage should also be addressed for thearea. F.Landscapinq/Sidewalks,/Bus Stop : The VaiI Village Master Plan strongly recommends that sidewalks be incorporated on either side of vail val-leyDrive. The proposal does not include sidewalks. Staff reconnends a sidewalk on the west side of Vail Valley Drive. This sidewalk should extend fron the northcorner of the property to the south corner. The eastside of Vail valley Drive adjacent to the P2 surfaceparking lot also requires a sidewalk. Planters andparking should be pulled back off of the public right- of-way. The bus turnoff is an improvement. Staff believes thata bench and sidewalk strould be incorporated into theplan. The bus turn-off must have a minimum width of 10feet. We recommend additional landscaping on the south side ofthe project facing the Tivoli. Ttre two parking spacesthat are removed should be landscaped so that this areawill not be used for loading or parking. Curb and gutter will be required on the north side ofthe property. Garden of the Gods contributes to the drainage problern along Gore Creek Drive. Public Works would work with the owner on an arranqement to directthe drainage from the northwest corner of the Garden ofthe Gods property to the inlet. Staff recommends that the applicant consider narrowingthe entry to Hanson Ranch Road and exj.t for core Creek Drive by designing landscape medians. This approach could indicate more clearly that these streets allowonly one-way traffic. Visibility for cars exiting Gore Creek Drive onto VaiI Valley Drive should be consi-deredwith any landscape irnprovernents on the northeast cornerof the property. Rebuild Vs. Rernodel of the Pro-iect: The northwest corner of the new building is proposed tobe located on a drainage and utility easernent. Even though the existing building also encroaches into the easement, the applicant will be required to get approvals from all utility cornpanies and the Town ofVail. A title report must al-so be submitted. G. Staff agrees that the bullding will function better forthe owners and that the underground parking is verypositive. we would like to ask that the applicant emphasize why the encroachments into setbacks, additional GRFA and density, and other deviations fronthe public accomrnodation zone district benefit the comnunity. Circumgtances have changed now that thebuilding is belng coupletely denolished. It is important that the appllcant substantLate why thisproposal ls Justlfied. I.vUOd o.d(dJ l!,l{5 Eo ,_r 4 ou r65PF u '\|AA(J UOIJ6.C.'{ O O alE 9 Ut o.c.co € CFIFglu l+a tuh .C O.E cl LI (J .O.r.{ G,lt l. ! 4 t!.OtttootrrC 1,r..{ (}. $r t <o tlC (, lr.,l' l,€oo &o {, q5(,th C O!<A'g O C C.Y '{! Oti.ruoo c o 6.c t,! rtcualoo t({ uu dEatuuo.oQ,! c c<,uEq, ..1 L Ir. L)tr ! {, oc4trC a, h o0.'{ C, q Ot +{ r! r. OLIO Fl E t!r{5 |U A .{q.lJtta !o o uot. .! E O lFa O .FrO .'{ trI t! F{ -ae o .o t) Lt .l.., F{^OO=Aa, C .r{ r+r Fl .J < a!! d, t '+.(! E O O< qr a,, o0., I EE rlO!.xJ!J|"r(!!J.r{Fi(J...{ t .'{oSoooo E C E-{Aettr, a, .! ..{ Ct r+. if O.t ,O a,t .{u - | <-c tu.tt Er.{iU OO ..1 vt,!t rd CJqI !l tr g 1t l{oO < .d F{ urr.(! X.'{ |Fl ,L 2 .'r O .o ttlO. 6l lt E C O t-UE q t G.rl It cl OQ, o A t! q, !, !iFl E!<u€ d rt tr o G h r! 00=a,r , t d ..( &A A<.r CF 6 - e lr (J 5 .rau ru ! P r! o uJ 6!{ _ q A! O rr. i'f.:i1.. =t { OF{t+. C CF{t A l? < Er{ o t aa6at &{.l*{*{*{*t o B|rlz o\ Or F{ F'H' tq f!. F tq olo.(rj(noCno\|.o @tnFr.o.-l C)fror-{ €, \O(\ .s! ^ QJ ..'---.{dd F{sftr| .-l Fl Hf! 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Fu- OJ<t fr+hEst:3NFII F(,I-F(/)ucrffi=gg Ft.l. o U) ct, @ Y oOX[! uJuco 61 N N oo = oo qi:)o. !)f z o s lo z z F LL c, tJ) !ta rJ) ) 1r) e.i LL d Ot ro(t, HH ?AJY,",6 IE Ioo| h fr NN(o o) I oa CDF\olrt) .,: :) j. : j:ir:.:.. 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L9, GARDEN OF THE GODS) IN ACCORDANCE WrTH CHAPTER r"8.40 OF THE I!{UNICIPAIJ CODE AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Chapter l-8.40 of the Vail Municipal Code authorizes Special Development Districts within the Towni and WHEREAS, the Town Council approved Ordinance 40, Series of 1987 Special Development District No. 19, Garden of the Godst and WHEREAS, the owner of the Garden of the Gods, Mrs. A. G. Hill, has requested to amend Special Development District approval for certain parcels of property within the Town known as L'ot K, Block 5A, vail village Fifth Filing and a portion of Lot P-2, Block 3, Vail Village Fifth Filing; and WHEREAS, the PlannJ.ng and Environmental Conmission has recommended approval for certain changes to Special Developrnent District No. 19t and WHEREAS, the Town council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to repeal and reenact Ordinance No. 40, Series of L987 to provide for such changes in Special Developrnent District No. 19, carden of the Gods. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COI'NCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Ordinance No. 40, Series of L987, is hereby repeal-ed and reenacted, as follows: Section l-. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled, Planninq Commission Report. The approval procedures described in Chapter l-8.40 of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Town Council has received the report of the Planning and Environmental Cornmission reconmending approval of the proposed development plan for Special Developrnent District No. L9. Section 2. Special Development District No. l-9 Special Development District No. L9 (sDD No. 19) and the development pJ-an therefore, are hereby approved for the developnent of the parcel noted above within the Town of Vail . . section 3. Purpose O Special Development District No. 19 is established to ensure cornprehensive developnent and use of an area that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town of Vail and to pronote the upgrading and redevelopment of a key property in the Town. The developrnent is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council and meets all the design standards as set forth in Section 18.40 of the Municipal Code. There are significant aspects of Special Development District No. 19 which cannot be satisfied through the irnposition of standards in a Public Accomnodation zone district. SDD No. L9 is compatible with the upgrading and redeveloprnent of the corununity while maintaining its unique character. Section 4. Developnent Plan A. The development plan for SDD No. 19 is approved and shall constitute the plan for development within the Special Development District. The development plan is cornprised of the foltowing plans aby Snowdon and Hopkins Architecs and J.and by DIIison Designs consists of the foltowing documents: sheet L. Site and Landscape Plan - Final Revision: June 2, l-989, Snondon and Hopkins. Sheet 2. First Floor Plan - June 2, L989, Snowdon and Hopkins. Sheet 3. Second Floor Plan - June 2, L989, Snowdon and Hopkins. Sheet 4. Third Floor PIan - June 2, L989, Snohtdon and Hopkins. Sheet 5. Fourth Floor Plan - June 2, 1989, Snowdon and Hopkins. Sheet 6. South Elevation - June 2, 1989, Snowdon and Hopkins. Sheet 7. East Elevation - June 2, 1-989, Snowdon and Hopkins. Sheet 8. West Elevation - June 2, l-989, Snowdon and Hopkins. Sheet 9. North Elevation - June 2, 1989, Snowdon and Hopkins. Sheet 10. Landscape PIan - May LL, 1989, Land Designs by EIIison. B. The development plan shall adhere to the following: Setbacks Setbacks shall be as noted on the site plan listed above. Heiqht Heights of structures shall be as indicated on the elevations Iisted above, but in no case shall the height exceed 48 feet for a sloping roof or 45 feet for a flat or mansard roof. Coverac|e Site coverage shall be as indicated on the site plan listed above. \ Landscapinq The area of the site to be landscaped shall be as indicated on the final landscape plan approved by the Design Review Board and on file in the Community Development Department. Parkinq Parking shall be provided on I.,ot K, Block 5A, Vail village 5th Filing and a portion of lot P-2, Block 3, Vail Village 5th Filing as indicated on the site plan, but in no case shall the sites have the ability to park less than 28 automobiles. Section 5. Densitv sDD No. L9 shall not contain less than 19 accomnodation units, representing 6r466 square feet of cross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) and 6 dwelling units representing LL1998 sguare feet of GRFA. The site shall have a rnaximum density of 13.5 dwelling units representing a total GRFA of L8r464 square feet. SDD No. L9 shall also contain 2 employee dwelling units as indicated on the First Floor Plan by Snowdon and Hopkins, June 2, L989: one employee dwellilng unit No. 2 shal1 have a mininum of 47O square feet GRFA. Section 6. Uses Pernitted, conditional , and accessory uses shall be as set fortb in the Public Accommodation Zone District while recognizing the property will no longer meet the definition of a lodge as found in Section 1S.04.21-O. Section 7. Use Restrictions olrners' use restrictions per Section L7.j26.o75 of the Tolrtn of vail Subdivision Regulations shall apply to the 19 acconnodation units and dwelling unit No. 5 on the second floor and dwelling unit No. 7 on the Third Floor drawn by Snowdon and Hopkins and dated a June 2, L989. The restricted units represent a total GRFA of 8,L94 square feet. Section 8. Additional Anenities and Conditions of Approval for Special Development District No. 19 A. The applicant must submit a revised employee housing agreement which includes the same conditions in the employee housing agreement between the Town of Vail and the property owner dated Novenber 25, l-987. The owner shall- subnit a revised employee housing agreement with a floor plan that clearly indicateds the location, tlpe of unit, and square footage for each ernployee \ housing unit. Ci= intormtion by the owner and Town of Vail for the project. must be rntaa"u and approved B. before a building pernit is issued The applicant shall subrnit a written statement agreeing to restrict per the subdivision rental restriction, section L7.26.075, the two dwelling units as indicated on the PEc plans as well as the short term rental restriction on the 19 accornrnodation units. This written agreement shall be submitted and approved by staff before a building pernit is issued for the project. If the lodge is condominiumized, the acconnodation unit shall neet the subdivision regulation restrictions in Section L7.26.O75. The owner shall construct a sidewalk and bus lane on the east side of their property as well as new rock planters on the west side of parcel P-2. The final desing of the sidewalk, bus lane, and planters, shall be submitted by the applicant to the Public Works Department and Corununity Development Department for approval . The sidewalk and bus lane shall be constructed subseguent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a tenporary certificate of occupancy for the project. The applicant shall subrnit a written staternent agreeing to this condition for the Town Attorney's approval before a building permit is released for the remodel. ff needed, the Garden of the Gods shaLl provide a public easement for the bus stop and sidewalk. The applicant shall subnit the easement agreement to the Town Attorney and Town Council for approval before a ternporary certificate of occupancy is released for the building. The vent on the west side of the pool shall be screened fron view to the greatest degree possible. This vork must be conpleted before a temporary certificate of occupancy is issued for the building. The applicant shall provide written, legal , docurnentation of the Garden of the God's right to use the parkinlt spaces on the east side of vail valley Drive on a parcel called P-2. The agreernent rnust include written documentation as well as an attached map to scale showing the area the P-2 parcel which is allocated to the Garden of the Gods. This agreenent must also be approved by the other rnernbers of the P-2 Condominium Association. This document rnust be suburitted and approved by the Town of Vail before the c. D. E. section e. O O restrict If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invatid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinancei and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 10. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provisions of the VaiI Municipal code as provided in this ordinance shal1 not affect any right which has accrued, any duty irnposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READTNG THIS day of L989, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the day of , 1989 at 7:30 p.n. in the Council chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, VaiI, Colorado. ordered published in full this day of , 1989. Kent Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Panela A. Brandrneyer, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED , this day of , L987. Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk / To: Planning and Environrnental Conmission FROM: . Conmunity Developnent Departnent DATE: November 9, L987 SUBJECT: A request to rezone Lot K, Block 5A, Vail Village 5thFiling, the Garden of the Gods Club from public Accornrnodation zoning to a Special Development Districtin order to remodel L6 accomnodation units and add 6dwelling units.Applicant: A.c. Hi1l, Sr. r. DESCRTPTION OF PROPOSAL The reguest is for a special developnent district toremodel the Garden of the Gods Club by: A. Adding 6 dwelling units having a total GRFA of g,gg2 square feet of which 2t629 s.f. is actually ne$r squarefootage. B. RemodeLing 1-5 existing accommodation units having atotal GRFA of 4,596 square feet. C. Expanding the common area by adding two elevators, newski storagte space (270 s.f.) and a larger entry (17Ss.f.). D. Expanding mechanical space (240 s.f.). E. Relocatinlt one restricted enployee acconmodation unitthat will be changed to a dwelling unit. The sguarefootage is decreased from 610 square feet to 2l_Osquare feet of GRFA. The applicant proposes to restrict aII of the i.6 accommodation units (4,596 square feet) as weII as onedwelling unit (1-,J-34 sguare feet) per the use restrictionsoutlined in the Subdivision Regulations L'l .26.o75 thatstipulates rrThe condorninium units created shall rernain in theshort t,erm rental market to be used as ternporary accommodations available to the general pub1ic... An ownerrs personal use of his or her unit shall berestricted to 2g days during the seasonal period ofDecenber 24 to January Ist and February lst to March2oth. rt !$ff Hoirrr,vlfnr-Q- 6.,T 5 The project will continue to be run as a lodge in order toprovide customary lodge services and facilities for guests.In the future, the owner has indicated his intention to condominiumize the project. II. REASONS FOR THE SDD REQUEST A Special Development District is being reguested as opposed to Public Accommodation zoning for the following reasons: A. The proposal does not meet the definition of a lodge.According to the zoning code Section L8 .O4.21,O Idefinition of a lodge: rrA lodge means a building or group of associated' buildings designed for occupancy primarily as thetemporary lodging place of individuals orfamilies, either in accomrnodation units ordwelling units, in whlch the Gross ResidentialFloor Area devoted to accommodation units evoted @r a single manag'ement providingthe occupants thereof customary hotel services and facilities.I' In respect to the proposed remodel, 5L? of the GRFAwill not be devoted to accommodation units. presently, S5E oI-Ttre total GRFA is devoted to accommodationunits. The proposed plan will allow for 278 of thetotal GRFA to be allocated to accommodat,ion units.Please see Chart 1. B. The proposed plan is .5 durs over the allowabledensity. 1"2.5 dwelling units are allowed. L6 a.u.rsand 2 dwelling units exist creating a total density ofL0 dwelling units. The proposal calls for l-0 accommodation units, G accommodation units which serveas lock-offs, and 8 dwelling units for a total densityof l-3 dwelling units. (Please note: 2 accommodationunits = I dwelling unit. ) C. The proposed comnon area (4 t36O square feet) is overthe aLlowable common area of 3,5L9 square feet. The p.rojectrs existing cornrnon area (3,575 s.f.) exceeds the allowable by 56.s.f. However, theproposed remodel will remain within the allowabLe GRFAeven with the excess conmon area added to the GRFA. In respect to all other zoning standards and parking, theproject meets the requirements of the public Accommodation zone district. Please see the attached zoning statisticsat the end of the nemo for more specific square footagebreakdowns. Please see Charts 2 and 3. III. EVALUATTON OF THE PROPOSAL USING SPECTAL DEVELOPMENT A.Buffer Zone The provision of a buffer zone is not applicable tothis proposal . c. D. B. Circulation Svstern The circulation system on the property will be unchanged. pregervation of natural featurgs (inclrrtlincr trees and 9rai-lgge areas), recreation, views, convenience andfunction. The property meets the Public Acconmodation zonedistrictrs landscaping reguirements. The expansion onthe east side of the building will require that sevenexisting aspen trees and one large spruce tree berelocated and planted on site. The applicant isproposing to also add a mix of 10 trees (aspen andspruce) at the entry to the lodge. The owner hasagreed that if any of the relocated trees (7 aspen and1 spruce) die, they wil-t be replaced with compaiabletrees. Yarigly.in ter_rns of : housinq tvpe, densities,racrtl_ttes and open space. Clearly, the proposal falls short of rneeting thedefinition of a lodge which would reguire that rnorethan 50? of the GRFA be devoted to accommodationunits. Even though the nurnber of aurs rernains thesame, the average size of the proposed aurs issubstantially decreased. Existing rooms (aurs) rangein size from 328 s.f. to 672 s.f. New aurs have roornsizes of 222 to 355 s.f. Recently, the staff and pEC reviewed the Ramshornproject which also did not meet the strict definitionof a lodge. fn analyzing this type of request, thestaff has taken the position that maintaining rentalrestricted units for the bed base is a positive onefor the.connunity. The intent of the rLquirement thata rnajority of the projectrs square footaje be devotedto acconmodation units is to mainLain the purpose of the Public Acconnodation District as a rsite forlodges and residential accommodations for visitors.rl(Section L8.22. 1-l-O purpose section of public Accomrnodation district. ) Due to the fact that SpecialDevelopnent District zoning is requested, there issome flexibifity in how the intent of the public Accommodation zone district may be naintained withoutmeeting the precise reguirement of having a majorityof sguare footage devoted to accommodation units. If the project is viewed in terms of available,rentable units, or rrkeysr,r i.e. aurs or durs that areavailable for rent, the project has 24 units or rkeysr availabte for guests. This nurnber of ,tkeysrr is basedon the fact that l_6 acconmodation units and 8 dwellingunits are available as potential rental units forguests. Of the 24 rentable units, L7 are proposed tohave the use restriction per the subdivision - regulations in Section 17.26.075. In other words, 7AZ of rentable units or keys willhave the rental restriction. It is staffrs opinionthat the number of keys avaiLable for guests is alsoimportant in rnaintaining the intent of the pA zonedistrict fbr lodging. This is not to say that havinga majority of the GRFA devoted to auts il also not aninportant criteria for insuring the short term use ofa property. However, it should be pointed out that technically theo$/ner could reduce the number of accommodation unitswithin the project and increase the GRFA of each ofthese units. This approach would technically meet thedefinition of a lodge but would rnean that the numberof rentable units available to guests is decreased. Staff believes the proposal is positive in that theaurs are upgraded and will be naintained as aurs withthe rental restriction. In addition, the applicanthas agreed to restrict one dwelling unit with ttrerental use restriction which is not required under thelodge conversion regulations. (please note that whena lodge is condominiunized, the rental restrictiononly applies to aurs.) In.respect to the additional density of .5 units,which is not allowed by the pA zoning, it is thestaffrs opinion that the proposal does not present anysignificant negative inpacts in the area of nass andbulk. The proposed remodel will also have a total GRFA that is within the allowable under the pA zonedistrict. The owner has also agreed to rental use restrictionsfor I du due to the density request. This conplieswith the intent of the vail Village plan even thoughno specific recomrnendation is called out for thissite. Goal 2, Objective 3 of the Vail Village plan reads: To increase the number of residential units L.' throughout the village area available for short- term overnight accommodations. The development of accommodation units arestrongly encouraged. Any residential units thatare developed above existing density levels sha11be designed or managed in a manner that makes thern available for short-term rental . (Please note the VaiL Village Plan is not officially approved. ) The applicant has also agreed to change an existing ernployee restricted accornmodation unit to an employeerestricted dwelling unit. staffrs opinion is that adwelling unit will be rnuch more beneficial as employee housing as opposed to an acconmodation unit. E. Privacy in terms of the needs of individuals, familiesand neiqhbors. The staff sees no negative impacts upon thiscriteria. Pedestrian traffic in terms of safety, separation, ctiveness. The staff sees no negative impacts upon thiscriteria. G. B\rildinq type i{r terrns of appronriateness to densitv,site relationship and bulk. The project meets all of the setback, site coverag'e, and height requirements per the Pub1ic Accomrnodation zone district. Staff feels that there are no negative impact,s on mass and bulk. F. gpagi{rq. material@toraqe, siqns,Iiqhting, and solar blockage. Staffrs opinion is that the exterior of the Garden ofthe Gods Club wilt be inproved greatly by thisproposal . H. rv. W+th regard to solar blockage, the applicant is weIIwithin the height lirnits foi the pa zone districtwhich are 45 feet for a flat roof and 48 feet for asl-oping roof. The existing building is 42 feet high.The proposed additional space is located on the eaitelevation and is 34 feet high. The proposal alsoincludes additional landscaping whici wiff be animprovement to the property. ZONING CONSTDERATTONS REI.,ATTVE TO THIS PROPOSAL A.Uses B. The property will not meet the strict definition of alodge upon completion of the remodel. However, ririth7oZ of the keys or rentable units being rentalrestricted and available for tourist u-e, the intentof the Public Accommodation zone district as a sitefor residential accommodations for guests ismaintained. The proposal is also positive in that one ernployeerestricted au is changed to a more useable au. -ttre addit,ional conmon arei also provides square footageyhlch improves the functioning of the p-roject as ilodge. Density The proposal does have a total density of j.3 dwellingunits which is .5 du's over the allowible density of 13.? ag'r. As previously stated, staff's opinion isthat the additional bulk and mass of the building isacceptable and aII other zoning standards,particularly the public Accommodation GRFA require-ment have been met. The staff and pEC have alsoreviewed sinilar requests like the Christiania andRamshorn where proposed additional density had tocomply with the rental use restrictions. Setbacks The proposed remodel will not encroach into anysetbacks further than the existing building. D. Height The height proposed in the addition is a maximum of +34 feet, whereas, the maximum allowed is 49 feet. E. Site Coveraqe The site coverage is within the allowable. Allowed:9,677 sguare feet. Existing: 6,363 square feet.Proposed 6,83L square feet. c. F. Landscaping The proposal does reguire the relocation of 7 existinqaspen and I spruce. The applicant is proposing to addadditional landscaping and ieplant the- exlsting treesthat rnust be relocated for the addition. c. Parkinq Parking requirements are met for the proposal . Theproposal requires 22 spaces and 28 space- areproposed. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recornmends approvar of the proposal . Basicarry,our position is very similar to our rlcomrned.ation on the fanglr95n project. As stated previously, ralthough theinabirity of the end product to rneet tie strict defintionof a lodge is not what we would ideally like to see, wefeel that the property wilJ. continue to function as a lodcreand meet the intent of providing high guality touristaccommodations in the pA zone district.r, The staffbelieves that it is critical that the property rernain as afunctioning lodge and that the L6 aurs and 1 du be madeavailable to the tourist bed base as per the ownersr userestrictions outlined in the subdivision regulations. staff approval . is contingent upon the applicant meet,ing thefollowing conditions: 2=<\ \f ,_/./The applicant shall provide written, tega1,-<-/ documentation of the Garden of the codsi right to usethe parking spaces on the east side of Vail VallevDrive on a parcel called p-2. lhe applicant hassubrnitted documentation of the Garden-of the Godsrparticipation as a member of the p-2 condominiumAssociation. Hohrever, staff nust have writtendocumentation as well as an attached map to scaleshowing the area of the p-2 parcel which is arlocatedto the Garden of the Gods. This agreement must alsobe approved by the other mernbers of the p_2 Condominium Association. This document must besubnitted and approved by the staff before the projectproceeds to second reading of the ordinance. The applicant must subrnit a revised ernployee housingagreement with a floor pran that creariy indicates thelocation, type of unit, and square footige of theemployee housing units. This infornatioi must besubrnitted and approved by the owner and Town of VaiIbefore second reading of the ordinance. ( .I o The applicant shall subnit a written statementagreeing to restrict per ttre Subdivision RentalRestriction, Section 12.26.O75, 6 lock-offaccornmodation units, 10 free-standing acconnodationunits and 1 dwelling unit as indicated on the pECplans. This written agreernent shall be submitted andapproved by staff before the decond reading of the SDDordinance. AUr s DUrs RESTRTCTED EMPIOYEE UNITS TOTAL GRFA-tE-llowed GRFA = L'| t594 sf) TOTAL DENSTTY GIIoweA- rz. sl COMMON I.,OBBY/ LOUNGE 8 OF TOTAL GRFA IN AUIS 8 OF TOTAL GRFA IN DUIS * OF TOTAL GRFA RENTAL RESTRICTED TOTAL KEYS 8 OF KEYS RESTRICTED CHART N" EXTSTING l-6 auf s 7 ,742 st 2 duts 61745 sf 1 au 6l_0 sfI du 5l-5 sf L4,543 sf (3,05L underallowed GRFA) L0 durs(2.5 under allowable) s3z 472 PROPOSED l-O aurs +_ i__eul_log\:o_t€s l-6 auts = 4596 8 durs = l-2,141- sf I du 215 sfI du 515 sf lL,lJ+1#fr sf (16 under al-lowed GRFA) l-3 dursunits over allowable) 4360 (.s L8 272 732 L6 AUIs, 459Gr. DU 1L34: 5730 sf-6T- 24 j loto Lr "ro Ff5d 'v342 l':.- :' ' -) (-d-J '7oz ar L7 keys 6'i l,tt 1. Restricted employeecalculations. 2. Keys are defined as units are not included in Density or GRFA rentable units, both durs and auls Zoninq Statistics:Public Accommodation ZoneSite Area: .5049 acres or ALLOWED t7,594 sf L2.5 durs 3r519 sf 45r flat 48 t slope 9 t677 sf 5,278 sf 20 ft CHART 2 District 2L,993 sf applied, EXISTTNG l.4,487 sf + 56 common L4,543 sf PROPOSED 16,'737 sf+ 841 co 1,7 ,57 8 sf l-0 aurs 6 au lock-off8du =8du13 totat du's 4r360 sf 42t - proposed area of expansionis approxirnately 341 6,83L sf Same asExistin 27 required 28 proposed GRFA (.80) DENSITY(25 durs/acre) coMMoN (.20) HEIGHT SITE COVERAGE (.55) LANDSCAPING (.3O) SETBACKS PARKTNG SPACES (Standard parking requirementsno parking required for 1lock-off per new du.) aurs dur s total durs 3,575 sf 42r slope 5,353 sf OK East 20l West .2r (19.8 encroachment) North 1.4r (l-9.6 encroachrnent) South 9r (11 I encroachment) 22 required 28 existing L6 2 L0 OK 10 CHART 3 EXISTING FLOORS l_sT 2ND 3RD 4TH EMPLOYEE HOUSING RESTRICTEDUNITS COMM.#AUlGRFA Lau 2O4 sf 7au 3r260 sf 8au 4,278 sf o #pulGRrA ldu 2,350 sf o l- du 4r395 sf TOTAL GRFA 2,554 sf 3,260 sf 4 t278 4r395 sf ldu 5l-5 sf l- au 6LO sf 2013 222+ bar 722 2735 sf 420 sf 42O sf TOTAL l-6 au '7 1742 sf 2du 6,?45 sf L4 t487 sf L,L25 sf 3,575 sf PROPOSED: FLOOR LsT 2ND 3RD AUlGRFA o 8au 2298 sf 8au 2298 DU,/GRFA ldu 2350 3du 2698 sf 3du 2698 Ldu 4395 TOTAL I du 210 24SB2350 1 du 570 + bar't22 3feo sf 4996 590 4996 590 EMPLOYEE RESTRICTEDUNITS COMM. MECH 44L 4TH 11 L6,737 4360 4418du L2,L4L 4395 SNOWDON AND HOPKIN "r '. ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476-2201 illetnaqD Date kFabruan,t Iqffi subject Aldat *+L%@s $zu,aful f, v ? cuM. .+l,w t"uid d,rud.qsW M" U/rlO ^tLot/X/,v.4 tflr? ' zaauev rd dBM lh,re.A.v - , e(J (r4&a.rf c.\-+ 1/v-? e --/. -+ Pfo,nfa ^ a?trh n"[" 4 U f1ru 2tr5 fuL Onc[^ar'w /0a.720 Q44'zEh fu^o^ fr1" Dlt &rA t2l'7,b + flaD 6A 67ttllnw hr-,t/s abwhratw-Pl' U// tw 4 tila Afl,w qo Nr( */,ut tnnfw^ "sfalT WhlDrt 4 t/l,ou, i4h7 GRFA (.80) DENSITY (25 durs/acre) cor{!,roN (.20) HEIGHT Zoninq Statistics:ffiion zone DistrictSite Area: .5049 acres or 2L,993 sf ALLOWEDI7l ssZ-sf 12.5 du.s 3,5J.9 sf 45r flat 48 | Elope CHART 2 applied, srTE COVERAGE (.55) 9,677 sf LANDSCAPING (.30) 5,278 sf SETBACKS 20 ft PARKING SPACES (Standard parking requirementsno parking required for IIock-off per new du.) East 2O I West .2f (L9.9 encroachment)North 1.4r (19.6 encroachment)South 9! (11 | encroachnent) EXISTING L4 1487 sf+ 56 comnonIaFas-.r- 16 aurs2 durs 1.0 total du,s 3r575 sf 42 r slope 6r363 sf OK 22 required 28 existing PROPOSED :'r.151 st+ 841 co ry--= 10 aurs 6 au lock-off8du =8du13 total du's 41 360 sf 421 - proposed area of expansionis approxinately 34. 6r831 sf OK Same ASExistin 27 required 28 proposed 10 Planning lttt and Environrnental Cornrnission November 9, L9a7 STAFF PRESENT Peter PattenKristan Pritz Rick Pylman Betsy Rosolack PRESENT Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pam HopkinsSid SchultzJin Viele ABSENTJ.lllollins Peggy osterfoss l_. The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Jirn Viele. The rninutes of the meeting of LO/26/e7 were approved. Pam Hopkins stepped down from the table for this item. Kristan Pritz showed plans and described the changes and the reasons for the changes. She showed a list of room sizes inother lodges as well. Kristan reviewed the criteria using SDDcriteria of buffer zor:.e I circulation system, functional open space, etc. She then reviewed zoning considerations and statedthat the staff recommended approval with 3 conditions. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, stated that theproposal was the end result of negotiations with the staff. He discussed the changes. He felt the conditions reguested wereacceptable. However, Peterson said there was no one set of documents concerning the P2 parking that stated which spaces were for the Garden of the Gods. He offered to use minuteswith attached surveys and have all participating people sign them. Sid felt this was a good proposal . Diana asked wtry smaller rooms were being built, when other proposals were asking forlarger rooms. Jay answered that the overall units were 1arge,the snall bedrooms were dictated by structural paraneters. Diana supported the proposal but felt it was a dangerous trend because it was easy for the owners to pu11 the rental units offthe rental market. Jin Viele supported the proposal because ofthe upgrading of the building. He felt that sometimes the PEc support of upgradj.ng of lodges could be better. Sid moved and Bryan seconded to recomrnend to Town Council the approval of the request of the zone change with the following three conditions: district O 1.The applicant shall provide written, Iega1, docunentation of the Garden of the Gods' right to usethe parking spaces on the east side of Vail ValleyDrive on a parcel ca]Ied P-2. The applicant hassubnitted documentation of the Garden of the Godsrparticipation as a member of the P-2 CondorniniunAssociation. However, staff must have written documentation as well as an attached rnap to scale showing the area of the P-2 parcel which is allocatedto the Garden of the Gods. This agreement must also be approved by the other members of the P-2 Condominium Association. This document must be submitted and approved by the staff before theproject proceeds to second reading of the ordinance. The applicant must submit a revised employee housing agreement with a floor plan that clearly indicatesthe location, type of unit, and square footage of the ernployee housing units. This infonnation must besubmitted and approved by the owner and Town of VaiIbefore second reading of the ordinance. The applicant shaIl submit a written statement agreeing to restrict per the Subdivision RentalRestriction, Section L7.26.O75, 6 lock-off accommodation units, 1O free-standing acconmodationunits and L dwelling unit as indicated on the PEcpJ-ans. This written agreement shal1 be submitted and approved by staff before the second reading of the SDD ordinance. was 4-O in favor. 2. 3. The vote 2.A request for a heicrht variance for a lex located onParcel A resubdivision of Lots l-4 nd 17 Block 7, Va IVil]aqe First FilinApplicants: Michael and Suzanne Tennenbaum Rick Pylnan stated the reguest was for a 3 foot variance. He showed the site plan. On May 6th the building permJ-t wasissued with the condition that lrbuildinq height must meetzoning requirements.I Rick explained the ensuing events thatled to this request as well as the staff position on tlreapplicantrs argument. He stated that the staff recornmendeddenial . Kurt segerberg, architect on the project, disagreed with Rick and explained that he fett that if he had found sonething wrongwith the site after the fact, it should be investigated. He added that he could not say the grade was not changed forconstruction. Kurt asked what is meant by ttprior toconstruction.rr He felt that there would be no real advantagein cutting the roof off. He added that the masses were wellplanned. I 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce of communlty developmenl October.31, 1988 Mr. Don Hare Hare Group, Inc. 3L70 Sheik's Place colorado Springs, colorado 80904 Re: Garden of the cods Special Development District Approval Dear Don: On December LO. L987, ttre Special Development District ordinance concerning the Garden of the Gods Club was officially approved. I have enclosed a copy of Ordinance 40, Series of L987, for your information. You also asked me lthen the special development district approval for the Garden of the Gods Club would expire. As you are aware, a Colorado State statute l,ras recently passed concerning vested rights. I discussed your question with our Town attoiney, Mr. Larry Eskwith. He said that if ordinance 4O became official before the state statute was in effect, then your ordinance is approved for 18 months from the date of the SDD ordinance approval . If, however, the ordinance was approved after the state statute became effective, then the SDD approvat would be in effect for three years from the date of official approval by the Town of Vail. What you wiII need to do is find out the date that the Colorado State Statute concerning vested rights becane effective in order to fully answer your question. If you have any further questions about the Garden of the Gods Special Development District, please feel free to call me. You nay reach me at 476-7000, ext 103. I would also like to add that I appreciate your patience, as I knott this letter has taken a little longer than I had int'ehded. Sincerely, t) I n rl/'t v,l [t66n {frBKristan Pritz Senior Planner KP:br Enclosure 75 south lronlage road v8il, colorado 81657 (303) 479.2138 (303) 479-2139 May 26, l-989 otfice of community development Ms. Pam Hopkins Snowdon Hopkins Architects20L Gore Creek DriveVai1, CO 8l-657 RE: Garden of the Gods pEC Subrnittal June l-2 Dear Parn: f have reviewed your surnbittal and the following infornationshould be submj-tted by June 2, 1999: 1. A written statement surnmarizing your request.2. A letter authorizing Don Hare to sign on theapplication for your owners. A letter of approval from the joint owners of the property directly acrossfrom the Garden of the Gods is also necessary.3. A stanped survey for the Garden of the cods propertyas well as the parking Iot.4. A set of existing plans for the Garden of the Gods.5. A sj-te plan for the parking lot that also showsexisting landscaping and proposed landscaping. In general, the staff believes tbat the project is a verypositive upgrade of the existing building. The staff teLls tnatthe following issues shoul.d be addressed due to the reguest forgreater density and GRFA over the public acconnodation zonedistrict: L. According to rny calculations, the project is over theallowed GRFA by 873 square feet. I would suggest that youtake out GRFA from the penthouse, partioularly on the westside of the fourth floor. We wouLd like to see decks addedalong the west elevation of the penthouse. The first floorunrestricted dwelling unit,s GRFA could be decreased by removing the expansion on the east side. These aresuggestions as to how you could decrease the arnount of GRFAover the alLowable. We would prefer to see Pan Hopkins May 26, 1989 Page 2 2. GRFA rernoved from unrestricted units as opposed toaccomrnodation units or the restrictea ar.iii"g-"nitr. fn order to avoid density as well- as parking problems youneed to create four lockloffs. These focf_5f?accomrnodation unit: 93n easily be added to the two dwellingunits to the second floor and the third tfooi-oi"tneproject. rf this change is not made, the staff will haveto count these accomrnodation units for aen"iiy-as welr_ asparking. The enployee housing units have certainly been irnprovedover the previous pioposal. However, due to your aensityand. GRFA requests, we feeL that the same amouiri-or squarefootage that presently exists in the building for employeehousing should be maiirtained with your new proposal. ftappears that r-25.square feet courd.-easiry rE-itJea to theeast enproyee unit by decreasing the siz6 of the ski roon. Please list specificalty what landscaping is being added t,othe project. we wourd itso like you Lo iddress landscapingfor.the p-arking area to tbe east of the Garden of the Gods.A sidewalk and easement for prablic access along the eastside of carden of the-coas-atjalint to vair varley Driveshourd be incorporared inro y6ui-i;";;";;J-pili]=, T!3_:!l-fl and planning cornmission have reguired thisrmprovement from,the Rarnshorn property. lie feel it is anappropriate requirement for th-e clrden of the c-as property91" tg your density and GRFA increases over the arlowabre.The rninirnurn width of the sidewalk should be six feet. wedo think it's very positive that the oerners ri"t-io irnprovethe bus stop and overall landscaping foi-ih"-'pr"i""t. ? 5.ft appears that additionalof the elevations. please balconies: baLconies may be added on someconsider the following South elevation: Second floor, add two bal.conies west elevation: TH'3":*lii"l33 :*:riil;'lilr. nu= Pam Hopkins May 26, 1989 Page 3 more windows and a door on this elevation. please indicate this on the drawing. The elevator tower maybe improved by adding an additional lrindow on thethird floor and a balcony on the second floor window.Please consider adding a balcony on the second floorwindow over the unrestricted dwelling unit on thefirst floor. As rnentioned before, !/a would also liketo see some balconies added on the fourth floorpenthouse. North elevation: Please consider a balcony on thesecond floor trestern unit. I hope you will be able to decrease the GRFA as much aspossible. The staff is trying to balance the density and GRFAincreases with the overall upgrade of the project, nunber ofrestricted units, and benefits of employee housing. Thank youfor considering our comments. If you have further questionlplease feel free to contact ne at 479-2L3A. Sincerely,.tntl I tl,t4(c,clzr,- V'r#,llll)lL(r \ tlltl-'Kristan Pritz' Senior Planner cc: Donald Hare t gT Ei$ E}*N ;15 F: F$gts*t+ srR lu $eF {rli--1. a, 6,:tg F v1 n; - *,s -r €r d=H\ > g a Og (f h ('6 F \,1,s :J€*s s /rx 5\;AV-{hJ:I =g8a Era\ 5EE AQ 5{ !h- Di I -:- -- ar- \^ 3 *s qa\o c € -\13i{4+ *+ ^* *€{l + ft | \es l= I qa 3rt, aa ad o.F n 3E c \s Is €1<1 $.\s o\s$ -o .lqi G. \J --/)zr, OJtu6 F r{ 4+b k- 5. -J* F &\*.AJ,J lsnl'" 3lry q $l$il{l sg I rf t Iblr'Fntl , iP'lE , IlSsl it F;l rk i-"J_: jl*{il>1rln:ilu, lloll*.tE i Il*e lir Ilrt-it-.; , I€la i l Ia\ l.rc --t i I ri3 l€ai :> il..o-r rc{ il-iril'11 o eg As b -x\:'{] c6 !") \0 Rf- Itr. I $-$l $.- $j ,o6i\I >\.s .* ** + \ t=/-a+ql -E+a ./a -* *s-gI.PtSJsvi{b s Ies:{* € r/gdr, €rj rrc, 'q' 46\ C : 2 "€if io a g €ctJ sq i I Il{i< I I t i ;a\lf fi- t, -!e1\t<-!'< ii lr 'l !il:,tl{. cxs li .^ i _sts. i :il $: I E= iHiF $ -X i s i:g&EA *€ s# aa!"1 3 a>t flg R r., \-- >.i R€ \\o \,\)tVX- J65\QU' Olic Nevlq"tJ ]r 3 \/81 G;ffi@{- PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Comrnission of the Town of VaiL will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section L8.66.060 of the rnunicipal code of the Town of Vail on July 24, 1989 at 3:oo PM in the Town of VaiI Municipal Buil-ding. Consideration of: 1. A reguest for side and front setback variances in order to construct a garage and decks on Lot 4, Block E, Vait das Schone First Filing. Applicant: -Judith Nichols A request to amend the development plan for the Talon at 1881- Lionsridge Loop' Lot 1-, Blk 3, Lionsridge #3, and Lot 27, BLP- 2, Lionsridge Subdivision #3 Applicant: Parkwood Realty Company A request for a density variance, height variance, exterior alteration and parking variance and Special Development District zoning for the Enzian Lodge at 7O5 West Lionshead Circle, Lot L, Block 2, VaiI Lionshead Third Filing. Applicant: Enzian Lodge A request for an exterior alteration and a conditional use permit in order to enclose a deck in CCII at the Chart House Restaurant. Applicant: Chart House Restaurant A request for an exterior alteration at the Lionshead center Building for modifications to an existingt condominium. Applicant: Iker Belansteguigoitia A request for a height variance and an exterior alteration in order to construct an addition to the core creek Plaza Building at L93 Gore creek Drive. Applicant: RodneY and Beth Slifer 3. 5. 4. 6. 141a,\tr9- {o 'PJ 'Ovr/We$ T,Arequestforanexterioralterationincommercial corellforSiglu--aglassdomestructurelocatedin the Lionshead Mall. Applicant: Vail Associates 8. A reguest to amend Special Development District No' L9, Garden of the Gods. Appticant: Mrs. A. G. Hill Ttre applications and infonnation about the proposals are available for public inspection, in the zoning adninistrator's office during office hours. TOITIN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail Trail on July 7, L989. \ o \i .Y,r|ow#h [*t0',yon\t*Ad "^ mA r'6 t$ r* p^ ('r^XU L$^* 4 \ '1 ' L1'a r,fo,.oJ[ u'*,L) \ wlncvr c )d bu ( ,t'{r l0^o *+@'tr \ ru.J ooa^^o* pa,g.tlUU[ q* {\o^ilq U 7 ?t 1 u il lI h^ 0r^ 75 south |rontrgo road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 47S'2138 (303) 479-2139 May 26, l-989 olllce ol communlty dgvelgPmonl Ms. Pam Hopkins Snolrdon Hopkins Architects 201 Gore Creek DriveVail, CO 81657 RE: Garden of the cods PEC Subnittal June 12 Dear Pam: f have reviewed your sunbittal and the following informationshould be subrnitted by June 2, 19893 A written statement sunmarizing your request. A letter authorizing Don Hare to sign on theapplication for your owners. A tetter of approvalfron the joint owners of the property directly acrossfrom the Garden of the Gods is also necessary. A stanped sgrvey for the Gardpn of.the Gods property as weri as lttre larking tot)dilnah)?A set of ex-i.sting plans f6r the Garden of the Gods.A site plan for tnl parfing lot that also showsexisting landscaping and proposed landscaping. In general , the staff believes that the project is a verypositive upgrade of the existing building. The staff feels thatthe followJ.ng issues should be addressed due to the reguest forgreater density and GRFA over the public acconuoodation zonedistrict: According to rny calculations, the project ls over theallowed GRFA by 873 square feet. I wouLd suggest that youtake out GRFA fron the penthouse, partierlarly on the westside of the fourth floor. We would like to see decks added along the west elevation of the penthouse. The first floorunrestricted dwelling unit,s GRFA could be decreased by removing the expansion on the east side. These aresuggestions as to how you could decrease the amount of GRFA t 1.'. 2. Sdh. rtr,f u1l. ,/4. 5. l_. ()' 5 "l 1 b It L' )3 D"l,t, A.lt-44SrJ'\',, | . over the allowable. We would prefer to see *s9.P[T'dr'hn Time WHILE WEffi UT M From Phone No. Area Cod€ExLnda,r YOU TELEPHONED utc$ar PTEASE CAU \AANII K' SEE YOU wtLt otu lo\tN r'c AiE 1(' seE lou RETURNED YOUT CAtl Mcsroge WHILE YO WERF OUT) W'tl REIURNED YOUR CAII. JIEfCom rl,ll ]IEtCant aa Parn Hopkins May 26, 1989 Page 2 3. GRFA renoved fron unrestri.cted units as opposed toaccornmodation units or the restrictea aweiiing-rrnrtr. In order to avoid density as well as parking problens youneed to create four lock-offs. These focf_5f-faccommodation unit: g?n easily be ad.ded to the two dwellingunits to the second froor and'the third rtooi-oi'tneproject. rf this change is not made, ttre stari will haveto count these accommodation units f6r aensity-as werl asparking. The ernployee housing units have certainty been inprovedover the previous proposal . However, du6 to your-densityand. GRFA reguests, we feer that the sane anoui,i-"r rgr.r3footage that-presently exlsts in the uurraing--ioi emptoyeehousing should be rnaintained with your new proposal . Itappears that l2s.square feet courd-easiry u! abaea to theeast ernpJ-oyee unit by decreasing the sizi of itre-sri ,oor. PLease rist specificarly-what_landscaping is being added tothe proJect. we would llso like you Lo iddress finascalfngfor,the p-arking area to the east or tne Garden oi tne Gods.A arqewalK anct easement for public access along the eastside of Garden of the_egari airii--nt to vair. vairJy Drlveshould be incorporated into y6ur lanascaf--pii"l-' T!: :iaff and planning conrnission have required thisrnprovenent fron the Ramshorn property. We feel it is an lptr:lti?te requirement for th-e elrden of the Gods property 99e tg your density and GRFA increases over the altowalte.-The rninirnum width ot tne sidewark shourd be six feet,. wedo think it's very positive that the onners wunt-io-irpio.r"the bus stop and overall landscapi"g i"i-[h"-'pr"i""t. ,?B[ E ft appears that additionalof the elevations. please balconies: balconies may be added on soneconsider the following South elevation: Second floor, add two balconies west erevation: il*'3":133li"i33 :*:ril#"lIr. n., Parn Hopkins May 26, 1989 Page 3 more windovs and a door on this elevation. please indlcate this on the drawing. The elevator tower maybe lmproved by adding an additional window on thethird floor and a balcony on the second floor window.Please consider adding a balcony on the second fLoor windor.r over the unrestricted dw-Iling unit on thefirst floor. As rnentloned before, we would also lLketo see some balconi.es added on the fourth floorpenthouse. North elevation: Please consider a balcony on thesecond floor western unit. f hope you will be able to decrease the GRFA as nuch aspossible. The staff is trying to balance the density and GRFAincreases with the overall-uplrade of the proJect, nirnber ofrestricted units, and benefits of employee-houslng. Thank youfor considering our somments. If you have furthei questionlplease feel free to contact rne at lZg-ZtSe. Sincerely,t) I 0,ru(rrrlaq YffiKrlstan Priti'Senior Planner cc: Donald Hare o Ola'"drny rtlg 0t ou I O un+hi^ rld't-s^f I u\y{t\'rwt nyt H}ffi^]lll;\ )@nr5$km#,$'S?n" \b,r{ b 'iff" -tg.*i;'.' I Qrw,rul &r b\ i f'\ fT i 0 q$Nit sd 4 a& pl*,nrI o '''.:' *^: l^^il,',*'*'' oh*ffifrh?b*t t 0'roffi#$-tffiA,,n{ **\ 'h-m- rue.,d \ML$t Gsuor, 5rd8 ,, + u'ir 6P?R (D,,dril,t*, ts ll A'tlr fuh-(.\)r-'8dffib iffil[*s-H[ WXh **:qffi9i:o,!$p- firdlQ- A,[l{. ]lnar" HHe-q i{o$qqL {r$ $\.qoira Dwr* =*ffi,* ^\\ m; i*# **'qbry--lFus;tk,' hi'u' "WWffi )i ] frtri##{#iwr*fftr :ni *, u o L',a <' t} oo ?eNbm AIJI @ur ffit\ nltatte d /r,t 50D t3 EY lo PEN, Brf, 4i-Lffi,rcon 3 ot*a,a4\ 6T,L#flM rm arurnd&- t'M"ftsa+ Pulnt, 0r tg |DO lLbL'tffiL ) Dl^ ttSLl P,WTDD t? aur, Lnf J O4 R\rO?rz\ ffi) \ oo cdrnfvYn- \01/ \ DqS ,9$[t*r' "i:'{ , ,, *ifl ?q -b,if,t*,S'{** / > in:\R "t J-r\\\0u.rrr\ IOSIO6nfq ann. yry. t1,69lbtln*\ hr#tu\: J^t(lM( tuL# Wfn rJab^-*t +, "dn f' rWln fwao'epu ),#,Mrtn1 ,ry Nr,tY* A!^*, r,r,t+- r).I,,'13, i,t;s; @Lt3[ * cofNrw\ Arrz.o-- rilO cprv ,9$t d^l to"'*oa ilom.'\' @ oc\q ro\i&S \U o"ns t \0.\t -r$ pa4uirq \o No\'i.j px'f,,c}'Rhlb. t 3 d,u.l- ' \ lvh' |J,f, . rdouclL 6S oWtiua/r-OaO- U t-$4fv.4qttl) AJ\\t\A 0r(4., f L t) t i *f rur*tr sj?o n( 6L(\ Mu&ilb A,L\ ' L nN ?$Pnl{ 3I?o o\d'-yq- 3-T,, $'u) t\*ul:'ffffL *oa,3Jr oi{- Al-a'tP tf bt. \6ar, +l DIL fiU-wxay,- o \D&s({aD8 aq 3ot \o&"({ bd-.y R-t oQ!ruQJ Jnil (lM, 3d Fkxr. Io o All--lol N\L ln'- gFr Lt10flrna "8.b 336 ISh ${n* II,t ,916 , )3As f,5 wst Dlr- + dqla DrL S + \DC-L-oS e6 Ak, eo? Eev3tt fl'3 tj"toa ,+f ? n?? 7r+ Ntr- toU A'tJ- eLS NJ- ED'"I At t- aD3 , ]13 , ?stl ,+Dg .78t 313 35r{ 308 36t oo t.f flur til AIr ?D}13D . +3o rvll '{o$ U$t t Utr- Io,I-ffn.U. 3l+ -i, 3,t3 3sY JDB JIU JDI JAD , +l+ , )l] .l-'v , +otr , ?lo ,v6l . &?D o o tDU n,fif M'w*,q ft,rll-.Flwfv Jrya@' a,r r DrL lea{lAulD.t{g- 1rc3. 3t+#r oo ilil . il it j''"'*' i .J,, I i I i li tl 4 ! oo \ -t'f: lq{ -- Lfr frv5 ,P'1 oI ALL Dl^_ J,lt)^I ?T)I 0r1 ffi raac Lv46 tt, ?1& C CHART 1 EXISTING l-6 auts 7,742 sf PROPOSED 10 aurs + I dur DUrs RESTRICTED EMPLOYEE UNITS TOTAL 2 dufs 61745 sf 1 au 610 sfr aq_*li, L4,543 sf (3,051 under allowed GRFA) L0 durs (2.5 under allowable) I du 215 sr I dlr 515rsf., L7,578 sf (16-tftder allowed GRfA) 13 durs ( .5 units over allot'rable) GRFA-(Ellowed GRFA = L7 ,594 sf ) TSTt#H#=, COMMON LOBBY,/ LOUNGEM4 Z OF TOTAL GRFE-tll-EE's Z OF TOTAL GRFA IN DU'S Z OF TOTAL cnFe nelnar, RESTRIMED TOTAL KEYS ? OF KEYS RESTRICTED l-. Restricted emPloYee calculations. 2. KeYs are defined as s3z 472 0 units are not included in rentabte units, both du's 4JOU 272 732 DensitY or GRFA and aurs 16 AUrs, 4596 t Du 1L34 - 5730 sf or 34? 4+ '.'(.. . L8 7OZ or L7 keYs rq-'' 6 au,/1ock-{19ile au's = 4596 s = 12, 141- sf ti ,a ALLOWED L7,594 sf L2.5 durs CHART 2 Zoninq Statistics: FuEIG-EEEoffioaeEion zone District Site Area: .5049 acres or 2L,993 sf GRFA (.80) DENSITY(25 durs/acre) EXISTING L4,487 sf+ 55 common 14 r 543 sf 16 aurs 2 durs PROPOSED L6,'73'7 sf + 841 co L7,578 sf 10 aurs 6 au lock-off cOMMoN (.20) 3,5L9 sf HEIGHT 45r flat 48 r sloPe SITE CoVERAGE (.55) 9'677 sf T,ANDSCAPTNG ( .30) 5,278 sf 8du =8du L0 total durs l'3 total durs 3r575 sf 42 t sloPe 4r360 sf 6,363 sf 421 - ProPosedarea of exPansion is approximatelY 341 6,831 sf OK OK SETBACKS 20 ft East 20' ' Same West .2r (19.8 encroachment) as Uorth 1.ai (l-9.6 encroachment) Existinl South 91 (1Ir encroachment) U PARKING 22 required 27 required sPAcEs 28 existing 28 Proposed (Stand.ard parking reguirements applied,'no parking required for I lock-off Per new du. ) 10 oo (,?jil. sDD ngq GntnDlJ,I,I 0ansrq, @\'r,4tl \ +aQ(-or) -/ \s $. u_ t6nrrDi\), Rolt $[, 5)-IE (Sf. : t*ruffic i]trgL hol-rIo6 (q A.u t"&# Lb DL l;T$dq qPl?3ri1 bqqb Dz- oY_ .,-"W 4* rmfq€i "C) t6rtt+es ffnp t,,turR' "r'd,:'lx,;,11' t&l ou, tg [&fuq Ar4 Au-+, r#.&o.p'n]o-0u- Natn' d 0 WS'l'*l Hoor'*' Dk+"7,.d fu. oo b+d,$ N,\,lt oo acannod rromf N\bNeJ e ft,fll tq6q,@ rl{e-@ l, Dtt* +1.+t lJ.t (ovnrrn.O"rO: I D) 6'tt /tfl rl- q ial.Jr, *{t A? t a!tuNdI illA ffis{t1 N'tdI o@rurl.r ba- bdurcnhl,wwh J/h M {n -/..s)wtt {w t o fl,k,, AL"Wroud. Q:F TELECCP:ER CCVES SSEET Ci}VER SHESE: 6 3 2-6 970 F'-t.? Dnrtt ,7ipA; /o, /qB ? .trna: 7:.7 : H44/. . .., NUI4BER, CF FAGES TVE"I]NI}]G FAX NUIIBER HEsSAGE: 't|F..arz;e^/ (rtegrta)+trr rf)z.e'rt-rE- (frt z- tElzz: .ar 7/?- b.r-r- 4a'3 { ,tF -;7at/l .4auz; r*t-')'t "t.Illi I lAlilt (:;lt()u' .Tune 5, 1989 Donald C' Here- Owtlr,:c t s Agc-nt ^' (:.:L-]l,i)!.1/\l )O SnnlNf;q. l.'fll ()HAf)C) ,ia)iJ'i ' (-lil j) 514'(l')lj lls. Krlst:rn Prltz Scnlor PlStrtrer Towtr of Vall 75 Soutli Frontage l{oird Vo.i1, Col.oredo 81f-r57 Dear Ms. Prltu i I.n tlte tvo years Bince l'hc Gtrltlrjtr r'f tlrc Gods recclvc:d it zcrlltng chnni-,c fr(,rn Ptrhllc Aecnjnrrrrrdation to an SDl), tlle o911et-c h;rve tp-.-e'valu:i t + -i Elre exlstlrrg buliain! Rnd ttre aPPro\red plan' The 1987 plan r+as de'fln':3 by exinttllg str'cturil "ua p1.r*iling w.t1l s, exlst;ng wln<lovsr ar-'d 4 atel:: w.:rf.1s. Tlrc ,:,a{iq.a',, arc- .,o* propae:lrrg rr rh^r.'e c'f f {n{ent Snd lrlxuflOlls plall irllirorlt those constr*l,lt*. 'Tht bedrooms (accorffdoda tion-un J te) are nou' lotg.t wlgh -.,.* cluseE spate, wtn<L:wc and ba'lcon{ea' Tlte inter:lol is urgl.r."e<1 nrorc cfflcfenrfy, the penthotrso ls enhanced and the exte'l('r is [lenetal]y rerao rx e-J -""a' "p gt"ala ' Tl're ltrndscapc plcn h*e a'l e t-' beert Ieworked flnd uPgraded. Undei Che proposetl SDDr the +tructtrr{: wlll contaJn tl're f olLowi.ng: A.) FJrsr Floor: One dvelllng unlt' Et{o acconirnoda t l('n cnlcs' two ctDployee dwe'l llng tlnits' E.) Second Floor: fr.'o dwil 11ng unltsl two lock-off a': c omnodlrl- irl un1(s; slx accotnrlodatlon ufll-ts ' C') Thlrtl Floor I Two dwelllng unlEst two lock-off acconlnrc'iat !r-rn unlf6r seven ;lccollllllndnt!-o11 unl Ls ' lJ. ) | ourlh f loclr i Ottc drvr'lllnE uirat r l.he new Fl6nS Create an lncrease of h unlc ln denstty sttd an or"tlr-irgc i-n a1l,rwarl 6RFA. To of f 6et tl'le incre'ases, the ownei ptof'caet to restr'it i al J accolnnioalat i(ln u"f [s i"a the north end dwe11ln8 unlts J ('(:aled pn t'lt':' secor.rd and thlrd f loors. The ol.'ne r f eelg sErongly that thJ s conplete rcndv'qt j'or r\tl'l I en'[t'c l.t:r.. t1e vLsual al,lesl oi tlr* aica and w111 allor,r tlie guests s t'otq: ple'lsuf s'n ' I vl6it ln VBLl . llTt !l ll: llis; nL,\(rli T.IARGARET HILL I"IARITAL TRUST SOoo Thanksqiving Tower Dal lag, Texas 752ot THE rlune ? r 198? Fls, Krigtan Pritz Senior P I anner I swn ol Vai I 75 South Frontage Road Vail ' CoIorado €}1657 Dear Fls . Fritz : The unoergrqned, The Margaret HiIl Marital Trusf' ' whcEe Trustee is ttargarE'i-r,]"*'xiir, a-relas, ir"ret, and owner of the Vajl Garrlen of the Gods Lodge, hereby- *""t-tt"tizes Dcn-aId C' H*re; 3i'* Sheiks Place, cotoraOo -spirt'gs ' e '-itt.: courrrLT r colerDd':1 no9Cr4' +rr pxecute and proeeJ;;; ii= beirarf -al1 docr'rmentg necessarv or pr.:pEr- for the filinE ";i;;;";;ii"q ot s-pltr"r Dtrsisn District u€e l:1r' ":re i., -l=t,- c+ the- Gcde I nr{rte ' VaiI ' Colorado ' Very trulY Yours t THE HARBARET HILL I-IARITAL TRUST Hargar Hunt M^Afuil,,,ttitl, Trustee f,a-- ^3.' fL$;\\ Y-? O PUBLIC HEARING our"9_-b/6?_ lVtartccJ sr2 Pl* INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEH PROJECT: DATE SUEMITTED: COFN4ENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTI0N 0F THE PROp0SAL:. FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date Reviewed by: POLICE DEPARTI'IENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date (r PUBIJIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the plannl.ng Conrnlssion of, the Town of ValI wlll hold accordance lrith Sectlon 18.56.060 of, the TowTl of ValI on June 12, 1989 at 3sOO pU Munlclpal Bulldlng. and Envl.ronmental a publlc hearing ln nunlalpal code of, the ln the Town of, VaLI Conslderation of: 1. Red Lrion Inn naJor exterLor alteratlon CCI, 304 Bridge Street, Lot H, Block 5A, Vall VlIIage Flret FiIing. Appllcant: T.E.A., Xno. A reguest for an SDD No. l.g bmendment, f,or the carden of the Gods, 365 Gore Creek'Drlve, Lot K, Block 5A, vall Vlllage Flfth Flllng. Appllcant: ![rs. A. c. Hill A request for an exterlor alteratLon for CCI and a Conditional UE€ f,or relocatlon of, exterj.or dining deck. Appllcant! Up The Creek Bar & Grill 4. A prellninary revlew of exterior alteratlons In CCI and CCIIs Gore Creek Plaza Chart House. Lodge at Vail. Siglu ln Lionshead Mall, Enzian. 2. 3. a, b. Co d. e. The appJ,ications available ln the hours for public and Lnformatlon about the proposalg arE zonl.ng admlnlstrator,B offlce during offlce Lnspection. TOI{N OF VAIIJ COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT DEPARTMENT Vail Trail on l.[ay 25, 1989. M;,,+ *, et- WWF*we-,= slzlaz - tr Published ln the ANAUN-. -t 't f4, /vle?oN ffi ftl6 aDs +/z+laz /. filltt t LoDa6 har b21 UAlb , 0o b/k;b z. 4nuenaal uDbg tubnu/lu/ur,ftux 7b u*/Lt lo t/d'b 6 - um-uettrbP 6/a bB*urg /.AD/,/as bax //M yhtL, fu hlbsb 4. u/bLA ttA L//tu+ //a 4#E/s//41)Affix %b UnU- , lD b/b5b b. kDura 4, lalrrHn*o r'4 uqtrgV D€/tU fuUvNara|, OT Cbh7a k. uA lb f4*rrz Lue3T 4a 1114Por1 ////.14&L 4t6 lupplanA b4N6 haUuDUL , Co b02oz .Y' lF'D, 1\37704C1fLE00l("-- ?^G8""'a3)'- u,itfi{li ?t'#lti AGREEIIE}17 l{rc l0 ll re ll|'88 This Agreernent dated the 25th day of Novernberr 1987 by betlreen the Town of vail, colorado (hereinafter referred to "Vail") and A.G. Hilt (hereinafter referred to as "Hi1l"). I.IITNESSETH: and as LN c.: I4HEREAS, Hill is t.he or.tner of the property described as: Lot K, Block 5A, Vail Village' Fifth Filing; County of Eagle' State of Colorado. (hereinafter referred to as the nsubject Propertyn); and I{HEREAS. on October 2l , 1982 the parties entered into an agreement whereby certain restrictions vtere placed on the subject pioperty regarding employee housing units, such agreenent being ittached hereto and marked as Exhibit "An I and I'IHERBAST the parties hereto desire to terminate such agreenent and enter into a new agreement on terns and conditions hereinafter set forth. lloll, THEREFORE for ten dollars and other good and valuable consideration the sufficiency of which is hereby acknor'r}edged, the parties agree as folfows: 1. The agreenent attached hereto and rnarked as Exhibit 'A'is hereby terninated by the parties. 2. The tvro dr.relling units designated "Restricted Enployee unitn on page two of the iet of plans entitl.ed Garden of the Gods Remodel , Vait, CoLorado, Snor'rden and Hopkins Architects, dated IO/6/87 and revised lO/30/87 and lt/5/87 (attached hereto as Exhibit "Bn) shaLl hereinafter be referred to as nthe Employee Units". Hilt or any successors in interest shall not se1lt transfer or convey the Restricted Employee Units, separately from the Subject Property. 3. The employee units shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than 30 consecut,ive days; and if it shall be rented, shatl be rented only to cenants who are full tirne employees in the Upper eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley' l{inturn, Redcliff' Gilman, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas. A full time ernployee is a person who works an average of 30 hours per week. 4. At such tirne as Hill subdivides the subject property pursuant to Chapter I7 of the Tovrn of VaiI Subdivision Regulations and places a condominiun declaration of recordr Hill. ea nay at his option place .the enployee gTit restrictions as ou'tfinea in this-agreiment in such-dellaration and at such tine ;;-t;;-;onaonrinium'Oecfaration is placed of record in the office ;i ri;; iierr "nd-"n""oia"i," offiie, county of_ Eagle, state.. of iofoiaao, ttre tovrn- oi vait shall release and terminate this Aqreenent. In aiaition, the enployee units shall be designated ;i-ah;-;;ndominium rnaP as Restricted Emproyee units' 5.Therestrictionscontainedhereinsha]lrenainineffect until o.""ru.i-i, iool unless earfier terninated by nutual consent by the Town of Vail and the property or'tner' 6.TheeffectivedateofthisAgreementshaltbeuponthe date of issuance of the temporary certificate of occupancy pu.io"nt to the plans and specilications as adopted by Ordinance iro. 4o series of 1987. T.ThisAgreementshal]beacovenantrunningwitht|9 land and shalt 'bind Hill and all subsequent owners of said proPertY. tD cft Dated the day and year f irst above r'rritten' 'IVAIL" ..|,,.. Attest: By: ' HILLi A.G. HILL srArg or d&{ffioo coulsrv or d'{*Fs The !0!&_ clay Wltness o )) ss. ) lnstrument was acknowledged before rne this ,1987of (7D STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing day of trrl 6-n or-or vailr colorador a-behalf of sald corPoration' seal. and municipal corporatfone for and on . ?litness rnY hand and official Dty conunisslon exPires on! Wotary Public ) ) ) ss. foregoing lnstrunent was of -Dece-r'on t 1987 acknowledged before by A.G. Hill. seaL me this on: 9/14/89 Fcr c0 c1 t 6vH tg tr \ AGREEMENT THrs AGREEMENT dated tn" ?l a^y ot g o-{'{'q ' Lg82, by and bet!"een the TowN OF VAIL' coLoRADo' hereinafter referred to as "Vailr' and A. G. HILL, hereinafter referred to as ,Hilr. " WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Itill is the owner of the ProPerty described as: Lot K, Block 5A, Vail Village' Fifth Filing, CountY of Eagle' State of Colorado, hereinafter referred to as the "subject Property"; and' WIiEREAS, VaiI has requested that certain restrictions regarding employee units be placed on the Subject ProPerty. Now, THEREFORE, for Ten Dollars ($10'00) and other goodandvaluableconsideration,thesufficiencyofwhichis hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: L. The accommodation unit known as Unit 20I' comprised of two bedrooms and two ffi bathrooms' for a living area of approximately 623 sguare feet' and the dwelling unit located in the southwest corner of the first floor, in the approximate size of 504 sguare feet' of the improvements located on the Subject Property (collectively referred. to as the ',Employee units"), sha1l not be. s-olil , transferred or conveyeci separately from the other improvements located on the Subject ProPerty' 2. The Employee Units shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30) consecuLive daysi and, if it sha1l be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full-time employees in the upper Eagle valley. The upper Eagle valley sha1l be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Redcliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail and CY.U\ [,(a Avon, and theil surrounding areas' A full-time employee is a person who works an average of thirty (30) hours per week' 3. The restrictions contained herein shal1 remain in effect until September I, 2OO2 unless earlier terminated by mutual consent of the Town of vail and the property owner 4. Hill, or his heirs or assigns' may move such Employee Units to other locations on the Subject Property as long as such new employee units are substantially the same type and square footage as the otd employee units' 5. This Agreement shal1 be a covenant running with the land and shall bind Hill and all subsequent owners of said proPerty. ttVai I " TOI^IN OF COLORADO 'Hill " o) c1 [|r A l\-el- A. G. HILL STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoingjnstrurnent was acknowled;ed. b.eqorq /#jitx",ffid**lJffi behalf of said corPoration. My conrnission exPires: ,za/ery'<ZrJe.,4*i". OF COLORADO )) ss. ) expires: y't-/t - O txl'ibil 9 o ''t '"1 I't I I I f L trt. :*. , J I tr- I I aft\Wr. A(it?. ' 6n1 ftuo,- k,d,,'^n{-}l'o- (r& Pen'odgl (0ru"uigho, uLz'z \ N-duad) (, N-P I 75 south frontage road rail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 22, L988 Mr. A.c. Hill 3170 Sheiks PLace Colorado Springs, Re: Lot K, Block Dear l.{r. HilI: ofllce ot communlty developmcnl Colorado 80904 5A, Vail Village 5th Filing Enclosed is a copy of the agreement concerning restrictions onthe ernployee units on the above property. We will record theoriginal- with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Sijoerely, .., 1.", L /r, 7L.(C, /A \;''c')/k-'Kristan Pritz '/ Senior Planner KP:br *] MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING DECEMEER 1, 1987 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vai'l Town Counci'l was held on Tuesday, December 1, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. jn the Ccuncjl Chambers of the Vail Municjpal Building. MEMBERS PRESENT:Kent Rose, Mayor John Slevin, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Merv Lapin Gordon Pierce Tom Steinberg Gai I Wahrl ich-Lowenthal Ron Phil1ips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk MEMBERS ABSENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The first order of business was a horse drawn carriage agreement. Larry Eskwith gave background information and discussed past contracts the Town had wjth SteveJones. Mayor Rose asked questions regarding the contract, which Stan Berryman and Steve Jones responded. Kent then stated that page 6, paragraph B, line 4 should read "Town Transit Superintendent" as shown in paragraph A. After discussion by Council, Tom Steinberg made a motion to approve the contract with the noted changes. John Slevin seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. The next item was 0rdinance No. 39, Series of 1987, second reading, regarding business license fees. Mayor Rose read the full title. Larry Eskwith noted Section numbering changes to be corrected on pages 6 and 7. Charlie Wick then revjeweddetajls of the ordinance and gave a sljde presentation showing highlights of the newplan. He then explained why he felt the ordjnance was viable. He noted two business owners' concerns who had phoned him that day. Mayor Rose requested Larry Eskwjth to review the issues he had researched in regards to this ordinance. Larry explained what was il'lega'l and what would possibly attract litigation and commented on problems assessjng a fee on a busjness which operated outside city fimits. Noel Belcher, who was on the Marketing Committee, commented why he felt the ordjnance was not fair and explained why he was'against passing it. Colleen McCarthy aired her feelings against the new p1an. Mayor Rose explained it was not to support the Vail Resort Association. David Kanally responded he was t'i red of being patient, that the VRA has been and wilI continue to be a sound organization and they will bid along with any other organization who want to bjd for the job. Dave Sjmonett suggested the Vail Associates merchant pass become a true Dass and tie it to the business license fee. Bruce Kendall, Vice Chairman of the VRA, read a letter from Joseph Staufer supporting the new fee p1an. Noel Belcher again emphasized the unfairnessof the fee. Rob Levine of the Antlers disagreed with Noel and expressed why he felt 'i t was basical'ly fair just to start and urged the Council to pass the ordinance. Mike Cacioppo commented why he did not like the fee and gave suggestions. He also requested Gordon Pierce not be ab] e to vote because he had at one time rnoved from the town, to which Larry Eskwith responded. Ken tr|ilson questioned what would be done with the money collected for marketing, what were the ideas and commented that $600,000 was too smalI amount of money to do much. He requested the Town survey all businesses and questioned that since VRA was represented on the Commjttee if they should be alIowed to bid. Mayor Rose responded that the Council members needed to meet soon to discuss goals for the next few nonths up to the next year. Charlie Crowley ajred his grievances with the new fee plan and commented how he felt it should be hand'l ed. Mike Robinson of the Marriott explained the effort that went behind the ordinance and recommended the Council get on with it. Ron Brown, ageneral contractor in town, just found out the day before that he needed a busjnessljcense. He stated he agreed the businesses should help pay for the marketing ofVail, but recommended the Council not pass the ordinance now, but to look outsidethe city limits to see who benefits from the town and seek financial support from them, too. Cathy Bondri11, who has a store in llest Vail and one in Crossroads, commented she had compared the two and opposed the new fee. Bob Doyle of The Menu in l,lest Vail stated he was against the ordinance and questioned if it was possib'l e to do this in the middle of next year, the possibilities of a discounted ski pass, and the possibility of a combination of things. Joan Shelsta commented jt was already late for marketing for 1988 and getting close to tjme for 1989. She noted the ordinance could change as we went along and get more information from more people. }.lil1 Miller of Montaneros commented that when money was spent for marketing, there usually was a return. He then suggested a toilet tax whjch would make everyone a participant. Pat 0'Brien of Ace Hardware agreed to the fee, but explained it needed a wider base than square footage. Noel Belcher again comrnented that if the Council did not feel ready to pass the ordinance, he would be willing to sta:t over, or to please send it to a public vote. Mike Robjnson of ihe Marriott suggested since the businesses were the main benefjciaries, it was time for action. Chuck Crist, who was a member of the Marketing Committee, expressed his feelings. Larry Benway stated he was against the fee. After more discussion by Mike Cacioppo, Noel Eelcher, Bob Doyle and Colleen McCarthy, a motion to pass the ordinance with a sunset clause for three years and to be reviewed in one year was made by Eric Affeldt. Gordon Pierce seconded the motjon. A vote was taken and the motion passed 4-2, with Tom Stejnberg and Merv Lapin opposing. The thjrd item wasQ13[1ipg-e-No. 40, Series of 1987, second reading, regarding a request to rezone the G=aiden ot_Ebe_-GodsJ+ub--from pLrblic accommodatjon zoning to a special development d-ittTiilThe full tjtle was read by Mayor Rose. Kristan Pritz stated a change of a date jn Sectjon 5, page 3, from September L, 2002 to December 1,2007. She noted that al 1 the required agreements were almost signed and they needed to be completed before the ordinance was approved. John Slevjn made a motion to approve the ord'i nance subject to the conditions as noted by Kristan Pritz, and Merv Lapin seconded. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimously 6-0. The next order of business was Ordinance No. 41, Series of 7987, first reading, regarding modification of fees to be charged by the Town to monitor alarm systems. Mayor Rose read the fuil title. Ken Hughey explained what the changes would be jf the ordjnance was implemented. There was no discussion by Council or the public. A motion to approve the ordinance was made by Merv Lapjn and seconded by John Slevjn. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. The fifth item was Ordjnance No. 42, Series of 1987, emergency reading, adding a provision to the Municipal Code permitting snowcats on public streets for certajn special events. The full tjtle was read by Mayor Rose. Larry Eskwith explained the ordinance was drafted under the direction of the Council and what the ordinance would allow and why. After a short discussion by Council, Tom Steinberg made a notion to approve the ordinance. Gordon Pierce seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. The next item was*nrdirancc-Ilo.-43, Serjes of 1987, first reading, requesting to rezone property located at 1785 Sunburst Drive-ftcrn-loW_density multi-family to singie family residential . Tayor Rose read the tjtle in full. Peter Patten explained what the ordinance would do. There was a short discussion by Counci1. A motion to approve the ordinance was made by Merv Lapin and seconded by Tom Steinberg. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. The seventh order of busjness was the Amphitheatre lease agreement between the Town of Vail and Vail Valley Foundation. Larry Eskwith noted what changes had been requested at the Work Session that day and that the agreement had been revised to reflect them. There was a short discussion by CounciI to include jn Section 29, page 9, after financial statement, "inciuding balance sheets, profit/1oss statenent, and endovrrnent funds earmarked,". Eric Affeldt then made a motion to approve the lease agreement as submitted with the changes reconmended by Council that even'ing. The motjon was seconded by Gordon Pierce. A vote was taken and the motjon passed unanimously 6-0. The next jtem of business was the appointment of an Electjon Comm'i ssjon. Pam Brandmeyer stated that the Charter requires an Electjon Commissjon be appointed at the first meeting in December fol'lowing a regular munjcipa1 election. She noted the term is for two years and the indjviduals would not recejve compensation. She then stated her nominees as reguiar members were Lauralee Swetish and Kathy Rossi, with Celine Krueger and Vj Brown as alternates. After a brief discussion by Councjl, Tom -2- '. 1 Steinberg made a motion to approve the appointments and John Slevjn seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. There was no Citizen Participation. Under the Town Manager's Report, Ron Phillips noted that he wanted to recognize Charlie Wick who had carried the full load on the busjness license fee plan over thelast eight months and had done a remarkable job. He then stated there would be no lJork Session on December 22 ot 29, that after the the December 15 Evening lrleeting, there would be no Council meetings until the new year. There was a brief discussion over the procedures for passing an ordinance which needed nore work done on it. There was then more discussion on business license fees and how things could have been handled differently; how perceptions were bad. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. Respectful 1y submi tted, Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town C'l erk Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman -3- AFFIDAVIT OF PAPfiING ALLOCATION The undersigned, A.G. HiLl, under oath states as folLows: 1. That he is the A.G. Hill who is a member of P-2 Association. 2. That pursuant to paragraph 2.S. (f) of the Agreement dated September L6r 1975 the attached Exhibit nAn represents theparking which was allocated to the undersigned pursuant to the terms of such paragraph. 3. That no changes in such allocation as represented by the attached Exhibit nAn have been made to date. O" b q$"Il- A.G. HILL ss. Subs.cribed and sworn to before ne this ali-quu, o,SdnaaJ^{a-, 1987 by A.c. Hill Witness my hand and official seal. My connission expires on: tyComaedooEry&l3|flLq,lgSg Publ ic ,}. Dated this J.f €ay or - | '. f . .. Ig87. STATE OF COUNTY OF Acknowledqement of A]!.ocation of Parkinq The undersigned members, being Associationr acknowledge that the represents the Allocated Parking to Corporationrs real property described 'B", pursuant to paragraph 2.S. (1) Septenber 15, 1976. Dated the day and year as set forth below. [(-z.l -97 Polar By: the sole nernbers of P'2 attached Exhibit nA' A.c. Hill within the on the attached Exhibit of the Agreement dated a General Partner lt Date ! Date:/l- ){-* ) Date. ll - )Y-{? Date: / l- ) Y-t ) Date: Date: Vail Trail.s Condoniniun ChaIet Association By: By: Vail Trails Condominium East Association f\A1\^ll- A.G. Hill Acknowledqement of Allocation of Parkinq The undersigned menbersr beingAssociation, acknowledge that therepresents the Allocated Parking to Corporationrs real property described 'Brr pursuant to paragraph 2.S. (1) September 16, 1976. Dated the day and year as set forth below. the sole members of P-2attached Exhibit nAu A. c. Hill within the-" on the attached Exhibitof the Agreement dated Polar Partnership By:a General Part.ner A.c. Hilt Diane T. Lazier Robert T. Lazier Vail Trails Chalet Condominiun Association Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: l)Date. >/ 3/'g( By: By: Vail Trails Condominiun East Associat ion \ i \l O EXH'B|?,.# I I I IrlriItIt ll 1l / rl l /l\:y ,I /-e DVU -2r/l-izeEY,--- fr- r.JEVl r'2' I I I I I -Iitror 1 Loouz I''l tt ll tltt Ilrt6llu/ l ll llxxt+ou Rlr'rc+f Roxp MEUF|EFI, EtEFtAFtN I, MEUFTE Ft tlVC E 70 W. 44 TH AVE trtEt\tvEFt, ccf L(]F|Atrtcl aoPtG| 3CI3 - r4FiF-73te I I t ^' / 4A6epf,r-: ut= tHE boDJ (lUB / Zo'"c !+ue"o rrlffi T .<f . Jh. ?o' t' /" !q! q e1 2 N. . I r,"'tt' 72 P b9 irt \.sB-. \iaor Y f{: -'nt. oF \\ \ \ \+o \sa, ,.*)--*f d' / v , t',{\ ")% i.,n / c," I<i 7K,'*ot r"-'r/ /)')''/,//t"t' ..r* ,/ S \(=. \ \.) \-\V-v\ t o,,,\ \ \b \ $\ I \\. tVr \ *'.\ a''-"4:J i' \ -2 \e--'r o \ !6.'.'-r\ ' 2.od-\ \ +\\ \\ Y-':,x; \ 4767't- :--- \iAoo I I t I I \ i.i t\ :.\ /"ro "oq* 'A rq"lt l,/Y .v/- \'r!" \\' \t N I o. \ )-- \ !- a C r t :i |Bl? ,-h,n toi p-2, vatl VtIlrge Flfth Col<J t ado I Flllng, County of Edgle and St.tle of AND A Part of r vucated portlon of llanson Rnnch Rrrad betlreen Gore CreafRoacl ind Gore Croek Orlve a8 platted ln Vall vitl.gc ntfth Flllnq,county-of Eagle, strte of colorado, lnd hore partl;ulrrit aercirU.rOrs folloes! . r ConmenqtDg 61 jolnt on the Ceoter llne of Hans)n Ranch noad. saldPotnt being tl. point bf lnterrection of the Cen. er line of !!IdH.ison Ranch Road .rnd the llortheasterly llne of Cor€ Creek Road,thence ltorth. sterly along Lhe Center ilne of aald Hanaon Banchlio'd rnd on an angle of 90.00,00, froit srid North:asLerly llne otGore C-eek Road 52.94 feet to a point ot curvei t ence aiong .ajdCenter llne and along ! curve to the left hazlng r radlus oi l6l.4tta.'t/ a cr.ntral angle of 47.21,06", an arc dlgtance o! lJJ.J9 te,tto 6 Foint of tangent i thence along sald Ccnter llne and along glld tangent a distance of 20.00 lcnt to a polDt of -ntersection wi[], Lhegouth',resterly Iine of Gore Creek Drivei thence on an angle to theleft of 90"00,00" and along sald Southnesterly llne 40.60 feet,thencc on a dDglc tc the lett of l8O.0O'00. ind alcng tl.eli.lrthl{esterly line of tlanson nanch prld and atoDg ,r crrrve t <_, theriqht h.r'inq a rodius of 20.Oo feer, a ccntral arigle cfan arc distance ot .11.42 fe^t to a point of cohpound curvei thcncealong said liorLlruesterly line and alc;rr; sald canpound curv? to rtr.'right having a radius of 14l.4t fect. r Central ingle of .t "21'06.,an arc distance of 116.87 feet to r point of tangcn!; tenc.: alongs^ld NftrthlreBterly line and along Eald tangeht f2.9{ feet to rpolnt of curvci thcnce along lrld Northeelterl!. lini ond llrro9 acurve to thr. rlght having ;r radlus of 20.00 feet, a Ccntrrl .n9l,cof 90.00.0o., .n arc dr.stance of ll.{? feet to o potnt ofLnterse.tion r'ith the Northeasterly llne of corc Creek Road; thcnceon an angle to the left of 180'00'00" and rtong sald North"rBterlyllne ,10,00 feet to the true polnt o! becinnlng. ! -'l TRAILS EAST CONDOIiINIUI,i ASSOCIATION c,/o Charles E. Cowperthwaite 303 E. Seventeenth Avenue Suite 1000 Denver, Colorado 80203 December 1, 1987 Ms. Kristen Pitz Community Development Department Town of VaiI 75 So. Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 81657 Re: P-2 Association Dear Kristen: Enclosed please find an Acknowledgement of Parking Alloca-tion executed on behalf of Vail Trails East Condominium Asso-ciation. Please feel free to call if I can be of additional assistance. CHC: do Enclosure cc! Vail Trails East CondominiumMr. Jav Peterson Association - Board of Managers Acknowledgement of Allocation of Parking The undersigned member of P-2 Association' a Colorado non-profit corporation (the "Corporation") acknowledges that that portion of the Corporation's property identified in the attached Exhibj-t A as belonging to the "Garden of the Gods Ctub" is the location of parking presently allocated to A.G. Hill within the corporation's real property described on the attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to paragraph 2.s.(l) of the Agreement dated September L6, L976, recorded May 22, 1984 in Book 385 at Page 32, Eagle County, Colorado public records. Dated the day and year as set forth below. Date:VAIL TRAILS EAST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Charles H. Cohtper Secretary-Treasur o;\ \ i EXHIBff,,E? ir 1l .'( rt) /l'l-'/ tI /-t rltz'€ Lp-e €Y--- IX-r'/s I t\ It l\ lr #a,rv t0 N R rr.r.'r Ct* R oxt: MEUFIEFI, EtEFll\FilVt, MEUFIEFt tNC tr EnlvEFt, c(f LotrtAtrrtf aCIEta I . ^t / lArrpf,1t ur= t't\E L'6DJ C )tj / 72 F b9 Y :r. r b. 'r't' t t /o 6{: -'"'o' itt \.tR'l \iaor \..s \s4 /: Y.'ix; \ \(:\ \ .') \. \ \o,"v \ \,,v\ 'r \'$\ i\' t\ \ $\:. \\ s\ \" \'r O\ *..\ ;':i"1"\ t \ -2 .o9,'\ O\ i" . ,.)\ ?A$-, \ -i. -\-\\ \\ tt \',.rr\. \\ \ I I\ Cr \s?> ^iRrt \$ N.t\ t t \ \ \ N I o. Zg .,.tr \ \ ":,'iff*!,'*' -)' toi p-2, vrll vllldqe FlfthColor ado 3 Flllng, County of Eagle and St.|e of AND A part of ! vlcated portlon ot llanson Fnnch R.rad betreen Core CreekRoad ,lnd core Crnek btlve ag pt!tted fn viff vitlugo flfth fllt.q,county-of En9te, stlre or corlraio,-"; ;;; i"rtfiuraiiy-a.""iruiaas follor'!: ::T:":i?? .:. ;olnt on rhe cerrr.r llne of HanF )n Ranch Road, sa,.dPoint being tt. point bf lntersecrion oi if,. i.n, er lj,nc o( !aIdH.:1s()n Ranclr Foad Jnd the ltorthedsterfl. 1i;; Jf Cor" Creef noiJithence rtorttr' sterly .rLong the Center itne of satd Hanlon Ranchr.{o-n ^no on an anqle of 90<00,00" froln Baid North:a3Lerly llne otcore c-eek Road 5i.9,1 fcet to " poi"i oi-"ir."L r. ence along .:8idCenter llne and along a curve to the left havlng r radius of 16l.4l ::.!, l.c"ntrat engl! of 47.2I,06., .n aic Jtr.or,.u ot lJJ.J9 fe. rto a Foint-of tangent; then!e rlong said Ccn!::. llne anJ atoig sai.ftangent ;t distance of 20.00 ieot to a polnt oi -nte(:;ection eit:. thegouthucsterly line of core Cre:k Drivel thence on an angle to reIeft of 90o(J0'00,' and alono said Southl,esterly llne lO.rio feetithence on at| drtg.t.e tc the left of lB0o0O'00" ina alcnj tl.o --' linrthlJester ly .l ine of llancon Ranch pr3d and alcrrg .r.rrrve tc therrqht lrd. inrr a radius of 2O.OO fee!, a Ccntral a|t9 le efan arc di,stance of ll.,ll fe^t .-o a point of compound curve; thencealong said lio! Ll'westerly linc and aicrrrJ sald ic"pouna curvp trr rh..right having a radius oi ttf.1l feer, i Centrai dngIe of .t .21,06., an arc distance of 116.87 feet to r point of tangcnt; thencf alongs^ld N.rrthL,Fsterly line end ^Ionq said tangent lt.9{ fcet to aPolnt ot curver Lhcnce 6lcng said Northrrc!terly lino on<i .l!)n9 acurve to thr. rl9ht having ^ rad!us of 2O.OO feet, a Centrnl .nnIeof 90.00'oci, !n arc dlstDncc of ll.a2 feet to a polnt oflnterse:tlon wilh the Northeasterly llne of Core c!eek Road; thsnceon an angLe t'o the lef! of 180.00.00. and along sald NorthelilerlyLine ,10.00 teet !o the true potnt of beqinnlnc] nr-""r":d Environmenral """*r=,rfl' un n#M' community Developmenr Departrnent q,a{il^ ' nu' \ W 9^),n" November s, LeaT \NW-A-request to rezone Lot K, Block 5A, Vail Village 5th' nlnfn--Filing, the Garden of the cods club from public V(yvAccommodation zoning to a Special Development Districtin order to remodel 1G accommod.ation unils and add 6 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: dwelling units.Applicant: A.c. Hi1l, sr. I. DESCRTPTION OF PROPOSAL The request is for a special development district torenodel the Garden of the Gods CIub by: A. Adding 5 drelfing ,rn!!s having a total GRFA of g,gg2 ffi,e28 s.i. is actualty new squarefootage. B. Remodel;L4g L6 existinq accommodation units having a Expanding the cornrnon area by adding -two elevatqrs, newski storase space (2jo s.f .J and a-@ffitizs - Expanding mechanical space (240 s.f.). c. D. E.f.U.{o 0.rL. Relocating[ one restri ee acconmodationthat will F ootage--Is-lEEieas a a a.werrrncl unLE. I'ne gqluare rom JiLlL square feet to 2t_Osquare feet of GRFA. ^ +ilrtne applicant proposes to restrict atl of the 16Yy accommodation units (4,596 square feet) as well as one't dwerring unit (L,L34 square feet) per the use restrictionsoutrined in the subdivision Reguialions L7.26.075 thatstipulates ItThe condominiun units created shall rernain in theshort term rental market to be used as temporaryaccommodations available to the general puUfic... An omerfs personal use of his or her unit shall berestricted to 28 days during the seasonal period ofDecember 24 to January lst and February lst to March20th. rt ,.i uru-b d!^iry1 6 ritApt-hi*h uoso^ par,od'rv- 0 v'-._'c I \ e project willThe project will continue to be run as a lodqe in order to 'provide customary lodge servicefifr-[dtllEGs for guests.In the future, the owner has indicated his intention tocondoniniunize the project. II. REASONS FOR THE SDD REQUEST A Special Development District is being reguested asopposed to Public Accomrnodation zoning for the followingreasons: A. The nroposa! does not meet the definitio43.f a !g5!g.A o4.2!O,definition of a lodge: tlA lodge means a building or group of associatedbuildings designed for occupancy prinarily as thetemporary lodging place of individuals orfamilies, either in accomrnodation units or to the proposed remodelf devoted to acconmodationtotal GRFA is devoted to 51? ofunits. acco the GRFA Presentlytion tot ease see Chart 1. lan is over th e s are allowed. 15 a.u. rs and -2 dwelling units exist creating a total density of1O dwelling units. The proposal calls for lOaccommodation units, 6 accommodation units which serveas lock-offs, and@dwelling units for a totaL densityof l-3 dwelling units. (Please note: 2 acconmodationunits = 1 dwelling unit. ) fl square feet) is over- c. L6fv\M$l^\A€0.-al s.f.) exceeds the allowable In respect !_9__4ll ne dtstrrct. Please roDos common areaIe coffiilF afea of 3,5L9 square feet. -ef,-th-enffi the memo breakdowns. Please see see the attached zoningfor more specific squareCharts 2 and 3. statistics footage f . _ ^\ dwelling units, in which the Gross Residentiall {l aln f.lm. I Fl-oor Area devot \- ' -- / aevoted lc__gEgUrrtl]lr'tls, and in wtriChffi @ a sinqle manaqement providincr ( { \rro'rd). tI.tcQQ4rrcd lo 0.t..cuir\. 11 0.it.Prr4, the occupants thereof and facilities. rl d in which all susingle nanagement customary hotel ea devoted ch uni-tsproviding services III. EVALUATION OF THE PROPOSAL USING SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT CRITERIA A.Buffer Zone The provision of a buffer zone is not applicable tothis proposal . Circulation System The circulation systen on the property will be unchanged. Functional o space i.n terms of :reservat natural features ncluct.t_n trees ande areas recreat on, vlews conven ence and C1ear1y, the d dr ire thatthan 50 devoted to a B. tt\ VfOIS h,tnOtqo{,^q The FrnFarty rneets the public Accomrnodation zone' reQrfirft0'Atfr Q _ districtrs.Iandscapinq reguirenents. The elpEFsio .. ^ U -r ^ \ , the east side of the building will reguire that se+ A5Pl^-\c<44/0^dnfi existing aspen trees and one large spruce tree be I Sffttg_ lHL* relocated and planted on site. The appticant is ' , "-dt*- proposing to also add a nix of lo trees (aspen and' , - Ft- proposrng E.o also actct a mlx of 10 trees (aspen and lOjlJ.Dt*94 . spruce) at the entry to the lodge. The owner has (ct(ootlvspnfq \ agreed that if any of the relocated trees (7 aspen and\ I | .,/ I spruce) die, they will be replaced wj-th comparabletrees. Varietv in terms of: housinq tvpe, densities, - racrrlE,Ies anct open space. Even though the number of aurs remains n the 5\6odo* t'Jf substantially decreased. EXi <r- irrg ?.\.\ms (au I s) ranqein size from 328 s.f . to 67? s-f - New au,s havEToorn rffi Recently, tn" GiB ana6ibreviewed the Rarnshornproject which aDso/a:.a no-t--meet the strict definitionof a lodge. Instaff has taken analyzing tfr\s type of request, thethe pos ition*that rnainlei31bg-Iggfe for the conmunity. rhe intent of the r-equi.remgnt $1. am:a majority of the projectts square footaf-5e devoto accornmodation units is to naintain the purpo=o ,^t ;Llhd.r0'to accommodation units is to rnaintain the nuroos_e__o.f i ^ rthe Fubirc Accommodacron orscr@ gpl ]OdcJeS and ros.i donti al ar.CornmOdrt i ons fOf ViSito1.s. tl districtrs. Iandscapinq reguirements. The e-I!6Fsion on , the east side of the building will reguire that seven same, the average size of the proposed aurs is restricted 2A ?vrp:a A\ U'P '],ffij*aor ]69o t00 o 0Ov rOE {rE\lrsrwl Accornnodation district. )Due to the t criteri 1-Pr9Pe Ls re ilcomrnodation zone district may be maintained withoutmeeting the precise requirement of having a najorityof square footage devoted to accommodation units. ff the project is viewed in terrns of available,rentable units, or rrkeysrrt i.e. aurs or durs that areavailable for rent, the project has 24 units or nkeysrl availabl-e for guests. This number of rkeysr is basedon the fact that L6 acco g e 24 ren In other wordsve E,ne ren fact that Special !gll, fhora-._ have the rental @r.i€ieg. It is staff-E opini6nlable for guestr is .t=oimportant in rnaintaining the intent of the pA zonedistrict for lodging. inis is not to say that havina naj orlEy_-el-lhe-cREA de subdivision <+c{A|.I: R,3ut'**t or,/ner could reduce the nurnber of accomrnodation units anct r_ncrease the GRFA o lE:_d-FproeEn- wouttl -tEhnfcaf tv meeF ttrelodqebutrnrouffi Oroilq r , 4.U,5 Yestcicigd + tD Q-nu\ he{d.Urcia1- eodB @AWs\o, fr^d,^y omi*wil\in t\touei" Pt 6Afq - jirvrib-+b\h.i dr.t* of rent a Staff believes the proposal is positive in that the as aurs withalE ire upgraded and qill be naintainede ren rLcE,ron. Inasact one unestrictionrequ underat whena Ioctge 15 CO om1n rental restrictiononly applies to aurs.) buLk. The proposed remodeL wil_1 also have GRFA tha fn.respect to the additional density of .5 units,which is not allowed by the eA zoniirg, it is itre'staffrs opinion that the proposal does not present anysignificant negative irnpacts in the area of mass and c The ownerfor I du with the ;i':Tioivrio, 5ih has also agreed to rental due to the density request.intent of the Vail ViIIage use restrictionsThis conplies Plan even thoughoJPo, ,€firtc€d no specific recommendation is called out for thissite. Goal 2, objective 3 of the Vail Village plan reads: To increase the number of residential unitsthroughout the Village area available for short-term overnight accommodations. The development of accommodation units are @Exm$:- strongly encouraged. Any residential unitsJh:t,are devel-oped above eXjslinq density levels shall (Please note the Vail village plan is not officiallyapproved. ) The applicant has also agreed to change an existingeEI{'.CY€€-JF < l- Ei..f ad acconm.rdat i on Unit tO an emplOyeef€strictad dr^ro] r i ncr unit. Stafffidwelling unit will be much more beneiiciat as employeehousing as opposed to an accommodation unit Privacy -il terms of the needs of individuals, faniliesand neighbors. The staff sees no negative impacts upon thiscriteria. The staff sees no negative inpacts upon thiscriteria. E. F.Pedestfian traffic in terr.ns of safety, separation,convenrence, access to points of destination, andattractiveness. Psilding_Iype i{r terrls= of. appropriateness to densig_site relationship and bulk. The proiect an ck, site g-o]|qrage, one district. Staff feeLs that there are no negativettlFrac"tffiss and bulk. Staffrs opinion is that the exterior of the Garden ofthe Gods Club will be inproved greatly by thisproposal . w+th.regard to solar blockage, the applicant is wellwithin the height lirnits foi the pa Zone district o flat roof and 48 feet for abuild].S 42 feet hi onelevation an s34 ep which wiLl be IV. ZoNING CONSIDERATIONS RELATM TO THIS PROPOSAL A.Uses The proposal doesunits which is .5 The property wilJ- not meet the strict definition of a !o!Ve upon completion of the remodel . However, with7Ot of the keys or rentable units being rentalrestricted and available for tourist uie, the intentof the Public Accommodation zone district as a sitefor residential accomnodations for guests isnaintained. The proposal is also positive in that one enployeerestricted au is changed to a more useable air. -ftre additional comrnon area also provides square footageyhlch improves the functioning of the p-roject as 51odge. Density s''li which are 45sloping roof.feet The for aexist ad 4h B. have a total density ofdurs over the allowable 13 dwellingdensity of a L2.5 durs. As ted staff I s nion isthat the add e Idinc .is cularly the Public Aes ff and PEC have alsoar requests like the Christiania andRamshorn.where proposed additional density had tocomply with the rental use restrictions. - feet hi<rh.iri es adclrElona anoscap].ng irnprovement to the property. C. v Setbacksots- The proposed rernodet will not encroach into anysetbacks further than the existing building. D.at, Heiqhtt, The height proposed in the addition is a maximurn of. 34 feet, whereas, the maximum allowed is 48 feet. E..V/ Site Coveraqe The site coveraete is within the allowable. Allowed:9,677 square feet. Existing: 6,363 square feet.Proposed 61831_ square feet. F. G. Landscapinq The proposal does require the relocation of Z existingaspen and I spruce. The applicant is proposing to addadditional landscaping and replant the existing treesthat nust be relocated for the addition. Parkinq Parking requirements are met for the proposal . Theproposal requires 27 spaces qad ZB spaces areproposed. tD STAFF RECOMMENDATTONv. The staff recornmendsour position is very Ramshorn project. As of the proposal . Basically,to our recommedation on thepreviously,,'a-l&hgUg!b-!b.e to meet the strict defintion !'te approvalsirnilar stated roduct teer tnai tn" pr 'a"iodg" and meet the intent of providing high quality touristaccommodations in the pA zone district.tt The-.Ela;tfbelieves that it is critical that the nrooert-v rarnain u-ffiffi ! rrrrr, \-r-Lrrrrrry .t-r.rt-rge €rtl(r LIld,L tlle IO a|I'S anCt I O.tI TtgnaOe | ^ z :Mla@ sdf,i:lK0e'J-estrictions outlined In-tEE- "*IV-'--- a,tff) -ilD nstaff approval is iontingent upon the applicant meetinq tne- ''t6l''following conditions: d*tt-h l-. The applicant shall provid.e written, legal , W documentation of the Garden of the Godsi right to usethe parking spaces on the east side of Vail ValleyDrive on a parcel caLLed p-2. The applicant hassubrnitted documentation of the Garden of the Godslparticipatio;qas a member of the p-2 Condominiurn ^ 0.rA\, Association.02llowever, st^rf rnrrs-t have writtsen Mllf-J d-ocunentatian aq.well as an altached rnap tg_scaie\"r,rtf @$1 to the Garden of the Gods- This agreement rnust also- be approved by the other members of the p-2 Condominium Association. This docunent nu d roceeds to second readin of the ordinance. 2i , The applicant must subrnit a revised enployee housing /-^O\01'.agreernent with a floor plan that clearly indicates theUltlilI\l"cation, type of unit, and square footige of the$0r- 'employee housing units. This information must be' submitted and approved by the owner and Town of Vailbefore second reading of the ordinance. 3.The applicant shall subrnit a written statementagreeing to restrict per the Subdivision RentalRestriction, Section 17.26.O75, 6 lock-offaccommodation units, L0 free-standing accomrnodationunits and l- rdwelting unit as indicated on the pECplans. Thif written agreement shall be submitted andapproved b{ staff before the second reading of the SDDordinance. [- - \ (la"a"d:t#li vttt) =E- AUr s DUrs RESIRTCTED EMPLOYEEffi TOTAL owed GRFA ,594 sf) TOTAL DENSTTY 1 T-aIIoweA t2.s) coMMoN LOBBY/ LOUNGE * OF TOIAL GRFA IN AUIs 8 OF TOTAL GRFA IN DUIs A OF TOTAL GRFA RENTAL REETRIcTED oTOTAT KEYS4 * OF KEYS RESTRICTED CHART 1 EXTSTING 16 auf s 7,742 sf 2 durs 6,745 sf 610 sf 515 sf PROPOSED 10 aurs+ 6 aullock_offs 16 aurs = 4596 8 duts = 121141 sf 2L5 sfsLs sf 13 dursunits over allowable) IfJco 272 732 L6 AUIs, 4596L DU L134 = 5730 st-oF:a? 24 7QZ or 17 keys ldu1du au du =f l_ 1 GRFA-(Err =L7 /Y,$-Vlsf. fJ ofl m&.r 1,0 durs(2.5 under allowable) 3795 53? 472 (.5 18 1. Restricted employeecalculations. 2. Keys are defined as units are not included in Density or GRFA rentable units, both durs and aurs fDfE ffiDffi ltt] - sDSD. GRFA (.80) DENSITY (25 durs/acre) coMMoN (.20) HEIGHT ALIOWED EEsA-sr 12.5 duts 3,5L9 sf 45r flat 48 | slope CHART 2 District 21,993 sf applied, EXISTTNG aurs durs total duts 42 r slope 6,363 sf OK PROPOSED 10 6 au lock-off8du =8du13 total d[rs-q,=, 42t - proposed area of expansionis approxinately 341 6,831 sf Sane AS Existing Zoning Statistics: PubLic Accommodation ZoneSite Area: .5049 acres or 16 2 10 SITE CoVERAGE (.55) 9,677 sf L,,ANDSCAPTNG (.30) 5,278 st SETBACKS 20 ft PARKING SPACES (Standard parking reguirementsno parking required for Ilock-off per new du.) East 20l West .2 | (t-9.9 encroachrnent)Nortlr 1.4 t (1.9. 6 encroachment)South 9r (l1r encroachment) OK 33*r:iffi I33ff3i:::$ l0 CIIART 3 EXISTTNG FLOORS 2ND 3RD 4TH #Au,/cRFA 1au 2O4 sf 7au 3r260 sf 8au 4,278 sf o #DUIGRFA ldu 2r35O sf o 1du 4r395 sf TOTAL GRFA 2.554 sf EMPLOYEE HOUSING RESTRICTEDUNITS /f#igg ldu ttilJ 222 515 sf . *-* hY?E- 2735 sf 3,260 sf l,l'=, !F., 4,278 4,395 sf t 14 ,4876r745 PROPOSED: FLOOR AUlGRFA o 8au 2298 sf 8au 2298 TOTAL 2350 4996 4996 4395 DUlGRFA Idu 2350 3du 2598 sf 3du 2694 1du 4395 EMPLOYEE RESTRICTED ff,,,iffiI du 570 + bar 722 -"-t - -- MECH 44L1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH l-6 au 4596 8du L2,L4L ?,3""r.E4 44rTOTALS: 11 L6,737 erur,r,:.fir,d Environmental comrnissi Cornrnunity Development Department t on ( TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: November 9, L9e7 A request to rezone Lot K, Block 5A, VaiI VilJ_age 5thFiling, the Garden of the Gods Club from public Accomrnodation zoning to a Special Development Districtand to include a portion of Lot P-2, Block 3, VaiIVillage 5th Filing in the SDD proposal in ord.er toremodeL l-6 accommodation units and add 6 dwellinclunits.Applicant: A.c. Hi1l, Sr. r. DESCRIPTTON OF PROPOSAL ( The request is for a special developrnent district torenodel the Garden of the Gods Club by: A. Adding 6 dwelling units having a total GRFA of g,ggz square feet of which 2,628 s.f. is actually new squarefootage. B. Renodeling 16 existing accornrnodation units having atotal GRFA of 4,596 square feet. c. Expanding the common area by adding two elevators, newski storage space (270 s.f.) and a larger entry (175s.f.). D. Expanding mechanical space (24O s.f.). E. Relocating one restricted ernployee accommodation unitthat will be changed to a dwelling unit. The squarefootage is decreased from 610 square feet to 210square feet of GRFA. The applicant proposes to restrict all of the 16accommodation units (4r596 square feet) as well as onedwelling unit (!,r34 square feet) per the use restri-ctionsoutlined in the Subdivision Regulations L7.26.075 thatstipulates trThe condominiurn units created shall remain in theshort terrn rental narket to be used as temporarvacconmodations available to the general pulflc.l. An ownerrs personal use of his or her unit shall berestricted to 28 days during the seasonal period ofDecember 24 to January lst and February lsl to March 2 oth. rl ( t The project wilL continue to be run as a lodge in order toprovide customary lodge services and facilities for guests.In the future, the owner has indicated his intention to condorniniumize the project. II, REASONS FOR THE SDD REQUEST A Special Development District is being requested as opposed to Public Accommodation zoning for the following reasons: The proposal does not meet the definition of a lodge.According to the zoning code Section 18.04.2L0,definition of a lodge: rrA lodge means a building or group of associatedbuildings designed for occupancy primarily as thetemporary lodging place of individual_s orfamJ-lies, either in accornrnodation units ordwelling units, !n which the Gross Residential to dwellin unj-ts, and in which all such unitsare operated under a single management providingthe occupants thereof customary hotel services and facilities. rl In respect to the proposed remodel , S1,Z of the GRFAwill not be devoted to accomrnodation uni-ts. presentlv 55E- of tne total GRFA is devoted to accommodationunits. The proposed plan will alLow for 274 of thetotal GRFA to be allocated to accommodation units.Please see Chart l. B. The proposed plan is .5 durs over the allowabledensity. 12.5 dwelling units are allowed. 16 a.u.rsand 2 dwelling units exist creating a total density ofl-o dwelling units. The proposal calls for LO accommodation units, 6 accommodation units which serveas lock-offs, and 8 dwelling units for a total densityof L3 dwelling units. (Please note: 2 accomnodationunits = 1 dwelling unit.) C. The proposed common area (4,360 square feet) is overthe allowable common area of 3,519 square feet.The projectrs existing common area (3,575 s.f.) exceeds the all-owable by 56.s.f. However, theproposed remodel will rernain within the allowable GRFAeven with the excess comnon area added t,o the GRFA. In respect to all other zoning standards and parking, theproject meets the requirements of the public Accomnodation A. ( Floor Area devoted to accommodation units ( zone district. Please see the attached zoning statisticsat the end of the memo for more specific square footagebreakdowns. Please see Charts 2 and 3. III. EVALUATION OF THE PROPOSAL USING SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT CRITERIA A. p Buffer Zone The provision of a buffer zone is not applicable tothis proposal. Circulation Svstem The circulation system on the property will beunchanged. trees andra].nac[e areas recreat on, vlehrs conven ence andunction. ( The property meets the public Accommodation zonedistrictls landscaping requirements. The expansion onthe east side of the building witl require that sevenexisting aspen trees and one large spruce tree berelocated and planted on site. The applicant isproposing to also add a mix of l_O trees (aspen andspruce) at the entry to the Iodge. The owner hasagreed that if any of the relocated trees (7 aspen andI spruce) die, they will be replaced with conparabletrees. Yarigly in tefrns of: housinq type. densities,rac}l. l_Eles and open space. Clearly, the proposal falls short of rneeting thedefinition of a lodge which would require tiat rnorethan 50? of the GRFA be devoted to accomrnod.ationunits. Even though the nurnber of aurs remains thesame, the average size of the proposed aurs issubstantially decreased. Existing rooms (aurs) rangein size from 328 s.f. to 672 s.f. Ner/ auis have roomsizes of 222 to 355 s.f. Recently, the staff and pEC reviewed the Ramshornproject which also did not meet the strict definitionof a lodge. In analyzing this type of request, thestaff has taken the position that rnaintaining rentalrestricted units for the bed base is a positive onefor the cornmunity. The intent of the requirenent that ? najority of.the project's square footag-e be devotedto accommodation units is to rnaintain the purpose of D. Functional open space in terms of:optimumreservation of natural features includin (the Public Accomnodation District as a rrsite forlodges and residential accomnodations for visitors.tl(Section La.22.11O Purpose section of Public Accomnodation district. ) Due to the fact that SpecialDevelopment District zoning is requested, there issone flexibility in how the intent of the public Accommodation zone district rnay be maintained withoutmeeting the preci-se requirement of having a majorityof square footage devoted to accommodation units. If the project is viewed in terms of available,rentable units, orrtkeys,rr i.e. aurs or duts that areavailable for rent, the project has 24 units or ilkeysil available for guests. This number of ttkeysrr is basedon the fact that l-5 accommodation units and 8 dwellingunits are available as potential rental units forguests. Of the 24 rentable units, L7 are proposed tohave the use restriction per the subdivisionregulations in Section L7.26.075. fn other words, 7OZ of rentable units or keys willhave the rental restriction. ft is staffrs opinionthat the number of keys available for guests is alsoimportant in maintaining the intent of the pA zonedistrict for lodging. This is not to say that havinga rnajority of the GRFA devoted to aurs i-s also not animportant criteria for insuring the short terrn use ofa property. Hol4tever, it should be pointed out that technically theo$tner could reduce the number of accommodation unitswithin the project and increase the GRFA of each ofthese units. This approach would technically meet thedefinition of a lodge but would mean that the nurnberof rentable units available to guests is decreased. Staff believes the proposal is positive in that theaurs are upgraded and will be maintaj_ned as aurs withthe rental restriction. fn addition, the applicanthas agreed to restrict one dwelling unit with therental use restriction which is not required under thelodge conversion regulations. (please note that whena lodge is condorniniurnized, the rental restrictiononly applies to aurs.) In.respect to the additional density of .5 units,which is not allowed by the pA zoning, it is thestaffrs opinion that the proposal does not present anysignificant negative impacts in the area of nass andbulk. The proposed remodel wi1l also have a total GRFA that is within the allowable under the pA zonedistrict. (The owner has also agreed to rental use restrictionsfor 1 du due to the density request. This conplieswith the intent of the Vail Village Plan even thoughno specific recommendation is called out for thissite. coal 2, Objective 3 of the VaiI Village plan reads: To increase the number of residential unitsthroughout the Village area availabl,e for short-term overnight acconmodations. The developrnent of accommodation units arestrongly encouraged. Any residential units thatare developed above existing density levels shallbe designed or managed in a manner that makesthem available for short-term rental. (Please note the Vail Village plan is not officiallyapproved. ) The applicant has also agreed to change an existingemployee restricted accommodation unit to an employeerestricted dwelling unit. Staff's opinion is that adwelling unit will be much nore beneficial as employeehousing as opposed to an accomrnodation unit Prj,vacy iJr terms of the needs of individuals, farniliesand neicrhbors. t"" =a*t ="* no negative impacts upon thiscriteria. Pedestfian traffic in terr.ns of safetv, separation,convenignce, access to points of destj_nation, andac!.racEr-veness . The staff sees no negative impacts upon thiscriteria. c. Bgilding lype ilr terrls_ o!_ appropriateness to d.ensitv,site reLationship and bulk. The project meets a1l_ of the setback, site coveraqre,and height requirements per the public Accomrnodationzone district. Staff feels that there are no negativeimpacts on nass and bu1k. gpa.cilq, matgrials, g!r1o_r and textr.tre, storage, signs,l-j-ghtinq, and solar blockage. Staffrs opinion is that the exterior of the Garden ofthe Gods Club will be improved greatly by thisproposal. F. H. ( o With regard to solar blockage, the applicant is wellwithin the height linits for the pA zone districtwhich are 45 feet for a flat roof and 48 feet for asloping roof. The existing building is 42 feet hiqh. The proposed additional space is located on the eastelevation and is 34 feet high. The proposal alsoincludes additional landscaping which will be an J.rnprovement to the property. IV. ZONING CONSTDERATIONS REI,ATIVE TO THTS PROPOSAL A.Uses t The property will not meet the stricL definition of alodge upon completion of the remodel . However, with 7OZ of the keys or rentable units being rentalrestricted and available for tourist use, the intencof the Public Accommodation zone district as a sitefor residential accommodations for guests ismaintained. The proposal is also positive in that one ernployeerestricted au is changed to a more useable du. Theadditional cornmon area aLso provides square footagewhich improves the functioning of the project as i 1odge. Density The proposal does have a total density of j_3 dwellingunits which is .5 du's over the allowable density of12.5 durs. As previously stated, staffrs opinion isthat the additional bulk and mass of the building isacceptable and all other zoning standards,particularly the Public Acconnodation GRFA require-ment have been met. The staff and pEC have alsoreviewed similar requests like the Christiania and. Ramshorn where proposed additional density had tocomply with the rental use restrictions. Setbacks The proposed remodel will not encroach into anysetbacks further than the existing building. Height The height proposed in the addition is a rnaxirnum of +34 feet, whereas, the maximum allowed is 48 feet. Site Coveraqe The site coverage is within the allowable. Allowed:9,677 square feet. Existing: 6,363 square feet.Proposed 6rS3L square feet. B. n E. I ( Landscaping The proposal- does require the relocation of 7 existingaspen and 1 spruce. The applicant is proposing to addadditional landscaping and replant the existing treesthat must be relocated for the addition. Parking Parking requirernents are met for the proposal . Theproposal requires 27 spaces and 28 spaces areproposed. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON The staff recommends approval of the proposal. Basically,our position is very similar to our recommedation on the Ramshorn project. As stated previously, t'although theinability of the end product to meet the strict defintionof a lodge is not hrhat we would ideally like to see, wefeel that the property will continue to function as a lodgeand meet the intent of providing high quality touristaccommodations in the PA zone district.rr The staffbeli.eves that it is critical that the property renain as afunctioning lodge and that the 15 aurs and 1du be madeavailable to the tourist bed base as per the ownersr userestrictions outlined in the subdivision regulations. staff approval is contingent upon the applicant meeting thefollowing conditions: l-. The applicant shall provide wri_tten, 1egaI,documentation of the Garden of the Godst right to usethe parking spaces on the east side of VaiI Va1leyDrive on a parcel cal1ed p-2. The applicant hassubnitted documentation of the Garden of the Godslparticipation as a member of the p-2 CondorniniumAssociation. However, staff must have writtendocumentation as well as an attached map to scaleshowing the area of the p-2 parcel which is allocatedto the Garden of the Gods. This agreement must alsobe approved by the other members of the p-2 Condorninium Association. This docurnent rnust besubrnitted and approved by the staff before the projectproceeds to second reading of the ordinance. 2. The applicant must submit a revised employee housingagreenent with a floor plan that clearly indicates thelocation, type of unit, and square footage of theemployee housing units. This information must besubmitted and approved by the owner and Town of Vailbefbre second relaing of the ordinance. F. ( ( o 3. The applicant shall subnit a written statement agreeing to restrict per the Subdivision RentalRestriction, Section L7.26.o75, 6 lock-off accomrnodation units, L0 free-standing accommodationunits and 1 dwelling unit as indicated on the PECplans. This written agreement sha11 be submitted and approved by staff before the second reading of t,he SDD ordinance. ( ( AUts f\ ? oF TorAL GRFE-]N DO's A OF TOTAL GRFA RENTAL RESTRICTED TOTAL KEYS ? OF KEYS RESTRICTED DUts RESTRICTED EMPLOYEE UNITS coMMoN LOBBY/ LOUNGE * OF TOTAL GRFA IN AUIs CHART 1 EXISTING L6 auts 7 ,742 sf 2 duts 61745 sf 1 au 6l-0 sfI du 5L5 sf 357 5 532 472 PROPOSED 10 auts+ 6 aullock-offs l-6 aurs = 4596 8 duts = L2,L4L sf 1 du 2l-5 sf I du 5l-5 sf 4360 272 732 l-5 AU 1s, 4596 1DU 1l_34 = 5730 st or Sat 24 7OZ or 1-7 keys TOTAL 1,4t543 sf (3,051 under L7,5'78 sf (16 under GRFA allowed GRFA)allowed GRFA)(A1lowed GRFA = L'7t594 sf) TOTAL DENSITY l-0 du|s L3 du's-lErto-r^rea 12.5) (2.5 under allowable) (.5 units over allowable) t_8 1. Restricted employee units are not included in Density or GRFAcalculations. 2. Keys are defined as rentable units, both durs and aurs t ( GRFA (.80) DENSITY (25 durs/acre) coMMoN (.20) HEIGHT (SITE COVERAGE (.5s) I,ANDSCAPING ( .30) SETBACKS Zoninq Statistics:Public Accommodation ZoneSite Area: .5049 acres or CHART 2 District 2L,993 sf o EXISTING L4,487 sf + 56 connon 14 r 543 sf 16 aurs2 durs l-0 total durs ALLOWED L7,594 sf l-2.5 du I s 3,5l-9 sf 45t ffat 48 | slope 9,677 sf 5,278 sf 20 fE 3,575 sf 421 slope 6,363 sf OK OK East 201 West .2r (l-9.8 encroachment) North l.4r (l-9.6 encroachment) South 9r (1lr encroachment) PROPOSED 16,737 sf + 841- co ]-7,578 sf l-0 aurs6 au lock-off8du =8du 13 tocai duts 4r360 sf 42t - proposed area of expansionis approximateJ-y 1^ | 6r83L sf Sarne AS Existing PARKING SPACES (Standard parking requirements applied, no parking required for 1Iock-off per new du. ) 22 required 28 existing 27 required 28 proposed 10 CHART 3 ( EXTSTING FLOORS 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH EMPI,OYEE HOUSTNG RESTRICTEDUNITS COMM.#AUlGRFA l- au 2O4 sf 7au 3,260 sf 8au 4,278 sf 0 #DUIGRFA ldu 2,350 sf ldu 4,395 TOTAL GRFA 2,554 sf 31260 sf 4,278 MECH ldu 515 sf 1au 6l-0 sf 20] 3 222+ bar 722 275E sf 420 sf 42O sf sf 4 t395 L4 ,487 sf sf TOTAL l-6 au 7,742 2du 6t745 >!sf l-, L25 sf 3,575 sf 2Zz (PROPOSED: FLOOR 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH AUlGRFA 0 8au 2298 sf 8au 2298 DUlGRFA ldu 2350 3du 269a sf 3du 2698 Ldu 4395 TOTAL 2350 4996 4996 4395 I du 2LOI du 570 EMPLOYEE RESTRICTEDUNITS COMM. MECH 2458 + bar 722 SfEo sf 590 44L 590 L6 au 4596 8du L2 tL4L 2du 780 sf TOTALS: l1 1,6 t737 4360 441 PROJECT NAIVIE Garden of the Gods Westin/Cascade Vi I Iage Pl aza I Terrace lt|ing: t.lesti n Chri sti ani a Doubl etree Ramshorn P'l aza Lodge Hol iday Jnn Sonnenal p JI lau- Vail Athletic Club t ,|,\- Gashof Gramshammer 190, 268, 282, 305 sf 377 sf/au 22 au = 7,529 GRFA approx. 342 sf/au 364 to 522 sf I au, 290 sf 300 - 350 sf majorityI at 508 sfI at 6.13 sf 380 sf 267 sf 396 sf 285 sf 36.l sf 288 sf 318 sf 297 sf 315 sf 423 sf of units t J exnNrr-Es oF AU RooM srzEs O MNGE OF ROOM SIZES Existing: 328 to 672 Proposed: 222 to 355 sf sf 19 au's - 293-3552au's-,459; 397-642 sf 150 at 425 sf L2 ( TO: Town Council FROM: Cornnunity Development Departrnent DATE: July 21, L9g7 suBJEcr: A request to rezone Lot A, Bl-ock 3, Vail village 5thFilinq and Tract F-1 , Vail Village 5th Filing iro*Public Accommodation and parking Districtrespectively to a Special Development District inorder to construct a third froor addition consistincrof three dwelling units and 5 accommodation units t5rthe Rarnshorn Lodcre.Applicant: Ramsfrorn partnersh .i n on July.l-4' l'987, the applicants appeared before the planningand Environmental commission with Lhis request. The pEc voted7-0 to approve this request with the forlo-wing cond.itions: 1- - Itf; i??fl::*,:il:::i:ff.f lili,"tl,ii"il:!i,'l i,Iii* .y'+l:g:F-r shall be restricted'i-n-that al1 density which could berealized from a reoning to public acconnodition on thatparcel is now being utilized with the constructi.on of thisproject. That is, Tract F-l shall not be utilized in the f future to.increase the density of the site, and the site L contains its maximum amount oi d.ensity utiiizing bothparcels owned by the Ramshorn partnership. 2. The part of the lot located onn Tract F-I shall beredesigned to increase its capacity by 3 parking spaces. Anew mini-car space and. 4 overilow i"ri.i.tg'spaces sha1l beprovided in the parking lot north of the-buitaings t;provide a total -of S new parking spaces for the froject.The_applicants shal1 make every-efiort to providl aiadditional two parking spaces ior overflow guest parkingon the site. 3. A concrete sidewalk a minimurn of 6 feet in width, with aconcrete curb _separating it from the road. shoulder shar-lbe constructed from the entrance to the parking rot onTract F-1 along. an agreed upon route aloig the frontage ofthe project-to the_entry on the north end of the proj6ct.This sidewalk shall be Constructed and paid for b| t6eapplicant and shall be agreed upon befoie a builaing---permit is issued. 4. The applicant shaI1 sorve any future parking problerns on-site by utilizing valet parking. The staff recornmendation is for approval . TO: rROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environrnental Comrnission Connunity Developrnent Department July 13 | l9B7 A.request to rezone Lot A, Block 3, Vail Vi1lage 5thFiling and Tract F-L, Vail Viltage 5th Filing i=o*Public Accommodati_on and parking Districtrespectively to a Special Development District inorder to construct a thi_rd floor add.ition consistingof three dwelling units and 5 accommod.ation units forthe Ramshorn Lodqe.Applicant: Ramsiorn partnership I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL The reguest is for a Special Development District toconstruct a third floor addition onto the existinq twostory building of the Rarnshorn Lodge. fhe applicJ.ntw+?!e: tq -"buil d...apprexirnaJ-ej.y -.4,-&8.] _. square .tiet oeadditionar GRFA divided into:three awe-tting unitr and fivelock-off bedroorns (accomnodation units) br6aking down asfollows: l ( Unit A -Unit B -Unit C - 940 sf l-556 sf LL22 sf 5 A.U. rs, 1263 sf total The applicant proposes to restrict alr of the units withthe exception of Unit B (1556 sf) to the ownerrs userestrictions as per section 17.2'a.ols of the subdivisi.onRegulations. The Rarnshorn property encompasses two different rots whi-chconsist of a main parcel where the buildinqs standcontaining.23,2t_6 square feet (.533 ac) zoied publicAccommodation and another 1ot 6f 6,Oo5 square feetadjacent to the east zoned parking'nistrict. ifr"-following table shows the zoning inalysi" .= "*irting and.proposed: A.U. rs D.U. I s sf sf zz l_0 2t sf sf I7 EXISTING 6t266 5r903 L2 | t69 PROPOSED 7,529 9 ,52L 1,7 , O5Ot &*,r&d t,,plqtt LhhTotal Density 15.5 Total Keysl 24 sf '11 sf Conmon Lobby/Lounge Total Allowable Density Percent of Totalin A.U. ts Percent of Totalin D.U. ts Percent of Total GRFARental Restricted 9OZ l-. Keys are defined asand A.U. t s. EXISTING PROPOSED 1,038 sf 1,038 sf 1-3 (2.5 over) I over 5l-z 442 492 562 lapproxf a4z (approx) rentable units,s both D.U.rs It tras unknown at the tirne of the memorandumexactly how many square feet are existing thatarenrt _restricted. 68? of the third floorsquaiJ ioo€agar-tbuia-fe-i:estrictea. "' --: urnber as per the parking chapter of the zoning code. The applicant proposes a special developrnent district dueto the fact that the requested density is over theallowable for the existing portion of the property zonedPA and because the end result will not rneel the altinitionof 1_ lodge which is the principal. perrnitted use in ttrePublj-c Accommodation zone aistrict. Also, as proposed,the properties would be ten spaces below the rlquired I_t is irnportant to note with regard to this applicationthat Tract F-I on which one of ihe parking lol- for thelodge is located is a separate piece of giound zonedParking District. This irna1I pirking ro€, wourd be moresuited to public Accomrnodation zoninf in this particulararea and would allow an additional three dwelling units(or 6 A.U. rs) to be constructed on the lodqe its6ff(considering the lot li.ne woul_d. be abandoneay . Such aproposal wilL result in one larger site, all of whichwould be zoned Public Accommodation and. woul_d aI1ow anadditionar third floor. such a third froor could have upto 492 of the square footage devoted to unrestricteddwelling units while stitl rnaintaining the definition of alodge under the pA zone. The application in front of usproposes essentially the sarne thing without the rezoningand lot li_ne vacation, but with suEstantially greaterrestricted area incruding an add.itional 7 rei=--v"r anaabove what exists today. II. EVALUATION OF THE PROPOSAL USING SPECIAL DEVELOPMENTDISTRICT CRITERTA A.Buffer Zone B. The provision of a buffer zone is not applj-cabLe withthis proposal due to it being a third slory additionto existing, construction. Circulation Svstem The circulation systern on the property would beunchanged. Functional ope4 space in terrns of : optirniumpreservatron of natural_ features (includino trees and{rainaqe areas) runct.]-on. IL The open space existing on the property will_ rernainunclq ngqQ ._.._ _ tISWgye f r-_F_e--c lg 4_t_194a ! f a9 +.1 + !-i es . -rr/i 1 I beirnproved with the install:ation of a new 12 person hottub adjacent to the existing swimming pool .- Withrespect to views, the applicant has provided a viewanalysis which indicates little to no impact uponviews in the surroundinq area with the possibllexception of some interference of views from thelower leve1 of the Tivoli Lodqe. Yariely.in teEms of: housinq tvpe, densities, rac]-J. rt res and open space. With.the exception of the westerly dwelling unitconsisting of L556 square feet, the housin! typeproposed is accommodation and dwelling units -- restricted as per Section L7 .26.075 of theSubdivision Regulations. This section of the D. Subdivision Regulations is currently i_n the finalphases of an arnendrnent process in which theregulation would be revised to restrict four weeksout of.the eight week high ski season among otherprovisions to ensure that these condominiuis areavailable to the general tourist market. We feelthat this amount of restriction is the rnihTifrffi- ;pffiilto _t-he-"Town*of .Vail bed base. t t We also feel positive that the recent revision to theproposal which adds two additional acconrnodationunits making a total of five will increase theavailability of rentable lodge rooms in the proposal.while the proposal includes a significant am^ount of .i ( new square footage devoted to dwelling units andthis, _in turn, tips the definition of lodgg ";;619"away from strict compliance of this definition(lodges can have a maximum of 492 of square footage 1n D.U.ts) , the rental of condominiurns-is animportant variety with regard to the overall touristbed base. That is, condorniniums are an extremelypopular form of rental accomnodation and the additionof rental restricted condorniniums to the bed base isa positive one for.the comrnunity. This concept ispromoted in the proposed Vait Village Maste, 'plu.r. With regard to the add.itional density which is nocallowed by underlying zoning, it is Lne stafiisopinion that the proposat piesents no significantnegative impacts in the area of rnass and bu1k. fnreviewing the proposed Vail Village Master plan Lrithregard to this applicatj_on, a thiid story on theRamshorn Lodge is called out in the Acti-on plan as areasonable infill project. The staff feels it isirnportant that in utitizing the proposed. VaiI Village-.,Master..pIan. _in_ ev"aluaLing -inis-.proposa.l.. that ..af 1 .relevant.aspects or piopo3ea poficies of tnat pianare utilized and not just port,ions thereof. Tirus,the Master plan. would require 100? of tne proposeOsquare !9o!a9e to be rental restricted, whlreis thisr_s not 100? conplied wi_th by the applicant. Privacy in terrns of the needs of : inrrirrirtrr=r -r.J ua _L 5 _ramrlies and neighbors. The staff sees no negative irnpacts upon thiscriteria.' Wc in terrns of : Eafet-y,. separaticn, EInaE].on, and F attractiveness. The staff recommends that the app)_icant constructthat portion of the sidewalX proilosed as part of theGolden peak redevelopment proJ"cL along tilispropertyrs interface with the street fiorn theentrance to the eastern parking lot to the driveentering the Froject on ttre noittr. we feer that this1s a reasonable requirement with regard. to not onlythe granting of additional density, but that thissidewalk wirr be a positive benefit in ana or-ilserrdue to_the large volume of pedestrian traiti" u"A-tn.general unsafe pedestrian conditions in tnis aiea.There. is a large number of pedestrians ";iki";-;i'tn"street along this site, and vre.propose the .pfti"untconstruct a minimurn six foot wide concrete sidewalki YL with a concrete cufb separating it fron the roadway.Finat design on this improvement would be ag,reed uponbefore a building permit is issued for the lroject.The requirement ot-tnis improvement is i" kE"pl"g-with others required when additional densitv 6r - special developrnent districts have been appiovedthroughout the Town. As stated above, staff feels that the rnass and bulkproposed is acceptable and has been called out assuch in the proposed Vail Village Master p1an. Building design in terrns of: orientation, spacing,nateriaLs, color anci texturffi since the proposal entails an addition to an existingbuilding, the Design Review Board will review the -. .conpatihif itfz ..of ..-naLerials.- -colors,. .textures.-- etc. .Wlth.regard to s_olar bfockage, the applicant is wellwithin his heighFTtlfitf5fions and is- not undulyshielding sun. frorn adjacent properties. The proposal { includes,additional llnds""g1"g-which will be i, presented to the connGffii. \ l iqht and solar blockacre. ZONTNG CONSIDERATIONS RELATIVE TO THTS PROPOSAL A.Uses IIT. EI The uses proposed on the third floor have beendiscussed. The property will not meet thestrict definition of a lodge upon completion ofthis addition. However, witf, -aaZ of the entireproject being rental restricted and availablefor tourist use, the intent of the public Accomrnodation zone remains. The staff feelsthat it is irnportant to note that 68? of thefloor area of the proposed addition will berental restricted versus a nininum of 51? underthe rezoning scenario outlined on the front pageof thls memo. Densitv A thorough discussion of the density ispresented under the SDD criteria. Setbacks Building type in terms of: appropriateness todensity, si c. I Because the existing building encroaches intothe 20 foot setback on the southwest corner, theaddition will continue this encroachment. Therewould be no negative impacts allowing this srnaI1amount of encroachment to continue. D. Height The height proposed whereas the maximum is a maximum of 42 feeE,allowed 1s 48 feet. E. Site Coverage Site coverage remains unchanged. F. Landscaping The proposal includes additional plantingsaround various areas of the site, and this willbe reviewed in a presentation to the pEC. c. -.-parking f \ With the 1984 condominimization of this project,parking was an issue. Under that approvll , theapplicant created the parking lot to ttre east ofthe project which includes lt full size parkingspaces. Total parking existing for the projecttoday is 33 spaces. The three additional - dwelling units require two spaces each, whilethe five accornrnodation units require a total of4 additional parking spaces for a grand total ofl-0 additional required spaces according to theparking reguirements in the zoning coae 1a:spaces total). The applicant has subrnitted aparking study (enclosed) which ind.icates amaximum useage of 1.33 cars per day percondomini-urn. The applicant feels ltiongty thatadditional parking is not needed for this-proj ect. The staff, while recognizing that unitsrestricted to short tern rental rnay require lessparking overall as opposed to long-terrnresidential units, feels that the additionalparking should be provided. The staffrecognizes that due to the nature of theaccommodation units also functioning for aportion of the year as bedrooms for the dwellinqunits, that the 10 additional reguired spacesare a maximum situation. However, if indeed themaximum number of keys are utilized (realizing maxinun occupancy), additional spaces will moltlikely be needed.L Eight additional spaces can be provided on thesite with a combination of a redesign of thesoutherly edge of the eastern parking lot frontwo full size para11eI spaces to five cornpactcar spaces in combination with one new rnini carspace in the parking lot to the north of thebuildings as well as four overflow parkingspaces in the turn-around (entrance area;. Wefeel it inportant that the redesign of tireeastern parking lot to five cornpact spaces andthe new mini-car space be provided as aconditional of approval and that the turn-aroundarea be utilized for the maxirnurn or overfl_owsituation which could occur. While not rneetinqcomplete parking reguirements, the redesign do6smeet 80? of the requirements, and we would feel_comfortable with this parking redesign (leavingthe project only 2 short). IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON The staff recommends approval of the proposal . ( significant last rninute- negotiations i'itir the applicantshave occurred to allow staff to support this priject.A1tlrough the inability of the end pioduct to inee€ tnestrict definition of a lodge is nol what we would ideallyIike to see, we feel that the property will rernain rofunction as a lodge and meet the intent of providing hJ.ghquality tourist accomnodations. The staff deerns itcriticar that this property remains functionitg "= a lodgeand that the units, both A.U. rs and D.U. r", ar5 availabl6to the tourist bed base as per the ownerrs userestrictions outlined in the subdivision Regulations. wefeel _the proposar gives us a better product than one which ""g19 be-developed under the rezoning and minorsubdivision scenario which would add Tract F-l into theproject and allow 492 of the top froor to be uniestricteddwelling units. Although the applicants feel strongly that additionaLparking is not necessary, the stafi simpfy cannotrecognize the short tern parking study lubrnitted asconcrusive evidence. we stilr feet that a1r deveropnentsproposed should provide adequate on-site parkinguntil such time as the reguirements are rLvised.-in a fairand equitable rnanner (if such a revision ever occurs). Iti:,J.ot.pryqgl! planningr.to al_low this project to proceed.hrlthout additional parking and risk that the over-fIowparking be located in the Village parking Structure whichis predominantly unavailable in the wint6r ,"ntnr. 1. The following conditions of approval are a strong erementin the staffls recomnendation tor approval: The SDD shall enconpass both Lot A, Block 3, VailVillage sth Filing, and Tract F-l, Vail Viliaqe 5thFiling. Tract F-t- shall be restricted in thaf alldensity which could be realized from a rezonins toPublic Accommodation on that parcel is now beiigutj-lized with the construction of this project. Thatis, Tract F-l- shal1 not be utilized in tne-future toincrease the density of the site and the sitecontains its rnaxinun amount of density utilizing bothparcels owned by the Ramshorn partnerahip. The part of the lot located on Tract F-1 shal1 beredesigned to increase its capacity by 3 parkingspaces, a new mini-car space and 4 overflow parkingspaces.9hgl1 be provided in the parking 1ot north ofthe buildings to provide a total of g new parkinqspaces for the project. The applicants snatl rnafe 3. A concrete sidewalk a ninimum of 6 feet in width,with a concrete curb separating it frorn the road.shoulder shall be constructed. frorn the entrance tothe parking lot on Tract F-1 along an agreed uponroute along the frontage of the project to the encryon the north end of the project. This sidewalk shailbe constructed and paid for by the applicant andshal1 _be agreed upon before a building permit isissued. -.. .every -ef f ort . to.. provide. an _additional . .Lwo .. par_kincrspaces for overflow guest parking on the site. ( I flfiEIl$[l$flflr POST OFFTCE BOX 70s vAtL. coLoRADO 8t6sa PHONE (303) 476-50-15 TO: FROM: DATH: Jay Pet erson L)avi d Gar t on 1947 Parking Sturly at Rams-Horn LodrJe Condominlums June .15 , I9A7 ','le undertook a parklng srudy at rhe Rams-Horn Lodge condominrumsclurl ng January, Februar)' and tlarch of 19a2. on a daily basis, wer'lentlfied cars in the parlcrng lot as to lrhether the cars r.rereowned b7 Rams-Horn manaqement, parking space sub Iesees orowners/renxers of the three Rams-Horn condomt niums that had beenc,.\ I .l Regarding the cars belongingfound the following: 71 cars r n 186 condoml nium,/days 4 cars were found on one day durrng the study -t cars were f ounci on nine days during the study 2 cars were f ouncl on tsrelve days durrng the study Either one cr Eero cars were found on all the other days orthe studT to people using the sold uni ts, we 'l'hese results shoh- we haclper day. 'Ihe most cars weexlst lng ccnclominiums or conaon l niutn . an average of .38 cars per condomrniumever had were four cars for the threea maxirnum of I .gS cars per clay per (,olt | /"' n I.i l// \i'FRANK H. WYMAN 375 PARK AvENUE NEw YoRK, N. y. IOOZ2 (2t2) 759.53 55 June 30, Plannlng & Environmental Commissionof the Town of vail Town of VailColorado 8L657 Dear Sir: l-"i.1:-:":1n1 that your Commission is pldnning ro hord a hearing ,,1-U-'' on Jury l3 on an.appli-cation by the Ramshorn Lodge in accordancer{tith section 18.66.060 under tire nunicipal code i"qrr."ting aspecial deve.ropment district in order Eo be able to add a thirdfloor to the'existing sEructure. r have been a property olrne r in Vail since 1964 and own an aparc-nent at the A11 seasons condominium. r'am also presidenc of thecondominium AssociaEion. Both in rny capaciEy as an individualpropercy owner and as president of the thirty-four memberAssociation, I would like to protest the gr"rrting of any permitto increase the density or change the trei!hr resiriccions of theRamshorn property. All the property ovrners in the imraediate viciniEy either at Al1seasons, vail Trails East, Vail rrails I,Iest and !lsewhere,boughE their homes wr-th reliance on the preservation of thebuilding codes as Ehey exist Loday.- To -hange rhe buildingrescrictions to gratify a developer's lust for moneEary gainwould violate the property right! of dozens ot f.op"rry ownersin the immediate vlcinity. It would be bad planning as weIIas a detriment to Che environnent. It would destroy viewsnow enjoyed by neighboring properEy owners, aggravaEe parkingproblems and be a detriment to Ehe area from u.rrury concei.vablepoint of view. t ( -2- your Commission will deny thisthat would be in violation ofpromulgated in Vail r s oriqinal applicat ion as we 11the o ri g inal building d eve 1o p rnen t plan. I trust Ehat.as any other restricti-ons Very truly yours, fuzQft-2t-\-,/ '// Frank u( ro"^on FHW:s1 a ( \ CHARLES H. COWPERTHIVATTE July 8, 1987 Planning and Environmental Commission Town of Vail Town of Vail Municipal Building75 So. Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 8L657 Pa.Public Hearing - July 13, I9B7Application of Ramshorn partnership for SpecialDevelopment District PENDLETON 8 SABIAN, P. C. ATTORNEYS AND COIjNSELORS AT LAV/ SEVENTEENTH AND CRANT BUILDINCsum 1000 3O3 EA5T SEVENTEENTH AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO 80203 TELEPHONE: (3o3) 839-1204 TELECOPIER: (303) 831-0786 TWX: 9tO-93t-0407 '- " --'--= 'Ladies- 6.-Gentlemen:- -'. ( On behalf of A11 Seasons Condominium Association, Vai_1Trails East condominium Association and Vail Trai.ls chaletcondominium Association, this is to reqister our obiectionto the establishment of a Special Deveiopment District toaccommodate the addition of a third flooi to the RamshornLodge. Due to the close proximity and relative locatj_on ofour cli-ents' buildings to the Ramshorn Lodge, the Ramshornproposal would have greater adverse effect on them than vir-tually any other landowner or groups of landowners. We have reviewed the plan of Morter Architects datedJanuary 9, 1984 as last revised on June 15,l-g91- and fromvirtually every ang1e, it is obvious that the height andmass of the structure as proposed would have a significantand detrimental effect on surrounding buildings which, inciden-tal1y were all constructed at about the same time. To approvethe p1an. in its present form is tantamount to working a ii.atrg"in the historical character of the neighborhood. Members of the Commission will no doubt recall the pro-longed and intense negotiations concerning the redevelopmentof the Golden Peak base area which, through the interventionof many people and orgranizations, includiig our clients Iled to a negotiated settlement which, among other things,limited the height of the base area buildinqs. L Page .Tuly 1987 While we believe that a similar carefully consideredapproach should be adopted regarding the Ramshorn proposal,we wish to emphasize the dramitic and adverse effect lnyincrease in height of the Ramshorn Lodge would have on itsneighbors. Pending an opportunity to work with the Ramshorn ownerson an approach that would not significantly affect the presentview plane, we urge the Commission to deny the applicanl'srequest. CHC:do 2 8, cc: All Seasons Condominium associJli6n-,-- ( Vail Trails East Condominium AssociationVail Trails Chalet Condominium AssociationCorununity Development Department, Town of Vail j r: 'i :. ' PENDLETON 8 SABIAN, PC. e.- ( (Planning and EnvironmentalJuly l-3 , L98'7 Cornrnission STAFF PRESENT Petd-PAEEen Rick PyLnan Betsy Rosolack ( PRESENT J.J. Collins Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pam Hopkins Peggy Osterfosssid schultz Jirn VieLe The meetinlt was called to order at 3:OOViele.PM by the chairrnan, Jim (The applicants for the first scheduled iten had not yetarrived- rten 2, exterior alteration and a density viriancefor Gasthof Grammshammer and item 3, exterior alteration andvariances for the Plaza Lodge were tabled by the applicants. ) 4. A feOUest for : snoai n'l dorra] nr.r'rn arr f Ai c+v.i e.+ i n av/las #- PgtgT Patten explained the request, indicating zoningstatistics, site plans and floor p1ans. He then evaiuated theproposal using Special Development District criteria. Indiscussing the possible irnpacl of the views of surroundingproperties, Peter stated that the Tivoli was the rnost irnpictedand this had been discussed with Bob Lazier, owner of theTivoli and that he had no objections. peter then discussed theproject with respect to zoning considerations with respect tonix of uses, density, setbacki, etc. fn discussion of theparking aspectr.Peter pointed out that although in the totalpicture.the project would be two parking spac6s short, thestaff did feel comfortable with the proposit. Staffrecommendation was for approval with thiee cond.itions. Jay Peterson, representing the applicants, pointed out thatmany nearby complexes qrere higher than the proposed height (42feet) of the Ramshorn. Jirn Morter, architelt.,-discussed theviews. Barbara Fey, representing Vail Trails, stated thatsome owners in Vail rrails felt their views were irnpacted,especially from the 2nd level. Tirn Garton, one of theappricants, felt that the three story Ranshorn buirding alreadyblocked the view frorn the Vail Traili rast and fert thit there-would onry be a very rninirnal irnpact upon views fron Vair TrailsWest. Ray cote, manager of All seasons, protested the addition withthe concern that more cars courd not le placed on the Ramshornproperty. Peter denonstrated the parking plan. Cote thenmentioned the impact of views to the wesf ior the All seasons,particularly for unit B-G. He felt that there would be a A _{gqugs! fof_ a specia} developrnent district in order toaqo. a thrrd floor to the Ramshorn Lodqe. ( (-, Ittransfer of values, with the Ramshorn units becoming morevaluable and the AI1 Seasons becoming less valuable.il DaveGarton, one of the applicants, responded that the windows onthe side of 8-6 which faced the Ranshorn were very smallbedroom windows and that usually the blinds were iul1ed inthese windows. Barbara Fey then mentioned that she felt a concrete sidewark asproposed would not be attractive. Jim viele responded that inprevious negotiations with the neighborhood on the Golden peakski.Base conplex, the neighborhood. had. expressed the desire fora sidewalk. Parn Hopkins felt that if the staff was comfortabre with thenumber.of unitsr'the restrictions placed upon then, theinclusion of Lot F-I, and the parking solution, she could. notfind- anything of substance to object to (except the appearanceof the trash dumpster). Sid agreed with pam. ge added. thatthere was no doubt that sorne views would be irnpacted, but theproject was well within its height lirnitations. Diana wouldhave preferred to not see the addition, but felt it was abetter sorution than would could have been proposed by rezoningTract F-l to P.A. She was strongly against any overflowparking going into the parking structure and felt all parkingproblems must be solved on the site. peter explained theparking requirements for accommoda-tion units. He added thatthe applicants had agreed that the meeting room would be onlyfor in-house use, and thus would not geneiate additionalparking. He admitted that if every key were utilized, therecould be a parking problem if no parking was add.ed. Diana suggested a restriction for valet parking rather thanusing the parking structure. Jay agreed that {,his could beanother condition of approval . Dave carton mentioned thatthey had done a parking study and found they had an renormous amount of unused parking space.r He agreed to the condition ofvalet parking rather than the use of the parking structure,however. Diana felt the proposed sidewalk could use somecreative solutions. she was not certain that pedestrians wourdgo around the corner and suggested instead that tne sidewalk belinked to one across the street between the Tivoli and HansonRanch Road, that it might be safer. Peter replied that the Town had envisioned colored concrete forthe sidewalk. He did not agree with Diana about having thewark connect to one across the street behind the Tivoli. Hestated that it was difficult to get people to look across thestreet, and since people now walked nexl to the Ramshorn, thestaff_wanted.to place the sidewalk where the pedestrians werealready walking. He added that perhaps the Town could look atthe additional walk through the Master p1an. Jirn viele asked Jay if the conditions were agreed with, and Jayrepried that they did. viele fert sympathetlc to the neighbor3 / but stated that on balance, he agreed with the staff about the( project. Peggy osterfoss felt the project was a positive onein terros of going along with the Master plan. She feltlandscaping was needed between parcel F-I and the A11 seasonsbuilding and berrning and landscaping ltras needed between F-l andthe roadway. J.J. Collins concurred with the other board members, adding that the photos seemed to indicate that viewswere not irnpacted greatly. He nentioned that the greenhouse added on a west ground level unit looked like an tradd-onrr andlandscapinlt was badly needed on the west. Diana Donovan moved and J.J.Collins seconded to recomnendapproval to Tolitn Counc r the staff memo ated Julv l-3l-987 with the three stated co ons as well as two others: 4.The ?pnlicant.strall solve anv future parkino problemson-site by utllizing valet parking. The dgsign_ gf the sidewalk,_ landscapinq, and possible gtreet_ Iiqbtinq shall be discussed at DeEiqn nEvIEwBoard level. 5. The vote was 7-O in favor of the proposal. A request for a setback variance in order to add anenclosure for a hot tub area on Lo Block 7 VailVillaqe lst Filincl. 1. Applicants: John and Mary Hobart RicS Pylrnan.explained the request and showed a site plan. Hereviewed criteria for varianCes and stated that the stattrecommended approval wj.th the stipulation that there be noencroachrnent over the property line. Ray story, representing the appricant, stated that the rocationof the addition was dictated by the location of the existingstructure. He felt that since the deck would be 2o feet abovethe right of way, the irnpact would be ninimal. Peggy osterfoss agreed with the staff recommendation as long asthere was no further encroachment. Bryan Hobbs agreed with thestaff. Diana did not support the stafirs recommeidation ofapproval . she stated that when a structure is nonconforming,the inpact should not be increased, especially when there i!'another place on the rot to prace the addition. she felt thecriteria for a variance was not met. sid rnentioned that a week ago the Town Attorney had reviewedvariance criteria vith the board. He agreed with oiana. pan Hopkins also agreed with Diana. .firn Viite agreed with thestaff and felt the hardship was the siting oi tne existingstructure. (Bryan Hobbs rnoved and Peggy Osterfoss seconded to approve therequest wj.th the stipulation that there not be any encroachmentinto the right-of-way. The vote vras 4-3 in favor of the motionwith Pan, Sid and Diana voting against the notion. 5. 4 reguest fgr an amendnent to housinq restrictions for the This proposal was tabled by the est to rea annexed rtions applicant. on recentl6. 7. I conmon known as andeatVaffside Discussion followed concerning communication with the HighwayDepartment. rt was suggested that a pEc nenber be named-to LheParking and Transportaiion Task Force. sid schultz was named.to the Task Force. A*r_egygst to reappl-y zoninq 9n recentlv annexed portions o5 v3rl=c?nnonly k ,Blocks Lr2r3,4,5,G,8 and 9 andffin aswell as unplatted portions. Rick Pylman explained that the Town was reapplying the sarnezoning that had been in place before these two-areas had beende-annexed. J.J. asked if the board would have an opportunityto change the zoning, and peter replied they coula, Lut thatthe staff had not looked at re-exanining alL of the zoning.Rick added that the Land Use plan had hid a few suggested.changes, and the staff decided that changes should be mad.e on aprivate sector basis. pam asked how the zoning related to thezoning the County had imposed, and was told the County hadnatched as closely as possible the Town zoning before theproperty had been de-annexed. Diana moved and Bryan seconded to approve the apprication ofzoning to LionsRidge Filing #2 ana Flting #4, niage at vail andcliffside. The vote was 7-0 in favor. Diana moved and Bryan seconded to approve the application ofzoning to fntermountain Subdivisionr-Alocks L,2-,i,4,5,6rg and 9and stephens subdivision as werl as certain unpiaLted-portions.The vote was 7-O in favor. I c a {u $. I\ {,,,,^ k-fl INTER-0EPARTMENTAL REVI Elt -- PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTI0N 0F THE pROp0SAL:. DATE OF PUELIC HEARING Date -'/ ;/c.- E, .^^- -'- 1''1€<^) / 34 Y (ott C<t e < l-<t 't€ /^2u--'' / <7) L Qn^odn[i (\ ( /*. BINI . a f' lL U 'o?"'e-e dF €xts7"'-'(' 6( z'' G /'/c L)7'/a//7 64 g€)rtCxt7 48-^rDo^tz'a). DR4,n'aGCl Pc4a.t - 7kE€ a a [€og((n' a, L)'t )r,7-/ ,1 . :F crlT/cat f\g'r'l FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Cornments: Date t€) /=\ '.:a,/ PUBLIC lilORKS\ Reviewed by: Comments: t" //- Z-77 //tu, 6 4DDto>s /un e/,tvq &7,6-, POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments:' RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: I 6vrrr /^J 4 tr //./ S 6?'z-e ^J .l Comments: Date .t l ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS 1. 2. 3. Tivoli Lodge P.O. Box(o27Vallr Co 81658 Ramshorn Lodge Condominiums P.O. Box 705Vail, CO 81658 Vorlauferc/o BrandeEs Cadmus P.O. Box 1105Vailr cO 81658 vVilla Vallaha c/o chrietlana P.O. Box 758Vallr Co 81658 Vail Trails west'-{t, ,^',i-/l';;-'J 4 , ,- Sc.,,, , ., .t,_.\- ( o.t- Edwin c. whithead 15 Valley Drive creenwich' CT 06830 & rocu- ,L'-"' Co SloLc\3 4. 5. 6. Bo rg-L'- [ oa o z- ',^ Ba uAa'-< ryL, )_.\/zod n. &LI'o'' /, ///- 17^ C't f'o | ?'/ ,-'L*a'J-.;' '0,4' , -// I ,. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of vait will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail- on November 9, L987 at 3:00 PM in the Town of VaiI Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a special development district for the Garden of the Gods Club located on Lot K, Block 5A, vail Village Fifth Filing. Applicant: A.G. Hill 2. A request for a heigtrt variance for a duplex located on Parcel A, a resubdivision of Lots l-4 and l-7 ' Block 7, Vail ViIIage First riling. Applicants: Michael and Suzanne Tennenbaun The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning adrninistratorrs office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Zoning Adurinistrator Published in the Vail Trail on October 23, L9B7 c^- )/-:- Hssac t L*--' rn {6- Uffir${qv*qf@ 75 3oulh ,ronlege road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce of communlty devolopment October 6, L9B7 Mr. Jay Peterson Box 3l-49Vail, colorado 81658 Re: Garden of the Gods Special Developrnent District pECSubmittal Dear Jay: The staff reviewed the submittal for the Garden of the Godsproject. The following information should be subrnitted bvoctober 21st to our office: L. Documentation of the parking arrangernent for the spacesthat are located to the east of Vail Vall_ey Drive. 2. A survey for the property. 3. Existing floor plans and elevations 4. A height analysis rf yorl have any further questions, please feer free to call rne.At this time, the staff is pranning to review this project atthe PEC meeting on Novernber 9th. Sincerely, {*f^hhKristan Pritz Town Planner KP:br ru6- ed.-__ hd {Dl&. _-__ I y), a o . 387r. : l}}---. ixor. LL_\ . f_sl__ 3tr\_I _Ki DL 3T3 xK36-+ L.tt v3g trt- Jl- y6.l - tt''13 b.,b -l- o ii ii - ;-L-YIJ: VV I - Lx{.i: ll Ar m,t let1 _lr-y_t1,5_ )SD l?- -- '2?.rvlf-- __ E_I _ $r" - \,-\ ,*r\-^nll -mq."S /\\ L :. , c6xwVL) 1frR , r \+ tat#\&: kgl656p, )^d, Jrd' tL iltL,lf1b t w6@-f ; t. .. a i !l t 0tL aJsO' 3 DIA JA:Ntr tDu v3qr tr'0, l'(., l}llrlr_ qn6 YNL yJ?t /3)2- t LtNtlttFA 3 0u. aJ?8 tr I.U. JJ?8 trAw ENtr o !E(ho0W _LhL_ * e35A lt: - t? A,U JOv.,__ I j , r/\qf\_-<-1 ' ' '-r1 ;l Ili-I I a 6L ao F7 1'tr_ Jrt ),ta_ r t2-.----------...__''-_--- -!r---, JEIL - aI l^4.?10<- f?DPDrp N\.]\. 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