HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLOCK 5A LOT K GALATYN LODGE FKA GARDEN OF THE GODS 3 SDD AGREEMENTS-3 LEGAL7:30 Larry Eskwith Stan Berryman 7:45 Charl ie hli ck 8: 15 Kristan Pritz I. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER I, 7987 7:30 p.m. EXPANDED AGENDA Horse Drawn Carriage Agreement of Council: Decide whether it wishes to enteri nto a new Jones to operate the Town. agr"eement with Steve Jones, permitting a horse drawn carri age on the streets of Background Rationale: The Town entered into a contract with Jones permittjng him to operate a horse drawn carriage service on designated streets within the Town for the sumner season. Jones would like a new contract permitting him to continue the service through the winter. Publjc t{orks indicates there were no substantial problems caused by the service this past summer. Z. Ordinance No. 39, Series of 1987, second reading, regarding busi ness I i cense fees Acti on of Councjl: Approve/deny Ordinance No. 39, on second reading. Background Rationale: This ordinance has been an ongoing process for raising monjes for the marketing of Vail. Staff Reconrmendation: Approve Ordinance No. 39, Series offfiing. 3. Ordinance N0.40, Series of 1987, second reading, regarding a request to rezone the Garden of the Gods Club from public accommodation zoning to a special development district Action Requested of Council: Approve/deny 0rdinance No. 40, Series of 1987, on second reading. Background Rationale: This ordinance was a request to rezone Lot K, Block 5A, Vajl Village 5th Filing, the Garden of the Gods Club from public accommodatjon zoning to a special development district jn order to remodel 16 accommodation units and to add sjx dwelling units.(Applicant: Mr. A. G. Hill, Sr. ) The PEC reviewed this reouest on November 9th. The Commission\ recommended approval of the request 4-0 with one abstention. In general , the PEC felt that the proposal was an example of a well done upgrading of a small lodge. One member stated that the Town could perhaps have nore incentives for the redevelopment of small lodges to keep Vajl's lodgjng competitive. One member felt that the over-rel i ance on the subdi vi si on use restri cti ons coul d prove to be a mistake jn the long run as the restrictions are difficult to enforce which could lead to a loss of our short-term bed base. Staff Reconmendation: Approve 0rdinance No. 40, Series offfiing. 4. Ordinance No.41, Series of 1987, first reading, regarding modjfication of fees to be charged by the Town to monitor alarm systems W' 8:30 Ken Hughey Reouested of 1987, Acti on of Council: Approve/deny Ordinance No. 41, Seri es of 1987,on first reading. Background Rationale: The current monthly monitoring fee was established in 1983 and has not been modified to keeo pace with increased costs. l.le are proposing to increase the fee to $20 per month for 1988 and ailow the future fee structure to be in proportion to the U.S. Consumer Prjce I ndex . Staff Recommendatjon: Approve Ordinance No. 41, Serjes offfins.' 5. Ordinance No. 42, Series of 1987, emergency reading, adding a provision to the Municipal Code permitting snowcats on public streets for certain special events Action Requested of Council: Approve,/deny Ordinance No. 42, Series of 1987, on emergency reading. 8: 50 Larry Eskwi th 9: 15 Peter Patten 9:30 Larry Eskwith 9: 55 Pam Brandmeyer Background Rationale: The Town Councj'l requested that current ordinance, which prohibits heavy equjpment from operating on Town streets, be amended to allow snowcats be operated on Town streets for certain specia1 events. the to 6. Ordinance No. 43, Series of 1987, fjrst readjng, requesting to Rezone Property located at 1785 Sunburst Drive from Low Density Multj-Famjly to Single Famiiy Residential Act i on Council: Approve,/deny Ordinance No. 43, Ser i es of 1987, on first reading. Background Rationale: In 1982, upon completion of the Vail Golf Course Townhomes Expansion project, the Publjs Ranch (whjch also contajned the above property) was subdivided through a townhouse plat into two portions. One part js the subject property whjch contains a single family residence and the larger parcel which contajns the Vail Golf Course Townhomes. The two parcels are separated by Sunbunst Drive. Zoning for both parcels is Low Density Multjple Family. The appljcant js requesting Single Family Residential zoning for the small parcel whjch contains the single family home. The PEC vote was 6-0 in favor.(Applicant: S.H. Shapiro and Company) Staff Bergrn[eldilil4: The staff recommends approval of the ffi see no adverse effects and feel the zone change is appropriate. Approve Ordinance No. 43, Series of 1987, on first reading. 7. Amphitheatre Lease Agreement between the Town of Vajl and Vajl Va1ley Foundation Action Requested of Council: Determine the terms of a new Vail Val leylease agreement between the Town and the Foundation for the Ford Amphitheatre. Background Rationale: The initial lease between the Foundation and the Town for the Amphitheatre premises has termjnated and the parties need to negotiate a new lease. 8. Appojntment of an Election Commissjon Action Requested of Council: Approve/deny the following nomlnees: REGULAR MEMBERS 1. Lauralee Swetish - 2945 Booth Creek Drive 2. Kathy Rossj - 5127 Black Gore Dri ve ALTERNATES 1. Celine Krueger - 1628 Vail Valley Drive 2. Vi Brown - 2556 Cortina Lane -2- at,,..,r,ii ..,o 10 :05 l0: 10 Eackground Rationale: Per Section 2.5 - Election Comission, of the Charter, an Election Commission composed of 2 members is to be appointed at the first meeting in December following a Regular Municipal Election. The termis for 2 years and these individuals are not to receive compensation. As in the past, I am requesting the appointment of 2 regu'lar members, as well as 2 alternates, to serve unti'l December 1989. Staff Recommendation: Approve the nominees. CITIZEII PARTICIPATION 9. Town Manager's Report 10. Adjournment eD(\ K\, -1 -)?\t-B.k-3-' -5 J -3- ORDINANCE NO. 40 Series of 1987 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (KNOI,JN AS SDD NO. 18, GARDEN OF THE GODS CLUB) AND THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 18.40 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Chapter 18.40 of the vail Municipal code authorizes special development distrjcts wjthjn the Town; and WHEREAS, the owner of the Garden of the Gods Club, Mr. A.G. Hill, has submitted an application for special development district approval for certain parcels of property wjthin the Town known as Lot K, Block 5A, Vail Village 5th Filing and a portion of Lot P-2, Block 3, Vail Village 5th Fjling; and I{HEREAS, the establishment of the requested SDD 18 wjll ensure unified and coordinated deve'l opment wjthjn the Town of Vail in a manner suitable for the area in whjch it is situated; and t.lHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commissjon has recommended approval of the proposed SDD; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficia'l to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants and visitors to establish said Special Development District No. 18. NOl||, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOtl,N OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Sectjon l. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled. Planning Commjssion Report The approval procedures prescribed in Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfjlled, and the Town Council has received the report of the Planning and Envjronmental Commjssion recommending approval of the proposed development plan for SDD No. 18. Section 2, Special Development Djstrict No. 18 Special Development District No. 18 (SDD No. 18) and the development plan therefore, are hereby approved for the development of the parcel noted above within the Town of Vai I . Section 3. Purpose Specia'l Development Djstrjct No. 18 js established to ensure comprehensive development and use of an area that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town of Vail and to promote the upgrading and redevelopment of a key property jn the Town. The development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council and meets all the design standards as set forth in Section 18.40 of the Municipal Code. There are significant aspects of Special Development Djstrjct No. 18 which cannot be satisfied through the'imposition of standards in a Public Accommodation zone district. sDD No. 18 is compatible with the upgrading and redevelopment of the cormunity while majntaining its unique character' Section 4. Devel opment Pl an A. The development plan for SDD No. 18 is approved and shall constitute the plan for development wjthin the Special Development District. The development plan is comprised of the following plans by Snowdon and Hopkins Architects and consists of the following documents: Sheet l. site and Landscape Plan - Final Revisjon: November 9, 1987. Sheet 2. First Floor Plan - November 5, 1987. Sheet 3. Second Floor Plan - 0ctober 30' 1987. Sheet 4. Thjrd Floor Plan - 0ctober 30' 1987. Sheet 5. Fourth Floor Plan - September 23, 1987' Sheet 6. South Elevation - September 23, 7987. Sheet 7. East Elevation - 0ctober 6, 1987. Sheet 8, West Elevation - September 23, 1987. Sheet 9. North Elevation - September 23, 1987 B. The development plan shall adhere to the following: Setbacks Setbacks shall be as noted on the site plan listed above' He i ght Hejghts of structures shall be as indicated on the elevations ljsted above, but jn no case shall the height exceed 48 feet for a sloping roof or 45 feet for a flat or mansard roof. Coverage sjte coverage shalI be as indicated on the site plan listed above. Landscapj ng The area of the site to be landscaped shall be as indicated on the fjnal landscape plan approved by the Design Review Board and on fi'l e in the Community Development Department. -2- o Park ing Parking shall be provided on Lot K, Block 5A, Vail Village 5th Filing and a portjon of Lot P-2, Block 3, Vail Village 5th Filing as indicated on the site plan, but in no case shall the sites have the ability to park less than 27 automobi I es. Section 5. Densjty SDD No. 18 shall not contain more than 16 accomnodation units, representing 4'596 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) and I dwelling units representing 72,741 sguare feet of GRFA. The site shall have a maximum density of 13 dwelling units representing a total GRFA of 16,737 square feet. SDD No. 18 shall also contajn 2 employee dwelling units: one employee dwelling unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 215 square feet and the second employee dwelling unit shall have a minimum of 515 sguare feet GRFA. The two restrjcted employee dwelIing units shall be governed by an agreement between the Town of VaiI and the property owner dated . The two restricted employee dwelling units shall be restricted untjr *4h, ,,ffi+ Sect'i on 6. Uses Permitted, conditjonal , and accessory uses shall be as set forth in the Public Accommodation Zone District while recognizing the property wjll no longer meet the definition of a lodge as found in Section 18.04.270. Section 7. Use Restrictions 0wners' use restrjctjons per Section 17.26.075 of the Town of Vail Subdjvjsion Regulations shall apply to the 16 accommodation units and the mi ddle dwelling unit on the second floor as indjcated on the Second and Third Floor Plans drawn by Snowdon and Hopkins and dated October 30, 1987. The restricted units represent a total GRFA of 5,730 square feet. Section 8. Amendments Amendments to the approved development plan which do not change its substance may be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing jn accordance with the provisions of Section f8.66.060. Amendments which do change the substance of the development plan shall be required to be approved by Town Council after the above procedure has been followed. The Community Deve'lopment Department shalI determjne what constjtutes a change in the substance of the deve'l opment plan. -?- o Section 9. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared jnvalid. Section 10. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provisions of the Vai1 Municipal Code as provided jn thjs ordinance shall not affect any right whjch has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the prov'i sion repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated here'in. I NTRODUCED, 1987, and a READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING public hearing shall be held on 1987 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council THIS this ordinance Chambers of the Muni ci pal day of on the Vai 1 day of Building, Vail, Colorado. Ordered published in full this ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON thi s day of , 1987. READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED , t987. SECOND day of Kent R. Rose, MaYor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk PROJECT NAME MNGE OF ROOM SIZES Existing: 328 to 672 sf Proposed: 222 to 355 sf Garden of the Gods Westi n/Cascade Vi I I age Praza I 19 au,s _ 293_355 sf 2, au's - | ,459; 1 au - 423 sf Terrace Wing: 397-642 sf Hestin 150 at 425 sf Chri sti ani a Doubl etree Ranshorn Vail Athletic Club Gashof Gramshammer PIaza Lodge Hol iday Inn Sonnenal p 190, 268, 282, 305 sf 377 sf/au 22 au = 7,529 GRFA approx. 342 sf/au 364 to 522 sf I au, 290 sf 300 - 350 sf majority of unitsI at 508 sf 1 at 6'13 sf 380 sf 267 sf 396 sf 285 sf 36.| sf 288 sf 318 sf 297 sf 315 sf o o Request form must be Thursdays.8:00 a.m. Work Session:Eveni ng fl. II.Action Requested of Council: {t ttutov,r ir.lrtt nff r $Q tit i itn(t TOt.lN COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 0"0.., Grnrn lhv &-d Meetins 0.r., lfh,.,, R, tQ$J Meeti ns:X, kl,ftm'iu'r.il,r*l\t''i, lj,'.'\', [g1\ico, ti i \ i:i ' Ui ttl' (t,!ld. {',' \'' il ., V.Assurances ( Leoa'l , _Engineering, _Finance, _0utsideProfess ionilT r trsf '. iVIIABLE{ gnature t.oOt1ILAhitt T I TLE r3t-t 6Ftr:ll'lT [E !:: r:r lvl F'Alt'l Y i1epret.,i.i'i titi',..r Ti LI* I fr :i r.j i ' €. ri rt: i; l::i:r ttr r?.:i. r'i " rif l*1j. fr l-i'.1 3r:t{:,t. TllFil.'i;,:: Yi:tl-: f[ift Yr::l-:ii r:i;if:i:li ilc L r:L,er' i;1 , 1';;::/ l.-lur r.de r-: V,l llir::l t'UYEfi ! 16U ,\ f: L-!Tl i Atttiii[:;i::, I ,'/ 'lat F'ETEtiiuli v v. i!. b. Fi" J" Attrrr r: :!\ .-.rt IEIYT ffinAerr ' MINNESOTAt,tf: !\ 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 420-O241 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suile 105 Aurora, CO 80014 7 51-4336 I 810 30rh Street Boulder, CO 8030 | 444-4tOl 200 North Ridge P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 5l 2 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 2l 2 North Wahsatch Colorado Springs. CO 80903 631-4821 Gommitment To Insure lswd thnugh the 0ffie ot: P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 8021 7 32I -t 880 Sanford Place 2 Suile 301 7979 East Tufts Denver, CO 80237 779-0220 8333 Greenwood Bou levard Denver, CO 8022 1 427-9353 I 201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 8130,| 247-5860 6851 South Holly Circle Englewood. CO 801 l2 770-9596 108 3O3O S. College Avenue Suife 201 Fort Collins, CO 80525 482-091 5 710 Kipling Slreet Lakewood. CO 802t 5 232-31 I I 3609 So. Wadsworth Suile I l5 Lakewood, CO 80235 98 8-8 5 50 '| I 990 Grant Sf reel Su ite 220 Northg lenn, CO 8.0133 152-Ol49 'l 9590 East Main Parker, CO 801 34 84 t-4900 108 Soulh Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 352 Vail, CO 8l 657 476-2251 LAI{D TITLE GTIARANTEE COfvPANY South Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81657 476-2251 LAND T]TLE CdJARAAITEE COf\dBAtl/ oETVJS 289? r.r,llol y{ tf ^rp.Jeuots Wzuoqtnv AJei€'mS=^z_f 6'72_ fuoleubrs pazuoqlne raqlo ro ralfo buueprlen e iq paubrsralunoc uaqm prle^ aq ol'V alnpaqcs ur umoqs alep aql uo sracrgo pazuoqlne A;np s1r Aq paxrge olunaJaq aq ol leas pue oueu aterodroc sU pasnec seq plosouurf{ 1o AuedLuo3 ocuernsul aru SglujHM SSINIIA Nl']uau.r ururo3 stql Aq paranoc uoa:aql abebuour ro lsaralur ro olelsa aql anle^ rol progor lo sa:rnbcB parnsur pssodord aql alep aql ol.roud 1nq loaraq alsp o^rlcalo oql olluanbasqns 0urqcege:o sprocer crlqnd aq1 ur 6uueedde lsrll'palear o'Aue ;r'srageu r€qlo ro sul|elc asra^pe'sa gusrqun cua'suarl'slcalo0'g 'sprocer crlqnd aql Aq u^ or..ls lou pue nnel iq pssodul 'paqsrurnl ra4eaiaq ro arololaraql leualeur lo Joqel 'socrruas ro] i uarl e ot tqDu ro 'uar; Auy 'g 'spocar cr;qnd aql llq umoqs tou are qcrqM pue asolcsrp plnoan sasruard aql lo uorlcadsur pue Aaruns 1ca:Joo e qcrqm slcel Aue pue 'sluauqceorcua 'eare ur a0eyoqs 'saur1 rfuepunoq ur slcrlluoJ 'sarcuedarcsrg 'g 'sprocar cr;qnd oql Aq uMoqs lou'sluouleseo lo surelg.lo'sluaurasel Z 'sprooar crlqnd aq] Aq umoqs lou uorssassod ur sarued lo suJrelc ro s1qDrg 1 :burmo;;o; aql ol lcofqns osle sr luoulltuuo3 stql'ol pallalal a^oqe a0elaAoJ rxorl suorsnlcxl pue suorlPlnorls pue suorlrpuoJ sql ur paureluoc sJaueu aql ol uoruppg ul SNOIId]CN OUVONVIS luauJ]rrlluro3 s!ql lo suors!^od aql q palqns ate pue uo paseq aq lsnur luauqruuJo3 srql ltq peramc uoaraqi a0e0uou aql ]o snlels aq ro $aJatur ro aleNa aqq ol allrl aql lo snlsls a$,o Uo Eursue AueduoS aq] ]sutebe 6uuq ,{eu ro a,req Aeu parnsul pasodord aql leql uotpe lo slqotj ]o suotpe ro uorpe itUV t 'utajaq patltpoul Alssaldxa se }dacxa luaurlrrluro3 srql p yed e apeu pue aoualalal Iq palerodJmur lqaraq are qcrq^ parnsul pasodord aq lo ro^sl ur Jol pauuuuoc sarrrlod rc Arrlod 1o uro; aql 1o abera oC uro4 suorsnloxa a$ pue suorlelndls pue suor puo3 aq pue suorsrirord buunsur atp og palqns sr i$1rqer1 qcns pue to] pa[tultxoo sercrlod ro lcr;od aql ro] V alnpaqcs ur popls lunoue aql peecxs Arlqetl qcns lleqs ]ue e ou ul tuau4ruuro3 srqq r(q peranoc uoareql e0eOuour Jo lseJelut lo alqsa aq] alearc lo alnbce ot (o) ro 'g alnpaqcs ur umoqs suorldaoxa aleururla ot (q) ro loaraq sluauarrnbar aql qr^ ilduro3 o] (e) Wlel poob ur buulepapun ut uooiaq aJuerlar ur pairnJur ssol ;en1ce ro1 r(1uo pue rol pollrururm sarsrlod ro Arrlod p uuol aql ur parnsul lo uoluurlap sql rapun papnlcur sarped Wns pue parnsul pasodord paLueu aq1 o1 {uo aq lleqs }uaurllxrxo3 stql rapun Aueduto3 aq1 p r(11;qqe11 g 'suorlelndrls pue suorlrpuoC asaq;o g qder0ered ol luenund palncur llsnonatd llrllqell uo4,iuedurq aq a^arlar lou lleqs lusrxpuaue qcns uq ,{lourproo3e }uautrumoJ srqt lo B alnpaqcg puaue leur uoqdo s111e Auedr.uca aq] lalleu ra$o ro urelJ asralpe 'acuerqurnJua 'uarl ']ralap qJns iue ;o aOpaproul lenpe sarnbe asrMlaqo Aueduq aqt ir ro lfueduro3 ar4 ot a0pa;ir,rou1 qcns asolcsrp lleqs painsul pasodord aq 11 a0pan oul qons osolcsrp os ol parnsul pasodord aq 1o arnpel Aq pacrpnlard sr Aueduro3 eg tuoua ag ol uoeieq acuer;ar 1o pe ,{ue r.ro4 0urlnsar a6euep ro ssol ,(ue ro1 AtlllQell ulo4 pa^arlar aq 1leqs r{ueduq aq} 'Ourum ur Aueduo3 aq ot a0pel/\ oul l.pns asolisrp o} ||e}|leqspueJoaJaq8a|npaFSu|u/'^oqsasoq1Ueql']aq}oluaull|uu'l03stqAqpa:a,rocuoataqa6e61otttto}sala}u|loa14saat46ur1ra;',teraeulaq1olo urelc asia^pe 'orueJqunsua 'uarl 'polap iue ]o a6pal/\ oul leruce sallnboe lo seq pornsul pasodotd aq111 7 'luauiruNur ftuncas raqlo ro 'paap ]su 'isru] l0 paap apnlcut llgqs 'utaiaq p€sn uap ',,4096u0u1,, ulal aqf ! sN0tIV|nd[s 0NV sNou-t0Noc Iueduo3 aql lo Unel aql lou sr sarcrlod lo Afllod qcns anssr 0t oinlre, aql leql papr^oJd'srnc3o ]srll ra aqJrq/v\'onssr lleqs Jol pauururos sorJrlod l0 Arlod aq uaqM.ro loaraq alep a^rpal+€ eql isue sqtuour xts aleutuxal pue esesc lleqs lapunaraq suorle6tlqo pue r{1pqe11 |p pue aouernsut olul }0 sotctlod lo ^ctlod tlcns lo acuenss eql ol fuPul.iJltaid st ]uouJiltuuroC srrll luaua$opua tuanbasqns iiq ro luaulrmlxoo sl+ lo acuenssr oq) lo auq eq 1e raqlra ,(ueduo3 aq1,{q loeraq v alnpaqss ur pauasur ueaq a^eq]oJ pauruuroc satctlod ro i{cr;od aqr lo tunoue aql pue parnsul pasodoid aql p Altuapt aql uaq/vl^luo a^tpal]a aq lleqs luaulflxrxoc stql loalaq suolelnd[S pue suorlrpuo3 aql o] pue B pue V salnpaqos ]o suorsrrrord eq1 ol palqns q;e lo]aJaq] saOipqc pue suinruard aql l0luauled uodn 'V slnpaws ur 0l paxalar ro paq[Jsap puel aW ur i{qalaq para^m ]saialur ro aplsa eq1 lo aabe6uonr ro raulro se 'V alnpaqcs ur pauJeu parnsul pasodord aq1 lo ro,rel ur V alnpaqos ur pa!]rluapr se 'aouelnsur allrl Jo sarorlod ro Arr;od s1r anssr og slrulroc i(qaraq 'uorleJaprsuoo alqenleA e r01 ^ueduro3 a$ pallcr uraiaq 'uorprodloc elosauu!!\ e'uoslNNlt4 j0 ANVdl l0S SSNVUnsNl lllll ^au 016 I -lu0u4[uur03 vl]v Viir,, ornsq ol uoruulnroS VTOS]NNIW o AurA r-: uf'l l"l Ifi'itsi\i T 5111f trt-lL[ |:,l Appl it'it i r-,rr l'Jr,.'vtl 1i5!l: F,:r. Ii-i f i:ti ttia I i,:n tl:riI r' - r* L.- ALTA crhrNE*-t'':iti-iiloL * * [.lith r',rr.rr' r'*nrittarr,:e pleas* r'efer' t,r V11ll:u, 1, Et:fecLive ftate: 5*pterrt,sr.!4, 1?87 at::l:{-J(} 4,1"1 , :, Fc, l icl t* te issue,Jr Enrl r.i ,ri=*;ed Irrsuisd: 'rAL fArr tiurr*r''s F',rl irr [ic,r'rn F-1?71:t (Arrerrded 1(-t*17"7i]) [:'r,tpc,se ,J In:iuf €d: -rErrt 3. The estate {,r' irrter'est irr the i;rnd deE;ribed r'r' reF+r'r'ed '1 ,:, irr this ll,r nrrn i t nie n t' and ,:,:'vel- *d fi.."r'ein i.sr A Fee .iimrl e 4. Title tc, the estate nr ifiter'€3t c*ver'*d hei'eiri is ;:.t il-rE etfertive d*te lie r'e,:f i'1rsf .3rl i 1-1 : A. fi. }{ILL 5. The Iand r'el:er'r'ed t* in this t-:c, niin i. t ttre r t i; 'Jes':r'i L''3'l ;j !i fu I I *rrrs : LOT. },:' BLE':ii 5A' VAIL VILLAIjE'' F IFTI-I F:lLIIII]. AI-.':']FTTIN'J T::' T}.IE REL:URIIELI FLAT THEREI-.IF, :::l:lI-II']TY I:IF EAI:iLE.' ::;TATE ':TF TNLI,-]RASI], F Ar:iE 1 o 'ALTA [,r-1 l'1 I'lITl'lfNT '.--rucrrl ll r E,- t (Requi;'eriiettts) Arr'l icati':,r'i ll,:'. Vl,Lil:,:lr The f t l l,ruritttr ar'€ tl-re r'*qi.i i r'*rirerrts t',: hrr r:nfiir'l ir,',J u, ithi 1. Fai'nren t tc, *r' t,ir' ttle atc*r-lrrt ,rf tfie lr'arrt,:i t itl' ntr:ri t:ra:li:,i 5 ']{:the f r.r l l tr-trrs ider'atir-'n f ':r' the r*s.ta.tr- ':i' irit*r*:t 1:,: L,e lrrsUf€tl. I. Fr'tper' i nstr'utrrerrt ( s ) rr'reatirr'::r th* o$tats t,i i.rrter'*$t t,:, ti,:r irrgrlr'g,l nrugt L,e *:;tetUt€d An'l 'lUl r' {:il.*,1 {,:'r' ier::!:tr'dr t,::-titit: :3. EVInENi:E SATI:jFA':TIRY T* THE f,r]l"lFAtlY THAT TFIE TE:Rf,l';, i:r:rNnlTlr:rl'JFj Ai{tl F.RI]VI5IIJN5 i:IF'TIIE TI]I,JI'J t:IF VAiL TRANSFER TAX }]AVE FjHEI.,,I SATI:IFIEN, 4. I^IARRANTY L'EET' FR|]I'I A. I:i, HILL TI] TBTI I:I:II-JVEYJI,Jfi :::I-IE'.ITI::T F'T{I:IFERTY. TT{E L:L'UNTY I::LERTi: ANN RET:'JFTT!ER::; I:IFFI!::E TiENL.I IF{E;'.:; FiETI-IFJI'.I AnLrHES::lE:i r:!iJ tiltr:tJf4ENT* rjEl'lT Fr:rR REr::r:rRf_rJl.,l':i! ! f]AEE } aa $I:HEETIJLE F-'? (E.ac*r'l;ir,trs) Ar.r'l ir-ati+n lJ'r' V1l. li:!l f fre pul icr ,rr. r,: I i,:iegl t,:, L,e i:::;,;d r;;i I I c'rntain r1:r:: r: € F t i ,:, rr s t,: th* fc, 1l r,ulirrs uitless tl-re sarre ar'e dis.$:u5,,,,d *F t,l th* r, '.,r t i st-a':t i. {rrr r:r l: the ll*nrI,an r'3 1. Starrdar'd H:isepbi*r,s I thr'c,usrli .1 r.i irr'ttd ,:' it the L':,vlr !ifr ,:-iit' ls. Ta:'les ,arr,l agsess$rL:.rrts rr*t r*t' du.: ,:,i Fa"r'aLiI r? E.f1,l qfrLr': i.,nl aSSessnrerrtS frnt T€t cef tif i*ri tt tire Tleasr.ir'li-'5 i f Fi.,:e. 7. Arrl urperid ta:,res nr a -q s * s s rrr € rr 'L il ,tt.$;li ri g.t s-a.i,J I *r,,1 " $. Liens f or' urrpsid uater' arrd sluer' ':hai':r*5, il: ,tr',r'' ,?. ftIUHT i:F F'RLIF'RIETI:IR $F A VEIN *R LI:ITIE T|f EXTFAI:T Ai.JN TiET'1I:II.IE !.{I5 I]T.:E THEREFRT:rM SHLTULLi THE 5A1"lE FE Fr_]Uhl[| T* f,ENETRAT|: frfi J|{TER5EI::T T:-{E F]RFNl::-jF*E: AS RE5[:liVUtr IN UNITEn:!TATE5 FfiTEl.]T REr:llRtlE[l l'1;rr':lr], 1.?$5, IFI Elr:trlf'l 4fir AT frAGE 511. 1(r. ttIuHT trF t AY Fnfi irITI:HEE L'R IArJALS r:r:rN::Tf:rU'::TER SY Tt-lE Al"lTl1!:rF(ITY *F THE UNIITET' ;;TATE:J A5 IIESERVET' ]N I-IN:TEN :!TATF::: FATENT F[':':IRTJEN F1A.r".:II"I , T.f/O5' II'J Hcrrlti 4Er AT PAEE 511. 11. rTEFTRICTIVE r::r:rVEhlANT$" 1",!-lIt::!-l fil:r hlr:rT il:r-rNTAIlrl A F:r:rf;iFf.ITI-'RH t::rR F{eVfftTf,R L:LAU::iE, BUT ilI"IITTITlG RESTRII:TiI:INI:;" IF AI']Y, BA:]EN IIFJ NAI:fi, I::|.ILI:IR.' RF:I-II:II:II'J, L1ft NATInNAL EtRIr:iIl.J, A:i ruNTAli,lElr 1f''l Ii,l":rTr{Lrt'lEiJT FrEr:r:rRIrSn N,::,vsr,L'*r.rlr5, 1?6=.' IN FBfrir: 1r::7 AT PArIE:t5:f ANn F{t Ar'lEf'JtrEn JN IN::;TRl-llrlEl..:T l-iEr::i:rF:IrHtr l"la.rrl-r {-'r3, L'777, IN BrlO[,:: t5:] AT FAUE 4.; ANC| ir:i At'lft.ltrElr Il'J iN5"I'RlJllFl'JT FtEr::r:!F:ftEft Ar.isi-r Et t-/ 1 I ?/i:ir.i.' 1l! llriul:.. .-;.-/.i Fli f'H:-]i--. q:.,:. UTILITY ANTI ETRAII{AEE EAT;EI'TN-I TT[i F'EET iN I.JTNTT{ ALl::I'.,Iii TI{F I'JE:::T*RL.Y LfiT LINF nF:!u8,-lt:r-T Fn'JFERTY A5:jHfl'.r,Jl.J !]t,t 1-l.lE FiHL-:r::F{t'Fn FL.AT r:F VAIL VTl.-.1-.Afir, FIFT}{ F ILIN':. 1:-1. EXIgTIl.lEi LEASE= ANI| TEf{.ri'l-IE::. o)nALTA cBl'IMITt4ENT tStl6il? or f,?'BtRtSIP IT P-2 r8SocrAttol rn l? W : Thir Ar.lgnmnt 1r ned. tblr .r-{l- d.y of ;.y ' tttlr by rrdb.tra.n xbltt tntarprlaaa, Inc.. I Colorado co4tortCton (.l|atl!o3.t ''\ : rd PoI.s Prltn.rrblp, r Colorrdo gan.trl Frtrrt.blp (.lrtgrr.l . 1, Arrlgnor rnd ta.19n.a blva aatarad lnto r Colrtrclrl:'cont!.ct to Buy rnd 8.ll n rl !.trt. drt.d t rcb l3r ltaar rtasab . th. op.rltlon of, Riu Horn tpdgr. Artlgn.. brr .gr..d to pu!ch.r. and Arrlgtrr baf agsad to aall tta."R!D. Sorn Lodg.. ltr prrchur g!lc. ot f1r300r000 lrclud.. t!. gtyFR!D. Sorn Lodg.. lte prrcht& g!lc. ot f1r300r000 lrclud.. t!. giIa- :' jicrl prop.rt1.., !..1, prrronrl and rllrdr lncludlng bu.ldlntr, -tlprov.D.nts and .qulp!.nt oyn d by fslgFr md u|.d bt f||$rDr la Arrlgnor lr r n.t[b.! ol I Colorrdo nongrollt corDoratloana!.d -- 2 Ar|ocl.tlon.' 'hr prlnclprl FlrFra of F2 A||octttlcr ItthG oyr,.:thlp lnd r.n.g.Lnt ol r g.hicla parthg lot |td taorta-tlonll frcllity contlguour to rnd u..d ln tb. ogaratlon ol lr tbtlLodg.. A8rlgnor purrurn! to rb. Cont,lrct d.acrlbad rbo[r relgt of *tct ,It h.rcby lclnoyl.dg.d, A|rtglFr do.. brrby rJl; .|rlg- d trd- f . r - Bo A.. rgn.., ttr ruoc.rrorl rrd urlgrarr ef:l ol l|rf1Ft t3 gl{tlrtLtl. lnd tnc.r.rt 1n .nd Eo tlt. Colonda roqrcltt, corgorrtfa nfr! IP-2 A!.oclltton and rb.t c.rrrln tg r..rmt artrd rrrt_a Lar lna ,j,i:!rd. by and b.ru..n r{blt. Ent.rprlllar ltrc.r lobart !. latlat |[aDtan.J.L.2t.r,A.c.E11:',vrtllrrtltcb|I.tco'dort!hr Arrlgnor rrrrrntr lJrd r.pr...ntr th.t (1, lt l| r dar otta. P-2 Alrocl,atlon lttd rrtd Earba blg lf aot on tba drta brtrol For .nd ln conrid.rrtlon of tba aut pald by LrlgDaa to ..i fubj.ct to.ny ll.nr o! .ncurbruc.. or otbar cht[, (11] tbta IArrlgurnt lr eft.ctlv. lrd p.mtft.d rrtdrr tb t. ot tla lrtlcJ..a "riof fncorporatlon of P-2 Ar;lrtloa rtld urd.r tla tarr o! tb& car- ,:Ilrln Agr!.E nt drt.d S.ptd.r 16, 19?6, rd (ll,t) !h-t tLr. rr. tDunpald rsaas!t!.ntr rgltnrt Ar!1gnor ra of lba dlta o! thlr Ar.ociatlon and v!11 lrlilr grat Condorlalur .l[ocl,rtl,o!. .Y Agsc.!.nt. ',;$fi A.slgnec h.r.by rcc.pt! chlr Ar.lgnD.nt rnd rgr..r to ba ''?it bound by thc obllg.ttons contrin.d ln thr S.pt.nb.i 16, lg26 ..:,:iii .tI j'. Best copfes -_)Available '' "i ?r,:.'fil ll: ,: .'" i.. ..!af0l lIOrIbdl*l ) P$ '\rBrsIA.t O.f,e |LPrH $OnFtlatlr SrDt{t ,{4. co.ao co m2 rtrtP{cr{ !0J pr.i'm{,ccAan rJ }r$lJ9d m?EFl48 tltig{ &tsralrcorRtILlD :: 282336 E JtL ,",lli.-itl$fliln dior't'Ett. Rtociffr rrr ?? 4 r?ll't{ rlltr 'r*, I Hay I, 1984 cng$_J4lL Vail lrf,r Ls ':haIet ,:ondcnrr!Jn AssocLatt,onc,;o ._Iohn s. cur r.,,l2l4l EJst Arkansas pl,rcc- Aurc!'tr, ,-a l a racjo gCCl2 lie: P-: is.irclJtlcn Sd ic ,r: :f ans ilcrn Lodge 3ear \l! . --iir:y I ;!e ?epresent .dhrte Enterpr).ses, fnc., th€ Jvner of Rantllorit LoJ:re. .,ih!te anterprlses, !nc. has enterod. into a contrlct:,Jr !::c sale cf Rans Horn Lodge to polar parenerlh_p, a Coloradoir.nrtei partnershrp. ,'r dopy of rhat contr.fct ls autached for yourrFvrqe,. ?lease note :hat polar Ware Ca. and l{r. Garton hav€rssr. :r.ed thelr interest rn the .ontr."i-a""i"f-.a partnershj,p. Pursuant io ::.]s terms of th€ Aqrcemsnt dated Septernb€r:6, 'L')16, rnd rhe ArrrcI,is "t i n "o.po.aii;;-?;. th€ p_2 Araocllrion. 1:t::_Elc::ptlses, Inc- nareby request! your conB€nr to tha tran!for:! rr.s rner.be!ship rn rhe ?_2 Assoi:.acion'to polar fartncr -nit. ---- - -- The cLosinq rrf the.sale wlll tak. placG May B, 19g4, and,:l::.!:::, your.speei:v !ronsrderarlon o! rhi,s :equelt would bG vlrynucn .lpprec:.ated. you -a!, simply siqn U"1". ina raturn thil lcttcrt'o re in:he st.arnped. a,jJrassed "n,r"iop. frovidod. Best coPY Available 1' 'J e';a; !1 I o;i ..n' ,*: ' L.'r - F]r Ellllss-ill! lobar! l. Larl.r .ndDlrn. J. L.r l.r3ll f,rnron Rrnch Ro.dDo.t Otftc.! Bot 106 Evril, Col,orrdo E1657 rt|y l, lt!4 R.r p-2 Ar roc tr t, r onSaIa of i.nt Horn Lodga Dalr Hs. Lu lar t . H. n.ps.r.nt fhlt. Ent.rg3tr.r, Inc., ilr orn.r o! l|tlBorn LodE.. rhtr. Enr.s prl..r, tn;. nrr '.ril.d triio i lns*t--fcrEt|. r.r. of R|!r lorn Loag. ro iblrs i-eniirlfp, i CoiortA-lf,tf:ra ??:!l:'l!1!.--A-"9ey o! rh.t clnrsrct rr rtiidjra 6;-to,r: ;.drr;ts.I,..ro nor. th.t tol.s H.s. co. .ad trr. carlon hrv. uirgr|c tlrl,rlalrrrrr in r.hc conrlrct eo potri'-rriiritrr[ii. ?usr,rlDr r,r !h. !.r!a o! t!,. t{!.-rt otad llE,rb.t la, -l_976, rnd rh. Arttcl.r oc rncorgoreclil-ior ;!.-;-i ffiBlfi;lhlr.- Enc.rpRir.r, rnc. n.rroy riq.'ti io.i -cor.'c !o tt Gs..l.'eE rEr aaloatrhrp tn !.i. p-l AaaoelrElotr Bo tolar tastBatablg. _.-_^--_,Tb. clo.ing.ol tn. |r1. rtll !ak. placa lry g, lfa, ]d,Edrrr!orlr your -rp..dy ccnrldasllloa ol Bhti rrcu i 6rld ba yaryr||GD .ppr.€i.r.d. you :r,/ rrngly r19n b.lfl 3d'!.aura tlri rriiliBo Ea tn th. rtalgad, aci,.irrrmd lmrlof psovldad. r :IL., i 1...?'.; '::," Best copy Available Best copy Available o (or,nr[*^ {iro\,i t t[,$^s -z'lin ':y' \14 c$iti ,1 R.ro,,tid ri li(N. .. "1o(t ..P,..r|, ... ltarch.1., l9?? lr.c.DtlonNo.. I1.93[t Trtts I):eD, xr,tn tt't. te ?6. trt-.rn VAIL 15rh ASSOCIATES, drt ol lNc. Novenb!r,-t li. ...Jrl:rlflr t[ mnfi J '1:' ol Or ..ountt of Eag le Color.do, ol tl'. tlrrt prrt, ind P-2 ASSOCIATION, , r|llnl'cd .td .rl.liftI un'l.t rni bt tlrttr. .l !h. hr. ol Color ido . of tha rrcond ortt' ru..?rort .6d [rimr ?ot?r, . tllhl, lltl., Inhr.( .i.lh .nd dfrn.n,l vhl.h rlt. rld crrt y 'l !|' tirrl ,rn hr s h rnd lo th. t.llo$ha d...tlb.d rlturt . lrlnr |llJ l'lta ir 'r Cnuhtt ol Eag Ie AII pr,,1'or y dascribcd in flxhibrL "4" att 'che(lpArt lrcre( t. ? BE{IT COPY rh. strt ol .,,t WITNI:qSt:ln. Thnt th..ild lrn y ol lh. flr|t D.tt, tor rod ln con.ldrntlon ol lno iuft ol Tr.,o Thousand and no,/loo (S2,000,00)--- ---------lrOLLAli' to th...1d r.r!y ot th. llrtt Frrt ln lt.hd Prld !t th. r.ld Dr.tt ol thr t..ortl Dntt ib' r'c'l!t il' 'o( L k..bt ao'(....d.nd tchoit.drrd, [l s trtrl..,l, n|....d. a.ld' conr.].J 'nd QU T CLAIIED' 'rd ht th.t. Dtlt.nt' do es ..t'! i' 'i.., ."11, con'.t .t|d QUll' CLAIf, unu, lh. t'ld D'rtt o( !h! i'cond !rtt' lt. ind Sltt. 6t C,,I.'rdo l. *ll: heret o , trd tnado a of lh. r.cond D.rt, ltr ruccdrotr r$rl .r.lani td..Y.l fN IIrNE.CS nnlf,loF. T1. r.ld trrt y of tJt 'lrtlPirt t'' 3 $. drr .nd y..r ,l.rt tbor. rtltr.n 'ri'di';;;;";;;_^;, coun.r ot f,agle fi"'t;nr"{i,f.r.'.r " rrr rctno'l.,li.d b.ro.. n,. tblt,rl5 *-.Rlolittd L. F€tertonas PrcslJent ilc.'-'cnd FrGdrrtck s. otto aa secreLary. l- I r"'/TlIh*tr'" lur r:.r JL,r, 6,llll ,;i l9 . Wlt|..r. Dt h.nd .nd ofl! l.l r"l AVAH.ABLE m n,tvE ^!1D To foLD th. ..fn. torrtlttt dttr .ll .ltd 3lqlhl tlto "Purt'nrft!' !r J trlrr"t'i thtrrrnL b'lolf|ttac'lnrny*l.c!hr..un|ortn.'i.l.tnl.rndnlltl...tt|..!|tht.ut|.'|nt..dt|nJ.l.|nth.bo.t.r.of|lr i.ldP.i!y.lth.l|n]!.]r'.l|t.r|n|.ior.4l|ltftothconl''roP.rt[4,b.n.'|trodb.he'oltl|.||dF.rty h.,r!nro r.! i ! !i l,.hil lsEAr,l tsr'{r I tl tith ary cr November IOf J,l i I Ac :.r ral !1<, I I I ,. rt, v I it,r f ol I ,s's : , ;,.! t..iin, lln;r.;r)ll k.! n! t tl.',n.e f{ot' , \at ,| l:. ('' ! {.r }: i ', r.,, r ! in, r,,i,t ,r (!.. t , ,. i -'|'i t r.i(lr ,t II ,,1 .., o I ltt' ,;e ;r 'r: : i,!l.t ra : l dn ,r rc (i i't' . r jqht h tr .1 , ?lte d:- l , lC r,t'tr,l vi )l c., ':ur-. .' th 1t|t,'f sr.( l t ,'rt r' ,rt i I i n(' .;. o -tqitl|t ru - - --- -- -{rol.tra8, [rl. th! r...lt! t[.rd tl. CLAI{'D. .!d Dt ,) 'l ti. ." trnd D.rl, lL tld 9rr1 y ot Ur. .qt.l! o( Color.do, to ril: o arJ n.rde d r rld trl'il.ro th.l"|,olo .l.lm rh.L!^?r.t, d th. l r*; df ol tllr rrld l||.t 'r i!s tit '.t.. . .. lsr^t.l " .4,+..t-. rrr'^r,l tsn^ Ll ....tsrALl '' , 1,, ,, 'tr n'. I rili, 'tl r.l Lot P- 2, vall vill!9! Color ado I I ..1 nAR 3 i7 'i!+" ,-.-- EXHIBIT "A' IFtfth Ftllng. county of E'9le and sttl' of AND A part of a vacated portion ot Hanson Fanch Road 6nd core Creek Drive as platted ln Vall County of Eagle, State o! colorldo, lnd nore as folloYs: Rold between Gore cree,( vi llage rifLh Filln't,partlcularlY deser ibcd coNnenclnq at ,;olnt on the cerltcr llne of HlnE)n Ranch Rord. sa'd pofni ueiig tr. point br Intersection of the cen, er linc af 6rld ia:reon nanih noai and the lloltheasterly llne of Gcre creel Road; thence North sterly along the Center line of saLd Hanaon fianclr io.a r"a on :,n angli of 96'00'00" frcm said Northlast-erly Iine of Gore C-eek Roaaf 5i.9il feet to a point of curvei t rence along :aiC center llne and along a curve to the left harrlng ' radius of 16I'{l fpf,t, a afntral an,;li of 47o21'06", an arc distance ot I'JJ'J9 te't io a'point of iang6nt; thenLe along sdid CcnLer IIne and along said irngo'nt a dlstance of 20.00 leot to a point of nteEsection witl thc ioulhwesterly line of core cleek Dlive; thence on an angle to the left of 90'oiJ'00" and along satd southuesterly Ilne {0'00 feett thence on an dngl,e tc the iett of l8O'00'00" and atc!:g t! '-' Nort.hHesterly line of Hanson Ranqh Pcid lnd aloug r 'rrrve to the iignl h" inf'a ra,.tius or io.oo feet, a central angle of 90'00.'":"' an-arc distince of 31.{2 fe't to a Point of comPound curve; thence ui""g-""i,t tloril,westerly linc and a-lc:rg said cornPound curvP to thP iiqiri h.uiug a radlus oi ilr.lt fect, i central anqle of t "21'06"' tn arc distance of I16.87 i"ii t"-i point of tangcDL; thcncr: along sitd Horttt*reeter!y Iine and along said tangent l2'91 feet to a point of curve; thence along eaid Northnest'rly lini and 'rlong a fiil; ;; ;;;'-;is;;-il;;lne-,i-raarus or 2o'oo felt' a centrrr 'nsrc;;-;;'00'oit;, ii arc dts[ance of ]l'42 feet to a polnt of tnteraestion L,iLh rhe wriliiJi"t"rii ltne o! Gore breek noad; thence ;;-;;-;;;i; to the lert oi iCo;oo;bo" and alons 3tld Northersterrv line 40.00 feet to the true Point of beginnlng. r BEST -. :", :9' GOPYI AvAtLAEtE 149345 t?Att ('? cxr(oi^Do l,roo||ntd t oll II i..i crrtlt thl lh lillrFi i! i,id l'" " -,' i -t J!,'. .. MAR 3. l9/7 ..' 6l Y BEST- .i q?H, ABLI iAV Frg-'- - /.ltv l: 1 t.l'{r rt.' r t I it'.1 ;!nd r' /. Q... , ,..1'.) i i It' rt aa t Hr1-......l:!o--.|'t "'!'',r'--"' ry 1: le?'El-:ra,a"- -- -*--' -'!st:s-{' 11*-Y IIE r- lOGb - '.lDtll '''76 F YAIL UmlIG;t GlODt, 'r'r.;'-'.' Colocr& I rdca6 t'ttnctnl?rTSITfiI n* 6 '76 | ,1. It €d L3L -' -r " r'- 'n' l ' vilt*llfr,tii'"" ""to' ' BEsr courtt of E.tic. COPYsc.r. of colorr.o. AVAIL, ll ir lI- tr . d..- - rff ?-:==",:.ffi g:'5-.F-:=ffiTi5;^.5,ii::--;'EiF"Q;'--" d--.".'-" : - G rtl G - - - -_ - ---iEGrF r ---- F;.?'lfi i;-:'=. ;r r s "'|- {Fn-'-. --;: } *TJT. I I ti i*tofr'*#Sffi:;.il;iltirrltr, ierrrr. lrrlr 7t2o2 rl a--t- i 5-rla;-.rt t a--;rr.bdr"*.lJ--' I . swu rumro lwtY rr[;frutAt6-;\!D n/ro9--.--*;;?5!-i'iJiii- rr.' drrHtdtdrt - d-.7 H-lr-l * t; --' IF*-'--t*-'-rF-" ' r*-'a--r-']5---l.t d?-1.tli'b-* - -a-3-5.rr --;t- -;";'iu ''ln-rF:'r- J^r rftrr db.ddLtr: oriirr .t---tli:'s ---Fr-'--rd - t-'' lt 1. - r-r:-:--- S- 5E|*5;fi;rE--t-t :--r-=-a:l=E.l-;g! F ------, .' - -' gg ff-T ffffil=';;;:=;--'i.ffi:*L.il!5#; 3 E -'--'--'--1"-' "ffi '^ H.il.-3Hfiilfi.T'AFJir't'a on scb'dur' A ettrched 1'-tt titi?i-".di e Prtt hirrof ' li I-=ffi'f:-#+-i** dJ f-tldF-Frtb' \ ,r !l, lrr. uE|!l!-r 6f-..!P -.rrur.rllI --- I -'r#tg!(/i'P'-WK "',,,''1" i, j --'"rr-rtt-'l 'ststtLt trl&! ii -itr[ao|/rD' t- ."'ti'i#';r. -i-:$.J-- 'ot!--.- _ -l_flliF--;F".r D*.t IF E=fi.T-fi- Lll r-r--I|Il||-|J'n'\r'-tB E5 --r'r' o Ir[ _ - _:x)ul*s da-r*tG 3 - i. ..tt- Erld.dd' Fi.lr-rbi I d t!. ftt a F'l. ...afrrb-l .ba d dlttt ,fi. 6.ols!. aca rr rl lrrfl rtXrttl -tr.r{ebr,,rBrLid-!i \ sccrch.d ll I .f O. .d ttr, ' i..b|LtLl,r;vBt DrtIllD I e r-' ll I ...rleu I 2a.4....rs1, L1lllts -t :f (alal, i il Irprtl li- ::ru-r, I.tC. ll.':"l*ltalrrll .. '--.-tir_.,,."* llll li li fi:#i"ilt;;11lryjtlf'"r'il li'ii*i'*"' Ii: I .. *,i::f.'lii','P3:;:tii3:f r''cor:d !n Book t" ":.:,::'g:r.:: ,,,,, I ' ;r"'ro.:t ::":":H ::'ffi:'1"::'i:i'ni l"'i?J li'intl'i';frft i "' :: t-#* ql:ftnlntil#n*;n"si'::,ffi -it*i,r;l,",,i;3;,iltrl*'*+ir;lrri,,'iil1iffiril,.. r:*-1f i1';6;1;;11'";'"-pg,$,*;i::;.*.,i,:r ii: "".:"1:: ;:nt.:i ii. *:rif?";+* i':.; ii I :;:: I'l' :': ii .'': :;' l'r::""I.t'3lTf,i i"'ii3'Ji'i-"r *" t::':"-::'.., ", ','. rcc r prrc , :,^X":-"1'*.::: if;:;l te77' uhtch rartY o ,ffi a, In lccordrnc. uirh lrtlcl. lI. Ptr.graph 2 og:.ha Bylavr if rhc ltimbrrrhtp 1. hrld by . corpor.tlon; - .,prrtnerBhip, morc thtn on. lndlvldurl, or .ny oi.har antlty thrt.ilia not one nalurrl p.rton, rn lndivldurl nrrlrrl Flaon riolf !i'-dcrrgnate,t rn vrrr j,ng to rhr Atlocj,rrton lrctlr ttr- to tljla uho j.. rh!:l vo-c' anri hold dlrec.orrhip on brhrl! of r_h. lLnbarahlp rnd.rhrli h.rt,: 'he cxcluilv. vorc. rt'h r.apacr ro tha llambarrhtp ln,1aii )rher I ssi,ecrs rf focr.ing rh€ Arroqi,ttlon. ii, ,:'l)e ,r,3acciar ton snall b! glvan wf lt"-an notlca ,'' ,:r:, 1..-.r /J 'f ,F l'lcrli)(.r.,nt ir. rnCILJlnq rhct€ Conaanr_ad ?O (:. :f 'lre \leal)crthlF i! irirnrforfcd ro arii:rr, ,1r,5.,. : rr.Jtr, r ltc llJnr. brll olthcr attcrt i.g t.lghia'{'.:r: ir:iir;, . nri)"1i:r. . ne ccft.!onlnlu.n a!tcci,otlon or tJlll u-r.::;-,, r.:'i,.'r5nt;-i JJ 'lte :r:.r.ii)srshil, !rcr iha condcrnitfiunisa:. ,'. :. .,') ';'.r* 'ite i:-Jr);'l:1!nt.:.'i .rasgcraf ion and thc Bank r.r. i. , .. :,.), t. rrr. ir.tr.lr!.er5 rn rho Ma,mo€rrhip ar rhc t|ttla t. ,i:r .r .rit :; . i,Jtr io rhe ccntcnr I conralned..rrrrtl,-'r'c(r :a.i\'. )4crnDct!h.r,p shall rgraa ro be bound -rF : :i,':.)r!r)r.r' r,)n, lJyI.rw! anl rJIaa rnd'.: ' i',,.r i.i:!irL.l !r I o:l dnl rhe Agf oanant f f lAring tO'.,- ;!ji,.,:::rir:. _rr. rr.rrcl SeptU-nt,g!. 16. 1975. ,d... .r.!::slr...e ). rh. f,l€nbcrthlp ahall fall!y'n.lon6 .rs .,r. Lfcar.C and phyaical.ly aap.rlr.ad on'.Jrisonf !J.1. o Jny nodiflcationt to ruchI ri' D. e\ir,5r'rruently rn!da pur!uanr ro tha Ir':nrtcn, r,,i:ars and rulas 6nd raqulatlonar: '.)1. A; r '-..-.; renr rolar ;,ng ro :crnatlon Of i.'cmf:i:r lU, i)76, ', -, '!'J:r:::/'!ec ,:.i,:,. : r' ri:) ot i h1l ., r,,.I:, .i rr ttrc.rett ':''l,r 'ii'. r,..t.. t.::',e i JcillJ*leqglrs rhr. .h!s {:OnSenr mAy l ir ' , ir'.' '' rli.r: . I o? her r'han .lre .r:crcdaacrlbad :1,'1r('rthip ir,Jsr ?wn Or pOaaerr i r. 'hc lrd f e. rho (\I -3- Best copiua "'-) Avnilnhlp 0706a S?ATE O}' COLORAD) cou:lTY oF t)erton!l Iv car:rc bafora In! thj,t _ at!y ofI994, rlre .rucvc-nri.i;d Rob€rt T. fazfcf antr-o-lsn. J. bt-i-fE:;-TA: T:-I]"r,, rL) Dc tha p.r!,)ns r}l1o rrocur..d rh. !or.iolngrn6t.r\,!;rcjii, r!,..j dc.knovlo,iJel r.hs 3ana. uri-a?1;-P;51i; '1)' J.t: r'. . 'ni .lr{rs , .! s.:'iin: i y r..r:rc, i)L,fr-rr' irr: i hi s lfl) do,,, of ..rl - L..'1;, ' i,. j.,...,.-r,,r.r; I ir. i. tjr i 1,, -., .,,o -,.,*;;i i"t.J'r;ffin- ^,1 r.xr. ._.'.. j ':.,. :.)r(.uir.t.. i .1,:.trrrr.relt , ,lid ,rcxnovto.igeC ihr r/'/. ;,Jt.rry I'uot Ic .j 5g -9- E.l :'{. t:.'.'\ '., i,l i :' .r .. r.tla .l^v of ,'.1 | . \ ' I '..t Lltlr ' \1riI ;rr., j -i'.rst -iriri tiiriin-finr .r,. : ' t,t! Lr,r, ;:,.: L'.j, ,/lr ) .,Xer.:iltrljl the .r l , i!-:,'r:i,)a . , :iir.i.:i,tr_forr, by,' i t ltl_ :tr', ..{- :G'( 'i.ii -2, Vai I Vlllaoe st rrr.- lr r r -.-;' - 'i.ij1;;J; .".^ vrrr.se rlfth Flllng, courrty oi Easlc a.rd Si"g.lF!agle a,rd ,' lHn , tnji '.qr|. :-p:I:.::roll'.til.l"::l,"oad_froo Gorc crcek Rord ro co..,Crrek,.,. as ptartel to vatl vrrr*gc-riil; ;;i;";;,.,. as-?l!rted lo Vall Vtllagc-Flfrh rlltnt, Gounty of Eerlc.,q.^ yr.rr.r8e_lttth Ftllnt, County of Eeglc, Stftc' CoIorado, and oore pnrt lcularly d""criiad ae flll,rre:- -'r-.]lr - i' ccntrrl nn3le of 4l.Zlt(161, r/.!! | r sur.rty oeecrlbe d ae follovg: j :..::. - tiic.Cc..,'.enctng rt r polnr :: :1. So.rircrly llnc.of Hr:nson nanch.goejr.;.t ::t::r:.,1::-ll""l:ll.-.r,tan8onr of ci.,o iou.r,.nrrcrly curva rntcrsdlof satd llgnscn Rarrch Rt,a.i ani c"..-c.."t-i;;;;-;#:: ;:ff_:il:;i;: :::::-:t,:rr;;'l::.t",1.:"_"1 :or9 n^,,oon.'nfnch'n".J-."a'-"iiiil'liL ;r'r tanrenr r2.e4 rect to a p.rrnr "f "",.;;; il1il"";i;.;"r"rij"lf"lillrr,I . I l::c and cl.rng, I crr!,e. ro t oe lef t hovirrg e radlus of lEt.4l fect- I I . Il:ie and cr.rng. I c.Jr'e .o tno i.ri"i""i,,i"""i,ol,]i"lr'i;i.;iT::;it Tii :;"::::,:l'::,-:: '1.:1::u,l; ll i1: .01".::."" .of .L4e -e2 f;;;;;' a polnc .ri,. or :t vcrsr-cur-\..; rj)ei,cc ,,i",.,1 ""ia'-i""iiiiiri'rii]'lio'lij;lt '.llllllri... crir!.e to thc r{g)rt i:rrv{:.:g o ,i,J{.,ra of 20.00 feeC, a centrrl dnglc O{ ..,i;.90.00'00..,enarcdista:rJ"of31.a2_icnttorDointof{n}ll...rr-,-:u ru uu r en arc oisra:rcc of 31.42 fccr to a point of lnterlef ir*l _:r"*ii;t,.it;i.i;'iH:;l::lI i.l::"-:1 corc.cree)< o'tvlj-;;";;.-;;-;i angrr to i' r t,e 1''f t sf I80'00'00" .r.,1_ along sard soutrr,^,esterry rr". co.iio'lli!rt",, il,,l.ir",l,,;1":'i::"i""1::: l: j.-:f_180.0oiv r,,-."J-"i""i"cr,I'ilrtn prtrrqI l:.e of il::rson Banch Rr-,.cj and along a .uru. ao thc rlthE. h.rfr,j .iitll.rt-,1:,,'';;".::,t::ol ll:.: n.ccnrrar an!lc of r0.00,00,,, "; ;,;-;i;"r,.. oi3r.t'2 {cer ''o r po{;,t .'r.,^,p,,Jna":;;";; iil"li""irl,i""li5 iliiilli.ll lj;",,;''?^:1,,"i ^llg-::,",,.r, r.r<t <:urvc^ro..io-.rgr,t havtng a radtus oC ,..ll4l-r.! foe6, a cr:rt!.rl ;,,1;)e of ,rt,Zt,Oii,-.n "r" d{,stanci "f 116:g;.:,!i I;:,:".:,,:,,r:1::"::1. l;"rr: rri; r r,ence ,r",,s i"iJ H",rr,;""i",iy-irii"""i :al..r.rg srid trL:Lc.r 3?-9,..1-, (!r to a pri;; ;;-;";;;; ';il;;:':fiil'r.fa Nurrluer;r,.rIy I irrc a;.,d al(J.rr.; A curv; to ria rfght having r rrdlur of20,(10 fr:.,t, a ccni rnl a;16)r.'6f gO;OO rO6,,r""n .rc dlatancc of 3l .42frrt to .r ;.,cJnE cf .l.ri.rI.r.r.I i.;,n r_,lch r'lrc,N theascerly I {nc of Gorecr. .:: F-rit. rh..n,,r_. ., r ir.r .r,t:tl c ro the r"l oi"iij6:60;60;,^"'"a"i1::;." ',.;i::l::i:,::'-lLt1;''- 1':9u ri ;t.; rhcncc on ...r nnBlc ro rhe rerr orlg6'00r00'' ond a).,ng rlre. s,ruthcasa..iy -irr.ro of Hanson n.r.,.h noJr arrdalcr:g I cul-v" to :lc r i;)rt h.rving a .inir" of 20.00 foct, a ccntralangle of 110.c0,00,,, .,,r..irc dtotaica "r ri.az f".i ;o-;ir;,tlul-por.r. -of Legl rln3l cr:rr:il .!rr., B,Slg.O5 ,qu.r,.,1 -r"or, u,ore or lesg. v: I iJ g(,i'i f t i) ;'ili:tg, .ount.y of Eaglc rnd Eta!o of 'r'r | | j ,; .r,l j I .:r (:.)i.r r:,. ..! li,,,ril Lo Corc Ctcck f)rlVC. r1i Vr li r.1r. i'i I it i.i r i,r1,,, f)..,r,,ry of llng!-c, Sf ate of:r-( i. rt1,.r:.',r'l y ,i,.rre r l:.rr,<l as lol lo,^rf : '| , , 'lrr: - ,rrLj:i.rly I irrc oi llerr:;on itanch Road, ne(d:' '. r;! L rr1 , rrt of I l)c Sou:.:;c.ls terly cur-\re tntersac!tOOr; .rrrrj ;ir.,rr Cr,,.k li,rnd; thcncc lior!heagtciI ' r,' .ri : n1!! llnnhon i..rrrt;lr Koad and alorrg raldf .-' { ; .1r:r i ..rrr..ve; il:r.rr,,:e along oatd Soufherly ] . ],1,., ,..i lrc lr.lc lravlrrll - : r,ittr6 of lgl.4l faat, r---.- t !,1. 1. ,' i r ", n:r rri.r: dlnr arrcc r.r f 149.92 fcet to a po!.n!; i | , '1 ,. ,,r 1 eal"ti .SlLrt lrcr l;. ilrre ,lnd alen6 a rclersa''- .,'. '. r I r,jlr:a rr ?0,00 i,.ef , a c(n,-:-al nnglC of. i .': i.l .ll' i'( r,r to 4 1,;,ing of Int(:rscctl.oo: i , I rr" -i: --.'r'., C;, ,,1.- Dr 1.,,r,; i,l;r,nc on ef angle tO.J" .. '. ,1 r,i.|tj hnld :ir tl:i.,r r; :r:r!y l1.re g0,00 fr.ct;^t !, .i.. ,)l '6r). jLi'.j0'r ;,rrrl nlon6 ilre liortirr.,cgicrl,. .. .: . ,1 ',',.', ,, ,,,t,,t: lu tlre rli,llt lrltvtttg r ._.. :., i .,,r. :e {ri .r() "it0',)0r,, an !rr.( dtsirncc o!.1,":rr) :r\'r.; !1,,.', ,' "lr:rr13 sald llortlr*r:str.,rlyi r,r II t),c,1.;l.l l:,rvlrrr; a :,rrrifrrg of'/"?1r')6r', ,:r ,:c rlisii?ir..-.,: ,,1 il6,B,,lr ,l:.,trt :;,. il)^,(,,iir r l; ll,r,-: irnd: . , ,,,,t .,r , ,,, ,";i,.';,.1", 'lir" ,ill,t.c lt::t l:.rrl lt,'vtitu n ::r(l lrrs Of,). ,,j ' ;U'i,,J", ., 1 ,,t,: tl:f ,rr.rt C ,.,i -J1.42 ,l r *i::t ::,/-. r.1,,. rl,..rriIrly )!rrr i): Core , r: i ort l.rr,.i1 |\,rai ,;11d ,i:l{i: 'i] i.' l,ot P-2. i'n i Co lorrr!o A.rri ,i nl, ;.i.r '.,1 C," : -r '.', l- , '\t '. t'.,f s.'. , :l :i L,,'-1 c ' '- l , '" ] ,:"c :lil .,1 ( 'l L)lll; ,'t 'r r..)0 (r_t.f , ,t (.ctr( t 4l .''] .:,, taFlrd. ? : , Lot P-2r Vail Color.'di'r A FrrC of llc;r:on Raech Road froorr p1r,t:.J ln Vrtl V{llagc Ftfrh Col orado, and rorc pArflcularl)' Crr,.:.,errclng ar a polnt on rhe Southerly llne of llanr.on *.;;ff n;jlpol.r being the polnt of tangent of tire South,:rrtcrl, "rrrv; f;;;iiof said llansor Ranclr Fosd and Gorc crcek Road; thcnci Xo.tlr.iit.riftffielt,rt ilre S.r.tlrr.rly l{r..e.-.f salrJ llanson Ranch Roarl ""d;i;;;-;;i;-3:Htar:S(,nr j2.94 frct ro a prlnt of curve; lhence elon4 taia Sfuthcrff.;ijIl:te anc rl.-r.g s cri:rvc, to..the left having a rsdlur "t fat.qt f"ot]rf -fi c('!.Lrsl r:r;lc of {,r'21'(}(,',, rn arc distaice of 149.92 f"ot io-i 'pofnt.,:of r.r..:sc cu:vc; r r:r,.,-.i ai..,i ""lo"i"",ililrr', ill'lio'iil";".tr:::::i,cul\c tc thc rtuht i:r,r.{rg a !-nC jr,s of 20.00 icet. e central-angii ,of ;e0.0c'.,c,,, an aic ,ii,,.,;,:"'";";i.ir-i"il'i] :";i.; :;"il;:,:::liolt,;.,. ;-,1:n,ll,: rl:'ll:,:::::1t1 ] ';'' ?t core.c:sek Drrrei rirenc. o., ",,;;;i; d: :ll:..::t:_. :-'ll^Yl':1". :.'u. ol- .,,'-,'.1^r!^l:y!rl::.'.", ry ir,,.-a0.6'o"i3ii;-jthcrrcr, on an ar,glc r(, i Itr: jr,i:L of lgO.00rOO" orrd aion8 aLi -i"iafr".;i;fi I !;re c'f i.i :r::.n i-.i.1c.! F;-,:rd anil alorg a crrrve to thc rlfht f,""f "g-i .:.-i.I:'il:"-of 1.0.0c f.er' n c('ni!'al ,.,rgre of 90"00'oo'r, .i .t"-di;;.;"" "i.dJt.qz tt.{t to, f'o1.rt r,( qa13p611nd curvel thcuce ,lont caLd Nor t}rrrci tcrl;llrrc r.:rd olr,rr6 :ra!<l <:,-:.r.,.,u;rd cu11,e to:hc rlght havtig a fadlut Oi---.--r;14 1.1., I f'.',t, a c, ni r.rl ,,n. le of 4/.21r06r,, an rrc ,Jisfencc of, ff6]af ;{fr c,t to a I'.rl'rt uf i.r::),,.:,r; rh,.nce ,nIo::g iat.t :iorthL,cstcrly-ifi"-"r,C .lnlr'rrg sa:d : a:rqon1. 3?.)4 -l,.es to a polnl of crrrve; thencc if "ij ".f.a .liort:.!,'s!!).ly I irrc 6' d alonq " .,r."o to Chc rlght'hav,l n6 a-i.Ji"a "t ..20.00 fcct, ! crrrr r.al a.g.lr: of 90.00r00", an "ic dlstanic of 3l.aZ--. :ir(.,.1 to I r'..r:,r rrf t,rr. ri".t ron-,rti ii"'H"r',r,.i";;;i;"ii":'";'i];. 1- :l::i. l:: j:,:.r :;,:.: :,: :: ,:,,slu ro the rcf r or 180.00,60,, i,,a-iri,is "ercllortl,r stt{.rl; !'i re i0.C0 f,:et ; thencc on rrn arrglc to the i.fa-"i"" ---- 180'iJ0'00" .rld n1,,,,r, tl,c.. S,,,ut.lic-aetarly llne of yanson Ranch Road anrl ,rli.rg a cur-v. lo tlrc r i: irt huvlng n ,'n.ll,r" of ZO.OO f""t, r ,.iaaaf i:l:']::?'-:i.:u]1,.',,nnalc91:.1I,'""rli.l.ifr,ettotho,truc|.,intof tr.g!:,nli:i; c--iir.,,i,i,rg 11 ,579.05 "qr,r,r" i""., ,;;r-;-.;"i";":-,"' Best copy Available Best copy A-,^:r ,. DC. I. NP lfitv.3/tgl g/EJFgJT9 DF:|' Ra'.IrrrcN'r or S'r 'rlc NoNPnol'tr CrtRTt rtc^.l'l: ol' IN co Rl'onA TloN -,( NIARY I'STTLL BUCHANAN, %|.*"to.ny y'fr*t" y'tl" 9n k y'(6o/o*o/a /rennly cet,h& l/tat y'u rlucrttl la l/te y'.ttotctZia.ttt ,y' t/r. €o/onorlo J6rrVo,"ft €ooy'ranattor, ,/.t g./,(tn/* "/,-6nn,Voyatebtt c(.(!/.c ,/o/"'*er,e.r/ la lia ,/f"a /tuec/ ta "orrfrr,,r, lb /aea, ,rrtrl /i/er/ in //tu ofice, ,ilc.on/ror7/Xr t/r" rur/*arXnrc/, /y .aot he y'tl. ootlrncty xette/ tzt' rrn /X, kro, tLro/y ut n a ttr A €", nV,* A "/ -fr*" "7t * a t:ott. o/ -P-2 ASSOCTATION-- . (A COLORADO NONPROF|T CORPORAI|ON) Qo 7rr7 S/,6 - - -' t i r s l------r/./. r/---:l "" "*S:-:,il.9..tg 'Wa xq ,t-mLe frt.,clo -"--''n V SECRETARY OF STATE 76 LED I tf0v '16 ARr r cr',Es oto I *"o*n o RAr r q8rrA lF tt: t rq 3!3TAP I P-2 ASSOCIATION Richard H. Hart, whose address is stated belowr pursuant to the provisions of the colorado Non-profit corporation Act.. as amended, hereby makes and publishes these Articles of rncorpora- tlon of P-2 ASSOCIATION, a non-profit corporation. The name of the corporation sharl be p-2 ASsocrATroN. II The period of duration of the corporation shall be perpetual rII The object and purpose of the corporation shalr be to ' acguire and own improved and unimproved real estate, to manage Lhe same for its members on a non-profit basis as a vehicle parking lot and recreational facility, to improve the same, Iand{ in connection therewith, to borrow funds on a secured or unsecured basis, using any or all of its property as security, and to assess its members for'funds requircd. IV To this end the corporation shall have full power and authority to do all things nccessary with respect to the acquisiLion, managementT' improvement, encumbrancc and di sposition of real pr:operLy. It shall furLher have such ourer po$/ers and duties as the members may from time to Lime specify. v I'lcmbership sharl be rimited to the folrowing five entities: White. Ent,erl>rises, fnc., a Colorado corl>orat.ionRobert T. Lazier and Diane il. LazierA. c. Hillvail Trails Chalet Condorninium AssociationVail Trails East, CondonlnLurn .l\ssociatlon o Membership shall not be assLgnable without consent of arr tnembers except that upon transfer of Lhat property commonly known of as The Tivori Lodge by Robert r. Lazier and Dr.ane iI . Lazier, of that commonry known of as The Ramshorn Lodge.by white Enterprises, rnc -, of or that commonry known of as The valhalla Lodge by A.G. Hill, the membership of such prior owner shall be transferred to such new owner upon the corporationrs review and reasonabre acceptance of dispositive documents. VI The names and addresses of the first Board of Director:i are: Albert G. White'. 416 Gore CreeJ< Road (Box 106S)Vailr. Colorado 81657 Robert T. Lazier 386 l{anson Ranch Road (gox l32Z)Vail, Colorado gl65? A.. G. Hill 2500 First, National Bank BuildingDallas, Texas 75202 John St.oddart 2101 East 4th AvenueDenver, Colorado 8020G I Charles H. Cowperthwaite433 Gore Creek Drive (Box 95)Vail, Colorado 91657 VII The number of directors of the corporatr-on sharl be five in nurnber. one director shall be designated by each member a'nually at the a''qal .meeting of the meml>ers of trre corporation. l'he mernber having designated a director who dies or resigns shalr prolnl>Lly desi.gnate the successor. The Board of Director:s shalr adopt ap1:roPriate Bylaws not incorrsisLcnL with erre Agreement betrueen the members dated september 16, Lg76, which Bylaws may '' be ame'ded from time to time as providcd in the Byraws. VII T I'he officers of the corporaLr.on shall consist of a presidentr Vicc-Prcsidcnt, a secrcLary and a Treasurer, and such otrrer officcrs as may be providcd in thc ByJ.aws. Said officcrs shall -2- be chosen from the Board of Directors. Any two offices may be held by one person except that of President, and Secretary. IX There shall be one vote for each member of the corporation. The corporation herein organized is not for profit and all of the officers arid directors thereof shall act without compensation, except as may be provided in the Bylaws. XI No part of the income or profit of the corporation shall be paid Lo the members, officers or directors. XII The corporation shall be dissolved and liquidated upon sale of its real property unless the members unanimou.sly agree ; Lo continuance of its existence at. such time. fn the event, of dissolution, the corporation shall be liquidated and after all debts of the corporation have been satisfied, the remaining assets shall be sold or distributed in kind to the members at that. time in good standing in equal shares. Any member owing tanf i61ne111rt to the corporationr. whether for assessments or other- wise, shall first, repay such amount before becoming entitled to any such dist.ribution. XII I The corporation, through its Soard of Direct.ors, shall have all of Lhe por{ers not inconsistent herewith conferred upon corporations organized, pursuant to the Colorado Non-profit Corl>oration Act 1 XIV TIre corporat,ion's initial'registered office shall be at: 21Ol East 4th Avenue Detrver, Colorado 80206 The name of tlre corporation's initial regist,cred agent shall be: John SLoclclart x -3- o IN I{ITNESS WHEREOI., I have set 29th day of October, L976. my hand and seal thLs P.O. Box 1788, Eagle CountyVaLl, Colorado 8I657 STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. County of Eagle ) r hereby certify that on this 29th day of october, Lg76, A.D., personally appeared before me Richard H. Hartr rdhq being by me first duly sworn, declared that he Ls signed the foregoing instrument and that the contained therein are true. Witness my hand'and official seal. My comrnission expires: the person who statements ard H. Hirt Kecord o/ Proceediugs BY-LAWS of P-2 ASSOCIATION ARTICLE I Object - -1: Purpose. The purpose for which the Association istormed is t.o own improved and unimproved real property in t.heCounty of Eagle, State of Colorado, and to manige the samefor its membersr on €r non-profit basis, as a vef,i.l" parkingIot and recreational facility. . 2. Member's fr-nprovements. Nothing herein shall preventimprovemen@ortion oi tn" Associationrsproperty allocated to him provided permission therefor has beenobtained in advance from the Associltion and provided that suchmember pays a),i costs of such inrprovement and inclemrrifies theAssociation against any cLaims against the Association basedthereon. ARTICTE II Membership, Voting, Quorum, proxies l. i'lember-ship. llernbership in the Association shalr belinrited to-Eiiel-oi.T6win9 five eniities : I'thite Enterprises, fne.Robert T. Lazier and Diane J. LazierA. c. HillVail Trails Chalet Condominium AssociaLionVail Trails East Condominium Association each of which five here herein designated a member. Membershipshall not be assignabre without consent of art members except'that upon tfansfer:of that property commonly known of as TheTi'voli,Lodge by Robert r. r,izilr aia oiane i. Lazier, of thatconmonly known of as The Ramshorn Lodge by Whit.e Enterprises,rnc.' or of that commonry known of as The Garden of thl GodsClub at. Vail (fprmerly Vattralta l,odge) by A. c. Hill, ort-he 1:reviously accel>L-d successors 6r suitt persons, the memr:er-ship of such prior onner shall be tra'rsferred to such new ovrnerupon the Associatio'ts review and reasonable acceptance ofdi spositive documents. 2. . Designated Inclividual. f n the ever-rt a member 15ac o r po ra t i on, -- p a rErr eTGEr p l-r'l",, nrore than one individual, or anyotlrer entity-which is not one natural person, such membershall from Lime to.tinre designate to LLc Association, i;tvrit ing, Lhe individual natui-al person wlro slrall vote and holddirectorships on behalf of such incrnl>er arrd shall in all oUrerrcsl:ects affecting Lhe Association lrave the cxclusive voicc-ofsrrch nrernl>er. Ary,meml>er nldy char:ge its cicsignatea i'rlividuarat any tinre by writtcn notice to the Association. The Recordct'r Stanrp November, sritt 0ori,il0ttfiI ttt MAR 3 of thr county of Eagle and Strte of Cotorado, of the first part, and P-2 ASSOCIATION, acorpor.ation orgnnlzed nnd cxisting under and by vlrtue of the Iaws of the State ofColorado, of tho tecond part: \yIT NESSETII' That the said part y of the llrst part, Ior and ln consideration of the sum ofTwo Thousand and nol100 (92,000.00)------ -{oLLARS, to the said part f of the llrst part in hand paid by the rnid party of the second part, tho recelpt whereol is hcreby confessed and rcknorvledged, ha s rcrnlsed, released, sold, convcycd and QUIT CLAIITIED, nnd by thesc prescnts do €s remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the said party of the second part, lts successors and assigns forevcr, all right, tltle, lnteres! clalm and dernnnd whlch the said par! 1r of the first part ha S in and to the followlng described situate, lying anrl belng in thc County of Eagle and State of Colorado, to wit: All property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made apart. hereof. I 1'o IIAYE AND To IIOLD thc same togcther rvlth all and singular tho appurtenances and privilegcs thercunto belonging or in anvwise thereunto appcrtaining, and oI the estatc, rlght, title, Interest and claim rvhntsoever, of thor:aid_party of the filst part, either in larv or equity, to the only pr.oper use, berrefit and behoof of tha sald partyof the second part, its successors and aeslgns forever. Tttts l)r:an, ttntto thlr 1976, betuccn VAIL 15th day ot ASSOCTATES, INC. County of Eagle l*. no.o,aoaO......r.;.gg..........o,crock.....p.r..M., tnt ..3.,....\g.?:r....... Rcecption No............I[93.[! ..........., ..........Marup.II...R,...Para........................Rrcoriter. . 'lll't: nnt'|r'nl l]Crion ot pcrflon! horo Inrcll nxlno ot n^nlt4ll.'lrr.y.llt.f|tCt. tlttn l||!Ct I rtnil ,ry*,jt:l:r t!,:.r-,1,J,rtr,,,r,ro.tr'r"lor,?ftlll'Jlil"?ir"llil.lll"li,J$lJili#il.$li:sJfiii:H,lllli.li.Mir.f*fffu,i?clilj:t ''il t. :; Lot P-2. Colorado Vail ViIIage o - .-t .1 rifth:Filing, County of Eagle and State of AND A part of a vacated portion of Hanson Ranch Road between Gore CreekRoad and Gore creek DrLve as platted l.n Vail Village Fifth Filing,County of Eagle, State of Colorado, aid more partiiularly descriLedas follows: . r comrnencing at a point, on the center line of Hanson Ranch Road, saidpoint being the point of intersection of the Center line of saidllanson Ranch Road and the Northeasterly line of Gore creek Road;thence Northeasterly along the center line of said Hanson Ranch Road and on an angle of 90oo0r0o" from said Northeast.erly line ofGore creek Road 52.94 feet to a point of curvei thence along saidcenter line and along a curve to the left having a radius of 16l.4lfeet, a Central angle of 47"2Lt06", an arc distance of I33.39 feetto a point of tangent; thence along said Center l_ine and along saidtangentadistance of 20.00 feet to a point of intersection with theSouthtvesterly line of Gore Creek Drive; thence on an angle to theleft of 90o00'00" and along said Southwesterly line 40.00 feet;tlrence on an angle to the left of 180o00,00" and atong theNorthwesterly line of Hanson Ranch Road and along a curve to theriglrt having a radius of 2Q.00 feet, a Central angle of 90o00r00",an arc distance of 3r.42 feet to a point of compound curvei thencealong said Northwesterry line and along said compound curve to theright having a radius of 14L.4l feet, a Cent.ral angl_e of 47o2Lt06,,,an arc distange of 116.87 feet to a point of tangent; thence alongsaid Northwesterly line and along said tangent 32.94 feet to apoinL of curve; thence along said Northweslerly line and along acurve to the right having a radius of 20.00 feet, a central angleof 90000100", an arc distance of 3l .42 feet to a point ofintergection with the Northeasterly line of Gore creek Roadi thenceon an angle to the left of 180"00'00" and along said Northeasterlyline 40.00 feet to the true point of beginning. \l \ I h oz€ /-ve€9-.- Ttu-tVw I 1l r\!9 t I I llll I Itt l I I I 4Arrrrr,r-l u r rHE 6c'oS UVB t ORE Tuor I LaPoc; #Aru+ary R l.ru c+[ Roxp gywe-il'ry, MEURER, EEFt/\FtNt, MEUFIEtr tNC Ei7cl v[r. 44 TH /ryE IIENVEF|, CCILOFIAO(] AOPTB sctS - 4EEi-738 ! I I I [.!t"l'uc1 Zo*c ftua'rD P- o 2 N 8q'rL'3 2 b! :r. r h. .oo' f, " /o f{-'nta oF \(=. \ \-} \- \ \". \ o.\\ \b\ r11. \\ .r\ \r \ '* -*\ o.\ Y-"a,""\ !. \ -2.."e--'t o\ i6...')\ -2. asr- \ \ _1: \ \-f- \\ \r \o \ \ \ \! \\Ri N\ \ \ \ I I \ \ T \ $\ crlnl I ,;,| 9^oo*l i".t',/ w/,/ ==---\ ^)- \ c-g 6-Zt - ii The purpose of the Application & eot the renovation and " "r"i1--phviicar addition t-o ttre existing Garden-of the Gods Club project.- ihe renortation wil'l consist of the following: 1. Existing apartment located on the nain level will remain, the remaining-;oiiion of the lobby1 loungel-f,ront deskr ski roornT mechanicil room and storage areas will be as shown on the attacnea--pfans and specifications. Included in such renovatlon is lhe additio-n of two elevators servicing the second and third floors along with the existing elevator. 2. The second and third floors are conprised of three' three bedroon apartlnents per floor for a total of six three bedroorn apartments. -Each unit is shown with two separate lock-off 6edroons which would be restricted pursuant to our Article J7.26 of the Town of VaiI Zoning Code' 3.onthetopfloortheexistlngpenthouseapartmentrenains. The renovated plan shows a deletion of unit 201 which was a ristricted empliyee unit, however, such unit .was never used as such. '1he other- employee unit in the approximate size of 504 "qrii. feet has Ueen'iniargea _and improvld- upon and will' remain ad sucfr for the use of the project. there has never been a need for more emptoyee housing in [f,is project _and.given other like ttp"; of prbj"its in tow; the Applitanl feels that one nanagerrs ui'tit is iufiicient for the plbiect- Past history and glase ""ii"infv-"liiait"s tte eliminition of the other employee unit. Because of the definition of Lodge in 18.04.210 whereby more than 50t of the cRfe must be devotefi to accommodation units (units without kitchens) it becomes necessary to classify the- propg5ly as a Special pevelopment District rather than a straight public accommodations zone. The site of consists of a total of 221004 sguare feet which would altow 171503 square feet of GRFA and at 12.62 units. currently there is-151245 -guare feet of 6RFA and 31843 square feet. of common area. rn adaition, there 1s 318 sguare feet of mechanical tquipnent. The renovation would include a total of 17'450 square f6et-of GRFA, ihe breakdown of the square footages f9I. llteexisting and is proposed are attached to this addendun. With the ticepti6n of the'emitoyee unit the proposed.project fits within tne iffowable squari footage for GRpA and total allowable Equare i".tig" in"foafng conmon areas and nechanical rooms. The ;;i;4ilg piojects-in Town which provide enployee units have been giuni"d-u'rr"ii"n"e for enployee irousing square footage so it only seems appropriate that the 516 square feet not be counted towards the allowable GRFA square footage. Tvo of those projects which have received variances have been 770 Potato Patch and also Meadow vail Place Condominiums (formerly Ipanema Condominiums). A total nunber of units in the proposed project is within the zoning for the public acconrnodations district. Regarding parking; 25 spaces are required and 25 sPaces are beingprovided. lhis is calculated as follows: Penthouse 2.5Existing D.tL 2.0 12 A.l(. (12 x .7) 8.4 6 New $.U. 12.0I Manageds 1.0 25.9 Landscaping and building site coverage are as follows: ParkingBuilding Landscaping 4'174 feet or l8t 6'150 feet or 28$ 11,580 feet or 54t Garden of the Gods Renodel Vailr Colorado GRFA CALCULATIONS (GROSS RESIDET+TIAL FLOOR AREA) Total allowed GRFA First Floor GRFA Comnon Mech. Equip. Al*tl.c|r.cl.d1* Employee unit Second l'loor GRFA Comnon ltech. Thi rd GRFA Cotnmon ltech. Fourth GRFA Common Mech. Equip. Floo r Equip. Floor Equip. TOTALS GRT'A COMMON !,rEcH. EQUTP. (17r603 sg.ft.) Ex ist ing ri686 3 1032 280 (Comrnon 13 ,520 sq. f t. ) 2r9? Ytr't;, 3,!'gs 3fr5D4* YrY 4,t{t lrv} 4r8 { rtr 1.s 4 r23g '111f 0 8.75 151245 ftC/{. 3r843 318.75 Proposed 2r68L 3,037 341 -25 5,257 394 t5 5,531 391 15 4r113 0 8.75 17 1682 3,822 379.75 + til.2- * A{D +2?U TOTAL PROPOSED CARETAKERS UNIT NET PROPOSED 2L,504 ( 516) 20 ,9 88.0 0 19r088 I. 'h; Date of opprlaio1 september 2fl, nel 1t/?/r7 I. APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT PISN This procedure is required for any project that would. go throughthe Special Development Dlstrict Procedure. The application wiLl not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAIVIE OF APPLICANT A.G, Hill ADDRESS 3170 Sheiks Place, Colorado Springs, CO 80904 PHONE NAME OF APPLICANTIS ADDRESS P.O. Box 3149, REpRESENTATM Jay K. Peterson Vail, C0 81658 pHONE 476-0092 c.AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY O9INER SIGNATURE ADDRESS 3170 Sheiks P1ace, Colorado Sorings, co 80904 PHONE LOCATION OF PROPOSAI, ADDRESS 365 Gore Creek Drive, Vai1, C0 81657 B. D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot K, Block 5A Vail V11lage Fifth Filing $100. 00E. F.A List of the name of owners of Subject property and their miling all property adjacent to a.ddresses. II. Four (4) copies of the following information: A. Detailed written/graphic description of proposal .'8. An environmental impact report sha]l- be submitted to the zon5.ngadministrator in accordance wj-th Chapter 18.56 hereof unless hraivedby Section 18.56.030, exempt projects; C. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the dernandsgenerated by the development without undue burd.en on availableor proposed public facilities; (0vER) 'l Application rf special Development oistjt Development Plan "' D. Existing contours having contour intervals of not more than fivefeet if the average slope of the site is t\^renty percent or 1ess,or with contour intervals of not more than ten feet if the ar.'erageslope of the site is greater than twenty percent. A proposed site p1an, at a scale not smaller than one inch equalsfifty feet, showing the approximate locations and dimensions ofall buildings and structures, uses therein, and all principal site development features, such as landscaped areas, recreational facili-ties, pedestrian plazas and walkways, service entries, d.riveways,and off-street parking and loading areas with proposed contoursafter grading and site development,. A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than one inchequals fifty feet, showing existing landscape features to be retainedor removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features, such as outdoor recreational facilities,bicycle paths. trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water featuresand other elements; Prelj-minary building elevations, sections, and floor plans, ata scale not smaller than one-eighth equals one foot, in sufficientdetail to determine floor area, gross residential floor a!ea, interiocirculation, locations of uses within buitdings, and the generalscale and appearance of the proposed development. III. Time Requirements The...Planning and Environmental Commilssion meets on the 2nd, and 4th Mondays of each month. An application wit.h the necessary accompanyingmaterial rnust be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the meeting NOTE: It is recorurended that before a special development district applicati.onis subnitted, a review and comment neeting should be set up wiih theDepartnent of Connun ity Developnent. E. F. G. AGREEi!E}IT This Agreenent dated the 25th between the Town of Vailr Coloraclc"Vai1") and A.G. Hill (hereinafter !]ITI]ESS day of llovenber, 1987 by and(hereinafter referred to as ref erreo to a.s "Ili1l" ) . E T H: trllEREAS, I{ill is the o\rner of the property described as: Lot it, Blocl< 5A, Vail t,'i11age, F.ifth Filing, County of Eagler State of Coloraclo. (hereinafter referrei to as the "Subject procerty,'); and IIHEREAS, on Octcber 2!, I?BZ the parties entered into anagreenent r'rhereby certain restrictions r?ere placed on the subjectproperty regardj-ng enololzee housing units, snch aoreenent beingattached hereto and inarkeC as Exhibit "A"; and IIHERFIAS, the parties hereto oesire to terri,inate suchagreernent anc enter into a ner./ acireenent on terns and conditionsnereinafter set iorth I.rOII, TI{EP.EFOIlF: for ten dollars ancl other good ancl valuableconsideration the sufficiency of r.ynich is herebl' ackno'..rledgec'l rthe narties agree as foLlovrs: 1. The agreeF.ent attached hereto ancl narkei as Exhibit ,'A" is hereby terminated by the r;ariies. 2. The tvo dr.rellincl units ciesignated', l?estricted EnnJ.oyzeelJnit" on page t',ro of the set of plans entitled. Garden of the GodsPenooel, Vail, Coloracio, Snouien and Ilopkins Lrchitects, eateiIO/6/1.'7 anc' revised I0/3A/ei ani II/S/97 (attached herero asIrwhihif rrErr\ c'hall hereinafter Lre ref errecl to as "the Enpl-o'lee|.!':Le-i l.(;LI lrW CUnits". IIill, or anl' successors in interest shall not sel1,transfer or convev the Restrictecl xnDloyee units, seDarateJ.y iron |.ho (rrl-'ia.nf T)rnnz. ___e rEy. 3. The enployee units shall not be feased or rentecl foranl/ period of ]eis than 3O consecutive ciays; and if it shalI l:erented, sha1l be rented onlv to tenants r.ri'ro are full tineenployees in the Upper EacLe \,/;11 1er-z- Thtr lTnner Eanle V'a11e_vstratt-be deened -t"-in"iuJu'iiu -a;;;'"aIi;;,"i:iiturn, peicli.ff, Gilnan, EagIe-VaiI, and Avon ancl their surrounoing areas. A fulltir:e encLoltee is a )erson ,tlho ryo ri. !-. ;n FVtrraoe of 'l 0 hnrrrs ntrr 4. At such iirne as iii11 sucdivides the subiect ororiertl/ ntr rcr'r1lyt+ l-n /rlaan+n- 11 ^= r-L^ ^s's!rserjL \-\r ,.-rrdrrt€r L7 of the Torin of Vaij SubcivisionRegulations anc pLaces a coniominiurrr ceclaration of recorc, I{i11 nay at his option place the ernployee unit restrictions as oultined in this Agreenent in such declaration and at such tine as the condoniniurn declaration is placed of record in the office of the Clerk and P.ecorderrs office, County of 5a91e' State of Colorado, the Tolrn of Vail shal1 release and terninate this Agreement. fn adclition, the employee units sha1l be designated on the condominiun map as P.estricted Enployee Units. 5. The restrictions contained herein shal1 renain in effect until December Ir 2OO7 unless earlier terninated by mutual consent by the Tovrn of Vail and the property ol./ner. 6. The effective iate of this Agreenent shall be upon the date of issuance of the temporary certificate of occupancy pursuant to the ptans and specifications as adopted by Ordinance I\:o. 40 Series of 1987. 7. This Agreenent shall ce a covenant running ivith the land ancl shall bi.nd Hill ancl all subsecruent oltners of saicl r.t r 11|'16 t l It Dated the dat' anc'l year f irst above trritten. '|vAILrt TOI7}1 OF VArL, COLOF"ADO Rrr. Attest: " !{ rLL " tr /r tt TT Tat . \:. il -LJJTJ o STATE OF COTORADO )) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknovledged before ne this day of r 1987 bY anq - of the Town of Vail' Colorado, nruni@nd on behalf of said corporation. I^ritness my hand and of f icial seal. lly commission expires on: Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO COUIITY OF EAGLE ss. The foregoing instrument was day of _, 1987 I'Iitness my hand and of f icial seal . l'!y connission expires on: acknovrledged before bv A.G. Hil]. me this llotary Public I AGREEI.lEIIT - Thl" Agreement dated ti," ol(%aay of =.r,fruC-.,^,L.o.--, l9g7by and betrseen the Town of vaii, coroiado There$;Eter-;aferredto as "Vail") and A.c. Hill (hereinafter'referred to as nHill"). I.TITIIESSETH: IIHEREAS, Hill is the ovrner of the property described as: Lot K, Block 5A, Vail Village, Fifth Filing,County of Eagle, State of Colorado. (hereinafter ref erred to as the ,,Sub ject property,,) ; and ?IH8REAS, on October 2I , 79AZ the part.ies entered into anagreenent r'rhereby certain restrictions were placed on the subjectproperty regarding empJ.oyee housing units, such agreement beingattached hereto and narked as Exhibit "A"; and I'IHEREAS, the partiesagreenent and enter into ahereinafter set forth. heret.o desire to terninate suchne!, agreerTlent on terns and conditions NOw, TI{EREFORE for ten dolLars and other good and valuableconsideration the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,the parties agree as follovs: t. The agreement attached hereto and narlied as Exhj.bit "A'ris hereby terrninated by the parties. i.i,i( ,:,,- :..:: 1 .j .,: i,\ .-:. ,-.Oui\D",'o unitr : r , 1 .1 i : 2. The tvo'drfits designated "Restricted Enployee Unilf onpage trvo of the set of prans entitled Garden of the Gods Reribdel , 13* I ; " S " i 3i33i ; " I lX' i lzii 3 rs.9f;hTfu.t4€t* S€'E-P o 3 " ; : i - l : (5/: I " : : r'#;df;iffifu1fffiitH any period of less than 30 consecutive daysi and if it shall b;rentedr' shall be rented onry to t,enants who are furl timeemployees in the Upper Eagfg Va11ey. The Upper Eagle vall;tshall be deened to include the Gore Valley, itinturnr- Redcliff',Gilman, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas. A futitine employee is a person who works an average of 30 hours pe;week. 4. At such timepursuant to Chapter Regulations and places may at his option place declaration and at suc as llill subdivides t,he subject pr17 of the Torun of Vail Subdia condominium decLaration of record,ther employee unit restrictions- inh time as the condominium declaflti I.\ L '. ,- 1:\U.{ -l. lri_-'-. .1 i'. " ; .,1't":.. l"a'' ofl,'rul,i, ope rty vision H il1 suchon is , A tt,; "Vr'r*/ ,t :' J i placed of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorderrsoftice, County of Eagle, State of Colorador the Town of Vail shall release and terninate this Agreenent. In additionr the enployee units shall be designated on the condoninium map as Restricted Enployee Units. 5.effect consent The restrictions contained herein shall remain inuntil December I, 2007 unless earlier terninated by nutual 6. specifications as adopted bv Ordinance pursuant to the No. 40 Series of date of issuance of the upon theplans and 1987. 7. This Agreernent shall be a covenant runninq with the land and shall bind Hill and all subsequent owners of said prope rLy. Dated the day and year first above written. N VAIL " TOVIN OF VArL, COLORADO By: Attest: r HILLn STATE OF COUNTY OF The day coLoRADO )) ss.EAGLE ) fo regoing of and municipal corporation' for and Witness my hand and official seal . tly conmission expires on..- by the Toun of VaiI and the propprty ovrner. 4 e,*l ei $,VTt o{,0 (c' 4orcVThe ef fective dat6 ofl/this Aqree;ihent'shaII be f] -f tJ-l-ilA.G. HILL instrument was acknovrledged before tne this r 1987 bY of the Totrrn on behalf of of VaiI, Colorador a said corporation. Notary Public SEATE OF COLORADO )) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing instrument r,rasday of 7q*a^l^.1, , 1987 Ifitness my hand and official lly conmission expires on: acknowledged before by A.G; HiIl. seaI. ne this , .'t .t _,',), :1 ,r/ ')'t rll l{y Connrbdon Enter e[, q lgSg 1ffii;irffi-lrfff.ffi;*iffi,r{ purch.f., to rbrlrllr. th.lr .qr.antt on afl ttrtetli "e' i:.ti, |!/1L-: . rndrr th. lrrl of th. 8t.ta of Cotorrdo' th. lttlclaa ot hcor- .'.':f '11 li' r ''.-:.Dor.tto.. of ruch sorgorrtlon rtll contrtn tb lollorrlng rrrovtrionri AII.A brr r.I lor tt. nLsa |t . v.blol. p.slla, Jol It.a111tr,. ' iJS#.;i {a :l h. l-.!.hlg .b.ll b. llrlt.d to tl .hlp rh.ll a.rr b. r..tsr.br. rtrrout **Siiriiitl :ff il,n;].I'lJ:.T:jtr*Tli: Tff -.9 taIlt. 'tt a a' -.^1 .,tr':.- rj.;.*: Jof th|t c*aly taonr ot rr lhe l.ltora lodge D' l!: ltnt rDrtr.r, tlc., or ot tt t rionly f.a, lj ff '.lt hrllr r.odgr b,t' A.o. Blllr thr nbrr.htp ot ruo! tELq j .brtl b. t:.n.f.r!.d to .uch r!.f oua.c m tbr'+i*i r.1l.r .!d !...or.bt. .cc.9trno. of Cfrporltllr'& l. Io p.rt ol th. tnau o! plottt o! tL o ' "!:)*.h.ll b. p.ld to tlra nb.s!, olCloc:t ot dlrrctoa. .-, l. J. fi. corpontlon .h.Il b. dtrolill .!d lk6fa.i upon rrh of ltr r..t proD.rty mtttr td.*ta.*r& .9r.. to contl.auracr ot lta arlrtanc. rt Sch tlr. ' .v.nt ot dk.olutton, Urr oorporrtlon rhrll b. tlqtrllrtal rnd .ftar all dabtr ol th. orl,orattoD harr baao th. rcrht|rg r|..!. rh.ll b. .otd or Ctrtrib0tr{ ll Xiil !, ' -.!th. rdbarr rt th.t tl,r ltr good at.$alttg ll r$rl rlrrer. lalt nD.r orbg .gt .Du!! to tb corgonttoa, *rtfr-iJ tt ;rf i'lb.rt O. btt :: ":lli 6rc Crrt rd. (For loaal9.t1. color.do ll6t? lob.rt l. t il.s!16 trnroa f.rrcb 1016 {!ox lt27lV.tl, Colotrilo 1165? l. o. atll 2500 lls.t Irtlonrl lrnl lulldlng ':, D.ll.., ?rur 75202 tohr Stoddrrt 2101 Er.t lth AY.nu. D.nva!, Colorado t0206 : Chasl.r B. Cor.p.rtln! I t.llt Gorr Cnek Drlvr (Dr 93)v.ll, colorrdo 11657 2. ?h. Bylre. o! ruch corgorrtloa .brlt hrv. thr tollortaj' grovlrlonr r r. l ru.l r..tlngr ot nb.rr .h|ll b. h.1al b Ur. Fnth ol D.ca&bar rnnuelly. b. A qrDru!| for aobrr' .ad dlr€tor. nrtlagr rbrll b. r DrJorlty o! prrtl.r .ntltl.d to rot.. c. GlIy Drb.r. In good rtrndtDg rhrll brvr e yo'ta. l Elb.r rh.ll b. tn good rtrndt ng only ll h. br. tully trld rII r.r.rarnla or othar rrcunta alua to tb. aorDorrtlotr. al. VotlDg rlth r.rp.ct to rub.rr rnd altr.ctora r.!z ba ln paraon or bry ptory. .. Xo co4 nltlon rbrll bc pald to rny olticar or dt?.ctor. C. lb co4rorattoa rhell hrva lour otflc.rr, . ?r..ld.nt, vlc. t,r..ld.nt, r.cr.t ry .nal taaa.uras.r6.pt th.t oor lndl- b.hall ol tf,. br lrdr bt th. pr ltlratp ' !..1 b.rn{ .st..t.d to Dt th ;.&itt.:ii1i' .j','ll$j.1 .;ir' _1r.r:1",'{rt. t nl .ocounr! la Cb..9rr-or1r$At!;,Fl ::-i:troltrd by rlgnrtun !y rat c!. olttcor. -" " -'i l. Othrr lartnrrtr .ltctlt tlr g rrrcutrd bt rry Pa. ot th. lour "'rlactgrl';';D. th. tlao.t t .r of tlr ootacrtloc i o. ?h. htl.n r.y b anldrd - tto-thtf.'hh#'F r.Jorlty yot bt tb r-b.$ o! tb lo.ta. ..j- 'i.F. q. t!h. ooGtot.ttor Arll oltrb lidr trc Stt Ui I.....-.rt lrq ttr to tlr.. l1l .arfnt ahrft h ry .qu.uy to rtt D!b.!. to qt r .ll ..f.!x. *f.ai't(frt.S bo.sd bt unratsur vot dtsvtlr d.trrtbrrr or :ft ttl i* crrloa ot Drrllrrg .p.e.. t..nttr ta r dllturlor rit tlve'{{ rti'Dr. ag.Gaa brtnro th. ldl .lloc.t.d tha lr\rtaft l| t!.! .ttoo.tad tlr a.tLrt alrl.8 ol rpFrl r b:6toh car' .[.arntr ah.It b. Paor.t d lDOf Eb.r. b.aad o.r ar$qr rD*nr. lll .art-Dta ah.ll Da am tb.[ 3do, aDt !,1 la|ls ' s. lry rlbot alA q"L ca.tst. F t 1. rltb rr'{?t irut qfrfrf lrl brr oorfonttoato rlt at..aart! oa octrr I nblrtl lrtt htor! .ddrar., salor rltht! ruct Ulr' [tri' oount clrt"raat lt 9rld. Iolbtng lrc r-.rndlr .hrll tr.r, rant undor grotart. t. !h. bo.rd ol dtraotola. by rrJosltfr rul., tt .ny r.gulrr or .p.cl.l r..tlng r.g[l.rly conrtltut.d .!d rttatdad ln p.r.on or tt prory by a guorun ahtll h.e. th. lot:.orlDg rpcctllc posrrr I 1) 1o ll,locrt. partlng ylthln th. corpor.tlonr a rarl proicrty bctrr.n Dgnbarr lnd to datarolno bor baat to r.tlrfy Danbsrr' dcrlr.a lor rgurt nuarbrrr o! rp.caa rad tor convanlancc o! rechl lnd ruch alloc|relon ahall ra ctoaaly da Prlctlcrblo follou currant ura!g.. Notlca of ruch rllooetloa ahlll b. !.lled ro ..ch D.obar rlthln mv.n d.yr rtt.r luob .llocatlon and ruch .llocrtion rhrll rutoDrtlc.lly b.ccGa off€ctl.vc ylthl,n 30 dry. th.rrerft.r unl... tb. provl.o herrln- .fter provid.d rball bc Invokod. PROTIDED. llOl{EVfR, thrt crch n.r0b6r yho !.olr !9rt6v6d by th. .llocrtlon, vlthl,n 30 dayr follovlng E 1l1n9 of guch notlc. n y obtect by vrltten noticc to thc pr€.id.nt of tha Arrocl,ltlon on th. tolloulng tro groundr: (r) thrt the nutnb€r of rprcer rl,locrtad to hb rnd the conv€nL.nce ol ure thGreof for vchiclc parklng alc lnagultable ln coogariron to th€ nuah€r and conv€nioncG o! uaa of ruch rpacGr lllocatcd to the oth.r rnbcrr and (b) that th. locltlon of thc sp.c.. ar .lloc.tcd to hiE ,,r lnaquit.bla ln colqlrrlron to th€ loca- tion of lp.car al:,ocrtad to othr.r i.rb€ra. If rlthln 30 dry. .ft.s .uch notlcr of obJ.ctlon Lha conplrlnlng Elbcr er onr g.rty aDd th. larocl,rtlon .. th. othar grrty .hrll not Dutu.Ily rgr.. oa .n 6lloc.gloo, th. [.tt.r abrlt b. drcldad by arbl- tntt6 r! follov.r uithln r.v.n dGy. .t!ar crl)ar.t!,on ol ruch tO dryrr tlr [.ocL.tloa .h.ll clroor. on. lnd.p.nd.nt rlbltr.tor ud tho clglslalng D.rb.a .h.Il choorc anothcr tndrprndrat arbtt!.cor. It ruch .tbltrrtorr ar. un.blo to .1 .. ,.1 -5- : i i*. :- ? rr ' - i- " i-l or b.tc. sob C.G., rggolat. . -'lALc ')*;tor rbo .hrll al.t.rrlnr thr coatrrofr . .:{"J s,""1I qipur.u.nt to .ny ohrnE. rn orrorritricrtr -:j,l of lllur,J.tton, lro.rlbl. rctoortloin .t]td; i .. '': . 'ti ,;Gor. C!G.k Drlv., .ubr.c! to th. rfovr grov$r;lr! 3) to dctcnlnr ln lt. .ol. dl.or.llon *.iriii:i roslr d to tln€ by uay vay of .ny , nenta real which tot.l of !t r€crcrtl,onrt !8clllu.., lrndrc.plng er othar ti*orj:'l rhould b. provldcd lsoD tb to t{ra on lha proprrtyt provtdrdl ho;. -.r.r, th.t .ny alngl. th. bo.rd !..ronrbl,y .xp.cta ylll ucocd tt,OOO l! co.t .hrll not bG undort.tan vt tlEut prlor rpr,rovrl, l€..t tro-thlrds of .ll ub.r. of tlrc boart alittl€d to vot. rt ruch tr-D.. t. No nenbGr yllt p.rEit long tar! partlnq canper!, trail€r!, trucka or ritl,lrr vahlclea on of th€ rubJect property rl,thout parElrrlon by th. t lon ln advlnce. u. Nothlng heroln rh.Il pravant llprovG.lrt b,!2 r nbar ol the portlon of th. .ubj€ct proparty . tloclt.d to hl,! provldcd p€rtrlltton thcrefor har bccr obtalnad ln adv.nca from th6 corporrtlon and provldad t,b.rt luch l€nbar paya all colts of luch lmprovemcnt and j,ndenni,flcr the corDoartlol dgrlnat any clalne rglj,ntt thc corporrtlon b.aod tharaon. v. Plrtltlon o! tho .ubJect prop€rty rh.ll bo lv.ll.bl. ..';to tha mmb.rr upon llljorlty vota at any tl|., provldrd. lror- '!' 6v€r th.t cny Plrty tly rl thdnu .t any th. rf tcr (l) crr:pl- . ', llon of lrDdacrplng planr or (21 lour yxrr.l!.r tht oorpon- tlon acqulr.r tttl. to th. .ubr.ot prop.rty. rhleht ar llrat ' ; occurr. All .:f tnr€r lncldcntr! to rny tuch prrtJtJot thtll .h.ll bc rhlr.d .qurlty by th. p.rtlo. end rII .ppllc.tlona rnd tun ayt ah.II br prepar.d by ib corporrtlon unlrrr .nothar allocatlon br approvod by. utl.t|lrcua vote o! thc !.rbara. Upon p.:tltion. rh€ p.rr rr g.rtlaa r.gu.rtlng -6- .:,.4f - " : lavt .t.v... .rr..v. {-rbt. rrrL......l' t !E +- Ii ;.'j'.'. ':":r t'{. " ,ir D.rty rhrtl b. r nb.r ll gooa .trdbt unlt I I|at orl.ra-: - .iia. 11: rtlal Erlor to rsgul.luon th.rtst Dl' th. M.oclrtloa lr"af; . il'. Fv.d arr:.pt for r...on.bla l.ndaoalta arara. tlo tha af llorr not rccognlrr ruch [rlgllrnt, th. gartl.r harrto .graa thrt t!.y rlll lndtvldurlly or Jolnlng ulth .ucb corporrttoa rrtlrly .Il obligation. du. to VrIl A..ocl.t.., tno. pur.u.nt to !h. Itso-.nt lor Purch... lud 6.la ut thc rubJoct proporty. lI |ll1t|188 nSlRlOt, th. p.rrl.. h.v. b.!.unto r.t th.lr h|||dl that lry iuoh Dortior l. aot D.v.d .! th. d.t. ot roob ffii-j IEnrE rlry rusn tpaBroll l. aoB I].v.o .E cn s.B. or .tl.l| TTi.. I, .ltlon. th. A..oclrtl,on .h.ll p.v. tb ..r rnd oirrga t!. !a!b.r rlth tha coat th.r.ot a. . aDasl.l .traa-aot, .prFdrt :. 't -.' ;ot rhlch rhall !r |.|de rr rrgulrcd .born rtth r.rg.at to .;$ othGr rrr..nntr rrd Fn ltlrr fo: noD-prlrr.nt of rhlch ,: ! ahru b. .. .bova provld.d. 3. th. p.rtl.r hrr.by .9r.. tbrt qron lonrtlon of tho r.td coaporrtlon, triry r!,ll r..19n th.lr lntrr.rt. ln th. d|otr.ot rltb Vell l..oclat r, lnc., rh.r.bl' thJy psoDof. to rcqulr. tha tubJac! f.FtoP.rty, to .uch corporltlon. All obllt.ttona o! ..cb ol tha .'. ,t, und.t.19t[draEngthCr..lv...h.llth.reu9o!lnur.!o!h.b.r!tt o! th. corpontlon. To th. art.at th.t Y.ll Ar.ociatar, IDc. .. .:!; vlHHLl'ffi3rar,j g:lll.fH sroDatR'?,'r ta. 1. !.1 ;l "*,'.:,,'1+,; , t{:f ictrrlon erplr.. r tt ?E u1, colrRrm County of 8.91. t!. .. 1 .r ?hr foregglng. lrlltrulent rrr rctnorbdE.d b.for. r thlt lln.l.v of -sCD]b;Lr=-' lr?6 !t Dur| it. ltsrlR. \-,c . J rltn... ry hrrd rd olllolrl nl. I utlly o-l.rlon crpr,ra. r :trojrnt !t.!l frrt Co r Dotrt 11 orivr;tltla. .nd rlo3 r curyr to tbr htC Lrvtqtcracrrt mgh c? 4t'2lr06r, ra.trt-artrfo.of rrvrrlr 6tr i ttrecr rlcj frll{Bon tc tb rtdbt D.vfla r ndlnr Iru. tc tb rltbt D.vfg r ndlnr .t f0.00to.@r. ar e'G dl.trncr of !t.lt &tt Cott rt lqrtLrrtrrly ltr_ct Oore Crrrl'Or trft of l!0'OOr0Or rd rlcj retl tq*tilbrcr o tr ecab co tb. l.tt c( lto.Btegl.|iattnr .of Ernroo-lench..Iot.l-ud .d43 r .c.rrir. ic-r 1a.fgr3t 20.00 fmC, e-crntrrl Ttft d ,9t0_.dr,!1.12 fcrr ic r poiri of copornd Eoir.i atrda' iltae rn! eloo3 rrtd copound clp -t.-rD! itlt-lll.tf fc.cr . cmtrel rajh cl-lt'ttr0t,:, ti'-ricfrrC to e pohC of trnjcat3 tteocr'rlmg aifd lcd ,.) '"'ti, J.:, Best coPY Available :,4lai{,;.*..' - a .FRANK PAYNE Beck & AssociatesP. O. Box 1413Vail, Colorado 81658 Per Margaret Hill there is returned a fucopy of the agreement between A. c. HilLTown of Vail regarding employee units atof the Gods Club location in Vail . P^l_ea_Ce note the document jgle tstrrcKen f,he error on the first paqe. r!.- - - 1, and that we haveMr. Hill hasinitialed the correction it should also be initialedb-y the Townrs representatiGlTTFfi Inq ande senq mq a tzerox copy. J Irambert anksgiving To!'rerIx 7520L 28.00 Dallas, qIT --.:= o AGREEMENT THrs AGREEMENT dated tn" 4 auv ot g ol'l+t , L982, by and between the TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, hereinafter referred to as "Vail ," and A. G. HILL, hereinafter referred to as uHill. u WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Ilill is the owner of the property described as: Lot K, Block 5A, VaiI Vill-age, Fifth Filing, County of Eagl-e, State of Colorado, hereinafter referred to as the "subject Property" i and, WHEREAS, Vail has requested that certain restrictions regalding employee units be placed on the Subject Property. Now, THEREFORE, for Ten Dol-lars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: l-. The accommodation unit known as Unit 20I' n rr \ Icomprised of two bedrooms and two ffiFEE bathrooms' (/YV\ for a living area of approximately 623 square feet, and the i,( Z-.'Iv dwelling unit located in the southwest corner of the first floor, in the approximate size of 504 square feetr of the improvements located on the Subject ProPerty (collectively referred. to as the "Employee units"), shall not be s-Qld' transferred or conveyed separately from the other improvements located on the Subject Property. 2. The Emptoyee Units shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days; and, if it shall be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are fuLl-time employees in the Upper Eagle ' valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Redcliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail and Avon, and their surrounding areas. A full-time employee is a Person $tho works an average of thirty (30) hours per week. 3. The restrictions contained herein shall remain in effect until September L, 2OO2 unless earlier terminated by mutual consent of the Town of Vail and the Property owner 4. HiII, or his heirs or assigns, may move such Employee Units to other locations on the Subject Property as long as such new employee units are substantially the same type and square footage as the old emPloyee units. 5. This Agreement shall be a covenant running with the land and shall bind Hill and all subseguent owners of said property. ttVail" TOWN OF L, COLORADO uHilI " By STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE fth 1\-ry-A. G. HILL ss. The foreqoinq jnstrument was acknowledged before / me rhis z"-- aay 5r -Sep/s7t4ca-,.]982,, Av fu c*+teJ olp6h./, and-@KL/,t/€- = ,-!r,TF.€_mwNT-ffioLoRAD0;--f municipal corporation, fot and on behalf of said corporation. My conmission expires: ./d/j/y'< 2o.., 3L., ()r, Notar1/ Publ1c /:aJa,LJ Vo,4 A tu+r7 Address a. .4, rl o exprres: o STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ne this The.^ foregoing ins.trument was7f Kday 6t &&ifi,-- ,-acknowledged before L982, by A. G. HILL.