HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 TRACT D APOLLO PARK INTERVAL BUILDING PERMITS-2 LEGALft-r 't.} n , l"n:l iil:,q :J - l,i ij -cq-:- o *,ril V' ii t,i. *r cl t) ..) :)- ' " - - i :j -'Li il l::i.r: ii lrri q ii :, li =$ ;i,1 * O ^- 1., d*i { i0 tr =^ -= l.r E } l: 3= ljl fi s ij, f)- .:r a_l;il 5;,r"8iti$ .ii E- [ ai'-I @Hf i;i*{t#l l1l - fi\t ---:-- \i N;-. _. .t_,-.._--.. U- 3ulr iL f (-lJ S{i ,- fJ a. K 'i: '-\td.k--_1i}a--!--i}.?_-iit-# ii ";# r-,= i 7 Na. i: $.r; -,1 i,,r:.i i.- \ 1 -_-- -' :\ \ !l>rtl r.Er,k9(, '- ? 2E'<iHntrCH 2<i<azzzA elaiFr,o<oQr']z5r( '*x9?U'?o{ Fr'l <n> -t9Hc<t t F I tq rrl J v IJJ z zo KP9sd6ato o uJ uJ z uJ z sE oFz uJ E u,l !J F .C ur .E tco J t! !Jc F J J F ul Eoo tt F t E tr ul o o z -o Jf E --l lrG' =, =et- UJ o Ex UT =YE c Fo t! 2 J F(t t!tt F =ur 2 oJ l Q IIJ u,tt Youl (J z .E- o, uJ 2 9F z tr G ur J =|ltz z uJJul t !J Yz EG llt tt UJ doz F Flll3 z 9F cl!v, lll G o uJ u- 6 uJ o,q J t! Ftl. o J" 2 z j tto oz z 6J aot!o IJJo NOtJ.Vn'rVn J J. o 'r' ,{ 4 Ct J a-q z tr = IJIF =-/'' I !r Qi" c' :*N zo= 2o Foo.lf,GOFC9o=>xo-z:< urt49>() ; ..i Y o = z tr E !to J !Iz -JFq dv c{ <T' (, .Jj CIA s( ul E z Fs x ft v, |lJ = 14 t.) I |-tn o M ott uJ = E tC .-1 f'.+J i J <7 ct o uJ4 J E z J E Y oJ rNsPEcrillt onre ,l:. ". i r\ t"- j'4 JoB NAME TIME RECEIVED :; ,I.., AM P.M CALLER i,'',i,, v' FTEOIJEST TOWN OF VAIL LJ OTHER MON COMMENTS: AM PMTUE E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED FRr n' v'\ ElnppRovED E orseppRovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowtNG GoRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONSU 7, ,,;'t., ,, / .. ,..i,,- .f fl nerNSPEcr 7 DATE e{- INSPECTOR Tovrn Councjl Agend |4EMORANDUX TOl,lN COUNCIL PLANN I I']G COI4I'1 ISS I ON cONprTr0NAL u5E PTRMTT REQUESJ_ITY AP0LL0 PARK- MARCH 1, T974 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Charles Ogilby came before the Planning 1974 to request a conditional use permit Park to convert several recreation rooms After discussion, the Planning Commission not in keeping rvith the intended use for unanimously to deny the request. Ogilby indicated that he would not pursue would.withdraw the request; therefore, no is necessary. Commissjon on February 28' which would al low Apol'lo to office space. dec'ided that that complex thi s use was and voted the matter further and formal actjon by the Council Most likely, Apol'l o Park will go with dormitory rooms in that space -- which is a permitted use under the 0rdjnance. .. r.aqr2" DS/nmm laJt 2-a/-7( 4 .,''' &42-4- =/,ee aoo AJA.*.J/I 4/fF/ -lt 2oe 6rlFA x .2s'avn., tfalb* 4, , 7 :1-- -6-19*-,' 1,-tt-e :-!t-,6! r.!/* . e4 -q- {t4_ I 9 44-{-:-3 lt o , d | . 72*-a) +> ,, t7 t a aaz ? r/4 ?6 . ,,- Q-Lte -e-- bl -=--,11-?-2 -y! ,] 7 4 -4L-t- o--/-9,,-t t L*"i. af-o- F-. , !-r-,t-,- i ------.-.-.---. /oo.al ,6 o. 0 I t-f I I 0o .l -F : I{} -lE)l--lN'loNl-(Dl -J Ej dlql tit |.Ic{l lo ea rn el ffiqW3;:-!-' 6; r*< + I I I i -i cr o- Joul .{ ttl 1o i{ t-uo r{ o(I) o- Il -F 3 -(( s q Y { I 1j d l. 01 I I 0i $)\l \51$l I I H'l ,e l,l,w teE J a c.<-l$.F.-$v@-,osIi+<o3dLqdE na ljH =tdj tF o 0- -)l & i\EtttEc;r(sE L. (tr.aa'us C+"'1 Fo< {pccat')trl' / Qo,oo t4,tr Apr*Kl -z:Ir-ri* acrz-Ffiea:ft\ | rc €Pa €-- PeB*trtt- Ckt 3blo fasco !{a<ouaee tra< ' R^rrrL PrcT T/tr-s -Tftea - .l) floa, a kqnt -Tltn r \d"rttE l-/c C+sa f'+uv' ' * , ,l , V.ZZTU C ,+e"+.O -7-C ?r,, n13rru,t7 ritt<t<- lJns ,:;";:">iio o,v /'tT 7,,7i'.':; V":: "j,::nruur,, t+:v trEn,, z e-o il- r-, t. :7 -i)'r. (-p*ec7zs : A cfdck L11T Otr '",.,).u, PAID$ -1J11rlU-rN srtsz&e ttt)eztcs cri[cr(iii: -?s3-5 ctu jflkllu$ Colorudc Spl rrqs, ColcrcCc *'Ay,'[k$od,, Coloroilo Sprinqs. Co io' ': {}-& v Pleasc address all replies to: POST OFFTCE BOX 871 vAtL, coLoRADO 81557 TEL. 303: 476-5881 )rr* Lt-kna,7F You fue 7'* -uP 77+ca't 7:>+s tF {Pua /tfu*u- /e <Ttitatr 7a &rtort*1 /ec*rr. 9*o*0 Ntzo a{ rr.- ul\y!fu]\I Colcrodo Springs, Colorodo q'Apa'7^r^ Colcrodo Springs, Colorodo F 3 taz,o tsl ) tsr z o v z c 2 {H dU ul ul ozt u,loz -< r!t^ rt r. !.1 >rd>!ElF<ts2< =r]-[t <'.. ? z 'k!!.-n;;fi6o9Xriz-<i<oz'o444z:-q ).Fi<r-lo<c,<()LlZ -5dt-J*X9:eu'fi3o{ lir<c) -6gic, r", + = z E UJ ul F ItlE G ) ll, tc FoJ J <( F !c .J J{ ut N E O f.E .E =g=lu-- 0.\ N z F :J l! F o I EJ f m 2o9 -o; 2 Fxi&.6Fac2o;> -E{ >aFO ;ri |.L.o z,B(:, l-u,lz N F NOt.tvn'l\tn g-= G- 3i I' -l v4l )- t l-i iuJ>l E ol 2 jl >:t ; :J\N l\ 4 ,-r-{ a { 16 ,rj,n',,:ii,;r,t,:iiii:: i.:iii:,iii:!ii::: : ii : r 'i ,t#ilii:li:ilillli:='i'i i,1,! -ll NI I I I I I I$i I\ixl ctsll l-l I I 'a x c .E c) E i\P$tllroD ii,il.l3rt :{El F={f.iiu .!^P :NI5{ti\l.ol aEir '925 3:.Eilszsat) u) 5 ,lw F'r i < I I 1 I I Iul <.1 \Li tDlslff1 I I I IIvllfl It 'E tff t-r =-tg lat-1 'rl o dJ b./E_!=<lui s ^/'l 2,,t ::rYtt-t + o (1, i ! tu :a :.r =.'8!3r,E 9 rl: -:r-l: t\a o< -l3l GI -J9l e>l.. t\i I;9.,E Si s sll = lg! 'E l.l-t 5li 2 -;. e=.22 i'o E riE:€::e! ? I ?aaffia11 E 11E11t1* 11 la'i jiffiffi11 lil+ t*?i: lzzz o .JanuarY 23, l9i4 Town of Vall. TOi.IN OF VA IL iloTlcE ls liEii:'iY ClvIli ,ooil'ol vo t t has aPP i i*ti, var I ances I n acccrc JicJ \'r I of O.,:lnancc lto ' B -(ierios il::l'ilnl"u:?1";l li:;:";i'.:i''i i i ins ' llOTlCE ls ilLREI'Y GIVEI'l Tlll l' Charlcs ogllbrT represcntlrrg-Apol lo Park hi:s app t i o': -?or-''c"no i t i on" r"'ut"' i""tnit i n t::"i;;!;"' l' iilt'^ lif i: ::, l;?.ii:il;l.l; ;;::":1: "{iii:; r:':l:i:lF' ;;'; ri'"u+e o on Troct D, Vail'vi;;t;;-Fiiot Flllns ln an ljDr1F zone' lloTlcE ls i.f iREtsy.i,tvEi{ that,,val I Flotropollfan P'[icreatlon Dlstrlct has opptled fo' u Ctndltl.onel Y': Porr;r li'ln accorCanco !{ilh Articlo 'iel ittt r"r, t::1i?'?i'?[3;sil;;.t.i;lii:: ;l ::'ll'l :,ili.;:''?on"' pormlt an uclclrlon ru ,L-t^^.)t d.oo'"' ;' ;,; ;, ",'.u,, to,!l i l.!":?, i {tii 3:';!$?l:ill il,"ii;l,il,iiii,lcf Ord i nance ilo ';.'':' ; ; . ;l: y": t,,i,;1.;_:? :ri;l!iilllU":"u ?i"i i:i;';:lt:ti ?il-,,," l?:,13:':l:";,lii i'1"'iii u*' t..on ri0T lcE oF PUSL lc liEAll lil6 i::-, ]i i .';:;"1 l, l":l'l*:;? li!"iii; u3lou' - 'rh S,rci'lcns ro'ctz"""; iq'60!-uld l?'200 'l l, i;i ii-1 :^: ;ni,i;- :l :"lol Iolo 3l' l :?"1' Dlana S. Toughlll ion I ng A<lr'rl n lstrator II.{ e6+ It{ 1{ rcI IJ.r.)\J r rrrr.c).Thus requlrlng Zcnlng Varla.nces. o APPL ICAT ION FOR And/0r CONDITIONAL US VAR IANCE E PERMIT App I ication Date Ord inance No. 8 (Series of 197 3) Publication Date Hearing Date Heari ng ree iio. P /k{. Fina I Decision daie | (we ) for Tow n Counc i I Cortaooo , l/,q,.Phone 47t-f8 8l(State) (City) do he reby requesf pe rm iss ion to appea r before Commission fo request the following:the Vail Planning Variance from Arf icle _, Sect ion toZon i ng Change f rom Park ing Variance Conditiona I Use Permi f to* loue 6feE Uutz5 in to a I Zone For the f ol lowing described properf y: Lot,/tract , Block . I. r IFi I ing Numbe r YAtt- Vrcvnq€ htdST FttntG Cf early state purpose and intent of -fhis application L{E Peentuod -Ta Ptacc loon DFFtcE fz,+ccr ut '71/1 x (ApplicanJ) What do you feel is the basis for hardship in this case? &,i-*-{"o t'-0!;at -'1,,- 6"1:" q \,i""- ,\ll n\ '/-t,'a, ro i ld <,* -^ li'i-t:;t- Lrl-r,j$ lt',;4ii k o ',i, (:F !.,-7:;:.tf; lry* f/A +"4/ .-- {., t,- t L. l i- 7s,zcp iit I g,-I'. i" ft it,t S. F r. *C+,i {,'";. E g t I'j '".\ *- I*,ti, j il ';l '-! t!:',r:\ ', t./r-.,'F;-;_-k. *jl 1.,:ii/,, ;,{: t | )./ . t--,'/'i;/J Di"irt $ t;n{'* gfii l':-l i! f'f u*,,r f i:t {;|} o al;i;€q,. CPEru i'"1,.:e€ /si,v L: # {t 1 I $''1- f'::vr;*.- f,lO# ,. St t {..- ir:.. ?-7:A*' ii^ir5rrr,,*T i Eir i,rttry' . r 6;.{d{i^"i ,4,Uas _Zc*An_ tr'!' -":,'!," t .:i1 -. t 4, ,._jiJ-j;. I'ic;";.1,u $y:,,lc,#f CI*t 5':r"{. .. .. l'i *, S.,tur{Cf o T|nck *uF g {.iutt tJNrrS 7"?!. (j;:"r,r7,.fli 1-t1r,) trf 1i|S'",.'*, . ltt 17 r,r. /'..r;n r Fi t tt tfl * / l, 71g 7,9'i'/ t!$ (-sur-e',; !:v tti t Q t!:,f $ (#.{nt, 3:l t _8,7#o i *Trj t. f r"':"! ;..=-.J a 14 rNsPErlot TOWN OF '( i- i FIEOIJEST JOB NAME E oruen MON COMMENTS: AM PMFRITUE ! pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED , THUR I eppRovED ! orsnReRovED D nerNSPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS r) i.^.. , ,. ..i, DATE INSPECTOR Ta*,Jt--Q\ Br€ **- rs L A.r5.o1 (, At "f "H,,*rqrt^o{(* ''") a3 K 2l J unr l97l Mr. Chuch 0gl lbyc/o Apol lo ParkP. O. Box 820 Yrl l, Colorado 81657 Orar Chuck, Plrase lat fhlt rerve as noflco of fhc outcomc of fhe Junr l! ncr?lng of the Yall Trtar and Stnlfatlon 0lrtrlct. Tro maln polnfs rer. dsclded upon! l. In tlrs of renovlng olrcady conrtructcd lmprovements, a let?cr rould bc roqulrod. To nort ths mlnlmuml of al I utl I ltY conpanler Involvsd, thc lcttor rlll ba notarlred and state thlt tha orncr rlll be rctpontlblo for all co3tl of ropalrr to ob- rtructlons on thc eaSemsnt ar rell ar thc added axccvat I on cogfr . 2. Thc nanholc nor covorrd by a rooden deck rll I bo made scc.tslble by ralrlng the rlng rnd covcr fo flnlrh dcck grsd. and conrtructlng a portabl. rtmp for vchlclr usc of tho uFpcrrtalrr. Tony Rorrl rl | | coordlnafs the ralrfng of the manholc rlth you, lrould llkr thc requlrcd lcttor rt soon al posrlblc *o that thc ncfter rlll bs clcrrld up. Thonk you. Yours vcry truly, VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT Kent R.Dletrlct rJ Roco, Eng I .8. ncer hgotL. P"-t+.- 6 Junr 1975 Holy Crorr Elrctrlc Box 514 Val |, Colondo Dcor S|ru, Thc utlllty olfcmrnt through Apollo Prrk lr no$ belng bullt upon rlthout iho boncflt of r nqulrcd permlf. Conrtructlonconrlrtr of roodcn cfrlrg, roodon drck and concrctr sfalrr ond rldrralk, Thlr conrtructlon lr dcflnltrly ouf ovor th.utll ltles rlfhln thc oqsrncnt. The Vall lrter rnd 3anlta?lon Dlrtrlet rlrhca thrt you In-rpeci thc rasrnenf and your utllltlae ln the oasrmcn? rlth rugard to th l l nrr conrliuct lon, Fe rcquest thrt you rrp l yprlor to thr Junc l5 mrctlng of thc Vrll tlafrr and SanltcflonBoord. Thr rcply rhould reflect your concornt In rrgard iothr mrfntcnanco or fsturc conrtructlon of utllltlct and thr rcmovrlot thc cooctructlon thct prgi.ntly cxls?a. Y.ry truly yourr, TOIN OF YAIL Kcnt R. Ro6o, P. E.Dlrtrlct Englnaer t rJ Enc I or urc con ie s tn: Prrhlic Sefvice Cable T.V. Service Mounta in Be ll I !:'t-!ttir ,l rl:\ \_ 41. /1 ),:f u '.ik ;--.d Davis, Inc. \ ,./ / " - af!ffi1..', -;,:adr Springs , Colorado )f/0, ,, frh' n,Enrpire Savings & Loan Associart"" -7J,i ,,,rr\rCr, Denver, colorado /t {,,'trn(\pu" e{Gentlemen: Art,/r& or'ur Refcrence is made to/'Ehat cerEain subcontract No. 7rC,A-C, by and beEween Hubchik and Davis, Inc., general contracEor, and Ray Purcella, d/b/a Rose DrywalI, subcontractor, per- caining Eo certain work therein described to be performed by s ubc onEra ct or at".{pollo Par E vail - Phase 1l A11 work Ehereunder has been and except thaE described in (trsEuccorr). performed by subconcracEor, save SecEion 2 of sai,d subcontract Subcontractor has received fhis dace the toEal sum anci anounEoi $22,296.39 in full paymenc of the work completed and per- formed Eo daEe. Such paymenc includes the sum of $2,362.28,payable Eo The IndependenE Lumber Company for maEerials fur- nished by iE and used by subcontraccor to date in the performanceof such work. In consideraEion of such paymenE, subcontractor agrees Eo release thaE cerEain mechanicrs lien recorded on March 19, 1973 in Book 228, on Page 26L of Ehe records of Ehe CounEy Clerk anci Recorder of Eagle CounEy, Colorado. C . F^s ^^e^^^ 1^+^ rt^^ ll^&..^^^ll --^.uwr e.4!r€€s to complete Ehe ttsLuccott work referred. Lr^€ hereinabove described subcontracE. SubconCracEor commence such trstuccotr work on or _bJ.fore-Jrrne-15, L973, an,- shall complete the same on or bef oqd- JuIy 25, 1973.1 Forr-. .:ompletion of such ttsEuccorr work, sffil be.. the tocal sum and amount of $12,000. The payment of such ,,.rrii of $12,000 shall be in addition to Ehe sum of $22,296.39,'nereinabove referred Eo and paid to subcontractor on this date. Hubcirik and Davis, Inc. shall, prior to the conrmencement of therrstuccotr work to be performed by said subconEracEor, deposiE Ehe said sum of $12,000 in escrow wiLh Empire Savings & Loan AssociaEion, Eo be paid by it to subconEractor upon compleEionof the rrsEuccotr work. In the event the parties are unaLle to --_.- o agree upon Che satisfactory compleEion of the ftstuccotr workby subconEfactor, Ehen and in EhaE evenE ,of _, Colorado shall beand is hereby designaEed to determine suctr compleEion, andupon his wriEEen advice thereof to Empire Savings & LoanAssociation, Ehe escrowed sum of $12,000 shal1 be paid to subcontrac Eor f orthwiEh ; Dated thls day of , L973. RAY PURCELLA also knornrn as WALTER R. PURCELLA d,'bf a Rose Drywall SubconErac tor HUBCHIK AND BY DAVIS, INC. Contrac Eor EMPIRE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION BY tsscrow AgenE -2- rNsr=.flo* TOWN OF t oz- HEEUEST VAIL DATE TIME RE JOB NAME PM CALLER ? E orxen COMMENTS: He,*"ia/ @ I panrteu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRf 2:aa AM@ fleppRovED ! orsneeRovED D upon uG FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS sees QN N oS 3a o5 30t orl LoFr sr-acta€ Eaoa ?coe; Bco6 Q-.t>pB- I nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNs"=t{lo* TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE .JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED , -AM PM CALLER E orsen tllOt COMMENTS: TUE fl peRrrru LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI EleppRovED florsappRovED E nerNsPEcr E UPOT,T T}IE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS:t) coRRECT!ONS 'i ,,, ., DATE INSPECTOR Ido3 ]lo.*rru ovI lN lnrc f lotr RrauEsT D^TE T*= (66Errzez AM Prn Nr^vrE i!-- L-ALLere- 6u,ro,rrn nL O\/g r?€ruM;li'jC-MEc up,ll'.(,'zr- tr n n b FoolNe'r'tre"\ L^'i|tlr-t\ r-x. F,.-1 Fouruaalton FPaivllHc- a\^ - P151ag f'h '; E [At<1^u U THeefrocx D VENeEn D Koor E Z^'=1,o.. Loc,+1tor.-r: M FrNa.u (o *: y E /ar<1ran LocaTlor.J: I lrtrltu,alronr ! l-\eo1rx c- O Aooes I B?a,<1,xu Localrors:Locnltot,l : )r'' . 'r )^ I oluele Mont t-Owvenl+: '.i fr ?^t<1,at. Localront TUE VEarv F*z ]-tl +rz:e\toN _. t -]\vE? Tltu( UrA /'i Apr fm Best copy Available n A7?RovEV OVratAf?Eove7 @ /Q lfurrlrt"ecT q Coee€cTloN+ il''' "''-:'' i'.r, t V^.. II lc Ei, 7J Drcrnbcr 26, 1972 Hr. Tlm Haml lton Arrocla?rd Archltcci* | 5i Lnkr Colorado Sprlngr, Colorado 80906 SubJrct: Apol lo Park ll Dear llr. llanl'ltonr ln rcply to your n.ao detcd Dccenbcr 18 concornlng requrlt fordrlay In applylng ifucco rnd corra€tlon of tegt lovcr stclrl ,thc fol lorlng rtlpulatlonr rhal I applyr Duo to tho rcrthcr and tempcraturr condltfons cxlstlng, the url of K-lathr as a trarporary covcrlng untll 3uch tlnc rtucco mcy borlfeotlvely cppl lrd lr heruby approvrd. Sald rtuccolng nue? becocplrfod nof lrtor fhan July l. l97t on all structurgt rcgulrlngttna. Rcqucrt for dclcy In eorrecflon of stclrr fo bollor room In Butld- Ing C lr agprovcd rubJcct to corrsctl,on not later than July l, 197t. A flrld report memo urr recelvsd frori Alroclctod Archltects concorn- Ing the core tert on the foundctlon eystcm. To dc?e thlc offlcr har not rccclvod r copy of thls tcrt reporf. Thls rlll bc requlredto bc subnlttcd prlor to flnal approval of your rrqu.3t. Yourr truly, TOI{N OF VA lL J.rry L. A I drl ch Bul ldfng Offlelal d? *T:l,i"i.",t1f,f,y-'lrut' . 155 Lake Ave. J31..],IADI SPRINGS, COLORADO 80906 576.1555 :{L:ef-L--t"tAe,-A . Q Da&Ii LVLI !)D''{z --iE'?,:l.. ut ! ;crA t tDe-tLAIEP- -1uAI-:il4L -a,D-4gift -w1A)6=u/-ED - tD '',i*t-t ft:- t-;pAlrN- ' a1+*tEIUl ttjr\a- jvA:L- J+6.qu A:e -€Oe -. )i'! *,';) "q'p;:t/D&a-H- ao - o-ex;t€-( Ldb-tJtg-JD oy-^a)Me b PE z7 {:. :;-? L2" -ag*IZ.- J tl F- - o&*o.&r,4P:Lb -D X eo *&.-O= ?:b : 12 | - D D tLN €+' -:tg a=-t e - - €r w A b - I --9f-4sT H pr- -+ zt51 7= L Jp- L t-tr-Ba- t - DzU- . A(bDe -:48 9O.@ ftL-@'?uti:!9t-t -i:'J )pu2I4I- -K€?4 L'T. - D. Ab- LJiEu bfu-by-r M eFaeEF-,#A t /Pt-r rj (vO FJEE-- " -o?tbroAt' AaUL )W'--?Av4etE----'- ' ' " .. L,--7Ar: L sisr-*!Goff-_ AVAlt.Ali.E-- s;6 i ,! .21-l . A,ffig^x*F,t posr oFFlcE Box B7r I tgu. 303: 476-5881 vAtL. coLoRADo BtosT \ SU gJ€CT DATE D ATF -9 COPY SICNED 5881 t+ /2,\> December 21, 1972 Mr. Chorlcs Ogl lby Hubchlk & Davls 700 North J urn lta Colorado Sprlngs, Coforado SubJect: Tcmporary Cortl f I cate of Oceupancy Apol lo Park - Bul ldlnS !3Explrcr January 5, 1975 Doar Chuck: A tomporory Cortlflcate of Occupancy ls hcrebyabovo bul ldlng untl I January 3l 197t, at whlchIng correctlonc must be complcted: granted for thctlms the fol lor- ',.1 . u.7. --t. ,,/4. /5. -4.7.\4. n3tr n 3tl ns f a neioll rctrunr on alExtond lolt guard ral membcrs to provldc 9n Hosc Cab I nofsrf on r | | hosc cob I nets .all maln stolrrel ls. baso ghoe In ol I bafhroomc. o | | radl tfor base ccps.ral llngg on exterlor bclconles. nstal I algnr rtFl rcnst!ll handrol ls lnngtall hcndrclls In sta I rwo I lhandralc to ra s to loft areas. f C. 'rwc 1-cP m,b>tln I and Ingfcl I Intermedfotc { be cppllrd on ex?crlor by 4. Clcon and ronovc all v/l0. Subnlt lctter rtrtlng , ba correct€d by Julyv/ll. Submlf lefter statlng ncxlnun openlng.dcbrls fros| oroa.thrt concrcte gtalrrcy to bollcr roon l , 1973.lfuceo rl IJuly l, 1971.12. Subnlt vcrlflcatlon of Concrctc rfrcngth. In thc rvrnt correctlons havc not been eonpltted by the rbovrdote, a rummons for your appoarance In Munlclpal Courf rlll br I grued. YourE truly, TOrfN OF VAtL Jerry L. Aldrlch 8ul ldlng Offlclal lhorcby understlnd fhelgr€c to abldc by sane. obove roqul remcnt! and 4tlpulatlont-ll c-P*rJ. W! J- "."e--r,.(/,r/'r* l5 JaN 13. AJ'\ -**^o grgu|'"k,u' and lnun December 2 | , box t o o 197 2 vail, colorado 8r652 303.476-5613 base shoe in al I bathrooms.all radiator ba se caDs. ra i I ings on exferior ba lcon ies.signs rrFire Hose Cabinefstt on all hose cab inets.handrails in all main stairwells. handra i ls in stairwells to loft areas.retruns on all handrails. Mr. Charles 0gilby Hubchik & Davis 700 North J uan i ta Colorado Springs, Colorado Subject: Temporary Certi ficate of OccupancyApollo Park - Building #3 Expi res Janua ry 3, 1973 Dear Ch uck: A temporary certif icate of 0ccupancy is hereby granted for theabove building until January 3, 1973, at which time the follow-ing corrections must be completed: 2, 4. 5. 6. 7. nsta > | O - ^ J-tt 5 | cl n s f a nsTa nsta 5 | O t0. |. Submit letter statinqbe corrected by JulySubmit lefter statinqJuly l, 1973.12. Submit verif ication of concrete strenqth ln the event corrections have not been completed by the abovedate, a summons for you r appearance in Municipal Court will beissued. Yours truly, TOWN OF VAIL $1e-. Ao..g--=--- Jerry L. A ldrichBullding 0f f icial lhereby understand theagree to abide by same. Extend loft guard rai members to provide 9rt C lean and remove a | | ls to wall and install max imum open ing.debris from area.that concrete stairway|, 1973. stucco will be applied intermed iate to boi ler room on exte r io r by above requir f ions and t1- 'zrl ,l Palr T*= KEcErrzez-Av em Jb'vru or \'/a'' '- lN tPEcrroN r<FauErT Ja)oe NAME Ca.uue.ra- Gu,t ,rro n FrolNe' I Founaeltor.r n FFAMIN6- D FtHnu Pi{.- E lZr<n^u LOcaltot-t: ! olirere ; Mont l '.8 ?xr<1,at. Localor.r lGarv *"s: -"+ra<Jp\Tue vEP THuK GSt".)-A-e,>au COr.rrr.'aexrle : C ot.rt Req.lZll,nre n faeey<o.x n VENeer< tr Koor .E! lZ,=1^. Loc,<1ronr: lZup'r*tNc- Roue++ /14,overe. tvrc- P nr*a.,- /),\.- E Car<yran- Loc,aTror*l:. MEcua*rcAL f Veu1,.,+1tou I t-\ea.1uc- ! Hooa+ ETar<yi'an- Localrors: DA TPrcoveV at79A77Qove?NlTef ;'.t6r?€c,T /\ ' c al8s -E:>-. n ti 0-' s! y11o,tr FtJ fp91 u f t ,,t3 'ral;@r F,-o.^.,,*oJ,tP(,:f?,liaut- /,\/ -<nA,gr. - '&iJ/.'t/f? L€778rt glrtt/t^J{, tn'Vpncds al €ffr€,oR s..c,^z;-t'ptrz *ptte. Tt-€ bu F,,*t(- r! t(,7.+{,J ,t!g,e* / e)g9 ,As/ntc r/,;.r?tltl1 A.c )/tti(*t*>,v4:l+A.&Efrr<r ,,cr,tttc tu. ue,'.- p;N=, 7., ,\ AlrtTtt'11 7 Ul' t?,5€,S,sa. t?a ve Rstv 7a-e tG )€c a\ i I .iI @ mtur,* t{rcdoc oF stretno 4ooa p*NAL.@ Wr sr,*2frr. F(eo1'€? ul 7 ZaS@ ocprusstal nl ttA'< raoot< *rQ.K9lCe> fuiflvt ol prJ-r*g4 Et+s.@ tN5-4c.- iloiefQrrr.s aN:lTAtGs -,,2 lLt,- Aq4.f AKeAs-WFPr^€ Dow ^t ?t5 +' fico( q rJ Aoqa.-5 ToeAaC p4og"OPrrr.j,s,+ oRtv,tAt v tnl tcer sto€t'tg{ t4€€P +t Sot\tflEfi'€^rg l'.^ lrr afr\.,r..\q.) \a s\ \lAh -,1 (r) <o <r)Fro (to(o IIJJulF OJ $lo@ oJoo dut z.ulo FlrJl! F(t, UJoI o- (r o (D o1zz J IL oz E uJ uJ =zu, o Deccmbcr 14, 1972 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Voi I Euilding Deportrnent P. O'. Box 100 Voif , Colorodo 81657 Rc:. Enzion Condominiums Deor Jerry: Per our telephone conrrersotion, I checked the specificotions ond T & P volves qre now included on the woler heoters. EAD:lp cc: Honsen ond Jordqn Const. Co. Fll\llr: p 2s De'<" ?z lauteD QD 4orrcRr't'*8 Pgn.ru a"g€ 6F Pr vr+uue. hr SirAferD Tt+,3 ir tb6l$A \)orr.t<elp o+1-. ,{el^- U Yours truly, $*ornco,r:* TCO/sln SEO Incorporated 1015 Mhmi Way Boulder, Colorado 80il13 or PO Box 820 Vail, Colorado 81667 Boufder phone494-274 Vaif phone 476-n26 RBr APOI.LO PARK AT VAIL Doccmber LL, L972 llr. Jerry Aldrlch Vltl Bullding DcpartmentVailr Colorado Daar JorrJrt Thls lotter ls to confirm that APollo Prrkat Yail rgroes to cornpletc ell stucco work by July 1t L973. If you trare any questlons in thls rogard, plo.so Let me know. Slncerelyl ^- \ r'/ ',(i*'rr U+,.ay T. Cherles Ogilby, l-*- |lJo J an E @zoo z Fa (L flol .:l"lol o)lol:l"l>l I -l;l =l I ol Ir-l ctl P; o& oq, (o I L U- T fo <J) 'r U) o LIJ I f.r-l =lol-l Iq) N lt) I I Irrl I.) N (u L f o_a' (D <) o q) I <llf\l\il -l I z oo +-l ol ololol col Is)lcl.-l:l-lolxl rrJ I Irl I c.r I*l I(9l z.l nl-il = j :lt J J S,.t IHSq r-L!6Sd 3f;:fF Ca :\ Rn-i FRP x$u 3s3 NER F3FF,qllc<so\Ha' FSH: t$t..Z= 'iad\A ::ss:R3:\r\^!Z;YF\lqrEfSxSRr.r(dFE. GXSS EPiS HEXFsa+:: ESSit\\GFx:5 9UF<S si3: tFf -t tirf- A.AEtrE !3* T+JN R -95,F- - rlj4rA 11 =le€ F\aaLr ftar{a *FLIr{ Irl,\/ fH 11 AtFl rdLI fPrFr fF)rF| }{A|e Q {) t- I o Novcnbrr 29, ,972 Mr. Lrn Rlcr Hubchlk & Drvle 700 North Jurnltr Colorado Sprlngr, Colorado SubJcct: Flnal InapectlonBulldln92-ApolloPark Dror Lonr A flaal lnsprctlon of Apollo ll, Bulldlng 2 yar nadr thlr drtcby thr undrrllgncd. T-br follorlng dlccropanclrs rerc nofcd tnd.r. lubJcct ?o corrrct-lon beforc Ccrtlflccte of Occupaney rt llbr I rrurd: l. Barr rhor In bathroont and kltchrnr mlrrlng In all unltr.2. Hoot redlator cape mfrrlng In aporiraonir 103, 106 and 105.5. Hert rrdlrtor Goyorr mfgclng In rprrti.ntr 105 rnd 106.4. Dryrall tape not Inctalled In aparincnt ?O7.5. Upprr hendrul lt Inproperly af lxcd f n epartncntr 102, tOJ,f04, 50t and 106.6. Storrgo arca In loft of rtprrtoenfs 503 not scrtcd off. f . Brokon f loor fl lc 'f n bathroom of apar?mcnf !0f .8. Gruvrl f l | | not Inrtcl led by ecft rtsl r, ground levrl.9. Handrallr on fl.rs? ftlght dorn from ground lcvot, orst andrcrt rtrlr, dorl not rtturn to rall.10. Handral I nlrslng on llcond ff lght doyn lron ground levclon orrt nlrrlng.ll. Flrr Hore Crblnot rlgn mltrlng fron bagemcnt crblnct.12. Botfon sf.p oo rctf itolrrcy nof Ingtalled.15. Bottoo rtrp on ract rtclrrry oxcoads hcfghf rcctrlctton. Plrars colt thls otflcc rhcn abovr ttcrnr havc bern corroctad rndrrlnrptcllon can bc madcl Yourg truly, TOTN OF VAIL dn'; dt L. Aldrlch ng 0fflclel , -i ".-,.,,_-._",r t O November 29, a972 o l'lr. Len Rlce Hubchlk E Davls 700 North J uan I ta Colorado Sprlngs, Coloradg SubJect: Flnal 8ul ldl Daar Len: \1.I\4.\05. \6.\qY9. @ \.€t@ dt 8o (oPt '/ Q:6'er5 - bRoe-, ft*- t-Je I.utpc.l rou T&cuu1t S -?sc.'?Z I TeH+ Nc1 €arer.€c-l'laP = l[Et4r 1^pR€c.f.lE? Inspectlon ng 2 - Apol lo Park A flnal lnspectlon of Apollo ll, Bulldlng 2 vas made fhls dofe by the underslgned. The fol6owlng dlscrepancles rere noted and are subJect to correctlon before Certlflcate of occupancy rl ll be I ssued: Base shoe In bathrooms cnd kltchcns mlsslng In all unlts. THeat radlator caps mlsslng ln apartments {44 lO6laq9-@ 11i i':'::Hsat radlator covors mlssing ln apartnrents <O-b ana@ )''1'|r'','eL Oryrall tape not Installed In aparfment 207. , , -!qpSr-^lyOlrlll)^properlv aflxed f n aparfmenfs 5021 303; 5O41 3O5"anC 506'. Storage crea In loft of opartments 3O|/nat sealed off. Broken floor tlle In bathroonr ol apartment 50f. Grevel fl ll not lnstal led by eaEf stalr, ground level. Handralls on flrst fllght down fron ground level, east andrest stalr, do6s not return to rall. HandralI nlsslng on gecond fllght dovn from ground level on easf mlsslng.Flre Hose Cablnet slgn mlsslng from basement ccblnet. Bottor.'r step on rest sta I rray not I nsta I led . Bottom step on oa3f sta I rrcy exceeds he I ght restrl ct I on. Ploase call thls offlce rhen above ltems have been correcfed end relnspectlon can be nade. Yours truly, TO}IN OF VA I L n do. . R- @LS-.----- [ | Jerry L. Aldrlch V eul tdlng 0fllclal Hmo )14,L 6'6 " SfaP ?"' eA"r< A tc rud-e Noveabcr 22' 1972 Mr. Ltn Rlcc Hubchlk & Davls , ?00 ilorth Juanlta .Colorado Sprlngs, Colorodo SubJcctt Tonporary Grrtl I I catc-of Occupcncy Bulldlng f,Z - APollo FarR ExPlrQl Novcmbrr 29, 1972 Ocar Len: A temporany Crrtlflcate ol OccuPancy lr hrrcby grantcd for ?he above 6uf ld'lflg untl I Hovrabe r 29, t972 at rhlch tlnc thr follorl4g corrccllonc oult br aade; lngfal l al l rtdfator botc c.Pt.t. 2.t. tl . ,. 6. Complota tl le In shorer sial ls. Trpc gygrun board In Unlt 206. nsial i s l.6no nF I rc Hosc Cab I nsf rr on nrtal I aol ld coro doqr rlth closort n lotf lroa. Clcan tnd rsnovr al I debrlg fron lrcr.. fn thc evlnt eOrrcctlonr havr not bren acde by Novenbcr 29, 1972, a sunmonr for your tppearanca In ftunlclpll Court rlll be lcsucd. lrrued Novcnber 22, 1972 bYl TOIN OF YAIL cll flrs hore cablnots. maxlmun tl8n helght A *--Q-*( I Jorry L. Aldrlch \ | Bul ldlng 0fffclal \ dt I hrreby.undcrrtand thc abovo tgr.o to oblde bY lllrc. roqulromcntt and rtlpulatlons tnd o box i oo vail colorado 1n the event corrections have not beena summons for your appearance in Munici lssued November 22, 1972 byz TOI{N OF VA IL ir luun ||fll 303 e..1 e , Jerry L. Aldrich Bui fding Offictal dt I hereby understand the above requirements and stagree to abide by same. o 81557 November 22, 1972 Mr. Len Rice Hubchik & Davis. 700 No rth J uan i taColorado Springs, Colorado Subject: Temporary Certi f icate of 0ccupancyBuilding #2 - Apo I lo park Expires November 29, lgjz Dear Len: A. femporary Certificate of Occupancy is hereby granted forthe above building until November 29, 1972 at wnicn time thefo I I ow i ng correct i ons mus t be made: l. Install all radlator base caos.2. Complete tile in shower stalls.3. Tape gypsum board i n Un it 206.4. Install signs ttFi re Hose cabinetrt on all fire hose cabinets5. Install solid core door with closer, maximum 4gr? heightin loft area6. C lean and remove a I I deb ris from area . made by November 29, 1972,pal Court wi ll be issued. ons and -*' 476.5613 .J& fr November 17, 1972 Mr. Len Rlco Hubch lk & Oavl g 700 N. J uan I ta Colorado Sprlngr, Colorodo SubJect: Apol lo Park | | Doar Lon: Due to the cnsulng coropletlon of nany resldentlal and commer-clal facllltlcc vlthln the Tyon of Voll, the nced for occupancy tpprov!l ls drarlng near. ln order to expedlfe the flnal Inspcctfon and lgsuancc of o Certl flcofa of Occupancy, all I nrpectl on reporfe, concroie tegts, | | censeg, fe68 and perml tg must be gubnlttcd to fhls offlce beforo a flnal Inspccflon ls roqugstod. To date, 116 arc mlsglng some Inspectlon reports (the lort reportls datcd October 3) and ve do not have all of your concreta tectc.Alro, o notarlred Declcrotlon of Lond Al locatlon mugt be sub-nltted rtotlnS correct squoro footages of bul ldlngs and lond. Aflnal lnspoctlon wl ll not be made untll these ltems crc cubmlttcd; and In accordanco flth Sectlon 506 (a)'rNo bulldlng or sfructurcIn Groupr A to fl, Incluslve, Bholl be used or occupled...untllthe Bul ldlng 0fflclal hog lssucd a Certlflcate of Occupancy there- f or as provl dcd horeln'r. In cccordanco t{lth Sectlon 205 I'Any porson, ll rm, or corporatlon vlolatlng any of the provlslons ofthls Code shal I be deemed gul lty ol a mlsdemeonor...r? lf you have quertlons rog6rdlng the requlred subrnlttrls, pleara lcel frcc to contoct fhls departmcnf. Yours truly, TOWN OF YAIL Qo.- Jcrry L. Aldrlch Bul ldlng Offlclal dt cc: Chuck Og | | by Assocl ated Arch I tects 1l I ovN or I lN tPEcTtoN r<EAuEsT PATE- -f,)r'v,, 16, T L Joe Na.vre -- I ll.v4E I<ECEI\/EP-A.|'I pw\ Gu,to,*e D FoolNe tr Fouruarltorl n FRAMINe fi Ftna,u E Ar<n^u Localtotrt: C o.r. re Req.l?a1,nrc- tr lnetyco.x D VeHeEr< tr Koor .E fZ=1a,. Loc,+1ror.,.r: {Zgur.rrgtrU+ n Rover+ u Zla.nueres vac X FrNau E Var<7.^.n- Localtorl:. lMEcua*tcAL I Vru1,,-,a1,or..t ! Hea.lrr.re E?ae1ia- Localrors: fJ o1-rere : Mont UOvvenl+: '.8 ?n;r<7ar. Localor.r toN Fr<rTUE ?e rzv Forz-- J-rl9fr<\ @ THur 9;c:o '&Z- ,UIl'.s (aePE<7,,>,J DQ,tA??GovE?t-nl+fec7 lUo.l A9' l,7z 4 Co"ee.poNl -\, ---^ . rF n^-9F^'/"!!l; i7-rt-t- 13:' DD:25 Lb al lrtt- . -it Oa-= ,l AS SOCIATED ARCH ITECTS INCORPOBATED N IN 155 LAKE AVENUE I lll I coLonroo sPHrNGs illnffi"T?.'?:3: 0ctober 4, 1972 .lr-ro Mr. Les Davis Hubchik and Davis, Inc. 700 Norfh Juanita Colorado Spri ngs, Co lorado Dear Les: f{e enclose herewith Tim Hami lton?s f ield report of October 3, ,912, in regardto inadequate concrete beam construction on Building Number Four. are quite concerned and suggest that inmediate precauiionary steps be taken reinforce the existinq concrete beams. Sincerely, Wi | | iam L. Page, AIA WLP/kw cc: Vai I Bui lding Official Len Rice Merri ll Newton Kar I Finze I Chuck Ogi lby Tim Hami lton &.* We to ir* "t . .: - --','. rr.. i!9 .i.,1':l:iffEtO!i.:C. !, ;1. ij:irti:irr i.,',r:ili:n :-. Rg: i 55 Laha Ar,;. i:,};-i:i.;r.::j sPiliics, coLo!?ADo 6s?'J.5 uorg t 4'i\/ ,d.-)<// ^ tt,-\;' i}' S-rOJl --:--.-. , t I i. ,,r".-rj ..' .l "j:i tl,\_ I tr I r< _ :-,',: L1i1';, I I ) a-)?-e.*i,,.1/-,,_Ot /_)i'.\.ir> .IHE FOLLOVVING WAS NOTED: "1 i ')-,*, f JOa NO. -l l'?;t> ^i/'i\ ,L/) Vn. r,V...-. \\rt* LOCATION 'jrs l! ,' . ):/:r:':i'j'i i.i t.,i'--{ f2i )i ) /'-) !-)i:1\,'r:i t' -! -F:l\lZ rEMP. oat AMoat PM PR€SENI AT SITE I ]:-rt t;a | '' ,ft- Tir-rl i.i l \/r l] ::-,/) r i l-,{.;1.2 ijg:t'lt-t ?t\y".-llEi-> ,. *-*-:-'y-1.- -r'. it'' : iiJ-.t-i:'-tJ*r,-__" -,il * r_i_i---1j, :j._il!ii___ _ '/j:-';,i -- 1*?:l-j--:,:_I.=rJi*ij-;,{fi:.i.:jli- -fr,:-.i=- " ,"-.i.-]j--l., ,-,,- -:, ,!il;i:t;i1.:'* ' **.-.in.rrD :i**iii?:eO:i,:r" *t. i'1, Cr;rllrilr fi','iiili:n: L, Fuge: 155 Lairc Avd. i:;l:-!iJ:iii0SPtili{GS, Ci)r-CiADO iil}05,_i',., 1,.g;6-15:5 THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: coPtEs To SIGNED.''. F.{r 2.r r ,ta89: . . ,.--: --' ,::.,..._, , , ' AssocrArED ARcHrrEcfic. J. R. Clothier & William L. Page 155 Lake Ave. COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 80906 57&1555 '4gltAu,---g-vJ.t1>-arl{:l-tu-D^,Lb_ :IC-O IJ, \JUAMLA-- Go|,e%,w_&_agG2ra-oLa._ '" ::,: FOLLOWING \."/AS NOTED: "'iZt^t-,r?1to1 Lf-eta-a-%-eE--e:-)J.A!Lz.- Vn lr,, , (D Lr)z.&D l+*r? c r'./l'j€:t LAUJ) ffiJFJ TE N1P,Alvl PAE\EXT AI SI-! ---eFTeg--2.*AeEU>aowtoE?,*Tt(t$-e.-"p-:bau-*ttzr+-k2d*-tr%o9t$fu / -- .1 eeutuE-a ++F.- ae N t--wE-.*+T-?ua:llEb-L-WME e_ew-___bz__=_ ------F?utu2tItGLa+-3*ouLa-Ee-NDp_EtEe.__ - - - -4+e - / {'t N I QFT t t p n?v, -1/2k4- tu) eLY-*p-* E - -b?/)4 ub E-*- T*E-_ -*--_--2TeEu_uD&*:Jori--grcWt4.*E-A(E_>_A\tD-.te_Ey=Frwp-at_ -- 4'?+49--pzcE4---h$D----a-a.E- -rp--rtlAI:,e-4:'lAdfu_.\L[82P,AlraLf-4-Au3-tN6 - tlau2{az4W--pab->La-JD9-)lL J++€--@-trz,z€tr:z-H*.-r4e.-yusz-E*L_ - - --g-eLu |-f /.? El O e EfE: btazkz_-t/',A)-t _L7o' l T'i r /,b)IJI2ld,TJ e _U$r1fu +) t € ov_azgatzefE_ e^FA_lA4_ _ Flr{.aU, lo+p aNn nge-p?.'rz, @?Fj ---- A-r-lt- r^€7t ,E/ ,{lo}r t- - ?-\ls11a;]t. - T*t.- 74 / ) t4.=!CtiiJ___l-2,_1l-\L w_wtrtLE*Ta_gW *4++nf>|r- nt t A_- b ]F'i|IE&,IDfTLE]P@iRff , International Conference of .Building Offic,ials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . Sep tembe r WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 29, 1972 (2'13) 699-0541 OFFICERS PRESIDENI PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BU ILDING OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRIN6S, COLORADO FIRST VICE.PRESIOENT EUGENE E. PESTER SUPERINTENDENT, DEFARTMENT OF BI]ILDING AND SAFETY FOMONA, CALI FOFN IA SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BU ILDING IN5PECTOR YAKIMA, u/ASH INGTON TREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINIENDENT OF BU ILD!NG VERNON, CALIFORN IA JUNIOR PAST PRESIOENT TED E. DU KE EU I LDING OFFICIAL BILLI NGS. MONTANA EXECUTIVE OTRECTOR T, H. CARTER 5360 5. WORKMAN MILL RO, \n/H ITTIER. CAI-IFORNIA MANAGING DI RECTOR JAMES E. E,IHR 5360 5. WORKMAN MILL RD. llvH ITTIER. CALIFORN IA OIRECTORS GAYLORD C. OOWD D IRECTOR OF INSFECTIONS KALAMAZOO. M ICHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON OIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF INliPECTIONS MINNEAPOLIA, MINNESOAA BILL P. HORN CHIEF BUILOI NG INSPECTOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA, WASHINGION CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BU I LDI N6 IN5PECTOR MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALI FORN IA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU ILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYWARO, CALI FORN IA JACK D. WHITE AUILDING CODE ENG INEER KANSAs CIfY, M ISSOURI VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERI NTENOENT OF BUILDING VERNON. CALIFORNIA DICK T. JORDAN DI RECTOR E'UILDING OEPAFTMENT AUSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BUILDING OFFICTAI- COUNTY OF SANTA BAREARA SANTA BAREARA, CALIFOENIA orFtcEa oF TltE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORT. H. CARTER IIANAOINO DIRECTOR JAMEA E. BIHR TECHNICAL O!NECTOR D. R. WAT€QN Jerry Aldrich Building OfficiaL City of Vail Post Office Box l-00 Vail,, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Aldrlch: We are returning aLl on Che above projecc l4ay 26, t972. PLan Check No. 8458 Apollo Park, Phase II data t.o you under separate cover in accordance wlth our letter of PLease feel free to contact thls office if we oan be of further assis tance. Yours very truly, IMERNAT IONAL C OMERENCE TJK: hb ESU Check Engineer Jurisdiction of. O o 457/.' PLUMBING PERMITAPPLICATION #, Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION []sre errroreo sx:trt FHOI{ E LICENSE NO. LICENSE NO.rEcr or oESl lrcaNs€ No. uga oF BUtLotN6 8 CIrS Of WOrK: tr NEW E AOOITIO'{ tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR Typ. of Flrtun or lt m WATER CLOSET (TOILET'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH AASINI KITCHEN SINK A OISP. LAUNORY TRAY WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITV TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR.-SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK A PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT VALIOATION WHITE - INSPECTOF CANARY - AUDIT CASH PIN K _ APPLICANT NROD - TEMP. F ILE o o i;'t'f- .ITY OF NOITHGTENN Jffice of Building Direclor TNSPECTTON REQUEST Bu|ldhi O Excavatlon E Foundatlon D Framlng El Flnal Wall Coverlng I Sheetlock E Brlck Tles E PanellnS Item ot Electrlcal O Rough [f Flnlsh E Other MoD. InEpectlon xoalxaL ca.r DE||vrt rro!2, READY FOR TNSPECIION \1"*._-/ wcd. Ttrurc. Frt._.:ld.6 Made......................................................3U: -- ,'c ffi E Fhar \ Uteo,+ - Art /r % l4rsr,lo (soto' Qocs ftir /eq: k flu.oq,#3 flprro P44e. Cprc Q,.o7 l* ,. L<-f_ - --+ 'CtlEtT Hubchik-Davis, I{tg" P O Box f088,CS PRoJECT CORES_ 8-21-72 APOI,LO PARK @ VAIL BUILDI,NG (3) FOTJNDATION rrsr loi:,I 11136 TEsr BY . FH orre pOUhrO a-2L-72 BREA1( DATE A-2A-72 at ,l-BREAX '/ qays ll t x DATA CEHEHT HATER L8S GAL LBS LBS az. ililE nGG. COARSE AGG. ADXIX STUMP ricltEs I tcltEs|(ELLY EALL CEIIETT TYPE A IR COIITEIIT TEMPERATURE * OF 6'x12" cYLlllDER lto. I{E IGHT L8S/CU. FT. TOTAL LOAD STRESS TYPE OF EREAI( REIIARTS (62i Ql L4L"4 47,OQO 4257psi CM SEAM ilo.I' I DTH DEPTH SPAII LOAD MODULUS OF RUPTURE DEFECTS SYllE0LS r CT{-COXICA! TORTAR BREAK CA-COIIICAL AGOREGATE BREA( Y .SIIEAR EREAT CC:I-HD, Inc l-I-,en Rice, Apt 306 Apollo Park AptsrVail l-Porto Mix, VaiI, Colorado l::!.11. TricT: l1i:il: llll: fir00:iDlllE T0 ASIft,i'll, ,r1I r,,: {,11,!ilirlir i:l,1li-[ AGEI]CY TISI :,i,:i,:0,1. 'rilii LiliiliirlClY t]ANtl0I Bt ni-':,)iil.iDIE F0R /\NY liiit-fiPRIiATl0N 0F THt.J:ii| NISULTS BY OTHER THAN LABORATORY jrRsttCil[b'i n DeYo re Test i ns lab George D, llorri s P. E.l-Associated Architects 155 West Lake Ave",CS 1-File 80906 8Y COITCRETE TESTS Ll i{C0Ll{ DeY0RE TESTItG LAE0RIT0RY COLORAOO SPRINGS. COLO. FU€BLO. COLO. I CL f EIT Hubcheb---PaY.i&-I*c:-- P O Box IOBB.'CS PRoJECT coREs ru@(@ _8-21-72 +F ql1q PARK e_Ylrll-3JrlLING #3 TEST ;0. 11136 TEST BY FH gATE pSURED B-2I-72 BREAK DATE 8-28-727 daysBREAX ' }I I X DATA CEMT!IT tBS. GAL. LBS. LBS. 92. fiaTER -*._FIilE AOG. COARSE AGG. ADt{ I X SLUHP ilrclrEs I tcfiEsXELLY BALL CE}4EI{T TYPE A IR COI{TEHT TEIIPERATURE c OF 6'Xt2u CYLntDER it0. t-*'Gttt _l I tes/cu. rr. TOTAL LOAD STRESS TYPE OF EREAK RETARTS coRE (2)133 "0 2 9,000 2627psi CM EEAM 1{0.hr t0TH DEPTH SPAX tOAD MODULUS OF RUPTURE DEFECTS SYMBOLS: Cil-COI{ ICAL I.{ORTAR BREAI( CA.COIIICAL AGGR€GATE BREAK Y -SHEIR EREAI(CC: l-HD, Inc. l-Len Rice, Apt 306 Apgl1o Park AptsrVail l-Porto Mix, VaiI 1-Associated Architects 155 w Lake Ave.,CS 80906 l-F ile TIiES-L TISTS \,/iiit l'.{.11i ltf0iUliiff 'l'il ri!f lJ, PHA, Lt'l 0r{ 0r;iiil l;:iili1!iI At:l:CY lfSI fli[Tii0D. Tlil-s ti.li;l,i,f;'l Clitltl0I 3t i]!- SP0NSllrLt FCil Atil' l;iii.l,;rllITATI0it 0F TiJE TIST RLSUi.TS lly {irf{i.f{ THAN LAB0RAT0RY PFRSIT!rjf t. DeYore Testing LabLincoln llorr i s COIICRETE TESTS Lil{C0Ll. DeY0RE TESTItG IAE0RIT0RY coLoRAOO SPRIRGS, COLO- P\,EALO, COLO. "f I ttn'.-^ J\Pewn YYahl" t posr oFFtcE Box B7t I rel. 303: 476-5881 VAIL, COLORADO 81 657 OATE ', ! ArB r 8 O72 TOWN VAIL - BUILDING DEPARTMET,I, Permit No. Job Above items shall be comected O O ,rt/7 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION rl , Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces gnly, PLAN CHECK VALIDATION ils:e ertrcx:o sceet; I Dilci. PH Or.l E LLCENSE flo. AICI' I 'EC T OR DESIGNEF L]CENSE NO. ENOII{EEi L AooiE s5 BIANCH usE oF BotLolN0 8 Class of rYork:ftrew D ADDITION EALTERATION O REPAIR Typeot Fuet: oit E Nat. Gas 0 t-PC. E P€RMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnaoe Ea. Forced Air Svnems-B.T.U. M Ea. Gravity SFtsms-8.T.U. M Ea.APPAOVEO FOB ISSUANCE 8Y Floor Furnaces-B.T,U. M W6ll Heaters-8.T.U. Unit Heaters-B.T.U. MNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOBK OR CONSTHUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OB IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR AEANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D, I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL AE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. Air Handlim Unit- C.F.M. WHEN PFOPERLY VALIDATED THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PE PERMIT VALIDATION -6tu \,/ar.rcs GOLDEN FOD - TEMP. F ILEWHITE _ INSPECTOR CANARY - AUDIT PIN K _ APPLICANT CLtE;T Hubchik-DatG, Irr".-PoBbmpR9JECT.4po@n rI TEST 10. Itt36 TE5TBy - DATE POURED@- BRElxDrrF f sREAr -F vAtl I sLUrfP _ I rELtY 8,/ cEltEilT 1 A tR Coi'l TE}IPERA'I CEI{ETT rrTER L8S GAL LBS t8s 02. F I IIE AGG. COARSE AGG. ADtf t x E 'YPE -. rEtT __. 'URE - f ficilES IfctfEs I OF I o..rtz', syuiDER !0.r{E toltT LB0/c;. sT. TOTTL LOAD STRESS TYPE OF BREAX REI{ARXS , | 6-8 I , I l II 2 atAH tJ0. 235Opsi CM 134 I { I I u, I DTt{ 65r 000 EPT'{SPAII LOAD HODUIUS OF RUPTURE OEFECTS :,il il:l clr-coiltcaL HoRTAR EREAr CA-CO'IICAL AGGREGATE EREAX v'-sfi€A8 SnEAKCC: I-IID . I-Len Rice, Apt #30(Vail, Coloradol-porto Mix, VaiI, (1-File coilcRErE TESTS i,ApOll iolorad THESE TESTS PHA, ACI OR o Park ^p.[itJ.lDBirtT,Trsf,hFsUrJo Pt:itstltltg.o-lueorgea 8Y:-i€r' VJIRE I,IADE ACCORDING TO ASRJI' 0THEil APPLIC;i9LE AGENCY TESf ls LA!0n,{,T0nY cllil:cT 8E RE' iR AiiY lllTiliPiltTitiltll 0F Tilg $ EY 0l'iitR THAH Ldl;i{i0;ir n DeYore Testrng Lab). t{orris p.E. I _ LtfiC0Li OeVORE TESTTc oLoR Aoo spR I Ncs, c o.-o_ TG USORITORY Frr€ € L O. COLO. t FIREPROOF fhe core of USG not tronsmlt hlgh quires o full hour FIREPROOF. Sheofhlng is fireproof. The gypsum core ls Incombustlbte and wlll femperotures untll completely colclned. A flome of 17000 F. re- to eqt one lnch lnto gypsum. NO OTHER ryPE OF SHEATHING tS In tests sponsored by the Gypsum fusoclotion qt the U.S, Bureou of Stondords, the fol- lowlng conslructlon quolifled for o one hour flre-resistive rotlng: A wood stud woll with 3//8,'perforoted gypsum lath ond 1/2" of l:2 - lzZ QyRsym sanded ploster on wood studs spoced l6,r o.c.; ond l/2" gypsum . sheothing wtth beveled edge wood siding, polnied, on the exferlor. Fire exporure wos mode ogolnsf the bevel sidlng. The Assoclotlon hos been ossured by the Burecru of Stondords ihot the some rotlng would !p.!ly when the loth ond plcster is reploced wlrh 3/8" two-ply gypsum wollboorJ orl/2" type X wollboqrd (Type X referi to flre-rored wqllbooids r*h or FrREcoDE.), with or wlthout bott type Insulotion. whot does thls meon to the builder qnd homeowner? tt meons, THE pLUs SAFEry FAc- TOR OF PROTECTING WOOD FRAMING WITH DURABLE, FIREPROOF GYPSUM ON BOTH SIDESI Ihls exlro protection is o selling odvontoge fo the builder...qnd qn lm- portonf beneflt to the homeowner. WEATHER RESISTANT - WATER REPELLENT We olreody hove discussed some of the benefits of thls odvontoge. However, becouse of fhe lmporfonce of lhls feofure, we will cover this ospect ln more detqlt here. woter resisfonce of the poper on USG shcothlng is equol tc bu!lding pqper (purchosed In rolls) used over other types of sheofhlng moterlols. Fromlng needs protecflon io prevent rot' Woter repellent USG Sheqthlng (woter repellent core ond woter repellent poper) effectlvely repels moisture peneirotion. Buildlng poper is nol requlred over USG Sheofhlng except where locql codes requlre buildlng poper over oll sheothlng. USG-sheothing is stomped on the bock, nwoter repellent gypsum sheofhlngtr, to slgnlfy complionce with ASTM designotion C79-S2obsorpfion fest. Asoln. . .WEATHER RESISTANT - WATER REPELLENT. . . you cqn stock USG Sheothing in fhe open, in the deolers;ord or on the fob. No weqther protectlon required. No building poper necessory. No hormful worping ond buckling from exposure fo moislure. Complies wlth ASTM designotion C79-52 os woter repellent. e o ct I ElrT Hrrbchik-Davig. Inc-TEST TEST DATE BREAK EREAT ilo. 11136 EY FHP O Box 1088.cS , p1OJECI APOLI.,O PARK @ VAII-, BUILDING ,r4,POURED 7-25-72e-22n2-DATE II I X DATA cEtlEllT LBS. GAL. L8S. L8S. 02. WATER F IIIE A6G. c0tRsE 406. ADrlt X SLUXP txclrEs I TCHESrELLY BALL CE}IEIIT TYPE A IR COIITEIIT TEI{PERATURE J to oF 6"Xl2n CYLlilDER ilo. WE IOHT LBS/CU. FT. TOTAL LOAD STRESS TYPE OF EREAK REXTR(S AP I 143 90,000 320Opet cll EEAlt fio.rf | oTH DEPTH SPAlI LOAD IIODULUS OF RUPTURE DEFECTS SYI{BOLS: $r-coxtcrL x0RTAR EREII CA.COIIICAL AGGREGATE BREAX IIESE Trsll llfff_+.4J{rr jae$?:jrc 10 Asn ,pfiA, Act g.q gT!!R npelrciblrliincv rrsr [iiFIH0D. TH|S_ LcBCRAioll cr+iiloi' ztr_ ;,f. park Ap'!e ilfli'fti,llf3-'iT"lt 1qg;nljl; -SHEAR BREAI( CCr l-HD l-Len RicerAPt 306rAPo1Io Vall, Colorado l-Porto Mix Vall, Colorado l-Ftle BY: COIICRETE TESTS LIXC0LX DeVORE TESTIIIG LAE0RIT0RY coLoRADO SpRtlics. coLo. puEEuo. coLo, ASSOCIATED ARCHITEC.NC.. a R. Clothier & Wlliam L. Pagec 155 LakeAve. .av1q&w 4VzsN&, THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED : *."t) \t frro_a Qr vny , i,r, - ,*orr'11t,2) Lh t rt (Lz)/- @ vb-rl, VAll ,, /-z>t ttQX.vo lh)Pv)+tl/-A, OLgtzn b"htl,t: na.rtr), .'-tAK' rEMP " "t ttP AM 1f: out" PM PRESENT AT STE I Tqilz-z-Et, tiVz +ltr\/LAo btu LIFIEe-fa_lzeI Pfuy-IFtb- Fas fltr7t. utlwq-'ELt eh Z,'F' rANa -tLA?drr a*h caMfr-ETE 4 | t?tl t ' guN v*tl41^Lp w-, eplT$.+ EalwottaH a. E?AM@-- (t/ To.nu- L#E lx cttL,uMN @ T+lb LIEZZ-, tF>/a) w a*&,€btt4-.-. 4.DE/l/tNA WI e+t_,t& t.z '"4r. €?cf-tEvl+ t^1ff14 o@-fupr$Lb-@,AE-- E IP .-tr T1+F z--TEEt . be..U]! u)lul rttl\l€ {o ?e. LlNrer,{e?. _ a{)t* .. et[$ Ap +-C.'L. CE .y-, aENTE{ r. gE(.. TCC\A lt\llrcnry),y 7.r t gr-'' q. a t?wPTE:r:, tctLL, *A/-= fo Acip Vn?e 4tr,1c', ' eaAr{1$6 L[.Jf-??. gpl q ^lD fr."?-. V1O?E 4-1J??.W. W\/t+E{) |2PA\NINIA r,r tLt E€' r--,N.El fe, 41t r.\ TJtl+ Ttt!/:- N4ATTFP WAa ?t/J.4? r.^t ff (IEtqfrtr A WLlAtl"lh A.etuff Ft4/o _.a.r,F+fe- Ft- *4 l. a' 'v'FEIE| ac,t I t -4tt+" >Fr> ver-z- ?rtpq- TrprAu- rr .c't\/rP FTF? trr'-f zt Ag. 1 e.,era,Vtb z:-T-ff I ulogtz- btrt*ta A p/".=r-'' A.l | $tr^\/-( 4<t:FFl lN 7l L/.f F/-e- /-/-rt/fETF coplEs .o ?Dt z:f7,t l?>l €. LEN 2,tC€ .o"" -,, i@l. SIGN E t(J ASSOCIATEO ARCHITECUNG. .f, R. Glothicr&William L Page, 155 LakeAve. @LORADO SPRINGS, @LORADO 80906 5761555 e n rntluFr THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: DATE t JOE NO. t t4.4 PROJECT LOCATION CONIRACTOR OWNER WEATHER TEtaP. o at oat AM PM PiESENT AT SITE EArvlrN6. COPIES TO ,oat att t @. rorvls€No. MAss SIGNED o J u fy 17, 1972 Mr. Len Rlce Hubchsck E Davlr 700 Norfh J uan I ta Colorado Sprl ngr, Colorcdc Doar llr. Rlce: Thlt ls to Inlorm you of lhc docfrlon ol Zonlng, fippoall ani ExanlnorJ on July l! to a iirliirec aPpflcctlon' by Apol lo Park. Yours tru I y, TOTN OF VAIL Ed Strub lo Bul ldlng 0fflclal dr Thc Board dlrapprovod the vtrlancc al submlttqd, buf recoermendcd thli they rould approvc thc followlngl Ono rlcreatlon room In oach biccmont ol each bultdtng iiitt i tofal of tro r.3troomt roch conslrtlng of onc vatcr cloret lnd onc lavetory and one kltchenette' Apollo iirtt nuet !pply for cnothar varlance In occordenee. rl th fhe rccommcitbailons, rhlch nurt be abcoarpanlod rlth drarlngr of Just exactly rhat ls proporrd' l{o hopo cern I ng thle rll I clcrr up any mltunderetlndlngr ;eon- thc actlonr of thc Board the Boqrd ofrlth regard O O /ft-f/4A MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION r;n Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION 1[s:e rrrecx:o sxz:r) ZIP PXONE 4, LtceNSE r{o. atcra I tEc T ot oE!rcNER LtcENSE r,tO. MAIL AOOiESS PHONE MAIL AOOIE 55 EIAN CH u5€ oF lutl0tNG 8 CIASSOfWOTK: EIIEW trAODITION NALTERATION trlREPAIR Type ot Fuel: Oit E Nat. Gas EL uPc. E SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. ion Units-H.P. Ea. Boil6rs-H.P. Ea. G8s Fired A.C. Units-Tonnaoe Ea. Forced Air Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. Gravity Swtems-B.T.U. M Ea.APPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE AY Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters- B.T.U. M Unit Heaters-8.T.U. MNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDEDOR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE O. I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. iE ot go|tiacTol oi3tGiIAIUiE O' gON'iACTOI Oi AUTHOFIZEO A WHEN PBOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERM]T PERMIT VALIDATION GOLOENBOD - TEMP. FILE iWHITE _ I NSPECTOFI CANARY _ AUDIY PIN K - APPLICANT ASSOCIATED ARCHITECIS INC. J. R. Glothier & William L. Page 155 Lake Ave. COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 80906 57Gr555 '\' Ih?t thlL +7.-tt4 la, N Jr tArJtfA DATE I ,LuLt tl ,lq1 Q) _.roB No. 1ta.4 N?or)h ^P-L(a,vAl/ , LOCATION \rA llr . /.nt DAfb nltet *v- { t2L\/lz-2 L?d tn fr-\lFt . aLEA,rz rEMF _ " at 16* AM 160 o at PM PFESENT AT SITE lElI e:t,tr. i /.I+t/,,u. /-T-ort,Al fA+t-trl ulD€? +L,t?ltJG Gt-t^++- _WZ]+EAde_- 0., VA.T o r- T+t1= trY?a'-Ep 4{E=\LT.L?AL, *FAfiA-- a@ +$eLAG-+.AANW Tr, I (:A f]P|Ar U:,F N|-bT +IEUF e,r-4r- Ut.'ltJf?:'t,<- l* AU--t Etef-I-. V? lW wtLL. atryF C:e?Z ct .f. ovr. f/'V-'lNb ArL,lpr- -{ET. ?1 n4+? - vNa.,evF=Klr 4 _arar&. ' 2..h&+T _Ft rtz-EANtEE_ Ap6!4- ?Y.,/ ^\IA.TIOFL LP0JT /'otyIfl ?,qL LDtt t . ?P.T B a u?O eME tlq qo= 14Nz^E\KEb{f 4A:aN,aN- _ z-{F\lt.I 1- \t?FtttEt-^ $rfE zt9"-' ?Atl.-t( @ w*UEg- COPIES TO T WA 711,8 ,our 2r r @. rol"nsEND. MAss PLUMBING PERMIT A}' .ICATION Jurisdiction of Appticant to complete numbercd spaces only' //,t/ /2 /, {[stt errrcx:o sxe e r) I oEscr. ARCC 'C T OF DESIGNEF LICEN5E NO. u5E Ot lurlolNG I class of work: t/tt ew E] AoolTloN tr ALTERATION D REPAIR TyF of Fixurta or lt ttr WATER CLOSET (TOILETI SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BAsl}'.}- --- : KITCHEN SINK & LAUNDRY TRAPPAOVEO FOR ISSUANCE 8Y 4--{ /.1 WATER HEA NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC' ii6N qurionrZLo rs r'ror coMMENcED wlrHlN 60, DAYS, oR lF cbl.rSriucrloru on wonr ts SUSPENDED oR ABANDoNED-FoF A iinroo or izo onvs AT ANY TIME AFrER woBK ls coM- MENCED. ft f+$eHffi'dq;?-.-,ffi r-t.+-g,lT{#tit+ bFilirvE'ib blVe Auln-cinii* ro Vtounre oR cANcFL rHE zBgli'lg$,9','.Hui'di'lsril+L'*Rl,"'l'3"o"'15$5'"#"?.I'J"l OR INKING FO FLOOR .SINK OR GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PTPINO & TREATING EQUIP' WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BN€AKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT WXEH PROPENTY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMTT PERMIT VALIDATION qf. M'o'{sjt DPLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O. GOLDEN ROD _ TEMP. FI LE ooP o t{to(, o ..{,-l6E o olJ.rl o oA .t 'l lilf\\ q t { \\(i .,, :' -(it,;-N$'-0\ i^FT-r' :-!N \.* \\, -i \o.\ \iY -o' ."\ i,{ \j (j JI sl I g'...tl rq "e 3l $188 aqhr [, x rBtl i:3!.F :mir l'' rrrll5t t,t \". (\. \.i'r \\ \,, \\ triAI I, 1+Jol0)r ,,tt l-loio*l f{' ''\ tt.1 0!c,l.-I o /'! '-t__l rd 1o Ilu)IHf6'I +J If.o$'o t','r,\ i I ,) i'1 itr.l\ I -ir ir' ;. -) \i 'r( ,t:\t {J ': \fi'\ ..,i .\ ",i rC\ ..rJ tw \. + nt Y1 \1. vi (ln \j "J-- tt.: i l' t.' t' tl.\ !'n'. r-i +. \., ..]., \''i {j_ .'t \ \\t ( b\ \i J v \.J \*. lr' \ ilrl.lll I,i l\i'i \tI ni ..vi \! I tt ,,i I !r n $ \ f\,'rY \'tt. .\J oz P.Fl F.t1o t 5 E 0, *.8 €\, 825-5261 MATERIALS REPORT {or Hab C}rik ;r:l Job t{o or l. D. \}':--7- Dotc Tcsrcd:..I-\y,e 2)-, 7:n2 Mix l.D.: Wotcr Tcmp. : Totol Yords: Itolcr Rcduccr; Wind: Timc Botchcd: TEST CYLIXDERS Slump; 3 Doy l. 2. 4. Avcroge REMARKS: Air Air TcmP.: Toto I Woler: Air Entrorning: HumidilY' Timc Ploccd: fi7-I 1 and ; 7 DoY Tickrt u !'1 alr ) | r1- lr'\' L ,. I / Y i.ld: 2W Doy .'''*\:' ) ^7' .t ,.r .,-,,.., ,, , ..1t. l4 Doy ! t. BEST i9lL"'-' ".i L-. .,,r l, ,j'.:\..,...' \ .u I ..{,.i l?oo-Hrx cf) @ f.*O @ @ dz RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL_3o (plus postage) Forn POSIMARK OR OAIE ilo [{suRAilct covtRrct pn0vtDto- l{0I Fol llrrrnrAIt0IAt l{Alt (Sae otfcr side) . oFo: raroo.t9r-aar RE Unt IECTIPI sElvtcES a lo whom .[d dat! delivtrld ......,.... Wilh dellvery to .ddressee only .......... Sho*s to riom. dato and wh!r. drlivarad .. Apr. l97l e SIICK P0STlSt STAII|PS l0 ARflCtE f0 80VtR P0SlAGt (tirst 6lass o, .i,tJt), \ CtRIlflE0 ltlll ttE, ANl} CIIARCIS roFAilY StttCTlD oPfloilAt StRVlCtS. (see front) l. It you want thrs r€ceipt poslmatked, stick the gummed stub on lhe lelt portion of the address srde o{ the article, leaving the receipt attachld, and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rLral cartier. (no extra charge) 2. ll you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub on the left portion of the address side of the article, detach and retain the recetpt, and mail the arlicle, lf you want a relurn receipt, write the certified'mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card, Form 3811, and attach it to the back ot the alticle by means of the gummed ends. tndorse tront of article RETURN RECEIPT RtoUESTEo. lf you want the article delivered only to the addressee, endorse it on lhe front 0Et|VER T0 ADDRESSTE oNLY. Place the same endorsement in line 2 ol lhe return receipt card il that service is requested. Save this receipt and present it il you make inquiry. 4. a tna^ . ^.ardrt SEIDEI: 8c slrG to tollov lnslnrclton. on olh.r ttd. PLEASE FURNTSH SERVTCE(S) TNDTCATED BY CHECKED BLOCK(S) (Additianal charges tequhed tor thete oeroices, Showto whom, date and address F-t Deliver ONLY where delivered | | to addressee REC RcGctvcd trre alnDered EIPTulicle describcd befov e?/ry,h4 ./a' '-^ ,r:l :liNnn l,t d !oI I a^,O = :- s I I I ss3Nrsng lvtcEJo 3JtAUrS lYrSOd 'S'n 'glclye Jo lreq ol qce$e pue spug pgulujnt ugls!o!{ . 'opls roqlo uo (s){rolq tj.oq3 .pEr!sap erE sgc!^les let.eds ll . 'apgC dlZ 3u!pn19u! ,ssgrppe ,auteu ,no^ mo;aq eceds eq1 u1 1upf, .2!t1O tu|/a^leO ,o \tetuFod Q'rr{) AprM og"t Please address all replies to: POST OFFICE BOX 871 VAIL, COLORADO 8I657 TEL.303:475-5881 ffi6Lt F/L7 June 12, L972 I{r. Terry }linger Town lla na ge r Totr'n of Vail Ya il , Co1orado Dear Terry, During the l\larch mee ting of the V;.rrisnce Board the ijoardgranted Apollo Perk et Vail ttre right to abut buiJ.din6 iil to ttee trect lancl wiCh no set-back requireci. .:i t that t inre a prooise was ntnde by ;trpoll,o Park tbat nny clenage to sald tract Land would be repaired and Lhat the Land rrrould be restored to its lratural condi-tton. Please 1et thls letter essure you that every possible pre- caution is being tirken to prolect Lhe trect land and tfiat vrewill restore any daurage that rriay occur as a result of colrstruction. tsui1<ling nurnber threo tus been exc&ve ccd u nd no f il1 has gone over ttrs embiirlkment with the exception of a few rocks wlrich wi.1l be made pa,rt of Llie stream bank. Tbe are.g where some excess fill uent down che bank and collared two trees occurs on our land end will be retnecii"ed in severrl <iays rviren backf j.l1 occurs. Atthat time , r s r{6 did Ia st yeii r, we wi1J. begin our itrnd uork in theso area s . Ths AooL1o Perli 6;roup has and we intond tha,t Apollo Park lJe will bo willing to take ossary to prove to the town our edvise . e reputrtion for fine landscapingat Vail uiLl be uo exception. rny further prec&utions nec- good faith in this rnatter. Please Sinceroly yours, Cbuck Ogilbycc t Bd Strouble Town lrlst€o s Ai.'o11o Pa. rk pa rtners t'Ar,ll'gurtr fi'" ,Alo(!o(it,l,r.t (-olcr,-r.lo S[,ri r,q,;, C.' i.rr, r, i,.,(,.,lcrc,lo Springs, Co lor<ldo RlRiil-+-:":*i=' AS SOCIATED ARCH ITECTS INCOFPORATED June 8, 1972 Mr. Ed Struble Building Official Post Office Box 100Vail, Colorado RE: Conversations regarding the Apollo Vail project from June 2, 1972 to June 7, 1972 L The rezzanine will be allowed to go a coup le of square feet over the l/3 mi nimum to allow for a minimum habitable square footage of 90 s.f. The door in the attic space must be rerpved and fhe wall extended to comp lete ly close off access fo attic in order to conform to the mezzan ine requ i rernent . 2. AI an D. o. I basement areas will be acceptable as storage areas without constituting additional story with the fol lowing revisions:All rooms shall have two exifs. Ceiling construction shall be a concrete slab.All structural wal ls shal I be non-combustib le construcfion. Non bearing parfitions can be wood frare wifh 5/8tt gypsum type ?xr both s i des. Wifh this type of construction, Ed Strub le will recommen d a variancefor the use of a laundry room and tenant s+orage and a recreation room in building number three without constituting an additional story. Wet standpipe musf have outlet af basenent level. 3. Construction of stairs and stairways: Ed will allow the stairs to remain as is, with the following changes.a. Unders ide of roof, over stairs, musf be eifher stucco or 5/8tt gypsum board type rxr. Roof will remain however.b. Stair stringers and freads must be 3rr r.s. material. Page Two fFrom a te lephone conversation with Mr. Koyamatsu on June 8, 1972, lrom Section 3305 (m) risers and stringers only have to be 2r'in nominal th ickness]c. The long solid wall at the front of the tower must be at least 50$ open. 4. Exterior exit balcony musf either have fire retardent treafed 4rr x 6rl decki ng or conform to table 45-C. Ed wi ll allow canti lever structural beams as they are now shown to remain as is without fire resistive protection rggardless of final f loori.ng material for balcony. Roof construction as if is now shown, vli ll be acceptable to Ed Struble. 5. Rear balconies are accepfable as they now are. 6. As if now stands, the following must be applied for in a variance:a. Variance for laundry room and recreafion room wifhouf constituting an add itiona I story.b. Exit balcony to be fire treated 4rr x 6rr decking, 7 . Zoning itemsa. Park i ng rev is ions Perpend icu lar parking 9 ? -Orr x l9 I -Orr sDaces w i th 25 r-Ott is le. 60" parking 9r-0rr x l9r-0rr sDaces with l8f-0rr isle. 45" parking 9r-0rr x l9r-0rr spaces with l4r-0rt isle.b. We need (2) lzt4tt x25t-On loading berths at completion of Phase lll.c. No restrictions on putting parking up to property lines on easements.d. Park ing req u i Fenrents Phase I 1.5 spaces per unit Phase | | 0-599 s.f. unifs - | parking space. 600-1000 s.f. units - 1,25 parking spaces 1000- I 300 s. f. un its - | .5 park ing spaces 1300-on up units - 2 parking spaces Ed Strub le will cons ider all our end units without nezzanine as requiring on ly one parking space.e. Need 25f -0t? f ire lane.f. Put note on site olan to lease a minimum of lOr-Ott clear between obstructions between bui ldings,trees, etc., to allow for fire truck access . S. Must replace 3030 window on garden level end units with 3040 window. All the above items are believed to be correct and true. All construction and correcfions to the drawings will proceed on the above basis unless correcfions or additions are made by Ed Struble in writing. S i ncere lv. ara;.rA/ar*rh, Tim Hami lton, Associated A rch ifects, Inc. THlkwcc: Mr. C. Ogi lby and Mr. Les Davis [||[|:3:":i::s"".:il:snln coLoRAOO 80906lllllsos.576.15ss AS SOCIATED ARCH ITECTS INCORPORATED June 8, 1972 Mr. T. J. Koyamatsu International Conference of Bui lding Off icials 5560 South Workman Mi ll Road I'lhittier, California 9060 1 Re: Plan check number 8458, Dated May 26, 1972 NONSTRUCTURAL COMMENTS l. f,/e will be trying to get a variance for fhe use of these areas as shown with the following changes a. All rooms shall have two exits.b. Cei I ing sha I I be a concrete s lab. c. All structural walls shall be non-conbustable construction. d. Non bearing partitions can be wood frame with 5/8rt gypsum fype rxr both s i des. €. Wet standpipe must have an outlet in the basement. lf the variance is not granted, all uses other than storage in the basements will be eliminated. You wi ll receive drawings to ref lect the above changes. The above are acceptable to Mr. Ed Struble. 2. The aitic space will be completely closed off wifh no access. The door will be rernoved and the wall continued. Ed Struble wi ll allow the mezzanine to be a couple of square feet over the l/3 minimum to allow for the 90 s.f. requirement for habitable space. Vai I code does not require a 3r-6frhigh rail, but rather a 3t-3n minimum. The rai ling wi ll be revlsed to achieve the 65o/p' opening. ' .--t 6. Page Two 3. With the changes above, we will once.again be a three story building. 4. The exterlor exposed wall surfaces will be as specified in Section 1707 al 4. Water repellant panel sheathing. 5. Confractor has received notice that all floor opening should comply vlith Table number l7-A and Section 1706. Nonabsorbent enanre I paint or ceramic tile wi ll be used in toi let rootm in cellar in accordance with Section lTll (a) noted on Change Order. This condition has already been granted through a variance. This condition has been discussed with Mr. Ed Sfruble and our details as they now sfand are acceptable. 9. a. The roof construction is acceptable to Ed Struble as stands. The lighfueight concrete is specified for I hour construction. The prlvate rear balconles are accepfable as they now stand with Ed Strub le. The front exit balcony is acceptable to Ed Struble under the following condifions: l. Use fire freated 4rt x 6rr decking as shown with all detai ls as is. 2. Construction in compliance with Table 43-C, with exception that strucl-ural beams as shown may remain as is for structural suPport. b. 5,/8tt gypsum board is specified as fire shei ld gypsum board. c. Steel column will be protected as detai led on the structural steel beam. d. Ed Struble will accept heavy beans as shown without fire resistive construction. To be handled by the mecfranical engineer and the Contractor. Air grill and exit wi ll be moved fo exterior face of room. Door will be labeled one hour assenb lv . 12. Doors and exits wi ll be provided as requi red c. ls noted on drawi.ngs. d. Ed Struble wi ll al low the roof to stay with the addition ol 5/8tt gypsum type rxt or stucco, applied to the underneath side of the stairwell on ly. The treads and risers must be 3tr r.s. material. As discussed during our telephone conversation on June B, 1972, regarding the Section 3305 (m) stair treads and stringers may be 2rrnominal thickness. The long solid wall on the front side must be 50f The stairway will not have to be enclosed. c. A permanent bui lt in bench wifhin 4r-0'r of the in all mezzani nes. 7, t0. il. oPen. window wi | | be provided Page Three 13. One wet standpipe is being provided in accordance with Ed Strublers requirements. 14. As noted in item l-E. 15. A range hood is provided above all ranges, with an asbesfos mi llboard. The above iters are either taken care of in cha.nge orders or revised drawings. Upon completion, you wl ll be sent copies of everythlng. The strustural requirerents wi ll be taken care of as requi red. S i ncere ly, Tinothy Hami lton, Associ ated Ardritects, Inc. TH/kw-_r')*&r"*h cc: Mr. Ed Struble Mr. Les Davis r'' ...1i;O 'i. ., -'...i.;' i,.'.. r:; . 1', ri, .i.,. 1.'. ,- l. .. illl, ,,,,ra.i;,:i $;' j'.i.':i5l; LOCATION THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: IEST COPIES TO Foe', 2.rr ll\lgl. TovmscrlD, MAss SIGNED I Ifl I IL.-, t.Meeting Called fo OrderA. The meeting was called to Building.B. The fol lowi ng members were Young and Strub le (ex-off i C. The fo I low ing guesfs were D ick Brown, Ted Grossman, John Gavin. order at 9:20 in nracan*. Macqr< ni,.r\ p resent: Messrs. Mel Sorenson, Bud the Mun ic ipa I . Knox, Viele, Chuck Rosenquist, Lora n ce, and ( ll. 0ld Business A. Case Z-5-72 - Vantage Poi ni request for l0l setback variance on south property I ine in I ieu of | 5 I . Th is setback was d iscussed ai the last meeting and a preliminary va r iance was granted. Mr. J im Viele mad a motion that the variance begranted. The mot ion was seconded by Mr. Knox and passed unan imous ly by the Board.B. LionsHead Centre (Sink Bui lding)Mr. Bud Lorance met informallv with the Board to d iscuss all items wh ich must be corrected bef o:-e a permanent certificate of Occupancy can be issued by ttie Bu i I d ing Department. Mr. Lorance commenced by giving the Board some background on this build- ing which was started in 1969. The building design wasstarted before the property was with in the Town I imits and was then annexed. The f i rst plan check was made by Mr. Charli Bynum in August of 1969 at the time of annexation. 0n September 3, 1969 l"lr. Bynum issued the f irst letter of non- conformities on this p roject. The re ensued a d isagreement between the architect (Mr. Sink) and Mr. Bynum as to the. n o n - c o n f o r m i t i e s . The o lans were then sen t to 1.C.8.0.in November of 1969 which was also returned in November. Mr. Sink sent his reply to the Town of Vail with a request for a hear i ng i n Decembe r of 1969 . More in format ion was sent _ fo l.C.B.O. in December,, and on December 3l a second review was received from I .C.B.O. On January B, 1970 Mr. S ink met w ith the Boa rd of Appea ls and many var iances we re granted. Construction was terminated on March 3l and Mr. Lorance was retained by legal counsel on April 24, 1970 to review plans in order to solve some of the problems. Work was commenced again on June 4, 1970 af which time a new building permit was issued as fhe original pe rm it had exp i red. In meet ings w ithMr. Bynum, Mr. Lorance and he worked ouf solutions to some of the problems and a letter was jointly written by the two wh ich was dated J une 4, 1970 ( copy attached ) . Nea r the end of the project, Mr. Bynum refired and Mr. Struble made the f inal i n spect ion so that a certif i cate of occupancy could be issued. At thaf time he wrote a letter to Vail Associates dated December 3l , 1970 (cooy attached). The items on thisletter we re discussect with the Boa rd so fhat everyth ing can be reconc i led and a cerrif icate of occupancy issued. By i tem:(l) The second sta ir will be insta I led from the ex it ba lcony.(2) The windows as installed do comply (N4r. Struble will check). (l) Variance granted on this ifem on JanuarV B, 1970 fl:YII TI I N, pfi,J/ BOARD OF ZONING, APPEALS AND EXAMINERS M INUTES OF MEET ING J une 8, 1972 I Page 2 Boa rd of Zoning, Appea ls and Exam ine rs Minutes of Meetilg - J une 8, 1972 bath rooms a re q uas lation of tile. ( (4) This itbm was accepted by Mr. Bynum in leiter of June 4 and Mr. Struble agreed that it canrt be remddied at this time.(5) Same comment as (4). (6) Mr. Lorance has recommended that th i s vent i lat ion be insta l led. (7) Th is item has been corrected. (8) Variance granted on January B, 1970- (9) Has been corrected. ( l0 ) Mr. Lorance po inted out that these -public, but he will recommend the instal- l) Has been corrected except one hole where there was a lrozen sprinkler. (l2l wi | | be covered by a separate building permit when this area is finished; ( l3) Mr. Lorance will be recommending that this item be installed. ( l4) Mr. Struble will accept this item as is because it is not a health or safety hazard. ( l5) Has been corrected. ( l6) Variance granted on January 8, 1970. ( I7) Has been corrected. Mr. Strub le then stated that he would make a f inal inspect lon when it is requested and if all of the items are satisfactorily completed, he will issue a Conditional certificate of occupancy. He does not feel that he can put his signature of a certificate without some qualif ications. lll. New Business A. Case B-4-72 - Yail 2l application for va r iance not to con- sider lofts as a story. The architect, Mr. Ted Grossman, presenTed drawings to clarify lof f a rea. He feels the units should be cons idered as single f amily dwelling since there is fire separation and the occupancy load will be low- Mr. Grossman then wen-f on to explain th at he had contacted both the Denver and Aurora building departments concerning lofts and they both permit larger fhan l/3 floor area with- out requiring the extra exit. lt was the consensus of the Board that -the nature of use of a condominium in Vail is much different than that in a large city and that occupant loads tend to be much larger in a resort area. They also pointed out that they as a Board, cannot change the Code, but can on ly approve a lternate methods of accomp I ish i ng the same thing. Mr. Grossman and Mr. Struble differed in opinion on the def inition of mezzan ine and what is included in the cafculation of the nazzanine area and a I lowab le area. A - call was then made to Mr. Koyamatsu of 1.C.8.0. to clarify this point. lt was then determined fhat they must include a | | f loor space in the loft area, inc I ud ing the c losets and bathroom; and that the area to be used for the l/3 calculation can i nc I ude on ly rooms that the loft opens d i rect I y onto, those that are 50fi open to that area and not the bathrooms, etc. that Mr. Grossman was us ing for his calculaf ion. The Board then d iscussed severa I so lutions to the prob lem of a second exit from the loft area. lt was the opinion of the Boa rd th at some safety p reca ut ion s l{e re necessa ry in th is case. A mot ion was made by Mr. Young that the mezzan i nes be considered as another storY, but that the lofts be allowed as planned provided that: smoke and heat alarm systems are installed in lofts and that either a sprinkler sysfem or a second door to the roof be provided in addition to the smoke and heat alarm systems. Mr. Grossman is to inform board I I r I ( Page 3 Boa rd of Zon i ng, Appea ls and Examiners Minutes of Meeting - J une B, 1972 lv. ( in writing which of the two alternatives he plans to use, and a lso must submit revised o lans. The motion was seconded by Mr. Knox and approved by the Board with one dissenting VOTE. B. Case 2-6-72 (Prel iminary Hearing) - Bank of Vail request for 7 l/2r setback in front on Main Vail Road in lieu of l5r. Mr. Mel Sorenson presented the drawings to the Board and explained that the only parts of the building that wouldproject into the req u i red setback are the p lanter boxes and a ba lcony and door canopy. The Boa rd in f ormed l'4r. 5or- enson that they will recommend approval of the variance since there will be at least 50 I between the Bank and any otherbuildings on that side.G.. Case B-5-72 - (Prelimin.arv Hearinq) - Apollo Park request to use habitable b asemen t space as laundry rooms and recreation r.oom and not have it considered a sfory when determining the type of construction. They have agreed to use a concrete occupancy separation between basement and rema inder of each building and to continue wet standpipes into basement. The Board will recommend aooroval of ihe variance as there is no sa fetv h azard i n vo I ved .D. Case Z-7-72 - Th ree Willow Place (Preliminary Hearing) Request for roof to overhang tract land, Bishop ls land and Edelweiss land, and to allow F.A.R. to exceed l:00 to l:00 by approximately l%, The Board reviewed previous variances for this projecf and noted that 4t setback .var'iances weregranted for stair area but that there were to be no pro-jections closer than 4r of the property lines. ^.The other corner of the building in question which has no se'f back f rom ithe tract land has not been given a variance. The Boardrsposition is that we cannot grant the requesfed va r i ances as it is not w ith in ifs power to do so. The Board cannot change the F.A.R. requirement--this must be done by amending the Zon ing 0rd inance by the Board of Trustees. The Board cannotgive permission for a building to encroach upon otherfs p rope rty . 0the r Bus inessA. Contractorls licenses approved Submitted by, TOWN OF VAIL BOARD OF ZO G, APPEALS AND EXAMINERS 4.cJ . /ow T l I I t I F' .J a reqrpr-tf r,ll\/ -pcrreSt a Vaf:ance/ I vYs of -f he Vailf rom the .ecL irernents of Zoni a g 0.cinarce in order Sect ion io 4/ 6,q' , aoAr;":i'lli?il.]'^3;:il3 :i5'li^,1fi ,*, ,, Dare Application Fitec Lp/?L , , rep."r'". r'rrn lrr- P**e)h*- and,/oi Section of rhe Un iform Buildin3 C. - a\aa6a -f /1anencied and adopted by the Town of Va i I in In.:ak icrrrJJlinetiOn On ZOn:nc the Board r-onsiders onlv rrnri ,rev.,4v,,r yrJrvvrJvr,'/ harri s.nir.. nea. f .^- +^ "z-ianca. nnmn:fihi liirr ni ihorrar uJ,r rP, rrssu t\Jt lrtE /lL,Pv>(iu vq, tottL,v, !\J lpcl | ' !./, I t I ty -.'^^^^ .,'-L -l. !-pr v/!J>s\r vcr r orrr-d w:fh the surround ing areai efiect on future deve iop- ment of t;re area and; health, safeiy, and ihe welfare of the inrac.- iants of the Town. ln building cooe variances, the Boa rd mey consider only suitabiliTy of alternate rnaterials and methods of consfruct ion and; reasonab le inte rp retai ions of the provisions of fhe coie. The adminlstrai-ive of f icial may cha I lenge any variance g ranted wh'ch goes beyor: d i-he scope of the powe.s of the Board. lt i: undr,..'.()()d lhal-a fcc of b25.00 payable in udvanco and ihaf .: 1-e n ( l0) oay pat.f lng period is required prior -fo a public hearing on fre elove -e.. cc,-S. wffi Please address allreplies to: POST OFFTCE BOX 871 VAIL, COLORADO 81557 TEL. 303: 476-5881 ffi6,X _" -'--:---\ \\\ ' - t' .-'-'-, ,)'' I nn /"7\ n . /" ApsW[nflahki, \.A4tfr - 7tE Unarsnoe 42erc+Tnt) ; O*x, A)bc k FUTag6na)(s Fzon. Hgbera. ttlsatroa-) eF (bc-oP*aa 9ct,tt4'-i, ftC *hto.e3 ltc oE T?lC Lrgctcsstlc.vTs 4 r Or )an 1, T h)tot ?e ir T4 heeZr^tq ,lT 2.oo ./ tlt,b.€sr /sq*aq C*norc CC4s/ q'APIUg^l t""'hp'il"$^l^^ (.o lororlo 51,rinqs, Cc ior.rLloCo icrodc Springs, Co lororic ,j llur €esVail, Colorado Dcrr El.nrI Thle fu to LnforD you that thc Eornd Of ZonLng, Appecl^e and fxlnlnelr rilL B..t rt 9:00.a.n. July 13 in thefiunloiprl Bullding. The f,olJ.owing vurl.anoo wLII boactrd uDonr Apollo PaDd 1I - Rlqutst for buLlding vanianco not toconrld* blrrnont rs a story in ordgr to uaG a pontionof the.bararnt er laundrSr noora and nrcncation noorn,Bar.!,Gnt ar€rr rou}d bc dl.vLdcd fnon th. balrncc of thebullillng by a oonolcto oosuDancy ccpenation. If you wich to protcot thie vanianco, pleaoc havs arepncacntatl.vr pnraont rt the ncetlng or filc yourprotGrt by ccrtlfl.cd naL1. Youns tru1y, Be*nl-or :to*trI3, ppEALs AlfD E)t&tIr{ER8 Junr 13, I0?2 Dianc l{ygant fon Robert Clark, Chalrnsn of thc Board bw o BOARD OF M INUTES OF MEET ING ZONING, APPEALS AND EJuly 13, 1972 o XAN4 INERS t. ll. ilt. The meeting was called fo order at 9225 a.m. in the Municipal Bu i I d i ng. A. The following members were presenf: Messrs. Viele, Knox, Hoyt and Struble (ex-officio), B. The following guesfs were p rese n t: Mess rs. Minger and Robinson, Town of Vail; Larry Clark, Colin Stewart, Gaynor Miller and Hugh Hyder, Mountain Haus; Jen Vlright and David Sage, representing David Hoffman; Robe rf Lazier, Lift House; Gordon Pierce, Three Willow Place, Fitzhugh Scott and his residence; Chuck 0gilby, Apollo Parky Jack Catcher, Hilton. 0ld Bus iness - None New Bus iness: A. Case B-6-72 - ltountain Haus - Request for building variance not to install mechanical ventilation in interior offices and laundry room and to allow the atrium area to remain as it is. Mr. Minger and Mr. Robinson determined that this is not a case for the Board of Aooeals and should be resolved administrativelMr. Miller and M;. Clark started by explaining that Mr. Bynum had app roved the smoke sensor system as had Fran B ush; infact they had required it. Mr. Struble is now asking them to remove it and ooen the afrium area for ventilation. The mechan ica I ventilation was next d iscussed. Mr. Hyder stated that to put in mechanical ventilation now would be almost impossible and very expensive. Mr. Hyder further staied lhat he does not consider the laundry room to be unsafe becauseit is not ventilated. Mr. Robinson and Mr. Minger then stated that they feel the majority of the things on the list of March l0.have been done and there is a point you cannot go beyond and that the prob lem of no Certi f icate of 0ccupancy shou ld be reso I ved now. They then i nqu i red i f Mr. Strub le had inspected the Mountain Haus to determine if the items on the list had been completed except for items 5 and B for which they are asking a variance. Mr. Struble sfated that he had not made such an inspection. Mr. Minger apologized to Mr. Clark and stated that an inspection would be made immediately to determine what remains to be corrected. At that time, Bob McNeill and Kent Rose were sent to the Mountain Haus fo inspecf the facili- ties. Mr. Clark stated that he has tried to make the building safe and has spent a great deal of moneyr approximately 535,000. He f urther stated that the s to rage aree which does not have mechanical ventilation will be ventilated at such time the area becomes a commercial space.. After Mr. McNeill and Mr. Rose completed the inspection, they reported their findings asfollows: The attic area has been completed except for somewiring that needs to be insfalled in conduit; the steel beams coat i ng does no-f meet the Research Recommen dat ion and shou ld be recoated with Mono-Cote I l/ztt thick to meet the requirement. Three layers of 5/9tt gypsum board will also meet this require- ment. The f ire door has been ordered, but had to be special made because of the type of jambs. S ince a | | of the items had not been comp leted as required, Mr. Minger suggested that K ebara'of Zon,nn, ooQals and Examiners Minutes.. of Meeting Juf y 13, 1972 Page 2 it was decibed that there th at we disaoDrove the var p tans.C. Case B-B-72 - l(iandra The Town of Vail retain $1,000 of the $25,000 bond and that the Mountain Haus be given a period of 60 days to complete the items listed, with fhe exception of items #5 and #8 which will be excluded. When the 60 day period has expired, an inspection will be made and any remaining items must then be completed within l0 days or l4ountain Haus will forefeif the $l,OOO and the Town of Vail will complete the items. In addition, under item #5, they have agreed to furnish some type of circulating fan for ventilation. A check for $1,000 was presented to the Town and the $25,000 bond was returned. B. Case B-9-72,,-,.4,p-g[o-Pjr,rk - Request to allow basement io be used as habitable space (recreation and laundry room) without considering it another story to determine the,equired type ofconstruction. The Board first pointed ouf that there is plumbing already installed for two units in the basement. The conception of the Apollo recreation room is much different thanthe idea the Board has of what a recreation room is. Mr. Ogilby then presented sketches of what they would like to do in the basement area ( sketches attached ) . Mr. 0g i I by ins istedthaf Mr. Struble insisfed that there be three recreation rooms instead of one and therefore, they have spent a lot of extra money on that basis. Mr. Struble denied ihat he had ever suggested such an arrangement. Mr. Strub le then e laboratedthat the.:e appears to be plumbing provided for two or four units in the basement of each building. Mr. Viele statedthat there is so much doubt about wh at will be done with the area that we cannot grant the variance as presented. Mr. Strub le . then suggested that we discuss the variance in private and g i ve Mr. 0g i I by a dec is ion short ly . After much d iscuss ion, suggested that *hey be limited to one water closet, one lava- tory and one kitchenette in each building. A motion was then made by Mr. Knox that we d i_sa_p. p rove the variance as presentedby tt'l r. 0gi lby. The motion was seconded by Mr. Viele and ap- p roved unan i mous ly by the Board. The Board then stated that they would recommend that a variance might be approved allowingone recreation room in the basement of each building with no more than two bathrooms (consisting of one water closet and one lavatory) and one k itchenette. t"l r. 0gilby was told that he must come back to fhe Board with drawings so that we maygrant a variance on these recommendations and for specific s no hardsh ip and Viele suggested ance as p rooosed. Mr. Struble then - Request for building variance in nonconformance with Section 3505 (i),3305 (b) and 1304 of the Uniform Building Code. ( l) Variance request to al low emp I oyees lou nge to be use d for sleeping P u rpose s and provide a ladder to window for second exit with sill he-igh'l ot 7211 . A motion was made by l'lr. Knox that the variance be approved. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hoyt and approved unanimously. by the Board. (2) Request to allow door that is not a required exit swing in wrong direction. Mr. Struble pointed iBoa rd' o f Minutes. July 13, Page 3 Zoning, A} u ls and Examinersof Meeting 197 2 D. out that this is an unsa fe condition as it would be con- fusing in the event of f ire. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the Kiandra be required to change the direction of swing or lock the door and remove the hardware. The motion was seconded bv l4r. V ie le. The Boa rd voted unan imous I y to denv the variance. (3) Request not to insta | | exterior handrails at steps on west side at south end of building. The discussion disclose-d that this is a required ex it f rom the lodge portion of the building. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that they be requ ired to insta | | a handra i I on at least one side of the stair. The motion was seconded by Mr. V ie le and approved unan imous ly by the Board. Case B-7-72 - Li ft House - Request for bui lding variance in nonconformance with Table | 7-A to allow wood roof over 6rl ooncrete slab. Mr. Lazier presenfed d raw i ngs and pointed out that the area in question (fourth f loor condominiums) have 8rr precast cei lings' and the area would be treated so that it would be two hour construction. Mr. Struble stated that he agrees with Mr, Lazi er and because of 2,000 square feet the building is a Type ll instead of a Type lll as the building was designed. No wood is allowed in a Type ll bui lding. The Board discussed the matter and determined that the corridor area must be protected so fhat any fire could not get ouf into fhe corridor. fhe 2 x l0rs over the corridor area must be f ire rated and an Brr block separat ion must be provided between roof and corridor areas. A motion was made that the va r i ance be granted by Mr. Knox prov i ded that the materials as discussed are used over corridor T-10. The mo- tion was seconded by Mr. Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Boa rd . Case Z-6-72 - Bank of Vail - Request for 7 l/2r setback in lieu of l5t on wesf side of building. The variance had been granted on a Preliminary basis at the last meet i ng and had been discussed at that time. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the variance be granted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Viele and approved unan i mous ly by the Board. case Z-ll-72 - Hilton (Bush construction) - Preliminary variance reouest for zero setback in lieu of l0r on west s ide of pro- posed building. After Mr. Catcher had presented the plans for the building and some discussion from the Board, it v'ras decided th at the Boa rd would recommend passage of the va r iance after itts properly posted for the required period of time provided there are no objections from edjoin ing property owners. Case Z-12-12 - David Hoffman (Site l0) - Request for 0l setback on east and west sides of site 10. This is a pre- liminary hearing as the var iance was not submitted w ith in the proper posting time. After Mr. Wright and Mr. Sage had presented the drawings for the proposed building and some discussion from the Board, the Board requested a copy of the LionsHead master p lan in order to further determine the access for f ire equipment to the area if the variance were to be granted. lf there is proper access, the Board might consider granting the variance, but shou ld have further sfudy before they ma ke a comm i ttme.n t . tr A . ft?:if u3t"1"il"!?i'',iO" rs and Examiners J u fy 13, 197? Page 4 H. Case Z-lO-72 - Three Willow Place - Request for 0r setback in lieu of l0r at tract land. The Board had previously discussed this matter at the last meeting and had given Three Willow Place a preliminary o.k. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the variance be granted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Board. l. Case Z-8-72 - Gordon Pierce Residence - Request for setback variance on north and east 3ides to allow building fo con- form to natural contours of lot and to save large trees. Mr. Pierce presented draw ings show ing grades and trees on his property and stated that he doesnlt want to cuf largetrees on the site to maintain the required setback. A motion was made by Mr. Knox and seconded by Mr. Hoyt thatthe variance be approved. The motion was unanimous,l y approved by the Board.J. Case Z-9-72 - F itzhugh Scott - Request for setback varlance on east and soufhr property lines to allow addi+ion to be bui lf in triangular configuration. This variance had been discussed at the last meeting in a preliminary manner. The Board had agreed to grant the variance. A motion was made by Mr. Viele that the varionce be granted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Knox and approved unanimously by the Board. 1V. Other Business - Contractors Licenses were approved and signed by the Board. Respectf ul ly submi tted, TOWN OF VA ILU%Jb Ed Strub le(Ex-0fficio) dw F-l o Burnwg A flsrb flaama te,*eq $r1o"eq Koc[l blttm!"?srL B*"rr$., 6l ---.T'--.rJ \r6idf&4AreE, l-lI'.. .i* *- dcd f8 !I3.ts <i.r.i ,& & S!$ :fr t\it $$ds -l,* -tet,. ad ffiq h-\^ rE{$$sF;Ilfio tcI (\? ) t5rT\ qt .cJ Cr* Q s plt* ['|r);l r: t rri{ it-. n' A1-f oa\-J $qi, ddr.l:: /*i {t stoE\!q S.hF?<{* c.j hw u3 rt -1 Li--J i/;/i'/ 1 BUILDING PE IT AP CATION :''' l-.T--llI it cl I I .lI i ;li | -'Iriili-'I r.-.'1i \... .i ! i\,1 .\'i^-ij \.i '),. ' l aEScR. ;2 ! ,i numbered spaces oy'ly. ?r Jurisdiction of ,/;l ,:fr,,,1 /a lL-"-/.;{,, n/.s'-l /1 . p -.?( 10 Change ol use {rom Change of use 10 1l Valuation oJ work: S f/ SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Best copy Available PERMTT FEE 'i /cl NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED tS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OB IF CONSTBUCTION OB WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR AEANDONED FOR A PEBIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. NlENCED- I HEREeY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AryO EXAI\4|NED THISnpifrcArron AND KNow THE sAME To BE TBUE AND coRREcr.AulpCovGrons oF LAws AND oRolNANcEs covERrylryg THlsripe oF woRK wrLL BE coMPLIEo wlrH WHETHER sPEclFlEDrcnFrN on Nor. THE GRANTTNG oF A pERMlr ooEs Norinisuue ro GrvE AUTHoRtTY To vloLATE oR q4ll''lcEL THE bi-n-vl{iorus oF AN\/ orHER srATE oR LocAL LAw R€GULATING COI'TSThOCTIOT OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. /. / , ,:;\ /,. li*rA,,t:...,,.6) iytL'. t /a L- -1 -l*- .tti 4y r':'L4J ' r'=: -s, c\A-- h E o' cor''qAc ror r. ^-'-rtdho ^c,Ef----:t------.:^ rE' WHEN PFOPERLY VALIDAT€D tlN THIS SPACE) THIS lq FMIT.' r.').t 1[^"- ,r ;lr:r-,',' n 4', /( .,-,ti, 8 ciass of work: D NEw tr AD0lTl0N n ALTERATI0N LI REPAIP C MOVE RE{4OVE I Describe work:Za, a 4-) )ta, C FFST REET PaRKrN3 SF:CEs Rgcaiv€d Nor Reqr,irad t'tt-u,corered I l\ ::::3"'u .H No. o' 2Sior:es tsize ot Btdg. ! o {Tctar) 5q. Ft :::.. tl r) c\tt' ,/,' t 1(. 4 /-,/f.'t FLANS CHECKED 8Y HEALTH OEPT. SOI L REPORT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION !''lH TE * INSPECTOF PERMIT VALIDATION ' --'1a. PIN K - APPLICANT cK. 1,, 'rt IA.Q. CANARY - AUDIT a:r i: it'---j ; (213) 699-0541 OFFICERS PRE6IDENT PERRY C, TYREE REG IONAL BUILDING OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO FIRST VICE.PRESIOENT EUGENE E. PESTER SUPERINTENDEN.r. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY POMONA, CALI FORN IA SECOND VICE.FRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECIOR YAKIMA, WASH INGTON TREASUFIEF VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENOENT OF BU ILDING VERNON, CALIFORN IA JUNIOR PAST PREsIDEN-T TED E. DUKE BUILDING OFFICIAL BILLIN6S, MONTANA EXECOAIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 5360 5. WORKMAN MILL RO. WH ITTIER. CALIFORN IA MANAGIN6 DIFIECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 5360 S. lJl/ORKMAN MILL RO. lJvH ITIIER. CALIFORN IA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD DIRECTOR OF IN6PECTIONS KALAMAZOO, MICH IGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON otREcioR OEPARTMENA OF INSPECTIONs; MINNEAFOLIS. MINNESOTA BILL P. HORN CH IEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR PIERCE COIJNTY TACOMA, \/vASHINGTON CHARLES R, HINKLEY CHIEF BUILOING'NSPECTOR MOUNIAIN VIEW, CAL! FORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU II-DING OFFICIAL COIJNIY OF ALAMEOA HAYWARO, CALIFORNIA JACK D. WHITE BU ILO ING CODE ENG INEER KANSAS CtTY, M tSSOURl VINCENT R, BUSH SUPERINTENDENI OF BU ILOING vERNON, CALTFORNTA DICK T, JORDAN OIRECTOR BUILDING OEPARTMENT AUSTIN. TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BUILDING OFFICIAL qOUNTY OF SAN'A BAREARA SANTA EARAARA. CALI FORNIA OFFICES OF THE EXECUttVE OtiECTOR T. H. CARTER A!AGING OIFIECIOFI JAMES E. EII.IR TECHNICAL DIRECIOF D- R. IVATSON Plan Check No. 8458 ?roject! Apollo ?ark ?hase II Type of Construction: V - One hour Oceupancy Classif icarion: Il Fire Zone No. 3 Stories: See Nonstructural- Cormrent No. 3 FLoor Area) Occupant Load) See attached table. VaLuation) 1970 Uniform Building Code Seismlc Zone No. 3 been reviewed for conform- Code and our coaments are as applicabl-e to all buiLdings 2. It is assumed that the basement plan for Building No. 3is typical for all buiLdings except that the workshop and manggqrts office are not proposed for Buildings 2 and 4. 3. The area separation walls indicated on these plans are noc required for aLlorable floor area purposes. Accord- ingLy, no comnent wiLl be made concerning them. NONSTRUCTIJML C€frIMENTS : 1. The basement/cellar is consldered the first story. See"storyt' in Section 42Q as amended by Vail Ordinance No. 6. Note the laundry room and vorkshop at this level. International Conference of Buitding Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD ' WHITTIER, CALIfORNIA 90601 l,lay 26, L972 n't/.l "0 \ Ed Struble Building Official City of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Mr. Struble: Data for the above project has ance lrith the Uniform Building fol lows: GENERAL CO}TMENTS! 1. The following coments are unLess otherwise noted. 2.F o -2- The rnezzanine, vhich incLudes a usable attic space constitutes an additional story. For reasons, please refer to our Non- structuraL Conrnent No. 1 (a) through (e) in our preliminary review Letter of February L8, L972. Unless the attic space and the door leading to it are el.irninated the floor is over area. The floor area of the mezzanine indicated as Itsleeptt (Sheet A-12) should be reduced to 88 square feet including the closet, based on the present fl-oor plan. This does not meet the 90-square foot minimum. FLoor plan requires revision' A1so, because of the 3-foot 6-inch high solid rail a 65 percent opening into the room is not provided. Revisions are necessary. Unless the problems mentioned in ltems 1 and 2 ab ove are re- sol"ved this building is considered a five-story buiLding which exceeds the alLowable height of three stories per Table No. 5-D. X 4. Building paper should be applled to exterior wal-l-s as specified in Section L7O7 (a). Enclosures for floor openings should compl-y with Table No. 17-A and Section 1706. Details should cLearly indicate this. Nonabsorbent finish and backlng for toilet room floors, walls of tollet cqnpartments, and walls around urinals should conform with Sectlon 1711 (a). Reference toilet rosns in cel-Lar. Openings in exterior walls are not permltted less than 3 feet of property l-ines. Table No. 5-A. The edges of bal-conies of Building No. 3 shoul-d be at least 3 feet frqr the proPerty line. Plans should c larify. Flre-resistive systems lnvolving wood trusses should conply with appllcable research recomtendations. Conventlonal fire- resLstive systems using wood joists are not applicable. Refer- ence is made to ltem 10, Part II, Research RecmElendation No. 1000; one-hour ceiling constructionr Part II, Research Recorn- mendation No. 1352; or ltem C4, Part II, Research Recoumendation No. 1602. Note that all involve double gypsut board with re- sil-ient channe ls between. 3. 5. 6. 7, q An E Occupancy more hour flre-res istive than trro stories in height construction throughout. should be of one- Sectlon 130-2 (b). -3- (a) Floor-ceiLing systems should conrpLy with one of the items ln Table No. 43-C or a specific TCBO research rec ornrnenda ti on. Ttre 'l--1/z-inch tightweight concrete in lieu of the 5/8-inch tongue-and-groove plywood should be in compl"iance with a specific ICBO research recormnendation. This includes balconies. Details5, L6, 17, etc., of Sheet A-5 do not cmrply. (b) Five-eighths- inch gypsum board indicated on plans should be specified with a Type X core. (c) Steel co l-unnrs shoul,d be protected for one-hour protec- tion per Table No. 43-A. See DetaiL 23lA-6. (d) Bearns such as in Detail LIIA-I requires prorecrion. Note that heavy timber l-s not the equivalent of fire-resistive construction. Mechanical ventiLating system in baths of apartment units should provide five air changes per hour directly to the out-sLde. Section 1305 (a). A one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation is required between a boiler room or central heating plant and the restof the building. Section 1312. Reference mechanical- room, Sheet A-7. Air grill shown shouLd be reLocated. Door should be labeled a one-hour assemblv. 1-0. 11. L2. Exits. (a) Two conforming exits are required from the basement/ ce ll-ar as specLfied in Section 3302 (a). The rwo exits should be accessibLe to all areas. Note that exiting through storage rooors is not permitted. (b) Exlt doors should be openabLe from the inside without the use of a key, speclal knowledge, or effort. Section 3303 (c). Note also that surface mounted flush or surface bol-ts are prohibited. Automatic flush bolts are allowed on palrs of doors provided the door with the fLush bolt has no knobs or surface mounted hardware and the unl-atchingof any Leaf requires onl_y a singLe operati.on. -4- (c) Guardrails for stairs, balconies, and landings should conform with Section 1714. Note that max imurn cl-earance between inter:nediate rails is 9 inches and rail height should be 30 inches. Clarifying information should be on p1ans. (d) Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 3308. 1) One-hour fire-resistive wa1ls are required when they oPen onto the balconies. 2) Doors shoul-d be labeled one-hour fire assembLies Idith additional. requirement of maximum 450oF., temper- ature rise above ambient after 30 mlnutes of fire test. (e) One exit frm the building should be a smokeproof enclosure for buil.dings five or more stories in height, conpLying with Sectlon 3309 as amended by Vail Ordinance No. 6. (f) Exit signs should be provided in c onf ornranc e with Section 3312 (b). (g) Every sleeping room beLow the fourth floor should have oneX openable window or exterior door conforming to Section 1304 for emergency exit or rescue. This includes mezzanines. 13. Dry standpipes are required ln buildings four or more stories inheight. Section 3803 (b). 14. Wet standpipes are required as specified in Sectlon 3804. Notethat an outLet should also be provided at the basement/cellar leve 1. 15. Glass and glazing shoul-d conply with Chapter 54. Type and thick- ness of glass should be speclfied. GLass and glazjtrrg in hazardous Locations should compl-y with Section 5406. Reference sliding glass doors and other floor to ceiling lights. L6. Ranges should have a vertical clearance of 30 inches above the cooking top to unprotected cqnbustible material. This can be re- duced to 24 inches lf the cornbustible flEteriaL is protected with minimum 1/4-inch asbestos miLlboard, No. 28 gauge sheet metal or a metal ventil-ating hood. Section 1-901 (a) - Unif orrn Mechanical Code . -)- STRUCTIIML CCFIMEMS: 1. Special inspection in conformance with Section 305 is required for structuraL concrete where the design is based on an ulti- mate compressive strengt.h in excess of 2000 pounds per square inch. 2. Tbe foundation investigation report is quire general in nature since tbe foundatlon engineer was apParently noE given sufficient inf ormation at the t isre of his report. A more spec if ic recomen- datioo by the engineer should be submitted for review. 3. Structurat calculations should be submitted to juscify Ehe ade- quacy of t.he structural systeur in resisting seismic and wind Loads. This includes foundations. Note that the wind zone is 35 pounds per square foot per Table No. 23-E ln accordance with your instructions. 4. Roof shoul-d be deslgned nith snon load of 65 pounds Per square foot per Vail requirements. Note that calculation Sheet I spe- cifies 50 pounds per square foot. New calculations reflecting this change should be submitted. 5. The 8 pounds per square foot used for tbe lightweight f1-oor fiLL does not qualify for the one-hour system. Note that the urinimurn densLty permitted undet research recoumendations is 100 pounds per cubic foot. Vertlcal analyses should be rechecked to inc lude this consideration. 5. Reference Sheet 4 of calculations. A totaL dead load of 30 pounds per square foot and a total live l-oad of 40 pounds per square foot tributary from three floors used in design appears insufficient. Redesign is necessary. Note that built-up beams should be spiked together in cmrpliance with Table No. 25-O, Section 2518 (c). 7. Clarification Ls requested for beams anal-yzed on Sheet 5 of cal- cul-ations. Note that basement floor is concrete on grade. Also, cl-arlfication of Loading assrmred is requested. 8. Reference Detail-s 6, 7 and 8/A-8. Details should clarify that a minimum end distance of 7- and edge distance of 4-bol"t diameters are provided. DetaiLs should be dimensioned to conply. U.B.C. Standard No. 25-17, -o- 9. Reference Detail 4l A-8, Attactment of strap to beam should be justified and specified. A note on plans merely statesrrnail secureLy to beamtr. 10. Reference calculation Sheet No. 12. Reference is made to twin T with 2-lnch topping. Thls is not identified on the plans. Note also that the calculations do not conslder the live load on the first floor, nor the weight of the beam. Clarification is necessary. 11. Plywood grades should conform with Table No. 25-8. 12. Straight sheathed decking shouLd be justified for diaphragm action since it is not covered under Section 25L4. Justiflca- tion should be based on the discussion of transverse sheathingt Page 4-126 of the Timber Conslruction Manual issued by the American Institute of Timber Construction. L3. Nailing for gypsr:m board (Lath, sheathlng board) used struc- turally on shear wa1ls should be speclfied to conply with Table No. 47-I. 14. Concrete column design on Sheet 12 of calculations should con- sider the eccentricity of the load imposed by bearn W27 x 94. Footing should also be justified. 15. Reinforcement bar splices should comply rtrith Section 2608 (e)-1. Concrete General Note No. 6 should be changed to read 35 instead of 24 diameters. L6. Joist hangers should cmrply with a specific ICBO research rec- ourendation or Justifying test data should be submitEed in compliance nith Section 106. May we suggest a valuation of $851,000 s ince there ltas none specified. Please inf or:n us of your decision so that an invoice can be issued to c over our services. ALI- data is being heLd pending receipt of further instructions frorn you. If instructions are not recelved, data wil-1 be returned in 90 days ln conforrance with Section 302 (b). -7- In conformance wlth exleting pollcies, se wiLl not diacues this letter wlth anyone other tban fron your department unlege pernis- slon ls speclfically granted by you. Pleaee feel free to contact us lf, there are any questions, Yours very truLy, INTERNATIOML CONFERENCE TJK:hb Butldtng Total, Floor Area, Sq. Ft. 0ccupant Load Va Lua t ion 2 L2,490 52 $ 260,000 3 L2,750 53 265,000 4 L5,470 67 326,000 TOTAL VALUATTON $ 851,000 INTcRNATIoNAL Cor.rFERENcE or BuILDING OrrlclAls NEW ADDRESS: 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD ' WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 TELEPHONE (213') 699-0541 April L9, L972 OFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BU ILOING OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO FIRST VICE.PFIES!DENI EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINIENDENT- OEPARTMENT OF BIJ ILDING AND SAFETY POMONA, CALIFORNIA SECONO VICE-PRESIDENi NEI\/ELL POCK CHIEF BU ILD!NG INSPECTOF YAKIMA, WASHINGTON TREASUFER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENY OF BU!LDING VERNON, CALI FORNIA JIJNIOF FASA PRESIOENT TED E. DUKE BU ILDING OFFICIAL BILLINGS, MONTANA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T, H. CARTER 50 SOUTH LOS FIOBLEs PASADENA. CALIFORNIA I,iANAGING DIRECToR JAMES E. BIHR 50 EOUTH LOS ROBLES PASAOENA, CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYI-ORD C. DOvl,D D'RECTOR OF INSPECTION5 KALAMAZOO, MICH IGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECTOR DEPARTMENI OF INSPECTIONS MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA E ILL P. HORN CHI EF BU ILOING INSPECTOR PIEFCE COUNTY tacotfa, wasHtNG roN CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHI EF BIJ ILOING INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALI FORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU I LDING OFFICIAL COUNIY OF ALAMEbA HAYWARO, CALIFORNIA JACK D. WHITE EU I LDI NG COOE ENG TNEER XANSAS CIAY, M ISSOURI VI NCENT R. BUSH SUPERIN-TENDENT OF BU ILDTNG VERNON, CALIFORNIA OICK T. JOROAN DI RECTOR BUILDIN6 DEPARTMENI AUSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES 6U ILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BAFIBARA SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORN IA A Nonprofil Service Orgonizolion ond Plan Check No. 8458 Apollo Park Phase II Ed Struble Butlding OfficiaL Ctty of Vail Box 100 Vall, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: Thls is to acknowledge receipt of data on April 18, L972, for the above project which wiLl be. reviewed and our comnents forwarded t.o you as soon as possible. May we Chank you for your interest ln our services Yours very truly, TJK: hb cc: Associated Architects, Inc. \ UNIFORM BUILDING QODE ond Rellled Qrdinonces Aclive Closs A Menbers OFFICEA OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOE T. H. CARTER i{ANACING OIRECIOR JAMES E. BIHR TECHN ICAL DIFgC'OR D. R. WATSON IMERNATIOI{AT, COMERENCE UILDING OFFICIALS t(tsu Check Engineer {or lhe Moinlenonce o[ lhe Ofiering Speciol Services lo tty Aoilh frLL AS SOCIATED ARCH ITECTSINCORPOSATED AprtJ- L3, L972 l,Ir. llerrill Nenton Apo11o Devel.opment Conp any Post Offlce Box 4335 CoLorado Springs, Colorado Re: Telephone conference between Tln Henilton and r. J. Koyamatsu of theInternatlonal Coaference of BuJ.ld1ng OffS.cials Dear Mr. Newton: r call-ed the rnternational conference of Building officials to verify thatthe lnfo rnation r was eending in regards to the vail project was sufficientto meet their requirenenta. Mr. Koyanatsu Listed what was needed and r willsend this rnaterial on April 13, L972. Mr. Koyana8su also stated that due to their backLog at the preseDt time, itwould be four to five weeks before they can comprete thelr ctreck and listthelr recomendations. Sincerely youra, 4r*,,-fur,fh, Tin Hanilton Associated Architectrs, Inc. cc! Mr. KarL FlnzeL Chuck 0g11by Les Davls Ed Struble IN 155 LAKE AVENUE lf I coLonaoo senrrrros lr'l coLoHAoo s0s06ll lgog . 576-lsss I OF J. t. BOARD Meet i ng Ca I led to Order ZON I NG, APPEALS AND EXAM I NERS M IFIUTES OF MEET ING March 9, 1972 |. A. The meeting was cal led toBuilding. B. The followlng members were Young, V ie le, and Strub leC. Guests present: None. 0ld Buslness 0ther.Bqsiness A. The fo | | ow i ng contractor I s l. Bickel Construction2. H ibberd Consfruction 5. Kendall Electric V.Ad iournment ad.iourned at order at 9:45 a.n. in the Municipal presenf: Messrs. Clark, Knox, ( ex-of f ic io) . I icenses we re approved: A. Shareholders Recreation-Programs - The Board agreed with Mr..Struble that nothing was mentioned or approved regardlng devia- t ion from Sect ion 420 of the Un i form Bu i I d ing Code. B. Lion Square | - The board r,oplied to Jlm Cunnlnghamrs lettorroquosl'lng that he brlng In suggestlons tor alternate methods w i th respect to the letter from h i s arch ltecf.C. Rosenquisf l, and ll - lt was decided that lf Mr. Rosenquist has not complied by'March 18, it wlll be turned over to the Town of Vail Legal Department. New Bus i.ness||t. lv. A. Case 8-3-72 - Aoollo Park - Request for variance to allqw rooffor less than Tr head height ln one area of the loft. A motion was made by Mr. Viele that the variance be approved.The motion was seconded by Mr. Young and approved unanimously by the Board. - As there was no other buslness, the meeting vtas 10245 Respectfu I ly submltted, TOWN OF VA I L ##4*Bullding Offlclal <lw -. I APPL ICAT I ON TO BOARD OF ZON ING, Da-f e Applicaf ion Fil 1. Charles 0gi1by APPEAR BE:ORi TFiE APFEA LS AND EX AM I N ERS , $ebruery 22t I9?2 t,re p re s e n t i n g rocnan*{r l lrr ^-l- - .,^-: ^-^requesT a va r tance f rom the requ irements of Sect ion of fhe Vail Tonicg Ordinance in order to trave less chan a seven foot head hight over the ra iling of the lof t rrrlrere the lower southern pitctred 6-e- 7"- lApol1o Park at Vail roof, meets the clerrstory windows.Sd Stroubls is art,&re of this request rnd has recollrnerrded thart we come before ths board. and/ o r Sect ion of the Uni fo rm Building Code as same os ebove amended and adopted by the Town of Vail in order fo ln mak ing a deiermination on zoning, -f he Boa rd considers only uncue hardsh ip; need for ihe p roposed variancel compatibility of ihe p ropose o variance w ith the surrounding area; e f fect on future de ve lop - ment of the area and; hea lfh, sa fefy, ano rhe welfare of the inhaoi- tanis of ihe Town, In building code variances, the Boai^d may consider only suitability of al-fernate materials and methods of construct ion and; reasonab le interpreraf ions of the p rov is ions of the code. The administrative of f icial may challenge any variance granted which Eoes beyond The scope of the powers of the Board. ,; is undersiood that a fee of $25.00 payab le in advance and rhat a ren ( i0) cay pos-iing period is reqr.lirecl prior to a public hearirr g on the above requesfs. TO: FROM: RE: APOLLO PARK RESIDENTS CHUCK OGILBY, OWNER T.,OFT APARTMENT HOLDERS BUILDINGS C, E D Last week the building inspector, Mr. Jerry Aldrich, toured our buiLdings and found that many people were setting up permanent housekeeping in the rear section of the 1ofts. As discussed when you moved inrthis area is for storage purposes only. Any violation of that usage may cause any ind.ividual apartment or the entire buildrng to be closed down. Your cooperation in this regard will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Chuck Ogilby, Owner cc: Residents of loft apartmenLs C & D BuildingsVail Bullding Department , YDU r. I Va u Ou€< Fo< Nk^)U) E G€-Ou < {ruQQo u, to KcqtcsT€o, LJ ttt- A tk 4 FratflL i HAk€ Oa<€ LTtoPi WE Dqasst €D. )t,,- ? 7 Fa<t7or A)c^tr our' feuaeac -Ta Qc'Yo,t h) 4 EEz5 4+o CopT 4sarot Ot&o7t(c.< C*nck 4)n,,7 ! Frbrurry 3?, l97t l|r. L.rllt 7. Drvlt Hubchll rtd OaYll, fnc. 700 llorth J uan I tr 0olorudo Sprlngr, Colrrado Rr: Agol lo Prrk Phur | | Doar lr. Drvlr: llth rut.r.noo to your lrt?rr Inqulrlng about thc ref sad of your elornuP driorlt ot ta00, ?hr clrrnup 9!porlt rlll noi'br rclendci unil l rtueco ll conplrtc, parklng lrctt trrv.r bern pavrd and e rtr lr clrrnod lnd llndsccPid. ll you haVr lurthrr qurltlonl, pllarr aontrct thlt d.Pcrtmot. Yosrr trsly, 'TO$r 0F VAIL Olanr 8. Toughlll Bul l dl ng gr}rrtmnt dt .4t"b'htk onl o 0o Gsnerol Contrsclor! vi", .4nc 173-1060 700 N. Jsonito . February 2, L973 City of Vail Vail, Colorado Box 1088 .Colorodo Springs, Colorodo 80901 Attention: General Accountlng Departmeit Refereoce: Apollo Park Phase II Apartment Complex Gentlemen: Our records lndlcate that when the permit for the above job was taken out we put up a $ 400 cleaning deposit along with the cost of our permit. Would you pLease check your records and see lf we can be reimbursed for this amount. Please correspond rrlth me on this matter. Thank you. S incere ly, DAVrS/,rr\. 7(&,,,* ie F. Davis Pres I den t cc: A. F. Hubchik Jack Kennedv HUBCHIK AND o IntrnxltroNlr. Coxrcnexce or Butt-otNo Orrrcnt s 5o SoUlX LoS RoELE3 . 6o4.ltlo ' PA3AoENA. CALIFoRNIa lrbrtlqy 18' 1971 Plrs Chrck [o. t45E Apollo lrrk, ltrm llttll"uil|tf, llltult wtlllr L. lefr A.aa6bt.d Atcblt.ctr, tna.tll lrh Avrlrre Celcrdo tpttrlt., Golotrdo t0906 Dlrr l{r. lqrl tttr lr tr rurrr to th. GC.Dt. la your htter oflrbmry E, 1971, tg !lr. td ttnblr, lulldtg Olltolrl ol Yrll, Colcrdo. tbrn recr to bc rcr lfuundrntradtnj ngrrdlaa our tro- rCnreturrl 0n at fo. l, (e) rad (b) ln orrr hclrr co rtr. rd SGruble drtrd JraurtT 21,, 1971. Chrn I rpotr to touawrrnla3 th. .trlr. to tba utrlhl, I dld aot nrr! tobplt shrc clont rprc.. Lt br provtdrd h rddltlo to ch. xrtealnr lloor rror. lt rrr ly lntrat to eoovati :o yotr thrt sr rould oot coaridrr th. rtrttr tn drlerrloh0 althor thc rrtmtE tloor rrre or th. butc tloor enr ll vhtsb 3hr rarrrnllr 1r loortrd. It stort rp.G3r rrc lat.nd.d thry rbilld br provldrd stthtn tbr tloor lret sf tbr co-plytal rrreoln floor. !l yorr brrr .!y fsrthrr lu.rtl.cf' plc..| dc aot haaltrt. co cootlGc ut. Iorrr rrty trulyt Irtuilrrqll. cqt?llmlc lSILDlre cllcltlt T. J. xotnrtau Gblrt llla Cbrck h3lmrr IJXrbb ccr ld tcrrtl. edt Fi.I< o OF Clark, Hoyt, Rnh MnRri rlol l vv, and Jim Cun- il. o BOARD ZON ING, APPEALS AND EXAMINERS M INUTES OF MEET ING FEBRUARY 10, 1972 Meet ing Ca I led to Order: "A. Th6 meeting iwas called to order at 9t25 in the Municipal Bu i ld i ng.B. The fol lowing members were present: Messrs.Knox, Viele, and Struble (ex-officio). C. The fol low ing guests were present: Messrs. Koppe rs Company; Chuck 0g i lby, Apo I lo Pa rk;ningham, Lions Square. 0ld Bus iness: A. Case B- l-72 - Lions Square | | , Cunn ingham Construction and Development - Request for building variance to allow a sp ira I sta irway to se rve a loft area g reate r than 120 squarefeet. The Board cons idered th is matter at the last meet-ing and did fu rther research on sDiral sta irs. Mr. Clarkstated fh at if we g rant the variance, we would be chang ingthe Ord inance and we cannot do th is. Mr. Cunn inghamfeels th at our 0rdinance is imp ract ica I and is encou rag ingsmaller, cheaper condominiums to be buili. A motion was made by Mr. Viele that the variance be denied. The motion was seconded by Mr. Knox and d isapp roved unanimously bythe Board. Mr. Clark then stated thaf he would be willingto go to the Board of Trustees to see if the Ordinance can be amen ded to allow certain con form i ng types of spiralstairs to larger loft areas.B. Lions Square I problems in obtaining a permanent Certificateof 0ccupancy: | . Doors from fhe corridors to un iis are nonconformBoard recommended that these doors be replaced w . conforming doors and that the panel doors possib used in Phase ll or lll as interior doors.2. Locking system if bedrooms are rented separately from main unif. The Board recommended that a rtbreak i n case of f i rerr f ixtu re be i nsta I led wh ich wou ld con-tain a key to the main unit, which would allow a second method of ex i t. C.___9ese_,2-16-7 | - Apollo Park ll - Req uest f or setback. vari ance'at tract land - N4r. 0g i lby presented revised draw ings tothe Board and requested a zero sefback at the tract land.Mr. Knox made a motion fh*t the variance be granted subjectto adeq uate p rote ct ion be ta ken th at traci land not be damaged. The motion was seconded by Mr. Viele and approved unan imous ly by the Boa rd . Mr. Strub le will require that - rear property line be staked by a registered surveyor. The building may be bullt on the property line, but no.portion may overhang the adjacent property.D. Rosenquist I and Il buildings - A letter was.written foMr. Rosenqu ist stating that both bu i ld ings must be b rought up to Code requ i remenfs in order that a permanent.Cert i f icate of Occupancy can be issued. Work must sfart by February l8and be complefed within 30 days or the temporary certificatesof occupancy will be revoked and the buildings will be vacated ng. The th Page 2. M i nutes of Meet i ng Feb rua ry 10, 1972 o E. Valley Forge Building - A letter was written to Mr. pulis advising him that the remodeling work on hiE'Uuilding mustbe brought rip to Code (gypsum board installed over the wooden beams ) by May 15, 1972. F. Emporium building - A letter was wriften to |\4r. Hanlon adv is ing him th at fhe beams and ove rh ang that we re installedoutside his shop must be brought up to code (5/Bn gypsumboard installed over beams) by May 15, 1972, lll. New Business A. Case B-2-72 - Lodge Properties requesf fo substitute a heavy iimber roo f , f ire retardant treated, for roo f systemrequired by Uniform Bu i Id ing Code for type I and ll con-' struction. Mr. Bob McBride of Koppers Company f irs.tdescribed the noncombust ib le treatment that they proposeto use on all wood parts of the roof system. Their treat- . menf tests lB0 degrees higher than normal noncombusfibletreatment because the wood is pressure impregnated and nofjust dipped. Mr. McBride then went on to describe thetest i ng which has been d one on the roof system. Mr. Struble .stated that he considers the roof system to be a safe one. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the variance be approvedwith the exception that ventilation be on 2t cenfers rathe r th an cont inuous as shown. The motion was secondedby Mr. Hoyt and approved unanimous ly by the Board lV. 0the r Bus iness A. The fo I low ing contractorr s I icenses were approved for renewa | :l. Te rrence P. Cowhey and Assoc iates2. Char:les W. ThomDson3. CJua I ity P lastering4. Athey Beaman Company, I nc.5. Ben Edgin Painting Company, Inc6. Batche I Sheet Meta I7. Carl and Rockey Becerra8. Robert L. Newmann | | 9 , A lp i ne Mason ry, Lfd.0. C. A. Stan ley P I umb i ng an d Heat i ngI. A to 7 Home Repair Service2. Howard Electric Comoanv3. Boydson Construct ion Company4, J. A. Hyder Consf ruction Company,y Inc.5. G. R. Spencer Consfruction6. l. & J. Electric Company 7 . Ga rf ie ld Stucco and P laster8. Aspen Con st ruct ion Corp.9. PPG Industries, Inc. 20 . J ames A. Re i necke, J r. 'Const. 2l . Dwyer E lectric Company22. Va i I Cont ractors23. Vail Plumbing Corp. t. Page ) M i nutes of Meet ing February 10, |r972 o Inc. "' . 24. Snowmass Plumbing and Heating25. Petersen Associates, Inc.26. 'Presfressed Concrete of Colorado,27. Loper E'l ectric, Inc.28. Brent Service29. Eag le Va I ley Roof ingJ0., Hoe and Grow31. Powers Construction Company32. Hamilfon Carpef Service13. Ace Roof ing Company, I nc. \,Adjournmenf - As fhere was no other business, the meetingadjourned at I l:50 a.m. Respectfu I ly submitted, Ed StrubleBuilding 0f f ici(Ex-of f lcio) dw AS SOCIATED ARCH ITECTS INCORPORATED RlRiil,""t"":.:".4i!! February 8, L972 Mr. Ed Struble Bulldlng Offlcial Post Office Box 100 VaLl, Colorado Re: Internatlonal- Conference of Bulldlng Offlclals letter dated January 2L, 1972 SLr: Re: Nonstructural Connneots 1. (a) and (b) Ttre areas ln the revlsed prelininarles meet this requlrement. Mr. T.J. Koyamatsu said that the stairs and closet space would not constitute part. of the mezzanlne elnce they are not habltable space. Re: Nonstructural Cornments 1. (c) Tttls sltuatl,on has been corrected as seen by the bullding sectloo. Re: Nonstructural Conrrnents 1. (d) Ed, this 552 openlng is an arbitrary % opening and ls not Justlfiable by the code. It ls a flgure that they have Bet to Judge nezzanlnes thernselves. Would conslder lt satlsfactory to have more than 502 open to the room belos. Slnce that ls not a code requlrement, I feel you have the jurtsdiction to nake a Judgerent on thie natter. As far as light and ventllation goes, we have the clerestory wlndows. I dlscussed slth Mr. T.J. Koyanatsu the problem of a four foot windon sill helgbt. He said he would accept a pernrment bullt ln bench that was wlthin 41 0" of the wlndow e111. Re: Nonstructural Coments 2. Ihe raiLroad tle wa11 w111 be lonered to provlde a 552 openlng. Page 1\ro Re: Nonstructural Connnents 3. We oo longer have a windlng stalr by eliminating the diagonal rlser. Re: Nosntructural Conrnents 4. BuiLdlng /13 wt11 be changed to conply wlth thls. Clarlfy the bullding setback requirement on building /13 next to the Blue Low. We wLll- -a11 a set of the revised prelininary Palns to Mr. T.J. Koy'-agst g.t hle approval. I{e are a18o proceeding with flnal worklng dranlngs with these correctlons and request a letter of approval from your offlce, so that these corrections wl-ll all-ow us to obtain a bulldlng pernlt in late April- or May wlthout any addltlonal code changes. Slncergly yours, ,,'4fu Wil1lan L. Page, Encl-osure: One cc! Mr. M* Mr. Mr. Mr. Les Davls Chuck 0g11by Merrlll Nenton Karl Flnzel T.J. Koyamatsu I{LP/tcrs lMrRxanoxlt CcrureneNcr or Burtorrue Orrrcr,cr.s !to SouTat Lo5 Ro!Lggt . aoa.ttto r "agao:NA. caLltonNrA Jetr*ary 2L, L972 Ed $efubl€ Eu{ld*ng Offic*al.*tty of VatX Bcqc 631 Vall, Col,otsdo 81657 Plan Check llo. S45S Apallo Park Fhnee LX 60-untt Apa:rimcae ?fpe of Ccc$irrl4tlo?r: Y - 0eeupaacy Clasot flctt{oqt Flre Eone Ho, 3gtorlea! ?hr€a ToEal Valustto:r: $435'000.00 1970 ttalfosno BulldtnA Code pRfi 3"II{iliA.&Y S$irISW O{l€ tissr : $q8f $tr.StrublE: tbl,a lo e prellnlnary rovler for the *bove proJeet. Yosr LnEtruct:tone for rEv ioerlng all of your projects on 8 pre- LlnrLnery bse{E u*re c+cer.vdi4l afest we had logged in thig prsJect f,or a conrpi"*a€ f€vlsq{. For thls roason we lrnvc todleetsd a pLan ch*ek qunber end thls correepoudeace hso f,akao a allghtly lcmger ti:r,s than vould bs neeeaeary for t,be usual prel*mtnery revlsrr. Ae you requaated, all of your plano heresfesr unlsee 6thsrr.l6s hotrucreC, wll1 bs revletrtd cn a proLfua{rery ba*l,a ead our ccorue&EE Eo you ahorrld ba for*arded to you la leEa ilre. Odr caadeente fsr th{e Fcojest 6rs s.6 f,ol.loue: _t Tha upper e$ee tsvel* of each of th€ bulldlnge eho'rn qn ttrces pla$s ex* dnd{.cated sa wars&ri{res. ?h$e e f Lr}crs do not m€st tlro dEf,lnlrton of mesaanlnes as 6et forth is $sctisfl 413 of the Codc for che follculrrg te&ao.t\ei (s) fhs ersa* $,ndi.snged an*eed 33-LI3 p@rc€nt of ttre ,toeel floor aree of tke roro lrt rrh{ch tt le loeated. (b) The cloar hei&irt ebove or beLcr+r tlre serasnlne f,loor ehsu'td uclt be Less thafl 7 foet. ?he m1$lnum hetgheof Ehs ol**p eree sh{rdn 1n $ectton 3, $?,oot t, scalee appreximately,@feet flnd tho plat{ono abovc the bs.th, epproxLrnetely ffeat. V'l I -2- (c) the oleep srea lndicated on $heet 1, SecElon 3, acalee spprotrlnstely 7 feet hlgh adJacent to ttro 6talrs. Anlt portl.on to the rlght of the sleep eree beyond thlo plaao ehouLd be eltnlnated f,or use as usable space excepe for rthe steirway leadtng to th@ eleep area provlded eu€flclont heEdroco clcarance sbove the rtalrway ta provlded. the aleep area then should be ono-tblrd of the floor area of tho floor belsn f,rm e plane st the 7-fooc olnirnrn belght for the aloep ares to the exter{or wa11 ee Ehe left whlch lncludea bath, cook, eat, and ttvlag areaa. (d) f,or thc aroE iadlcated aa "oleept' tn sectlon 3, shcet lt to be congldersd aa I portlon of the roonr belan,the net openlng betweon the floor and ths roof at the front edge of the rheazaninetr floor gbould be 65 percent of the cot41 heightmeastt-e-d*1n3tr.p-p.1f *Iffi*ffi?'"nilfr ie.:-f fi n-ioi rX-rxd-i66'r- trJrt #s a i* Cii{ii tdaii oi* pi"i i"ae. tnr" p os I { - btllty. (e) A mesaenlne ls s floor afiqtlar to a shclf trith a clear helght of not less than 7 fect above and below with no enc.loolng wal1e sbove or belon. It hae been our pollcyt howaver, lu ths caee of apsrtnent houses to perlrnt.t rooras such as bathroons to be enclosed under t,he mezzanl.ne floor and eclll be permlcred to lnclude the floor area of that room beLorg ln detenolnlng the ratlo of tho loezzanlne floor to the floor belol. Tbe floor bslow ohould lnclude ooly that portlon frm the plane of the raar edge of the mezconlnc floor to be used as I bas{r for ehe cne-thlrd rst1o, For tbe rescons glven gbove, Bha tneuganlae floor shown on ehese plane muat 6{th6r bo reviaed or th€y rgould coorticucs an sddttloasl 9tOry. 2. Reference ls eade to Sectl,on 3, Sheet 1. the rocrlr faclng the retalnlng vall cannot be eonsl,dered aa travlng pro?er llght and ventllotlon ilace lt doee not op€n to I court, yard .or streeg Ln accordance w{th Sectlon 1305 (a). Note that under the Exccp- Blon ln thls sectlon, Lf che portlo/n undor the balcouy abova ls open for ac leaot 65 percent, sompll8rree w111 be net. 3. the wlndlng ststrnsy shcnrn on the loeazanlne floor on Sheet 1 of the plans ls not a courplylng Btalrriray. NoCe Chat the lrldch of e ruo aay not bo legs thau 6 lnctree at any poinl lo coapllonco lrlch Sectloo 3305 (d). Tho stalrrray thono cov€rges to I pol:1t vhers lt uakae s 90 degrce rurn. l I o t , -1- 4. Etlts should be aeparrted a lolDt.oiro of onc-f,lfth of the perl- Eoter of tha aros set,\rcd wherG $ro e$lts srs requlred. Sec- tton 3302 (c). Not€ ehst Buildl.ng 3 hao ctalnraya whlch rre not sqpareted ths mlnlnrun dlstanee regulred by thlc sectlon. Stalrray r.pgratl$rs for Butldi,nga I and 2 comply. 5. Ihera nay bc a que8tlon cooc3rnlng the dlstancG to ptoperty line frco Bultdlng 2 chqrn on oltc plen. Note aleo that oavo overhargr are ltnlt.d to thc cmdltlors rpcclflcd ln Ssctlso 504 (b)l Psge 46. May lro rtgg.st rn eetleated totel valustlon for thla proJect of, $4351000. For deterulnlng tbe pleo chrck fae, sllon ur to dlacurg thts $tth you wheu we ers aeked to uEkc a coplete rcvlev f,or tb{a proJoct. ?laare feel free to sontset u, lf thsra rrG any qucrtlonr. Youn vety tnrlyt J NilERI{ATIOML CG{FERENCE OP BUII,DING OTTICTAUI 1. J. Royauateu Chlsf Plea Chock Englnrcr, TJK:trb J anu! rV 2J , 1972 Mr. Bltl Poge Aseocl atcd Arch I trctr, I nc.l5! Lake Avenue Colorrdo Sprlngs. Colorado 80906 SubJect: Apollo Park ll Dear Mr. Pago: Enclored ls a copy of your prellmlnaryre roccl ved f rom | .C.8.0. today. We rlrh to crl! your aftentlon to Sectton 1507 (bUnlforn Bull,dln.g Code regardlng ruperf lclol f loor3tates 1n part r€thpr hab I tab lc rooms sho I t hovcof not lerr-fhan 90 rqurre festrt. Your bedroomgthls regulremcn.i. l{g lrave chcckcd rlttr l.C.B,O.lecflon 'and tftcy hld ov.rlookcd lt aE lt lc vcryeyor a problem. tMr. Frttf len, nrentlon.cd thai hr uou ld I I ke to arrangc ame?tlnE rrlth you and thc Val t bul ldlng dcparfment. plorso call and re rl l'l -crrango a nect l.ng at your convcnlcncr, lf you havc. furthcr quesflons, pleaso fccl free to call. Your$, truly, TOWN OF VA|L Ed Strub lc ,8ul ld!ng,0f f lclal dr o lan check wh I cfi ) ol the a rsr rh I chan trca do-not mect on thls re I dom Cc: Mr. r( Ed Struble Building Official City of VaIl Box 631 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: 1. The on do in (a) (b) OFFICES OF THE EXEgUtIVE DIFIECTORT. H. CARTER MANAG ING OIRECTOR JAMES E. BI HR TgcHl{tcaL otREctoR D. R. WATgON Plan Check No. 8458 Apollo Park Phase II 60-Unit Apartment Type of Construction: V - One hour Occupancy Classif ication: II Fire Zone No. 3 Scories: Three Total Valuation: $435'000.00 1970 Unlform Bul1"ding Code PRELIMINARY REVIEW Thls ls a preliminary review for the above project. Your instructions for reviewing all- of your projects on a Pre- f. irninary basis were recelvCd after we had Logged in this project for a complete review. For this reason we have indicated a plan check number and this correspondence has taken a slightly longer t lme than would be necessary for the usual prellrnlnary revlew. As you requested, all of your pLans hereafter unLess otherwise lnstructed, wlLl be reviewed on a prellminary basis and our cofiments to you should be forwarded to vou ln less time. Our conunents for this nto3u"a are as follows: NONSTRUCTURAL CCDIMENTS I upper most 1eve1s of each of the buildings shown these plans are indicated as mezzanines. These floors not meet the definition of mezzanines as set forth Secllon 413 of the Code for the following reasons: Tbe areas indicated exceed 33-U3 percent of the total f l-oor area of the room in whlch it is located. The clear height above or be1ow the mezzanine floor shoul-d not be less than 7 feet. The minimum height of the sleep area shown in Section 3, Sheet 2, scales approximately 6 feet and the platform above the bath, approximately 5 feet. INTTRNATToNAL CoNFERENCE or BurLDrNo OrFrcrAls 50 SOUTH LOS ROBLES 684- 13tO . PASADENA, CALIFORN lA 9llol January 21, t972 OFFICERS PFIESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE RECIONAL BU ILDING OFFICIAL COLOFADO SPRINGS. COLORADO FIRST VICE.PRESIDENT EUGENE B. PESTER 6UPERINTENDENT, DEPARTMENT OF BU ILDINC AND SAFETY POMONA, CALIFOFN IA SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BU ILOINC IN9PECTOR YAXIMA, WASH INGTON TREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH 6UPERINTENDEN' OF BU !I-D! NG VERNON, CALIFORNIA JUNIOR PAST PRESIOENY TED E. DUKE EIO ILDING OFFIC!AL EILLINGS, MONTANA EXECU'IVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 50 SOUTH LOs ROELES PASADENA, CALIFORN IA MANAGING OIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 50 SOU'TH LOS ROBLES PASADENA, CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYISRD C. DO\/VD DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS KALAMAZOO, M ICHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIFECTOF DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS M INNEAPOLIs, M INNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHI EF BU ILDING INSPEC1OR PIERCE COUNTY.IACOMA, WASH INGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHI EF BU ILDIN6 INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BUILDING OFFIgIAL couNTY oF aLAME6a HAY\it|ARO, CALIFOFNIA JACK D. WHITE BTJILOING COOE E'.ICINEEF KANSAS CITY, M ISSOURI VINCENT R. BUSH SU PERINTENOENI OF BU !LOING VEF|NON, CALIFORNIA DICK T. JORDAN DI RECTOR BUILOING OEPARTMENT AUSfIN. TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA EARBARA SANTA BAREARA, CALI FORNIA A Nonprofil Service Orgonizolion for lhe Mointenonce ol the UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ond Reloled Ordinonces ond Ofrerino Soecio/ Services /o /cfive C/oss A Menbers >a -2- (c) The sleep area indicated on Sheet l-, Section 3, scales approxl.mateLy 7 feet high adjacent to the stalrs. Any portioo to the right of the sLeep area beyond this plane should be elininated for use as usable space excepE for the stainray leading to the sleep area provlded sufficient headroom clearance above the stairvray is provided. The sleep area then should be one-thLrd of the floor area of the fLoor beloro from a plane at the 7-foot mlnimum height for the sLeep area to the exterior waL1 at the Left which includes bath, cook, eat, and llvlng areas. (d) For the area indicated as ttsl-eeptt ln Section 3, Sheet l-, to be considered as a portion of the room belcrurthe net opening between the fLoor and the roof at the front edge of the 'hezzaninet' floor should be 65 percent of the total height measured in the plane of the front edge. The drop in the roof heights at thls location precLudes this possl- bility. (e) A mezzanine is a floor simllar to a sheLf with a cLear height of not Less than 7 feet above and below with no enclosing waLl-s above or below. It has been our policy, however, in tbe case of apartment houses to permLt rooms such as bathroons to be encLosed under the mezzanine floor and sti11 be permitted to include the floor area of that roor below in determLnlng the ratio of the mezzanine floor to the floor belorv. The floor below should incLude only that portion fron the plane of the rear edge of the mezzanine floor to be used as a basis for the one-third ratio. For the reasons given above, the mezzanine fl-oor shown on these plans must either be revised or they would constitute an additlonal story. 2. Reference is made to Section 3, Sheet 1. The room facing the retaining walL cannot be considered as having proper f.ight and ventilation since it does not open to a court, yard or street in accordance with Section 1305 (a). Note that under the Excep-tlon in this section, if the portion under the balcony above ls open for at least 65 percent compliance will be met. 3. The winding stairh'ay shown on the mezzanine floor on Sheet 1 of the plans is not a conplying stairway. Note that the width of a run may not be less than 6 inches at any point ln compl-iance wlth Section 3305 (d). The stairway shown coverges to a point nhere it makes a 90 degree turn. -t ) .3- 4. Exits ghould be separated a minimum of one-fifth of the peri- meter of the area served lrhere tlro exits are required. Sec-tion 3302 (c). Note that Building 3 has stalrways whlch are not separated the mininum distance requlred by thls section. Staintay separations for Bulldings 1 and 2 conply. 5. There may be a question concernlng the dlstance to property line fron Buildlng 2 shown on site plan. Note also that eave overhangs are llnlted to the conditlons specified in Sectlon 504 (b), page 46, May we suggest an esti.mated totaL valuatlon for thls project of $4351000. For deteminlng the plan cbeck fee, a1Low us to discussthls with you when lre are asked to nake a compLete review for thls proJ ec t. Ptease feel free to contact us if there are any questions. Yours very truly, TJK:hb IMERNATIOML CO{FERENCE Esu *f\ tl Ir fr TOWN OF VAIL BOARD OF ZON ING, APPEALS AND EXAM INERS M INUTES OF MEET ING JANUARY 13, t972 Meeting Ca I led 'to OrderA. The meeting was called to order aF 9t25 in the Vail Muni-cipal Building.B. The foliowing members were present: Messi^s. Clark, Hoyt,Viele, and Strub le, Ex-off icioC. The following guests were present: Mess rs. Jim Cunningham and Ch uck 0g i lby.D. The minutes of the last meefing were approved as submitted. O Id Bus inessA. Case B-l-71 - Mountain Haus - Mr. Clark asked if the Mountain Ha us has complied with the i fems set forih by the Board atfhe last meeting. Mr. Struble replied that they are workingvery hard to get everyth ing done. New Bus iness A.-C-a,J.e,l-16-71 - Apollo Park ll - Request for variance per- ta in ing to distance befween buildings and setbacks. Mr.0gilby explained fhat fhey wish to measure the distance between bu i ld ings from fhe ins ide wa | | , exc lud ing the ba lcon ies. Th is was immed i ate ly vetoed by the Boa rd.With this being the case, Apollo Park ll is requesting a va r ia nce of 6r between buildinqs I and 2 and j? betweenbuildings A and I in lieu of 2Ot as required. N4r. Ogilbyfeels there is a hardsh ip involved due to a utilitv easement wh ich runs th rough the center of their p rope rty and alsothat the landscap ing can be ma de nicer w ith the proposedbuilding arrangement. The only alternative they will haveif fhe variance is denied is to make bu i ld ings I and 2 one building wh ich would be aesthet ical ly less pleasing.Mr. Viele stated that he doesn tt like to see buildings any closer than 20r because of the fire problem. ln the case of Apollo Park ll, fire equipment could nof get betweenbuildings and fire could spread from one building to fheother. Apollo Park has also requested a 0 seiback at thetract land. Mr. Clark suggested that th ese two setbackvariances be considered separately. A motion was made byMr. Viele that set back variances between buildings bedenied and that the set back variance on tract land sidebe held until anofher site plan is presented. The mot ionwas seconded by Mr. Hoyt and approved unanimously by fhe Boa rd ,B. Case B-l-72 and Z-l-72 - Lions Square lll - Request for 2l setback at stairs and permission to use spiral stair toserve loft of 160 square feet. Regarding the setback,a mofion was made by Mr. Viele that set back variance begranted subject to door being redesigned. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hoyt. The Board approved the motion unan i-mously, and also voted to delay the decision on.the spiral / oI to look at Page 2 Board of Zon ing, Appea ls and ExaminersMinufes of Meetinq January 13, 1972 stai rs until"they nave a chance fu re and some app I icat ions. tv. Respectful I y submi.tted, TOWN OF VAIL Ed Strub leEx-officio dw i iome I itera- 0the r Bus inessA. The following contractorrs licenses were approved: A i rway, I nc Burnett Plumbing and Heating ElectricalButtler Palnllng Co lorado Tent and Awn ino Lou is Cook P I umb i ng and Heat ingRicfard N. Davis Don rs E lectric Esser E Lueth E lectr icFreund Plumbing and HeatingGarfield Roofing G I enwood Mason ry Grine | | Corporation Gul f Automatic Sprinkler Hi-Land Electric Ho ly Cross E lectr icPaul Keller Lavender Drywall and painting Logan Construct ionMaster Poo ls Maxwe | | Heat ing Pa lan Masonry, Inc.Porto-Mix Con c rete Shaver Refrigeration Un ited LumberVail Associates, lncR. A. Waf fensm i th Weeden Crane Service AojournmentA. As there was no ofher business, the meeting.adjourned at.ll:05 a.m. I I I t.. @ OFFICEII OF THE EXECUIIVE DIREqTOR T. H. CARTER IIANAGING OISECTOR JAMES E. EIHR IECHNICAL DIRECTOR D. R. lvAT€ON lrurrRNATIoNAL CouFERENcE or ButLDtNo OrrlctAls 50 SOUTH LOS ROBLES 6A4- I3IO . PASADENA, CALIFORN IA 9IIOI January 5, 7972 OFFICERS PRE€IDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGTONAL BIJILDING OFFICIAL COLOEADO SFRINGS, COLORAOO FIRST VICE-PFESIDENT EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENT, DEPARTMENT OF BU ILDING ANO SAFETY POIIONA, CALIFOFN IA SECOND VICE.PFESIOENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BU I LDING INSFECTOR YAXI MA, WASH INGTON TREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERIT{IENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALI FORN IA JU IOR PAST FRESIOEN'T TED E. DUKE gU ILOING OFFICIAL BILLIN65. IIONTANA EXECUfIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 50 SOIJIH LOS ROBLE6 PASAOENA, CALIFORN IA I/|ANAG ING OIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 50 AOUTH LOg ROEILES PASADENA, CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C, DOWD OIRECIOF OF INSPECTION6 KALAMAZOO, M ICHIGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON D I RECTOR DEPARIMENT OF INSFECTIONA MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF EU ILDING INSFECIOFI PI ERCE COUNTY IACOMA, 1l\,ASH INGION CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR MOUNIAIN VIEW. CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER EU ILDIN6 OFFICIAL COUNTY OF AIAMEOA HAYv/ARD, CALI FORN IA JACK D. WHITE BL'ILOING COOE ENGINEER KANSAS CITY, M ISSOURI VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDINC VERNON, CALIFORNIA DICK T, JORDAN DIREC'TOR BUILOING DEPARTMENT aus'rlN, TEx^5 RAY J. NOKES EUILDING OFFICIAI. COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA PLan Check No. 8458 Apo11o Park Phase II Ed StrubLe Building Officlal City of VaiL Box 631 ValL, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: This is to acknowledge receipt of data on December 27, L97L, for the above project whtch w111 be reviewed and our corEnenEs forwsrded Co you as soon ae possible. However, to properly revlew structural plans we wll1 need calculatlons that justify the structurat system in supporting vertical loads, and re- sistlng wlnd and/or selsmlc 1oads. This lncludes the founda- tions. Please make reference to the above plan check number when sending in addltional data. Our fee for a nonstructural revl-ew only is 75 percent of the fuLL fee. If only a nonstructural review ls being requested wilL you please l-et us know as soon as possible. Yours very truly, IMERNATIOT.IAL C ONFERENC E OF BUILDING OFFICIALS TJK: hb A Nonprofit Service Orgonizction lor lhe Mqinlenonce ol the IJNIFORM EUILDING CODE qnd Related Ordinonces ond Ofrering Specio/ Services fo Aclive Clqss A Menbers T, t*yoror/t', -- Koyama t su Plan Check Engineer - Slnce your property lt oJacent t9 Apollo Park,you mf ght llke fo be prerent ot 'thls meotlng. Janua;'y 3, 1972 Mr. Erngf Lrrege The B lue Cow Val l, Colorado Dear Mr. Lorcee: Thlt ls to Inform you that Apolto Park hae rcquested oronlng varlonco for Phase ll of thelr bul ldlng plans. Tho ronlng varlancc reloter to setbacks and thcy have alsoroquerted a bul ldlng varlonce to al loy lecl rpacc befwecnbulldlngs fhan lr rcqulred by fh9 Code though tf you rlshto protert clther of thaeo varlance requsltr, plGate bsprosent at the mcstlng to be'held ot 9:00 a.m. on Thuroday, Jonuary ll In the Munlclpal Bulldlng or ftle your protcrfby certlfled'molf. tle wfll bc hrppy io angror any qucrtlonayou ml ghf havo perta I n I ng to fh I s naftcr. Yourg tquly , BOARo OF ZONtN6, APPEALS, AND EXAUTNERS Dlanc Xygrnt'for Robgrt Clark, ChaIrncn- of f,hs dr Boa rd J anuory 3, 1972 Mr. Charlcs Gersbach Manor Vol I Corp.Vall, Colorado Dear Mr. Gersbach: Slnce fh6 Anholtz property ls aJacent lo Apollo pork, I thought you mlght llke to have a ra[rossntatlv€prerent af ihls meetlng. lf you rlsh to obJecf to sltherof thess varlancs r6quests please have sorneon€ preB€nt at thc nsetlng. to be held at 9:00 o.m. on Thursday, Janu- cry l5 In the munlclpal but ldlng or flle your protest bycerfl fled mal l. Would you plsase notlfy other lntarssted pa rt lcr ln your vEnture. lf you hcve further questlons, please feel free to call. Yours truly, BoARD OF ZONING, APPEALS, AND EXAMINERS Thls ls to Inform you that Apollo Park has requcsteda uonlng varlance for Phase ll of thelr buf ldlngs.Thc zonlng varlance rslafes to setbacks and'ihey havealso requested a bulldlng vorlance to allow less spacebetreen bulldlngr than ls requlred by fhe Code. D I ano |iygant dr for Robert R. Clark Chalrman of the Board '. -,. Jrnuary 3, a972 l{r. Robart Nott Vaf J' Agroclofeg, IncP. O. Box 7 Val l, Colorado Drar Mr. Nott: Thtf ls to' Inlorm you that the Board of Zonlng,anlh.rs rlllmeet at 9r00 a.m, Janucry l3 ln the Bul ldlng. Thc follorlng varlanc€s-rl l l be acted Appcals and Ex- Mun I c.l pc I uPOn I -Apollo Ptrk - Request for zonlng vorlcnco fol Pha!€ ll of thelr bul ldlng pltns, The zonlng vartonco relctes tb setbacks. They hovc,also-requested o bulldlng vorlanc6 to allov less spacc bc-trccn bulldlngr thon ls requlred by tho code Cunnlngham Conafrucflon and Developmenf has roqucgtcd a solback varlancc at,stolrrellg only o{ 3r In lleu of l0r. Thoy have,al30 requertod tvo bul ldlhg vorlancet, ono for an Inferlor fldthof hallways 3n lecs fhan Codc rcqulres and the othcr to ucc aeplral stolr*by to larve a lolt orea lcrger than 120 squarc fcct. iny of thesc yarlanccs, plccse havc a cf thc meetlng or fl le your proterf by '- SOARD OF ZONtNG, APPEALS IND EXAMtNgRSI Dlana f,yganf for Robort C I ark, Cha I rmen of ..fhc Board dr " cc: Terry Mlnger lf you rlth to proteat r0pr6sentttl ve pr6rcnt certlfled mrll. You rt; tru ly., ,AP'lJn 1626 EAST YAMPA COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 80909 TEL.303:633-5153e' !lr. Robcrt Clark Chai.rnan of the Varianse Conmittee P.O.Box lOO Yail , Coloraao 81657 Decenber 29t L97l Dcar l{r. Clarkl Referrlng to the attached lettora, plans and drarings of thc Assoclatcd Architcete and our applicati.oa for granting our var- iancc requeet at the noxt necting of the Board of VarJ-ance t re rould llke to add a fer conoeote: ft le our endcavour to givo best poesible archj.tectural deaign inslde and out, provide a aaxinua amount of landecapiag and at the eane tine achlcve a rent structure whi.oh is rlthln thc budget l-initatioaa of our future roaidents at the ApoJ"lo Park at Vaj-I Apartnente. In order to reach theae goals, lc also have been strl- ving for the sininun dcneity ncedcd to attaln the ecoaonic feasablJ.lty. Tbe converaion of the end balconles lnto proJectiag tlining areaa has greatly cnhanccd the livabllity of our end apartnenta; houcver', tbie necceeltated our elde eet back variance request. As far as the archltects and ve as the ornera. lre ooncernedr this chenge rill not create a denaity problem. To the contrary, by adding qua)-ity higb density landsca- ping in those 2 areaa, re wj-ll create an unusual attractive en- vironnent. This technique of[hlgh densi-ty landscapingrr hae been ueed eucceeofully in nost of the outstandlng apartneat developnents of Callfornia. lc have encloecd actual photos and nagazine trite-ups hor t'he juot nentioaed laadecapJ-ng becane the key ingrAdient of todayfe better apartneat projects. rh" ofulln Gordens tnA The cz{P{h Pork Co lorcdrr Srr i rns. Co lorcdo Th. &lk Pork ot Voil Colorodo Springs, Colorodo Voil, Colorodo I526 EAST YAMPA COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 809(B TEL. 3O3: 633-5153 .APrXln o 9*M,,vfret. I flnelJ-y, rcturned tc to rould l-Lke to re quc st ue after the variance Vcry trullJouro, dx,,tHA/ APOLTO DEVELOPI.{EN! CO. KerI E. l.lnzcl c.c. t r. Edrerd Strublc lseoolated lrohltects l{ssrc. Nerton, Og5-lby, ) that sald rrite-up ri1J- bc meetlag took pIace. Eubchik & Davl-e ffiT/af Th. o@trn Gordens Colorodo Springs, Colorodo rhe s/plln Pork ,n" AW Pcrk ot Voil Co lornrJe Srri nrs Colorndo Voil, Colorodo e, I626 EAST YAMPA COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 80909 TEL.303:633-5153 Ur. Eil Strub]-elorn of Yail Building Inspector P.O,Box 5rIVall, Colorado Attentlon r Diana Dcar 81r I December 29, L97L e $ 25.00 ohcck, veriance rsquest their next ncctj-ng. letter dated Decenber Glark, Chairnan of Encloecd re 1. are scndlag you, I conpletd appllcation fora rith Aaklng peraieaion to preeent our to the Varianoe Connlttec durlag A copy of Aseociated Architects 28, L9?L addreesed to Mr. Robert 2. the Board of Variancc. I. A copy of our letter dated Decenbcr 29, L97L aent to Mr. Robert Clark. Karl E. Finzel c.c.: lllr. Robert Clark Arcoctated lrchltocte t{casrs. llcrton, Ogilby, f,ubcblk & Davie Th" APlln Gordens rn. Aplln Po,*Th. Aylln Pork ot Voil Colorodo Springs, Colorodo Colorcdc Spri ngs, Colorodo Voil, Colorodo [|ln:;:"'"il:$::il:s f'l In coLoRAoo 8oe06 I lll | 303 . s76.1sss December 28, I97L AS SOCIATED ARCH ITECTS INCOBPORATEO Bob Clark, Chairuan Board of Varlance Box l-00 VaLl-, Colorado Dear Sir, Encl-osed Ls a copy of our site plan for the proposed Phase 1I of our employee housing Apollo Park @ Vall. ['le would like to receive a variance on our property setbacks and bull-ding separatl.ons. AL1 constructlon wll-1 be one-hour with one wet-stand pLpe per bulldtng. Following Ls a dLscussion of what we are trying to achieve and why we desire the vartance. Rear property setback: 1. By placlng bullding number tlro on the property 1lne we can achleve more efficient slte plarnlng. By tlolng thLs lre can avoid encroaching on the amount of space we have for l-andscaplng and parking. 2. To the south is Gore Creek and a permaneflt greenbelt. 3. Due to the rmlque sloplng site the number of mature trees and the distance of several hundred feet to our nearest nelghbors to the south there wlll be no feel-ing of ttghtness between the tno. BuiJ-ding separatl-ons : l-. Wlth the experLence of the results'of Phase I, is a need for nore interior space l-n the unlts. the balcony area into a projecting dlning area. greatly enhance the livabtl-lty of the unlts. 2. The separation between the main bullding faces we have found that there We therefore converted We feel that thls !trill is eti1l over tarenty feet. Re: Apol-Lo Park G ValI o2- 3.To increase the distance to tq?eoty feet between diniag areas wl-11 require a reduction ln the number of buiLdtngs and reduce the economic feasl-bil-ity of the proj ect. The pool and deck area with its extensive landscaping v111 be the central actlvity area. We wouLd llke to provlde as much area as possibl-e for this. The site, wLth lts landscaping, wil-L create a more exciting environment through the interpl-ay of smal-l- and Large spaces. Ttrts w111 help to pronounce the pool area. lhrough the use of J-andscaplng, sual1 areas can be made to l-ook larger and stiLL naiotal.n the ptlvacy that Ls oecessary between unLts. Sna1l, tntLnate outdoor areas are as lmportant to the environnent as large sPaces . 4. 6. 7, If lt i.s not possible to receive a variance, the aLternative wL11 be to conb lne buLldings /il1 and il2 together, whLch will not be as pleasing esthetlcalLy as tuodistinct butl-dlngs. In additl.on, one large bulLdtng wt1-1- Locrease the fire h.azard mo?e than two distl.nct buil-dings . Your careful consideratLon and evaluatlon of the above request !,rl1L be greatly appreciated. #E"H'*ma- "4/1 .r'ofr,-. Bill Page BP/bn cc: Karl Finzel- Merrlll- Newton Chuck Ogi.lby Les Dard.s ea. dtrunbia ,/- ,.".,,)N .eTrtf,re':r{ -,o n&ou APPLICAE IO N BOARD OF TO APPEAR BEFORE THE ZONING AD'USI'MENT BUILDING APPEALS Z-rG>t '#T;:;'^"tq'$i:u^ r,P&co Pn * favarlance from the0f the^Vail Zoning equl_rements oOrdinance in ect on onder-to n,-ruoP ,^(t 'Spr. - APPLTCAE ro I ,*a,lp,u 1., or ireo, ,,,,rr, t33lR, 3F .- i( "' iodY-, )q^i4, n,o v'- I .' rn making a determination on zoning the Board considens on1y, r. un_du'e hardship' 2..need fon the pnop6sed vaniancer 3. compatibility ofthe pnoposed vaniance with the'sui'oounai&-;;;;, 4. effect on futuredevelopmelt of the a-nea_and, 5. health, "5r"iv, and the werfane ofthe inhabitants of the fown. -"' ss-eert rn building eode vaniances the Boand may considen on1y, 1. suit-ability of altennate mateniars and meth6ds oi constnuition and,2. neasonable intenpnetatior,J-oi frr"-pi;""i"io"J-of the ccde. The Adninistnative OfficiaL rnay challenge any van:.goes beyo"a ir'r.-".ope of the porvens of the Boand. ce.-ffiffiy "' 'i j-' --\" . ft is undenstood thata t9-n ( 1O ) day postingon tne.above requeata. at I I i t \ - clrt\r !rE(j,,r .rtHEuii<iing co f tne unrici"trr ASSOCIATED ARCH ITE CTSINCOBPOFATED n I n 1ss LAKE AVENUE I I I I I COLORADO SPRINGS fllflcor-onroo eosos lllll3O3.576-1sss Apollo Park Developnent Conpany P. O. Box 4335 Colorado Springs, Colorado Dear Sir, The follorul.ng i ter[6 rfere d{scussed bebtreen Ed 1. The draw:lngs for prelinlniry I C B O They w1L1- be sent today. 2. Bol-ted together built up $eeme lslfl they flush top and botton. December 20, L97L Re: Telephone conversatlon wlth Ed. EstrubLe on Decembet 20, L97L. Reported by Ttn Hamllton Estruble and I. check haventt been sent yet. qualify as heary tinber, if ?We are zoned HDMF and slde and rear setbacks are 10t-0r'. If we are golng to stay vith the bulldlngs on the rear property llne and the setbacks they non have, we wl1l have to go before the variance board for approval. We must have a nLnimum of (1) ooe wet atandpl-pe wlth a ninlmum 2 & 4 dLaneter. Vatl- has adopted the L971 UBC supplernent whlch will most 1lke1y not affect us. 4. 5. Very truly -Iggrsr -J,w- Y/a'rrl,/ht.Tln Hantltdn cc: MerriLL Newton, Karl Flnzel, Chuck 0g11by Les Davls, Ed Estruble J oHu C*re pur..trr ENCI NEFR. '*o" arE TowN oF vAtL BO( GI vAtt-' coLoRADo 8t6t {,65613 SUBJECT:o r- \*o Pa.ee Jf oers, 0'. - Zo, t9-?l FoLD t 4 At t-PL A}.J cs€cK-s o R AIJ scJ*/ ge- T Hg A?ac|1as-t-T-TL'Ps€.soN €.qea.e-o r Ll<-TH, g A 6o,l e-5r:6\scf P&-o )ec,-T-, PLEASE R,EPIY TO SIGNED 8",rL9*.tG 6gf,crnC ORAYARq GO.. INC., BROOKLYN, N. Y. I I''I DETACH THIS COPY- RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. EULI ,ft(-{ Decenber 6, L97L AS SOCIATED ARCH ITECTS INCOFPORATED n ln 155 LAKE avENUE I lll I coLoFAoo sPRrNGs flln coloRAoo 80eo6 I lll | 303 . 576-1555 Mr. Ed. Estruble Tonn Butldlng 0f ficlal- Vall, Colorado Dear Ed, Re: Apol-lo Va1l - Phase II Code Interpretatlona lle have reached a stopplng point on our Phase II drardngs untll we have clarLfLcatLons on the foJ.lorlng ltens. 1. Does our bullt up, botted b eams qualify as heavy tlnber? 2. Bulldtng separatlon approval as subnltted. 3. The resuLts of the prellnlnary I.C.B.O. check. Your interpretatlons and clariflcations of the above iterns v111 be greatJ.y apprecl.ated. Thank you. Sincerely yours , c. l{tlllan L. Page, WLP/bn cc: Merrlll Nenrton Karl Finzel Chuck Ogl1by Les Davl.s \vr tr/- *P* o TOI.IN OF VAIL BOARD OF ZONING, AFPEALS AND EXAMINERS I{TNUTES FoR MEETTNG 0F OCTOBER 21, 197t- Meeting Called to Orcier A. lhe nreeting was cal1ed Municipal Building.B. The following members were present: Messns. Clark, Knox,Hoyt, Viele, Young, and Struble (ex-officio). C. The following guests were present: Messrs. A:rthur tsishop,BiII Bishop, Gordon Pierce representing Mr". and Mrs. Rich;Donald Chaplin of the Mountain Hausl Ternence p. Cowhey; Chuck Ogilby of Apollo Park; Evan Bickell of Fredenic Bene-dict and Associates representing the Kiandra Lodge; Terny Dragoo of Rogers, Nagel , Langhant and Mr. Ross Davis nepre-scnting the Lodge Associates.D. Mi-nutes of the meeting of Septemben 17 wene defe:r::ed untilthe next meeting due to the long agenda. Past Business A. Case 8-1-71 - The Mountain Haus - Mn. Don Chaplin appeanedto repnesent this case which has been pending since Februany.Mr. Chaplin feels there are three options open to the Moun-tain Haus: Fine escapes on the outside of the building,which he feeLs would anchitectunally disfigure it; partitionsections to make the stairways smokepnoof enclosur"es; o:rdoor closers. They have tried sevenal types of closers,but none have worked welL. Builde::s Service Bureau hasgiven them much information and they ar"e going to try anothertype of device. V,iould like to keep their costs down, butwant to please the Boar:d. M:r. C1ark :recommended that wegive them the three al-tennatives to choose among and thatthey be given a time limit. Mn. Chapfin stated that theywould have one closen instal-led this week and if it wonks )he will order them right now. Mn. Struble then stated thathe would not sign a permanent certificate of occupancy.It must be a letter which will state all of the facts thatdidnrt meet'Code. It wilt be a provisional occupancy penmit.' A motion was made by Mn. Knox that the Mountain Haus chooseone of the three alternatives and that the project be com-pJ-eted by Decemben I and completed to the acceptance of theBuilding Official New Busine s s Case Z-Ll--71 - Request fon setback variance of 4t in lieuof 10t - Mr. A::thun Bishop, Mr. Bill Bishop and Mr. GordonPierce appea::ed to repnesent the interests oi the Richts andMr. Fitzhugh Scott. Mr. Pience stated that they need a set-back on two corners because of the strange shape of the 1ot.These lots wene orginally designed fon residences and now conmencial buildings ane being built and it is a problemto set the langer buildings on the odd shaped 1ots. Hefunther explained that the building was oniginally designed with a scisson stain which would not meet the uniform Building f; to order at 9:25 a.m. in the new II III . .// ,'/ Page 2 Minut e s J Boar^d of tcn Meetrng of 0ctobe'r 2I, 1971 Zoning, Appeals ano Examiners Code. This necessitated adding two exits ort the cornens and that is the only thing that made the setback va::iance ?ro/racc 5-ir 1-€ r-l-^., r^ *^ +Lp rrer-i:nf_c - .i f \"ri.ll berrs\-st)ro,l. J . 4I Lrlgy Lr\./ ll(J L Bg L Lltt' vcll- +clrr\-l- t -L v wr necessary to conpletely redesign the proposed building.lie feels that the building is very much in scale with thes.rrounding buildings. The Bishops, who are the adjoining Property owners on the west stated their feelings as follows: This is a violation, bur is a pracrical type of thing and should be cons ider''ed as an except ion . They have . no ob j ect ion . +^ {-1r^ }.,,.i-r r.:-- -^ .i r- -i ^ s^F.i --^,t -- +-}.^*^ .i- -'1^-,,L\-,, Lrlc uu-r-Lu_LltB d,b -L L _Lb ueD-LBrieu ctD Llrct E rD crrrYYuq Lc DycLUsto get fire equipment through and also to prevent fire from irrnn'ino frnm one L".'i r-'-- r-^ --^'l-her. The Boaro feelS thatJ LlJlry-i-rrB r t \Jlli \rltrr ! Ll _L _r (_,t -L t r B Lv ct r lr_,, Lthe objectors are objecting to the building rather than to the setback because of loss of view. A motion was nade by Mr. Young that the var"iance be granted. The motion was <ar.nnrlal hrr Mn KnOX and apprqved Unanimggsly by the bOard.vJ Lb Case 8-19-71 - Terrence P. Cowhey - Request for building vaniance for an altennative method of exit fnom a sleeping room. Mr. Cowhey stated that evenyone concerned through the planning and building thought that they were meeting the Code. The Architect stated his opinion and had no written notice from the Building Department whethen this was satis-' i:n-"-nrrr ftrrnino thi s ner^inri E.l was on Vacation. The fabf i-lsr rrrS rvu r uu ! cator spoke to Dick and until the 10th of this month, he was under the impression that the problem had been :resolved. The waLl in question is glass and the ventilation is provided near the ceiling. They have not tried to evade any of the pnoblems, and the matenial is alneady fabricated. The aethetics of the building prohibit windows on doons and the fab::ication is such that they cannot be added now. Mr. Hoyt made a motion that an intenior door be plaeed in the masten bedroom between the two roons for exit. The motion was seconded by Mr. Viele and appnoved unanimously hrr tlr o Rn: vrivJ Case Z-1 3-71 - James Slevin - Request fon setback varianceof 5t on the northeast side in l-ieu of 10r in onder to preserve trees and lot contouns. A motion was made^by Mr. Hoyt that we grant the setback variance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Young and appnoved unanimously by the Board. D. Case B-1?-71 -_.$39.!!9,_EgLreo_uest for building variance -- to allow less Than the nequired open wal} space for natunal Iight and ventilation - The aPartments that contain the wall in question wene not originally designed that way. They talked with Ed about changing the walls and at that time .found out that they would have to build a window in the waLl. They thought they had met the nequinement but the:re was a nisundenstanding and the window was built to the rtuong size and the window is about 12 square feet too snall A motion was made by Mr. Viele that the vaniance be gnanted since there is no safety hazand involved. The motion was seconded by Mn. loung, and app::oved unanimously by the Board. (\ o 0ctober 21, 1971 Board of Zoning, Appeals and Examiners Case B-l-B-71 - Request for building variance to allow aspiral stairway to serve a loft arJa larg"i th.n 120 squareieet - Mr. Evan Bickell presented the facts in the ease.The stair.s are not actually spinal stair.s, but only in two Places do they actually wind, It also appeal.s that Ed had mi-scalculated the loft a::ea, as it was not drawn to scal-epropenly. A motion was made by Mr. Vie1e that the variancebe gnanted with the stipulation that in the piaces whe:.estair spirals it be boxed in on the corners so that minimuntread width is approximately 6rt. The motion was secondedby Mr. Knox and approved unanimously by the Board. Benedict'sOffice wiJ-l submit a drawing showing what they propose to do. Case B-I5 -7i- - Request for building variance to allow a 36'lhandrail to match existing in l-ieu of 42" requined - A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the vaniance be gnanted and T,^tas seconded by Mr. Young and appnoved unanimously by the Boar"d. (Request made by Eugene Frerichs and Monie F::erichs). Case B-14 -7:.- - Chanles Rosenquist - Request for buildingvariance to alLow handrails to be funthen apart than 88" -A decision was deferred on this case so that Mr. Rosenquist can submit an alternative method, He will have to complywith the Code requinement unless he does submit this atte::-native method Case Z-I2-7L - Lodge Properties, Inc. - Request for Zoning vaniance to allow no setback on the South property lineat one point and 5r setback along that side of the building.Mr. Ter::y Dnagoo of RNL, Inc. and Mn. Robs Davis appearedto present thein case. They presented d:rawings of the pro- posed building to the Boa:rd and explai,ned that they will needthis vaniance if Vail Associates will not agree to an ex-tension of addition into the rear yard setback up to thesouth Property line. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that'the variance be granted subject to pe::mission not being granted for the other by VaiI Associates. The motion was secondedby I4n. Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Board. Case 8-l-6-71 - Lodge Pnope::ties, Inc. - Request for building vaniance to al1ow five sto::y building with first floor of Type I constnuction ( 3 hour) and put four floors of TypefII construction (one hour"). Code does not clea:r1y definea panking structure with other types of constnuction above. They would pnovide thr:ee smokeproof encl-osures for safety and will put in a wet and dry standpipe systems. They wil-Lalso agree to provide a two hour separation between unitsrather than one hour as necuined bv Code. Wou1d do a foun hou:: fire wall to divide Uuitaing into two segments. A motion was made by Mr. Hoyt to grant the variance. The motion was seconded by M:r. Knox and approved unanimously ' by the Board, o of t^,' Yage 3 ,t Minutes fon Meeting tr B. H. I. oetobGr 11,,197l ltr. Cberler Gorrbreb Urnor Vrll CorporrtlonVrll , Golorrdo SubJectr Verleocr Appllcttlon D.lr Xr. Gcrrbecb! Plerrr bc i,ntorl.d Ghr: Mr. Chuet Oll,lby oa brbalf ofApollo Parh har aggllcd for e bu!.1din3 yerlrBc. to allorBh.r Co Br. ooBsontorntog vlndorr ln 24 ualtr. tbtt 1rir aonqonloralicc vlth Sectlon l!05 of rbe UollorlBulldlng Codc. If you rlah to protc.G thir vrrlrnGr, plorr. bc gr.r.atrt tbr rrrtlBg, of thr Borrd of Zonllgr-Appoalr rndErr!!,aerl on Thurrday, Octob.r 21 rt 9100 r.r. ln thr ncw Tovn of Vr1l Of,ftcc; or rrglrt.r your protGrt bycrrtl.fl,rd nrl1. lourr trult,, EOAID OF ZOxINc, APPEALS inO ttreUrrSne Rob.t.t l'. Clart-' Cbrl,rrrn o! tbr'lorrd dr I Octob.a 11, 1971 l{r. trert Llrrrtthr Dlue Ccr Ve11", Cototedo ' Bul,ldlag Codr Subjretr Yrstrlcr Appltcrttoo ,. Drrr Xr. Lerarc: lhup bo tqlorrr.d thrt ltr. Cbuct o3llby ol bebrlf ol- Apoll'o irrl brr rppllrd lor r b-u114ht vtrlrncc to ellor tb.r to 8tr roaconforrlag ltailorr la 24 unltl .' Ihlr 1r la aolcorlorrerco tlGL t.ctlol 1105 ol tbr ualforr If you rfub to ?tot.tt thle vatllac.' glrrra br prrrlat at tb. r!.t!.rt of tlr Eorrd ol Zolla3r lgprlll rsd trrul,nrrr oa iltrrdrt, oa3obrr 21 at 9:00 e.r. la tb.nrr tora ol Vrll oftiilri or rrllrt.r tour Ptotrtt bt'. s.rcltlrd rrll. Iourr Grult, BOABD Ot.Zortrei AP?BIL8 AltD ltr$ril8Bt: - Rob.rt li Clrrt.Cbrlruu o! the , toard dr. o APPLICATTONTO APPEAR BEFORE THEBOARD OF ZONING ADIUSIMENT BOARD OF BUILDTNG APPEALS ' rn making a detenmination on zoning the Board considens only, 1. un-due handship, 2.-need ror trre-pnopdsea_u."iin."l 3. compatibility ofthe proposed vaniance with trr"-".ri'oo""ai"i-"iJJl u. effect on futuredeveloprnent of the area_and, 5. health, "Ef"lV, and the we].fane ofthe inhabitants of the fown. --'' Ys-ver' ' rn.buildilg code vaniances the Boand may considen onry, r. suit-ability of altennate mateniars and meth6ds oi constnuition and,2. neasonabre intenpnetationJ-oi trre pnovieio""-oi-iiJ'iii"]"-' The Adninistnative Officiar may charre_ng-e aly vaniance gnanted whichgoes beyond the 6cope of the p6wens of fne -s6"..d1 l: ll*t":l-:"3^ll?I_a_fe9 of.$2s.00-is payabte in advance and thatten (10) aay poeting p""ioa iie reguired pnior to a public heanin! Bui).ding Co . .t : nespectfully nequest .,,. . j' l I i I r, vanrance fnon the nEquiEii'd0f the Vail Ze,+ir6€r+iaa*rce ts of Sectioni4 onden to Ta- CI on the.above nequeete. -. 4I ll lu I Signed: \ I I I I I'i I 'I I A Y.-. AS SOCIATED ARCH ITECTS INCORPORATED fl|fliil"+"'","#!Ei Septenber 27, L97L Mr. Ed Estruble Torn BuildLng Offlclal Vai1, Co1-orado Dear Ed: We have been requested by the olrners of the Apollo Park at Vall ernployee houslng project to procede wlth Phase II conslstlng of two 1"8 unit bulldlngs located di.rectly west of Phase I and adJacent to the south property 1ine. There was sone converaatlon last fal-1 about code changes beLng constdered by the Val1 Town OfficlaLs. We would appreciate a Letter listing any requlred code ctranges that you would requlre based on our Phase I buLLding type. Thank you for your attentlon to this matter. l{tllian L. Page. A. I.A. I^llPlkw " -.\r.r!r.e :l :. A.S.T.M. A.S. C. E. cEc Gcorgr D. Morrir. P,E.1000 W. F il lrnorq Colo'qdo Sprin9s, Colorodo 303.632-3593 SUBSURTACI SOII6 IM/ISTIGATION TRA T D IIFE ITI,IISG VAII, VTIJAOI aAsl'.l cdtMF, COLORADO olion Purblo, ,.,. i Colo,qdo i.llord M. Dunp r'i.iI f,.{: Rock Spring r. r. ie^mr.t l:;'l:'"t:4"* & tlpro logi rr r: . Co lorodo Spri n gs, Co lorodo GENERALt I The purpos. of the lnvestlgatlon was to I deterulne the charaeterirtlcg of thc eollg on the slte and to obtaln goLls data for doalgrn of foundatlona for the proposed 'l structure. The golls wlll act ls a foundatlon for what appears I to be a llght weight commerclal structur€. Some data was algo . obtained for uge ln destgn of the base courae of a parklng tot I around the etructure. I The elte ig located in Eagle county,I "":".".":,::":::"::"::. .:"i::".*",,:" i""".;:-,:T: t northeast corner of Vall Vlllage proper, lying between Mlll creek I and the hlshway. The Valley of Gore Creek ig a relatlvely .l smooth sloPe toward the wegt. The south bank of the creek rleee ard the eouth untll lt reaches the tree i ;,": ::::::".::"::,;:,::'i:"':;:. e.u,h, ,he sradien, ls I very rteep rleJ-ng up the elde of the mountaln. The north slde I of the valley is relatively eteep up from the creek to the high- ray wlth a small level rrea encompasaing the hlghway on both I eldee bafore it rlses to the mountalns on the north. Dralnage I . h ths aret le qulte rapld from both gtdeg of the valley, not- t, withstandlng the level areas on both eldes of the creek. T T o Surfrce dralnaga on the site ls excellentt even though the glte iteelf hls baen loveled bY mechanlcal means to gome extent. The dralnage has been changed somewhat by the levellng of the tract, but ln general, gtlll flowe to the south- west Into the creek. Subgurface dralnage on the elte le also good. The adle ln the valley near the surface of the ground aro a glaclel depoalt whlch has been reworked by the varloug etreame ln the area. In effect, these have become terrace delrcsita which have ln turn been covered by alluvlal fen from the mountaing on each glde of the creek.. Man made cuts and fllls for the roads and eone of the varloug appurtenances to Vail Village have created relatlvely thin fllts of the same general materlal. In any €vent, the soile are extemely heterO- gen€ouGt contaLntng goil typee ranging from clay to large bouldere. !{o conslgtent rock layer will be found near the eurface of the ground or to foundation depth but eome extremely large boulders can be found wlthin the foundation level. BORING9. IAB.ORATORY TEETS & RIEUJITEI Due to tht knollr rocky conditlon on the alte, tegt borlngs as luch wcre not drllled. { backhoe was used to op€n foqr pltr on the slte. Ehe plts were logged and camplee were taken from the oPen gldee of the plte. Samplee were trken by bulk methode and wlth thln wall shelby tubee where poss tble. lfhree test boringa on the "upper" or northern part of the slte. Thlg area hae all been covered by a nrn made flll ranglng from 2 to 3-feet in depth, averaglng perhape 2-L/2 feet ln depth over the entlre alte. One tegt borlng wae taken at a lotrer elevatlon ln the southeaat corner of the tract where no mln made fill exlsts. This ltae done to obtaln a daeper sectlon and to determlne tte conelatency of the soll. AII of the teat borlngs were relatively unlform in eoll proflle and the four test pits were deemed eufflcient to lndlcate the type of goll on the aite together wlth the condltlone and varloue eoll characterletlce. No further plts were deemed nec3ssary. The preaence of rocke and eobbles ln conalder- able quantittet rnakae claeslflcatlon of thle aoll rather diffl- cult. The gollg ahown on the drilltng 1o9e are the baelc flne o t I gnin solls. An lnrpectlon of the drllling logs attached showe I that three baslc eoll typea were found on thc ette. of theee, I Soll Types 1 and 2 were by far the mogt common solls. TheI ;:,:'.1:;",':::J:,.'::'::::: ,";T,"':"-."':.:::J;"..' I or near the bottom of the man rmde f111. It ls eeml-organlc t and le found eo high in the proflle that the footinge for the proPosed bullding wLll extend through the layer. For this I reaeon, lt was not conaLdered an imtrrortant eoil type and was I not clageified. sotl Typea I and 2 are both silty sands of somewhat variable graln sLze and were the most common solls on I the eite. Tha man made fill in the upper 2 to 3 feet of the I proflle consleted of esgentially the same eoil types as the natLve materlal. I As !g typical of geml alluvlal materlal of I thls type, the sands are all rather thlnly etratlfied. The various gtrata are based roainly on graln elze, and all of these strata I are thin. Irlost of them are leee than l-foot ln thlcknees. Strata I of this thlckness are too thln to tndtcate properly on a drllllng 1og. Therefore, the maJor soll type lE ehown together wlth the I notation that it wae htghly stratified. rn general, the thln t . strata cons;let of eilts, although eone clay6 can be found. Many I I I I I lras not as rocky as lt mlght have been coneldering the road constructlon ln the area. xefrrance rhould be made to the t gumnary Sheets whlch liet the englneerlng ProPertleg of the I soLle more precleely. The following dlecusslon wlll be general ln nature. Soil Type No. I la a ailtY sand whlchI I contalns about 20% cobblee rnd rockg. Theee are not shoarn on the Summary Sheet gradatlon. Thig materlal contains a large I amount of gravel and much coarse and medlum graln sand. rt also I contalns gome eilts ln rather thin layers. Thig materlal is non plaetlc, la quite denae, and of good permeabillty. It has I no tendeney to ewell upon the addition of moigture or to long I term congolldation under load. Settlement wlll be reasonablyt raPid lf the eoll le overloaded and wlll be complete at the I end of the construetlon perlod. lhlg naterlal le eaeJ.ly com- l I pacted and can be congl-dered ae a free dralning soll. The ; ;_ bearJ.ng value on thie materlal wae found to be 4800 psf maxLmum. I ThIs bearing varue Is mostly llmited by the shearlng etabiltty ' I of the eoil' SolI Type No. 2 Ls a ellty sand of flner I graln elze. ThLg materlal contalne about l0* rocke and cobbtes , I ' and ls found ln the upper portlon of the eolle proflle. The I I ,'.. ,l I ,l I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I I \,' '- |'!t \ /- { man made f111 1g tl'pleal of thj.e typ€ of material. rhls soil Ia of medtum denslty, nedlum permeablllty, and ls non plastic. It hag no tendency to ewell upon the addltlon of molsture. It hae no tendency to long tenn consolidatLon under an overload. Settlement wlll be relatlvely rapld tn thls uraterial, although somewhat slower than that of So11 Type No. l. The bearl-ng value on thlg materlal rres found to be 3100 pef. Thle beartng value is llmlted prfunarily by the ghear stablJ.lty of this soll also. rt ehould be noted that thg presence of rockg roakeg the settlement characterLetice comewhat unpredlct- able. ITej.ther eotl wlll settle to lny large degree, however, provlded the bearing value it not exceeded. Neither of the eoll types wa6 found to contain gulfates to any meaaurable degree. l{o water table wag found to the depth of the excavatione. The preeence of the creek, however, ln&ates that a water table may be preaent in thc soll Just above the creek level. Thlg wlll not affect the normal foundatlon on the eite, but may affect a very deep foundation is one ie planned. The moieture content of the goil ls relatively low, coneJ.derlng the type of eoll. Some seepage water wae found ln Test Bofige I and 2 near the surface of the ground. Thls ghould be ....,,.l ';.1 ' r€latlvely mlnor quantlty, horevcr, rnd l. novlng generally torard the creek" Thle aurface uater app€ars to be a locallzed Phenomenom connected wltfr aome very thln gllt layers ln the soll proflle. r;l ' o i,r'.r.: it I ',1' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CON,C,LUS IONS & RECOMMENDATI OE{s r At the tlne of wrltlng the report, the laboratory has not seen plane for the propos€d structure. Several facte about the etructure are not known to ue, therefore, and the recommendationg given harein must be rather general Ln Deture. It has been lndicated that thic can be consldered a medLum load bulldlng, probably wall bearing. It is not known whether the buildlrg haa a baeement. All of the soil ls good foundation material, however, and has good bearlng value. Due to the preaence of very thln layere of claya and sllts at a depth of about 3-feet, it ts reconurended that to6ttngs be placed below thlg level lf at all posstble. If the buildlng is a baeement Levol buildlng, thls will be accompllehed without any added work. If it la a non batenent buLldtng and further flll lE Lndlcated on the eite, tt may be that the stem walle ehould be extended ellghtly to reach below the clayey lens at a depth of about 3-feet. If this recommendatlon le followed, lt lg further recornmended that apread footinge of elther contlnuous or ieolated dealgn be ueed on the elte. Thls would be the begt foundatlon type and the most eeonomlcal one to be uged In the area. , The spraad footlnge could be elther contlnuous or lsolated dependlng upon the dealgn of the bulldlng. With thls type of '.i',' T I l'' I T I I t t ,l I I I I I I I I I soll proflle, occaelonal eoft spot3 can be found from polnt to Polnt. It 16 therefore rccommendcd that foundatlon welk be hortzontally relnforced to act aa a bean ovcr ruch aoft spota' The size of theee apots w111 be enrll and the wall need not be reLnforced heavlly. If the etcm wall ls dealgned ag a bearn capable of spannLng about 5-feet, lt wlll brldge any soft spot whlch may be found ln the excavation. The amount and placlng of the reinforcLng ie at the option of the Archlteet or Structural EngJ.neer, but rhould at leaet be In accordance wlth the above beam deglgn and wtth the lateet ACI concrete Code coverlng euch relnforclng. It ls recommended thet the stam wall be relnforeed at both top and bottorn, although the naJor reln- forclng wlll be at the bottom. The abeence of a hlgh water table et any polnt on the site lndlcates that caplllary actlon will be rare. The tlpe of soll lnvolved la such that no capillary barrler wIIl be requlred beneath the bulldtng. Due to the presence of seePage water on the aite, it le recommended that floor elabe on grade be protected wlth a vaPor barrler to stoP moisture frorn enter- lng any baeement arealr whlch may be constructed. Du€ to the mlxed roll whlch lg found in thet area, attentlon rhould be directed to the gradlng on the slte go that surface water wlll not etand or pond near the bulldtng. Thle I aI I I I I I I I ,l I I I T t I I I I I wlll not cauae the eoll to awell or overly congoll-date, but wlll altow the poselbtlity of danp bleemcnte lf not prevented. The thln layers of elltg found tn the sollr wlll tend to channel water to soms extent and poeetbly cause locallzed perched water tablee. For thla re!3on, eurface dralnage Ls quite irnportant. Water ehould not be allowed to rtand or pond near the Btructure. Roof dralne, lf any, ghould be conducted well away from the bullding so thrt the water will not enter the backftll. If roof dralng arc not planned, then gradlng ehould be sueh that water wlll not reach or enter the backflll. Backflll ehould be compacted to at leaat 909( of the maximum Proctor denel-tyrAsT!,t D-698, to ald the eur- frce dralnage problem and to lower future eettlement. Slrar the soll can be coneldared generelly frec drainlng, no eubdralng or floor dralne wlll be requlrcd eround the butldlng unlesa large amounts of water ar€ generated and dumped lnto the soll. All the solls on the alte wlll be eatie- factory for backflll purposea including backfllt eround the foundatlon lnd utllity trenches. Lrge rockg ehould be removed from such backfill. Any arer to be paved wlth aephalt pavlng or to be covered with tho bulldtng ehould have all trencheg and utilitles backfilled and compaetcd to at least 90% of the maxlmum -o ,- Proctor denelty' ASTM IF598. I I TyPc I Cemsnt may be uled'ln all conctrete -l in contact wlth the soil. ' The uppcr 2 to 3-fett le man nade ftll ., I ov€r moet of the area. Thtg ftll le of lower denslty than the I natlve soi.I on the eite and should not be uged as a foundatLon I material. The previ.oue lirnltatlon of placing foundations below r 3-feet wlll take care of thle requlrement satlsfactoriJ-y. I Alluvla1 material of this type wlll not I bc completety unlform over the entlre bulldlng slte. Although - lndlcatJone from the teet bortnga are that it is :relatively I uniform, anomalles may be found upon €xeavation. It is !€com- I mended, therefore, that tha excavatlon be lnapected carefully prlor to formlng the wallc to locete poaaible anomalles whlch I my be found on the glte. 1rhe preeence of locallzed seepage I areaa can be ldentlfled at that tlme. It ie belleved that all pertlnent factg I concernl-ng the gubeurfacc eollr have becn covered ln thlg rePort. I However, lf any queetlona arlge or lf parttcular further inform- atlon is requLred, don't heeltate to call uPon ua at any tlme. 'i FEoxT-AC_ Pors &o. dJ hv v ^lloe,<; 7 *\ t4.9, 2 g t 5c-lue .-l"rao, T-gsr Baerl q Lo- :716 11 D r ac; tlr1,r LTNCOLN-DCVORE TESIING IABORATORY coIoR.ADO SPRTNGS, COLORADO tn,lt t -e>Fv .a <r^' ,?' 3'F,-. '1": H, {tr4 7'elcr D lfl,Fe oa, 49 4'F,.. ------i! <.-, | |1tt' -. r-r rT tT it1I|,"# A?ezor' <\' a\/.\ i/.. , t I ir-fi" Tt+,tFs I tl,ir-, MEA oq DO .T-E,aar D, 57i, Fir-r^ra - V\tcVteut6,1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I t I I I gt'l.lBOL GW GP GM GC st{ SP SM sc Ir{L CL OL UH CE OH Pt DESCRIPTION Well graded graveL Poorly graded gravel Silty gravel Clayey gravel WeII graded sand Poorly graded sand Silty sand CIayey s11t Lean clay Organlc silt Elastlc sllt Fat clay Organlc clay Peat Hard fomation(any tlpe) SY:MBOIJS & NCTIES S/tZ standard penetration drive Numbers indlcate 9 blows to drivethe spoon 12" into the ground. Shelby thin wall sample Natural l{oisture Content Weathered or Decompoged SoiI Free water table Natural dry denslty Standard Penetratlon Drives are made by driving a standard l.4u spllt spoon sampler lnto the ground by dropplng a I4O lb. hrelght 30 " . AJ.l eamples taken for lab testa hrere tttin tube undlsturbed samlrlea. sr q)o (t* wt fo NO{rES & SY'!4BOLS IIINCOIJN-DEVORE TESTING HBORATORY cor.oR,ADo sPRrNGs, coIJoR,aDo :. l I I I I l I I I I I I T I 'l I I :l :l ,f +:, ,',': 'l Test Hole No. Top Elevatlon z + 5 a.t oENr r17 g r,l Lot )D6NSrry 5c. OgCA^J,e-trr r,- - FILL 35-:;r;t.- 3M ytsoT "L'! '.-r. s su IB, No,.- fr8,*6'z IB,@o-L'€-o IAL b Sc. A€r.l ts4 Ca^JrAtrttrt6 ab et Eo2" eoestts 4e4c3-t OENir' Steant'-o L-o t) Pt-,,trt< Sr.l '6'z::wt s4 E'" o"*"5r, toz,,,f,of .nt (l) PE^rsE Lto'aarlrc 1.J..TA,firali,l-. 2o2-b?o 1a{ zA. S?AT LEr;t, 4- tz,t2 a. (bBELC' Dex3€ S?^lts S^.1 e<, C alat! D t!l{r -]"i8, ao-512 oIOO ;,^,;, 1i8, Lo? 26.,? ::,l0 l5 DEx 5 E- 5u Tia, ,o,c2a l5 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 35 40 40 DRTLLING IOGS LTNCOLN-DeVORE TE TING IABoRAToRY coIpRADO SPRTNG6, COLOR,ADO I I o Soll Saarple SM Test No. 10283 Date 6-26-70ProJ ec1 Va I l-rract IF5th Ftltng EtDple locatl-on TTI #oB'TeBt by H(, H H H c FIzHh nl.lUdklA r00 90 80 7 30 20 I 100 ,J,,-1,#:tlH +to .r"["r- 1$'l #200#20 #{o #.o Sleve No" Sanple No. Speclflc craytty 2.64 l.|rrlsture content L?.9% Itfectlve 81ze .028 Cu Cc Flneneae ttodulus L.L. 17. 5S P. r.r-:-Lt BEANING 48OO p8f Sleve Slze g6 paeslng L r/2'I" 1oo.o/a:" 88.r L/2:81. 6 3/8" 4 lo 20 40 35. 6 100 22.4 0200 7.8 Sulfetce GRATN SrZE ANALYSIS LINCOLN.DEVORE TE TING IABORATORY COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO Soll Sanple Test No.10283 ProJect Va11,Tract D, 5th Flllng Date Sample Locatlon TH*3 e 3'Test by .IE E(9 H H clr FIzHh EIrl(J &LlA I00 90 80 7 6 5 30 2 I 'oo -l I l?.7Lh" /+.ll&" u I +to "r"[.r- 1$ #20 #40 #Im #3OO - 8leve No. STLT TO CIAY Nonplastic to plastlc Sanple No. lfolsture Content L7.O% lffectlve Blze Flneneea ltodulua BEARING 3IOO P.I. 3.e.-S Slerrc Slze ?( pasalng 4lo eo. g26 s8. B 40 S uLfetca atlve GR,AIT{ SIZE AtrAI..YSIS LINCOLN.DCVORE TESTING IABORATORY eoLoRADO SPRINGS, COLORADO uMfhc PE | //70rca e2. CATION Jurisdiction to complete numbered spaces oqlSt. {!se: rrrrcxeo sxz:t) 2tP PXOXE a74 CtllTECl Oi DESlcl,rER LlcENSE r{O. L ADORESS LICENsE NO. MAI L AOOiESS BiANCIi u5e oF outLotNc 8 ctass of work: ,EHew fl A0DtTtott fl ALTEnAT|oN tr REPATR 9 Describowork, fiST*//l"ir- su sTe Typ. of Firtur. or lffi| WATER CLOSET (TOILET'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN' KITCHEN SINK & OISP. *"'"^''";tr":;:"''AP"ROVEO FOR ISSUANCE 8Y LAUNORY TRAY WATER HEATER NOT]CE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OF IF CONSTRUCTION OF WORK ISSUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. LAU/N SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEFTIC TANK E PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION 7 Form M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION *wrf;o cAsr{ INSPECTOR hEOiDER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOINC OFFICIALS ' 5Q 30. LOS hOBLES ' PASADENA. CALI'ORNtA 9t IOI100.2 9-69 USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. o a:t'F a _,_,i{. .l '!frd4]-ll' \,;irr'I i.lelson Uans Lructlon i.O. -ox lit vr 111 tlolo. 8161N A, '-:l.o - -rt .,t Vall ' 1 r . .:1 o. b1. ";i/ ,c l' , jJ-! t '.r y-j.' .,.L-.:chr...l, 'ir'.jh'l i?Jl 'If,'.j:{lngs I w11I supi ly the rollowlngt )xf . c; '.rinets. t) .,-t..r -nd s6r's1 j,irrcs I2r f rorn foundation t".alt Ed closest to the tar-;. .he,:e 1.::', -: o be of ..d3lue.te (linenslon bo su1'1''1y j0 urilt:' water I n :: ;tr . ihr:t rr :rllicr :Ju+Jate r.t 4r! eecit. j) wont:nou6 ciuty srrnp t:.rnp i-n':asernotttr 1, ) (ho ,::-;, re tL , .rne ff. cor ..1::.:. ln lnd rough-ln f or trro ua ::hers 1n biisonentr j) .l: irr clr'cr'l.'tinC r,rirnp - dornestic wltltr ,. ) 1,1 r! .r rl la rl ?) ,'l-1 vcn;rr ,1ilrl : ',..i+.{'s to be :ruolosri ctustr wilt':r' l1'nes to L€ coppero ' ) ::rii';.r Jo:.r',- 'n !':l!hen rlnksl I.D.# 1i5.1.O216 sl1+ I'J" :;;,,7lr -=talnl 'ss .-:t, *1r .)) r !ir. r,.r, r:.rll€r u:iiver.;-l -iunole bath I*virtories. 1.,i./. f,': -o6 19+rrxl6f r ii ) Inj.rt.,, !'L..,rd.:rc whlt un lver$rl nund:Le tath w:: ter closets Loiloh 4}la2 t 11) ihir;i- r^'hll.l r-' Jrxl0x UIt b-th iubs I.!r'y'J102-J0 Ll) rhir;;,. I:i.',ce !'..)ist(Jf Cnl.or t ':Sctlef hc.-us OVef tu!'S. E' c'-:rltef. l. !.tOI-LLl. 13) iior.l ,,. :;: 'fr Lo lrc c,,st 1ron. liouse sel,':r guLsa'u ' ul}''titll to te tiler )t.t ) r,)ur ri l.1 ';:,c'..sr on o;rih n.r11d1n6 e/.iro:ur/.,. Lr) :/orne.,Ljc t,-tcf heateri coil 1y|J€ 5OJ - Oenertr.I wltn :r. ec'rvery of tt)tl . h. iti -l -, c t;,nlr- ; stincl-,'rd pleel: Lrr,k witrr c; ';i r--'lty or 120 'l:'"'lons' tr I i l;-: .: ' I :i-r "6ir-! '-:r1 : tf he; tfulg. .r.. . , -..(' I ,.| I t, ,t L . rlr"- r. rri uo Ir i;oi.1er conple Lo wlth :;iand.arcl e'iulPnent - - 1, : .'r- , i[J -.,'r . in ItJ tr ::) '"r? jlb i'p I Jtr eirculatl-og Flnp - '.ior"' 'tic 1;1tet'. '.r) .- 0 .. i':r -r'l.s,-rf r;'''."1 t lEgT , -,,*"br{ . ) :. .1'1.,, ' ' (; ir-irl.l" t, ;r', i tt tjnge. CAg1l '"[ 5)t.'r..,"-l | .. rri-.r11,r ' . : AvtttA61fr I :)i )1, J' : , --r'/(iar\ o! r.tco, .hl'!(,. ,'!r\,.:",f :;, .-- r.irl( r".,"-.1 "t 'r:- iL ..', ( or tor.y.,eL-. :: .,irr tD ,,c _,r. sor - - .-s ]-.1I.e. 7ZL=- rqS I g*gr tit;l'"oot* i i Scptcnben 2g, Lg7l 1"k,. Will.lare L. Fage, A.I.A.Aeaocl,eted Archlticte, Inconponated155 L,ake AvenueColorado Spnings, Colonado g0906 Dean Bill.: fr ii*ii,r*i$;il{i*;ilisirHi"i i.r"s"xsr$,ff "196? unifonn Burldr"i c"ci-ir,ioi'*." in effcct rt th.tttac. r{. .o. '* ur,tro-;h."$il illr;;';"iiir"Ii coc.* lil:.*:#jf rovn oi--i.ri:- rdr anc rncrorifr aoetra rf to :.ffi)' be of furthcr arcietcnor, glcen do not hori,tctr tsrlrg ttnrl,y, ?sls{ of VAIL Ed $tnubleBuilding Official dw r.-. "i '! ' ;r :1 l.-'l,i -. - rJ r, i : f-I { a F P \S *t:E !i*i r l",rt,,'.)rf a I .J ; ) 't',D. il Itl,-. A t rfr&i; T;il {id$ ?irr: !L, l' : trll!l ) I rtftl 'l'J. "-." : I t{ ;$t:- Ifi :: {t !jt'f.(, ,J'{$ vl ct,\= -, E-.Eg s'e-\J Z !rrtt tirrtttiif rF u,{ tr'S eil+ i I I {t.t r tt c.li t# ffi{# ,,?, J.Ii rii\i i'l rii q .-t .f...f {l.t-- F \ *{? d. F P fl ff a ,,- ' ,,":+- Ftf . . ''.:t' a'i ,ir I t I I I I ; J 7; Il- io il;.$s J\ /' .t-\ I I g otlqtQt $ Ia tko nt' ^iI rb: !, 6.- -------+I frJ';-- -r Iil ffi ,\ J|:l . I L: oI _..__-\f- I \i -- ! t \,.1 \ *-4-t I -- .\ I \\+ -- ! I I lnllr 2fr' I rt Ie ti-:*. IT;-ffi&l:T.__ -,-i lrla'd' ';' DR|U ELL..l-II I -"j ri;,. a=*+ |. II I tI I t i l, i I I I I (i di I I i | ,,"t\r t- II I I I ; I II i I I i I I I ' I II I iaq h I i I i I I .J I : It I tI I I I I :. I I t i rilL-J E B,+fee/8ottP {ls I r'' F .' Ez?tJA- /| 65-5.";a74$ Orbll anrmaled a||t ifr rau- -untar iog hvltory The orbit 's a fu.'l 18" .r'und counter top lavatory with front overtlow. St..aless iteel heme provides rvatertight rnstallation in all rountrr top materials, (Frame should be ordered separrr€ly.) lavatory available in white, pas- tels and hi8hligh! colors l-- '!' - i-r-T-Ti-7-t,r,' \r-': ,1 T FIXTIJRE (:HROME TRIM MOUNT ING FRAME Srre Drll Nunrber SuDply & Drarn Fittinq Supply Pipes Trap Sld'oless StrGl l3 22r6 02350 t2351 t2t60 EA70 72250 72510 80039 Mod-Rlm enamclld cast iron lolf-,immlng counlcr top layatoty The Mod.Rim is an oval self-rimming cast iron counter top lavatory with front overflow drain and fitting led8e. Acid resisting colot and vyhite - l9Yc" x 16'^' - 4" cc. FTXTURE CHROME TRIM Sirc 0rill l{umbcr 5lo0lt & lhrin tittinr Snpply Pipcs Tnp l9Yr" x l6lt'4'cc ag lztoItttl ttil2.2 722t0 72510 i--lt'nlrrrrel -f Brrndle ,-^.1 New Mercury vitreous china siphon jrt closet combination U ,R illl42 8o!l - f237 Tank - tHSt The Nlw MercuIy, with regular rim b(,w1, featLrres Adiust' l-['trrsh trlt valve. Smooth, seamless trapway. lt has a ;eq,, ar ballcock and two bolt caps. .-l-.....*::l=r.,*-'-- . FIYI IIRF TRIM I lConrbinatroni 8o"' rn RoughinS I Tank I Supply Pipe | ltcal .. I T1404t---r 42v - piiitar: t?" I rco 1 74150 I ulR !{F Irr il lScn.lcllllllloltonitlli t i'*;l::'l ii $-' illl + .l : ''1 j. 1,J.' _--'':- ;*:=jr-:--l? - - r *..tr|.t 'iirl\i ;' L, ttj t frl w Lr hi ' .|: v. i T .{-i --1 : I : 1ilt ltl L;T ull" ' fr 1tit,l ' {,' rtlls ? t n Yi: li ij.i hl 'lt \"J t_ ;:r ll I(: rf rri l $ NI\, oI o rn{ffi *,B)' " tnG eo' 7'l3r' .o sr*, -.--DG t FibryrrgLL /rAt{/'lti'5..' 1^\t ['..,/l'J \ N- F t'.r \t' I I \'' vol/.N/.v -d'VT.lYt1UJr / L_//i€sgril trr6.h -H.*-!,. ,f-' 3- a,'.i-r"*+ 1o .,-*", ffir'@ . i irb- i:;'?15,f *J#t ' lh'--""l{_l- I il{,a'ryW*f$k,.$JlT -,:'-: 2>E iE..,EA\, e '+.1...'-.'r- t sd Fxser-_l'gr:= 4r E>!.;- 1'Ta -a[. -' l "- \i"f*',i'-.,+ -<r(tJ Lta c.-t" '- -+ t?'inulx =i:j\I (:.F nsr !.lt: ',tJ'-i :,--"r k-".*; l-.. -t- - i i::i _fl Eo4 or lh.li ry + #SqeHE ' I hfl;i-ijilt^'*- F-Ekt*,?i]l"4_ P.O. BOX 7 vAtL, colo. 81657 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE April 23, l97]. Mr. Chuck Ogilvy APOLLO PARK AT VAIL VaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Chuck: The Architectural Control Conmittee has reviewed the colors and materials that were submitted to them and find thern acceptable to the general alpine character of Vail-. The Committee also reviewed the plans for the proposedbridge and walkway along Gore Creek. The following suggestions were made: The support in the niddle of the stream wi}l bea problem and the Committee suggests that a single span be used. The Committee al-so recommends that the owners of the Texas Townhouse Condominiums, and the Vail Trail East Condominiums be notified regarding this proposedbridge. As soon as this bridge and walkway have been discussed with the owners please report back to the Committee and they will rnake a decision on the bridge and walkway. The Committee requests that any signs to be erected aroundthe apartments be submitted to them for approval, as welLas to the sign committee. Sincerely, CONTROL COMM]TTEE Peter W. Seibert Chairman PWS/san cc! Ed Struble 1970 UBC 1302 (b) 1305 (a) 1706 (a) 17t0 L7L4 2577 (c) 2sL7 (t) 2sr.8 (b) 2518 (f) APOLLO PARK AT VAIL - CODE REVTEW Decenber 8, 1.970 Reference One Hour Construction. OK. I{e wil-l use 5/8"Glp sheathing under plywood siding G DetaiL T, Sheet 3. No prob len on Detail 4, Sheet 10, Rail-ing Only. Mechanical- Ventl-Lation. 0K. But should be 5 air charg@_ Kltchen and Bath exhaus t systens vent separately through ski storage. Overhang is non-conforming. (Exceptions, Para 2). Heavy Tlnber. tr{e have bolted up heavy timber beans. Ships Ladder RaiJ.lng. We wiLl add secend pipe on open side of staimel1. 3. Wood coming lD contact with concrete or earth. OK, if approved by ButJ.ding Officta1. If not, must use /i2 Redwood. No Ternites: See Code. lile wiLL onit redwood. 4. Col-umrs and Posts. !'le will raise column plate detaiJ.. Fire stopping at stairs. We have exterior open stair toner with open risers. Iherefore, not aDDll-cabLe. OK. See Dote on drawing 5, General Notes. 0K. Framing Notes. See specifl-cation carpentry workuanship Paragraph (6). 3304 (f) Bal-conies. These references are fron 1967 UBC. lUe will change 2" balcony decking to 3rr for heavy tirnber rating. Construction details for cribbed retaining wa1l Fteld Conditl-oD. Buildl-ng Offlcial to be consulted for DetaiLs and Approval. Detail 3, Sheet 10 is a parapet Detail. 3/16" glass OK. WiLL Use tenpered glass ln door. Mechanical and Electrical Plans have been revLewed. Gypsun Board is not being used for shear. Lot area can be figured off of site plan dimensions. Survey of 1ot will be furnished. cc: Merrill Newton Karl Flnzel Chuck Ogilby Les Davis {,rcF%\ Dtr - 'o " tI /g7o Qr vdV assocIATED ARCHTTECTS, rNC. aEc€h d "t 2 tsTo December l, 1970 ASSOCIATED ARCHITECTS n I n e1€-++€.5€s E lllllco-oFAEoSFcF.Esll I llcoLoriA'Bo.€€€€€flIIl3o3 - 471- ?eae 155 Lake Avenue Col.orado Springs, CoLorado 80906 Itr. Ed Struble Town Building Official P. O. Box 63L Vail, CoLorado 81.657 Dear Ed, Re: Apo11"o Park at Vail We are in recelpt of your l-etter of Novenb er L7, and have spent conslderable tlme revlewiag the sections la the code you made reference to in your letter. I nould l1ke 1:30 P.M. , 1n If tbis date to dlscuss these prob l-ens wlth your offlce, if your schedule is not satlsfactory, please let you on Decenber 8, 1970, at pe:mlts. us know. Slncerely, ASSOCtrATED ARCIITTECTS, IlK.WJIJILWllLian L. Page, AIA ' a I wr,P/js cc: Chuck Ogilby MerrLLl Newton Kark Finzel Les DawLs t Aeeociated Anchltccts 919 Caaoada Colorado Spnlnge' Colonado ATTENTION: Hn. Bill Pagc SUBJECT: Pnrllnlnany PIan Dcan Bl11: Novcmban 1? i'1970 102 Thc Uge Zonc le Heavy Denaltv ltultl-Panllyi 0ccupancy Gnoup {g ilHn i Conatnuction le lYpc V ona hour ac PGtrr our verbal icrcJEint of lngtallatlon bf one wct atandplpc eyatcutl o;;;;a-Ioad 1E 78; Pa:nkLng RequlncncntB a?e 45 rpacec and onc loadling barth. , ScctLon 1302(b) eonFtnlFffof,n -4fi'a11 bc of not naalstive thnoughout.-a aI - I notlee on several dctalle thG conptructlo;l i8 Iree than onc hour such aa dttail 3i5 antllfto ' Plan Check No.: Rcview of APPollo Pank lcas than onc-hour flne- . Sectlon 1306(a)lrrcd ln bathroons Pr:oduclng'Fefia-nfailGTf I at lon ncqu lrrcd ln bathrooms produchg r chincr of aLn .".rrt flvd'nlnutcs and oonncctad dL-.. a chengr of ah' cvarryractly to thc outeldl . !l;L^rraa 4t vU-,ti-, TTEf,-6FEft=hcn cxhauat ayatcne arc not vtnttd aforcnentloncd U.B.C. Stend- adltlon. tepanatoly, thcy ahal1 confonsr to the eectlon. Youn attention le lnvitcd to ard No. 43:?1 Scctlon u3.702(q)' 1970 Scc-tion 1710 tr-dva;frffie -ie non-confonnLng. Scctlon 171rriffinlpre ladder lhalf have an interrrcdlata ;;ii;; pitierit so that no obJect nlne lnehes (9'r) ln dlenctcr can Paaa th:rough. PnelimLnany Plan RevLew of Appollo Pank lfovcrnber 1?, 1970 Page 2 Sectlon 2517(c) e -Sn-aft-Fi-ffeseur:c treatccl on foundation nedwood whcn on conenete which ls ln .dinect contact wlth ea::th. tt. Baec must be protected firon deterloration. When ex- poaed to watG:. splaeh and ln extenlor locatlone 'posta ahall be aupponted by plcre projeetln& at leaat 2" above flnlshed floon and ehall bear on a natal base plate or tneated wood. Posta of tneated wood may bean dlreetly on concnete. Section 2517(f)EffiEli*{r-"tnlngens and bottom of each run" nun of staln adJolnlng Sectlon ?518(b)Sfi'alf5c-ioilI3'es than lr" enbedded a nlnlnurn of 7" Lnto magonrv on concrete, spaced not mo:!'e than 6r-0" apart. A nlnlnun of ? bolta per plece wlth one bolt located wlthln 12" of cach cnd of aach rrlcce. Sectlon 2518(f)ill-Taxlinffi-i6a heishte : 2xtt - 1$f -0tt 3xrr - 16t-0r' 2x6 - 20t-0tr q. Not leee than 3 etude at every conner of exterior wall . Top plates of bearlng wa1le shall be doubled and lappod it eonren; and Lntereectione. .Ioints ehall be ataggened at lcagt 4 feet at top plates. Section 330q(f)EAconles;lfrII have eame nequLncd for the bullding 'balconl.cg would not conplv JoLste at south balconLes Constnuctlon dctalle for cnibbed netainlng wall . f do not find whene detall ;Tl ie taken frorn and con- aequenth; am i.n ouestlon aB to Btueeo aPparentlv on noof or: ls that Just stuceo on top of the balconv party walf? at least once Ln nlddl-e, toPr and between studs in llne with walle and pantltLonc. period of flre reslstance as therefone the 2" decking oq (See Soctlon ?51\ (e ) also) .\'' ' "oo'"*'".-" are not lleavy Tlnben. o Prcllnlnany Plan Rcvlcw of Appollo Pank llovanbcn 17, 19?0 - Pagc 3 SrctLon 5403ifaj--tolfGl:vindone rl ahorn on rhcet ? and alldlng.glacr doorr, ahould bc a rnj.nl.nun.of 3/le" glaee. 'l tfo ncchanloel on olcotrplcalpplanr Flue drtallc. . ,., If gypUqand la bolng usad for ghaen ako, eee Sgotton' \7ll and Trbtc q7-1. fDrit io lot area? Plcelc furnlrh a oomplctc survcy of lot. Rcrpeotfully, :l ?OWIiT OF YATL Ed Sttlublc, Butldtirg Offtctal ,,1 Permit No: PLAN CHECK LIST tsuiiciing AFPou,.o Pefr Buoc,'A'Date N OV,lO 70 1. Use Zone l{DirF 2. 0ccupancy Gnoup H 3. Average Gnade 4. Height of BuiJ.ding - 26t'O" 5. No. of Stories Z + fiAc,?zAlrta.rc, 6. Floon Anea I l, to o s.F, 7. Type of Constnuction rrt?t - -i h. 8. Lot Ar"ea 9. Floor A:rea Ratio 10. Setbacks Reouined: Fnont fSlo' 18 Side lO'-O' YACIAHqt Rean lo L o' 11. 0ccupant Load L2. Pa:rking Requined 45 13. Loading Berths Requined oN5 1,4. Conpliance With: z.a) Occupancy Sec. 5 zb) Occupancy Gnoup H r'c) Type Const. Sec. 17 /a) lyp" const. I- t hr /e) Exite Sec. ee --K " f) Genenal Engng. Sec. 23 zg) Masonny Sec. 24 4) wooa Sec. 25 r'j) Concr-ete Sec. 26 .-k) Steel Sec. 27 r.:.' l a L) Ex. r Fdtns., Ret Wall-s Sec. 28 l--n) Yeneen Sec. 29 ,z'n) Encl. Vent. Openings Sec. ,? t-o) Floon Const. Sec. 3L t/p) Roof Const. Sec. 32 rn) Skylights Sec. 34 \--s ) Balconies Sec. 35 ' L--X) Penthouses Sec. 36 r-u) Fir:eplaces Sec. 37 ,-'v) Fini Systens Sec. 38 vai Stages Sec. 39 -x) Fine Pnotection Sec. 42 4) Fine'standands Sec. 43 t'z) Public Pnotections Sec. 44 . r'ab) Drywall 6 Plasten Sec. 47 rac) Pne-Fabrricated Const. Sec. 50 . n'ad) PLastics Sec. 52 4d GLaEs E Glazing Sec -i STATE OE. COIORADO COT'NTY OF EAGLE DECLARATION CF LAND. ALI,OCATION duly aworn upon oath, true and correct bclief, to wlt; Il ss. I I, T,. oHARLES ocrl-tsy _, DESrg flrst depoae and say that the followlng etatemcnts arc accorCing to my bcst kaowledge, iaforrnatlon and l, That thie atatcment ls made ln conjunctlon with the flling of an application for a butlding pertnit to the Town of ':Vail and to comply with the requircments of Artlcle VII, Section 3, Ordinanee Number ? (Serleo of 1969) Zoaiag Ordlnance for the Towa of Vall. dcacription of the building site for the propoaed building ie TRACT D, FIRST f.ILLINO, VAIL VILLAGE, EAGLS COUN'TY. Z. The ae followa:(A PORITION THBTSBRE-be used to shost dee:(Dcecription may be attached or surveyorra map may cription. ) oF) 3. The propored buitdiag eitc containe % sguare feet, and the propoeed butlding coatalne /F Aoa sguare fcet of area ac defincd in the aforeeaid T.oning Ordinance. 4, The propoeed building, ae it relateg to the building sitc aaca' cornplies to thc Floor Area Rptio for the zoning which appliea to the building eite,ae defincd tn the aforcgaid ?'oqrng Ordinaace. OWNER The foregoing affidavit and declaratiq*)rt ulv grb-s'cribed and y' L, , thia NOTAR 3 My Commission oxl>ires Juno 1l ' 1972 BUIL I DIN G PERMIT APPLI ? CAT 1L70L02 12/s/70 'I Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION roN Jurisdiction of--TOWN OF VAIL LY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUF PERMIT cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION / Form lOO.1 9.69 1!see rrrrcreo sr:: r 1I D ESC R, LOT NO. TRACT D OWNER MAIL ADDiESS ZIP PHONE2 T. CEARLES OCILBY AND ASSOC. p.0. BO,i 87r. VAIL t+76-51s8L CONTRACTOR MAIL AOORE55 PHONE LICENSE NO.3 ttugcttrK & oAvr$ JorNTty tt'rrg c.agl, NBLsoN coNsr. , vArL, colo. ARCHITECI Oi OESIGNER MAIL AODRESS PHON E LICENSE NO.a .lssocrATgD Ancgrrocrs 919 cAscADB coLoRADO SPRTNGS li71-2888 5 sAuE As ABoyE LICENSE NO. L EN OER MAIL ADDFE3S BRANCHo BIIPIBB SAVINSS ANII LOAN 17tb AT CALIF0RiTI]\, DENVERT COLO 7 LoNc IERN RBNTAL HousrNG 8 CIASS OI WOTK: il UEW N AODITION ! ALTERATION ! REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE I Describework' cot'fLsrg coNsrRucTroN or FRAME. yooD arD srucco EmgRroR Al\D 5I{AK8 SHINGLS ROOtr . CONDOM]NTUMS l0 Change of use {rom lt vatuarionotwork: $ ST'GSOC $g1S,AgO. OO pERMrr FEE $427 .50PLAN cHEcK ree $.2tr3 .'7 5 Type of const. \,I f lP . SPECIAL CONDITIONS: lette:r dated l-L (rotar) sq. FrL S .79 No. of z plus storlds BaS ement Fire SDrlnklers RequlreO flyqs SNqtrnOFFSTREET PARKI NG SPACES NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OH ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY O}HER STA'E OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGcoNsTRUcTIo'I oR'HE PERToAMAN/DdloF coNsTRUcTIoN. /0',3 '1o VAiP IEIRCE HEALTH DEPT. 39 z t'o' cAsH qq\,"J-,N' INSPECTOR REOROER FiOM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUtLOIN6 OFFICIALS O 5O 30. L05 ROBLES O PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 9IIOI t,' O INSPECTION RECORD OATE BEMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT, LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. . f ^ -.- AroLLo ASSOCIATED gctober 5, 1970 ARCHITECTS fllfiHrilfi"lftH Mr. Ed Estruble Town Bull-ding Official Vail, Colo. Re: 10:00 A.M. telephone conference, Conferees: Pete Tyree Regional Building OfficlaL Colorado Sprlngs, Colo. foundation deslgn, Apollo Park G Vail. Ed Estruble Tqirn Building Officlal Vai1, Co1o. 8111 Page Assoclated Archl-tects 155 Lake Avenue Colorado Springs, Colo. We thank you for your conslderatlon and approval of our soils analysls and fouodation design, subnltted October 1, 1970 as permitted by Sectlon 2805 of the Uniform Buildlng Code, defined by Mr. Tyree. A1eo, in regard to our previous telephone conversations, the insulatLon board under the entry alcoves will have a K Value of .30. On our exterLor grade l-nterpretatlons, refer to section 42O paragraph (Story) which Lists 507! of the grade should be wlthin 5r of the second floor and no grade more than 12r. This allows garden level apartments to be classified tlro story buiJ-dlngs ln Colorado Sprlngs. If we may anstrer further questions, please contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, ASSOCIATED t$^lg- ARCHITECTS wLP/Js cc: Pete Tyree I{lllian L. Page, rP*" AIA Minutes of the Meeting Board of Zoning Adjustnent and Boand of Building Appeal-s August 24, 1970 Robent Clank called theMunicipal Offices. ROLL CALL: P:resent: meeting to order at t+:12 p.n. in the Also Pnesent: Robe:nt ClarkMitch Hoyt Chan Welin Bob Young Geonge Knox, Chairrnan Stuant Bnown - Representing Avanti Corp. Ed St::uble Charley Bynum I. Case Z-4-70-Stuart Bnown asked exactly what variance was being requesffi]-fif5f1o Pank Apantments. It wai established that the var^iance would dcal only with the south and east bound:ry lines ofthe Apollo Pank Apantments. Since the West boundny of this lot was not to be considened in the application, Mn. Brown withd:rew fromthe meeting. II. Plan Study-While studying the plan it was suggested by Charley Bynum that the va::iance should include a change in Section 1306 ofthe Unifo:rm Building Code and Section 2, No. 8 of the Zoning Ordinance, as to yard requir.ements. Chuck Ogilby appeaned and the topic of trees came uP. A Blue Spruce, the only t::ee on the lot to be up-:rooted would be ne-planted on the pnemises. Bob Young inquined as to whethen there had been any discussion on the pnoposed variance. The lot had been posted 10 days and all adjoining land owners had been notified but no coflrments had come up fron thii. It was Robert Clarkrs opinion that if after this period no conments had been made, it could be accepted that they did not carae to do so.It was moved by Mitch Hoyt and seconded by Bob Young that the Vaniances on zoning and building be gnanted. A1l voted aye and the motion was passed. III. New Business - It was noted by Charley Bynum that the Cunningham Va:rianffinorthendof.theVathaI1a(onGoreCneekDrive)wou1d probably be on the next agenda. Robe:rt Clank suggested that a nequirement be made of people to stake out the building since this must be done eventualJ-y an)n^tay. ft was moved by Bob Young and seconded by Mitch Hoyt that the meeting be adjourned, so erith no funthen business the neeting was adjounned at 4:35 p.n. Respectfully submitted, Charles G. Bynum Secnetany to the Boand APPLICATION TO APPEAR BETORE BOARD OF ZO}II}:IG PDJUSTI'IENT BOARD OF BTITLDING A.PPEALS DArE: /- b- Zo THE Q h,- varlarrce fnorn the trequirements o 0f the Vail Zoning 0ndinance in 11,a a-e nequest ,.v4- nespectfu rn making a determination on qoning the Board considers only' 1. Ut- Jue naraJhip, 2. need for the p'op5sed va::iance, 3. compatibility of ;;; ;;;rseb'v"oi"nce with the-surnounding_area, 4. effect on future J.".i"pin."t of the area and, 5. health, sEfety, and the welfa:re of the inhabitants of the Town. In bui1din51 code vaniances the Boand may considen.only, 1' suit- "liritv of alternate materials and methods of contnuction and '2. reasonable interpnetations of the provisions of the code. The Adninistnative Official may challenge any variance gnanted which goes beyond the scoPe of the powers of the Boand' It is understood that a fee of $15.00 is Pavable in advance and that a ten (10) day p""ii"S-peniod is requirea-prion to a public heaning on the above nequests C,,onx Cq,,o7 7o. Bo^ 3?/ y'A" , Co.o 74uuut Signed: fib_ffit/ ) AGENDA BOARD OF ZONING ADiIUSTMENT AND BUTLDING APPEALS l{uNIcrPAL OFFTCES, l'lrLt, CREEN CoURT BUTLDTNG .. CASE 2-4-70: APollo Paz'k Blue Cow Restaunant) nqquinements of Section 2 (ten) foot Eet backE.. Any othen bueLneea. . Adjounnment. ReepeotfuLly subnitted t Apatnente (Enployee Housing East of '' Reoueeting- a va:liance fnom the of Ondinance-#8 r 1970 neguinirrg J0- |},-ctlNct lus4F F?U^lOur+1 raNr DESTC{}d- /,$:,pg1a PAR|< 6 l,A;tt- p@M sotL q,€,ppRT I. .EA@tsJ6t vA"LUE'SstLTY e,lA,uD5 - Sf42o psf PEsrQ l) grevl r,rrAr-|. -r@ 1-p6^Dtt\)q: E l6,str ce I I g. gJ# Gye bd. -' 2. Ee 3- crs G, a* ----/'5& ,g d4- LEFT AgStcrA)ir^o=zo*h-.- tze/gl -fa-fat Deir6rl..l lanD:37YC RmF 'Shrr:qle.s{lnoul s hel 3 eLv ftMeeed -'3" elec-t<- i-- l* 4 sct ee,d s j. .za LIUE, L&,e : g,o& l.5e,,# 8.o* e,5e a3e o -T YPr6AL Inte.t^, ar tee snug u I I I ,u/ rzt tn, b . Rao€ lagC : , tA r. +e* .. .,, = Ffeon loads: .. tz.e gs# €' c zAd 6b"il , =u/alt bqcl .' 9 E r ,f ?- * boe +56&* + 5*,g" +56 # -__! 2778+€t c6 *eln .,., e ll lSzs-Tat.rt bad e24 oo'& 4?'tr$ ='77 Lt-E tCrx&rl s1g ut/ z*s bzns ' 'Tata | ,4aa-a/, I n t*z E , e* cP t€c. t\4AX.tMUr\cl <c>ndrtr ou a$ ear.l--*ntnate.d leadagn4 ef € d"h r^:E ll (at e,ht rf s r de ) 72x 25 c' '1fi@ d.72x ,5*- 77r. 2g =4et rf - teSo& 46*,3f,s *g * ,Sti = ZaO is 4Ox e3# =- t58F Rq& de-a,J taal '=Vg 'f I rr.re at a tnlr",tl b4b- clegd loeJ u ,^ts t' I te€- 't E- Ce $+) r, de ad 7a g4 o u ltgg- t, g 9A lc, t- <,lo** "Lt s 9b Farc-fi c,r-, ll =- l8e e 7eo & t c-84# € rtrtranr Wo*ToTa,L 852o- i t- . I r.:tl \. l- I i?-li I 16" bft- - c - ifrt ^.).-1 t>-t) t re*tt II r , :--l-- - '<. I tOO "aA 'fleeds'a!, . ,. F-- t Rtl 3l oobtl 3sl 4 6e*3c.* rgEg6rt ,3s - 54o* MAxltlUM condrtran I eno.n*t^ated laaJ@ e.ncJ a$ $an arw,ll <gt re,ar balc.any &..8) 96oe@$ =rCcaa ba4 - ?*r rg.s -s *t'gp+tt lrue. ', - 24x eg* - ,6 co:i6' -,Tnd bale- deed lad.d ?,-u. rer# - ..-- 7o oo*l'9 . tt lruq. lo4d - zzx gge = Sgzbd+(Total tsrftF betel - a 4456 Pg rtrtr ehs - & ^'* @r E t t-r _ ,tl. 3toi.= 3.71f - t:eE 4t<t ,v/ a*sfa-Fsq7s3 L-+' l2n' <,ondttton'ld' L-^l+ltal' CATJ Av_olD_.rJsE _eF tAt? tt L-.{}A.D rs Fc>l..) well j = a.eTt F>E ist<lc |*) To gP4,.lr) I --t \ryr = Sx t,(.1e g,3 EE LA - V/! =i A'.1qs lcoa)'M= ? r= _l--=--:.J.1- = 62.eF_.=f r-- Y(,= '# =,3 6= C" tl 4,**' / fr,, 'Tglu€,rc,e, As= qT Jd GZ.L