HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT 10 1976-2009 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER LEASED PARKING AREA LEGALMEMORANDUM TO: George Ruther FROM: Nicole Peterson DATE: January 27,2009 SUBJECT: A request for zoning analysis to determine development potential and verify any ownership and encumbrances (covenants, restrictions, etc.) associated with Lot 10, Vail Village Second Filing. Zon s: Property Information Property Address 281 West Meadow Drive Parcel #s 210106407009 Leqal Description Lot 10, Vail Villaqe Second Filing Development Site Area Ac .42 (GrS)Sq Ft | 18,354.07 (GlS)Buildable | 18,354.07 sq Ft I tcrst Zonins / SDD #General Use (GU) District Land Use Designation Transition Area, defined in the Vail Land Use Plan as: The transition designation applies to the area between Lionshead and the Vail Village. The activities and site design of this area is aimed at encouraging pedestrian flow through the area and strengthening the connection between the two commercial cores. Appropriate activities include hotels, lodging and other tourist oriented residential units, ancillary retail and restaurant uses, museums, areas of public art, nature exhibits, gardens, pedestrian plazas, and other types of civic and culturally oriented uses, and the adjacent properties to the north. This designation would include the right-of-way of West Meadow Drive and the adiacent properties to the north. Hazard Zones/ Wetlands None Owner Town of Vail General Use (GU) Zoning District Standards Purpose The general use district is intended to provide sites for public and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot be appropriately regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achaeve the purposes prescribed in section 12-1-2, Purpose, Vail Town Code and to provide for the public welfare. The general use district is intended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permifted in the district are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surrounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to ensure adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities aoDrooriate to the oermitted tvoes of uses. Permitted Uses Bicycle and pedestrian paths; Employee housing units, as further regulated by chapter 13; Passive outdoor recreation areas and open space. Conditional Uses Child daycare centers; Employee housing units as further regulated by chapter'13; Equestrian trails; Golf courses; Healthcare facilities; Helipad for emergency and/or community use; Major arcades; Plant and tree nurseries, and associated structures; Public and private parks and active outdoor recreation areas; Public and private schools; Public and quasi-public indoor community facilities; Public buildings and grounds; Public parking structure; Public theaters; Public tourisVguest service related facilities; Public transportation terminals; Public unstructured parking; Public utilities installations including transmission lines and appurtenant equipment: Religious institutions; Seasonal structures; Ski lifts, tows and runs; Water and sewage treatment olants. Developm€nt Standards Development standards (including Setbacks, Lot Area, Height, Density, Site Coverage, Landscaping and Parking) shall be prescribed by the Planning and Environmental Commission as Dart of a conditional use permit application. a: Encumbrances/ Property History: Staff found that there are several covenants and restrictions associated with Lot 10, Vail Village Second Filing. For efficiency and readability, Staff has summarized the encumbrances and organized the list by year of the adopted documents. Januarv 8, 1963: Protective Covenants Drafted and signed by: Vail Associales, LTD. (Pele Seibert and George Caulkins) Term: Shall run with the land and be binding upon the owner, its respective grantees, successors, and assigns. Duration: Until January 1 , 1999, "at which time shall be automatically extended for 5 successlve terms of 10 years." The covenants place certain reslrictions on the use of tracts, blocks and lots of Vail Village Second Filing, in order "fo maintain the character and value of real estate in Vail." The covenants in summary:o Formed a 'Planning and Architectural Control Committee' of 5 members/ owners o The Committee shall approve any improvements to Vail Village Second Filing with 4 criteria:o Suitability of improvement and materials o Nalure of adjacent and neighboring improvements o Quality of materials o Effect of improvement on the outlook of any neighboring property o Land uses are designated by lots including the following statement with regard to Lot 10: "Ihe numbered Lofs sha// be used only for pivate resrdences, each to contain not more than two separate apartments"o There are also provisions for the following categories: Easements, signs, water & sewage, trash & garbage, livestock, trees, setbacks, landscaping, area requirements, trade names, temporary structures, continuity of construction, nuisance, and fences o Amendments to the covenants shall be by 75o/o majority vote of all owners in Vail Village Second Filing March 25. 1963: Plat Vail Village Second Filing Plat recorded. December 30. 1976: Contract of Sale This document was a ground lease and agreement to purchase Lot 10, and was later acted out in the recorded deed, listed below. This document includes language that the Town of Vail would use the premise (Lot 10) for recreational or governmental purposes. March 29. 1977: Special Bond Election Resolution 3, Series of 1977, authorized a special bond election that included the following question (in part): Shall the TOV be authorized to defray fhe cost of aquiring 2 parcels: 1) Katsos propefty and 2) Lot 10, Vail Village Second Filing, to be used as open space and/or recreation and park land, not to exceed $450,000. Side note: The bond also included a question regarding the ice-skating arena/ conference center not to exceed $2,500,000. June 6. 1977: Deed Recorded Town of Vail purchased Lot 10, Vail Village Second Filing from Tom Steinberg, William Holm and William Bevan for $70,000. Mav 5. 1986: lDeveloomentl Aqreement By and between: Town of Vail (TOV) and Vail Valley Medical Center (WMC) o WMC must obtain CUP for exoansion o WMC must provide 22Q parking spaceso To assist in said parking requirement the TOV will lease Lot '10, Vail Village Second Filing to WMC Mav 5. 1986: Lease Aqreement By and between: Town of Vail (TOV) and Vail Valley Medical Center (WMC) Term: May 1, 1986 to April 30, 1987 and automatic renewal unless either party shows intent to discontinue lease 60 days prior to the end of the lease term.o WMC shall pay TOV $10.00 per year to lease Lot 1 0 o WMC shall asphalt, stripe and landscape according to approved plans and must maintain said improvements in a clean, safe and orderly condition o WMC shall be responcible for all expenses and costs associated with the use of Lot 10 including insurance and damages to property or injuries or death of persons o WMC shall dedicate 15 parking spaces for use by the TOV o TOV may terminate use by WMC, if in its sole discretion, the premise is needed for TOV use (180 days written notice to WMC) Aoril 28. 1998: Title Search By: Land Title Guarantee Company Exceptions are listed in Schdule B - Section 2 in summary: o Right of proprietor lo extract ore as reseryed in US Patent recorded September 4, 1923, in book 93, at page 98o Right of way for ditches or canals as reserved in US Patent recorded September 4, 1923, in book 93, at page 98 o Restrictive covenants which do not conlain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but omitting restrictions based on race, color, religion, or national origin, as contained in instrument recorded January 9, 1963, in book 174, alpage 431o Easements, reservations and restrictions as contained on the recorded map of Vail Village Second Filing o Terms, conditions and provisions of easement deed recorded November 1, 1982 in book 348, at page 5 Attachments: A. Vicinity Map B. Vail Village Second Filing C. Lot 10, Vail Village Second Filing ATTACHMENT A: Vicinitv Mao .'#s.-tl r.,/i.*{l*. " ,'r.J' ..{rY''';Y*'"}- r " .l ':fr,.',1.:f'" jj 'rV '" i,;,1- .l,r"/ .'Frl,/ {f: t. . " +f- Ii *-- fii- .'fiI ".1 "lr| Ir rr' [ /Eu-l'r.. ^' -'!,' i' .!r.,,8 :"\i-":5 q, 16i\\ lB. i itt\:rr,E r +,.. .- li.'' ;1 . il .51 ': r h; ".-7'l ' ,t ,r /i.l )Tt ,k[" l'", ii ll ''' -',2 z-:. .-- l5 : D:Itno 3 B c r o o s |- t-rD6)m'ctIoz0Irz6) Iic E('12 pB:n 4FYB:-i; frtEB ".* glo^rt :EFgl:-o iiqs<?i I * 9.li,., l lti ^1d:d ti 'b Ii. R I tl'h ItIt\ h Fl t iR iR liii iii; lE iilt ia rI9lri !.1 t- a,l. t !t.j: fil rl;'j iill*ililitiliti rlt[Iiliilt iiitr i rf;tti ifi tii ll, iti tii 'ii tit, 'l J I I Jrqr -i, i: ATTACHMENTC: Lot10 q-W$in.u:Rt9 t "nuf9j,, qo^' *ee "+ d(o lrt.!5^*ff oD, trc\ uO, t a. I ! i I i I I o(rl .o(oo l ) '$o :l to,-. Jb\t{ Fo ..rl r.tl. f$.t.- r o- N Y ) ot I o ) {' .Oo o" o A ()i{nl @ ,?9.3c-- i IshI -. #$ 1r u*1,7ia l- n,'itoe;f I lrb'it t"'".'& )..A+"}ff,o LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION our order No.: v260989April 28, 1998 Propertsy Address: LOT 10 W 2ND/NO. 39 /rowu oF vArL 75 S. FRONTAGE RD. vArL, co 81-657 AtsTN: PATTY Copj.es : 1- April 28, 1998 Buyer/Borrower: Se1ler/Owner: ProperEy Address: our order No.: v250989 VAIL, A COLORADO MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONTO![N OF LOT 10 W 2ND/NO. 39 If you have contacL one For Closing Assisuance: anv incruiries or require further of Lhe-numbers listed below: assistance, Pleaae For Title Assisgance: JILL WELLS 108 S. FRONTAGE RD W. VAIIJ, CO 81658 Phone z 97O 476-2251 Phone: 970 476-4534 Phone: Fax: Fax: TIIANK YOU FOR YOI'R ORDER! CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE CHICACO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of Missouri, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever fint occun, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authorized officer or ag9nt. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Commitment to be signed and sealed, to become valid when countersigred by an authorized officer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with its By-Laws. This Commitment is effective as of the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY0rz ,/ President ISSUED BY: LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 S. Frontage Rd. W., Suite 203 P.O. Box 357 Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 476-2251 FAX (9?0) 476-4534 Authorized Officer or Agent F.2880 CTIRB: 5-l-75 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AI,TA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V26O989 For Informat,ion OnIY LOT L0 W 2ND/NO. 39 - Charges -Alta ownet-n?ti3{orJ - - *** THIS IS NOT AN IM/OICE, BUT AN ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING ToTIIISoRDER,PtEAsEREFERENCEoI'RoRDERNo.v250989 MAKEcHEcKsPAYA3LEToLANDTITLEGUARAN|EECoMPAI{Y*** 1. Effect.ive DaEe: March 27, 1998 at 5:00 P'M' 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: frALTAt' Owner's PolicY !O-t1-92 Proposed Insured: TOWN OF VAIL, A COLORADO MUNICIPAI CORPORATION 3. The esEaEe or interest in the land described or referred to in trhis CommitmenE and covered herein is: A Fee SimPIe 4. TiUIe to the esuaEe or int,eresE covered herein is aE Ehe effective date hereof vesEed in: TOWN OF VAIL, A COLORADO MT'NICIPAL CORPORATION 5. The land referred to in chis commitment is described as follows: I,OT ]-0, VAIL VILLAGE SECOND FILING, ACCORDTNG TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTIONl ' (Requirements) Our Order # V260989 The following are the reguirement.s to be complied with: Item (a) Payment Eo or for the account of the granLors or mortgagors of Ehe full consideration for the estaEe or j-nEerest to be insured. rtem (b) Proper instruments(s) creaEing the estate or interesE t,o be insured musL be execuE,ed and duly filed for record, to- wit: It,em (c) Pa)mene of all taxes, charges or assessments lewied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. ftern (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: TIIIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PT]RSUANT HERETO. NOTE: EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER L, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 REOUIRES THAT ALL DOCIJIVTENTS RECETVED FOR RECORDING OR FII,ING IN THE CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE SHALL CONTAIN A TOP MARGIN OF AT LEAST ONE INCH AND A LEFT, RIGHT AND BOTTOM MARGIN OF AT LEAST ONE-HALF OF AN INCH. THE CLERK AND RECORDER MAY REFUSE TO RECORD OR FILE ANY DOCI]MENT THAT DOES NOT CONFORM, EXCEPT THAT, THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE TOP MARGIN SHALL NOT APPLY TO DOCIJMENTS USING FORMS ON WHICH SPACE IS PROVIDED FOR RECORDING OR FILING INFORMATION AT THE TOP MARGIN OF THE DOCI]MENT. NOTE: EFFECTM JANUARY 1, 1993, CORPORATIONS THAT DO NOT MAINTAIN A PERMANENT PLACE OF BUSINESS IN COLORADO, AND NONRESIDENT INDIVIDUALS, ESTATES AND TRUSTS WILL BE SUBJECT TO A COLORADO WITHTIOLDING TAX FROM THE SALES OF COLORADO REAL ESTATE IN EXCESS OF $]-OO,OOO.OO. THE WITHHOLDING TAX WILL BE THE SMALLER OF TWO PERCENT OF THE SALES PRICE OR THE NET PROCEEDS FROM THE SALES OF THE REAL ESTATE. THE TAX WILL BE WITHHELD BY THE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OR PAGE 2 CHICAGO TITI.,E INSURANCE COMPATVY ALTA COMMITMENT SCItEDttLE B-SECTION1 (Requirements)Our Order # V250989 ITS AGENI AND SUBMITTED TO T'IIE DEPARTMEITT oF REVENUE' WHERE IT WILL BE CREDITED TlO TITE SEI,I,ER'S INCOME TA)( ACCOIJNT AS AN ESTIMATED TAX PAYMENT. TI{E SELI'ER CAI{ CI.'AIM CREDIT FOR TI{E siirMArsp pAyMENt AcAINsT TIIE INCOME TAx L,IABIL,ITY wIIEN HE ORSHEFII,ESACOI,ORADORETT'RNFORTHEYEAROFTHESALE PAGE CHTCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTTON2 (ExcePE.ions) Our Order # V250989 The poticy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following matEers unless the same are disposed of to the saEisfacEion of the Company: 1-. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records 2. EasemenEs, or claims of easements, not shown by Uhe public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facEs which a correcL survey inspecEion of Ehe premises would disclose and which are noL shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or rights t,o a lien, for services, labor or maEeriaf heieE,ofore or hereafEer furnished, imposed by Iaw and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, 1iens, encumbrances, adverse claims or oEher matEers, if any, creaEed, firsE appearing in the public records or atuaching subsequenE, to the effective daLe hereof but prior to the daEe the proposed insured acquires of record for value the esLate or interest or morLgage Ehereon covered by this commiEmenE. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing ]iens by Lhe public records. 7. Liens for unpaid waler and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addition, Ehe owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, not.ed und.er iEem one of Section 1 of Schedule B hereof. g. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOIIND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN T]NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SePTETTIbCT 04, ]-923 , IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. ].0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AIITHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVEb IN T]NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPT.EMbCT 04, 1923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. PAGE 4 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AI.TA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTION2 (ExcepEions) Our Order # v260989 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE' BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF AIIY, BASED oN RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAT ORIGIN, AS COMTAINED IN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED JANUAry 09, 1963, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 431. 12. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS CO\TTAINED ON THE RECORDED MAP OF VAIL VU,LAGE SECOND FILING. ]-3. TERMS, CONDITIONS AI{D PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT DEED RECORDED NOVETNbET 01, 1982 IN BOOK 348 AT PAGE 5. PAGE 5 IJAND TITI,E GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Required by SenaEe Bill 91-14 Required bY SenaEe Bill 92-143 A) A CerElficate of Taxes Due listing each Eaxing jurisdict'ion shaLl be obeained from Ebe county Treasurer or the counEy Treasurer's auBhorized agents. A) Ttre subject real properEy may be located in a special Eaxing dist,ricE. B) A Cergificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtsained from Ehe County Treasurer or Ehe County Treasurer' s autshorized agent. C) The informatsion regarding special disEricts and the boundaries of such districts may be obLained from the Board of county CommissiOners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the CounEy Assessor. Itrlo 3oo UJ Fa) |rJ = J z YoFO zIY ulhz J r---"---T*ai=--ry--F-+'" r-€"9-.:::::::; ::: ":."' "": ;; ',,-'"''i4if*--,^;6l' :': Ouehb€ :'k uerTT Tn I a. ) ? :- ..: ., l:.. r"_ (t" ti[!dr' $o!'r!E!ror IK rrr* tv '.i51-u;ot"ia*i ''i sarcw-.e --!J:,'o't-t;* ; "ro1.q i"rpo1^o"1" .'''r !r' rulsur lulut'ot tqr (1VS8' I :-l:- -1t"" , ^" ' - - 'qt g ' Jogu gH'l gNICtIOSSV 9NIlIJ -"--TffiaATs 'LL,,OI AfiI llj tU!ltil?iil::i' Illli t"rl u-d,"€nto?'IB"t'"*t -punor6 aqx uo aIqTsT^ .ro pfocaf Jo sfsaJa?uT Jo suoTlsTf?saf, 's?uau'asea 'srolue:g aq? ^q ii..E'Ii"".';";nlt-::i"::iil_ii":::: k;i# .tii:. fii.,',:*T.:f":=i:..ilffi; ,o'pup1 ,..*tq,o rt tn"tt".lql-111,; ,lrrEeJoJt 6n u'o, pse r?uriBrr u1 .*t. 0.,1 .(o^cot Put llor'uF jtq Sqarl ol ,".ir p- -a, .r't aqrs i$ ?!tr.: itt,",, ,oor an r,{ pcs .o1o-1" o"J u! 'r.sl r! 'r,tqqgaqu}-ro qcrrt ?lql|'tFPq ^r!.to(no! In;rel PT :"::i-ll'" ':l"r: .til""^uor "^oot'""r,.o..d oq1 ;o 9"";"" ltt''s are r{aq1-'rruer'a er'r{t Jo pi "rnro'q.5'rPad'i:nr'*'"'" o'J.;;;,";;; ry -_'"j"__1-: ;:..ffi::,:1":h",j5$"PJtif,",;ire..'..p pm tslFesuo a\1 to "*1 ,.,i"o.^o, op ,"r.rr".-r.po po:.*::::n',:"y.:r*lq"u ).,rrn ,''"iLf;T'i*i:"'-=;:1Ym::irrH::';ffi ';"iHi;iii.""""^"_y*T.y'* llt qlslr '3atqtu.'ilndd8 +ql llll$ r.r..rrs.lrnddr pu" "uo*ntn-"t ",6 ,1t!'o "0"1*""d pou'ti'oq nri'qn nq1 "]. 1::.::1.;:-" 'ttt"o" " rq qi J?q,!o i.*,-,r..-r,:"".:J"lii:**iilj:r*ru:ru::l'iT:1iili;i1i:T;1Trr nr PUt :roeJc{l el11ord gut rans asy1.tqs u! Jo 'tulluolel o'-"*' 'i"*to*tdcr P"rB t?c'ruqiF$rq oqt rrlt'Jr'!:; ?nr tts qlgt 1;gg3{I9o'l' '[.t4g.. .lo{r 1s:.t; rrel Frt ItP aql s l3'?. pu' spu,rrTa(1ac. qun.iaq an rr T:.'::: T,rH?:.iT tg;-l,"i"ril"".T,lr::,1il',i'Lll .Nrasc;[:i:1'?i.'Til*':""l jJ:",T:::JilT;Ti:;:,1i,'::,il:1";;:{:T-"Tii'-:.ffiff S$lliif"ilii:'trIf i**:"T:***:1 j','ili":::J'*'';:Ji'^*:l;tpq-m EltF or rr\ *i'1t: l]T-Jl I lirt-r.* ln "*"" pi" 1o1nt o',.' ltl "$!r8erd p'q!t*rq 'Aoqt 'ql Ptr ,1.[d pco]sr cql ,o r\Ptt Pltr ('(Et5r) (e) (r) t0r-ET-58- . s 'u 'J q? T,,, e.uEproct= ur ptirti'i5i - 6"j tr:eluaruncop ou) .IIVA JO NMOJ, ffi35":"e:3?{1,{lt# :rid'q. 'oFroloo Jo al'ls Pot :-16-:^l -i" O-* .$ q asleq pur err.cr'a""r:r'pariro - t":".1,^,l""l,T';T:,31i:l1ilxf;:: -ror 3E ltn po" .4.qsiT 'T:,:::fr:1ril".r""iT:,8;:L"'-.,r'u'.*.riq."o1.tpEn PotEaruoorqd l op rluer"ra r'ql rq PL-r'Pol'A"-, !i' '' l"*'*rr ri pFrt lori ul uoc l"r!' ot{l Jo s-a Tr:id gFr eql ql q ,prr.qr ldp'or rql'*t n'*:_j_- ___-__------00r/00 [rdus,""nH"lfiurrj:*"$;i '8srrlol"- ;;;;; ;-;";;;;,-;.a p- ..r lnd l"ru eqilo i}ltd gqoros e{l Io 'oPttotoC 'o nas pr! a16eg .ql ro uo11e:oCroJ t o uAo.I ar{.L ai6eg ,o rtnnoo ,o trqtrnoC redrcTunH opc.roToc P 'ITeA put g'i p.;j oql ,o 'oPuoloc Io tFls g'!r or$ ro ueAsg 'V ureTT T TA{ Pue ,urroH .v uerrTTI{ lot"qt'ttes 'r seuoqJ' qrerlsq LL 6I,ounf,' Io It?r{19 q'n.Fil 'qxcg 6EJ. ffi:ztgg*U-TTat.txsq-- @DEED TO n F P.o. &x fo<rV.,-6c+_?:: lor reord ia mv office *t"""'/Ml-'- ' au oj /i -"'' a'D' P77-td":"'-.../lt tt--' (ald".--.t!'u', cnd dulv recorded nsoouAd" ":ffLklt,/: 4 * Jfr"r/^il& llril to:-.-."-'--"""' (Or retum tol il;;;r"* ;' "ut"ttit' t"' """'""""'d;;:'- AGREEI,IENT THIS AGREEMENT is enrered into on 7/b4J g , 1985gby and berween rhe TowN oF vArL, coroRADffi"i;;icorporation ('the Town") and vArL clrNrc, rrirc., d/b/a vArL vALiEr,'iv.t'-,rcr'Lren ( -E,ne 'rown" ) and vArL clrNrc, rNc., a/b/a vArL vALLEyMEDTCAL CENTER' a ffffi* non-profit corporation i'itre nolpirai;1. I. RECITALS '1 . The Hospitar. is the owner and operator of a hospitarfacility located within the pubric use zone district, of the Town ofVail and wishes to expand said trospital facility. 2. In order for the Hospital to expand, it must firstobtain a conditional use permit frorn the Town. 3. As a part of the issuance of the conditional use pernitthe To\.rn is obti-gated to est,abrish off-street parking and loadingreguirernent,s for the Hospital expansion. 4. The Town has established a toEar parking reguirenent forthe Hospit,al of two hundred twenty (ZZO\ paricing spaces. 5. rn order to help the Hospital furfirr the off-streetparking reguirenents established uy the Tordn, thl rown is willinqto lease certain property owned uy it to rhe rio"pi1"r- r"a"i ;;;i;;iterms and conditions set forth herein 6. To further enabr.e it, to meeL the parking reguirement,sthe ltospital wilL provide for a certain a.ounf of vilet ir"rri"g itthe on-site parking lot and in addit,ion will lease a cert;in ,rufroJ,of off-site parking spaces. II. AGREEMENT 1. The Town hereby issues the Hospitalpermit for the eonstruttion of a hojpitalconstructed as set forth in the plans on -file Developnent DeparLrnent of the To$rt in accordanceconditions hereof. 2. As a condition to the issuance of the conditionar usePglli.t the Hospital agrees to provide a toraf of two hundred i;";tt(220.). p"lrilq -spaces to meet the parking demands of the existininosprEaJ. tacility as well as this proposed hospital expansion a conditional usefacility to bein the Connunitywith the terms and 3. In orde.r to h.eIp the Hospital meet its parkingrequirenents pursuan_t to this igreement, the Town hereby a!.ees t;lease to the Hospital Lot 10, v;it Vilrage sectno Firing', c6,uniy otEagre, state of cororado. The parties jhall enter int6'a leas6 inthe forn of Exhibit e attach6d hereto and made a part of thisagreenent by reference. prior to the issuance of any uuiltai.ng p.r*itfor this. hospitar addition. upon ternination of ihe Lease-f5r anyreason whatsoever, th_e Hospital will be responsibre for replacin!11r parking spaces leased from the Town or- vait within tie timifrane set forth in paragraph. 6 so that the total number of parkingspaces available to the Hospital is not dirninished. 4. The Ho.spital -hereby agrees to provide eighty five (g5)on-site spaces which would ue utiiized exciusiveiy fo-r 'ivalet" ivpiparking, as more -parti.cularly set forth in the d-iagran . rilea wiiir !h.e..P.l anning and Environrnenlal comrni.ssion and attached hereto asExhibit B and made a part of this agreement, by reference. 5. The HospiEaI agrees to lease twenty-nine (29) off_siteparking spaces fron the Sun vail Condominium As'sociation until suchtime that said twenty-nine (29) spaces may be provided on-site. Atits option, the Hospital may initially reise tirese twenty-nine (29)spaces fron Manor. vail Lodge, or any other entity insfead of'sunvall provided that any leaJe'of pariing "p."." otn"r than at sunVair must, be con-tingent, upon the approval of the Town pursuant tosection l8-52-170 of the Town's zon-ing ordinance and abpro"ea uv!1" Pranning and Environmental conmisLion. Any such decision of!h" Pl anning and Environmenta] conmission may bi appealed to theTown council with.in ten (r0) days by writien noiice or appeai.This appeal shar1. be _heard by t,he-Town councir within tr,i.ii-iloidays, unJess continued for aaOitional information The off-site_ parking spaces shall be used onry by 'emplbyeesof the Hospital .and neither patients nor visitors to tie n6spitarsha]l be entitled to use such spaces. upon the presentation uy tneHospital to the Town of an executed rease of binding "Jti6n -1" lease the twenty-nine (291 spaces as provided above, tha tbwn wiiiis99e a .bu_i_lding permit for the Hospilalrs proposed addition. enuoption shall be exercised by the Hospital withln its terns ano tiriHospital sha1l present a copy of the lease for the twenty-nine (29)spaces as soon as the same is executed. on the first day of each subsequent ski season at vaill'tountain that the Hospit.ar is .requir".d eo provide twenty-nine ( 29 )off-site spaces, the Hospital will present to the Tovrn' anappropriate rease for the twenty-nine (29) spaces frorn Lhe sun vailCondominium Association or othei duly approv-ed lessor. ./ I lt<'- Y 6. rhe vaLet/nark;g service and the use gf the off-siteparking spaces sha.rl (onry ue -required' tor enfioyees worring the day ::: t : " :t,, :l:.. t::f i-::|: 1!g i ri".u11 v 1 -"" i ul5, -ir,J orf _ si te parkinsnor the vaLet oarking service sharl be required a,iii.g'r;"T;liii:when vail Mouitain -is -;ot-in-'operation for the use of skiers.shoul'd the Hospirar fair ro provi-de eirher tne oir-sit! pirii.g-iiwerr as the varet -parking "eriic" as set forth and required by thisagreernent it shall, within one year, commence construction of aparking structure, or provide'an arternative-pran for on-site t::l-tig^^t-r !_e. approved b-v rhe Town in """oiain"" wirh exisringoro:.nances and eri ter ia. 7. The .H:^"pit:l agrees rhat ir will not provide anycompensation to its emproyeei for t,he purch.J oe a tbwn or viirparking pass. Furthef, rhe Hospid"i-;;;;u; ro assune soteresponsibili.ty for the monitoring ano- contrJirinj theii "rnprtv"""'use of on-site parking 8. The Hospital agrees that should it proceed with anaddit.io.nal expansion beyond that indicated "; lh" prans subnittedby Fisher Reese and Johnson dated october 25, 19g5, arl requiredparking including the cwo hundred twenty (2201 spaces required for!h" present expansion as welr as any- addirionir "pu""J-i"e"ii"afxgc* further expansion shal1 be provid6d on_site.ko( ' 9. Attached hereto as Exhibit c is the formula used toarrive at the two hundred twenty. (220) parking space requirenentlot t-he hospi tar expansion. irr" purties uiaerstand that thisformula shalr be evaruated from time- co ii*"--ouiing ct "- i".r. "Jr this agreement to deternine whether ttre- plrring requirement isapP-rgpriate. conse.quentry, this formura'miv not be the oneutiLized when determinin-g_.tie parking requirenre'nts for any futurehospit.al expansions or ad-dit.ion3. 10. Failure of the Hospital to.perform, keep and preserveany of the ternsr covenant,s or condiiions contained in thisagreenent which shall continue for ninety (g0) days after writtennotification thereof shal1 constitute a ddfaulL of this agreement. 11. Because of the uncertainry and difficurty of measuringactual damage for each day rhe Hospiiar is i;-;";;;1J;;;-.;;;;;the .p_arties agree that [tre Hospiiat--snar r "pJ, to the Town asliquidared damaqes and. as a penllty the "u,n' o'r ritty- t Ssb'. oo jdorlars-per. day-for each oay frre Hospital is in defaurt under theterns of thi.s agreement. +1-" , provi de t2. the Thls agreement sha'l'l terminate when the two hundred twenty (220) requlred parking VAIL CLINIC, VAIL VALLEY Hosplta'l is able to spaces on-site. INC. d/b/a MEDICAL CENTER aro Chainnan -Board of Dlrectors 4 I Exhibir A LEASE AGREEMENT Ttlrs LEASE AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and betweenthe TowN oF vArL' coLoRADo, a colorado *uniJif"i--"orporation (,,theTOWN'I) ANd VATL C.LINIC, rNC.., d/b/A VAIL VALI;EY MEDICAL CENTER, Aggklr:4€ non-prof it corporation ("'the f,el""e;i. - TcVfl5 WHEREAS, the Town wishes to lease to the Lessee and theLessee wishes to rease from the Tosrn certain property moreparti.cularry described below to enabl.e and to assist the Lessee inmeeting it-s. parking.requirements as required by the Tovrn of vailzoning ordinances in connection witri the L'essee,s pr"poJ"-expansion of the Medical Center. Now' THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises andcovenants contained herein, the parties agree as folLow-s: 1. Lease premises The Town leases to the Lessee and the Lessee hereby reasesfrom the Town the.property described as Lot 10, vail virragl a;;;;Filing, situated in the Tbwn of vail , county or nagre and-state-oicolorado. ("the premises") This property i-s showri on the diagrirnattached hereto as Exhibit A. 2. Term The term of the lease shall bg ,f1rq one year corunencing on, 1985 and ending on , 1987, unlesssoc{fier terrninated as hereinaf teffii.""" 'it "ir -[" automatically renewed for subseguenL one year terns unless eitherparty gives written notice to th; other ot- its intent not to renewno later than 60 days prior to the end of the lease tertn. 3. Rent The Lessee agrees t.o pay the Town a rent of ten dorrars($10-00) per annum, payable in -ad-vance at the Tolr,n Finance offices. 4. . During the initiar tern of this rease, the Lessee sharrinprove rhe premises by asphalting ;d -"*l;i."; the surface andlandscaping in accordance _wilh plani which naie -ueen approved bythe Town. The Lessee shar.l. mai-ntain and repair such iiiro.r.tn.rri3and the Premises in genera] as necessary auiing the tern of thelease . 3.AI terations After entering into possession of the prenises, the Lesseeshall make no alterations, additions or inprovenents in or to thePremises other than the improvements, maintenance and repairdescribed in Paragraph 4, above, without the Townrs prior writtenconsent. The Lessee shall pay or cause to be paid alr costs forwork done or caused to be done by it in or to the prenises andLessee shall keep the premises free and cl.ear of all nechanicslliens and other liens on account of work done for the Lessee orpersons cl aiming under it. 5. Condition of premises The Lessee agrees to keep the leased premises in a clean,safe and orderly condition at aIl times and will so use thePrenises as not, to injure it or damage it except as such danage mayarise out of ordinary wear and tear resulting from lawful use 1n accordance with the terms of this lease agreement. 7. Expenses and Costs During the tern of this lease the Lessee shall pay all costsand expenses relating to the Lesseers use of the premises or theinprovernents thereon which may arise or become due. 8. Indemnification The Lessee agrees to release, indennify and save harmlessthe Town, its officers, agents, enployees and CounciL members fromand against any and all loss of or darnage to property or injuriesto or death of any person or persons, including property andemployees or agents of the Town, for which the Lessee may be heldlegally responsible in connection with its operation of or its useor occupancy of the leased prenises. The Lessee shall defend,indemnify and save harmless the Tovrn, its officers, agents,employees and Council members, from any and all claims, damages,suits, costs including attorneys fees, expenses, Iiability, actionsor proceedings of any kind or nature whatsoever or by anyone whomsoever in any way resulting from or arising out of, directly orindirecLly, any act, or onission of the Lesseb in connection withits operation of or its use or occupancy of the leased prenises andincluding acts and omi.ssions of the Lesseers officers, employees,representatives, suppliers, invitees, contractors and agents. - Tt, 9.fnsurance Lessee covenants and agrees that it wil1, during the term ofthis agreenent, extend and maintain its existing c6mprehensivegeneral liabirity coverage in amounts not less than five hundredthousand dollars ($500,000) for bodily injury to or death of anyperson or persons or damage to property in connection with thaPremises. The Lessee sharl turnisrr frre iourn a certified copy ofsaid po1 icy or poricies. said poricy or policies shall inctudd theTown as an additional insured with respect to the premises. A1 Isuch policies shatl contain a provision that the same nay not becancelled or rnateriarry changed or artered with respeci to thePremises without .first giving thirty (30) days' pfior writtennotice sent by registered rnait to the iown. A. rf the Lessee is in defauLt in the performance of any oft'he covenants , terrns or cond itions of this iease the Town slrar1give t,he Lessee written notice of default, specifying the default.If such default is not cured within thirty tgO) aiys-after writtennotice thereof is received by the Lesseer- the Town- shall give theLessee fifteen (15) daysr written notice of termination. At theexpiration of such fift,een (15) day period, this lease sharlterminate as completely as if it were the- date definitely fixed ioithe expiration of the tern of this lease and the Lessee stratl tnen 10. Use of Prernises The Lessee agrees not, to use or permit the premises to beused .for any purposes prohibited by the laws of the united statesor the state of col.orado or ordinances of the Town of Vai1,provided that, during the term of t,his lease, the Town of vaiishall not pass any ordinance which would restrict or prohibit theLessee from using the premises for the purposes contlmprated bythis lease. 11. Town parking Spaces The Lessee agrees to provide fifteen (15) spaces for theTgwnf its agents and enployees to use within the rnairi parking areaof the-Hospital . Lessee shalr develop a systern assuriirg tha[, rownof vail -enproyees, officers and agends snitt have access to thecars parked in the nain parking area which system shall be reviewedand_ approved by the Tovrn of vail prior io the issuance of aburrding permit for the proposed addition to the vait vatleyMedical. Center. 12. I,esseers Default and Ternination of the Lease surrender the premises to the Tosrn. rf this lease shaLl sotermi'nate it shatl be lawful for the Town at its option, "itr,"uifornar denand or lot_i.ce of any kind, to reenter the feased pi"p.iivby any means, incrudi.ng force, and to remove the Lessee therefromwithout being liable for any damages therefor. B. rn addi.tion, the Town reserves the right to terminatethis lease if in its sole discretion the pi"*i""" are needed forTown of vail use or improvements. rn such 6vent, the rown shalr beobli'gated to give the Lessee one hundred eighty (1g0) days priorwritten notice of such termination. 13. Assignnent Thi's lease sharr not be assignable without the prior writtenapproval of the Town. 14. Expiration At the expiration of this rease the Lessee wilL deliverpossession of the property and all improvements thereon to theTown. 15. Written Modifications No modification, release, discharge or a waiver of anyprovisions hereof sharl be of any force, efiect or varue unless inwriting signed by the Tor{rn and th-e r,essee. 16. Entire Agreement This document and its Exhibits contain the entire agreenentbetween the Town and the Lessee as of the date of signing- ."a -ii may onry be amended by written agreement signed by the -part1es. 17. Notices Arl notices reguired or permitted to be sent under thisLease Agreement shalt be derivered by personar delivery or btregistered mai1, return receipt requested, as folLows: To the Town! W Tovrn l'lanager Town of Vailffif To the Lessee: Admi ni strator Vall Valley Medical Center 181 b|est Meadow DriveVail, C0 81658 day of TOhIN OF VAIL WHERE0F,_!!e parties so sign this agreement thls gd , 1986. VAIL CLINIC, INC. d/b/a VAIL VALLEY I4EDICAL CENTER nce; Chairman - Board of Dlrectors ooffi* -'',,,Qr',*'4 uhi // p la th+,4.u /nil u, ruL,-'',,5.*r*'4 uh* // la la tk+,4.u/nilut n/,) '',-Rlsz/,/t4 4 uyt.tt*,'* /*t atar,.Aiu/aa t #---LY .-/tY/(r./LfJ tU4q /7.O,6L1,4//{.(/L{4 A-OL.* Ot LFte'L""*t -@4', /*y hao-( TuoL-"- t-1,.r-]LA ,- / o/, ,x -#/*{ 4. /2"4-. /:/ E,l 8,,,o( oL"6",, @ :t.{)-,' !; ff',:# ;il' ffi ,/, M; n roi *,*+' rHH , - @V@^+ e&@k f'q^*\+r"0,{ {r; (,^''T) , t ll('\/,<-/ f- O*Ut ,.*r^r*-t^\-' -f^-.n f,q "Il-*l .- ''.*-*J- /1[i -rr"q ^;l V rik.-l €*L", ^-ul't o/^A"''--^'-- **Jl, -L ,, LLr,.-. -o "*L*t*,+ ry .n4L1 ,4.e rh-r- <*.-f *.r*t V .--.a*,ut;ft - j<- \d\\ 'rrLl',.-_nu-- r..rQ.f- (rt- r^r,(*rri.JL I ; U e':t RESOLUTION NO. Series of fTTf- A RESOLUTION AUTIIORIZING THE ACTING TOWN I{ANAGER TO EXECUTE A LEASE AND AGREEMENT TO PURCIIASE BETWESN THE TOWN OF VAII, AND THoI.IAS I. STEINBERG, }IILLIAM A. TTOLM AND TVILLIAM A. BEVAN FOR THE LEASE AND PURCHASE OF LOT 10, VAIL VILLAGE SECOND FILING nHEREAS, Thoras I. steinberg, wllliam A' go]ln and willlatn A. Bevan no\d o$tn Ipt 10, vail villager Second Filing, aaljacent to site 24t vlttEREAs, the Town council is of the opinion that the acguisition of Lot 10 is necessary to reloLate the public roacl and utilities that cross Site 24 anal for the prope! and ful1 use, enjo)ment and development of Site 2tl; antl llttEREAS, the Town Council is of the opinion that the purchase of Lot 10 is in the best interest of the residenls of the Town of Vail and that the agreement between the Town and the o\tnerg of l.ot 10, as evidenced by the attached Glound Lease and Agre€nent to Purchase, shouldl be aPProvedt NOW, THEhEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF TgE TOWN OF VAIIJ, COLORADO ' THAT: (1) The Tovrn Council hereby authorizes the Acting Town Manager to execute the Proposed Ground Lease and Agreemen! to ttrchase attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and the Town Clerk to aLtest to said execution and affix the seal of the Town thereto. (21 Thls resolution shall take effect upon it6 aaloptj.on. INTRODUCED ' READ, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED ' THTS lst day of FebruarY, 1977. ATTEST: :l , l Effi-ETerF Bcordod ."-- -.-lo.--o'clock.-.-p---M.,'--iune--J'o r-*%D*.-_'-'- BecepHoa No-.U256I-..-..l.'[a:nre l 'l R- Barz F.rlor{c. Tns Dnro, uedotttr 6th ilry ot June ,lg 77 Holm,bctrroco Thomas I. Steinberg, William A. and William A. Bevan d6c Couaty od Eaqle aad State ot Colorgdo, of tho liEt prrl rad The Town 5f vai1, a Colorado Municipal Corporation ol the County of Eagle rnd State of Colorado, of tho recond. part: LOT 10 VAIL VILLAGE, SECOND TO THE RECORDED PLAT TOWN OF VAIL STITT IOC|J|||TIIIIRY TIt JUN Lf.,'77, FILING ACCORDING THEREOF" (no documentary fee required in accordance with C.R.S. 39-l-3-I04 (1) (a) (1973).) TOGETHER with sll aud ainguler the hercdl.laaeats and appurt€aeaces thereto belongin& or h enyvlsc appertaining and tbe revergion and revenioDa, remrinder and remainders, rents, issues aud profits thereof; anil dl thc estate, ri8ht, title, irter€8t, claia rnd demead whatloerer of the grid partieS o{ the lirrt pert, olther In llr or equity, cf, in lnd to the above bergrined premfues, with the hercditauents and appurteuences TO UAVE AND TO trOLD the said premires above bargained and described, with ths appurtenancer' unto thc said party of the second part, itS leirs and oraigaa forever. And the caid part ies ol tle firt part, lor tt1gn oe\igs*Iei&ts, erecutors, rart adminisbators, do coveDsut, grant, bergsin, aud agtec ta rnd with the eaid party of the second part, itSheirr and aesignr, that at the tine of the ensosliag rnd dslivstt of these Dresents, they are tyell selzed of the preniaes above conveycd, as of good, sure, per{ect, rbeolstc 8rd hdelersible estate ol inberitaace, il law, in fee siaple, aad ha ve Sood right, full power s[d lsdul euthority to grsnt, batgaiq eell and coavey the gsme in manner and form us rfortsaid, and tbat tlte nme aro lre€ rnd clesr from all former and othcr grants, bargahs, ealee, lienr, tares, aasesem€nts and encumbrsncer ol wbrtever bod or nlturesoever. Taxes for L977 to ttre date of this instnrment to be paid by the Grantors, easements, restrictions or interests of record orvisible on the ground. ead t}e glovc bargaiaed prerriaer in tho quiet and peacorbte porrosrioa of the ratd party ol the muoul lnrt, itS heira and assigns against all and every peraol o! pergoru lawfully cloim:rrg or to clsln tho wholc or any part thereof, tbe said part !sS, of the fi$t Dcrt sball arrd will WARRANT AND fORgyEB DEFDI{D. tN WITNESS WI|EREOF, the sslal pert ies of tbe first part h! ve hercunto eett}leirhrnds and eeals the day and year firlt rbove rrittel. STATE OF COLOR,ADO County ol Eagle The foregoing instrument waa acknowledgpd bdorc mc tbig A.D.ts11 , bylhcrnas I. Steidcerg,William A. Holm My commireiotr expirec MY Ccliinlii:l-rl1 E:pi ':r i:i'i: 27, 1')73 t I l s.&^'Q !il;::^ WTINESSETE, That the srid part of the first part, for rnd in considerstioa of tbe run oI Seventy Thousand and 00/100 DoI,LrLBs, to the asld parties of lhs firgt part in hand paid by rsld parlY ol the secoud pad, the roceipt wbereol lr hereby confgsred aad ackaowledged, have gFantcd, bargrined, sold and conveyed, rnd by thege prerantr do gtant, bargst1, aell, coavey atd coafira, nnto tbe raid prrt! of the aeconil part, i t sheirr aad asrigilr for- ever, dl the following degcribcd lot or parcel ol leu4 situat€, lyin8 and beiag h the Couaty of E agle rnd Statc of Colondo, to-wit: No. 932 WABRANTY DEED.-FoI Photographic Record,- Fitst Amerlcan Tilte Companv ol Boutd€t Counlv MAIL FUTuRE rAx srArEMENrs ro, Fno f c^-'f t -L'f aXar^^ro * - o,-, -J 0y Dr,r ^l .S [/J n€corded **--.O--..o'clock..-P....u., ...-......r1une..2f'...19|'-*-...-.- Eocerpdo No-.-15299a-....--.-. ---*.I4a;+re1.1-8-.Bara----.-...--..---Bocodea. REICOND Krvow Ar,r. Mnn Bt Tsnsn Pnnsrnts, Thaf Whereas, S.tt.B. Enterprises, a General Partnershlp of Vai1, Colorado bY datcd the 20th day of June Deerl of Trust ,t975 , aud iluly recorded in the office of the Couuty Clerk and Recorder of the Gounty of Eagle , in the State of Colorado, on the 30th day of Jure , 19 75 , in Book 240 at Page 575 (film No. , receptior No. 136668 )f conveyetl to the Public Trustee in said Eagle Countn certain property in said Deed of Trust described in trust to seeure to the order of First Westland Nati-onal Bank the payment of the intlebtedness mentioned therein. AND, WIIEREAS, said indebtedness has been partially paid and the purposes of said trust have beeu partially satisfied to the extent of forty six thousand sLx hundred sixty six dollars and sixty seven cents ($46,666.67). NOW, THEREFORE, at the request of ihe legal holder of the indebtedness gecured by saial Deed of Trust, and in consideration of the premises, and in further consideration of the sum of Two Dollars to me in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I, as the Public lYustee in said Eagle County, do hereby remise, release and quit-claim unto the present owner or owners of the property hereinafter described and unto the heirs, successors and assigns of said owner or owners forever, all the right, title and interest which I, as such Public l}ustee have in and to that part and portion of the property, set forth and described in the aforesa.id Deed of Tlust, described as follows, to wit: Lot 10, VAIL VILLAGE, SECOND FILING (Anended Map), according to the recorded plat thereof, County of Eagl-e, State of Colorado. situate, Iying and being in the State of Colorado. County of Eagle and Witness my hand and seal this STATE OF COLORADQ, o1 County of Thlefegoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ,Lg 2?,by ilu 6 <:ref !!-.-,/ ; ,/ as the Public County of 4,-?.{<---, Colorado. My commission e4)ires $y commksion Expires Jan.25, t98l Witness my hand and Official seal. the indebtednesg secured by the above satisfied, .In counties where book and page numbers have been abolished" 1-Slza'l )fe.Tez-so.t) Trustee in the said day of NATI Th€ l.{d boldet ot thcEdson P. Holland ''c.. Fcurod-lt .rtrl *!cd ot Ttl|tt. .ut].ve v r"ce YresloenE No. 92?. PAErlaL nELEASE oF rrEED oF rEUBr 1i$f.rfl"ifffrffita"*1"Jr, ,rr. stout street, D€ivc!, cororado -8-?o \ oo., lfza.aa stotrt 8M' Dcavcn Ooloredo o -ar.dlod hbt|'hhaPOtEn Ot llt'oDNll Know Ar,r, MsN Br Trpsn hrsrnts: I'h8t sriLtlan A. Bevan ofthe Eagle County ol : f'rea S. oI the , Stete of Colorado GoLd , reposing special trust and confidence in stituted anil appointed' Fred E. Gold County of Eagl-e , State of Colorado havc maile, con- antl by these presents tlo make, constitute and appoint the ssial true end lawful attorney for hin sole use and benefit involving the (arnended nap) i.n the County Vail by S. II. B. EnterPrlses partner thereof. ancl in his name, place and steacl, for sale of Lot 10, Vail Village Second Fll1ng of Eagle, State of Colorado, to the Town of of lrhlch satd I'Illllam A. Bevan ls a general IN ilay of this 26rh ISEAI]I lSEAIrl lSEAL,l L \ Tru-s Dnro, betweeu Jrf. f. thie lgl rLay ot Jung r 1973 - \TlTNEssETlt, That the said parti es of the filst part, ior ard in considerrtion of the su.E otForty Thousand ($40,000.b0) :----__ ____--_______ DoLt.ARs to tho 6aid psrti gS of thc first part in hand paid by ssid parti eS ol the second pon, ihc |!crip! wh.!G{( tt hereby conlessed &nd ackno$ ledged, have grsnted, bargained, sold and convey€4 and by thesc pr€rnrt dogtsnt' bargain, scll, convey and confirm, unto the said paft of tfie second port, heir: rnd rlriSrs for. eyer, all the,following described lo! or parcel of tand, situate, lying and being in the County ot Ea$le snd State of Colorado, to wit:Lot 10' Vail viirage, Second Firing according to the recorded prat thereof t?trEEn::El . -,113 r;73 !-.!/': ^'^-a'- - - -county of Jefferson and stsre ", *r"-o","lr*Jie tirst part, rndThomas l. Steinberg and l^Jilliam A. Holm a wiiiiu, n. S.uof tbe County ot Eagle end Stoto ot Colorado, of thc eecond part: thgi f heirs and assigns against all and eycry person or pelsons lawfully claiming or to cleim the whole or any part th€leof, the said part i 95 of the first part shall snd rvill WARRANT AND FOREVER DEI'DND. IN WITNESS WIIERBOF, the said pari j gg ol the first p&rt hq/e hereunto set thei nanOs Erown and P. S. Brown rnd seal 5 the day snd year first above rvritten. tl TOGDTIIER with sll and sftrgular the her€ditaments and appurtenances tberto belotgirg, or ln anysise appertaiDing, snd the reversion and revenionl, remainder and remainders, rents, isaue! and profits thereof, ud all tbe estater right, titlo, interest, cloim and demanrl \f,hatsoever of the saiit part ol thc first parl either in law or €quity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenarlce!- IO BAVD AlfD TO EOLD the said premises above bargained and described with the appurtenances, unto the sald I,JdieS ol ths second part,filgj p heirs and assigas forever. An<t the said partieS ol tlle first pari, for them scl ves;thdFi$, €xecutors, and administntors, do covenant, grant, bargain, and agree to aDd with the said part i g 5 of the second psrtth e i r heirs and assigxrs, tlat at the time of the ensealing and delivery ol tirese presents, they a|"e well seized of the premises above conveyed, as of good sure, perfect, absolste ard indefeasible estate of inheriiance, in law, in fee simple, and ha yg good right, full power end lawful authority to gtaot, bargair, sell and convey the same in rnannor and form as aforesaid, and tbat the same are lree and clear from all foroer and other grants, batgains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments o,nd encumbrances of rvhgtever kind or T::I::T'*.. except general taxes and assessments for.l973 payable in 1974 andsuDsequent years;_subject to restriction, easenents & covLnlnts of record and the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the ssid part ol thc secord pirt, (sEAL) i2/ hand rnd officirl rcal. AREsoLUTIoNCAtLINGASPECIALBoNDEI,ECTIoNFoR_THEPURPoSE oF suBurrrrNc ro i;i -libcrsrnneo -oilAtiFrso rlscroR^s oF rHE TowN oF vArL' cor,oiiao-o,-rwo lugg-diorqs oF rssurNc GENERAL oBlrc,ArroN solrps -oi sAio- rowr,r IN, All AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMouNr Nor ExcnEoiirc-szlgso' ooo-rili dii- punposg!--or AcQUTRTNG opEN spAcE AND acoiiininc' qg-l1lycrtuc' rNSrAr'LrNG' atilD EOUIPPING AN ENCi6iil;i& SXNTTNC-ENENi\ ANO MUI'TI-PURPOSE recrltrv, sero siicrior'r-to sn Heiu'MAiClr 2s ' \g!7' DESTGNATTNG JUDGEs ar,lp cr,rnxE-ion-laro sr''ncri6xi pnovrpine-PoR PUBLTcATToN oF NorrcE or nneisiniriorl ewp poitiilc ano PttBr'rcATroN oF Norrcg oF sArD sigciloni pnnscnriilli;-rHe FoRM o?-BAlLor FoR SAID ELECTION' NIIO-OEiiiWISE PROVIDING FOR fItE CONDUCT THEREOF. RESOLUTION NO.3 -77 -2- WHEREAS, the Constitution and laws of the State of Colorado' and the Home RuIe Charter of the Town of VaiJ'' Colorado ("the Town"), authorize the issuance by the Town of its negotiable coupon general obtigation bonds for the PurPose of securing funds to defray the costs of the acquisition and improvement of real and personal property for municipal and public purposesi and I{HEREAS, the Town Council of the Town has determined that it would be in the best interests of the Town and the inhabitants thereof to issue general obligation bonds of the Town in an aggregate principal amount not exceetling 92'950'000 for the purpose of defraying, in whoLe or in Part' the cost of acquiring open space and acquiringt constructing' instal-Iing' and equipping an encl0sed ice skating arena and mur-ti-purpose facility, as set forth rnore fulry in the bond questions appearing hereinafter in the forms of Notice of Special Bond Election and Ballot hereby prescribed, said bonds to be payable from general ad valorern taxes, excePt as they may actually be paid fron other funds available therefor; and WHEREAST it is first necessary to submit the separate questions of issuing such bonds for said municipal and pubLic purPoses to the qualified registered electors of the Town; NOW, TTTEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COT'NCII-, OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO THAT: Section t. A Special Bond Election shall be held in the Town on Tuesday, March 29' Lg77' betl'teen the hours of 7200 a'm' and 7 : 00 P. rn. Section 2. At said Special Bond Election there shall- be submitted to the vote of the registered qualified electors of the Tolrn tero guestions of issuing negotiable, interest bearing, general obligation bonds of the Town in the amounts' for the purPoses and within the limitations and terms set forth in the bond guestions appearing hereinafter' Section 3. be submitted perrnitted bY No vote, either for or against the guestions at said Special Bond Election, shall be received the judges of election unless the Person offeri'ng to or -3- o the same shal1 be a duly registered andl qualified elector of the Town. Section 4. Qualified electors whose names do not aPPear in the Official Registration List and electors who have changed their addresses may register or change their addresses at the officeofthecountyClerkandRecorderofEagJ.eCounty,Colorador or at the office of the Town Clerk of the Town' at any time during regular business hours of those offices on or before Friday, February 25' l:g77' in accordance with the Home Rule charter of the Town and Colorado Municipal Election Cocle of 1965' as amended. In order to so inform the electors of the Town' the Town Clerk shall cause a Notice of Registration in the following forn to be Published in two weekly editions of The Vail Trail' a newsPaPerofgeneralcirculationintheTown,priortotheclosing of the registration books for said Special Bond Election' -4- NOTICE OF REGISTRATION SPECIAL BOND ELECTION TowN or vArL' coLoRADO March 29, ]-977 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in order to vote at the Special Bond Election to be held in the Town of Vait on Tuesday' !{arch 29r Lg77, one must be a registered qualified elector of Vail' Colorado' persons otherr,vise qual-ified and desiring to vote but not Presently registered to vote may register at the office of the County clerk and Recorder at the Eagle County Courthouse in Ea91e' Colorado' orattheofficeoftheTownClerkattheVailMunicipalBuilding in Vail, Colorado, during regular business hours oN OR BEFORE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25' L977 ' This special Bond Election will be held for the purpose of submitting to the registered electors of the Town of Vail two questionsofincurringbondedindebtednessinanaggregateprin. cipa}amountnotexceeding$2,g50,000forthepurposesofacguiring open sPace and acquiring' constructing' installing' and eguipping an enclosed ice skating arena and multi-purPose facilltyt all as set forth in a Notice of Special Bond Election to be published in this newsPaPer on March II and L8' L977 ' IN WITNESS WHEREoF' the Town council- of Vail' Colorado' has caused this notice to be given' (TOWN) (SEAL) Publish in:The Vail Trail Vail, Colorado FebruarY lt and L8, L977 /s[gralie Jeffre lfficlerkVail, Colorado Publish on: -5- section 5. The registered qualified electors of the Town shall vote at said special Bond Election by secret PaPet ballot, either by submitting an absent voter ballot or by appearing and casting a ballot at the polls. Voting machines will not be used. Said Special Bond ElectLon shall be conducted in the rnanner prescribed by law for the conducting of regular elections in the To\rn. Section 5. Registered qualified electors entitled to vote at said election who meet requirements of the Colorado Municipal Election Code of 1965, as amended, who intend to vote by absent voter balLot, may obtain information and apply for and receive an absent voter ballot at the office of the Town Clerk in the vail Municipal Building, Vail, colorado, at any time during regular business hours on or before Friday, March 25t ]-977, by following the procedures required by said Election Code' section 7. The Town constitutes, and there shall be for purposes of this election, one election precinct, the boundaries of which shall be the same as those of the To$tn, and the polling place for which shall be the VaiI l'tunicipal Building' Vail, colorado. The absent voter polling place shalt also be the vail llunicipal Building. section 8. The following registered gualified electors of the Town are hereby appointed and shall act as judges and alternate judges and clerks and alternate clerks for said Special Bond Election: Judges:Alternate Judges: CIerks:Alternate Clerks: said judges and clerks shall receive in full comPensation for their services the sum of $40 each. The Town Clerk is hereby instructed to mail certificates of appointment to such election officials and to maintain a list for public inspection of those so appointed. -5- section g' the Town clerk is hereby instructed to publisha Notice of special Bond Erection in two weekry editions of TheVail Trail, a newepaper of general circulation in the Town, atleast ten days before said election, provided that the latter ofsaid editions sharl be the next to the last issue of said new'paperbefore said election. The Town clerk is further instructed toPost a copy of said Notice at the polling place at least ten daysbefore said election. said Notice of speciar Bond Election sharrbe in substantially the following form: .;'. NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that at a Special Bond Election to be heldattheVailMunicipalBuilding,Vail,colorado'onTuesday' the 29th day of March, Lg77' between the hours of 7200 a'm' and 7:00 p.rn., there will be submitted to the registered qualified electors of the Town of vail the following questions: 1. Open Space Acquisition Bonds, Question Submitted: .,shalltheTownofVail,Colorado,beauthorizedtoissue its negoti-able, interest bearing general .obligation bonds-in one series or more in an aggregite principal amount not to exceed SaSOTOOO, o, "o ^o"6'th5reof as may be necessary, for the purpo="'oi-i"fiaying, in whole or in part' the cost of ::;*!i li.*!- ;:*ii:,;*ti:."i3pii'g$il€{$:[€qgq!Tqiil: .and/ox,."r.itiorr- arrd-park land, together with all necessary incidental and appurtenant properti6s and facilities, and thecostsincidentalthereto,.suchbondstobearinterestat a maximum nei effective interest rate not exceedinq 10 ' - percent Per annum, and to nal"te serially during a period of not more tnan gO years from the date or respective dates of thebonds,suchb.ondstobepayablefromgeneraladvaloremtaxesandotherfundslegalry.availabtetherefor,andsuch bonds to n"-"ord and issr]ed it ott. time or from time to time, in such manner and amounts and upon such terms and conditions as the Town Coun.ii ^"y later determine, including provision, io, the redemption of bonds prior to maturity uPon Paymerrl of a premiurn not exceeding 3 percent of the piinciPal thereof?" 2.IceskatingArena,/Mutti-purposeFacilityBonds'Question Submitted: "Shall the Toe,n of Vail, Colorado' be authoti-zed' to issue its negoti";l;; interest bearing general .obligation bonds in one serj-es or more in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $2.5001000, or so much thereof as may be necessary' for the p"ip"l" "i defraying' in ylr9le or.in Part' the cost of acguirit-g, -.o"ttructi-ng, -installing and equipping an enclosed ice skatingi arena and rnulti-pnrpose facility suitable for conventions, concerts, exhibitions and trade shows ' together with all necessary incidental and appurtenant propertie=r-"ti""tures and facilities, and the costs inci- dental tnerelo, such bonds to bear interest at a maximum net effective interest rate not exceeding l0 percent per annum' andLomatureseriallyduringaperiodof.notmorethan30years from the date or re=p"iti*rE dates of the bonds, such bonds to u.-piyable from glneral ad valorem taxes and other funds r.g"ir? ivailable tf,erefor, and such bonds to be sold and issuea-at one time or from time to time' in such manner and amounts-ina upon such terms and conditions as the Town council nl"v iit"r^ determine, including provisions for the ieae*ptiott'oi-uo"as prior to maturity uPon Payment- premium not-exceeaing f percent of the principal thereof?" NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION TOWN OF VAII' COLORADO March 29 ' L977 -8- Those persons who are citizens of the united states, eighteen (18) years of age or older, who have been residents of the stateof colorado for 32 days next preceding the election and residents of the Town of Vail, Colorado, for 32 days next preceding the election and who have been duly registered shall be entitled to vote at said Special Bond Election. Those electors who are otherwise fu'ly gual.ified to vote on said questions at said Special Bond ELection, but who shall be absent from the Town of Vail, Colorado, on the day of said election, or who by reason of their work or the nature of their emproyment are likely to be absent and fear that they wir.l be abs.ent from the Town on the day of said el_ection, or who because of serious illness or physical disability, or who for reasons based upon the doctrines of an established religion sharr be unable to attend the porrsr Rdy appry in writing at the office of the Town crerk of vail' col0rado, at the Vair Municipal Building, Vail, colorado, for absent voter ba110ts at any time during regular business hours on or before Friday, March ZS, 1977. There will be only one eLection precinct for said Special Bond Erection, the boundaries of which shall be the same as those of the Town and the porling prace for which sharl be the vair- Municipal Euirding, Vail, cororado. The absent vot,er polling place shall also be the vail Municipal Building. -9- The votes cast shall be recorded election shatl be held and conducted' and the results thereof tleclared' in for municiPal elections' IN lNIlltESS WIIEREOF' The Town Council to be given' i on PaPer baLlots and said the returns thereof canvassed' the rnanner Prescribed bY law has caused this Notice i;H ;;-Gl', cororado (TOisN) (SEAL) Publish in: Publish on: The Vail Trail March 11 and 18' 1977 -10- Section I0' BaIIots to be usecl in voting uPon the guestions to be subnitted at said Special Bond Election shall be prepared andl furnished by the Town Clerk to the judlges of election' to be by then furnished to the registered qualLfied electors' Said ballots shall be in substantially the following form: -11- No. STUB No. DUPLICATE STUB OFFICIAL BALLOT TOWN OF VAIL SPECIAL BOND ELECTION (EachelectordesirousofvotingFoRorAGATNSTanyofthefolJ.owing questions sharl d;;;;";; ft.is oi trei choice with respect thereto bv placing " "tot"-iil in the square opposite the. word or words e'*pi"=si"g such choice' ) 1. OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION BONDS' QUESTION SUBMITTED: ,,shaIl the Town of vail, colorado, be authorized to issue its nesotiable, interest b"t;i;;";t=fl.::lisation bonds in one series or more in an aggregite-principal-amount not to exceed $4501000, or so much th6reof-as may be necessary' for the Purpo""'Ji-ltttlvins' i"-;;;i; or in part' the cost of i"eo'i r i-,, g . t "i- p i i " " r's o i t ": :.; l:i'4ttga\lg e.E€."€EEf;f'ffi l!:as'the Kitsos -ProPertY ""9 I and/or t""t.it'io" ""a park lind' together with all necessary incidental and appurtena"t piiilttili ""a facilities' and rhe costs incidental rhereto;-;;;h-;;nds. to--bear interest at a maximum ";-;ii;tive intei""t t"t" not exceedinq 10 percent Per annum, and t" nl"iiit seii"rrv during a period of irot more than 30 years from the date or respective dates ot the bonds, !"ti'-ui"tds to ue. pivable from general ad valorem taxes "r,a oi[Ii ;;;at regarri-'a""ii"ur" tierefor' and such bonds to n"-tola-ina issrled 'ut ont time or from time to time, ir, su"n-*t""tt and amounts and upon -such terms and conditions as the rown coun"ii-itv- i"!L:-9::"tmine' including provision= ?it'Ii"^;;!i?E;1o" or Londs prior to rnaturitv upon Payment of a premium "ol ""tttaing 3 percent of the piinclPil thereof?" FOR THE BONDS STATE OF COTORADO MARCII 29 ' L977 AGAINST THE BONDS IcESKATINGARENA/MULTI-PURPoSEFACILITYBoNDS,QUESTIoN SUBMITTED: ,,Shall the Torirn of VaiI, Colorado' be authorized to issue its negotiable, i"tti""i bearing ieneral obligation bonds in one serie= ot *o"t-itt ttt aggregate principal amount not to :;..;-;tlsoo,0o6; ;;-so 1'[!t' thereor as mav be necessarv' for the PurPose oi defraying' in whole or in Part' the cost of acquiri.g, to;-"ti""Li'"g' -instalrinq and equipplng an encrosed ice sxaiii;-;;;.; "r,a .niii-iutpot" -ralitltv suitabfe for conventionsr-"oit"tt"' exhibitionl and trade shows' ;;;";;;-'iin'ir-;;;;;;;;v incidentar and appurtenant 2. -12- propertiesr structures and facilities' and the costs inci- dental therero, ;;;;";e" to u..l-Iii"it=t al-l :naximum net effective interest-iate not """""iiig-to -pttt"l:i"t dntrumr and to mature ".'i'rrv-a"'il?-?-.1:;i::=;:t;:iS:-;.:1":*li-n*: ['""il"']:r:it: !6:!$!ii!";-i"io'"'n' tlT:"' and other funds legalry ..'"irtur" t[:1:IoI:*i"i-tott' bonds-to be sold andissuectaton6li^"_o'trorntirn].I"-ii*",insuchmanner;; ;;;"ts and oPo"- "o"n :"T:^il*;"$**:il: ::: ffi:" ::m;t':i""l'lSlu:'i:i::] !i ^iHil ;;' ob "T e ?v-i: ":h:""3,, " premium not exce"Ei"'g-3-Ptrcent of the princtpar FOR THE BONDS AGAINST TIIE BONDS (End of front of gallot) - I3- (To be endorsed on back of Ballot) OFFICIAL BAI-,LOT FOR SPECIAL BOND coLoRADO, oN MARCH 29' L977. ETECTION HELD IN THE TOWN OF VAIL' Town of Vail, CoLorado -I4- Section 11. The votes cast at the said Special Bond ElectiOn shall be canvassed, the returns thereof nade, and the resuLts thereof declared in the manner provided by law for the canvass, return and declaration of the result of votes cast at regular municipal elections for the Town' Section 12- If a rnajority of a1t the votes cast on any question set forth hereinbefore to be submitted at said election shall be in favor of issuing the bonds for the PurPoses stated in said question, it shall then be lavrful for the Town Council to authorize the proper officers of the Town to proceed to issue the negotiablecoupongeneralobligationbondsoftheTown'inaccordance with the proposal so aPProved at the election' The authority to issueanyorallofthebondsdesignatedinthebondquestions' ifconferredattheelectionbytheregisteredgualifiedelectors authorized to vote thereon, shall be deemed and considered a continuingauthoritytoissueanddeliverthebondssoauthorized atonetime,orfromtimetotime,andneitherthepartialexercise of the authority so conferred, nor any rapse of time, shall be consideredasexhaustingorlimitingthefullauthoritysoconferred by the electors voting in favor of said bond question' Section13.Allact'ions,notinconsistentwiththeprovisions of this Resolution, heretofore taken by the officers of the Town' whether elected or appointed' directed toward holding the Special Bond Erection for the purpose of authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds of the Town for the purposes designated aboveinthebondquestions'areherebyratified,approvedand confirmed. section 14. All resorutions, or parts thereof, in conflict withthisresolutionareherebyrepealed'excePtthatthisrepealer shall not be construed to revive any resorution, or part thereof' heretofore rePealed' Section 15' If any section' paragraph' clause or provision of this Resorution shalr for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceableltheinvalidityorunenforceabilityofsuchsection| paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining sections, paragraphs, clauses or provisions of this Resolution' -15- Ehis Resolution shall take effect inunediately ::.il"r::"loor*"o Ar{D AppRovED rhis lst day of Februarrr, Ls77 ' Sectlon 16' (rowN) (sBAr,) ATTESTI -r6- n Council trlember andtheguestlonbeingupontheadoptionof roll was called with the followlng result: Those voting ttYest CounciL Menibers: secondled the motion' saicl Resolution' the John Donovan BiII Heinrbach Bob Ruder Rod sLifer hig members of the council present having :l tu'"' --^-i'rinc officer thereupon or the adloption of the Resolutionr the presiding o declared the Resolution duly approved ancl adopted' Thereupon' after consideration of other business Those voting nNo" 3 Josef Staufel PaoTu* c'i++4s1'o voted in favor to come before rhe council, rhe meering was adjourned' i. ,i l, ,, i,,i/ 'j,H$L!t,{H;a Town of vail' Colorado (rowN) (SEAJ.) ATTEST: Town ol vail,Colorado -17- STATE OF COLOR'ADO i coUNTY oF EAGLE ] ""' TO9IN OF VAII.' ) I, Rosalj'e Jeffrey' Town Clerk of the Town of Vailr Eagle Counttr Colorador clo hereby certify that the attached copy of Resolution No' 3 -7? calling a special Boncl Election to be held in the town on March 29 ' Lg77' is a true and correct copy of said Resolution as ailopte'l by the Town Council at a regular neetingthereofheldattheVailt"lunicipalauilding,Vail,Colorado' the regular meeting place of the Town CounciL in the Tovtn' on Tuesday, the tst day of Februaxy' L911t that a-true copy of said Resolutionhasbeendulyexecutedandauthenticatedbythesignatures of the Mayor of the Town of Vail and rnyself' as Town Clerk of the Town, sealeit with the seal of the Tovtn' and recordecl in the official records of the Towni that the foregoing Pages numbered I through 1?' inclusive' constitute a true and correct coPy of the record of the proceedings of the Town Council at said regular meeting insofar as said proceedings relate to said Resolutioni that said proceedings \{ere duly had and taken; that saidl rneeting wasdulyheld;andthatthepersonswerePresentatsaidneeting as therein shown' IN WIBNESS WHEREoF' I have hereunto €et my "2.{uu^,oftheTownofvail'colorado'thisa{?dt hand and the sear of FebruarY, 1-971 ' (TOVSN) (SEAL) Town -18- -..'Recorded Book 174 Page 4..\ o 31 PROTECTIVE COVENANTS OF VAIL VILLAGE, SECOND FILING EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO whereas, Vail Associates, Ltd., a'l imjted partnersh'i p, is the owner of the following described lands: A part of Section 6 and Section 7, Township_S South, Range.80 tlest of the Silttr principal Meridian, County of Eag'le, State of Colorado' more part'i cular'ly described as fcllows: conrnencing at the Northeast corner of said section 7; thence S.000 23'00,'E.-and along the East line of said section 7 a distance of 37.40 feet to the North'line of vail \/illage-First Filing; thence N. 79 degrees 4l' '13" l^l. anci along said North 'line and along. the south ljne of U. S. Highway No. O a iista.nce of 25.44 feet to the West line of sajd Vail Viliage-first Filing, and the Point of Beginning;-thence S 00 degrees 23'00" ind along said-hlest ljne a distance of 693.77 feet to the lorttr tine of Vaif Vifiage-First Filing; thence N. 75 degrees 27'OO" l,l. and along said North i'i ne, a distance of 296.26 feet; thence N. 26 d"g"e"s 30'00" fr'. and along said North llng-? distance of lll.9l feet; thenc6 N.4l degrees 30'00" 1n1: a distance of 240.00 feetl thence N 55 degrees 00,0d,'!1. a distance of 75.00 feet; thence N. 78 degrees 00'Cgii W. a distance of 100.00 feet; thence S. 65 degrees 00'00" l'1. a distance of .t55.00 feet; thence S. 79 degrees 00'00" tll. a distance of 290.00 feet; thence t't. 67 degrees 00'00" l,l. a distance of 100.00 feet; thence N. 53 degreis 00'OO" |lJ. a diitance of 175.00 feet; thence N. 59 degrees 06'00" 51] a distance of 165.00 feet; thence N 66 degrees 30'00" 1,1' a- distance of'175.00 feet; thence H. 4O ciegrees 48'52n E. a distance of 132.23 feet; thence N. 9 degrees 45'49" tI. a distance of 99..|4 feet; thence S. 79 degrees 33'.15"W. a distance of 203.33 feet; thence 5. 50 degrees 43'59" lJ.-a d'istance of 90.24 feet; thence lr,i . 8l degrees l3'41" l.I. a djstance of 372.40 feei; thence S 75 degrees 47'07" lrJ. a-distance of 29C..l7 feet; thence S 20 degreei 3'l'04" l^1. a diitance of .156.17 feet; the,nce S. 64 degrees.|5,46" l^1. a clistance of 425.69 feet; thence s. 87 degrees 0l'24" w._a distance oi qSZ.Sg feet; thenc,e S. i2 degrees 04'25"|,i. a distance of 5'10.17 feet; thence S. Zg degrees 36'34" li. a distance of .|40.51 feet; thence S. 73 degrees 42'37" 1,1. a oistance of 280.00 feeti thence S. 76 decrees 58'5.|" W. a distance of'140.02 feet; thence S. 73 degiees 42'37" W. a distance cf .|45.00 i..t; ii.n." S. 79 degreei eS'l:[',"tni, e cistince c:f 240.93 feet to a pcirrt on'rh€ tlest line of siid Section 7; thence ll, 0 degrees 06'06"E' and along said west line a distance of .|35.00 feet to the southerly f.ine 9I !: s. Highway No. 6; thence N 73 degrees 42'37" E. and-along said south line a aiittnie ot t4Og.OA feet; theice N. 89 degrees ll'25"E. and along said south'line a distance of 94.46 feet; thence N. 73 degrees all50" E. and iiong said South 'line a distance of 768.73 feet; thence N. 59 degrees 59' 42'E. and along said south ljne a distance of 59.96 feet; thence N 73 degrees 48'37u il. and along said South line a distance of 524.04 feet to a point on i.rruei thence aiong said South Jilg gn an angle to the left of b degrees 3;S+'i-inA along a cirve to the right having a radius of^l 852.73 feet and'a-central ang'le-of 26 degrees 33' 47", a arc distance of 858.98 feet to a point of tangent; thence s. 79 degrees 4l'.|3"E. and along-said tangent inl-iiong siio"sorttr 'l'ine a distance of 59.84 feet; thence S. 85 degiees i+;Si;-E] inA atong said South ljne a distance of .|00.29 feet; thence i."zg a.gr.es +ti13" E. ani along said South line a distance of 1055.87 feet to the Po'int of Beginning' I^IHEREAS, Vail Associates, Ltd., hereinafter sometimes referred to as Owner, desires to place cirtain restrjctions on ihe use of the Tracts, Blocks and Lots shown ir-iiri-rqip 6i-vi:i-i/iij;s;;-iecond Filing, for the. benefit,of itself, and its respecti.ve Grantees, successori ina"aisigns, 'i n ora6r to estab'l jsh and maintain the character and value of real estate in Vail Village. Nol|l, THEREF0RE, in consideration of the prernises, VaiI Assocjattls, Ltd., for itself and its resp"itive grantees' successors and assigns,. dqes.hereby impose' ' .ituUiisf1, fubl.ish, ;;ffi;i;4g6, declaie-ind agree with, to-and for the benefit of all persons who may nut.lil.t"priihise ot-lease ani from time to time so or^ln or hold any of the tracts, gtocki ina Lotr jn Vail Vi1'lage, Second Filing, that-they own and ho'ld a'll of the lands in-Vaii-Vitlage, Second Filing, subiect to the following restrictions' covenants, and conoiiions, air"oi which sha'l't 6e oeerirea to run with the land and to i;;il-to ihe benefit oi ina be binding upon the 0wner,'its respect'ive grantees' successors and assigns. o AND AR.a -., o EI. PLANNING CHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTE - l.l. Committee. The Planning and Architectural Control Committee, hereinafter refeffiTEl-s the Committee, shall consist of five members who shall be designated by 0wner, its successor or assigns, to review, s.tudy,_and.approve or reject froposea improvements within the area descrjbed in the Map of Vajl Village' Second Filing, of which these restrictive covenants are made a part. 1.2. Ru] es. The Committee shall make such ru'les and by-1aws and adopt such procedures E--iT may deem appropni ate to govern its proceedings. 'l .3. Approval of Plan. No bui'l ding, out buil.ding, fence, wall or other imorovement shalT-IE-construdTil; erected or maintajned on any Tract, B] ock or Lot' noi^ shall any addition thereto, or alteration therejn be made, until p'l.ans and. specificatio'irs showing the color, location, materjals' landscaping, ang such other ihformatjon relating to such improvement as The Conrnittee may reasonab'ly require sha'll have been submitted to and approved by The Committee in writing. 1.4. Crjlglg.. In passing upon such plans and specifications, The Conmittee shall consider: -1.4.1. the suitability of the improvement and materia'ls of which it is to be constructed to the site upon which it js to be located; 1.4.2 the nature of adjacent and nej ghboring improvements; 1.4.3 the quality of the materials to be utilitzed in any proposed im- provement; and '1.4.4 the effect of any proposed improvement on the outlook of any adiacent or neighboring property. It shall be an objective of The Conlnjttee to make certain that no improve- ment will be so similar or so dissimilar to others in the vicin'i ty that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impalred. 1.5. Effect of The Committee's Failure to Act.= In the event The plans and specifications submitted to it within sixty days of iubmission and no suit to enjoin the constructjon has been conmenced prior to the completion thereof, approva'l shall not be required and the related covenants shall be determined to have been fu11y complied with. 2, LAND USE. The lands in Vail Village, Second Filing, shall be used for the following purposes: . 2.1 The nrynbered Lots sha'l'l be used only for private residences' each to contain not more than two separate apartments. 2.2. The lettered Lots shall be used for apartments, retail shops, service shops, se"vic. stations, restaurants and tea-rooms, hotels, lodges, professiona'l offices and medical clinics. 2.3. Tracts A through C shall be dedicated to such use as Vai'l Assocjates,Ltd., and its successors and assigni, shall designate, but in no event shall such designated use be inconsistent with these covenants. 3. EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS.OF-WAY. 3.1. Easements and rights-of-way for roads, 'l'ighting, hggting, .electricity' gas, telephone, water, sewerage,-bridle paihs, and pedestri.an traffic, and any other [ini of pirUtic'o" quaii publii utility sbrvice are reserved as shown on the Map of Vail Vi'llug",'second Fiiing.'No fence, wail, hedge, barrier or other improvement shall be erect[d'or maintained-a'long, on, across or within the areas reserved for easements and ri ghts-of-way. 4. SIGNS. No signs, billboards, poster boards or advertising structure of any kind shall be erected oi maintained on qny lot 9r struture for any purpose whatsoever' eilept such s'igns as have been approved by The Committee as reasonably necessary for the identification of residences and places of business. 5. WATER AND SEI,iAGE. Each structure designed for occupancy or use by human beings shall connect with the water and sewerage facilities of the "Vail t{lter and Sanltation District. No provate we'l I shall be used as a source of water for human consumption or imigation in Vail Vi'l 'l age, Second Filing, nor shall any facility other than those provided by the Vail Water.and Sanitation District be-used tor the disposal of sewage. Mechanical garbage disposal facilities shall be provided in each kitchen or food preparing area. 6. TRASH AND GARBAGE. No trash, ashes or other refuse.'may be thrown or dumped on any land within Vail Village, Second Filing. The burning of refuse out of doors shall not be permitted in Vail Village, Second Fifing. No incinerators or other device for the burning of refuse indoors shall be constructed, installed or used by an person except as approved by The Committee. Each property owner shall provide siritable receptacles for the co'l 'lection of refuse. Such receptac'l es sha'l l be screened from pub'l ic view and protected from disturbance. 7. LIVEST0CK. No anima'ls, livestock,horses or poultry of any kind except dogs, cats and other household pets shall be kept, raised or bred in Vail Village' Second Filing, except in areas des'ignated for such purposes by The Committee. 8. TREES. No trees shall be cut, trirnmed or removed in Vail Vi'l lage, Second Filing, except with prior wrjtten approval of The Conrnittee and by persons designated by The Corrnittee. 9. SET BACK REQUIREMENTS: There shal'l be no general requirentents for the 'location of improvements with re'lation to property lines, but the'location of each improvemeirt must be approved in advance by The Committee. In detevmining the proper location for each improvement, The Committee shall consider the location of existing property owners, and such other monetary or aasthetic consideration as it may deem appropri ate. 10. LANDSCAPING AND GARDENING. Al'l surface areas disturbed by construct'ion sahll be returned promptly to their natural conditjon and replanted in native grasses' except where such areas are to be improved by the construction of gardens, lat'lns, and extei^ior living areas, which will be'permitted only after the plans therefor shall have been approved by The Conunittee. 1.|. AREA REQUIREMENTS. No structure designed for human use or habitat'ion shal'l be contructed un'less the aggregate floor area, exclusive of open porches, base- ments, carports and garages, shall be in excess of 900 square feet. The Committee shall detei^mine from the-design of the improvement whether an area which is partially below grade shall qualify as ageas to be included within the minimum permissible area. \2. TRADE NMES. No word, name, symbol , or combination thereof shal'l be used to identify for cormercial purposes a house, structure, business or servjce in Va11 Village, S-econd Filing, unless the same shall have been first approved in writjng by The Committee. 13. TEMPoRARY STRUCTURES. No temporary structure, excavation, basement, trailer or tent shall be permitted in Vajl Village, Second Filing, except as may be necessary during construction and authorized by The Cormittee. '14. CoNTINUITY 0F C0NSTRUCTIoN. All structures commenced in Vail Village, Second Filing, shal'l be prosecuted d'ifigently to completion and shall be completed within l2 months of conunencement, except wjth written consent of The Committee. 15. NUISANCE. No noxious anything be done or permitted which Second Filing. 16. FENCES. No fences, walls or other barriers shal 'l be permitted except with the written consent of The Cormittee. 17. EFFECT AND DURATIoN 0F CoVENANTS. The conditions, restrictjons, stipulation aqreements and covenants contained herein shall be for the benefit of and binding upon eich tract in Vail Village, Second Filing, and each owner of property therein, his successors, representatiies and assigns ind shall erlntinue in full force and effect unti'l January l, .|999, at which time they shall be automatically extended for 5 successive terms of l0 years each. or offensive activity shall be carried on nor sha'l I sha'll constitue a publ ic nuesance in Vail Village, o .'1r .t8. AMENDMENT. The conditions, restrictions,stipu]atjons, agreements and covenants contained herein shall not be waived, abandoned, termr'nated, or amended .ii.ot Uv-written consent of the owners of 75% of the privately owned land included within t-he boundaries of Vail Village, Second Fi'l jng, as the same may then be sh(Mn i;i til piit on file in the office oi itre C'lerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. 19. ENFoRCEMENT. If any person sha'll violate or threaten to violate anv of the provisions of this instrument, it shall be ]awful for any person or person owi'ing ieal'property in Vail Village, Second Filjng, to institue proceedings at 1aw or in-equity' to'enf-orce the provisions of thjs instrument, to restrain the person vioiitirig o-r threatening to violate them, and to recover damages, actual and punitive' for such violations. 20. SEVERABILITY. Invalidation of any one of the provisions of this instrument by judgment or court order or decree shal'l in no wise effect any of the other provisions which shall remain in fu'l'l force and effect. EXECUTED this 8th day of January, 1963. VAIL ASS0CIATES, LTD., a Limited Partnershi p BY /s/ Peter W. Seibert Peter W.SeiEAril--Ge nera t Er tner ATTEST:THE VAIL CORPORATION - General Partner B\ /s/ George P. Caulkins, Jr.'-IforseT-TauIIjns, Tr. Vi ce-Presi dent SEAL STATE OF COLOMDO ))ss crTY AND CoUNTY 0F DENVER ) SEAL The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on.January 8' 1963, by peter t,l. Seib6rt',-one of the General Partneis of Va'il Assocjates, Ltd.' a-limited pirineistrip, and'by George P. Caulkins, Jr., as Vjce-President of The,Vail Corporation' itictr corpbration is the-other General Partner of Vail Associates, Ltd. WITNESS my hand and seal. My conmission expires: June 20' 1963 /s/ Eva Lusk Eva Lusk - NotarY PuE'TT-- /s/ Keith L. Brown KEith L. ILLAGE,SfCIJ li is P.9J{e,$ "*..$P 1 ; To w N.s ' :l':il -,::l ]:'..*a }I.' ffi TITLE 'r' IITLE .NSURANCE OMPANY OFfi.,i Home Offic; 4OO - 2nd Ave. So.. Minn.rpolis, Minn, 55401 INSURANCE POLIGY AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNERS POLICY FORM B - 1970 laau.d l||ro||gh (||a ollloo ot! LAND TITLE GUARAT{TEE COMPANY 3150 EAST THIRD AVENUE DENVER, COLORADO 80206 PHONE: 321.1880 AC.303 INNESOTA .612/322.5111 i...J 't \ f , , i. POLICYNO. AZ OBL427 AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY FORM B - 1970 (Amended 10-17-701 :.' i :'l .. rt i ITLE NSURANCE OMPANY OF .INNESOTA I r J irl ! Stock Company, of Minneapolis, Minnesota SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITTONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attorneys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hercunder, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: l. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defecf in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. hck of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be liereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule A, the poliry to be valid when countersigned by an authorized oflicer or agent of the Company. A NSURANCE -OMPANY OF INNESOTA EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: l. Ary law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoynrent of the land, or regulating the character, dimcnsions or location of any improvernent now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in' ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordinance or governnrcntal regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governnrcntal rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such righls appears in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, licns, encumbrances, adverse clainrs, or other matters (a) crcated, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant;(b) not known to the Conrpany and not shown by the public records but known to the insured clainmnt eithcr at Date of Policy or at the date such clainrant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy and not discloserl in rvriting by the insured claintant to the Company prior to the date such insured clairnant becante an insured hcreunder; (c) resulting in no loss or danrage to the insured claitnanfi (d) lttaching or creeted subsequcnt to Dltc of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or danrage which would not have been sushined if the irrsured clainnnt had paid valuc for the cstatc or iutercst insuted by this policy. -lr L Form t3o 2/73 3OM Copyrlohr 1969 Amorlcon Lond Tltlo Ar.oclsllon Authorized Offiuer or Agent President r' :. '...:: Secretary J (Contimrcd from insidc tont lla!,) of the Comptny shall ceslc rnd lcrmioate in reBard to thc nraatcr or moaters for which such prompt notice is requircdi providcd, horv. evcr, ihat failurc to notify shall in n0 case prejudice thr right$ olany such insurcd under this policy unles.r the Compony shall bcprcjudiced by such failurc and then only to the cxtent of such ptcjudicc. (c) The Company shall hayc the riSht at it5 orvn cost tolnslituae and without undue deloy prosecute any action orproceeding or to do any other cct which in its oJrinion mry beneccssary o. desirabl€ io establish the title to the estate o! inlereslts insured. and the Company may ttkc an!, approprirte ilction underthe terms of this policy. whether o. not it shall be liable tltcreund€r. and shall oot thereby conc€de liability or waive !ny provision of thispolicy. . (d)_Whcne-ver the Company shrll hrvc brought any action ormterposeo a detense as required or permitted by lhe provisions oflhis policy, lhe Company may pursue any such litigaiion to finaldet€lmin0tion by a court of competent jurisdiction and expressly res€rves the right, in its sole discretion, to 8ppeal from any idversejudgment or order. (e) ln all cases wh€re this polic:/ permits or requi.es re Company ao prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, the insured hereunder shall secure to the Company therighl lo so prosecute or provide defense in such aclion or procecding, and all appeals therein, and permit thc Company to use, 8t ilt oplion, the namg of such insured fot such purpose. Whenever requesled by the Company, such insured shall give the Company all reasonable aid in any such action or procecding, in effecting settlement, securing evidence, obtaining \titnesses. ot prosecuting ot defcnding such action or proceeding, and the Conrpany shall reimburse such insured for any expense so incuffed. 4. Notics of Loss - Limitation of Action ln addition to the notices required under paragraph 3(b) of these Conditions and Stipulations, a statement in $Titing of any loss ot damage for \lhich it is claimed the Company is liable under this policy shall be furnished to the Company vilhin 90 days after such loss or damage shall have been determined and no right of action Ehall accruc lo an itrsured claimant unril 30 days after such slatement shall hate been furoished. Failurc to furnish such 3tatement of loss or drmsge shall terminate any lhbility of ahe Company under this policy as to such loss or dlmage. 5. Options to Pay or Othenvise Settts Claims The Conpany shall have the option to pay or other\r,isq setne for or in lhe name of an insured claimant any claim insuted againstor to lerminate all liability and obligations of the Company hereunder by payir,g or tendeling payment of the cmount of insurance under lhis policy together $ilh any cost', attorneys,fees lnd expenscs incurred up to the timc of such payment or tender ofprymentt by the insured claimant and authorized by ahe Comp0ny. 6. Determination and Payment ot Loss (a) The liability_of the Comprny unde. this policy shall in no case excced lhe leasa ofi (i) the .ctual loss of the insured clsimant: o. . (ii) the anlounl of insurance stoted in Schedule A: or (b)The Company rvill pay, in addition to any loss insured against by this policy, all costs imposcd upon an insured in tirigraion caffied on by thc Company for such insured, and all costs, sltorneys'fees tnd expenses in liti8rtion carried on by such insured with thc written authorizalion of thc Conrpany. (c) \\'h€n liabi.lity has been definitely fixed in |ccordcnce\yith thc conditiotrs of ahis policy, the loss or drnrage shull be paysble wiahin 30 dtys t[ere3fier. 7. Limitation of Liability No claim shlll xrisc or be maintainlble under this policy (r) if the Comllny. lfter hnving .ecrived ooticc of on Jtlcged dct'cct, lienot r'ncumblance insurr.d iU::tinst hcreunde'r, by litig:ttiolt or olhdr\vise. r!'mo!'cs such d!.fect, licn or {ocumbroncc or cstrblislrr's thc tilh', as insurcrl, !r'ilhi|l a .t'Jsonrble timl' tlt('r reGila .)f such nolicr.: (b) in lhc dtcflt of lirigJtion until thr'rc hirs bccn I final dei!'rnrination by a court of comp..tr'nl jurisdiction,.lnd disn()sition of lll Jpl'!'sls ah!..r'froflr. itdlerse to th(' tittc,l|s insurcd, irs pro|irlcd ln parrgraph 3 hercofl or (c) for lixbilitr- voll|nttril:/ lssrrnrt,d b' an insu.cd in !('ttling rrny clninr ()r suit $'ithout prior \r,rittco cot|sr' t of lhc Company. 8. Reduction of Liability All loymenls undcr lhis policy. cxccpt payments nl!(le for c.)sts. atloancys' fees a1d expensr:s, shall ,rduce the amounl of thr insurance pro aanto. No paymcnt shtll bc m{de wiahout producint ihis policy for cnd(trsenrcnt ()f suclt p!'mcnl ultlcrs thc policy bclolt 01 dcstroyed, in $,hich clse proof of s[ch loss or dcstruction shall be fu.Dished to ahe satisfaction of thd ComDany. 9. Liability Noncumulative It is expressly understood that the amount of insurance under this policy shall b. rcduced by any ilmot|nt thc Compon]. ma:/ pay under any policy insuring either (a) r nrurtgage slrown or refer.ed to in Schedule B hercof lvhich is a lien on the €stlte or intercsl covered by thir polic!,, or (b) a mor(gige hereafter crecuted by Jn insured which is a charg€ or lien on the estate or interest dr'scribed or rcferred to in Schcdulc A, and the amoun! so paid shall bc deemcd Iplyment under this policy. The Company shrll hsve the option to apply to the paymcnt of any such mo girgcs aoy arnount that other$.ise would bc payable hereunder to the insu.ed o\rnet of thc cstate or interest covered by this policy rnd the amount so paid shall be dcemed a payment under lhis policy to said insured owner-. 10. Apportionment -' . If lhe land described.in Schedule A consists of lrvo or morc parcels which are not used as a single site, and a loss is cstablished offecting one or nlorc of said parcels but not all, the loss shall be computed and settled on a pro rata basis as if lhe ancunt of insurance unde! this policy w.s divided pro rata as to ahe value on Date of Policy of each separate prrcel to the whole, exclusive of any improvemenls mrde subsequent to Date of Policy, u[lcss c liability or value h!s olherwise bcen agreed upon as to each such parcel by th€ Company and the insured at the time of lhe issuancc of thispolicy and shown by !n express statement hcrcin or by En cndorsemeot attached herelo. 11, Subrogation Upon Paymenl or Settloment \,1/hcnever the Compaoy Ehall hsve settled a claim under this policy, all righl of subrogaaioo shall yest in the Company unafl'ectedby any acl of the insured claimant. The Company shall be subrogaled lo and be entitled to all rights and remedies whi';h such insured claimant would ha\€ had against any person or property in respect to such claim htd this policy not been issned, nnd if requested by the Company, such insured chimant shall trcnsfer to the Company all rights and rem.dies against any person or p'operty necessary in order lo perfect such right of subrogation atld shall permit the Company to use the name of such insured cloinranr in any transaction or litigation involving such rights or remcdies- lf rhe paymelrt does nol cover lhe loss of such insured claimant. the €ompany shall be subrogated to such rights Jnd remedies in the proportion which said paynlent bears to the amount of said loss. lf loss should result from any act ofsuch insured claimant, such acr shall not void this Folicy, but the Company, in that event, shall ber€quired to pay only that pltt of any losscs insurcd rgainst hereunder which shall exceed the amount, if anv, lost to the Company by reason of the impairnrent of the right ofsubrogation. 12. Liability Lirnited to this Policy This instrument logether with all endorsements and oaher instruments, if arly, attached hcreto by the Company is thc antir€policy a||d contracl betlveen thc insured and the Company. Any claim of loss or damagc, whether or not brsed oo ncgligence, and $'lrich arises out of the stalus of the ti c to thr, cslate or inter('st coverr'd hercby or any action nsserting such cliim, shall be restricted to the proyisions 8nd condition$ and stipulations of this policy. No amendment of or cndorsr'ment fo this policy ccn bc madcexcept by $Titing endorsed hereon or ttlchcd h!'reto si![cd by either thc Prcsidcnt, s Vic(' Prcsidcnt, ahs Sccrctrr!,, n Assisarnl Secretury, or v!lid0tirg officcr or authorizcd signutory of the CompJny. 13. Notices, Where Sent All roticcs rcquir('d to be givr'n thc Cl|nlfrny lnd aoy strtcnlltrt In \r,riling rcquircd lo bc frrr islrr.rl thc Conlltuny shirll bc uddrcssrd to its H()nrr'Officc,Iliu||crp()lis, Mitln!.s{)t] 5 540l. Notc: This policy vllid orrly if Schcdulcs A and B rre rttrchcd. o CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. Osflnitlon ot Trrmr Thc followlnS termr whcn. used in thls policy mean: (a) "insured": thc lnlured namcd in Schedulc A, and, subjectao rny rights or defenrcs thc Compsny may have trai agiinsi'irr,named insurcd, those who succeed to thl interest of such lisurcd by 9pcrslion of lsw as distinguisb.d from purcha!€ incluclinr, bui norllmiled lo, hairs, disaributees, d€visces, sutviyors, personal r€prcs€nlotivca, ncxt of kin, or corporste or faduciary suc"ur"ors, (b) "inlurcd clalmrnt": an inaur.d claiming lo$ or dsmagehlrcunder. - -(9) "knowledge"i actust knowledSc, not constructlvekno$,ledge-.or noaica which m.y bc imputed-to rn insurid Uii.iso"of any pubuc rccordr. (d) "tond": thc land dcscribed, spccificolty or by rcference inSchcdulc A, and imF ovemcnts affiicd rtrerito rv'fricfi Uv-irwConstilula rcsl properly; piovidcd, howrwr, lhc tcrm .,land; do;snot include ony propcrty beyond ahe lines of th? oree sDccifictllvdescribcd or rcfcrred to in Schedule A. nor ony ,ighr, aitt;, intcrcsi,eslitls ot etsar|lent in abuning jtrseltr tocdtr avenues, alleys, lrncs,ways ot walcrlrtys, bol nothlng hcrci]| shrll modify or limit thca:tet|l -to rvhich a riglrt of access to rtld from thc tand is Insurcd by ahi3 pollcy. - (c) "mortgrtc": mortgstcr deed of lru3t. trusl .lccd, Dr olhcrtecurily Instrumanl. (Q..public rccordr"! tho36 rccordr whtch by hw lmorrlconslruclivc notic? of mrt|crt rcloaing to lsid lsnd. 2. Contlnuation of lnsrrancs rftlr Convsydtca ot lltl, _ Thc covcrage of this pollcy shall continue in forca !3 of DrlG otyolacy in favor of an Insured so long rs such insurcd rattins In csarrcor interest in thc land, or holds an indebtcdness ,.cr.iO -Uv opurchase money rnortgage given by 8 purchasc, fr<lm sucb insuiect,or so long as such insured shall have liability by rclron ol corcnanrrof warrlnty made by 3uch insured in any tranifer or con".vrnciofsuch_ estaae ol intercsti provided, howeva,r, this poticy shrlt- norcortinuc in force in favor of any purchaser from'ruch insurcd oteilher said estrt€ or interest or ihc indebtcdness s."uroa Lv .purchase moncy mortgoge giwn ro such insurcd. 3. Datcns. 8nd Prosecution of Actions - Notics ol Ctalrn to bo Oiv€n by an Insured Claimant , (s) Thc Company, .t its orvn cost and withoua unduc dclay,shall providc for the defensc of an in3urcd in 8ll litigation consislin8of-adtions or proceedings commenced againlt ru;h insurcd, oi edefcnse inlerp{rscd against an insurcd in an aclion to ctlfo]cr Icontraca for I sale of tlre cst te or iotercal in slirJ tand, to thc cxicnrlhrt sllch liligttiol it founded upot| an sllcged defcct, llcn,cncumhrllnce, or other ma er insured againrt by thts policy. (b) Ttc insurcd shall notify thG Contpsny promrrtty in writini(i) in cose lny actior or proceeding is bcgun oiOllensi iiintcrnorccas sct torth in (r) rhovc, (ii) in crsc knowlcd8c shall comcio rninsurcd hcrcundcr of tny clain of ritlc or interint wlrich is iCwrseto ihc litl€ lo the cstate or intcre$t, as insurcd, rnd which nhhtcaus€ loss or dumagc for which rh€ Company mcy Uc liitrf,-iy. virruc of- this. poticy, or (iii) if tirlc ro rhc esrlao;, mtcilii. LIntutcrt, ts t(reclcd !s unmo.kctablc. lf such prompt notic€ shrllnot be Biycn to ihe Comprny, rhen ss 1e such insuicd aU firUifiiy lconritntcd on inidc ba& fup1 ,1 . '. E -.-,.,. . .r| TIM Ownrc Fcrm 2312 M File No.6t 2742 SCHEDULE A PolicyDate July 9. 1975 at 8:00 A.M. Name of Insured: S.H.B. ENTERPRISES, a General Partnership [as to Parce'l l) The estate or intorest in &e land dcscribed herein and which is covered by this policy is: SIMPLE 4. Title to the estate or interest covered by this policy at thc date hereof is vested in: S.H.B. ENTERPRISES, a General Partnership (as to parcel l) Policy No. AZ 081427 Amount$ 107.985.24 t. L 3. A FEE 5.' The land referred 1o in this policy ir sitriated in the County of _ State of CO] orado and is described as follows: PARCEL'l - Lot 24, Block 2, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDMSI0N, accordingto the plat thereof, recorded December 26,, 1974 in Book 238 at Page 41, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. PARCEL 2 - Lot 10, VAIL Vit-UeE, SECOND FILING (Amended Map), according to the recorded plat thereof. County. of Eagle, State of Co1orado. Thir Policy valid only if Schcdulc I is attachcd. I I I I o TIM OWNERS AT3FORM 2313 FileNo. CU Z74Z policyNo. AZ Ogl4Z7 SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against toss or damage by reason of the following: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the pubric records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3' Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachnrents, and any facts which a correct survey andinspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4' Any lien' or right to a lien, for services' labor, or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shownby thc public records. 5. General or special taxes and assessments required to be paid in the year 1976and subsequent years. 6. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 7' A subordination Agreement, subordinating,the-lrlortgage shown in Item 3, S.chedds-E-lto the Deed of Trust shown in Item 4, sibadds-gj,'ilas recorded May 9,J97q, inBook 234 at Page 648. - - "s'f r' 'r B' Restrictive covenants' which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, as'contained in instrument recorded reoruaiy 2z: iet4;'il'Bdi( l5i-;i-Fuiu-sos, u,amended-pJ, instrument recorded Apri't 7, igis tn eo6k'l':s al Fige-i+bl'-(iitectsParcel 'l ) 9' Covenants, conditions and restrictions as shown on the plat. (Affects parcel i) 10. Deed of Trust dated June 20, l97S from S.H.B. ENTERPRISES, a General partnership tothe Public Trustee^of^Eag1e county for the use-of-Fitiii wEstnilo lrnrrbr,rni"aRilK tosecure the sum of $120.000.00 recbrded June 30, 1975'in sook-2ao it Figl-s)s. Assignment of Rents in connection with said Deed of Trust r.ras recorded July g, .l975'in Book 240 at page 733. ll. Restrictive covenants, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, ascontained in instrument recorded January 9, 1963 in eoot 174 ti-i;g; +iil--(nii..t,Parcel 2) Ir, /'.t' CONTRACT OF SALE THIS CONTRACT, entered into this "O day of t l,)?Canbl-r , 1976r by and berween THor,rAs r. STEINBERG, IfILLIAM A. HOLM And WILLIA.I4 A. BEVAN (hCTCiNAftCT referred to as "Sellers") and the TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer"). (1) PREI4ISES. The Sellers agree to sell and convey, and the Buyer agrees to purchase and pay for the real property located in Eagle County, Colorado, described as: Lot 10, Vail- Village Second Filing, as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibit "A:, which by this reference is made a part hereof. Hereinafter, this real property is referred to as the "Premises". The Premises are sold and shall be conveyed subject to those matters set forth and referred to in this Contract of Sa1e. (z',) PURCHASE PRTCE. The purchase price sha1l be Seventy payable in fuIl at the closing by the Sellers of cash or certified funds. (3) TITLE. Thousand ($70'000) Buyerrs deliveryDol-lars to the (a) The Buyer, at its expense' agrees to obtain a title opinion or title insurance commitment from a responsible titLe company showing the status of record title to the Premises and the title commitment to ensure marketable titl-e to the Premises to the Buyer in the amount of the purchase price upon Palzment of the policy premium by the Buyer and the satisfaction of certain requirements by the Sellers. The title insurance commitment may be subject to the standard printed exceptions appearing in title commitments issued by said insurer and sub- ject to easements, restrictions, reservations or interests of record or visible on the ground, the taxes for 1976 payable in L977, or the general taxes for L977 to the date of closing. CONTRACT OF SALE (b) Further, the Buyer a Qcrtificate of Taxes Due of Eagle County, Colorado. Page 2 Sellers shall suPPlY to the prepared by the Treasurer (c) If the Buyer asserts the existence of any encumbrance, encroachment, defect in or objection to title, other than those set forth or referred to in this Contract which renders title to any portion of the Premises unmarket- able which the Buyer does not waive (any of which is ca]led a "Defect of Titletr), the Buyer shall get written notice of such Defect of Title to the Sellers promptly after discovery of such defect and in any case at or before closing of title- After the receipt of such notice, the Sellers may elect to proceed to remove or cure such defects at their expense and, if the Sellers so elect, the Sellers shall be entitled to an adjournment of the closing of title for a period of twenty (20) days in which to remove or cure such defects. The Sellers shall be entitled to use the proceeds from the closing of title to cure or remove any Defect of Title which may be removed by palzment of an ascertainable.sum of ntoney. The Sellers shall aLso be entitled to provide the Buyer with title insurance protection against any Defect of Title and such title insurance shalt be deemed to satisfy the Setler's obli- gation to remove or cure such defect. If the Sellers do not remove or cure such defect, or if the Sellers so elect and are unable to remove or cure such Defect of Title within twenty (20) days after delivery of Buyerrs notice thereof, the Buyer may elect either to waive such defect or to terminate this Agreement. If the Buyer does not give the sellers written notice of termination on or before the closing date or the adjourned closing date (if Sellers have elected to attemPt to cure such defect), the Buyer shall be deemed to have waived such defects. CONTRACI OF SALE Page 3 (4) CLOSTNG OF TrrLE. . The closing of title shall be on January l, ]-977, and shall be held at the office of the Town Manager, Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado, at an hour specified by the Buyer unless (a) adjourned pursuant to Paragraph (3) above, or (b) set at another date by written agreement of the parties' - At the closing, the folfowing sha1l occur, each being a con- dition precedent to the others and all being considered as occurring simul-taneously : (a) The Buyer shal-l deliver to the Sellers cash or certified funds as provided in Paragraph (2) above' (b) The Sellers shall deliver to the Buyer an executed and acknowledged General Warranty Deed to the premises subject only to those matters set forth in Subpara- graph (3) (a) above and any Defects of Title waived by the Buyer pursuant to Subparagraph (3) (c) above. (c) The Buyer and the Sellers shall execute and deliver such other documents and shal-l take other action as may be necessary to carry out their obligations under this Aqreement. (5) TAXES. The Sellers shall- pay all real property taxes levied 19?6 and for the Period from of closing inclusive. Those to the Treasurer of Eagle CountY, (6)DATE OF POSSESSTON AND USE OT' PREMISES. of the Premises (a) The Buyer shal-l be entitled to possession upon the closing. (b) The Buyer shall have the use of the Premises the date of closing. BUYERIS REPRESENTATIONS. on the Premises for the Year January I, L977, to the date taxes shall be paid directlY Colbrado. from and after (7) The organizcd and Buyer represents and warrants that validly existing Colorado municipal it is a duly corporation .u to coNTRSf oF SALE Page 4 and has full povrer and authority to entcr into this Agreement. The Town.Manager and the Town cl-erk are authorized to execute and attest to this Agreement on behalf of the Buyer in accor- dance with ordinance No. , Series of L976. (8) BROKERS. Each party represents to the other that there are no real estate brokers having any claim for compensation or expenses as the result of this transaction. (9) NorrcE. Any notice, demand pal'ment or other comrnunication required or permitted to be given by any provision of this Agreement shall be hand delivered or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, and shall be addressed to the parties at the address set forth below: gellers: Thomas I. Steinberg william A. Holm Will-iam A. Bevan Vail Medical Professional Corporation P. O. Box 1328 Vail , Colorado 81657 Buver: Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail-, Col-orado 81657 Attention: Town Manager witir a copy sent to the attention of the Town Attorney Any notice, demand' payment or other conununication made in accordance with this paragraph shall be deemed to have been duly given or delivered on the date the same is hand delivered to the recipient or seventy-two (721 hours after the same is deposited in a post office or postal box regularly maintained by the United States Post Office' (10) ASSIGNABILITY. The Buyer may not assign its rights under this Agree- ment without the prior written consenL of the Sellers' (1T) DEFAULT AND TERIIINNTION. Unless otherwise provided in tilis Contract, upon default prior to or at closing, thc party not in default may declare this Contract terminated or obtain specific perfornance CONTRACT OF SJ\I,E Page 5 hereof. Upon termination of this Contract, both parties shalI be releaqe<l from all further obligations hereunder. (1.2I MTSCELLANEOUS . (a) This Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Buyer and the Sellers and their respective successors, heirs, and assigns (b) This Contract, together with the Exhibit attached hereto, contains the entire Agreement between the parties and may not be modified in any manner except by an instrument in writing signed by both parties. . (c) The section headings are inserted only for convenient reference and do not define, limit, or prescribe the scope of this Contract or the Exhibit attached hereto. (d) This Contract sha1l be construed and enforced in accordance with Colorado Law. EXECUTED on the day and year first above written. SELLERS: fnD /u"o 2D BUYER: TOhIN OF VAIL, COLORADO '' Ji' ATTEST: Tdffell J. . .. t t- o frif tf il !tlr ll L-........,.'..,.J..7',;'.'.,:,,.',,.,'.::...,:..: .i.:+*1..r....,,-'': -^ri:;1i:;j','?1-:::..-.-...:;.,..-.,.":*.'\ :ig'p'i'll.1,.:,1.).1i,.': .1::l i. ':' ,..: '.'l(i'';t :tiu{t?l;i?ii;ll,:,Ii-"1 ; 1 1 li';#:: 1 ;! ! .:.:".. ,-,.1, i.' ,, H . ,- ./'- 7":: . t' :a ""'l.;.'/..:.J';l:F\-.-..?l:E;.;fu--.-,...._....'.;.--':-.:'.]. ,'''.,|...].].:..:'..l,':.'!,.,,..''','.r'ii"".,,,",l EXHIBIT "A.' 8t -ta f! r.t .{. I i,:i . .'t:.'t.':i . .! i. 1.. F r.iti .i -a a co GROUND LEASE AND AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the ?:. day of ruhftrA6r1l,1 , L977, (hereinafterJ-referred to as I'the date of this Agreement"), bY and between THOMAS I. STEINBERG, WILLIAM A. HOLM, and WILLIAI'I A. BEVAN (hereinafter referred to as "LESSoRS"), and THE TowN oF vArL, a Colorado home rule municipal- corporation (hereinafter referred to as "TOlilN" ) , WITNESSETH: (1) Lessors, for and in consideration of the rents, covenants, and agreements hereinafter mentioned to be paid' kept and performed by the Town, has let and leased, and does hereby let and lease unto the Town the following described real property situate in the Countlz of Eagle and State of Colorado: Lot 10, Vail Village Second Filing' Town of Vail To have and to hold the above-described real property (a11 of the property hereby leased being hereinafter referred to col- lectively as "the leased premises") to the Town for the period of four months, conmencing on January 1, 1977, and ending at noon on May J- . L977 . (2) Warranties of Lessors. f,essors warrant that they have the right to lease the leased premises and covenant with the Town that, conditioned on the Townrs faithful performance and observance of the Townrs covenants contained herein, the Town shall have, from the date of this Agreement, quiet and peaceable possession of the leased premises during the lease term, subject to this Agreement, and Lessors will defend the Townrs possession against any and all persons whomsoever. This Agreement and the lease term shall, however, expire and all rights of the Town here- co GROUND LEASE Page 2 under terminate automatically upon the expiration of the term of this Agreement, without notice or demand upon the Town. (3) Covenants of the Tohtn. The Town does hereby lease the leased premises for the term of this Agreement and agrees to the following: (a) To use the premlses for recreational or governmental Purposesi (b) To keep and maintain the leased premises in ae good a condition as it is on the commence- ment date of this Lease and not to commit waste of the Leased premises or any portion thereof; (c) To pay a rental fee of $2800.00 payable in monthly Palzments of $700.00 each, due and payable on the lof day of each month during the term of this Lease. (d) The Town will enter into possession of the leased premises immediately upon commencement of the tern of this Lease and will thereafter during the term of this Lease occupy and hold possession of the leased premises, holding Lessors exempt and harmless frorn any damage or injury to any person, or personalty, by reason of the possession of the leased premises, or the Tovtn's other operations conducted upon the leased premises, except as such injury or damage may result from the negligence of the Lessors. (e) The Town shall, at its sole cost and expense, maintain in force during the term of this Agreement a policy or policies of comprehensive general liability insurance covering the Lessors' (4) CovenantL ol I,eEEerE. Lessors in consideration or herein made to be kePt It is further agreed bY rents and covenants to be Paidof the co GROUND IEASE Page 3 by t,he Town, that Lessors covenant as follows: (a) That the leased premises may be used for the purPoses set forth herein and that the Town shatl- have excLusive use of the leased premises, subject to the terms of this Agreementi (b) Lessors wiLl not take any other action which would prohibit or restrict the Townrs use of the leased premises in accordance with this Agreement; (c) To pay all ad valorem taxes, assess- ments and other pubJ-ic charges levied or assessed by the federal ' state or local governments upon the leased premises, this Lease Agreement, the rents herein reserved, and any improvements erected thereon, and will at all times save the Tovtn harmless from the payment tbereof. (5) Conditions of Grant. This Agreement is made upon the condition that the Town shal-l perform all- the covenants and agreements herein set forth to be performed by it. If there shall be default on the part of the Town in the payment of rent, or other con- dition j-n the performance or observance of any of the remaining covenants or agreements to be observed or performed by it and such default shall continue for thirty (30) days after written notice of such default and demand for performance is given by Lessors to the Town, Lessors shall have fuLl right, without further demand or notice which are hereby waived, to enter upon the leased premises and to take immediate possession thereof and to bring suit for and collect all rents, paymFnts or other charges which shall have been accrued to and f the tirne of entry. upon such default this Agreement and pIl rights herein granted shall become void to all intents purposes whatsoever and all improvements made on the lea premises shall be heLd by Lessors as security for the payfnent of amounts due under this Lease by the Town' co GROUND TEASE Page 4 (5) Mutual Agreements. It is further mutually agreed by and between parties hereto as follows: (a) Notice. A11 notices' requests, consents, option and other communications under this Agree- ment shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been sufficiently given or served if delivered or mailed by first c1ass, registered or certified mail, sufficient postage prepaid, addressed as follows: If to Lessors: Thomas I. Steinberg. william A. Holm william A. Bevan Vail Medical ProfessionaL CorPorationP. O. Box 1328 Vail , Colorado 81557 If to the Town: Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8L657 Attention: Town Manager Copy to Town AttorneY The addresses herein given may be changed by the party affected thereby by notice given pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph. (b) Waiver. No waiver, expressed or impJ-ied, of any breach of any covenant, condition or stipu- lation hereunder shall be taken as a waiver, expressed or irnplied, of any succeeding breach of the same covenant, condition or stipulation. The acceptance of rent by Lessors shall not be deemed to be a waiver (except as to any default arising out of the failure to pay the rent so accepted b1z Lessors) ' of any breach of the Town of any covenant herein con- tained or of the right of Lessors to re-enter for breach of condition. (c) Covenants Against Liens. (i) BY the Town. During the term of this Agreement, the Town covenants promptly to discharge or cause to be discharged every lien, ro GROUND LEASE Page 5 charge or encumbrance of any nature whatsoever created by the Town and no others, which may be filed against the leased premises, and the Town will indemnify and save Lessors harmless from all loss, cost and expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees, which Lessors may sustain by reason of such lien, charge or encumbrance r or in defending against such lien' charge. or encum- brance. (ii) BY Lessors. During the term of this Agreement, Lessors covenant promptly to discharge or cause to be discharged every lien, charge or encumbrance of any nature whatsoever created by Lessors and no others, which may be or have been filed against the leased premises, and lessors will indemnify and save the Town harmless from all loss, cost and expense, inclu- ding reasonable attorneys' fees, which the Town may sustain by reason of such lien, charge or encumbrance, or in defending against such lien' charqe or encumbrance. It is also mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto that in consideration of the foregoing covenants of each of the parties, one to the other, the Town hereby agrees. and Lessors hereby agree to sell, on or before the first day of YIay, L977, the following described real property situate in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado, to-wit: Lot tO, vail" village Second Filing, Town of Vail (8) At the closing date for said Agreement to sell and purchase, the Parties agree as fol-lows: (7) Agreement to Purqhase Leased Prefitigeg. GROUND LEASE ro Page 5 (a) Lessors agree to sell and convey, and the Town agrees to purchase and pay for the real property located in Eagle County, Colorado, des- cribed as Ict 10, Vail- Village Second Filing, Town of vail . (b) The purchase price shaLl be Seventy Thousand ($70,000) Dollars payable in fulI at the closing by the Townts delivery to Lessors of cash or certified funds. (c) The Town, at its expense, agrees to obtain a title opinion or title insurance comrnit- ment from a responsible titl-e company showing the status of record title to the premises and the title commitment to ensure marketable title to the prernises to the Town in the amount of the purchase price upon palzment of the policy premium by the Town and the satisfaction of certain requirements by Lessors. The title insurance commitment may be subject to the standard printed exceptions appearing in title commitments issued by said insurer and subject to easenents, restrictions, reservations or interests of record or visible on the ground, the taxes for 19?6 payable in Lg77 | and the general taxes fox 1977 to the date of closing (d) Further, Lessors shall supply to the Town a Certificate of Taxes Due prepared by the Treasurer of Eagle County, Colorado. (e) If the Town asserts the existence of any encumbrance' encroachment, defect in or objection to title, other than those set forth or referred to in this Agreement, which renders titLe to any portion of the premises unmarketable which the Town does not waive (any of which is called a "Defect of Title"), GROUND LEASE (-o Page 7 the Town shall get written notice of such Defect of Title to Lessors promptly after dis- covery of such defect and in any case at or before closing of title. After the receipt of such notice, Lessors may elect to proceed to r emove or cure such defects at their expense and, if lessors so eLect, L,essors shal1 be entitled to an adjournment of the closing of title for a period of twenty (20) days in which to remove or cure such defects. Lessors shall be entitled to use the proceeds from the closing of title to cure or remove any Defect of Title which may be removed by payment of an ascertain- able sum of money. Lessors shal-l also be entitled to provide the Town with title j-nsurance protection against any Defect of Title and such title insurance shall be deemed to satisfy Lessorsr obligation to remove or cure such defect. If Lessors do not remove or cure such defect, or if Lessors so elect and are unable to remove or cure such Defect of Title within twenty (20) days after delivery of the Townts notice thereof, the Toetn may elect either to waive such defect or to terminate this Agreement' If the Town does not give Lessors written notice of termination on or before the closing date or the adjourned closing date (if Lessors have elected to attempt to cure such defect), the Town shall be deemed to have waived such defects. (f) The closing of title shall be on llay I' L977, and shall be held at the office of the Torvn Manager, Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado, at an hour specified by the Town unless (1) adjourned pursuant to paragraph (8) (e) above, or (2') set at anoLher date by agreement of the parties. At the o C GROUND LEASE Page 8 cJ.osing, the following shall occur, each being a conditj-on precedent to the others and all being considered as occurring simul-taneously: (i) The Town shall deliver to Lessors cash or certified funds as provided in paragraph (8) (b) above. (ii) Lessors shall deliver to the Town an executed and acknowledged General- Warranty Deed to the premises subject only to those matters set forth in paragraph (8) (c) above and any Defects of Title waived by the fown pursuant to paragraph (8) (e) above. (iii) The Tohtn and Lessors shall execute and deliver such other documents and shall- take other action as may be necessary to carry out their obligations under this Agreement. (s) Lessors shall pay all real property taxes l-evied on the premises for the year 1976 and for the period from January I , 1977, to the date of closinq inclusive. Those taxes shall be paid directLy to the Treasurer of Eagle County, Colorado. (h) The To\'tn represents and vtarrants that it is a duly organized and validly existing Colorado muni- cipal corporation and has fu1l power and authority to enter into this Agreement. The Town Manager and the Town Clerk are authorized to execute and attest to this Agreernent on with Resolution No. 1f of the Town in accordance , Series of L977. (i) Each party rePresents to the other that there are no real- estate brokers having any claim for compensation or expenses as the result of this transaction. (j) Any notice, demand' payment or other com- munication made in accordance with this Agreement beha e o c GROUND LEASE Page 9 shall be deemed to have been duJ-y given or delivered on the date the same is hand delivered to the recipient or seventy-two (72) hours after the same is deposited in a post office or postal box regularly maintained by the United States Post Office. (k) The Town may not assign its rights granted by this Agreement without the prior written consent of tessors. (9) Default and Terrnination. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreementt upon default prior to or at closing, the party not in default may decl-are this Agreement terminated or obtain specific performance hereof. upon termination of this Agreement, both parties sha1l be released from all further obtigations hereunder. ( l-0 ) Miscellaneous. (a) This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Town and Lessors and their respective successors, heirs and assigns. (b) This Agreement contains the entire agree- ment between the parties and may not be modified in any manner except'by an instrument in writing signed by both. parties. (c) The section headings are inserted only for convenient reference and do not define, ljrnit, or prescribe the scope of this Agreement. (d) This Agreernent shal-l be construed and enforced in accordance with Colorado law. EXECUTED on the day and year first above written. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADORS:LESSO , Stanley F. Bernstein . \.' Acting To\,itn Manager ATTEST: Town-E1erk