HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT 9 UNIT B LEGALW l/'t/'.- f,lry 7 Utr f'urru'l*tlo'?77 W/?/r/'tQit ittt t's'\ TOWI'{ OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 Plx 970-479-24s2 www.ci.yail.co.us August 4,2003 Beth Levine, Architect PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 RE:. 272 W. Meadow Drive / Lot 9, Vait Viltage Fiting 2 Dear Beth, I have received your application for an additionto 272 West Meadow Drive / Lot 9, Vail village Filing 2. As I indicated to you, the above-referenced property does not have any remaining GRFA. The legal file indicates that both units have done -250 additions" and have therefore maximized their GRFA allotments. As is required by the Design Review Board application for an addition, floor plans to verify the GRFA existing on the site are required for submittal. Your research confirms that there is no GRFA remaining. As a result, I am denying your application for an addition located at the above+eferenced property. Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970- 479-2369. Allison Ochs, AICP Planner ll Town of Vail {g *nt"uor^ro Depaltment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21i8 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.tu FII. E COPY July 30, 2003 Beth Levine, Architect PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 RE: 272 W. ileadow Drive / Lot 9, VailVillage Filing 2 Dear Beth, I have received your application for an addition to 272 West Meadow Drive / Lot 9, Vail Village Filing 2. The following comments and concerns must be addressed to staffs satisfaction prior to Design Review Board approval: 1. The topographic survey must show the existing grading around the proposed addition so staff can accurately determine building height of the addition. 2. The topographic survey must show the l0Gyear flood plain and the 50 ft. Gore Creek setback. 3. The iopographic survey must indicate the lot area of the entire site, not just the 'B" parcel. 4. Please provide floor plans and a site plan of the entire lot, so that staff can adequately determine site coverage and GRFA for the site. Please include floor plans of the garage. 5. Please show the setbacks on the site plan. The stairs and deck cannot encroach more than 7.5 ft. (if within 5 ft. of grade) or more than 5 ft. (if more than 5 ft. above grade.) Please revise. 6. Please indicate the number and size of existing trees, and the number and size to be removed. In addition, please provide a landscaping and exterior lighting plan. 7. Any improvements in the utility easement must be approved by the utility companies. Please provide letters verifying approval. 8. I can find no verification that the improvements located on the Town of Vail stream tract were approved by the Town of Vail. These improvements must be removed, or approval granted to have these improvements on the stream tracl must be granted by the Town Council. 9. According to the legal file, both units have completed "250 additions.' Please provide GRFA measurements of the existing floor plans of both units indicating that you have remaining GRFA. {S r"n"ttoruo To remain on the Design Review Board agenda for August 6, 2003, all of the above comments and concems must be addressed to staffs satisfaction. Revisions must be submitted to me by I am on Friday, August 1, 2003. lf there aro any outstanding issues, the item will be tabled until all issues can be resolved. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contad me at 970-47$'2369. Planner ll Town of Vail To remain on the Design Review Board agenda for August 6, 2003, all of the above @mments and oncems must be addressed to staffs satisfaction. Revisions must be Eubmitted to me by 8 am on Friday, August 1, 2003. lf there are any outstanding issues, the item will be tabled until all issues can be resolved. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contad me at 970.479,2369. Planner ll Town of Vail Allison OchsiAlCP Department of C ommunity D eve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us ' July 30, 2003 Beth Levine, Architect PO Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 RE: 272 W. Meadow Drive / Lot 9, Vail Village Filing 2 Dear Beth, I have received your application for an addition to 272 West Meadow Drive / Lot 9, Vail Village Filing 2. The following comments and concerns must be addressed to staffs satisfaction prior to Design Review Board approval: 1. The topographic survey must show the existing grading around the proposed addition so staff can accurately determine building height of the addition. 2. The topographic survey must show the 100-year flood plain and the 50 ft. Gore Creek setback. 3. The topographic survey must indicate the lot area of the entire site, not just the 'B" parcel. 4. Please provide floor plans and a site plan of the entire lot, so that staff can adequately determine site coverage and GRFA for the site. Please include floor plans of the garage. 5. Please show the setbacks on the site plan. The stairs and deck cannot encroach more than 7.5 ft. (if within 5 ft. of grade) or more than 5 ft. (if more than 5 ft. above grade.) Please revise. 6. Please indicate the number and size of existing trees, and the number and size to be removed. In addition, please provide a landscaping and exterior lighting plan. 7. Any improvements in the utility easement must be approved by the utility companies. Please provide letters verifying approval. 8. I can find no verification that the improvements located on the Town of Vail stream tracl were approved by the Town of Vail. These improvements must be removed, or approval granted to have these improvements on the stream tract must be granted by the Town Council. 9. According to the legal file, both units have completed '250 additions." Please provide GRFA measurements of the existing floor plans of both units indicating that you have remaining GRFA. {g""*uor^ro R-h Lcvina Rorln e?o-soess3 epefnUon br Ddgn ReYieut ffil|6o|!tdo||3 trf_p.qFEtt rqrihg ddto rEttun nrd rtdE Wed Ftr b sffiufrg. h*tlg F il ddo. pt* r*r b fh rllttt rcttffi fs OE Ftrfu T$t Ur* t nCESd- fr egi*o fr oldgn f,cdr.errc Dc rollF{ t'tl a tteld itmrfb b.drc, bf tle Cs'[r*r OafryE* o:prffi, ffr qrCF(t nst e rrat b E t|tF|!t !f rne Trr @rrcf ra/b t! Fttt|it' d ffil ffiDt|t. rt ?rd lrF t- r ff F.ilb !rr. d odrdn cE- SJrcfe-lhnrorL p.rerr.: AlalgtldO4 . (ffi ersh6"nwr*st$?ES{tbr nrdm) ZffifF rhEtod fff* 'thE * oru-trltrrt;t} f.rndfF;C..lE rs&lr- ttE Flr[fff- Ilpc of nrdaril.l hrrq 9tGrf corgCn:r,ar - tr Ix, G,rt|.f!lS rmn O rfrlh'rlEt(|rfffftbdrEeD tr th lErso.l(*Ccedrfirnbo tr clnglsblfid Ph o sFrtig|nau.* t,t i. Jun (,5 Ui' UZ:5bP Jun OS 03 08: Oo. dh Lc.tlddrbhEo.dt @e- KlNti lNvh.s tFh.n I $zlr l .ru:t l Ju t F. r P.? *i. q DcF.lrrat d C.anriy DcnhprEt 75 *tti tunblE qo4 td,Sn b Er69d 90.+r!I2r:B bc 9rc.rr92r5rrtb:w,AFlo'|! f50 6o$lllpcqrcbddelcgnia. Ib F!. jl{ Foroordn drrE hfft9a('rE/btfrf4 tlW,; tux i&rrdrrrrilrt roobgELrdd br|t rtrHilbl as- dnffi bffig (Erdtr,EprffiAhrf cmrfrGD.$9 hrdutu$sbblfp{drtfryut:n*,sdtt,rsdrg, FEEL ffidil .de!t, b|@D, tnci .{ ilfa-hg irl3, dEtzo Fo. rfir ct|Ifts tD h*her rd !b hnygrp*r. edr Ctlndhg|' fur9. rher lffanl. lrdsfie|, lk|G rd rt|rf*t9ialf,cG.gl hr Gr{rb.! b CrE .lrdt ryurcd bt PLflng 9Jl c tltt D|lfgnRa&rh.d-rbb 'a5 R JUL I r 2m3 ,-ffi N'INT PR.OPERTYOWNER WRITTEI{ APPROVAL ETTER r, (print n"roAl& JcllrYll .a joint owner of property locad at (address/bgal <resaiprion) z1Z tt). YUada futVt provide this let@r as written apprwal of the plam Md i-3-'O? -whilr have been submitted to the Torn of vail community Development Department for tte proposed impfoverneflts b be ornpleted at the address noted above. I undersbnd u|at s|e proposed impro\remenB indude: as, r1arz tlbta ler'?za b. /a. I further understard that minor modifications may be made to the plans orer the course of the revieur process to ensure compliance with the Tovrrn's applicable cods and regulations. * (J [.l[.# (Signature) tl?lrloz (Date) / | Page 2 of L2lozl0Zoz }lt:tf O' .*r2lrr. ?F,- 0n;+"f" T-o.rl. wb 4;21a1fi*L b4'A:4 1/ 1z o l,Itr rl!rn U"i+ 'P" inrrn*117a[Ya'a I =h)r- Uui-J- " P" larofu'UL?f Cevvt't'v IP.\, PPP +'tutiltal (t-+D7 tt/ze |bit *Q" tlovln 4.+t: tn*wu4- f.a.,l. Eb 2obufit<l tl.4.a;2 ;/ zz tn{t LttB trglc !r.t, |ma ut Jun ar rr u4;.ro:.r, rrr JqsLea. Ird l[c Gusobc Coryq c{Eillxf,nD[silnltt TI(R| Itrb: 06.G.It lltrtAd&tr IrNlrq Latf t, vAtLYAlLtI.Gz Oc(Hlrtlffit vcll;' EIf,IIVIBP.(lETS avot,@tlolb ftr/rlD rr tflfrilll bftlk Lf,n raataa Ldana r aLrc \attiil LdTtleqraleGtW XfnCItlfAC[S D.n.! .6{$zns Om Ordcr itmbcr: VgmLLtt hqcrty Aftlrcrr: TJNITB, II'T 9, VAIL YAILFI.G 2 Bq/.r/B.rror.r: JAMESU. re{G,S. Sdhdom: JAMESU. IqNG, B" Il you brvc rry lnqrtrlcr or rqdre tbrthcr dbfrDcg PLorc cdtt .n o|tc ot thG nulbert bdot: For Chd4 A^drtrnce ForfitbA&ncc: VdTnGD.Et not.rAvtrr f(ES.honlrgcR.n W.t203 P.o. Bor Ail vrfl, Co tl6tt Phgtrvm4'Gr'l.L Fu: JltG476;4lEb EEdk Rn rOl$c'@ Nc.d r rlrp or dlrccdor lor your npo@ry doftg3 Chcck out Lrld llde.! tcb dlc rt ttf,.llgccom E$IT'I|E(FIINEE HordonBHcr f1?5. OO RTA.$175. OO toE CdtEl TEAI{K Y(X' K'T Y(IN (XDEnI FFm Lild Tttla (Ill) l ot Jul 'l'1" uz:'rs:'rt n r'l F I^adTde-tarrnact UN'IIIIEffi r1{o(E Oru: $Mf,SU. KNq' S' Pr0n ryAetI! UNIT& IIIT9' YAILVAILFI'G2 Yehllo: W.b rrertgb ||, orer, flr* r:ftrrc cOifu NG YSnf,lE .CHARGBS. !trrdmffi $?s.m -TolrS-ir?a0 BGGdcb.lt|trydcbt IdTtlbfficAry P.(} Bors4n D.[rli, CO ml7 rlarl Laalll a a\a€ l!r'r., t Glc€o Tldc hrE Ad|w ALTA COMMITMENT Sdrdrlc A (hn(HcrNo. VflnorlIf7 Grt Xd.: ftopcrg Attulrlr': UNTT B' tI'Tg, YAIL YAIL trI.lB2 L Erc.r|rlc D.E rry r1 zre r 5:lx) P.if,- 2. Pouct to bc ksn4 .d Propard Inrund: Ifrrdmil& Ftqccdlmt JAirlESU. trING,I. 3. Thc cd.b or hhlctb tb lod dtrlb.d or rtfcnrcd to ln ltrk Cmlt|Icnt ed corercd brtln b AFcGSl4. 4. TUG to b G'frlc or bbntt coErd h.rrh b rt ft cffcdE thlt hcrcol wlct h: JAMESU. IqNG,s. 5. Ttrc lrd rr&freil b h rfr Cdffi Ir de!.dbca rt folbtr! Irtf B, A nElilJBIrrVt$(IrI Or IItT I, YluL VIITAGEI SGCdirD FILINq AOOfrTTING TO TIIB PIAT rc(XDU' SEPIEDTBER S, t.g[o IN Bq)I(3d' AT PAGTT!', OoIJNTY tr EAGIT, STATE (XCU,()nAIXI lnu u' Jun zuuS ut:{o:e, rr ;rl a o9c r wru ALTA COMMITMENT Schdc B - llcc0m I (ncqrdrln.ilt) our (H'rNc YCml2J' Ih:folorlng rrc tb lGqdrd b Decmp$ctidlb: la (r) P|gn:r b c tc ft d ot t grrb|t or ttrortlrgolt o[ E fiI c.dffir lorlb cJ|l or *rrrtbDctncd. nr15; nq:r6a6q[r) cr:r|hgabd6t.rtubb hsld|:cerlbdddt llca br l@rd' brlc Ib(c) nryu:cdrtre* cttglr orrr d hrLdd red tff lb*lcctFdu rilch re tu dftdc. lA (4 effd rtdnffi, ll qr drdoccd Horr: IEIS qDtMmUE{T rS FOn !NF(X[{ATK}{ ONLY, AND NO FqrCY WU-Lm xs$JEL PT'TIUAI{THreIl(I From Land lltle (r4) rat lr Latlta a.!lE \rrJt ALTA COMMITiIBNT Sd:mrB-Sccdm2 @ccPtu) OurOrdcrlb' V5lmllli}7 Tb polkt or poH.r !D bc trrcd rll .m6.laDdoB b ttc lollorbg nhr ttcre.!c.[4Ga o[ to thc trdtlr.dm o[ ttc Goqtuy: L Flbccfu ofpfcrhpeclmDtfutDbylbDdlc ncotdt L bl€6r orcldu otcrcord, Dt$NIby lb |rilc ncort- !. Dfuccpd.r, cd[cf hbffiyhr, rbrqlhru, corrtrcrgr rdry fict rlich r ontd sty d forpcclo d b FdGt tod iltchr d tilch lt Dt frrrn by tb puc ncad3 it AW [.q c rlg! b r [co, toranlcr, Hr orilrld thr0ton a bc*r mO4 bo*d by br d Dtrbrr bt hFdilc t!c.|t. 5; Dc&.a, [c, cl;ran}rrs, drtc ddr or.thn ffir, lry, crtt4, [ntq:rfoSh b plc rtcodr c 6c&B d.Gqldb o:&r.di9.d$ho(hrplorb6cdrb|b pfori hcd rqd|!' ot |rordt r r*r lb cttrts or brtrt or rn&18! hGm covitd bt ddt Cffi. 6. Ib c 4cdrl -d dchrc Etfrnr cdrlhg llclr by b Ffl. rt fldro & Tlrntt'l c!!cg 7. Llctorqddrtrdsrchfer, f ry.. t h ddeq h orlrt'r po[.t dn bc qcd b h m(gryq tl q, ntd ln Sccdcr I ol S&de B hto(, 9. NrcHt fr Pn(PRIEII(n(FA VEN ON,I.(X'ETOu'IXACTAND IEf,{OYEEXSONE IHENTTXXI SNXTTI TSE SAME BE FOT'ND TO PF{ETNATE Ox' INIENSrc.T ffiE PNEMFBS ASnE$EnlvEX' lN LTHIIE) STATES PATF{Trm(mtEXt SEPTTMBER0+ 1ql3, IN B(X)K 90ATPAGES. IU XTGITT ffi WAY FON I'NEEI OXCEITIALS qf,{STNUCITT' IY TE ATIIfr)N| T (F lAE I.r{IIg' Sf,trlTSAS IEfBRT'ET' IN UNIIS' STATES PATE{TXGq'nDET' SGPIEIDM.O4' l'l3, n{rgot(qtATPAGBS. IL NESIruCTTYE COVE{ANTS WHKE DO NOT C(NTAIN A FONFf,ITT'f,ts (}* NsvENf,EN CIAUS' x[.rT(hlrrTlli|GANy covElANTotnEilnrcrKlr| BASED (N nAC., A(xI)n, xErcuf, sg, HANDICAP, FAIIIIIAL SilATUS (Xl{ATKrrtAL OtrGlN UI$,8SSAND G{LY IOTEE Eflrl{T TEAT IIAID COyE{ANT (A) IS EXSf,lPT rn{ItR, CEAPTR.{I, scTr(r{ Sdl}7 (x THE UNIIE STAIES OmAOnG) Xg./rTES T(} BANITrcAPBI}T IX)EINOT ITGmMII{ATE AGAn|ST HAMICAP E[6XxrIS, AS CONTAINEI lN INS{HJMEIIiT RBOOnITEI' JANUAnY 0t, f96+ lN BO(x 174 AT PAGE/a3L TL EASMF{TS, NEIMVAII(ITSAND NES"ITICNOITF AS CONTAINEI' C{ TI|ENEC{)IDED MAP tr VAIL VILIAGB SM(ItlD FIUNG. rnm Lalr lrtlc (r.L l llll v, Jr l .'t vJ u4..tu.", rn .lr..et'L. e. r ALTA COMMITMENT ScbdcB-Sc&n2 (eafdonr) (trOrd'rhb' VSXIT Ib tolct.r DolH.t bbGtn i'u.mtrb|.s.Ddil b ttc lolhllq nlcr 6c m rrc d4cl d!.thlrtEr.dmdthCeryry l3. TEnrNS, C(I{DIIX)iEAID PnOVUXX{SOFEASME{TAGXEMETTXEOO*I'ED MAy lr' ISTNBq,tr($6ATPAGEIg3. r4 EAmIE{TS, InS[RVfiI0{SAND XISITXCM|SAS$tr0WII otnasERvg) (l{ TIIE ESTTBIUVISI(II PI.AT ffi lrrrg XEO(nD!I SEPIEMESn0', rm F{B(XX3f,' AT PAGEZ'9. ilt tmLITY EASEtrf,hIT 10 rffif |N WtDfiIAIItNGlK)XrEWEilEnLY IllrrlNEtrIItT A' TIIE SX'IUWB$TENLY tl'TLr{BOT IJONTA AI{I' B AND TNAVMilNGST,TET pn(x'Etff, pfix|(nm SEWEn.AND WAIEil'EAS&IF{T TnAvn$I'aG S[tBtECr PnomXY AlsilttfrN (I{ luE I'AT morutED swlBlm,a rgtt IN Bffi 3dt AT PAG&72' 16 rEIrNS, CrIilDnUtF Alllt PK)ySXF{S OTTOWNH(XTSG DmArAlxF{ rrconlrE swlf,ilm,CE, 19[3, lX BfltK3dl AT PAGB 7l0. troo L,eno llElc (r.r,lnu uI JIn awJ va.rtu.'., tr [,l LANI' TITLE GUAN,ANTBE COMPANI DISCII'SI'NE STATEDTENII' Irbes M b qS fGu-fa' macc b h.rtbt 8lrttr ffi A) Ib4ct|ti lrof.rtt ry D! hcrld in r4cdd lrfrE fttlct B) A Grlilc* of Thr ItE ISt c*f idBFld.{Dq h oetudftlntb Cou" Ttr-Ett'ttriltd{att C) Tb t{ordor nro.nr+. .dltlclr d lb bDffi ol r.b dttlcg ry b offi.rl tm eBordd6qtudtdoDE,tuOrry(:.!tdn.cod:qorlEO4Affi' Nob: nr".c{r $ebtu I, Itn, CnS 3Gf0{6 n|Idfis lht r[ ed ttfitd tc rGcortry rilhg h tb cbtd rtco*t'r oc t|t ccra r bp trgh ot a lcrt c |d d r ldg d8ts cd blt@ mtgh of f hd0|Eilotnht Ib dcr|( d ncorG q rt{hr b rtcord or trlG q &cdil &a!-Dt d.rq .'r!.nt H, tb nsarr ror b lop rlrTh trl Dt Tdt b &d chg to|[ on nllcbqce tr Fod&dbr|@lfrg cr trllng iilondol a fu Spqh ot dl &cld' Nolr: Golor&Il'lytlndlr|rrE n gddd !1{;1, Prrgrat C of Arddc Vtr n4dE' ht'Btq [dc cdv fl bc rcadilc brlt ffi r*l rycr o( rtcord plor 5 tb tb of tttoUry tbltrfu d6..d$l coft! |b dodq d b rtrpodllc hr rtcortug ortrht o' l€J rbclrt ndh3lhm & Menrilct rrr dan{'. Iiodd.d E Ld Tl& Gn* cory ffi h ctorhgo[b|r!cdt'doDdb nrpodc brrcordfol tb |.3|| ftc|dttmft !-l.rct|mr accplodcrg rltr mtS.r'mft(h'E,tTlte hilrydbl.drhlgtbrha lbrt AffiE mHc'r lkn porrdotor& Oruq br rrdldc (ryflcdv bt dcdo d &cpdon u. 4 o[ !|ffi B, Scctbn 2 o[ b Oorrntnpd ftom fu OtEdl Foflqr b hc ttnQ W codtnc tlfr b fo!ilhg cddm: e) fU ta &[tlcl b ScHc A ot it codffi rrt tc r trglc rhtrdf rcdtu dfcb lffircotrfuorbtfuGldt !) No bor orddtr bt ba ffibd by cffcr c rrrhdrr{nn la Fpo€ of corrtc{m o lb hl&rcr{bd hsffic A ol dt Col|di--lf d0lhlb prt 5 ofr c) Tb 6ryry d E .ln r erwlrl ddrv|trnd$t4 tb oory 4drttntrlctlmchlcknl*rrb nlrlan D) Th &ry nt nrdvc pm:nt of lb glopbl Fd|D. E) E tuc b b..n cmEedr, -qmmGt asr rt?in du m lb FoFry b b pH tlbfrffiFcb |b Ih dtb On'lDr' fu nStrrf b ohh corertc br utcordal llcn rfll |r@ &ddre o[ crfr outrrlc ffiF.dG ffil ffitndm rb h tdlr, ft Hbdorfu cdr$,r; lryuarottb rytprfu:plmU! .r..!rd ldd/ fgr.c.* mry b b cqr, d, ry dlod n$m - ry bG mcrt tbra do dlh dorrrdd ffi|mh bt |b Cory- No couegc dll bc glwilrfrrv rftrqnhcr lorhbrorrdd lor wtrh &c lnuld hr on&|.ta lororgccd to 1ry. IrbEs bdbcns lGll-l:Il, Df,cc b blant C|!c A) Tb asc || rror&d lyldcc h rdDtd c*rb b b.tr t Kt4 hc4 or olttvlrc cotrrtt .l trG & dG Gr!: d lilhr L rffi ffiod b r dld p|q mdtrotE cdl hl|GntD o0r 3l' oh ffil' cgrolml.GEltt ftppctty; d B) Tf erbffi c* q ffi & d8b !.!rrd a b ppcf tfibur tu uborat'rpadslorrfutnkl||tar !,o'drlo&Jrc.dffi c.dfrE rtdrr..c rt!|re ffi.rcilq or mdE tt S&ddc D, S.cdon a NoOIA brho|&drfll bclcdtoobIgrE hcoryb rrlvf& ryotlbcov.r*tr nfeina b Mrdc|' ft &E qilm re Hts ffi. 1.6 rl@ @lel@. . -!t! - -. ? rt.rrrr !.rr| r trrG \i.rt -- JOTNT NOTICE OT PN,IVACY POLICY nddfrt lirtlonl mmrfl Cmq o[ Amprdcd6@o T[lc Inmrrre Cmprry rnd bdTtlhGurrut Gcqrry &lyr'zm fh rEoqird|t E t b Frrryc rfiicr hre W'c Htlt-brSFgEg.hEFlg:Tfi ffi.E"ft'ffi nts $A6r lft;;mcrprdo'q w. nanc Ci rgr b dtqc ddt RlYrt [ilm ta b thft srbtna.'lt {T[crllc prlvry l,ns. h th cou! ot oN[. hfr.||| rl. Eq/ o|llct F.!:rmrl lDfodou.bdyo trom tb follolbgtr..|! rffi.$ a a a t t Flm dor or ofu bru lt rrcdrc &omyon orlprrtrrfocd rtFttcd*rqiil;ffiEdfu.tc, c-aam-mrrrts 5&su!tudtr' rr, drd1a3' oro&r;Fbmorhrdr.bCf|ii6; tu dc ;dt-rforu1 uv Fn;6d cdlcr lb ;p c&r oHtr d6toy Dln b* .dri.r, .*fr@ ocdc or otrir;-dElmmorohE?oq r$.dct {h lbilchl ncga.dhg thc PFot cdm ot thc Omfidcr$ltrtr rd Sc.trrlty of Ym Pcrronl lrilororlhn t I a Wc ' rlrlcd. chcfrlde d mcc&d r{crrt t potct tc ftsil lfrqdm non d@l;HilEi583;1ft;fr;;-ffr hod ffi-tufidr 5 re-qoyccr'b dd s b ccrJm rlth podlq F!.bb ot crlc!' b lro[.r loroftf lcgllhts E|E Fpcca (hr h[fi r[.t Prrafca nrgr@ rh. Shdqg ot Yo[r Ptarmal Inlotmrdm trtb 'fii!|m:h|'od hrdicfi&uilX*1 dr ire cqqtdc+ t:nE dobnd c* idcdrcrrlct pw** ft'c -o !t dtdc yor ftcod U.lil[G b rE|tl'. hbE c rtDEdttt o wl& !/u 'iti c?is yN htc ng$l- ffi;rt coffir#-c-tcr*G noil; rib povle rr|ccs aprftni m|c1fu orodrHniolccbd;d5 ofui r|t rbu* c*r n iotf nrtOng arc:-.* br poG ortcrYt t h lc buca yuqddbcrt h dllm. lc rfl ffi* vu Rald lilordon *b!ou dIt t 016r ! Flddoq r{m rc uc rrgitd bv lr b do ro. d. rbn we-anffi trrrdal orcrffi r-tffica Wc dEo ry drdo+ F[. ItEodffiffi-ld;-+qfi-dctre|rrrrdb.do|tccrlgF @ orot q ifcfu' tndon cr nldodp tft tG, (h o[ E botgrf ngdH|Icr ot rm d or lffiad coffcr lr !o rtcord door6 h fu $[cddn hh-ddiq..dryorftod lilordon Btg[t to Accs Yor Pcronrl ldormdfen ud Abltfry to Cor?cct Ero]r Or ncqcd (}rngrr (> Ildcdr cbrt-D rtE {cdrutcr{db.c!|r[.It!d lftrrdo d, .rcafln dtutc, b Hdt b rbm !F ftD.it liledim b hd tlrdci ALo, ..ilrirct {ordya h dgBb r-!gE* -orcOori. @rrdcdolof yr hrrd lfrrdo' Wc rt rrc |b d3[r tEll P.llc( 4, n, o chtEc rarodc lG. b cwlrdr.i|! iruftdhrtfln@ b tEhrt{rle At| rc|lrr dHad b tb frlddry N-d tuid Cq of Cqdr|torqe Tl0c [Ecc Ory lH l-brrili4, d &ftcrcd o h folchg trtrr: hiYNOdl|cqtrcclIl&ltrlNl6dll||dl h..ogl Cdc Xrd, $E2alStBrhr, C/|93110 Mddpb Pnod6 or Scrrlccr f wfwtymr6m dn oc M Foth ort.dla, youq/ rlod!. Drb|DPdtrctm[atm E h 4olog! tcq/ fficn tilr ny ca yoc tbtg!t.Fd..cE TOI'/TI ADDMOilS - RESIDENTIAT OR COilMERCIAT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for all proposals inrolving the addiUon of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This indudes proposals for 250 additions and interior conversions. See Tide 12, Chapter 15 - Gro; ResidenUal Floor Area for specific regulations. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMEI{TS** tl Stam@ Topographic Survey* Er Site and Grading Plan*o Landscape Plan*f Arch itectu ral Elevations* Exterior color and material samples and specifications. Architectu ral Floor Plans* lv't4lz. **t"aP 0o Lighting Plan* and Cut-shee(s) tur proposed fixh.rres V **. f+ffh'r.1F TitJe report, including Schedules A & B to verify ovnnership ard easements* )f Photos of the o<isting site and adjacent sEuctures, where applicabh.ot Wrifren approval from a ondominium association, hrdlo(, -and joint owne, if appllcablea Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* l\t( Fo Th€ Administrator and/or DRB may require the subrnission of additbnal plans, drawings, speciffcations, samples and other materiab (including a model) if deemed ne€ssary to determine whedter a projed will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the prcposal is not dearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copics of the moteriak noted with an osterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no o<terior chanoes. the submitbl requirements include a omplete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title repoG and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. Topographic survey:a Wet stamp and sagnature of a licensed surveyor Date of survey North anow and graphic bar scale Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20) Legal description and physical address Lot size and buildable alea (buildable area o(dudes red hazard avahnche, slopes greater than 4OVo, and floodplain) Ties to existing benchmarlg either USGS landmark or sewer in\rert. This infiormatinn must be dearly stated on the survey Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show odsting pins or monuments found and their rehtirnship to the established corner. show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. Indicate all easements ldentified on the subdMsion plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the Utle reporl List any easernent restrictions. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphall along the steet frontage of the propely at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals a 5 Page 3 of L2l02l$l02 Site and Grading Plan: 4 Scale of 1"=20'or larger { Property and setback lines { Existing and proposed easements { Existing and proposed gradesq Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and I walls. Indicate the foundatrlon with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. + All proposed rmf ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate odsting and proposed gndes I shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. F Proposed driveways, indutding percent slope and spot ele\rations at the property line, garage slab and I as necessary along the enterline of the driveraray to accurately reflect grade. fo A 4 wide unheated concrete pan at ttre edge of asphalt for drivenryays that exit the street in an uphill I direction. lo Locations of all utilities induding existing sources and proposed servi@ lines from soures to tlre I strudures. Jo Proposed surface drainage on and off+ite. lo Location of landsca@ areas. lo Location of limits of disturbance ftncing lo Location ofall required parking space lo Snow storage areas. lo Proposed dumpster location and debil of dumpster enclosure. Itr Retaining walls with proposed elevaUons at top and botbm of walls. A detailed cross€ection and I elevaUon drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings I u* required for walls betv\reen 4' and 6' feet in height. F Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if appficable I Existing tre€s or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or rtore, as measured from a point one foot above grade. Rock oukroppings and other significant natural fuatures (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). All existing improvements (induding foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (sholr centerline and edge of stream or creek in additirn to tfre required str@m or creak setback) Show all utility meter locatbns, induding any @estals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable W Sewer GasTelephone Water Elecbic Size and type of drainage clrlverts, swales, etc, Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. f'ffiTit"ji'*r#, aih Pa-'/ wtraw+*5 rj Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. o Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate bees to remain, to be relocated (induding new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. o Indbate all o<isting ground cover and shrubs.o Detailed legend, listing the type and size (eliper for deciduous trees, height for onifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.o Delineate critkal root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and onstnrction.o Indicate the locafion of all proposed plantings. Page 4 of LU0AOT|OZ The location and type of o<isting and material follolring its installation. Existing and proposed ontour lines. bottom of wall elevations noted. proposed watering systems to be ernployed in caring for phnt Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the Floor Plans: Scale of 1/8* = 1'or larger; V4'is prefened flool nhry of the proposed darclopment dnwn to scale and tully dimensioned. Floor plans andbuilding ehrratlom must be drawn at the same scale. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building. Label floor plans to indhate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom. kidren, etc). One set of floor flans must be 'red:lirted" indkating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) vmscalculated. see Tiue le chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations. Provide dimensions of all rmf eaves and overhangs. ,/, Ardritectrral Elevations:- o Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is prefenedo All elery"ations of the proposed de\reloprnent drawn to scale and fuily dimensioned. The elevation drawings must sho/v both existing ard finished grades. Floor plans and building elenations must be clrawn at the same scale,o If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal buiHing elanauons, slrorrv these faces abo.o ElevaUons shall show proposd finished elevation of floors and roob on alt lerrels.B All o<terior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevatbns.o The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimemioned: fascia, Eim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and windovv details.n Show all proposed exterior lighHr€ fixtures on the building.o lllustrate all decks, porcft€s and balonhs,o Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts).o Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all ottrer roof structures, itapplicable.o Illustrate proposed building height elevation on rmf lines and ridgei. These elevations should @ordinate with the finished flmr elerratiors and the dahrm used br the survey.B Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Raniew Board meeting. Ughting Plan: t^.taY\ ..eqfr\ o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.tr Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous arcao Attach a cut sheet for eacfr proposed fixture. II. XMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILCI Once a building permit has been issued, and onstnrction is underway, and before the Building Depadrnent will schedule a fiaming inspection, two copies of an Improvement Locaticn Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submifted. The following inbrmation must be proriJed on the ILC:o Basis of bearing and Ue to s€ction @mero All property pins found or setB Building location(s) wlth tir:s to property corners (ie. distances and argles)o Building dirnensiors, induding deck and balconies, to the nearest tentn of a footo Building and garage floor elevations and atl roof ridge and eave line elevatbnso All drainage and utility service line as-builts. showing type of material, size and exact locationo All easemenb Page 5 of tZl0zllllz PROPIOSED MATERI,II.S Tvoe of Material ColorBuildino llaterials Roof Siding Other Wall Materhls Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Raits Flues Flashing Chimnela Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other Itrtzr^ arX\ I{otes: Please specify the nnnufach.rre/s nanre, the olor name and number and attadt a olor chip. Pase 6 of LU0Z|OUOZ Beth Levine, Architect P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO. 81620 (970) 9265099 @hone) (97o)92c2993 (Fax) August l,2(X)3 Town of Vail Allison Ochs 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 RE: 272 W. Meadow f,hive/ L,ot 9, Vail Village Filing 2 Dear Allison, Enclospd ae the items you rcquested on July 30, 2ffi3. l) Topographic information is on the survey. 2) See revised survey,3) See revised suwey. 4) See e,nclosed rdlined blueprints. 5) See rcvised plans for relocated stair. 6) S€€ revisod sirc/lmdsc4e plan. 7) See rcvised sitc plan as the steir has been removed trom the electrical easemenl 8) Sec reviscd sirc plan 9) See enclosed redlined plms and the enclosed GRFA sheet. Enclosed are thrce seb of the revised drawings. Also encl,osed are the existing floor plans redlined for GRFA. Also enclosed is the Town of Vail Zoning sheet which I obtained from the town 1-28-03 which showed the amount of GRFA used on the site and ths remaining GRFA. o Allou/eble .42 Acres 18,295 25% offtrst 15,000 15000 3,750 10% of r€mEinins 3,295 330 GRFA Cr€dit 850 250 Ordinanoe 500 Total Avalhble 5,4:lo Beth Levine, Architect Kiqg Residence Remodel GRFA Calculations ExMng Fist Level Second Level Third Letre! UnitA Unit B 994 919 1388 838817 573 Total Erbtlng Proposed First Level Second l.evel 3199 2,330 5F20 70 346 Tot l Pmpsod Totr! wreddltbn Remelnlng 8F 410 5,945 {15 7t31t03 6,zwttryg,t+7 Design Review Eoard ACTIOil FORiI Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: url,rw.vai lgov.corno(tl,t ',rY tEl,ELoF\tt \t Project Name! KiNL; REROOF Proiect Descriplionl DRB Number: DR8060490 RN,: - APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTERANON FOR A REROOF SAME FOR SAME Palticipantsl CV/.{:L 1..ING, JAMES U., JR r0i20l2006 :1931 WICKCHESI-ER LN SfE A.;iI HOUSTON 't-v t?nd l APPI.ICANT TCC CONTMCTORS, INIC. P,O, BOX 2123 5AGr.r': cc ';, 1.631 Lire, r.,.e: 540-8 t0 I 20 /2006 Phone: 970-328-2340 .OrlTllAfr O' TCC CONTMCTORS, INC. 1012012006 Phone: 970-328-2340 P,,). JX 2123 F/.Gr r:ct 31531 ricen;:: 540-B Project Address: :72 W l4EAnC\ / DP. VAIL Location: 272 MEADOW Dq Legal Description: !.air 'l Block: Subdivision: VAIL ULI-AGE FILING 2 Parcel Numtrer: JLI-!' 0/1-0102-4 Conrmentsl MoUon B;y: Second B1t: Vot6: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACITON Action: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcval; t012012006 f.rlr,i ,3 (.pL t' i)i No changes to these plans may be made without the wriften consent of Town of .,rii - -:lf rn,l,'^r tli s arr,^r.vi-+, /..\riAr., .^hrnrl+a6{q\ .,cacl: tJ (PLAl,l): DRB approval dce: :rlt .:-'nstitute e ,rrnit for building. Please consult with'i iv', r; of Vail Building pei soi-rr,ei Fuior to construction activities. -:,ini:: ;-0i l)RB iipDroval shall not hecome valid for 20 days following the date of approval. -'l:ri 202 Aipl,:vrl of this p1sjq6 shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date .)t lltia! approval, unless a building pernrit is issued and construction is commenced aitc/ rs diligently p!rsu(u'.l !r.r,'ird ,:,)tnpletio|. Planner: Jee riuther tlRB Fee paid: 320.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Souft Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teL 970.179.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wulYv.railgov.com General InformaUon: All projecc requlring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicafron, Please rcfur to the sbmitral requirements br the partianlar approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required infiormation is rcceived by the Community Development Deparbnent. The project may also need b be rerriewed by the Town C.ouncil and/or the Planning and Environmenbl Commisdon, Design rcview apprwal lapses unless a building permit is issued and construcdon commencec wiUrin one year of the apprcval. Description oft|te Request: t'1m <t P<-i."<..-a I c,---r f.ef |ar l,",,'*. LocaUon of the Proposaf: Loe-g-Bbck:- suwiwsion: t/ail /i t afle Physical Address: Parcel No.: 2lnlo'-t toto z r{ (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-86,10 for parcel no.) Zoning:z-Fru^ Name(s)ofowner(s): \< rx''r--,, -\arnrr. t r^ Jct-f 77ra /4nn MallingMdress: ztrJf tz-a,".b,I.e .-r,-.a=\ €-"r. Aor.'-<-\r..,yr ,l-x A'1Cr'19 tr- Name of ApplicanE \-r,r-rs L-o "...-.,\* rc.g 'T-r r- C,-,^-\+o r \ acS lrttc. Mailing Address: E-mail Address:FeY' .z-t Q - 2.\-l Hl!^. $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 addiUons & interior @nversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 fur minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sudr as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee 7J uJoo oG.0o Type of Review and Fee: tr. Signs tr C.oncepfual Review tr New Consbuctiontr Addition tr Minor Afteration (muh-family/com mercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approred Plans Separation Request tr tr Phone: =24-2<qo PROPOSED MATERHIS Buildino Materials TVpe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: t/. f-taa.c- € <HAt=d{ Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\cdev\FORMS\PERTvIlTs\Planning\drb-mlnor-all11-23-2005.doc Page 5 of 13 ru23l2oo5 a a a a o a o a a a a F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\PIanning\drb-minor-alt-l 1-23-2005.doc ru23l2005 a a Location ofall required parking spaces Snow storage areas, Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. Retaining walls with proposed elevaUons at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height. Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan: Scale of 1' = 20'or larger Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger, Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and gnding. Indicate all o<isting ground cover and shrubs. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover. Delineate cntical root zones for o<isting trees in close proximity to site grading and construction. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. The location and type of o<isting and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan: Indicate type, location and number offixtures. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: Color chip or color sample induding the manufacturer name and color number(s) Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits, etc.) a a o a Page 5 of 13 \ 7/i ,, ",*f"ry,, ,:,1! t t?' --."-A*::. Y // -+- !- \a-' TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 O DE'ARTMENT oF coMMr.JNrrt t"ropMENr t-otq U-\ U.L[-'1. AoNOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES S0,00 Recreation Fec---------> 5110.40 Total P€rmit Fee-----> 54,968.61 ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT Permit #: B;04-0290 Job Address: 272W Iv|F,ADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 272 WEST MEADOW DRIVE, LINIT B Applied . . : Parcel No...: 210107101024 lssued . .. : 1210712004 hojectNoif't ' '-O o{o>f"( ExPires. .': 06/05/200s OWNER KING, iTAMES U., JR 09/28/2004 phone: ]-]-93]- WICKCHESTER I,N STE 401 HOUSTONTx 77043 License: CONTRACTOR GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTIONl9 /28 /2004 Phone: 970-845-5555 P O BOx 373 VAIL CO 816s I License:129-B APPLICANT GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION09 /28 /2004 Phone: 970-845-5656 P O BOX 373 VAI IJ CO I t- 558 License:129-B Description: REX{ODEI, SOME OF INTERIOR, ADDING BEDROOM Occupancy: TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: $44?,800.00 Add Sq Fc 736 Fircplace Infornation: Reshicted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas lngs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 FEE STJMMARY Building------> 52,942.55 R€stuara Plan Revieti,-> Ph Check--> SL ,9L2 .66 DRB Feo----------> 50.00 Total Calculated Fees-> 94,968.61 S0. 00 Additional Fees----->s0.00 Inv€stigation-> Will Call---->S3 . 00 Clean-up Deposit------>$0 . 00 Paym€rts--------> 54, 968.61 ToTAL FEES---------> 54,958.61 BALANCE DUE------->s0 .00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT t2/0L/2004 JwI Action: AP It.em: 05400 PI-,ANNING DEPARTMENT L0/0L/2004 bgibson AcEion: DN requires DRB " change Eo approved p1ans" LL/24/2004 bgibson Action: APItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMET\IT I.l':1:.-.0.?.?;0-9-,-'J-ll].9.'T.9*Tf*...,.'****..l|l||*ttt|*'**..''.**.'*|t.*|.t|'.'':r''}lt*..'|'tlr*'* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I herdy acknowledge that I have read ttirQfir"ti*, filled out in tull the information ;r*, complerod m accurare plor plam, and statc that dl the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances md state laws, *6 1e Suild rhis stucture according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, dcsign rwicn, approvd Uniform Building Code and othcr ordiuances of tbe Toum applicable thereto. REQI,'ESTTI FOR INSPECIION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOI,JRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOM AT I49 OR AT OUR OFFrcB TROM 8dN AI\.T .4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIil{IIEIf, AI.ID OWNER PAGE2***'t*'t****:t:i!t't*it*.|:t't:}*'}'tt'tt******t***t***{t*tt|t*,}{t'}*l**!i*'t|tt'i**{t*'}**lt*:}*'l{t*'3*'}*|'lt**'*+||t|t'l**'}* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 804-0290 asofl2-07-2004 Status: ISSUED***{.tt'|*'t*|****'}**'}'}t*l|!t*'l*'}****'t:t**|t*'{t'+*'}'}***{t*'}*t****:f:ft}**tt+|*{.**'}'t*'t{t*'}*'}:t,}****!t******|**** Permit Tlpe ADD/ALT SFR BLIILD PERMIT Applied: Applicanf GEORGE SHAEFFERCONSTRUCTION Iszued: 1210712004 970-845-5656 To Expire: 06/05/2005 Job Address: 272 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 272 WEST MEADOW DRME,IJMTB ParcelNo: 210107101024 Description: REMODEL SOMEOF INTERIOR ADDING BEDROOM *'l*'t**:t*'t**'*****'t**,**'l*i***'|*,t*'}:i{.{t'}'3*{.'*'}****{t*'}**Conditions***{.{t't:t*{.,*'|***'|t*'t{.*!t't'}***i|li****** Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 @LDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQIJIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31O.9.I OF TTIE 1997 UBC. ,$as{ll Jo(. o"?y ?0 EIVED stP 2 4 ?004 TOV-COM.DEV. APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Permit #: NTNW 75 S. Frontrge Vail, Colorado CONTRACTOR INFORMATION i. ***it**********i*t******* ***********a*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******l**r****r*tr** i Type of C.onstnrdion: I 'J i i : I Ocoroancr GtouD: , I Date Received: I General Contractor: George Shaeffer Construction Company To$rn of Vail Reg. No.: 129.8 Contact and Phone #'s: Travis J. Cremonese 970-845-5656 Contracbr Signature: COMPLETE VATUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERUTT (bbOT & MAICTbIS BUILDING: $ 360,000 ELECTRICAL:9 30,000 OTHER: $ N/A PLUMBING: s 56,000 MECFIANICAL: S 1,800 TOT-{L: S a+Z,AOO S f;onbct Asseglts Otrtce at 970-328-8&0 or visit 2't0107't01024 (application will not be accept€d wirthout parcel number) Job Address: 275 West Meadow Drive Unit BJob Name: King Remodel Addressl PO Box 1825 Avon, Co 81620 1701 Wynkoop SL Suite 200 Denwr,CO Debiled descripdon of work: Remodel some of interior, adding bedroom. Wo*Class: New() Addition(x) Remodel (X) Repair( ) Demo(x) Other( ) Ooes an EHU o<ist at this location: Yes ( ) No (X )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Bod' (X ) Type of Hdg.: Snglefamily (X) T,,vofamily ( ) Mufti-family ( ) Comm€rcial ( ) Restat 'art ( ) Odter ( ) No. of Acconrmodation Units in this buildlng:No. of Exis{ng D$relling Units in this buiHing: Does a Fire Alarm Exise Yes (X ) No F :/e\reryon€y'forrlE/Udgperm LP €n7:rcJ Design Review Board ACTION FORM DeparEnent of Conrmunity Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: wwwci,rrail.co.us Prulect llame: KING RESIDENCE DRB Number: DR8040420 Prcject Descrifiion: ADDITION Partcipants: APruCANT BEIH TEVINE 0910U20O4 Phone:970-926-5099 K) BOX 1825 AVON, CO 81620 Llcense: OWNER KING, JAMES U., JR 08/19/2004 Phone: 1193r MCKCHESTER tN STE 401 HOUSTON TX 7704.3 License: Prcject Addrcss= 272W MEADOW DR VAIL location: UNIT B tegal Description: lot 9 Block: Subdlvislon: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 2 Parcel Number: 210107101024 Comments: BOARD/StrAFF ACTTOI{ Irlotion By: ROGERS Acdon: APPROVED Second By: IIANLON Vote: 5-0 DateofAppoval: 09/01/2004 Gondidons: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall *aff and/or the appropriate revie*rr committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constihrte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to onstructon activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days follouring the date of approwl. @nd:202 Approwl of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and @nstrudion is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion. Planner: BlllGlbson DRB Fee Paid: f3O0.0O QuesUons? Call the Building Team at 479'2325 I0li\l Project Name: Department of Community DeveloPment King Remodel Project Address:272West Meadow Drive Unit B f l 3 l l tr l f l f, J l :l 3 3 f, / This Checklist must E comPleted befofe a Buildind Permit aDoli@tion is acceoM. All oages of apolication is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association lette!'of aoorcval attachecj if project is a Multi-Farnily comple\ Complete site plan submitted pubiic way Permit application includeci if applicable {refer to Public works ciecklist) Staging olan included (refer to Public Works checklisi) No durnoster'oarkinq or material storaoe allowid on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demoiition is occurring Arc:ritect siamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Fuit floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and dcor scheCule Full struciural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on svuctural plans (All Commercial and MulU Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior io footing ansoection Fire resistive assernblies specifred and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on Plans Types and quan6ty of fireplaces shown ApplicanYs Signature: Date of submittal: j--:ievealoneif ormsibldcenn2 Received By: WHEN A "PUBLTC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND C}IECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLIOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT"': f, Is this a new residence?YES_ NO -t Does demolition rarcrk being performed require the use of the Rightof-Way, easenents or public property? Is any utility work needed? YES--NOX Is the driveway being rePaveC?YES NO X ls a different access nedd to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- NO x Is any dminage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES_ NO x Is a "Revocable Rightof-Way Permif required? YEs Is the Right-of-way, easemenB or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YE5 No__ll_ If answer is NO, is a oarking, sbging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YE5 NOX If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public way Permif' must be obtained. .Public Way Permif applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attadred), If you have any questions ple3se call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2t98. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALLTHE ABOVE QUESNONS. George Shaeffer Construction Company CompanY Name :ob or eroiea *"r", *'nn *ftoo7 Date Signed: vtr<NOX NO l- F:/everyon4forms/bldcerm4 If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and appro/al, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a revie{ by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total re,riew will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permiG will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. Hcwever, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneC departmen6 with regard to necessary review, these projecB may also hke three (3) weeks :o review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this departnent io expedite this permit as soon as posslble. I, t6e undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the erpirauon date, that I must still pay the plan dteck fee and that if I fail to do so it rnay affect future permib that I apply for. F: ereryo ndformslbldFe.rn3 Please rerd and check off elch of the items below: X: fn" Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. ( fn" Town of Vail Pubiic Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the insiallation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or t'r.reet onto the constructicn site, Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Tcwn of Vail Building Department fcr footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Ailow a minimum of 24 hour notice- 7d Rtso, the Town of Vail Public WorlG Departrnent will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulfing road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occuoancv issuance' Agreed to by: S-' 1/ ProjeC Name: Date Signed: F:/even/ondForms/blccefin6 GEORGE SHAEFFER C ONSTRUCTION COMPAI\IY LETTER OF TRANSMOTTAL P.O. Box 373 VAIL,COLORADO 81658 TO: Town of Vail Community Development 75 S.Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 fit For approval [! For your use Q As requested B For review and comment O FORBIDS DI,JE September 24,2004 | roBNo 030l King Remodel Building Permit D Resubmit - copies for approval E Submit _ copies for distribution E Retum _ corrected prints WE ARE SENDING YOU EAttached EUnder separate cover via - the following items: O Shop drawings I Prints E Plans I Samples E Specifications I Copy of letter I Change order tr TIIESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I Approved as submitted I Approved as Noted E Retumed for correctionstr_ tr PRINTS RETURMD AFTERLOANTOUS REMARKSI Ifyou have any questions or concerns feel free to call me, or email at TravisC@esconco.com. Thank You. COPYTO: SIGIIED: If enclosures are nol os noted, Hndly notifi us at once" COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION y3 9/23/04 Permit Plan Set by Beth Levine l 9/24/04 Town of Vail Buildins Pemit Application Georye Sbrcficr CotrrFlcdon Comptny GEORGE SHAEFFER P.O. 8ox 373 vail, Colorado 8l 658 (920) 845-5656 September 27, 20O4 Joe Suther Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: KING REMODEL VAIL VILLAGE FILINC 2 LOT: 9 UMT B Dear Mr. Suther, To the best of my knowledge no materials containing asbestos were used in the construction of the duplex at 272 West Meadow Drive nor in any of it's subsequent remodels. Sincerely, GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Kz% BillO'Neill Pmject Manager TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 9**rr"*r oF coMMUNrrt orurl,'"*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PCTMit #: BO4-0290 n or- oa/8 Job Address: 272 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 272WEST MEADOW DRIVE, UNIT B Applied . . : Parcel No...: 2l0lfil0l%4 Iszued. . : l2l07l2U:r'- ProjectNo: .,p' . - | Expires. .: 061051211,5- frJ ot-0>7"f owNER KrNc, iIA!!ES U., iIR 09/28/2004 11931 WICKCHESTER I.,N STE 401 HOUSTON TX 77043 APPLICAIIT GEORGE SI{AEFFER CONSTRUCTION09/ 2B/2OO4 phone : 970-845-5655 P O BOX 373 VAIIJ CO 81658 License t L29-B eor{TRAcToR GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTIONO9 /28/2004 phone: 970-845-5555 P O BOX 373 VAIIJ CO 81658 License: !29-B Desciption: REMODEL SOME OF INTERIOR, ADDING BEDROOM Occupancy Trce Factor Sq Feet valuation735 $5O0, 0O0. 00* Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $500,0m.m f ofGas lrgs: O I of Wood hl|et: 0 *****,r***'hr'*r.*,r,******'r**rht**'h*,rt{ttttt+*r.a*ra****r*'a,hr**'hra'r**{.a.t'?t:a+ FEE suMMARy*****il+l+lr$++*l*:r't+r*li.l*tl.l+l|i.l.llttlt|ltii*tll.'lt*r.t*ttttitt+ Building--- > $3,233.75 Resol8rant Plan Review- > Plan Check-- > i2,1,O1,.94 DRB Fee----------- > 90.00 Tohl Calculatcd Fe€s---- > 9s,609.09 $0.00 AdditionalFees------->$0.00 Totals... Number of Dwelling Units: 0 Fireplace Infomation: Restrictcd: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 Investigation- > Will Call--- > $0.00 RecrcstionFee------> 93 . oo Clean-up Deposit----- > S11O.40 Totrl Permit F€€------- > Ss,509.09 $0. 00 TOTAL FEES------ > 95,60e. 0e BALANCE DUE---- > ss, 609 . 09 so. o0 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTltlEt{T L2/OL/2OO4 JRr4 04/27/2OOs JEyt Action: AP Action: AP APPROVED NEW REVISIOIIS Item: 05400 PLAIINIIIG DEPARII!,IENT to/oL/2oo4 bgibson Action: DN requires DRB "change to approved plans" LL/24/2OO4 bgibson Action: AP O4/27/2OO5 bgibson Action: COND Revisions approved with the condition that the south deck columns shall not encroach more than 5 feet into the setback. Item: 05500 FfRE DEPARl'l{El.lT Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the informatiqr required, completed an ascuratc plot plan and state that all ttr information as rcquir€d is correct. I agree to conrply with the idormation and plot plm, to coryly wifr all Town ordinances and st& lews, and to buitd this strucur€ according to the towns zoning ard srbdivisim codas, dcsign rcview apprwed, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of tbe Town applicable thcr€to, REQIJESTS F1OR INSPBCTIoN $IAI,L Bts MADB TWENTY-FIoUR HoTns D{ ADVANCE 4792t490R4T Ot ROmCBFnOM tfiAM -4 PM. ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELFAND OWNBI PAGE 2***:&*****,r***tt*,}***l'**{.*'|*!t'f't****{.!****!t*'****'t't**:tt***'**:t*:*|.,*:t,t*:*:|.:t*,&{.:t't,t*:&{.!t't!tt***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0290 as of 04-28-2fi)5 Satus: ISSLJED *******t**tf *tf *****t****ti******tt*!t!t*****tt*'tt*****{.**r*tl*rtrtrtl.!i*,**'f *********,t*******rt***r*1.,i{.***{.**,i*****'}'f *{.*{.* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: Applicant: GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION Issued: LztUt2W Iob Address: nzW MEADOW DR VAIL l,ocation: 272WEST MEADOW DRM, LJNIT B Parcel No: 2rcW7rcrc24 **'s't*********'t|.!t***'t't'l*tt'i*!r*****:*t******:tt}****'r'}*,****!tt'tt***|***|!t*:t.,}{!*:***********t!rt**:}l.'|.*'t*'i*'t!t,t:t**** CONDITIONS *****:r***!t**'}**!r***{.*!r***:t*!i**'r*****:t***'r****:i***'t*'t*'tl**!t.**'t't:t*,t**|.******,t***'l!t*:t***{t*********!i*|l|.|t't** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIJIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPUANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER sEc.310.9,1 oF THE 1997 LJBC. Cond: CON0007070 The south deck columns shall not encroach more than 5 feet into the setback. n,*ETE OR UNSIGNED Permit #r NTN r6qui for 75 S.Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT s1 For Parcel # Contact Assessors Offtce at 970-328-8640 or visit ***r********n*rH*********ffi***FOR OFFICE USE ONly****s***sr*r***s********r'*r*** General Contractor:Contact and Phone #'s: ATTENTION: JR, CHARLIE, GREG, DORIS Contractor Signature: REVISED TOTAL: $ 210107'101024 272 West Meadow Drive Unit B PO Box 1825 Avon. CO 81 Additional Scope of Work - Back Decks and Patio, 2 Exterior Gas Log FP, I Mst Work Class: New ( ) Addition fr) Remodel fi) Repair ( ) Demo @) Other ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both G)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No El Type of Bldg.: Singlefamily ( ) Two-family 6D Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: : Gas Gas Loos dXil Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bum Gas Aooliances fllt) Gas Loos l2l Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOTALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes [} No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No \VaiMa6\cdsv\FORMS\PERM|Ts\Revised Bldg p€rmit.doc o3t13t2003 Fttsn lrtcl* D*nfrhladr|Um -]t-[,!-r rrrl---G -nan':!t tsllrG-*ndJet mm nrrrmlf olrEroret G tE mrq, |ol-nD sliln|.rlilf mF m, G,re|rT qwreh Spr?G tcro.ED r* ulrrec$Etlsll{6INTTCtf, ?,[BlrenHf i|lr-ts8to.ErEEOOtrl!t* irPh Zltmil,ul,ztlFrnruG,llrt lfrD* |rttEffif,,UrritElEr H-3 Z'UTD. -E EhFtshrI CE nntDEn !E-3m D.-rrd GFIFE *aiil.a} - -I- DLr - - -D-r--. -c'Arr lttr- Err-t!!- -cllrF ctoQrx$_nfF.b iG r tdb fr. hd -IhlfurQdIEbc-6rrc,CGT,DIlratl|rCbcbrfHbcr-rFlh2atFrcI-FlEri tFrl mdcGttrrH1lifcFlE-rqFrr-clrnld ---E-rirE.hCuE- &DbmdrdllQld,bFfl-hdrSffibndnmhtIbIrff. hr Ib nhn trr oo Beth Levine, Architectn Inc. P.O. 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (e70) e264ee3P) (e70) e26-2ee3(F) TRANSMITTAL Date: b Zl o€ ro: J,g. [rw:vtd v40o7/, FROM: Bethlevine RE: Vtr*l @cr,1,a/to+ r ".J INCLUSTVE: () Q) en' Tt*o Snz,twv.s 4 tL* zv|=h' i11E./(01/ cr,fzcuv 4"f ,* ,anrmt,t.&- P''/ ara^"'"hs Iu Z'7aS a ln' " o^t / 1t"ot l1-,*0l NoTE: I "r(oT +a lott ivr (Petwtbuw :tr':ft t )D aflo-Llno1 {fue zvi+t''*1 luk't'au zlifzt'a'v - Iybvl ud +a c( T"tu +t't ratta'7 ::-Y+7n*' f, w*+t alSo Ata fv uP$t"az- La4.v o.{- vi?'i/ , Tlw b+t w;'q /"' d4 +l/'L> lq tO 'rz?2la-a- +1r/. "/vt*4t-t. h I c/e- ,-L & m' q'u , ' fl,* W uru+tn it tolu ik urrt u o1 +" 4taattl- W[atL ln -hu Calu^d at l-|'Le-, /orot',1 . pba 7 rtuilpv &+ dt?' fltt-e->h"'t^ s ot' \'/ LyTnvuL &- ' upfl'"t',$ f?* 5lzr't',l- 'Jxr*,u /'-', -fua' Dqf$r niEr laldrcr:mrcnH tEra(htlffi75:bilri4rjlibGt Gnrlidatt3 reffi illEI Dnm+r o{E ro tlfre n s (EE' EnHrr, lof flq, $rf, wrr. ilflHlll) ffG ffi,J||tlLn @inrGFfrF,usrrrEGStERl'|SrE.6IOsTil TX TnvBTEG P.O.brE A,qloodofbrr hFrb rntscorr#: ffi *rular b9larc lr#Frlcrm z'tlf,fs|iln,urrlz?znsrrGrryw,tlrt |{JDIilb LGtre ffiuV[.t,lLEEIlG Z Fd*! xfi@'lgt@f ITEI3 nht:HF SI ffi- nrD,|3mFEn trh !ilmtR Dcfrr* qill/rc ffi6fifrr: t5 d|rF b rE F rry !c mO ff tbrfrr qrrtdTo*r fhl dirl r{E tb tFl9ttt twk offi$qrf0 (ltrlu mFd G rc qff . F*br hafr! rbora$TffidrflAaftrrndptrbqll|ffid|la Ort20tm ryuC fil dm5 F 2D F thrn |h drE deFdffi,&.rttill d ir F{!c lrfl tF d En d c (1, yr tb*r thr ||idHryutl, rEr bt1 grrf f bdrd (rl|Ilh b onddbQrirrllrle!5doffit&*co@rt F0b lh Imdr d uQ lG' UrFtt *mrlt(Httr b mdr n mb 3 nbh rfrL hr lbo t|lbrrn lilr )trr,' It#u't iflatt'',lz 6pluwn eit Luu&tuV h l/'i i',j J ./ I )+t i' -a-ro ,# i lll | *, , rg| 1? os o,t:53P 65/1?rr2{F5 13:45 k AttEolioo Co'Epuy Tdofhc Frx Frou $Siccr Emhccd: frlccnget Srth Lrvine Ro3sn tlEltrt tE4 s?o-9e6-ASS3 tfi'nc [BR-L 6)CIlf p.r 6r/83 tC- oLTo (r'^t) Itfiamc*trbec[Fm+,Irs Aro(& 7f &r"l*rrt*ill8li{crOa ?O.Bcxl#7,Arlemn$l Fr0!trl.??frrrolr$frttlt{$ru @lr*t{.il r6#seril3 TRlNsMrrAt LcrrR. b'lY-eb %*Pefoeome loot Plbc$..s.?rrcffio.ttC1lrlxinhrtr:Ce*Jmrrrl6+{!qr.4&#rr Dcrvrr, Yrf, rd fr!.. O{BGE f!-.rhhl;d r irdcd cf.orr|i*d{. * tS l? OS O{:sztPtritr?/rffis 15:{5 Eath Lavtnc Rossn s76!*f94964 9?A-Sa5-2993 ru'nG lGtfLL €!sI}{F Vr&Grbrl|r Sl(S ftilGO/r?1.ptmfFq (9?0)sl.|tn TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENTO VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 272 W MEADOW DR VAIL [,ocation.....: 272 WEST MEADOW DRM, UNIT B Parcel No...: 2I0I07l0lU4 hoject No I Pr1 o( _ ,qf Permit #: 405-m18 So('oarloStatus...: ISSUED Applied. . : Ull2lzffis Issued. . : Mll9l200,5 Expires. .: l0/l6l?Ns O$INER KING, JAII{ES U., ifR 11931 WICKCHESTER IJ}I STE 401 HOUSTON TX 77043 APPI'ICAI{T THI]IJ EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON co 8t620 Iricense : 112 -S CONTRACTOR THI]IJ ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS 04/L2/20os 04/L2/2oos Phone z 970-949-4638 04/!2/2005 Phone: 970-949-4638 Desciption: Valuation: P O BOX 534 AVON co 8t620 License: 112-S KING ADDITION-NEW FIRE AI-ARM SYSTEM $3,200.00 Electricat---- > DRB Fee------ > lnvestigation-- > Will Call------- > TOTAL FEES- > Approvals: Itemr 05600 FIRE DEPARI'!,lEIinf 04/15/2oos mvaughan s0.00 s0.00 s0.00 s3.00 $355.00 9355.00 90.00 $3ss.00 $3ss.00 s0. o0 FEE SUMMARY Totel Calculated Fees- > Additioml Fc€s-----> Total Permit Fee-------> Paymens---------- ) BALANCE DUE----> Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the, information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchrre according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR IIOURS IN SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI APPLrcAnoil;,L NoT BEAGCEPTED IF INconPLETE Prolect #:oeLozlf Building Permit Alarm Permit#: ruilil0P RE ALARM required at tlme of 75 S. Frontage Rd.llsted on the Vail, Golorado 81657 this CONTRACTOR INFORIIATION COTPLETE VALUAilONS FOR ALARt{ PERITT (Labor & If,aterials) fire Alarm: $ i4 , ****!r*:r*****:l**:tt:lt**tt**!tf *tttt:r*!rr!r!.*FoR oFFlcE usE oNLY****:r.:rr.rrrt***!t.tt*.t*tt:t*trt***'l**'t* 6c?b Fire Alarm Contractor:Ttl* E\ec{.,o',,,s Torrn d Val Reg. l,lo.:l\2-s Contact ard Plrone #s: Fl'r[. lLr^\ Qrorq{1-.tuap E.MailAddress, fhlhu\O ltd e er-knntv-s . r sr". contractor Sign"t r", \ ) Ur\r- Coilact Easla Counly Assessors Ofice at 970-32&8il0 or visit for Parcel #gloto.7 roro2tl Job Name: K't ,," Rastr{on- 10.",.d, I JobMdress: &ra r^r MoodorrD. il* t Lesat Description -l r-ot' Q I eroo,, ll rnia' p,, ^ .. .- [ q+rui.lrl1,,Uq"\$r))a*r^ r\r, owners Name:Jerms K',nq I nooress:q61 Ro.'t{diffffi ffiff"r'g"L,. .-.-".: :: 'Yb' ! I oetaiteo esi)ol 'Jl"? I s6Jr.-1 WorkClass: Nq^,( ) Addition( ) nemoOef \f Repair( ) Retrofit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Singl€-fami}[/i Tvrctamly( 1 *nifamityl ) Cornrrercid( ) Restaurant( ) other( ) No. of Existing Drelling Units in lhis building: ll l,lo. of Accommodation units in this building: Do€s a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) tto\-l I Does a Fir€ Sprinkler S),stem Exist: Yes (.// No ( ) It^:7 Z"p;t'-A i'i? ,., '' T?..t.l-0ftz,pfd\Va||Hab\cderAFORMS\PERMITSIALRi\IPERM.DOC TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 OWNER KING, iTAMES U., JR 11931 WICKCHESTER IJN HOUSTONTx 77043 I-,icense: CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOx l_451 AVON CO 8L620 License: 106-E APPLICANT SHAW EI-,ECTRIC P O BOX l-451 AVON CO 81,620License: 106-E E04-0290 Eo( -oaf a : ISSUED: l2/16/2Q04: 12/20/2004: 0611812005 12/L5/2004 Phone: 970-925-3358 L2/L6/2004 Phone: 970-926-3358 Desciption: REMODEL-UPGRADESERVICEANDFIXTLJRESFORADDITION Valuation: 515.000.00 FEE SUMMARY Elocticd-----> DRB Fee------> lnv€stigation---> Will Csll----> TOTAL FEES.-> s270.00 s0. 00 s0. 00 s3.00 s273.00 s2?3.00 90. 00 s2?3.00 s273.00 $0.00 Tot8l Calculat€d Fe€s-> Additional Fees------> Total Pemit F€e-----> Payments---------------> BALANCE DUE-----> oetnr,reur oF coMMrJNrrv onvnroppENr NOTE: fi{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 272W MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: 272 WEST MEADOW DRIVE, LJNIT B ParcelNo...: 210107101024 hojectNo ,?rru4_ oa4rlU t tl 12 / 1,6 /2004srE 401 Permit #: Status. . . Applied. . Issued . Expires . . Phone: Approvals: Item: 05000 EI-,ECTRICAL DEPARTMNT L2/76/2004 JSIten: 05600 FIRE DEPART!4E$IT Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infomration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structur€ according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap'proved, Unifomr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. TELEPHONE AT 479.2I T OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM.REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV OF OWNEROR CONTRACTORFORHMSELF A}ID OWNER FROM:SHAIJ ELECTRIC sMrilffiy I rnx No.:97A9263358 l>-lb4 G. tt zau al.safti P1 ov -o L?v nzb -?79f.(!4nntPavzv@ EtECTRTCAttlALtA'lIor:$ l(7 o@- ooor& n ${ STRIJCTURE: tU ndOr"o, a?I tJ. 4aa2,'^> V'tta .5'.Job Ngme: tlrt5 &-;a",rru cttq-11t rOo* lStZ Edtltilc *b27- Szrrl>a * Ct*lutto Work0as: Nerv( ) ,)dfll|ryrrv{ Remoder/) Do6 an aiu adlt at thE locatbn: Ycs ( ) No (workTyper Intrrlord ) ExEdor( ,) Eottt ( ) @ comtrcidrl( ) REurr*'t( )oBlct( ) @htrbbullding: Ar# i r. r* l*****..*r tti rl. trt l.rr.rrrrrrlrlr6!p Qff,tQB USE OltlLYrrl' tl rrrr t't 'i l'r r 'tr*tlrtrtll*r*r r* RHCHiVHD utu I ..'. TO]V.COM.DEV.dlj '/ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 O[{}IER KING, JAMES U., iIR 11931 WICKCHESTER IJN STE 401 ITOUSTOTI TX 77043 l,icense: CONTRACTOR SKYI,INB MECHANICAI., P.O. BOX 12s8 GYPSI'M co 81637 I-,icense: 121-M APPIJICANT SKYIJINE MECIIA}IICAIJ P.O. BOX L258 GYPSI'M co 81537 License:121-M 03/23/2005 Phone: 03/23/2005 Phone : 970-524-6809 03/23/2oos Phone z 970-524-5809 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0312312n[,5Issued..: 04106120f5 Expires. .: 1010312005 90.00 TOTAL FEES------> $203.00 Total Permit Fer------ > $203.00 Pa),ments------------- > $2 03 .0o Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTI{ENI 04/0412005 JRM Action: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARII{ENI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 1"2 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHBCK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 70L OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F TIIE 1997 rUC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAJ.,LATION !,!UST CONFORM TO !,IAIiIUFACTURES II'{ISTRUCTIONS AIIID TO CI{APTER 10 oF TrIE 1997 I]MC, CIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG.): GAS APPITIANCES SHAIJJ BE I/EI{IED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 Al{D SHALL TERMIIiIATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 199? I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 t**r"r"r oF coMMUNrrY DEVE*MENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0Og 8of o+Jo Job Address: 272 W MEADOW DR VAIL location.....: 272 WEST MEADOW DRIVE, UNIT B ParcelNo...: 2l0l07l0l024 ProjectNo | ?r1a*_ o4* Desciption: KING ADDITION-VENT 4 BATHROOM EXHAUST FANS/AIR CONDITIONING MASTER BEDROOM Valuation: $8,000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y #of Gas Appliances: 0 #ofGas lags: 0 #of wood Pellet: 0 ,t:**a:t*,i:*:r,*,t :**{.,*******+:*****,r*:**+t ++t+t't*,t'tt*,t**'}1t*'*:****:r*,i,r:ra+++*:r** FEE suMlr&{Ry {.t,ilt{.1{.1*'ftl.*t*l{l++{+l+++***'t**+tt*t****l{.:.*1+||+i.+lt|il.+*t*{r Mechanical--> 3150.00 Res arant Plan Review- >$0. 00 Total Calculated Fe€s-- > $203 .00 Phn Check-- > Invcstigation- > Will Call--- > S40.00 DRB Fee----------------- >$0. 0o Additional Fees------- >$0.00 $3.00 BALANCE DUE.---- >$0 .00 (BLDG.): ACCESS To HEATTNc "o?**t Musr coMprJy wrrg cxApr?3 AND sEc.lo:.z oFTI{E 1997 T]MC AIID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 199? IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAITIJ BE MOINTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNIJESS LISTED FOR MOUTiITING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FI'OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PIJAI.IS AI'ID CODE AIIAIJYSfS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHAIIICAL, ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQT'EST. Cond: 30 (BIrDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECIIAIIICAIJ ROOMS CONIAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPIJY BOILERS SIIALIT BE EQUIPPED WITII A FIJOOR DRAIN PBR SEC. LO22 OF TIIE 1997 IrMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F TI{E 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full ttrc information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with tbe information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the lowns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE T}VENTY.FOUR HOURS IN A! PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI APPUCATION I''IUIOT BE ACGEPIED IF INCOITPHTi 75 s, Frcntagc Rd. Yall, Colorado 81657 provihe Mcdrtnlcal Room L.yout drawn to 3aile b lndude: o lledunlcal Roon Dlmendons VsrI oct Ctl Gnt cut 97 O-4, g -21/;9 (InsPecdom) BuiHlng Penrlit # Pennit wlll not be accepted wlEtout the following: lobAddrcssr z-lL- |U/e3r. ,qEADo|4J Dt,Job Nanre: Kf Hfr ge5 D lt1oll f {t hr6fez- EeO work 6ass: Nerr ( ) Addluon |Q Aferatlon 0d neparr ( ) oUrer ( ) ffin, Yes() t""(]Bril*L"catt* Interlor( ) EtErior( ) Other( ) ffil( ) Re$aur.nt( )o$er( ) ilffi;ffim"d"tjon unle in this brrilding: lro. or r.xisting Etwclling Unlts in *tls bulldlng: A".n'tpe ot n*phces Proposedl Gas Applhnce (AIIOWED) E?n-ffiFatc Ei.'/lce? Yes al***r vALuATrON FOR SECHANTCAL pERM'rr (labor & tlaterials) MECI-ANICAL: + ttOOO|@'--: CO ]{TRAGTOR. IT{ FORI'ATIOI{ Tvsza,l - 7a+ -6UN€ 'AE4 **+:F{.tt:f,* Frl worTonc/fotml/ r|.dtParn zglw 39vd ****:**** ''lVCINVHC3l"l !f+* *** :r **x**+l**+:* *+r:* *+*'t*l'* * MAR z /l ', ,r .l tii)v-(:i]ill.nHV. 3NIlA)€ ,"# gtggpzgaL6 262 zslzg :pvd -tccilwloan f{r-]D{s aTB9FZ9AL6 W|gZ S^AZIZZIEA Job Namq Krrr"Ifi Rrrdtasel: Submitted To:L<- Submittcd ft No. Dimanslons - Inches rHHt-l| 11-rne I tuilral{w gtD arSMltNW @2803 Ol*ruDhhlEl.clrio Am tso$lvl el rsogl{w TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 nG479-2138 t **r*r oF coMMr.rNrr" orurl*r*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: MO5-MIl Job Address: 272W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [,ocation.....: 272 WEST MEADOW DRIVE, UNIT B Applied . . : 0ll25l20fl5 Parcel No...: 210107rc1m4 Issued . . : 02/2212@5 Project No : -t Rf Ol"\- o /"1'\ Expires . .: 08l2ll2p5 owNER KrNc, iIAIr{Es u., irR or/2s/2o0s phone: 11931 WICKCHESTER LN STE 401 HOUSTOTTTX 77043 Tricense: CONTRACTOR WHITE WATER PITUMBING OL/25/2O05 phone:. 97e-328-37O8 P.O. BOX 4290 EAGIJE, CO 81631 I-,icense: 255-M APPLTCANT WHITE WATER PIJTMBING OL/25/20O5 phone: 970-328-3708 P.O. BOX 4290 EjAGIJE, CO 8163 1 I-,icense:255-M Desciption: KING ADDITION-REPLACE MECHANICAL ROOM EQUPMENT Valuation: $32,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 #ofcas lrgsr 0 #of wood Pe[et: 0 Mechanical-- > S540.00 Restuarant Plan Revicw- > FEE SUMMARY $0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-- > $s03 . 00 Plan Check--> 5150.00 DRB Fee---------------- > 30.00 Additional Fe€s------ > 50.00 Investigation- > $0.00 TOTAL FEES---------> 9803.00 Totrl Permit Fee----- > 9803.00 WiU Call---->s3 .00 BALANCE DUE---_-- > Item: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTI{ENI 02/t7/2oos JRII Action: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE. DEPARTMEI,IT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Condr 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPI,IA}ICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SBCTION ?O]. OF TTIE 1997 IMC. Cond:23 (BLDG.) I INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIIRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 oF T1IE 1997 IIMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BIiDc.): GAS APPLIAI.ICES SHALL BE VEI{TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I Al{D SIIAITIJ TERMINATE AS SPECIFfED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 199? I'MC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Condr 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEIIT MUST COMPLY WITH CIIAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF s803.00 s0. 00 THE 1997 I'MC A}ID CHAPTER 3 ONIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOIL,ERS SHAI'L BE MOII{TED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBITE CONST. I}ILESS LISTED FOR MOIINTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI,OORING. Cond: 32 (BI,DG.): PERMIT,PIJAIIS AIID CODE AI{AJ.YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECI{AIIICAL ROOM PRrOR TO AN INSPECTION REQT'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG. ) : DRAIIiIAGE Or MECIIAITICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-vIIATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAIJIT BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIOOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OF TIIE 1997 IrIt{C, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F IIIE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tlnt I have read this application, filled out in full ttr information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to corrply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structue according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Unifonn BuildLtg Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQI.JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI'R. PM. AT 4792149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:m AM - ,t CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF P. O3JAN-?s-OS I I Pl'l l.l H I TEI,IATER PLUltlD I NG 97A 32e3368 870..179-tl ag llnsF€o$onr) AP?LrcArroNunLLNoreEAccEPrro'''-""";ij*rl$i*ff''#t9#q, Ufitf,J':?Th $ffiftffiffi{'I"'""'"0'' TOWNOF_V-AILME9H.ANIEAIP.ERUITAPPLICATION' pli--lt wlli not ur rcirpfca whhout thr followlng: TWNAFVAIL Worh Clarr: N"* ( ) Addlt,on ( ) Alt iltlonx) E!P!4 f--gqf!l ooes an EiU crlu at thi6 location: Yer ( ) No ( )SoilDr Locatloni lnterior (X Exterior ( ) Ohar ( ) rJp"oririii, s|ne|c'iimlv- ounhxft Mult4rmllv( ] oommorcial ( ) Rcruurunt( ) oficr( ) No, of Aooommodallon Unitrr in thla bullding:No, of Exlrtlng Dwelling Units in lhit bullding: ruinip"of ffr.placcrProporad: GacAppllanccr( ) Garlogr( ) Wood/P.llct( ) WoodBurn|nC0{OTALLOWED) rrrrffi '|ttr.rlrrrr''rtrFoR oFFIQ.E. T;:') xqP.t", .lAii ,5 -rr-r Tcxf-c0M'DEv' !'.rrl "l,rlrrr'.lur\Fl lRMt\FllRMllli\Mft 'l lInRM.frOC JAH-25-O5 11 :2S Pll 1,lH I TEt"IATER PLUl'lF I HG 9?6 B2Agg6A P. B4 VITODENE ZOO Witn tno*-Radlal heat exchanger surface Gre-fir3d condsnslng hot watgr hcating bollcr hstod inpulr dtino.tJ hmtlng boilcn 2E to 23{l MBH iiluiniilon boihrr 2E to 9l MBH A hioh-qullltv and rolioblr qondtnrlng'loitr?ihc ndttlY dwrloPrd lnox- Hiit'ii t'iit'ijiittbnii r uirtrce of hish' rllov firinlalr atoal rnO lnr modulrrlns Mstlix'cqmpffit 96i [uiner mrle for marlmum on.rgY . uJage with mlnimum amlt3ions rno rmdil rpaco raqulromtnrs' Thrbrnrlltrd.lllncr! lTh! moduhtlng MrtiX'comP'Gl grt bsrnrr offsrr ixtrcmclY low its'.tlltitdo. t.ir-r'q.l. co: 5.6 ppm tilriheot.Vttooene 2oo mestt th6 iiiecinci:iiin- of tho Gormrn 'Blue Ahqil t invtronmcntal cortificlto''si,i,Iso ctson olr. r.fulttionf tnd Celilornir rrgul.llonl'f iliti oompl& Inor'Frdlel hc.t- licnrngri rudrct meda of h.igh',. llloy rulnlc!! rtlt-l doaign€o on ln' lnminOr hllt trlnrtrr ptinclPle.lol high oPerrtlonal r.liobillry tnd E lon! acMoo llr0: - i-ne redl.l dasign ot thc hleh'allov ncrt cionaneoi lllowo mlxlmum iEilbimarrcCwithin r cmall rP.rcr' - Ths drfinrd gapl btt$rean colls orcOucr r lrhl'nar' high'intgntlty. bfllclent hart trtnrfar' - *f,ltlP."'i[f,'!$l fJ"llJl,'"'n ... €nrurrr mAxlmum Utllltatlon Ot h.st ixohrngtr rudrc6. I AFUE: uP to 0f-2tb. vlESuANlr viotHlHlu ll nn'trn!'ltl r:rn'rhr\ lrtr iiilil'#, iiflito{;:r' ;':,r',ui,,,', ll0wJrlttrlr|.lt!r 'i V|lnitriiN' llx l l'n'(l I rrolitr|l lll ri I lri fiff;ii,4i'lilp i ::",t,', ",''''ew*rht}4nri'tr rr,,'r,lrl lnor-hdl h|ft atchangd |u lcr Modul.thr Hritlx' aor|t . lrr buro -gl{:'l-.lltmi5L's,'l5i"','J3",1 iuni"l'iit i,nl-dlrcctlonrl fl ow cf fluc grr rnd flu.r g-rr Gondonsattflua lra lno tlua lll eonoon3ltl cntrr-nilitrc df'olernlng dflct on Vltod. lpo - a ccmptst wrlFmounbd oofldffrlnl bollrr I Thc entlrc wator flow rystern ll- Inteorrt.d in th! rqur'Olrtr In lhr ..;l-t'piet. Ai combonbntr sre oaailv rcceiglble,f iluc"ln connrction rylt.ml All 3ub-- iiiEd:ibiiEi ocn or rirlly rcmoved irorir'ii'Jiiont wlthout tho nud for 3o.o||l tools.I b'atanced tlut d.3lgn wlth |.lt' rrgulttlng gm burnar lnd soll' ciiiurittn-c Eombuation on inltirl .- Etrrt.uD. ae wall rl pclmcn€nl t'lt- roiirlt-fi'eni ioi ratlabic operatton and miximum ogrlormancc.t Motfclr Wd2-21C, -2a and '32 tcr-lura- iritrutr iocrd, Cuth*rcfpcndvr KM.BU9 iumP for maxlmum comfod rnd gnorgy 3!ving3' Mrrrlx-somPaol ;ar bornrr lnor,Frdlrl hrd conudDENTI unlt , th. hr|t rrdrrngn.I Low oowtt oonlumptlon duP- to vriletlc sperd DC blqwcr fan and vlriablc rocid hootins olrcult Pump,I Thc comHnrtlcn bolhr modc! 125 to- gl MBHI with int.otatad ftelnl..! rtc.l Dht. h.rt erahrng.T Produccc doflrrrtio hot watar afflcltntly rnd at GVln tampsllrurtl.I llur.hlcndl* Indoor/culdoor comfort ccrrtrol, built-in and orrwlrcd.r E |Y to Inrtrl!, mrlntrln tnd tlrvlcl thrrilR ro thr unllorm Platlorm itratoov barod on tho building blook pdnciiir wlth plug-ln connectlon rYrt m. slahragnr lutro. vrrittb $rtdporrF VIIODII|] Modd rb, frdhftrrrr thiut l liqdt Fntmr UBh imhrr rt r l$arltlt llr tlt r$lt llr lt* t$h nI rdk r$h tll' rnkr$h tl hlah d.r 0rWrll Tcohnlcall orm.tlon tubi|dt to ctongr wldroot nollcc' ! lrl|lultll JAN-zsil€l=i 11:21 p tYl I I,I H I ATER PLUI"IB I HGTEl,Io P - G'5 --z sfirff oEl lil3lf,lll0rrl Iurw l,2O0l Frle: 161425 ' 1419672 Mr. Aymrn Yourr.f, F IiEg'. Mrnrglr. Frodrrt Enrfurcoting Vrer*tmrrn Mlttutlcilrin8 Comprny Ins'' ?50 McMunay klul Watcrlou, Offtrio N2V 2C3 Sublca: Ccrd0crtbu of VITODEiiS 100 Wrll Mount Bof'rr - ]trtlcrl Veotlng |lear ilIr, You$ef: This will conllrm tblt lbc vrtodcr Bcil$r hrvc bccn tcrtcd atd found to ba acucpuble for Vcrhe al Vunting fi;;'IffiDireci Vcdr nrodo as a crtcS*7 w Boilo' The*c modclt .r. cornticd with r' wnl clcaranco of 0 inchcr' At diserrssld' 8on€ Cettilicd Sncciirl vcnrrnj Matcrirlr rpscr ty ElcsrrDcts btlhcr uY o::'Ili! ig tilcd os lluc aus lunpcfll'ur€B thrt !!r,g hiuhcl ,trin iti founO on tho Vitndonn rnd arr not eppllctblc to your unlc' Th$king lou for yuu: conrinrEd ceopcltdoo, *c rcnrin' Yo'rrr vcry lllly cgA I!{TERNATIOT\|^1., J. E. Dalton Jonath$ F,. Ddtnn s$ior Enginscrinr To;blolodlr Fuclr &oup "- lra Frdoh lttxrsvqo. ltror E, ot{, (bttdo i'9w 1fi3 trlohone' 1lata7.4oo l'!oo 4ot'frz? rox al6'7'7'{l'B tYfl'olo{nLrnstrnx 'al 979 =2e==68 tr;;;;;'i;;- iq', rr* i n d *nt *t"l'€a ort *r / -...-....|. td::.{ ExrgTlN6 EXIgT. EAST El! ,1 'I '.-fvistt$ lh.6aaA'b 6as H'ESHIVHN JAN,r 5:'-r TOV.COM.DEV. JAH-25-95 11:21 Pl'l J.2 I tl.w smlng catlcn for Vliod'h' 200 FlaHnaarx Cr|r6r Utl' aE2 Anwrn Odv. EroDicor.. Olil M3W 5C3 rd. t.161 C7r-00at z"FLex tus! lN9. 20 comnso! Pll Nordr r.dfo.c l{}l cxil lootl rd, F00l 6!+1600 l.IATER PLUME I NG tLr.L hlcmrdond In.:. !!!5 Xrndy ierd Mld.ruet, ON tDT tW4 lrl, ll00l ltl'1010 flcl htrmrtlclrrl Inc. 1,0, Eor 2i1tf0 Gohmbur.0H a322ro1ao ?.1, lt00l !!l.ttCO 97@ 556432eo P.g6 vtEaI$ANN st're|r.wr||wn|Gr|Yonr|nghnowrvd|rb|r.|orrdr|..th|dv.nt|Dgoodon|olthcV|todenltoo boir.r. rho AL2s{c! rpccui nrinhr. rlaal v.nr mlrrior-il'ttil-rupiujo rnd cln Dl guroltood lrom vriour ruPPllcru ln Crnrdr rnd U'5' For inrrrlhtlon wnh r vttod.na 2oo bol.?. r v|nt plp. art$tor lcorxlrl > ringrb'wrlll rnd ' v'nl r.rmtn.tlsr ooupltng fof,C .oti.iitu3iTt oidJi.o-tifth-itrl vrni mararlal lroo rrbr brlowl' iii l'lriiir iuplrrrir and nquhrd otd'r lnlortnrtbn' pl'rr! 3or below' Dcrprte r raqult d 2' cl.rDncr Indlclt.d on dtr Yont matrtirl, thl. vtnt mrt"ial & CSA rpproved {or inrtrlrthn with o' ol..r.oca tc combultlbl.t wh.n urrd whh thc vhodcnr 200 boilct' ;;;;;; cnclorod Cse coitiimrtion t'ttot for In'p'otor rpptovrl on dtr' M.ri nlm anrt.llrtlon th{blllty i. gucrlntrld whh r longcr mlrlmum aqulvrl€nt v'nt tongth thtn l! porcibla whh tha Vttodfnr 2O0 dlrrcr vcnt ryttcm' For funhtr infolmrrion on thc produot ...a v.nlon g,O ol th' Vltot|cnr 200 VOntlng tyrism Inrtallrtion lnrlruclionl lPln No. gzeO'iOi "g'Oi'ln1hl togin Paltnrr rloilon on th' vl'srmlnn wobslr'' HrrbFrb, lnc. lto tndurtdd Blvd. Tum.o Fah, MA 013?6 Trl. lB0ol 7?2.0739 PloT|ch Svrl.m., Inc. toO Soulh Perl str|.l Ahrny, tfY 12202 td. {!0ol 766-3'073 z ll.w vrclm Vlloclll-U.V !00 l!t*l virocrll-B ond .V 3O0 Dl.{W 3tor.Ie trnlr lt. b.ing ?|Dl.G.d Wlth I naw varlon. Ynnrlrlon a. tiklng pl.ao r| rlo;l hv.l. ol rhr dlflotrnt rlzn dcpblr, Flrm! norc thrl b..lc conltruslton rnd llltu6l of tlt. r|nt hrvr not ohrngCd dgnlflc'ntlv' Wlth lht nrw vrrtlon viroctll 3oo rantr thr oontumof lr gurrlntrld thr lrmo flr.t'olr.a qurlity. Thr lollowing it Nn outllnr of l€V chrno.r.. Now vrEion no lengar luhlbll for ltilm h.|tlne .PPllEitlonr'r e Vitoorll-V 3O0, rko lit UCO , IGO lrt dllcontlnu.d,r Vlrocdl.g |nd -V 3OO, rlr. 92 USG / 380 hr chrng.d ro 79 USG / 3O0 hr' r Tamgrrrtulr i prlrrun rtlhf vdvc loortlon mowd to DHW connrctlon. Tnq (a'lenee A';?;: trt*Jo-u Dt'c UnitB 2eo /qB/ e) : ;ter hatn G) ftt GIIG EE R :R F a F i t F R T R tr E htE t9\nt q 3l 9 €crt F E CI o G EFE s o s <t s s e s o c G o a ftHE s o s 6 s $s (a ra IEs f- EE 6 E o o a s s s a R c a o 3H|e E q 6 all I rl|fllE q I rl R a IDa lrn I EE E g o3 R s *IIF qI I h B a 3ErrE F ra te arl I li RI:It !.llll a aHlErn t -l-.l.t r||F t F cl rt tl.l I fl HeH N -a.r F I t{c a{E F ra a EHH F! Fx E $t a.l ot Oivt E nvl||F B t13 |'tg F111!| F t6 sed o fl t I E x a R T n r.'FI s t H eGI [E\HJ T R i B ul tL x J'ffj nt b rG Eg 3 Gd itd q-5a 313 !la vta 3 fta lna 3 H3E t r.|o r!i ol.I a H a a c IIE E -c --ra o a C'a a a rt ra l;Hs €a o a aa i i 3 .la tI 3 g lt- E c ra a 3 -iD -o -F o o o IgE il il rl 3 o E e t a F c a F FE F T I tl 3 I s E t n I I T lEs ;ca -=;?E :-trlR t c ITII IEE -a O !O t --F ,r tr tHt 1!Eg e f,(atl F-olE F T 'k 5 s E dld AIFflt il{dH T F EJ a d c{t! I B t I E E rl e1 I FI hi IlElEI F f;'l.|tl rn tt ai rt ril I I a I ti I az2 ud zz2 II SO-cZ-NUfI H I"T _o 5N I ELIN-Id I'3IUM3IoL6a9E9eL6'e tl o at $o. EE F F F F F F F F F F F I F EE il.t ?f,0 ?fl i E n t n E q F |ncl I t I F 3 5.{d d GI .{I I F t R R R F R R t a R R a R .3 {rl fl fl ol a{a{a{aa a{tl ara (\a I I o t3 t n a n n n I I I f,il n t E Ft RIR RIR aal n FIF R t R F R ta H[I{EEH I E Hlr gl# *t e R"nrl il l.|a.l tl rt h a ra F O E 6 -,aa'd ""tt"E tr. ""r*u E T o z2 Z7Ntf, f66'd E|tSeE 6 r.6 ,H I EUn-td lr3tUl{gl r HFI l'l d 3U: T I e A- o?r*r""*r oF coMMUNrr" orurt"r*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0058 Po{-o+fo Job Address: nZW MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: 272 WEST MEADOW DRIVE, UNIT B Parcel No...: zl0lWl0l024- ProjectNo t PCr+- ovi! owNER KING, (IAIT4ES U., iIR 04/L2/2OO5 11931 WICKCHESTER I.,}I STE 401 HOUSTON TX 77043 APPIJICANT HEARTH EXCIIANGE, INC. (THE') O4/L2/2OO5 PhONEZ 97O-827-9523 P.O Box 570 Minturn co 81"545 License: t74-Ul coNrRAcToR HEiARTH EXCIIAIIGE, rNC. (THF.') O4/L2/20O5 phonez 970-827-9623 P.O Box 570 Minturn co 81645 License:174-Yl Desciption: KING ADDITION-INSTALLATION OF A DIRECT VENT GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: M.417.00 Fireplace Informltior Resficted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas logs: 0 #of Wood PeUel: 0:r**'r***:r,**:r,*******'.ti*'.'r*'i*'3****,tt*tt t'idi*t't'r*.*'r*'l*'r'.**'**'**'*d.'r**,r*tt**+ FEE suMMARY **'t :i t*t:r +'t:r 'i{.rr*:*r 'l'}'1.*'}'l +t*r.*{.ttt *t+t{tttt t*rit*{.t*t **{i:r++ttt+:t' Mecbrnical-- > 5100.00 Restuarant Platr Review->90.00 Total Calculrted Fc€s-- > 912s.00 Plan Check--- > lnvestigation- > Will Call----- > S25.00 DRB Fee--------------- >So. oo Additionsl Fees------>$0. 00 $128.00 90. OO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-4.79-2t38 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 04ll2l2W5 Issued. . : Ul29l2W5 Expires. .: l0/26120/J,5 S0 . 00 TOTAL FEES > 5128. oo Total Permit Fe€----- > $128 . o0 s3.00 BALANCE DUE--_-- > Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT o4/26/2oos JRI[, Action: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI.{EI.IT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAUCE. Cond: 22 (BI,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F TlrE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG. ) : INSTAL,LATION MUST COI[FORltl TO I4A]TUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS A]ID TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPI-,IjA}IICES SIIALL BE VEIi|ITED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER I AIiID SIIAI-'L TERMTNATE AS SpECrprED rN S8C.806 OF TIIE 1997 uMC, OR CTTAPTER I OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 29 (BI.,DG.): ACCESS TO HE,ATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI.,Y WITH CHAPTSR 3 ATiID SEC.1O17 OF I,IIE 199? I'Mc At{D CIIAPTER , oFQTIE 1997 IMc. Cond: 31- (BIJDG.): BOIL,ERS SHALL BE MOII{TED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBIJB CONST. ITNLESS LISTED FOR MOI'I{TI}IG ON COI,TBUSTTBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PIJAIIS AIID CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIAIIICAIJ RooM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION PAQUEST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG. ) : DRATNAGE OF MECI|AIIICAIT ROOMS CONTAIIIING HEATING OR HOT-IYATER SUPPLY BOIIJERS SHAITIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PBR SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 Irl4C, OR SECTION 1004.5 0P lItE 1997 IMC. |**|'|'*.*|'t+t|****.l|||||||*ll'|t***t*l||'|||l|*lt.|||l|t|||l'*.*'+| DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I bave read this application, filled out in full the information requfued, compteted an accurate plot plan, and state tlut all tbe information as required is conect. I agree to comply with tbe information and plot plan, to comply wittt all Town ordinances and state laws, ald to build this structure according to the towns zoning ard suMivision codes, design review approved, Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIjESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWBNTY-FIOLR HOL,RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:fi) AM - 4 CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 75 S. VrlL eoffiFtEfE t',1*,t*|l**rlrf t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 272W MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: 272WFST MEADOW DRIVE. UNIT B Parcel No...: 2l0l07l0l0% project No : -IGTO"l_A2<rl owNER KING, \TAMES U., ,JR O!/25/2O05 phone: 11931 WTCKCHESTER IJN STE 401 Permit #:P05-0001 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0ll25l2D5 Issued. . : Al22l2n5 Expires. .: 08l2ll20[.5 o DEVELOPMENT HOUSTON TX 77043 Iricense: coNTRACTOR WHrTE WATER PTJITMBIIIG & HEATIo1/25/2005 phone: 970-328-3708 P O BOX 4290 EJAGLE, CO 8L531 L,icense: 104 -P APPLICANT WHITE WATER PtI'MBING & HEATI0L/25/2OOS Phone: 970-328-3708 P O BOX 4290 EAGIJE, CO 81531 Lricense: 104-P Desciption: KING ADDITION-ADDING BATIIROOM Valuation: $10,000.00 Fireolace Infonrution: RestricM: ??# of Gas Appliances: ??# of Gas Logs: ?2 # of Wood Pallet: ?? :t*'t*,||l*rt:*:.*:*****:l'l*{.'l,l'}'l't**:***:l+'}:*t+'t{.*+**:t*'F**,t'att:t'}**'*'***'t*'r*'t,t**'t't* FEE suMMARy o DEP Plumbing-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call----- > $190.50 $0. 00 $190.50 $190 .50 $0.00 $150.00 Res arant Plan Review- > 937.50 DRB Fe€----------------- > $o. oo TOTAL FEES--------> s3.00 go. oo Total Calculated Fe€s-- > so. oo Additional Fees------> S190 .50 Total Permit Fee------ > BALANCE DUE-----.- > Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENI o1-/2s/2oo5 Js Action: Ap Item: 05500 FIRE DEPART!,IENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODB COMPLIAITCE. DBCLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY. PM. BY T+EPHO_NE AT 2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 JAH-'25-65 11:19 Pl4 mril0r ?i 3. Frontac. Rd, Vall, Colondo 9'1637 COIIPLETE V Prolcct#: ---uSc- Buildlng Permlt il:., Plumblng Parmltt: 336e 4e llnsP.ctlonr) APPLICATION I,I H I TEI.IATER PLUI'18I NG 970 APPLICATION WILL ITIOT IEACCEPTED IF lNcolllPl-ETE OR U 32ao P.A2 q-ozqq gk-p#? PLUMBING:0 Work Cla8s; Nail( ) Addltion ffi ( ) RcPrF( ) other( ) TypcofBldg,: gngldamily( 1 Ouplexlrl Mgltl'fmily{ ) Cornmercid( ) Rolburant( )ohfi( ) No, of Accommodttion Units in thia bullding:No. of Existing Dwelling Unitr in lhic bullding: r*r**rrr.{rr*r*rit******t*rr.rlr*tt.*ttFOROFFICEU3EONLY**tf****arra*alt*rir****t*r***r|l11**l HHEEgVF"N JAN ; ' TOV.CCIM.DEV. '.' Vuildrrtri tdurrFORMS\FERMITSFI.MnDGRM.DOc tt0 v 0t/t1t'|n3 O lnepccilolr Eqquq$ $'|bTlrc: ASFR[hr: VN ffi|: lSStEDIrrpAr[: .Rm {to AED$&@l0!o A.[ufn g]+(rlgt l,D.: ,t.gtllDCorilTyla: OccuniLv RtCmi.c lOt{O. JAIIES U.. JRADt|ilt OEOFOES}| EffERcor.lsmucTlol.l Coil.dc OEOROE S}IAEFFER COIISIRI CnOiI D.|crtslon: l&{lcr: Notcr:Corfl|||* Comrmtt Coor||H*Comtn[ R.flert{l lnapacildr(rl lbm: e0 BUtG+[Nd R.Cn Ot: CEORGE9{AEFFERCOI{STRI Cnoit Co|rmnilt: Aff,rcCtr.cirtbd ^..u)f,un; GpEl{cxrl' AI.IOPANO,2 EXTEHOR,.R,BtrO|aEONATO $rfi deck cohmns shl mtrncDtdr nFil trn d[^!..6PY !Un: l0 C,OGFoofit0$|b.l -ADDrovrd- 0l/1216- In D.cbc .nt -- Arflon: Pl PARTIAL llilSPECTKrNCo|'m'I PARNAL FOOII}.|CIS APPROIT/ED LOCATED LEFT OF GARACE ON{-YG,itt,6 h$.cbf: cdrvls Adon: APAPPROITEDCo||rrrrt Rel of r[ footp rnd n6 rm|ovdbm: 20 E"UgFo{ffilbd$.1 *AEEni||dd' Ull1ffi htD.cbf: JRil Acdon: Pl PARTUL llr}SPECTPf.lCOITMil: AT-ft'YER ENIRY OiX-Y6,m,6 hpcdt: cfivb Acilon: APAPPROT/EDCottr||fitlbnu tl Et"FFnn*lo -Amrod"(Erl2/6-lnl!.cbr: GCD' Acdon: CRCORR€CTpIIIREOUREDConmflt 1.1{Al/E E]{O REVIEW I{oTC}UBORI}{O lN STUD PACK AT STEEL 8EAlr. 2TDD STI'DS IN ROOF UNDER MFIERS NEWBEDROOII. 3IDOSTI.,O INUYATL LOUER BEDROOil. Tln Exp: R.qu.|hd In.F.ctD.b: Fdd.y, CtcbD.r2l, 2q)5- Inroedllon Anr: JRt - StbA|Ilrrcr: 272 WTEAT'dUDRVAL 272IGST ]IEAOOUY T}RIVE, UNIT B Phom: 97G8.1+6666 Pfnnc: 9708{6{€66 REKttrt SOlrE OF INTEHOR. ADOltlO BEDROOII lppfotrl tioot rtlycofiT.n|.rbf mry oon tucilon,lnbhiloo ol dt frp I nx(|.(|. - O-.frtrlltDRAOON ,/,fio -0" hro.clbnHEEY REPTI31 G/tEtF lfip.oG GCD Acdon: PA PARTUL AI'PROUAL Run Id: 3E10 GrtgltE lilD.cb.: @D' Arfon: APAPPROI/EDCofinilt LETTER FROM TrcilRO€/t.IEUIELL RE NOrcTED STLDE RECEN,ED ATO N FITE. 07lo1,6 [n cbc GCO As{on: PAPARTUI APPR€I/ t07,01,6 l|Ircbc GCO As{on: PAPAfConnril FRlrfll{l rcR UilA|.r FRAilltlO FOR BUIFOUT.lbm: 6O BtDBlrurh0on nADotor,rd-Oftu|htbn "ADg|oY|d-G/1916 lmncbr: JRll' Acflon: PIPARTIALINSBPECTION Coolhu.d:Co|t||t|rtComnt mils 2 AtD 3 IJPPER LEVEL FF|Amll.|Gi lppAOVeD OK TO |r€UItE. COONT|* APFROT'ED EXCEPT FOR LC'UTEST LEVELOTrUrG ltmdon JRU Ac{on: APAPPROVED IeppowO''lilDodr: ocD - - Ac[on: R PARTIAL II{SPECIIOII SFCEIROCI( FOR I.FPER LEVET, MAIN LEVEL AhD 2 NEYY EDR( lbm: 7tlbm: Elbm: 2l Coilr|||l: txxl P|II$TEIP. 694 PiilN- lbm: 3O Coriltl.|* o7n2tG. AhD2 NEYYEDROOMS. lhilr: lbm: lbm:k-\ REPTl31 Run 3E10 -i 10-2tL n5 Insp€cton Requcot Reportlng Pagp 38 4:15 rrn Vall, CO- Ghr Ol - Requested Inspect Date: Frlday, Oc$er 21,2OO5' lnsoecton Area: JRlf - Slte Address: 272 W IIEADOW DR VAIL 272 WESTIIEADOWDRIITE, UNIT B o A,P@.!!&@re Reouesbd Insoes{on(s I Requesbd Tlme: 00:30 At- Pfion€: SDAbT Enterad By: DGOLDEN K TlmExo:coffffi pnoratxsrrcr{ rr sifiFsT9'uwsmoon pER rRc Rs()3.6.lCommnt ELECTRICAL OOI.ITRACTOR DND I.IOT I{AVE STAIRWA LIGHT FOR BEDROOII FINIS}GD. Slats: lmp Ar.a: rsstED JRM (eN? ry#.rf\".,f"/ >,lu{ lnsp€c{on Hlsbrv !bm: 110 ELEC-TomD. Po!.r€r Item: 120 ELEC-Rough -ADDrov€d- _fxn1t06 lmp.ctor: .g '- Commnt06fly05 lnrpeclor shahn Ac0on: Pl PARTIAL ll.lSPECTlONCorurrnt bcdroom hrmp-out !tem: 1g) ELEC€or|dun -ADDrov€d"(Hl7i05 lrcpcclor: LPV" Actlon: APAPPROVED COMm.Nt EACKRIT. MATERIAI. PADDITTIG SI.IOULD BE OI.I SITE. FLAG TAPE. Item: l4O ELEC.llbc. * ADp.oUEd * 0dAI,05 hED.cbr: lw-' A.lbn: APAPPROVEDCrmnaot for power coineclbm n m: 1$ EtEC-Ftrcl "Apprcrtd"(nrZn6 hEp.cloc SI{AHN Ac[on: CO|IOAPPROI/EDCOIID{IK|ISCoIilT.'* PRU,IDE SWITCH AT STAIRS AT NEWBEDFOOM PER IRC RS,6.TtUtgm6 lmD.dot: SllAHN Acfon: i,fRl.fCtTREADYFORll.lSPECnONCorm.rrt ELECTRICAL COII'TRACTOR DID T{OT HAVE STAIRIA/A TIGHT FCIR BEDROOT' FNIS}ED. Arcdon: APPRAPPROI/ED tbrn: 190 ELECflnalRcqm{or: S}IAWELECIRIC Conirnent3: AM. unil B Assl$tgd To: StiAllN REPT131 Run Id: 3610 ltY n(T.rt;; I Jr rr' m tnspectronnequestEep"tti"g -"-----------Fa15o,_E 4:21 prn Vait. CO'- City Oi - A/P,D lniorm;tlcn Requestor: SHAWELECIRIC'KAREN 'Fhone: €04-6353 -or- 3S)-83O7 RequesteC Inspect Date: '"8ft:t;iJ.,li:i; ThursCa'. . Sectember ?2. 20C5 Zi ,{ YV lllEAlJ'.r|ii ! l'( VAiL ?72 iTEST MEADE!iI'DRI\/€, UI{IT B -tlpe: E-ELIC Srrb, T, r.cr ADI-rf Slatus: ISSUEDOccupahty: ',lse lnsp Area: JRM Ph,ne. 970-926-3358 ffii*tru..[Zt-. 'fv''r'v't/'r ^ur,,'ril3(-'tff"tCcnrrncnts. rJllll CALL EiTi{ER OR B3T; I lJulyitsCn3. :i:: ; Assigned To: SFTAHN Errtcred Ey: LCAMPBELL K AcUon: _ Tim€ Exp. f pu,az S*,IJ 6- jLr*)s lnsoecflon Hlstori tl€m: 1 10 ELEC-Temp. Pot erll€m: 120 ELEC-Rouqh " ADrroved " 04i2,li05 lnspector: €g Commenl: 06,'30,'05 lnspector: shahn Acllon: Pl PART]AL INSPECT]ON Comment: bodroombump-out llem: 130 ELEC-Conduit *'Atproved " 05 | 7.05 Insp€ctor: LPV /,,r.urr. ,'rP APPRCVEDCommEnt BACKFILL LIATERIAL TADDING SHOULD BE ON SITE. FLAG TAPE.t!rm. 14O ELEtlMisc. " App|oveci ' OryAlos Insp.clor: lW ' Actron. AP APPROVEDc.ot nant: lof pow€r corl|ecuonstlrm: 19O ELEc-Flh.l -/ iled bra rznh- Actlon: APPRAPPROVED REPT131 Rurr Id: 3648 /t1': |., R.(N|.nd m,Fcct Drb: ThuEday, June 30, 2dl5 lnt9acton Art : JRt Slb Addffi: z'Z W TEADOII OR VA|L 272IGST tEAtXltYDRltE, t lrllTB ArPfit lnfonn.tor Acdufr E0{.dlS llne: &E[EC SubTVoc: ADUP $lfi.r: lSSltEDCon4TyF: _ OccuFitil (hr: lltlpAlr.: .RilOr'iilrr XIMI.JAFSU.. JRADFlc.flt St{ WEIECIRIC Phom: 97$Q6ffF8Crrit cbfi SI{AWEI."ECTRC Ptpnc: 97(}82i6fil58D.|c|flon: RE}toGttpGR DESERlrlcEArtP nxTlfrESFORAptxToN . /^ /^.-- R.n.idhr!.c0on., ;ffi Tr7r/f# E"g/1f1", lbm: 120 EtEGJfoudr ' '<r RequecEdTlrnc: ilrO0AflR.$||bc SInUtELECTRE/hvt PlF|r: &** +r.970r$lS -Y' -)--, .;9 LhtD/utLLcAtI 3g>&n?EOI.IITZLE _ Earrdry LIltLllAl{ KTln Exp: ,-qt "1l nsooooqrxrorv - 'r lltu" 110 ELEo.T.ftD.Foufi: *lbni t20 El."Ec-RflrqtttT |l{nltr5 kr.D.cbr:Coill|nu "App|o||d.'.9 Acilon' APPRAI'PROVED lbill: ltt ELEc€o|rthn "Aooovrtl"6/t7,IF ImD.cbfi LPt,'. Acdon: APAPPROVEDA9!t0!rt BAClfflLt ilArERnL PADOll.lG Sl-PlrLD BE ON SlrE. FLIG TA,E.* ADgluYld * Itr.D.6r: lDv'- A.[on: APAPPROVEOft,riFwlr codnac{oil ||m: 1.ll EtEgtlhc. od:ilvrE Commnulbmr t$ ELEgFlnrl REPTl31 Run Id: 3350 y' ( nl,n fi;(,Titf n" O+ZZ-2005 Inspection Request Reporting Page 33 4'34 prn Vail. CO'- Ci{y Oi - Rnquested ln:iCCt:-t:rrj f'r.r. c--..."! '.-1q 1l\^?-' - - ll-^ - - .1;'- ..- i.- .'- '-i."" - ltl:|a-9ehv, tal --. - rrl 3ii\- A.r*r-.,. l,: rlr u'i!."1:.i lii Yri.- ??: r,i/Eir tr:...ral4l lnlvE. uNlT B .d?.0 Intcrnaflrx Crmments. A OF P: W1LL e.!.LL BEI: :C l.'4ill PPIOF 37e llg3 .{sslcned Tc : 9HAHll- Action: Tlme Exo: Entered By: LCAMPBELL K Inspecdon History Item: 200 MECFtRouqh D.l 20'05- lf,spectcr: CCg .'.-tj:,,. --P.:aRPECll::i IIEOUIRED Cooril€rlL LEA;<;;,i .l:ltlT,\; :t.:;;i ECILEF.'"'EIJT. ;LEAtaGli-E Tg JOMEUSTIBLE ISAPPROVED PER LE'I-!-ER ilr !-l'-E, :|-'E[|!:TE] 'l..1.:}l t.r.n!_tct.Tloil 05112/05 Inspoctor: GCD A.::ii: pA FAPTI.,.L APPRC'.'ALCsmment I/ENT FOR EOILER FIXID. Tal.lTE.'l Ul1 3TR,I.P.Item: 310 MECH-Heotlns * /l'r r rcv; :l "- 0,1,?0.'C5 inspector. GCD " i,-5,;n. F i FAFT|AL itlSPfCTlOt,l Comtn€nt BASEBOARD IIEAT ;0p5i TEST. lN FLOOR HYDRONICS l@psi TEST.042&05 ins9cctor: JRM Aclurr: FI/AR:.AL|N|iPECnONCommnt iN FLOOR HEAT FOR lvlAs i iR SLCSE i AtiD 6ATFI Ol.ttY {rO f AIR TEST 07, iaiJ6 rrrsg€ctof , JRM AL$ell. Air AFr-,RO\r Lu uomm€ot. AFPROVEIT €AIhRrOt( srvt-,W M€L i uF SiniRiriAi ANi)PAliO lo{J}Aiii'IEST PLlrE Grs Plgriq MECI{-E rnctit Flooas irEC l,+Suppfy At MECI'.-irlsc ilEC}}Flnal ,tem: 315 ftcm: 3A)ftrm: 3ix) Itern: 3{)It"m' 39O P.EPT131 Run Id: 3651 o 0922-2005 Inspection Reguest Reporting Page 35 4:34 pm U"tt, "O- a* Ot - Rcquested lnspect Date: Inspe: ticn Ar er: Site Addr rrs: ,4JPjD Informadon Acffvlty: PO$0001 Type: B.PLMBConstTypir: Occupah'cy: OrVner: KING. JAMES U.. JR Afplicant'$JtlllE WATER PLUtIEiiNG,i HEATING Contractor: VutllTE WATER PLUMBING S HEATING Frldav. Secternber 23. 1005 JRM ., 271 'Ii iiii,\IC'ir CR VAIL 2-:li't'EST !IEASCirV DFi1,,€. Ut{lT B sub ffi: ADUP i.lrilie. 9?C-328'31C8 Status: lnsp A.oa: ISSUED JRM ?o*Dwfl-*w /l,te,;, fia"**[t, r De5crlpucn: KING ADDlTtOtf.ADDltlc BLftRTM Reouestedrnsoecnon(sr AY I CO DD Item: 29C PLMB-Flnal Requestor: 'il/t{lTE WATER PLUMBING a HEATING' JACK CoMments: A OR P: WLL CALL BEN 30 MIN PRIOR 370.3033 Assloned Tc: S l{AHltr- AcUon: Tiniie Exp. lnsoecflon HlstorY ttem: 210 PLMBUnderqround Item: 220 PLMB-RoLrgtiD.W.V. '- Agoroved ''(W2005 Inspector: GCD ' ' Actlorr. AP APPROVED Comrnant WATER COLUMN TEST. 05/1205 Inspector: GCD Actlon: APAPPROVED Comment 3'VTR. Item: 230 PLMSRc ulhWaler " ADproveC * 04/20'05 Insp€ctor: GCD A,tic.:. AFAPPROVED CommsnL 759si TESTItsm: 24O PLlt&Gas PlpinS " Atpt:,*i" 042OCE Inspector: GCD - ,\gh!tn. AP npP;tOVEDCo|I|firnt CSST 15pn TEST ADD MIL PLATES A1 I LO(XnON It€m: 250 FLlFPootHotTub llcm: 26O PLfaB''I..c.lbm: 29O PLtl&Flml EnleredBy: LCAMPBELL K REPT131 Run Id: 3651 \)c,-^( -lrt "{ \^o\ q Prolectilam€: KINGCHANGE DRBNumber: DR8050107 PrcJect Decriptlon: KEEP E}CSTING FI.AGSTONE WAI.J(IA/AY Paftidpantr: owNER K!NG, JAMES U., JR 0312L12005 11931 WICKCHESTER LN STE,IO1 HOUSTON TX NM3 APPUCANT Beth Levine, Architect 031ZU20OS phoner 970-926-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 ProJectAddrcccz 272W MEADOW DR VAIL t-ocadon: 272 WEST MEADOW DRIVE, UNIT B Legal D€crlpdon: t-oE 9 Blodc SuMlvlCon: VAILUU-AGE FIUNG 2 Parcel Number: 2101t71-0102-4 Comm€nts: BOAR.D/STAFF ACrION Hodon By! Acdon: DENIED Seond By:Votel Date of Apprcvah GondlUons: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall staff and/or the appropriate review commlt@(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approral does not constitute a permit for bullding. Please consult with Ton'n of Vail Building pemnnel prior to consfuction activiEes. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not becorne valld for 20 days follodng the date of approval. C.ondl 2O2 Apprctral of thls project shall hpse and become void one (1) year follorvlng the date of final approval, unless a buildlng permlt ls lssued and constructlon ls commenced and is dlligently pumued toward completion. Cond; CON0007062 The appllcant ls hereby required to remove all eDding impro/ements from the town-o^/ned sb€am tract located to the south of the residence prlor to the lssuance of a T@ for the resldenthl addlUon. Planncr: Geoqe Ruther DRB F€€ Pald! f2O.OO I.l I I v 7d Ctou)o 0 \, qZD Additions-Residential or Commercial A, S7O.{A -2139 fu gtO'c7g Z+SZ IvIAR , 1 2it5 TOV-COM.DEV.$Fb: wwlv.vdlgwrom Genetal ltfrmEtion:ffiffiffifr;Eiii','",r"" *4.*9" a?ryAry- ll$ :.Y#All prcFcts re$frlng d.CS trEw tlillst recs\t afuvd Frur w !u'alr'u'n e -.'-'5 ; fa ildn' Re'by camd h 6E $brnfirat .G$rsnerts fr; fr;'prriih +F;A }t! S$[|m"*_ rherdcrmayapneeduc srbrniltal .c$tsnerts frr ttc pams sEC b rrarE*. -' *-;rt nefo+ctlt|ayabrEdffi' ,"tu J-t qir.d r'f*tddE.rc+qi 'bv.tu ryTnygmff""*" review apsorral tapcesa# tlttU { t€ql[d hry*il1 ls IGEEIYEo nt ur; \r'rrrrsr'}t *'t-'r-- --r Oedgn ,'vieu a*o*l b'6es hE,r,L,edwoi rorn cffi iird/orG ilanilry ana ary1$ffi L*,.'-r-r"Lffiff,ffi;iil;'-- rrddnoneveerdtheanrovat Application for lleign E{}LiiVED Destnent d Ccnnruuty Da'ebpfiEnt ZS io,'ffr frornage RF4 vd, CofraO qll DFiplftrn dilE RequesE lfto,,n Jltz-$*ftdkvt Tol+ys'P. *20 lao ih Fee lb, Pftom flEfl.OO persq.se tud of btal Cgn at€a' For oqsudon d a tH h.f&19 or derp/rchiH' - For an addttbo ttr,.* tq#tues;'i.+ry 9-a!| ]€{ffi "lJrfrirs ril;ir,s il,tduG t50;44ti;'E arfrrbr ccrversru)' #itirn* a;F ; hddng ad sre hnpro'atErdE s.urrs' rerodng. pdntrt& t rndr' 'J&ffi,"fi"taph{; Ers atd Erailtg w.alts,eb.t-.i# o.t s* b buldtEs ad dE improc nents' 11|6' rermfing, palndng, *rttal Jffi, 6nd"c"pttB6'Erces and rerahilE H*ffi* to pbrE dr€ady approwd by Harrftg ff or sE Design Re\rleti, B@d. lacatton dtte PmPosd:b.Phrytilcdldtlrcss: Pard 1lo.:\a1la AZ (Ontad Eade Co. Asessor at 9ZF32S'S8P fur parcd no') Zonlng: t{arne(s)of Omcr({}: t PhoneB tr" $s0 No Fee i550 l3m $2s0 +xru(s) ilamcof APP[catG llaillttg Addres* E-rnal Addrcss: TypedReulervand Feelg dgrsL tunaeFdRevtsrv tr tlencorrtucfotttr Add0on tr tfinrAltsrdotl (mtrfan{Y/aotltnteftH) tr l,linorAlEr&n (SndetuftY/drpler) X Ctrang€soApprotedF'btsT' Siepardon Reryest FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department April 19,2005 6'o ?equr-;, oe.rieo. ,ttpt .cl'tf +D Re"!-ue i vvt ?Zoteur€ Ltt5 p Q-iOt2fi) Tc.o. il. A request to proceed through the Town of Vail development review process for the proposed use of Town of Vail property, located on the Gore Creek stream-tract adjacent to 272 West Meadow Drive/Lot 9, Vail Village Filing 2. Applicant: James King Jr., represented by Beth Levine, ArchitectPlanner: Bill Gibson SUBJECT PROPERW The subject property is the Gore Creek stream-tract adjacent to 272 West Meadow Drive/Lot 9, Vail Village Filing 2. The property is zoned NaturalArea Preservation (NAP) District. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, James King Jr., represented by Beth Levine, Architect, is requesting to proceed through the development review process with a proposal involving the use of Town of Vail owned property. The King Residence is located at 272 West Meadow Drive/Lot 9, Vail Village Filing 2. Previously a patio at the rear of this residence was constructed on Town of Vail owned property without Town of Vail approval. This Town of Vail owned property is part of the Gore Creek steam-tract and is zoned Natural Area Preservation (NAP) District. The received Town of Vail for a remodel of this residence s prope the applicants to proceed through the Town's development review process. The applicant is requesting to contiry-e_$g_g!g_o!!!x p4g_g!_!!g_ryn of Vail owned J-tFe roie-ot-'prope@t owned property. Therefore as the property owner, the Town Council must consent to the applicant proceeding through the Town's development review process with a proposal involving the use of Town of Vail owned property. t. Aprosrtu oF ,**trs Rqite3r ilt.STAFF RECOMMENDATION \.1;11 [3/+o +o *odhg,ur+r- kgucst= I^t- l€tq,JE =t= '1lc nhzjvt+ti4,^ l*teot+re. ?PopeRfu ovues lo nfu.iu*tize ^ l*te The Community Development Departmeht rebommdnds the Town Council denies the Shae*iapplicant's request to proceed through the development review process. Please note l: . _ that should the Town Council choos6 to approve the applicant's'request, this approval lvta-t does not constitute an explicit approval of the proposed improvements; it only authorizes YIzJD Qe.qU,ze Reswa*rbJ pu$'2PwrlATTACHMENTS Attachment A: Applicant's letter of reguest Attachment B: Architectural Plans and Site Photographs tv. Attachment: A Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 March 21,2005 Town of Vail Dept. of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Bill Gibson DearBill, Thank you for all of the meetings you have had with me on the King Residence Addition; DRB numberDRB040420, Building Permit number 804-0290. I would appreciate it if you would please schedule me for a meeting before the Vail Design Review Committee to request that my client, the Kings, may keep a stone walkway that they have from their property down to Gore Creek. The walkway presently occurs on TOV property. The walkway is in the 5O'stream setback, but does not go beyond the 100 year flood line. The Kings have been the original owners of the property since 1982 and have had the walkway for many yeaxs. Please consider "Grandfathering" the walkway approval. Please find enclose a number of photographs of the areq the project site plan reduced to 8 % x 11 and the project survey also reduced to 8 Yzx ll. Thank you for your consideration of the walkway for my clients. Sincerely, 'J'/r-18 Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. Copy: Jim and Iva Ann King George Shaeffer Construction Company 5n--3a 5 Grt-raraDsaqtnFbtfr9 -Dava3irr'.rE!row a{rlunr|,u ocvrorqr .lrv,t' 3^|lq ,lrocytn lsr,n &s a ctltlu'6J,dt Attachment: {r. iii*fi$$*lroffiti" $ r,;? ,\, ,R 9 i,l',ll \ fr,(- ,\/\ lii tr C l( bt$s6g, ?o ,' u3fr -3 'H, lft mHlli#ii 'ffi J. lg ! i& il*'/^- ltrf_ *, I !*iit 'l{ I I I t Wh/af-f,,ry L/"f7 ' ' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel| 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: KING RESIDENCE DRB t{umber: DR8040527 Prcject Description: CHANGE TO APPROVED PI.ANS Pafticipants: OWNER KING, JAMES U., JR 10/04/2004 Phone: 11931 MCKCHESTER LN STE ZIO1 HOUSTON rx 77043 License: APPUCANT Beth levine, Ardritect 'l0l04l2004 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: Prcject Addresst 272W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: UNIT B legal Description: Loh 9 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 2 Paroef Numberz 2IOLO7 LOL024 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Approvah L012212A04 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wriften consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Additions-Residential or Comm Application for Design Review General Inforrnation: Department of Community Dryelopment 75 Souh ftontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2139 |a* 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgw.com All projecG requidng design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit apdkation. Please refet b the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rariew cannot be accepted until all requircd information is received W the Ommunity Development Department. The project may also need to b€ revr'ewed by the Town Crundl and/or the Planning and Environmental C.ommission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenoes within one year of the approrral. LocaEon of the Proposal: Parcel No.:\ ellD dZ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning: l{ame(s) of Owner(s): ll Phone: {owne4s) tr tr tr tr K E Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: New Oonstruco-on Addition Minor Alteration (multi-fam ilylcommercial) Mirpr Alteration (single.fa mily/du plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tbz l+zD $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For consfuction of a new building or derno/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to arry resiffid or commercial building (indudes 250 addiuons & interbr conversions). $250 For minor dnnges to buildings and site impro\remenb, sudl as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, ftnces ard retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor cianges !o buildings and site improvemenE, such as, reroofing, paindng, window additions, landscaping, ftnces and retaining wallt etc. $20 For revisions to plans already apprwed by Planning Staff or the Design Re\riew Board. No Fee ileweo ocT o 4 2oo4 rov€9!!'DEv' Physical Address: eltub Type of Review and Fee: tr dlgns b - Concephd nerrienv v Alrorvcd Existing hoposcd *r-*ftjii z0NE CHECr( PhoncArchitcct Llrina Pbonc Zonc disrict Proposcd uscLotsizc l{r?ld Brrildablc arca 'fi+J-=t?-rr'rt+'.lptus 250addirion 'Docsthisr - Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping Rctaining \\,all Hciglts Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay ?L57 37?6 + rb@{, =?730 (3oxfs Front Sidcs Rcar 7o .' 20, .t 5' li' z{ 2?,4\ tg t{ 3'/ 6' Requhcd ('o" r,^i\/ G00) (500) (e00) (t200) Conrplics with TOV Liglting Oniinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tban 2:l ,50%) Enr.i ronm c n ta l4Iazards i Prcvious condidons ofapproval (ihccl: propcrty filc); Is thc propcrry non-conforming? to'q?? B,XL no d^.*rt tj.otL a.elgt L/4 Encloscd ?nrmin^.t SlnU. ?' Oroposcd Slopc C,*t/fuj 9zo )'cs tu,/ No Ycs__l_ No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain at/n 3) Wctlands 1 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (5 o) ^,/'F5) Geologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalaachc b) Roclfall c) Dcbris Florv Dcscribc: 342 cO..tq4oli :l i :,J I I i t : t, . QSURVEY Sorlc ___ Bcnclunark 'I +__ Lcgal dcscription DESIGN REvIEly CHECKLIST :' tr rtooRplrws Projcc[ -- Topognphy 100 yr. flood plain Watcr Coursc Sctback . Environmcnhl Haztrds Scalc I 250 additionat CRFA .: Crarvl\Attic Spacc Q BU]LDINGTiLEvATIoNs Scalc ' .lolorWatcrials Eascmcnts. Scalc Building Height _-_i_ Encroachmcnts I Sitc Covcrage EavcV0vcrhangs (4) Va/W/hvcfr+ e- /,rl t1o I Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 9.7 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: KING RESIDENCE DRB Number: DR8040420 Project DescripUon: ADDITION Pafidpants: APPUCANT BETH TEVINE 09/0t12004 Phoner 970-926-5099 PO BOX 1825 AVON, CO 81620 License: OWNER KING, JAMES U., lR 08/19/2004 Phone: 11931 WICKCHESTER LN STE,IOl HOUSTONT 7704.3 Liaense: ProjectAddressz 272tN MEADOWDRVAIL LocaUon: UNITB Legal D€scription: Lot 9 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 2 Parcel Number: 210107101024 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: ROGERS Action: APPROVED Second By: HANLON Vote: 5-0 Dateof Approval= O9l0tl20f4 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 tt Design Review Board ACTION FORM D€parbnert of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.?452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us Projectilame: KINGRESIDENCE DRBNumber: DR8040420 Project Description: ADDITION Participants: APPUCANT BETH IEVINE Wl0tl2004 Phone: 970-926-5099 PO BOX 1825 AVON, CO 81620 License: OWNER KING, JAMES U.,lR 08/19/2004 Phone: 11931 WICKCHESTER LN STE.IOl HOUSTONT 77043 License: ProjectAddressz 272W MEADOWDRVAIL Location: UNITB Legal DescripUon: Lot: 9 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 2 Parcel Number: 210107101024 Comrnents: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: ROGERS Action: APPROVED Second By: HANLON Vote: 5-0 DateofApprovalz 09/0L/200a Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Condl 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please mnsult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.O0 l, ' Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review General Information: All projects requiring design revlew must receive approval prior to submitting a bulldlng permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partlcular approval that is requested. An applicauon for Design Revlew cannot be accepted until all required informauon ls received iry the Community Development Department, The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental C.ommission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apptoval. RECEIV EO L',39 1 $ 'li'lj;i Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 telt 97 0.47 9.2139 f axi 97 0.47 9,2452 web: www.vailgov.com Locataon of the Prcposal: Parcel No.:\ ello dZ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970'328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: l{ame(s) of Owner(s): v +owner(s) sisn Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:tbz IteZD Phone: Fax: tr.flgns @oncePtual Review fl new Construction $Mdlton ,lE] Minor Alteration (multi-family/commerdal) E Mlnor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 p€r square foot of total slgn area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $gOO For an addlgon where square footage is added to any residenthl or commerclal buildtng (includes 250 addiUons & interior converslons)' $250 For minor changes-to buildings and site imprwemenB, such as, reroofing,painting,windowadditlons,landscaping,fencesandretaining walls, etc, $20 For minor changes to buildings and slte improvements, sudl as, reroofing,painting,windoaradditions,landscaping,fencesandretaining walls, etc.$20 For ievisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Physical Address: 3 Page 1of L2104128104 Additions-Residential or Commercial R EC El v E D Departrnent of Community De\relopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.47 9.2L39 fax': 970.47 9.2452 web: www,vailgw.com Geneml Information: All projects requiring design re\riew mr.st receive appro/al prior to submitting a building permlt applicatim. Please refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular apprwal that 's requested. An application for Design Revle!', cannot be accepEd until all required infornration 'rs received W the Cornmunity Development Deparbnent. The project may also need b be reviewed by the Town Council andlor the Planning and Environmental Commiss'ron. Design rcview approral lapses unless a building pennit is issued and onstruction oommences within one year of the approval. Location of the Pmposal: Lot:Block;- Physical Address: Parcel No.:\ dllD dZ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8840 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Phone: Subdivision Ibr lfowner(s) \r4' $s0 No Fee Name of Applicanh Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr fgns $@nceptual Reviar d l*Constructiontr Mdition tr Minor Alteraton (muttFFamiV/commerchl) E Minor Alterauon (single'family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separadon Request Application for Design Review tbz ItcZD Phone: Fax: Plus $1.00 per squ.tre foot of total sign area. $650 For constuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is add€d to any residential or commerdal building (includes 250 additions & inbrior conversions). $250 For minor changes b buildings and site impro\remenb such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retainirE walls, etc. $20 For minor ctunges to buildings and site improvemenB, such as, reroofing painting, windo,v addiUons, landscaplng, fences and retainirp walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already apprwed by Planning Staff or the Design Re\riew Board. No Fee '). TUTDIO'RTYOTNC UnlrlEIIP'NOU Lt TTlR p|orrue t,|F klbr p v*br mnl dtlt Dh,E tu bsr qffi tp. ttFTfln dItEl Cqrll|tf|ry OeElS.|l t Dcpdtftcrtlbr thc pm9cd fnFt lUlE fr b bc onCebd ttrre adr:rc nd fu. t undentrrd lhrt th pmpd inftrcmm lddc: I fificr ucr:Ettl tlst mhor nodffirs mly be tmdr b UE dffi o€r dE o|Fc dUG lllrlct p|oess b efi$Jrr dnglnr wflfi thTownl epgll(ablc aites aru ngrfrns ,/ 9,1 :o( (D.E) , t(prhtnEmc) l&. lh^r{#. .arfirilrnrdFoptrhdt(udGsq/rd &siFm) r*trrlgc Pe6r I of30l/l0l0ll , c. nt tn /f n /OO L.d TncGuerulee Coopary CI'STOMEN, DISTilBUTION Drb: 06-05.211G hopcrt' Atidr.* trNIT 4 II'T 9, VA|L VA|L tlc2 OuroFd.rNDbcfi VgmUiiT Er[I.X,VINE P.(IHIrDS aYl(rf, oo tlfrovfu'Mw tu Jttllb*t Scra YhEr RrtIEW l.adfilbAzabepytun6rgs Drh: Ot4F re OE(hd.rNmbcr: vSDWL:liit ForIl&Arffre: YdTHct!?L N[elrAilT rCS.fhrb6nd. W.20lt P.o. Bc3l7 Yd, C. t14l7 Ptmcs tto{t6.llsf fbc ItG{7C4tlll4Ed; lrilre$cm @? fu( of but 1l&'! tcb rllc rt t''.lEr-m hlT.rtAidr..s TJl\nTI, II'T', VAIL VAIL FI.G 2 Brycr/Banwcr: JAMESU. rc{qS. Sdldt(hc: JAMESU. nrq,E, Itym brrrrylr{ff.r a rqftrtkth fu, p}oc mm oc o[ thc mb.rt b.lot! For Clofrg Ardrtucrr Itlcclr uqrcr dtr trr ENTfiE(FTTNEB ffirdnHrr 9r?5.OO ilrA-t175.OO tca OattEl mal|r Y(nt ron Yotn oxlrf,nt IADlTIIEffi rdo(E Orrn JIMESU. IONq,n Itrpf A&rrr tlttlf B IIIT9, VAILYAILFI.G2 Ychlilo.: fTbnertt b aat ork, ilrn nftrrc cOrtuNo. VsOllOlZ}7 . CTIARGES. ffirdmD|&$r?s.00 -Toarl-tr7$olt Hcr*ffiFdcbr Id1ttlctuarcAaW P.(l BGSt|lODsr, GO XlllT frgolldehNurt.cCqry ALTA COMMITMENT Sdrcdulc A (hrordcf ltlo. vgmlz}? Cort n f.! Pno,prf Ad&tr: uNIr 4 IItr 9, YAtr VAIL FLc2 L nfictttrc Ih: ilry t2, 2dxl r 5:0O P.l,L 2. Fo[ct fo bc bE4 d fropord trurtd: IilrrdnHr& Erporaf h:t JAUESU. n{qn 3, Tt .rtrE c hHrrt h tb hd drrlbcd or rctslcd to h tilr Cde.[t rd cffiid br.|! lF ArcW iL Tldc to b cilrfc or hb|td covcrrd br|l3h b $ tb cccctlvc d& h|rco( wfcd h: JAMESU. nNG,A. 5. Ih ld n&rrql !o ln ttd3 Cmdh.trt b dcserlb.d rr to|lor$ urr3, a nEslJDrrlvtsKr{ trr.oT9, vAtLvILracEr sEouqD FtIrNq Aco(ar[rfGToTIlE PIAT nrcmDE SPTn|BER t, tm |N B(m rt AT PAGB Ttt, OfiJNTY ffi EAGTX, StrATB trO(IIXAIXI ALTA COMMITilBNT SchtHc B - Sccio I (Itcsdrcmmtt) Our (Hcr No- vSlIloUXl7 Thc tolotrhg .rc tb noAUr+cntr !. b. ceoptrcd wltt: IA (r) Ilt|n:f b orfaft Gd olft grabrr or m(trtorr o( h tl cod&tftr Lrlb cdi or *r! tb bfurcd. m(b) mpr|Etum(r) cndhg tb cre orbtrcrt b bc tgEd rd bc crccuEd dtrt trhi ft8 rc.od' b.'rlG Im(c)Prycrofl{b.+ctrgcrorsffik'lcddg'Gd.8dn.thltq'GdFdc.r|*hrtfu dlalrHa b (O Atilfod EqdrtDd' llry drdccd Hor: THIS O(IUMITIIR{T XS FOn IM(nMATKnr ONLY, Al{D NO F(}Irer WILL m xsst ED PONSUAT{THXNETO ALTA COMMITMENT Sffi B - Srcdm 2 (ncpOm) (hr()rdcrlb. Ygmt:Xl7 ThcSyr pofidcr tobc|dru cor*r uocpdm to ltrc lo||orl4 mhr drcre rrc d4ccd o[ ic thc 'rtldrdl0t of thc Corymy: L Fgb crdtuotprdsttpccdonDatbilrUylbplc |lcort L EEd.G, or.ldrrr of c!.m.*, Dt drtn bt ft tdc ncort t DlrcrtFdce, corflct h bodry [E+ rbfitc h ree, ryorclcrt, dryfS rHch r orG.t lur!3t d &ccflond b ptdrcl roddddom rdf,llch re Dtrlwn bJr tb pdllc ncodr 4 Ary [cq ordgtr b r lhn, tc rcnlcq hbor or n&rlC t|rr:bfort or hrtftr ttr*mar @osU by It d Dtrbtn b/ fu1d[c ltod* 5. Ihfcctt, d.[t, G'u'rrocr, dvccc ddr oroh|mt!, ilry, crld' trrt 4tdry fn lr F|b[c rc.odt c Jl..ll't rtGql.la b lb ffrc & hro[ H plor b fu drlr fu fqorcd mtl eqdnc ot rcod tc ril L erol or' - crt or morlgry htm covcnd by ltlr Gmfunt. 6. Ilc or rydd scmf r*h e ra ftrl r cdsthg IGE bt h ptllc ncordr.o fu Titsufr o6ca 7. IJcrtorqtd'*rdtct rchge+ |try.. A b ddoq b mdr po[ct rlu bG qcd b tu m(gTG, ll ry, Dtd|tr Scth l dStbffc D hrtoG 9. ruGETtr Pn(TilEITX,(FA VEN On'III'ET() STNACTAND E}T(}YE EEONE TflENruf,(f,T STXJID lEE TIAMEM F(X'ND IO FF{ETNATE ONINTENSCCTTHE PNEf,.Itr|EI As nEFRY@ lN TTNITE) STATtsS PATENTn&O(XITED SEPIEIUBEnO4' 1913, IN B(XX CIATPAGES. IO RIffiT tr WAY F(x, DITCIIES OX,CANAIS CUT'SITUCTE) BY THE AUTIX)XNY (F TIIE T]NTIU} STAIES AS XEMIYED IN T'NIIET' STATtsS PATEYT NEOOXDEI' SEPTE TEENO4 196, tN B(X)l( 93 AT PAGE 9t ll. XEilRICIrYE G(X'F{ANTS WEICE IX) N(}T CONTAIN A FOnFBITUT OR' nFvmITR CIAUSET BT,TOTTITRNGANY COYEIIAITITON,NESTRICT(XT| BASED ( TI NAGI o(xI)N, NKJGTO{' SMq HA!II'rc/\P, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIOIIAL OruG|N UITTLESS AND TTLY IOTflE uTEt{T TBATSAID COyn{ANT (A) ISEXTMPT UNDERCITAPTER{', SCTI(xl{ 3d}7 tr rflE rrNtrTn STATES OfitB OX(B) IEATES TO HANDIC/IP B[.JT IX)ES NOr DE]mIMINA',TB Agultsr HANIXC/TP PERXI\|S, AS q)IYTIA|NED lN lNSirRuM[I{T nEO(XDEI} JANUAnY 09, 1163, IN BdX l74 AT PAGE {3L TL EAST,|nitTS, NKERVATI(}{SAND NEilnICTK)TISAS q'NTAINED (}1r| THEXrc(XDED MAP ff VAIL VILIAGE SrcG{D FlIn{G. ALTA COMMITMENT S&ffc B - $ccdon 2 (ecpdor) (hrOrd.rNo. VflmlZ]7 Thc po[ct c DoH.r !o b. L|[cd rlu cmtdn.xct?tlm !e drc foiloflhg nlcr hG m erc drpocrd of 30 tbc r.dft.tlon o[ fbe Coqtlry: 13. oEniNs, G(I{DExx6 ANL Pf,OlvXSI(XifS tr EASG}IX|{T AGn@tEiT XECD*ITE MAY l7, rt!9 tN B(xx506 AT PAGn49!L t4 EASBMBWS, nESEnVATIC{SAND nESInICnOtS AS SHOWN On XESmVEI' O}r TflE xElrrBDIvI$(N PIAT (r II'T 9 XEODIITEL SEpTEf,tDEn' m, r9t3 tr\t B(XX(3C' AT PAGE729, r:L T'TTI.ITY EASNfiNT TO FrcT $I WIDTII AIIX{GNOXXflWT$MLY II}TLIITEtrII'TA, TIIES(XITIIWESTnI.Y tI'TUNTtr llIn| A A!II' B AITID TNAVEN$NGSUHECT PKXS*[Y, PnG(FD SAflERAND WAIEnEAS&|B{T TBAVn$Irc S[rBFCr PnOImf,r AssKtwt{ (I{ TllEILr\T Im(xIrE) s8PlEf,tm.t, l9&t IN D(xx3dt aT PAGE?4,. 16. rlf,M$ COnTDnXNIiAND PBOyFilXSOTTOITNH(XIIEDECIAIATTON nrc(XnE sEPrEUm,ot, lF, IN B(X)K3dt AT PAGE zlr. LAND TITLE GUANANTEE COMPANY DISICIIX|URE STATEUIEilIIS lbt! MbCnS 1&U-t22, Dfcc b hErtt glvcn til A) Tbqr.f lrd FFrtt rybc tocrrdh r4edd lrltg rdilct B) A edlc* of lb.r IIE H& c|rt @ Ncfon rry b oHrd tun |b Co4/ Thsnt'rtrrtcdtcnl I Ticilor|frnttSr{qqGdd dbE$dlb bffi olrdc!filcE y b offi frn b Boad d Oq OEd.doH+ |ll OUS O.r* d n .or|Lr, or llE C0rry AtFr. NoE ntrtrhc scfxr{irr \ lg!n, cns3G'r0io5 n$nr thtr|l.hffi rtcctvai tr corihg rq h tb cH,d rcq#r o6c fill ofr . bp rtlE o[ d H dr H d r ktt, dtB d bolh rrlgh olrf hrto: htrollhnlr Tb dcrtd ncorfury rtIE b ncod orlllc qdoffilE &G| Dt oodonq 6c.ft O.' Or nqdrrrrt lor tb lop qh rHt ril Ttst !o &ffi uiiltrg fo|ut m rilch {E b pwtU Or ntodfg * trXng tdordn - lb bD Dtlb of lb &mt Nob! Cole[r& ItMdon o[ Imre ncgddm ]5-1, Pngral C cf Atddc vtr |Er|ftt' thrr'&trt d||!cdF rh[ bc nadbh brdl ffir rllch ryr of ncord Flor b tu lh o[ rutfrg vbrcrtb dtc cd' cofu lb dotrS d t n4rdc lor rcortq cnlt o? lcad @ rtdlhg t'm tb dmrltch rr dccil'. hurld.d &- Id Tttb ffic Cory ofu fu dod4 o[ fu bcrd dor d k nryorCllc lor rtcotdLtg lb lcgJ do@6 tm e doq cccplm dcr 5 till Dt +G- ot fu (Hr fldc hffcydtuldrfrl.yttmbcn Nor! AllhlrdvcmcMCr llcnptcdonfcth Orrr q bG sydlJc (ScCly bt dcdm olfutjon a ot$ctcdc B, $oclbn 2 olft Cdffi hom tb Orrdt h[.t bh teo qm co#cc di b fe&rhg coddc! A)Ib ldffi h$cHA dllro'ffintb edqlH! rrihrllch fficr rcododrfuorlovfurdC B) Nobcmffir hrt bafuffibymffcr cl*dciltrtor;n1nc ot coffo on tb Hffi h Scffi A ot 0lr Codd r!!fr tb pt6 rmft. C) Tb Co|qq rrut nccilvc n rympftE {trdrvltlndand$trg fu Aory gdtrtrD.[lcd Eddd! dGlC-rd. [c, D) Tb Gryrtltc.lrFilraof bFqrtE Ftu, D f ful b bG.n cffictho, @mffi orqfor |tICrr !ffi on b FoFrtt b U pcna dlllndrffi Idorb fu Drboltr Cor[d.r|rf, ft aflrmf b ohcowrec brrrcold lhr rlll h& edorre o[ ccrt& comdu ffirdm; ffil l&rdo r b lb !c[.r, l:&dorfu mq pymol ft ryprlrb Ffu filtt cf,..cd r*llqr AgFCffidfurt b bcqr, 14 rry ffml reCdtm* 3 qr bc Gc|rrrt dtrr .!ddm ollb &ntrddl$n'on by lb CoryV. No colcrge rlll bc gln[ '. .r q ffir tor hbr or r*tld lor rHt lb lutnd b amtr|Ehd foror{ltcd b lry. Nocs M b CnS lo-ll-li!3, n&c & h.rrtt gF.c A) Tb hr tt tccor&.t cvlh fl r ' rd cfb b b.o lcf,ccq lc:4 or oftFllc cony.tcd fru fu !||rh G|bb d tU tbt ts r tffil &dlhod tu r ttd pry H&romcdlmrttth oq g+ okfuq or gloo.ml Gugt h |b F{F.tt'; d B) THd*rnl .!|rrryhtr tu dgEb.[trdu eppaty ilffitu rufu mat'rpcldrrlon Thr Ddcc ry[Gr b ovdr po[cy cordffi coddrB . dttrd rse!rc lEtmfl crcrilo, c.r.fdoc, bS*dc Br Sccdon 2. Nolilry Hl coffitill bc &dEd ro obl8rc tu corryry b Fovl& q/ oE lb cov.rrgct nfcncdb bttfu [il.rr |b $ov. ddor lc lUlyrdftrcn t6 rlG ofrllrLl'&,. JOtIiIT NOTICE OF PR,IYACY POLICY ftdcdty l{rdoul nunchl Crq o[ CmpUc/Odago Tllh Inrrnre Gompry ud Lod Tltlc Cnnrrn0rc Cqlny Jnly 1, 20Ol Wc rEoSdD d rl Fd_qE pr-lyrct qF.hdpE o[ bdgr'r corrrEn d b rEdrfttrB o[ rd* ft&d dtrHHqffiU'-ffigtffiffiffiggT.Tgl'|l_!l!9_lF r@.t suffir Fori&r |hcpbr@ Wb 'lGr il- rtgb b drBG dr, frhcr'ItloFi.ri tffi [E b drD co&d rlfr Tl||.d{c'Flyr.t' l|'i h ahc cEr otm h-cr1 tc nry o[cct hrrmrl ldamdor rbmt ym fron thc tolmg ![}Li!.!8 . I I I a ltm .ff[caot or otb loru ve ncclyc hu you or yotl'rrhod'cd nrtrcr 'rc: $qrfg-gl!!ry!" :'1l a Am b rrrfc 6aq fftrca by, r+ oiesllrrq or oftr;$mtr dqcrior rll fi nm tb stylsIlmarsffirtbCh$'IloEb Filc 6q6 'rnartr+ril bv srrrm cdlcr lH rt cftr oh *tc!y e!0 |b*rhq-mbI4eEone by Csvgllt: 5Ignadc+ r* ftu c $l*r or ot& jtrymd trlm cm or oftr Efort4 Saircr. thr Fo[c&r ncgrrdhg thc hrotadon d thc Con0dmdelf rnd tlcturlty of You Pctrul ld*nrgor Wcffirwc ffinp$tdc{r_elggodc d poednl rdcgudr b rlrbctyoE ltmd ltrldon tunlcctt orlEruoll' wcI roalt b th ft|lod Efolddr dy 5 fue @opcrvb edclcctt orlmuooll wc mlroalt b fh Rlrod lraonr{oi otlll 5 fue dofrcr vb nd ruA lctr hcmc0rorlthpuvld4 pnrtornrlcrr b yo cforotur Egtft* h-6r6 Frpds OG Fo[cl€ .nd hrctncr negrreg thc Sherlry ol your Fcrroorl tntamrdon l,h q rhc yr nuo tSq!@ wi& orr.dxr+ mg! r im-.--+ cqqrjq E ut, rd ob rGdcfir -acEirb FrIr[- lye dro rn{r drdc ii- hEd ffi|!-id5-- .: ! b !Eqq, hobrr aGFEIrt I twh !/u ilthrcwica ru br Ecrt&' P [trfl1t coil-E orrrhc piibtfro Fovi&sric6rrrrrrninlfrrofuhcdqionoabd;dt b oht- t-l& th ta .dr b Jm r|edq TrErt tc poaqa er rcwtcr U re h[c* yooUrffiolr*rc* h dbo, lcrl! tchrycfttrod Hodo rrrrro m[ dnct or!t lrr le rilo ro.' a tb rr ryct Mc orcrffi rfucr. Wc r l{cdo*yogrgwodtc flt|o - Hodo rrrro to[ dFCt ordE r Fttdado!. *'h ve lt rtdldrycr +F.il+ o-r-crtff {ridcr. ft {ro ry-dcdc yia rrrrorthbrqao rbr obrl|r Fnilcd !l dcrt*c dr-v lcr rr{ s. lor E-'leb cr(ors o|f rltE rlfrT o|Iot q *rErm4 tix&n or ddu-Hp wl& ydnF'h r, lor cqidq rfa drdoEt |' nocd 9=:tt[ltg|tl!-g111!!ffcl dro4p d oq{!|hd corrydcr b b r@rd docuffi h tb 1dc.loulrr ItcD.b@fi qt onhyour Rnrod lfodon f,lghl to Accl Yottr Pcrml ldormdou ud Abilty fo Corroct Erorr Or Rcqa$ Chmger Or I16ct16D Crr-D !trE dod tou &c rlSb !o E 5rr knd Iilondm d. *r clh drre. b fu| ofD rm toc ItForN b&rdm b lE o drdcc Abo, ccrte Ct llord vo b rid f rtcit Trcfg1_ffq}ry1 or dcb-n et yu nuou rm@r l'h n*nc h rftB ;hfrfF#d b hr, ocrBcrllmdalcc bcdcrtb cD.B irr|tdh rr4orq b ch|rqE![r. - All ccrr ffid b tb ELL|lt-Nitodml eq ACorylcatOlcre. TlOe trrre 6ry.ViJl E h @, d &twrd D-h to[orq errlr mryOrdccOltrccrnffi,ffiH#*srBrht cAgitrro Muldpb Productr or Scr-rls L TI!tg*_I_*- h ma h or nnrtd_pto@t or *rrlc, ym try ncdvc mrr !n or: prtvrry dctr|l|ru. ]vcryologrrorrytmlt'crlcre tnrrryroyw- - tbEtv.Eq..cE t/$; t/" _,-:t na' urtrt oA t' l.t{ldt^.- z/r_= 'tl', 7?l? " hrnt', t'h'*1'\- u{r{ 4 Nt^ t[t]tk Epitu'.,tM 4fz' {.t, = '(r' oT t Uwv+c Ezhf \' 6rr [hn"i^" 4 7u-ht'l e4'5f a/ r-+ Nap 6Ft- |t"f ^4q t tvrlitl + tn4r\\ "B^ g,fitt- tI r- il, I -i.^'lt/,/ tu() "(n -l d() 0t ITutzu $l Il)lot1dz PR) 5 HF 5dI e15 a .I qi ll l_ltlIJ $q\ PI q zz -)$t tr3 At\ \v _-l --l I U $ $) N __t d)-'-.-{ tr) ua U) A(ll v_ {. 55rq sr( l-ltr3 ,h- \,3 ^[--l u) 06dl'9t0 (016) 0) 1f66t.9[6 (010] 0!9tfl ooYtoloJ ',NoAY t l xo[ 'o'd 'SNI,JJSIIHJUV .ANTAS'I HI3{ OG\AIO'IOC TTYA lANq ^\OqltrI^l JSiI/t4. 616 6CNnU'6ro'r 2.&W'q''4lcrvntta NJ1flfrTUqOI^tf,U gCNgqrSUU CNDI T Y 5-.s, >\gN a KJ5 TU <J .lrlJl Q FE E - F F sf;fisfi'' .f s tf ou, dooo cd cg (dUO Q ni *o6 6 art ?lc^ ad5ERa.tJ=rrr =/'\ rri Fr - -€ .= c-qriE ! oFB5-a 9 .Edfz? 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't $t t 'rl . lu ./ I l'$$ ,/ i, (J) 06dE .9!d t0t6) ut [66t.0E6 t0t6) 069 tf ooYloloJ,NOAV ,rr I xoq .o d .)NI'J'3JIH3UV .3NI,ATI HJSg o(I\ruqloc "IIVA l^Iuq /!\o(IlEl I IsiI t 6/6 SCNnU'6J.o'I TgqOWru UCNS(IISUU CNDT bl"V,tt4,tqd'ViVlltr7 NJ,,an ffi { I-lNI>-| \JIrl Lal i I J Ii I I I J I I I I f:+'''--: --:------J -S{-llr --l _ulilt fr;-:T-iil L l"$ i i ii $r*. lrr $ =^l lsii $s$R l,K+rliN:: ooo* li, i{$ii'tt\r:-\'lrrllil--* fu II l; _=__Il_ _j_-}-; ib-=- :t-r+ - -+ uol iLl ' ,e',Ll --f Ill rl Ittl r+ Ir lr ri ll ri { l I a $l $sI \El$ @ lsda .9t6 (0161 u, ft6r'9t|6 (016) 0t9 m oovtol0J.NOAV r! xo0 .o d ,CNI'J.)SJIHCUY'3NIAg'I TTISg o(t\ruo1oc1lva IAruq ^\OCViDt JSSTA 616 39Nnu'6JO'I T[qonlgrr gDNf, qrsf,u cr{Dt I t v't"4?/d ,FtrflrTzrn t<t -N, $$ .l rl -jt*l f-il $t t ll"'il $$iI II i i t I l I A-! h4 , --\ t-._ \-- lu rs rsq b'I IItz0l r flri \ tl T\ --t$ Bs.I ss g, todt .gEd t0r6, (d) $06r .9E6 (0a6) 0t9 ri oovtdtor'ilo.{v nfl xoo 'o'J 'JNl'JfftllFlcuv'3NtA3't HJSS .Itrqoruml gcNgalsf,u cNDt .,'t)ft o(mloloc'IrvA s^rf,q ^/nocvx! l Jsg^,t 616 6CNnU'6.LO'I l-l w'tt42/b,rql:r<ntt;t2{vz ts.r; r I f J hi t *tl $t q$s$ I + m$ 3f| $uN$ /) + o F u, (0tit. t80 toa() 0) [!0r.9[6 tot6) 0!9tr octtdloo,to^v|? XOe O.r 'cNt'If,iUIHCUV'SNt ATl HIiIq o(Irryoloc"nYA S/UUC Alo(tl4ry{ JSSil4. 616 6CNnU'6JO'I bh.W'll'4rqt-rtltJiM teL TUqOI^Tru UCNgOISf,II CNDT .,1Lfr t I J-4,"1i:' ,l I'-'J ; I $ \- N ({) tr,lr*t ' 9E6 (016) u) f6fit.9!6 (0t6) 0E9 rI oo\to'loJ'No.{v r?N xoo 0 d .3NI'Tf,3UHCUV'3NI,ATI HJSS Oq\dO.IOC,IIYA qAruC ^\OG!tgl[ JSg/h 6/6 6CNnr{'6JO.I , LA,Qt4b/o ,tdtotl+tf+z pt TT(IOI{M{ UCNf,qIStrU CNDT ,,.'n I+ I Qr xlsl I I I 0 $ $q s $ -q s $ + 5 j \ T t $ $ti" nP s$ Nr +r* rt- 6l{\r5 ${ 's/- - $$ RI E[ 5F l,^. # Fl3q $li el3 9 \$lNr F1 CI I $H ltltqq b/r.,*-rfrt-Hfe ..ALfr o(Ilryqloc'rrYA silruq ilrocvlDt J,sd/A 616 6CNnU'6JO"I TUCOnHU gCNgqnf,u cNDt u) 0dia . s6 (0!d td) M6r -9t6 (0!d 0E9rr oowolof 'No^v tif | ,(o0 'o'd .3NI,I33JjH3UV .3NI,ATI HIIII . u) e6dl. 9ld 1016, u, r'$6t . cE6 l0t6 0!9 rr oo\to103'No^v rtrfl xoll 'o"l .3NI .JJSJIHSUV .SNIATI HJsq oc\do1oc"nYA IAIUqlt/\Oqntr l JSgi!\ 6/6 6CNnn'6J,O'I b/t ,qTn*#;b3tTICOI If,II [CNg(IISf,iI CNDI "1n \ $ *3 1\l $ $q, Nil R F $$$2.s \ L/u ,*tnnn#)Tlt,,dfi oqwo'roc'Irv^ &UUqi!\OqYU{J,fd^\6/6 6CNnU'6J,0'I TUqOnmH gCI IUCISf,iI CNDI ur 06dt.9!6 {0&t u) Mot . gEa {0!o 0G9rr o0rto10t'NoAv r?i I xoo 'o'd '3NrrSXIrH3UV'3NtAg I H.IitC Is ! t $s6lrf'i,'li t, $: N dl t 1T-$ -. Project Name: KING RESIDENCE Project Description: ProjectAddres| 272 W MEADOW DRVAIL 272WESI MEADOW DRIVE, UNIT B Legal Description: Lotl 9 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 2 ParcelNumber: 210107101024 Comments: y'ai I V/l1u$7,-7 h hr7 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxt 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8050044 Location: CHANGETO APPROVED PLANS (DECKS, EIREPLACE, HOTTUB, STONE WALL MATERIAL) Participants: OWNER KING, JAMES U., JR 02/0/2005 Phone: 11931 WICKCHESTER LN STE 401 HOUSTON IX 77043 License: APPLICANT Beth Levine, Architect OZlO7l2005 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: Motion Byr Second By! Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approva!: 03/01/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006948 Prior to the issuance of an amended building permit, the applicant shall revise the south deck columns to encroach no more than 5 feet into the rear setback, ' ,, ' Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: 32O.OO Addihns- Rssidential or Application fur Design Revisr ffidccrmrryDatEStrtt€ltE ?5 hih RorlqF Ro€4 \,il, cffi u657 HfEm.Cnzt3p. JegIo4lg.ZEI nreh www.vdgw-com Gffidltfrnffin! Al Fojects |E4tttg de*n ra,Fr lllrEt t€dYe ryod prb' b sftnnfirg a hfrrg penrt4lcel rc |eF.b tln gbmffit rqftns6 #G b,eg #|d uft-E pq"sd. -An #r tu Dedgn nsib1 ctrd be acceghd 111r n silbed hdfid[ ;d,Ed'Ot * at-iil-o"O*oifo56ne1n' Ilt pmfrf trsv *o 6d b be |evbr|,d by ttE Tom co|nct atrdrb tre ffiig *i'Fnnrfuena irmdsdotr Ddglr ttidt mma uece -i53; bd[4frs perm f 566 :rit cmcrrocron qnrre rnmr cn year dtlre m61ta' w tt|rtl,&h#,hr.ttffilldtt€es Patd l|c:allD (Cortad Eade Cl. Assesr at tfloiJ8{&nff pd ln) Zorfu: ttarn{s)dOns(ilr I m Ptsfiln Per qge tud d @ Cgn n€a. ftr qrtrdon da lgt hl*lg.**lt**' .i+;ffit ttg. tq -tucbs"-b addd b nty te$etfrd a ;-"*tn h*tts 0ircides 2s adfio'E & htelb qnssnrl fui;rr d"tlg.s d h{&tgs iltd ste trpronmed+ sldt a+ ffi;il, dfu-ilhew-adffit+ Enctaphs' fttcs ad !€dtp ilE|a dr i-fr!"t attlg* b hradngs ad se fnprutement rdt a' ;*;;frrd,ffi-uhfru,-adfi6B tindFatrt& ftrc dd td*!g u*,€tt20 illerys,. b ptils *eecy ryurco bt HalrnE S c oE Decgn Rrlrtstv 8ond. lloFee RHGHIVED FtB 0 7 2i05 TOV-COfU.DEV. ;+4 t,r-tr/ -rts f|ptp E tr tr u d tr *50 t{o Fee f650 t300 l2s0 p ]fo',rt"t ilredAP@ r|anryrd*as f-cdlftcs efr*;;fYpcdR:riryandE *.| tr frE.L mncendn:ratY ilenffiu&nldffitl lfsAEaltq-l(rnrum/cctutgrg) lfrslErdon (strgbfdnlrrdf,s) cf|nE€sb Afured Ptils SeFrdon Reqttest 7 ) {Ger *m 't rcINTPROPERWOW{ER WRITIEI{ APPROYAL I"ETTER a jointomrer of property bcaEd at (addresqtlegdI, (print name drll:rtfirrrr)?'z Uttrl u prwidethisfetbr6wrftbnaepro\ral dthe flans a.W b1'oS ttare beerl subnftted b theTonm of Valt Commwrity Derdopment Deparffifurthe propoed improvemotsb be ompebd at ttre addrcss rp6d aborc. I understand UEt fie propoed improvernentS indude: I furt|er undeFtard tlrat minor modificatiors may be made b Ble dans ol/ert|e ourseof tie ralbv proessb enrure ornpliance vrifi ttre Tovnt apdhable codes and regulations. Z.1a€ (DaE) Daaa 1 ,rf 11tfi'rltetn Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 Mr. Bill Gibson Town of Vail, Dept. Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 February 7,2005 Dear Bill, Thank you for all of the preliminary meetings you have had on the King / Hurtt Duplex. Enclose you will find the submittal for both sides of the duplex (Two Family Residential) as they would like to proceed with the deck layouts and the railings. I would like to explain to you the premise that both parties would like to proceed on. Both the Kings and the Hurtts have owned tleir property since 1982 when it was buill The Hurtts were the original developers of the property and the Kings just happened to inquire if the second half was for sale. Both families have shared nunbers of years of memories including watching each others children grow up and now sharing stories of their grandchildren. Both families would like to accommodate each others desire for expansion. The Kings are interested in a large addition, including a large deck with stone accent and stone on the front wall of their half. The Hurtts would like to add ajA bafh in an unused utility room inside and do just a small addition to the deck. The Hurtts ar€ not interested in adding any stone work. The Hurtts were not interested in changing the hand 6iling but will change to reflect the architectural style the Kings are interested in. Both families have agreed upon a conrmon railing. The solution that I would like to propose for both parties is to do the stone work for the Kings with the premise that if the Hurtt side is ever extensively remodeled, then that side would be required to add the stone detail that the Kings have added. The Hurtts will change the railing to the matching railing they have agreed upon and add only 72 sq. ft. of deck space. I arn aware that the Town of Vail allows one half of a duplex to be remodeled then, when the other half wants to remodel, they must match the details. The Hurfts thus would like to only change the railing at this time, so the project carries the same architectural theme- I feel very fortunate to have two neighbors who want to work together for each side's best interest. Please reflect upon the solution that the Kings and the Hurtts would like to propose to the Town of Vail. Their solution allows for the extensive remodel of the King half and changes the Hurtt side enough so the project does not look mismatched. Thank you, Beth Levine, Architect Inc. Copy: Mr. & Mrs. Hurtt Mr. &Mn. King Steve Hooker. GSCC I Berrcha Res $100/lnft Beracha Res $f00/Inft h"., frvapta-rl- 'h''=y-d'Z4a5 U Q/r'+ Na^, d,* lar ^b? q r. 1n,tt qcrfit- tt/z -+ + ivrlill tn{r\\ t-iI" I -tr2 /af / Vr*W/t'7-f;-7 t'/ ,-t)Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Dardoprnent 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2139 tax: 97 0.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vai l.co.us Proiect Name: KING CI-IANGE DRB Number: DR8040628 Project Description: KrNG ADDmON-ENCLOSE 490 SQ FT. LEVEL 2 ENCLOSE 114 SQ Fr NEW ENTRY, ADD 376 SQ FT ON THE THIRD LEVEL Pafticipants: OWNER KING, JAMES U., JR t212812004 Phone: 11931 WICKCHESTER LN STE 401 HOUSTON IX 77043 License: APPLICANT Beth Levine, Architect L212812004 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: ARCHITEfi Beth Lwine, Architect LA2812004 Phone: 970-926-5099 P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 License: C000001399 Project Addresz 272 W MEADOW DR VAIL Locauon: 272WESI MEADOW DRIVE, UNIT B Legal Descripuon: loe 9 Bbdc Subdivision: VAIL VIU-AGE FIUNG 2 Parccl Number: 210107101024 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: MIHDRWN Second By: Vote: DateofApproval: Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to thes€ plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 l-ocatonofthe Prop€t= t-ot:4 AtoJc,-7-- Parcel l{o.:\ ollD dZ Zoning: Name(s) of Oumer(i): ll ttame of Appl'rcant: Mailing Addrcss: Type of RevierY and Fee:tr 6srsL ConeptuA nevUw New Confilction Mditon lvlimr Alteration (muftifamiV/ommerOl) walls. eE $20 For re\rislons to plans already approred by Pbnninq Sbff or the Design Review 8oard. No Fee Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Deparbn€nt of Community Dare@ment 75 Sou$ tonbge Road, Vail, Cobrado 8165/ tel 970.479.2139 fay.: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.orn Genenl Inbrmaftion: Atl projects rcqulrlng design revle$v must recei\€ approral prbr to submitflng a building permit applkadon. Please the submittal requiremenB for tfre partiollan apprwal Urat is reqrsteO. An applicauon for Deslgn Re\rleur canrpt be acce@ until all rcquired infrrma$on b received -Uy ttre Community Developrnent Depattmenl The project ruy also need to be retrbfled by the Town Coundl andlor ttre Plannlng and Erwironmental Commissirx. Dsign revim approval lapces Q2D fuot of btal sign area. frudion of a nor building or derno/r&ild. addition rvhere square footage is added b any residdlu* or ommerdal building (includes 250 addftbns & inErbr onvedors), For mirpr dranges b hrildr€s and site improvements, stdt as, rermfirg, pai[Ung, windotr addidons, landscapirg ftres and retairdng walls,d- For minor changes to buitdings and sib improvemenB, sudl as, reroofrng, palnting, window addiUons, lan&capiry, ftnces ard rctainirq rft,#f1F{r/ED ,.. ,, ., t t,'t04 unless a buitding pernrit is bsued and constru<iion commenoes within one year of the approval. Ph!'slcal Address: (Contact Eagte Co. Assessor at 97&3?&ffi40 frr patd no.) Phone: **r.rtrl tbz tr tr tr tr d tr \ $zoMinor Albration Changes Separafron R Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. P.O. 1825 Avon, CO 81620 (e70) e26-4ee3(P) (e70) e26-2ee3(F) TRANSMITTAL Date: lZ. Z9,o( ro: ?v- oill o;bfrn FROM: BETH LEVINE, ARCHITECT, INC. RE: Wrq VtZ ,'J INCLUSIVE: ?,-fr;r tu'ff McD DEc o -*s 1004r ,> h? !gv,,+* ? ? ou"'vY ro aTTwtat F,r^2'a) 'tt** +o 4t L *+N* df+en+aircj 4v4 c{^*q{ 4) fiAt*+ ol 'A*A +aleFlc NorE: 5\ Ith+au ["' +r".r fa\/ fo'nt Cov'vt'lr fu -+',u'V4{x4 {* ^ uldkuf ae 4ln "rYvai4 , lncbt*itu1 - tdua-il &wn,arf M o Jgtulof?u, t- o{ tw u'dAli1. ' COPY: Beth Levine, Architect Inc. P.O. Box 1825 Avon, CO 81620 December 22,2004 Mr. & Ivlrs. Hwtt ZT?WestMeadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Hurtt, I would like to inform you that your neighbors, the Kings, have decided to limit the scope of their addition from the proposal which you approved in August. The Kings have decided to do just the front enty and the addition above the garage. The additional bedroom above the west bedroom has been put on hold until a later date. Thank you for all of your cooperation regarding the addition that the Kings are doing. Sincerely, 'LLt't'-(-- Beth Levine, Architect, Inc. Copy: Town of Vail Building Deparfrnent Mr. & Mrs. King George Shaeffer Construction Company Yt,,1I7nt - djr' fiove.Qx ai,"^nl I \. . ', I'1!.t '{-1 i ': tI IMG 0399.JPG 9l1l2OO4 11 :1 9:30 PM r'l ' ' l--r\ / IMG O4OO.JPG 9112.A04 11:20:32 PM il E- --ftur-T-l-,LFf.1 ftrT+Y@'* IMG O398.JPG 9t1t2o6+ t1:18:32 PM c;z 5c H. o<) ooo (v) oq otnN oIoosl oulult! ts =tut o- /-71L_ ;g/L.Wt bh*v+x)I ti\.1 Qrs tl ir Hl{t ft-, I15 {iE /)',9_ | ,itiI Ul'IFxl9Elo =l zFtd,@t J =laOlottilo:zt=tl z UJ e {Jhr I 6-l clotoltlolol=l El-slotol!l.dl :l8lntt cl =lol(ot I- t8lJ)l cl-l-l (lJl rrl ;lEl(/,lJl =t (Jl El c,lp olol65t 'tEpl ol otct (, +rl .-l rrtrl-l' B;*A IH g;Eff lf iiiF sEi€5 : n EEEEgfiq EE;;? :E sE:fi;: ieiEf;= Oro @ Cv) (\t Or oo rt)(ft o o Fl oo o o oor-l r.o F\ (\l (\t ts EE uJo. z J @ - llJ z Fo r.lJ.J IJJ z @ J . uJ = u,lqJ u-z tr uJe.() E o 3llJ uJ z -o uJo tr aaoo-tllo o-?z |rl C) x ulo tt uJ UJ lJ- F =ttuo- FoF 0z6J o o EFo u,lJur z to = o. J z uJ- NOrMtv I'li t,:-'.-.r< ItE 9,-< lg; TY I: = O or ll 8,,otE =3ZztLo oo(F F-.tt=ei E a Fs6 -o E'l:6s fiEl!<3i 3Ei g EE!-.e(9 I I -olil*'I -lOI=l!l -l .!z Iol(ulol .l-, I !ulEI(Ulrl:l -l=l z tr lt o- uJc F o ooo (r) a UJ J z E z tr E uJFJ =Luz oF2 z tr o =ooo I Fz (, z a uJ3 UJo 5 qJ tr c;z FTL z FI Er r,u = (r a UTzY9 F llJ F z tr 5 z ulib F o Fg, il trl z_l zl .. >l uJ uJgJzo tr t!(L J z E ,llotl'll ---11 lt llEtl5tl 'll -ll<ullrtl (Jz tro d! 4Y(E o. (f) I& -{ r:f lljF (t, (oo-zo F(L ulY I! co oF F E uJL-. bElrRl6>t ?.. Irlg u,t:^Fvz,o z o9z'-<oo =z=:)dP Ef;3dd= tr =Eulo- l!oEE E<of€uBP!La9'EE =>E dEE FEE =*E U69 \urE Xo-t x>I q- €= H oF --- \ F =E UJo-zo F(J :)EFozo C) tr!tr il'Fl'ol4cltol H.HI -i"l 9l-iIl i:lld l="lotzF-9 ,.= Eo +J !'ct ro oL)c (t.,'(' an(uE. 9l v. r]'j =z (Do - L F) v UI (U (6 tu =4 sf(O(\l xoco o uJ J E (v, .ir I(o t\sli Eo F t aa u,l J = +Jtnco(J -!z aoo4 o +, an(o(J =E I (o(\, z ';uJl TI <l>l (Ll zl 3lolFI cr) rosf IroF.<f lJ. uF Q {J U IJJ ltl ltl d. ct ll- t+lsr :z. ql <l>l 6l zl 3iolFI roro Flsf I sfol u u F ct c |o+,c o = E d CL t (7) z dul l!oz3 F ool'tslI Orsf O) ui JutF =t ci =. olul : a>l trl zl3q H =tr oz ouli <1 ttoz 31 9i UJJul F TIJz3 F() uJ E?()E <F l!<zF IJ.I F(iZo(J JE<o()F E3YF-2. 13 G >Y =#-J t-)zaO i5YF 33 g6 tv Eir = \JZ <(JqH I '6 I I a trtriD oz F =E UJ o- :) 3 Y) LOF i)O it (n UJ uJl! F =E UJo- 11,Kl\ { t J )ilt ) ( J JI LqJF Js tr-ILo(,zo = m tEl I Fla =IFEI hloI 1g lc I FH lhlPt.. l|Jl@ls EI*E FIgH:ttl p c' c(u vl rd(u -i- o tr 146 * ;.o) ld FE€:E I3 E;g;tIe :EEiE .l; lg;iilrh, Et;l: +lE! ;;t"l€ r ls? d!6;u 9 efi; cs;i :gEi;i:('o'-ie(.)ot; o (, E ),isig,ESo E'5=:s s s iEgiE;l \q\ -a U \o I\ I t\. v I, J 6 .'.1 (3 a) c.) 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I Ctt c .tt3J 9' = trl ul l >l ttl >l 3lotFI I :' F{ c) !,o I3r (-fl tr I rl olr,!lql <t>l rLlol zl;lotFI =E o UJi al>l l!lI;l FI t uJz3 uJ tsI <FEQuJ<zF LIJ F t,,l Zoo JE<o(JF;O !Ea8 E >E =<ZE 4Z(.l-O C) JIV<^9tr7<) =tiz =H Eirg O"z C) <()oQIJ.I H-7FF! I :I t n U (_.. tr \ l! tu lNl\\ I IAPo s S \ {,ululIL ts =E uJo- c{ {ot4,Tlt 1,,, QrE I rl'| o Hi l{lolul | 5'r l$9t=t- I Ep, li{', [.Fq ,lr $l $; $le dfi tt J uJo tr t! F trFzo urz3 oaE tr lu6z.:.3 cEv FI<F2^YZ(r< -:- q, c6*8.9 iEE:E .EErEfi E*E:; EgFiE fl; s.e €$Eief :EE€E i8EE5co'-!-t= o t,) c e*Ec€ FgiiE N'{) \h ^1 b \ s $\ h oq q t 0 e t o \ {\ I t ^l rY =e uJo-ozo @ -out C)z o- J EF C) uJ) |l,l zo ==o- Iz () uJ = Eo uJE oE oo;llJ UJ zo6 uJo i uJ z qJ x F ul att aD !U LUl! F =t uJo- J FoF z 6 =' ao t- tr,l uJ oz 6t J (, = o UJ- NO[Vn'lvA o }Avt o) a) ?FJ] = ro .{l \ F$ *e=g$ Ic E{ { b1 t \ zo F f u- E o c oE0 UJo, F 0 0s M eo-q, E I J z Eoo zo e UJ J =ulz a z. z F o o =zloz J IJJ3o uJ Jc!J tr oz I F z F 6I lll = q> al, allzY i z F J z ..r I<l =l zl .. >l UJ IJJ uJzo tr ctu o- z Eo o2 F al, z YG o- rO R ('{ t UJo.tto:!{E ? ,^6,o' I =F€8 A3I E ==b I dtsE$ mnnE dEIE h=l. E ;ftl t*i\E E ol <rciYPr F 3l =E='lai O F rrrl s ir It_E 6 $l =rrJHf --E - >a JJ-J=-- !l l-l lo ur E ] o =J lJ- f,\ J ii =z r\' l- j s\\\ I I EIEl <l>l t!lol 3otH "l7lolulltrl -{<l>l EIq flr e,_rO<FE() IJJ <zg'UJFrrz-o() :P =<AE d6o E it -lrj+e,Ft-o2 o() <c)att u,rir l!JO o >z- o2 ---) t c I EYE5 tqo=r,E UJo oF '-D -rEr \\ oct'ober '26, 1983 Castle Peak Constructi.on Conpany P.O. Box 264 Aven, Colorado 81620 Connunity Developnent DePartnent Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE; PETITION FOR PBRUIT PER ATfACHED concarning lot 9 firing vail Village second block !/2 aast side. Installation of new brick deck .at south end of house to eltend 6 feot fron wost end of house to easenent line, to follow ease- ment line for 16 feet then to cut back in and follon existing 6 X 6 tie wall and house Method of installation, s brick Pavors on top of 3 inch to 6 inch sand with 3 drain.s sloped for natural drainage fron house. t{ith electrical wiring of 220 and 110 for hot tub and lighting, Sincerely, Thonas lf . SnedleY Castle Peak Construction ConPanY enclosure ,*r#"toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE INSPEC-TION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR I FRl ,READY FOR LOCATION: WED AM PM i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL -EI-AFPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ' " ':i).:'-','DATE INSPECTOR 1,,.. ., rNstctoN TOWN OF 't':' ."' "- REOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR PM.AMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL n 199.f^&^si.EFn...^ tr cAS prprNc - " PLYWOODNAILING _ tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - tr tr- O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -tr tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO DATE INSPECTOR ,*r#"toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PMAM DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR ,FRI IREADY FOR LOCATION: WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAIL|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT o cl SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED COBRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNstctoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE , JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AMPM. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATEH tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING t-l ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: € DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIREO DATE INSPECTOR t rNsilcroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTIONi CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM./READY FOR LOCATION: BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR u tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: -'O DISAPPROVEo . C} REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR