HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 1986 OFF SITE PARKING EXPANSIONS LEGALvoilvolley medicolcenter {oa {ugr,,G+-3osp J,. @ qt foQ"d + bh-'! 4.p\ ti, I '181 West Meadow Drive, Suite 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 (303\ 476-2451 f,tc?MAY 19 p88 May 16, 1988 Ron Phillips Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, C0 81657 Dear Ron: This letter comments on and summarizes our parking experience this past season. hle've gained some interesting insight into our parking at the hospital over the past few seasons. In 1985, when we first began viewing parking as a crucial component of our p'l anning, we were parking less than 140 cars on a peak load day. During the 1986 season we 'i ncreased the peak load to 158 cars. During both of these seasons vle were al|owing a consjderable amount of Dobson and Library parking as well as some employee skierparking. Also, in the 1986 season we were parking 15 construction workers (included in the 158). This past season we a'l lowed fewer Dobson and Library parkers - none of our employeesto park here if not working and had only five construction workers here in the hos-pital . Even with these reduced factors, we parked 211 cars on a peak load day. l.le were capable of parking 220 cars. Last year's 21.1 peak load a spaces. lie feel the T.0.V. s monitored his parking and thereby assured unauthorjzed parking. /1scc: Peter Patton Eric Affeldt lr hout '.o trqa-lx1 j-..r.*..rn !,- a< lft-"f ci ty doeslt thd not includefor Pat and aces the 15 Town of Va i 'l his people in that we were never used for Next season (November 1988 through May 1989) we will have a vehicles. This will not include the 15 spaces reserved for parking capacity the town. tle feel we are successfu'l 'ly providing parking for our patients, visitors and pl oyees. Respectful ly, ->tu1 Ray McMahan Admi ni strator Ray McMahan Ad m in isirator o voilvolley medicolcenter May 16, 1.988 Ron Phillips Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd.VaiI, C0 81657 Dear Ron: This letter comments on and surmarizes our parking experience this past season. We've gained some interesting insight into our park'ing at the hospital over the pastfew seasons. In 1985, when we first.began-v'iewing parking as a crucial component of our planning,we were parking less than 140 cars- on a peak load day. During the 1986 iejson *eincrease.d the peak load to 158 cars. During both of iies" seasbns ule were ailowinga considerable amount of Dobson and Library- parking as well as some emptoyee rfi.iparking. -Also, in the 1986 season we were -pait<ing i5 construction woriei.s-iinciuaeain the 158). This past season we al'l owed fewer Dobson and Library parkers - none of our employeesto park here if not working and had only five consiruction workers here in the -tros- pital. Even with these re_duced factors, we parked 2lL cars on a peJt< ioal OiV. l.lewere capable of parking 220 cars. Last year's -211- peak load and 220 capacity does not include the 15 Town of Vailspaces. l'le feel the T.O.V.. spaces worked out well for Pat and his people in that wemonitored his parking and thereby assured that those spaces were never used forunauthorized parking. Next season (November 1988 through May 1989) we will have a parking capac.ity for 244vehicles. This will not include the 15 spaces reserved for the toin. t.|e feel we are successfully providing parking for our patients, visitors and em-pl oyees. Respectful ly, /lscc: Peter Patton Eric Affeldt Ray McMahan Administrator Admi ni strator {c, TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department Oc$an--r"\ :l- o 'la, "'t t+ttt April 14, 1e86 C*.*\ "51^-*t *?-,=;}*&.. , Request to amend.a previously approved conditional use pernh-t 'o'r, il t;l"J tttd-v"it Val1ey Medical Center expansion project' Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center TheMedicalCenter.isrequestingtoamendtheirdevelopmentplanforthe .*p"nrion-project wnic6-wii-appioved by_Town Council on February 18, i666.- itr"'reiuest is-[o construct an i8 space parking lot-in the i"iar.rp"a ardi atong We.i meaaow Drive on the southeast of the site- Additionally, anothei row of valet parking spaces is proposed in the ;;;iil;i .-orn., ot ine-siie. This'would allow cars to be parked four spaces deep rather than the three spaces as previously approved' The iaaitionat row of vatei parking forces a shift to the south of the entire parking sPace 'l aYout. The addition of the southeast corner parking 1ot provides l8 additional $;.;;; ien ot which are compact spaces' Access into the parking area would be controlled by a wooden gate mechanism and a proposed sidewalk would continue in tht-same location as previously approved' A liquid oxygen enclosure and-trish enclosure area would remain essent'i a1 ly as ;;;;i;r;it ipprovea-ai norra a pull-out area for the semi-truck lliiu.riri i'nL tiquia oxysen. The plan shows a landscaped berm approximate'ly 13 feei Ueii""n the sidewalk and the edge of pavement of Wiit t{eaaow brive. -one mitut" pine tree would be lost under the ;;;;"r;i: The .13 tool-wiJ" berm woutd be landscaped with potentilla .nrlur. Fire Department access would not be dimin'i shed under the proposa.l. snow *our-i-6";;;;ir"a to_be completely hauled out from this area in order for ii-to-Ue iully utilized. Also, the proposed berm between west Meartow-orive ano tlre sidewalk wou]d be reduced by 9 maximum ;i i;;; ieet (resulting in a 9 foot wi.dth) to accommodate a drainase swale as required ov'li. pruti. works/Transportation.Department. The sidewa'l k wou'l d ue miiniained by the hospital due to-its-location on private property. if'. p.opot"i.r"mouet approximatel.y 7500 square feet of Iandscaped area--"in! onfv significant landscaped area remaining as per the apProved Plans. Theadd.itionalrowofvaletparkingo.nthenorthwestcornerofthesite adds l3 parking ,p"i.r'io, a'iotal of_new parking spaces over and above "hii ti."p..uiiutiv-ipproved 9f 9l' A timber retaining wa11 approximately 3 feet Iigh noufd be.constructed along the property line in this area to "..orrolit" ir," additiona'l parking. This portion of the rev.i sion removes "ritnit-igOO square feet of landscaped area for a total of approximatef V gi66"rqrit" t"dt. of -l andscap i ng (both. revi sion areas) replaced w1tn aspnaii.--if'" impgi! of shifting the entire west parking area to the south ir-itut slx idditional spaces are partially located on Town of Vail-owned Lot l0 which would be required to be relocated when Lot l0 is ut.i fizeO ior runilipat purposes. Moreover, the spaces closest io Meadow Drjve on the very south are proposed to be relocated even closer to the roao bv-appr-oximately I feet. Due to the design of this ;;;k;;s-;r;", "ii'6i, iibn wil be required to be hauled on a resular basi s. ,al II. III BACKGROUND Last summer, in the original proposal by the hospital , the southeastparking area was proposed to the staff. We felt at that tjrne that this was a "sacred" landscaped area essential to the hospital's compatibilitywith the surrounding 1ow density residential use as welI as creating apleasant pedestrian atmosphere along West Meadow Drive. Further, it was agreed by both the appljcant and the staff to allow the severe reduct.ionof both interi or and perimeter parking lot landscaping requ.i rements as atrade-off to preserve the landscaped area along West Meadow Drive. lJefelt that this was the best solution for both the hospital and the community by maximiz'ing the spaces that could be located jn the mainparkjng lot and preserving what we feel is an important buffer between the hospita1 , the pedestrian and the 1ow density resjdentjal area to thesouth. The appl'i cant agreed and removed the southeast parking area fromthe plans and received approval from the Council for their park.i ng p1an. The appl icant had second thoughts about thi s parking area recently and brought it up in a d'iscussion with the Planning Conm'iss'ion on March .|0. An informal polfing of the commission members took place and a verbatim record of that polling is attached. Following the Plannjng Commission work session, the applicant chose to apply for the revisjon to the plan to'i nclude this additional parking area. 0n April 3, .l986 the appl .i cant verbal 1y withdrew the applicatjon previously submitted for the addit.i onof the spaces and agreed to del iver a statement in writing to thateffect. The letter was not received by the Community Development Department. 0n April 8, at a Councjl work session to djscuss the final agreement between the Town and the hospita1 for off-site parking, fo1 iowing the March 24th PEC approval for 29 off-site spaces at the Sun Vail Condominium project, the applicant again brought up the jssue of theparking area in the southeast corner of the site. The result of th'i s discussion was a direction of Council to immediately go back to Planning Commission (Apri 'l l4) to consider the merits of this proposal , which bri ngs us where we are today. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Sect'ion 18.60, the Community Oevelopment Department recommends denial of the conditional use permit based upon the folIowing factors: Consideration of Factors 1. Re] alionship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. The Urban Design Guide Plan, adopted in .l980, designated West Meadow Drjve as an important pedestrian connecting street between Vail Village and VaiI Lionshead. Pedestrjan and landscaping improvements were called out to accomplish this end. In general ,a pleasing pedestrian walking experience requires landscaped open spaces and a separate walking area. While the proposal prov'ides for construction of a sidewalk, jt takes away the iast remaining landscaped area on the site. A. -1- f ,, The effect of !h use on liqht and air. distrjbution of - population. transportatjon facjl ities. utiljties, schools. parks and recreation facilities. and other publ ic facil ities needs. No impacts upon these factors are foreseen. 3.Effect u raffic with rticular reference to con est ion automotive an ow and control . access maneuver nemova snowstleet and par ng areas. The solution to how to get the 18 wheel truck out of this area when it delivers the liqu'i d oxygen on the southeast corner of thesite has not been solved. As to traffic fl ow, the proposal further restricts vehicular flow on the western end of the site. However, if all snow is continual 1y hauled out from the entjre parking area, it appears the plan remains workable. The appljcant claims the fourth row of valet parking will require only another 15 to 20 second delay to an individual receiving his car. They feel the fourth row will only be used at the most crowded time of the year. 4. Effect the character of ich the ed use is use ation to The proposal will have a very negative effect upon the character of the area by replacing this very important buffer area with a parking 1ot. Intense hospital use requires a buffer between it, the pedestrians and the residences to the south of West Meadow Dnive. The staff has made many concessions regarding landscaping on the site to enable the hospital to maximize the number of cars to be parked. The staff's concess'i ons were made in areas that would not impact the pedestrians or the residences to ma'i ntain the exist'i ng character of the area. B. Such other factors and criteria as the Comm'i ssjon deems appljcable to the nroposed use, IV. FINDINGS The Communjty Development Oepartment recommends that the conditional use perm'i t be denied based on the fol lowing findings: 2. be That the proposed location of the use is not in accord with of this ordinance and the purposes of the distrjct jn which I ocated. the the purposes site is estrian safety and convenience. tnaffic -3- '1.r That the proposed location of the use and the condjtions under which it would be operated or maintained would be detrimenta'l to the public health, safety or welfare or material 1y 'i njurious to properties or improvements in the v'i c'i nity. That the proposed use would not comply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As mentioned eanl ier, we have continually given and made numerous concessions regarding the site plan for the hospital expansion proposal. The loss of an additional 9300 square feet of'landscap'ing on the site, especial 1y along West Meadow Drive, is simply not acceptable. The exjsting approval represents a very long process of trade-offs and negotiations between the staff, the Planning and Environmental Commission, the Town Council and the appl'i cant. One redeeming characteristic of the approved site plan which led the staff to supportit was the retentjon of the landscaped buffer along llest Meadow Drive while allowing virtually the rema'ining 3.75 acres to be building andasphalt. We feel strongly that approval of the proposed revision would represent a spec'i a1 privilege to this appljcant and we continue to support the off-site parking plan for 29 spaces at the Sun Vail Condominium Pnoject. The fourth row of valet park'i ng is causing some negative impacts as noted in this memorandum and may be pushing the parking capacity of the site over the brink of workability. However, since this element of the proposal was received by staff only Thursday, Apri I 'l 0, we have not had adequate time for review. If this proposal is approved, we would appreciate the following condi t'i ons: 1. App'l icant shall construct a drainage swale on the north side of West Meadow Drive to the satisfaction of the Publ ic l.Jorks/Transportati on Department. 2. The applicant will continue to work with the applicable Town of Vajl departments to come to a satisfactory so1 ution for the ex it ing of the semi -truck del i veri ng 1 i qui d oxygen to the si te. 3. The two spaces shown on the far eastern end of the site plan near the steps from the bank will be eliminated. 4. A heavjly landscaped screen other than potentilla shrubs as shownshall be agreed to by the applicant. -4- Partjal Minutes from PEC Meeting of 3/10/86 Jost: Is it appropriate to open the 2l spaces al ong Meadow Drive forparking for physicians since that was deleted at the staff level and not a PEC level--with landscape between the cars and the street? Pi per:tle will poll the members. The staff presentatjon was w'i thoutparking a1 ong Meadow Drive, saying they preferred that buffer andI concurred with that personally. The pri ncipal reason was that this is a low density residential area which is needed to be buffered from the intensjve hospitaluse. A second reason was strjctly aesthetics, that the existingbuffer provides a nice relief on a highly pedestrianized street. I would give up the buffer as a necessity if no other solutjon could be arrived at. Patten: Bri an : Vi el e: Donovan: Jost: Si d: I feel the use of the buffer for parking shou'l d be a last ditchmove. The site is intensely used. l'le need landscap'i ng from aplanning point of view. I would be in favor of giving up the buffer only as a last djtch temporary means. l,le keep talking about this street as being the main pedestrian Iink between Lionshead and VaiI Village and what we are going to do to jncrease the pedestrian 1ink. I would liketo see you get the traffjc to the hospital vja the Frontage Roadthru the Doubietree. I feel it was negligent on the part of the hosp'i ta1 not to pursue this and make it happen. We wi I 'l pursue that. Landscap'i ng there is very important, with that road being a pedestri an 1ink. I'm afrajd that if you turn that jnto a parkinglot, what is going to happen is that you'11 wind up with people double and triple parking and cars sticking out into the road and there will not be any way to control parking. I real 1y would liketo see the landscaping stay. t'i- i:i :1. i il,: l,.: r1;;1r d . .rl. l: ''.: tr r' i ] r', 'J>\r i r'l:t iK 'ril .fl{ ' [*ll.ln $$i$'l ur tr{l! | :' I\ ( q t I ,.t ; '! r'i ' t 0 q t\ o $l ll itlr _li' l! *S !$$ {!i tI$ -il i'11 |i il rll{lfct I [[rq )O K,\ d.l\,*,, orl /\J0nt"^v.\* tk-!t!', 6-a^ il,,i- ril " ztnt^-^,l,/ 0t*. ^^\ 4r/ta *.-[-u&. st l-- A'\ T*rl^.\ , /,*rt^A,) dni,Pa cas*-> ti Cutc',r.zi\-- lr.tr/r.- v *"* -.fr.//- - onL- o"^0- 77 o' ) go^ku^1 .4 ,\ /,**^1,o*A " .-:L! .,, 1<\t!"vtLfA+^r \ LK-t A*---- o-.-!tt t4"--*) il" J,,-\.* {. 5r-r-1r-,r Lc.^o (^" t ^\ ' !-^^^I""^1,L -^A- t i^^.IL j *."JL j,'-- t, L---,. d "uJ, .6*I /*,L+Ya -L r/- Gv /( 3" Jfr,^.i- 5, oo d*.4^ 1-..k,^1 : Qnt/r^ "/rAil*7,1^1 a 4 /'*/t,^ I-,k ,:''fird {,,..t l,r !**,L e^a/{ (A irp-L-42 slr*-Lrr- '. ',\ua -,1 .^ ;,^^[ ;-C A^"t voilvolley medicolcenter 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81 657 (303) 476-2451 March 18, 1986 Mr. Tom Braun Town Planner Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage RoadVail, C0 81657 Dear Tom: In response to your request for a study of possible off-site parking, we have contacted the following to lease parking spaces beginning next ski season: # SPACES UTILIZATIONNAME 1 12 Vail Village Inn 20 Sun Vail 20 Vail 21 Jo Staufer has contacted you re: utilization. Letter attached from Kit l.lil'liams. Documentation unavai I abl e until Mr. Chuck Rosenquistis in town. Letter of Agreement already foruarded. Letter Attached of Manor Vail if we may lease up Vail Associates. Rosenquist as soon as possible. Deborah Jost Admrnrstralor V'i 11age Center In addition, we wil'l know from Jack Rushto 25 spaces pending his discussion with I will provide the documentatjon from Mr. Best regards,n ,t r--\ ,-1-u}i*'."Lw Deborah Jost u Admi n i strator \ /ls o ,&7 rVcr4a/r*,2- /rLz 4*e,,rZzZzzZG--a /{/ a/,.%4*a/ /azz, (7futt.4 &/zs-r ,-ZaoZ /4 //az Nbb" &, -/tuzc&-*,$Zz.o-- ., /reZ z{L zzZt Z/-f (b"f"+' "4 f*---,--4 /?2"# z/A 6fuotu, J f*r'4, bg. zz*a./ e/"- e,aaz;z 6 /L 4/aqbf'f#-z z;* tuZie4- d/ed/tz- ' "?Zzz-z- Z* z/ 42q..-.-rerZ z- /*ttb" 7,\r'r% "7 U : fi f I l,l /, ^b Lh'o a" l./ vv'- /l ./t /, ^'ulry / fe\'- o\ .a I \'r 75 3oulh fronlrge road Yall. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 March 17, 1986 olflce of communlty developmenl Ms. Deborah Jost Hospital Admini strator Vail Valley Medical Centerl8l l'lest Meadow Drive Vai1, Colorado 8.|657 Dear Deborah: As you know, the staff has requested additional information related to your proposed off-site emp'l oyee parking locations. Simply stated, for the staff to support an off-site location for employee parking, we will need to see documentation that any off-site location proposed does in fact have the abilityto acconmodate the needs of the hospital . For example, what level of utilization is the lot experiencing at the present time? Does the difference between the utilization of the lot and the exjsting spaces available al'l ow for the number of spaces being requested for use by the Medical Center? Final ly, are there existing leases in place that affect the allocation of existing spaces? To summarize, it will need to be demonstrated to the staff that anyoff-site 1ot proposed will be able to accormodate the existing and futureutilization of the lot in addition to the spaces to be used by the Medical Center. I hope that thjs gives you a better understanding of how the staff will evaluate any proposal of this nature. Modifjcations to the layout of parking spaces were discussed at our March 17, 1986 meeting. I would hope to see these changes indjcated on a revised site plan to be submitted on Tuesday, March 1.8. These changes include eliminating those spaces that do not meet the minimum size requjrements, the el imination of four spaces to al'l ow for circulation around one of the parking rows, an indicatjon of locations for lighting,'as well as a curb or raised island to terminate the end of the longest double loaded parking row (where the new circu'l ation loop will be provided). As was discussed, the p1 an should leave you with .|90 on-site spaces, resulting in a need for 30 spaces to be provided el sewhere. I-7 l\\ r\zr '6\ > .l lnwn n ||al .\ As always, do not hesitate to cal I me with any questions you may have. Sincerely, TlAY /t\ml\t2ru,,,r Tom Braun Town P] anner THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on the TOWN 0F VAIL, C0L0RAD0, a Colorado VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CEIITER, a Colorado AGREEMENT , 1986 by and between municipal corporation ("the Town") and the non-profit col'poration ("the Hospital"). ( I. REcITALS,' - t.' -,^a).i' ':\ab\\vl t.av ' - '' '!. The Hospitai is the owner and operator of a hospital facjlity located within the public use zone district of the Town of Vail and wishes to expand said hospital faci 1ity. 2. In order for the Hospita'l to expand, it must first obtain a conditional use penmi t from the Town. 3. As a part of the issuance of the conditional use permit the Town is obligated to establjsh off-street parking and loading requirements for the Hospital exDans r on. 4. The Town has established a total parking requirement for the Hospita1 of two hundred twenty (220) parking spaces. 5. In order to help the Hospital fulfill the off-street parking requirements established by the Town, the Town is wjlling to lease certain property owned by it to the Hospitai under certain terms and conditions set forth herein. 6. To further enable it to meet the parking requirements the Hospital will provide for a certain amount of valet parking at the on-site parking lot and in addition will lease a certain number of off-site parking spaces. II. AGREEMENT The Town hereby issues the Hospital a conditional use permit for the construction of a hospital facjljty to be constructed as set forth in the plans on file in the Community Development Department of the Town in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof. izJ As a condjtjon to the issuance of the conditjonal use permit the Hospitalt-/- agrees to provide a total of two hundred twenty (220) parking spaces to meet the parking demands of the existing hospital facility as well as this proposed hospital expansi on. i3l In order to help the Hospjtal meet its parking requirements pursuant to this Agreement, the Town hereby agrees to lease to the Hosp'ita1 the portion of Lot 10, Va'i1 Village Second Filing, County of Eagle. State of Colorado. The parties shall enter into a lease in the form of Exhibjt A attached hereto and made a part of this agreement by reference prior to the issuance of any building permit for this hospital addition. Upon termination of the lease for any reason whatsoever, the Hospital will be responsible for replacing all park'ing spaces leased from the Town of Vail so that the total number of parking spaces available to the Hospital is not dimi ni shed. . 4.,1 The Hospital hereby agrees to provide elghty five (85) on-site spaces which I *-" ]-"-' ''lwou'ld be utilized exclusively for "valet" type parking, as more particularly set -1,,,1 ,forth jn the diagram filed with the Planning and Environmental Comm'i ssjon and -;l.i)vL6DLJ attached hereto as Exhibit B and made a part of thjs agreement by reference. i -5./ The Hospital hereby agrees that jt shall lease twenty nine (29) off-site parking spaces from the Sun Vail Condominium until such t'ime that sa'i d twenty nine (29) spaces may be provided on-site. The off-sjte parking spaces shall be used on'ly by emp'l oyees of the Hosp'i tal and neither patients nor vis'itors to the Hospital shall be entitled to use such spaces. 0n the first day of each year that the Hospital is required to provide twenty nine (29) off-site parking spaces, the Hospital shall exhjbjt to the Town an approprjate lease for those parking spaces from the Sun Vail Condomjnium Association. The Hospital shall not be entitled to change the location of the off-site parking spaces w'ithout the prior approval of the Planning and Environmental Comission of the Town of Vail. I '6.,1 The valet parking servjce and the use of the off-site parking spaces shall only be requjred for employees working the day shift of the Hospital . Additional 1y' neither the off-sjte parking nor the valet park'i ng service shall be requ'i red during the months when Vail Mountain is not in operat'ion for the use of skiers. Should the Hospital fajl to provide either the off-site parking as well as the valet parkfrlg service as set forth and required by this agreement this shall be required tb provide the total number of required parking spaces on-site with'in a reasonable period of time. "-7--,' The Hospital agrees that it will not provide any compensation to its employees for the purchase of a Town of Vail parking pass. Further, the Hospital agrees to assume sole responsibiljty for the monitoring and controlling their employees' use of on-site parking' -g. The Hospital agrees that should it proceed with an additional expansion beyond that indicated on the plans submitted by Fisher Reese and Johnson dated october 25, 1985, all required parking including the two hundred twenty (220) spaces -2- required for the present expansion as well as any additional spaces reguired from further expansion sha'll be provided on-site. --4W Attached hereto as Exhibit C is the formula used to arrive at the two hundred twenty (220) parking space requirement for the hospital expansion. The parties understand that thjs formula shal 1 be evaluated from time to tjme during cne term of this agreement to determine whether the parking requirement is appropriate. Consequently, this fornula may not be the one utilized when determining the parking requirements for any future hosp'i ta1 expansions or addjtions. Failure of the Hospital to perform, keep and preserve covenants or conditions contajned in this agreement which shall (90) days after written notification thereof shall constitute a agreement, 11. Because of the uncertainty each day the Hospital is in default shall pay to the Town as liquidated dollars per day for any of the terms, continue for ninety default of this and difficulty of measuring actual damage for hereunder, the parties agree that the Hospitai damages and as a penalty the sum of each day the Hospital is in default under lhe terms of this L2. This hundred twenty agreemen!. agreement shal l (220) requi red terminate when parking spaces the Hospital is able on-si te. to nrovide the two By: TOWN OF VAIL RondalI V. Phi'l Iips, Town Manager VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER By: Deborah Jost, Hospital Administrator -3- | ,. {- i IJ (u U1 +, {Joz P xtrJ ?g $ s ti) --* ,-t si 't fq at i ! ; u=--- : Dr\\rl '1:o ru.l o s o u o Lxn1D i -r i, APPENDIX A TOI{N OF VAIL/VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER AGREEMENT The following information outlines the process used by the Department of Conmunity Development in forecasting parking demands for the existing and proposed addition to the Vail Val 1ey Medical Center. The anticipated parking demand was developed by using a formu'l a that takes into account the different users of the facility who generate a need for parking. This formula was developed after reviewjng information from the American Planning Assocjation, the institute of Transportation Engineers, and a number of other communjties'parking requjrements for medical facilities- After reviewing this jnformation it became clear that existi.ng Town of Vail requir.r.itr are excessive and do not accurately projeit-the parking needs for these faciIities. Under existing code requirements (l space/200 sq ft of net floor area for medical offices and I space/l 50 sq ft of net floor area pius I space per bed for hospitals), the l4edical Center would be required 359 parking spaces. The formula developed by staff indicates that 220 spaces are required to meet the demands of t,he existing fac'i lity as vrell as the proposed expansion. The proposed expansion is meant to inclucje the entire second floor as indicated on the plans submitted by Risher, Reece and Johnson on January 13, |986. The following table outlines how the 220 number was derived: HOS P I TAL CLINiC 1 space per doctor 1 space per emp loyee 1 space per exam room AI'I3ULANCE GARAGE I space per transport vehicle 1 space per empoyee (on duty) meet ing room space USE space per bed 30 space per emergency exam bed 9 space per employee (maximum on day shift) 55 SPACES 94 94 114 114 L2 12 32 4 2 6 Total Soaces reau ired for enti re fac iI itv 2?0 It is felt that this formula can be used to determine parking needs for any subsequent expansions at the Medical center. However, Town siaff wi'l 'l be receptive to modifying this formula if experience shows it to beinaccurate. It shou'ld be noted that this formu'la could be modified toeither reduce or increase the parking requirements. Final determinatjons as to poss'ib'le modifications to this formula shou'ld be based on surveys and observations of the operation of the on-site parking as we] 1 as takinginto account the nature of any proposed expansion to the Medica'l center. Exhibit A LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT js made and entered into by and between the T0WN 0F VAIL, CQLORADQ, a Colorado municipal corporation ("the Town") and the VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER, a Colorado non-profit corporation ("the Lessee"). WHEREAS, the Toyrn wishes to lease to t,he Lesse.: and the Lessee wishes to'ea"o from the Town certain property more particularly described in Exhjbit A attached hereto and made a part hereof so that the Lessee can meet its parking requirements as requ'i red by the Town of Vajl zoning ordinances. NOt,l, THEREF0RE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Lease Premises 0n the terms and conditions set forth below and'i n consideration of the payment of ten dojlars ($10.00) by the Lessee to the Town and the prompt performance by the Lessee and the Town of the covenants and agreements contained herejn, the Town leases to the Lessee and the Lessee hereby leases from the Town the following property more part'i cularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the premises) situate in the Town of Vai1, County of Eagle and State of Colorado. 2. Term The term of this lease shall conmence on , 1986 ard end , _, unless sooner terminated as here'i nafter provided.0n 3. Rental The Lessee agrees to pay the Town for the full term of this |ease payable jn 4. Maintenance and Repair a rent of ten dollars ($10.00) per annum advance at the Town Finance Offices. During the term of said iease, the Lessee shall construct, landscape' maintain and repair the parking area and related jmprovements located on Lot 10, Vail Village Second Filing, jn accordance with plans approved by the Town which plans shall be approved prior to the issuance of a building permit to the Lessee for the construction of its Hospital addition. 5. Al terati ons After entering into possession of the premises, the Lessee shall make no alterations, additions or improvements jn or to said premises without the Town's prior wrjtten consent. The Lessee shall pay or cause to be paid all costs for work done or caused to be done by it in or to the premises and Lessee sha11 keep the premises free and clear of all mechanics Iiens and other liens on account of work done for the Lessee or persons claiming under it. 6. Condition of Premises The Lessee agrees to keep the leased premises in a neat, c1ean, safe and orderly condition at all times and will so use the premises as not to injure it or damage it except as such damage may arise out of ordinary wear and tear resulting from lawful use in accordance with the terms of this lease agreement. 'l . Expenses and Costs During the term of this'l ease the Lessee shall pay al1 costs, expenses and obljgations of every kind or nature relating to the property or the improvements thereon which may arise or become due. 8. Indemnificati on The Lessee agrees to release, indemnify and save harmless the Town, its officers, agents and employees and Council members from and against any and all loss of or damage to Droperty or injuries to or death of any person or persons, including property and employees or agents of the Town, for which the Lessee may be held '| egally responsible and sha'l 1 defend, indennify and save harmless the Town, its offjcers, agents and employees and Council members, from any and al'l claims, damages, suits, costs including attorneys fees, expenses, liability, actions or proceedings of any kind or nature whatsoever or by anyone whomsoever in any way resulting from or arising out of, direct'ly or indirectly, any act or omission of the Lessee in connection with its operation or its use or occupancy of the leased premises and including acts and omissions of the Lessee's officers, employees, representatives, suppl iers, invitees, contractors, and agents. 9. Insurance Lessee covenants and agrees that it will during the term of this agreement carry a comprehensive general liabjlity insurance policy in a form and with a company or companies approved by the Town in amounts not less than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for bodily injury to or death of any person or persons or damage to property. The Lessee shall furnjsh the Town a certified copy of sajd policy ot poljcies. Said policy or policies shall include the Town as an additional insured. A1 I such policies shall contain a provision that the same may not be cancelied or material 1y changed or altered without first giving thirty (30) days prior written notice sent by registered mail to the Town. 10. Use of Premises The Lessee agrees not to purposes prohibitive by the laws ordinances of the Town of Vail. rrse or permit the premises to be used for any of the United States or the State of Coloraqo or -2- 11. Town Parkins S!3r!! The Lessee agrees to provide a minimum of fifteen (15) spaces for the Town, its agents and employees to use within the main parking area of the Hospital' Lessee sha11 provide a system insuri ng that Town of Vail employees, officers and agents shall have access to and use of these spaces which system shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail prior to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed edjtion to the Vail Valley Medical Center. l?. Lessee's Default and Terminat'ion of the Lease The Town may give the Lessee five (5) days notice of the jntentjon to termjnate this lease if the Lessee is jn default and the performance of any of the covenants, terms or condjtions of this lease and the such default is not cured within thjrty (30) days after wrjtten notice thereof is given by the Town' If the Town shal1 give such five (5) days notice of termination, then at the expiration of such period, this lease shall termjnate as completely as if it were the date definite'ly fixed for the expiratjon of the term of this lease and the Lessee shall then surrender the premises to the Town. If thjs lease shall so terminate jt shali be lawfu'l for the Town at its option, without formal demand or notice of any kind, to reenter the leased property by any means, including force, and to remove the Lessee therefrom without being liable for any damages therefor. In addition, the Town reserves the ri ght to terminate this iease if in its sole discretjon the premises are needed for Town of Vail use or improvements. In such event, the Town shall be obljgated to give the Lessee one hundred eighty (180) days prior written notice of such termination. 13. Assjgnment This'l ease shall not be assignable without the prior written approval of the Town. L4 . Expi rati on At the expiration of th'i s lease the Lessee wjll deliver possession of the property and al 1 improvements thereon to the Town. 15. Written Modifications No modjfjcation, release, discharge or a wajver of any provisions hereof shall be of any force, affect or value unless in writing signed by the Town and the Lessee. 16. Entj re Agreement This document and its Exhjbits contain the entire agreement between the -3- Town and the Lessee as of the date of signlng agreement signed by the partles. and it may only be amended by wnitten IN WITNESS WHEREOF, TOI{N OF VAIL RonaeTT v. Phi I I i ps, Town l'lanager the parties so slgn thls agreenent this 1986. VAIL VALLEY I4EDICAL CENTER day of By: -4- 'c'.i*.ta o I l I J/f/i /P, o ":$t'?1r9".o.i YN "o?id'u(' ^ ^a\ol-"- I /t/---- \\. tlj _uB sg ^t Ill',lu fl --'J a-_ <f _J !,- -?t- o 7 r(,)-oio l',b'rY l- a I I I /bo \'vo oo I t3.^o EO9(r ',hJi,Elrl l l* l@ ItrJr=l ..-$' o"o, tb -!t lt) , 3rl 9' ,& dsts lI. ,eaf ,sz t! oa,: ^o ..!+, xlr.l "6 't-- o -.-P 3e, *4',\ l' -i\ t,.F ..i v- :.,I p.o" ff. - lLeJn.i,.$ 7 'ocl?o \ t.'%i\-h Nl Fl ,., J -or'tt t l<I pi'!, | ,\/t 4l Ir1lltlIItf,rttulj ,)ll rEl .o. -o '. ',2, oN l-Poro ;K* |r}s B'qi? -.-o" SroS ^d* \! d'\Est-F 3ro tO "OO OOogtlz 2\,?, ti\'./NA.,/.! l-I r- oo. {, of ."*,,.iur% lI i,rj I ,'-- |,lr-t'jl e-" I<l:)/>r{/i/rtolitl 13ltl tllitI tlI =SV I l$el;iLT| :5$ /'l' . F,7i',! u! lI Jtr (tt @to @ I I I I It \ o 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Ms. Deborah Jost Admi n'i strator Vail Valley Medical Centerl8l West Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 8.|657 Re: Users of on-site parking Dear Deborah: olllce ol communlly developmenl As I am sure you are ahrare, the Planning and Environmenta'l Commission approved your request for off-site parking at the Manor Vail Condominiums. As a condition of approva'l , the Planning Commission requested that the Medical Center provide detailed survey informtion concerning the users of the Medical Center buildings. This would include a breakdown of user type (i.e. c1 in'i cpatient, hospital patient, visitor, business related, employee, etc.), time of day, length of stay and where exactly they parked. As you may recall, we had previously discussed this concept as needed information to help verify the parking needs of the Medical Center. Congratulations on your recently announced promotion. I would request that you see to this letter being passed on to your successor. }le can then coordinate the details of the survey information prior to the coming ski season. Thank you for your cooperation on thjs matter. Si ncerel y, .^ <--) /\ otll. VA$^"\ Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner TAB: bpr cc: Ron Phi I I ips PEC Members \ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 10, 1986 A request for a conditional use the Vail Valley Medical Center. Appl icant: Vai I Val ley Medical Gross Sq Ft 39 ,955 38,958 78,913 permit to constnuct an addition to Center Beds Ex'i st ing Proposed Total s CLINIC SPACE Ex isti ng Proposed Total s PARK I NG SITE AREA:162,610 SITE C0VERAGE: 37% garage ) I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The proposed expansion to the Vajl Val'l ey Medica1 Center consists of a major addition located to the east of the existing structure. This two f1 oor expansion will accommodate an additional ll patient beds as well as upgraded and enlarged areas for hospital admittance and a relocated and enlarged sports medicine cl inic. The existing sports medicine cl injcwill be reused for other clinica1 purposes. In addition to the proposed expansion, this redevelopment includes improvements to the loading area and trash enclosures, the addition of a pedestrian wa1 kway along Meadow Dri ve, landscaping, as well as a re-aligned and controlled parking area. The following table is a statistical analysis of the proposed addition: HOSPITAL SPACE 19 11 30 ,''lGross Sq Ft L5.2+E Je_680 _l 2T;925 -.--lo b,d)g Existing spaces on site: Proposed spaces on site: 176 ,, 159 sq ft or 3.75 acres (includes existing, 18 ,834 proposed buildings, and ambulance 7 II The proposed use with this additjon is simjlar to the uses now in olace on the site. The expansion proposed is the result of an exhaustive needs analysis study done by the Medical Center this past year. This expansion'is anticipated to accommodate the needs of the Center over the next five years. CRITERIA AND FINOINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the fo1 lowing factors: Consideration of Factors Directly related to development obJectives of the Town are the development standards that have been adopted by the comunity. These standards are carried out through an intense level of review ano arejntended to insure only the highest quality of development with respectto architecture, landscaping, and most importantly the workability of a development on any given site. It has always been the ph'ilosophy of this department that each development must stand on its own in terms of tomply'ing with the hlgh standards of development that we have strived fon within the Town. There are a number of areas with respect to this proposal where it isfelt that these development standards are not being met (specific examples will be addressed in greater detail in other portions of this memo). The staff is sympathetic to these shortcomings and has worked with the Medical Centeri n attempt to resolve them to the greatest extentpossible. There has been a willingness on the staff's part to compromise some areas of design and planning because of the nature of thisfacility. It is important to distinguish between the nature of the Medical Center as opposed to a lodge or commercial type of development.It is felt by the staff that the Center serves as a direct community benefit and resource and merits some considerations that cannot be afforded to private development. ldhile the Medical Center has thoroughly studied its space needs to serve the community, it is unfortunate that the site of the Medical Center is not capable of handling the level of development as proposed. However, ce of those development standards that have been compromised. This jssue wjll become more clear throughout the course of this memorandum. 2 (o*^.r^..\ \"^.\+ \\ 'i$t\c -41'J.t^ - \'*Ix-g)Lu{r - eJdr\^ \r$\ - z.^i ^t -4 mth respect to the services provided by the Vajl Valley Medical CentEFl- I there are innumerable positive impacts resulting from their operation lwithin the Town of Vail. The hospital , Vail Mountain Medical C1 inic, Ithe Sports Medicine Clinic and other private cljnjcs all play a vital lrole in providing health services to both permanent residents of Vail as [we1 l as to our guests. In fact, the services of the Center extend welI lbeyond the limits of the Town into Eag1e, Summit and Lake Counties. The fMedicai Center is a very beneficial and much needed facjlity to serve the lexisting and future needs of the Town of Vail. {t,,hi^\ !la6[r,,r&1 1i-{. - ,t!G? - 0;1"0*"t^' -',.,i^Llr' l, - ?o^i /\\ !,r*l\d^ r tn.-,t &,, i' t"*A | \ ''\ J a- b\^ \ 'ur sv"*& -'Aa ,,-,^!^^[. nl. l\1..$.r \ Ih1*L"..\ \ oer \ L. ttlr^.r!.-" _ \ Q^'\:^ ,\ ruu'-lt' \-. \'\..., l'. rlDutlon ol DoDulaElo arKs and recreaEr o r pub ll c tac+ dno,*." k 1*k,1,*h"\ {2 nn^d,l.o1 i,"r sl't jk Improvements made on the site with respect to the above referenced factors would include drainage improvements along Meadow Drive, the 'implementation of a system to control parkjng on the on-site lots, as well as the addition of a handicap bus stop located near the east end of the building. At the present time, there are both east and west bound bus stops at the east end of the site along Meadow Drive. The new handicap bus stop would be designed to serve only those riders with injuri es or other problems who would benefit from this more conveniently located stop. It would not be a regular stop on the bus route. It has been included in this p1an, and agreed to by the Transportation Department, in an attempt to provide better servjces for those injured or rehabil itating persons who are utilizing the Medical Center facilities. - lt'k-A( - ) \o'ct'*'uJ <a ra-- gi ts€- QJ'n r?b'" \ t1 fr There are a number of areas which need to be addressed with respect to these factors. With regard to pedestri an safety, a sidewalk separated from Meadow Drive has been included on the site plan to connect the exist'i ng bus stops with the main entry to the Medjcal Center. t^lith respect to snow removal , the Public h|orks Department has expressed some concern as to whether adequate snow storage area is provided on the site. The level of development on this site, coupled with the size of the parking area, has left little room for snow storage. It should be recognized that the Medical Center may have to truck snow out of its lot at various times duli ng winter months to renedy this potential problem. 0f all the areas of concern with respect to this proposal , the most . \ . significant js with parking. As was demonstrated in the statistical er*S* *s breakdown of this proposal , a considerable expansion to the facility is s1:akn1 0*r5 r^.&1Jp1 anned with a reduction in the total number of parking spaces providedI on site. In dealing with this issue, the staff has re-evaluated the parking requirements as outlined in our existing zoning code. As presently written, the level of development proposed on this site would require 359 on-site parking spaces. Recognizing that this number was (L". !*\.*,.^ \" well jn excess of what would be needed on site, the staff began '..,ti^.^^t,-\.,*^ evaluat'i ng other cormunities' code requirements with respect to parking,*-i > \1,, surveying the utilizatjon of the existing 1ot duri ng the month of t\&d^ { -:*.'\ January, and develop'i ng a new formula for calculat'i ng the parking ,) rr.vr.1 1.b required for this development. hlhi1e recognizing that 359 spaces under z) at:"a'..\..* today's requirements is excessive, the staff also recognized and felt ) nr-\-'-,1^. strongly that to propose an expansion to a facility while at the same' time reducing the number of parking spaces on site is inappropriate. The goal of the study by the staff was to develop a number that would meet the demands of the Medical Center whi1e being more realjstic than the ex isti ng code requi rements. c f.low and controconven e street and oarkinq aremova I oT snow rrom \.- *-l^ , ".-l& l-. \-- . *lfl"-L l'^k't -rLt F*x ^'..^^{^a d \"-.$t tr. |$"'"r \v^\. r-!...'{^te I In evaluating information from the Anerican Planning Association, theI Institute of Transportation gngineeri, as well as other cormunities' \AKiparking code requirencnts, it became very clear that many factors otherthan square foot calculations (as is used in the Town of Vai1 code), should be considered when calculating parking needs. t,lith other municipalities, factors such as number of employees, number of exam rooms, number of hospital beds, number of doctors and in some cases square foot ratios were used to calculate parking requi rements. For f \ . \ o comparative purposes, a parking needs analysis usjng the proposed plan' Drr'Q''^'\H ''' t r""c'15'l for the Medical Center was done that utilized nine other communities' zoning requirements. The average number of spaces required using thesc communities as examples was well over 200. In addition, the staff conducted surveys of the Medical Center's park'i ng lots over a 30 day period that included 14 survey days. The number of cars parked on-site ranged from 132 to 173, with an average of 152 cars parked on the lots. Final ly, a formula was developed that was based on the number of beds, the number of E.R. rooms, number of exam rooms, number of employees and doctors in order to develop a figure that the staff felt to be the minimum number of parking spaces on site. (This formula is outljned in Appendix l of the conceptual agreement that is attached to thjs memorandum.) The conclusion of this study is that the staff feels 220 spaces are required to meet the demands of the development proposed withthis addition as well as the existing facility. After a number of meetings with representatives of the Medical Center to discuss the redevelopment p1ans, it became evjdent that the Center was not financially capable of constructing a parking structure on site to meet the parking demands as felt necessary by the staff. The ori ginal submjttal made to the Town jncluded a request for a parking variance to provide only 146 spaces on site. Recognizing the parking situation as a serious problem, alternatives were exploned'in an attempt to remedy thissituation. These mitigating measures can be sumarized into two areas: t"r.,e1 -'{"1\ ;' 1*"l,n "\ \.".1,'" -1 , runl'.* '-*-^ ; r' r r(iAr\ r,J - r\rbtc - 5f.,-l-,"' " 't | -,r . L[c . i!,1r.^ h or ri!'* ".,-1> \- L,! -\ .-t\'"*' 5.\. 1 \r"^'".1'--r) - tdrt'rra^rr,^l [*f*\ 51 A'" I - N\'t t.\ "\!il.\'"^ 1. n\ \ -\-- \'(r\r^ \" q$tlw\!4 \ - ^^'<\ \ \l L Jt ^ .,0.1^^,^\ { a-rGerr Df.- -'.\o. ='t** The Town Counci1 granted the Medical Center permission to study des'ign alternatjves that would incorporate Town of Vail land jnto the overall site plan of the hospital . This property, the unpaved 'I ot adjacent to the Ice Arena and Library, has been integrated into the main hospital lot on the sjte plan shown for the Planning Commission review. By doing so, the hospital was able to gain a number of spaces through the elimination of common aisle ways and entry ways. A copy of the attached conceptual agreement between the Town of Vail and the Medical Center explains the conditions related to the Medical Center's use of this property. Please referto this agreement for a better understanding of thjs proposal . -t. +-l- \,.--t,q *,*\- L'* \1b -\s1 (r r"'', ^lu*.f- l* r, lr /\r^".'-o./-X '"{ \' U ti,'< ,; , '\J.l \.{o"^ "'1. - - t0.,," ; !"*&"'1'!L t'\ -0-"",t Ai^.&'" ?^k,^b, i'-.J=l l':y:^"! ?. Emp'l oyees' Shuttle System qiearfy the terms,and conditions of the shuttle system' .---lr ,A ^,^-, ,",-^- fne aesign proposed is a one to two story addition to the existing i"iiiiiv. ihe'scate and mass of the addition is generally-in keeping At one time, it was proposed that a certain number of employees of the Medical center would be required to park off-site in the Lionshead Parking Structure' This was felt to be necessary in order to leave an adequate number of spaces lva] ]1ble to the users ottn"facility.Whiletheremaybeanavaiiabilityofspacesin the LionsheaO parking Structure it tti" time, staff was opposed to this concept oecause-of anticipated increase in the useage of the Lionshead structure. The solution presented to the Planning Commission involves the implementation of an employee shuttle ivii"t designed to accommodate a minumum 61 employees of the Medical Center. ihis number was derived from the 220 spaces felt to be necessary minus the 159 spaces provided on site' .The Medical Center i s presentl y n"goti "ti ng satel I i te parki ng I ocati ons as wel I . as designing the operation of,thi; shqttle systery' r\ )-^-^,-- -; -*d,.- -^ ^,.'-* --r+ ,-^-.t /\ 4* s/t- dla /lt:t the feeling of th6 staff that the 159 spaces provided on site / Zi"irioimodate ihe patients and vis'itors as well as a 'limited ,/ "rrU.r-.i "rpi"V"". bn the site. The shuttle system is designed to \ accommodate the shortfall. As presently being consi.dered, those i;;;i;;;;;-noi p.rritted to park on site would include employees of / iii! rt"ttpitii "! t"rl as empiovees of the private cl'ini.cs' TheI .iirtti."tvit.*-*outd be requiied to be operated on1y. during the \. winter months anu onty for the day shift. The attached conceptual ''\.agreement between the Town and the_Med'i cal center explains more Xft \n. - 'K N\ - l'l'\^ _DR$ u . ^r vi ter<>_ -q"*J^Ju{\"' -$I.,t"t '' \A t".. u o,[w"t''\ 4 l"V*..\I u *iif, tfri level of development on adjacent properties. hlhile it is acknowledged that the design of the-faciIity could be considered instituti6nal , it non.ih"lI.r blends fair1y welI into_its.predominantly t.iia.ntiut neighborhood. In evaluating the impact of thil type of qs-e ".-iaj"i"rt proierties, it is important to note that a landscaped buffer ft"r-U!.n maintained between the Center and Meadow D.i ve. While the ;;;.iii; requirements for perimeter and .i nter.i or landscaping are not being met as shown on the pl an, substantial plantings_are proposed U.t*..n Meadow Drive and ti're parking area. Staff feels strongly that lnii it"" be buffered because of the high level of traffic along Meadow 6riu.-una iot to." level of transition irom the institutional use to the single fami'ly residential use across Meadow Drive' . (. .< \..Another element of this proposal is an above ground oxygen storage tank' Qr.\r,* \i"*1t tnn'5;- proposea site for this tank is along Meadow Drive adjacent t0 the main enlrance to the Center. There are a number of trade-offs with ..rp..i-to inis tacility that will be explained duri ng the presentation of th.i i ipplicat'i on. Siaff review of this tank'i s not complete and cannot be offered at this time' d.-. "ry*&c1.i o^ I 5 r.{ \.'- c p! (.1 s'tyA , [^,"ri!-b- co^0-. \t,*^ +.,^.\\fr t+^14 /\<.q\r ,llt I Ll+ c.-7V'+ oL.x' t] \Y \1xtt'Intn t Related Pol icies in Vail's Community Action Plan hlhile not specifical'ly addressed in the Action P1an, the medjcal needs of residents and guests of the Vail community cannot be overlooked. Thjs upgrade 'is designed to better serve those needs. Such other factors and cri teria as the Commission deems a licable the proposeo use. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use. if an Not appl icable Fi ndi ngs The Community Development Department recommends that the conditional use permjt be approved based on the following findings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ord'i nance and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under whjch it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions ofthis ordinance. III. @ '?ZL Dr'cvrrc"' j-Z-\ I Staff recommendation for this conditional use permit is approval . While philosophically the staff feels it important that each development stand on its own with respect to meeting the development standards of the community, it also feels there are inherent djfferences between the Medical Center and other types of development that take place in the community. It is the nature of this facility that has allowed us to even entertain the idea of the compromises that have been made with respect tothis proposal . While one may question the feasibility of the shuttle system, it is at the present time the best solution to the issue ofparking. l{hile it is unfortunate that the burden of satisfying the parking requirement wjll fall on the employee, it is hoped that thls solution will be short term in nature. It should be emphas'ized that the Medical Center has agreed to construct a1 1 required parking on site with the development of its next phase. The successful implementatjon of a shuttle system, as well as the ability of the site to accommodate its parking needs is based in large part on good faith and a spiri t of cooperation. A number of safeguards have been wri tten into the formal agreement in order to insure the success of this solution. While it wjllin large part be the responsibility of the Medical Center to implenent these mitigating measures, it has also become the burden of the Town to enforce and monitor this system. Through this cooperation, it is hoped that these problem areas wjlI be adequately addressed to insure the -.\ +- 6'/\4\,'-! t 1- -Tkt uv--\ L-'^ .ir"-'J- i ("..,__..\ Qi- '-n (!* ; J4 )-.t'k-(c*._^?r-f+. &^\$**^, \ N**"f, ! \ O- t^.-- ,x\\ ** lccr,s J*\^'\, "\ |' ,\"{", =t&t. C-^u^\-,-.\ o'=- ^..,!, I 116! \-l^^* +Lg*.- \ !,9 r{.,^^ bd P-t.:1}I , 1t^+ -..\ -\<r Aro'r.r"r<$,--- t ^.^b- ati,^.,.*L I \",1 lga, =L ?g.- N-r..i^ir... '.-o , r 4trr- ,t cs,r,\u^raA<\ o"..- -Jt fLUa 1ML \.- ""-r"^.ilL +* ^-Ir-'^t :*'.'"J.,"e \ s\J$* :.13!.^ '. ;[o\*-'\. {t .^'.-'r{ \ L d'.^'- ',\ 1.* \ \\ ?r^.^$ l a) L)..',.\,r*- ..*(t*-" -* Lt'*^ -fqv + VVt'^(- f ""i {'..- c.l"^?-0-]{+ .r;+L *,o'+I"^ \.*^h..U. -T-\; tl^--ll Jtro. o \-- .-.-.L.rl-L -i,^',.'r \ ;l,\rrrr^r{- \ L.l.\ T^:+, I AL/{1'.trt"-t^^. I g t-- J*J,*L-q TC\'r- I 2t ^--r-Planning and Env'i ronnental Commission Community Devel opment February 10, 1986 TO: FROM: DATE: RE:Written Agreement Between Town of Vajl and Vail Val 1ey Medical Center concerning the use of Lot 10 and the employee shuttle system As explained in the PEC memorandum, the Medical Center and the Town have conceptual 1y agreed to a number of ways to deal with the parking needs of thefacility. The following outlines the concepts to be contained in this written agreement. It should be emphasized that this is not the final agreement. It is adraft of the concepts to be addressed in the formlT-agreement between the Town Council and the Medical Center. Additions, modifications, and rewordjngs of thisdraft are expected prior to formal review and agreement between the two parties. USE OF THE TO}IN OF VAIL LOT IO 1. The Town of Vail agrees to allow the Vail Va1 ley Medical Center toutjlize portions of Lot 10, Vail Village 2nd Fjling as a part of the Medical Center's parking area. The Vajl Va1 1ey Medical Center agrees to provide a minimum of 15 spacesfor Town of Vail use withjn the main parking area. A system insuring Town of Vail employees access to and use of these spaces shall be established. This system could jnclude signing specific spaces, the issuance of tokens or passes to access the lot, or the use of stickersto identify Town of Vail users. The Town of Vail shall reserve theright to review and approve th'is system. It shall be the responsibility of the Vail Valley Medical Center to construct, landscape and maintain the parking area and related improvements located on Lot 10. Town of Vail reserves the r.ight to terminate the Vail Valley Med'i cai Center's use of this area (lot 10), in the event that it is needed for future Town of VaiI improvements. After review and discussion concerning the issue of parking, bothparties agree that 220 parking spaces are required to meet the demandsof the existing facility as well as the proposed expansion. (Refer to Appendix A for information on this number.) Gjven the 159 spaces provided on site, there will be a shortfall of 6l spaces upon completion of the expansion plans (these numbers may change slightly upon review of the final site plan). It is agreed that an employee shuttle system will be establjshed to accommodate the required employee parking for this development. Assuming a total of 93 day shift employees (38 employees of the private clinics and 55 hospital dayshift emp'l oyees), the VVMC has a total of 32 on-site spaces that may be 2. ? Y 4. + EES 1. allocated to "designated" employees. / t / il , \ KJA k*^rL,^ , ^t1r''**'^t (tft$l'\ ) o"f -l-i,^.-' /rn-j dr^' /^ K*A /wM =- t / JLvl J- ('-.'",*. f'l^|'' L, ou- h*& L"+7 J a.'., \ a"..,*.-<_- #;/ qQ^ 2.It shal I establ i sh be the responsibility of the Vail and operate the employee shutt] e Val I ey system. I viewed b This review wil areas including the lease agreements operation of the shuttle bus, and are to utilize the shuttle systen. Medical Center to T \ "*nl ,+( 'c- -rL\l.."- l- +"-1"* -'" 'i -d^* .\ttc!. q*, ^-F J '\,-QU.\"*,.N1\*\ shuttle s tem shal I be prese to the vi ronmenta the that sone locat'i on of satel parK'r ng shuttle s users of the facility. The shuttle system would months. At those times TeailET Center employees parking structure at no are necessary, the scheduled indjcation of what employees 3. staff reserves the right to monitor operation of this ann r ngrl be required to operate only duri ng ttre_lrinter when Vail ski mountain is not in operation, would be permitted to use the Lionshead charge. When in operation, the shuttle system any add'rt'ronal spaces resurErng Trom expansron Deyono tnac rnolcaEeo on the plans submitted for Planning Commiss'i on review by Fisher, Reese and !q[n5qa,on Januany 13,., 1a86. Future expansion is defined to mean additions that increase parking demand of the site. Existing plans would be required only for those employees working th! drv:hift including both hospital and private clinic employees. The Vail Valley ical Center rkinq conqruent concerning this agreement. Appendix A of this agreement demonstrates the formula used to the need for 220 cars as a result of thjs expansion proposal . 5. 6. . \. include those portions of the Fisher Reese and Johnson plans of January \**fr 17, 1986 that are 'labled "alternative" (i.e. Znd floor obstetric wing). This system is to ber viewed on an onqoinq basis for com I ith e aDorov '| an ofo eratiorrl.iT arti cul ar attent'ion lVe s abi ty to acc an desi ated e approve ve to be adequate to meet the parK r n reesotal nunber of nequi red i te. Vaij Valley Med'i cal Center aorees to not provjde anv reimbursement or compensation to employees toward the purchase of any type of parking' r lt = - F65sEs in the Town of Vail parking structures. In addition, the Vail Valley Medjcal Center agrees to assume the responsibiljty of moqi tori ng and control I ing thei r rKr ng. 7.The Town agrees to a minimum 90 c I ause to allow the Medical that may devel opCenter an opportunity to remedy probl ems 9enerateIt is understood that thist In regard to th'i s- the hospi ta agrees to 0n-sI te DarK l nq.#consl oereo wnen day rel ief '| ssues or 8. -- nd for future of expansl ons. APPENDIX A TOWN OF VAIL/VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER AGREEMENT The following information outlines the process used by the Department of Community Development in forecasting parking demands for the exj sting and proposed addition to the Vail Val 1ey Medica1 Center. The anticipated parking demand was developed by using a formula that takes into account the different users of the facility who generate a need for parking. This formula was developed after reviewing information from the American Planning Association, the Institute of Transportation Engineers, and a number of other communities'parking requirements for medical facilities. After reviewing this information it became clear that existing Town of Vail requirements are excessive and do not accurately project the parking needs for these facilities. Under existing code requirements (l space/200 sq ft of net floor area for medical offjces and 1 space/150 sq ft of net floor area plus I space per bed for hospitals), the Medical Center would be required 359 parking spaces. The formula developed by staff indicates that 220 spaces are required to meet the demands of the existing facility as well as the proposed expansion. The proposed expansion is meant to include the entire second floor as indicated on the plans subn'itted by Risher, Reece and Johnson on January 13, .|986. The following table outlines how the 220 number was derived: USE SPACES ^r i t^!/- I HOSP ITAL I space per bed 1 space per emergencyI space per employee s4-q- e4 CLINIC I space per doctor'l space per employeeI space per exam room 114 AMBULANCE GARAGEI space 1 space meeti ng exam bed (maxjmum on day shift) \q, 55t 30 9 55 32 38 44 114 # ,.- t9 per trqnsport vehicle per em/oyee (on duty) room space 1a 6 4 2 6 t2 12 Total Spaces required for entire faci Iity 220 o -29 o It is felt that thls formula can be used to determine parkjng needs for any subsequent expans'lons at the Medlcal Center. However, Town staff wi'l 'l be receptlve to modifying this fonnula lf experience shors lt to be lnaccurate. It should be notcd that thls fornula could be modlflcd to either reduce or increase the parking requlrcnents. Flnal detcrmlnations as to poss'lble modlflcatlons to this fonnu'la shou'ld be based on surveys and observatlons of the operation of the on-slte parklng as we'l 1. ao taking lnto account the nature of any proposed expansion to the tthdlca'l Center. t ' ,-. o R^^-\"*-t ^\..--\ *- -/r tl^* !' '' n'-"!a l- d.-" a-gJ--.'a'O -'$ /.^1 i(J' , 7^lr"''-l -/y' -.{o,"-1"r,-c- co^^ ^-{ \o- ' +l**& hffifu 'r,./4/9 ,"',r4 Arr"* ,u u*- I S/av. VvttSuv fu^( atl+yfi 7^r--L /Ll,+^. /,-l/d t"/''fr''^ 3 -Tp, . yt9 .5"v/- -)l' L-( j$r;fi T"r/' - $iXlr <jagvuc'-d !i. -J1 I I -x' i I t 1 I .l N tnr,trt n^tt^.n- 0.,--LL-- - a- *l CggreeAucr,\lr d.",^ 4,-.- ,r,.r^".t ? ^^"X f\*.\shA- \&^kd*^"o*\Q,^,. |In.. drr'.l.r-."* 1* r...L + .lJ, rxx> * 1 .ooo , o ^r,^^^-lj^1 " +'"\ Ll?.rl ,l s7"r)'r ,,r,1r,.-^ Vao I':""f ''l dr-tl^p .n.-l.,* Ly PEC- - gL- a4\.-k - =.vL.'Uo- h"r 1!.\ -A,-t\ lt5i \<- C.,o..''''"- - .l-n ^ Aaclr^1 olp.(s trl'"v- Aaa+ f-,o{ 4 ,,rrrlt} .*r*l,* zr.r1.,,$rJ C-O-?. s**-rf, n,[a &18- t ',*t^tLr!- .*f,.. *-t^-- e"*"/fr,,,*+.{., L a^1 ^ ,,,-"d., L** s \--!.^.& .,$ ,/- yb- 51r,.c- -- l\ ,^.* 4^I*+ L"A t'* \\"1 4 30 ([;^r,-, ,!& >p,,* trwto.,'-- JX L. t"A f* 0n7,"'l o(r^" oPn*"h"4- ?"LI'.- grc-\-.rt\o'.,.-\ ii ,t ii * l*l': *L-t"|f ,h*;3;T;'* o+]*-t*r.*' ,l +[- nu^- * ["^rn.^ti1 u -.IV..,*{ )? trJ |.,J,ht, ..- h.&.t $.^"- -./: i.*\r,r,&"L- { u.'l /\c- }-- n*rL #- -t-\^'"' /\.r^\t, \A o\ rrL"^.$.l. , -,F Yt- 4 e^I ,"f'r&- . \.,,-,-- e-\^.x*- ll,*. c u?. lL c-.-^\.A {I D alr"Ki ltrr A.rs .rs O x{ 1ew {.o."rk ^.0 *J p**0.- \. i',*- V.,= s\ d- \*\"*-D * # -\ N-rt-tt r* s q- c,.Lt>-.-- 4* J' le.'-|', ''. F * e.A {^vf rt---^^l */r-)t; .-<rfJ* q..^*.. d ^^a^t \"- &t^,t /'"'- L--- {J^*- .-d- n^.of [ --#, {*.{+. a* +\^+ -$ slrA q,{- ,r I n tv\a^1 \bor\"t d=- \ lrJ*"'.,*^,-\'L + l-rl ,,- \ frl!-,tn^q oi*\,^..-\.* l"s'\\ oi oltr L-' 0r\ . \- QofaA ) \- /\^.r4/a----- - Arzrrrr.- +\,n qo o' Date of PEC Meetinq APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT _procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditionalpermit. application wil'l not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS /8 / nonelK*f1- B. NAME bF AppLrcANT,s RE'RESENTAT*, hD kfr)Ey ADDREss SBUE ._.-- o) I. This use The puonr_lT-U_fl_xls! c. X NAME 0F OI"INER(S) (print or type) OhJNER(S) : .SIGNATURE(S T ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ADDRESS LOT BLOCK FILINGLEGAL- E. FEE $100 THE FEE MUST ACCEPT YOUR ,orWvt+cK#!st/ IWL+DE8L BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l,llLL PROPOSAL. F. 4.1:l! qf the names of owners of al.t property. INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS bTNLiTJ, THE AppLrcANT t,tilL BE RESpoNSIBLE FoR connici II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE adjacent to the subject property and their mailing addresses. OI.JNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE t'lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER iS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDTO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TS NEEOCO. -TIO Ni'PI-TCNTION t.tILL8E ACCEPTED UNLESS IT Is COMPLETE (MUSr-INcLUDE nr-r- irENi nEq0iRED-BV iHE-zor,rrr,re :,ADMINISTMTOR). IT rs THEAPPLIcANi's-RESPoNsIBT-rrv io-mnri Rn RpponttttEttt :..}IITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDiTiOI'INT 5[AMiiiNi"NiiiiJiNEMENTS. .] . PLEASE NoTE THAT A C9MIIE_APPLICATT0N l.,rLL STREAMLiNE THE APPR0VAL PROCESSFOR Y0uR PROJECr sv-DEmmstNc THE lluNern or couoriior,ii oF nppnovAl THAT THE r tu'fr$filntllfi,Hiftis ,$!horlorrro^s oF nFi;novni-i'iuii'eito;plrED wrrH BEF'RE A OVER l,'a ? r'r. t'our (4) copies of the following information: A. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use andits operiting charactlrisii"", "rrd measllres proposed to maket\ use compatible with other properties i.n Lhe vi.cinity.:iB. A site plan showll.lg proposed development of the siLe, 5lclrrdiagni topography, building-ro-ations, parki.ng, traffic ci;;"il;i;;;^''. I::i*E"ln." sPace' landscaped'"iea,.-ari G:.iit:.es and a;;i;;e= t-..::c- Frerirninarv bu.i.rding plans and erevations sufficient to indicatethe dirnensions, generit.appearance, scale, and jlterior plan of,.t.. all buildings. . :' D' 'any additional material necessary for the review of the apprication\.!. as determined by the Zorring aamiii.sii";;;. '.'III. Time requirements The Planning and Environmentar-comnission meets on the 2nd. and 4th' Mondays of each rnonth- An appu-cation-witil-+" necessary acconpanyingmaterial must be submitted, foiir to""r." ;;i;" to the date of theureeting. Dr' Pq;s &P. furuorxy-etu(H {Fffi, 2? pm1DG 9f6 tr nnrN JA,IL LoD6{ T,pm T//{ t6-52 *l sELSaJ YcP -rr/E 6E ctr dP 5K trrpoyO lms fror0 {txtt,>FrKb /t eft E6 { /5 frPPK) As:'[)ftJ-- frs 'gryran t4pEqsLy -To LtE Ef\P/-1V(dS, WuPe ---....'''- or(n4Ar{od\?ffL ,o, Tctix i50!61 Feb. 2Feb. 9Feb. l6Feb.23Mar.2 Ivlar. 9Mar. 16Mar. 23Mar. 30 It should also be noted .hua^.i:_:Odition to providing freeparking for Manor y:il," s"""i;l'orn"r" and emploi".r, this countalso included the ro spacEs-i"li"a.to vuii e""5"ii.". this pastr.r:,nter and spaces to Cof . i"tfr-iirrin". instructors. Based on these--figures, Manor Vail^respectrulr-y requests toi:5i:"i0":i::;=,:: I;:r;ff;*#ff.jF"::.ji::::"i",he vail Va,ley !p :_q_9:._4vel-l:rD_l e .r lb I72 lb 103 94 76 81 84 72 -3-_"1_9ss_c-Elsr ovt /Ja I00 r 809 968 'I nncrvvt 1003 86t 988 595 E\a'( gaGe lxi *- \HL.Co&m{o $6Sf .\o3.r.76..s6.(, Aplil I5, 1986 Mr. Peter patten Planning Departmenr Town of Vail75.South Frontage Road Westval1, Colorado 91657 Date Rc,: Revi.ew of Manor VailLeased parking Spaces Dear Peter: The folJ.owtl?_i: ?. s_tuqy on the amount of avaitable parkino iiryff :":":i:"1."1:"I;:i,::l:; i:l = p;;; -;i';i'l "'r r'"p. Ii,i' -,ir rsuest to lease farrcine rp...""rri'.ill"rii.l:o::::"',1"1?'rXii ), i.'", Sincere ly, MANOR VAIL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATTON sh, CHAing Agent o ,o,-,nfir{o,q\hn Re:Lease of parking Spaces Ray McMahon Vail Valley Medical +t4 s6 I ,i1". . f.i.ti;-::,Jjf sti L\?if Va(ry lrriue-- \lAIL.CaGla {o 6165l &7 - *76. sls, Tckx 1{t02tt1 April 14, 1986 Hr. Ray McMahonVail Valley Medical Center141 E. Meadow DriveVail, CoLorado 91657 Dear Ray: Please let this r-etter scrve to- conf irm our recen-. teleptr<-rnc-conversations regarding the Vail valley r,tedicai center,s desireto lease thirty (30) pjrking spaces fr6m Manor virt r,oage. Thesespaces will be made avairabie io vail v"ri;t-;"dica:. center per_sonnel for the g6/87 winter season. At the conclusion of the86/87 season, it will be the intent of Manor vair to re-negotiatewith the Vail Valley Medica:- i""i.- for the r"i=irg of these spa-ces for the g7lgg winter season. The cost foi the .nov" mentionedspaces will be SI0,000. This witl be."e;;;t"ii" "o Manor Vailat the begi_nning of the g6/gi ,oint., season This lease is subject to approval by the planning Departmentof the Town of vail baiea o" tirlir review of Manor Vair.rs vacantparking spaces from this past winter season. r feel guite confi-dent that this wj-11, not bL "-pr"lf... The vail varley Medical center wirl be responsible for allinsurance liabirity-pertaining-fo tlr" reasing oi the3e spaces. . rf this is agreeabLe to you, please sign berow where indicated. Sincerely . },ANOR VAIL IODGE Centerging Agent d OPTION AGREEMENT TO LEASE PARKING SPACES ]'IANOR VAIL LODGE ' ln consideration of the payment of $_lO.Qg_, receipt of which is hereby acknow'redged, hereby grants to vair crinic, Inc. dba vail valley Medical center and irrevocable optjon to'rease 30 parking spaces at 595 E. vail va]]ey Drive, vai'1, c0 for the 19g6-19g7 vai.l Moun- (90) days after the date indicated below, if Clinic, Inc. in writing within that time. o tain ski season at the price of $333.33 per space. This option will expire ninety not formally exercised by Vail MANOR VAIL LODGE DAIE. avriw t/. tssL TITLE: uausi<e,. aciarCt o o/. Feb. 2Feb. 9Feb. 16Feb.23 Mar.2 Mar. 9Mar. l_6Mar.23 Mar. 30 April 15, 1966 I'1r. Peter patten Planning DepartmenE Town of Vail.f5,South Frontage Road t{estvat1, Col.orado 9t657 Date It should also be noted an.a^.r.1^lddition to providj,ng freeparking for Manor yiit'" il;";;; ovrners and emploiees; this counraLso included rhe 3o spacEs-i"ii.a to-v.ii-a!r5"iJ.." this pastwr'nter and spaces to CaI. .Hugtr-llJvins, j-nstructors_ Based on these figures, Manor Vail^respectfulLy requests toi::i:"i0":t:::=,:: ffjr;**;3j;.jF":j"::::::'i",he Vai, va1ley Sincerely I'IANOR VAII CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION rrn6Ahtof\v^rl- 595 E\2.'rf 9a&p a6i *- VRIL.Cs[a{-&{o $65] ..1o.'(. 116._{6{, Re: Review of ltanor Vail,Leased parking Spaces Dear peter: The follori,rg--i: g- s_tuly on the amount of avail_able parkinospaces at the Manor.vair i."a6.-tr-ti-" pu.a*ointu.l'*r hope this wiltprovide sufficient. intormati;; ;;; you to approve l,lanor Vail,s re_quest to lease parking spaces r".-tn" ,int"r's"uJo,, or 19g6/g7. Spaccs Avai I abJ e- r to 172 76 r03 OA tb 84 tz Tclc.r i51l2g''1 3__"1_gS_qq,pg,r.l byt t 51 1009 80c 96t 100c 100s 86t 98r sh, CHA r_ng Agent 'r( ,?vlANo.LVffL ,o(l' April 14, 19gG l.lr. Ray McMahon.Vail Valley l,ledical Center141 E. Meadow Drive:r.: Vail, Colorado 91657 595 L\A'( 9atrX lrrtw-- VNL,Catcq".C srcsl ror. *r6.s6s1 Ttfcx 1502(t1 Re; Lease of parking Spaces Ray McMahon Vail Vai-Iey Meriical Dear Ray: Please ret this r-etter servc to- confirm our recent terephonrconversations regarding the VaiI valley Medical center,s desireto Lease thirty (30) pllling spaces fr6m Manor viit r,oage. thesespaces will be made avairabie to vail varrey r-redicar center per-sonner for the g6/gi winter season. At the conclusion of the86/87 season, it will be the intent of Manor Vail to re-negotiatewith the Vail varley lrredical a;;i"r for rhe r".rirrg of these spa-ces for the 87188 winter.".ror,. The cost foi ihe auove mentionedspaces wirl be sr.,00o- This wirr be tn"a" p.yuui" "o Manor vailat the beginning of the g6/g7 r,int.. season. This lease is subject to approvar by the planning Departmentof the Town of vail baiea on ttrlir reviei, of Manor Vail,s vacantparking spaces from this past winter season. r feer- quite confi--dent that this wj-ll not UL " p.oUf"*. The Vail Valley Medical center wilt be responsible for allinsurance riability pertaining-t'o tn. leasing oi these spaces. . rf thi.s is agreeabl-e to you, please sign below where indicated. Sincerely, MANOR VAIL I.ODGE ging Agent Center i, ,\ .e I o' OPTION AGREEMENT TO LEASE PARKING SPACES . i' ''IANUR YAIL L0DGE ' ln consideration of the payment of $ r0..qg_, receiptI.IANOR VAIL LODGE spaces at 595 E. vail valley Drlve, Vail, c0 for the 1986-19g7 vail Moun_ I '',ii' _i. not fomally exercised by Vail '! . '..t , 1. $333.33 per space. (gO) aays after Clinic, Inc. ln }IANOR the date indicated below, lf writing within that time. VAIL LODGE TITLE: rralaai*ra. aaerCr .DATEt A?etL- t/. 399L, i ,,t . ' : .:;. :.. It rV r6rf,oqt?rur Tclix r50t6t 595' E\Aif gatrgDriu* \AIL.C6trGfo $6sl &s. +r6.s6.s1 Apr-i). 15, 1986 Mr. Peter patten Planning Department Town of Vail75.South Frontage Road l{estvail, cororado g1657 The following is a studvspaces at the Manor vail r,Jaieprovide sufficient i"i;;ru;;;;guest to lease parking spaces.- Re: Review of Manor VaiLLeased parking Spaces on the amount of available parkingthis past winter. r rrope inir-rirr .^t:.. Iou to approve Manor Vail,s re_tor the winter scasou ot tgaij-ei.' Peter: :. Date Feb. Feb, Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Flar. Mar. Irtar. .-2 9 15 23 2 9 l6 23 30 Spaces Avai I abJ.e 116rl2 76 103 94 76 81 84 72 i' - * of Occupancv 69t 73r 100t 80t 968t00c I00 c 85t :.r.,., '98t , CHA Agentrng ,{D 595 E-\A'rf 9a[qp fnirt-- VflI[-,(c,,riotado St6] & r - * j6. -< 6s j Tckx l\OZt:j April 14, 1986 Mr. Ray McMahon 'Vail Valley Medj_cal Center141 E. Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 91657 Sincerely, !'IANOR VAIL IoDGE Re: Lease of parking Spaces Dear Ray: Please ret this letter scrve to. confirm our recent, ter.ephcneconversations regarding the Vair Va11ey Medical center,s desireto lease.llirty (30) pirking spaces fr6m Manor Vail Lodge. Thesespaces will be made availabie io vail va'ley uedica:, center per-sonnel for the g6/si winter season. At the conclusron of the86/87 season, i-t wilr be the intent of Manor vail to re-negotiatewith the vail Varley Medical i""i". for the reasing of these spa-ces for the 8zl8g winter season. The cost foi irr. auo.r" rnentionedspaces will be s10,000- This will be rua. fiyuui" ao Manor Vailat the beginning of the 96/81 r,,inter season This lease is subject to approval by the planning Departmentof the Town of vair baiea "" tr-tIir review of Manor vai's vacantparking spaces from this past winler season. r feel quite confi-dent that this will not bL u pr"ni"r. The vail valrey Medical center wirr be responsibre for arlinsurance liabiritv pertai.n'ns to--.n"*i:";";=;;"ii"". spaces. , If this is agreeable to you, please sign below where indicated. n&rUo,tVit Ray McMahonVail VaIley Medical CenterAgent :./ o' OPTION AGREEMENT TO LEASE PARKING $PACES . i, , In consideration of the payment of $ l0.gg_, receipt acknowledged, hereby grants to Vail Clinic, Inc. dba Center and lrrevocable option to'lease lO parking Valley Drlve, Vail, C0 for the 1986-1997 Vall lrtoun- price of $333.33 per space. !,|AN0R VAIL L00cE of which ls hereby tain ski season at the This option .,_ not formally li'.'' C (, i.:J i , ...'" ': will expire ninety exerclsed by Vai'l (90) days after the date indicated below, Clinic, Inc. in writing within that time. MANOR VAIL LODGE tf j o TO: FROM: DATE: SU BJ ECT: expansi on to the Vai l Va1 1ey Medi ca'l Center. Appl i cant: Vaj l Val 1ey Medi cal Center EACKGROUND ON THIS REQUEST As the Planning Commission may reca'l 1, an element of the Medical Center's approved development plan involves the lease of 30 off-site parking spaces to meet the parking demands of the proposed expansion. At your last review of this project, the Planning Commission approved off-site spaces to be located at the Sun Vail Condominiums. Following that meeting, the Medical Center reached accord with the Town Council on a written agreement addressing a number of elements pertaining to the hospital's expansion. One of these items stipuiated that any changes to the location of off-site parking spaces are to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission. The Medical Center has requested the Planning Comm'i ssionrs consjderation of locating these 30 off-site spaces at Manor Vail Condominiums instead of the Sun Vail Iocation. CRITERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS REQUEST The primary objective in reviewing applications for the leasing of parking spaces is to ensure that the site proposed has excess capacity to accormodate additional users. Section .l8.52..l70 8.2 states that the zoning administrator may request that an appl icant conduct a parking utilizatjon study to determine the difference between the average capacity of the lot and the peak dayutilization. The results of a survey taken this past ski season are included with this memorandum. This survey indicates that the Manor VaiI condominiums do have enough capacity to accommodate the leasing of these spaces to the Medical Center (see letter to Mr. Jack Rush from Peter Patten dated Apri 1 21 ,.l986). In addition, Community Development Department surveys on three dates 'indicated that the utilization of the Manor Vai l park'i-ng-LqL_CySESg!-q-l-La 37%__glg4q1:y. This would tend to support the survey conducted by Manor Va'i 1 f-his past year. It should be noted that Vail Assocites will continue leas'i ng 30 spaces from Manor Vail with a total number of 60 leased spaces on the property for the .|986-87 ski season. One other area of concern'i s the location of this parking with respect to the Medical Center. l,lhile there is obviously some distance between these two sites, a Town of Vail shuttle operates directly across the street from Manor Vail and serves the hospital with a stop adjacent to the Medical Center. This should allow convenient transportation to and from the site for those employees using this parking. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this request. It has been demonstrated by the applicant that there is ample capacity on the Manor Vail site to accommodate these spaces to be leased by the Medical Center. One condition of approval is that a letter of approval from the Manor Vail Condo association agreeing to this lease arrangement be submitted to the Town staff. Planning and Environmental Commjssion 6s- Community Development Department L.,1.\.,5,- 1---- & \-_*k&r*'-- May 12, '1986 d\ ,-,\- -^ \J^trc...k-r/\i*," ,\ A request to amencl a previously approved development p'l an for thto-' "L* svtrc"tz \+r \,\Z 91 0(lfl60 10, '-..:...- ..' . 'r,i:'i.:i + .j: . ,:ii. 1'-.:;;.:.". . --.:,nf';-,' ' .. :j.,;r,?::"'.' 'i?.-:+;i,19-;' :F. o n&rfoq\Zur o' 5A{ f\aif 9a(c5}r,i'e V[IL,Cc(cmc{o 6KS] &J.*i6.s6sl Tc{cx 1502t:1 April 14, 19g6 Mr. Ray llcMahcn 'Vail Valtey l"ledical Center141 E. Meadow DriveVail, CoLorado 81657 fe1. Lease of parking Spaces Dear Ray: PIease tet this letter serve to. confirm our recent telephoncconversations regarding the Vair val1ey M;;i.;i center,s desireto lease rhirtv (30)_iilSilg "pi."" fr6m Manor vair J,odge. Thesespaces wilr be made availabie to vail v"rr"y-r,luii""r center per_sonnel- for the g6/97 winter season. At the concrusion of the86/87 season, it will ue tne-inient of Manor vail to re-negotiatewith the vail valley uedicai cu"t". for the r".sing of these spa-ces for the gzl88 winter ..""o.. The cost f;;-t;" above mentionedspaces wilt be S10,000. rhis wilt be;;;;;;;"ir..o Manor Vaitat the beginning of the 96/e7,int.. s..ror,'. . -- i. .^..:..This lease._is_ subject to approval. by the planning Departmentof the Town of vair balea -""-til5i. r"v:..i ;i n;;;, Vair.,s vacantparking spaces from this past -wint.r season. r feel quite confi_clent that this wilt not be " probl.r. eer gurEe contr- - The Vail Valley Medicar center wirr be rJsponsibre for arlinsurance liability p.riui"ini-to tr,. leasing oi th.". spaces . ,, . If this is agreeabLe to you, please sj.gn below where indicated. Sincerely, , II'ANOR VAIL IoDGE Ray McMahonVail Valleyaging Agent '.'..' a1ttlrl t'. dical Center 't'lv--- 4lt+l Me Date r7 'o OPTION AGREEMENT TO LEASE PARKING SPACES ':;,jit,, l; MANOR VAIL L0DGE , ln consideration of the payment of $ to.gg_, receipt .,-'r,j '; of which ls hereby acknowledged, hereby grants to vail clinic, Inc. dba:i, liri, ',. (-'.- ,'.'i;i#i,,il;J.,ttt lattey lledical .center and lrrevocable option to lease 30 parkins 'l;tliiT] spaces at 595 E. vail vallev Drive, vail, c0 for the 1986-1987 vai.t Moun- ,1,;-,i:;.: tain ski season at the price of $333.33 per space.:'!:'t..j,-::.,; ..:t' '' '::il ' I '. . .: .t. t:' option will expire forma'lly exercised ninety by Vail :'. MANOR the date indjcated be1ow, lf writing within that tjme. . -: i..; VAIL LODGE v \r(n4AhtorJTffL Tttix i502(,i i' R<-,: Review of jrlanor Vail-Leased parking SpacesDear Peter: .'sincerely, .o'".3n5.,t:i:"il:lg-i: l-studv o' ll"-:.ount of ?vailable parkinopiovide ;'ili";#l"Iiii",frt3; ::i" past r''inre.l I h;il i;;;-,irtquest ro rease parkine "p...'"r"I'.il!"*li.l:o::::"i1":;'r;;;);;.;;' Date ^sn.r,",o ^r,-...r-t - i'spaces AvaiteUq 5[ . '- E__ol_qqcusergrFeb. 2 ..- -,!rrf',)Feb. g ll! ly'* 6f 6erJ .. ^ \Y - wJoFeb. t6 ':: J.r'' 73s76 '4. . Feb. 23 , :: 100SMar. 2 103 s4 80tMar. 9 Z6 96iMar. 16 Loos illi: 3i 3; roog r j',t,' *Ifti; ;3:11:":1";.1i,3"ff:=:::t in addirion to providins freearso included Lhe ro spac6s-i;;;":'i:'i.iluoill::I:::' Jll""::i... winter and spaces to Cof . .i,rtt -i"ri.," , instructors . li.. ,,..rr-LrJrs. ..l;: l.; . Based on these figures, Manor Vair r.srrr:2.* rrr1 .!., __ -'30 spaces t"-v.ir Asqnni.+^^ --.' l.respectr-ul1y reguests to ' H:qaal /ih +L^-^ -. i : ; i :. i o " :i: :; " ; j: I; : I ;i; ;fu ;" li;. : F " : : = ii: :"' :'.' : ". ; : n $ i i,..ut i, ", VATL CONDOMTNIUM ASSOCIATTON -.. sh, CHArng Agent 595 EVaif gaGr, nnt ^_ VRlf*.Cofcra.fo Ei6S] .ro.a.fJ6.-{6.s, Aplil 15, 1986 Mr. Peter patten Planning Department Town of Vail -75.South Frontage Road WcstVail, Colorado g1657 '\ 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 21, 1986 offlce of communlly development Mr- Jack Rush Managing Agent Manor VaiI Condominium Association 595 East Vai'l Val'ley Drive Vai1, Colorado 8.l657 Re: Request to lease parking spaces at Manor Vai'l Dear Jack: Thank you for your letter of April 'l 5 in which you explained the resu'l ts ofyour parking study. According to Section 17.52.170 of the Vail Municipal Code,Manor Vai1 may lease 60% of the parking spaces which are the difference betweenthe average capacity of the lot and the peak day utilization as determined byour office. It appears that the average spaces available are 111 and thisnumber multip1 ied by 60% equals 66.6 spaces. T e, the maximun number ofparking spaces which you may lease to ot Under the provisions of an agree'nrent sign"-e--6tT-h. Town Council and the Vai'lVal1ey Medical Center on April 18, your lease agreement w'i th the Medical Centermust be approved by the Planning and Environmental comm.i ssion. l'le areenclosing an app'l ication for your convenjence and ask that you return thisalong with a 'l etter of approval from your condominiurn association. Si ncerely A. Peter - Di rector APP: bpr Encl osure cc: Dan Feeney Deborah Jost Ron Phi1|iPs Patten, Jr. Communi ty Devel oprnent ffi-, voilvolley O r,r, MAY - b r9s6 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81 657 (303) 476-2451medicolcenter May 2, 1986 Mr. Ron Phillips Town Manager Town of Vail 75 Frontage Road South Vail, C0 81657 Dear Ron: As previous'ly discussed with Peter Patten and Tom Braun' wewjl'l not be appeal ing the Planning Corrnission's recent denial of a Conditional Use Permit for parking off West Meadow Drive, and a fourth row of valet parking. P'l ease disregard the Apri] 21, 1986 letter from our counsel, Yu, Stromberg and Huotari, P.C., indicating othertlise. /'l s cc: Deborah Jost Larry Eskwith Peter Patten Tom Braun Deborah Jost Administralor rloilvolley medicolcenter May 2, 1986 Mr. Ron Phillips Town Manager Town of Vall 7S Frontale Road SouthVail, C0 81657 Dear Ron: As previously discussed with Peter Patten and Tom Braun, wewil'l not be appeal ing the Planning Comission's recentdenial of a Conditional Use Pemit for parking off Uest Meadow Drive, and a fourth row of valet parking. P'leasedlsregard the April 21, 1986 letter from our counsel , Yu, Stromberg and HuotarJ, P.C., indicating othen{ise. cc:Deborah Jost Larry Eskwith Peter Patten /ls 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 Deborah Jost Admrnrstratoi i\ 6,^1 *%:t "fT^*4 6,/ t v tf ru/to THrs LEASE AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and betweenthe TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, a Colorado municipal corporation (rtheTohrn") and vArL -c.LrNrc, rNc., d/b/a varr. var,f,ey uepical cnntdn, aColorado non-profit corporation ( r'the Lessee', ). WHEREAS' the Town wishes to lease to the Lessee and theLessee wishes to lease from the Town certain prop"rty-r"r.parti.cularly described belor.r to enable and to assist-th6 reslee inmeeting it-s. parking_requirenents as reguired by the Town of vailzoning ordinances in connection w j.tli the L-essee's proposedexpansion of the Medical Center. Nowr THEREF0RE, in consideration of the mutual pronises andcovenants contained herei.n, the parties agree as followi: The Lessee agrees to pay the Town a rent of ten dollars($10.00) per annum, payable in-advance at the Town Finance offices. 4. Improvements, Maintenance and Repair . During the initiat tern of this Lease, the Lessee sharllmprove the premises by asphalting and striping the surface andlandscaping in accordance _wiin ptani which rra've -ueen approved bythe Town. The Lessee sharl maintain and r.piii such iiiro.r"..rrt"and the premises in general as necessary auiing the term of thelease. Exhibir A LEASE AGREEMENT The Town leases to the Lessee and the Lessee hereby leasesfrom the Town the.property described as Lot r0, Vail virlagl s."""aFilingr situated in the Town of vail , county of Eagle and state ofcolorado. ("the premises") This property i.s shown- on the diagramattached hereto as Exhibit A. 1. Lease prenise s 2.Term The term of the lease shalr be for one year commencing on, 1986 and ending on , 1987,. unless ..d.jffil 3. Rent soonerterminatedashereinafteffiieasesr'aii-L" automatically renewed for subseguent one year terms unless eitherparty gives written notice to the other of- its intent not to renewno later than 60 days prior to the end of the lease term. 5.Al terations After entering into possession of the premises, the Lesseeshall make no alterations, additions or improvenents in or to thePrernises other than the improvernents, maintenance and repairdescribed in Paragraph 4t above, without the Town's prior writtenconsent. The Lessee shall pay or cause to be paid all costs forwork done or caused to be done by it in or to the premises andLessee shall keep the Premises free and clear of all nechanics,Iiens and other liens on account of work done for the Lessee orpersons claiming under it. 6. Condition of Premises The Lessee agrees to keep the Leased premises in a clean,safe and orderly condition at all times and will so use thePremises as not to injure it or damage it except as such damage mayarise out of ordinary wear and tear resulting from lawful use inaccordance with the terrns of this lease agreement. 7. Expenses and Costs During the term of this lease the Lessee shall pay all costsand expenses relat.ing to the Lesseers use of the premises or theimprovements thereon which may arise or become due. 8. Indemnification The Lessee agrees to release, indemnify and save harmlessthe Tovrn, its officers, agents, employees and Council members from i:u"?nxTiin'ltrRu,t.t,l:;=J,t,"J,Sff s:',','""ril"r",,Li"n,:;"',tr"ifi !.$a,rrnenployees or agents of the Town, for which the Lessee nay be heldIegally responsible in connection with its operation of or its useor occupancy of the leased premises. The Lessee shall defend,indennify and save harmless the To\rn, its officers, agents,employees and Council mernbers, from any and all claims, damages,suits' costs including attorneys fees, expenses, liability, actionsor proceedings of any kind or nature whatsoever or by anyone whornsoever in any way resulting frorn or arising out of, directly orindirectly, any act or onission of the Lessee in connection witnits operation of or its use or occupancy of the Leased prenises andincluding acts and omissions of the tessee's officers, enployees,rePresentatives, suppliers, invitees, contractors and agents. 9.fnsurance Lessee covenants and agrees that it will, during the term ofthis agreenent, extend and maintain its existing comprehensivegeneral liability coverage in amounts not less than five hundredthousand dollars ($500,000) for bodily injury to or death of anyPerson or persons or danage to property in connection with thePremises. The Lessee shall furnish [rre iown a certified copy ofsaid policy or poticies. said policy or poricies shall inctudd tneTown as an additional insured with respect to the premises. AlIsuch pol icies shall contain a provision that the aame may not becancelled or materially changed or altered with respecC to thePremises without first giving thirty (30) days, pi:.or writtennotice sent by registered rnail to the fown. 10. Use of Premises The Lessee agrees not to use or permit the premises to beused for any purposes prohibited by the raws of the united statesor the state of colorado or ordinances of the Town of vail,provided that, during the term of this lease, the Town of vailsharl. not pass any ordinance which would restrict or prohibit theLessee from using the premises for the purposes contemplated bythis lease. 1'l . Tovrn parking Spaees The Lessee agrees to provide fifteen (.|5) spaces for theTgwnf its agents and emproyees to use within the main parking areaof the Hospital . Lessee shal1 develop a system assuring that rownof vail employees, officers and agents shall have access to thecars parked in the nain parking area which system shall be reviewedand approved by the Torirn of Vai I pr ior to the i ss uance o f abuilding permit for the proposed aaaition to the Vail vaI1eyMedical Center. 12. l,esseers Default and Termination of the Lease A. If the Lessee is in default in the performance of any ofthe covenants, terms or conditions of this lease the Town shallgive the r,essee written notice of default, specifying the default.If such default is not cured within thirty (30) days- after writtennotice thereof is received by the Lessee, the Town shall give theLessee fifteen (15) daysr written notice of ternination. At theexpiration of such fifteen (15) day period, this Lease shallterninate as completely as if it were the date definitely fixed forthe expiration of the term of this lease and the Lessee ihall then lr surrender the premises to the Tolrn. rf this lease shall soterminate it shal1 be lawful for the Town at its option, wittroutformal denand or not_ice of any kind, to reenter the feased pi"J"iivby any means, including force, and to remove the tessee therlfronwithout being liable for any damages therefor. B. rn addition' the Town reserves the right to terminatethis lease if in its sole discretion the premises are needed forTown of Vair use or improvenents. rn such event, the Tovrn shall beobligated to give the Lessee one hundred eighty ('lg0) days priorerritten notice of such terrnination. 13. Assignrnent This lease shall not be assignabre without the prior writtenapproval of the Town. 14. Expiration At the expiration of this lease the Lessee wirl del.iverpossession of the property and alr improvements thereon to theTordn. 15. Vitritten Mod if ications No modification, release, discharge or a waiver of anyprovisions hereof shall be of any force, efiect or value unless inwriting signed by the Town and the Lessee. 16. Entire Agreement This document and its Exhibits contain the entire agreementbetnreen the Town and the Lessee as of the date of signing- and itmay only be amended by written agreement signed by the -parties. 17. Notices Al1 notices required or permitted to be sent under thisLease Agreement shall be delivered by personal delivery or byregistered mail, return receipt requested, as follows: To the Town: Town Manager Town of Vail Vail, CoLorado Ir""'t To the Lessee: AdninistratorVail Valley Medical Centerl8l tfest lileadow DriveVail, Colorado 81659 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the paEties so sign , lgg6. VAIL CLINTC, VAIL VATLEY day of this agreement INc. d/b/a MEDICAL CENTER this TOWN OF VAIL BY: Town l{anager BY: Deborah Hospital. ilost, Adninistrator THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on , 19g6by and between the TowN oF vArL, col,oRADmicipalcorporation ("the Town") and vArL clrNrc, rNc., d/b/a vArL vALLEyMEDTCAL CENTER, a colorado non-profit corporation ('rthe Hospital"). I. RECITALS 1. The Hospital is t.he owner and operator of a hospitalfacility located within the pubric use zone aistrict of the Town ofVail and wishes to expand said hospital facility. 2. In order for the Hospital to expand, it must firstobtain a conditional use permit from the Town. 3. As a part of the issuance of the conditional use permittbe Tohrn is obligated to establish off-street parking and 16adin9requirenents for the Hospital expansion. 4. The Town has established a total parking requirement forthe Hospital of two hundred twenty (220) parking spaces. 5. fn order to help the Hospital fulfill the off-streetparking requirements established by the Town, the Town is willingto lease certain property owned by it to the Hospital under certainterms and conditions set forth herein. 5. To further enable it to neet the parking requirenentsthe Hospital will provide for a certain amount of vilet parking atthe on-site parking rot and in addition wilr lease a certlin nuirberof off-site parking spaces. AGREEMENT II. AGREEMENT 1. The Town hereby issues the Hospital a conditional usepermit for the construction of a hospital facility to beconstructed as set forth in the plans on file in the communityDevelopment Department of the Town in accordance with the terms andconditions hereof. 2. As a condition to the issuance of the conditional use P9!11t the Hospital agrees to provide a total of two hundred twenty(220.) p.r-riqg , spaces to neet the parking denands of the existinghospital facility as well as this pioposed hospital expansion t 3. In order to help the Hospital neet its parkingreguirements pursuant to this Agreement, the Town hereby agrees tolease to the Hospital Lot 10, Vail Village Second Filing, County ofEagle' State of Colorado. The parties shall enter into a lease inthe form of Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part of thisagreenent by reference prior to the j.ssuance of any building perrnitfor this hospital addition. upon termination of the lease for anyreason hrhatsoever, the Hospital will be responsible for replacingall parking spaces leased from the Town of Vail within the t,imeframe set forth in Paragraph 6 so that the total number of parkingspaces available to the Hospital is not diminished. 4. The Hospital hereby agrees to provide eighty five (95)on-site spaces which would be utilized exclusively for "valet" typeparking, as more particularly set forth in the diagram filed wiltrthe Planning and Environnental conmission and attached hereto asExhibit B and made a part of this agreement by reference. 5. The Hospital agrees to lease twenty-nine (29) off-siteparking spaces from the Sun Vail Condominium Association until suchtime that said twenty-nine (29) spaces may be provided on-site. Atits option, the Hospital may initially lease these twenty-nine (29)spaces from Manor Vail Lodge, or any other entity instead of SunVail provided that any lease of parking spaces other than at Sunvail must be contingent upon the approval of the Town pursuant toSection 18-52-170 of the Townts zonlng ordinance and approved bythe Planning and Environrnental Commission. Any such decision ofthe Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to theTown Council within ten (10) days by written notice of appeal .This appeal shall be heard by the Town Counci.l within thirty (30)days, unless continued for additional information. ,..,,,tfffi The off-site parking spaces shal1 be used only by employeesof the Hospital and neither patients nor visitors to the Hospitalshall be entitled to use such spaces. Upon the presentation by theHospital to the Town of an executed lease or binding option tolease the twenty-nine (291 spaces as provided above, the Town willissue a building permit for the Hospitalrs proposed addition. Anyoption shall be exercised by the Hospital within its terms and theHospital sha11 present a copy of the lease for the twenty-nine (29) spaces as soon as the same is executed. On the first day of each subsequent ski season at VailMountain that the Hospital is required to provide twenty-nine (29)off-site spaces, the Hospital will present to the Town anappropriate lease for the twenty-nine (29) spaces from the Sun VailCondoniniun Association or other duly approved lessor. I \ I 7. The Hospital agrees that it. will not provide anycompensation to its employees for the purchase of a T-own of vailparking pass. Further, the ttospitar agrees to assume soleresponsibility for the monitoring and controiring their emproyeei'use of on-site parking 8. The Hospital agrees that should it proceed with anadditional expansion beyond that indicated on Ln"-prans submittedby Fisher Reese and Johnson dated october 2s, 1ggi, atl reguiredparking i.ncluding tbe two hundred tr{.enty (2201' spaces required for!h. p-resent expansion as werl as any addition;l spac.s- requiiedfrom further expansion shalL be provid6d on-site. 9. Attached hereto as Exhibit c is the fornula used toarrive at the two hundred_ twenty (220) parking space requiremenc Ior t_he hospitat expansion. itre parties uiderst.and that thisfornula shall be evaluated from timi to tine during the term ofthis agreement to deternine whether the parking iequirement isappropriate. conse.quently, this formura may not be the oneutilized when determining,.the parking requiremJnts for any futurehospital expansions or additions. 10. Failure of the Hospital to perform, keep and preserveany of the terms, covenants or condiLions contained in thisagreement which shall continue for ninety (90) days after writtennotification thereof shal1 constitute a defaulL of ihis agreenent. l'l . Because of the u.".rtu@and difficulty of neasuringactual damage for each day the HospECt is in defaurt hereunderlthe.p-arties agree that [tre nospiiar shalr p;t to the To$rn asligyi9:..d damases and, as a penllty rhe =urn'o'f fifry ($so.00icroiJ.ars_per day for each day the Hospital is in defauri under theterms of this agreement. 'illlrrrdl o 12- This agreement sharr terrninate when the Hospital isable to provide rhe rwo hundred tvrenry tizol--requi.reb'pJiii"gspacea on-site tor{N oF vArL vArL \rALLEy MEDTCAL CENTER By: Bv!--- Town Manager Hospital Administrator i.,.;,j:. ,,"tt*ffifi:l - April 1-0, 1986 Toun of Vail Pl-annlng and EnvLronmental Conrmlssion 75 S. Frontage Road Vall, Colorado 8L657 RE: Amendnent Developrnent Plan Va1-ley Medical Center Lots E & F Val1 Vlllage Second Ftling Gentlemen: 0n behalf of five (5) property ouners dlrectly across the street from the VaI1 Val1ey MedLcal Center, we wlsh to oppose the proposed amendment captloned above to permit the construction of a parking lot on presently landscaped 1and. Thls is one of the few attractive grassy areas on lJest Meadow Drive and certalnly adds to the aesthetics of the Medlcal Center. It would be a real shame to replace this area with a slab of asphalt. A11 of our frlends who vislt Vail I-n the sumer are moat complimentary of the beautlf ul f l-owers and green-belts wi-thi-n the Town. lrle are asking that other al-ternatives be consldered before bulldozine this 1itt1e patch of grass. Thank you for your consideration ln thls matter. Yours Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell E. Ilaley Ilal Kepner Jim Ilorigan Jfun Manley Robert Zinke WEH:pf very truly, rli 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476_7000 April 2, 1986 ofllce ol communlilr developmenl Ms. Deborah Jost Admi n i strator VaiI Va'l 1ey Medica1 Centerl8l West Meadow Drive Vai 1 , Col orado 81657 Dear Deborah: I would'l ike to clarify two points re] ative to your March 3l , 19g6'l etter toRon Phil1ips. These would pertain to the schedute you outlined with respectto the counciI's review of the proposed agreement between the Town and ti'reVail Val 1ey Medical Center. The points to be clarified jncl ude the following: 1. Whi'l e I did agree that a letter from Bob Lazier,/Sun Vail Condominjums amending the number of spaces ava'i 'l able for'l ease from 20 to 29 wilIsatisfy the Planning commission's condition of approval , we have yet toreceive written verification of this. |.lithout this documentation, thePlanning commission approval is not fina] ized. we wil'l need to seethis written verification from Bob before we can schedule a worksession with the Counci'l . To facilitate the preparation of the Counci'lagenda, written confirmation from Bob will be required by Thursday at5:00 pn. ?. whi'l e a formal review with the Town council can be tentatively scheduled for their evenjng meeting on April .|5, 'it must be understoodthat th'i s is conditional on the progress made at the work sessionconditionally scheduled for April 8 at 2:00 pm. I want to emphasize that the specifics contained wjthin the agreement willhave to be worked out during the work session review. The foima'l review atthe evening meeti ng wi'l 'l take place once there is a solid conceptual agreementbetween the two parties.concerning the wording of the agreement. Assuiingpositive progress is made at the work session, we will plan on formal reviewthe evening of the 15th. However, if additional time is needed to reso'l ve theagreement, the forma'l approval by the counci'l may require rescheduling. As you recall, an amendment to your approved plans was submitted that wouldpermit the surface parking spaces located along Meadow Drive. As was explained to me, this was a "fa'l 'l back" proposal if your initial parking proposal to the Planning Commission was denied. In'l jght of your pending approval from the PEC, a decision needs to be made concerning this amended applicat'ion. My reconunendation to you is to withdraw this conditiona'l useapplication. P'l ease advise me of your decision by Friday, Apri'l 4, i986. I hope these clarificatjons are understandable to you. hesitate to me with any guestions you may have. S incerely,AN /\!ni'fla,u,t Thomas A- Braun Sen i or P'l anner TAB: bpr If not, do not TO: FROM: DATE SUBJECT: Ron PhiIIips and Larry Eskwith Tom Braun April 2, 1986 Proposed agreement between the Town and Vai1 Va1 ley Medical Center The following are the additional elements that should be incorporated into the proposed written agreement between the Town and the VVMC. These pertain to the off-site solution that has been proposed as well as the implications of future development on the site as it relates to the issue of parking. The following elements have been taken from the conceptual written agreement that was prepared in February. These elements have been modified where changes have taken place over the past two months. 1. After review and discussion concerning the issue of parking, both parties agreed that the 220 parking spaces proposed by the staff js a reasonab'l e number to meet the demands of the existing facility as well as the proposed expansion (refer to Appendix A for information on this number). Given the l9l spaces that are provided on site for hosp'i ta1 use, there js a shortfall of 29 spaces upon the completion of these expansion plans. It was agreed that the VVMC develop an off-site solution to meet this shortfall. The solution proposed to the Planning Commission was for 29 off-site spaces to be'l eased from the Sun Vail Condominiums. This off-site parking solution is to be used by emp'l oyees and not the visitors and users of the Medical Center. Assuming a total of 93 day shift employees (38 employees of the private physicians and 55 hospital day shift employees), the VVMC has a total of 64 on-site spaces that may be alIocated to designated employees. 2. It shall be the responsibility of the Vail Valley Medical Center to operate the valet parking on site as well as maintain the existing lease of 29 spaces from Sun Vail. The hospital shall demonstrate to the staff annually that they do have a lease from Sun Vail for a minimum of 29 spaces. Any future changes 'i n the Iocation of off-site parking shalI require review and approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. In addition, the Planning Commission shalI review the operation of the valet parking and the off-site parking solution duri ng the spring of'l 988 (this would be the first opportunity to evaluate this system after the scheduled completion of the expansion). 3. The off-site parking locations and valet parking operation would be required to operate only during those t'imes when Vail's ski mountain is 'in operation. At those tjmes when Vail's ski is not in operation, Medical Center employees would be permitted to use the Lionshead parking structure at whatever fee structure may be in place at that time. 4. The off-site parking location and the valet parking operation wil'l only be requ'i red for those employees working the day shift. l c The VaiI Valley Medical Center agrees to provide on site a1 1 required parking congruent with any future expansion to the facil ity. Al'l required parking is to mean the 220 spaces as well as any additional spaces resulting fron expansion beyond that indicated on the p'lans submitted by Fisher Reece and Johnson dated 10/25/85. Future expansion is to mean any additions or changes that increase the parking demand on the site. Existing plans include those portions of the Fisher Reece and Johnson plans that indicate the complete second floor of the obstetri c wi ng as ttal ternati ve. " It is agreed that if the off-site and valet park'i ng solutions are not operated as proposed, or the approved on-site parking does not prove to be adequate to meet the demands of the facility, the medjcal center agrees to provide the total number of parking spaces on site. The VVMC agrees to not provide any reimbursement or compensation to employees toward the purchase of any type of parking pass in the Town of Vail parking structures. In addition, the VVMC agrees to assume responsibility of monitoring and controlling their employees use of on-site parking. 8. The Town agrees to a mjnimum 90 day relief clause to allow the Medical Center to remedy issues or problems that may develop concerning this agreement. 9. Appendix A of this agreement demonstrates the formula used to generate the need for 220 parking spaces as a result of this proposed expansion.It is understood that this number may be evaluated following observation of the parking situation after this expansion. In regard to this, the medical center agrees to periodically monitor and survey the use of its on-sjte parking. Experience gained during thjs time period may be considered when determining additional parking demand for future exoansi ons. 6. 7. LAZIER DEVELOPMENT Lazier Constructjon Company P.0. Box 1325Vail, C0 81658 476-5026 Apnil 3, 1986 To: Vai'l Valley Medical Center Lazier Development/Lazier Construction Company is pleased to be able to offer 29 (twenty-nine) parking spaces at Sun Vail Condominiums to be used for hospital parking November 15, 1986 - April 30, 1985. These spaces will be made available through a lease agreement between Lazier Development and the Vai'l Va'l'ley Medical Center. The spaces to be reserved for hospital parking are those assigned to Sun Vail Condominiums Phases IV and V. These two phases have not yet been com-pleted. To adequate'ly prepare the area for parking, the lot will be road based and graded and the west entrance to the Sun Vail will be paved. Hos-pital emp'loyees parking in the 29 spaces will be asked to use the west entrance to Sun Vail and to park only in the designated hospita'l parking area. Any hospital employee using this'lot will be asked to identify his/her car with a parking sticker. The sticker will ensure proper identification for parking in the lot as well as enable Lazier Development a means of identi- fying the owner if he/she must be contacted during business hours, To avo'id excessjve traffic on the Sun Vajl property, the condominium asso- ciation requests that individuals parking in the hospital'l ot use the bike path to access the pedestrian bridge rather than short cutting across the Sun Vail project. We are pleased to be working with the Vajl Va'l ley Medical Center and hope this additional park'ing will be of help to the Medical Center and its devel- opment p1 an. Kit C. hlilliams for Robert T. Lazier Lazier Deve'l opment voilvolley medicolcenter March 31, 1986 Mr. Ron Phiilips Town Manager Town of Vail 75 SouCh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Pursuant Eo our conversatl-on today, r vrant to confirm our discussion: i. Larry Esquith will provide me a draft of the Tovmts proposed agreementwith the hospital no later than Friday, April 4. 2. The hospltal wiil have a work session with the Torm Council on April 8 .at 2:00 P.M. \ ',V t/- 3. The hospital will have a formal revlew with the Town Council on Aprl1 # rt,t(1 at7:30P.F.-n / -l | / A,--rK..,r y'J.\cLr *",1& .{- -n1rlr.,-J o,_ u/,.+ vr2.-(1t -+ fue.f ,--Cnn,:.1.'nluo,*, 4. Tom Braun agreed that an amended letter from Sun Vail showing agreementto lease the hosPltal 29 spaces will satisfy the Planning Conunlssions'nqeds.,tt.J. --t+,|-( L.^. r-) sc-c,-- {''l^-' (;*.^- unress r hear frorn you before Friday, April 4, r will understand that you are in agreemenE with this scheduie. DJ:ds Deborah Jost Adminrslrator RIC'|]APR-11986 1 81 West lvleadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81 657 (303) 476 ^ 15i A' $Y'ilpd)o'%* voilvolley medicolcenter March 31, 1986 Mr. Ron Phl11ips Town Manager Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vall, Colorado 8f657 Pursuant to our conversation today, I want to confirm our discussion: i. Larry Esquith will provide me a draft of the Townts proposed agreement with the hospital no later than Friday, April 4. 2. The hospital will have a work session with the Town Council on April 8 at 2:00 P.M. The hospital wiJ-l- hawe a at 7: 30 P.M. Tom Braun agreed that an to lease the hospltal 29 needs. Unless I hear fron you before Friday, April 4, I wt11 understand that you are in agreement with this schedule. 3. 4. R[C'|.]APR-T1986 '1 81 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81 657 1303) 476-2451 formal revlew wLth the Tor.qn Councll on April 14 amended letter fron Sun Vai.l showing agreement spaces will satlsfy the Pianning ConrmlssionsI S incerely . ffitfu*-KDeborah Jost Admlnistrator DJ:ds Deborah Josl Adminlstrator Planning and Envjronmental Commission Community Development Department March 24, 1986 Consideration of the Vail Val 1ey Medical parking solution Oe-.,O (--r: -\ h\.'.^.^\ A/.o\.."'- H''\U 9"'*[ -\-r*r€ - t;{;i+'* +Li- 4 ^il'loJ ,)n^ L "11''^-! Q ) tn' J Atc Center's proposed employee TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I.BACKGROUND ON THIS REQUEST The two conditions tied to the approval of the Medical Center's proposed expansion include the following: l. The P1anning Commission review and approve a system des'igned to accommodate the 61 parking spaces that are not provided on the si te. 2. Town Counci'l and the Vajl Valley Medical Center reach an accord on a written agreement addressing a number of issues relative to this proposal . The request before the Planning Commission is the Medjcal Center's' proposed solution to satisfy the first condition of approval. l.lhile thjs proposal varies from that presented to the Planning Commission duringtheir work session on March .|0, it js essential ly the same in that it includes a combination of on-site valet parking with proposed off-siteIocations. The remainjng portions of this memorandum wi|'l outljne thesolution, evaluate the merits of these solutions, and finally present astaff recommendation on this proposal . THE VVMC'S PROPO.AL The attached letter dated March 18, .|986 to Tom Braun from Deborah Jost outljnes the most recent proposal for off-site parking. These off-site spaces number 53 located in four different areas. In addition, a totalof l9l spaces are now shown on a revised site plan. 0f these l9l ,85 spaces are ass'i gned/valet spaces. To summarize, the foilowing table outlines how the VVMC proposes to meet the required 220 spaces for this devel opment: Table A be providedz 220 II Total number of spaces to On-site spaces Off-site spaces 191 53- l1l 'zo(l at Village Center, 20 at Sun Vail, 12 at VVI, 20 at Vail 2l) Total Z i\ :.\. 1!.x^: ^.1*- t c,Lcr-rd f^1 or'[JL .,J*,"^&--\' {--\L " ^tr-\ .{ o* > r gr' o.8- -, u[ (L ,r^.p,^, ,o,) L\ a) r" ,!: q\ \b ?.* ..L., III. As proposed, this application would exceed the required 220 spaces by 24 spaces, EVALUATION OF THIS PROPOSAL Val et Spaces Parking on the site plan presented shows a total of 206 spaces. 0f these, 15 will be dedicated to Town of Vail employees, leaving a total ofl9l for hospital use. There is a total of 68 compact spaces which is 33% of the gross number of spaces provided on site. 84 spaces to be used by the Vail Val1 ey Medical Center will nequire valet service to be fu11yutilized. The staff considers the management and operation of these valet spaces to be the key factori n how well thjs parking solution cou'l d work. Recognizing this, the Medical Center has conducted a test run of a valet system on their lot. The results of thjs test will be available for Monday's meeting. Nonetheless, the staff feels that there is potentia'l to make this va1 et system work if properly managed and operated. The administratjon of the Medical Centen has jndicated two attendants would be utilized during peak periods'i n order to facilitate this operation. It should also be noted that a 30'wide aisle is prov'i ded to allow room for stacking cars when operating the va1 et system. Obviously this valet park'i ng will create some hardship to those using these spaces (predominantly employees and staff members). However, it is considered a more viable solution to provide these spaces on site with a valet system rather than to provide them off site in some other location. WhiIe recognizing that the proposed plan is "tight', the staffis supportive of the valet systen and parking/site plan as shown. Off-site Parking Proposa'l s A total of four iocations are proposed to provide off-site parking for employees. These proposals are being reviewed by the staff with respect to the criteria outlined in the lease parking program. General 1y, these criteria require the applicant to demonstrate how and why excess parking is available on the site to accormodate those leased spaces. The fo'l lowing is our evaluation of these four'l ocations: l. Vail Vjl'lage Inn (12 spaces) Joe Staufer has agreed to provide 12 spaces to the Medical Center that would be'l ocated wjthin the 50 spaces he controls in the parking garage of Phase III of the Vail Vjllage Inn development. Joe has provided information to the staff address'ing the utilization of these 50 spaces. This information jndicates that on the average, L2 to 22 spaces are always available within this structure. The staff is unable to support this proposal to utilize the VVI structure for off-site parking. lllhile recognizing that spaces may be available in the structure, it is felt that this is undoubted'ly due to the inaccessibility the general public has to this park'i ng. In addition, the VVI development as a whole (SDD6) is well short of what its required parking on site should be. I'lhiIe the approved development plan for Phase IV of the VaiI Vi1'l age Inn would make up * III. thjs shortfall, the existing development within Phases I, II andIII are 55 spaces short of what is required under zoning regulations at this time. Vail 2l (20 spaces) The staff has received no documentation concerning the utj'l ization ofthis lot. Fo.r this reason, it is unable to support this element of theparking proposal at thjs tjme. Villase Center (l space) One space within Village Center has been offered for'l ease to the MedicalCenter. Lacking additional information, it is assumed that thjs space istied to a condominium unit in the project. Leasing this space to the Medical Center would theoretically eliminate a parking space for thisunit, raising the question of where the occupants of that unit wouldpark. For this reason staff cannot support this space as proposed. Sun Vail (20 spaces) The 20 spaces proposed to be leased from Sun Vail are in an area of thesite where parking would be provided for future development of the SunVail condominiums. At the present time, 36 un'i ts exist on the s'i te with a1'l parking as required being pnovided. An additjonal 24 units are approved but unbuilt and the parking proposed to be leased is located where the parking wou'l d be provided for these additional 24 unjts. From a utilization standpoint, staff can support these spaces being leased tooff-site users. From a practical standpoint, these spaces are located some distance from the Medical Center. It would be the responsibility of each emp'l oyee using these spaces to find their own way to work from thjssatellite locatjon. However, the site is only a short walk over thepedestrian bridge to the bus stop at the west end of the Concert Hal'lPlaza. From this location, buses run every 7 to l0 minutes beginning at 7:00 am. This Town of Vail bus route runs djrectly by the Medica'l Center. Summary of This Evaluation To summarize, the staff can recommend approval of only the on-site valetparking as welI as the off-site parking proposed at Sun Vail. Thjsresults in a total of 21.| spaces, whjch is 9 short of the required 220. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As proposed, the staff cannot support the total parking p1an. However,staff would support additional parking located at Sun Vail in order to make up the 9 space deficit. As of late last week, the hospjtal administration was negotiating with Sun Vai'l for these additional spaces.It should be known by Monday if the Medical Center is able to secure enough spaces at Sun Vail to meet the 220 space requirement. If thjs is accomplished, staff is supportive of this proposal with 191 on-site spaces and a minimum of 29 off-sjte spaces located at Sun Vajl. voilvolley medicolcenter 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 (303\ 476-2451 I'tarch 18, 1986 Mr. Tom Braun Town Planner Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage RoadVail, C0 81657 Dear Tom: In response to your request for a study of possible off-site park'lng, we have contacted the fo'l'lowing to lease parking spaces beginning ngxt ski season: # SPACES NAME UTILIZATION 1 53 12 Vail Village Inn 20 Sun Vail 20 Vail 21 Jo Staufer has contacted you re: uti'l ization.Letter attached from K'lt tli l'l i ams. Documentation unavail abl e unti'l Mr. Chuck Rosenquistis in town. Letter of Agreement already fonvarded. Letter Attached of Manor Vail if we may lease upVail Associates. Rosenquist as soon as possib'le. Deborah Jost Administrator Village Center In addition, we wjl'l know from Jack Rushto 25 spaces pending his discussion with I wil'l provide the documentation from Mr. Best regards, ,l -\0"/"*'L9'r Deborah Jost u Admi ni strator /ls oo ,(%&crl7a/-ez_ /'*z 4z/4% Zr.Ze4&n /{/ h//Z%rhdr /aZ, (e*-ta.A E/6sv \/4ad /Z /kaz \\ Nba4,A \ -&*)*h*:,.-fr: i"/dzz/hf/"4yhz/P4-a*T^ \, fut*'@i.*ba{ ?"4-"**Fl ffi.r Je;.Qez \tr- t/au- Vtrr,qcg INN Village Inn Plaza Condominiums i{r.Tc[Il Braun Ass.Director Conrunity Developelent Itoon of Vail r4arch lSth 1986 Dear llcm, F\rrtter to our oonversation of yesterday this is to onfi:m that rire have agreed to provide Vail Valley lGdical Center with 12 spaces in our Parkirg Garage. I control 50 spa.ces rrrtr-ictr are used as follorps: Approx.8 spaces rented to tenants 20 to 30 spaces used by the hotel L2 tD 22 spaces not in use I hope that above is what you where looking for. l4any thanks ! 100 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 B03l 476-5622 LAZIER DEVELOPMENT Lazier Construction Company P.O. Box 1325 Vail, CO 81658 476-5026 March 18. 1986 To: Vail Valley Medical Center Lazier Development lLazier Construction Company is pleased to be ableto offer 20 (twenty) parking spaces at Sun Vail Condominiums to be usedfor hospital parking Nov. 15, 1986 - April 30,1987. These spaces will be nrade availab.le through a lease atreement berween Lazier Deveiopment and the Vail Valley Medical Center. The spaces to be reserved for hospital parking are those assigned to Sun Vail Condominiums Phases IV and V. These two phases have not yet been completed. To adequately prepare the area for parking, the .lot will be road based and graded and the west entrance to the Sun VaiIwill be paved. Hospital employees parking in the 20 spaces will be asked to use the west entrance to Sun Vail and to park only in the designated hospital parking area. Any hospital employee using this lot will be asked to identify his/her car with a parking sticker. The sticker will ensure proper identification for parking in the lot as well as enable Lazier Development a meansof identifying the owner if he/she must be contacted during business hours. To avoid excessive traffic on the Sun Vail property, the condominium association requests that individuals parking in the hosp.ital lot use the bike path to access the pedestrian bridge rither than short cutting acrossthe Sun Vail project. We are pleased to be working with the Vail Valley Medical Center and hope this additional parking will be of help to the Medical Center andits development plan. Kit C. Williams for Robert T, Lazier Lazier Develooment ( t I I I ( I\\ \> _* \rt \ \ !iil c\J I?\{s \\ \-q1\v.,B- r$ \ \ \ \ \\ 8 \l'F 1\ ,-Y g mt\\ \ \f 7* SF TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Cormissjon Cormunity Development Department March 10, 1986 Work session review of the Vail Valley Medical Center's employee parking solution BACKGROUNO ON THIS PROPOSAL As the Planning Commission is undoubtedly aware, the Town Council overturned the PEC's denia'l of the condit'ional use for the hospital expansion on February18th. Tied to this approva'l , however, were two condjtions that must besatisfied prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction. They i nc'lude: 1. The Planning Commjssion review and approve a system designed to accommodate the 6l parking spaces that are not provided on the site. 2. The Town Council and the Vail Val 1ey Medical Center reach an accord on a wrjtten agreement addressing a number of issues relatjve to this proposal . The VVMC's first step in satisfying these conditions is to obtain Planning Commissjon approval of a parking solution to accommodate the shortfalI of 61spaces. A proposal has been submitted to the staff by VVMC and will be presented for your consideration Monday. It should be emphasized that thiswilI be a work session type of review. This is primarily due to the fact that the staff feels more time is needed to evaluate this proposal . Because of the time frame involved in this process, a work session has been scheduled to give the applicant some indication as to the Planning Commission's reaction to the sol utions proposed. II.VVMC'S PROPOSAL The medical center has proposed a combinat'i on of approaches in order to address the shortfalI of 6l parking spaces. These include the fol Iowing: additional spaces provjded on site to be serviced with a valet attendant. L2 spaces provided in the parking garage of Phase III of the Vail Vi1lage Inn 20 spaces leased from the Vail 2l structure 8 spaces not needed as surveys indicated 8 employees walk to work 1T total spaces 36 This proposa'l wou'l d exceed by 16 spaces the condjtions established by the Council. In addition to th'is memorandum, information concerningthis proposa'l has been included in your packet at the request of the Medical Center. This informatjon inc1 udes the employee survey, letters verifying the avaiIabi'l ity of off-site spaces, and correspondence between the Medical Center and the developers of the Doubletree Inn. III. STAFF COMMENTS ON THIS PROPOSAL During the Planning Commission review, it was general ly assumed that theoff-site parking solution was to be a bus/shuttle system from one or more off-site parking locations. The staff is conceptually supportive of the two elements of this proposal presented to solve this problem. The folIowing ane our comments with respect to the valet parking andoff-site parking locations. Valet Parking The revised site plan shows 85 spaces on-site that would require va1 et service to be fully utilized. These valet spaces are 3 cars deep and located on the site's main lot. Remaining are 108 spaces available for hospital use that would not require valet service. If proper'ly controlled and operated with as many attendants as needed, staff feels that a valet parking program can contribute toward solving the park'ing problem on this sjte. There are, however, a number of details that needto be worked out with respect to the parking layout proposed. Among them are improving circulation through the lot as wel 1 discounting a number of inadequately sized spaces, Further clarification of these points will be presented at Monday's meeting. Off-Site Parkins Spaces The staff is conceptually supportive of the VVMC obtaining parking spaces in close proximity to their site. With respect to the two locations proposed, both afford ernployees easy bus service to the medical center. However, as out'l ined in the lease program section of the zoning code, a determination must be made as to whether these proposed lots have an excess of spaces enabl ing them to be leased to the hospital . It is wjth respect to this concern that additjonal time is needed to evaluate the feasibility of th'is proposal. Additional information is to be provided to the staff by the appl icant and the staff will be researching the spec'i fic situations with these lots as well. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff does not have a recommendation for this proposal at this time. Again, it should be emphasized that th'i s is intended to be a work session review. While at a conceptual level this plan appears to have merit, it js in need of additjonal study before the staff can give its support. The PEC is encouraged to provide any comments they may have concerning the proposal that has been made by the VVMC. voilvolley medicolcenter ! March 3, 1986 Admini strator /ls 1'lr. Chuck Rosenquist Vai'l 21 .PartnerihipP.0. Box 686Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Chuck: This is to confirm our earlier conversation in which we agreed that thehospital will lease 20 spaces from vail 21 partnership, effeltive Novemberi' 1986 through ski season (approximatery April 15, 19'gi) at a rate of $s0oper space. The tota'l cost is $6,000 io be paid- November 1, 1996. Thespaces are located at- the top TftT-of the garage and the hosp.ital haspermission to provide locks to you so the area lan ie secured. If.you.are.i.n agreement, please sign both copies, keep one for your files,and return the other. I appreciatp vgu.r help in_resolv'ing the need for hosp'ita1 parking spaces.Your consideration is hel ping to make it possible to expand -hospital serv'ices to ther. community. Best regards, 'r Deborah Jost t '/"---\e./c-/ef t,/ I agree to the terms out'l ined in this proposal. 1 81 West Meadow Drive Vail, Coiorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 Deborah Jost Adminrstrator osenqu March 3, 1986 Mr. Tom Braun Town Pl anner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. Vai1, C0 81657 Dear Tom: I am writing thisVajl Village Inn spaces exclusively employees in the Vail Upon I'lr. Staufer's avai'labl e. l.|est letter to verify that Josef Corporation, has permanentlyfor use by designated Vail Vi'l1age Inn parking garage. Staufer, President of reserved 12 parking Val ley Medica'l Center return from San Croix a confirming letter will be Si ncer_e1y, . Brittan Raising Campaign Chairman vcilvciley mediccicenter Admi n i strator -'/.//fa -4;z - z-,% /rr.7 u 1 81 Wesl Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81 657 (3031 476-2451 Mr. Abbas Rajabi Doub'l etree InnVail Holdings Box 1928 Va i'l , Col orado 81657 0ctober 15, 1985 Dear Mr. Rajabi, vail valley Medical center is interested in pursuing with you your ideasregard'ing a possib'le joint venture for a pari<ing stiucture. TheGoverning.Board again needs to emphasize inat ai present, ihe hospitalhas no additional funds to. devote to parking. However, we are open roconsidering utj lizing our back parking Iot in conjunction with theDoubletree and the Town of vail'if suih a venture is financially andlegally feasible, and requires no capital investnrent by the troslitat. The hospital has two other concerns: 1) we must meet the covenants ofthe.existing bonds which limit our debt capacity and 2) there are deedrestrictions 9n lfg portion of land donated to the nosiitat by VailAssociates. I will need more information and some time to researchthese points when the proposal is further defined. I am avai'l able to meet with you and the Town of vai'l whenever needed. Iam enthusiastic about the prospect of all three organizationscooperating to solve the parking needs. Si ncerely, n/u'a' 9;r;:: :u*' rf'2,4 : r,"' o 7 /?z'L- Deborah Jost n.,..nrnistrator s1s/8b VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CEI.ITER PARKING SURVEY FOR DAY SHIFT EMPLOYEES ONLY CHECK ONE 1. I live in: Avon Eagl e Eagl e-Va i I East Vail Edwards Gypsum Leadvi l'le Mi nturn New Castle Red Cl iff Summit County Vail West Vail ? T Ea- l --- -=- -_ .-T- - -77r- /rl;Hl Tota l Tota'l Total lt -/t// 7t-tt Total Total Total Total Total Tota'l Total Total Ei ther Ei ther Ei ther Ei ther Ei ther Ei ther ll.{t I 1t4 l////l ll< Nl t14 Irk a) b) c) d) b) c) d) c) d) d) a) a) a) b) b) c) or or or or or or T0TAL: {+ c) d) a) Carpooling -- Th:^dliy:" would be_given_g1.0/week for gas,musr have.at least 3 people per car, ani couldpark on site. b) I would not be driving but would either wa'rk, or use theTown bus, or be drivei by someone-eise. I would only use on-site valet parking. I woul,d.agree to park-nearby the hospital if a space wereprovided at a nearbv.'r ot- jtionsheii 'iioor, c"oii"ouai,-vait villase rnn, viil zi a,liiJi.;.i- " Total tfota I aTotal -F--rotal v- Total J///l/ T- Total -l-Total --f Total - Total --Z- 1e161 -fr- sJ-- //a TOTAL INQUIRIES RETURNED M voilvolleyM{ medicolcenter March 3, 1986 181 West Meadow Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 Deborah Jost Administrator Mr. Tom Braun Town Planner Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage Rd. WestVail, C0 81657 Dear Tom: To -comply wr'th the Town council's. request, the following is the hospital :Tl]o{:".,lurking plan that I wourd'ririe to present to the plannins 6fo,i;-sron on March 10. To meet the requirement of 62 employee spaces oit site tpropose the following: 37 spaces provided by valet parking on site12 spaces provided at Vail Villaqe-Inn20 spaces rented from Vail 21 ,9 spaces not needed by employees walking to work77 spaces Total This plan provides for alternatives that are more easily monitored than angTp]9{g.,shuttle, svstem. Encrosed is a Ietter .onii*iig ipu.., from vailv'rlage lnn, and an agreement with vail 21. Also enclosed is the latestemployee survey _which was sent out on Friday. ana reiutii-compiled toaiv,showing some employees who wiil walk or rideint uus to *o"k. I^3r:!ir'1,-nqrsuinp the us.e of 2-0.spaces at the vai'r Gorf course to provideror-East varI employees vrho wou'l d agree to use the Town brs system. Thiswould provide additional on site par[ing ror patients ina vlstt-ors. I am also. requesting spaces from vail Associates in their ski parking iotnext to the charter. I have contacted chuck Boettchlr at croisroadi anarequested consideration for leasing 20 spaces. chuck replr-ed that he willmeet with the new owners alg tjl to. ge_t back with him in'two weeks. Also,we.have applied for a permit with the'Forest Service to utiiize Meadow Moun-tain as an off site.-parking.area for Eagle-vail .rpiov".i. This optiony::l.q.,I:qyip a 1!uttfg.and,lince it_appeai^s that we have resolveo the'pro6_j:i_"]:l glternate parking I wiil only pursue this if the ptanning commis-sron requests. Mr. Tom Braun March 3, 1986 Page Two IgT Briner will present the sketch you reviewed with us 'l ast weekillustrating the valet parking. As you pointed out, this plan a]lows formore snow storage area, is easily controlled, and is not an obstruction topatient and visitor parking. l'Je have.already purchased three sets of parking gates and I understand thatyou want to discuss this with Ron phi'llips and-perhaps ask the Fire Depart-ment to agree to gates. In addition, we will be hiring a full-t'ime parking attendant (perhaps twodepending on if the gates are approved or noi). - Finally, I would'l ike to note that Lynn voliter offered to lease the hos-pital the lot next to the VaiI profeisional Build'ing. I presented that toyou and your sug-gestion was that I not pursue it dul to iurrent zoning ofthat property. At present, it appears w6 have an a] ternate system in piacethat will mediate everyone's concerns. PIease call me at your earliest convenience to discuss these plans. I wou'l d like to attend any Town or planning commission work sessions perlain-ing to the hospital expansion. Sincerely, Deborah Jost Admi n i strator /1s Encl osures : i_/-a o I lt:"|I l{"7 Q€ L i l))-- :--JJJ, ; -;[.-,^._ ii oliii ,\,tro I\rb",h 3s# o Q*'r^\^ -.\.- :?"!-t^lr"r,a aJ\L U" k L( bAD I ii iili tl il li d,#Lil -t ..t \- /'u1'J + l>t+trtr /"'^b?re .ii 9A"l/(. u i+--p - 1^Fij !irurilr \ ^ n tl\h\o"*- t- /\y*Jl-" oo I rlIitnizL,lto' 1./1^i'lr,ti.+ S-r-{-- 5rs. $. \\-- F,\*r l- 5s- R"^ki L." , L t"^,q,{- o!.Ta^^.;- . L..-L 4,,t_' -,1 ' +Lo^ JL^+ -: 0"^f tJ o\^ '.--Z \.- S^^^*S? 'l'-- , '-po -'. a*I- - | ---oJ ' non L -t u2( l*^ T-t*A-. -- 5a5 -, L*^- voilvolley medicolcenter 1 81 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 (3031 476-2451 lvlarch 3, 1986 Mr. Tom Braun Town Planner Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage Rd. West Vail, C0 81657 Dear Tom: To comply with the Town Council's request, the following is the hospital emp'l oyee parking p'l an that I would'l ike to present to the Planning Cormis- sion on March 10. To meet the requirement of pZ- enployee spaces off site I propose the following: or r03* spaces provided by valet parking on site 12 spaces provided at Vail Vi1'lage Inn 20 spaces rented from Vai'l 21 8 spaces not needed by empioyees walking to work ^9 1Z spaces Total This plan provides for alternatives that are more easily monitored than an employee shuttle system. Enc'losed is a letter confirming spaces from Vai'l Village Inn, and an agreement with Vajl 21. Also enclosed is the latest employee survey which was sent out on Friday and results compiled today, showing some employees who wil'l walk or ride the bus to work. I am still pursuing the use of 20 spaces at the Vai'l GoIf course to provide for East Vail employees who would agree to use the Town bus system. Th'is would provide additional on site parking for pat'ients and visjtors. du,ttlrrnt;r'lI am also rfiuesting spaces from Vail Associates in their ski parking 1ot next to the t0h.:tgl^. I have contacted Chuck Boettcher at Crossroads and requested consideration for leas'ing 20 spaces. Chuck replied that he will meet with the new owners and I'm to get back with him in two weeks. A1 so, we have applied for a permit with the Forest Service to utilize Meadow Moun- tain as an off site parking area for Eagle-Vai1 employees. This option would require a shuttle and since it appears that we have reso1 ved the prob- lem with alternate parking I wil'l only pursue this if the Planning Cormis- sion requests. Deborah Jost Adminrstrator Mr. Tom Braun March 3, 1986 Page Two Tom Brjner will present the sketch you reviewed wjth us last week illustrating the valet parking. As you po'inted out, this plan allows for more snolv storage area, is easily contro'l 1ed, and is not an obstruction to patient and visitor park'ing. hle have already purchased three sets of park'ing gates and I understand that you want to discuss this with Ron Phi'l lips and perhaps ask the Fire Depart- nent to agree to gates. In addition, we will be hiring a full-time parking attendant (perhaps two depend'ing on jf the gates are approved or not). Final'ly, I would like to note that Lynn Voljter offered to lease the hos-pital the lot next to the Vail Professional Building. I presented that to you and your suggestion was that I not pursue it due to current zoning of that property. At present, it appears we have an alternate system in p'l ace that wi'l 'l medi ate everyone ' s concerns. Please call me at your earliest convenience to discuss these pl ans. I would like to attend any Town or P1 ann'ing Cormission work sessions pertain- ing to the hospita'l expansion. S i ncere ly , eXL/elaZ ?a,f- Deborah Jost Admi n i strator /1s Enc] osures: Ppc ,/,"/t? /,,2 -d,./t^ "/ /U -**(h p) ,/- lil-t't /"ffi #."'sttu t.z t/-iZZr' *rZ/2, o Ou^ 4u-?^ '/r* /"4L' 2d z'L /"/* furu hr) ?:aoo-* nA^*/ vae *47 o . \O \o /' - --; ^\<--9t L t Orq ox-r..-- \5^*K (r"Vr^+\ (.',,^*,I''-t^- !.-*f**k ,z 4z-r<./ .-.-+^-- t^+-\.,^I ,r:i *ft in^"^-+-*- u',\'110- U t9 ,./ I^ - ^-.'r*r,-,^.{;ryr, '''*o"-{ d"- l- ,h^^- {"t Po-< ' --''*'nt'!u ^l'""' ,n k\'.^n f *, ,,.$ ,J*, ,y,\* *_k \-euy- 1,r") "if 4, lnil\-'{ \t,J ,/ ,/ 'lL u'n-''t'/ ,y'.. Tf,ufrn t'f ,rl ,^ l, /'('/ | -4 vE1- c vcilvolley medicolcenter 4k:4?'* Adm'inistrator /1s l:'- '': !\ .r io1 .,r.{:r1 :,,.:,.:..:a... :t ,e ','a C :.'!(r., 51657)i3 ::a i :a1 D' :, ,':.'' C-- : --,,: Aai: - : r,a,' February 24, 1986 Mr. Pat Dodson Vail Recreation District Board Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage Road West Vail, C0 81657 Dear Pat: I would like to request assistance from the Vail Recreatjon Distrjct Board the use of 20 parking spaces during the daytime for ski season only begin- ning next winter. The hospital wou'l d shuttle only employees from East Vail from that location. Shuttle times will be established once we know if we have the space, and whjch of the 20 employees'living in East Vail Need that servjce. Approximate t'imes would be: 7:00 a.m., 7:30 a.m., and 8:00 a.m. pjck up. Return service wou1 d be from 3:30 p.m. every half hour unti'l 5:30 p. m. Thank you for consideration of this request. Si ncerel y, voilvolley medicolcenter 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 (303t 476-2451 Deborah Jost Adm nrstrator February 13, 1986 l'lr. Paul R. Johnston Mayor Town of Vai'l 356 Hanson Ranch Road Vail, Co 81657 Ladies and Gent'l emen: I come to you in the capacity of Chairman of the Board at Vail Valley Med'ical Center, with extensive service on this board all through its days of travail and its recovery. I take this means of talking with you, instead of the more conventiona'l appearance at your regular meeting, and compet'ing there with ora- torjcal ski'lls far more effective (or distracting, possibly) than mine. Our hospita'l has a problem that is going to be aired at your next meet'ing. I have some reluctance to enter into the discussions that properly reflect the concerns of those persons d'i rectly representing the Vail conmunity. I can only presume the right to contribute because of my association with the hospital and my conrmitment to represent the best interests of the total community which the hospital serves . hle]'l enough introduction and credentialling. The hospital rightfully takes great pride in having developed a commun'ity facil-ity that provides an essentja'l and near-indispensable service to the Town of Vail, which must have this service not only for its own residents, but for the many thousands of pay'ing guests who feel easier about coming here because they have the assurance that their personal we1 |-being will receive good care whenit'i s needed. The hospita'l is essential to the successful functioning of the Vail economy, as is any other servjce -- skiing, housing, din'ing, parking, shopping, etc. I am redundant in telling you this; you know it better than I. May I say, however, that the orderly p'l anned development of our hospital to provide expanded and'improved care, needs the fuI'l support of our cjv'ic lea- ders. There are, nonetheless, among the lower echelons of the Vai'l civ'ic Aov- ernment, those who for reasons impossible to understand, take an opposing atti- tude -- who openly proclaim their determination to impede the hospital . There i s evidence of th'i s. We, the hospital , openly admit to being at fault for failing to obtain the ear-ly approval of your Planning Cormission. It may have appeared to some that the hospital was in some competition for favor, forging ahead without consideration Town Counci'l February 13, 1986 Page Two for authority. It's unfortunate that we I'came through" in this manner. tle were actually do'ing what, in our we1 1 and long-considered decisions, appeared to be essentjal to our objectives of providing first class medical care to the cormun i ty . lle did -- initially convey our planning to your people; with the realjzation that there were certain statutorily required submissjons of p1 ans, on which we were obligated to negotiate for approval . t.{e asked for, but did not recejve the Planning Comnission recommendat'ion and approval '- we did, in waiting for formal approval , progress substantially with the development of the plans. Our mistake was in not insisting on an early resolution of these considerations.It'i s, therefore, understandable that there developed a perception that we were attempting an end-run around duly constituted authority, however unjntended it actually was. Asserting the error in our ways, and accepting the ob'ligation of the Planning Comm'ission to intervene, we offered our readjness to negotiate our way out of the arising impasse. And we did thjs with the staff of the Cormjssion, arriv- ing at a give-and-take solution acceptable to them. This solution was bluntly rejected at the appropriate Conmission hearing, in what appears to be an arbi- trary and capricious disapproval of the staff recormendation. This situation can be debated as to its re1 evancy, of course; but the cold, hard facts emerge and remain: o It is distinctly in the best interests of Vai'l that our hos-pital expansion be facilitated by necessary civic support. o It was not our intention to go the self-serv'ing route of benefitting only the hospital at the expense of the commun- i tv. A great amount of thought, research, experience, and planning have gone into our decision that the expansion program is needed, is pract'ical, and is finan- cially viable; we had to convince the Colorado Hospital Authority and our bond underuriters of these facts, and we did so effectively. l^le had proved first to ourselves that this was not an'impu'l sive, i11-advised endeavor: behind it a'l 'l is the management record of the last five years that brought the hospital out of financial doldrums into its envious position today as an unusually success-ful and effective hospital in the midst of a national ly prevalent t'ime of trouble for our peer hospitals, a'l I the whi1e serv'ing our community with increa- sing acceptance and satisfaction. hle confess to the shortcom'ing of our early progression. We welcomed the wj'l l- ingness of your planners to help us negotiate away the problems we had created. We resent -- yes resent -- the imposition of some personal prejudices at the Cormission hearing, so strong that they did indeed impede the so1ution of our problem, without even due process. Town Counc i 'l February 13, 1986 Page Three Ue ask now your deepest and fairest consideration of this dilenma: the imple- mentation of a benefit to the community vs. the imposition of restraints that can stop the project. If indeed this arrangement is something'less than the ultjmate good, there ought to be room for whatever variance that will serve the dominant good. Your lending of support to a cause, very valuable to your Town, would be thoroughly a statesman-like solutjon to such an impasse as we have reached. t regards, lVrk Chairman of the Board /1s I. a'') February 18, 1986 \r- \rAn Vlrt-.qcn IxN Village krr Plaza Condominiums \ The Honorable Paul Johnston, l.tra1zer: and ltle'rbers of the Toun Council of Vait ),ladam and Gentlenen: Shortly you will receive a reguest frcm tlre Board of Directors of the Vailvalley ilbdical center to overturn the plaruring cqnnission,s decision towithhold approval for their prans to expand their facirities. The- denial apparently was based on a disagreenent between the parties as fo.hovr rnany parking spaces ttre ocpanded ficility would require. althcughurqepenoent surveys suggested that tlrc hospital would have sufficient parklng,if policed' the Planning Conmission elected to relv on the Town of vaii zoniigordinance as it relates to parking. Three different stud"ies unguestionabllz conclude that the hospital needs toexDand, and to the ps! of my Jcrovdedge, there see'os to be no disagrreenenton !]9t score. t{hy is it t}tan that the Planning Conrnission is reveising itsposition in regards to parking for a facility ttnt is beinq built for tlregood of the cunnunity? If nenrcry serves ne right, the nnst recent aoprovals of the planning Ccnrnissionwere for clrrano's, the Red Lion addition, thJcasino Building, the Deli Buirding,and the Ore House building, where il all j.nstances l-00? parLinq variances had beengranted. We nnrst also cite the approval of the Sonnenarf,recleielornent schere,where a total of over B0 parking spaces were forgiven il- a l-008 variance. *" * applying separate standard.s to the "hivate for profit,' sector versus"Conrnunity Non-profit" deve lo.orent ? rf gnrests a1d enployges-of the private sector can use the parki'g structure,why not enproyees and visitors or tne vail va11ey Medical benter? itte, obvious pressure that the nelrr npr:ntain ocpansion proqram puts ongarkjng requirnents will put tlre sane pressure on our nredicaffacilities,leaving us no choice but to epand, whether ',,,e like it or not. Tlre vailVal1ey t"ledical Center, next toVail l4runtain, is the sirrqle rrcst jrportant operation in our conrmrnity, for locals and tourists alike. or.....have rueforgotlon Se 9ar1y years rnrten guests selected AsIEn over Vail because of Vai1,sIack of nedical facilities? In closing, I *S. you to approve tle plans as they are sulrn_i_tted, and notsurg're out tie VaiI Valley Medical Center because nrlrntajn and Brid.ge Streetdeveloprnent have caused new parking problems. ife have knom for years tlnt this (the parking problern) woul-d have to be addresseds@ner or later, but l.fail to see why it fr.s-to be brought r4> in corurection witha facility that is as inportant to the cornnunity as the .iista eann. 100 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 (3031 475-5622 ''""'t') VaulL cbarten defines conflict of irrterest as havingfinancial interest. By you donalilg yor:r tine andeffort, l{n.Affeldt, you in no lrEry have a-EffiIlct,, and I e}pect ]Du to rrcte affirmative for a better Vail. Yours very truly, o February 14, 1,986 '': The Vail Town Council c/o Mayor Paul Johnston 75 South frontage Road Vai1, C0 81657 'Dear Mr. Mayor and Members of Council, As a longtine visitor, and nor,r a resident of Vail , I would like to share with you ny strong support and encouragement of the proposed Medical Center expan- , sion. With the upcoming World Championships and the current revitalizationof Vail, Mrs. Head and I feel it imperative that we improve our medical facili.ties t'o keep up with the increasing demands placed on our comnunity. I I'le t.rust you will see the value of Vail facility and work with the hospital to comes a realitv. having a truly first class medical see that the proposed expansion be- N'.-",9* Head 4'UU /rhtl, C-o-wct-',.,-r,t14 ry /1rir,e Yours, Mr. and Mrs. Howard o GORDON G. BRITTAN Febnary 14, 1986. llenber of the Town Council, Vai1, Colorado. Dear Council Menbers : Orere can be no question as to the urgent need for the expansion of the Vail Valley Medical Center, lIhe parking problem shou,Ld be solved with the conplete io-operation of the Town of Vail and the ldninistration of the Meclical Center. I believe that a shattle progran shoulcl be adopted vhile other parking possibilities are being studid. By working together, this problbm, like naqr others, can and will be solub1e. lfith grourd-breaking cerenonies scheduled for this Spring, action should be taken at once. SincerelSry voilvolley medicolcenter 0ctober 1 - December 1-31 - 1983 - VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER EXPANSION PROJECT' T IMEL INE Presbyterian/St. Luke's Long-Range Plan Health Planners Inc. - 35 Beds needed by 1990 Herman Smith & Associates - 35 beds needed by 1990 Work Session - Planning Commission - Conceptual Drawings A) 0utline of project and timeline B) Discussion of no monjes for a parking structure C) Agreement to proceed with project and proceed working with p1 anning staff Fi'led the Letter of Intent for a Certificate of Need with theState Health Department A) Purchase of Tax-exempt Bonds B) Certifjcate of Need Hearing - approval given by State C) Discussion with Town Manager about requiring Town approvalof project as a condition for the sale of the Bonds 1984 - 1985 - September 9 - December-January- February - l,Jork sessions with Town staff to resolve parking February 9 - Planning Commission Agreements reached: 1) No further expansion without building a parking garage 2) Employees would not be given any payment incentives orpurchased passes to park in Lionshead. I 81 Wesl Meadow Drive Vaii, Colorado 81657 (303) 476 2451 Deborah J osl Adm n stralor 3) 4) Only 32 spaces would be designated for employee parking The hospital would provide a shuttle system for employees and pursue any other options (carpooling, valet parking, home pick-up & delivery, town bus service) O ,t >I 5.J{- The following includes the e'l ements that I feel should be incorporated into the n.itt"n agreiment between the Town of Vail and the Vai1 Val 1ey Medical Center.. This igreement-is designed to address the Medical Center's use of the mud lot and the "ilptovee shuttle iystem that wi'll be established to satisfy the facility's parking rebui-rements. I wluld propose that after your review, ll'"tg items be presented-to lebra Jost and her stiti tbr thejr review. If we are able to reach a conceptual ;;;";r;;i; i would incorporate them as conditions of approval when the expansion to if,e Medicil Center is reviewed by the P'l anning Commission on Monday, February 10- I would also propose that a formal wli tten agreement'i s signed by both parties p.r'ior [o tn" issuance of a building permit for the construction of the expansion' !h?n reviewing this draft, please-kbep in mind that it is conceptual and in need of imput from Larry before it is finalized. .T0: FROM: DATE: RE: Ron Phillips and Peter Patten Tom February 3, 1986 l'|ritten Agreement Between Town ll i ir L I Al'oo'-'l ^t" {\ '\3 .L/bi"/Lit Gh.L,i t\\$.l\', -of Vail and Vai l Valley MediQl Center USE OF THE TOWN OF VAIL ''MUD LqJ'' 1. The Town of Vail agrees to allow the Vail Valley Medical Center to uti'l .ize portions oi t-ot 10, Vail Village Znd Filing as a part of the Medical Center's Parking area. Z. The Vail Valley Medical Center agrees to prov'ide a minimum of 15 spaces for Town of Vail use within the main parking area. A system insuring Town of vai1 employees access to and use of these spaces shall be establ.ished. the iown of Vail shall reserve the right to review and approve this sYstem. 3. It shall be the responsibility of the Vail Val1ey Medica1 _Center to construct, landscape and maintain the parking area and related improvements located on Lot 10. 4. Town of VaiI reserves the right to terminate the Vai] Val|ey Medica1 Center's use of this area (tot fO), in the event that it is needed for future Town of Vail improvements. EMPLOYEE SHUTTLE SYSTEM 1 After review and djscussion concerning the issue of parking, both p""ti". agree that 220 parking spaces are required to meet the demands bi tt. existing facility as well as the proposed expansion.- Given the *46-spaces proujded on iite, there will be a shortfall of$4spaces 4ZT ipon completion of the expansion plans (these numbers may change siightty upon review of the final site plan). It'i s agreed that an "rpToy"i sinuttle system wjll be established to accommodate the required employee parking for this development. page two 2/3/86 Medical Center Memo 2. It shall be the responsib'ility of the Vail Valley Medical Center to establish and operate the employee shuttle system. The proposed shuttle system shall be presented to the staff and formally reviewed by the Planninq and Environmental Commission. The Town staff reserves the ,l.ffitheoperationofthisshuttlesystemanditshallbea..)- o.o",. +L-t {-1-\ reviewed M+ by the Plqnning Commission for compljancg wilh the .1,1 ,:1. }r,,,t^b o,-.- agreed upon,p,lans- ;'4. y''o* >f\ 4b '""iJ't;'-- / 4' /1.+'v1n''Vl ' n .. s7,;-1 'l tt t.^'"Ji *"-*t g. The shuttle'system would be required to operate only during the winter months. At those times when Vail ski mountain js not in operation, Medical Center employees would be permitted to use the Lionshead parking structure at no charge. When in operation, the shuttle system would be required only for those employees working the day shift. 4. The Vail Va11ey Medical Center agrees to provide on site al1 required park'ing congruent with the construction of any future expansion to thefacility. A1 1 required parking is to mean the 220 spaces as wel1 as any addit'i onal spaces result'ing from expansion beyond that indicated on the plans submitted for Planning Commjssion review by Fisher, Reese and Johnson on January 13, 1986. 5. This system is to be reviewed on an ongoing basis for compliance with the approved plan of operation. If the system is not operated as proposed, or does not prove to be adequate to meet the parking demandsof the facility, the hospital agrees to pnovide the total number of required parking spaces on site. 6. Vail Valley Medical Center agrees to not provide any reinbursement or compensation to employees toward the purchase of any type of parking passes in the Lionshead Parking Structure. In add'i tion, the Vail Va11ey Medical Center agrees to assume the responsibility of monitoring and control'l ing their employees'use of the shuttle system. '--T-Li/ j, rlrl\/' ii vlr rirl ii ,l o il.l ,n/ \ ,t\\-. l \l\---errvr.qv\ \\,^\\ t\ tG- -r' \'i 'ft*^ t \z ArT^\ 9a.-a -k, t \^-.*\"A /rr..d\..-{ =4 \a r1-,. /4^'*l C,*L-"i+ *,**i.^- \* W +L*- ."^Lw&--- '4 & )r'' ""var<J. r\e7'ffiS,^ <-,^, -.{*{\ ea*v.-\^,*3 iL , .-,^^rA- a- 10"^h i)^- 9f3\^'^.- LY'gr t * d -[^I QJ.",* , I+ Zi p.h\.^ \") r["\\ -{- \'t ""^- t,tX w I* T*,,^^- .-\ * h.o Lo".--' i* rJa. ^"--lJ' L2,-- b,-l ''Y o Lob +--\\-<^_ K.1 I f*Y-.-.r.-k.-\10 +t>-*\ 75 soulh hontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olf lce ol communlty development The following js a summary of the issues discussed at our meeting on January 29, .l986. In addition, I have included informatjon relative to the Town staff's posit'i on on a number of these matters. }Jhjle there js obviously some overlap, I have grouped the relevent issues under the fo1 |owing headings: SITE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES The addition of a handicap bus stop adjacent to the hospital's entry, or the relocation of existing stops along Meadow Drive, is being djscussed at the staff level . Changesin the existing level of bus serv'i ce along Meadow Drive would be made by the Public lJorks/Transportation Department. Iwill keep you abreast as to our decision jn this matter. It was agreed that the 20 space lot along Meadow Drive was to be removed from the plan with the landscaping in this area kept intact. 3. A sidewalk separated from the roadway connectjng the hospital entrance to the east and west ends of the property wi I I be shown on the revised landscape plan. 4- Drainage improvements wilI be provided with this redevelopment. Further clari fication of the precise natureof these improvements wilI be made through coordjnatjon with the Public Works department. 1. 2. January Ms. Oebra Jost Admi ni strator VaiI ValIey Medical Centel8l tdest Meadow Drive Vai 1 , Col orado 81657 5. The feasibil ity of locating the above grade oxygen storage tank on the property is being discussed at the staff level . There are obvious concerns among a number of Town departments with respect to this proposal . In addition, the Design Review Board would be responsible for reviewing the aesthetic impacts of any installation of this type. 6. A number of issues relative to the existing he1 ipad were discussed. lJhile this is an issue to be dealt with, I would consider this independent of the review process for the proposed hospita1 expans'i on. Additional dialogue is necessary to determine the nature of improvements needed to this facility. STATUS OF THE UMUD LOT'' l. The Town staff wj11 present the preliminary plan to the CounciI that shows this 1ot being incorporated jnto the hospita'l 's main lot. 0ur recommendation to the Council will be to allow you to proceed through the review process with this p1an. 2. It is understood that the hospital will construct improvements to thjs lot (paving and |andscaping) as well as maintain it. 3. The Town of Vail will retain the use of 15 spaces within the parking area provided at the Medical Center. We would request that you propose a system to be implemented that would insure Town employees' access to these 15 spaces. PARKI NG 1. The staff's position on parking is that a total of 220 spaces are necessary to meet the demands generated by the proposed expansion. lllhile it is our feeling that these spaces should be provided on site, we have conceptually agreed to a compromise solution involving the development of a shuttle bus/satel 1 i te parki ng system. 2. In evaiuating the parking situation, it is felt that the spaces provided on the site can accommodate the users of thefacility including doctors with the exception of other employees. Assuming 220 spaces are needed on site, minus the 146 spaces provided, there is a need to provide a shuttle system for 74 cars. Having acknowledged that 93 employees could be parked off-site (55 hospital employees and 38 physician employees), a maximum of 19 spaces on the site plan could be designated for some type of employee parking. This could accommodate those personnel that you feel must have parking avaj labii ity on site. To summarjze, the shuttle system must demonstrate how jt wjll accommodate 74 or more employees or vehjcles, since only 19 empioyee spaces can be accommodated on the site. , ,!t .,t ' ,/" J'I 3. The staff agrees that the medical center employeefhuttle system need only operate during the wjnter season/. Duri ng the time when the mountain is not open, employees may have the use of the Lionshead parking structure. .9 i' The medical center agrees to construct a parking structure to accommodate all required parking on site congruent with the construction of the next expansion to the facility. We would also require that this agreement be included in our formal written agreement. The staff would reserve the right to monitor the operation of the shuttle system/parking situation. This rev'i ew would be done throughout the year and formal 1y reviewed annually by the Planning Commission for compliance with the agreed upon p1ans. Staff would propose that language be included jn the agreement that if the system js not working and parking problems develop on site, that the Medical Center agree to construct the required parking on site. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL NEEDED 1. It was agreed that a revjsed landscape plan would be submitted by 5:00 pm, Monday, February 3rd. This plan should indicate the addit'i on of a sjdewalk, the deletion of the 20 space lot along Meadow Drive, and finalize a location for an attenciant's booth or control gates for regulating parking use. 2. A written statement from you indicating how the shuttle system would be structured, as well as what employees would be shuttled, to meet the minimum requirement of 74 employeesto be parked off site as needed. As this may be diffjcult to formulate by Monday, I would suggest that we meet early next week to discuss the contents of the written agreement concerning the parking/shuttle system and the use of the mudlot. I would ljke to reach some preliminary concensus concerning the contents of this agreement as early as Possi bl e. While we have agreed to the concept of the shuttle system, it is your responsibility to formalize these arrangements and present jt to the Town. Time constraints obviously make it unlikely that this could be accomplished prior to the Planning Commission review of February 10. Assuming that we have agreement on this concept, I would propose that it be made a condjtion of approval when this proposal is reviewed by the Planning Commission. The specifjcs of the shuttle system could then be revjewed in detail by the staff and the Planning Commission when formal arrangements are finalized. Details to review would include the locatjonof the satellite parking, the hours of operation, number of people to beshuttled, as well as what system is proposed to regulate the useage of thelot provided on site. Thjs can be discussed further early next week. 5. I apprec'i ate your wi] |'ingness to make the above mentioned modifjcations to your site p1an. I feel that we have reached a compromjse that, if successfully implemented, will mitigate the anticipated parking problems resulting from this expansion. I look forward to meeting with you next week to work out the details of this arrangement'i n greater detajl. Si ncerely,ffi Town Planner TAB: bpr cc: Ron Ph i |1 i ps Tom Briner Hi l ary Johnson Peter Patten "AGEIJDA Regular l'leeting Vail t'letropo'l itan Recreation District Board of Directors Thursday' February 13' 1986 Recreation Department 3:fl) P.ll. .-^ ar\n"dn' kl'' \Ntfl 1. Cal'l to Order 3:00 PH. 2. Approval of Minutes: 1-9-86 (1 minute) 3. Cross Country Ski Report - Barb Masoner (5 minutes) 4. Unaudited Year-End-Report - Charlie l'lick (5 minutes) 5. Salary Increases for VMRD Regular Emp'toyees. TOV personne'l rules for longevity and merit increases - Charlie }Jick (15 minutes) 6. Peter Looms Contract - 18 month revised - Peter Looms (10 minutes) 7. Clubhouse Remode't - Peter Looms (10 minutes) A. Space allocation - see attachedB. Bid Process - see attachedC. Time Schedule - see attached 8. Fall Ridge Parking Spaces - Pat Dodson (5 minutes) 9. 1986 Goals - discussion (15 minutes) 10. Vail Yalley Medlcal Center - Parking at Clubhouse (see attached) Rick Pylman (5 minutes) (Srq -* "*^p[1""5) ll. Employee evaluation form - see attached (10 minutes) 12. Contracts: Director of Golf, Head Go'lf Pro and Director of Tennis nni ctung"s, deletions or additions to contracts (15 minutes) 13. Golf and Tennis passes - design & advertisement procedures - Lori (5 minutes) 14. Approval of P0's. (1 minute) 15. Ben Krueger Report (10 minutes) 16. Executive Session as needed. 17 . Adjournment - 5:30 PM ATTACHMENTS: Minutes 1-9-86 Space al'locations B'id process Time Schedule Vail Va]'ley I'ledical Center - Deborah Jost Evaluation Form December 31, 1985 Gen. Ledger and Accts Receivable voilvolley medicolcenter Shuttle drop off: 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 February 3, 1986 Mr. Pat Dodson 292 West Meadow Drive Vai1, Colorado 8i658 Dear Pat, In fight of our expansion project, the Hospital would like torequest consideration from the Vail Recreation District Board for oui- useage of the golf course parking 1ot during ski season to shuttle employees Monday through Friday. The transport times and car 'loads would probably be scheduled as follows: Monday thru Friday Shuttle Pick up:7:00 am 7:30 am 8:00 am 8:30 am 9:00 am 3:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm The numbers of cars involved would be approx'imately 100. The hospital would be responsible for snow remova'l in the lot. I understand your Board does not meet until February 11 and cannot foryt9'l'ly vote until thm. I appreciate your trelp rith this and I amavailab'le to you or the Board if more imformation is needed. Best Regards,dMw Admi n i strator cc: Ron Phi l1 ips , Town Manager Tom Braun, Town Planner dj:sc Deborah Jost Administrator AfltA t'.---..l.- / lOWn-[lf-ailPcommunityDweropmenrDeparrment €" o..^-. \ T U. ,.71n,'.9 * 7'/n;^7 5+,tut/po*4, h",v{ol tl"ll' L- u:"n-f l* l}, /t,,'-Ly"'l '^ . '4t s; l<'' " - 1,,*.Lt^1 - .,+r^ s*'1^o'*'-.,'\5 - Q*1"' f t'b I o o^o^ --t -.\ &--o;\ , ;Lk *''L "^'Q t""^-l'.,'/l *(^'^--l^''--,t1"+ I .l*.*"1' -f sl'^!^'lt' .-^ -,^--)+LA'\^"&- ^-.r* 1 ":0'- l^nh^tnt 5.! Q.,-drt'^x - q'^u.-\ 'd\..^\*l' ----f <r*r9 d:, r,"t't /rlrq* Jl."r\...*.- 6{t..^\n'^t .\ coan^ltlrot .'t" !\'un'tt tik.' Ytl c""L 0;t' ){\ "\"'rrr*:1*u5t*t -) 1..*\-^L _tg$qft$$l-I '\':'h:.i:"-:.&uh n .,,, d ^wd"1f*!*;....* A(h.ltr--.)dr / lUWn-nfliilly' community Development Deparrmenr >o j?- ',]3 -t\''l j"-L: !Y-?-*V'R- e*6 roo*'a o-*{',"\';tt1r\.F*' e \ ' '\-\ (-- Y t t^'- \ p.^,.. 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A!.!-.ro & t'*tL\*t )g -b--\-'r ?39 '*^\.,r { f.r"''^J \ o D L.?.\-\ o'-{.'1.", (*}'^*."\'*\"^, .'oLa','^"'.'!) \63 $|lr-*-0|*.Y:-*i*- (t" l *'") o4 . r ! z \-EJ\.,1Jr.-l L vo'..,' ,'*'-o\ # .}o-!"t: len r \ ;"t.r-^'"'{qtt' ("' 't '--'L "^'i'- r'er'^a) .- ?..r r^..3'\-[' ;"{" t +-\.\ o--{.1.,' '- .JV5!' 't*1* lss - 1)t 5s \i-\fl Bzs'' \1 1"t'rt^\ 'to -\ "*1,o'^'-'- 3.. kLo-'-- Jt [-rE.\.t ti \AJ 6\ i-::j/- ) hilnll tailly' community Deveropment Department C \r^rc- 91*. t *fs\r.j c- L&'Jno^ q t .r)1 ---Y- \ SLls tt\ \\\qL ,oY**'" \ Bbt\o *9&.*l ea€\.\-\ .;1 in.L& ^( ; \::ap .r(*k A ut^tt- €.R afi<:rt 'LL "f':*(;"u Kr q ,tg --\ -\ ( [.",1. *.1'"')q:\}9 t\ D]\ , o !) -aglr'^ D.-kS -C..n'^- ra I,i s=r I I I 'i@ I I I ! i I I i I iu'r - Cor.-<ll*- '.-,\ f\ .r1llarcC <',6 t{A-,* tB -.''.l L*!""- .--/-J (- * \.rr^^'.1 '+ -\. \".- /o V, $i r,c- lnfi^^,.,{-,^.& t\0 l^* Gt (A -_-td."oki1 0.o, d^ \ L.... - t:.4'.--.- +^-sAr-^-1..*7 \ nAc6^.-- \JtjL *-" *a e4 b 7tnp.t.L */" ctr^- f** -k.k*- >T,,-s tr* ,J t*L L l^ I ll -+"*r tL ,ann,l i--(\ 7/P A[ry T.1sh /'&'L4 why^L V*' ,+f oliwi r,t(' q }|^' %1"^ </Z' a-a *tt 5rt<< s, il\*")* \- L -,'*,k :r +{ \.L- ' * da\ c2- l-Jr*t \oI^\ *[^.r,^.e ,t..& +- , L*L 5-,t'-- t {,r,- T^-\nU^' tl* +-^ k.^* .^-,"1- ttrr-i^1. lD /4/:. N"L t -, trv ..- t'e- c,."^ '^t^\<hr,- f0,'I ;..01 J*t,^* Lil, o t*[- Z*1^*^ J- ; LW\Hfl a,J :*{ _ :i v I o tL&t- t$g_ _ .- o v.^ t .!$-^ o 9tt"w+-; "."r. t I i -ft i =-i ry Q*Ary g- f*-,{ -L^, *"";U" 4-d" -444-. :-_.---c)-.,:f- ?7 -.'- 1- l:L co- -.-1_ 5-<4 ,Q7Sr.ro-..4*=-F'l{ .i i--+t----------, L{r? -5-\./AL,,*:nr-, s>.("4': U cy'-"(- ^-q *-., -1"' Gl.- ; il- ,-'-^''"''*- '-t c rt-L.; ltr* 4 ^7,(t-q*c-e-zyv-o-fi .f o \-""!"\*.^\ "\l----'14c4i o o !f t\-"f . *JL_ J-tt^- * oo.o .L 5' &<--*r.^-9--\</4',tL D"r,-, /,"-L*J. C^N^t c-^IA- Jb, !r!$k Il'/. I /L..44ow..€r F -Vo I / PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY:'i1 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: INTER-DEPARTI,IENTAL REVI EX DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING \ PUQIIC I,IORKY Reviewed by: Corunents: @ @ B€ ts-z'"/ov?o ( r/ta fot4z;l Q tdc /2ft xr"tc z1' Reviewed by: Comments: Date POLICE DEPARTT4ENT RECREATION DEPARTMENT .Reviewed by: Connents: lr\h,c oM,L-,* -l- L! ln. ?L^* ^^ L L^r,"^b^\-) ^^- *{.'n ,["*=-U' * .'. - il*-) Date (n 02A/^,46? 4tva p/ Zcf /./^re. t%o<a, .+.oNc qt. rVOjAut /e€t'.o c4Aa e / O.Q fre ,tn/Zoue.tt>yZ j / Stuo..u Szoer?cg / qr4As- .rS $€p€,t E ? (.,t. r?Aet+r>a rq . ,/eeQ<r,+za' f.lea^te ? FIRE DEPARTMENT Date Date + dlr F--z2*o- Et trEt-ll'rGdG oUlJ, z7o<:-\ts- 6=o< "{ ^ ^"." ')l 1,1/'' 4i "l\.'{''\ r* t " {'.4 +{' " i^i'''u\ ;\o ltJI]Llro 6zsIa -o. € J F o.aoI oz FLx UJ :- '* _}.. tf'\ -n' \1,1 '..,"..\),- (su UJ =Go =oo lrJ =For-- I ill :F i\tiL-- 1lit- LU \.-- r2/ L8/85 *ffiffirioil,i?!i.'!Efif,* 3.8.| 'l ac or 166,007 sq ft 49,219 sq ft or 29% of site 21,281 sq ft or'12% of site lacking required interior parking lot landscaping \ gc\l ++64- 7 ,648 sq ft sq ft 134.7 spaces 19 33 22.9 209.6 spaces @ l/150 =)ZA spaces @ 1/200 = 38.2 Site Area Site Coverage(with proposed addition) (with proposed addition) Proposed development gLLh)addition (""t- o-00'\"^- v ""'\*1) beds 30clinic 6,612 sq ft sports medicine 12,2?8 . .\ hospi ta l .r--r a r 34-591 / r-rrrz -!J'). ---.:-53,431 sq ft total net f1 oor area 9'lOj\ *Parkj ng Existjng Requirements: hospital 20,209 sq ft @ l/150 sq ft :t* beds 19 0 l/bed clinic 6,612 sq ft 0 l/200 sq ft sports medicine 4,580 sq ft @ I /200 sq ft Required with Proposed Development lst floor: hospital administration sports medi ci ne 2nd floor:hospital 13,118 sq ft @ 1/150 = 87.4 :t* beds I I r4' Total required with proposed expansion 359 Exjsting spaces provided 176 Proposed spaces with new plan 143 Oeficit -216 sPaces * Assumes the use of the existing sports medjcine will require parking when addition is completed.** Need to clarify bed count/room. / COMMUN I TY , Bloominqton i-tl e Minnesoia T0: Vail Valley Medical Center File DATE: January 10, 1986 RE: Survey of parking requirements from other communities for hospitals and medical centers The following parking requirements are taken from zoning codes of a sampling of different communities. These examples are fnom information prov'i ded by surveys done by the American Planning Associat'ion in 1980 and 1982. Nine of the 30 cjties surveyed are included in this table. These nine were selected becauses they included requirements for both doctor/medical offices and for hospitals. In these cases, as in the case with the Vai'l zoning code, parking requirements \-.'.- .-^0.-L\"L \.-o.L -* G.^r,^-{+'-- ?.7"-t'; are different for these two uses. -a,^.- ^ &A-.\,* , "&Ar\.*\ ?^^k.t., lc,.^-^\ \^."^ t^,+.L'k- { T".^'1n.1-\r* a,..j:,..n,r "!^^k;^., REQUI REMENTS Hosoi tal l/bed + l/each employee and staff €__ Cl inic \ ffi?for or dentist 'r 12 + 1/each staff doctor,,+ |,/each empl oyee o -,,, Hosoi ta l ral\) 31b\) )\ exam _ day shift l/.|000 sq ft GFA CENTER EXPANSION PLANS 000000000000ej\ lo6 000000000 7 !l G 5\ - l,as .- < - ^,r ! - | ts't dF \(rO- t .14{ir' @ lr 1'r- Corval 1 i s, 0regon Fairfax County, Virginia Clinic T7300-sq ft cFA Hospi tal'| /ea 2 beds +.l .5/ea emer room table or bed + l./each employee other than doctors + I /staff doctor Clinic 4/ea exam room l/ea doctor & employee 00000000000 r L.{ 0000 0000 /;0ooo Eg -1 q \L g L o1 '\ 5.si.t 5s )u 7 1.1c-.\ It )\ ;..,w,^b.t Mountain View California 51 l,li ndsor, Connecti cut nL\ Co 1 umbus , Georgi a Hopkinsville, Kentucky yr El khart, Ind. Hospi tal.__-l/ becl Cl inicIEo-sq ft cFA Hospi tall/room ,l+l/ea 3 beds to +1 /ea 2 employees Cl in'ic TE6-sq ft Hospi tal 'f /bed tt Cl inic IZbb-sq ft cFA rluo 2/ea doctor or d.nti.t rrt" Hosp itall/2 beds Clinic 7T56-sq ft ern Hospi tal'll3 beds 000c00000 000000000 1{ nnnnnnnnn \ a Kvvvvv\,vvv 2*__:.- - -._, t( *tsr 1-, 000000000 I t io 5/ l.r c,nnnnnnnnn I L Dvvvvvvuvv .zt.Ja-o t 000000000 )t 000000000 q.k, crt -...-tc\ 000000000 | s- 000000000 11! i'-J) Lt rogL1 :TL lv' 3 \"\ 3t=) te4 si 5t': L area .15 - 2.1< ro 000000000 a1)(- .-7 + l/ea 2 employees, -sfff,rr,11- 3p5le{5-igia g-doetor s l,\ Cl inic li 4/ea dFTF-denti st *. ',-L V ooooo0o00 +l /-ea-emtrlsyee-on-max s h i f t Cl earwater.4'-..1)' Ft0rlqa .J ,,4 Jo1 i et, i \" il l. l/ea staff doctor + 1/ea 2 employees includ nurses on max shift Cl ini cffi'Ft dr + 21s7'-"mployee Hosp i tal o0ooooooo _'j-"-t57 000000000 i,, t l4 h0'11-^,e- *')'t 'r.'L 000000000 + ,. c^-1c ,y' -51 Mounta l/4 beds + l/staff dr+ 1/ea 2 employees Clinic 1/150 sq ft floor t\ {-t+t\ q.'t} \s.'}- (..r}-'t----4- .- ') \-i \ l= \\r.t'r'i '-\i^+ '1..r \'.'"" ",."'F(^'') \'5-t'r,-^i? -qr€ -rl zo o. Id d\ (i t\ $. r L oqt t t \:p{ r ilp el (L A'zA (r4tlil4 I 3oJ y1 IU m *J-'i D, J.,{-+(,: d 4{,)', i '2itln('T zVint!'(> 41 i./.-j t II .$ ., o/' -r I n\[t e ' n s,QQTt:st .i3c;! ,te +-ltL -a rr tr t-t,'6d s.lrl-2t-cf+It 3,\-./ t FFnA1E -frA "ol)) 1(V)o, i\JU ; 1{ s- t -1I t.'t <t / /( t Sl g 9^ J -/e' 4 \\Bn 3\s' --l' ) { 11 dc\ :lol '04,I,l .41 i!l JIal*l , al \-lt riIr * : t;4hA 0) r Q 'jH ? 4o / \A a,.li eu \'*7l'- ?- t .' a4d.oYL. 'aAnF | .-3 o (t-,( F, 8-<Vs( o * rla$l :r 3\ 'jrlz a) { CY J :t c\ F F i't ,'\ lr al ,'(---\-/ A1€AI I Jl .---JI /"-4 1:,I \- llcE\ \,--, /l-\ / /,' / L-\Y ,/ l€-.<--.../- --t r-lli i\- t "t '-\={\ r' ,G \,n,'t _.--il q. €1r-avrt i-: -. N ^-. " \ q_"r_ d { )(.Ia 5 il 'lJ./l i,bt2-(i1*.J *4 a\ -, o- 'al-/ lif r,'5 G) ICz Yp .4. J oJ !-tqa_C/ 1{! tlir=. ._uJ C irr . :<t#.{ i _4+?{i g'tl)& I [T-+t3 I $\ -+ c./ 2l ) fv' $n ? lt)\t-.. c'( e .{lri'3!ni , udt?r ^ s ?.9jnl'Yq\lJ DA \l t) ''t'-.,t F a) ,IJ ,* I7I I '*.\'04 .Al)l.t' (- \0'-(3' \^ Y^==-t I.? 4x{ [-aIC1A?=qG -L ffv h, nt,!- + ttI ir L '{ + i t]r7 " '+"t 6rrrAfi -Yl A\ Jil C.II F11q {! Qe,l I 1'J1 F+ ! q tJ,e { 'q -T-* 4JquO\1."r---*--r :?1+1tEC a '9,). R4 d-+-l *4 v\ Ij, Jp 2r( --r GI e ) 1.r jl oDjl \$" .4 I I ( f 'YIv ,v I (q 7 .,1 a t j. 6 t't .4 ar F (J ,/\ _\/ f\:;.t\I r .li''--rL)e'l= \ k-- /l=\i,.tt-\i ',/ l€\..-L-J -:-c=o -E E fX ''rbN t\ {'' -,1 N IrIr{ J j1. t? -s: )tr+ >e/ J *_ ^l II\J U ^V,-.Af!r I :F x tt I a\ .a\ \ I L }IE \ J,/ I J-\\r'. / t.=t\-J-l -:=E e .{ I 4)r q4 i U r\+, r td'dtA + ':-9i y 4(>)"t.lra "Z {& T 3ot 444, t. (+{i1i 1r; ?,oq 4. 1x.r O o VAIL VALLET MEDICAL CENTER PARKING NEEDS As lndicated by the Conparatlve Parking Requirenents For Hospitals and Medical 0fflce BuiIding, a copy of which is attached, it is dlfflcull to assess the parklng needs of one facllity to another fac1llty by conparing the existing codes and standards. To better understand the actual parklng needs of Vall Val1.ey Medlcal Center the hospiial nade a survey of the existing parking lob to deternine how nany people used the 1ot and for rhat purpose. The survey was conducted fron August 28, 1985 through Sepfeuber 2, 1985 and enconpassed all three work shifts of hospltal employees. The three work shifts are 7:00 A.M. To 3:00 P.ll.,3:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M., and 11:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. The survey ras conducted froo ?:30 A.M. with a count of cars in the lot fro& the nlght shift, and extended to 8:00 P.M. to account for both day and evenlng shifts. The following addltionaL infornatlon 1s relevant to the survey: 1. The back parklng Iot, (adjacent to existlng Sports Medlcine) rhich provides 22 parking spaces was closed during the study. Z. Access to the parking 1ot ras not conlrolled. t{het vlsitors parked ln the 1ot for other than hospital business, they were not asked to nove their cars. 3. During the period of the survey, there were at least l0 enpty spaces at all Llnes. This included the tine of shift changes, cars that had no afflllation or business at bhe bospital, vlsitors and regular hospital' staff. 4. There are 13 physlci.ans who have prlvate offices Iocated wlihln the hospital. Their hours of operation are 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 5. Even though the lot was nol controlled, the naxinum number of cars in the lot at any tlme was 130. This included patients, doctors, visitors and un- authorized parking. A copy of parking survey ls aftached. The present slte wlth the erpansion wiLl accoBnodate 1ll8 parking sLalls. 0f these,20 are for doctors parking. It is felt that nith the use of a parking aLtendant tbe unauthorlzed parking can be ellninated. This leaves 128 parking stalls for patients, visitors and enployees. Allowing 55 stalls for the naximun enployee shift (ski season) wil.1 leave 73 stalls for turn-over parking for patlents and visllors. The parking survey lndlcat,es that the average tine of stay for patients and vislfors ls fairly consistent at slightly less than 60 rnlnubes. The average parklng tine required for hospital buslness trips is approxinately 30 uinutes. Assurning the average length of stay, (including hospital business trips) to be 60 nlnutes for turn-over parklng the 73 turn-over parking stalls r.rill, during an I hour period, acconnodate 584 cars. At naxinun capacity, the parking for an 8 hour period for patients, visitors and employees nould acconnodate 639 cars (55 + 584 = 639). Tith the separation of the Doctorsr parklng lot and an attendant contrjol led nain parking area, the '1 48 stall parklng will Eore bhan accomnodate the actual parklng needs of Vail VaLley Medical Center VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTSR Following ls a breakdown of exlstlng faclltty Gross Square Feet and a breakdown of Gross Square Feet for the proposed expanslon. The area of SportE Medlclne 1s lncLuded wlth area of Physiclans 0fflces and Clinics. EXISTINC FACILITY . 19 BEDS HOSPITAL PHISICIANS OFFICES AI{D CLINIC TOTAL FINST LEVEL SECOND LEVEL Sub-Total Anbulanee Building Tola1 - Existing FaciLltY PROPOSED EXPAT{SION TO 30 BEDS BASEMENT FINST LEVEL SECOND LEVEL Total 29,250 5,9\5 35,'195 tf ,760 39,955 HOSPITAL 12,658 13,135 13,'165 38+228= 15,245 15 r?\5 15,2\5 29,250 2],190 50,440 4, ?60 55,200 PHTSICIANS OFFICES .OND CLINIC TOTAL SQUARE FEET AND PNOPOSED 3,965 12,658 17,100 13,'165 =a=2:=9jf= 98,'t23 TOTAL BUILDING GROSS OF EXISTING FACILITI EXPANSION FoJ.loulng ls a breakdown Medlcal Staff Enployees 78 ' 913 of Medlcal Staff and 32 Off Season TotaIB Skl Season Total !{ax Shift-m'd- -E- ? o6E_J_Lr---!- 19,2't0 Eoployees: Max Shlft VAIL VALLEY tilEDICAL CENTER PARKING SURVEY August 28 through September 2, 1985 #0F AUTOS t{OLIDAY }IEEKEND REASON DATE DATE DATE DATE AVG. # OF AUTOS PER DAY AVERAGE TII.IE PER STAY 153 47 52 77 40 35 ?4 73s-- Employees 8-31Patients 8-31Visitors 8-31 Dr. Visits 8-31 Hosp. Bus. 8-31 Emerg. Rm. 8-31 Unauthorized 8-31 9-1 9-1 9-1 9-1 9-1 9-1 9-t 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 54.3 6.7 hrs. 55.12 min. 59.71 min. 57 .72 nin. 38.16 min. 53.57 min. 16.52 min. AVG. # AVERAGE OF AUTOS TI''IE PER DAY PER STAY f0F AUTOS UEEKDAYS REASON DATE DATE DATE DATE 258 130 109 347 158 36 88 Trrs 8-30 8-30 8-30 8-30 8-30 8-30 8-30 9-3 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 64.50Empl oyees Patients Vi s i tors Dr. Visits Hosp. Bus, Emerg. Rm. Unauthorized 8-28 8-29 8-28 8-29 8-28 8-29 8-28 8-29 8-28 8-?9 8-28 8-29 8-28 8-29 7.1 hrs. 57.10 min. 53.14 min. 52.50 min 26.I0 min 65.42 min. 20.10 min. COMPARATIVE PARKING REQUIRWENTS FOR HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDINGS HOSPITAL PHYSICIANS OFFICES A}ID CLTNICS SPACES REqUIRED Vv}{C H(PANDED TO 30 BEDS PEYS]CIANS OFFICES HOSPITAL AND CLINICS TOTAL Denver, Colorado: I sta1l/600 GSF Aurora, Colorado: I BtaLl-/ 2 Pat Beds +l sra11/Med Staff +l sta11/2 Enp. Colorado Sprlngs, Colorado: stal1/ 300 stal1/ 400 stal1/6 Pat.Beds I stall/200 GsF stau/lted. sraff stal1/2 Enp. I I 180 145 GSF GSF It6 97 64 48 I +l +l I +l 9687 183 123 74 99 1r9 t26 t26 Colorado Publ1c Ilealth: Wyoning PubLic Health: Dept, tlealth & Human Servlces (Federal ) Logan County, I1l1nois: Florlda * South Mlaml: Dade County: Mi.anl: Broward County: Orange County: Tallahasse: 2 stalls/Bed 1stall/Bed +1 stall/Day Shift Enp. I stal-1/Bed+l staU/Day Shift Enp. -NA. -NA- -NA- I stall/400 GSFstall/ 3Pat. Beds stal1/3 Empl. 85 9248 70 85 44 53 60 85 60 85 96 96 1.75 sta1l/Pat. Bed I sta[/Pat. Bed +1 stal1/3 Enp. & Resident staff 1.5 8ta11/Beal 18ta11/Pat.Bed +l stall./1000 SF 1 sta11/Bed 1stal1/Bed 1 stalU275 GSF -NA- I eta11/450 GSF -NA- I sralL/200 GsF I sta11/200 GSF 74 4) 119 30 30 44 Cooparatlve Parklng Requl.reoente For Hoegita1a and lledlcal Offlce Bulldtngs Page 2 * From Report by Davld Plun'nor and Aeeocl.atee for South Mlaut Hoepltal dateil Revl.sed D,ecenber, 1984. Note: Other facllltlee were coqared honever, thelr parklng code requirementa were the eaoe or leee then the facllltlee ooted above. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER APPLICATION FON A VARIANCE II1. A.The variance requested ls for The zoning ordlnance requires 1. Exlsting Hospital Hospltal Addition space/patienb bed space,/ 150 NSF on-81te parklng on-slte parking 22,107 (18.52.100 C1 & C9). as follows: NSF NSF NSF =30 = 258 288 2.Existing Medlcal Medical Offlces 0ffices Addltlon 7,181 NSF 3,983 NsF 11,164 NSF' 1 space/200 NSF TOTAL PARKINC NEQUIRED PANKING TO BE PROYIDED q( 344 148 III. A. 1 . III .A.2. I1I.A.3. No effect. The requested variance does not relate to other existing or potential uses and structures in the viciniby. The use of ihe structuFes is intended to renaln as hospltal. and nedical office use. There ls nlnor lncrease ln occupanL load due to the building addltion. There are no other sites in the vicinity wi.th hospi-tal and nedLcal office use therefore conpatibllity and unifornlty of treatnent 1s non-appIicable. The parking needs for Va11 VaIley Medical Center (Hospltal and Medical 0ffices) is presented in the attached paper tVail Valley Medical Center Parking Needsn. By survey lt is denonstraLed thal the parking to be provlded ls adequate for the expanded facility if unauthorlzed parking 1sprevented. This vould be acconplished by an attendant durlng peak deuand. The attached paper on Parklng Needs shors parking requirenents by other Jurisdictionfs and thelr effect if applled to VVMC. This further denonstrates that the parking proposed for VVMC is adequate for the building uses. ,| 2. 3. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER BUILDING DESIGN The building forn and nass ig deternined by the functional requirenenls of the second floor patlent care units and tbe linitations ioposed by the 81be. It will not be feasible to expand horizonfally 1n the future therefore the bullding addltion 1s designed for verlical expansion of tno nore floors plus a nechanical equipnent penthouse and a roof-top helistop. The roof therefore is level in order to becone the third floor in the future. The fenestration at the second (and future ftoors) is a borizonial strip uindow approach !o reduce the vlsual-scaIe of the bullding nass. Thls nindow approach also provldes the roaxlmun window area for the patlent rootns and therefore the naxinun achievable vie$s as well as enhanclng the aLnospbere wlthln the roons. Bulldlng vold and recess spaces are provided at the first floor ln order to lessen the iopact of the bullding nass on the site' to create lnterest and to further visually reduce the scale of the building. The building Eaferlals are face brick to natch or be conpatible wiih thal of the exlsting bulldings, tinted insulated vision glass and spandrel glass ln pernanodic flnlsh aluminum frames, and board forned concrete fo natch that of the existlng buildlngs. In an effort to naxlrnlze t}.e on-sLte parking of this llnited slte there results a restricted anount of green space. This needs to be very carefully deveJ.oped by a landscape architect in order to achieve a very sbrong landscape statement. 4. 5. 6. VIIL VALLET MEDICAL CENTER IREA TABULAIION BASET.IENT rIRST LEVEL 3,690 f,SF i 5,260 3,708 12,658 CSP 3,965 5,274 1,82tl 13,165 GSF 42t923 GSF }IECHIIIICAL EQUIPI.IENT TIIIFIIIISBED stAlns, connlDons, SEAFTS & Sf,NUCTURE SPOMS UEDICIIIE PSTSICAL flIENAPI AII.IIIIISTNATIVE SENVICES LOBEIS, ConnIDOnS, STAInS, VESTIBULES, SHAFTS, PUBLIC TOILETS & STNUCTUNB LSVEL f,UNSING CANE 21 }|ED-SU8G & 4 IITITISIVE CANE BOILDIIIG DGSF DGSF lf sF a COMMUN ITY . | ^ 81 oom'i ngton 2(l * Mi nnesota ..,, Conval 1is, Lo ( 0regon Fairfax County, .* Virsinia 000000000000*]\ IOO 000000000 1? l/1000 sq ft GFA Clinic lZ00-sq ft cFA Hosp i ta II ,/ea 2 beds +1 .5/ea emer room table or bed + l/each employee day other than doctors + l,/staff doctor ClinicilEl-Txam room l/ea doeter & employe-e 0000 0000 /.0000 E5 )L T0: VaiI ValIey Medical Center FiIe DATE: January 10, 1986 RE: Survey of parking requirements from other communities for hospitals and medi cal centers The fo1 lowing parking requirements are taken from zoning codes of a sampling of different communities. These examples are from information provided by surveys done by the American Planning Assoc'i ation in 1980 and 1982. Nine of the 30 citjes surveyed are included jn this table. These nine were selected becauses they included requirements for both doctor/medical offices and for hospitals. In these cases, as in the case with the Vailzoning code, parking requirements are different for these two uses. 3n. ^&&..\"*, .&&r\"^\ ?--k^l !.-.'.A.- \^." \.-.^ .-^0.-9.^\"L \.o.L .- g"^\iL\- ""\ {".^r1".1-\r*- €,.1 ,'ro,r "?^^k;^1 G.^v-^{-;",.- ?"7.-*" CENTER EXPANSION PLANS 3\ - \,&' 5. S - *^.rY- .*? "- L! rbo- 5/7"'\.'. a r''- Zttt" @ laa\) j'{ b n} )\ exam f4 REQU I REMENTS Hospi tal l/bed + 1/each emplo and staff Clinic S/doctor or dentist 5\12 , + l/each staff doctor.' + l/each employee yee Vg shift ,.::T"- ooooooooooo -'11 \L g Lo1 "\5 s t9.i ft,t t t.i a 435 5 + '" )1't L ';'-- !'f 1'c' Mountain View California r51 lrli ndsor, Connecti cut .L1,\ Col umbus, Georg i a \1\ Hopkinsville, Kentucky yr El khart, \b5 Ind' Clinic 1ft6-sq ft cFA Hospi talI/ro-'om ,l +l/ea 3 beds to +l/ea 2 employees Hospi tal l/3 beds Cl inic -ll l5o sq ft Hospi tal I /bed 1/200 sq ft GFA r11'ro Z,/ea doctor or dentist rrrL Hosoi talTUEs- TTlTsq ft 000000000 i I ,a{000000000 B::t-F tsq 000000000 )a lo 5, l'r a000000000 ' a o L?1 000000000 )t 000000000 qk a,rl -..1-lc\ 000000000 | s ,3.L l'f1 j \x\ )t:) tPe 5g + l/ea 2 employees, ffi,57t.rt €Jrd+4€i+j.te€ldee+or s 4/ea dr or dentist y/14 000000000 +1 /-e+-enployee-onn-ax sh ift l/ea staff doctor + 1/ea 2 employees jnclud nurses on max shift GFA rl-'1 \g dr + 2/e+-emBloyee + l/staff dr employees tt;L 000000000 000000000 r0 000000000 1L 53 000000000 Irs lv" B' f-, 1o \1, 55 Cl earwater. .fn Florida t45 Jo1 iet, il1. ,!N - -- T<€ Clinic=--5/ StaT T Hosp i tall/4 beds + 1/ea 2 ,",!;lJ ClinicjE6-sq ft fl oor area ooooooooo ]9" t 3') 000000000 's ^4 "r1- LOL l\rt$\ 1.tr \s.\- (^'r\ r'r5'l-1( $*1c '-\i'* 3..\to'o 1"oit1^.) l's -r't "'^1c Cl inic Clinic Clinic ?.*.Jr 1,6) { }l '51 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PANKING NEEDS As indicated by the Conparative Parking Requirenents For Hospitals and Medical offlce Bu11dln8, a copy of whLch 1s attached, 1t is dlfficult to assess the parklng needs of one facility to another facility by conpari-ng the existing codes and standards. To befter understand the actual parking needs of VaiI ValJ.ey Medical Center the hospital nade a survey of the exisLj.ng parking loL to deternine how nany people used the lot and for what purpose. the survey was conducted from August 28, 1985 through Septenber 2t 1985 and enconpassed ail three work shlfts of hospital enployees. The three work shifts are 7:00 A,M. To 3:00 P.M., 3:00 P.M. to 11100 P.M., and 11:00 P.M. to 7:00 A'M' Tite survey was conducted from ?:30 A.M. nith a count of cars in the 1ot from lbe nlght shlft, aad extended to 8:0D P.M. to account for boih day and evening shifis. The following additlonal infornatlon is reLevant to the survey: 1. The back parking 1oi, (adJacent to exlsting Sports Medj.cine) which pnovides 22 parking spaces was closed during the study. Z. Access to the parking Lot was not controlled. Uhen vlsltors parked ln the lot for other than hospital business, they were not asked to nove Lheir cars. 3. During the period of the survey, there were at least 30 enpty spaces at all tlnes. This lncluded fhe tiroe of shift changes' cars Lhar- had no afiltiation or business at the hospital, vlsibors and regular bosPj-ta1 .sbaff. \ ,,L., f.- \t"',r J^k r. ri- q. There are l3-_!bysj€ians uho have private offices l-ocaLed wi"hin t.he hospital . fire-:.r hctrrs of operafion are 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M' not controlle* the naxin-urn.nunber.of .cars in the This inc luded-frilI-ents, doctors, ,visitors a:rri t .t- | -- ...",",1 -..\r\L, d-"- $.r.- r.r,,r.-{ , ",..$\ d-".' \.:in- | +.- ttlc 1 A copy of parking survey ls atlached.(tr... 5u"Jt1 .r^,r tj,"o The presenl siie wj.th the expansion will acconnodate't ll8 parking sLalls. 0f these, Z0 are for-doctors parking. It 1s felt that wlth the use of a park:ing , at,tendarrt the unar.:thorized parklng can be ellninaLed. Thls leaves 128 parking \ ',u.,rr*lcstalls for patients, vlsitors and eoployees. d-1 lgwl3gSi--g$!$-f-o4,l'he -,h-"4t" - I naximun euployee shift (ski.season) will. leave 73 FtalIs for turn-over parking,@Theparkingsurvey1nd1catesLhai'theaveragetine k of stay for pafients and visltors ts filrly consistenL at slightly less than 60 ,,.6t nlnules. The average parking tine requlred for hospital business trips 1s ^ J t, approximately 30 ninutes. Assumlng the avera8e length of stay, (lncluding ''u T' hbspitai business trips) to be 50 ninutes for turn-over parkin8-9he- 7J ,,rtil N Qrl,"i."-rg$5iliefjgil1, duiing 84 cars-' 0!-r.,0 - At traxiaum capacity, the p""md for patTenls, v:-ii';;- .rr-r' and enployees uor:Id acconncdate 639 cars (55 + 584 = 639).)") \f Uith lhe separabion of the DocLorsr parking lot and an attendant controlled nain pa:"king area, the 148 staIl parking !ri1l nore than acconnodate the actual parking needs of ValI Valley Medical Center Even thougn fhg_-l-9l_!Lqs lot at any tine VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Follonlng 1s a breakdown of existlng faclltLy Gross Square Feet and a breakdown of Gross Square Feet for the proposed expansion. The area of Sports Medlclne is lncluded rlth area of Physlclans Offlces and CIlnics. EXISTING FACILITI - 19 BEDS FIRST LEVEL SECOI{D LSUEL Sub-Total Anbulance ButLding Total - Existing FactlltY PNOPOSED EXPANSION TO 30 BEDS BASEMEI{T FINST LEVEL SECOND LEVEL Total TOTAL BUILDING GROSS SQUANE FEET OF EXISIING FACILITI AND PNOPOSED IIOSPITAL 29,250 5,945 35,195 4'760 39,955 HOSPITAL 12,658 13,135 13,165 78 ,91 3 Hedlcal Staff 0ff Total Uax Shlft PHYSICIANS OFFICES AI{D CLINIC _3_8r.9_5_8_ TOTAL PHYSICIANS OFFICES AND CLINIC TOTAL 15,2\5 15,245 15,245 29,250 21 ,',!90 50,440 4'760 55,200 12,658 17, 100 .t 3, 165 42,9?3 98,123 3,965 3,965 Skl Season EXPANSION Follorlng 1s a breakdown of Medlcal Staff Enployees 19,210 and Enployees:U)#i fN"ss'a.-7.? t Totar l{ax Shift 0.., * un''[^'dr- =Tdb- T_. fr Or"**t*.-,1 55 25 g h,r=-1 . e\'' VAIL VALLEY I4EDICAL CENTER PARKINC SURVEY August 28 through September 2, 1985 #0F AUTOS HOLIDAY I.IEEKEND REASON DATE DATE DATE DATE AVG. # OF AUTOS PER DAY AVERAGE TIt'IE PER STA.Y 153 47 52 77 40 35 24 -T36,- #0F AUTOS 8-31 9-1 8-31 9-1 8-31 9-1 8-31 9-1 8-31 f-i 8-31 9-l 8-31 9-1 Empl oyees Patients Vi s i tors Dr. Visits Hosp. Bus. Emerg. Rm. Unauthori zed REASON DATE DATE DATE DATE 54.3 6.7 hrs. 55.12 min. 59.71 min. 57 .72 nin. 38. 15 m'in . 53.57 min. 16.52 min. AVG. # AVERAGE OF AUTOS TIME PER DAY PER STAY 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 }JEEKDAYS 258 130 109 r *{ ill 36 88 Ttu6 Empl oyees Patients Visitors Dr. Visits Hosp. Bus. Energ. Rm. Unauthorized 8-28 8-29 8-28 8-29 8-28 8-29 8-28 8-29 8-28 8-29 8-28 8-?9 8-28 8-29 7.1 hrs. 57.10 min. 53.14 min. 52.50 min 26.10 min 65.42 min. 20.10 min. 8-30 8-30 8-30 8-30 8-30 8-30 8-30 9-3 9-? 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 64.50 COMPARATIVE PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR IIOSPITAJ,S AND MEDICAI., OFFICE BUILDINGS HOSPITAL PHYSICIANS OFFICES AND CLINICS SPACES REQUIRED WMC EXPANDED TO 30 BEDS PgYSIC]ANS OFFICES HOSPITAL AND CLINICS Denver, Colorado: Aurora, Golorado: Colorado Sprlngs, Colorado: Colorado Publ-lc Ilealth: Wyonlng Publlc Health: Dept . Ilealth & Hunan Servlces (Federal) Logan Couoty, Illlnois: Florlda * South llian!: Dade County: Mlanl: Broward County: orange County: Tal-I-ahasse: I stall/600 GSF L etaLLl2 Pat Beds +1 stall/Med Staff +1 stal1/2 Ernp. stall/6 Pat.Beds srau/ued. Sraff stal,l/2 Enp. 2 stalLe/Beal I stall/Bed *l stal1/Day shift Emp. I stai.1/Bed+l staU/Day Shift Enp. stall/ 3Pat. Beds stall/3 Eopl. sta11/300 eta1l/400 I 8ta11,/200 GSF -NA- -NA. -NA- I stal1/400 GSF 64 48 9687 GSF GSF -t 1 116 97 180 145 I +l +l 183 60 85 60 85 85 9248 85 44 .t +1 7053 74 96 96 1.75 stal-l/Pat. Bed I stall/Pat. Bed +1 stal-l/3 Errp. & Resldent staff 1.5 stall/Becl lstall/Pat.Bed +l stall/1000 SF I Btal1/Bed I stall/Bed I etaLll275 -NA- I sta11/450 GSF -NA- 1 sta11/200 GSF I sta11/200 GSF GSF 123 74 99 119 126 t26 45 119 30 30 o Co,uparatlve Parklng Requlrerenta For Hoepltale and lledlcal Offlce Butldinge Page 2 * Frou Beport by Davld Plumor and Aesoclatee for South l{lanl Hoepltal dated Revleed lleceuber, 1984. Notes Other facllltlee were co4ared however, thelr parklng code requlreuents nere the Base ot lega than the facllltLee noted above. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTEN APPLICATION FON A VARIANCE IrI. A. The variance requested is for on-slte parking (18.52.100 C1 & C9). The zonlng ordinance requlres on-slte parking as follows: 1. Exlstlng Hospi.tal Ilospltal Addltion 1 space/patient bedI space/ 'l 5 0 NSF 2. Exlstlng Medical Offlces Medlcal Offices Additlon 1 space,/200 NSF TOTAL PANKING NEQUIRED PARKING TO BE PROVIDED 22,107 't6,586 NSF NSF NSF =30= 258u8 38,68- 7,181 NSF 3,983 NSF 11,164 NSF c( 344 148 III.A.1. the requested variance does not relate to other exisfing or potenlia1 uses and structures 1n the vicinity. The use of the structures is lntended to renain as hospltal and nedical office use. There is nlnor lncrease in occupant load due to fhe building addiblon. III.A.2. There are no other sites in the vicinity with hospital and nedlcal office use therefore conpatibillty and unifornlty of treatnent 1s non-app1icable. III.A.3. No effect. The parking needs for Va11 vaIley Medical Center (Hospltal and Medical 0ffices) is presented ln the attached paper nVaiI Valley Hedical Center Parking Needsn. By survey lt is denonstrated that the parking to be provided ls adequate for the expanded facillty if unauthorized parklng 1s prevenfed. This would be acconplished by an attendant durJ.ng peak denand. The attached paper on Parklng Needs shous parking requirenents by other jurlsdj.ctlonrs and their effect 1f applled to VVMC. Thls further denonstrates that the parking proposed for VVMC is adequate for the building uses. z. J. VAIL VALLET MEDICAL CSNTER BUILDING DESIGN 1. The buitdlng forn and nass is deternined by the functional requirenents of the second floor patlent care unlts and the llnitatlons lnposed by the slte. It wl11 not be feaslble to expand horizontally ln the future therefore the buildlng additlon ls designed for verflcal expansion of tlo nore fl'oors plus a nechanical equipnent penthouse and a roof-top helisfop. The roof therefore is level 1n order to becone the third floor in the future. The fenestration at the second (and future floors) 1s a horlzontal strip wlndow approacb to reduce the vlsuaL-scal.e of the buildlng toass. This rindor approach also provides the naxinun window area for the patlent rooms and therefore the naxinun achievable views as uell as enhanclng the atnosphere within the roons. Bultdi.ng void and recess spaces are provided at the first floor ln order to lessen the inpact of the bulldlng nass on the site, Lo create interest and to furbher visually reduce the scale of the buildlng. The butlding naterials are face brick to natch or be conpatible wlth that of the existing buildings, tinted insulated vision 81ass and spandr€1 glass ln pernanodic fintsh aluminum framea, and board forned concrete to natch that of the exisllng buildings. 6. In an effort to naximize the on-slte parking of this llnited slte there results a restricted anount of green space. This needs to be very carefully developed by a landscape architect in order to achieve a very strong landscape statenent. 4. 5. YAIL VALIET MEDICAL CENTEN ANEA TABI'LATIOI BASEUENT FINSI LEVEL SECOID LB9EL mnsltfc cAnE 21 UED-SUnC{ IITEIISIYE 3,690 XSF 5 1260 3,708 12,658 GSF 3,965 5 1274 1,82ll IIECHANICAL BQI'IP}@IT I'IIPilISEED sTAInS, ConnIDOnS, SHIFTS & SRUCTURE SPOFTS MEDICINE PEISICAI. $ERAPI IDMIIIISIRATIVB SERVICES LOBBIS, ConnIDOnS, STAInS, YESTIBULES, SEAFTS, PUBLIC TOILETS & SINUCTUNE DGSF DGSE IISF & CARB BUILDIIIC Nuu rr o\-l '1 81 \'vcs1 l'.4eadow Drive Val Cclorado 61 657 (303) 476-2451 January 1986 Mr. Thomas Braun Town P'l anner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai'l, C0 81657 Dear Tom: To answer your questions proposed in your 1. Parking: gai,.r- 51 ruf? Per our conversatjon today, we agreed you will give me a call next week, the day before you complete your analysis to arrange a work- G v\tsr ing meeting to discuss your findings. I would propose to invite - t\ Ron Phi11ips, and Pau'l Johnston, and members of the hosp'ital board T\' .1{p ,\- qh\. to participate. &t'^*J^h {'- $sr'"" 'n''2. Landscaping: }le will provide a more detai1ed landscaping p1 an to you before the 16, letter dated January 7, 1986: (,)L [\n;l\ r^rrLFeb"uarY 1o' meeting. . r .. r--t\{'" 'tlt L.ldc \"J'tiring or App.ouats: 1f * ,*:'u u' SA^11 I would request a conceptual review session wjth the Design Review Board to be scheduled as soon as possible in preparation for the formal meeting. Wou't d you p'lease call me regarding schedu]ing thi s? Regarding the other issues you raised: He]ipad: lJe have de'l eted the hel i stop f rom the proposa1 based on the meeting between you, Hilary Johnson, Ray McMahan, and Ralph Davis on December 19 at the hospital. l'le agreed to not inc1ude the Helistop at this tjme due to your concern over the issue. D:tlrai Jcsl A, Jrninisl ralor 't t /,I,l.h z\b Mr. Tom Braun January 16, 1986 Page Two Other information you requested: 1. Stamped survey - already sent. 2. Employees - Our FTE Forecast js: i985 - 95 1986 - 98 1987 - 101 1988 - 104 1989 - 106 Deborah Jost Admi ni strator /ls cc: Hilary Johnson Tom Bri ner Design: We look forward to discussing design issues in a preliminary concep- tual review session wjth the Design Review Board. Again, pl ease 1et me know if you will schedu'le thjs meeting or if I go through soneone else. employees wou'l d park in Ljonshead. In loyees of the private physicians offices who could also park off-site. concerns and I 'l ook forward to meeting with you analys'is and recommendatjons are availab'l e. lJe proposed 55 add'i tion, ther 12/18/85 Site Area (with proposed addition) Landscaped Area Iffi prop,oGa-addition) clinic PRELIMINARY ZONE CHECK VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 3.8.|1 ac or 166,007 sq ft 49,219 sq ft or 29% of site 21,281 sq ft or 12% of site'lacking required interjor parking lot landscaping Proposed development lll.!j!h) addition (^'t* ^01''\"^- v "r"\*1) beds 30 *PsrE-!g Exi sti ng Requi rements : hospital 20,209 sq ft @ 'll.|50 ** beds 19 @ l/bed clinic 6,612 sq ft @ l/200 sports medjcine 4,580 sq ft @ l/200 6,612 sq ft *r4A sq ft total q! floor area 9"loj\ sqft= sports medicine 12,228 . -.\hospital 9st.rl {4af! (r.tilz''sd}'J sqft= sqft= 134.7 spaces 19 33 22.9 209.6 spaces Required with Proposed Development lst floor: hospital administration sports medicine 2nd floor: hosp i ta1 :t* bedS \ (36 \l+ae sq ft @ 1/150 =4.4 spaces 7,648 sq ft @ l/200 = 38.2 13,118 sq ft G 'l/150 =87 .4 1t tTe 359 176 143 Total requjred with proposed Existing spaces provided Proposed spaces with new plan Defi ci t -216 spaces wi I I requ'i re parki ng when expans l on * Assumes the use of the existing sports medicine addition is completed.** Need to clarify bed count,/room. r fi ^l/\t tl L ,l"riJ (Js(:rgr^_ . \.,\." .+{t A_,,1ui re'Jrr//1+.s -*--\...."-) J;l 0^\ n!t.,,,-1"^-\"*L o 4- r"{ 9 5tP {4t W /i'J. qrc^..----- *\,^t A -t o\( ii b.,..;; \ J.--) ".' - t , -"t/ Vttu\. 'jo'^ ' t t \ ?fl{r\s$, {d\^dr 'ru.Soi.\"^t d^{ cru}optql ='r ,i hii_r\ {S # ?,}^t-- + Y\1^t -bn,^ q"o'i*" :',ft,fiilird:ffi ! lrd Y o,- r,^-o -t$*k^Q.r, , r\ 3L (B-.-u, 11\to\.[\*'tt"rflu ,^{Lh L,€ ,.t d o*\.,, ZZ,\o'1 \o,set Lr--- 1t,u17 sKi.EU lo> >g Sras olf "wj-L!+sdst >& 'l!! *U\ 1 ,\gl 3, (8J l( ,t6't *14 3*,*k&r^ "\ "*r,;, &.\ f,*1LI6tt'^' 4- 3.,^k0'^ 'fr15 \1 ["rp :#-- NAA* 30 +"\A -l .4''nsro,-r a tJr,^ J. t\{+r .\,^-.^^1. orr.,..- f of${{ "^'-$1* 4 'u--- [../ c.',.ai/,.-o'.u1 e,Ly'm " o* /,r^ tk-^ f,-"..\*t ? 'tL^* ^\o-\ c^Anin-*'' 4-'n 1^o-^-^-Q-? 0-o* $"* \oo \.1,.,.. i^---L-&.- . [,n,. + 1,Lo,--^^.'[ t \A\: u-)L^\ '.4 L^-^V."0-.,^ 4 ,^-{r,--8 (Er osS 341sc Zqsb, I?a1' ) F r<".lt 15 I t (Ztrr tt {n-n^rJ r.l'.-'tf-\Rc.\.^.,r \r5- r"atlt*t<,e& . J-^r*. 4 oo a i ,'- ,i _-Z--.i-| / l;2 .--| 1u./ ./ - I(:-o'<- v'.-, n ,,)7 Le a -" 4?- 4rr1\t ,.,'l ry" $u M^r{ f[\ ^/\Laf"^. r ,.)t- lpL Uln fo^k""A [*t\ t' , & @. {n^a..\ Qr,\'"hi Ir,ta-c o -\ HV."'t ,D-t-V,"^5t-- "r) Nr1'/tt-z/-n -\" d vwf, 0 l-f { k! ",-,"-\ u,,0^L,-- / u^1,- I' l^^r- 41 ,^--(31 4"*L N; dlt'.*/*P;- *ottQu sPEcrAL BollD ELIlcrroN I TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO March 29, L977 NOTTCE rs HEREBY crvEN that at a special Bond Election to be held attheVailMunicipalBuilding,Vail,Colorado'on dav of March, irg17, betr'veen the hours of 7:00 a'm' Tuesday, the 29th and 7:00 P.m. ' there wilr be submitted to the registered qualified electors of the Town of Vail the following question: "shalI the Town of Vail, Colorado' be authorized to issue its negotiabr", ir,l"i"st bearing-q;;"i"r obligation bonds in one series or more in an aggregat3-ptf""tp;t ii::"t not to exceed g450,000, or !o-;";h ti6r"6r-t"'*ty bL necessary' for the Purpose of defrayirg,"ir,"ii"f" "r in pirt,-the cost of acquiring troo parcels of real property'-rnoivn respectively as the Katsos pf,op- erty and Lot-io,"vtir virr"g"'s""ottb Filing'- to be used as open space and/oi iu"ttition a"a-paix-r1n9,--1::":l"t with all neces- sary incidental and appurtenant propertie:-"ld facilities' and the costs incidental lhereto; ="tf' Londs to bear interest at a maximumneteffectiveinterestratenotexceedingl0percentper annum' and to mature serially during a period of not more than 30 years from the date or r.rp"'"tli"-dit"='of the bonds, such bonds to be payable from general ad valorem taxes and other funds legalIy avaiialte tfrerefor' l''i-=ottt bonds to be sold and issued at one time or from time to iI*", in such manner and amounts and upon such t.t*"-""a conditiont t" ttt" Town Council may later determine, including provisi"""-i"i the redemption of bonds prior tomaturityuPonpaymentor..-p'"^iumnotexcleding3percentof the PrinciPal thereof?" Those persons who are citizens of the United States' eighteen (18)yearsofageorolder,whohavebeenresidentsoftheStateof co}oradofor32ilaysnextprecedingtheelectionandresidentsofthe Town of Vail, colorado , for 32 days next preceding the election and who have been duly registered shall be entitled to vote at said Speciat Bond Election' Thoseelectorswhoareotherwisefullyqualifiedtovoteonsaid question at said Special Bond Election' but who shall be absent from the Town of Vai1, Colorado, on the day of said election' or who by reasonoftheirworkorthenatureoftheiremploymentarelikelyto beabsentandfearthattheywillbeabsentfromLheTownontheday ofsaid.election,orwhobecauseofseriousillnessorphysicaldis- ability,orwhoforreasonsbaseduponthedoctrinesofanestablished religionshal}beunabletoattendthepollsrltldYapplyinwritingat theofficeoftheTownClerkofVail,Co]-orado,attheVailt',tunicipal Building,Vail,Colorado,forabsentvoterballotsatanytimed'uring reqular business hours on or before Friday' lvarch 25' L977' -8- ,oGuurrroNs AND AHswERs ooou, I THE TOWN OF VAIL EOND ISSUE I. IEAT IS TgE PURPOSE OF THIS BOIID ISSUE? lhe General obllgation debt wlll be paid for out of existlng sales tax revenues. Stucljos haveshown tbat ln a resort corutrunj.ty like Vail, tbe sales tax ls the urosE progressrve way tollnance municj.pal programs, because approximately 807o of the tax burdeo 1i paid for Ly theYlsltor ard non-resident. TSIS BOND ISSUE INCRIASE IIY TAXES? Tbe purpose of thls bond^lseue 1s to provlde peroanent long-term munJ.clpal flnanclng ai:dDubllc authorlzatr'o! of g4so,ooo.0o for opea -pace land acfulsltlon. Tbe txo sltes specltlcally llsted tor purchase ere: A. ApProxlmately 150 acres of laad located 1n East vatl at the end ot the golt course andrdJac€trt to Booth Fa1ls, comrnonly call€d the Katsos p""p.tty. .It would be held ,.n lts!aturr'1 stato as greenbeli,/opea space {or lecreatlon- and enjoyment by tbe reslctencs ofthe valley. B. A Vail-Vlllage lot adJ^rent to the vall Cll.nlc and t::e Va1l Ice Arena, coni'nonly known asLot #lo' which is need.ed. in order to facllitate rearignment of the bus route and to provider bulfer zone for the Slte 24 recreatlon area,. 2. TEAT EXACTLY WILL BE OI{ TIIE BALLO{? Tb€ ballot wiIl contaln the following questlotl: I'SbeLI the Town of vai1, Colorado, be authorlzed, to lssue 1ts Begotlable, lntel'est irearitggeneral-obligation bonds i.n one series or more in a! aggregate pilncipal amount not toexceed $450'000.00, or so much thereof as may be necessiryl tor'tu" pi "p".u-.i defr.aying,1I whole or in part, the cost of acquiring two parcels of real.property, known respecEively 's the Katsos property and Lot #10, Vail virragi second. Flting, to- be uiea as open spaceaad/or recreatio-n and park land, together wi-th alL necessary incidental and appurtenantprop'rtles and faci.rities and the costs incldental thereto, such bonis :c bear i-nterest a,ta &axlnum net effectj-ve interest rate not exceeling 10 percent per annum, and. Eo rnarureserlally durj'ng a period ot not more than 30 years from the date or respective d,ates of the' bonds, such bonds to be payable from general ad valorem taxes and, other funds LegalLyavallabl'e therefor, and such bonds to be sold and. issued as one time or from t j.me f,o tj.me,ln such manner-and amounts and. upon such terms and conditions as tbe Town councj.l may laterdetermine, inctuding provisions ior the redemptio! of bond.s prior to Eaturity upou pay.mentot a plemj.'rn aot exceediEg g perceDt of .the piincipal thereof?,, 3. EOT WILL TITE DEBT ON TEE BONDS BE RETIRXD? 4. WrI.L llO - no additiooal tax revenue ilclease ls neeessary to floance these 5. XILL THERE BE A SUFFICIENT SURPLUS OF RE"TENUES TO FINANCE FUTURE IIIPROVE}IENTS? TOIVN bonds. OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL fS: based upon conservative sales tax proJectlons, the Towu has the f lnanci.al capacity toservice debt on approximately an additlonit O to 7 million dollars witbout any tax j.ncreasesor addltlonal revenue sources. 6. WEY ARE WE FINANCING THESE PROJECTS IN TEIS MANNER? tlunlclpal, like corporate, expenditures of thls size ond ..oO" should be flnanced over theloDg-term so that the costs and tax burden can be allocated (ln toro"rot"'s do]lars) more' equltably to, not only today's, but tomorfow's users who will receive benefit of theselmprovements over.the next 20 years, In additlon, long-term f inancj.ng enables the Town toremalD ln a more flexible positioo and be better able lo respond to ciLanging connunity needsover the next tlve years. 7. WHAT IS TIIE RELATIONSHIP OF TSESE IJTND ACQUISITIONS TO THE VAIL PLJIN AND TS5 PRIORITY OF COUIIUNITY NTEDS? The purchase of thls land and the expendltures are conslstent wlth the Vall, Plan and wlthcuarently est:rblishcd communlty needs rnd gorls. The purchase of. Lot #lO, near the Vail lce Arena. gre&tl.y enhanccs the flexlblllty ln pl,annln8 lor a future rccreatlon complex on Slte 24. Th€ purchJ,se oI tho K:rtsos propt'rrty lvlIl provlde pormuncnt open space/park Isnds 1n thc' EustVatl area |Ind, 1n tL.r'ms of growth mrnogement plannlng tor thtr valley, wlll remove spproximately250 potentlal addltlonal units ot dcvelopment from the m&rkot. 8. 'IIEN WILL TIIE PURCITASB OT TIIESE LAI\'DS TAKE PLACE? At tbe presont tlme, on Aprll closlng dat6 ls ctlLed tor ln the terns of tho iontract for Durchrso ol th€ Kal8os l[nd. Lot # tO le echeduled for purchase i[ !l&y. DRAFT FACT SHEET MARCH 29 BOND ELECTION SOME QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE TOWN OF VAIL BOND ISSUE MARCH 29, 1977 1. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS BOND ISSUE? The purpose of this bond issue is to provide permanent long-term municipal financlng and public authorization of $450,000.00 for open space land acquisition, The'two sites specifically listed for purchase are: A. Approximately 150 acres of land located in East Vail at the end of the golf course and adjacent to Booth Fa11s, commonly called the Katsos property. It would be held in its natural state as green-belt/open space for recreation and enjoyment by the residents of the valley, , B. A Val1 Village lot adjacent to the Vail Clinic and the Vail fce Arena, commonLy known as Lot lO, which is needed in order facllitate realignment of the bus route and to provide a buffer zone for the Site 24 recreation area.I(.=e-g rR6A/\- 2, VfHAT EXACTLY WILL BE ON THE BALLOT? The ballot will contain the following two separate and interrelated questions: :',. HOW WILL THI; DEBT ON THE BONDS BE RETIRED? 4. WILL THIS BOND ISSUE INCREASE MY TAXES? No - no additional tax revenue increase is necessary to finance these bonds. VAIL VALLEY EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 18t W. MEAoow DRrvE VA|L. CoLoRAoo 81657 /.3O3t 476-245 | LARRY BROOKS, M.D. January 30, 1986 Mr. Tom Braun City Planner Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 Dear Tom: I am writing you on behalf of the Medical Staff of Vail Valley Med'ical Cen-ter. As you know, we are p'l anning to expand so that the Cormunity can con- t'inue to get quality medical care in Vail rather than being sent to Denver or GIenwood. We are in an extreme need ford any delay in getting issue and we are willing problem, but we ask thatthis issue. of these extra beds now and we cannot really af- the new beds . I uilFrstand that parki ng i s an to work with everyone in trying to resolve this you not delay the progress of the bui'l ding over It is'important to remember that your job and ours is closely related in that we are all I'Serving the Cormunity". The best way vte can do this is by working our problems out professionally, but allowing the building to pro- ceed on schedule. We ask for your cooperation and help in this timely and imoortant matter. Respectful 1y, B rook Chief nf( /lms cc: PauI Johnston, Mayor Ron Phi1|ips, Town Manager Deborah Jost, Adminjstrator 75 south lrontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Debra Jost Vai I Val'ley Medi cal Center 181 }{est Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Re: Vail Valley Medical Center Dear Debra: To follow up on our corrversations of last week concerning the Design Review Board's c.onceplual review of the hospital expansion plans, we had agreed to p'l ace you on the February 5th agenda if the required material is submitted by January 29. These additional materials would include a detaiIed materials Iist as welI as a Iandscape plan. At previous meetings, Ra1 ph Davis had mentjoned to Ron Phjlljps and myself the possibility of including the Town of VaiI "mud lot" as a part of the hospital parking area. Qur comment to Ra1 ph was that if this idea were to be pursued, we would want an equal number of spaces availab1 e in the hospital parking area for the Town of Vail staff who are presently using the "mud lot." At their January 2lst work session, the staff presented this idea to the Town Council to see if they would be amenable to studying this jdea further. The item was presented with two conditions: 1. If the "mud lot" is to be incorporated into the hospital parking area, appropriate means be establjshed to insure those Town of Vail employees using this lot a parking space in the redesigned parking area. 2. That any redesign incorporating the "mud |ot" comply with the 'l andscaping requirements that are establ ished in the zoning code. This would include both perimeter and 'interior I andscapi ng. The Councjl was recept'ive to the idea of allowing your designers to study this alternative. Concerns other than those outlined in our presentation were expressed at this meeting. It should be noted that Council has not approved this concept, they have only given you the opportunity to explore it if you so choose. It should also be emphasized that this should be considered a short term solution and that the Council was not interested in transferring ownership of this tract of land. Pl ease do not hesitate to concerning this or other Si ncere'ly, Thomas A. Braun Town Planner TAB: bpr call me w'i th any issues related to questions you may have your proposed expansion. voilvolley medicolcenter 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-2451 January 16, 1986 Mr. Thomas Braun Town P'lanner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 Dear Tom: To answer your questions proposed in your letter dated January 7' 1986: 1. Parking: Per our conversation today, we agreed you will give me a call next week, the day before you complete your analysis to arrange a work- ing meeting to discuss your findings. I would propose to invite Ron Phjlfips, and Paul Johnston, and members of the hospital board to participate. 2. Landscaping: l.le wi'l'l provide a more detailed landscaping p'lan to you before the February 10, meeting. 3. Timing of Approvals: I would request a conceptual review session with the Design Review Board to be scheduled as soon as possible in preparation for the forma'l meeting. lJould you please call me regarding scheduling this? Regarding the other issues you ra'i sed: He'l i pad: l.|e have de'leted the helistop fron the proposal based on the meeting between you, Hi1ary Johnson, Ray McMahan, and Ralph Davis on December 19 at the hospital. We agreed to not include the He'listop at this time due to your concern over the issue. Deborah Jost Administrator Mr. Tom Braun January 16, 1986 Page Two Desi gn: t,le look foruard to discussing design issues in a preliminary concep- tua'l review session with the Design Review Board. Again, please 'l et me know if you will schedule this meeting or if I go through someone el se. 0ther information you requested: 1. Stamped survey - already sent. 2. Employees - Our FTE Forecast is: 1985 - 95 1986 - 98 1987 - 101 1988 - 104 1989 - 106 3. l,Je proposed 55 hospital employees would park in Lionshead. In addition, there are 38 emp'l oyees of the private physic'ians offjces located in the hospjta'l who could also park off-site. I hope this a'l'leviates your concerns and I look forward to meeting with you next week when your parking analysis and recommendations are available. Sincere'ly: 6/r/ekzQar Deborah Jost '/ Admini strator /1s cc: H'i I ary Johnson Tom Briner Ilal 75 south lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 7, 7986 Hi l iary Johnson Fisher, Reece and Johnson 1500 South Pearl Denver, Colorado 80201 Re: Vai I Val 1ey Medi ca1 Center expansi on 0ear Hillary: A number of our concerns over the proposed hospital expansion were discussed at our last meeting jn December. For your information, I have summarized the issues raised at that last meeting. While I do not thjnk there are any issues listed here that have not already been djscussed, this letter should provide you with a c'l ear understanding as to what our preliminary concerns are over this proposal . The three most significant areas of concern are: l Parking. There is a strong feeling amoung our staff that the park'i ng provided on the site plan is inadequate when cons'i deri ng the levei of development proposed. Further, it is our feeiing that the development on the hospital site must stand on its own with respect to parking. The parking demand generated by the hospital should be provided on its site. Our staff will be unable to support a proposal that involves hospital employees parking in the Lionshead parking structure, as has been d iscussed. ?. Landscap'ing. It is very important to keep in mind that the hospital is surrounded on three s'i des by residential development. Landscape areas become critcal in providing a buffer between the development on the hospital site and adjacent properties. Preiiminary calculations show less than 12% of the site to be landscaped. In addition, the parking area shown on the site plan lacks adequate amounts of interior landscaping, asis reguired in the zoning code. It was stated at our meeting that with the use of appropriate landscape materi als, the landscape area becomes less important. I would agree with this comment, however, only to apoint. I would encourage you to submit with your conditional use application, a preliminary'l andscape plan demonstrating how the use of materials will compensate for the inadequate amount of landscaped area proposed. luwn n 3. Timing of Approvals. It is our understanding that construction on the ilosp'itale,rpans'ion is anticipated for the lst of April, .l986. The timing of beginning construction is a concern of the staff when considering that we have yet to see a formal application. As was discussed at our meeting, Design Review Board approval js needed as well as approva'l of the Planning and Environmental Commission. 0nce an appl icatjon is submitted' this process would take a minimum of 6 weeks. I cannot stress enough the 'importance of submittjiFi-appl ication to our departmeni as soon as possible jn order to begin the formal review process. There were a number of other jssues that were also discussed at our meeting' Relative to the three items mentioned above, they are less s'i gnificant in importance, a1 though still warrant attention. These include the foliowing: l. Control of Parkins Lot. The manner in which the parking lot will be ffiddressedinyourapplication'Whetherthisisdone with gates or attendents is your prerogative. However, it shouid be addressed i n your app l i cati on . 2. Helipad. hJhether or not a heljpad is jncluded as an element of this proposai, jt should be addressed in the application. I would anticipate that Planning Commiss'i on members would inqu'i re as to what your pians are for thj s faci I ity on your si te ( if any) . 3. Design. While the design of the addition is more of a concern of the O-eaTs[ Review Board than it is of the Planning Commission, I felt it 'important to bring to your attention at this time. As was discussed, the flat roof, fenestration, and materials are quite different than those used with the existing building. l,.lhile explanations were given to me as to why the difference in design characteristics, this is sure to be an issue of discussion with both the Commission and the Design Review Board. In addjtjon to the submjttal requirements outlined in the application form for a conditiona'l use permit, I would request the fol Iowing information be provided with your applicatjon: l. A stamped survey of the property defining boundaries as well as existing i riprovements . 2. Information regarding the anticipated increase in numbers of employees to accommodate the needs of the new expansion. 3. Some indication as to how many hospjtal employees would be parking in the Lionshead parking structure under your proposal. To summari ze, the staff's preliminary analysis of th'i s proposai is that the site is not capable of handling the level of development proposed. This is driven by two factors, the apparent inability to provide parkjng on site, as well as the limited landscaping that is proposed. Over the years, Vaij has taken great attention in reviewing development proposals with respect to the guide 1ines and standards that have been established. tdhile it is recognized that there are differences between the operations of a hospital andis still very important to maintain the integrity of standards. I would encourage you to consider th'i s infinai proposal . Please do not hesitate to call me with any quest'i ons a 1odge, we sti I I feel j t our adopted development the developneni of your you may nave. i,,qli\ Thomas A. Braun Town Planner TAB: bpr cc: Debra Jost Tom Briner +\.\*.1 -!\^s-^- (,^\.)--uu-.' t\'E o ISto€s O 0Jr"[^, -r\n",, , :\.=-d 11 A- L* f.A ^1*! ,- ,q.{.,^^-^ ,-,.o"k1 ,r ,""^{' n, "*.U ,"- t$,-\;t 't{^ +-r---- - t-.-.\q )!<_- c-,,\ Jd"-& @ *\'..t ?ro.;uri^^.l \-^*.- t* ,**LI* - I\.1'. -p^L? 'a ....,.\ &*'^^r , 4^\ lc"' k"' \'r n'\^'^' 4 \-Lt._ o i (^rrlAtr @ ' (*-.-""^-.;. 4*-( "^.hL-{.,J + o ts i,vtaialft t \^6\ t" A^,..-- ,^\\ p-- tA.-*\o- @- }.'-s \ *. t-rl " . ,* t n1,,.'. 1 -- a41 -.,-.,9'* \rr 1t* . t""*-M \-' +jL**.Sf feaag-{t.^< .@ [r-rA '",r.uaa"^* ,'.v'4 -\*\ ,*;.lrn^\",^- s'.\., ^L \.\1 {- g,1.*$. \-f6A 71'r O.t/.^' fu-*.-L-J* -l* \L^l,'r/-.tra l^Js-(- r+L.I"r=- L^^il- tt *[ wt"|..L*-. N,4urrr*4, a,^ ,tl.ixr^* r(rG,ool . 't?8oZl "'"'ris 2.ILtt '.r \Z{, 4(9' i @ 4-- \.*+ f !..r^Lo.^t _,_L.^\%t n-..L--[' J-- L -*&] hr")t, stt/rnl. A :r7r1(t- .riJr>,'1 /.Jfi^ l.^"q d fu,,*V-l-^, *hrJ, *fl j*n, . .1,.- L^^A.^j,-1 '\A *It 1,.'y,!i* (,o. ta.t^o= aoou\ . t"-l- ,"4,\ cL"\t t$- <---^r(frn'o,'=) \'u's: oo .,oL\ :.^ \ , {'o*e d\"...*./} [r'," k",'-a 4 b-_ sr \-Y.'od*."1.)? Qed- rR$ t "|",-"tt ;, , ov+].q, <- ,^.^.14 +!) | a,\\,c- c*1a^^-oi--r '.., f tt.'p/^h[? \",*,rl- (rt'\o'i- 6Y'- liy.rrrot+t i^- + "1 ,'..,o- Q\ I o"p ^.,-. "'(-n \./ ^Y:i,^"'"f^-- t.,....- \*+^'.+\ ! ^r,r* *.---L-[ l^ \--PY'---il O'r't-' \1rL1-'c L-rLr L... -.r[-,i[ -,{* u.Lu,---} i$trN r\yA\ I o tllir^ d.,;;"1-/A.It I /lt^rJ 01- ,Xif .-: ) r\' IJ\ap-4j:0,c24.+- J^-"rl ol-r-4.*- ,---!L l-"- ,,\ l.A \"""\*J *"1" (ocV f cr,,, -q- \^, Jar ,"-ld= \*- / 4-- \*","-tr lh^.-L^.-- *-+ ^/A^' 1-', D.-,\in--{a*-*-- I' t,lr\-+" ZFQ^^^-r-v-^8o..*\r.{- I lll I IWlbr^ .y0 V4ttl eV?*o;fr\!-{^Do^^,1 L \t,\.-- *!,.1L ^q' J*"^ (l ( ,r( u $1"^ -"D ll tltrnvd., _!-f o o -.L*'r 4n* 0"^V^, '7**^-),' - €^1 Utrla I 4\tc.< 6o ,/il| 1\'* 7 ,\ .^* t g'l,r& 3 \^pofr# il ;t it!t rl il il itilil ;l 'lIIlt Inl t2/18/85 PRELIMINARY ZONE CHECK VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER S ite Area 3.81 'l ac or 166,007 sq ft Site Coverage (w'ith proposed addition) 49,219 sq ft or 29% of site Landscaoed Area Gififfiposefaddition) 21,281 sq ft or 12% of site'lack'i ng required interior parking lot landscaping Proposed developrnent wjth addjtion bedsclinic 6,612 sq ft sports medicine 12,228hospital 34.59] 53,431 sq ft tota'l net floor area *!s.!Ki[s Existjng Requi rements: hospital 20,209 sq ft 0 l/150 sq ft = 134.7 spaces ** beds 19 @ ]/bed 19 c'linic 6,612 sq ft 0 l/200 sq ft = 33 sports medjcjne 4,580 sq ft I 1/200 sq ft = 22.9 209.6 spaces Required with Proposed Development I st f'l oor: hospital administratjon 1,264 sq ft @ 11150 = L2.4 spaces sports medicine 7,648 sq ft @ 1/200 = 38.2 2nd f 'loor: hospital 13,118 sq ft @ 1/150 = 87.4 ** beds 1l 149 Total required with proposed expansion 359 Existing spaces provided 176 Proposed spaces with new plan 143 Deficit -216 spaces * Assumes the use of the existing sports medjcine wi1l require parking when addition is completed.** Need to clarify bed count/room. 30 LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS SFR: 18.10.130 60% l"linimum,width and length to qualify as landscaping, l0 ft with minimum area of not less than 300 sq ft R: 1 8. 12. 130 60/" tr rr rl P/S: l8.l3.ll0 60% I,r RC: IB.14.l30 60% LDMF: lB.16.130 407[ Minimum width and length is 15 feet with a minimum area of not less than 300 sq ft. MDMF: 18.18. 130 30% rr ' n HDMF : I 8. 20. I 30 30"/" rr rr t' PA: 18.22.130 30"I rr rr rl CCI: 18.24.170 no redudtion in landscaped area shall be permitted without sufficient cause shown by the app'l icant or as specified in the VV design considera. CCII: '18.26.'140 20% nin unless othenrise specified in the Lionshead design documents CCIII 18.27.100 25% ,Minimum width and length'is '15 ft with a minimum area of 300 sq ft csc ]g.2g.140 25% ,, " rt ABC 18.29.110 25% Minimum width andlensth is '10 ft with a minimum area of 300 sq ft HS 18.30.130 10% Minimum width and length is l0 ft with a min. area of 200 sq ft A 18.32..l30 Not applicable P 18.34 Not applicable PUD 18.36.050 Planning commission shall prescribe development standards for each project GNOS 18.38 Not applicable SKI 18.39.210 Landscape requirements shall be as shown on the approved dev. planAll areas within the areas(s) of disturbance in the landscaped plan no occupied by building, ground level decks or patios or parking shall be landscaped. SDD's 18.40.070 Determined by PEC and approved by TC as part of dev. plan LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS SFR: 18.10.130 60% l'linimum;width and length to qualify as landscaping, l0 ft with minimum area of not less than 300 sq ft R: .|8. i2.130 60% rr rr rl P/S: 18. 13. I l0 60/" rr '' RC: .|8..|4..|30 60% LDMF: 18..16..|30 40% Minimum width and length is 15 feet with a minimum area of not less than 300 sq ft. MDMF:.|8..|8. ]30 30% ', 'r '' HDMF:18.20.130 30% rr rr '' PA: ]8.22.130 30% '' rr '' CCI: 18.24.170 no redudtion in landscaped area shall be permitted without sufficient cause shown by the applicant or as specified in the VV design considera.. CCII: 18.26.140 20% nin unless otheruise specified in the Lionshead design documents CCIII 18.27.100 25% Minimum width and length is 15 ft with a minimum area of 300 sq ft csc I g. 29. I 40 25/" ,, ,' 'l ABC 18.29.110 25% Minimum width andlength is l0 ft with a minimum area of 300 sq ft HS .18.30..|30 10% Minimum width and length is l0 ft with a min. area of 200 sq ft A 18.32.130 Not appl icable P .|8. 34 Not app'l i cabl e PUD '18.36.050 Planning commission sha1l prescribe development standards for each project GN0S .|8.38 Not applicab1e SKI .|8.39.210 Landscape requirements sha'll be as shown on the approved dev. plan A'l'l areas within the areas(s) of disturbance in the landscaped plan no occupied by bui'lding, ground leve1 decks or patios or parking shall be landscaped. sDD's .|8.40.070 Determined by PEC and approved by TC as part of dev. plan <.-/ \ \ \ \.\ |-.---.-..._.-\ili \ 75 souih lrontage road vail. c=iorecio 61657 (303) 476-7000 September 2'1 , 1985 i:s. Debra .'i c-s'! idminist:a tor Yail ValieY xedical Center 181 vle st i;eeicw Drive Va i f r Col ore oo 8l657 Re: vail vaLley }ledical Center Er'pansion Plans Dear Debra : Following the work session with the Planning cornn'mission on September 9th'. tf'" pi-nntin- ^::"-ii "t our department *"pen t some time discusslng the exp?ts-ron"pf?=--1t t=l.l vallev Iiedical center. r tr,ougrrJ it u'ould be. h5fprul -f"t yo-u- to be ar*'are 'of '*'hat we f eel to ,jt'tr* t;i;;;"t issuJs uith respect to an expansron toyourfacility'-11.-fo11o'lng-i"abriefsunmaryofthese i ssues: Parking This is obvious.ly the area of greatest concern uith re=pect to any expans-l on at the hcspi ta 1' Howeverr oo€ cannot u.=u"J--i}ttl it tr'it ittu" is eddressedr all the areas of concern with respect to ." expansion are also solved' As we have indicatedr our potilio''^ i" that ve viIl consider af -.ernative formulas fot -ttit"lating parkinq denand' I'Je recognize tiaa -tr'" formula ;=t;;ite in- the existlng ""li-"q code is not "magic- " "", """"r-..."- i= that parking provided on the si..e meet tbe ieinano"s-'9;;;ttted by the facility in a worlabie ii= nner ' Ci:culaiion Both vehicufar (on the sile as uell as access ffiG. I a nd pedest'iun'1i""r-"t:1i#il, ii'i,:i"::eveluaieC' Related areas to be consl oel 1o=ding access as I'e11 as any chanEes tor or iirpacts onr bus service. tsulk and vess ?he relationshi'p of the-'ProDcsed addition to {Ee etlstlng structure i'' t"trnt of lu lt< arid nass vrill be a cc;rsideration of the =t"if as uell as of the Planning Cc:nission' :::3 f -iannLrl General si te planning of 'uhe new addit jon isre-iaieo to a1l of the arbove menticned consio.erati ons. Ofpariicular importance to the staff is how the site r,'irl meeiiis LanCscaping reouirerrents with this propcsed "rp.;";";:-- This is especially inrportant when considering that the siteis surrounded on threL sjdes by residentiaL uses. Adequatebi:ffers should be provided betr,-een the hospit"i ra.'Jiii;;and its neighbors rt shoulc not be assumed that this rist is arr incfusive. r haveatter,pie6 to highlight the areas that the staff will be lookingat in re:cnse to any f orn,a r propcser tbat is nao'e f or expansion,?;hiie ihe issue of parking is or prinary ccncern, it is not theonly fecicr io be considereo uhen evaruating any proposal. For :I:Tel", it. may be possible to provioe a- grJater number ofsuriace parking spaces on this i j.te. Eor.,eier, how does thateffect tl,e ability to provide appropriate amounts of lancscapedareas? I h ope thi s wi I L provi o-eour pcsition prior to anyoo not hesita[e to calf;i Sincerelvr fil-erM'q Thona s l- Bra un Town Planner ?iB: bpr cc: Tom tsri ne r you with a better understanding as toreview of a formaL submittal- please th any cuestions you nray have. "i t. 'ttl 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Hay 30, 1985 olfice of community developmenl Debra Jost, AdministratorVaii Yal'ley I'iedical Center 181 l{est I'ieadow DriveVail, Colorado 8.|657 Re: Hospital Plans Dear Debra: I. r.;anted to let you.know that the information you presentediionday !9 the Planning Commission t,ras very informat.ive andvery r're)l done- It appeared that i,he ila-nning-comriiii""-r+as.favorabiy impressed with the progress you have made inevalua'r-ing your future needs at tlre 6ospiti'l . ns-,uui-Jiicrsreol'ionday, another work session rviil be schedu'l ed r.rhen you"-Jesignershave assembled conceptual drarvings for the-piunning io*niriionto react to. Please do not hesitate to contact our office after you havese'l ected. a designer.so ne can begin working with th'em-al-ioonas possible in the development oi tt,eir plins i;r-t;.-;u.lritv. Si ncerely, / I ' .r'r \6\\\\ Thomas A. Braun Tc'v;n Pla.nrrer TAts: bpr voilvolley medicolcenter 181 West Meadow Drve Vail, Colorado 81652 (303) 476-2451 Mr. Peter Patten Town of Vail 75 Frontage Road West Vai 1 , Col orado 8'l 658 September 4, 1985 Dear Peter, Enclosed is a copy of the hospital's Parking Study, a square footage analysis for the proposed expansion, and a chart of comparative parking requirements for hospitals in different states. 0n the latter chart, the heading "Sch. 3" refers to the pl an we anticipate the expans'ion wjll follow. That column shows how many parking spaces would be required for each parking standard listed by state on the right hand column. Finally' we have enclosed a Site Plan showing how existing space could be restriped and more effectively and effjciently utilized. It is our conclusion after much detailed analysis, that a parking structure costing between $850,000 to $1,000,000 which would provide an additional 60 parking spaces is not cost effective. In addition, that price tag exceeds the total dol'l ars avai1 ab1 e for the expansion. We have therefore studied alternative solutions that wou'ld not require the expenditure of $5,000 - $6,000 per parking space. These include, mo.yj t, andLionshead Parkinq Structure. emo] o upon compretlon oT tne expanslon, fh--Trest ( DoubletreCl regard'ing a future joint venture on a parking o discuss with the Pl ann'ing Commission the feasibility of acquiring to the hospita'l 'lot and used spaces ) . the small rectangular piece of 'l and adiacent for T.0.V. employees (approximately l0 At the work session with the Planning Comnission on September 9, we intend to review the existing town park'ing code applied to the hospital , the codes used in other cities in Colorado and other states for hospita'ls, and to propose an amendment to the existing T.O.V. code. If you have questions or would like discussion, please either call me at 476-2451 X231 or our architects, Hilary Johnson or John Reece of Fisher/Reece/ & Johnson at 777-0407. I wou'l d appreciate hearing your comments or receiving a written comment sheet prior to our work session with the Planning Conmission on September 9. As you may recall, the hospital is filing a Cert'ificate of Need w'ith the State Hea'l th Department on 0ctober 1. The necessity of that date is due to Deborah Jost Administrator Mr. Peter Patten September 4, 1985 Page Two the lengthy process involved in Certificate of Need (usually from 9 months to l year) and the realization that every week counts. Your sensitivity and cooperation given the difficult time frame and financial concerns is greatly appreciated by all involved ln thls project. Slncerely,-fu7 - Deborah Jost Admlni strator cc: Board of Directors, VVMC Tom Brlner Hllary Johnson John Reece Ray l,lcilahan 'a TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Comm'i ssion Department of Commun:i ty Deveiopment September 6, 1985 t'lorksession of Hospital Expansion Pl ans Ag thg.Planning comnission may reoall, the vail valley lledical center is inthe midst of developing plans for a future expansion to thejr facilities. One of the issues relative to this expansion is that of parking. Because ofthe importance of this issue a worksession with the Planning Comrjssion hasbeen requested by the applicant. Included' for your information, is a study conducted by the hosp'ital that was done to evaluate both the present parking situatjon as well as futureparking needs. It should be noted that the staff has not had ample timeto rev'iew this information. As a result, we are unable to providb anyinput on this information at this time. voilvolleyS{ meciicolcenier hospital emp'loyees. rel evant: Planning Commission Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81658 September 4, '1985 Dear Planning Cormission Members and Staff, To facilitate discussion regarding the parking needs of the hospita'l ,particularly in light of the proposed expansion of beds from l9 to 32, the hospita1 has undertaken a parking study. The purpose of the study was to determine how many people use hospital parking, for what purposes, and what parking is needed for the new expansion. The following table is a c i_lattptr of the study 181 West Meadow Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 (303) 476 -2451 which was conducted fromall three work shifts of the following facts are to encomoass 1. The hospital employs approximately 55 during off-season. There are three 3:00 P.M. - 'l'l:00 P.M., and l1:00 P.M. interpret the statistics, 100 employees during ski season and work shifts, T:00 A.M.- 3:00 P.M., to 7:00 A.M. The study was conducted from 7:30 A.M. with a count o '|t niqhtt for oth the evenl ng shifts. 2, At no time during the days surveyed were there less than 30 vacant parking spaces. In other words, given the heavy traffic for Labor Day weekend and regular staffing, we had 30 extra parking spaces at a'l I times even whi1 e allowing people to park in the'l ot who had no affiliation or business at the hospital. 3. The most congested time during the study was fromA.M. Visitors generally come during the evening hoursvis'iting hours end. 4. During the study, the back parking 'l ot was closed, Medicine) which provides 22 parking spaces. 7:00 A.M. to'10:00until 8:00 P.l'|. when (adjacent to Sports 5. There are 13 physicians who have private offices located within hospital space. There hours of operation are 8100 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 6. Parking was not controlled during the study. When v'isitors parked inthe lot for other than hospital business, they were not asked to move their cars. 7. The maximum number of cars in the lot at any time was 130. Attached is a copy of the Parking Study.Deborah..Josl Admrnrstralor VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PARKING SURVEY August 28 through September 2, 1985 HOLIDAY IdEEKEND #0F AUTOS AVG. # OF AUTOS PER DAY AVERAGE TIME PER STAYREASONDATE DATE DATE DATE 163 47 52 77 40 ?E 24 lm'- Empl oyees Pati ents Vi s i tors Dr. Visits Hosp. Bus. Emerg. Rm. Unauthori zed 8-31 9-1 8-31 9-18-31 9-1 8-31 9-18-31 9-1 8-31 9-i8-31 9-1 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 9-2 54.3 6.7 hrs. 55.12 min. 59.71 min. 57.72 nin. 38.16 min. 53.57 min. 16.52 min. t.|EEKDAYS #0F AUTOS REASON DATE DATE DATE DATE AVG. # OF AUTOS PER DAY AVERAGE TIME PER STAY 258 130 109 347 158 ?6 88 11zf' Empl oyees Pati ents Vi s i tors Dr. Visits Hosp. Bus. Emerg. Rm. Unauthori zed 8-28 8-29 8-28 8-29 8-28 8-29 8-28 8-298-28 8-?9 8-28 8-298-28 8-29 8-30 9-38-30 9-28-30 9-28-30 9-28-30 9-28-30 9-28-30 9-2 7.1 hrs. 57.10 min. 53.14 min. 52.50 min 26.10 min 65.42 min. 20.10 min. 64. 50 PARKING REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE NSF H0SPITAL: Ex.isting - ZZ,IO7 PARKING REQUIRED BY ZONING: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PARKING UPON BUILDING EXPANSION September 4, 1985 Proposed - 12,000 Tota'l - I{EDICAL OFFICES. 1 space/patient bedI space/150 NSF =Jb*"..ni{'4":'" NSF Existing - 7,lgl PARKING REqUIRED BY ZONING: 1 space/200 NSF * Sports Medicine Proposed - 6,131* Total 67T btn-*".{ "&f,r' .) '--\('y)l, ,,L.{ L *\"" ,#.'i nt1^"t^r? ING PROPOSED HOSPITAL: 1 space/2 bedsl space/Medical StaffI space/Z Employies MEDICAL OFFICES: (15 physic.ians) l/physician (included w/hospital )1/Nu rse 4/physicians lfor patientf 16 32 50 98 15 60 +13,312 NSF : 75 spaces = 17g NSF/Space \11 J.-,,.^ '^ {roo VAIL VALLEY I'{EDICAL CENTER Following is a breakdown of existlng facility Gross Square Feet and a breakdownof approxirnate Gross Square Feet for proposed expanslon for Scheure l, Scheure 2,and Scheme 3. The area Clinlcs. Lower Level First Floor Second Floor Third Floor TOTAL GSF OF EXISTING & PROPOSED of Sports Mediclne is included with the area of Physicians Offices and EXISTING FACILITY - 19 BEDS Flrst Floor Second Floor Tota1. PRO?OSED EXPANSION TO 32 BEDS HOSPITAL 29,250 5,945 35, 195 HOSPITAL PHYSICIANS OFFICES AND CLINIC 15,245 15,245 PHYSICIANS OFFICES AND CLINIC Sch. 2Sch. I 7.600 l7,900 l.,800 Sch.2 9,950 5,745 1 1 ,500 1 ,450 Sch. I 6,700 Sch. 3 28,7 45 63,940 Medical Staff Off Season -!s!=-9 13,435 19 , 130 950 33, 5 15 68 , 170 and Enployees: 32 27,30O 62,495 7,455 7, 300 6, 700 7 ,455 7, 300 22, r25 22,700 22,545 Ski Season l{ax. Shif t Following is a breakdown of Medical Staff: Enp loyees : Total Max Shift Total 551002555 /lo ,,. ?.'[ !'L'*V @.$ @.it o.5' (.n GIo (\ <> (\lo6t *l .lf'.t 1'l.clao rnOl-. r{vtl C)Ea>A>F] o ]I1E6lH(Apotrl OdF{ (')Atd rdC)o<zal{UTHX l:1 or\o (\ \o (nlalEllA ralFtt P4 o'lFr -rlpl cr ()lta zl P4 F{l c| F.F{l c| d)Ur al)l F{ F{ F1 Fll()XIt*lut ol FI>l r., uT{ +r..{ 'Fl aA .l) €>| !>'q, rn (u(!cqa cQA\\.\ o .-\.-\ oFl Ft O r-t r{ OFl Fl >r -{-i h(!(d0 (n(!0 fr ! Fl l.l lJ r-looo. ooaEIE -. -l lrl --l ,-r 14++ t,'rJoO .o t+ltQ . O r+rIt E F(!.Ut .O+. .rro|(, +lE O. utng. t! t{ E (! .Fl nJFll O A . q, rI] ArE q,<l o (!-0 (D CQFrl \O N I'l EN \O Ect \\ Hl \ \\ r.\ (U t\ tr\ \\ \\ tOo{l Fr d .-. E -{ F{ F.r Ft Ftta I Fl F{ Fi Fl ...t Ft Ft FlOl (! t0 dq{ (s d (! (! fitEil ! |r !(l.{ 1., +rrr! rro osl(lo ooo o 'lJF.a Fl Fr (/f) Ft F.r Fa F.t N.r ++ cr!^E '-{O !E t1.FiUO '-{ .r{ !a 'O.oFr0,a s .ckO{ t !vA. r{o t0(/|r .. 00.. o qJ }r ! .Fl Ir .r{o ..r eA rJ >Fi (! O (! O!o 0J >o o c,c)E 3E O- oou)'u .o ot)(dr!ct{ lr r{OOlrr{ .-{ Ooou,()C) t'o1". rtt aS (0o t trt> o ootr }t Ft Fio 5 00a "o uu C\ @ c{ @ .il\o N€ .it\o sl @ .$ \o (\ @ 6 c.)c\o o(\ -l.lo rn.clo\ 6OI.i F{ .Al @.ift\('lOch c o\6l (\l @ !-. I.l cO .$ E It-. rn Ol-l Fl @l o@ oor + cn zH FIutHHPztrlt4Er{Fl()frHHhphcroIrl&|J (, (JZHHAv14frE AA z F] HVttsFl &H AA:E.tooc)td ]lr {to acl !l G o Fl F{ (dt)o tn htt) rn F(\ F{ F.{ l, IJ' 'tro IQ (n o F{ .!r,o r\ x IU€r! C'.c<o tFlc .u(!>. . o tri4J .r.{ O Otr E o, .Ft oa..rgdlJooo .Fr .. 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Frrtl qlrl ict O re u (i r{ rt +r5 rr r.r d ptltnql $ +, -.\ !r.| .\. .!.J t O. (!c) r! (! | lt'HI !r. ('| q F{ \s F{ *vtzfl --\ q Ft \. -! \..-\ O \- \_ ..\ql '-.r -{ d (!-t .0 ,-{ r< .O ; JF. Ft Fi rU ,+ -i r.r Vr I Fl Fa .Fl aJ .-l {J F{ r-t (! Ft F{ ,..{ .-l r{ l_J r--t F{ .Flol I g S? tn o o o o d <d rl ,'j nl ro o 6 <o€;El !!91 +l +J r.JEE u !r, +J rr luooo& rro n oo o oo (,t o In ooE -t .: .d -.i - -: - -. b ...r F. F. ,-{ N : -.. -,r !o+ + + - + '- + - l' ot.q, +) a, +.r at) t' (u $!ru(uOBd,L.8(!tr 0) OFI(t) c) holrFlh|/ldqtrJ0r5€cFlOtrAAFCrolerO(''U.!C)(J.ltat lr't'dcrJ..1 (! Fl O ..{ t..qt3F.ir-r(ot{O.r-{lr5Olru(!(s!L)c.ltr.ELcn -Iv \O ca Fl O\ .t F. Gl -it co. o\Ori(")\O.ilO\r{ 1ltlroo I r..v)l @({od)@\o I I I u)t4 Hhu) zv)HZA<(JH t<Z(n<F p.| r!o (! o 0, E - >|IJ*tr (!t o'ol (J ."{ | .rl|.tl q, Eol .o (E .'r | |l' .FlF.l o z sl q) b0 a! F6@@rnrfl \t .n \t .(t ('t I.l r\EINolrttl F\@OcO@rJ1.+.+.cs 7' F@@@(Yl|ll.r.t.f.$.t o(\l rnc)(\l rn.tt \o.tt \t @ .i' \o 6lo(\ t\ < (\1.it \lt Or \a\o FI \o(n O\ Or !nGl c{ o\ .it.it (n @ aJl FlFFtrl t-{ '-. Cr'()taz&HF{V, r.nfrl Hox<t4Actt oE ()zvt>o>Et!qaldN&<a.Hpo cr €<FIEOtd(l!atazcr Fl< t-lAXur td ':l r\€l '\(/ll -rl.l r..6l ,- utl or6l I I I at{()t{hv)hc)OHz(nHZA<(JHC)F>1 Z(fi< !EA .s @lr gr OFIt+{ olrqro r.| Jf(0E.r.t ooooqroQo<€o'ooq.l{nt> tuk& E ,E' EOAu,-J (! 'O Fln{ qt>+t(! 'r{ oho,E !r .dHE O 'FiC'EdEE r.l t'{ otl,i ut * 3trraaq33H3 '+'!t,Zqr.c€t€.'{t!€0rfrO46r4a -! 0,, $r O . \, ta CA aq ${!|,2 F.l € o.! o € .oOq fr{ c,) Ai ar. . o,trf --: ' ..4 <A d r'. 6'J d o. .r rr +J i rr.t'e g. +t ah qt E d qt .0 (^iE,S *; 88. ,j;5n 'in E E E ,;-tu - E,N OC\r 0, (! '.n O 00 (! .rt O O O dO-A Jr !n -\o !d q-r d..- r. A ..i d C A..- i ; Fi d N -n- dF{.J Fl .{ F{Fl u€ F{ Ft 6 6 O -t r-tddfJ .1 -{ ui F{ qt a, t-{ .-{ C t JJ u 4J t' r-r Fr!q !q P O o (! !r o (! r! O-{ d qt v, (/D (a r! (!tt... .rJ lr . rr O.d !t tJ.r{ () lJ +J r.,!Ulv, [t, oot (a r+{ oo!i4 00 ln r/) lr) g!u).o!+{(!(l)-r-a -r-r E -..-{ O _r _, o: \t Fr Fr++ + + + + + >|.u aoo(JFI .{ 0, q)0J ..1 Fl .I).i.{ > F{ u}oCr{6aU|o>EFl orr/)rnt!F{&C-.1.AO.r{-{rJts(d(t|du) z l" Fi u) Fr HH ortt) o l! lr htr o(J rt, oI)(0 (0 ts h o bot{Jo!oFI 'FlE ('I o .!lro" do" p,J-/ tls lz8l87 llul* ?"!mny A^ ,E4 L,r*z-,1 , an, ( l*tl* I -,\ tr*- - Sxn-\.v.A q\/'1- Ih 4Lu.K LaV L rq4 f,,,*'t tu <7/v7 7-t7o s {tt J5 rz *1--- 2zz/ q)z I tu -+- L7 +La r' N"a?.U0- bil.{- /,,.v-e,\, \ /To 7- c*Vo, Jy -I"(,th//'\l- /LGtN / C/tfk;^ l- /^e c<rt)c_ 7t -nA -0.uf v I t)\ tll_,aE-- t5 \*.1 e\ {"^x (I .,- \ ,.(w-P \nai.r-<- \q. WdA t Ga *4& l*).t ,{ul^ lo!:' *VL,* bo*L, il^.ul- (^e .-[::'Y l^*A ,ro,t-U \\ L- s', \.-;5 tk aa^{ a f ga' J*- n(*t,,L {,*^L.: + Nirnor( r ( tA t '* if '1, &dft+ e*.b;"L +"U\ : izbLrlu (rL --- -:/ l-{ro /lrv-rl :7 l'*"r I u"',*L * A-a \) Ar*k -Aatv I t-> t'-'tL+/ ? \ P,/ /^Lv\) t ,rifK Errh^, sfv<e- u;il l,* afb.* uL(4 & fia*ai."na 6.4 La) e- Jc e^uro ry6r"r[ n, ,^^af . ,/n,n/- 2 - 3 Yr' t-t#' ' )"n L -{- r[-\-i".- \ - :''---i 6'lo A^l ^/ I llowi (qr.t * l, '- o7y*"*4t b. L^ cdv'.uu q/ a tt 0w. \w ?^k^J (*e.r^'8. \X 9,s("\ ,}.^1*,L L. .toq^L!- o C"-|. f* L*ru e.///,- 0's r /r* / /- .t {" <U..rL*1l.^. 1al6,"ra1a L 4 /",ril y'{*t' "f ar2^*;as T*E' ,l\ P**+L"* *n-L *"* -; [,{\t .*wL ).r.r_!rllrrl l"or) bZ'C ?{tl O\n"^ - lDl\"U\" {= a&Lq. A frtsl G,/*au &3 rt n.h'V J3e- \,/v- 84 -. trt tgoarl,'!Jc-< r 2/67 J>'IL -%4',z/ rezf /;1'! | rt^'' z o?.t ) o Atv,,- Cr\ r\"{(cq.au,*) e-+{ L-!a r,- tlott.l il..7tJ Qlsl176 {11f,;,L*.^* - L "^l al t25 {q o olc t1. /- fzrzozo ra p?. f.rvrlJ t*' (41 a ,-.k,*^t\- T-o.,^. fl^tl !rt*rr.- Q.L*" ,.\- u_'lb 4Y l- </s3 - 22sL - lbr^ 5ol'n /-* I a("^.rt k Durango: do not have statistics. Two hospita1s, one in country with no parking problems; one in town which does not have sufficient parki ng. Park City: no hospital (Salt Lake 30 miles away) Tahoe: Code reads: 1 space per 2 beds or 1 space for each 1000 gross floor area, whichever is greater p'l us one space for each 3 employees Tahoe has a 6 acre property, parking seems to work, in fact are getting overf'low from adjacent office building Architect Mason: Jackson: Hospital in county, county gov. says hospital board does what wants. County code states I park'ing space per bed; for rest home, Iparking space per 4 beds Vail valley MedicaVail, Colorado o lCe EXHIB]T 6 HISTORICAL UTILIZATION OF VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER: 1980-1984 nter 30 I t T I {u I t t Year 198 0a 1981b 19824 1983c 1984b 4-Yr.Pct. Chg. Beds Adrniss ions 19 19 I9 19 19 1,093 L r524 r r218 59b '200 223 241 +318.6 Pat ient Davs 3,011 3,826b 3,800 3,812 4,022 +33. 6 Pc t.. Occupancy 43. 3 55.2 54. 8 52.6 58.0 B irths ll_ t f I t L t_ i { i Note: Newly registered n 1983 in Guide to t e Health CareField, American 1982 Colorado State Hospital Association. Health Plan, Department of Health,a b Denver, L982. Hospi.tal records. Guide to the Health Chicago, Illinois, AmericanField.Hospital Association, annual editions.Care Hermon Smirh Associofes 31F{ (d a o.o F{ lr.-l ol{ llJ 40 0)g! c .,-l(U5 l' .ctr Ooor{o o(U.o .oE r ,-l o>r5 at.O c(!3 (Dao!O -'{ -OO FlooE .O O\ r\o t{rErug Ltaa)co o6a IFfocr !.r OtJ O ..1 o3 l,O .r{eD ooc ooo (6 OOA!l f...A C .ooo(v)+Joco r oo \oc O$r .Aoooo.aaDtr, (do o oo.A.A J! ! o.n oFI ,'\ Fo E o DrJJJtot!|!]h E.Atr OFI OOt6OtrOt) cooC >O+r o'-rOOC<3c.d0) tH QO t)O 5 /'Aor 6 Eo o r! o(/j> O O..rr! ac c90) !)('> =EC.l .-t . !l,1.rJC>O -r d O OrEC.A AC!4JF{>o o r0 r0 -o.J N>E F{..{ 19o oFiFt oO .Ft.i lr au rr.t fJ o oroH t> ool''()0 (l)a o o o IE oot!! o tl () -t @o\ !o.o u(, ,'c.Ot-l . , OAo>orro>gFl OP .-l (vrooocoo\ocF{O C) 'Fl ttl] r+.t ,-l O c tl-l Eoooo>r,O caJzotr r.!ot!(utr O OrO rtlFlo\ot! olocooo.AO lr. rC Eotoa-ooot04 +J z t6.o ttltlrtltl e.r 'nlFl El'-r l'< | | !n(\ o o'\ Fl 1\ rn I rltl Ir rltl I 13lFJO I6oolr csl!oolo o col4..r IFlI Fr .l(d01 J-, Olool401 (!0 r!i ?l1l ?l ?.a ql<rl rnl stto mlrnl lnl tr Elooloolooloolzl .lol ol OIol o '-{F{ 8l : ll..:l ir "i r-,-rlol .l | +J +J +J +J.fJ I ooa o5rl oo,o o .'-i X N6lol Nlrr tUl r- -rlorl (.'rlt! Ol F lolml tolal ;Hl I (\(\o <' uoo o (n 1)ao o(\I Ft +)oo 'rl cnl +Joo u|,oaoo 0rto|.c rll tU +J rJl! o,|(')loc I:sEl c- r*1.+l slF $lc{l ol. *lil orl l-l I ,r nlol ro oll<nl U+,,ooooo +) E o) 4J(t A I rI o F ! a'l e 3 lcl/1l'-'' .; ltg plu |! ol''{ N -clol ',{ ! f !.i A Cla cd F4 .t1 OIO O |! D E| | .,-.1 4J p l-r!O 6l f fE rtt, -1 F.l() o.o t! v l'.. ! 5 Clo o(/) o -rlo.o o |EIEO t! 4rtool(,)Er oEuq o E 6l '-t co L)o N F{ I +, troo.'{ o 0) f il { st co o\ Fi (Jo l-{ &r trl E:z F Fti ti x tlJ i L lri I I { I i L L , I ; tr +)coU A (u o ooo =oo>t!ooAAF{O.E(J F4 F{ cto t I I I 32 Iro E!o!rOo-oE LrOr!3 !o oof! -O rt|lo. t! o\o:'c)c oat! ,'.r D E(U tlo tJ tr ! r0 o u o .!alr|! E C ooo r lrto ! oo.ru o 3c<f o o oco! E 4J (J(ooc Fl g O O '-l.Ft o (J(!! o !coo oo "o c o,.oOcr!ta .o o0)O4J >o co Ooo +r(UO ..{ O q{ JaEA > O O 6 . o|lr+r . ..r.1 O!t O '-t Ft.tJ {.) CAOotroooo o clr > > 6.'-{ .'-{ .A .'c..oo tr t.ooJJ >FrA.1 J QCOOA ([0 EO(!rJ(o tr o o c! 5..{.o ruoOOOO o4J .dO C C O ! O t! rJ Or{ooooo |!NoootOEO+.t ..rOog g.'<..r O € >F{ O. UtO (! r! r+l .'.{ O.'{ rD 4.o.qccc3 cuaEOOO'.r $aoEO OO r+{ O.t +)> q O O a-l.A.Ao oor, o () r! E2.,1 cc.oo ocou)+rooo> oocl.rtUOO!t! OOC(!F{ l.l tl ot' o rg tUotooc >0,urE>r Q Q q.-t-t .,{ O! !O 6.+J OO -loltn@O,-r^|!l.lCaE|! O\ o\ C '-r C O.-lOC C.-r !1r{O >o o o ur o o ! o o.Q'A (DOO O.!'tct!l&A E E EO4-r o.ot,OAaA O t!l.l Oo a a v, oo 'F.t x !.. O O o O i! Cq t..{ Oot0{4<o t! F.r (t(/) o,,ttoon2.6-0 OE o rtr d}& o ut .6! o)oc o o\(\ oo -oo ol'ol ol o.l. .t .t .t . to olr-l rnl r-\o q|]nl 6l co sl.il ?rrf o..t.t.t.o Nlc.rl <,l F) I'it I F{ or !nl{l Nl \o !F rolsl (nl t- rrln@l<l 'ol ot- I -t | .tr(') lgl | ,n I ,< nlol -{l o l!. .t .t .t .i(?| Nl(Y)l cil (Y) I q..l |n \gl-rl 6lF.r le.r | | olql olEI .l 9{ 6l C'IOI r{l <l I IUIclool.i-{ xJ-r rdl(601al I ox('|E tol O .P rrll.t o|(/)Ioc I> o rHld Fr Ol c{lorf --n -{ !l ('(d 0 $ slBl 3lF{ r'.lsl Nl-i l-'l i ot)g +J (d A o^"ca LCr)ocEO F(\ Fl rn cl trol o..{ lFl .a+rlo nrulo (' oNl.-r N .c "{ I Ol ..-l 1) -.llt{ F{ F{ C.Frl t rE Fr .r Or.rlo u ru D EDl t.'i! Dl-l t{ O o|aJI.! r, ! J .-{trlo o-O r! v Ol''r .t'.l 5 trOIO tD(/) O -t..{lo -o o rEol=o o !ol ooxlr/.)ti I { 1,.' I c Or Fl o ET IIJz frl l-l Ft{ E az I HF,{z E] F{ @ F{t-l lo )-{ x Irt t ! +) oU r-l l! O ooEEo>lroo F{ F{F{o|!Q AA t! r! I L I I i L L t' I\_ oal CenterVail Valley MedicVai1, Colorado Major Functional Elenent Bed Requirements Projected Ancillary Usage Physieians On Site FACILITIES Cu r rent Actual Required 19 25 Planninq Horizon s-Year 10 Year 35 40 37 2514 (See Exhibit l1) 17 22 Findings (Exhibit 12 ) '1 . Vail Valley Medical Center provides facilities for three distinct prograns. These include: o Hospital and rnectical staff related ancillary support. o Physician offices and clinics. o Ambulance facilities. 2. The Medical Center exPects to continue an integrated hospital inpatient, ambulatory, and physician program. 3. Existing Medical Center facilities contain approximately 35r200 building gross square feet for hospital-related facilities, 15'250 building gross square feet for physi- clan offlces and clinics, and 41760 building gross Eguare feet for anbulance ancl support facilities. 4. The physician offices and clinics, coupled with seasonal population, increase the demand for facilities at cer- tain peak tines. 5. At peak times, there is insufficient space to handle cur- rent programs. t; it Hermon Smith Associotes VaiI Valley Medical CenterVail , Colorado Current bedl reguirements approximate 25 beds. Future bed requirements approximate 40 becls. There is insuf- ficient space within the facility to support current and future prograrns. There is no vertical expansion on the existing Medical Center facilities. Inplications (Exhibits 12 through 15) 1. The existing hospital-related building gross square feet of approximately 35,200 shouldl be expanded to approxi- mately 42r3O0 building gross sguare feet, an increase of approximately 20 percent, to handle existing hospital- related Medical Center programs. By 1994, additional Eguare footage is required for additional bed antl related ancillary space. This raises the total hospital- related building gross sguare feet reguirements to approximately 65r900 building gross square feetr or an aggregate total of approximately 87 percent over the existing hospital-related building gross Equare feet of 35,200. 2. There appears to be sufficlent area in the ambulance building. Primary expansion reguirements are for hospital-related and physician-related space. 38 6. 7. T r ';l" t f t- 1 I L I l: {- t_ Hermon Smith Associotes o caIVail Valley MediVail, Colorado Center Based on a lO-year planning horizon anil the assumptions contained herein, the consultants eslimate a need for approximately 98r660 total building gross square feet, or an increase of approximately 79 percent over the existing Medical Center total of 55,200 building gross square feet. Any development of Medical Center facil-ities must include horizontal expansion due to the lack of vertical expan- sion capabilities. Assuming the existing site is already completely filled, a verlical mode of development for parking will be required on the existing site since hospital expansion will displace parking. Primary deficiencies in the existing facility relate to the space reguired for inpatient bed expansion and the area requirecl for diagnostic and therapeutic services, particularly radiology and emergency services. Detailed departnental gross square footage space analysis, profiJ-ed in Exhibit 14, provides a department by dlepartment review for current and future Medical Center space planning pur- poses. Exhibit 15 outlines the assumptions and implica- tions for the additional space reguired for physician office development on campus. 39 3. 4. il r | ... 1." t T l'- I I L I lr 5. Hermon Smirh Associotes Vail Valley MediVail, Colorado Center $ITE (Exhibits l6 through 20) Findlings ocal The existing site is strategically located within the City of VaiI and approximates 3.9 acres. The existing land coverage for buildings approximates 31'530 sguare feet, or 18.7 percent of the site. Approximately 70,000 Eguare feet is dedicated to parkingr circulation, and roadways, or tl 1.4 percent of the site. Approxinately 39.8 percent of the site is dedicated to landscaping and other. Given existing site topography' it appears that land coverage is maximizect and cannot be increased. The current site is constrained; it cannot be expanded in the future. To meet current program requirements, on site, horizontal and vertical expansion of Medical Center facilities is required. To meet parking require- nents, on site, a parking garage must be developed or an alternative off-site parking solution developed. Based on the proposed expansion of the ltledical Centerrs hospital beds and medical staff and assuning on-grade parking, Vail Valley Medical Center requires a site approxirnatlng 6 to 7 acres to meet the reguirements for its 10-year developnent. 40 { r 2. l" t I I t_ 3. 1 I i \ t t l, ( i ! I Hermon Smith Associotes J t f Vail Valley Medieal CenterVail, Colorado Implications l. The existing Medical Center site cannot contain required facility and parking development if one assumes horizontal and vertical expansion for Medical Center and related facilities and on-grade parking. 2. Vertical expansion for parking (a parking garage) will be required if VaiI Valley Medical Center continues to develop on its existing site. On-gracle parking approxi- mates $'1 1000 to $1r500 per space. Parking garages approxirnate $7r000 to $10r000 per space. 3. It nay not be cost effective to continue facility devel- opment on the existing Medical Center site given current and projected long-range program and service development. 4t T t (. t': T T I' t 1 l I t t t: Hermon Smith Associotes Vail Valley MedicalVail, Colorado ter EXI{IBIT 12 EXISTTNG SOUARE FOOTAGE ANALYSIS o Cen 42 I I il [-+ t'4 I l I t t 1 l i L L L.' I (t- t {" : .ft= <fa DGSEj'-tif cu rdt ionlElevator Hospital Phys i c ian Offices,/Clinics Ambulance Bu i ld inq Space Mechanical Space Subtotal - DGSFSubtotal - BGSF BGSF/DGSF Ratio Second Level DGSF C irculat ion/.EIevator Space Mechanical Space Subtotal - DGSF Subtotal - BGSF BGSF/DGSF Ratio TOIaI DGSF TOTaI BGSF BGSF/DGSF Ratio 25,O50M6 t.r2 2l ITLO 3,520 730 4,055 940 220 5 r2L5 5 ,945 1.14 35,195 2,380 2,380 4 r760 1. 37 10,050 870 I ,460 12,390 L5,245 r.23 Lq'lgq 9,35- 1,52 25,765 (continued) Hermon Smith Associores 43VaiI Valley MeVail, Colorado I t f o dical Center ExHIBIT I2 (continued) il il i; I I I L 1 I t L L t I I ( t l.t. Phys ic ianoffices/ AmbulanceHospital Clinics Building Sunmary BGSF Hospital 35,195 Physician offices/Clinics 151245 Ambulance Building 4.760 Toeal 55,200 DGSF = departmental gross square feett BGSF = building gross square feet. Hemon Smith Associotes VaiI Va]ley Medical CenterVail, Colorado o EXHIBIT 13 HOSPITAL SPACE SUMMARY/ANALYSIS DEPARTMENTAL AND BUILDING GROSS SOUARE FEET t { I t I L 1 I L I Existingpct. Current Dist. 19 Beds 1989 1994 Required 5 Years 10 Years 25 beds 35 beds 40 beds 9, 070 I2, 600 13, 9 505,000 6,20o 7,200 10,525 13,700 16,150 300 300 3003,375 4,450 4 r800 4,765 5,285 5,460 860 r,000 1,105 300 4s0 450 34 ,295 43 ,985 49 ,415 5,500 7, ooo 7r300 I ,300 58 ,01538 ,100 52,165 Bed LeveI for Planning Major Functional Group1.0 Inpatient Nursing Care2.0 Ambulatory Care3.0 Diagnostic and The rape ut i c4.0 Patient Support Se rv ice s5.0 Logistical Services6.0 Adrninistrative Services7.0 Environmental and Maintenance8.0 Education and Tra i n ing Subtotal - Hospital DGSF Ceneral Building Circulat ion i{echanical Subtot.aI Allowance for llall Thickness, [lechanical,Penthouses, etc. Total Hospital BGSF DGSF Per Bed BGSF Per Bed 5,260 4,045 7,705 3,010 4,725 720 300 25 ,7 65 4,560 730r0F 73.2 13.0 2.r EE'3 4 ,l4O 11. ? 35,195 100.0 4,200 lLlg I,3?r r ,692 6 ,435 5 8,600 7.885 61e-99- 11235 1,548 1,355 r r852 1,256 L,674 DGSF = departmental gross square feet; BGSF = building gross squarefeet. Planninq Horizon Hermon Smith Associotes 45 rnl lnl3t rl ril ol olol ol{l crl dt Fl oloorl Nrol 6lil .CDI N OOAIt99 9? oEr oo cr o I =c gc 6qr o6 'nl o i.r]q (D.a =tl |'|41 orl o.t-qA i NF ro t'rl u,lFf (\l tl ,{l!tlrtF+rl 6l(I+(l EIolo|-l !, srl |nl.41 lnlFl Fll NI ol olol ol1 ':l,-{ | iol ctl olrl Nn|l <t.l .Fl d -9 o o =9 99 o 'tl oo ol o I =E 9q 99 ot ol o ier. rp.q 6ll ur ll €l g ( rll F NF rC Nl ul6|vJl -ilE6lO5l ro|- ,tJ I FtIr ul +{l 'Dl{rltl |n 5l 8lel crlolo !olal o|nl lnlN .rl tnl = rol qrl ol olel olot ol-'l .'l |nl nlrol {l-l :JFl f, +rlc &i !lot,}olr.19\ dr!. o 6.1 F{5 FlUI ol;l .i.| | ool olN6I FIlvr !l oll.l!l oil oat3E,,33oll | | F-o Fe drns !tlrtl I-tl6l5l to9t +:l I .ul Ol s1l..l Ni{l,l BItrl I I o o t'l o +l PoLooooIA >rLoocn.9L.,4 ,tu,qt Ol >r rrr.l o or0l E {J(rlorr6 lOr-a?l)lr.C5r.l 0l i{ Ai3t EdE?! al .,O F{liEl s5:idEl ,.;.i"ia ? ototA nEotoLol Dojl HE. g 5l -s.t 3 sl 'i-8 -r oil 5'6 I n : rl lr+r9;;H .;l "!i8 ? g :H!l ?!l-? t ! r' sl g!l ;€E-i ggj tl . tl .3l g e.| n q s 3 3 il ; *l - j j -' j ul 6cl +!e2to.EI E I t il l't I t E(,(?ooE EUl- (l Frtal { (rt.{l D ).I OhrFt o4F{l 2,al (D,( r.'r | (nrt oExl EoD:l (,<e €r qt2 EI-Er& AEct L 1 L oIcou 6o ooEq6>rLoo F{oac) 66 I t I 46I \' N$.$N R\ .,\, IInl l(rtl lllrl l I{F.ol l{ o\r \vs Yv 3rolol :tFll oooc'crrnocrltooc|Nt'N.t(\t(h{(\t|a arl ro l\l$l t\t \ a cr.ooot(:r.ooeololoo o o c) | oo o rn o ol |nlOF or .I, I') c|E I rt .< ol -rl.r. ! r .r .rtt Fl r0 Ft '-rl \ol(\ll-{l -l6l +Jl(rl{l ol 19lr.l ".I2l 01olEI -l sl EIl.l EI ool lnlit ol drllr| rol orlvl {I rnl ool olootol(o rDl Fl| -'l| -{l .OOornoFmtt ooortlnoart o N ooloeu)toFolOT F{ !t oo|nqr o. Ooo oOE F oolol,-r ol (\|l!.1 orl 'l .{lo|l ool |ol 'n ol Nl!t rtl r!|ll.llolI F{l c) n)rnF ornanFul Irco .erOornoENt'l t't oGtoU't ct 2_ | I o (t e { o I n} oEEll ul F € O \ O I C{ rO r.(,\lLoc{l aI F N!'Flol oo A lolo cto(f tto A €).Orno u)roE ro "rlo5lr. +,l{.r Ul{l EIolr.l-{lal EI utlolFl FI I-l ol ?Oli.>Ol E O r.-rl O r.OOtl €i. G o rrd Or.l oa, P e 6^ OOl eqt O g L . r.3tl 9t .-r O oO >| 0-r ,. o !+, rrtll t€ o 6q, a,'.1 E r) >rl'rAUIarl 6lC, \ O rl. E r5l () o E O 6 .'. Odr OOl | .r, (' O O r. 'O .dE Cq ! '{DO -. Qt 5 +.| rl ..{{l O0, 5EL >.r } E A O.}r (,r.l +rr glo o r. F. o oo 4ol '.( oor q o x to |Et4f 5 Ftt.E O U! tr O Or+, OHl (')> 16 'r t +, |. Y 6 trI r. (, r.'c li 5 > O .d O'E'l FIO iO+,El a' r.-o |. r. +J \ O 6 O O(' rtal 9.'. ar 6.1. lU a O Fl L 6 e|. U_ l '. '-{ OF{.CI > L t O .1 E ! |E '.rul (,l dro .r, o o ot .,.. o. ! (, o oarl -.1 r.A 9N- O n r. .O o a OY h!f .rl ? 4 ot6Q6 o.c.. .€FI<f !f (a O ll ,lI& & A.H Crilol +,,.1 cl oql q = ^l l'l !. r,1 y1 rD F (D .'i IEl dl o o oocro ocro e!ol !l tr{f Al it at ti nl tv! lvl at att lv! ti Uttrl(rlEl c,5tLl ('l i f t|' otc l, ci t) r.l'l:{l;l:lilEI I I 1 t_ r I 1,{.'I' I I I t t I {,atEo(., G(, ttoo-Ea>rrrDO F{O.O a|! \\r$.1 il\ Rrgt fl sE gesFr-;l _lE '!l T;Iol ol LtI ;i rDlEI -l ;lol4l !lolr.l al 3lel ! | 6 u1 '/rl |l1l| | rD - drl €l_tl drl oo o'/)ol lnleo cn||nl Fl€ !f,| N ,.. Fl lvrl.t-l -t I r'r I otol ol(> | cl olo| -rl .rt I oo I-{lE |!lo5l! .JlI|] Ol<l I l'l sl ''{ | otolql IO l|!l.dt!lt! (,co Lo lLl6 lsI9 ocr ocrol oloc' oool olN ra, ..t €' -tl (ol.t rl -t -1 -rl cl aFisl 31 3p 33st 3lg 31 3r g- 3ggl al.il a oL 3p s331 3lO tt' 6r In -il {l-l-l '{ -{ -rl 3l o cr u.) c) lnl c)lO O ti,l N Vll ,-{ |qr u) Fr o ,nl ol -lol !r,tlcB.ql I io(,)oltJ U\r.Ocrlall()l ol olol ol,-r | .nl ol olol ol-rl .rr I olOi N otol ol olol ol ,-'l | .'l I ll I'l' .{ 'T8{flF, ,fl g tl ;iH ,, igis ;8l i 3 ; EI '- '..n 6 i rl lcd il $Et; E HJ E E 2 .Ul S ;! s I ia6:t ,tfl;l i;! ii 8:eEfgil :l 3E8iel ;g:.Ea? !l il .q!e!!l _N .',!,,,'!5l g???€Rl oijc;;o;;l o:l ;;-,;51 ;d;;;A (rl 5t ? ?q.l ! ut oN tr oc Cco f T f L,va f ''l' I I c)a (, 1FI r-l I F{J xlerl t 1 t !ov |!(, ooEE >rJoo .-. O|!(, |!|! t L t_ I f t I i 48 ooo|noo \' ^ollrl {=r oooo@.nNc)Frvlrl I e 6lo rl!91 't't OI4l I oll.l =lolgl I E6lo 5lr. aJlrr,r Ul{l I ol 1.. I otolel I -rlE6l lr rJlrr ol<l I I loI to I t.!I ltr!ol.!llrl>t{!ltol t_ | t=ltltlll fltENl lC.,rl l.!l{ | 1...ol lL:El ol 'nt!t>f'| |!lclol El'l c t6l|!l I ,-r | |al It' |;tslt.l'! I L l'.' l()l'!tt>Irltol!a,I lEllxl I'l I a o o rol 'r1lI o !n { d\l fil-t4-l Fl 9 rn O c| o c) o cr O o o o o |nl oll,.l 10 tn er u1 0 6 c' c) nl rn ur tn Ni \oll\ 61 6" 0O { .rt -t 't <! CO C.t F. '-{ rnl gl I'nl ^$^I I o o .'{c o o o o I o c| o ol ol('r I dl @ \-f{ o ul o o | |n |n !t Fl lllF{ v \? Irt r-a F.t (vt Ft y -l n I Q 'n o c, o o o o o o o o o ol |nlrn ror o rn |n 0 |n c) 0 N o |n |n 0l aolF N .rt F { rn t4 d r? CD tt Fl i 'nl (rl l|nl o o I r o o tl olo o | | o <r 9lF{lv)-iv o o o o o o ol 6lo o (\t tl1 o rn dtl rDlF. e (p '-{ r-. - <l r-llrllql 0loooolittlrt(l(\tol(\v.il rool r^lI F. r'rl NlF, el F.l t-ttql o|')0c|0ttlo.rDmFF|tll FN<tto!! olr.l otolgl .l.ol d-l ooooN()t\ ao Fl crl.oorroLO ta l''i.' ;- * o I -:' ,-, -' ,J.i i'- \o\.\o !''tr-\o : '.,'\'da)Ol 1Lr\ tJqrl r'!'l!0.r(rl , o|u'E o L o ..r....f I ceuo ro -1ll O !!oO '.r urc..1!l n qo4a'l rlo O OCl I _ o a A > nr c r.; t!.al 9EQO\! rroo.|.rt'!.-l fi I I E g| o i \ u' t{ t 6 aol e O o c th O |. 4 O O '. O?f o E ! Fr .-t a 6 F. - : .: O O',11 .1 QGtta c.r|!OArc6t_. !l Co orr|!O-r qr;\-i Oldl 9l .1 ! q.i -4 o o.a.,.,,t i E o i9l tl E 94rO e o k x1'o's E tr orl .El E33jEE8isi68eEi Frl El f \ 3!l '11 -, N .'r I r,\ !^ ro F .o or o ..r (\t r'r ! .},Ef el o o o \o\, cr o o o o ) -t a 2. a Dof ot .rr.1. .).,..1 {l tD rO rO $O ,rO rC € |o lr| {O € rO \D (D (,)rrl ', Icrl \ Icto\al .ri&.1 € ornoooc)16 ro O ral tll CtFNNio<ldl nr ( III __ f T { t,I"'i t.' o (, Frl FIHlol t-. I xtB:' 1 t_ t I t L L I to g o |!o oo-o|!>! tr0ro F.OOL' |!6( I t i 49 a(, 6 ttoto| ooa o ooo& o rJ IJo{{ o 6 =ito (t lE 0, >r..l a, 6 o g. a 6(, ort {Jo x DI lololo lo I l8 l+aIEl.{l'i{ta l.o I I'IElull(,o 4J 0,ar,LJc os rf'i oo oqocoor. gl oi\ It r{.,UciaruoE6l, (, 6EQTO'a0{Jo !,Etro,4F{ aJ(r6co-rO s, 1-.od 40,:to6>ar6 aEOEot5|!OLt!ool.(,c6'U e.dlg +J l!ril (t;I rr .< 5 Or-{ E-r '-{ 65{Oc\ |-,oooO O tq. oooOIJ l! ..4 F'IJ 53!oEo6€ tl!o, E>Ul 6EE('EAElro0, ooxct!oot' a,o|.ol!u)oo OO. o!,tt F{r(,c s:t )r aEEto (,.(,c,6 -rit II Or-{ l!oc\ooot) -{oUaco|q|! .r.uo orot>4.8tt&o '.oxo!t(,ll a! eornot lnt ot alFO\o|'ll @l 1ol |'|l33 -r 31 3t 3l FsfiFl Hl Et Et :sEl :l ;t ;lt-'t 3 -'I a.l sl it oooolol ot ol!rorlnl€l lnl |'|lv vl .rl F{l -tl ooool ol olol roool lnl .u1 tr1 0 0l ol rnlN.4..Nt ot {.r Tl 33:l :l El [l| -'l d!' F' -'l -1 -'l -'l! | rnl rnl Itl O Ol |/1l url Nlro io .vrl |nl or I ut IF rfl Fl ol Fl ol," r' | -l -'l -'lor I Frl ol o ct o ol olF o € |Jrl (\|ldt--l Fl rrlc 9. rlol,l@lr. (9\lr.6 Nl 5 FI(.)l I IdlE dl |- +JlIr trl(l rrl sl olot&l I E6lo5l! rrlq0l(l I '|'lsldl otolEI le,l(, IC: tg il! ol(,lcl(tHl!.t3 I' I 9 9 | ll ol | |oi rn I tl rl I a| -ll EEIr+. ol{l t'lol !l 6l Q'I:l ,{Jdl 6l 3l ul 0 rnl ol el (\I(n O 6l Ol Ol d\lor rtt |ol -tl dl I ro I{ { rl .!<t trl .-{ I €gl Nl dl|Yr I (l!l rtl o o o ol olO ur 19 (ll €lN rvl -a '-{ | col ..Ef t - al ol aa+r a, l,l 6l O Fl Frl ol(J69l .l .l .t!..'{ Ol rYr r! Gtl @l o IolF - lqol olFl ol olol ol.'! | l{tl 31 3lr'll t tl oa,ooo or(,cF{tOl{O+)oaroO'{ACCt{C !{60g{O.n lf Fr cl .,1 € -.1 .J_ -El o !r cl E 6q\1e -{l !4.{ €c gr o o 61 9 : o-.0oo &l 6 6(J 6* S _c c E{l Ei ! {919€6 19 r.r{ ElCarg{d El o 6() irjotllq-{Ft cl !. .r (9(59{! lro 6l o {or 6.qcooloo.a?t oul cl a 04 AA-9 A,.+.F{ Ol -i-i' Ot, 66E--I{.<l (ra rE; ir!aJ aJl |J .-t d. o6t o taa C!.q =$ilrr +, (rl F9 Ed bo99oo45l o! ,-{ oF{do,.|'l .a |!.{;aElE,\ F F F o glt cp ur .|i g E €: .,,c, i g6i!3d aEg;83 o(,c6c a, {Jc 6I r0 E G 3 1) CIoEco tEE o 4J o () ooJ(, oox!l I f { r I I o{,ac 1'c 3 rl '{l crlFal EI xlEI I;'t t_ 1 I lroa,Eoo 6(, '|'C,O-rto!r.oo F{o(tu ai! I I IL_ I { ( i It, Vail Valley MedicalVail, Colorado o Center EXHIBIT 15 ESTIMATED TOTAL BUILDING GROSS SOUARE FOOT SPACE REQUIREMENTS 50 : I I r 1"., I Key AssumDtions Hospit,aL Beds Physicians on site Space Sunmarv Hosp i ta 1 Physician Offices- CI in ics Ambulance Building Total BGSF Incremental Percent Increase Tota I Ex istingffi19 25 14 T7 Planning Horizon ( 1989 ) ( r994 )5 Years l0 Years-----E ----ro2225 I I t 35, 195 L5.245 4.760 55,200 42,3O0 19,000 4,760 g*g +19.7 +19.7 58, 600 25,000 4 t760 ggjjgg +33. I +60.1 65,900 28,000 4,760 :1,560 +11. 7 +7 8.7t_ 1 I I t I l,t- BGSF = building gross square feet. ( I t Hermon Smith Associotes ' 4--\r--> ,s\o, 77 't-;)Y 7 / ---:IiTYiLitt t.-; \-iI\ .r l\ =I$ --A C 5ffi-'j!= -rr-r 5r rr$ tt;\s{l I I t# I I t .l I t,t| lt t ! N Io{oI 4'.=,,) Ail',1-7 -i--,, Qrrt(#t') \\.i :$l3 : $r2It Trl3*r o t-fTtlt l*t t+ l+S\ ib_s_ E \:r -q_ r) \fr 5rrt $ =P LI r-]lo -J 67 Nx a\ -'1 7 !l' Rtl1 rr 4 {-1 z o K $ lq riiiil r$ ;ttllllltl {lgt--\ | FI$'I $r >. rf :(- s $l mx:t6 TD Eg 6t (,t V Prnr \9fll 1 $ q i l-l lrtl +I lsljjJ ll!lillllrtlllttt lrr F7tt + nTfs-l $\ -{ a,-z qP (r T F l$ 9 st!! 7 s voilvolley medicolcenter 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81 657 (303) 476,24s 1 0ctober 4, 1985 Mr. Thomas Braun Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Tom: Thank you for your1etter dated Septenber 27 which'l isted some genera'l topics for discussion regarding the hospital expansion. After our work session with the Planning Conmission on September 9, my understanding was that Peter Patton wou'l d review the hospital parking survey, the comparative survey of park'ing codes for hospita'l s provided by our architects, and then give h'is opinion regarding the proposed solution to hospital parking requirements for the new expans i on . I would like to request a work session with you and Peter with the goals bei ng: 1. Specific feedback regard'ing the proposed parking solution. 2. Feedback regarding appropriate amendment of the existing parking code. I would anticipate the next meeting with the architects to be late this month and woul d suggest'l et's combine a work session with you and Peter then. I will call you in a week or so to set a date. Best regards, a\/tkt*lQ*rVo"uJ'"ui .tort '/ Admi ni strator Deborah Jost Adminlstrator /lms ->51e. tt v.r.g 9'..-^a !-\ 1ri\rrrt L- ot- L--t- ?\ o ->r\e- tt'rr'.g ,- i.. t'0. 0 -\-> \'. ..--L\ i(s \ ---r g L IEE E--t- ,4 1r,i\Nr* t- ot- t o \ '\ (\ ,.-. --r-o+?_\r\ C alr 5 r. I' ,ij ?l -,.l\ -\\'-:. l, ;i..:.tl- ;,:,t + '.::: lL- 1ri\Nrr.r L- ot- r.---.F a?uoa"..*.. .S.,-....,.1 Ll-{s C^cs J,j' a =o a tr7 < -n)) tl /. ---i." L 'r ']lL'-.\.tw..g .------ .-.-. t0 0.L> ty\-_>_r\- iro \ , '':, t g,-L-- ---'--= o uh*t\ f .---.._. E fir*rr.r L. ot- L,--t- .EE E 1r/\rr.r L- ot- t r--, g- 't il il E $Wtr.r L- ot- L . ->x\e- E-L,--te 1o \ri ,0 )7,, 4,Ji'l / o o L4 ry?- ! e/4?t 4 ap.or. --e^ a4_a F ea6t .iJ E I IEE o $rAYtr.r L- o'\- L 5 o e 1t\,tr'f L- o'r- L-