HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 1978-1985 CONSTRUCTION PERMITS LEGAL2 F O F z () f, r,l z trl x,{t, 'i $ \eoI:+l! -.9=tfr J G Y ulI z zotrOiH;so.(J g/ ur ozf UJ z ll zul E IJJ t), uJ 9 F lr u,lt Go E IJ,I F J J F !Jc t J F F r lrl 0. =J ! ! eI lreO =?=oE'Il-- f o ltzz ry :€!s>('(' z *A ="2 e9-o(0 "6vo Fxi-E6 FE9o;>xo:2:< >9 - ari tgF/ a/rt I erl .- -r-,'l -1 TYPI:AL ^.$),{'l :afl-l rrtALS C 'rf F Rll- ! iACIOR ' . \ -+ -_-. 1..,.,t +' ---l /--..- j--) a\, (\i- a\4 --- \ i -l\ z\\I C,b -j)4tr(-. .*-'; \ Nat\ |. T/tl :v q0 -|- 7T { SUi€-S€Af MEi(8RAXE - - - - - --r--r X-IOO SPLTCING C€|,€xt- - - -- - st:r::=t LAP S€ALANT - -----E=El LAP SPLICF., 3' MtN.:=:: NOTES:-=i::,-'r-nP sPLtcE, 3" WD. 2. ---:BONolliG AOHESIVE. -I ittr1-g-1,qrt 'tr9 I'IEIJERANE THls ARE-A. 4.'E.F."' , rlniroroRM FLASHING': s. O i urur.rnAr{E SHEET IDENTIryEE_ --tE,/.- 6. nlrei-ro s;Ecs & DETAILS' SYSTEM izH' i. + 'Roor onArN, DETAIL u-6-. 8 i ,P|TCH POCKET, DETAIL q-16-' 9 o :VE}{T PlFi. DETAIL U-8-. 10.8 :CUFB. DETAIL U=5*. ii.E--,EXPAltStON JOINT, U- :-3-'ii -'t-+ : scuPPER, DETATL u-18-. t3 r-.r: R.t{.s. FEF. MARS . lo N i..';:,, .^,"'..:''.*1 ''Y ;:.';i::e'(:ds''':-= Rf Vr:," \5 O^IE DY ,1 l i -;fiffiilpffi6, ir".; co. WATERSAVEIT COIYIPANY lNc \ ) ) )/,/ -l "-..>ff -/ e/ \/"'-zY / (: I \ ql ( \N il-=-$ i \ \ b r( (- \ \ -r3 \\ A _)lq0/-t" ,." \ 1 qT .t./i \ N1 I TYrriA.L >" ,0 ^4 ,t'f /a.\ ,t",4|\' ,4 "t'I NOTES:E ;, !,3I i'l?jjrf iile?u,, o,, o I i:UBr,l', !3AAl*';,',, ;,- nsxinc:__ e. ^o;.X' V3a 3|F. 3 ",,' J u F4',l!]5 ''fJ'' e $:ll'gi '.Htii',1-t^'f 11r'I o :VENT PIFE, Di: ii';L u-"-' 1og :CURB, oETAtLoU ]rirr, U_ _ 311.:: EXPANS 1? =# : SCUPPT tj ''' illt U-ta 13 r-----r: R.N,S. Il: t :':At{) ' i*N.i,';,.... -Y\'^iil'r ^.0t ^It I,/l ,r.' v I ,/" t. ie prir si l; rATtvE - Roor ltlc co :( 7 $nE-StAL. [EM88AtiE - ------- N-100 spllcl G c€Mtrrt- - - -- - 'i-t<-<--5 LAt S€ALINT__ - - -.-Fr:'?---ir:-- LAP SPLICE. 3. tIIN. F f-v | 1:.lO |t 5 I .^'^i?.hc^\rrn rI-r;'..{DANY lblf ;,e i; Irrur){Olr-rir c ,';i o I =ii(,)6fIn:io;: <62; > ;3iH<oo> ryi'5 a F>Jaoa<r$o>EO< '1 \\.--\ I ilI-lfr-I -tloll litl <il NI '1,-=li ij IJll -ti{li F-i I'lii nii,l it,-\JL u-tiz --.'tJti{r 7,; l: d.i, !r 'd_l \; FT ii d_ ulL ul ulJ {r ; \ '.f?u Fri ;i ul ({ ll, /-z- | '( ttDr-.tilJrtrJ^rU -!o-Y-9 IO\-3 uJ o'- -J{.r '- t-N*- <lA ; itl . o\\$. tllf'- 7. '^ ,|lrwrT-A:- I ---r ': t\-;Y-a'!t\ .:, "'. -),lr-tr(.r .J ,a- !' ,i -! ! i i:... r\ '.--r\ * J ttav f "f r:cA EY tirf ril; .r.1 " c'. (. aI\F'')'o*q\ Y*' .'0 ,( Pf! X,/,"- AY r./ YU\ cr,.pLrsLe .o6or rl."iope.Je -.,'- Eri rr. llrlq 7L1t)a,.=c, pL-!r- -._- ,,i vr1'l sLzeTep .. .\ ..' i.).i.. . \\). N\.'\\\\ \\\\;r\\\r.. {.{ *' 4. \\- I I' -rt \\t i ::.=Lf::i_*_+a*_=:i A - 15, , t..:trj' {:.1,. Z *clLr, fs - i.i' . C._), ,, .l C - 1Ql" ...:.t rr ,r rl 9 ' lO' . , CO' 6C F1,L clttz ,r rt!"4LL/.'-,I I r-r.r' | ;'-,lt N \ /}. \ j'*1 d- r.- r T'( 7 :- 'r' ,) I \.- r:::-:-.i: .:i=-:: 3 r tta (\al ql 1\*'1 ?e-p JYrc,t& ,' /''50 CA: EY t'. i IEi lar rlr 21't O ; ,-1. "-j. 'Ji .1 I t t voilvolley 1 81 Wesl lleadow Drrve Vaal. Coicrado Bt 657 {333) 176_2151medicolcenter ftt 0ctober 19, 1983 Mr. Michael McGee Fire Marshall Vail Fire Department 42 tiest Meadow Drive Vai1, Colorado 81657 Oear Mike: In response to your 'l etter addressed to Bruce Awenius of the Colorado Department of Health dated October 10, 1983, I would like to request a meeting with you and Fire Chief Dick Duran at your earliest conven i ence . I agree with you that the hospita'l and fire department have mutual concern and responsibility 'in pat'ient protection. I think yourletter is only partial'ly accurate and reflects poor communication between you and me for which I certainly assume some nesponsibility. Inan effort to identify problems and a p'l an for correction, I rould apprec'iate a meeting. The hospital has val'id concerns with actions taken by the Fire Department that I beljeve can be resolved. Again I would like to request that you rethink your strong statements and correct any inaccqracjes in a subsequent letter to the Health Department followjng our meeting. I appreciate your he1 p. Si ncerel y, C{i /soa {'?'o' ,no.4.---- Deborah Canode Admi ni strator xc: Bruce Awen'ius, Co1 orado Department of Health Dick Duran, Fire Ch'ief Steve Patterson, Ch'ief Building Official, Town of Vail Brad Schneider, Hospital Engineer l. -il ; r1tl\t flL'r/n r{'1 t. l< ( \ Deborah CanoCe Administralor Flcspital Building & Equipment Company Division of HBE Corporation, 717 Olfice Parkway, St. Louis, Missouri 63141, Phone (314) 567-9000 August 13, 1982 Mr. Steve Patterson Building 0fflclal Torm of VaLl 75 South Frontage Road Vall, Colorado 8L657 Dear Mr. Patterson: I am formally requesting a refund forwlth the Clty of Vall. the $500.00 deposit rhat we have When speaktng wlth you by phone, you discussed certain unresolved prob lenrs concerning the Vall Val1ey Medical Center, whlch prevented you from refundingthls deposlt. I would appreciate your writing me back detalling the specific areas of concern. I will then submlt your 1-etter to the proper department here at IIBE Corporation and we w111 attempt to resolve this Lssue. Please respond at your earllest convenience. Yours Very Truly, Ilarry llathar"ay Assistant Controller I{IIIsd OOIOiADO DEPIRTMEXT OF HEILTH 12IO EAST 'ITH AVENUE JRK: cbcc: Charles F. Tubbs, Mark Marcus, Chief DENVER, COLORADO 80220 . Anthmy nobblru, ll.D, , l|.P.4. PHONE 388-611t Erosrtlvc Dlractot April 26, 1978 llr. Ephraim Hubert FREDERICK S. SCOTT, ARCHTTECT 717 Office Parkway St. Louis, Missourri 53141 Re: Vail Valley Medical CenterVail, Colorado Dear l4r. Hubert: I received your letter dated April emergency fuel supply for the boilers. acceptable to this office, and with the Federal requirement into the work, the Sincerely, Chief, Design and I9, I978 regarding The proposal isinclusion of thisproject is approved. Medical Care Licensing and Certif ication Division AdministratorBuilding Official (aZer.'7on, c'l-s ^/rt, Archltect Center Aj7 shows -sTdes'o the smo comments from Gingery Assocjates, Inc.' dated 'is a response to those items which require Frederick S. Scott 717 Ottice Pa rkway St. Louis, Mo. 63141 Phone 314.587-9000 April 11,'1978 Mr. James A. Abbie Building 0fficial Town of Vai I Box ]00 Vai l, Colorado 81657 Reference: Vail Va'l 'ley Medical Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Abbie: t,le are in receipt of a copy of March 22, .|978. The following further clari fication. SECTION I A. Architectural - First Floor Item 6 Detai I on T Item 8ffi o"u, "?r&* r{ f;* 3?S{#rn",T, ^#ffi Rtfu Door Rl-07 'is only a conven'ience door, Door 0penings R1 -06 are the required egress from thjs suite. Architectural - Second Floor extended to by bulletin Item I Referring to blowq is a clearance oost on 'l andin the slab above. to reflect this The legend on condition for Drawing A-2 wiIl smoke partition. e e modified ,n{ffi:r and Rl-05, een /trro ory aEt/cE GnZ f on Drawing A-9, it will be r'foted that there the ljmits of the doorswing and the newel R2-08. R peni ng 4 Sheet'A-4; hence, the windows in the with any additiona'l protection since tection between the two bui'l dinqs. April 1.| , .|978 Page 2 been protected as shown on Elevation 5, existing building need not be provided that wou'l d rea1ly amount to doub'le pro-It is requested that the existing windows l.4r. James A. Abbie Building Official Vai'l , Colorado SECTION II Item 2 B. Smoke detectors have been indjcated on Drawing E-6 for X-Ray rooms which are not provided with sprinklers. Item 4 Waddition have be permitted to remain in existing building without any change. Item9-B The required 1% hour ratTp{ff,5 be indicated in a forthcomjng bu11etin for the elevator door openings. u' Item 14 The foundations for the original hospital building, designed by Cand'ill and Associates in 1967, and the addition designed by Rodney 5. Davis Associatesin 197] r w€F€ both desiqned usinq a soi'l bearinq pressure of 6'000 PSF. Our inspection of these buiTdinqs sh6w no distress 6r'problems due to foundation settlement. From the Soil investigation Report, the average "N" value (i'.e. b'low counts for 12") taken at our footing depth is 28.5.' Using this value in accepted soi'l bearing equations resu'l ts in soil bearing values of .l0,200 PSF to .l3,800 PSF. Therefore, us'ing 6,000 PSF as our design pressure results in a factor of safety of between .l.7 and 2.3. We trust the above satisfactorily responds to the items for this project, and look foruard to your early approval . Sincerefy, <\l I Je_----hl; eJ^-&'"--t I Ephraim Hubert I EH: lmo I cc: Charl es F. Tubbs, Adm'i n'i strator Vai I Va1 I ey Medi ca'l Center 6 a ,./bza< u/ fiiec- tu-Kez Bu*6 398 6///r a fw tluch 31, l9t8 flr, Ephrrlr llubcrt FNEDERTCX S. SCOTT, ARCHTTECT 717 0fflcr Pmluqy St. Loulr, llo. 63141 Rl: Altrrrtlonr rnd Addftfonr toYrfl Yrllty ihdlcrl 0tntlr, Vrll, C0. llclr llr. Hubcrt: I ncrlnd your lrtt* of ruponr drtd llrrch 17, 1978 rnd thc ffnrl phnr rnd rpcclflcrtlonr. Thr r.crponrer rne accrptrblc rltJrouglt lt lr ttlll rrcomndrd thrt thr rlr-flor ln roon Rl-53 bc F.vontd. 0m ltm wrr brought to ry attrntlon regardlng thlr prcJcct rnd thrt lr rnrltcrnatr rourc. of fuol nult bc pruvldrd to thc bollerr. Thft ngulrrrntlr r ihdferrr rrgulotlon rcqufrumnt rnd lf thr hospltrl rlrhu to prftlcf- prte In ttfr progrrn, tho rtrndby furl vlll havc to bc prcvldod. th! 3trndby fuel rould hrve to be for both ncr rnd old bollorr. Il$ th. Inclurlon o? thls lto, tho proJrct lr rpprcvcd for conrtructlon. Slnccrdy, il. Ralph llrlbcrg, Archlt ct Chlaf, Dolgn rnd Gonrtructlon ilcdfcrl Cuc Lfcrnslng rnd Certlflertlon lXvlrlsn ilRI:tr cc: Ourlcr F. Tubbr. Afilnlrtrrto? /. ttflllrr Pfrrcr, Jr., &rhltrct, C.8.0., Yrll , Ci. ,,/ t n u"& :1 ! :: :6fr +: - [: xr ili fr , Ll r)bJ z ct gl A&GNAPHICII l-/Kneu / 6ttE C-, LowDa ao boon,rr'*),. c {12o. 1u )rze'r) .Dern "I l*porru3bg'c lll ,l,lh t p uz.,eZ6E///z %rz -Ga tLr* L 7 /' t'7 \( l,A EoncA d :? [Ae. U )\{ Fu F1 ) rrtotl(tE ?au -D',,^,7 1 p,t-a6 Te, J2, a €./,/, ,J T{?AvE e OFFICE BOX 7m . VAIL, oOLOnADO 41667 . OngcryAssocntcc lnc.,a:a-sof:lATEs OERYL W. CINGENY ELMER L. CLAYCOME LARRY A. MULLER Bf7,1wt-11 OFF/CE cLEflwooo sPRtN6S, colonADo 81601 303 94ffi76 March 29, L978 I} O A/ S U LN N G EfV G / A/ E E F] S 2840 SOUTH YALLEJO STREET ENaLEWOOD, COLORADO 801 ]O rElEPHONE 303 761-4860 James A. Abbie Acting Building official Town of Vail Box 100 Vail , Colorado 81657 RE: PIan Check Procedures Method of Resubmission (i.e. Vail- Medical Center) Dear Mr. Abbie: On January 31, J-978 you forwarded the archilectrs responseof October 20, L977 to our compliance report of August 29, L977 . We reviewed the architectrs wri-tten statements as to methods to be employed to bring the cited items into code compliance and noted in our report of February 6, 1978 that the responseconstituted a statement of intent to comply and that compliance was not recognized until the staternent was given force andeffect by inclusion in ttre contract d.ocuments by modificationof the drawings, specifications and addendums or by completionof dj-rect actions where required. Subsequently, the architect on March 17, 1978 submitted revisedplans and specifications which we reviewed and issued our report dated March 22, L978. You will note therein, thatfor certain items, compliance was not achieved in accordance with the architectrs statements for compliance on October 20, L977. Review of the architectts written response and again of revised pJ-ans and specifications required that the entire listing of- citations and plans be reviewed twice. The basic serviceprovides for initial- review with development of the compliancereport and review of the revised plans and specificationsto determine if compliance has been achieved. Revierirr of the intermediate written response of the architect constitutes a direct service to the architect in providing evaluation of ttre proposed modifications as set forth in the statements for intended compliance with code requirements. Ilenceforce, the Pl-an Check Division will- provide this inter nediate service to the architect when requested at our stand.ard CIVIL €NGINEERING / LANO SU RVEYIN G / STO RM D RAINAG E / STRUCTU BAL / TRANSPORTATION / WATER & SANITATION / C OMPUTE R SE RVICES Janes A. Abbie March 29, L978 Page Two hourly rates supplemental to the statuatory plan check fee. Resubmission of cited items for compliance given force andeffect by inclusion in the contract documents, as hereinbeforestated, wil-l be processed under the statuatory fee. Please call us if you have any guestions. Very truly yours, GINGERY ASSOCIATES, INC. KOR:meo tl o /.5 U LT/N t3 E ^/ G / fV EE fs S ASSAC/ATES DERYL W. GII,IGEPY ELMER L. CLAYCOMB URRY A, T,IULLER BFTAAJT:H OFF/CE GL€TIWOOD SPRINGS, coLoRADO 81601303 5&76 1978 2840 SOUTH YALLEJO STREET March 29, James A. AbbieActing Building Official Town of Vail Box 100 Vail , Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Valley Medical Center Plan Check FeesGAr Job No. 452.026 Dear Mr. Abbie: We have reviewed your letter of March L4, L978 in response to our letter of January ll, 1978 requesting the efforts of your good offices in obtaining ttre remittance of the additional costof $473.60 we incurred for this project. your letter you have clearly stated the opinions and positions yoursel-f and the Town of Vail in ttris matter. To date, our Plan Check Division has processed a total of $35'128,000 of construction for ttre Tonrrn of Vail. The currentproject is the only one in vrhich any adjustment of plan checkfee has been requested.. Our reLations with your department have been excellent and we will not permit the current question to influence our continuingrelationship. Therefore, we hereby waive our request for additional compensation as set forth in our letter of January 11, L978. Very truly yourst Gingery Associates, Inc. 0ingcryAssocntcc lnc. ENGLEWOOA COLORADO 801 ]O TELEPHONE 303 761-4860 In of 4?fu Knud O. Rasmussen, P.E. KOR:meo ClVlt ENGIl'l E E RING / tAN0 SUffVEYING / SToRlrl 0RAll{AGE / STRUCTU RA t / TRAI{SP0RTATI0N / WATER & SAt{lTATl0N / CoMPUTE R SE RVICES Singcry Assoctbtcc lnc. C D N S IJLT/A/G EA/G / IVEER S 2840 SOUTH YALLEJO STREE| ENGLEWOOO COLORADO 801 ] O TEtEPHOwE 303 761-4860 A S;SOC IATF S OERTL W. GIIICERT ELT'ER L. CUrcOM8 URPY A. MULLER BFIA.VT,_H OFF/CE cLEflWOOO SPPTNCS coLoPAoo SIal93 915&76 March 22, L978 ilanes A. Abbie Acting Building Official Town of Vail Box 100Vai1, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Valley Medical CenterPlan Check for Compliance withUniform Building Code GAr Job No. 452.026 Dear Mr. Abbie: On February 6t 1978 we reviewed and reported our evaluat,ion andfindings as to the architectrs response dated October 20, L977to our compliance report dated August 29, L977. Therein weacknowledged the architectrs stated intent to comply with thecode provisions sited, but we noted that such statements haveno force or effect until included in the contract drawings bymodification of the drawings, specifications and addendumsor by completion of d,irect actions where required. In response to the above statement the architect has subnittedrevised drawings and specifications dated March 9, L978. Withreference thereto and alL foregoing reports and responses, wefind as follows: SECTION I A.Architectural - First Floor Item2-Partl In compliance as mented on Sheet Item2-Part2 per response E5. of October 20,L977 | as irnple- In compliance per general note added to Sheet AZ. CIVIL ENGIt{ E ERING / LAN0 SURVEYII{G / ST0Biil 0RAlI'IAGE i STBUCTURAL / TRA]{SP08TAT|0N / WATEB & SAlilTAT|0l{ / CoMPUTER SE RVICES James A. Abbie Page Two March 22, L978 Item4-PartI Item4-Part2 In compliance. Alternative under Item 4 - Part 2 exercj-sed and slrown on Sheet 42. Iten 6 Specification 9.1.04c is in cornpliance. Legend on Sheet A2 has not been revised. Iten 8 .The dead-end corridor problem has been partially alleviated t[Hy add,LEion of Door R1-07A thus separating Elevator Lobby hl-nf-fZ from Corridor R1-22. Since the elevator does not con-v stitute a means of exit, ttr-is is permissiSle and eliminates the far end of the dead-end corridor system as previously shown. However, the residual length of Corrid.or R1-22 from Corridor Rl-49 to Door R1-07 is 26 feet which is in excess of 20 foot lengttr permitted under Section 3304-f. In his response of October 2Q, J-977 , the architect notes that entry into ttre laboratory area is not dead-end since the laboratory area has alternate means of exit via Door R1-06. Conced.ed; h9r4sJ.r-.provisions of Section 3301-c-Exit and Section r to preclude recognition of this meansof egreEl-1j14r47' Subject to ruling of the Building official. It,em 14 In compliance as shown on Sheet A2. B. Architectural - Second Floor Iten 1 Architect's response of Oct,ober 20, L977, states item has been corrected to comply urith cod.e. Sheet A,9 does not show any dimensional chanqes to relieve cited constriction. ;Ianes A. Abbie Page Three l(arc}r 22, 1978 Iten 3 In compliance with U.B.C. Subject to approval of tlr.Karlberg. Item4-Part, 1 Item4-Part3 Architect's response of October 20, L977 states secondfloor area of existing buiJ-ding wil-l not.be used by the handicappedi lrence no provisions for same. \\ Since no access to this area is provided for th-e handi- n\capped except passage through Stairway A from the secondv floor rental area, the statement is consistent with design. Subject to ruling of the Building Official . Itern 5 In compliance for usage of area as stated in responseof October 20, L977. Iten 6 In compliance as shown on Sheet PFP-4. C. General Comnents Item L In compliance per Specifications 5.L.18 and and Section 6 on Sheet A5. Iten 2 In conpliance with ordinance NO. 14, Town of Vail , Seriesof L972, per Specificat.ion 6.1.18. D. Mechanical - First !'loor Item 3 In compliance. Specified under Section L5.2.23. Fire d.amper details add.ed to Sheet M6. ilanes A. Abbie Page Four Marctr 22, L978 Item LL Action of compliance at appropriate tirne as stated in response of October 20, L977. E. El-ectrical - First Floor Item I In compliance as shown on Sheet 85. Iten 2 Ln compliance as shown on Sheet E5. Item 5 In compliance as shown on Sheet 85. F. Specifications. Item 2 In compliance per Specification 8.3.01. Itern 3 In compJ-iance as originalJ-y stated. Iten4-Parll In compliance as originally stated. Item4-Part2 In compliance. Horizontal astragal- added as shown on Sheet A7. Iten 5 In compliance. Horizontal astragal added as shown on Str.eet A7. Additional- lockset provided to Specification 8.3.01 Group 35. Iten 6 Door R1-35 in compliance per Specification 8.3.01 Group 39. No clrange to Door R1-34. Subject to ruling James A. Abbie Page Five March 22, L978 of the Building Official requirements of Section 3318-ffor Door Rt-34 may be redundant since Door Rl--35 provides unrestricted access to the recovery room. ItemT-PartI In compliance per Specification 8.3.01 Group 24. ItemT-Part2 In cornpliance as shown on Sheet A2. Item I Latctres in compliance with U.B.C. as originalJ-y stated.. Subject to approval of Mr. Karl-berg. No change shorrn at VestibuLe R2-27. Subject to ruling of the Building Official- as originally stated. Item 9 fn compliance per Specification 8.3.01 Group 52 Item 10 No U.B.C. requirement as stated. G. Jurisdiction No response required. Statement to Buil-ding Officialas originally stated. SECTION II Iten 1 In compliance as originally stat,ed.. Item 2 A. Action of compliance at appropriate time as stated in response of October 20 | L977. B. Smoke detectors specified under Section 16.1.41.D.4. Cannot find any indication of required locations. C. In compliance. Extension of existing system as per response of October 20t 1977 and as shown on Sheet PFP-2. James A. Abbie Page Six March 22, L978 D. In compliance as shown on Sheet PFP-3 Item 3 A. In compliance per Specification 6.1.18.B. B. Subject to approval of the Building Official we recotunenddel-etion of the requirement with implementation of Item 3A above. C. In eompliance as per plan Sheet A'3 and Detail 15 Sheet A9. Item 4 Per architectrs response of October 2Q, L977: "The openingsin this courc area in both the new addition and this existing buiJ-ding wil-l be properly protected in accordance with Section 1903-b. " The windows in the new add.ition are sho$rn protected on Ele-vation 5 on Sheet A4 and as detailed on Sheet A5. We note no provision for protection of openings of existing buildingat the cour!. No changes shown for wall construction. We amend our originalrequirement from required 4 hour to 2 hour wall conslructionunder provisions of Section 1903-a, Exception No. 3. Subjectto rulj-ng of the Building Officia-. Item 5 A. In compliance as per architect's response of October 20, L97'7. B. In compliance per detail Sheet A7. Item 6 No penetrations, j-n compliance. Item 7 In compliance as per architectrs response of October 20, L977. It.em 8 No change. Subject to ruling of the Building Official . James A. Abbie Page Seven I(arch 22, L978 Item 9 A. In compliance as per architectrs response dated October 20, 1977. B. Per architectts response of October 20, L977 Ehe elevator door str.alJ- be f]yt'rated in accordance with requirementsof Secrion LTWJb- Required I L/2 hour rating not included in SpecificationI4.1.05.I or el-evator details on Sheet A9. Item 10 Requirenent del-eted as per our report of February 6, 1978. Item 1I A. In compliance. B. In ccmrpliance. Item 12 A. fn compliance as originally stated. B. In compliance as shorvn on Sheet 87. C. Requirement as originally stated. Iten 13 Subsections A, B, D and E in conpliance as originally stated. Subsection C subject to approval of the Building Official as stated in our report of Februar! 6, L977. Iten l-4 Per architectrs response of October 20, L977: "Correctionswill be made to comply with the comnents of this item." itanes A. Abbie Page Eight I.tarclr 22, L978 No change iJr stated bearing pressure has been made in notes on Sheet 55 and no change of foundation sizeE have been noted. Please call us if you have any questions. Very truly yours' GINGERY ASSOCI.ATES, INC. Knud O. Rasmussen' P.E. Project Manager KOR:jJ.t cc: Ilospital Builcling E EquiprEnt Co. Frederick S. Scott Archltect 717 Of f ice Parkway St. Louis, Mo. 63141 Phons 314-567-9O0o March'f 7,1978 Mr. Rasmussen Gingery Associates, Inc. Mr. James Abbey Chief Building 0fficial Town of Vail P.0. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Reference: Vail Valley Medical CenterVail, Colorado Dear Mr. Abbey: This will acknow'ledge receipt of a letter from Gingery Associates,Inc., of February 6, 1978. In his letter Mr. Rasmussen has in- dicated that he cannot accept our ear'l ier response to comment3untilhe verifies same on revised p'l ans and specifications. Enc'losed herewith is a set of plans and specifications dated March 9,'1978, for your final-approval.' As per yolr request and to expeditethe project, we are forlrarding a coby oi this letter as well as a complete set of plans and specifications directly to Mr. Rasmussen. |lou1d appreciate your early attention and approva'l of thjs project. Sincerely, ,(-- | ,l! t -."'Pl/"'-r..*' /a-,lu i'9" t Ephraim Hubert I IEH:'lmo I cc: Char'l es F. Tubbs, AdministratorVail Valley Medical Center Oingcry A ssocn tcs, lnc. c o rv s LJ L T / ^/ t; FA/ (; /fv F f trt s 2840 SOUTH YALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80] 1 O TELEPHONE 303 761-4860 AsSOC/ATES DERYL W. GINGENY ELMER L. CUYCOME LARRY A. MULLEN EIIAA/CH OFF|CE GIENWOOD SPRIIIGS, colonAoo 8160) 303 94U8676 February 6, L978 James A. Abbie Acting Building official Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Valley Medical Center Plan Check for Compliance with Uniform BuiJ-ding Code. GAI Job No. 452.026 Dear Mr. Abbie: Per your request of JanuarY 31, L978, we have reviewed the response of the Architects dated October 20, L977, to our compliance rePort dated August 29, L977. With reference to the rePort we find as follows: SECTION I A. Architectural - First Floor Item2-Part1 In compliance. Item2-Part2 Statement for Item 4 - Part Statement for Item 4 - Part compliance. I compliance. 2 Statement for conpliance. Item 6 statement for cornpliance. CIVIL EN GINE€RING / LAN O SU RVEYIN G / STORM ORAINAGE / STR U CTU BA L / TRANSPO RTATION / WATER & SAN ITATION / COMPUTE R SE RVICES James A. Abbie Page T\^7o February 6, L978 Item No. I Statement for compliance. B. Architectural - Second Floor Statement for compliance. C. General Comments We cannot evaluate remedy without review of plan change. Item No. L4 Item No. I Statement for compliance Item No. 3 Statement for compliance. No U.B.C. requirement. Subject to approval of Karlberg and the Building Official. Item No. 4 - Part 1 No change. Subject to approvaL of ttre Building official . Itern No. 4 - Part 3 No change. Subject to approval of the Building Official. Item No. 5 In compliance for stated usage of area. Item No. 6 Item No. I Statement for cornpliance. Item No. 2 Statement for compliance per Ordinance No. 14, Town of Vail, Series of L972. Subject to approval by Mr. Karlberg. Janes A. Abbie Page Three February 6, L978 D. Mechanical - First Floor Itern No. 3 Statement for compliance. Iten No. 11 Statement for compliance. E. ELectrical - First Floor Item No. I Statement for compliance. Item No. 2 Statenent for compliance. Item No. 5 Statenent for compliance. F. Specifications Item No. 2 Statement for compliance. Item No. 3 No change as reconmended. Subject to approval by Mr. Karlberg. Item No. 4 - Part I No change as reconmended. Subject to approval by Mr. Karlberg. Item No. 4 - ParL 2 Statement for compliance. Item No. 5 Statement for compJ.iance. Item No, 6 Statement for compliance. Janes A. Abbie Page Four February 6, L978 Item No. 7 - Part I No U.B.C. requirement as stated. c. Jurisdiction Statement for compliance. Item No. 7 - PaxE 2 Statement for compliance. Item No. 8 Subject to approval of l,Ir. Karlberg. Item No. 9 Statement for compl-iance. Item No. l-0 No response required. statement to Building official standsas stated. SECTION II Item No. I In compliance as originally stated. Item No. 2 A. Statement for compliance. B. Statement for compliance. C. In compliance. D. Statement for compliance. Item No. 3 A. Statement for compliance. B. No change. Subject to ruling of the Building Official . C. Statement for compliance. James A. Abbie Page Five February 6, L978 Item No. 4 Statement for compJ-iance with reguj-rement for protected openings. No change stated for walI constructions--subject to ruling of theBuilding Official. Item No. 5 A. In compliance. B. Statement for compliance. Item No. 6 Statement for compliance. Iten No. 7 In compliance. Item No. 8 No change. Subject to ruling of the Building Official. ftem No. 9 A. In compliance. B. Statenent for compliance. lten No. L0 Requirement for overflow drains deleted under provisions of Section3207-b. Concrete construction shown for tributory areas not sub-ject to ponding. Item No. 1l A. Statement for compliance. B. Statenent for compliance. Itern No. 12 A. In compliance as originally stated. B. Statement for compliance. C. Requirernent as originally stated. James A. Abbie Page Six February 6, 1978 Item No. 13 A. In compJ-iance. B. In compliance. C. No response. Wind loading of 25 psf is consistent U.B.C. requirements under Table 23-F and Section 23 Figure 4. However, all instructions received from vail building department have required 30 psf wind Subject to approval of the Building Official. D. In compJ-iance as originally stated. Item No. 14 with the l-oading. Statement for compliance. Throughout our review, the conment "Statement for Compliance" acknowledges the architects intent to cornply with code require- ments enumerated in our report of August 29, 1977. Complianceis not recognized until- the statement is given force and effect by inclusion in the contract documents by modification of the drawi-ngs, specification and addendums or by completion of direct actions when required. Please call us if you have any questj-ons. very truly yours, GINGERY ASSOCIATES, INC. Knud O. Proj ect Manager KOR: j lt cc3 Hospital Building &Equipment Co. OingeryAssocntee lnc. C O /V S LJLN A/ G E fV G /A/ E E R S 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 801 1 O TELEPHONE 303 761-4860 A S;SOC:/ATEg DERYL W. GINCERY ELMER L, CLAYCOMS LARRY A. T'IULLER BNANCH OFF|CE iLTNWOOO SPPINES, coLoRADO 81Al JO3 94fi6/5 February 6, 1978 James A. Abbie Acting Building Official Town of Vail Box l-00 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Valley Medical Center PIan Check for Compliance with Uniform Building Code. GAI Job No. 452.026 Dear Mr. Abbie: Per your request of January 31, L978, we have reviewed the response of the Architects dated october 20, L977, to our compliance report dated August 29, 1977. With reference to the report we find as follows: SECTION I A. Architectural - First Fl-oor Item2-Partl In compliance. Item2-ParE2 Statement for compliance. Item4-Part1 Statement for compliance. Item4-Part2 Statement. for compliance. Item 6 Statement for compliance. CIVII,EI{GIiITESING/LANOSURVEYING/STORMDRAII'IAG€/STRUCTURAT/TBAI{SPORTATION/WATER&SANITATION/COMPUTERSERVICES - James A. Abbie Page Two February 6t L978 Item No. 8 We cannot evaluate remedy without review of plan change. Item No. 14 Statement for compliance. B. Architectural - Second Floor Statement for comcliance. C. General Conments Item No. I Statement for compliance Item No. 3 Statement for compliance. No U.B.C. requirement. Subject !o approval of Karlberg and the Building Official. Item No. 4 - Part 1 No change. Subject to approvaL of the Building Official . Item No. 4 - Part 3 No change. Subject to approval of the Building Official. Item No. 5 In compliance for stated usage of area. Item No. 6 Item No. 1 Statement for compliance. Item No. 2 Statement for compliance per Ordinance No. 14. Town of Vail, Series of L972. Subject to approval by Mr. Karlberg. ,tanes A. Abbie Page Three February 6, 1978 D. Mechanical - First Floor Item. .Ng. 3 Statement for compliance. Item No. 11 Statement for compliance. E. Electrical - First Fl-oor Item No. I Statement for compliance. Item No. 2 Statement for compliance. Item No. 5 Statement for compliance. F. Specificatiolg Item No. 2 Statement for compliance. Item No. 3 No change as reconmended. Subject to approval. by lr{r. Karlberg. ftem No. 4 - Part I No change as recornmended. Subject to approval by Mr. Karlberg. Item No. 4 - Part 2 Statement for compJ-iance. Item No. 5 Statement for compliance. Item No. 6 Statement for compliance. ,James A. Abbie Page Four February 5, 1978 Item No. 7 - Part l statenent for compliance. Item No. 7 - Part 2 Statement for compliance. Item No. 8 Subject to approval of Mr. Karlberg. Item No. 9 Statement for compliance. Item No. l0 No U.B.C. requirement as stated. G. Jurisdiction No response reguired. statement to Building official stands as stated. SECTION II Itern No. L In compliance as originally stated. Item No. 2 A. Statement for compliance. B. Statement for compliance. C. In compliance. D. Statement for compliance. Item No. 3 A. Statement for compliance. B. No change. Subject to ruling of the Building Official. C. Statement for compliance. James A. Abbie Page Five February 6, L978 Item No. 4 Statement for compliance with requirement for protected openings. No change stated for wall constructions--subject to ruling of theBuilding Official. Itern No. 5 A. In compliance. B. Statement for compliance. Itern No. 6 Statement for compLiance. Item No. 7 In conpliance. Item No. 8 No change. Subject to ruling of the Builcling Officia1. Item No. 9 A. In compliance. B. Statement for compliance. Item No. 10 Reguirement for overflow drains deleted under provisions of section3207-b. Concrete construction shown for tributory areas not sub-ject to ponding. Itern No. 11 A. Statenent for compJ.iance. B. Statement for compliance. Item No. L2 A. In conpliance as originally stated. B. Statement for compliance. C. Requirement as originally stated. James A. Abbie Page Six February 6t L978 Item No. 13 A. In compliance. B. In compliance. C. No response. Wind l-oading of 25 psf is consistent with U.B.C. requirements under Table 23-F and Section 23 - Figure 4. Ho\^teverr all instructions received from the Vail building department have required 30 psf wind loading. Subject to approval of the Building official. D. In compliance as originally stated. Item No. L4 Statement for compliance. Throughout our review, the comment I'statement for Compliance" acknowledges the architects intent to compJ-y with code require- ments enumerated in our report of August 29, L977. Compliance is not recognized until the statement is given force and effect by inclusion in the contract documents by modification of the drawings, specification and addendums or by completion of direct actions when required. Please call us if you have any questions. Very truly yours, GTNGERY ASSOCTATES, rNC. Knud O. Proj ect Manager KOR: j 1t cc: Hospital Building c Equipment Co. ffi NEWSTETTER FROT,I TO THE MEIIBERS OT TAPIIIO ilola This is intended as an update of ourNewsletter of Decenber 13, L977, inwhich we reported on the status of our "tnergler" talks with ICBO. To go back a bit, there is nothing newabout talk of cooperative effort Setween ICBO and IAPMO. ICBO has brought thesubject up several times during the pastl0 years. Recently - last June, to beexact - concrete proposals were putfonrard, and we began to get down to thenitty-gritty of how our tcro organizations rnigrrt efficien{,ly wori t"g'"ih"i-r"i-the common good. Further discussions of theie items were icheduled for ameeting on August 5' 1977. At that meeting, the discussion of "oop"rationbetween our two associations was shelved. -instead, rcBors Executi;d Director.Ittr. T. H. Carter, called for IAPMOTs conaent to a complete merger of ICBo andIAPMO into one organization. You wlll recall that president .r5hn carterreported on this development at our Annual Business Conference in october ofL977. To make a long story short, after an exchange of correspondence, rCBo revealedits.detailed plan at another rneeting on Nov6nrber 19, L9i7. Anong other things,their proposed nelf organization was ultimately to have one Board of Director!r-consisting of 28 people, 12 from rApuo and 16 from rcBo, with arl stafffunctions consolidated under an Executive Vice president appointed by theBoard of Directors. There would be one annual conference,'ittended 6y onlyone A member from each jurisdiction (B members were not contemplated): As you can see, IcBo would have been in solid control of the new organization.There ldere no safeguards guaranteeing participation by representatives of theplumbing discipline. Your representitives feired ttral ra-puo was being handeda road map to obrivion, not only for itself but also for the upc and Lheother publications and services with which we have long protected the consumer. We. must make it perfectly clear that ICBO! s desire for closer cooperationbetween our organizations is conunendable. IcBors Board, however, insists thatit has a mandate to provide "full services", including a plumbing code. Theyclearly feel that the implementation of thai mandate ieqnir." th6 absorptionof rAPl'to and the elimination of IAPMo as a separate entity. we sincereiy doubtthat the great rnajority of the membership or icao (many oi whom are.p.lso loyalmembers of IAPMO) would agree with this Lonclusion. Tie achievernent-o-i-r6i6;s-goal would remove the UPC and IAP!!O| s related services from the control ofpeople with plumbing expertj-se. IAPMOTs present functions and activitieswould then be in the hands of the Buildin| official, who, in most cases, doesnot have, and is not interested in obtaining, compeien"e in the plumbingdiscipline. The foreseeable conseguence is-a detlrioration in the Upc andin all the servj.ces now rendered Uy fAPf,lO. fAPMOrs Board of Directors has, therefore, concluded that the public interestcan best be served by the preservation of rApllors autonomy. January 3I, 1978 Volume l0 Number 3 Page 2 The Board has prepared a counter proposal which is outlined in the attached letter of December 15, L977. The letter provides for a Board of Trustees conaisting of an egual number of persons from each organization. No grouP would dominate the Board, and each organization would maintain its own identity. IcBOrs reply, dated January 16, 1978, is also enclosed. some concessions have been made, but, as you can see, IAP!4Ors basic objections have not been met. ICBO and IAP!,rc have cooperated for a number of years. A case in point is the agreenent over the Uniform Mechanical Code. Another area is the Inspector Certification program. A third area is the joint office maintained in Kansas City. We see no reason why this cooperation should not continue and deepen, not cnly for the benefit of each of our two aseociations, but more importantly, for the benefit of those we serve, our jurisdictions, and the general- public. Your Board of Directors is willing to negotiate with ICBO to whatever extent necessary to arrive at an agreement which will mutually benefit each organiza- tion. We will, however, resist strenuously any campaign to give one organiza- tion the advantaqe over the other. box 100 rril, colorado 81657 (303) 47S5613 Mr. Knud 0. Rasmussen, P.E. Gingery Associates' Inc. 2840 South Val'lejo St. Englewood, Colorado 80110 Re: Vail Val]eY Medical Center Vail' Colorado Dear Mr. Rasmussen: Please check the response to your plan review submitted to me uv oaie-n. r^riiion ot rreierick s.-scott, Architect. _send one copy o? iour corments to Mr. Hubert and one copy to me'.-Every effort io iipediate the revi'ewine-inO reply would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your attention and prompt action to this matter' ctfullY' department of community development 3l January 1978 /az"t James A. Abbie Acting Bui lding 0fficial JAA/gEW ENC ,tF! Frederick S. Scott Archttect 717 Of f ica Parkway St Louis, Mo. 63141 Phonc 314'567'9O00 October 20, L977 !tr. Bill Pierce Chief Building official Town of VaiI Post Office Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Reference: Vail Valley Medical center Vail, Colorado Dear I'Ir. Pierce: We would like to provide the following itemized response to ttre plan review comments provided on this Project by Gingery Associates, fnc., Consulting Engineers, under cover of their letter dated August 29, 1977. SECTTON I Reference State Plan Review.Comments A. Architectural- - First Floor Item 2 9fe have added an exit sign over Door marked L/2L Corridor L/24 as suggested by l{r. Ralph Karlberg. Items 2, 4 and 6 Ife shall comply as recommended. FIlr Mr. BiIl Pierce Chief Building Official Town of Vail Post Office Box 100 Vai1, CoLorado 81657 October 20, L977 Page 2 second floor area will is not reguired to be have therefore' made Room R2-13 will not be used for B Item I We have added this dead end indicate that egress out of Item 14 Shall be comPlied with' ltem 5 This EquiPment Storage cornbustible storage' Item 6 Automatic sPrinkJ'er Protection medical records room R2-I6' a door in Corridor R1-21 to eliminate .oiiiaot situation' we would like to itt" f"u area does have tlvo means of, ft. Eas been corrected to comply with the code' Item 3 In order to compLy with L'ife Safety Code requirements vision panels trav-" t""tt installed in the wall between the waj-ting area and the adjoining Administrative Secretary's, to allow for direct supervision' Item4-Fart1&-3 It is our consideration that this not fe used bY the handicaPPed and accessible to the handicaPPed' We no changes as suggested' Item I wilt be added in the r- . !'tr. BLll Pierce October 20, L977 . Chief Building Official Page 3' Town of Vail Post Office Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 C. General eonments Item I The soffit material has been corrected to a non- couibustible soffit material as suggested. Item 2 The exterior siding material has been changed to comply with the revised Section 1705, paragraph (d) quoted in this plan review letter. D. llechanical - First Floor Item 3 Fire dampers have been provided in all ductwork-penetrating required rated walls in ceilings. .Iten 1l We shall comply by submission of automatic sprinkler shop drawings when they are avaiLabLe from the sub- contractor. E. Electrical - First FloorItems1,2&5 Bave been complied with. F. Specifications Item 2 . Shall be corrected to conply with the reference Section 3318-f. Item 3 No comment required. ltl Mr. Bill Pierce Chief 'Building 0fficial' Tow[ of vail Post Office Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 October 20, L977 Page 4 correqted in order accordance with wilt be corrected bY ttre addition exit device. Item4-Partl No comrnent iequired' Item4-Part2 Eardware for the Dutch Door will be lo """ot" that it closes properly in code requirements. Item 5 Same as above Item 4 - Part 2' Itgn 9 Doors marked R2-08 of the aPProPriate Item 6 These doors marked RL-34 and RL-35 will be corrected as suggested- Item 7 Ttre equipment room locks wiJ-l be provided wit-h the approi"i-te locking device to gonply with code re- qiir";T,"rrts. A sec6nd exit !'till be provided from the boiler room as required. Item 8 As indicated in our ].etter to !lr. Ralph Karlberg, Architect al]. the ll-sted doors shown on this -itemare correctly specified with the appropriate hardware sets. tlr. BiIl Pierce October 20, Lg77 Chlef'Building official Page 5 Tohtn of vail Post Office Box 10O Vail, Colorado 81657 Item 10 No conrnent'required. SEgTION TI Review for compliance with uniform Building code' L973. Iten I ![o further conunent required since evaluation is that the cOn- struction tlped as indicated on the drawings is in conpliance wLth the code. Item 2 A. Sprinkler shop drawings will be submitted at the aPpropriate time as required. B. Portions of thb new addition that are not sprinkled are equipped with the reguired smoke deteetion devices. c. New sprinkler main is connected to an existing sprinkler ll-ne as shown on Sheet PFP-2. The height of the siamese fire department connection shall be in coryliance with the Vail Fire Department requirement. Item 3 A. All timber used in the timber construction above the roof shall be fire retardant treated. B. Since fire retardant treated lumber will be used as in- dicated in A above, it is our consideration that it is not required that the attic space be subdivided into 31000 square foot areas. C. Access to the attic sPace will be providecl by labeled roof hatch providing access through the cqrcrete roof . structure. Ur. Bill Pierce Chief Building official To$tn of Vail Post Office Box 100 Vai1, CoLorado 8L657 Item 4 The oPenings the existing with Section October 20, L977 Page 6 on thlis court area in both the new addition and building will be properly proteeted in accordance 1903-B. Item 5 A. General notes at door and borrowed lights' on Sheet A7 callsforallborrowedlightstotravewireglass.we are therefore in comPliance' D. Door tlG)es E a F shall be corrected to show impact resistant glazing. Item 6 :AII ductwork penetrating the indicated smokestop partition here shall be provided with the required dampers' activated iv piitl""is oe- combustion' Item 7 The Sec. 3Ol-d-paragraph 2 quoted in your reference applies for buildings, more than two stories in height and Groups I & .r occupanices tberefore, are not applicable to this project. Item 8 The existing roof construction is reinforced concrete and the exposure from this indicated louver orl sheet A3 is not to any existing non-combustible construction or opening. lgp. s"" no requirement for the 3/4-hour dampels l:Ie:. Item 9 A. The quoted Sec. l7O6-d refers to elevator shafts extending to more than tlvo stories' The elevator shaft as detailed on sheet A9 does not extend to more than two stories and therefore does not require the ventilation as cofiunented upon'. ff -Mr. Bill Pierce October 2O' L977 . Chlef nuildinq Official ' Page 7 Town of Vail Post Office Box IOO Vail, Colorado 81657 B. The elevator door shall be fire rated in accordance with the reguirements of Section 1706-b' Item 10 The guoted section 32O7-b refers to roof drains. Roof drains are provided in accordance with the roof plans shown on sheet A9 and as detailed on detail- L8/9/5 on sheet A5. In addition, ite Eee no requirement for overflow drains or roof scuPpers Since there are no parapet walls around the roof structure as referenced in paragraph 3207-c. Item 11 Doors marked R1,/0r and R2,/03 shall be corrected by providing the required landing not more than 1" lower than the thres- hold of the door. Item 12 A. No comment required. B. Exit signs shall be added at door 2/O3. When this area iE finished additional exit signs and exit ilLumination wilL be provided as required. C. No coltsnent required. Item 13 No comment required as construction documents indicated compLi- ance therewith. Item 14 Corrections will be made to comply with the comnents of this item. ttr. Bill Fierce Chief, Builcling officiaL trorrn of VaiI Post Office Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 October 20' L977 Page 8 Should You lrave anY questions t""1ot"L. due to Plan review SLncerelY, regarding anY of tJre above connents please cOntact me' ,8r1" f , d'f"*,-/l Dale R. Watson DRtl:lno ce: Chuck Tubbs' Vail ValIeY Adrninistralor Medi.cal Center ,lrnuuy 18, 1978 Ir. 0tlr l. Irtrn FNEDEUGX S. SCOTT 717 0fflcr Pmhrly 3t. Loulr, llo. 6tlll Rrr Altrrrtlmr rnd lddltlom bYrll Vrlloy tbdlcrl 0rntr, Vrll, Colorr& Dttr lts. lrtson: Your lottar of rarpoarc drtrd Octobar lg, l97l rrr ncrlvrd rnd thc rrJorltyof the nupoorc rrnr rcctptrbb rfth thr rrcrptlon of thr follalae r Atthltmtunl - Srcond Floor 8. Thr rupoarr-to thr cornt ngrr{lng thc doctonr dlctrtlng rrr not rcc.phDlr brcrur rrhrt lr brlng prcpord doe mt nrt thrrtrndrr{r. tbCIrrlcll - Flnt Floor g. $lncr rrvlrd plrnt hrvo rnt bem fonar{cd, I don't tncr ff t{no0rurt rlr nglrtrr hu bmn rdocatcd to t|rc rrcr o? ttn cllnlcrlrfnt la noil n-63. I rfll bc lootlng folrrt{ to th. nv|lrd plrru rnd rprclffcrtlont ?or flnrl rrvlr md rpprwrl. 3f ncrnly, ,1. hlph lcrlbrrl, Arcfift ctChhf, Drrlgr rnd Gomtructlmlhdlcrl Crrr Llonrlng rdCrftfffcrtlon 0lvlrlonrlli:tr cct Onrlel F. Tribr, Adnlrtrrb? ,/Iflth ?hncr, ilr., Aldrltrct, C.8.0., Vrll, Cl. u/ CO/VS IJLT/NG ETVG//VEEBS ASSOC/ATES DERYL W. CINCERY ELn ER L. CLATCoMB LARRY A. TIULTER BF?AAICH OFF/CE crEltwooD sPRlNcs, coLoMDo 81601 303 94ffi76 January lL, 1978 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET Etv6L EWOOD, COLORADO 80t I O TELEPHONE 303 751-4860 l,Ir. Bill Pierce Chief Building Official Town of VaiI Post Office Box 100 Vail , Colorado 8l-657 RE: Vail Valley Medical Center Plan Check for Compliance with Uniform Building Code C'AI Job No. 452.026 Dear Mr. Pierce: As we have previously advised, our costs of processing the pJ-an check for the subject project were $1,549.35. The plan check fee under Sec. 303-b was established at $1 ,075-67 - which has been received. As noted in our letter of Novernber 3, L977, the cost overrun was due to additional work required to review and respond to the review and contrnents of J. Ralph Karlberg, Chief, Design and Construction, Medical Care Licensing and Certification Division, Department of Health, state of Colorado. The additional cost of $473.60 was invoiced to HDIrInc.' Architects by our letter of November 3, 1977 as agreed in our previous discussion of this natter. ResPonse by HDI, Inc. dated December 5, L977 rejected the request for supplemental- payment' stating the review of Mr. Karlberg's report had not been requested. Mr. Karlberg's report dated July 18, L977 was transmitted to us by your office and received on July 28th, in the midst of our review process. Since his report contained numerous com- ments having bearing on implementation of the Uniform Building Code, receipt thereof was inferred as directive to include the r-eviql of his report in our work. Review and response !o the State report was necessary work whether performed by your office, the architects or our own. Under the circumstances slated, we performed the work and we sollcit the efforts of your good offices to obtain for us remittance of the additional $473.60 cost incurred. Please call us if you have any questions. Enclosure Very truly yourst GINGERY ASSOCIATES, INC. Knud O. Rasmussen, p.E. Oingcry Associa tcs, ln c. CIVIL ENGIN E E RII{G / LAND SURVEYIf!G / STORM ORAINAGE / STRUCTURAL / TRANSPORTATION / IVATER & SANITATIOI'I / COMPUTER SE RVICES t. I n Frederick S. Scott Archltect 717 Of f ice Pafkway St. Louis, Mo. 63141 Phone 314-567-9000 LYII REEEIVED BV Dt[ 7'77 flilffttl A$iiltlii$ tF December 5, Mr, Knud O. Rasmussen, P.E. Gingery Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 2840 South Vallejo Street Englewood, Colorado 8OllO Reference: Vail Valley Medical Center Job No. 452.026 Dear Mr. Rasmussen: We are in receipt of your letter of November 3, 1977 regarding your plan review for the town of Vail for this project. Inasmuch as we had not requested a review through the tovrn ofVail of the comments of Mr. J. Ralph Karlberg, Chief, Design and Construction Division, Department of Health, State of Colorado, we do not believe that your additional time spent in review ofMr. Karlberg's comments is our obligation, and we believe thatyou should. refer this request for supplemental payment to the town of Vail, assuming that their instructions to you includedthe requirement that you review Mr. Karlberg,s comments By copy of this letter we are also informing Mr. BiIl pierce, Chief, Building Official of the Town of Vail, of our response to o Mr. Knud. O. Rasmussen, P.E. Gingery Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 2840 South Vallejo Street Englewood, Colorado 80110 your request, and again, we are unaware of where the reguest generated for you to review l,tr. Kar1berg's comments on this project. December Page 2 5, L977 FranksWayne A. daFr rmo cc:BiII Pierce, Chief Building Official of the Town of VaiI et ^ a .!crvo;:ber 3, lgi7 t1r. Dale R. llatson, I'rchitect HDI , Inc., Archi'cects 7L7 Off.ice Par]""'rai St. Louis, ll'isr;ouri u3141 iui! Vail Val1c.' 'h:c.ical Center Job.lo. 4t2.O2t) ;)eiir ill. 'fJatsorl: I'le !e!-forliec ttte oil:-icial 1:}an checl; for co;':l-'lirnce wit'r tllc Uniforn Built*|ir,l Cocii: for tlte Tot,r:r of 'Jai1 i1!; :iulri:littod in cttl' xr:lgor:t (]atec1 August 2t) | L977. 'Iile ,>1iltr cll-:cli ft:o f<:r tllc \rorl: perforrred fOr tjtat agcltcv j.s st"rtuatorlf , ils iJrovitlecl uucjcr l;ection 303-b of tho Cocle, and is in tlte a::lounL oll $I ,075.67 as set fortit i:r thc Project DilL,a Sitect dat:r.. l.ugust 29, I')77, In our sornaL c;l.rcrictrcor t/e fiptl tnlt tlt'.: r;ta';uatorlt iee ir; arie(juate tO Cr:Ver ()Uf COSTS itr SUCir r.AIIIlCr tllJt i.'e irf i t-r:'-'cr.tt.l at a profit. Irr tlris c;liie, our total co.:ts a:.lount to $1r549.35. A review of all tir:u: cirarges to bhis;rrojr.:ct indical:c; trra'E cxcoss cor;t inc'.ureLt wa:t entirclT cluc to r.rs pr:cvitlinlr a dctaiLr:ci rcviuw iurtl response to tire revit-r"r clartect Jul:/ '1 iJ, 1977, 1:-r :;tli-'- nritted bi J. R,rlph licrrlbcrg, Chici, llcsign eiril Consiruction, !{eclical Care Llcensitrg a:rci Certificatioil Division, Departxnent of ilealth, state of coloraefo. Section 1 of or.r reporbof rarrgJust 2V, L977, tras .:nbl!:4!rr ds1761r'a' to Url.s aupplemental review and rosi:onse. I{e retluest, and consequently hareby invoir;i:, trle Bltl)trlotlpntal amourrt, of $473.ti0 on tho baSis tn^t ttlj.s rrol:,t wag above anci bo- ycrrrd our conralttrnent to tno forun of V:rll lnC as! such sirouL<l pe considercd on a consult€uirt, fee basls. Very truly l'ours, GIN@RY ASSOCIATEg, IltC. Koitr Jlt ccr 8111 Plerce Knud o. Rasmussen, ProJect l{anager P,E. llrrch 28, 1979 tr. Frrd Scott !_olp!E! Sulldlng t Equtpnt Co. 717 Offlco ParlrrySt. Loulc, tb. 63141 Rr: Altoratlom rnd lddltloru toVrfl lrllqy lrdlcrl CrntrYrll, Colorrdo Ilcrr f|r. Sott: I rrcolvad r thfu drrrlng JRf:tr BC: Oucl ttbDs, lfflfrtrrh" ,/lhr* thmn, C.8.0., Urll y' copy- of Supphnntrl Drulng B for thc above-nrrpd facllf ty.hrr bcen llvlarrcd, rnd I hevc tJre foltodng comnt: Sl nccnaly, l. Thr locrtlon of {rt dtperr str not choun oa tre drarlng rhcnetho ductro* rrs bcllg rrvlrcd for thr laborrtory. Fln iiWcrrmq nqu{nd_to ba ptpyldrd rhrrcvr pcnctnfionc rrc nade tiruug|rom-hqn mllr ud crfllmr. Pleuc houbrlt thlr portlon of thidrarfng shrlng rhen flnr drqcrr rlll br provldad. Tlrlc concludrl ry cmntr on thlr phn rrvlcr. plcur rupond to thlclrttr, Incoryontlng t$o nqdnd ilrnrn lato the rork. J, R.lph lrrlbcrT, Archltcct Orlcf, Ihrlgt rnd hnstnrctfonlbdfcrl Crru Llconrlng I Cettf flcatlor l)f vfu lon lnttn Vail Valley Medical Center Permit # 146-78 department of community development June 29. 1979 box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 f have read ditions for a Condit To Whom It May Concern: This Conditional Certiflcate of Occupancy will be issued on the Vail Val-ley Medical Center with the understanding that all landscaping and paving be completed by the 31st of August , 1979. Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. If there are any questions, please contact the Building Department of the Town ofVai1. Thank you. June 29, L979 Date and understand theional Certificate above con- of Occupancy. June 29, 1979 Date (' -.. -, ,So,-' f Ze,i:,. t€. .<o'zll'J532121Mailing Add-1ess & Telephone No.-3/r'/€€7-7000 Subscribed and sworn to before me thls A? 4'av of (LzU /fi?,/ SEAL ily Gommhslon lxtriies lhv. 5, l$30 llry 30, 1979 ih. Fred Scott Igfplq! Eulldlng t Equtpnnnt co. 717 Offfcc Prr,lrnry3t. Loulc, ltlrsou-rf 63141 lr: Yrll Yallcy ihdfcrl CcnErlrll, Colorrdo DClr flr. Scott: I nccfvcd tho drrwlngr f.or_tha rmdfcal rrts offlcer that rlll bc occuplzlnEthc rrcond ?loor of tha vall yrllcy ihdlcrl Centr. lU oniy connent iii illX: tt cc: rhff llntcr, A&rlnlrtratorlfrrt llrnar, C.8.0., Vrll , b,;/ l. lhe tro-hour scprratlon betneen thls offlcc occupancy rnd the hcrltjrfacfllty nust ba rnlntrtncd at rll ilms. nfs ircuii tnitriie ail -' floor r33enbly rnd thc conrpn wrll wfierc the arc bufldlngr Jofn. h^11gltO to^thc-$dlcrl ccnt*, I ncver recelvcd a narpomo to rry letterdrtad lhrch 28' 1979, rugrrtlng thc Inst llrtlon of ff* damperr in thc duct-p*.tlryttu thc-lrborrtory._ itrtr rolrud tg thr rupphmntit arartng-a.---rould you nrubdt.thfr drrrlng rhorlng the locrtton-br tnc flr.c durfrrr Inthr &cbrt In thlr arrr. Slrcrnly, rt. Ralph Karlberg, ArchltectChlrf' Dcslgn and Constructlonlhdlcrl Crrr Llcensfng t Ccrtf flcrtlon Dlvlrlon \-_: \' l Vail Fire Department lmn tal P.O. Box 1fi) vArL, coLoRADO81657 CORRECTION NOTICE Date ot original inspection: ,Trr n r' 28 , 1 9?9 Building name:Buitding address: 1 81 i;. l:eadou Dr. ./ -rBuitding owner: r'+4 /t' -- '=z- Time served: 3 : OO nra,/ l// THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: E UNTFORM F|RE CODE (U.F.C.) VTOLATTONS o SAFETY VTOLATTONS E NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (N.E.C.) VIOLATIONS tr UNSAFE PRACTICES 13 NATIoNAL FIRE coDES (NFpAl vtoLATtoNS tr orHER Unifort Building Code DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: 476-22@ 476-5613 Ext.223 in U5U n?Ho1es in fire rated ceilin s are not per::itteri. acc esabl. ACTION REQUIRED TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS: s cvli n ri i,ave alarn systen zoned t.,atj: labeIs Label aJ-l- elec tric pa:l.:ls lcniace all ri-ssini cc:l1nr t1lcs and c'l cc. cor.,c: plites Cautlon s'uo leints ancl fl nabl- e s 6) Sunrll the Li-re Der.t. vith kei's 1o the alar:r st. and valve roon. clrED coRREcrloNS sHALL BE coMpLETED ev,4Z1tl4 :'/u€Px Date:6'2e 79 FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN FURTHER ACTION UNOEF THE PROVISONS OF THE U.F.C. 1973 EDITION COPY TO:VAILVAIL BLDG. DEPT. WATER & SAN. DE BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: / ? .-,/i-..,.<-<----_-_E---., .'-i-- -- D - n tr o o P POLICE DEPT. IC SERVICE PUBLIC WORKS EAGLE COUNTY O HEALTH INSP. BUILDING DEPT. FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFTCER: -411 lSenstu.o! VAIL FIRE OEPARTMENT EAGLE COUNTY INSPECTTON REPORT INSTRUCTIONS r ALL VIOLATIONS MUSI BE SPECIF]ED AS TO LOCATION ANO BUILDING 2 ABBREVIATIONS FOR TYPES OF EXTINGUISIiERS USE. A B. C. D, OR COMAINA'IION 3 tt. A STANDS rOR NOT APoLICABLE 4 ANY NO ANSWER SHALL SE SPECIFIED. NAME OF AUSINESS /.2'r7: c /r1///:4... ./. -- z'- . r z1 -.?.-/.. t /._ , fOR EMERGENCY /.. .7r, - , OCCUPANCY NAME OF OWNER / MANAGER .'z ADDRESS ,,, (-', t---.<.-.lZz-^>. ",;i-z.-- I z/r' NAME OF INSURANCE COMPANY CONSTFUC,FRAME O CONCFETE O 2 EXITS PROVIOED AND IN OROER 3 SIAIRWAYS PNOVIDEO ANO INI ORDEF 4 EXTINGUJSHERS IN ORDER 5 ALAFM SYSTEM 6 KITCHEN HOOO AND DUCTS 7 KITCHEN EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM 9 SPRINKLEA SYSTEM IO SMOKE OR HEAT DETECTORS 'T FIRE OEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS 12 EMEFIGENCY LIGHTING r3- OTHEB ,I' OTHER 1 PROPER WIRING 2 PROPER €XTENSION COROS 3 PROPEF LOAOS 2 AOEOUATE RUBBISH CONTAINERS 3 PROPER STORAGE OF ASHES 4 PFOPER STORAGE OF OILY FAGS 5 PFOPER STORAGE OF PAINTS 6 PBOPEB STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE LIOUIOS 7 PROPEB STOFAGE OF ACIDS E PFOPER S-OFAG€ OI HAZARDOUS GASES REMARKS TYPE REMARKS NUMBER OF EACH FIRE OEPT Best copy Available 9 OTHER HEATING DEVICES 1 PROPEF VENTING PROPEB CLEARANCE AU'TO FUEL SHUI OFF 2 HOT WAT€R TANK ACCESSIALE PROP€R VENTING 3 COXBUSttOTa AtR SOURCE UTILITY SHUTOFFS 1 ELECTAICAL PANEL ACCESSAEILITV 2 GAS SHUT OF' ACCESSAEILITY 3 I4ATEF SHUT OFF ACCEsSABILVY. I rHE UNDEFSTGNED AM rN TCETTT\ coRREcrroN Norrce rssueo El ves ./- 4 - e' a ., s- I RESIDENTIAL WATER 3' tr/a/-n 4",b 4?g/az VAIL v{ATERo& sAl'timrlct{ DISIRICT vAIL; coloiiAm .n65/ TAF FEE CAI-CUI.ATIOI!I snmn PI.TSICAL pr.a,n crrcr z NAIE OF IS'IE OT{NER STREET ADDRESS FILINGl-oT 1, BASEMENTlsr rrcon 4 / |lo rrcon 5 ,RD FI-OOR BASE}4ENIlsr rmn lm n-mn JFD FLOOR BASEI\,tElfflsr rrcon 2no rtmn 5RD Ft-ooR 5, 6. 7. 8, g. 10. 1. 2. 3, q, BILLING ADDRESS Bnsrru&TotLEr. 4/ (O{E I-ALF BATH/ DffRA SINKS Fu-L BATH "/(st-pwut oR Ttts{ MSIN, TOILET' nm,s (uvlNc Roofqs.;ffirfr'6iFriE6,3zx 1.oo STUDIOSJ x X 1,50 ,n x 3.0C x 2,n x 1.00 rca5 = 37,90 Lt 3, q, 4 'l v KITCHENS DISI.{I^IASHERS LAUI{DRIES .hrn wnsrca) tcE ]4ACI'IINES SAUNAS wRrrn'coorcns & I''IATER FOUNTAINS SWII,I1ING PMIJ JAcl-tzj OIJISIDE WATER fttntllult oF oNE) FULL BATHS R00f'1s KI]EHEN DISH.IASHER I.AINDRIES .50 = .?5 = ,E= x X x 5.00 = I?:ffi = x (,8 APART}€NTS x 3,m x 1.01 I?:ffi = x.50= |h pese? -nesingrnn- wATER & SUCR TAP FEE CAIJUI.A.TION orJTsIE Wnrrn TOTAI- POINTS 5. a,bu^[ tz,nz{ - DATE A'tD SE}'{ER SERVICE CIIARGE. #|#Hi-i ffi,ffiT,iiFhYiri ti'|i-!_pli14;!e's ro-ornryrNE-rHE Nr.rtsER 0F porNrs To BE AssESso ncconrjii'tG io-THE tltniqR AN'D'i-erieR-rAP FEE'--$E ME ScHEDULE' As Ar€NDEDT Al,tD THE prs:rnjcr'iuir MAKE AIY-ADJijIrNg'rrs rlqcqgsnnv IN THE qRIGIML TAp FEE pAtD. nrrs'i'r,isFiciro.,r sHu nrio or,cmiirlE-TliE BUILDING ol4NER'S ltlATER BOARD OF DIRECTORS ilil-wnrrn- nt n srul tnrl 0N DI stRt cT x 1.00 = 2.oa /a5,d. 10,ffi polrrs = 1.00 utlr rorAr- r.r\tlrs ,sd* & Permlt No. 11C23 VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAp PERM|T WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAPJE-ES HAVE EEEN P NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION lnun PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR E'GAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP:watel NUMBERoFUNtTs /g 5F (xgooo.qr)=Amount Drte Blll€d Ltc. NO. LIC NO M€rorsizo gt/- a-@ ZO Dsto Paid Flnance Dlrector C .tt..nd !b..,tnrr.y ,.n THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AIA Document A107 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor Short Form Agreement for Small Construction Contracts Where the Basis ol PaYment is a STIPULATED SUM TH:SD11UMElwHAsIMP'RTANT{'fcAtcoNsfQUENCtS;CoNSUII^TloNwlTH AN AITORNIY 'S ENCOURACED WITH RESPECT TO ffs COMPLETION OR MODIfICAT'ON For oaher conl/acls the AIA issues Standard Forms of Owner-Contractor AgreementJ and Standard Ceneral Conditions ol the Contract lor Construction lor use in connection therewith. This document has been approved and endorsed by The Associated Ceneral Contractors of America. AGREEMENT made this Elghth Hundred and Seventy BETWEEN the Owner: and the Contractor: the Project: the Architect: The Owner and daY of November Nlne Va1I Valley Medical Center Beaudoin Constructlon ConPanY ValI Va11ey Medlcal Center Failed Concrete Jolst RePair in the year Nineteen Englneer : IrtickeY and Fox, f nc ' 4?65 IndePendence St. Wheat Rldge, Colorado 80033 Contractor agree as set forth below. AtA DOCUMTNT AroT . SMATL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT r IANUARY 1974 IDITION ' AIA@' @197'l T t Ar'ltRtcAN tNSTtTUTt of ARCHtrtcTs, 17.15 NtW YoRK AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D. C. 2{x)O6 ARilCtE 1 THE WORK The Contractor shall perform all the Work required by the Contract Documents for (Hc.a intatt lhe caption desctiptive ol the Wo,h ls used on othar Conuacl Oocumantt.t The repalr of the failed concrete Joist by the means set forth 1n the Mlckey and Fox, Inc. evaluatlon of July 3, L979. Thls would not lnclude a rs.mp or ramps to avoid any future overload condltlons. ARTICTE 2 TIME OF COMMENCTMENT AND COMPLETION - The Work to be performed under this Contract shall be commenced November 9, L979 , andcompleted ag soon aS posslble. ARTICTE 3 CONTRACT SUM The Owner shall pay the Contractor for the performance of the Work, subject to additions and deductions by Change Order as provided in the General Conditions, in current funds, the Contract Sum of (Jt.tc rflrr the lump sum ,moun|- unia ptlcet, ot both, ts dctlrcd.) One Thousand Nlne Hundred Flfty Slx and 00/100 ($1,956.O0) AtA DOCUMENT 4107 . SMALT CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. IANUARY 197,1 €OlTlON . AIA@. @1974 THT AMTRICAN INSTITUTT OF ARCHITECTS, 17]5 NTW YORK AVE., N.W., W S}IINGTON, D, C. 2@06 ARTICTE 4 PROGRESS PAYMENTS Eased upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment lssued by the Architect, the Owner shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Cont.ector as follows: ARTICTE 5 TIruAIFIYM-INT The Owner shall make final payment seven (7) days after completion of the Work, provided the Contract be then fully performed, sublect to the provisions of Article 16 of the Ceneral Conditions. ARTICTE 6 ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents are as noted in Paragraph 7.1 of the General Conditions and are enumerated as follows: llita betow lha At cem.oa, Codditiont o, tra Coaa/aca (Ccna..l, suwla.nenury, and other Conditiont), Otawihtt, Sp.cificeaiont, Addcnda and aaaaPlad Atlcta||4, thowint pag. or thcql 'tu,nbc., in .tl c1s.t tod dttes whcrc aqplic.bl..) Thls agreement and the recommendatlons of Mlckey and Fox, Inc. as set forth ln thelr evaluation dated July 3, L979. AIA DOCUMENT 4107 . SMALI CONSTRUCTION CONIRACT o IANUARY 1974 EDITION . AIA@. @1974 THI AMTRICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECIS, 173' NIW YORK AVT., N.W., W SHING'ON, D. C. 20006 CENERAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE 7 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 7.1 The Contract Documents consist of this Aereement (which includes the Ceneral Conditions), Suppllmentary and other Conditions, the Drawings, the Specifications, all Addenda issued prior to the execution of this Agree- ment. all modifications, Change Orders, and written interpretations of the Contract Documents issued by the Architect. These form the Contract and what is required by any one shall be as binding as if required by all. The intention of the Contract Documents is to include all labor, materials, equipment and other items as provided in Paragraph 10.2 necessary {or the proper execution and comoletion of the Work and the terms and conditions of payment therefor, and also to include all Work which may be reasonablv inferable from the Contract Documents as being necessary to produce the intended resu lts. 7.2 The Contract Documents shall be signed in not less than triplicate by the Owner and the Contractor. lf either the Owner or the Contractor do not sign the Drawings, Specifications, or any of the other Contract Documents, the Architect shall identity them. By executing the Con- tract, the Contractor represents that he has visited the site and familiarized himself with the local conditions under which the Work is to be performed. 7.3 The term Work as used in the Contract Documents includes all labor necessary to produce the construction required by the Contract Documents, and all materials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in such construction. ARTICTE 8 ARCHITECT 8.1 The Architect will provide general administration of the Contract and will be the Owner's representative during construction and until issuance of the final Certi- ficate for Payment. 8.2 The Architect shall at all times have access to the Work wherever it is in preparation and progress. 8.3 The Architect will make oeriodic visits to the siteto familiarize himself generally with the progress and quality of the Work and to determine in general if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. On the basis of his on-site observations as an architect, he will keep the Owner informed of the pro8ress of the Work, and will endeavor to guard the Owncr against defects and deficiencies in the Work of the Contractor. The Architect will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. The Archi- tecl will not be responsible for construction means, melhods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work, and he will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documenls. 8.4 Based on such observations and the Contractor's Applications for Payment. the Architect will determine the amounts owing to the Contractor and will issue Cer- tificates for Payment in accordance with Article 16. 8.5 The Architect will be, in the first instance, the in- terpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents. He will make decisions on all claims and disoutes be- tween the Owner and the Contractor. All his decisions are subject to a rb itration. 8.6 The Architect will have authority to reiect Work which does not conform to the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 9 OWNER 9.1 The Owner shall furnish all surveys. 9.2 The Owner shall secure and pay for easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities. 9.3 The Owner shall issue all instructions to the Con- tractor through the Architect. ARTICLE 1O CONTRACTOR 10.1 The Contractor shall supervise and direct the work, using his best skill and attention. The Con- tractor shall be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for coordinating all portions of the Work under the Contract. 10.2 Unless otherwise specifically noted, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all labor, materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, water, heat, utilities, transportation, and other facilities and services necessary for the proper execution and comple- tion of the Work. '10.3 The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his employees, and shall not employ on the Work any unfit person or any- one not skilled in the task assigned to him. 10.4 The Contractor warrants to the Owner aird the Architect that all materials and equipment incorporated in the Work will be new unless otherwise specified, and that all Work will be of good quality, free from faults and defects and in conformance with the Contract Docu- ments. All Work not so conforming to these standards may be considered defective. 10.5 The Contractor shall pay all sales. consumer, use and other similar taxes required by law and shall secure all permits, fees and licenses necessary for the execution of the Work. 10.6 The Contractol shall give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and orders of any public authority bearing on the performance of AIA THT DOCUMINT A107 . sMAt ! AMTRICAN INSTIIUTT OT CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT . ARCHITTCIS, 1735 NTW YORK IANUARY 1974 EOlTloN . AIA@ . @1974 AVE., N.W., WASHTNCTON, D. C. 20005 the Work, and shall notify the Architect if the Drawings and Specifications are al variance therewith, 10.7 The Contractor shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of all his employees and all Subcon- tractors, their agents and employees and all other persons performing any of the Work under a contract with the Contraclor. 10,8 The Contractor shall review, stamp with his ap- proval and submit all samples and shop drawings as directed for approval of the Architect for conformance with the design concept and with the information given in the Contract Documents. The Work shall be in ac- cordance with approved samples and shop drawings. 10.9 The Contractor at all times shall keep the preinises free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by his operations. At the completion of lhe Work he shall remove all his waste materials and rubbish from and about the Project as well as his tools, construction equipment, machinery and surplus materials, and shall clean all glass surfaces and shall leave the Work "broom clean" or its equivalent, except as otherwise specified. 10.10 The Contraclor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Architect and their agents and em- ployees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorneys'fees arising out of or result- ing from the performance of the Work, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense ('l ) is attribut- able to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself) including the loss of use resulting there- from, and (2) is caused in whole or in part by any negli8ent act or omission of the Contractor, any Sub- contractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. In any and all claims against the Owner or the Architect or any of their agents or employees by any employee of the Contractor, any Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation under this Para- graph 10.10 shall not be limited in any way by any limi- tation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Contractor or any Sub- contractor under workmen's compensation acts, dis- ability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. The obligations of the Contractor under this Paragraph 10.10 shall not extend to the liability of the Architect, his aSents or employees arising out of (1) the preparalion or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports. 3ur- veys, Change Orders, designs or specifications, or (2) the giving of or the failure to Bive directions or instiuctions by the Architect, his agents or employees provided such giving or failure to give is the primary cause of the iniury or damage. ARTICTE 11 SUECONTRACTS 11.1 A Subcontractor is a person who has a direct contract with the Contractor to perlorm any of the Work at the site. 11,2 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Docu- ments or in the Instructions to Biddcrs, the Contractor, as soon as practicable after the award of the Conlract, shall furnish to the Architect in writinS a list of the names of Subcontractors proposed for the principal por- tions of the Work. The Contractor shall not employ any Subcontractor to whom the Architect or the Owner may have a reasonable objection. The Contractor shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor to whom he has a reasonable obiection. Contracts bctween the Con- tractor and the Subcontractor shall be in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and shall include the Ceneral Conditions of this Agreement insofar as applicable. ARTICLE 12 SEPARATE CONTRACTS 12.1 The Owner reserves the right to award other corl- tracts in connection with other portions of the Proiect or other work on the site under these ot similar Condi- tions of the Contract. 12.2 The Contractor shall afford other contractors rea- sonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and equipment and the execution of their work, and shall properly connect and coordinate his Work with theirs. 12.3 Any costs caused by defective or ill-timed work shall be borne by the party responsible therefor. ARTICLE 13 ROYALTIES AND PATENTS The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees. The Contractor shall defend all suits or claims for in- fringement of any patent rights and shall save the Ownet harmless from loss on account thereof. ARTICLE 14 ARBITRATION All claims or disputes arising out of this Contract or the breach thereof shall be decided by arbitration in accord- ance with the Construction Industry Arbitralion Rules of the American Arbitrat;on Association then obtaining un- less the parties mutually aSree otherwise. Notice of the demand for arbitration shall be filed in writing with the other party to the Contract and with the American Arbi- tration Association and shall be made within a reasonable time after the dispute has arisen. ARTICLE 15 T'ME 15.1 All time limils stated in the Contract Documenti are of the essence of the Contract. 15.2 lf the Contractor is delayed at any time in the progress of the Work by changes ordered in the Work. by labor disputes, fire, unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties, causes beyond the Contracto/s control, or by any cause which the Architect may de- termine iustifies the delay, then the Contract Time shall be extended by Change Order for such reasonable time as the Architect mav dctermine. THI DOCUMENT 4107 . SMAtt AMTRICAN INSTITUTE Of CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT . ARCHITTCTS, 17]5 NTW YORK TANUARY 1974 [DrTroN . AIA@. 01974 AVE., N.W., WASHtNCTON, D. C. 20006 PAYMENTS 16.1 Payments shall be made as provided in Article 4 of th is Agreement. 16,2 Payments may be withheld on account of (1) de- fective Work not remedied, (2) claims filed, (j) failureof the Contractor to make payments properly to Sub- contractors or for labor, materials, or equipment, (4) damage to another contractor, or (5) unsatisiactory piose- cution of the Work by the Contractor. 16.3 Final payment shall not be due until rhe Con- tractor has delivered lo the Owner a complete release ofall liens arising out of this Contract or receipts in full covering all labor, materials and equipment for rvhich a lien could be filed, or a bond satisfactory to the Owner indemnifying him against any lien. 16.4 The making of final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims by the Owner except those arising from (1) unsettled liens, (2) faulty or defective Work apl pearing after Substantial Completion, (3) failure of the Work to comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents, or (4) terms of any special guarantees re-quired by the Contract Documents. The acceotanceof final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims by the Contraclor except those previously made in writ- ing and still unsettled. ARTICTE 16 ARTICIE 17 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY The Contractor shall be responsible for iniiiating, main- taining, and supervising all safety precautions and pro- grams in connection with the Work. He shall take all reasonable precautions lor the safety of, and shall provide all reasonable protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to (1) all employees on the Work and other perions who may be affected thereby, (2) all the Work and all materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, and (3) other property at the site or adjacent thereto. He shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders of any public authority having jurisdiction for the safety of persons or propertyor to protect them from damage, injury or loss. All damage or loss to any property caused in whole or inpart by the Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Sub- subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or by anyone for whose acts anv of them may be liable, shall be remedied by the Contractor, except damage or loss attributable to faulty Drawings or Specifications or to the acts or omissions of .the Owner or Architect or anyone employed by either of them or for whose acts either of them may be liable but which are not attributable to the fault or'negligence of the Contractor- ARTICLE 18 CONTRACTORS tIAEIIITY INSURANCE The Contractor and each separate Contraclor shall pur- chase and maintain such insurance as will protect him from claims under workmen's compens.rtion acts and other employee benefit acts, from claims for damages because of bodily injury, including death, and from claims for damages to property which may arise out of or result from the Contractor's operations under this Contracl, whether such operations be by himself or by any Sub- contractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them. This insurance shall be written for not less than any limits of liability specified as part of this Con- Iract, or required by law, whichever is the greater, and shall include conlractual liability insurance as applicable to the Contractor's obligations under Paragraph 10.10. Certificates ol such insurance shall be filed with the Owner and each separate Contractor. ARTICLE ,I9 OWNER'S LLASITITY'NSURANCE The Owner shall be responsibte for purchasing anb maintaining his own liability insurance and. at his op- tion, may maintain such insurance as will protect him against claims which may arise from operations under the Contract. ARTICLE 20 PROPtRfY tttSUnAruCf 20.1 Unless otherwise provided, the Owner shall pur- chase and maintain property insurance upon the entire Work at the site to the full insurable value thereof. This insurance shall include the interests of the Owner, the Contractor, Subcontractors and Sub-su bcontractors in the Work and shall insure against the perils of fire, Extended Coverage, Vandalism and Malicious Mischief. 20.2 Any insured loss is to be adjusted with the Owner and made payable to the Owner as trustee for the insureds, as their interests may appear, subject to the requirements of any rnortgagee clause. 20.3 The Owner shall file a copy of all policies with the Contractor prior to the commencement of the Work. 20.4 The Owner and Contractor waive all rights against each other for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by insurance provided under this paragraph. The Contractor shall require similar waivers by Subcontractors and Sub-subcon tractors, ARTICLE 21 CHANGES IN THE WORK 21.1 The Owner without invalidating the Contract hay order Changes in the Work consisting of additions, de- letions, or modifications, the Contract Sum and the Con- tract Time being adjusted accordingly. All such Changes in the Work shall be authorized by written Change Order signed by the Owner or the Architect as his duly author- ized agent. 21.2 The Contract Sum and the Contract Time may be changed only by Change Order. 21.3 The cost or credit to the Owner from a Change in the Work shall be determined by mutual aSreement. DOCUMINI A107 . SMAt-t CONSTRUCTTON CONTR CT. |ANUARY 1974 tDtTtON . AtA@. @t974 AfylrRrc^,N |NSTITUT€ Of ARCHTTECTS, 1735 Nrw yoRK Av€.. N.w., WASH|NCTON. O. C. 2000(, AIA THE CORRECTION OF WORK The Contractor shall correct any Work that fails to con- torm to the requirements of the Contract Documents where such farlure to conform appears during the progress of the Work, and shall remedy any defects due to faulty materials, equipment or workmanship which appear within a'period of one year from the Date of Substantial Completion of the Contract or within such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents. The provisions of this Article 22 apply to Work done by Subcontractors as well as to Work done by direct employees of the Contractor. ARTICLE 23 TERM]NATION BY -iHE CONTRACTOR lf the Architect fails to issue a Certificate of payment for a period of thirty days through no fault of the Con- tractor, or if the Owner fails to make payment thereon for a period of thirty days, the Contractor may, upon seven days'written notice lo the Owner and the Archi- tect, terminate lhe Contract and recover from the Owner payment for all Work executed and for any proven loss sustained upon any materials, equipment, tools, and construction equipment and machinery, including rea- sonable profit and damages. ARTICTE 22 ARTICLE 24 TTRMINATION BY THI OWNER lf the Contractor defaults or neSlects to carry out lhe Work in accordance with the Contract Documents or fails to perform any provision of the Contract, the Owner may, after seven days' written notice lo the Contractor and without prefudice to any other remedy he may have, make good such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then or thereafter due the Contractor or, at his oplion, may terminate the Contract and take possession of the site and of all materials, equip' ment, lools, and construction equipment and machinery thereon owned by the Contractor and may finish the Work bv whatever method he may deem expedient, anc if the unoaid balance of the Contract Sum exceeds the expense of finishing the Work, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor, but if such expense exceeds such unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. ARTICTE 25 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS AIA THE OOCUMTNT /{107 . SMALt AMIRICAN INSTITUTE OT CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. ARCHITTCTS_ 173s NEW YORK IANUARY 1974 tDlTlON . AIA@. @197,1 AVr., N,W., WASHTNCTON, D. C. 20006 This Agreement executed the day and year first written above. 1 Valley Medlcal Center Richard L. Beaudoin, Preeldent AIA OOCUMINT A1O7 . SMALI. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. IANUARY 1974 EOITION ' AIAO . @1974 IH€ AMIRTCAN tNSTtTUTt Of ARCH|TtCTS, 1735 NEW YORK AV€., N.W., WASHINGTON, O. C.2m06 ,l. T4ItrKEY AND FBX, INtr.CONSU LTING ENGINEERS 4765 INDEPENDENCE ST, FORREST R, MICKEY FR EDERI E:K M. FOX..IR. vt,HEAT RIDGE (DENVER). EBLORAOO AgO33 (3O3' 42O-512I MICHAEL L. :itrHNEIOER July 3, L979 Vail Valley Medical Center Box 36 Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Jeff Hunter, Administrator Subject: Structural- Evaluation of Failed Concrete Joist Vail Valley Medical CenterVail, Colorado Mickey and Fox, Inc. Job No. 2.5746 Gentl-emen: At the request of Jeff Hunter we visited the hospital facility on June 28, L979. The purpose of our visit was to structurally evaluate a concrete joist that was cracked. The crack was discovered by contractorts personnel during current remodel and addition work. OBSERVATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS: The joist in question is in the 1971 addiLion that rvas designed under a contract with Rodney S. Davis, Architect and Edrvard R. Bierbach, structural engineer. We were furnished structural plans (Sheets S1 thru 53) which are dated June 22, L97Q and revised May 25, I97L. The cracked joist in question was determined to be southeast from. Grid B-4. The joist is the third one south from Grid B and the crack occurs at the west end of the joist where it was supported by Beam " 2824" The structural system is a poured-in-place one way concrete joist system wit,h 30" wide and 12" deep pans. The overali- depth of the system is 15 inches and so the sl-ab depth is 3" according Lo plans. The failed joist in guestion is designated as a "2J9" joist which is 6" wide, J-5" deep, and should be reinforced with 1-#4 and 1-#5 bottom at midspan. The 1-#5 bar is specified to be bent or trussed so that it transitions to the top of the joist to serve as top rein- forcing where it abuts Beam "2824". July 3, 1979 VATL VALLEY MEDICAL CEI{TER ' Page two The failure observed was a classical diagonal tension (shear) failure at the west end of the joist. The crack was about L/4" wj-de and the joist had dropped about L/4" at its connection to the beam. A bottom bar was visibte in the crack in the joist and a larger size bar was visible at the east edge of Beam u2824" near the joist connec- tion. fhe joist was partially shored at the time of our inspection. The contractor had previously located the position on the roof where the crack existed. Reportedly the crack exists at the flat roof just outside or east of a brick wall and under a roof drain from the upper folded ptate roof. It was our opinion at this point that the fail-ure was due to an overl-oaded condition due to ice buildup in the winter time. We subsequently received verbal reports from contractor and staff personneL that l-ast winter they observed a piece of ice nearly the size of a Volkswagen on the roof under this roof drain. Therefore, we are convinced that the failure is due to an overload.ed condition. The roof was designed for a live load of 50 psf and certainly not such an extreme condition. Further, Jeff Hunter said that at one point last winter a piece of ice fell and shook the building noticeably. An impact load on the joist would certainly cause such a failure. We could not see anything that would lead us to suspect that the failure was due to construction irregularities. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR REPAIR: First, as reconmended at the site on June 28, L979' additional shoring should be ad.ded to fully support the joist. The exj-sting shoring was observed to be slightly loose at the west end of the joist. Apply an epoxy adhesive into the gap. We recommend using "SikadurGel", a product of the Sika Chemical Corportion. If it is decided to use a more flowable epoxy, you may desire to use "CoLma-Dur" or "sikadur Hi-Mod". If the latter is selected' an injection method woul-d be required. An approved equal product by another manufacturer may also be used. application must be in accordance with the manu- facturer's printed instructions. We also strongly suggest you contact Mr. Jack Banning of MPM Construction Supply for further technical' help, Phone 534-3180. lte suggest that the gel-type epoxy be pJ-aced. fully into the cracked joint and then the joist be jacked at least -partially into place while the epoxy is yet workable. This means that the epoxy must be mixed, put in pJ-ace, and the joist jacked upward in about a 20 to 30 minute period due to the short "pot J-ife" of the epoxy. Jrrly 3 , 1979 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Page three After the epoxy has cured for 3 days we recornmend that work may cornmence to set structural steel channels to further support thejoist. Shoring should renain in place during the setting of theexpansion bolts and structuraL steel- to avoid damage to the epoxyjoint. Refer to the attached sketches for details of the steelwork to be added. When the steel work is in place, it must becovered with either 2 layers of 5,/8" Type "X" gypsum board, orlN" of cement plaster to provide a fire protective cover. If the gypsum board cover is used, it is permissable to apply wood nailersto the steel with powder driven fasteners. The bottom of the Beam "2824" must also be patched to cover the exposed reinforcing. Usea bonding agent and then apply a cement grout patch. To avoid a future ice build-up and overload condition at thislocation we reconmend that a ramp type structure be constructedon the roof to divert the downspout water, and to spread ice andminimize impact l-oad. The ramp should be constructed of redwood and be covered with galvanized sheet metal . We suggest the rampbe about 4 feet high against the building and be about 6 feet longat its base. The ramp should be about 4 feet wide. If tt-ris type of condition exists el-sewhere in the building, a rampor similar remedy should be applied. Of course we recommendcontinual inspection and. maintenance,'in the winter to avoid suchice build-ups which could cause further structural damage. If there are any questions, p3-ease call. We would be availableto make field observations d,uring the repair work. ft would beadvisable to caLl us when the steel is in place but not yet coveredwith fire protective materials. SincereJ-y, MIcKEy AND Fox, IIJC. ^.c*f,ii);.lrn Forrest R. Micke FRM:mak 6ctsrE&o\ aJ183 eiT^ .c"--.tsroiveutY Attachments: r----'t ili---- "j ? Viiil'/'Ff i\i\JD F-il)i, ii'li]" 5H rET No. I a,r. r-r1.r i.ro. 2',1 4b ,_y J5? o^.r7-Z-14 Sr|irre.r JolS'f RE?AIR .,,,,o. ,."!Fi(Wtn,u7€ -7? y3.'." v{!f 11 t.4 eQ tcAL' aEIr-taR vAlL , coLo?A?o ,l . Fz s: .\ rll]t dsul- fiV t$ D( S- =St-J- br0gul F\utq --r 6J!4{u rvs t-Lzq\) I i I I'o * ll D ts rCaz \5z V 0aJ ll rll z \) h{ l$ -J uJ l-I a trN(A N t.( ttl cfl \5'.L l-{l xul u)E 3 .sF io: --) L-.\r+ X\ldu t-N cO NI T lllb' _+ls,2:0 h \) ,tt :,. vl Ful 3$i t .,)xS N:zt. rll 55$f G.1 I slfl c0 .H: a) . lJ\; -..; x o0u I lrrQ 5qgovi:-:z \( 'PF$1- $rn X {.,' -,n u R- -*P>= $r& sHpN T \l F \t'z L.ll \) n h s r$t-\) ltl 'l-q!4, iog: iijMi ll-:, ulllr, L';Iul =!r -r ul'l-rhi -rl 3 -l slFulVF SEr^J i$(ut IY$ ra\) ra ul FFlll.J ul ril \ \dJJ rt xo\_ rll f,,nXturllJ$!47ilz {l?ulil JsF.r- o -e-Z .ss, Jdi1 ss i!,. s :f\zf\- +l a x Xv x([ Hjp(t rr JotS :a u': :i$ ?tgr *"<UR i.=\ s F -r h-tre$- -r. _ x i+*r-a-9' s-" _1 c.z Ni:' s q igfis z 9t-\ ulo il Z iulnKEY AND Fif X, lNC. LToNSLTL'rr.rG:Niiirr,rcrRs ^" J1P ^^.,7-?.-11.,,no .JRW\. ",^r.7's'n suB,E:r Jol91 $eqAlR VAIL VALLg'.( T4|V16AL 6LIITE.K uAlL , aoLoAAVO q _l Jt vuI Gi' T rsq.t -., r\l-ax(3ii {. -zJU;H uio!s 5 ias:r *sgs*$ $ t=i lr ii s Fi.-| s\- * iri s o tt: tr0it<4ilsS N5$txl dtg liE r E*F ntr| -FRo tr iE$ a! l- \} uJ V) $! 38frI. IFu,s\h6 [iir$iut(qf,\I A.llr$i l - Jr eO z/s,/ ;/k/)/:lo lai.-s]-z '?\TdZ-s. .:- \fi TL (tt l\ \5-z sJ s _1. \J -J{' I \$- 3 'L -/,/ ':"tt"- so'rl'r€ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN F VAIL JOB NAME MON z.-.^CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND €L.C€UGf,7 D.W V. kouGFr-rwATER D FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB o tr FINAL tr FINAL EL tr tr tr tr T'l ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL o tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR , ... INSPECTION REQUEST DATE 914$SL -=S-.=\S{SS-2, R EA Dy r o n r 1r$tv, 66lyt-'<$'66o -s- fi jp$;=- w e D-ss:*ths\H, tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: LOCATION: <-<<..q$\\. ----\\:.i: .:=.-.s sr<< --:-)-s'S]6>--> trFoorlNGS/STEEL # tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR *.q+azz- a*4A/qZ t .7,a/ /A)4- dleF (-) t|ss*z-ev7 .F .>*t4- 72 -5Pe-7F (=) e474- azu>a-r Eza-**Wo ;Q42 ' aa.a4 ";2/ _e *- 4ear>, (=l %- e,p&s-z*. A/ .42 y/ 7 4t/.- ,-/ar'Ar' 3?-r*- 4F92 .p giezz*g zG 5.-*.e= oerc ///J:/?? JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: :.r* .v.e rF;!!*Fl .1-.i.V7!TTFTF.''XFE-- !r--eqr :' INSPECTION REQUEST CALLER TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL DISAPPROVED EHE|NEP€CTION REQUIRED Qrr*N. -v fr *lttFt!,:wul'rrt'.F+!'r'i{q, DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOGATION: INSPECTION: @ CALLER TUES TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL DERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL \.- tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORREGTIONS: INSPECTOR DATE b/za l+9 INSPECTION: INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: BU trl trl trl trl Elt tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL - tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS T] SUPPLY AIR E,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED llr Prh*t/tril /I DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL wEo BUILDINGl tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING T] INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NA IL I nPooL / H. TU€ F(- c tr FINAL tr FINAL h ilruL 8r1 ,* reuu ,-iJ At n?zo*.-* an AZ, MECHANICAL/ ,J ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL /neeaoveo- CORRECTION tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTOR !.:ert l DATE u' CALLER TUES WED THUR ( INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF : -r.. Rla VAIL r-PM 'INSPECTION: JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING E] INSULATION tr GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB cl tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .,^ \ - ,,. CORRECTfON1, ,. -''/_.' .,"..",:;' .. ' ,"2-.. -.,,.:.2)..,, ,,-, z .'..t, ./ . .: ) +. -. . ,' ..' '. ' 2., ,:,.: DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST DATE E /s/+s READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES @ JOB NAME MON , CALLER PLUMBING:BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - ,airouon / D.w.v. 9* D 'T? -, " , tr FRAMING y'noucn / WATER 2-+tt 5 Lt Jt r/ tr INSULATION - N GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB.\tr { *lajc'v tt't+ "'tvtt rz tr FINAL tr FINAL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER- trHEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - n tr FINAL tr FINAL .dnppnoveo 'coRREcroNs' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN O F VAI /o*@BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MoN @ WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL T] POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr o SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: KAPPBOVED CORBECTIONS: tr REINSPECTIO REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR / h *./ y' ,1,,-,0 l --7'7 DATE s /z lt.z JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:PMFRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL "or'(!ij wED rHURREADY FOB LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL tr ROUGH tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,KDISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 2F--=-=- DATE E {.-* f2r!4{r. u!} tr,A+- ede-5635 Pr.,J INSPECTION REQUEST DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MoN cgEB)WED THUR FBIREADY FOR LOCATION: .5AM@ TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: r] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINALFINAL AAPPROVED GO.RBEGEI9\IS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE q:/D - .2 q INSPECTOR l/* 0 -il/'( d/k/';"! rffi,o* REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED oo* t) -)z-47o8 NAME BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STER- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FBAMING 7 f)t- f, q t t 'i 'ii. t'u+ '-,.,/ trTNSULAT|ON _tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr POOL / H. TUB E] tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR rl tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ./) ,,) :j.,"+ulNSPEcroR -'l''\..:: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME : @ PMINSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH i D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: ? ry PowER FrfioucH - tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr u tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPRO tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 2 -p t - 7?INSPECTOR n /'\( /) Turu.,n o', . Tguo-\ * 4 /4 '/n ; INSPECTION REQUEST r TOWN OF VA|L :4_.Loo',, ? - il (o JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER /--l--s-\MON ( TUES ' WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL mzrzr'F- -r'/r)r// . */iot'*n Ot t' O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ta/ltr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,. /-r, t /-v'DATE .. . . j zJ _: / /. ,.j JOB NAME '&..t-,, INsiPEGTIclN TOWN OF ri FIEGIUEsiT VAIL TIME RECEIVED nu(?1y CALLER n ornen ! pnnrrll LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED I'l nppRovED E uporu rue CORRECTIONS n orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR ,.|r'|"...... BUILDING D]VISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEB ./^,/_. / o/ l. ,(fttNsPEg'TloN F|EEUEST I ornen E pennau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON E nppRovED THUR 7- D orsappRovED fl ner NsPEcr C-t'-rd-AM /.|E E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG GoBREcttoNS: CORRECTIONS I Frederick S. Scott Archltect 7U Of f ics Parkway St. LouiB, Mo. 63141 Phone 314.567-9OOO September 20, 1978 Mr. Marc Marcus Bui'lding 0fficial Town of Vail Box ]00 Vail, Colorado 81657 Reference: Vail Valley Medical CenterVail, Colorado Dear Mr. Marcus: This will confirm our recent telephone conversation concerning Equipment Room 2-02 and Emergency Generator Room 2-03. You have indicated that itis satjsfactory to remove Door 0pening No. 2-02 at the west side of Equ'ip- ment Room, since a second exit, namely Door 2-04,is available at the north side of emergency generator space. Your cooperation on th'is project is appreciated. Do not hesitate to call upon us if you have any question. S'incere'ly, ---) I I-7nlu'-*#'"**- Ephraim Hubert I I EH: lmo I Charles F. Tubbs, Administrator Vail Va11ey Medical Center INSPECTIclN FIEOUEST VAIL JO8 NAME fl ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION ,,,WEDt, THUR FRI ...t-' ot''.lY.n' $[ eee RovE D D orsnppRovED n nerNsPEcr L-l UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE INSiPECTIctN FIEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE I pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM 'f,|'APPRovED n otsnppRovED . I-J UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: n nerNSPEcr CORRECTIONS DArE f:,t / q ,r' ="7i..5 INSPECTOR INSPECTIclN TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL JOB NAME n orurn ! pnnrral LOCATION '-( A APPROVED E orsnppRovED fl upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr {) n /')ii\ : A-L4"'-4 -INSPECTOR h. Prln|.ttr'v.rl DATE ! ornen MON COMMENTS: INSFECTIclN FIEOUESiT TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME - )) (t, ll^)\.t pM CALLEB---{-/-{3 PL/4 €.-e*'t- f] pnnrrnl LocAroN .. .\ READY FOR TNSPECTION ( TUV WEO iweo.,'?:-2" fforrRovED E orsappRovED D nerNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ,1 ,.' , .' ,'i ,. )"-, .*.o/d_*.24 - INSPECTOR t|l ptlnt tt'va I flornen MON COMMENTS: n panrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED AM. PMTUE I I nppRovED n orsnppRovED ! n e rNsPEcr ! UPOI'I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS | #r.li.\..{ INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTIc'N FIEGIUEST n orHen MON COMMENTS: D pnnrrnl LOCATION Pgl i. "-; r.,. AM F'aeeRovED florsnerRovED fl nerNSPEcr ! upor'r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE DATE b n ornen MON COMMENTS: JOB NAME INSPECTIclN FIEtIUEST TOWN O VAIL n pnnrral LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR CALLER TUE .ffi neeRovED florsnppRovED i' t-tLJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNSPEcr DATE /-. / "\ ,,i /DAll v"rr' c ,r - JoB NAME -,.'/ .tj-,., -F // .l TfME RECETVED -); t 't t*,r* CALLER- INStrECTIclN FIEOUEsiT TOWN OF VAIL n panrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION I E ornen ,,F APPROVED florsnppRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: n nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS ,' , /' ^ ,/ -t ,.';' DArE 1-, /' j r' i' /., l<' \ - / INSPECTOR 'L 1-a'/.,i L2- EIVED INSPECTIclI\I F|EOUEEiT TOWN OF VAIL f- ,,or*o*,t/.L | ,+Llr.c,+L- f]ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE CALLER E pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ',2 epp RovE D florsnpp RovE D,, \-,/,/ LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS D nerNsPEcr '' .?li {l;-E-'=.DATE INSPECTOR tNsPECT'.,t\t FIEOt==t'I r rowN oF vAlL *: " \ i Lt; 4! DArE laIZ TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME D orxen MON COMMENTS: ,,@ n pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION , rb./]/z^ 1Fil .T AM }M\-/WED AAPP ROVE D D UPOT,T THE FOLLOWING CORFECTIONS: CORRECTIONS D orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTO R DATE INSPECTIclN FIEOUEsiT TOWN OF VAIL THUR --.- JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION WED ,l- €--if t.:5 s}'c:* *'t *'!' I pnnrrnl LocATroNL.l OTHER MON TUE COMMENTS: /, F orPRovED E orsappRovED fl nerNSPEcr ! uporu rxe rot-;.ovnfic coRR coRREcrloNs t'/ C /\, SPECTOR INSFECTIc'N FIEOlJEST TOWN OF VAIL B NAME l- ..'" E penrral LOCATIONE orxen PM '/ll,'l t iMoN i,'fVk ,'(,'r,.i" COMMENTST | ,,- .,8lppRovED E orseppRovED El nerNsPEcr ,\I UPON THE FOLLOWING COhRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS /")r,.)i. ,.) tNsiltEcTloN FIE(lIJEST VAIL JOqNAME r,rue iecel'veo /51 :<r or@, cALLER -. TOWN OFfl ./ \f\'tl / tt t.rY- f 'Vr,n:C --/-:,DATE ! ornen I pnnnal.LOCATION TUE /' -: , ",,':'1)-d "r.''1rtJ." AffI PM / IL-or.jy,: ,,,,MON COMMENTS: ron rruspecrdt\ X npp RovED I orsneeRovED E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: COBRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr "l'2lc.sj Fichard D. Lamm Governor Frank A. Traylor, M.D. Executive Director September 20, 1979 Mr. lnl. lJayne. Lee, Archjtect, A.I.A. ZIRKLE, LEE AND ASSOC,, LTD. 3405 Penrose Place Boulder, C0 80301 Re: Offices, Vail Valley Med'ica1 Center Vai1, Colorado Dear Mr. Lee: The pians for the offices that are to be constructed in the Vai'l Valley Medical Center have been reviewed as to separation between the two occupancies; that of office occupancy and institutional, The two-hour separation wjth the |%-hour label door meets the code requirements for proper separation and is acceptable to this office. Si ncerely, 04r424*ftl.+":'J. Ralph/Ka11 berg, Architect2' Chi ef , Desi gn arid Constructj'0n Medica'l Care Licensing & Certification Di vision JRK:ts cc: Mr. Jeff Hunter, Admjnistrator ,/Mr. l4ark Marcus, C.8.0.. Vai l , Co, / AO1.d EAqT I JTI-l \rritt rt: DEtt\/r:n /.\n | ,,.\nAnn F.'OO.' fJHnAtF (?ne\ ?zrn.. oa.r.r I\ J Project Applicalion Project Descrip tiont G Cl Project Name: Owner Address and Phone: Archiiect Address and Phone: tr Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: 1' APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Chiel Building Olficial 113:r =,. t- ?- -<9''! <. - 7e "I6ri;^3!.r4;.ia;<a7.aa>z;: i: o;t tFF:r. <tt?-=,7it7..ni=;';;<! < li"(a> *4<3r.t,i F:<c(<-'.: I I I I I IP I I I I I I l_ lo I I I I l. ,9 t<(E lez l=to l(9tz 7ruq NOrrvn'tvA |_R 3 < Eoozzv-'i <=igEE Hooor 6 sgtu)O o62A9:f ; =xlfAY<=566 i?SH f;Zu- 6z>Y a Lr,.lo (! z UJ >(tze:e; A =d)N E o- IJJ z Eoo z tr EtuF ;u.tz oz EE uJo- ) ='t_() uJ = z J tr YJ co F ) (l,+t =U7 .gqt Eo = .P = ld .= tu =z (D _-')I =z Goo (! = ooU' UI (l, (u J (, vL N ttr "l ".1al(q !1q ot CL Inosl(ft uJ c| = rtt\ It\sf<f -IL L(U E 5o6 ,- UI,.(u! =cc! +tEoE'c,c, o-tg =En cto(O xocl! a lJ.lEo 2 rc| (f, Or|r' I(ot\rt l! to Fc (.,,c L! af, ./,ce Etr Eo xodt llJEoo rJ)rr, =fIOlsfo) I(! i uJ o 2E tL uJg.o a g.oo <t I(L E trjz = F tlJL.r E <F uJ<zEt!FcnZ -JE<oOF t< y2 f,8 z.t >d]F --J Zo- /-\ )tY<^ :/F7<) =< iz =g E. El: P b2 o J<Oo9. -:n-7 ;., I I r Jz z =<coO>z JOo- u- -) co L! 0' Eat -9tlt G' .: lt-.E=oiio; oLrOC r'roic>IF oz FoItl-)o I I I Idoq Icon-oq llJF o E =E, lrJo-zIFo E,Fazo C) t_lLlt] '6 r Efl rNsPftTroN REeuEsr TUES @ THUR VAIL ,*, If la/to JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED OBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION BEQUIRED ,^r, A'll'ftb ,NSpEcro DATE RECEIPT - The Town of Vail lq N9 10732 RECEIVED FROM -ADDRESS DOLLARS $ Permit Numbers Police Receipr Nurnbers ._ .. HOW PAID-Cash__Check_ By_ DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED JOB NAME MON INSP}TION REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL-z (!"!t-' ,^,AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr o tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tl tr SUPPLY AIR n E FINAL D FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: O JOB NAME MON CALLER tl va INSPECTION:TUES @ INSPfrTION REQUEsT TOWN OF VA THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERT] FRAMING tr INSULATION (sueernocr tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr F FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSP}TION REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: (, f '/, i:""., I .ALLER rl't",,/:r; ruES -*_.D rirun JOB NAME MON FRI o",,:'9 LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED ORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSPfrTION REQUEsT OF VAIL s WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER./:\MoN I rUESJl-./ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING Qnoucn ' :\'tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED O c\ rJ-'\ c: oz. F() UJ-ro G, I Ibcl>l I Lll F b =E,t! Jz.oz,"o=*=<c)o =zlf J<.^xo \.,, \J ::z_t2 .lF- 6d> Lrtn q' E 9 .9 q, .= E= c a't9il ot!.-o 9ats>-EF q) o-zoF(J fEFozo() /q">/ ,.t=\'. ;'ll= \ l/ f--\'\' ./ / tc;=-<-1., E,= L (r u.l(L tz l2l 21! .21 =lolo ,*jl:t<ts-=.. =r? ri - <-'! "il:i< - ti.:,:-.r. ':r 7: !;!';- ::,:l:.-:^.,.:'r\r'ia2,i.==;;.;=rt-- --J<!<O.':..Y 'a:1;.:::.-: :<i, < i-:/..:: -; <4 a> -9<ai'tl:c:<.(<t..: NO[Vn']VA C) uJ<dt <rur?zdoE r uJ -{JJ>9u-;OrlOOo:cz<) F:::Yf;e f26eP&\d "{ g?Y"Xh \i uii '<-o z(rc)z) ; 3zzu-oooF. o- a=x f zYF I oi6aAz>(Joar?ozXu-<oq dET SaXz €al(, I I IItl- I I I Iarq .J 5O a 2 EflD $ _l 11 { F € +d NL=J E +l g \r-T FX\t Is ! FINEss $l lm D 5 $ ( $,0 t !-o{tql !so nl rll o0il\Ndtot oo r{ I m Jg if g$ Eritn) | $#f* i$ $* $\ trJ\l o Ior\ { Ft {i-z Fx\t ot $ T Ttr $ -) T I E 3--z s \ol\N ,"'t*t,/ d\ /\ .rt\ fis; o 5 $ E 0 $ {. -g -r(J ql\a ui ,tr 9Jf{il(-t x*$m- + I0 \)p[-5 3[ $$ E+ tu ;r* -6 tr $---. $ n-l il N ulJ{Yt .fi\ UI \t olz. oz F C) UJ-)oEc \ AY UJF o Jz z zed]o =zJOLU. J (,Oz& NF J() J)oL! E!t =E uJ o- u-o ul |- co E EIs{, o1' .E t E EoI o F =E l,rJ o-zo l-() :)EFazoo oz ==E,ul o- !EIIr{:}ri_<9r9 <'921- F?ur 7r,rr-49?ir!.4,4:vq::i: ; < o zE'dzzd,) O > -st< c *'&r a =<d < ''t >.& NOrlVntVA z =:< =E-oftsomUJE iPa<oz6Zl E >G -! =(D z Fo- r966 =.^ozu-<oq LY>x .ioi tltltltl;llI lJt.Fll - '.'!l 551 =ido o:Y6 z.il' = EEI 5.:.1ut al\lEil <Hl frdlzlUI n (5z l!- J d) oJ CJ +r o t.l .Fl x 6 '-lF{d 'n ui z d] -) ul =z <t> a,l, UJ o <l --l = - trO =tr aL!Eoo F() Pf^ a h II =altr a IIJ o --f = F c. tl- o UJ oo tt a LUE ) = E t! uJEo ) =tr L!Eoo Io- F E LUz = F ulF I E. -rO<F(rQ[!< tzF quJF !- 'r6 ^() <o(JF i.< ;F =zL!O (Jozt- =#!zr.Lo <^ =F7<) =<.Jaa Y,z -o E. L-ti\ o2 J<(Jan1H Etr DATE /E JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST THUR FRI CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN (6;) wED BUILDING:PLUMBING: E] tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND \nouoH / D.w.v. N ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL .tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ; DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR , FRIWED PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr o D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr tr FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB E FINAL - fI FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rn t. 2. J. t+, A3- /)^ r" the fotlowins rtems win be done jmnediatetv: U/n'<5f .6 / fenl, t q4 Firi atarm panel at the nurses starion ,*r-n4u'rlr.n.",^ ,.(f ,u* ^":,1!r?Wnrust be removed. In storage room and lab fire sprinkrers must have'i nspectors test. wLu6 Fire alarm outside shut off for water must be erectricaily supervised. Boiter and mechanica1 rooms must have seperate ,on"G trfr K"?"'0.fi'1';:ft a spare. 3]l.i]"Hdignaring devices must be unjform and heard in ar areas ( E.R., Radiorosy,. Lighting on exterior.stairways must be on emergency power along with lights in corr.idor-between old and new buildinq .- t. , The following Items wiII be given due dates: In storage room area un$:r air handring unit and contrors must be Doors to lab and storage must have rabering to indicate the f.i rein these rooms. marked "N0 ST0RAGE,. t)<-- spri nkl er shut-off i s 3' In-Patient fire sprinkler room nust have two heads of each style for sprinti ers. t/41' The inspectort t"rltkft? be rabered on ceiring in post-parrum. 5. Map of fire zones for building must be at nurses station. 6' Fire alarm outside shut off for water must be kept clear of snow. /br/ z;rl;....,y'., uoibu- 7. Door to gift shop must be labeled ,,Fire Sprinkler Valve,,. 8' ?":?[: to both mechanical and boiler rooms upstairs must be labeled " Fire Inspectors 9. Electrjcal and gas must be protected .i n rear of buildjng by fencing , €tc. l0' A key and ailen wrench for fjre puil boxes must be kept at Nurses statton. rQ$_ ll.tll EXIT signs must be of uniforrn cotor (red or green)12. Timer on fire sprinkler valve oiO Uritding must ire-i'i'set.:+/c ,!rlti4 F)r> 4 I I In-Patient electrical recepticals in Boiler room: l. Must have door knob. hallways must be on emergency power. ls. t( 2. Lighting must be on emergency power. Nitrous 0xide room must have ,'No Smoking,, sign on door. Bo i l, re 4oo rrr g.*r1,. iey' '1r,lrt 1 \ .r \ -,lfltlz tt:DI'l ^l.t) I'/: k"5 / / B {t, Du. 2/' /sa //' P.O. BOX 22196.4925 EAST PACIFIC PLACE. DENVER. COLOHADO 80222 (303) 758-46ss 0ctober 2, 1979 Steve Patterson Building 0fficial The Town of Vail Box I00Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL CLINIC Dear Mr. Patterson: After picking up our permit for the vail Mountain Medical clinic, wehave reviewed the drawings that have been approved by the Town ofvail. we note that there are no corrections noted on the drawings,nor.are the.drawings stamped with an approva'l note or a signature.It is my understanding through the giri'who works at the AIila.ingDepartment that it is customiry thai the permit serve as ful'l auihor-ization to proceed with no appioval stampl being required. Because there were no notes on the drawings or on any separate docu-ments regarding correction notices, we will assume t6at ttre drawingsand spec'ifications were approved as submitted. we are planning to start the work immediately and are looking forward .!9_g ggmpletion date at. the end of November.- t,Ie appreciate lour quickresponse on approving these drawings. please let irl t<now if there isany other information you need regirding our project Yours very truly, SAUNMRS CONSTRUCTION, INC. cc: Wayne Lee - Zirkle, Tom McMahon- project RBF: j 1 Lee & Associates s uperi ntendent I a T aF :d ts r iitu{;|fi li*i'rsE.F li I H d J 3 H n I dt a.a a,a IHh. lr1 Z doo ;Hco>FrE(J F]Ax@4ZH FI@&trrD E{ ; dsii;i iiiiiii; 5 *! r g iqiiiqqi a,.d tr 34 r{n m tr l{o +J +J tUA o C)lJ an !E I ,Elrdrta IE rllo ! EaI! taaAf CI ortr,Lo F{oct o- Jv, l^,F 3&. I t(oog !r{ lrlaH (/lEHO l-{lt x2 A (,Fl9J d(-) c'L'EE,g I l.I tr!t)' F tr-\clra t $ { $!3i ri It it il dd* Aj a -!1 tt T il I t I aaI otattFatl\GI- t d)t t I a€tla t-G. thal{ t.a Ira t0r R G;, tara $ $ !E ! I tdd tdrtI \,1 t{I tliaI I a( al- $ $ lr !i JT itt6h* an|,t tt tao r.f.{ tI OF ar- s t F a I g $ I ! I I !l rt iltl lil ll#iil i $'lirllllliriiiliiiilll f,lilhi,i liiil :liir :illiiltui dClC tat .a .(lt \j, I if! ;' li ;i lii eiiiEl ili!!i falra aat sl araulolr ca ril^,1 R -rl GI- rl t ! 3 I a dt ! g,- I lli s ffiiiur$i. nliii i | !!'-i.Esr ai;i;luliiii:: lE fii f ltff;iiiii Il lilii!ifiii:il$il.{i iiil!,liliiffiiilliir i t{ T ti w str{t 6-I R Ord T E $ rtEI Drr!f!..el rrt!B:! 3 f!,t!ri s5$s !.1-! *')3aa ah.I i! T$I rt.$tr slg3. I\: -t;eI lrlE t: i. illlll:llllllil d* 3 HE t ! 3 t .. tl- *- Eovr$rr 21, lttg ,llr. lr.d goott !g:pf!rl lutlaltlg r tqutDr.nt co.717 Ofllsr prrlcrrytt. toutr 1 lb. 5llal lrr Vrll Vrll.y [.dlorl C.nt.rVatlr Colondo Dolr lNr. toottr Itr.rugpl.snt.l &errngr-fg! t!. abovr-nened Dror.st hrvr brcnrcvhutd, rnd f hrvr tbi foffcfng cc.ltrr 8D-15, 8D-la, _8D-16n Drovldr satErrr rlr or .rtrruat f,ro tlood Bral Rl-lI. Provlde r ft're d.llLr rhoa. u|. cuot t'anatntar tbr ooEldorralh to tbr lrDo:-gory enr edJrornt ue... s. ry rrlici--datril lrrob 2!, It?9. l. lo octria tFt tb. rtoor ln tbo toilrt roil nl-?zr t.reulD'D.d rlth r brdprn tlurhlng rttrofrnni.-- z- l{rlg:. tbr duotlorl in th. r.oqrrry roil ro tbrt th. rrhrurt!. rB tbr vlobfty ot tbo ollnlsrt itnt. tlr f10r aurt-br--'tro thr nrt ohln to tbr nrt rol,hd. 8D-Zl, 8D-22 no son nta oa thlr rbot. 8p-23 I hrvr no cilD.nt!-gn -!h1!_drrr!.ng .ro.pt thrG th. ryltG nr.tooqrty rlrb Fpl !6!, iontrrnrbr; mafirr-ori iiitcr. l. 2. f,r. trd toottlbrpttrl l[lu"try r tqrlDrDt Co.Iwrdrr 21, lttflrgn t Ithl. coaslqL. rt frnrtt ol tl'r drrrlngr ruhlttdl. ll.rfarrlpnd to tbh l.tt a o! ccot ln nltlng, rna lnoos?olrc.tbir nqslnd ltnr bto th. Ftt. Dlrrrr torvrrd ray rrvlrd drerl,ngr tor lllrl nvlrr rnd rpprovrl. SlaorrlYr t. n lDb lrtlb.rg, rrohtt.ct Cblcfr- D..lgrn rlt Coartttatlcrttrdtcel Crro &.lsrarlag tCcttttcetloa Dlvlrlo dllf,rtr ocr Jrtt lratrr, llrhlrtretor /rrst rllguae c.t.o., vtllr Golondo / t I i I I 1." l5 I I I I I [: 6 I I I I I I I (roF G F2 =o (, =zo ).( a (t o v> t!J tr, F J FoF F6oo- o ? (t z F Jf PUtte,7JF<F\.Xr-7r-:3- !lr? sr!!'; <oz z. i'; i:<t-FCu {(,. <or.tz irsic3gjli.-,<o>-<oar.rogE<'l I I I rl $l .-t I anr! t-Ltu- L 2E UJ o_ c;z:b E UJ o- :. F .t !:, t-ozozzo oE o @ ; (, v,u,o tlJ = t: tU(: c, (! (,z 2 tt)ul 3uroFIztn<\d(l)f,<F e.@ q Ez)z F O ./'O= =6=ooc((JoC) trJ<31 .(.r. (J (D I Fo ttl tr/,c z 6/l c) o I I Ia z F o z 9F a< J :- UJ u $ -h\ UJl J ?G 6t d >e Y:l urYG ooot; (.) trt o: c),--rO.1. l-.t:: a J tU oz Y, oul oz,f atF UJ J c,F oz, It'I I ; o- t- ti 6i i.r, F > :{(iI g ;EE lrr E(\() :' :< o ZZU-oootr ^ 6 z'q5 =esP o[6 6 Gz>-(JoaJ9(Jzxr!-<oo-'-]Ha a;()!9rq 6a(t(, a1 c G' Eo.o a, .ut .:c5r:E:- t: -::: Oi6 trj(L o tt...o(i r,, r; al.r: >-l: l . -il ,il r- ll r1l il xJ(lt ;.J z.o z. .,Pzq rDozzl)JO O- rr- (r ()-( ! ()o Cr() DDD J .rdU:!rrI(-'l }.-. :r: 'j :1 ll (tl tl, :: all:U rl lr !:(J (, F -:o= *, (l- uJ Y (J -d rJotlvnlvA z9 F f ulo- F u, I F v,J --J:l<L-Hlo JF=tl-ul __il li .INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON weo^6n@ rar o"@CALLEB TUES BUILDING:PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB NANAL L' ,) " tr FTNAL a ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH . tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION RECIUIRED Best, Copt'c5 Available DATE INSPECTOR -'trw1??'7'|EI'l|F'l!'|F,*.Ti'?1'l'.''-.F.lEq!FEFr'-._"''.--..l'''Tv|FEET'iFr,:!.Flt'-'"T.F INSPECTION REOUEST DATE JOB NAME HEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TOWN BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTTNGSi/ S,EEL U UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCX NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB -tn g+lNAL t" ELECTRTCAL: '.:' ,' -.. .A MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS t- tr CONDUIT: tr SUPPLY AIR - trtr tr FINAI. tr FINAL EI*FPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED{L ',2".' INSPECTOR !l$$f rtlsfrfrrFTt 'iF E< fd-!r'Er itt;T) oF vArL CALLER : READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEGTION:MON €)*'" THUR FRI BU trl trl trl trl trr B FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH/WATEF FOUNDATION / STEEL INSULATION ....-tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED {q APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR' INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES wED THUR FRI LOCATION: \ AM PM BU trl trl trl trl trl tr ILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING I NSULATION D GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trH trc tr_ CTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED '\iDATE lftp"* do-th;o ."1 1Vt/'tz^1 7 NSPECTION REQUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr o FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR d tr*r.tr FINAL SAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION REQUEST THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED E,REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLEB INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING:PL tr tr u tr tr D UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER EI FOUNDATION / STEE- tr D FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING r''l tr tr ROUGH tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI -AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR . , fu. u*1e-r{ tt+'-.Zfr {. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .d, INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED ,"u, Gi,)AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H, TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTBICAL:MEGHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -Btr FINAL tr FINAL tr VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,.i , 'li INSPECTION REQUEST ,, ,, TOWN OF VAIL ,/? - ":/ AMI PMl/\ ../ DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON t,:'l l| :. FCALLER TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL .1 tr FRAMING INSULATION E GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr D tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BU trl trl trl tri trl tr ILDING:PLUMB!NGT O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL ELE ET uF trc tr- CTRICAL:M tr o D o ECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF -/a VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES ,l BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr RouGH - -- ,/.,:, ,-1-' i,..,.,r'r,...r, ,,D EXHAUST HooDS tr tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ../.,/ --. DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FBIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB -tr- tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr tr FINAL .tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr HEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 1J,/, - DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED ]NSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr F tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING J.1 /,qt INSULATION SHEETBOCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL VED O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON WED THUR FRITUES INSPECTION REOUEST AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL H / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL T] FINAL ffi trDl CORRECTIONS: INSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR / INSPECTION REQUEST TOW OF VAIL t',-- -'1-.-DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V, tr FRAMING €-Bo{r$r-l wATER ., ; tr INSULATIoN - €reAS etenQ-;'--, './*/-r'! tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB'...tr 4"'-'4?'2"4" ' r t/ O FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIB - nn tr FINAL tr FINAL ..' ELAPPhOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR oor. Q- /4 JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:@ LOCATION: OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: - , , TOWN OF VAIL PLU tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL DERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL OUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER ,1ues : BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr o o tr tr D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND BOUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr tr FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL EL tr bi tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr o tr tr o HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL ET APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR OF VAIL oere 1't o:]? JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN t4[9 weo -----@ PMTHURFRI tr tr n tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU[IBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB EL t] tr tr tr ECTRIGAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 0. Drln|fr/vl|l ctz E =G IJJo- <)oo @ Oorr) FI |r, (\l an uJ LrJlJ- F =t uJo- -*'::;&ffiX I I ,I !)\r C)alx \' It r> \r- I I I l\' | -\6N\t\. \$ N I l_ IEro I I I I I, rEErFl9z r=IO l2 tt IIJ z oz 6 =f 6 oz o E 0,E go IE =o,o. G c3oFb-6 c .9ooo <ri @ooo .9o E4 o tt 6 o) '= oN tclllz3o IJJ.r Foz lr.J UJo i olt F EFzoo Eo €\s EF='Hi9.? )! r^\p:brt E €G3\ 3$ N'a 'oF oE o o) .slJ ooo6 E o g, .9 =o E l! ai!(! d:go-(U '=Pg) EEE EEE €sE eI =:gPd'l =c9c'- o,.E 3Et E E-s*oOi=oeis,!! c.=- 6o.c o.$E;(D-CLE€: EE:E: E E;E_a€ uPC6 0'-5ae d,Q-gg€ E8;.96a TE E -e't e 9r -o. o eEg -o6 1rl <\l0t oo o(o oo rJ) <Y) oo c) (f, o rf) r\rd (?)4 =e. uJ z o @ Y gJ ()z c J E C'utJ uJ zo = .J 2 trl = UJullr.zo F ll,ldouJE .D 3u,l tuczo6u, F at uJ z ll,t (,) x F UJol ans EGt!o- Jss 2 .o C) UJ Iu (,z6 = J z IJJ = NOtrvnlvA l*lFl=l.nt^ l"{lo <q lL*18Nf.'- .:o ;E =0z u--9c';az= =9-otr(u 'PfiEo! JG' f;i,z> U =>E -- ztr^ d,9 ar, a1><)zr!<oq ^ (J;C)FO .iai !c, an a6o =o zo F e Flt uJo- F E o- UJ e. z E o z tr uJ J 3 UJz ||tl 'llllFz26 = E3."F ts9=; H Ergs<(o()ftllrlrttrl 2 i, $29=-o-ir=gEo(9orz z.o F ) (tz uJ E UJ- ,'i UJJ llJ o o3 J a u,zI =F lu F atJ -J*<t!x-ort-= uJ €OLf, i{ i{d€ (\I I(\I(\I I Ol u,F o UJF U) !0o-zo Fo IJJY IJJ c0 oF ts tr u.l(L lto (Loo I UJFoz z oPze coo =z=:)dP ,Rnlt_, l:r; l;*s =E u.l o-ltoEU E<cLf€frB9vaE;9EE =>=lrj-E h=E +-S: =EE 8b P \utEXILE 6ra ".1o-i!i IIJ.ooF .<'--\ (",+F\ly€ = E =E, lrJ o-zoF(Jf E,Fazo() t I I (,z =u- I IJ !o FoJ ! (U {Jco(J iU() E(u =ln.tJIo tn (5 ui =zoo --)I r! =z , uJe J = F =tr uJ o J :Fo tn!o o! (tJ !(u+iP(u @ E !!- o oulI r!o zl BlolFI uiJ uJF =e. tr oz (, UJE l! z3 F =tr oz dut J a u-oz3p =g u. z ci uJ 5 t! zl =lFI =q o uJ G J) <1 >J t!oz =lolF ulJulF E[Jz = Foul E ar -iO<FEC)uJ<ztrlljF..r Zoo JE<o(JF :-<,.8 ;F-zr E 2P;C);# -tF'-a <tYF 33 YZ =g th lrJ !tY lrz c) <ooso36 oulFoz z J .D .6 oz I I te IFt<(g l6z t= t2.z l5Iul9tgo l=b t:f,t6o, lr.€tF(,, lt:-e lx. li Ed9F I uldt slr; '\13 g.$Eg ilu F$ :>E.A "- >€' .g r(EN ?sUo\E!s)\ o{\(l)l->l9s&.s6-l;-$x j-@c 6 * 6.9) agg$EUhot F.e *3 EE E: 9 3E:Etr-o> e:5E = €i;c96FIoSo 3 3':; SEiRE!Era !€ e:gqeF Elseo-(E o--sE; eoiEor =fie€ EEEg - o..y o 60'-ic7i o o s€; f *g1EY*o-3 *6F-e }E;:9Eo - eEgx tn uJ IJJ lJ- E =tlrl o- otr) F\r-{f'r z6 = o.- zIF J f,az EE !." lr.F Ftro iE rEoL J.lg ,El,EL U 7>E --d)irr* =oN {z tr ^ -t)q5EP o .nOz>-oo<)zr!<oqH({-E ;(\j E dgJ z E z E uJF) 2 zF =Fet8 =ogPH;eB2 2 i, €9 H =dir= *E6(,(Jr2 @rrt.{ -{') 1) oz q $ c/) \sN cf) .n\o \o \ r'* vJ s \ -4. 6t@I GI(\t I(}r UJF o uJF (i, c0o?zo Fo-ulY uJ co oF F Elllo tto o-oo I Iul-oz E =Eltr o- Enl E =lllo- l! IIJoz oIo F CE):= JFlu :-h= duJ>(LO|!9o \ ITJA(L:>IJFu|JJtl UJo F :5 .E J E Eo(, o ac'. Eto! z .n9z26O =zJOa! l! =f;*- i'i''i o B;E (,.E\o r, V O ts =Elrt o-z 9F()f E,Fazo() i A I CI -- Iol =.1ol uJt 1l <l>I bl zl 3t 9iFI ol =,|ol uJl 1l al>lttlol d I I I I .tol =.1ol r.ul 5l <l>l IUol il sOl uJFI F llral I!t Iot I3-t I tolol zl El sl*l cclLI JIsl sl+tl |!lot ol6l zla3lEt olu--l Fl ol-l OI IJJI il <l>l t!lol zl 3lolFI oz =IL Lo.1,co(J tU(, Ito:E aa+,Loa-a (t ui =z dl --) (L F E 2P 9?ZE d6 F EFz z (J UJ = Eng+Eo2 C) t -rO<F(rC)uJ<zE I.IJ F(rzo F Fz\ <o sgEtrI oz E =E, UJ o-e\ \) i p -f(\ cos ql atu,t!i! E =u,o. ffil N] iirl l$l ;E aE I iEN] lHhlzoIJ lEol;?lztz Nq atulz3o ltl Foz Jruo E I .Eo\coFo EFzoo Go o o q, G g .o6 .9ao,t5 c F\ oG q e e\(g .!r Ei o oc o Ec6 oItoo c! .E:5 c0 E o =cf d0, o ctcto '.c E iEgg E gE: E 6P:Ec-o> e$:: E E!:c9GEIoSo !EiF :-€35 3'e 9t: e;;-e SE; g oi6-o E €e€96.!6 EEEE -o.:o--cf6 0'-.=cxo0)i ''5.e E;:; FffE EEg* - Cr (o: /0lO R R a\ o\ G rv) '\)s sfr) \c\ d \ \ \ 'C\t^ N F IU ; Co to z o Fou,Ju, 0z 2 I()r!E 4/l I I I oG o(o =ut ll,Ez9 uJ t- o,ul (J x F u,u,f v,ut uJlt tr = IIJo- J FoF o!l 9 () u.l oz =Jo. J Iz I()ul- NO[VnlVA S IJ\ = ?l[9; ;$l ={q{l;,j sdz zL IO O O\.Itr - 6zil a p =E{ F ? f I iFgx z9F F cian c oto ll, 6\A e t^ I tc(t<IGlt! l: t: l8 l6 tkIGtulll- lc t^tv IE jIl F =9a zE EnEgItllll =\!,uI \H 3d i$=eEo(,():c2 z.o t-- Jf,U'z UJ ?E F UJ- o () uJ ut o 3 o all,lz-9IFa J ac uJG F .nJ -J*<|!laBodiEttl =F N il lrJ tro coo1zo F(L UJv UJo o F trlt o- tt.o o-oo I ulFoz z <rPz4 @o =zJOO- !L .,dqz E.aol--llY(J B;T F =GutG l!oEE9ZE<ttl€uB9var)9'EF => E I*: :oE 869 iuttr xo-E fiT:iJid ul @oF ts E E, llJo-zot-o :) G,Fazo(J !nrJ et UJF f I € t (9z l! FoJ I I I J d tq\st I \ { ! v\ '-\s u; =z .0c ( : { I, t>\ -.\ f*llJ =z .l $ n 0.\ aa UJEo 4 z i t\$ io. ,: \ tro x N a E .-\I .51 1 "1 rls \ qlo Je = s /o N+ie ( : C) 3l .,i I\l Til sll q =.( ss sv c,z ol! e ltoz3 F $ \t.) t, UJF { ( ,1 ) \ i s = tr \r\, l.,ld v\ oz a uJ J lroz3 F tl ( cl t: t\ ! u I f. "D- -o Lr't 1 =tr :l \) ,i z (, u, I ltoz =o F fl r\ I I o A =g tr I I I I IlolaloI llJl5 V"lolzl'l9 2 |. tltltllllll.ltolzloIuJtA l>lt!lot21l3loIF u, ruF E,Itz =o F() IUtr f() -rO<Fal (J UJ<ZEIIJ Ftrl zoo J (x.<o(JF =()EE U E >Y =<ed JZ(!O 16YF +3 Yz =8 t-E ',lJIc FCzoL' J<(Jt1 (h fo EIf]LI rN#ciloN neouesr. TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEGTION: CALLER MON TUES=WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr d rtruRl tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT T] SUPPLY AIR n LF,{tr.tr FINAL 14ppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION HEOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR * ;PECTI'/ loxtb,/ ii REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES ,-t THUR I FRI /.'....-,/WED PM -/ (-\-- h-y j BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED CTION REQUIRED / 2 c>2DArE /- ,/- 6 2 |NSPECTOR CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ruEs (*fi t"r* oerc ft- lt -8A JoB NAME INSPEGTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FFAMING n FOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB f,SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER ilECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR a,fiat tr FINAL 4 {epp.aoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE :l.t-INSPECTOR ,*#"toN neouedr TOWN OF DATE lrle-8x INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES @ THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOT]NGS / STEEL PLU trU \n {n trG trP tr_ IIBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D,W.V. tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR t]- o fio,tr FINAL v :-z tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: /a- t V-k- * D^rE /C - i 1,-{J-' JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES \..\A/ED THUR FRIMON BUILDING:PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr F]NAL _ ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL fineenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED , DATE INSPECTOR ,r#",T( DATE lo '/(',!) INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR (o AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: TION REQUEST. ,arr, lt | .. t/')/1 { OF VAIL ,.,i .t1..| .' .'i i I j BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER{ rnnurrua n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL _ n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT oz/ I] SUPPLY AIR E- q,rf,(,tr FINAL {lg,rd,cl tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE /i:z ,.4-- - INSPECTOR .. I ",r. 1 .i: Project Appllcatlon Proiect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL OISAPPHOVAL /"-Approva, Project Application .:)" 5- FV tl-//'- f ic/ Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zonel Zoning Approved: ,. l1 ;-t i.._"- Design Review Board ,., \ ,/Date Motion by: Seconded by: FJsle APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL /rz"/*/;z_d lt Chief Building Official t;" Project Application 3- ['Eo Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL L,U^- 44.-<'y',-i-L^D *Z +tu< nistrator /-t Chief Building Ofticial o Alt-'o o 6'.gn tr bo" ;+!€,a er4-4 V\ 6^ ? lq' d' >y2: 4'l-t\- 4u INTo €ri^ 16tl 4' 4n4' o' oo 't\\a &w. -bt ii-- - i7- Kl CV'tcI (-" \ *-?l /'\ ! ctz F ; oO (\,1 FI O (D o uJ uJt! tr =G,utc \x,- h-(l /r"q._ r oof q.c -lt?e I I I "rJr\s X , Y- J. \' {*l jAi--r to ,*E $iF x I I t, t3 I I I I I,E I< rFl9z IE l_g,zlo in UJFoz o =oJ3dt 5 o =zo cc uJz =o l!IFoz \l \{- c..\ \\ lto ulGlF zIo r.l ' r'('\( :\ titIr F. ,{,r{ Jl , fiv\ri\ li F.FI A te?J I IJ U Eo go(6 .9aGGI ]oF o.c o o d)o ct Eo c).c o lJc(! Q) oo o) .g =o E ol .E l Eo ct CL(E 3 .9 o) FEgg EE EE €rEgg;:; EE!pc96E.l of or 3 8l'5 EEARSiEo Et;F 9; ge sEasoEE-ors€e€ :€E s E6Fg :-of 3(l0'-! -c 'li o (,) "' or!.9E,FssgBl= 9 6aE If; E;9Eo -sEgg - o 6I oo ro(\l u)(\t (o o rl) CO oO oo rJ.c! t. L =E u,lo- z = @ -() uJ z J o e, o uJ ut z = J z (J !J = u.lq,/ u-zIF ul IIJ o @ 3llJ ultzI ut F It I uJ o- 2 uJJo x F uJof, (t uJ K tr =t UJL JftoF (Jz o! .D J E (J utJ uJ z (o =Jo- J oz C)llJ NO|rVn_1V cc (\ G J:Gso'r =) 5.;t- ;so-U'UJF6t-J.t<+E-u- uJ'F i\\-= :$o!)u & =6$l zz p; = .tt oz>-E9r!<o* FOE8 2ot- E ci ulo- F oortt c o- uJ J z Eo = z tr UJFJ 3 uJz JIl =2e 2 E2." S E =EEg8ee:<(o(J3Iltl ?9,a3 i rH2P=-o-i*= gE ooorz zo F J U'z [, J ?E F uJI ;i uJ ul o o; at al,u> IIJzY = E, I + F.l l-l u.to- F aJEgbdiE UJ 5r{ 6J r{,) : .=\c ! IJJ'',d (\l Isr I F{ IJJF q)oo-zo Fo-ulY IIJ @ oF F Eul(L lJ-o o-oo I uJ|-oz IIJF o !tn z,:9zedro =zd8 :fr: ;Hg E Gulc l!oEE E<el€ae9ttlr;9gE F-JF =uJ:-E FE: >o-E 8b9 EutE XCH ;T5. u{ €= t! c0oF --I ts =E lrJ o-zIFof E,Fazoo oz I u- I d Fo (l, o o)E (o +, v,o- c, .tJ u; =z dlo-) uJ =z Q E o I o- F EE IL tt = Io- E C) oL(t) oLo (u o-t- L(u+,+, (U cct =tr oz o UJ t!oz =oF =e, lt c,z d UJ J tloz3IF e.:? oz o uJ J Itq z39 =e. tr c; ol UJ 1 t!l OI zl 3lq H =tr o c,ul 5l <l>l t!l z139 ui JutF t LUz =o () uJF I()e t --,t o<Fc()r!<ZE I.IJ Ft,l Zoc) Jg<oc)F FEXF -1 Zl'8 z o = J o- Y ? J( =7 f, 6F 33 s6 E E i\ LU+e. o oo J<o trt tll - '- tt t oz ts =u, I.J,Jc a oc{ \ o t^ a p(, (t) UJ lrJu- b = Lr.lo rlll o uJFoz oz oJ:)o .6 o =zo Gu,z3o ur F z o E 0)c go(6 .9 o-(l 'cF' o o\ <to( aqc E o o o Ec(t (l,ooo otc E .Il E o =c:l q) I o.o 3 .9 o 3;fi5 as !$EUh.,; :.e *€ *E E 8F.:6-a*.:o S UP.OcEo>eI;i :9 3: G>=Xc96F -*=o)3 5;.5_'! >x E EAXEtEo :-€35gqsP g-; ge o:-o(! X O-ot6-orE*:€ E6:n :EE H :rES_o.;() -*C?(u O'- !.ci:o(,) sr; € g g'-E 9(!a5 lf; E;9Eo - eEgg - o 6-: $ \ q \ t, \ \ o \ (,i .tr)I t ( I \ 0 s \ \ vcl \ N E =g.' lt, zo! :ao uJIoz J C) GFo uJ lrJ z6 o- J 2 - uJ IUul zI UJ o u,l (D =!! tU z 6tu 6o ?z uJ (J x F u.lo U'tll UJtL F (r UJtL J FoF z ! f o llJJ UJ z =J 2 (J l! = NO|lVn'lVA { dq ;do3 lr-oz tr Eo(r, t! J uJztrr(5 2Zoo F-A95F.90 nO5ao2rL<o* d!2i3 d<ri zI F 3J o o- Eo t.l F { 0 \ to tr IL IJJ J Eo \ z 9 UJF B UJz z2= =Es*ggE5eBzd)o:ttrltttlllll 6d. . B< E?3=d3EVZ(JI!or,uoorz tszlzI F oo ==o() I I Ez c'z, JJqJ 3o zI F Jfaz lrJ J & F UJ .rt o (J trlJ UJ o o3 o oaa 11,zY9 F (:< tr UJ -,J*<t!laBo )J-Y lril -. N O U) t{rJrJ ) ul tsaoo-'t zo F ul r! trt oF F IU(Lilbtl>)l*$l() \\;\ Hr"oEzo z .rP4Qc0o>z =lfJOo- r! :E? ;sE trnn ts_ EG UJo-ItoEE9ZE<cL :l€ua9'oa (cia o- F:.rF =ul!E FE; =*E U6 9 5ttrE XO-E drii{'cr r UJ .DoF F lB = liE, l-u.l r- o-zIF(J. :) E,Fazo() /<;\I , :rt=\'- /Its\ZE ==et t ol =.1ollUl 5l <l>l rLIol zl 3l PI I I Iolz.l ul <l>l bl 5l g Ol lrlFI F tl,ll{l .$;l S+l sil!31qol EFI J d ql ol =.1(rl :|itol 2l]lol r-..1 ,t N+i.L :: { E t{ l$ $B uJ =z o-1 (, =Jtr F.E ir9i*u.o2 (J d(,Ozt- E?zoa f,Fd6 (J E,o l-o Fz () z 't_() ul = JG<oOF =()FS S?F =zUJO E.JO<F lr, <ZE rn Zo F() UJ tsI E )<()o91HEftn gF H 1 I 3 il il t a-._-t--_ T_E i i.._--_ii----"i I [:t I"l I I I-l I t \qt R \\t R a.tt stq. s { \ tJ ss9 RI El ii(hn li_Ifl tl4tEl ll *l --_,1 - :* -T.- i- tFtH --ttrrF o n[$l F \*{ ES .\-r aoq f 'li :iirlir'::rgl.-.1 ij rui{:l-' -----i r \) \r\ '-:d-\\ r s -+N =Sl[,.lji.,:;_ eltFt -,r""s "r-=$; :ii i, .lH,' ? !t ? t= <- Uo t:ql .l ,i-B .' rb'o---'t-i$i-f n-tf"iHF*sp, f IF{++#Hae+--F'r' ;l:' --6i cj$H ;l BIrlf=l #j H EH TI I- HH liJ rltsr slhil o I 6,7 . i;-'t r in5 ' [iL*:'ili i,lih-+ t it {I I I I I FsrFir.- .. ),. --r I itir1:laf--, i.6i ril I ;t: tti --.i:="',::::\:."a.:-ji {ait.-i*,'**-.-:\ itq' \9l rat ( 6 b 3 T K.u |.t to'\, d '. l,l cqi vt ( ( .{ h IJ L x\ tl{ o Eq I il r_1 ts E st -lLF-:- EH /o-r'i/ lzr / ,ritr- :':;i-.5-v-' INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAiL DATE 2/-//sz ,READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: Ur..-V JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL . PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL hy'r,*o,-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR "K FINAL 'depaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /t,t CORRECTIONS: ? -.2 +*/f INSPECTOR oz E =cuio. ooo (\I oo(o (t IJJ uJu-F =t IJJ.L qu/_ glltElh 0hh9e # 7n I I I slt NH$- I I ,) tuF I =o z oul oz_(,zl6' J a0 o6 z vl o p rd otJ 'E |t' 0,IJxo ruo fo VI OJ Jll'| Ce ct o o -9-o(! O/.5 CLd (g 'ot- oE. U'(Da (rt t o IDE o .Et 6 (D o o) E fo o =cl d o) o.o, ct 3 .9 ID E d'R!otoc -o(64) .g R€ Eg8 F E:E-o> ;::EF 9(EFo€ s,5;: =>6EF; €8E'-ooo-F!!e6 cL-Z*O iEo fi:5(,,.vo EEH;Ee(oc= o,.y () =o('6E.s EE5ilo HaE FFe H 6oqoc.lg€(!oo - Eg:o (6: g oo o 6 E o ; ; o E -c ; .9 (E .9o .! .2! D(5 c) o =(g o) ctl 0, =CY()6 .oo o.c o Lr) @(f, oo rjt(\l o o lr) (f) ts tr =g UJ 0zo = ao x uJ oz JI J 9eF() UJJ uJ z ro =Jo. J z Lu = IJJ uJu-zo UJ E,o uJE o o 3 uJt UJezo u.lo F aDoo- uJ c z uJ x ulol u, UJs t- aE UJ o-J FoF N J u. ,l!o z 15 oz I o 9 F(J UJ !J oz6 = E J 9z (,, UJ- NOllvnlvA I.t-$ lEd= l:16 " lEA.r (' l!E);fh- "Ql3-FE =oZZU-OOO(Ftr ^ 62oi; =Fs.!t o o!'F6! frIl!<r.! O- -J-HA Eaq ;i iol(, 0(u U 9-Itso .O an o .u o+, +t (|JE E z F ll- ar o uJ F ooc4 (\t ltl z Eoo x z9 ?e. uJ =UJz tltltltloFz z9grE? YO-i ,.' xtLx.i<z (1, L2,. 9= [io3EOI lll JJ (E u, U' llJzY =F z F J z J.J 3 i !J o = (o o .rl<ltrl zl zl .. >l uJ UJulz U'L E uJ z E z tr U' [T- l,l= l;:l>og I -cFl {lr:") !,) .-! ',-) i-) (f) I F{ C\IIst uJF 6 ul Eooo1zo Fo- uJY l!o oF F Elrl tto ooo LuFo2 nnn z oPzF< =z t-,g =f;i= i'i'i o A;H tr uJLt!o{i ulE9E<cll6<tEe.E9!i! 'eEE =>.=uJ:-E b=I dtrx =o--l Ou-E oo9 \rrE XLt :>-HFo, .l €= l!!t -] - E =e, lrJo.z9F(J3 E, 6zoo JIFt IEt I(Ut I flgl IH zl ol uJl GI _-rl aFI =.1olull 5l <l>l z.l (,t LrJl 1l al>l ruol zl =lolFI I I I I ?lol r,lJl (El JI <l>l t!lol flp () !o = ntgLq).P r5 .t-,g 5oL) o) - rli =z -) J o EF uJJ Lu ZY =fi-a zo (J E F C) EFzo z. I uJ o Eir tU+(I o ()t sJ et :E =o\l €i, <n uJ UJ lJ- F =Eul o- =[, J F F tr tl, oz l,u LIJ zq LU ca 3 G 6 uJ F6 u, o- UJJ o! f rlv IL AL a \)$ -=r6.<rtJ rr zzooFo_ Ax>t9o t/> Oz>-O(Ja)ztr. <(o* 9UFOj^i zl ... >l uJ trlulz al,L u,l o-) z E o ul JJ o UJzY i 2 9F J g,z =z zO(') <oo< ;HR ',-6ct<z o Ez-. 9z d6}E o\J NO \( z tr J 2 tr o z tr luF ;qJz I "l=.1ol uJl 1l <l ilol zl 3rI I .lzl olurl JI al>l|rlol it :ol uJFI F I I I I I olzl -lol uJl rElJ <lilol zl BIq FI \ \ =g r R l/t r(I ,1"*(\l {o s N+. {9 Q o UJ ) N \v'\ E ) UJ I o oFo GF2oo uJz3od L! LIJ6z:3 cr \r' f ltJF:<FZrt YZa< E,O =*.8oz o F f-z (t:!i:q,e3E;I cLo'r!!*:!s* =1iE!€y::$ o6=:-:9 4:. =!J'c:J=_ol- :€";:- i:;i';v.: - c ('EXaS€):: B; E;ir:5'!c:i6 E:feEa. a=:o:-o"rE:O-E.e=6qE - (D- g'-=;EFg:(,'-ooii o i J'l OiE!;p> -y: o.=:E!:= :-o:3d c;ooFi is.e!9E55E 6 i t=: E HrEac-=->,*,F:9963EoR .3'is5." is$;i ).> -t oz ts = uJo 2 _r uJ f Ht xt Y N ooZt- 3# )zLOo <oOF -< iF u.r Oo <F uJ<ZEt!F.aZ (J lri =T C) E uJz 3 =z (D --) z)tr U'' tl-l I I I I Ir' d L: u, u-o.r. u,E9Z--E 5 e=o I =<@-I O =z!rat, I.} 9 d;'E E nnrr I \ _t \_rr._rt_l = ut -l5 h=l J.e dEl if;; > rl o(JY:. Q tr-l 7=zE 3 9l .Ff E s iha:E€ ; urt I llJ @o J ul =U' o")z F tuY uJ oF ts (r UJ o- Lro I UJF z srl ll \ tl,F o t =Elrl o-zo F() EFazo(J F-. M E &DLl'rrlt"e J,r,^., rrAr,u - Ce*t, trD u?Fce D&, tv€ ,VVmc- o.") RLt( :1 \J q si\i a \ De. Bitt Spnctt, o($tcj -,. t"'n'* q'r') \er ngtn'loN &R.€* (i',o" ^ 7)*ffzr anrdet h"c*l' Roo 'j .,i kd (\ 11 - Hl CN CO<...r,t1 l^'Tf'tt rvrl L lt-AOtct.vt )N fi+f vvt41.c- iLD6. E r*nt Ranr,r* (a'a"x A, 3) 3'. 1' (.p F< 1!. qZx g;i4t F Q,tti fuutk ub,lxmi,tt ry lara Pdo.lts ' ' --+- z"-,.')/ - lAbAe//ru ex7''n'o u?Nruftn, ) A,..- -,r( t€€ /t6N€\-- -rr OP- -J- u JecT r aats €xsrlwc fJa cftrtwae f,r. vout f S_ s \\ l,t/l /lt"{t4 ' r/[/at ' ('t/ " I -..-- / tfl'^ /' , {ts on\p % ftt- .t"" P, me eDJ Dtu tv€ $tt^tu wAtc Ce*t, trP u?Foe -Vvmc- 13tD(', O.r) Recgft"rox &REft ' (i'L" ^ 7),^ftr anrdel Dn, Bitt Spct</ o[$tco -. (a'o'x q'r') ler DR.CHo{^) E x*nt Ranrl* (a%"x Ar 3) {-{to()s SC o ll_(nooc L Hl f. n Cgunr,Ll /^/ 7-f'*.1'/'1L ha€otLtaa' ).'r n+f wt'ac-- atPc 6P F(mffiilffi 1l': n7 'i.i.-EX i ;-j ...{, t6 :: i,. 75 ::. ; f. le* (ltri /hud t/anc-r+na, AfrLL fuan ^ 5€€ rt&ove- PLwu€ /Na No C/ft%oe .rd**, * ,/.-+' / fb-v/< fn ) recra-t ,Roo Q'* j' ^AW &,n' fu?r8 ex1nNc (fevnrcftro)w ro GPe +\ \\ etw' voilvolley medicolcenter 181 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 1303) 476-24s1 Deborah Canode Administrator April 1.9, 1983 Dr. Jack Eck High Country Internal Medicine 181 t.J. Meadow Drive VaiI, Colorado 81657 0ffjce Alterations, High Country Internal Medicine Dear Dr. Eck: The a'lterations to your office which will provide space to accormodate another physician are hereby approved by the Vail Va1ley Medical Center. Very truly yours, -/,/' VJ,/ne!,','- Deborah Canode Admini strator DClj s xc: Ra1 ph Davis, President Board of Directors 1<'ln',{r,?,TION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE ?/trk} ql-4 INSPECTION: MON JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: .|.-..'z TUES WED THUR ( --'{..'u BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -4ffipsoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ;i$cr. ]EF. INSPECTION REOUEST VAIL JOB NAME TOWN OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER ECTIO BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL t rrr.rll tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR - FINAL ,/tr FINAL / tr APPROVED PROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE f 2 t''z) - 'z-rJ 2 INSPECTOR TION OWN OF REOUEST VAIL /DATE INSPEGTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:?,/ BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr tr tr tr tr lx, tr FOOT]NGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL I O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER TIECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E -z_ SUPPLY AIR a rKot tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: zd'4-_6? INSPECTOR JOB NAME REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECT!ON: CALLER MON \ TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER -- tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL IIEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - n tr FINAL F tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr F.FTNAL .':'it6;;PRouEo t .t/, -, CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED '.. ./' t., ..//DATE INSPECTOR oz E =Gu,o- IJ (f U' IJJ uJu- ts =E IJJd u / 'qdarb bq?w g"I I I I I tuJIF fnF \q 't I s RIN; rtrlll ss UJ o Eo ? FIz = oz ,ii uJ z =oJ @ € oz I Ij cl '-l ul f;l EIal+rl(6l :l EI.dl =l ulz3o lUrF z l! ulo I o Et!z; lr uJ(( F E- f -\': \J I c0 fro =l E|l) o CL 6; .9 E '6 oI' tli() o() '.4 .= o v, o 6 o -u, 3oF c) o) Po()o G a at o =.o o ! (E g;;6 -J- (I) o;(!'i9o*iop8F E# sE:F '- a,,c:5:gF cPd d,E '8EA =!E*oO -rE o E ieF5;.Y- (s o-(! 0- *EE(a- o.Efi: Eo'-EE bO (u: E dE'ix o eeCct o'- !-.c nr O-EE:oii '6>9'EE- .Y:EH;8 ,i6e9Eo ECE!oct -o(l' oo @(D(\I D ifr) oo rl)c! oIo|<)(\I oo Oro(\l o l\ Or b = UJc z o =o x ul oz o- EF C) IJ,JJ uJ z fJc J = C' uJ = uJ IIJ(Lz EuJE(,) UJ o 3g uJczo gJ F oo- uJo l 2 ulJ x l- [l CJ' at) IJJ uJ Lt- ts =E IJJo- FoF oz o! @ () F gJ JqJ (5z Co = i J z llJ NOIMtVA I I I I Fl> JE * *^GLG+' S= 9,-<oEo Hb6d. zz99F-an5= =oo1>E9u-<oqut-CUi-o.ini =>E zo oe ul F Oo Ost t!t z z F E uJ =!uz g) Ezl29. a.<oo< =o-<ui2tExrr6o<z <t)Fz. Oz tro3d !J = ao UJzYI l!o Fl Fa Jl 5l zl zl .. >l r! uJ IJJzob E uJ(L J z E a2 tt, @ z (r -t:1ir) , *r :- _) :) (Y) o) Ol <D (u P (u l/', ulFo @o1zo Fo. u.lY uJo oF tr Eul o- lto ooo utFoz r,lJF o z oPzEt geE iFe ),-*5 1E= -F= 6il= tr ul :!{EZ.E<of,6Utn .t)e9EL EE =>IJ'- =lrt-E b=(, dE:>o-: Ol!E oo I \utE XO-t x>t q-o-Etr llj @ F I-- ts =E, lrJ o-zoFoD E, 6zo(J 2 NDE nIn = (,z =l! o o (J G' lrJ z -) J'q(tqI an.Aul clctq 3 (, (Jc (., UJ =z LOoO I F\sf(\ tltltlI c;l*l1l(Ftol .! | ujl!ll(l Slill;ld=l EI PI I I I I dl =.1ol 5>lttlol zl el F-l el ol uJl 1l 3l u-lol zl 3lolFI el sl 5I al>l ttl >l 3l FI I I Ij ol uJlcl JI <l>l xl <t tu 2P =oB a'6 o FzoO Eh =oz t -rO<Fro IJJ <zEr!F(aZ <c)oQ.rrr lUfo t 0 hI tr cn IJJt!lt E E UJo- U) uJ F z z ff @ .d E o l!z3Oc |! ltl6z.:.4HofuJ <F AoYZo< ( o ,.t (Dt f -c \lo\ o ('l E to E o =c D .9ur; !c) ge 9-svo 'aa't o. E(g-ocr;s'o pFCO @! ot*CO-,#ooNO_ -oS5rOIFO eb oo oDc ;o)Etl 3o('oD o.c:E gd ah c,,b !l =D^O)o9 c(tt3 t,.g (uE --- c) E6s'= (D (n g8E 5:fr =6EFfc s dpc-o :r;j'S =c96 EEE EEA 500 iEo€egI! c.Y- (! o. ag o-FEI (D! (r =*:E6:EE Eo)C: E f E P-C(0 0'-c:o .r O: SEE-9i' =6>.9 6a I=E Hi; sBfe S' CL C) cEg -(r(! \ 0 ct v 0 b F \/l q .J t4N ?i ,i N $ 'aN o o c\ s F E uJo-('z 3 :<oul oz .J 9EF()ul UJ (tz6 = J J s2z () qJ = I ItluIL Eo E OJest .D;g uJ z 6 uJo uJ z IJJ x F ulo .tulutltF =q rqo-\ FoF z cl ) gJ) UJ z co = 9z UJ = NOIIVN]VA ulF o 4rt1-rx a. ,# &<l ! s-t9l-:vl :;Gr@3-Zu- qrzt 01o tr\F xl J fr(,\ z cir o- d.9 <,o<>t, cl\J2r.L <oq 9UFOj^i ild 1 { g z E {l! Go llJ F n\q (\-s uJ J zotroo 2 tr uJFJ Bu/z aLzfz tr : o I tltFz o = =UJ; U'l!o t! .E oz I E =F tr lttlfi- tl t-- l_.t_lI tglI tJlI t<ltStilt3l[l ul = IE o ulzY 9IF t!o 2 tr J z u- a 3 -Jl<l =lzl zl .. >lo UJou, uJzat E uJ J z E z oS ='-<coo =z>3d8 !D tr Guto- l!oEE2ZE<c!f€uE9tk '9EE =>= dEE h= l-'ei 0)co >4 Lo-? -'-.-) a! J o(Jz-Goi: d) IJJ JF|rl-h=:co- uJ>[O|roo\rrxox>EFJ4II uJ oF .E t E Eoa, o uz( *P J (J z () IIJ =D (' =.-llJ- I I J 6 F ) IT )I (){ ( =---\ ui =z d)o-t {(J{ V ,\I Y1 F(-\ ru =t4 ta l{IF+{l zl tol (n9lrqoiq dsJ E lr1€(-$ -_gr\f, o- 4 -{; E tr o |lJ J = Eq) tse q ? 2 -J# E trt I I iI t l olzl oir!l :l <l>l t!lol zl 3lolFI \oau tf. Tft uiJl!F tr z oul cc J t!oz 3IFI tr ciz. oqJiI bl zl;l IFI g. t! oz u, a tt z 3l \.4 F =(r tr ci z. UJ :l <l>l ttl zl 3lolFI lllJulF UJz =o F() uJ E oa E -rO<FcouJ<zE IJJ F(42oo JE<o()F trsot\2ilo -. c) ZY =#!zLLO 6F =3EE otr'' LU+(rFl-o2<()0 91.3H - !D \ \9 \ N \ SJ c0\" I >l \ (\5J s \\J \.J 6 2 bo3h-j 3;) f v g-',!t- I I l_ IEt6 I I I I lo, IFt<e.rFltDz IESEE { iEa!t ' 6*8.9 iE;:Eso(!dlp E; gEi EgE;fr z Fo- rPanoZto()9Zlr<oquI t:CUFO i e.i =>E --aoEu.S =.D(\l -Jl<ltrl 2_l zl .. >lo uJ uJ UJ2ot E uJ az E o .f,rl art f,*i,j: ,."r ozt =Eulo- IJJF 6 UJFq IDofzo Fo-uJ.Y uJ dt OtoFco Ldt fiol(Lg xgvt!>6o-'p,1 axq, I utFoz F =E, lr,lo-zIF() E 6zoo z gFe "3 dg tr Eul o- u-o uloz foa F E o- JFUJ-h=1Edrr|>o-Ol!9o -ulxo-:> l!JJtt UJdl F --- ..i3s.,/ \J ==aiQh- A;E tr!E !!n t ol =.1olull 5l <l>l !lolFI u (J c (J at uJ =zo -) ft-r(\l i nt L !o!6t = = m UJ o J r.rtoo INif$Jzl ol ql <l>l =.1ol LIol zl 3lolFI I I I ,l uJl cEl JI <l>l t!lol zl ,.13t fOl rJJFI F J&<o()F -<C)t\2ilo t(,o z. j- =<z.E 1ZrJ-o z T uJ E ir uJ+Eo2 E -..r O<FE()uJ<zt tIJ F(42oo J<c)a .<0.5H ,ao i /' I ,.,. INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL Ir. /.. DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR a;^n ':i-:-rt*' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, .1.?f-f1 rNSpEcroR Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Lt }co L A N\ Sl*e-t $ S Q}O /h Ftr?{lZ 6\r}\J r^c;4usi n r.:rJ ,S t+l')br 6 _ ,,{t"tt APProval Proiect Application L projectName: y' i 'U Ct--t0 | C-., ,a,E - poa ' Project Description: ; Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL frQrtar')t- /\ F:'y'.\ s) -trtr"rN I summary: HO*J.V lU, 't- | 't}ct{ t'"41t"'o 'st'z r tS hAfi .\ A lqlt.' t-r{ S 7Ta ,\+T ( ' I ,,4 sr"rr Approval \ I 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 offlce of communlty develoPmenl September 9, .|983 Vail Valley Medical Center 181 l,I. Meadow Drive Vail, Co. 81657 Attention: Brad Sneider Mai ntenance Dear Mr. Sneider, 0n September 7, .l983, the Design Review Board disapproved the appl ication of the Johns-Mansvi'l le "!,loodland Series" composit'i on, fiberglass shingles. You have ten days to appeal the Design Review Board's decjsion to the Town Council. Si ncerely, /* J i r/Sayre Design Revjew Board Town of Vail Vail, Colorado JS/ rme Project Applicalion I .,- ProjectName: UNL- c-Ll9l r 'f ' feco g Project Description: o Date Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot FilingBlock , Zone - Comments: s#n6Lf 5 Design Review Board Date ,\sAt- a.tn )Atrrx C ASf \N81,1,-. APPROVAL /- L/ (rr\{r \ CAYn )/r\ E Statt Approvat Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and -f- t/,/S Phone Architect, Address and Phone: 7t',n't +, 'Z* '4"ti'fr1t" Legal Description: Lot //J E ,iilr<',/.-. I2nue A, i 4 7a s,.,+h Btock F , rlins l/a .i i/''//eqt: 2-h{ , zone - Commenls: Design Review Board ""," luo )D, it$l Motion by: 4l ri ti\ ' 1 Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL (,ri1i1', ?,tt Town Plan ner E Statt Approval 't LIST Olr trlA'l'IlTtI ALS I,EGAL I)]'SCIII I)1'I 0N DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The following irl f or-m:rtionto the Design Review Board A . ) BU I LD ING IvlATliR I ALS : Roof Siding Other \{al I lrlaterials Fasci a Sof Iit s Illindows I{indorv Tri.m Doors Door Tlim IIatrd or I) t-- c'.li Flucs Flirshi.ngs rrl. ; ."-,- ^., ^vlllrlrr\;y5 Rir i 1s Tra"sh Encl osures Greenhouses Other p\ Eotanical i'tramc is rcquired for submittal bybefore a final approval can Type of Material Color Qr'. /an*, I r(e? J NAMIi or PnoJricr-- -Egt -fue%g r,o1'- ti _t]I,ocK the Applicant be given. -. PLANT MATNT{IALS(VegeLative, Landscaping }laterialsand Ground Covcr)including Trees, Shrubs, Quan t i ty SizeCorrunon I',lame €/,,; tu|,;L 7/t sto LIST OII [{ATNNIALS NAMA OF PROJECT LEGAL DBSCRIPTION ,{''1:f - FILING ls required for submittal by the Applicant before a final approval can be given. Type of Material Color Corrunon lrlame Quanritv Size The to A.) DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT following informationthe Design Review Board BUILDING MATBRIALS: Roof Siding Other Wa11 lvlaterials Fascia Sof fits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trlm Hand or Deck Ra"i1s Flues Flashings Chi mneys Trarsh Enclosures Greenhouses Other Botanical i'lame-------:- P.) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative,^Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Cover) J I I l..,', ,Ft<ro I I I ,G IEEIFtq,z t= lstz E IJJz3o ulIF TLJut = >-Ey- ti _l(Yl fuN =aO5.l oP af,(J IZ(J L ooI 0vl ,d J uJz UJ (, aU o o o o- Jl<l;-| zl zl (r ul J zo 6tt-l I (o I (\t FI outJ IJJ >. i- (5 Lr- CL C' E CD lJ- E J o) .J aJJ 3 F uJ t!o Ft! :-l ,.qto ',i') .l oz F =E uJo- lrJF g,oo-zo Fo- lrJY LlJo oF E !c uJd X col,.2 @l> \.1d -{lal C\l Ix\l" orl tl gur 2E z rt !lzzcoo =zflJO(L lJ- ifi =f;=;;E tr ul o- II : ^uJE:E<ltl606eB9arL '9Ed => =lll-5 b=o dilE =*E 66 9 \tnEX(Lt x>t q* o-irr- ut d! F -] - E =E, lrJ o-zo Fa EFazoo !n! *l EI =l*l (Ul('l rul =l5l E(6 gzI JJ.o L! Plol lrJl.rlr-l Fo J q, v(u>Eu .tt o, fito) cLL\.o(UEgl!ct!>.d t-, (5 5(lJO(JJC IUu- t'r.o ^rErl< ii =z IDo.-) L a LJ)J gJ =z Lct =o'o(! c, = = F{ @ Fl v) Iu J = rJ)sf(\I iL o(J (6 Eo +t+Jo(J .t1 I(l,g'i co =tr l-o =o .6 c) = lrJ (Y)<f at uJt ! cr)o(f, io- rtt ;i o(J +)aco(J L(uo9co J =:lE tr l(o (Y) C\I oz out J <l>l II z1 =lFl sforr.o c') I(oa\sf lrt lrJF U L+,(,(u lrl () .d =tr L! I@la o z.) oi uJl -lJI al>lttlol zl =l9lrl (o rJ)(\lsf I O'tsFol u u F -oE OJ -o at1 E tr o- I <f, (f, Fl z o llJE t!oz3 F uJ dF ro (Y) F.ro IF.(\l =tr oz aut J TLo zl 3lIFI =E tr z UJ T <l>l 6l zl 3lolF uJ) uJ l- tutz =- Fo UJF T E E -.r O<FtraJ uJ <. TIJ F(nZo J,(ts<oOF.E? ;'i''i F-, z.ilo() EgP coY =d-, t--.-3 ixYF 13 Y,z =8 E E ir9i F=o <O(n u)tir ltlJO ntr! (o -9OrlOO oz ts =E UJ o- oluF z z o f, .o tlinrt< o -g-Fo3!: rt ul t: o tro i o ;FF'g;E;E* =o--: .63f:3c-=->:<:E.|O i'i-L(Dn.==(!ci *: o:6sE;ei-9:agF -6EFg!i;,!55 iI r: E !?O c= d, (/) c: o, o !.9.9:r _': = E',5;; i_5()>,-t EEq; iiE$ai -r C J(6 o'- !5ag ./) 3i 3;-ie: cc't 0)E Kg OO NO[VnlVA -(l 3ZZL F ^ 6z95 r9 -^=F*Fso.<r,0tz>-(JOO.tt(JzXrr<9C iXJNE;- !s <N(J| U.!\H o .r{r4H ! /\>>El{ =P- qO .!|P f u.r 3" = ql <.r N 9{ o x{N oo -t Hr! F ini rE?4d >T.s>9r!OUJO() :(: z q f4lFtlilrtl(}]<l5l 'Fd :1 s == :<) co dI { t- a(, azld Fz Eu t{J ld ll{ It3tololdlolE Il.lBl-rloLl '-{ot t2ET NJ(Jl sr{l Q .l < 42 I ( I 6 - <) t.lr{ It3tol!l(0tol>PlPl . (.)l ol (t|\\rHl F{9n Ht clflqjt -\tll a @o 6 Ioc.$to- -t U -{ (t tr .l olel I.t <Pl Iot \ocl (vt OI Nul l.{l Yot ,- ol ,,rt{l ;qrr | -rl<rJl > i11.3;t>l 3lal oliFl ll o|o((l IoN\! uJ) TJJ F L I,+ c E C s ;t I I I r'{ rl '.l.rl 2l ol ;l tl 2l\;l : FIzl:xr :Yl :" oFI .r{o I a !i!o i oz o ttJ I ; 3o a((l F. 14 I F-N @ ui l- c 3c g tr I$(r) d. z i>l rLl zl 3l 9l ot.n If-N u. tr.s u) \:;' t.-o E J ? ILo z 3 F LU z O ui o t- L!F (_) Cl: t <F,,r(J tr.J .{zfl UJF O <o(J F. :" .( ul '- u--to (_) E Zt- =<z (t: )7o,9() <; :<F7Aa< tiF-, 7- 2- 0: 1!r-c: (--l (_ ).f (-)(.t tn l! rljrtl Lll =a dto-z F o- Y ulo F tr (E tt(L trlo(.l-cda\l =qY.Nlvt \tq'lHerOEzo z. .n9 =<2z O- u- ts E E, trJ o-zIF()3 N,F0zo(J. L I!(L TL E9r< oo-iri !) !; => F h=. dil; >(r -vtr.r:uo 'i: :>.i :.i F() - uJ tI) o uLttl -J.( ri Ae? -1 -: ul6 r-.,i :t EI.Ii January 10, i985 143 e rneadow dr. il. colorado 81657(303) 476.3038 Lincoln, Nebraska 68522 bfinefzSCOtf Mr. Walt Broer architectr !iffi'r::i'l:1.il:l 3i;"", Re: Eagle County Emergency Services Hospital District -- Ambulance Garage at Vail - . Dear l^lalt: At the December 1984 meet'ing of the Ambulance District, the Board asked th1s office to inform Broer Construction Co. that the existing water l'i ne connection to the Ambulance Garage at Vail must be re- located to make a legal connection. The Town of Vail Fire Department, Yoder Eng'i neering (mechanical engineer for the building), and the Upper Eagle Valley l,later Djstrictall agree that the existing tap constitutes a "cross-connection" andis therefore in violation of build'ing codes. As indicated in myletter of July 26, 1984 it seems the simplest solution .i s to jnstall a reduced pressure back flow preventer on the potable water line atthe entrance to the building between the water neter and main serviceshut-off and extend the 1" water serv'ice south to the street sideof the post-indicating va1ve. The Arnbulance Board further directed this office to allow the periodof time until June 1, 1985 for this violation to be corrected by Broer Construction Co.. Please inform this office in writing as to when and who will be doingthis correction work so that it may be coordinated with the Eagle County Emergency Servjces Hospital District and Vail Valley Medical Center. I have talked with the parties who consider this a violation and if you would ljke to call me I would be happy to explain further as to whythis stiII remains a problem. GBS: kmacc: Dr. Kent Petrie - Chairman E.C.E.S.H.D. Board Jim Collins - Attorney for E.C.E.S.H.D Tobe Shields - Shields ConstructionJerry Si b'ley - Si bl ey Pl umbi ng ,,Ateve Patterson - Town of Vail Bu'i lding Department Dick Duran - Town of Vail Fire Department ) JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING, INC. I624 LUCERNE LANE. VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 827-s736 January 30, 'l 985 Mr. Walt Broer Broer Construction Co. 2205 West Van Dorn Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68522 Dea r Wa1 t, 0n January 28, .l985, I regarding the water tap There is not a "cross-connection" caused by the tap installed by the Upper Eagie Valiey Sewer and Sanitation Department. However, there was a cross-connection between the U.E.V. tlater System and the fire sprinkler system in the existing hospital . It wilI not correct the cross-connection by installing a back-flowpreventer on the potable water line of the entrance to the Ambulance Garage. The "cross'connection" wi'l 'l have to be dealt with at the entrance of the fire line r'nto the hospital . The pre-existing cross-connection is a grey area. The Colorado Cross- connection Regulations calI for a double check valve as minimum standards on all wet fire systems. This was enacted March, I983. I recommend adouble check be installed at the entrance of the water main into the hospital . I discussed the tapping of the existing main with Tobe Shields, Dick Durran, Dave Krennick and Tim Kel 1um prior to installing the building service for the group. I talked with Glen Vardner with the Colorado Health Dept. He states there is no reason for a duplicate backflow prevention deviceif the ambulance garage has no cross-connections, and I assure you it does not. I cannot find any indication in the code that the existing tap is inconflict with any regulations. The tap is on the building side of theP.LT. valve which wi'l 1 only effect the service if the P.I.T. is shutdown. This shut down occurs only if inspections or repairs are made to thesprinkler system. It is standard accepted practice to run one water service received a I for th Architects , Thanks, \ '-- ,( I'r "\ltI--) /\ ll.x.r-tr_\ -/\,L,L I JerPY Sibl\Y '-' \ Pred i dent \ Page 2 January 30, I985 Mr. Walt Broer to a building and divide the service into domestic and fire sprinkler service. If I can be of further he1 p please call. JS: ss CC: Dr. Kent Petrie - Chairman [.C,E.S.l].D. BoarC Jim Collins - Attorney for E.C.E.S.H.D. Tobe Shiel ds - Shiel ds Construction Jerry Si bi ey - Si bl ey P1 umbi ng r'Steve Patterson - Town of VaiI Building Department Dick Duran - Town of VaiI Fire Department t %t. ,/7 ' ,<-.qrd*1_'ua ,, c7 _6 brirer,ecott architects 143 e. meadow dr: vail. colorado 81657(303) 476.3038 March 5, 1985 Mr. t^lal t Broer Broer Construction Co. 2205 l,lest Van Dorn Street Lincol n, Nebraska 68522 Re: Eagle County Emergency Services Hospitai District Ambulance Garage at Vail Dear'r,lalt: Contrary to the arguments of your sub-contractor on the above mentioned project, the existing water line is not legal and is not according to plans and specificatjons or any mod'i ficatjonthereof. The Djstrict Board, at its February meeting, determined that the potable water line must be'i nstalled according to pians and specifications dated Juiy 25, 1983 and will not accept the existing or any alternate location. The following facts were the support information used by the D'i stri ct Board'i n making the'ir decision:1) The plans and specs dated July 25, 1983 were approved by the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanjtat'ion Djstrjct, the existing location was not. The reason the district approved the original plan was that by tapping into the separate main to the north as drawn gave the hospital an emergency source of water should there be a failure intheir tapped main. The exist'i ng condition does not al lowfor this option. Both the Ambulance District and the Vail Valley Medical Center want this option. 2) At the February meet'i ng the Vail Va11ey Medical Center announced to the Ambulance Board its plans to expand the hospital directly to the west. The existing tap location as well as the solution suggested in my letter of November 26, 1984 are in the path of this expansion. Therefore the Board wants the line to be as shown on the plans and speci fi cations. 3) During a phone conversation with your sub-contractor (Sibley Plumbing Inc.) Jerry Sibley indicated to me that he "saved those people lots of money by putting the line in that loc-ation". This office nor the Ambulance Board has any recordof a change order for doing this work nor did the District receive any money jn the form of a credit for this change! Mr. Walt Broer March 5, 1985 Page Two The Ambulance District Board has asked this office to allow Broer Construction two weeks from receipt of this letter to respond witha proposal as to who will do the work and when the work will beqjn. The Board does not intend to contact your bonding company at thistime but must begin action at the end of the two week perio,J should they not hear from you. GBS: kmacc: Dr. Kent Petrie - Chairman E.C.E.S.H.D. Board Jim Collins - Attorney for E.C.E.S.H.D. Tobe Shields - Shields Construction Jerry Si b ley - Si b'ley Pl umbi ng r,Sfeve Patterson - Town of Vail Building Department Dick Duran - Town of Vail Fire Department Cordja 1 1y, B. ARCH ITECTS gf,. pRrrrRsoru W. L. BROER CONSTRUCNON COMPANY General Contractors 8r Construition Management CROSSROADS EAST _ SUITE 490 B I4I EAST MEADOW DRryE REPLY T0: 2205 l,lest Van Oorn Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68522 March 19, 1985 Mr. Jerry Sibley Sibley P'lumb'ing Company 1624 Lucerne Lane Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jerry: RE: Eaqle County Paramedics Center After reviewing the various letters regarding the water supply on the above-referenced project, please inform me as to any further action you wi1'l be taking regarding the situation. I have spoken with Gary Swetish regarding the problem as it exists andit appears the owners and/or architects feel the installation is not proper. I am trying to set up a meeting with the architects and the Board to try to help resolve the matter. Please call me as soon as possible regarding further comment. Very truly yours, t,J. L. BROER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WLB:sm lrlalter L. Broer, President cc Mr. Gary B. Swetish Dr. Kent A. Petriey'4r. Steve Patterson Mr. Loran Shields PHONE: 3Gl/476 l}594 VAIL, COLORADO 81657ry ttt,:i, 5 rnr#cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL FRI j.'- e.,AM tqn. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr BOUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPIN^ tr POOL/H. n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr tr Best Copyc) Availdble B++NAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER TIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR D 4 r,o^.tr FINAL l At tr DISAPPROVED ' gfnetruspecroN REeuTBED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR t ,.tlr/{dl ,t1.rr ' <t' .1 " '('-.:'f i-Gt E CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL i 't f.-12 ,DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/H.TUB NAIL tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr trFINAL FINAL CORRECTIONS: t APPROVED BlDISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE CTION REOUESTrowNO-F VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME /^j,fl)' CALLER TUES , ...' i i./{, BUILD!NG:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING - INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTFICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ..9 APPROVED ' coRREcroNS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED l,t i |'' /1 .1r' ' f "-/)DATE r/ - -- /''/ rNsPEcroR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES THUR TG\INSPECTION:MON WED PMAM2 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEERtr ijii'vi/ob; ru-iilrr.rc tr cAs PIPINGu PtYwooD NATLTNG r'r ('AD rrFrNt\' -tr INSULATION - T] POOL / H. TUB -gI SHEETROCK NAIL tr - f'tn- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MEGHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -nn- tr INSULATION - T] POOL / H. TUB p SHEETROCK NA|L _ tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL trFl tr FINAL -i,fTAPPROVED ',<... CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRFD DATE INSPECTOR o: lSz-.y INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL>- ./) t-- JoB NAME L-z<..,r *" (*..,, l* t.. - ..- .DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR ,6 AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING r1 ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING gfrr'rsuurroru tr SHEETROCK n tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tl tr SUPPLY AIR rt tr FJIVf;L tr FINAL 'ydwlovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 'N toN neouisi DATE READY FOR LOCATION: _./-; /,:.,_'---! y i ,: INSPECTION: NAME p)'y^,i,,(,-TOWN OF VAIL CALLER .+ /- '\ MON TUES i WED ,I THUR FRI - AM PM AUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V,tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER r-1 ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATI +.I"I1' ir ,., L-- 1S 1,1. .' )NSULATION ' r ,-, 1.. ^. s r,r. .' ; tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr sHEETRocK *o,l. I ": '-'- i' ' r ' z- t tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL .-B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR - / .-' .,-'',/ A.' EF;,"rt"'oN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL .) /.:.---.. l.-- ,'.DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOGATION: weo 1'1i_un', FRI AM PM f,. z; *,,', BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL '.tr FINAL E},APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /,r DATE INSPECTOR ,tr{*' CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL '(i , DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TUES (WED THUR ) FRI..*-.--**_.--.-AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E] tr FI!{AL tr FINAL 1g A?enoveo CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR REQUEST,o,t 154 7 DATE INSPECTION:MON OALLER -To f" TUES 6P THUR -To le S !-, p:( cl ^S] FRI AM @)READY FOR LOCATION:rf BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - J .\/11 f*l ,*--rE(-SHEETROCK NAIL c-.t' \-l L x I u n PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR a aKt tr FINAL t VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO CORRECTIONS: .,{8!!, 'w. INSPECTIONTOWN OF /.-2 4g REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES @ THUR ___@FRI BUILDING: ' PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGdOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr BOUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING E] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oArE /-&,. '1 q' rNSpEcroB INSPECTIONTOWN OF'/' REOUEST VAiL /4 FRI ,/ / /n/r.uDATE IA.'J / JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: 5\cALLER :INSPECTION: ( uOv rUes wED THUR o"@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.(ry'y )(*oro" / wArER ft cns PTPING - ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr.INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR .-7 n".rftprl-tr FINAL ffippaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: a-f4DATE INSPECTOR DATE lr1!1 Joa NAME rN noN TOWN OF l.- ln-- l':' t." I ti" lt c t-- REOUEST VAIL tl,L & 4 l--/ CALLER READY FOR LOCATION:,- f fi t-.' PECTION:MON TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING f-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: REOUEST VAIL/-r /''-'/l' -l lrt . t- t-',_.'DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUESMON THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNOERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr u FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING o RoucH '\n<'.''t f-(rPn ' Y "---" tr CONDUIT tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR. INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE t, l.r /r:JOB NAME MON CALLER AMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING t#ATER - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWooD NATLTNG tr tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING N INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MEGHANIGAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FIDW tr tr FINAL ,1 ,il*tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,/,/- t?*,-P? DATE / , INSPECTOR / s-27.' INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L oo-r. / ,t./r t /* 3 JoB NAME // READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED @ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE' tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H, TUB tr NAILr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH E] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR N FNfl.tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED GORRECTIONS: , ,4/"'- 2 -oerc' o/'l' / /-['1 rNSpEcroR DATE TNSPECTION REOUESI- rowN oF vAlL /€A.7 affi PM\__/INSPECTION:WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION:f BU!LDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK T] POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: Itr TEMP: POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr tr E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR . -W., ' -' 'lY / ./' ' 1,/ /A..! DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON t/ cA_Lr tR (TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: /\-z'/ ilt -" / lttspEcrloN REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL WED c) *t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL Plr/liBrNG: 'o unoeRcRoutto tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINA tr F|NAI- tr TEMP. POWER T] HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DArE Z"- ?.f+ rNspEcroR INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUESTVAIL . DATE JOB NAME 5>q t^._o ( ,'i, wzlllt INSPECTIoN:' '@ TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr o FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB { tr FINAL FINAL INSULATION SHEETROCK ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FKAL tr FINAL 'ffipaoveo tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR - lo /",11r, tlI 1<-.) CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAiL DATE INSPECTION: a' JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR 4. LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr o o tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ./\--:a-' r'" <: a1 !' tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tt HEATING tr tr n ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr il+tfro.tr FINAL -4eaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: //22- -lt 4,,p INSPECTION t (^ 'r z; /J L / REQUEST VAiL JOB NAME /' .,TowN oF '1,- 6 u,"{ t:-'..t' {.'':L:' CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN \4;t wED rHUR FRI ,/-.!\ ------------------__AV ..-L.: a"( r PM. 1-1 .: I r l-'a BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL - PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED. # /{// tNSPECfl*O||, REQUEgT -t ' JdB NAME MON ., I r..DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:TUES @ THUR FRI PM BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu pLYwooo NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR * fO: t',''t </ . t n s e E FJ*l*o f;|, REOUE$T VAIL DATE r'/) ru INSPECTION: :r' ,Jde'NrRve MON 7o o Q C':""="'7 '"* /- /. CALLER ta. /* '.4uo- /.* *t /t" READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:J. 6 reup. PowER I MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n U FINAL tr FINAL t APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR . tlrrsPEq_TloN /s->f REQUESTlrAtl 't' JOts NAMEDATE READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL u tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING E tr o ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR D FID'AL tr FINAL iZxppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR *- rusilg;*o$, $FguEsr -r r-) Q DATE. - ,7fr-''/r:aF JOB, NAtt/E CALLER T{JES,/ '.' I | / ! i\I '' l-l .., .L <WED THUR FRI I=)/I J AM PM .?- READY FOR LOCATION: BU EI trl trl n!-l trl trl tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING NSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr E FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr Ft^}.fil tr FINAL ..,.ryAPPROVEO tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR DATE" READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ./.r ./ -t' JOB NAil6 MON TUES WED TION REQUEST CALLER AM@, 'r' a\ , .-- FRI /-tzf (l-,'.-'ltt/bL(c- BUILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UITIBING: /l trf r-r t trl trt tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELE tr'T trF trc tr- CTRICAL:ME trl trl tr! tr CHANICAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FrryAL tr FINAL 1 -6ppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR /\.tl aJ "'f,,'&e1 .1*" DATE " -4 l',,,'. + 'r 'r)' .--.r' : l') '" JOB NAME 1\ '); \. -.. /' c e €-- /ai^,, PECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILi, / . ,/yl'(.,.' - L -:-. <*- fr s ,r)/ v/ttEt /INSPECTION: 'rUqNr' CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TUES WED 1,, / , 'vw EAe ,E BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION I] POOL / H. TUB NAIL 7 b.- lt tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o nndr tr FINAL 'J tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE F/r-? - ,:;'-,ti INSPECTOR,I in . . INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE i^b rod runu CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRI# 'o1-CF 'i. t' -,' ,',' t-'z- '!r'zl I t] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED-,€TAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB o tr tr NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB tr tr F_rtsAL tr FINAL ,/. '2,r,a17 ,/r''' /1 ' ? lNsPEcroR /s ) . Iusll,c1l*o$, gEouEsr a.tt #,,,DATE. BEADY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: CALLER WED THUB @TUES BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS i STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION C] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETFOCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR $ w/ t! l$ tr N $ \ l$l\t{t'! lN s\'rii! L L N H {{ ( \, N IEI llJlrrIFl-I= UJ(L I I ;-f Jori--+,,,,4: f,l I I I I, #ieEF-u lstEsigg5 3>t=r lx Nl N t: IUJl.l,t> t- Ir! Fo tFzoo o UJz3oc |!ul6z';=ccvIuJ <FZ.\ YZU)< d:9 so fi rE .Y' gbE: E €e eEs F.= E F 3 € [g:5a I :$EiE J :;Elr€ EEAig-= ;t;lr.,f eis;i f E ="g; :€€ gg ifEg€ ::'€ sE t*or6E eg=:i E!a;t E;E:F EFg;i o s c\\lc aq \_(\( \ a rn \s- ()O cql o o s\$ \ \Ce <;as \ 0 \1n \A o \,V) s( o (,, \4 s.l \$' E UJ <5z6 -o (.) z J J C) ar F llJJ uJ z ) J z UJ UJ!!ltz tr UJ gl B uJ UJ z u, r:) u,l .L () x F uJo .n UJl,!tl F = UJ :\si vlt-l z J 9 F uJJgJ z c) = J 2 ul5 \ NO|lvn']vA fl u,F r{t a r.l t\ \ -1 s$6.1 Eo =zz9ol- o- '2<fE869o=>E9EEg'g FO -ci I- =l6 3 u,r@o z tr J lrlt4l l"ll.l cl I I rl c\u\q 0-\^ *{ gJ IJ z <l outoruruzo tr qJ J z E IoFzlzIF 6 o :ur z o- oz F-o I H z F- u,FJ 3 uJ Iz1 I F{ zo9ze c0o =z dP L: ulo.tto!4gJFOvzE<tLf60Et2B9t,L '9,=G =>E i.l FE h= n*sil r ililr l| il- $:\Ns $Y \$ J."i6>=z.FS =o*=uJ;''1dd= E JF5 H=C' J i':- ; :L; UB ., F r..E Xo-r x>|o=F o-!i Iu @ oF t- 'e)o) ._cs 'tlol3l m\zl)=..E oz t =G, uJo- +r, .v, ooO |t(o + N(\t Q (Y)ro t r4 or.o(7) (Y) 7. (Y)(oq ro r.O { .E P d_,l/ antu IJJu- L =E uJ(L aF.lh,JrSllelffiwqMilBftrnhMt?l I t<lo ol@ Rl\,-l I I Nl aP:.Fl F!-l <o-tr .!. =Pt >(,lo l-l (,l/j2 '7 I I lll,IF lo +l@, o(\tl\,-l\ K\ -lc'Ft-, 15 =tEn3 GrZ(rlq otuF z z 6J o .6 ozza) dclqa Ico4 1!at ecL CL 5o-1 I El+oq(JI+tt { nJf F o2 L(u+tE (Uct rd!oo !=oo =!.. (5O>\q,{J(u= O-- P =6.Ar> o,c=td-(U.F Fr-.O@(J) e o 0) oE c) .o(! .o o- CL(0 G. 3 F o oo(D (o e :l 6' G o, o ct) I l dl E o =cl oo o o.o6 '.9 o o;.!.Y' igSsE8Fa F.C R€ EgE; E 6P.Ec-o> :iEI c9GF'- o.c ^ E sE 5' EE-sl EE;Ft;;.9 o:-o(5Po-oiEor s fi:'5E;:n iEEg_o.;o -eE?(o 0'- .=<; o (,,i .-5.egE€5 E E:E ifi ;;9Eo -eEg: - o 6: oo o c0 oo to GIljt o <f@(v) oo o(O (O o c c |l.: cc r.c|l:(\ oo rJt (Y) GI<l- tr =E uJ(L oz6j co xo uJ oz (L IJJJ uJ oz6 =f, c J 9z uJ = ultullz E<ul UJ oE o co 3 UJ u,/ z 6 uJ Fo t! o- i uJJ x F uJo .n lrJ LUlJ- ts =t uJ o- oF z J F uJJ UJ z = oz () ut NO|lVn']VA I I I h, l*{lo-lo*b:- l.o:r"'! EE _;E1 *.a:l v<g 6.3 ^ F'-- c-!z (ts notHo-:o FErr.JLz U =>8, iur =o zo F^ E8ttOz>-9c)<JZl!<oq CUFO dN c)g (J €a l+t!oov, o+' s( + a ( z9 F J q(r (, UJo- oro(g olrl(\I E uJ 5 .J z E x z E uJF =UJz IaFzlz tr o u)Fzl z =Jr! =o U' UJ ut trTI2 r+cl+t^ o) Ez FI trI tllol l-l l-ll*l l-lt--Ttl| .pltplI roll'lf-Tlt toltoltil UJ J E (t) utzI iF uJ z tr) foz I IOlj -l+ I.|.lPIctl "l -T.,i I_il <l-l FIill o = o Fl Fa -Jl -l 2l zj .. >l IJJ uJ uJz g) L t llJc J zI =oo z @ z .E I tltlI o.lt({ | 'f{ Et I(ut I =l .l "J 9l et fll<tl tl Hil/t '.,1tzl =31EolILI FI tltlJInfl+flql4.1 del3elvl El $il 351tzl EFI I I I I c;l =.1ol uJl 5l al>l bl =l sol ulFI F !()(o =fIol =tot tltll-lI toll+lt-lt.lsil>ol.+ rJJlt:l $=lExl ="1tzlc3lqolEFI lltltlIJtq| (flEl '-'lol Ittl .l5l ?l<l olI rJrlEl rcl '-l Jl st 3l d1 xl&.t -ltzl =l 3l $t el l.(u +)co(J 11'I au +) !!rd !,(u an.P! ui =z -) lr) =f$J c (6 tr Lo =o!rt' c, = = @ ITta c c, io .d z ttt!tlt3t€t(dtqIE+)t I+rl t{ot Iot (Yl(^l <'lit '-1 et fl.Ft ELt d-l q =I JEt <trt E CIol"lr-lctl C'I.r- |!lo,I =lI qrl =lsl ; ro (,z Jtr l-G. irurE .!tYF;o2 oo E(,ozt- E?z.E]Ft- =oo o () E zoo 9z I uJ = E -.r O<FEOuJ<zG.r!F(42 J 9E uJ) uJ F() uJ E oE E LIJz3 ul ts @ coofzo E IJJY llJ @ oF F G UJ ILxll+la@lo '-lo q.l t@l HuJbkzo z,,.9 =<coo>z (L lr =E* JY(J -) -: L,U6il> = IJJ tto E9E<alo .tQ62B9 EE =>.=uJ-E b=.r dtr: >o-: O|!E oo9 \tuE XO-t x>t q-o=(rI lU dtoF -- --, ts =Elrl o-zoF C) E Fa zo() r---r P<l r--lxl LiK l a o! Efrflr \ August 13, 1984 brinef,SCOtl Mr. Dick Duran architectr xl'i.:i'fi.::fi'slil: 143 e meadow dr. Vail . Colorado 81657 \rail. coforado 81657 - (303) 4763o3t1 Re' vai'l Valley Medical center Dear Dick: I am writing thi s letter to confirm additional requirements made by you in our meet'i ng of August 3, 1984 and phone conversatjon with Vern Dennison of Yoder Engineering August 8, 1984 concerning fire protection for the above referenced project. Following are items to be added: I 2 J 4 6 I 9 10 11 Add sprinkler system to kitchen (room 215). Add sprjnkler head to P.C.U. lounge (room 107). Add heat detector in make-up air duct at kitchen (room 215). Add heat detectors to storage (room 203). Add emergency lighting (or battery packs) to kitchen (room 215). Tie hood to alarm system (on kitchen zone). Add horn to corridor (room 206) next to operating roo{ns. Add pull station at door 812. Add heat detectors at P.C.U. (rate of,r'ise) to clean and dirtyutility rooms, ) Change door swings - doors A10 and A15. ) Add battery operated smoke detectors jn patient room-. If there are any omissions or errors from your point of view in this assessment, please contact me. Otherwise I will assume that you are in agreement. Thankyou for your cooperation and willingness to act quickly to review the plans and meet with me at the hospital on such short notice. Yours truly, -T^AIPLili--- TimothJ 0. Ketlam TOK: kma cc: Deborah Jost Vern Dennison EclLG|]TAtrlc' tr|EFAHTMENT CIF HEALTH Richard D. Lamm Governor Frank A. Traylor, M-D. Ex€cutive Direclor June 11, 1984 Mr. Tim Kellam Briner Scott, Architects 143 E. Meadow Drive Va j.1, Colorado 81657 Re: O.B. Patient Care Unit and Nursery Remodel Vail Valley Medical Center, Vai1, CO Dear Tim: The architectural drawings for'the above-named project have been reviewed, and I have the following conments: I. The window being provided to serve the new one-bed room is too sma11. It does not meet the requirement of being l/8th the room f l-oor area in size and must be enlarged or reduced the size of the room. 2. Delete the carpet called for in the nursery workroom. A carpet in this area would not be acceptable. 3. In the out-patient prep area, provide for medication storage and preparation as required. This concludes my comments on this plan review. Please respond to this letter in writing and submit one copy of revised drawings to this office for review when they become available. submit also one copy of the mechanical and electrical drawings to this office when they are available. Sincerely, ctlon Division of Health Fac ities Regulation JRK: tscc: Deborah Canode, Admj-nistrator Vail Buildinq Department 4210 EAST 11TH AVENUE DENVER,COLORADO AO22O PHONE (3O3) 320-8333 -- - TO BRTNER/SCOTT ARCHTTECTS 143 E. Meadow Drive fN40vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476-3038 %*n -,- /o,/ LETTER @F ]TRANSNNNTTAL "^" 9,/1.* f"?)"a+ AIIENTIONAEru ,4trrbn -u{,I //,//<u ,%e/e/ a-L..r- D D E Samples tr Specifications wE ARE sENDf NG vou \y'ett".hed D under separate *", "i" /at''/ the following items:,/ D Shop drawings {Copy of letter )frints E Change order Plans coPlEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION ile/a*a-EP/ Z, .t,f!o" t'ra a.-f.4* /zu/4t47. 8/b/8 r t,* /nu=#n".r* /.fu itri/r+/// THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as ch€cked below: . For approval -D(or your use I As requested tr tr tr tr Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections D Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit -copies for distribution E Return-cor€cted prints E For review and commsnt - FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRTNTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO stctEo, Tzzz ,K<fu.- Piunta}3 l@ |F" fr-r b or.rl tt ancloa,ra,.t troa ar ndad, t ndl, ndll, ata at oaca. TO BRTNER/SCOTT ARCHTTECTS 143 E. Meadow Drive #N40 vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476-3038 LETT'ER @F TRANSNfl [T'T'AL tr Samples the tollowing items: E Specifications wE ARE SENDING VOU linttached O Under separate cover via !erintt tr !E Change order tr tr Shop drawings Copy of letter o^" E-/4 B+ l"2i.eL^"'i)")r,l //e,//z- 4<4,cJ 4-b'-*'rz.ta, r/.2a. coPrEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION 8/</s*.+/ q,7. tll-,rt 2 tr 6to a-,,f<.fu fuit<.,in<7 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED n For approval\. _XFor your use E As request€d as checked belor,r: tr Approved n Approved n Returned as submitted as noted for corrections n tr tr Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Retu rn -corrected prints E For review and commcnt u tr FOR EIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Pno&cl2!o3 @[8" &o,', 13 oral t, anclo.urar... not .r aotad, ktndly notlry u. .t ar .. I IIEM f6: EXHAUST HOOD Q.nntity: One (1)lbnufacturer: Molitrcnlbdel No.: BFS-120-48pertinent Data: 1gr_grt1 x 4,-O,rW O.A.Wilities Reqrd: 120V, 4999 CFM exhaust Furnish and set ln place as per manufacturerrs 1. fncandescen! llghts. 2. S/S construction. 3. S/S closure panels to ceiling: verlfy height. ITEM #7: RANGE UIITH OVEN Q:antity: One (1)lbnufacLurer: GarLandlbdel No. I G283-z Pertinerrt ljrrta: 60rr longutilities Reqtd: lZZr5OO BTUrs gas Furnish and set in place as per manufacturerrs standard 1. VS front and sides. 2. S,/S 17tt high back. 3. Rear gas conneclion. q. 61 leg 3et. 5. l(.E.C. to provicie s/s trim to wail.. ITEM #8: FRYER fuantity: One (1)llanufacturer: Garland lbdel No.: 35-280-SSPertinent Data:Utilities Fegrd: 110,000 BTUrs gas Furnish and set in place as per rantifacturerrs standard 1. S./S frorrt arrti rj.ght side. -,r',..r'Yv t\lttl |" t ,,/Vt" ,# til'/ - w.r/ (;"1 lr g./ standard specs and the follouirrg: specs and the fo!-louing: specs and the follotring: l" I 2, VS 17n high back. 3. Rear gas connection. 4. 6n leg set. 5. S/S fry pot covei-. 6. K.E.C. to provide s/s trim to wall. II'EM #9: Qrantity: PREP TABLE One ( 1)l4anufacturer: Custom FabricaLed lbdel No.:S/S Pertinent Data: See deLailubilities Reqtd: Fabricate and set in place as per plans and details and the following: 1. Standard details: F1-1A, F1-3, F1-4, FZ-1 , FZ-3 and F3-3, F3-14. 2. 20rrx20ftx5rr drawer assembly. 3. Legs, undershelf, and crossbracing as per detail . IIEM 410: SPARE IIEM #11 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEI.I Q:antity: One (1)lbnufacturer: Ansul lbdel. No.: R-'102 Ansulex liquid fire suppressant Perti.nent Data: Autcrnatic and manualUtilities Reqtd: 120V Furnish and set in pJ.ace as per manufacturerts standard specs and the following: 1. Surface appJ.lance nozzles, hood and duct protection nozzl,es in ventl-lation hood, ftern 6, as required. ?. llanual pul1 station and microswltches with two sets of normally open and two sets of normally closed conLact points. 3. All exposed pipe and fitt,ings sha1l be chrome plated or sbainless steel . Richard D. Lamm Governor Frank A. Traylor. M.D. ErocutiYe Oirector June 1l-, 1984 Mr. Tim KeIIamBriner Scott, Architects 143 E. Meadow DriveVai1, Colorado 81657 Re: O.B. Patient Care Unit and Nursery RemodelVail VaLley Medical Center, Vail, CO Dear Tim: bhe architectural drawings for the above-naned pro;ect havebeen rerri€rr€C I and I have the following cor.F.ents: 1. The rvindow being providec to serve the ner.,, one-bed room j-s too srnali. It does not neet the requirement of being l/Bththe roorn t-loor area in size and must be enlarged cr reCucedthe size of the room. 2. Delete the carpet called for in the nursery workroom. Acarpet in this area would not be acceptable. 3. In the out-patj-ent prep arga, provide for medication storageand preparation as required. This concludes rny conrments on this plan review. pi-ease respondto this letter in writj.ng anC subrnit one copy of revised drawingsto this office for review when they become avaj.lable. Submit also one copy of the mechanical and electrical drawinssto this office when they are available. Sincerely, . 0,44%,%'a--A. Ralph Karlberg, Architey't ,/ Design ani Construction/$/ctionDivision of Health Faci2iities Requlation JRK: tscc: Deborah Canode, AdministratorVaiL Building Depa.rtment 4210 EAST 11TH AVENUE DENVER,COLORADO AO22O PHONE (3O3) 320-8333 tl2 welt meadow drlve Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 llre department Sheet A-l Sheet M-l Sheet M-2 Sheet P-l Sheet P-2 Sheet E-l SLreet E-2 Sheet E-3 Sheet E-4 VAIL I'I]UMAIN MEDICAL CET{IER PLANS Need to reach agreenent on door swings. Need to see equitrxnent schedu1e (kitchen). Drawings do not shovu dry standpipe connections. Does not shor,s relocat ion of ocit sign. Fjre detection required ( make-up air). Second sprjnkler head required P.C.U. lounge. Dravring does not show existing sprinkler lines or heads. Need sprirtkler d.ravrings. Need to identify E.M. lighting. Quest ion door swings (corridor). Question locatj-on of pull stations (corridor) I04 Question E.M. Iighting. Not sho\,vn. lleed detecti-on Slrl storage area. Hood Svstem - tie into kitchen zone. l{eed fjre alarm plans. Need E.M. lighting pfans. Need sprinkler plans . Fire alarm and sprinkler to shohi new and existing. Need fire protection plan by licensed fire protect ion contractor. (Sprinkler system layout, size, etc. as per N.F.P.A. 13) It is OK to issue building permit with approval of arctr-itect to subnit plans prior to ilstallation of sl'stffts with approval of all parties to clear up problems with door swings. /- z,-/q 42 wcrl m.rdow ddve u.ll, color.do 81657 (303) 476-zmo flre department Sheet A-I Sheet M-l Sheet M-2 VAIL IdCIJI.'TIAIN MEDICAL CENIER PI,ANS tleed to reactr agreerent on doc, swings. l,leed to see equigrent schedule (kitchen). Dnanrings do not shorr dry standpipe connections. Does not stpn relocation of erit sign. Fi.re detection required (nnke-up air). Second strxinkler head required P.C.U. Iounge. Dra,ir5ng does not shorr scisting sprinkler Unes or heads. Need sprinkler drarings. Need to identify E.M. lighting. Qrestion door svings (co:rjdor). Question location of pull stations (corridor) 104 Question E.M. Iighting. tlct sttovin. Need detection S-!rl storage area. Hood System - tie into kitchen zone. Sheet P-l Sheet P-2 Sheet E-l Sheet E-2 Sheet E-3 Sheet E-4 l.leed f jre alarm plans. Need E.M. lighting plans. Need sprirtkler plans. Fire alarm and sprinkler to sho!,r new and existing. lleed fjre protection plan W licensed fire protection contractor. (Sprinkler systern layout, size, etc. a.s per N.F.P.A. 13) It is OK to jssue buildjag permit witb aSproval of architect to suhnit plans prior to ilstallation of systems with approrzal of all parties to clear q> problens with door swings. Departrent '/'- ? Frank A. Traylor. M.D. Ex€cutiYe gireclor Best copy Available th:: r.. c ii-sci.:ssed : r:c J.a !: :-. .- - . . : :.., - (- \, -! -.: CCILcttrIAt3E trIEFAFITMIENT clF I{EALTH Richsrd D. Lamm Goverrrcr April 10, 1984 Iur. Tim KeIlam Bri-r-=r Scott Architects 1.4 3 fast l.leaoow DriveVail , CO 81657 RE: VAIL VALLEY I'IEDICAL CENTER VAIL, COLORiiDO Dea: 1.1r. Kellam: l. ha'.'e enclosed : sile':ch ci Lhe r-a:i-ous a:;a-: il.: :.'. -:. i-:.:.'.r': ci i':.:l ',-ts::: cr .:-c:ri 5, :9S,:. cc: -lebcrah Canodcl , irdministrator 4210 EAST 11T}.i AVENUE DEI{VEA,COLORADO BO22O PHONE (303) 320-8333 Tiic --:-;- in thc *-u;.. i:.:.:h s:'.cuii have a si:oi;::- prc'.-:.:ec. Ver:f!' i: t:ris :ub i:as .-r siq)'...'er ne:i. If it.is trct- pi:cvide i, a sl:ov,'e:: heai is :::Llestei tc i-.e ir-si:ai1cd. This L-';rti.: r.''c:ic bc :'scd b,i' tl:t: c]:s t ': :ricai .l-r:: t !g;11 s . Tlic .-::rsc::r.' ar:-a;'. jer'!.::r: l:c''; suggestci is 1--::cf t. r-abie tc 'clie clle th3t ^'' "-'' t!ris oecartlnent.lrCiii --.-:L\jU- LLt: l-i The :lt-pat i c::.- pt:e-{--) ::i--Cn and l':urseS' iocilC:- i.Ca:r tii'-r s t LiC as SilOi'.-:, o!': : -.- si:et.ch, ?;-.:' i::ji-cc t:colr. inus: br: pr-,:r' j-ieci ";j.''il i: 'cc i I ct ::oc;: it!': j :::ance .rr-i.? ii':.. ::-:: l-:-Lics f or clotni:rE stc:: ;,;:' irljr.:- ,?'l sc n''us'; :c a !rLl;5cs ' s',,.',t ici ".:itti s j:ace f or n',c i. i c ll1..: ::: s thlit. i:ri-: llc.:'-lij:: Tire .::rJr-.,:;c'ri.:-r'- '-:.:':. '.'ll-r p:-oposed hao Litc Fle-c:i ;:tic;:'c:: usinq Li:c nut:s : st to:-.l.r:: :-:-.:-.:-,', ',.':::.c-: ccr-:iCnt t be 1.,;cn:i'-t--t:d. ii _',: i::'..-t- --,::-- . '..ir.:----..,:'s cn thi.s skcl'clr, ;;lcasc .':t nio i:::c:','. :al:.' ., ::'l:.:":: - :l:'.:"'-: l',,; cf '.i:c klt'cllc:l (-:r-l-'lll'{-r!:i'-:-: ;- :t):- co;:::i(--:ll: "'.: '':' 'i i 1!'r: rl , \ I I J tll (t 4 N ff dl $$ d H fr U J-- -'---,5( ;'ui f; 'U..qr: € JI 9fi' d0 H$o V-s- ^ /d d 0 (l I u$ rtr ,l'5 E' [']' \t- 3 Efi U 75 .outh tron0agG road vrll, coloEdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottb. of oommunlty dcwlopmcnt .a'(-z't"z I : '' ' o.-, '-4-' <- 2r'2"-7't 1 F /r- '',u- /4/L'z l- - '- ':* 4'7' J": s" - ---^ ,,:-f t7-P- r-- ry :- frc 4 rz='7- /e'-G'- ',..5 ,*,2,,"f1 "? -; :;;' i i)'o*''' v/!' 6u-z -*v---/ z -J-z*'; zfr t 1,r"/-r- ' .u.,;tz' F / it I I I I ,!'.' 42 we3t meedow drlye vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 fl re deparlment Septernber 18, 1984 Tim IGILan Finer/Scott Arctritects 143 East l{eadorp Drive #N40Vail, Coiorado 81657 ffe: Vail Val-ley Medical Center Dear Tim, ltre folloring rernarks are jn retation to the plans sutrnitted to this Deaprtrnent dated September 13, 1984 1. As built fire al-arm plans are regujred. 2. Zonilg rnaps mrst be sutrnitted, inclrrding er<isting zones, for approvalprior to irrstallation. 3. RepJ-ace the heat detector, CAT #F1106-with screw-jn fr:sable lirrk,with alternate device. Detectors with screw- in fusable 1ink aresubject to vibration and tanperjng. 4- Photoelectric syste'n smoke detectors should be j_nstalled in the in-pat ient wing corridors. 5. Duct detectors shall be ilstal_Ied as per NF"A 9OA and 908. Subrnittals are reguired for approval. If you have quest ions regarding these particuLars, please contact me. Sincerely, \AIL EIRE DEPARII','ENI i.t-*'-t -''{ 'rz_-4 0ctober 9, 1984 bfiffef7SCOt{ Colorado Department of Health architect" ?ll;'l:i.'l,lf;.ll!"lacir ities Resulation 'r43 e meadow dr. Denver, COlOradO 80220 vail. colcrado 81657(303) o'u totu Att, J. Rarph Karrberg Re: Vail Valley Medical Center0.8., Nursery, Kitchen, Sports Medicine Remodel Dear Ralph: Having rev'iewed your letter of September 11, 1984 concerning final plan review of the above referenced project, I offer the following response (your format): 0.8.'PatientCare Unit of Nursery 1) Flame spread - see apendix 1 2) Floor finish for corridor 106 is existing carpet and will remain 3) Rooms 101, 102, 103 and 105 have been deleted from contract be_ cause of the anticipated future expansion scheduled for nextyear which would then include the Pri vabRoom 4) Medications Room 119 - supply air has been added (see appendix Z) 5) Supply air has been added to Lounge Room 107, supply air and exhaust has been added to P.C.U. 0ffice Room 110 and return air has been added to P.C.U. Warming Kitchen Room 109 (see appendix 3) 6) Since no penetrations have been made 'i n any one-hour construction,five dampers were not required. 7) The new handsink in 0.B. Room 116 currently has been provided withwrist blade control. Please see item #2 of equlplnent TiTt-(see appendix 4) 8) The nurse call station shown'in Bathroom Room 117 js emergencycall that registers as such in over the door lights and at the nurses station. 9) The tub in Bathroom Roorn 123 is equipped w'ith a shower head Col orado Department of Health 0ctober 9, 1984 Page Two Kj tchen Remodel j ng 1) Doors B13 (Cart Wash Doors) shall receive urethane finish which is water resistent 2) The cejling in Tojlet Roon 222 wjll be changed to drywall 3) The existing Employee Lounge located on the second floor w'ill serve as The dining area for staff, vjsitors and patients. As per the prior discussjon you refer to, future plans do a1low for locating such faciljties nelt to the kitchen. Due to I im j ted spaie al I ocati on, thi!-6nnot occur unti I expansi on occurs. (See appendjx 5) 4) Concerning the clearances required for the kjtchen exhaust duct,the Town of Vail requires that we follow the latest edition of theUMC v'hichr; sthtesln Chapter 20, Section 2002, Paragraph 3d that a vented shaft enclosure of two-hour fire resistance con- struction shall be senarated from the duct at least 3". Please note that this js a 16 gage welded duct. 5) As you are well aware,available space for new functions'is quite limited at Vail Valley Medical Center and cannot be accomodateduntil new expansion occurs. l,lith this in mjnd every option was cons'i dered to provide the kitchen with a staff lounge as you require. This is the best solution available. Furthermore,in previous discussions you were aware of the duel function of the dietician's office. You hinted at possib'le objections by your dietian but why does it take in excess of two months toofficjally make these objections? In answer to your question on staffing, there wou'ld be two dietary personnel p1 us the diet-jcian at any one time. 6) 0ut-Patient Lounge Room 210 - an existjng exhaust duct has been reconnected to comply with the ventjlation requirements. Out Patient Pre-op Room 209 currently meets ventilation requ'i rements. (See appendix 6) 7) Storage Rooms 202 and 204 and Dispatch Room 205 * are norn, pant of the larger Storage Room 203. We have increased the ventilat'i on 'i n this area to compensate for the additional square footage. (See appendix 7) 8) After reviewing the fire resjstive construction 'i n thi s area it was discovered that the 20" x 20" make-up air duct does penetrate a fire resistive floor. A fjre damper has been added at this locatjon to comply with code requirements (See appendix 8) 9) The walk-in refrigerator unit wi'l I have an audio/visual s'igna1 system. Colorado Department of Health 0ctober 9, 1984 Page Thnee 10) The dryer vent noted on sheet M2'i s actually an exhaust oucefor the lab hood exhaust system. The lab is located accross the corri dor from the k'i tchen. 11) No new work is being done in this area. Accordjng to the medical staff, the out-patient pre-op was inspected approximately one year ago by personnel from the State Health Department when some minor changes were made. As I understand it, an 0.K. wasgiven by the inspector which included not having the medication cabinet within the room. Sports l4edicine 1) The folding door at the receptionist desk has been changed toa steel overhead rolling shutter. 2) The make-up supply for theis provided by the operable space (north wa11 ). exhaust ventilation in office #304 windows located within the office Speci fi cations 1) 0ther areas that are to be sprinklered are as follows:a) Various areas in the P.C.U. where existing heads are being moved or where new heads are being added (See appendix 9)b) Kitchen - sprinklers are to be added per upcoming change order . Sprinkler shop drawings wjll be sent when they become available.2) Fire alarm exit sign/exit f ighting are on emergency power source. 3) Architectural Specifications are located in outline form on sheets A1 and A2 under General Notes 1-15 If you have any questions or comments, please fee'l free to contact me. Sincerely, ------f""'--' //'--\. | / f l IrV,t'7 L ,< uiv-- Timotfty 0. Kellam BRINER/SCOTT ARCHITECTS TOK: kmacc: Deborah Jost, VVMC St_1n 0lsen, Reynold A. 0lsen, Inc.#5il Buiidings Department Mike McGee, Vail Fire Department Best copy Available tJ 150 lronstone nlFEubllty carpeto color xry trom dye lot to dyo lot. t3 !- PRODUCT: tEEB - Industrial Park 2200 MANUFACTURINO TECHNIOUE: Levet Loop iIACHINE CAUCE: t/10' AVERAGE PILE THICKNESS: ,171. 9TITCHES PER INCH: 6.8 YARN PLY: 3775 Denier 'To maintain ovc:all appearance. to avorct accelerateo wear. androprevenl lhe possibility ol delamination. protective charr p3615 31gnecessary under chairs wrth wneet casters. Hollytex csrpel Mrlls.lnc..also recommends lhis product oe glu eo direci to t hs 3u6s11g1g llilloul paddingl where lhe carpet is subiected to heavy wheet traffic.ano/or In taree op€n areas where conventronal rnstaltalion wi[ notp(ovroe sufl|cr€nt dimensionat stabrt,ty.- YARN WEIGHT: TOTALWEIGHT: AVEMGE DENS|W:. YARil CONTENT: PRIiIARY BACKING: SECONDARY BACKTNG: STATIC CONTROL: SOIL RETARDANT: WIDTH: FLAMMABILITY RAT]NG: 22.O oz. psr eq. yd. 59.0 oz. p6r 3q. yd. 4031 1OO95 Anlron Filament Nylon Poly propylene Jut e Antron Fibor Antron Fiber 12 Feot A. Passes Methenamine Pill Test DOCFF1.70 B. Sleiner Tunnel TesU ASTM.E8.I FtameSpread 20 Fuet 20_, Smoke Oensiry 50 N.F.P.A. Class AC. Critical Radiant Ftux TeSUASTM-E648 (NBS lR 7t950) Meets o. exceeds Floo.ing Radiant Panel Test limits recornmerxted by lhe National Bureau ol Starxtards lo. exil ways ar|Cl corndoB in instttutionel rpajth occlrgarEies! u1cp.tab. rrrsilg rbrr€s, af6 6rrrE cSt @.gatEas (sc|)@is. rrotels. ofhc.s" stgls. reslauranls. etc-) Matorlals may bo changod wllhoul nollce whore lndultry technologlcal lmprovomonts become avallablo to moet or oxcoed lhlr product's perfor- manc6. STATIC RATINGS: aPfen/ty fltu" ---_ tO9974 134 Au^ /Y:P V--.* 5 vu,pon ;-,{ !J(1 E,.| a ,( V.?b fil'1 EPdrr,u u2 4{., -'l M<gfr -1 t v UJ ,ti t-'o I trj I -\ fi'- \tI o uJ .1 o UJ 4 t-az/4t{aafr>P1_ ,.r U'Y --lt-Ain r-J "uJa9 awV( du u,) tt(tro rtl a iv t-n !"1 -a x, UJ o Fn >< lJl a1) u,itz .1 V?'4 <H "rt-'inh-7\'f r(><dLl> -9ra X l,J vr -f \9 uJ.f |lIll,,Jr------< \-J y'hrcc'ufP ntr VJ. -t)=o4q<u lrl , uJ'{4 76) t' l-, 4,{"k fr4i,r 9{tP v" ,ltt))l 9 x ,iF.2n h,H\ il8 l \ lt ') Oi4\al )'.4a!r4\rrf 1'-)lL Ile t.?tn I65 I <b',,aYl n tlJ t- 4_ a) DJn i.I Yo /-I! er.\rf , rf -\rv,n7> D^rl l! 7'^ -,5oi Y htU,:^ -; W^ \) at-tt) ; u4* I dLJ uJ |l >T) il ^ a)"YVt,l? D :,=7fr o *x4= tN f1 >/. lt t-JX t 'lNYvi "7U wil*ou;p lr lrln t'':PNi6))) pu / t/) tl'l 7I _or I UJ Ut- 4. n) ttl ll,) ij ..,, ,,r tj ),O 1f *tr ttl- L-)V1e74)+4afr DJI ,4,q/'r 4-4<xl)U( v1fl LtliJ r). w. o V) 4 ? a? ./ lt. ttit-UI 42 LII I oI I 7 IJJ ? O ( t-o oar (. n 0. !J D4 uJn n -1 U' ;a4- IT l,7j 1 L) iJ r(t. 5 t1 l/ fels 6l n \t1 ) u)o Q) L '1 O q n o br 4 FlI 0.r d 'a ? ttl U U tIJ lJ. -' \ ra 24-'f >< tll i_s 1r -r,..w ./ lr;r rui UJ-7 trtl oo I ( \ I t I .., n v1 o v -1 n lr IIJ)) no 'qr. i.rl' .., "tJ+ar ,g> l:wttt , I 22. *. *, Ll. 'Y --,^lt ,(t'< ur Ov<'dtrl -1PA ( i.. L( ( l- ( u, u-Aa lL ntr.' @) PUa V'4 hn trlNu lrlMt'trl, 4 7 v P r{ fr?4u{ Y .a, -l or U' >< w Llli 4 ) r , v. \ I < uFr u-oo IJ g.V n v lrl U /( fY- -, {\ ,rl r t,o a o 'rt u R , Elr I 2.t! ,4 n 11U U .'2 -l ttl 'J l- N Ul "", 7 +- f,.__.----__ _ ,o,.i, ROOM 1 181 1-\ HEAD5 NEW SPRILIKLER HEAD NEW COUNTER SlNt( EXISTG 5PR'I\IKLER HEAD TO RE/NAIN Ex\5Tq. VATER RELOCA rxtsrt sPR\NKLER -TO REiNA)N\ \ \ Exr:#q=/ LINE TO_F NE\V.lyd:\ NE\v.sINK }NTO EXI: EXlSTca. TO RE/AI NEW SPR NEW XNEEuicw va,u r\LL\J\-/.\ I E. EXIATG. 5 HEAD.TO EX\STq.R LAV--._....--_ NE\V bED! WA5HER-_ RELOCATE EX RE/NOVE PIP VALLICAP A cElLlNq _- F=-----.{i RELOCATE E foxYqEN vA SrtovN -SEE \lEA\f II \ {INKLER _.,.' i E//\A\N,'- .XISTq. sPR)}JKLER ,HOWN CORRIDOR ----.--.:_--i115 (-_--- ] NE' Ea\'/i n \-J F PLUMBING EQUIPMENT LIST o.B. RooM; RSERY | /'., -l./\ f l ooilqta Ha tec Ct o s e t : K0HLE R ;_(-4eO&:ff,-.-t8" ni Shvitreous china elongated-slphon jet toilet, Koh)er _-____-_i ^|*o:C=wh i te -o pe n f ro n t s e a t,-' S I o a nJtO:{|ly Counter Sink: K0HLER, K2gl7, l8',0 self-rinrning acidresisting enameled cast iron, with B" faucet centers, Kohler K-13358, water guard faucet with, Valvet valveunits, 4" wrist control handles, gooseneck spout with aerator. t-rF I E\-E-gLL\_'\r_ FRO^A f_H rn 1 o Z r-L4.-r. t , ' I Apfa4y fitr. Orn -1 I_vARtes let PArLT rAL gLDzit--' E.t-6v, l1 t!lrl'-'rl l't ^l<i I r.'In\ i,; ,,irt\ ii; --r'-1u-' li,l r --'-? d I I i <,"J'.. / 9-tt ,.t . -tR q -i:;riil't ..'j--.t7r t.t'">T ,/)-,rl;;-_.-F;loJci / '- r- \2/r1--'...8-- tl i iHH 'i iu I :iil I !i:'-'t r<fJ ' r-i-- ornlJ ml !^ fl | H --E[ -_* tlr--t*---l 1)l4 lJ; ii'-. 0l ;. .-- TrItt'/l:- -) rxl' Li r--' '. l-: ni., l\rrr-) I '-x I s" i. () C1 t{l D 1: rfln {Gri \\r',/ri \It tl -ElI ';' i r_ .lt'rci-- -:.-& o- -- -----{J' 11ia' (\ \,, . ',-: 6' i;.\ : t-l IA lgxtsrcr EXH. 6q11.EBA1-AhISE -TC'-]OC'CFJ EXIST(a.S.A:.EqIS[EB.BI_-E5L\CETrI:];Io':cF.m_ 7re7- |'/ ) "" \ c*rt 2aL, ro) l,r"lrl tntlt l0 ir 'l l$ti, I tlYl*. I i ,@ 6tb 8b' I '9X Na L .q', c! (u V,. --;r..--fl L-] ' l-7.L,6'+o t lZ"r *\a" -r_._ | \-.,,-r- L-- r--1 l-lI i_-l 2o0 CFAA rIatlt F)RERATED I a74/,r/ .blf 50 CT:AA 8"" L{" I--- T-_ PROVIT)\I VEF aOO CFf\n ROYIDE APP A t/.-, L c C,4 v Ia t u a o E Eoo /e, hio o)o F (5 ==tr = ?o I o.' Un h>^zxt,U'n Fn? ,'(dqL) r't 9?tll l!.if 4. LJf n ,J) Ya ft tr (1 >/ uJ4 2.^">llU''fltnl a- rtl-l n X U uJv 4 dn"t uj(. uJ ?4 ar( o' U ),1 )tl u 44>a 'rrl 4 -o '/z I Irl4^ trlr1, \J -1 hl -14 7>U() \J '^ ho 9 a ( lx 3. "7 \ I t I : II I P VJ,) G: a ,i P./n>i.oiilI-a r. IVn {. 4-rlNO"r/ --.1 *auta Y7 UI t, ts2-1 ort 1 4rl o l|. x Yll : 6 v UJ p C.L uur Un ) U./ tL -,Jrn v lil o nl <7o4filwo uJnt-vt,, * tt1/,.9\Z). .n 7.7.!l ttl'7 1 7>-4(J\ o4 V),:'r tr -sg|..'.g4 (ll: l) 4- wx( tlj .4 -7 a a , tt' Io X u ol,l.., a It t- j4 t>a -4 rd pr _op^vri4ul/'5 LlU O +I{- - - --{--> g --- vi It,, I, 4urs'xr -r.F"' AHrr A ':1u* -6\I*, 'ai t)E.LU \ i 6i-1 Y \zsL\ O !.L2\{JIO\_.__ tl '4-e u'0a ti E<)alt c{ / ))4 o v !Jd ;IJ'P:4l> .),) t< -oi4 f,n fty eu Q'Yil 14G4f) -\'f\-r(ir7u. trl 4.lry r() -7 ( ir ll lrj HO P ll '/.\ rU'0.N\ -1 0l J] ov.4i;ul ^* T-\5 tr n*'*V TulD4t4aaf rHe F,4', :'-11 ,./ HP8 l I .l I lurn STATEMENT Numbcr ' )r - t..1-b'-. - vail, colorado 81657 .303/476-7000 August 27, 7984 TO: t. tr" f 75 s. frontage rd. . DATE: tgi i,iEi, fiHr#gi'fi Ft,sen te r Wr heur drblbd yourrccounl r fotorr fll'yiil]fll'3V"l3A?3.i'i[,,1t.f'FA9 ond KrT, SportsI'led Addi t i on : luildt-no permlt $ 810.00 0I 336llon checK i26:oo 6i ti6[lectrrcot tE4:oo oi its i+sTH5.yrew Boo- fgS:88 Ei#6cleoq-uo Depostt- - 5oo.oo di 125use tox 1,255.0n zB 327 Totol Due ('*rrt i\_.t\-----t-- Poyment Terms: Due in 10 doys, \{"\\ \ ^\)\ Y' \\ \ NNV \ Plc.rc mlke your check peyeblo to: The Town o, V.t,THANK YOU! READY FOR 16clrroru: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON l! t "-' CALLER TUES l1r#crloNTOWN OF REOUESTVAIL - , AMI 1i . lr ',' It DATE PM B'FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUI{8ING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr u tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR E APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED Best Copie> Available DATE INSPECTOR 'trio t II;JV- $-< 43'- rr"REQUEST. VAIL * PE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CTION TOWN OF 't{ro" *o*,DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI @ BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. hFRAMING D ROUGH/WATER L ROOF & SHEEBn ijiv'wot|'*-iilr^rc D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr -trtr '{r tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAT: tr HEATING tr tr n ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL /,-a Kpa6vro tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t l\ ')u PERMIT NUMBIER OF PBOJECT I REQUEST. VAIL.toere ,'/ lU JoB NAME I INSPECTION:MON ('INSPECTION [! , i ( t rrollNoF CALLER TUESREAOY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/H.TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: T] HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONOUIT SUPPLY AIR OJINAL tr FINAL ,4 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED GORRECTIONS: )DATE 7-//-rf INSPECTOR ,./.'/',/. JOB NAME /l tr , "."t. | \-(- /., ?,( IN / {-3 ', a CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAI l/''ll ( ;,. THUR FRI f READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER MoN Gt WED LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIEING: EFOUNDATTON / STEEL tr tr tr tr E tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING T] INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL rl tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER TIEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT rl tr SUPPLY AIR E E F'{AL tr FINAL O D]SAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED RRco ECTIONS: a L tlr:t/vrll DATE .'/ r" I: i 1-,:." 6' ,,tT:.' INSPECTION:MON TUES WEO THUR T FR.I ,READY FOR LOCATION: PMAM BUILDING:PLUTBING: tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ,'"' FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/H.TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL EI FINAL _El APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED o ' i L-..ttDATE INSPECTOR -2 f /,t -:i rlr#cnoN TOWN OF I REQUESTVAIL .:,.,. I f/ / '; i, '' /.-.. / /!'U. ,-' /JOB NAMEDATE oALLER *:-r;^ a : -t"; l, <::.,...{1 /-i.r-,::'. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRI tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLU[IBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB - tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED ,, CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED o INSPECTORDATE ItSt) It C! rN#noN neouesi TOWN OF VAIL/ .,'i.- .../ ( (lDATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THURREADY FOR LOCATION: ii / o--) tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING -O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SUPPLY AIB AAPPRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONST lr ,thtt/v.ll * oRre ,i .,, INSPECTOR 'Ns#bilo N OF I r't" ,) . REQUEST VAIL itoo-r. l'",''f{/roB NAME 1 I CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON wED . rxun) FRt AM PM BUILDIT.IG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND d nouen / D.w.v.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr n ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n B FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER iIEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tl tr SUPPLY AIR D- EI.,FINAL tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REOUIREDDtr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR l{3D PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: IN PECTION TOWN),t'r REQUEST . VAIL(_JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES -----@ PM --/'L WED ,J UR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND $.noucn / D.w.v. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr tr INSULAT{ON SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER IIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH u tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr'ffiAL O FINAL g/apgnoveo tr DISAPPROVEO T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: m l(r ) r, PECTION REQUEST . PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR 'J"il)\-.--,--.' Ij I '; ,'1r',, JoB NAME ES!'\ /'t4, READY FOR LOCATION: tr FOUNOATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING I] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING O SUPPLY AIR VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIFED m DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION Ci ,-,+ rowN oF zrQ*t REQUEST VAIL AM PM i,YSO orre / f,/*i o 1C (@ r"u' JOB NAME MON )'t1 -, INSPECTION: CALLER TUES FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O rOOftlllCS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL d, ttot'"o I-r '-r t ; 'e <'J - < -: f ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETFOCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO DATE INSPECTOR tm) It3o PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT / x / 2.,. F'' D^rE ljjJn /}-YJgBNAME t NSP ECTION REQUEST. I.< i)'(:&:"+TsF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES TfuCOJ THUR\-.----'FRI AM PM tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V.FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED m /Fs o PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: NAME I INSPECTION '\-.",(; , rl99 0' ruES ,.@) ,ru" FRr REQUEST VAIL AM PM CALLER BUILDI NG:PLUiIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL (FRAMTNG 'l r 1te, '/ t ru"'<-z tr RoucH/wATER T BOOF & SHEERBOOF & SHEER trlPLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr tr u ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FT{AL tr FINAL {appaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: rd -1o-a-t INSPECTOR tmr /{"Ja T NUMBER OF PROJECT /')', ','ft'Y JoB t NSP a ECTION REOUEST . o" (&' PERMI DATE NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON FRI VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr X tr tr o tr B tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATER ,1,,1 L 1,. /" GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr a erffit tr FINAL dlppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTORDATE 133 o t\ Y 't JoB NAME t ECTION REQUEST' T1Y* P:I lt I NSPPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT Yo)'-r. (', READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUEs WEo rnun FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER IiEGHANICAL: tr HEATING S noucx tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL tr FINAL KAPPROVED . / conpperroruil .//t'T. ),, n t tr a DISAPPROVED/t At tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ( T.li i +Lo, / INSPECTOR I I NSP r" cALtER l' tt' | ' t _.;'| ;_,$r-:=<.;rJ-;:i = - .1- : 7E*e7 ECTION REQUESTPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: -t(o*sg: utl READY FOR LOCATION: MON TUES " @, THUB E.',AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUNO ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH i WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL B tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING +ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONSl tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR m t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT l/!t/vvDATE ll'r :'. JOB NAME l' INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWNOF VAIL(t ,j.o i -CALLER TUES -.-_- \AM IPM,IREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr o tr tr tr tr n UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL I l.'n .\ tr FINAL C] FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr n ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR n E rfi^t tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR i l5's o I I PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME , INSPECTION REQUESTt t l'l \, r ,TowN oF vAlLr,/[ i ll\. r,/ ;t I , i t.i .- ' READY FOR LOCATION: ^/fi BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER ii',t I tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING o tr tr D tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr o FINAL FINAL ELECTBICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FJ,(AL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO CORRECTIONS: \) DATE INSPECTOR m lK-< o BFR OF PBOJECT /r-/rc/[ - /O ,/ JOB NAME INSPECTION 7 . /:*)o' t REQUESTi VAILPERMIT NUM ol;:e ll READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MoN G)THUR FRIWED tr tr IJ tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH/WATER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr tr (exxausr HooDs lr,rT- tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED COBRECTIONS: OATE INSPECTOR T.PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT ' !^ lt.'Voere lt l) t' i l' JoBNAME i ,.t PECTION REQUES /,1,--PY) oF,YArL s / ,IN ,i r-( , ,., INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED ,.THUR ) FRIREADY FOB LOCATION:r le r.n -1 t l. I a ( --1 tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING r] GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB ELECTFICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIREO CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V, t"'.ft'rRRutt'tc r','i,',,. iti , trR9gGH/ryATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL .E-APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED lJAI E - fNSPECTOR .' ' ; ,.-" rffil .24 l . ,i (./ I ECTION REQUEST " )t,,/,,')YYt PEy.f'' I NSPPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME ibld: AM PMINSPECTION: BUILDI NG:PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICALI tr F tr tr TEMP. POWER T] HEATING ROUGH u tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED .:f l-tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIREO CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR m lT j L) PERMIT NUMBER OF ROJECT DATE INSPECTlON:MON I NSPE CTION TOWN OF l} REQUEST VAIL{Y'/ JoB NAME rll CALLER TUES THUR 1n { (f.11',REAOY FOR LOCATION:i'.. il r, i BUILDI PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING C ti i -'.2 9[7t,/ - ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr o GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL T] FINAL tr tr FINAL ELE tr1 trF trC tr- CTRIGAL:ilE trl trl tr{ tr CHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR a..dilat tr FINAL t,,l tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED / CORRECTIONS: ilr INSPECTION REOUEST. ',1 ,P!l,or/ArLoRre I /JOB NAME MON PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,tl ,:, - CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPEGTION: LOCATION: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUiIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING O ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO tr SUPPLY AIB CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR I "f :\e' PERMIT NUMUMBER OF PROJECT ltlt,/19,-i ,o"DATE NAME INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: tr cl tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/H.TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING B EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COFRECTIONS: m DATE INSPECTOR t REQUEST. VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES . INSPECTION , (, i (.1 ) l, " / ,'. ,-rowN oF I r.r.-l.- l( WED FRITHUR BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr ( tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr B UNDERGROUNO ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL _tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: o tr u tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOOOS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIF E/rfl,^L O FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: m DATE // _ /,/ {,'(INSPECTOR / L'Z'rrld)!/ P I t 127 /y ?' JoB REQUEST , VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME BU!LDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER : tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING o tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING d "ouc*T] EXHAUST HOODS \tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n C] FINAL C] FINAL ,APPROVED ---,tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIREO CORRECTIONS: DATE l 13 INSPECTION c REOUEST VAIL -'v /ll.DATE ( l:.'tlI-Y- ,o,*o".!1u . i, .',(n,/a-)owruorPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED rHUR 6r'..__--l BIJILDING: 1|.tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr tr F tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB.t sHEETRocK Nat a? t r+ ,l lt:.', f , . g .l Ct^ ,f Ys-o a{1 c4 , ,O:, O tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr t] tr tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FI#AL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: t / = t ('.,,' IATE //-,?i -t'/ tNsPEcroR -INSPECTION REOUEST "PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT |,alp , -t .,' ,1 , ,)'> JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: TOWN OE VAIL tl:- , /, --a i... !'^ AM, PM ,'- .. t,.a BUILDING: t] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr tr tr tr u ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS B CONOUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FJNAL tr FINAL '|i...--2- "J'JAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUlRED INSPECTORDATE m ,'LJ'0 INSPECTION REQUEST " . ^* / ,. ar!I.' PM PERMIT NUMBER OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEGTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES TOWN OF VAIL:; ., ,t/ J. / THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER IIECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING 9(nouex EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL .:.--tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: m DATE INSPECTOR P1 U 6'/f r' L i-7t' INSPECTION('n fowN oF \)L -L- f a-- ctt4* /(.7c/, et-. t REQUEST VAIL (/+t,s JF K | '_ ic l( I i.. a Itgu PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAMEoare /T /i s / J' CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR clt ,. FR AM PM i'\.i'(1 t -7- fr r:' I'{ I ]" r I tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNOERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING -tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTI tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /7 //t'- .7#ga-7g /L- ,r'j r;, tNSpEcToR | .,. t INSPECTION REQUEST,\ TOWN OF VAIL ,r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT j (.1 .lDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: , JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. O ROUGH/WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR Fpnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED .../. -- (,,;:' rffir DATE INSPECTOR I NSPECTION) ,7 r,0 { ,/'' " OWN OF I t REQUEST "': r-;k'- 't .' a -' f r';, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo* t i- l+ t f { "/ JoB NAME ii i / ,, CALLER I ,- {. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:",1i,THUR PMAM ul'APPROVED ' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGHi WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER TTIEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr DAlg .," z- ' -r) ,"'" i'' ',,' rNSpEcroR m lfi :;c-, PROJECT i,,.i 1 .., JOB NAME l*. INSPECTION REQUEST.PERMIT NUMBER OF l z /.. DATE (? ri, ,. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES nrun i'-frl'wEo AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O BEINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR m lr ls INSPECTION t. REQUEST. AM @j PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tP,Y,*.P,t,u:lt READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr O HEATING CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ffiD DATE INSPECTOR t "-r t .- -"t- / 7 ,1 / V L I!/\: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECTlt iI I> ' io ,, DATE ''i''tt'' JOBNAME I NSP I ECTION REQUEST t t READY FOR INSPECTION: (,.' ,/ tr 4.I:yr'eL.YE.t rHUR (-i4) {",/"r, / CALLER MON TUES WED ./.t .(- 4--', / )-v-T:-7-t'-'//lN ) LOCATION:"^ '- )/'f 't',,.t ,2/ Zl BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING T] ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/H.TUB tr tr tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FtbtfiL tr FINAL y'*paoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO CORRECTIONS: "') )tfDATE m INSPECTOR GENERAL CONTRACTOR l7l0 Edison Street P.O. Box 158 BRUSH, COLORADO 80723 842-2874 Jannary ,1, 198, Town of Vail Firc Dcpartnent Val1, Colorado 81657 Attnr l"ir. lrEkc I'tcGec Flrc l4arshall Dcar MLkc, Purguant to our conversatLon of January 10, 1985, thc following is subnitted for your inforoation conoerning the final flro insnection and rangc. hooil fire suppression r1;stcra tost schedulcil for Frldav, February l, 198, at 6:00 a.n. 1) ffro t hour acoustical ceiling requlred to be installeil for firc separatLon ln storage tooa 2OJ will be installcd not lator than 'dedncrday, Fcbruary 6, 1985. 2) Thc glaea in tho Snginoors Offlcs aitlclight is in the procoss of belng rcplacod with thc requlrcd wirc glasr ln ,tiou of the tcnpcredglass proviouely lnstallod. Thie work wiLl be comploted not later than Monclay, f'cbruary 4, 198), I ) Tho pllot llght,s in thc fryor, rangc, ancl lfakc up air unit aro ].it and rcady for thc rango hoocl flro suppression systom tost achcdulodfor 8:00 Frlday nornlng, Sobruary l, 198r. 4) Oro looac outlot ln thc clcctricai roon hag bcon lnetallott in tho box and a covor plaic le in.plaoc.' )) Tho olcct,rical panel 1n thc hallway has haal tho tapo ronovod as per your rcquclrt on thc provious waLlc thru. 5) Thc Eakc up alr unit wae balancod on thursday, January )1., 1985 lo a point at whlch it wag tletomincd that a sultch in tho thermostat was faulty. Thc theraostat will be roplaced Frlday norning, Fobruary 1, and tho flnal balancing of thc unit u111 bo cornpletod. Should you roquirc any additional lnfornation plcasc adviac. cc: gtan Ol sen Gary l"e.rrion 01a on, lr:rt l4c'li .; i ,/ TOWN OF VAIL 1:16gE t,::-i, ' 7-.i | .'t '^, '' n ''. t-4-CALLER J''t Y d' :l MON TUES WED THUR i FRI ) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:AM PM BUILD!T{G:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UIIBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr B o B tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL v rrrurr 4 a7 b/rtrunl ELECTRIGAL:[IECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR a Nat Y rrnnr- '{*ppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE 3-? z f:s oz E =e uJL F\or\rar I a IJJluII = =Eulo- VU\ 7\E/b e/ / //shoe 4x)I t <r -.\!o Lt! Fab'.\ .cl- G't!I ccl t, roF ,z i-lo F o F Fu)z o =z U) llJt- z ozoIl .6 zza) t! tro =- Eou- o o z o .9::o1'o) atY.9:5q)oE F(65.9'?,-8';et\ ?3g,o pF Eg cD*CO'Ean O {t)NO .:E eEFol eb e=oo PE;o oo 3o(! cn ol .E g; atc,b !l 5E-oyo9 !t c!c(Ut; .ri O:';.!E o;6 '=O(,)dis968 =en.Yo 6 EgECai- ;9);c-o'-a .'e: 5 _: gP d'i =c96 35t_'E >, H FA =sE+oo;F <) E oe '!: c.=- |E o-(g o- $EE('-o.Efi: o;(!6-,- E E.E O(!:ifES:; eeC60- P *-C E,€;-Uit!5>.o (lJ= XFEEr E 3'fr e 9EqrEEE!oct) -o(! c{C! E =Etll z - t!- z) J F uJ UJ z6 = J 2 UJ = lrlllJl!z tr uJ G,IrlJe. 3 UJ UJEz 6ulo 6oc UJo z UJ) x F uto (t uJulq- = =E uJ(L FoF oz J =to J o c,F IJ,JJ IJJ z.o d J 2 'r !! = .6P F NOtrvnlvA =tOFJ Fl=5l'r-lO(rjl=.Pl.d(nrocl!'Flot(J E,o!?c z 4:)o+J;thg> G. rno H'= G(d uJz r{_3o N N zz tr^a95EP o aOz>(, c)<)2r,L < v= o-Yt5joi E o € ; t'l_J o P(o CJ o(l)!- ! (l, LI Fu rlJ(+ IE l=l"lst;ta l! r.i (L l o z tr UJ N+ E .L uJE z Eoo z tr UJ ; UJz I Fzfz tr o I (t) tr2loz =-)IU3 ul J tr oz F z FI frI uJl J CE zY =F zo F J az l-: : I Fl O Flt -Jl:l zl z .. >l luo UJutz (n F El!IL z Eoo \ tiil Ctr |J-= 6 z lr lrlo CL Lr- -f,(.o C,r{c)o IuF o l!F U)oo')zo Fo UJY uJ c0 oF F (r uJ.L II o-oo t IJJ-oz c zt) '.'i (u(5={J =2. ?600- =2,=-r (l, i Y'- Ll tl Lrg ..i5 =83--iuJod= = IJJ TL uJ z o oF GI CE(L JFl!-h=i(tsduJ>(LOL9o \ l.lJxlLx>Er- --J) trl!dt E{, E CIo !' BE .E 3 E Eoa) o F =E,lrl o-z9F(J E,Fazo(J I I dlr!lEl Jl alilol zl 3lolFI I Cf, (f) <f, I I I ,A C\tN 1 cilz) ol uJl 1l <l>lr!lol fl (J tF .d U) (u ! LL o d, =c a\l 2l olull cEl Jl al>I rLlol 3l sOl uJFI F' ol u.llql alilol zl 3l FIC) .lolzl cil HIjl <l>l (J J o c!t! = u.lJJ J rjj =z (D --) -FS r-o(o .l' F (J L = 16(u = = @ F{ J{-tlq -l(qq E0t =q '-l'-l(t|liq,C,,drE :<l'4q* E ir b-= OO =#4ZtrO z T() I.JJ --r O<F IJJ <zEUJF(aZoo oFo z J oaF u.t E F uJ EI-)<()<l ?.93 ; t I n!f,I (\ t{-o att(tsc 'F rtt (,o-(fi ><co 3CJa6 +) orE I.FJ O I!j o I--o IE= |3* |u-3 |oc I.F{r,3J|€.gq(u.l.d.(, fO 4 ]'. I I I I ---- an llJ oz oz =o 5 zzo xxxXxxxxXXxXx . ll ci€6 4i q) O o.to; cFo.YgE !3u,o EF ,c -C 9a (Jc)NCI ID -o :o) )6 i€ io,cD r.S r|l co E o q) o q o;o oc E.st63 (E4' o-9 83C(J .: o.:.4o.: F?I '€t-._Er !sl3.: '>5 rqN ( Yc(" 3; iei::{J.:-o\ io,i r.! ":pgrF: : o a!) o-;ago I or .c t6'5i:co ai c,oo pJ 'i *'4go9 o-tt o-COt; arOB';(!0) -o;i('l(|)ul r.,8(J(! .- ?,oUg)c 9: -]oo J=9(! -.=5 3.:>\9; :A 9-|: i, -:.t, o--:- ( ;Et l- (;:; ou -'= 3!>'i Eoo-ott o-(D(,' or=6 .:: E6'= o) ;;or; cl c4t =BE.: r-=e;cL -v, .C- =* ='tcP 5 c' 8P =: = q'u+- l(g r n (s: ? ='iI 0)- ,7: I 'c<r (u: :(Ei o..!!co.-aP o! 35()>(!= al6F E669Eo oo,Qdt lda{, l'55Ctlc) tctoIEIElr-toIE !c)I C. I r' t- o.r E,ic)! cro- ;io-== $! vt='7a 9l OA -E a5O g9 Ei: =o>(Jo6 ;F(!tt >9oq,o; 0..r F!o -<) lrlz3 ul F z '3o lto ru z U) UJrult F t 0 a \l "61 I tlt x utof I ls \ 0d antu IjJ IL F =oa r.u o- F F uJ f- IJ 5 5J Y(,u, z J o o<F UJJ UJ oz = J oz rr.' = lgtot!l@!tti 6t;FI E El6<)l qulI uJGt o F o g.l z |llJo z f F(J ut ql oz = 3l =- l+gl5 >lF NO[vnlVA co IIJF }':$HH gg,ffiH - xx>< sl ;st { 'U il zl zl .. >lolu UJUz F UJ J z F o t3lit<t? lE Ilthtut lzIY | (., ItlLl | [.1t>-llFltttl t..lZLelFI<l.Jl ./, I =l tuo- lr->o ll;il | ilEil | ll*ll s^ r[-[ =lf ,fl Y o l=il 3g lEll ; E l?ll E :l^ll " z l;ll | |oll llF t t<tle, !, Hil :'.oll 6::ll 3-:ll ddt = Ea -u,o z Y oz Ftt G v,JJ 5 F q, o o tt rl rL h DDD a4 Y .tJzH<r9{ZQ H.DOAEZ ntf,f u =JO.;(L l! r,. nnE l=I(rI uF.I o.-.t|-ulOEEfit <:z €oG-!9* eEae.E EtrEbr "= H=l b: Hl'l= E 5 ,pl EF F:Is i #-,J H9=' h1- J '",< 6>=zs5i dd: H$ l*l BE l\o $ Tlpq- $1rF I I R |Jtnt,:l q.r--'I1 > _-.i I 3#lr.l .Fli6l ffi F Fo il ,llJll rJ,/llFtl o |lJ I >iql ol zl;l 9l oz oll, J1 <lilol zl3l 9l Ij euJl :t <lilol 3g olrulcl JI t'l 6l fl J.l<olo|,lr! ull-ol) ,i.; I 3ls! q l5rrl9 F r.lJF =C) EJO<F(r(J LIJ <zEIUFQzo C) JE<o(JF FS :F 3Ed5 c) 6Fzo+sg= =8 l- EIF ?It ", tol()I ><><><xx =oEe o(5 .e Z,-|'-{ O- H,O LL q- d'eovL! CloAvrLU(, LIJLrl oz.T <nQ r--< (J (5E r-.. L =T-J'l-JO,o+)u- +) c, L!- j- ,QJ a)(-o \z- (,-. o3 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce ol communlly developmenl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI.IE If thi.S permi.t requires a Town of Vajl Fire Department Approval , Engineer''s (.Pubiic Works) review and approval , a Planning Department review 0r Health Department review, and a review by the Building Departrnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All commercial (1arge or small)and all multi'family permits w'i11 have te follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and smal 1 projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if resi.dential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wrlth regard to necessary review, these projects may a'l so take the three week period. Every attempt r.ri1l be made by this department to expedite this permit as s,oon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Vail ltledical center Project Name Novsriber 12. L984 Date Work Sheet i''as turned i nto the Communi ty Devel op:tent Department. *Our past installations il Vail tnd only requlred approval of plans bV the rire oepartnent. we just becane aware of these new requirements last week ' we are expected-to be at the job the week of fL/I9/84' Anl"rhinq you can do to ecpedite ! attached raouJ.d surely be appfted' .l r.ff,lr? il Ig 5T Eb i,: 7O 'JJ! r: dla;; r l*iiel -IFL G,oo UJ0 lrlt(, Ca Glrlo: J(-x xr|Jtoaa t 9 at a Io!-?{ tct zaao TIt - toFDI IaFC'llJn I| N Noa tlt,t( ]&a u NNoa t:'aTJi U NNot F(,3a l, NNoIr 4oat ao Gft lrJot F3 e aoa I! ld(, eIFrI at slo I tr 5o ()tlFl!o cooa 6oFo LlF tdc ooot - 9F b JJ D J t, I tra ot Lle IrJ Jt t'I J!at(tut trl it at o otll* t aIFt o3II dtu z. lll J o(J trJ =>-,) UJH-J<l> J > at tII -lrlF(t, o =9oolrlEIc:)o UJg Ir q!<ao lrIlagl6ljel(o)l=9l<J Ol 3N 1$ cI 0Ita :el rql()01,?l ? e,l iEl 3il|g"l l-- Hl{6 ?-ep{ fI) lH$ :=[eul ll i;iiEi 4rl;+iiii J ' E:;igiiAel oa FEt coaoa oFoFt oFoo? oooFo oNaot o G|ooa t,Ft ra oo|lFo !l 5op o 6oa lOaot F F- lo N)c\t N Jat si |-\ F a -lrll-(\rf)q \N. D n \\ \\\i\\ \\ t1IL irl 'r- \ I l i ;t t-('Ld |--'------'.{ -f>I aritr| -l*l----------r -* || | lllill l tJt iKq| :. lZI i-l<| ,-nlcrI twrlilu)lt<ll(9rll i I I ; i I I C :- (::. I l- F:> at- Ll-! L)CJ.{ =<= i,)- (t)o- >,<<a \\\t..\\'\ \\ , a\\,\i \ {\\\ ;t,, F-;|ti t1 l- Lrlllt / ll | |I Lt x_/ ll i Ii il || llt rIlt,ll*--_-' : E Ir ,; jlI = = il| = '; [---. II i:. ir | 1lrI :=c=r!; i ilI -,9G= i::S[i: I i I| 1at!=Ur?1 '2. = | i I| = <(5 Lr.o_ =c\. <( | : II =l-==>-L! =C)ld I I II i;i T:iT':'? | i Il. | *,5,cr-.ccod-^ i ill-riill_llllf_-r €D #I ll | .ffeq e @@/I ll | .I ll I arlT-r*--l--'l lt: lllI--' tl--.--t t--lllr= CJ u Ll ,. :;.: .o r.L J Z (-'!o =J H€. -,,; \\i;: <H (-1 LLr.< =\ =- ".Nu-! \\L= ca N.<.\\1-(5 \\(n lr- { r^i (o \ l- r^ U.: )- 6 oz zo oI 2 I L- PERMIT EXPIRED AFTER 180 DAYIS. NO FINAL CALLED IN / NO REFUND ON CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT. oz ==t uJo- f oo otf, (\t oc) (') (t IJJ TIJIL F =G EIo- ryul.^hgln l tc 9 tt ae d )/i) I I>F 4s,\l lrp lo sf {r S {l $iq lr ii$;(rA g SleE ^16 F UJF o oF aoz zz o UJ z zl o co od o =z ,d oLoo at' po(ulJ p F U'Ec, @ t!J UJ <t, =Eol|- o ,ocoooLc'rcct i+ .0,J+) =.nolPF!!o- o r.t5r =oEO(lt€(l)d - (l)(o =(E Lrl rL l.r =F{.+) sf >C, r{! +t UI o(J F o o <,,q(lc ; o o (u o)Eoo o) == (D =f o o) o 3 .9 o -i- o cgs$fl g8E; =.e sr € EE E: "a 8E.E .= : o.: ! fiE5r-= -€ >= X.9cEIo5o,t 5;.; E EAREtEo :€ 8E.e;9e Eiteo- o o--o=*-o(5;! o-oi6-orsfie5 :o*o :EEH E6Fg -o.Yo 5aP I ef;; E sele96Eo ;E F";s;;9Eor - PSgg ot{) o@ (\t(a <\j ( Oo r.o (7) oIo(t, oo o<\l oo c)o (\J @ @ (ft == uJ z Y UJ z J EF r.lJ tu z ao = J 2 LU = u,t UJ z tr gJ BJ o co; uJ u,le,z 6 UJ F o- uJ z u, o x r ulo ft UJtt L = uJc FoF zo o 9EF C)g,l UJ z = Jo- oz IJJ = NOtwnlv ; 3 z tr (J UJo e. uJz r.lJ >tr \- = ),!u cn =-(4 A'r- \< r-t zz tr^6Xfc90.nO5bOzrJ-<oq CUFO.itri c,(, (F(Fo !! +>()oE o o (U L z tr J rl ti UJd F oo ooo o tLtu tltltltltl a zfzOo <oo< >ii:IE Hr!6d<z U)F 2.. 9z d6}E !l tn r-T--1 L];I tiltNt=ll:lxl l! lJJ E aa UJzYII tt F 2o tr)laz tl l"l 3ls I>--l l*l)tl i.t'sJ"ll H..kll>ogll F t Jl<l:-| =l z1 >l UJ uJ uJz F: uJ \a z Eoo J z E z tr u.lF =llJz z tro) z :atc (\l td s I F uJ t! ,.., -{r.f') ul tso o-zo F0- llJY lrJo oF F Gul 0- 5sl b:lt: -]-lrlgr!bfzo z oPzeoo =z dP -J OOzdoh (D [! qJ()z oU' d o- JFuJ-li= (L I.lJ>LOt!9o5ulxo-:>LIFulJ l! UJ @oF o oo o !'a, .E I EoIJ o co E Eo.o! \ taEl- l-E-I F =E, lrJ o-zoF(J E,Fazoo EN /7 T llJ =tr II J "-l J(Ulco '-l J:I.l'Ecl>d4z :^J J ll- OJ!o co, o)() (F(Fo rnv,o ii =z -) rrljl Lto-lttJ| =ul oFl !El ctot (l) =l =I>l(rl =-l-l .-l.ul @>l Fl I -l (h-l ?,(6t= ul 1e=4= rJ)sl-<\l o- rd = +,+)oI at', L a) L G =o'c,(d (I, = lrl cftsr qItooj J = actf6fr) I r.oNsf (o tr (-> .tJ U' o(J 9oot- I = =tr Ir.o (f)c! ci olUI :l <l>l rl-1ol zl 3l FI g Otrc| (Y) IroNsf uJJ IJJ C) I.tJoo llJ ! I tr UII 1r) rJ oz olu E. J a t!oz3 vl r.o(\I Nr-l I(oF\sl II EF q C.l 4 U) E tr I sF(f, o olIu 5 <l>l II oi zl 3lIFI (o (7)r\rf, It\(\l @ r.riJ u.lF tltl l.ll-llol sl :l.r- | |rl(,l ol del i tr o z. o uJ 1l <l>l 2l 3lolFI ujJ uJ E uJz =o (J uJ =I() -rO<FG() I,IJ <ztr!F(42oo <o()F F# ;'i'i F-1 Zilo ^o ZY =<zE !zrroo <x ::F7() =s?,2 =g E I \./ z (J <QgHa '6 !E! oz E t uJ X N4t> (n <t> <rttut!u- L E.ut o- I I I I I ti ti I I I I I I I I I I I I I I>r8- ry I 'l J "JrrqE-, | (/) ia6 'dz=l r-;)l -zl .'\:\ l; tl t"l lol lsl l\iltt t\|lol9Jl6z =J:\ N :\ oFo GFzoo (f, u, Bo uJ'l- F z Jrrl u, =I (r o oq)oc(! ao 0) !oo CD 6=fdl E o :) oo cti ,9 0) l Y -' c) -LEE[3fi; c.9.,*.9o 3 66PceE'= 3 F .ESpdc-o> eI;a:TP;J'i=9cPdE 33;;_;>.x 3 Eax=!-tr,^etdi €esP3! f e = - .:: ! o- (E 0-* @ ! o_ O) =*e€ oo: X,:E:6iePEi (u = l. -4"96* - c !lr!O-:-c; o (/) or g! =.9,gEEs o?313 3 6 >.=,9daii6F9(oq U-;feE96-or - eFgg - () (r: ov p (Jo t) T N \4 o I \S(vr tt ,) o \ D si\ \ F i (J o!l () I(J (J F LIJ 6 l z F &Iul i ; 6u]o F6 G u.l o- ? (-) x F UJ(nl a LU Lrl LL - E LJ-t(I J F o -j f @ 9 F lu z =f IL J 2 Lt, = NOrlVntVA Y^5t3:r2 z u-:,o o o$F ^ tD Zlq 5 : e-r I o f F 6AtZ > (')F8 9 QJr!<9 q ?:9J ; ei>* 6 luii o 6--(\o ar(ts.}\ A= vl (N) /_ z.o F f o l F * H \> G x z Eoo r zo E lrJ F B z tl -tl:zlz9 O69>zo>oocoo(J trJ<(Drltltltltl tsz f z;oiJ r{ =e.o(J UJ:f ? F ul't- ooo3 c( o z E l(nz z 9 I\ sJ $o- {---.s- F;bdits Y.\ coJ)Orl(:) O (rl I C\r{ uJF o trlt- @ C! z F utv r.rJ F F (r ul(L ILo (Loo I ull- z z,"ozz coo>z Ct! J <( ri --.t 1-- r r =,t!'''m uJ :: F tu IL.o r. ulE9ts<oou)i;9 -'i F =o-)-Jl- -- t! :-!-: h>t o.' tr':>o- r-uO i: :>i, rr F ;. i .., = lll (D F ts E E, tlJ CLzot-(J ffiFQzo CJ tirit_t N o -{.'.{ JL 0, -1 -1 .ri o ='= LL J d) 'alF{l tll<l K} U.!\{ ^i) \] U.+ r\ ,yt M l{ 3 6 0,E 3 r{ .v, qc.lirE --f >l n$N IaNvI -t r! ?- C')I Io F.$ o. -{.r{ (, =o H 3 d 0,E :lrl oa q (.1 -t :r PP oa l{ 0, ..{ t{o (. t- v, F 0 F 3 ; I (n N oz o g < rr. oJ ?) $lol\ol(n rl€l F.l vl "11dl 'rtHP -l t{ ot{ ::q \ I *t oz (, 1l-l : z ; oN F.' r-'{ I t.g trlJ F ''{ c r{ t-l UI d I$o z u, = o z F c. I f.. oi t- -tp 'Flo c 'i oz ul ol zl 3l 9l 3 1.,, z (, ul ! o zl3It- ut) F trJ <(z ct) lq (r o F Lll t.-, l-. (_) Cr'- I <FAQuJ.{ZEurFO7- () JE<oOF;O -oVO Zr- 3'J a'V () <; :JF 24-r^ ft :v o- ru :ii- ^..i t.;qiEtt ii il INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 7', "'. i'/or l.- I-t / a-r'<- THUR FRI D^rE k-=2-?--t-8- JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r_r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT 'tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED ...-,:INSPECTOR /u"z'--' t /'-:5'-,y?DATE +.//bzf rNsPECfl*ON, $EOUEST JoB NAME - ,4 .t ", /. / ,"'n/',,,,,, .f.r, /. '. .iPtn/ CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON z't' /'-,r . BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF uc D- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .411.., -.. ,D^rE ///.]f / fr1,' rNspEcro?, -: ..-.t, ". ;u-'L - oz ts =t uJ o- Lrt (\l @(\I cr) cr) c\l cf) CN -6 +J rd Lr- d/,tLl CdJJ F'.Jr-<fF-= E uJ (d+'oF rytlh h8 /ttfeld)8 llD #7i? I $$i * 1\ rs {. \ r*- lic\l IJN_ Ni =\_r \tE o ilrtr(, \t.tib EN:E Il= TUF o t F FIz o ozz o uJ Fo2 ozo J l d) .6 z 2 o oE 3q r5 =.o-v G c7^tsF trulz3 IttIt- z lr luo = o o EFzoo .Lo IJJz3 t! llJ o) o c(! oE o) == CD E =f E Q) o oo.(u =.q o .9oo .rioEoo .9 .2 .= <,, (u coN 6,tr; F o .Erc oo o = at, .at>.c I fl) c(! g; 'o ox(g'=Sro ;-D;-ocgo(E =.2 *,.Yo 6 EgFFfc O YEc-o'-ae:5 :gPd'5 =c96 35t_'E >!?(s=:EF cc- e ten: c.=- (s o_(o o-*6: l,eO-E9rr E6:EE; or oE EFE 6 6.= €-! 9rg : ts'E =o=;;u>.O (!:: rz;E .!T 5 ,3'6 e9E o>OEE.LOO) oo rr! C'J tr)ro F =E uJo. z CO v(J llJ I() z o. 9 () ut tr z = o- oz I ul = L!!! z tr IJJE uJ to =uJt LIJ zo lllo F6 uJ o- z llJJ x F ul anl U' llJutu-t =tul.L J t- z co F tu IJJ z6 Jo- J oz IIJ. NOrrvn'tv^ + (t + C + .t (l ( :<c 3ZL 6z t() UJo UJz IJJ N (\l =>e, ftr ztr^ F9a/, (51>6>l!< e= o-Yi6.ioi qJu G'r- +) ar, c) ={J.6 c! I (u (J .d (U z tr J r! E. L IIJ F uJ 5 J zItroo z tr UJFJ 3 uJz tltltltl Fzlz koo< >E>(ERtr6o<z !)F 2,. 9z 3trOI il L-1--1Il f1-1ltltfI t3lI tiltstilt3t;l ull = (I a(/, UJz o IF F z F .Jl U'z u- tc I l a o = Fl F zl .. >loul ulltlz <D =lrul(L z E z tr J c) z Y Or* C,rlc)O ult U' @o-zo Fo- lrJv IJJ dl o F b t IJJ xa >-1*< Y'trlgulbkzo z zecto =z OLL ..i5 =F=aHE = llJ lr-o UJ z L F I o- Jt-u.t i-h=duJ>(LOu-9o \ l.lJxo:>IJFt!JJ uJ F co E oo B.r, .E 3 E Eo|J o I =- F =E lrJo-zoF C) EF(nzo(J trEn =.1olr!l 1lIt!lol zl il I ><lc\t I F{| F-r I IlcoIF\.il co =l r-.{ 'ltslsrcl Ot Jl <l>l 5l El 5ol ruFI F +) (d (doxtd ! (5 =E <! (\.1 I -lcrl =l-l Iol =.1 url rcl Jl alil :l 3l FI (J !P(J t! !(u (I,.P = =g =.1ol ot : =.1ol rl al>l l!l 9t Bl0lFl P o(J = trF\J Jl! o.P (d .|J (o (J !(U = o) rd aE| ui =z -r Iu(o< F6rir I NrJ)(o @ ),1{-l ol(Jlt=l '-l olq -olcl .61'Fl 0J Ird =latlE.ll=l d -.1t3lqt1dr-1 Lq'r'l 01dcI>t cr..J € =Jaa4a E ir =F=o2 F E z ) O LlJ -Jul OOZF =f)zoO F C) Fz z T c) r.u -rO<FGOuJ<ztlrlFt,t Zoo I !r}! ili,l li"-=s j* \" lrl, /ir$;c ffiil=\ ,z I_ '6 \r9 l u) tI- F UJ .J F F x F UJ (n ttJ LU l.l- F E 3q.l 5tl, z ut tll z F ouJ z L! F oo- uJ z (J 6 J E UJ LU ()r! z{ xx ><Xxxx ><xxXxx I la|. I lrllot> L ou. cc F Fz o tr!lz oE t! tuoz,..3 EIJ:f uJFJ<F2;, =z(it < I ggEi' ! eBE-:; H ssn€= H =E:39I s!E:5H O (;=.:= H ES:?RI ::: I=.T H i:i:eI :;-='- H sP:=e| =lig,II 6 a =.;'o-I oE:*3-I e s 3::| :! F'i'rI cc"l=\| €'e lFEl .Ei:sNEEI=csFlsS .3- c.clc-c o- c (v iEs:e ;E:iF -Q.:o5g3i; E $€f ff v J >n-, Fii:9tEFogI.E:: S 9Eo'-- 3oF(l)(,'q):ssEE o l,u z oz o .(t ozz N F (!l F f, NOI!vn'tYA z <rPz4(Do2z ^-,Y-rDED JJ<o5gz;. z6F5 rrI! =EEN E =llJ-'o.-.tl.L!OGur<.oztJl<YDG,GoFX CEHtF- ],+-rut<- |H3l o--trr I&tl :601 - U,ll tr=-r$ldalsLr_ l J ek a,jFO_- c!tc o.o GT al9E c5 E E C, o o, ct t- 'o)0, -_c.fl vLo5 AI .^'AE\'(-lll= )<l_J_iE 5 = z tr = tJ- L cEl(5l =>ca -.'3u,.c Vz:?ol'i^AY5SFP 6 23u 9.5n' c.(J>- (-)FO -: a\i ; o = 3'tr x><=IJ oz E q. Jl<, zl zl .. >lo UJ lrlq,z at,F E tuo- J zo F 6ru(L IL>o z IF 2 tr at,z || ^il- lcct< l& Fir:l ot Ftl otl :ll io iElI ;1 t!o (E o i Fxqt Jf, cc _\Hh Hf.,.t z J tJ- IJ':?' (> F(,z Jo- JO<FG(Jt!<zeUJFoz (J F(J IU =T.o L -;r!- Eil< >ctOu .J l1;t)t\ IItf =J --l - ,J 2 z (D J o LIJ oz (, rrrl Ti rltrlol :l ol 1lslqJlal JI <-l>l lJ-lol FIEoF(J (l z o r! TI <l>l l!l zl]lotFI s:o o rlJ z(,z = .6 F z I *l+)l ^l- =lnEt' +r1'Elv, luJIF lo I <fl6l r-t(\l\@' t\\Js.u,<trq =lt=io-l(,>t.Zl- lA3rI (t, uJutu- E =E UJo- 6/ te NE N N n F-E:+Qf\$JSIe3sa iiIN iENsErs; \ \fEigI \J gEE;g .c; (D (/r cgtit€ iiiiN U'ul uJII|- =Etu J FoF tr G uJ z )5 co llJ JJ oo UJzYo IF uJ e. z -oo z tr gJ FJ 3!!z I I Jq +t{ g q EIcl-l ;l ;!e,t9ilno? 2, 19iit d1 ^H- Jao trgft IF< =>tr --i'', =ut6i=aOol z299io- g Xfs9oato5b<)zl!<oq 9UFO .i a,i @dc)o oz l= EG UJ "+ ulF o L u a u o 2 =Er!o tto o-oo luFoz z .cP =eoo =z (! tL :fr; =x()a;3 !!n tr uto- l! uJoz u)L F 9Eo- JFu.t :h=ui Ed trt>aLOI9o \ l.lJxo-:>fiF f tr ru @ o Eo Eoo o Ba, Eo.(, o Co E F CLo! I I \ IE l- --- z II I Jdl oJ Lo+,Eo(J (6 (J E(u = c,r-(lFCJ a0,'F>lF(+ F-C (o.>C T' uJ =z -) u 5 1 llJ z !o =o! G,(U = = uiE J lr,<f(\l I(o '=(J e lJ,l = -c F co P C'5LP an o(J U'-, (u .J' =E tr rf)l oz d ,a' J ILoz =IF \o (\I Ir.o h{ tr.l EF E co ! q- +t o = tr loz UJ.r ltq z3I uJJ IJJF =(x tr oz ti IJJ J t!oz;= tr z ,; uJ = r|.o z3 F =E. tr z oul J II z3o uJJlllF t E UJz = F t.lj = E E -rO<FGOul<zE I.IJ F6Z JE<o()Fg? Yr-\2ilo C) (Jozt-g)>>d JZt.Lo =5YF =3gE t-Eirg b= J<ofJfr:o E!! (\ Olrif rs rn- +Ja oo <n at) UJulu- F =G uJ o-oz o =oJ 5 { l! r.u .E zgo n--oc6*t.e'=E,,'ii9 gbE",'.8 €t eEEc.= rE .- ag:-fcxo EEXS& :iE;;:'i=EF :;= i: EEF:E .--€ 3 5.:o':- o o tE9-Fo t; ge tr!+: - o v(gXo-E € E ="g; :E€ sg i d E gi r-i::== - o: 9.? rEO'-:-€= o, d, ts cE;:5 i HaEa i;E:e EEgEg .)t a\ oz =-) .J) llJ u., lJ- ==4trl.L F FNOrlVn'lv -€o =l! z tr E ut J u.lz uJo Zz =!J}-a2ifEP6lt <5<>!?olJZr!<oq do>(JFO -i c,i -t. >q>€ = ... Qo t< tr!l' : z Eo 'lil zlol <l grl iI F o F!, .. >lo IJ.J gJ tuz tt, E = UJ o. zo F 6 J i Fx u,l !J J G J v) o gl 2 Yc i; oz ! l! d I 1 I I 5 trav. ,g ,{I'n g FJ.H ii =z @o-) -o- '-l.-l o IO dl ;l EI sl dl nl ttl Hoq{ = I I IItl' I I I "lt4ul CIq JgE lc' @c! I F. ll els I ,rlt I $t 3t #l :l Hl ilE3l HPI ll slfl tzl =t 3lHg l,l .,1 5l sl fl Hil II I Iol 1tolull crl JI sl xl zl ..1 F C)l! ts? -rO<F(l(J[!<zE IJJ F6Zoo _G(.:r o,z> =fd5 (J z T C)l! = oF Fzoo o YY o2 O J<O0?ul qt I, 0, z oPzeroo =z o-- P Jdfi92>FE< - ir ! = lJ;dd= nED F ar UJ o-Eo utoz foIoF 9 o- JFU, --h=..r- oi(L IIJ =o-Orroo F ,..xc:>HF JJ IL u,(D oF o.E o !' !'TI c E Eoo o ru C' oT' A ICfrtr\zu= -ct Enn j' }:e .-I CTION REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME MON DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr rl tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDAT ION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING T] ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER AS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E Fl,(Jii?tr FINAL /'P:iPPRovED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oare ;'1)?' "'' ""- '# rNSpEcroR i( i.l ,r#"toN ri ; ,t, TOWN OF :.tl REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON THUR BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING T] ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR to JOB NAME MON "?ro* REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W.V tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n 199.1^&^sLEFn...^ tr cAs PrPrNc- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETFOCK NAIL O na'1 $ rtrull tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - [:tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: I E D|SAPPROVED . E}{EINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNs#toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME _l .r , INSPECTION: CALLER / MoNt, TuEs WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUIIB!NG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB t-l t-l tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR -, tr FINAL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: TEMP. POWERu tr tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR G.ulo- oo t-l (f) oo (7) sf U' IJJ UJ]Lt =t UJo- vd-4zlLtlg I!\i 5i &iEto'sf l@ Ir {.,fr @ $iJr ={-s flF".\,o (, _\rg g!); E \r= l- ut E t--Iz =o =z lollPl I al!r- | t'FllrFltll!-llolt-l lGrltPltxllq,ltlt.:lo IrJ 5lz lz. i 6 l€ zz' h x ()p |o uJz3o ulIF oz lr).(.o EF{c cc) 0"-(J.6J>!l /)c! oc)+) 5X,-oococo tc.U €J(Uo -=o! Lu)L {J .Fo3d, t- Eo o (! .9 o-o. G c 3 F o. -c1 o o tl) (E !\ o E G oE o o) E =o E o =l E(D o o. (5 3 .9 o -:- o c e 'E;=.e*3 EgE;e 6P:0c-o> ef:E = gi; c96E'- o.! ^36-= E E-s: :€ 3E SqeF E!seo- G cL#sE;eo!Eor =€:€E;:i :EEH E6 F: (!0'-i.c= o o E'i; i gEiE 9cai lfiE;9Eo - eSgg -o6: o \osf co C\I rr) cr)ro oO F{ r,N F uJ oz co IoutI z o- J 9 F C) IIJJqJ 0z. co = J - I uJ = LU uJIIz tr ll, llJ(r 3I uJe.z 6 UJ F oc UJoc z uJJ x F IIJ ah o uJ uJu- ts E uJo- J FoF z J 9 UJJ uJ z6 = a 2 o UJ = NO[Vn'lVA"tl2 tl I S:El I-{ ur *.Ilbli3: 6 El-Ox9l= = i:g; 3FF 2 z s;lP= 6<oq io-tg Hp.;$i 6= oo o P .d otn zo F f t! UJ F o st r\ x E o-lut ) z Eo z tr !! 3 IJJz tltltltl tzlz <oo< =FRtrdo<z ll, F. 2,. Oz EO =trOI t.ltlI it|l Ftollqlldl L! lJ-) IL a llJz :< =F lrJo- z F Jl z o o3 a o F o Fa altrl 2_l zl .. >lolu IJJ IJJz (t) ==(r ul ) z Eoo 2 <n l! oz Y o. I I cr) C\f @r-{c) Cf, oz E = uJ F o I zo FoutY ulo oF! CEutclro coo I LlJFoz z.no >_E d)0 =z dP trnn ?fi(Je= =83dd= nntr tr Eul o UJ z oL F a -JFIIJ -h=ato- llj>(LOr!9o \ lfJ6aLx> luJIrL IJJ c0 IE TE b*og .E E E 8 A9 f=6IDFf=E'rQ =E ts =E, lrJ o-zo F(J &,F0zoo tttl,l-lC)t(ol.rlolil*l3floJ .louoluFZli hol3f -"1 trJlo'F <lJE >l,- lF u-l "oJ/ollzl =tl=vliJ-t Ft I =loI <ts1-l Igl- EI? fl or <l st>l ol bl 3l g Ol urFI F (t' +, c) =P (u t/, +) =o(J C') ..f = tr (J .uo(u L! ! CJ o = (\l(\l I Or ol Iurlrf,lsrlr-{ I I I .;l =.1(,l utl 5l al>l ttlol zl 3loFI I I I ol =.1 fllEl Jl <t>l u-lol zl 3l PI (U (J Lo(./) oo L U1 o cll- o,(J (6o Ec, = @ (o lU z) t! o- Lo +J o(.) IU(J !o = o G' .d ii z __) .-tlr) (\l I F\sr =! ad(l, = = t- EFz otri\g l'-o2 oo E(Jozt =<zefFd6 E -.1 O<FCOur<zg TIJ F(42 oz E Et IJJo- tuJIF t5 I I I I I I l- r(J IE io ,z I I I I l* t?g. lttz l=to lotz : d6 s? c, sbE; tFeS?€!*rE38 E tq 5 E € EE s-s.:P;E(g :EE:'i:0r Fe E:EE't iealc-.€ 8i: €qePEt;get o--I6; o rEig; E;(!:X :ic H; iEEi; !; c.) o E e€i:€ d i t== E HrEic-+->xEFegdH 6o & gesEi NO|lVn']VA -Jl<l -l zl zl o uJ IJJulz g) F llJ J zo Eoo =>cl fu.{ =Cl<\l Y BZ.Zu-oootr ^ 6zI5 50FI of, @atEz>ooon(JzX lJ- <oq i -uJnE96urio fiH a\t (5 IT r..\J s\.:\J- \J aI \I- Uo o o \+5 J \\ .\\ lrJ ts @o zo F(r u.lY UJ @ o t- F TEtll(L ILo o Ig.,bkz6 z ze(Do =z dLL if;=dd= F uJ o- u.o UJoz :)oo oF I(r JFl!-h> d ltl>c 9o x>Er-JJ llJ F tr.q,.E '€o o c,! .E E Eo|) E =E lrJo,zo l-()fEFazo C) n!tr E , F J z)tr UJ =z. d) -) uJ z uJEo J a o- ()=e. IL oo I F z IJJ = l! z =t tr oz llJ cr J z;o u u F = tr =E_ oz out(r J a ILoz3 l- U ! F E uJ(r .J a l!o z3I uJJui ulz 3o F UJL IY E <F(rO LrJ <ztUJFtqZo(J )E<oOF;()-< ;F-zilo Eoo1t- =fJZrr"oo <^ liF7a) =sY,z t-t )r rJz (J J<Oa9.5EDnn $ 0i $ .tt IuJllrJ ILlFI =l(lI HI --_3 t5luJl.tl>t- tarlol*lcloIFlo z o o E Luz 3oCr t! u,6z;tcr \Jfrul- 'r<FZr\ YZo< =--OCEiiE9.'=Oo;iO sbE;g F.gR€! 88338l:.= (u F € x es 0e i$:Eg $:i:iN ;E;F,sS EEgFN eisii I f E ="gf s€E gB EE Eg= - o..:f o r (tro'-:-t;ooEg*Ie* E: =;5E !a;e ifi:; g iF$Eg 0 \t \$\\, 0 Y\\( d V C) ID\ oV) I s .\J \ S k F gJ zoJ Y tl, c)z' o E'F() au UJ oz = E J z lJ.l UJ UJu-z tr !Ua IIJ og i t uJ z0 UJ oo- UJ z UJ () x F UJo (n IIJl! lJ- F =[1o- Js F] z o llJ llJ oz : J 2 (Jr! = NO|lvn]vA rl I I IJJ \ \ I.\.tA ZZ99i\ d = =lEP69o:>U9lr< g8 FO '' a\j \i -=:q !urs): td q z F Iu- ti l 0 uJ F 0 \la\\J it-(-\ A tl lel< lHXt:l<lz t3lt6ltoll'll^,-lzl FIu,u 5u<ll ^il -tl Ell il trl zl zl >l rJ) ll,lzx iF I oFz =JJul3 E J 3 F qt U 2 tr J f<tz It,\+ +t \+ z oPz4 2z dP!ntr F u,o.Ito'? ul.E O'Etefoo62lo:FYacie =>E-JF E h= t-,Q, 0)so vLo _J $gg h=dfi>o-OI9o \ LlJx(l:> tr.lj l! UJ .DoF t E Eo(J rAo | 6Et o,l-Fl=Es-!-=-=i i I t t{.'tt t3l t^-tdl3lotzF-9d l3l flzl el )i c ,\I).' h J s =o FIg 0l TI UI $ stl>l u{ ={ c- l! vIF +. t1 rl EI-t >lFIol ll tltlldl tFlllil Illrl Ii;|.lct 9t Eltrr Fl Fl rJ r.{ o s' $, 0." ui) IJJ F ll.oz3 1 >' UJ, E 64 vlt-l 5l g c;lull 5lg bl zl 3lolFI UJ UJF $, F\ $ l\I\ tf(r. z ct lr.l 5 >l trl OI ItFd $d$ $Ett J<c)oq,|.lJL!JO t uJz Bo Fo UJF i G --.1 O<F [!< UJFozo() JE<o(JF;() =< azUJO(J :P =#d6(, 6F =3iz =8 E,:gY bi C)o '::rLLrO rQo .\0 el l.: ._- Ar(tt --- i\ ':J *qtoQ =.o FS \-. \ I\rt'b g "(. .Bcc)a Eg e ...Q rrl |rl \,i' OC rUyf rU \, =Gc\, YT lrf ---fE vI o o \| Io 3 ,{ F..8,^tp, 8e -t Ulg t ! :,i CIi Jr* -- _ __-__n *qr['ra: ,4#;.-'*t ) 'Joi ,{)s a {.., c -A -o 6a 'c0'l s .s i lr e-' ^o;/ a\ -ruE 'o -J |l <tl m I>l ly:t \)Hff'-t h(.v I) l D.'" , ; ut 'L'td , I I i l i I I I I iaTial 81 ,rltrl EI dl b ! ,(l l- Uto E trJ !x ,o) h ,c n v' Ii $r :5r ). tl,u, 6E Ft4 -J- * -l ,/' .(:r'ii/\,,\\/\, g .O L \t).:'!eo\ & trt r s su$v ll tt !f1 EI l(.\ \t{ e"S Hr ;s gE 'Ir< 1z:<!d9e nH cl EF H IJ n t\ -..:- .; , )xirurd .t l:t: {;) l i ..9 -t .!l r., 1!-\ ..J :) llJ AI ;.t .i'r "..9 f::It- 3 : 3 .F !; fJfo\j o { F () q d,.i -l I I I ll b,'=!1il illL_t I{ I ttl-- i -2-l---_-,-a'l-____ ,,2-/ I :lJI&l flElu:l {dl N qJ 0., I -. x t/r .l* ti,c\ \,:i qJ@t*- ft -t&d\t a r. I I I I (r I't;v"tlz 1r.{ i.q c. I ao' wita,rFR uNtT WP fleae z{; lz" 't_?Itr 0 (l "Eit tr :'r tr-SCR DU{T HTR/ CorfffroLLt& AFg ld'd aexFILIERDAVPFR )4o'toR !l rila<l rl-tl r !l N ,El I =|{ 'qtI o\, ol t- \, tNr dul<I F:€s'tt {\9i- F -lO Nsrn-raFFuter<g l. ii.;'t ,' o,'-'. 3a{xdF ." 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I , -i-' N.\\\l ,\hrtts \\s,t:x ..r t(} ,-, }\lrltt il':.rrl\f d Ts { : :, ',u'..']t$ q;;'ix$' s$u0 $$ u.{ N/- : 8lt,.tD Nljuu $lsS Rys N \|l} \\qr tlr\ *\ !lt Er-.)\rlsl -" t Plslu o \i tli t il,i 3 i $:\ ** * i$r;\ s;il$ ft.. r* [ ^ iR -'*i Sirrt:t$N Y " f U \s \l o:< nol+nls T+ nrtSnl$ IL \ \,\q tl \ $*r ;:-$\ T.€t "{$d $\ N$ tuN $-$ $tr RN tlt N \".I\si{'q.\L t\Qa.. rr N R lrl il e $I lil =u $ Jtlill ' $ r l lll &$NNS i\ lll s r \ t $NttRS rl S. t",\5 o CCILcl]TAtrltrl trtEPAFITrvlENT CIF HEALTH Richard D. Lamm Governor Thomas M. Vernon, M.D. Executive Director September ll, 1984 Mr. Tim Kellum Briner/ Scott, Architects 143 E. Meadow DriveVail, C0 81657 RE: 0.8. Patient Care Unit Nursery Remodel Ki tchen Remodel Sports l.ledi ci ne Addi ti on Vail Valley Med. Center Vail, C0 Dear Tim: The final plans and mechanica'1,/electrical specifications have beenreviewed and I have the fo'l lowing comnents: l. Submit copies of the flamespread tests for the carpets that areto be installed in the various rooms in this project, to this officefor review and file when they become available. Be certain the carpetshavea filamespreadrating of 25 or less if they are located in corridors and 75 or less in rooms off of the exit comidors. 2. There was no f'l oor finish scheduled for corridor'106. I am assumingit is the existing f'loor finish that will remain. Please verify. 9. In the new private room, #.|0'l there is shown three exhaust registersin the patient room and one in the adjacent toilet, but no air supply. There must be ajr supplied to thjs room since Lhe corridors cannot be used as supply air plenums. 4. Is there an air supply to tie medication room l19? An existing exhaust was shown but no a'i r supply. 5. Provide air suppiy in the P.C.U. lounge #107, air supply and returnin the P,C.U. office #ll0 and air return in the P.C.U. warning kitchen, #.|09 if none of these exist at Dresent. 421O EAST 11TH AVENUE DENVER,COLORADO 8O22O PHONE (3O3) 320-8333 Page 2 6. Be certajn to provide fire dampers in all ducts that penetrate one-hour construction such as cei'lings and walls. No fire damper were shown to be provided on the drawings. 7. The new handsink shown bejng orov'ided in the 0.8. room 116 must be equipped with wrist blade controls. 8. Be certain that the nurse call stations shown located in the new bathrooms #117 & 103 are emergency calls that register as such in the over the door lights, and at the nurses, station. 9. Is the tub in bathroom 123 equipped with a shower head? See my letter dated April .|0, .l984. Ki tchen Remodel I i ng l. It isn't reconrnended that you use wood doors for thecartwash recess,particularly since these doors swing into the room. They would soondeteriorate because of the water. Recormend that these doors be steel doors and painted with rust inhjbitive paint. ?. The ceiling in tojlet roori 222 must be a smooth gypsum board ceiling.Acoustical tile would not be acceptable. 3. There must be a din'ing area provided for staff, visitors and patients. As per a prior discussion, this vras to be provided on the secand floor. please verify the locatjon of this dining room. It would be better located nearthe kitchen and patient areas. 4. The exhaust duct from the range hood is shown on sheet M-2 to be.l8" Xl 8" in size. The one-hour enclosure for this duct on the secondfloor is shown on sheet A-2 to be 24" X Z4u. There must be six inchesof clearance on all sides of the range hood exhaust duct as per IIFPA 96 "Vapor Removal from Cooking Equipmeni.,' This will require that tieduct shaft be 30 inches square. 5. Our dietician objected to the dietician's office having to serve as a lounge and locker room in addition to being an office. How many dietarypersonnei will there be at any one time? 6. There must be provided return ajr or exhaust in both the outpatient lounge 2.l0 and the outpatient pre-op. room 209 if none exists at present. 7. l,lhy is the ventilation in the storage rooms 202 and 204, and dispatch 205 being removed? o. and for Page 3 Provide fire dampers jn ducts where they penetrate one-hour wallsceilings. No fire dampers where shown bn the drawings and must bethe mechanical contractor's information. 9. will the walk-in refrigerator units have inside lock releases or anaudio/vjsual signal 5ys1"r for safety reasons as required by standards?Please verify. '10. Our sheet M2, mechanical sheet note #25 made reference to a dryervent being relocated. tlhat does this dryer vent serve? 11. There must be a medicine prep area in the out-patient pre-op room 209as required by standards. see my ietter dated June'l l,l9B4. This wouldconsist of a counter, countersink, and cab'i nets for storage of medications. The medication prep area outside of the pre-op room would-not be acceptable.There would be no control over th'is area anO ihe nurse, in order to adninistermedications, would have to leave the room which wouldntt be the best practjce. Sports Medicine Addition l. .The folding door at tJre receptionjst should have a fl amespreadrating of 25 or less since it's in an exit comidor. 2. Exhaust ventilation is being provided in the office 304 without make-up air supply- Since the corridor is required to be of one-hourconstruction it cannot be used as a supply air plenum. I recognize that this is an office occupancy and not part of the hospitalproper. Specificat'ions (Mechanical/Electrical ) l. The mechanical specifications contained a section "Fire protection System" that cal'led for a fire sprinkier system. The only sprinkler heads shown on the drawings were those in ihe storage rooms.' Are thereother areas that are to be sprinklered? Please submit to this office for review and cornment, the fire sprinkler shop drawings, when they are ava.ilable. 2. Be certain that the nurse call system, fire alarm system and exitsigns,/exit lighting are on the emergency power source. 3. There were no architectural specifjcations submitted. please submit one copy of these specifications to this office for review when they are made available. Page 4 This concludes my comnents on this plan review. Please respond tothis letter in wri ting, incorporating the required items into the work and give consideration to the recommendations Submit one copy of any change orders, addenda, revised drawings etc. tothis office for review when they become available. Sincerely, Cffi%/""//4/J. Ralptf Karlberg , Architect{t/ Design & Construction Sect6.dn Division 0f Health Facilities Regul ati on JRK: nr cc: Deborah Jost, Admin'istrator Vail Bldg. Dept., Vai1, C0 Miike McGee, Vail Fire Dept. (42. tlest Meadow Drive,) Vai 'l , C0 81658 f2 wrrt meadow drlvc vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-Z2q' llre departmenl Sheet A-1 Sheet M-l Sheet M-2 Sheet P-l Sheet P-2 Stpet E-l Sheet E-2 Sheet E-3 Sheet E-4 VAIL }ICT'I{IAIN MEDICAL CEI.IIER PI,AI.IS Need to reach agneatent on door swings. Need to see equilment schedule (kitchen). Dnaw5ngs do not shor dr1 standpipe connections. Does not strcrr,,r relocation of exit sign. Fi-re detection required (maketp air). Second sprinkler head required P.C.U. lor:nge. Drawing does not show er<isting sprilkler lines or heads. Need sprirkler drawings. Need to identify E.M. lighting. Question door swings (corridor). Question lrcatj.on of pull stations (corridor) 104 Question E.M. lighthg. Not shc^^ln. l,leed detection S:W storage area. Hood Systern - tie into kitchen zone./^/ ))Need f jre alarm plans. Need E.M. l-j-ghtjng p1ans. Need sprinkler plans. Fire alarm and sprinkler to sholv new and existjng. I,leed fire protection plan by licensed fire protection contractor. (Sprink.1-er system layout, sjze, etc. as per N.F.P.A. 13) It is OK to issue building permit with apprcnral of arctritect to sutrnit plans prior to ilstallation of systerns with approval of all parties to clear r4> problens with door swings. so INSPECTION, TOWN OF/'.!i' REOUEST VAIL DATE i JOB NAME INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED iTHUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUilBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr u tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL ,s rrruel - .;. E,:APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR F r"r#?roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED, THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU[IBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ^ ROOF & SHEERu PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR .tr FINAL tr FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTORDATE CCILCI]IAtrICI tr'EFAFIT]V|ENT C'F HEALTI{ Frank A. Traylof, M.O. Executive Orrector June 11, 1984 Mr. Tim KellamBriner Scott, ArchitectsI43 E. Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Tlm: The architectural drawings for the above-named project have been reviewed, and I have the followinq comments: l. The window being provided to serve the nerv one-bed room istoo small. It does not meet the requj-rement of being l/Bththe room floor area in size and must be enlarqed or reducedthe size of the room. 2. Delete the carpet called for in the nursery workroom. Acarpet j-n this area would not be acceptable. 3. In the out-patj-ent prep area, provi-de for medication storage and preparation as required. This concludes my conments on this plan revierv. Please respond to this letter in writing and submit one copy of revised drawings to this office for review when thev become available. Submit also one copy of the mechanical and el-ectrical drawings to thi-s office when thev are available. Sincerely, /) fr t ./ ).'/ .z //"ftt44- r1zo%"2 - A. RaIpfi Karlberg , Arch,tEey't ,/ Destgn and Construction, $€ctionDivision of Health Faci2iities Requlation JRK: tscc: Deborah Canode, Administra,/orVail Building Department,/ Richard O. Lamm Governor Re:O.B. Patrent Care Unit andVail Valley Medical Center, Nursery Remodel Vai1, CO 421O EAST 11TH AVENUE DENVER,COLORADO 80220 PHONE (303) 320-8333 oz F =G IJJo- oo r\oc! c { o tf) oo o cc N U' uJt!IL E = IJJo- all fees waived, hourly rate of inspections to be charged ro tuJ Lo EIK Ec! '- (\l F{l !i l.\| \\-r \o s$o,5 rJ, | .E (ul co+rl ol,<o-.<ln|,(l):Y rd>t!+ E(l)'a o Blt-_ lo I UJF I F Ea-a = zz <t,ut z =! o 6a =z lrlz3 uJ z r!J UJo =I tt t!o LIJ F o, o atooc(g .s! o o o.tJ o q) o o) .ss d! E o =l Q' o o,o..! '.g E -i- (D c (D - (6 .Y' eE€: €;gE-.= (E - =3.:OE EE:Ec-o>'- ut =e: =i ={i;c96F -B=d)35t=_E >X E Ei.; E; EE Ei;eo- (E cl- SE; e oiEotsf;e€ E6: i :Es H *aEe =-s!3_o,yo (E 0'- .:r;o.,l sf;; f ; E;; I;E;9Eo -esgg - o 6: o (o t\ O? Oto|'r) (o c\j o ol,r) cc cc tr) ooC! @rr)st(f) E UJdozo = co Y() UJ Oz J 9 Fo UJ) uJ z6 =Jo- 9z Io UJ = UJ uJu-z9 uJ uJ 6 o ao =uJt UJ z 6 uJ F an UJ z qJJ C) x F ulo oiu uJltF =tulo J FoF (Jz J cF qJJ uJ z =.() uJ- NOTl'v lVA I?qI II0l .Ft Y q E ltl +r!- +r JEo =22|J-o ootr ^ 62.q 5 =9E g, of, ooe,Zt()oirna)zxu-<oq is-F S-Xz dN(9 >E I tr.t156.\ -< o o o = +JL tt +J x(u z J E.(r ti UJA <l C\I u,l ) z Eoo z E u,iFJ =UJz o tszlz F o U' tszl z =) UJ3 .D!J .Lul IE A 2 I F 2 F- tr- ull I! a,!, ll,,zYIr F t Ol o 3 ol{ ult|, +) tn x (Ux ib .5e ht(/) \t- =uJ J zo 66OF<<n Jl<l z_l =<t, J co > oo Ol(\I C\I I >tt =\> =Y|! : ,7 - uJo {J+)ct ++ n 6l:-| EI olozld alJIJI<l31,. xloIJJ I IE C9 C,OC!OO uJ ts @dtolzo Fo-luY ul c0 oFt TE IIJ o- t!o o-oo I UJFoz z .,P =Edro =z dP =f;? lxoB;E = 0cru o- |! E9E<af6U)ne,e9?k EEE-jt* =uJ-E h=E 5Sr =FE 669 llrE Xot x>E q- €= tJl .o -] - I II alll(qJ F o E =E. UJo-zoF(J DE 6zoo rirTn$< Lr<t-r JI <l>l tllq zl =lolFI ot =.1ol Lul 5l al>l t!lol zlilol F-l I cl JJ <l>l|!l 3l =lolFI alcoOlc") =l c')Ol Iol \o<l r\lrll + =l + IL'lu.J I I(Y)l sflr-r ItF fleEoctq J =() +) .F.' (J <n I! L =E d .lrlr\l dl ,.tlJI <lilol 2l =lPI a oO .vu(u co : tr =l=l !l oz lr 6 I I 1 F J uj =z o-.) (6 (J oL d, =ao EoF (r z C) z I uJ l-E ir lrJ F;Oz o C) JE<oOFF? ;'ii F-,2iloo Eoozl- =c) =#.JF d.6 E -.r O<FIEOuJ<zd,IIJ Fa6 C) <o EgtrEE ;F q-l4 0 ()g o F- O.Fo-E+'o-d.t' (F q _ .F .r, .e t, Q-vCDX c)E(l)o.F(,=(t)v).cl+J<!o . Io-o-lE(UE IE+, o Ioqrc) |C-, i- I E 39 |o o+J ILo ,**S I'!oc t B - -)o/J lt uJurrr. F E oo dor qq '< Ir J 'n'-'- nf U./t uv1 a____!,c 1#i;l;rf,'V,t Y'a ui r q o (g (! oo!E Eoc.x()ct' oc):(l)l4i tl'Julv, =i llElott EoF() (EFz o lff'tzl=of Et!,ozr...3 ccg FT<F 7-o lt< o,: t\ ) I I : \s\-|-\ hc*" ?bc io "t 1 ta xxxxxxxxxxxxX gs fi i'cIt6EgrE|/r:= E5*GI i- Gl+€.e 3€ ,' a7 ;- soD :5Q.NEa. O'Fo I, :FEo o--: d,ort Ji r - i_- : oa) o-:€a 1(J:': -l(/,c t.tro -c,9J .:- tS.€9 oO o.19 a,l_ (!t-3 ('qt3';rE 9, ;BpF 6:=:.-.:o \J_ oilN(.;t a.=;:3= -osb r= 3O-E la.J:r5) /t toD).: :'= r(D rC o c l^ tl- .qc.l \> r-. a, (g i\.g' c., v ;o r3 'F,€ ,=;3. ooi:r -( qt_cv; rec oc tt:E6 =ql d-t OEOI cql Yo ;Q' ='5ic:\-qt D(g _c,:ttl1J: i c j )oi I co- 'cli!-t'o( '-t{). -t=c,aq? -c: o- E66-J ctiae (J '- d.9orioC 3';)>.5---=;tr- o.? (r. ,:i.o: (1, )('),6: tt: EE =qlgb EOI cql €;t! 1., .\G.; C)q\ - ar)O(gt- g'; Ec'o-oEE. SS -Orcc3"135r Q.q (O-,Egi('=ic c)- u* F(! -' EPEg'-i (ECF _a€ e- CN O'-549 D q)= ?ESE,?'r()>) € .- ;sF 'E 6 l0r: : cloIEE'O('), (, Gt- 0 o q 0 o ctlrl I ( c 4 I t; r8 I 0 o d fi Itr rj -iq l.- 9i F;"lj{ w ffi r#? Iu o- ilul*l'l* .lEl Itsl =l uJ IFt cl .;lElil 31'l"l F o ul o-fz J II sl ld ilsil ilEll llFll +) t^*, *, r(uol -vlle Cr.l ; ..1nqi-d?a ylSl: ;t f; I sil lr | )6l d | *-, J 9z CJqJ =F a NOtlvo'tvA 6lit{ Blil;l ilEl -r sF a, a, 5eQs IF8 6 23u9Bf;H8>(JFO< a\i sL I ll.-llrrlllltt. l|tll ol ollll h-h.ll-l Il:il g IfI Dfrfi\il-il; I luJ ilgil g fil$l F"hll: Hil q il I lbLdll\ll . | | lrtl(fll f -.-ff | .FrtE-t t(Y.t I htl tsit ol .H Ft tx tHfl lF-ll JtI'l I lNrW o i 5ll 5=_E kl_Jsul ; i iil g :l;l l9l llgl J ElSl sl=l.ll ." Fll E .,tsi Ft*lEll ir ll *FU-lfl .t rl Il"to l3 F uJl) Ell- --1-- =r p o. '-i]t -1-lz ll :{ Ittc o ls ts rr/ N FS:il3 sl3€ ;15 2t tl E | 9ll< | rrJ llc I o tl z <rSz-<roo =z dP tr IEur_.G-.r4rJo<2 lr<b 9.^c <52t#E,€-A P,.:.rt 9l+ Eo. I E(uEFr! -oo- id(, C5 .FZ.r-F-. O_ Fi agLr-l+- 'G.eovLJ- C)o,ov) LrJ V)a<LJ r./1 z. J LJ- UJ J "38z=z6Ff-r()i dd= c5 E Eo(, o q, |llct tr *H= o.-uJ&t F3si5- d{*k H Co v- (.,- o3 A(CRE\zi=-- I , F= Jtt t ,il 5 lrEq sl qlSE IJ $Hu Hfd =l 3l ugl ol Ir.l Fl F Fot! () G ll -rtr3R il EP HE il gg8 ll trg >< >< !.xx >< (303) 476- Ta.t4,TO BRTNER/SCOTT ARCHTTECTS 143 E. Meadow Drive #N40 vArL, coLoRADO 81657 3038 LETTER @F TRANSNNITTAL o''rE 6-6.it ^l'"" "" 6 sf,*-fu'r4r+2zr^ "' Saorcj t1/2-/.ni< Add,*EPo-*z tr Samples the following items: E Specifications wE ARE SENDING vou fntt."hed [,under separate cover via {: tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter nnts Change order ! ! Plans COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION ?-t THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: {For approval {ryrou, u". $-As requested tr tr ! n tr C tr Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections Resubmit-copies for approval Submit-copies for distribution Return -corrected prints ! For review and commcnt tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: ProoJcrzrm ,ffi7 hc, oer trlt ora)r lI .nclo.uraa ata not .. notad, kindty notllyt ua .t ts@GK AND ASSOCIATES INC.PO. Bcx l4l3 Veil, Cdoodo 81658 (3O3)82i-szl July 5, 1985 T.0.V. Fire Department Upper Eagle Valley lJater District T.0.V. Building Department tz Yoder Engineering Briner-Scott Archi tects Vail Valley Medical Center Ladies & Gentlemen' During the construction of the Sports Medicine Addition to the Vail Valley Medicil Center the existing 4" dirctile iron water service to the Medical Center was uncovered. Thii water service line had a slip joint connection that was not mechanically fastened together. In order to re-build this water service and replace the slip ioint connection with a mechanically fastened connection,'it was necessary to shut off the existing service. Temporary water service was provided to the Hospital uia a_24" fire hose conirected to the fire hydrant south of the South Frontage Road and west of Vail National Oank BirilOing. Modification was made to the internal water service entrance at the l'ledicil Center to accommodate the temporary connection. The temporary service line was metered, sanitized and de-pressurized at the hydrant. The equipnent (with the exception of the water meter) will remain the property of thd titbdical Center and wii be stored in the water service entrance for future use. The existing water service configuration y! ll be re-built to conform to the current siandards of the Upper-Eagle Valley lJater District's requirements. The temporary water service'connection will be incorporated indo the service upgrade. ttris will provide the CIinic with a permanent.. temporary water sei'iice capability in'the event it would be required. Ifit temforary water service wiil be aiequate to supply the Hospital's domestic needs. ihe tenporary service rill dot be adequate to met the-sprinkler. systen requirennnts iurrently fed frur the existing-service. The current fire protection system fed fiom this area covers only the kitchen facility and sbme other limited areas. The majority of the Hospital's sprinkl.er requirements are met by service from ihe west end of the building independent oi'itre ex'i sting domes-tic water service. The_Medical Center Administration is aware thqjl,jbefrghting requirements would pre-empt the temporary service Beck & Associates, Inc. AJB/Kh ri ghts rew J. Beck si dent GcrarolCorrfoctors Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 East Meadour 0rive, Suite N-l0 Uail, Colorado 81657 3@Z/ 478-?t7@ Mr. Steve Patterson TotlN 0F UAIL BUILDING DEPT. 75 S. Fnontage Road West VaiI, Colonado 81857 Date, Subject, JuIy e{aal 23, 1585 81657 Dean Steve, Enclosed ane copies of ny field reports on the Sports Mediclne franing rnspections, They cover the modifications r,rhich I appnoved during the erection process to connect the new frane to the existing structure' As I mentioned on the phone, A3@7 bolts hrere specified on the plans and have been provided by the fabricator, I have checked approxirqateLv I9i/. of said bolts in the field and they meet our tonque nequirement of being tightened L/2 turn Fast the snug condition. Funthernone I have verified that the steel sections provided by the fabricator are in fact the membens that urere specified on the pIans. I have reminded the contractor to obtain a copy of the uelder'E certification and to fonurard the same to your office; you should see this shontly if you have not already received it. S i gned: F.$Y..11;S:rt'*.: - t4095 i: fu*;*t,fr'#i:fri$ BOYLE EN6IN Timothy PneE i. dentI I Please Reply [x] No Reply Req'd Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 East Meadour Brive, Suite Vai I. Colonado 8165? f'lr . 6ary Sued i sh BRINER-5COTT ARCHITECT5 143 East i'leador.r 0r.ive Vail, Colorado 8165? Oate' 7-9-85 Job *:8454 Project: Sport s Medicine Addition Locai ion: Vai I, Colorado Contrector, Beck & Associates Ourner Sponts Medicine tleather Partly Cloudy - 80 deg 0 12pn PreEent at Site' Tolr, Tim Boyle N-10 SteeI erectlon in General quality of south end oere too as comp let ed, progr€os. Approxlnately 70 Z complete. steel fabnication and orection is good, short and ulere uelded to the clip angles The nasonry conner urhich t j.nstnucted Tom to grout He r^rill also add turo 5/8" of the roof beam, receive6 the end the cel I soI id diameten anchor of ihe roof beam and instal] ttlo S4 bolts to connect Floor joists at . This is approved at A2 is hollou. reinforcing bans, the bottom f I ange FIELD REPORT BOYLE EN6 T i rnot hy l'l . Pnes i dentCopies to, Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 East |'leador.r Dnive, Suite UaiL, Colorado 81657 Mr. Gany Swedi sh BRINER-SCOTT ARCHITECTS 143 East Meadou Orive Vail, Colorado 81657 0ate' 7-12-85 Job *'8484 Project, Sport s Hedicine Addition Locat ion: VaiI, Colonado Contnactor, Beck & Associates 0unen' Sports Medicine t.leathel Partly Cloudy - 80 deg @ Present at 5ite, Ton, Tin Boyle N-l@ llam Steel erection in pnogress Appnoximately 95 7 complete' Roof punlrns mark EE have clip angles Iocated inapFropriately fon creating a flush condition uith lhe existing sloped r'oof . Told Torn to burn off the leps of the clip angles. ureld thern together to cneate a L/4 plate r,rith t r,ro holes in it, and nount the neur plate to the existing roof slab edge with the tr,ro 3/8" expansion bolts specified. The roof punlins r,riII then be uelded to the olate uith ?" of l/4" f iIIet r,reld both sides, 0n JuIy 11, I qave Ton appnoval to cope the last roof purlin for the flat roof pontion at the southurest corner of the addition to clear the bottor'r of the concrete nV' frame in this area, The cIiF angl€ was being removed on this purlin and nelocated so as to get one bolt into the'U' frame and on into the horizontal t ie bealr belout. FIELD REPORT s*'*.'r_ .ti 14e80 ir!roD 3 ffi"# BOYLE EN6 T ilro t hy l'l . Pres i dentCopies to: 2C PERMIT UMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL frt CALLER TU tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FBAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL FLE tr'T {r trC tr- MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL 1k APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED Best copf c5 Available INSPECTOR I J , tt/ <..! i ) JOBNAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: MON ti WED THUR./{dt{ ...- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr D n n tr ! UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t PEi',.l ttr rNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: . i JOB NAME INSPECTION: /"" oALLER (y>' ruES WED THUR FRI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER OUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL E] FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr D tr tr ROUGH D tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL./(/1 \,r/ ,-rJOB NAME MON CALL TUES wED THUR r'FRr i t,/\__--l READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr E UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tl tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB IIECHANICAL: O HEATING X noucn tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT r-'1 tr SUPPLY AIR n_ tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVEO/, )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED r. .? \? I -*' DATE 4i -.-. ' L: .r |NSPECTOR) REQUEST VAIL I INSPECTION, TOWN OF [h"'l '< r i,-u ?o f t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON JOB NAME { CALL TUES AnJ+-so', BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL ELE trT trF trc tr_ tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor.. ? --? ( -/5 rNSPEcroR J t,14 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE TNSPECTION REQUFST TOWN OF VAIL / READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER a la,t/'((// ), TUES WED AM .@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP, POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INS I PECTION\/Jowry oF f /'.-2,-t'. I REQUEST VAIL / l^ --Q.- r INSPECTION: NAME CALLE MON TUES *--u/l ) '@ rHUR FRI ,.,:AM W_/READY FOR LOCATION: 7) 7< PERMTT NUMBER OF PRO4'CT oo'E tlGltS ne BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING R TNSULATTON1\tr SHEETROCK tr_ tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr TI tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n cr F|J,AL tr FINAL /u Kpaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oxe I -?fS rNsPEcroR(D 7o ?1 rNs I PE CTION REQUEST OWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER onre ff /:- INSPECTION: JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND 'qf noucn / D.w.v. qRouGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr u tr tr tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL MECHANICAL:tELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT \sueeu tr t^^L tr tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON rNs CALLER ,,4 t TUES WED THUR FBI I PE cfloN_ REOUFST TOWN OF VAIL ' .( ,'( iar n-L \l(J READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMB OF PROJECT ,or, ? BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL E HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED DATE \ INSPECTOR ; OlV REQUFSTN OF VAIL INSPECTI h'u,;,.TiJOB NAME 23 7s ER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: 1 li^L- THUR FRI ::::''?? MON tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr o tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED RBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, /-trI- fS ,rNSpEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t t l?,/DATE I ' :. i,: , JOB NAME:! READY FOR INSPECTION:futott INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CALLER TUES WED THUR AM]PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER ON i STEEL ! tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL - tr POOL / H. TUB tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR S. FINAL tr FINAL /ET APPROVED j/ CORRECTIONS:L/'' / | \- tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INS TOWN OF VAIL ''l (!i't ( r-" il PE CTION REQUEST IT NUMBER 1o PERM DATE OFP t, B orEc/ K5 Joa INSPECTION: NAME CALLEh MON TUES wED rHUR (.)READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - O Dtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHAN!GAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trD .FINAL tr FINAL C] APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL8FTOWNr)-,fL/rt, t ., CALLER -rues /ieo)THUR FRI )o .) l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJFCT onre '- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON NAME BUlLDlNG: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. qi noucH / wATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL E] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FI,GL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION BEOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR J o/3 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL r READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI ___4@'* PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .-l oerc V-,/,/ - 65 roe BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI 6 rRnurruc\ ^-.-.- " -, / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: UNDERGBOUND ROUGH / D.W.V.ON i STEEL 6cr) /efr-ROUGH / WATER ; ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK o POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr n ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL PBOVED tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR >oq5 INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL .t REQUEST S ._ .z/, THUR O i-r"f( INSPECTION: I NAME MON CALLER TUES WED AM f@ F--BEADY FOR LOCATION:U^, ) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJEGT oor, 1o/to/t9 ,o, B tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr u UMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. HOUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR 5efV{ (.: tr FINAL tr FINAL 4ppnoveo ,l::-tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: _7,DATE (-