HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 LOT E F VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 2001 PHASE 1 EXPANSION BOOK 1-2 LEGALI DTVISION T.INDEX l--ivision.......Section Title DIVISION 7- THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 072 I O...........BUILDING INSULATION 07241 ........,,.EXTERIOR INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEM 074 I I ...........M8TAL ROOF PANELS 07 412....,,-.METAL WALL PANELS 0753 I,..........EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFINC 07620...........SH88T METAL FLASHING AND TRIM. 077 I O...........MANUFACTURED ROOF SPECIALTIES 07720...........ROOF ACCESSORIES 07760...........ROOF IPLAZA PAVER MATERIALS 07 8 I I ...........SPRAY8D FIRE-RESISTIVE MATERIALS 0784I .....,.....THROUGH-PENETRATION FIRE STOP SYSTEMS m 920...........toINT SEALANTS END VNL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nsfr'uc tio n D o c um e nt s 15 October 2001 13 l0 11 I I I I I I I I t I t I t Ir I HLM 98007r-04 I sEcrroNoT2ro BAILDING INSULATION 1-.SECTION O72IO - BUILDING INSULATION I PARr r -.ENERAL I r.r RELATEDDocuMENTs A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and I Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY I A. This Section includes the following: l. Foundation wall insulation (supporting backfill). f| 2. Concealed building insulation. I 3. Vapor retarders. r B. Related Sections include the following: I I . Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete".2. Division 7 Section "Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems--Class PB" for insulation specified as I pan of rnese syslems. t 3. Division 7 Section "EPDM Membrane Roohng" for insulation specified as part of roofing constructron. 1; -' 4. Division 9 Sections "Gypsum Board Assemblies" and "Gypsum Board Shaft-Wall Assemblies" I for installation in metal-framed assemblies of insulation specified by reference to this Section.- 5. Division 15 Sections "Duct Insulation, Equipment Insulation, and "Pipe Insulation." ! 1.3 SUBMITTALS I A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated, including product test reports performed by a qualifred I independent testing agency complying with requirements. I 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCEI A. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of building insulation through one source. I B. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide insulation and related materials with the fire-test-response characteristics indicated, as determined by testing identical products per test method indicated below by I UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identify I materials with appropriate markings of applicahle testing and inspecting agency. I. Surface-Burning Characteristics: ASTM E 84. l| 2. Fire-Resistance Ratings: ASTM E I19. I 3. Combustion Characteristics: ASTM E 136. I I.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING - l- HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICALCENTER 07210-t I Design Development Pricing Documents 15 October 2001 I SECTION 07210 BUILDING INSALATION Protect insulation materials fiom physical damage and from deterioration by moisture, soiling, and other sources. Store inside and in a dry location. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for handling, storing, and protecting during installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MANI.]FACTURERS Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: l. Extruted-PolystyeneDrainagePanels: a. Dow Chemical Company. b. Owens Corning. c. DiversiFoam Products. d. Approved Equal. Glass-Fiber Insulation: a. Owens Corning. b. Approved Equal. Polyisocyanurate Board Insulation: a. Firestone Building Products. b. Apache Products Co. c. Celotex Corporation. d. Johns Manville Corporation. e. Approved Equal. C. INSULATING MATERIALS General: Provide insulating materials that comply with requirements and with referenced standards. l. Preformed Units: Sizes to fit applications indicated; selected from manufacturer's standard thicknesses, widths, and lengths. Extruded-Polystyrene Drainagc Panels: ASTM C 578, of type and density indicated below, with maximum flame-spread and smoke-developcd indices of 75 and 450, respectively: L Owens Corning Foamular 250, square edge. 2" minimum thickness. Unfaced, Glass-Fibcr Board Insulation: ASTMC5I8 for R-value, ASTM E 84 for Surface burning Charactieristics and ASTM E 96 for Perm Rating. Minimum R-value = 19. I . Owens Cornins Unfaced Thermal Batt Insulation. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J. B. 2.1 2.2 VAIL VAI,I,EY MEDICAL CENTER Design Developme nt Pricing Documents 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 07210-2 t sECrroN o72ro BAII-DING INSUIATION l--D. Polyisocyanurate Board Insulation: Roof insulation to be compatible with a Class A roof membrane systcm. Provide a system that tapers to the roof drains as per drawings and has a minimum R-value of 30. l. Firestone ISO 95+ roof insulation. 2.1 VAPOR RETARDERSIt A. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements UL Class A Frre rating, provide one of the following: I l. Vapor Retarder in Wall Cavity: I a. Fortifiber Pyro Kure 600. b. Griffolyn Type 55-FR I c. Architect approved equal. 2. Vapor Rctarder under Concrete Slab on Crade: a. Fortifiber Moistop Plus. b. Griffolyn Type 65 c. Architect approved equal. I B. Vapor-Retarder Tape: Pressure-sensitive tape of type recommended by vapor-retarder manufacturer forI sealingjoints and penetrations in vapor retarder. 2,4 AUXILIARY INSI,JLATING MATERIALS l A. Adhesive for Bonding Insulation: Product with demonstrated capability to bond insulation securely to I substrates indicated without damaging insulation and substrates. Product to be as recommended byr insulatation board manufacturer. I B. Protection Board: Premolded, semirigid asphalt/fiber composition board, l/4 inch thick, formed under I heat and pressure, of standard sizes. I 2.s TNsuLATToNATTAcHMENTt A. Extruded Polvstvrene Insulation Board: t l. Adhesively Attached per manufacturers recomrnendations r B. Fiber glass Batt Insultation: I l. Install per manufacturers recommendations. I C. Vapor Rerarder in Caviry Wall: I l. Install as indicatcd on drawings, and per manufacturer's recommendations. Material to be installed smooth without bunches in matcrial. Seam overlaps, edge sealing and sealing of penetrations to be per manufacturers recommendations. I I I l- I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Design Development Pricing Docunents 15 October 2001 HLM 98007r-04 07210-3 SECTION 07210 Vapor Retarder under Concrete Slab on Grade a. Install per manufacturers recommendations, laid smooth without folds or bunches of material. Searn overlaps, edge sealing and sealing of penetrations to be per manufacturers recommendations. PART 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine substrates and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for Sections in which substrates and related work are specified and other conditions affecting pcrformance. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION Clean substrates of substances harmful to insulations or vapor retarders, including removing projections capable of puncturing vapor retarders or of interfering with insulation attachment. INSTALLATION, CENERAL Comply with insulation manufacturer's written instructions applicable to producls and application indicated. Install insulation that is undamaged, dry, and unsoiled and that has not been left exposed at any time to ice and snow. Extend insulation in thickness indicated to envelop entire area to be insulated. Cut and lit tightly iuound obstructions and fill voids with insulation. Remove projections that interfere with placement. Water-Piping and Electrical Devise Coordination: If water piping is located on inside of insulated exterior walls, coordinate location of piping to ensure that it is placed on warm side of insulation and insulation encapsulates piping. Fully Insulate around all devices within wall cavity. Api;ly single layer of insulation to produce thickncss indicated, unless multiple layers are otherwise shown or required to make up total thickness. INSTALLATION OF PERIMETER INSULATION On vertical surfaces, set units in adhesivc applied according to manufacturer's written instructions. Use adhesive recommended by insulation manufacturer. I . If not indicated, extend insulation a minimum of 48 inches below extcrior grade line. Protcct below-grade insulation on vertical surfaces from damage during backfilling by applying protection board. Set in adhcsivc according to insulation manufacturer's written instructions. BT]ILDING INSUIATION I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I D. B. A. B. C. D, A. B. J.l -'t.z 3.3 3.4 VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Design Development Pricing Documents 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 07210-4 I I SECTION 07210 BUILDING INSALATION Protect top surface of horizontal insulation from damage during concrete work by applying protection board. INSTALLATION OF GENERAL BUILDING INSULATION Apply insulation units to substrates by method indicated, complying with manufacturer'.s written instructions. If no specific method is indicated, bond units to substrate with adhesive or use mechanical anchorage to provide perrnanent placement and support of units. Seal joints between closed-cell (nonbreathing) insulation units by applying adhesive, mastic, or sealant to edges ofeach unit to form a tight seal as units are shoved into place. Fill voids in completed installation with adhesive, mastic, or sealant a; recommended by insulation manufacturer. Install mineral-fiber blankets in cavitics formed by framing members according to the following requiremcnts: I . Use blanket widths and lengths that fill the cavities formed by framing members. If more than one length is required to fill cavity, provide lengths that will produce a snug fit between ends.2. Place blankets in cavities formed by framing members to produce a friction fit between edges of insulation and adjoining fiaming members. 3. For metal-framed wall cavities where cavity heights exceed 96 inches (2438 mm), support unfaced blankets mechanically and support faced blankets by taping stapling flanges to flanges of metal studs. Install board insulation on concrete substrates by adhesive attachement as recommended by manufacturer. INSTALLATION OF VAPOR RETARDERS General: Extend vapor retarder to extremities of areas to be protected from vapor transmission. Secure in place with adhesives or other anchorage system as recommended by manufacturer. Extend vapor retarder to cover miscellaneous voids in insulated substrates, including those filled with loose-fiber insulation. Seal vertical joints in vapor retarders over framing as recommended by manufacturer. Firmly attach vapor retarders to substrates with mechanical fasteners or adhesives as recommended by vapor-retarder manufacturer. Seal joints caused by pipes, conduits, electrical boxes, and similar items penetrating vapor retarders with vapor-retarder tape to create an airtight seal between penetrating objects and vapor retarder. Repair any tears or punctures in vapor retarders immediately before concealment by othcr work. Cover with vapor-retarder tape or another layer of vapor retarder. PROTECTION Protect installed insulation and vapor retarders from damage due to harmful weather exposures, physical abuse, and other causes. Provide temporary coverings or enclosures where insulation is subject to abuse and cannot be concealed and protected by permanent construction immediately after installation. B. C. D. 3.5I I I I I I I A. 3.6l- I B. c. D. A. I I I I I I J-- I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Design Development Pricing Docume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 07210-s SECTION O72IO END OF SECTION 07210 BAILDING INSUI-ATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Design Development Pricing Docurflents 15 October 2001 HLM 98OO7I.M 07210-6 I SECTION 07241 A. B. 1.2 I I I T I I SECTION 0724I - EXTERIOR INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEMS - CLASS PB PART I . GENERAL t.l VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruc tio n Do c ume nts 15 October 2001 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes the following: l. Exterior insulation and finish system (EIFS) applied over gypsum shearhing. Related Scctions include the following:Division 3 Section "Concrete" for substrate behind system.2. Division 4 Section "Masonry" for substrate behind system. 2. Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants" for sealingjoints in system with elastomeric joint sealants. 4. Division 9 Section "Gypsum Sheathing" for gypsum sheathing behind system. DEFINITIONS Class PB Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS) is defined by ASTM PS 49 as a "nonload bearing, exterior wall cladding system that consists of an insulation board attached either adhesively, mechanically, or both to the substrate; an integrally reinforced base coat; and a texture protective finish coat." Systems refer to Class PB EIFS. System manufacturer refers to EIFS manufacturer. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS General: Provide systems that comply with the following performance requirements: l. Bond Integrity: Free from bond failure within system components or between system and supporting wall construction, resulting from exposure to fire, wind loads, weather, or other in- service conditions. 2. Weathertightness: Resistant to water penetration from exterior into system and assemblies behindit or through them into interior of building that results in deterioration of thermal-insulating effectiveness or other degradation of system and assemblies behind it, including substratcs, supporting wall construction, and interior finish. Physical Properties of Cltus PB System: Provide EIFS whose physical propenies and structural performance comply with the following when tested per methods referenced: EXTERIOR INSUI-ATION AND FINISH SVSTEMS 1.3 I I I I I B. c. B. I I I HLM 980071-04 07241-1 SECTION 07241 -t. 4. 5. t. 6. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each component ofEIFS specified. EXTERIOR INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEMS Abrasion Resistanqe: Sample consisting of l-inch- thick EIFS mounted on l/2-inch thick gypsum board; curcd for a nrinimum of 28 days; and showing no cracking, checking, or loss of film integrity after exposure to 528 quarts of sand when tested per ASTM D 968, Method A. Accelerated Weathering Characteristics: Sample of size suitable for test equipment and consisting of l-inch- thick EIFS mounted on l/2-inch- thick gypsum board; cured for 28 days; and showing no cracking, checking, crazing, erosion, blistering, peeling, or delamination after testing for 2000 hours when viewed under five times magnification per the following: a. ASTM C 23, Method l. b. ASTM G 53. c. Either ASTM G 23, Method I or ASTM G 53. Absorption-Freeze Resistance: No visible deleterious effects and negligible weight loss after 60 cycles per EIMA l0l.0l. Mildcw Resistance: Sample consisting of finish coat applied to 2-by-2-inch clean glass substrate; cured for 28 days; and showing no growth when tested per ASTM D 3273. Salt-Spray Resistance: Sample consisting of l-inch- thick EIFS mounted on l/2-inch- thick gypsum board; cured for 28 days; and showing no cracking, checking, crazing, erosion, blistering, peeling, or delamination after testing for 300 hours per ASTM B I 17. Tensile Adhesion: No failure in the adhesive, base coat, or finish coat. Minimum 5-psi tensile strenglh before and after freeze-thaw and accelerated weathering tests per EIMA | 0l .03. Water Penetration: Sample consisting of l-inch- thick EIFS mounted on ll?-inch- (12.7 -mm- ) thick gypsum board; cured for 28 days; and showing no water penetration into the plane of the base coat to expanded polystyrene board interface of the test specimen after 15 minutes at 6.24 lbflsq. ft. of air pressure difference or 20 percent of positive design wind pressure, whichever is greater, across the specimen during a test period when tested per EIMA 101.02. Water Resislance: Sample consisting of l-inch- thick EIFS mounted on l/2-inch- thick gypsum board; curcd for 28 days; and showing no cracking, checking, crazing, erosion, blistcring, pceling, or delamination after testing for 14 days per ASTM D 2247. Impact Resistance: Sample consisting of l-inch thick EIFS when constructed, conditioned, and tested per EIMA 101.86; and meeting or exceeding the following impact classification and range: a. Standard Impact Resistance: 25-49 inchlb. Positive and Negative Wind-Load Performance: Sample assembly, 48 by 48 inches in size, consisting of studs, sheathing, and l-inch thick EIFS; and showing capability to withstand wind loads indicated when tested per ASTM E 330. Wind Loads: Refer to structural sheathing requirements. Normal thermal movement is defined as that resulting liom the following maximum change (range) in ambient temperature. Base design calculation on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime-sky heat loss. a. Temperature Change (Range): l00degF. Deflection: Limit deflection of framins members to less than U360 of the member. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7. 8. 9. t0. I t. 12. 13. I .-5 VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 07241-2 II SECTION 07241 B. EXTERIOR INSUI-{TION AND FINISH SYSTEMS Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturcr's color charts and small-scale samples consisting of units or sections of units showing the full range of colors, textures, and pattcrns available for each finish choice indicated. l. Submit sealant manufacturer's standard bead samples consisting of strips of actual products showing the full range ofcolors available. Samples for Verification: 24-inch- square panels for cach finish, color, texture, and pattern specified. Prepare samples using same tools and techniques intended for actual work. l. Incorporate within €ach sample a typical control joint filled with sealant of color indicated or selected. Installer Certificates: Signed by system manufacturer certirying that installers comply with specified requrrements. Qualification Data: For firms and pcrsons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and address of architects and owners, and other information specified. l. Insulation. 2. Joint sealants. Compatibility and Adhesion Tcst Reports: From sealant manufacturer indicating that materials forming joint substrates and joint sealant backings have been tested for compatibility and adhesion with joint sealants. Include joint sealant manufacturer's written interpretation of test results relative to sealant performance and recommendations for primers and substrate preparation needed to obtain adhesion. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: Engagc an experienced installer wiro is certihed in writing by system manufacturer as qualified to install manufacturer's system. Manufacturer Qualifications: Engage a firm experienced in manufacturing systems similar to those indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance. Source Limitations: Obtain materials for system from one source and by a single manufacturer or by manufacturers approved by EIFS manufacturer as compatible with other system components. Fire-Test-Responsc Characteristics: Provide system assemblies and components with the following fire- test-response characteristics as detcrmincd by testing identical products per test method indicated below by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identify products with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. 1. Flame Spread of Insulation Board and Finish Coats: 25 or less when tested individually per ASTM E 84. 2. Smoke Developed of Insulation Board and Finish Coats: 450 or less when tested individually per ASTM E 84. DELIVERY, STORACE, AND HANDLINC D. E. I I T I I I l-: I t I t I t I l- I F. 1.6 B. D. 1.7 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Cowtruction Documeds I5 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 07241-3 --:\ SECTION 07241 t.l0 A. EXTBRIOR INSALA,TION AND FINISH SYSTEMS Deliver materials in original, unopened packages with manufacturer's labels intact and clearly identifying products. Store materials inside and under cover; keep them dry and protectcd from the weather, direct sunlight, surface contamination, aging, corrosion, damaging temperatures, construction traffic, and other causes. l. Stack insulation board flatand off the eround. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Limitations: Do not install system when ambient outdoor air and substrate temperatures are 40 deg F and falling unless temporary protection and heat are provided to maintain ambient temperatures above 40 deg F during installation of wet materials and until they have dried thoroughly and become weather resistant, but for at least 24 hours after installation. COORDINATION AND SCHEDULINC Coordinate installation of EIFS with related Work specified in other Sections to ensure that wall assemblies, including sheathing, flashing, trim, joint sealers, windows, and doors, are protected against damage from the effects of weather, age, conosion, moisture, and other causes. Do not allow water to penetrate behind EIFS. WARRANTY Manufacturer's standard product and installation warranty. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering Class PB systems that may be incorporated into thc Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. El Rey Stucco Company, Inc. 2. Dryvit Systems Inc. 3. EIFS Inc. Energex./V itricon. 4. Architect Approved Equal MATERIALS Compatibility: Providc substratcs, adhcsivc, board insulation, reinforcing meshes, base- and finish-coat materials, sealants, and accessories that are compatible with one another and approved for use by system manufacturer for Project. Colors, Tcxturcs, and Pattcrns of Finish Coat: Comply with thc following rcquirements: l. Color#l: El Rey Sandlewood Biege CJ-1002, Royal Course. VAI L VAI,LEY M EDICAL CENTER C o nstr uctio n D oc ume nts I5 October 2001 t I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I t I A. B. A. B. 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.2 HLM 98007r-04 07241-4 I I SECTION 07241 2.3 MIXINC HLM 980071-04 EXTERIOR INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEMS 2. Color #2: El Rey River Rock PF - 1565, Medium Classique. 3. Color #3: to match STO color #20616 with fine sand fininsh. Adhesive for Application of Insulation: System manufacturer's standard formulation designed for indicated use, compatible with substrate, and complying with the following rcquirements: l. Factory-mixed formulation designed for adhesive attachment of insulation to substrates of type indicated, as recommcnded by system manuf'acturer. Molded-Polystyrene Board Insulation: Rigid, cellular thcrmal insulation formed by expansion of polystyrene resin beads or granules in a closed mold. Comply with system manufacturer's requirements, ASTM C 578 for Type I, and "EIMA Cuideline Specification for Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Insulation Board" for more stringent requirements for material performance and qualities of insulation, including dimensions and permissible variations, and the following: l. Before cutting and shipping, age insulation in block form by air drying for not less than six weeks or by another method approved by EIMA that produces equivalent results.2. Provide insulation in boards not more than 24 by 48 inches and in thickness indicated but not more than 4 inches or less than that allowed by ASTM PS 49. Reinforcing Mesh: Balanced, alkali-resistant, open-weave glass-fiber mesh treated for compatibility with other system materials, made liom continuous multiend strands with retained mesh tensile strength of not less than 120 lbflin per EIMA 105.01, complying with ASTM D 578 and the following requirements for minimum weieht: Standard Rcinforcing Mesh: Not less than 4.0 oz./sq. yd. Detail Reinforcing Mesh: Not less than 4 oz.lsq. yd. Corner Reinforcing Mesh: Not less than 7 .2 oz./sq. yd. Base-Coat Materials: System manufacturer's standard mixture complying with the following requirements for material composition and method of combining materials: l. Factory-blended dry formulation of portland cement, dry polymer admixture, and inert fillers to which only water is added at Project site. Finish-Coat Materials: System manufacturer's standard mixture complying with the following rcquirements for material composition and method of combining materials: l. Factory-mixed formulation of polymcr-emulsion binder, colorfast mineral pigments, sound stone particles, and fillers.. Water: Potable Trim Accessories: Type as designated or required to suit conditions indicated and to comply with system manufacturcr's written requirements, manufactured from vinyl plastic and complying with ASTM C I063. z- Casing Bead: Prefabricated one-piece type for attachment behind insulation, of depth required to suit thickness of coating and insulation, with face leg perforated for bonding to coating. Drip Screed: Prefabricated one-piccc type for attachment behind insulation, of depth required to suit thickness of coating and insulation, with face leg perforated for bonding to coating and extended to form a drip. D. I I I I t I l. 2. J. F. l. G.I I t I t I t- I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruc tion Do c am e nts 15 October 2001 I 0724L-s SECTION 07241 EXTERIOR INSALATION AND FINISH SYSTEMS General: Comply with system manufacturcr's rcquirements for combining and mixing materials. Do not introduce admixtures, water, or other materials except as recommended by system manufacturer. Mix materials in clean containers. Use materials within time period specified by system manufacturer or discard. SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL Correct deficiencies in or rcplace EIFS pancls that inspections and test reports indicate do not comply with requirements. Additional inspection and testing, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of corrected Work with requirements. PART 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of system. Proceed with installation of system only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION Protect contiguous work from moisture deterioration and soiling caused by application of systems. Provide temporary covering and other protection needed to prevent spattering of exterior finish coats on other work. Protect system, substrates, and wall construction behind them from inclement weather during installation. Prcvent infiltration of moisture behind system and deterioration of substrates. Prepare and clean substrates to comply with system manufacturer's written requirements to obtain optimum bond between substrate and adhesive for insulation. INSTALLATION Comply with ASTM PS 49 and system manufacturer\ written instructions for installation of system as applicable to each type of substrate indicated. Apply trim accessories at perimcter of systcm, at expansion joints, and clscwhcrc, as indicatcd. Usc drip screed at bottom edge of system, unless otherwise indicated. Use casing beads at other locarions. Adhesively attach insulation to comply with ASTM PS 49, system manufacturerl written requirements, and the following: l. Apply adhesive to insulation by notched-trowel method in a manner that results in adhesive's coating the entire surface of concrete and gypsum sheathing once insulation is adhered to substratc. Apply adhcsivc to a hcight of not lcss than l/4 inch for factory mixcd and not less than 3/8 inch for field mixed, measured from the surface of the insulation board before Dlacement. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruc tio n Doc ume nts I5 October 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I A. B. B. B. C. 3.1 3.2 -t. -1 HLM 980071-04 07241-6 z- I I SECTION 07241 EXTERIOR INSUIA.TION AND FINISH SYSTEMS Allow adhered insulation to remain undisturbed for period recommended by system manufacturer, but not less than 24 hours, before beginning rasping and sanding insulation, or applying base coat and reinforcing mesh. a. Steel Framing: 5/16 inch. Apply insulation boards over dry substrates in courses with long edges oriented horizontally. Begin first course from a level base line and work upward. Stagger vertical joints in successive courses to produce running bond pattcrn. Locatc joints so no piece of insulation is less than l2 inches wide or 6 inches high. Offset joints nor less than 6 inches from corners of window and door openings. a. Ollset joints of insulation not less than 6 inches from horizontal and 4 inches from vertical joints in sheathing. b. Offsetjoints of insulation not less than 4 inches from aesthetic reveals. Intcrlock ends at internal and external comers. Abut boards tightly at joints within and between each course to produce flush, continuously even surfaces without gaps or raised edges between insulation boards. If gaps greater than l/16 inch occur, fill with insulation cut to fit gaps exactly; insert insulation without using adhesive or other material. cut insulation to fit openings, corners, and projections precisely and to produce edges and shapes complying with details indicated. Rasp or sand flush entire surface of insulation to remove irregularities projecting more than l/32 inch from surface of insulation and to rcmovc yellowed areas due to sun exposure; do not create depressions deeper than l/16 inch. Install foam shapes attached to supporting substrate, where indicated. Interrupt insulation for expansion joints where indicated. Form joints for sealant application by leaving gaps between adjoining insulation edges and between insulation edges and dissimitar adjoining surfaces. Make gaps wide enough to produce joint widths indicated after encapsulating joint substrates with base coat and reinforcing mesh. Treat exposed edges of insulation board as follows: a. Wrap mesh of width required to extend not less than 2-ll2 inches onto substrate behind insulation board, cover insulation board edge, and extend not less than 2-ll2 inches onto insulation board face. b. Wrap edges of insulation board forming substrates of sealant joints within system or between systcm and other work by encapsulating with base coat and reinforcing mesh.13. Coordinate flashing installation with installation of insulation to producc a wall system that does not allow water to penetrate behind protective coating. Install expansionjoints at locations indicated, where required by system manufacturer, and as follows: l. Where expansion joints are indicated in substrates behind EIFS.2. Where EIFS adjoins dissimilar substrates, matcrials, and construction.3. Where wall he ight changes. Apply base coat to exposed surfaces of insulation and direct to concrete masonry units in minimum thickness recommended in writing by system manufacturer, but not less than l/16-inch drv-coat thickness. F. Embed reinforcing mesh of type indicated below in wet base coat to produce wrinkle-free installation with mesh continuous at corners and overlapped not less than 2-l/2 inches or othcrwise treated atjoints to comply with ASTM PS 49 and systcm manufacturer's writtcn rcquircments. Do not lap reinlbrcing mesh VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns lruc tio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2(Ml 7. 8. I I I I I I 12. D. t I I I I I I -). A 5. 6. 9. 10. ll. I HLM 980071-04 07241-7 r i.;:' SECTION 07241 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t C. A. B. 3.4 -J. ) Shapes: Fully embed reinforcing mesh in base coat. Apply finish coat over dry base coat. maintaining a wet thickness required by system manufacturer to produce a approved sample. EXTERIOR INSAIA.TION AND FINISH SYSTEMS edge at all times for uniform appearance, in uniform finish of color and texture matchins within 8 inches ol'corners. Completely embed mesh, applying additional base-coat material if necessary, so reinforcing-mesh color and pattern are not visible. l. Standard reinforcing mesh, unless othcrwisc indicatcd. Additional Reinforcing Mesh: Apply strip reinforcing mesh around openings extcnding 4 inchcs beyond perimeter. Apply additional 9-by-12-inch strip reinforcing mesh diagonally at corners of openings (re- entrant corners). Apply 8-inch- wide strip reinforcing mesh at both inside and outside comers, unless base layer of mesh is lapped not less than 4 inches on each side of corners. L Embed strip reinforcing mesh in base coat before applying first layer of reinforcing mesh. INSTALLATION OF JOINT SEALANTS Prepare joints and apply sealants, of type and at locations indicated, to comply with applicablc requirements in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants" and in "EIMA Guide for Use of Sealants with Exterior Insulation and Finish Svstems. Class PB." 1. 2. J. n 5. 6. Clean surfaces to receive sealants to comply with indicated requirements and system manufacturer's w tten instructions. Apply primer recommended in writing by sealant manufacturer for surfaces to be sealed. Install sealant backing to control depth and configuration of sealant joint and to prevent sealant from adhering to back ofjoint. Apply masking tape to protect areas adjacent to sealant joints. Remove tape immediately after tooling joints, without disturbing joint seal. Recess sealant sufficiently from surface of system so an additional sealant application, including backing rod, can be installed without protruding beyond system surface. Apply joint sealants after base coat has cured but before applying finish coat. CLEANING AND PROTECTING Remove temporary covering and protection of othcr work. Promptly remove coating materials from window and door frames and other surfaces outside areas indicated to receive system coatings. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to Installer and system manufacturer, that ensure system is without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 0724I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onstructio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 07241-8 I sECrroNoT4tr I METAL ROOF PANEI^S B. Related Sections include the following: l. Division 5 Section "Steel Deck" for steel roofdeck supporting metal roof panels. 2. Division 5 Section "Cold-Formed Metal Framing" for secondary support framing supporting metal roof panels. 3. Division 7 Section "Metal Wall Panels" for factory-formed metal soffit panels. 4. Division 7 Section "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim" for fasciae, copings, flashings and other sheet metal work not part of metal roof panel assemblies. 5. Division 7 Section "Manufactured Roof Specialties" for fasciae and copings not part of metal roof panel assemblies. 6. Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants" for field-applicd sealants not otherwise specified in this Section. ^ sEcTroN0T4ll -METALROOFPANELS r,.,,' I PART I.GENERAL I I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and gencral provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and I Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I t.2 suMMARYI A. This Section includes the followins: I l. Factory-formcd and field-assembled, standing-seam metal roof panels. 2. Factory-formed and -assembled, snow retention system for standing-seam metal roofpanels. I I II I.3 DEFINITIONS I A. Metal Roof Pancl Assembly: Metal roof panels, attachment system components, misccllaneous metal I framing, thermal insulation, and accessories necessary for a compiete weatheitight roofing system.I B. Solar Flux: Direct and diffuse radiation from the sun received at ground levcl over the solar spectrum, I expressed in watts per square metcr. - C. Solar Reflectance: Fraction of solar flux reflected by a surfacc, expressed as a percent or within the range of 0.00 and I .00. r 1.4 PERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTS I A. General: Provide metal roof panel assemblies that comply with pcrformance requirements specified asr determincd by testing manufaiturers' standard assemblies similar to those indicated for this Project, by a qualified testing and inspecting agcncy.II B. Air Infiltration: Air leakage through assembly of not morc than 0.06 cfnr/sq. ft. (0.3 L/s per sq. m) of roof arca when tested according to ASTM E 1680 at the following test-pressure diffcrence: a -,,' HLM gt007t-04 vATLvALLEy MEDICALCENTER 074u-rf Construction Documents 15 October 2001 I I SECTION 07411 METAL ROOF PANELS l. Test-Pressure Difference: Negative 1.57 lbf/sq. ft. (75 Pa). 2. Test-Pressure Difference: Positivc and negative [.57 lbf/sq. ft. (75 Pa). 3. Positive Preload TesrPressure Difference: Greater than or equal to 15.0 lbf/sq. ft. (720 Pa) and the greater of 75 percent of building live load or 50 percent of building dcsign positive wind- pressure difference. 4. Negativc Preload Test-Pressure Diffcrence: 50 percent of design wind-uplift-pressure difference. Water Penetration: No water penetration when tested according to ASTM E 1646 at the following test- pressure difference: I . Test-Pressure Difference: 2.86 lbflsq. ft. (137 Pa). 2. Test-Pressure Differencc: 20 pcrccnt of positive design wind pressure, but not less than 6.24 lbf/sq. ft. (300 Pa) and not more than 12.0 lbf/sq. ft. (575 Pa). 3. Positive Preload Test-Pressure Difference: Greater than or equal to 15.0 lbf/sq. ft. (72O Pa) and the greater of 75 percent of building live load or 50 percent of building design positive wind- pressure difference. 4. Negative Preload Test-Pressure Difference: 50 percent of design wind-uplift-pressure difference. D. Watcr Absorption: Maximum 1.0 percent absorption rate by volume when tested according to ASTM C 209. Wind-Uplift Resistance: Provide metal roof panel assemblies that comply with UL 580 for wind-uplift resistance class indicated. FMG Listing: Provide metal roof panels and component materials that comply with requirements in FMG 447 | as part of a panel roofing system and that are listed in FMG's "Approval Guide" for Class I or noncombustible construction, as applicable. Identi$ materials with FMG markings. Fire/Windstorm Classification: Class lA-90. Hail Resistance: MH. Thermal Movements: Provide metal roof panel assemblies that allow for thermal movements resulting from the following maximum change (range) in ambient and surface temperatures by preventing buckling, opening ofjoints, overstressing of components, failure ofjoint sealants, failure of connections, and other detrimental ef'fects. Base engineering calculation on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime-sky heat loss. l. Temperature Change (Range): 120 deg F (67 deg C), ambient; 180 deg F (100 dcg C), material surfaces. Thermal Performance: Provide insulated metal roof panel assemblies with thermal-resistance value (R- value) indicated when tested according to ASTM C 236 or ASTM C 518. Solar Reflectance for Roofs with Slopes of 2:12 or Less: Initial solar reflectance of not less than 0.65 when tested according to ASTM E 903, and maintained, under normal conditions, solar reflectance of not Iess than 0.50 lbr 3 years after installation. Solar Reflectance for Roofs with Slopes Steeper Than 2:12: lnitial solar reflectance of not less than 0.25 when tested according to ASTM E 903, and maintained, under normal conditions, solar reflectance not less than 0.15 lbr 3 years alier installation. SUBMITTALS I t I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I t I l. z- F. G. 1.5 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns truc tio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 07411-2 I I c. I I I I I I SECTION O74II METAL ROOF PANELS Product Data: Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes for each type of mctal roof panel and accessory. B. Shop Drawings: Show fabrication and installation layouts of mctal roof panels; details of edge conditions, joints, panel profiles, corners, anchorages, trim, flashings, closures, and accessories; and special details. Distinguish bctween factory- and field-assembled work. I . Accessories: Include details of the following items, at a scale of not less than I - l/2 inches per 12 inches(l:10): a. Flashing and trim. b. Gurtcrs. c. Downspouts. d. Roof curbs. e. Snow guards. 2. For installed products indicated to comply with design loads, include structural analysis data signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for thcir preparation. Coordination Drawings: Roof plans drawn to scale and coordinating penetrations and roof-mounted items. Show the following: l. Roof panels and attachments. 2. Purlins and rafters. 3. Roof-mounted items including roof hatches, equipment suppons, pipe supports and penetrations, lighting fixtures, snow guards, and items mounted on roof curbs. Samples for Initial Selection: For each type of metal roof panel indicated with factory-applied color finishes. l. Include similar Samples of trim and accessories involving color selection. Samples for Verification: For each type of exposed finish required, prepared on Samples of size indicated below. l. Metal Roof Panels: 12 inches (300 mm) long by actual panel width. Include fasteners, closures, and other metal roof panel accessories. 2. Translucent Panels: l 2 inches (300 mm) long by actual panel width. 3. Trim and Closures: l2 inchcs (3()0 mrn) long. Include fasteners and other exposed acccssories.4. Vapor Retarders: 6-inch- ( 150-mm-) square Samples. 5. Accessories: l2-inch- (300-mm-) long Samples for each type of accessory. Field quality-control inspection reports. Product Test Reports: Based on evaluation of comprehensive tests pcrformed by a qualified testing agency, for the following: L Metal Roof Panels: Include reports for air infiltration, water penetration, and structural performance. 2. Insulation and Vapor Retarders: Include reports for thermal resistance, firc-test-response characteristics, water-vapor transmission, and water absorption. Maintcnancc Data: For metal roof panels to include in maintenance manuals. l- D. I I I I I I F. G. H. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc ume nts 15 October 2001t I HLM 98007r-04 07411-3 SECTION O74II I I I I I I I I I I B. D. 1.6 I I I I I I I I t_ C. METAL ROOF PANELS Warranties: Special warranties specified in this Section. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: An employer of workers trained and approved by manufacturer. l. Installer's responsibilities include fabricating and installing metal roof panel assemblies and providing professional engineering services needed to assume engineering responsibility. 2. Engineering Responsibility: Preparation of data for metal roof panels, including Shop Drawings, based on testing and engineering analysis of manufacturer's standard units in assemblies similar to those indicated for this Project. Testing Agency Qualifications: Qualified according to ASTM E 329 for testing indicated, as documented according to ASTM E 548. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of metal roof panels through one source from a single manufacturer. Product Options: Drawings indicate size, profiles, and dimensional requirements of metal roof panels and are based on the specific system indicated. Refer to Division I Section "Product Requirements." l. Do not modify intended aesthetic effects, as judged solely by Architect, except with Architect's approval. If modifications are proposed, submit comprehensive explanatory data to Architect for review. Fire-Resistance Ratings: Where indicated, providc rnetal roof panels identical to those of assemblies tested for fire resistance per ASTM E I 19 by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. l. Combustion Characteristics: ASTM E 136. 2. Fire-Resistance Ratings: Indicated by design designations from UL's "Fire Resistance Directory" or fiom the listings of another testing and inspecting agency. 3. Metal roof panels shall bc identified with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. Surface-Burning Characteristics: Provide insulated metal roof panels having insulation core matcrial with the following surface-burning characteristics as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84 by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction: l. Flame-Sprcad Indcx: 25 or lcss, unless othcrwise indicated. 2. Smoke-Developed Index: 450 or less, unless otherwise indicated. Preliminary Roofing Conference: Before starting roof construction, conduct conference at Project sitc. Comply with requirements for preinstallation conferences in Division I Section "Project Management and Coordination." Review methods and procedures related to roof construction and metal roof panels including, but not linrited to, the lbllowing: l. Mcct with Owncr, Architcct, Owncr's insurer if applicable, testing and inspecting agency representative, metal roof panel Installer, metal roof panel manufacturer's representative Installer, and installers whose work interfaces with or affects metal rool'panels including installers of roof acccssorics and roof-mountcd equipmcnt. 2. Review and finalize construction schedule and verify availability of materials, Installer! personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid dclays. I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc uments 15 October 2001 HLM 9EOO7I-04 07411-4 I I SECTION 07411 PART 2. PRODUCTS HLM 98007t-04 METAL ROOF PANELS Review methods and procedures related to metal roof panel installation, including manufacturer's written instructions. Examine conditions for compliance with requirements, including flatncss and attachment to structural members. Review structural loading limitations of during and after roofing. Review flashings, special roof details, roof drainage, roof penetrations, equipment curbs, and condition of other construction that will affect metal roof panels. Review governing regulations and requirements for insurance, certificates, and testing and inspecting if applicable. Review temporary protection requirements for metal roofpanels during and after installation. Review roof obscrvation and repair procedures after metal roof panel installation. COORDINATION Coordinate installation of roof curbs, equipment supports, and roof penetrations, which are specified in Division 7 Section "Roof Accessories." Coordinate metal panel roof assemblies with rain drainage work, flashing, trim, and construction of parapets, walls, and other adjoining work to provide a leakproof, secure, and noncorrosive installation. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B. 1.7 1.8 I I I I I I WARRANTY Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form components of metal roof panel assemblies that in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace fail in materials or workmanship within specified B. wananty period. 1. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Structural failures, including rupturing, cracking, or puncturing. b. Deterioration of metals, metal finishes, and other materials beyond normal weathering. Special Wananty on Panel Finishes: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrces to repair finish or replace metal roof panels that show evidencc of deterioration of factory-applied finishes within spccified wananty period. l. Fluoropolymer Finish: Deterioration includes, but is not limited to, the following: a. Color fading more than 5 Hunter units when tested according to ASTM D 2244. b. Chalking in excess ofa No. 8 rating when tested according to ASTM D 4214. c. Cracking, checking, peeling, or failure of paint to adhere to bare metal. 2. Finish Warranty Period: 20 years from date of Substantial Completion. Special Weathertightness Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to rcpair or replace metal roof panel assemblies that fail to remain weathertight, including leaks, within specified wananty period. l. Weathertight Warranty Period: Five years from date of Substantial Completion. C. I t I I I I l--'VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 I 07411-5 ,---./ SECTION O74II METAL ROOF PANELS MANUFACTURERS In other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requiremenls apply for product selection: l.Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the products specified. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offcring products that may bc incorporated into the Work include, but are not limitcd to, the manufacturers specified. Basis-of-Design Product: The design for each metal roof panel specified is based on the product named. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide either the namcd product or a comparable product by one of the other manufacturers specificd. PANEL MATERIALS Aluminum Sheet: Coil-coated sheet, ASTM B 209 (ASTM B 209M), with temper as required to suit forming operations and structural performance required. a. Aluminum panel: Snap-Clad Panels by Peterson Aluminim. .04 3105-Hl4 aluminum with a standing seam at 16" oc. 2. Surface: Smooth, flat finish. 3. Exposed Finishes: Apply the following coating, as specified or indicated on Drawings. a. Kynar 500 - Medium Bronze by PAC-CLAD Steel. 4. Concealed Finish: Apply pretreatment and manufacturer's standard white or light-colored acrylic or polyester backer finish, consisting of prime coat and wash coat with a minimum total dry film thickness of 0.5 mil (0.013 mm). Panel Sealants: L Sealant Tape: Pressure-sensitive, 100 percent solids, gray polyisobutylene compound sealant tape with release-paper backing. Provide permanently elastic, nonsag, nontoxic, nonstaining tape ll2 inch (13 mm) wide and 1/8 inch (3 mm) thick. Joint Scalant: ASTM C 920; elastomeric polyurethane, polysulfide, or silicone sealant; of type, grade, class, and use classifications required to seal joints in metal rool' panels and rcmain weathertight; and as recommended in writing by mecal roof panel manufacturer. Butvl-Rubber-Based. Solvent-Release Sealant: ASTM C I 3l l. UNDERLAYMENT MATERIALS Felts: ASTM D 226, 30# asphalt-saturated organic felts. 2,4 SUBSTRATE BOARDS A. 5/8" exterior grade non-combustible plywood. B. Substrate-Board Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fasteners and nrctal or plastic plates complying with corrosion-resistance provisions in FMG 4470, dcsigncd for fastening substrate board to substrate. VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc ume nts I5 October 2001 I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I z- J. 3. B. 2.1 2.2 z-:t HLM 98007r-04 07411-6 2.5 I I SECTION O74II METALROOF PANEIS MISCELLANEOUS METAL FRAMING General: Comply with ASTM C 754 for conditions indicated. l. Steel Sheet Components: Complying with ASTM C 645 requirements for metal and with manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant zinc coating. Fasteners for Metal Framing: Of type, material, size, corrosion resistance, holding power, and other properties required to fasten steel members to substrates. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS Fasteners: Self-tapping screws, bolts, nuts, self-locking rivets and bolts, end-welded studs, and other suitable fasteners designed to withstand design loads. Provide exposed fasteners with heads matching color of metal roof panels by means of plastic caps or factory-applied coating. l. Fasteners for Roof Panels: Self-drilling or self-tapping, zinc-plated, hex-head carbon-steel screws, with a stainless-steel cap or zinc-aluminum-alloy head and EPDM or neoprene sealing washer.2. Fasteners for Roof Panels: Self-drilling or self-tapping 410 stainless or zinc-alloy steel hex washer head, with EPDM or PVC washer under heads of fasteners bearing on weather side of metal roof panels. 3. Fasteners for Flashing and Trim: Blind fasteners or self-drilling screws with hex washer head.4. Blind Fasteners: High-strength aluminum or s[ainless-steel rivets. Bituminous Coating: Cold-applied asphalt mastic, SSPC-Paint 12, compounded for lS-mil (0.4-mm) dry film thickness per coat. Provide inert-type noncorrosive compound free of asbestos fibers, sulfur components, and other deleterious impurities. 2.7 STANDING-SEAM METAL ROOF PANELS A. General: Provide factory-formed metal roof panels designed to be field assembled by lapping and interconnecting raised side edges of adjacent panels with joint type indicated and mechanically attaching panels to supports using concealed clips in side laps. Include clips, cleats, pressure plates, and acccssories required for weathertight installation. l. Steel Panel Systems: Unless more stringent requirements are indicated, comply with ASTM E 1514. 2. Aluminum Panel Systems: Unless more stringent requirements are indicated, comply with ASTM E 1637. B. Vertical-Rib, Snap-Joint, Standing-Seam Metal Roof Panels : Formed with vertical ribs at panel edges and between ribs; designed for sequential installation by mechanically attaching panels to supports using concealed clips located under one side of panels and engaging opposite edge of adjacent panels, and snapping panels together. l. Basis-of-Design Product: PAC-CLAD, "Snap On Panels" by Peterson Aluminum Corporation or a comparable product of one of the following: 2. Manufacturers: a. AEP-Span. b. BerridgeManufacturingCompany. c. Approved equal. VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER C onstructio n Doc un e nts 15 October 2(Ml B. 2.6 I I I I I I B. I I I I t I I HLM 980071-04 07411-7 SECTION O74II I t I I I I I I I I t I t t I I I I I 3. B. D. 2.8 METALROOF PANEIS 5. Material: Aluminum sheet, [0.032 inch (0,E mm)] t0.0a0 inch (1.0 mm)l thick. a. Exterior Finish: Kynar 500. b. Color: Medium Bronze as per PAC-CLAD Steel. Batten: Same material, finish, and color as roof panels. Clips: Floating to accommodate thermal movement. ACCESSORIES Roof Panel Accessories: Provide components required for a complete metal roof panel assembly including trim, copings, fasciae, corner units, ridge closures, clips, flashings, sealants, gaskcts, fillers, closure strips, and similar items. Match material and finish of metal roof panels, unless otherwise indicated. L Closures: Provide closures at eaves and ridges, fabricated of same metal as metal roof panels. 2. Clips: Minimum 0.0625-inch- (l.6-mm-) thick, stainless-steel panel clips designed to withstand negativeload requirements. 3. Cleats: Mechanically seamcd cleats formed from minimum 0.0250-inch- (0.64-mm-) thick, stainless-steel or nylon-coated aluminum sheet. 4. Backing Plates: Provide metal backing plates at panel end splices, fabricated from material recommended by manufacturer. 5. Closure Strips: Closed-cell, expanded, cellular, rubber or crosslinked, polyolefin-foam or closed- cell laminated polyethylene; minimum I -inch- (25-mm-) thick, flexible closure strips; cut or premolded to match metal roof panel profile. Provide closure strips where indicated or necessary to ensure weathertight construction. Flashing and Trim: Formed from 0.0179-inch- (0.45-mm-) thick, zinc-coated (galvanized) steel sheet or aluminum-zinc alloy-coated steel sheet prepainted with coil coating. Provide flashing and trim as required to seal against weather and to provide finished appearance. Locations include, but are not limited to, eaves, rakes, corners, bases, framed openings, ridges, fasciae, and fillers. Finish flashing and trim with same finish system as adjacent metal roof panels. Gutters: Formed from 0.0179-inch- (0.45-mm-) thick, zinc-coated (galvanized) steel sheet or aluminum- zinc alloy-coated steel sheet prepainted with coil coating. Match profile of gable trim, complete with end pieces, outlet tubes, and othcr special pieces as required. Fabricate in minimum 96-inch- (2400-mm-) long sections, sized according to SMACNAb "Architectural Shcct Metal Manual." Furnish gutter supports spaced 36 inches (900 mm) o.c., fabricated from same metal as gutters. Provide bronze, copper, or aluminum wirc ball strainers at outlets. Finish gutters to match. Downspouts: Formed from 0.0179-inch- (0.45-mm-) thick, zinc-coated (galvanized) steel sheet or aluminum-zinc alloy-coatcd steel sheet prepainted with coil coating; in l0-foot- (3-m-) long sections, complete with formed elbows and offsets. Finish downspouts to match mctal roof panels. Roof Curbs: Fabricated from 0.0478-inch- (1.2-mm-) thick, zinc-coated (galvanized) steel sheet or aluminum-zinc alloy-coatcd stccl sheet prepainted with coil coating; with welded top box and bottom skirt, and integral full-length cricket. Fabricate curb subframing of minimum 0.0598-inch- ( 1.5-mm-) thick, angle-, C-, or Z-shaped steel sheet. Fabricatc curb and suhframing to withstand indicated loads, of size and height indicatcd. Finish roofcurbs to match metal roof panels. | . Insulate roof curb with | -inch- (25-mm-) thick, rigid insulation. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns truc tio n Doc ame nts IS October 2001 HLM 98007r-04 07411-8 I SECTION O74II F. METAL ROOF PANELS Snow Cuards: Prefabricated, noncorrosive units designed to bc installed without penetrating metal roof panels, and complete with predrilled holes, clamps, or hooks for anchoring. I' Scam-Mounted, Bar-Type Snow Guards: stainless-steel rods or bars held in place by stainless- steel clamps attached to vertical ribs of standing-seam metal roofpanels. a. Stainless-Steel Finish: Kynar finish to match roofing system b. Producrs: SNOBAR by Riddell & Company or approved equal. Pipe Flashing: Premolded, EPDM pipe collar with flexible aluminum ring bonded to base. FABRICATION Ceneral: Fabricate and finish metal roof panels and accessories at lhe factory to greatcst extent. possible, by manufacturerl standard procedurcs and processes, as necessary to fulfill indicated performance requirements demonstrated by laboratory testing. Comply with indicated profiles and with dimensional and structural requirements. Provide panel profile, including major ribs and intermediate stiffening ribs, if any, for full length of panel. Where indicated, fabricate metal roof panel joints with factory-installed captive gaskcts or separator strips that provide a tight seal and prevent metal-to-metal contact, in a manner that will minimize noise from movements within panel assembly. Sheet Metal Accessories: Fabricate flashing and trim to comply with recommendations in SMACNA'S "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" that apply to the design, dimensions, metal, and other characteristics of item indicated. Form exposed sheet metal accessories that are without excessive oil canning, buckling, and tool marks and that are true to line and levels indicated, with exposed edges folded back to form hems. Seams for Aluminum: Fabricate nonmoving seams with flat-lock seams. Form seams and seal with epoxy seam sealer. Rivet joints for additional strength. Seams for Other Than Aluminum: Fabricate nonmovins seams seams. Tin edges to be seamed, form seams, and solder. Sealed Joints: Form nonexpansion but movable joints in metal sealant to comply with SMACNA standards. 5. 6. Conceal fasteners and expansion provisions whcre possible. Exposed fasteners are not allowed on faces of accessories exposcd to view. Fabricatc cleats and attachment devices from same material as accessory being anchored or from compatible, noncorrosive metal recommended by metal roof panel manufacturer. a. Size: As recommended by SMACNA's "Architectural Shect Metal Manual" or metal roof panel manufacturer for application but not less than thickness of metal bcing secured. FINISHES, CENERAL Comply with NAAMM'.s "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations fbr applying and designating finishes. Protect mechanical and painted finishes on exposed surfaccs fiorn damage by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering beforc shipping. c. B. c. 2.9 I I t I I I J. A I I I I I I I D. l. 2.10 A. B. in accessories with flarlock to accommodate elastomeric I- t VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Co nstruc tio n D oc u me nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 07411-9 SECTION 07411 METALROOFPANELS I Appearance of Finished Work: Variations in appearance of abutting or adjacent pieces are acceptable if they are within one-hall'of the range of approved Samples. Noticeable variations in the same piece are not acceptable. Variations in appearance of other components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples and are asse mtrled or installed to minimize contrast. PART 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requiremcnts for installation tolerances, metal roof panel supports, and other conditions affecting performance of work. l. Examine primary and secondary roof framing to veriry that rafters, purlins, angles, channels, and other structural panel support members and anchorages have been installed wilhin alignment tolerances required by metal roof panel manufacturer. 2. Examine solid roof sheathing to verify that sheathing joints are supported by framing or blocking and that installation is within flatness tolerances required by metal roof panel manufacturer. 3. For the record, prepare written report, endorsed by Installer, listing conditions detrimental to performance of work. Examine roughing-in for componcnts and systems penetrating metal roof panels to verify actual locations ofpenetrations relative to seam locations of metal roof panels before metal roof panel installation. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been conected. PREPARATION Clean substrates of substances harmful to insulation, including removing projections capable of interfering with insulation attachment. Substrate Board: Install substrate boards over roof deck on entirc roof surface. Attach with substrate- board fasteners. l. Install substratc board with long joints in continuous straight lines, perpcndicular to roof slopes with end joints staggered between rows. Tightly butt substrate boards together. 2. Comply with UL requirements for fire-rated construction. Install flashings and other sheet metal to comply with requirements spccified in Division 7 Section "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim." Install fasciae and copings to comply with requirements specified in Division 7 Section "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim." Miscellaneous Framing: Install subpurlins, cavc angles, furring, and other miscellaneous roof pancl support members and anchoragc according to metal roof panel manufacturer\ written rccommendations. UNDERLAYMENT INSTALLAT]ON A. Felt Underlayment: roof panels, unless HLM 980071-04 Install felt underlayment and building-papcr slip sheet on roof sheathing under metal otherwise rccommcnded by metal roof panel manufacturer. Usc adhesive for VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc ume nts I5 October 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I C. B. B. c. D. 3.1 3.2 -1. -1 07411-10 I I B. C. 3.4 I I I I I I SECTION O74II C. METALROOF PANELS temporary anchorage, where possible, to minimize use of mechanical fasteners undcr metal roof panels. Apply at locations indicated on Drawings, in shingle fashion to shed water, with lapped joints of not less than 2 inches (50 mm). l. Apply liom eave to ridge. 2. Apply on roof not covered by self-adhering sheet underlayment. Lap cdges of self-adhering sheet underlayment not less than 3 inches (75 mm), in shingle fashion to shed water. Install flashings to cover underlayment to comply with requirements specified in Division 7 Section "Sheet Mctal Flashing and Trim." Apply slip sheet over underlayment before installing metal roofpanels. METAL ROOF PANEL INSTALLATION. GENERAL General: Provide metal roof panels of full length from eave to ridge, unless otherwise indicated or restricted by shipping limitations. Anchor metal roof panels and other components of the Work securely in place, with provisions for thermal and structural movement. l. Field cutting ofmetal roof panels by torch is not permitted. 2. Install panels perpendicular to purlins. 3. Rigidly fasten eave end of metal roof panels and allow ridge end free movement due to thermal expansion and contraction. Predrill panels. 4. Provide metal closures at [each sidc ofridge caps. 5. Flash and seal metal roof panels with weather closues at eaves, rakes, and at perimeter of all openings. Fasten with self-tapping screws. 6. Locate and space fastenings in uniform vertical and horizontal alignment. 7. Install ridge caps as metal roof panel work proce€ds. 8. Locate panel splices over, but not anached to, structural supports. Stagger panel splices and end laps to avoid a four-panel lap splice condition. 9. Lap metal flashing over metal roof panels to allow moistrrre to run over and off the material. Fasteners: l.Steel Roof Panels: Use stainless-steel fasteners for surfaces exposed to the extcrior and galvanized steel fasteners for surfaces exposed to the interior. Aluminum Roof Pancls: Use aluminum or stainless-steel fasteners for surfaces cxposed to the exterior and aluminum or galvanized steel fastcners for surfaces exposed to the interior. Copper Roof Panels: Use copper or stainless-steel fasteners. Stainless-Steel Roof Panels: Use stainless-steel fasteners. Mctal Protection: Where dissimilar metals will contact each other or corrosive substrates, protect against galvanic action by painting contact surfaces with bituminous coating, by applying rubberized-asphalt underlayment to each contact surface, or by other pcrmanent separation as recommended by metal roof panel manufacturer. l. Coat back side of aluminumroof panels with bituminous coating where roof panels will contact wood, ferrous metal, or cementitious construction. Joint Scalcrs: Install gaskets, joint fillers, and sealants where indicatcd and where required for weatherproof performance of metal roof panel assemblies. Provide types of gaskets, fillers, and scalants indicated or, if not indicated, types recommended by metal roof panel manufacturer. B.I I I I T -t. A D. I l- I VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc u me nts 15 October 2001 I HLM 980071-04 07411-I I SECTION O74II METALROOF PANEI,S I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. A 5. D. 3.5 3.6 C. F. C. Seal metal roof pancl cnd laps with double beads ol' tapc or sealant, full width of panel. Seal side joints where recommended by metal roof panel manufacturer. Prepare joinn and apply sealants to comply with requirements in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants." ACCESSORY INSTALLATION Ceneral: Install accessorics with positive anchorage to building and weathertight mounting and provide for thermal expansion. Coordinate installation with flashings and other components. l. Install components required for a complete metal roof panel assembly including trim, copings, ridge closures, seam covers, flashings, sealants, gaskets, fillers, closure strips, and similar items. Flashing and Trim: Comply with performance requirenrents, manufacturer's written installation instructions, and SMACNA's "Architectural Shect Metal Manual." Provide concealed fastcners where possible, and set units true to line and level as indicated. Install work with laps, joints, and seams that will be permanently watertight and weather resistant. l. Install exposed flashing and trim that is without excessive oil canning, buckling, and tool marks and that is true to line and levels indicated, with exposed edges folded back to form hems. Install sheet metal flashing and trim to fit substrates and to result in waterproof and weather-resistant performance. 2. Expansion Provisions: Provide for thermal expansion of exposed flashing and trim. Space movement joints at a maximum of l0 feet (3 m) with no joints allowed within 24 inches (600 mm) of corner or intersection. Where lapped or bayonet-type expansion provisions cannot be used or would not be sufficiently weather resistant and waterproof, form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not less than I inch (25 mm) deep, filled with mastic sealant (concealed within joints). Gutters: Join sections with riveted and soldered or lapped and sealed joints. Attach gutters to eave with gutter hangers spaced nol more than 4 feet (1.2 m) o.c. using manufacturer's standard fasteners. Provide end closures and seal watenight with sealant. Provide for thermal expansion. Downspouts: Join sections with l-l/2-inch (38-mm) telescoping joints. Provide fasteners designed to hold downspouts securely I inch (25 mm) away from walls; locate fastcncrs at top and bottom and at approximately 60 inches (1500 mm) o.c. in between. l. Provide elbows at basc of downspouts to direct water away from building. 2. Tie downspouts to underground drainage system indicated. Roof Curbs: Install curbs at locations indicatcd on Drawings. Install flashing around bases whcrc they meet metal roof panels. Bar-Type Snow Guards: Attach bar supports to vertical ribs of standing-seam metal roof panels with clamps or set screws. Do not usc fasteners that will penetrate metal roof panels. Pipe Flashing: Form flashing around pipe penetration and metal roof pancls. Fasten and seal to metal roof pancls as recommended by manufacturer. ERECTION TOLERANCES VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Do c ume nts 15 Octoher 2001 HLM 980071-04 0741I-12 I I SECTION 07411 METAL ROOF PANEIS Installation Tolerances: Shim and align metal roofpanel units within installed tolerance of l/4 inch in 20 feet (6 mm in 6 m) on slope and location lines as indicated and within l/8-inch (3-mm) offset of adjoining faces and of alignment of matching profiles. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Manufacturer's Field Service: Engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect completed metal roof panel installation, including accessories. Report results in writing. Remove and replace applications of metal roof panels where inspections indicate that they do not comply with specifi ed requirements. Additional inspections, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of replaced or additional work with specilied requirements. CLEANING AND PROTECTION Remove temporary protective coverings and strippable films, if any, as metal roof panels are installed, unless otherwise indicated in manufacturer's written installation instructions. On completion of metal roof panel installation, clean finished surfaces as recommended by metal roof panel manufacturer. Maintain in a clean condition during construction. Replace metal roof panels that have been damaged or have deteriorated beyond successful repair by finish touchup or similar minor repair procedures. END OF SECTION O74I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruc tio n Docume rrts 15 October 2(NI 3.7 3.8 I I I I I I B. B. b I T I I I t I I HLM 980071-04 074il-13 t I/-\ f "':r I I I I I I SECTION 07412 SECTION 07412 - METAL WALL PANELS PART I . CENERAL METAL WALL PANEI^S t.l RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes the following: l. Factory-formed and field-assembled, concealed-fastener, lap-seam metal wall panels . Related Sections include the following: l. Division 5 Section "Cold-Formed Metal Framing" for secondary support framing supporting metal wall panels. 2. Division 7 Section "Metal Roof Panels" for factory-formed metal soffit panels. 3. Division 7 Section "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim" forl flashings and other sheet meral work not part of metal wall panel assemblies. 4. Division 7 Section "Manufactured Roof Specialties" for not part of metal wall panel assemblies.5. Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants" for field-applied sealans not otherwise specified in this Section. DEFINTTION Metal Wall Panel Assembly: Metal wall panels, attachment system componcnts, miscellaneous metal framing, thermal insulation, and accessories necessary for a complete weathertight system. t.2 B. 1.3 t I t I 1.4 PERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTS A. General: Provide metal wall panel assemblies that comply with performance requirements specified as determined by testing manufacturers' standard assemblies similar to those indicated for this Project, by a qualified testing and inspecting agency. B. Air Infiltration: Air leakage through assembly of not more than 0.06 cfny'sq. ft. (0.3 t /s per sq. m) of wall area when tested according to ASTM E 283 at a static-air-pressure difference of 6,2 lbf/sq. fL (3fi) pa)>. I C. Waler Penetration: No water penetration when tested according to ASTM E 33 | at a I differential pressure of 20 perccnt of inward-acting, windload design prcssure of not less lbf/sq. ft. (3ffi Pa) and not more than 12 lbf/sq. ft. (575 Pa). D. Water Penetration: No evidence of water leakage when tested according to AAMA 501 .l under dynamic pressure equal to 20 percent of inward-acting, wind-load design pressurc of not less than 6.A lbf/sq. ft. (300 Pa) and not more than l2 lbf/sq. ft. (575 Pa). mlnlmum than 6.4 I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns tructio n D oc ume nts 15 OAober 2001 I HLM 980071-04 07412-1 METALWALLPANELS ISECTION 07412 L Water Leakage: As defined according to AAMA 50 | . l. 2. Water Leakage: Uncontrolled water infiltrating the system or appearing on system's normally exposed interior surfaces from sources other than condensation. Water controlled by flashing and gutters that is drained back to the extcrior and cannot damage adjacent materials or finishes is not water leakage. Water Absorption: Maximum 1.0 percent absorption rate by volume when tested according to ASTM C 209. Structural Performance; Provide metal wall panel assemblies capable of withstanding the effects of gravity loads and the following loads and strcsses within limits and under conditions indicated, based on testing according to ASTM E 1592: Seismic Performance: Provide metal wall panel assemblies capable of withstanding the effects of earthquake motions determined according to ASCE 7, "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures": Section 9, "Earthquake Loads.". Thermal Movements: Provide metal wall panel assemblies that allow for thcrmal movements resulting from the following maximum change (range) in ambient and surface temperatures by preventing buckling, opening ofjoints, overstressing of components, failure ofjoint sealants, failurc of connections, and other detrimental effects. Base engineering calculation on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime-sky heat loss. l. Temperature Change (Range): 120 degF (67 degC), ambient; 180 degF (100 degC), material surfaces. Thermal Movements for Metal-Faced Composite Wall Panels: Provide composite wall panel assemblies that allow for noiseless thermal movements resulting from the following range in ambient temperatures and that prevent buckling, opening ofjoints, overstressing of components, failure ofjoint sealants, failure of connections, and other detrimental effects: l. Ambient Temperature Range: Minus 20 to plus 180 deg F (Minus 29 to plus 82 deg C). Thermal Performance: Provide insulated metal wall panel assemblies with thermal-resistance value (R- value) indicated when tested accordins to ASTM C 236 or ASTM C 518. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes for each type of metal wall pancl and accessory. B. Shop Drawings: Show fabrication and installation layouts of metal wall panels; details of cdge conditions, joints, panel profiles, corners, anchorages, attachment system, trim, flashings, closures, and accessories; and special details. Distinguish bctween factory- and field-assembled work. l. Acccssories: Include details of the following items, at a scale of not less than t-l/2 inchcs per 12 inches(l:10): a. Flashing and trim. b. Downspouts. 2. For installed products indicated to comply with design loads, include structural analysis data signed and sealed by the qualified prol'essional cnginccr rcsponsible for their preparation. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc ume nts I5 October 2001 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I F. G. J. 1.5 HLM 98007r-04 07412-2 I D. F. A. B. C. 1.6 I I I t I I SECTION 07412 METALWALLPANELS Samples for Verification: For each type of exposed finish required, prepared on Samples of size indicated below. l. Metal Wall Panels: 12 inches (300 mm) long by actual panel width. Include fasteners, closures, and other metal wall panel accessories. Compatibility and Adhesion Test Reports: From sealant manufacturer indicating the following: l. Materials forming joint substrates and joint sealant backings have been tested for compatibility and adhesion with joint sealants. 2. Interpretation of test results and written recommendations lbr primers and substrate prcparation needed for adhesion. Maintenance Data: For metal wall panels to include in maintenance manuals. Wananties: Special warranties specified in this Section. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: An employer of workers trained and approved by manufacturer. Fabricator Qualifications: Certified by metal-faced composite wall panel manufacturer to fabricate and install manufacturer's wall panel system. Testing Agency Qualifications: Qualified according to ASTM E 329 for testing indicated, as documented according to ASTM E 548. D. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of metal wall panel through one source from a single manufacturer. E. Product Options: Drawings indicate size, profiles, and dimensional requirements of metal wall panels and are based on the specific system indicated. Refer to Division I Section "Product Requirements." L Do not modify intended aesthetic effects, as judged solely by Architect, except with Architect's approval. If modifications are proposed, submit comprehensive explanatory data to Architect for review. F. Fire-Resistance Ratings: Where indicated, provide metal wall panels identical to those of assemblics tested for fire resistance per ASTM E l19 by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. l. Combustion Characteristics: ASTM E 136. 2. Fire-Resistance Ratings: Indicated by design designations from UL's "Fire Resistancc Directory" or from the listings of another testing and inspecting agency. 3. Metal wall panels shall be identified with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. G. Surfacc-Burning Characteristics: Providc insulated metal wall panels having insulation-core materials with the following surface-burning characteristics as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84 by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction: l. Flamc-Spread Index: 25 or less, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Smoke-Developcd Index: 450 or less, unless othcrwise indicated. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 I I I I I I l-- I HLM 980071-04 07412-3 METALWALLPANEI^S I t.7 SECTION 07412 DELIVERY. STORAGE. AND HANDLING Deliver components, shects, metal wall panels, and other manufactured items so as not to be damaged or deformed. Package metal wall panels for protection during transportation and handling. Unload, store, and erect metal wall panels in a manner to prevent bending, warping, twisting, and surface damage. Stack metal wall panels horizontally on platforms or pallets, covered with suitable weathertight and ventilated covering. Store metal wall panels to ensure dryness, with positive slope for drainage of water. Do not store metal wall panels in contact with other materials that might cause staining, denting, or other surface damage. Protect strippable protective covering on metal wall panels from exposure to sunlight and high humidity, except to extent necessary for period of metal wall panel installation. PROJECT CONDITIONS Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecasted weather conditions permit assembly of metal wall panels to be performed according to manufacturers' writlen instructions and warranty requirements. Field Measurements: Verify locations of structural members and wall opening dimensions by field measurements before metal wall panel fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. l. Established Dimensions: Where field measurements cannot be made without delaying the Work, either establish framing and opening dimensions and proceed with fabricating metal wall panels without field measurements, or allow for field trimming of panels. Coordinate wall construction to ensure that actual building dimensions, locations of structural members, and openings correspond to established dimensions. WARRANTY Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of metal wall panel assemblies that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. l. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Structural failures, including rupturing, cracking, or puncturing. b. Deterioration of metals, metal finishes, and other materials beyond normal weathering. 2. Wananty Period: two years from datc of Substantial Completion. B. Special Warranty on Panel Finishcs: Manufacturer's standtud lbrm in which manufacturer agrees to repair finish or replacc rnetal wall panels that show evidence of deterioration of factory-applied finishcs within specified warranty period. l. Fluoropolymer Finish: Dctcrioration includes, but is not limited to, thc following: a. Color fading more than 5 Hunter units when testcd according to ASTM D 2244. b. Chalking in excess ofa No. 8 rating when tested according to ASTM D 4214. VAI L VALI.EY M EDI CAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A. B. D. B. A. 1.8 1.9 HI,M 98OO7I-M 07412-4 I 2.1 I I I I I I B. 2.2 L..7 I t I SECTION 07412 METAL WALL PANELS c. Cracking, checking, peeling, or failure of paint to adhere to bare metal. 2. Finish Warranty Period: 20 years from date of Substantial Completion. Special Weathertightness Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace metal wall panel assemblies that fail to remain weathertight, including leaks, within specifi ed warranty period. I . Weathertight Warranty Period: Five years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2. PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS In other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply for product selection: l. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the products specified. 2. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incolporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the manufacturers specified. 3. Basis-of-Design Products: The design for each metal wall panel specified is based on the product named. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide either the named product or a comparable product by one of the other manufacturers specified. PANELMATERIALS MISCELLANEOUS METAL FRAMINC Steel Sheet Components, Ceneral: Complying with ASTM C 645 requirements for metal and with manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant zinc coating. Subgirts: C- or Z-shaped sections fabricated liom 0.0598-inch (1.5-mm) bare steel thickness, shop- painted, cold-formed, metallic-coated steel sheet. Zee Clips: 0.079-inch (2.0-mm) bare steel thickness, cold-formed, galvanized sreel sheet. ZShapcd Funing: With sloned or nonslotted web, face flange of l-l14 inches (32 mm), wall attachmenr flange of 7/8 inch (22 mm), minimum bare metal thickness of 0.0179 inch (0.45 mm), and depth requircd to fit insulation thickness indicated. Fasteners for Metal Framing: Of type, material, sizc, corrosion resistance, holding power, and other properties required to fasten steel members to substrates. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructian Documents 15 October 2001 I I t I c. D. .\A I I HLM 980071-04 07412-5 METALWALLPANEI^S ISECTION 07412 Fasteners: Self-tapping screws, bolts, nuts, self-locking rivets and bolts, end-welded studs, and other suitable fasteners designed to withstand design loads. Providc cxposed fasteners with heads matching color of metal wall panels by means of plastic caps or factory-applied coating. l. Fasteners for Wall Panels: Self-drilling or self-tapping, zinc-plated, hex-head carbon-stcel screws, with a stainless-steel cap or zinc-aluminum-alloy head and EPDM or neoprene sealing washer. 2. Fasteners for Wall Panels: Self-drilling or self+apping 410 stainless or zinc-alloy steel hex washer head, with EPDM or PVC washer undcr heads of fasteners bearinq on weather side of metal wall panels. Exposed Fasteners for Composite Panels: Stainless steel. Fasteners for Flashing and Trim: Blind fastencrs or self-drilling screws with hex washer head. Blind Fasteners: High-strength aluminum or stainless-steel rivets. Bituminous Coating: Cold-applied asphalt mastic, SSPC-Paint 12, compounded for l5-mil (0.4-mm) dry film thickness per coat. Provide inert-type noncorrosivc compound free of asbestos fibers, sulfur components, and other deleterious impuritics. Backer Board: Hardboard complying with AHA A135.4, Class I tempered, [1/8 inch (3 nm)] [/4 inch (6 mm)l thick, unless otherwise indicated. CONCEALED-FASTENER, LAP-SEAM METAL WALL PANELS General: Provide factory-formed metal wall panels designed to be field assembled by lapping and interconnecting side edges of adjacent panels and mechanically attaching through panel to supports using concealed fasteners and factory-applied sealant in side laps. Include accessories required for weathertight installation. Tapered-Rib-Profile, Concealed-Fastener Mctal Wall Panels : Formed with raised, trapezoidal major ribs and intermediate stiffening ribs symmetrically spaced between major ribs. l. Basis-of-Design Product: PAC-CLAD, R Panel by Peterson Aluminum Corporation or a comparable product of one of the following: a. ATAS International, Inc. b. Industrial Building Panels, Inc. c. Morin Corporation; a Metecno Group Company. d. Reynolds Metals Company. 2. Interior Facing: 3. Edgc Members: Extruded aluminum, not less than 0.063-inch- ( I .6-mm-) thick, nominal wall thickness. 4. Gaskcts: Extruded, dry seal silicone. ACCESSORIES A. Wall Panel Accessories: Provide components requircd for a complete metal wall panel assembly including trim, copings, fasciac, mullions, sills, corner units, clips, flashings, sealants, gaskcts, hllers, closurc strips, and similar items. Match material and finish of metal wall panels, unless otherwise indicated. I . Closures: Providc closurcs at eaves and rakes, fabricated of same metal as metal wall panels. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns truc tio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 A.I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I J. -). B. C. 2.5 B. 2.6 HLM 980071-U 07412-6 I B. 2,7 I I t I I I SECTION 07412 PART 3 - EXECUTION HLM 98007r-U METALWALL PANELS 2. Backing Plates: Provide metal backing plates at panel end splices, fabricated from material rccommended by manufacturer. 3. Closure Strips: Closed-cell, expanded, cellular, rubber or crosslinked, polyolefin-foam or closed- ccll laminated polyethylene; minimum l -inch- (25-mm-) thick, flexible closure strips; cut or premolded to match metal wall panel profile. Provide closure strips where indicated or necessary to ensure weathertight construction. Flashing and Trim: Formed from 0.0179-inch- (0.45-mm-) thick, zinc-coated (galvanized) steel sheet or aluminum-zinc alloy-coated steel sheet prepainted with coil coating. Provide flashing and trim as required to seal against weather and to provide finished appearance. Locations include, but are not limited to, bases, drips, sills, jambs, corners, endwalls, framed openings, rakes, fasciae, parapet caps, soffits, reveals, and fillers. Finish flashing and trim with same finish system as adjacent metal wall pancls. FABRICATION General: Fabricate and finish metal wall panels and accessories at the factory to greatest extent possible, by manufacturer's standard procedures and processes, as necessary to fulfill indicated performance requirements demonstrated by laboratory testing. Comply with indicated profiles and with dimensional and structural requirements. l. Form panel lines, break, and angles to be sharp and true, with surfaces free from warp and buckle. 2. Fabricate wall panels with panel stiffeners as required to maintain fabrication tolerances and to withstand design loads. Fabricate metal wall panels in a manner that eliminates condensation on interior side of panel and with joints between panels designed to form weathertight seals. Provide panel profile, including major ribs and intermediate stiffening ribs, ifany, for full length ofpanel. Where indicated, fabricate metal wall panel joints with factory-installed captive gaskets or separator strips that provide a tight seal and prevent metal-to-metal contact, in a manner that will minimize noise from movements within panel assembly. FINISHES, GENERAL Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. Protect mechanical and painted finishes on cxposed surfaces from damage by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering before shipping. Appearance of Finished Work: Variations in appearance of abutting or adjacent pieccs are acceptable if they are within one-half of the range of approved Samples. Noticeable variations in the same piecc are not acceptable. Variations in appearance of other components are acceptablc if they are within the range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. B. D. A. B. c. 2.8 I I I I I I l'' I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns truc tio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 I 07412-7 I I I I I I I I I B. B. 3.1 3.2 SECTION 07412 METALWALL PANELS EXAMINATION Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances, metal wall panel supports, and othcr conditions affccting performance of work. l. Examine primary and secondary wall framing to verify that girts, angles, channels, studs, and other structural panel support members and anchorage have been installed within alignment tolerances required by metal wall panel manufacturer. 2. Examine solid wall sheathing to verify that sheathing joints are supported by framing or blocking and that installation is within flatness tolerances required by metal wall panel manufacturer. 3. For the record, prepare written report, endorsed by Installer, listing conditions detrimcntal to performance of work. Examine roughing-in for components and systems penetrating metal wall panels to verify actual locations of penetrations relative to seam locations of metal wall panels before metal wall panel installation. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been conected. PREPARATION Clean substrates of substances harmful to insulation, including removing projections capable of interfering with insulation attachment. Substrate Board: Install substrate board over wall sheathins on entire wall surface. Attach with substrate-board fasteners. l. Install substrate board with long joints in continuous straight lines, perpendicular to direction of metal wall panel seams with end joints staggered between rows. Tightly butt substrate boards together. 2. Comply with UL requirements for fire-rated construcrion. Install flashings and other sheet metal to comply with requirements specified in Division 7 Section "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim." Miscellaneous Framing: Install subgirts, base angles, sills, furring, and other miscellaneous wall panel support members and anchorage according to ASTM C754 an<l metal wall panel manufacturer's written recommendations. 3.3 METAL WALL PANEL INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. General: Install metal wall panels in orientation, sizes, and locations indicated on Drawings. Install panels perpendicular to girts and subgirts, unless otherwise indicated. Anchor metal wall panels and other components of the Work securely in place, with provisions for thermal and structural movemcnt. I . Field cutting of metal wall panels by torch is not permitted. 2. Shim or othcrwise plumb substrates receiving metal wall panels. 3. Rigidly fasten base end of metal wall panels and allow eave end free movement due to thcrmal expansion and contraction, Predrill panels. 4. Flash and seal metal wall panels with weather closures at eaves, rakes, and at perimeter of all openings. Fasten with self-tapping screws. Do not begin installation until weather barricr and flashings that will be concealed by metal wall panels are installcd. 5. Install scrcw fasteners in oredrilled holes. I T I I I I I I I I D. VA I L VALLEY M EDICAL C ENTER C o ns tr uctio n D o c ume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 07412-8 I I SECTION 07412 METALWALL PANELS Locate and space fastenings in uniform vertical and horizontal alignment. Install tlashing and trim as metal wall pancl work proceeds. Locate panel splices over, but not attached to, structural supports. Stagger panel splices and end laps to avoid a four-panel lap splice condition. 9. Apply elastomeric sealant continuously between metal base channel (sill angle) and concrete, and elsewhere as indicated or, if not indicated, as necessary for waterproofing. 10. Align bottom of metal wall panels and fasten with btind rivets, bolts, or selftapping scrcws. Fasten flashings and trim around openings and similar elements with self-tapping screws. I l. Provide weatherproof escutcheons for pipe and conduit penetrating exterior walls. Fasteners: l. Steel Wall Panels: Use stainless-steel fasteners for surfaces exposed to the exterior and galvanized steel fasteners for surfaces exposed to the interior. 2. Aluminum Wall Panels: Use aluminum or stainless-steel fasteners for surfaces exposcd to the exterior and aluminum or galvanized steel fasteners for surfaces exposed to the interior. 3. Copper Wall Panels: Use copper or stainless-steel fasteners. 4. Stainless-Steel Wall Panels: Use stainless-steel fasteners. Metal Protection: Where dissimilar metals will contact each other or corrosive substrates, protect against galvanic action by painting contact surfaces with bituminous coating, by apptying rubbe rized-asphalt underlayment to each contact surface, or by other peffnanent separation as recommended by metal wall panel manufacturer. l. Coat back side of aluminum wall panels with bituminous coating where wall panels will contact wood, ferrous metal. or cementitious construction. Joint Sealers: Install gaskets, joint fillers, and sealants where indicated and where required for weatherproof performance of metal wall panel assemblies. Provide types of gaskets, fillers, and sealants indicated or, if not indicated, types recommended by metal wall panel manufacturer. L Seal metal wall panel end laps with double beads of tape or sealant, full width of panel. Seal side joints where recommended by metal wall panel manufacturer. 2. Prepare joints and apply sealants to comply with requiremcnts in Division 7 Section "Joint Scalants." ACCESSORY INSTALLATION A. General: Install accessories with positive anchorage to building and weathertight mounting and provide for thermal expansion. Coordinate installation with flashings and other components. l. Install components required for a complete metal wall panel asscmbly including trim, copings, corners, seam covers, flashings, sealants, gaskcts, fillers, closure strips, and similar items. B- Flashing and Trim: Comply with performance requirements, manufacturer's written installation instruotions, and SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual." Providc concealed fasteners where possible, and sct units true to line and level as indicatcd. Install work with laps, joints, and seams that will be permanently watertight and weather resistant. L lnstall exposed flashing and trim that is without excessive oil canning, buckling, and tool marks and that is true to line and levels indicated, with cxposed edges folded back to form herns. Install sheet metal flashing and trim to fit substrates and to result in waterproof and weather-resistant performance. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructfutn Docume nts 15 October 2001 6. 7. 8. B. I I I t I I 3.4 I I I I t I D. I a- t HLM 980071-04 07412-9 SECTION 07412 METALWALL PANELS I 2. Expansion Provisions: Provide for thermal expansion of exposed flashing and trim. Space movement .ioints at a maximum of l0 feet (3 m) with no joints allowed within 24 inchcs (600 mm) of corner or intersection. Where lapped or bayonet-type expansion provisions cannot be used or would not be sufficicntly weather resistant and waterproof, form cxpansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not less than l inch (25 mm) deep, fillcd with mastic sealant (concealed within joinrs). Downspouts: Join sections with l-ll2-inch (38-mm) telescoping joints. Provide fastcners designed to hold downspouts securely I inch (25 mm) away from walls; locate fastcners at top and bottom and at approximately 60 inches (1500 mm) o.c. in between. l. Provide elbows at base ofdownspouts to direct water away from building. 2. Tie downspouts to underground drainage system indicated. Translucent Wall Panels: Provide end laps of not less than 6 inches (150 mm) and side laps of not less than l-l/2-inch (38-mm) corrugations. Align horizontal laps with adjacent translucent wall panels. Seal intermediate end laps and side laps of translucent panels with translucent mastic. ERECTION TOLERANCES Installation Tolerances: Shim and align metal wall panel units within installed tolerance of l/4 inch in 20 feet (6 mm in 6 m), nonaccumulative, on level, plumb, and location lines as indicated and within l/8-inch (3-mm) offset of adjoining faces and of alignment of matching profiles. CLEANING AND PROTECTION Remove temporary protective coverings and strippable films, if any, as metal wall panels are installed, unless otherwise indicated in manufacturer's written installation instructions. On completion of metal wall panel installation, clean finished surfaces as recommended by metal wall panel manufacturer. Maintain in a clean condition durins construction. wall panel installation, clear weep holes and drainage channels of obstructions, dirt, and I Replace metal wall panels that have been damaged or have deteriorated beyond successful repair by finish touchup or similar minor repair procedures. I END OF SECTION 07412 VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 I I I I I I D, 3.5 t I I I 3.6 B. After metal sealant, I t I I I I HLM 980071-04 07412-10 I I -\ I _.t I I t- I SECTION 07531 SECTION 0753I . EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING PART I -GENERAL EPDM MEMBMNE ROOFINC l.l RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes the followins: Adhered membrane roofing system. Roof insulation. B.Related Sections include the followins: l. L. t.2 t I t t I B. l.JI I I I I I l. 2. J. ^ 5. 6. Division 6 Section "Rough Carpentry" for wood nailers, curbs, and blocking Division 7 Section "Building Insulation" for insulation beneath the roofdeck. Division 7 Section "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim" for metal roof penetration flashings, fl ashings, and counterflashings. Division 7 Section "Roof Expansion Assemblies." Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants." Division l5 Section "Plumbing Specialties" for roofdrains. DEFINITIONS Roofing Terminology: Refer to ASTM D 1079 and glossary of NRCA's "The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual" for definition of terms related to roofing work in this Section. Design Uplift Pressure: The uplift pressure, calculated according to procedures in SPRI's "Wind Load Design Guide for Fully Adhered and Mechanically Fastened Roofing Systems," before multiplication by a safety factor. 1.4 PERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTS A. General: Provide installed roofing membrane and base flashings that remain watertight; do not permit the passage of water; and resist specified uplift pressures, thermally induced movement, and exposure to weather without failure. B. Material Compatibility: Provide rooling materials that are compatible with one another under oonditions of service and application required, as demonstratcd by roofing membrane manufacturer based on testing and field cxperience. C. Roofing System Design: Provide a membrane roofing system that is identical to systems that have been successfully tested by a qualified testing and inspecting agency to resist uplift pressurc calculated accordins to ASCE 7. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructio n Doc u me nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 07531-1 SECTION 07531 I I I I I I I I T t I I T I T I I t I D. A. B. c. D. E. F. EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING FMG Listing: Providc roofing mcnrbranc, base flashings, and component materials that comply with rcquirements in FMG 4450 and FMG 4470 as part of a membrane rooling systcm and that are listed in FMG'.s "Approval Cuide" for Class I or noncombustible construction, as applicable. Identify materials with FMC markings. L FireAVindstorm Classification: Class I A-90. 2. Hail Resistance: MH. Roofing System Design: Provide a membrane roofing system that is identical to systems that have been successfully tested by a qualified testing and inspccting agency to resist the factored design uplift pressures calculated according to SPRI's "Wind Load Design Guide for Fully Adhered and Mechanically Fastened Roofi ng Systems." SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Shop Drawings: For roofing system. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other Work. l. Base flashings and membrane terminations. 2. Tapered insulation, including slopes. Installer Certificates: Signed by roofing system manufacturer ccrtifying that Installer is approved, authorized, or licensed by manufacturer to install roofing system. Manufacturer Certificates: Signed by roofing manufacturer certifying that roofing systcm complies with requirements specified in "Performance Requirements" Article. l. Submit evidence of meeting performance requirements. Qualification Data: For Installer and manufacturer. Product Test Rcports: Based on evaluation of comprehensive tests performed by manufacturer and witnessed by a qualified testing agency, for components of roofing system. Research/Evaluation Reports: For components of membrane roofing system. Maintenance Data: For roofing system to include in maintenance manuals. Warranties: Special warranties specified in this Section. Inspection Report: Copy of roofing system manufacturer's inspection repon of completed roofing installation. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: A qualified firm that is approved, authorized, or licensed by roofing system manulacturer to install manufacturcr's product and that is eligible to receive manufacturer's warranty. Manufacturer Qualifications: A qualified manufacturer that has UL listing for membranc roofing system identical to that used for this Project. t.5 c. H. I. J. t.6 B. VA I I. VALLEY M EDI CAL C ENTER Co nstruction Docume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 07531-2 I I SECTION 07531 EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING C. Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent testing agency with the experiencc and capability to conduct the testing indicated, as documented according to ASTM E 548. Source Limitations: Obtain components for membrane roofing system from same manufacturer as roofing membrane or as approved by roofing membrane manufacturer. Fire-TesrResponse Characteristics: Provide membrane roofing materials with the fire-test-response characteristics indicated as determined by testing identical products per test method below by UL, FMC, or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authoritics having jurisdiction. Materials shall be identified with appropriate markings ofapplicable testing and inspecting agcncy. 1. Exterior Fire-Test Exposure: Class A; ASTM E 108, for application and roof slopes indicated.2. Fire-Resistance Ratings: ASTM E I 19, for firc-resistance-rated roof assernblies of which roofing system is a part. Preliminary Roofing Conference: Before starting roof deck construction, conduct conference at Project site. Comply with requirements for preinstallation conferences in Division I Section "Project Management and Coordination." Review methods and procedures related to roof deck construction and roofing system including, but not limited to, the following: l . Meet with Owner; Architect; Owner's insurer if applicable; testing and inspecting agency representative; roofing Installer; roofing system manufacturer3 represenlative; deck Installer; and installers whose work interfaces with or affects roofing, including installers of roof accessories and roof-mounted equipment. 2. Review methods and procedures related to roofing installation, including manufacturer's written instructions. 3. Review and finalize construction schedule and verify availability of materials, Installerb personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. 4. Examine deck substrate conditions and finishes for compliance with requirements, including flatness and fastening. Review structural loading limitations of roof deck during and after roofing. Review base flashings, special roofing details, roof drainage, roof penetrations, equipment curbs, and condition of other construction that will affect roofing system. Review governing regulations and requirements for insurance and certificates if applicable. Review temporary protection requirements for roofing system during and after installation. Review roof observation and repair procedures after roofing installation. DELIVERY, STORAGE. AND HANDLING Deliver roofing materials to Project site in original containers with seals unbroken and labeled with manufacturer's name, product brand name and type, date of manufacture, and directions lbr storing and mixing with other componcnts. Store liquid materials in their original undamaged containers in a clean, dry, protected location and within the temperature range required by roofing systcm manufacturer. Protect stored liquid material liom direct sunlight. 1. Discard and legally disposc of liquid material that cannot be applied within its stated shelf life. Protect roof insulation materials from physical damage and from deterioration by sunlight, moisture, soiling, and other sources. Store in a dry location. Comply with insulation manufacturer's written instructions for handling, storing, and protecting during installation. D. F. I I I I I I 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B, c. 1.7 T I I I T I I t VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruc tio n D oc ume nts 15 October 2001 I HLM 98OO7I-M 07531-3 t I I I I I I T I f\ 1.8 1.9 SECTION 07531 EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING Handle and store roofing materials and place equipment in a manner to avoid perrnanen! deflection of deck. PROJECT CONDITIONS Weather Limitations: Proceed with installation only when existing and forecastcd weather conditions permit roofing system to be installed according to manulacturer's written instructions and warranty requirements. WARRANTY Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form, without monetary limitation, in which manufacturer agrees to repair or rcplace components of membrane roofing system that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. Failure includes roof leaks. l. Special warranty includes roofing mcmbrane, base flashings, roofing accessories, roof insulation, fasteners, cover boards, vapor retarder and other components of mcmbrane roofing system. 2. Warranty Period: 20 years fiom date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS In other Part 2 articles where subparagraph titles below introduce lists, the following requirements apply for product selection: l. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the products specified. 2. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the manufacturers specified. EPDM ROOFING MEMBRANE EPDM Roofing Membrane: ASTM D 4637 , Type I, nonreinforced uniform, flexiblc shcet made from EPDM, and as follows: '1. Manufacturers: a. Firestone Building Products Company. b. Approved equal. 2. Thickness: 60 mils (1.5 mm), nominal. 3. Exoosed Face Color: Black. 2.3 AUXILIARY MATERIALS A. Ceneral: Auxiliary materials recommended by roofing system manufacturer for intended use and compatible with membrane roofing. VAI L VALLEY M EDICA L C ENTER C onstructio n Documents 15 October 2001 2.r 2.2 t I I I t T I T T I HLM 98007r-04 07531-4 I sECrroN o7s3t I EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING i.. l. Liquid-type auxiliary materials shall mee t VOC limits of authorities having jurisdiction. B. Sheet Flashing: 60-mil- ( l .5-mm-) thick EPDM, partially cured or cured, according to application. C. Epichlorohydrin Sheet: 60-mil- (1.5-mm-) thick, unreinforced flexible sheet with the following typical properties as determined per ASTM test method indicated: l. TcnsileStrength: l500psi(l0.3MPa);ASTMD4l2. 2. Ultimate Elongation: 200 percent; ASTM D 41 2. 3. Tear Resistance: 150 lbf/in. (26.3 kN/m); ASTM D 412. 4. Brittleness Temperature: Minus 20 deg F (Minus 29 deg C); ASTM D 746. 5. Resistance to Ozone Aging: No cracks after 168 hours'exposure of 50 percent elongated sample at 104 deg F (40 deg C) and 100-pphm ( I 00-MPa) ozone; ASTM D l 149. 6. Resistance to Oil Aging: 15 percent maximum mass change after 168 hours'immersion in diesel fuel No. 2 at 158 deg F (70 deg C); ASTM D 471. D. Bonding Adhesive: Manufacturer's standard bonding adhesive. E. Cold Fluid-Applied Membrane Adhesive: Manufacturer's standard cold fluid-applied bonding adhesive formulated to adhere fleece-backed roofing membrane to substrate. F. Seaming Material: Manufacturer's standard synthetic-rubber polymer primer and 3-inch- (75-mm) wide minimum, butyl splice tape with release film. G. Lap Sealant: Manufacturer'.s standard single-component sealant, color to match roofing membrane. H. Water Cutoff Mastic: Manufacturer's standard butvl mastic sealant. I. Metal Termination Bars: Manufacturer's standard predrilled stainless-steel or aluminum bars, approximately I by 1/8 inch (25 by 3 mm) thick; with anchors. J. Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fasteners and metal or plastic plates meeting corrosion-resistance provisions in FMG 4470, designed for fastening membrane to substrate, and acceptable to membrane roofi ng system manufacturer. K. Miscellaneous Accessories: Provide pourable sealers, preformed cone and vent sheet flashings, preformed inside and outside corner sheet flashings, T-joint covers, in-seam sealants, termination reglets, cover sl.rips, and other accessories. I 2.4 ROOF TNSULATTON I A. Ceneral: Provide preformed roof insulation boards that comply with requirements and referenced standards, selected from manufacturer's standard sizcs and of thicknesses indicated. I B. Polyisocyanurate Board Insulation: ASTM C 1289. ISO 95+GL by Firestone or approved equal to provide an R-value of 30 minimum. Taper rool' insulation to roof drains as shown in plans. I C. Insulation board to be set in a hot mopped bed of asphalt over asphalt primer and mechanically fastened as per manufacturcr's requirements for wind uplift. I 2.5 INSULATION ACCESSORIES I t.-i- :._-::r/ I HLM 98N7I.M VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER 07531-5 C onstruction Doc ume nts I5 Ocnber 2001 I I I I I I T ks I I I SECTION 07531 EPDM MEMBMNE ROOFING Ceneral: Furnish roof insulation accessories recommended by insulation manul'acturer for intended use and compatible with membrane rooling. B. Fasteners: Factory-coated steel fxstencrs and metal or plastic platcs meeting corroiion-resistance provisions in FMC 4470, dcsigned for fastening roof insulation to substrate, and acceptable to roofing system manuf'acturer. Cold Fluid-Applied Adhesive: Manufacturer's standard cold fluid-applied adhesivc formulated to adhere roof insulation to substrate. ASPHALT MATERIALS Roofing Asphalt: ASTM D 3l2,Type III or IV. Asphalt Primer: ASTM D 41. ROOF PAVERS Lightweight Roof Pavers: Interlocking, lightweight concrete units, specially factory cast for use as roof ballast; grooved back, with four-way drainage capability; beveled, doweled, or otherwise profiled; and as follows: l.Manufacturers: a. HanoverArchitecturalProducts. b. Rapid Building Systems. c. Roofblok, Ltd. d. Westile Roofing Products. e. Lightguard 2N-200 by T-Clear Corporation. f. Approved equal. Sizel. 24" x 24" Weight: l5 lbs/sf Compressive Strength: 25fi) psi (17 Mpa), minimum. Colors and Tcxtures: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. I t I I I C. 2.6 2.7 t I B. I I I I T T I I I I I I A. 2. J. A 5. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I EXAMINATION A. Examine substratcs, areas, and conditions, with Installcr present, for compliance with the following rcquirements and other conditions affecting pcrformance of roofing system: l. Verify that roof openings and penetrations are in place and set and braccd and that roof drains are securely clampcd in place. 2. Vcrify that wood blocking, curbs, and nailers are securely anchored to rool'deck at penetrations and terminations and that nailers match thicknesses of insulation. 3. Vcrily that nrinimum concrete drying period rccommended by roofing system manufacturer has passed. 4. Verify that concrete substrate is visihly dry and free of moisturc. Tcst for capillary moisture by plastic sheet nrcthod according to ASTM D 4263. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructio n Docume nts l5 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 07531-6 I I I I I t I I I ts- SECTION 07531 EPDM MEfuIBRANE ROOFING Verify that concrete curing compounds that will impair adhesion of roofing components to roof deck have been removed. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION Clean substrate of dust, debris, moisture, and other substances detrimental to roofing installation according to roofing system manufacturer's written instructions. Remove sharp projections. Prevent materials from entering and clogging roof drains and conductors and from spilling or migrating onto surfaces of other conslruction. Remove roof-drain plugs when no work is taking place or when rain is forecast. Complete terminations and base flashings and provide temporary seals to prevent watcr from entering completed sections of roofing system at the end of the workday or when rain is forecast. Removc and discard temporary seals before beginning work on adjoining roofing. INSTJLATION INSTALLATION Coordinate installing membrane roofing system components so insulation is not exposed to precipitation or left exposed at the end of the workday. Comply with membrane roofing system manufacturer's writtcn instructions for installing roof insulation. Install tapered insulation to conform to slopes indicated. Install one or more layers of insulation under area of roofing to achieve required thickness. Where overall insulation thickness is [1 inch (25 mm)] [2 inches (50 mm)] or greater, install 2 or more layers with joints of each succeeding layer staggered from joints of previous layer a rninimum of 6 inches ( 150 mm) in each direction. Trim surface of insulation where necessary at roof drains so completed surface is flush and does not restrict flow of water. F. Install insulation with long joints of insulation in a continuous straight line with end joints staggered between rows, abutting edges and ends between boards. Fill gaps exceeding l/4 inch (6 mm) with insulation. l. Cut and fit insulation within 1/4 inch (6 mm) of nailers, projections, and penetrations. G. Mechanically Fastened and Adhered Insulation: Install each laycr of insulation and secure first laycr of insulation to deck using mechanical fastencrs specifically designed and sizcd for fastening specified board-type roof insulation to deck type. l. Fasten first layer of insulation according to requirements in FMG's "Approval Cuide" for specified Windstorm Resistance Classifi cation. 2. Fasten first laycr of insulation to resist uplift pressurc at corners, perimeter, and field of roof.3. Install subsequent layers of insulation in a solid mopping of hot roofing asphalt, applied within plus or minus 25 deg F (14 deg C) of equiviscous temperature. 4. Install subsequent layers of insulation in a cold fluid-applied adhesive. 3.4 ADHERED ROOFING MEMBRANE INSTALLATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns truc tio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 5. 6. B. c. 3.3 B. c. D. I I I I I t t I HLM 980071-04 07531-7 SECTION 07531 A. Install roofing membrane over manufacturer! writtcn instructions. EPDM MEMBMNE ROOFING area to rsccive roofing according to membrane roofing system Unroll roofing membrane and allow to relax belbre installing. I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I T I B. c. D. I. J. J.) Start installation of roofing membrane in presence of membrane roofing system manufacturer's technical personnel. Accurately align roofing membrane and maintain uniform side and end laps of minimum dimensions required by manufacturer. Stagger end laps. Bonding Adhesive: Apply bonding adhesive to substrate and underside of roofing membrano at rate required by manufacturer and allow to partially dry before installing roofing membrane. Do not apply bonding adhesive to splice area ofroofing membrane. Mechanically or adhesively fasten roofing membrane securely at terminations, penetrations, and perimeter of roofing. Apply roofing membrane with side laps shingled with slope of roof deck where possible. Adhesive Seam Installation: Clean both faces of splice areas, apply splicing cement, and firmly roll side and end laps of overlapping roofing membranes according to manufacturer's wdtten instructions to ensure a watertight seam installation. Apply lap sealant and seal exposed edges of roofing membrane terminations. l. Apply a continuous bead of in-seam sealant before closing splice if required by membrane roofing system manufacturer. Tape Seam Inslallation: Clean and prime both faces of splice areas, apply splice tape, and firmly roll side and end laps of overlapping roofing membranes according to manufacturer's written instructions to ensure a watertight seam installation. Apply lap sealant and seal exposed edges of roofing membrane terminations. Repair tears, voids, and lapped seams in roofing that does not meet requirements. Spread sealant or mastic bed over deck drain flange at deck drains and securely seal roofing membrane in place with clamping ring. Install roofing membrane and auxiliary materials to tie in to existing roofing. BASE FLASHING INSTALLATION A. Install sheet flashings and preformed flashing accessories and adhere to substrates according to membrane roofing system manufacturerb written instructions. B. Apply bonding adhesive to substrate and underside of sheet flashing at required ratc and allow to partially dry. Do not apply bonding adhesive to seam area of flashing. C. Flash penetrations and field-formed insidc and outside corners with cured or uncured sheet flashing. D. Clean splice areas, apply splicing cement, and firmly roll side and end laps of ovcrlapping sheets to ensure a watertight seam installation. Apply lap sealant and scal cxposed edges of sheet flashing terminations. E. Terminatc and scal top of sheet flashings and mechanically anchor to substrate through termination bars as required. HLM 98OO7I.O4 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 07531-8 C onstruc tio n Do c uments 15 October 2001 F. G. t SECTION 07531 t 36 Ji$ A EPDM MEMBRANE ROOFING FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Testing Agency: Owner will engage a qualified independent tcsting and inspecting agency to perform roof tests and inspections and to prepare test reports. Final Roof Inspection: Arrange for roofing system manufacturer's technical personnel to inspect roofing installation on completion and submit report to Architect. I . Notify Architect or Owner 48 hours in advance of date and time of inspection. Repair or remove and replace components of membrane roofing systcm where test results or inspections indicate that they do not comply with specified requirements. Additional testing and inspecting, at Contractor's expense, will be performed to determine compliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirements. PROTECTING AND CLEANING Protect membrane roofing system from damage and wear during remainder of construction period. When remaining construction will not affect or endanger roofing, inspect roofing for deterioration and damage, describing its nature and extent in a written report, with copies to Architect and Owner. Correct dcficiencies in or remove membrane roofing system that does not comply with requirements, repair substrates and repair or reinstall membrane roofing system to a condition free of damage and deterioration at time of Substantial Completion and according to warranty requirements. Clean overspray and spillage from adjacent construction using cleaning agents and procedures recommended by manufacturer of affected construction. END OF SECTION 0753I D. D. B. 3.7 I t t I I I I I I I I I I VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Constructian Docume nts 15 October 2001I HLM 980071-04 07531-9 I sEcrroNoz62o t SECTION 07620. SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM PART I-GENERAL I I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and I Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I t.z s'MMARYI A. This Section includes sheet metal flashing and trim in the following categories: I l. Metal flashing. f 2. Reglets. 3. Scuppers and downspouls. f B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section:r l. Division 6 Section Rough Carpentry2. Division 7 Section "Roof Accessories" for set-on-t),?e curbs, equipment supports, and other I manufactured roof accessory units. I 3. Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants".4. Division 7 Roofing Sections for flashing and roofing accessories installed integral with roofing - systenrs. I.3 PERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTS I A. General: Install sheet metal flashing and trim to withstand wind loads, structural movement, thermally induced movement, and exposure to weather without failing. I B. Fabricate and install flashings at roof edges to comply with recommendations of FM Loss Preventionr Data Sheet l-49 for wind cxposure C, 85 MPH. I 1.4 REFERENCES: I A. Architectural Sheet Metal Manual; Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association, I Inc. (SMACNA) B. ASTM A 5261A 526M-90 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvinized) I C. ASTM B 32093 Standard Specification for Solder Metal I 1.5 SUBMTTTALS r A. Gcncral: Submit each item in this Article according to the Conditions of the Contract and Division I I Specification Secrions. SHEET METAL FLASHING ANDTRIM l- HLM snoozr-u I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onstructio n Doc ume nns 15 October 2001 07620-t SECTION 07620 I I t I I I I I I I B. B. 1.6 2.1 SHEET METAL FIASHING AND TRIM Product Data including manufacturer's material and finish data, installation instructions, and general recommendations for cach specified flashing material and fabricated product. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced Installer who has completed sheet metal flashing and trim work similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Pmject and with a record of successful in-service performance. PROJECT CONDITIONS Coordinate Work of this Section with interfacing and adjoining Work for proper sequencing of each installation. Ensure best possible weather resistance, durability of Work, and protection of materials and finishes. PART 2 - PRODUCTS METALS Copper: ASTM B 370; temper H0O, cold rolled except where temper 060 is required for Galvanized Steel Sheet: ASTM A 526, C 90 (ASTM A 526M, 2275), commcrcial quality, or ASTM A 52'7, G90 (ASTM A 527M,2275), Iock-forming quality, hot-dip galvanized steel sheet with 0.20 percent copper, mill phosphatized where indicated for painting; not less than 0.0396 inch (1.0 mm) thick. unless otherwise indicated. Coil-coated salvanized steel sheet finish. t.7 I I2.2 A. CONCEALED THROUGH-WALL SHEET METAL FLASHING Material: Fabricate from the following metal: l. Galvanizcd steel, 26 gauge for all locations unless otherwise noted. Coil-coated exposed locations 2. Copper: 16 oz. (0.55 mm thick) for flashing at copper roof, and elsewhereas drawings. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, providc onc of the following: l. Cheney Flashing (Dovetail); Chency Flashing Company, Inc. 2. Chcncy Flashing (Sawtooth); Cheney Flashing Company, Inc. 3. Keystone Three-Way Interlocking Thruwall Flashing; Keystone Flashing Co. I t I I I I I all B. finish at indicatcd 2.3 RECLETS A. Ceneral: Units ol'type, matcrial, and profile indicated, formed to provide secure interlocking of separate rcglct and countcrflashing pieces and compatible with flashing indicatcd. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CDNTER Constructio n Doc u me nts I5 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 07620-2 t I F SECTION 07620 F. B. S HEET M ETAL F IAS H I NG AND TRI M Surfacc-Mounted Type: Provide with slotted holes for fastening to substratc, with neoprene or other suitable weatherproofing washers, and with channel for sealant at top edge. Stucco Type: Provide with upturncd fastening flange and extension leg of length to match thickness cf applied fi nish materials. Flcxible Flashing Retainer: Provide resilient plastic or rubber accessory to secure flexible flashing in reglet where clcarance does not permit use of standard metal counterflashing or where Drawings show reglet without metal counterfl ashing. Counterflashing Wind-Restraint Clips: Providc clips to be installed before counterflashing to prevent wind uplift of the counterflashing lower edge. l. Material: Coppcr, 16 oz./sq. ft. (0.55 mm thick) at copper roof. 2. Material: Galvanized steel, 26 and 24 gauge as recommended by manufacturer, all other locations. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: l. F.y Reglet Corporation. 2. Architect Approved Equal. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS AND ACCESSORIES Fasteners: Same metal as sheet metal flashing or other noncorrosive metal as recommended by sheet melal manufacturer. Match finish of exposed heads with material being fastened. Asphalt Mastic: SSPC-Paint 12, solvent{ype asphalt mastic, nominally fiee of sulfru and containing no asbestos fibers, compounded for l5-mil (0.4-mm) dry film thickness per coat. Elastomeric Sealant: Ceneric type recommended by sheet metal manufacturer and fabricator of components being sealed and complying with requirements for joint sealants as specihed in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants." Adhesives: Type recommended by flashing sheet metal manufacturer for waterproof and weather- resistant seaming and adhcsive application of flashing sheet metal. Metal Accessories: Provide sheet metal clips, straps, anchoring devices, and similar accessory units as required for installation of Work, matching or compatible with material being installed; noncorrosive; size and thickness required for performance. Gutter Screen: | /4-inch (6-mm) hardware cloth installed in shcet metal frames. Fabricate screen and frame of same basic material as gutters and downspouts. Roofing Cement: ASTM D 4586, Type I, asbestos frcc, asphalt based. FABRICATION, GENERAL Sheet Metal Fabrication Standard: Fabricate sheet metal flashing recommendations of SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" dimensions. mctal, and other characteristics of the item indicated. comply with to the design, D.I t I I I I B. and trim to that apply D. F. G. 2.5 t I I I T I VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruc tio n D oc ume nts 15 October 2001I HLM 980071-04 07620-3 I I I t I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I C. D. 2.6 SECTION 07620 SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM B. Comply with details shown to fabricate sheet metal flashing and trim that fit substrates and result in waterproof and weather-resistant performance once installed. Verify shapes and dimensions of surfaces to be covered before fabricatins sheet metal. Form exposed sheet metal Work that is without excessive oil canning, buckling, and tool marks and that is true to line and levels indicatcd, with exposed edges folded back to form hems. Seams: Fabricatc nonmoving seams in sheet metal with flat-lock seams. Tin edgcs to be seamed, form seams, and solder. SHEET METAL FABRICATIONS A. General: Fabricate sheet metal items in thickness or weight needed to comply with performance requirements but not less than that listed below for each application and metal. B. Splash Pans: Fabricate from the following material: l. Calvanized steel,0.0276 inch thick.). C. Roof-Drain Flashing: Fabricate from the following material: I . Lead: 4.0 lb/sq. ft. (1.6 mm thick), hard tempered. D. Scuppers: Fabricate from the following material: l. Coil-Coated Galvanized Steel: 0.0276 inch (0.7 mm) thick. E. Base Flashing: Fabricate from the following material: |. Copper: 20 oz.lsq. ft. (0.7 mm thick). F. Counterflashing: Fabricate from the following material: l. Galvanized Steel: 0.0217 inch (0.55 mm) thick. G. Flashing Receivers: Fabricate from the following material: I . Galvanized Steel: 0.02 l7 inch (0.55 mm) thick. H. Valley Flashing: Fabricate liom thc following material: I . Coil-Coated Galvanized Steel: 0.0276 inch (0.7 mm) thick. I. Drip Edges: Fabricatc from thc following material: I . Coil-Coated Calvanized Steel: 0.02 | 7 inch (0.55 mm) thick. J. Equipment Support Flashing: Fabricate fronr the following material: | . Coil-Coated Calvanized Steel: 0.0276 inch (0.7 mm) thick. K. Roof-Penetration Flashing: Fabricate from the following material: l. Calvanized Steel: 0.0276 inch (0.7 nrm) thick. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAI, CENTER Constructio n Docume nts I5 Ocktber 2001 HLM 980071-04 07620-4 I I SECTION 07620 SHEET METAL FI.ILSHING AND TRIM 2.7 COIL-COATED CALVANIZED STEEL SHEET FINISH A' High-Pcrformance Organic Coating Finish: Apply thc following system by coil-coating process on galvaniz.ed steel sheet as recommended by coating manufacturers and applicator. Coil-coated finish to be used at all locations where flashings are exposed to view. Otherwise, galvanized flashing may be used. l. Fluoropolymer 2-Coat Coating System: Manufacturer's standard 2-coat, thcrmocured system composed of specially formulated inhibitive primer and fluoropolymer color topcoat containing not less than 70 perccnt polyvinylidene fluoride resin by weight; complying with AAMA 605.2.a. Color and Gloss: As selected by Architect from manufacturert full range of choices for color and gloss. b' Resin Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide fluoropolymer coating systems containing resins produced by one of the following manufacturers: I ) Ausimont USA, Inc. (Hylar 5000) 2) Elf Atochem North America, Inc. (Kynar 500) 2. Coil-Coated Steel Sheet Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: a. Atas Aluminum Corporation. b. Copper Sales, Inc. c. MM Systems Corporation. d. Petersen Aluminum Corporation. e. Vincent Metals. B. Shop Finish, Rain Drainage: Provide manufacturer's standard baked-on, white-acrylic shop finish on sheet metal rain-drainage units (gutters, downspouts, and similar exposed units); 1.0-mit (0.025-mm) dry film thickness. PART 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine substrates and conditions under which sheet metal flashing and trim are to be installed and verify that Work may properly corunence. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. INSTALLATION Ceneral: Unless otherwise indicated, install sheet metal flashing and trim to comply with performance requirements, manufacturer's installation instructions, and SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual." Anchor units of Work securely in place by methods indicated, providing for thermal cxpansion of metal units; conceal fasteners where possible, and set units true to line and level as indicated. Install Work with laps, joints, and seams that will be permanently watertight and weatherproof. Install exposed sheet metal Work that is without excessivc oil canning, buckling, and tool marks and that is true to line and levels indicatcd, with exposed edges folded back to form hems. Install sheet metal flashing and trim to fit substrates and to result in waterproof and weather-resistant perforrnance. Verify shapes and dimensions of surfaces to be covered before fabricatins sheet metal. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co ns tructio n Do c ume nt s 15 October 2001 I I t I I I A. B. 3.1 -'t.z I I I I I I I t t HLM 980071-04 07620-5 i), --./ SECTION 07620 c. I. J. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I D. F. G. H. SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM Rool'-Edge Flashings: Secure metal flashings at roof edges according to FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet l -49 for specified wind zonc. Expansion Provisions: Provide for thermal expansion of exposed sheet metal Work. Space movement joints at maximum of l0 feet (3 m) with no joints allowed within 24 inches (610 mm) of corner or intersection. Where lapped or bayonertype expansion provisions in Work cannot be used or would not be sufficiently wcathcrproof and waterproof, form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not less than I inch (25 mm) deep, filled with mastic sealant (concealed within joints). Soldered Joints: Clean surfaces to be soldered, removing oils and foreign matter. Pretin cdges of sheets to be soldered to a width of 1-ll2 inches (38 mm), except whcrc pretinned surface would show in finished Work. | . Do not solder the following metals: a. Coil-coated galvanized steel sheet. 2. Pretinning is not rcquired for the following metals: a. l-ead-coatedcopper. 3. Do not use torches for soldering. Heat surfaces to receive solder and flow solder into joint. Fill joint completely. Completely remove flux and spatter from exposed surfaces. Sealed Joints: Form nonexpansion, but movable, joints in metal to accornmodate elaslomeric sealant to comply with SMACNA standards. Fill joint with sealant and form metal to completely conceal sealant. l. Use joint adhesive for nonmovingjoints specified not to be soldered. Seams: Fabricate nonmoving seans in sheet metal with flat-lock seams. Tin edges to bc scamed, form seams, and solder. Separations: Separate metal from noncompatible metal or corrosive substrates by coating concealed surfaces, at locations of contact, with asphalt mastic or other permanent separation as recommended by manufacturer. l. Underlayment: Where installing stainless steel or aluminum directly on cemcntitious or wood substrates, install a slip sheet of red-rosin paper and a course of polyethylene underlayment. 2. Bed flanges ofWork in a thick coat of roofing cement where required for waterproof performance. Install reglets to receivc counterflashing according to manufactures recommendations. Counterflashings: Coordinate installation of counterflashings with installation of assemblies to be protected by counterflashing. Insfall counterflashings in reglets or receivers. Secure in a waterproof manncr by means of snap-in installation and sealant, lead wedges and sealant, interlocking folded seam, or blind rivets and sealant. Lap counterflashing joints a minimum of 2 inches (50 mm) and bed with sealant. Roof-Drainage System: Install drainage items fabricated from sheet metal, with straps, adhesives, and anchors recommended by SMACNA's Manual or the item manufacturer, to drain roof in the most efficient manner. Coordinate rool'-drain llashing installation with roof-drainagc system installation. Coordinatc flashing and sheet metal items for steep-sloped roofs with roofing installation. Equipment Support Flashing: Coordinate equipment support flashing installation with roofing and equipment installation. Weld or seal flashing to equipment support mcrnbcr. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onstructio n D o c ume nts I5 October 2N)I HLM 98007(-U 07620-6 I I SECTION 07620 SHEET METAL FLASHING AND TRIM Roof-Penetration Flashing: Coordinate roof-penetration flashing installation with roofing and installation of items penetrating roof. Install flashing as follows: l. Turn lead flashing down inside vent piping, being careful not to block vent piping with flashing.2. Seal and clamp flashing to pipes penetrating roof, other rhan lead flashing on vent piping. Splash Pans: Install where downspouts discharge on low-sloped roofs, unless otherwise shown. Set in roof cement or sealant compatible with roofing membrane. Install continuous gutter screens on gutters with noncorrosive fasteners, arranged as hinged units to swing open for cleaning gutters. CLEANING AND PROTECTION Clean exposed metal surfaces, removing substances that might cause corrosion of metal or deterioration of finishes. Provide final protection and maintain conditions that ensure sheet metal flashing and trim Work during construction is without damage or deterioration other than natural weathering at the time of Substantial Completion. END OFSECTION0T620 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onstructio n Doc ume nts I5 October 2(MI N. o. B. J.J I I t I I I t I I I t t I HLM 980071-04 07620-7 t t I I I I I I T I I T I l'" I l.l 1.2 SECTION 07720 ROOF ACCESSORIES SECTION 07720 - ROOF ACCESSORIES PART I - CENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes the followins: l. Wall Vents. 2. Snow guards. 3. RoofCurbs. 4. Pre-fabricated roof expansion joints. Related Sections include the following: I. Division 6 Section "Rough Carpentry". 2. Division 7 Section "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim". 3. Division 7 Sections for roofing accessories included as part ofroofing Work. 4. Division 7 Section EIFS SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include construction details, materials, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes. Drawings for Initial Submittal: For snow guard, provide a plan indicating recommended layout pattern and type for approval by Architect. r.4 QUALTTY ASSURANCE A. Standards: Comply with the following: l. SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" details for fabrication of units, including flanges and cap flashing to coordinate with type of roofing indicated. 2. NRCA'S "Roofing and Waterproofing Manual" details for installing units. B. Fabricator: Each product spccified shall be supplied by a single source. C. Installer: Engage an experienced Installer who has completed similar projects and has a successful pcrformance record. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc uments 15 October 2001 B. 1.3 B. HLM 980071-04 07720-1 2.1 SECTION 07720 PART 2 - PRODUCTS ROOF ACCESSORIES MANUFACTURERS Availablc Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: I . Wall Vents for installation in Exterior Insulation and Finish Svstem: a. Ruskin Model ELFI5J b. Architect Approved Equal. 2. Snow Guards: a. SNOBAR by Riddell & Company. b. Architect Approved Equal. 3. Roof expansion joints: a. ManvilleExpand-0-Flash. b. Architect Approved Equal. 4. Roof hatches: a. Bilco Company. b. Architect Approved Equal. 2.2 MATERIALS, GENERAL A. Wall Vents: Extruded Aluminum: ASTM B 221 alloy 6063-T5 or alloy and tempcr required to suit structural and finish requirements, with mill finish, unless otherwise indicated. Snow Guards: Stainless Steel. Fasteners: Same metal as metals being fastened, as recommended by manufacturer. Match finish of exposed fasteners with finish of material being fastened. Gaskets: Manufacturer's standard as needed. Roof expansion joints: Neoprene. Elastomeric Sealant: As recommended bv manufacturcr. as needed. 2.3 WALL VENTS A. General: Ruskin Model ELFI -5J, narrow profile aluminum vcnt, with integral angled blades and drainage system- VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Docume nts 15 October 2001 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I T I I I I B. c. D. E. f. HLM 98007r-04 07720-2 I I F. SECTION 07720 ROOF ACCESSONIES 2.4 ROOFCURBS A. General: Provide roof curbs capable of supporting superimposed live and dead loads, including cquipment loads and other construction to be supported on roof curbs. Coordinate dimensions with drawings, and rough-in information ofequipment to be supported. B. Fabrication: l. Provide preservative-treated, and fire treated wood curb as indicated on drawings, or 2. Provide manufacturer's standard rigid or semirigid insulation where indicated on drawings. 3. Provide cants and base profile coordinated with roof insulation thickness. 4. Fabricate units to minimum heieht indicated. ROOF HATCHES General: Fabricate units to withstand 40-lbf/sq. ft. (1.9- kPa) external and 2O-lbf/sq. ft. (0.95- kPa) internal loading pressure. Frame with minimum 9-inch- (225-mm-) high, integral-curb, double-wall construction with l-\l2-inch (38- mm) insulation, formed cants and cap flashing (roofing counterflashing), with welded or sealed mechanical corner joints. Provide double-wall cover (lid) construction with l- inch- (25-mm-) thick insulation core. Provide gasketing and equip with corrosion-resistant or hot-dip galvanized hardware including pintle hinges, hold- open devices, interior padlock hasps, and both interior and exterior latch handles. Type: Single-leaf personnel access. l. For Ladder Access: 30 by 36 inches (750 by 900 mm). Material: Aluminum or galvanized steel, or in combination, at Contractor's option. 2.5 I I I T I I B. C. 2.6 I I I I I l. 2. J. 4. 5. Finish: Prime painted. Finish: Baked enamel. Finish: High-performance organic coating. Finish: Clear anodic. Finish: Color anodic. I lr D. Sloping Roofs: Where slope or roof deck exceeds l/4 inch per foot ( I :48), fabricate hatch curbs with height tapered to match slope to level tops of units. SNOW GUARDS Ceneral: Prefabricated, noncorrosive units designed to be installed without penetrating roof and complete with predrilled holes, clamps, or hooks for anchoring. Locations to be as indicated on roof plan. Quantity, type and pattern to be as recommended by Snow Guard manufacturer. | . Metal Type: Prefabricated, designed for use with type of roof specified. F'INISHES, GENERAL VAIL VALLEY MDDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc u me nts 15 October 2001 2.1 I I HLM 980071-04 07720-3 SECTION 07720 RooF AC}ESSORTES I Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual lbr Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. Protect mechanical finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering before shipping. Appearance of Finished Work: Variations in appearance of abutting or adjacent pieces are acceptable if they are within one-half of the range of approved Samples. Noticeable variations in the same piece arc not acceptable. Variations in appearance of other components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. LOUVER FINISH Kynar: Kynar 500 fluoropolymer coating applied following thorough cleaning and pretreatment as recommended by manufacturer. SNOWGUARDFINISH Manufacture's standard painted finish to match standing seam metal roof. PART 3 - EXECI,TTION INSTALLATION General: Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. Coordinate installation of roof accessorics with installation of roof deck, roof insulation, flashing, roofing membranes, penetrations, equipment, and other construction involving roof accessories to ensure that each element of the Work performs properly and that combined elements are waterproof and weathertight. Anchor roof accessories securcly to supporting structural substrates so they are capable of withstanding lateral and thermal stresses, and inward and outward loading pressures. Install roof accessory items according to construction details of NRCA's "Roofing and Waterproofing Manual," unlcss otherwise indicated, Separation: Separate metal from incompatible metal or corrosive substrates, including wood, by coating concealed surlaces, at locations of contact, with bituminous coating or providing other permanent scparatlon. Cap Flashing: Where requircd as component of accessory, install cap flashing to provide waterproof overlap with roofing or roof flashing (as counterflashing). Seal overlap with thick bead of mastic sealant. Snow Guards: Install according to wdtten installation instructions and recommendations of manulacturer and NRCA's "Steep Roofing Manual". CLEANINC AND PROTECTION Clean cxposcd surfaces according to manufacturer's written instructions. Touch up damaged metal coatlnqs. VAII. VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. c. B. D. E. 2.8 2.9 3.1 -'l . z HLM 98007l-U 07720-4 I sECrroN 07720 I ENDoFsEcrroNoT?2' l= I I t I I I ROOF ACCESSONIES I HLM s80071-04 vATLvALLEy MEDToALCENTER 07720-sI Construction Documents 15 October 2(nI I I I /r'4\I' I t I t I t b I I I I I I I l'--- I t.2 I.-) r.4 SECTION 07760 ROO F / P I.AZA PAV E R MATE RIALS SECTION 07760 - ROOF/PLAZA PAVER MATERIALS PART I - GENERAL I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes the followins: I . Roof/?laza Pavers. Related Sections include the following: l. Division 7 Section "Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim" 2. Division 7 Section for Roofine SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include construction details, materials, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes. QUALITY ASSTJRANCE Standards: Comply with the following: l. SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" details for fabrication of units, including flanges and cap flashing to coordinate with type of rooling indicated. 2. NRCA's "Roofing and Waterproofing Manual" details for installing units. WARRANTY Standards: Comply with thc following: l. Pavers: l0 year warranty. 2. Pedestals and other accessories: 3 vear warrantv. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Availablc Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with rcquirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporatcd into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc u me nts 15 October 2(Ml B. t.5 HLM 980071-04 07760-1 SECTION 07760 RO OF / P LAZA P AV ER M AT E RI ALS l. Plaza Paver System: a. Westile; Plaza Pavcr Systcm, Littleton, CO b. Envirospec, Inc; Pave-El System, Buffalo, NY c. Lightguard, product code: 2N-200 by T-Clcar Corporation. d. Architect Approved F4ual 2.2 MATERIALS, GENERAL A. 2'X 2'Concrete pavers. B. Finish per Architect's selection from manufacturer's standard range ofcolor and texture. PART 3 - EXECU-TION 3.I INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with manufacturer's written instructions. Coordinate installation of paver system with roof underlayment, and adjacent wall construction. B. Examine area to receive plaza paver system to verify surfaces are smooth, sound, clean and free of irregularities, related work penetrating the plane of the roof is completed, and the roof deck will sustain the weight of the plaza paver system. Do not commence paver application until unsatisfactory conditions are satisfied. C. Broom deck surface clean. 3.2 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Clean exposed surfaces according to manufacturer's written instructions. END OF SECTION 07760 VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns truc tia n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I HLM 980071-04 07760-2 I I SECTION O78II PART I -GENERAL l.l SPRAYED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIALS RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Ceneral and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes the following: l. Concealedsprayedfire-resistivematerials. 2. Exposed sprayed fire-resistive materials. 3. Topcoat. 4. Sealer. Related Sections include the following: l. Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for concret€ protecting structural steel. 2. Division 3 Section "Architectural Precast Concrete - Plant Cast" for precast protecting structural steel. 3. Division 4 Section "Unit Masonry" for masonry protecting sFuctural steel. 4. Division 5 Section "Structural Steel" for surface conditions required for structural steel receiving sprayed fi re-resistive materials. 5. Division 7 Section "Building Insulation" for fire-safing insulation. 6. Division 7 Section "Board Fire Protection" for mineral-fiber-board fire protection. 7. Division 7 Section "Firestopping" for through-penetration firestopping systems. 8. The following Division 9 Sections for gypsum-board-based fre protecrion: "Cypsum Board Assemblies." DEFINITIONS Concealed sprayed fire-resistive material is applied to surfaces that are concealed from view behind other construction when the Work is completed. Exposed sprayed fire-resistivc material is applied to surfaces that are exposcd to view when the Work is completed. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each fire-resistive product specified. Shop Drawings: Structural-framing plans indicating the following: l. Locations and types of surface preparations required before applying sprayed fire-resistivc matcrial. 2. Extent of spraycd lire-resistive material for each construction and fire-resistance rating, including the followine: A. B. 1.2I t I t I t 1.3 B. B. t.4 I I I I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o n s truc tio n D o c u rn e nts 15 October 2001I I I HLM 98007r-04 o78tI-I SECTION 07811 SP&\YED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIALS a. Applicable fire-resistive design designations of a qualified testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. b. Minimum thicknesses needed to achieve required fire-resistance ratings of structural J. components and assemblics. c. Designation of restrained and unrestrained conditions based on definitions in ASTM E I19, Appendix X3 as determined by a qualified professional engineer. 3. Trealment of sprayed firc-resistive material after application. Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts showing the full range of colors and glosses available. Samples for Verification: Of each type of exposed finish required, prepared on 2 Samples, each 4 inches square, of each color, gloss, textue and material formulation to b€ applied. Where finishes involve normal color and texture variations, include Sample sets showing the full range of variations expected. Product Certificates: Signed by manufacturer of sprayed fire-resistive material certifying that the products furnished comply with rcquirements. Installer Certificates: Signed by manufacturer certifying that installers comply with specified requirements. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specified. Compatibility and Adhesion Test Reports: For primers and other coatings applied to structural steel. Provide reports from a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency engaged by Contractor. Confirm that primers and coatings proposed for application in shop or field are compatible with fire- resistive material. Instruct laboratory to determine compatibility according to requircments specified in "Quality Assurance" Article. Product Test Reports: Indicate that physical properties of proposed sprayed fire-resistive matcrials comply with specified requirements based on comprehensive testing of current product formulations by a qualified testing and inspecting agency according to requirements specificd in "Quality Assurance" Article. ResearcMEvaluation Reports: Evidcnce of sprayed fire-resistive material's compliance with building codc in elfect for Project, from a model code organization acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienccd installcr certified, licensed, or otherwise qualified by sprayed fire-resistive material manufacturer as having the necessary experience, staff, and training to install manufacturer's products according to specified requirements. A manufacturer's willingness to sell its sprayed firc-resistive materials to Contractor or to an installer engaged by Contractor does not in itself confcr qualification on the buyer. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is lcgally qualified to practice in the jurisdiction where Project is located and who is experienccd in providing engineering services of the kind indicated. Engineering services are defined as those pcrformed for installations of sprayed fire-resistive materials that are similar to thosc indicated for this Project in material, design, and extent. I I I I I I C. D. E. F. c. I 1.5 I I I I I I I I I I I I B. VAI L VAI,LEY M EDICAL CENTER C onstructio n Do cume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 98M71.04 o7811-2 I I SECTION O78II SPRAYED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIALS Testing Agency Qualifications: An indepcndent testing and inspecting agency with the experience and capability to conduct the testing indicated without delaying the Work, as documented according to ASTl,,r E 699. Testing of Fire-Resistive Materials: By a qualified testing and inspecting agency engaged by Contractor or manufacturer according to the following requirements: l. Sprayed fire-rcsistive materials are randomly selected for testing from bags bearing the applicable classification marking of UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having j urisdiction. 2. Testing is performed on specimens of sprayed fire-resistive materials that comply with laboratory testing requirements specified in Part 2 and are otherwise identical to installed fire-resistive materials, including application of accelcrant, sealers, topcoats, tamping, troweling, rolling, and water over-spray, if any of these are used in final application. 3. Testing is performed on specimens whose application the independent testing and inspecting agency witnessed during preparation and conditioning. Include in test reports a full description of preparation and conditioning of laboratory test specimens. Testing for Compatibility and Adhesion: Engage a qualified testing and inspecting agency to prepare compatibility and adhesion test reports required in "Submittals" Article based on testing that complies with the following requirements: l. Testing for bond per ASTM 8736 and requirements specified in UL's "Fire Resistance Directory" about coating materials. 2. Verify that manufacturer of fire-resistive material has not found primers or coatings to be incompatible with fire-resistive material based on its own laboratory testing or field experience. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of sprayed fire-resistive material from one source and by a single manufacturer. Fire-TesGResponsc Characteristics: Provide sprayed fire-resisrive materials and assemblies identical to those tested for the following fire-test-response characteristics per test method indicated below by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identify packages (bags) containing sprayed fire-resistive material with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. l. Fire-Resistance Ratings: As indicated by reference to fire-resistive designs listed in ULb "Fire Resistance Directory," or in the comparable publication of another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for sprayed fire-resistive material serving as dircct- applicd protection, tested per ASTM E I 19. 2. Surface-Burning Characteristics: As indicated for each sprayed firc-resisiive product required, tested per ASTM E 84. Provide products containing no detectable asbestos as determined according to the method specified in 40 CFR, Part763, Subpart E, Appendix E, Section l, "Polarized Lighr Microscopy." Mockups: Beforc installing sprayed fire-resistive material, apply products specified to demonstrate qualities of materials and execution. Build mockups to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for completcd Work: L Locate mockups in the location indicated or, ifnot indicated, as directed by Architect. D.t I I I t I F. c. I I I I I I I -:'' I VAIL VAILEY M EDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 t HLM 98007r-04 o78I t-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t t. -1- A B. C. B. 1.6 t.7 1.8 1.9 ,-la, . ."i SECTION O78II 2. Extent of Mockups: Approximately 20 lineal feet of surface for each product indicated. 3. Notify Architect 7 days in advance ol'the dates and times when mockups will be constructed. 4. Demonstrate the proposed workmanship, including patching. 5. Obtain Architectb approval of mockups bcfore starting application of product. 6. Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard lbr judging the completed Work. a. Approved mockups in an undisturbed condition at the time of Substantial Cornpletion may become part of thc completed Work. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver products to Project site in original, unopened packages with intact and legible manufacturers' labels identifying product and manufacturer; date of manufacturei shelf life, if applicable; and fire- resistance ratings applicable to Project. Use materials with limited shelf life within period indicated. Remove from Project sitc and discard materials whose shelf life has expired. Store materials inside, under cover, aboveground, so they are kept dry until ready for use. Remove from Projcct site and discard materials that have deteriorated. PROJECTCONDMONS Environmental Limitations: Do not apply sprayed fire-resistive material whcn ambient or substrate temperatures are 4OdegF or lower, unless temporary protection and heat is provided to maintain temperatures at or above this level for 24 hours before, during, and for 24 hours after product application. Ventilation: Ventilate building spaces during and after application of sprayed lire-resistivc material. Use natural means or, where this is inadequate, forced-air circulation until fire-resistive material dries thoroughly. sEQr.]ENCrNC Sequence and coordinatc application of sprayed fire-resistive materials with othcr related work specified in other Sections to comply with the following requirements: Provide temporary enclosures for interior applications to prevent deterioration of fire-resistive material due to exposure to unfavorablc environmental conditions. Avoid unnecessary exposure of fire-resistive material to abrasion and other damage likely to occur during construction operations subsequent to its application. Do not apply fire-resistive material to metal roof desk substratcs until roofing has been completed; prohibit roof traffic during application and drying of firc-resistive material. Do not begin applying fire-resistive material until clips, hangers, supports, sleeves, and other items penetrating fire protection are in placc. 5. Defer installing ducts, piping, and other items that would interfere with applying fire-resistive matcrial until application of fire protection is completed. 6. Do not install enclosing or concealing construction until after fire-rcsistive material has been applicd, inspected, tested, and corrections have been made to defcctivc applications. WARRANTY SPPAYED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIAIS VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Con structio n Doc ume nt s 15 October 2N)I HLM 980071-04 o78tI-4 I t I.i SECTION O78II PART 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Fiberous fireproofing system to provide a fire rated assembly rating of: l. 3 hour: columns - UL design X829.2. 3 hour: beams and girders (columnro-column) - UL design N816.3. 2 hour: purlins (beam+o-beam) - UL design D902.4. 2 hour: concrete roof assembly - UL design D902.5. 2 hour: concrete floor assembly - UL design D902. VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Co nstructian Docume nts 15 October 2(MI SPRAYED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIALS General Warranty: The special warranty specificd in this Article shall not deprive Owner of other rights Owner may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties made by Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents. Special Warranty: Submit a written warranty, executed by Contractor and cosigned by Installer, agreeing to repair or replacc sprayed fire-resistive materials that fail within the specified warranty period. l. Failures include, but are not limited to, cracking, flaking, eroding in excess of specified requirements; peeling; and delaminating of sprayed fire-resistive materials from substrates due to defective materials and workmanship within the specified wananty period. 2. Not covered under the warranty are failures due to damage by occupants and Owner's maintenance personnel, exposure to environmental conditions other than those investigated and approved during fire-response testing, and other causes not rcasonably foreseeable under conditions of normal use. Warranty Period: 2 years from date of Substantial Completion. B. I I I I I I 2.2 EXPOSED SPRAYED FIRE.RESISTIVE MATERIALS General: For exposed applications of sprayed fire-resistive materials, provide manufacturer's standard products complying with requirements indicated for material composition and for minimum physical prop€rties ofeach product listed, measured by standard test methods referenced with each property. Sprayed-Fiber Fire-Resistivc Material: Factory-mixed, dry formulation of inorganic binders, mineral fibers, hllers, and additives conveyed in a dry state by pneumatic equipment and mixcd with water at spray nozzle to form a damp, as-applied product, complying with the following requirements: l. Dry Density: Values for average and individual densities as required lbr fire-resistance ratings indicated, per ASTM E 605 or AWCI Technical Manual l2-A, Appendix A, "Alternate Method for Density Determination," but with an average density ofnot less than 22 lb./cu. ft. 2. Bond Strength: 434 lbf/sq. ft. per ASTM E 736. 3. Compressive Strength: 5l lbf/sq. in. per ASTM E 761. 4. Dry Dcnsity: Values for average and individual densities as required for fire-resistance rarings indicated, per ASTM E 605 or AWCI Technical Manual 12-A, Appcndix A, "Alternate Method for Density Determination," but with an average density of not less than 39 lb./cu. ft. 5. Bond Strength: 1000 lbf/sq. ft. per ASTM E 736. 6. Compressive Strength: 300 lbf/sq. in. per ASTM E 761. 7 . Corrosion Resistance: No evidence of corrosion per ASTM E 937. 8. Deflection: No cracking, spalling, delamination, or the like per ASTM E 759. B. t t I T t t I I HLM 98007r-04 o78r1-5 SECTION O78I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I a. b. c. c. D. E. F. G. H. SPRAYED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIALS 9. Effect of Impact on Bonding: No cracking, spalling, dclamination, or the like per ASTM E 760. 10. Air Erosion: Maximum weight loss of 0.025 g/sq. ft. pcr ASTM E 859. I l. Combustion Characteristics: Passes ASTM E 136. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide spraycd fire-resistive materials with the following surface- burning characteristics as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84 by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. I . Flame Spread: I0 or less. 2. Smoke Developed: 0. 3. Fungal Resistance: No observed growth on specimens per ASTM G 21. 4. For exterior applications of sprayed fire-resistive material, provide manufacturer's formulation approved for surfaces exposed to the exterior. Water-Based Intumescent Mastic Fire-Resistive Material: Factory-mixed formulation consisting of water- based mastic, with inorganic reinforcing fibers for spray application. Nonwater-Based Intumescent Mastic Fire-Resistive Material: Factory-mixed formulation oonsisting of mastic, with inorganic reinforcing fibers for spray application. l. For exterior applications of fire-resistive material, provide manufacturer's formulation approved for such use. Thin-Film Intumescent Mastic Fire-Resistive Material: Factory-mixed mastic coating system, spray applied as thin-film coating, as follows: l. Single-component system consisting of intumescent coating. 2. Multicomponent system consisting ofan intumescent bas€ coat and topcoat. Color and Gloss: As indicated by manufacturer's color and gloss designations. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: 1. Sprayed-FiberFire-ResistiveMatcrial: a. Cafco Deck Shield I; Isolatek International Corp., Cafco Products. 2. Water-BasedlntumescentMasticFire-ResistiveMatcrial: a. Clad 900; Albi Manufacturing, Div. of StanChem Inc. 3. Nonwater-BasedlntumescentMasticFire-ResistiveMaterial: a. Clad 800; Albi Manufacturing, Div. of StanChcm Inc. b. PitrChar XP; Carboline Co., Fircproofing Products Div. c. Chartek IV; Textron Specialty Materials. 4. Thin-FilmlntumescentMasticFire-ResistiveMaterial: Firefilm and Colorcoat; A/D Fire Protection Systems, Inc. Clad TF; Albi Manufacturing, Div. ol'StanChem Inc. Cafco Sprayfilm Basecoat and Topscal; Isolatck lntcrnational Corp., Cafco Products. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onstruction Do c um ents 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 o78It-6 I I fffi z. _1 SECTION O78II SPMYED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIALS AUXILIARY FIRE.RESISTIVE MATERIALS Ceneral: Provide auxiliary fire-resistive materials that are compatible with sprayed fire-resistive materials and substrates and arc approved by LIL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction for use in fire-resistive designs indicated. Substrate Primers: For use on cach substrate and with each sprayed fire-resistive product, provide primer that complies with one or more of thc following requirements: l. Primer's bond strength complies with requirements specified in UL's "Fire Resistance Directory" for coating materials based on a serics of bond tests per ASTM E 736. 2. Primer is identical to those used in assemblies tested for fire{esGresponse characteristics of sprayed fire-resistive material per ASTM E I 19 by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Adhesive for Bonding Fire-Resistive Material: Product approved by manufacturer of sprayed fire-resistive material. Metal Lath: Expanded metal lath fabricated from material of weight, configuration, and finish required to comply with fire-resistive designs indicated and fire-resistive product manufacturer's written rccommendations. Include clips, lathing accessories, corner beads, and other anchorage devices required to attach lath to substrates and to receivc sprayed fire-resistive material. Reinforcing Fabric: Glass-fiber fabric of type, weight, and form required to comply with fire-resistive designs indicated, approved by manufacturer of intumescent mastic fire-resistive material. Reinforcing Mesh: Metallic mesh reinforcement of type, weight, and form required to comply with fire- resistive designs indicated, approved by manufacturer of intumescent mastic fire-resistive material. Include pins and attachment. Topcoats: Type by manufacturer of each sprayed fire-resistive material for applications indicated. Veneer-Plaster Topcoat: Factory-mixed formulation of a latex-modified, inorganic, veneer plaster recommended in writing for spray application over concealcd and exposed formulations by manufacturer of latter products. l. Product: Subject to compliance with rcquirements, provide "Topkete Type TK-610L" by W.R. Grace & Co.--Conn., Construction Products Div. Water-Based Permeable Surface Coating: Factory-mixed formulation for brush, roller, or spray application over concealed and exposcd formulations by manufacturer of latter products. l. Product: Subject to compliance with rcquirements, provide "Cafco Topcoat" by Isolatek International Corp., Cafco Products. Sealer for Sprayed-Fiber Fire-Rcsistive Material: Transparent-drying, water-dispersible protective coating by manufacturer of sprayed-fiber firc-resistive material. l. Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide "Cafco Bond-Seal" by Isolatek International Corp., Cafco Products. t I I t I I c. H. I I I I t I B. c. D. E. F. I l'*''VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 October 2001 I HLM 980071-04 o78rI-7 SECTION O78II PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I EXAMINATION I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. B. C. D. B. 3.2 J.J Examine substrates, with Installer present, to determine whether they are in satisfactory condition to receive sprayed fire-resistive material. A substrate is in satisfactory condition if it complies with thc following: l. Substrates comply with requirements in thc Section where the substrate and related materials and construction are specified. 2. Substrates are fiee of oil, grease, rolling compounds, incompatible primers, loose mill scale, dirt, or other foreign substances capable of impairing bond of fire-resistive material with substrate under conditions of normal use or fire exposure. 3. Objects penetrating fire-resistive material, including clips, hangers, support sleeves, and similar items, are securely attached to substrates. 4. Substrates are not obstructed by ducts, piping, equipment, and other suspended construction that will interfere with applying fire-resistive material. Conduct tests according to fire^resistive material manufacturer's written recommendations to verify that substrates are free of oil, rolling compounds, and other substances capable of interfering with bond. Do not proceed with installation of fire-resistive material until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION Clean substrates of substances that could impair bond of fire-resistive material, including oil, grease, rolling compounds, incompatible primers, and loose mill scale. Prime substrates where recommended in writing by fire-resistive material manufacturer, unless compatible shop primer has been applied and is in satisfactory condition to receive hre-resistive material. For exposed applications, repair substrates to remove any surface imperfections that could affect uniformity of texture and thickness in finished surface of sprayed fire-resistive material. Rcmove minor projections and frll voids that would telegraph through fire-resistive products after application. Cover other work subject to damage from fallout or over-spray of fire-resistive materials during application. Provide temporary enclosure as required to confine spraying operations, protect the environment, and ensure maintenance of adequate ambient conditions for temperature and ventilation. INSTALLATION, CENERAL Comply with firc-resistive material manufacturer's written instructions for mixing materials, application procedures, and types of equipment used to convey and spray on fire-resistive material, as applicable to particular conditions of installation and as required to achicve fire-resistance ratings indicated. Apply sprayed fire-resistive material that is idcntical to products tested as specified in Part I in "Product Test Reports" in "Submittals" Articlc, with respect to rate of application, accclerator use, sealers, topcoats, tamping, troweling, watcr over-spray, or other materials and procedures affecting test results. SPMYED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIALS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruc tion D oc um e nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 078il-8 I SECTION O78II c. SPRAYED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIALS Install metal lath, as required, to comply with fire-resistance ratings and lire-resistive material manufacturer's written recommendations for conditions ofexposurc and intended use. Securely attach lath to substrate in position required for support and reinforcement of firc-rcsistivc material. Use anchorage devices of type recommended in writing by fire-resistive material manufacturer. Attach lathing accessories where indicated or required for secure attachment to substratc. Coat substrates with adhcsive belbre applying fire-resistive material where required to achieve fire- resistance rating or as recommcnded in writing by fire-resistive material manufacturcr for material and application indicated. Extend fire-resistive material in full thickness over entire area of each substrate to be protected. Unless othcrwise recommended in writing by fire-resistive matcrial manufacturer, install body of fire-resistive covering in a single course. Spray apply fire-resistivc materials to maximum extent possible. Following the spraying operation in each area, complete the coverage by trowcl application or other placement method recommendcd in writing by manufacturer. For applications over encapsulant materials, including lockdown (post-removal) encapsulants, apply sprayed fire-resistive material that differs in color from that of the encapsulant over which it is applied. Where sealers are used, apply products that are tinted to differentiate them from the sprayed fire-resistive material over which they are applied. INSTALLING CONCEALED SPRAYED FIRE.RESISTIVE MATERIALS Apply concealed fire-resistive matcrial in thicknesses and densities indicated. but not lcss than those required to achieve fire-resistance ratings designated for each condition, and comply with requirements for thickness specified in Part 2 "Concealed Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials" Article. Apply water over-spray to concealed, sprayed-fiber fire-resistive material as required to obtain designated fire-resistance rating and where indicatcd. Apply sealcr to concealed sprayed fire-resistive material. Apply topcoat to concealed sprayed fire-resistive material. INSTALLINC EXPOSED SPRAYED FIRE.RESISTIVE MATERIALS Apply exposed spraycd fire-resistive material in thicknesses and densities indicated, but not less than that required to achieve fire-resistancc ratings designated for each condition, unless greatcr thicknesses and densities are indicated. Provide a unilbrm finish complying with description indicatcd for each type of material and matching Architect's sample or, if none, finish approved for field-erected mockup. Apply sprayed-fiber fire-resistive matcrial to produce the following finish: l. Spraytexturedfinish. 2. Apply sealer. 3. Apply topcoat. D. c. H. 3.4 I I I I I I F. 3.5I B.I T B. I I t t D. A. VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Co n str uctio n Doc ume nts I5 October 2001 I HLM 98007t-04 o78II-9 SECTION O78II I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I D. B. D. 3.6 SPRAYED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIALS Apply intumescent nastic fire-resistive material as follows: l. Install reinforcing fabric where indicated or required. 2. Finish: Spraytextured finish with no further treatment. Apply thin-film intumescent mastic fire-resistive material as follows: l. Finish: Spray apply successive base coat(s) and linish topcoat. Allow drying and curing between coats. Determine required dry film thickness beforc applying finish topcoat. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Testing Agency: Owner will engagc a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency to perform field tests and inspections and to prepare test reporLs. l. Testing and inspecting agency will interpret tests and state in each report whether tested work complies with or deviates from requirements. Testing and inspecting of completed applications of sprayed fire-resistive material will take place in successive stages, in areas of extcnt and using methods as follows. Do not proceed with application of fire-resistive material for the next area until test results for previously completed applications of fire- resistive material show compliance with requirements. l. Extent: For each 15,000-sq. ft. area, or partial area, on each floor, testing and inspecting agency will evaluate the following characteristics. Tested values must equal or exceed values indicated and values required for approved fire-resistance design. a. Thickness for Floors, Roofs, and Walls: From the average of l0 measurements from a 144- sq. in. sample area, with sample width ofnot less than 6 inches per ASTM E 605. b. Thickness for Structural Frame Members: From a sample of 25 percent of structural members per floor, taking 9 measurements at a single cross section for joists and trusses and 7 measurements of a single cross section for columns per ASTM E 605. c. Density for Floors, Roofs, Walls, and Structural Frame Members: At frequency and from sample size indicated for determining thickness of each type of construction, per ASTM E 605 or AWCI Technical Manual l2-A, Appendix A, "Alternate Method for Density Determination." d. Bond Strength for Floors, Roofs, Walls, and Structural Framing Members: Cohesion and adhesion at frequency and from sample size indicated for determining thickness of each type of construction, per ASTM E 736. 2. When testing discovers applications of fire-resistive material not in compliance with requirements, testing and inspecting agency will perform additional random testing to determine extent of noncompliance. Remove and replace applications of fire-resistive material where test results indicate that they do not comply with specified requirements for oohesion and adhesion or for dcnsity, or both. Apply additional lire-resistive material pcr manufacturer's written instructions where test results indicatc that thickness does not comply with spccified requirements. Additional testing and inspecting, at Contractor'.s expense, will be performed to determine compliance of replaced or additional work with specified requirements. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructio n D o c ume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 o78I t-10 I sEcrroNoTt, I .--\., 3.7 CLEANING, PROTECTINC, AND REPAIRl' I - A. Cleaning: Immediately after completing spraying operations in cach confinable area of Project, remove material over-spray and fallout from surfaces of other construction and clean exposed surfaces to remove - evidence of soiling. I B. Protect fire-resistive material, according to advice of product manufacturer and Installer, from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so fire protection will be without damage or I dercrioration ar thc time of Substantial Completion. I C. Coordinate application of fire-resistive material with other construction to minimize the need to cut or I remove fire protection. As installation of other construction proceeds, inspect fire-resistive material and I patch any damaged or removed areas. D. Repair or replace work that has not been successfully protected. I I END oF SECTIoN O78I I I I SPRAYED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERTALS I I I I I I I I - HLMs8oo7r-04 I VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documen$ 15 October 2N)I O78I I-I I I SECTION 07841 TH ROAGH PENETRATION FIRESTOP SYSTEMS B. t.l t.2 I I I I t I SECTION 0784I . THROUGH.PENETRATION FIRESTOP SYSTEMS PART I - GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of thc Contract, including Ceneral and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includcs through-peneuation firestop systems for penetrations through the lbllowing fire- resistance-rated assemblies, including both empty openings and openings containing penetrating items: l. Floors. 2. Roofs. 3. Walls and partitions. Related Sections include the followins: Division 9 Section "Shaft Wall Assemblies." Division l5 Sections specifying duct and piping penetrations. Division l6 Sections specifying cable and conduit penetrations. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS General: For the following constructions, provide through-pene[ation firestop systems that are produced and installed to resist spread of fire according to requirements indicated, resist passage of smoke and other gases, and maintain original fire-resistance rating of assembly penetrated. l. Firc-rcsistance-rated nonload-bearing walls, including partitions, with fire-protection-rated openings. 2. Fire-resistance-ratedfloorassemblies. 3. Fire-resistance-ratedroofassemblies. F-Rated Systems: Provide through-penetration fircstop systems with F-ratings indicated, as determincd per ASTM E 814, but not less than that equaling or exceeding fire-resistance rating of constructions penetrated. T-Ratcd Systems: For the following conditions, provide through-penetration firestop systems with T- ratings indicated, as well as F-ratings, as determined per ASTM E 814, where systems protect penetrating items exposed to potential contact with adjacent materials in occupiable floor areas: l. Penetrations located outside wall cavities. 2. Penetrations located outside lire-resistive shaft enclosures. 3. Penetrations located inconstructioncontaining fire-protection-rated openings.4. Pcnctrating items larger than 4-inch- diameter nominal pipe or l6 sq. in. in overall cross-sectional area. J. 1.3 B. c. I I T I I I l--VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructio n Doc ume nts I5 OcroBER200I I I HLM 980071-04 0784r-1 SECTION 07841 I I I T I I I I I I I t I I I I T t I D. E. A. B. D, A. B. 1.4 t.5 THROAGH PENETRATION FIRESTOP SYSTEMS For through-penetration firestop systems exposed to view, traffic, moisture, and physical damage, provide products that after curing do not deteriorate when exposed to these conditions both during and after construction. l. For piping penetrations for plumbing and wet-pipc sprinkler systems, provide moisture-resistant thnough-penetration fi restop systems. 2. For floor penetrations with annular spaces exceeding 4 inches in width and exposed to possible loading and traffic, provide firestop systems capable of supporting floor loads involved either by installing floor plates or by other mcans. 3. For penetrations involving insulated piping, provide through-penetration firestop systems not requiring removal of insulation. For through-penetration hrestop syslems exposed to view, provide products with flamc-sprcad ratings of less than 25 and smoke-developed ratings ofless than 450, as determined per ASTM E 84. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of through-penetration firestop system product indicated. Shop Drawings: For each through-penetration firestop system, show each kind of construction condition penetrated, relationships to adjoining construction, and kind of penetrating item. Include firestop design designation of testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction that cvidcnccs compliance with requirements for each condition indicated. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with projcct names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specified. Product Certificates: Signed by manufacturers of through-penetration firestop system products certifying that products furnished comply with requirements. Product Test Reports: From a qualified testing agency indicating through-penetration firestop system complies with requirements, based on comprehensive testing of current products. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: An experienced installer who is qualified by having thc ncccssary cxperience, staff, and training to install manufacturer's products per specified requirements. A manufacturer's willingness to sell its through-penetration firestop system products to Contractor or to an installer cngagcd by Contractor does not in itself confer qualification on buycr. Source Limitations: Obtain through-penetration firestop systems, for each kind of penetration and construction condition indicated, from a single manufacturer. Firc-Tcst-Response Characteristics: Providc through-penetration firestop systems that comply with the following requirements and those specified in "Performance Requirements" Article: l. Firestopping tests are performed by a qualified testing and inspecting agency. A qualified testing and inspecting agency is UL, or another agcncy performing tcsting and follow-up inspection services for firestop systems acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. C. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Docume nts l5 OcroBER 2001 HLM 98007t-04 07841-2 I sECrroNoTE4t t I THROAGH PENETRATION FI RESTOP SYSTEMS 2. Through-penetration firestop systems are idcntical to those tested per ASTM E 814. Provide ratcd systems complying with the following requirements:. a. Through-penetration firestop system products bear classification marking of qualified testing and inspecting agency. b. Through-penetration firestop systems correspond to those indicated by referencc to through-peneration firestop system designations listed by the following: | ) UL in "Fire Resistance Directory." I 3. Fire-Rating Schedule: I Wall/Floor Tyoe Penetrating Item Fire Ratine ULlt Plastic Pipe I I I T Concrete/Conc. Block PVC, CPVC,ABS or FRPP Gypsum wall PVC, CPVC,ABS or FRPP 3 - hr CAJ-2109 I or 2 - hr WL-2078 I Large Openings - Multiple Pcnetrations Concrete/Conc. Block Multiplc cables and non-insulared 2 - hr WJ-8004 steel, EMT/conduit Concrete/Conc. Block Multiple pipes: steel, copper 3 - trr CAJ-I140 conduit or EMT Concrete/Conc. Block Insulated or non-insulated steel, 3 - hr WJ-8002 copper, conduit or EMT pipes, cable tray or cables (single or bundled) Gypsum wall Multiple insulated or non-insulated I or 2 - hr WJ-8013 steel, copper, conduit or EMT pipes, cables, cable trays and plastic pipe Cypsum wall Multiple steel, copper conduit 2 -hr WL-8004 or cables Non-insulated Metal Pipe Concrete/Conc. Block Steel, copper conduit or EMT 3 - hr CAJ-I155 Gypsum wall Steel, copper conduit or EMT I or 2 - hr WL-1085 Insulated Metal Pioe I Concrete/Conc. Block Steel, copper conduir or EMT 2 -hr CAJ-509 | I w/glass fiber insulation (sleeved or unsleeved) I Cypsum wall Stcel, copper conduit or EMT 1 or 2 - hr WL-5025I r,::?:'ffiil;*:'.7 I t.6 DELTVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING I A. Deliver through-penetration firestop systcm products to Project site in original, unopened containers or I packages with intact and legible manufacturers' labels identifying product and manufacturer; date of manufacture; lot number; shelf life, if applicable; qualified testing and inspecting agcncy's classification marking applicablc to Project; curing time; and mixing instructions for multicomponent materials. I B. Store and handle matcrials for through-penetration firestop systems to prevcnt their deterioration or damagc due to moisture, temperature changes, contaminants, or other causes. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruction Do c ume nts I5 Ocr:oBER 2001 I li' I HLM 980071-04 07841-3 t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I B. A. B. t-l t.8 2.1 SECTION 07841 THROUGH PEN ETRATION FIRESTOP SYSTEMS PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Limitations: Do not install through-penetration I'irestop systems when ambient or substrate temperatures are outside limits permitted by through-pcnctration firestop system manufacturers or when substrates arc wet due to rain, frost, condensation, or other causes. Ventilate through-penetration firestop systems per manufacturer'.s written instructions by natural means or, where this is inadequate, forced-air circulation. COORDINATION Coordinate construction of openings and penetrating items to ensure that through-penetration fircstop systems nre installed according to specified requirements. Coordinate sizing of sleeves, openings, corc-drilled holes, or cut openings to accommodate through- penetration firestop systems. Do not cover up through-penetration firestop system installations that will become concealed behind other construction until building inspector, if required by authorities having jurisdiction, have examined each installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MANI.]FACTURERS Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following:l. DAP Inc. 2. Firestop Systems Inc.3. Hilti Construction Chemicals, Inc.4. 3M Fire Protection Products.5. Tremco. 2.2 FIRESTOPPING, GENERAL A. Compatibility: Provide through-pcnetration firestop systems that aro compatible with one another, with the substrates tbrming openings, and with the items, if any, penetrating through-pcnctmtion firestop systems, under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by through-penetration firestop system manufacturer based on testing and field experience. B. Accessorics: Provide components for each through-penetration firestop system that are needed to install fill materials and to comply with "Performance Requirements" Article. Use only components specified by through-penetration firestop system manufacturer and approved by the qualified testing and inspecting agency for firestop systems indicated. Accessories include, but are not limited to, the following items: l. Permanent forming/damming/backing materials, including the lbllowing: a. Slag-/rock-wool-fiber insulation. b. Scalants used in combination with other forming/damming/backing materials to prevent t leakage of fill materials in liquid state. t VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n D o c ume nts 15 OcroBER 2001 I I HLM 980071-04 07841-4 I sECrroNoTE4r THROAGH P E N ETRATION F I RESTOP SYSTEM S c. Fire-rated form board. d. Fillers for sealants. 2. Temporary forming materials. 3. Substrate primers. 4. Collars. 5. Steel sleeves. I 2.3 FILL MATERIALS 't l. Crade: Pourable (self-leveling) formulation for openings in floors and other horizontal surfacest ;ll"HiI1-",i:lT"iX"'"'.: iilJffl';":J:,":;:i*il#'i:: ix'ff::#sxil'# ;:il'"ffil,?I conditions. I PART3-EXECUTTON I 3.I EXAMINATIONr A. Examine substrates and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for opening I configurations, penetrating items, subsrates, and other conditions aifecting performance.t B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been conected. 3.2 PREPARATION I A. Surface Cleaning: Clean out openings immediately before installing through-penetration firestop systems I to comply with writteu recommendations of firestop system manufacturer and the following reouirements: t l. Remove from surfaces of opening substrates and from penetrating items foreign materials that could interfere with adhesion of through-penetration firestop systems. 2. Clean opening substrates and penetrating items to produce clean, sound surfaces capable of I developing opti.urn bond with through-lenetration hrestop systems. Remove loose particles t remaining from cleaning operation. 3, Remove laitance and form-release agents from concrete. f B. Priming: Prime substrates where recommended in writing by through-penetration firestop system - manufacturer using that manufacturer's recommended productJand methods. Confine primers to areas of bond; do not allow spillagc and migration onto exposed surfaces.Irt C. Masking Tape: Use masking tape to prevent through-penetration firestop systems from contacting adjoining surfaces that will remain exposed on completion of Work and that would otherwise be I permanently stained or damaged by such contact or by cleaning methods used to remove smears from I firestop system materials. Remove tapc as soon as possible without disturbing firestop system! seal with substrates. r 3.3 THROUCH-PENETRATION FIRESTOP SYSTEM INSTALLATION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc ume nts I5 OCToBER 2OOI I I HLM 9E0071-04l- I 07841-s SECTION 07841 THROUGH PEN ETRATION F I RESTOP SYSTEMS Ceneral: Install through-penetration fircstop systems to comply with "Perfbrmancc Requirements" Article and firestop systcm manufacturer's written installation instructions and published drawings for products and applications indicated. Install forming/damming/backing materials and other accessories of types required to support fill materials during their application and in the position needed to produce cross-sectional shapcs and depths required to achieve fire ratings indicated. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Proceed with enclosing through-penetration firestop systems with other construction only after inspection reports are issued. Where deficiencies are found, repair or replace through-penetration firestop systems so they comply with requirements. IDENTIFICATION Identify tkough-penetration firestop systems with pressure-sensitive, self-adhesive, preprinted vinyl labels. Attach labels permanently to surfaces of penetrated construction on both sides of each firestop system installation where labels will be visible to anyone seeking to remove penetrating items or firestop systems. Include the following information on labels: L The words: "Warning--Through-Penetration Firestop Systcm-Do Not Disturb. Notif Building Management of Any Damage." Contractor's name, address, and phone number. Ttfough-penetration firestop system designation of applicable testing and inspecting agency. Date of installation. Through-penetration firestop system manufacturer's name. Installer's name. CLEANING AND PROTECTION Clean off excess fill materials adjacent to openings as Work progresses by methods and with cleaning materials that are approvcd in writing by through-penetration firestop system manufacturers and that do not damage materials in which openings occur. Provide final protection and maintain conditions during and after installation that ensurc through- p€netration firestop systcms are without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. If, despite such protection, damage or deterioration occurs, cut out and remove damaged or deteriorated through-penetration firestop systcms imnrediately and install new materials to producc through- penetration fircstop systems complying with specified requirements. END OF SECTION 0784I t I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I A. B. 3.4 B. 3.5 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 3.6 B. VAII, VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruc tio n D oc ume nts I5 Oc'[oBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 07841-6 I SECTION 07920 SECTION 07920 - JOINT SEALANTS PART I . CENERAL TOINT SEALANTS b. d. e. t.l t.2 I I t I T I RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Ceneral and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes scalants for the following applications: l. Exteriorjoints in the following vertical surfaces and nontraffic horizontal surfaces: Control joints in unit masonry. Ioints in stone cladding. Joints between different dissimilar materials. Perimeter joints between materials and frames of doors and windows. Other ioints as indicated. Exterior joints in the following horizontal traffic surfaces: a. Joints in stone paving units, including steps. b. Tile control joints. c. Joints between dissimilar materials. d. Other joints as indicated. Interiorjoints in the following veftical surfaces and horizontal nontraffic surfaces: a. Control joints on exposed interior surfaces ofexterior walls. b. Perimeter joints ofexterior openings where indicated. c. Tile control joints. d. Vertical control joints on exposed surfaces of interior unit masonry and concrete walls and partitions. e. Perimeter joints betwcen interior wall surfaces and frames of interior doors, windows, and elevator entrances. f. Joints betwecn plumbing fixtures and adjoining walls, floors, and counters. g. Other joints as indicated. B.Related Sections include the followins: 3. I I I I I l. 2. J. A 5.I l*, I Division 2 Section "Pavement Joint Sealants" for sealing joints in pavements, walkways, and curbing. Division 4 Section "Unit Masonry" for masonry control and expansion joint fillers and gaskets. Division 7 Section "Firestopping" for fire-resistant building joint-sealant systems. Division 8 Section "Glazing" for glazing sealants. Division 9 Section "Cypsum Board Assemblies" for sealing perimeter joints of gypsum board partitions to reduce sound transmission. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co ns truc tion Doc ume nts 15 OcroBER200l t HLM 980071-04 07920-1 SECTION 07920 JOINT SEALANTS PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Providc elastomeric joint sealants that establish and maintain watertight and airtight continuous joint seals without staining or deteriorating loint substrates. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each joint-sealant product indicated. Samples for Selection: Manufacturer'.s color charts consisting of strips of cured sealants showing the full range of colors available for each product exposed to view. Product Certificates: Signed by manufacturers ofjoint sealants certifying that products furnished comply with requirements and arc suitable for the use indicated. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specificd in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects uith project names and addresses, names and addresses of architccts and owners, and other information specified. Compatibility and Adhesion Test Reports: From sealant manufacturer indicating the lbllowing: l. Materials forming joint substrates and joint-sealant backings havc been tested for compatibility and adhesion with joint sealants. 2. Interpretation of test results and written recommendations for primers and substrate preparation needed for adhesion. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: An expericnced installer who has specialized in installing joint sealants similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for this Project and whose work has resulted in joint- sealant installations with a record of successful in-service performance. B. Source Limitations: Obtain each type ofjoint sealant through one source from a single manufacturer. I I t I t I I I I T I t I I I I I I I A. B. D. A. B. |.-t t.4 1.5 t.6 DELIVERY. STORAGE. AND HANDLING Deliver materials to Project sitc in original manufacturer, product name and designation, instructions for multicomponent materials. unopened containers or bundles with labels indicating color, expiration date, pot life, curing time, and mixing 1.7 Store and handle matcrials in compliance with manufacturer's written instructions to prevent thcir deterioration or damage due to moisture, high or low temperatures, contaminants, or other causcs. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Limitations: Do not proceed with installation of joint sealants under the following conditions: VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n D oc um e nts I5 OcroBER 2001 HLM 98007|-U 07920-2 I I T I I I SECTION 07920 JOINT SEALANTS l. When ambient and substrate temperature conditions are outside Iimits permitted by joint sealant manufacturer. 2. When joint substrates are wet. Joint-Width Conditions: Do not proceed with installation of joint sealants where joint widths are less than those allowed by joint sealant manufacturer for applications indicated. Joint-Substrate Conditions: Do not proceed with installation ofjoint sealants until contaminants capable of interfering with adhesion are removed from joint substrates. WARRANTY General Warranty: Special warranties specified in this Article shall not deprive Owner of other rights Owner may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other walranties made by Contractor under rcquirements of the Contract Documcnts. Special Installer's Warranty: Written warranty, signed by Installcr agreeing to repair or replacc elastomeric joint sealants that do not comply with performance and other requiremcnts specified in this Section within specified warranty period. l. Warranty Period: Two years from date of Substantial Completion. Special Manufacturer's Warranty: Written warranty, signed by elastomeric sealant manufacturer agreeing to furnish elastomeric joint sealants to repair or replace those that do not comply with performance and other requirements specified in this Section within specified wananty period. l. Warranty Period: 2O years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS PRODUCTS AND MANUFACTURERS Manufactures: l. Dow Corning2. Architect Approved Equal MATERIALS, GENERAL Compatibility: Provide joint sealants, backings, and other related materials that arc compatible with one another and with joint substrates under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by sealant manufacturer based on testing and ficld experience. B. Colors of Exposed Joint Sealants: As selectcd by Architect from manufacturcr's full range for this characteristic. 2.3 SILICON SEALANTS VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc ume nls I5 OcroBER200l B. c. t.8 B. C. I t 2.1 2.2 I I I I t t I I I HLM 98007t-04 07920-3 I I I I I I I I I I A. B. C, D, A. B. 2.4 2.5 SECTION 07920 Dow Corning 790 (ASTM C 7 l9 & I I 35) primarily used between exterior building matcrials. Dow Corning 791 (ASTM C 920 & t | 35) primarily to be used between exterior building materials and aluminum and metal doors and windows. Dow Corning l23 Silicon Sealant (ASTM C I I 35), with Dow Corning 79 | or 795 silicon building sealant, to be used at roof conditions. Dow Corning TradeMate Tile and Ceramic to be used at interior wet conditions. ACOUSTICAL JOINT SEALANTS Acoustical Sealant for Exposed and Concealcd Joints: For each product of this dcscription indicated in the Acoustical Joint-Sealant Schedule at the end of Part 3, providc manufacturer's standard nonsag, paintable, nonstaining latex sealant complying with ASTM C 834 and the following: l. Product effectively reduces airborne sound transmission through perimeter joints and openings in building construction as demonstrated by testing represcntative assemblies according to ASTM E 90. Acoustical Sealant for Concealed Joints: For each product of this description indicated in the Acoustical Joint-Sealant Schedule at the end of Part 3, provide manufacturer's standard, nondrying, nonhardening, nonskinning, nonstaining, gunnable, synthetic-rubber sealant recommended for sealing interior concealed joints to reduce airborne sound transmission. JOINT.SEALANT BACKING General: Provide sealant backings of material and type that are nonstaining; are compatible with joint substrates, sealants, primers, and otherjoint fillers; and are approved for applications indicated by sealant manufacturer based on field experience and laboratory testing. Cylindrical Sealant Backings: ASTM C I 330, of type indicated below and of size and density to control sealant depth and otherwise contribute to producing optimum sealant performance: l. Type C: Closed-cell material with a surface skin, at EFIS system. 2, Type O: Open-cell material, elsewhere. 3. Type B: Bicellular material with a surface skin. 4. Type: Any material indicated above. Bond-Brcaker Tape: Polyethylene tape or other plastic tapc recommended by sealant manufacturer for preventing sealant from adhering to rigid, inflexible joinrfiller materials or joint surfaces at back ofjoint where such adhesion would result in sealant failure. Provide self'-adbcsive tape where applicable. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS Primer: Material recommended by joint sealant manufacturer where required for adhesion of scalant to joint substrates indicated, as dctcrmined from preconstruction joint-sealant-substrate tests and field tests. Cleancrs for Nonporous Surfaces: Chemical cleaners acceptable to manufacturers of sealants and sealant backing materials, free of oily residues or othcr substanccs capable of staining or harming joint substrates JOINT SEALANTS I IB. I I I I I I I B. 2.6 VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc ume nts 15 OcroBER200l HLM 98007L-U 07920-4 I I SECTION 07920 ]OINT SEALANTS and adjacent nonporous surfaces in any way, and formulated to promotc optimum adhesion of scalants with joint substrates. C. Masking Tape: Nonstaining, nonabsorbent material compatible with joint sealants and surfaces adjacent to joints. PART 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine joints indicated to receive joint sealants, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for joint configuration, installation tolerances, and other conditions affecting joint-sealant performance. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been conected. PREPARATION Surface Cleaning of Joints: Clean out joints immediately before installing joint sealants to comply with joint sealant manufacturer's written instructions and the following requirements: l. Remove all foreign material from joint substrates that could interfere with adhesion ofjoint sealant, including dust, paints (except for permanent, protective coatings tested and approved for sealant adhesion and compatibility by sealant manufacturer), old joint sealants, oil, grease, waterproofing, water repellents, water, surface dirt, and frost. 2. Clean porous joint substrate surfaces by brushing, grinding, blast cleaning, mechanical abrading, or a combination of these methods to produce a clean, sound substrate capable of developing optimum bond with joint sealants. Remove loose particles remaining from above cleaning operations by vacuuming or blowing out joints with oil-free compressed air. Porous joint surfaces include the following: a. Concrete. b. Masonry. c. Unglazed surfaces of ceramic tile. 3. Remove laitance and form-release agents from concrete. 4. Clean nonporous surfaces with chemical cleaners or other means that do not stain, harm substrates, or leave residues capable of interfering with adhesion ofjoint sealants. Metal. Class. Porcelain enamel. Glazed surlaces of ceramic tile. Joint Priming: Prime joint substrates where recommended in writing by joint sealant manufacturer, based on preconstruction joint-sealant-substrate tests or prior experience. Apply primer to comply with joint sealant manufacturer's written instructions. Confine primers to areas ofjoint-sealant bond; do not allow spillage or migration onto ad.joining surfaces. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructia n Doc ume nts I5 OcroBER200I B. 3.1 J.Z I I I T I I I I I a. b. d.I B.I I l-- I I HLM 980071-04 07920-s SECTION 07920 ]OINT SBAI.ANTS c.Masking Tape: Use masking tape where required to prevent contact of sealant with adjoining surfaces that otherwisc would be permanently stained or damaged by such contact or by cleaning methods required to remove sealant smears. Remove tape immediately after tooling without disturbing joint seal. INSTALLATION OF JOINT SEALANTS General: Comply with joint sealant manufacturer'.s written installation instructions for products and applications indicated, unless more stringent requirements apply. Sealant Installation Standard: Comply with recommendations of ASTM C I 193 for use of joint sealants as applicable to materials, applications, and conditions indicated. Acoustical Sealant Application Slandard: Comply with recommendations of ASTM C 919 for use of joint sealants in acoustical applications as applicable to materials, applications, and conditions indicated. Install sealant backings of type indicated to support sealants during application and at position required to produce cross-sectional shapes and depths of installed sealants relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability. l. Do not leave gaps between ends of sealant backings. 2. Do not stretch, twist, puncture, or tear sealant backings. 3. Removc absorbent sealant backings that have become wet before sealant application and replace them with dry materials. Install sealants by proven techniques to comply with the following and at the same time backings are installed: l. Place sealants so they directly contact and fully wet joint substrates. 2. Completely fill recesses provided for eachjoint configuration. 3. Produce uniform, cross-sectional shapes and depths relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability. Tooling of Nonsag Sealants: Immediately after sealant application and before skinning or curing begins, tool sealants according to requirements specified below to form smooth, uniform beads of configuration indicated; to eliminate air pockets; and to ensure contact and adhesion of sealant with sides ofjoint. l. Remove excess sealants from surfaces adjacent tojoint. 2. Use tooling agents that are approved in writing by sealant manufacturer and that do not discolor sealants or adjacent surfaces. 3. Provide concave joint configuration per Figure 54, in ASTM C I 193, unless otherwise indicated. CLEANING Clean off excess sealants or sealant smears adjacent to joints as the Work progresses by mcthods and with cleaning materials approved in writing by manufacturers ofjoint sealants and of products in which joints occur. PROTECTION A. Protect joint sealants during and alier curing period from contact with contaminaling substances and from damage resulting liom construction operations or other causes so sealants are without deterioration or VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc u me nts I5 OCToBER2OOI I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I B. D. F. 3.3 J.+ -r. ) HLM 980071-U 07920-6 I SECTION 07920 3.6 ]OINT SEALANTS damage at time of Substantial Completion. If, despite such protection, damage or deterioration occurs, cut out and remove damaged or deteriorated joint sealants immediately so installations with repaired areas are indistinguishable from the original work. ELASTOMERIC JOINT-SEALANT Mildew-Resistant Silicone Sealant ES#: hovide products formulated with fungicide that are intended for sealing interior ceramic tile joints and other nonporous substrates that are subject to in-service exposures of high humidity and temperature extremes. END OFSECTIONOT92O VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruction Doc ume nls I5 OcroBER200I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I HLM 98M71-U 07920-7 DIVISION E.INDEXI I -T)f l"tt''t I I I I I I I t I t I l- I DTVISION 8-DOORS AND WINDOWS 08I I0...........STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES 082 1 1 ...........FLUSH WOOD DOORS 083 1 L..........ACC8SS DOORS AND FRAMES O84IO...........ALUMINUM ENTRANCES AND FRAMES O852O...........ALI.JMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS 087 I 2...........DOOR HARDWARE 08800...........cLAzINc UN L VAI,I,EY M ED ICAL C EN TE R Constuafun Documen6 15 October 2(MI Hr-M 98M71-04 I I type, levol and sound and fire- B. B. 1.2 1.3 1.4 I I I I I I I t I I I SECTION 08IlO SECTION O8I IO - STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES PART I - GENERAL l.l RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section- SUMMARY This Section includes rhe followine: l. Steel doors. 2. Steel door frames. 3. Fire-rated door and frame assemblies. Related Sections include the following: L Division 4 Section "Unit Masonry Assemblies" for installing anchors and gouting frames in masonry construction. 2. Division 8 Section "Flush Wood Doors" for wood doors installed in steel frames. 3. Division 8 Section "Door Hardware 4. Division 8 Section "Clazing" for glass in glazed openings in doors and frames.5. Division 9 Section "Painting" for field painting factory-primed doors and frames. DEFINTIIONS Steel Sheet Thicknesses: Thickness dimensions, including those referenced in ANSI 4250.8, are minimums as defined in referenced ASTM standards for both uncoated steel sheet and the uncoated base metal of metallic-coated steel sheets. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of door and frame indicated, include door designation, model, material description, core description, construction details, label compliance, resistance ratings, and finishes. Shop Drawings: Show the following: l. Elevations of each door dcsign. 2. Frame details for each frame typc including dimensioned profiles. 3. Details of each different wall opening condition. 4. Details of anchorages, accessories, joints, and conncctions. 5. Coordination of glazing frames and stops with glass and glazing requirements. STEELDOORSAND FRAMES t I l-- I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructia n Doc ume nts 15 OcroBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 08110-1 STEELDOORSAND FRAMES I 'iFi SECTION OSIIO C. c. Door Schedule: Use same reference designations indicated on Drawings in preparing schedule for doors and frames. QUALITY ASSURANCE Steel Door and Frame Standard: Comply with ANSI A 250.8, unlcss more stringent requirements are indicated. Fire-Rated Door Assemblies: Assemblies complying with NFPA 80 that are listcd and labeled by a tcsting and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for fire-protection ratings indicated, based on testing according to NFPA 252. l. Test Pressurc: Test at atmospheric pressure. 2. Temperature-Rise Rating: Where indicated, pro'iide doors that have a tcmperature-rise rating of 450 deg F maximum in 30 minutes of fire exposure. Fire-Rated Window Assemblies: Assemblies complying with NFPA 80 that are listed and labcled by a tcsting and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for fire ratings indicated, based on testing according to NFPA 257. DELIVERY. STORAGE. AND HANDLINC Deliver doors and frames cardboard-wrapped or crated to provide protection during transit and job storage. Provide additional protection to prevent damage to finish of factory-finished doors and framcs. Inspect doors and frames on delivery for damage, and noti$ shipper and supplier if damage is found. Minor damages may be repaired provided refinished items match new work and are acceptable to Architect. Remove and replace damaged items that cannot be repaired as directed. Store doors and frames at building site under cover. Place units on minimum 4-inch- high wood blocking. Avoid using nonvented plastic or canvas shelters that could create a humidity chamber. If door packaging becomes wet, remove cartons immediately. Provide minimum l/4-inch spaces between stacked doors to permit air circulation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS Available Manulacturcrs: Subject to compliance with requircmcnts, manufacturers offering products that may bc incorporated into the Work include, but arc not limited to, the following: l. Steel Doors and Frames: I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I B. c. B. t.5 1.6 2.1 a. b. d. c. f. HLM 9EOO7I-04 Amweld Building Products, Inc. Bcnchmark Commercial Doors; a division of General Products Co., Inc. Curries Company. Deanstccl Manufacturing. Inc. Kewanee Corporation (The). Steelcraft; a division of lngersoll-Rand. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Consbaction Documents 15 OcroBER 2001 08110-2 2.2 I I SECTION 08lIO 2.5 FABRICATION HLM 980071-04 STEELDOORS AND FMMES MATERIALS Hot-Rolled Steel Sheets: ASTM A 569/4 569M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type S; free of scale, pitting, or surface defects; pickled and oiled. cold-Rolled Steel sheets: AsrM A 3661A366M, commercial steel (cs), or ASTM A6zotA620M, Drawing Steel (DS), Type B; stretcherleveled standard of flatness. Electrolytic Zinc-Coated Steel Sheet: ASTM A 591/A 591M, Commercial Steel (CS), Class B coating; mill phosphatized; suitable for unexposed applications; stretcherleveled standard of flatness where used for face sheets. DOORS Ceneral: Provide doors of sizes, thicknesses, and designs indicated. Interior Doors: Provide l8 gauge doors complying with requirements indicated below by referencing ANSI 250.8 for level and model and ANSI 4,250.4 for physical-endurance level:l. lrvel 3 and Physical Performance lrvel A (Extra Heavy Duty), Model I Full Flush. Exterior Doors: Provide 16 gauge doors complying with requirements indicat€d below by referencing ANSI 4250.8 for level and model and ANSI A250.4 for physical-endurance level: lrvel 3 and Physical Performance lrvel A, Extra Heavy Duty, Model 1, Full Flush. Provide manufacturer's standard core insulation svstem for thermal resistance. FRAMES General: Provide 16 gauge steel frames for doors, transoms, sidelights, borrowed lights, and other openings that comply with ANSI A250.8 and with details indicated for type and profile. Conceal fastenings, unless otherwise indicated. Door Silencers: Except on weather-stripped frames, fabricate stops to receive three silencers on strike jambs of single-door frames and two silencers on heads of double-door frames. Plaster Guards: Providc 0.016-inch- thick, steel sheet plaster guards or mortar boxes to close off interior of openings; place at back of hardware cutouts where mortar or other materials might obstruct hardware operation. Supports and Anchors: Fabricated from not less than 0.042-inch- thick. electrolvtic zinc-coated or metallic-coated steel sheet. l. Wall Anchors in Masonry Construction: 0. 177-inch- diameter, steel wire complying with ASTM A 510 may be used in place of steel sheet. Inserts, Bolts, and Fasteners: Manufacturer's standard units. Where zinc-coated items are to be built into exterior walls, comply with ASTM A 153/A 153M, Class C or D as applicable. B. B. I I t I I T l. 2. 1,1 B. D. I I I I I I l- I VAIL VALLEY MDDICAL CENTER C o nstruc tio n Doc ume nts 15 OcroBER 2001 08110-3 SECTION 08IlO E. F. G. H. l. J. K. STEELDOORS AND FRAMES General: Fabricate steel door and framc units to comply with ANSI 4250.8 and to be rigid, neat in appearance, and liee from defects including warp and buckle. Where practical, fit and assemble units in manufacturer's plant. Clearly identify work that cannot be permanently factory assemblcd before shipment, to assure proper assembly at Project site. Exterior Door Construction: For extcrior locations and elsewhere as indicated, fabricate doors, panels, and frames from metallic-coated steel sheet. Close top and bottom edgcs of doors flush as an integral part of door construction or by addition of 0.053-inch- (1.3-mm-) thick, metallic-coated steel channels with channel webs placed even with top and bottom edges. Interior Door Faces: Fabricate exposed faces of doors and panels, including stiles and rails of nonflush units, from the following material: 1 Cold-rolled steel sheet. Core Construction: Manufacturer's standard core construction that produces a door complying with SDI standards. l. Polyurcthane. 2. Polystyrene. 3. Vertical steel stiffeners. 4. Rigid mineral-fiber board. Clearances for Non-Fire-Rated Doors: Not more than l/8 inch at jambs and hcads, except not more than l/4 inch between pairs of doors. Not more than 314 inch at bottom. Clearances for Fire-Rated Doors: As required by NFPA 80. Single-Acting, Door-Edge Profile: Square edge. Tolerances: Comply with SDI I 17, "Manufacturing Tolerances for Sundard Steel Doors and Frames." Fabricate concealed stiffeners, reinforcement, edge channels, louvers, and moldings from either cold- or hot-rolled steel sheet. Exposed Fasteners: Unless otherwise indicated, provide countersunk flat or oval hcads for exposed screws and bolts. Thcrmal-Rated (Insulating) Assemblies: At exterior locations and elsewhere as shown or scheduled, Iprovide doors fabricated as thcrmal-insulating door and frame assemblics and tested according to f ASTM C 236 or ASTM C976 on fully operable door assemblics. l. Unless otherwise indicated, provide thermal-rated assemblies with U-value ol'0.41 Btu/sq. ft. x h x deg F or better. Sound-Rated (Acoustical) Assemblies: Where shown or schcduled, provide door and frame assemblies fabricated as sound-reducing typc, tcstcd according to ASTM E 1408, and classified according to ASTM E 4I3. l. Unless otherwise indicated, provide acoustical assemblics with STC sound ratings of 33 or bettcr. M. Hardware Preparation: Prepare doors and liarnes to rcceive mortised and concealed hardwarc according to final door hardware schedulc and templates provided by hardwzre supplicr. Conrply with applicable requirements in ANSI 42-50.6 and ANSI A I l5 Series specilications for door and frame preparation lbr hardware. VAI L VAI,LEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructio n Doc ume nts 15 OcroBER 2001 I I I I I B. c. I I I I t I I I I I I I I D. HLM 980071-04 08110-4 I SECTION OSIIO 2.6 I I T t I I STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES l. For concealed overhead door closers, provide space, cutouts, rcinforcement, and provisions for fastening in top rail of doors or head of frames, as applicable. Frame Construction: Fabricate frames to shape shown. l. Fabricate frames with mitered or coped and continuously welded corners and seamless facejoints. 2. Provide welded frames with temporary spreader bars. 3. Provide terminated stops where indicated. Reinforce doors and frames to receive surface-applied hardware. Drilling and tapping for surface-applied hardware may be done at Projcct site. Locate hardware as indicated on Shop Drawings or, ifnot indicated, according to ANSI 4250.8. Glazing Stops: Manufacturer's standard, formed from 0.032-inch- thick steel sheet. l. Provide nonremovable stops on outside of exterior doors and on secure side of interior doors for glass, louvers, and other panels in doors. 2. Provide screw-applied, removable, glazing stops on inside of glass, louvers, and other panels in doors. Astragals: As required by NFPA 80 to provide fire ratings indicated. FINISHES Prime Finish: Manufacturer's standard, factory-applied coat of rust-inhibiting primer complying with ANSI A250.10 for acceptance criteria. PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION General: Install steel doors, frames, and accessories according to Shop Drawings, manufacturer's data, and as specified. Placing Frames: Comply with provisions in SDI 105, unless otherwise indicated. Set frames accurately in position, plumbed, aligned, and braced securely until permanent anchors are set. After wall construction is completed, remove temporary braces and spreaders, leaving surfaccs smooth and undamaged. l. Except for frames located in existing walls or partitions, place frames bcfore construction of enclosing walls and ceilings. 2. In masonry construction, provide at least three wall anchors per jamb; install adjacent to hinge location on hinge jamb and at corresponding heights on strike jamb. Acceptable anchors include masonry wire anchors and masonry T-shaped anchors. 3. In metal-stud partitions, providc at least three wall anchors per jamb; install adjacent to hinge location on hinge jamb and at corresponding heights on strike jamb. Attach wall anchors to studs wltn screws. Install fire-rated frames according to NFPA 80. For openings 90 inches or more in height, install an additional anchor at hinge and strikc jambs. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruc tia n D o c ume nts 15 OCTqBER 2OOT N. O. P. a. 3.1 B. t t I I I I I I 5. HLM 980071-04 08rr0-5 SECTION OSIIO STEELDOORS AND FRAMES Door Installation: Comply with ANSI A250.8. Fit hollow-metal doors accurately in frames, within clearances specified in ANSI ,{250.8. Shim as necessary to comply with SDI 122 and ANSVDHI AI 15.IG. l. Fire-Rated Doors: Install within clearances specified in NFPA 80. 2. Smoke-Control Doors: Install to comply with NFPA 105. ADJUSTINC AND CLEANING Prime-Coat Touchup: Immediately after installation, sand smooth any rusted or damaged areas of prime coat and apply touch up of compatible air-drying primer. Protection Removal: Immediately before final inspection, remove protective wrappings from doors and frames. END OF SECTION 08I IO VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onstruction Do cume nts 15 OcroBER 2001 I t I I I I t I I I t t t t I I I I I 3.2 B. HLM 980071-04 OEI10.6 I I l'-""' SECTION O82II SECTION O82I I - FLUSH WOOD DOORS PART I - CENERAL FLUSH WOOD DOORS I I I I I t 1.2 Ll RELATED DOCTJMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Gcneral and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SI.JMMARY This Section includes thc following: l Solid-core doors with wood-veneer. Related Sections include the following: l. Division 6 Section "Interior Architectural Woodwork" for requirements for veneers from the same flitches for both flush wood doors and wood paneling. SI,JBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of door. Include details of core and edge construction, and trim for openings. Shop Drawings: Indicatc location, size, and hand of each door; elevation of each kind of door; construction details not covered in Product Data; location and extent of hardware blocking; and other pertinent data. l. Indicate requirements for veneer matching. 2. Indicate fire ratings for fire doors. QUALITY ASSURANCE Source Limitations: Obtain flush wood doors through one source from a singlc manufacturer. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI's "Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards lllustrated." l. Provide AWI Quality Certification Labels or an AWI letter of licensing for Project indicating that doors comply with requirements of grades specified. Fire-Rated Wood Doors: Doors complying with NFPA 80 that are listed and labeled by a tesring and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for fire ratings indicated, based on testing according to UBC Standard 7-2. l. Oversize, Fire-Rated Wood Doors: For door assemblies exceeding sizes of tested assemblies, provide oversize fire door label or certificate of inspection, from a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, stating that doors comply with requirements of dcsign, materials, and construction. B. 1.3 B. 1.4 I I t I t A. B. I t* I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Dc o nstructio n D oc ume nts 15 OcroBER 2001 I HLM 980071-04 08211-1 I I I I I I I I A, B. 1.5 I.6 t.7 SECTION 08211 I . Wananty shall also include installation and finishing that may be required due replacement of defective doors. 2. Warranty shall be in effect during the following period of time from date of Completion: a. Solid-Core Interior Doors: Life of installation. PART 2. PRODUCTS FLUSH WOOD DOORS DELIVERY. STORAGE. AND HANDLINC Comply with requirements of referenced standard and manufacturer'.s written instructions. Mark each door on top and bottom rail with opening number used on Shop Drawings. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Limitations: Do not deliver or install doors until building is enclosed, wet work is complete, and HVAC system is operating and will maintain temperature and relative humidity at occupancy levels during the remainder of the construction period. WARRANTY Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form, signed by manufacturer, Installer, and Contractor, in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace doors that are defcctive in materials or workmanship, have warped (bow, cup, or twist) more than l/4 inch in a 42-by-84-inch section, or show telegraphing of core construction in face veneers exceeding 0.01 inch in a 3-inch span. to repair or Substantial I I I2.1 I I t I I I I I 2.2 MANUFACTURERS Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: l. Flush Wood Doors: a. VT Industries Inc. b. WeyerhaeuserCompany. c. Architect Approved Equal DOOR CONSTRUCTION, CENERAL Doors for TransDarent . or Stained Finish: l. 2. --t. 5. 6. Grade: Premium, with Crade A faces. Species and Cut: Red Oak, plain sliced. Match between Veneer Lcavcs: Slip match. Asscmbly of Veneer l,eaves on Door Faces: Balance match. Pair and Set Match: Provide for doors hung in samc opening or separated only by mullions. Room Match: Providc door faces of compatihle color and grain within each separate room or area of buildins. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER D c o nstr uc tia n D o c ume nts 15 OcroBER 2001 HLM 98007r-04 08211-2 I I I I I I FLASH WOOD DOORS 7. Stiles: Same species as faces. 2,3 SOLID-CORE DOORS A. Crossbanded Particleboard Cores: Comply with the following requirements: I . Particleboard: ANSI A208. I , Grade l -LD-2. 2. 5-ply wood veneer. 3. Face: Premium grade Red Oak, plain sliced. 4. Provide solid wood matching cdge stile. 5. Provides 20 minute fire rating. 6. Provide doors with either glued-block or structural composite lumber cores instead of particleboard cores at locations where exit devices are indicated. 7. Factory finish, color as selected by architect. B. Crossbanded Mineral Cores: I . Incombustible mineral core. 2. 5-ply wood veneer. 3. Face: Premium grade Red Oak, plain sliced. 4. Provide solid wood matching edge stile. 5. Provides 45,60 & 90 minute rating. 6. Factory finish, color as selected by architect. 2.4 LIGHT FRAMES A. Metal Frames for Light Openings in Fire Doors: Manufacturer's standard frame formed of 0.M78-inch- thick, cold-rolled steel sheet; factory primed and approved for use in doors offire rating indicated. t 2.s FABRICATION r A. Fabricate doors in sizes indicated for Project-site fitting. r I . Comply with clearance requirements of referenced quality standard for fitting. Comply with requirements in NFPA 80 for fire-rated doors. 2. Coordinate mcasurements of hardware mortises in metal frames to verify dimensions and alignment before factory machining. 3. Metal Astragals: Premachine astragals and formed-steel edges for hardware for pairs of fire-ratcd doors. Refer to Hardware Schedule. B. Openings: Cut and trim openings through doors to comply with applicable requirements of refcrenced standards for kind(s) of door(s) required. l. Light Openings: Trim opcnings with moldings of material and profile indicated. r' 2.6 sHop PRIMING I A. Doors for Transparent Finish: Shop seal faces and edge of doors, including cutouts, with stain (ifr required), other required prctreatments, and first coat of finish as specified in Division 9 Section " Wood I sEcrroNoE2rr . Stains." | '"' ''' HLM s8oo71-04 I I t I VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Dco nstruc tio n Doc ume nts I5 OCTOBER2OOI 08211-3 SECTION O82II PART 3 . EXECUTION FLASH WOOD DOORS EXAMINATION Examine doors and installed door frames before hanging doors. l. Verify that frames comply with indicated requirements for type, size, Iocation, and swing characteristics and have been installed with level heads and plumb jambs. 2. Reject doors with defects. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corected. INSTALLATION Hardware: For installation. see Division 8 Section "Door Hardware." Manufacturerl Written Instructions: Install doors to comply with manufacturer's written instructions, referenced quality standard, and as indicated. l. Install fire-rated doors in corresponding fire-rated frames according to NFPA 80. Job-Fitted Doors: Align and fit doors in frames with uniform clearances and bevels as indicated below; do not trim stiles and rails in excess of limits set by manufacturer or permitted for fire-rated doors. Machine doors for hardware. Seal cut surfaces after fitting and machining. l. Clearances: Provide l/8 inch at heads, jambs, and between pairs of doors. Provide l/8 inch from bottom of door to top of decorative floor finish or covering. Where threshold is shown or scheduled, provide l/4 inch from bottom of door to top of threshold. a. Comply with NFPA 80 for fire-rated doors. 2. Bevel non-fire-rated doors l/8 inch in 2 inches at lock and hinge edges. D. Factory-Fitted Doors: Align in frames for uniform clearance at each cdge. ADJUSTING Operation: Rehang or replace doors that do not swing or operate freely. Finished Doors: Replace doors that are damaged or do not comply with requirements. Doors may be repaired or refinished if work complies with requirements and shows no evidence of rcpair or refinishing. END OF SECTION 082 I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Dc o ns tr u c tio n Do c u me nts 15 OCI:oBER200l I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 3.1 B. 3.2 A. B. t I 3.3 B. HLM 980071-04 082il-4 I sECrroNoB3rI ACCESS DOORS ANS FMMES PART I -GENERAL t l.r RELATEDDOCUMENTS I A. Drawing and general provisions of the Contract, including Ceneral and Supplementary Conditions and I Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Scction. I 1.2 STIMMARY I A. This Section includes the followine: I l. Wall access doors and frames. - 2. Fire-rated wall access doors and frames. 3. Ceilins access doors and frames. I 4. Fire-ra-ted ceiling access doors and frames.It 5. Floor doors and frames. I B. Related Sections include the following: I l. Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for blocking out openings for access doors and rames ln concrerc. 2. Division 4 Section "Unit Masonry Assemblies" for anchoring and grouting access door frames set in masonry construction. 3. Division 7 Section "Roof Accessories" for roof hatches. 4. Division 8 Section "Door Hardware" for mortise or rim cylinder locks and master keying. 5. Division 9 Section "Acoustical Tile Ceilings" for access tile in suspended acoustical tile ceilings. 6. Division l5 Section "Duct Accessories" for heating and air-conditioning duct access doors. 7. Division 15 Section "Storm Drainage Piping" for connection of floor door drainage couplings tg drains. r 1.3 SUBMITIALS Ir A. Product Data: For each type of door and frame indicated. Include construction details relative to materials, individual components and profiles, finishes, and fire ratings (if required) for access doors and I frames. I B. Shop Drawings: Show fabrication and installation details of customized doors and frames. Include plans, I elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other Work. I C. Schedule: Provide complete door and frame schedule, including types, general locations, sizes, construction details, latching or locking provisions, and other data pcninent to installation. t D. Coordination Drawings: Reflected ceiling plans drawn to scale and coordinating penetrations and ceiling-mounted items with concealed framing, suspension systems, piping, ductwork, and other I construction. Show the following: | . Method of attaching door frames to surrounding construction. | '-, HLM 98007r-04 VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER 083r1-r t Construction Documents I5 October 2(NI I b I I t.4 Ceiling-mounted items including acccss doors and frames, lighting fixtures, diffusers, grilles, speakers, sprinklers, and special trim. QUALITY ASSURANCE Source Limitations: Obtain doors and frames through one source from a single manufacturer. Fire-Rated Access Doors and Frames: Units complying with NFPA 80 that are identical to access door and frame assemblies tested for fire-test-response characteristics per the following test method and that are labeled and listed by uL, ITS, or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction: | . NFPA 252 or UL l0B for vertical access doors. 2. ASTM E l19orUBCStandardT.l or UL263 for horizontal access doors and frames. Size Variations: Obtain Architect's acceptance of manufacturer's standard-size units, which may vary slightly from sizes indicatcd. COORDINATION Verification: Determine specific locations and sizes for access doors needed to gain access to concealed equipment, and indicate on schedule specified in "Submittals" Article. PART 2. PRODUCTS MANI,JFACTURERS Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: l. Access Doors: Acudor Products, Inc. Bar-Co, Inc. Div.: Alfab, Inc. Cendrex, Inc. Cesco Products. Elmdor/Stoneman; Div. of Acorn Enginecring Co. Jensen Industries. J. L. Industries, Inc. Karp Associates, Inc. Larsen's Manufacturing Company. MIFAB Manufacturing, Inc. Milcor I-imited Partnership. Nystrom Building Products Co. Precision Plumbing Products, Inc. Williams Bros. Corporation of America (The). 2.Floor Doors: SECTION O83II a. HLM 98007r-04 Access Manufacturins. Inc. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc u me nts 15 October 2001 ACCESS DOORSANS FRAMES I I I t I t t t I I I I I A. B. r.5 2.1 I I I I I I 0831r-2 t t I I I t- I SECTION 08311 ACCESS DOORSANS FRAMES b. d. f. g. h. i. j. k. Acudor Products Inc. (aluminum only). Babcock-Davis Hatchways, Inc. Bilco Company (The). Cendrex, Inc. Dur-Red Products, Inc. Halliday Products, Inc. (aluminum only). Karp Associates, Inc. Milcor Limited Partnership. Nystrom Building Products Co. U.S.F. Fabrication, Inc. MATERIALS Hot-Rolled Steel Sheets: ASTM A 569/A 569M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B; free of scale, pitting, and surface defeca; pickled and oiled; with minimum thickness indicated representing specified nominal thickness according to ASTM A 568/4 568M. Electrolytic Zinc-Coated Steel Sheet: ASTM A 591/A 591M, Commercial Steel (CS), with Class C coating and phosphate treatment to prepare surface for painting; with minimum thickness indicated representing specified nominal thickness according to ASTM A 568/4 568M for uncoated base metal. PAINT Shop Primers: Provide primers that comply with Division 9 Section "Painting." Shop Primer for Ferrous Metal: Fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free, universal modified-alkyd primer complying with performance requirements in FS TT-P-664; selected for good resistance to normal atmospheric corrosion, compatibility with finish paint systems indicated, and capability to provide a sound foundation for field-applied topcoats despite prolonged exposure. ACCESS DOORS A]VD FRJ{MES Flush. Insulated. Fire-Rated Access Doors and Trimless Frames: Fabricated from sheet. FABRICATION General: Provide access door assemblies manufactured as integral units ready for installation. Metal Surfaces: For metal surfaces exposed to view in the completed Work, providc materials with smooth, flat surfaces without blemishes. Do not use materials with exposed pitting, seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, or roughness. Steel Doors and Frames: Grind exposed welds smooth and flush with adjacent surfaces. Furnish attachment devices and fasteners of type required to secure access panels to types of supports indicated. Latching Mechanisms: Furnish numbcr required to hold doors in flush, smooth plane when closed. FINISHES, GENERAL B. 2.2 2.3 I I I I I C. D. 1 ,tl 2.5 I t I I I t A. B. A. B. 2.6 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns tructio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 9E0071-04 08311-3 SECTION 08311 ACCESS DOORS ANS FRAMES Comply with NAAMM's "Meral Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. Finish metal fabrications after assemblv. STEEL FINISHES Surface Preparation: Prepare uncoated ferrous-metal surfaces to comply with minimum requirements indicated below for SSPC surface-preparation specifications and environmental exposure conditions of installed metal fabrications: l. Exteriors (SSPC Zone lB): SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3, "Commercial Blast Cleaning." 2. Interiors (SSPC Zone IA): SSPC-SP 3, "Power Tool Cleaning." Apply shop primer to uncoated surfaces of metal fabrications. Comply with SSPC-PA l, "Paint Application Specification No. 1," for shop painting. PART 3 - EXECI,.NION 3.I PREPARATION A. Advise installers of other work about specific requirements relating to access door and floor door installation, including sizes of openings to receive access door and frame, as well as locations of supports, inserts, and anchoring devices. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for installing access doors and frames. B. Set frames accurately in position and attach securely to supports with plane of face panels aligncd with adjacent fi nish surfaces. C. Install access doors with trimless frames flush with adiacent finish surfaces or recessed to receive finish material. 3.3 ADJUSTINGANDCLEANING A. Adjust doors and hardware after installation for proper operation. B. Remove and replace doors and frames that are warped, bowed, or otherwise damaged. END OF SECTION O83I I B. I t I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I t I 2.7 B. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co ns tructinn D oc ume nts 15 October 2(Nl HLM 980071-U 08311-4 I I SECTION 06410 SECTION O84IO . ALUMINUM STOREFRONTS PART I.CENERAL ALUMINUM STOREFRONTS B. 1.2 I I T I I I D. I t I I I 1.3 l.t RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes the following: l. Exterior storefront systems. Related sections include the followins: L Division ? Section "Joint ,"uiuno" for joint sealants installed as part of aluminum entrance and storefront systems. 2. Division 8 Section "Aluminum Sliding Doors." 3. Division 8 Section "Glazins." SYSTEM DESCRIPTION General: Provide aluminum storefront systems capable of withstanding loads and thermal and structural movement requirements indicated without failure, based on testing manufacturer's standard units in assemblies similar to those indicated for this Project. Failure includes the following: l. Air infiltration and water penetration exceeding specified limits. 2. Framing members transferring stresses, including those caused by thermal and structural movement, to glazing units. Clazing: Physically and thermally isolate glazing from framing members. Thermally Broken Construction: Provide systems that isolate aluminum exposed to exterior from aluminum exposcd to interior with a material of low thermal conductance, in accordance with ASTMI5O3.I Wind Loads: Provide entrance and storefront systems, including anchorage, capable of withstanding wind-load design pressurcs calculated according to requirements of authorities having jurisdiction or the American Society of Civil Engineers' ASCE 7, "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures," 6.4.2, "Analytical Procedure," whichcvcr are more stringent. a. Test Pressurc: | 50 percent of inward and outward wind-load design pressures. Dcad Loads: Provide storefront-system members that do not deflect an amount which will reduce glazing bite below 75 percent of design dimension when canying full dead load. B, c. t I l.- I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructio n Doc ame nls 15 OcroBER200l HLM 980071-04 08410-1 SECTION O84IO ALUMINIJM STOREFRONTS T I I I I I t I I t I I I I I T I I T G. H. B. D. t.4 F. J. C. l. Provide a minimum l/8-inch clearancc between members and top of glazing or other fixed part immediately below. 2. Provide a minimum l/16-inch clearance between members and operable windows and doors. Live Loads: Provide storefront systems, including anchorage, that accommodate the supporting structures' deflection from uniformly distributed and concentrated live loads indicated without failure of matcrials or perrnanent deformation. Water Penetration: Provide storefront systems that do not evidencc water leakage through fixed glazing and frame areas when tested according to ASTM E 331 at minimum differential pressure of 20 pcrcent of inward-acting wind-load design pressure as dcfined by ASCE 7, "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures," but not less than l2 lbf/sq. ft. Water leakage is defined as follows: L Uncontrolled water infiltrating systems or appearing on systems' normally exposed intcrior surfaces from sources other than condensation. Water controlled by flashing and gutters that is drained back to the exterior and cannot damage adjacent materials or finishes is not water leakage. Thermal Movements: Provide storefront systems, including anchorage, that accommodate thermal movements of systems and supporting elements resulting from the following maximum change (range) in ambient and surface temperatures without buckling, damaging stresses on glazing, failure of joint sealants, damaging loads on fasteners, failure of doors or other operating units to function properly, and other detrimental effects. l. Temperature Change (Range): 120deg F, ambient; 180 degF matcrial surfaces. Structural-Support Movement: Provide entrance and storefront systems that accommodate structural movements including, but not limited to, sway and deflection Average Thermal Conductance: Provide storefront systems with average U-values of not more than 0.63 Btu/sq. ft. x h x deg F when tested according to ASTM 1503.1 . Dimensional Tolerances: Provide entrance and storefront systems that accommodate dimensional tolerances of building frame and other adjacent construction. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each product specified. Include dctails of construction relative to matcrials, dimensions of individual components, profiles, and finishes. Shop Drawings: For storefront systems. Show details of fabrication and installation, including plans, elevations, sections, details of components, provisions for cxpansion and contraction, and attachmcnts to other work. Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturerh color charts showing thc full range of colors available for units with factory-applied color finishes. Installer Certificates: Signed by manufacturer certifying that installers comply with specified requlrements. QUALITY ASSURANCEI .-5 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc ume nts 15 OcroRER 2001 HLM 980071-04 08410-2 I I SECTION O84IO ALUMINUM STOREFRONTS Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienccd installer to assume engineering responsibility and perform work of this Section who has specializ.ed in installing entrance and storefront systems similar to those required for this Pro.ject and who is acceptable to manufacturer. l. Engineering Responsibility: Prepare data for storefront systems, including Shop Drawings, based on testing and engineering analysis of manufacturer's standard units in assemblies similar to those indicated for this Project. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of storefront and window system through one source from a single manufacturer. Product Options: Drawings indicate sizc, profiles, and dimensional requirements of entrance and storefront systems and are based on the specific systems indicated. Other manufacturers' systems with equal performance characteristics may be considered. Refer to Division I Section "substitutions. " l. Do not modify intended aesthetic effect, as judged solely by Architect, except with Architect's approval and only to the extent needed to comply with performance requirements. Where modifications are proposed, submit comprehensive explanatory data to Architect for review Welding Standards: Comply with applicable provisions of AWS D1.2, "structural Welding Code- Aluminum." Test Reports: shall certify that the tested storefront meets or exceeds the referenced criteria for the system type. PROJECT CONDITIONS Field Measurements: Verifu dimensions by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work. WARRANTY Ceneral Warranty: The special warranty specified in this Article shall not deprive the Owner of other rights the Owner may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties made by the Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents. Special Warranty: Submit a written warranty executed by the manufacturer agreeing to repair or replace components of entrance and storefront systems that fail in materials or workmanship within one year of subsatanital completion. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following: l. Structural failures including, but not limited to, excessive deflection. 2. Sealant failures. 3. Failure of system to meet performance requirements. 4. Deterioration of metals, metal finishes, and other materials beyond normal weathering. 5. Failure of operating components to function normally. Warranty Period: I year from date of Substantial Completion. B. D. t I t I I I B. 1.7 I I I I I 1.6 I I l,- I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns tructio n Doc ume nts 15 OcroBER 2001 HLM 980071-U 0E410-3 SECTION 08410 PART 2 - PRODUCTS ALUMINUM STOREFRONTS MANUFACTURERS Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering producs that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: l. EFCO Corporation, System 403 Thermal Storefront Framing.2. Architect Approved Equal MATERIALS Aluminum: Alloy and temper recommcnded by manufacturer for type of use and finish indicated, complying with thc requirements of standards indicated below. l. Extruded aluminum shall be 6063-T5 or T6 alloy and temper.2. Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, and Tubes: ASTM B 221. 3. Extruded Structural Pipe and Tubes: ASTM B 429.4. Bars, Rods, and Wire: ASTM B 2l l. 5. Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes: AWS 45. | 0. B. Steel Reinforcement: Complying with ASTM A 36 for sructural shapes, plates, and bars; ASTM A 6l I for cold-rolled sheet and strip; or ASTM A 570 for hot-rolled sheet and strip. All dissimilar materials must be properly installed to prevent galvanic action. Glazing as specified in Division 8 Section "Glazing." Framing system gaskets, sealants, andjoint fillers as recommended by manufacturer forjoint type. Thermal Barrier: Material per manufacturer's recommendations. Nonstructural thermal barrier is not acceptable. Sealants and joint fillers for joints at perimeter of entrance and storefront systems as specified in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants." Bituminous Paint: Cold-applied asphalt-mastic paint complying with SSPC-Paint 12 rcquirements, except containing no asbestos, formulated for 30-mil (0.762-mrn) thickncss per coat. COMPONENTS A. Brackcts and Reinforcements: Provide manufacturer's standard brackets and rcinforcements that are compatible with adjacent materials. Provide nonstaining, nonfcrrous shims for aligning system components. B. Fastcncrs and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant, nonstaining, nonbleeding fasteners and accessories compatible with adjacent materials. l. Reinforce members as required to retain f'astencr thrcads. 2. Do not usc cxposed fasteners, except for hardware application. For hardware application, use countersunk Phillips flat-head machine screws linished to match framing members or hardware being fastened, unless otherwise indicatcd. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n D oc ume nts I5 Ocr.oBER 2001 t t I I t t I I I I I I I t I I T I I c. D. F. c. 2.1 2.2 z.-'\ HLM gEOO7I.O4 08410-4 I I SECTION O84IO ALAMINAM STOREFRONTS Concrete and Masonry Inscrts: Hol-dip galvanized cast-iron, malleable-iron, or steel inserts complying with ASTM A 123 or ASTM A 153 requiremenrs. Conccaled Flashing: Manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant, nonstaining, nonbleeding flashing, compatible with adjacent materials, and of type recommended by manufacturer. Concealed Flashing: Dead-soft, 0.018-inch- thick stainless steel, complying with ASTM A 666, of type selected by manufacturer for compatibility with system. Weather Stripping: Manufacturer's standard replaceable weather stripping as follows: l. Compression Weather Stripping: Molded neoprene complying with ASTM D 2000 requirements or molded PVC complying with ASTM D 2287 requirements. 2. Sliding Weather Stripping: Wool, polypropylene, or nylon woven pilc with nylon-fabric or aluminum-strip backing complying with AAMA 701 requirements. FABRICATION General: Fabricate components that, when assembled, will have accurately fitted joints with ends coped or mitered to produce hairline joints free of burrs and distortion. After fabrication, clearly mark components to identiSr their locations in Project according to Shop Drawings. L Fabricate components for head- and sill-receptor frame construction with shear-block construction at i ntermediate horizontal components. Forming: Form shapes with sharp profiles, straight and free of defects or deformations, before finishing. Prepare components to receive concealed fasteners and anchor and connection devices. Fabricatc components to drain water passing joints and condensation and moisture occurring or rnigrating within the system to the exterior. Welding: Weld components to comply with referenced AWS standard. Weld before linishing components to greatest extent possible. Weld in concealed locations to greatest extent possible to minimize distortion or discoloration of finish. Remove weld spatter and welding oxides from exposed surfaces by descaling or grinding. Glazing Channels: Provide minimum clearances for thickness and type of glass indicated according to FGMA's "Glazing Manual." Metal Protection: Where aluminum will contact dissimilar mctals, protect against galvanic action by painting contact surfaces with primer or by applying sealant or tape recommended by manufacturer for this purpose. Where aluminum will contact concrete or masonry, protect against corrosion by painting contact surfaces with bituminous paint. Storefront: Fabricate framing in profiles indicated for flush glazing (without projecting stops). Provide subframes and reinforcing of types indicated or, if not indicated, as required for a complete system. Factory assemble components to greatest extent possible. Disassemble components only as necessary for shipment and installation. ALUMINUM FINISHES VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER C o nstructia n Do c u me nts 15 OCToBER2OOI D. F. 2.4 I I I t I I F. G. I I I I I t I B. C. D. I HLM 98OO7I-M 08410-5 SECTION 08410 ALAMINUMSTOREFRONTS I General: Comply with NAAMMh "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations relative to applying and designating finishes. Appearance of Finished Work: Variations in appearance of abutting or adjacent pieces are acceptable if they are within one-half of thc range of approved Samples. Noticeable variations in the samc piece are not acceptable. Variations in appearance of other components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. Finish designations prefixed by AA conform to the system established by the Aluminum Association for designating aluminum fi nishes. High-Performancc Organic Coating Finish: AA-C l2C42Rlx (Chemical Finish: cleaned with inhibited chemicals; Chemical Finish: acid chromate-fluoride-phosphate conversion coating; C)rganic Coating: as specified below). Prepare, prctreat, and apply coating to exposed metal surfaces to comply with coating and rcsin manufacturer's written instructions. L Manufacturers standard Kynar 500 paint. a. Color and Gloss: As selected bv Architect from manufacturer's full ranse of choices for color and sloss. PART 3 - EXECUIION EXAMINATION Examine areas, with Installer present, for compliance with requiremcnts for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting pcrformance of entrance and storefront systems. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been conected. INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with manufacturerh written instructions for protecting, handling, and installing entrance and storefront systems. Do not install damagcd components. Fit frame joints to produce hairline joints frcc of burrs and distortion. Rigidly secure nonmovement joints. Seal joints watertight. B. Metal Protection: Where aluminum will contact dissimilar metals, protcct against galvanic action by painting contact surfaces with primer or by applying sealant or tape recommended by manufacturer for this purpose. Where aluminum will contact concrete or masonry, protect against corrosion by painting contact surfaces with bituminous paint. C. Install components to drain water passing.joints and condensation and moisture occurring or migrating within the system to the exterior. D. Set continuous sill members and flashing in a full sealant bed to providc weathertight construction, unless otherwise indicated. Comply with requiremcnts of Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants." E. Install tiaming conrponcnts plumb and true in alignment with established lines and grades without warp or rack of framing members. VAI I, VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onstructio n Doc ume nts 15 Ocr0BDR200l I I I t I I I I I I I I I I T I t I B. D. 3.1 3.2 HLM 98007r-04 084t0-6 T SECTION O84IO ALAMINAM STOREFRONTS Install glazing to comply with requirements of Division 8 Section "Glazing," unless otherwise indicated.. Install perimeter sealant to comply with requircments of Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants," unless otherwise indicated. Ereclion Tolerances: Install cntrance and storefront systems to comply with the following maximum tolerances: l. Variation from Plane: Limit variation from plane or location shown to l/8 inch in 12 feet ll4 inch over total length. 2. Alignment: Where surfaces abut in line, limit offset from true alignment to l/16 inch. Where surfaces meet at corners, limit offset from true alignment to | /32 inch. 3. Diagonal Measurements: Limit difference between diagonal measurements to l/8 inch. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Water Spray Test: After completing the installation of test areas indicated, test storefront system for water penetration according to AAMA 501.2 requirements. Repair or remove and replace Work that does not meet requirements or that is damaged by testing; replace to conform to specified requirements. ADJUSTING AND CLEANING Adjust doors and hardware to provide tight fit at contact points and weather stripping, smooth operation, and weathertight closure. Remove excess sealant and glazing compounds, and dirt from surfaces. PROTECTION Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to manufacturer and Installer, that ensure entrance and storefront systems are without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 08410 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructinn Doc ume nts IS OcroBER 2001 F. C. B. J..' 3.4 I I t I I I B. 3.5 I I I I I t I I I HLM 98U71-04 0u10-7 I I I i.', I I t.l SECTION 08520 SECTION 08520 - ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS PART I - GENERAL ALUMINAM WINDOWS AND DOORS B. t.)I t I I RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Ceneral and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Scctions, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes Commercial Grade aluminum windows of the nerformance class indicated. Window types required include the following: l. Fixed windows. 2. Aluminum Doors. Related Section: l. Division 7 Section "Glazing". 2. Division 7 'Joint Sealants" DEFINITIONS Performance class number, included as part of the window designation system, is the actual design pressure in pounds force per square foot used to determine structural test pressure and water test pressure. I . Structural test pressure, wind load test, is equivalent to 150 percent of the design pressure. 2. Water-leakage-resistance test pressure is equivalent to l5 percent of the design pressure with 2.86 lbf/sq. ft. as a minimum for Residential, Commercial, and Heavy-Commercial Grade windows. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS General: Provide aluminum windows engineered, fabricated, and installed to withstand normal thermal movement, wind loading, and impact loading without failure, as demonstrated by testing manufacturer's standard window assemblies reprcscnting types, grades, classes, and sizes required for Project according to test methods indicated. Test Criteria: Testing shall be performed by a qualified indcpendent testing agency based on thc following criteria: l. Design wind velocity at Project refer to structural requirements. 2. Test Procedures: Test window units according to ASTM E 283 for air infiltration, ASTM E 547 for water penetration, and ASTM E 330 for structural performance. Performance Requirements: Testing shall demonstrate compliance with requiremcnts indicated in AAMA l0l for air infiltration, water penetration, and structural performance for type, gmde, and performance class of window units requircd. Where required design pressurc cxceeds the minimum for l.-t A. B. 1.4 I I I I I c.I t- I VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns tr uc tio n Doc ume nls I5 OcroBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 08s20-1 ALI]MINAM WINDOWS AND DOORS ISECTION 08520 l. z- 3. ^). o. 7. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.5 thc specified window grade, comply with requirements of AAMA l0l, Section 3, "Optional Performance Classes," for higher than minimum performance class. l. Air-Infiltration Rate for Opcrating Units: Not more than 0.03 cfm/fi. of operable sash joint for an inward test pressure of 6.24 lbf/sq. ft. 2. Air-lnfiltration Rate for Fixed Windows: Not more than 0.03 cftn/ft. of area for an inward test pressure of 6.24 lbf/sq. ft. 3. Water Penetration: No watcr penetration as defined in the test method at an inward test pressure of | 5 pcrcent of the design pressure, | 2 psf.. 4. Structural Performance: No failure or pcrmanent deflection in excess of 0.4 percent of any member's span after removing the imposed load, for a positive (inward) and negative (outward) test pressure of 30 lbf/sq. ft.. 5. Condensation Resistance: Where window units are indicated to be "thermally improved," provide units tested for thermal pcrformance according to AAMA 1503.1 showing a condensation resistance factor (CRF) of 54. 6. Thermal Transmittance: Provide window units with a U-value maximum of 0.56 Btu/sq. ft. x h x deg F at lS-mi/h exterior wind velocity, when tested according to AAMA 1503.1 . 7 - Thermal Movements: Provide window units that allow thermal movement resulting from the following maximum change (range) in ambient temperature when engineering, fabricating, and installing aluminum windows to prevent buckling, opening of joints, and overstressing of components, connections, and other detrimental effects. Base engineering calculation on actual surface temperatures of materials due to solar heat gain and nighttime sky heat loss. a. Temperature Change (Range): 120 deg F, ambient; | 80 deg F, material surfaces. 8. Sound-Insulation Construction: Provide window units certified to provide a Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of at least 34 when tested according to ASTM E 90 and classified according to ASTM E 4I3. SUBMITTALS General: Submit each item in this Article accordins to the Conditions of the Contract and Division I Soecification Sections. B. Product Data for each type of window required, including the following: l. Construction details and fabrication methods. 2. Profiles and dimensions of individual components. 3. Data on hardware. accessories. and finishes. 4. Recommendations for maintainins and clcanins exterior surfaces. Shop Drawings showing fabrication and installation of each type of window required including information not fully detailed in manufacturer's standard Product Data and the following: I Layout and installation details, including anchors. Elevations at ll4 inch = I foot scale. Half-size section details of typical composite members, including reinforcement and stil'fbncrs and adjacent wall construction and materials. Panning details.. Window cleaning provisions. Glazing details. Accessories. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Docume nts I5 OcroBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 08520-2 I I T SECTION 08520 ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS t D. Samples for initial color selection on l2-inch- long sections of window members. Where finishes involve .{il normal color variations, include Sample sets showing the full range of variations cxpected. l";;;;.,r -'rl;,) I.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced Installer who has completed installation of aluminumr windows similar in material, design, and extent to those required for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance. f B. Single-Source Responsibility: Obtain aluminum windows and storefront systems from one source and by a sinele manufacturer. C. Product Options: The Drawings indicate sizes, profiles, dimensional requirements, and aesthetic effects of aluminum windows and are based on the specific window types and models indicated. Other aluminum window manufacturers whose products have equal performance charactcristics may be considered provided deviations in size, profile, and dimensions are minor and do not alter the aesthetic effect. Refer to Division I Section "Substitutions. " I 1.7 PROJECTCONDITIONSr A. Field Measurements: Check window openings by field measurements before fabrication and show I recorded measurements on Shop Drawings. Coordinate fabrication schedule with constructron progress I to avoid delaying the Work. I.8 WARRANTY A. General Warranty: The special warranty specified in this Article shall not deprive the Owner of other rights the Owner may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties made by the Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents. B. Special Wananty: Submit a written warranty signed by aluminum window manufacturer agreeing to repair or replace window components that fail in materials or workmanship within the specified warranty period. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following: l. Structural failures including excessive deflection, water leakage, air infiltration, or condensation.2. Deterioration of mctals, metal finishes, and other materials beyond normal weathering. C. Warranty Period: 5 years after date of Substantial Completion. D. Warranty Period for Metal Finishes and Glass: l0 years after date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS I A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products thatI may be incorporatcd in the Work include, but are not limited to, the following. I - HLM gn007r-04 vATLvALLEy MEDTzALCENTER 08s20-3I Constructian Documents 15 OcroBER 2001 I I t I I t I SECTION 08520 ALAMINAM WINDOWS AND DOORS EFCO Corporation Architect Approved Equal. FIXED WINDOWS System Manufacturer and Type: EFCO Corporation, 2500 AW-50 Aluminum Extrusions: Provide alloy and temper recommended by manufacturer for strength, corrosion resislance, and application of required finish, but not less than 22,000-psi ultimate tensile strength and not less than 0.062 inch thick at anv location for main frame and sash members. Fasteners: Provide aluminum, nonmagnetic stainless steel, epoxy adhesive, or other materials warrantcd by manufacturer to be noncorrosive and compatible with aluminum window members, trim, hardware, anchors, and other components of window units. l. Reinforcement: Where fasteners screw anchor into aluminum less than 0.125 inch thick, reinforce interior with aluminum or nonmagnetic stainless steel to receive screw threads or provide standard, noncorrosive, pressed-in, splined grommet nuts. 2. Exposed Fasteners: Except where unavoidable for application of hardware, do not use exposed fasteners. For application of hardware, use fasteners that match frnish of member or hardware being fastened, as appropriate. Anchors, Clips, and Window Accessories: Fabricate anchors, clips, and window accessories of aluminum, nonmagnetic stainless steel, or hordip zinc-coated steel or iron complying with requirements of ASTM B 633; provide sufficient strength to withstand design pressure indicated. Compression-Type Clazing Strips and Weatherstripping: Manufacturer's recommended gasket system. Sealant: For sealants required within fabricated window units, provide type recommended by manufacturer for joint size and movement. Sealant shall remain permanently elastic, nonshrinking, and nonmigrating. Comply with Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants" of these Specifications for selection and installation of sealants. DOORS System Manufacturer and Type: EFCO Corporation Thermastile D302 Aluminum Extrusions: Provide alloy and temper recommendcd by manufacturer for strength, corrosion rcsistance, and application of required finish, but not less than .125 nominal wall thickness at any location for main frame and sash members. Fasteners: Provide aluminum, nonmagnetic stainless stecl, epoxy adhesive, or other materials warranted by manufacturer to be noncorrosive and compatible with aluminum door members, trim, hardware, anchors, and other components of door unit. Anchors, Clips, and Door Accessories: Fabricatc anchors, clips, and window accessories of aluminum, nonmagnctic stainless steel, or hot-dip zinc-coated steel or iron complying with requirements of ASTM B 633; provide sufficient strength to withstand design pressure indicated. Compression-Type Glazing Strips and Weatherstripping: Manufacturcr's rcconlncnded gasket system. a. b. I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I I I 2.2 B. D. 2.3 E. F. A. B. D. E. VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Constructio n Doc ume nts 15 OcroBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 08520-4 I I SECTION 08520 F. ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS Sealant: For sealants required within fabricated window units, provide type recommendcd by manufacturer for joint size and movement. Sealant shall remain permanently elastic, nonshrinking, and nonmigrating. Comply with Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants" of these Specifications for selection and installation oi sealants. Weatherstripping: All doors at to include manufacurer's standard weatherstripping. Hardware: Provide the following hardware. Quantities per door configuration: G. H. 2.4 2.5 I I t I I I c. 2.6 I I I I I t l. Hinges 2. Exit Device 3. Closer4. Door Stop 5. Threshold ACCESSORIES EFCO Standard /e" Qffset Pivot Set Dor-O-Matic 1490 CVR Touch Bar Panic Device EFCO Standard Surface Mounted Closer - Parallel Mount Hager 241F Dome Stop National Guard Products Inc. 613 X Door Lensth B. General: Provide manufacturer's standard accessories that comply with indicated standards. FABRICATION General: Fabricate aluminum window and door units to comply with indicated standards. Include a complete system for assembly of components and anchorage ofwindow units. l. Provide units that are reglazable without dismantling sash or ventilator framing. 2. Prepare window sash or ventilators for glazing, except where preglazing at the factory is indicated. Tbermally Improved Construction: Fabricate window and door units with an integral, concealed, low- conductance, thermal barrier, located between exterior materials and window members exposed on interior, in a manner that eliminates direct metal-to-metal contact. l. Provide thermal-break construction that has been in use for not less than 3 years, has been tested to demonstrate resistance to thermal conductance and condensation, and has been tested to show adequate strength and security of glass retention. 2. Weep Holes: Provide weep holes and internal passages to conduct infiltrating water to exterior. 3. Subframes: Provide subframes with anchors for window units as shown, of profile and dimensions indicated but not less than 0.062-inch- thick extruded aluminum. Miter or copc corners, and weld and dress smooth with conccaled mechanical ioint fasteners. Finish to match window units. Preglazed Fabrication: Preglaze window units at the factory where possible and practical for applications indicated. Comply with glass and glazing requirements of Division 8 Section "Glazing" of these Specifications and AAMA l0l. FIMSHES Comply with NAAMM "Mctal Finishes Manual" for recommendations relative to applying and designating linishes. Finish designations prelixed by AA conform to the system established by the Aluminum Association for designating aluminum fi nishcs. B.I li-':i VAIL VALLEY M EDI CAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc u me nts 15 OcroBER 2001 I HLM 980071-04 08520-s ALI]MINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS ISECTION 08520 High-Performance Organic Coating Finish: AA-C I 2C42R I x (Chemical Finish: cleaned with inhibited chemicals; Chemical Finish: acid chromate-fluoride-phosphate conversion coating; Organic Coating: as specified below). Prepare, pretreal, and apply coating to exposed metal surfaces to comply with coating and resin manulacturcr's instructions. l. Manufacturers standard Kynar 500 paint. 2. Color and Closs: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full ranse of choices for color and gloss. PART 3 . EXECUTION c. INSPECTION Inspcct openings before installation. Verify that rough opening is correct and sill plate is level. INSTALLATION Comply with manufacturer's specifications and recommendations for installing window units, hardware, operators, and other components of the Work. Set window units plumb, level, and true to line, without warp or rack of frames or sash. Provide proper support and anchor securely in place. l. Separate aluminum and other corrodible surfaces from sources of corrosion or electrolytic action at points of contact with other materials by complying with requirements specified under "Dissimilar Materials" Paragraph in appendix to AAMA l0l. Set sill members and other members in a bed of sealant or with joint fillers or gaskets, as shown on Shop Drawings, to provide weathertight construction. Rcfer to Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants" for compounds, fillers, and gaskets to be installed concurrently with window units. Coordinate installation with wall flashings and other components of the Work. l. Sealants, joint fillers, and gaskets to bc installed after installation of window units are specified in another Division 7 Scction. ADJUSTING Adj ust operating sash and hardware to provide a tight fit at contact points and at weatherstripping for smooth operation and a weathertight closure. CLEANING Clcan aluminum surfaces promptly alter installing windows. Exercise care to avoid damage to protective coatings and finishes. Removc cxcess glazing and sealant compounds, dirt, and other substances. Lubricate hardwarc and other moving parts. Clcan glass of preglazed units promptly after installing windows. Comply with requirements of Division 8 Section "Glazins" for clcaning and maintenance. VAIL VAI,LEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns tractio n Doc ume nts 15 Ocr.oBER 2001 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I C. B. B. 3.1 3.2 -1.-) 3.4 HLM 980071-04 08520-6 I I IB I t I I I I I l"/ I SECTION 08520 ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS 3.5 PROTECTION A. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to aluminum window manufacturer, that ensure window units are without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION 08520 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc uments 15 OcroBER 2(nI HLM 980071-04 0E520-7 DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDULE I PARr | -GENERAL ,.--., - :.^.;. l.l SLJMMARY I A. Section includes: l. Finish hardware I t.2 SUBMTTTALS I A. Product data: I ' ::',ffi:?',*fi:#::?:Jy,::J*:'9"il"[$"T,T:item' its tvpe' design' nnish' tunction' 2. Submit catalog cuts of each different piece of hardware. 3. Electrical and electronic hardware: f a. Indicate each hardware group requiring electrical or elecronic devices and devices that interface witlr fire alarm systenr" in elevation form showing all electrical and electronic I wiring from device to device. I b. Each elevation of electrically and electronically operated hardware groups shall have a description of operation listed. B. Submit, as an item separate from the hardware schedules, a complete Keying Schedule. C. Provide templates to all manufacturers which have finish hardware applied to their producs. I I sECrIoNoBTI2 t r.3 ''ERATTN.ANDMATNTENAN.EDATA ler l*- I A. Submit maintenance manuals, spare parts listing and recommended periodic maintenance schedules for all hardware items. 1.4 DELTVERY I A. Deliver hardware to the job site in the manufacturer's original packages, marked with door opening number to identify conect location. I B. On-site inspection and assistance during installation of finish hardware and final adjustment, as required after installation. I PART2-PR0DUCTS I 2.1 MATERIALS I A. Metal finishes: I l. Typical hardware finish, satin chromium/slainless, dependent upon base metal:I I Sffiilti:l:ffiil:ff;3lu:3::l:fl:iitrl3:;f?' c. BHMA Finish Standard #652 (US Standard Finish US26D): d. BHMA Finish Standard #630 (US Standard Finish US32D); I B. Anchorage Deviccs: I l. Use concealed anchorage for all items where concealed/exposed anchorage options are I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 98M71-04 08712-1 sEcrroN 087t2 DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDULE available. Provide concealed fasteners in sizes and lengths appropriate to the spccific material conditions. 2. Countersunk, flat heaC, slotted or Phillips anchors may be used to fasten hinges. AII other exposed fasteners: counl.ersunk, oval Phillips Heads. 3. Provide machine screws for anchorage to metal substrates for all hinges, locks, closers, holdcrs and similar devices subject to dynamic forces. Self-tapping screws will be permitted for use on wood or metal substrates only for surface mounted items that are not subject to dynam.ic movement. Wood screws, used only for wood substrates: maximum size allowed by hardware item and maximum length allowed by substratc. Stops and Bumpers: Glynn Ives Johnson Hiawatha Quality Rockwood Mark Product Product Product Haeer Product Product BB0l 401 wB50c wt326R I I I I I I 24tF W307 406 lWall-Rated and,il"Jlffi' IBB02 436 FBl3 D. Coordinators: l. Provide coordinators with mounting bracketdhardware and filler tube equal to full opening width. 2. Finish of coordinators shall match BHMA 600, prime painted; color shall be dctermined by Architect. Door Controls lves Mark Product Product CA0l 600 series 900 series [Bar Type] 3. Where coordinators are required, a carry open bar is required on the active leaf. Door Controls Ives Mark Product Product cB01 100 Door Bottom: 400 series Reese Tcro National Guard Mark Product Product Product DB0l 52t 361 420 [surfacel Door Closer: l. Door closers shall be of rack-and-pinion full hydraulic type with the following features: a. Key-operated hydraulic valve adjustmcnt for back-check, general closing speed and latching speed. b. Mechanical adjustment to increase unit spring power and mechanically reversiblc arm-mounting shoe to incrcase latching power. 2. Primary shells shall be cast-iron or aluminum alloy. Arms shall be forged steel. Arms shall be factory painted, color to bc sclccted by Architect. 3. Covers shall not project morc than 2-318" from door face. Color of plastic cases for door closer covers to be selected by Architect. 4. Arm selection shall follow the requirements of the table below, with brackes, drop plates and miscellaneous accessorics orovided as necessary. Corner brackets will not be permitted. VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER C onstru c tion D oc ume nls 15 October 2001 I I T I I I I I t I I I F. HLM 98007r-04 08712-2 I sECrIoN 08712 I I'@ le l -/ HLMesooTt',4 I I I I I I I I I t I I I I DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDULE LCN Mark Product DC0l 4010-DEL [std reg/Delaycd Action/Hinge Side Mount] DC02 4010 H-DEL [std h90/Delayed Action] DC03 4 | I0-DEL [par reglDclayed Action] DC04 4l l0 H-DEL [par h90/Delayed Action] DC06 4l l0 Cush-DEL [par regcush / Delayed Action] DC07 4l lOH Cush-DEL [par h9Ocush / Delayed Action] 5. Provide proper spring size in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, tabulated in terms of mounting style and door width. 6. The sweep period ofa closer shall be adjusted so that from an open position of70 degrees, the door will take at least 3 seconds to move to a point 3" from the larch, measured to the leading edge of the door. 7. The maximum force for pushing or pulling open a door shall be: a. non-fire rated interior doors: 5 lbf (22.2 N) b. fre rated interior doors: as re4uired by code. G. Exit Devices: l. Cylinders for exit devices shall be supplied by tlre lock supplier. 2. Cross bars and touch bars of exit devices on doors to hazardous areas (machine rooms, boiler rooms) shall have machine knurled finish to comply with ANSI Al 17.l 3. Basis of lever design: Von Duprin#06. Von Duprin Sargent Monarch Mark Product Product Product EDOI 99L-Fx992L-R RR EDO2 9947EO-F VRCR EDO3 99EO-F l2-8888G F-I8-R-BA RR 4. Abbreviations are defined as follows: a. RR: Rim Rated b. VRCR: Vertical Rod Concealed Rated Von Duprin Sargent Mark Product Product PBOI MPB-840 3510 PB02 MPB-842 3510 PB03 MPB-851 3560 H. Electric Strikes: l. Provide rectifier and transformer for 24vdc. 2. Provide access conFols. Von Duprin Mark Product ESOI 6000 I. Flush Bolts: l. Manual bols shall be provided in sets, consisting ofone top and one bottom bolt for each door. Bottom bolt shall have 12" long operating rod. Top bolt shall have 12" bolt for door heights VAIL VAT T.FY MEDICAL CENTER ConsEuctian Documenls 15 October 2001 08712-3 SECTION 08712 I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I z- J. :). J. DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDA LE up to 7'-0". For heights over 7'-0" increase bolt length so that operator is located no less than 6'-0" above floor. Dust proof floor strikes are required for all floor bolts. Manually Operated: Ives Glynn-Johnson Mark Product Product FBOI 4588 FB6 4. Automatic Bolts: Glvnn-Johnson Door Controls FBBt68 BBl168 T483786 Mark Product Product FB7 840 Metal doors Flat Cood Kick Plates: l. Plates shall be 0.080" thick vinyl acrylic with top and side edges beveled. Finish & color to be selected by Architect. 2. Kick plates shall be 12" high. For single doors, plate widths shall be actual door width less 2"; for double doors, actual door width less 1-112" per leaf. 3. Flat goods shall be glued and fastened. Construction Kleerdex Specialties Mark Product Product FGOI "Kydex 160" "Acrovyn" Kick Plate Hinges: l. Hinges for interior use shall be cold rolled steel, brass or bronze of specified finish. Exterior hinges shall be stainless steel (BHMA 1630). 2. Pins shall be of button tip, non-rising for typical applications, with non-removable pins which shall be locked in place by set screw in barrel, used typically for all exterior doors. Hinges shall be square-cornere.d, full mortise, to template. Quantity of Hinges: a. One hinge for each 2'-6" ofdoor height or portion of2'-6" door height. Interior Hinges: a. Doors 1-314" thick, up to and including 3'-0" wide, standard weight 0.134" thick,4-112" x 4-1f2" , ball bearing. l,awrence Stanley Hager McKinney Mark Product Product Product Product HGOI BB4IOI FBB|79 81279 TB27t4 b. Door leaf l-3l4" thick, over 3'-0" up to 4'-0" wide, heavy weight 0.180" thick, 5" x 4-l12", ball bearing. Lawrence Stanley Hager McKinney Mark Product Product Product Product \J HGO2 BB5I5I Pocket Hinges: a. Pocket hinge for size up to and including 3'-0" wide, standaud weight 3/l6" thick, 6- I i4" x l-17132" VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENT:ER C o nstructio n Do c um e nls 15 October 2il)I HLM 98M7T-04 08712-4 I t I I I T I I I I I t I t I I SECTION 08712 HG04 5t9 5t9 Exterior Hinges: b. Provide appropriate label devices for specific opening. Rixson Dorma Dor-O-Matic lvlark Product Produc[ Product DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDALE IPassage] lToiletl lOffrcel IStoreroom] 9l l05F [20 min label] 9l l05F [90 min label] 7. a. Doors l-3l4" thick, up to and including 3'-0" wide, standard weight 0.134" thick,4-1/2" x 4-112" , ball bearing. l.awrence Stanley Hager McKinney Mark Product Product Product Product HC03 BB4lOl FBBlgl BBll9l TB23l4 b. Door leaf l-3l4" thick, over 3'-0" up to 4'-0' wide, heavy weight 0.180" thick, 5" x 4-112" , ball bearing. l,awrence Stanley Hager McKinney Mark Product Product Product Product HG& BB5I5I.A FBBI99 BB1I99 l,ockets, Latchsets and Dead Bolts: l. Lnckea and larchsets with 2-314" backset shall be cylindrical type with cases of uniform size to allow int€rchangeability. 2. Mechanically rctu*ed anti-friction latchbolts and deadbolts shall have at least ll2" throws. For double doors and doors under UL label requirements, larchbolt throws shall be 3/4". 3. Provide standard ASA strikes with curved lips of lengths to suit door and jamb conditions, with wrought box strikes. 4. Criteria shall meet following requirements only: a. Series Schlage Series D / 6 pin with 7u pin !o s€cure in place. Provide remporary construction cylinder core. b. Design Name Rhodes c. Lever design 5. Irvers on doon to hazardous areas shall have machined knurled hnish to complv with ANSI Alt7.l 6. Escutcheons shall be cut to accommodate lock functions as scheduled. 7. Cylinders for aluminum doors shall be furnished by this Section for installation by Sections 08410 and 08339. Sides of rose and cylinder shall be perpendicular to door face, not b€veled. Finish on cylinders for aluminum doors shall match color of aluminum. 8. Cylindrical - levers Type Sargent Corbin Schlage Glynn Mark Product hoduct Product Johnson Function 75523 75523 LKOZ DIOS LK03 D40S LKO4 D53PD LKOT D8OPD LK08 ll5 1860 LKOg D94PD VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 October 2001 HL6 [Hospital tatch] [Classroom] I | '-- I HLM 980071-04 08712-s SECTION 08712 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I N. a. DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDULE Magnetic Holders: l. Electric hook-up provided by Division 16. 2. Electrical requirements: Refer to Division 16. Rixson DORMA Mark Product Product MHOI FM98O EP45OI IFloor, single] Rixson DORMA Mark Product Product MH02 FM 998 EM508-24AD [wall] Overhead Holders: L Provide units on door heads. sized to accommodate door conditions as follows: Glynn-Johnson Product oH02 cJ-90F O. Thresholds: [Surface Interior] Repse Tnro National Guard Pemko Mark hoduct Product Product Product TH03 S405A 5r3 - [handicap accessible] View scope Ives Mark Productvsor 696 Weatherstripping: National Guard Mark hoduct Product Product Productwsol 33c 379cR [frame mounted, acts as a door stop]ws03 86AP 369AP [meeting pair of rated doors]ws04 7978 S88D [smoke doors] ws05 [use with EROl ] Pivots: l. Pivoe shall be plated brass or bronze. 2. Heavy duty pivot set shall have surface mounted floor support for bottom pivot, mortised upper pivot. 3. Center hung pivots: Rixson Dorma McKinney Stanley Mauk Product Product Product Product P. /.-5. 2525W l36P 5050w A605A DAP3PV01 127-3t4 CHP-I EP-5 320 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructio n Doc ume nts I5 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 08712-6 T. U, w. Y. t I I I I I I t I I I I I t I t t SECTION 08712 DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDULE Emergency Release Stop: McKinney lawrence Mark Product Product ER0r css-g 7t06-32D Pocket Door: Stanley L.E. Mark Product Hager Johnson .: PD0l 2826w12825-6 Folding Door Hardware: 9 I l0 w/ two wheel hansers 1500 wl 1125 bearing hangers Manufacturer's wall mounted push plate fabricated as 6" diameter clear anodized aluminum or stainless steel, with engraved enamel filled international handicapped insignia. Provide handicap logo with engraved eniunel paint. Electric hookup provided by Division 16. Mark Haeer L.E. Johnson FD0l 9870 l00FD [two door set for 3'-0" opening] Sliding Door Hardware: Mark Hager SD05 9885 [two door set for 8'-4" opening] Door Pull: Mark Hager DP0l 3E [wrought door pull] DP02 2630 [round flush pull] Automatic Operator, Fire Rated: Mark Horon - Series 49fi) Electric Fire Door Operator Package AE09 Push Plate: l) 2) J) Flush Bolts: Mark Ives FB-l 458 U2 FB-z 358 [fire rated] Keying: l. During the construction period key exterior doors and specific interior doors to be designated after construction begins, keyed to a construction grand master key system that shall remain operative during the construction phase. 2. Base thc perrnanent keying system on the Owner's existing Great Grand Master system which is the Hospital's system. Determine keyed-alike sets jointly by the Owner's Representative and the Contractor immcdiatcly aftcr contract award. Perform keying and biting by and registered with VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o n structia n D o c u m e nt s 15 October 2(M II I HLM 98M7|-M 087r2-7 SECTION 087T2 DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDULE Schlage. 3. Package permanent keys in marked, identified envelopes and delivered by Registered Mail direct to the Owner's Representative from manufacturer. 4. Provide key control system with a capacity of 1.75 times the number of door lock, with complete dual tag systcm. a. Cabinet: concealed piano type hinge and rounded sides. Panels: individual hook-andlabel pockets formed from metal. b. Tags: set for permanent attachment of file key without the use of tools and one set with snaphook holding at least four keys. c. Provide indexing to record information concerning locks and keys alphabetically, hook numerically, key numerically and master key. d. Provide permanent loan register to properly identifu key borrowers while receipt tabs shall be supplied for temporary loan. e. Acceptable manufacturers: l) Lund 2) Key Control 3) Hafele 4) Telkee PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 DELWERY A. Hardware items shall be packaged separately, tagged with appropriate identification and location data, delivered to the Site and stored in a protected manner in a location mutually agreeable to the Contractor and to the Owner. B. Only construction keys shall be delivered to the Site. 3.2 INSTALLATION OFFIMSH HARDWARE A. Install hardware per manufacturer's directions and to manufacturer's tcmplates. Adjust for proper operation and function. B. Thresholds shall be coped to profile of jamb, set in continuous mastic, anchored with countersunk expansion bolts. C. Properly tag, index and file keys. D. Pairs of doors: Right hand will always be active, unless otherwise indicated. E. Install "construction cylinders" for use during the construction phrue. Prior to complction, install "permanent cylinders". F. Provide UL rated hardware for fire rated door and frame a;semblies. 3.3 ADJUSTMENT AND CHECKING A. Hardware supplier shall be available on a reasonable demand basis to assist installers in evaluation of VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co n structio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 I I I I I t t I I I I t I I I I I I I HLM 980071-04 08712-8 I I I DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDULE function and installation questions as they arise. B. Operable devices shall be individually field checked and adjusted by hardware supplier or representative of the device manufacturcr just prior to final acceptance of the building and at a second period approximately six months after complete building occupancy. C. At the time of hnal adjustment described above, all operating/adjusting tools shall be delivered to the Owner's Representative along with written explanation of their use and function, accompanied by such demonstrations to the Ownerb maintcnance personnel as the Owner's Representative deems necessary. I 3.4 HARDWARE GROUPS r A. Hardware selection is based upon hardware groups for each door leaf (i.e., a pair of doors requires two t Hf;ffiffi?:1;.,H",T#r""TJlii'.nff,HTiffifr;j"m' such as coordinators' threshord or Croup larching Function I A AI.JTOMATIC DOORS BF BI-FOLDING DOORS BP BY.PASSINC DOORS C CLASSROOM E EXITLOCKSET F FLUSHBOLT O OFFICELOCKSET P PASSAGELATCHSET SP SLIDING POCKETDOORS S STORAGELOCKSET T TOILET/BATHLOCKSET V DflTDEVICE-RIM X E)(IT DEVICE - VERTICAL ROD CONCEALED Z CYLINDERONLY I 3.s FLUSH Bolrs A. Hardware Group F-01 Hinges HG0l [non-rated] Flush bolts FB0l B. Hardware Group F-02 Hinges HCOI Flush bolts FB04 Coordinator CAOI cBO1 Closer DC03 I sECrroN o,7t2 Ia I I HLM 98M7t-04li I I I I I t I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns tru c tio n D o c um e nts 15 October 2001 08712-9 SECTION 08712 OFFICE A. Hardware Group O-01 I I I I I I I B. 3.6 DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDALE D. Hinge [,ockset Bumper Required LKM [office function] BB0l [wall stop] Inon-rated opening] Hardware Group O-02 Hinge Required Lockset LK04 [office function] Closer DCOI Bumper BB0l [wall stop] [non-rated or rated opening] Weatherstrip WS04 [smoke seaU Door Bottom DB0l Hardware Group O-03 Hinge Required Lockset LK04 [office function] Overhead Holder OH02 Hardwarr Group O-M Hinge Required L,ocks€t LK04 [office function] Closer DC02 [hold open 90o] Bumper BB0l Hardwarr Group O-05 Hinge Required Lockset LK04 [office function] I I I I F. Closer DC(X Bumper BB0l [wall stop] Weatherstrip WS04 [smoke seal] I Hardwarc Group 0-06 Hinge Required [inswing]I-ockset LK04 [officc function] Closer DC0l Weatherstrip WS0l Door Bottom DB0l Threshold TH03 Hardware Group O-07 Hinge Required [outswing]Lockset LK04 [office function] Closer DC07 [90 dcgree hold open] Weatherstrip WSOl Door Bottom DB0l Threshold TH03 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructian Doc um e nts I 5 Octoher 200 I I I I I I T I c. HLM 980071-04 08712-r0 3.7 I I I I t I I I I D. I I I I I I I I I Ien SECTION 08712 H. Hardware Gmup O.08 Hinge Required Lockset LK04 [office function] Closer DC0l Weathersrip WSOI I. Hardware Group O-(D Hinge Required Lockset LK04 [ofhce function] Closer DCOI weatherstrip SW04 [smoke seal] J. Hardware Group O-10 Hinge Required l-ocket LK04 [office function] Closer DCOI PASSAGE A. Hardwarc Group P.01 Hinge Required Lockset LK02 [passage function] B. Ilardware Group P-02 Hinge Re4uircd L,ockset LK02 [passage function] Closer DC0l Bumper BB01 [wall stop] [non-rated or rated opening] Weatherstrip WS(X [smoke seal] Hardware Gmup P-03 Hinge Required Lockset LK02 [passage function] Overhead Holder OH02 Hardware Group P-04 Pocket Hinge HG04 Locket LK02 [passage function] Closer DC01 Coordinator/Carry Open Bar CAOI/CBOI Magnetic Holder MH02 Weatherstrip SW04 [smoke seal] Hardware Group P-05 Hinge Required [swing clear type] Lockset LK08 [hospital function] Holder OH02 Wcathcrstrip WS0l DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDUIE VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Construction Docume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 08712-tI t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I J. ''. ;:.1 SECTION 087T2 Hardware Group P-06 Hinge Required Lockset Closer Weatherstrip WS0l Bumper BB0l Hardware Group P47 [swing clear type] LK08 [hospital function] LK02 [passage function] [smoke seal] LK02 [passage function] [swing clear hinges at 324- 4, 329-A] LK02 [passage function] LK02 [passage function] [smoke seal] Required [swing clear type] LK02 [passage function] AEOg DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDALE F. Hinge Lockset Closer Hinge Lockset Closer Weatherstrip DCol Required DCO3 Weatherstrip WS04 Magretic Holder MH02 Hardware Group P-08 Hinge Required Lockset Closer DC03 Weatherstrip WS0l Hardware Group P-(D Required DCol wsol DCOl Ilardwarc Gmup P-10 Hinge Required I.ocks€t Closer Weatherstrip WS04 Hardware Grcup P-11 Lockset Automatic Operator Closer DC01 Weatherstrip WSOI Bumper BB0l Hardwarc Group P-12 Hinge Pivots Closer Bumper Push Plates DCOI [ 180 degree operation] BBOI VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C on struction Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 98007r-04 08712-12 3.8 I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I t I I T SECTION 08712 STORAGE A. Hardware Group S-01 Hinge Required Lockset LK07 [storage function] Closer DC0l Bumper BB0l [wall stop] [non-rated or rated opening] B. Hardware Group S-02 Hinge Required Lockset LK07 [storage function] Closer DC03 Weatherstrip WS04 [smoke seal] C. Hardware Group S-03 Hinge Required Lockset LK07 [storage function] Closer DC03 [multi-point hold open] Weatherstrip WS0l Door Bonom DBOI Threshold TH03 D. Hardware Group S-04 Hinge Required Lockset LK07 [storage function] Closer DC03 Bumper BB0l [wall stop] Weatherstrip Door Bottom DB01 Threshold TH03 Inon-rated opening] F. Hardware Group S-05 Hinge Required Lockset LK07 [storage function] Closer DC04 Weatherstrip WS04 [smoke seal] Flush Bolt FB-2 [one leafl Hardware Group 5-06 Hinge Required Lockset LK07 [storage functionl Closer DC04 Weatherstrip WS01 DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDULE VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructian Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 98007r-04 08712-t3 SECTION 08712 3.9 TOILET/BATH A. Hardware Group T-01 Hinge Required Lockset LK03 [toilet function] Bumper BB0l [wall stop] Closer DC03 [non-rated opening] B. Hardware Group T-02 Hinge Required L,ockset LK03 [toilet functionl Closer DC03 Weatherstrip WSOl Bumper BB0l [wall stop] [non-rated opening] C. Hardware Group T-03 DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDALE Pivots Lockset Emergency Release Holder PVol LK04 ltoilet function] EROI [stop/strike] oH02 I I I I I I I I I I Weatherstrip WS05 [vision blocking only] D. Hardwarc Gmup T-04 Hinge Required Lockset LK03 [toilet function] Weatherstrip WS04 [smoke seal] E. Hardware Group T-05 Hinge Required LK03 [toilet function] Bumper BB01 EXITDEVICE. RIM RATED OPENINGS A. Hardware Group V-01 Hinge Required Exit device EDOl [rim, t-ever] Closer DC03 Bumper BB0l [rated] Weatherstrip WS04 [smoke seal] I I 3.10 VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n D oc um e nts I5 October 2(NI I I I I I I I HLM 980071-04 08712-14 B. D. F. G. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I SECTION 08712 DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDAIB Hardwarr Group V-02 Hinge Required [swing clear hinges at doors 3l3-A/B] Exit device EDOl [rim, lever] Automatic Operator AE09 Closer DCO I Bumper BB0l [rated] Weatherstrip WS04 [smoke seal] Hardware Group V.03 Hinge Required Exit device ED0l [rim, levcr] Closer DC06 Door Bottom DB0l Threshold TH03 Weatherstrip WSOl Hardware Gmup V-04 Hinge Required Exit device EDOI [rim, lever, keylock] Weatherstrip WS0l Coordinator/Carry Open Bar CAO l/CBOl Hardware Group V-05 Hinge Required Exit device EDOI [rim, lever] Closer DCOI llardware Group V-06 Hinge Required Exit device EDOI [rim, lever, keylock] Closer DC0l Weathentrip WS04 [smoke seal] Hardware Group V-07 Hinge Required Exit Device EDOI [rim] Closer DC03 Magnetic Holder MH02 Weatherstrip WS04 [smoke seal] Hardware Group V-08 Hinge Required Exit Device EDOI [rim, lever, keylock] Automatic Operator AE09 Closer DC0l VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructian Documents 15 October 2(NI HLM 980071-04 08712-15 SECTION 08712 Hardwarc Group V-09 Pocket Hinge HG04 Exit Device ED0l [rim, lever] Magnetic Holder MH02 Closer DC03 Weatherstrip WS04 [smoke seal] 3.I I EXIT DEVICE - VERTICAL ROD CONCEALED RATEDOPENING A. Hardware Group X-01 DOOR HARDWARE AND SCH EDALE Hinge Exit device Required ED21 [vertical rod concealed exit] VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 I I t I I t T I I I I I I I t I I I I 3.12 Closer DC0l Magnetic Holder MH02 Weatherstrip WS0l CLASSROOM A. Hardware Group C-01 Hinge Required Lockset LK09 [classroom function] Closer DC04 Weathersrip WSOI B. Hardware Grcup C-02 Hinge Required Lockset LK09 [classroom function] Closer DC04 Weathentrip WSOI [smoke seal] Hardware Group C-03 Hinge Required l,ockset LK09 [classroom function] Closer DC0l Hardware Group C-M Hinge Required Lockset LK09 [classroom function] Closer DCOI Coordinator / Carry Open Bar CA0l /CB0l Magnetic Holder MH02 Weatherstrip WS04 lsmoke seal] D. HLnr 98007r-04 087r2-16 I I SECTION 08712 E. Hardware Group C-05 Hinge Required Lockset LK09 [classroom function] Closer DCOI [90" hold open] Weatherstrip WSOI Bumper BB0l F. Hardware Gmup C-06 Hinge Required l-ockset LK09 [classroom function] Closer DC0l [90" hold open] Flush Bolt FB-l [one lea{l BI-FOLDINGDOORS A. Hardware Group BF-01 Track FD0l BY-PASSINC DOORS A. .llardware Gmup BP-01 Track SD0l DOOR HARDWARE AND SCHEDALE ffi l't* 3.13 3.t4 3. l5 I I t I I I le I I I I I I I lj I 3.16 SLIDING POCKET DOORS A. Hardwarr Group SP-01 Track PD01 Pull DP01 CYLINDERONLY A. Hardware Group 201 Cylinder only -- [for aluminum swinging doors] lrl END oF SECTIo.N 08712 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Consbuctinn Documents 15 October 2001 HLM 98007r.04 087r2-r7 I I SECTION O88OO SECTION O88OO. GLAZING PART I - GENERAL GLAZING t.l 1.2 1.3 I I I I t I D. B. t.4 I I I I I I I B. RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes glazing for the following products and applications, including those specified in other Sections where glazing requirements are specified by reference to this Section: l. Windows. 2. Doors. 3. Glazed entrances. 4. Storefront framing. DEFINITIONS Manufacturer: A lirm that produces primary glass or fabricated glass as defined in referenccd glazing publications. Interspace: Space between lites of an insulating-glass unit that contains dehydrated air or a specified gas. Deterioration of Coated Glass: Defects developed from normal use that are attributed to the manufacturing process and not to causes other than glass breakage and practices for maintaining and cleaning coated glass contrary to manufacturerb written instructions. Defects include peeling, cracking, and other indications of deterioration in metallic coating. Deterioration of Insulating Class: Failure of the hermetic seal under normal use that is attributed to the manufacturing process and not to causes other than glass breakage and practices for maintaining and cleaning insulating glass contrary to manufacturer'.s written instmctions. Evidence of failure is the obstruction of vision by dust, moisture, or film on interior surfaces ofglass. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS General: Provide glazing systems capable of withstanding normal thermal movement and wind and impact loads (where applicable) without failurc, including loss or glass breakage attributable to the following: Defective manufacture, fabrication, and installation; failure of sealants or gaskcts to remain watertight and airtight; deterioration of glazing materials; or other defects in construction. Glass Design: Glass thicknesses indicatcd are minimums and are for detailing only. Confirm glass thicknesses by analyzing Project loads and in-service conditions. Provide glass lites for various size openings in nominal thicknesses indicated, but not less than thicknesses and in strengths (annealed or heat treated) required to meet or exceed the following criteria: li-,' C. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruc tio n Doc um e nts 15 Ocroaan 2001I HLM 980071-04 08800-I SECTION O88OO GI^4ZING l.Glass Thickncsscs: Sclcct minimum glass thicknesses to comply with ASTM E 1300, according lo the following requirements: a. Specified Design Wind Loads: As required to meet local building codes. b. Probability of Breakage for Vertical Glazing: 8 lites per 1000 for lites set vertically or not more than I5 degrees off vertical and under wind action. l) Load Duration: 60 seconds or less. Maximum Lateral Deflection: For the following types of glass supported on all four cdges, provide thickness required that limits center deflection at design wind pressure to l/-50 times the short side length or I inch, whichever is less. For monolithic-glass litcs hcat trcatcd to resist wind loads. For insulating glass. Minimum Glass Thickness for Exterior Lites: Not less than 6 mm. Thermal Movements: Provide glazing that allows for thermal movements resulting from the following maximum change (range) in ambient and surface temperatures acting on glass framing members and glazing components. Base engineering calculation on surface temperatures of materials due to both solar heat gain and nighttime-sky heat loss. l. Temperature Change (Range): 120 deg F , ambient; | 80 deg F , material surfaces. Thermal and Optical Performance Properties: Provide glass with performance properties specified based on manufacturer's published test data, as determined according to procedures indicated bclow: I . For monolithic-glass lites, properties are based on units with lites l/4inch thick. 2. For insulating-glass units, properties are based on units with lites l/4inch thick and a nominal 1/2inch- wide interspace. 3. Center-of-Glass U-Values: NFRC 100 methodology using LBL-35298 WINDOW 4.1 computer program, expressed as Btu/ sq. ft. x h x deg F. 4. Center-of-Glass Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: NFRC 200 methodology using LBL-35298 WINDOW 4.1 computer program. 5. Solar Optical Properties: NFRC 300. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each glass product and glazing material indicated. B. Samples: For the each glass type used, in the form of l2-inch- square Samples for glass and of l2-inch- long Samples for sealants. Install sealant Samplcs betwccn two strips of material representative in color o[ the adjoining framing system C. Product Certificatcs: Signed by manulacturers of glass and glazing products certifying that products furnished comply with requirements. D. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstratc thcir capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owncrs, and othor infbrnration specilied. E. Warranties: Special wananties specified in this Section. HLM 98OO7I-04 VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER C o nstruction Doc ume nts 15 OcroRER 2001 r) ?\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. 1.5 08800-2 I I SECTION O88OO 1.6 GIAZING QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: An experienccd installcr who has completed glazing similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project; whose work has resulted in glass installations with a record of successful in-service performance; and who employs glass installers for this Project who arc certified under the National Glass Association Clazier Certification Program as l-evel 2 (Senior Glaziers) or Level 3 (Master Glaziers). Source Limitations: Obtain glass from one primary-glass manufacturer. Insulating-Glass Certification Program: Permanently marked either on spacers or on at lcast one component lite of units with appropriate certification label of the following inspecting and testing agency: |. Insulating Class Certification Council. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Protect glazing materials according to manufacturer's witten instructions and as needed to prevent damage to glass and glazing materials from condensation, temperature changes, direct exposure to sun, or other causes. For insulating-glass units that will be exposed to substantial altitude changes, comply with insulating- glass manufacturer's written recommendations for venting and sealing to avoid hermetic seal ruptures. PROJECT CONDMIONS Environmenlal Limitations: Do not proceed with glazing when ambient and substrate temperature conditions are outside limia permitted by glazing material manufacturers and when glazing channel substrates are wet from rain, frost. condensation. or other causes. WARRANTY General Warranty: Special warranties specified in this Article shall not deprive Owner of other rights Owncr may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties made by Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents. Manufacturer's Special Warranty on Insulating Glass: Written warranty, made out to Owner and signed by insulating-glass manufacturer agreeing to furnish replacements for insulating-glass units that deteriorate as defined in "Definitions" Article, io.b. thc ncarest shipping point to Project site, within specified warranty period indicated below. l. Wananty Period: l0 years from datc of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GLASS MANUFACTURERS VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onstructio n Doc ume nts I5 OcroBER 2001 B. B. 1.7 I I t I I I 1.8 t.9I I I I I B. I t* I I HLM 980071-04 08800-3 SECTION O88OO c. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. D. B. 2.2 z. -) GI-AZING Available Manufactures: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufactures offering glass products that may be incorporated in the Work include, but are not limited to. the following: l Viracon 2. PPG 3. Libbey-Owens-Ford 4. Architect Approved Equal INSULATING CLASS lnsulating-Glass Units: Preassembled units consisting of sealed lites of glass separated by a dehydrated interspace, and complying with ASTM E 774 for Class CBA units. l. Provide Kind HS (heat-strengthened) float glass in placc of annealed glass where needed to resist thermal stresses induced by differential shading of individual glass lites.. Providc Kind FT (fully tempered) where required by code. 2. Provide Kind HS (heat strengthened) insulated glass for skylight glazing. Overall Unit Thickness and Thickness of Each Lite: l" total width unless otherwise noted. %" glass on the outside face, Vi' air space, and Ve" on the inside face. The overall thickness of units are measured perpendicularly from outer surfaces of glass lites at unit's edge. l. Outboard Lite: t/q" green, heat strengthened or tempered Low E coat on #2 surface, to match architects sample. 2. Inboard Lite: %" clear glass. Tempered glass where required to meet local codes. Sealing System: Dual seal, with primary and secondary sealants as follows: l. Manufacturer'sstandardsealants. Spacer Specifications: Manufacturer's standard spacer material and construction. ELASTOMERIC GLAZING SEALANTS Gcncral: Provide products of type indicated, complying with the following requirements: t. Compatibility: Select glazing sealants that are compatible with one another and with other materials they will contact, including glass products, seals of insulating-glass units, and glazing channel substrates, under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by sealant manufacturer based on testing and field experience. 2. Suitability: Comply with sealant and glass manufacturers' written instructions for selecting glazing sealants suitable for applications indicated and lbr conditions existing at time ol' installation. 3. Colors of Exposed Glazing Sealants: As sclected by Architect from manulacturer's full range for this characteristic. Clazing Sealant fbr Firc-Resistive Glazing Products: Identical to product used in test assembly to obtain lirc-protcction rating. GLAZING TAPES VAIL VALI,EY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstru ctio n Doc uments 15 OcrqBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 08800-4 t In l -'"t SECTION O88OO GIAZING Back-Bedding Mastic Clazing Tape: Preformed, butyl-based elastomcric tape with a solids content of 100 percent; nonstaining and nonmigrating in contact with nonporous surfaces; with or without spacer rod as recommended in writing by tape and glass manufacturers for application indicated; packaged on rolls with a release paper backing; and complying with ASTM C | 281 and AAMA 800 for products indicated below: L AAMA 806.3 tape, for glazing applications in which tape is subject to continuous pressure. Expanded Cellular Glazing Tape: Closed-cell, PVC foam tape; factory coated with adhesive on both surfaces; packaged on rolls with release liner protecting adhesive; and complying with AAMA 800 for the following types: L Type 2, for glazing applications in which tape is used in combination with a full bead of liquid sealant. GLAZING GASKETS Lock-Strip Caskets: Neoprene extrusions in size and shape indicated, fabricated into frames with molded corner units and zipper lock strips, complying with ASTM C 542, black. Dense Compression Gaskets: Molded or extruded gaskets of material indicated below, complying with standards referenced with name of elastomer indicated below, and of profile and hardness required to maintain watertight seal: I. EPDM, ASTM C 864. 2. Silicone, ASTM C ll15. 3. Thermoplastic polyolefin rubber, ASTM C I115. 4. Any material indicated above. Soft Compression Gaskets: Extruded or molded, closed-cell, integral-skinned gaskets of material indicated below; complying with ASTM C 509, Type II, black; and of profile and hardness required to maintain watertight seal : I. EPDM. 2. Silicone. 3. Manufacture recommended. MISCELLANEOUS GLAZING MATERIALS General: Provide products of material, size, and shape complying with referenced glazing standard, requirements of manufacturers of glass and other glazing materials for application indicated, and with a proven record of compatibility with surfaces contacted in installation. Cleaners, Primers, and Sealers: Types recommcnded by sealant or gasket manufacturer. Sctting Blocks: Elastomeric material with a Shore A durometer hardness of 85, plus or minus 5. Spacers: Elastomeric blocks or continuous extrusions with a Shore A durometer hardness required by glass manufacturer to maintain glass lites in place for installation indicated. Edge Blocks: Elastomeric material of hardness needed to limit glass lateral movcmcnt (side walking). Cylindrical Glazing Sealant Backing: ASTM C 1330, Type O (open-cell material), of size and density to control glazing sealant depth and otherwise produce optimum glazing sealant performance. B. B. 2.5 I I I I I I A. B. C. D. E. F. 2.6I I I I I I I I VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc uments 15 OcroBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 08800-5 I I I I I I t I I I I I I T I I I I I G. B. A. B. 2.7 2.8 3.r 3.2 -1. -l SECTION O88OO GIAZING Perimeter Insulation for Fire-Resistive Glazing: Identical to product used in test assembly to obtain fire- resistance rating. FABRICATION OF CLASS AND OTHER GLAZING PRODUCTS Fabricate glass and other glazing products in sizes required to glaze openings indicated for Project, with edge and iacc clearances, edge and surface conditions, and bite complying with written instructions of product manufacturer and referenced glazing standard, to comply with system performance requirements. Grind smooth and polish exposed glass edges. GLAZING TYPES Provide glazing types as indicated below, and designated on the drawings: a. Type |: I " Insulated b. Type 1A: l" Insulated, tcmpered c. Type I HS: l" Insulated, heat strengthened d. Type 2: t/n" Wired Class e. Tvoe 3: %" Mirrored Glass PART 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine framing glazing, with Installer present, for compliance with the following: l. Manufacturing and installation tolerances, including those for size, squareness, and offsets corners. 2, Presencs and functioning of weep system. 3. Minimum required face or edge clearances. 4. Effective sealing betweenjoints of glass-framing mcmbers. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION Clean glazing channels and other liaming membcrs rcceiving glass immediately before glazing. Remove coatings not firmly bonded to substrates. GLAZING, GENERAL Comply with combined written instructions ol' manufacturers of glass, sealants, gaskets, and other glazing materials, unless more stringent rcquircments are indicated, including those in referenced glazing oublications. VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Construction Docume nts 15 OcroBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 08800-6 I SECTION O88OO GIAZING Ip B.Clazing channel dimensions, as indicated on Drawings, provide necessary bitc on glass, minimum edge and face clearances, and adequate sealant thicknesses, with reasonablc tolerances. Adjust as required by Project conditions during installation. Protect glass edges from damage during handling and installation. Remove damaged glass from Project site and legally dispose of off Project site. Damaged glass is glass with edge damage or other imperfections that, when installed, could weaken glass and impair performance and appearance. Apply primers to joint surfaces where required for adhcsion of sealants, as determined by preconstruction sealant-substrate testing. Install setting blocks in sill rabbets, sized and located to comply with referenced glazing publications, unless otherwise required by glass manufacturer. Set blocks in thin course of compatible sealant suitable for heel bead. Do not exceed edge pressures stipulated by glass manufacturers for installing glass lites. Provide spacers for glass lites where the length plus width is larger than 50 inches as follows: l. Locate spacers directly opposite each other on both inside and outside faces of glass. Install correct size and spacing to preserve required face clearances, unless gaskets and glazing tapes are used that have demonstrated ability to maintain required face clearances and to comply with systcm performance requirements. 2. Provide l/8-inch minimum bite of spacers on glass and use thickness equal to sealant width. with glazing tape, use thickness slightly less than final compressed thickness of tape. Provide edge blocking where indicated or needed to prevent glass lites from moving sideways in glazing channel, as recommended in writing by glass manufacturer and according to requirements in referenced glazing publications. Set glass lites in each series with uniform pattern, draw, bow, and similar characteristics. TAPEGLAZING Position tapes on fixed stops so that, when protrude slightly abovc sightline of stops. compressed by glass, their exposed edges are flush with or Install tapes continuously, but not necessarily in one continuous length. Do not stretch tapes to make them fit opening. Whcre framing joints are vertical, cover these joints by applying tapes to heads and sills first and then to jambs. Where framing joints are horizontal, cover these joints by applying tapes to jambs and then to heads and sills. Place joints in tapes at corners of opening with adjoining lengths butted together, not lapped. Seal joints in tapes with compatible sealant approved by tape manufacturer. Do not rcmove release paper from tape until just before each glazing unit is installed. Center glass lites in openings on setting blocks and press firmly against tape by inserting dense compression gaskets lbrmed and installcd to lock in place against faces of removable stops. Start gasket applications at corners and work toward centers of openings. D. E. F. G. I I I I I I 3.4 B. D. I I I I I I C. F. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Consbuctian Documents 15 OCToBER 2OOI I HLM 980071-04 08800-7 SECTION O88OO END OF SECTION O88OO HLM 980071-04 t I I I I I I I I I I G. A. B. C. B. D. -i.) 3.6 I t I I I I I B. 3.7 Apply cap bead of elastomeric sealant over exposcd edge of tape. SEALANTGLAZINC (WET) Install continuous spacers, or spacers combined with cylindrical sealant backing, between glass litcs and glazing stops to maintain glass face clearances and to prevent sealant from cxtruding into glass channel and blocking weep systems until sealants cure. Secure spaccrs or spacers and backings in place and in position to control depth of installed scalant relative to edge clearance for optimum sealant performancc' Force sealants into glazing channcls to eliminate voids and to ensure complete wetting or bond of sealant to glass and channel surfaces. Tool exposed surfaces of sealants to providc a substantial wash away from glass. PROTECTION AND CLEANING Protect exterior glass from damage immediately after installation by attaching crossed streamers to framing held away from glass. Do not apply markers to glass surface. Remove nonpermanent labels, and clean surfaces. Protect glass from contact with contaminating substances resulting from construction operations, including weld splatter. If, despite such protection, contaminating substances do come into contact with glass, remove them immediately as recommended by glass manufacturer. Examine glass surfaces adjacent to or below exterior concrete and other masonry surfaces at frequent intervals during construction, but not less than once a month, for build-up of dirt, scum, alkaline deposits, or stains; remove as recommended by glass manufacturer. Remove and replace glass that is broken, chipped, cracked, abraded, or damaged in any way, including natural causes, accidents, and vandalism, during construction period. GLAZING SEALANT SCHEDI,JLE High-Modulus Elastomeric Silicon Glazing Sealant: : l. Products: a. 983; Dow Corning. b. Architcct Approved Equal. Medium-Modulus Neutral-Curing Silicone Glazing Scalant: l. Products: a. 7911. Dow Corning. b. 79.51 Dow Corning. c. Architect Approved Equal. GI-AZING I ',. I t VAIL VALLEY M EDI CA I, C E NTER Construction Documents I5 OCTqBER 2OOI 08800-8 I t I I I I I I I DIVISION 9.INDEX END VAI L VALLEY M E D ICAL C ENTER Constructbn Docamcnts 15 October 2(MI I, I t I I I I I I HLM 98M71.04 t I I I I I t t.l t.2 SECTION 09260 SECTION 09260. CYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES PART I - GENERAL I.5 SUBMITTALS HLM 980071-04 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes the following: l. Interior gypsum wallboard. 2. Exterior gypsum board panels for ceilings and soffits. 3. Exterior gypsum board sheathing over steel studs 4. Tile backing panels. 5. Non-load-bearingsteelframing. Related Sections include the followins: l. Division 5 Section 'Cold-Fo; Mehl Framing" for load-bearing steel fiaming. 2. Division ? Section "Building Insulation" for insulation and vapor retarders installed in gypsum board assemblies. 3. Division 9 Section "Gypsum Board Shaft-Wall Assemblies" for framing, gypsum panels, and other components of shaft wall assemblies. DEFINITIONS Cypsum Board Terminology: Refer to ASTM C I I for definitions of terms for gypsum board assemblies not defined in this Section or in other referenced standards. QUALITY ASSURANCE Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: For gypsum boiud assemblies with fire-resistance ratings, provide materials and construction identical to those tested in asscmbly indicatcd according to ASTM E I 19 by an independent testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. l. Fire-Resistance-Rated Assemblies: Indicated by design designations from UL's "Fire Resistance Directory". Sound Transmission Characteristics: For gypsum board assemblies with STC ratings, provide materials and construction idcntical to thosc tcstcd in assembly indicated according to ASTM E 90 and classified according to ASTM E 413 by a qualified independent testing agency. GYPSAM BOARD ASSEM BLI ES A. B. 1.3 t.4 t I I I B.I I lJ I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co ns tructia n Docurne nts I5 OCToBER 2OOI 09260-t SECTION 09260 GYPSUMBOARDASSEMBLIES I Product Data: For all components ofcach gypsum board assembly indicated, including accessories. Fire-Test-Response Reports: From a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency substantiating each fire rated gypsum board wall assembly's required fire-resistive rating. Report is to substantiate that required penetrations through rated wall do not negate the fire rating. DELIVERY. STORAGE. AND HANDLINC Deliver materials in original packages, containers, or bundles bearing brand name and identification of manufacturer or supplier. Store materials inside under cover and keep them dry and protected against damage from weather, direct sunlight, surface contamination, corrosion, construction traffic, and other causes. Stack gypsum panels flat to prevent sagging. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Limitations: Comply with ASTM C 840 requirements or gypsum board manufacturer's written recomrnendations, whichever are more stringent. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MANI,JFACTURERS Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: l. Steel Framing and Furring: a. Consolidated Systems, Inc. b. National Gypsum Company. c. Architect Approved Equal. Cypsum Board and Related Products: a. United States Gypsum Co. b. National Gypsum Company. c. Architect Approved Equal STEEL SUSPENDED CEILINC AND SOFFIT FRAMING Components, Ceneral: Comply with ASTM C 754 for conditions indicated. Tie Wire: ASTM A 641/A 641M, Class I zinc coating, soft temper, 0.0625-inch- diameter wire, or double strand of 0.0475-inch- diameter wire. Hanger Attachments to Concrete: As lbllows: l. Powder-Actuatcd Fasteners: Suitable for application indicated, fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials, with clips or other devices for attaching hangcrs of type indicated, and capable of VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruc tio n Do c ume nts 15 OCTOBER 2OOI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A. B. B. t.6 t.7 2.1 2.2 A. B. HLM 980071-04 09260-2 I SECTION 09260 D. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES sustaining, without failure, a load equal to l0 times that imposed by construction as determined by testing according to ASTM E I | 90 by a qualified independent testing agency. Hangers: As follows: l. Wire Hangers: ASTM A 64llA64lM, Class I zinc coating, soft temper, 0.162-inch diameter. Carrying Channels: Cold-rolled, commercial-steel sheet with a base metal thickness of 0.0538 inch, a minimum ll2-inch- wide flange, with manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant zinc coating. I . Depth: As indicated. Furring Channels (Funing Members): Commercial-steel shect with manufacturcr's standard corrosion- resistant zinc coating. 1. SteelStuds: ASTMC645. a. Minimum Base Metal Thickness: As indicated. b. Depth: As indicated. Hat-Shaped, Rigid Funing Channels: ASTM C 645,718 inch deep. a. Minimum Base Metal Thickness: As indicated. STEEL PARTITION AND SOFFIT FRAMING Components, General: As follows: l. Comply with ASTM C 754 for conditions indicated. 2. Steel Sheet Components: Complying with ASTM C 645 requirements for metal and with manufacturer's standard corrosion-resistant zinc coatins. Steel Studs and Runners: ASTM C 645. l . Minimum Base Metal Thickness: 0.0329 inch. 2. Depth: As indicated. 3. Profile: As indicated Deep-Leg Deflection Track: ASTM C 645 top runner with 2-inch- deep flanges. Flat Strap and Backing Plate: Steel sheet for blocking and bracing in length and width indicated. l. Minimum Base Metal Thickness:O.027 inch. Cold-Rolled Channel Bridging: 0.0538-inch bare steel thickness, with minimum l/2-inch- wide flange. I . Depth: As indicated. 2. Clip Angle: l-ll2by l-l/2 inch, 0.068-inch- thick, galvanized steel. Hat-Shaped, Rigid Funing Channels: ASTM C 645. l . Minimum Basc Metal Thickness: As indicatcd. 2. Denth: As indicated. 2.3 I t t t I I F. B. E. F. I I I I I c. D. I l-VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Doc ume nts 15 OCTDBER 2OOT I HLM 980071-04 09260-3 SECTION 09260 GYPSU M BOARD ASSEM BLIES I I I I I I I I t I t I I G.Cold-Rolled Furring Channels: 0.0538-inch bare steel thickncss, with minimum I l2-inch- wide flange. l. Depth: As indicated. 2. Furring Brackets: Adjustable, corrugated-edge type of steel shect with minimum bare steel thickness of 0.03 I 2 inch. 3. Tic Wire: ASTM A 64ll{64lM, Class I zinc coating, soft temper, 0.0625-inch- diameter wire, or double strand of 0.0475-inch- diametcr wire. Fasteners for Metal Framing: Of type, material, size, corrosion resistance, holding powcr, and other properties required to fasten steel members to substrates. INTERIOR GYPSUM WALLBOARD Panel Size: Provide in maximum lengths and widths available that will minimize joints in each area and correspond with support system indicated. Cypsum Wallboard: ASTM C 36. l Type X: a. Thickness: 5/8 inch. b. Long Edges: Tapered. Flexible Gypsum Wallboard: ASTM C 36, manufactured to bend to fit tight radii and to be more flexible than standard regular+ype panels of the same thickness. l. Thickness: l/4 inch (6.4 mm). 2. L,ong Edges: Tapered. 3. Location: Apply in double layer at curved assemblies. EXTERIOR CYPSIJM SHEATHINC Panel Sizc: Provide in maximum lengths and widths available that will minimize joints in each area and correspond with support system indicated. Exterior Gypsum Sheathing Board: ASTM C 79, with manufacturer's standard edges. | . Core: 5/8 inch. Type X. EXTERIOR GYPSUM PANELS FOR CEILINCS AND SOFFITS Panel Size: Provide in maximum lengths and widths available that will minimizc joints in each area and correspond with support system indicated. Exterior Gypsum Soffit Board: ASTM C 931/C 931M, with manufacturer'.s standard edges. I . Core: 5/8 inch. Type X. TILE BACKING PANELS VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruction Do c ume nt s I5 OcroRER 2001 1^ b. 2.5 B. I t I t I I B. 2.6 2;7 HLM 980071-04 09260-4 I I SECTION 09260 2.9 JOINT TREATMENT MATERIALS A. General: Comply with ASTM C 475. B. Joint Tape: L Interior Cypsum Wallboard: Paper.2. Exterior Gypsum Soffit Board: Papcr. 3. Glass-Mat Gypsum Sheathing Board: l0-by- | 0 glass mesh. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstr uctio n Do c ume nts 15 OcroBER 2001 GYPSA M BOARD ASSEMBLIES Panel Size: Provide in maximum lengths and widths available that will minimize joints in each area and correspond with support system indicated. Water-Rcsistant Gypsum Backing Board: ASTM C 630/C 630M. l. Core: 5/8 inch, Type X Cementitious Backer Units: ANSI Al 18.9. l.Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Custom Building Products; Wonderboard. b. FinPan. lnc.: Util-A-Crete Concrete Backer Board. c. United States Gypsum Co.; DUROCK Cement Board. Thickness: 5/8 inch. TRIM ACCESSORIES Interior Trim: ASTM C 1047. l. Material: Galvanized or aluminum-coated steel sheet, rolled zinc, plastic, or paper-faced galvanized steel sheet. 2. Shapes: a. Cornerbead: Use at outside corners. b. LC-Bead (J-Bead): Use at exposed panel edges. c. L-Bead: Use where indicated. d. U-Bead: Use where indicated. e. Curved-Edge Cornerbead: With notched or flexible flanges; use at curved openings. Exterior Trim: ASTM C 1047. I . Material: Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet or rolled zinc. 2. Shapes: a. Cornerbead: Use at outside corners. b. LC-Bead (J-Bead): Use at exposed panel edges. c. Expansion (Control) Joint: One-picce, rolled zinc with V-shaped slot and removable strip covering slot opening. Use where indicated. B. C. 2.8 I I I I I I B.I I I t I I l--, I I HLM 980071-04 09260-5 SECTION 09260 cvPSUM BOARDASSEMBLIES I 4;\ ":..),.' .2 'i','r;/ C. t I t I t I I t I D. I I I I t I I I a. h. c. B. 4. Tile Backing Panels: As recommended by panel manufacturer. Joint Compound for Interior Gypsum Wallboard: For cach coal use formulation that is compatible with other compounds applied on previous or for successive coats. l. Prefilling: At open joints, rounded or beveled panel edges, and damaged surface areas, use setting-type taping compound. 2. Embedding and First Coat: For embedding tape and first coat on joints, fasteners, and trim flanges, use drying-type, all-purpose compound. a. Use setting-type compound for installing paper-faced metal trim accessories. 3. Fill Coat: For second coat, use drying-type, all-purpose compound. 4. Finish Coat: For third coat, use drying-type, all-purpose compound. 5. Skim Coat: For final coat of Lcvel 5 finish, use drying-type, all-purposc compound. Joint Compound for Exterior Applications: l. Exterior Gypsum Soffit Board: Use setting-type taping and setting-type, sandablc topping compounds. 2. Glass-Mat Gypsum Sheathing Board: As recommended by manufacturer' Joint Compound for Tile Backing Panels: l. Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Board: Use setting-type taping and setting-type, sandable topping compounds. 2. Glass-Mat, Water-Resistant Backing Panel: As recommended by manufacturer' 3. Cementitious Backer Units: As recommended by manufacturer. ACOUSTICAL SEALANT Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: l. Acoustical Sealant for Exposed and Concealed Joints: a. Pecora Corp.; AC-20 FTR Acoustical and Insulation Scalant. b. United States Gypsum Co.; SHEETROCK Acoustical Sealant. 2. Acoustical Sealant for Concealed Joints: Ohio Sealants. Inc.: Pro-Series SC-170 Rubber Base Sound Sealant. Pecora Corp.; BA-98. Tremco. Inc.: Tremco Acoustical Sealant. Acoustical Sealant for Exposed and Concealed Joints: Nonsag, paintable, nonstaining, latex sealant conrplying with ASTM C 834 that ef'lcctivcly reduces airborne sound transmission through perimeter joints ancl openings in building construction as demonstrated by tcsting representative assemblies according to ASTM E 90. Acoustical Sealant for Concealed Joints: Nondrying, nonhardening, nonskinning, nonstaining, gunnable, synthetic-rubber sealant rccon.rmended for sealing interior concealed joints to reduce airborne sound transmission. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n D ocum e nts 15 Oc'roRER 2001 2.10 A.I HLM 980071-04 09260-6 I l-., l:-ir; SECTION 09260 2.ll A. B. C. GYPSU M BOARD ASSBMBLIES AUXILIARY MATERIALS General: Provide auxiliary materials that comply with rcfcrcnccd installation standards and manufacturer's written recommendations. Laminating Adhesive: Adhesive or joint compound recommended for directly adhering gypsum panels to continuous substrate. D. E. I I I t I I 3.1 3.2 I I I t t I Steel Drill Screws: ASTM C 1002. unless otherwise indicated. | . Use screws complying with ASTM C 954 for fastening panels to steel 0.1 l2 inch thick. 2. For fastening cementitious backer units, use screws of type and size manufacturer. members from 0.033 to recommended by panel Isolation Strip at Exterior Walls: l. AsphalrSaturated Organic Felt: ASTMD226,TypeI(No. 15 asphalt felt), nonperforated. 2. Foam Gasket: Adhesive-backed, closed-cell vinyl foam strips that allow fastcncr penetration without foam displacement, l/8 inch (3.2 mm) thick, in width to suit steel stud size. Sound Attenuation Blankets: ASTM C 665, Type I (blankets without membrane facing) produced by combining thermosetting resins with mineral fibers manufactured from glass, slag wool, or rock wool. l. Fire-Resistance-Rated Assemblies: Comply with mineral-fiber requirements of assembly. Thermal Insulation: As specified in Division 7 Section "Building Insulation." Polyethylene Vapor Retarder: As specified in Division 7 Section "Building Insulation." PART 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine areas and substrates, with Installer present, and including welded hollow-metal frames, cast-in anchors, and structural framing, for compliance with requirements and other conditions affecting performance. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION Coordination with Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials: l. Before sprayed fire-resistive materials are applied, attach offset anchor plates or cciling runners (tracks) to surfaces indicated to receive sprayed-on fire-resistive materials. Where offset anchor plates are required, provide continuous plates fastened to building structure not more than 24 inches o.c. 2. Aftcr sprayed fire-resistive materials are applied, remove them only to extent necessary for installation of gypsum board assemblies and without reducing the fire-resistive material thickness below that which is required to obtain fire-resistance rating indicated. Protect remaining fire- resistive materials from damage. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructio n Documents 15 OCTOBER 2OOI F. c. I l''- I HLM 98OO7I-M 09260-7 CYPSUM BOARDASSEMBLIES I {T\. SECTION 09260 I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I T B. c. D. B. C. D, -t. -t -).+ INSTALLINC STEEL FRAMING, GENERAL Installation Standards: ASTM C 754, and ASTM C 840 requirements that apply to framing installation. Install supplementary framing, blocking, and bracing at terminations in gypsum board assemblies to support fixtures, equipment services, heavy trim, grab bars, toilet accessories, furnishings, or similar construction. Comply with details indicated and with gypsum board manufacturer's written recommendations or, if none available, with United States Gypsum's "Gypsum Construction Handbook." Isolate steel framing from building structure at locations indicated to prevent transfer of loading imposed by structural movement. 1. Isolate partition framing and wall furring where it abuts structure, except at floor. Install slip-type joints at head of assemblies that avoid axial loading of assembly and laterally support assembly. a. Use deepJeg deflection track where indicated. Do not bridge building control and expansion joints with steel framing or furring members. Frame both sides of joints independently. INSTALLING STEEL SUSPENDED CEILING AND SOFFIT FRAMINC Suspend ceiling hangers flom building structure as follows: l. Install hangers plumb and free from contact with insulation or other objects within cciling plenum that are not part of supporting structural or ceiling suspension system. Splay hangers only where required to miss obstructions and offset resulting horizontal forces by bracing, countersplaying, or other equally effective means, 2. Where width of ducts and other construction within ceiling plenum produces hanger spacings that interfere with the location of hangers required to support standard suspension system members, install supplemental suspension members and hangers in form of trapezes or equivalent devices. Size supplemcntal suspension members and hangers to support ceiling loads within performance limits established by referenced standards. 3. Secure wire hangers by looping and wire{ying, either directly to structures or to inserts, eyescrews, or other devices and fasteners that are secure and appropriate fbr substrate, and in a manner that will not cause them to deteriorate or otherwise fail. 4. Secure rod hangers to structure, including intermediate framing members, by attaching to inserts, eyescrews, or other devicas and fasteners that are secure and appropriate for structure and hanger, and in a manner that will not cause hangers to deteriorate or otherwise fail. 5. Do not attach hangers to steel roofdeck. Attach hangers to structural members. 6. Do not connect or suspend steel framing from ducts, pipes, or conduit. Installation Tolcrances: Install steel framing components for suspended ceilings so membcrs for panel attachment are level to within l/8 inch in l2 feet measured lengthwise on each member and transversely between parallel members. For exterior soffits, install cross bracing and framing to rcsist wind uplift. Wirc-tie furring channels to supports, as requircd to comply with requirements fbr asscmblies indicated. Install suspended steel framing componcnts in sizes and spacings indicated, but not less than that required bv the referenced stccl framinc and installation standards. VAIL VAI,LEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstru c tio n Doc ume nts I5 OcroBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 09260-8 I I l' I I t' I GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES Crid Suspension System: Attach perimeter wall track or angle where grid suspension system meets vertical surfaces. Mechanically join main beam and cross-furring members to each other and butt-cut to fit into wall track. INSTALLING STEEL PARTITION AND SOFFIT FRAMING Install tracks (runners) at floors, ceilings, and structural walls and columns where gypsum board asscmblies abut other construction. l. Where studs are installed directly against exterior walls, install asphalt-felt isolation strip between studs and wall. Installation Tolerance: Install each steel framing and furring member so fastening surfaces vary not more than l/8 inch from the plane formed by the faces of adjacent framing. Extend partition framing full height to suuctural supports or substrates above suspended ceilings, except where partitions are indicated to terminate at suspended ceilings. Continue framing over frames for doors and openings and frame around ducts penetrating partitions above ceiling to provide support for gypsum board. l. Cut studs l/2 inch ( 13 mm) shon of full height to provide perimeter relief. 2. For fire-resistance-rated and STC-rated partitions that extend to the underside of floor/roof slabs and deck or other continuous solid-structure surfaces to obtain ratings, install framing around structural and other members extending below floor/roof slabs and decks, as needed to support gypsum board closures and to make partitions continuous from floor to underside of solid srucnrre. a. Terminate partition framing at suspended ceilings where indicated. Install steel studs so flanges point in the same direction and leading edge or end of each panel can be attached to open (unsupported) edges of stud flanges first. Frame door openings to comply with GA-600 and with gypsum board manufacturcr's applicable written recommendations, unless otherwise indicated. Screw vertical studs at jambs to jamb anchor clips on door frames; install runner track section (for cripple studs) at head and secure to jamb studs. l. Install two studs at eachjamb, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Extend jamb studs through suspended ceilings and attach to undcrside of floor or roof structure above. Frame openings other than door openings the same as rcquired for door openings, unless othcrwise indicated. Install framing below sills of openings to match framing required above door heads. Polyethylenc Vapor Retarder: Install to comply with requirements specified in Division 7 Section "Building Insulation." INSTALLINC EXTERIOR GYPSUM SHEATHINC Sheathing board installation standards per ASTM 1280 and manufactures recommendations. 3.7 APPLYING AND FINISHINC PANELS, GENERAL SECTION 09260 F. HLM 980071-04 F. 3.5 B. c. I I I t I D, E. G. 3.6 t I I I t I A. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruction Do c ume nts 15 OCToBER 2OOI 09260-9 GYPSUM BOARDASSEMBLIES ISECTION 09260 F. c. I I t t I I B. c. D. E. I I I t I I I I I I T J. M. Gypsum Board Application and Finishing Standards: ASTM C 840 and CA-2 | 6. Install sound attenuation blankets before installing gypsum panels, unless blankcts are readily installed after panels have been installed on one side. Install ceiling board panels across framing to minimize the numbcr of abutting end joints and to avoid abutting end joints in the central area of each ceiling. Staggcr abutting end joints of adjacent panels not Iess than one framing member. Install gypsum panels with face side out. Butt panels together for a light contact at edges and ends with not more than l/16 inch ofopen space between panels. Do not force into place. Locate edge and end joints over supports, except in ceiling applications where intermediate supporls or gypsum board back-blocking is provided behind end joints. Do not place tapcred edges against cut edges or ends. Stagger vertical joints on opposite sides of partitions. Do not make joints other than control joints at corners of framed openings. Attach gypsum panels to steel studs so leading edge or end of each panel is attached to open (unsupported) edges of stud flanges first. Attach gypsum panels to framing provided at openings and cutouts. Form control and expansion joints with space between edges ofadjoining gypsum panels. Cover both faces of steel stud partition framing with gypsum panels in concealed spaces (above ceilings, etc.), except in chases braced internally. l. Unless concealed application is indicated or required for sound, fire, air, or smoke ratings, coverage may be accomplished with scraps of not less than 8 sq. ft. (0.7 sq. m) in area. 2. Fit gypsum panels around ducts, pipes, and conduits. 3. Where partitions intersect open concrete coffers, concrete joists, and other structural members projecting below underside of floor/roof slabs and decks, cut gypsum panels to fit profile formed by coffers, joists, and other structural members; allow l/4- to 3/8-inch- (6.4- to 9.5-rnm-) wide joints to install sealant. Isolate perimeter of non-load-bearing gypsum board partitions at structural abutments, except floors. Provide l/4- to l/2-inch- wide spaces at these locations, and trim edges with U-bead edge trim where edges of gypsum pancls are exposed. Seal joints between edges and abutting structural surfaces with acoustical sealant. STC-Rated Assemblies: Scal construction at perimeters, behind control and expansion joints, and at openings and penctrations with a continuous bead of acoustical sealant. Install acoustical sealant at both faces of partitions at perimeters and through penetrations. Comply with ASTM C 919 and manufacturer's written recommendations for locating edge trim and closing off sound-flanking paths around or through gypsum board assemblies, including sealing partitions above acoustical ccilings. Space fasteners in gypsum pancls according to referenced gypsum board application and finishing standard and manufacturer's written recommendations. l. Space screws a maximum of l2 inches o.c. for vertical applications. Space f'astcners in panels that are tile substrates a maximum of 8 inches o.c. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruction Do c ume nts I5 OcroBER 2001 I HLM 98007r-04 09260-10 3.8 I I SECTION 09260 GYPSA M BOARD ASSEMBLIES PANEL APPLICATION METHODS Single-Layer Application: l. On ceilings, apply gypsum panels before wall/partition board application to the greatest extent possible and at right angles to framing, unless otherwise indicated. 2. On partitionvwalls, apply gypsum panels vertically (parallel to framing), unless otherwise indicated or required by fire-resistance-rated assembly, and minimize end joints. a. Stagger abutting endjoints not less than one framing member in alternate courses of board. b. At stairwells and other high walls, install panels horizontally, unless otherwise indicated or required by fire-resistance-rated assembly. 3. On Z-furring members, apply gypsum panels vertically (parallel to framing) with no end joints. Locate edge joints over furring members. Multilayer Application on Ceilings: Apply gypsum board indicated for base layers before applying base layers on walls/partitions; apply face layers in same sequence. Apply base layers at right angles to framing members and offset faceJayer joints I framing member, 16 inches minimum, from parallel base- layer joints, unless otherwise indicated or required by fire-resistance-rated assembly. Multilayer Application on PartitionyWalls: Apply gypsum board indicated for base layers and face layers vertically (parallel to framing) with joints of base layers located over stud or furring member and faceJayer joints offset at least one stud or furring member with base-layer joints, unless otherwise indicated or required by fire-resistance-rated assembly. Stagger joints on opposite sides of partitions. Single-[ayer Fastening Methods: Apply gypsum panels to supports with steel drill screws. Multilayer Fastening Methods: Fasten base layers and face layers separately to supports with screws. Laminating to Substrate: Where gypsum panels are indicated as directly adhered to a substrate (other than studs, joists, funing rnernbers, or base layer of gyps,rm board), comply with gypsum board manufacturer's written recommendations and temporarily brace or fasten gypsum panels until fastening adhesive has set. Exterior Soffits and Ceilings: Apply exterior gypsum soffit board panels perpendicular to suppo(s, with end joints staggered and located over supports. l. Install with l/4-inch open space where panels abut other construction or structural penetrations. 2. Fasten with corrosion-resistant screws. Tile Backing Panels: L Water-Resistant Cypsum Backing Board: Install at showcrs, tubs, and where indicated. Install with l/4-inch gap where panels abut other construction or penetrations. 2. Cementitious Backer Units: ANSI Al08.l I, at locations indicated to receive tile. 3. Areas Not Subject to Wetting: lnstall standard gypsum wallboard panels to produce a flat surface except at showers, tubs, and other locations indicated to receive water-resistant panels. 4. Where tile backing panels abut other types of panels in the same plane, shim surfaccs to produce a uniform plane across panel surfaccs. INSTALLING TRIM ACCESSORIES B. I I T I I I G. H. 3.9 I I I I I I I D. E. F. l._;VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruction Do c ume nts I5 OcroBER 2001 I HLM 98OO7I-M 09260-11 '.rr,?.:!.1 :::.:.j' SECTION 09260 3. r0 A. General: For trim with back flanges intended for fasteners, attach to tiaming with samc fasteners used for pancls. Otherwise, attach trim according to manufacturer's written instructions. Control Joints: Install control joints according to ASTM C 840 and in spccific locations approved by Architect for visual effect. FINISHING GYPSI.JM BOARD ASSEMBLIES General: Treat gypsum board .joints, interior angles, edge trim, control joints, penetrations, fastener heads, surface defects, and elsewhere as required to prepare gypsum board surfaccs for decoration. Promptly remove residual joint compound from adjacent surfaces. Prefill open joints, rounded or beveled edgcs, and damaged surface areas. Apply joint tape ovcr gypsum board joints, except those with trim having flanges not intended for tape. Gypsum Board Finish Levels: Finish panels to levels indicated bclow, according to ASTM C 840, for locations indicated: 1. Level 4: Embed tape and apply separate first, fill, and finish coas ofjoint compound to tape, fasteners, and trim flanges at panel surfaces that will be exposed to view, unless otherwise indicated. Cementitious Backer Units: Finish according to manufacturer's wrinen instructions. FIELDQUALITY CONTROL Above-Ceiling Observation: Before Contractor installs gypsum board ceilings, Architect will conduct an above-ceiling observation and report deficiencies in the Work observed. Do not proceed with installation of gypsum board to ceiling support framing until deficiencies have been corrected. l. Notify Architect seven days in advance of date and time when Project, or part of Project, will be ready for above-ceiling observation. 2. Before notifying Architect, complete the following in areas to receive gypsum board ceilings: a. Installation of 100 percent oflighting fixtures, powered for operation. b. Installation, insulation, and leak and pressure testing of water piping systems. c. Installation of air-duct systems. d. Installation of air devices. e. Installation of mechanical system control-air tubing. f. Installation ofceiling support framing. s. Installation of all fire rated assemblies. END OF SECTION 09260 I I I I I t I I I I I T I I I I I I B. GYPSUM BOARDASSEMBLIES I B. C. D. fr., .i9 E. 3.1 I A. VAII, VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co ns ttuctio n Doc u me nts 15 OcroBIiR 2001 HLM 980071-04 09260-12 I I SECTION 09265 GYPSAM BOARD SHAFT WALLS ASSEMBLIES I t I I I I 1.4 1.5 I I I I I t I t.l t.2 SECTION 09265 - GYPSUM BOARD SHAFT-WALL ASSEMBLIES PART I . GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SI,JMMARY This Scction includes the followins: l. Vertical and horizontal ,h.i, "n"lorur"r. Related Sections include the following: l. Division 9 "Gypsum Board Assemblies" for applying and finishing panels in gypsum board shaft- wall assemblies. DEFINITIONS Gypsum Board Construction Terminology: Refer to ASTM C I I for definitions of terms for gypsum board construction not defined in this Section or in other referenced slandards, PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Structural Performance: l. Provide gypsum board shaft-wall assemblies capable of withstanding the full air-pressure loads indicated for rnaximum heights of partitions without failing and while maintaining an airtight and smoke-tight seal. Evidence of failure includes deflections exceeding limits indicated, bending stresses causing studs to break or to distort, and cnd-reaction shear causing track (runners) to bend or to shear and studs to become crippled. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each gypsum board shaft-wall assembly indicated. Fire-Test-Rcsponse Repons: From a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency substantiating each gypsum board shafrwall assembly's required fire-resistance rating. Include data substantiating that penetrations do not negated firc rcsistance rating. B. 1.3 A. A. B. VAIL VALINY MEDICAL CENTER Design Development Pricing Documents 15 OcroBER200l I HLM 980071-04 09265-1 I T1.6 SECTION 09265 GYPSUM BOARD SHAFT WALLS ASSEMBLIES QUALITY ASSURANCE Fire-Resistance-Rated Assemblies: Provide materials and construction identical to those tested in asscmbly indicated according to ASTME l19 by an independent tcsting and inspccting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. l. Fire-Resistance-Rated Assemblies: Indicated by design designations from UL's "Fire Resistance Directory.". STC-Rated Assemblies: For gypsum board shaft-wall assemblies indicated to have STC ratings, provide assembly materials and construction complying with requirements of assemblies whose STC ratings were determined according to ASTM E 90 and classified according to ASTM E 4l3 by a qualified independent testing agency. DELIVERY. STORAGE. AND HANDLING Deliver materials in original packages, containers, and bundles bearine brand name and identification of manufacturer or supplier. Store materials inside undcr cover and keep them dry and protected against damage from weather, direct sunlight, surface contamination, corrosion, construction traffic, and other causes. Stack gypsum panels flat on leveled supports off the ground to prevent sagging. PROJECT CONDITIONS Comply with requirements for environmental conditions, room temperatures, and ventilation specified in Division 9 Section " Gypsum Board Assemblies." PART 2 - PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: l. National Gypsum Company. 2. United States Gypsum Co. 3. Architect Approved Equal. ASSEMBLY MATERIALS Ceneral: Provide materials and components complying with requirements of fire-resistance-rated assemblies indicated. l. Providc panels in maximum lengths availablc to eliminate or minimizc cnd-to-end butt joints. 2. Provide auxiliary materials complying with gypsum board shaft-wall assembly manufacturer:s written recommendations. B. I I I t I I I t I I I I I I 1.7 B. 1.8 2.1 2.2 VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Design Dev e lopme nt Prtcing Doc ume nts I5 Oc'roBER200I t I I HLM 980071-04 09265-2 B. D. E. r- G. I I I I I I I I t SECTION 09265 I GYPSUM BOARD SHAFT WALLS ASSEMBLIES Gypsum Liner Panels: Manufacturer's proprietary liner panels in l-inch (25.4-mm) thickness and with moislure-rcsistant paper faces. Gypsum Wallboard: ASTM C 36, core type as required by fire-resistance-rated assembly indicated. Accessories: Cornerbead, edge trim, and control joints of material and shapes specified in Division 9 Section "Cypsum Board Assemblics" that comply with gypsum board shaft-wall asscmbly manufacturer's written recommendations for application indicated. Gypsum Wallboard Joint-Treatment Materials: ASTM C 475 and as specified in Division 9 Section "Gypsum Board Assemblies." Steel Drill Screws: ASTM C 1002, unless otherwise indicated. l. Use screws complying with ASTM C954 for fastening panels to steel members from 0.033 to 0. I l2 inch thick. Track (Runner) Fasteners: Power-driven fasteners of size and material required to withstand loading conditions imposed on shaft-wall assemblies without exceeding allowable design stress of track, fasteners, or structural substrates in which anchors are embedded. l. Powder-Actuated Fasteners: Provide powder-actuated fasteners with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to 10 times that imposed by shaft-wall assemblies, as determined by testing conducted by a qualified independent testing agency according to ASTM E I 190. 2. Postinstalled Expansion Anchors: Where indicated, provide expansion anchors with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to 5 times that imposed by shaft-wall assemblies, as determined by testing conducted by a qualified independent testing agency according to ASTM E 488. Metal Stud: Provide metal stud as indicated on drawing, and complies with required UL assembly. Acoustical Sealant: As recommended by gypsum board shaft-wall assembly manufacturer for application indicated Sound Attenuation Blankets: ASTM C 665 for Type I, unfaced mineral-fiber-blanket insulation produced by combining thermosetting resins with mineral fibers manufactured from slag or rock wool. PART 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine substrates to which gypsum board shaft-wall assemblies attach or abut, with Installer present, including hollow-metal frames, elevator hoistway door frames, cast-in anchors, and structural framing. Examine for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting perlbrmancc. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. INSTALLATION General: Install gypsum board shaft-wall assemblies to comply with requirements of fire-resistancc-rated assemblies indicated, manufacturer's written installation instructions, and the following: H. I. 3.1 t I I I I -).L t I I VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Design Development Pricing Documents 15 OcroBER200I I HLM 98OO7I.M 09265-3 GYPSUM BOARD SHAFT WALLS ASSEMBLIES I | . ASTM C 754 for installing steel framing. Install supplementary framing in gypsum board shaft-wall assemblies around openings and as required for blocking, bracing, and support of gravity and pullout loads of fixtures, equipment, services, heavy trim, furnishings, and similar items that cannot be supported directly by shaft-wall assembly framing. I . At elevator hoistway door frames, provide jamb struts on each side of door frame. At penetrations in shaft wall, maintain fire-resistance rating of shaft-wall assembly by installing supplementary steel framing around perimetcr of penetration and fire protection behind boxes containing wiring devices, elevator call buttons, elevator floor indicators, and similar items. Isolate gypsum finish panels from building structure to prevent cracking of finish panels while maintaining continuity of fi re-rated construction. Install control joints to maintain fire-resistance rating of assemblies. Seal gypsum board shaft walls with acoustical sealant at perimeter of each assembly where it abuts other work and at joints and penetrations within each assembly. Inslall acoustical sealant to withstand dislocation by air-pressure differential between shaft and external spaces; maintain an airtight and smoke- tight seal; and comply with manufacturer's written instructions or ASTM C 919, whichever is more stringent. END OF SECTION 09265 SECTION 09265 D. E. F. I I I I t I I I I I T I I I I I I I B. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Design Development Pricing Documents 15 OcroBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 09265-4 I I,tl\ t' " SECTION O93IO SECTION O93IO - CERAMIC TILE PART I . CENERAL I.5 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of tile, mortar, grout, and other products specified. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc urne nts 15 October 2(NI CERAMIC TILE I I I l.t t.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes the followins: '| . Paver tile. 2. Clazed wall tile. 3. Porcelain Floor Tile Related Sections include the following: l. Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants" for sealing of expansion, contraction, control, and isolation joints in tile surfaces. 2. Division 9 Section "Gypsum Board Assemblies" for cementitious backer units installed in gypsum wallboard assemblies. 3. Division 9 Section "General Interior Finish Notes". DEFIMTIONS Module Size: Actual tile size (minor facial dimension as measured per ASTM C 499) plus joint width indicated. Facial Dimension: Nominal tile size as defined in ANSI Al37.l. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Static Coefficient of Friction: For tile installed on walkway surfaces, provide products with the following values as delermined by tcsting identical products per ASTM C 1028: I . Level Surfaces: Minimum 0.6. Load-Bearing Performance: For ceramic tile installed on walkway surfaces, provide installations rated for the following load-bearing performance level based on tesling assemblies according to ASTM C 627 that are representative of those indicated for this Projcct: L Heavy: Passes cycles I through 12. B. I I I ]ft :'.-,/t I I I I 1.3 B. t.4 lt.I I I l-- I HLM 980071-04 09310-1 SECTION O93IO CERAMICTILE c. Tile Samples for Verification: Actual tiles or sections of tilcs showing the full range of colors, textures, and patterns available for cach type and composition of tile indicated. Include Samples of accessories involving color selection. Grout Samples for Verification: Actual sections of grout showing the full range of colors available for each type of grout indicated. Edge Trim: submit 12" lengths of the specified material, profile and finish. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installcr Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer who has completed tile installations similar in material, design, and exrent to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance. Source Limitations for Tile: Obtain each color, grade, finish, type, composition, and variety of tile from one source with resources to provide products from the same production run for each contiguous area of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties without delaying the Work. Source Limitations for Setting and Grouting Materials: Obtain ingredients of a uniform quality for each mortar, adhesive, and $out component from a single manufacturer and each agglegato from one source or producer. Source Limitations for Other Products: Obtain each of the following products specified in this Section from one source and by a single manufacturer for each product: l. Joint sealants. 2. Waterproofing. DELIVERY. STORAGE. AND HANDLINC Deliver and store packaged materials in original containers with scals unbroken and labels intact until time of use. Comply with requirement of ANSI A137.l for labeling sealed tile packages. Prevent damage or contamination to materials by water, lieezing, foreign matter, and other causes. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Limitations: Do not install tile until construction in spaces is completed and ambient temperature and humidity conditions are being maintained to comply with rcfcrenccd standards and manufacturer's written i nstructions. I.9 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Deliver extra materials to Owner. Furnish extra materials described below that match products installed, are packaged with protective covering lbr storage, and arc idcntified with labcls describing contents. L Tile and Trim Units: Furnish quantity of full-size units equal to 3 percent of amount installed, for each type, composition, color, pattern, and size indicated. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onstruc tio n Doc ume nts I5 Octoher 2001 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I B. D. A. B. D. B. t.6 1.7 1.8 HLM 980071-04 09310-2 I SECTION 09310 PART 2 - CENERAL CERAMICTILE PRODUCTS, GENERAL ANSI Ceramic Tile Standard: Provide tile that complies with ANSI A | 37. | , "Specifications for Ceramic Tile," for types, compositions, and other characteristics indicated. ANSI Standards for Tile Installation Materials: Provide materials complying with ANSI standards referenced in "Setting Materials" and "Grouting Materials" articles. Factory Blending: For tile exhibiting color variations within the ranges selected during Samplc submittals, blend tile in the factory and package so tile units taken from one package show the same range in colors as those taken from other packages and match approved Samples. MANUFACTURERS To be as per the Finish [rgend found in Division 9 Section "Ceneral Interior Finish Notes". SETTINC MATERIALS Portland Cement Mortar Installation Materials as recomrnended by Tile Manufacturer: Provide materials complying with ANSI Al08.lA and as specified below: l. Cleavage Membrane: Asphalt felt, ASTM D 226, Type I (No. l5), or polyethylene sheeting ASTM D 4397,4.0 mils (0.1 mm) thick. 2. Latex additive (water emulsion) described below, serving as replacement for part or all of gaging water, of type specifically recommended by latex additive manufacturer for use with job-mixed portland cement and aggregate mortar bed. a. Latex Additive: Manufacturer's standard. Latex-Portland Cement Mortar as recommeded by Tile Manufactuer: ANSI Al18.4, composed as follows: l. Prepackaged Dry-Mortar Mix: Factory-prcpared mixture of portland cement; dry, redispersible, ethylene vinyl acetate additive; and other ingredients to which only water needs to be added at Project site. a. For wall applications, provide nonsagging, latcx-portland ccment mortar complying with ANSI A1 18.4 for mortar of this type defined in Section F-2.1.2. 2. Prepackaged Dry-Mortar Mix: Factory-prepared mixture of portland cement; dry, redispersible, ethylene vinyl acetate additive; and other ingredients to which only water needs to be added at Project site. GROUTING MATERIALS Latex-Ponland Cement Grout: ANSI A I 18.6 for materials described in Section H-2.4, composed as follows: l._. in#2.1 B. c. 2.2 z.J I I I I I I B. A. 2.4 I t I I I t I I I VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Constractio n Do c u me nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 09310-3 SECTION O93IO c. I I I I I t I I I I I I t I t I I t I a. b. B. B. B, 2.5 2.6 3.1 CERAMIC TILE l.Factory-Prepared, Dry-Grout Mixture: Factory-prepared mixture of portland cement; dry, redispersible, ethylene vinyl acetate additive; and other ingredients to produce the following: Unsanded grout mixture for joints l/8 inch (3.2 mm) and nalro\r'er. Sanded grout mixture for joints l/8 inch (3.2 mm) and widcr. Color as indicated. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS Trowelable Underlayments and Patching Compounds: Latex-modified, portland-cement-based formulation provided or approved by manufacturer of tile-setting materials for installations indicated. Metal Edge Strips: White-zinc-alloy tenazzo strips, l/8 inch (3.2 mm) wide at top edge with integral provision for anchorage to mortar bed or substratc, unless otherwise indicated. Tile Cleaner: A ncutral cleaner capable of removing soil and residue without harming tile and grout surfaces, specifically approved for materials and installations indicated by tile and grout manufacturers. MIXINC MORTARS AND GROUT Mix mortars and grouts to comply with referenced standards and mortar and grout manufacturers' written instructions. Add materials, water, and additives in accurate proportions. Obtain and use type of mixing equipment, mixer speeds, mixing containers, mixing time, and other procedures to produce mortars and grouts of uniform quality with optimum performance characteristics for installations indicated. PART 3 - EXECT]TION EXAMINATION Examine substrates, areas, and conditions wherc tile will be installed, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting pcrformance of installcd tile. l. Verify that substrates for setting tile arc firm; dry; clean; free from oil, waxy films, and curing compounds: and within flatness tolerances required by referenccd ANSI Al08 series of tile installation standards for installations indicated. 2. Verify that installation of grounds, anchors, recessed frames, electrical and mechanical units of work, and similar items located in or behind tile has been completed bcfore installing tile. 3. Verify that joints and cracks in tile substrates arc coordinated with tile joint locations; if not coordinated, adjust latter in consultation with Architect. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrccted. 7.2 PREPARATION HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruction Do c ume nts I5 October 2 )I 09310-4 I I l'..& SECTION O93IO C. A. B. CERAMICTILE Removc coatings, including curing compounds, and other substances that contain soap, wax, oil, or silicone and are incompatible with tile-sening materials by using a rerrazzo or concrete grinder, a drum sander, or a polishing machine equipped with a heavy-duty wire brush. Provide concrete substrates for tile floors installed with dry-set or latex-portland cement mortars that comply with flatness tolerances specified in referenced ANSI A | 08 series of tile installation standards for installations indicated. I. Use trowelable leveling and patching compounds per tilc-setting material manufacturer's written instructions to fill cracks, holes, and depressions. 2. Remove protrusions, bumps, and ridges by sanding or grinding. Blending: For tile exhibiting color variations within the ranges selected during Sample submittals, verify that tile has been blended in the factory and packaged so tile units taken from one package show the same range in colors as those taken from other packages and match approved Samples. If not factory blended, either return to manulacturer or blend tiles at Project site before installing. INSTALLATION, GENERAL ANSI Tile Installation Standards: Comply with parts of ANSIAI08 series of tile installation standards in "Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile" that apply to types of setting and grouting materials and to methods indicated in ceramic tile installation schedules. TCA Installation Guidelines: TCA's "Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation." Comply with TCA installation methods indicated in ceramic tile installation schedules. Extend tile work into recesses and under or behind equipment and fixtures to form a complete covering without interruptions, unless otherwise indicated. Terminate work neatly at obstructions, edges, and corners without disrupting pattern or joint alignments. Accurately form intersections and returns. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without marring visible surfaces. Carefully grind cut edges of tile abutting trim, finish, or built-in items for straight aligned joints. Fit tile closely to electrical outlets, piping, fixtures, and other penetrations so plates, collars, or covers overlap tile. Jointing Pattern: Lay tile in grid pattern, unless otherwise indicated. Align joints when adjoining tiles on floor, base, walls, and trim are the same size. Lay out tile work and center tile fields in both directions in each space or on each wall area. Adjust to minimize tile cutting. Provide uniform joint widths, unless otherwise indicated. 1. For tile mounted in sheets, make joints bctween tile sheets the same width as joints within tile sheets so joints between sheets are not apparent in finished work. Lay out tile wainscots to next full tile beyond dimensions indicated. I. Prepare joints and apply sealants to comply with requiremenls of Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants." Grout tile to comply with the requirements of the following tile installation standards: For ceramic tile grouts (sand-portland cement, dry-set, commercial portland ccment, and latex- portland cement grouts), comply with ANSI A108.10. For chemical-resistant epoxy grouts, comply with ANSI A I08.6. For chemical-resistant furan grouts, comply with ANSI A108.8. B. J.J I I I I I I D. F. c. t I I I t I I l. 2. -). VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Do c ume nts 15 October 2001 T HLM 980071-04 09310-5 SECTION O93IO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. C. A. B. B. c. -) -+ 3.5 3.6 J.I CERAMIC TILE FI-OOR TILE INSTALLATION Ccncral: Install tile to comply with requirements in thc Ccramic Tile Floor Installation Schedule, including those rcferencing TCA installation methods and ANSI A 108 serics of tile installation slandards. Joint Widths: Install tile on floors with the following joint widths: I . Porcelain Floor Tile: I 14 inch. Metal Edge Strips: Install at locations indicated or where exposed edge of tile flooring meets carpet, wood, or other flooring that finishes flush with top of tile. WALL TILE INSTALLATION Install types of tile designated for wall installalions to comply with requirements in the Ceramic Tile Wall Installation Schedule, including those referencing TCA installation methods and ANSI setting-bed standards. Joint Widths: Install tile on walls with the following joint widths: l. Wall Tile: l/8 inch. SEALING Sealing Joints: Seal all joints with manufacturers recommended joint sealer. CLEANING AND PROTECTING Cleaning: On completion of placement and grouting, clean all ceramic tile surfaces so they are free of forcign matter. l. Remove latex-ponland cement grout residue from tile as soon as possiblc. 2. Unglazed tile may be cleaned with acid solutions only when permitted by tile and grout manufacturer's written instructions, but no sooner than l0 days after installation. Protect metal surfaces, cast iron, and vitreous plumbing fixtures liom effects of acid cleaning. Flush surface with clean water before and after cleanins. Finished Tile Work: l.eave finished installation clean and free of cracked, chipped, broken, unbonded, and otherwise defective tile work. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptablc to manulacturer and Installer, that ensure tile is without damage or dctcrioration at the time of Substantial Completion. l. Whcn rccommended by tile manufacturer, apply a protcctive coat of neutral protective cleaner to completed tile walls and floors. Protect installed tile work with kraft paper or other heavy covering during construction period to prevent staining, damage, and wear. 2. Prohibit lbot and wheel traffic from tiled floors for at least 7 days aller grouting is completed. END OF SECTION O93IO VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Constructio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 093r0-6 I B. I l t.2 1.3 I I I I I I SECTION O95II SECTION O95I I - SUSPENDED ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS PART I . GENERAL S A SP E N D ED ACO A ST I CAL C EI LI N GS RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes ceilings consisting of acoustical panels and exposed suspension systems. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of product specified. Samples for Verification: Samples of each type of ceiling assembly indicated; in sets for each color, texture, and pattern specified, showing the full range of variations expected in these characteristics. l. 6-inch- square samples ofeach acoustical panel type, pattern, and color. 2. Set of l2-inch- long samples of exposed suspension system members, including moldings, for each color and system type required. QUALTTY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced inshller who has completed acoustical panel ceilings similar in material, design, and extcnt to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in- service performance. Source Limitations for Ceiling Units: Obtain each acoustical ceiling panel from one source with resources to provide products ofconsistent quality in appearance and physical properties without delaying the Work. Source Limitations for Suspension System: Obtain each suspension system from one source with resources to provide products of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties without delaying the Work. DELIVERY. STORAGE. AND HANDLING Dcliver acoustical panels and suspension system components to Project site in original, unopened packages and store them in a fully enclosed spacc where they will be protected against damage from moisture, direct sunlight, surfacc contamination, and other causes. 1.4 B. 1.5 I I I I I l*' I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruc tia n Do c urne nts 15 Octaber 2il)I I I HLM 980071-04 09511-1 SECTION O95II SUSPENDED ACO(,]STICAL CEILINGS I t Before installing acoustical panels, pcrmit them to reach room temperature and a stabilized moisture contcnt. Handle acoustical panels carefully to avoid chipping edges or damaging units in any way. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Limitations: Do not install acoustical panel ceilings until spaces are enclosed and weatherprooi wet-work in spaces is complete and dry, work above ceilings is complete, and ambient temperature and humidity conditions are maintained at the levels indicated for Project when occupied for its intended use. COORDINATION Coordinate layout and installation of acoustical panels and suspension system with other construction that penetrates ceilings or is supponed by them, including light fixtures, HVAC equipment, fire-suppression system, and panition assemblies. EXTRAMATERIALS Furnish extra materials described below that match products installed, are packaged with protcctivc covering for storage, and are identified with labels describing contents. l. Acoustical Ceiling Units: Full-size units equal to 2.0 percent of amount installed. 2. Suspension System Components: Quantity of each exposed componcnt cqual to 2.0 percent of amount installed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS ACOUSTICAL PANELS, GENERAL Acoustical Panel Standard: Provide manufacturer's standard panels of configuration and type indicated, that comply with ASTM E 1264 classifications as designated by types, patterns, acoustical ratings, and light reflectances, unless otherwise indicated. Manufacturers: a. Armstong Ceiling Systems b. Architect Approved Equal T I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I B. c. A. B. 1.6 1.7 t.8 2.1 Ceiling Types:: a. ACT CLG. - l: Color: White b. ACT CLG. _ 2: Color: White Armstrong Cirrus Square Lay-in, Fine Texture, #533,24X24X314" Armstronq Cirrus Second Look l, Finc Tcxturc #512, 24X48X314" VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL C ENTER C ons lruc tio n Doc u me nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 0951t-2 I I 2.2 SECTION 09511 S A SP E N DED ACO U STI CAL C EI U NGS METAL SUSPENSION SYSTEMS, CENERAL Metal Suspension System Standard: Provide manufacturer's standard direct-hung metal suspension systems of types, structural classifications, and finishes indicated that comply with applicable ASTM C 635 requirements. Finishes and Colors, Gencral: Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. Provide manufacturer's standard factory-applied finish for type of system indicated. Color to match adjacent ceiling panel color, as approved by architect. Attachment Devices: Size for fivc times design load indicated in ASTM C 635, Table l, Direct Hung, unless otherwise indicated. Wire Hangers, Braccs, and Ties: Provide wires complying with the following requirements: 1. Zinc-Coated Carbon-Steel Wire: ASTM A64llA64lM, Class I zinc coating, soft temper 2. Size: Select wire diameter so its stress at three times hanger design load (ASTM C 635, Table I, Direct Hung) will be less than yield stress of wire, but provide not less than 0.106-inch- diamcter wire. Hanger Rods: Mild steel, zinc coated or protected with rust-inhibitive paint. SheerMetal Edge Moldings and Trim: Type and profile indicated or, if not indicated, manufacturer's standard moldings for edges and penetrations that fit acoustical panel edge details and suspension systems indicated; formed from sheet metal of same material and finish as that used for exposed flanges of suspension system runners. For lay-in panels with reveal edge details, provide stepped edge molding that forms reveal of same depth and width as that formed between edge ofpanel and flange at exposed suspension member. For circular penetrations of ceiling, provide edge moldings fabricated to diameter required to fit penetfation exactly. For nanow-face suspension systems, provide suspension system and manufacturer's standard edge moldings that match width and configuration of exposed runners. Baked-Enamel Finish: AA-C12C42R| x (Chemical Finish: cleancd with inhibited chemicals; Chemical Finish: acid-chromate-fluoride-phosphate conversion coating; Organic Coating: as specified below). Comply with paint manufacturer's written instructions for applying and baking and for minimum dry film thickness. a. Organic Coating: Manufacturer's standard thermosetting coating system with a minimum dry film thickness of 0.8 to I .2 mils. b. Color: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard colors. PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.I EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates and structural framing to which acoustical panel and wood coffer ceilings attach or abut, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements specified in this and other Sections that affect ceiling installation and anchorage, and other conditions affecting performance of acoustical panel ceilinss. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns tr u c tio n D o c u m e nl s 15 October 2U)l B. D. F. I t T I I I l. 2. J.I t I I t I I I I HLM 980071-04 09511-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I B. 5.2 J.J SECTION 09511 SU SPE N DED ACOU STI CAL C E I LI NGS l. Proceed with installation onlv after unsatisfactorv conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION Measure each ceiling area and establish layout of acoustical panels to balancc border widths at opposite edges ofeach ceiling. Avoid using less-than-half-width panels at borders, and comply with layout shown on reflected ceiling plans. INSTALLATION General: Install ceilings to comply with publications referenced below per manufacturer'.s written instructions and CISCA's "Ceiling Systems Handbook." l. Standard for Ceiling Suspension System Installations: Comply with ASTM C 636. 2. U.B.C.'s "Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and for Lay-in Panel Ceilings": U.B.C. Standard 25-2. Suspend ceiling hangers from building's structural members and as follows: l. Install hangers plumb and free from conlact with insulation or other objects within ceiling plenum that are not part of supporting structure or ofceiling suspension system. 2. Splay hangers only where required to miss obstructions; offset resulting horizontal forces by bracing, countersplaying, or other equally effective means. 3. Where width of ducts and other construction within ceiling plenum produces hanger spacings that interfere with location of hangers at spacings required to support standard suspension system members, install supplemental suspension members and hangers in form of trapezes or equivalent devices. Size supplemental suspension members and hangers to support ceiling loads within performance limits established by referenced standards and publications. 4. Secure wire hangers to ceiling suspension members and to supports above with a minimum of three tight turns. Connect hangers directly either to structures or to inserts, eye screws, or other devices that are secure; that are appropriate for substrate; and that will not deteriorate or otherwise fail due to age, corrosion, or elevated temperatures. 5. Do not support ceilings directly from permanent metal forms or floor deck. Fasten hangers to cast-in-place hanger inserts, powder-actuated fasteners, or drilled-in anchors that extend tfuough forms into concrete, Do not attach hangers to steel deck tabs, Do not attach hangers to steel roof deck. Attach hangers to structural members. I Space hangers not more than 48 inch o.c. along each member supported directly from hangers, r unless otherwise indicated; and provide hangers not more than 8 inches from ends of each member. Install edge moldings and trim of type indicated at perimctcr of acoustical ceiling area and where necessary to conceal edges of acoustical panels. l. Do not use exposed fasteners, including pop rivets, on moldings and trim. Install suspension system runners so they are square and securely interlocked with one another. Rcmove and replace dented, bent, or kinked members. Install acoustical panels with undamaged edges and fitted accurately into suspcnsion system runners and edge moldings. Scribe and cut panels at borders and penetrations to provide a neat, precise fit. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C onstructio n D o c ume nts I5 October 2001 6. 7. 8. I I I I I I D. HLM 980071-04 09511-4 I SECTION 09511 t. 2. A 5. I is SASPE N DED ACOU STICAL CEI LI NGS Arrange scored acoustical panels as indicated. Coordinate lighting, sprinkler heads, and all ceiling mounted devices so they occur within a scored section, and not on the score ilself. For square-edged panels, install panels with edges fully hidden from view by flanges of suspcnsion system runners and moldings. For reveal-edged panels on suspension system runners, install panels with bottom of reveal in firm contact with top surface of runner flanges. For reveal-edged panels on suspension system members with box-shaped flanges, install panels with reveal surfaces in firm contact with suspension system surfaces and panel faces flush with bottom face of runners. Paint cut panel edges remaining exposed after installation; match color of exposed panel surfaces using coating recommended in writing for this purpose by acoustical panel manufacturer. CLEANING Clean exposed surfaces of acoustical panel ceilings, including trim, edge moldings, and suspension system members. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for cleaning and touchup of minor finish damage. Remove and replace ceiling components that cannot be successfully cleaned and repaired to permanently eliminate evidence of damage. END OF SECTION O95I I VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER C o nstruc tia n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 3.4 I I I t t I t I T I I I I l*' I HLM 980071-04 09511-5 I RESILI ENT TILE FLOORINGSECTION 09651 SECTION 0965I - RESILIENT TILE FLOORINC PART I . GENERAL A. B. t.2 I I I I T I l.l RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SIjMMARY This Section includes the following: L Vinyl composition floor tile. Rclated Sections include the following: l. Division 9 Section "Resilient Wall Base and Accessories" for resilient wall base, reducer strips, and other accessories installed with resilient floor tiles. 2. Division 9 Section "Ceneral Interior Finish Notes". SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of product specified. Samples for Verification: Full-size tiles of each different color and pattern of resilient floor tile specified, showing the full range of variations expected in these characteristics. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installor to perform work of this Section who has specialized in installing resilient products similar to those required for this Projcct and with a record of successful in-service performance. Source Limitations: Obtain each type, color, and pattern of product specified from one sourcc with resources to provide products ofconsistent quality in appearance and physical properties without delaying the Work. Fire-TesrResponse Characteristics: Provide products with the following fire-test-response characteristics as determined by testing identical products per test method indicated below by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. l. Critical Radiant Flux: 0.45 Wsq. cm or greater when tested per ASTM E 648. 2. Smoke Density: Maximum specific optical density of 450 or less when tested per ASTM E 662. DELryERY. STORACE. AND HANDLINC 1.3 B. B. 1.4 1.5 I I I I I I VAIL VALLEY MEDI CAL CENTER Cowlruction Documents 15 October 2001 I I HLM 980071-04 0965r-1 RESILIENTTILEFLOORING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. C. D. B. c. D. E. 1.6 t.7 2.1 : SECTION 09651 F. Deliver products to Project site in manufacturer's original, unopened cartons and containers, each bearing names of product and manufacturer, Project identification, and shipping and handling instructions. Store products in dry spaces protected from the weather, with ambient temperatures maintained between 50 and 90 dcg F. Store tiles on flat surfaces. Move products into spaces where they will be installed at least 48 hours before installation, unless longer conditioning period is recommended in writing by manufacturer. PROJECT CONDITIONS Maintain a tcmpcrature of not less than 70 deg F or more than 95 deg F in spaces to reccive products for at least 48 hours before installation, during installation, and for at least 48 hours after installation, unless manufacturer's written reoommendations specify longer time periods. After postinstallation period, maintain a tcmperature ofnot less than 55 deg F or more than 95 deg F. Do not install products until they are at the same temperature as the space where they are to be installed. Close spaces to traffic during flooring installation and for time period after installation recommended in writing by manufacturer. Install tiles and accessories after other finishing operations, including painting, have been completed. Where demountable partitions and other items are indicated for installation on top of resilient tile flooring, install tile before these items are installed. Do not install flooring over concrete slabs until slabs have cured and are sufficiently dry to bond with adhesive, as determined by flooring manufacturer's recommended bond and moisture test. EXTRA MATERIALS Furnish extra matcrials described below that match products installed, are packaged with protective covering for storage, and are identified with labels describing contents. l. Furnish not less than one box for each 50 boxes or fraction thereof, of each type, color, pattern, class, wearing surface, and size of resilient tile flooring installed. 2. Deliver extra materials to Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the products indicated for each designation in the Finish Sqhedule. RESILIENT TILE VAI L VALLEY M EDICA L C ENTER C o nstruction Do c ume nts I5 October 2001 HLM 98OO7I.M 09651-2 B. B. z-3 3.1 I I I I I I I I I SECTION 09651 RESI LIENT TILE F LOORING Vinyl Composition Floor Tile: Products complying with ASTM F 1066 and with requirements specified in the Resilient Tile Flooring Schedule. Sce Division 9 Section "General Interior Finish Notes". INSTALLATION ACCESSORIES Trowelable Leveling and Patching Compounds: Latex-modified, portland-cement-based formulation provided or approved by flooring manufacturer for applications indicated. Adhesives: Water-resistant type recommended by manufacturer to suit resilient products and substrate conditions indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine substrates, areas, and conditions where installation of resilient products will occur, with Installer present, for compliance with manufacturer's requirements. Verify that substrates and conditions are satisfactory for resilient product installation and comply with requirements specihed. Concrete Subfloors: Verifu that concrete slabs comply with ASTM F 710 and the following: l. Slab substrates are dry and hee of curing compounds, sealers, hardeners, and otier materials that may interfere with adhesive bond. Determine adhesion and dryness characteristics by performing bond and moisture tests recommended by flooring manufacturer. 2. Subfloor finishes comply with requirements specified in Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete" for slabs receiving resilient flooring. 3. Subfloors are free of cracks, ridges, depressions, scale, and foreign deposits. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION General: Comply with resilient product manul'acturer's written installation instructions for prcparing substrates indicated to receive resilient products. Use trowelable leveling and patching compounds, according to manufacturer's written instructions, to fill cracks, holes, and depressions in substrates. Remove coatings, including curing compounds, and other substances that are incompatible with flooring adhesives and that contain soap, wax, oil, or silicone, using mechanical methods recommended by manufacturer. Do not use solvents. Broom and vacuum clean substrates to be covered immediately before product installation. After cleaning, examine substrates for moisturc, alkalinc salts, carbonation, or dust. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactorv conditions have been corrected. TILE INSTALLATION VAIL VALI.EY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 B. C. D. -r. zt t I I I I I I 3.3 I HLM 980071-M 09651-3 SECTION 09651 RESILIENTTILEFLOORING I .":t: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. D. B. 3.4 General: Comply with tile manulacturer's written installation instructions. Lay out tiles from center marks established with principal walls, discounting minor offsets, so tiles at opposite edges of room arc of equal width. Adjust as necessary to avoid using cut widths that equal less than one-half of a tile at perimeter. l. Lay tiles square with room axis, unless otherwise indicated. Match tiles for color and pattern by selecting tiles from cartons in the same sequence as manufactured and packaged, if so numbered. Cut tiles neatly around all fixtures. Discard broken, cracked, chipped, or deformed tiles. l. Lay tiles in basket-weave pattern with grain direction alternating in adacent tiles. Scribe, cut, and fit tiles to butt neatly and tightly to vertical surfaces and peffnanent fixtures, including builrin furniture, cabinets, pipes, outlets, edgings, door frames, thresholds, and nosings. Extend tiles into toe spaces, door reveals, closets, and similar openings. Maintain reference markers, holes, and openings that are in place or marked for future cutting by repeating on finish flooring as marked on subfloor. Use chalk or other nonpefinanent. nonstaining marking device. Install tiles on covers for telephone and electrical ducts, and similar items in finishcd floor areas. Maintain overall continuity of color and pattem with pieces of flooring installed on covers. Tightly adhere edges to perimeter of floor around covers and to covers. Adhere tiles to flooring substrates using a full spread of adhesive applied to substrate to comply with tile manufacturer's written instructions, including those for trowel notching, adhesive mixing, and adhesive open and working times. l. Provide completed installation without open cracks, voids, raising and puckering at joints, telegraphing of adhesive spreader marks, and other surface imperfections. CLEANING AND PROTECTINC Perform the following opcrations immediately after installing resilient products: l. Remove adhesive and other surface blemishes using cleaner reconuncnded by resilient product manufacturers. 2. Sweep or vacuum floor thoroughly. 3. Do not wash floor until after time period recommended by flooring manufacturer. 4. Damp-mop 1'loor to rcmovc marks and soil. Protcct flooring against mars, marks, indentations, and other damage from construction operations and placement of equipment and fixtures during the rcmaindcr of construction period. Use protection methods indicated or recommcndcd in writing by flooring manufacturer. l. Apply protective floor polish to floor surfaces that are frec from soil, visible adhesive, and surfacc blemishes, if recommended in writing by manulacturer. a. Coordinate selection of iloor polish with Owner's maintenance service. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns tructio n Do c ume nts I5 October 2001 F. HLM 98007r-04 09651-4 I t SECTION 09651 RESILIENT TILE F LOORING 2. Cover products installcd on floor surfaces with undyed, untreated building paper until inspection for Substantial Completion. 3. Do not move heavy and sharp objects directly over floor surfaces. Place plywood or hardboard panels over flooring and under objects while they are being moved. Slide or roll objects over panels without moving panels. Clean floor surfaces not more than 4 days before dates scheduled for inspections intended to establish date of Substantial Completion in each area of Project. Clean products according to manufacturerk written recommendations. Bcfore cleaning, strip protective floor polish that was applied after completing installation only if required to restore polish finish and if recommended by flooring manufacturer. After cleaning, reapply polish to floor surfaces to restore protective floor finish according to flooring manufacturer's written recommendations. Coordinate with Owner's maintenance program. END OF SECTION 09651 VAIL VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc u me nts 15 October 2001 I I I c. t. 2. I I I I t I I I I I t- t HLM 980071-04 09651-5 I I f.& SECTION 09652 SHEET VINYLCOVERINGS SECTION 09652 - SHEET VINYL FLOOR COVERINGS PART I - GENERAL F. RELATED DOCI,JMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Ceneral and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SI,'MMARY This Section includes the following: 1. Sheet vinyl floor coverings without backing. Related Sections include the following: l. Division 9 Section "Resilient Wall Base and Accessories" for resilient wall base, reducer strips, and other accessories installed with sheet vinyl floor coverings. 2. Division 9 Section "General Interior Finish Notes". SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of product specified. Samples for Initial Selection: Manufacturer's color charts consisting of sections of units showing the full range of colors and patterns available for each type of product indicated. Samples for Verification: In manufacturer's standard size, but not less than 6-by-9-inch (150-by-230- mm) sections of each different color and pattern of sheet vinyl floor covering specified, showing the full range of variations expected in these characteristics. Product Certificates: Signed by manufacturers of sheet vinyl floor coverings certifying that each product furnished complies with requirements. Installer Certificates: Signed by manufacturer certifying that installers comply with specified requrrements. Maintenance Data: For sheet vinyl floor coverings to include in the maintenance manuals specified in Division I . I.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Engage an installer who is competent in the technique required by manufacturer for hearwelding seams. l. Engage installers who are certificd by floor covering manufacturer for heat-welded seam installation. VAI L VALLEY M EDI CAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc u me nts 15 October 2001 I I I I I# I I I I I I I l'- I l.l 1.2 A. B.I I 1.3 A. B. D. HLM 98007L-U 096s2-r SHEETVINYLCOVERINGS ISECTION 09652 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. B. C. D. B. D. 1.5 1.6 t.l Source Limitations: Obtain each type, color, and pattern of sheet vinyl floor covering specified from one source with resources to provide products of consistent quality in appearancc and physical properties without delaying the Work. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Providc products with the following fire-test-response characteristics as determined by testing identical products per test method indicated below by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. l. Critical Radiant Flux: 0.45 Wsq. cm or greater when tested per ASTM E 648. 2. Smoke Density: Maximum specific optical density of 450 or less when tested per ASTM E 662. DELIVERY. STORAGE. AND HANDLING Deliver sheet vinyl floor coverings and installation accessories to Project site in manufacturer's original, unopened cartons and containers, each bearing names of product and manufacturer, Project identification, and shipping and handling instructions. Store products in dry spaces protected from the weather, with ambient temperatures maintained betwccn 50 and 90 deg F. Store rolls upright. Move sheet vinyl floor coverings and installation accessories into spaces where they will be installed at least 48 hours before installation, unless longer conditioning periods are recommended in writing by manufacturer. PROJECT CONDITIONS Maintain a temperature of not less than 70 deg F or more than 95 deg F in spaces to receive sheet vinyl floor coverings for at least 48 hours before installation, during installation, and for at least 48 hours after installation, unless manufacturer's written recommendations specify longer time periods. After postinstallation period, maintain a temperature of not less than 55 deg F or more than 95 deg F' Do not install sheet vinyl floor coverings until they are at the same temperature as the space where they are to be installed. Close spaces to traffic during sheet vinyl floor covering installation and for time period after installation recommended in writing by manufacturer. Install sheet vinyl floor coverings and accessories after other finishing operations, including painting, have been completed. Do not install shect vinyl floor coverings over concrete slabs until slabs have cured and are sufficiently dry to bond with adhesive, as determined by floor covering manufacturert recommended bond and molsture test. EXTRA MATERIALS Furnish extra materials described below that match products installed, are packaged with protective covering for storage, and are identified with labels describing contents. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstruction Do c ume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 98007t-04 09652-2 I SECTION 09652 SHEET VINYL COVERINGS Furnish not less than l0 linear feet in roll form for each 500 linear feet or fraction thereof, of each dill'erent composition, wearing surface, color, and pattern of sheet vinyl floor covering installed. Deliver extra materials to Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, sheet vinyl floor coverings that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, those indicated in the Sheet Vinyl Floor Covering Schedule. See Division 9 Section "Ccneral Interior Finish Notes". INSTALLATION ACCESSORIES Trowelable Leveling and Patching Compounds: Latex-modified, portland-cement-based formulation provided or approved by floor covering manufacturer for applications indicated. Adhesives: Water-resistant type recommended by manufacturer to suit sheet vinyl floor covering and substrale conditions indicated- HearWelding Bead: Solid-strand product of floor covering manufacturer for heat-welding seams. l. Color: Match field color of sheet vinyl floor covering. Cove Strip: l-inch- radius support for integral flash cove base provided or approved by floor covering manufacturer. Cove-Base Cap Strip: Square metal for integral flash cove base provided or approved by floor covering manufacturer. PART 3. EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine substrates, areas, and conditions where installation of sheet vinyl floor coverings will occur, with Installer present, for compliance with manufacturer's requirements. Verify that substrates and conditions are satisfactory for floor covering installation and comply with requirements specified. Concretc Subfloors: Verify that concrete slabs comply with ASTM F 710 and the following: L Slab substrates are dry and free of curing compounds, sealers, hardeners, and other materials that may interfere with adhesive bond. Determine adhesion and dryness characteristics by performing bond and moisture tests recommcnded by floor covering manufacturer. 2. Subfloor finishes comply with requirements specified in Division 3 Section "Cast-in-Place Concretc" for slabs receiving resilient flooring. 3. Subfloors are free of cracks, ridges, depressions, scale, and foreign deposits. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions havc been corrected. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 l. 2. B. 2.1 2.2 I I I t I I D. B. 3.1 I I I I I I l- t It HLM 9EOO71-M 09652-3 SHEETVINYLCOVERINGS ISECTION 09652 3.2 PREPARATION Gcncral: Comply with sheet vinyl floor covering manufacturer's written installation instructions for preparing substrates indicated to receive shcct vinyl floor coverings. Use trowelable leveling and patching compounds, according to manufacturer's writtcn instructions, to fill cracks, holes, and depressions in substrates. Remove coatings, including curing compounds, and other substances that are incompatible with flooring adhesives and that contain soap, wax, oil, or silicone, using mechanical methods recommended by manufacturer, Do not use solvents. Broom and vacuum clean substrates to be covered immediately before installing sheet vinyl floor coverings. After cleaning, examine substrales for moisture, alkaline salts, carbonation, or dust. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been correctcd. INSTALLATION Ceneral: Comply with sheet vinyl floor covering manufacturer's written installation instructions. Unroll sheet vinyl floor coverings and allow them to stabilize before cutting and fitting, if recommended in writing by manufacturer. Lay out sheet vinyl floor coverings to comply with the following requirements: 1. Maintain uniformity of sheet vinyl floor covering direction. 2. Arrange for a minimum number of seams and place them in inconspicuous and low-traffic areas, and not less than 6 inches away from parallel joints in flooring substrates. 3. Match edges of sheet vinyl floor coverings for color shading and pattern at seams according to manufacturer's written recommendations. 4. Avoid cross seams. Scribe, cut, and fit sheet vinyl floor coverings to butt neatly and tightly to vertical surfaces and permanent fixtures, including built-in furniture, cabinets, pipes, outlets, edgings, door frames, thresholds, and nosings. Integral Flash Cove Base: Where indicated, cut shcet vinyl lloor coverings to form integral base of height indicated at vertical surfaces. Extend sheet vinyl floor coverings into toe spaces, door reveals, closets, and similar openings' Maintain reference markers, holes, and openings that are in placc or tnarked for luture cutting by repcating on finish flooring as marked on subfloor. Use chalk or other nonperrnanent, nonstaining marking device. Adhere sheet vinyl floor coverings to flooring substrates to comply with l'loor covering manulacturer's written instructions, including those for trowel notching, adhesive mixing, and adhesive open and working times. l. Produce completed installation without open cracks, voids, raising and puckering at joints, telegraphing of adhesive spreader marks, and other surface imperfections. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns tructia n Do c ume nts I5 October 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I B. c. D. 5--) A. B. c. D. F. C. H. HLM 980071-04 09652-4 I SECTION 09652 2. Form intcgral flash cove covering at horizontal and against cap strip. SHEET VINYL COVERINGS base by flashing floor covering up vertical surfaces. Support floor vertical junction with cove strip. Butt floor covering at top of base J. B. -t.+ I I I I I I Heat-Welded Seams: Rout joints and heat weld with welding bcad, permanently fusing sections into a seamless floor covering. Prcpare, wcld, and finish seams according to manufacturer\ written instructions and ASTM F | 516 to produce surfaces flush with adjoining floor covering surfaces. Hand roll sheet vinyl floor coverings in both directions from center out to embed floor coverings in adhesive and eliminate trapped air. At walls, door casings, and other locations where access by roller is impractical, press floor coverings firmly in place with flat-bladed instrument. CLEANING AND PROTECTINC Perform the following operations immediately after installing sheet vinyl floor coverings: 1. Remove adhesive and other surfacc blemishes using cleaner recommended by floor covering manufacturer. Sweep or vacuum floor thoroughly. Do not wash floor covering until after time period recommended by floor covering manufacturer. Damp-mop floor to remove marks and soil. Protect flooring against mars, marks, indentations, and other damage from construction operations and placement of equipment and fixtures during the remainder of construction period. Use protection methods indicated or recommended in writing by floor covering manufacturer. 1. Apply protective floor polish to sheet vinyl floor covering surfaces that are free from soil, visible adhesive, and surface blemishes, if recommended in writing by manufacturer. a. Coordinate selection of floor polish with Owner's maintenance seruice. Cover sheet vinyl floor coverings with undyed, untreated building paper until inspection for Substantial Completion. 3. Do not move heavy and sharp objects directly over sheet vinyl floor coverings. Place plywood or hardboard panels over floor coverings and under objects while they are being moved. Slide or roll objects over panels without moving panels. Clean sheet vinyl floor coverings not more than 4 days before dates scheduled for inspections intended to establish date of Substantial Completion in each area of Project. Clean floor coverings according to manufacturer's written rccommendations. l After cleaning, reapply polish to floor surfaces to restore protective floor finish according to floor covering manufacturer's written recommendations. Coordinate with Owner's maintenance program. END OF SECTION 09652 2. I I t t I C. t l" I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Docume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 09652-5 I sECrroN oe6s. I I -_-.' HLM snooTr-r4 I RESILIENT WALL BASE AND ACCESSORIES SECTION 09653 - RESILIENT WALL BASE AND ACCESSORIES PART I -GENERAL I r.l RELATED DOCLJMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and I Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I t.2 suMMARYt A. This Section includes the followine: I l. Resilient wall base.- 2. Resilient stair accessories. I B. Related Sections include the following:I l. Division 5 Section "Srairs".2. Division 9 Section "General Interior Finish Notes". I I.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product specified. B. Samples for Verification: In manufacturer's standard sizes, but not less than 12 inches (300 mm) long, of each product color and pattern specified. C. Product Certihcates: Signed by manufacturers of resilient wall base and accessories ceftirying that each product furnished complies with requirements. 1.4 QUALTTY ASSTJRANCE I A. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer to perform work of this Section who has specialized in installing resilient products similar to those required for this Project and with a record of I successful in-service performance. t B. Source Limitations: Obtain each type and color of product specified from one source with resources to provide products ofconsistent quality in appearance and physical properties without delaying the Work. I C. Fire-Test-Response Charactcristics: Provide products with the following fire-test-response characteristics as determined by testing identical products per test method indicated below by a testing and inspecting I agency acceptable to authorities having j urisdiction. I l. Critical Radiant Flux: 0.45 w/sq. cm or greater when tested per ASTM E 648. 2. Smoke Density: Maximum specific optical density of 75 or less when tested per ASTM E | 62. I I T VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Corctructian Documents 15 October 2(Nl 09653-1 SECTION 09653 t.5 A. B. c. D. RESI LI ENT WALL BASE AND ACCESSORIES I I I t t I I I t I I I I I I I I t I DELIVERY. STORAGE. AND HANDLING Deliver products to Project site in manufacturer's original, unopened cartons and containers, each bearing names of product and manufacturer, Project identification, and shipping and handling instructions. Store products in dry spaces protected from the weather, with ambient temperatures maintained between 50 and 90 deg F. Move products into spaces where they will be installed at least 48 hours before installation, unless longer conditioning period is recommended in writing by manufacture. PROJECT CONDITIONS Maintain an installation and post-installation temperature based on manufacturer's specifications. Do not install products until they are at the same temperature as the space where they are to be installed. For resilient products installed on traffic surfaces, close spaces to traffic during installation and for time period after installation recommended in writing by manufacturer. Coordinate resilient product installation with other construction to minimize possibility of damage and soiling during remainder of construction period. Install resilient products after other finishing operations, including painting, have been completed. After installation, protect materials fiom damage until construction is complete. EXTRAMATERIALS Fumish extra materials described below that match products instrlled, are packaged with protective covering for storage, and are identified with labels describing contents. l. Furnish not less than l0 linear feet for each 500 linear feet or fraction thereoi of each different type, color, pattern, and size of resilient product installed. 2. Deliver extra materials to Owner. WARRANTY Manufacturer's standard warranty for each product specified, but not less than one year from Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS RUBBER COVE BASE 4" Rubbcr Cove Wall Base: VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstractio n Doc ume nts I5 October 2001 A. B. 1.6 r.7 A. 1.8 2.1 2.2 HLM 980071-04 09653-2 I sECrroN oe6s3 I RESILIENT WALL BASE AND ACCESSORIES I . See Division 9 Section "Ceneral Interior Finish Notes".2. Architect Approved Equal 2.3 RESILIENT STAIR ACCESSORIES A. Rubber Stair Treads at Stairs #2 &3:l. Roppe Low Profile, Raised Circular Design, length per drawings.2. Architect Approved Equal. B. Rubber Risers at Stairs #2 & 3: l. Roppe Standard T" Rubber Risers, length per drawings.2. Architect Approved Equal I C. Rubber Landing Tiles at Stairs #2 & 3:l. Roppe Light Duty Landing Tiles, 12" X 12", pattern to match Stair Treads.2. Architect Approved Equal I 2.4 INSTALLATION ACCESSORIES t A. Trowelable l-eveling and Patching Compounds: As approved by resilient product manufacturer for applications indicated. B. Stair-Tread-Nose Filler: Two-part epoxy compound recommended by resilient tread manufacturer to fill nosing substrates that do not conform to tread contours. C. Adhesives: Water-resistant type recommended by manufacturer to suit resilient products and substrate conditions indicated. I 2.5 FINISHESI A. Finish color shall be selected from manufacturer's standard color selection. II PART 3. EXECUTION r 3.1 EXAMINATION I A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions where installation of resilient products will occur, with InstallerI present, for compliance with manufacturer's requirements, including those for maximum moisture content. Verify that substrates and conditions are satisfactory for resilient product installation and I comply with requirements specified. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions I have heen corrected. I 3.2 PREPARATToNI A. General: Comply with manufacturer's written installation instructions for preparing substrates indicated t to receive resilicnt products. I :' I _,. HLM98007I-M VATLVALLEYMEDICALCENTER I Construction Documents 15 October 2001 I I I t 09653-3 I I I t I T I t B. D. E. A. B. J --) SECTION 09653 RESILIENT WALL BASE AND ACCESSORIES '',. ' l .:.1.. l1- 1t Use trowclablc lcvcling and patching compounds, according to manufacturer's written instructions, to fill cracks, holes, and depressions in substrates. Use stair-tread-nose filler, according to resilient tread manufacturer's written instructions, to fill nosing subsfates that do not conform to tread contours. Remove coatings, including curing compounds, and other substances that are incompatible with adhesives and that contain soap, wax, oil, or silicone, using mechanical methods recommended by manufacturer. Do not use solvents. Broom and vacuum clean substrates to be covered immediately before installing resilient products. After cleaning, examine substrates for moisture, alkaline salts, carbonalion, or dust. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. INSTALLATION General: Install resilient products according to manufacturer's written installation instructions. Apply rcsilient wall basc to walls, columns, pilasters, casework and cabinets in toe spaccs, and other perTnanent fixtures in rooms and areas where base is required. l. Install wall base in lengths as long as practicable without gaps at seams and with tops of adjacent pieces aligned. 2. Tightly adhere wall base to substrate throughout length of each piece, with base in continuous contact with horizontal and vertical substrates. 3. Do not stretch base during installation. 4. On masonry surfaces or other similar inegular substrates, fill voids along top edge of resilient wall base with manufacturer's recommended adhesive filler material. 5. Install premolded outside and inside corners before installing straight pieces. Place resilient products so they are butted to adjacent materials and bond to substrates with adhesive. Install reducer srips at edges of flooring that would otherwise be exposed. Apply resilient products to stairs as indicated and according to manufacturer's written installation instructions. CLEANING AND PROTECTING Perform the following operations immediately after installing resilient products: L Remove adhesive and other surface blemishes using cleaner recommended by resilient product manufacturers. 2. Sweep or vacuum horizontal surfaces thoroughly. 3. Do not wash resilient products until after time period recommended by resilient product manufacturcr. 4. Damp-mop or sponge resilient products to remove marks and soil. Protect resilient products against mars, marks, indentations, and other damage from construction operations and placement of equipment and llxtures during the remainder of construction period. Use protection methods indicated or recommended in writing by resilient product manufacturer. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2il)l t I t T D. I I T t I I I B. 3.4 HLM 980071-04 09653-4 I I l' t I I I I SECTION 09653 RESILIENT WALL BASE AND ACCESSORIES l. Apply protective floor polish to vinyl resilient products installed on floors and stairs that are free from soil, visible adhesive, and surfacc blemishes, if recommended by manufacturer. a. Coordinate selection of floor polish with Owner's maintenance scrvice. 2. Cover resilient products installed on floors and stairs with undyed, untreated building paper until inspection for Substantial Completion. C. Clean resilient products not more than 4 days before dates scheduled for inspections intended to establish date of Substantial Completion in each area of Project. Clean products according to manufacturer's written recommendations. L After cleaning, reapply polish on vinyt products on floors and stairs to restore protective floor finish according to resilient product manufacturer's written recommendations. Coordinate with Owner's maintenance program. END OF SECTION 09653 VAIL UALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2(MI t I I I t I I t' I HLM 98007(-U 096s3-s I CARPET B. l.l 1.2 I I I T I I SECTION O96EO SECTION 09680 - CARPET PART I-GENERAL RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY This Section includes the followins: l. Tufted carpet. 2. Carpet mat Related Sections include the followine: l. Division 9 Section " Ceneral Interior Finish Notes". SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include manufacturer's written data on physical characteristics, durability, and fade resistance. Include installation recommendations for each type of substrate required. Samples: For each of the following products and for each color and texture required. Label each Sample with manufacturer's name, material description, color, pattem, and designation indicated on Drawings and in schedules. l. Carpet: l2-inch- square Sample. Product Schedule: Use same room and product designations indicated on Drawings and in schedules. Maintenance Data: For carpet to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division 1. Include the following: I Methods for maintaining carpet, including cleaning and stain-removal products and procedures and manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule. 2. Precautions for cleanins materials and methods that could be detrimental to camet. QUALITY ASSURANCE Installcr Qualifications: An experienced installcr who is certihed by the Floor Covering Installation Board or who can demonstratc compliance with its certification program requircments. 1.3 B. I I I I l- C. D.I I I 1.4 VAI L VALLEY MBDICAL CENTER Design Development Pricing Documents 9 July 2MI I HLM 980071-04 09680-t 'lt SECTION 09680 1.7 I t I I I t t I I t t I I I t I I I I B. B. D. B. 1.5 r.6 1.8 Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide products with thc critical radiant flux classification indicated in Part 2, as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 648 by an independent testing and inspccting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Product Options: Products and manufacturers named in Part 2 establish requirements for product quality in terms of appearance, construction, and pcrformancc. Other manufacturers' products comparable in quality to named products and complying with requirements may be considered. Refer to Division I Section "Substitutions." DELIVERY. STORAGE. AND HANDLING General: Comply with CRI 104, Section 5, "Storage and Handling." PROJECT CONDITIONS General: Comply with CRI 104, Section 6.1, "Site Conditions; Temperature and Humidity." Environmental Limitations: Do not install carpet until wet work in spaces is complete and dry, and ambient temperature and humidity conditions are maintained at the levcls indicated for Project when occupied for its intended use. Do not install carp€t over concrete slabs until slabs have cured and are sufficiently dry to bond with adhesive and concrete slabs have pH range recommended by carpet manufacturer. Where demountable partitions or other items are indicated for installation on top of carpet, install carpet before installing these items. WARRANTY General Warranty: Special warranty specified in this Article shall not deprive Owner of other rights Owner may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties made by Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents. Special Carpet Warranty: Written warranty, signed by carpet manufacturcr agreeing to replace caryet that does not comply with requirements or that fails within specified warranty period. Warranty does not include deterioration or failure of carpet duc to unusual traffic, failure of substrate, vandalism, or abuse. Failures include, but are not limited to, more than l0 percent loss of face fiber, edge raveling. snags, runs, and delamination. l. Warranty Period: l0 years from date of Substantial Completion. EXTRA MATERIALS Furnish cxtra rnaterials described below, before installation begins, that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covcring for storage and identilied with labsls describing contents. l. Carpet: Full-width rolls equal to 5 percent ofamount installed for each typc indicated, but not less than l0 sq. yd. CARPET VAI I, VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Design Development Picing Documents 9 JulY 2001 HLM 980071-04 09680-2 I sEcrloNos6so I PARr2-PRoDUcrs CARPET I 2.1 TUFTED CARPET l. Manufacturers: Carpets to be selected by Architect. See Division 9 Section " General Interior Finish Notes". 2.2 CARPET MATS I A. Manufacturers: Carpets to be selected by Architect. See Division 9 Section " General Interior Finishr Notes". I 2.3 INSTALLATION ACCESSORIES I A. Trowelable [rveling and Patching Compounds: Latex-modified, hydraulic-ce ment-based formulation I provided by or recommended by the following: l. Carpetmanufacturer. t B. Adhesives: Water-resistant, mildew-resistant, nonstaining type to suit products and subfloor conditions indicated, that complies with flammability requirements for installed carpet and that is recommended by the following: l. Carpetmanufacturer. C. Seaming Cement: Hot-melt adhesive tape or similar product recommended by carpet manufacturer for taping seams and butting cut edges at backing to form secure seams and to prevent pile loss at seans. I I PART3-EXECUTTON I 3.r ExAMrNArroNI A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions for compliance with requirements for maximum moisture I content, alkalinity range, installation tolerances, and other conditions affecting carpet performance. I Verify that substrates and conditions arc satisfactory for carpet installation and comply with requirements specified. I B. Concrete Subfloors: Verify that concrete slabs comply with ASTM F 710 and the following:I 1. Slab substrates arc dry and free of curing compounds, sealers, hardeners, and other materials that I may interfere with adhesive bond. Determine adhesion and dryness characteristics by performing I bond and moisture tests recommendcd by the following: a. Carpet manufacturer. - 2. Subfloor finishes comply with requirements specified in Division 3 Section "Casrin-Place Concrete" for slabs receiving carpet. I 3. Subfloors arc free of cracks, ridges, depressions, scale, and foreign deposits. I I | .__, HLM s8007r-04 I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Design Develaptnent Pricing Docume nts 9 July 2001 09680-3 SECTION 09680 I I I t t I I I I I I t I I I t I I I carpet carpet C. B. D. CARPET -).L Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION General: Comply with CRI 104, Section 6.2, "Site Conditions; Floor Preparation," and manufacturer's written installation instructions for prcparing substrates indicated to recelve installation. Use trowelable leveling and patching compounds, according to manufacturer's written instructions, to ltll cracks, holes, and depressions in substrates. Remove coatings, including curing compounds, and other substanccs that are incompatible with adhesives and that contain soap, wax, oil, or silicone, without using solvents. Use mechanical methods recommended in writing by the following: l. Carpetmanufacturer. Broom and vacuum clean substrates to be covered immediately before installing carpet. After cleaning, examine substrates for moisture, alkaline salts, carbonation, or dust. Proceed with installation only aftcr unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. INSTALLATION Direct-Clue-Down Installation: Comply with CRI 104, Section 8, "Direct Glue-Down Installation." Stair Installation: Comply with CRI 104, Section 12, "Carpet on Stairs." Comply with carpet manufacturer's written recommendations for seam locations and direction of carpet; maintain uniformity of carpet direction and lay of pile. At doorways, ccnter seams under the door in closed position. 1. Bevel adoining border edges at seams with hand shears. Do not bridge building expansion joints with carpet. Cut and fit carpet to butt tightly to vertical surfaces, permanent fixtures, and builrin furniture including cabinets, pipes, outlets, edgings, thresholds, and nosings. Bind or seal cut edges as recommended by carpet manufacturer. Extend carpet into to€ spaces, door reveals, closets, open-bottomed obstructions, removable flanges, alcoves, and similar openings Maintain reference markers, holes, and openings that are in place or marked for future cutting by repeating on finish flooring as marked on subfloor. Use nonpermanent, nonstaining marking device. Install pattern parallel to walls and borders. CLEANING AND PROTECTION Perform the following operations immediately after installing carpet: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Design Development Pricing Documents 9 JulY 2001 -t--t A. B. c. F. D. E. C. 3.4 \{...,HLM 980071-04 09680-4 I s*crroN os6'o I CARPET l. Remove excess adhesive. seam sealer. and other surface blemishes using cleaner recommended bv carpet manufacturer. 2. Remove yarns that protrude from carpet surface. 3. Vacuum carpet using commercial machine with face-beater element. B. Protect installed carpet to comply with CRI 104, Section 15, "Protection of Indoor Installations." t C. Protect carpet against damage from construction operations and placement of equipment and fixtures - during the remainder of construction period. Use protection methods indicated or recommended in writing by carpet manufacturer.I END OF SECTION 09680 I I -t. I I I VAILVALLEY MEDICALCENTER 09680.5 Design Develapment Pricing Documenh 9 July 2001 I I I I I I I l,;t HLM etooTt-u4 I I sEcrroNossoo I I I PAINTING r.-. sEcrIoN o99oo - pAINTING ).-'.,'.' I PART I -GENERAL I r. r RELATED DocrrMENTs I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and I Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I t.2 SUMMARY A. This Section includes surface preparation and field painting or staining, and pre-staining of the following: l. Exposed exterior items and surfaces. 2. Exposed interior items and surfaces. 3. Surface preparation, priming, and finish coats specified in this Section are in addition to shop priming and surface treatment specified in other Sections. B. Paint or stain exposed surfaces, except where the paint schedules indicate that a surface or material is not to be painted or is to remain natural. If the paint schedules do not specifically mention an item or a surfacc, paint the item or surface the same as similar adjacent materials or surfaces whether or not schedules indicate colors. If the schedules do not indicate color or finish. the Architect will select from standard colors and finishes available. C. Do not paint prefinished items, concealed surfaces, finished metal surfaces, operating parts, and labels, unless otherwise noted on plans. l. Prefinished items include the following factory-finished components: a. Architectural woodwork and casework. b. Elevator entrance doors and frames, I c. Elevator equipment. d. Finished mechanical and electrical equipment. I e. Light fixtures. I f. Distribution cabinets.I 2. Concealed surfaces include walls or ceilings in the following generally inaccessible spaces: a, I a. Foundation spaces. b. Furred areas. c. Ceiling plenums. I d. Duct shafts. e. Elevator shafts. I 3. Finished metal surfaccs include the fbllowing:I a. Anodized aluminum. I b. Stainless steel. t c. Copper. l* HLM 980071-04 VATLVALLEY MEDTCALCENTER 09900-t I Construction Documents 15 October 2(MI I I SECTION O99OO PAINTING l.-, 4. Labels: Do not paint over Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Factory Mutual (FM), or other code- required labels or equipment name, identification, performance rating, or nomenclature plates. Relatcd Sections include the following: l. Division 5 Section "Structural Steel" for shop priming structural steel. 2. Division 5 Section "Metal Fabrications" for shop priming fenous metal. 3. Division 6 Section "Interior Architectural Woodwork" for shop priming interior architectural woodwork. 4. Division 8 Section "Steel Doors and Frames" for shop priming steel doors and frames. 5. Division 9 Section "Gypsum Board Assemblies" for surlace preparation for gypsum board. 6. Division 9 Section " General Interior Finish Notes". DEFINITIONS General; Standard coating terms dcfined in ASTM D l6 apply to this Section. l. Flat refers to a lusterless or matte finish with a gloss range below 15 when measured at an 85- degree meter. 2. Eggshell refers to low-sheen finish with a gloss range between 5 and 20 when measured at a 60- degree meter. 3. Satin refers to low-sheen finish with a gloss range between 15 and 35 when mcasured at a 60- degree meter. 4. Semigloss refers to medium-sheen finish with a gloss range between 30 and 65 when measured at a 60-degree meter. 5. Full gloss refers to high-sheen finish with a gloss range more than 65 when measured at a 60- degree meter. SUBMITTALS Product Data: For each paint system specified. Include block fillers and primers. l. Material List: Provide an inclusive list of required coating materials. Indicate each material and cross-reference specific coating, finish system, and application. Identi$ each material by manufacturer's catalog number and general classification. 2. Manufacturer's Information: Provide manufacturer's technical information, including label analysis and instructions for handling, storing, and applying each coating material proposed for use. 3. Certification by the manufacturer that products supplied comply with local regulations controlling use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). 4. Provide 8-l/2" X I l" paint out and stain samples of all specified colors on sheen designated on Construction Documents. Stain to be provided on the same substratc as final installation material. Qualification Data: For firms and pcrsons specified in the "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of cornpleted projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information spccified. I.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Engage an expcrienced applicator who has completed painting system applications sirnilar in material and extent to that indicated for this Project with a record of successful in- service oerformance. VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstr uc tion Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I T I I D. A. B. 1.4 HLM 980071-04 09900-2 I I I -',' I I I I SECTION O99OO PAINTING Source Limitations: Obtain block fillers, primers, and undercoat materials for each coating system from thc same manufacturer as the finish coats. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver materials to the Project Site in manufacturer's original, unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer's name and label, and the following information: l. Product name or title of material. 2. Product description (generic classification or binder type). 3. Manufacturer's stock number and date of manufacture. 4. Contents by volume, for pigmcnt and vehicle constituents. 5. Thinninginstructions. 6. Applicationinstructions. 7 . Color name and number. 8. VOC content. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in a well-ventilated area at a minimum ambient temperature of 45 deg F. Maintain containers used in storage in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. l Protect from freezing. Keep storage area neat and orderly. Remove oily rags and waste daily. Take necessary measures to ensure that workers and work areas are protected from fire and health hazards resulting from handling, mixing, and application. PROJECT CONDITIONS Apply water-based paints only when the temperature of surfaces to be painted and sunounding air temperatures are between 50 and 90 deg F. Apply solvent-thinned paints only when the temperature of surfaces to be painted and sunounding air temperatures are between 45 and 95 deg F. Do not apply paint in snow, rain, fog, or mist; or when the relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; or at temperatures less than 5 deg F above the dew point; or to damp or wet surfaces. l. Painting may continue during inclement weather if surfaces and areas to be painted are enclosed and heated within temperature limits specified by manufacturer during application and drying periods. EXTRAMATERIALS Furnish extra paint materials from the same production run as the materials applied in the quantities described below. Package paint materials in unopened, factory-sealed containers for storage and identify with labels describing contents. Deliver extra matcrials to the Owner. l. Quantity: Furnish the Owner with an additional 5 percent, but not less than I gal. or I case, as appropriatc, ofeach material and color applied. I.9 FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns truc tio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 B. 1.6 B. I I I I t B. c. t.8 I t I T I I 1.7 HLM 9EOO7I-M 09900-3 I T I I I I I I I T I B. 2.1 2.2 SECTION O99OO PAINTING not negate the hre resistive rating of the substrate, orFinish materials on fire treated substrates shall assembly. PART 2. PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, products listed in the finish schedule, and/or on drawings. All paint to be selected from one of the following approved manufacturers, matching those specified in Division 9 Section " Ceneral Interior Finish Notes. l. Devoe & Raynolds Co. (Devoe). 2. Kwal-Howells (Kwal) 3. Clidden Co. (The) (Clidden). 4. Benjamin Moore & Co. (Moore). 5. Sherwin-Williams Co. (S-W). PAINT MATERIALS, CENERAL Material Compatibility: Provide block fillers, primers, undercoaLs, and finish-coat materials that are compatible with one another and the substrates indicated under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by manufacturer based on testing and field experience. Material Quality: Provide manufacturer's best-quality paint material of the various coating types specifred. Paint-material containers not displaying manufacturer's product identihcation will not be acceptable. l. Proprietary Names: Use of manufacturer's proprietary product names to designate colors or matcrials is not intended to imply that products named are required to be used to the exclusion of equivalent products of other manufacturcrs. Furnish manufacturer's material data and certificates of performance for proposed substitutions. Colors: Provide color selections made bv the Architect. refer to finish schedules. PART 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with the Applicator present, under which painting will be perlbrmed for compliance with paint application requirements. l. Do not begin to apply paint until unsatisfactory conditions have been correctcd and surfaccs receiving paint are thoroughly dry. 2. Start of painting will be construed as the Applicator's acceptance ol'surlaces and conditions within a particular area. VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER C o nstr uc tio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 C. I l T I I I I I 3.1 HLM 980071-04 09900-4 I l* lr;:'l I I t I I I SECTION O99OO HLM 980071-M B. PAINTING Coordination of Work: Review other Sections in which primers are provided to ensure compatibility of the total system for various substrates. On request, furnish information on characteristics of finish materials to ensure use of compatible primers. l. Notify the Architect about anticipated problems using the materials specified over substrates primed by others. PREPARATION General: Remove hardware and hardware accessories, plates, machined surfaces, lighting fixtures, and similar items already installed that are not to be painted. If rcmoval is impractical or impossible because of the size or weight of the item, provide surface-applied protection before surface preparation and painting. l. After completing painting operations in each space or area, reinstall items removed using workers skilled in the trades involved. Cleaning: Before applying paint or other surface treatrnents, clean the substrates of substances that could impair the bond of the various coatings. Remove oil and grease before cleaning. 1. Schedule cleaning and painting so dust and other contaminants from the cleaning process will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces. Surface Preparation: Clean and prepare surfaces to be painted according to manufacturer's written instructions for each particular substrate condition and as specified. 1. Provide barrier coats over incompatible primers or remove and reprime. 2. Ccmentitious Materials: Prepare concrete, concrete masonry block, cement plaster, and mineral- fiber-reinforced cement panel surfaces to be painted. Remove efflorescence, chalk, dust, dirt, grease, oils, and release agents. Roughen as required to remove glaze. If hardeners or sealers have been used to improve curing, use mechanical methods of surface preparation. a. Use abrasive blast-cleaning methods if recommended by paint manufacturer. b. Determine alkalinity and moisture content of surfaccs by performing appropriate tests. If surfaces are sufficiently alkaline to cause the finish paint to blister and bum, conect this condition before application. Do not paint surfaces where moisture content exceeds that permitted in manufacturer's written instructions. c. Clean concrete floors to be painted with a 5 percent solution of muriatic acid or other etching cleaner. Flush the floor with clean water to remove acid, neutralize with ammonia, rinse, allow to dry, and vacuum before painting. 3. Fcrrous Metals: Clean ungalvanized fenous-metal surfaces that have not been shop coated; remove oil, grease, dirt, loosc mill scale, and other foreign substances. Use solvent or mechanical cleaning methods that comply with the Steel Structures Painting Council's (SSPC) recommendations. b. Blast steel surfaccs clean as recommended by paint system manufacturer and according to rcquirements of SSPC-SP 10. Treat bare and sandblasted or pickled clean metal with a metal treatment wash coat before priming. Touch up bare areas and shop-applied prime coats that havc been damaged. Wire-brush, clean with solvents recommendcd by paint manufacturer, and touch up with the same primer as thc shop coat. 3.2 B. I I I I I t I l.-' I VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER C o nstructin n Doc un e nts 15 October 2001 09900-5 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I D. B. J --) SECTION O99OO PAINTING ; ri-)r 1.f.i;.,itli: 4. Calvanized Surfaces: Clean galvanized surfaces with nonpetroleum-based solvents so surface is liee of oil and surface contaminants. Remove pretreatmcnt from galvanized sheet metal fabricated from coil stock by mechanical methods. Materials Preparation: Mix and prepare paint materials according to manufacturer's written instructions. l. Maintain containers used in mixing and applying paint in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. 2. Stir material before application to produce a mixture of uniform density. Stir as required during application. Do not stir surface film into material. If necessary, remove surface film and strain material before using. 3. Use only thinners approved by paint manufacturer and only within recomrnended limits. Tinting: Tint each undercoat a lighter shade to simplify identification of each coat when multiple coats of the same material are applied. Tint undercoats to match the color of the finish coat, but provide sufticient differences in shade of undercoats to distinguish each separate coat. APPLICATION Ceneral: Apply paint according to manufacturerk written instructions. Use applicators and techniques best suited for substrate and type of matcrial being applied. l. Paint colors, surface treatments, and finishes are indicated in the schedules. 2, Do not paint over dirt, rust, scale, gtease, moisture, scuffed surfaces, or conditions detrimental to formation of a durable paint film. 3. Provide finish coats that are compatible with primers used. 4. The term "exposed surfaces" includes areas visible when permanent or built-in fixtures, convector covers, covers for finned-tube radiation, grilles, and similar components are in place. Extend coatings in these areas, :rs required, to maintain the system integrity and provide desired protection. 5. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture the same as similar exposed surfaces. Before the final installation of cquipmcnt, paint surfaces behind pcrmanently fixed equipment or furniture with prime coat only. 6. Paint interior surfaces of ducts with a flat, nonspecular black paint whcrc visiblc through registers or grilles. 7. Paint back sides of access panels and removable or hinged covers to match exposed surfaces. 8. Finish exterior doors on tops, bottoms, and side edges the same as exterior faces. 9. Sand lightly between each succeeding enamel or varnish coat. Scheduling Painting: Apply first coat to surfaccs that havc bcen clcaned, prctrcated, or otherwise prepared for painting as soon as practicable after preparation and before subsequent surface deterioration. L The number of coats and the film thickness required are the same regardless of application mcthod. Do not apply succeeding coats until the previous coat has cured as recommended by the manufacturer. If sanding is required to produce a smooth, even surface according to manufacturer's written instructions, sand between applications. Omit primer on metal surfaces that have been shop primed and touchup painted. If undercoats, stains, or other conditions show through final coat of paint, apply additional coats I until paint film is of uniform linish, color, and appearance. Give special a(ention to ensure edgcs. I corncrs, creviccs, welds, and exposed fasteners receive a dry film thickness equivalent to that of flat surfaces. 4. Allow sulllcient time between succcssivc coats to pernlit propcr drying. Do not rccoat surfaccs I until paint has dried to where it feels firm, does not deform or feel sticky under moderate thumb t VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER C o ns tr uctia n Doc ume nts I5 October 2001 z. 3. I I HLM 980071-04 09900-6 I l-_,. I -t'' I I t I I I SECTION O99OO PAINTING pressure, and where application of another coat of paint does not cause the undercoat to lift or lose adhesion. Application Procedures: Apply paints and coatings by brush, roller, spray, or other applicators according to manufacturer's wrinen instructions. l. Brushes: Use brushes best suited for the type of material applied. Use brush of appropriate size for the surface or item being painted. 2. Rollers: Use rollers of carpet, velvet back, or high-pile sheep's wool as recommcnded by the manufacturer for the material and texture required. 3. Spray Equipment: Use airless spray equipment with orifice size as recommended by the manufacturer for the material and texture required. Minimum Coating Thickness: Apply paint materials no thinner than manufacturer's recommended spreading rate. Provide the total dry film thickness of the entire system as recommended by the manufacturer. Block Fillers: Apply block fillers to concrete masonry block at a rate to ensure complete coverage with pores filled. Prime Coats: Before applying finish coats, apply a prime coat of material, as recommended by the manufacturer, to material that is required to be painted or frnished and that has not been prime coated by others. Recoat primed and sealed surfaces where evidence of suction spots or unsealed areas in first coat appears, to ensure a finish coat with no burn through or other defects due to insufficient sealing. Pigmented (Opaque) Finishes: Completely cover surfaces as necessary to provide a smooth, opaque surface of uniform finish, color, appearance, and coverage. Cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness, or other surface imperfections will not be acceptable. Transparent (Clear) Finishes: Use multiple coats to produce a glass-smooth surface film of even luster. Provide a finish free of laps, runs, cloudiness, color irregularity, brush marks, orange peel, nail holes, or other surface imperfections. l. Provide satin finish for final coats. Completed Work: Match approved samples for color, texture, and coverage. Remove, refinish, or repaint work not complying with requirements. CLEANINC Cleanup: At the end of each workday, remove cmpty cans, rags, rubbish, and other discarded materials from the site. 1. After completing painting, clean glass and paint-spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paint by washing and scraping. Be careful not to scratch or damage adjacent finished surfaces. PROTECTION Protect work of other trades, whether being painted or not, against damage by painting. Conect damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing, and repainting, as approved by Architect. D. F. G. I I I I paint 3.4 I I I I 3.5 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n D oc ume nts 15 October 2(MI lrl HLM 98OO7I-M 09900-7 SECTION O99OO PAINTINC Provide "Wet Paint" signs to protect newly painted finishes. Remove temporary protective wrappings provided by othcrs to protcct thcir work after completing painting operations. l. At completion of construction activities of other trades, touch up and restore damaged or defaced painted surfaces. Comply with procedures specified in PDCA Pl. EXTERIOR PAINT SCHEDULE Exterior Gypsum Soffit Board: Provide the following finish systems over exterior gypsum soffit board: l. Flat Acrylic Finish: 2 finish coats over an exterior, alkyd- or alkali-resistant primer, as recommcndcd by the manufacturer. a. Primer: Exterior, alkyd- or alkali-resistant, acrylic-latex primer, as recommended by the manufacturer for this substratc, applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total drv film thickness ofnot less than 1.5 mils. b. First and Second Coats: Flat, exterior, acrylic-e mulsion paint applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 2.4 mils. Ferrous Metal: Provide the following finish systems over exterior ferrous metal. Primer is not required on shop-primed items. I . Semigloss, Acrylic-Enamel Finish: 2 finish coats over a rust-inhibitive primer. a. Primer: Rust-inhibitive metal primer applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total drv film thickness of not less than I .3 mils. b. First and Second Coats: Semigloss, exterior, acrylicJatcx enamel applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 2.6 mils. Zinc-Coated Metal: Provide the following finish systems over exterior zinc-coated (galvanized) metal surfaces: l. Semigloss, Acrylic-Enamel Finish: 2 finish coats over a galvanized metal primer. a. Primer: Galvanized metal primer applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total drv film thickness of not lcss than l 2 mils. b. First and Second Coats: Scmigloss, cxterior, acrylic-latex enamel applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not lcss than 2.6 mils. D. Prc-finishcd fibcr ccmcnt siding: Factory finish color according to manufaotures recommcnded instructions, using manufactures recommended applier. L Color to be as selected by architect. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n D o c ume nts I5 October 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I t I B. B. 3.6 HLM 98007r-04 09900-8 I I r'-:-.. jir:j I I I I t I i.7 SECTION O99OO PAINTING INTERIOR PAINT SCHEDULE Concrete and Masonry (Other than Concrete Masonry Units): Provide the fbllowing paint systems over interior concrete and brick masonry surfaces: I . Semigloss, Acrylic-Enamel Finish: 2 finish coats over a primer. a. Primer: Alkali-resistant, acrylic-latex, interior primer applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than | .0 mil. b. First and Second Coats: Semigloss, acrylic-latex, interior enamel applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 2.6 mils. Concrete Masonry UniE: Provide the following finish systems over interior concrete masonry block units: L Semigloss, Acrylic-Enamel Finish: 2 finish coats over a block filler. a. Block Filler: High-performance, latex-based, block filler applied at spreading rate recommended bv the manufacturer to achieve a total dry hlm thickness of not less than 5.0 mils. First and Second Coats: Semigloss, acrylicJatex, interior enamel applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 2.6 mils. Gypsum Board: Provide the following finish systems over interior gypsum board surfaces: I . Flat Acrylic Finish: 2 finish coats over a primer. a. Primer: Latex-based, interior primer applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total drv film thickness of not less than I .2 mils. b. First and Second Coats: Flat, acrylic-latex-based, interior paint applied at sprcading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 2.5 mils. Semigloss, Acrylic-Enamel Finish: 2 finish coats over a primer. a. Primer: Latex-based, interior primer applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total drv film thickness ofnot less than 1.2 mils. b. First and Second Coats: Semigloss, acrylic-latex, interior enamel applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 2.6 mils. Full-Gloss, Acrylic-Enamel Finish: 2 finish coats over a primer. a. Primer: Latex-based, interior primer applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total drv film thickness of not less than 1.2 mils. B. t3 I I I I I I I I t c. 3. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructia n Do c ume nts 15 October 2(NI HLM 98007r-04 09900-9 SECTION O99OO I I I I I I I I D. PAINTING First and Second Coats: Full-gloss, acrylic-latex, interior enamel applied at spreading rate recommended by the manulacturcr to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 2.5 mils. b. Staincd Woodwork: Provide the following stained finishes over new, interior woodwork: l. Alkyd-Based, Satin-Varnish Finish: 2 finish coats ofan alkyd-based, clear-satin varnish over a sealer coat and an alkyd-based, interior wood stain. Wipe wood filler before applying stain. a. Filler Coat: Paste-wood fillcr applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer. b. Stain Coat: Alkyd-based, interior wood stain applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer. Color as selected bv Architect. c. Sealer Coat: Clear sanding sealer applied at sprcading rate recommended by the manufacturer. d. First and Second Finish Coats: Alkyd-hased or polyurethane varnish, as recommended by the manufacturer, applied at spreading rate reco[unended by thc manutacturer. Natural-Finish Woodwork: Provide the following natural finishes over new, interior woodwork: l. Alkyd-Based, Satin-Varnish Finish: 2 finish coats of an alkyd-based, clear-satin varnish over a sanding sealer. Provide wood filler on open-grain wood before applying first varnish coat. a. Filler Coat: Paste-wod filler applied at spreading rate recornmended by the manufacturer. b. Sealer Coat: Clear sanding sealer applied at spreading rate recommcnded by the manufacturer. c. First and Second Finish Coats: Alkyd-based or polyurethane varnish, iu recommended by the manufacturer, applied at spreading rate recommended by thc manufacturer. Ferrous Metal: Provide the following finish systems over fenous metal: I . Semigloss, Alkyd-Enamel Finish: One finish coat over an enamel undercoater and a primer. a. Primcr: Quick-drying, rust-inhibitive, alkyd-based or epoxy-metal primer, as recommended by the manufacturer for this substrate, applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than I .5 rnils. b. Undercoat: Alkyd, interior enamel undercoat or semigloss, intcrior, alkyd-enamel finish coar, as rccommended by the manufacturer for this substrate, applied at spreading rate recommended bv the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than 1.2 mils. 2. Full-Gloss, Alkyd-Enamcl Finish: 2 finish coats ovcr an enamel undercoater and a primer. a. Primer: Quick-drying, rust- inhibitive, alkyd-based or epoxy-metal primer, as recommended by the manufacturer lbr this substrate, applicd at spreading rate recommendcd by thc manufacturcr to achievc a total dry film thickness of not less than L5 mils. VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Construction Documents l5 October 2001 I I I F.I I t t t I I I HLM 980071-04 09900-10 SECTION O99U END OF SECTION O99OO PAINTING Undercoat: Alkyd, interior enamel undercoat or full-gloss, interior, alkyd-enamel finish coat, as recommended by the manufacturer for this substrate, applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than |.2 mils. Finish Coat: Full-gloss, alkyd, interior enamel applied at spreading rate recommended by the manufacturer to achieve a total dry film thickness of not less than I .2 mils. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns truc tio n D o c um e nls 15 Octaber 2N)I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I HLM 980071-U 09900-11 t I P SECTION 09950 SECTION 09950 - WALL COVERINCS PART I . GENERAL WALLCOVERINGS I I I I I I l.l 1.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SI,JMMARY This Section incl.rdcs the followins: l. Vinyl wall covering. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section: l. Division 9 Section "Painting" for priming wall surfaces. 2. Division 9 Section " General Interior Finish Notes SUBMITTALS General: Submit each item in this Article accordins to the Conditions of the Contract and Division I Specification Sections. Product Data for each type of product specified. Include data on physical characteristics, face weight, durability, fade resistance, and fl ame-resistance characteristics. Shop Drawings showing location and extent of each wall covering type. Indicate seams and termination points. Samples for initial selection in the form of manufacturer's color charts consisting of actual units or sections of units showing the full range of colors, textures, and patterns availablc. Samples for verification in sets for each color, texture, and pattern specified, showing the full range of variations expected in these characteristics. l. Wall Covering Material: Full-width sample, not less than 36 inches (914 mm) long, from dye lot used for thc Work. a. Submit sample with specified treatments applied. b. Mark top and face of material. c. Show complete pattern repeat. 2. Woven Glass-Fiber Wall Covering Material: Full-width sample, not less than 36 inches (914 mm) long with specilied paint applied. Schedule of wall coverings using same room designations indicated on Drawings. B. t.3 ]S I I I T I I I lu A. B. C. D. F. VAIL VALLEY MEDI CAL CENTER C o ns tr uc tio n D o c unte nts 15 October 2il)I I HLM 98007r-04 09950-1 SECTION 09950 t I I I I I I I I I G. H. B. C. 1.4 I I I I I I I I B. 1.5 1.6 WALLCOVERINGS .er irii# Product certificates signed by manufacturers of wall coverings certifying that their products comply with specified requirements. Maintenance data for wall covering to include in the operation and maintenance manual specified in Division I . QUALITY ASSURANCE Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer who has completed 5 projects similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide wall coverings with the following surface-burning characteristics as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84 by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Flame Spread: 25 or less. 2. Smoke Developed: 450 or less. Mockups: Prior to installing wall covering, construct mockups for each form of construction and finish required to veriry selections made under Sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic €ffects as well as qualities of materials and execution. Build mockups to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for final unit of Work. l. l,ocate mockups on-site in the location and of the size indicated or, if not indicated, as directed by Architect. 2. Notifo Architect 7 days in advance of the dates and times when mockups will be constructed. 3. D€monstrate the proposed range of aesthetic effects and workmanship. 4. Obtain Architect's approval of mockups before start of final unit of Work. 5. Retain and maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed Work. a. When directed, demolish and remove mockups from Project site. b. Approved mockups in an undisturbed condition at the time of Substantial Completion may become part of the completed Work. PROJECT CONDITIONS Space Enclosure and Environmental Limitations: Do not install wall covering until space is enclosed and weatherproof, wet-work in space is completed and nominally dry, work above ceilings is complete, and ambient temperature and humidity conditions are and will be continuously maintained at values near those indicated for final occupancy. Lighting: Do not install wall covering until a lighting level of not less than 15 foorcandles (160 lux) is provided on thc surfaces to receive wall covering. Ventilation: Provide continuous vcntilation during installation and for not less than the time recommended by the wall covering manufacturer for full drying or curing. EXTRA MATERIALS VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n D oc ume nts I5 October 2001 t HLM 98007r-04 09950-2 I B. 2.1 2.2 I I I I I t SECTION 09950 WALLCOVERINGS Furnish extra materials described below, before installation begins, that match products installed, are packaged with protective covering for storage, and are identified with labels describing contents. l. Rolls of Wall Covering Material: Full-size units equal to 5 percent of amount of each type installed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, wall coverings that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the products specified in each wall covering Product Data sheet at end of this Section. Any proposed product alternates must be submitted to Architect for approval. Products: See Division 9 Section " General Interior Finish Notes ADHESTVES General: Mildew-resistant, nonstaining adhesive, for use with specific wood-veneer wall covering and substrate application, as recommended by wall covering manufacturer. ACCESSORIES Wall Liner: Nonwoven, synthetic underlayment and adhesive as recommended by wall covering manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examine substrates for compliance with requirements for moisture content and other conditions affecting performance of Work of this Section. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for surface preparation. Clean substrates of substances that could impair wall covering's bond, including mold, mildew, oil, grease, incompatible primers, and dirt. Prepare substrates to achieve a smooth, dry, clcan surface free of flaking, unsound coatings, crack, and defects. l. Painted Surfaces: Treat areas susceptible to pigment bleeding. 2. Metals: If not factory primed, clean and apply rust-inhibitivc zinc primer. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Corctruction Documents I5 October 2001 z.J 3.t 3.2 I I I I I A. B. I l-- t HLM 980071-04 09950-3 SECTION 09950 B. c. D. E. B. C. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D, WALLCOVERINGS F. 3. Moisture Content: Maximum ol'5 percent on new plaster, concrete, and concrete masonry units whcn tr'stcd with an cleclronic moisturc meter. 4. Prime new gypsum board with primer recommended by wall covering manufacturer. 5. Allow new plaster to cure. Treat areas of high alkalinity. Check painted surfaces for pigment bleeding. Sand gloss, semigloss, and eggshell finishes with line sandpapcr. Install wall liner, with no gaps or overlaps, where required by wall covering manufacturer. Form smooth wrinkle-free surface for finished installation. Do not begin wall covering installation until wall liner has dried. Acclimatize wall covering matcrials by rcmoving them from packaging in thc installation arcas not less than 24 hours before installation. INSTALLATION, CENERAL General: Comply with wall coverings manufacturers' written installation instructions applicable to products and applications indicated, except where more stringent requirements apply. Cut wall covering panels in roll number sequence. Change run numbers at paftition breaks and corners only. Install wall covering with no gaps or overlaps. Match patlern 72 inches (1830 mm) above finish floor. Install seams vertical and plumb at least 6 inches (150 mm) from outside corners and 3 inches (75 mm) from inside corners. No horizontal seams, Remove air bubblcs, wrinkles, blistcrs, and other defects. Trim edges for color uniformity, pattern match, and tight closure at seams and edges. Butt seams. CLEANING Remove excess adhesive at finished seams, perimeter edges, and adjacent surfaces. Use cleaning methods recommended by wall covering manufacturer. Replacc strips that cannot bc clcancd. -) --) F, G. J.+ 3.5 VINYL WALL COVERING PRODUCT DATA SHEET FOR VWC I, 2 & 3 A. Vinyl Wall Covering VWC I, VWC 2, & VWC 3 Designation B. Vinyl Wall Covering Standard: FS CCC-W-408A and CFFA-W-l0l-A, Typc ll, Mcdium Duty. C. Wall Covering Durability Standard: ASTM F for Category V, Type II Commercral Serviceability. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc ume nts I5 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 09950-4 I sEcrroNossso I D. TotalWeightMinimum:Zooz.llinearyard WALLCOVENNGS I I C. Stain-Resistant Coating: TEX-COTE or Aquaclear. I H. Products: As designated below, and per Construction Document Color Designations: L VWC l: Lanark Vinyl Wallcovering, Morean Type II. Code: L2-MR 2. VWC 2: JM Lynne, Len-Tex Vinyl Wallcovering, Catalan, Type II. 1506-CT. 3. VWC 3: Lanark Vinyl Wallcovering, Ariana Type II. Code: L2-AN. T 3.6 VINYL WALL COVERINC PRODUCT DATA SHEET FOR VWC 4 I A. Vinyl Wall Covering VWC4 DesignationrB. Vinyl Wall Covering Standard: FS CCC-W-408A and CFFA-W-I0I-A, Type I, Light Duty. I C. Wall Covering Durability Standard: Category IV, Type I Commercial Serviceability.I D. Total Weight: 16 oz.l linear yardI I E. Width: 51" F. Backing Material: Nonwoven. G. Coating: Manufacturcr'sstandard. I H. Products: JM Lynne, Kensington (KEN), Type I Code: KEN-2504 I ENDoFsEcrroNoee5o I I t I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Cowtruction Documents 15 October 2(MI I HLM 98M71-04 09950-5 I I t I I I SECTION 09999 1. 2. 3. 4. ALL CEILINGS RECIUIRING PAINT SIIALL BE PAINTED PO UNLESS oTHERWISE NoTED. REF. NoTEs COLUMN OF FINISH SCHEDULE AND ARCHITECTUML ELF/ATIONS FOR ACCENT PAIi.IT LOCATIONS ON SOFFITS. PAtt{r GLoss: OFFTCF aNn NoN-cr rNrcar aRFAs- PAtNf EGGSHELL FtNtsH OFFlcEs, WATT|NG Rootr,ts, ConreReruce nooms, etc. Cr rr,,rrclr rl\|n WFr lRrrq- PAINT sEMFGLoss FtNtsH TotLET Roorirs, urlrry Roo{rrs, PAT|ENT Rooirs, OR's, CoRRtDoRs ALL wALLs ro BE PA|NTED P 1 UNLESS orHERr /lsE NorED oN FtNtsH scHEouLE. METAL GRILLES, PANELS, oR PAINTABLE PRoTRT,SIONS ETC. SHALL BE PAINTED TO IIIATCH FINISH OF SURFACE ON WHICH THEY OCCUR. REF. REFLECTED cEtLtNG pLANs FoR cL€. wpEs. ALL Gyp. BD. soFFrrs ro BE PA|NTED p0 oN UNDERSIDE, AND FINISHED TO I\IATCH ADJACENT WALL SURFACE ON FACE UNLESS NOTED OTHER'YISE ON FINISH SCHEDULE OR ELB/ATIONS. ALL DEcoRATtvE METAL HANDRA|LS scHEtruLED To BE PA|NTED sHAtL BE PA|NTED P12. REF. FIN|SH SCHEDULE AND ELB/ATIoNS FoRWALL BASE HEIGHTS. IFA oISoREPANCY E)(sTIs BETWEEN THE TWO, ELEI/ATIONS TAXE PRESIODENCE. ALt HM oooRFMMEs SHEDULEo ro BE PATNTED SHALL BE AccEr{T pAt],rr P4 uNLEss orHERl/vtsE NOTED. PRovrDE TRANstloN srRtp As tNDtcATEo BELo r: CPT _ LIN = RUBBER REDUCER STRIP LIN_VF= NONE VF OR LIN - VCT = NONE CPT - PT = ZINK EDGE STRIP VF - PT = ZINK EDGE STRIP CPT - S. CONC. = RUBBER CPT STAIR TREADS= RUBBER NOSING WHERE RUBBER TRANSToN srRrp oR NosrNG ls spEcrFEo usE TSI wrH CPT 2, 3, AND 4. Use TS2 WITHCPTI AND5. REF. FlNtsH scHEorJtE FoR cAsEwoRK FTNTSHES FoR TRANSACToN Tops. couNTER Tops AND CABTNET EXTERIoRS. Spectnlw lrlt-t-woRK trEMs wtLL BE INDENTIFIED oN ELEvATtoNs. ALL sHEEr WALL pRorEcroN SHALL BE |NSTALLED wrrH MTLDEW REsrsrAr.rr ADHESTVE. REF. ARcHtrEcruRAL RooR PLANS FoR HANDRA|L, BUMPER GUARD, AND coRNER GUARD LocATtoNs. REF. FINISH SCHEDULE UNDER WALL FINISHES FOR SHEET WALL PROTECTION LOCATIONS. ALL FLooRING PATTERNSi SHALL BE LAID oUT IN THE FIELD. APPRoVAL BY DESIGNER RE TUIRED BEFoRE PROCEEOING WITH THE WORK. I of2 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER CONTRACT DOCTJMENTS ocToBER 15,200r AMBULq,TORY SURGERY / WOMAN'S CENTER GENEML INTERJOR FINSH NOTES 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. I I I I I I I I HML 98071-01 09999-l SECTION 09999 14. IF THERE IS A coNFLIcT IN FINISHES. coNTAcT ARCHITECT oR DESIGNER FOR CLARIFICATION. 15. CARPET 5 s To BE II\TSTALLED WITH DIRECTIoML PATTERN RUNNING PERPENDICUI.AR TO PRIMARY (LoNGEST) coRRlDoRn. 16, PRovID€ WINDoT,T, TREATEMTS As IDENTIFIEo oN FINISH PI-ANI. 17. WHERE Mr.[-TtpLE FtNtsHEs ARE IDETTIFIED oN oNE wAtr oF THE FrNrsH scHEDULE, THE 1s FtNtsH 2 of? VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER CONTRACT DOCI,JMENTS oc"ToBER rs,200r AMBI.JLATORY SIJRGERY / WOMAN'S CENTER GENERAL INTERIOR FINSH NOTES I I I I I T I I I t I I I t I I I t I -. i HML 98071-01 09999-l t I @ SECTION 09999 AMBI.JLATORY SURGERY / WOMANS CENTER FIMSHLEGEND CARPET CPT1 LEE'S, MOONTRAIL T#DIO12, ADOBE CI.AY#203, MODUI.AR CFT2 LEE'S, VESTAL #D7806, LINEN #354, BROADLOOM CPT3 LEE'S, VIRTUE #D77gN, LINEN #354, BROADLOOM CPT4 LEE'S 6, VIRTUE #O771'6, LINEN #354, 6'-O CUSHION BACK PRODUCT CPTs LEE'S, BELLO#D7OO6, MESA#203, BROADLOOM CERAMIC TILECTl DALTILE, #D325 MARBLE,2X2 UNGI.AZED FLOORTILECTz DALTILE, #6565 MATTE ALMOND. 2X2 GL,aEOCT3 DALTILE, #6545 MATTE DOE,2 X2GIAZEDCT4 DALTILE, #6508 MATTE SPICE, 2X2GIAZEDCTs DALTILE, #6446 GLOSS PURPLE, D<2GL'aED CUBICLE CURTAINS - (owNER pRovtDED FoR cooRDtNATtoN oNLy)CCI MAHAMM, BEANSTALK #511070, 011 CORNFIELD. 72'W. REPEAT 1O3A\x72H.cc2 -NorusED- GC3 ARCHITEX, rue@1, WINTER,721/V. REPEAT 12.51/x 16.5"H. LINOLEUMLINI FORBO, MARMOLEUM FRESCO, #3858 BARBADOSLIN2 FORBO, MARMOLEUM REAL, #3141 HIMAI.AYALrN3 FORBO, MARMOLEUMVTVACE, #3407 DONKEY tSLAND (MULTICOLOR) LIN4 - 'OTUSEDLlN5 ARMSTRONG, IT,ARMORETTE, #19044 ALEUTTC GREENLIN6 FORBO, MARMOLEUM REAL, #3137 SI.ATE GREYLINT 4IOT USED.LtNs FORBO, MARMOLEUM REAL, #t120 ROSATO (NURSERTI LINg FORBO, MARMOLEUM FRESCO, #3830 KARNAK (NURSERT) LrNlo FORBO, MARMOLEUM FRESCO, #2855 VtRGtN BLUE (NURSERY) PAINTPO DEVOE PAINTS, #1W2U'I ANTIQUE WHITE DEVP1 SHERWIN WILLIAMS #1116 VELLUMP2 SHERWIN WILLIAMS #1115 IRISH CREAMP3 SHERWIN WILLIAMS #1114 CROISSANTP4 SHERWIN WILLIAMS #1113 MFFIA BASKETP5 SHERWIN WILLIAMS #1118 BURMESE JADITEP6 BENJAMIN MOORE, #212e30 EVENING DOVEP7 BENJAMIN MOORE, #2173.20 TAWNY ROSEP8 SHERWIN WILLIAMS #1099 KNOBBY WOOL BUFFP9 SHERWIN WILLIAMS #1103 ELEMENTAL TANP1O SHERWIN WILLIAMS #1104 SAFARI BROWNP11 SHERWIN WILLIAMS #2293 BRYCE ROSEP12 SHERWIN WILLIAMS #1070 FOX FIRE loF4 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER CONTRACT DOCI,JMENTS ocToBER 15,2001 I I I I I I lo'':'/ I I I I t T I lr I HML 98071-01 09999-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I sEcTroN 09999 AMBULATORY SI.JRGERY / WOMAN'S CENTER FIMSHLEGEND PTASTIC LAMINATEPLl FORMICA, #89S58, DESERT BEIGE, MATTE FINISHPL2 NEVAMAR ARP PLUS, #SD,2.IT, SIDEWALK CAFE, TEXTUREDPL3 NEVAMAR ARP SURFACE, #TG,2-1T, CREME TMNQUILIWPL4 NEVAMAR ARP PLUS, #MKT-OO1T, GOLDEN IRON MOONROCK, TEXTUREDPLs -NOTUSED. PLE WLSONART, BIRCH TRAPROCK, #478G60 PORCEI.AIN TILEPTt CROSSVILLE,POMPEII SERIES, FORUM STONE, #VSsO, 12"X'12"W2 CROSSVILLE, POMPEII SERIES, #VSSIPIETRA VECCIA, 6'X6"PT3 CROSSVILLE,POMPEIISERIES, FORUM STONE, #VSsO, 6.X6"Pt4 ARTISIAN FABRICATIONSASPEN ON CROSSVILLE, POMPEIISERIES, #VS51 PIETRA VECCIA,4X12"PT5 REX, INDIA, PORCEI.AIN TILE, AVAIIABLE THROI.JGH CAPCO, SAKUM GREEN, #RX N312, SIZES: 6 x 6, 6 x 12, 12x '18,18 x 18.; GROUT GCURE, SAHARA BROWN, #27 RUBBER BASERBI JOHNSONITE, BEIGE, COLOR MATCH SYSTEM.RB2 JOHNSONTTE, #119 SANDBAR (NURSERY) SOLID SURFACINGssr coRrAN, AURoM, MATTE FIN|SH (LDRP)ss2 coRrAN, TUMBLED GLASS, MATTE FIN|SH (OR) SS3 FOUNTAINHEAD. #FM-2-9 COPPER lrIiATRlX. iTATTE FINISHSS4 CORIAN, SILT, MATTE FINISH TACK BOARDTBl GUILFORD OF MAINE, LIDO #2838, COLOR #031 SMITH POINT #85 BURGUNDYTS2 JOHNSONITE. #76 CINNAMON VINYL COMPOSITION TILEVCTI ARMSTRONG, IMPERIALTEXTURE, STANDARD EXCELON, #51809 DESERT BEIGE.12x12 VINYL WALLCOVER]NGvwcl KoRosEAL, MATR|X, LTGHT TIGER EyE #M121-05, TypE il (MATCHES Wp) VWC2 ESSEX, STONEART II, #SP-57.43, TRAIL, TYPE IIvwc3 JM LYNNE, MTMOSA LEAF #MtL-4312, CASABT-ANCA, TYPE il WA|T|NG) VWGT WALL RESOURCES, SYMPHONY, CONCERTO, FLAX ACCENT #AZ50|38COA, 541/V, TYPE il (GREEN SCHEME) VWCs WALL RESOURCES, STUDIO SOURCE VOLUME 4,#2Y1789 ELEGANCE STRIPE, 25%" REPEAT, 541/V, TypE il (W|NE SCHEME) VWC6 WALL RESOURCES, STUDIO SOURCE VOLUME 5,#2<1852, BASILLICA SCROLL, 25 %" REPEAT,54'W, TYPE II(BLUE SCHEME) 2oR 4 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ocToBER 15,2001HML 98071-01 09999-l I I ,,.-.}. I SECTION 0999 AMBULATORY SURGERY / WOMAN'S CENTER FINISHLEGEND \rwc7 sYMPHoNy, KORA CARAMEL #A250494KA TYPE il, (NURSERY) VWCS SYMPHONY, KORA BLUE SAGE, #AZsOsOsKA TYPE II, (NURSERY) VINYL FLOORINGVFl AMTICO STRIPWOOD, NA'706E, LIGHT CHERRY, TICK FINISH, SQUARE CUT EDGES, 3A36", RANDOM PI-ANK INSTALI.ATION.VF2 AMTICO, CONCRETE COLLECTION, #CN399CI, BLUE CONCRETE, 12X12'TILESVFs AMTICO, QUARRY COLLECTION, ##MQR45, TERMCOTTA, 12X12"TILESVF4 AMTI@, CONCRETE COLLECTION, rcN138Q, JADE CONCRETE, 12X12" TILESvFs +rorusED-VF6 MANNINGTON COMMERCIAL, ASSURANCE SLIP RESISTANT SHEET VINYL, f 16007, PUTW, 6'0nV x .O8OTH.VF7 MANNINGTON COMMERCIAL, ASSURANCE SLIP RESISTANT SHEET VINYL. #16003, SHALE, 6'OnV x .080"TH. WALL AND CORNER PROTECTION VUP1 KOROSEAL, TRAFFIC PATTERNS RIGID WALLCOVER]NG BY KOROGUARD, PATTERN MATRIX #TM121-05, LIGHT TIGER EYE.WP3 KOROGUARD,#K47 SILIOI'ORM, .O4OSHEETWALL PROTECTTON, PEBBLETTE TEXTURE.CG IPC DOOR AND WALL PROTECTION SYSTEMS, HIGHT IMPACT CORNER GUARD, #150, 3'WING, 4'.0"H. COLOR KHAKI BROWN.BRl IPC DOOR AND WALL PROTECTION SYSTEMS, WALL GUARD,#7OOI,7 3/iI*1"D. .O8O THICK, COLOR KHAKI BROWN. WINDOW TREATMENTSWTI GMBER, I.AKE FOREST 2' FR RATED HORIZONTAL PVC BLIND AVAIUBLE THROUGH DSC COVERINGS, INSIDE MOUNT, NO HOLES, INCLUDE HOLD DOWN BRACKETS. ROD (R), CHORD (L)., COLORT.B.D.WT2 BALI-GRABER, CLASSIC SUPREME 1'SLAT MINI-BLIND. COLOR T.B.D. WOOD STAINSTl STAIN TO MATCH NEMSCHOFF, MAPLE AS SEEN ON #40 WHEAT TWO TONED SAMPLEST2 STAIN TO MATCH NEMSCHOFF LIGHT CHERRY AS SEEN ON #40 WHEAT TWO TONED SAMPLE WOOD TRIMWB WOOD BASE, AMERICAN WOOD INSTITUTE # BA$1035, 6" NOM. HT., HARD WOOD STAINEDTO MATCH ST2.CR CROWN MOLD, AMERICAN WOOD INSTITUTE # CRN-4029, 4'NOM. HT., MDF TO BE PAINTED PO.CHI CHAIR RAIL, AMERICAN WOOD INSTITUTE # CHR-6021, 3" NOM. HT.. HARD WOOD STAINED TO MATCH ST2. 30F4 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER CONTRACT DOCIIMENTS ocroBER 15,2001 I t I I t I I I I t I I t I HML 98071-01 09999-l SECTION 09999 AMBI.JLATORY SURGERY / WOMAN'S CENTER FIMSH LEGEND I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I t BR cc CG CM CPT CR CT GB LIN P PL PT RB SAT ss ST TS VGT \rlvc WD WT WP VF WB WG BUMPER RAILS CUBICLE CURTAIN CORNER GUARD CROWNMOLDING CARPET CHAIR RAIL CEMMICTILE GYPSUM BOARD LINOLEUM PAINT PI.ASTIC I.AMINATE PORCEI-AIN TILE RUBBER BASE SUSPENDED ACOUSTICAL TILE SOLID SURFACE WOOD STAIN TRANSITION STRIP VINYL COMPOSITION TILE VINYL WALL COVERING WOOD WINDOWTREATMENT WALL PROTECTION VINYL FLOORING WOOD BASE WALLGUARD 40F4 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER CONTRACT DOCI.JMENTS ocToBER 15.2001HML 98071-01 09999-l '$lF T.F\..,/ 3I -lI I I I I t I I l$ ) r *.$I$ I $,.*l Y I I I I I I ,!Er I I I I I I I Y I o+i 8 -t xEo E ?I o Eu o. o q.4 J Jo-Io.Jo-E Jo.3o-d Jo-Jo-c -1.JIJ'l'3 3o-JA oJL Jo- oo oo oo oo lov,oo oo oo oo ov,oo oo oo oo UIv,av,at,o on -l-JIJrl'Jq.IL J4 IE 5o- II ."lot, :l oq,l Foz qIt q.\l -t!n 'iiE o d to 'iit ui.ulI a)o ulfJo oq E riir !ca** tiriE q . 'ii\ ulEulIooou,t ct si autt;aa itt rii a, E EulE ui =[lIooz u,l u,le(' ocl !g riiq ! s fit q !lo riir lt-lrj!oo IUf -J ocr Nb rii\ ! a * rii urt uJIoo o!JE E!l. diq ! at:lt itE d 9|ll\IutIooz UI q N-iiq ! a "*itt ocl N E tirit rrit [,1Ioo UJ 36 Ea E uJ\ !ca ririE E!lal!r ltl =UJI()q, o UJt q s iir ! rc* riri ol 3lB6ls ui lql E lui nilE fit:tl. 8l*url* ile o N riit EutIooz!r u.lto I d Ftut;ca * o $ EtuE g' IUIoo Egt etuE;aa t -g q iI + ii -t- I I IEl!l l..tlii lqINIOIO I!t B iid lqll, E. ts [lE t tll *tiulE * tqu,t I I *l*:lt t:E uJ llll IEI x x x x X x x x x x x x x T x eaIo X x X x x x x x x x x x I -L at, J c3 oltla N .0I o3* o. oIo- Nq. F o. F0- e(, F N $ E!" 0- ()Io- c;Fo- I E() E.L tro- ft o. 3 o- o- rr o. Io I No.] E q- (,; i .lq- F 0.BFo. oIi C{o-] o-- I u.e() B IL q.i o- FL (, Eo- o-I 0-iFo, tooI IL o.s ert !. o.o-o. () 3;I o-l "l T-l:o;!.o,q,E q. q. NFo q. 9NFo o.q-n-q.o-o- q. +NFo 4 Fo A -r o- lo- 9tqNINFIF'l'I rFfoo N aI o 3 o- c E0. o- NIL D o- d- Nes q. I IL Nes q- c 0. N 0.I L f-I o. $ $F o. N $Fe Fo. o-aI NI3 E Fq. o = o. 0. F f, Fq- oI IL rl o-iI BF0. o; d NA :q L Fq. c A c c oI o. L E -le Fo 3 A A o.o.q. Q .iFo o. dFo o-A q.o.q.o. s*F() L D.tt-o- I-t-o- to. {lcirlt 3 6IL oI+q. o-Io; i No. F o- L (, = Ng. s o- f, :o F NG F Q Fo- o :o- o. F I Eo 3 i Nq. ! o- o. ()t.L 6l o. q. Io I No- Fc E. QoI TL NLs 0- F L o :o- N0. F 0- {D o- 5 D R NIs 0. F 0. o 3ao- N 0-s o. F o.o,I G No E A c I t:-l;o B o.I L c c o- F(,o c c o-o-o, o. Fo e Fo c ,1, Etq FIF "1" FEo2 (\ .bo- 3a E =e N o_s f, o = .L o_s Fo- o3a.L No- F e Ft! o 3Io- (\l o- F.L Fal. o 3 IL N TLs IL c o 3 i Ne FA-FIL oI t . f, o =a.L NILI o- Fo- ui ll. NILI IL F.L o = IL N s o- Fo o;ao. No.sI o. o-(L c o = IL c i l l_-tof,t= l>I o 3 c r & L .llFo c d Fo q o.o. D NFo LbdFo I-l-IL|l! EIDNINFIF T 0 =Eooz Jtl ltlo o FIL @3 io io 3 ,o Fo. o; lo F.L o;f, o = F 6 3 FIL o3 FIL 6 3 F.L o3 FIL d!3 FIL !l = Fo- o 3 b Fo. iot 6E ot E, b o3 to 6c aoE :t:6laotle*l* N6 E, oE o + o e. + 6E 6E + Fo o ot 6t !qt 6E t Fe !oE o Fo Fo oE rrlt x, o = FILo F F al.o NFIL (ltt: lt N FL lle t! (v Fo- t!a u. N Fo, tta t! 6l Fo. t! ll- (v Fo- ttt lt- GI Fo- N IL N F tl.F.L t!J-(L u- I F F()9 Fo F(J FIo E(.) ()zoq o ;t; Elc .6zJ F FIIo Fo-o F.L(, F o Fo F()F () Fo F l-oe Fdo Fo :r f,o F(,F Fo Fo-o :tFIF "1" z,o F ooJ uJI2 Io E IL I an g Fa oz E = @ o.E UJJ0F AE F lrJ o 1- toJ Flu o E. Fl! o q &o F UJJoF {o o. d.clJ FutIo t- o.to FurJo lFE. o-Foo.L Fltr4oF =F E. o- Fal,o.L Fll, oF fFgL o- Fv,oIL Flu oF v, o- v,o lll o I!o E.oFo ul0 toFo ltlo EoFo uto u.oFo Eoet E.oo u.lJfgs Fol! c U' l(,tzl6IJtozlrol>FIE|Llurtttlal)oleuj llElz zaF 5oI EoEz (o <! uJ u-ll.o utozt|lE UJu-zo oot I LIJ oeuuoo E u,l =o o Flu oF =oo E. .L u,l 5o E FfoIu a ts Ffz uJJo I at,a oz It||tr etE 6l!',Jlz Hgslo6t3 Ftu o t UJ 3o q oE IuYoo v,2lu I l" rl5rtoolEFto ^zit o f N { .l NN { r\N N (\ AI {(\t\ N a{ o r\|o N N N s N N sN + (\l (\N att N o a{N f dr ot l\(\.(\N l\|(\l N oloN |o .l-rot(o'l' UJJ)o,,-r. !!/\r ....,N,.:j;. Idz E d.utFz0l(t I e E3 or6l6ro,3z -,9.F() uto xt f; ?() o ?(, Jo-q.q- oo.o JL Noo oloo liIE aoulFo- o() cto.i q =+oi itt t E X x x oJ d] t-oulI o-e o o.o.o. () 3 o- o.6"o.q-o.c o. r foo NIL o-oa.oo.q.c o =I o- o.o.o.I o,q.o. 3 AIq.o.o-o-o-.L o-o-o.o. IFEo-c o.oIL oo-c IL o = q. IL L o-I (L lltor(D o = 6t 5:-;- ot tt i- @3 o toE oE oE !lt 6E t Fo Du- tcIL (o u- Fo.aFo.o F 9 !n ILo F 9 Fo elolql-l Ill- z,IF (Jo E IU o(J lrJE (L o.lv,z trJ o tozIF ql v, o u! E uJFo 6 aD EIEz EootEo oloo toottou (,t-o _o-lo IIJ zoo too EEo J !]EFolllJ UJ =lEl gl ]Io-l EIutIJI olqll to z p @(Y |o N R to t\N NN F t-F(\l at IH fi\=$:l.",iglr I-a zii IE(, rE t I I I I t I I I I I ,$$r- o*..E'.--lo rl iE rZt-- 9rb UJo I I @ DIVISION lO.INDEX DIVISION TO - SPECIALTIES 10r55...........TorLET COMPARTMENTS......... ...............4 I END I t VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construdian Documents 15 October 2(MI b I I I I I t t | ' HLM,BMT,',4 t TOILET COMPARTMENTS SECTION 10155 - TOILET COMPARTMENTS I PART l -GENERAL r I.I RELATED DOCI,JMENTSr A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and I Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. ' I r 1.2 St/MMARY I A. This Section includes toilet compartments and screens as follows: t l. Type: Solid-plastic, phenolic core.I 2. Compartment Style: Overhead braced and floor anchored. 3. Screen Style: Wall hung. I B. Related Sections include the following: I l. Division 10 "Toilet and Bath Accessories" for toilet paper holders, grab bars, purse shelves, andf similar accessories. I. t 1.3 SUBMTTTALS I A. Product Data: For each type and style of toilet compartment and screen specified. Include details of I construction relative to materials, fabrication, and installation. Include details of, anchors, hardware, andr fastenings. I B. Shop Drawings: For fabrication and installation of toilet compartment and screen assemblies. Include I plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. r 1. Show locations of reinforcement and cutouts for compartment-mounted toilet accessories, I-' C. Samples for Verification: Of each compartment or screen color and finish required, prepared on 6-inch- square Samples of same thickness and material indicated for Work. I 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS I A. Field Measurements: Verify dimensions in areas of installation by field measurements before fabricationr and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progrcss to avoid delaying the Work. r I sECrroN rorss I HLM s8oo7r-04 I VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL C ENTE R C o nstructio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 I l0155-1 I I I I I I I I 1.5 2.1 2.2 SECTION IOI55 TOILET COMPARTMENTS WARRANTY Provide manufacturer's standard l0 yezr warranty for phenolic core partitions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS F. MANUFACTURERS Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: l. Ampco 2. Bobrick Duraline Series 3. Architect Approved Equal MATERIALS General: Provide materials that have been selected for surface flatness and smoothness. Exposed surfaces that exhibit pitting, seam marks, roller mark, stains, discolorations, telegraphing of core material, or other imperfections on finished units are unacceptable. Solid-Plastic, Phenolic Core: Solid phenolic core with melamine facing on both sides, fused to substrate without visible glue line or seam. Provide units with eased edges and with minimum 314-inch- (19-mm-) thick doors and pilasters and minimum ll2-inch- (13-mm) thick panels and screens. hovide melamine color as follows: l. Color: One color in each room as selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range of colors. Pilaster Shoes and Sleeves (Caps): ASTM A 666, Type 302 or 304 stainless steel, not less than 0.0312 inch thick and 3 inches high, finished to match hardware. Stinup Brackets: Manufacturer's standard ear or U-brackets for attaching panels and screens to walls and pilasters of the following material: l Material: Stainless steel. Full-Height (Continuous) Brackets: Manufacturer's standard design for attaching pancls and screens to walls and pilasters of the following material: L Material: Stainless steel. Hardware and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard ADA approved design, heavy-duty operating hardware and accessories of the followins material: L Material: Stainless steel.. Overhead Bracing: Manufacturer's standard continu<.rus, extruded-aluminum head rail with antigrip profilc in manufacturcr's standard finish. VAI L VA LLEY M EDI CA L C E NTE R Construction Docume nts 15 October 2001 B.I I I I I I I I I I I D. c. HLM 98007|-U r0155-2 I, B. D. B. 2.3 3.1 t I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I SECTION IOI55 TOILET COMPARTMENTS Heat-Sink Strip: Manufacturer's standard continuous, extruded-aluminum strip in manufacturer's standard finish. Anchorages and Fasteners: Manufacturer's standard exposed fasteners of stainless steel or chrome-plated steel or brass, finished to match hardware, with thefrresistant-type heads. Provide sex-type bolts for through-bolt applications. For concealed anchors, use hot-dip galvanized or other rust-resistant, protective-coated steel. FABRICATION General: Provide standard doors, panels, screens, and pilasters fabricated for compartment system. Provide units with cutouts and drilled holes to receive compartment-mounted hardware, accessories, and grab bars, as indicated. Solid-Plastic, Polymer-Resin Compartments and Screens: Provide aluminum heat-sink strips at exposed bottom edges of HDPE units to prevent burning. Floor-to-Ceiling-Anchored Screens: Provide pilasters and panels of same construction and finish as toilet compartments. Provide manufacturer's standard conosion-resistant anchoring assemblies complete with leveling adjustment at tops and bottoms of pilasters. hovide shoes and sleeves (caps) at pilasters to conceal anchorage. Doors: As indicated on plan, and with a minimum 32-inch- wide clear opening for compartments indicated to be handicapped accessible. 1. Hinges: Manufacturer's standard self-closing type adjustable up to 90 degrees for partial hold open of doors. 2. Latch and Keeper: Manufacturer's standard surface-mounted latch unit with combination rubber- faced door strike and keeper designed for emergency access. hovide units that comply with accessibility requirements of authorities having jurisdiction at compartments indicated to be handicapped accessible. 3. Other accessories as indicated in Section 10801 "Toilet and Bath Accessories". PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION Gencral: Comply with manufacturer's written installation instructions. Install units rigid, straight, plumb, and level. Provide clearances of not more than ll2 inch between pilasters and panels and not rnore than I inch between panels and walls. Secure units in position with manufacturer's recommended anchoring devices. Floor-to-Ceiling Anchored Compartments: Secure pilasters to floor and ceiling, and level, plumb. and tighten. Hang doors and adjust so tops ofdoors arc parallel with overhead brace when doors are in closed position. Screens: Attach with anchoring devices according to manufacturcr's written instructions and to suit supporting structure. Set units level and plumb and to resist lateral impact. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 t I I HLM 980071-04 10155-3 SECTION IOI55 TOILBT COMPARTMENTS 3.2 ADJUSTINGANDCLEANING A. Hardware Adjustment: Adjust and lubricate hardware according to manufacturer's wfitten instructions . for proper operation. Set hinges on in-swinging doors to hold open approximately 30 degrees from closed position when unlatched. Set hinges on out-swinging doors and swing doors in entrance scre€ns to retum to fully closed position. B. Provide final protection and maintain conditions that ensure toilet comparfinents and screens are without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion. ENDOFSECTION 10155 UAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructio n D oc unte nts 15 October 2001 I t I I I I I I I I I T I I I I T I I HLM 98007r-04 10155-4 I sECrroN ro2oo LOAVERSANDVENTS SECTION IO2OO. LOWERS AND VENTS I PART I -OENERAL I I.1 RELATED DOCUMENTSI A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and f Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. II r 1.2 SUMMARY r A. This Section includes the following: I l. Fixed, extruded-aluminum louvers.t B. Related Sections include the followine: I l. Division.T.section "roint S"utlnt " for sealane insralled in perimeter joints between louver frames and adjoining construction. 2. Division 9 Section "Painting" for field painting louvers. I 1.3 DEFINITIONSr-- t A. Louver Terminology: Definitions of terms for metal louvers contained in AMCA 501 apply to this r 1.4 PEMORMANCE REQUIREMENTS t A. Structural Performance: Provide exterior metal louvers capable of withstanding the effects of loads and I stresses from wind and normal thermal movement without evidencing permanent deformation of louver components including blades, frames, and supports; noise or metal fatigue caused by louver blade rattle r or flutter; or perrnanent damage to fasteners and anchors. - l. Wind Load: Uniform pressures (velocity pressures) indicated on Drawings, acting inward or outward. a. Temperature Change (Range): 120 deg F, ambient; I 80 deg F, material surfaces. I l.s SUBMTTTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product specified. I B. Shop Drawings: For louver units and accessories. Include plans; elevations; sections; and details showing profiles, angles, and spacing of louver blades. Show unit dimensions related to wall openings and construction; free area for each size indicated; profilcs of frames at jambs, heads, and sills; and anchorage details and locations. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructio n Do c ume nts 15 October 2001 I Ir I HLM 980071-04 10200-r SECTION LO2OO I.8 PROJECTCONDMONS A. Field Measurements: Veriry louver ope nings measurements on Shop Drawings. Coordinate delaying the Work. PART 2. PRODUCTS LoavERSANDqENTS I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I B. C. 1.6 t.7 2.1 Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other information specified. QUALITY ASSURANCE Source Limitations: Obtain louvers and vents through one source from a single manufacturer where alike in one or more respects regarding type, design, or factory-applied color finish. Welding Standards: As follows: l. Comply with AWS D I .2, "Structural Welding Code--Aluminum." SMACNA Standard: Comply with SMACNA's "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" recommendations for fabrication, construction details, and installation procedures. WARRANTY Manufacturer's standard warrantv for both fabrication and finish. by field measurements before fabrication and indicate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid MANUFACTURERS Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1 Airolite Co. 2. Construction Specialties, Inc. 3. Industrial Louvers, Inc. 4. O'Keeffee, Inc. 5. Architect Approved Equal. 2.2 MATERIALS A. Aluminum Extrusions: ASTM B 221. allov 6063-T5 or T-52. B. Fasteners: Of same basic metal and alloy as fastened metal or 300 series stainless steel, unless otherwisc indicated. Do not use metals that are incompatible with joined materials. L Use types and sizes to suit unit installation conditions. 2. Use Phillips flat-head screws for exposed fasteners, unless otherwise indicatcd. VAI L VALLEY M EDICAL CENTER Construction Docume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 10200-2 I SECTION IO2OO LOAVERS AND VENTS Anchors and Inserts: Of type, size, and material required for loading and installation indicated. Use nonferrous metal or hot-dip galvanized anchors and inserts for exterior installations and elsewhere as needed for corrosion rcsistance. Use toothed steel or expansion bolt devices for drilled-in-place anchors. FABRICATION, CENERAL Assemble louvers in factory to minimize field splicing and assembly. Disassemble units as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation. Maintain equal louver blade spacing, including separation between blades and frames at head and sill, to produce uni form appearance. Maintain equal louver blade spacing to produce uniform appearance. Fabricate frames, including integral sills, to fit in openings of sizes indicated, with allowances made for fabrication and installation tolerances, adjoining materials' tolerances, and perimeter sealantjoints. l. Frame Type: Channel type, unless otherwise indicated. Include supports, anchorages, and accessories required for complete assembly. Provide sill extensions and loose sills made of same material as louvers where indicated or required for drainage to exterior and to prevent water penetrating to interior. Join frame members to one another and to fixed louver blades with fillet welds concealed from view, unless otherwise indicated or size of louver assemblv makes bolted connections between frame members necessary. FIXED, EXTRUDED-ALUMINUM LOUVERS Louver Construction: Provide fixed-blade louvers with extruded-aluminum frames and blades. Horizontal Louvers: Either drainable- or nondrainable-blade type complying with the following: I . Louver Depth: 4 inches unless otherwise indicated. 2. Frame Thickness: 0.125 inch. 3. Blade Thickness: 0.125 inch. 4. AMCA Seal: Mark units with AMCA Certified Ratings Seal. 5. Blade Angle and Spacing: 35 degrees and 3-ll2 inches (89 mm) o.c. for 4-inch- (100-mm-) deep louvers. LOWER SCREENS General: Provide louvers with screens all locations unless noted otherwise. General: Provide each exterior louver with louver screens complying with the following requirements: l. Scrccn Location for Fixed Louvers: Interior face. B. c. D. E. F. 2.3I I I I I I A. B. A. B. t I I I I I I I I I I c. 2.4 2.5 VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns truc tia n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 HLM 980071-04 10200-3 SECTION IO2OO LOAVERS AND VENTS Secure screens to louver frames with stainless-steel machine screws, spaced a maximum of 6 inches from each corner and at l2 inches o.c. Louver Screen Frames: Fabricate screen frames with mitered corners to louver sizes indicated and to comply with the following requirements: l. Metal: Same kind and form of metal as indicated for louver to which screens are attached. a. Reinforce extruded-aluminum screen frames at corners with clips. Finish: Same finish as louver frames to which louver screens are attached. 2.6 FINISHES. GENERAL A. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. B. Finish louvers after assemblv. 2.7 ALIJMINTIMFIMSHES A. Finish designations prefixed by AA comply with system established by the Aluminum Association for designating aluminum finishes. B. High-Performance Organic Coating Finish: AA-C l2C42Rlx (Chenical Finish: cleaned with inhibited chemicals; Chemical Finish: acid-chromate-fluoride-phosphate conversion coating; Organic Coating: as specified below). Prepare, pretreat, and apply coating to exposed metal surfaces to comply with coating and resin manufacturers' written instructions. I . Fluoropolymer Tluee-Coat Coating System: Manufacturer's standard tfuee-coat, thermocured system consisting of specially formulated inhibitive primer, fluoropolymer color coat, and clear fluoropolymer topcoat, with both color coat and clear topcoat containing not less than 70 percent polyvinylidene fluoride resin by weight; complying with AAMA 605.2. a. Color and Gloss: As selected bv Architect from manufacturer's full range of colors and glosses. INSTALLATION Locate and place louver units level, plumb, and at indicated alignment with adjacent work. Use concealed anchorages where possible. Provide brass or lead washers fitted to screws where required to protect metal surfaces and to make a weathcrtight connection. Form closely fitted joints with exposed connections accurately located and secured. Provide pcrimeter reveals and openings of uniform width for sealants and joint fillers, as indicated. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CE NTER C o nstruc tia n D o c ume nts 15 October 2001 D. t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 2.8 A. B. C. D. HLM 980071-04 10200-4 I SECTION IO2OO LOAVERS AND VENTS Repair finishes damaged by cutting, welding, soldering, and grinding. Restore finishes so no evidence remains of corective work. Return items that cannot be refinished in the field to the factorv. make required alterations, and refinish entire unit or provide new units. Protect galvanized and nonferrous-metal surfaces from conosion or galvanic action by applying a heavy coating of bituminous paint on surfaces that will be in contact with concrete, masonry, or dissimilar metals. Install concealed gaskets, flashings, joint fillers, and insulation, as louver installation progresses, where weatlrcrtight louver joints are required. Comply with Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants" for sealants applied during louver installation. ADJUSTINC, CLEANING. AND PROTECTING Test operation of adjustable louvers and adjust as needed to produce fully functioning unis that comply with requirements. Periodically clean exposed surfaces of louvers and vents that are not protected by temporary covering to remove fingerprints and soil during construction period. Do not let soil accumulate until final cleaning. Before final inspection, clean exposed surfaces with water and a mild soap or detergent not harnful to finishes. Thoroughly rinse surfaces and dry. Protect louvers and vents from damage during construction. Use temporary protective coverings where needed and approved by louver manufacturer. Remove protective covering at the time of Substantial Completion. Restore louvers and vents damaged during installation and construction so no evidence remains of correcLive work. If results of restoration are unsuccessful, as determined by Architect, remove damaged units and replace with new units. 1. Clean and touch up minor abrasions in finishes with air-dried coating that matches color and gloss of, and is compatible with, factory-applied finish coating. END OF SECTION 1O2OO VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Cowtruction Documents 15 October 2001 F, c. B. D. 2.9 I I I I t I I t I I t I I I l- I HLM 980071-04 10200-5 I sEcrroN 1026s IMPACT RESISTANT WALL PROTECTION SECTION 10265 - IMPACT-RESISTANT WALL PROTECTION t PARTI-GENERAL I l.l RELATEDDocuMENTSI A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and I f Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I - 1.2 SUMMARY ' A. This Section includes the followins: 1. Wall euards. f| 2. uo-ei guaros. ll 3. Impact-resistant wall coverings.4. Door protection systems. I B. Related Sections include the following: 1. Division 6 Section "Rough Carpentry" for wood blocking and grounds for surface-mounted wall I 2. flifr.i'o'1T::ffi8"Ttt|i:'Jlllliror stainless-steel mop, kick, armor, and pushprares. I I .. I.3 SIJBMITTALS I ---- -' A. Product Data: Include physical characteristics, such as durability, resistance to fading, and flame I resistance, for each impact-resistant wall protection system component indicated. I B. Samples for verification: Manufacturer's color charts consisting of sections of vinyl plastic material showing the full range of colors and textures available for each impact-resistant wall protection system I component indicated. I- l. Wall and Corner Guards: l2-inchJong Samples of each type of impact-resistant wall protection I 2 ""xl;'H#i:l'Ti",;:i1"jil-']Ili,!.llli:::'#'#'iil;1?;3ll,,iil1,u';pli"fio,""'ion .y,,"- f component required. r t.4 QUALTTY ASSURANCE I A. Installer Qualifications: An experienced installcr who has completed installation of impact-resistant wall I protection system components similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project andt whose work has resulted in construction with a record of successful in-service performance, I B. Source Limitations: Obtain each color, grade, Iinish, and type of impact-resistant wall protection system I component from a single sourcc with resourcgs to provide components of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties. rr HLM 980071-04 vAILvALLEy MEDICALCENTER C o nstructio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2(MI t 10265-1 SECTION 10265 r.l I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t T I I C. D. 1.5 1.6 1.8 Product Options: Drawings indicate size, profiles, and dimensional requirements of impact-resistant wall protection system and are based on the specific system indicated. Other manufacturers systems with equal performance characteristics may be considered. Refer to Division I Section " Substitutions." L Do not modify intended aesthetic effects, as judged solely by Architect, except with Architects approval. If modifications are proposed, submit comprehensive explanatory data to Architect for review. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide impact-resistant wall protection system components with the following surface-burning characteristics, as determined by testing materials identical to those required in this Section per ASTM E 84 by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Identify impact-resistant wall protection system components with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. l. Flame Spread: 25 or less. 2. Smoke Developed: 450 or less. Impact Strength: Provide impact-resistant wall protection system components with a minimum impact resistance of 25.4 ft-lbf/in of width when tested according to ASTM D 256, Test Method A. DELIVERY, STORACE, AND HANDLING Store wall surface-protection materials in original undamaged packages and containers inside a well- ventilated area protected from weather, moisture, soiling, extreme temperatures, and humidity. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Limitations: Meet manufacurer's special requirements for environmental conditions. EXTRAMATERIALS Fumish extra materials described below, before installation begins, that match products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. l. Impact-Rcsistant Wall Protection System Units: Full-size units of maximum length, including vinyl plastic cover and aluminum retainer, equal to 2 percent of each type, color, and texture of each type of unit installed, but not less than two units. a. Include accessory components as required. Replacement materials shall be from the same production run as materials installed. Package replacement materials with protective covering, identified with appropriate labels. WARRANTY Provide manufacture's standard five vear warrantv. I M PACT RESI STANT WALL P ROTECTI ON PART 2 - PRODUCTS HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 10265-2 I sECrroN ro26s IMPACT RESISTANT WALL PROTECTION t I 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering impact- resistant wall protection system products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not Iimited to, the following: L Construction Specialties, Inc. 2. IPC Door and Wall Protection Systems 3. Architect Approved Equal. I 2.2 WALLGUARDS r A. Metal Wall Cuards: Continuous, heavy gauge extruded aluminum mounted at 12" AFF where wall I protection sheet is indicated on drawing. a. Constuction Specialies Model ECR-32A with integral end caps and corners, or approved equal. Provide manufactuer's recommended mounting brackets. - 2.3 CORNERGUARDS I- A. Stainless-Steel Corner Guards: Paper-covered, satin-finish, 0.0625-inch minimum, stainless-steel sheet corner guards; height as indicated. Provide 90-degree turn, unless otherwise indicated; and formed edges. I l. Wing Size: 3-ll2 by 3-ll2 inches. a1 . 2. Mounting Method: Double-faced, self-adhesive foam tape. I 3. Corner Radius: l/8 inch. I 2.4 IMpAcr-REsrsrANTwALLcovERrNGStA. Rigid Vinyl Sheet: Rigid, vinyl, impact-resistant sheets. Sheets shall comply with fire-test-response I characteristics and be chemical and stain resistant. Provide manufacturer's standard; match moldings and f rim as required.r l. IPC Door and Wall Protection Systems, Sanparrel, or approved equal' 2. Sheet Size:4'X 8'. I 3. SheetThickness: 1116". I r 2.5 DOOR PROTECTION SYSTEMSrA. Provide at single side ofdoors 0013,0017, 0018A, 1014, and double side ofdoors 0018D. I B. Door Surface Protection: Protection plates; 0.060-inch- (1.524-mrn-) thick minimum; fabricated fromr embossed, chemical- and stain-resistant, extrudcd, rigid plastic with beveled edges; and complying with fire-test-response characteristics specified, ANSI/BHMA A | 56.6, and the following: I l. Armor Plate: 48 inches high by I inch less than door width. I C. Door Edge Protection: Channel shaped; fabricatcd from embossed, chemical- and stain-resistant rigid I plastic; 0.060-inch- thick minimum; and complying with firetest-response characteristics specified. Size I per door thickness,48" high.r HLM 980071-04 vATLvALLEy MEDICALCENTER 1026s-3 - _- Construction Documents 15 October 2001I I I I SECTION 10265 I MPACT RESI STANT WALL PROTECTION Door Frame Protectors: Chemical- and stain-resistant rigid plastic; 0.050-inch- thick minimum; embossed; and formed to fit door frames complying with fire-test-response characteristics specified. Size per frame size and profile, 48" high. FABRICATION General: Fabricate impact-resistant wall and door protection systems to comply with requirements indicated for design, dimensions, details, finish, and member sizes, including thicknesses of components. Preassemble components in the shop to greatest extent possible to minimize field assembly. Disassemble only as necessary for shipping and handling. Fabricate components with tight seams and joints with exposed edges rolled. Provide surfaces free of wrinkles, chips, dents, uneven coloration, and other imperfections. Fabricate members and fittings to produce flush, smooth, and rigid hairline joints. Brackets, Flanges, Fittings, and Anchors: Provide wall brackets, flanges, miscellaneous fittings, and anchors for interconnecting members to other construction. Provide inserts and other anchoring devices for connecting components to concrete or masonry. Fabricate anchoring devices to withstand imposed loads. Coordinate anchoring devices with the supporting structure. FIMSHES. GENERAL Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal hoducts" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. Protect mechanical finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying a strippable, temporary covering before shipping. Appearance of Finished Work: Variations in appearance of abutting or adjacent pieces are acceptable if they are within one-half of the range of approved Samples. Noticeable variations in the same piece are not acceptable. Variations in appearance of other components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. PART 3 - EXECLTTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas and conditions in which impact-resistant wall protection system components and impact- resistant wall covering materials will be installec. I. Complete finishing operations, including painting, beforc installing impact-resistant wall protection system components. B. Impact-Resistant Wall Covering Materials: Wall surfaces to receive impact-resistant wall covering materials shall be dry and free from dirt, greasc, loosc paint, and scale. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Documents I5 October 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. B. C. D. B. ) (., 2.7 HLM 980071-04 10265-4 IMPACT RESISTANT WALL PROTECTION C. Proceed with installation onlv after unsatisfactorv conditions have been conected. I 3.2 PREPARATTON r A. General: Before installation, clean substrate to remove dust, debris, and loose particles. I 3,3 INSTALLATION I A. Install impact-resistant wall protection system components level, plumb, and true to line without I distortions. I 1. Do not use materials with chips, cracks, voids, stains, or other defects that might be visible in the t finished Work. B. Install aluminum retainers, mounting brackets, and other accessories according to the manufacturer'sI written instructions.r l. Where splices occur in horizontal runs of more than 20 feet, splice aluminum retainers and plastic covers at different locations along the run. I 3.4 CLEANING I A. General: Immediately on completion of installation, clean plastic covers and accessories using a standard ammonia-based household cleaning agent. Clean metal components according to the manufacturer's I written instrudions. l-' B. Remove excess adhesive using methods and materials recommended by the manufacturer. I C. Remove surplus materials, rubbish, and debris, resulting from installation, on completion of work and t leave installation areas in neat, clean condition. I ENDOFSECTTON 1026s I r I r I sECrroN ro26s I HLMssooTr-.4 l- VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C ons truc tio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2N)I I 10265-5 I sEcrroN ros2o F I RE PROT ECT I O N SP EC I ALTI ES PART I - GENERAL - l.l RELATEDDOCUMENTS I A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and I Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section. I t.2 SUMMARY I A. This Section includes the following: I l. Portable fire extinguishers with mounting brackets. 2. Fire-protection cabinets for portable fire extinguishers.I I I.3 SI]BMITTALS I A. Product Data: Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual componentsrr and profiles, and finishes for fire-protection specialties. I l. Fire Extinguishers: Include rating and classification. !| 2. Cabinets: Include roughing-in dimensions, details showing mounting methods, relationships of box and trim to surrounding construction, door hardware, cabinet type, trim style, and panel style. f_1.4 QUALTTY ASSURANCE I A. Source Limitations: Obtain fire extinguishers and cabinets tlrough one source from a single l manufacturer. I B. NFPA Compliance: Fabricate and label fire extinguishers to comply with NFPA 10, "Standard for I Portable Fire Extinguishers." r C. Fire Extinguishers: Listed and labeled for type, rating, and classification by an independent testing I agency acceptable to authorities having.iurisdiction. 1. Provide extinguishers listed and labeled by FM. I I.5 WARRANTY I A. Manufacturer's standard warranty on materials, fabrication, and operation of extinguishers andt accessones. r PART2-PRODUCTS I HLM 98OO7T.O4 vAIL vALLEy MEDICAL cENTER 10520-1 C o ns tructio n Doc ume nts I 15 October 2001 I I ! I I 2.1 SECTION 10520 MANUFACTURERS Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following: l. Portable Fire Extinguishers: a. Larsen'sManufacturingCompany. b. Architect Approved Equal. 2. Fire-ProtectionCabines: a. Larsen'sManufacturingCompany. b. Architect Approved Equal. 3. Brackets for Wall Mounting Portable Fire Extinguishers: a. Larsen'sManufacturingCompany. b. Architect Approved Equal. PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS General: Provide fire extinguishers of type, size, and capacity for each cabinet and other locations indicated. Multipurpose Dry-Chemical Type: Ul-rated 4-A:60-B:C, l0Jb (4.5-kg) nominal capacity, in enameled- steel container. FIRE-PROTECTION CABINETS Cabinet Construction: Provide manufacturer's standard box (tub), with trim, frame, door, and hardware to suit cabinet type, trim style, and door style indicated. Weld joints and grind smooth. Miter and weld perimeter door frames. 1. Fire-Rated Cabinets: Listed and labeled to meet requirements of ASTM E 814 for fire-resistance rating of wall where it is installed. a. Occult Series FS 0-3216. Cabinet Mounting: Suitable for the following mounting conditions: l. Recessed: Cabinet box recessed in walls of sufficient depth to suit style of trim indicated. Door Clazing: Manufacturer's standard DSA Glass. Door Style: Manufacturer's standard design. Door Hardware: Provide manufacturer'.s standard door-operating hardware of proper type for cabinet type, trim style, and door material and style indicated. Provide either lever handle with cam-action latch, or exposed or concealed door pull and friction latch. Provide concealcd or continuous-type hinge permitting door to open 180 degrees. F I RE PROTECTIO N SPECIALTI ES I I I 2.2 2.3 I I I I I I t I I I I I B. B. c. D. VA I L VALLEY M EDICAL C ENTER Constructio n Doc u me nts 15 October 2001 HLM 98007r-04 10520-2 I sEcrroN ros2o F I RE P ROTECT I ON SPECIALTI ES I 2.4 ACCESSORTESl- A. Mounting Brackets: Manufacturer's standard steel, designed to secure extinguisher, of sizes required for I typcs and capacities of extinguishers indicated, with plated or baked-enamel finish. I l. Provide brackets for extinguishers not located in cabinets. 2. Provide brackets for extinguishers located in cabinets. I- B. Break-Glass Strike: Provide manufacturer's standard metal strike, complete with chain and mounting clip, secured to cabinet. I C. Lettercd Door Handle: Provide one-piece, cast-iron door handle with the word "FIRE" embossed into face. I D. Door Locks: Provide manufactures standard lock. I - E. Identification: Provide lettering to comply with authorities having jurisdiction for letter style, color, size, I spacing, and location. Locate as indicated by Architect. I l. Identifu bracket-mounted extinguishers with the words "FIRE EXTINGUISHER" in red letter I decals applied to wall surface. I 2. Identify fire extinguisher in cabinet with the words "FIRE EXTINGUSIIER" applied to door. a. lrttering Color: Red. I b. Orientation: Vertical. I 2.5 FIMSHES. GENERALr -._ I A. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for - --u| recommendations for applying and designating finishes. I B. Protect mechanical finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying a strippable, temporary f protective covering before shipping. I C. Appearance of Finished Work: Variations in appearance of abutting or adjacent pieces are acceptable if I they are within one-half of the range of approved Samples. Noticeable variations in the same piece are not acceptable. Variations in appearance of other components are acceptable if they are within the range ^r approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast.II D. Cabinet and Door Finishes: Provide manufacturer's stainless steel finish. l. Interior ofcabinets and doors to be painted white. I PART 3 - EXECUTION ' 3.t EXAMINATIoN I A. Examine roughing-in for hose valvcs, hose racks, and cabinets to verify actual locations of piping I connections bcfore cabinet installation. I B. Examine walls and partitions for suitable framing depth and blocking where recessed and semirecessed I cabinels are to be installed. HLM 980071.04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER IO52O.3 a -_-- Construction Documents I lS October 2001 r SECTION IO52O F I RE PROTECTI O N S PECI ALT I ES C. Examine fire extinguishers for proper charging and tagging. l. Remove and replace damaged, defbctive, or undercharged units. D. Proceed with installation onlv after unsatisfactory conditions have been conected. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Cornply with manufacturer's written instructions for installing fue-protection specialties. B. Install in locations and at mounting heights indicated or, if not indicated, at heights acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. l. Prepare recesses for cabinets as required by type and size ofcabinet and trim style. 2. Fasten mounting brackets to structure and cabinets, square and plumb. 3. Fasten cabinets to structure, square and plumb. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.3 INSTALLATION OF FIRE-RATED HOSE OR VALVE CABINETS Install cabinet with not more than l/16-inch (1.5-mm) tolerance between pipe OD and knockout OD. Center pipe within knockout. Seal through-penetrations with firestopping sealant specified in Division 7 Section "Firestopping." ADruSTINC. CLEANINC. AND PROTECTION Adjust cabinet doors that do not swing or operate freely. Refinish or replace cabinets and doors damaged during installation. Provide final protection and maintain conditions that ensue that cabinets and doors are without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION IO52O VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns truc tio n Do c ume nts I5 October 2001 B. 3.4 A. B. c. HLM 98OO7I.M r0520-4 I SECTION IO8OI TOILETANDBATHACCESSORIESI I- SECTION IO8OI -TOILETANDBATHACCESSORIES I PART l -GENERAL I I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTSI A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and I Division I Specification Sections, apply to this Section.r r 1.2 SLJMMARY ' A. This Section includes the fbllowinc: I l. Toilet and bath accessories.I B. Related Sections include the followins: I l. Division l0 Section "foitt cJ*p"rnn"nts" for compartrnents and screens. I I.3 SI,JBMITTALSI A. Product Data: Include construction details, material descriptions and thicknesses, dimensions, profiles, I -' fastening and mounting methods, specified options, and finishes for each type of accessory specified. !B. Product Schedule: Indicating types, quantities, sizes, and installation locations by room of each accessory I required. Use designations indicated in the Toilet and Bath Accessory Schedule and room designations t indicated on Drawings in product schedule. C. Maintenance Data: For accessories to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division 1. Provide I lists of replacement parts and service recommendations. I I r.4 QUALITYASSLJRANCE II A. Source Limitations: Provide products of same manufacturer for each type of accessory unit and for units exposed to view in same areas, unless otherwise approved by Architect. I B. Product Options: Accessory requirements, including those for materials, finishes, dimensions, capacities, and performance, are established by specific products indicated in the Toilet and Bath Accessory - Schedule.r I l. Other manufacturers' products with equal characteristics may be considered. See Division I Section "Substitutions." 2. Do not modify aesthetic effects, as judged solely by Architect, except with Architectt approval. Where modifications are proposcd, submit comprchensive explanatory data to Architect for review. HLM 98U71-U VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER IOSOI.I Co ns tructio n Doc un e nts 15 October 2001 I I I SECTION IO8O|TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES I.5 WARRANTY A. Manufacturer's guarantee to be free from defects in workmanship and material lbr 1 year tiom substantial comoletion. COORDINATION Coordinate accessory locations with other work to prevent interference with clearances required for access by disablcd persons, proper installation, adjustment, operation, cleaning, and servicing of accessories. PART 2 - PRODUCTS MANTJFACTURERS Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering acccssories that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: l. Toilet and Bath Accessories: a. Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc. b. Architect Approved Equal. MATERIALS Manufactures standard, based on toilet and bath accessory listed in THE TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORY SCHEDULE at the end of this section. FABRICATION General: One, maximum l-ll2-inch- diameter, unobtrusive stamped manufacturer logo, as approved by Architect, is permitted on exposed face of accessories. On interior surface not exposed to view or back surface of each accessory, provide printed, waterproof label or stamped nameplate indicating manufacturer's name and product model number. Surface-Mounted Toilet Accessories: Unless otherwise indicated, fabricate units with tight seams and joins, and exposed edges rolled. Hang doors and access panels with continuous stainless-steel hinge. Provide concealed anchorage where possible. Recessed Toilet Accessories: Unless otherwise indicated, fabricate units of all-welded construction, without mitered corners. Hang doors and access panels with full-tength, stainless-steel hinge. Providc anchorage that is fully conccalcd whcn unit is closed. Keys: Provide universal keys for internal access to accessories for servicing and resupplying. Provide minimum of six keys to Owner's representative. PART 3 - EXECUTION HLM 980071-04 VA I L VAI.I,EY M EDI CAL C ENTER C o nstruc tio n Doc ume nts 15 October 2001 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. C. D. 1.6 2.1 2.2 z,J r0801-2 B. 3.1 3.2 J.J I t I I t t I I I l-. t I I I I I I SECTION 10801 TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIE'S INSTALLATION Install accessories according to manufacturers' written instructions, using fasteners appropriate to substrate indicated and recommended by unit manufacturer. Install units level, plumb, and firmly anchored in locations and at heishts indicated. Secure minors to walls in "ol""ut"a, tamper-resistant manner with special hangers, toggle bolts, or screws. Set units level, plumb, and square at locations indicated, according to manufacturer's written instructions for substrate indicated. Install grab bars to withstand a downward load of at least 250 lbf when tested according to method in ASTM F446. ADJUSTINC AND CLEANING Adjust accessories for unencumbered, smooth operation and veriff that mechanisms function properly. Replace damaged or defective items. Remove temporary labels and protective coatings. Clean and polish exposed surfaces according to manufacturer's written recommendations. TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORY SCHEDTJLE TA-l: Stainless Ste€l Grab Bar:. l-112" diameter. Bobrick #8-6806 X 36. Stainless Steel with Satin Finish. TA-2: Stainless Steel Grab Bar: 1-112" diameter. Bobrick #B-6806 X 42. Stainless Steel with Satin Finish. C. TA-3: Recessed Paper Towel Dispenser and Waste Receptacle; Bobrick # 8-39003. Stainless Steel with Satin Finish. D. TA-4: Recessed Toilet-Seat-Cover Dispenser, Sanitary Napkin Disposal, and Toilet Tissue Dispenser; Bobrick # 9-3574. Stainless Steel with Satin Finish. E. TA-5: Lavatory-Mounted Soap Dispenser for Soaps and Detergents; Bobrick # B-8221. Stainless Steel with Bright Polished Finish. F. TA-6: Recessed Napkin/Tampon Vendors; Bobrick # 8-3500. Stainless Steel with Satin Finish. C. TA-7: Heavy-Duty Robe Hook with Concealed Mounting; Bobrick # B-2116. One Piece Brass Casting with Satin Nickel-plated Finish. H. TA-8: Coat Hook with Bumoer: Bobrick # B-21 2. Solid Cast Aluminum with Matte Finish. I. TA-9: Surface-Mounted Toilet Tissue Disoenser and Utilitv Shelf: Bobrick # 8-2840.60. Stainless Steel with Satin Finish. J. TA- l0: Partition-Mounted Toilet-Seat-Cover Dispenser, Sanitary Napkin Disposal, and Toilet Tissue Dispenser (Serves two toilet companments.); Bobrick # B-3571. Stainless Steel with Satin Finish. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co ns truc tio n D oc ume nts 15 October 2001 B. B. c. r I HLM 980071-04 10801-3 SECTION IO8O|TOILET AND BATH ACCESSORIES I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I TA- 1 l: Shelf with Mop and Broom Holder and Rag Hooks; Bobrick #B-224 X 30". Stainless steel with satin finish TA-12: Surface Mounted Paper Towel Dispenser; Bobrick # 8-262. Stainless steel with satin finish. TA-13: Stainless steel grab bar; I W' diameter. Bobrick #B-68137. Stainless steel with satin finish. END OF SECTION IO8OI VAI L VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstructio n Doc ume rrls 15 October 2(MI L. M. HLM 98OO7I.M 10801-4 I I I I t t I I I l:' I I T I I I I l" I SECTION IjUO PART I - GENERAL BASIC M ECHAN I CAL RESUIREM ENTS SECTION 15OIO BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS l.l t.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS The General Provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division I - Specification Sections and Contract Documents apply to work in this section. Consult them for further instructions and be eovemed bv the requirements thereunder. SUMMARYOFWORK Description of Systems The work of Division I 5 includes but is not limited to: l. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems 2. Plumbing Systems 3. Fire Protection Systems. Work Included Fumish all labor and materials and perform'all operations necessary for the installation of complete and operating mechanical systems subject to the conditions of the contract. The work also includes the completion of such mechanical and electrical details not mentioned or shown which are necessary for the successful operation of all systems; this includes the fumishing of all materials for filling systems to make them operable, including water, refrigerant, oil and grease. Prove satisfactory operation of all equipment and controls to the Consulting Mechanical Engineer on request. Work Not Included (Specified elsewhere) Certain labor and materials may be furnished and/or installed under other divisions of these specifications. Coordinate with other trades and arrange the work to make the parts fit together. The following items are to be accomplished under other divisions of these specifications. I . Fixed concrete bases for mechanical equipment: Division 3 Anchor bolts, setting diagrams, base sizes and other required information furnished under Division 15. Concrete for inertia bases for mechanical equipment: Division 3. Steel forms provided under Division 15. Concrete surrounding buried ductwork: Division 3. Tie downs for buried ductwork under Division 15. Masonry wall opening lintels: Division 4. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction D ocuments 15 oCTOBER 2001 A. B. C. J. A.'. HLM 980071-04 15010-1 SECTION 15010 G. I I I I I I I I I I I 5. D. E. BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Wall openings and Chases: Under applicable sections according to information furnished under Division 15. 6. Access Panels: Fumished and located by Division 15 installer as specified in Division 8 for installation by appropriate trades. 7. Painting (except mechanical identification systems): Division 9. 8. RoofCurbs Curbs for all equipment located on the roof shall be fumished under Division 6 except for any prefab curbs specified herein. Roof flashings to be specified under Division 7. All counter flashing shall be fumished and installed by this Contractor of the same material as specified in Division 7. Related Requirements 1. General Requirements: Division 1 - All Sections. 2. Mechanical: Division 15 - All Sections. 3. Electrical equipment and wiring: This Section. 4. Basic Materials and Methods: Section 15050. 5. Mechanical Identification: Section 15190. 6. Testing, Adjusting and Balancing: Section 15990. Equipment Furnished by Owner 1. General: Also see Division I . 2. Rough-in service pipes to locations as required by architectural and mechanical drawings and equipment shop drawings. Provide service valves on all pipes except waste and vent pipes, plug or cap these. Final connections to equipment will be made by this contractor. (This Conhactor will provide all necessary equipment or items required for final connections to equipment). Examination of Premises Visit the premises before submitting bid as no extras will be allowed for lack of knowledge of existing conditions. Inspection Inspect work proceeding or interfacing with work of Division 15 Sections and report any known or observed defects that affect the work to the General Contractor. Do not proceed with work until defects are corrected. Existine Utilities F. I I I I IH. t I i . The plans indicate the location, type and sizes of various utilities within the site where known. These utilities are indicated as accurately as possible. If utilities I are encountered during construction which are not shown on the drawings, ask I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Docume nts I5 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 980071-04 15010-2 2. J. I I I I I I I I SECTION 15UO B AS IC ME CHANICAL REQAIRE M ENTS for instructions from the Architect. Any relocation or remodeling required will then be directed by change order. Assume all responsibility for protection of all utilities, shown or not, and repair any damage caused by this construction at no extra charge to the Owner. Investigate with proper authorities for all existing water taps, etc. and make arrangements to pay for all removal charges in original bid. Owners of all underground facilities shall be notified at least 3 business days prior to excavation so that the owners can locate and mark underground facilities. (Utility Notification Center of Colorado) Definitions l. 2. 3. "Provide" means Confactor is responsible for the fumishing and installation of. "Exposed" means in equipment rooms, unfinished areas, above "pushup" ceilings, accessible pipe tunnels, etc. where pipe is accessible. "Concealed" means in such spaces as pipe chases, pipe trenches, above plaster ceilings, in walls and buried where pipe is inaccessible when building is completed.I I, I t I I I I I I I 1.3 4. "Conditioned" space, as it applies to duct insulation and duct sealing systems, means any space which is heated and/or cooled by the air discharged from a duct system which is located in that space. If air is delivered from a ductwork system in an amount unable to maintain space temperature in the 68'F to 78oF range, then the space is classified as "unconditioned". Mechanical rooms and ceiling plenums are classified as "unconditioned" spaces. 5. "Mechanical Room" means any space or area which contains equipment providing heating, cooling, ventilation, plumbing distribution, or mechanical/plumbing system utility generation and distribution capabilities. These spaces are defined as "Mechanical Rooms" even if they are called by another name (i.e. boiler room, chiller room, machine room, etc.). COORDINATION General Coordrnate and order the progress of mechanical work to conform to the Owner's schedule and the progress of the work of the other trades. Complete the entire installation as soon as the condition of the building will permit. Ceiling space is limited. Contractor is responsible for coordinating with all other trades to fit the required systems and components within the space available. Offset ductwork, piping, etc., as necessary. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns tructio n D o cume nts I5 OCTOBER 2OOI A. HLM 980071-04 15010-3 SECTION 15010 BAS IC MECHANICAL RESAIREMENTS B. Utility Interruptions Coordinate mechanical utility interruptions with the Owner and the Utility Company. Plan work so that duration of the intemrption is kept to a minimum. C. Cutting and Patching See Section 15050 D. Drawings and Specifications t.Mechanical drawings are diagrammatic and because of the small scale, it is not possible to indicate every required offset, fitting, etc. Drawings are not to be scaled for dimensions. Take all dimensions from Architectural drawings, certified equipment drawings and from the structure itself before fabricating any work. Verify all space requirements, coordinating with other hades, and install the systems in the space provided without extra charges to the Owner. Examine Drawings and Specifications for other parts of the work, and if any discrepancies occur between the plans for the work of this Division and the plans for the work of others, report such discrepancies to the General Contractor and obtain written instructions for any changes necessary. The precedence of mechanical construction documents is as follows: a. Addenda and modifications to the Drawings and Specifications take precedence over the original Drawings and Specifications. b. Should there be a conflict within the Specifications or within Drawings of the same scale, the more stringent or higher quality requirements shall apply. c. In the Drawings, the precedence shall be Drawings of larger scale over those of smaller scale, figured dimensions over scaled dimensions and noted materials over graphic indications. d. Should a conflict arise between the Drawings and the Specifications for products indicated on the Drawings, the Specifications shall have precedence. e. Should there be a conflict in dimensions or locations between Mechanical Drawings and Architectural Drawings, the Architectural Drawings shall have precedence. Electrical Equipment and Wiring for Mechantcal Divisron 1. Responsibility Unless otherwise indicated, all motors and controls shall be furnished, set in place and wired in accordance with the following schedule. (MD is Division 15000, ED is Division 16000. Refer to the Mechanical/Elechical Schedule and Equipment Schedules on the drawings for additional information. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 OCTOBER 2OOI I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I 2. 3. E. HLM 980071-04 15010-4 I | ^ sECrIoN Isoto I I I t I t I I*, t I I I I t I BASIC M ECHANICAL RE QAIRE M ENTS (l) If furnished as part of factory wired equipment, power wiring only by ED. f\J I HLM98007r-04 VATLVALLEYMEDTCALCENTER 15010-5r Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 I ITEM FURNISHED UNDER SET IN PLACE ORMOI.]NTED I.JNDER POWER WIRING CONTROL WIRING Equipment Motors and Thermal overloads, resistance heaters.MD MD ED Motor Controllers; magnetic starters, reduced voltage starters, and overload relavs.MD(4)ED(l)ED MD Disconnect switches. fused or unfused, H.P. rated switches, thermal overload switches and fuses, manual operating switches. ED(1)ED(r)ED Pushbutton stations, pilot lights, multi-speed switches, float switches, thermostats, control relays, time clocks, control transformers, control panels, motor valves, damper motors, solenoid valves, EP and PE switches, interlocks and boiler controls.MD MD ED MD(2) Contactors, 120V control circuit outlets for conhol panels and for boiler controls.ED ED ED MD Fire Protection Conhols and Switches.MD MD ED MD(3) Smoke Detectors (Duct Mounted). ED MD ED(3)MD(3) Fire/Smoke Dampers, Smoke Dampers.MD MD ED ED I t I I I I t t I t I I I I I I I I I 1.4 1.5 SECTION 15010 BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS (2) If float switches, line thermostats, P.E. switches, time switches, etc., carry the FULL LOAD CURRENT to any device they shall be furnished and set in place by the Division 15000, but shall be connected under the Division 16000. If they do not carry the FULL LOAD CURRENT to any motor they shall be tumished, set in place and wired under the Division 15000 Control devices carrying full load current furnished by Division 15000 and wired by Division 16000 shall be located at the device being controlled, unless shown otherwise on the drawings or mutual agreement is made between the contractors with no change in the conhact price. (3) Wiring from alarm contacts to alarm system by ED; all control function wiring by MD. MD to coordinate locations with ED. (4) Starters located in motor control center as noted in mechanical/electrical schedule on drawings furnished by ED. 2. Connections to all controls direotly attached to ducts, piping and mechanical equipment shall be made with flexible connectors. REFERENCE STANDARDS A. For products or workmanship specified by association, trade, or Federal Standards, comply with requirements of the standard, except when more rigid requirements are specified or are required by applicable codes. B. The date of the standard that is in effect at the bid date. or date of Owner/Contractor Agreement when there are no bids, except when a specific date is specified or when the standard is part ofan applicable code which includes an edition date. C. When required by individual Specifications section, obtain copy of standard. Maintain copy at job site during work until Substantial Completion. D. Schedule of Referenced Orsanizations: See Division I SUBMITTALS A. Submit samples, shop drawings and product data as required by various sections of Division 15 in accordance with Division l. Make submittals to Architect. Do not make submittals directly to the Engineer. B. Also Refer to Shop Drawings, this Section. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 980071-04 15010-6 I I -_. I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I-' I SECTION 15010 B AS IC M E CHANICAL RE OAIREM ENTS 1.6 QUALITY ASSTiRANCE A. Preparation Base final installation of materials and equipment on actual dimensions and conditions at the project site. Field measure for materials or equipment requiring exact fit. B. Workmanship Perform work in accordance with good commercial practice. The good appearance of the finished work shall be of equal importance with its mechanical efficiency. The Architect/Engineer may reject work if worhnanship and appearance are not satisfactory. C. Supervision Be responsible for and coordinate the work of all subcontractors working under Division 15. Installation Procedures Confer and cooperate with other trades and coordinate the work in proper relation with theirs. Coordinate ceiling cavity space carefully with other trades. Properly locate anchors, chases, recesses and openings required for the proper installation of the work. Arrange with the proper contractors for the building of anchors, etc. and for the leaving of the required chases, recesses and openings including required space for fire dampers and sleeves. Install all work to permit removal (without damage to other parts) of coils, heat exchanger bundles, boiler tubes, fan shafts and wheels, filters, belt guards, sheaves and drives, and all other parts which might require periodic replacement or maintenance. Arrange pipes, ducts and equipment to permit ready access to valves, traps, starters, motors, control components and to clear the openings of doors and ofaccess panels. Offsets, transitions and changes in direction in pipes and ducts shall be made as required. Maintain proper head room and pitch of sloping pipes whether or not indicated on the drawings. Fumish and install all ductwork fittings, traps, air vents, sanitary vents, etc., as required to effect these offsets, transitions and changes in direction. Install equipment and materials in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations unless specifically indicated otherwise, or where local codes or regulations take precedence. Conceal all piping in finished areas of the building except where otherwise noted on the drawings. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o n st r uc tio n D o c um e nts 1s ocToBER 2001 D. E. F. LJ. H. HLM 980071-04 1s010-7 SECTION I'UO BAS IC ME CHANICAL RE O UIRE M ENTS J. Protection l. Where there are existing facilities, be responsible for the protection thereof, whether or not such facility is to be removed or relocated. Moving or removing any facility must be done so as not to cause interruption of the work or Owner's operatron. 2. Close ends of pipe and ductwork during construction with caps or plugs to prevent enbry of foreign material. Protect insulation against dirt, water, chemical or mechanical damage before, during and after installation, Protect fixtures and equipment against damage during mechanical work. 3. Provide protection for concrete slabs where cutting or threading of piping occurs, storage of equipment, etc. K. Piping & Ductwork Testing: See Section 15050 1.7 REGULATORYANDCODEREQUIREMENTS A. Apply for and pay for all permits (plan review fees), fees, licenses and inspections for this Division of work. Do not include the cost of any "Plant Investment Fee" or "System Development Charge" for sewer and./or water charged by the City. This will be arranged for and paid for by the Owner. Do not include the cost of any "Gas Application Fee" charged by the Utility Company. This will be arranged for and paid for by the Owner. Comply with state and local code requirements and ordinances. Comply with requirements of the Utility Companies. In the case of differences between these requirements and ordinances, the most stringent shall govern. Call for inspections required by local building inspection authority. Applicable Building Codes and Ordinances: Including but not limited to the following: Uniform Building Code, 1997 Edition Uniform Mechanical Code, 1997 Edition Uniform Plumbing Code, 1997 Edition (where in conflict with the UBC, the UBC requirements take precedence) Uniform Fire Code, 1997 Edition Goveming Fire Department Requirements Utility Company Requirements State Department of Labor Requirements State Department of Health Requirements National Fire Protection Associat'ion Standards State and Federal Saf'ety and Health Laws VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I I I I I I I I .^,I IC. D.I I I I I I I I E. HLM 980071-04 15010-8 t I 2. B. I I r.8 I I I t T l- J. A 5. 6. t I t I I I I I"- SECTION l5OIO CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLSA. General Comply with Division 1. Temporary Heating or Cooling t. BASIC MECHANICAL REQAIREMENTS NFPA 70 Latest Edition - National Electrical Code NFPA 90A Latest Edition - Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems City of Vail requirements Temporary heating or cooling will be fumished by the General Contractor. See Division I . Use of the permanent heating system will not be allowed without written authorization from the Consulting Mechanical Engineer and Owner. In case where thepermanent heating or cooling system is approved for use as temporary heat, the General Contractor shall pay all costs until acceptance by the Owner. These costs shall include but not be limited to natural gas, fuel oil, electricity, water, chemical treatment, salt and filter media. If the permanent heating system is authorized for use, the building must be totally enclosed with final materials and no temporary barriers unless acceptable to Architect, and source ofheat supply is permanently installed. System must be sufficiently complete, including conhols, to permit its safe operation as acceptable to the Mechanical Conhactor. Mechanical Contractor is solely responsible for the safe operation of the system. Once the heating system has been placed into operation, do not shut down except for moderate weather. Maintain heated areas at a minimum temperature of 500F and a maximum of 85oF 24 hours a day. When any air handling equipment is used for temporary heat, install and maintain temporary filters. Before building acceptance by Owner, install new filters. This is over and above any extra set(s) of filters to be provided the Owner as called for in the specifications. Clean coils if necessary, as determined by the Architect. Systems used for temporary heat are the Contractor's responsibility to maintain, and put into first class working order before acceptance by the Owner. Equipment wananties that start with the use of equipment for temporary heat shall be extended by the Contractor so that the Owner will have the full one year warranty required by the Contract Documents from the date of acceptance of the building or space. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructio n Doc u ments t5 ocToBER 2001I HLM 980071-04 I 5010-9 SECTION ISUO BAS IC MEC HANICAL RE QAIRE M E NTS I.9 DELIVERY,STORAGEANDHANDLING A. Gcncral L Comply with Division I 2. Provide for proper storage of all materials and equipment and assume responsibility for losses due to any cause. All storage shall be within the contract limit lines of the building site. Off site storage will be allowed if permitted under Division 1 requirements. Cover and store all equipment and materials out of elements and off of the ground; any rusted or weather damaged item will not be permitted to be used. Make anangements with other contractors on the job for introduction into the building of equipment too large to pass through finished openings. B. Acceptance Check and sigr for materials to be fumished by others for installation under Division l5 upon delivery. Assume responsibility for the storage and safekeeping of such materials from time of delivery until final acceptance. 1.IO PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS A. Prior to Bidding l. See Instructions to Bidders. Material, equipment or service specified by name is used as a basis of standard. Equivalents to items named in the specifications may be used if accepted before bidding. Requests for acceptance shall be received at the Consulting Mechanical Engineer's office at least l0 calendar days before bid opening. When any product is specified only by requirement to meet an industry standard or regulating body standard (such as U.L. AGA, AWWA, ANSI, etc.)and the item proposed carries approval of that body, no prior acceptance by the Consulting Mechanical Engineer is needed. When any product or service is specified by requirement to meet a performance standard or is specifieo by a generic specification, (no manufacfurers name listed) no prior acceptance by the Consulting Mechanical Engineer is needed except as specifically called for in these specifications. Action for substitutions specified herein will be given only after the receipt of complete data showing performance over entire range, make and project manual identification number, physical dimensions and material construction all SPECIFICALLY marked for the individual item. Letter of transmittal with at least ( 1) copy of all descriptive data shall be submitted to the Consulting Mechanical Engineer's office. Data may not be returned; reference addenda for approval to bid. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructio tt Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OOI I I I I t I I I I I2. I I I I I t I I A 5. t 3. HLM 980071-04 15010-10 2. J. I I T I I I c) d) e) 0 I I I T I I I I-_ I T I l--' t SECTION 15010 B. Substitutions 1. ComplywithDivisionl l.lr SHOP DRAWINGS BASIC MECHANICAL RESUIREMENTS Materials, equipment or services listed by several identifuing names are intended to be bidder's choice, and any of the listed names may be bid without soliciting prior acceptance. Where more than one name is given in the specifications, the first named manufacturer's material, equipment or services is contemplated and any changes and their costs, required to accommodate the other named material or equipment as well as space requirements for the other named materials or equipment, must be assumed by the Contractor in his bid. Material and equipment specified is used as a basis of standard, and while not specifically mentioned, material gauges, weights, appearance and space requirements must be met by any substitutions. B. See Division I . Shop Drawings are to be handled in groups, each processed in a different manner as follows: 1. Items fumished that are specified by indusry or regulating body standard and/or by performance or generic speciflcation require no shop drawing submittals. Copies shall be included in the Operating and Maintenance Instruction Manuals. 2. Submit shop drawings for all materials and equipment named in these specifications showing any changes required in piping, ducting, electrical wiring, space allocation etc. Be responsible to make all changes required to accommodate and to pay for these changes. Coordinate changes required with all other trades. Pay for all changes resulting from re-arranging equipment. 3. The following items require shop drawing submittals prior to commencing work: a) All fixtures and equipment, including items called out by manufacturers name and model number. b) All substituted items. All changes from the plans or specifications. Temperature Controls. Fire Sprinkler Systems. Motors and Starters VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 15010-11 SECTION 15010 BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Include copies of these items in the Operating and Maintenance manuals. Submit shop drawings with one item per sheet so that a file may be set up for each specified item. Temperature control, fire protection and oiher submittals requiring drawings or diagrams shall be submitted on the same size drawing and format, and the same type of mylar film as the construction document drawings. Where shop drawing submittals are required, furnish at least in triplicate for action. Do not begin work until one (l) copy is retumed. Review ofshop drawings is for general conformance with the design concept of the project and does not relieve this Conhactor from the responsibility of fumishing equipment and materials of proper dimension, size, quantity, quality and all performance characteristics to efficiently perform the requirements and intent of the contract documents. Review does not relieve this Contractor from responsibility for errors on the shop drawings. Approval ofa specific item does not include approval of the assembly of which the item is a component. If the shop drawings deviate from the contract documents, advise the Consulting Mechanical Engineer of the deviations in writing accompanying the shop drawings, including the reasons for the deviations. Coordinate all required changes with the other hades affected. If the changes are occasioned by the Contractor, he shall pay any costs involved. I,I2 CLEANING Comply with Division l. Clean exposed surfaces of piping, hangers, ducts and other exposed items of grease, dirt or other foreign material. Remove rubbish and debris resulting from the operations and leave equipment spaces clean and ready for use. Refinish or repaint items at the discretion of the Architect. I.I3 PROJECT RECORD DRAWING A. Comply with Division 1. B. File atjob site one copy ofDrawings, Specifications, Addenda, approved shop drawings, change orders, field orders, test records, other modifications to Contract Documents. C. Temperature control and fire protection drawings shall be in the same drawing size and format, and the same type of mylar film as the construction document. D. Do not use Project Record Documents for construction purposes. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns t r uctio n D o cum e nts I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 I I I I I I I I 4. 5. I I I I I I I I I I B. I HLM 980071-04 15010-12 I I l^ I T I T I I l_ I I I I I t- t SECTION 15UO B AS IC ME C HANICAL REQUI RE ME NTS E. Legibly mark with red pencil field changes, such as the following, referenced to permanent and accessible features of the site or building as applicable. Do not permanently conceal any work until required information is recorded. I . Drawings: a) Locations ofunderground work. b) Locationsofconcealedutilities. c) Field changes of dimension and detail. d) Changes resulting from change order or field order. e) Details not on original drawings. 2. Specifications Manufacturer, model number of equipment actually installed, revised construction orocedures. 3. Shop Drawings Changes made after Architect/Engineer's approval. F. At completion of Work, deliver completed Project Record Documents marked with field changes to Architect/Engineer, including temperature conkol and frre protection "as- built" shop drawings. 1.14 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Comply with Division l. B. Submit 3 fyped and hard bound copies of Operating and Maintenance Manuals to Architect for approval prior to scheduling any system demonstration for the Owner. Books shall be arranged in sequence to match the equipment schedules included in the specifications. C. The books shall contain, but not be limited to, the following general items; each item shall be provided with a separate index tab. I . Instructions (On Contractor's Letterhead Stationery) on who to call for service during guarantee period including name, address, and 24 hour telephone number of company responsible for servicing each piece of equipment or system. 2. Maintenance instructions (On Contractor's Letterhead Stationery) shall include: (can be referenced to manufacturer's manual with appropriate page numbers, etc.) a) Preventative maintenance schedule for necessary cleaning, replacement and/or adjustment of all items such as belt drives, safety controls, oil and refrigerant charges. b) Cleaning schedule of all strainers, haps, coils, tubes, tower pans, sprays, etc. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co n structio n D o cu me nts I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 I I HLM 980071-04 15010-13 SECTION 15010 I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I c) d) e) f) c) 3. BASIC MECHANICAL REOUIREMENTS Filter cleaning and/or replacement schedule. Lubrication charts showing type of lubricant and frequencies for each piece of equipment. Water heatment recommendations for heating condenser water svstems. Belt and filter chad showing size and quantity required for each applicable piece of equipment. Manufacturer's manuals (current originals, copies are not acceptable) for each piece of equipment installed (including equipment not requiring shop drawings) identified by drawing code numbers as they appear on the drawing and in the specifications. Manuals shall include the following, as applicable: a) Description of unit and component parts: ( I ) Function, normal operating characteristics and limiting conditions. (2) Performance curves, engineering data and tests for pumps and fans. Curves shall include flow rate, pressure, HP, RPM and efficiency. (3) Complete nomenclature and commercial part number of replaceable parts. (4) Installationinstructionsheets. (5) Complete wiring diagrams. b) Recommended procedures: (l) Start-up, break-in, routine lubrication and operating instructions and cautions. (2) Regulation, control, stari/stop, shut-down and emergency instructions. (3) Special summer and winter operating cautions. Maintenance (l) Routine care (2) Guide to trouble shooting (3) Disassembly, repair and reassembly (4) Alignment, adjusting and checking(5) Water treatment (6) List ofrequired lubricants and schedule (7) Filter cleaning or replacement schedule (8) Parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings and diagrams required for maintenance. (9) Predicted life ofparts subject to wear VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructio n Doc uments 15 OCTOBER 2001 and application methods water, chilled water and HLM 980071-04 15010-14 I I I I I I t- I SECTION 15010 BAS IC ME C HANICAL REQAIRE M ENTS All warranties provided by the Manufacturer on their equipment that run longer than the one year warranty by the Contractor. Valve chart(s) with schematic floor diagrams indicating valve locations with numbers labeled on valve chart. All temperature conhol diagrams and sequences (as-builts on the same size drawings and format, and same type of mylar film construction document drawings.) and component descriptive literature. See Section 15900. All equipment start up logs including certification of start up by manufacturer. Balance Reports: air and water. See Section 15990. All pipe and ductwork pressure test certifrcations. Domestic water sterilization certification. I 1. Medical Gas Piping Systems Certification. D. Provide lubrication and filter maintenance charts, to be mounted adjacent to or on equipment. Charts shall provide information as noted above and shall provide a means for maintenance personnel to record when and what maintenance was accomplished. E. These O & M books shall be considered a part of the final observation and shall be submitted for approval at least fifteen days prior to a request for a final observation. 1.I5 FINAL OBSERVATION A. Comply with Division 1. B. Prior to notifying the Architect that the project is ready for the final observation the Conhactor must submit the O & M manuals 15 days prior and the Balance Report 7 days prior and shall veriff, in writing, that: I . All systems are complete along with balancing. 2. All systems have been properly started and are operational. 3. All controls are complete, operational and sequences have been checked and are functioning properly. C. When the Contractor notifies the Architect that the project is ready for a final observation, the Architect will visit the job site and will prepare a final punch list of all the items on the project that shall be finished or corrected before the project can be accepted. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o n stru ctio n D o c um e nts 15 oCTOBER200t 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I I I I I I I t I t t HLM 980071-04 15010-15 SECTION 1sUO BAS I C M ECHAN ICAL REQUIREM ENTS D. When the Contractor notifies the Architect that all items on the above punch list have been completed and corrected, the Architect will visit the project to ascertain that all the items on the punch list have been corrected and can be accepted. E. Architect shall be paid out of project contingency fee for all other successive trips to the project that are made necessary because not all the items in the punch list were corrected at the time ofthe second visit described above. F. The Architect will charge the trips according to his current fee, including hansportation and subsistence. 1.16 WARRANTIES A. All materials and equipment shall be new unless otherwise specified. B. Provide a written warranty to the Owner covering the entire mechanical work to be free from defective materials, equipment and workrnanship for a period of one year after Date of Acceptance. During this period provide labor and materials as required to repair or replace defects at no additional cost to the Owner. Provide certificates (include in O & M Manuals) for such materials or equipment which have warranties in excess of one year. Include dates of start and end of the warranty and manufacturer's representative name and telephone number. C. This warranty will be superseded by warranty modifrcations resulting fiom use of equipment for construction heating or cooling. 1.r7 DEMONSTRATTONS IA. Conduct demonstrations only after systems have been through start-up procedures, f systems are complete and operating, and operating and maintenance data is complete. B. Instruct the Owner's representatives on the proper operation and maintenance of the mechanical systems. Include seasonal concerns and operations. Provide a minimum of 6 hours of instruction. Systems: All mechanical systems listed in these specifications. See applicable sections of Division I 5 for additional reouirements. Contractor's Representatives : l. Contractor's representatives shall have a thorough knowledge of the particular installation. 2. Manufacturer's representatives shall have a thorough understanding of each particular piece of equipment. Scheduling: Arrange and schedule demonstration times with Architect. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o ns tr uctio n D o c ume nts 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I c. D. E. HLM 980071-04 I 5010-16 I I . _ SECTTON 1s010 BASIC MECHANTCAL REQaTREMENTS - F. Location: Conduct demonstrations at project including tours of systems.I r G. Operating and Maintenance Data: Arrange for data to be at demonstrations. Include review ofdata at demonstrations. r H. Time Allotment: Provide demonstrations of adequate time periods, except as noted elsewhere, to ensure proper understanding of systems by Owner's representative. r I. Furnish ladders, tools, etc. as required to provide access to all equipment and controls for demonstrations. - 1.18 SYSTEM AND EQUIPMENT START-UP - A. General: Veri$ that: r l. Building enclosure is complete. 2. Excess building materials and debris have been removed. I 3. Building is broom clean. I B. Inspect preceding work to ensure that:r l. Electrical: Verify with Division 16 contractor that: a) Temporary services are disconnected and permanent utility services are capable of full load.I b) Connections in main switchgear and sub-panels are tight. c) Necessary tests and check meter readings have been made. d) Wiring to motors and confrols required for operational smoke and fireI prolecllon code demonstrations are complete. 2. Mechanical:I a) Specified tests on piping, ductwork and related systems have been made. b) Operational and performance tests have been made. c) Each piece of equipment comprising a part of system has been checked for proper lubrication, drive rotation, belt tension, proper conhol sequence, and any other condition which may cause damage to equipment or endanger personnel. C. Start-Up and Testing: 1. Notify Architect at least two (2) days in advance of the start-up of mechanical systems. 2. Complete tests required by code authorities including smoke detection, fire protection and health codes. 3. Insure that control systems are fully operational in automatic mode. - -/I HLM980071-04 VATLVALLEYMEDICALCENTER 15010-17 Co nstr uctio n D ocum e nts 15 oCTOBER2001 I I I I I I SECTION 15UO BASIC MECHANICAL REQAIREMENTS After test runs have been completed and systems have been demonstrated to be satisfactory and ready for permanent operation, clean or replace permanent pipeline strainers, clean and recoat pernanent filters, replace throwaway air filters with new, properly adjust valve and pump packings, adjust belt tensions, secure drive guards in place, check lubrication and replenish ifrequired. If systems are not to continue in use following the start-up procedures take steps to insure against accidental operation or operation by unauthorized personnel. All refrigeration equipment, boilers, rooftop units, units specihed with conhols, and other equipment so specifled shall be started by the manufacturer or under the manufacturer's supervision. Start-up data shall be recorded in logs. If a unit or piece of equipment is specified with factory conhols to accomplish a sequence, it shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer to veriff that the specified sequence is being met. This verification shall be noted on the start-up log; coordinate with control conkactor. Copies of start-up logs shall be forwarded to Mechanical Engineer and included in Operation and Maintenance manuals. The contractor to adjust settings thru first year as required by Mechanical Engineer. Balancing shall occur after the start-up procedures have been completed. 1.19 CONTRACTCLOSEOUTPROCEDURE Comply with Division L Approval for final payment will not be given until the following items have been submitted and reviewed. Refer to other sections of these specification for soecific reourrements: Proj ect Record Drawings. Record of Piping and Ductwork Tests. Sterilization Certifi cation. Operation and Maintenance Manuals. Equipment Start-Up Logs. Balance Report. Keys for Mechanical Equipment, Panels, etc. Spare Equipment or Material Parts. Medical Gas Piping Systems Certification. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction D ocume nts 15 OCTOBER 2OOT I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I I t I I A 5. 6. 7. 8. B. HLM 980071-04 I 5010-1 I I I -..- sEcrroN rsoro t PARr2-PRoDUcrs Not Applicable I PARr3-EXECUTT'N I Not Applicable BAS r C M E CHANTCAL REQAIREM ENTS I I I I l; ENDOF SECTION I I I I I I I | - HLMgt007t-04 ,ATLVALLE,MEDT,AL,ENTER Is,n-D Co nstructio n Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I .._ t": I Section 15050 PART I -GENERAL BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS SECTION I5O5O BASIC MATERIAIS AND METHODS 1.1 t.2 I I I I I I I RELATED DOCLMENTS The General Provisions of the Confract, including General and supplementary Conditions and Division 1 - Specification Sections and Conhact Documents apply to work in this section. Consult them for further instuctions and be governed by the requirements thereunder. WORKINCLUDED Work Included in this Section 1. Pipe Supports, Anchors and Seals 2. Motors and Starters 3. Valves 4. Mechanical Excavation and Backfill 5. Pipe Installation 6. Welding 7. Supporting Steel 8. Vibration Isolation 9. Pipe and Ductwork Testing 10. ExpansionCompensation 11. Flushing, Cleaning and Sterilizing Fumish Only l. Access Panels: For appropriate section for installation. Related Requirements l. Mechanical and Electrical Coordination: Section 15010 2. Cutting and Patching: Division I 3. Excavation and Backfill: Division 2 4. Concrete: Division 3 5. Access Doors: Division 8 6. Basic Mechanical Requirements: Section 15010 Reference Standards and Codes l. Comply with Section 15010. 2. The Colorado Primary Drinking Water Regulations, 1991. 3. AWWA Standard C65l-86, Disinfecting Water Mains, 1986. RELATED WORK Mechanical: Division 15 - All Sections Testing, Adjusting and Balancing: Section 15990 Conhols and Instrumentati on 15900 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents T5 OCTOBER 2OO1 B. I I I I D. I.JI I A. B. c. T- I HLM 980071-04 15050-I I I I I I I I I A. B. 1.5 I I I I I I I I I I Section 15050 1.4 A. BASIC MATEMALS AND METHODS QUALITY ASSURANCE Welder Qualifications Welders shall be qualified per ANSVASME 831.9 Building Seryice Piping for the type of work being performed. YEAR 2OOO DATE FORMAT All Equipment, Software and Hardware, that use date information in their operation, will support the year 2000 date format. The scope of the Year 2000 date format must include, but is not limited to , the following criteria: All date-related calculations produce correct results for multi-century scenarios and after the Year 2000. This includes age calculations, duration calculations, scheduling calculations, etc. All manipulations and comparisons of date-related data produce the desired results for all valid date values within the scope of the application. This includes the following conditions: I. Current date 2. Pre-Year 2000 date 3. Rolloverfrom 1999 1o2000 4. Year 2000 Leap Year 5. Post-Year2000 date 6. Calculations involving more than century C. The application functions correctly without ending abnormally. D. The application recognizes Year 2000 as a leap year. E. The application provides conect results for all date-related calculations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS A. Equipment in each of the following categories shall be of one manufacturer or available thru one manufacturer (or vendor) for each category to facilitate ease of maintenance for the Owner. 1. Motors (open drip-proof squirrel cage) 2. Starters 3. Booster Pumps 4. Single Suction Pumps 5. Plumbing Fixture Trim 6. Thermometers 7. Pressure Gauges 8. Gate, Plug, Globe and Check Valves 9. Butterfly Valves (Individual valves not included in piping packages listed below)10. Ball Valves (Individual valves not included in piping packages listed below) I 1. Balancins Valves VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 I HLM 980071-04 150s0-2 I I I I I I I I I l, I t I t I I I l- I Section 15050 t2. t3. 14. 15. 16. BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS Equipment Connection Piping Packages Steam Traps Dielectric Unions Strainers Air Filters 2.2 MOTORS AND STARTERS General l. All motors, stiarters and other electrical contol equipmmt shall be listed per the reouirements of the National Electric Code. Submit motor and starter shop drawing per Section 15010. Motors t. Fumish double shielded ball bearings in accordance with ANSI 83.16-1992 for 314 motors and larger, squinel cage, open dripproof, copper windings, Class B or F insulation, 1800 and/or 1200 rpm, normal starting torque motor of the horsepower and current characteristics specified with thermal overload protection and dustproof and leakproof bearing rings and constructed for use at the altitude where the work is to be located. Motors l/2 HP or less may be split capacitor single phase with sleeve bearings and a standard frame size and rpm. Motors guaranteed to operate continuously at full load with temperature rise in any part not to exceed NEMA Standards. Motors shall be commercially, dynamically balanced and tested at the factory before shipment and selected for quiet operation. Provide motors for V-belt drives with a cast iron or steel base, with slide rail and adjustable screw device and belt guard. Line up motors and drives and place motors and equipment on foundations ready for operation. Provide temperature sensors in motor windings. a. Inverter Duty Motors (l) Motor supplied for use with Variable Frequency Drives shall be rated for inverter duty and must include a stainless steel nameplate showing 'Inverter Duty Motor'. (2) Nameplate shall also show that motor is suitable for variable torque operation on VFD power from 6 to 60H2, and show rated torque in lb- ft on inverter power in addition to the standard nameplate data specified in NEMA standards. (3) Motor manufacturer shall supply certification that motor includes an 'inverter grade' insulation system using not less than triple insulation layer wire and other features necessary to the voltage spike specifications of NEMA MG1- Motors shall also have a high rigidity stator core treatment. (4) Motor insulation shall be an "Inverter Grade" system designed to meet the voltage spike limits defined by NEMA MG1-1993, part31.40.4.2. Insulation systems must use triple layer magnet wire or must use magnet wire which has a Pulse Endurance Index @EI) greater than 50. Insulation systems utilizing heavy film and two film wire with a Pulse Endurance Index less than 50 are not acceptable. Complete insulation of the slot, cell and phase groups is required. The system shall be rated for class F rise or better. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 1s ocToBER 2001 A. B. HLM 980071-04 150s0-3 Section 15050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS (5) Inverter Duty stator core designs shall be of high rigidity type with reinforced end tum consfuction to minimize mechanical fatigue of the winding, and to reduce resonant noise. Single dip and bake cycles are not acceptable. (6) Motor manufacturer shall supply certification with submittals that the motor is constucted to meet all requiremants of NEMA MGl-1993, part 31. (7) Rotor cores and/or assemblies shall be of low vibration design that meets l/2 of the NEMA MGI recommended levels for balance.(8) Inverter duty motors shall include a normally closed winding over temperature thermostat suitable to be wired to the VFD panel for drive shutdown. (9) Refer to Section 15600 for VFD requirements. Where commercially available, motors rated geater than 5 IIP shall have a power factor of not less than 90 percent under rated load conditions. Where not commercially available, power factors shall be capacitor corrected by equipment manufacturer to at least 90 percent under rated load conditions. Motors shall have I . I 5 service factor at altitude. Motors, starters and other electrical contol equipmant in moist areas or special conditions, such as explosion proo{, shall be desigred and approved for installation in such areas. See schedules on drawings and equipmant specifications for starter type. Motor wiring shall terminate in a NEMA terminal box mounted on the motor case and shall be of the manufacturer's standard size. The terminal box shall have a bolt type copper ground connector. All general purpose motors shall have minimum full-load nominal efficiencies as listed in the following table: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nst r uctio n D oc u m e nts I5 OCTOBER 2OOI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t t I 3. 4. 5. HLM 980071-04 1s050-4 I Secrion tsoso I I I I I I I I I: I I I t BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS Motor efficiencies shall be tested in accordance with procedures specified in NEMA MGI- 1987 and IEEE Standard I12, Test Method B. Nominal full-load efficiency shall be listed on the electric motor's nameplate.I I I t*' I HLM 98OO7I-04 VAIL VALLEYMEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OOI ODP TEF'C RPM 1200 1800 3600 1200 1800 3600 Motor Horsepower I 80.0 82.5 x 80.0 82.5 75.5 1.5 84.0 84.0 82.5 85.5 84.0 82.5 )85.5 84.0 84.0 86.5 84.0 84.0 3 86.5 86.5 84.0 87.5 d /.)85.5 r 87.5 87.5 85.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 7.5 UU.)88.5 87.5 89.5 89.5 88.5 10 90.2 89.5 88.5 89.5 89.5 88.5 l5 90.2 91.0 89.5 90.2 91.0 90.2 20 91.0 91.0 90.2 90.2 91.0 90.2 25 91.7 91.7 91.0 91.7 92.4 91.0 30 92,4 92.4 91.0 91,7 92,4 91.0 40 93.0 93.0 9t.7 93.0 93.0 9r.7 50 93.0 93.0 92.4 93.0 93.0 92.4 60 93.6 93.6 93.0 93.6 93.6 93.0 75 93.6 94.1 93.0 93.6 94.1 93.0 100 94.1 94.1 93.0 94.1 94.5 93.6 125 94.L 94.5 93.6 94.1 94.5 94.5 150 94.5 95.0 93.6 95.0 95.0 94.5 200 94,5 95.0 94.5 95.0 95.0 95.0 15050-5 I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I J. 4. 6. C. Section 15050 BASIC MATENALS AND METHODS Starters l. Provide starters of current and capacity ratings to serve the motor intended. Starters shall be built and sized in accordance with NEMA Standards for industrial confol except no contactors shall be smaller than NEMA Size 1. Indoor starters shall be provided with a NEMA I enclosure. outdoor starters shall be provided with a NEMA 3R (gasketed) or NEMA 4 enclosure. All three phase starters to have a trip-fiee, thermal overload relay in each ungrounded phase conductor. Thermal overload relays shall be block type with built-in heaters or an adjustable dial to set to exact motor full load amps. Overloads and heaters shall be factory calibrated as a rmit and shall be ambient compensated. Relays shall be manual reset bpe and shall meet NEMA Class l0 tripping characteristics. Differential single phasing protection shall be provided in the thermal overload relay. Fumish a phase monitor control relay (Time Mark Model 257 or Wagner Model WPC-800) on all motors 5 HP and larger. Phase monitor control relay shall protect against phase reversal, phase loss, phase unbalance or phase undervoltage. Phase protection shall be included within the starter enclosure. Fumish hand-off-auto switches and green running pilot light (6 volt transformer type bulb) in starter cover. If pilot lights are specified on temperature conhol panel, individual starter lights will not be required. 2. hovide integral tansformer with secondary fuse and 120 volt contol circuit on all starters which are fumished with control circuits. Transformer shall be mounted and factory wired in the starter enclosure. Control circuits shall be deenergized 5. whenever the operating power supply to the particular equipment is disconnected. Also provide auxiliary contacts required for system operation plus one spare (minimum of one normally open contact and one normally closed contact required). Installation of additional auxiliary contacts shall be accomplished without having to remove starter from its enclosure. Coordinate actual number and type of contacts required for each starter with Division 15900. Size thermal overload relays for approximately ll5Yo of full load motor current. Switch and fuse units will not be acceptable unless specifically indicated. Two speed starters shall be full voltage magnetic type with 3 phase motor overload relay from each speed. Thermal overload relays shall be block type with built-in heaters and adjustable di^1, settable to exact motor full load amps. The overload relays and heaters shall be factory calibrated as a unit and shall be ambient compensated. Class 10 tripping time shall be provided except where long acceleration time requires the use of a Class 20 trip time. Provide integral adjustable automatic decelerating timing relay within the starter enclosure to allow motor to come to a complete stop when switching from high to low speed. High and low speed contactors shall be mechanically and electrically interlocked. A four position AUTO-OFF-LOW-HIGH selector switch shall be provided as well as all other starter features specified above. Starters to be Allen Bradley, Cutler-Hammer, Fumas, S & S or Square D. Provide starters for 3/4 HP motors and larger, unless specifically noted. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents t5 ocToBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 15050-6 I section ISo5o I BASIC MATENALS AND METHODS t 2.3 BELr DRIVES A. Provide belt drives with cast iron or steel sheaves, either companion driven sheaves (except I for two groove) or fixed pitch sheaves, dynamically balanced and keyed. Two groove variable and adjustable drive sheaves with a key for holding pitch adjustrnent shall be used for motors 15 HP and below; selected so required rpm is obtained with sheaves set at mid-position. Fixed pitch sheaves shall be used for 20 HP and above and be bushed type. I B. Provide matched belts sized for 150% of motor horsepower. I C. Consulting Mechanical Engineer reseryes the right to direct speed changes as required (at t no cost) if in his/trer opinion these are warranted after final balancing. This includes fixed sheave replacement. I 2.4 ACCESS DOORS Fumish access doors where indicated and at locations where required for access to I concealed valves, dampers, cleanouts, contol devices, and equipment servicing. See t Division 8 for access door types and finishes including, access doors for man access to pipe chases. Access panels and doors in ductworh air-handling units, sheet metal plenums are I specified in Section 15800. If installed in fire rated surfaces, access doors shall carry I properrating. r 2.5 PIPE SLIPPORTS AND HANGERS t A' i**ilr. adjustable pipe hangers on suspended pipe. chain or perforated srap hangers r will not be permitted. Provide hangers to support the systems without saggrng,I Hl*'i:ilT::f;T:'1,",::ffi'ffiJ,["i,j;:'' at ends orbranches over rive Maximum Minimum HangerI Pipe Twe Pipe Size Spacing Rod Size Steel Pipe l/2 6'-0u 3/8"I |1",;!""zn,r-tr+" l;l;,, li::, 2-112" through 3" l0'-0" ll2"r f,, unu t" l3:.3:: l:;:,:, 8" through 12" 10'-0" 718" I Copper Pipe ll2" tlrough l-112" 6'-0" 318" 2" and above l0'-0" 3/8" I Cast Iron 2" 1 Each Joint 3/8' 3" I Each Joint ll2"r 1'*o'" l:::ii:lil :|:o:,:, 8" throueh 12" 1 Each Joint 718"I _.. I HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER I5O5O-7 Construction Documents 15 OCTOBER 2OOI I Section 15050 C. support. HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructiott Documents 1s ocroBER 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2. J. A 5. 2. J. 2. .). A B. BASIC MATENALS AND METHODS See Vibration Isolation, this section, for special hangers. Hanger rods shall be continuous threaded steel. Rods may be reduced one size for double rod hangers with 3/8" as a minimum diameter. Concrete inserts to be steel case and expander plug for tlueaded connection with lateral adjustment, two slot for reinforcing rods and lugs for attaching to forms or machine bolt expansion anchor. Size inserts to match size of threaded hanger rods. Plastic pipe (PVC, CPVC. etc.) shall be supported at not to exceed 4'-0". Minimum hanger rod size shall correspond to the steel pipe criteria for various pipe sizes as noted in above table. Individual Hangers l. Individual hangers for non-insulated copper piping shall be copper plated or plastic coated steel, adjustable swivel ring hangers. Individual hangers for uninsulated steel and insulated steel or copper piping (except steam and high temperature hot water) shall be zinc plated, adjustable swivel ring hangers for pipe sizes up through l-112" and wrought steel, adjustable clevis hangers for pipe sizes 2" and over. Provide adjustable steel yoke with cast iron roller hangers for heating water and condensate piping 6" and larger in size. Individual hangers for steam and high temperature water piping (2500F and above) shall be adjustable steel yoke with cast iron roller. Trapeze Hangers: l. Parallel runs of piping may be supported on trapeze hangers. Trapeze shall be Unistrut P-1000 or equivalent by B-Line or SupersFut. System shall be selected to support five times the weight or thrust applied without failure. Where trapeze length exceeds four feet, provide additional hanger rod at mid span. Hangers shall be spaced for smallest pipe in group. All non-insulated steel pipe shall have standard pipe clamps at each support. All non-insulated copper pipe shall rest on neoprene sleeves or 3M Scotch Rap 50 applied to a 50 mil thickness extended l/2" beyond clamp edge and have standard pipe clamps at each support. A11 insulated pipe (steel or copper) shall have standard pipe straps over the high density insulation inserts at each support. All heating water and condensate piping 6" and larger and all steam and high temperahrre water pipe (250oF and above) shall be supported on pipe rollers at each 15050-B I I I I t Section 15050 BASIC MATENALS AND METHODS Insulated Pipe Supports Where individual hangers are used protect all insulated pipe at point of support with a 360 or 180 degree insulation insert of high density polyurethane foam, water-proofed 140 psi calcium silicate, or expanded perlite. Adhesive shall comply with NFPA-90A, flame spread l0/smoke 0. Provide minimum G-60 galvanized shield for high density insert. Where trapeze hangers are used, protect all insulated pipe at point of support with 360 degree insulating insert. Encase insulation in a 360 degree sheet metal shield. Where insulation stops and starts for pipe clamps, ends of insulation shall be sealed with liquid mastic to provide continuous vapor barrier. Insert to be same thickness as adjoining pipe insulation and be divided into longitudinal half sections as applicable and covered with fire resistant vapor barrier jacket. tnsulation insert for all cold liquid (60"F or below) shall extend I inch beyond sheet metal shield on each end. Shield length and minimum sheet metal gauges shown in chart below. When pipe hanger spacing exceeds l0 ft., and for all pipe roller applications, utilize a double layer shield. D. I I I I I Pipe Size ll2" tfuoughl-112" 2" through 6" 8" through 10" E. Wall Supports Shield Length 4" 6' 9" MinimumGauge 22 20 t6 J. F. I I I t I I I l- l. l/2" throueh 3" - Cast iron hook 4" and Over - Welded steel bracket and wrought steel clamp. Provide adjustable steel yoke and cast iron ro11 for heating system pipes (250'F and above) 6" and larger in size. Unistrut may be used for multiple pipe runs up to 3" in size except steam and high temperature water (250'F and above). Vertical Supports l. Provide ffiction riser clamps, supported and braced. Clamps for copper piping shall be plastic coated steel. Copper pipes shall be wrapped in 3M Scotch Rap 50 applied to a 50 mil thiclmess extended 1/2" beyond clamp edge. a. Cast Iron Soil Pipes: Support at not less than every story height and at its' base. b. Screwed Pipe: Support at l0 foot on center for 2 inch and larger and 8 foot on center for smaller than 2 inch pipe. c. Copper Tubing: Support at 8 foot on center for 2 inch and larger and 6 foot on center for smaller than 2 inch pipe. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001I HLM 980071-04 15050-9 Section 15050 2.6 A. BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS SLEEVES Schedule 40 steel pipe (galvanized if used below grade or in outside wall) sized large enough to allow for movement and for continuous insulation. Plastic or sheet metal sleeves are not allowed. Sleeves used below grade and for penefation of water proofed walls shall contain integral water stop. VALVES General A11 valves of a given type shall be of one manufacturer and shall be listed with the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry. Pressure Ratings Unless othenvise indicated, use valves suitable for minimum 125 psig at 450"F and 200 psig at 250"F. Valve Connections I I I I I I I I I I I 2.7 B. C. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Provide valves suitable to connect to adjoining piping as specified for pipe joints. Thread pipe sizes two inches and smaller. Flange pipe sizes2-l/2 inches and larger. Solder or screw to solder adaptors for copper tubing. Use grooved body valves with mechanical grooved jointed piping. Provide butterfly valve with tapped lug body when used for isolating service. D.Valve Operators l. Provide suitable handwheels for gate, globe or angle and drain valves. 2. Provide one plug cock wrench for every ten plug cocks sizes 2" and smaller, minimum of one. Provide each plug cock sizes 2-112" and larger with a wrench with set screw. 3. Provide chain operators for valves four inches and larger located more than 7 feet from floor in equipment rooms. Extend chains to five feet from floor and hook to clips arranged to clear aisles. 4. Provide adjustable me':^ ;ry stops for all valves used in balancing service. VIBRATION ISOLATION Flexible Pipe Connectors: Flexible stainless steel annular hose with stainless steel braid or bronze hose and braid. Male nipples shall be used for piping size 2 inches and less. Pipe sizes 3 inches and larger shall be flanged ( 150# ASA). Copper couplings shall have sweat fittings. Connector shall bc installed on the equipment side of shut off valves. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 OCTOBER 2OOI I I I t I I I I 2.8 HLM 98007r-04 15050-10 I t Section 15050 2.10 Manufacturer Masons Thermo Tech Flex,/Flo Hyspan Metraflex Streamflo Manufachrrer Mason Metraflex C-Flex Thermo Tech Flex/Flo Steamflo Screwed BSS GU.MN F/FN 4505 SST SPCT Screwed MFTFTI Dbl.Sphere Union TU F/FAJnion AMU Flaneed BSS GU-RF F/F/F 4502 MM SPCF Sweat BBF FE/C 4507 Refrig.Vib.Iso. BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS I I B. T I I I I | ._; 2s Flansed FPO MLF I I I I I t I l- I Flexible Equipment Connectors: Flexible connectors shall be manufactured of neoprene reinforced with nylon. No steel rings or wire shall be used as pressure reinforcement. Straight connectors shall have two spheres. Connectors size 2 inch and less to have threaded ends with female unions. Connectors size 2-l/2 inch and larger shall have floating flanges recessed to lock the connector's raised face neoprene flanges. Connectors shall be rated a minimum of 150 psi at 220oF. When pressures will cause the connector to extend beyond its rated elongation, control cables shall be employed with end fittings isolated by means of 1/2" thick bushings designed for a maximum of 1000 psi. Connectors shall be installed on the equipment side of shut-off valves. Flaneed MFTNC Dbl. Sphere TF F/F/DS AMT Elbow MFNEC EL Sphere DGANSIONCOMPENSATION Expansion Loops: Flexible expansion loops shall consist of two sections of hose and braid, two 90 degree elbows and a 180 degree retum assembly. Flexible expansion loops shall impart no thrust loads to system support anchors or building stucture. Flexible hose and braid shall be stainless steel or bronze. Materials of construction and type of end fitting shall be consistent with pipe material and equipment/pipe connection fittings. Assembly shall be rated for a minimum working pressure of 150 psi at 200oF operating temperature. For 8" and larger, provide double braid. Manufacfurer Screwed Thermo Tech Metraflex MLT MLS FLANGE GASKETS Gasket material shall be full-faced for cast iron flanges and raised-face for steel flanges. Select materials as noted below. As applicable due to service, gaskets shall conform to ANSI A2l.l1. 816.20 or 816.21. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER200I HLM 980071-04 15050-r r Section 15050 BASIC MATENALS AND METHODS Service Acceptable Materials (Pressure/Temperattre Rating) Domestic Water PTFE (1200 psig @ 500'F) Steam Spiral Wound Meallic with PTFE Filler (300psig @ 500'F) Condensate Sprral Wouna Metallic with PTFE Filler (300psig @ 500.F) Gortex (3000 psig @ 600"F) Heating water and chilled water (with and without glycol) Prre (tzoo psig @ 500"F) Gaskets shall be as manufactured by Garlock, Frenzelit, Vellumoid or approved equivalent. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I INSPECTION Inspect preceding work in accordance with Section 15010. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Field Measurements Base final installation of materials and equipment on job site dimensions and conditions. Job site dimensions shall take precedence over Drawing dimensions. Field measure critical dimensions and do not fabricate or cut materials to length until such measurements are made. Be responsible for accurate location of rough-ins as required for equipment being serviced. Cleaning Ream pipes and tubes. Clean off scale and dirt, inside and outside before joining, leaving ready for painting or identification as required. All piping stored outdoors shall be flushed of debris before installation. EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL General l. GeologicalConditions a. Soil test borings have been prepared by CTL Thompson. Bidders may review their report on file in the Architect's office. b. Bidders must assume all responsibility for deductions and conclusions which they make as to the nature of the materials to be excavated for underground piping or mechanical construction. 2. Provide all excavating and backfilling required by the work in this division, all as required by the rules of the State Department of Labor and Employment and OSHA. All pipe must be laid on bedding material with bellholes provided for hubs. After pipe is laid in trench, it shall be tested, insulated if specified, and backfilled. Comply with reouirements of Division 2. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 3.3 I I I I t I I I T I t I B. I I I I I I I A. HLM 980071-04 I 5050- I 2 I l-- I t Section 15050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS 3. Veriff locations of existing and new underground utilities prior to henching and, if damaged by this contractor, replace immediately in an approved manner at no expense to the Owner. 4. For pipe laid in trenches below slabs on grade, compact bottom of henches in accordance with Division 2 and the Geotechnical Report. Remove rock and stones fiom bottom of trench. 5. Do not place backfill over pipe lines until lines are properly tested and approved. Compaction 1. Remove rocks and stones from backfill material' Backfill by hand around the pipe and the first 12" over the top of the pipe. Moisten, backfill and tamp in 8" layers (maximum) with air motor or gasoline driven tamper to consolidate to 90% of the maximum density obtainable at optimum moisture content. Puddling will not be allowed. 2. Trenches under road surfacing shall have the upper six inch (6") layer, forming the subgrade for pavement compacted to at least 95% of the maximum density obtainable at optimum moisture content for rigid pavemants. 3. Density of backfill shall be determined by the requirements of the A.A.S.H.O. in Pamphlet 57. Standard Method T-99-57. 4. Where requirements of the general conditions are more stringent than the above, the general condition requirements shall be met. Pavement Accomplish cutting of flexible pavement so that the remaining exposed edge of the pavement conforms vertically and horizontally to a straight line, preferred method is saw cutting. The width of the section of pavemort removed shall be of necessary width for the proper laying of pipe, but shall not exceed thirty six inches (36"). Waste material resulting from the above operations will be disposed of in suitable waste areas. Repair pavemant to satisfaction of the Architect, Owner and/or authorities having jurisdiction. Shoring hovide all shoring required to perform the excavation and to protect the project, employees, and public. I B. I I I I I l- t c. D, I I I I I I I E. Surveying Establish all lines, grades and elevations. Stake out the work and furnish all line stakes (1" x 2" x 10") and all hubs or hardwood pegs (1" x 1" x 6") to stake out the lines and structures to line and grade. F. Maintaining and Protecting Trafhc Maintain sufficient barricades, waming signals and lights, traffic conhol officers to protect pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Provide and maintain such detours as may be necessary to keep traffic moving during construction. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 15050-13 Section 15050 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a. D. 4. G. H. A. J.+ BASIC MATEMALS AND METHODS Surface Drainage and Ground Water Surface drainage shall be diverted away fiom open excavation and trenching before commencement of work at the location. Surface water or gfound water seepage which enters or accumulates in the tenches shall be removed by pumping or subdfaining, and the subgrade or pipe bed restored to original bearing value and conditions. Any settling of backfilled trenches which may occur during the warranty period shall be repaired without expense to the Owner, including the complete restoration of all damaged property. VIBRATION ISOLATION Equipment l. Where inertia bases are indicated, pour these bases within structural channel frames having mountings attached to the inside perimeter and fumished with supplementary spring units. Fumish bases with an 18 gauge sheet metal bottom welded in place to retain the concrete. Anchor bolts and reinforcing bars are to be set in the field, #5 reinforcing bars top and bottom, 12" o.c, both ways. Provide one #5 bar at corners, top and bottom, 2'x2'long. The mounting housing shall have concrete anchors and form enclosures for the spring elements. No damping material shall be used between the inner and outer housing on mountings and mountings shall have a combination lifting and leveling adjustrnent and 1/4" thick neoprene acoustical friction pads bonded to the steel base. J. Mount base mounted pumps and compressors (including temperature conhol compressors) on inertia base with a weight equal to not less than l-l/2 times the combined weight of the pump and motor. Each inertia base for horizontally split case pumps shall include supports for base elbows at the suction and discharge connections. Where the concrete is "T" shaped, or other than rectangular, mounting shall be self contained concrete inserts with flush openings on the side of the foundation for spring adjustment or removal. Mount supply and retum centrifugal fans, cabinet fans and air handling units (where called for on plans) on inertia base with a weight equal to not less than 1-l/2 times the combined weight of :.re fan and motor. Where centrifugal fan is used, mount fan and motor on common steel base. Support each air compressor (including temperature control compressor), chiller, base mounted pump, factory assembled air handling unit and fan by Mason Industries, Kinetics Noise Control, or equivalent spring type vibration isolators, as follows: Compressor Pumps: (1) Close Coupled (2) Flexible Coupled Mason Engr'g Equip. Spec. B B B Static Deflection, Min. in inches 0.75 0.75 0.75 15050-1 4VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 I l-.t Section 15050 Cabinet Fans & Air Handling Units (1) Floor Mounted (2) Suspended Fans (l) Cenritugal (2) Utility Sets & In Line Fans. (a) Floor Mounted O) Suspended (3) Vane Axial BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS t T I 0.75 0.75 0.35 B D B B D B.X 0.35 0.7s 0.75 5. 6. B. I I I t I- b. 2. I t I I I I I l- All mountings used out ofdoors shall be hot dipped galvanized. Equipment with operating weight different than the installed weight, such as chillers and cooling towers and equipment exposed to wind, such as roof fans, cooling towers, etc., shall be mounted on spring mountings as described in Mason Engr'g Spec. B, but a housing shall be provided that includes vertical limit stops to prevent spring extansion when weight is removed. Limit stops shall be out of contact during normal operation. Where required due to overall height restriction or where called for, provide height saving brackets to mount equipment. Piping 1. Chillers, Condensers, Compressors and Air Handling Units Isolate all refrigerant piping from the structure throughout the building by double deflection spring and neoprene hangers with 1" deflection. Hang piping so that it does not touch any part of the structure. Connect pipes to compressor or condensing unit with flexible pipe connectors. Isolate all chilled water piping, connected to evaporator on packaged chiller, from the structure throughout the equipment room by double deflection spring and neoprene hangers with l" deflection. Hang piping so that it does not touch any part of the structure. Connect pipes to evaporator with flexible equipment connectors. Connect all heating water and chilled water to units supported by vibration isolators with flexible equipment connectors. Connect all steam, condansate, and refrigerant piping to units supported by vibration isolators with flexible pipe connectors. Hang all piping so that it does not touch any part of the structure. Base Mounted Pumps, Vacuum Pumps and Air Compressors (including temperature control compressors). VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001I HLM 980071-04 r 5050-t 5 Section 15050 BASIC MATENALS AND METHODS a. Connect piping to air compressors with flexible pipe connectors. Isolate air piping from the structure for the first six hangers by double deflection spring and neoprene hangers with 1" deflection. Hang piping so that it does not touch any part of the structure. b. Connect piping to base mounted pumps, and vacuum pumps with flexible equipment connectors. SLEEVES, BOXES, AND CONCRETECURBS Major openings in the structure for mechanical work may be shown on the structural drawings, these will be done under the Architectural Division of these Specifications. It is this Contactor's responsibility to accurately set necessary sleeves and boxes for pipe and ducts (not shown on the structural drawings) before erection of structure. This Contractor is responsible for the correct size and location of all openings including coordination with the other tades. All sleeves shall be large enough to allow for continuous insulation to pass through the sleeve. Sleeves and boxes shall be provided wherever pipes and ducts pass through floor, wall and roof construction. C. Each sleeve shall be utilized for only one pipe. Blockouts for multiple pipes or individual pipes are not allowed unless indicated on the Drawings or approved by the Architect. D. Terminate sleeves flush with walls, partitions and ceilings. In areas where pipes are concealed (i.e. in chases), terminate sleeves l/4" above fnished floor. In areas where pipes are exposed, extend sleeve l/4" above finished floor, except in mechanical rooms and rooms containing floor drains, where sleeves shall be extended 2" above finished floor. E. [n mechanical equipment room floors, all ducts shall have 4" high concrete curb around duct. fumished and installed under Division 3. Mechanical Contractor shall coordinate this requirement with appropriate trade. 3.6 CUTilNGANDPATCHING Be responsible for the cost of cutting and patching for work under Division 15 caused by improper coordination or notification. Comply with requirements of Division l. 3.7 PIPE AND DUCTWORKPENETRATIONS A. Where horizontal ducts and pipe pass through walls, and vertical ducts and pipes pass through floors or roofs seal off void between opening and duct, or pipe and sleeve. All penetrations of exterior wall below grade shall be sealed water tight. All penetrations of exterior walls above grade shall be sealed weather tight. B. Wherever any pipe, duct, conduit, steel member, bracket, equipment or other material penetrates or passes tkough fire-resistant wall, ceiling or floor, completely seal voids in construction with non-hardening caulk or other fire resistant material as approved by all authorities having jurisdiction. Embed sealing material full thickness of material being penetrated. Sealants used at penetrations of items which can be consumed in a fire shall be intumescent and shall be installed so as to fill the void left if penetrant is consumed. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 OCTOBER 2OOI t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I A. B. 3.5 HLM 980071-04 15050- t 6 t I Section 15050 3.10 C. BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS Sealants to be installed in accordance with manufachrer's instructions and shall have been tested in accordance with ASTM E-814 and classified by Walrock Hersey. FLASHINGS All flashings will be done under roofing division except as noted or detailed elsewhere in these specifrcations. See Section 15400 for vents and drains. PUMP AND EQI.IPMENT CONNECTIONS Where the suction or discharge of any pump, inlet or outlet of terminal equipment, or inlet or outlet of heating or cooling generation equipment is smaller than the pipe size noted on the drawings, all strainers, valves, flexible connections, expansion joints, etc', shall be a minimum of the pipe size noted on the drawings. PIPE INSTALLATION Installation 1. Install piping without springng or forcing, and to clear windows, doors and other openings. Cutting or other weakening of the building stucture to facilitate piping installation is not permitted. 2. Provide sufficient swing joints, anchors, expansion loops and devices necessary to permit free expansion and contraction without causing undue stresses. Also see Expansion Compensation this section. Make changes in direction with fittings. Support piping independently at equipment so its weight will not be supported by the equipment. 3. tnstall vertical risers plumb and straight, horizontal lines parallel with walls and partitions. Conceal piping above ceilings and within furring and walls unless otherwise indicated. 4. All piping shall be run full size as indicated on drawings. Any reductions in piping required by equipment connections shall be made at these connection points. Clearance Provide clearance for proper installation of insulation and for access to valves, air vents, drains and unions. Provide minimum 1/2 inch clearance between pipes after insulation. Shut-Off Valves & Unions l. Where indicated, provide shut-off valves and unions suitably located, to isolate each item of equipment, branch circuit or section ofpiping. 2. Provide dielectric unions at iunctions of dissimilar metals. Routes and Grades l. Route piping in general locations indicated, in an orderly manner and to maintain required grades. Coordinate with other piping, conduits, ducts and equipment making necessary oflsets to accommodate the same. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 B. B. 3.8 3.9 I I I t I I I l-- t I I I D. t I I l- I HLM 980071-04 1s0s0-17 Section 15050 3.1I BASIC MATENALS AND METHODS 2. Install piping to conserve headroom and interfere as little as possible with use of available space. Group piping wherever possible at common elevations. Install concealed pipes close to the building structure to keep frrring to a minimum. Flange Installation l. Align flange bolt locations with equipment and/or companion flange, "Two-hole" flanges with level for all horizontal applications. 2. Apply anti-seize thread compound to bolts before nuts are installed. 3. Gasket material shall be centered on the face of the flange. 4. Tighten bolts to evenly compress gasket material. A torque wrench shall be used for final tightening of the bolts. The required torque shall be determined by the gasket supplier. 5. Once system has been in operation for 24 hours, all flange bolts shall be re-torqued to prescribed level. WELDING General 1. Piping shall comply with the provisions of the latest revisions of the applicable sections of the ASME Code for Pressure Piping, ANSVASME 831.9 Building Service Piping. 2. Boiler external piping shall comply with the latest revision of Section 1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, ANSVASME BPV-I Power Boilers. Before any welding is performed, the contractor shall submit to the Architect/Engineer a copy of his Welding Procedure Specification together with the Procedure Qualification Record as required by Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Before any welder shall perform any welding, the contractor shall submit to the Architect/Engineer a copy of :ire Manufacturer's Record of Welder or Welding Operator Qualification Tests as required by Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The types and extent of non-destructive examinations required for pipe welds are as shown inTable 136.4oftheASMECodeforPressurePiping,ANSVASME83l.l -PowerPiping. Submit to the Architect a written report of examination results. Report shall include all welds listing the type of weld, the limitations or imperfections which were examined, whether or not weld meets acceptance criteria, examination method, and name of person implementing the examination. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I B. C. D. E. HLM 980071-04 15050-t 8 I I Section 15050 3.12 3.14 F. BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS Each manufacturer or contactor shall be responsible for the quality of welding done by his organization and shall repair or replace any work not in accordance with these specifications. Provide backing rings on all pipe 2-112" and larger that are welded with welding rods. Welds made with a wire feed welder do not required backing rings. INSTALLATION PIPE HANGERS Adequately support piping from the building stuchre with adjustable hangers to maintain uniform grading where required and to prevent sagging and pocketing. Provide supports between piping and building structure where necessary to prevent swaying. Install hangers to provide minimum l/2 inch clear space between finished covering and adjacent work. Place a hanger within one foot ofeach horizontal elbow. Use hangers which are vertically adjustable 1-l/2 inches minimum after piping is erected. Support horizontal soil pipe near each hub or hubless clamp with five feet maximum between hangers. Support vertical soil pipe at each floor with riser clamps. Provide intermediate support with friction clamps tied to structure. Where practical, support riser piping independently of connected horizontal piping. lnsulation shall be carried full size through the hangers. Concrete inserts to be used for suspending hangers from reinforced concrete slabs and sides of reinforced concrete beams, wherever practical. Set inserts in position in advance of concrete work. Where concrete slabs form finished ceiling, finish inserts flush with slab surface. VALVES Install valves with stems upright or horizontal, not inverted. Provide drain valves at main shut off valves, low points of piping and equipment. Control Valve Piping If the control valve size is smaller than the pipe size marked on the drawing, the reduction in size pertains to the valve only. Gate valves, globe valves, and stainers on either side of the automatic valve shall be a minimum of the pipe size marked on the drawings. ACCESS DOORS Furnish an access door for each pipe chase for each floor. This includes both toilet plumbing chases and pipe riser chases. Access door assembly to be minimum size of 24" x24". VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o n str uctio n D o c u m e nts t5 ocToBER2001 G. B. C. D. E. F, c. B. C. J.IJ I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I l- I HLM 980071-04 r 5050-19 Section 15050 3.15 3.16 3.r7 I I I I I t I I I I T I I I t I I t I B. C. A. B. c. A. B. C. BASIC MATENALS AND METHODS Also, fumish access doors in all non-removable ceilings and in partitions and walls where necessary to maintain access to plumbing cleanouts, shock absorbers, fire dampers, manul dampers, valves and other mechanical devices requiring access. Size these as required (minimum 24" x 24") to provide adequate access for service or replacement of components. Fumish all access doors to the General Contractor for installation by trade responsible for surface in which installed. Provide instructions for location. EQTIIPMENT BASES AND SI.IPPORTS General Fumish and install, as indicated on the plans and/or as may be necessary for the proper installation of all equipment fumished under this Division, all foundations, bases and supports. Be responsible for their correct location and sizes to fit all equipment. Shim and grout between the equipment and its base to align and level. Bolt equipment bases, vibration isolators, and supports to prevent relative movement. Supporting Steel Provide supporting steel not indicated on the Structural Drawings for equipment requiring same. Fabricate supports in accordance with AISC Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structrual Steel for Buildinss. Brace and fasten with flanees bolted to struchre. Housekeeping Bases Concrete bases for all floor mounted equipment including anchor bolts and inserts are installed turder Division 3 in accordance with setting diagrams fumished by the contractor responsible for installing the equipment. Bases shall be 4 inches in height and over the complete floor area of the equipment. The bases shall be located and sizes determined by the conhactor fumishing the equipment. DRIP PANS AND DRAIN PANS Provide drip pans or drain pans under piping containing liquids or equipment where indicated. Pans: 18 gauge galvanized iron. Pans shall be two inch deep, with rolled top edges, and shall extend six inches each side of the pipe, group of pipes or equipment. Keep pans as close to the underside of the pipes or equipmbnt as practicable. Seams shall be soldered, and pans shall be crossbraced as required to prevent sagging and warping. Pitch each pan to a drain connection, for complete drainage and pipe a 314 inch or larger copper tube drain to discharge over nearest available open drain. PAINTING Supporting steel shall receive one coat of primer paint in the shop after fabrication welding is complete, as specified in Division 5. Paint field;oints with one coat of matching primer. Finish painting under Division 9. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 980071-04 15050-20 B. I I t I I I I I I I I I l* I Section 15050 3.18 3.19 A. 3.20 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS PIPE AND EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION See Section 15190. ESCUTCHEONS Install nickel-plated floor, wall and ceiling escutcheons of adjustable type on pipes passing through walls, floor or ceiling in finished areas after painting is completed. Install 20 gauge flange around ducts passing through walls, floor or ceilings in finished areas, PIPE AND DUCTWORK TESTING General 1. Test piping and ductwork systems prior to concealment. Ensure that the test pressure which might damage fixtures, existing piping or equipment does not reach such units by valving them off or otherwise isolating them during the test. Keep written field records of all tests. Each record shall contain, as a minimum, the date of the test, system or subsystem tested, test medium and pressure, duration of test, test results, name and signature of individual performing test, and the name and signature of witress to the test who is not an employee of the firm performing the test. Submit copies of all tests to Architect. All tests must be done to the satisfaction of the Owner's representative and local authorities having jurisdiction, before covering. Fumish all instruments required for testing. All hydrostatic test to be held for a minimum of six (6) hours without loss of pressure. Air Tests to be held for a minimum of two (2) hours without loss of pressure. Any visible leakage or appreciable pressure drop during the test will be cause for rejecting the test. Additional tests will be required after corrective measures have been taken until satisfactory results are obtained. Contractor shall be responsible for fumishing all plugs, piping, valves, hoses and pumps necessary for the required tests and for proper disposal ofthe water upon completion of the tests. 2. Test all drain, waste and roof drain lines with standing water test of nvelve feet of head, held long enough to visually inspect eachjoint. 3. Test all low pressure steam, condensate, heating water, condenser water, dual temperature water, chilled water and reduced pressure domestic water piping, before connecting to units, at 150 psig hydrostatic pressure. 4. Test all high pressure steam and condensate, radiant panel (embedded in concrete), glycol filled water lines, fire lines and domestic water service lines to PRV at 200 psig hydrostatic pressure. 5. Test all nahral gas piping under 60 psig air pressure. 6. Test all compressed air piping under 150 psig air pressure. 7. Test all refrigeration piping per Table ll-D of the UMC, 1994 edition using oil pumped, dry nitrogen and tapping ofjoints. If there is any loss of pressure, soap each joint to find leaks. After system is assumed to be free of leaks, charge with VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents t5 0cToBER 2001 A. I I I t I HLM 980071-04 15050-21 Section 15050 3.2r 3.22 BASIC MATENALS AND METHODS refrigerant to l0 psig and then increase pressure to pressures listed in Table 11-D of the UMC, 1994 edition, using oil pumped dry nitogen. Check all parts of the system with a halide torch or electronic leak detector. After testing is complete and system is considered leak-free, evacuate using a vacuum pump to 500 microns and purge with oil pumped, dry nitogen to raise pressure to ahnospheric. Re-evacuate the system and re-purge with oil pump€d, dry nitogen a second time. Do not use system compressor for evacuating the system. 8. Test all ductwork from supply fan to terminal boxes before ducts are concealed and before terminal boxes are connected. All openings shall be capped off and partial sections ofthe duct shall be tested using a fan capable ofdeveloping 8" S.P. Use U-gauge manometer to record duct S.P. and orifice pressure differential manometer to record cfm leakage. Repair leaks until total leakage from source to last terminal box mounted coils does not exceed 2%o of to1g'l air flow. If leaks cannot be detected and leakage is greater tlnn 2%o of total air flow, then smoke shall be used to aid in determining duct leak locations. FLUSHING, CLEANING AND STERILIZING Before final connections are made in the piping systems, all piping except as individually noted below, shall be blown out with air and then completely washed out with cleaning compounds compatible with final fluid to avoid contamination. The systems shall then be flushed for the complete removal of all foreign materials. Furnish all temporary connections, valves, etc., required for this purpose. Clean the boilers by the same procedure. After flushing, sterilize the domestic water system in accordance with AWWA Standard C651-86, Disinfecting Water Mains, and all subsequent addenda. After minimum contact period, flush the system with clean water until the residual chlorine is no greater than the city water. Submit to the Architect, written certification that sterilization has been performed. Include a copy in Operation and Maintenance Manuals. hovide a test analysis by the State Health Department of a random water sample, if requested by the Architect. EXPANSION COMPENSATION General l. Provide structural work and equipment required to control expansion and contraction of piping, loops, pipe offsets, and swing joints and provide specified expansion joints where indicated or required. 2. Rigidly anchor pipe to building structure at points indicated and provide pipe guides so movement takes place along axis of pipe only. B. Expansion Loops: Provide expansion loops and offsets where indicated. Fabricate loops and offsets with long tum factory-made welding fittings or long tum copper fittings and size to limit fitting stress to values recommended by the manufacturer or the Code for Pressure Piping, ANSI 831.1. Expansion loops not sized on Drawings shall be sized for the total pipe expansion without cold springing, but shall be field cold sprung one-half the pipe expansion conected for ambient temperature. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructiott Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A. B. C. A. HLM 980071-04 15050-22 I I t I I I I I I t t- I Section 15050 Pipe Size Inches l-112" andsmaller 2 to3" 4" 5" and larger Spider Length Inches 2" 2-112" 3u 3-uz', C. BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS Anchors: Securely anchor piping where indicated or where required for a proper installation and to force the pipe expansion in the proper direction. Anchors shall be suitable for the location of installation and shall be designed to withstand not less than five times the anchor load. Anchor vertical pipes by means of clamps welded around pipes and secured to wall or floor consfuction. Pipe Guides: Install pipe guides properly spaced as recommended by the Expansion Joint Manufacturer's Association for proper installation in conjunction expansion loops. Use of guides with expansion loops shall be limited to points required to prevent buckling of pipe. Pipe guides shall not be used as pipe supports. Guides shall be factory- made cast semi-steel or other heavy fabricated steel, consisting ofa bolted two-section outer cylinder and base with a two-section guiding spider bolted or welded tight to the pipe. Guide and spider shall be factory insulated ifused with insulated pipe and long enough to prevent over travel of spider and cylinder. Guides shall be of manufacturer's standard length and spiders shall be not less than the followine: D. I I I I I I I END OF SECTION VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 1s ocToBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 15050-23 Ir I -^., SECTION 1sr90 MECHANICAL IDENTIFTCATTON SECTION I5190 I MECHAMCALIDENTIFICATION PARTI -GENERAL r l.l RELATEDDocuMENTSI ffSrff:iT"lffi:'1,l;.Tlill,'::'JHIgTTlffiT'iffi;'fi:,?"l;T#:I section. Consult them for further instructions and be govemed Ly the requirements thereunder. r 1.2 DESCRIPTIONOFWORK A. Fumish and lnstall r ) lifl1l'i;#^i.?,1i?:;'i*ffi:};il:llpipes' ducts and equipment 3. Valve tags I B. Related Requirements 1. Basic Mechanical Requirements: Section 15010 2. Basic Materials and Methods: Section 15050I I.3 REFERENCESr '":-r.I Comply with ANSI ,4'13.1 - Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems.I PART2 - PRODUCTS II 2.1 MATERIALS A. Pipe Markers: Identify the contents of the various pipirtg systems. Flow arrows shall clearly indicate the direction of flow. Utilize either of the following methods:r 1. Pressure Sensitive Markers: Bradley Type 8-350 or 8-946, Seton, MSI, Craftmark I or equivalent flexible film identification markers and tape, with legend size, colorI coding, and marker length per ANSI A13.1. 2. Stenciled Markings: Of size and color per ANSI Al3.l, using clear cut stencils and I oilbasepaint. I B. Tags: Aluminum or brass l-Il2 inch diameter with edges ground smooth and color coded I to match piping system identifrcation. Punch each tag to receive tie wires. Evenly space and stamp letters (1/4 inch high) and numbers (7116 inch high) into the metal swface, with black letters.r C. Labels: White plastic laminate with black engraving, fastened with brass screws. I Pressure-sensitive embossed labels (Dymo Type) are not acccptable. Provide labels of I uniform size. Label all equipment unless a manufacturer's label is firmly attached. r*- r HLM 980071-04 VArL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 15190-1 Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 t SECTION 15190 2.2 STENCILS A. Stencils or Pressure Sensitive Markers l. Conform to the followins Schedule: Outside Diameter of Pipe or Pipe Insulation 1/2" 3/4" through l-1l4" l-L/2" and2" 2-1/2" ttrough6" 8" through 10 10" and above Ductwork and equipment MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION Length of Minimum Size Letter I I I I I I I Color Field 8u 8u 8' 12" )4 32" 3/8" l/2" 3/4 1 | tAtl 2-112" 3-r/z', 2-1/2" PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.I PIPINGIDENTIFICATION TA. General l. Identifr piping in crawlspaces, above ceilings, etc. as well as exposed to view I except piping in finished areas. Provide identiffing markings at valves, fittings, I and equipment, at terminal points, at each branch and riser take-off, on pipes that lead to and from underground areas, and at both sides ofpiping passing through I walls, ceilings, and floors. In addition, provide identiffing markings at 30 feet o.c. t for exposed piping and concealed piping. I2. All markers must be in compliance with respect to (l) proper letter color, (2) I proper letter size, (3) conect background color, and (4) proper marker length. I3. For pipes under l/2" O.D. color coded identification tags shall be securely fastened I at all required locations. Tags shall be l-ll2 inches in diameter. I4. Identification of all piping systems shall conform to the designations in the Imechanical legend on tle drawings. 5. Apply directional flow arrows adjacent to each pipe mark. I B. Presswe Sensitive Markers Apply in accordance with manufacfurer's recommendations. Marker adhesion will be tested for permanence. Replace any markers showing dodgers, bubbles or other failings. f C. Stenciled Markings Apply after completion of finished coat of paint. Wipe pipe clean. Perform stenciled on I markings without overspray, drips or other imperfections. Provide dark background when using light colored stencils on light coverings (i.e. provide black background if using yellow stencil on white covering). HLM 98OO7I-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 15190-2 Construction Documents 15 OCTOBER 2001 I t I I .- I I I SECTION 15190 D. MECHA NICAL IDENTI F ICATION Markers and Markings I . Use an alrow marker with each pipe content marking. The arrow shall always point away from the pipe marking and in the direction of flow; color and height of arrow to be same as content marking. If flow can be in both directions, use a double-headed arrow. 2. Apply pipe and arrow marking within three inches of each valve to show proper identification of pipe contants and direction of flow. 3. Apply the marking to the pipe so lettering is in the most legible position. For overhead piping, apply marking on the lower half of the pipe where view is unobstructed, so marking can be read from floor level. VALVE IDENTIFICATION Identiff all valves and cocks including fire protection valves, in main and branch piping located inside the building. Use tags secured with brass 'S' hooks, brass jack chains or bead chains. Stamp valve tags with a unique prefix to indicate system, followed by a number. (Example: CW-l; CW-2; HW-l; etc.). In general, the prefix shall match the system abbreviation used on the Drawings. Provide a typewritten list of valves including: valve identification number, location, function, normal position, service and area served. Mount list under glass as directed. Include additional copies in the operation and maintenance manuals. Show valve tag designations on the Project Record Document Drawings and on schematic flow diagrams. EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION Controls: Stencil or label magletic starters and relays to identify connecting or controlled equipment. Stencil or label manual operating switches, fused discorurect switches and thermal overload switches which have not been specified as fumished with indexed faceplates as to "connected" or "conholled" equipment. Stencil or label automatic conhols, control panels, zone valves, pressure/electric and electric/ pressure switches, relays and staners. Pumps: All pumps shall be identifred as to service and zone(s) served. Stencil or label base mounted pumps. Tags secured by tie wire may be used on small in-line pumps. Storage Tanks and Water Heaters: Stencil or label tanks as to senrice. Identifu the connecting pipes to each tank. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 B. T I32 I I I-.C. D. B. C. J.J I I T I I I I t- I HLM 980071-04 r s 190-3 SECTION 15190 ME CHA NI CAL ID E NTI FI CATI O N D. Fans: Stencil or label supply and exhaust fans and air handling units and connecting ductwork supplying one or more areas from an equipment room or isolated crawl or firrred space as to drawing code number, service and areas of zones served. E. Air Conditioning Equipment Identif air conditioning equipment such as refrigeration units, heat exchangers, cooling towers, pumps, etc. by stencils or system nameplates. When more than one piece of like equipment is installed, they shall be identified as to area or space served. F. Fire Dampers: Identi$ all fire dampers and their access doors by printed stencil secured to the access door or a location approved by the Architect. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 0CTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 15190-4 r T SECTION 15190 MECIIANICAL IDENTIFICATION SECTION I5I9OI MECHANICALIDENNFICATION I PARTI-cENERAL I I.I RELATEDDOCUMENTS I The General Provisions of the Contrac! including General and Supplementary ConditionsI and Division I - Specification Sections and Contact Documents apply to work in this section. Consult them for further instuctions and be governed by the requirements thereunder. I 1.2 DESCRIPTIONOFWORK I A. Fumish and Install f l. Markers, tags arrd labels for mechanical pipes, ducts and equipment.2. Pipe identification and flow indications. 3. Valve tags I B. Related Requirements I l. Basic Mechanical Requirements: Section 15010 !| 2. Basic Materials and Methods: Section 15050 I 1.3 REFERENCES t Comply with ANSI Al3.l - Scheme for the Identification of Piping Systems. I PART2-PRODUCTS I 2.1 MATERIALS I A. Pipe Markers: Identiff the contents of the various piping systems. Flow arrows shall I clearly indicate the direction of flow. Utilize eittrer of the following methods: I l. Pressure Sensitive Markers: Bradley Type 8-350 or 8-946, Seton, MSI, Craftrnark I or equivalent flexible film identification markers and tape, with legend size, color coding, and marker length per ANSI Al3.l. I I 2. :ffi*lffr1-ings: Of size and color per ANSI Al3.l, using clear cut stencils and t B. Tags: Aluminum or brass l-l/2 inch diameter with edges ground smooth and color coded to match piping system identification. Punch each tag to receive tie wires. Evenly space I and stamp letters (1/4 inch high) and numbers (7/16 inch high) into the metal surface, with I black letters. I C. Labels: White plastic laminate with black engraving, fastened with brass screws. I Pressure-sensitive embossed labels (Dymo Type) are not acceptable. Provide labels of uniform size. Label all equipment unless a manufacturefs label is firmly attached. l__r HLM 980071.04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER ISI^O-1 Co nstr uct ion Doc uments r 15 OCTOBER20DT SECTION 15190 2.2 STENCILS A. Stencils or hessure Sensitive Markers l. Conform to the following Schedule: Outside Diameter of Pipe or Pipe Insulation ln" 3/4" through l-l/4" l-lD" and2" 2-112" through6" 8'through l0 10" and above Ductwork and equipment PART3 - EXECUTION ME C IAN I C AL I D E NTI FI CA TI ON Length of Color Field E" 8" 8u 12" 24" 32" Minimum Size Letter 318" l12" 3/4" l-l/4" 2-l/2" 3-l/2" 2-l/2" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.1 PIPINGIDENTIFICATION General l. Identiff piping in crawlspaces, above ceilings, etc. as well as exposed to view except piping in finished areas. Provide identiling markings at valves, fittings, and equipment, at terminal points, at each branch and riser take-ofl on pipes that lead to and from underground areas, and at both sides ofpiping passing through walls, ceilings, and floors. In addition, provide identifring markings at 30 feet o.c. for exposed piping and concealed piping. 2. All markers must be in compliance with respect to (l) proper letter color, (2) proper letter size, (3) correct background color, and (4) proper marker length. For pipes under l/2" O.D. color coded identification tags shall be securely fastened at all required locations. Tags shall be l-ll2 inches in diameter. Identification of all piping systems shall conform to the designations in the mechanical legend on th: drawings. Apply directional flow arrows adjacent to each pipe mark. Pressure Sensitive Markers Apply in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Marker adhesion will be tested for permanence. Replace any markers showing dodgers, bubbles or other failings. Stenciled Markings Apply after completion of finished coat of paint. wipe pipe clean. perform stenciled on markings without overspray, drips or other imperfections. Provide dark background when using light colored stencils on light coverings (i.e. provide black background if using yellow stencil on white covering). VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructio n Doc uments 15 oCTOBER 2001 -'. 4. 5. B. C. HLM 980071-04 15190-2 t I I I I SECTION I5I9O ME C HANI CAL ID E NTI FICATI ON D. Markers and Markings l. Use an arrow marker with each pipe content marking. The arrow shall always point away from the pipe marking and in the direction of flow; color and height of arrow to be same as content marking. If flow can be in both directions, use a double-headed anow. 2. Apply pipe and arrow marking within three inches of each valve to show proper identification ofpipe contents and direction offlow. 3. Apply the marking to the pipe so lettering is in the most legible position. For overhead piping, apply marking on the lower half of the pipe where view is unobstructed, so marking can be read from floor level. VALVEIDENTIFICATION Identi! all valves and cocks including fire protection valves, in main and branch piping located inside the building. Use tags secured with brass 'S' hooks, brassjack chains or bead chains. Stamp valve tags with a unique prefx to indicate system, followed by a number. @xample: CW-l; CW-2; HW-l; etc.). In general, the prefx shall match the system abbreviation used on the Drawings. kovide a typewritten list of valves including: valve identification number, location, function, normal position, service and area served. Mount list under glass as directed. Include additional copies in the operation and maintenance manuals. Show valve tag designations on the hoject Record Document Drawings and on schematic flow diagrams. EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION Controls: Stencil or label magnetic starters and relays to identiff connecting or contoolled equipment. Stencil or label manual operating switches, fused disconnect switches and thermal overload switches which have not been specified as fumished with indexed faceplates as to "connected" or "controlled" equipment. Stencil or label automatic controls, control panels, zone valves, pressure/electric and electic/ pressure switches, relays and starters. Pumps: All pumps shall be identified as to service and zone(s) served. Stencil or label base mounted pumps. Tags secured by tie wire may be used on small in-line pumps. Storage Tanks and Water Heaters: Stencil or label tanks as to service. Identiff the connecting pipes to each tank. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constraction Documents 15 OCTOBER 2OO1 I I I 3.2 t I l:, B, c. J.J t I I t I I l- B. c. D. I HLM 980071-04 15r90-3 SECTION 15190 ME CHANICAL ID E NTI FICATION D. Fans: Stencil or label supply and exhaust fans and air handling units and connecting ductwork supplying one or more areas fiom an equipment room or isolated crawl or furred space as to drawing code number, service and areas of zones served. E. Air Conditioning Equipment Identifr air conditioning equipment such as refrigeration units, heat exchangers, cooling towers, pumps, e'rc. by stencils or system nameplates. When more than one piece of like equipment is installed, they shall be identified as to area or space served. F. Fire Dampers: Identifr all fire dampers and their access doors by printed stencil secured to the access door or a location approved by the Architect. ENDOF SECNON VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER C o nstr uct io n D oc ume nts I5 OCTOBER 2OOI I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I HLM 980071-04 15r90-4 I I ^ sECrroN rs2so I INSULATION SECTION 15250 INSULATION I PART1GENERAL I 1.1 RELATEDDOCT}MENT I A. The General Provisions of the Contact, including General and Supplementary Conditions t and Division I - Specification Sections and Contact Documents apply to work in this section. Consult them for further instuctions and be govemed by the requirements thereunder. I 1.2 WORKINCLUDED I A. Fumish and install: I 1. Piping insulation, including valves, fittings and other piping accessories 2. Equipment insulation I 3. External ductwrap I B. Related Requirements: I 1. Basic Mechanical Requirements: Section 15010 I 2. Basic Materials and Methods: Section 15050 3. Mechanical ldentification: Section 15190 11 4. AirDistribution: Section 15800 1.3 RELATEDWORK r A. Insulatedpipe supports: Section 15050rI 1.4 QUALITYASSURANCE I A. Requirements of regulatory agencies:t ' *ffi1'#:i:J:ll?r;'J*"#ilil:$Tlffi#:j;lHnlti'11"#',.l,"Tiit; and smoke developed index of 50 or less as tested by ASTM E 84 (NFPA 255) I method. In addition, the products, when tested, shall not drip flame particles, and flame shall not be progressive. Provide Underrwiters Laboratories lnc. label or I listing (UL 723), or satisfactory certified test report from an approved testing I laboratory to prove that fire hazard ratings for materials proposed for use do not exceed those specified. I 1 E-^^-+:^--. 'rL- f^n^,,.:-^ -^+-...:^r^ ^-- ^-^^-+;^-^ +^ .L^ d^^^t^.l| 2' fic;:,i#;, #:,fJ*ll.materials are exceptions to the flame/smoke rating I a. Nylon anchors for securing insulation to ducts and equipment. b. Cork or heated wood inserts used between shields and piping at hangers on t low-temperature piping. f .-, r HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER 15250-1 Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1r SECTION 15250 n. E84 o. 896 I I I I I J. B, INSULATION Moisture resistance: Do not provide materials with flameproofing teatments subject to deterioration due to the effects of moisture or high humidity. Codes and standards. Provide insulation conforming to the following standards: l. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): Manufacture and test insulation in accordance with the ASTM standards, including: a. C 167 Test Methods for Thickness and Density of Blanket or Batt Thermal Insulation's. b. C 195 Specification for Mineral Fiber ThErmal Insulating Cement. c. C 305 Test for Thermal Conductivity of Pipe Insulation d. C 335 Test Method for Steady State Heat Transfer Properties of Horizontal Pipe Insulation e. C M9 Mineral Fiber Hydraulic-Setting Thermal Insulating and Finishing Cement f. C 533 Specihcation for Calcium Silicate Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation (1985) C. C 534 Specification for Preformed Flexible Elastomeric Cellular Thermal lnsulation in Sheet and Tubular Form h. C 547 Specification for Mineral Fiber Preformed Pipe Insulation (re77) C 552 Cellular Glass Block and Pipe Thermal Insulation. C 553 Specification for Mineral Fiber Blanket and Felt Insulation (Industrial Type) ( I 99 1) k. C 592 Mineral Fiber Blanket Insulation and Blanket-Type Pipe Insulation (Metal Mesh Covered) l. C 612 Specification for Mineral Fiber Block and Board Thermal Insulation ( 1983) m. C 921 Practice for Determining Properties of Jacketed Materials for Thermal Insulation (1989) Test Method for Surface Buming Characteristics of Building Materials (1991) Water Vapor Transmission of Materials in Sheet Form American Society of Heating, Reliigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE): Provide and install pipe and duct insulation in accordance with the following ASHRAE standard: a. 90.1 Energy Conservation in New Building Desiga (1999) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): Manufacture insulation in accordance with the following NFPA standards: a. 90A Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems b. 255 Test Methods, Surface Buming Characteristics of Building Materials (latest edition) VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 l. i I I I I I I I I t I I I I t 2. 3. HLM 980071-04 15250-2 I I I I I I I I: I I I I T I I I l- I'- I SECTION 15250 INSALATION 4. Underwriters laboratories a. UL723 Surface Buming Characteristics of Building Materials. 1.5 SUBMITTALS Product data: Submit manufacturer's technical data for each type of mechanical insulation in accordance with Section 15010. Submit schedule showing manufacturer's product number, K-value, thiclmess and fumished accessories for each mechanical system requiring insulation. 1.6 DELI\'ERY, STORACEANDHANDLING A. Delivery: Deliver insulation, coverings, cements, adhesives, and coatings to the site in non- broken factory containers with manufacturer's stamp or labels affixed showing fire hazard indexes of products and manufactuer's density and thickness rating. B. Storage and Handling: Protect insulation against dirt, water, chemical and mechanical damage. Store in a warn, dry location. Do not install damaged or wet insulation; remove from project site. 1.7 PROJECTCONDITIONS A. Environmental requirements: Perform work at ambient and equipmant temperatures as recommended bv the insulation manufacturer. B. Protection: Protect insulation against dirt, water, chemical or mechanical damage during and after installation. Repair or replace any insulation or covering damaged prior to final acceptance of work. PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS Owens Coming, Johns Manville, CedainTeed Mason, Knauf, Armstrong and Imcoa insulation will be considered equivalent and will be acceptable without prior approval by the Consulting Mechanical Engineer. 2.2 ACCEPTABLE PRODUCTS Various codes are more resFictive on the use of certain products in plenums etc. This specification allows several methods of insulating valves, fittings, etc., but it is the contractor's and the manufacturer's responsibility to assure that the code authorities will approve any product to be installed on the project. 2.3 INSULATION GENERAL REQI.JIREMENTS A. General: Provide insulation conforming with the referenced publications and the specified temperature ranges and densities, in pounds per cubic foot (pcf). B. Exterior of insulation: Provide insulation with exterior surface that is cleanable, grease resistant, non-flaking and non-peeling. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstructio n D ocuments 15 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 980071-04 15250-3 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I b. c. c. A, 2.4 SECTION 15250 INSALATION Physical changes: Provide insulation that shows no physical changes that adversely affect its qualities under normal use at the intended use temperature. MATERIAI,S Pipe Insulation I . Interior Use Fiberglass: One-piece molded three pound damity fiberglass pipe insulation (ASTM C547, Class 2) with factory applied all-service jacket with self- sealing lap. Jacket color shall be white and suitable for painting with latex paints. Insulation shall be suitable for pipe temperatures from 0 to 850 degtees. Maximum k-value shall be 0.24 Btu-in/hr-sq fVdegrees at 75 degrees mean temperature (ASTM C335). Jacket shall provide a vapor barrier with a perrneance of less than 0.02 permVin (as tested by hocedure A of ASTM E96). Fire safety shall comply with ASTM E84, UL 723 and NFPA 255. Flexible elastomeric: Flexible tubular closed-cell elastomeric tubing conforming to ASTM C 534, Type L lnsulation shall be suitable for pipe temperatures from -40 to 220 degrees. Maximum k-value shall be 0.27 Bnr- inltr-sq ft/degree at 75 degrees mean temperature (ASTM Cl77 or C5l8). Permeance shall be 0.20 perm/in or less (as tested by Procedure B of ASTM E96). Flame-spread/smoke-developed indices shall be 25150 or less for thickness I inch or less. Flexible polyolefin: Flexible tubular closed-cell polyolefin tubing shall be suitable for pipe temperatures from -165 to 210 degrees. Maximum k-value shall be 0.24 Btu-in/hr-sq fVdegree at 75 degrees mean temperature (ASTM Cl77 or C335). Permeance shall be 0.05 perm/in. or less (ASTM E96). Flame-spread/smoke-developed indices shall be 25150 or less for thickness I inch or less. d. Calcium silicate: Factory pre-molded, flame-resistant asbestos-free hydrous calcium silicate conforming to ASTM C533 rated for 1200 degrees (Type l). Maximum k-value shall be 0.49 Btu-in/hr-sq fVdegree at 400 degrees mean temperafure. Insulation material shall be colored per manufacturer's designation for asbestos free insulation. Exterior Use a. Fiberglass: Fiberglass pipe insulation for exterior use shall be the same as for interior use, except that the all-service jacket may by omitted where a vapor barrier is not required and replaced with a factory installed all-weather 30 mil W resistant PVC jacket or a metal jacket installed according to Part 3 of this specitication section. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 2.t I I I I HLM 98007r-04 15250-4 3. 4. ). 6. I I I I I I I l-: I I I I I I I I t l- I SECTION 15250 INSULATION b. Flexible elastomeric and polyolefin: Insulation for exterior applications shall be the same as for interior use. Exterior protection shall be as recommended bv the manufacfurer. B.Piping Accessories (Fittings, Unions, Etc.) Insulation Premolded insulation sections: Premolded insulation sections shall meet the requirements for the adjacent insulation. Tape a. All service jacket tape: Provide tape with pressure sensitive adhesive suitable for sealing all service jacket on chilled and dual temperature piping system. Tape shall provide a vapor barrier. b. PVC sealing tape: Provide PVC sealing tape with pressure sensitive adhesive suitable for use with pre-molded PVC insulation covers. Tape shall provide a vapor barrier. Tape shall be white and 10 mil thick. Glass cloth: Provide white 20 x l0 mesh resin-treated elass cloth. Vapor barrier mastic: Mastic shall be a water-base product suitable for spraying or trowel application. Color shall be white. Water vapor penneance (ASTM E 398) shall be 3.0 perm at l/16 in. dry film thickness new and 1.0 perm when aged. Surface temperature range shall be -20 to 200 degrees. lnsulating and finishing cement: Provide a high temperature mineral fiber cement with a hydraulic-setting binder (asbestos free) suitable for service to 1200 degrees, complying with ASTM C 449. Cement shall have a k-value of 0.97 Btu-in/hr-sq fl/degree at 400 degrees mean temperature. Cement shall be suitable for troweled application and set up to a smooth hard white finish. Surface shall be suitable for painting, or weatherproofing for outside service. PVC jacketing and fitting covers: PVC fitting covers shall be used with fiberglass inserts or with fiberglass pipe insulation cut to the shape of the cover. Inserts shall meet the temperature requirements for fiberglass pipe insulation. Covers and jacketing shall meet the 25/50 flame and smoke developed rafings of ASTM E 84. Covers and jacketing shall be white, 20 mil thickness and be suitable for surface temperatures up to 150 degrees. Covers and jacketing used extemal to building shall be 30 mil thickness. t- 2. 7. Metal jacket pipe and fitting covers shall be 0.016 thick aluminum or stainless steel. 8. Vapor barrier coating: Provide white, flexible, fire resistive vapor barrier coating. Permeance shall be 0.05 perm at 0.055 in. dry film thickness. Coating shall be good for temperatures at coating of0 to 150 degrees. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Constructio n Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 98007r-04 15250-5 SECTION 15250 INSALATION C.Equipment lnsulation 1.Fiberglass: For equipment having surface temperatures between 0 and 450 degrees, provide fiberglass insulation board or blanket meeting ASTM C 612,3 pcf densify with a k-value of 0.23 Btu-in/hr sq lVdegree at 75 degrees mean temperature. Supply with all service jacket if other covering is not specified. For equipment having surface temperatures between 450 degrees and 850 degrees provide fiberglass insulation board specified for these temperatures. Calcium silicate: Calcium silicate equipment insulation shall conform to ASTM C533, Type I for surface temperatures to 1,200 degrees maximum. Insulation shall have a k-value of 0.49 Btu-in/hr-sq ft/degree at 400 degrees mean temperature. Insulation shall be asbestos free and be colored by manufacturer to be desisnated as asbestos free. 3. Flexible elastomeric: For surface temperatures -40 degrees to 220 degrees, provide flexible elastomeric equipment insulation sheet, l" thick conforming to ASTM C534, Class II (sheet). 4. Flexible Polyolefin: For surface temperahres -165 degrees to 210 degrees, provide flexible polyolehn equipmant insulation sheet, l" thick conforming to ASTM C534, Class II (Sheet). Fiberglass Duct Wrap 1. Exposed Duct a. Rectangular duct: Fiberglass insulation board, l-112" thick, 0.6 pcfdensity having an installed k-value of0.23 Btu-in/tr-sq ff/degree at 75 degrees mean temperature. Supply with vapor barrier foil-scrim-laaft (FSK) jacket. b. Round duct: Fiberglass duct wrap conforming to ASTM C 553, Type l, 1- l/2" thick,3/4 pcf dursity having a k-value of 0.27 Btu-in/lr-sq ff:/degree at 75 degrees mean temperature. Supply with vapor barrier foil-scrim-kaft (FSK)jacket. 2. Concealed duct: Fiberglass duct wrap conforming to ASTM, C 553, Type 1, 1- 1/2" thick, I pcf density, having a k-value of 0.27 Btu-intr-sq fVdegree at 75 degrees mean temperature. Supply with foil-scrim-kaft (FSK) jacket. 3. Bonding adhesive: Provide bonding adhesive designed to adhere fiberglass insulation to metal ducts. Adhesive shall be nonflammable, fire-resistive and meet the requirements of NFPA 90A. 4. Foil-scrim-kraft (FSK) tape: Provide tape with pressure sensitive adhesive and FSK backing suitable for use on FSK jackets. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Documents rs ocToBER 2001 I I I I t2. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. HLM 980071-04 r 5250-6 I t. rlI I I I I SECTION 15250 INSULATION Vapor barrier coating: Provide solvent-based vapor barrier coating for service temperatures from -20 to 200 degrees. Coating shall meet NFPA 90A reouirements. E.Insulation Accessories l.General: Provide insulation accessories compatible with materials to which applied and suitable for the services. Provide insulation accessories that do not corrode, soften or otherwise attack the insulation or iacket in either the wet or dry state. Adhesives, coatings, sealing compounds and protective finishes: Provide adhesives, coatings, sealing compounds, and protective finishes as recommended by insulation manufacturer for applications indicated. 3. Staples: Provide outward-clinching monel-metal type staples, 314 in nominal width. 7. PART 3 EXECI]TION Bands: Provide bands of galvanized steel, aluminum, brass or nickel copper alloy of 3/4 in. nominal width. Provide band thicknesses exclusive of coating not less than 0.005 in. for steel and nickel copper alloy, 0.007 in. for aluminum and 0.01 in. for brass. Wire: Provide wire of 14 ga. nickel copper alloy or copper clad steel, 16 ga. stainless steel or l8 ga. soft annealed galvanized steel. Wire Netting: Provide wire netting for exposed surface of insulation to be cement finished. Provide wire netting that is 22 ga., I in. galvanized mesh, with continuous 26 ga. galvanized comer beads having 2-112 in. wings. Fire stop sealant: Provide inorganic fire stop sealant having I tE.,2 tu. or 3 lu. rating as required by building penetration requirement. 5. 2. 4. 5. 6. B. 3.1 I I I t_ I I I I I I I GENERAL INSTAILATION REQIIIREMENTS Inspection Inspect work in conformance with Section 15010. Preparation A11 piping and ductwork systems shall be tested and have all leaks repaired prior to the application of the insulation. All surfaces shall be clean and dry; all foreign materials, such as rust, scale and dirt removed; and where specified, surfaces painted, prior to installing the insulation. C. Workmanship I . Fumish and install piping, ductwork and equipment insulation as specified herein. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OOI HLM 98007r-04 15250-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I b. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3.2 SECTION 15250 INSULATION Insulation shall be applied by experienced coverers per best frade practice and manufacturer's printed installation instructions. Insulation shall be clean and dry when installed. Install insulation material with smooth and even surfaces. Butr edges firmly together. Make insulation continuous through sleeves or openings in walls and floors, except when there is a required fire resistance rating. Where this occurs, fill the open space between the pipe or duct and the building opening with fire stop sealant. Carry insulation tluough hangers, including hapeze hangers. Butt insulation tight to high density inserts (Section 15050) at hanger locations and secure by taping insulation to inseds. Where pipe supports for vertical riser clamps and anchors must be rigidly secured to pipe, cut insulation around support, fill void around support with insulation cement and cover with vapor barrier mastic. Make sure that covering material which is to be painted will be in satisfactory condition to receive paint. Ductwork insulation shall meet the requirements of NFPA 90A, latest edition. Cover all exposed and leading edges ofinsulation with adhesive. Where new piping is connected to existing insulated pipe, new insulation shall be butted against existing insulation and sealed to provide complete thermal barrier, as well as vapor barrier where required by this specification. Existing insulation shall be trimmed as required to allow a tight continuous butt joint. Repair or replace all existing insulation to meet the requirements of these specifications where the existing insulation has been damaged or requires removal due to new construction requirements. Pipe insulation exposed in mechanical rooms or occupied spaces below 10 feet above finished floor shall be protected by PVC covers or metal jackets. PIPE INSULATION INSTALLATION Domestic Cold Water Piping 1. General a. Unless otherwise specified, insulate all domestic cold water piping. Exceptions are: (1) Piping used exclusively for fire protection. (2) Chrome-platedtubing A vapor barrier shall be provided on all insulated surfaces of the piping system. Install pipe insulation of at least the minimum thickness specified in Table 1 5250- 1 . VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 15250-8 I I. I I I I T I I t., SECTION 15250 2. INSULATION Insulation lnstallation a. Fiberglasslnsulation (l) Apply insulation to the pipe by opening the seam and then closing it after placement. Flap edges should be down at the 3 o'clock or 9 o'clock position. Remove release paper and seal flap. Apply butt strips atjoints. Rub down all edges with a plastic squeegee. (2) Staple flap on 6" centers starting at center. Seal staples with vapor barrier adhesive. (3) Seal all exposed ends ofpipe insulation with vapor barrier coating. Flexible elastomeric or polyolefin insulation: Slip insulation on the pipe prior to connection wherever possible and seal the butt joints with adhesive. Where the slip-on technique is not feasible, slit the insulation and apply to the pipe. Seal the seams and butt joints with adhesive per manufach.uers recommendations. Valves, unions, flanges and fittings: Insulate valves, unions, flanges and fittings as specified in paragraph 3.2.H. Buried pipe: Spiral wrap all buried plpe, except water service from steet to buildings, with pipe wrap with 50% overlap. No insulation is required. Domestic Hot Water Piping L General a. Unless otherwise specified, insulate all domestic hot water supply and recirculating piping. Exceptions are: (l) Chrome-platedtubing No vapor barrier is required on this piping. Install pipe insulation of at least the minimum thiclsress specified in Table 15250-1. Insulation installation: Install fiberglass and flexible elastomeric or polyolefin adhesive insulation as specified for domestic cold water piping. Insulation of pipes under handicapped lavatories: Insulate angle stop assemblies and drain lines with foam insert covered with l/8" minimum abrasive resistant exterior cover with fasteners located out of sight, Brocar Trap Wrap Kit 500R or 500HS, McGuire Prowrap, Truebro LavGuard, TCI Products Skal + Gard, or equivalent. Acceptance of installation quality will be by the Architect. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 b. c. 2. J. B.I I I I I t I T I HLM 980071-04 15250-9 SECTION 15250 J. HLM 980071-04 I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I t I t I z. c. D. E. INSULATION 4. Valves, unions, flanges and fittings: Insulate valves, unions, flanges and fittings as specified in paragraph 3.2.H. 5. Buried Pipe: Insulate all buried piping with fiberglass insulation, 4-l/2 pcf minimum or flexible polyolefin. Spiral wrap insulation with pipe wrap with 50% overlap (not required on polyolefin insulation). Storm Drain Piping Insulate horizontal storm drain piping (including overflow piping), fittings and roof drain bowls which are above ground and in the building the same as for domestic cold water piping. lnsulation shall be provided on all fittings which transition piping from horizontal to vertical. Carry insulation 12" down vertical piprng. Start insulation on vertical pipe 12" prior to turning pipe to horizontal. Seal exposed ends of insulation with vapor barrier mastic. No insulation is required on buried piping. Condensate Drain Pan Piping lnsulate condensate drain pan piping and fittings the same as for domestic cold water piping, to provide vapor barrier installation. Heating Hot Water and Steam Piping l. General a. Unless otherwise specified, insulate all heating hot water and steam piping. This includes condensate piping and boiler feed piping. b. Piping components which need not be insulated are: Piping connections between baseboard radiation elements or ceiling radiant panels. c. No vapor barrier is required. a. Install pipe insulation of at least the minimum thickness specified in Table 15250- l . Insulation installation a. Fiberglassinstallation: (l) Apply insulation to the pipe by opening the seam and then closing it after placement. Flap edges should be pointing down at the 3 o'clock or 9 o'clock position. Remove release paper and seal flap. Apply butt strips at joints. Rub down all edges with a plastic squeegee. (2) Staple flap on 6" centers starting at center. Seal staples with all service jacket tape. (3) Seal ends of pipe insulation at all valves, fittings, flanges and hangers with adhesive. Valves, unions, flanges, and frttings: Insulate valves, unions, flanges and fittings as specified in paragraph 3.2.H. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 15250-10 t t b. 4. 5. 2. J. A F. I I I t I t t t t I I T I t I I I SECTION 15250 INSaL/ITION Expansion Joints: lnsulate all expansion joints with blanket type insulation of the same thickness as the pipe insulation. Hold the blanket in place by wire or galvanized shaps for ease of removal. Buried Pipe: lnsulate all buried piping with fiberglass insulation, 4-112 pct minimum. Spiral wrap insulation with pipe wrap with 50% overlap. Chilled Water Piping l. General a. Unless otherwise specified, insulate all chilled water piping. A vapor barrier shall be provided at all insulated surfaces. Install pump casing with removable insulation to allow for periodic maintenance. Install pipe insulation of at least the minimum thickness specified in Table 15250-1. Insulation installation a. Fiberglassinsulation: (l) Apply insulation to the pipe by opening the seam and then closing it after placement. Flap edges should be down at the 3 o'clock or 9 o'clock position. Remove release paper and seal flap. Apply butt strips at joints. Rub down all edges with a plastic squeegee. (2) Staple flap on 6" centers starting at center. Seal staples with vapor barrier adhesive. (3) Seal ends ofpipe insulation at all valves, fittings, flanges and hangers with vapor barrier coating. b. Flexible elastomeric or polyolefrn insulation: Slip insulation on the pipe prior to connection wherever possible and seal the butt joints with adhesive. Where slip-on technique is not feasible, slit the insulation and apply to the pipe. Seal the seams and butt joints with adhesive per manufacturers recommendations. Valves, unions, flanges, and fittings: Insulate valves, unions, flanges and fittings as specified in paragraph 3.2.H. Buried pipe: Insulate all buried piping with fiberglass insulation, 4-ll2 pcf minimum or flexible polyolefin. Spiral wrap insulation with pipe wrap with 50% overlap (not required on polyolefin insulation). VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1 HLM 980071-04 15250-1r SECTION 15250 INSULATION Refrigerant Piping 1. General a. Unless otherwise specified, insulate all refrigerant piping (inside and outside) including any buried piping, the same as chilled water piping. b. Liquid lines within the building are not required to be insulated, except where personnel protection is required. H. Valves, Flanges, Unions, Fittings, Air Separators and Pump Casings. Insulate valves, flanges, unions, and fittings in all types of systems, air separators in heating and chilled/dual temperature water systems, and pump casing for chilled and dual temperature water systems as follows. l. Option I : Insulate with pre-molded insulation sections. Secure sections in place with all service jacket tape and trim insulation to assure an even transition with adjacent pipe insulation. Apply glass cloth circumferentially around insulation sections and then apply vapor barrier mastic over the entire surface to provide a vapor seal. 2. Option 2: Apply insulating and finishing cement over surface. Smooth and fmish cement to make a flush transition with adjacent pipe insulation. After cement has dried, apply glass cloth circumferentially around cement. Apply vapor barrier mastic over entire surface to provide a vapor seal. 3. Option 3: Insulate with factory precut, two layer insulation and cover with factory pre-molded, one piece PVC fitting covers. Tuck the ends of the insulation snugly into the throat of the fitting cover and the edges adjacent to the pipe fitting. Secure the fitting cover with vapor barrier master or by taping the ends circumferentially with PVC sealing tape to the adjacent pipe covering. Tape shall overlap at least l/4 in. and extend a minimum of 2 in. onto the pipe covering. 4. For flexible elastomeric or polyolefin insulation for fittings, flanges and valves shall be premolded, precut orjob fabricated of the same thickness and conductivity as used on adjacent pipe. I. Piping with Heat Tracing Insulate all piping with heat hacing with a minimum %" insulation or the same as for the type of system connected to. Insulation shall be one size larger than pipe size to allow for heat tracing. J. Exterior Piping I . General a. All insulated piping which is "outdoors" or exposed to weather shall be provided with a suitable jacket or coating. Jackets may be provided as part of the insulation system if specified for exterior use by the manufacturer. Installation to be per manufacturer's recommendations. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 OCTOBER 2001 t I I I I t I I I I T I I I I I I I I ('. HLM 98007t-04 15250-12 I I sECrroN rs2so I I I T I I I I ,,: I T I I I I t INSULATION b. lnsulation shall be carried through building wall and terminated with sealed ends inside building or continued as required. 2. Metal Jacket Installation a. Jackets shall be installed with metal bands securing the jacket in place. Bands shall be located at buttjoint overlaps and spaced between buttjoints. b. Overlaps in the jacket shall be positioned to shed water. Butt joint overlaps shall be wide enough to provide weatherproofing. c. Installation shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. K. Minimum Pipe Insulation The minimum pipe insulation thiclmess specified in Table 15250-l are for fiberglass pipe insulation and meet the Model Energy Code (1992) and ASHRAE Standard 90A. Thicknesses of other types of insulation shall be adjusted to provide equivalent resistance to heat flow. a --,I HLM 980071-04 VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER ts2s0-r3 Construction Documents 15 oCTOBER 2001 I SECTION 15250 INSALATION Table 15250-l Minimum Thicknesses for Pipe Insulation Insulation Thickness in Inches for Pipe Size (2) (1) Runouts to individual terminal units not exceeding 12 feet in length. (2) For piping exposed to outside air, increase thickness by 1/2 inch. EQUIPMENT INSULANON INSTALLATION Low Temperature Equipment I . General a. Unless otherwise specifred, insulate low temperafure equipment. b. Insulation thickness and materials for low temperature equipment shall be as follows. (l) Chiller evaporators - 1-l/2 in. flexible elastomeric. (2) Chilled water pumps - 1-1/2 in. fiberglass. (3) Air separators - 1 in. fiberglass. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 1s ocToBER 2001 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I T I I I J.J Piping System Types Fluid Ternperature Range Run- outs up to 2' (l) l" and less l-114" to 2u 2-tlz'* to 4" 5" to 6u 8" and larger Domestic Cold Water 40-60 l/2 t/2 t/2 t/2 L/2 1/2 Domestic Hot Water 105 -160 v2 1 1-U2 t-l/2 t-l/2 l6l-200 v2 t-112 t-t/2 2 2 2 Heating Systems: Hot Water, Steam Condensate and Steam above 305 t-t/2 2-r/2 2-ll2 3 3-t/2 3-r/2 251-305 t-u2 2 2-t/2 2-v2 3-t/2 3-r/2 201-250 1 t-t/2 t-l12 2 2 3-t/2 l4l-200 Ll2 t-112 L-LIL 1-U2 r-r/2 t-1/2 105-140 1/2 I I t-1/2 t-t/2 t-t/2 Cooling Systems: Chilled Water, and Refi:igerant 40-55 t/2 1 I I I below 40 I I 1-t/2 1 1l.l t-t/2 1-U2 Generator Exhaust 1200 or sleater 4 4 A 4 4 HLM 980071-04 15250-14 I l-SECTION 15250 J. A I I t I I I I l-' 2. J. A I I I I I t I t INSALATION Chiller evaporators: lnsulate the evaporator shell, water boxes and suction piping between the evaporator and the first stage compressor with flexible elastomeric insulation. Apply the insulation with the manufacturer's recommended adhesive having full adhesive covering under all the insulation. In addition, adhere all butt joints with adhesive and cover with 2" wide x l/8" thick insulation tape over all joints. Finish all insulation with two coats of manufacturer's recommended protective coating. Care shall be taken not to insulate over any nameplates or labels. Bevel and seal insulation around such. Insulation providing a vapor barrier shall be installed on all exposed cold surfaces. Chilled water pumps: Insulate dual temperature and chilled water pumps the same as valves, fittings, etc. Pump casing insulation shall be renrovable to allow for periodic maintenance. Heat Exchangers: Insulate heat exchangers with fiberglass board insulation. Boards shall have minimum dimension of 12 in. and a maximum dimension of 48 in. Install board insulation to fit as closely as possible to the equipment and stagger end joints where possible. hovide the insulation for cylindrical surfaces with edges properly beveled to provide a tightjoint. Hold all sections of insulation with two coats of vapor barrier mastic applied with an glass cloth between the coats. Point up all puncfures and breaks with vapor barrier mastic. B.High Temperature Equipment 1.General: Unless otherwise specified, insulate equipment in steam, hot water heating and domestic hot water systems. This includes condensate storage tanks, flash tanks, converters, boilers, breechings, and domestic hot water generators and storage tanks. Care shall be taken not to insulate over any nameplates or labels. Bevel and seal insulation around such. Exceptions: Do not install insulafion on equipment with factory installed insulation. Insulation Thickness and Material: Insulation thickness shall be as shown by manufacfurer's charts to provide a surface temperature less than or equal to 120 degtees at 90 degrees ambient temperahrre and zero wind speed. Materials shall be suitable for equipment surface temperatures. Finish: Cover insulation with l8 ga., 1" galvanized wire mesh. For equipment, finish over the galvanized wire with glass cloth and vapor barrier mastic coating with dry film thickness of 1/16 inch or use FSK jacket. For breeching, hnish with 1/2 in. layer of insulating and finishing cement. VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Co nstruction Documents I5 OCTOBER 2OO1I rrLM 980071-04 15250-I 5 I t T I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I 2. A. 3.4 SECTION 15250 INSULATION DUCT INSULATION INSTALLATION Outside Duct Wrap l. General a. All insulated ductwork is to be insulated on the outside. Duct liner is not allowed. b.Reference Section 15800, Air Distribution, for description of ducts requiring insulation. Supply and/or retum ductwork located within conditioned spaces served by this ductwork, do not require insulation. Ductwork passing through a space that is not supplied air by this ductwork requires insulation. Mechanical rooms and ceiling plenums are not conditioned spaces and duct insulation is required. Ductwork insulated inside and factory insulated ducts need not be insulated on the outside. Insulation for exposed rectangular ducts shall be fiberglass board. Insulation for other ducts shall be fiberglass duct wrap. Ducts for outside air intakes or ducts exposed to the weather shall have 2 in. thick insulation. Installation a. Fiberglass board: Secure board insulation tightly and smoothly with not less than 50 per cent coverage of bonding adhesive. After application of adhesive, secure the insulation tightly and smoothly with speed washers and welded pins. Space pins not over 18 inches apart each way, not over 3 inches from edges of insulation joints, and capable of supporting a load of20 pounds per pin. Apply insulation with all joints, in close mechanical contact and all open joints, breaks, punctures and voids filled with vapor barier coating. Where pins are welded to ducts, use a welding procedure which will not distort the duct, will not bum tluough, or will not mar the interior frnish of the duct, but will develop the full shength of the pin. Provide pin sizes and diameters as recommended by the manufacturer for the type and thickness of the insulation specified. Joints in jacket shall be taped with 4 in. wide FSK tape. b. Fiberglass duct wrap: Secure duct wrap tightly and smoothly with a bonding adhesive applied in 6 in. transverse strips on 12 in. centers. When the long side of the duct or the duct diameter is 24 inches or more, secure insulation also with speed washers and pins as specified for board insulation. Pins shall be spaced not more than 13 inches apart each way. Do not permit sagging of the insulation and provide sufficient bonding adhesive or VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER Construction Documents 15 OCTOBER 2001 HLM 980071-04 15250-16 I I sEcrroN ls2so TNSULATT,N I ff:i*t to prevent this. Joints in jacket shall be taped with 4 in. wide FSK I c. All cuts and tears shall be sealed with strips of 4 in. wide FSK tape. I ENDOFSECTTON I I I I I':j I I I I I t I l=- HLM,80071-04 ,ATLVALLE.MEDI,ALCENTER rs2s0-r7 Construction Documen s I5 OCTOBER 2OO1