HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D TRACT B C VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER 1990 EXPANSION GENERAL LEGALii.iY f,if-:.r l?qr,,tts,l::...r ' =o , eirrl",rE;1tt-1 Project Applicati6n Project Name: Proiect Descriplion: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptionr Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner D Statt Approval r I rrrEl' r n|,lrrrl,srrlrrr Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - . Comments: Design Review Board Molion by: Seconded bv: (- l- DISAPPROVAL Summary: E Start Approval 7J South Frontage Road Vail, Colortdo E1657 J0 t -47 9 -2 t t 8/ FAX t03 -47 9 -2 t t7 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: D e p0 fim ent of Pub I ic llorks/Tren s p ortati ort IIWORANDT'I.I Mike Rose ,1 Pete Burnett -[\f).Todd oppenheimer-', fl;(d"June 6, 1991 t Design Review Board Approval ofVail Transportation Center Landscape Plan The following stipulations were made by the Design Review Boardduring the approval process for the Vail Transportation Center: 1. Paint the generator the same green color as to!,rers and turnthe exhaust toward the south. 2. Cut concrete wall in front of Vail Information Center to 1811to 20rt height. Cap with sandstone or veneer with stone. Iwould probably prefer veneer with rainbow mix. 3. Strong reconrnendation to cut down stair bullding in fronL ofVaiI fnformation Center. Gary Murrain is working on a costestirnate. 4. Raise rrVail Infornationrt sign to meet horizontal leve1 andpaint green. Soften light source. 5. Stucco stair building at north east^ corner and curved wallfacing south side ski Museum. dral h(re&"f 6. fnclude hanging baskets on light poles where possible. 7. Add container plan to central stair area. Mike, would you take care of nurnbers 1", 4 and 5? I wi]l includenumbers 2, 6 and 7 in my work. Werll wait on #3 to see what thecost is. Mernorandun to Mike Rose and Pete Burnett June 6 | I99L Page 2 For the record, Ned felt satisfj.ed that we were doing all wecould on the snou storage area. We should nonitor the operationnext winter and keep good records. This night assist injustifying eguipment and manpower if needed in the future. A11 of the Design Review Board rnenbers were pleased with the plan and with the work that has gone on so far. I want to thank both of you for your help in getting this project passed. TOldsr cc: lffillFrEt''tr2 Ron Phillips o ffio JUN 041991 7J Sotth Frontagc Rotd Vtil, Colorado 81657 t0t -47 9 -2 1 t 8 | FAX tot -47 9 -2 1 t7 TO: FROM: FOR: Dt\trtn.nt of Public WofislTrantportst;on DATE T RE3 UEtrlORAt{DU}{ \ Ron Phillips ^^ '\;v/' 3:t: 3:ff:tEi'"?dDw"Kristan Pritz Mike Rose June 4, 1991 Landscaping at VTRC Snow Storage Area The eventual landscape treatrnent of the Vair rransportationcenter snow storage area is of great concern to the entire Townof vail-. As you are aware the Design Review Board indicatedserLous concerns on the northeast corner of the structure aboutthe lack of landscaping. As you are also aware, it is veryinportant that we do not delay the completion oi trris projict. Tle- basic probten that we are faced with is maintaining our ovrnhigh standards of landscape design and aesthetic quali€.y whireallowing for removal of snow in a manner which is botb Limely andwithin the limits of the resources allocated. There are many factors to consider in reaching a solution to thisrather difficult design probrern. These can be outlined in thefollowing manner. f. Aesthetic Concerns: It is unfortunate that the snow storage area is also thearea that needs landscaping ttre most. This is the onlyplace on the structure where the parking deck and parkedcars are visible from the Frontage Road and rnterstate. Thehigh, bare wall is also unattraciive. Memoranduro to Ron phit lipsJune 4, 1,991 Page 2 II. Function Concerns: As a result of the councir decision to create coupon parkingon the exposed upper deck the sno\d removal priorily oi thatarea changed from low to hiqh. snow must be cleared. fromthe ramps before Z:OO a.m. instead of 10:00 or tllO0 a.m.on-site, winter-long snow storage or the structure is verylinited. snow must be roadea aia hauled frequently throulhthe winter. The structure is below the villjge anlLionshead commercial areas for snow hauling pii"ii[y. IfI . Economic Concerns: changes to the snow removal opere.tions wilr have budgetaryinpacts. Mr. Burnett feeLs that the snow removat opSrati6nis stretched about as far as possibre with the exisii;;---resources. rn February you stated that additionar personneland equipnent were five to sLx years auay. There are several options available in trying to reaeh asolution. six are incruded here for seri6us-consideration.others have been erininated already for various reasons. Thoseinclude a snow nert pit (cost); coiering trre structure (cost,aesthetics, and operational piobrens); lnow mert heatini lcoit orinstallation and operation) .- The six options are outlined, below. rrve tried to list some prosand cons for each alternative. r. A"g9i.g Additigr.l Murpo*"" And Equio*"rt N"*d"d To Lo"d ArdHaul Without Storaqe This option includes three full-tirne operator I positions,and rental of a loader and dunp truck -for the wiirter onty.lhe fu1l-tirne positions wourd Le used for snow removar iirthe winter and would take the place of three seasonar parksDivision-positions in the =urnnlr. Operators ana eguipnentwould shift to other areas for snow lenoval when thestructure was finished. This increases service in all areasof the Town. The cost associated with this optio, """outlined below. Full tirne positions (salary and benefitsMinus salary cost for seas6nal positionsNet cost of 3 positions per yea-r s1_05,751( 30 ,72O)I 75,03L Memorandurn to Ron Phillips June 4, 1991 Page 3 Cons Concerns Rental cost of loader for 4 monthsRental cost of dump truck for 4 nonths Equipment operating and maintenancecost per year $ 16,ooo s 48,00O s r.99 . 03 1- $199,031 Pros - Allows landscaping of structure to be conpleted. - Increases quality of work force, quality ofwork (no retraining, higher level ofdependability, security, safety from enployees). - Upgrades snow removal operation/servicethroughout Town. (rnproved hauling out ofcore areas, return to level. of service heldprior to parking st,ructure - addition in outIying areas. ) - Provides back up crerr for emergency response and heawy snow situations. No back up crewcurrently exists. - Allows greater versatility in Parks Division,trained equiprnent operators would be on hand when needed. - Efficient nethod of snow removal , only nove snow once. - Increase in operating budget. The total cost llsted can be divided betweenpark rnaintenance and snow removal aE follows: Parks - $ SO,O21 (urostly for benefit package) Snow - $149,0L0 - Total cost assunes employees at the top ofpay range - actual cost would be less untilthat level was achieved. Memorandurn to Ron phillips June 4, 1991 Page 4 rr. 9ontract snow Renoval with Local contractor. contract couldbe set up sinilar to police Departrnentrs towing contract.Set fee is paid per month regardless of work p-rformed,actuaL work performed is paid for on a per unit basis,- Pros :ffi:::r u"U equiprnent goes ar/eay in the option could be tried for one season withoutnajor commitment of resources. rrr. conpronlse on..Anount of ,_Landscaplng rnstalted And Anount ofsnolr storage space provided. plant trees ffione-third where-visibility onto the deck is the greatest.Work with it and evaluate-the results for a season. Cons Concerns Cons Concerns - Allows landscaplng to be completed. - Possible difflcult in getting work perfornedin a tirnely manner. High potential for danage to structure due toIack of care by contractor. Annual costs are not know and not easllycontrolled. Linited number of local contractors wlthsufficient equiprnent competitive bids wouldbe difficult to obtain. - Flexible atternative - Allows for some landscaping of most vlsiblearea. - Risk of getting into a bind on snosr removal . - Not a perrnanent, courpJ_ete solution to Pros - No cost for equtprnent/personnel at this tine. landscaping problerns. Evaluation may show that Option f. isnecessary but will provide good backgroundinformation. will require some flexibility on the part ofDesign Review Board or an ovLrriding iotefrorn Council. Memorandum to June 4, L99L Page 5 Ron Pbillips v. Pros Cons Concerns AlLows for some landscaping of the area. Keeps trees fron being damaged by sno{iceequipnent. Allows for snow removal operatJ.on to proceedas it is (Option VI.). Trees in containers could only be allowed toget to a certain size before they have to bereplaced. Trees never ltmaturerr. Solution does not look natural . Potential for danage to trees from noving inand out. Landscaping is absent during wLnter months when visibifity is higtrest. Size of naterLal desired nay reguire specialequiprnent for moving operation. Trees could be transplanted out of containersto perrnanent -location when they got toolarge. No landscaping in winter ls the nost seriousdisadvantage to this option. Permanent solution which allows for snowstorage/removaL and proper landscaping. Works with existing snow rernoval resources. Costly installation structure and a new wall would allow for storage andequipment access. A landscaped area at least f,welve feetwide would screen the entire area and structure fron thenorth. Frontaqe Road. A sixteen foot wLde zone between the Pros Cons Memorandun to Ron June 4, 1991 Page 6 Concerns Pros Cons Concerns Vf. The 4s-fs Solution. This is always an option which needsstating. Onit Landscaping (except for glound surface).Continue snolr removal operation sane as last year. PhilIips Reguires realignment of Frontage Road fifteento twenty feet to the north or removal orrealignnent of left turn lane for Blue Cow Chute. Colorado Department of Highways will probably have sone najor concerns regarding Frontage Road. Greg Hall has not been consutted regardingthis option. Limits amount of storage space. Heavy storms may exceed capacity. - Lowest cost alternative - Proven workability - Disregards or lowers aesthetic standards. - Public perception that Town doesnrt careabout design. Will probably require Council to overrideDesign Revl-ew Board negatlve vote. Becomes easier to by pass future solution inlieu of other more pressing proJects. Landscaping may never be |tcompletedrt. when you have had an opportunity to consider these options wewould like to schedule a rneeting to discuss the direltion toproceed. This project is scheduled for Deslgn RevLew Board onwednesday, June 5. There wilr be a li hour iite visit prior tothe Design.Review Board meeting. r knon ttrat you wilr Le out oftown at this tirne. perhaps we could make sone kind ofarrangement with Design Review Board before you leave. Please get back to me when you have a chance. TOldsr cc: Ken Hughey Anll ' lll4M-Iul^.bon fioc(. I I ( ,bth1 +,,r.r}t\E Ut$ fi\fp\ Nad, swr,u l\r*e arer Wr* b odd^lrd Wa,p\* r'ruA fldrtr^,.Je tU\ ar8tL 'l) }'\oi,\\u,ru, ,\rqqo- r,ndp,r,r!, D oparn+tI G/^f[^ rul-bb bL Fl#,u"i,wdr3fu,l.mial , dro*'qp (i**, bco|a..U\ T"^ffiilH/ ft^+ fl*^ o ) I\) ,ta\ut I {\auqnc 0 ruy\ hdt b"fuary elr\dort 0\^ fr^+l^, ^t{A ^il rt rt".r"h,it- ri rraaaool \rJnr(il irl\lr $r. bnilrraq-{trrr tdill^0CIA ,U,\NU bui,+ Ai,{q-d,- iD \d'{hqjo\ ff116" I'l I :, W*^,x[ff a.. kil.uq+ 6.L, 5 W oS^ arvqa&z\ prLn sadl-i,)bt crraf TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o MEMORANDUM Todd Oppenheimer Pete Burnett Greg Hall Mike Rose Shelly Mello Mike Mollica Kristan Pritz May 20, 1991 Follow Up on Design Review Board Meeting Comments on May 15, 1991 I have tried to summarize the points the staff needs to follow up on for the final Design Review Board approval (hopefully) of the Village Parking Structure Landscape Plan. This meeting is scheduled for June 5, 1991 . 1. The snow storage area on the northeast corner of the parking structure must be addressed. The Board felt strongly that landscaping in this area is critical. lt was suggested that snow storage perhaps occur on the southeast corner of the structure. A revised snow removal plan for the top of the structure was also suggested. I think we all agree that this area of the structure needs landscaping. We need to think of a creative solution for the snow removal. ls there any way to focus more of our snow removal equipment and people resources at the structure in order to address this design concern? Greg also mentioned the possibility to me of removing the decel lane into the parking structure. Perhaps by removing the lane and expanding out the landscaping, additional snow storage could occur in this area west of the structure entrance. The bottom line is, the DRB is very clear that large spruce trees need to be planted in front of the structure, particularly along the Frontage Road. We need to figure out a way to make this happen and still address snow removal. 2. The area in front of the Information Center along the Frontage Road should allow for better visibility of the Center. Layering the landscaping was suggested as a possible solution. I think the removal of a portion of the concrete sidewalk, as suggested on our site visit, is also a good idea. Sherry suggested a possible plaza area with the American flag. 3. Painting the concrete was suggested instead of sandblasting the structure, Ned Gwathmey had some specs on tints that may be appropriate lor the structure. lf possible, it would be great if we could actually show the DRB some test colors on the structure lor the June 5 meeting. We also need to document if this approach is within our budoet. 4. 5. We need to finalize our decision on the concrete cutting. The DRB agreed that the concrete cutting should occur in lhe main stair conidor where the most impact can be achieved. We need to determine if the planter in the main stair corridor can be expanded. There was some question if the structure beneath this area could hold a planter. I recommend we expand the planter and perhaps use only shrubs and flowers in the top area. The impact would be worth it if structurally feasible. The deck planters should be figured out. We should determine if the planters should be wood, stone, or colored concrete. lt would also be positive if we could have a summer arrangement and a winter rearangement to allow for snow removal so we would always have some type of vegetation on the top deck. Perhaps during the wintertime, the planters could be clustered so that snow removal would not be so difficult. The treatment of the curb at the base of the planter by Slifer Square should be decided. An option of incorporating boulders along this planter edge was recommended on the site visit. By the south side of the structure, adjacent to the Vail Athletic Club, a planted, two- tiered wall was proposed. In general, the Design Review Board really liked the design. ls it possible to allow for a little space on these terraces to incorporate one or two small sculptures? | understand why the niches have been taken out of the design. However, I think this option would be easy to allow for. Any interest? The sidewalk on the east end of the structure needs to be studied. I advocate removing the sidewalk for now, and observing where people actually walk. This seems to be an improvement that could easily be constructed in the future. I think this money could be used more effectively in the main stair corridor for concrete cutting. This would be my recommendation. However, we need to come to a group solution. The DRB recommended that flower beds and deciduous trees be extended along the southwest end of the structure, to be compatible with the color added in the main corridor and the southeast end of the structure on the terraced walls. Sherry suggested using the concept of planting "scallops." It was decided that the pocket park on the southwest corner of the structure was not necessary at this time. lt was suggested we keep this option open by allowing for expansion off of the stair plaza. The landscaping plan should be designed with this in mind. 12. Type of rock by the Sonnenalp planter across from the soulhwest corner of the parking structure needs to be addressed. The existing planter is moss rock. Rock type for planter extension needs to be determined. I think we should plan a 2 hour site visit on June 5 with the Design Review Board. I would like lo schedule the site visit even earlier, however I know George Lamb and Gena Whitten will be gone over the next few weeks. I think it is important that everybody has the opportunity to understand how the plan relates to the structure. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. In addition, I sent a copy of the plan with notes to Jeff Winston. I have asked lor his comments by May 28, 1991. I would like to schedule the revised landscape plan for discussion at interdepartmental on May 29, 1991. This will hopefully assure we are all on he same wavelenglh as to what will actually be presented on June 5. Thanks for all the eftort on this landscape plan. lt is a very important project for us and the community. \rtr r,acE tRANgFoBfA$oN Cb+rq lte plgu !r.88 to i*eorncaDe dl of tte iil€€. w.d'FE bcto t IHrg lboun It' nry bc hcle&l to ilo a &* eLctdhs dtgy poHes stae (tofdc6 !o tno rrrtirg frEEkc, Blur Corr fre) to E*F gwo tt will loo&, tlha ray we ttbl ibvfl er@ tl€ Cars, I thi'rlr I 13rc fias\y figrrsal od whst bclged ue sbq$ ths peytsua Dhtrg cooept wttl the Carriqg of tto "gwstrB8' iitrwt tle dde of tDe *oCwo, o-d tbs cmtbuoos plalfrg olo-g tbe bott@r it creotcil r s€d€r of tf* wi& ondumr ltendng dmg D. lroadar lbtvr- It qp€sr3 +-lrat thg oor duog ar*a *rr b thr lfr diftctb belorr vbae t]eee irr e bmeel b th. vdl of rrpperlevelilect Ipamotleo(Seqnnarnrwoddrd,beurcd.formowiluging,dnceysn would hsro to lifr it ovrr tle wall If tHg tbe c$6, we world mgBct oas otl* pB'rrugar to tLc locador dltre plat rdecial Conld we opea up eee of,tle fl'r &gE tls bo*r {trrq tb€p, T'drlaitorq}IlutfiDgtbeplarttngll**dettletoplertlsralloftLeqgcrlaveldr*? ltir woutdcredoeunadgUngplaEagflorrithareoaofgratemdsrDcorediryuptDcl.tll.In orilpr tp give a riAe riarnl erytltroee to tbe pellm watfug do.g D. Mceilrr lhirg below ths sfimshlg I g€d a kng ftr 0f tls Dl@ i:q rbich I?E d*I€il tf€ bees tld t ttrlt sgqlit be rdocatett, ad Flsced $al|:il dincls tD indlcat€ where the treer EISLI be DlaFeiL lbe rtst of tts Csr loohl vtry geod- erNx.lr.rlg riSOCt^rcr . ri{c ' l4:it llt" "t*n' 'li'' ' lottt'uEB ' l'ot'Ol^l}0 tO'O? ^ ttOJt r'o ll00 )',ki r-T Eod s00 S3IYICBSSV NEISNII1 tt69 6tt EoE Eo:e[ 6a-80-tE6l Circle 35 on Reader Service Card Ornamental Aluminum Fence Adds Lasting Beauty and Security . Constructed of specially designed aluminum extrusions with a baked on enamel finish that will not crack, peel or blister.. Available in Four Colors . Full Factory Warranty ELITE ALUMINUM FENCE PRODUC"TS 386 South Street . Rochester, MI ,1g063 (313) 651-7789 . FAX (313) 6514954 (:ir^la l2l ^- o^-,t^r c^^,:^- ^^-r 644S Circle 73 on Reader Service Card Announcing. . , PlantUtastef 2.3 PROFESSIONAL PLANT DATABASE SYSTEM Referenced to color PhotograPhs ' Regional Modules: PlantMaster North, PlantMaster South & PlantMaster West versions . 325 characteristics per plant . Add, edit or modify database easily . Generate planting legends-names, quantities, size, etc' . User-friendly system . Interface with CAD, spreadsheet or word processor . Mac and lBM/compatibles* $"c,+s^rA@ Circle 103 on Reader Service Card For a Demo Ptogram or more information contact: PO Box 90525, Santa Barbara, CA 93190 805-964-7497 USERS INCIUDE: lt of Ceorgia; LSU; UCLA; UC Berkeley; LICSB; Cal PoIy SLO; Calit'. Dept. of Water Resources; SWA Cnup; EDAW; Pnidian; WeIIs, Larson, Appel; Cardom' Dilalh' Hnrington; Forma; Cities of Vmtura, Santa Mottica, Chula Vista; Fhonix; PG€IE Southetn Califoniia Eilison; US Fotest Seruice; Texas Agricultural Ettension; etc. Wemqkeitsqfe. / f onyone should know whot kids wont-it3a kids. From their fresh ideos we hove creoled o whole new world ol woter-ploy components designed to be os fun (ond soie) os possible. SCS woter-ploy components ore olso quickly ond eosily instolled-ond con be custom designed io iust obout ony specificolions. For your complete informotion pockoge ond color video, coll or write: a faA r.!.idFtso.r ano --I \* i#.cE}EJ\JJ liif;;ffir'." Circle t07 on Feader Service Card Circle 33 on Beader Service Card o RS E trTTT Urban park planning truly is the essence ofcity planning when an entire city is vierved through the lens ofa park. This is the real revolution taking piace today in urban park planning. Paul M. Brag Albany, NY I Unbullt and VisiDnary Landscapes In your introduction to the "Landscapes for the 21st Century" you em- phasize that "visionary design is by no means as uncommon as had been presumed." It is to be hoped, however, that this Captivity, however, de- feats the synecotectural purpose. In this instance, the terraces could be in- habited by a variety of gulls, pigeons and bees already accustomed to urban surroundings. Congratulations upon these timely examples of "Landscapes for the 21st Century," exposing the essential necessity for a sweeping revision in plan- ning practice, u'herein the preeminence of environic quality and s1'necological factors is recognized as the basis of the design disciplines. Patrick Horsbnrgh, HASLA SouthBend, IN I Cor.ections "vision" is closely associ- ated with theory, educa- tion and practical appli- cation for we are about to reach the 2lst century with such a crushing bur- den of environmental degradation that the moment of entry rnay' well coincide with the collapse of organized society'.It is clear that we should not pass into the next century weighed dos'n with the heavl' re- sults of high specializa- tion and professional subdivisions. The experi- ence of the passing century should conlince us of the imporlance of landscape comprehension as the basis for all con- slruction. This shift in professional emphasis nou' stimulated by your "visionary" design chal- lenge requires the reri- sion of educational plo- grams with environ- mental disciplines as the basis for all the planning professions, horveVer subdirided. The Enyironic Founda- tion International, u.hich I founded, has advocated such educational renova- tion over the years and, in particular, concentr?- tion upon the subject of ecology for the provision of the basic discipline for synecotectural design and s]'necopolitan plan- ning. An imaginative example of synecotectu- ral design is Roger Ferri's glass-faced skyscraper forMadison Square, New York City, with descend- ing tertaces 'panted r.r'ith flora native to the Hudson Valley region and popu- iated with fauna eapable of adjusting to captivity." On page 30 ofthe Febru- ary issue, the opening paragraph of "Rivers in the City" is the work of Ellen Posner, u'ith the exception of the final sentence. AIso in that issue, the name of Al Copp, a participant in the LA Forum on urban ll'a- terfronts, $,ras mispelled. Several design credits were omitted from the January cover story on urban parks. For the plaza at the First lnler- state Bank Tower in Dal- Ias, Peter Ker Walker, ASLA, was partner-in- charge for the Office of Dan Kiley. For Heritage Park in Holyoke, Massa- chusetts, the firm Childs Bertman Tseckares and Casendino was respon- sible for design and de- sign development. City- Design Collaborative of Cambridge did design development for the up- per level and construction documents. The Berk- shire Design Group of Northamplon, Massachu- setts, did design develop- ment for the lower level. IANDSCAPE AICHI]ECIUIT LTTTtrRS Urban park planning trulyis the essence ofcity planning when an entire city is viewed thruugh the lens ofa park. This is the real revolution taking place today in urban park planning. PauL M. Brag Albany, NY I Unbuilt and Visionart tandscapes 21st Century" you em- phasize that "visionary design is by no means as uncommon as had been presumed." It is to be hoped, however, thatthis "vision" is closely assoei- ated $ith theory, educa- tion and practical appli- cation for rve are about to reach the 21st century g.ith such a crushing bur- den of environmental degradation that the moment of entry may well coincide vith the collapse of organized society.It is clear that we should not pass into the nerit century lveighed do$'n \a'ith the heavy re- sults of high specializa- tion and professional subdivisions. The experi- enee of the passing century should conr.ince us of the importance of landscape comprehension as the basis for all con- struction. This shift in professional emphasis now stimulated by your "visionary" design chal- lenge requires the revi- sion of educational pro- grams with environ- mental disciplines as the basis for all the planning professions, however subdivided. The Environic Founda- tion International, which I founded, has advocated such educational renova- tion over the years and, in particular, concentra- tion upon the subject of ecology for the pror"ision of the basic discipline for synecotectural design and synecopolitan plan- ning. An imaginative example of synecotectu- ral design is Roger Ferri's glass-faced skyscraper for Madison Square, New York City, with descend- ing ten'aces "planted with florz native to the Hudson Valley region and popu- lated with fauna capable of adjusting to captivity." Captivity, horvever, de- feats the synecotectural purpose. In this instance, the terraces could be in- habited by a variety of gulls, pigeons and bees already accustomed to urban sun'oundings. Congratulations upon these timely examples of "Landscapes for the 2lst Century," exposing the essential necessity for a sweeping revision in plan- ning practice, ',vherein the preeminence of environic quality and synecological factors is recognized as the basis of the design disciplines. Patriak Horsbnqh, HASLA SauthBend., IN I Gorroctions On page 30 ofthe Febru- ary issue, the opening paragraph of "Rivers in the City" is the work of Ellen Posner, u.ith the exception of the linal sentence. AIso in that issue, the name of Al Copp, a participant in the LA Forum on urban wa- terfronts, was mispelled. Several design credits were omitted from the January cover story on urban parks, For the piaza at the First Inter- state Bank Tower in Dal- Ias, Peter Ker Walker, ASLA, was partner-in- charge for the Office of Dan Kiley. For Heritage Park in Holyoke, Massa- chusetts. the firm Childs Bertman Tseckares and Casendino was respon- sible for design and de- sign development. City- Design Collaborative of Cambridge did design development for the up per level and construction documents. The Berk- shire Design Group of Northampton, Massachu- setts, did design develop- ment for the lower level. In your introduction to the "Landscapes for the IANOSCA?E ARCHIIIC]UIE WALL SAWING WITH NO DUST, NOISE OR VIBRATION LEAVES A SMOOTH FINISH. ftusorrr & HAINEY, lruo CONCRETE CORING COMPANY DENVER - AREA coDE 303-433-8818coLo. SPRINGS_ AREA^ ^='<nG6a6toa FORT COLLINS. AREA COLO. WATS: 1-80 4034JASoNSTREET r DEN! +,NC ELECTRIC SLAB SAWING -- IOAfllMEfREE INSIPE WORK. CORE ORITLING TO $" DIAMETER ANY DEPTH. 6,,.yP[,iT'P*nCOMPANY NAMT ADDRESS \3,DtoCC A,UOD Cr^"dR-&ry\MQ I DDD Ppc,rl. {,nisL ,t -^ I4f -' \:J --- | '7 b?*# ,\ WATER AVAILABILITY POWER AVAILABILITY OUR SCAFFOLOING HEIGHT OF WORK TRtJcK To woRK AgE4 r' .:...'t1. DtsrANcE ovERTtME NEcESsAFy fl PRICES SUBJECTTO CHANGE IF CONDITIONS ON JOB VARY FROM THIS INFORMATION OR IF QUOTATION IS OLDER THAN SIX MONTHS. !oof# ,.r'@3o=* r'f2 fr>3o7-"= /zo% 7 zoft YES PLAslc FILM neoutneo O EXTBA MAN FEQUIRED D vAcUUM REQUIREo E TNSTDE woRK El NOp BH R AaIliu{SPECIAL EOUIPMENT D - retcxr & " .:,i/ r ,.:..,t. / /* / tS '; t' . ^ ,t .r' .n t' t' i,i. *,ut !,--** f:'i ," " / 1:" f '':i {r { it r--' :r/it.'/.-'{T(' f' "'''f t"*'ii ; NorlcE: lfthe afipur due or any prt lhs€ot ls not pald wlthln 30da]s of ths lnvolos, as.ylc6cfirgeot 1%% pe nnnlh(lg% glnualr€ts) vrlll be ct|{g€d on the unpaid bahnce. In ca86 sult o. actlon is Inrlltut€d tn od€( to collst the gnoqnt due or sny pert thqrot, tho dStor wlll be llable fo..€sonableattoney'e tEs. WE ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILIW FOR LAYOUT. llT,'ffibiF''ffi,,;667 -8382 A DIVISION OF TT ENTERPRTSES INC.-uL=_ ,[wHead of Community Development75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Co. Dear Sir: I would like to call the following situation to Vourf-.f/)'attention in case you are not aware of it \,,tllY' W-A^iLast fa11 we. installed the pavers for Vail parking I| i ;Structure as a sub. contractor for pCL Constructi.on- 5r" t / \Lto negligencg by our then employee, Scott Coalrnan, the L\l ' .pavers provided by colorado ionlrete were not trre'e*act shade lrr^ rlQlwanted by the project architect. It was decided by the (/;'larchitect, PcL & us to lay those pavers rather than delay the ) 1 fob_- possibly untiL spring - and to negotiate a price adjustment,To date we have recieved no payment for materi.at or labor-on ^n:Lnthis job. The labor and related taxes, of course we have llllfalready had to pay. The suppliers r,,re owe have been patient ftrtUbut are now threatening legal action. idD-''^nP- ^we are a small seasonar company. I'te can not financially l/'"vJ)absorb the 969 t238.oo we are owed and continue to operate. ' a U ^Negotiations between pcl,, the architect & vail =."*'il*i]rr" t r.t')41brokendown totarly. we agreed to a i 0* deduct - that was Uet, " rej ected. From the information I can nov/ garner,headed for the courts, f have filed a claimthatrs no help to us now. I do not understand why we can not be paid on this jobgiven that vail recelved a useabre income pioducing product 3nd, r assume, had pre-allocated funds to pay tor it. It hasbeen five months since we completed the joL. am asking for your help in this matter as f reallydon't know how to proceed or who to talk to and time isrunnipg short. our credit is already ruined and it's notokaypr our company to go under because of this. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciat Nl I the matter Ison the job but Sincerely Yours, V-,aQ-UlToni R. Colson President o:, I I lnwn 75 roulh tronlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (3{r3} 47$2138 (303) 4792139 otlace ot communlty development March 2L, L99L llr. Scott Ward Michael Barber Architecture 1290 BroadwaySuite 6O0 Denver, CO 80203-5606 Dear Scott: I am writing this letter in response to your letter dated February 28, 1991- concerning the lane indicator lights at the main entry. I feel it is necessary to correct the history ofthis project. As I stated in my February 27, l-990 letter, on January 31, 1990, the Design Review Board gave final approval to the Vail village Parking Structure Expansion with the following condition: 1. The signage, entry and lighting for the project will be presented to the Design Review Board at an upcoming rneeting as soon as possible. On llarch 7, 1990, the entry for the Vail Village Parking Structure was approved. The approved drawj-ng from Michael Barber Architects is dated March 7, L99O. At that meeting, there was no discussion of the indicator lights. In fact, the Design Review Board approval stated: "lighting and signage to be reviewed by Design Review Board at a later date.tr Please see the attached March 7, 1991 DRB approva} sheet. In addition, when the signage for the entire Parkinqr Structure was reviewed, there was no infornation on the indicator lights in the subrnittal package. IF i l,tr. scott ward March 2L. L99L Page 2 My purpose for outlining the seguence of events here is to emphasize that tlrese llghts were never dLscussed at Design Review Board level . I believe we can rectlfy thls situation by bringingthe proposal to the oesign Review Board at their April 3rd rneeting. If you have any further questions about this iten, please feeJ-free to contact me. Once again, I believe the issue can beresolved. However, I think it is i-mportant to nake sure that thehistory of the project is accurate. Sincerely, {ti*on ft'\ Kristan Pritz Comnunity Development Director /abEnclosure/---'=tlcc: Mike Rose Projecl Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Psrson and Phone Owner, Address and Phon€: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board I I I .l I I II I i I I I J.. t- .fiq(5'. s*rrg r{* r*i.il iru ) il) a RE E'D FEB 1 1gg1 TOWII OF 7J So*b Frontcgc Rood Ytil, Colorado t1657 t 0 t -47 9 -2 1 t I I FAX t 0t -4? 9 -2 1 t 7 Dcpartmcat of Pfi lh llorlslTraasportstion UEI,TORANDT'}I TO: FROM: DATEi RE: Distribution List Todd Oppenheimer February 1, 1991Village Transportation and Public fmprovenent Center Landscaping Project f have scheduled a meeting to review and discuss the plans forIandscaping and construction of other public improvements(sidewalks, art niches, walls etc.) on the Village Transportation Center. The rneeting will be on: Thursday, February L4, L99t 10:00 a.n. to 12:00 noonPublic Works Conference Roon This is a very important project. Please nake every effort toattend. During this neeting we will nake a guick review of thecurrent Barber/Civitas plans and look at some inadeguacies that ffeel exist. Then I would like each of you to voice your concernsregarding the project and plan. HopefuJ.ly our discusslon will bring out rnost of the inportantissues. This information ls needed to conplete the revisions tothe pJ.ans and begin the bidding process for construction. Please notify me at 479-2L6L if you are unable to attend. Distribution Llst: Ned Gwatney, DRB Diana Donovan, PEC Ron Phillips Dick DuranSylvia Blount, VRAChris Schripps, Ski Museum Greg Hall Pete Burnett Shelly llelloJeff Winston, $linston & AssociatesJin MarshalI ,fan Choti Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Bob Rlggle Mike Rose o frL\\R1\ a : i {or}.. ffiry w'l\ nlr,r,rpryh bvwt, l'l \'! 't, hlrhnu- ,rrq,Ul- wl\fu"r*l-o^^&cro.a\ ll*k r-r r 'A r 'l fi l. \ \ 5, tsh*ei{ -a/r*\ 5+Nd \ia\rilI pub :;\trot h, !t'nl-,l0rr6\no,n,,a$r'@-. I QK,tfv'" alt+Lrydlulr +J finA,e N*\ fur\ i+*,rd[,C $&Su,e t t'rvidq, W $x' rh a)S*,t,I. um\ ots,dr- 4 th,Ll *l tnl Soo-rrh!0r ^$ooy \hr! o \+\" soA+dr^oot U) /tace [q vn,br o{'h"- W;u'w\W l\u,rld"b' tillLi- \ l\a,,+h ,^rdtu q q qoiri: uJ N.rp^d tpf \3) U,rt*^rd. \$o "\d*M $ uat b'tr{ o^$!.+h q Pl'rsa ,\ tr \,{,,i,{ FtudurA-0J\{" rg q,}entD-. TW i{m^t tttJ{.Co4fir^' \ Project Appllcation Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone -_-Commenls: Design Review Board 'Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Staff Approval RE['D .lUl 2 41990 ltlIC1lAIL BARBTR ARC]|ITTCIURI Doie, B Jvu) l71O en", KPI9TIFJ F.Submiltql No: ( ltoched I n Shop Drowings E Somples D s n UnderSeporoie Cover Reprod uctions Chonge Order ! Moil ! Toxi tr n Messenger Telecopier! ! Speci{icotions Originols ! No Exception Token E Revise ond resubmil E Moke Corrections Noted Resubmiliol Not Required Reiected Submil Specified ltem for Approvol ForYour Use For Revier,v ond Comment X tr tr D ! tr MICHAEI. BAREER 1290 BROADWAY SUITE 600 A RC H ITECT U R E P RO F E S S IO N A L DENVER COTORADO 80203-5606 TELEPHONE 303 837 0555 CORPORATION FACSTMTIE 303 837 0600 WHILE YOU WERE OUT M Ar€acode Numbor Exbfldon //#.D grtof WHILE YOU\WERE,OUT Ql/ptarfoltt es WHILE YOU WERE OUT From Phone no. ( fr57' orss Ar€aoo.L Numbs E(Ffdon ff,F-a #'4/!a/al , 'rzGCtn;F- t /i M cData(nn nar TO: FROU: DATE: RE: Attached are sketches ofsubnitted by Scott tfard.are acceptable. the informatlon center Please let Penny knor Departnent revl,sl,onsif these chanEes Design Review Board Kristan Pritz, Connunity Development JuIy 26, 1990 Vail Transportation Center Of')oy l',\L FKd U ||lICI|AII. BAROTN TRC}|ITICIt,RI ItAN$rmAt Dorr: 8 JuuY l71O N". L?\qrlhJ P.Subnrittol No: fc D Aflochod Shop Drowings Somplcs E UndcrScporole Cover S Fenroduaions O Chongc Onder Spccificolions Originols El Moil Ll loxl o B Mcsrcnger TclecopierD D O No Erccption Token E &visc ond rcsubmit ! Mokc Concclions Notcd Resubmiltol Nol Rrquircd Rcicctqd Submit Spccifi.d lhm tor Approol brYour Uss br ftviciv qnd Comncnt tr tr f) D X tr €oo'ro: TrmJF+ <ll) MICHAEI, SARSER 1290 BRO^DWAY SU|TE 600 At c H ll E cT u I t P t o f E ss I o N A L DENVER COIORADO 80203.5606 IELE?HONE 303 837 0555 CORPOIATION FACSTMTIE 303 837 0a00 a t* {J rJs-g a3-a -$ r_ 'F* ,Ll- ,n\\-\ T, TJ tL rJ cr ss- ;:f-r s TI F uIJ lrl Tt- f s $ l--rl *5 tr U cosq-g t-t 1 $s{ J llr() :l 0_E Fu- \_ ./ -l ul t!L OL I \sl rrS - 'l 6 \$ 4 trsg. J :sT a(" $ \\ lir t '.TUAa d 4Y4T?A f ,hhfrufo lry lHuaucz "4ctt4? AH#HPF A" ftpfb, c.-rf2fla vFnBpF_ li' I oo eTczAE glLL Qwre) Ot^et|-t$0 F, P€q"72' cI lc2 H lNF 6?, 6FtlTvl' 2c" .t11p1 fi|a, _s * --$ )rrW'* a&' YEv,nC-z,vt Pf1 t!: ldi.a. C7HTt Y- lo.Juv-t r11G. r I rrtsvt Alrlrl !rr5a rrrrr I Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board .'r\ DISAPPROVALi) Staff Approval,pv".T"i"hi \o",", )i l- J ' \\ ." z---\- rr-/\ ' -'----'t =,--(\rr-( \J )\-Jr__:l ----.-_ /^\ I\*>r- \ \,-;-f-'.'Ft-r) '--_--5- \9- la.---.-G=--+G__.----.-1.: Project applicaln Proiect Name: Proiect Oescription: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block - Filing Comments: Design Review Board ""," ll3t / tD DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Town Planner Staff Approval ?5 rculh lrontrgc nord vrll, colorrdo 81C5? (3O3) '17$2158 d.pldmcnt of publlc worb/tr.nlportltlon April 18, L99O Mr. Ed Hill_ Colorado Dept. of Highways PO Box 298Eagle, CO 81.631 Dear Ed: Public Works/Transportation As we discussed on the phone, this retter is to inform you of theproposed construction at the Village Transportation center thissunmer. we are currentry soriciting bids from four pre-qualifiedcontractors to expand and remodel the Transportation tenter. Bidswill close Aprir 24th and we hope to issue-a notice to proceed totlre successful contractor on l{ay lst. we have included an add arternative in the bid for the contractorto maintain linited parking in the structure during construction.Hohtever' the price of providing parking courd b-e prohibitive.Although the Lionshead parking stlucture witt be aiailable forsulnmer parking, we are reguesting that parking be allowed on thenorth side of the south Frontage Road duiing construction frorn thefour-way stop east to Ford park. parking would be prohibited whenconstruction activities make for unsafe parking conditions. Thisparking would allow people to gain direcl acceis to vail village. Please carl rne lf you have any guestions or desire any additionalinforrnation. Thank you for consideration of this reqirest. Sincerely, \Z\IL1989 SB:pabcc: Ron Phillips, Ken HugheyKristan Pritz, Greg HalIMike Rose Stan Berr national Conference of Buil.linsU&Inter BOAFD OF OIBEC'ORS CIIAIRMAN ERE T SNYOEn. C.B.O. BUILOING OFFICIAL PACIFICA. CIALIFORNIA FIRST VICE.CHAIFIMAN EUGENE J. ZELLEE. F.E.. C.8,O. SUPENINTENDEN I OF AUILOING ANIJ SAFCTY IONG AE CH, CALIFORNIA SECONO VICE.CHAIRMAN JAMES L. MAi{SON. C-A.O, OIRECTON. DEPAFTITIENT OF BUILOING ANO SAFETY COIJNIY OF SPOXANE SPOKANE. WASHINGlON IMMEDIATE PASICHAIRMAN wlLLlafif E. scltLEcHr. c.B.o. BIJ||DtN(l OFr(:t L couNr Y oF wASH[{GION HILLSAORO. OREGON BOBEqT J. EPPSIEIN. C.O.O. CHIEF BIJILDING OFFICIAL FREMONT. CALIFORNIA BOA FOWLEB. P_E., AtA. C.A.O. OINECIOR OF BUII-DIN(; INSPECIION ASTLEN€. TEXAS JAH P, CASIENLA'ID, C A.O. BUITDINGCODE OFFICER SI. PAUL. MINNESOTA PTIILTIP M. HENNINGTON. C.B,O, OIFECION. OGPAfII MEN T OF BUITDING ND SAFETY R€NO. NEVADA oouGLAs E. HOOD. C.B.O. BUrtorNG (rr'|ct L coton^oo FrvEn INDTAN lnrBEs PAnkEn. /TRIZON GOFOONW UROOCH. P.E. BIJILOITJG OFFICIAL OANA FOINT. CAI.IFORNIA urcHAEL J. l|OLlE, C.E.O. AUILDING OFFICIAL CRESWELL. OBEGON RON P€FKEREWICZ C.S.O. OIRECIONOT COMMUNITY DEVELOP[IENI COL'NIY OF KIISAP FOnr oRo JAFD. WASIlNGtON JAMES B. SI}IGLETON. C.8.O. ourtoratc s^F€lY aul rMsrnAToR lucsoN. Anl:oNA TtlOMAS R. IOMPSOfl. C.A.O. EUILDING OFFICIAL BROOMFTEtD, COI-OBAOO ROAEnT O- WEB€n, P.E.. C.O.O. OINECTOR. DEP^NIU€NI OF BUILOIN6 COUNI Y OF CLARK LAS VECAS. NEVAOA ALLET{O. ZEPPEn. C.A.O. BUIIDING OFFICIAL SIITLWATEF. MINNESOTA 5160 sOUII-l WORK,vIAN rvttl_L ROAD WI-IITTITR, CALIFORNIA 9060 I April 5, 1990 Plan Clpcl< No. 3690 Project: Mdition to VaiI Center Ad(lress: Vail Colorado (2r l) 699-054 | OFFICESOF FNESIOENT JAi'ES E BIHN.P,E. EXECUTIV€ VICE.PRESIOENI ooHALO F. WAtSOra. P.E. t'ransportation FAX NUM6EFSO(orOnxinrncrl l?l3l692'3853 Gary Mrrnin ctrief hrilililg Official Tor,'n of Vail 75 South Ftontage RoadVaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. lturrain: the follcnrirg preUmirary comnents are tJle result of our nreetirgs during the week of April 2t Iggo. INNS|IIEIIJNJAL GIGITIIIS : 1. Provisions of Sestion 702 (a) wittr regard to t1'pes of construction ard use of basen stn:cture should be consideredfor the proposed project.. 2. A defilition of finished grade arouxl lJre strucLrrre toestablish the nunber of stories ard the buildirKJ height isr:equired. Section 420. 3. Variable tread lergttrs due to va:ryirq width and curvature of stairways are not perrnitted by Section 3306 (c). 4. l,laxinrnn travel distance to encleed exi.L stai-:*rays slrould rrcrt exceed 200 feet. Section 3303 (d) . the nonstrustural ard structural reviews are in prcAress ard will be forwarded q:cn ccnpletion. Please do noE hesitate to contasb us if you lrave any questions. @rdially, "?**a-J--Orief Stnrctur:al ftgineer, Plan Revisr Serwices Regional Offices: 6738 N-W. Torver Drive . Knns.rs City, Missouri 64 | 5l . (8 | 6l ;4 | -224 | 2l12-l l2lh Avenue, N.8., Suire 8-100 ' Bellevue, Washington 9BOO4 . (206).tSl_9S41 9100 lollyville Road, Suiret00 . Ausrin, Texas 7A759-7455. (St1);9.1.8700 cao Es t?r3) 692.3i25 12r3) 695-!69.r t2r3t 69!1.803t FA:alrg .t ) f'fumti,Huu,,t \ al +ur' -tt*.' '$^+'r'"ItL*hl n rd tu r\u!\tr'-odY' t (r"**.- I'l lCll tlt Bl[8tR tRCll lltCI|JRt 24 July 1990 Mr. Stan Berryman Town of Vail Department ol Public WorkgTrans. 75 Sorrth Frontage Roed Vail, CO 816s7 RE: Vall Transportatlon Genter Project Numbet 29289 Dear Stan: This correspondence should be considered as a continuation of our letter ol 10 July 1990 regarding the form of the enerior concrete stairs and the choices available to the Town of Vail. We understand thd the Town of Vail Building Department has granted the Tonn of Vail a variance to thg ICBO interpretation c, rhe 1988 Uniform Building Code (UBG) Section 3306(c), to permit construction of the stairs as cunently detailed. (See Option 1 of reterenced letter). Our previous letter reviewed the evolution of the stair design as it related to the requirements of tr|e Design Review Boarcl (DRB) and previous reviev', by the Torn of Vail Building Departmert The tollowing are some of the differences between the existing (nor demolished) stair and the cunent des(]n. 1. Width: The available exit width of the previorrs central stair was approximately 16' at East Meadow Drive. The nerv staifsi will be approximatev 25'€' wide at the sarne location, an irrcrease a/-9112'. Stairs at the SW corner of the structure are also similarly widened. 2. Configuration: The previous central stair was very irregular in form. Each stair run veriect in width and orientation from the prer/io|ls in an unpredictable fashion. The stair user was forced to change dired'on at each landing, often while carrying a pair d skis ov€r the shoulder. The new stairc are more regular in configuration. The number of changes in direction for the stair user is reduced and mo\rement is relatively more direct. MICHAEI. EARBER ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAI COFPORATION 1290 BROADWAY SUITE 600 oENVER COIORADO 80203.5606 tEt EPHONE 303 837 0555 FACSTMI.E 303 837 0600 Mr. Stan Berryman 24 July 1990 Page 2 3. Condition: 4. Handrails: The prwious stairs were in a deteriorated condition. Cmcrete was chipped at nosings and areas were spalling. Some areas did not have positive drainage, resulting in ponding of wder. The new stairs are designed to drain posltlvely. The concrete will be new and unworn, The prer/ious stairs used wooden rails. These rails did not meet cunent codes in that they did not extend the proper distance beyond top and bottom nosings and the prdile of the rail did not meet curent exit or handicap standards. The new rails are painted ornamental iron and pipe, of the proper extension and profile. Please call if you have any funher guestions regarding this issue, As you are a\rvare, a timely resolution b important as construction of the central stair is underway. Sirrcerely, MICHAEL BARBER ARCHITECTURE Cfr* Vl,-^- Chris Thomas CT/sh 0vai[stair.ltr) cc: MBA: M. Barber C. Adkisson S. Ward Vauft *)89 1i{rr''':1s"'' f' iil c ilArt BrnBtn ARclilrtcTlJ Rt '10 July 1990 Mr. Stan Berryman Totrn of Vail Depanment of Public Wo*s/Trans. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vell Traneportatlon Centel Proiect Number 22289 Dear Stan: This conespondence is In reeporlse to the ruling ol Mr. Gary Murrain, Chief Building Official lor the Town of Vail, pertaining to hb interpretation of the .1988 Uniform Building Code (UBC) Sestion 3806(c). Mr. Munain believes the elderior stairs, as des(?necl, should not be permitted due to ryariable tread lengths due to varying width and curudure of stairways that will disrupt the rhythm and movement d occupants attempting to use the stainivays.. we undersland Mr. Munain has based his interpretation on an interpretation by the lnternational Conference of Building O{ficials (ICBO). Only der a meering on g Juty 1990 between Mr. Murrain and myself, did it become clear that all exterior stairs with a curyed wall would be affected by this interpretation. It is our belief that the stain^,ays as designed will provide the Vail Transponation Center with a condition thar is as le€st equal to the existing stairways that have served the community for the paS 18 years. As you are awarE, the stairuays proposed tor conslruction have evolved from schematic designs initially proposed by Michaet Barber Architecture. Our initial design, which was reiec.tsd by the Design Review Board (DRB), had straight run stairways which conlorms with the code intepr€na$on of Mr. Murrain. The DRts requested that curving walls be used at the stairways in an anempt to provide a more sensitive and free lloring feeling, similar to the existing stairways scheduled lor replacemeril. Th€ ORB would pr€fer to rebuild the existing stairs exactly, without regard to accommodatlng more people. The DRB cited the Lionshead parking structure, which has straight run s{aiF, as being ar, unacceptable approach to the design of the new stairway. Consequently, curys were introduc€d to the stair design which werg late. approved by the DRB enabling Michael Barb€r Architecture to proceed with the production of the construction documents. A set of design development dranings, which included the curved staitway design, was forwarded to Mr. Murrain for initia. rwiew and @mment prior to cornpletion of the construction documents. At that time, Mr. Munain made no mention to the stairs not conforrning to code requirements. MBA completed the construction documents, starnped and signed the drawings, and submftted for approvat to the Building Department. MICHAEI. BARgER ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAL CORFORATION 1290 BROADWAY SUIIE 600 DENVER COTORADO 80203-5606 TETEPHONE 303 837 0555 FACStMttE 303 837 0600 ffis .r. f i9g0 Mr. Stan Berryman 10 July 1990 Pags 2 Given the fact thd Mr. Murrain will not supercede the positbn raken by the ICBO, we off€r two approaches to be considered lor the resolrrtion of this issue. Optkrn 1: Request that a varianca to the code interp.etdion be granted by the Torrn of Vail Building Depanrnent altorring the staiMays to be constructed as design€d. OSbn 2: Conslcler an altemde design soMion that would sdisfy the code intsrpretation of Mr. Munain. Attached is a sketch d an ahemde stairway along with the oontractors coriceptual cost and schedule impact. A timgty rcsponse b wananted on this mater eli corlstnrction d the cenfiral stair ls approaching rapldy. Sincerely, MICHAEL BARBER ARCH]TECTUFE futtabr( Scott Ward SWsh (Vail\stairway.ltr) Attachment cc: MBA: M. Barber Yauftr,+>819 |l:J',ifti PCL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. Con*vCrho gtnca l9OC llr. Scott lfard IIICHAEL BARBER ARCIIITECIURE 1290 Broadrey, Sultl 600 Denver, C0 80203 Re: Vall Transportatlon CenterStalr fllr Proposed chilge D6ar llr. llerds Per y.our l9_qu€J!l u9 o.ffer the folloulng thoughts regardlng the proposed changeto stalr tll (attach€d)r l. Structunrl steel ls on slte and erectlon has besun forthls area-. c-hanglng steel tn thls arer at thii polnt rould serlously lnpact the compleHon of thls arei and added costs to the-structural -steal, 2. Concrete changes to the ralls off of the structure mlght reduce the dlrect costsr pendlng revlew of flnaldrarlngs. Schedulcd cosrpleilbn of ihlr area would also be serlously {npacted. 3. lnplenentlng thls change yould result In a delay to the ProJoctr uhlch vould add additlonal cost, such as overheadj ulnten protecilon, layout, etc. 4. 0ther lterc .lnpacted by thls chrnge ls stone caps,handrall, brlck payersr earthwork, -EIFS, nasonry lndpotentlrl other trades pendlng flnal diawlngs belng lggued. lflthout mra.complete detelled drawlngs and schedule for lssuance of finaldrarlngs, lt ls Inposslble for us to as-slgn e cost to thls proposed change. unttl PCL recelves notlse otherwlse, Te are proceedlng based on the currentdesl gn. ilu'ly 11, 1990 D02l4A-24 2000 S.,uth Color:do Blvd, Suite 4tXl Denver, Colorado 80222 Telephone 301-753-66m Rapirlfar 303-/s3-6921 a Yell Transportrtlon Grnt* - $trlr fll' ProPosed Ghange iluly llr 1900 Page 2 lf you havc arw queetlons, don't hesltate In celllng. Yours truly, PCL CoilSTnUCTtolt SERYICES, iltc. /* 8r",-,AA illm G. Brorn ProJect llanager il0B/mkn Attachment cc: oenty Arnour/PCL Chrls lhmas/ll! Gregg Yoos/URS Les tfood/URS Stan Berrnanr/I0U _Lgt-=- I € -'e !i T r-r E fri.OIV d?VftrMln"V? ,?A"TIAL PLAN , ?evovaYY"fr+1At?Ha la, .-fr-.lu-l13*'3r:r TI.JE T = :54 F|:L PIJRGHAg.l.l '=I ?eLfrF U?!e9. wAr;+ A? +rArpro/tuAt) rAErlAL _r_LAN -:. ?wtEte\+ A1 EIAIP NA, | | JUL--1r.1 -9|a TlJE r=:931 F L-: L- PLIfi:r::HA= I l.{ t: OeLetv cn?'$?u{ALUa PAFTIAL PLAN wtqt+wAT 4irAPNo, ll' l r | I'rrEr,f ,{PPttlrllrtut I Prolect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot B lock Filing Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: ",," 6/]D llD DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Su m mary: hn I\TC 1 ( Town Plan ner trs Approval ctvtTAs Civitas, Inc. 142? oelgany Street Suite 24 Denver, Colorado 80202 303.571.0053 Projecl Memuandum Vail Parking Garage cw 8923 Telephone Conrrersatbn between Diana Donovan and Todd Johnson May 23, '1990 t TO: All Concerned /- FROM: ToddJohnson Q- RE: Norrompliance wtfuORB Submittal 1-31-90 h response to concerns thai ihe l-31-90 plans have noi 'Deen strictly adhered to, Civitas allered the landscape plans t0 respond t0 design issues at a more detailed level. The lollowing reasons are given lor plan alleralions: i !) Budget constrainls of the project made it mandatory that the design respond lo cosubenefit concerns. /--<a\ i 2i / The cost ol savirq/relocating cerlain existing lrees was prohibitive when judged against other options. 3. While il is cerlainly not appealing to cut existing lrees, new trees can be installed for 25% to 33% of the cost of saving/relocating the old. Relocating trees vs. nerv fees resulls in fewer trees, slow growth for the next few years and no guarantee of suMval. 4. Relocating the existing plant material back on the Vail Parking Garage (VPG) site enlails twice transplantirg the material. The chances of plant mortalitylnshllalion of nursery-grown stack are much grealer. We are better off relying on grealer numbers ol nurserygrown material. 5. The enclosed memorandum outlines lhe comDarison between the DBB submittal and the CD Submittal. You will note lhat additional numbers of trees, shrubs and groundcovers are included in the C.D. design. 6. The CD Submittal is based on a more definilive sludy of the existing conditions and options inherent in this concept. Fleldwork done during the excavation process appears to be done withoul regard for the relocation of on-site plant material, specifically lhe spruce grove beneath the bus terminal. The following assumptions and improvements have and will be made to address the DRB concerns. !. Slan Berryman will personally tag and ideniity the iaG oi eacn of the 37 planls in question. 2. Documenlation of this strategy shall be provided to DHB and Diane Donovan. 3. Documentation of the improvements to the DRB plan is provided by Civitas as per the memo sent to Chris Thomas ilay 18, 1990. lf means ol lransfening credits lor planting UPG trees on exisling parks are possible, this money should be used for exta planliru at lhe Parking Garage. Diana and Stan will explore this possibility. The memorandum ol compadson between DRB and CD's and the identification of where all 37 trees will be relocated provides the documentation necessary for the work lo continue. This documentation and the phone conversalion shall address the concerns of the May 16 memorandum from Kristan Pritz. cc: ChrisThomas tlarEDonow Stan Berryman Kristan Pritz end. F:CMTELECONV.050 D:VPG8923 5t24t90 CIVITAS Civilas, Inc. 1422 Deigany Street Suite 24 [)€nver, Cololado 80202 303.571 0053 18 May 1990 Mr. Chris Thomas Michael Batber Archltects 1290 Broadway Suite 600 Denver, Cdoado 80203 Re: Vail Transportation Center Dear Chds: The loilowing information is in response to your phone call.of 17 ,May, 1990 in wnich y} rH9ild^lht concerns ol the or-rib]iiilrri"r" eoaiJ pertaining I ree'irimoviryrerocations snluin on he constrJction documents' After further itr-Oi of rne besign Odvebpme'nt-inO ionstructlon drawings, I can report the fol6wing information: A. The D/d plan submitted and approved by the DRB.indicates 39 trees to be removed. sheet L1 of the constrr.lclion docutenf pa.t add marks /6 trees to be removed. This is an increase over he D/d plan of 37 trees' This increase is due lo the following factors: 1. 19 lrees were fost Ourinqine rigiading of the excessively steep slope (approx. 1:1 gradient) west of the exisling central stair. 2. g tees weie lost during grading refinements during construction documenl preParation. 3. 6lrees were lost due tdp-oor access which would prevent relocation' 4. 3 trees were lost due to very poor health' B. Oiring fte -D/d pttase, it wainop6dthat frees marted on tfp phns to be relocaled could-bemoved elsewhere on site. tt became apparenr rh;l;l;lJ.onsitatn schedulirg an-d con1icts w1h necessary grading in lhe area where trees would be |,ero.itiOl it *tJ oecided in conced idith Stan Berryman that trees wluld be removed by lhe Town and retocateo erfr-hird ritrriir'Jio*n of vail. This is fie moit economical and etficient manner in which to nandle those trees in need of relocalion due lo new conslruction' C. Planting new treet .s oppottO iJitlociting existing trees is he most eflicient method of acheiving a desirable plan. Lioking strictly at bollar amounts, we can assume the following.l ..1. Average cost ol tree relocation by contrachr using standard-horticultural praclices: $1'000'00 Toul i'or 37 removed trees (in exiess of 39 shown on D/d plans): $37'000'00 It should be noted that thesd relocated lrees would carry no warrtlnty' Cosl of new 14'evergreen, including 1 year warranty: $550'00 Total for 37 new trees: $20,350.00 This dilference enabtes us to inshll a greater number ol trees (which carry a warranty period)' while maintaining the prciect's landscape bugei. D. Additonat trees were add;;v;;;d iuo-ue'wttat *ere shown on the D/d plans' The D/d planting plan shows the lollowing: 1. Trees: 306 2. Shrubs: 298 3. Groundcovers: 0 4. Perennials: 0 The lollowing plant munts can be found on the consfuction documents: 1. Trees:- 360 (18% more lrees as compared P DldJ. 2. Snrubs: 343 (t5% more shrubs as compared lo Did) 3. Ground covers: 2,190 (100% more lhan D/d) 4. Perennials: 145 (100% more lhan D/d) As can be seen , aclul plant ounts exceed D/d amounts in all cases' To: Ron Phillips, Peggy Osterfoss, Diana Donovan, StanBerryman' and Mike Mollica From: Kristan Pritz Date: May L6, 1990\ Re: Landscape and Tree Removal/Relocation Plans, VillageStructure It was brought to the Town,s attention by feggy Osterfoss and Diana Donovan that there was a misunderstanding concerning the number of trees approved to be removed from the Village ParkingStructure and approved landscape plan. f discussed the issue with Diana, Peggy, and Stan as to what plan was the approved plan forthe landscaping for the project. I believe Stan and I agreed tothe following resolution of the issue: 1. The parking structure did receive final DRB approval for the landscape plan. This set of plans is dated January 3L, 1990. Theplans are on file in the Community Development Department in slot 4L. 2. The approved DRB landscape plans dated January 31, l-990 shalLbe used for the landscaping for the parking structure project. 3. The trees to the south of the Transit Center (approx.lS to L6trees) shall not be removed as indicated on the permit plans. These trees will be unt,ouched. The trees are circled on the approved DRB landscape plan by Diana. 4. Existing trees on the west and east end of the parking structure that are proposed to be removed per the perrnit plans shall instead be relocated and stored safely over the summer sothat these trees rnay be replanted on the site when constructionallows. These trees are also marked with pencil by Diana on the DRB plans and are the trees that need to be relocated on site. 5. If anyplans will 6. Public Development south side changes are necessary to the approved DRB plans the go back to the DRB for approval . Works and the contractor wiII work with Comnunityto insure that there is adequate landscaping on the of the Service Building. I hope this memo clears up Peggy's and Diana's concerns. Thanksto everybody for trying to work this issue out in a constructive manner. Remember construction is fun! 75 3outh lrontago road Yall, colorrdo 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 47$2139 offlce of communlty developmcnl June 29, 1990 Mr. Chris Thornas Michael Barber Architects 1290 Broadway, Suite 600 Denver, CO 80203-5606 RE: Design Review Board approval ofStructure Plans. changes to Village Farkinga Dear Chris: On June 20th, 1990 the Design Review Board reviewed changes tothe landscaping, Village Information Center, and rocl< work on the main stair corridor for the proposed Village Parking structure. The purpose of the revierr was to clarify changes between approved Design Review Board plans and the approved building permit plans. In reapect to the landscape j-ssue, the board approved these changes as noted in the memos from Todd Johnson, Civitas, dated lilay 23, 1990 and from Mark NayJ.or, civitas, dated May 18, 1990. The Village Information Center window treatment as designed inthe approved building permit plans is not approved. The board asked that ttre architect propose a new wLndow design which had aricher appearance and was not so conmercial looking. It ttas agreed that the architect would subrnit a revised window designfor Design Review Board approval. This design could be reviewed informaLly without the board revieving the new design at anofficial Design Review Board meeting. The stone work on the base of the visitor center on level four would be reguired as per the approved Design Review Plan. The Design Review Board asked that the architect try to raise the stone to the bottom of the windows on the infornation center. Letter, Chris Thoraas Page 2 The Board confirned their approval of the stone cap treatment on the retaining walls along the nain stair corridor. Thank you for attending the neeting and explaining the various reasons for the reviEions. As soon as you fax the new window design to me, I will make sure that the Design Review Eoard reviews your design aE soon aa possible. Also, please remember Design Review Board approval is still needed for signage and 1i9htin9. Thank you lgain for your patience and cooperation on this natter. cc: Todd Stan Todd Mike Ron Developnent Johnson, Civitas Berryman oppenheirner RosePhirlips hwn 75 lotlth frontage road Yrll. colorado 81657 (3O3) 47$2138 (303) 4792139 June 29, 1990 olflce of communtty d€udopmenl ![r. Sam B. cook 238 Madison StreetJefferson city, MO Dear Mr. Cook: Thank you for your conments about the circulation on VaiI Val1eyDrive. The Recreation Trails Plan as weLl as the VaiI Village Master PIan caII for sidewalks along Vail Valley Drive. ?o improve pedestrian access, the Town of Vail is proposing to build sidewalks connecting the new Village Parking Structure to FordPark. This link will go past many of the projects you mentionedin your letter and should provide adeguate space for pedestrians walking through this part of Town. The Town plans to have theproject designed in L990. The Town Council will be considering a phased plan for construction of the sidewalk during ttreir budget review process for 1991. I appreciate your interest in this issue. I passed your letter on to the Town Council as they tike to be aware of inprovements requested by a concerned citizen. Please contact rne at 303-479- 21-38 if you have any further guestions. Also, thank you for responding to our citizensr survey, Your comments help the Town provide better service to the corurunity. Department, Director KP,/pp cc: creg Ha}l Stan Berryrnan Ron PhillipsVail Town Council Sincerel.y,r) I n1 l(rrtan ff'frKristan Pritz Conmunity Developnent o SAM B, COOK 239 MAOISON STREET JerrEnson Crrv, MrssouRr lilay 1.8, 1990 Ms. Kristen Pritzvail City Planner 755 FrontageVail, Colorado 81657 Dear lt[s. Pritz: Enclosed you will flnd a copy of my conments which I attached to the Vail Resident Sunrey concerning the continuing problem of traffic,parking and pedestrian congestion along Vail Valley Drive. I know the Town of Vail has Justifiable pride in their Planning and Zoning Department. It is highly responsible in nany areas, uhictt I think has been helpful for the developnent of the Town of Vail. Why the problen of Vail Valley Drive has not recel.ved adeguate attention through all these years is hard for me to understand. o{ sBc/pg enclosure Sincerely, The town of Vail has been derelLct for many years inaiding and abetting the buildup of traffic, parking and pedestrian congestion aLong Vail Valley Drive,especlally in the bottleneck area fron the-colden Peak ski area to east of the soccer field area. O\ter twenty years ago, the area between Golden peak Ski School and Manor Vail was already severelycongested with cars, pedestrians, bicyclists, Joggers, baby carriages, children, etc., and yet the town has pernitted the construction of additionalbuildings close to Vait Valley Drlve wlthout naklngany provision for pedestrJ.ans or off-road parking along this roadway. The construction of the Northnoods Condominium development across fron llanor Vail., the constructionof the Vail Ski CIub with nininal off-street parking and then the Vail childrenrs ski school area for young children were all authorized without nakingprovision for sidewalks and parklng in the area wbich was already suffering from autonobile and pedestriancongestion. These developments had desirableobjectives but were authorized apparently without adequate consideration of the planning factors whichthe Vail city governnent has usually nandated before approving developers' projects. For reasonsdifficult to understand, the City of Vail for years has consistently avoided taking responsible action to rnininize traffic and parking problens that nere aggravated wtren these additional developrnents inmedlately adjacent to Vail Valley Drive were given approval by Planning & Zoning and by the Mayor andCity Council. I understand that there may now be a plan to build a sidewalk through a portion of this congested area. Any program to provide for adequate walkways and bikepaths along vail Valley Drive should be expedited inorder to nininize the deleterious effects of increased congestion and potential danger to all concerned along this najor trafficway. SAM B. COOK 238 MADISON STREET JEFFERSoN Crry, Mrssount May l-8, 1990 ?g1a' Ms. Kristen PritzVail City Planner 755 FrontageVaj-l, Colorado 8L657 Dear lls. Pri-tz : Enclosed you will find a copy of my comments which f attached to the Vail Resident Survey concerning the continuing problen of traffic,parking and pedestrian congestion along VailValley Drive. I know the To$rn of Vail has justifiable pride in their Ptanning and Zoning Department. It ishighly responsible in many areas, whiclr I think has been helpful for the development of the Town of Vail. Why the problen of VaiI ValleyDrive has not received adequate attentionthrough all these years is hard for me to understand. oe sBc/pg enclosure -t*ft\ sq*-q+ i'N;'d:&"x'-t*r\'0"fr u* fu-t- .,(d l* I -nt'-- h,r,l' -k,'t ),{v ,.1 lt"'t^"4 ,f\,v*tt u.r V,n' Lrybrv v \ ,f ,ri Sincerely, o The town of Vail has been deretict for many years inaiding and abetting the bulldup of traffic, parking and pedestrian congestion along Vail Valtey Drive,especially in the bottleneck area fron the Golden Peak ski area to east of the soccer field area. Over tlrenty years ago, the area betseen Gol-den peak Ski School and Manor Vail was already severely congested lrith cars, pedestrians, bicyclists,joggers, baby carriages, children, etc., and yet thetown has pernitted the construction of additionalbuildings close to vail valley Drive without makingany provision for pedestrj-ans or off-road parkj-ng along this roadway. The construction of the Northwoods Condoniniunr development across from Manor VaiL, the constructionof the Vail Ski Club with nininal off-street parking and then the VaiI childrenrs ski school area foryoung children were all authorized without makingprovision for sidewalks and parking in the area which was aLready suffering fron automobile and pedestriancongestion. These developments had desirableobjectives but were authorized apparentty without adequate consideration of the planning factors whichthe vail city government has usually mandated before approving developers, projects. For reasonsdifficult to understand, the City of Vail for years has consistently avoided taking responsible action tomininize traffic and parking problems that were aggravated when these additional developments irnmediately adjacent to Vail Valley Drive were given approval by Planning & Zoning and by the Mayor andCity Council. I understand that there may now be a plan to build asidewalk ttrrough a portJ-on of this congested area. Any program to provide for adeguate wallsays and bikepaths along Vail Valley Drive should be expedited inorder to ninirnize the deleterious effects ofincreased congestion and potential danger to all concerned along this najor trafficway. -v mr0 iut 02pep |vl|C}|AIT BAREIR AflC}|IIICTURI )E alrmonnnou tr REcoRD oFTEtEpHoNE coNvERsATtoN Job, No: ?2249 27 June 199Q Stan Berryman Chris Thomas Vail TransDortation Center Stan, as a resuh of the relerenced DRB meeting, the following changes are to be made to the Contract Documents: DRB Meeting of 20 June '1990 1. Add back the 18'stone veneer around the base of the lnformation (Visitor) Center. 2. Revise the large arched windows at the north and south elevations, above the main : entry at each elevation, from a Tlat'arch to a {ulF arch as originally presented to DRB. We are preparing these sketches and will transmit them to you for fonivarding to Kristan PriE and the DRB. By copy of this memo, I am alerting the entire team to these revisions. We will forward a Proposal Request to Jim Brown simultaneously with sending ihe sketches to you. Please contact Scott with arry questions or commer s. Thank you. D;srriburion, K Priul/ail; G. Voos, L Wood/URS; J. Brown/PCL; R. Stevens/AH; S' Ward/MBA MICHAEL BARBER 1290 EROAOWAY SUTTE 600 A R C H ITE CTU R E P RO F ES S I O N A t DENVER COTORADO 80203.5606 TE|-EPHONE 303 E37 0555 CORPORATION FACS|MILE 303 837 0600 {ehd!-br}L 6d- l\r^\Ur^L llN\S1trde*^ n'*tsh\b .,-;. l)trQ,ol"\- hru\tl $\q U i $0{-t- ult\ ^lup ; tor^Mc^f rfi )tlr.p-Qrf{, i Ed^ {t'\tlp lc'rorrtw t\ UJwJ(d nlc,,\!a., 0dh tu'Ghtuitux Wf hr*l-\$torn-- 1(.,s1".^, l'll C 1|tt t BAR Btl tn C illtt CIlfRt VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PROJECT NUMBER 22289 . MEETING MINUTES OWNER/ARCHITECT MEETING NUMBER 10 Vaih Stan'8eriyfran Gregg Hall Mike Rose Prepared by: Kristan Pritz (part time)MBA: Kathryn Harhai Chris Thomas Anderson/Hastings: Jim Hastings (paft time) i|d Kathryn narnai lfl/ This meeting was held to re\riew Vail comments on progress printing, define schedule through award of contract and resolve Frontage Road requirements. 10.1 Deslgn Bevlew Board Date of meeting: Date of issue: Location: Attendees: 10.2 1 March 1990 2 March 1990 Offices of Michael Barber Architecture a. MBA will send lo K Pritz a drawing of the parking garage entry as previously shown to DBB and as revised per DRB request to lower the tower and remove the light elements. b. K. Pritz and S. Berryman will present the revised entry to DRB at the March 7 meeting, MBA will not attend. c. Signage will be presented to the DFB for revia^, after ihe bidding process begins. d. MBA will send info reque$ed by AIPP (plan with two new niches, detail of paver cross section, unit cost of paver). CDOH and Frontage Hoad a. Vail directed MBI/A&H to provide the foltowing lane width at the Frontage Road, from north to southl1) 2'curb and guuer 2) 6' one-way bike lane3) two'12'lanes4) 14'median MIChAEI. EARBER ARCHTTECTUR€ PROFESSIONAL CORFORATION 1290 EROADWAY SUIrE 600 DENVER COTORADO 80203-s606 TETEPHONI 303 837 0555 F^CStMlr€ 303 837 0600 o Vail Transponation Centet Meeting Minutes 1 March 1990 Page 2 5) 6) 7',) two 12'lanes 4'shoulder 2'curb and gutter b. c. Vail directed MBA/A&H to eith€r maintain a 36' separation between Frontage Road and lnterstate or not encroachbeyond tlto tos of tlto exlsthlg stopn. Vait ackrrowle<Jged these pararneters result in some loss of landscaped setbick at the parklng structure. Vail directed MBI/A&H to provide 4 entry/exit tanes to theparking structure, two lanes reversible. CDOH requires manual tratlic control at the Intersedion at times of peak exlting with threE lanes outbound from the garage. Stacking distancE at the teft tum lane into the parking garage will be maximized. Ihe scgpe of road imprwements requested by Vail is beyond the orlglnal scope of work to which thi project budget ls tied. d. e. 10.3 Schedule through award ot contract The tollowing schedule was agreed to. No modifications to this schedule will be made after March 12 March g Prequatiftcation materials due to MBA March 13 MBA/t/ail work session on prequalification March 21 Selec{ list of Generat Contractors issued March 16 99% GDs due March 17 Final coordinallon of docurnents March 23 100% CDs duE March 24lZS prlnt CDs March 26 Stamp two permlt sets, documents released to bHders March 30 Precons{ruction conference al Vail April 10 Flnat addendum April '17 Pubtic bid opening at Vail Apnl 24 Present to City Council recommendation re apparent low bidder May I Latest date for award of contract May 15 Latest date tor start of construction MBA provides Vall with two stamped permit sets. For the convsnience of the Owner, MBA will take bids on printing and will arrange tor construction document printing. prints will be distributed Mdarch 26 from ofiices of MBA ind Vait. b, Vail Transportallon Centel Meeting Minutes 1 March 1990 Page 3 c. 10.4 Fronl a. 10.6 Parklng equlpment Vail will anange time and placg tor the pre bid conference on March 30 and the public bld opening on April 17. End ot Prolect Manual Vail will retum completed lorms G6'12 Parts A, B & C to MBA March 7. MBA wlll fonrard draft of Divlslon I to Vall on March 7 for their revleur. Comments are due back to MBA March 16. Informatlon needed by MBA for supplementary lnstructions to bidders was reviewed (see attacheo. Vail requests that fiber mesh be used in concrete mk at curbs, walks and sleps at all locations oft the transit deck, and in the South Frontage Road curb and gutter. Vail prefers a single 15' wide opening at the center of the parapet wall separating transit deck from roof over radius ramp. MBA will confirm structural capacity here. 15' openings at the south parapet wall of Level 4 are located correctly only on landscape plan 13. MBA will revise drawings with conected locations. Drain at center of radius ramp needs manhole/cleanout at the polnt where the right angle turn is made to go under the building. Vail requests that curb and gutter be added at the west and nodh sldes of Blue Cow Chuts. This increase In scope will be added to commun'rty improvement allernates. b. 10,5 Fevlew of Vall comments on progress prlnllng b. c. d. e. b. There was discussion about maklng the parklng equipment an ownor-prdrided ltem, taking it out of the construclion contract €ntirely. This option was reiected. Specification of parking equipment will be proprietary per request of Mike Rose. MBA is concerned with the lack of competitive pricing resulting lrom proprietary specifications. The budget allows $220,000 for parking equlpment. Vail Transportation Center Meeting Minutes 1 March 1990 Page 4 1O.7 lmportant conslructlon daleg a. Vail identified the following dates as important to the. construction procesq based on a May 1S construction start: 15 Sep 1990 CDOH road lmprovements completed 22 Dec'1990 Temporary certificate ol occupancy for parking facilities 1 Feb 1991 Full projea complete, except landscape 10.8 Date ot next meeilng Tuesday, 13 March 1990, 10:00 a.m. at oftices of MBA. ACTION ITEM Item Sublect nesposiUmv 6.4d Expand scope to Inctude study of Slifer plaza MBAy'lail 7.8a Review stre€t construction & utility ptans Vail (HalD prior to access p€rmit 8.1b Expand scope ro include Atpp MBAI/ail 8.7a Tag salvage items Vail 8.8a Obtain VA permission re logo Vail 10.1a SEnd elevation of ra/ised parklng entry to DRB MBA lo.'ld Send requested info on paver & netv niches TO K Pritz IOr AIPP MBA 10.3c Arange tlme/ptace for g€0 prebid, +12 bidopening Vail 10.4a Return completed G6'12 A, B, C by 9-7-90 Vail 10.4b Send Division 1 to Vail by 3-7-90, Vail return comments to MBA by 3-16-90 Vai/MBA These meeting minutes reflect our understanding of subiects discussed and decisions reached. Please advise us of any coreclions or additions. cc: Vail: Stan BerrymanA&H: Jim HastingsMBA: FUe Z?€agt Vautt 2A289 VAIL TFANSPOFTATION CENTER 00120. IDRAFT 1. Documents are available from . (see Ueif oU UgXf P6> 2. Refundable deposit for each set of documenrs of $_.rZ5O_. 3' Fetund is condirion upon retum of sets in good condition by )c( date. }*4Ay I Partial sets will not be issuect. Crlqpp-cT 5. Examination of contract Docurnents and Jobsite and local conditions. lAAuDA.trE-v 6. euestions f rom conrracroo, o o"l ffi # i?,r?"f*?i": H*;- 7. Questlons wlll be answered by addenda onv. Cl)Rle-Ffr- 8. No addenda will be used after )0( datE. ApRfU f O 9. Addenda will be issued by FAX copy, Et3;Mailfran6=gLelhe6/. 10. Substitutions of products not acceptable. C.oR.Re,<-T 11' contractor proposed substitutions may be consldered prior to contract signature. wn6f 12' orricial bid rorm is ro be used' #\Rfftr;rJu*L"?l!! 'RAFT 4 rapr.,nptr 13. List of major subcontraclors and suppliers. cole.trECT 14'construdionpermitsQf::ll++.lFAur DffT. aF \\l6rturAys r\AlrlreuAq,e pqertriT)(KArHv -ro cor.r ri*n-ilF' -BirLDluc pw.rnrr FEE rJ pArveui'15' Bid ls to be rump sum with errernates ano wftn-ierecreo -unir p*"". iodJeii 16. Bid Bond ts required q@C4oo=af 17. Surety comparry licensed ln Colorado. &F<f<gll ]::"8llEe'*\i'YAggff .ffirtJ':',Ai^i!rreturnedtounsuccessrurbrdcter. 19. Forfeiture of Bond jf tailure to sign. .-.io.J=ar 20. Pertormance and payment bonds @ 100% of Contract amount. co€teECT 21. ldentify your bid on face ot envelope. NCrr UEce9SAp? 4. 5. 2? Modification or withdrawal ol Bid. ) 23, Disqualification caused by . \ -./24. Sales Tax Exemption elEuPT FrQOt^ €T-AT9 4 UOC*U+18-ozz1z lltsA u€e slRub^P.b Ain r-,nuOuA6E) UAIU kLEvlErt-, 5At€6 TAt- VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTEH 00120 - 2DRAFT 25. Wage rates, non discrimlnatory hiring pracrices requlrements ..1!9a_eftl'rDftleb AIA IAiJ6UR6E 26. Mandatory attendancs at pre_Bid conference. Colet€EaT .- 27, Uquldated darnages (tie to schedure derivery of spec'' portion or buirding to be finishect ... and when) - 28. Time and place rRese,ivE::HliHt?ilt,5#f;Ha^t",f'.- 17 , vA,L 0,'LL TR-v E 49. Btds to be prepared in 1_OupllcalelUpfl*J on forms provlded J 30. Evatuations ot Bids and alternates tt'uo":Trt,;-;:l"ff;i."r':UU8+ anv wav to his benerit re: arternares and to wbive rnesurari- ? sz' conoitions ror execution of the contract preparation, examination, anc, signing 33, Sign by XX officer of lhe company _-- RATJbALL v, PHILL/PPS, l?wlJ rnADA(2W vwp oF vAtL , CiaLoBRbD ADL UOTE: "Thle lbbrulbuRL 3l€UlU6 r|-As YFIE Aultl,etTV TD eptEts_ lr.rrD A Bil.rbtN6 couytsAc-lvAL AlelgAI.JGE$AEruT YOR- AI _ _a -*-..._._.--,. PuAvg AyA1LAELE AT: (D mleHReu EAkEr|e_ &pc_tt tTEc_.ltJ€E CA Tourr..r DF vAu-' PuEua vrotqLs AbMrtlSyB-ArOU EUtLbtU6t?oq VA|L VALLEY bletuElvArL I crLo)€Abo 0t 6s1(, DntLy rz)rrF,(/r,\L pLAt,-, Fv,/rst O p6u,e.r- pLAv Fooflt : e) ,u7y7re;v coL1rcp;>o axp\7-1nLv)p.a AS,*U, Ivltct|Ail.BARBTR ARC1|IIICI|JRI { b.unog pso TACSIMITE COVER SHEET Fox Number colle a' /'4 7q ' e 157 Proiect Number: dA&89 Totol Number of Poges Including The Cover Sheef' E We orelronsmitling from Telefox number 303 837 0600. lf you hovetrouble receiving thistronsmission pleosecoll us. MICHAEL EARBER I29O SROADWAY SUITE 600 A R C H IT E CT U R E P R O F E SS IO N A T DTNVER COTORADO 80203-5606 TELEpHONE 303 837 0555 CORPORATION FACSTM|LE 303 837 0600 SIVtAtxoSddv IHV oNV tno,/tno IHV SNOISNSo t to)F ,sL/Lt.I Hl0tM ,,gL/L 6 Hl3Nlt :SNOISN] IAIC,T ,,e/tl HLQIM ,,8/sB HleNfl :sNotsNl Wto* ]NOlS HSINVdS NU311Vd ONOE ENINNNH NUSI.IVd I]NOUVd t I I I I t t ,I t I I I I I II NH]11Vd ONOE SNINNNH 3NOIS Alttlbe NU]IlVd ]NO89NIHU]H NH]]IVd 1]NDUVd NH]UVd ONOE SNINNNH o lNols HlANlo NH]IlVd ]NOESNIHH]H ,,8/r? Hl-OlM ,,gL/9 g H13N3t :SNOISN]AIICX |NTSRLOCKING PAV{NG SYSTEM I I t) )<zy-2 t4oz glPpu{rau lrott'rTr itl{ fllt- { F C. 7 \l O Pg $r$, {e I a.$ Jr!l 1\\ til\5 (-n \$ ll.tB I'\3 tr-\] I\rs IF\a$\\s \\. C)EIts \\ \$(B-{1 $z }R Fs m a -{ =m lfoe IF rn rrr[qrr RE9 $$R Fn\T lvD ,qrril$ r3E r\tj .J C5 :N tl1 s $\F-$ \ \ \ \\ ? a tnwn r ffil 75 south trontag€ road vell, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47$,2139 ollice of conrmunlly dwelogment February 27, 1990 Ms. Kathy HarhaiMichael Barber Architeqture L290 Broadway, Suite 6OODenver, Colorado 80203 RE: Design Review Board Approval of Vail Village.ParkingStructure Dear Kathy: On January 31, L990, the Design Review Board gave final approvalto the Vail Vil]age Parking Structure expansion sith thefollowing condition: 1-. The signage entry and lighting for the project will bepresented to the DesJ.gn Revj.ew Board at an upconingneeting as soon as possible. The rnotion was nade by Pat Herrington and seconded by KathyWarren. The motion received approval 3-0. The concerns with the parking structure entry included thefollowing: L. The architecture had too much of a period 1ook. The light fixtures on top of the columns were notappropriate. The height of the entry colunns should bescaled down. The tights would look rnore appropriate ifthey were placed on the col.unn wall as opposed to thetop of the colunn, f 2. The public parking sign shall be changed to read Vailparking. 3. The hourglass stair on the east side of the main staircorridor shall be slightly adjusted so that the wallsparallel each other. (I think you understand what I arn talking about. This is very dlfficult to describein writing. ) 4. Snowberry, honeysuckle and cottoneaster should not be used as shrubs for the project, At this time, I have scheduled the project for the March 7th Design Review Board meetlng. If this date is not acceptableplease let me know. The next DRB neeting would be on March 21st.If you have any questions please feel free to call at 479-2138. Sincerely r , Kristan PritzActing Director Connunity Development KP/PP cc: Stan Berr)aran to 3l \ lqO . ,NLt /Gttl {qst n, lil\'\i- attiniffi t\cltl 6*t *b H$u\ rS*Jo ff {o CA tza,rir.p 9ian- 6*1- 1*rs nfbn. {ar rl\*orr [o^fh, ' .\rryigpbo6tr z\ I n io\rttlu.Vl T\or.u. tl- ".. i r-\JI \J- r31 l\ , ,i/t-= 3)Ab alss l ltt/ rD q] \" {[ Jq o^'br{-5/lIr I ,P4W*8]r),t^q \r,,r AN 9l tl r, orrilAo^ '{\i/*}ru'rV 0,t Pqq SoNvlqftlars \il,\\ r\t'* \'U\ bq\,uaA, ,1 ,} a 75 3olrth flontage road Yell. colorado 81657 (303) 47$,2138 (303) 4792139 olfice ol community development February 27, 1990 Ms. Kathy Harhal Michael Barber Architecture 1290 Broadway, Suite 600Denver, Colorado 80203 RE! Design Review Board Approval of Vail Village ParkingStructure Dear Kathy: On January 31, L990, the Design Review Board gave final approvalto the Vail Village Parking Structure expansion with thefollowing condition: 1. The signage, entry and lighting for the project wiII bepresented to the Design Review Board at an upcorningneeting as soon as possible. The motion was nade by Pat Herrington and seconded by KathyWarren. The notion received approval 3-0. The concerns with the parking structure entry included thefollowing: 1. The architecture had too much of a period look. The light fixtures on top of the columns were notappropriate. The height of the entry columns should be scaled down. The lights would look more appropriate if they were placed on the column wall as opposed to thetop of ttre column. 2. The public parking sign sha11 be changed to read Vailparking. 3. The hourglass stair on the east side of the nain staircorridor shall be slightly adjusted so that the wallspara1le1 each other. (I think you understand what I am talking about. This is very difficult to describein writing.) 4. Snowberry, honeysuckle and cottoneaster should not be used as shrubs for the project. At this time, I have scheduled the project for the March 7th Design Review Board meeting. If this date is not acceptableplease let me know. The next DRB neeting would be on March 21-st.If you have any questions please feel free to call at 479-2L38. KPlpp cc: Stan Berryman SincerelA, I .(,llm"ftActing Director Connunity Development Project Application ( Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded oy: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: ,"t Date: Town Planner E Statt Approval o o, pATE 0F gRS )lEETIlic.lT.ranuary 1990 i:':.''". "' ., .' : . DRB APPLICATIOII ' '' .." iir:.' ..:.1" ' . '\ !-:';:*****Ttll5 APPLIcATIolt tltLL ltor 0E AccEprED uNTii- ALL IlrFoRnATIolt ts susitrngpi**** ' :,- | :.',".,) 4 pie-appticati.on T9g!.lns wiilr a p,taruring staff nreniberl:: :ll:lgly ,rg9urt.a io',.1.-, i I ;'r'"'r dcterrrtlttc lf airy adtllttur,at tiir'orriatlon is rrcedcd. Nc,nppl.tcntioir-rqiii-[n'acce.ntc.] i '. :',.:,: '?lri:'rlj l:"i?:ll:l:.i:'::l-iTiygi ;ir' iiJ;-;"q"i..a by ure zonins administratorl. i. .','1;: f d-i1.ti; ;;pi;;;;;r; ;u;;';1';ilT;r"il ;ji[',i"li;lil',11,,1",1'tfl'lt: ltTi?tij"?lor). ii ' ;, i, ,'i;' iij;'|,?Yi l!|:j}?iil ilj:'lj::1'1;oii:i::il:,-"lr::;:-l:i:.*:i-i ioHpriii'app, rca- ' :.' :;';;...":';'tlon tvill streamline the upprouil'process ror.you. r;rojnIt"i;;i;.;#i;i",i!o,i,l,il.- rr;;; .; :. ,'; ;: ;:ilij:;';"?j":of'l:ll.,l3i"lL:"lig_;i' 'li'p,ilt[.""^ii ;;';;;i;;;';? ,'fp,ou.r must:.'..,... i be resorved befo.re'i buir,ting p.i-.,nii"ir"i{ruujl''"*. 'rLL Lurru'Llyrr5 ur dpproval must: 1t';;.;;:nr: PR0JECT DEscRIprldu: Renovation'or parLins sarage and trans terminal, ,' :',: '-' :'.':.'''-: '.'r' .'addition of four story parking qarage to easL, of existing facility, construction - LOCATIOII OF PROPOSAL: At1dress* South Fygntagre Road, Vail, Colorado Legai Desclipiioni Block 5-D ValI Vlllage ........r.r....- Lot Fi1in9 tel ephone D.llAl'lE0FAPPLIcANT.snEPRESEllTATIVE:!. 1 'Add res s t-. : :1 -i i . i... i' Address .- i _ telephone : ; '.,...ij'' '. :. F. DRB FEE:, The fee wiII 1 I elJ UIle , -'. :.i ;' t/ALUATI0II . :_ . r-it .,'. .: ..:::r. F' DRB FEE:,. Tlre fee wi'll be paict at tlie tinre a buildirrg permit is requestel ;lt,--.;;;1 :.: VAt 1^Tr^rr :' ' j . :l; .' ,''t: -'. '':.'' :::iil {:.f u,uur.,,.l } I5u,uuu f qn nn ..igrso:ool'- f loo,ooo if lg:gg ,;, luog:991 -I1'999'99q . iroo.oo.. a rli.:.":' ''i . : , ' .. . . ,;:ii.. ;il'lPofiTANT ltoTICE REcltrtotilG ALL sunntsstoils T0 TltE DRn: : .,' . ' 'i',-,.,1:i 'i;;. '"i'.' j'l'' In addition to nrceting subnrittal requiremerrts, tlre*applicant nrust stake the rir. ,.,.;,t::1,.:: :;.lljr:i:: t:.t::lv ii,'., i,i-;,iiii;;-;;;;;;,."-T'^.., Lhar,rin be removed ,.jr.i l:t,'1,1. It ld,lition to nrcet.ing subnrittal rr ;ll.:':: '2. , The reviet,r.process'for'l{El,l ttuILDIIIGS rvill normally involve tyo separate *..gi'ns, . t;:.. i,', ,',. ,.,0.r-the'oesisn Review B";;;,";;-pi;;-r;; ;i i;;;'riro meerjngs.for rheir apprqv.ai. .,-.....:ilr. .:'.' -3. People r,rlro fai l to a:i v' rtruPrc rrllo,ral I t0 appear beFore tlre 0esign Revier,r'0oard at ilreir scherhrl",t ". i- .' '.:...':"i' i..' " meeting attd t'tho ltave irot ori.J for a postponerrrerri'r,rill be required to il'eo i : . ;.;ii..'.." republished. , 4AI:IE: OF PflOJtCT: LEGAL OESCRIPTIOiI: STREEI A0DRESS: . :-:._-*< LI5T OF I.IAI[NIALS Vail lyansportal-ion CerrLer llLr VailVillage Flrsb. OESCNIPIIOiI OF Ftontaqe Road GIIGIoTaAb'v : ._ RenovaEGn o garage par gxistin - Natural . C^f Fi I-i .Jv | | | L5 . t,l I nd 01,/s l-,igtitsandblast fray ,:i,..;,, Quartz Putr .'t t,, ' i " !"s Fr I rrrnw ryllx '" "| - .'' -:.:. fascla i ..rr.__.:i@crav :t ,, : l. C^f Fi r-i., :. . . "u" ttt i Wood, t&9 decl<ing - Olympic Stain trlonterey Gray i.1'1t rrr | ---l...- 'i,. ltlnqOl'/S rrt^-,- ^r --cc hF,{ _.r.,._:.-..._ f,---- ;' -rf. ' ---<_ '..1 : ' . Doors Ptd' ::::: , '': ".. n^^.- .r 't''rt',. uoor I rt m .. :..i' ..None -: '.r..., | : f;:--_ ,..i: . '.'.'.llandor01ckRails.%Deacon#1457B:'',i;i _......:. r I ues: .: : -painted mel-al - paint to Match weathered shingle - !::.::,.,.... %'. .. : Flashinos :-! r-- ." , '' 't -' |.'.' """J- -Painl-arl n'eLal - Paint to Match tVeathered Shingle or Olyrnpi" .ti.,' ":" ". chimneys -"* :': - , | . .i :.I ..'.: lrasll hnclosures _Sbucco, woocl shingle roof - Sarne as above .:i'ti . '"' " . Greenhouses None .ii; , t: ..-. 1 , '.' '0ther concrete paving unil-s - ctalite rnc'. Arapahoe "t;;; ', i'i:.'...' .:: :.,,,:,;;i ; ' ", - j . :--_'_:_. _. - ..:;;::1,:.;;:il..LAltDscAPItlc'i;;;-D;,';;",,_-'..---.----._----.-..-------..-_.-]4:.'..:|:|J:..-j.li.qq'r rYrrqr ' ci vitas. TDe- ' ' ;';..1tJlttr t: , t".. | (303) 571-0051 - ',:i, I '- ': . \ r PLAiIT I'IATERIALS: Botanical Name Common tfgrng Quanitv .Si/e* _..,1,,\._/. _\.- .fr_:_ iri;,i,;!PR0POSED TREES sri-e{cacnnD pLANr Lrsr ,,/ .,'' '':-"' \ ,,. i::iI ," '.'"'.'\\ - . !':':.'r-\rr.,1,,. . . -___ -==.. _ ,/._:_ , ,i,;i,i. "t.,,.t '' ' .'.t:lr: ",,, - ..,ri:,i I Wood, t&g decking - Olympic Stain trlonterey Gray ' | ',,: : ,;. . . ]ll nqovs clear glass, p-hd. alurniprun frames - Devoe Reed freen #l,nqqr, ..i-n \vJr\" ' i-. ' l,li nclor,r Trlirn None i :i.:'1\OIIC pccl. or arrodized aLunrinr,un wit ,/ ___-______ 1i.r.-. EXISTIIfG TREES T0 Picea punsens /g]:.,Sreen spruce zo I rs,_20, .,1,i:i BE REl.l0vED preer-mnqEns- / -__ . ,,ii o.l errna I . ,'":. ./ Co l o - Rl r ra qh}.,r^6 | c) -- t r'1 'r'. ; .:.;i . ," .ii "l .i." .t :.! -. itr:' .'t .' . . :.: Common LIST OF I'IAIERIALS o ]IAIiIE: OF P|IOJICT: . LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII: Vail',iransportation Oenter STREEI AOORESS: t)ESCRIPTIOi.I OF PR . Roof Siding 0ther Hal l Fas ci a Soffi ts lli nd ows rrlinclor,r Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Fl ues Fl ash'i ngs Chimneys Gree n hous es .Other d. LAITDS CAP I IIG ; "::'::: T*: EXISTIITG TREES BE REI{OVED Lh FrrdG-noad. GTft6[ffi6' ot:IItaElon The follorving information is required for submittal by Eoard before a final approval : Renova Wood can be fiven: OF I'IATERIAL shingle the garage on or new appl icant the t)esign Review COLORA. EUILOlllc iIATERIALS; TypE 14aterial Concrete Stucco Name of Desiqner: I brushed Concrete paving uni a lunr-.irlum frames bluninum wi ow netal frames (..1l.\ (:rh SpfUCe C.11.r Fl qnr.r1,'.a D.\ r,r .l 6 1.,.\ c -r Di n6 Q^.1.\, Ml-n Pi rnh ouakinq Aspen CoIo. Grn. Spruce Colo- 81. Spruce decking Rails Trash Enclosdres Stucco, vood le roof pnone: PLAIIT TIATERIALS: Botanical Name .+_ ! ai \7i f ac Tr'^ ( 3O3 ) 5tr -OOq i Common Name Quani ty ' Si ze* <a 6t-1 )l 1A et-1 1l 20 6'-9' Pioea Drrngen s Pi-cea pungens 'olauca' Pinus nnn d ornc r Betu Ia fontinal.is . Popufus tremuloides Picea pungens Pl-cea pungens ' qlauca ' 'I q.2" cal . 2" Cal . r5 ' -20' t5'-20' 12'-L6. L20 20TO Pinus spp. *lndicate caliper.for deciducious trees. Indicate height for cohlfers. . f n', o r'l 'il, ., PLAIIT I'IATERIAL5: (con't) SHRUBS .TXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI.IOVED Botanica I Nrlno Potentilla fruticosirKatherine Dykes' ------- Potentil,fa fruticosa 'cold Drop, .Rhus glabra cismontana Ribes oderatum Amefanchi er alni folia Conrnon llame K.Dykes Potentilla Size 36 cold Drop Pot. Dwf. Smooth Sumac 54 5 ca1 .i 42 Yellow Flow. Currant 60 -_ Se rviceberry -_- !rr-- 'l_-_ 46 5 cal . t Tvoe Souare Footaoe 600 s.f .GROU|ID COVERS s0D Perennials Asteralpihus Alpine Aster Lupanus spp. Aquilegia hyb.Columbine Chrysanthemum' maximum Shasta oaisy no irriqtited sod is planrted for the project. SEED Native grass seed to match.existing currently found on prolect. Nati-ve grass areas will be un-irriqated. 6O,OO0 s.f- Drip irrigation for al_l trees and shrub, \di,th some 12,OOo s.fTYPE OF IRRIGATIOIT fiPE OR METHOD OF EROSION COIITROL spray irri-g. in critical areas. : limited areas of spray irrigalion fo-ann,ta1f C. OTHER'LAND5CAPE FEATURE5 (retaining lral'l s, fences, swimming pools, etc.)Pl ease s peci fy. 'l' : UTILITY LOCATIO}I VER,IFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NA!18 V,t,a A 4e-f PO.>r{LT l.t"Y Pf ">'v t' I + EILIN? l/"'. U,.rato /J' rrunk lines utilitles for or ProPosed 11nes n the acconPanylng Da! e Mountai.n Bell 468-6500 Western Slope Gas Co. I 800 922-t987 llarry MoYes lublic Service ConpaaY 949-s781 Gary HaII Eoly Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 * Ted l{usky/Michael Laverty Hericage Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 #en*son S+erre Hrd Upper Eagle Valley Wacer & SaniEarion Dls Erict 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: l- l2--F /-/z-9o J-M-o These verificacions do not relleve rhe conEraccor of his responsibilily to obcain a sEreec cut permiE fron che Towa of Vail, DePartnenr of Publ:c lJorks and co obcaiu utility loeations before digging in any public righ.- of-way or easemenc in che Town of Vail. A bui.j.dine perrfliE is not a streec cut permic. A sgreec cu! pernir musc be obraiRed separarely. Thls fonr ls to verify servlce avallabillty and locatlon. Ttrl.s should be used in conJuneclon sith preparing your utllicy plan and schedullng installaEions. t ' y wacer*(Please bring a site plan when obcalning Upper Eagle Valle & Sanitaclon slgnatures ) Lor 5''92 BLOCK ADDRESS E^rn /l,tta' ' f)o. The location of ucilicles' whether they be nain nust be approved and verified by the following site plan. Authorized Sisnacure ;<! UTILITY LOCATIO:I VERIFTCATIO:I SUBDIVISION JOB NA}IE BLOCK FILINC ADDRESS The locacion of ucillties, uheEheE they be nain trunk lines or proposed llnes' Dus! be approved and verified by the follosing uEilicles for che acconpanylng slte PlaB. Mountain Bell 468-6500 Western SloPe Gas Co. I 800 922-1987 llarrY MoYes Public Service ConPanY 949-5791 Gary lla1l Boly Cross Elecc j.rc Assoc. 949-5892 * Ted ltusky/Michael LavertY llericage Cablevision T.V. 949'5530 earf-+e'*rtsort S+eue Hrcd- Upper Eagle Va11ey Water & Sanication DisEricc 476-7 480 Fred Haslee Date NOTE:These verificaclons do noc relLeve che consracror of his responslblll!y !o obraln a streeE cuc permJ,! fron rhe Town of Val1, Departrrenc of Publ:c tlorks and co obtain utllity locacions before diggiag in any publlc rlgh:- of-way or easenenc in Che Tor.rn of Vail. A builCine oerniC is noc a screec cut permit. A screec cut geruic Erus c be obcalned separacely. Thls fora ls to verify servlce avallablllty and locatlon. Thts should be used in conjuncrlon r.rich preparing your uelll,Ey plan and scbeilullng lnscallatlons. a- 't(Please bring a slce plan shrr obralning Uppet E41e Valley Wacer & Sanitaclon slgnarur:s) Authorized Slznacure /-/2-70 /-/?4(/ ,/-/t-?/ - Doira^ouo hlvu{A *i,*i&N o,bar$ lretht .{hink up- \uuq +D *,\ th^ -!o r\ Uk r,ndno.. P6! 3 -C \p*d,:ru,.d' Yrd\ L a. , . .{,r ||lICI|AII BARBTR ARC1|ITICI|JRI VAIL TRANSPOHTATION CENTER PROJECT NUMBER 22289 MEETING MINUTES DESIGN REVIEW BOARD HEARING Date of meeting: 31 January 1990 Date of issue: B February .1990 Location: Vail Council Chambers Attendees: Design Review Board: Ned Gwathmey Kathy Warren Patricia Herrington Diana Donovan Roy SanteVail: Stan Berryman ,,lffitat PdlzMBA: Michael Barber Kathy HarhaiCivitas: Todd Johnson Prepared by: Kathy Harhai This meeting was a hearing by the Design Review Board re the Vail TRC design development, The DRB voted to approve the proiect as presented, with the following qualif ications. ''|. The building identification sign at the parking structure will be changed to read 'Vail Parking',. 2. Michael Barber Architecture will return to the DRB to present the signage design and a revised entry portal to the parking structure itself. 3. The curved wall at the Level i central stair at the existing bus shelter will be reversed so that two flanking walls curve parallel to each other. 4. A plant with poison berry and honeysuckle which has had blight recently will not be used. 5. N. Gwathmey expressed several recommendations, though his vote lor approval is not conditional on implementation of the recommendations:a. Use of a whiter stucco should be studied;b. The width of the exterior stair system is excessive and should be reduced; MICHAEI^ SARBER ARCHITECTUR! PROFEsSIONAr CORPORAIION 1290 BROADWAY SUITE 600 DcNVER COTORADO 80203-560d TEIEPHONE 303 837 0s55 FACS|M|!€ 303 837 0600 Vail Transportation Center Meeting Minutes 31 January 1990 Page 2 c. The towers at the parklng garage entry should be revlsed to have less of an art deco character. These meeting mlnutes reflect our understandlng of subjects discussed and decisions reached. Please advise us ol any corrections or additions. Vail: MBA: Civitas: Stan Berryman Kristan Pritz File 22289 Vault 22289 Todd Johnson J HI 1 JLJ :'L:]'Ti : .+4 ,l "' il|IClJAiI BAnfltfi AfiC}|IIICIUfli FACSI'IAITE COVER sI{EET Krlstin hlt? t 1-479-2157 Totql Number of Pqges includiaE The Cover Sheetr wearetronsft;lt:ng from Tele{ox number 303 832 0d00. l{ yor.r hovetrauble receivinglhi: ironlmission pleose ccll us, in,cti AE! B^RgER i!r0 ERoADT?AY Sr-Jl'rE doc ARCrl ,Tt C T! R€ DENVER COtORAE'O €0?03.56ri€ PFOi!SSrCNAt TELSPHON| 303 S37 03is CORPCIATICN FACS|M]IE 303 837 0600 JfiH .:rj 'tE 15:44 I1I,:HUFFEER FTRCH* fii lClt Att BtrBEn AR[tl TTICI|JRI This meeting was held to review the submittal for DFIB approvar hearing of 31January 1gg0, 1. tul8A is concernect tnat to brin5i e clcse t0 the DnB approval process, all thei5$ues -idefttified by the DRB at the pfior hearing be acrcrressecr in theupco!-ning pre*qentation, and no acrditionar reguirerients oe raiseo ireyonothose prevjousiy ideniltied. Wirh thar goal in mincl, MBA prepared a nst ofoltstanding ise:ies identified by the DAg on tZ .lanuary iSdo, 2, Kristafi prirz arso had ii,entified issues from rhe Januaq/ 17 DRB hearing ina rnemo dat€d ?5 January. MBA's response to th€ isiues wsre revieriec.ts$uFs discussed are highljghted here. 3' speefics cn pranting maleriars were requeste{r, civitas has prepared aprenring parefie rarher rhan done a speciric pranting schedure ad "ilr nudoie for tinal construdion docurnents. '4. Wood io?emS rather than concrete bollards wilr be usecr in clusters. Thenurnber or toterns wiir he recruced to about 5 at west stair, 4 at east stai;and none at center srair arong East Meadow Drive. The totems wi,r be byolhers. F.2-'3 VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PROJECT NUIVIBEF 2228S MEETING MINUTES OUINEF/ARCHITECT/DHB MEETING Daie of meellng: Date of issue: '-ocaticnr Attsncfees: 29 Jafluary 1990 30 January 1gg0 Ofiices o{,Michael Barber Archirecture Vail: Frepared by: MBA: Civitas: Kathy Harhai };ICHAf ! EAFSTN ARCHTTGCTIJTE Itto EROADwIy SUIIE dog D€NVER CO1O*ADO 90?03.56&, P f o F E SS r O NA t c o B P O I At I o N TEI€IHONE 303 832 055: F^cs,Mnr 16r rrr n,{|$ Stan Betryman Gregg Hall Mike Fos6 Skip Gordon Kristan Prilz Karhy Harhai Michael Barbsr Chris Thomas Todd Johnsori Mark Naylor t/.iliLF- J,]H 3S '9IZ 15:45 IIICHHLEI]FEER ARCH* va ; MBA; Civitas: Vail Transpo.'tation Ceriler Meeting Minutes 29 January 1990 Page 2 5. The venical conct€te wail at L1 0f the central stair has been eliminated by rfloving one tlight of stairs 10 the east and crealing a larger centrat plantei. 6. MBA will show a handrail detail. Handrails wifl bs of metal rather than wood as suggested by DRB because of code requlrefi€nte and rhe need lor a curued rail at the curved stalr walls. 7. oRB had requegted a detail of ll'le stucco wall svstern at the vlsitor center. MBA may pre$ent alternative wall systems. B, The sidewelk et the bas6 of the southwest stair has been extended toprovlde a bette. connection to Crossroads via a painted crosswalk, 10' tritr-.rai compatibil;ty between the transportalion center and visitor celrler is beiirg addressed ihrough similar colors and materiats. Root angies anC eave lines ars consistant. MBA may shov; a skelch ol a hippect rolol at ttre vis'tor center 10 iliustrate to lhe DRB why that concepl wes rejected as a design option. i I ' The parkinJ garage eFtr.v will be dravrn at enlarged scele to better i,lu$uate rnaterials and cletailing. 1a MgA. is shovring a flat rooi at the radius ramp ai reguested by the DHts. An sr'lerged elevation wlll itlustrate this area. The semicircular aree wirt be luily coverecl rath€r than ieaving a hole in the cenler. ,r3. A preliminary,signage plan is needed, lhough approval cauld b6 giverl subiect to reviewing fuil signage package leter 14. Pots and herrches are needed et rhe L4 plaza to softerr the area in summer. 15. Lrghtirig iocations witl be designated on a sita plan. These rneeting rninutes reilect our understanding cf subiects cliscu$sed and detisions reach6d. Please advise us of arry correctiofls or additions. Stan Berryntan &istan Fritz File e2289 Vault 22289 Todd Johnson o ,t. I/AIL PARKING GARAGE Project Information Design Review Board Submittal 26 January, 1990 CONTENTS flojegt Fumishings: Lighting Fixture and Standard Pedestrian Bench Bicycle Rack Planter Pots Precast Trash Heceptacle Precast Paving Unit' Project Planting Schedule and Concepts: Site Landscape Plant List Proposed Plantino @ Central Stair Proposed Planting @ South Stair ', ';'., li.' .1,.**, C' .L}I ffi!r 6IA w A ffi A ffi\sn A ffi CNOSSAHMS CF'r lite 3" o.d. Posl: P-3010. P-301?, P-301{, P.3016 F-._43"_-__--{ cR.3 llrs 4' o.d. .posr; P.3r)16r P-30?0 Cast atumiriuht - riijiritdJ fihisti ib hiaiEti PLAN VIEW .-.t t) a-H C ?..-. c a o-o t o-{H ( CDnsrrll factnt' lor cuslorn afr sP|6ad lonqthJ or'aotnpliment lsnlerns. +", H a-lH ?r-F a ?+Ht ' Brn! p..gcr ? i.s Lo, k.l.O. ,4rci6<{irxrc sFt-z 4l,t'w. x 6ct'h. 13" wall €rtenSion, WALL ERACKETS ^Al, c !/\ / \ .-a r t ? I )ilm.( ) nth\ /lllh\ / | llLll LJFY IJW BR- | t6 SR,l20 5t1'w. r 201. 4%"w. x 21"h. .. bsc(plote: backptitei 11" wall axtension, 9y.. wall errensiorr. See oracring guide f9r vgriqus lanlsrn mo|llrtin, For H.1.0. rcmotd batlast {balbgt vautt h} o|lr., MODEL ilO.oEscRrPTlof{ L-l40 14" dia, r 33-h. 5 Cand€labra base IncRndes€snl 'a'riileul {r X.t.O, MODEL NO.DESCFIPTION L-165 16l{'dia. r 3sh. 5 candelabra bea€ incandfficent 'trv&htli, h H,l.O. MOOEL NO.oEscRtPnoN L-l85 'l8h'dia. x 41"h. 5 candelabra bas€ incandogcent'.vliBtld h H,l.O. MOOEL NO,DESCRIPTION L-2?'5 22v2' di^. x 52'n . I carld€labra base incandescent 'rv$lauo n H.t O, fils 4" o.d. posr: P-3o16, P.3o20 MOOEL NO.oESCRrPTror,l a L-180 17yz'w. x 3/-'h. 5 dend€labra base incandescent 'rv.Jhba. |.r H.l,D, (hrxrgonl UODEL NO,DESCRIPTION lz'w, x 28"h. 5 candelab{a base incandescent Cast atuminurn arms E back . Painted linishes to malch or comptimeot lonterns. E:g q( r,u b -9x{ii E3i 83ii a t i .g!t'2 i! 7 <( I c d-.1 o'.i'ri, !Ilbr-;I .tF"-;t 7 I E if, (f (o q EEi:E'g ;lf iE I rlagr- E0 - *,i \nrg si IIE g Ux 65 3t _eI br bd9-;;9*5: aoi p3 () C{o(9 d- IF-g =n:Y N o co o- f' [., l' (o C)ro o-o 5(o o- v0 ;Eu6 P$ bEi;l ^nV6B iii c E , t a llJaq m o z, aF.(noo. [-- aas ai: {3 iHg r aI o 6 {e;:ri9osit !,":s.. :-. ::-':{'. $,.. ' 'it: , i{ iq 2126-0T. ;Sf:;,13nT; ia / l..ll ,ri'l,i . Seal 2122{. ; .cffi@F flowo Model FB 07 o o 10Y4" INGROUND ANCHOR MOUNT I3"1 7.6 23,/a" 1'?6'0 6.0 The Ribbon Rack is compatiblo with all slandard locks and chains, including popula. high securlty horseshoe shaped locks. while providirtg maximum functional security. " Industrial Desiene rs Societv of America "Recognized for its elegance and simplicity SURFACE I I I JZ',/A Ie.l 4 FLANGE MoCd Nurmet * ot Sicydes Rak Length QR NS I'IE U/ RB 09 RB 11 7 o 38.375" 62.375" 86.375" 110.375" 97.5 cn 158.4 cm 219.4 cm 280.4 cm o I ELECTRICAI. NOI TNCLUoEo $ftlllet b t4lad liohl lir. tnoa ol clbico Ltghl Eo ards .PB-25 round LB-25 roundi#l '*i '|t l-ll I li ltt rlll L-r | | tl l^iollFl t^t,o{ol PB.C square PB-D round I to'l I lr-r rt tlllll"'t il tl l^,iairFl P8-F round AU.C squaro AU.0 round lrl'l I_lII lrzttl\:JT I ro'l t-l _ --llnrI ll 11"l il tl lidfl PB.Hz rou.d ItrlGI_lll| 11" I^lrb!til PB-Hl rourd AU.A square AU-B round l r.' l l-'-l II lzz l=,=J1 Fu1 l-E-l I tt I llI lT l:zz\JT Hl ,F round . ?f--l,"-l I;IT.l I -'- I,i' ",,lI l- re' I -)t[:lI l2rLJl l- rr-l t-trLJ1 a T 36' 1 TR.C aqu€rs TR.o round l--rr-ll l Il: l.i. 1i:';:rr lf .A squaro .8 rcund 2t..-llll;': llJ-L lR-R round Frr__l \::-t It,tlI IlF= i' LB'35 rcund l?.'!fll l- ir n l rcI t/-t! I t[r-] | | r^ ialcl l-8 38 round I Au-F round AU-F rourd rl I Au-S round AU-V rou.d .S mund TF-V round F3''-lc)l l.,. {TLJ_L .i .rno'PB.HO roundAU-X round Casl Ston€ AU-Ygquare Glascr€l€tr.Y Squars '- s"--l ff ffirr-\r $'I PB-35 ro1|nd l?.'l l^llBltfl PB-38 round l---l r t-l r lrrl il:l Il[l;. [1u'll liilEllcl 18.50 rouad |?.'Ir-) I Ir-ll.l L"-',| |r_-*ll I^ir0l'Gl lrr'lHlf--l II littl L_J I l^liHllil PB-H4 rouod lr?'lBI [-l ]'.ItlUI t^ltii Fl Cssl Slone Gl$cr€torr l u'l F] |||iL_l I lArBr,rl I r"l R-f|lTLI L lAirEIFl Ash Tray Oplion Inslsllallon Optlons Subl€ran€an StraiohtDowel .!19"|t Surlica MountL4J l_BJ TR.D3murd avaitabts in l- ar-t Nalural, i..___i -r Btack and l t.,' , ,r lI Bronze I I ':,';: r 1i -nL-/_1,/'1 t"a . Rellbveaue {Glascreto r{ only}Bnse Piale Subleltanoa0 lcl optlon3 ldized aluminum lids avaihblo on all lltlf-.- -. r '.iII1i.,f rlck and B.onte. me lids ar€ rilable on dels TR-De , TR,D3. receplacl$ - 20 getlon gohanired line!.03 ' 30 gallon ealvanitod finel lnslflllalion LonBr op ons 6re lisled bclow oach drawing Specily Ordoring intormation b on pago I r\ HERN INGBONE PARQU€I LAYING PATTqRNS RUNNE R 5.I LAYING PATTERN THE LAYING PATTERN IS A FUNCTION OF THE PAVERSHAPE. THE HOST CO}OION PATTER}IS ARE HERRING.8ONE, PARQUET, ANO RUNNER. THE SIRONG€SI PAVEHINT CAN BE OETAINEO BYUSING UNIPAVE IN HERRINGSONE PATTERN. OTHER SHAPES ANO PATTERHS PERFORH JUST AS WELL WHEN HAXTHUH SIRENGTH lS NOT REQUtREo. 7.0 SURFACE ORAINAGE AFTER A SHORT PERIOO OF TIHE TH€ JOINTS EETW€EH THE PAVERS EECOHE EFFECTIVELY SEALEO.IT IS RECOIT.IE}IDEO THAT PROVISIONS 8€ hAOE TOALLOW FOR SURTACE ORAINAGE WIIH HIIIIHUH GRADES OF AT LEAST 2:. 8.o coNsrRucrtoN 8.I EXISTING GROUNO EXISTING GROUND SHOULD 8E OUG OUT ANO SHAPEO AS CLOSELY AS POSSIELE TO THE REQUIR€O DIHEN- SIONS ANO LEVELS. COfiPACTION OF THE GROUNO SHOULO 8E OONE WITH TH€ PLAIE COHPACTOR. 8.2 SU8-8ASE THE SU8.8ASE IIATERIAL SHOULO BE SPREAO IN A SINGLT TAYER TO THE REQUIREO IEVEL ANO IF NECESSARY IIATER AOOEO TO REACH THE DESIRED HOISTURE -CONTEtIT EEFORE COHPACTION. COH- PACTION SHOULO BE OON€ WITH OVERTAPPING PASSES OF THE PLATE COHPACTOR. CARE SHOULO BE TAKEN THAT THE SUO-8AS[ IS GRAOED TO THE REQUIRED LEVEL TO EilSURT A UNIFORH SANO 8€OOING LAYER. 8.3 EOGE RESTRAINTS REQU|REo EoGE RESTRATNTS CAN BE PLACEo pRt0R TO COTI}IENCING ANY PAVING OR CAII BE COHPLTTEO AFTER THE PAVERS ARE IN PLACE. | !'i t ),:: 8.4 SAND BEOOING LAYER SANO SHOULD BE SPREAO ATIO SCREEOED TO A SHOOIHSURFACE AT A LEVEL WHICH WILL R€SULT IN IH€ PAOPER LEVEL OF ftNISHEO SURFACE AFTEfl COH-PACI I ON. ONCE SREEDED ANO LEVETLED THtS SANO 8€DOING SHOULO NOT BE OISTURSEO IN ANY WAY ANO CA'rTTAKEN THAT IT IS HAINTAINEO IN A LOOS€coilotTtoN. 8.5 tavtHc PAvERs LAYING SHOULO START ON A LONG STRAIGHT €DGTWITH THE PAVERS BEING LAID IN THE PATTERN SELECTEO. PAVERS ARE LAlo }tlTH A l/g'r JotNT aNo tT ts IHPORIANT THAT THIS JOINI WIOTH 8E HAI}ITAIIIEO. FULL PAVERS ARE LAIO FIRSI WITH THE GAP5 AT THE EOGES FILLEO WITH STANOARO EOGE PIECES ORWIIH PIECES CUT TO FIT. THE CUT PIECES SHOULT)8E AT LEAST 25I OF A FULL PAVER. CUTTING IS OON€ WITH A GUILLOTINE CUIIER. 8.6 COHPACTION ANO JOIHT FILLING AFTER LAYING PAVERS SHOULO BE II.,IIIEOIATELY COHPACTEO WITH NOT LESS THAN TWO PASSTS WITHA VIBRATITIG PLAI€ COHPACTOR. SAND IS SWEPT INTO TH€ JOINTS ANO A FIN^L P^(S IS HADE WITH THE COHPACTOR TO CONSOLIOAIE I}IT SANO IN THE JOINTS. EXCESS SAND IS THEN SWEPT FROH THE SURFACE. IT IS USUALLY IIECESSARY FOR AOOITIONAL SANO T'I BE SWEPT INTO THE JOINTS AFTER THE PAVE''IE}II IIAS EEEN IN USE. 8.7 FIHISHEO SURFACE AFTER FINAL COHPACTION THE SURFACE SHOIJLD NOT VARY BY HORE THAN 3,/8I'WHETI TESTEO V'ITH AN B FT. BOARO. t: INFORHATION CONTAINED IN THIS TECHNTCAL NOTE IS INTENOEO FOR GENERAL GUIOANCE OIILYIN HO WAY REPLACES THE SERVICES OF PROFES5IO}IAL CONSULTANTS. THE AND IINATIVE' I{ILD Species Achillea mlllefo1ium Anemone multifidaA. patens Antennaria parvifolia'A. rosea Aquilegia caeruleaAster alpinus Campanula rotundif ol-iaCastilleja rhexifoll_aEpilobium angustif oliumErigeron composltusE. pinnatisectus E. sLmplexE. speciosus Erlogonum flavumE. jamesii E. niveum E. unbellatum Fragaria americanum Geranium viscosissimum Iris missouriensis Linum perenne Lupinus ar gen te us Oenothera caespiEosa Penstemon caes pi to s usP. cyananthus P. eat.onii P. strlctus Soli.dago decumbens Thermopsis divaricaLaT. nontana Viquiera nultiflora I!NOT SO Chrysanthemum coccineum C. maxlmum Delphinium elat.umDicentra specLabilis Gaillardia aristaEa Narcissus .ts'pp. Paeonia offiicinalis Papaver nudicaule P. orlenLale Sedum spp. Tulipa cvs. FLOWERS FOR VAIL PARKING LOT NATIYEI' Connon Name Yarrow Globe Anenone Pasque Flower Pussytoes Pussytoes Rocky Mtn. CoLumbineAlpine Aster l{arebel1 Splitleaf Indian Paintbrush Fi rewe e dFernleaf Flea bane Pinna te Flea bane One-f lower Fl ea bane Oregon FI-eabaneYellow Wild Buckwheat James Wild Buckwheat Snow Wild Buckwheat Sulfur llild BuckwheaL American S t,rawberr vSticky Geranium Rocky Mt.n. IrisBlue Flax Silvery Lupine White Evening Primrose Mat Penstenon Wasatch Penstemon Fi recracker Pe ns t emon Rocky Mountain Penst,emon Decunbent Goldenrod Spreading Thermopsis lulountain Thermopsis Showy Goldeneye I{ILD FIOI{ERS Painted Daisy ShasEa Daisy Garden Del phinium Bleeding lleart, Blanket. Flower Narc issus 7' Peony t' Iceland Poppy 0riental Poppy Sedum Tulip s CO}IPOSITE LIST SpecLes Antennarla parvif J-oraA, roaea Arct,ostaphylos nevadensisA. uva-ursi . Eriogonum flavum7fE. umbellatum ' Juniperus communi sI"lahonia repens Paxist.ima myrsinltes OF GROUNDCOVERS* Common Name ItrussyEoet/ 449?aPussytoes' | +.+t Pinema t llanzani n4ililhVlW lA.ll. Kinnikinnik Ye1low Wild Buckwhear Sulfur Wild BuckvheaE Conmon Juniper Creeping 0regon GrapeMountain Lover ADDED NOTES: salt Tolerance: due Eo their nativity Eo more mesic climates andthus weLl-leached soils, none of E,he mountal,n specles areespeciali.y noted for thelr tolerances Lo salts oi any kind;recommend disposing of salt-laden snow in some manner other thandunping on plant inhabited areas. Added Plants: aciording to my sources the following plantsavallable in landscape sizes and thus may be added topalette: - Pinus engelmannii Dngelmann SprucePinus flexilis Limber pine Ribes alpinum Alpine CurranER. aureum Golden CurrantR. cereum Squaw CurrantR. inerme hthitestem CurranLSalix mont,icola Mountain l,lillowS. scoul-eriana Scouler I'lillow Symphoricarpos occident,alis Western SnowberryS. oreophilus MounEain Snowberry Local Plant Source: Colorado Alpines, Inc. P.0. Box 2708 Avon, C0 81620(303) 949-6464 owners: Marty and Sandy Jones Marty is the Director of the Vail Alpine Garden (183 Gore Creek/1Drive, Vai1, CO 81657') and he operbtes a sma11 garden centdL-'in Avon supplying b'oEh the ususal rgarden varieties offlowers and specialty rock garden-type plants. Pl.ease call when we can be of f urt.her help. are ttle .t 5 DECIDUOUS SHFUES. 1 GALLOH SIZE Species will be one or mors of fie lolloi/ing: .3'Leal Sumac (Rhus glabnl .Berbeny Honeysuctle (Lonicera involueratal -Sno,vbrush Ceanohus (Ceanothus veluinusl -Bush Cinquefoil f Potentilla truticosa) -Alpin€ Currant {Ribes ?rci4un} -Squaw Cur;anl [F'Des ceret'-nl -Bog Bifch {8etula gb'.cuiosal 8 DECIDTOUS SHruBS. 1 GALLOIJ SIZE:#f;#tn:tiil .,) -Snoribrush Ceanofrus lCeanothus velutinusl -Bush Ginquefoil (Potentilla huticosa) -Alpine Currant f Ribes al9inuml -Squar Currant {Ribes cereuml 1O S.F. GROUND COVEF Species wil be on6 or more ol the follonino: -Creeping llahonia lMahonia ?epens) .ilo'rlErLLo/er (Padysnma mvrsinhesl .xmnrd(ifirnd( {ArcosEphvlos ulr/a_urs;) -l,bJnbin Ninebaft lPhvsca/ous momcv. , 2fl1s.F, GROUNo COVER Speci€s wil be one d nore of he follo,ninq: treeping Llahonia lMahonia reoensl -lrounlain Lo/or (Pad stima mgsinitesl -Kinnick.kirnick (Arclostaohylos urva-ursil -liounain lheba* lPhyscarpus monogyn{ I DECTDUOUS SHRUBS, I GALLoN SIZE Speci€s yvllbe one d more ol he bloring: -Bearbeny tloneysuckle (Lonicera involuerakl -Snowbrush C€anohus (Ceanothus velutinu!l il DEcltxrous sHRuBs, 5 GALLOII SEE Spechs wfll bo ono ct tro{3 of the frtloflirE: Gold€n Cur|ant IBlEl3uIglloI .Redrwig Dogmd (9ornus stolonifeB) 4omnm Sno$erry (Symphoricaroos albus) {ldsbony ($mbucts ractmos4 .Mounain Lover {Padrystima myrsiniles) -Kinnick{innljt (Arcbstaptryle ul+ursi) .llounuh Ninebalt (EhysocatPus mono0tnus) -lbuntain Ninebark (Phvsocarous monogvnus) Pa*ing Slruclure Top Level 5 OECIDUOUS SHBUES, 5 GALLON SIZE 9 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS, 1 GALLON SIZE Species will be one or more ol t\e follorying: -Bearbeny Honeystrcld€ (Lonicera involueraE) -Sno{brush Ceanohus {Ceanohus velutinus) .Bush Cinquefoil lPotentilla trutic$a) -Alpine Curant {Ribes aldnum} -Squa furrant (Ribes cereum) iJnirrigated Nattve GI83se!, Soeded 7 DECIOUOUS SHRUBS, 5 GALLON SIZE Sp€ci€s l|dl b€ mo or more ol he folloring: .Golden Cunant lRibes aureuml -n€dtwig Dogtrood lCornus stdonifera) €onnm Soowbery f Svmohoricarms albusl €ldederry lSamhrus racemosal 18 DECtDt OUS SHRUSS, t GALLoil S|ZE Species will be one or rmre ol he lollo'ving: .}Leaf Sumac {Rhus glabal 'Berbery tkneywctle lLAniERindleEEI -Snswhush Cearchus (Ceanothus velutinus) .Bush CirEusbil tPotentilla fruticosq) .Alpine Cunant (Ribes eloinuflf .Squaw Cunant (Ribes cereuml -Bog Erdt (Eeldaqadle6al 450 S.F, GROUND COVER Species will be me a mors of tle tollor{ing: .Creeping lvlahmh (l,lahonia tepens) - Species will be one or mofe ol dle fdlowino: -Golden Cunant lRibes aureum) .Redtwig oogrood fco.nus srotonifeE) {ommm Sno$/berry lSymohoricaroos albusl -Bush Cirqrfttil -Aldne Cunant lRibes ajrinuml -Squaw Cunnt f Ribes cereum) 6 DECIOUOIJS SHRUBS,5 GALLON SZE Species w l be one u rD|e ot he following: €ddsn Cfranl lRibes aureum! -Redtwig Dogvrood {Cornus stolonifera) {ornmon Sm$ery (Symohoricarms albus'l -EUerbetry (Sambuors racemosal 7 (torelthis she.r) EVERGREEIT TREEq r0'-1? HEtBt{T Speci$ aro limited b fp followino: . .{olorado Green Spruce (Picea oir-{,olorado Slue Spruce (Picea our \ roo s.r. cnou*D covER Species will-be one or more of the folbwing:.Creeping lhhonb_ (i,,tahqnh reoensl 1pt1$.n rqryr @es:ioa_ougntest-n n rl|{lyrcf (Arclo$bhyloc u|Ya-utril-iffirnEin Nhebaft ( physocarous mffimus) 9 DECtDt oUS SHHUES, t GALLOI stzE Species wllbe one or nnre of he fdlo,ving: -Bearbery Honeysuckle (Lonicera involueralal .Snorvbru$ Ceanohus (Ceanothus velutjnus) -Bush Cir4*loil {Potentilla fruticosal -Alpin€ Ctrrant (Hibes alpinuml -Squaw Ctrlanl (Hibes c€reum) 12 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS, I GALLON SIZE Speci€s will be m6 or more of the folloring: +Leat Sumac lRhus olabal -Beadeny HoneysrcHe (Lonicera involuerah) €nowkush Cearptls lCeanohus velutinus) -Bush Cinquefol (Pornlilla truticos4 -Alflne Cr.rant (Ribes aktnurn) -Bog Birch fBetuh glandulos4 22 D€CIDI,,OUS SHRUBS, 1 GALLOII SIZE Speciesryill b€ one or more of fie tollo,ving: .&Leaf Sunac f Rhus olabral -Berbeny ttoneysm[e-[o-nrerairwo!-ef qq] -Snowhush Ceanohus (Ceanothus veludnua) -Bush Cinquefol (Potentilla fruticosa| -Al6ine Cunant (Ribes aloinum)P^ROPoSED PLANTTNG @ CENTRAL STATR 1/8"=110"-!guw Curant fRibes cereum) rCrl l\ll lV iJlltavlUl9 .vF Le'e. t 9 EVERGREEN TREES, 10112' HEIGHT Species are limited to the following: -Colonado Green Spruce {Picea.ougens} -Colondo Blue Spruce (Picea pungens'Glauca'l Unlnlgated Natlve Grasses, Seeded 3 DECTDUOUS SHRUBS,5 GALLON SIZE Species will be one or more of the lollowing: -Golden Cunant (Ribes aureum) -Redtwig Dog|ood (Cornus stolonifera) -Common Snowberry (Symohoricamos albus) -Elderberry (Sambucus racemosal 24 DECIDUOUS TREES,2" MIN. CALIPEB Species are limited to the following: Quaking Aspen {Pooulus tremuloides) 23 DECIDUOUS SHFUBS, 1 GALLON SIZE Species will be one or mole ol the following: -3-Leaf Sumac (Fhus qlabr4 -Bearberry HoneysuclJe (Lonicera involueratal -Snowbrush Ceanothus (Ceanothus velutinus) -Bush Cinqueloil (PsledilalCIlic$al -Alpine Cunant (Ribes aloinum) -Bog Bkch (Belula glandulosa) -.*--..--.----'--... 10 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS, I GALLON SIZE Species will be one or more of the following: -3-Leaf Sumac lRhus glabral -Berberry Horreysuckle (Lonicera involuerata) -Snowbrush Ceanothus (Ceanothus velutinus) -Bush Cinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa) -Alpine Cunanl (Fibes aloinuml -Squaw Cunant (Ribes cereum) -Bog Bhch (Belula glandulosa) 4 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS, 5 GALLON SIZE Species will be one or more ol lhe following: -Golden Cunant (Ribes aureum) -Redtwig Dogwood (Cornus stolonifera) -Common Snowhrry (Symohoricarpos albus) S.F. GROUND COVEB Species will be one or more ol lhe following: -Creeping Llahonia (Mahonia reoens) -Mounhin Lover (Pachyslina$ylsitiles) -l(nnick-kinnick Wctostaphylos urva-ursi) -Mountain Ninebark {Phvsocarpus monoqynus) 3 DECIDUOUS $RUBS, 5 GALLON SIZE Species will be one or more 0f the tollowing: -Golden Cunant {Bibes aureum} -Redt*.g Dogwood (Conus stoicnifeia) PROTOTYPICAL PLANTING @ SWALE, SOUTH 1'L1 0' Ail swales along the south elevation ol the Transportation Center will be planted in a manner similar to the prototype sho$,n. Due to changes in site concjitions, planting arrangernents can be expected to vary slightly from swaie to swaie. Planting groups as .qhown above gr,'e f,"ri'ner fiexrcilrty and vanety dunng ltnal desrgn refinement. -Common Snowterry (Symphoricanros albus) -Elderberry {Sambucus racemosa} 13 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS, 1 GALLON SIZE Species will be one or more ol lhe following: -Bearberry Honeysuckle lloticeninyolueralal -Snowbrush Ceanothus (Ceanothus velutinusl -Bush Cinquefoil (Polenlila]rut'cosa) -Alpine Cunanl fRibes aloinuml -Squaw Curant (Fibes cereuml 5 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS,5 GALLON SIZE Spedes will be one or more of the following: 4olden Cunanl (Ribes aureum) -Redtwig Dogwood (Comusstolonifera) -Common Snowberry (Symphoricamos albus) -Elderberry (Sambucvs racemosa) East Meadow Drive SITE LANDSCAPE PLANT LIST CO|IATON NAME Deciduous Trees Aspen Evergreen Trees Colorado Blue Spruce Colorado Green Spruce Deciduous Shrubs Alpine Currant Bearberry Honeysuckle Bog Bkch Bush Cinouefoil Common Snowberry Elderberry Golden Curranl Redtwig Dogwood Smrvbrush Ceanolhus Squaw Currant Three-Leal Sumac Ground Covers Common Juniper Creegng Mainnia Kinnick-Kinnick Mounlain Lover Mountain Ninebark Pir€mat Manzanita . Pussytoes Pussytoes Perennials Alpine Aster Blue Flax Columbine Fireweed Indian Painlbrush Rocky Mountain his Rocky [,lounlain Penslemon Sivery Lupine SITE FUHNISHING SCHEDULE POLE LIGHTS: BENCHES: TBASH RECEPTACLES: PLANTEBS t"t . t"nt. BOLLARDS: UNIT PAVERSI t I LATIN NAME Populus lremuloides Picea pungens'glarca' Picea pumens Ribes alpinum Lonicera velulinus Betula glandulosa Potenlilla fruticosa Symohoricarpos albus SambuqJs ncemosa Ribes aureum Cornus slolonilera Ceanothus velulinus Ribes aloinum Rhus glabra Juniperus communis Mahoria reoens Arctostaphvlos urva-ursi Pachytima mvrsinites Physocarpus monogwrus Arctoslaohylos nevadensis Antennaria oarviflora Antennaria rosea Aster alpinus Linum oerenne Aquilegia caerulea Epilobium anoustitolium Castilleia rhexilolia kis missoudensis Penstemon skiclus Luoinus argenleus OUANTITY 140 130 38 28 55 ao 60 55 40 62 38 48 30 EA 450 s.l. 700 s.f. 575 s.t. 470 s.f. 260 s.f. 400 s.f. 180 s.f. 210 s.l. stzE 2' Caliper See Plans lor heighl See Plans for height l Gailon l Gajlon l Gallon I Gallon 5@llon 5 Gallon 5 Csllon 5 Gallon 1 Gallon I Gallon l Gallon l Galbn Flats Flats Flats Flats Flals Flats Flats 1r, Flats Flats Flats Flats Flats Flals Flats Flats CAL Cuslom and Architectural LightingModeL 1.18 (Light Head)Model P-3016 (Pole) TimberlormMdel: 2122.6 (Backless), 6' Lenght Dura A( SloneModel: TRS (Round), 36'Ht. X 28'Dia. Dura Art StoneModel: oesign'$',1f7' Hr. X 36' Dia. Dura A( Stone Model: PBHI (Round),36'Ht. X t6'Dia. Precast Concrele Unit Pavers to Match Exislino Qrvw*td "l WK I - l/\at"tlrs4 f TO: Michael Barber Architects, Kathy llarhai, and Todd Johnson FROM: Cornmunity Development Department - Kristan Pritz DATE; January 25, L990 SUB.T: Design Review Board Meeting, Comments The following comments were made at the neeting by board members: I. STAIR CORRIDORS COMMENTS: --Details on lights, bo1lards, specific plantings, rock waIls, and treatnent for concrete rnust be provided --The facade adjacent to the lower tunnel by the central stair needs more design detail . It was suggested that a planter belocated in the pocket area on the east side of the entry. Use a sand blasted treatment for the texture of the concrete. Look at using rails to decrease the nass of the wall . Be sure to use the sane rail- throughout the stair corridor. ItBoard formrr concrete should not be used. Keep the natural color of the walls. Ifpossible the railing should have the clulan top. --The east stair corridor at the ground leve1 needs rnore study. The straight stairway is extrenely harsh. A snall curve will go a long way to soften this area. (Kathy, this is the stair to theeast of the main stair corridor. --Questions rrtere asked about how the stucco would be applied tothe building. Durability was the big concern. --The width of the stairs could be decreased. The capacity appears to be overdesigned. Offset the stairs as much aspossible. One member advocated a seven foot stair passage. --The west stair should be oriented more to the west. The nunber of people that will want to access crossroads should be considered. The plaza at the base of the stair should be expanded to allow for better access to Crossroads. II. BUILDTNG COMMENTS: --What is the cap for the stone walls. --Look at the base of the Visitorrs Center. Stone with stucco finish night be rnore appropriate than solid stone. Try to use the stone $rhere it has the most inpact - stair corridors. --Determine window and architectural detalling for the Visitor's --The Transportation Center needs to be conpatible with theVisitorrs Center. It was suggested that the exterior fj.nish of the transportation center be changed to coordinate with theVisitorts Center. --The elevation of the parking structure entry along the Frontage Road should be enlarged. --A flat roof should be used on the connecting ramp from the second and third floor levels of the parking structure. Peoplewill walk on this roof and it should be as safe as possible. --what is tbe finish of the fifth floor parapet for the structure. --The board reguested colored elevations and also a photograph of the transportation center. The following information should be subnitted for the January 3J-st neeting: 1. A landscape plan identifying material t1pes, sizes, and locations.2. Details on bollards, lighting, benches, planters, rock walls.3. Sandblasted concrete or moss rock should be identified on the plans.4. The base of the central stair and access tunnel should be drawn at a larger sca1e. It shoul-d also be drawn incolor. The straight stair should be curved.5. Explain how the stucco will be applied for the project.6. ori-ent the west stair more towards Crossroad. Theplaza at the base of the stairs should be oriented to tbe west.7. The Transportation Center should be updated to be more conpatible with the Visitor's Center.8. Provide east and west elevations for the Visitorts Center.9. Provide a blown-up elevation of the parking structureentry along the Frontage Road. The board was concerned about the possible urban/industrial appearance of the entrance.L0. Paver patterns should be defined. A photo of what you are proposing (f believe this ls the existing pattern)is acceptable.L1. An elevation showing the connecting ramp and flat roof should be provided.L2. Design detail for the fifth floor parapet.L3. A photo of the Transportation Center.1-4. Deternine the sidewalk and wall detail along Meadow / 15. L6. L7. Drive.If possible, identify sigmage for the project. If thisis not feasible, the sigmage may be reviewed at a later date. A detail on how the noss rock will appear once it isplaced on the wall. The board nras concerned that a drystack method be used to avoid excessi.ve nortar. Address nelrspaper box dispefsers. (f'11 address thisfor you.) 'tlod r;d^1 oNliiihn6^fu" qtt{$*t '1 3l@'t,Slri.\ flo* rDJ)moa- b \\U U DAg t[ r1O {t\ i.. , ilonl. o f\tuIh U\ruUJ o [df,.r- concunui ot-i] h'up il*t-.o cr}{had - ilJn^'\ Uo-u' u*\ootr' rTslra*r- {,,r'0,b,\\ O'E o'cp}'\. ffi;N\ RoOr i\ou\d"\ovu #t^lag rndoq hil^^@ \. \,\$ q'{g upo&"$ry4 \1 -h \}.4- inril.\,ilM'h' \ibo t\a,r^u (J I CoINrgC uvA *r.\. orri[e6 q ^r,^A (t p[ r^w\ qg\ boA-folrug( lrvA *q\.,tDvri{e,- o ^r'^d b,$[ mup\ qal *& E;' t \"w-';,il,il-J-ms \uirh u cuA N,tutn^o$ dtc*d drl-* oo @ ffi rila\ l\a'r \,l nr^t oriu,t \" +U-Id F^[ >o ry+l/, 5 tuoiiroaM ^ rro$& b bL m^t*ut- bLo-\ r\R r run { freits \ Cu^bt?ur\ol r!rr* \i.a av&no*- 4. +*-,tA\^ s\^g 1\" rarv'u- 0 t) \ o Onol\un ruA fuii\aq8- Rd,, U F-C \t*t. -\zv .d/ 2, Fj.t5 €'€ GJ+.<J t'qg L d- eL7.\g -<'< -VcJL€ p-B 7 t\ \.'. r<\-) -JtP\_/ 4 _{ # .'4 i[ *:9?s::- +-n, g <)\ _g+ €g IoJ- S=g+F >.)..? dO o((5 T \g f5.'f\ tJE$) -(€ =-J' --t( .3 d K,_-r' \ 6+ --2 - ,, 35)-< L'(4t--'.-'-+'.\? It'-+ E *7Ew ,--L- .S)2 A< 35 t\ --).,- 94A_> < = 'E- .ad t.-)98E Srz' c>--a,'-l ,r <'\Y .: q483r.Vb2 I// ,-f- 41€ 69j+ -E & o)2k = \-"'6 ,*Y Iv I25s I -4C C,r5 \ € $:6 g --7)q1 €6 -)B *4 q/-<q/I 5 I -*(>\63IJe .--:- \-/ \/4;.&.&c{' tar &7e +t9 T **r>fr € i\-FL Ob.- >*s+-,-" 5w@- * TTtl1=S 8^6 = 4->Y€ 5 I aI 6FTFdag-a€k5G TO: FROM: DATE: SUR'ECT: MEMORANDI]M Michael Barber Architects, Todd Johnson andChuck Adkisson Community Development Department, Kristan pritz January 3, 1990 Design Review Board Work Session on the VitlageParking Structure, December 20, l-989. Below are comments on the Design Review Board conceptual reviewof the Village Parking Structure. l-. KATHY WARREN - Concerned about keeping the stairintegrated into the hillside. The existing main stair is attsacred place't. The stair does not need to be nonumental .The concern to try and avoid people weaving through thestairway with skis j.s relevant. However, the stairs needto be rnore organic. She liked the east stairs. Majorconcerns with the access through the visitors center.Access needs to be more direct, think about where peopleare trying to go. Orient stairs to these locations. 2. NED GWATHMEY - The natural character of the main stairwaymust be enhanced. Much :nore landscaping needed in nainstair area. (This cornment was shared by everyone. )Sacrifice convenience and nake it nore of a walk. Identifythe visitors Center frorn the Frontage Road to allow forguest orientation. He stated the stair needs to be moredirect from transit center down to the next level . View ofVisitors Center inportant frorn Slifer square. He felt theparking plan seemed inefficient by the visitors Center. 3. KATHY WARREN - The guest parking area is poorty utilized -perhaps this area and inforrnation center should be studiedfurther. In general , the whole stair, plaza, and VisitorsCenter should be addressed in a comprehensive way. Recommend pushing the inforrnatj_on center further to theeast to open up the central area for the stairway. 4. NED GWATHMEY: He did not object to the building location. He felt more study was needed on circulation andlandscaping. The stairs need to be broken up so they arenot visible all at once. They should be revealed slowly. The east stairs (as redone) are better. 5. JA$fE MCCLUSKfE - Stairs should be oriented to the CoveredBridge even if this is just at the top of the stair way.Increase the planters on the second level . KATHY WARREN - The Skyliqht is an opportunity to do sonething fun and artj-stic. ft shouldn,t just be a box. Co}ored glass and sculpture, perhaps an Art in Public Places project are ideas to make the skylight extraspecial. JAMIE MCCLUSKIE - Transition between the rnountain landscaping and urban landscaping needs to be looked at. How do the two integrate? He recommended allowing some space between the sidewalk along Meadow Drive and theretaining wall- for planting. He liked the concept of thedrainage and valley approach to the landscaping along the south hillside of the parking structure. He suggested thatthe retaining walJ- on the top level (south side) of thestructure be screened. (However, don't rnake thelandscaping to linear). In the stair corridor he recommended colorful deciduous trees such as crabapples for col-or. 8. PAT HERRINGTON - Questioned why there was one exit. 9. NED GWATIII4EY - The Visitors Center should be a symbol . Expression of the building out to the Frontage Road isimportant to make it identifiable. (perhaps through aplaza). The entry into the parking structure is veryinportant. This elevation should read as t'class andqualj-ty.'t Perhaps stone should be used in this area. Exposed concrete should be avoj.ded, He also felt that snow shedding in the open area under the east and west accessfor the Visitors Center should be changed. 10. CHARLfE WICK - Try to add in the bus loading areapedestrian protection or perhaps some way of rnaking it morefriendly with flags or banners. l-L. NED GWATHMEY - The lighting should be subdued. Spotlighting as opposed to washing the entire structure inIight is preferable. Try to cover the top of the circular ramp on the west end of the structure with a sod roof orlandscaping. He suggested materials such as native stone and stucco for the Transportation Center and Visitorscenter. The materials should be compatible for bothbuildings. L2. CHARLIE WfCK - He recomrnend usinq toterns instead of bollards. 1-3. NED GWATHMEY - Suggested that the architects go visit Beaver Creek and Lionshead to analyzing the stairs in these proj ect. 14. ROY SANTE - Landings, plazas, and benches are inportant forresting points along the stairway. i TO: FROM! DATE: SUBJ: Planning and Environmental Conmission Connunity Development Department December l-8, 1989 Work Session on the Vil]age Parking Structure We would like to address the parking structure through a flnal work session fornat at the Decernbei L8 PEC meeting. Much has occurred on the project since the joint work session with tbe DRB on November 8' A varllty-of issues have been deaLt with in the.past five weeks by the town c6uncil, staff and project'architect. Since the project_scope and other issues have been dlteinined, we can noltt conduct a final review of the PEC,S concerns and proceed to an approval on ,fanuary 8t 1990' I. BRIEF PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed VilLage Parking structure addition and renodel project includes the foll-owing: - Addition of 420 Parking sPaces - Doubring tne bus-parking lnd J.oading capacity of the upper deck.- Repair of existing structural problens' - Looo sguare foot visitors center' - 5ooo s{uare foot (approximately) unfinished space for possible use of Colorado Ski Museun - -cornpletely revised' circulation patterns' _ Road $;;;";;;nis-incrucling righr and feft turn lanes and 6 foot wide bike ]anes' - Site itpi"".tt"ts including the. followings .-..N""sidewalksonnorth,southandl^'estsides.b: iiaoiii""ul public restroorn on west end' c. Three new or rrnpiovea stairways with tanding plazas on the south side' al -6nr"e new small rrpocket plazasrr for public seating and Possib1Y Public art' ", irr.r"u"Ld landscaping including everltreens, deciduous trees and ornanental shrubs' f.Brickpaver"'o="wal}csonEastMeadowDriveandvail ValleY Drive. S. Improved Pedestrian walkways Peak (undesigned). h. New entry design connecting to Golden O ...' II. PEC ISSUES RAISED AT JOINT IVORK SESSION: The following are areas that were ldentified by PEC mernbers as concerns or areas for revisions. Under rrresponserr we have included the current status of those areas or issues.1-. Main Stairway/Plaza fron Slifer square to level four. PEC Connents: Needs redeslgn tO inClUde more curves and free forms as well as small plazas off of landings; level three to include significant landscaping contained in removable planterE or alternatlves; Response: AIt of these suggestions have been incorPorated into the PIan. 2. Level four transit deck. PEccomnents:Maximizecapacityforbusesandvans. Response: This has been included in the plan' 3. Southeast - GoId Peak Portal . PEccomment:Makestaini'aymorefreeform;orientlower "[iii-ro"re toward west to ?acilltatg PedestrS-an crossway ""-ii"t-lr"ua"t Drl-ve; increase public ttwaiting arearl Response: With the exception- of reorientation to tbe west of the lower --tui"*iy' these suggestions have been incorporated into the plan; there are builctlng coqe i;;u;;-;"gardlng ttre slairway' -but an alternative .olrrtiott tii-rf U6 presented on Monday' 4. Southwest stair. PEc connent: Make more free form and orient more to intersection of nasl lleaaow Drive and Village Center Road. Include croiiwa* across intersection' Response: With the exception.of-the crosswall< these sug-gestions have been inLluded in the plan' 5. Southeast corner landscaping and retaining walls' PEc comment: consider tearing retaining walls or' boulder retaining-;;ii";_rncr.lae landscaping up high on the berm' Response: The landscaping }-ras been proposed; we are ;;i;;-;; tne retainins wirt revision' or ) rt|". 5. North elevation east of nehl entry. PEC conment: Additional berming ln this area. Response: Berning is not incLuded but additional landscaping up high to the wall has been. 7. New side wal-k on east side to Frontage road and Ford Park. PEc comments: Include this in the plan. Response: This iE proposed on the Eouth slde of ValI Valley drive. 8. Landscape median along Frontage Road. PEc comments: Try to include this in the project' Response: The budget has not allowed thls to be included. g. Pub1ic art in the Project. pEc comments: Involve the AIPP in proposing public art elements for the Project. Response: AIPP will due this in January 10. Upper Plaza - landscaPing. PEc comments: Include substantial greenery through t.*o.r.bla planters or Eolne other alternative' Response: This has been included and will be reviewed at ttre Decernber L8th rneeting' 1l-, Slifer Sguare Planter west side' PEc comments: Conplete removal without replacement is onu"""piiti"; ""tx toward a new planter design to accommodate necess"ty ""= withs ls well as enclosure to Stifer Sguare. Response: To date, the design of this planter hae not been included in the PIan' -\ At the rneeting on Decenber 18th, we wlll revlew the progreaE on theEeJ isgues with a-preEentatl.on and irorlc sesslon wlth the Etiff, and architect cc: Ron Phillips Stan Berrlauan Greg Hall Mike Rose Michael Barber Architects I ,ao ' Datu*La'-AD) \q8q / |\ /t 'oJL 5r\t;rr . DPg 0il&- N[irrti tor']tErr'nu r (i\.e-/ ?arbr)n; U Kd\.rt tnnrcrn obr^t Lnq\ra.r ilr,^^ |r ,'trvln\ rnolNtcq,,_ tai,d, p\acu_ J -rt ,\tl AtJotdthrnWUfnVM ea40a- 'n^p" C/lr't rv\- \nd0\\ I \!A loA l\ot') doeJ\i+ \'kz w&t {,ard^ t-l's.'t'q Corfu^ \,)o-I Ncb.*I ,ooed \tC \u Y^\wn,t-d-, bra ^tql\t€^h -tr..n,{i.a- t\M - Naka-',\ a- uild[L r/\ ., \ .Xrtn 't\oDU .tDr^ -{-?' { I tllN.[JlA UIl,Uv -TD M\rat'.ttnrs* !,* ^4 0'*oa/Cn^th i*F,+d^J {r.,.- ft;6o-qflfrg' ' 'l V @ h,rb,,f"r!r.g sr r u^dnnd; \ixd 4 Ux,-fr"r f^il\ f^40'^{v+ta^' &^fu^ tvr\\ut-10 llnq- €odt ryN t{ \tr oNfu" loC th,n $tU5 i\ l'. t\o- ri6\'\ iluo 5Vt'r ,rvd,5 W bpk.p- w* virib&- a\\ ft* ane_ rtWAJt stout\ 6ol ft*fgH Folq N "dlru.orub*r ona#d.S tl,.,a^tJ 8.k aA \\r_ \rg u - ^,rertaa-o\**ur a^- &,.d, \rra[ v\tur tAoi- \gwu1. ' U Y,t\\\, fiaitl r\ar\d,te K\u^ll S{-ffir 4ilN- Nlh,,$,toaLr 6?) : ,1ca,v.r+iq'1 ,$dr*gorp \nr\,r /Urbpn, {\[aS \ ba- DUL M- '\iyJ.'J tD \ IU'n, vrlra^\u rrnb oa,--- *.Ulro ^r{\ A( dttu\odo t/-Qry+ ih#$t' , ,H ,ffi MP",^.- \^r\r^coff-''dd. q\ ^ ^n- u,P J^il{,,-d q1r{D^M * n*0 qollut^--rp ri"{Ynry- bDRb- M}- rur - , \ ':'id .rt \ Whlilu$tr]^r^\s\*tuod \l Itot ffi\uq,..1 $"tuW{il,\l'$'b#i' a t , fofo,J -FlbrCi,^" !ot{ rr'lr1 W'|, t OVOI0, $t ArS, in'r 0- 9onttc,ls \tt,\ ? I < I \ \Jr5Wfl Oil;tt J${oftdrfi I ,TJn l t\oi$S.{ \ , "0ro^\;; Md ry^^ F"rr!-ur'{q-H$1#* 0,^,0*r*1, a\tuA {-- Euoll - ilD !*P-. wln--@^"^mBl (+n++ \+$iryr ha\r-,t N\che- {ndUC,' fl$ r\}e/\,t$ |I r\^buud u-muff,[Jf#$ drr/l^l3-u- [^\'\ 0mrr\q- C\nr\'e, btdfr Air {oN ti6\*i @ I f.....-_/ 'a a lo&{ru"r J^}r"J { tpalta io tr.o \\lr\ $QA\)er G&\-L\ano\u'U '"\..or!"4thtq - o \ lt|IC}lAtt BANBTR ARCl|ITICT|J[I VAIL TFANSPORTATION CENTER Prolect Numbel t2289 MEETING AGENDA 29 January 1990 lssues outstanding for Design Review Board meeting of gl January 1g90 1. Center stairsa, elimination of vertical wall at level 1b. wall materials 2. Southwest stair' a. direct pedestrian connection to Crossroads 3. Radius rampa. flat roof rather than slopedb. rendered elevation 4. Visitor centera. visual connection between visitor center and terminal building materlals, roof slope, etc.b. rendered elevations of all four sides, showing level 3 and stair area on south elevation 5. Parking garage entrancea. rendered elevationb. designate materials 6. Landscapea. remova/relocation planb. planting schedule 7. Details and cut sheetsa. benchesb. trash receptaclesc. bollardsd. potse. handrailsf. detail at visitor center wall s. concrete paversh. graphics MICHAET 8AR8ER ARCHITECTURE PROFESsIONAT CORPORAIION 1290 EROADWAY SUITE 600 DENVCR COIORADO 80?03-5606 rEtEpHONt 303 837 0555 FACSTMI-I 303 837 od00 i."r tI|ICI|AII. BARBIR ARC1|ITICTIJRI VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PHOJECT NUMBER 22289 MEETING MINUTES OWNEH/ARCHITECT/DRB MEETTNG NUMBER Date of Meeting: 20 December 1989 Date of lssue: 28 December 1989 Location: Vail Town Council Chamber Attendees: DRB Board: K Waren P. Harrington N. Gwathmey J. McLuskie R. SanteVail: S. Berryman K. PritzCivitas: T. JohnsonMBA: C. Adkisson Prepared By: Chuck Adkisson Cl-A This meeting was held as a work session to review the current status of the design prior to the actual Design Review Board (DRB) approval at a meeting schedule on 17 January 1990. 1. Chuck Adkisson reviewed the scope of the project emphasizing the following main objectives: a. To renovate the existing structure including repairs that will improve waterprooiing and dimish leaks at joints and cracks and make some specific structural repairs. b. To add additional parking by expanding the structure. c. To reconfigure the transit deck improving the structural capacity to handle increased bus traffic. d. To renovate the interior of the existing transit center and build a new visitor center and 4000 SF of lease space on level 3. e. To rebuild the central exterior stair eliminating plantings over structure that have caused leaking or structural problems and to increase the width for nearly doubled people capacity required due to more busses and parking. MICHAET 8AR8ER ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAT CORPORATION 1290 BROADWAY SLITE 600 DENVER COLORAOO 80203,5,t06 TEtEpHONf :rnr n?7 or<i FAas,Mlt|111 ar7 .^^n j' Vail Transportation Center Meeting Minutes 28 December'1989 Page 2 2. Todd Johnson explained the basic landscaping concepts of the proiect. He described the design of the transit center landscaping as a miniature of the Vail Valley itself. 3. The Board had the following comments to the current package: a. West e)'rterior Stairs are greatly improved. Bequested that east stair also includes a similar bend to avoid the .long continuous staif. b. The center stair hasi an additional planter/divider at the bottom run. Board encourages efforts to break up the appearance of long continuous flights of stair. Board's opinion was that the stair access direaly to west (transit center) and east (parking deck) at the top flight was more imporrant than through the center, visitor portal. c. Comments on the visitor center: - 'ldentity Building' idea very good, both from l-70 and from Easr Meadow Drive.- Form of Building good.- Pass through to stairs may be a wind tunnel, consider enclosing with glass doors on each end.- Expression of building should be extended to the frontage road through landscaping or a small structure.- Problem exists with snow sliding off roof parallel to pedestrian walk ways.- Consider making sky light opening to the third level into a .fun. lorm.- Materials proposed tor smail buildings (including the visitor center) are shake roofs, native and cut stone, exposed wood beams and stucco, These materials are acceptable to the Board. d. Comments on landscaping: - Concept of creating swales for planting zones is good.- Can a planting zone be added between the sidewalk and the retaining wall at East Meadow Drive? Answer is yes, but retaining wall will be higher and cost increases.- Consider uplighting trees at the center stair area- Step lights would be good, but are a maintenance problem. Use pole lighrs insread.- Standard'Vail Village. pole lights should be used.- MBA/Civitas pointed out that the village tights looked somewhat 'small and out-of-scale. with this parking structure. a4_t Vail Transportation Center Meeting Minutes 28 December 1989 Page 3 - Potted plants and street tumiture are positive elements to help soften the hard surfaced 3rd and 4th level plazas.- Consider using the Vail totem poles'to help identiff entrances or other important building elements.- Garage entrance/exit should receive some special signage, landscaping and architectural treatment to avoid appearance of.black hole..- The combination of higher berming and plantings have adequately screened the garage walk at the nonheast and southeast corners of the addition. These meeting minutes reflect our understanding of subjects discussed and decisions reached. Please advise us of any corrections or additions. /sh (vailVailmeet.min) cc: All Attendees M. Barber K Harhai Vault ,2'89 tllIC1IAII. BARBIR ARCl|IIICIIJfl I VAIL THANSPORTATION CENTER PROJECT NUMBER 22289 MEETING MINUTES oWNER/ARCHTTECT/PEC WORK SESSTON Date of Meeting: Date of lssue: Location: Attendees: 18 December 1989 19 Decemb€r 1989 Vail Town Council Chamber Town of Vail: PEC Board: Civitas: MBA: S. Berryman P. Patten K Pritz J. Viele (chairman) C. Crist D. Donovan S. Schultz K. Warren J. Shearer T. Johnson M. Barber C. Adkisson K Kulwiec Prepared by:Ken Kulwiec This meeting is a follow-up work session with the Planning and Environmental Commission. lt is to respond to the issues raised at the ,oint Planning and Environmental Commission/Design Review Board meeting of 8 November 1989, in preparation for the PEC hearing set on 8 January 1990 for a condition use permit. The conditional use permit submission is due 2 January 1 990 for review by the stafl. Attached to these meeting notes in the written agendas set by the Community Development Department. 1. Michael Barber Architecture and Peter Patten presented an overview of design development for Vail Transportation Center expansion and renovation. The drawings discussed represented the scope of work as approved by the Vail Town Council on 20 November 1989. The following are areas that were identified by PEC members as concerns or areas for review, The lormat of the meeting was metered by the Community Development Department agenda, The {ollowing notes will parallel the CDD agenda format. MICHAEL BARBER ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIOI. 1290 BROADWAY SUITE 600 DENVER COTORADO 80203-5606 TELEPHONE 303 837 0555 FACSTM|LE 303 837 0600 ll Vail Transportation Center Meeting Minutes 19 December 1989 Page 2 1.1 Main Stairuay Plan From Sllfer Square to level four. PEC comments: Replacement of existing stair is a concern but current structural deterioration of the garage caused by the existing landscape area is of greater concern. Hot water snowmelt system in the new stair was addressed but seen as too costly. lce and salt was noted as a concern to the local vegetation around these stairs. Width of the stairs, tread size and railings distances were expressed as a concern. lt was noted by the Board that the stair from Wall Street to Eaton Plaza was an example ol planter railing incorporation. The staFf expressed a need for visual breaks in the large stair area. Type and size of paving should be discussed at the next presentation. Direction: Landscape will study the snow removal issue into the planters. Stair tread width will be studied by MBA Width of stairs may be broken both visually and physically, A planting device will be studied (ar the tirst llight ol stairs up from Slifer Square). Planter/stair railing distances were suggested to be 15'-0' between planter and wall, whh a hand rail splitting that distance. This was to be studied. 1.2 Level Four Transit Deck PEC Comments: There was concern over the clear height at level three under the transit decks. The diaphragm structural system was explained to the Board and clearance heights were discussed. 1.3 Southeast-Gold Peak Portal PEC Comments: Concern was expressed over the orientation of the exit stair toward the east meadow drive crosswalk. This orientation was seen as needinq to be emphasized stronger, Vail Transportation Center Meeting Minutes 19 December 1989 Page 3 Direction: Study the relocation of the service core and stairs west with an additional look at how to indicate a crossu/alk in the snovr/. '.|.4 Southwest Stair PEC Comment: The inclusion of a crosswalk across the intersection was discussed, but rejected. The natural pedastrian flow was seen as a random fan due to the dispersed points of interest in that area. lt was also discussed that the exits make better use of th€ new sidewalk. Direction: Study the connection between the edges of its garage exits and the new sidewalk to make better use of that connection toward Slifer Square. 1.5 Southeast Corner Landscaping and Fetaining walls. PEC Comments: The height of the exposed wall had been a concern. lt was presented to have been reduced to about 12 teet of exposed wall with landscape elements in front of it. 1.6 North Elevation East of New Entry PEC Comments: The exposure of the level five werpass in the elevation was addressed as a concern. lt was noted that the addition weight of higher beaming would increase a lopsided loading challenge already existing in the structure. The idea of heavy landscqping and decorative concrete was expressed as being a solution. Direction: Explore the idea of decorative texturing exposed concrete o/er 12 high. 1.7 Vail Transoortation Center Meeting Minutes 19 December 1989 Page 4 New Sidewalks on East Side of the Frontage Road and Ford Park PEC Comments: There was discussion on the safety and necessity of the new sidewalk. It was concluded that the only part of the sidewalk that was to stay, was the one fronting the Tyrolean lnn. Direction: Study an increase the presence of the exit on the northeast corner. Signage to indicate exit to Blue Cow Chute. Keep the sidewalk that acts as a connection to the frontage road and the Tyrolean Inn. Landscape Median Along Frontage Road PEC Comments: The landscape elements were not allowed by the budget. lt was agreed that the new landscape along the north elevation of the WC was a significant visual improvement to the Frontage Road. Public Art in the Project. PEC Comments: Public Arts will arrange a meeting with MBA to discuss the implantation and placement of art in WC in January. Direction: Arrange a meeting with Public Art Commiuee in January. 1.10 Upper Plaza Landscaping Michael Barber discussed further study of plaza arca to be shown at January 8 PEC meeting. This would include a redirection ot the pedestrian tlow in a stronger north to south direction, PEC Comments: PEC would like a bit more input on types on paver and benches. There is concern over the current condition and maintenance of these existing elements. Removable planters seem to pose no problem in terms of maintenance and winter storage, but a progrElm should be studied and coordinated with maintenance at VTC. 1.8 1.9 o Vail Transportation Center Meeting Minutes 19 December 1989 Page 5 Direction: Present new scheme for approval at 8 January 1990 conditional use permit meeting, Study directions in paving and lurnishings. Study a hardscape landscaping program on the plaza area 1.11 Slifer Square Planter west side PEC Comments: Flemoval of the existing planter, there seems to be an unacceptable solution to the bus traffic and road deterioration problem in the square. It was presented to MBA that the development of Slifer square may be included in the scope ol the proiect. Direction: MBA will include an addendum to the scope of work to include development of Silfer Square. MBA will study the relationship of the planter and bus widths to determine an acceptable solution to trafiic in the square. 2. Landscaping PEC Comments: The implementation of the landscape design on the south side of WC might be weighted against the cost of the sidewalk alternate in the plan. The development of the landscape plan was a little unclear as to what trees were existing and to be saved. 3. Elements PEC Comments: In the plaza and stair area, a need was expressed to integrate all newspapers and vending type machines into the landscape. It was discussed that the exterior signage and information elements be incorporated into the landscaping. !i t Vail Transportation Center Meaing Minutes 19 December 1989 Page 6 Directionr Study the integration of graphic and mechanical elements into the landscaping and Indicate possible location d these elements. 4. Visitor Center Massing PEC Comments: It was expressed that the gable elements become more like a large dormer. The us€ of wood shingles on the roof structure was seen as questionable due to maintenance problems. MBA justifted its selection of root material with a contextual association to the Terminal building. Thes€ meEting minutes reflect our understanding of subiecB discussed and decisions reached. Please acfuise us of arry conections or additions. /sn (\genera\meetmin.4) cc: All Attendees Vauft 2289