HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D TRACT B C VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER 1974 PHASE 1 LEGALF|EEUEstT AIL nME BfcEtvEo lC:, ,:s ,r,ifr'rrvr E orurn MON POMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION f] pennel. LocAroN TUE (@ THUR rnr l,3l Av(g) SneeRovED E orsappRovED Xuro" THE FoLLowlNG .oRRECTT.NS: ! nErNsPEcr CORBECT|ONS_II Iru:,-lq,.. r.-'u I rNseecloru F|EEUEST VAIL D,ATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM ,Q orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE f] pnnrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E nppRovED ! otsaeeRovED LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECT|ONS ,.i ! nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR I nr of ,o€z{rNstecflo* HEeuE=r flornen ELe.T- l],'.8++ E[pnnrra'-. READY FOR INSPECTION EI-AP? Rov E D I orsappRovED D uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS LOCATION ! nerNsPEcr nulCIv t 4 1974 rNsFEcloru rtEolJEsir DATE TIME RECEIVED n ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! panrtnl. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM D nppRovED I orsnpPRovED n nerNSPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS r./ DATE INSPECTOR TN=PE"SJIJ'Tl."=F JOB NAME AM PM CALLER E ornen E pnnrral. - LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION @,*mnoVro D gl_-s3.1-1ndveo DATE ..i r'- t t,/- 7/ f_- rNspErdblsu g'gbrEsr DATE TIME RECEIVED ! pnnnnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION iuts FRI AM PM W-Afi RovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowlNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS ;.. D orsapplRovED n nErNsPEcr ''.-.'.,.'.._-'".-=- r^rsiPE.t|lol$ tH=TfEsir'I DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CAL E ornen MON /-<\ orrE-.-, f] penral LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR W{ioveo D uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr oeftM I I rNsPECl,o* TOWN OF FTEGIUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER Elorrten MON '?,1-n----E prnnnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E nppRovED E orseppRbvED n nerNsPEcr D uport rHE FoLLowrNc coRnecrrous, COBREGT-}€}NS lNSPECTOR oxe& sEP 2 5 1974 INSPECT FIEIlIUEST DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM E ornen €=ee- E pannel. READY FOR INSPECTION WED D orsappRovEDE-APrrRov E D I upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: COBRECTIONS LOCATION FRI i AM PM n nerNsPEcr i rNsPErto*RU SEP 2 01974 FIEOUEST DATE JOB NAME TIME EECEIVED AM PM CALLE €----/ E pnnrrel READY FOR INSPECTION ! orsaeeRovED WED ',i, FRI E nppRovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr SEP t Z rsll EGTUEEiTarNsPEcloru'mr FI DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLE il ornen MON .- COMMENTS: E pnnrrnu LocArroN El"appRovED READY FOR INSPECTION I orsnerRovED ! nerNsPEcr E upott rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: COFRECTIONS WED DArE ir--,z.* ^ ?4 - INSPECTOR o rNsPEclo* -..,TOWN OF F[[L SEPtttsz4 FTEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED fJornen f]pnnlel. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMCNTS: -*:l(,v,tg_)TUE THUR rar ffi) APPROVED ! otsappRovED I nerNSPEcr X uPoN THE FoLLowtNG coRRECrroNS: GoRRECT|ONS ,\ -r: fi^,.^- 1DArE lt )-f 4 l. rNseecGru TOWN OF FlEEUESiT VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED l,'JoB ruAruE : AM PM CALLER f]ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE f] pnnrrnl, LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION wED rtruri' {neeRovED I otsappRovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECrroNS: CORRECTIONS E ner NsPEcr nu sEP 10 1974 INSPECI6ru rtEeu,EST TOWN O JOB NAME AM,PIVI.: CALLERTIME RECEIVED E orxen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrrel. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUB 4'13^ AMff) XIAPPRovED f]orseppRovED IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTTONS: CORRECTIONS D nerNsPEcr DATE ./t> 51tl :7/ rNsiFEt6roo sEP 6 1974 TOWN OF F|EOIJEST VAIL,/ oare 6 ?ep 71 TIME RECEIVED AM JOB NAME PM CALLER EJorxen MON COMMENTS: TUE fl pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ft orrRovED I orsaeeRovED I uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS D netNsPEcr rNs'E"#r:" JgguEsir )ATE 5 ;'::', ) 7'/ JoB NAME TfME RECEIVED 71: :,1 AM PM "Oal E orxen MON GOMMENTS: E pnnrrau LOCATION TUE ,i; io avr ,) READY FOR INSPECTION APPROVED E upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! otsaneRovED ! nerNsPEcr DATE 3 5..r, /4 :'/ rNsPEcfo$ sHEt$[lEsir /I / -,DATE 'f tlel t1 to, TIME RECEIVED AM PM o f]ornen MON GOMMENTS; ! pnnnnu LocATroN FRITUE READY FOB INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM FappRovED I orsneeRovED Furo" THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS; CORRECTIONS fl,nerNsPEcr rNsieeclbru FIEBUEgiT VAIL \ TOWN OF JOB NAME AM PM CALLERTIME RECEIVED E orsEn MON GOMMENTS: c*irE,--' E pnnnau. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI enn4$-)' APPROVED ! orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr \E4 A{UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: coRRECTtOltS Jf.lS fZ,,e r_. <ll ... ,\oere jb t \c,.. ;/ /_---------.--C: ilLr AUUATIgT+ rNseecilbru ntEGruEsir DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CAL Gl-emrn LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION @+frfroveo I orsaeeRovED fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNSPEcr DATE rNs'erlo*t'niHffilT=t VAIL oarc 27 k),i\ t+ TIME RECEIVED " AM JOB NAME PM /'1(- a- I oruen MON (g) E pnnrreu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR rnr Jioo AM€nD APPROVED f]upon rne E orsappRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E nrr NsPEcr CORRECTIONS rNs"=t.f* TOWN O FIEE|JEST F VAIL RU AUG 2 71974JOB NAME FECEIVED CALLER E orren E pnnnu LOCATION ,.,r:,-.--rrt..\-j"-' COMMENTS: TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR t', -FRI /l\,/\ IJ AM PM {nerRovED fl orsnee RovED fl nerNSPEcr E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ' Flu' rNsFE.** TOWN OF a. "- AUg 2 21974 HEEUEsiT V A,I-L --t''-(-6-.- z'.DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER n pnnrrnl. READY FOR INSPECTION WED E4*p+6-oveo E upotu rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS D orsnppRovED I nErNsPEcr F L iIt OLt I t qIES'E:, o*ivarr- Iof /r *.,A ,o rirvri" g ec rr ve" _'-3ip'T fiu nus tleza rNsPEctlctu FrEeuEsr DATE TIME RECEIVED READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: Fla"ersn6uro D orsnppRovED E upor*r rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: E nrrNsPEcr DArE {t-- '',t -- 2'//' Rlr AUs e tszc I tNsrtEa'ilot FtEot Esir TOWN OF VAIL Tf ME RECEf VED /'.; . "ia ly,,t-Y _ -, CALLER E pnnrrnl LocATroN TUE f]orHen MON COMMENTS: APP ROV E D D upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS I orsaeeRovED fl nerNsPEcr 'i'.f AUU v lYrn rNsPEcl}oru FrEeuEsr DATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM fJorxr* i.:. ;!*- - E panrrer READY FOR INSPECTION MON tu'i-,-),THUR AM PM f] nerNsPEcr coMMENy Wp RovED E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG conREcroNs: CORRECTIONS fl orsnee RovED f '-./-' rNsPEcl,JltN\:g'"Esir TOWN OF VA!L /2?. / 2'//DAIE Y- 6 - ' '"' Joe NNue ./. rlME REGE|VED _AM@ CALLER MON OOMMENTS: Dornea 1:.** - f]plnrrnu LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION @ WED THUR FRI AM PM D nppRovED I orsneeRovED D uporrr rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CoRRECT|ONS ..t4 I I ! nErNSPEcr DATE qo- J-----''a 77'tr*',/S TNSPFCTOB_z;e-t*. 'r{& rNsiPEc{lonP* #!H31=t l----+owN oF vat',.L DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E pnnnal. READY FOR IN$PECTION WED RTHU COMMENTS: -..".... IA'APP ROVED I orsaeeRovED I nerNsPEcr fl uporrl rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS *'-€d - 7a rNsPE.{lo*Rt! JUL23t974FlEEUEST TOWN OF -.-....",-.!'.'...--'' /JOB NAME ,i PM CALLERTrMEf ECEtVEb fl orxEn ar''':r ^ ;- .. ,. " L"Ehnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURi E eppnovED D orsnppRovED E uporu rHE Fof LowrNG coRRECTToNS: D nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS ,/r',:r-7-; , a-;..::,'ra rNsPEcr(hru TOWN FIEBUEEiT F VAIL oete 7 - . i" .;" ",' J.BNAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER florxen Sranrreu.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ! orsnee RovE D OOMMENTS: AM PM I nerNSPEcrAPPROV E D fl upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS FIEOUESiT OF VAIL oarc 7' 3 ': 11 TIME RECEIVED flpnnnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE THUR rm / {'3Q avr'trPM . t rNseec{bru TO JOB NAME CALLER WN E ornrn MON COMMENTS: ( orrRovE D E orsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr D uporu rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE -i . ':i _ -,'S[ I rNsPEcloru FtEEUEsiT VAIL oor, /-it "ly' JoBNAME -rf ME BEcErvEo ?.5o I ,* cALLER W*e Rov E D E pennel.LOCATION E orsappRovED fl nrrNSPEcr LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS , ProJ ect RU oEC 4 F74 lora James Ream and 243 Kearney St San Franclscot As soc late s cal1f.94L0B Walk thru for Certlflcate of Occupancy November 27 ' l-97U Pnesent: Jerry Aldrlch Mlke CarlYle John Gavln Brlan Morrls' Arnold LoYd HarrY ZieglerR. L. Hiland 1. z. 5. Chlef Bu1ld1ng InsPector Flre Marshal J,:: A. HYder Constructlon Kbndall Electrlc W. J. Johnson Plumblng & Heatlng Town of Va1l Offlce of Fltzhu€lh Scott Gl-ve Owner the name of the representatlve to call for emergency servlce for the emergency generator dlesel englne ' Sprlnkler system 1s belng tested today. Install heat tape ln draln at bottom of ramp lrd to 4th 1evel ' neat tape to be 1nstalIed from draln lnto stnadplpe and 1s requlred prlor to use of ramP snowmeltlng. 4. Power shut-dff for bus statlon ls located 1n 3rd floor termlnal bulldlng on the west wal-l. !. Flne standplpes 1n stalrwells to be securely fastened' 6. Key to the electrlc equlpment room requested by Va1L flre chlef' 7. Ternporary procedure for convertlng to the Emergeney Generator System. (1) Shut-off fans and exlt llghts at panel' (2) Turn swltch on for Emergency Generator' (3) Pu1l down breaker swJ-tch. (4) Turn on exlt 11ghts and exhaust fans at panel' Va11 Transportatlon Center James Ream and Assoclates Walk thru for Certlflcate of Occupancy November 27, 197\ B. To turn back to regular Power: (1) Turn off exlt 11ghts and exhause fane at panel' (2) Push breaker swltch uP (3) Turn swltch off below breaker swltch. (4) Turn on exit llghts and exhause fans. 9. Va1l Bu11d1ng Department requlnes a door closer on the door to the Electrlc EqulPment Room. 10. one key for each locked door was turned over to Harry Z1egler. 11. Exlt slgns at level one pedestrlan tunnel requested_to be located to be vlslbLe fron parklng structure and be double faced wlth arrows. frT,ffirn IIIEEKLY CONSTRUCTION P'EPORT ortatlon Center James fieam & Assoclatesr Architect PnbJeci No.ITIIA-IJD Dbbe:-!fu@ No.r8 1-2-]*: \ltA+€D '6{2ctjr'{D RoWl - 1lW HAv= ftxP& THe aAbT w|l*'ry fuWrF,tM TVHH6; -Wto n-'ht,'1#eY ^F-e TvHG €lWL '641 :14,16 !\E6T t^lALL. 1$?Y ),Re y6x4.1flca 4t-^@ aA 2E' "EA Aeluffi G,t* ll i, E, Nlab# 4 co\o.:y ,H pLre HAv& Tov4q> nveTeg-+ To @to+1 - i4w1-, lH w-e.fq.{P belik F#M3O 1D esgp,*t 4LM'4{ fl-c-11.- 41+trt+ D AftticAq:w{ A,Hp c^gltprc$E + F\quqlr AHD €vT n+eM rN T?l€ rttAtU To {AtAf'= FArv\ 3- n: a4 -TvEY +iays f:l{t4t\eD n+s TooNl'-Wq ,hza rH Tl-{e Wd#* lDvrA-. 1g' 'AP@A . WflllVAn Offlce of Fltzhugh Scott Archltects,/Planners, Inc. @U'e of-t zrJA L /€L + @.lPlNCr €{-AE # CFotlHb negq "WnVt 6elD b 10 4 *ITWL- t+p6 Wt neo AliD @l^1APe F] a',L,CE - Fe}lPf f(p @LR_lreY A?Ei. qA€IlF{6 T0 116 qffi,- ^t a qaw&@ t€=#,, +lfrtleva> - n+€4 wffi. *t4 v,JeANG oH -"TFa/-. a* W efiv\p'w€ wE+T. wtq- 07 '1t€ @#'?IetAN EHI €-,I.-HCE lrl,N"'W-l v,ala6D ../rfra 1WY 4W- geN\6A$A Wtlt\S +{X .lW @,;pt1< aa-t\B ^ Gtrcf,JHr> uavtu twTl^)eet-l elglDAdb'/ 0+15 * F{P - t'h6?rl rN €u}6 (t otw*'1rnq b ctlYtq(tteo to w a,v-.)'rfteY HA{/U -iftu> tH WN.o AF{p 4ffi% @M€D TD ;eVeV/L oI "{$tr ,loufi*ty**e vp. FortHg+ F7 /nArH Wl*'*1 1ul.frer, 4. n-1k ou1y6r@) lcr4,z furtV?,Qzt1vrt7g (rn I aZa) f, faUf Ps aff/ag ry s/dArzl'azr +'?,-',7'ifNz.4 tt'r:,'Ual,f/'ir*6' Jg "mre"mtl - w/ dEE ?@?/Eqt FDftvta ffi //tnh1 ,P srP/^r/ z/H/YFZ ..1.,-,,.+:'i &dF &nfED e4 atur/r7t/rf //,1r/1 S//AI e ProJ ect Name: r/al1 T:'ansportation Center James Ream & Assoclates, Archltect WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION REPORT Offlce of Fltzhugh Scott Archltect s./Planners, Ine . D4te:No. l4Prtbjeci No.REA-118 . -t-Lvvrr grA.ta-"W.pEo WY\ WvV I To ve''/6L" + (a\\?lcT1t{((,- NtrO V*lF;Ai.J,e of{ wv+T aO6 ftrg\A& reAMP 9vvev * w LeVEv 3 'r:d^Wgd€{DS Bro IqlU (1t12 c*y or uerTT4tz {ffir.qtn1D I}tD an2iTtor{AL, hDR}/. AuftloRlz,qld. Cl,W.'W,nl* (W(ktt-LlN(r TA fr]F+JLhlt1fi1,tf * IN+TkL/litli(l efYr6@rf!r](Il ,ffim,6W- ctrr"rr<#, o641tttr!s'[ +twL nw #n tbEI' 2-ro 4 *;y':,. af't.le.te++ 4 poo?@ Te LW6> 4) .-:"',t AL+,, flri,z:, dr.-t r-fct"jtl 4,tb6 +t\vz tEEIl r;)aq) '2< Ft rt+*. r-{)oM .;;:uTHttr*'"-[ aQrl* +hve p-:ffi* RruW "* :,',h',/F;;' fYtlQ6> nfr -d-AB Iq 690 ?hQh ;/<-;t-f?3 iWs aae\ fuupt;:D ltr BFrte aF .ffi87"1-l Alp-. fl+iAFl- r"]-l <t{;t-ll; ffi-q *Y-,.t't'lvLQ- l.',-' rt.stlFlc/ l\+1fit t4;..p rFl @v.e& QtfrrY\ rNteveV7 ,#io*fq GlVr.1 T111rl{z-.= 11-s&W' @ DaleL- 3'?, 1--.lr-.lg '"+Yo"oL'D :'u'€j; '?Ctf' '6ltd-tL1'lFl, - (g,';h;)'"i'S 4 fiF.E F:l:lr)l vq-ii t n fIv..f')-+n r1@ t-P.U.tcr-oy. W.*\3L:f' Yy:lf.-li;",4. ^ftwq. v..];UtFnAUFr - f t afr)z+iD Jct\ti \Dwr, Fv1 ;7 J;1i^,i',ti1i,1iii, -! ' As\n rilr;-. t ;*)r.r,-t r'',.|''f[) 'J\P-rM[f -lilf.n'p]',tny1;o AF\f) t\)\tt 1 +t- J+fr-+ 'AL, i{*rN Awo €,htD. '-n+*-t s71ictS./rff ':1L,1'y"- ,t\ar"t'"8 plFI ; " ;-rli\ f\criNll\-t1\'t".-l +lb!F.. 4^Q4 & *+ 'tttrv &r uEDot'- : x- Ja-rN AwO .'htD. '-F'e*( ur:tttt.t?fiT 'lL'l't;'; f\ .; ll; ,i ',a.. r' ,1,)trf.,.li l,r- ll,:. l 'i ,..,1 ,,1 . liii..-1,1.' ,( -/. r "1,r',,'. i.,, U.r . ,,i' ,V) i,1.",/*,, (:rir, : i.,:l i .:'ii::t.J ',t..- 1 Ut lll\f..i.- t! fde ?-=?roi(g(B(D ?ARAF?&> rN ---+-(\ -l |\ I '!'F_ I IC-r@aa I,al ,ot't .Abzireet- r'a&ptM.4t'd tle*4t? ne++6Nattd 7Ne|rFl OFFICE OF FITZHUGH SCO' ARCHITECTS/PLtt:iJ:RS, !l : VAIL, CCLCRADO 816:. h // "\,1_.* t l/^lt = l' -Ol ?. t.ry. -7+ i-f-Vl'^n t .-i i \|r,r, i i^l! Fl qAc,^. Cst"r* Vj*$ pose trru sEP t 0 'l$ffir \c PnbJect No. Ream & Assoclates, Architect i{f:,4- J- L i, WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION REPOF(T Offlce of Fltzhugh Scott Anchltests,/PLanners, Inc. Dbre,-I}-#::!jL, No.-!-f,- f9-1-tt44 Coinpt*.}od, iJ6vv.rn"1 tclp 6{ Wetf qu\o \^cr-tnr1S t-* ' Zn4 leve.l, Po.rv.{ ifab^&"'1r6riv.q Stot l.evc,l B fo Ca Ito4, 5o.**3 sfowwr J.vo'.un \rfrc At tt fo l'S 4\44'!r,ie \o Sa*-"at4 a,I fvorp. Pet'*,rgt..ttrvl3 -6cv,c. e. Bov*\.c€ bulldt.vig'trwes 1,S*oEO, Re,vnovrrn q exq€=t €'x<-FavaStOn A*oB, [t ' \S ' - t Ecqv.s\. t6,hr"k oy, b..rvrty,er Lrloek's t\rr f vot'*{' ot'' cq=-+ i"onn Arer'n \"rp€[: 'tF.".$+r( s\law q.=,t{*t . r rCor\s Bv4{o 4+h €ioo- r1anrnpy Po.,t-J -sfa'rv 2.,'=lo*9 4+h leve(. Fovvc{ A*d. levot *og1,tr^1 \:btoC, l\{olS p.rrrr.C pr latcart trvie C , t6923 Lo1gl Fovwriv.l -t.*t . \-c.fc.'rvr.fwq trratl5 t^rc.s* d'r.r\q -\r@.,r..vr P eW)Va'v.ce.'lid 8-21-1+ I -eo-r 4' "\evdt '?-, }-Lgnq- Po.rt.J t.pgrv.q l=vet?- Bto€1\\#oL' P".-,**-oQ pr\asle-vs (*'," t', tt l':, (o \s.' Povvqd 'uovt\" :lttT, A \^Jatl to av{q kry e \evc-\ '? I 'Feweq' Ve'tv'ctcr tte gI' g-zq,--14\ - F-osta, tig pede €tsvr;^ tvrnvr e-l '(vcn,t 6\arv E . €os*ho{'lruteAttli*o?O, ' , 1.-,"sEP g 874 PnbJect No.REA-118 WEEKIJY CONSTRUCfION REPORT Offlce of Fitzhugh ScottArchltects/Planners, Inc. DA.te:8-t9-'14 Ho.r\" l?"t.4 8-1"o -27 8 -at-14 8-""'7t 8-za-"t+ ScrL yern€. , f,o.*^e,J ,e'rnd p::".4 l,la${erc lrrie, g,21?.a+6ZVrgpouved. o h. grec\dg .lthc $'A*o c \Tg ta ,f-fz3 , 'r"crr"nrecl Q'h<rrr' 3 , 3rd {a 4fh l*n*1,.=*} ver\.$ t pou*o0 €o;,fty.,1s eo*. lp.de,Efuran i^er4rr{, af +tar'n.g, plr"*} P_tlasdc-rs_ ltfia '4, 2b |o 24% ) ?o,:v.A, etab dn orofieB {o C v1?3 #o t?^. coran n\ *i* f, fl r.. o;t'-1, d*' fl f-" ZPo-ved gr\aa*e.va \rtre' C t'2{trl{o. rLB P,euveo\ gLa,[ o'\a gta_de. A*" C 4ul to? c,-,^d, A+otSr'f fog 'Pr-eea+$ crahsg \e€* $\e, lolcsrlre, Fonr'n,r.rq 4oo{irrgs' !rnc A-lr lLto tS, Poqr\.c d p *\.a.s\e* \rnc. C r ?lPz+ o ?l?g, Pouv-d I'c$.*rn.viq w a \t5 'rra\legts.au\j ha.l4 p .bo Leva\ 2,. pa,.rr*J * la\c or,l gn"o*k l,*'ioC. ,i t<, t2,. (avr,rp\es'tn1 s$su"r r/rlethrviX c,oi\,r vL*1o B"d *a 4:th lqve\, t Porved Prlaste^rs tr,tre.'(} ?-\ ,+a \g24,'Povve4, *.yp,^q Rv4 '\ev e.Q B't o C. r S.+o tl, Po ,.r r.{ floof r nc1 $ t rin e. - A-l , .1,! {o l€. ?ouved otceir^}, 8"4 to /bth Lovc,t. ,Bur lA rf.1 a**f rclvce{. <4 tarrrrsfa.r( a.St'orn <r?-k*ll "-e,axour,.cR proleoT ect Name: ssoclates, Archltect ValI Transportatlon Cent "*\ WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION REPORT Offlce of Fltzhugh Scott Archltects,/Planners, Inc. -'Dbte:3:l-4!- No.l!- '"$l Auu 2 t i$dA PrbJect No. 8-t?-.lq; Ee,ttrriX s\qb I?r;€ i"4 €a rv',.v.e .lgh*)l o(S, ?+a+se\+rvi{ g rtosfav u€rn0, I r tie, C c..rf o.,J.. R"Tlii .,se\trna1 P 1ta$tc.Y te,rt.t!, I I r|€ (: €.16? Erno\r \'oyY}\\vrq or \ag\lv I Lrr.e, N . lSl'1 fo \6?*, . Forvvrrriq €f aiv 3 , 3td +l qtb' '?,,vv.C Sfair 2-. e\4 io aH Ftoov, Pcr.iv.d 4th tcvc,l REA.11B t Ohottr 1Ll?-11, , e\4 io an4 Ftoov, Pcr.jv.d 4th .tevc,l s\cb Bf" e '' l6?a Ao tg , Atots 18 {o tgt/ri\cb Bf" g '' 16?1 {o tA , Atots 18 {o tg!/f . Pre c-ot{ ts*oC {ro \rni -l '\a,tat*! zlth €(oov Tf tsF+o L .li-O r r rrrs . -l \Ql.{ tttq <tr -\ \ rqrJ r Pou vai $" pp l+1 b { o C itave +'o ]5?3 $-t$j1t Poy'oB tono'ht {4th '\e.vs,[ *+rrts \Gfo t8. 8-\t.'14,'Po*rvc.C '$opp,rvrq Ath.\eve-Q, Ato B , \S.?3 +o \6tle I' BToC,\ Et/. lo 116, Pc,vy-4 .pr.taglro-vg \rric. c Q-t n.r'ri,'=?;;*;+ g"vde.L' i,*" 1g rAo'pt 4+k , \cv-4. - .1-r4-r4 Porrted. s\o.\o toppu^1 a-,4 Btd \evc,A A lro ',I 2,,,d \G'r.(, Btoqr[6 {o\8 B ,l Errr" Fo Zo. Ream & Assoclatest ArchltEct t-_L'r'rans Janes Ream & Assocj-aies' Archlfect F$- AUG 14 1974 WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION REPORT OffLce of Fltzhugh Scott. Ar".ohltect s,/Planners, Ine. Dbre:8-srr4 No. ldlPnbJect No. 6- 5 -'?4 S- <r-f 4 I -1-14 S'8 * ?4 B-e-?4t. Carnple.d'<.d prtat{cr retnf. lrnc A tc' 1.5. Po.rre.d . pr\o.lf*vs, trne, A 12la/utso Lft, pouve{ €aof rrrr,s. }tne A, leq,trs,rc,c\1 \ I + t5,, Cor-rp\=loot r,ttr a \\ Lrtie i, t5r2to t5 Eyq",o-.=;-,s€fl'li-,1. ts-+p C, t + o 2., Po.,*.S {appri.l Ya-\tv, ?#t["eTt\i;fE'Fr.t'#l' oi bur td,'13, €,e*'t^,o, !l \"etn€ \r,re,\ r'tt fo t€1 4ovv",ed i-a po.rvod s*ub r,o,tt Itrnc, A,'l,l *o tZr tA {-o tBrr", 'Forrvrn.& qu{ pour*rJ prlo..,.l"c,,v1, l1r'te. A, 1-6 lo.?lYs-. -P"^oetar-{ r;i.etFrvr4 \3to Q, Z{o 3}z t4";UgF:[o*3i,t F fr"f,ttl,\iJt'l 16',j ]o \2, a,,.a, €onini,^o. Se*{ri-'5 tsq\i re,l-.r€, {rne A1 tSTolg Pourre{ pr\atf evs J ltrzc A, \gqt {.o 26, '[aouv*{ !".a^7,.p l{ot, B{.oCr \1 f oz{ .Pr.oco*sl- E+oC *o lrrrc 5. cvcrep$ Zhd tc,vc( Tl"s *o ?az/A,. Da.^,"rp-p roof r,vr'g €XSi:vtoV Wal tt. tserrvnrnf \*\+,1-r\vr., -a .l r5'[o.]os, Bac,k 6.\ttFq €ag+ ev.d o€ burtJ,,,,1, Fol.vr,,oc0 Pr\q.sS*vs \rrre, A ,'[1 {-o \$!a. He.\d rJc> 6'.. Yloppirn o,pr\astevs \rr-ue Ap b . H<'\d,. uF o^* " no.'r ?irr \ q. sT o \$!a sfq,t: Fo" con6{rr,'.1- p'l 4 ee^&r <.*\ u*-J pErztql to<+-\-io'ra oh tswrc.rrXcvrc..1 C.euJsVcc*ov 5",.uletn,' ?a,n. J wa-\ L'\ttrq,A,'tott"lolZ, ?asroo! tsapP(wg slab an {ract,e-il+o B r Stzg b'o a\ , Pr e.e-os Fo delt-.i"q Pu{o C'+o, I rv,e I" ZouXLr,s.L1 co"r"dri{ tv'r Slala5, R,ilrltn ur\ t^racfc. ?ttt\\3. ^Ra.ir..ol. Houv.J prla:l.vs \rrle' A, l'? *e t6ttt. "Po"voJtoppr r,.r1 stc.b ft{c' B; l8 *o l?, Pour.{ t^la'tl [rhe .A rayzrto tS. Pvecq...,f geH ru',1 ;S,*o C to" llvr'c,. 8. 9*il\ra{ €,r.r+u.r lv^c.t{r,L1 airtj r""n"1e qn* $c ath!' Povvoil Jc-.*.*-fo qls..l'!* <-4^*, g l.abcdl : ortatlon Center i-.t ":' nal&uaa 1974 WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION REPORT Offlce of Fltzhugh Scott Archltects./Planners, Ins. Dbte: -l-2-14 no. 13 -l 1.L?--1{..Back{rl\.r,1 {. Cotn,nqc.irn,l S.lr.ir-i-rcrr- lrr .s cl ,25to 30 +,eas T od'trne 30. Ftvi^.*-,o, {;-!rnqr !lr.r: Ra-11,.\z1r lBB, Rl-r Au6 q PnbJeeb No.REA-118 .15. Founirrr3 lSfar'r b,, L^4 +o bn4 rl evcii.' se'l-itrX4o.1''y: irr q ' Vurr-r6. B+;C.. \^an.'p B"d'ler 4$h levef , !&to ?5, 6ef{'r^I' pr1re*<r rervr{ lrr,.r i-, 2G*oZ8' F"'rt-te"t, t*.F allltit,l'.. FouvcJ r^rall 'hnq 1., 20'N a€B *o c.,?i4 t'ft' -p.ouve'ei;' Co\r c, *r,r,ur,*.1 tt.,t bfo C \'a,rrrp aud 4o =uvoi t".zZ4o'24" L*,trrvr1 &" ttov*n :s'w*l A+o t afltst/3, <'nd' tait""l e4--{ o,1.. Clrri.c. Asgorr.\clir,4 4t\'t \eVc,\ vc**i, g\rri\ar i''l<-'i .-i''t'i Pvcec.i\ seh\ rvrX Atob \t'"** t f o,3' 1'?<.--14 Cov.,g\.f''{ ve'r*t Bi"C r4vnP 7rJ {o4lh lo*.,*[ ' t8 l.r-'-"^' g*+ tJt# +'*-fir"+*'* !rt1c | ,2.5'b'+o 2.u2/3.:, F't'a\"rqi . io"t*t*c1 , €cf veivn$n pot^'"od $oofrhtls 'lrtrc' {$z r lll lZ'\ tig, f *', Fotn,e4, ael. rrer'v16, gouy<.J L'aLt lriee. l, P.,$o! eo.cin trc{e. a€ ewtucthce-r3;d ttF{.' Farr+r,ng c,a"l c', "J"". , he.ivt€ gfo+r.v 3 , 2.d fo ?H tcvel. Fbtv'r..J -c..r"0 y,-',', '.\ f r\a.,{c.re" trne X,, 2973 to 28. Pauvecl toialrrvrl i ic, 1., ivd \*v*l Af or5 ,Tl?Elo2A. Po.,v.d bcu/t4io. to'i';-"'"' ' '' ts+oc | 2hc So Zrd t*J4 , Lblo 2-8, Pouroi r:{'a(v it ts+ {a'?.ud be.vJ, Prec+-,{, te} l\ 1'1"e,(s, cotv\m!:i , Vec,.,,n1 aa^d..aa'". Al!'o g., i" 4''3.' ,k=- *:- .1r:" l''cve\ ' +"< .rno'ln-Lqrre, Lc.^arhq 6a^*re.,\r Alo C q'.{" t573 ' ?ouc hr;"- ao".dvu4 f.r., ;itacbs.'De1,,,, .x<,4' !ror le\r, 1'Zt-. Gr.a.Crrrg BloC 1l*o t5, Settrng prlaater v^ernf, lrne A ,i,t'/.j*o 21Tzy L*..,;,o gteh \.err\$. Cortplc,fc4 u-r+\l rervrf lnrc. C l6'Lfo'l*. f"t*tu,iq B*qir 3, tr^al fo 3,.d tc,vel , te$ ue,ri'(, . ful.,.rr,nr1 r^ra,tl trrec'C ,lovt4o tf,, Pouted priorl-.vt lrne A zEtg 1,i.t/", ?",.rt.J Z^4 l.vol sta,b Atog, 1f,2/3 lo?,E. Pc,ur"J \'tn^i" €la.b ovl qrodc B bo C , e+ o 23 P{{.:,h rS1 P y 4 c.,iT Prceqqt, sc.f{rir1- bc.f-.err lrnee Aq tt +. f rnc,6; €rrccpt lrnc 4, Forrnr,\1 r,..ro, ll ltnc, t ov€\. 3rd t€\l(z( clr fv.,-.ec.-<?-. Val1 Trans ortation Center a1.uED t Architect Projeci Name:WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION REPORT Vail Transportatlon Center Offlce of Fltzhugh Scott Archltects,/Pfanners, Inc. {ames Rean & Assoclates, Archltect PnbJect No. REA-118 -Dtte: l- ?O -? 4. ? Dvrdc.v 3I'l {" 4th lc.ve\ l'clvnp, A-l-"+ €etf rnS ,ptla-*Tev re"inS'. trne A ,1o)2/a Sc 21, Furtal.t<J ' So"r*'i,la1 sfaiv 3, iett f. okr. PqurcJ prla*fcvt Jrne' 4,23'e "*.24?.3. - Pout.d 3Fd Fl. etab t"pprng A $o B \?+o23. Fout<d wq.tt ltha €rloVz-lo l?, FoiruJ wo't( ItrTe. | , 3d tre{ eboue 3*{ €bot eih+Yahce, Pt.eoef'- se* AtoB fa lrnc, I cxec'p$ 4'th'lcv*f, Da'rnpra6{'o4' ex+ev\o\^ oS [rv,e,A $o 3b4 \evs,l /Q4o3o, B-Z-1q Sel pr\a,a$cr rro.in$. lrne,A to \&3, Dan-rpt"cr6-4 e.trS *r"J oC bu,ldrnl *er "r.{ teve.\, Pauvcd toygri-ir1. tL*}r rltrci lev<,{ {toB r 23*o 11, Pou.ved werl1 lrne C, l.z bo 13?a.' ,.Fxea,vaufeol f".rlo{rrn1r,. lrnc, A be}wo.vr lt + tS Ptec-ot} tse.$ 6\1€. rrlo(l\ pa,aaef cast erad. taa11r^X !4acah rciu.S. No, 13-L ProJect Name; VA r, .- -re.A $r. T) tr, C) e-T'\a r, (x.h', Cr. ! t.l f r= q. dAveg KqrAr( s-- ft.b*oer+{rr*. Aeat+. PnbJect uo. BEA-ll!} '6'l ir.! o J]LIL 30tg7 rya/,/,*"L WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION REPORT Offlce of Fitzhugh Scott Ar"chltects./Planners, Inc. D4te; 1-zZ-14 ro. l?. -t-az-11' Spvc.e"(rn1 ."nd cornpacf rrr3 foad lgese. A{ro',*,2 \og. 3e*trt11 l.irrr€, Cot'$.1 r gvd-trF+. S.e h\rria Vcitr{', 4rn 1cv e.\ *4" ppinl g }e,b A #o fi fo t t ne, tz'. Cc,r-..1: l,e t-. ,?' tarq.lt rervr€, ar".d pouved wqll frrre.C ?to 8=r+. pouvcri tdeir.3, lsf *o.Zh't te.,o.t, Poutrol *o?F\iq *lob ztqlc-v*l AfoC, zg +o ?o. Freco€S .s*k{i;4 gq*w.,.e,e,!a ll t'?e a B'*" C .5o [?. 1'27-14 r'o"*,n^€J"+tn"'. ii,'t" C'-\4{ol6' 5e*rn3 *'op'prno r''i.'r* veln{"'l;;-;;i-Ai* t3 *o t?. i*Ht*1 ^-onlt vefrns ti,rc" 4- f o tz. Lcr^rrriq t[q'b vv'e$h \ev'\ 3 A{ob a7\4\olSi . Fovwrrrrq Co,\,v**t R.-t 'lrhrtd \iC{- a'^3' P"t,: ctt' ?ouved:1 s\o;';]. q;"d;'NIo'e,''t?"f? a-o' Pou"'al w'':{' \'t l i'v'': 'C elti {o'1o, gettrviq P"..orf Bto c *o llvz' 1_.,4-11 .{erf se{lrng .l,erri{ 4;r tp, r".+=.a tr ,,^q. f\ ,30 w*s\'. $et\t'r^c r^rafti re.ing lrne, C, f6*ot3. Far nnrhl S$a.it 2-,pl +o zhi €1, S.*rr.X reih€ aud &vr'ninl i^'a"l[ lrvrq t * o 'Col Gb- 1 -$yd tr e+. Povve .Q, lo pp r.hq B (q. t +th te-ue..t hr.ot6, aE-*o ?8,.' lWo'fa.\ltng \twq. ?g A\-oR a+"* Lrc r,"i '. o"e q-io wet{. P"1qh v1 LcrncV,"rr{' L'r,r ttet,r-.. , #* s' rv"c.' Ve-rl, € \'or.'vrt al,vcr',"mg A , \{o tt. ' -t-Ls-11 Fgrrned a-c -:sc+-,rein$. c{aiv 2,, t"" fcr2n4 lov-t. Po.ru"{ 4rh-\ev",t {apprrrl s\ak N to Q t 67u^1." Z?Yu. P^o.rn..Q ,1Watt- lrtre. t, A, to Cal b-l 3v.d tie +, Fofp'c4 r lrl,aee.i\rgrr,,r$ or--*,' ()avrad €""llt,r-f.,:b l.rne^Br - g,iR, t-*, Se.*rr,iq kcrr",( 46F grtan{.ord 'tino A, bo "Jr.S.-I-2(r-14 Oehtrnq'woft .r<lr,r€- ttire C' I lo7, $o \zl. 6e$ \rtr'',.{, 4o"**.""x*J,"x. ;;rod- ;;:' r,i"" L , c't, A:t,'z'o' lra'{-h et t f,€{,, .at*fi 'f rrts I , Col B-1, zor\^oF+'h "M tr€'l-, Pouye.d 'pr\ar\evs lrfie A, zAUU +o zqt(s" Pouveot 4rh \'c,v.c,\ fapprnq NdoB 12Abo?E, .Favvne.o(, Baf t*"*{ , r7o *r vg{ €"1{t",nS Irrie A, - Ag , =? B. Pro.'l ect Name : V*r u \iae,t"q:?oran qtro *t Ceurtl, g la.J*MGS kRA+-r ra Ae.e,oq-..c.'T\ee Agcb$ PnbJect No. YZoLan^.o4_ .1'1:l'. flllr .itilggfgT/i WEEKLY CONSTRUCTTON REPORT Offlce of Fltzhugh ScottArchltects,/PLanners, Ine. DAte; ?-t5-'r4 No. ll t5-1.4' Covraplefrn *o?prnq Verrr F. A\oE r 25 t" Lf . dorn.d r.,r.rq,Lt I rric A, g rr"'+o lp. Er<c.o-vo,t.riq €orr'ernJ erg spir"Lt*" (tr"L ;"r+f, "-: r[r22rd Sl ,^,n? 7 , a*,h, pultco0 .<o^p\i*.{ 1-\t,-1i1 Fovrnivrl 5{-qrn 3, teve-t l. C,owrp \e$".} 4rh t.v*( s\ab'bervrc df o C.2 21*o 30, 5c \t*tl1 +bh !evcr,t = lala v*,*{. Nfo B t aV fo 25. Pc'urcJ paesev\t<b c.\qv. net(r. povvnrviq rrralt' lrie. I qb pv<. eh{-vqvree., Fovw, r,,ic Wcrt( trvie C ,i-!rr{-o 4, S-Ftrvrq sc.rr.r(. l,'v,te C 4 t-o 8, I ' Pvccae.l. lrve*l Aa*.o{ B to lb-, Tra ZtA o',,.d', q+h fo t4.l ?'bd to \b-. 1-l?--?4 Renrovrn3 €KC". ''rs cr | | Ato c 1 ? la \g, fa.tt, i.,1 heirrG' lrric. c. 4 tro Br^"Y, .fo* *'"t t!.q\r .B tsr Le-v*,.,l, FJrrr..,co! o-\.,dpour ec? f.'o{t\r.1s lrr\e. c lc/z *o ts, povrecl r.^,aft rrrrc, C , ? ka f." :1, Fovvt<J o.r,.J p62.rueot t^ro.\( r.r\porrq cy,j. ?c,r.r:*:\rne- t, 5c*frr\ prec.asf to.s,^ree,r,r B{g,?-.r*ot\ir\a1ri'r, tforv'r dVqin gxfevlbr o€ httc A, -{-1S44 S.c\{rvi1 (rlof\ rrerhg .lrriq tl, S,t {o? o\a, porrud tucr\t I tnc, C ,4 *o 5y2 , Pe*, nod t"pg rriq t \a\q .q.t H Lc,u sl Bf" C,r zg $o -dOi .Seftrnq pr"cJtl- be{-w,rr Be <-.' ?.S*cr ?.4, La.1rw,l f forv^ Jrarh exTr-,vrci-r oti "t'1, ,'..' t'-7-t1-"zl Fo*rnfr o eoL, tB Jra t,c+. 6et{rt 1 rc,r#. lrtic, c- sr"b?, ha l- ?"te t:f *.. F.r*,v.<s[ wo.\l \ri-,e, e E,t lo T. E:;:* T:J"i',:fl-.ffX;:" +t l;,il ;l Ii, Isfouvn droirr cxfcvtir of lrne, A {o i,i.-t't. :. r-!1cl a(1,uru--*v" v, c, |,.',Sor.rfta a( A ltvre L;-W ateV I:.:.. _:":*.-: : -' - ^: :-. *. re s*l:y,:-a -v.., aT,€,y e.0 vbt futT;Itl I+tpp"'*Q**3HG-Ts.t, z.ld o B@ . €too r' Jlra.p.s tRp.ixra t Ns*er.-rtrsc=- Aec51. PnbJeet No. Esq- tIB -,il,r'! i\14 rre.vr \4crn\. Q-o*, b{1d,c\n RU JUL [< k Pr\tS WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION REPORT Offlce of Fltzhugh ScottArchltects,/Planners, Inc. Date: ?- t- ?4 No.9 1 g 1974 -?-l-'?4 Bqck.Cr\trrrg an.{ eonrpoc$rrrq be.lrw.rr_ b d,. q ,2.\ tso A1 6o" ro,-.p )' guade. 'For."ldlffi'*'FJ;,}:f* tr.rq rl Irrre- . A1 4{o 5V2 , Fornr.d . 6e.\ vern€, poure*l 66e$tvrc1 uSteir I a.r"d .trhc C llc' 3v2 . Pyeccraf €.:,f cot, B.Bo,' tD+tl 1:A\ne\s 4 [rire, *o 3ol Bcavns \rhe P, a*.d'lT,t zh.{,3Ydr 4th tsVq,t to trvr<, Bo. Pavrc..t {.o{1r,1 lriaZo, Afo(l "'2-14, Ba'<.k€t tlrrrci arrct coll1pac.f,i.,.i be.|r.ucckr t +,C- tZ-.\4e'l-1, €hocL.J ura-ll rcr[-rf ttnc {.., 5Lz {o ?. 6vadrv,c1 o.^"(, covnpaef t),1 (ov c\aL o\.. ffrccfg /b$wtn l4g, t5*o2l, Se,tlrrig te.rall rcirvr€ lrne t- b.{wtrr E i c. litro,tf *ot+ri."1. .t^rdt \l trernf Seeon{, tr gl Lrr,re t , AfoE, Favr'.<J, se*-' !.ervrA a,-nJ Povv"J €o"trvrqt'. {ttre. A r$totl. t=ovvvre{ €c.{ verr;r€ r pauvesfl €oofrvr.1 I trvie C 3ttrtro 4'7, r Pvccatfi Soirri", i{air ?-, tuc, ltg $.c* TTrg 2r'4 { 3vd [.vcl"lae$w.-v1'A+b {o 26Vz,4tn lcvc-l *oa1 , ^tela*cvioroo{ecQ ep|,e-vr6.z t^rau\J- \6 2t^d \evJ I rvt< 4; 't- b -'14 -?-4-'r+ ?- s-"q Z\ {o 3o. $ta-rl' b6.ele4 r l\tv..1 B.lc.L Frtr,Lc1 <.xtcrrbv 43q'ntl A. t,.'rs et Fo 3o. (naJr.'l1 a.',A CovnpL.[.r^q €or tl.-'p oh Stoo(e f5toC1 13lc, +1'' Haqo Excotw.\.*q BtoC,,'? +o tl^ Eo*rn\ \ra\\ rirn$ ' lrrre.C t{o {. c^,r.".d --\rn4 1 | f$*o 3|roir l. eh';du..'t rrcr'rr€,4atrnlr+1 Itna" A I 5'" lo1, 3<+ ve rrl4. €uv"^.J o..u!. povva.{l tlort\ 2\d lr4{n ln-ie, \, A{ro rr.l.fnral4eo. Fo..v,e8 g,v.cl'1ro.rteJ Cot, B- t . Po uv.g c$ stqb at'. I trectg N +o t3 r 2t + o?4. Prc<.orF wa.\\t araol TF'c c.ovnp\e.{c lr o ltraq 39 €xcclof Ti 4Fh tcvc-t@ of".rr.6r tn,efa.ttrn\ Ei.we& ltr.e er??f030. No woer<. tln irJosat< . '",,v;Jerarat Ausc.rs+{ \4e,v+'r P-ae \\.toee. KT Bb.{A. ProJect Name: VAr u-ftzAt rsP-ozTArt oN Ce N c€ Q ProJect No. PEA- ttB WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION REPORT Offlce of Fltzhugh ScottArchltects/Planners, Inc. DAte: 1- A44 tto. fo Aectt -1-8--t+' .t$qekSrtlrh3 qnd. gtadrng rrarr-rF b-tw'n g{C, tg[oz? t4lr..q tlrcsh Z^4 leve,l clab A+oB,2BtoZU, $.tf cr-3. he;.d trt". I =<cor"J tr4$ br,lrnarrae, to B, an^at u.rjls5|oir I a"^J :ltrrc C1 lto,{. '5.lfrr.q rer'..,€ av,cl Covr,v,r!,$ {clofrnq €or loc('i,se,\aq€Y e\evcu{rov'. Pouve.J s\qb 3Yd teve.l A+oB ,lV'7loagz4, Po.,vcJ t*r+tl l1ie. .d,5 r2$o7 sc,t pvcs-csf r.rrqrr pa.r-te-\i \rrrc. 19, atg-Hr.^,Porat"'ric ' c.c,nd,ui,f €ov s\o.bd, cha..q.J etliT-;U{:J"1,,,i *, i 'l^o {'L,rr', qra ( ( .-t-q--?+ Frllrig *,g"3"Q,'n1 r+6p b.{w'n g {C, t€,.l.o2?, .pa,,u-{ ^ 6tab Jogprnq 3id l=v-l A*oE | zs?v 1o2173. Pouvd, eal, T5-1. Porv.& wartl llr^q, t ; R{o C ?-lo-14 Excorra{,,".1 \rtre C,.4t1{o \8. -Cre.d,.q.rlvnp BhoC, lg+oZ? Po,rn.AD po:s=t qev eie.v*|or {eatrt.,1,' Po.r"c-4 .ol. B- I li"4 tr(I , Pou'cc{ co\^c. topprvrrl zAA Ft. Ato v5 I ABre to zs'7g 1-tl-ll*. Spr.coJrnl tooA barc.S lro C , \8{o??. l'Eotb ev'A o$ bvrlAl'.a . Jo*ovoob.<cl +o 2hd tcvc.(. Se\\rna fopp,",q g[o.b viv(, A.{o F3, zr-}o3o or,"d $ToCl z4 bodo, Hoir.'."f c.or,,c. A4"pp,.1 s{eb ehd \eve.l A+o ts, 257a +o ?.1\,''Po,lvc.o\ \uq\\ \rne. C,l{oatr7. Po.,rc} trrcrtt \riis t,ela*va-n<-e, +o lrr,tc B Cclt, t€corad^ tr€{. Pveec,-o.}, wattg trvrc A$t3'' fo \8t3. Tr's \"1 { 3bd +o \8Pl , \evei { *o t8?g, . 3q{ q,i CLta.ac.1 A-\'lr N-tS, L41.\dl fc*rre.r A{oB q*Z1'fr.. 1-12-14 Cortrg\. Fcd qyootrrnq rar,4p Bllocr t8*o2'1; Baclc{r(tr'r"1 ti. <oh^po.fir,g"qxbc-v\io'r uritr lrnc, A, Fovr1,i.1 4oo\lrt\g lrvrc €r1.6.#o tS,- 6.:t\rv,! r.rlcrlt rcctvrs" l,v.e \, ifoio, Fo"!t',trif cicvo.{rcrv gif tsaltg, Po,.rveel c,oyre *"fprr^1 stc\o ,,'4"th 1s9e(It fo B, ?t to ?.8 , (ov.v) 1iTIt'" f --r ?,r o.o r*'* - ,--:f,- i --"1 $ i4a .-a z *T?,l;7+t uv oi&+ct"i":{s o a-'$f,?J ig:'1t= ?=oifz€ { t-t e e*4 r 3€ ji fr.t jl, ,.{ ." -;' rle RU JUL 3't JewX Atdric,h Kcr'rf Rorg H1de.\r BV-r3 \-l F\ WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION REPORT Offlce of Fitzhugh Scott Anehltects,/Planners, Inc. PnbJect uo. E.EA-ttB Date:;fu!!!f No.8-Pqac,\.{Z l.-21-11 b-2,5:.14 o.zb-11 6.??-'l{ ' .:\,,^,.| g,-a8..1+ €xcc.va{-tn"j cr,nd 1ec..0.riX A fo C, e1to3o {or atcrb orr gvacle,. bo.rv*d t,.la\l trne C, tb fo lLva, ,Fov *i;.1, ' . 3<.t Yervi4. o..^.4 pouvc4 Qos{rri1s trfic, A, .6-1-o.9. Fovvrn'rAq 4oo{tn4s ttnc [, A-loC. 5.] p"*.o."f parne\s lrAe A'tc, ?.=.VB'.r trvie B to 23 titrcs. e"4 0ltr".- Tf t *<t &t| ,,V"4*-,tt* la '|^At/rr, [hsfa\trn,X clvafvr trncs GlouS -A- \.ri<.. dta'vt 't-^.ralt^v*tir0 \rvie fu', X e,^tS, 6ta.(tior corrrrtoe\i*o, o,"..{ eipr.ad tv.q c\YaY.-l {ot g\qb o\1 grrade L+o B' be.lrure'cn 21 *r'o. fi.Jvo,$rrrg €ov-for{rv't4s, '{ t in <, b c*wc + vr <i *o \'5 , Fottrr.ct a*trt 1-.i(:uv e c( Wa' i I irtre. C ) l','rLto lE. Eef vbrn{. a',.'a\ polr*ld fsgfrt-,.a1s \rr"e. f i A t" a[vwot* C, tottin3 wa'(l r<.ivr6 lnte' Ar I *o $, FoVv'.rvt1 \^ra,tt \nae, Ar-l fo Z't7 y.verir6 ob, f,ef pyecath \.ra-!t pa.v,e-\t lrrie, A to zza/3, ttrie.'B +a zi'/a, Zrd 4 3ta \..r-\.T[tr to z.z2/6,4"n {evet lo LV ' E:.xcc.yq*r6X d, eornpac.f rral f,oof rr.1tr A llrie. to *ota' . Favvnrng etlrt' orr 3vacl.- tfia ft'+aBt z-l?z fo 2'f' S<*tt''X. Y'e,rn$. tilrc Nvra\l zlrafcr S, Sef v^crrrG \tne t, \b q'lr1r'"i'$C. Pouvcol €(a\o orn gbaelc. baftrltn tB4€, 12'l \affi\, 'Foyv*u"{ a*4 por.rteA ructll tr'is, A, t to 2tz2-. $et Pvecos+) cualtS {rn< 9o fo :..lUZ , Lrr.e A {o ?;1"4, TTs 2"d + 3'd [ev.1 yo 21Ye. r 4fs.lev*.\ to 22.. Exco,va*tr."1 a,rd cdyl^Doc{ri'r.r \rne t\ ,14 fo l}. Exccvofttl fa"{rtt1'r lrne 3<:, A.+:8. Ma:s eYc.<\vc.ut,n\9 bc.lrr^t'n ts+C, ?foll' E?vu,'ruo5 g(ab oi.., qvn,0e lrrte A'fo gt1.z!o?S, $ttrpncJ r^rqrl fri're A tto Zvr- ,uFov.,"-ol a.vrgpovven [rlj"'t, Af"b. Pouvort g\crb ovr gt"ade. be*w,n A{g1 ZS to i--T'tLr chc.h"J h,ra\l' vetvr€ \rrre A 2Va.lo 4 . 5-f plecasf; rLoor\11 A+B .or,,^ATf,t $o \rrre Zl.5€f TT's loc-$u,a4rl B{ar,Zrtd Lcvc,t ?-.? {o 1nz/,,Formru\6 f,oo{ir,,1s trric'go1 A$ofg. .t-a,v{ po*hrncl tlaL .,v1 f\l-r.{. {)r,o...\ \ u Tel uc Po Etr$irrob{ CB}+T€.Q- FroJect Name: Vlr r- Tt n xrq reort-tAct4lrr .e-S._bltF,E WEEKLY CONSTRUCTIO}I REPORT Offlce of Fltzhugh Scott Archltects,/P1annens' fnc. Date: 6-QA-11 No. A patc.'I-"92.PrbJect No. EEA,-ttB b'28s14 3.vo,.de, trrac, A$o B I 24 +o 25(€t'o vT bcc,aul<- (conrrnwd)6--w€,, c.".rn$ bE tuvn\e€Hrt de.s.{h, Qi3 r.1, o, {-e,sg.l e + 4 hat\( t hqf 'to c6\^rb\ttarr,t 4aaa bc. p,rtu*1"e{. dettrrr'q rcivtf [rrzrc A, 4fo8, fukv- uwd yovv-& w4ti "irrn'c, \ TYzto 4, Pv<"aa! r<-t tpclt lric, 4 a-l to 28 , Tlirs lcvclr- 2.r1,ft 2JSo?8, Ee.{ eolB-21 *nd heornx trh. B,z^!2.4,4*h le,vels, Srf urqltS lrlrc C la lr,ne, 18, 5-t- T[,s , Zgia2f t€T tovol , I al ?val lcvcl , l@ 4th [ov".{. t-/ Rtt JUr{ 261974 \d.Y.i \/l \ r !aan\ \tote [\1dt<,tr fl{?. \\t\A^a.cti I Pnbjeet No.E EAlll-B- (HBN+ WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION REPO.RT Offlce of Fitzhugh Scott Archltects,/Planners, Inc. Date:_G:_L]-]A No. ? 6-tT--14 Exeavafrf-rq €.rr lob acc€ss sou\h o€ lrtra hrto{o\}. Covnpo."*,ti1 \,.*'N, I +ott. 5..t, ver\^,8, ou, €ont""'ot orrrat po,.r**h Irire C,24'trto25. Chee\ce"0 \'e'rrr€' ltne c,zi- nr2ltr7rsV, Se*rn1 Fc'trr€ lrrre, C,'[{$oZ:z' FornreJ, sef ve,ri€, pouv"4 {o.{rne1s B-\?r rt- loA, 98, 88. Flrvnrvdl +..rtr13 B-9. 5e\\rri1 uP ctssr^e, €<rv svvec-trnq p te<.c St . tr-tS-.lq FarvrneA ar.A pouled u.ratt |,rrrrs C -224sLZtrL Farv^c.{1 ' Se{ kcrrr0 g.d poured (oofurls tinc B- L r 7 ? ISfevf 5cflri.q Pre,a.a+# *raft pa,ne,\s a^^A-E,g S*243 panefe g4l tine a.+ zl lin<. a,..d B Tra. 5*\- 2- Air s'r,o.it.irr heclv A'21 *,^l C-za, CuitLo.A'rp'etf v.eirr4 lrirc C,2ol"\o1-Z L't1-1+ 'Frecr.v'+lrrvr.o blt.'sn B?e. - lzfo \4. Forrr.rrrrq €oof,i,.qs {6eFtrviq rc,r,i$. {crr B-'U 4 + s, pa,r-v+"{ e- t AJs , Fpv u*. .t. e"nd froLtvect r*ratt ltYre. C zOVC$6a2, CLrc'c-k5'o( t^14'tl t'er.('-t,;- Z' 83a+o 2;rA, t*frti1 'to cr't\ tcrh S I r h<' c- tb: to \8?r.rr 3o! p"* *o',} p**,oti I la'n-( r3 ltvr'q, f; Pa*.ts /rlrt Q ar'ad J T't. [Z{vrarbov tq*1 se"Jov Pif * . 'urdev \ \r'hc, $.otin1a, t -ao-14 La.,1r't1 auf !* litrq, I fo), pxc,ccv6ftn^X {- tev<.tr"t3 bc*Trttnr B+c.tt i't +ogo, , F.,tn^'J r 6ef t"iv'${ a,''d '1>our..tl C.,o{r"tt\s f5- 2, 3,44, €hoc.k-ool .vd,vt$. lrnc. 4-[5*o \A='4' Fovrrrea\ 4v^4 p""""d Woits trnc, C -18,74-1o 7ot/2., Errc.S*{ -,p'"".[i-;;;i;Atp r,*o zL foeb, x"Jh' \A'|c!\r' sha4fr @L B-ab r Atv ,oho-€S @ \-z'-f 'e'*J' ''a't q.1 =oc'h o{ tk+. 3 Lcvc'\E ' 0-el--r+ GraArnl (,rv sta"b or.' 1,.a4c, bafwoc.tr n4.-r?-1 +o.lo.. 1:avvrre8 o,nl, poi"oc{ tr'rrt\t Irirc C, 13 to l$ct4' Fan,-n''"t. wcttl tttte' C' tE+o \tol/L. Fotwt"4,,s s,b vetn4. o.n&. 1;ouvr:A 8"o{tv'4s, ." lrvtc, A, I to S, '5.f pvcCls$ t"'lu.t\ Pazvtels ll.'..'es F\ ? t5 to i,nJ "oI .-e.+ lt 2hd'l'v*\ *aL4tr' SYdA4hh 1"6'c+'t/3 .)evrr^ NlAvrcl"-/ Ec,nF Eo=q. FrqA c,y rBob \{t\a,rad . WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION REPORT Offlce of Fltzhugh Scott Archltects,/Planners r Inc. Ru JUNz ots74Date:-[\5):f;! No.--G-P:rbJect No.M Orlo--!4. Favrngd r ?et r.rn€. 1'avrd po,rvod CJro.ir B,€oofrull' Fovvr.aA eell' vatn4 arnJ pourcd S6cgt-ihg trrrq. Ci Zbto23 Cawrp\-Sc4 kcrr:r$ -*d €arr-r,ng uw/, pt,r.=4 lrhi 2.-t b*$l^roe,r,,. .lrnes B+g I U-Lr"l1 h{aas excarwat,ng b*t.wae,n lrnc€, AdB, 5tog. 4r^oJrnj ctnC c.or.tpac.{-rn1 for [€t teve,l slcb be{,.rrce.\r h+ BJiS $o ?9. Covnpa.c{riq €ov'soofrnqr Bbc.ir- 2. !"orr 6torr.,r €er'ats coh'.cc,$rot-, lrn. 14. S'bar\ C"*,'rli,lli €oo{-ri1s B-l(.r12, 13. S.t\rn1 {.u4\t }errr€. trnc.'C- 2'h4 t-rft, zi+o24, Pev^ov.J €ov'n',6 trne .?.?, BtoC. Forw.J, te-! rcrn€. a.nd pouve.t €ootri.r.1s lrrrc C, \&{o ile. tc-lZ'1{. Cavnp le.$n\q trcthF, s,hcclacr$ oV, 'cr a.{ *ctrrr*'c.dl ura'll i zua \,€t', lrne C, Au!/z--r.Lbyz l:t*tnr.ot, tc.f tcrvr€. por.rbc'J €oc'trnqt trti<. C , tSto t-g.. qvrrralrdS r.lq.\\ €tvrs 'Lr,,,c. A,3fatvb. [-{qas exc-ava.fi.5 5.faJ loe,{!-rg.*v1 ? t a r Pauv c4 4.otrtrv1t pas*rrrvrq,ery o-\ q,vo'+cr-, ,x^! € #a"*r 2 , b-tB--l+. €xc*,ra,"r*tVt1 '\oc,f,*,. evr f rncs Bdr, g: 1V4o 4, E*ca"r61\ri'q . tutac, A, | *o?. ccl'nF\c,f.d €ov'r*rrroq a.-.q{ 1to*r"*d I \uqtt | 2.hd .|r€}.'lrnq Cr2.tl, +oZ$'L,. F6rr--o.t,5c.t^ !.crw4 , po-voS, €*.{" rradtt i tr.r <, ft-z-,, t 3r t?, \\r a--f Pq-$ae\^c! ot'r Et-e vo.tq-r ,^r6!t6. 6<'t\rv\1 1,lu1\\. V€rvrf' irne. ei* -fo 2btrz. Lv'oeVcA lrhs g veir.4 25{o 2LVz,. 0-14-?4. Exc.o.va1lr.i { Cor*,goc,frng Irrrc A,\{roll. Eev.oveil crnA rcp[ac.e4 tr*=,rrf q.bic' Sitt hne, I to 8, Lo^1.d c",.d, co\rngac*.C, gravel uuA,c,v glatuo orr Qvacl'q.h*o B , U'-+-<.c.\r ttb- o-r,d 3o. Fovrn.d orrnd. pouvcJ \:rla\l lrrtc C, LS$o Lt YZ, !3ttr'n1 Lra\t ve.L$ \ r'r.e. Cr "tl *o L5. F.,--r^..J , 5e) ve'rL{, ar.d p".rt.d €oo*rnqs B- tt/ lZs,fBr o o chrrte-s 4"'"-, J<.vv.1 Ndv...h kcr"$ Q<,g< ., Bob H rta,r^d Pn'oJect No. EtlA- l\ g WEEKTY CONSTRUCTION REPORT Offlce of Fitzhugh Scott Archltect s,/Planner:s, Tnc . Date: Ca-ts-14 RU JUtf No. S 1A $74 b-7-14 o-+-1{. 6 -5-14, {r. U. -l+. 6 -1-"4. Excqwatr\rg e\c.ve{av prt ch."-k.d soil. Exc".w+Lrig Ii.,*. C, ?to9. Co\Fo.c.trng t rhc, A-2, l\ to lG. 13'11\r.nl c\cvc.fa,r . iho6{, Fo.l'.,]J, S?{ t-arn€-ok, pour-d €o.b,tii lrric, Q7.:a)o'L'{, Forvr.eJ arrd pouvcd r,,r.)cr\\ lrfie XlZl +"ZiS',r, Chcckc4 rrre'\\ veirrF frne A ZAYz \o Bo, ok. $e\trnq Lr.rcitlkctr,{ lrrre. F3; al to 3 O ancl lrvre, ?-1, -B fo C , Fclo,-.,,i."q Connschirr betwo.tr C{'ovrrr Eer$ey cr.r\vc.v! of lrrrd, ZS Frovfh o€ C,tine , ,l--r!5'g \.r.tc.r<r. to tav.1c. {a. zr,r+kc 4rey16ec$rovr Lr'4rn1 gfotr,, Ee.,"r.r fo \rne t6. Fot\11eo\ and povve*fl rrra.\\ hirc, A 28rL|.o3a. Forr..,c4 crhd loourscf {ooJ.rr"1s B-lS, B-16, B-\4. L"r.ul,,,, wa,t I VctrrG trrrc C, ?'.l to 96, Po.ved drvop fov st-ovrvr tericv a,^^& Iar,1 r fia, So!4c, 6a|lAre,'r p tp s . ti,xSrq. excrivc(Ct'owr tolvrdo0 4ov a(cvabov rpit, eo\l otd tJc.c.vqv f.iovrc$, \a,ek frftc,( *y Cor.rpo*f"J, Fornro.{, chc.lc*S l-eri,,(r-.pou're<Q C Iine, ?'?-fo?8, Farrrr.,eJ *oe1. veti'r€. ir..rn*"|' €aot-iaqs b-\4 , A-z: 1361 r S. Drrtirv,l e.l.v o\o- rr(,.aS+. Ra,.'d arrd gt"o*r.3ll..E*.o.., qlc& a'nd c.LrtrpoeL.d 4or -CooI*io, q$ gtatrr ? ,v<-w1 we.lri F^.rn.e"j 1 se* v-rr,€, pauvc4 | €ao{rn1a LrneB; lB{q ?-D- I Lri.e Cl.l-b.{.o2'?, Wa\l Lrr"e, Ct Z& fioa:.n '.,' det \:att t-e-ru€ Lrne, 41 ; b$Ln t3 d-c. Ra.rrrr'rrq a"r.al Cot.f 5.,\ verrr€ o-^6[ (ont*inq .tna< 21 tcr \a.{L-e,h B-c al".Ae-, .tet vorfi(r €orrned *^4 v"l*oS*"1[\rrne,41 ?1.ho3O o.'e,'2-t 1o2-(. Fovvtrccl s€,t v.\^€;4 pou".4 €c'cttt.g lrde € t z|.to 2J, \/ Atu T*AN.P. eTAftoht CE \lfEe tq A Assoc.\Arrss [ecH. i; ; r {i fllt, nryzgtstd ProJ ect Nane: ..lAue-; Eegsl 5 A=eoc, AectrrrecTs FrbJect IIo. e.E A, :. \\ B, o Qa'\11ci rccct'v"n \icrn\ Eosc. \c'.r\ /**n.1 A\$,..,"h, \(ar\ - P. \{''\c..-"\- WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION REPORT Offlce of Fltzhugh Seott Archltects,/Planners, Inc. Date: 5-6 -I{ 1gs. 5:- 11--I4 5-6--14 Dug f-af ho\e lo'-O"'eqsT oF Lttre I rnrotwc!L1 betweet-r Lrtres A+ 13. DuX fo e\ev, 8t4-1.5 . Wo.f*y af c,tc,v. EIS?.O. Autho.,..d \rcrrror;a,\ oT uYrrf ah \e, rnq{-e,>io,l snd-v loefw:e.rr frrrss " 4 t t, lr.r.Ol'F\ \l\1 c' foo f W1X 5-fO-'lal lt4q,es Ex.."^voLir,g. Exca.wa.frnq, boc\c €rl\tnq *,A co\.n^,paa,f rrr1 lrrr.c. A. $tarf forrori."j {*".rf rir1s \ rvre- A bet **..ir \ S+ \q. LrJood ur.rbd-TFr;kgrnnrorr 4- Assoctc.Le= {nc. , Je}e i[hcr\cr. s'h<c\arvil conplclron S-i3-Tq Fovn-red €oo{"rr,9s lrne.A b.tw.-h lS+1". 3or\ con"pe,cft'iv, ol<., hc,ttrFot",,", o.l/-, Poured €oo$in<1s S-\4-l4.Forrrrrecl $"o{rrr"is \rne A befwecrr l"*2!, ^3oi)cornpa-c-bto,. g,k. , felu''€ovet"l' 'o,V:, Pouvc6! €oo!ti.' s-\t-'14 Forr,",ed 'f6e{-inq5 ltrre A \'{wtth zts{'t't,,i:i I cohlpc.c-$ror', o,i.l FclhfoYetnl 6'k, Poorod €oof rr'"1 ., Fotvrtrrrq L.ra\ts ftne A bc'|wcen 15418' 5<'bhrni qrdtt !-ern€oi"i.q \rne, \ ba*wee11 l's+ t3, \'oa,\\ tsrvr€' €hec\a.{ r.,Irfh \lre,\ Donq.vqh o€ KkNBh, ss Ba,r- oh t..,o"n*h'po* pv..otd bcc'trr.3 {r<.c' to bc' rr're\o\'eel' \nstkuc.+to\1s q,.rtv, to Supf. t \.e\/t'6€' 6€1ve'\1cq a'€ S<.!f rr,q -ha+i'vrch .rc\\4€, 5-t1-14 Exs^vafr+rq nand bc*ck- {rttrviq B tir,s, 5.Ftrri1 'Wo"tl' \^crn€. t'lwL -A bof,^r.*n ,t5-Ci t9. P.vrt.J dofo', t L/t-r So,nal e.nd or\ {nop ucutts evrd o'ddc"t VtnSt t*raf.vtl"p ;. 1 r 'i ProJect Name: \/A IL TEANSPOETATION CENTE.E. JAT,IES EEAH *- ASSOC. AECHTTECTS PrbJeci No. EEA -t\B dqrne.s fZeern Arc\r Kcnf ?otc. \/arl J=r.q htdvrch, \/ar I Z" FtrJo^& WEEKLY CONSTRUCTION REPORT Offlce of Fitzhugh Scott Archltect s,/Planners, Inc . Date:4'Z-14 No. I 5- 3 -1+ 4-8-f+ Chec.keol Surrrc,.1 anJ 1>rope\fg cosner5 wrfh Ftulclc'F art" d F{e,r.rrc,r. Se.-o,f,nl atrd N{eute'r. 4-t8--14. l't.{' rrr*\. John Qa.vin - Lc.*Fed r^r*fotr hnebe'r Ptf \,u r$h fr*\' Eo*eg - 'Ver \ VJaf e,'. { Sotl,to,f ton ' Fenee \trslil\od avtund PYoJcct', Consfl.."f uo t-) 'oS{r'c.e C-'s*o'ro.{e tl.q,rte'Yg lqgatsJ, Evc4rz+frr'1 {ov -.* voqd, sqs,+ <s€ pvo3ec'f. \{<'n\ Po<e ctppvoved or..'"'\t'ito\-) .e €ol;pe."-f t6tr t<''.tts otr Y":J, $ou\s ehq\hce,r nof se\ee{od, 'Stctv$ c'xc4'vo"+titr, rer..av,hi at,phal*, 4-25-"4. Au{hot*="J ov-vfrh.q [^r<,e.\ae,rrJ of Apvi\ 26-?l {*-zt'€ar voad rrrou\c. to gve.verrF' t-€\-npov4v1 tlrgSa'ttc.itolr . 6 $ qis. Lirre a.rrcrr.rr-',d ,"oo.J. 4-zo-?4 *o 5-B-14. Qqs \rrre, nc.toco,{.'eel ct..,d rnrfa\lc.ol rir he,w v.croJ. \Yagt {s,xcqwa+rovr { e{e,w{ cxcavaf t's}.I o.T Lrrnc ' 'h,. Po uved. o.\^4 borck €r lt,eo\ Wcq1, eb \r'ne-tev p i f. Qarra f ,-o'k , il o JAM€S B:AIII AND ASSOCIATES IIIC AncHt rEcTUnE/,lNousTntAL oEstcN zil3 KEAf-.NY STFEET SAH FNA}ICISCO pRoJEcT: V?j I Transportation Ccnter cALtFOFNtA 94t08 (4151 s09_26t6 Il|ENi ORA,\JDUI,I I DATE;30 April 1976 SUBJECT:I'lectin at To$rn of Vail Offices 2l April 1976-h'Ork items to be per- formed, Filcs sufiurer program priori ties F80tll:Jim ReanTO: Present: Town of, Vai-l: Hyder Construclion Co. : R.M.II. EH. James Ream anC Associates : Ha:ry Zeigler Dennis l4urphy Mike Carlisle John Gavin Don l,larek Janes Ream, John Yoders ot V) /v' l 1. r"'tt"\ ;r,: . E;"'** This meetjng was helcl to review decisions pertaini-ng to the final correcticnsto be made to the projcct- See mernorandun dated 23 tlaxch 1976 rneeting \.rith ?otrnof vail officials- The foll-owing decisions and recomnendatrons wsre riiade. VRA ventilation: a. llyder constructj"on co. to talie corrective action on fauJ-ty temFexaturesetti-ng dj.al and lea-ks in t_ire air suppfv shaft.b. A(ld lau:gcr f an rnotor to increase air- suppry by 50-6. Tovrn au-"horizationrequired. c. Design anc price exhaust vent and grilres from conference Roorn, phone ResclnaLion Room and Directorts Office. Air to exhaust to bernr outside.. VRA area. Tor,rn authorization requi_red- 2. Parking s tructure vcn-,i1ation: a- Problen alceas were icl.entified along with tenent and public uses of thestructure that are taxing the s],sten belzond it-s design level..b- lluclr discussion rvas held r.rith Dei:nis }iurphy on Co. leve1s e.xperienced inthe s{:r:uctr:t-e at peak tlnes of operation -c. Tire Torr'n should run existing fan options on different exhaust and suppJ-y modes to optj-nr.ize pr:esent system and crr:at rnaximum f low of air rvhereneccssar]'. cl- AiljusL air quanlity control dcvices (grillcs, etc.) to optimize air florrr' for present traffic flo:.rs anrl to eet OSILA sta::dard. l,ohrn aull:ol:j-zationrequircd unress perforned by Tor,rn personnel. Dennis l\iurFhy s;hourd takeair sampres to measure the effectivcness of the diffcrcnt nccies. e. After optinizing air fLor.r by c and d above, measure air quality at Level2 boolll and traffic control pos.i-tions- rf levels arc not yct accept.rble, have dcsigned arnd pricc additional vcntil-ation to cashier booLh er:cl t:af-fic controllers position at 2n<i lcvel of structuro. provid.c ci] moni cor and ararm at thcsc tr/o lositions. Toivn autlorization rcquircd.' o Menorandurn I ASrril 30, 1976 Page 2 f. Town should provirle optimum operational plan for tenant and public use of structure. I.E. restrict idling of large number of ceirs at one time by rental car tenanL, shorter shifts for traffic control personnel to fall- within OSIIA stanclard. Determine by testing if adilitional ventilation is required to meet OSIIA standards. 3. Snow'melt on rnain ranp 3rd to 4th level: Work should be acconplished per H-:H&H l-etter dated April 6, 1976. Hltder Construction Co. to install new flcx couplings. Rli{&H to cover adCecl cost ove! system as if installed originally. Town authorization required - 4. Parking structure sprinkler systen: Put sys tem back in reliable operation. a. Dahn Brothers Inc-.to provide at their expense the followj,ng items: . 1) Haagers per NFPA parnphlet lio- 13. 2) Slopc on perinreter rnains per NFPA pamphlet No. 13, including addi- tional drurn drips where lecessary. unless an alternative solutron to providing reliable draining of -.-he syste:n as required by I{FPA j-s pro- posed by Dahn BroLhers a:rcl accepted (in rvriting) by the Architect, engineering consultants and the Torvn of Vail- 3) Conple ie new llydrostatic test. 4) Drain and dry system. b. Dahn Brotilers Inc. to provide at Toirn of VaiL expense the foll.owing itens: 1) Repair air co;npressor. 2) Replace broken drun driPs. . 3)' Adapt system so ihat it can be flush ciried by Town provided air comprcssor. 4) Provide lorv pressure rvarming systeln- rlike Carlis1e can supply tlyder Constructi-on Co. t,rit]- sketcir. 5) RepLace conventional C-sirapecl gasket with Victaulic ''Fl.ush Sea1" type. c. Mike Carlisle is looking into an early rearning detection system that may, in the future, be a vj.able atlernate to the existing systan norv install-ed- NOTE: Unless writtcn objccLions are received r.rithin ten (10) .days of thc datc of issuance, it shalI be assumed that the statements contained hcrcin arc accepted' CC: AIl present, Teffy I'linger, Kent Rose, Neil Du.rrb.rr. Bob Ililand JAI'ES REAI;,| AIIT' ASSOCIATES INC ABCHTTECTUnE / tNOUSTntAL OESTCN 243 XEANNY STNEET TO: Harry Zei.gler John Gavin Bob Hiland Janes Ream ilohn Yoders t, 3. 4. f. Textured aluninutn plate treads on main g. As buill dr.r'.vings h. Sand and stain legs on bus shelter i. -Cork behind counters j. Isl.end sign k. Bus tcrrninal liqhts .for buses 1. Outside furniture at rcstaurant requircs design NOTE: Unless l,'/ritten objcctions arc received within of issuarrce, j.t sha1l be assumed lhat Utc statcmenLs stairs in ternrinal building o sAr'l rnAtictsc !,lElnORAIUDUlt rr = Vail Transportati.on CentcrDATE:30 April 19?6 PBOJECT: SUEJECT:Meeting at Town of vail offices 22 April 1976, work iterns to be perforned Priorities Files FR O IJI: Jim Rean Presenb; Town of Vail: Hyder Construc Lion Co. : Pierce, Rriner and Scott: James Ream and Associates : See attached punch list dated 29 Jan, f9?6 and r,:eting nenorandum of Pierce, Birner ancl Scott clated April 22, L976 for items :r be corrected ald,/or finished by llyder Construction Co. for VaiJ. ?ransportatlr;i Center Project. 2. As built drar+ings to be provided by Mechanical and Electrical contrac tors. . Corrected sepias can be supplied by R'EI &II if cost is authorized by Torrrn of Vail. Leaks in and around plaza area of Parking Structure. Ttre Toren and Flyder al:e to jointly explore the areas in question and attemPt to finC the causes- Ttrose Leaks thal are found to be the fault of Hyder Construction Co. t'ril"l" be repaired und.er the warlenty. The cost of repairj-ng those leaks noE iourd to be the fault of Hyder including the cost Lo uncover them would be the e>q)ense of the Tor,m. Priority list a. VRA venti lation b. Parking structure ventilation c. Snow nelt on main lanps 3rd to 4th level d. Parking structure sprinkler systen e. P-Laza stePs authorization bY l'own. ten (10) daYs of the date contained herein arc acccPLcd - Don }hrck ' Ncil Dunbar cnutronltra crloS (4t51 989.26t6 Ct: lthosc prcsent' Tcrry Hinger. Stan Bernstein, Kcnt Roset TRAIISPORTAT I ON Job #1533Vail, Coloraclo cI t{TtR Bl6s7 a PIERCE, BRIIITR & FTITIIUGII SCOTT, INC. Arch i tecturc/PJ ann i ng P. 0. Box 2299 Vail, Colorarlo 8.l657 MEETIIIG April 22, 1976 Level l: o l. l,l.l,l. corner - Drain has never r.rorked.o 2. check drain bottom of ramp and trench drains missing concrete.o 3. Plug conduit and replace rusty boxes.(all )eve1s). Level 2: o l. Right of pedestrian tunnel_- Graphics damaged by leaking tvater.o 2. Level rt.ro pedes'r"ri an tunnel checi< I eaks.o 3. Snor.r rn:lting at pedestrian tunnel trips breaker.o 4. Tr,ro sncl melt coils out.o 5. Filaments in infrared out, auto tunnel Level 3: r l. Replace broken formica toilet partition paneis, I - mens, I - vronens.2. Install kick p1 ates cn men and r.romens toilet roon doors. In Attendance: Harry Ziegler John Gavin A4anes Ream \John Yoders Bob lli I andl.l3T2t lTl:l4S rr,.ii:'<=p i,Jr1*r.t ANlTZrrt 5. APR 2 ' 1:'6 -r r;r,CS AEA$I ANO ASSOCT^TES' $ t\,?i'- ei) tJalt. l,,ts i- o,"- ru'A FrFA U ry adcling baskets. Extra faces for tights order.cd and dnrnagcd graffics - sotne p.rtches failecl , sonle p'laces Level 4: o l. Junction box covers in pavers knocked off by snor.l renoval. Lolerbel o'rl surface of pa.'rer a 2. Tr,ro sections of snot,r melt do not operate.c 3. Curbs at r.rest side of pavers d.i si niegratcd.o 4. North poriion of infornration dr-ive his rol spot, does not drain.Galvin to finalize.o 5- Tenninal doors - problems r,rith closer. Door fell off- closerrepresentalive to check operation and report to Harry.(plates tobe bolted on boiton hinge pin, all doors. )Et=,^.o 6. Lock rniss'i ng on Continentai slicJe doors - '"' ' o 7. Sea'l lcaking stail.r.ray covers.o 8. Door threshold rnissing soutlr side, northeast stair.t 9. stairrvay light_bulbs burning out exceedingly fast. check on voltagevaritrtion of ll0 Volt lights.ol0. Clock to be replaced-'l 'l . Check changing phones to recessed stajnless steel. ALL LEVELS: l. tl. Exit lights - check from l(errd,rl I . lla lc r ra n dor.rn wa I I s nri ssed. TRAi'ISPOITTAT I O:.I Job fI533 Vai l, Colorado Fage ? CINTER 81657 lrElq!, sHrlrrn a fzrru$r scoTT, rflc. Arch i tectu rclPl anriTng P. A. Box 2299 . 'Vail, Colorado B'1657 l.lrr? I tl^r'rc f. I I tl April 22, 1976 3. {. 5. 3. 4. Passenter tenninal elevator panels are loose. panels not inata.t led veryvel l. Erergency Generator doesn't start on test. Letter from llice, l,larek,llarral & lloltz, Inc., doesn,t operate generator. Check thermostats as to control . The 3rd and 4th level terminals are too vrarm. PRIORITI ES: : l Sprinkler Systern:I. -GrreaT-lTenu not comol ete.B. Do additional vrork.C. Add low air warning system.g. Repair open drip diuml. E. Repair Air Compi^essor. f. Conplete a new hydrostatic test.G. Rehang pipe maini to slope. 2. Parkilg Gara0e Ajr Distribution: A. East booth air distribution.8.. C0 npnitors around booth area. Snor* !'ielt Znd Floor parkin V.&.A-Ventiiation. IRAIISP0RTA'II0II CtflTER pierce, Brj ncr & Fi tzhugh Scott, Inc.Vail, Co'lorado 91657 Architecturofptonnins .Job # 1533 p. 0. Box 2299Page2 viii,coi'oi.ao 81657 FINAL PUIICH LIST January Zg, 1976 4th LEVEL: f-- | ^, . ) -( t.jt unect( expansion joints\-/ L E v!!_3__IE_gi!r_!lnl : ;r+ /t+\( fuFnena+r'or-rep1aee"ttr-ids'h.-nd-Joints"on-.}-ami.nated-p1astir.,,ra:1.1-.panels atv .el evator; z.t (some covered by snorv). f,lrz 'l+'ti"t' .1."1 . t'iFi , -lCo* >'*1 , LEVEL 4 TER|,III{AL: 'l . Add smal I er I i ghts .in so f fi t 2. Requested niodffications to be FIECIIAN I CAL : Ternri nal . fire alarm system.. \tisit dated January 26, 1976. i.--'-''i I of 4th 'level made to the .,4\\(-,-t -1 Sprinkler system not in operat.ion.\=7 This list does not inc'lude items on Job v oJA|TES neAl, Allo AssoclATEs lllc AnctllTEcTuHE / TNOUSTnTAL DESTGN 243 KEARNY SInEET SAN rnaivCtsco cALtFonNtA 94108 {.1r5t 939,261G I/lEN/.IOFiA}iDUI1T III DArE, 30 APr1l 1976 PROJECT: Vail Transportation Center sUsJEcT, M".ting at Toln of Vail office 23 April 1976. l.lork item plaza steps lo, Filo Jarnes Ream Present: Torvn of Vail: Harry Zeigler Hyder Construction Co.: John Gavin Royston, Hanarnoto, Beck and &Jcey: George Girvin itanes. Rearn and Associates: James Rean .fohn Yoders The dondit:ion of the steps in the landscaped pedestrian area was r.evie'^red. The follorving deterrn-inations were macle relative to the acceptability of this rvork. For reference the ftights are numbers from I through 8, beginning at the top. Flight I Acceptable Fl5-ght 2 teft half, aceeptable. Rencve and repLace right half. flight 3, east. Remove and replace F1ight 3, west AccepLable. Flight 4 Remove and replace both halves Fllght 5 east. Acceptable. flight 5 lrest Acceptable under the contract, since no exltEns ion joints were required- we recon'nend that the Torr'n of Vail give conside:a- to repl.rcing Lhis flight. at the Town's expense for optimum appearance. Flight 6 Remove and replace both sides. Fllght 7 oast Remove and replace Flight 7 center Rcmove and replace Flight 7 wcst Acccptablc. If replaced to eliminate rninor cracking, work would be a Town's expense. Flight B Acccptable cxccpt for oasL cornor at the adjaccnt landsc.lpcd rock. Ilcinfor:ci.ng rneslt is shown cxpor;cd ab this; locabion. . Cut stcp at Urc erack antl rcplaca insccLion removed. o llemorandum fII 30 April 1976 Page 2 In addition to cracking, the steps do not uniformly havedegree outslope to elinr_inate ponciing of surface water.should take care to remove this pitch. John Gavin disagreed with the requirement. for the removal ancl replacenent ofsteps in this area. Ttre Architect stated that due to the contractor optioning to erininate ccn-struction joints as detailecl on the drawings, thcn any ciacking that occurcdin this area vrould be hj.s rcsponsibilicy to correcb.. . rn add; tion, the T.o:.rn ofVail advised the con'cractor that they woulrt reqtr-ire replacement if crackingoccured in this area. At this time. renoval and replace:nent is the onr.y sol-ution that appears feasible to achieve the desired l,op.ur*.u. However, ifan acceptable arternative to removal and repracenient can be proposed by r.-recontractor, it r.ri lL be given consideration by the Architects and i:he Torvnfor its acceptability. the required one Replacement work NO{IE: Unless rvritten objections are receiveil withinof issuance, it. shall be assumed that the statenents.accepted. ten (10) days of the date contained .herein are CC: ALl present, Terry lvinger, stan Bernstcin, Kent Rose, Don llarek, Neil Dunbar,Bob Hiland t Jnt Es nEAlJl AltD ASSOCIAIES INC ARCHITECTURE/INDUSTRtAL OgStcN 243 riEABlty sr8EET sAN Fn,INCtSCO CnLrFon tA eJl03 (.1r51 98,f .2,, r6 ntEltOnANDULrl .rv ooru, 30 April 1976 pRoJEcT. Vail Transpor tation Center SUBJECT: Meeting at To'..m of Vail, 23 April 1976 File ,"O". ,James Ream Location of }leeting: Conference Room, Tor.rn Hall Subject of I'tee{:-ing: To..clj-scuss priorities and obtain authorization to proceeclwith corrective ald,/or additional wotk items.Present: Town of Vail: Terry lrtinger Stan Bernstein llarry Zeigler Hyder Const. Co.: irohn Gavj"n Royston, Hanamoto,' Beck and Abey: George Girvin .fames Ream arrd Assoc. James Ream rlohn Yoders l. Discussion r4ras held on the following five subjects: . a. VIr.A ventilation b. Parking structure ventilation e. Sno\r nelt on t'tain Ra_nps 3rd to 4th leveld. Parking structure sprinliler system e. Plaza steps 2. No forrnal authorization to proceed with additional expense items rdas granted at this ti-ne by the Torun of Vail. NOTE: Unless written objections are received ryithin ten (10) days of the date l of issuance, it shal1 be assuned. ttrat thc statetlents contained hcreirr are acceptcd. CC: All prcscnt. Bob lliL.rnd Kent . Rose Don l.tarck NeiI uunbar o 5 .11. rt /M7 ' l' ,'-Til^* "' trom DAVID E, DAHN *, /il*- JuIy 7r f972 lrlr. WtllLonr Gr 6tluore, Prosldent Autcmattc liprlnltler CorpcratlonP. O. Eox i60 CLeveland, 0hto 44141 Re: tsrultl-Ievel Parklqq Stmctures Amerlean &ron and $teel lnstltute $ear tsl1l: l{e are fantllsr vlth Dlch (iev,'r'.lnrs aaper prescntedat the h1'FA neetl.ng 1n Fhtladclpirta'aird tle c.ffise. ,l*orlrlng relatLonshlp that has exlsted betreen theNattonal Parklng Asboctatlon and mombers of the iInternatlonal tiunleloal Pe,rlrlng congrass whlch have vrorlced Jol,ntly nttlr the i.I$jI ln tts contlnu-lng studles on flre experlenee ln rncat multl-level a.nd under6round psrklng Barages lfe heve worked rather cloeely wlth AI$I for at :least 1? years; prlnclpall.y rrtth the Ingtltutere .Dlvlslon on .inglneerlng and l;ulldtng }iecearch whoge Jugtedictlcn gcverns lts sc'btvltlee ivlth the Full.dt{lg Codec and Standa.rdsi and, wltlr tho AI$Irs Comlttee on Stee1 t-lpe Produeelra.- .. -Ihsee two dl.vlclonc frequently work 6t crosa punpoaas] e.,i,!...+lris&n)ghe Ooffilttee on Steel Ptpe Prcdueers lrga been a for- "'.n:.Tf' natable exponent of sprt$rlers and tho }ing,S.neerl-ng , , , r , .r and 8u11dtu16 iJeueerch- Dlvislcn raqges froiii occasforial. , .. ..' .,endercement of eprtnklers to neutrallty and tben tooppoattlon depeldlng on the elrcrunstanlea. '; - ; The ttlo dtvlsloris of AI$I seem to us autosrotrous a$d uncoordlnafed esi,they ralate to Af,SIre totelpbllosophy of ftre protectlnn. I -a . i. i; t- ra*{ I 'I-.l o nTuly 19?P l'Ls flrei tests to whleh, your si..:fif ll.is reftrred r+ere ecndueLcd b;; i'aJer J, i,1. i;eJ.es<lerr5.r;r cf the rJ*nevet Srgl?ecrl.:rul !r{.r't L);pnrtncnt, ir,ir s-:t:tif i.$ fa.ntl-1$r f Lth ';lict,r: t:ni* $nql hr).1i c:'t'ncl'.{ir-l ,/ cr.rulrterod Aff,f ln the t-cde ucng,resae$ rei:.rilcilrri .r.1,-lf r s ln'crcductlc{rof evldencs r'rou t.]l*ee tc:rt* -'rn iNs c$''ie sctlvltleewlth tiig lraJor' bulldlrri."l codq corylrcsri{ls, Attsched ls l lotter dated August ?ll, LfiT 1n +rhtcb tyo riunr.a,rlgcri our o.Atl ste.ff,f (: a,nnl-ysls cf tho csneva tc* te * U]-tls,eteLl/" i.IsI ttubsrltted o. Drc0crl{r1 to els*nd ttre Unli'orix ;u.i.irlj.*g Code grnd gr;iiir;,-i i'tt a 5i;;j helf:hi: lnc:'e*gr: ln nectranlc8l *'.ece:.i;fn !rr;*n Dq*:lntl jif:ra6-tegr ii+1i;it lncfir:r.srls lrfE llfeilj-cfii.i.;(.1 :-,tt c::::.lilltc s-p:'1nklefprotilettcn. 'i'hnt code chant;e rDE;'ex. I-n 'Ielrle ':I1*A -- i).1'::.il i.'r-1*;LjiS G.l.i,,illi$ AIii;\ t':;t ;:-',lij,:? ln ths .t"!i7') e<tltlan of 'Lhe Untfornr ltullclirU; Cods. -.4tteched tB a +CIp$ sf that' tabla. Fo srurrerrlee, ,4fSI tti, ccrffilitcs tn Steel irtpe tr'.f;cqiuct:; anrl ltg :,nainceri-n,r.1 ilnd .r:iltl"rrl l-nrr lraseaf,eh Ilirri*L:ur l're,--1uent.1y procccu fut dl; icrrnt CLrecUcng reijsfttt]t$ sprXjrl(].era errd €ve.n i"ilc l-na',1ftiler3.rl{l a""lii ihrlLdin;1 ire$sarch :-llirlglon of t\Illl .$cs&fi tc contr&,- dlet ltsc:lf' frw tins tc tlnc. lie trsve frequentlXr rllrcuso*tl- thnes r*atters wlth Atr3I exceutlvcs riuri*6"the pest lt' ycsra aad tslll contlnuetc rlc so. i{e tronlC, hot'rcvsr, hersten tc notnt ttrat lil$Ire lo6;tn*oring a.,ad :iuffgfn'g F.esserclr ill'rtslsn haa shlfted frcxl onr: cf epp':sltldtrr tolrflrtl *rctu.sl oupport of, cprlniilcrs l"n n*ny cp"$es, or to a pacitton of neutraltty vitth lc;'c.lct f,c sorlnklers, i)Lck rJr'io'slrl'3 pal)€r betng !, a: |'Eg6llt anqe'.pt,iatr. earrll*l}:r y*rrst : tlqm,'ond .f . Ceatry Pre6ldont ?JClpE|d &tclssurss {l 7, rt?f 0taors ucrt0rl ItEl Ptt l|tt llqnra rrd)la[t.lcct3t I Unlinrittrl Lirlinriterl Unlimitcd tlnlirnilcrl II 75,m)lO'l'ittr l2 'I'iers l8 Tiers l\'- I -hrxrr 50,fin 5,'fiers lu t reni | 5 Ticn l\'-ir-30,ffx)(i 'l'i('rs 8 Tiers l:i I rers Itto torllot r^Dr8 ioi ll{, lt.r Tllu Jto, I t-l{ff t mnltilG cARtcEs lfit lio fiEtcflr T 8tE',ilo. U{{Ptil ? nIril€ emret3 EITER|oR tf^rus Dr3rficc irbx | | |tlofamY U'|: I nit toit | fltt l0r[ | nrt to tr0 lu .olre I |t0. l I ic.2 | n0. r_--j___-_-]-__O'-lYlz'hourl!-t,ourll.houtl0'-2O' I l -h<nrr I I ho.rr I Notrcrll / .'/t, , U (ti!' /i {- r.L ll i.';' ' 4,I Fnank l{ccutrn .( !',,'" Ed ReitlY 8p:rlnkler protectlon - ttrrder.grourrd Garages .; ! l* ) .t-,-t i i t i., t' /f-.r l{ere arre t}re anslr'ers to }lour questions: l. tlrtrat major" cities requl-re spnfuklers {n,underground garages? New York Ctncinnatl Pittsbutgh San Francisco Los AngeLes Nerrtark Detroit o. hhat are the requirements in ttre Moder tsuiLdinq codes? d. .Unlforrn Builclin ". P,I.FT*.$an{grd .!ui}di1q !-geirequires sorinkters ln basenent onsuD-Dasement garages 'uncler -other occuf)ancics having i ;;;;;il; ;;i or more motor vchiclcs or excc'edi''t';c00 ;q.f;:"L area. (Attachedls photocopy of section 90r.7 ',rtriorr 6pe11s o,ii Jirlprinkler require-nents for garages). U. {i:*lal=,ngl ll J*el- Sectlon B0r.t resulnes sp*inkters for under_gnound garlages wheil-Ereas exceed 5000 sq.ft Section 380J., par. 1". This sectlon appliesars and stortcs above ground (regardle;s ofoc q up an c y ) o.'i,"n ti,i rJ- ii"il."ill"il3ll "l.'i3::.nl8T$ . fI: %q::::, :l./, r,rr!(:rr *.:.:*_r:-nor provLceo at least 20 sq.ft. of, openingsabove grade in eaoh 5o rinear-ii. of exterior wa]l. lrris sectlon does?:._::f::_*::::ly to sarases r,ui io i"i"...r"iili;-;";;;;.r=ii'I'_'rilTi.In its appli.oation, baieneits liave been sprinklertid. cel.Lans and stor L-: trlhat ftre tests have been aonducted on undeng:round ganages? $o you should be see attached photocoql_of.Geneve, srvitzerland Fire Test Reports and ourown analysis of the r.esur"ts aated Novernber ea, igsz-in a retter to Firel4arshal Sutton liullen. - r' *rv' g' thls test data is bel.ng sentfnsr our opposition. these so that you r+13.J- be pneparedtests have been oited against to counten argunents u9. farniJ"lar. l,rith Our urn analysis Of the resuLts. , .: : ":,,rr,_' ,O li ,//'14. y't-, {. - r,.r f .! 1,:.a: *,,Y ilrlr .: . -.,i trl"i ,_:; " 'i'-'r$,,iffiffi, f i . ,.;.'' .i 'S.Hfl#*' ;t:-;,:. " .,.,,' i,,:-:rii u''ru,*,01,* .iiT#*d;firum -.".-''"Li.1 ;...1 14i.a.: ';,.-'tiji" : '.:. :)' : -,. ' ,., , 1,-..Yo1- \,,r t.'!'\''€lr.{'$ t-y+'"ras i'''''I . . . ilfPA tlre. Recorde irutl,cate llrat fb:e loss in pmkjng gsages are octreoelY , : .,1,". : . , ,, , la:t-^ f]IE. n|'(:Jl\ltj J-ltl4tLtLl' tlla|. r.arv i(e J-rr PcuzrJ'r q( 6s! s'l5ve *" :^* -^*ll ,, : r.,.i i J.&f r :? . :.t}.;it rI. i.. ' - "::':j." "'ir'r-'{'ti:": "' TtE Tmbable reasons-fcn this ls that all fo.r ltaticral Hrcl,al Buildirg - t ,qlt i . , r'*r^l -.-^. '-1',.a .. '+..',:ii,. or..yri nlalor..: in +lraaa o:F."fleet. .- : ".': ':::';: :,a,, : Oodeil r:equire autsrsiic spninklers in tfieee lr..I3agerlri , ' ' ,a,, : Oodeil r:equire autsrsiic sT|l3inklers in tfieee !!..?Fagesr . : ' , l.lstdtl belcr.l ar€ scJc lefenencee to these nodel" ds: ":.':ji.HAIIG{AL BUTLUIIIG CCXn - SE!4-qry-Qo.-l '' ' -,:ii 1 ., ' . - l 'rj:.r,:l ; .' Sporlnklen ryqui-rrgnente for dnaerforrul qanages ane nstdafcs:y wtten altbas . ..'',.-. i pxceed 50c0 sq. ft. Fon g,eraEee aborre rruErd, r'equirercr$s ee quite nv ry3e11f '.,.a , "* ri':'i1,,rt' ''l -l;i'j'. aI Buildirg I "' ''-ii' EK[. ft.r q tfior€ ''l*tatl e FgrtrgeB ltrerr areas ffi wrG stories. ., coDE -f Crit r Ar4rust F- L+ 41 At tlle-outeet $e can say that.tests anythlirg if they are conducted wlth cqrcluslol a vieru to a pr€deteltlned can be run to pnbve a}nost For a test(s) to be valld, a nreal-lifen sltuatlsr should be el:nu- lated. Ttris was not the 6ase ln the Swltzerland Urderground ganage vel 187 standard I-65o oft at-a- Iet'g Loolc at the neBult6.of tia tests and tlran d.rarq oTr cxtt:,,,orrclusiona i .. ., !.':.i'(-: "J ,';lii: .1. j-i t.$1.i";'t * :.,r, .i. i..'lr .. 1. The f{rst detector located nean tho burning auto vaE aotuated. i,.* ln 50 S6cgftdgr".r j.r: .-i :.., i..i.. i-.-;;t .,: :{r-"..\,.-i:r;, o.; -.,:r-.";:..:l? r.!,i;..r.:i.'''- 2. The ftnst sprinkler opened ln three mlnuteg. ' '..' j- , '',,:'' "i1.; ftre visib{llty ln the area of the auto was neduoed when ths' sprinkler dlscharged. t: 2. It Ttre the naa actuated 1n 5 ninute8 50 seconde, flrst sprlnkler rlas aativated ln 4 nlnutea eecond sprjnkler ln 4 nlnuteo,45 seccnde. l 15 seccndg and th{e glveo ffuemen 2 -3- Even iJ a 2 ninute 10 sectrrd tfue lafrse between alart8 and fire iightGg is possibLe, are not the fir.e condirions firemen are coifronlea wit]r t]re 6a*" us those 6moKe corrditions created w]ren trat"" sDray ls autc.nati.cally dlsohanged over the flre? :. Test 2 ls even rnore favorable to sprinkl-ers' {tre gas-eensltive if""* was triggereA in 3 minutes 50 seoonclsr 25 seoonds before the first sDrjrkLer. xhe 3 mj_nute 50 seoond delay frcm lgrnition to notifj.eation or€ates ir, "r.n more hazardous situitlon for flremcn to cope wii*t. Andhorydotheyextlngulshtlreflre?l*Jithvlater.Andobvious}y uatep tended to ercate a sroke oondition' o o $ever.al other obsewatlons: t. the normel fire beginnlng lnside' ls not igrnited using gasollne as of lrttenticnal- arson. i'".r^i.t 'a f -:-'J . !r: of an enclosed autcmobile fuel cxeept ln the ease to be lnstalled thelr Job in con- set aflre. Geneva Dcpartnent leave Scnethtng '.' 2. Sprinklers obviousl-y are not designed lirslde of an autcrnoblle, but they dlci flnlng the fire to the auto t{trich was 5. The eonclttsions drawn bY the to be desired. 5or sxanPle: ': A.nTheexpenlnrentscarrledouti'rerefarfronreDresentjJlgit" *o"t ur,tavo,-trille cc'nditions--such as, f t'rr.examplet tJ:. us""ne of netroL frcm a petrol tank spreading the" fire to other vehioles." Conu,:nent: Frorn the standnoixt of a snrlnkler systemt tm-*"fO only irnorove the operation of tlte systent l[i-"p..ttton iirne and closinc th9 ttme gap.betrgen "f-toif"Xfers and the operation of a srnoke dctector' a fast, hot speecijng up th€ opsrattffl . ., _ ,il 'r''r:r ' jltl'- nBefone the operaticn of the snrLnkler svsten arrange- ments mus! be maoe'?oi tfte-e"i"uatl'o'n oi persqrg frstr the garagu.'l The assunotion here ereatlng smoke. is that the flre ean be extlngrulshed wlthout o -4- An analysls of the tests rnakes rt obvlous that flre ftghters couldnot amlve nearly as- fast as a sprlnr.rn* syii*,*ilirrrut.a. lhenthey r+ourd a*lver -they oo"ro-o"iy create rnore smoke, Jeopardlze ifJ: ovrn r'ives ano saiety, atd G confrontecr *.irr an even largen Ho'r long wour-d lt tske to evacuate people after the frr.st detectorplcked up the fLre in Test l? - r--'--.- In Test ?, thc IT: f*S was even gronter. r.,lth t'e al_aryn ecrnlng inin 3 mlnutes and 50 seioncls. H; could the aLar.m eysten brlngabout evaeuatlcn even if rt-aetectud thei flre befo'e the flnewas 1n fact set? rn other ruo"di, no nattep ho* fast the detcct-or+s, it cannot rermit.evacuation "r tr," ir"iiaiig i'."ti^e to makeLt tenabLe Asswnlng 60 seconde per floor, it wourd take at reast 6 mlnutegto evaeuate the sixth f,Ioon b6to.l ground. General Conclusion: The conclusl'on rve draw of the Geneva llndergrowrd Garage TestvrouLd be r.dentical with those dravn et the Los lo.,furus schoortests: I, No natter hor^r fast the detectors Operated, it wouLd *::^:: possible to evacunre thc entire truitafnS -- Drlrore rmtenab:I€ condltlons existed. * , .: .T' 2. No fir.e d-epartment oorld beglrr fighting flnes asfast as the sprlnkJ-en operated ' 3. Tho hazard to fi'r^omen far outweighs any advantageof ear'1y detectign whtch adnltteily uro,l_J-not le. faet enough even if detectors onerated 4 o:r 5nlnutee before the firc began. P_?:,:.ulotv, thc-Gcrr:va tcst$ ma.l(e an even $trorlr:er. case forsDri.nrde*s and, fairly anary:red, should r.u1* out-'the ug€ of srnokede te e rors be cause g yg.9 ga gron tt,ie f ar. u *ioEa" -Jitu "- i r* - tir" -;;o'.provtde' no rapid neand-for-'gdfting the fire uncGr-colfddf'.* "-J l{e wouLd aporeclate your c(vn vr.ews. and wourd enJoy an orrpcrtuni.tyto furthe. dlscuss these tests-"iir, you next ;#;'; ger togeth€r. Cordla).ly yours, ).: r Edward J. R.:illy Dinector of Infbrrnatlon EJVcn cc: Bnuce Macatltney { l. \,6*r- Te;fro*TAT,o^t 4^rren- CfPc,.Rk e 6vcp*t. torl A. APrz**rlrr6€. 5 t. Grf Reruclroet ?. (5SsrBrLrT/ oF Fi.agHc 1yW. tgLrHrrrrlto,rl . 3. E Utr+rNAlror.S .\=1g6- Ut€. +. GLri4rNAT.6hr oF GxT€Nlrve FlAtNTrLlAAt<€ AF 6S*U* €rlla'l tVe veletr- 17rr.-116€. QlgsvANfA6€, t. G,Lr>rrurlror) 61 1i*rn=orAT€ G+pouee 7o G{ca. ?. l&e,*-1rcN oF 5-*U* F-iv+tV/. S' lMuePATe tocrrZlo^r ar Ftce e. G* slgspAfroN Bc-Tort. lutue.AJ\rcl c-orT.t. lrrtf^-g=a.1los_iT^t'oPrt-" *rc. A. Apv^^r7 qe l. ,A.$,rur1.1 fo tlgE Foal,a 2. Agrqfy - G, CorsueT FirC €)r7rs6r.rt,-6lll FR€ S.tc rrrrrrt&T Excets.v€-*lors- g. ?, M* fcnrru l--Atr.,{,gNT. B. Ors^v|'uf*rh€ l. -Ti*e l_o+t ?. fo*to7,7et N6T rr.) @<refl ug *ra* Sr+^al GQrrrcc- 2 -Houa PRsleclro^r. t. iysr"m Mutl 9e Fr-r.erz vrrr* ?fl^re_",qinEMaTeo*u 9eeoee Arra.r-agta Fot Firre -f'Erifud. +. Forrt H,(.'tT De 5.rgprreO Fi?or-+ gxTlsFt.Afr $",*.€r. C. GOl,oun^1ro^. Faloc- l. t{r.^ Arrl.urgrr.+t/ rri.q Fipa Fspnrrp-rer.r1 J. fru9lalua,I!9$ 9]F, [J!! -ExT, NEr.rrrr-tEs A. AnrarrSrr6a l. Autqrr+- Crnz.Grr T6 pReFre.t. ll,rn€DrAt€ Fif?r trE*t^6 [v16aeun€6. 2. Le*se;lo gxTe-l.)true V,4r-^6e 3. Au-o:rr2 l,{r.+y Auaononu€ Frec:z- fo Ee ern%rrrFcD Vrr1qlr HA6sn A++4C, Ftao+e Tnzc,rg' X- hmrt6c T:c ,4ulAr l\btf AfiEc-TEp g. P.f;ren*rs7r6€ l. fxeeT 2. MAr^,,fe'LtA^Jc€ 3. Va^leaLllr.^ I 4. 6e^reeuy Ar.sprr F,rc Egaeprerrl DEgorac €Rug1t, |Hg1'AL.AT!S. op 5r...o.tcc V-Sp APvero116a 5rs7enl. PParrrOg+ €xHAutf Bn 1.^w 3. AfiZrytolrAL Cu11r1l6 sF €Xrf1rcr6 $r.rCS. Fnrrg VtseDv+*IAAe l. t arf 2. ffu4t;rT6rltdc€ flLL Au622$74 tcE oF flTrHucH SCOTT - ARCHTTECTS/PIINi{ERS, l c. eo. Box 17t3, YAll, colon^Do 81557 (3O3) 1763038 August 19, 1974 Mr. John Yoders James Ream and Assoclates 243 Kearney St. San Franclsco.-.Ca11fern1a 94108 REr,-'Vall- Transportatlon Center \, Va11. Colorado Pen the code revlew, part A, dated May 9, 1974, Item A-2J the Town of vall- Bul1d1ng Inspectlon Department requlres the followlng A. On.sheet E4, Level 3, exlt stgn ls shown at door to Stalr No. 1. Exlt slgn not requlred. Exlt 1s thru vlslble ramp area. Put-exlt slgn lnslde stalrway showlng exlt out of stalrs. B. Add an exlt slgn at thlrd floor garage at llne 15 at Pedestrlan tunnel to 3rd Level Plaza, C. On sheet E-9 also see A-14 and exlt slgn 1s to be added on the'garage slde of the door frorn the parklng garage to corrldor PT 302. (door 309) j.:. on sheet E-9 and A-14 an exlt slgn should be added on the termlnal slde of the door frorn PT-30J to the garage (d.oor 316) wlth a slgn nEmergency Exlt On1yrr' Egress would be to stalr No. 4 whlch would be vls1b1e exltlng fron thls door. R. L. HlLand CC: J. A. Hyder Constructlon Jerry Aldrlch Kent Rose : DAHN BROTHERS, Ill: 5393 North Lincoln St. DENVER, COLORADO 80216.. 6;r(ltnt) $zlr0rg UAtu, Gr-ofaeoo 816S7 LEJTTil OF TRANSNNilTTAL GENTLEMEN: WE AR€ SENDING YOU rE Shop dnwings tr Copy of lettcr f,| Atiach.d tr Printi tr Changc ordcr o D Undcr soptrata covcr via tr Plrns E Samples tha followinS itcmr: B Spcclicationt Bo* too coPrE3 DAY€lto.DCSCRTPnOI{ s ?-t.ze lnad IS.O. A;;; tri; Ehoo.na*t Dnu< THES€ AR€ TRAilSMITTED as chrckcd bclm: F For approval D For your !$e B As requeetcd tr Apptord !r submitt€d tr Approvcd ac nDt€d E Rcturncd for conrtbar tr Rarubmit-copiee lor agploval El Submit-copios for dittributbn tr Ratutn -corructrd prints El For revicw .nd commrnt tr tr FOR EIDS DUE 19- N PRII{TS RETURNED AFTER LOAi{ TO US REMARKS "rn , COFY TO fa ancrocatla ,ttt ,tca .| Ddad, l'h!4f l'qlltt .|. rt co€... F Frasbr & fiingery, lnc. CO A.IS ULT I IV G EAl G I A] E E R S 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STR{ET ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 90]IO TEtEPHONE 303 76r-4860 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Chief Building Official Town of Vail P.O. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 STATE]'{ENT Job No. 452.76 - Plan Check - Vail FIXED FEE DUE ,3:fu June 4, 1974 Transport Center $327 6 .47 Accounts not paid within $ days from date of statement will be charged INTEREST at the rate of 196 Per mooth ot the unpaid balance. JA ES REAII Al{D ASSOCIATES INC ARCHITECTURE/INDUSTRIAL DESlct{ 243 KEARIIIY STREET SAt{ FRAI,ICISCO CALIFORI{IA 94100 (415} 989-2616 STATEMENT: Town of Vail Box 651 Vai I, ColoradoAttn: Mr. Kent Rose DATE: 5 May 1974 SERVICES: Architectural services through bidding and negotiation phase: 80S of fee Transportat ion Term ina I B}fr x 9.29fi x 450,000 33,435.00 Parking Strucfure B0% x 3.951l x 4,502,500 142,279,00 175 ,714.00 Less fees previously bi I led 164,740.31 Balance 10,973.69 Supervision: 20fi 6f fee 2O% x 9.29fi x 450,000 = 8,361.00 20% x 3.95% x 4,502,500=12,569.8- 43,930,75 3,500,000 (estimated cons. thls year) 4,952,500 70.67fi of project to be constructed this year 10.67% x 43,930.75 = 31 ,045.86: super- vision fee for 1974; Apri l-November is eight months = 5,880.75 per month 3,880.73 Consu ltants: Royston, Hanamoto, Beck & Abey through 806 of construction documenfs $22,000 x 75fi x 806 = 1Jr200.00 less fees prev. b i I led 8,014. 13 5,185.87 5,185.87 lrrigation Consu ltanf 1,000.00 Roger Boyer - rendering per Town request 550.00 Town of Vail Statement: 5 May 1974 Page 2 AMOUNT DUE: cc: Stan Bernste in Re imbu rsab I es Te lephone Reproduction, contracf Postage & Delivery Trave I 3/3 - 3/5/74 A i rfare Hote I Car Rental Ground Transportat ion Food & Beverage 3/13 - 3/14/74 A i rfare Hote I Car Rental Ground Transportation Food and Beverage 3/24 - 3/26/74 A i rfare Hote I Car Renta I Ground Transportation Food & Beverage 4/3 - 4/5/74 A i rfare Hote I Car Renta I Ground Transportat ion Food & Beverage 4/e/74 Airfare Car Rental Ground Transportat ion Tota I of Above draw ings, Specs. 17 .20 58.16 12.19 14.08 326.54 43.0O 13.25 22.8A 12.98 163.27 34.40 25.64 14,95 6.32 163.21 34.44 27.00 3.15 I B.58 163.27 50.29 10.29 175.45 1,435.65 25.83 244.90 418.57 244.54 250.40 223.85 24,609.48 Apartl 26, 1979 l.lr. Frank.llolltday ltoodrfard-Thonfinneon and. AcsocLrtes, IBe. e909 tC. ?th Avenue D+rvrHrr Colonado 80?0ll Dear frank: Lt Bir a pleasuno ncttLng you thts rrrrk end na anc looklng_for-rard te eorking wJ.th your f,lrn thie eurnsor in ncgard to soilrtertr'for thc Vsil Tnansportatl,on C*ntsr. The contnactonta echodule la flcxiblc, but it 8gDc6r6 tt thl,ttlnt thct baokfiLl ogeretloos under foot{nge cill. begin durLng thc rri.k of, May 6, Your ncpr.o.ntative should bo pnernt that-drtc fon contnol tcrtc* inspcatlo& of eut! and backflll c6n9actisrt.rta. ' 'AD ra diacueeed, I will be on vacrtl,on'at the' *Irnry Aldrich of thie off,ioe rlill bc in touph BohGduIeB, Gtc. beginnlng. Hr. confkuing datce, 'Thanh you, Vony trml,y youn6, ,lolft{ OF VAIL Ksnt R, Rose, P.E. Torrn Engl.necr rcci Jcrny Al,dnicb dt coN FER RE RICE, MAREI(, HARRAL & HOLTZ, INC, coNSrLTt O tNClxEGrs ENCE CORD P R OJ ECT Vail Transportation Center DATE March 28, Lg74 PROJECT NUMBER I Coafcrrncc A Confrcncc hcld af ! Tclcphonr iorwrncfion g.1r-n Mr. Aldrich "; Clift Epps Timo 4:00 p. m.R.Fort by- qg-EPPs . ." Mr. Al&ich contacted Mr. Epps to inform him that a foam-type standpipe system , will not be required. The automatic fire sprinkling system as designed shall be installed. OriginaL John Yoders cc! everyone at meetlng a?at Ho. ttlll lLvg. rutTt r.o O!,lvll' SOLOIADO amll atr-afo, tL,, / SIMPLEX T!tv,l I RECORDER CO. 6ARDNER. MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A. OI44O !4arch 27, 1974 Trcrn of Vail P.O. Bo>( 100 Vail, Coloralo 81557 Attnr Mijte CarlisLe - Fire flrief Sulcj: Va-i1 lYansportation Cerrter Dear l{i}e: , TEL. 617-632,2500i CABLE ADDRESS.SIMRECO faplY to srA{Pttx l tA{E RicotciR cc 26?0 Wcll 2nd Avcr'rr Sr.litr 2 DINVTR, COLORA)O ECI 19 ful' 93r'5d41 lblanks for the orrler for the 4293 Central }4onitori:rcr Unit. 1[re order has been serrt to our factory for processi-ng. The equipnent we quoted on for tie Vail TYansportation Centeris as follows: I - 4208MrB4rH2rS Fire Alarm Control Panel 4 zone 3 - 4259-40 Dlct $roke Detectors for Fan Shutdcr,v:.r 25 - [D$1R-I55 Duct Fire Stats for Fan Shutdcson J2 - 425I-20 Eeak Glass Stations IL - 4050-SF Htrns 6\4.C, Red 3 - OSYS&B Tanper Srwitches for F1cr,v Valves (3 flcrr valves to be prorided by Mechanical Contract-or) l"fiJe, if you have any quesLions i-n regards to ttris slrstsn, pleaselet me lsrcr,,l. Sincerely, SIMPID( TETE RECORDm' CO. 'r4r,utlr*; /y ' Dave Olson Sal-es ReSxesentative P.S. I have also erclosed one of orr nq','r Fjre Alalrn Catalogs. m./rq errcl: (1) fl F r r l; E :; ,:tiaiPltc!i:\ : r Y,r,ES I:i o lr.i i:i j ^.ulFr..L clrlSrr{U Rtl:r,: i.l iij i i-ii: W};.:-i,' aa.t. t' -o a i ,*rt* |Sff mur-r.JNrr sEcrJFrlry coFtFoFtartoN L_n__l Rt. 3, B0r 556 Golden, Colorado 80{01 AMultiunit JACK DURLAND Security $ystem The mqrketing power of o reliqble security syslem is no secret to builders todoy. Nof with the rising crime rote cousing buyers to demqnd better ond more complele se- curify thon ever before. Locol codes ore olso ropidly upgroding lheir security re- quirements. A Multiunil Security System offers 24-hour-o-doy protection ogoinsl fire, burglory, medicql emergencies, or heEt equipment foilures. It uses o system thot hos been opproved by Underwriters, Loborotories qnd oll of the molor insuronce componies. And ir does il qt q cosl lhousonds of dollqrs less lfion ony comporoble system. PHOr{! 7t5-tat7 AREA CODE 303 nay be your most Dftective ltlarketing Tool THERE ARE MAI{Y REASONS tvHY FIGHT CHOIGE FOR YOU. HERE A MULTIUNIT SECUNITY ARE JUST 12 OF THEilI: SYSTEM IS THE l.Gustom - designed. The Multiunit System is designed specificolly for the condominium morkel. lts polented lronsmilter ollows you to ofrer ihe reliobilily of mojor cenlrol slolion olorm componies ot q {roction of lhe cost. 2.No inatial investment. You will not hove ro poy one cent until the unit is octuolly sold. Considering the cost of borrowing, this no "up-front money" plon is o reol economy. 3.!{ational advertising and promotion. A se- ries of ods in moior consumer mogozines will feolure lhe Multiunit Securily System ond help presell your prospective b uyers. 4. Marketing assistance. Our odvertising de- psrtmenl will prepore o {ull-color brochure feoiuring your condominium design ond ex- ploining the odvonloge of o Mulfiunit Se- curily Syslem fo your prospecls. Al your re- quesi, we will furnish plons ond lechnicol qssistonce in selting up o demonslrotion dis- ploy in one of your models. 5. Service. The equipmenr used by Multiunii hos been in use by mojor olorm componies for more thon 20 yeors. The reliobility of the equipment is reflected in its exiremely low moinienonce cosis. 6.Ease of installation. Any quolified electri- ciqn con instoll the Multiunit Security System. Of course, Multiunil will offer technicol od- vice or, if you prefer, will instoll the entire system. T.Guarantee. The Multiunii Security System is uncondilionolly guoronfeed for o full two veors from the instollotion doie. 8.Engineering assistance, Our engineering stofi is reody ond qble to onswer ony o{ your security queslions, by letter, telephone or on on-site visit. 9.Attractiveness. All of the visible compo- nenfs of the Multiunit System ore oltroclively designed lo solisfy the most fostidious buyer. 1O. Fail safe. In cose lery powerpock will syslem in operotion. of power fqilu re, o bot- loke over ond keep the ll.Flexibility. The Multiunit System con be progrommed lo monilor virfuolly ony condi- tion you desire. And the system con be moni- tored by your own personnel, your locol police deportment or on qnswering service. 12.Gontinuing profits. The Muhiunit Security System con be q source of continuing profits for ony builder. Here's how: Comporoble security syslems ore now being leosed ot fees ronging from $40 to $35 o monlh per unil. A chorge of only $15 per month for 1,000 units for 10 yeors provides o gross income of $,l,800,000 for o builder. Pie-in-the-sky? Nor reolly. A number of securily componies ore now exponding ropidly bosed on those pro- iections. They'll let you do the building, fi- noncing ond selling - then they chorge you for instolling ir securily sysfem fhot will be o source of income lo them for yeors ond yeors. FIRE AIII) SMOKI Heat and smoke sensors, strategically placed through- out each unit, immediately sound an alarm, thus as- suring a minimum of dam- age in the event a fire breaks out. EQUIPMENT OR P(]I1|ER TAILURT Damages due to loss of heat (i.e. broken water pipes, frozen plants and other items) and loss of refriger- ation in freezers and refrig- erators because of a oower failure are a thing of the past with the new "Four- Way System." You can leave your unit unattended for days, weeks, even months without fear of sooiled food and other damage caused by equipment or power failure. ?()TAL SECURIfi r&w Ygll &Frffitrn pffi*w$wY t, !*e rI["' I{EAT ER PUWEN FAftUPE FRIFIR WApttlXg wilt pnEvtilT ".: .,' PANIC BUTTONS Carefully placed "panic but- tons" assure you of imme- diate attention in the event of a medical emergency, a break-in or any number of other events that require help at a moment's notice. INTRUDER ATARM A series of electronic sen- soring devices will detect even the most sophisticated burgla r and automatically summon help immediately. It's a faifsafe system thatvir- tually guarantees the detec- tion of anyone who attempts to break into vour home. AttiuEltT, ITETIEAL ER SAYr YsUr Lirg: * w BURETARY ER iIITRUsiBil THiX tvilt Dt?Ecr iT ! F[|Jn-l|,AY ?4I{EUR PRETEITI!]{ o ltz 3,t\ Irn.r:. - ;..r{ Jc"l' The Multiunit Securily System operoles on fhe Mc Culloh loop principle, the system presenlly used by most moior centrol stotion olorm componies. Mc Culloh hos long been recognized os the premier olorm communicofions system, one of the few thot hos Underwriters' Loborolories opprovol. The best is olwoys more expensive, ond cosl is the one: foclor thot hos kept Mc Culloh out of mony morkets. Now Multiunit, working closely with the Conroc Corporolion, one of lhe lorgest ond mosl respected monufocfurers of security equipment in the world. hos developed o technigue thqi ollows Mc Culloh to be economicolly opplied to lhe condomin- ium ond multiple home morkel. The new syslem is offered ol o price compelilive lo or lower lhon sys- lems offering none of the odvontoges of Mc Culloh. The units illustroted ore the Multiunit Four-Woy tronsmitter ond Conroc's receiving syslem, Both qre Mc Culloh unils using o fwo-wire system copoble of hondling hundreds of customers over o single poir of wires. Consider lhe cost of comporoble olorm systems, ond you'll find the Multiunit syslem ihe most economicol one you con use. Consider quolity ond you'll find it's the best, cotitRAc AitD mutTtul{lT. . . THE TOP TEAM IiI APPLIED SECUR]TY TECHI{OIOGY S ECIJ FI I TY CctFI Fcl FIATIGII\I Old Lyme, Connecticut o Tel. (203) 434-2575 M IJIJTITJ N IT o t MlJLTIUNIT one fire transmitter for eachlevel - '& 225.OO one zone Iocater for each level. Tbese will indicate on each levelby visible light on a panel thelocatlon of the fire on thatlevel. O So.oo Smoke detectors - There are twonrinciple types of snoke detectors,photoelectr ic and ionization. iVe suggest photoelectric as theionization detector can be setoff by concentrations of carbon monoxid,e anrl in a garase would cause false alarns. There areno set standard.s for smoke sensorsper square foot. Ttrerefore weare pricing these seperatly. O $65 each one four way tiansmitter to hand.lefire, burglary and panic alarms forthe office area SECUFIITY COFI FOFIATICIN Rt. 3, Box 556 Golden, Colorado 80101 PHOI{E 755-3677 AREA CODE 303 I'roposal - Vail parkins Garace ilach of tbe three levels would be co+pletely protecterlfrom- f 1re. 1[tre nroposed systen would not'only inaicate ttrelevel where the f ire exists but would indicat-e the locationon each level lvhere a fire exists. it'e also suggest firealarn nulls at varioqs locations in the buil.lii! so that anyoneseeing a f ire could sunmon ttre f ire depar tnrl'rt. In additionthe office area and retail space would be protected againstf j.re, brrr qIary, nlus a ttpanic huttonrr to sirnnmon heln in anener eency The initial ernence of the qonitoring equipuent is substantial,however th is equirrment wi I I moni tor un to z! 0 arld i tionalbuildlngs and with the addition of one pen register wiltmonitor up to 80 brrildilgs. the monitoiing e{ulnment is verycompact and can ire easiry located ln the vait police station. - Our proposed system includes the following componentsand their cost. 1. 2. ). 675.oo P40.00 /l 235.00 ^-I (2) 5. one ultra sonic intrusion detecf,orfor office area 5. one panic button for office area 7. 12 fire frrlls, z[ per Ievel nlaceilat anpronriate locations @ 1p.00 E. one srvitch to activate and rle-actlvate ultrasonic intrusionalatm syste'fit The total cost of the alarm systemto be located in the qarage itself,not including srnoke seusois woul.l be Tbe monitorlng equinment to belocated in the oolice station ryouldcost as follorvs - l. Cabinet to house receiver andnen register. Reuember that this cabinetwiIl hold four receivers and E p"r,registers so that the eventual capacityof this initial instalation can beexpand.ecl to monitor up to {00 seperatebuildings2, leceiver 3. Pen register4. iJack up polyer supply 250.00 2r.oo 144. oO 20. 00 16)9.oo 1500.0o 450. oo 454. O0 700.00j100.00 lotal cost of our nroposed security system would. be$4739.00 nlus $65.00 each for smoke rletectors. This cost doesnot include instalation. lfhile al l sensor ing components worlcon 12 volts, ive suggest condqit instatlation-due to concreteconstruction of the building, Transmitters and monitorineequlpment operates on 120 voltsa ded-icated telephone line may be leased frorn the garagebttilding 19 lite nolice station or a selrerate signal grJae bautemay be laid from the garage to the police stati5n. ife suggest that the electrical contractor worklng on theprogect install the equipment. lft_rltiunit Security rvill nrovirlea technician to sunelvise instalation and insure ine syster:rcomnletly operatlve. aIl components axe guaranteed foi twoyears and rvill be renlaced frbe of charge over the guaranteerl rrer lod. coN FE R E c R E E RICE, MAREK, HARRA L & HOLTZ, INC. EOHN'LTI XO INGIHEERTORD PROJECT NUMBER fil Confc'ncc 5"t -n JXhn=Y.ode,rs, Johr_r_Gavin'o"DflM"""k' Ctift Eppt, Gtt Neal Dunbar, and Bob lliland. A Confcrcncc 1116 "1 The office of H Construction I Tcbphonr convmation bdrnen Timc Roport by Don Marek The morningrs session of meetings generally covered basic coordination items between mechantcal and electrical, structural and architectural. After lunch the mechanical and electrical coordination items were discussed. Only small items of coordination were discussed such as the trim on the lavatories, an incorrect statement in the specification, etc. In the matter of submittals it was determined that for the mechanical and electrical part only John Gavin would get in touch with the mechanic,rl and electrical sub-contractors and reqwst them to provide a list of materials and equipment they propose.tc furnish on the project. We will then review only those items submitted that are so named on the list. Mr. Gavin will forward his items directly to our office with one copy to John Yoders. We will retain one copy for our files and send all remaining copies back to Mr. Gavin for distribution. It was agreed that copies of all transmittals and correspondence will be sent directly to Bob Hiland of the Office of Fitzhugh Scott in Vail. Atapproximately3:00p.m. Mr. JerryAldrichandlttlr. KentRoseof thetownof Vail joined the meeting and Mr. Knut Rasmuesen from the office of Frasier and Gingery joined the meeting. The first item of discussion was that of the automatic fire extinguishing system. Mr. Alrlrich hns dctormined thrt he does not desire an automatic fire extinguishing system to be installcd in the projcct. Rather he would desire to have an air prossurizcd foam- type system complete with dry standpipes, smoke detectors and dry type chemical fire extinguishers installed throughout the building. These were described in Mr. Aldrichrs letter to Clift Epps dated March 15, 1974. After much discussion it was determined that the system as proposed by Mr. Aldricb would no doubt be in excess of tbe $L?0,000 allocated for tlB automatic fire protection system, At that point Mr. Aldrich and Mr. Rose agreed that maybe the automatic fire sprinkling system shoull be installed in the building as designed and as requlred by code. They did e)q)ress their concern that this wae not the system they desired even though required by code. It was this officers estimate that it would take some four to six weeks to provide a design on the foam Drilvtr, c€LoJrDo aocr r27tt xo. tPlll lLv9. tutTt tao al! -aaot 1. Vail Tlansportation l*" Conference Report March 29. 1974 system which could then be prlcedby the contractor. Thie wae jufued to be too long a delay in the project. With no decision made the conversation then was directed to the bode review provided by lt[r. Rasmussen dated February 28, L974. The items were reviewed item by item. The only items covered in this report are those dealing with mechanical and electricalsystems. Item A-3 in the report requires fire dampers to be installed in all grilles andregisters opening into the Bupply air dhafts and the exhaust air shafts. It was pointed out that on November 30, 1973 that this item was discussed with IVII. Aldrich and it was his judgement at that time that fire dampers would not be required. we prooeeded with the design accordingly. It now appears by trfr. Aldrichreruling that the fire dampers will be required ln both exhaust air and supply airoutlete. It should be noted that this will cause a significant cost increaee in the mechanical contract. IVII. Rasmussen pointed out in ltem A-4 that while it is not a code violation he woulddesire to see protective tops provided over the exhaust air discharges. After muchconversation Mr. Yoders agreed to attempt to design some type of protective device. Item A-5 in the report dealt with the air change requirements both supply and exhaustin the garage. It was determined that the design as preeently exists is satisfactory. Item A-l? of the report dealt with the requirements of dry standpipe system. Itwas l\ltr. Aldrichrs decision that,the building is a four story structure and as suchwill require installation of dny stan@ipes. I\{r. Aldrich will meet the fire chief in the town of Vail and will instruct this office as to exactly where and whatsize of fire department connections and stan$ipes are to be required. It should be pdinted out that this item will cause a significant increase in the mecbanicalcontract amount. ,.2. 3. 4. 5. Item B-10 inthe report is athree part item. orr comments are as follows: Item A - This change bas been made on the drawings., Apparently the review wasmade on out of date drawings. Item B - Deals with a reduced back flow preventor to be installed on the fire line.After much discussion it was judged that in order to save money a s /4rt line could be connected into the top of wet standpipe riser and run down to a eill cock and as a maintenance item the silt cock could be opened from time to time thue allowing the water in the line not to be constdered etagnant. This being the caee, tbe reduced pressure back flow prenenton will not be requtred. Item C - Referred to a sand and oil trap detail which contract documente. o has been provided on the final Item B-11 noted that no detail of the sprinkler line support is shown. It wae agreed that the pipe hangers must be approved by all regulating authorities and that since the units would be ram-set into the side of the tee legs a detail would not be of material value. Accordingly it was agreed that the support detail would not be shown. Item B-12 of the report deals with the pipe sizing to the automatic eprinkler system It was pointed out that Dahn Brothere has provided a calculated system that will no doubt be approved if submitted to Mr. Aldrich. Dahn Brothers will be contacted and requested to submlt their calculations to l[r. Aldrich. Item B-13 is a four part item requesting minlmum changes to the specifications. These items will be changed aB requested. Item B-14 &ale with exit lighting on common circuite with emergency lighting. The request ie to install them on separate ciriuite. This change wilfbe made. Item B-15 is a three part item. Item A - Questioned ttrc heating of the trench at the bottom of the snowmelted ramp. It was determined that the water temperature will be go near,freezing that the only way it could be considered certain of flowing through the drain pipe is to heat it. Accordingly it was agreed that the trench will be heated. Item B - requested alarming in tbe event of a malfunction of a heat tracing unit. After much discussion it was determined that an alarm would be provided at the junction box of those areas that would be critical ih nature such as water supply, sanitary. sewers, etc. Alarm will not be provided on Btorm sewer lines and other similar non-critical areas. Item C - has been taken care of in the normal completion of the project. At this point tbe code review was completed and the conversation was directed back to the matter of the fire sprinkling system. After again a long conversation it was agreed that possibly Mr. Aldrich might accept a dry standpipe system with connections such that the town of Vail foam pumper truck could be connected to this system. Also heat detectors located only in the shafts could be arranged to operate the motorized smoke dampers to provide adequate dmoke removal. ilIr. Aldrich agreed to discuss this item with the fire chief at Vail and would inform this office as to his desires. It was pointed out that Rice, Marek, Harral & Holtz would require the receipt of a letter from the appropriate authorities from the town of Vail authorizing us to proceed with the design of such a system in lieu of a fire sprinkling system as required by code, The charges for this design time would be made on an hourly rate with payment authorized. It is our posltion that we can not design a system that doee not meet the code requiremeds of automatic fire eprinkling Bystem unlege the owner grants authority in writing for euch a change. We are to await instructions from elther l[r. Atdrich, tr/tr.'Rose or lt[r. Yoders before proceeding with our destgn on thie eyetem. Original to John yoders cc: all at meeting 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. V-a \ tru iRzc $?4 RICE, MRREK, HRDRRL T HOLTZ, INC. O ENVER COLORADO SPRINGS ffiCONSULTING ENGINEERS 6073 WEST 44TH AVE. / p. O. BOX 12037 / DENVER, COLORADO AO2t2 / AREA CODE 303-420-4455 March 22, L974 Vail City Government P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Tlansportation Center - Fire Protection Attention: Mr. Jerry Aldrich, Building Official Dear Mr. Aldrich: Enclosed please find our discussion of the comment in your letter dated March 15, 1974 concerning the fire protection system for the Vail Parking Garage and Terminal Building. kices given are for budget consideration only. Item A Section 3802 of UBC does require an automatic fire extinguishing system for the Parking Garage. Section 3804 (b) Exception l of IIBC does not require a wet stan@ipe if the building is equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing sy6tem. From these sections of UBC it is our opinion that your proposed air-pressurized wet foam system is not needed if an automatic system is required. Also because your proposed system is not an automatic system designed to contain a fire, but is for fire department use only, there are greater fire insurance credits for an automatic system. An alternative to your system could be a water foam, deluge automatic sprinkler system. Such a system injects chemicals into the water to create the foam solution. This system has many of the same features as your proposed system except that it is automatic, thus satisfying Section 3802 of IIBC. Such a system as this will cost approximately $500 per sprinkler head. With the number of sprinkler heads required for this type of system the installed cost is over $1,000,000. Also no additional fire insurance credits would be given for the foam system over a standard system. Item B The inetallation of dry standpipes for the parking garage stairwells would cost approximately $, 000 each. Proposed locations of dny stan@ipes could be Stair No. 2, 3 and 4. These stairwells run the full foeight of the building and have access at ROBERT J. RICE . OON E.MAREK . RICHARD D. HARRAL . ROBERT G.HOLTZ . GARY C. CURRY . RALPH W. KLOEPFER . JOHN W. NELSON RICE, MHREK, HRRRRL f HOLTZ, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS 6073 WEST 44TH AVE. / p. O. BOX t2037 ,/ DENVER, COLORADO AO2t2 / AREA CODE 303-420-4455 Page 2 March 22, L974 the top level of the Parking Garage. Each stairwell dry standpipe could have a fire department connection at the nearest accessible area for fire departnent vehicles. Total cost is approximately $15,000. Our opinion is that since the Parking Gara.ge is only a three-story structwe Section 8803 (b) of IIBC does not require them. Item C The proposed smoke ventilation system for the Parking Garage would cost approximatety ACtr $?5,000. This included additional grilles, automatic dampers, a pneumatic control $ *Oi system to interlock automatic dampers with central fire alarm panel smoke detectors and a control system to interlock smoke detectors with central fire alarm panel. Item D The installation of a 20 pound dry chemical extinguisher with cabinet would cost approximately $150 each. If one extinguisher is installed every 1000 square feet of floor area per manufacturerts recommendation the total cost to cover the building would be approximately $40,000. A control system where removal of any one activates central alarm would cost approximately P,000. Total cost is approximately $42,000. Item E This item is already covered in tb design documents. TM,MINAL BUILDING A wet stan@ipe system serving each floor of the Terminal Building would cost approximately $1,000 per cabinet. If system is taken off the wet side of the sprinkler Eystem, freeze-up protection of piping where it runs in unheated garage costs atrT)roximately $1,000. Total cost of wet stanfoipe system is approximately $,000. A dry standplpe system costs approximately S,000. There exists the question as to where a dry standpipe system would be placed in the Terminal Building since there exists no enclosed stairwell orsmokeproof enclosure. If the conditions of Section LLOZ are met, it appears that the Terminal Building would be considered as a separate building for the purpose of classification. With reference to grade at the lower level plaza entrance the Terminal Building is a two story structure thus deleting the requirement of a wet and dry stan@ipe system. D ENV ER COLORAOO S PRI NGS ffi ," i{ \o RICE, MAREK, HRRRRL T HOLTZ, I|'lC CONSULTING ENG 6CJ73 WEST 4zrTH AVE. / p. O. BOX 12037 ,/ DENVER. COLORADO INEERS ao2t2 / AREA CODE 303-420-4455 D ENVE R COLORAOO SFRINGS Page 3 March 22, L974 Considering budget constraints, our overall conclusion with respect to tbe fire protection system for the Vail Transportation Center is that you inetall an automatic dry aprinkler system per design doeuments. With the possible appropriation of additional funds at a later date, dry type fire extinguishers could be added to the Parking Garage and wet tlpe of fire extinguishers could be added to the Terminal Building. CE:ca Clift Elps ltlll box t oo r vail. colorado 816s7 | 1973 303.4 76.5613 Novemben 29, LETTER OF I-NTE CENTER SCI-IEDUL! NG AND CRITICAL PATH Based upon discussion and mutual agneement between all panties concenned with the administnation, clesign and constnuction oF the Town of Vai['s Tnanspontation Center', the foltowing appties: TO: Messrs. .James T. Ream Hugh flyden Eldon f3eck Kent Rose l. Novemben 30 - Decemben 3, The Town oF Vait entens into Company to penmit Colc.^ado pnepanation of pre-stnessed Tnanspontation Centen. James Larnont Stan Bennstein Jenny Aldrich./ 1973 a contnact with J.A. Flyden Constnuction Fnestnessed Company to commence matenials, fon the ganage pontion of the t 2. Decemben 3, 1973 Jim Ream wtll pnesent schernatic dnaw ings of tnanspontation tenminal and.associ.ated plaza . Royston, Hanamoto, Becl< and Abey wil.t pnesent Final gnading plan Fon benms A. Decemben 15, 1973 Complete worl<ing dnawirrgs, plans and specificatisns, of the garage pontion of tl'ie tnanspontation centen excluding pontion betlveen column line B - 15 and A - B (Tnanspontation Tenminal). . -Page 2 4. Januany I, 1974 A. Mr. Ream pnesents finalized design devetopment on tnanspontation and associated olaza. B. Contnact signed betvreen Town of Vail ard J.A. Hyden Constnucti on Company on parking canage pontion of tnanspontation centen with the pnovi-sion, hov,reven, that iF the budget crojections ane not acceptable, a l4-Cay penio.d of adjustrrrent shall ensue with the cuntract being -signed no [aten than Januany 15' t97'4. 5. January 24, lg74 Stnuctunat wonking dnawings compteted fon tnanspontation tenminal and associated plaza. 6. Febnuany [5, 1974 Complete wonking dnarving, ptan.and specification fnom Mn- Ream. 7. Manch tO, 1974 Town of Vail and J.A. Hyden Constnuction Company enten into fi.nat contnac on all nerrraining elements of ihe tnanspontation centen- .8. Apnil l, 1974 Staging area must be pnowided, begin site pnepanati.on on eastenn pontion of pnoject; nequining the cl.asing of eastenn extnemes oF the panking tot. 9. April t5, 1974 Total site must be available to begin constnuction of pnoject- Panking pnohibited on stte by publ.ic at this time. lO. Novemben 27, 1974 Ganage porti.on of tran-spontaiion centen to be in firlt openation fon use by genenal.public. Close of constnuction fon season. ll. Apnil I, t975 Construction commences on final pl"Eses of tnanspontation tenminal and associatecl plaza. Page 3 12. Septerrben 15, 1975 completion of all nerrraining e le rrrents of tnanspontation centen. The foregoing ane the dates agneed upon fon use as a guide to the pnogness of the pnoject, untess some unfoneseen event should caL6e the need fon significant changes. The foltowing items ane yet to be nesolved and wilt be considened in the nean futune : l. Detai leo analysis of tnafFi c ftow, gnades, utilities and site nelationship sunnourrding the pnincipat intensection at west side of pnoject' 2. The acquisition of the Connice pnopenty ard the removal of the building fnom its pnesent site byApnil 15, 1974, 3. Detaited plans, wonking dnawings and specifications fon the accompanying east Meadow Mall and covened Bntdge Plaza so as to pnoject budget ' 4. Detaited plans and specifications fon landscaping of benrns, plaza and rnal I aneas 5. Study needs to be given to the most feasible means of pnoviding a tem- ponany bus tenminat on the uppen Deck of the stnuctune fon the winten of 1974. These rnattens shall be discussed at oun next meeting in Decemben, [973' lf funthen elanification is nequit ed, please contact me as soon as possible' Sincenely, Ternetl J. Mingen Town Managen Fj Frasier & Oingcry, lnc. CO lV S LJLI-/ lV G ElV G / lVEEP S 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENELEWOOD, COLORADO 8OI|O TELEPHON€ 303 761-4860 Mr. Jerry A'ldri chChief Building 0fficial Town of VailP.0. Box I00 Vai 1 , Col orado 81657 Re: Vail Transportat'ion RevJew of Response F & c Job No. 452.1 Dear Jerry: July 12,1974 Center-PhaseI&IIto Pre'l'iminary Report 6 , dated June 13,1974, 974, together withlllith reference to and May 9, 1974 we ITEM A-I As stated. ITEM A.2 As stated. ITEM A.3 ance ; however , requi red 'l 'l /2 hour rati ng per Ref*and Section 'f 706-b is not stated. F.lr*rq Voo;a-l ITEM A-4 Detail as shown on Sheet 3C, as lncluded with Addendum 3,.i sin compliance with discussions of March 25,1974. However, we Ohdo not bel ieve the detai'l serves-the-purposes set forth in our As PL'\d€"Prel iminary Report of February 28, 1974. ITEM A-5 As stated We have revi ewed the archi tect,s responseto our Pre'liminary Report, dated May 9, l Addendum No. 3 as received July l'l ,1914.the Preliminary Reports dated February 28find as fol I ows : In conp'li Table 'l7A CIVII. ENGINEERING IAND suRvEYlNG i sroRl,l DRA,INAGE / srRucruRAl / TRANspoRtaTloN / urrn & sANtrATroN l4r. Jerry A'ldri chiuly 12, 1974 Page 2 As stated. {TEil A-8 As stated. ITEl,l A-9 As stated. ITEil A.IO :,, In compliance. ITEII A.'I4 In compl I ance. 0n Sheet A4 corner angl e protection ls recommended for concrete .p'Y"q,masonry corners at Boller Room and Electrical Equlpnent Room. O4laY I In compl iance. ITEFI A-'II ITEII 4.12 A. Arrangement of smoke vent is questioned and subject to approval of the Buildlng Official. B. In comp'liance. C. In conpl iance. )r ITE!,1 A-7 In compl iance. In compl iance. Mr. Jerry Al dri chJuly 12, 1974 Page 3 rTEU A-16 B. c. Paragraph 1: Glu-'l am members are in compliance for size. Unprotected stee'l tension members of the truses cause Terminal Bujlding to be c'lassed as Type V-N. Constructionpermissible as V-N with area separatlons as provided. Paragraph 2: In compl iance. Paragraph 3: In comp'liance. As stated. As stated. Per the Bui'lding 0f f icia'l , the systems stands as stated in the February 28, 1974 and as stated The archltect's I etter of June as f o'll ows: requirement for dry standpipe Pre'liminary Report datedin conference of March 25, 1974. 13, 1974 covered this ltem \f \'41{- JP rati on of aragraphieu of sys tems . for obe In compl iance As stated. As stated. ITEM A.'I7 A. B. c. ITEI{ A- I9 Item del eted ITEM A-20 I tem de'leted "Reference telephone conference memo to Clift Epps from Jerry Al drich dated March 28, '1974.' Referenced memo was for purpose of cance'l ling conside foam-type dry standp'ipe system as discussed'in last pof Don Marek's conference memo of March 25,1974 in Iproviding both automatic sprlnk'ler and dry standpipe The Bui l ding 0fficial has confirmed that requirementdry standpipe systems remains. All four levels are t covered. ITEM A-I8 Mr. ,Jerry Aldrichiluly 12,1974 Page 4 ITEl,l A-21 Pioposed.ramp modification as stated subJect to approval of ,-"the'Building'0fficial. \o rTEr4 A-22 y 0pen stairwe'lls without protection from snow subject toapproval of the Bullding 0fflcial . Alt.(\ '"'"' ITEM A-23 A. In compliance. B. Additiona'l cost. Building Official5' decision. C. Paragraph l: In compliance. ITEM A-24 Paragraph 2: Additional cost. Buildlng Officia'ls'decision. . .,\" Paragraph 3: Additional cost. Building Officia'ls'decision. W In compliance. ITEM A-25 In comp'liance. ITEM A-26 In compliance. ITEM A-27 In compliance subject to lmplementation. ln compl iance. ITEM A-29 In compl iance. ITEIi'I A-30 AF r-(|Telephone in compllance. llater fountain installation subJect ;i *to rul i ng of the Bui I ding 0fficlal . ". ft" "\ l{r. Jerry Aldrich Ju'fy'12,1974 Page 5 ITEtrl A-31 In compliance ITEM B.I Paragraph Parag raph Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph ITEM B-2 I 2 As stated. Architect states requirement is not applicable. ? l.le maintain the reqtiirement stands as itated. ' As stated. As stated. Calcu'latlons have not been submitted.'l' In comp'l iance. 3 4 5 In compl iance ITEM 8.3 In compl iance. ITEM 8.4 In comp'liance. ITE|lI 8.5 In compl jance ITEM B.5 As stated. ITEM B-7 In compl iance. ITEI4 B-8 As stated. ITE'{ 8.9 F' IIn partial compl iance. Per structura'l Addendum No. 3, Item No. l, Sheet S-] , Paragraph g' 2 inch diameter weep holes are p'laced at 54 footcenters. Grave'l bed not specified. Not adequain our opinion. rv..f Paragraph 1 : Mr. ,lerry A'ldrichiluly 12, 1974 Fage 6 Paragraph 2: tTEil B-10 A. In compliance. B. In compl iance. C. In compl iance. ITEII B-'II As stated. I TEil B-'I 2 In compllance. A. In 8. In C. In D. See vv , 4f' -.'ft- d In compllance. ITEl'l B- t5 , As stated, ITEIi'I 8.18 ITEl,l B-'l 7 In comp'liance. compl iance. compl fance. comp'l i auce comments under In compl I ance. Item A-17. ITEI''l B-16 Architectrs statement not consistent with pIans. Piping runls perpendicular to tee stems. In compl i ance. llr. Jerry A'ldrich ilu'ly 12, 1974 Page 7 ITEI{ B-I9 In compllance. S-ynopsi s The following, of the above items, require further action forfinal resol ution: A-3 A-4 A-1'l A-12-A A-17 Please ca'll us if A-21 A-22 A- 23-B A-2 3-C A-30 you have any questlons. B-1, Para. 2B-l, Para. 4B-9, Para. 1 B-l3rD B-l6 Very truly yours, FRASIER & GINGERY, INC. Knud 0. Rasmussen, P.E. ProJect Manager K0Rdw cc: James Ream and AssoclatesRice, l'laret, Harral & Holtz KKBNA JAMES REAM AND ASSOCIATES a ARCHITECTURE / INDUS RIAL DESICN 243 KEARNY STREET SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 94108 (415) 989-2616 13 June 1974 ffll JUI{r7tg74 Town of Vail Box 100 Vai l, Colorado 80657 Mr. Jerrv Aldrich,d., n,-j,r' 4,., ; -,+, --- - Vai I Transportation Center Dear Mr. Aldrich: This is in response to Frasier and Gingery hmmenta ry as to code compliance and supplemenfal observations dated May 9, 1974, in sequence to items under part A and B. Part A4ltls ind icatedukAs indicated()/Fire dampers have been added per Mechanical addendum l,lo. 3 under heading drawings item No. 5. "4. Protective rail has been added per Architectural Addendum No. 3 item No. 290,. as per our discussion on March 25, 1974. "5; A. indicated ,6'. As i nd icated "7. Door type H - 1* hour label for stairways 1,2,3 & 4 have been clarified by Architectural Addendum No. 3 item No 32 and item No. 19r'8. As indicated o 9. As indicatedjlO. Yes, pipe railings have been substituted, see aftached drawing #1 ,/t 1.. .There are no concrefe masonry walls exposed to traffic lanes. . 12., A. As ind icated '8. As indicated 'C. As indicated -l f . 8?t th ick '44. As indicated "15. Removable bulkheads have been provided per Architectural Addendum M. 3, _. Drawing No.3B, and Door schedule page B for locations 16. A. Paragraph 1, the laminated beam and truss members are of sufficient dimen- sion to comply with requirernents of Section 2006. See 2006d Roof Framing which are supported on top of walls. Paragraph 2, walls so indicated are 4 hour per addendum No. 3 item 3lc. Paragraph 5, doors are 3 hour per addendum No. 3 item No. 32a 1 & 2, Door type A has been changed to Door type F per Addendum No. 3 item 3la B. As indicatec C. As indicated Attent i on: Mr. Jerry Aldrich 13 June 1974 Page 2 17. Reference telephone conference memo to Clif* Epps from Jerry Aldrich dated l4arch 28, 1974. 18. A. Frotective panels of plywood have been provided per addendum No. 3 item No. 32C1 B. As indicated C. As indicated 19. Concrete whee I stops were deleted from project by amendment to contract agreement dated l6th April 1974 between Town and Contracfor 20. Paragraph 1, handrails were deleted by addendum No, 3 item No. 9 Paragraph 2, as indicated Paragraph 3, see item 2'1 21. The location of this ramp as shown is in our opinion correct. However, we propose the following change: Prov ide a series of 7 landings Bt0r' long with 6tr rise each and 7 risers @ approximafely 7*'r each. Since the ramp:(landings) are less than 1 to 15 no handrail is required. 22. Sta i rways 2,3 & 4 are open above and any adding of doors or vestibules wouldnoi eliminate snow accumulation in our opinion. 23. A. Exit sign should be changed to directional exit sign towards auto ramp. B. This pedestrian tunnel is not a requ ired exit. Exit sign can be added at an add itiona I cost, C. Paragraph l, see item 'l 6A, paragraph 3 Pat-agraph 2, exit ing signs can be added at an additional cosf Paragraph 3, exiting sign can be added at an additional cost 24. Del ete glass wall etc, as shown and provide concrete masonry wall to meef 4 hour requirement and door (Jt-4'r,x 7r-0t') to have 5 hour label at levels 1 & 2.*25, See addendum No. 5, items No. 19 and 32,26. Ventilation has been provided per addendum No. 3, item No.33c and drawing No. 3E. 27. These requirements will be met by elevator contracfor 28. Curb cut will be orovided 29. A landing and stairs will be provided at entrance door G.30. One water fountain is prov ided for in the terminal. Should it be insfalleoin compliance with section 1712? Another water fountain can be provided butat an additional cost. One telephone in fhe third level of Terminal will beinstalled in compliance with secfion l7lj.-ll. see Amendment to contract agreement 17.6.2 All glass size in this project except window A at informat ion kiosk is less than 45 sq. ff. each,. Usingtable 548 adjustment factors for fully tempered glass 1/4 inch thick would be maximum thickness requ ired. Part B T. Taragraph 1 , as ind icated Paragraph 2, N/A Paranranh j. as indicated Paragraph 4, KKBNA are preparing calculations Paragraph 5, Eight inch minimum is provided. See Structural addendum No. 3 item No. 1 la.2. See Sfructural addendum No. 3 items No. 9e, f, g & h xSee attached Drawinq #2. Mr. Jerry Aldrich 13 June 1974 Page 5 3. As indicated 4. See Structural addendum No. 3 item No. 5a 5. See Structural addendum No. 3 item No. BeA. 6. As indicated 7. As indicated, Structural addendum No. 3 item No. 5b 8. As indicated 9. Paragraph 1, Structural drawing Dl /7 and Amendment to Contracf agreement item 17 .6.25 Paragraph 2, as indicated 10. A. As indicated B. Reference Mechan ica I addendum report dated 25 March 1974 for C. As indicated As lndicated Reference Mechanical addendum No. 3 under specifications ifem No. 5 No comment was offered by F & G. (see item comment item 814) A. Reference Mechanical addendum No. 5 under spec. ifem No, I B. Reference Mechanical addendum I'&r. 3 under spec. item No. 2 C. Reference Mechanica I addendum l.lo. 3 under spec. item l,lo. 4 D. See under part A item No. 17 Reference Electrical addendum No. 3 under Sheet E-5 As indicated Ceiling space implies running of pipes wifhin area of tee legs and not below. Masonry wall below flange has been deleted by Architectural addendum No.3 item l',|c. 28. Capacity of f langes has been checked by KKBNA, additional reinfor- cing shall be added; #3 af 12.0.C ai top. lB. Capacity of flanges have been checked by KKBNA. No problem. 19. Wood studs shal I be 2?r x 4tt @ 16rr o.c. lf you have any questions to our response please call. Sincerely, John E. Yoders KKBNA No. J under Drawings item 7 and conference apProval. il. 12. 't3. 14. 15. 16. 17. Rice, Joh n Kent Rose Bob Hi land Marek, Harral & Holtz Gavin S.r!'.r iit sil 6 =FT rl ca5 $sF9< frfiOsz(gt-< t, G- d,' *3z<.< d.Fa2-rt' >? T. AaEs EgE EFgoou S. trFEss otlv qil'flrlv4'fl:r'rvl L 1uoLil|v (,tSazl +.+$-+i"Jt- 3I-- +q-(p € s -tL- L?'t-6'\' EJlta^L t14u4. -?a*tl'6tr gEF $xSI a{F -- ata :=t r-r 3=r t,q Ev E-Fs iF l*\$j "{.' =t(lz')o{ e .sst F RCN q^ riRs\t&r..^p hr AT ?.P2Ulr<Lir.a E7 'E+h N Frwbr & Eingcry, lnc. CQNS ULT/IVG EIVG|IVEERS 2840 SOUTH UALLEJO STREET EIVCLEWOOD, COLORAOO SOIIO TELEPHONE 303 761-4860 May 9, 1974 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Chief Building Official Town of VailP.0. Box 100Vail, Colorado 8165 7 Re: Vail Transportation Center - Phase I 6 II Plan Check for Cornpliance with Uniforrn Building CodeJob No. 452.16 Dear Mr. Aldrich: In accordance with your request the plans and specifications forthe subject project, as dated February 15, L974, have been checked for cornpliance with the Uniforrn Building Code, 1-973 Edition. I{e enclose herewith the following: Project Data Sheet - General Building Data Prelininary Report Part A - Review for 0ccupancy, Type of Construction andExit Requirenents. Part B - Review for Cornpliance with Engineering Regulations Under separate cover, we have transnitted marked up plans showinglocation of all the Code violations cited. We will nake our finalplan check as soon as we receive the corrected plans. Also enclosed is a copy of calculation of Rational Design forFire justifying 4-Hour rating for heavy. precast tees used forthis project. If you have any questions, please contact us at any tine. Very truly yours, FMSIER q GINGERY, INC. -%*-z-' ar{G----'+d- r''Knud 0. Rasmussen, P.E.Project Manager K0Rdw Enclosure / IAND suRvEYlNG / sToR^i DRAINAGE / sTRucruRAt / TRANSPoRTAT|oN / WATER & saNtTATtoN a GENERAL Developer:Architect:Structural Engineer Mechanical EngineerElectrical- Engi-neerSoils Engineer BUILDING DATA Use: Group Occupancy: Fire Zone: Floor Areas: F-1 F-2 Covered Ranps (external ) Occupant Load: F-1 F-.2 Ranps Occupant Load: Total Building: VAIL TMNSPORTATION CENTER PHASES I and II F € G Job Ns. 452.16 May 9, 1974 PROJECT DATA SHEET Parking Garage F-1 357,277 S.F. 0 4257 S.F. 1786 persons 0 23 Town of Vail James Rean 6 Associates KKBNA Consulting Engineers Rice, Marek, Harral 6 Ho1tz, Inc,Rice, Market, Harral € HoltzrInc, Woodward-Clevenger G Associates Reception, Toilets Shops G Restaurant F-2 V-N Parking Structure Terrninal Building Type of Construction: II Nurnber of Stories: 3 (plus top deck) Z 0 6923 0 0 L39 persons 0 1950 persons VALUATION Contract anount: Permit Fee: Plan Review Fee: 4 ,653 ,7 29 .00 5,040.73 3 ,27 6. 47 ii i VAIL TMNSPORTATION CENTER PHASES I and II f 6 c. Job N. 452.16May 9, 1974 PART A REVIEW FOR OCCUPANCY, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION AND EXIT REQUIREMENTS Cornmentary as to Code cornpliance, and supplemental observations,is as follows: Refer to our Preliminary Report dated February 28, 1974 forItens A1 through A19 which have been resolved as follows: ITEM A1 Type II classification approved for the parking structure per Building Officialrs letter dated March 18, L974. ITEM A2 Requirement for closure deleted by Building Officialrs letter dated March 1-8, L97 4. ITEM A3 Requirernent for fire darnpers confirrned by Building Officialrsletter dated March 18, 1974 and reconfirned in conference of March 25, L974. ITEM A4 Requirement confirned by Building Official in conference of March 25, I974. ITEM A5 Approved by Building 0fficial in conference of March 25, I974. ITEM A6 Problern deleted by revised detail- as Shown in Section K, Sheet 59. ITEM A7 0n Sheet A12, doors to stairways are noted as il3r'-0" x 7r-0rr H.M.tt.1t Hour rating requirernent not indicated. ITEM A8 Stairway has been extended to Level 3 as recomrnended. ITEM A9 GuardraiLs have been deleted aboye all ramp Addendun No. 2. Per the Building Officialprovided by controlled landscaping. ITEM A1O openr.ngs uncerprotection will be A. In conference on March 25, L974, Mr. John Yoders stated thatthe recommendations nade hereunder had been inplernented in thespecifications by providing a botton rail between newels. The only reference hereto that we can find in the specificationis under Addendum 2, Page 49, Sheet A12 reading "Revise all steelrailings f-rom 3/4t'square bars to I L/4" p steel pipe per shop drawings subnittal (contractorrs option)." Meaning is obscure. Have pipe railings been substituted? Doesrailing stil1 conforn to requirements of Section 1716 for 8 inch maxinun opening? ITEM All Provided for all precast and cast-in-place concrete on Page 58-4of the Specification. Should also be provided at concrete masonry wa11s adjacent to traffic lanes as per Building 0fficial.rsletter of March 18, 1974. ITEM A12 Ventilation of 3 S.F. is now shown in Details 3H and 3K on Sheet A13. Ventilation is fron shaft into cold air plenurn and through eave soffit of pLenurn at a point blocked by 16 inch deep eave beam. With this arrangenent function as a smoke ventis questionable. Subject to approval by Building Officia1. 5 S.F. ventilation approved by Building Official in conferenceof March 25, L974. C. Skylight curbs have been provided. ITEM A15 Precast wa11 thicknesses shown on structuralnot generally shown. 8l ITEM 414 Masonry wall thickness ttCold roof" design is now shown on the drawings B. -z- ITEM 415 Building Official directed thatbe installed by letter of Marchconference on March 25, 1974. ITEM A16 recomnended rernovable bulkhead18, 1974 and reconfirned in B. c. A. Since larninated beam and truss nenrbers are of insufficient dimension to conply with requirements of Section 2006 andsince wood trusses have exposed steel tension rods, the4th Story of Phase II construction is classified as Type V-Nin lieu of previously stated Type III-H.T. 0n Sheet A14, wa11s from A-8bto B-8b; from B-8b to B-10a;frorn B-10a to BL10a, from Br-10a to Brf-11; and fron B'-11to B-11 rnust have 4-Hour fire resistive rating. In these walls, Doors A, EI, EZ and F must have S-Hour 1abe1s. See Part B, Item B1 of this report for fire resistancerequirenents of floor system. As stated. Required handrails now Sheet L-2. shown on Sheet L-1 and detail-ed on ITEM A17 A. Requirenent confirned by Building Official in conference ofMarch 25, L974. Finish schedule on Sheet A15 shows gypsunboard wa11s. B. Finish schedule on Sheet A15 now shows plastic laninate walls. C. As stated. ITEM A19 Re^quirernelt for dry standpipe system confirrned by Building0fficial in conference of March 25, L974 togethei with requirenentthat dry standpipes shall extend to 4th fLoor level. Snoliedetection systen to be provided as an ownerfs requirement. ITEM A18 Cement adhesive not specified. Note thatis a required property along with inpacttenperatures. resistance to salts resistance at 1ow - J- THE FOLLOWING ARE ADDITIVE ITEMS TO OUR PREVIOUS REPORT: Iten A20 Addendun No. 1, Page 2, Item 3, Section 5b,d provides forinstallation of steel handrails at Pedestrian Tunnels as noted on the drawings. No handrails are indicated. On Sheet A10, slope of ranped section of tunnels does not exceedI vertical to 15 horizontal and rails are not required by Code. On Sheet A9, Level 2, Pedestrian Tunnel has a slope greater than I vertical to 15 horizontal and handrails are required each side per Section 3506-e. ITEM A21 With reference to Level 2, Pedestrain Tunnel as shown on Sheet A9: A.Total rise of rarnp is 7 t - 10t' having slopes greater than 1 have internediate horizontalfive foot of rise. Per Section 3306-d, rampsvertical to 15 horizontal sha11 landing provided for every B. While not in Code violation, the series of 8r-0" long ranp sections sloped at approximately L to 10 with 5 inch risers between sections constitues an unconfortable and sornewhat hazardous arrangement. Distance fron building to roadway linits length of rarnp. Consideration should be given to running the ranp parallelto the building wa11, thence at right angles to roadway sothat a ranp having normal slopes and landings nay be constructed. ITEM A22 While not in Code violation, Stairways 2r 3 and 4 are shown on Sheets A6 and A12 as having no doors in openings at Level 4. Wind blown snow rnay be expected to penetrate to a depth of thefirst two runs of stairs. Snow nust be carried up for renoval. Consideration should be given to either providing doors to thesestairways or to elininating one parking space adjacent to stair-well for open entry vestibule. ITEM A23 On Sheet E4 an exit sign is shown at door to Stair No. 1. This door is the upper discharge point for the stairway. The sign should be changed to a directional exit sign towardthe auto ramp. 0n Sheet E4 an exit sign the pedestrian tunnel to -4- A. should be added at Col-urnline 15 atthe Srd Level PLaza area. B. o C. As noted under Item A-16-A, Doors El and E2 are required tobe 5-Hour 1abe1led doors in 4-Hour wa1ls thereby qualifying these doors as horizontal exits under Section 3307. 0n Sheet E9, exit signs should be placed on each side ofthese doors, to provide additional exits out of the 3rdLevel of the terminal buil-ding and to improve egress fronthe southwest area of the parking area. Egress fron Door E2 is seryed by exit light at Stair No. 4.Directional lights should be added on Sheet E4 to directegress fron Door El toward auto ranp at west end. ITEM A24 Since shafts for Passenger Elevator No. 1 and for future el-evatorpenetrate required 4-Hour area separation floor at the 3rdLevel of the Terninal Building, the 4-Hour protection nust beextended vertically downward through the lst Leve1. On Sheet A14, the elevator lobby at lst and Znd Levels shoul-d bemodified to provide a 4-Hour waIl in lieu of glass and Doors Ashould have 3'Hour Labels. ITEM A25 0n Sheet A15, Door Schedule, 1abels as required under Itens A-16-4 and A-24 of this report should be noted. ITEM A26 Shaft details for Elevator No. 1 on Sheets A16 and A21 do not show ventilation as required under Section 1706-d. ITEM A27 Under Section 14A of the Specifications, requirenents of Chapter51 of the Code not not appear to be provided as follows: Comrnandeering Switch Section 5103-a-1 Heat and Smoke SensingDevices Section 5103-a- 2Elevator Car EnergencySwitch Section 5103-a-3 Door Operation on DangerousFloors Section 5103-tlAccess Section 5105-e Energency Conrnunications Section 5104 ITEM A28 As shown in plan on Sheet A14 and in Section 16 on Sheet A16, passenger elevator lobby on Znd Level is raised above garagelevel by a crub. Not useable by non-anbulatory persons unlesscurb is ramped up to Door A. -5- a \ :,' rIEM Azs As shown on Sheet A13, there is a 74 Lnch step at doors to theinfornation kiosk. Under Section 3303-h maximun elevationdifference at threshold shal.l be 1 inch. ITEM A3O ' Water fountains and telephone booths shown on Sheets A14 and Al.5 do not provide for non-ambulatory persons in conpliance with $ection LTLZ and, I7L3. ITEM A31'-- Addendum No. 2, Page 25, Section 8E specifies 5/16 inch clearfloat glass, unless otherwise required by Code; and 5/16 inch ternpered safety glass unless otherwise required by Code. For the windows shown on Sheet A15 the 5/16 inch tenpered glass should be used for trll gl-ass panels in excess of 48 S.F. in accordance with Tables 54Ara54B and 54D as requirecl by local wind load of 30 psf. -6- VAIL TMNSPORTATION CENTER PHASES I and II Job No. 452.16 May 9, 1974 PART B REVIEW FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ENGINEERING REGULATIONS Cornmentary as to Code conpliance, and supplenental observations'is as follows: Refer I tens ITEM to our Prelininary ReportBl through 816 which have B1 dated February 28, I974 for been resolved as follows: As noted under Part A, Item Al of this report, Type II class-ification has been approved for the parking structure. Tendon cover for both twin-tee floor panels and inverted tee beansis adequate in this area As noted under Part A, Itern A-16-A, the Terminal Building requires -Hour separation frorn the Parking Structure due to Type V-N classj-fication. This requires that all elernents of the Srd floor construction supporting the Terninal Building have 4-Hour fire-resistive rating. Atl,the request of KKBNA, Consulting Engineers, Mt. Walter J. Prebis, P.E., Executive Director of the Colorado Prestressers Association, has prepared and subnitted calculations for Rational Design for Fire which indicate that the heavy twin-tee slabs used for this project are adequate for the 4-Hour require- ment. No calculations were subnitted for precast beans supportirg twin- tees in this area. Either substantiation of 4-Hour resistance should be subnitted or sprayed-on fireproofing should be applied as required to obtain rating. Per Table 43-8, 6% inch concrete thickness is required between tee stems. Flange is 21a inches and 3 inch topping is applied. As shown on Sheet A14 and Scheduled on Sheet A15, certain areas are topped with brick pavers while other areas aae concrete. Concrete topping in all areas except where brick pavers are shown should be increased to 4 inch minimum thickness. ITEM 82 This itern was discussed in conference of March 25, 1974 and we were assured that problern was considered. Iten has not been changed on drawings subrnitted for review. ITEM B5 ITEM 85 KKBNA havewill retain ITEM 84 Paragraph 1, no perineterof drawings. Paragraph 2, corrected by ITEM BlO A. Corrected B. Alternate menorandum on current C. Now shown ITEM B11 discussed this iten with the soils consultant and foundation design as shown. bolt size menber Per the Building Official required torgue for given sha11 be given for all bolts including prestressed connections and tinber connections. ITEM 86 Problem elininated by redesign for a single fulL thick precast pane1. ITEM 87 Properly shown on current drawings. ITEM 88 As stated. ITEM B9 drainage is provided on current set contour shown on Sheet L-6. In conference of March 28, 1974 it was agreed the detail ofsprinkler line support wiLl not be required. ITEM 812 on Sheet MI . nethod as set forth inof March 29, 1974 isset of drawings. on Sheet Ml . for hydraulic calculatedBuilding OfficiaL. Mechanical Engineertsto be provided. Not shown Calculationsnitted to the -2- sprinkler systen to be sub- I ITEM B15 ITEM 814 As stated. Mechanical Engineerrs memorandun of March 29, Ig74stated required changes would be made. No subnittal of changes received. ITEM 815 .) All itens resolved as per Electrical Engineers memorandum of, March 29, 1974. ITEM 816 During conference of March 25, 1974 statenent was nade thatarchitectural plans would provide ceiling space for protectionof piping runs. This ceiling space is not shown on plans sub-mitted for review. THE FOLLOWING ARE ADDITIVE ITEMS TO OUR PREVIOUS REPORT: ITEM 817 0n Sheet A10 in Section 1D nethod of support of concrete masonry wal1 is not indicated. In Plan on Sheet S11 the wallis shown on edge of flange of precast tee slab. Not consistentwith architectural detail. Capacity of flange to support wal1 should be verified. ITEM 818 As noted under Part A, Iten A-L6-A, of this report, 4-Hour wa11sare required around the Terninal Building at the 3rd Level. Frarning on Sheet S12 indicates these heavy wa11s would be supported on the very edge of precast tee slabs. Capacity offlanges to carry this load should be verified. ITEM B19 For wood stud partitions shown on Sheets A1!l and A15, studsize and spacing are not shown. Details on Sheet A20 do not show spacing of studs or of furring. .3-* 'i -'.--)\ ---' .-F-'r..: ';1;'., -|r rowN oF vAl vAtL, cot_oRADo 8t6t 47656t3 l.-{l:c.'i=OOrr. ):.:., Ar* "4 r3..\ii* L].i,.-i r.rL..\. i-/\\< r. l Lt\',.\;rf;i{- (i:r".' ,1.. .i- 'f. ] RETURN TO S]GNED r: 1.." -i.;-:1+, Ql(I o oJfr,:.'s ;lt also b- honu l'r" ft,nr{t. Pl*, r. a,d vt s<- 5 A4 o ti l il,Jtt:J u4tier +hi b*aiw Per yni ITJ I al b e-. '-j Fon ln"*i (.ir; .' -lCo oRAYARC CO., INC., BROOKLYN, N- Y. ! !tga PERSON ADDRESSED RETURN THIS COPY TO SENDER FR.M rt TowN oF vAtL BOX 631 VAIL, COLORADO 816' 476-56t3 SUBJECT:E,Let ror-o I ISSO a"nr cg PLEASE REPLY TO + SIGNED eRAYARq CO., lNC., BROOKLYN, N' Y. I teg|e DETACH THIS COPY-RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. r*.. . j AprlL 15, 1974 PARKING TERMINAL BUILDING Torm of Vail Box 631 Vall, Colorado 81657 James Ream and Associates, 243 fearny Street San Francisco, California (415) 989-2616 Inc., Architects 94108' ADDEMITM NO. 3 TO ?HE DMWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS DATED DECEMBER 15, 1973, FEBRUARY 15, 1974 A. ADD!}IDI'M NO. 2 - SPECIFICATIONS Item No. I - Iten No. 1 - Cotrtentg ,la. Change -Glue-laninated Construction to read: Wood/SoLid Decklng' b. change'window Walls'andtslidLng Doors/to read: ' 'Pref abricated Structural .: Doors aod Franeg' Iten No. 2 - Iten No. 2 - Instructions to Bldders a. Delete second paragraph under subsection 12 and substl-tute the fo1- 1-owing: ttThe scope of work includes the area bounded on the Easc by grid 1lne 15, on the North by grld J.1ne B, and on the WeBt by .grid line 8, and such other areas specifically noted hereln ind on the drawings dated Revised 15 February 1974. Iten No. 3 - Iten No. 5 - Sectlon 6A - Carpentrv a. Part 2 - Products 2.01 l{aterials - subparagraph c. all cedar siding shal1 be l" x 5t'. b. Add subparagraphs as follorve: d, Tlcket eales counter/seatlng/concesslon Bales counter: Top raiJ-s, botton rails and posts to be Coast Region Douglas FJ.r, c1ear, vertical grain. e. Stair' Treads/Stalr Railings/Exterior Wood Benches and Exterior Iland Rail grid L1ne l1: Coast Region Douglas Fir, clear, ver- tical grain. t. Itens of nood tr i.n both interior and exterior used ln connectlon.rtith other wood shall match sme in species and appearance. Ftr: o -IItec[ No. 4 a. Paragraph 3.03d Application sub-paragraph 4 delete "Extend even with eaves and not beyond. rf b. Subparagraph 5 delete last two seDtences. Iten No. 5 - Itelo No. 11 - Section 8F - Fipish Harduare a. Group /19 Pu1ls, special as detailed see Addendum dravlng 3A. b. Delete Food concession headlng fron Group #10 and add to Group #12. Iterp No. 6 - Iten No. 14 - Glass and Glaziug a. Paragraph 1.03 Submlttals subparagraph 3 delete enti.rely. Iten No. 7 - Iteu No. 17 - Ceranlc Tile ltork a. Paragraph 2.01 ilaterials delete subparagraphs.c, d, e, f and h. Delete paragraph 3.02 Ful_1 Mortar Instal_latlon and in place of, reference Tile Council of Aneric a 1974 ltandbook for Ceraoic Tl.lernstallatlon for installation nethod 1t242-74 for thin set applicatlo.n. Uee organlc adheslve ANSI A136.1.1967 gpe II and wategtesistaur gypsun backing board ASIU C630-70. Item No. 8 - Item No. 25 - Passenger Elevator ,: a. Subsectioo 37 Geoeral Characteristi"cs: change tr€ryel to read 34r-1tr. ADDENDIU Nq, 1 - SPECTFTCATTONS Item No. 9 - Iten No. 3 - Sectlon 58 Del-ete 3c and 3d. - DRAWINGS Itern No. 10 - Item No. 5 - Sheet A9 )elete 5a. Item No. 11 - Iten No. 6 - Sheet A12 Delete 6b. SPECIFICATIONS Iten No. 12 - Instniction to Bldders a. 3 PROPOSAL FORM: Delere entlrely. ADDEITDID{ NO. 3 B. c. T!iltF' ?age 2 Iten No. 13?Supplenentarv condltiops a. 06 OI{NER See letter of clarification dated March 25, 1974, from J.A. Hyderto Toun of Val-l- covering second building season. b. 07 SUPERVISION A}ID CONSTRUCTION PROCEDI'RE Paragraph 4.3.5 see letter of clarificatioa dated March 25, 1974fron J. A. Eyder to Tolm of Vall covering second bu ilding season. c. 09 PERMITS, FEES Al{D NOTICES Paragraph 4.7.3 see Letter of clarification dated l{arch 25, 1974 from J. A. Eyder to Town of Vail covering responsibillty of utility 1ines. d. 10 PROGRESS SCHEDI'LE Paragraph 4.11.1 delete aentence beginniag ilFalLure to iDdicate....tr e. 1l SEOP DRAWINGS AND SA!{PLES Paragraph 4.13.13 change 6 to 3 identlcal copl.es. f. 12 USE OF SITE Delete entirely. t: e. 13 CUTTING AIID PATCAINC 1. Paragraph 4.15.3 add, I'see speclfic provisions Lo contract documents. rl 2.' Paragraph 4.15.4 delete paragraph. h. 14 II{DEMNIFIC,ATIONS Delete entirely. i. I8 DELAYS AIID $(TEIIISION OF TIlm Delete entirely. J. 19 PROGRESS PAylrErTS Delete entlrely. K. 20 CERTIFICATES FOB PAYMEM l. Delete Paragraph a entirely 2. Paragraph Dl change 15th to 10rb day, ADDENDT]M NO. 3 Page 3 J 1. 21 SUBSTAMIAL COMPLETION AIID FIML Delete Lntlrely. D. 22 SAFETY PRECAUTION AllD pROcRAltS Delete entlrely. n. 23 SAFEIY OF PERSONS AND PROPERTI 1. Delete sentences added to sub-subparagraph 2, Delete aentences add ed to subparagrap h IO.2.2. 3. Delete 10.2.7 enrl"rely. o. 26 CHAI1GE ORDERS 1. Sub-subparagrapb 12.13.4 (2) change five percent (5U) to tenperceDr (102). 2. Sub-subparagraph 12.13.4 (3-5) del_ete percentages and addrra reasooable allowance for overhead and profli.tt p. 27 CLAIMS FOR ADDITIONAL COSTS Delete eDtlrely. q. 28 C0RRECTION oF WORR Delete L3.2.7 entLrely. r. 29 TERMI}IATION BY TUE OICNER Delete entirely. It€m No. 14 - Special Requi.reoents a. 04 ISSUANCE OF DOCTTMEIITS Delete ttTventytt and replace ulth |tas requlred.rt b. II IAYOUT Delete tlContrac torr and replace ltlth ttOtgner . tl c. 15 ilITERIOR FINISHING Delete |tof 60 degree F or higherfl and replace with tradequate de-pendlng on finish material applied." o PAYMST{T ADDENDUU NO. 3 Page 4 Iten No 15 - Section 34 Cast In Pl-ace Concrete Paragraph 2.3.A delete entirely. Iten No. 16 - Section 6A Carpentry 1. Paragraph 2.02 delete entlrely. 2. Paragrapb 3.04 delete entLrely. Iten No. 17 - Section 7D ttood Shake Roofs Paragraph 3.03b see drawings for ttcold roof details.ft Paragraph 04c Glazing neterlal: delete nire glass and add temperedglass as specified under sectlon 8E Glass and Gl-azing Addedrm No, 2. Itep No. 19 - Section 8A Hollotr Metal Works Paragraph 2.04 add "a11 doors and frames at Stalrway tll, !/.2, tl3 attd #4Boiler Roon shall be lL hour label. Paragraph 04 change travel to 33f-6rr. ,l D. DRAIIINGS It@ No. 21 - Drawing 0 Inde:( to DrawLnBs Add I^and scape Draulags: Ll Plaza Grading, Draiuage and Staking PlenLZ Plaza ConstructioD Detaile L3 Plaza Construction Details L4 Plaza Planting Plan and Detalls L5 Plaza Irrigation Plan L6 Site Planting Plau and Dete118L7 Site Irrigatioa Plan L8 Irrigation Detalls Iten No, 22 - Drawing Al Delete reference "denolLtLoa this B1dg. N.I.C.r' Item No. 23 - Draniug A3 a. Fire Sprinkler RLser Roons ref. llne 6 and A and at 18 and A shell have 4t-01' cLear dimension inside. Tbis applies to Drawing A4 end A5 aleo. b. East Wa1l of Stalrway No. I ls pre-cast concrele pauel up thru 3rd Level. ADDENDI'M NO. 3 Page 5 Item No. 24 - Drawing 44 a. Add Root No. 202 to Storage Room at ref. Line 10 and A. b. Add Roon No. 203 to Storage Room at ref. llne 11 and A. c. Add Roon No. 204 to Storage Room at ref. Line 15 and A. d. Change dimension at tunnel opening ref. 1lne 14 and south of A fron 12t-0' to l2r-6ft. e. Delete masonry threshold at door to Electric Equipnent Room at ref. line 16 (see Addendum Drawing No. 3B). Item No. 25 - Drawiog A,5 Delete Wa1l betveen ref. linee 11 through 15 on ref. 1lne B. See also Dravlng A10 sectlons 1A and 18. Iten No. 26 - Drawing A6 a. See Addendum Dravlngs 3Da and 3Db for roof slopes, extent of Horl- zontal waterproof membrane fourth leve1 at t erminal and finish el-evations at Bus Platfoms. b. Change dlmension at ref. line 19 between A and B fron 17t-0" to 18r-6". Itern No. 27 - Drawing A9 t: a. PLan detaJl 2c change 18t-7' dinenslon to 18t-515il. b. Add synbol A at sandblast finlsh at tunnel walls, sectlons lA, 18 and lE. Iten No. 28 - Draning A10 Masonry wal1 shown on section lD 9r-0rt lrest of grid l1ne 12 etarts atfloor 1evel of storage room and not even \rith bottou of Tee. Iten No. 29 - Drawing A12 a. Plan lJ change Maeonry l{al1 to Pre-cast Conerete. b. Section lR change Masonry In-flll panel to Pre-cast Concrete. panel betveen Tees. c. Ventilati.on shaft detail 2 add rall on top of parapet at Exhaust opening 4th levelrsee Addendum Draning No. 3C. Ftm- ADDENDUM NO. 3 Page 6 I Iten No. 30 - Dreldng A13 a. Detail 2H add insect screen at 1-1/21t s1ot. b. Plan level. one 3A provide at Door to Elevator Equlpnent Room 18rl high threshold per Addendum Drawing No. 38. c. Plan level four 3c add concrete Bide paneLs to shaft for Elevator Rail attactment. See Structural Sectioa of Addendun #3, Item No. 31 - Drawlng Al4 a. Passenger Termj,nal Level Three Plan: change door between garage and concession storage from a Type A to Type F. b. Plan 1, ELevator Machlne Roon PT102 delete 18" high curb @ Door Threshold, see Addendrfi Drawing No. 38. c. Provide peri.meter mesonry block na11 and 3rd level teroinal to oeet 4 hour requlrenent. Iten No. 32 - Drawing A15 a. Door Schedule: l. Change t'Eil Type doors from solid core 1-1/2 hour label to ho1- 1ov metal 3 hour label. .: 2. Change label oo F type doors from L-Llz LabeL to 3 hour label. 3. Add door type H, 3t-0rr x 7r-0" hollon metal- 1-1/2 hour 1abe1. 4. Add Door Detall Schedule as follolrg: ADDENDINT NO. 3 Page 7 FMM TYPE IH @ fltr'l6E ATAVE HEAD GI,4ARK5 STAtRa #1,2,3+4 \-.i 4A / AtZ 4AlAt?-+e/aw @ @r.lcKET ELEV. EAPT. F.OOM E. FARKti.ie STRucruRe A A9PENDUM DW/t.1b 4N^tz 4A/Ale 4NAJL @r.cREri:tf M,A5o|.JRV ELEV, MACHIIJS \O2 A ADD. D-35 +Al AtL AA/AIZ 41/At2 @Ne4 MA5. FIR.E :PR,IN(LER RsER.A +NAIL 4A/AtL 4A/AtL CoNC.4 tnt a\eAoe aPERAflaN ean: R.A 4A/htL 4A/an 4A/AtL coNc.* rr.tAs. li :!:'\ -.aa 4AiAt2 +AlAiL CCNI-* rV,i'5- = aa 11- F- ?12? | =, !'-at T |.la)L]AeD. D.3e 4AlAi?ca:a-.q A,iA5- s;to?+.ce 7f a)2,b3,24 A +AlAtL 4N AIZ 4A/A|L 4€|.{C - 4 l,lA5- ELEVAToR t-6gf n tot,zol A I?/AL'4KlAt2 MECT EAPT. PT 3I3 ?4AlA.2.4AlAt?,4AlAte orr.lc.+ MAS- ENTKY VEST. N^OI c2 9F/*oo t?/A2l $ lA2l la/A2l t5/A2.1 &sqtDc? ?t w2 EI xM/A2o LN/AZO iN/Aza.?,N/AzOr()rgl.l-W.o- lx6 aNrNC" ARCA 7f303 D2 gg/A29 lv/A2l 2e/Ato F@O doNcE€otoN B3 n\lA20 1N/A?D 3N/A20 ?N/eeo r "5tNa-W,O.P'LAM 4aNCE39. aToR_ 7r 95 r 4A/AI?4Nttt 4Alhtz Col.lC.* MAa DININc'E2- "tA/A2o. 7?/A20 57/tto i?/AQo vE3flzuLE, ?f 30h,3to 62 3H/A2D 3AlA2a sUlzo Locue?3 ?1?,07, ?ta 62 gJ/420 aSiAzo aJ/410 TotLeT e@1.1, ?f bb,g b2 3K/Aza.3K/Azp 1J/A?O JAf.jiTo€. rr AL A u/A'tO 4/erp xJ/^b xToe,)6e 7r a5 WL 3)/420 7J/A2,/ulAto ENrRY VeSt Pr4o2, 4os tlanle/ezt tRlAzt tQlA2l tvA2l ENTRY UffiT.4O3 cl !?/A2o t?/n)rM/Arl tQlAzl ts/A2l FRETATT go?l@le 7T 40A b2 1b1s'2P tP.lAze/4.tlAw SAlA,'79 ]T,'JEEL CUAIR STOR. N 4AI B2 7c/A20 1t1/A2o 3HlAzo 3AlAze 9Tc8AaE ?T M'DI lNFORtiArlON KrOgK o 2AlAl3 zelpl3 ZEl*ts 26/AJ} P\R,KIN6 sTRUCTURE. ?Aar. etFv. LEveL 1.2.9 4Hlen-AVate PAeKthle gTRUcTuRe PAr'5. ELE{ LEVEL 4 bFlAtS 30/Atg PA3sE}{}EE TERMINAL PAeS. ELeVAIaK ?T tot/2ol +H/AtL +J/AIL YA*ENGE.E. TER.MINAL PA55. AEVATOE 7T9OL nb/A?o 7C,/A20 9IMILAR.?o/A2D n 40t- PAss. ilevhlaR{a9/Mo ?c/A2o ae/azo JAMg lAvlA F ailcnA,rrrr ,rc. I ucOIJ :=i Item No. 32 (cont.) b. Fourth Level Plan l. Center line locatiou of door B-l in weet waII of Frelght Stor- age is 5t-4tt from O.F.S. of North wa1l. 2. Center line Locatlon of door B-1 in south wa1l of Freight Stor- age is 4'-7-314" frorn O.F.S. of West wa1l. 3. Center liue location of door B-I at Wheel Chair Storage and center line of opening at Passenger Elevator No. I is 4r-4,t each from ceater line of wa11 betneeo. c. Finish Schedule l. Roon 404 Freight Storage add. L/4tt thlck D.F. plywood panels over gyp. board walls full hei.ght. 2. Brlck pavers: an allowauce of g1G0/M-F.O.B. Job slte hee been provided. Iten No. 33 - Drawlng 4,16 a. Wood railing detail lF: change cont.inuous ST'L pL to Ll2u x 2fr x0r-6tt 1ong. b. Detail lE deLete ref. to 6 x 8 and replace w/8wfli. c. Building Sectlon lC (Elevator ventilatlon), see Addenduro Drawing 38. Item No. 34 - Drawlng Al8 a. Reflected Ceiling Plan level three: change L2 x 24 and 12 x 12 Acoustic Tile to 12" r 4811 as specified. b. Reflected CeiJ-ing Pl-an level four: add note: See detalle zelilzL and 2Q1/A2l for interl-or recessed Floods in perimeter of roof sof-fit. Refer to drawing ElO for locatLong, Iten No. 35 - Drawing Al9 a. At buiLt-in seating provlde renovable 3rr deep separate back and seat cushions fu11y upholstered. Itern No. 36 - Draving A20 a. Detal1 2E add: ltr x 2rr contlnuous stop at head. b. Details 28, 2N, 2P, 2R, & 3K: ehange from full mortar inetallationof ceramlc tile to ceranlc tlLe thin set over 5/8tr waterproof gyp- sum board for total thickness of 718t,. See Iten No. 7. ADDENDI'M NO. 3 Page 9 Iten No, 36- (cont.) c. Detail 23 add: lr-6" di.mension from bottom of Tee to Acousltc Tl1e paoeLs. d. Detail- 3G: provlde ltr undercut at doors, e. Detail 2T and 2V: delete 5/8t' Gypsun Board under plastic lanlaate panels aod provide furrlng elmilar to detail 2W. ADDENDI'U NO. 3 Page 10 H$HE'-*##+yp?Aw Tl6Hr @ alrsrDe6Y ATT/C{ING THR,EADEO ruLL @ lN3iO6.- €NFG a?lNAlE lvrlNCt{IHED 4"8. fY?tcAL ftolro€, tf 9cceT.ls @6dfil PLI-Ls rg*!ta,'OrAv1. 6,q9141-. rcre 8ECE53 ri..l1?'MR. TO FLIJE sui4FAc,g *te .;rLiD ALUiJthjth4- 9r"Nc (eOrcU\ 3:,T F|N,i'J - CLEA,{ Atio;-ied r,,..-f.,r"3 9i-.;.fr \o Gi;niT ASaBMFLY ?Eg :Fr'a.l r - ^ cair ALuMu.ltM wB, 4,n PULL. 3fecilh,- Q\Jn PASSeNceR. TeKl-{ihl.\L ceNTrNrrouS HEI4Meo -:-3FRIN6 TRONTe, Lac,'6"1 1l.s4e- S/EAN{ERSTRIP Tngeg'/olL? aroeL PA.]EI Il{ICKNE|39+ cohrSTRUenON ffHFlEn.,l33eo - rgE_;. .: /_REMOVA6LE F^'gL?'## JAMEA 3bffi=ur tur=*'o- JAN4b (g'Uq* eoftua) $ 4t =SAIUNO @ ?Ag)Gf wAtl 4f 8ilii+t %YFH5. -,J\J- 3,e,61{ LIlC.AftGl VA\L TRANSPORTATION CENTER XAWt\t(A gA,b4C ADDEN9L,MNA3 AeKL_t5_ t1X4 -.-,- - ' 91;Ld 961)l 94..+ll 2 91.o9 In,@' go,9l i, sb,1d 90,9 '%'F 9itil, -FtN'W;G ra$d,flt v-l - 'vRw TAVapl @ UE +pT1aF,Ne .:: :' \/7\ft -ffiANgF FfA..nAN Off.fl.lfi --- APF|U IS.. *Nt I*\Yl Is, vvi \4'ft M'€'v'*, A.lITih!4, ArEA,* F#i!\ of uNt::d 7u ii Il I , VTNER1FdrF l,AVJr\V, _ @Few-xlAtt,F*afiA aElfieFi t at6,<l2" dst" LAMINAfEP 9eAi4 @ &$ rawee vrr.nw. eLevAfos. sFiT\TT - T?2 UHI)E€SI DE.* be$4, - rL'(J ctg\z\NICllt{ # g{AFT et€v\lec. €t{AFr ?AesetJrEe lEet'rtNAL IEVEL €A)? PAgflAL 3ECTIENI g{ar-ANa eAsr $raLL oF - . - .- -.: EI.E.VATOE. SI{AFT INTEP.IPR, VEW .. it-!t|'- VAIL IRAI{gPARTATIOI{ 4ENTEA VAIL @LORADO 3I{AFT VeNflLIf\oN E TER,MII.IAL ELEVAtrAF. 11ffi JAI^EF REAt,t +ARcl{ltEcTe tF*,tL-.15_ Iql+ o (). .box lz(rJ'i ver, Colorado 80212 April 8, 1974 ADDENDUM NO. 3 VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTM. PHASE tr VAIL. COIORADO MECHANICA,L ADDENDUM NO. 2 1. Addendum No. 2 shouldbe dated ae of February 15, 19?4. 2. Delete Paragraph D under Section 15-8-11 PLUMBING FIXTITRES AND IURIM, Item 3, new additiona to mechanical epecificationg. ADDENDUM NO. 1 3. 1. rhe dimensione stated ror heated o"ru"dfillidoll5fi tHH*"Yfi,lLl*"nli?*"i]ff;"u 6r long with length dimension parallel to Column Line A. SPECIFICATIONS Section 15A-22-81, Add eentence at the end of Paragraph 1: A mintmum of 10t head of water ls required for drainage system test. Section 158-5-8, Change Paragraphs l and 2 as.follows: Use copper pipe for'lines 2r? and emaller and ductile iron wlth improved 'lermajointsrr for lines 2-1/2tt and . larger. Section 15C-?, Add sentence at the end ofthe paragraph: Provide substantlation of hydraulic calcualtions of sprinkler line sizing as required by local butlding official. Section 15C-13, Change to read: Provide 24 spaxe sprinkler beads. Section 158-68, Add aentence at the end of paragraph: Provide raln hood at the top .of flue. I I)RAWINGS Sheet M-l domeetic water servlce line should be Zfrlnstead of gil. theeta M-2, M-3' and M-4 wldth of eupply shaft hae changed. Mechanlcal Contractor coordinate wlth General Contractor to determine tbe exact tnternal dlmeneions of the ehafts ln order to dealgn hls equtpment supportg. sr:pply fans sttll to be 80n by 80il frano slue, 1. 2. 4. 5. 1. g. rw' 0 r ..5r, e o O*""'-" 3. Sheet M-2, Delete floor drain and aseociated pipittg at Column Llne A between Column Lines 15 and 16 on level one. 4. Sheets M-2 and M-3, Coordinate location of floor drains between Column Lines 11 and 15 and Column Linee A and B on levele one and two with architectural and structural drawings and Ceneral Contractor. 6. Sheets M-2, M-3 and M-4, Provlde fire dampere at all openings into aupply and exhaust shafts that open into more than one level. 6. Sheet M-3, gprinkle storage room behind elevator at Column Line 10. 7. Sheet M-4, Provide 3/4" br,se end drain valve at top of wet riser of fire eprinkling system ln each heated valve room. Drain valve shall be installed euch that periodic flushing of stagnant water in wet portion of fire sprinlding lines may be accomplished without dieturbing fire sprinkling syetem'operation and alarm. : ," 8. Sheet M-8, Specification for Ir1 under PLUMBING FDffITRE LIST should be changed ,, to read:t ' 3200.011 American Standard Srclyn enameled cast iron lavatory with front overflow . and faucet holes Sfron center; K-7443-T Iiohler Triton II fitting modified with spray face; K-??15 open grid drain with perforated etrainer; K-?60? 3,/8r'angle eupply with loose key etops; K-9000 L-l/4tt sast brasg adjustable p-lfap with cleanout. 9. Sheet M-8, Item ? under INSULATION SCHEDULE should be changed to read: Cold water lines serving parking garage bose bibbe.shall not be lneulated. 10. Sheet M-8, hovide volume extractors similar to Titus AG-45 in sheet metal ductwork of Termlnal Building in ductwork behind all supply registers, horlzontal or vertlcal branch run outs in supply ductworkwhere trrning vanee are not provided, and wbere tndicated on the drawings. 11. Sheets M-? and M-8, Gate valves and balancing cocks for all cabinet heaters sball be installed in piping compartmente of cabinet beating units. AcceBB sball be from - .bottom of unlt. . ELECIRICAL SPECIFTCATIONS Revlse as follows: Addendum No. 2 - Item 168-4F wtll not be found ln Addendum No. l. It ts a modflcatlon to ths ulglnal epeclflcailoos. i!?g ' l' 'Page 3 Sheet E-2 Sheet E-3 Sbeet E-6 . Sheet E-? Sbeet E-10 Sheet E-U Luminairesinelevntorcqulpmcntrtnmnnt|t)(|t|i|'rnt:nt/./,m|oci|tetla;t' A-lG shnll lrp (1'1r1r Il. l',',,ulrl,' lurlllt'y In'w'1t'tt(l rrt:rrttt ltorns ftrr all sitr'tttt!r ulttt'lt l't't'vlthr lxrNtrt'to trcltt'lng crtblcs on watcr and sanitary lines scrving thc rcrminal Butlding. The units shall consist of normally closed relays which shall be held open by the circuit feeding the heating cable. upon a power failure tbe relay shall close and operate a battery powered alarm born. The entire apparatue shall be placed in a euitable enclosure. The proposed system shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before installation. Heating cable in trench at A-14 pedestrian tunnel sbould be Tlpe 10. Note at A'30: should reference to Sbeet E-11. Stalrway luminalres ehall remain on the emergency clrcuite ebown. All exit lights shall be on circuit EMI-14. Electrical equlpment room. contactor& Itreater contactors notes ehould requlre 2004-3P Pauel Scbedules. Panel LPI shaUlave 28 -20/LP brealcre' Delete pulgmold on back counter. kave condult and wire to junctlon box. Fixtnre Schednle B. ': Type KK Catalog'number should read: MC Philben 3-20?-E Type LL and MM Cetalog number gbould read: cieneral Electric c539cr50? a a'i^\ Apri | 15, 1974 VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PHASE II -- PARKING STRUCTURE ANO TERMINAL BUILDING Town of Vai I Box 631 Vail, Colorado 81657 KKBNA, Inc. 7456 Uest 5th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80226 (303) 232-60s0 ADDENDUM NO. 3 TO THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS DATED 15 DECEMBER 1973 A, ADDENDUM NO. 2 - SPECIFICATIONS Item No. 1- Item No. 6 - Part 4 - Solid Wood Decking a. Add to Part 4: Laminated wood decking having equivalent load carry- ing and deflection properties as the solid decking specified, shall be an acceptable alternate. B. SPECIFICATIONS Item No. i a. Sectfon 3A-2.z-ULl.5 - Delete the words "in checkerboard pattern". b. Section 3A-2.2-tJ11.8 - Use slab finishes as specified here and delete reeded ramp surface finish cal:l ed for on Section 2D/A-II . c. Section 3A-2.3-A - Delete splash blocks. \ April 15, 1974 VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER PHASE II -- PARKING STRUCTURE AND TERMINAL BUILDING Town of vail Box 631 Vajl, Colorado 81657 KKBNA, Inc. 7456 West 5th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80226 (303) 232-6050 ADDENDUM NO. 3 TO THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS DATED 15 DECEMBER 1973 C. STRUCTURAL DRA}IINGS Item No. 1 - Sheet S-1: a. At mechanical shaft at coordinate B-5 change $L"r' dirnension to 5". b. At Stair No. 4 east face of east wall shall be set L%" west of line 11 and 4'-4 dimensions changed to 4'-3. c. At Stair No. 3 west face of west wall sha'l 'l be set.1%" east of line 28 and 4'-4 dimensions changed to 4'-3. d. In Stair }.la11 Expansjon Joint Detail C/2-1 change 5/B" expansionjoint dimension to lk". e. Provide 3"x3"x3/16"x4'-0 angles embedded in column corners at B-2 (ryw a.st,|), e-rs (NE), 8-16 (lrw a sw), B-28 (NE & sE) u;; B-te (rue,sr, NI,J, Sl^l ) f. change precast column at B-1 to cast-in-p1ace and see attached detailfor revised reinforcing and revised Detail E/L-9. g. Provide 2" diameter weep holes through 1Z', cast-in-place concretewall at each floor drain location as-shown on A-3- set neep holes atelevation 63.33 and cover outside opening with screen beforb back-filling. Item l,lo. 2 - Sheet S-2: a. Change panel P-21 at Stair No. 1 to p-21 sim. o Vail Transportation Center Addendum No. 3 t Paqe 2l- ( b. At mechanical shaft at 8-26 Change 7'-3 dimension to 7'-0. c. Cut Section J/2-9 on line B between 28 and 29. d. "!^lall Corner Detail" C/Z-Z - provide 2x4 continuous kev at inside corner of precast wall with #4 dowels (2 plane bend) ai 12,'on centerin keyway, and 5/8" diameter threaded Star anchors at 12', on centerin precast wall at outside face. Provide 5/8" diameter headed boltsout of Star anchors into cast-in-p1ace waj1, also bend dowels intowall before pouring. e. At Stair No. 4 dimension between line Ll and east face of p-18 is 1%" and change 8" d'imension to 7". f. At Stair No. 3 dimension between line 28 and west face ofp-1Bis 1k,, and change 8" dimension to 7', . g. Provide 3"x3"x3/16"x4'-0 anqles embedded in column corners at B-2 (Nl,|| & S1ll), B-15 (NE), 8-16 inW r SW) and B-29 (NE & SE). h, Change precast column at B-i to cast-in-place, and see attached detajlfor revised reinforc'ing and revised Detail E/I-g. Item No. 3 - Sheet S-3: a. Provide P-21 sim. at Stair No. 1, line C. b. At Stair No. 4 dimension between line 11 and east face of P-18 is 1%', and change S" dimension to 7". c. At Stair No. 3 dimension between line 28 and west face of P-18 is lL" and change 8" dimension to 7". d. At mechanical shaft at 8-26 change 7'-3 dimension to 7'-0. e. At tunnel east of line 28 and south of line A, elevation is 72.5 at south end of retaining walls and 85.0 at north end. See Section IE/A-}for additional information. f. Provide 3"x3"x3/16"x4'-0 anqles embedded in cojumn corners at B-2 (Nr,J & Sl,l), B-15 (NE), 8-16 INW a SW) and B-29 (NE & SE). g. Change precast column at B-1 to cast-in-pl ace and see attached detailfor revised reinforcing and revised Detail E/l-9. Item No- 4 - Sheet S-4: ( a. At Stair No. l change panel No. P-1 to P-21 sim. o CenVai'l Transportation Addendum l'lo- 3 4'-7 . At panel and 3'-6 d. b.At mechanical shafts at B-5 and B-16 dimension from line B to south face of north precast railing is 1'-1. At mechanical shaft at 8-26 change 7'-3 dimension to 7'-0. At wall on line 17 extending 19'-0 south of line C change elevation 100.56 to 100.21. Item No. 5 - Sheet S-5: a. To Section C/1-5 at 4th level tee bearing add note = Provide beveled steel shjms between tee'l eg and neoprene bearing pad as required to provide uniform bearing. Also in note at the bottom of the sectjon change the 2'-6 structural fill depth to 3'-0 minimum. b. To Sections A/1-5 and C/1-5 at 2nd level tee bearing add note = Provide N" neoprene bearing pads w'ith a 1116" steel shim plate of equal size between the pad and concrete haunch at each tee 1eg bearingpoint. A1 so provide weep holes as defined in Item No- 1, g. Iton No. 6 - Sheet S-7: a. In Section F/2-7 from #4 @ 10" on center dowels shol arow over to dowels out of precast wall into cast-in-p1 ace tunnel roof slab. Also change 12" cast-jn-p1 ace wall shown belolv elevation 79.83 on line A t0 an B" precast wa'l l. Reinforce panel same as called for in P-21 for lower 5'-5 on Sheet S-8. b. In Section D/l-7 provide weep holes as defined in Item No. 1, g. Item No. 7 - Sheet S-B: Add to P-21 at Stair No. 2 and 4 = (Sim. for Stair No. 1). In panel s P-21 and P-22 change hl.lJ. F. to 6x12 - 1,J7.5xl^l7.5. In Section E/l-B change 38'-5rz panel dimension to 37'-114, and 4'-1 dimension to 3'-7. d. 0n panels P-26 and P-26A add note = Provide k"x10"x6" plate w'ith 4-3/4" diameter x 5" headed studs to support S8xi8.4 elevator beams. See pl ans for location. e. At panel (P-U) change 9'-0 djmension to B'-11 and 4t-B dimension to ter P-20 change 9'-0 dimension to B'-11, 5'-0 dimension to 5'-1 dimension to 3'-4. ( a. h c. f. Vai 1 TransportationCter Addendum No. 3 Page 4 g. In Section A/1-8 add to riser djmensions at right of section: 20 risers from level 3 to 4 at Stair No. 4 only. h. 0n panel P-77A: change 7'-4 dimension to 7'-l-3/4, 1'-2 dimension tol'-4\, and at wall column reinforcing deta"i I change 2'-2 dimensjon to 2t -4j4. Item No. 8 - Sheet S-9: a. Delete Section E/L-g = See attached revjsed detail for cast-in-place column at B-1. Section D/4-9 = elevation at top of light standard pier = 100.87. Details F/3-9 and G/3-9 change 8,-0 (-) dimension to 7!-11, In Section H/4-9 top of p'ilaster shou'ld be shown approxirnately 2" down from top of topping slab instead of 3%'r as shown. e- Add to General Notes Section 12. Bolts A. All bolts shall be t'ightened with a wrench until snug plus % turn. l,lhen tightening bo1 ts against wood members care shall be taken notto crush wood fibers in bearing. f. In Section C/4-9 change 14"x14" concrete pier to 11"xl1" and coordi- nate ljght standard base connection with electrical engineer require- men ts . Item No. 9 - Sheet S-10: a. Change precast walls on lines 11 and 15 from A to A., to Bu bjock walls, and make footing 16" wide and L2" deep, I Change type H footings at A2-11 and 42-15 to type A, change type I'l foot'ings at A2-12A and A2-13B to type H. A1l footings on line A2shall be placed on 7000 psf compacted fjll. Change 18'-6 dimension from A to A., to 17t-11 at left side of sheet. Change 16'-10 dimension at east side of terminal elevator to L6t-7-3/4, Center l'i ne of 24" storm sewer is located 13'*6 west of line 15. Elevation of sewer line is as indicated on Sheet M-1" Storm sewer shall be installed and backfilled with compacted fil'l equal to 4000psf bearing capacity before adjacent foot'ings are poured, Modify footing on line C at storm sewer as follows: Stop footing 4t-0 each side of centerline of storm sewer. Increase width of footing b. c. d. b. c. d. e. f. Vai I Transportati onfnter Addendum No. 3 Page 5 a. Change 16'-10 b. Change 12'-6 from 5'-6 to 8'-3 for a distance of 8'-0 from ends oF footing. Change deplh of footing to 2'-0 and change reinforcing from #5 at 7" on center to #5 at 5%" on center for B'-0 distance. g. Modify footing on line A1 at storm sewer as follows: Stop footing4'-4 each side of centerline of storm sewer. Increase wibtn of foot- ing to B'-0 and depth to 2'-0 for a distance of 10'-0 from ends offooting. Change reinforcing from #6 at !2' on center to #6 at 8" on center for 10'-0 distance. h. Mod'i fy foot'ing on line A at storm sewer as follows: Stop footing5'-7 each side of centerline of storm sewer. Increase width of foot- ing to 6'-0 for a distance of 6'-6 from ends of footing. Change depth of footing from 1'-0 to 2'-0 and reinforcing from #4 at 10" on center to #4 at 4" on center for 6'-6 distance. Item No. 10 - Sheet S-11: djmension east of terminal elevator to 16'-7-3/4. dimension at tunnel entrance to level 2 to 12'-0. Item No. 11 - Sheet S-12: a. Elevation topping at terminal mechanical room floor perimeter is 85.92 and s1 opes to elevation 85.67 at a floor drain. See Mechanical Sheet M-B and A-14 for location of mechanical room. b. Provide "Pyrocrete" fireproofing on bottom of tee legs and up both sidesoflegs 7" minimum for a distance of 15'-0 each side of midspan(30'-0 total) for all tees from 88 to l1 and A to B. c. Move concrete wall shown centered on terminal stajr landing to south edge of landing as per architects dimensions on Sheet A-14. d. Dimension of concrete wa1 I column on e'l evator pane'l P-27A is 2'-4*,. North face of 1'-0 column below is 3%" south of'l ine A1 . Item No. 12 - Sheet S-13: a. Change elevation top of kiosk slab = 96.87 to 97.25. Refer to Sheet A-13 for additional information. At garage elevator - extend elevator guide rails up to wood roof structure and attach to roof structure as per elevator manufacturer's reconrnendation. Also extend east and west precast shaft walls up to elevation 105.45 for guide rail attachment. At terminal e'l evator = extend center guide rail up to wood deck roof structure and attach as Der elevator manufacturer's recommendation. b. c. Vat' 1 Transportationfnter Addendum No. 3 Page 6 ( d. See attached detajls for connection of framing members at garage elevator and kiosk. Item No. 13 - Sheet S-14: a. In Section K/74-L4 remove bolt heads shown projecting on lower left side of section. Refer to R/14-L4 for post to top chord connection. b. Sections A/I4-I4 and B/14-14 = refer to architectural detail ?F/A2Ifor additional information. Item No. 14 - Sheet S-15: a. Add note on Sections C, D, D, G, H, and J = I'Ihere structural drawingdetails are not in agreement with architectural details, architecturaldetails shall control. b. In Section E/13-15 provide 3 - L," djameter x 1'-4 stitch bolts in bot- tom of g'l u-1am stringer where it is notched at the concrete support beam, and countersink and plug bolt heads. AIso provide 3/4" diameter A-bolts or expansion anchors at 1'-0 on center out of 6" cast-in-pl ace slab to tie wood blocking to slab. Item No. 15 - Sheet 5-16: Drypack pockets around tee'l egs after tees are erected in Sections F/II-16, G/11-16 and Ll12-16. In Section H/12-16 provide 2-#5 bars top and bottom continuous in con- crete wall. c. In Section J/12-16 change masonry wa'l 1 reinforcing on center to 32" on center, d. In Detail D/13-16, Sect'ion C/4-4 is similar. e. In Section Nl12-16 the 5'-8 dimension varies - see Also, connect tee topping slab to precast wall as f. In Section K/11-16 add note, "See Section G/11-16 ing". spacing from 48" g. In Section Q/12-16 change elevation 84.67 to 82.I7. h. In Section M/12-16 add note, "Provjde #3 stirrups at 15" on center in bgam". Item No. 16 - Sheet S-17: a. In Section D/13-17 add note, "See Section N/12-16 for masonry wall rei nforcing required". a. b. plan for dimensions. per Detail J/5-5. for wall reinforc- ( ( Vail Transportation l*r", Addendum l.lo. 3 Page 7 D. CIVIL DRAWINGS Itc rllo. 1 - Sheet C*l: a. l,love entrance location at ljne 11, 9'-0 to west of line 11. ,_: -- JAf'4=3 R=AM +A354CtATr5 -APPEI'IDUM , PRAVINq.35A - ARCLiiTECTS a ^7i\./,/,ty "'./'u'l \\ yF '-3tt\a--; \- !!.l G{: ' , .B ; \9 '..1 4*8 J\ d) =--- N rvt r. y Fs{-.-_ AAl f_p- e clK,4,APe N iL. -P LL3- - - 10\Ez Uge 3.lMPg,r'N--- : a 35 n F RAr{ | Nq'ANC-rfzPl-I R E'9 ulVAuEl'+ f - gf i1q115-N' TED' _'.THER\}/I SE-.- ::- {# \ __." 6?4t77 --:GLU--LA} CIRNER, E.LAVATI,IH { €YMIY JA3/ur (+. ffet t-SVAT7 --_- - JAME.S .RL\M + A35 ?CIATiA A I L _TRA I.'I SPr' RTAT.I.?.N--AtpEN0Ulvt- Aa.. F.{ITACTl CENTEg A|$/IHG:,: :lzleeltr-er: Trr( >q il]1 ,,7 +r' t . '', l--,'i, --.--"..6x Li'_---- .3IPEg ZNLY -*.- a.rlG -g=rrb€zLrs -t"/'rill .lDL\ '/z = |'- :'.._. JASIES]<EAF4 4A35./CIATES -*-*_,,_ARCH|TECTS__=_:_'_ ,-2AA 't< FAt2Ftv"q'r*.',q r.- a-A*- . APPENPU'\,t PRAVIilq35C v\ t L_jr RA H 3 P,,R.TAT l,r'H _ Mr. Jerry ALdrichChief Building 0fficial Town of VailP.0. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Fraer & Gingery, lnc. C O I,/,} L i L1-/ N C; E N G / N E ET; 5 2840 SOUTH UALLEJO STREET ENELEWOOD, COLORADO 801 IO TELEPHONE 303 761.4860 ase PLan Chec or February 28 , 1,97 4 onpliance with RU MAR 5 1974 Re: Uniform Job No. BuiLding 452.1_6 Code Dear Mr. Aldrich: rn accordance with your request the pLans and specifications fortpe ;u!ject project, as reieived Janirary Lt, fi?i, have beencnecl(ed for conpliance with the uniforn'Building code, 'J,973 Edition. IVe enclose herewith the following: Project'Data Sheet - General Building Data Prelininary Report Part A - Review for Occupancy, Type of Construction andExit Requirernents. Part B - Review for conpliance with Engineering Regulations. under-sepalate cover, we have transnitted marked up plans showinglocation of all the code violations cited. we wili inake ourfinal plan check as soon as we receive the corrected p1ans. If you have any questions, pLease contact us at any tine. Very truly yours, FMSIER q GINGERY, INC.%Knud 0. Proj ect Manager KORdw Enclosure clvlL tNGtNEER|NC / |-AND SURVEY|NG / STORAi DRAINAGT / SIRUCTURAT I / WATER & SANITATION o Fire Zone: FLooB_{reas: F-2 Covered Ramps(external) Occupant Load F-1 F-2 Ramps Occupant Load: GENERAL Developer:Architect:Structural Engineer Mechanical EngineerE1ectrical EngineerSoils Engineer BUILDING DATA Phase I Use: Group 0ccupancy: Parking Garage F-1 Type of Construction: II Number of Stories 5 (plus top deck) VAIL TMNSPORTATION CENTER PHASE I Job No . 452.16 February 28, 'J-974 PROJECT DATA SHEET 3 333,864 S.F 4,257 S.F L,669 persons z5 Town of Vail- Jarnes Rean € Associates KKBNA Consulting Engineers Rice, Marek, Harral- 6 Holtz, Inc. Rice, Marek, HarraL Q Ho1tz, Inc. Woodward-Clevenger 6 Associates Phase I I(prdlffiinary) Reception, Toilets Shops 6 Restaurant F-1 6 F-2 II q III-1 HR 4 3 25,701 S.F 7,490 S.F 118 persons 150 persons Conbined Phase I 6 II (preLiminary)1960 persons , VALUAT]ON.PHASEIONLY 358,121 S.F. (inc1. Ranps)0 $fS.00 per S.F. 1o.5.' Perrnit Fee: Plan Review Fee: $ +;e+t*troo 4F517za 5 ,458 . 82 5,548 .23 ZtLql'z+ I VAIL TMNSPORTATION CENTER PHASE I Job No . 452.L6 February 28, L974 REVIEW FOR OCCUPANCY, TYPE Itens found to be ful-l-y, orare as foLlows: ITEM A1 PART A OF CONSTRUCTION AND EXIT REQUREMENTS partially in viol.ation of the Code As noted in the Project Data Sheet as contained in this reportthe cornbined area of Phase I and Phase II constructions is 565r055 S.F. For Type II construction, Group F-1" occupancy, basic area per Tabl-e 5C is 30,000 S.F. which nay be doubled for nultiplestory, increased one-third for Fire Zone 3, doubled for separa-tion as located on site and doubled for automatic Sprinkler Sys- tem throughout per Section 506 (c) thereby producing an a11owab1e area of 320r000 S.F. Hence, Type I construction would be re-quired for this structure and increased protection of tendronsin prestressed nenbers as noted under Part B, Item 1 is required. In the total area of 365,055 S.F. those portions of Level 4 and Ranp between Level-s 3 and 4 open to the sky have been includedsince they constitute both el-enents of construction and occupancy. Deletion of these areas fron consideration in deternining the required type of construction wouLd reduce the floor area to 277,728 S.F., well within Limits for Type If construction, in which case tendon protection for prestressed beans is adequate,but increased tendon protection for prestressed floor tees re- Inains as enumerated in Part B, Iten 1. Subject to ruling by Buil"ding Officia1. ]TEM A2 Table 17A establishes a requirernent of 2 Hour fire separation between floors for either Type I or Type I1 construction. The principLe of such separation is reinforced by the requirementthat shaft enclosures aLso have 2 Hour fire-resistive construc-tion thereby extending the 2 Hour fire separation vertically about openings. In this structure the incLined parking ranps are open at both top and botton at floor levels, thereby abrogating the intentof fire separation as provided in Table 17A. In our opinion, 2 Hour rol.Ling steel. doors with fusible links, approxinateLy 24 feet wide, should be placed at the botton Levelof the ranps at Levels 1, 2 and 3. Balance of closure nay be made with concrete unit masonry. The onLy siniLar construction in our area, to our knowledge, is the parking garage beLow the May D E F store. We inspectedthis instaLlation and found the ranps to be open not only at each end but aLso at cheek walls. AL1 four Levels and ranps were fuL1y sprinklered. This construction is about 15 years old. The Denver Building Departrnent wi1l pernit sinilar construction without rated cl-osures under the current code provided that sprinkler systens are installed in sinilar manner. , However, we have reviewed this natter with Robert Jackson, ^-rt,Jefferson County Building Officia1, who is charged with official (\"."u'' interpretations'of the Uniform Building Code for this area, and o have been advised, that in his opinion, the closures at ranps are required by the Code and that they would be a specific require- nent in his jurisdiction. Requirenent subject to ruling by Building 0fficial. ITEM A3 A11 grilles, registers and access doors in shafts for air supply and exhaust are required to have L L/2 Hour fire-protection rating per Table 17A and Section 1706-b. Details on sheets A8, ALz, M2, M3, M4 and M6 do not indicate compliance with this requirement. Section 7F of specifications do not conply. ITEM A4 While not a violation of code, we note that the top of the exhaustair shafts as shown on Sheet A12, Details 8K, and 2P are covered with steel grate backed with screening at the point of vertical discharge. In the event of sinulateous icing conditions and mal- function of exhaust fan, soLid blockage of the opening would be expected. Reactivation of exhaust from an unheated building is unlikely to renove bLockage. Horizontal discharge is not feasiblb due to snow build-up. Reconnend consideration of precast cap slab on 4 pipe stubs of sufficient length to provide required free-air opening. ITEM A5 Section L105 provides that garage areas shaLl have exhaust ventilation to provide a conplete air change every 15 ninutes. Based on our calculation of 217411000 C.F. for areas serviced by supply and exhaust systens we find the fans specified produce rbquiied supply every L6 ninutes and required exhaust every 17.5 minutes. Ir4ultipfe cl.ear openings shouLd alLow for irnbalance to escape. Subjectto approval by BuiLding Official. - L- ITEM A6 Exposed netal trenchstitute unprotectedstruction. ITEM A7 drain boxespenetrat ions as detail.edof required on Sheet A11 con- 2 Hour floor con- rn complr,ance with section 1706 (b) a1t stairway doors shouldhave-L L12 Hour doors and franes. Irtot indicated on plans.Section 8A, Paragraph 2.04, does not specify requirei ratings ITEM A8 on LeveL 2 for vonitation through autoPrefereed egress would be extension offor discharge through adjacent autoB and C, or by extension of egress onstair to vicinity of auto ranp. wa11 of all ranps on Sheet A9.with no opening such that an objectthrough in cornpliance with Section Stair Nunber L dischargesranp near Colunn Line A.Stair Nurnber 1 to LeveL 3ranp between Colurnn LinesLevel 2 by corridor fron ITEM A9 ITEM A].I. While not incorner guards reconnended. ITEM 412 violation of Code, the installation of angleat masonry waL1s and coLurnns at traffic lanes is Pipe rails are shown at top ofRails shoul,d be 42 inches high9 inches in dianeter can pas! 1,716 . ITEM A1O while not in violation of the code, the following cornments aretendered in regard to stair railings as detailed*on Sheet ALz. A. 3/4" x 3,/4t' pickets are anchored in concrete slab at 6,'on center. In the writer's experience this instal_lation canbe satisfactory in final appeaiance only if highlyconpetent worknanship and supervision is provided - hardcomnodities to obtain in construction of a rough concrete s tair . Above anchorage in locations subject to frequent wettingby nature of traffic nay be expected to produce corrosionat base of pickets and subsequent staining of concretesurfaces . B. Following comments refer to elevator shaft and enclosure detailson Drawing A12. -5- A. B. Ventil-ation of 3 S.F. has been exactly provided byopenings on four sides of shaft at thb lop and by'peripheral.relief gril-lage as shown in Detail ZB/ALZ-. Detail- 3M/AL?_provides for wire glass in pyranid skylightover shaft. Section 340L provides that skylights overshafts extending through two or more storibs shatt beglazed yith plain glass, except that wire glass nay be usedif ventiLation equal- to not less than one-eighth the cross-sectionaL area at the shaft, but never less ihan 4 feet isprovided at the top of such shaft. For the given shaft this provision would require 7.2S S.F.of vent area, or 145 per cent increase over the 3 S.F.provided Skylight is.shown glazed flush (on slope) with surroundingroof'. Section 5401. provided that aff ikj'fights, the glazingof which is set at an angle of less than'45-degrees fiornthe horizontal, sha1l be-nounted at least 4 inihes abovethe plane of the roof on a curb constructed as required forthe frane. C. Subject to review by Building Officia1. ITEM A13 lltaLl thickness various space ITEM.A14 is not shown on plans or detaiLs for any of the encl-osures. 0n Sheet A12 for roof construction as shown in DetaiL 3E nodifi-cation to provide "co1d roof" design is desirable to reduce for-mation of icicles at overhanging roof elements. ITEM A15 0n Sh_eet _A4, door to electricaL roorn is shown with 18 inch highthreshol-d. Risers should be provided at each side of openingiAcceptable alternative is to drop threshold to floor level and in-stal"L 18 inch high renovabLe buLichead of rnaterial sinilar to soLidcore doo,r in tight fitting guides thereby pernitting "10LJ_-inilaccess for equipnent. ITEM A16 The following conments pertain to-Phase II construction as shownon prel.iminary plans dated January 3, L974 Nornal separation between Types F-I and F-2 occupancies is1 Hour per Table 5-B; however, detail,s on Sheets 6 and 9indicate construction of 4th story is Type III-1 Hour HeavyTinber; hence, to avoid the restrictions inposed by Section1701, Paragraph 4, the separation should be upgraded so asto pernit consideration of the F-2 occupancy areas on Levels3 and 4 as a separate building. A. -4- !"' To 8.6 505 effect this separation periph and B on Level 3 should be 4(d) and openings should be 3 eraL waLLs at CoLurnn Lines Hour walls per Section Hour rated. Sprayed on fireproofing shouLd be added to precast e1e- ments supportinC F-2 occupancy areas on Level. 3 to provide 4 Hour area separation. B. With inplenentation of above recommendations, openingsat gtair shown on $heet 4 may be left open per Section 1706 (a) Exception l- C. 0n Sheet L-II handrails may be required at 88 inches oncenter at the broad esplanade of stairs per Section 3305(i) . ITEM A17 Mechanical" drawings and specifications do not provide for dry standpipe systens. Provisions of Section 5803 (b) not withstanding,the BuiLding Official has directed that dry standpipe systern beprovided for this structure. ALL other portions of Section 3805apply to this required instalLation. ITEM 418 The Building Official, has noted the folLowing requirementswith reference to the specifications: A. Phase II Outline, Page 5: WaLLs of freight storage room are noted as gypsum board. Protective wainscoting is des irable . B. Phase II OUtline, Page 5: Walls of food concession area are noted as rough-sawn cedar boards over gypsun board. Non- absorbent waLl finish is required. C. Supplenentary Conditions, Page SC-4: Under Paragraph 3.5.1 a pernit from the Building Departnent will be required before the owner nay exercise any rights of occupancy. ITEM 419 0n the typical parking stal-l- l-ayout on Sheet A3, wheel stops are noted to be set with "cenent adhesive". Adhesive not specified. -J- VAIL TMNSPORTATION CENTER PHASE I Job No . 452.16 February 28, 1974 PART B REVIEW FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ENGINEERING REGUTATIONS Itens found to be fully, or partially in violation of the codeare as fol-lows: ITEM 81 As noted under Part A,i5 a requirernent forrequirenent of 2 Hour frame. Table 43A, Item 54 requires z r/z inches of cover on tendons for2 hour protection and -3 inches of cover for 3 hour protection. section 4303-c-3 provides for aLlowabLe reductions of cover whennultiple tendons are used. The calculation sheets of prestressed concrete of colorado, rnc.as subnitted by KKBNA Engineers for typical f100r tees and fortypical floor beans shovl-inadequate cbirer of tendons for teesat midspan and for beans aLong -full length of bearn. see di-scussion under Part A, rten A1 , for possible reduction toType II construction. ITEM B2 Drawing MI-t-, dated Decenber 20, LgZ3 as appended to MechanicalAddendun Nunber 1 indicates an existing stbim drain diagonallytraversing the structure to be abandoned and a new 24 iich stbrrndrain routed adjacent and para1Le1 to the buiLding wall; thence,ttansversely across the structure to the south wa11. A. Investigation should be nade of any requirenents fordepressing building foundations adjacent to o1d or netrstorn line excavations. Any precautions required for protection ofshould be enumerated. Note that 7000 usf.is enployed for foundation design at Cblurnn Iten A1 of this report. Type I constructionthis structure. tabte iZ.C,' 6stabf ishes aassenbly for fl,oors and 3 Hours for structural, storm linesoil- pressure Lines A and B. R Diagran for "Spread Footings on Compacted FiLL* as shown in Figure 4 of the soiLs report caLLs for a nininun depth of 3'0" of conpacted fil"1. Notation below Section CI on Sheet 55 calls for only 2'6" of compacted fi11. ITEM B5 ITEM 83 We note that 7000 psf. soi1, bearing pressure has been used for wal1 at Line A and 4000 psf. pressure for waL1 at Line C when walLs are apparentLy identicall.y loaded. 7000 psf. pressure has been used for both individual coLurnn footings and for spreadrra11 footings on Line B. We fail to grasp the reasoning for enploynent of a nix of soiL bearing values. WhiLe recognizing the pernissibil-ity of suchpractice under the paraneters set forth in the soil report, we are of the opinion that relatively Large range of potentialdifferential settlements enumerated in the soil report nay be mininized by close adherence to the principle of rnaintaininguniforn bearing pressure under dead loading on the bearing layerof natural soiLs under all elenents of the structure. fSection 2907 d') ITEM 84 0n Sheet 39, General Note 9C provides for 3/4" 0 bolts for pre- stressed nernber connections. 0n1y reference to bolts in' the specification is under Section 5A, Page 1, Iten 2.L-C providingfor 4307 bo1ts. We recomnend that required torgue for bolt size be Listed on the shop drawings. ITEM B6 Wall assenblage on Column Line B is composed of two precast panels each 9 feet wide by 38 feet high with a 4 inch void be- tween then detailed in Section C5, Sheet 56, to be filled with concrete. The filling of this void is a difficult and criticaloperation. The concrete fill and specific details as to nethodof pLacernent should be specified. ITEM 87 Details at bearings for floor tees are inconplete. Notation should be provided that neoprene bearing pads are confined above and below by stee1" bearing plates throughout to prevent concrete to concrete or concrete to steel contact in the event of deterioration of neoprene pad as has been experienced in unheated structures of this type. -z- ITEM 88 _Un{er.the "Special Construction Requirements" of the Town ofvai1, inspection sha11 be provideil by a special inspector who shaLl-be prese-nt a-t aL1 tines during construction of the followingtypes of work: Concrete Masonry Welding SpeciaL Cases - herein construed to incLude soilsinvestigation, conpacted structural_earth fills and precast concrete erection. The.special i{rspector shall- be enployed by a registered professionalengineering firrn and shalL be appiovba ly the Buil-ding oificial. ITEM 89 walls have been designed for 60 psf. equivaLent fluid pressure.No perineter drains or weep holes are provided. Adequite floor 9rainage is provided to peimit consideiation of addition of weephoLes at LeveL l. On Sheet A8, Section 1A, a swal-e is shown between parapet wa11at column Line c and an earth berm and positioned so that swal,e isblocked by projecting exhaust shafts. Swale should be rel-ocatedto prevent ponding and to prevent saturation of the fills adjacentto wal1. ITEM B1O With reference to Pl-ot PIan Ml : A. Meter connection for 6 inch gas line is shown at thenorth side of the building. The Building Official hasadvised us that the avaiLable gas service line is alongthe south side of the buiLding. B. Required RBFB Valve has not been shown for the gas f.inenor specified. C. Referenced detail of sand and oil trap has not been provided. ITEM 81], 0n Drawing M6, sprinkler f.ine support nethod is not shown. ITEM 812 The Building Official has noted that the sprinkler systemas shown on Drawing M2 has 774 heads serviced by a 4 inch 1ine.E.ither additional lprinkler risers shoul,d be prilvided or sub-stantion f,or design-submitted to the official. -5- ITEM B1.3 The Building 0fficial has noted the following requirenents with reference to the Mechanical Specifications: A. Section 15A-22-B1: 10 foot head of water required(nininun) on all elenents of systen. B. Section 15B-5-A2: 2 inch type fK' copper pipe. Over 2 L/2 inch use ductile iron with inproved "permajoints". C. Section 15-C-13: Specifications provide for a total of 6 spare sprinkler heads. In accordance with Uniforn Building Code Standards Section 38.L24 (f) a total of 24 spate heads are required. D. Section 15-C-21: To include dry stand pipe riser. See conment under Part A, Iten A1 7 of this report. ITEM 814 0n Sheet E6, Stair DetaiL, exit and emergency lighting are shol'rn on connon circuit. Building Official prefers separate circuits. See Section 33LZ (a) and 3312 (c). ITEM 815 The Building Official has requested re-evaluation of the following design consi.derations : A. On Sheet E6: In Detail 3, is heat trace required at trench drain when quantities of heated runoff water will be fLowing fron heated ranp surfaces? (note: see also Part A, Iten A6 of this report) B. 0n Sheet E6: In Detail 1, audible a1arm should be provided to sound in event of nalfunction of heat trace. C. On'Sheet E6: In Detail 5, burial of junction box for heat trace provides no access for service. ITEM 816 0n Sheet M2 coLd water piping is noted as "run in ceiling space". Architectural plans have no provisions for any ceiling enclosures. -4- VAIL TMNSPORTATION CENTER PHASE I Job ir*o . 45?.L6 February 28r.7974 PART A REVIEI{ FOR OCCUPANCY" .TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION AND EXIT Itens found to be fu11y, or partially in violation are as foi. 1ot,"s: ITEI'I A1 REQUREMENTS of the Code As noted in the Project Data sheet as contained in this report the cornbineC area oi Phase I and Phase II constructions is ios,os5 S.F. For rype ir ionstruction, GrouP F:1'occupancy' 9u:ig*i"u p"r Table 5C i; 50,000-S.F:-which rnay be doubled for nultiple ii"r:yi-increased one-third for Fire Zone 3, doubl"ed for- separa- iion'it located on site and doubled for automatic Sprinkler Sys- ten throughout. per Section 506 (c) thereby producing al aIlowaDre area of 'SiO,OOO'S.p. Hence, Typb I construction would be rg: ouirea for ihis stiucture "ni iirtreased protection of tendrons i;^;;;r;;';.;;;-""*t*ti as noted under pait n' rtem 1 is required' In the total area of 3651055 S.F. those portions -of Level 4 and Ranp between Levels 3 and- 4 open to the lky have.been included Jinl" they consr:.iute both e1'ements of construction and occupancy' n"i"iio" 6f ti-t"r" "r.rs f ron cons ideration " in deternining the ;;a;i;;a type of construction would reduce the floor area to 27i,728 S"F:, well within limits for Type I{ gonstruction' in i'iiift case tendon protcction for prestiassed beams is adequate' but increased tendbn protection for prestressed floor tees re- mains as enumerated in Part B, Itern 1. Subject to ruling by Building 0fficial' ITE}I A2 Table 17A establishes a requirernent of 2 Hour fi.re separation U"i*""" floors for either Type I or Type II conbtruction. l'he p"iriiiit"-of srrch separatioir'is rcinforced by the requirement 'ttrat stlraft enclosurei also have 2 Hour fire-resistive construc- iion ttrereby extenaing the 2 Hour fire separation verticall-y about openings. In this structtlre the inclined parking'ramps are open at both ton and bottom at floor 1ete1s,-thereby abrogating the intent of'fire separation as provided in Table 17A' In our opinion, 2 Flour rolling steel doors with fusible 1inks, approxinatel,y ?4 feet wide, should be placed at the botton Ieve1 of-the ramps at Levels L, 2 and 3. Balance of closure may be nade with concrete unit nasonry. The only sinilar construction in our arear to our knowledge, is the parking garage below the l\tay D G F store. ltre inspected this- instaltation and found the-ramps to be open not only at each end but also at cheek wa1Ls. A1 1 four leve1s and ramps were fu1ly sprinklered. This construction is about 15 year5 old. -Tlt"Denvbr Building Departnent will perrnit sirnil.ar construction without rated closures under the current code provided that sprinkler systens are installed in sirnilar nanner. However, we have reviewed this natter with Robert Jackson, Jefferson County Building 0fficial , who is charged with official interpretations'of the Uniform Building Code for this area, and have been advised, that in his opinion, the closures at ramps are required by the Code and that they would be a specific require- nent in his jurisdiction. Requirenent subject to ruling by Building Officia1. ITEM A3 tr\ t A1 1 gril1es, registers and access doors in shafts for air"supply and exhaust are'required to have 1 l/Z Hour fire-protectionrating per Table 17A and Section 1706-b. Details on sheets A8, Al2; M2, 115, It4 and lr{6 do not indicate conpliance with this require,rnent. Section 7F of specifications do not conply. ITEM A4 While not a vittation of code, we note that the top of the.exhaust air shafts as shonn on Sheet A12, Details 2K,and 2P are covered with steeL grate backed with screening at the point of verticai discharge. -In the event of simulateous ic:ng conditions and nal- functioi of exhaust fan, solid blockage of the opening rt'ould be expected. Reactivation of exhaust frorn an unheated building is unLikely to remove blockage. Horizontal discharge is not feasibl-e due to snor'' build-.tp. Recommend consideration of precas.t cap slab on 4 pipe stubs of -suff icient J,ength to provide required free-air opening ITEt't A5 Section 1-105 provides that garage areas sha11 have exhaust ventilation to provide a conplete air change every 15 minutes. Based on our caiculation of 2,74L'000 C.F. for areas serviced by supply and exhaust systems we find the _ fans specified produce rbquiiia'supply eyery lil ,ninutes and required exhaust every 17.5 rninutes. Itultiple clear openings should al1ow for imbalance to escape. Subject to approval by Building'0fficial -2- ITEil{ A6 o Exposed netal trench drain boxes stitute unprotecteC penetrations struction. ITEI\I A7 In cornpliance with Section 1-706 (b) a11 stairway doors should have 1-I/2 Hout doors and franes. Not indicated on plans. Section '8A, Paragraph 2.04, does not specify required ratings ITEI'I A8 Stair Number 1 discharges on Level ? for vomitation through auto ramp near Colunn Line L. Prefereed egress would be extension of Stair Number 1to Level 3 for discharge through adjacent auto ramp betrt'een Colunn Lines B and C, or by extension of egress on levbL 2 by corridor fron stair to vicinity of auto ranp. ITEIVI A9 as nf detailed on Sheet A11 con- required 2 Hour floor con- Pipe rails are shorun at top of wal1 of Rails shottld be 42 inches high with no 9 inches in diarneter can pass through 1716. ITEM A1O all ramps on opening suchin conpliance Sheet A9.that an object rvith Section I{hiLe not in violation of the code, the following comments are tendered in regard to stair railings as detailed on Sheet A12. A. 3/4" x 5/4" pickets are anchored in concrete slab at 6" on cent€r. in the r+riteTts experience this installation can be satisfactory in final appeai'ance only if highly conpetent workrnanship and sirpervision is provided - hard cominodities to obtaiir in conitruction of a rough concrete stair. B. Above anchorage in locations subject to frequent r,retting by nature of i:raffic may be expected to.produce corrosion at base of pickets and 3ubsequent staining of concrete surfaces . ITE}I A]- 1, While not in violation of Code, the installation of angle cgrner guards at masonry waL1"s and columns at traffic lanes is reconmended. ITEI\I A12 Following connents refer to elevator shaft and enclosure details on Drawing AI2. -3- Ventilation of 5 S.F. has been exactly provided byopenings on four sides of shaft at the top and by peripheralrelief grillage as shown in lletail 28/AI2. For the given shaft this provision would require 7.25 S.F.of vent area, or 145 per cent j.ncrease over the 3 S.F.provided Skyl-ight is shown glazed flush (on slope) riith surroundingroof. Section 3401 provided that all sk)'1ights, the glazingof which is set at an angle of less than 45 degrees frornthe horizontal, sha1l- be mounted at least 4 inches abovethe plane of the roof on a curb constructed as required forthe frame Subject to review by Building Official. ITEI"I A13 Wal1 thickness is not shor+n on pLans or details for any of thevarious space enclosures. ITEM 414 On Sheet A12 for roof construction as shown in Detail 3E nodifi-cation to provide "cold rooftr design is desirable to reduce for-nation of icicles at overhanging roof elements. ITEM A15 On Sheet A4, door to electrical roorn is shown with L8 inch highthreshold. Risers should be provided at each side of opening.Acceptable alternative is to drop threshold to floor'1eve1 and i.n-stal1 18 inch hish renovable bulkhead of material sinilar to solidcore door in tig[t fitting guides thereby perrnitting "ro11-in"access for equipnent. ITEl"l A16 The following cornments pertain to Phase II construction as shown on preliminary plans dated January 3, I974 A. Nornal separation between T1'pes F-I and F-2 occupancies isl Hour per Tabl-e 5-B; however, details on Sheets 6 and 9indicate construction of 4th story is Type III-1 Hour HeavyTinber; hence, to avoid the restrictions imposed by Section1701, Paragraph 4, the separatibn should be upgraded so asto pernit consideration of the F-2 occupancy areas on Levels3 and 4 as a separate building. A. B. Detail 3M/AI? provides for wire glass in pyranid skylightover shaft. Section 5401 proviCes that skylights overshafts extending through two or nore stories sha11 beglazed with plain glass, except that rr'ire glass nay be usedif ventilation equal to not less than one-eighth the cross-sectional area at the shaft, but never less than 4 feet isprovided at the top of such shaft. c. -4- To effect this separation peripheral rtralls at Column Lines8.6 and B on Level 3 should be 4 Hour wa1ls per Section 505 (d) and openings should be 3 Flour rated. Sprayed on fireproofing should be a<ided to precast ele- nents supportin1 F-2 occupancy areas on Level 3 to provide 4 Hour area separation. B. ltrith inplenentation of above recommendations, openingsat stair shown on Sheet 4 may be Left open per Section L706 (a) Exception 1. C. 0n Sheetcenter at(i) . ITEI'! AL 7 L-II handrail-s nay be require<l at 88 inches on the broad esplanade of stairs per Section 3305 ',1\r./\,\ z\r' .,2' t,/Mechanical" drawings and specifications do not provide for dry standpipe systerns. Provisions of Section 3803 (b) not withstanding, the Building Official has directed that dry standpipe systen be provided for this structure. A11 other portions of Section 3803 apply to this required installation. ITEM A18 The Building Official has noted the following requirernentswith reference to the specifications: . A. Phase II Outline, Page 3: Wal.1s of freight storage room are noted as gypsun board. Protective wainscoting is des irable. B. Phase II Outline, Page 5: Wa11s of food concession area are noted as rough-sawn cedar boards over gypsun.board. Non- absorbent wa11 finish is required C. Supplernentary Conditions, Page SC-4: Under Paragraph 3.5'1 a permit from the BuiLding Departnent will be required before the owner may exercise any rights of occupancy. ITEI'I A19 On the typical parking staLL layout on Sheet A3, rvheel stops are noted to be set with ,cement adhesive". Adhesive not specified. -5- o VAIL TMNSPORTATION CENTER PHASE IJob No . 452.16February 28, Lg74 PART B REVIE$T FOR COIUPLIANCE I{ITH ENGINEERING REGULATIONS rtens found to be fu1ly, or partially in violation of the cod"eare as follows: ITEl"l 81 As noted under part A,is a reQuirement fortequirernent of 2 Hour frarne Iten A1 of this report, Type I constructionthis structure. Table 17A'bstablishes aassenbly for floor-s and 3.Hours for s.tructural- Table 43A, Item 34 requires 2 r/2 inches of cover on tendons for2 hour protection and'3 inches oi.ovut for i rrou" ptotection. section 4303-c-3 provides for al1owab1e reduction, of co.,rir whennultiple tendons are used The calculati.on sheets of prestressed concrete of colorado, rnc.as subnitted by KKBNA- Engineers for typical floor tees and fortypical floor bearns_ show"inia"q"^tu cover of tendons for teesat nidspan and. for beams a1,ong'fuL1 fengiir-of U""r. See discussion under part A, rten A1 , for possible reduction toType II construction. ITEM 82 Drawing MX- 1 , dated December 20, r97i as appended to. I.rechanicalAddendum Nunber I indicates an existing si-"ir ai.in aiagoniiiy-traversing the structure to be abandonEd and a new 24 iich st6rmdrain routed adjacent. and para11e1 to trre uuiiaing warl; thence,transversely across the stiucture to the south *uif. A. Investigation should be nade of any requirernents fordepressing building foundations adjacent to o1d or newstorn line excavations. B. Any pre-cautions required for protection of storn lineshould be enumerated. Note-tirat 7000 psi. soir pi"Ji""eis enployed for foundation design at cblunn Linei A and B. ITEI'I 83 ITEIVI Bs We note that 7000 psf. soil bearing pressure has been used for wa1l at Line A and- 4000 psf. pressure for wa1l at Line C when wal1s are apparently identicaLly loaded. 7000 psf. -pressurehas been usbd for Ubtir inaividual colunn footings and for spread wa1l footings on Line B. We fail to grasp the reasoning for enploynent of a nix of soil bearing values.- While recognizing the perrnissibility of such practi-e under the parameters set forth in the soil reporti we lre of the opinion that relatively large range of potential- differential settl-ements enumerated in the soil report may be nininizeC by close adherence to the principle of maintaining uniforn beai-ing pressure under dead ioadirrg on the bearing layer of natural soils-under all elenents of the structure. (Section 2907 d) ITET1 84 Diagrarn for "Spread Footings on Cornpacted Fi11:i as sh-orvn-i! -.Fig;re q of th^e soils repoit ca11s ior a rninirnum depth of-1'0" of coipacted fil]. Notatioit below Section C1 on Sheet 55 ca1ls for only 2'6" of coiupacted f i11. 0n Sheet 59, General Note 9C provides for 3/4" Q bolts-for-pre- stressed rnember connections. Only reference to bolts in' the specification is under Section 5A, Page 1, -Item Z.I--C providing fbr A307 bo1ts. ltre recornrnend that required torque for bolt size be listed on the shop drawings. ITEl"l 86 hlal-L assembl-age on Colurnn Line B is conposed of two precast- panels each 9-feet wide by 38 feet high with a 4- inch void be- tween then detailed in Settion C5, Sheet 56, to be f i11ed r^Iith concrete, The filling of this void is a difficult and critical operation. The concr6te fill and specific details as to rnethod of placenent should be specified. ITETf B7 Details at bearings for floor tees are inconplete. Notation should be provided that neoprene bearing pads -are confined above and belor+ by steel bearing pl"ates throughout.to prevent Concrete to concrete or concrete to steel contact in the event of deterioration of neoprene pad as has been experienced in unheated structures of this type. -2- -U : ITEM 88 Under the "Special, Construction Requirements,' of the Town ofvai1, inspection sha11 be provided by a special inspector rvho sha11be present at all times during construction of the followingtypes of work: 'Concrete Masonry Welding Special Cases - herein construed to include soilsinvestigation, conpacted structural . earth fills and precast concrete erection. The-special inspector sha1l be enployed by a registered professionalengineering firm and shal1 be approved by the Building Oificia1. ITEM 89 WaLls have been designed for 60 psf. equivalent f.Luid pressure. No perimeter drains or weep hole's are provided. Adequite floor 4rainage is provided to peilnit consideration of addition of weepholes at Level 1- On Sheet A8, Section 1-A, a swale is shown between parapet.wallat Colunn Line C and an earth berrn and positioned so that swale isblocked by projecting exhaust.shafts. 'Swa1e should be relocatedto prevent ponding and to prevent saturation of the fi11s adjacentto wall ITEM BlO With reference to PLot Plan ML: A. Meter connection for 6 inch gas line is shown at thenorth side of the buiLding. The Building Official hasadvised us that the available gas service line is aLongthe south side of the building. B. Required RBFB Valve has not been shown for the gas linenor specified. C. Referenced detail of sand and oil trap has not been provided. ITE}{ 811 On Drawing l'16, sprinkler line support method is not shown. ITET{ 812 The Building Official has noted that the sprinkler systemas shorvn on Drawing I{2 has 774 heads serviced by a 4 inch Line.Either additional sprinkler risers shouLd be prbvided or sub-stantion for design- subnitted to the official.. -3- t : ITEII B].3 The Building 0fficial has noted the fol-lowing requirenents with reference to the I'lechanical Specifications: A. Section 15A-22-81: 10 foot head of water required (mininum) on all elements of systen. B. Section 158- 5 -A2 : 2 inch type 'K' copper pipe . Over 2 I/2 inch use ductile iron rvith inproved "pernajoints". C. Section 15-C-13: Specifications provide for a total of 6 spare sprinkler heads. In accordance with Uniforn Building Code Standards Section 38,124 (f) a total of 24 spare heads are required. D. Section 15-C-21: To include dry stand pipe riser. See connent under Part A, Itern A17 of this report. ITETI 814 0n Sheet E6, Stair Detail, exit and ernergency lighting are shown on corunon circuit. Building Official prefers separate circuits. See Section 33L2 (a) and 33LZ (c). ITEM 815 The Building 0fficial has requested re-evaluation of the following design considerations : A. ,On Sheet E6; In Detail 3, is heat trace required at trench. drain when quantities of heated runoff water will be flowingfron heated ramn surfaces? (note: see ufro e"tt .l , Item A6 of this report) B. 0n Sheet E6: In Detail 1, audible alarm should be provided to sound in event of rnalfunction of heat tTace. C. On Sheet E6: In Detail 5, buriaL of junction box for heat trace provides no access for service. ITEl"l 816 0n Sheet lrl2'co1d water piping is noted as "run in ceiLing space" Architectural plans have no provisions for any ceiling enclosures. coN P R OJ ECT Vail parking Garage FER RE ENCEcoRD I RICE, MAREK, HARRAL & HOLTZ, INC. . ooH3rLTtxo titctNElts DATE November 30, 1973 PROJECT NUMBER Q Co#crrncc A Confcrancc hcld at $ Tobptronr corwtralion bc|vrcn we discussed the need for fire da"rnpers on the e:i:haust grilles for the parking garage. Jemy Aldridge stated that because of the location of the building with respect to the roadways, there was sufficient clearance between the building and adjacent struchre to eliminate the need for frre dampers. . Jerry Aldridge Vail City Government Building Department Vail, Colorado James Ream & Associates, Architects 243 Kearny Street San tr?aneisco, California 94108 2?lt No. 3pl:t lLvg. sUtTE t40 olrrvli, GoLoslro rott r alt - alot F*- Galrrsoa 9E *VArvgDr. , {. L2t,8-1t.x e Z5o ftr l,co*. Zesr.l8s.go 9En er..e, d:=. +,rreo".,r I t--: -- 5E-d6o = . ,?.lE,go, ' , I l-,- ' i 175 t+85 {, J,3o (rte), -Soc...to hl*rl-j: ri rl,ll ,-;-f-r-, .. SerreG, S+reF .i l^s (zar) 6 78,oo\ - Jr''i I -r t" '. _ Sa."?or+ : : lNlp,Ecass: ) , .126 ^^l rllr tlr 1--_-F- I . | 'tl -79g.'gc.: tlt'l rl I i:i :i t; j i.ril i:i:lil . ' 'l l: l,j ; ; a75Z = l,,t4S.lo : : a75"6 . lt4S.to Town of rx,ncIRIcAL Vail PF,RMIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 32 .S;J*q 7t .rou nr-".-)v4.r.t=--...-T..Rfth.Ibpo A.rer**- Date of Application-.". 3O .Jsr"r1 $-7-*. $.A.r.&br.ze1s Appricant..-..--.€,..1'1 ., . Pa* 1 J*- s..225-r 4.95 $......,,......... .......... $.......-.........-.......-.. Etectricalcontractor...../C*o*r.-.....t=-.!"€p.l1- APPROVALS THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED OT{ .'OB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTION 2I HOIJRSI ADVANCE NOIICE REQUIRED FOR TNSPECTIONS Electrlcal Contracttr Add qql qF.AMtr AVENLTE, GRAID JTJNCTI0N. C0L0 OwnerorTena't CITY 0F YAII' VAI].,, CCIOBIO Power Supplier-- l9LY'GgSS Addrgsc Y$!r C01,0:_ Location of lnstal Description of lnstal Actual Cosr Feac musl accompany lh& regucsf; moncy order or chcck Maks chssk pryablo to Oolorado gtate Electrlcal Board. Fold out envetopc FORM #EL E 12 Revisod rr€5! KENIIiLL ILECTRIC PLUMEilNGi/MECHANTCAL TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICALI NUMBER VALUATION $ -. REMARKS:REMARKSI PERMIT FEE LI APPROVED TOTAL FEES: $ EXITS REO. DATE OF APPLICATION NEWT} ALTERATIONI I ADDITION( } REPAIRI) USE OF BUI LDING HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PABKING nataooeess p,Q NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAf L ADDRESS 2,/ 1 Lo-a n 5T TER ( I FORCEDAIR( I ELECI I UNIT( I LOT BLK FILING INT. WALLS r. rYPE oF coNsrRucnoN r @ @-.rv v z. occuPANcY GRouP ABcoe@cur.r BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED FIRE SPRINKLERS ERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOW}I OF BUILEIING t'A tt PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA 252 FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICATION ACCEPTED ?5 hep- zc PLAN CHECX APPROVAL penurr # I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS COR&ECT AND AGR,EE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE