HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D TRACT B C VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER COLORADO SKI MUSEUM LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FOR]II Depanment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tef: 970.4t9.2139 fa': 97O.479.24s2 web: www.vailgov.com Prcject Name: COLOMDO SKI MUSEUM FACE LIFT Project Description: Conceptual review of possible improvements to the Colorado Ski Museum Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL @ 81657 021r212007 APPUCANT COLORADO SKI MUSEUM JUSTIN HENDERSON, MANAGER PO BOX 1976 VAIL co 81557 Proiect Addressz 24t E MEADOW DR VAIL COLORADO SKI MUSEUM-VAIL VILI.AGE PARKING 02 I L2 | 2007 Phone: 97 O- 47 6 - t87 6 Location: L'egal Description: Lot: B-C Block 5D SuMivislon: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Numberz 2l0t-082-2700-2 Comments: SeeCondiUons DRBNumber: DR8070041 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Gonditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Date of Approval: Cond:8 (P|AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approprhte review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please aonsult with Tourn of Vail Building personnel prior to construction acb'vities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a buiHing permit is issued and conshuction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatErer form they are finally adopted; provided, howwer, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April 15, 20/l7, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Paid: 1250.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 te/; 970.479.2128 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.nilgov.om General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please reEr to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review appmval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:Shi MorvazrColorrdo qint i a s i h v\..r\. . (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s):-fowr. Mailing Address:o. Owner(s) Signature(s): Vai\ lqrg Va, l C6 Phone: 4:!9: & l6t 7 B 6il-^n Ll1 Name of Applicant:Colorcdo M u s(tr,r'n u"L4 a Mailing nddress: PO E-mail Address: Jrt[!@Fax: Box tq -16 v r.i I Co 165 -l Phone:cl"o-16- Type of Review and Fee: tr. Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single.family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign For construction of a new building or For an addition where square footage is commercial building (indudes 250 additions For minor dranges to buildings and site $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 sucn as, o tr re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already appmved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee (-\{) premises and shall indemniff the Town against any liability or damages on account of such snaroeWf.,.-, u t' .,,*u- ,r\.t"-.\Yttr 19{tav\.:/ SECTION NINE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Lessee shall take good care of the premises and the fixtures and improvements therein, including, without limitation, any storefront, doors, plate glass, windows, heating and air conditioning system, plumbing, pipes, electricalwiring and conduits, and at its sole cost and 6xpense, perform maintenance and make repairs, restorations or replacements as and whEn needed to presetue them in good working order and first class condition. SECTION TEN INDEMNIFICATION The Lessee hereby agrees to release, indemniff, and save harmless the Town, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all loss of, or damage to, property, or injuries to, or death of, any person or persons, including properg and employees or agents, for which the Town would be held legally responsible, and shall defend, indemniff, and save harmless the Town, its officers, agents, and employees, from any and all claims, damages, suits, costs including attorneys fees, expense, liability, actions, or proceedings or any kind or nature whatsoever, of or by anyone whomsoever, in any way resulting from or arising out of, direcly or indirectly, any act or omission of the Lessee in connection with the operations of this lease. SECTION ELEVEN LIABILIry INSUMNCE Lessee covenants and agrees that it will, during the term hereof, cary a comprehensive general liability insurance policy, including automobile liability and products liability, with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,00,000.00) per person and two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence for bodily injury or death of any person or persons or damage to property, naming the Town as an additional insured. Lessee shall furnish the Town a certificate of insurance. All such policies shall contain a provision that the same may not be canceled or materially changed or altered without first giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Town. Lessee shall not do anghing about the premises that is hazardous or that in any way will violate, suspend, void, or increase any policies of insurance canied by the Town upon the premises. Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Itail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com February 15,2007 Colorado SkiMuseum c/o Justin Henderson P.O. Box 1976 231 South Frontage Road East Vail, CO 81657 Re: Conceptual review of proposed improvements to the Colorado Ski Museum/Lots B-C, Block 5D' Vail Village First Filing Mr. Henderson, This letter is being sent in response to your conceptual design review application submitted on feOruary 12,2OOT: The followirig are the initial comments of the various departments of the Town regarding the basic level of infoniation provided. These comments should be taken into account as you proceed fonrard through the process. r The parking structure deck is designed to support a certain load-(weight). All proposalswill b€ required to-include an engineering study evaluating the ability of .the structure to support items such as floor pots, poles for banners, a torch, sandstone base material, etc. o The parking structure deck is cunently heated by tubing within the concrete forming the deck' Cutting into the concrete for lighting ind other improvements may not be permitted as it will impact the heat tubing system.r There is a concern that the poles for the banners may impact the view from the Msitor center area above the Colorado Ski Museum.. Staff would suggest that the same level of treatment that is approved_for the Colorado Ski Museum Oe apfiieO to the portion of the structure on the level below the Colorado Ski Museum' surrounding the glass block sculpture.o lf the fire element is the direction the project goes the appticant will be required to provide details on the gas line and cut sheets on ihe appliance to be used. The fire element will be required to be UL listed.r The maintenance of all improvements will be required to be the responsibility of the Colorado Ski Museum. This may require an amendment to the operating lease for the space' Please review these comments and contiact me at 970-479-2148 It you have any questions. You are currenly scheduled on the February 21,2007, Design Review Board agenda. The meeting begins at 3:00 in ihe Town Council Chambers. The agenda can be found on the Town of Vail website' ;T--', A rn N[.,r'r",^ (4t$ Warren Campbell I Senior Planner {p ^'"""'"o o"oCc: File Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com February 23,2007 Colorado SkiMuseum c/o David Scoft P.O. Box 1976 231 South Frontage Road East Vail, CO 81657 Re: Conceptual review of proposed improvements to the Colorado Ski Museum/Lots B-C, Block bD, Vail Village First Fiting Mr. Scott, This lefter. ]s _bejry sent in response to your conceptual design review application submitted onFebruary 12,2007. The following are the initial comments of th]e rrarious d6iartments of the Town regarding the basic level of information proMded. These comments shoutd Oe taken into account as 1ou proceed fonrard through the process. o The .parking structure deck is designed to support a certain load (weight). All proposals will berequired to include an engineering study evaluating the ability of ine structure'to iupport items such as floor pots, poles for banners, a torch, sandstone base material, etc.o The parking structure deck is cunently heated by tubing within the concrete forming the deck. Cutting into the concrete for lighting and other improvements may not be permitteid as it will impact the heat tubing system.r There is a concern that the poles for the banners may impact the view from the visitor center area above the Colorado Ski Museum.I !!aff would suggest that the same level of treatment that is approved for the Colorado Ski Museum be applied to the portion of the structure on the level below the Colorado Ski Museum, surrounding the glass block sculpture.. lf the fire element is the direction the project goes the applicant will be required to provide details on the gas line and cut sheets on the appliance to be used. The fire element will be required to be UL listed.r The maintenance of all improvements will be required to be the responsibility of the Colorado Ski Museum. This may require an amendment to the operating lease for the space. The folfowing are the comments of the Design Review Board made on February 21 , 2007, regardingyour conceptual proposal. . The upgrading of the facility is gener:ally a good idea.r Prefened the photographs applied to the lvalls verse the solid paint colors. The concern expressed was the maintenance and longevity of the graphics applied to the walls. {p""'""o"'"^ ' suggested that covering the windows with images was not a good idea as pedestrians shouldbe able to see inside.e suggested the creative use of lighting within the plaza and within the windows coutd drawpeople to the site.o Believed the use of an 'icon" in the plaza area in front of the location would be a good idea.r suggested taking more of a retail approach to the space and windows displays and lighting.r suggested that incorporating the wall area around the glass sculpture on the lower level woutdbe a positive to drawing peopte up to the museum. Please review these comments and contact me at g70-479- 214g rt youhave any questions. Regards,tl A t, lil'[rilNvua,,lffidp Wanen Campbell I Senior Planner Cc: File - --co-.c ^flo o-x CJ ao -!=- aa-11 c,o ,_E /-a U} >-l -:oz= g ,rY!d, = d- Y =olo!r : Y y qo-c 6E = L- pc a.i: - ^tr tr =co; oo OLI-cl 'az --c n 'icc ::.r- ; tc9 cJG o!>c --t)o :c;pa) lr4 hn t !-o) y,o A-;>(J c)u0)ZC Z c) or q). =. aG Oo !: oo O} O M MoZ a) I , -rar: -5: Z M LltFZ LU LU OfoLll rlr li r.,!i. -q rfco g i LLI ul/\ /\ Z LU \ -9.n c- - E(] ;! oo(L -c i]oo)ZZ - !J Or =.cr! Foo i,:too Jlo i: -ja :i =-6Eo ..aa. >[ -.cz-o c c, o o _o E EI -E a) CJ (i) iq) Z ol Eq) -,-E; Eo O r:, E6b CEoi F (_) M F MoZoI 1 M LU Z LU LU O_loLll c a =_o Co EE ! LU LU O O v_ Ltl F u.F v. Zr] I Z FuLll Z Ltl LIJ t, lo LU t-L/\ /\ Z LU -oH L6 t; I I : PF E ii9E= QE=o'E;pB FEEAg:u-6or= =- =6R; etE;AE 5'OE,!9E== -Xoia€- d3; r.) . 'I :' i' I ,-l t -' I o6 .! s (t- - oh->r =>o.5 gE F3 .za - o-; E> 3..b EL o = E i i iLj 1l) . LI i' i' (l iF F O v.Fk u,oZoI Z v. LU Z LU IJ-J Olo LU LU O OZ LU =-- cr:a^ /U r'=-=o- _|)L-- ao a ; l i;.:(L) \] .T :. I .:l iU,) :I !t)- O- Lr!l)r a, o -9i>:i cr 9= :2i c uFF , st t! : ; I I - C .t ,i t:t t* M a)-7 tl I .llr'lr I I I I la I' l;|l I I t: rr i I tlnt r t t- LU O OZ Lit ;b lFZ (v LLI Z Ltt t -t - LU l LI Lll -1 ..lfri rlc(1] tioa :'l -q ac. -6(] c , 'J c-.t n L-i] : l; -a-E-P:-o i F O M = M (, ZoI 'l I I I I 'rllrlrIl I rE f- trr I I jn t il t I I tin t iI t I rr l tlb ; JH Z M Lll Z LU t a I I -t - Ll-l U lo Llt i - a: il |' I =n :_ tr DA r.- ii, i) 0) a ar Z LU/\ /\ Z LIJ tu- -:r tl -a lr {,-. :- t); lo, O^- : r- .!;- ; <,E ).; tl" ?:, '-a; ro '5 a-!- '! i c,',i ! tro I t r) M = aaoZoI irla''1,: Z M LLJ 7 LTJ ) f i't EI ;:" I I: illi tiit..lll llrr ' 'i*. LL Ul t_lul LU/\ /\ ^ZLU fq .A!;.'1 I J + *, "i'*,Il l6*l,tlta4e br ['r, &ic, HpqD ccri't TY[Et/ELoFlfM Design Review Board ACTIOil FONM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, vail. colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Prcject Name: COLORADO SKI MUSEUM REPAINT Project Description: Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL C/O RNANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT COLOMDO SKI MUSEUM DRB Number: DRB070645 RNAL APPROVAL TO PAINT THE EXTERIOR OF THE COLORADO SKI MUSEUM STORE FRONT BENJAMIN MOORE S RED RrVER C|-AY (209140). LUO8l2O07 t[l08l2007 Phone: 970-476-1876 JUSTIN HENDERSON, MANAGER PO BOX 1976 VAIL co 81657 Project Address: 241 E MEADOW DR VAIL COLOMDO SKI MUSEUM-VAIL VILLAGE PARKING Location: Legal Description: Lot: B-C Block: 5D Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number 2l0L-082-2700-2 Comments: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Seond By: Vote: Conditions: DANTAS DuBOIS 5-0{ Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: IIl07l20O7 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO Deparhnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Deparbnent. The project may also need to be rsdewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design review approVal lapses untess a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:.fD Physical Address:a.ot b \^-tf1 Fr(2t r- Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Addrcss:n5 Oou:dn Owner(s) Signaturc(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:",O.&oX Vd^.q.- CO 8t&8 E-mail Address; 60rn Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Concepfual Review E New Constructiontr AddiUon Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. MinorAlteration l.ra,4d{40 (multi-family/commercial) t Minor Alteration $20 (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans $20 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Revie $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 s var{.()) $--cvt x o For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such at reroofing, painting, window addibons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-ioofing, pairting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. TO!uN oF vAl; of the Request: Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) tr Separation Request No Fee o) t rroow u rolu€8 90oz a r! .. []irr. ., r L r,J :.l, :,.: .,!r :.,. ^ou, c..,.r ! l, ..r:.r'_,1:... ila{r I 3 .:. {! r',_:rrjr :.,. .',. .- ,i"i ,,,)/1l3ln3ud uo-'lo3 ..,-luoovv N fw-vf Nts 0v't,602 Aolt re,r| pet iltiltllilililt1l lu Do oil)! i:I r..rr r! rl lnr acrcs ! (: las.'.rc I Lr,ri D: ,. ,ai ri ,: loaq 11,6 ;io ,q '!rM3ln 3 U d do-'lof, .,- r u o o u,i--N l w v r t t : s 0v-t60a ,{o1r ra,tu pat ilt ilil ililt il il |ll ,. f,.] c.rrr;.; - ,1 i ) .. )- , ., 1:.1E r. . lou aL.r.r !t r.,!r:.. |.,iIi. r.rL r!tl !tj,r (r !.lrnr.,.ri.!,c. .,r." eM3lAS ud llO-lOl oldOOW NlWVf NlS oy-1602 Lolr rarrr par lll llil lillt ||il ill .:,.,i r,..'..r ! ,i,!D t |o^ '. r - I :....r ),f rr r.cr !.r loLr);r ouo .l] l il].)r;r.]o s;oul)s ].] sY -Mfrnfud uo-]o3 ,,t door,! 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D r, alrqi, j '|c^\ju €t u.: s rtt r.5!a,.,. 6..N.r c: J.J).r pJ. .:.., ..r:: rt. r:p;:3Nc:.!saauo! rc:,y lM 3ln 3 Ud UO-'lOf,;r roow N twVlN r € 0v-t602 Lo;t raru pet ilriltilil||ilill t 111 1198?8,,906f Zn n o tilillillltilil]ilil||lilttl I toO t16,,'r,, ,! :r .rtr ..1, r., l! u !r rc.) , I.16 r! r.,.r ,(Lri )..L,Lr ! qr sasr:.crC 6: roD ror :clrau p:c r.aL, r 6 .6r l.t trarralro ;rc talcuar ro o sv .,M3 rn 3Ud UO-1 03 ' r ubaw fw Nr D.{WNfE 0v-t 602(o;r ta,rrr pat iltiltililtillilrl .r !l to..ro a{ uorl 9s,u I ro roLor ur ili't6rts l)D^ 40! 3 duos s,ur !6ss€rord 6u r.o loluoqr€]l puo to€q rLl6, a6c aq Fapalc aro sa duos ,.pr sy oM3lA3 U d tl O-] O 9 @l tOOW NlWVl"NS€ oy'1,60(, ,(o1r re,ru per iltliltilil1illlill rL,,cd -lrc aL- uorj us,!,r )c.olc: ur ilr\srls aro^ ^.! ,iClDs i,r| sasr€ro.d 6u loo lo)r!oLf.ur p!o rc.! u6 | a6o Lc, pap.-lc a,o !€tCurcs rc or sV oM3lA 3 Ud UO-'lO3el UOOW NlWVf Nl€ o7-1,602 Aolf, ra^u pal ilililililt1ililil| r.rl UOOW NlWVf Nl€ 0v-t,602 Xolr ra.rrL per' ilililililtilililr1 " .t 28798,,90622rr r : , 8 rr 'rZ8?98,,906E2r1r 0 llllllltll,llllrlllllltlllllilillllllllllllilll||llilllllllll a9aa t.r 5vN I agaz Lv 6w / . r I .! .r : i. ,,,:or . 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" LU E,g [!EI3 Eo -)o() =ulz r-x= 3 =9 o -, (n E =3. n =Qg i En< = Uriilg d E4g = --q--* 2 Xgi, a t-lt tr' -rjr_ I s;<6 r z(<- a =''7<tY. Z. E -r == d 2z'6s d H8Eft 329d< H xe& p xAl CY ul 6Hl 9*, F6t 66 = dzt C)c) 5 z. o- (J uJzoF.J) (9z FLx UJ W*f;t/o7-l*cfic DLoo coraffirY oEr/Etr|f}fi Design Review Eoad ACTIOil FOR],I Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, vail, colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgou.rom Project Name: COLOMDO SKI MUSEUM REMODEL Prcject Description: DRB Number: DRB070350 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION FOR A SKI MUSEUM DCERIOR FACEUFT. WITHDMWN DUE TO WEATHER AND TIMING. DRBOT-0645 WAS APPROVED WHICH WAS JUST FOR A REPAINT. THEY WILL BE RETURNING IN THE SPRING TO RECIEVE APPROVAL OF THE THIS PROPOSAL, Pa]tacapants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 0712412007 C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 APPLTCANT TOWN OF VArL-SUSTE TJOSSEM 0712412007 C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 project Address: 241 E MEADOW DR VAIL COLORADO SKI MUSEUM Location: Legal Description: Lou B-C Block: 5D Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 1 Parcef Numbert 2L0L-082-2700-2 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: WITHDRWN Date of Approval: Cond: 8 (PLqN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to aonstruction activiUes. @nd:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final apprwal, unless a bullding permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completlon. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB F€€ Pald: i2SO.OO 1 rt- Department of Community Development 75 south Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970,479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer b the submiftal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Crmmunity Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design r€view approval lapses unless a building p€rmit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval. Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review c.ru '' l 'fdl t'l o 7) G,g e En3a -81'' Locationof theproposat: LorB'C etoct:51) SuMivision: Vd-i I Vrtl€€ Frl rnq physicarAddress: 24t E He.A-dOW Dr-Var-t Vrttagc- Po.v-Z.r parcel No.: aol- oB2'2"100- 2 (contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):Il( Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s):tatrvu NameofApplicantr COlOradO 3kl 3<)-\- OuSt Mailing Address:o.'gox $1b Vo.{A , <-o tb5 Phone: E-mait Addres",SfJO *e rr\ @ gmat l, c fF.*, Type of Review and Fee: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For consbuction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee ESI-r O Signs n Conceptual Review O New ConsbuctionO Addition N Minor Alteration- (multi-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-fa mily/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request 4o trrnon<,e vqir- CO 'lRr G3 Series FLUORESCENT I SURFACE tr CRAFT LIIEO APPTICAIIONS: . UL/CUL Listed Wet Locolion . UL/CUL Hozordous Locotion (tloss l, huision 2; fuoups A,B,( I 0 thss ll, Divilut 2; Gtou\ f & G) . NSF Certi{ied Food Processing (Splosh lone, Food Ione) . Indusf riol & Commerciol . UL Listed Morine (lnside, lnside hiyProof) . Tronsit BENEFIIS: . Luminoires odopfoble to your specific needs FEATURES: . Squore version ovoiloble . Avoiloble in Sloinless Sleel conslruclion . Premium eleclronic bollosf stondord . Every luminoire lesied with lomps lo ossure cusfomer sotisfocfion . 5 yeor limiled v/orronty . Proudlv mode in USA SPECIFICATIONS: HOUSING: Cons'irucled ol 20GA (.036) zinc cooted steel lor unmolched corrosion protection. Feoturing o double chonnel, one welded inside the other, wilh sooce between lhe chqnnel sides lo coolure lhe diffuser. Threoded hubs ore conlinuously welded inlo the chonnel ends providing o seoled wirewoy occess. Removoble plugs seol lhe hubs when not utilized. Food Zone: All exlernol melol components of stoinless sleel (S3 oplion std). OPTIONAL PRETf, I UfiI IIATERIATS: 52 - 304 sloinless steel outer chonnel. 53 - Externol melol comoonenfs of 304 stoinless sieel. 54 - All melol comoonenfs of 304 stoinless steel. REFLECIOR: Fobricoled of zinc cooted sieel, pointed with o minimum reflectonce of 88%. END CAPS: Die formed o{ 18GA (.048) sloinless sleel. A lhreoded, knurled ring secures the end cop to the luminoire housing. End cops secure lens. GASKEflNG: EPDM is used in fhe housing chonnels ond end cops. FtNlSlt: Pointed surfoces ore two mil while polyesler enomel, speciol colors ovoiloble. LENS: One piece nominol .125 white lronslucenl cell cosl virgin ocrylic. A two piece lens with center ioiner bond is ovoiloble (Hl option). ELECIRICAL: All bollosts ond lomoholders ore UL Lisfed. ilorlne: Utilizes o three gong terminol block for electricol connections. f,IOUNIING: Surfoce, choin, or pendont oplions ovoiloble for covered ceiling installofions. Continuous row luminoires mqnufqcbred with oligning pins ond ulilize joiner bonds. Surfoce mounted HO luminoires reouire o minimum 1 1/2" cleoronce (Brocket kit supplied). For further informolion, contocl Soles Representotrve. Splcsh ond Food Zone: Surfoce Jor covered ceiling instollotions only. ilorine: Surfoce for covered ceiling insiollolions only. TEIIIPEMTURE CODE: Closs l, Div. 2= T4 (l35eC); Closs ll, Div.2= T3B (l65eC) 1/2' THREADED FLANGE (OPTIONAL, WET LOC,) LIt{9IH DultilSrot{s lll ll{cHEs 9/32' DlA. El\,IBOSSED MTG. HOLES {STD) IVOUNTING STRAP W/ 5/l6' DlA. l\,lTG. HOLES (MC3) 1/2" THREADED HUB W PLUG B ----J..- A 7Fl 3Fr 4Ftf54n 6trSnfon 8tr 8 n tDlll 43/32 16 103/32 1671/2 3283/32 32 123/32 4812346 48 16 v32 64t6yt6 64 24346 36 yr6 4t 48 3/t 6 72346 t23/8 96 3/t 6 96318 47t16' a SOUARE POLYCARBONATE LENS AND END CAP [f---------------]tl]t {lE |l|lilil|\v .-.-nErutfdBd ffi JOINER BANDS J-}{l fU Poromounl Indu$riet lnr. 800-521-5405 Fox 800-852-7154 www.porumounllighting.tom I REVs/otl ,@" Hozordous Locolion: @ ,@ Food Processing:61 G3 Series PHOTOMETRICS: ror oaaitionol photometry 9o lo poromountlightins.com Model C31323, 4Fl White Pointed Inlerior ond White Acrylic Lens, 1 32W T8 Fluorescent [omp, Lomp Lumen Roting = 3050 Coefficients of Ullllzotion, Zonol Covity lllelhod Zonol Lumen SummotT ?8.0 u.1 t3.6 r5.6 ti.t t7.3 r00 2t.t 41.2 64 r0.5 t2.l r3.3 t3.4 n.4 661 1156 1953 321 368 405 408 2362 (l R2 3 4 5 6 I B 9 t0 50 48 46 42 40 3/ 3/ 3{ 3l 33 29 26 29 25 22 26 22 19 ?420v 2? 18 15 ?0 16 13 t9 t5 t2 5{150 46 13 40 40 36 33 35 31 28 3t 2t 24 28 24 20 26 2r 18 n19 16 22Vt1 ?0 16 t3 59 56 53 50 46 43 43 39 35 38 33 ?9 34 29 25 3l 25 2l 28 2? ]i 2s20v ?3 18 15 2l r7 13 64 64 57 54 50 45 47 11 3t 41 35 3l 31 31 26 33 2t 23 30 24 20 21 21 v 25 19 t5 23 ri t4 t6 67 60 51 50 15 42 39 36 33 3l /0 66 63 59 63 5/ 51 4/ t494338 52 13 3t 32 48 38 32 2/ 41 34 28 23 40 3t 25 20 38?8n18 35 ?6 ?0 16 33 ?3 18 14 4l 35 2i 21 ?0 l8 l5 t1 12 tl 0.30 0-40 0.60 0.90 90-120 90- r30 90, r50 90- r80 0.r80 T0l0l luminoire 0pticol tfficienq -- 77.40/o Spocing Crilerion: 0' : 1.21, 90' = l.a6 0o EEC3 W€l lo(olion ll(3* Hozordous S(3 Sph$ lone fC3 Food lonel(3 lloine Inside ll(3 lmi& Drio-orool t1r5 fr4l5 (2Fl) r7' il /r8 (2Fr) 24r5H r24lyH0 (2rr)75 f25r8 (3Fr) 2815 f28r5(1Fr) 36H B6 Z/H0 (3rr) 32' t32r8 (1FI) ItH. f48 ?l|0 (4fr) 51r5H f51r5/H0 (4fr)nI tlzItUH| l6ttl 72r8H rnrSlrr0 (6rr) 16lr 196r?||0 (8rr) 50BX f50T5rr 0" 0' -20' 0' .20' 0' -20' .20' .20' e6r8. n6r8(8fr)6ew) 50" 96I8H' t9618/H0 (8tn .20' IANDE'II LAIIPS Iondem lomps ore tondem wired 10u. R015Il (1rD 50BX f50r5rr (4Fr)25 nsTs (6Fr) 2815 r28r5 {8Fl 0' 32. R2r8 {8FD 0' 54rtH f54r5/H0 (8fD 0' t Lomp type Avolloble for Hozordous loaotioa. 'N D'V'DUAL U N'7S S'AIIDAPO. Cnher Woltoges snd Lengths Avollable, Cons|,th Factory. lfSF Food Processrng lrore: Food Zone (F ptelix) luminoies come in DIRFCI CONIACI with food. Splosh Zone. (S prefix) unils moy become soiled, bul ore oulside lhe donger ot recontomtnohon. fnformotion subiect to chonge wifhout notice. tomps supplied by others. @ 2005 Poromounf lnduslries lnc. P.O. bx 259 Croswell, Ml 48422 125 !/hite Aaylic (&se.) 125 Prismolir Acrylic (P1) .125 0eor Polycorbonote (llo Ponem) IUA > 4fT .125 Whire Poh(otunore (lvA >4fl) .156 Pdsn0rir hho60n0re (Pl2) wA >4FI Squoe Polycorbonole (Mrto SmM. 0e t otisrutu M*],l*.) LENSES AVAILJAELE FON FOOD ZONE .125 0eor Polymrbonote (llo Potlern) IVA >4tT .l25White Polycorhnoh (tVA .41lr (Mlr,) .156 hism0lk Poly@rbonole (Pl2) IVA >4FT Squore Polycodonote EMERGENCYBl Bodine BDt/00 (0-50'q VA <3FT 8? Sodine BDL500 (0-50'0 tYA <4rl 8il Bodine BDt900 (0-50'q VA <3FT 89 Bodine BllD65U (l|oz. toc.) tVA <3fT BALIA'TSDl lutron 0imming E[0-10 Dl fleclnnic oimming D4 < l0%'ItlD ((onsult fodory) D8 low-TempllogneticBollcst(l/A18) D9 l,lognelk Bollo$ 19 Rooid Srod fledoni( Eollosl FUSINGil GL&/titR funng (Fosl) 12 Oll7fiU fusins (Slow) t3 flPS/Ftt Fusrno (txternol. IVA Hoz [oc) TENSINGHl londem tens Vriilh loiner Bond ll2 .150 txtro l|eow 0eorAcrylic ll3 .l 50 [xlro Heow While Atrylic J0 tomp Sleacs ($ri! (olo0 JE Win Guord (lVA SplosVtood Zones)tE Refl€do T00e 60ecily [0r0li0n. (0NJll f0(lorv; ,IAOUNTINGlll hndonrllount (hndonts b 0lhe6) n2 l,l0unlin0 I rodct l(fi (Sr rloa / 6oin) ll3 In-Row (R0w Inl0m0ti0n Rquid) lt6 Angled ^{ountir4 Erodat ((onsrh Agent)ll9 Wollrlhwlinc ,tltsc P9 Speciol Poinl (olor (Provide Poinl(ode &Oip) 15 Srcrulor Aluminum Refiedor Sl Speri0lllotei0l((onerltAgent)R Tomper Resi$ont T6 Scew-on fnd (op W3 Renroh Eollost Bor W5 Re Wire tnlry (Consull fodory) Y5 RFlSuppressors Y6 tla-tcc'' tomo tlolder (tl{d Bi-Pin 0nh, T8. Il2) | 20V/50h Stondord 2llU/60llz 31lU/60U2 50Hz & Olher Vofuooes Avoiloble - CRAFT LITE@ LUMINAIRE ORDERING INFORMATION: I Standard 2 15 Only 12 Tcndem 3I 5I 8 9 6 7 8 9 0" 0" 0' (tlltfie Sn od. tleor t uivrutie wihth.) Colored ocnlic lens ovoiloble, consull ogenl. (See poge 215 for ovotloble lens colors.) st s4 Stoinless Sleel [fdiol Sloinless Sleel tomolele 304 5S Stondord, 316 SS qnd other moleriois ovoilob/q consuf ogent 0' 0' 0" Add hyphens belween oplions Proiecl Informotion: foromount Industriel Inc. 800-521-5405 tox 800-852-7154 ww.potomountlighling.com :-) .1 (.) Ltlr/)-') r) UJ </)() o_ O(Y TL I lC','c IFta.'tto lo'o_ I altri .(I'tu) 'a o Eb ai =O =a 0) = o .F = ?ts f o 2 hi -7 F MF MoZ I Z M LllFZ LU LU/\ OZ LU Ltl - Olo Llr F O v.F E(g O) o o_cc(g a c) -c c c) a) tl 4 r)lo - tl <1. v.ozoI trto U u- €:)tlt at1f =olll at1oo-oE(L (Eo E JI ll JifiZ w LUFz LU (o $ -c a oa).- .= -= /-\ q, (t1 - -9-=^\,.\:xd_Ed LU O OZ LIJ -1 n (') .E 6'* q) q, o-I(E o '6 o .Ep o-co o hi oz tll ? UloIIJ -O v- = o- ^ aI1 ; '-1, c)_ =^u _c.= cc of C_ \JO -=-C L-Io6 O" =3l.\ -= L! ()(g o o O C $ a AJI (.) C r) Eoq : uJ nl Edhi "..f >5> v!>o-coo =?* r.ll <.1 (.) .) 1!l t4 _) o LtJ r) tI- (.) lY al-. o')cCO >P> ITId) i: c- Cd bc cd o_ (gc .F(o -rr \J r.l l a Jaal r- rf! - \r, 6 car'F ^-o '- -L /-t '= u)"'ccq) >11 Z u- 11t Z Lt_l E s O)o o o r')oco c,nrU: -CF C_ OO_oE =HO-Za M CZoI CO(0-oq) Cf LO o c)ca := G6E c) -cO o C t_l o)=aootr (_) E- .C -- R oa r>'71 -i= =:J.-"7lcgo-o (g-',(o >U) y: =xi>oo-oo9 =v(J n) \,/ (U ni U ^ a_ i; 5 do ci i,>-au_<-- Llt Z LU LlJF Olo LU l l ',1 MFF c =Ecoo c .ax IJJ u-oZ I Z Fu. Ltl Z LU 1l l\ \\ l\ \\ ,\ Ltl O Oz LU ac .9 (5 .9 =Eo Eaooo o_o o- aco +t(g C) Eo E Eo U)o o_I(L LLJ lo LIJ co E (Eo +J(',c -cg r.Fo oortro E(DL'a oo l-l -l C) 4 tJ .':; (/7 f (J rll 1/)() 0- (,,) t:v' M Z I '(E oo o-(! O (s PoZz M LIJ Z- Llr ur O O7 LU '6 oo -c o oo LU :)o LIJ Golorado Ski Museum 8-1 -07 DRB Hearing The foffowing are the comments of the Design Review Board made on February 2'1, 2OO7, regarding your conceptual proposal. r The upgrading of the facility is generally a good idea.o Preferred the photographs applied to the walls verse the solid paint colors. The concern expressed was the maintenance and longevity of the graphics applied to the walls.. Suggested that covering the windows with images was not a good idea as pedestrians should be able to see inside.. Suggested the creative use of lighting within the plaza and within the windows could draw people to the site.o Believed the use of an 'icon" in the plaza area in front of the location would be a good idea.. Suggested taking more of a retail approach to the space and windows displays and lighting.. Suggested that incorporating the wall area around the glass sculpture on the lower level would be a positive to drawing people up to the museum. lf the DRB chooses to approved this application staff recommends the following findings be made: o That the application of the mural to the building fagade is appropriate as the Colorado Ski Museum is a cultural institution open to the public for viewing.o That the application of the mural to the building fagade is appropriate as the location of the Golorado Ski Museum is unique as it is on the fringe of Vail Village in the parking structure.o That the application of the mural to the buibing fagade complies with the Town of Vail Sign Code and Vail Village Master Plan.o That the content of the mural references the antecedents of the Town of Vail community and will provide greater visibility and recognition to this cultural element of the Town. lf the DRB chooses to approved this application staff recommends the following conditions be placed upon the approval. o The applicant shall revise the plans to show the signage to be six square feet in area or less. A revised plan which has all signage dimensioned shall be submitted for review and approval by staff prior to installation. Page I ofl Warren Campbell - Ski Museum exterior From: To: Date: Subject: CC: "Susie ljossem" t 10/18/2007 l2:33 PM Ski Museum exterior "Stan Zemler" , "Warren Campbell" , , "Pam Brandmeyer" Hello Greg and Mike etc. I wanted to bring you up to speed on the renovation to the Ski Museum storefront. As you know we had drawings done by Communication Arts for a new look. The desigrs were given the green light by the PEC to proceed through the review process, unfortunately the desigrrer we were working with at Communication Arts quit the firm and they were left in a lurch. Commarts was donating their design expedise to us so we basically had to wait in line until they could free up time of another designer. In early August we went before the Design Review board. They had several concerns about the materials that had been proposed so the approval was tabled while we did more research. Without a designer at our disposal our project had to be put on the back burner at Commarts, we did however find out that the graphic panels that were part ofour new look had to be applied when temperatures were above 50 degrees which limited our window of opportunity to complete the project even if we had found building material solutions. In the mean time, while our project was still going through the design approval process the rest of the Vail Parking Structure was repainted. I realize that you had anticipated our part ofthe building being renovated so instead of wasting $$$ painting something that was going to be changed you decided to leave it alone. Unfortunately, now our storefront looks more shabby than ever. To temporarily ranedy the situation and make a slight improvement in the ski museum storefront so it has a little more visibility we are proposing painting our storefront a contrasting color that works within the color pallet of the parking structure. We will have a proposal done within a couple of days that will include a few diflerent color options and are scheduled for the Nov 7th Design Review Board meeting. Now, I have a couple of business questions. Who should pay for our storefront to be painted since it was left out of the normal building maintenance schedule? And if it is determined that the museum be required to pay for the paint, which I hope is not the decision, do you have a list ofpainting conhactors for us to get a bid from? Please let me know how to proceed. Susie ljossem Executive Director Colorado Ski & Snowboard Museum and Hall of Fame file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\TernpU(Pgrpwise\471752... ll/02/2007 tCu,l,orr.L Sk, t ^rru,n St^ l;*e(tP fr,.X {,^,-,r^ (rJ,nL* S,1ns U 9*-^ T.rilJ u'o.r^'- ^u"^;*J L{o, is Artj up Jd*l )J*[.J/-,.Jil TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAI) vA,rL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARIIiIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIiTT PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT NOTE: THIS Job Address... z 24L E MEADOW DRLocaEion .. 24L E MEADOW DR Parcel- No. . . . . : 2101-082-27-002Project Number: APPLICAIVT VALLEY WIDE PLIJMBTNG & HEATING P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 8L620 COMTRAETOR VALLEY WIDE PLI'MBING & HEATING P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 8L520OWNER TOI,{N OF VAIL ? FINANCE DEPARTMEN 75 S FROIiITAGE RD, VAIL CO 8L657 Description:- ADD A/C TO SKI MUSEIJM AND TRC Fireplacc Infomalion: ReBcricteal:#of ca6 Appfianced: sEatus...: ISSIJED Applied. . : 06/1,7 /1998Issued... : 06/1,7/L998 Extrrires . ,: L2/L4/a998 FEE SUMMARY Valuation: *of caE Log6: Phone:. 3039491747 Phone: 3O3949L747 8,778.00 #of wood/PalIct: M€chanic.f-- -> PIan Chcck- - - > Invseligat ion> tliII calI----> 1SO. OO 45 ,00 .00 . o0 22g.OA R€.luar.nt Plan Revie!,r- - > DRB Fe€-------- ToCal Calculaled Fec6- - -> 22A.oo AddiEional Pc€s----- ----> .OO TOTAL FEES.-... 3,00 Total Pcrmit Fe6-------_> .oo PaymcnEs-------- BAIANCE DUE. - -.. .OO Item: 0510005/L7 /L998Item:05600 06 /L7 /t998 BUILDING DEPARTMENf Dept.: BUILDING Division:iIRM ACTION: APPR APPROVED iIRM--Fins DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:iIRM Acrion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR ]S REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 I]MC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 i]MC.4. GAS APPLIANCES S}IALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMTNATE AS SPEEIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 i]MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI,Y WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE r_991 I,MC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOI'IiTTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBTE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.?. PERM]T,PIJANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANTCAI, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOITEST,8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI-, ROOMS CO}fTAINING HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOITERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2LL9 OF THE 1991 TJMC. ******************:l************************************************************* 0.,_^-( D,(Tts J<.-.-nopC.--Y.^ 3\.^ t/\^"-u-''''-t - JOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES Permit #: M98-0101- DECI,ARATIONS I h.raby .cknorhdg. uh.b I h.vc -oad chi! rppllcrtl,on, fl,llod oub ln ful1 ch. inforulcion rcqul,rcd, coBPl.!.d.n .ccqrle. lrlocPlrll, rnd .!rt. thrt r11 th. lnforrn tion provid.d .. r.qulr.d ir corroct. I r9r.. co corlrly yith thc Lnforurtl,or lfrd plot pl.n, Co cor$lly rleh rlL Totm ordlnrnc.. .nd .!.b. le*r. end eo bulld chl. .tsructsu!. eccordlnE bo the ?ourr,. zoning rnd .ubdl,vl.lo(r codaa, d.aigm r.r.lar .PProv.d. lrnl,for! guil,ding Coda r$d obh.r ordi nc.r of gh. Aor,n .pplic.bl. Chcr.to. lEQIrEgTt lOn INSPlellONg gHALl, BE ITADE l'ltEltII-PooR tlOlrRlt IN tIwtltC! BI TILEEI|OUE AT 4t9-2138 OR AT oUR OFFICE ARONT 3:0o AM 5:OO Ptl aromT(nB o! onxEn on co*r*^croR roR nr*lrEr,F NtD ot{NBR - 7 4 (#; /?/eH FORM . APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT CO}4PLETEIJY OR gMAY NOT.BE..ACCEPTEDal vr\ -'-*iJt!/ +- 'rl- -' If***************************** PEIIITIIT fNFORMATfON ***************************** rl [ ]-Building [ ]-plurnbing [ ]-ElectricaI l{]-Mechanibal [ ]-other VATL CONSTR APPLTCATTON TEz /r,//J,/?/ ucrlorp ate Recoived,, o JUt{ 15 1gg8 Legal Description: Lot Block-j[ Firing___ / ,_ srrBDrvrsroN:' t/n/L toA Nu 7E3,6 nanfur't * fpn^l&Cre-Job Address: Owners Name: Architect: OF IT DA wNo ERMI .ce WN rfr TO' P. so rs tl I a?-- ses ce1# 7- As ar * z Coun ty 40 for Ptr -Dfz- :e r6A4 l gL -8 EaE. 28-l4 ^/o t.Ea -328Le il, ac 70L. Address: J4/ 5. nEAud Dplt/E ph. Address:Ph. General Description: Work Class: [X-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of DwelLing Units:Number of Accornrnodation Units: Number and Tvoe of Fireplaces: cas Appliancesv {* * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS BUILDING: $EI,ECTRICAL: $OTHER: f TOTAL: I TNFORMAI'ION ILUMBTNG: $ _ UECTIANTCAL:djt* * * * * * r' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr :r CONTRACTOR'Eeneral Contractor: Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************* *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number:Address: Electrical Contractor : Address: Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: I ******************************** BUILDTNG PERMIT MECHANICAL Comrnents: .- Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. No. FOR OFFTCE USE BUTLDTNG To$rn of Vail Reg. No.,//3-P Phone Nurnber: at&"- '-7- ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLIIMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT RENIND FILE COPY TOWN OFVATL 75 South Frontage Road VaiL, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development February 28,1996 Margie Plath Colorado Ski Museum P.O. Box 1976 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Sign request for Colorado Ski Museum located at the Transpodation Center in Vail Dear Margie: The Design Review Board at their February 21,1996 meeting approved your request for an ideutificaltion wall sign of 10.54 sq. ft. with the provision that the statement "supported in part by Coors', be eliminated from the sign. Thc Boarddirected staffto allow a reasonable size plaque for any sponsors, which would not be visible from the street, to be placed near the entryway of the C;lo;ado Ski Museum. Due to the size, weight and manner of attachment of the sign, no Building Permit will be required for the sign, however, the contractor installing the sign must be registerid and certified as a contractor authorized to do work in the Town of Vail. Prior to initallation of the sign, I will need a revised sign plan showing the new configuration with the elimination of the "supported in part by Coors," Thank you for your patience in this process. If you have any questions call me at 479-2148. Sincerelv.n-rl| ntl(l/llllrlt f$nl. $Iq^{X-a bomYnic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planner DFlWjr {,2 *"""uo n*"* Project Application r t. / I t (t-., A,t.,. ^'" ?l2 lfqb *"," r,.,ror"oo Ski fln.J1f,Jnt -ProJect Project Contact Description: Person and Phone Owner. Add ress and Phonel /'lArrqle Dl., {u.. Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 7Vz n rro A ltnnc(-e- /x/-, e itins Zone - Comments: Design Review Board h", "r / t!h, ou Alwr ' ,^," zlzllqL Motion by: Seconded D ISAPPROVA L Su m mary: E statt Approval oo d $, \ N \ ri, v C\ul 'if,: ,/; ;eg fibH FEg['fi o lt ag t,€s$iNSrrr iv\t:r.J{vs$\ \s$$lQJ )\\hs uJ $.,r-$ $E$ oE$Lo \o () -r 0 .,--...! ^€-:..,8 =j * *t A sl.bt- r9- 9t'-/, v \J+ it + \iG \f-- oS \ Fl:/-J "P-g€ :3 q./ d{L$' '-E 3t.|3tSHJ3J-H=rH Ze:6t IA.J 96-6 -aI 3g FEB- 12-96 tYt O hr €:o q4 F_(a1 TRANSM ITTAL DATE FEFERENCE NAI./E OOMPANY ADORESS FHgNE / F&( SIONED BY 02.f 2,96 coLoRADO SKI lrusEuM SAI, DEL. DOMINIC AFPROVE E INITIAL TOWN OF VAIL collFlRilAflotl vAL, CO ttoqq AUOTATIOI{ PI.RCHASEORDER' DOMINIC; IN ACCORO WITTI OUR EARLIER CONVERSATION. WE ARE PREPARED TO PROCEED W|TH THE EXTERIOR SIGN FOR THE COTORADO SKI MUSEUM. S"ICIFICATIOT.IS WILL BE AS PER OUR SUBMITTED DR,AWINGS WITH THE TEXT AREA MEASUR]NG z4'HlcH X,17.6'WDE O.0 sQ. FT.) - AREA BETWEEN T-EXI AND LOGO MEASURES 1.5'x2.l'HIGH (.?5s4. FT). LOGO MEASURES 1?WIDEX2S HlcH (2.3 80. FT). THE TOTAL $Q. F(x) IAGE OF THIS SIGN MEASURE$ 10.45 - IT IS OUR UNDERSTANDING THAT WE CANNOT EXCEED .I1 SO, FEET AND ARE AGREEABLE TO THIS LIMITATION, P.O. Box 2688 vr[, co 01658 070.919.4565 FNC349.4670 Productlon C€nter 910 Nottingham Road Suit6 S-2 Avon, CO 81620 Apcn Oflice: 970.m5.1911 Glonwood Springs 970.945.6696 ttGtttEcHs,GNs f,:,,-,'. -:'- :-7-'-a FEB-THU =:og-96 \ E€ HIGHTECHgIG}IS HIGFETE€HSIGNS Post-|ts Fax Note P.O. BOX 2688. VAL CO 9.4565, FA(: 303.94e-4670 *,etj4.4*-oarc-&9h.ev NE %e courarr-&a{ Affis2- Colorado $kllfuseum &sl<iHtudF'ntearlllEil aatd COFI scn-e Jl./A- PHoNE rax,. 41(e.'l611---.- r..|ti!Ed l2l9t93 ( PIease NAME OF NAME OF ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICATION DA SIGN/AM{I}IG AF,I.ICATTOil Print or Type) PROJECT L U5.e ln -eY.t ariOr S i&n PERSON SUBMITTING -lqac6.ie---gl.a.r.tr,-E - PHONE ',47e-teZ6 - P,0.. Box !,9J6 231 S. Irontagg._3-0. E. OWNER Town of Vail bui 1 rr i n g PHONE----a:g-+C:+- Leve1 3 V SIGNATURE OF OWNER LOCATION OF PROJECT (address) - Abave exte,rior doers Lot Block Filinq DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT - add- on to exisfing *ig , THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AIIINING (FREE STANDING, WALL, PROJECTTNG, ETC), TNCLUDE SrGN MESSAGE. wall MATERIAL same as existing mare'ri al s mat er i a1s as de scr ib ed on ouotat ion sIzE oF oVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERJNG AND LOGO see attatched sign drawing and specs .r HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE ljl_rr DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) existing n''ry B. c. SIGN see OR AWNING attatched D. F.LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIAT]ON APPROVAL FEE: $20.00 PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARE PAID chk CHECK NO.1139s l. :'<2. "" 3. -4. t5. **-6. . (ATTACH ) FOOT OF SIGN AREA. DATE r /r SlgO Si-te Plan ELevations sho\,ving exact Location of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available Sign Administrator:kPart oi ?'.'rl PropOsed original sign material- has application, already been on fil-e w/tov approved by T0V IOV ,.} I TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the followinginformat.ion is required: 1. A conpleted sign/awning application (attached). 2. A site plan showing the exact location where the sign is to be .Located. 3. A photograph if possible and buil-ding elevation showingthe l-ocation of the proposed sign. 4. A scaLed drawing which detail-s the design of the sign, as foLlows: (a) Col-ored exactly as sign wi-l-l be.(b) A list of materiafs to be used in sign (metal, wood, canvas, paint, etc. )(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showingexactly how and where the awning is attached to thebuilding and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lighting that wil-f be used inconjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing an awning, J.ighting is not alLowed to shine through theentire awning which calls undue attention to the business. Lighting may spotlight only the actual signlettering on the awning. RECOMMENDAT]ONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc.2. Be specific. Vagueness on design, size, construction maydelay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this appJ-ication reguires a separate review by any loca1,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vai], theapplication fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of suchreview, may include, but are not linited to: CoLorado Departmentof Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing feeswhich are in excess of 508 of the application fee. If, at theapplicant's request,r dny matter is postponed for hearing, causingthe matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Conmunity DeveJ.opment Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may havea significant impact on the conmunity may require review byconsultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed toreview any appiication, Comnuni*,-ir Dcvclcpnent xney hire an outsideconsultant, it shalL estimate the amount of money necessary topay him or her and this amount sha1l be forwarded to the Town bythe applicant at the time he fiLes his application with the Conmunity DeveJ-opment Department. Upon completion of the reviewof the appJ-ication by the consultant, any of the funds forwardedby the applicant for payment. of the consuftant which have not been paid to the consul-tant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the anount forwardedby the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. FesLl6-eE TF{Ll H I GHTECH SI'o'=-*l F.g1 QUOTATION t. qqq'+uto Job #.PROFOSAt Date .02.16.9s Company .COLORADO SKI MUSEUM Conlact .IUCY BABCOCK City, State, Zip .vAILf CO 81657 Phonc / FAX .476.1875 1 476.7879 Shipping Instructione .N/A PROPOSED REVISIONS FOR MAIN ENTRY: NEW CUSTOM LOGO. METAIIIC BRUSHED GOLD FACE ON 1/2" TROVICET BODY OPTION.AS ABOVE WITH AI,L PAINTED FINTSH (NO METAT FACE) ADDITIONAT I,ETTERS FOR "FIJNDED BY COORS,INC." OPTION.ADDTTIONAL LETTERS FOR "FUNDED BY" OPTION.ADDITONAL FOR CUSTOM "COORS" TOGO ESTIMATED INSTALIATION (AFTER WALL HAS BEEN CLEANED AND TREPARED .lfE WILL REMOV'E oLD TETTERS) $295.00 $262.70 $217.00 $14s.00 $229.00 $400 - 500.00 F.O. Box l68s Pjodu(lon Canlat vrir, co 81658 t l0 Nottlngham Rord :t0t.9+t./1565 SulteS.e FAxj 949.4670 Avon, CO 816:0 v'y/holi / u^ fct^tl b,4 A,rpen & 6lenwood SPJg5. 30r.945.6695 HlaH|E<HS|6NS oo SIGN DRAWING JOB fi DArE-_-BY-_ nt_,-Vaee 2 CLIENT CONTACT P.O. BOX 2688 . VAIL, CO 8j { 949.4565 . FAX: 303.949.467O SCALE PHONE FAX: oo .===E=e+€slcNS SIGN DRAWING P.O. BOX 2688 . VAIL. CO 81658 . 303.949.4565 . FAX: 303.949.4670 "l16 I --T- B' .t dsskigum, T- Suppo rted in part by SKIHALL OF FAME otEK/4 LL : lo', 7/' ( lC,Z d) rcer 5oz6b o^rrz.z116 #t*f - ^re frcn,.' AAeo,*'s ..,r*r conrracr LuCg I\$BCOC[< scnr-e lb'.l pHoNE 1'11o. \B^fb ,u,_4'1_b_J_9JQ -- = ==.=-= =:--= =t i = ===== = = --= =Jl GNS P.o. BOX 2688 . VAIL' CO 81658 . 303.949'456s ' FAX: 303'919'4670 -" :- w EI^REU t r\E tll s;q.Ace'^. Co,lcu (c.-t,'r,^ ae a;{\'ned be-tou: - ftre^ =Gr,- '111o- lT ll b fn^;t+t T a' otEK,4LL: (O't Co bu /o/n/ LJ rfu/i^7 oloThdo ki Museum orted in part b d .t '(e'z+2 JOB f Sozeb our2.21.16 A9*f ^rr 8cn,. AAeo^'E cbtoB+;po€g,, lc\tc€{rrr.. .o"r^c, Lueq ISNBoo(KcLtENT--]t SZ-EE!:_ r, , I 5qro,Lg l\e.t PHONE ,u,_ 3f-6.J8f3- oo r|,1" f4aurvc( 5E' / 'A"rb,u /tlb"< Sr .,1. tt # s'/7,e - - (.cc.["/ott/ 5;J, zt.z4 a'f /5, ip 3 ;I ) 9 {- vq .J s t: tt! P5 w '7 S \-fPhf fit)/ * !D, F1 i :t- t ;f'r 1 'f,q i,lj ,f J tlt'..1 V 1Io \td I IT -t/ ,#ffi fry*: -1t [r,*' ' v..1\, E. ilfH lr,'* ffi&ffiffi#?sffi fu$a WsBf