HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D TRACT B C VAIL TRANSPORTATION CENTER 1976 PHASE 1 GENERAL LEGALTown of Vail Fx.fi:cIRICAL PERMIT rca N ane...l/- E- L.. . :. &/oZ.*, h* . :,Na,**r.,-. (*A- { Date of Application.... 7-U:-....*.7...................-...-...ts..-2.A........... (t7 /j, E lec trical contractor.. -.. /. b*1. -tZ..<n**z - -l -&*. -.. - APPROVALSlr ,ttffiflrr.uu/M,ft Chld Euldlnt Oftclal THIS FORTI IS TO BE POSTED OlI JOB SITE DURITIG CONSTRUCTTOI{ 24 HOI.'RS ADVANCE NOTIG REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 342 $.........-..--..........-... t..........2.A.:.&- 7 Received By . ar.d rrE c, F. r{3tarar, !0., !arvrt rloasz -/ Town of Vail F'I,n:CIRICAL Pm,IIIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 340 $............-.--...-.......- $...1,. 5. 6p.. | -d-..... $........ o2 0. ;. 8)...... 0...."...*.4.:.d....... rcaNao,e...1kg=rfufu .-.Ao-.,..--.&o,oo-,..k Date of Applicatiorl... . *flA,..--e.1..---.--.--.---rg..-7--Q...-...-... C4/ /rt El ectrical cofiractor -... -/-kd. .. .t.&th*2...r.Jo2-. -....... APPROVALS Chtd Bulldtlt Omdd Datc THIS FORM 13 TO BE POSTED (,1{ .,OB SITE DURING COI{STRUGTION 2' HOI,'RSI ADVAI\ICE NOTI(E NEQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS rx. !, r. {o!!rar ro., o T ,lr]'';x .,lrh-!!F T tNsPEcfFN /' ':: l , TIME RECEIVED ,L- ''. '/AM'PM CALLER --/t: TOWN OF FIEEUEstT vAll_, DATE JOB NAME ! ornen - ! paRrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE Besf copy e sAvailable p neeRovED E otsnppRovED II. UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: -|'rDDE,rTf '-ll\tQ i , , ',. . I nerNsPEcr onrrl. ,INSPECTOR IN9PECTIC'N HEEUEST /TOWN OF VA)iL a.."; " r..' ." ; l.y' , ' .../l ;,: - - l* i,n ,DATE ) JOB NAME ,i TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALIdR E orxen MON COMMENTS: E pnnnar LOCATION FEADY FOR INSPECTION WED FRI-AM PM p-o++noveo E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INsiPECTIoN FTEBUEST ' .i,.i . TOWN OF VAIL I DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E oruen MON COMMENTS: E pnnnnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTIOA} WED FRI. ,7 Q.ate RovED ! orsaeeRovED ! nerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE ,/'--- .-:;' :7 - ';' .): INSPECTIc'N FIEBUEST E ornen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrrlu LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED , THUR FRI-AM PM EAi,p RovE D ! orseeeRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOF ; -\t.-\ I qzr' J !-o" -l t,-e' ) | | I ?E7ea//ttes I b \-\\ J$ ikt .F\ l* IBli N ls \ \ eoIt F = j) t$ o 0 r\t- t*x N \rs I iNrtilI$ t* -\I\. lil\ t$ Nt\ Ftr-$q Nnr $lsS ili$ Ir tlll*s .l OD Is l+ l*n l$ $ -t s!. s\ s\t:' \ $ \ 5f $ b'I {N\r nSN $\\ N:}Nt' ^itos\ a Nlrl Town of Vail nI,NCITTICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 2L9 Date of AfplicatioX-...-".-". i") ......a..1..................$.7.4 Electrical Contractor Applicant- ttl8!!rr|r,.do /* ffi:74 Chld Butldlnt Ottlctd Date THIS FORT Ig TO BE POSTED 01{ .IOB STTE DURI]IG GONSTRUCTIOil 2I HOIJNS ADVAI\ICE NOTIG NEQUIRED T1OR INSPECIIONS '. .3-.8-?"..9-!. s...3.€6,..?*. $ Tdt !! rHa a. r. rol!aar. !o., ot||vla rtDaSz --J Town of Vail G..ncrnrcAr, Pmlrrr N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Pennit Fee 22I Applicant....... St3!atlt!o9 ilo"uonr* Total Fee Date [laid.-.-.-. Received By--.-...--.....--..-.. /-:22=76Datc cltal Bulldht ofttctat THIS FORilI I3 TO BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURIilG GOI{STRUCTION 24 HOI'RII ADVITNCE NOITCE REQT.'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS $.........-..-.-............- i31 7e& ,.... /.a.{,.1e... $...../.?-Q-.,..q.. ,.....2a.8.,...09 rrE a, r. rroEorrl ro.r * Town of Vail 221, $....-.........-.---......... s..... Applicant.---.-.$F.rura chl.t Eullttl!3 Ofttcltl Date TIIIS FORT 13 TO BE POSTED ON .rOB SITE DURII{G COI{STRUCTIOil 24 HOUAS ADVANCE NOIICIE REQT,'INED FOR INSPECUONS fttto"t*t;tA '.')- 8......,/ -.4 Y'-.-...... - -. Total Fee $.. e8 8,:..',' fu,EcrRrcAl PERMIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permlt Fee s... p.L,.... i...2..(, o 4 rra a. r. xorcra! !G., ! Town of Vail F:T,IilCTRICAL PMMIT Job N N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 222 $....-......---..-........... s.....2r.fu--d-'.09 t... ...A.0-.,.-"!-. ,......./.2,!! ,... .,1e.4 Date or Apprication.... 9-^"a-..-*L...--..---tg..-7-4--..--..-- Erectricar contractor....- ffi-/L fu.t Applicant---.--- s18!aftn /:ffi=71- THIS FORM 13 TO BE FOSTED OTO .,OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTTOI{ 2{ HO[''RS ADVANCE NOIIG REQTJIRED NOR INSPECTIONS Chrd Bulldl!! Omdd Date Paid--.---. Received By rrE c. f, H! rr trr !!.1 * Town of Vail F:I,NCIRICAL PERIITIT .. nI(lct,Ng Building Valuatton Electrical Valuation Permlt Fee Inrpection Fec Total Fee 222 $.......-.......-............ s......3.r..4-e!, '9 4A !'l t.......... d..:.'..t. -. -... i '^t -: :! g- -..- -..- -./-..{.. -, "...... tl21 a-> 8. - - - - - -..s./-4.. --. ---... Etectrical Contractor Applicant......-st[rr.r. Chld EuUdba Otn.n l Date Paid--.---. Received THIS FORil Ir rO BE FOST=O O*l JOB SITE DURI]IG CONSTRUGTION 2A HOUNS ADVAIVE NOflCE NEQI,'IXED F1OR INSPECrIONSI lxa !.7. |lolaatr aa..0rivat Town of Vail 1}mcnnrcAr, PERMTT ,s..2.1........... N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee ]ection ree Total Fee Applicant-...-.- SliDahtra 220 $..-......- /=ffi:7( cht.l Bu|ld|!t otflcld THIS FORilI Ig TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURIilG CONSTRUCTION 2I HOI.'RTI ADVANCE NOTICE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECIIONS s '3.a,..1.3-2.4 $ 84,r'-! $ . / a{,.1!. $......?..€8,.p t box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 office of the town manager $3800.00 4000.00 2500.00 500.00 ? TO: FROIiI: RE: DATE: Terry Minger Harry Ziegler 1976 Projects for Vail Trinsportation Center lilarch 5 ,I97 6 1. The following projects are considered "necessary"for the final compl-etion of the Vail Transportation Center. They are listed in recommended priority with approximate completion costs: a. Put dry sprinkler system in operation and install- earl-y detection fire warning in VRA with rezoning of building. b. Seal conduit and junction boxes with wax for water proofing (May be contractorr s cost. ) c. Install fLexibl"e hose connections be- tween 4" main to ramp and suppJ-y lines in ramp to stop glycoL leaks. d. Repair water leaks in joints on fourth level. (Combination expense bett'een town and contractor) e. Provide better ventil-ation in the VRA sPace. f. Provide CO detection in the paid lot. (Jim Lanont will provide requirements after air sampJ-ing is conpleted. ) g. Repaint yellow stripes and driving lanes. (Getting bids on this) ' Terry Minger March 5,L976I Page 2 h. Install hanging clearance signs. $ 650'00 i. Seal west waII in VT & BAI space 0 and instal-l vent. (Bradway will install at his expense) j, Add additional spot lights to north ? liae ot terminal for ContinentaL Trail-- way buses. * k. Outside ski racks G 600.00 (Include 3600.00 possible means to convert to bicycle racks for sununer) * 1. Kiosk wal] racks (to be built by 400.00 Mike Savage as soon as Possible) m. Cover stairs east of paid lot elevator 3000'00 n. Paint inside wa11sr25r stripe on ? ceiling and stairwells white (Getting bids, g'uess 913,000) o. Get "as built" electrical and mechan- 1000'00 ical plans for VTC and mall. 2. The following projects are considered "nice to have" for the final completion of the vail Transportation center. They are listed iir reconunended priority with ap5rroximate costs: a. Sandblasting X-roads and Avis tunnels' 4500'00 b. I(iosk clock 4000'00 c. Planters and fLowers inside VTC and Kiosk- 1000'00 d. Outside furniture for Level 3 next to ? snack bar e. Bicycle racks if ski racks won't convert ? f. Graphics inside the Level f tunnel. (Jin Lamont wil-l provide the design) ? S. Col-or TV for waiting passengers 500'00 I . Terry Minger March 5,L976 Page 3 3. Based on your review these items from the building inspector's final inspection may have to be added to paragraph 1: a. Redesign the entrances to the two covered stair- ? vrays. (Doors open invice out. The current design was approved by Ben Strahan and Mike CarLisle. ) b. Add additional exit directions in the stairways, ie. direct people up to exit. c. Add additional handrails to plaza steps d. Additional lighted exit signs have been ordered when recornrnended. e. Based on Hertzts decision to move into the VTC, either the chain will be moved east to the drive-thru or standards wiII be used with the chain in its present location. 4. Projects that were considered and dropped: a. Automatic door openers,/closers . $10,000.00 b. Suitcase lockers 10,000.00 c. Counter,/racks for Orv Peterson 21500.00 cl. Additional hanging graphics for Kiosk 3,000.00 e. Closed circuit TV ? f. Redo X-roads grade and tunnel entrance. ? (Contractor will repair the snow melt that is inoperative) 5. MalL Projects: a. Trash containers- weight VTC containers and place outside. Pick new design for terminal. ;(Jim l,amont wilL provide new design) Concrete ' .: containers cost $121.00 each FOB Calif. that match the VTC glascrete. b. Gaslights to electric. Will be a part of Public Works master plan for town. c. Build the information Kiosk. (Jim Lamont will ? get plans to Mike Savage for estimate) Terry Minger ltarch 5,L976 Page 4 Transportation Center HHz/st o d. Cover electrical paneL. (On 17 March 76 ? George Girvin will review- Mike Savage to builcl) e. Epoxie patch spal-ling concrete. (Recorunend' ? ation was to replace t of squares each year with. brick. Kent RoLe will contract for epoxie patching) 'f. Heat trace drains. (WiLl discuss with George Girvin on 17 March 76) S. Change naturaL color of bus shelter supPorts ? to that of the toP stained Portion- h. Add bicycle racks to rnall area. (Kent Rose 2 will review- for possible aclditional purchase of racks similar to those used in town. will discuss with George Girvin) i. Redo the rock planters to provide more access for buses. (Discuss with George Girvin) j. Add 2" water valve to main trater pit for cleaning the mall area. (Kent Rose and lvater departrnent discuss) ctfully, oo I '-'D'L(Lrr>rA*Tt*J k --tu/"fl .p611E,nKL.-^qS# -*tr-+/-'-'3,- -t 7z'"F-nyz-az i u--.-.n\.---o r"z-f .-r/ F--"f '"*'+'--^=''4 f-*7 J**;ft^n rNsr'EcrrCu TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL DATE TIME JoB NAME j RECEIVED- ,--_ AM PM CALLER E ornen E pnnrreu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRITUE PM EJnppRovED ! orsnpp RovE D E nerNsPEcr f] uporrr rHE FpLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS , INSPECTOR ru 'uc 88fIt1 omcE oF Fn'izHU3H 3GOTr - AiCH|rFSTS/'LrNl|En$ NC" eO. AgX V73, VAn4 COLORADO 81657 (3113) 4763038 December 20, 1974 Mr. Jerry Aldrlch Bul1d1ng Inspector Per our phone conversatlon December 18, I97U, we propose to.1nsta11 a 32t' x 2\" louven ln the south wa1l of the boller room at the ce1l1ng wlth a flre darnper to provlde adequate ventllatlon &s re- quked by code. Slncerely,MW CC: James Ream and Assoclateg Town of Vall-Va1l, Colo Va1I Transpontatlon Centej Dear Jerr:y: I PLUME|TNGi.TMECHANTCAL TOWN OF VAIL PEFIMIT /d- /- 7/ atJFo'r>TnTpns Ez Onene WL IZesazT .lsta-, oF woRK: E rew E aoornon .El neruooel E nEprtn MECHANIGAL: NUMBERNG: NUMBER RMIT FEE Q'4oo TOTAL FEES: S ll-/ fl oarc /o//h/76.ll 4r/"-l;ta .Zfn ozt,T al**,zl 7 /./ Ng Lll Date of tWrcaaoffi Electricatcontractot..Ez.k/,= aenricant.....-d rrd@t * Town of Vail FxncTRICAL PmMIT r ou N ur,e..V//.2<J.E* yr.t-..A*# APPROVALS ,fu-4 /f7 "';;; Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee '.5=..* $. -3'.'3 -. A,./l?-a - *2-/ Received 8y................... JU' $..e./.A.....+/./.. THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURING GOilSTRUCTIOI{ 24 HOURII ADV/INCE NOTICE REQI,'TNED FOR INSPECTIONS ia a. t. tollta! a0., Dltvlt antltt dt/r/'Tr-. *r y'>< // z y'. /. ll/A Town of rx.li'lcIRIcAL Vail PERMIT s5./'.lz.ai-iJ . .1 s-.3- -S!o-'*r- --,.--''h J l/- . -,t . * +*/- - -.. (+. r*4.*r..* - rsz--y'^--.-.-- -/--' ./?' - .-2 ,l z .*r,// ,N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation PendtFee Inspection Fee Received By Total Fee 5..€-.{J'..+/.{... .;.,flt \THIS FORil rS TO BE PPSTED ON .,OB SITE DURING CO]{SIRUCTTO]I 24 HOIJRSI ADVANG NOTICE REQINRED FOR INS?ECTTONS tta a. t ||aaataa ah aritaa tlttll ,o Di11on, C61o March 14,1975 City of Vail Mr Kent Rose Dear Mr Rose: The original Electric permit for the Vail Transportation Center was taken out July 31 ,1974. It was taken out fbr the sun of fi1526.80 on a valuation of fi225,485.00 -\-" As of the first of the year I unclerstantl that the vaLue of el-ectric work was $280,000.00. This would leave a bafance of #54,515 of which a permit is needed to bring the electric pennits on this project up to date. $54,515.00 x $6.30 per one thousand would be ti343.44. A new permit for the fi343.44 would make this accou:ct up to date. Very Truly Yours #"o.*/PH*Edward B Hammer City of Vaif llectric a4--/ Inspe ctor 6c4 7/c CAn"s abve alc corre/ 7, c/t"/r,bo/ c*/ro"y'r is ,rcrbri? on 6L co6/ p/us ,bsis uri/j a- qaqlan*a/ ,?/a.x. ,/ o*p*ai/prolelQ ,"r/oo/"/. /r€//d/ ,6oy' //u tor/rnq oio *hril /c furqd J ,r/to/ //'"* a/no////l ' 7finrrr i, ,z//r/ / ,/o o/il/-rc/ .1 L/t,/ie ndrca/d. ("rf A2t/ & ---'. --l ?1 3 s >- il-vsPE{roN FTEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ,a*LJ OTHER- - 'z E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION <1@>AM PM E-APPROVED florsappRovED fI nerNsPEcr fl upom THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS Best copfts Available DATE --i-- y-,.r'-> tNstrE{toN FIEOUEsiT VAIL / DATE \\,&t t\t E UOB NAME TIME RECEIVEDZ AM PM CALLER E ornen fl penrrru LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION MON WED THUR t7- ' .-r.a ,..^.,FRt-/__:_ 34.2.-C-AJI4 PM E orsnppRovED I nerNSPEcrE appRovED f] uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS l',(//', . 2/' "/,' -r,-=o+.4-Z-- INSPECTOB DAIE 6-P//- 71-- O o PLL,MEilTUGi/MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL E orsappnoveo DATEI aeenoveo TOTAL FEES: $ OF BUILDING: oF woRK: Eflrew E eoornou D neuooel I aepatn PTION OFWORK: 9tPt n PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALuAnoN$)/)oe99 VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: RMIT FEE no f.--PERMIT FEE rNspetloN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME .",. TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen .€ u *, -- Epnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION dD WED D orsappRovED l-'r.t.?'EI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS *7-;- - Mpp RovE D ! nerNSPEcr Best copy Avaifabte __--! DATE OATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxen I penrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: ,'-'d-\t(_'y:.)FRI El e'pp Rov E D E orseppRovED fl nerNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsrtee rclN FtEolJEsr EAGLE COUNTY DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen E pennel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE @ ,*r S-- 3z o* A Wp RovED ! orsnpp RovED E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS l... .uusPEetoN FIEBUEST VAILTOWNOF DATE - JOB NAME , TIME BECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n oruen n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED t;. , THURTUE FRI AM PM flnppRovED f]orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr D upotrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTlONS t'-"'.7----*;-. DATE INSPECTOR .- ,6I t..$zrttusPEvr-",.. '2 Croru TOWN OF -7 FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME ,-, , RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orren E pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION <i@ WppRovED ElorsnppRovED fl upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS f]nerNsPEcr /', \ "t --DATE b -,/' ./3 rNspe4rcn\l FIEGTUEST VAILTOWN OF DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! onen E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION (;t..D Waff RovED ! orsnpp RovE D ! nerNsPEcr Elrri-orrr nr e Fo L Lowr NG coRR ECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE rNseeCroN TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL ,AlilPn,r CALLER a -,,-. ff RECEIVED E orHen E penrral.LOCATION READY FOB INSPECTION WED ' Ir !ll+a.\ T6uR ."'FRI Q' E orsnppRovED ..-,(,.r1 ,S eeeRovED .El won.rue FoLLowr NG coR RECTToNS: CORRECTIONS rNsPEeroru FIEEUEST VAILowNC/T OF ,? TIME RECEIVE D orsen F> Li92', COMMENTS: E pnnrrel. READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR LOCATION .. TUE ,", 6oD ," {i APP ROV E D E orsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr t,u A /l // (_/ ./ t//'1 L /. a.'frz*"ze i;//'l Z L/ rt zrtt / y'+ L. b{ /,ta\uPoN THE F_OLLOWT NG CORRECTIONS: coRREcrloNs /A /lF l)ll4 ii,, y1 a- Ir 4 ?:2r /2--" // tut l4-'t INSPECTOR INSPECIC'N FTEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME CALLER <(' AM E oruen MON COMMENTS: IIJ PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUF E orseppRovED FRI-AM PM E nerNsPEcrE,rQPP ROV E D D uporrr THE FoLLowtNG coRRECT|ONS: CORRECTIONS DATE )z - ,r''' "'';;'5 INSPECTOR JAMES REAM AND ASSOCIATES. ARCHITEC 243 Kearny Street sAN FRANCTSCO, CALIF. 94108 Phone (415) 989-2616 -t LETTEROT TMhNSNflITTAL "^" lz/q/zf l'"""" l/cu'/-ilzn Srhuol'-' , Rui /1,1^- the following items: I Samples E Specifications ro To,.tnot Va)/ Eox r ao GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tr Attached D n Prints E Change order Under separate cover via ! Plans coPtEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION 6Lrut,,nho-, f4o^-/- t4,n.A L t tl'. Tn-,,^'^ / I ui/./,.',.,//T( THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked n For approval ,Eb For Your use E As requested E For review and comment n tr FOR BIDS DUE E Approved E Approved D Returned as submitted as noted for corrections ! ! n Resubmit-copies for approval Submit-copies for distribution Return 'corrected prints 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS stcNED: \-/a A^ Nc/.,--=. ,t ancroruras ara not !3 nota<t, kiadly totify u. et o.lca.br1{t-rr q! b !.!lo. a..ld, b.. TRANSPORTATION CENTER VAIL, COLORADO 8I657 JOB # 1534 DtcEMBER 2, 1975 PIERCE, BRTNER , Orrrrn scorr, rNc. ARCH ITECTURE/ PLANN I NGP. 0. Box 2299 VAIL, COLOMDO 81657 ITEMS NOT COMPLETE 11/24/75 PRESENT:J. A. Hyder Construction CornpanyRice, Marek, Harral & Holtz, Inc. Rice, Marek, Hamal & Ho'l tz, Inc. James Ream & Associates James Ream & Associates Pieice, Briner & Fitzhugh Scott, Inc. l' Replace or. repair laminated_plast'ic top on front counter Continental Trailway.End joint between pieces bad. 2. Fil'l open joints in counters with joint compound. 3. Rocky Mount.ain Ainvays cabinet that was remodeled _ counter to a smooth radius. Dress edge of laminated plastic on rear counter Triangular piece of radiator gri'l I missing west radiation north end. Change.exit signs in fourth floor terminal to that specified. Exists for dif-frent doors different. prefer exit s.igns crrangeJ rrEm-green to red. Hold open hook for north exit door west door sticks. Extend window trim piece south of west heat enclosure down to base, and alsoeast end of south lodge phone enclosur-e. Paint all blank electric box covers on cedar walls brown to match cedar. Check o-n changing 4th-floor terminal public phones to recessed with stainlesssteel front with receiver located at i''ignt nina iiaJ. 'ii-stainless not availablefurnish white. 5At4g A't 3Sg Ff,a,?es\rFrAl-,- Base laminated beam 4th level south of stair rework wood at bottom of railing tobe flush with wood. Metal putty cut in railing of balaster north side landing, 3rd level , 5th balasterfrom west side. Install door on sliding window stack c1oset. Install lock on north exit door, 3rd level . Third leve1 cei'l'ing f ightsr sorn€ lights not lit. Level and a1ign light fixtures. ftt..utVED John Gavin Gary Church Cl i fton Epps James Ream John Yoders R. L. Hiland 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. bevel top end edge of west end. f,lL) I 1975 .J!.MF,; AFAM AND ASSQCIA.T6S- 9. 10. il. 12. 13. 14. 15. TRANSPORTATION CENTER vAIL, C0L0RAD0 81657 JoB # 1534 DECEMBER 2, 1975 o PIERCE, BRINER & FITZHUGH SCOTT, INC. ARCH ITECTURE/PLANN I NG P. 0. Box 2299 VAIL, COLOMDO 81657 ITEMS NOT COMPLETE 11/24/7s 16. Third floor Mens' Toilet, c'lean formica and ceramic tile. Caulk between tileand formica. 17. llomens' Toi'let, remove plywood corner braces on wall light fixtures. 18. Womens' Toilet, install specified fluorescent bulbs.. Those installed are notall of same type. .|9. l'lomens' Locker Room, remove tape under 'lockers on base. '20. VM trash door, install cylinder lock on existing'door or supply new door withkeyed.1ock. ., . 2l . -' vM space main,reception window,, extend glass trim through opening.'- -. 22. Fi'll ioints dt connections of'l aminated-beams, 3rd floor, north face of landing: 23. Repair laminated beam, fourth'l evel top of stair, east side, splitting out atrecessed bottom handrail. 2+. 6R|ND vvba1 o$ wfToM oF Ttta ovbF_ KEsTr.Je*sT AREA. 25, RZUOvE- Aoro g7^tl.r FR}M EOrtAil o? sTAt?- STRINaZF.g TAm' tsrDb, OBSERVATION REPORT PROJECT: Vail Transportation Center DATE: November 24, 1975 nlce, uilt, Harral & Holtz. Inc. 6073 West 44th Avenue P.0. Box 12037 Denver, Co'lorado 80212 .,{ t ;11/LD D'r ti L 1-q,r5 JAM':I, pFAfYl AND Assoc' arts' PERSONS PRESENT: J3rye-s Ream, John Yoders of Jares Ream & Associates; Gary Church,clift.Epps of R,M,H,&H; Tovn conmitte Hembers; vaii rirL crrier;'Building Inspector; contractor's Representatives; Bob Hira;;; tHarry Ziegler. PREPARED 8Y: Gary Chuich anU Clitt fpps [uy!ng reviewed the construction progress at the site, we have conpiled thefollowing list of corrnents: ELECTRICAL l. An exit.light will be required over the door north of the central stainvay atlevel three of the termiial. Exit light iha'li-rit.['u,. one over the adjacentdoor on that level. The installation-and routid ;i iir" reeder-shiii b;"-coordinated with Bob Hiland. 2. There are severa] broken or missing lenses in the fluorescent troffers installedin the.vRA space. One troffer is inoperative. Att ionattions must becorrected as soon as possible since the space is nor-occupied. 3. Discussion with Galan Greg of Hyder Construction indicated that tjre feeder forthe p-laza snor melting is-too small. lnveiiigitiiii-inio the matter revealedthe fact that our drawings-indicate the correii siie oi feeder ana an eirorwas made in the contractor's.purchase order. rnt ioniractor hai alr"aly -- initiated action to correct thi miiter. 4. ]1"_:Iil_llghts, over the doors on the fourth level of the terminat buildingdo not match. ltle are checking our records to determine the correct exitsign to use and we will issue-a clarification on [tr"-ritter shortly. 5. The general.appearance of the lndirect lighting around the soffit of theterminal bullding, fourth level is satisfaitoryl However, the narrow beimunits used to llght the hlgh ceiling cannot b! concealed satisfactorilv.It is requesred bv the arcfiitect thit smiiier-risiiii;i-;"i;;'b;-;;;'i;'g::?*l gyil:llv.to accanp'tish the same effect. -r,re aie currently reseirchinevarrous flxture tJpes to find a unit which will perform satisfaciorily anAmeet the required dimensional 'limitations. ile will isiue a crringi orier-onthis matter as soon as possible. 6. The terminal facility is still experienclng electrical irregularities. Thecharacteristics of.the problem selm to polit to voltage fluituations. Hoivcross Electric states that they have hah no volta!e ii;.il;t;;ii.-"ii ir-''sugsested that a recording-voltmeter be appliid 16 aIi-irrrei frtui"r-or'i6eservice entrance for a minlmun of one week'to determine if ; br;bilr-ao"r-exist in the porer furnished to the UuiiJins. The electrical installation work in the terminal build'ing was not totallyconplete at the time of the observation. It was not posiible therefore - to check a'll items. [,le were told that the electrical insoector has madean observation check list of electrical items which need io be corrected.l,le have requested htat he send us a copy of the checklist. !g uI. cument'ly arranging a meeting between the vail Fire chief and the!l*p'lgl Fire Alarm company represenlative to discuss modifications to theFire A1arm System. MECHANICAL l. Access to two eabinet Heaters on third'level conflicts with liqhts. Hinqedpanel .will not drop.down sufficiently for filtei re*ovai.- sridlii'tdi""--hinged panel be modified such that slrews be instaiied-such t6it entirebottom of panel can be dropped out for access t; iiiier ana motor. 2. Air handling unit for vM space has not been insta'[ed. It isin route and contractor expects to insta'll it next week. Thisneeds to be finished 3. compressor serving fire sprinkli.ng system on east end of the building hasbeen down. It has been ripaired.- Ii is oui unaerilinaini ir,ut ll".'fi.ritZeigeler wil'l be.responsibie for drainlng inv-iliiiu""-thut has beenacctrnulated in the dry sprlnkler line. 4. Mixed air thermostat on air handling- unit serving terminal building islocated in the wrong position. It ihould ue "ei6ciilJ'dor*nstream irqn tttecombination filter mixing box, just behind filters inJ in front of tfre iiieand bypass damper. 5. Backdraft-damper in fan roqn for terminal building needs to be anchoredto the wall. 6. All doors bhall be undercut '1" where indicated on original or revised drawings. 7- ln tlg vRA space, there are a few gri'lles that still need to be installedfor the air distribution system. Fourth level of terminal building is too hot. Thermostat is set at 50oand the room temDerature is near-gOo. Ho^t iir ii-comiis-ort of the grilles.The control valvL for this-zoni-ne"ai tb be checked us it-appears to bestuck in the dpen position. Four exhaust fans for.the main parking garage would not operate. These fansneed to be checked and brought to profei opErailon. ..nir -5iner extrausi-tans-should be checked for propei operailoh. '10. Thennostat in worBn's locker room appears to be out of calibration. Thisthermostat should be checked and prbirerly aajusteJ. - 7. 8. cumently i nstal lati on 8. 9. 'lt .All thermostats should be checked and set at 72o. Knobs shou'ld be removed so that the public cannot operate the thermostat. All temperature control systems should be checked and properly adjusted. Provide complete maintenance and operation instruction manuals for the entire mechanical system as called for in 15A-26 of the specifications. Submit to Engineer for approval . 14. Complete all valve, pipe and equlprnent identification as required in l5A-21of the specifications. Include valve identification with rnalntenance and operation manual . GClCPlckcc: James Ream John Gavin Bob Hiland 12. 13. N FIEIIIJE€iT O F _V-A-I-L DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM i CALLER tlUSFEcTIC.t .,-_-TOWN I ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrau LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FR ,M) E orsappRovED Elrirorlrtne roil-owiiuc coTiiECrionri, '-' ' o >''J|- CORRECTIONS, ,t r'? -'.,:; Walp RovED D nerNsPEc :,?,,W INSPECTOR tNsPECTlo HEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM E oruen E pannru LOCATION READY FOR lNSPECTION E orseppRovED I nerNsPEcr_z:lWp RovED E upon rHE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTlONS INSFECTOR oerc //-'rr't; -.:;' ' - -INSFECTICU FtEOUEST VAIL .. t' / "j :,7 E orHen E pnnrtal. LocATtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM:PM-,,MON COMMENTS: FRITUE pj"?.PpRovED ! orsnppRovED n nerNsPEcr EluForu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS lNSPECTOF INSFECTIO TOWN OF FIETIUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I ornen I panrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION E nppRovED fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: E orsapp RovED fl netNsPEcr lr'-u .--. at ,arA t -CORRECTIONS -r)E-*al"- rNseecrlCt FrEBLf Esir TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! penrtlu TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM COMMENTS: ,< E nppRovED E orsnppRovED fI netNSPEcr CORRECTIONS E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: o ,€e* ^€r/, -'<H/'*II\ISPE6TIil FIECIL'ESiT TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER f]ornen ! pnnlrel. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION AM PM E nppRovED E otsappRovED fl nEtNsPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS I DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM ! orsen E pnnrtnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRMON COMMENTS: TUE PM flnppRovED ! orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr fl upolv rHE FoLlowtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR ' .:,:' a .I1*- ^,*'- a t'. "'-INSPECTIC'N FIEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E pnnrrlu TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM@t.' COMMENTS: E appRovED E orseppRovED E nerNsPEcr fl upon rHE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS o i-.,'lt\rsiPEcTIq]FIEOUEST VAI LOF n ornrn E panrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUEMON COMMENTS: $'nee Rov ED ) [,' /)tt-rr, 7f ,: a // iz' .2"-t [,'' -i t ;-,t-);/$/,1-/z'. a5 ,r+ l::- €' ' r- /-: t-. ,.) . t ,- '- -//1 t (-i'a tt ... / / -,,. ! orseppRovED E nerNsPEcr '.7- t (-- ,'-i-r,ln-,, /.., o 1,. INSPECTICI FIEOIJEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER TOWN OF ') -*--)ul-17r' ' , 1:,'... -/)v! 4 J>' E penrtnu.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E oruen MON COMMENTS: TUE ,KJappRovED CORRECTIONS E orseppRovED fl netNsPEcr EI UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING GORRECTIONS: - /2./ *')lS--':^, 27.-^',,'.- -t' /:./' ,,'z j,, -- -2.-/ INSPECTOR ..t .,'u" 1-e tzt / '/ ./. \r,T-7 ,. ^l lt , L--// E Will call aSain D Came in D See me ,,^. /) b ", ALtoN ,Doeollj r, Wovr. FMbe wl | .ecbe c,p lee Sf el4 AbouF.. - . /\__-_]_/- ,.,r i !'4 VEF[. F.+|AweL, i L PtNSlRtp" A9O lN DusrRr ES.Cct tt ke kt c /C-1r.. r./ t''5 dn a/t /f''aa ftrt try'./trlI ,a ,h,t tu"t //)1LetJffitoN t/4=lLo' T raalrt luaduv J_^w_pgto- AT h/DW 7''lt-o" JAMES REAM AND ASSOCIATES INC AFCHITECTS AIA 243 KEARNY ST SAN FRANCISCO 94108 ARFA 41.5 cro.r - oala NOV JOB VAIT T3.AN5F'RfATI'N €.ANT'R SUBJECT o(d l]oe.vpt+T 3A 7uK. fU.t1, SCALE A5 NorEe lrA?C ,/i rl^., -ti: Rl,1.f f at CaRK fT 3?,o T DR. l" 0"k,J. Froo" l./ofe I pg, "0"?FAt zs 4 MAt.n FStsT TeRn, AJ'<Nr Ur'165E b? Daon, vAyl,?rhtfta Ftrt,, NEvrl}1AK 5-l-t+ KUNIQ,AT PtAN t/1tt= 1\e' r\ '- --- iVED ,:...',.itUl;Il0lC0' 6 tg?S Avtbrr 9&L oP 03. rTAMe WJ Z'D(21 OF@O,>e^r{AVl ttr, HAF,pWAFE, To tl^ro{ e tit, Oott. VAto t4 / boo t ol,osgx, 3ex6!\ x 4OO hdbq d(e cckrddo sprrEo aed&'00917 30c.:fr.1547 031 so-dt frsroc rod ucstgobdfi44 - rd'obo&.o657 303.4r5.029' coNcRETE F ro TFST iNp COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH REPORT CL I€NT NO t-A I NO CONCRETE CO CON TRA C TOR PRO.'ECT TRUCK NO TIME MIXEO IU.+- I 104- 1- ( r 363- 1368 ) Porto Mix J. A. Hyder Construction Co. Va i1 Tra ns Do r td t i.on Center 869 rtcKEr No v3545 7t53 1""1ugoB:10 r.4gao8:15 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT Lrne I)- 14. I N STRUcTURE L-ootings for Bus Stop Ground Level,Q/ flf OATE OF TEST.. T]ME OF IEST.. SLUMP.I NCHES.. -7/a/-7c,.._L,t--lt-:4 o,nn 1 FRESH CONC. v11.. 143'9 pcr ENT. AIR CONTENT 3.6 4 CONGREI€ TEMP. ,rOB oF LA8 62 oF AIR TEltlP. .rOB 62 oF cu Y'os PLAcEo ... 5/5\ TRUCK LOAO I NG. . .\x IVATER CONTENT. IVATER-CEMENT.. AOMIXTURE CALC I UM CHLOR 1OE M I X NUMBER SPECtF tCATt0NS.. oEsl GNEO SY..... CU YOS CU YOS onu,/t- o RATIO AeA oz/ Yo 16 SAMPLE CUR I NG. . .Lab. IVATER AOOEO-GALS PLAruT IO .IOB S t TE CEMENT coNr€Nr.. 5b sk. Pcy - 1.5-3/4' CO^RSE ^GGREGAT€-PCY 3/4,, )/4..#4 F I NE AGGREGATE.PCY _ #4 SPECI M€N NUMBER 104-1 1363- 7 1364- 7 r365- l-4 1366- 28 ]-367-28 OATE TESTED 7/16/75 7/16/1s 7/23/75 B/ 6/ 7s e/ 6/ 75 NUMET.R OF OAYS CUREO 7 7 l4 28 2B otMeNsloNs, tNcHes sro. cYLl Noen=6rrXl2tl srd srd srd srd srd sPEC t MEN iVE I GHT,PoUNOS 27 .79 27.94 27 .76 27.94 27.60 BSSO oENS I TY, PCF 'l 4] A r42.3 141. 4 I42,3 t_.1u . o AREA OF CYL I NOER, IN? srD. cYLtNDER=28.2? tN2 28-21 28 .21 28.27 28.27 28.27 T0TAL TeST LOAOTPOUNOS 84000 O f ZUU 96400 117000 115000 coMPReSS I vE STRENGTH,PS I 297]-301 3 3409 4139 4068 SP€CIF IEO STR€NGTX.PS I 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRACTURE! l) otAcoNAL sHEAR2) cone 3) venrrcAL sPLrr 1 'l I 1 1 REMAR K s / /._l'/ l AMpLEo "" G. Manzari ,esTeo ",., G. Manzari s L-,.---_14SAMPL Eo FoRM C-l coNcRETF F tO TFST nNp dOO hdbc, d{c cdoado grpo @kr6&'009f/303.*'75d7 Oll :qrh lraroc rood 9 o bo( fi44 - rd.dodo.O657 303.4b.0297 cL tENT x9 104-1 LAs No 104-1-(1359-1374) CONcRETE g9 Porto lulix cONTRAcTOR J. A. FIyder Constructj.on Co. pRo.JEcr VaiI Transportation Center TRUCK NO 513 T I CKE T NO q153 Ttr;.t M1 x96 1l:21 ARRtvE.l!' 1L elaCeo lN sTRUctu"a Structural Slab !o1 New Stairway in BusLOCATION OF PLACEMENT T€rmina 1. CU YOS PLACED.er/e,CU YOS OATE OF TEST. TIM€ OF IEST. SLUMP.I NCHES. 7/e/75 'I 2.1q, lx CONCREIE TEMP. JOB LAB A I R TEilP. .rOB 64 oF WATER CONTENT. IIIATER-CEMENT. . . AOM I X TURE. TRUCK LOAO I NG. . . 3L CU YOS CALC IUM CHLOR I OE MI X NUMAgR SPECtFtCATtONS.. OESI GNEO 8Y..... aAL/LD RATIO .A EA oz/ \o % FRESH CONC. IYT.142.2 pgg oF oF70 €NT. AIR CONTENT 4.1 * SAMPL E IUATER C EMEN T coARsE ^ccRecArE-pcy 3/4" 3/4t-ft4 FIN€ AGGREGATE.PCY _ #4 CURING... AOOEO.GALS PLANT b JOB SIT€ coNrENr.. sL sk. PCY _ 1.5-3/4' SpECt MEx s,{r,;ysgp 104-1 1369-1 1370- 7 1371- l-4 1372-28 r313-28 oArE rEsrEo ,7/16/75 t/16/75 7/ 23/ 75 6/ Ol t)e/ 6/ 75 NUMBT,R OF DAYS CUREO 7 7 r4 ZB 2g o IMENS toNS, TNCHES s ro. cYL I r.roEn=6tXl2n srd srd srd srd srd sP€cl MEN UfE I GHTTPoUNOS 27.69 z I . o>27.55 27.9r 27.79 BSSD DENS 1 TY ' PCF 141.1 140. B 140.3 I42 .2 141.6 AREA OF CYL I NOER, IN3 sro. cYr-rr.roen=28.2? tNa 28.27 28.27 28.27 28.27 28.27 TOTAL TtST LOAOTPOUNDS 94800 9B 200 10 3000 119000 1r 5000 CoMPRESS I vE STReNGTH,PS I 33s3 3473 364 3 4209 4068 SPEC I F I EO STRENGTH TPS I 3s00 3 500 3500 3500 3500 TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) otAGoNAL sHEAR 2) coHe J) venrrcAt- sPLtr I 1 1 I I EMAR K S , AMPL EO BY C M,rnz,r r i___'____::'-''' resTeD C. l4anzari 5BY .-.: //2","*,^-///',^ R SAMPL Eo F ORM C-I 4oll t u Lrr da e ccr,:.drt sftrr-Js rd:rdJ.r dcpt 3lJ Yt, l5d7 i-I1 sorJth tr()nogc rood \ ^?s(o o bJx 1q!14 v6a cdrodo 01557 303.475 0297 CONCRFTT OLD TFST AND cor,rPRFSS I vF S TRFr,tqTh REPORT CL r EN 1 p9 104-1 r.AB No 104-1-(1375-1380) coNcRETE cg Porto Mix .T tr Hyder Construction CompdnycoNrRAcToR _:. ':. _ -__._-. ._ pR0,r Ec r !a i-l-Transportd tion Center rRUcK No j15---- rrcKEr r,,rE r,,t I x19 9:15 ARRtVE6 9:45 No v3543 pLAcEo 10:00 LOCAT ION OF PLACEMENT I N Bus Stoo Street Leve1. TI STRUCTURT ki Fs CU YOS PLACED ... B/24 TRUCK LOAD ING IVA TEFI CONTENT... _- IVA T E R - C E V E N T . AOMIXTURE.. CU YoS DATE OF T€ST 7/2L/7s 10: 30TIVE OF TT,ST. SLUMP- INCHES.24 142.9 t ctr 2.7 t: CONCRETE TEMP. .JOB LAB A I R TEMP. JoB 82 oF oF oF64 CU YDS eel,/r,o RA T I O AE A oz/ vo 7' FR€SH CNT. A sAl\,tPt-E IVA T f R coNc. tvr.. IR CONTE N T C UR I N G. . . 35cAL.C IUM CHLORIDE _._ _-_ M I X NUTilAE R . . . . . . SPTC IF ICAT IONS.. - t]e sl Gr.rED gY,,,,. SPECIrvlEN NUMUER 104-1 I375-7 ADDEO-GALS- . PI.ANT .,OB S I TE )/ 4" -i4 l+ OA TE TE S TEO Lab. cEMENT coNrENr.. 5L sk. pcy 1.5-)/u, COARSE AGGREGATE_-_ PCY 3/4" FINE AGGREGATE.._--'__POY L376- 7 7/ 28/ 75 7/28/15 7 '/NUMET.R OF OAYS CURT,L) DIMENSIONS, I NCHES sTD. CYL I NDER=brrXl2rr srd C }.'l sPEC I MEN WE I cltTrPOuNf)S a? oo 27.88 BSSD oe NS I TY , P(,:F I42.7 I42.O AREA OF CYL lNOeR, tN2 28.27 zd- z I 28.27 s To. 6 y 1- 1 x 1.r 6 n =2 i3 . 2 / tN2 rorAL-_r_E s_r Lq4_Dlf .o_gx!s 45000 4 5600 58400 COMPRESS IVE S TRE NGTH,[- S I 1627 154I 3000 206 5 3000 3000 1) DtAGoNAL :;HEAR2) coNE )) vER r tcAr. sP{. t r REMARKS G. Ma nza ri rE{; rE, lv_G,._Manz9 Ii ..-_-st(iNEo ___,SIUPLED iiv F DrIM C_ I con,;nrri Or o rrsr -,.rr,,0 L-:,'1f Irr.5S lVc jTrtb. l.r-Th tiFl",ORT. ..t i ..t.rf liri." .{ ' ir, / l't04- I(.1 lL.rf flO 104-r-( r 3e1-1386) i{, tt l' "li t .c^J ri,\( r1.,. J. A. llyder Constructlon ComPany ;;rr )t( r Vail Tr. n:portation Center 'fi Lr \ stl ,,...lrci<ET :...-, v199-9 rr'.t i- ,,,"., 1:30 4,,.tvt., .2t1.5 ul,acan 2:40 _, i;{,1!. i i,,- . Mechanicdl Shed Foot ings . Soil 6 Joi;rrtJoturi€n9t're"nnq i.-OCATl0lt ,.)t r-..A1-:.r{t f,; l" (t fls cu Ytr5 Ft 4cei,.,. TR UCK L0At)lfr';.., s\1t\ 5 AIL Ci IEST.. J l'.rL oi iLSr.. :L-Ur,4P-lNCrrtS.. duEl TEMP. oF -ln t A3 ',-oF A IR TEMP. JoB 75 oF wA Tefr coNta_:rT... wATEp-ilI vi\ t.. AOM I X r up ! . . cALc I UM CHt.r.)H I r)L Mlx, Nrr,JtaE ft. . . . SPtClFlcATlOfrS.. Oe Sl GtJEI, cY. 7/29/75 coNcR€TE 3: 15 4, fnIl]r'r cof.,C. r/T.. 141.8 rNr. ArP coN rtr r 3.5 ---_i.-- 1;AVpr.r CUPt rJG, :?^Y'-- WA TIIi AI)OLO-GAt,S PI,ANT cFV!-\T coNrENr.. -5!-9r. trru f-] IJ FA I at A u7.i j'I ! { 1., li ,1 ".l ) Iu Yt) JOB SITE 1 .5- )/4" j/ 4r _14 l4 SPECIMEN NtJI,IBEF DA TE TESTLI) 104- I 1 381- 7 o I e / 1e r3B2- 7 B/ s/ 75 ,l srd 27 .34 139. 3 28.27 70000 2476 3000 t L)oAFi -jt- A(:,-;RtGAIE _,_ ___ F CY I INi A G L I] E G A T L . . .. ---.- FCY I' i NUMBLR 0f flAY- o.Jti i-t D IMENS l0l'lS r lNl-|it:; STD. Cvu t ruoe n=c,'r.^. ll'l sPEC l l\rE N lVE | (.ir T, r: {}r,:n-, i_, SPEC I F IEC 5Ir,!.tt1,1nr' 1, TYPE Dr f-RAc ilrr.[: 1) otA(;orrAr r,,r:,\r.2) corue )) vERTlcAr irili REN,tARKS 21 .26 138.9 28.27 69?00 2448 3000 I 1384- 2B 138 5- 28 1386-OPT ESSD DENS I TY, i Uf AREA OF CYL I trL'i: n, lt''r S TO. Cyl. lNt){.,k=.if.i . i '; TOTA_L_ I-FS.1 ,!fr A r.orr:, coMPRE S5 t\,/ E - 1' s, lG. Manzari G. l"lanzari r',4:,SAMpi,Ei-'rJ\ F ORM C-I pl LOCATION OF PLACEMENT I N lOO habo drea6.e gr€sdr6.Cnfi7 .gt.596.1t47 OCI sarh ftsrq rod u,"sq o bo( fi44 - rd.ratorccb.0657 343'.fb.f297 coNcRETE Fto TFST lNo k, qqMPEESS IVE STRENGTH REPORT CLIENT x9 I04-I CONCRETE Co Porto Mix CONTRACTOR. J. A.Hyd er Cons truction Comp.,ny PRo,rEcr Vair TransDortdtion Center rRUcK Ng 859 TICKET NO v37L2 T TME M ' rao 4: I0 lRn t veo4 1 50 pt-eceo STRUCTURE Wa1ls f or mechdnicdl .,hed. g R-. CU YDS PLACEO... 6/6-;- TRUCK LOAOING... O WATER CONTENT. .rvATER-CEMqNT.. AOMI XTURE CALC 1 UM CHLOR I OE M I X NUMBER SPECIFICATIONS.. oE s I GNEO 8Y.,... DATE OF TEST.... TIME OF TEST.... SLUMP-INCHES.... 7/3r/]s 5:4 5 FRESH CONC. wr.. I42.3 pgS ENr. AtR CONTENTjg CONCRETE T€UP. .J o8 LAB A I R TEMP. ,rog 87 oF CU YOS CU YOS OAL/L D RATIO AgA oz/ Yo d oF oF70 SAUPLE .CUR I NG.. . WATER ADOEO-CALS PLANT 20 .'O8 StTE ceMeNr coNrENr.. 5L sk. pcy 1.5-3/4n COARSE AGGR€GATE- PCY 3/4" 3/4N.{4 F I N€ AGGR€GA T€.PCY _ #4 SpECt MEN NUMBER 104-l r3B1- 7 13BB- 7 OATE TESTEO B/7/75 NUMBER OF OAYS CUREO 7 7 l4 ZB ?8 oIMENStONS, TNCHES sro. cYL I noEn=6iXl2i Srd \ t_,"1 sPEC I MEN l'E I cHT, POUNOS 21 .'70 27.BO BSSD oENSI TY, PCF 141.1 141.6 AReA OF CYL I NDER, I Nz srD. cYL t xoen=28.2? | Ne 28.27 26.11 TOTAL TESl LOAOTPOUNOS 72200 72000 COMPRESS I VE STRENGTH,PS I 2554 2547 SPEcIF I Eo STRENGTH.PSI 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRA 1 ) o tAcoNAL2) coNe 3) venrtclr- CTURE: SHEAR SPLIT I 1 RTMARK s By G. Manzari TESTEO BY G. Manzari S I GNEOSAMPL EO FoRM C-l o, s, ,% 1n, 1-( I375-1380)t-AB NO rv'+- - lt}")l lou(n lrqr(o@ ro& Yr,?s{p o bo( A* -. coNcRErE co _Eg$g Mlx d cdcrodo .0t657Sr sc:6:6zsz coNTRActor j:--.1. 18"' 99-!t-!rTtiol coT?1!v oton p R o,r e c r !q-:.1 -t ru ls-pg{-t-,_!!gl !_"$:I n9rneeflng TRucK "o 235 T tcKE r No v3543 TtME r\,r1xg69:l-5 qpp gygp 9:45 p.a6gr 10:00 LOCATION OF PLACEMENI I N srRUcrrne -f,!-. stoP M 4O0 hdrbo. t!6(.? cdo.ado rrrrl cor:ra'Jo 0OQi7 JOJ.500.1547 gONCRETF Fop rFST nNp COi",IPRESS IVF STRFNGTH REPORT CLtENl 1'r9 104-1 cu YDS PLAcEo ... 8/24 Cu yoS DATE 0F TEST. TRUcK LoAorNG... B WA TER CONTENT... - IVATER-CEMENT... ADMIXTURE., FRESH coNc. wt. . L42.9 F,CF ENT. AIR CONrer'rr 2.7 /, SAMPt-E cuR I NG.. . Lab' IVA TE R ADDEO.GALS Pt.ANT CEMENT CONTENT..sL Sk.PCY coARst AGGREGATE- PCY F INE AGGREGATE PCY TIME OF TT.ST. SLUMP- INCHE S. 7/2t/1s 10: 30 2\ CONCRETE TEMP. JOB LA B A IR TEMP. ,loe 82 oF oF oF64 CU YOS eaur/uo RA T I O AEA oz/ vo ?'35CALc I UM cHLOR IoE --MI X NUMBER SPCCIFICATIONS.. - oeslGNEo 8Y..... .JOB SITE 1 .5- )/4', 3/ 4" )/ U,, -#u _i4 sPEc tMEN NUMBER I04-f 1375- 7 1376-7 J.371-14 7318-28 L379-28 1380-OPT DATE TESTED 7/28/7s 7/28/7s 8/ 4/ 75 9/1A/-7^B/LB/ 75 e/4/7s NUMBLR OF OAYS CUREO ,/14 ZB ao 45 OIMENSIONS, INCHES sro. cvt I ttoER=6t'xl2'l srd srd srd qF/l srd C r-,1 SPEC I MEN I\IE I GHT,POUNDS 27.89 27.88 27 .57 27.63 27.9r I | . OZ ESSO oeNSI TY' PCF t42.L L42,0 140. 4 140.8 lAl 7 140.7 AReA OF CYL I NOER, lNz sro. cvt-tNoen=28.27 tN2 28.27 zd. z I 28.27 28,27 28 .27 28 .27 TOTAL TEST LOADIPOUNOS 46000 46600 58400 78000 80000 92000 coMPRESSI Ve STRENGTxTPS I t627 1648 205 s 2759 2829 3254 SPEcIF I ED STRENGTH.FSI 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYPE DF FRACTURE! 1) o l AGoNAL sHEAR 2 ) coNe 3) venrrcAr.- sPLtr 1 1 1 1 1 I REMARKS ev" G. Manza ri TESTED "., G. Manzari S IGNEOSAMPLED F oRM C-1 o, s o NQ TIME MrxEo 2:45 lnntvEo 3:00oaoaao 3:20 LocATloN oF PLAcEMENT tN sTRUclrJpg Retaining wall- north of meehanical shed' . B/6/7s CONCRETE TEMP. 4OO l-'dbd coNcRETE' FOp rFST nNp COMPRESSIVf STRENGTH REPORTcm(m sgn6 cd(6do . doqiT 3O3.fr.1547 10Cl lotth frsrae ro.d v€stp o bor thoa - \,€a . c*odo ' 01657 3Al .4r5'0297 104- 1 104-1 ( 1393-r398) Porto Mix J. A. HSder Cons truction Co. Va -il TransDortatlon Center 869 r tcKE T No v3753foundotron dngineering CL IENT NO t-AB NO CONCRETE CO CONTRACTOR PRO.IECT TRUCK NO(t g =. OATE OF TEST.. T I ME OF TE.ST. . SLUMP- I NCHES. . FRESH coNc. rvr..14o.o pcr ENT. AtR coNTEN,f, * oF oF . . 4:00 ..3 ir 0B LAB A 1R TEMP. toa 82 oF cu Yos PLAcEo...3\/3\ TRUcK LoAolNc... 3\ h'A TER CONTENT. IVATER-CEMENT... AOM I X TUR E . . CALC I UM CHLOR I DE MI X NUMEER SPECIFICATIONS.. oestGNEo 8Y..... CU YOS CU YOS cll/r- o RATIO AEA oz/ vo atl T -LSAMPI.E CUR ING. . . UdU rvA TER Aoo€.o-cALs pulNr B .JoB s r rE cEMENT coNrENr..-PCY 1.5-)/4n COARSE AGGREGATE- PCY F INE AGGREGATE.PCY 3/ tt', -#4 i4 sP Ec | tire N ^ruv gEn 104- 1 139 3- 7 1394-7 139 5- 14 I396- 28 L397-28 OATE TESTED B/13/75 B/]-3/ 75 B/ 20/ 75 B/ 3/ 75 8/3/7s NUMBLR OF OAYS CURED ')7 14 2B ao DIMeNStONS, TNCHES sro. cvL t HDER=6 X12tr Srd srd srd srd srd sPEC I MEN WeIGHTTPOUNOS 27 .94 z t.60 27.79 27.82 27 .96 BSSD DENS I TY, POF I42 .3 141. 9 t_41. 5 t4L.7 I42.4 AREA OF CYL tNDER, IN3 sro. cYt- tNat-a=?8.?? tru3 26,zr 26. z I 28.27 28 .21 28 .27 TO TAL TEST LOAO,POUNDS 81800 81000 97000 101000 101000 COMPRESS I VE STRENGTH,PS I 2893 2865 5431-3572 5> t2 SPEC 1F I ED STR€,Ncrn.PS I 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRACTURI: l) DtAGoNAL sHEAR 2 ) cone l) ven r l cAr. sPL I r 1 I 1 I REMAR K S SAMPLEo tr nor| a-l sf g" G. Manzari G M:nznpiTESTED BY ". ..'"--S IGNED o, fl corucnErr rOo rgsr nro COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH REPORT Soil 4O0 t'rdoc, dac?ce.@ gfgs cobrado ' 0O917 303.5n6 l5d7 r03t souh trdtoQe rood ,'l,?st p o Oo. tfua - rcl . cobodo ' 01657 3OJ ' ztb .0297 104- 1 104-r-( 1411-1415) PorEo Mix J. A. Hyder Construction ComPanY Plaza Area 869 TICKET No v3845 B:03 o"^ r ueo 8'25 PLAcED B: 30 CLIENT NO 1-A8 N0 CO NCR E TE C O CONTRACTOR PRO.JECT TRUCK NO TIME MIXEO n9tneenn9 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT I N STRUCTURE (t ff T IME OF TE ST. SLUMP.I NCHES. .r0B uor66 oF oF.2\ hTATER-CeMENr... RATIO FRESH coNc. wt.. 142' 6 pcr ADM I XTURE....... -_ AEA eNr. Af R coNreNr_3:Z___il' cu YDS PLAcE0 ... 8/3s TRUoK LoAorNG...8 cu Yos tvA TER CoN TeNT e lu/uo CALC IUM CHLOR I OE MI X NUMAER sPEC I F lCATloNS.. OES I GNED BY. . . . . oz/ vo _% CU YOS DA TT OF TEST.B/22/7s CONCRETE TEMP. 9:00 A I R TEMP. ,loe69 oF SAMPt.E CUR ING. .tab. II/A TER AOOEO.GALS PLANT ceMENr coNrENr.. 5L sk. pcy COARSE AGGREGATE--- PCY F tNe AGGREGATE. . - PCY alA .,OB S I TE 1.5-)/4'. 3/4" -#4 i4 sPEctMEN NuMBeR 104-l-1411- 7 r4r2-7 141 3- 14 OA TE TESTED B/ 29/ 7s B/ 29/ 75 e/ 5/ 75 NUMBI.R OF OAYS CUREO 7 l4 28 ?B o TMENS loNS, I NCHEs srD. cvL t Hoen=6[X12tl srd srd srd sPEC t MeN .wE I GHT TPoUNDS 27.6L 27 .43 27.92 ESSD oeruslrY' PCF 140. 7 139.7 t42.2 AREA OF CYL I NOER, IN2 sro. cYt. t NoER=28.2? | t'ta 28,2'7 28.27 28 .27 TOTAL TEST LOAO'POUNOS 81200 80000 92000 COMPRESSI VE STRINGTH'PSI 2872 2829 32':4 sPEct F I Eo srRfNGrxrFS I 3500 l qnn 3500 TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) o tAGoNAL sHEAR 2 ) corue )) vERTrcAr. sPt-lr r I .L 1 REMAR K S SlupLEo ev tr naM a-1 T. Meier TE STEO By G. Manzari S IGNEO colrcnrrE rlo rEsr nno cL I ENT NO 104- I 1/,l,A 1 | 1,1 1? 1,',l /tt1 \t-AB N0 LU'1- L-\ I'1 Lt-L'.2/.) foundation dngineerirp TRUcK No 869 r r cKE r No v38g3 TtM€ MtxEo 2:10 lnRtvao2:30 pLAcEo-Z_3! [-OCATION OF PLACEMEN T N STRUcTuRE Bdse p€{s fo_1 ,vest bus shelter. COMPRESSIVF STRENGTH REPORT CONCRETE CO Porto Mix doo hd.bs dae colc(do sgrs cobddo . 0O9i7 303. 96 .r5a7 lGll so(,(h hdroqe rodd \ ?stpoos fioa - td.cobrodo 01657 303 .4r5 .0297 coNTRActg^ J. A. Hyder Construction Co. pRo.rEc, Va 1 Transportation Center (t a sf 5 TIME OF TLST... SLUMP- INCHES... FRESH CONC. WT.143.0 PCF A I R TEMP uoe 8o oF oF oF 72 CU YOS PLACEO. TR UCK LOAO ING. WA TER CONTENT... WATTR-CEMENT... AOMIXTURE.. CALC I UM CHLOR I DE M I X NUVEER SPT,CIFICATIDNS,. OE S I GNED BY q/s CU YoS OATE OF TEST.8/ 2B/ 75 CONCRETE TEMP. 3: l5 .r0B LAB CU YOS all/r- o RA T I O AEA oz/ vo f; 1 ENr. ArR coNrer.lr3 % FINE AGGREGATE. . SAMPl.E CUR ING. . .IJOD. wATeR ADoeD-cALs PLI*r lo .,,08 s I TE ceMENr coNrENr.. 5L sk. pgv 1.5-i/4" coARSE AGGREGATE- PCY 3/4 3/4" -#4 #4DAV MEN NUMBER 104- I L417- 1 1418- 7 OA TE TE S TEO e/ 4/75 9/ 4/ 75 NUMBLR OF OAYS CUREO o TMENS tONS, I NCHES sTD. CYL I NOER=6trxl2tl SPEC IMEN, WE IGHT,POUNOS BSSO oENSITY, PCF AREA OF CYLINOeR, lN' sro. cvt- tr.roeH=28.2? I r.r2 TO TAL TE ST LOAO.POUNDS COMPRESSI VE STRENGTH,PS I I5000 SPECIT I ED STRENGTH.PS I TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) D I AGoNAL sHEAR?) coNE )') vER T I cAr. sPr t r REMARX S ,'. G. Manzari TesTEo By G. Manzari S I GNEOSAMPI..Eo F ORM C-I /'l r coHcnErE rl-o rEsr nn3 4OO habs drc cdo.d(b lgYged.0mf, JOC.S.1547 0f4 io,rh froroe rood90bo(fu4 - vd.obro&.fr57 3&1.dib.m97 104- I 104- 1- ( 13s7- 1362) Porco Mi.x J. A. HyCer Construction Co. CL I ENT NO LAB NO CONCRE TE CO CON TRACTOR Q, t|on pR0.JECT Va i1 Tran,portation Center TRUCK NO 869 TICKET NO E!09 TtMe Ms16e 7150 4"^1ug9B:00 pLACEDgtl: LOCATION OF pLACeMeNT tN STRUcTuRE Columns 3rd to 4th floor. r/_\.o' F e cu yos pLAcEo ...1/r cu yos O rRUcK LoAD I NG. .. cu yos oArE DF rEsr.. ..7/2/75 CONCRETE TEMP. -'- WATER CONTENT. eAL/LoFiIVATER.CEMENT.. RATI O ADMIXTURE . -AEA oz/ yo CALCIUM CHLOR IOZ -% M I X NUMBCR SPECtF tCATtONS.. O€SIGNEO 8Y..... TIME OF TEST... SLUrilP- I NCHES... FREsH coNc. wr..139.2 PCF 65 q. ?n ?lr .J OB LAB oF oF A I R TeUP. ,ro8 75 0FENT. ArR CONTENT5.5 * SAUPLE CUR 1NG. . .uoL). IIATER AOOEO.CALS PLANT .,O8 SI TE oEMENT coNrENr., 5l sk. pcv 1,5-3/4r coARsE AccRecATe- pcy 3/4tt i/4'-#4 F I NE AGGREGATE. .PCY _ #4 SpECt MEN NUMBER 104-1 1ac1 '7 13sB- 7 1359-14 1360- 28 1351- 28 1352-OPT OATE TESTEO t/ 3/ t>7/9/75 r/ lol t)7/30/7s 7/ 30/ 7s NUMBIR OF OAYS CUREO DtMENStONS, tNCHeS sro. cYL t Hoe,a=6nXl2i sP€,clMgN wEt cxTTPoUNOS BSSD OENSI TYr PCF AREA OF CYL I NOER r I Ne sro. cYL I HoER=Z8.2? tue TOTAL TEST LOAOTPOUNDS 72000 oMPReSSI ve STRENGTX,PS I SPECIFI O STRENGTH,PS I TYPE OF FRA1) oTAGoNAL2) coHe 3) venrrclr- C TUR E: SHEAR sPl- | T REMARK S Semple,o ", G. Iulenz;ri FoRM C-l T€STED "" G. M;nzari S I GNEO Ii11on, Cclo Larclr 11,1)75 City ol Yail I'lr' Kent ilose Dear l.r ii,ose: The original rl-ectric perrnit for the Vaif Transportatj.on Center v,':rs takcn out Ju1.'1- 31 ,191 4. It was taken out for 'llte su.:tt of t1r?-6. EC on a valuertion of ,i225 ,485 " 00 ---.--.- As of the first of the year I understand tha.t the vaLue ofelectric worr< tl'as i;280,000.00. lhis uou]d leave a balance of ]54,r15 of rvhi ch a per:rit is needed to bri.ng the electric permi'ce on this project up 'uo Cate ;tr54,515.00 x 116.]o per one thousand. vrould be i;347,44. A rtew permit for the'i743,44 uould make ihis account up to date. Very Truly Yours 4./-^,./,effi--Liciward B liarnmer- Ci-ty of Va.j-] l.l-ectric -=z-24_--/ Tt-r q r', e ntn tlrrU:l,vvvv+ Sert 7/e frgarts abve a/c cot rw/ Tr/c c/tc/r,'ool coo/rn.y'r )s utorL,rrt7 on e'cosy' p/as ,Lasis *i// a- q/r'afan4e6/ rnq.^, .V rrapF€rili/ prola6/1 or"/ ro,y'"l. /rta/q{ A"/ //t .o'r/rnq oro thril /e Xlortqr/ 4 ,r/to/ /,/'r* a/2a//z/5 ' /orru it .rt//t"/ 4 //o nlt/ieoe/ ,Q" ,ntro//. ("rf dQcl fr. .---.- . / >1 2 -s -\-- t- -I dOO hd6o, 'ldecob.otr) ryr!6 cotvajo . 0O917 303. 505 .7547 lGll rouh lrsro@ rood v,€stp obox fo4 - d.cobrodo 01657 303.415'0297 ?tu? T" 1, (h/ coNCREe. lF[o TFST.^Np u COMPRESS IVE STRENGTI REPORT CL I ENT NO t.A8 NO 104- 1 CON6RETE co Porto M:x cONTRACToR J. A. Hyder Construction Company PRoJECT _-@ center rRUcK fuo 512 rlcKEr l'ro V3778 TrM€ MlxEp 1:00 lnnrveo_!:04 o,-ogarl:20 cF-.,^F,.re'l nns.l- fnr rnonhiniq6] ghlgf,STFUCTURE ":':' o, s, (t LOCA T soil foundatron dngircering ION OF PLACEMEN T IN aF C cu YDS pLAcEo.R/11/1\ ... ,loo CONCRETE TEMP. ,r0B LAB A I R TEMP. Joe B0 oF ,-. O rnucx LoAo I NG. . . lZ, cU YDS OATE OF TEST. CU yDS TIME OF TE.ST. en u,/t- o RATIO AEA oz/ vo % IVA TER CON TENT IVATER-CEMENT... ADM I X TUR E . . CALC IUM CHLOR I OE M I X, NUMBER SP€CIFICATIONS.. OES I GNED BY. , . . . SLUMP-INCHES. FR€sH coNc. wr. . 144.4 FCr ENT. AtR coNrErur2.6 q, SAMPI.E CUR ING... !dD. IVATER AODED.GALS PI..ANT CEMENT CONTENT.. -PCY COARSE AGGREGATE- PCY F INE AGGREGA TE PCY oF oF70 t0 JOB SITE 1.5-3/4n 3/4" -#4 #4 SpEC I MeN rrruvaeR 104- 1 t399- 7 1400- 7 1401- 14 t402-28 140 3- 28 OA TE TE S TED B/ rB/ 7s R/1R/7C B/ 25/ t5 s/B/ 75 NUMBE.R OF OAY S CUREO 7 l4 28 28 olMeNst0NS, lNcHes STD. CYL I NOER=6rrXl2tr Q +./l Srd srd srd Srd SPEC I MEN WE I GH T, POUNDS 28. 15 28.11 28.2I 28. BO 28.24 BSS0 oens t rY, PCF t43.4 143.2 r43.7 ]-46.7 143. B AREA OF CYL I NDER, I N3 sro. cYr-tNoER=28.2? tr.r? 28.27 28.27 28.27 28.27 28.27 TOTAL TEST LOAD,POUNDS B 2000 80000 94200 100000 r02000 coMPRess I vE srReNG TH rPS I 2901 2829 3332 3s37 3608 SPECI F I€D STRENGTH,FSI 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) o t AGoNAL sHEAR 2 ) corve 3) veRrtcAr. sPt-lr I 1 I REMAR K S C M:nz:ri TE S TEO 8Y G. Manzari S I GNEDSAMPLED FoRM C-l dOO hdbo. ddcec6.ooo lgnS (obodo ' 0OQi7 30J . 506 .r5d7 1031 so|..{h lrsrdae roodp o bor( fi44 - vd.cobodo.01657 303 . 475 .0297 gONCRrt rrlp TEST nNp COMPRFSS IVF STRFNGTH REPORT cL t €Nr r.ro -1U:]r_AB No 104-1-(1405-1410) coNCRETe co Pcrto Mix cONTRAcToR J. A. Hyder Construetion Co. \/: i 'l T r: n : rr.1r F: Firr n OanfarPRO.JEC rRUcK No 869 . TlcKEr NO V3792 r IME M I xto L?il1 rnn t veo 12:40PLAcED-!1i50 sTRUcTrrpg Lid for Bus Stop. Soil G foundatron Sngineerirp LOCAT I ON OF PLACEMENT t N k, flf cu Yos PLACEO. TRUCK LOAOING. WAT€R CONTENT. zL/ tL IIME OF TEST.. SLUMP- INCHES. . cu Yos oArE DF resr.. .. B/I2/75 CONCRETC TEMP. .JOB LAB A I R TEMP . .r08 82 0F 5 'I . ?q oF oF75 CU YOS ell/r-o RATIO AEA oz/ to % .. 3\ IVATER.CEMENT... ADMIXTURE.. CAL C IUM CHLOR IOE MI X NUMEER SPECIFICATIONS.. oes I GNEO 8Y..... FREsH coNc. wr.. 141.7 FCF ENT. A rR coNrENr 3.9 % SAMPI.E CUR I NG.. . UOU. rvA TE R AOOEO-GALS----f LANT eEMENT coNrENr.. 51: sk' Pcv COARSE AGGREGATE- PCY F INE AGGREGA TE.PCY .,OB S I TE 1 .5-)/4n 3/ 4 )/ U, -#t+ _#4 SP Ec tME x"llurrsgp 104- 1 l rnc ?1406-7 1407- 14 1408- 28 1409- 28 OATE TESTEO a/1al-?e A/1q/1\B/ 26/ 7s e/s/ 7s 9/q/7c, NUMBER OF OAYS CURED 14 28 2B olMENSt0NS, INCHES srD. cYL tNoER=6ilXl2tl >EO srd -c td SEd srd SPEC I MEN WE I GH T, P OUNOS 21 .69 27.8I 27.59 27 .77 27 .89 BSSD OCNS t TY, PCF 141. 1 L4L.7 'l 4n c .141. 4 742.0 AREA OF CYL I NDLR, IN- sTO. CYr- il.tOe n=28.2? I N2 zt5. / |28.27 28 .27 28.21 aa a1 Ior!!_rE9I LoAo,POUNDS 824 00 83400 96200 108000 109000 c0MPRESSI vE STRENGTH TPS I 29Is 29 50 3402 3820 38 55 SPEC IF I CD STRE.NGTH IPS I 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) D I AGoNAL sfiEAR 2 ) corue)) vERTlcAr. spr-rr 1 1 1 z REMARK S FoRM C-l TESTeo By T. Meier S IGNEO^ n M:-'r=sAMPL gO et'r. r'rc zc rl /1'+. t coNcnErO rrlo rrsr ar'ro (/ COMPRESS IVF STRENGTH RFPORT cL tENT No Ml r-AB No 104-1-(1411-1416) coNcRETE co Porto Mix coNTRAcroR J. n. Hlder Construction Company pRoJEc, PIaza Area TRUcK ro -q6? .T ICKE T NO v3846 TrME M,rao 8:03 o"*'uao 8:25 PLAcEO 8: 30 LOCA T I ON OF PLACEMEN T SrRUcTuRt Upper Fountain, pdd. 400 hdrbo/ doc?cedoo ttrr€6 c&,o&.00917303.ft.ba7 OCt souh Jrorogc rood 9 o bo( fi44 wt . cobredo . O1657 3O3'rtb.0297 soil n9r€enng IN (t ff CU YDS PLACEO. TRUCK LOAD I NG. WA TER CON TE NT. B/ts T IME OF TEST. SLUMP-INCHES. I Cu yoS oATe 0F TESr.B/22/75 CONCRE Tg TEMP. 9:00 IVATER-CEMENT... ADMIXTURE..... CALC I UM CHLOR IOE M I X NUMEER sPtclFlcATloNs.. NESI GNEO 8Y..... 2\ FResH coNc. wr.. 142.6 P6P ENr. A rR coNrEr.rr 3.2 f sAMPLE cuR rNG.. . Lab' WATER AODEO-GALS PI.ANT ceMENr coNrENr.. 5L sk' PcY CDARSE AGGREGATE- PCY F I NE AGGREGATE.PCY CU YOS el l/u o RATIO AEA oz/ vo fl oFJOB oF L ,-or55 A IR TEMP. .los69 oF .,OB SITE 1 .5-3/4n )/4" -#4 i4 sPEctMEN NUMBER 104-1 1411- 7 I4t2-7 1413- 14 7414- 28 1415-28 OATE TESTED B/ 2917s Bl 2s/ 7s s/ 5/ 75 q/1c/1\e/ re/ 75 NUMBLR OF OAYS CUREO r4 )R 2B D TMENS IONS, TNCHES s ro. cvL twoEp=6tt xl2n SEd srd srd srd SPEC IMEN WE IGHT,POUNDS 27.61 27 .43 27.92 27.81 27 .70 ESSD oerus I rY, P0F t40.7 139.7 742.2 141. 9 141. r AREA OF CYL I NOER, IN2 srD. cYt.rNoER=28.2? tN? 28,27 28.27 za, z I 28 .27 28.27 TOTAL TEST LOAO,POUNOS 81200 80000 92000 110000 10|l 000 cOMPRESS IVE STRLNG Tx, PS I 2872 2829 3254 Jd ) I 3820 SPECIF IED STRgrucIg,PS I 3500 I <nn 3500 3 s00 3 s00 TYP€, OT FRACTURE: 1) D I AGoNAL sHEAR 2 ) cor're 3', vER T I cAr. sPr- | r I 1 1 REMARKS SAMPLED BY F oRM C-1 T Maiar T€ S TED BY G. Manzari S IGNEO - -4O0 hdbo( dace cckrado ryrgs corYddo ' 00917 303.506.r5d7 0ll souh franoqe rodd u€st p o bo( lE44 - rd.obr* O657 30c.4b.m97 11. J-. tV-1-rycoNcRETLlELp TIST ANp U COMPRTSSIVE STRENGTH RFPORT cL I €Nr No 104-1 1^.A 1 | t/4 1"t 1^^l.t\ t-AB NO IV'+-L-\ l4Lt- t+zz) CONCRETE CO Porto l'lix CONTRACTOR PRO.JECT J. A. Hvder Construction Co. Va'1 Transportatj.on Center soil rRUcK Ho 869 r I cKe r No v3Bg3 rrMe MtxED 2:.10 aaatveo2:30 PLACeo:-I! LOCATI ON OF PLACEM€,NT IN SIRUCTURE Base pads for ^;est bus shelter'k, flf oz/\o _tl oF oF oF wATeR CONTENT gAL/LO SLUMP- INCHES'.. WATER-CEMENT.. . FIATIO FRESH CONC. WT.141 n PCF ADMIXTURE....... --AEA ENT. A fR CoNTENT 3 /' CU YDS PLACEO. TRUCK LOAO I NC. CALC IUM CHLOR IOE M I X NUMBER sP EC I F I CA T I ONS. . DESI GNE.O 8Y..... CU YDS DATE OF TEST.. CU yOS T IME 0F TE.SI.. 8/28/75 CONCREIE TEMP. .ro8 LA8 AIR TEMP .,OB BO .,O8 S I TE SAMPI.E CUR ING. . .uo D. IVATER AODED-GALS PLANT ceMENT coNfENr.. 5b sk. pgv CDARSE AGGRECATE. PCY 10 F I NE AcGREcAre.. -- PcY - i4 SPECIMEN NUMEER IO4-1 l-4t7- 7 14lB- 7 1419- 14 L42O-2e l42I-28 DATE TESTED 9/ 4/ 75 e/4/75 e /rt/ 15 q/rc,/1c e/25/75 NUMBLR OF OAYS CUREO 7 7 14 z8 28 o I MENS tctNs, lNcHEs s rD. cYL I NoER-6n xl2u srd srd srd srd SP€C I MEN WE I GHT,POUNOS 28. 19 28 .27 28. 11 28. 10 28.16 BSSD OCruS I TY ' PCF 143.5 144.0 r43.2 143.1 143.5 AREA OF CYL t NOER ' tNz srD. cYr-lNoE_R=28.27 lNz 28 .27 28.27 28 .21 28 .27 28.27 TOTAL TEST LOAD'POUNDS I s00o B 5000 96200 106000 10 7000 COMPRESSI VE STRENGTH'PS I 3006 3006 3402 3149 378s SPEC IF IEO STRENGTH 'f"S I 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYP€ OF FRACTURE: 1) D I AGoNAL sHEAR 2 ) corue )) vERTrcAr- sPr.-tr 'lI 1 1 z REMAR K S Snupr-eo FORM C.I ", G. l4anzari TES TED BY G. Manza ri S IGNED o nd@a400 gONCRET}tFLp TFST nNp COI,4PRFSS IVF STRENGTH RFPORT cL r eNr ruo -l9n-1 r.AB No -!94-1-( \!4 Y28) D^-F. MixcoNcRETEco!\.,l'Ll. coN TRAcroR J. q._gdcr 9-9!i!rLc$9!_c_g:_ "-" -rdnsportation CenterPR0JECT voII r TRUCK NO 854 T I CKE T NO 7505 TtME Ml1Ee 9:34 1pp 1 u.o 9:47 or_lceo_I0. l ? Lower Pond. cdo.odo sgn6 couooo . dociz 30J'96.15d7 oCt souh frdroc loodp o bo< tfoa - rcf . cdcrod 'O1657 303.4b.0297 Soil nn9 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT IN STRUCTURE t, a 5f cu Yos PLAcED...7/24 TRUCK LOADI NG... IVATER CONT€,NT IVAT€R-CEMENT... OATE OF TEST... TIME OF TEST... SLUMP-INCHES... CONCRETE TEMP. .roB ' oF 7nLAB ," OF CU YOS CU YOS ell/r-o BATTO e/4/15 1I: 00 .2\ FRESH gONC. wr. . 143.6 p6f A t R r€Mp ADMIXTURE.. CA LC IUM CHLOR IDC M I X NUMEER sP cc I F I cA T l0NS. . DCSI GNEO AY..... ENr. A lR coN rtnr 2.!__;l 1ss 75 og T -l^SAMPI. E CUR ING... 1.,]O U. IVATER AODEO-GALS PI.ANT U .JO8 SI TE oEMENT coNrENr.. 5b sk. pgy ---_-___r_ 1,5-)/4rl coARsE AGGREGATE- pcy 3/4 3/\tt-il' FINE AGGREGATE..-PCY - i4 AEA oz/ vo % SPEC I trgx r',,lurrrggp 104-1 r423-7 ]-424-7 1425-14 1426-28 t427-28 OATE TESTED e/ rr/ 75 s/11/15 e/tB/7s LO/2/ 75 NUMEE R OF OAYS CUR EO ?7 l4 2R zo o IMENS tONS, I NCHE S ST0. CYL INOER=6rrX.l 2tl Scd srd Srd std SPECIMEN WE I cHTTPOUNOS 28. 09 21 .84 28 .20 28. 18 28. 06 BSSD oe NS t TY , PCF 'l 41 1 141.8 'ta1 A 143.6 L.+2. J AREA OF CYL I NOER, tNa sTD. cYr-rNoER=28.2? tN2 28.27 28 .27 28.27 28.21 28 .27 TO TAL TEST I-OAD,POUNOS 84000 82200 101000 109000 r 09000 COMPR€SsI Ve STRE NGTH,PS I 297I 2908 3s73 38 56 38 s6 SPECIF I EO STRENGTHTPS I 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRACTURE: l) o tacor'raL sHEAR 2 ) corue 3) vERTrcAr- sPt-rr I 1 I 1 REMAR K s Slupr_Eo By G. Manzari FoRM C-l TES TE D BY G. M,:nzari SIGNED REJECfED 4OO hdrbo. cieec*odo sonAs cobrodo . 6091i7 30c. sfr .?547 OC1 sorrh lrqroc ood u,esrg o bo( lka - vta.cdsodo.01657 303.4b.0297 cht_ coNcRE+ rFLp rFST iNo U COMPRFSSIVT STRENGTH REPORT Ltz-2 Porto Mix ri. A. Hf er Construction Co. 5: 13 IICKET NO 10:38lnn t veo 12: L0pr-lCeo 501 CL I ENT NO t.AB NO CONCR E TE C O CONTRACTOR PRO..IECT TRUCK NO TIME MIXED (ven(E LOCAI I ON OF PLACEMENT I N STRUCTURE q, Ff oF oFLAB CU YDS PLACED TRUcK LoAD tNc. . . 7 IVATER CONTENT IVA T E R- C E M E N T . . . ADM l XTURE CALC IUM CHLOR I OE M I X NUMBER S P E C ' F I C A T I O N S . . OESI GNEO 8Y..... 3000 DATE OF TEST. TIME OF TEST. SLUMP- I NCHCS. 8/ 22/7s CONCRETE TEMP. JOB A I R TEMP. JOB OF CU YOS CU YOS CAL,/L D RATIO AEA oz/vo fl FRESH CONC. WT.. eNT. ArR CoNTENT___fi SAMPI.E CUR ING.. . IVATER AOOEO.GALS PI.ANT CEMENT CONTENT.. 5I SK. PCY COARSE AGGREGATE- PCY F INE AGGR E GA TE.PCY s/4 .,O8 S I TE 1 .5-)/4' 3/ 4" -#4 #4 SPECIMEN NUMEER OA TE TE S TEO NUMBER OF OAYS CUREO ?l4 ZB 28 DIMENSIONS, TNCHES s To. cYL INDER=6||xl2rl sPECI MeN WE I GHTTPOUNOS BSSD DeNs I TY, PCF AREA OF CYL I NDE R, I N2 sro. cYr-rr.roen=28.2? tN2 TOTAL TEST LOAD,POUNDS COMPR€SS I VE STRENGTH,PS I SPECI F I EO STRENGlHIPS I TYPE OF FRACTURE:'| ) o t AGoNAL sHEAR 2 ) coneJ) ve,nrrcAr. spr-tr REMARK S REJECTED.Concrete over time limit.Truck left at 1:15 p.m. SAuptEo ev FoRM C-l TE S TEO BY S IGNEO o rwm.aoO cdocb scrrrG ccb(oe . 009fi 303. 506 '15d7 031 rorh f rsrooe roodpobo(fo4 - d.obodo'OrA17 30J.6b.0297 neefv]g CL IENT NO I.AB NO CONCRETE CO CON TRAC TOR PROJECT TR UCK NOSoil LOCA T ION OF PLACEMENT tN STRUcTu*a W;11 on 178 on C. coNcRFTJ rFLp TrsT ANp CQMPRESSIVT STRENGTH RFPORT T LZ- Z rr2-2- ( 139- 144 ) Porto Mix J, A. Hyder Construction Company Northwoods, Bui ld ing "C" 869 r I cKe r No v]q00 TtME Mt xEo -ARRt v€911: 30 Pt-46gp 11:45(t g f 7/7 ..8/13/75CU YDS PLACEO. TRUCX LOAO ING. IVA TER CONTENT,.. IVATER.CEVENT... ADMIXTURE.. CALC IUM CHLOR I DE M I X NUMBER SPECIF ICATIONS.. oe.slGNeo BY..,,. CU yOS DATE 0F TEST.. CU yoS .IIME 0F TE.ST.. GALilLO RATIO AEA Oz/ YD ft CONCRE TE TEMP. SL UMP- I NCHCS. JOB LA B CO NC . t611 . . I42 .6 rur A I R TEMP. .roB 55 oFf R coNteNr3.I - il cuRrNG...Lab' nADDED-GALS PI.ANT " JOB SITE oF oF65 12:3O FRESH ENT. A SAMP L E I/ATER CEMENT CONTENT..5L SK.PCY 1 .5- )/4" coARSE AGGReGATE PC,Y 3/4,, 3/4".i4 FINE AGGREGATE..-PCY -i4SPeC I r,leru'ruUrrlAen 112-2 L39-7 141- 14 .t42-2.8 r43-28 OATE TESTED 8/20/7s e/ 20/ 75 B/ 27/ 75 q/1A/'7c e/ Lo/ 7s NUMBLR OF DAYS CUREO 14 zo ?B o tMeNs loNS, tNcHEs STD. CYL I NDER=btt X'l2t' srd srd srd Srd srd sPEC IMEN rVE I GHTTPOUNOS 27 .9I 27 .79 27.92 28.05 27.98 BSS0 oerus I TY, PCF Lnz. z 141.4 l Aa O L42.9 \42.5 AREA OF CYL I NDER, IN3 sTD. CVr-tr.roan=28.2? tN2 28.27 28 .21 28 .27 28.27 28.27 TO TAL TEST LOAO,POUNDS 9 5800 9 c-,4 00 110000 110000 1110 00 coMPRESS tvE STRT.NGTHTPS I 338B ?214 389t_3891 5J ZO SPECIF I EO STR(NGTHTI-S I 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYP E OF FRAC TUR E ! l) o I AGoNAL sHEAR2) cone 3) vER T I cAr. sPr- I r 1 I ,L 1 1 REMARKS G, Manzari TES TED BY S I GNEOSAMPLED BY FoRM C-1 G. Manzeri /\tl .o*.^rr-' rro rr* n*f,*/- COMPRFSSIVF STRENGTH REPORT4OO ferbo ftace cokrodo ryrgr c&.ado . 00917 JO3'500.1547 OJI souh froroe rood u,qsrpoba ftaa - rca cdcrodo.0l657 303.4b .0297 tr2-2 rL2-2-(14 s- 1s0 ) Porto Mix J. A. Hyder Cons truetion Company Northwoods Build ing ?'Ct' CL I ENT NO I-AB NO CONCRE TE C O CON TRAC TOR PROJECT ki F foundation dngineerirp TRUCK NO 513 TrcKEr No v3854 TrME M1;gp 1:32 4pp1y692:10 pLAoEo LocATtoN oF pLAcEMENT tN srRUclupg Wal1 lootinqA_1_2__I! 9?E of 14 then 715??and 1014?'to Li"ne 15. A1I S. of Line A. and Balcon F C cu yDS pLAcEo ... 7 O TRUcK LoAD rNc... OATE OF TEST.. TIME OF TEST.. SL UMP- INCHES. . . B/22/7s FRESH CONC. WT..I41.3 PCF CONCR E T E TEMP. JOB OF LAB oF A I R TEMP. .,OB OF WATER CONTENT... - WATER-CEMENT.,. ADMIXTURE.. CALC I UM CHLOR I OE M IX NUMEER SP E C I F .I C A T I O N S . . OES I GNED 8Y..... CU YOS CU YOS ell/r-o RATIO AEA oz/ yo 7l f eNT. AIR corvrrrul3.4 q, SAMPI.E CUR ING. . .Leb. TvATER AoDEo-cALs Pt.nrur o cEMENT coNrENr., 5l sk. pcy - COARSE AGGREGATE- PCV 3/4 F I N€ AGGREGA TE.PCY JO8 SI TE 1 .5-)/4', 3/ 4r _ft4 #4 SpEcfMEN NUMBER Il2-2 l-45-7 146- 7 ]-47-t4 14B- 28 r49-28 OA TE TESTED 8/ 2e/ 75 B/2s/ 7s Jl >/ t>a l1a / -7 E, NUMBLR OF OAYS CUREO ?t.+28 OlMeNSl0NSr INCHES sTD. cvl- tNoe R-6nx12n srd srd srd srd SP EC I Mg,N IiV E I GH T ' POUNOS 28. 00 28.10 28 .29 27.89 28.07 8SS0 De Ns I rY , PCF r42.6 143. 1 144. 1 T42.7 I42.9 AREA OF cYL I NoER, IN. sTD. CYt- I Nr)ER=28.2? ln' 28.27 28.27 28.27 28 .27 28 .27 T0 TAL TeST LOAOTPOUNDS 6 sB00 66000 78200 98 200 9 sB00 coMPRE ss I vE srR€.NG rn,PS I 2328 2335 2766 347 4 3 389 SPECIFIeo STReNGTH TPS I 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYP E OF FRACTURE: l) o tecol'rrL sHEAR2) corue 3) veRrlcAr- sPr.tr I 1 1 z 2 REMARKS T Moi or.rr- M--- -TESTEO BY b. ivrdnzdrl S I GNEOSAMPLED BY F oRM C-l CtL goncare rrro rrsr nr'ro I COMPRTSSIVF STRENGTH REPORT cL fENr No r23-r l-AB No 123-1-(175-180) CONCRE TE C O Mounta in Mobile cONTRAcToR Shaw Ccnstruction Company pRoJEc.' riqgssroads Addition TRUcK No 16 r tcKE r No v003539 TtME Mlxgs 9:42 gppluEp9:30 pr-lCeo9_1 I LOCATtoT't OF pLACEM€NT tN STRUCTuRE Slab. Floor 14, Remp IA--Ground. 4O0 hdrbq dace(dc.e s rgs c&(ddo. 00917 303.5n0 .b47 lO31 sor-nh f ranac roadp o box fiaa - vrt.cobodo.O1657 303 '4b'0297 soil foundation dngineerirp cu YDS PLAcEo ... \6164 ki g f OA T€ OF TEST. TIME OF TEST. SLUMP.I NCHES. B/12/7s CONCR E TE TEMP. .ros LAB oF oF70 TRUCK LOAO ING. . . IVATER CONTENT.,. WATER-CEMENT... ADM I XTURE. . CALC IUM CHLOR I DE M I X NUMBER sPECtFtCATt0NS.. oe s i'e Neo sY..... tn.l c 3, FR€sH CoNc. wr.. 142.3 P6t ENT. ArR coNTENr4.2 % I -1^SAMPLE cuR I NG. .. tJdD' f WATCR ADDEO.GALS Pt-ANT cEMENT coNTENr.._PCY COARSE, AGGReGA Te PCY FINE AGGREGATE..PCY CU YDS CU YOS eal/l o RATIO AEA oz/ to f:, A I R TEMP. Joa 77 oF ?q .JOB S I TE 1 .5-)/4n 3/4u -#4 t4 Sp Ec I ME r,,i r,.ruMaEa 123- I L75-7 176- 7 I77-L4 178- 28 L79- 28 180- OPt OATE TESTEO B/re/ 75 A/1q/1q e/ 26/ 15 o la/1<9/s/ 75 NUMET.R OF OAYS CUREO 7 14 2B 28 o IMENS tONS, TNCHES s To. cYL I ttoER=6rr x12rl srd Srd Srd Srd srd SPEC IMEN WE IGHT,POUNDS 28. OB 28. 88 28.29 27 .69 27.94 BSSD oE Ns I TY , PCF 143.0 t47.1 1AA 1 141. 0 142.3 AREA OF CYL tNOeR, I Ne sro. cYt- tNriER=28.27 tN? 28.27 28.21 2B .27 28 .27 zo. z I TO TAL TEST LOAD,POUNDS 80400 80000 94000 108000 11 1000 c0MPREss I vE sfRE.NGrn rPS I 2844 2829 3325 3820 3926 SPEC IF I Eo STRE NGTH,PS I 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OT FRACTURE: 1) o l AGoNAL sHEAR2) corue 3) vER T I cAr. sPr. I T I I 1 REMAR K S SAMPLED BY FoRM C-1 G. Manzari T€STED BY T. Meier S IGNEO 4OO hdba' dd(ec*dcb ryr9s cckrodo ' 00917 JO3 '5fr .t547 coNcREq] tFLo TEST ANp COMPRESSIVF STRENGTH REPORT cL r ENr No 113:1 CONTRACTOR pRo.recl Crossrodds Addition TRUcK No 16 T I CK E T NO v00360 3 r tME M 1 xse 7:43 ann r veo_X1L p14gge 9:00 r-AB No 123-1-(18r-186) O31 sorh froroe ood wesrp o bo< fiaa -coNcRE rE c o Mountain Yolilerd .cobrd . 01657 3O3'rfb'02S7 Soil foundation dngirverirtg LOCAT ION OF PLACEM€,NT I N STRUCTURE Driveway of 14.kt flf CONCR E T€ TEMP .cu YDS PLAcEo... g/1,6 TRUoK LoAorNc... B cu yDs lvA TEFI cONTENT... _-.cAL,/LO RATIO Pz. Adde{.o oz/vo _% cu Yos oArE .oF rEsr.. ,. B/I5/75 T IME OF TEST. SLUMP- 1 NCHES. 10: 00 JOB LA B oF oF55 WA T E R. C E M E N T . . . . AOM I XTURE....... CALC IUM CHLOR I OE M IX NUMEER SP[,CIFICATIONS.. oest GNED 8Y..... ... 3 FREsH coNc. wt..I42.0 pCf ENT. ArR coNrENT4.9 14 SAMPI.E CUR ING...Lab. A I R TEMP. ,roB 70 0F 15IVA TER ADOEO-GALS PLANT ceMENr coNrENr. . 5t sk. PcY coARss, AGGREGATE- PCy 3/4 F I NE AGGREGATE.oav JO8 SI TE 1 .5- )/4* )/4, -#4 #4 sp Ec tME N r,,ruueEa123- 1 t8l- 7 IB2-7 18 3- 14 184- 28 18 5- 2B OA TE TE S TED B/ 22/ 75 B/ 22/ 75 B/ 2e/ 75 Jl LZl t>e/12/ 75 NUMEER OF OAYS CURED l+28 ?8 D I MENS tONS, I NCHES STO. CYL I NOER=6'rXl2tl srd srd srd srd sEd sPecIMEN rVE I GHTTP0UNOS 27.69 21 .73 27 .45 27.82 27.64 BSSD oens I TY, PCF 141.1 141.3 'l Iq R 141. 7 140. I AREA OF CYL I NDER, INE sro. cYr- l NoEF=28.2? tr,l3 28.27 28.27 28.27 28.21 28.27 TOTAL TCST LOAD,POUNDS 70000 70200 80000 9 5000 97200 c0MPRESS tVE STRTNGTHTPS I 2476 2483 2829 3006 34 38 SPEC I F I eD STRENGTH TPS I 5000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRACTURE: l) D tAGoNAL sHEAR 2) coNE 3) vER T I cAl. sPt I r 1 I I 1 1 REMARKS SNIap L E o BY t unu g-1 G. Manzari TE S TED BY T. Meier S I GNED a ndoo( CL IENT NO t.A8 N0 CONCRE TE C O CON TRAC TOR PROJECT TR UCK NO T IME MIXED LOCATION OF PLACEMENT IN STRUCTURE Slab 4A, Soil foundotiondngirverirp corucnErO rElo rrsr nr,ro 400 coac,ooo sgrrQs c*rado . dogtJ 30c . 5n6 .ba7 0ll so.rh traroc roodpoboxfiaa' rd'cobrodo.01557 303.4ib .0297 COI"IPRFSS IVF ST.RENGTH RFPORT 123.I 123-1-(rB7-1e2) Mounta in Mobile Shaw Construction Company Crossroads Add ition 1.4 rtcKEr Nov002814 I0: 320"* r vEo 10: 50 o.oaao 11 : 20 Northern 3/4. (t a s --.. oF.r0B oF CU YDS PLACEO. TRUCK LOAOING. ADMIXTURE. 24/ 45 T IME OF TT.5T. . . SLUMP-INCHES... F INE AGGREGATE IVATER CONTENT WATER-CEVENT... Pozz. CALC IUM CHLOR I DE MI X NUMBER SPECIFICATlONS.. OESIGNEO 8Y..... 'I 't . nn ,r- FRE.SH CONC. tvr.. 140.3 I- CF ENT. ArR coNrErr4.5 {" I r].SAMPLE cuRlNG...uou' IVA TER ADOED-GALS- PLANT ceMENT coNr€NT.. 6 sk' pcy COARsE AGGREGATE- PCY CU YDS e ll,/t- o RATIO AEA oz/vo % CU YDS DAT€, OF TEST.e/2/75 CONCRETE TEMP. LAB 67 A I R TEMP. ,JoB B0 oF .,OB SITE 1 .5- )/ 4.1 3/4'3/Un-#u PCY i4 SpECt ME.N llrJysgp 123-1 TBl-7 lBB- 7 189- 14 190- 28 191- 28 OATE TESTEO s/s/1\e/e/7s e/15/75 e/ 30/ 75 NUMBLR OF DAYS CURED 7 7 14 2B OIMENSIONS, I NCHES sTD. cvLt HoEn=6tt X7ztl srd Srd Srd Srd srd SPEC IMEN WE I GHT,POUNDS 27 .25 27 .40 27 .42 27 .65 27 .23 BSSD oeNS I TY , PCF 138.8 'I 1q q 139.6 140, 9 138. 7 AREA OF CYL I NOER, INN sro. cvr-tNorn=28.27 lr're 28.27 28 .21 28.27 28 .27 28 .27 TO TAL TEST LOAD,POUNDS 6 5800 67800 B 9600 112000 10 700 0 c0MPResstvE STRENG TH,PS I 2328 2398 316 9 3962 378 5 SPeC IT IED STRENGTH.PS I 3000 3000 3000 3000 5000 TYP E OF FRACTURE: 1) DIAGoNAL sHEAR2) corur 3) vER T r cAr- sPr. t r I 2 z 1 2 REMARKS G, Manzar r TE S TED By G. l'lanzariSAMPLEo tsY FORM C-I S I GNCO IFLD TFST 40{ hdbo. ddecdoad scrrtqs cohr.do ' 6O9i7 JO3.596.?5a7 oJl scrrrh f ranoqe rodI o bo< fraa - d . cobocb .O1657 303'415.0297 123-r-(193-198) Mountain Mobile Shaw 9ons tluc ! i.g!_!g1pg ry__ Crossroads Addition (t soil Ineenng LO,CATION OF PLACEM€NT I N STRUCTURE 32 TtcKEr Nov00386g rtMe M;;Ep B:30 4pplygeB:50 pLACE.D Completion of Slab 4A. COMPRFSS I VF S TRENGTH RFPORT cL fENr No I23-J t-Aa No CONCRE TE C O CON TRAC TOR PRO.JECT TR UCK NO a F r\ wA TER coN Te NT. . . sALilLDL-_IVATER-CEMENT... RATI O AOMlXTuRE....... razz' 7E1 oz/ yo CALCIUM CHLOR IOE -% MIX NUMBER SPECIFICATIONS DES I GNED BY OATE OF TEST... TIME OF TEST... SLUMP. I NCHE S. . . 'ln.'rq FREsH coNc. vv1,.140.6 FrCF r/ >/ t>CONCR€.TE TEMP. .roB LAB A I R TEMP. .r08 0F F e cu yos pLAcEo. ..40/40 cu yos O rRUcK LoAo lNG. .. cu yos oF oF5I ENT. A IR CONTENT 4.5 4 sAMPI-E CUR I NG. . . WATER AODEO.GALS PLANT CCMENT CONT€NT.. 6 SK. PCY - COARS€, AGGREGA TE- PCY 3/4 F INE AGGREGATE.PCY JO8 St TE 1 .5-3/4n )/4" -#4 i4 sPECtMEN NUMBER I23-l L93-7 1.94- 7 19 5- 14 t96-2?]_91- 28 198- ",PT OA TE TE S TEO e/12/ 7s s/12/]s e/Le/75 1O/ 3/'/ \ro/ 3/ 7\ NUMBE.R OF OAYS CUREO 14 28 2B olMENSloNS, TNCHES sTo. cvt I noEn=6rrXl2rt srd srd srd srd SEd SPEC l MEN IVE I GH T, P OUNO S 27.24 27,46 27.29 27 .52 27 .22 BSSO oE NS I TY , PCF 138. I 139. 9 I 1q n '140 2 138.7 AREA 0F CYL tNOeR, I N' S TD . CYl. t Noea=28 .2? | Na 28.27 28 ,27 28 .27 28.27 28 .21 LOTAL TEST LOAO,POUNDS 74000 74000 97600 110000 113000 coMPRESS I vE STRE NG T,H TPS I 25lB 26rp s4gt'3891 3997 SPEC I F I €D STRENGTI.I rFS I 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRACTURE!1) D t AcoNAL sHEAR 2 ) co r.re 3) vERTlcAr. spr.tr 1 'l 2 I Reulnxs Snr,aptED By G. Manzari FoRM C-l T€STED ," G. Manzari SIGNID Mr, John E, Yoders James Ream and Associates 243 Kearney Street San Francisco, California 94.|08 RE: Approval of Stair No. 2 Closure Dear John: l.lith the proper exit signs and other devices outltned in your letter of January 30, 1976, I have no obiection with the proposed closure of Stair No. 2 beyond the third level ' box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 l,.,FP/j k fi\, off ice of the town manager February 9' .1976 Si ncerel y ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT2h;_ l.lil'l iam F..Pierce, Building 0fficies tNSiPECao.N FIE(tUEST VAlLTOWNOF JOB NAME T|ME RECETVEd , ,. AM PM CALLER n ornen "i MON COMMENTS: ! pnnrrll. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR El-appRovED I orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr E uportr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECT|oNS: CORRECTIONS Best copy Available DATE INSPECTOR Plcrcc Brlmrr 750Ecl0 P?i 16 Fltdrugh scltt Inc. Architecturo Planning P. O. Box2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 303 47&3038 Dal6 December 9, .|975 ro Ben Strahan Chief Building 0fficial Town of Vail Vai'l , Colorado 81657 T Ro Transportation Center Job No. 'l 533 Genilemen: wbar6 sending toyou:X herewith - under soparate cover - by meaeenger X foryourapprova - foryourutg - lordistribution toyour subconlractors - as peryour rcquest - approved as noled - lo bs correct€d th€follo'ving on th6above projecl: 2 Copies - Proposed railing for north side of ramp wall from 4th to 3rd floor, Line C, frcm Line l8 to 28. Please return I copy 'r{ith your conments or apprcval . - D6stroy ormark "VOlD" any prints previously issu6d to you not b€aring revision dateot - as not6d inthe revision column. V€rytruly yours, PIEFCE, BRINER & FITZHUGH SCOTT INC. FIV D I Ui 'l r^,{ q I \: t1, 7're:l tl?," rh. x 9T?ev 7,'AN' ,t1)'-l'ou zT\f)trT / | ) .r,.r .l ,rrc.i. \)-/ l',o =l-o t-/ KhtvtNb tloo. 9'-o" .rT--__-_-n 6,,g1o.${r i,ttr.tNb veylw- | ? -t-rl 9'.c" ?RZ'CAtr FANeu. trr,urreF; p[S"lC '#*x I 6 4l!Vzvev ??ctecTtJr-, Fttt rt;cz 1n. SO'- O" va. ,uJANEL,. A''wto2 Xb'l,ox4' 7rArL. C\----vJ LJ|| wvdu 2"Q gt'v Vpa @rI ?Rt'49t ?Attav lAtP. ,tNF- gt.o, g'o'gAtvwe vg 71'4 xa"br'. wE ! - tr ex?AN'loN A$q++oR E}W]j; t!p" --1L4t JAMES REAM AND ARCHITECTS 243 KEABNY ST SAN ASSOCIATES FRANCISCO Rb'ASr :P:!LY__y,eg:-3rq' --- - ft7e -laiurs rl.ravper) l.bRttJD $loatil' PAf NT To ll/.fc-P eltsf FAttS AT EXllAt)sr ArR SrlArrS' 991 RtrwS Veveu I troa.. rNc AIA 94108 JOB VAlt, TRANspaRIAflop O?ttT|' ,x. SUBJECT | ?-orrznv2' trAt t?trJ&t . SCALE A5 NorgD olu" q I RAM1LP FuooF"pawtl 4I! VZvev ?RcreeTw v- ltt, tr)(t I-ootTto N 30 7tu*9 | ?'*l\9'.o" ? Rz'CAtr rA}'le|.,. li.5o'- a" __-_) UZ" th. x 9Tzeu A"wrog xb'l,ott(z FbAre-. flrAN' l'i''it'ou --€ 4w Wveu tTtL V?9 ?f,9'Aet ?^Nev t/tt,". L'tNe gr.O, big'KAtvt\? w 71'4xa"bo, wa-ff e\PAN9toa A$q*oF @-!I -.L ---t f,*rvttte o',pno. $f ' ?'r'/tr VD1Vrrno$ t!p" '-yLgt JAMES REAM AND ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 243 KEABNY ST SAN FHANC]SCO ft7e .tawts I'NgvDer) /.a>Fxrtp gl'laotil' PAINT To llht1-.{ ens( F,Atr".s AT ExftAnsr ArK sdAfr'. tbT Rhrwt VovbL, I rroE. Alil) JOB V,III., TRANSPAR TATION O=.NTLF.. SUBJECT f ?,Orecftv2, fAtt'l,rq. tNc AIA 94108 SCALE A5 NOT?D /. 7 -/ 2, ; f,,'+L-IO lNLPEc(loN nEouEsr DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM n orxen @'TUE* COMMENTS: --r- E eppRovED JOB NAME 1,, CALLER n pnnrrnl.LOCATIONI READY FOR INSPECTION UR,TH ,t wED i //r:z,( a- :'/-Z/.,.ct ./ I orsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr c2,1...:,.4-r'zt :'z' .zz.-t- ' '> ..':"4-4 -' rruSpecroR DATE ir.,ia+ri,ri r_'rF;. { .4 {' rv g'r:..s'-,-r. FIEOUEST f-<i '?"r ,1--'{ JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLERt2c/" /<,/ J -t-- E orxen ! plnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM .6i^ou*! orsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr Ehiporrr rHE FoLLowlNG coR-( ECrtoNS:/; ORRECTfONS ., ;'4'./-,2\ '/)pnz1, .iLu' -/ti ol;:r ) *' JJ - l(5 AN D Ass3tl[Er?S.'i$'f L" - sAN FRANCTSCO, CALTF. 94.108 Box 100 243 Kearny Street Phone (415) 989.2616 To!'tn of Vail TO tr Attached E Under separate cover via ! Prints B Plans DAiE lJo6 l{o,L2/L9/7s I vail Ben Straughn the following items: E Samples ! Specifications VaiI, Co. 81657 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU u Shop drawings tr Copy of letter n Change order ! coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION Punch List Item frm KKB!{A, L2/L6/75 to be added to other itens. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval ! For your use E As requested D Approved as submitted E Approved as noted E Returned for corrections E Resubmit-copies for approval ! Submit -copies for distribution E Retu rn -corrected prints O For review and comment tr ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO Bob Bilancl ilohn @vin STGNED: ilohn Yoders tl anctoauaag rra not aa not d, kindltt noti'}, ua ,t onca-ah l.t- b gl-aLl- &|iL,l-.id.lr , K'K"B.N.A December .|6, .|975 Mr. James T. Ream - i '"- 'r James T. Ream & Associates 243 Kearny Street i':- l- I il Y i f, san Francisco, ca1 if . 94108 ,Arr -r^rir r.^,D r.q(:r,..i:.:rg,. Re: Vail Transportation Center 0ear Jim: The following are the structural punch list items: '1. Level l, Column 15-8, clean out expansion joint between end of beam and face of column. 2. Level I, Co'lumn 6-8, c'lean out expansion joint between end of beam and face of column. 3. Level l, A'ir intake shaft at 5-B, remove wooden plug in drain pipe out of shaft. 4. Level '1, patch large crack in slab on grade between 15 and .|6, A to AI. 5. Level 2, patch spalled and chipped areas in precast wall at 29-C. 6. Level 2, patch p'ilaster fovm tie holes at 30-C. 7. Level 2, patch wall expansion joint materia'l cover at 28-C. 8. Level 2, between B and C, 3 and 4, clean out and patch cracks in topp'i ng slab with HSP joint caulking material. Cracks are due to tooled ioints being made off of tee f'lange joints 9. Level 2, Line 6, repair tear in expansion joint HSP material about l0' south of Line B. '10. Leve] 2, Column B-11, clean out expansion joint between end of beam and face of col umn. 11. Level 2, Line 11, turn up expansion jo'int HSP cover material at wall on Line C. 12. Level 2, Line'll, install 5latera] earth shear connectors at bottom side of 3rd level between Line A and Al, refer to revised detail dated 8/11/74. , Page 2 of letter to O James T. Ream & Associates December .l6, .|975 13. Level 2, caulk around co]umns B2-.l1, B2-12A, B2-l38 and B2-.I5 vrith HSPjoint caulking material . 14. Level 2, Line i'1 , repair splits in expansion joint cover material (3 tota'l ). 15. Level 2, A-1.| , turn up HSP expans'ion joint material at wall l'-0. '16. Level 2, Line I5, repair split in expansion joint cover material midway betvreen A and B. 17. Level 2, Line 23, repa'ir split in expansion joint material about 18' north of A. 18. Level 2, Line B, repajr HSP joints on each side of precast beam between Lines 28 and 29. A'lso repair smal'l failure of HSP joint between 29 and 30. 19. Leve'l 2, Line 28-1/3 between B and C, HSP joint materia'l not jnstalled in middle l/3 of span. 20. Leve'l 2, Stair No. 3, patch crack across stair door opening with HSPjoint caulking. 21. Leve'l 2, Line 24 between A and B, HSP joint material not installed for about 5' at midspan. 22. Level 2, fill cracks in topping slab between A and B, 2 and 3, with HSPjoint caulking material . Cracks occurred due to tooled joints not being made on tee flange joints. 23, Level 2, Plaza Tunnel Entrance, repair l,/4" wide crack on west side at wal'l on-Line A. Move wall bacl to'final required e]evation and locationif any additiona'l movement occurs. 24. Leve'l 3, West Entrance Slab on Grade, patch crack running north-south about 8'-0 west of Line l. 25. Level 2, West Entrance Slab on Grade, patch crack running north-south west of Line l. 26. Level 3, Stair No. l, remove form used for drypacking 4th level tee 1eg at south stair wall. 27. Level 3, Line 6, repair sma'|l split'in expansion ioint HSP material about 20' south of Line 8. 28. Level 3, Column 6-8, remove debris at expansion ioint between end of beam and face of column. Page 3 of letter to O James T. Ream & Associates December 16, 1975 29. Leve'l 3, Line l'l at stair No. 4, turn up HSP expansion joint material be- tween stair wall and Column B2-'ll. 30. Level 3, Line 15, Repair HSP expansion joint material where it has pu11ed away from concrete wall south of Line B. 31 . Level 3, Line 15, turn HSP expansion joint material up wa'l I at Line A. 32. Level 3, Line 15 at A, clean concrete and debris out of wal 1 expans'ionjoi nt. 33. Level 3, Column l5-8, c'lean out debris between end of beam and face of column at top of beam. about 15' 35. Level 3, Line B, between Lines 4 andgirder with HSP joint caulking. 5, fill crack along south side of 36. Ramp between Levels 3 and 4, repair HSP joint along Line C between 18 to 28; at 20C, 22C, 23C. Inspect joint for fu11 length and repair any bad spots. 37. Level 4, Line 30, repair HSP joint between A and B. 38. Level 4, Line A at 5-213, repair HSP joint. 39. Terminal Roof Structure; insta'|1 2-1/2" diameter x 10" stitch bolts at upper.notched end of 3-ll8" x 12" s1oping glu-lam rafters where they attach to 4'-0 deep upper roof truss. Countersink bolt heads and patch to match surrounding wood. I have also enclosed a copy of my complete final inspection report for your records. Have a Happy Holiday Season. arls,1D;,* Nei 1 Dunbar 34. Leve'l 3, Lines .1-2/3 and 2, install HSP joint caulking for north of Line A. NFD : et Enc. TO A N D AssStlli? S.'lf.',e" 243 Kearny Street sAN FRANCTSCO, CALTF. 94108 Phone (415) 989-2616 Town of Vail LETTfr @F TRANSNNNTTAL "^" L27LL175 l'"' ""gail Ben Straughn the following items: I Plans ! Samples fl Specifications GENTLEMEN: Bo:r 10O Vail, Co. 81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU n Attached E Under separate cover via tr Shop drawings I Prints tr Copy of letter ! Change order ! coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION Additional Punch List itens THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! Approved as submitted n Resubmit-copies for approval I Approved as noted tr Submit -copies lor distribution E Returned for corrections ! Return -corrected prints E For review and comment tr ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS n For approval ! For your use I As requested ggpy 16 John Gavin, Harrv Zeiqler STGNED: ilohn Yoders ft ancro3uraa aaa not ,a noLd, kindly notity us at otc..6.t rsr-ri bi'rra.5L. h., rn.ab TRANSPORTATION CENTER PIERCE, BRINER & FITZHUGH SCOTT, INC. JOB # 1533 Architecture/Planning P. 0. Box 2299 Vajl, Colorado 8.|657 PUNCH LIST 12/ 4/7s Level Three Terminal: PT305 Concession Storage l. Paint doors and door frames. PT 304 Food Concessions Delete finishes in this room. PT303 Dining Area 1. Install b'lank cylinder cover in north exit door. PT3l0 Vest'i bul e l. Install blank p'late in door frame strike and paint. PT3ll Mens' Locker Room l. Add door, wjndow make changes per revised drawing. 2. Patch and paint hole jn door frame at strike. PT309 Mens' Toilet l. Install blank p1 ate in door frame strike and paint. 2. Install toilet paper d'ispenser in toilet partitions. Mens' Locker Rooln l. Install blank plate in door frame strike and pa'int, PT306 Vestibule l. Insta'l I b1 ank plate in door frame strjke and paint. Women's Locker Room 1. Install blank plate in door frame strike and paint. PT30B Womens' Toilet l. Install blank plate in door frame and paint. 2. Install toilet paper dispensers in toilet partitions. Leve'l 4 Passenter Termina'l 1- Install lodqe ohone shelf and sions- ic4- | fltt ocT141s74 SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT PROJ ECT N SPECTOR /4pPr' leztlea j4 7trlerce a*p/ tt'ltl*net AT ION I APPROVED ORRECT IONS REQU CONCRETE: Itl!pL.5+Rt3 t't/ULL 4tt F2.L 4tt F2. lJ .1 Ltpe' Z1P Ft - S-AB A -15 .i -tt.- <TEm t* ALt t t .{ r5 ,.tALt 2 a 'T). t= SP-+r. lc<'en rE r'- ir'))iJo Ltx ltttFJt,tt E Sz'v'+"?'ZP! F.-ttA B A'E //-/t MASONRY : 5TEIlL: PRECAST: 0THER: SDec if ADD IT IONAL REMARKS: L lo 4-/ Rtr ocT 1 874REPORT PROJECT NAM @ I NSPE0TOR -Tln ftle.t e rt 6n4/ /uAN?''E/L'&P, l/gc/'{Ea- SPECIAL INSPECTION .. .. - ", * T0r$f{-of._yA I L 'E+NSFcEr\rte il (r*re. EORRtrCT IONS REQU I RED CONCRETE: Elnh+ (ite:? e ^',9 F.. > aE .4 -a- a'P C/h'42 C- Lrre T2tu nr 'c/L tluhq ,r<oo NP,-2. >r^E ;/|.-(. LtNE 4'lz-A4t. Etr- Ctcu tt^rt5 Y"/ tttF 2'4 - 2A ok sf zrf ,4 N'NAlt- LEI'/EL ztu' NEL A R-!,*r,+ FLt -.-4- t1'*lt-/ ?,- l7 2/a - I7 -LLt ptr t l<-NE-V:ui;tZE iE z- z 7o'v PE c' ilzrl',+ry;;iy::t?ou.;tin"011- slztlu ZL,J FL-SLle 6-< 4tNEoA,i,hE,rq il- /5 cN oll tilzclzq 3EP Ft .5LA6 B'c- - /-G. fAP tE R PAAT .'t rt. f 3. i/f -,-tF fuNlE1U6" t'l/ttzs -t't4€ol*RY:OK slrrlrq Je,"Fl. 5z4E r/-15 8 -t/"vE 514,,4 y'E .5 t'E{7. <-cLerr ')tr-;) C- Lu,t z aktrs/rq lffi?#-*ffi 2*iz6--.L a lz- r/.q/it lN,75.L'ltattutotL Tb Tult'tvza L i Z4 Fuah*n R -L - / -1.o/c slz"lza : Zt<g F Lr rAtL*ta ,-4.rr A- Elt s'E ak- q/E h+,39 Ft- *48 A -c LtttEi'(e l# c /z- r/n/ro znz Fz- yrE /-Q 14 4r-{*fLTa'Nc' tLlaL'i ak ?/'lu 7t!-o ft - *46 tl-/S6N E-<ek qh/za 2e Ez.sL44 lS - l7 6t 4-B TEtr Cccu-)rd C LtFE tlc t/rhq hrcPun o Ft- t1r4 4Yz-13 4-tS '&,a/. ?/tt/zq Pnaae:3 -4 6v1 $ '1zra.1 -*RF€1r$f : cL ?f,, /ta Rra^l 3 -4, Zc--zz t /<- q/ r/ta F*,'p 3 -4 B<.c,nr.-o/t q/, t/ ,o Fr*+, 7-4 /s::f;'^k alc A c* We ;r Ll*y fi ,^' z c.--2.:!2 E/rlzq 4fit FL, SLAE F' L t-. AP t6,ll 6k q/rt/zf TA Ft J'*u E:c- - e+ri+R+-4pc'e.i.{n rk- q/tE/"n 5'" traa-rta 4 3ED Levez. fitlct- Etr Lz-o*rrvc ck-I .l ?/zo /z+ arlFt.><-*es 4-E' r -z4s ttr- "3 t! ,ll)At t fu N/Ea- f'Ztg:t--p--ak- ADDITIONAL REMARKS: SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT fltl ocT ltptr'V4.zt,rL 1 1974 rowN oE-qL ^i <pc,RrArrdA / r. Z )NsPEcroRPROJ ECT NAME la,A IUE|ER L/+RP/ z E1'4^! eE Gael /vl+N*aei LOCAT ION ROVED I CORRECT I ON S REQU IRED CONCRETE: Fa - 'iAA 8 -C L,.tE lVrB .;--Pr- *i. EPT E D toT*: i"o-rl g1, n;;to a 5'c- u-nu' (5" S - iy'A-o-t- Tu /v at t= z-- I.4ASONRY : PRECAST: OTHER: Speci f ADDITIONAL REMARKS: /a4 -l RrI AU6 21 1974 PROJ ECT NAlVlE SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT - -T INSPECTORL'7EAk'2+'Lt:tt o t CoRRECTl0lls REQUIR CONCRETE: +rtP z-> Z2/7-z5 /-zttE..-a/.JE; -tz o-N A LtN B'&1:ffi !"fi:ilfr-'J 4rX F.ctl *xrB,rb- l4 A - (.'?tn. p,5 Zt- Z7 t-tu <'-,l u Ftc+-t bno t5?J '/u r'I- b )/i'ttt<; E rr-oov-vtt; PRECAST: OTHER: Speci f ADDITIONAL REMARKS: /o4- I SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT flu AUG 21974 EcroR '6 . ,.. GAQI /ll'+'^G'421 PROJ ECT NA ADD IT I ONAL ..t ty',htu frz*lsrrpn+flart 4s-7L lN APPRoVED I CORRECTIONS REQUIRE CCNCRETE: -6 ltNE Sceg zz->to e-L Et'ilr' z - 3 | Lwz 5{ P".,o zd Lrrr *G aEvEr- Z-3 leA a?.\r t'.1 H-t z'2- z8 *^'1 l'' Lttt€ ert Et 9t v lZ bz.'.'-/v'+ o" .-z,Lr^rE 24 -23 joi$ 34! F.. tq-Z, PRECAST: 0THER: Specif E^J REMARKS: #u c5t cAt-cci Tte 7tnu6p 4q pasz-,tttt itto *.;n* ij._-. i '-, fle p**z.ro-*. Pent*atco 6 flc fe.utx..atz,4otp4 t4tm-at*g lttfour+-e.b 4 t'ttc Put* tqca*rc*- /rttlO **S fuO-..& .-, flc.h,rrerL tr tL,rztstl frttf /e, thu* Es4 t/+o ltr *E'L . Bc%rcle-o * &,+"/rer:A u+)' //r..,nr-*, Pn,"+ '*r#a. /'u'Ja@ ftte ru>@ary7 .f./Ar He (par-aepc*a*) t)<Ab;.,ihr fu-._. *._'' frte S.tcno-*n lrz /+o T.ryr /r/,4fr fr fft'e /t*tr?z fue+g*_' e'F tls Prxxrro-l t^,,nrtf tlPo lf6la2psaznt, -\fr 0o pzr- t4em,*/.Kpa,t tr feir&t E,t Beett Begt ttttljo R " hth. o,?." -t av CALce o Trle Tnr.UeA ir Pa*-n-l/r/ tuy'o /lFaerueo fttc gonter- 11aN*2F4- Tfe,tx-r< t.stl t/*o Beel Pe&*r"/eo, flcae*oe. .A+fErz 2@aqpt t'tt6 tNFotz+neza-l -fTle F/-*tetf /4rtrtr&Gc Pas.,zr.**-o frle pt-,*.. ,,-7ile lt<re.raa. p67v,at/eD 6 fle feurx. u^t-ct*O/,oq Z+4r-r?r4 ,4u--O. ort+s /tfa*a.qio & fle Pnt',a t?cc*rc*- /tttla a*s faoo 4 f,e bt*ep- * fe,tztStl fUr /e,rerostsu, t/*o ,lr.r Eez^J BE&releo * 6..-"&teb r+i' 1/*r*, P.*p r2a*#z'2 /^8t}@ frle fp>fizctzrz fr/Af tle (2.r-+ to€.-D 'Alir Ba<-k f,e 5rr*z*-r /rz ,4to Tv->r /trn# 4 ftte ,// arrz 6ee*s^a lfts Pmq"rr?-) 2,,,-r-r*f Pnt-u - ttlrX, lep..rotnl, lt7 b Bee*t Reetrelca tR eF t/,+o r(ttont tr fesakt Stt*a-r $entr+-ao/ " Daeb ,e." /o4- t SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT flu AU8 21F,71 PROJ ECT NA ECTOR DATE i LoCAT ION I APPRO V E, T)CORRECT IONS REQU IRED CCNCRETE: tlrs ltq 9t-ea 4 rA R.1yz4 -zo/z A - E.6arets Btt BmnBtot e&, zl*/r+?/*D Arz FL- prt _ zt 4-6 trtc ak }+ zlzt lz+ Ctt-v r!\rtt Z5:14.r) n LNte htp1.c A-a 2.'9 Pr;-a 3;egzrj 249 Pt 'a- Z-J lft r ak l*lr+*to zz-zo e'LPA&r' z -3 ) Lt,r,z 54 P*"e 2E L,rr ok tl*/zq 9c41t LEtct- Z-3 ul B-{Ltpe- zb-z?a/. 't/="/z+'Elfcelo-a C?ew tust-s z7- z8 *^/ n" LtNe- +r*€€{R+: dk ilttlu R,L4,!P l-Z,Lt^,-E 4 -23' bd B-L Ltre EtcisStvr= 9c-./'v!-l 5't, JVtE 5^r+x ' AueFrEb ' tlst lt+i tt-2. u tn'o' s c.J * L r /v-7t iky-a.,e.a+t ZL'-Z')*k. a/rlu ,o*g JEIFI /q-2, tal A-E LtrtZ-.*I t-i*o &ao a" 5aa,114 tut 5<"r Ate.c*rtto . s/t lA a/FLt /o "' / I 7z- ee' C L1N'12-6lL €;FFFF: g,L PRECAST: OTHER: Specif Y ADDITIONAL REMARKS: -* | '<P irvfrecrla ^o,i,te:o f-n |ece*p<o-r apfesr, fruc*c1ll ttlrc/ //tl? 5L\ ;at " ' #2) to4-l .Ilil 2 6 10?'1 SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOV,'N OF VA I L pRoJEcT nnue y'Att.fB*pwBrrnrcd lNsPEcToR @ o ?t\ a T IONS REQU IRE CONCRETE: FL, ,c-* 6 z 7- l'.trlzt' Ee tu-cr* iv! trt. toa.o hrPru 8'/z h)/2, ,lLtL Ft- Z3- MASONRY: 5TE t': L : PRECAST: OTHER: Soeci f ADDITIONAL REMARKS: /c4-l lr"-"t."2219i4 SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL INSPECTOR .* PROJ ECT NAME ADDITIONAL REMARKS: DATE i LooAT loN I APPROVED I --6ffiEeTlONF REQU IRED CCNCRETE: Llttlz I 6l rtl 'rq bl R /?q l.f-af o'r'C'-l'r'rr\r.{l o.t<. ("1t4111 t +1.3 tj rz, trl\'tr.r W"*.erl cl ttl zq Fr,rl.'r B-l?r lJ lo AtBqI bBB O.K' Lltt lrl tLf U*.rJ.r cd*srtLl tr. - zt *lr!*{ o. l(. Ll t.l't4 tAl| e,r-alL oa'C'Unr o.k. Ll ttlt+13, 7 t Roti'gr lr l(. bl t7l'?1 lro,tl b.*wrr.n erLt lo R.l.r. Bf . BS'o,l(. Clzol tq R.h- D "t, !r I O. r. Llzo14 lddl botorer 3oi(.- l! crr tl ti.t :5EEE$: o.k. Glz-t | ?4 Fr.f.-t t-4eLtat 7l'1 1s-1s o 'Ct (,r. oq lAil g. lEr Llt,l t ?4 t..fir, l-l .u e t"J,!;J!At. ri'lltlre,OE Clzrlzq Frrq A.C rr | 3lrrl ,fa Lh-a / t cl FeEert. trr 4 .ts L/tc/t7 rfu, l. rtL rx A ttstO fftfi|lfrc+: ot LlotlT q Iall 3f.frE t.t^' Wa.3Alc orlte,c ,E tret,.fa 0lttl zq li"h. finrr i*-S on lo&i o.rr al(-f 'cer A &irr c 3 I ta 0THER: Specif Y ff a {' (bnrrrtoO, Dr?F.*r! 3,onrlt'nt n'l'll An * B"n'ln!- o I v JUI- 2 2lw{ SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOvllN OF VA IL PROJECT N DATE i LoCAT loN I APPROVED I __-TORRECT I ONS REQU I RED CCNCRETE: Tltt?q lnrc .f.ftr .rt A3t..ai Footel r- { rr'1'ltlr|..le 7l zlzq Ftc"tt' ?-llbtx Alr,,S 6rrrr ?tl. l|lL.t Chto olt lslzt traCylt WAr.. .I I srtli lE Porr rr3 el( zlsl zcl t.af ,l!aat ! aa-Dl {}L'3r.*? llo JeQr. t.lra),ataD ?l t/21 trer f!l' SataL!4-Ll ols '48t',?391L?ld cLl rtc-rlr l{ff$;6.ra. Yeltq (A l bulorrl C-cltr",^,rll -1 r- ?l' Lr.r-o. k. 1l1t n Slrl Lrrrl J; z? !-gro o.fc, z I s/zt Wrll B-C Drr t urt'.r o. k, '?lrclzq *. II OrK 1l nlTt Sero r!'t 3lvlr,zs.}Qff olo zlalz j |ytlt ,-f ..1 ? 'trgt rl 1l t>t t4 trOti 11' ltL rer alttt', F.t"a) l.i rrl lLryl ob ilnht a!.f 4t, clY.3r l?.ll *. B tty,t oE ,ltthq PrrFrr C'tl ot'2 "lt',a ol+ tltthl *DE aW Ctvtr" Dtr tc,-t FRFe+*f+ ' ob ilnht Y)to^X-;o.Dt[!rtt5i C Cr.r a !!.., C lrrt:l.ral. I Lr^ltl'DT thth+lr!^rr {-f fL..t C3tue; )a|'.c.se.r r?.tr. t.g -ole ilnh e lll florl $ff r?.!r A-C!tlt Ut+b '- sblt-r.t € Crrr \t 0THER: Speclf y ADDITIONAL REMARKS: SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT Toutt t9E vA I L PROJ ECT NAME l/l, rfBP >roer*r'-{ GG,;h" rNsPEcroR :TA. il,ro'o ,orr1 ta Ntl JUN eo I coRRECT IONS REQU CONCRETE: a1 /" C"Ltttr: e , - a:. ' L, pc_ 1.f' ?<) .Ect fr< zb zt t ^l Fd.f't',N 4 z3-21 '-*-.'- +; fio - 15 .'-r,t 'L" Li ^t e, f cLE-rt .c-P , -t . "r-;'+v tthi T6 Strrreat flt{ 'ht "A"hPe, E.Eufrrsc sTEEL: PRECAST: OTHER: Soec i f ADDITIONAL REMARKS: I L fFAN 9 p t, FfA! k )J CEtu rE SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT RU JUN 6 1974 NSPECTOR 't7rra EP- (dPROJ ECT ET' I CORRECTIONS REQUIRED COI'iCRETE: 'At-t- I 66'.4a.. l.tNE', Fe+fEAt '*L L Eert/cEe 7-q434 FtS#':; tr"7tr1*{:"'6?"fa'*'rca- Ft-e- B-19 F+rrr'm F'a B-11, o^t "C" Ltrt e h,/ tLt-L }4ASONRY: STEE L : PRECAST: OTHER: Speci f ADDITIONAL REMARKS: SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT PROJECT *Or* NSPECTOR ru JU]I 4 tg74 CT IONS RTQU I CONCRETE: E t< c e S l' u' tX S<'e-t'w''l>, e-;t.,4,,Lt^E- , LtpE 77-Z E r<Le t'/v'e ,o,q,a- fttLe ?raa MASONRY : 5 t trE L: PRECAST: 0THER: SPec if ADDITIONAL REMARKS: SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT PROJ ECT NAME .:lfr! :!*' e'rJats'-'r- M TAPPROVED I CORRECTIONS REQU COI'iCRETE: 't-i- zt'', /nn LtNE +Fi('flN. t g /4a $.c-- 4a. ! /'J / ar TEL4Z,ldA+ts Berttze x zararsl5 h,/+tz lSeruc e;t ktret s Fc-e' [1 ,f -.* h/$r- fu wt et/cz','aqvs 14t/z- Zl t4'A"LiriE MASONRY : STEE L : PRECAST: 0THER: SDeci f ADDITIONAL REMARKS: t.-aht .1Ltl) id,i{, ,{.r. ? \ cr) d lr, {t !'-YJs ( d:...a'k, aO)1 I .nl . 'dr5 l5r-r vd cdrdf 01d57 JJ3 4r5 . 0??7 CONCRFTT c0l,1F'Rt Ss lVr..ST.{I. I.GT}-I RFt-CRT 0L I EN1 x9 104-1 I Arj No 104-l-(r375-1380) lt-IJl )c^,(ll lro {q}z fodJ *4as{ D o tFx 1g4d coNcRr. rE c o . P-o_!!9 YII cONTRAcTOR _J, A.. I'yder Construction Company - lt-.il rTr-- -,:f\^rl-: F /,.,|ir n6nF67.PRCJtCI vcl lJ rldll:Pvr L() L -\Jrr \-srr\-s! TRrrcK "o.7-3-l *-- rrcKt T 45 No v3643 T rlit u r xru 9.-15 - enn rvro 9:pLAcEr 10:00 LOCA T I ON Of PLACEMEITT IN sTRUcTURI Bus Stoo Street Level. Soil [-' Joundattonengtneenng LC TFST AND (n a ss cu YOS Pr-AcED...B/24 CU YoS NATE CF TEST 7/ 2r/ 75 coNCR E T E 10: 30ITR UCK LOAD ING WATEft CONIENT... __-_ wA T t n - c E v e N T . . . . _ ALvlXTUtlL.. CALC I UV CfILOR IOE M I X NUI,,IBER SPICIF ICATIDNS,. ()tslGr'rt.o 8Y...,. CU YDS cal,/t- o ftA T I O AEA oz/ vo '/ .IIME OF TT,ST.. SL UMP- I NCHt. S. ..2'LAB T E MP . oF A I R TEMP. .lOe 82 oF 64 oF FRESH CoNC. wr. . I42.9 i .aF ENT. AlR coNrerur 2'1 "i sAVPr-E cuF tNG... Lab. WATER ADDTO-GALS-- PI-ANT JO8 StTE cEMENT coNrENr..l?sk. pcv 1.5-)/4, 35 COARST. AGGRT.GATE--,- PCY. 3/4" FINE AGGREGATE.. POY )/4" -#4 i4 OATE TESTt.t) NUMBLR OF CAY S CUHT. I) ro rAL r_qs .r__!9 4 grf_9_ql! s CoMPRESS I ve s tR€.N(;TH rf- S I SPEC Ir I ED STRE.NGTH.i-S I TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) D tAGoNAL sHEAR 2 ) corue 3) veR T I cAr- spr- I r REMARKS SPEClrltN NUMhET' 104-l ]-375-7l/r'i,i 1376- 7 t377-14 r3l8-28 1379- 28 7/ 28/ 75 B/ 4/ 7s B/ rB/ ]t Y/ rr/ /\ '),/ | '.i ')tl DIM€.NSIONS, INC E5 STO. CYL TNDER=brrX l2rt Srd Srd sPEC I MEN WE tcHTrPOUNrrS ,1 Aq 21.88 27 .57 BSSD oersrrY, r-0F T42.7 J_42.0 1An 4 140. 8 AREA OF CVt- lr.totR, tr'rn 28.27 za. z I ta aT 28 .27 S To. cYt. lNr)ER=2{J.?7 rN' 46000 46600 58400 78000 Sbd z /.o) IOZ T 154 B 2065 27\9 3000 ?nn n 3000 3000 1 80000 G. Manzari TESTEo o" G. I"lanzari SIGNEOSlupu ED BY F oRM C-l q o f, a'l_5,,rGUrrr, ^*%'-r' .I .,--. ,' I v i. $ I ,tt-r, ,Th tiEl.'0RT 1l't,l,l 'tI \J1I J".,r- l LiY l :i|J' -- i ^ ,rc' L04-1-(1381-1386) 0 i'ti)r i r': i r) POrtO MiX I i),r T,1 ACii,r'.. J. A. Hyder ConsErucEion-conPany ,;ii) ri,, r Va i1 Transportation Center iri,., ^ rrr 511 lri;'(ri'.0 V3699 LocATlt)j. ot rr- {{..c,1 r-tr r I r,r :i fri jL t..i.:r Mechanical Shed Footings. 5oil 6 Jor';noorrc;r',Cnqtri€'g,t'nqk/ flf CU YLrl: rri.,^,.: r. r,... -.5L215\ ,,.,, tRUC;r. r L)Ao t,r,., . , 5- -- --.*-- ,.) ,, lvA TLfi i()r,j lir:1 I,.,.-.... .. (;,lil, ,.ArE 0t rEST.... ll\lL 0: lL;1.... .:'L\.rrdr)' lf.,iCi.1 t 5.... f riF!H (rfj t,aj. rYT.. irNT. AtP (-Crr Tt. l.r1 7/ 2e/ 75 CONCREf T. TEMP. 3: 15 .J08 LAB l-41.8\1/A T E fi - ' t v I i.i | . , . . -_ r?Att() AOMIXIUF.. ..-...!r-A Y tr:; Y l-) 5; .'li 4b oF oF70 3.5 A I R TEMP. .roo 75 oF CALCI LI\t q rtl C'll t:l{ MIX NLtf,ir|R...... SPi.Cll l(,A rlfi'i l) e ') | (;l.i f. l/ .-r'/ . . ' -- 0t',/ vrl 138 1--7 o I a | 1e i 5EO 27.26 _138 . 9 28,27 r"A TL|i Ar)Of :.)-GAt .; - ._ _-..*jt.Af./T JOB SI TE l38 5- 28 1386-OPT i r,/r\T uor,l rc|rr. . -5-!-9Ir - r,,:u 1.5-)/4" I lArrl Ai'r-'p1-r'AIL' ' ---- --- il.Y -- tr4 SP tC I Mlj.N ^rif,r'.[.t? 69?00 2448 3000 I L3B2-7 8/ 5/ 75 srd 27.34 -_ 139.3 28 ,27 70000 2476 3000 27.36 139.4 28.27 esooo 293s 5000 NUMBLR OF i-'A v r, (; .,r,i-l,) olMENSt Or.:.j1 i r,i,.t,[ ; STO. CYt-lNf'tt) r'ttt 1,. ESSD oelslrv, r-1..r :- ,.i ARCA OF CYL ltlfl;. F:, I i.,'' , STD. CYt.tNfritt=..t'.4') I " TOTAL Te ST iOA 'r rJrr'. oATt l'E sTt:il. ."'::--.:-Y.:-.'-'!.,..'', CoMPRESSIvE .'r'.. r,r. r!r TYPE OF ,FTIA(: i',,Fr T '1) o I AGOf,,lA( f.rr14p'2) coNE 3) vERTtcAi I ::, i I T i I I I REMARKS $nrrlplED rty. G._ Manzari ii -,ri_, ii., G. Manza ri ., l,_1..a:r, [.oRM U- I 4O0 hdbo d(e ccb6do 5qrr6 cclo..do 009r|303.fr'b47 O31 sqrh ttorooc tod t\'":. o o bo( 444 - \d.ffi.ott/ 303.l'b'0@7 coNcRETE cLo TFST ANp COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH REPORT CL I ENT NO 104- I coNcRETE co Porto I'1ix CONTRACTOR J. A.Hyder Cons truction ComP<,nY (, g F. foundat'ron dnplirceilrg PRoJ€,cr vail Transoortation Center TRUoK x9 869 TICKET NO v37]-2 4:10 ^--,.,.^4:50T I ME M I xED _-:ARR I veo-' -" PLACE0 LocArIoN oF pLAceMeNr IN srFUcruee -Wg-L]:-!gt-lsshgtt-lga1 ''hed. . t. 1l z1 /1qCu yDs pLAcEo... b/b cu yos oAT€ 0F TesT.... tl J)'t 'r CONCRETE TEMP. TRUSK LoAotNc...6 cu yos TrMe gF TEsr....5:45 .,oB-oF slt-,/t-o SLUMP- | NCHES .... '+LAB /V OF --A I R TEMP . YVATER CONTENT. 5,ATER-CEMENT... RATI O AOMIXTURE . --AgA CALC I UM CHLOR I OE M I X NUMEER SPECIF ICATIONS.. oes I GNeo 8Y..... oz/ vo _% €,NT. Af R CONTENT 1[.roB B7 oF SAMPLE CUR I NG. . . FREsH coNc. wr.. Ia?J ccr wA TER AOO€O- GAL S -------J'LAN T cEMENT coNrENr.. 5L sk' PcY' COARSE AGGR€GATE- PCY 20 JO8 SI TE 1.5-)/4', 3/ 4" )/t+, -#4 F tN€ AGGREGAT€.. - PCY - #4 sPECTMEN NUMsER I04-1 L5r1 t- I 138B- 7 1389- 14 1390- 28 139 r- 28 OATE TESTEO B/7/75 B/ 1/ 15 B/14/7s 8/ 28/75 8/28/75 NUMBT,R OF OAY S CUREO 7 7 '14 28 28 olMENSloNs, I NCHES sro. cYL I NoeR=6trX'l 2n srd srd srd q tsrl srd SPECIMEN WEI GHTTP0UNOS 21 .70 27.80 27.92 27 .55 21.69 BSSD oEruSI TY' PCF 141. 1 14t.6 t42.2 140. 3 141.I AREA OF CYL I NOER, I N3 sro. cYL r ruoEn=28.2? l tta 28.27 28.27 28 .27 28,27 28.27 TOTAL T€ST LOAO'POUNDS 72200 72000 B 1200 92000 91s00 c0MPREss I v€ srRENcrH rPS I zJ).+2541 2865 3254 3236 sPeCI F I Eo STRENGTH'PS I 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) o t lcoHlL sHEAR 2 ) cone 3) ven r I cAL sPLt r I 1 l t I REMARKS Slupt- Eo BY FoRM C-l G. Manzo ri TE STEO BY G. Flanzari S I GNEO collcnrrE Olo rrsr rrruo c0MPRESS tVr STRTNGTH gEP0RT4OO hd.bo. fildce cm(6(b 9r!6 ccbrado . 8O917 303 . 546 1547 Soil CL IENT NO I.AB NO CONCRE TE C O CON TRAC TOR PROJECT IRUCK NO T lM€ /UlxEt) 104. 1 10 4- 1.. ( r 39 3- 1398 ) Porto Mix J. A. Hvder Con'truction Co. ' Va i1 TransDorta tlon Center fJbv r tcKE T No v3753 2;45 ARRl uao 3:00oLAcEo 3:20 wall north of mechanical shed 1G} soL[h frmooe roodpobox foa " ,d . ccbodo 'O1657 JO3 .d7b .0297 kt flf OATE OF TEST. TIME OF TEST. SLUMP-INCHES. B/ 6/ 7s CONCRETE TEMP. 4.nn cu YDS Pr..AcEo...3\/3\ cu yos TRUcK LoAotNG...3, WATER CONTENT... - W A T E R - C E M E N T . . . . - ADM I X TUR E . . CALC IUM CIlLOR IDE MIX NUMBER sPECtF tCATt0NS.. otstGNED BY-.... CU YDS oe l,/t- O RATIO AEA oz/vo 7; FRESH CONC. wr.. 140.0 F.CF .,r08 LAB A I R TEMP JO8 82 oF oF oFENT. ArR CONTENT4.T % sAMPt-€ cuR t NG... Lab. I1IA TER AOOED-GALS Pt.ANT TI ceMEN.r coNrENr.._PCY COARSE AGGREGATE_- PCY F INE AGGREGA TE.PCY. JOB SI TE 1 .5-)/4', 3/4t -/4 l4 SPEC ME N NUMBER 104- 1 1393-7 1394- 7 B/13/75OATE TESTI,O B/13/75 NUMBLR OF OAYS CUR EO D IMeNS t0NS, TNCHES sro. cYL I r.tDER=6rrX 1 2tl SPECI MEN WE I GHT,POUNDS ESSD oE NS I TY, PCI. AREA OF CYL t NOeR, tN2 sro. cYr- tNn trt='28.27 tr'l? TO TAL TEST LOAD T POUNDS B lBOO B 1000 coMPRESS I v€ STRLNG rx rPS I SPEC Ir IED STRT,NGTx.FS I TYP E DF FRACTURE: l) otlcor.rnL sHEAR2) coNE 3) vERrtcAr. sPr,tr REMARKS s./ G, Manzari C M,enz:piTESTED S IGNEOSAMPL ED FoRM C-l s. o, s, dOO hdt)q docecob(od' Xrrqs cdorado . 0o9i7 303.5q0.1547 tGJl sor,{h troflo€ rood 9 o uo thoa - wl . cdoado . 0{057 JO3 .415.0297 n9tneenng coHcnrrr Olo rEsr ar.io COMPRFSS IVT S TRENGTH RFPORT CL I ENT NO 104- 1 coNcRETE co lqrto Mix coNrRAcroR J._-4. llyder Cons.truction Company PRO JECT _ TRUcK r.ro 512 r rcKE r ro V3778Soil TtME Mtxerr_L:9L lnq1y691:04 pr_rceo_1 :l_ LOCAl ION OF PLACEMENT I N srRUcTuR. $trugtural post for mechanlcal shed. (t flf cu YDS PLAcEo... !2/A_ cu yos \LTRUCK LOAOING..: TVA TEII CON TENT IVAIER.CEMENT... ADIUIXTURE.. CALC IUM CHLOR I OE M I X NUt,,IBER sPcctFtcATtoNs.. oESIGNtO 8Y..... CU YOS cl t-,/ t- o RA T I O ACA oz/ vo % DATE OF TEST. TIME OF TEST. SLUMP- I NCHE S. 2:00 FREsH coNc. wt,.144.4 FCF ENT. A rR coNrenr 2.6 q. sAMPt-E cuRt"a... Lab. WATER AOOEO.GALS Pt.ANT CEMENT CONT€NT..-PCY COARSE AGGREGA TE PCY F IN€, AGGR€GA TE.PCY 8/1r/ 7s CONCRE IE TEMP. .,0 B LAB A I R TEMP. .loe B0 oF oF oF70 10 JOB SI TE 1 .5-3/4r 3/tqr _ft4 t4 SPEC I fJErv r.rur.,rega 104- 1 SPEC I F I EO STRENGTH TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) o t AGDNAL sHEAR 2 ) corur- 3) vERTrcAr. sPr.tr t 399- 7 1d00- 7 DA TE TESTED NUMBLR OF OAYS CUREO 8/78/ 75 O IMENS IONS, I NCHE S s ro . cYL t No ER=6n X I 2rr SP EC I MEN WE IGHT,POUNOS BSS0 oeHs r rv, PCF AREA OF CYL I NDeR, tNz sro. cYr-truoEn=28.2? tN2 TO TAL T€ST LOADiPOUNDS oMPRESS I vE STRr-NG TH rPS I I2000 80000 REMARKS FoRM C-1 TESTEO AY G. Manzari S I GNED - .'G M;nz4piSAMPLED BV ah|- concnrrr Olo rEsr nr'io o COMPRESSIVi STRENGTH REPORTaOO hd6o( poce coltado scrn6 corao.doqiT 303. 506 .7547 0.J'l sotrh lroroc road t\,"stpobo< foa - vd . ccbodo . O1657 303.4b.0297 CL l ENT NO I.AB NO 104- r- ( 140s- 1410) Soil foundation dngineerirtgk, LOCATION OF PLACEM€NT I N CONCRETE Co Porlol"lix coNTRAcro^ J. A. Hlder Constructi,on Co. pRo,rec, Veil Transportation CenEer rRUcK ruo --999 r I cKE r No v3792 T I ME M r xeo I_?:LLaaR r vEo 12: 40purceo_LL!9 STRUcTT^a Lid for Bus Stop. l/io'FE cu Yos PLAcEo ... 2!J3]_ -O ,rRUcK LoAo r NG. .. 5 Ft}- IVA TER CONTENThWATER.CEMENT... ADMIXTURE.. CU YOS CU YOS e nl,/t- o RATIO AEA oz/ yo % oArE oF r€sr.... B/L2/75 TIME OF TEST.. SL UMP. I NCHES. . I:25 FREsH coNc. ivr.. 141.7 pCF ENT. AtR cONTENT3.9 16 SAMPI.E CUR1NG...Le b. f/A TER AODEO- GAL S _____PUAN r cEMENT coNr€Nr. . 5b sk' PcY COARSE AGCR€GATE-- PCY FrNE AGGREGATE.. _ PCY 3, CONCRETE TEMP. .JOB OF ule 75 oF A 1R TEMP. .,OB 82 OF CALC I UM CHLOR IOE M I X NUMBER SP EC I F I CA T I ONS. . oE s I GNeO BY. . . . . o ,loa strE 1.5-)/4ns/4 3/En-f4 _#4 Sp EC t ME x xrJysgp 104- 1 1405- 7 1406- 7 OATE TESTEO 8/re/ 7s B/re/7s NUMBE.R OF OAYS CURED o I MENS tONS, TNCHES sTo. cvu I NDER=6ilX12n SPECIMEN WEI GHT,POUNDS BSSD DENgI TY, POF AREA oF cYL INoER r lNa sro. cvr- r Hoen=28.2? tr.re TOTAL fESf LOAO.POUNOS 82400 coMPRESS I vE STRE.NGTHTPS I SPECIF I EO STRENGIH.PSI TYPE OF FRACTURE! 1) oTAGoNAL srlEAR?) coNE 3) vERTlcAr. sPr-tr REMAR K s F0RM C-1 TEsTED ev T. Meier S I GNEDSAM'Leo e"G. Manzari 4O0 Frortrr rlrc(cio.do grgs <ctrodr ' 0O917 301 .506 ba7 10$ sciJrh Jrsrog|? ro6dp o box Pl4 vet . cokrodo 01657 JO3 .4b.0297 coNCRFTE F+0 TrST lN0 COI,,IPRESS IVE STRENGTH REPORT cL teNr No =!94-1 r-AB No 10a:!-lr!1r-I1!!l coNcREre co lor!9 rql coN TRAc ron _i. L Htr-e!-99!il-trg!r9!1 Conpany pRo,recr _P_lele_Ilea TRUcK "o -199 r lcKE r No v3845 T r ME , r rtu 8I1 oo* r uEo 8t25 o.o"ao 8:30 LOCAT ION OF PLACEMENT srRuctr^. uPper_&g$g!.L _pgdt 50r G foundooon dngineering IN (t a Eof .r0B oF cu Yt.,:; PLAcEo... 8/35 ITRUCK LOAO ING... rvA Ttfi coNTENT.,. _ h/ATER-CCVENT.... ADVIXTURE.. CALCIUM C}ILORI DE MI X NUM!JER SPTCIFICATIONS,. OE S I GNEO BY..... TIME OF TEST. SLUMP- INCHE S. Cu yoS oATe 0F TEST.B/22/7s CONCRETE TEMP. CU YOS eal,/t-o RA T I O ACA oz/ vo 7' 9:00 ...2u 5 3/4 FRE sH coNc. wr . . 142.6 r Cr ENT. A I R coNre rur 3.2 ?:. SAMPLE CUR I NG. . .t ab. uo"66 A IR TEMP. .loe69 oF $JA TE R ADDED.GALS PLANT cEMENT coNrENr.. 5L sk. Pcv COARsE. AGGREGATE- T-CY F INE AGGR€GATE PCY JOB SITE 1 .5-3/4', )/4u -#4 i4 SP I,C IME N NUMBER 104- 1 NUMBLN OF LTAYS CUFEO D I MENS IONS, INCHLS STo. CyL p.roin=frtl xlZtl SPEC I MT,N WE I T.; Ii T, POUNOS ESSD oerus t rY r PC[. AREA OF CVt- I r'rOEn, 1ruz STrj. Cyt tNr,t: r,=28.2? 1ru2 TO TAL TEST I OAIJTPOUNOS corvpR E sS I v t. :i Tr'tt-NG TH, PS I sPEct r I tc srr?SNGTULS l_3500 OA TE TESTEL) TYPE OF FFACTURT.: l) DTAGDNAL :r HF-AR ?.) coNt- )') vrR r I cAr riP{. I T [1 EI,,1AfiKS SAMPt. EiJ tsv F oRM (i-l /r tt---'TESTEn tsY u. $anZd r]-T. Meier s I GNe.O h+ coHcnerr elo rrsr nr,ro I COMF'RfSSIVF STRTNGTH REPORTdoil tiylxy dae ccacradc +{r!s cctxd:kJ . 00917 .tcrJ . 506 l5d7 1O31 sourh J'anoge roao "'qYp o bor 1914 vaJ.ccbodo O1557 JO3 . 475.0297 o s, Soil cLtENl 1.,19 104-I coNcRETE co Porto Mi>< coN TRAc19q J. a.- H\ider cqlstlqq!-1e!,conpany p Ro J Ecr Va il TraLsl>g.Ilgllg! Center No v3447foundotion Sngineerirp TRUcK *o -q€*---- rr cKEr T IME r,t; y6p 12: 24 eaa Lg 12: 30 LocATtoN oF pLAcEMENT tN srRUcruRe 1i! to 2nd I.loor Columns B1 PLACEC Line. (t flf 2* oF oF CU YOS PLACEO... TRUCK LOAO ING. . . lVr\- cu Yos tz CU YOS clr-/l- o RA T I O AEA oz/ va t; OA TE OF TEST. TIME OF TEST. SLUMP-INCHES. 6/24/75 CONCRETT TEMP. I2z 30 uL,Et LAB A I R TEUP. ,J o B oF IVATER CONTENT... WAT€R-CEVENT... AOV I X TURE., CALC I UM CHLORIOE M I X NUMBER SPECtFICATIONS.. DESIGNEO 8Y..... FREsH coNc. wr.. I42.1 llf ENT. ArR coNreNr 5 S, F INE AGGRE GA TE sAMPt-€ cuR ,rc.. . LdD' IVA T€.R ADOEO.GALS Pt.ANT CEMENT CON TEN T. .PCY coARSE AGGR€cArE-- PcY xxx PCV 10 JO8 SITE 1 .5- )/4" )/ 4' -t4 t4 SpEc I MEN NUMBER I04- 1 lJ.+)- /r346-7 L347-14 1348- 2B 1249-28 1350-oPt OA TE TESTEO 7/'t/15 7 /r/ t:7/B/15 1/ 22/ 75 7/22/7s NUMBLR OF DAYS CUREO l4 ?8 O IMEN S IONS, I NCHES STD. CYL I NOER=6ttXl 2tt srd srd Srd srd < r-,-l SPEC I MEN WE I GHT,POUNOS 27 .32 21 .3I 27 .43 27 .79 27 ,67 ESSD oerus I rY, PCF r39.2 139. 1 139.7 141.6 140.9 AREA oF cYL I NoER r lN" sro. evr-tuorp=28.2? tN? 2B .27 26. z I 28 .27 28.27 28 .27 TOTAL TEST LOAD,POUNDS 74400 77000 88000 98000 10 2000 COMPRESS I VE S TRENG TH,PS I 2632 2724 3t-13 3467 3508 SPEC I F I Eo STRE NGTH rPS I 3500 3 500 3 500 3500 3 s00 TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) D I AcoNAL sHEAR 2 ) corue 3) vER T I cAr- sPt- | T 1 I I 1 1 REMARKS sy G. Ma nza ri TE S TED BY G. Manzari S I GNEOSAMPLED FoRM C-1 o s, -.v 4O0 hdbo. d&? Coltodo !Prr!6c6(od) ' 00917 303.590.15'd7 1&l'l sourh lrontooe rood u'est 9 o box &ca - vda ' cobodo ' 01657 303.4r5 .0297 goncnrrr. roL-o rEsr nno COI,4PRTSS IVi STRFNGTH REPORT CL ICNT NO I.AB NO CONCRE TE C O CONTRACTOR 104- I 104-1-( 13s1-13s6) Porto Mix .T n H rr,'i or Cnns l-rrrn|- i nn Cnyu -r vvrru sor foundation dngineering pRoJ€cr Vail Tlansporqll1on Center rRUcK r.r o 511__ r tcKE r No v54 56 TtME M1;69 B:45 4pq;yEp 9:00 pr-nCeo !:10 tN srRucluqg Columns 3rd ro 2nd Floor beElveenLOCA T I ON OF PLACEMENT A A B for New Stairwav. (t fl F--. 212 CU YoS OATE OF TEST.6/ 26/ 75 CONCRETE T€MP. 9:45 CU YDS PLACEO.. TRUCK LOAD ING. IVATER CONTENT... - IVA T E R - C E M E N T . . . . \ AOM I x TUR E 1. CALC IUM CHLOR IOE M I X NUMBER SPCCIF ICATIONS.. OESIGNED BY..... TIME OF TEST. SLUMP- INCHES. 2 CU YOS e nu,/t- o RA T I O AEA oz/vo f; 2 .rOB LAB oF oF FREsH coNc. wr.. I42.7 p gS A IR TEUP. ENr. A lR coNI.ENI 3:2__J/.,JoB 65 oF sAMPLE cuR I NG... Lab' NiATER AODEO-GALS PLANT JOB SI TE CEME N T CONTENT..5Z bK PcY - 1.5-)/4" oOARSE AGGREGATe- FCY F INE AGGREGATE.PCY 3/ 4"3/ t+t _ft4 64 sP Ec tME N NUMBER 104-1 1351- 7 1352-1 13 s3- 14 1354-28 135s-28 1355-OPT OA TE TEST€.D 7/3/7s 7/3/7s 7/ro/7s 7/24/75 7/24/7s NUMBLR OF DAYS CUREO 7 7 l4 )k 28 OIMENSIONS, INCHES s rD. cYL TNDER=bn x1 2f srd srd srd srd srd SPEC I MEN WE I GH T, P OUNDS 27.82 28.04 21 .85 21.96 BSS0 oersrrY, P0F 141. 4 r42. B 141.9 ]-42.4 AREA OF CYL I NDER, INz srD. cvr-tHoEp=28.2? tr.r2 28 .27 28.27 28 .21 28 .27 28.27 TOTAL TEST LOAD,POUNDS 96000 9B 000 109 500 114000 120000 COMPRESS I VE STReNGTH,PS I 339 5 3466 3873 4032 4244 SPeC I F I Eo STR E NG TH,I.S I 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYP E OF FRACTURE: 1) o I AGoNAL sHEAR 2 ) cor.re )) vER T I cAr, sPr- | r 1 I 1 1 I REMARK S st G. Manzari TESTEo u'' G. Manzari S I GNEDSAMPLeo FoRM C-l coNcRETE oLp TEST nN0 CL I ENT NO LAB NO CONCRET€ CO CON TRAC TOR PRO.JECT TRUCK NO TIME MIXEO LocATr0N 0F pLACEMENT tN STRUCTuRE columns 40O hdbs dfec&.6@ lgrEd.o6.doof/ JGt.5fr.Dd7 O31 lcLrft frurcc load u,csrg o bo( fi44 - rta . obocfr .&57 s3.4r5.0297 COMPRESSIVE STRFNGTH REPORT 104-t 104-1- (r3s7-1362) Porto Mi-x 869 rtcKEr No v3509 7: 50 4pplygeB:00 pLACEog:1! J. A. Hyder Cons Cruct j_on Co. Va iI Tran:Dorta tion Center 3rd to 4th fIoor. flf CU YOS PLACEO. ..\/I TRUCK LOAD ING. .. VUATER CONTENT. WATER-CEMENT.. AOMIXTURE.. CALC I UM CHLOR I DE M I X NUMEER sPectFtcATt0Ns.. OES I GNEO BY CU YOS CU YOS CA L,/L o RATIO AEA oz/ Yo 16 oAr€ oF resr.. ..7/2/75 CONCRETE TEME. TIME OF TEST... sLUr{P- I NCHES... FRESH CONC. YIT. oF65 o' ?n .r0S LAB oF . 739.2 PCF A I R TEMP. .roB 76 oFENr. AIR CONTENT5.5 4 SAMPLE CUR I NG. . . WA TER AOOEO-GALS PLANT JO8 S I TE FIN€, AGGREGATE..-PCY CEMENT CONTENT. . 5L SK. PCY - 1 . ,<- )/ 4' COARSE AGGREGATE- PCY 3/4" 3/4n-ft4 _#4 0 SpEc I MEN NUMBER 104-1 1357-1 13 sB- 7 13 59- 14 1360- 28 I351- 2B 1362- oPT OATE TESTEO 7/e/7s 7/9/75 7/1A/1q NUMBER OF OAYS CUREO 7 7 r4 2B 28 otMENStONS, TNCHES sTo. cYL I NoER=6[X l2n srd Srd Srd sPec I MEN rve I cHTTPoUNDS 26.97 27.L4 27.02 BSSD oENs I TY, PCF r37 .4 'I <A ?r37 .6 ARgA oF CYL I NO€R, I N" sro. cYL I Hoen=Z8 .27 tnz 28 .27 28.21 28.27 TOTAL TEST LOAOTPOUNDS 69200 72000 I7000 COTTIPRESS I vE STRENG TH rPS I 24 41 z ).10 3077 SPEC,I F I EO STRENGTH TPS I 3000 3000 3000 TYP€ OFl) orrco2) cone 3) venrr FRACTURE: NAL SHEAR CAL SPt. I T 1 I 1 REMAR K S "r' G, Manzeri TESTEo ".' G. M;nzari S I GNEDSAMPL eo FoRM C-l 4OO hdbd dred.6do scrrsdrocft .&9f, 303.S.1547 OCf iorh fraree rood ucsaqobdfu4 - vd . obredo .0b57 303.{r5.029/ coNcRETE oLp TFST nNp J. A. Fiyder Cons truet j.on Co. rtcKEr No v3545 7:53 1pp l y6pB:10 "a4aao8:15 COMPRESS I VE STRENGTH .REPORT CL I ENT NO LAB NO CONCRETE CO CON TRAC TOR pRO.reCT Vail Transportation CenEer 859 . LOCATTON OF pLACEMENT tN STRUClr"a Footings for Bus Stop Glgund Level, F e cu yDS pLAcEo... 5/5\ cu yos oAre oF resr.:.. i/9/j5 coNcRerE rEMp. (., rRUcK LoAotNc... 5\ cu ygs rlME oF rEsr.... 9:00 JoB oF -L+ lvATeR coNT€NT. eAL,/Lo SLUMP- l NCfiES. . .. 3 LAB 62 oF -.wATeR-CEMENT.. RArto FREsx coNc. p1.. 143.9 pg6 AtR TEup. ADM I xruRE . - AEA €Nr. A I R cONrENTjg---Jg .roB 62 oF oz/Yo SAMPLE cuR ! Nc. . . Lab. cALcf uM cHLoR loE -1( wATER ADoeD-cALs p1.Axr 10 .loB st rE MIX NUMEER CEMENT CONTENT.. 5L SK. PCY - 1.5-)/4' SPECIF ICATIONS.. COARSE ^GGREGATE- PCY 3/4,, 3/4"-#4 oEStGNEo 8y.... FtNE AGcREcArE.._pcy _#4 ,.-. Line 15-14. -t - (t TRUCK NO T I ME M I XEO Porto Mix SPECIMEN NUMBER 104-1 1363-7 1364-7 135 5- 14 OATE TESTED 7/16/7s 7/16/75 7/23/ 7s NUMEER OF DAYS CUREO 7 ?r4 z8 28 otMENSIONS, TNCHES sror cYLtNoER=6iXl2n q F.l Srd srd sPECI MEN rvE I cHTTPOUNOS 27 .79 27.94 27 .76 BSSD DENsr rY, PCF L42.3 LAL.4 ARtA OF CYL I NOeR, I N3 srD. cYLlHoe,n=?8.2? tNe 28.27 28 .27 28.27 TOTAL TEST LOAD,POUNOS 84000 I5200 95400 coMPRES9l vE STRENGTxTPS I 2971 301 3 3409 SPECIF I EO STRENGTH.PSI 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRA I ) DtAGoNAL2) cone 3) venr r cal CTURE: SHEAR SPLlT I I I REMAR K S G. Manzari TESTED ," G. Manzari S I GN€OSAMP L Eo FoRM C-l BY 40O hdbs drc&odo rcrrxEd.oe.009f/ coS.s.1547 (W lanh fYqroc toodp o bo< fica - rd.obo6.065/ co3.4b.m7 foundation engirvenrp LOCATION OF PLACEM€NT IN STRUCTURE Ternina l. coNcRETE +O TFST ANp COMPRESSlVE STRENGTH REPORT cLt€NT 1,19 104-l LAB No 104-1-(1369-1374) coNcRETE g9 Porto Mix CONTRACTOR J. A. Hyder ConstrucEion Co. pRo.Jecr Vail fransportation Center rRUcK n,o !]3 r I cKE r No v3553 Tt;i{ Mlxg6 II:21 ARRtvE.11:31 palggg Structural Slab for New Stairway in Bust, fl F. cu Yo.s PLACEO...sr/e,CU YOS OATE OF TEST.. TIME OF TEST.. SLUMP.INCHES.. . j 7/9/75 CONCRETE TEUP. 12: 15 t* I A I R TEUP. roa 64 oF II'ATER CONTENT. WATER-CEUENT.. AOMI XTURE. TRUoK LoAo I Nc. . . 3\ cu yos CALC IUM CHLOR I OE M I X NUMBER SPECtF lCATt0NS.. DESIGNEO 8Y..... olt-,/t- o RATIO AEA oz/ to fr JO8 LA8 oF oF70 FREsH coNc. tvr.. I42.2 Pgg SAMPL E WA TER cef{€NT CURING... AoDEo-cALs PLAxr 6 coNrENr.. 5L sk. Pcy - JOB SI TE 1.5-)/4' coARsE AccR€,cAre- pcy 3/4" i/4r-#4 F INE AGGREGATE.. - PCY #4 ENT. ArR coNrerut 4.1 * sPEc I rrgr{ r.riJygE6 ro4- 1 1369- 7 1370-7 13 71- 14 OATE TESTED 7/16/ 7s t/1A/1c 7/23/75 NUMBER OF OAYS CUREO 7 r4 2B ?8 oIMENSIONS, INCHES sro. cYL tHoen=6iXl2i srd srd srd sPECI MeN WE I cHTTPOUNOS 27.69 z t.6>zt.>> ESSD oeHsrrY, PCF 1/1 1 1 140. B 140.3 AR€A OF CYL I NOER, I N3 sro. cYLf NoER=28.2? tna 28 .27 28,27 28.27 TOTAL TEST LOAD,POUNDS 94800 9B 200 10 30 00 corrPREss I ve srRENcrx rPS I 335 3 3473 3643 SPECIF I Eo STRENGTH.PSI 3 s00 3 s00 3 500 ?YPE OF FRACTURE: l) olAcoNAL sHEAR 2 ) coNe 3) venrrcAL sPLtr I I I REMARK S G. l"lanzari C rrl:nz4 piT€ S TED S IGNEOSAMPLEo BY FoRM C-l foundation Sngineerirp LOCA T I ON Of PLACEMENT TI IN S TR UC TUR [, qorcnrrr Olo rEsr nr'ro CO\'IPRFSS lVf STRFNGTF, REPORT cLtENl 19 104-1 LAB No 104-1-(1375-1380) cONcRE TE c o Porto l'1ix coNrRACro, _J. e. f f:. go1s9rryt19f1moanv Va i1 TransDort- t ion CenterpRD,rEcr ya_11 !raqsport-t ion Center rRUcx No 735 v 164 3TICKET NO r,r E v I x r o 2:_L5__ a o o r v r o-9_1!-_p l e c e o_!0 : !9 3O{ frarlxr llote cdcrodo frn'r';s cctr.aJc' 00?i / JO3.:p6.15a7 {}J1 5c,{,th Jr())(og" roodg o box 1Q1.4 a cdsodo . Or55i 303 , 4b .0297 Soil Bus Stop Street Leve1. (t a ss cu YLS PLAcec ... B/24 TRUcK LoAorNG... B __ YVA TEFi CON TENT.. . ---WATEP-CEVENT... ADMIXTUFE.. CU YOS OATE OF TEST 7/2r/75 10: 30lIME OF TIST. SL UMP- I NCHE S. FRESH CONC. WT.. ENT. AIR CONTENT SAVPI-E CURING... I42.9 | Cr a-7 I CONCRE TE TEMP. ,JOB LAS A IR TEMP. toa 82 oF oF oF64 IUM CHL OR IOE CU YOS ca l,/l o FA T IO AEA oz/ va N.CALC MIX SPTC OE S I IlA TE R ADDEO-GALS PI.ANT 35 CEM€N T CONTENT..sL sk.PCYNUMBER lf l cATloNS., GNEO 8Y..... C0ARSE. AGGREGATE_----_ PCY F INE AGGREGAT€.PCY a/ 4tl JOB SITE 1 .5- )/4" 'j/ 4n -gL l4 SP EC IME N NUMBER 104- r I375- 7 l-375- 7 OA TE TESTF.O 1/28/ 7s 7/28/7s NUMBE R OF OAYS CUREIJ DIMENSIONS, I NCHE S STO. CYL I t'tOER=6'rrX l2'l SP EC IMEN IVE I GH T, POUNDS c" oo 27 .88 BSSD De NS t TY , PCF 142. 1 142.0 AREA OF CYL tNOI,R, IN2 sro. cvt- trurrep=2ti.27 tN2 TO TAL TEST LOAD.PO(JNOS 46000 45600 COMPRESS IVE STRe.NGTx,PS I 1627 SPec tF tEp s TRENGTIT y'-S l__ TYP E OF FRACTURE: 1) D tAGoNAL sHeAR 2 ) cor're .. 3) vERTrcAr. sPr,tT REMARKS 28 .27 zo. z t 3000 ,1q4I 3000 G. Ma nza ri r\ !J---.TfSTfn ky b. lvldnzdrl S IGNEOSAMPL ED BY FoRM C-1 JAMES REAM AND ASSOCIATES INC ARCHITECTURE/INDUSTRIAL DESIGI{ 243 KEARNY STREET SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 94108 (415) 989.2616 ilanuary 30, L976 Mr. Benjanin Straughn Chief Building Inspector Town of Vai]- P.O. Box lOO Vail, Colorado 8165 7 Dear Ben: At the request of the Town of VaiI r,i'e are requesting your approval to close-off stairway nuribex 2 at the fourth level- of the Vail Parking Structure. Itris stairway was priararily provided as a convenience for the parking structure patrons who did not wish to wait for the elevator located in the inmediate area. As you can see by the enclosed third level plan of the parkinq structure, the closing of this stairway at the fourth level does not compromise the exit requ.i.rements. lltris stairway would now exit at the third level through the pedestrian tunne I similar to the condition at the west end of the parking structure at stairway nurTiber 1. We will provide necessary exit signs, a barrier in the stairway at the third level to prohibit patrons frorn continuing up to the fourth level, and change the direction of door svring at third level to open in the direction of travel. We hope that this neets with your approval. please let us know. If you have any questions very truly yours, cc: Mr. Terry Minger Mr. Harry Ziegler Mr. Robert Hiland Mr. John Gavin I a JEv/jh Enclosure Juno 197! Otrr 9lrr, Koat R. Rolr, Torn Englnrer rJ Jrnrr Rrarl 3 ArroclrtrrZ{! Xrrrny Strort $ln Frunclloo. Crl I f orn l a 9{t08 loutd you klndly rrnd ut tlx aopler of pfanr rlth proprrty llnrr rnd ovorclltr.r nsnlcfprl prrklng rtructure. iho lrttrt plot dlarnrlonr for thr Thr .stl l lty congrnlrr rugul ro ?hr Intornrtlon confrlnrdfhrrcln In-ordrr fo lurnlrh thr Torn rlfh rlflnrter for I lna ciangaf. Yrry trrly yourt, TOTN OF VAII P.E. Aprf I t, l9t5 Hr. Jrnrr RrrnJrnat R.rn tla irroetltor. Inc, 241 Krrrny $trut 3an Frunoltco, Crl lfofnlt 9410t Drer Jlnr Truornlff.d hffaf lth lrc thr.r coplrr of ihr nLrrl ol thr$trtr of Golorudo Rrgtllrtlng thr Pracf lcr of Profrrrloor] Engl nrrrf r3o. Thlr thorld br rll your cn;lercrlng flri $.rtlt for o dlructrrclproclty for rrglrtrrtlon la ColoruCo. lf you hrvr fsrfhaf qurrtlonr, eaad furthrr Infomrf loa orfomr, pl.rfa Goatlct r.. Yorrt trrly, TOTil OF YAIL Xrnt R. Rofl , F. E. Torn 6nglnmr dt JAiIES REAM AND ASSOCIATES tNC ARCHTTECTURE / TNDUSTRIAL DESIGN 243 KEARNY STBEET SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 94108 (415} 989.2616 2l Morch 1973 Mr. Jomes Lomonl Asisiqnt Town Monoger Box-631 Voil, Colorodo Deor Jim: I om finding thot oll members of ourdesign teomore relieved to some degree thqt we will hove time to develop oll ospects of the Tronsporfotion Center proiect before the bond election in August. We ore now looking fon'rord to o progrom for 1974 in which we moy be oble to con- struct the entire focility, rofher thon the two phose operotion previously contemploted. Forplonning purposes here we need the following itens of infornrotion ot the eorl iest possible dote: l. The number of bus positions which moy be reguired forsimulfoneous unlooding operotions ot the terminol . 2. The tofol number which nny require storoge either ot the terminol focility or ot o remote lot locotion during o peok dennnd doy. 3. The number of renfol con which might initiolly be required for storoge ot the porking focility. 4. The demond for fruck berth looCing ond unlooding spoce, both for commerciol institutions ond privofe residerrces in the plonned pedestrion core ond outside the core. The key figure here might be the totol numberof trucks requiring unlooding ot o freight focility ot ony one time. 5. Ihe present municipol porking lot hos on underground highwoy droinoge line running diogon- olly ocross the center portion of the lot. While we understond thot no drowings exist of this line we need to obtoin whofever elevotions we might be oble to determine from field meo- suremenfs. Our site survey shows the elevotions oi two droins into th's I inerone ot the south edge of the porking lot ond one ot the edge of the povemenl neoresf the covered bridge. Meosuremenfs from these grotings down to the line would be of help in determining the flow of this section of the droin. i. Oo", Gore Creek flow continuously during the winter.or does it ice over for certoin periods? 7. Our Mechonicol ond Eleciricol engineers ore not currently registered in fhe stote of Colorodo., Would you osk the City oitomey to determine whether or hot they will be required to be re- gistered in Colorodo or will our registrotion os orchitects cover the legol requiremenis for the proiect? lf'the engineea registrotion is required is there on option whereby they con be gronled regisfrotion for o single proiect only rother thon full stotewide registrction ? 1a I May 17, 1972 Mr. J ames Ream James Ream and Agsoclates Archltecfs 245 Kearny Street San Frsnclsco, Callfornla 94108 SubJect: Val I Transporlatlon Center Dear J lml l{lth roference to your letter of l''lay 10, 1922, I hove gone over the Eet of plans aarked In red regardlng exlts and my comrnents 6r€ es follows: l. In accordsnce vrlth Sectlon 3502 (d), no polnt shallbe more than 150 I from an exterlor exlt messurod along tho llne of travel. As you have Indlcafed on your drawlngs, tho l50r In all casos ls not meosured In the llne of travo I , but rather by rad I us. 2. I belleve lt would be al I rlght for you to contlnue on the assumptlon that the number of oxlts you have wlll Pass.In the meontlme, I wlll get a verbal hearlng from fhe rnem- bers of the Eoard of Appeals and se€ Y{hat thelr thlnklng ls and wlll notlfy you lrnmedlafely. 5. All other lfems noted In your letter and on the plans, I am ln agreemenf w lth. i As I mentloned to yourdurlng our last meetlng, I thlnk the throe-story cei llng level In the bus. termlnal ls excesslve and my thlnklng ls fo contlnue the floor at each levol over the tcrmlnal area In order to have more rgntal sPace. In talklng wlth Terry regardlng thls subJeci, he agrees that the Town should make use of all oval lable rental space and thaf we should plan on hovlng rental space In the area whlch you show open. Please glve thls your lmmediate attenflon. I wlll be looklng forward to seelng you the next tlme you are In Va | | . Yours truly, Ed Strub le o JAMES REAM AND ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS ARCHITECTURE AND INDUSTRIAL DESIGN.243 KEARNY STREET. SAN FFANCISCO CALIFORNIA 94108 . (415) 989,2616 l0I'lwy 1972 Mr. Ed Strubel, Building Officiol Box 100 Voil, Coforodo 81657 Deo r Ed, Enclosed ore six prinfs of the three plon levels of the proposed Voil Tronsportofion Center with exiting shown. We hove morked up these prints in red to illustrofe horizonfol distonces to the neoresf exit os we interpret fhese requirements. We would oppreciote it if you would review these drowings ond fo rwo rd your com- ments to us concerning exif suiiobility or ony ofher code motters you moy defermine. Note thot os we inferpret these requirements oll oreos of the strucfure now foll wifh- in the 150 foot trovel'distonce to on exit except for the very smoll sl iver of s.poce of fhe center of the soufh side of Unit B, fhe second moior porking block. This nor- row oreo is nrode difficult fo service becouse of fhe chonge in level befween thot oreo ond fhedescending porking romp immediotely fo the north. However, yot will note by checking the poinfs tnoik"d with the letter'A'thof oll outomobile porking positions in fhe sfructure ore still reqched by fhe 150'rodius line which we feel would constifufe substonfiol compl ionce with f he requirement. Also, nofe thof the greot moiorify of the floor oreo is covered by two, cind ot f imes even three, over- lopping exif rodius oreos . Pleose nofe olso thof on the ground level o perimeter wolk oround the on-grode porking is provided oufside of the strucfure line of the building for perimeter exif- ing. W" would like to oscertoin thot fhis is sotisfocfory os o pedestrion roufe from fh; building. The two circulorsfoirs shown do not conform fo legol exiting dimen- sions, but fletsons leoving the building ore olreody outside of fhe structure of fhot point ond it merely provides o roufe from fhe lower elevofion up to the fronfoge rood level . lf would be o help to hove ony commenfs here os soon os possible. Also,. I will be in Voil on Moy l6th for presentofions of the proiecf . Perhops we could hove further discussions ot thot f ime. Very best regords,#kt Terrell J. Minger, Town Monoger Enclosure: Preliminory Floor Plons of Voil Tronsportotion Center uEs+HEO TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxen ! pnnrtal. LocATtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRr-------------- -AM PM , E nppRovED florsnppRovED E netNsPEcr Best copy AvailableE uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR a DATE = ( ,i t,y 40O ha6o. dtrec6,ocb sorna6 (ddddo . do9i7 303. 506 .r5.7 031 !oL(h f ;orooe roodp o bo( 1q44 - wi.cobodo.0ad57 3m . 4r5 .0297 coNcRFTF OFLD TFST iNp COMPRFSSIVT STRENGTH RFPORT cL I ENr No 104-1 (t a sol LOCATION OT PLACEMENT terminal. r-AB No 104-1-(1533_1338) coNcRETE co Porto-Mix TtME rrlxrDS_:152 ARRtveo-1!q0 pLACEDgt15 I N STRUCTURE Topping in store room. 4th leveL bus CONTRACTOR pRo JEcr Na il_ Tralglg$al&n Center'- ]- e cu yos pLAcED. O TRucK LoAo I NG. CU YOS DATE OF TEST.s/ re/ 7s CONCREIE TEMP. 10:10fWA TER CON TE N T. U IVATER-CEMENT.... AOMIXTURE.. Pozz. addeC IIME OF TT,ST.. SL UMP - t NCHES. . CU YOS e I l,/t- o RA T I O AEA oz/Yo % ,4, .r0B LAB AIR JoB 66 oF oF oF54 FR€SH CONC. WT..1 A't '7 F UT T€MP. ENT. AIR CONTENI 5.!_-_Ji. CALC MIX SPC.C oE s I luM cHL.oR I OE _-- NUMEER lFtcATloNs. GN€,O 8Y.... SAMPI.E CUR I NG. . . IVATER AOOEO-GALS PI.ANT z> CEMENT CONT€NT.. 6 SK. PCY - COARSE AGGREGATE-- PCY XX F I NE AGGREGATE.PCY .,OB S I TE 1 .5-)/4n 3/4'-#4 #4 SPECIMEN NUMBER rve- l- OA TE TESTEO NUMEfR OF OAYS CUREO TYP€ OF FRACTURE: 1) DtAGor.rAL sHEAR2) coNE 3) vERTtcAr. spr"tr r333- 7 s/ 26/ 7s t334- 7 s/ 26/ 75 133 5- 14 13 36- 2B t337-28 1338-CPT o IMENS IONS, I NCHE S STO. CYL I NOER-6nXl2i. SPEC I MEN TVE t GH T, POUNDS BSSD DeNStTY, PCF ARgA OF CYt-tNDER, lNz sro. cYr.tNot-a=28.27 INP TO TAL T€ST LOAO T POUNDS COMPRESS I VE STRENGTH,PS I 100000 SPEC IF I ED STRH NGTH,f-S I REMARK s SeupLe.o F oRM C-l Bv S. Schroeder TFqTFN PV S. Schroeder S I GNEO t -v PEFIMITPLIJ MEr r Nc; / M EqHAru r cal TOWN OF VAI L otteFt/ ?.7:* I owNER /,, >/,/" .- {, --.. ,,}- ADDRESS , E appnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ DATE USE OF BUILDING: oF woRK: ElGw E aoorrroru E nenaooel E nepern PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION$)/)OO9 VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMfT FEE '-'''t' 'li :; I t ''PERMIT FEE I orseppnovpo ||\t si ]t Ec oTIcl JOB NAME TOWN r,: FIEBUESiT VAIL t\l OF CALLER I orxen MON COMMENTS: n plnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AMPM' fi nppRovED E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr ! upol.t rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR o TICTINSPEC FIEOUEsiT VAILTOWN N OF DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHen ! plnnel LOCATION FRI READY FOR INSPECTION wED af@'\--- PPROVED ! or sere Rov E D E nerNsPEcr E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DArE -4: /^ 7$- DATE . "', )' ' : : ',::,- JoB NAME FIEOUEST VAIL ::, 'TIME RECEIVED r ' cr AM PM CALLER tNsPECToN VT-C-,TOWN OF fl orxen COMMENTS: TUE I panrrnu. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM ESeeRovED ! orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr IJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: cpRRECTTONS DATE INSPECTOR -- _t .- y'^"r'...,.' tNs]'ECTIN FIEOUEsiT VAILOWNo CALLER E orsen n pnnrrll LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PMGDI COMMENTS: E.peeBovED n orsnppRovED fl upon THE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr Best copy Available DATE INSPECTOR PLrca BdnrrI Ftttb{tnSconlm. . Archiloctu 16 Planning P. O. Box2290 Vail, Colorado 81657 300 47e3m8 Date To June 6, 1975 Mr. Ben Strahan Bu'ilding Inspector Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Concrete Tests Job No... G€ntleman: We ar6 8€ndlng lo t ou: -X- her€with - undoreeparate cover - by masenger lor lrour approval.+ lorl,our use - to.distrlbutiofi ioyour subcontractoG' - a! pcryout requesl - apptoved as noted - to b€ conected tho follqrving on lhe abo\re proiect: One copy of.gur letter to Mr. J. Lamont One copy of various required tests. Fer' our phone conversation. Vorytrulyyour8, nende, gRrueR & FTTZHUGH scorr rNc. - O$troy ormark "VOlD" any prints previously issued to you not bearing r€vision dat€ ol as noted in the aevision column. ve.irO C.'u.--EETE lft= sr g Jf.,r* oe six compression,cylinders will be taken for every 50 yards or ir"r. Slurnp tests will be taken from every batch delivered. Air content to be taken for every I50 yards or less. tJU,Fq|Bts{ Evr LDrwq CoeE, %E'"-.'z'-1 (d) Evaluation and Acceptance of Concrete. l. Samp'tes for streneth tests of each class of concrete shall be taken not less lhan drtte a ilay nor less than once for each 150 cubic yards of concrete or for eacir 5000-square feet of surface area placed. The samples for strength tests shall be taken in accordance wiah U.B.C. Standird No. 26-10: Cvhn- ders for agceptance tests shall be molded, laboratory-cured and testedin accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 26-10. Each strength test result- shall_be the average of two cytinders from the samelample tested at 28 days or the speciffed earlier age. 2. When the frequency of testing of the preceding paragraph will provide less than five tests for a given class of concrete, tests shall be made from at least five randomlylelected batches or from each batchif fewer than ffve are used. When the total quantitj, of a given class of concrete is less than 50 cubic yards, the strength tLsts miy be waived by the Building Official if, in his judgment, ade-quate evidence of satis-factorl' strength is provided. - The slump test is made at the start of operations each day and whenever the appearance of thetoncrete indi- cates a change in consistency. Air-content tests should be made often enough at point of delivery lo ensure proper alr content should temp€rature and. aggregate grading cnange. The number of strength tests made will depend on the' requirements of job specifications and the occurrence .. of variations. The Building Code Requirements for Re- inforced Concrete (ACl 318-63) specifies that for each class of concrete at least one test consisting of two speci- mens must be made for each I50 cu.yd. of concrete, but. not less than one test for each day's work. The National. BuildingCode of Canada 1960 requires that one strength test consisting of three specimens be made for each lbO cu.yd. of concrete placed and not less than one test be madc for each class of cencrete cast each day. Further- more, additional specimens may be required when tem_ perature or moisture content changes suddenly or when malerials or sources of materiats are changid. These Page 2 September 2'5, ],g74 Mr. J. Lamont Town of ValI Va11, Colorado The ACI speclflcatlons call for three speclmens for cu. ydE. ?wo speclmens to be tested at 28 days for and one tested at 7 days for lnformatlon. We feel. that thle would be reLlabLe testlng for the of thls proJect Slncerely, each 100 acceptance remalnder MAR. L. HlLand CC: Kent Rose Stan .Bennsteln Tenny l'Ilngen James Ream o FFICE OF FITZHUGH SCOTT - ARCHITECTS/PLANNERS' INC. P.O.BOX U73. VAIL, COTORADO 81657 (303) 4763038 September 25' L97\ Mr. J. Lamont Town of Va1l Va11, Colorado 81657 Be: Vall- Parklng Structure Dear Jlm: Per your request and the request of James Ream per your nreeting Rugust Lg, ;-974 we were asked to comment on concrete testlng 1n regard to the above proJect' In past years local concrete suppllers have provlded cOnCre't,e wlth a wlde strength varlatlon wlth some conerete below that speclfled for a ProJect The present testlng. requlrements regulred U{ !!" Tom of Vatl whlch- supplem-nt tfrat requlred by the- tJnlform'Bu1ldlng Code are more ltrlngent than that requlred by the Amerlcan Concrete Instltutes Speclflcatlons for Structural Concrete i""-a"iioines (Ac1 3oi-72). The ACr requlrements for strength tests are the standirds requlred by thls proJects Consultlng engt-neJrs and could be used on thls proJect at a savlngs to the Owner In the past 1t mlght have been advlsable .to make test cyllnders or "v""y batch of concrete to assure guallty control, but 28 day Ly1lnders tested on thls proJect have except for one cyllniler-been over the strength speclfled' )/ ''4-A*t coNcRETE elp rrsr ANp r L04- 1 104-1- ( 1333-1338 ) 4OO harbcr ddc? cobrado sorn6 cdo(.6.d09i7 JO3. 5fr .1547 O3'l sqrh ftoroc oodo o bor fiaa - raa ' cobrcdo . O1657 30C.uUb'0297 CL I ENT NO I.AB NO CONCRETE CO CONTRACTOR PROJE TR UCK NO Porto-Mix soil G k,' LOCA T I ON OF PLACEMEN T terminal. T tM€ r\t r xe oB: I lnn srRUcrune _!9!Ping in store r veo 9:9i_ room, 4th PLACEO 9: l5 level busIN Ineenng t-rF e cu Yos pLAcED... I oArE oF resr.. .. 5/L9/75 TIME OF TEST.... SL UMP - INCHES.... FRESH CONC. WT.. 10:10 CONCRE T€ TEMP. .J0BO rRucK LoAo I NG. . . I CU YOS CU YDS eat/ to RA T I O oF ,-. IVA TER CONTENT. I1IA T E R- C E M E N T . . . 4\ I41.7 FCF LAB 54 .OF A t R TEMP. .,oB 56 oF, ADMIXTURE....... - AEA ENT. AIR CONT€NT 5.L /,T:T-Pozz' added oz/yo sAMpt-E cuR I NG' . . ua.)' cALclUM CHLORtDE_ ft wATER ADOeO-cALS_______JLANT Mtx NUMBER ceMENT CONTENT.. 6 Sk. p6y SPCCIF ICATIONS COARSE AGGREGATE- PCY OESI GNEO BY. .. . F I NE AGGREGATE.. - PCY 25 XX .,OB S I TE 1.5-)/4', )/4* -#4 i4 SpeCtMEN NUMBER 104-1 1333-7 1334-7 1335-14 1336-28 1337-28 1338-OPT DATE TESTEO s/ 26/ 75 s/ 26/ 7s 6/2/ 7s 6/16/75 6/L6/7s NUMBT,R OF OA Y S CUR EO 7 r4 ?B 28 o I MENS l0NS, INCHES sTD. cYL I NDER=6nX7ztl srd srd srd srd SH sPEC I MeN wE t cHTTPOUNDS 27 .54 27.52 27 .55 27 .55 27.67 BSSD oeHs I TY, PCF 140.3 I40.2 140.3 140.3 141.0 AREA OF CYL I NDER, INz sro. cvr- truoEa=28.2? tN2 28.27 28.27 28.27 2B .27 24.27 TOTAL TEST LOAO,POUNDS 100000 97200 110000 r_2 5000 127000 c0MPRESSI ve STRENGTHrPS I 3537 34 38 3B9I 4422 4492 SP€,cIF I e D STRe NGTH,PSI 3 500 3 500 3 500 3s00 3s00 TYPE OF FRACTURE:1) orecor,rlL sHEAR 2 ) cor.rsl) venrtcAr. spr tr I 1 I I I REMARKS SAMPLEo ev _S. _ F oRM 0-1 T€STEo By S. SchroederSchroeder S IGNED 40O habo flacecdore 9r!6 cob.odo . 0Oq7 3OJ.5tu.b47 lO31 sanh trqro€ food I o box rE44 ' voa.cobodo.0t657 303 . 475 .0297 CONCRETE .O.-o TEST ^ND cL tENT x9 104-1 coNcRETE CO Porto l'lix CONTRACTOR J. A.Hyder Construction Co. PRo.,Ecr !qi!TransporEation Center rRUcK No 869 rrcKEr NoV3369 rtME Mt xEol!.?5 ARir v€o 10:45o.oaao I0:50 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT IN srRUcruRE Footing, lst F!9o1jor Stair Closure. Soil foundotion Angirleerirp COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH REPORT k/ fls .J0B LAB oF oF A I R TEMP. JOe 56 oF 55 CU YOS PLACEO. . . TRU9K L0AO tNG. . . WATER CONTENT... - IYATER-CEMENT.. AOMIXTURE.. CALC I UM CHLOR I OE MI X NUMB gR S P E C I F I C A T I O N S . . DESI GNEO 8Y..... CU yOS OATE 0F TEST... CU yos TIME 0F TEST... ell,/t-o RATIO AEA oz/ vo t1/ 6/rr/7s CONCRETE TEMP. . 11:25 SLUMP-INCHES....3 FREsH coNc. wr..143.6 FCF ENT. A ta coNrgNr 4.6 % SAMPI.E CUR ING. . .Lab. WATER AOOEO-GALS PI.ANT cEMENT coNrENr.. 51, sk. PcY COARSE AGGREGATE- PCY F INE AGGReGAT€.. - PCY o .roB srrE 1.5-)/4n 3/4n -14 #4 3/4 SPEcTMEll, NUMBER 104-1 1339- 7 1340- 7 1341- 14 L342-28 \343-28 DA TE TE S TED 6/18/7s 6/t8/ 75 6/ 25/ 7s 7/el'rs 7/e/7s NUMBER OF OAYS CUREO 14 2t<?B oIMENSIONS, TNCHES sTo. cYL I NoER=6rrX12r srd srd srd srd sbd SPECIMEN WEI GHT,POUNOS 27 ,73 27.95 27.93 ?R nl 27.88 BSSD oexs I rY ' PCF 141.3 142.4 t42,3 142.8 r42.0 AREA OF CYL I NOER, IN3 sro. cYLlruoen=28.27 tr.r2 28.27 28.27 28.27 28 .27 28.27 TOTAL TEST LOAD,POUNDS 96000 r00000 103000 l_19000 116000 COMPRESS I v€ STRE NGTH,PS I 339 5 3537 354 3 4209 4103 SPECIF I ED STRENGTH.PSI 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYP E OF FRACTUR E : l) o tAGoNAL sHEAR2) coue 3) venrrcAr. sPr-tr I 1 t I 1 REMARKS Saupueo FoRM C-l ey S. Schroeder TE S TED 8Y G. Manzari S IGNEO o,s, dr corqcnrrr OLo rrsr nNo COMPRESSIVF STRTNGTH REPORT r1:t tl--u-u, cL teNl xs I04-I coNcRETE co Porto Mix cONTRAcTOR J. A. Hvder ConsErucEion Company pRo.rEcT VaiI Transportation Center rRUcK ruo 9Q9 r lcKE r NO V3447 ME M | 1aEs:-.2z24 sRR I vEpl2: 30 o,_1gao l-st to 2nd Floor Columns BI Line. 501 4O0 frabo dace cdorddo grE6 ce(odo . 00917 303 . 596 .1547 lGll sor-nh f ror6q? roddpoooxfraa- d.cobodo 01657 JOJ .4b.0297 ton neefr]€ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT IN TI STRUCTURE U g s CU YOS PLACED... TRUCK LOAD ING. . . e/*_ L5 OATE OF TEST.. TIME OF TEST.. SLUMP- INCHES. .WA TER CONTENT... - WATER.CEMENT... ADM I X TUR E . . CALC IUM CHLOR I DE M I X NUMSER S P E C I F I C A T I O N S . . OES IGNEO 8Y..... FREsH coNc. rvr. . 142.1 F.CF 6/24/7s CONCRETE TEMP. 12: 30 .JOB LAB A I R TEMP. .,0 B OF CU YDS CU YOS ell,/t-o RATIO AEA oz/ vo ,li, ,, oF oF €Nr. Af R coNreNr:L_ J/. SAMPI.E CUR I NG. . .Lab. 1.1WATER AOOEO.GALS PLANT IV CEMENT CONTENT..sB sk.PCY COARSE AGGREGATE - PCY I(XX F IN€. AGGREGATE.PCY .,DB SI TE 1 .5-3/4.1 3/4" -#4 #4 SpECIMEN NUMBER 104-1 1345-7 r345-7 t347-14 OA TE TE STED 7/r/75 7/r/7'7 /8/ 7s NUMBE R OF OAYS CURED 14 28 z6 ol MeNst oNs, tNcHEs S TO. CYL INOER=6IXl2rl srd srd SPEC I MEN WE IGHT,POUNDS 27 .32 27 .3L 27.43 BSSD oCNSITY, PCF r39.2 139. r r39.7 AREA OF CYL INDER, I N. sro. cYr.rNoER=28.2? tN2 28 .27 28.27 zd.zr TOTAL TE5 T LOAO, POUNDS 74400 77000 BBOOO COMPRESSIVE STRENG TH,PS I 2632 2724 3l_13 SPECI F I €D STRENGTHTPS I 3 500 3 500 3500 TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) o I AcoNAL sHEAR 2 ) cor.re 3) vERrtcAr. sPr-tT 1 I I REMARKS sy G. Manza ri TESTED BY G. Manzari SI GNEOSlupueo F oRM C-l ton nn9 LOCA T I ON OF PLACEMEN T A A B for New Stairway. I N s rR uc run e __aolgqrq qoNCRFTE rOLp rEST nNp 'o, s, o-l 40{ hdrbo( tlocece(6do sgrgs c&(a&.00917 30J. 5p6 .1547 OCt Jorh frqroc roodp o bor fioa - vd' ceodo . 0a657 303'4b.0297 CL I€,NT NO I.AB NO CONCRE TE C O CONTRACTOR PRO..lECT TR UCK NO TIME MIXEO QOMPRESSIVF STRENGTH REPORT 104- I 104-r-( 13sr--13s6) Porto Mi.x J. A. Hyder Construction Co. Vail Transporfation Center 511 rtcKEr No v54 55 B:45 4pqgy69 9:00 p.6gEe 9:10 3rd to 2nd Floor between (, fl E.. DATE OF TEST. TIME OF TEST. SLUMP.I NCH E S. oF oF TRUCK LOAO I NG. . . WA TER CONTENT II'ATER.CEMENT... ADM I XTURE.. cu Yos PLAcEo ... 2/2 cu yDS CALC I UM CHLOR I DE M I X NUMBER sPeclF tcATt0NS.. OES I GNEO 8Y..... CU YOS cn u/r o RATIO AEA oz/ vo FRESH cONC. s11. . I42.7 p.gg ENr. A I R CONTENT_J-2__,4 Lab.SAMPLE CUR ING. . . N/ATER AODEO-GALS Pt.ANT CEMENT CONTENT..sl sk PCY COARSE AGGREGATE- PCY F INE AGGREGATE.PCY 6/ 26/ 75 CONCRgT€ TEMP. 9:45 JOB LAB A I R TEMP. ,roB 65 oF 1 Jl ,+ JO8 SI TE 1 .5-3/t+n 3/4" -#4 l4 SPEcIMEN NUMEER 104-1 1351- 7 1352-7 DATE TESTEO 7/s/7s 7/s/7s NUMBE R OF OAYS CUR€O 14 ?B 28 o IMENS IONS, I NCHE S sTo. cYL t rvoEn=6rrX l2r. srd srd sPecS MEN rVE I GHTTP0UNOS 27 .75 27.82 BSSD DENS I TY, PCF 141. 4 141.7 AREA OF CYL INOER, tNa sro. cYt-f NeER=28.27 tNz 28.27 28.27 TOTAL TEST LOAD, POUNOS 96000 98000 COMPRESS I VE STRCNGTH,PS I 339 5 3466 SPEctF I eo srRENGtx,PSl 3000 3000 TYP€ OF FRACTURE: l) olAcoNAL sHEAR 2 ) corueJ) venr rcAr- sPr- I r 1 I REMARK s g...l G. Manzari TEsTED ,, G. Manzari SIGNEOSAMPL E D FORM C-1 4o hrbq d@d(ab rsirdrc6 j&0r17 0l.s.lt47 lxlf idrfi frsrc rodI o bo( eo4 - rd.dd.Otfl IXI'.S'O29, CL I ENT NO LAB NO CONCRETE CO CON TRAC TOR TRUCK NO tlr|E ul.xEo CONCRETE EtO TFST ^NDCOMPRESS IVE STRENGTH REPORT 104-r 104-r.-( 13s7- 1352) Porto Mix pRo.rECT Va il Transportation Center 859 rtcKEr No v3509 7:50 1pp t veoS:!9_c.1gao8:15 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT I N STRuCtuRg Columns 3rd to 4th floor. CU YOS PLACEo...T/L cU Yos oA?€ OF rESr....7/2/75 CONCRETE TEMP. TRUCK LOAOING...1 TUATER CONTENT. ITA T€R-C€MENT. . AOIII XTUR€ CALCIUM CHLORIOE MI X NUMEER sPeitFtcATtoNs.. OE S I CN€D 8Y..... CUR I NG. . .Lab. AooEo-GALS PLANI-q-.JO8 Srre CU YDS sAL/LD RATIO AeA o2/ YD fr Ttrr€ oF TE8T... sLUrP- | ircltEs. .. FRESH CONC. WT. . 9:30 t* . 139.2 PCF oF oF AIR tEt|P. ,roB 76 0F .ro8 LAB 65 EN1. Af R COurEr{T5.5 fi SAMPLE wA reR cEMENT coilrErttr. . 5L sk. pcy - 1 .5-)/4. coARsE AccR€cAfE- pcy 3/411 3/4t-54 F I r{€ AGGREGA Te. . - PCY - #4 sP€c I rrEN NUHB€R L04- I t357-7 13sB- 7 l3 59- 14 1360- 28 1351- 28 1352-OPT OATE IESTEO 7/e/ 7s 7/s/7s NUMEER OF OAYS CUREO 7 7 r4 28 2B DtilENSl0NS, I NCHES sro. cYLtNDER=6ixl2n srd Srd sPeclMEN wE I GHTIPoUNOS 26.97 27.14 BSSD oetsrrY, PCF I37 .4 138.3 AREA OF CYL I NDER r I N2 sro. cYLIroen=28.2? tna 28.27 2.J. z I TOTAL TEST LOAOTPOUNOS 69200 72000 corPR€,ss I YE STRENGTH TPS I 2447 2546 SPECIF I Eo STRENcTH.PSI 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRA I ) DTAcoNAL2) cone3) venrrclu CTURE i SHEAR SPLIT '|1.L REIIAR K S ,.' G. Manzari a M--- -tEsTEO BY b, fldnzdrl S I GNEOSAMPL Eo Fonu C-l - _..-7 _--S1ry,.. - FIEBIJESiT VAIL ..i) tNsiPEcrllru OWN OF oere ,r'C -- 2 - 7{ .toenavte i,/, T|ME RECEIVED '7 '/t1t / AM)PM CALLER E oruen ! pnnrrel. TUE READY FOR INSPECTION THUR€D FRt IAM)PM \_--l MON COMMENTS: fl nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS -''\ |" loor. : ' r {,. l,l, \, i - -ii.. ;' INSPECTOR l'lay 21, l97t Ma. DorofhY Kcddlr vrn Glnkrl Atfoslrtat' Ltd. l5l! dr llrlronarsvo 8lvd. llrlt llon?rcol 107' Qurbrc Canada Ocar Hr, Koddlct ln lnlrer to thr nofr addrccrrd to Jln slrvln, anslosad Ir your ntp, rn aiitrr map of thc vlllagc cnd I copy ot soai Land iJir etudy drta I havl col loctld' I ra rorry thlr hal tckrn lo long, but ronr ?l t!! Infor- natloa rai tncsrrtct and had io bc rodon'' lt you nold i"ritt.t intormrtton on ulrr rlfhln tho bul ldlngl' ltc' plorromallmanota. Yourc trulyt Tobrfi OF VA I L Dlanr 8. Touohl I I Zonlng Admlnlltrotor df