HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E TRACT B C AUSTRIA HAUS AKA SONNENALP SDD 35 1997 PROJECT MANUAL LEGALW-o>3I AUSTRIA HAUS VAIL, COLORADO PROJECT NO. 19017.00 --4ilffiil'flL* OFFICE COPY PTERCE SEGERBERG AND ASSOCTATES 1OOO SOUTH FRONTAGE RD. WEST VAIL, COLORADO 81650 6Rd NOVEMBER 7, 1997 PROJECT DIRECTORY AUSTRIA HAUS t I t I t T I T T I I I I I I l, I I I Pierce, Segerberg & Associates 1000 South Frontage Road lJest Vai I , Col orado 81657 970/476-4433 970/476-4608 FAX Shaw Construction 760 Horizon Drive Grand Junction, Colorado 81506 e70/242-e236 970/24r-5618 FAX Specifications Consultants, Inc. 611 N. Weber Street; Suite 103 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903 7 t9 /577 -9414 719/577-9455 FAX Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 70 Benchmark Road, Suite 204 Avon, Colorado 81620 970/949-7768 970/949-4054 FAX High Country Engineering 923 Cooper Avenue Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 970/94s-8676 970/945-2555 FAX Robinson Mechanical Co. 5541 Central Avenue Boulder, Colorado 80301 303/443-2505 303/443-5507 FAX All-State Fire Protection, Inc. 6045 E. 76th Avenue Commerce City, Colorado 80022 303/288-3e01 303/288-1936 FAX Archi tects General Contractors Speci fi cati ons Structural Engineer Civi I Engineer Mechanical Desi gn/Bui 1d Fire Protection ,-- Tovm of Vail PSA 19017.00 OFFICECOPJ I J I I I T I I i t I t I t I l, I J T B&B Electric, Inc. 28L8-L/2 North Avenue Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 970/242-24s0 970/241-8687 FAX Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 Road 154 Glenwood Springs, C0 81601 970/945-7988 970/945-8454 FAX Electrical Design/Bui ld Geotechni cal PSA 19017.00 J t I I T I I TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR PROJECT MANUAL PERMIT PACKAGE AUSTRIA HAUS vAIL, C0L0RAD0 PRoJECT l{0. 19017.00 NOVEMBER 7, 1997 BIDDING REOUIREMENTS AIID CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 00100 Instructions to Bidders00200 Infonnation Avai'lable to Bidders00700 General Conditions SPECI FICATIONS 1-3 I I 1 t I I I I I I I T t, I DIVISION 01010 01020 01045 010s0 01060 01091 01092 01200 01300 01400 01500 01533 01600 01700 01710 DIVISION 020s0 02160 02200 02270 02580 02710 02910 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Summary of Work Al I owances Cutting and Patching Field Engineering Regulatoiy Requiiements 4 Reference Standards Abbrevi ati ons Project Meetings Submi ttal s Qual i ty Contro.l Constructions Facilities and Temporary Controls Tree and Plant Protection Material and Equipment Contract Closeout Final Cleaning 2 - SITEWORK Demol i ti on Excavation Support System Earthwork Slope Protection and Erosion Control Pavement t'larki ng Subdrainage System Tree Transp'lanti ng L-2 t-2 1-3 l-2 1 1 r-2 I 1-5 1-3 1-6 L-2 1-5 1-5 I-2 I-2 r-2 1-6 t-2 t-2 1-3 1-3 PSA 19017.00 t t T I I I I I l I I I I I l I I I l-6 1-4 1- 14 1 I-4 1-3 1-8 1-5 1- 10 L-4 1-3 r-4 1-3 I-4 t-2 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-4 r-2 t-2 1-4 1.-4 l-4 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-3 1-6 1-4 l-2 1-4 l-2 l-2 1-3 t-2 r-2 DIVISIOTI 03100 03200 03300 03600 DIVISION 04100 04150 04200 04400 DIVISION 05120 05310 05400 0s500 05510 D IV IS ION 06100 06116 06125 06130 06205 DIVISION 07113 07120 07185 07210 07240 07255 07270 07313 073t7 07322 07531 07532 07600 07610 07900 3 - C0I{CRETE Concrete Fonnwork Concrete Rei nforcement Cast- In-Pl ace Concrete Grout 4 - MASONRY Mortar and Masonry Grout Masonry Accessories Unit Masonry Stone 5 - METALS Structural Steel Steel Deck Cold Formed Metal Franing Metal Fabrications Metal Stai rs 6 - t,lOOD AND PLASTICS Rough Carpentry Gypsum Sheathing Wood Roof Decking Heavy Timber Construction Exterior Finish Carpentry 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Modified Bituminous Sheet Membrane Waterproofing Fluid Appl ied Waterproofing Water RepelIent Coating Building Insulation Exterior Insulation and Finish System Sprayed Fireproofing Fi restoppi ng Metal Shingles l,lood Shake Roofing Concrete Tile Roofing Elastomeric Single P1y Roofing-Ballasted Elastomeric Single Ply Roofing-Fully Adhered Flashing and Sheet Metal Sheet Metal Roofing Joint Sealers DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND I,IINDOI,JS08110 Steel Doors and Frames08115 Packaged Steel Door Frames08210 Wood Doors08225 Metal Clad Wood Doors and Frames08230 Packeged Wood Door Frames08250 Elevator Smoke Door Assemblies08305 Access Doors08312 Metal Clad tlood Sliding Glass Doors PSA 19017.00 t I I I t 1-3 t-2 t-2 1-4 l-2 1-5 1-5 1-3 08445 Entrance Doors and Frames08470 Revolving Entrance Doors08611 Metal Clad l.lood t.lindows08710 Door Hardware08720 Automatic Door Operators08800 Glazing DIVISION 9 - FINISHES09261 Gypsum Board Partitions and Walls09262 Gypsum Board Ceilings DIVISIOI'I 10 - SPECIALTIES NONE THIS BID PACKAGE 1-4I I I I I I D IVIS ION 1 1150 D IVIS ION NOI{E THIS D IVIS ION IIONE THIS DIVISION r4?40 D IVIS ION 15010 1s2s0 15300 15400 15600 1s700 1s800 15950 15990 11 - EQUIPI*IENT Parking Control Equipment 12 - FURNISHINGS BID PACKAGE 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION BID PACKAGE 14 - CONVEYING SYSTEMS Hydraul ic Elevator 15 - MECHANICAL General Instructions Insul ati on Special/Process Piping System Pl umbi ng Heat Generation HVAC PipingTPurps Air Distribution Control s Testing, Adjusting and BalancingI I I I J I I I 1-6 1-11 1-9 1-5 1-23 t-7 1- 14 1- ls r-2r 1-8 L-7 t-2 1-3 l-2 1 t-2 1 L-2 I 1 I 1 I 1 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL16010 Electrical Special Provisions16011 Submittal Requirements16111 Conduit Systems16120 Wire and Cable1612l Wire Splices and Connections16130 Outlets16131 Pull Boxes and Junction Boxes16140 t.liring Devices16160 Main Distribution Center16164 Branch Circuit Panelboards16170 Fusible and Non-Fusible Safety Switches16180 Fuses16190 Inserts, Supports and Frameworks16400 Electrical Service Entrance PSA 19017.00 t I lff# HlJ,,il;l'f'ering EquiPment - 16500 Lighting SystenL6502 Bal lasts | 16720 Fire Alam SystemI 16740 Telephone Signal Distribution System16750 TV Signal Distribution System| 16851 Mechanical/Electrical Coordination -, T I I I 1I I r-2 1 t-4 I 1 1 I T I I PsA 1e017.00 I T I J 1 I I t I I I t T I t 2. DOCUMENT OOlOO INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS I. CONTRACTS The General Contractor for this project is: Shaw Construction 760 Horizon Drive Grand Junction, Colorado 81506 Except as indicated otherwise, all work under this contract will be undei the direction of the Generai contractor. The successful bidder(s)will execute a subcontract or purchase order with the General Contractor on the General Contractor's standard forms. Wherever the words Contractor or General Contractor are used in the Project Manual, they shall mean Shaw Construction. STATE AND LOCAL LAWS Bidders are expected to familiarize themselves wjth the laws and acts of the State of Colorado and the ordinances of Eagle County and The Town of Vail. II{TERPRETAT ION OF DOCUMENTS No interpretation of the meaning of the plans, specifications or other pre-bid documents will be made to any bidder oral1y. 0nly interpretations made in conformity with the following procedure will be valid. Interpretations either written or oral by any of the Architect's consultants will not be valid. Every request for such interpretation should be jn wrjt'i ng addressed to the Architect and to be given consideration must be received by the Architect before: 12:00 Noon, Seven Calendar Days Before Date set by the Contractor for ReceiDt of Bids Any and all such interpretations and any supplemental instructions will be in the fonn of written addenda which, if issued, will be mailed to the respective addresses furnished for such purposes. Failure of any bidder to receive any such addenda or interpretation shall not relieve such bidder from any obligation under his bid as submitted. All addenda so issued shall become a part of the Contract Documents. 3. I T I I I I J I I I I PSA 19017.00 00100- 1 4. CONSULTANTS As a matter of identification, the names of consultants employed by the Architect or Qwner for various phases of the work are listed on the drawings and in the Proiect Manual. Bidders or material suppliers shall not conmun'icate directly with any of the consultants trithout the permission of the Architect. All questions and requests for decisions and interpretations shall be direited to the Architect, who if he deems it advisable, will confer with his consultants regarding same. See Article 3 regarding Interpretations of Documents. I I I I I 5.PARTIAL INFORMATION The Architect disclaims any and omissions made by parties using all responsibil'itY for emors or partial' infonnation in compiling their proposal s. CHAI{GES AI{D SUBSTITUTIOI{S Items herein specified under manufacturers' names and catalog numbers are intended ai a basis of quality and not as a closed specification unless noted otheruise. Items other than those specifically named in the specifications or as ihown on the drawings wiil be considered provided iequest for approval of such items is received by the Architect in writing by; 12:00 Noon, Seven Calendar Days Before Date Set by the contractor for Receipt of Eids Each request for substitution must be accompanied by complete catalog _ sheets dnd other pertinent data, which will make it possible to properly evaluate the itemi proposed for use. If, in the Architect's.opinion the item or items propobed'for use are equal to the items speci.fied in design, quality, inaterial and function, he will issue an Addendum listin6 dtt sultr items approved for use. Requests for approval received after the above time and date will not be considered. Bjdders shall base their bid upon the use of any of the.items specifically named in the specifications or on the drawings, or as approved in an Addendum issued by the Architect. Changes or substitutions will not be considered after the award of the contiact except those which will result in a better iob, a savings to the Owner, or both. t T I I 6. T I I I t T I I I PSA 19017.00 00100-2 7. I t I I I I I PROPOSALS Reference thjs Project Manual and accompanying drawings and submit bid proposal as follows:i. 'per drawings and specificatl'ons, itemize costs by each specification section. Show total costs (taxes, freight, etc.)b. List any specification item exclusion separatelyc. l{ote all addenda included in bid.d. Indicate the number of working days required to complete bid work.If work is phased, provide time schedule for each phase of work. (i.e. electiical - blectrical rough-in and electrical trim work would be different phases of work.) Return drawings and Proiect Manual with bid to the General Contractor not later than date requested. Any bid returned to the General Contractor incomplete including any and all information herein requested, will be rejected upon such detennination by the Proiect Manager. PLANS FOR REFEREI'ICE Complete sets of plans and specifications for all.portions_of the work may'be examined by Contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers at thb offices of the General Contractor and/or Architect. END OF II'ISTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS l I I I t I l . J I 8. I I PSA 19017.00 00100-3 B. r D. I I I I I l I I I t t t I I I I I I DOCUMENT OO2OO INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO BIDDERS 1.01 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION Each Bidder shall be fully familiar with the following docunent which has been prepared for the owner by his separate consultant. A. Site Survey: Topographic Survey Austria Haus Town of Vai I Eagle County, Colorado Peak Land Surveying, Inc. Avon, Colorado Job No.89 3/2eles Subsurface Investigation (Geotechnical Report) : Preliminary Subsoil Study For Foundation Design Proposed Austria Haus 242 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. Glenwood Springs, Colorado Job No. 197 t62 April 15, 1997 The above document will be available for examination at the offices of the General Contractor and Architect. In preparing his bid' each Bidder shall consider and evaluate data contained in the above documents as well as the drawings and Proiect Manual prepared by the Architect. Such data is offered so1e1y for reference and is not to be considered a part of the contract DocumLnts. The data contained in the above listed ilocument is believed to be reliable; however, the Architect does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. END OF INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO BIDDERS PSA 19017.00 00200- I be2. I I I I I l I l I I t T T I I I I I I DOCUMENT OOTOO GENERAL CONDITIONS FORM 1. OF GENERAL CONDITIOIIS The "General Conditions of the edition, issued by the American modified by mutual agreement of a part of these specificationsin full. Contract" AIA Document A20l 1987 Institute of Architects, and as and as the owner and Contractor is hereby made to the same extent as if written herein Copies of the General Conditions of the Contract are referred to at the office of the Architect or may by nominal charge from any dealer in architect supplies. modifications to the General Conditions are available Contractor. on file and may purchased at a Copies of the from the END OF DOCUMENT PSA 19017.00 00700- I I I I I I I t I I I I t c. D. 1.03 A. DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMEI'ITS sEcrr0N 01010 SUMMARY OF WORK 1.01 CoNDTTToNS AND REqUIREMENTS A. Division 1 - General Requirements govern work under all divisions of speci fi cati ons. I.02 SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ADDENDA A. Drawings: See index on drawings. B. Project Manual: Permit Package, Austria Haus, Vail, Colorado dated November 7, 7997. Detail Book: Permit Package Austria Haus Vail, Colorado dated November 7, 1997. Addenda: All Addenda issued prior to bidding. EXAMINATION OF SITE Failure to Visit Site: l.lill not relieve Contractor from necessity of furnishing materials or performing work that may be required to complete work in accordance with drawings and specifications without additional cost to Owner. CONTRACTSI I T 1 .04 A. I.05 A. 1.06 A. Single Contract: All work one prime contract between CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES 0perations of Contractor: COORDINATION under this contract wil'l be executed under Owner and General Contractor. Limited to areas where work is indicated. B. General: Coordinate work of various sections of specifications to assure efficient and orderly sequence of installation of construction elements, with provisions for accornnodating items installed later. Equipment: Verify that characteristics of elements of interrelated operating equipment are compatible; coordinate work of various sections having interdependent responsibil ities for instal l ing, connecting to, and placing in service, such equipment.1. Electrical Requirements:a. Comply with NEC. PSA 19017.00 01010-1 T I t t I I I I I t c. D. I l t l I I I b. Provide UL listed and labeled products where applicable. Spaces: Coordinate space requirements .and installation of mechanical ahd electrical work which are indicated diagrammatically. Follow routing indicated for pipes, ducts, and conduits as closely as prac- ticable; make runs parlliel with lines of building. Utilize spaces efficiently to maxijnize accessibility for other installations, for maintenance, and for repairs. Finished Areas: In finished areas conceal pipes, ducts and wiring 'in the construction. Coordinate locations of fixtures and outlets with finish elements. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 01010-2 B. B. I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I 1 I I sEcrIoN 01020 ALLOWANCES 1 .01 REQU I REl',|EI,ITS INCLUDED A. Allowances: Include in contract sum all allowances stated in the Contract Documents or agreed upon in writing. Designate in construction progress schedule, delivery dates for products specified under each al I owance. I.O2 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. General Condjtions, Article 4.8 Allowances. 1.03 ALLOWANCES A. Costs Included in Allowances:1. Cost of the product to the Contractor or subcontractor, less any appl icable trade discounts.2. Delivery to site.3. Appl icable taxes.4. Llbor to install only when allowance inc]udes installation. Contractors Costs Included in Contract Sum:1. Labor for installation and finishing, unless allowance includes i nstal I ati on.2. Handling at site including unloading, uncrating and storage.3. Protection from elements and from damage.4. Other expenses required to complete installation.5. Contractors and subcontractors overhead and profit. SELECTION OF PRODUCTS UNDER ALLOWANCES Architect's Duties:1. Consult with Contractor in consideration of products and suppliers or instal lers.2. Make selection in consultation with 0wner.3. Transmit owner's decision to Contractor.4. Prepare change orders. Contractor's Duties:1. Assist Architect and 0wner in determining qualified suppliers or i nstal I ers.2. Obtain proposals from suppliers and installers when requested by Archi tect.3. Make appropriate reconmendations for consideration of Architect. 4. Notify Architect promptly of any:a. Rlasonable obiections Contractor nay have against any supplier, or party under consi derati on fori nstal l ati on. 1.04 A. PSA 19017.00 01020- I 1.05 A. b. Effect on the construction schedule anticipated by selections under consideration. CONTMCTOR RESPONSIBILITY FOR PURCHASE, DELIVERY AI{D INSTALLATION Purchase: 0n notification of selection, execute purchase agreement with designated supplier. Arrange for and process shop drawings, product data and samples as required. Delivery: tlake arrangements for delivery. Upon delivery, promptly inspect-products for danage or defects. Submit claims for transpor- tation damage. Installation: Insta'll and finish products in compliance with requirements of referenced specification sections. ADJUSTI,IEI{T OF COSTS Adjustment: Should net cost be more or less than specified amount of aliowance, contract sum will be adiusted accordingly by change order. SCHEDULE OF ALLOWANCES Section 14240 Hydraulic Elevators: Allow lump sum of $5,000 per cab for custom cab finish. El{D OF SECTION I I t I I I I I T I I I I I t l I t I B. c. 1 .06 A. t.07 A. \ PSA 19017.00 01020-2 I I I T I I I I t I t I sEcTIoN 01045 CUTTING AND PATCHING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: All cutting, fitting and patching including related excavation and backfill, required to complete work and to:1. Make its parts fit together properly.2. Uncover portions of work to provide for installatjon of ill-tined work.3. Remove and replace defective work.4. Remove and replace work not conformjng to requirements of Contract Documents.5. Remove samples of installed work as specified-for testing.6. Provide roirtine penetrations of non-structural surfaces for installation of piping and electrical conduit. B. Related Requirements:1. Excavation and Backfill: Section 02200 Earthwork. I.O2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Notification of Architect: Notify Architect well in advance of exe- cuting any cutting or alteration which affects:1. Work of Owner or any separate contractor.2. Structural value or integrity of any element of proiect. 3. Integrity of effectiveness of weather-exposed or moisture-resistant elements or systems.4. Efficiency, operational life, maintenance or safety of operational el ements.5. Visual qualities of sight-exposed elements. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. General: Comply with specificatjons and standards for each specific I Product involved. I I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Existing Conditions: Examine existing conditions of.proiect' including elements subject to damage or to movement during cutting and patching: After uncovering work, examine conditjons affecting installation of products or performance of work. PSA 19017.00 0104s- 1 B. Notification: Report unsatisfactory Architect. Do not proceed with work further instructions. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Protection: Provide adequate temporary support as necessary to assure structural value and intdgrity of'affected portion of work. Provide devices and methods to protect other portions of proiect from damage.. 1. Provide protection irom elements ?or that portion of proiect which may be exposed by cutting and patching work.2. Maintain excavations free from water. 3.03 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. General: Provide openings in construction which are required for later work.1. Various Contractors: Be responsible to supply in advance' proper and sufficiently detailed information for openings.Z. In event of faiiure to supply this advance informatjon, requi.red cutting shall be done only'aiter concurrence of Architect and at expense of negligent party. B. Cutting:1. Execute cutting and demolition by methods which will prevent damage Ito other work,-and will provide proper surfaces to receive instal lation or repairs.2. Execute excavating'and backfilling by methods which will prevent settlement or damige to other work. Comply with Section 02200. 3. Employ the originai instatler or fabricatoi to perform cutting and patching for:a. Weaiher-exposed or moisture-resistant elenents.b. Sight-exposed finished surfaces.4. Cut asihalt, concrete or masonry using masonry saw or core drill as applich5le. pneumatic tools will not-be allowed unless accepted by Arch i tect.5. 0btain approval of and directions for field cutting of all penetratibns of structural members for Structural Engineer prior to performing work. Fitting: Execute fitting and adiustment of products to provide finished instaliation to comply with specified products, functions, tolerances and finishes. fit iloik airtight to piies, sleeves, ducts, conduit and other penetrations through surfaces. Patching: Wherever any pipe, conduit, duct, steel member, -bracket,equipmeit, or other maiei'iht penetrates or passes through.fire-resistant wdtt, celiing or floor, complbtety seal vojils in construction with cement groutl plaster,'or fire-reiistant material, embedding sealing material full thickness of wall, ceiling or floor. or questionable conditions to until Architect has Provided I I t I I T I t I t I I I I t I I c. D. PSA 19017.00 01045-2 t I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I E. Finishing: Where surfaces are exposed, finish with same materials specified in finish schedule or material that is on constructed sur- faces.1. Work: Accomplish with mechanics skilled2. Refinish entire surfaces as necessary to match adjacent finishes:a. For continuous surfaces, refinish tob. For assembly, refinish entire unit. END OF SECTION in finish trade. provide even finish to nearest intersection. PSA 19017.00 01045-3 I I I I I T I t I I I t I I I T l I I sEcTr0N 01050 FIELD ENGINEERII{G PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: Field execution and completion engineering services required for proper of work under this contract. B. Related Sections:1. Record Documents: Section 01700 Contract Closeout- I.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Qual ity Control Submittals:1. Surveyor or Engineer: Submit name and address of surveyor or profeisional engineer to be enployed by Contractor to Archjtect for acceptance before beginning work at site.2. Documentation and Records: Surveyor or engineer shall maintain complete and accurate 1og of control and survey work as it progresses. 0n request of Architect, submit documentation to verify accuracy of field engineering work.3. Completion Certificate: Upon completion of work, _submit certifjcate to Architect signed by surveyor or engineer certifying that elevations and locations are in conformance with Contract Documents. Note any items of non-conformance. I.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: Ernploy land surveyor or professional engineer regis- tered in state of colorado and acceptable to Owner and Architect. B. Surveyor or Engineer: Responsible for location of building and major site elements; establishment of building horizontal and vertical controls; installation of control stakes as required; and final cer- tification that finish grading has been completed within tolerances speci fi ed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Appl icable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PROJECT SURVEY REQUIREMENTS A. Reference Points: Architect will identify existing control points and property line stakes indicated on drawings and site survey. _Immediately upon entering project, locate and maintain bench marks and all other grades, lines, levels and dimensions. Report any errors or PSA 19017.00 01050- 1 E. inconsistencies to Architect before commencing work. Pennanent Bench Marks: Surveyor or engineer shall establish minimum of t1ao permanent bench marks on site, referenced to data established by survey control points. Batter Boards and Levels: Surveyor or engineer shall stake out bui'lding and provide and rigidly set batter boards.1. bontractor: Remain responsible fOr their maintenance and accuracy. 2, From permanent bench maiks surveyor or.engineer shall ascertain grades and levels to building as needed. Preservation of ltlonuments and Stakes: Carefully preserve monuments' bench marks, property narkers, reference points, and stakes.1. In case-o? his dbstruction of these, the Contractor shall be charged with expense of replacement and shall be responsible for an mistake of loss of time that may be caused.2. Protect pennanent monumbnts or bench marks which must be removed or disturbed until properlv referenced for relocation.3. Furnish materia'li airO aisistance for proper replacement of such monuments or bench marks. Layout and Control by Surveyor or Engineer: 1.- Building: rstabiish building horizontal and vertical controls by i nstrumentati on.2. Site: Establish lines, levels and locations by instrunentation. set control stakes for finish grading. Reset stakes as required during progress of work. Completion: Upon completion of work, surveyor or engineer shall survey sitb to verify-that locations and elevations required by Contract Documents have been achieved within specified tolerances. G. Each Subcontractor: Provide complete engineering layout for work to be I perfonned under his subcontract, including grades, elevations, and all t bther engineering required to perform his scope of work. I I I t I T I t I I I B. c. D. F. I I I I I I I END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 01050-2 I I I I I I I I t I T I I I I I I t I 1.01 PERMITS AND FEES A. See General and Supplementary Conditions. I.O2 CODES AND ORDINANCES A. Conp'liance: Al'l contractors shall comply with all applicable codes, ordinances and regulations including but not necessarily limited to fo1 1 owi ng: Applicable local codes and ordinances Uniform Building CoUe, igg+ tOition ---> 2 trt4/5 [a./7r''(4//(a Uniform Mechanical Code, 1994 Edition I Otrr?A//€/cS fazt- Uniform Plumbing Code, 1994 Edition \ ":: eoverning iiie iepartftent requiremenf5-._.-\--)r /77/ uB t' Util ity company requirements State of Colorado Energy Standards State Department of Labor Requi rements State Department of Health Requirements l{ational Fire Protection Association Standards State and Federal Safety and Health Laws NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code Americans with Disabilities Act/Accessibility Standards (ADA) Occupationa'l Safety and Health Administration (0SHA) Town of Vail Developnent and Construction Regulations. B. Discrepancies: If discrepancies occur between Contract Documents, loca1 codes, local utility requirements, etc., most stringent requirements shall apply. sEcTI0N 01060 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS EI{D OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 01060- I I I I I t I I T I I I I I I I I I I sEcTIoN 01091 REFERENCE STANDARDS 1.01 QUALITY ASSUMNCE A. Reference Standards: For products or workmanship specified by asso- cjation, trade or federal standards, comply with requirements of standard, except when more rigid requirements are specified or are required by applicable codes.1. No provision of any referenced standard specification, manual or code (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents) shall be effective to change duties and responsibilities of 0wner, Contractor or Architect or any of their consultants, agents or employees from those set forth in Contract Documents, nor shall it be effective to assign to Architect or any of Architect's consultants, agents or employees any duty or authority to supervise or direct furnishing or performance of work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibilities contrary to provisions of General and Supplementary Conditions. B. Effective Date: Date of standard is that in effect as of documents date except when specific date is specified or when standard is part of applicable code which includes edition date. I C. Copies: When required by individual sections, obtain copy of standard. I Maintain copy at iob site during work. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 01091- 1 ! I t I I I I l I I I I I sEcTI0N 01092 ABBREV IAT IONS 1.01 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Drawing or Schedule Abbreviations:1. Drawings or schedules. L.02 SPECIFICATION LAI{GUAGE EXPLANATION A. These Specifications are of abbreviated, simplified or streanlined type and include incomplete sentences.1. Omissions of words or phrases such as "the contractor shal1", "in conformity therewith", "shall be", "as noted on the drawings", "il", "the", are intentional .2. Supply omitted words or phrases by inference in are when " N0TE occurs on drawings.3. Supply words "shall be" or "shall" by inference within sentences or phrases.4. Supply words "on the drawings" by inference when used with sentences or phrases.5. "Provide" shall mean furnish and install. same nanner as they when colon is used "as indicated" is 1.03 ABBREVIATIONS A. Reference in Contract Documents to trade associations, technjcal societies, recognized authorities and other institutions include following organizations which are sometimes referred to only by correspondi ng abbrev i ati ons : t M MMA ACI AFPA AISC AIS I AITC ANS I APA ASHRAE ASTM AI.II At.lPA At.lS BIA CDA CRA CRS I cs PSA 19017.00 Aluminum Association American Architectural Manufacturer's Association American Concrete Institute American Forest and Paper Association American Institute of Steel Construction American Iron and Steel Institute American Institute of Timber Construction American National Standards Institute APA - The Engineered Wood Association American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers American Society for Testing and Materials Architectural Woodwork Institute American l,lood Preservers Association American l,|elding Society Brick Institute of America Copper Development Association, Inc. Cal i fornia Redwood Associ ation Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Commercial Standard-(U.S. Department of Conmerce) I I 01092- 1 DFPA FGMA FM FS GA MIA I{I L l.lLl"lA NMI'IM NBS NCMA NEC NEMA NFPA N0F]"lA IIPVLMA t{TMA NI^Jt.lDA OSHA PCA PCI PEI PS SDI SJI SMACI{A SPA SPI SPI B SPR ssPc St,lI TCA TIMA UL t.lcLA l,lRI l,lRCLA l,ll,lPA Douglas Fir Plywood Association Flat Glass Marketing Association Factory Mutual Engineering Djvision Federal Specification Gypsum Association tlarble Institute of America Mi I itary Specification Metal Lath Manufacturer's Association The National Association of Architectural I'letal Itlanufacturers National Bureau of Standards National Concrete Masonry Association l{ational Electric code (of NFPA) National Electrical Manufacturer's Association l{ational Fire Protection Association National Oak Flooring l'lanufacturer's Associati0n l{ational Paint, Varnish and Lacquer lilanufacturer's Associ ati on The National Terrazzo and l{osaic Association l{ational Wood l,lindow and Door Association 0ccupational Safety and Health Administration Portland Cement Association Prestressed Concrete Institute Porcelain Enanel Institute Product Standard (U.S. Department of Commerce) Steel Deck Institute Steel Joist Institute Sheet l,letal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Associ ati on Southern Pine Association The Society of the Plastics Industry' Inc. Southern Pine Inspection Bureau Simplified Practibe Recorunendation (U.S. Department of Conmerce) Steel Structures Painting Council Steel hlindow Institute Tile Council of America Thennal Insulation Manufacturers Association Undenvriters' Laboratories, Inc. West Coast Lumbermen's Association t.{ire Reinforcement Institute Western Red Cedar Lumbennan Association Western Wood Products Association I I t I t I I I I I I I t l I t I t I END OF SECTIOI{ PSA 19017.00 0t092-2 B. c. D. t I I I T I I I t I t I I I I I I I I sEcTroN 01200 PROJECT MEETINGS 1.01 PROGRESS MEETINGS A. Meetings: Contractor will schedule regular periodic meetings at. Contraitor's iob site field office. Representatives of 0wner and Architect will be invited to attend. A1so invited as appropriate to items under discussion, will be selected subcontractors and suppliers and Architect's consultants. Following items will be discussed:1. Review of work progress since previous meetings.2. Fjeld observations, problems, conflicts.3. Problems which impede construction schedule.4. Review of off-site fabrication, delivery schedules.5. Corrective measures and procedures to regain projected schedule.6. Revisions to construction schedule.7. Plan progress, schedule during succeeding work period.8. Coordination of schedules.9. Maintenance of quality standards. 10. Review submittal schedules; expedite as required. 11. Review proposed changes for effect on other trades, construction schedule and completion date. 12. Coordination of separate contracts. 13. 0ther business as required. Agenda and Minutes: Contractor shall establish agenda, -subiect to 0wner and lrchitect review, and keep and distribute minutes of progress neetings and lists of those present and others as directed. Persons Representing Contractor Qwner and Arch'itect at Meetings: Shall have authoiity to conrmit Contractor, 0wner and Architect respectively to solutions agreed upon in meetings. To maximum extent possible' assign same person or persons to represent Contractor, 0wner and Architect at neetings throughout progress of work. Coordination Meetings: Progress meetings shall in no way be considered substitute for Contractor/subcontractor coordination meetings. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 01200- I T t sEcTIoN 01300 SUBMITTALS I 1.01 RELATED REQUIREMENTS I A. List of Subcontractors:1. Instructions to Bidders.? General Conditions.I- B. Products List:1. Section 01600 Materials and Equipment..lI C. Progress Schedule:1. General Conditions. I D. schedule of values:1. General Conditions. I E. Performance Bond/Labor and Materjal Payment Bond:! 1. Instructions to Bidders.2. General Conditions. t F. Insurance Certificates:. General Conditions. I G. Applications for Payment:1. General Conditions. I H. Project Record Documents:I 1. Section 01700 Contract Closeout. I I. Warranti es:I 1. Section 01700 Contract Closeout. r J. Final Paperwork: I 1. Section 01700 Contract Closeout. K. Contractor's Quality Control System!I l. Section oiqoo Qiratity Contiol.r I.O2 GENERAL t A. Submittals: l,tade early enough to account for processing described below and reasonable period for review by Architect and Engineers. I 1.03 PRoGREss scHEDULEI A. Schedule: In fonn of chart and indicate start and completion of each ofI elements on Schedule of Values. I t PsA 1e017.00 I 01300- 1 I 1. Completion Time:. As specified in Agreement. Revise schedule when Icompletion time is revised by change order. B. Schedule Submittal: Within ten days after receipt of Notice to Proceed, I submit one reproducible copy and four prints of preliminary construction I schedul e.1. l,lithin 10 days after receipt of review comnents on preliminary I schedule, submit one reproducible and four prints of construction Ischedul e.2. l,lith each monthly application for payment, submit four prints of upoitea construciioh'schedule indilaiing ictual work progress in I comparison to scheduled progress. I C. Estimated Payments: Prepare and submit estimate of partial paynents as Ireflected by estimated work progress with submittal of construction J schedul e. D. l'lonthly Reports:1. Wiih each monthly application for payment, submit itemized report of delivery status of maior and critical itens of purchased equipment and matlrial, including shop drawings and status of shop and field fabricated work.2, If completion of any part of work or delivery of materials is behind constrlction scheduie, submit plan for bringing work qp to schedule.3. Owner shall have right to withhold progress payments for work if Contractor fails to-update and submit progress schedule and reports as specified. E. Contractor's Responsibility: Nothing in these requirements shall be deemed to be usuipation of Contractor's authority and responsibility to plan and schedule'work as he sees fit, subject to all other requirenents of Contract Documents. 1.04 SUBIIITTALS LIST, SCHEDULE AND PROCEDURES I I I I I I I I T I I I I B. c. A. Submittal: Within 30 days after are submitted for review, submitlist and schedule. Schedule: Compile complete schedule of all submittals anticipated to be made during progress of work.1. Include iist of each type of item for which Contractor's drawings' shop drawings, product data, Certificates of Compliance, samples, warianties or other types of submittals are required.2. 0n acceptance by Architect, Contractor shall adhere to schedule except when specifically otherwise permitted. Code Designation: 0n schedule, designate each item with number code utilizing specification section five digit numbers.1. Each Submittal: Marked with same code designation. award of contract, and before any itens to Architect two copies of submittal PSA 19017.00 01300-2 I I I I I D. Coordination: Coordinate schedule with subcontractors and materials suppl i ers. E. Revisions: Revise and update schedule on monthly basis as necessary to reflect conditions and sequences. Promptly submit any revised schedules to Architect for review. F. Transmittals: Include transmittal letter }.,ith each submittal, identify item by above code designation and reference to specification section. Use separate transmittal for each submittal .l. Each Submittal: Have chronological submittal number.2. Resubmittals: Have original submittal number and letter in alphabetical order for each resubmittal.3. t'lechanical and Electrical Submittals: Broken down into parts so that individual parts can be resubmitted without confusion. G. Deviations: Clearly mark and note any deviations from Contract Documents in submittals. 1.05 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Shop Drawings: Make particular note of field-measured dimensions, as- built conditions, and conditions requiring special coordination with other contractors and requirements of activities of Owner. Subcontractor: Submit one reproducible tracing and two prints per shop drawing sheet and specified number of sanples to Contractor. Contractor !1. Review shop drawings for accuracy, completeness, and conformity with Contract Documents. Make notes and corrections on reproducible tracings and prints.2. Stamp with Contractor's stamp/date. Signature of individual who reviewed shop drawings is required below Contractor's stamp.3. Print as required for Contractor's record.4. Send reproducible tracings and three prints to Architect.5. Shop drawings not stamped and signed by Contractor will be returned. D. Architect:1. Check drawings by making notes and corrections on reproducible tracings and prints, stamp "No Exceptions Taken", "Revise and Resubrnit", "Rejected", etc. as required.2. In event that shop drawings require consultant's check, route reproducible and print through consultant and back to Architect as necessary. Consultant will retain one set of pri nts.3. Retain one set of prints for record and transmit one set to Owner if requi red.4. Return marked reproducibles to Contractor. E. Contractor:1. Send reproducible tracings to subcontractor. t I B. c. I I I T I I I I I t I I PSA 19017.00 01300-3 F, Subcontractor:1. Print necessary copies for record, distribution, etc. G. Resubmittal: In event shop drawings have to be resubmitted toArchi tect, ori gi nal . reprodirci bl e tiaci ngs ano pri nii- shal I -be-returned directly to contractor. subcontractor ihalt mite his corrections andre-route new reproducible tracings and prints as outlined above. H. References: Reference shop_drawings to appricabre drawings andspecification sections to facilitite easb'and accuiacy oi ctrecting. 1.06 PRODUCT DATA A. subcontractor: submit six copies of brochure material and any requiredsampl es. B. Routing: Routing will be as indicated above for shop drawings withArchitect anc.lng!19er retaining.thrg copies ror iiie ana r6turningthree copies to contractor for [is tlte aho distribution to subcon_"tractor as applicable. c. Reference: Reference product data to applicable drawings andspecification sections-to facititate eaib anu accuraiy 6t itrecting. D. lr|hen contents of submitted literature from manufacturers includes datanot.pertinent to submittal, clearly indicate which portion of contentsis being submitted for review. 1.07 JOB SITE DOCUI'IENTS 1 . 08 FI ELD MEASUREI'IENTS A. Field Measurements: Responsibility of Contractor. 1.09 SAMPLES A. Checklist: Architect will provide Contractor with checklist indicatingmaterials where color, texture or finish is subject io ieliition bt- 'Architect. certain other sanples may arso be requisieo ioi use nv"Architect in preparatjon of cblor anil material sdmpie-presentatiois forOwner. B. submittal: Promptly after receipt of checklist, assemble and deliver toArchitect complete collection of' required sarnples. t;iess otherwisespecified, submit_samples in quantidy which ii requ.ired to be reiurnedplus one which wiil bb retained by Richiteit.- '-r-"-' C. Samples: Bear tag or_label providing following information:1. Project name and 'locatioh. A. |i.}ffi!fi:. Keep complete set of accepted shop drawinss or product data t I I t I I I I I I I I I I T I I t I PSA 19017.00 01300-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 2. Manufacturer, suPPlier.3. Name, finish, and composition of material .4. Location of where material is to be used.5. Specification section number. Labels: Large enough for acceptance stamp. D. Selection: Upon receipt of complete col'lectjon of samples, Archi.tect will, with rehsonable promptness, make selections and prepare and deliver to Contractor schedule covering items subject to selection. Architect reserves right not to make individual determination or selections unti'l all samples of all materials are submitted. 1. 10 CERTIFICATES OF COI{PLIAI{CE A. Certi fi cates:1. Where Certificates of Compliance are specified' show on each cer- tification name and location of work, name and address of Contractor, quantity and date or dates of shipment or delivery to which certificate applies, and name of manufacturer.2, Certification: In form of letter or company standard forms.3. Certificates: Signed by officer of manufacturer.4. Laboratory Test Reports: Show date of testing' specified requirements for which testing was performed, and results of tests. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 01300-5 I I I I I I I I I I T I I t I I I I I sEcTIoN 01400 QUALITY CONTROL 1.01 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Cost of Testing: General and Supplementary Conditions. T.O2 TESTING - GENERAL A. Contractor: Provide equipment and facilities as required' subiect to Architect's review, for conducting field tests and for collecting and forwarding samples.1. Do noi use materials or equipment represented by samples unti'l tests, if required' have been made and materials or equipment found to be acceptable.2. Do not incbrporate any product into work which becomes unfit for use after acceptance thereof. B. Testing: Materials or equipment proposed to be used may be tested at any time during their preparatjon or use. Furnish required samples without charge-and give sufficient notice of placing of orders to permit testing. Products may be sampled either prior to shipment or after being received at site of work. C. Tests: Made by accredited testing laboratory selected by Owner. Except as otherwise provided, sampling and testing of materials and laboratory methods and tbsting equipment shall be in accordance with latest standards and tentative methods of ASTM.1. Specific information concerning testing-methods, sample sizes, etc., ii included under applicable sections of specifications.2. Any modification of, or elaboration on, these test procedures ini:luded for specific materials under their respective sections in specifications shall take precedence over these procedures. 1.03 TESTS PAID FOR BY OWNER A. Control Tests of Fill and Backfill: At such times and in such numbers as specified in Section 02200 Earthwork. B. Control Test of Asphalt Paving Base and Finish Courses: At such times and in such numbers as specified in Section 025i0 Asphaltic Concrete Pavi ng. C. Control Tests of Concrete Work: At such times and in such numbers as specified in Section 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete. D. Control Tests of Masonry Mortar and Grout: At such times and in such numbers as specified in Sections 04100 Mortar and 04200 Unit Masonry. PSA 19017.00 01400- 1 E. Control Tests of Welding: At such times and in such numbers as spec- ified in Section 05120 Structural Steel; also the following sections: 1. 05310 Steel Deck2. 05400 Cold Fonned Meta] Franing F. Installed thickness of sprayed fire proofing. 1.04 OTHER TESTING A. Following Testing: Performed at expense of installing contractor: l. gthei Tests:- Any other tests required by Contract Documents not listed in article above.2. Any additional tests required because of any tests that fail subiect to following conditions:a. Quantiti and Nature of Tests: Detennined by Architect.b. Tests: Taken in presence of Architect.c. Proof of Noncompliance: Contractor liable for corrective action which Architect'feels is required including complete removal and replacement of defective material .3. Materiil Substitution: Any tests of nateria'l or equipment offered as substitute for specified item on which test may be required in order to prove its compliance with specifications. B. Contractor: lrlay have tests perfonned on material and equipment for his own infonnation and job control so long as 0wner does not assume responsibility for costs or for giving them consideration when appraising quality of materials. 1.05 TEST REPORTS A. Reports of tests made by testing laboratories shall be distributed by testing laboratory as follows:1 Copy - ContractorI Copy - Applicable Supplier or SubcontractorI Copy - OwnerI Copy - Applicable Engineer1 Copy - Architect Other Copies - As Djrected 1.06 CONTRACTOR'S QUALITY CONTROL SYSTEM A. Quality Control: Establish system to perform sufficient inspection and iests of all items of work, including that of subcontractors, to ensure confonnance to Contract Docunents for materials, workmanship, construction, finish, functional perfonnance and identification.1. Control System: Establish for all construction except where Contract Documents provide for specific conpliance tests by testing laboratories and engineers employed by 0wner.2. Control System: Specifically include all testing required by various sections of specifications. I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I I I I I PSA 19017.00 01400-2 B. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Quality Control Systen: Means by which Contractor assures himse'lf that construction complies with reguirements of Contract Documents. Controls: ndequbte to cover till construction operations and keyed to proposed construction schedule. Records: Maintain correct records on appropriate form for all inspections and tests perfonned, instructions received from Architect and actions taken as result of those instructions.1. Records: Include evidence that required inspections or tests have been perfonned (including type and number of inspections or tests' naturb of defects, causes for rejection, etc.) proposed or directed renedial action, and corrective action taken.2. Document inspections and tests as required by each section of speci fi cati ons. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 01400-3 c. D. I I I I I I I t I I t I I t I I I I I sEcTIoN 01500 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS 1.01 TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY AND LIGHTING A. General:i. General Contractor:a. Provide temporary electrical service to site including installation of meter.b. Remove temporary service to site upon complett'on of work. c. Pay for electrjcity used through temporary and pennanent systems up to date of Notice of Substantial Completion.2. Division 16 Contractor:a. Provide temporary wiring, outlets, lights, etc. from load side of meter as'required for construction power and lighting during construction period.b. Remove temporlry service and distribution system from load side of meter and distribution upon completion of work.3. Service and Distribution Systenz 1201208 volt' I phase' 3 wire. a. Properly ground in accordance with NEC.b. provide ground fault interrupters as required by code. B. Temporary Power Distribution:l. Division 16 Contractor:a. Provide, install, and maintain temporary overhead wiring to building and temporary loop providing temporary power and lighting service as sPecified.b. Provide-minimum of one double duplex l20V outlet for every 100 lineal feet of temPorary 1ooP.2. Each Contractor:a. Provide extension cords necessary to convey electri city from temporary loop outlets to locat'ions of work.b. provide ipecill power required for welders or other special equi pment.3. Distribution equipment and wiring devices for temporary power and Iighting need not'be new, however, installation shall conform to safe general practice as required by 0SHA. Temporary Lighting: 1. 'Divis'i on-16 Contractor: Provide one light for every interior room regardless of square footage area except closets and pipe chases. In-larger rooms, provide one light for every 750 sq. ft.2. Each Contractor: Provide plug-in portable lights as required for task lighting. Use of Pennanent Systems:1. After work is completed to extent that pennanent electric servjce into building is installed and permanent outlets are available' permanent syitem nay be used as necessary for power and 1ight. PSA 19017.00 01500- I 2. Permanent branch circuit wiring may be used to supply pigtail lights if protected by properly sized circuit breaker or fuse. Do not use pennanent receptacles for construction power. 3. Each Contractor: I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I a. Be responsible for result of temPoraryb. Replace receptacles4. Division 16 Contractor: damage to permanent wiring or fixtures as use. and device plates showing wear or abuse. temporarily light work in pennanently b. Clean pennanently installed light fixtures which are used for temporbry lighting during construction using methods and materials recommended by manufacturer.c. Remove lamps used temporarily in permanent fixtures and replace with new lamps at completion of work. I.O2 TEMPORARY HEAT AND ENCLOSURES A. Temporary Heat: Provide temporary heat necessary for execution of work. Install, maintain and operate temporary heating apparatus in manner to facilitite work, so work can continue and so finished work will not be damaged. B. Enclosures: Provide temporary enclosures necessary for holding tem- porary heat for masonry hnd cbncrete work and for thawing frozen ground. C. Use of Pennanent System:1. After building- is entirely permanently enclosed, glazing of exterior openings completed, pennanent or temporary doors on exterior oileninls and'permaneht heating system installed and capable of being adequately cohtrolled, permanent heating system may be used to provide heat for building.2. Division 15 Contractor:a. In using permanent heating system, assume compl.ete respon-sibiliti ior its proper operation and for any damage which.may occur t-o heating hpphratui or any phase of work except such wear and tear which wou'l d ordinarily result from normal usage.b. At completion and before work is accepted by Owner, clean air vents lnd coils, clean cleanable filters and replace replacement air filters.3. General Contractor: Pay for gas and electricjty used in connection with operation of pennanent system up to date of Notice of Substantial Completion.4. General Contractor and Divjsion 15 Contractor: If permanent heating system is used during construction, remain responsib1e for full milchanical warranty irom date of Notice of Substantial Completion. 1.03 TEMPORARY WATER A. Temporary Water: Provide as required for execution of work. 1. 'Provide service, temporary connections, plumbing' piping' etc. necessary to convey same to places needed. a. Provide lamps necessary to instal led fixtures. PSA 19017.00 01500-2 B. 8. I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 2. Pay for water used through temporary and permanent systems up to date of Notice of Substantial Completion. 1.04 A. 1.05 A. 1.06 A. TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES Toilet Facilities: Provide and maintain, in dition, adequate chemical toilet facilities on work, in compliance with requirements of regulations, laws and ordinances. 1. - Toi I ets i n exi sti ng bui I di ngs shal I not FIELD OFFICE AND OTHER TEMPORARY STRUCTURES neat and sanitary con- for use of empl oyees engaged appl icable codes, be used. Field 0ffice: Provide and maintain suitable temporary field office. 1. Telephone Service: Install telephone in field office. Pay for instltlation, naintenance, removal and other charges for use of te1 ephone.2. lilake'office and telephone available for use by 0wner and Architect. Temporary Structures: PrOvide temporary Structures and storage areas as requi red.l.' Remove offices and other temporary structures from site upon completion of work.2. Lochte on site in orderly manner as detennined by Contractor. TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE FACILITIES Provide and maintain protective devices and facilities for protection of public and general protection of workmen on proiect. i. Provide-warning-signs against hazards created by such items as protruding nails, hoisti' well holes, window openings, stairways and falling materials.a. Danger lights: Keep lighted each night from sundown to sunrise. 2. Provide-and naintain fire ext'inguishers and active fire hydrants where required. Maintain fire lanes to hydrants and other equipment as necessary for proper fire protection during construction.3. Provide temporary'waiks, roadways, trench covers, barricades, bulkheads, iailings, danger lights and signals, etc. required for work by applicable safety laws and building codes. 4. Maintain temporary protective faciljties in good condition throughout tbrm oi irork. Remove at completion of-work. Repair and replaie work damaged by temporary protective facilities. Each Subcontractor:1. If in perfonnance of his subcontract' it becomes,necessary' con- venient or advisable to remove, replace or interfere with any safety devices or controls installed by Contractor or another subcontractor; subcontractor shal 1 replace or restore such devices at his expense. PSA 19017.00 01500-3 2. In event such safety devices or controls are not so-replaced or -restored, subcontraitor shall reimburse Contractor for doing so for subcontractor's account, or by deduct change order to his subcontract. I.07 ELEVATORS A. Elevators: Not be used by trades other than elevator installer without written pernission of Architect.1. In event pernission is given, trade using elevator shall assume full responsibility for protection of equipment, cars,-doors and frames, inciuding refinishihg as may be required, an! shall pay.elevator. -installei nis standard rates for servicing elevator during period of such temporary use.2. In addition, user agrees to sign elevator installer temporary acceptance fonn and-be bound by tenns and condi.tions thereof. 3. Usagb of any elevator shall not effect-any conditions of warranty or warianty period for elevators as specified. 1.08 SCAFFOLDING AND RUNI,JAYS A. Scaffolding: Provide as necessary for work. B. Runways, Guard Rails, Platfonns and Similar Temporary Construction: Provide and ma'intain for safe performance of contract.1. Provide facilities of type and arrangement as required for their specific use, substantiaily constructed, strongly supported, and wel I secured.2. Comply with applicable safety laws and codes. 1.09 CLoSURES A. Temporary Closures: Erect over openings when weather conditions render such action necessary for proper installation of work. 1.IO PROTECTION FOR WORK IN PLACE A. t|lork in Place: when subiect to iniury because of operations being. carried on adjacent, cover, board up, or substantially enclose with adequate protection.1. 'Block'and board heads, iambs and sills of pennanent openings used as thoroughfares for introduction of work and materials.2. Constrict forms of protection in manner that' upon compl.etion' entire work will be'delivered to owner in undamaged condition. 1.I1 COI{STRUCTION FENCE A. Construction Fence: Provide as indicated on drawings.1. Fence:6'-0" high chain link fencing with steel posts 8'-0" o.c. 2. Gates: Provide-where indicated and required. Keep gates closed after working hours. t t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I PSA 19017.00 01500-4 3. At completion of exterior work (except site remove fences from the site, Patch asphalt after removal .4. See Section 01010 regarding restrictions on PROJECT IDENTIFICATION SIGN development work), damaged by fence posts use of site. r.l2 A.Sign: Furnish and jnstall painted proiect identification sign con- sisting of 4'x 8'x3f4" plywood with exterior glue on 2x and 4x supporting structure.1. Exact Design, Text and Colors: Provided by Architect, including name of building and Owner, any emblem selected by Owner, Architect's name, nanes of Architect's principal consultants, Contractor's name, and names of firms executing principal parts of the work.2. Place in location directed by Architect and maintain for duration of proj ect . i.13 ACCESS A. Limit access to necessary routes to perform the work. 1.14 TIMPORARY CONTROLS A. General: Comply with local codes, ordinances and regulations. B. Noise: Minimize noise near residential areas. Properly muffle equipment. Do not operate noisy equipment after hours. C. Dust: Control when construction procedures result in dust which becomes nuisance to 0wner, private property or traffic. D. Water: Control flow of water at site to prevent damage to 0wner's I private and public facilities.I E. Debris: Continually police work to prevent collection and scattering of debris uncovered, loosened, or caused by prosecution of work. F. Pollution: Take precautions to prevent spilling and littering of water pol Iuting substances. Do not dulnp any foreign materials into sewer and stonn sewer collection systems.1. Burning of debris or any other air polluting methods or equipment not ai I owed. G. Erosion: Provide facilities necessary to prevent erosive damage to 0wner's property and to adjacent properties. 1.15 CLEAN UP A. General: Maintain project and site in clean and orderly condition- Periodical 1y clean interior areas. Regularly remove waste materials, debris and rubbish from site. PSA 19017.00 01500-5 I t I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I B. c. D. Each Subcontractor: Cleanup work on daily basis. Failure.to clean up will result in cleanup by others with such costs being backcharged to Subcontractor by deduct change order to his subcontract. Interior Areas: clean prior to start of finish work and continue cleaning as required. Control cleaning operations so that dust and other particlei will not adhere to newly coated surfaces. Final Cleaning: See Section 01710. EI{D OF SECTIOI{ PSA 19017.00 01500-6 I I I PART 1 - GENERAL I 1.01 ''MMARY sEcrlot{ 01533 TREE AND PLANT PROTECTIOI{ r A. Section Includes: General Contractor shall be responsible for the I following:r t. Protection of existing trees indicated to remain.2. Protection of other existing plants indicated to remain. t B. Related Sections:1. Tree Transplanting: Section 02910 t PART2-PRoDUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS It A. Barricades: Contractor's option as appropriate to serve required purpose and accepted by Architect. I PART3-EXECUTION I 3.01 TREE AND PLANT PR0TECTION - A. General: Preserve and protect existing trees and plants at site which I are designated to remain, and those adiacent to site. I B. Barriers: Provide temporary barriers around each, or around each group, of trees and plants at driP line. I C. Trinming: Consult with Architect, and trim agreed on roots and branches which interfere with constructi0n. I 1. Employ qualified personnel to remove, and to treat cuts. I 2. Trim under Architect's directjon. ' 3. Do not cut roots greater than 1" in diameter without advance notice I 4. 3;r^iill:til'oot., in manner that t'^ee will present balanced! appearance'5. Tibat scars resulting fron removal of branches over 1" in diameter with heavy coat of approved tree paint. I D. Root Systems: Maintain natural cover of turf around root systems. I Replace turf if necessarY. I E. Stockpiles: Place stockpiles of topsoil and other excavated material so that they will not slough off onto root systems of existing trees. t r PSA 19017.00 01s33-1r t Contaminates: Dispose of solvents, oils and other materials which may. be harmful to plant life'in containers and remove from site. Remove and replace contaminated soil with good soil at completion of work. Areas Under Trees: tlithin drip line of existing trees to remain: 1. Do not allow vehicular traffic or parking.2. Do not store materials or products.3. Prevent dumping of refuse br chemically iniurious materials or I i qui ds.4. Prevent puddling or continuous running water.5. Do not leave diesel or gasoline equipment running. Protection: Carefully supervise excavating, grading and filling and subsequent constructi-on oierations, to prevent damage to plant materials. Protect again3t breaking and skinning of roots and skinning and bruising of bark. 3.02 WATERING A. Trees: Water trees to remain adequately during construction to maintain trees in healthy condition. 3.03 TREE REMOVAL A. General: Remove trees indicated to be renoved. Relocate trees indicated to be relocated in accordance with Section 02910. B. Removal: Include new and o1d stumps of trees and their roots. Fell trees in manner not to iniure standing trees, plants and other impro- vements to remain. If impossible to remove roots, grind stumps to 6" below finish grade. 3.04 REPLACEMENT A. General: Be responsible for care and preservation of existing trees and other plant material that are indicated to remain. B. Replace, or suitably repair, trees and plants designed to remain which are damaged or destroyed due to construction operations.1. Architect will determine repair and replacenent requirements.Z. For trees impossible to repiace, Architect will place value on units based on latbst edition of'',Guide for Establishing Values of Trees and Other Plants" prepared by Council of Tree and Landscape Apprai sers. I I I t I I I t I t I I I I I t I I I F. G. H. EI{D OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 01533-2 I I I I I SECTION OI600 MATERIAL AND EQUIPI'IENT 1.01 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. General and Supplementary Conditions. T.O2 PRODUCTS A. Products: Include material, equipment and systens.1. Comply tvith specifications and referenced standards as ninimum requi rements.2. Components Supplied in Quantity with'in a Specification Section: Same and interchangeable.3. Do not use naterials and equipment removed from existing structure, except as specifically required, or allowed, by Contract Documents. 1.03 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING A. Transportation: Transport products by methods to avoid product damage; deliver in undamaged condition in manufacturer's unopened containers or packaging, dry. B. Handling: Provide equipment and personnel to handle products by methods to prevent soiiing or damage. C. Inspection: Inspect shipments to assure products comply with requirements, quantities are correct, and products are undamaged.1. Reject damaged and defective items. D. Each Subcontractor: Be responsible for hoisting and stocking of his materials and equipment on site.1. Material Stocked on Floors: Palletized or packaged in appropriate containers on f'l oor by floor basis.2. Material Stocking: Coordinated with Contractor's superintendent. 1.04 STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Storage: Store products in accordance with manufacturer's recommen- dations, with seals and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weathertight enclosures; naintain within temperature and humidity ranges required by manufacturer's recommendations.1. Store loose granular naterials on solid surfaces in well drained area; prevent mixing with foreign matter. B. Exterior Storage Protection:1. Fabricated-Products: Place on sloped supports above ground. 2. Cover products subiect to deterioration wjth impervious sheet covering; provide ventilation to avoid condensation. I I T I l t I I t I It I I I PSA 19017.00 01600- I c. Inspection: Affange storage to provide access for inspection. Periodically inspeit to asiure pioducts are undamaged, and are main- tained under recommended conditions. 1.05 INSTALLATION A. Pre-Installation Conferences: Hold pre-installation meeting at site before instal'lation of each unit of work which requires coordination with other units of work. Installer and manufacturerrs representatives of particular work and affected work shall attend.1. Notify Architect of meeting time.2. Discuis coordination of work rvith other work including shop drawings, product data, possible conflicts, compatibility concerns' acceptability of substrates, protection' etc.3. Recoid significant discussions at each neeting'. agreements, disagreem6nts and final plan of action. Distribute record to those in attendance and to Architect.4. Do not proceed t{ith unit of work until pre-installation meeting is successiully concluded with agreed upon plan of action. B. Inspection of Substrates: Require installer of each maior unit of work Ito inspect substrate to receive work and conditions under which work is I I I I I I I I to be perfonned.l. Installer: Report unsatisfactory conditions in writing with coPY to Architect.2. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory corrected to satisfaction of installer. to General Contractor conditions have been I I I C. Manufacturer's Instructions: Where installations include manufactured products, comply with manufacturer's applicable instructions and ieconrmeniatiohs-for installation, to eitent that these instructions and recommendations are more explicit or more stringent than requirements specified or indicated.1. t{otify Architect of any conflicts between manufacturer's 'instruc- Itions or recolmendations and requirements specified or indicated. I I t T I I I I D. E. Attachment: Provide attachment and connection devices and methods for securing work.1. Secire work true to line and level , and within specified tolerances' or if not specified, industry recognized tolerances.2. Allow for expansion and building movement.3. Exposed Joints:a. Provide uniform ioint width.b. Arrange ioints to obtain best visual effect.c. Refer-questionable visual-effect choices to Archjtect for final decision. lleasurements and Dimensions: Recheck as integra'l step of starting each i nstal I ati on. PSA 19017.00 01600-2 G. B. I T t I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I F.Climatic Conditions and Project Status: Install each unit of work under conditions to ensure best possible results in coordination with entire proi ect .1. Isolate each unit of work from incompatible work as necessary to prevent deteri orati on.2. Coordinate enclosure of work with required inspections and tests to minimize necessity of uncovering work for those purposes. Mounting Heights: Where not indicated, mount individual units of work at industry recognized standard mounting heights for particular appl ication indicated.1. Refer questionable mounting heights choices to Architect for final decision. 1.06 PRODUCTS LIST A. Submittal: t.lithin 30 days after Notice of Award, transmit three copies of list of major products which are proposed for installation, including name of manufacturer.l. Tabulate products by specifications section number, title' and article number.2. For products specified only by reference standards, .give manufac- turer, trade name, model or catalog designation, and reference standards. B. Architect: Witl promptly reply in writing whether there is reasonable objection to ljstbd items. Failure to obiect to listed item shall not constitute waiver of requirenents of Contract Documents. T.O7 PRODUCTS OPTIONS A. Products Specified by Reference Standards or by Description 0n1y: Any product meeting those standards. c. Products Specified by Naming 0ne or More l4anufacturers with Substitution Paragraph: Products of named manufacturers meeting specifications. Submit iequest for substitution for any manufacturer not specifically named.1. Products of acceptable manufacturers are subiect to requirements of speci fications for specified product. Products Specified by Naming One or More Manufacturers: Products of named manufacturers meeting specifications; no options' no substitu- ti ons.1. Products of acceptable manufacturers are subject to requirements of specifications for specified product. D. Products Specified by Naming Only One Manufacturer: No option' no substitution allowed. PSA 19017.00 01600-3 1.08 LIMITATION ON SUBSTITUTIOI{S A. During Bidding Period: Instructions to Bidders specifies times for submiiting re{uests for substitutions. Submit requests to Architect allowing ideqriate time for review prior to bid and in compliance with requirements of this section. B. After Bidding Period: Requests for substitutions of products after date of gwner-Coniractor Agreenient will be considered only in case of product unavailability or othgr conditions beyond control of Contractor. C. Substitutions:l. will not be considered when indicated on shop drawings or product data submittals without separate formal request, when requested directly by subcontractor br suppiier, or when acceptance will require substantial revision of Contract Docunents.2. Do'not order or install substitute products without t|lritten acceptance.3. only'one request for substitution for each.product will be con- sidbred. Wtien substitution is not accepted provide specified product.4. Architect will determine acceptability of substitutions. 1.09 REQUESTS FoR SUBSTITUTI0I{S A. Submittal: Submit two copies of each request. Submit separate request for each substitution.1. Identify products by specifications section and article numbers. 2. provide minufacturei's name and address, trade name of products, and model or catalog number.3. List fabricators and suppliers as appropriate. B. Documentation: Document each request with complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitutjon with requirements of Contract Documents:1. Attach Product Data as specified in Section 01300. 2. Give itemized comparison'of proposed substitution with specified product, listing variation, hnd'reference to specifjcation section and article numbers.3. Give qua'l ity and performance comparison between proposed substi- tution and sPecified Product.4, List availability of ;naintenance services and replacement materials. 5. State effect of iubstitution on construction schedule, and changes required in other work or products. 1.10 CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATION A. Request for substitution: Representation that contractor has investigated proposed product'and has determined that it is equal to or superior in all respects to specified product:l.' Contractor will'provide slme warranty for substitution as for specified product. I I I I I I I t I I T I T I t I T T I PSA 19017.00 01600-4 A. B. t T I I I I I I I T T I I I T I I I I 2. Contractor will coordinate naking such changes as may al l respects.3. Contractor waives claims for additional tution which may later become apparent. costs related to substi- B. Replacement: If substjtuted products do not meet or exceed above requirements, whether before, during, or after incorporated into work' Contractor sha'l l, at no additional cost to Owner, replace substituted products with products originally specified. 1.11 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES installation of acceDted substitute, be required for work to be complete in Architect: h|ill review Contractor's requests for substitutions with reasonabl e promptness.l. If accepted by Architect, products proposed for substitution will be accepted subject to modificatjons by manufacturer, if necessary, to meet detailed requirements of drawings and specifications.2. Architect will not make exhaustive attempt to detennine that pro- ducts proposed for substitution are equal to, or can be modified jn order to be equal to specified products. Architect I s Acceptance:1. During Bidding Period: Architect will record acceptable substi- tutions in Addenda. Acceptances of substitutions durjng bid period are conditional upon further investigation after award of contract.2. After Award of Contract: Architect will notify Contractor, in writing, of decision to accept or reject requested substitution. C. For Accepted Products: Submit shop drawings, product data, and samples in accordance with Section 01300. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 0i600- 5 I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I sEcTI0N 01700 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 1.01 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMEI{TS A. Project Site Record Documents: Maintain at proiect s'ite one record copy of following:1. Drawi ngs2. Specifications3. Detai I Book4. Addenda5. Accepted Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples6. Change 0rders7. 0ther Modifications to Contract8. Field Test Records B. Record Documents: DO not uSe record documents for construction pur- poses. Maintain documents in clean, dry legjble condition, apart from documents used for construction. C. Record Information: Label each document "Record Document". 1, Mark information with contrasting color using ink. 2. Keep each record curyent. Do noi permanently conceal any work until required information is recorded. D. Drawings: Record fo1 lowing information on drawings:1. Depth of foundation elements.2. Hoiizontal and vertical location of underground utilities. 3. Location of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in constructi on.4. Field changes of dimension and detail.5. Changes by-change order or field order. E. Detail Book:1. Canges to details by change order or field order2. Details not an oritinal contract documents. F. Specifications: Record following infomation on specifications: 1. Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number and supplier of products and items of equipment actually installed.2. Changes by change order or field order.3. Othei rnatters not originally specified. G. Shop Drawings: Majntajn shop drawings as record documents recording chairges rnade after review as specified for drawings above. H. Submittal: At completion of project, transfer all-record information on drawings to a set bf mytar sepias provided by the 0wner and deljver these ilyolars and all bther rbcord documents to Architect with transmiital letter containing date, project title and number, PSA 19017.00 01700- I Procedures: Following proiect closeout procedure defines respon- sibilities of Contractor, Owner and Architect in closing proiect: Step 1 Contractor advises Architect in writing that-he has reached' "Substantial Completion" and provides list of items to be completed or corrected. Closeout may be conducted by areas or portions of work if requested by owner. Step 2 Architect inspects work to determine if it is substantially -' complete, and'issues Certificate of Substantial Cornpletion plus "Puhch List" of items to be completed or corrected. Step 3 Contractor conpletes and/or corrects al1 punch list items and' notifies Architect in writing that his work is ready for final inspection. At this time, final application for payment is submi tted. Step 4 Architect makes final inspection. When work is found to be' acceptable under Contract Documents, and contract fu11y per- fonned, Architect will issue final Certificate for Payment. FINAL PAPERWORK Final Paperlork: Prior to release of final payment, Contractor shall deliver following items to Architect; Inspection Certificates, as applicable. Contractor's warranty of ilaterials and Workmanship. Maintenance Manuals and Parts Lists, as specified. All Guaranties, lJarranties and Submittals, as specified. Receipts for Extra l'laterials Delivered to the 0wner. l*{i scel I aneous Keys , Swi tches , Etc. Final Application for Paynent. Consent'of Surety (if any) to Final Payment. Contractor's Affiddvit oi-Release of Liens (AIA Form G-706A). Project Record Documents (as noted above) The above items are described in following articles or applicable sections of the specificat'i ons. 1.04 INSPECTION CERTIFICATES A. Each subcontractor shal'l , upon completion of the work, secure in triplicate, certificates frbm any ltate or local governing.bodies.l,guiltg jurisdicti6n in dictating that the work is in strict accordance with the ipplicable codes and deliver same to the Contractor for transnittal to the 0wner. Contractor's name and address, title and number of each record document, and certification that each document is complete and accurate. submittal shall be signed by contractor. I.O2 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES 1.03 A. I t T 1 I I t il T I I T il I ,l I I I I A. PSA 19017.00 01700-2 I I I t I t t t l I l t Jt I I I I I I 1.05 WARRANTIES A. gne Year Coffection Period: Remedy any defects due to faulty materials or workmanship and pay for any damage to other work resulting. therefrom, which shall ailpear in-work wiihin a-period of one year fron the date of Notice of Subbtantial Completion and'in accordance with the terms of qny special warranties providbd in the Contract Docunents. The 0wner shall give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. B. Warranty: Upon completion of work, the Contractor shall deliver to the Architelt, iir duplilate, a written warranty based on the provisions of the Contract DocLments properly signed and notarized.1. Warranty shall be addressed to the 0wner.2, Provide-separate written warranties from mechanical and electrical subcontractors. C. Subcontractor Warranties: Include labor and materials signed by manufacturer or subcontractor as case may be and countersigned by subcontractor.1. Address warranty to 0wner.Z. Deliver to Architect upon completion of proiect and before or with submission of request for final paynent. D. Extended Warranties: Deliver in duplicate extended warranties as specified and dated from the date of Notice of Substantial Completion and signed by subcontractors and manufacturers. E. Manufacturer Warranties: Deliver in duplicate manufacturer's warranties as specified and dated from date of Notice of Substantial Completion signed by manufacturer. 1.- Manuiacturer,s Warranties: Supplement and not replace implied and express warranties provided for by Uniform Commercia1 Code. Any statements in manufacturer's warranties denying or limiting responsibil.ity for such implied and express warranties shall be voi d. 1.06 MISCELLANEOUS KEYS, SWITCHES AND WRENCHES A. Submittal: At completion of project, account for all loose keys for hose bibs, adjustmbnt keys and wrenches for door closers and pani.c hardware, keyi for electiic switches, electri cal panels, etc. and turn over to Contractor for transmittal to Owner. I.O7 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Equipment Manuals: upon completion of work, submit three-typed-and -_.. bdunb copies of operating and maintenance manual or manuals. 81" x 11" in size, to Architect for his acceptance.1. Manual: Have index with tab dividers for each major equipment section to facilitate locating infonnation on specific piece of equi pment. PSA 1901i.00 01700-3 2. Identify data within each section with identification numbers as they ap-pear on drawings and by specification section and article n umber. Data: Include as minimum following data:1. Alphabetical list of all system components, with name, address and 24'hour phone number of coirpany resironsible for servicing each item during first year of oPeration.2. operaiing instructions for complete syste|n including:a. Emergency procedures for fire or failure of major equipment. b. Maior start, operation and shutdown procedure. 3. l|lai ntenance i nstructi ons i ncl udi ng:a. proper lubricants and lubricaiing instructions for each piece of equi pment.b. ttdceisary cleaning, replacement and adjustment schedule. 4. Manufacturer-,s produci dath on each piece of equipment including: a. Installation instructions.b. Drawings and specifications.c. Parts I ists.d. Complete wir!ng diagrams (as-built)._ e. ttarked or chinled piints iocating all concealed parts and all variation fron original system design.5. Schematic diagram showing component parts of system.6. Simplified system description and preventative maintenance pr0gram. 0perating and lrlaintenance Data: See following_sections for equipment rbquiring operating and maintenance data manuals:l. Sectional 0verhead Doors: Section 083602. Finish Hardware: Section 087103. Carpet: Section 096804, Resjdential Appl iances5. Elevators: Section 142406. Mechanical: Division 157, Electrical: Division 16 See above sections for specific requirernents of operating and main- tenance data for each group of equipment. 1.08 DEMONSTRATIONS A. Equipment Demonstrations: upon completion of work, schedule time with Architect, and instruct 0wnei's repiesentative(s) once, in presence of Architect and Engineers, on proper operation and maintenance of equi pment.l. Farticipants: As minimun presenting participants shall include Contractor, appropriate subcontractor, equipment manufacturer's representatives, and appropriate sub-subcontractors.2. Cohtractor's Representitivbs: Thorough knowledge of particular i nstal I ati on.3. Manufacturer's Representative: Thorough understanding of particular equi pment. I I IB. t I I fl I I I I I T l I I I I c. PSA 19017.00 01700-4 I I I I B. Demonstrations: See following sections for equipment requiring denonstrati ons :1. Elevators: Section 142402. Mechanical: Division l53. Electrical: Division l6 See above sections for specific requirements of demonstrations for each group of equipment. 1.09 EQUIPMENT SERVICE AND MAINTENAI{CE A. B. t J I I I t T I J t I I I I t General: Include complete service and maintenance calls spaced at maximum of three month intervals plus emergency cal 1s throughout one year correction period. During each service and maintenance call as mininum check:1. Safety devices on each piece of equipment.2. Lubrication of all moving parts; lubricate where required. Service and Maintenance: See following sections for equipment requiring mai ntenance:1. Elevators: Section 142402. Mechanical: Division 15 END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 01700-5 I I sEcrIoN otTto I FIt'tAL CLEANING 1.01 RELATED REQUIREMENTS I A. Clean-up during construction: Section 01500 Construction Facilities andr Temporary Controls. I T.O2 CLEANERS I A. Cleaners: Professional cleaners llith exception of clean-up of site and a cleaning specifically assigned to installers and applicators under t various sections of Specifications. 1.03 FINAL CLEANING It A. Exterior: In addition to items specified below, carefully and thoroughly clean all surfaces on exterior: concrete, metal , etc. I B. Glass: Carefully and thoroughly clean both sides of glass and leave absolutely clean and free from paint, labels, grease' dirt, etc. I 1. Cleaners: Professional window cleaners. r C. Hardware: Clean and polish hardware and leave clean and free from paint, grease, dirt, etc. D. Plumbing: Clean and polish plumbing fixtures, fittings and exposed plated plplng. Leave'clean dnd free from paint, grease' dirt' etc. Remove labels. E. Electrical: Clean and polish electric fixtures, including glassware' switchplates, etc. and'leave clean and free from paint' grease, dirt' etc. ,r F. Equipment: Carefully and thoroughly clean items of equipment' I mechanical , electrical , cabinets, ductwork, etc. G. Floors:1. Resilient Floor Coverings: 1'4op with waim water and mild detergent as recommended by manufacturer of flooring, then thoroughly machine buff.2. Carpeting: Vacuum and clean. Remove a1 I spots as recommended by manufacturer.3. Concrete Floors: Vacuum broom finish floors and damp mop or scrub concrete floors as required.4. Floors: Leave them thorough'ly clean when building js turned over to Owner. I t PSA 19017.00 I I I I I I 01710- 1 I t I I t t t t I I $ I I li t I I I H.Ceramic and Stone Tile: Remove manufacturer' s recomnndations. water. grout haze, observing tile-Rinse tile work thotpughly with clean condition upon cmPlet.ion 1.04 CotPtETIol{ A. Entlre l{ork Inside and before belng accepted Out: First-class clean by 0wner. E]ID OF SECTIOII PSA 19017.00 0L7t0-2 t I t t t I T I I I t I l I I i I I I DIVISION 2 SITE WORK sEcTIoN 02050 DEI',IOL IT ION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Remove existing structures within the property lines as indicated. a. Include removal of foundations.Z. Remove and dispose of existing site elements as indicated, including curb and gutter, sidewalks and paving.3. Relocate utilities as indicated on drawings.4. Cap and identify exposed utilities.5. Provide necessary shoring and bracing.6. Dispose of debris off site.7. Clehn up and leave site prepared for new construction. B. Related Sections:1. Construction fence, barricades, warning lights and signs. 2. Use of Premjses: Section 01010 Summary of Work. T.O2 QUALITY ASSUMNCE A. Contractor Qualifications: Mininum of five years experience in demo- lition of similar structures. PROJECT CONDITIONS Environmental Requ'i rements: Execute demolition in manner to lim1t unnecessary dust'and noise. Burning of materials on site not allowed. Existing Uti I ity Services:1. Capiing: Airange and pay for disconnggtlng' removing and capping utiiiti servicei withih areas of demolition. Disconnect and stub off. ilotify affected utility company in advance and obtain approval before starting this work.2. Identificationi Place markers to indicate location of disconnected services. Identify service l ines and capping locatjons on project record documents. C. Existing Utilities Not Indicated on Drawings: Protect.any sewer' water' gas, el6ctric or other pipe lines or conduits uncovered during work until they have been examined.1. If such lines are found to be abandoned and not in use, remove. 2. If such lines are found to be in use, carefully protect and carry on work around them. If owner deems it advisable to move such lines' 0wner will pay cost of moving.3. Coordinate iny temporary interruption of service with Owner. 1.03 A. B. PSA 19017.00 02050- 1 D. Environmental Requirements: Execute demolition in manner to limit unnecessary dust'and noise. Burning of materials on site not allowed. E. Protection: Provide necessary temporary shoring and bracing to support and protect portions of existing building during demolition operations. Be sblely rebponsible for design, safety and adequacy of.temporary shoring lnd biacing and its ability to carry load for which intended. F. Asbestos: Asbestos has been removed under separate contract. See Section 01010. Notify 0wner of any asbestos materials remaining requiring removal . PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Used. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Utility services: Arrange for and verify termination of utility servicls for existing stiuctures to include removing meters and capping I i nes. 3.02 BUILDING DEMOLITION A. General: Demolish in orderly and careful manner.1. Sprinkle debris as necessary to limit dust to lowest practicable. lbvel . Do not use water to extent of causing flooding, contaminated runoff or icing.Z. Begin demoliti6n at top of structures and proceed to lowest level. Do not use explosives.3. Renove walls,'foundations and slabs leaving clean ho'l e. 3.03 SITE DEMOLITIOl{ A. Site Improvements: Remove existing curb and.gutter, sidewalks, paving and othbr site improvements as indicated. Where new curb and gutter 0r asphalt adioin existing asphalt, cut existing_asphalt to straight line using masonry saw. poitioirs of the site demolition work will be performed 'in 1998, requiring a second mobilization. 3.04 CLEANING A. Cleaning: During demolition operations, keep premises free from accumulitions of-waste material or rubbish caused by employees or work, and at completion of work remove rubbish, tools and surplus material and leave premises clean and ready for subsequent work. Promptly remove waste, rubbish or debris from site. I I I I t I t I I I t l t I I t I t I END OF SECTION 02050-2PSA 19017.00 I I I I I t I t I I T I J I sEcTI0N 02160 EXCAVATION SUPPORT SYSTEI4 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Design and installation of shoring system to protect excavation perimeter from movement or col 1apse.2. Protection of adiacent buildings and improvements from movement, settlement or col laPse. B. Related Sections:1. Excavation: Section 02200 Earthwork.2. Concrete Fonnwork: Section 03100. T.O2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Criteria: Contractor shall be so1e1y responsible for design of shoring system as required to resist lateral earth pressures and surchaiges due to traffic, storage of materials, adiacent structures and all oth6r loads imposed on adjacent soil during the construction_period. Comply with requirbments of soil and foundation investigation.. Type of sysieir used muit be compatible with construction procedures and siructural details and hcceptable to the Structural Engineer and General Contractor. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with al1 applicable.requirements of The Toin of Vail. 0btain peYmits and pennission as required. 1.04 PROJECT CONDITIOilS A. Existing Conditions: Investigate to determine the location of adiacent existing underground inprovements. B. Subsurface Investigation: A subsurface investigation report has been prepared for the Owner. See Section 00200 Information Available for Bi dders. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OT MATERIALS A. Excavation Support System: Provide shoring or soil stabilization as recomnended by Geotechnical Engineer. I I t I I PSA 19017.00 02160- I PART 3 - EXECUTIOI{ 3 . 01 EXAI{ I NAT ION A. Existing Conditions: Examine existing conditions to detennine shoring and underpinning requirements. Examine existing. adiacent improvements to determine thair iondition before starting work. Record their condition by written report, survey and photographs as required. 3.02 PROTECTION A. Take all necessary precautions and make provisions to protect adiacent existing improvements from damage from shoring' underpinning and t I I I I t I ,l I I I I I I I I T I I 3.03 A. B. c. 3.04 A. 3.05 A. 3.06 A. excavation operations. INSTALLATION Design and install systems as required. Make proper allowances for building structure and improvements including waterproofing, dampproofing and foundation drainage systems. Install shoring as concrete fonnwork for outside walls where required. FIELD QUALITY COI{TROL Make periodic inspections and surveys of existing adiacent.improvements. Keep accurate records of movements or changes in their condition. REPAIR OR REPLACEI{ENT Repair any damage or replace damaged existing adiacent improvements. REMOVAL Remove shoring systems as required after pennanent structure is in p1ace. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 02t60-2 t I I I l I I I I I sEcTI0N 02200 EARTHl.loRK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Building Excavation and Backfill2. Site Grading3. Under Slab Gravel B. Related Sections:1. Soil Testing: Section 01400 Quality Control 2. Layout: Section 01050 Fjeld Engineering3. Mechanical Excavation: Division l5 Mechanical 4. Electrical Excavation: Division 16 Electrical 5. Foundation Drainage: Section 027116. Excavation Support System: Sectjon 02160 I.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: Comply with following:1. Excavation: Colorado Division of Labor Rules and Regulations. 2. Compaction Standard: Standard Proctor Density ASTM D698 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Quality Control Submittals: Test reports of soils testing during. ionstrirction specified under Field Qirality Control will be djstributed by the testing laboratory in accordance with Section 01400 Quality Control . 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing Agency: Soil testing during construction will_be conducted by acceptible teiting laboratory. See Section 01400 Quality Control. B. Geotechnical Engineer: Materials and operations under this section shall be executed under observation of Geotechnical Engineer employed by 0wner who will place qualified personnel on site during earthwork operations as necessary. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Test Holes: A series of test holes have been made for 0wner by his separate consultant. See Document 00200 Infonnation Available togiaders. Log and report are believed to be accurate; however, neither 0wner nor lrihitect guarantees information contained therein nor do they guarantee conditions-indicated to exist at locations of test holes will prevail at other locations on site. T I t I I I I T I PSA 19017.00 02200-l B. Existing Utilities: Protect from damage any-sewer' water'.gas' electrii, phone or other pipe lines or-conduits uncovered during work until they have been examined by 0wner.1. If such lines are found to be abandoned and not in use, remove affected sections.2. If such lines are found to be in use, carefully protect and carry on work around them. If Owner deems it advisable to move such lines' 0wner will Pay cost of moving. 1.06 WARRANTY A. Fill and Backfill: Correct settlement in backfill' fill, or in structures built over backfill or fill, which may occur within one year coffection period. Restore any structures damaged by settlement to their original condition at no cost to 0wner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OL FILL AND BACKFILL I{ATERIAL A. Material: 0n-site excavated granular material , 6" or less in size' (unless larger material is approved by Geotechnical Engineer) free of iubble, topioil or debris ahil approved by Geotechnical Engineer. At, Contraitor's option and no additibnal cost to 0wner free draining-crushed rock approved'by the Geotechnical Engineer lnal !e used to backfill foundaiion walli. A backfill cap as-described in the Geotechnical Report shall be installed over this fill. 2.02 UNDER-SLAB GRAVEL A. Gravel: Imported maximum 2" aggregate approved.by the Geotechnical Engineer with less than 50% paiiing the No. 4 sieve and less lhan 2% passing the No. 200 sieve. 2.03 BACKFILL CAP 0n-site excavated finer graded soils approved by the Geotechnical Engi neer. PART 3 - EXECUTIOI'I 3.01 EXAMIIIATION A. Site visit: visit and inspect site and take into consideration known or reasonably inferable conditions affecting work. Failure to visit site will not ielieve Contractor of furnishing materials or performing work requi red. B. Previous Work By Qthers: Demolition of existing structure under Bid Package No. 1. t t t t I I I t I I I I I I I l t I I PSA 19017.00 02200-2 I I I I I I I I I ) I 1 I I I I 3.02 PREPAMTIOII A. Field Engineering: See Section 01050 Field Engineering for bench marks, monumenti, battei boards, reference points and layout and checking of the work. B. Protection:1. Maintain soil under foundations and slabs at natural moisture content.2, Provide and maintain slopes, crowns and ditches in excavation to insure satisfactory surface drainage at all times. Provjde temporary drainage facilities to prevent water from draining into excavations. t,,|hen work is completed, restore temporary ditches or cuts to original grade or finish grade as indicated.3. Bailing or Pumping: Immediately pump or bail out water excavations, whether rain or seepage. Keep excavations water at all times. Take measures and furnish equipment necessary to control flow, drainage and accumulation of required to pennjt completion of work under this section damage to work. found in free from and I abor water as to avoid 3.03 EXCAVATION A. General: All spread footings shall rest on natural dense granular subsoil or new structural fill approved by the Geotechnjcal Engineer. B. Footing and Area Excavatjons: Excavate sjte as required for walls' foundations, piers, area pits, etc. to depths indicated on drawings.1. Trenches:' Bottoms of full width required. If through error, trenches are carrjed deeper than required, fill excess depth with compacted structural filI as directed at Contractor's expense. _2. If debris, soft spots or loose or excessively moist areas are found at bottom of any excavation, imnediately report condition to Architect who will determine if corrective work is necessary. D. Unclassified Excavation:1. All excavation is considered as unclassified and is defined as removal of alI material encountered' regardless of soil type. Unclassified excavation is considered normal excavation and no extra wi I I be al lowed. E. Cobbles and Boulders: Where cobbles or boulders are uncovered during excavatjon and at footing elevation they shall be inmediately reported to the Geotechnical Engineer to direct their removal. Cobbles or boulders shall be careful'ly removed to prevent disturbance of adjacent soiIs and the resulting depressions shal'l be fil'led with compacted structural earth fill when so directed. Stockpile boulders 12" in diameter and larger for future landscape use in on-site location as di rected. I F. Store suitable backfill material as space is available. Remove all I other excavated material from the site. PSA 19017.00 02200-3 3.04 PREPARATION OF NATURAL GROUND A. General: Remove topsoil and vegetation before beginning preparation of natural ground. Remove frozen or muddy ground in fill areas. B. Fills Made on Hillsides or Slopes: Plow or scarify slope of the original ground upon which the fill is to be placed to a minimum depth .of 6". Wh6re slopb ratio of original ground is steeper than 5 horizontal to I vertical, the bank shall be stepped or benched. I I I I I c. t t t D. Proof Rolling: Before beginning subgrade preparation' earthwork subcontractoi shall proof-roll iubqrade with heavily loaded pneumatic tired vehicles. Arehs which deform under proof rolling shall be mitigated as directed by the Geotechnical Engineer. Preparation: Mix and blend the plowed or scarjfied surface with a disc or lrader blade so the surface witt be free of large clods or rocks, ruti, hunmocks or other uneven features which would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. Scarification and Compaction:l. Natural Ground Unier Interior Floor Slabs: Scarify to a minimum depth of 6" and recompact at near pPtimum moisture content to at least 95% of its Standard Proctor Density' ASTM D698.2. l{atural Ground under Exterior slabs, sidewalks and Pav'ing: scarify to a minimun depth of 6" and compact at near of optimum moisture content to at lbast 95% of its Standard Proctor Density, ASTM 0698. E. 3.05 FILLING AI{D COMPACTION A. General: Fill and compact to levels required to complete the work indicated. Filling may require soil maierial in excess of quantity of suitable material available from required grading and excavatjons even though not indicated on the drawings. Such material shall be imported at earthwork contractor's expense. B. P'lacing Fill: Distribute material to avoid formation of lenses or layers-of material differing substantially from surrounding material. Deliver material at uniform rate to permit satisfactory procedure to result in uniformly compacted fill.1. Avoid unnecesslry cbncentration of travel causing ruts and uneven compaction. Regiade and compact ruts and hollows more than 6" deep before compacting.Z. Spread fili mateiial in horizontal layers no greater than 8" thick. C. Backfilling: Fill and compact temporary holes and excavation around interior wills, grade beami, piers, trenches, on inside of building and excavation around exterior foundation walls.1. Backfill in even lifts on both sides of foundation walls to prevent excessive pressure on one side. Brace unsuppqrlgd foundation wa1 1s, grade beam!, and piers thoroughly before backfilling and leave 6racing in place Lntil supporting floors are in p1ace. t I T t I I I I I PSA 19017.00 02200-4 I I t I t Obtain pennission before backfil 1 ing. Debris, construction materials, expansible clay, or large chunks of earth are not allowed in backfill.4. Backfill and nechanically compact as indicated below. Puddling not al I owed. D. Compaction of Cohesionless Materials: When compacting material such as sands and gravels, deposit materials in layers and compact by surface or internal vibrators, smooth or pneumatic rollers, hand or power tampers, or by other means approved by Geotechnical Engineer.1. Thickness of horizontal layers after deposition shall be not more than 6" if compaction is perfonned by tractor treads, surface vibrators or similar equipment. If compaction is performed by internal vibrators, thickness of horizontal layers after compaction shall be not more than penetrating length of vibrator head.2. Ponding or water flooding not allowed. 2. 3. I I t E. Compaction Requirements: Geotechnical Engineer to Densities as determined1. Fill under footings Conpact each layer by methods acceptable to minimum of the following Standard Proctor by ASTM D698: I I I I I t I I I t I 2. Backfill against sides of footings2. Fill under interior floor slabs3. Interior util ity trench backfi l14. Fill under exterior slabs and sidewalks5. Fill under asphalt or concrete paving6. Foundation backfill under paving and slabs on grade7. Other foundation backfill and backfill of landscaped areas8. Exterior utility trench backfill under slabs sidewalks and paving9. 0ther exterior utility trench backfill 10. 0verl ot fi'll Compact mechanical and electrical trenches excavated by utility companies as specified for utility trenches. EXCESS OR UNUSABLE MATERIAL Excess Material: Remove from site DAMAGED EARTH rc0% 95% 95% 95% 95% 9s% 95% 90% 95% 90% 90% F. Backfill Cap: Backfill top two feet of foundation backfill in areas not covered by paving or concrete with fine graded material compacted as specified in Paragraph E above. 3.06 A. 3.07 A. Earth that has been rendered unfit to receive planting due to concrete water, mortar or lime water dumped on it shall not be used in areas to receive plantings. PSA 19017.00 42200-5 I t3.08 UIIIDER SLAB GRAVEL A. Fill entire area beneath floor slabs on grade with 4" thickness of roller compacted gravel. Screed to provide uniform true sub-base for bottom of slab. 3.09 FINISH GRADING A. General: Cut and fill all areas to elevations and tolerances specified. Leave graded surface clean, free from rubbish and large clods and reasonably smooth. B. Subgrade Under Building: Finish grade to smooth, even, 1tlell compacted suriace at densities specified under Article 3.05 to elevations i ndi cated.1. Slab on Grade Subgrade Tolerance: (1) 0.02' (L/4'). C. Subgrade Under Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter: Finish-grade to bearing suriace as required. Tolerance: (t 0.04' (I12"). D. Subgrade Under Asphalt Paving: Finish grade to-bgttom of.full.depth asp[alt or aggregate base course. Tolerance: (+) 0.04' (l/2'), E. Subgrade Under Concrete Paving: Finish grade to bearing surface as required. Tolerance: (t) 0.04' (l/2). F. Subgrade Under All 0ther Areas: Finish grade to grades indicated in all other areas. Tolerance: (d 0.1' (1-1/4'). 3.10 FIELD QUALITY CoNTRoL A. Placement Method: 0btain the Geotechn'ica1 Engineer's approval of method of placing and compacting before starting compacted fill or backfill pl acement. B. Compaction: 0btain l{ritten approval of the conpleted compacted fill and Oackfill from the Geotechnical Engineer who wiil have sufficient tests made to assure comp'l iance with these specifications. If, because of unsatisfactory test results it is necessary to retest after corrective works cost of tests other than initial tests shall be paid by Contractor. C. Density Tests: In accordance with ASTM 01556, ASTM D2922 or ASTM D2167. See Section 01400 Quality Control. D. Field Engineering: See Section 01050 Field Engineering. I l t I END OF SECTION I I I I l t I t t I T I t PSA 19017.00 02200-6 T I sEcTIoN oz27o SLOPE PROTECTION AND EROSION CONTROLt PART 1 - GENERAL t 1. or sul,*{ARY - A. Section Includes:I r' ill'.ff!:;,:i?il'1,';llffl..l'fr'lsffi si'i:ilion durins demorition I r.oz QUALTTY ASSURANcE A. Regulatory Requirenents: Comply with the following:f l. Town of Vail requirements for erosion control during construction. I PART 2 - PRODUCTS ,-.II 2,OI MATERIALSI A. Silt Fence: Silt fence shall be constructed of synthetic filter fabric, I posts, and (depending upon the strength of the fabric used) wire fencet for support. t B. Stakes: Stakes for anchoring silt fence shall be 2" x 2" x 4' wood I stakes. d PART3-EXECUTION li 3.ol ExAMINATIoN t A. Verification of Existing Conditions: Verify rough grading is acceptableI and ready for erosion control work. Provide erosion control per approved plan. I I 3.02 SILT FENCE I A. Install silt fence as required prior to beginning demolition. I B. Prior to start of demolition, place silt fence and other erosion control measures where shown. t 3.03 MAINTENANCE a A. Inspect silt fence every four to six weeks for integrity of fence and I Placement. B. Repair or replace silt fence as needed after each inspection. I t PSA 19017.00 02270-L f It Inspect silt fence for sediment buildup every.four to six weeks with sediment removed as needed after each inspection. Inspect all erosion control facilities following heavy precipitation for damlged silt fence and sediment buildup. Perform maintenance as necessary. E. Remove erosion control facilities when directed by the Architect. EI{D OF SECTIOII I T I I I T c. D. I I I I t I I T t I I I I PSA 19017.00 02270-2 T I I t I t I I I s I I I ! t l I B. 1.02 A. 1.03 A. sEcTIoN 02580 PAVE}IENT I{ARKING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Layout and paint lines and direction arrows, signs, handicapped designations, etc. at:a. Parking garage slabs. Re'lated secti ons:1. Parking Garage Slabs: QUALITY ASSURANCE Appl icator Qual i fications : l'/ith proper equipnent for PROJECT CONDITIONS Section 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete. Company specializing in pavement marking pavement marking proiect of this size. Environmental Requirements: Do not apply pavement marking in wet weather or when temperature is below 40o F. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI STRIPING PAINT A. Paint: Solvent base paint complying with Colorado State Highway Department specifications.1. Color: White2. Handicapped Markings: Blue and t,lhite PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 |{ARKIt{G A. Preparation and Layout:1. After paving is fully cured, sweep paving clean.2. Layout: Layout and paint symbols, direction arrows' signs' etc.' parking garage slabs as indicated on Drawings.3. Verify marking layouts with Architect before proceeding. B. Markings:1. Lines: Four inches wide painted by mechanica'l striping machine. I PSA 19017.00 02580- 1 I I t I I I I t I I I I T I t I I I I 2. l,larklngs: Apply lining and other martings sufflcient quantity to producC cornpibtety opaque lines and marklngs. EI{D OF SECTIOII 02580-2PSA 19017.00 lI I sEcrIoN ozTloa SUBDRAINAGE SYSTEM I PARTI-GENERAL I 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: r 1. Curtain type drainage at foundation walls. I 2. Drainage pipe and fittings for water table protection as indicatedr 3. Free draining gravel at drain.4. Drainage pipe. I 5. Protective covering.I 6. Drainage pipe to daylight and concrete outfall. t B. Related Requirements: Comply with: f, 1. Concrete Work: Division 3 Concrete. r- C. Related sections: I l. Trenching and Earth Backfilling: Section 02200 Earthwork.r 2, Backfill 0ver Drain System: Section 02200 Earthwork. 3. Under Slab Gravel: Section 02200 Earthwork.II I.O2 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. Deliver and store materials in accordance with Section 01600. Stockpile I and store materials so not to bury or damage. PART 2 - PRODUCTS T 2.OI DRAINAGE PIPE I A. Types: Perforated adjacent to bujlding foundations, unperforatedtr\ elsewhere. a B. Unperforated Pipe: Rigid polyvinyl chloride sewer pipe and solvent I welded fittings complying with ASTM 02779. - C. Perforated Pipe: Perforated rigid polyviny1 chloride leaching system t piping and soivent welded fittings complying with ASTM D2729. ProvideI solid end caps at tenninations. I D. Fittings: Provide all standard fittings required as well as transitions I from different pipe diameters. . 2.02 ACCESSORY MATERIALS It A. Prefabricated Drainage Board:1. Products: I a. Mercantile Development Geofab Fin Core Drainage System. I b. Eljen Development Eljen Curtaindrain. r PSA 19017.00 02710-L I r l T I I I B. c. D. c. ENKA ENKAdrain.d. Mi raf i Inc. li{i radrai n.e. Accepted Substitute in accordance with Section 01600. Pervious Backfill Material: Free draining gravel consisting of minus two inch aggregate having less than 40% passing No. 4 sieve and less than 5% passing No. 200 sieve. Protective Covering for Pervious Backfill: Mirafi l40N or accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. Submit sample for accep- tance. Plastic Sheet: Fiberglass reinforced polyethylene sheeting, six mil minimum thickness. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. General:1. Keep trenches dry during installation of drainage system. 2. Use fittings at intersections and right angle intersections. B. Plastic sheet: Adhesive adhere to concrete footing as indjcated. C. Bedding:1. Plice graded bedding prior to laying of foundation drain pipe or tile.2. Rest each section firmly upon the bedding, through entire length. 3. Foundation Drain: Lay on minimum depth of 3 inches. D. Pipe Laying:1.' Lay drain lines to uniform grades and alignment, with continuous fatl in direction of flow with minimum slope of I/8 inch per foot. 2. Remove debris from pipe or tile thoroughly before being 1aid. 3. Lay perforated pipe with perforations facing down. 4. Remove and relay any length that has had its grade or ioints di sturbed. E. Changes in Direction: Make with manufactured ell fittings of appropriate ang1e. F. Jointing: Solvent weld fittings. G. Concrete 0utfall: Construct in accordance with requirements of Division 3. Locate as indicated on Drawings. This may be changed to an outfall of Iandscape stone ri prap with Architect's approval . H. Backfilling:1. After [ipe installation has been accepted, place pervious backfil] materihl'on each side and top of tile to dimensions indicated. 2. When placing crushed rock backfi11, prevent displacement of or PSA 19017.00 02710-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,. lTi::tol3.!lti,:'.llli;rn fun width of trench,-over pervious t backfiil before other backfill is placed under Section 02200. END OF SECTION I I I il I I I t I I t l I I PsA 1e017.00 I 02710-3 I I T t t sEcTI0N 02910 TREE TRANSPLANTING PART 1 - GENEML I.O1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Hydraulic Tree Spade and Labor2. Backfill ltlaterial3. Accessories4. Mul chi ng L.O2 SUBMITTALS A. 0peration and Maintenance Data: Include maintenance and care of installed individual plant types through their full growing season. Instructions shal'l include directions for irrigation, fertil izing, pruning and spraying as required for continued and proper maintenance. B. Warranty: At completion of work, furnish written warranty to 0wner I based ulon requirbments as specified.I 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE I I t t t I B. Handling: Do not drop trees. Do not lift trees, by trunk, stems or T0ll age. A. Transplanter's Qualifications: Reputable company with minimum five (5) years experience in transplanting large trees with hydraulic tree spade. Ability to use largest tree spade available. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Delivery of Packaged Materials: Deliver to site in original unopened containers bearing manufacturer's information (chemical analysis, nalne, trade name, trademark and conformance to state law). 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Existing Conditions: [xamine and become fami]iar with site conditions. Vehicular accessibility within site will be as directed by General Contractor. Repair al1 damage to existing landscape surface, subsurface, and irrigation caused by transplant operations. 1.06 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING A. Scheduling: All tree transplanting shall be in accordance with standard nursery practice. Furnish Architect with notice of transplanting schedule seven (7) days prior to beginning work. I I I I t T PSA 19017.00 02910- 1 L.O7 WARRANTY A. Plant Guarantee and Replacement:l. For a period of twb years from date of Notice of Acceptance, and at no additional cost tb ttre 0wner, replace tree jf dead or is' in opinion of Architect, in unhealthy or uns'ightly condition, or that his lost their natural shape due to dead branches or excessive pruning of dead branches.ir. Inadequate or improper maintenance by Owner shall not be cause for riplacement ilrovided Contractor shall have submitted' throughout guarahtee period, a letter 0r report to Owner on improfer or-inadequatb maintenance practi.ces and observations. b. If'peirnanent chanies in maintenance schedule are desired by Ownbr, written approval of changes must be obtained by Owner from Contractor.2. Execute replacement planting within ten (10) days of notice to replace such plants. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI TREES TO BE TRANSPLANTED A. See Drawings. 2.02 AI{TI-TRANSPIRANT A. Pro-Tec 400 |,l anti-transpirant or approved substitute. 2.03 FERTILIZER A. Use Agriform, or approved substitute, fertilizer tablets having an NPK analysis of 20-10-5. 2.04 PLANT INSTALLATION ACCESSORIES AND MATERIALS A. Guying and Staking: As required 2.05 TREE SPADE A. Use size tree sPade as required. 2.06 MULCH A. Brush (broken twig) mulch. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Grades: Veri fy beginning final lines and grade PSA 19017.00 that final grades have been established prior-to transplanting operations. Bring areas to be planted to specified before staking locations. t I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I t l I 02910-2 I t 3.02 PREPARATIoN A. Layout: Stake new plant location and obtain acceptance by Architect I before digging ho1e. Place tree as directed. B. Anti-transpirant: Spray trees with anti-transpirant according to I manufacturer's instructions prior to transplanting if required. {t C. Tree Branches: Bind with soft rope during transplant as necessary. I D. Root Ball Preparation: Water trees two (2) days before digging. 3.03 EXCAVATION FOR PLANTING I A. Planter Pits: Excavate as required. 3.04 TRANSPLANTING A. Transplanting: Transplant trees from original locations to new locations deiignated by the Architect. Stake and guy trees in final I ocati ons. B. Fertilizing: Insert 21 gram fertilizer tablets in each planting pit . -located 6u to 8u deep, spaced evenly around the root ball. Use four (4) tablets for each tree. I 3.05 ABAND0NED PLANT PITS r A. Backfill pit with original transplant soil removed from new tree I locations. Compact to 90% Standard Proctor Density and restore grade and conditions to match finished area. 3.06 CLEANING AND REPAIR I I I A. Sweep and wash paved and finished surfaces soiled by work under this- Section. Remove excess materials and debris as directed by Architect. I B. Repair damage to prepared grounds due to activities or vehicular- movement by-landscape equipment to original condition at no additional cost to 0wner. I c. Repair damage to jrrigation system inmediately. I END OF SECTION I I . PSA 19017.00 02910-3 I T t t I DIVISION 3 COI'ICRETE sEcrI0N 03100 CONCRETE FORMWORK t PARTl-GE]{ERAL L 1.01 SUMMARY r A. section Includes:1. Formwork for Cast-In-Place ConcreteI 2. Formwork Accessories I 8. Products Instal led But Not Supplied Under This Section: I 1. Cast-in Items such as Angles, Plates, Pipe Rail Sleeves, Anchor I Bolts. Etc.: Supplied under Sections 05120 and 05500. - C. Related Sections:I 1. Layout: Section 01050 Field EngineeringI 2. Exterior Concrete; Section 02520 Portland Cement Concrete Paving and 02521 Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks.I 3. Steel Reinforcement and Accessories: Section 03200 Concrete Rein- I forcement.4. Concrete and Flatwork Screeds; Section 03300 Cast-In-Place I 5. 33l3itl3;* Formins: section 05310 steel Deck.' 6. Mechanical and Electrical Blockouts: Divisions 15 and 16. I r.oz REFERENcEsaA. Reference Standards: See Section 01091.I 1. ACI ll7-90 Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Constructiont and Materials.2. ACI 301-96 Standard Specification for Structural Concrete. I B. Comply with listed reference standards except as modified by- supillmental requirements on the drawings oi by these specifications. I r.03 PERFoRMANcE REQUIREMENTSIA. Safety: Assume responsibility for safety of formwork and provide I necessary design, cbnstruction, materials and maintenance to produce I required concrete work safely. - B. Horizontal Formwork: Design foymwork to have sufficient camber to I maintain tolerances specified. Provide camber sufficient to compensateI for weight of fresh cbncrete and construction live load of 20 psf. PSA 19017.00 I I I 03 100- 1 C. Vertical Formwork: Design formwork to with stand pressure resulting- from placement and vibraiion of fresh concrete and to maintain specified tol erances. 1.04 PROJECT COi{DITIOI{S A. Environmental Requirements:1. Formwork for'Exposed Architectural Concrete: Protect HDO forming material from exposure to sunlight between uses. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OT FORI.IWORK I'IATERIALS A. Fonn-Facing l'laterials:1. Footinls and other non-exposed concrete: Plywood' steel or dressed I umber.2. Exposed Walls: One of the followinga.' New APA B-B Plyform Class I Ext, 4'x 8' sheetsb. New APA High Dinsity 0verlay Plyform Class 1 Ext, 4'x 8' sheets' c. Tempered concrete-form-grade hardboard.d. Plastic form liner. B. Chamfer Strips: Chamfer Strips z 3f4" 45' iob cut wood or 3f4" 45" PvC for unexposed surfaces. 2.02 FOR],'|W0RK ACCESS0RIES A. Form Ties: Adjustable in length to permit tightening of forms and of type to leave no metal closer than one inch of surface nor holes or depressions larger than 7/8" in diameter. B. Clamps, Brackets, Eraces, Washers, Wedges, Walers, Etc.: Contractor's opti on. C. Shoring System: Contractor's option. 2.03 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Form 0i I : Non-staining. Contractor's option. B. Slab Edge and Expansion Joint Premolded Filler: Bituminous fiber type complyiig with ASTiI 01751. thickness as indicated by full depth of sl ab. C. Slab Construction Jojnt Fonns: Burke Keyed Kold, Superior Jahn Load Key Joint or approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600. Provide strippable'Vinyl insert at ioints to receive sealant specified in Section 07900. T I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I t l I PSA 19017.00 03100-2 A. I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I l I t I 2.04 t,lATERSTOPS A. Waterstops: Provide flat, dumbbell-type at construction joints and other iointsjoints. B. Polyvinyl Chloride Waterstops: Corps of1. Available Manufacturers: Subiect to manufacturers offering products that include, but are not limited to, the 3.03 ERECTION A. Construction and Erection: ACI 301.1. Lap Forming: Not allowed2. Provide fonns conforming to shape, 'i ndicated on drawings, substantial leakage of mortar. or centerbulb-type waterstops as indicated. Size to suit Engineers CRD-C 572. compl iance with requirements, may be incorporated in the work fol I owi ng: lines and dimensions of members and sufficiently tight to prevent a. The Burke Companyb. Greenstreak Plastic Products Companyc. W.R. ]'|eadows, Inc.d. Progress Unlimitede. Schlegel Corporation f , Vi ny1ex CorPorati ong. Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600. 2.05 EMBEDS Adjustable lletal Inserts:1. Manufacturers:a. Gateway Erectorsb. Hecknan Building Productsc. ]l|eadow Steel Productsd. Approved Substitute in accordance with Section 01600. 2. Description: Gateway Safe-T-Load Type SL-R. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Foundation Bearing Surfaces: Inspected and approved by Geotechnjcal Engineer prior to start of formwork. B. Formwork: Provide ample notice to Architect to al'l ow for review of formwork surfaces that will provide finish surface of exposed concrete. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Layout: See Section 01050. B. Surfaces Under Slabs and Footings: Fine grade to smooth, level surface prior to installation of forms. PSA 19017.00 03100- 3 I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. 4, B. c. D. 3. Properly brace or tie to maintain position, shape and lateral stabi I i ty.4. Clearly irark top surface of concrete on form walls. Set elevations and verify formwork locations and alignment using surveying instruments in accordance with Section 01050.a. Make required adjustments prior to concrete placement. Tolerances: ACI 117. Footi ngs:1. Use of earth as form not allowed.2. Butt form material end to end.3. Close gaps greater than 3/4 inches between bottom of forms and soil surfaces at isolated over-excavated depressions. Wa] I s and Grade Beams:1. Use of earth as fonn not al'lowed.2. Provide sufficient strength to carry construction operations and material dead loads without deflection or vibration. Design forms to be capable of needed adjustments. watch carefully as w6rk proceeds and ilromptly correct faults. Where fihished concrete witt-remain exposed, space joints regularly and hold to minimum both horizontally and vertically. 5. Provide access panels in formwork for cleanout or placing as requi red. E. Embeds:1. Anchors, Inserts, Blockouts and Built-in ltems: Securely-fasten anchor 6olts, inserts, form blockouts and other itens built into concrete to formwork or hold in place with templates. Insertion into concrete after pouring not allowed. F. Chamfer Strips: Install strips at exposed outside corners. 3.04 JOINTS A. General:1. Use construction ioints at tenporary stopping of concrete placement or as indicated on drawings.2. Submit locations of jointi desired for construction to Architect for acceptance.3. teavb iojnts in reinforced structural members rough and.provide longitirdinal or vertical keys as indicated at least l-l/2". deep. .4, Insiall continuous waterstoi between pours wherever exterior grade is above interior floor level . B. Slabs on Metal Deck: Locate construction ioints where accepted by Architect. slabs on metal deck shall not have contraction joints. PSA 19017.00 03100-4 I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I C. Slabs on Grade:1. Locate construction ioints and control ioints as indicated on drawi ngs.a. Panels: Not larger than 225 square feet nor longer than 15 feet in any direction.2. Place joint forms in straight line flush with finished surface and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.3. t.lire bottom alignment slots and bottom of key to metal support stakes.4. Do not extend reinforcement through ioint form unless so noted on drawi ngs.5. Sawed joints may be substituted for ioint fonns at contraction jojnts.a. Provide sawed joints ll4 of slab thickness in depth.b. Cut alternate wires on welded wire fabric at sawed iojnt.c. Time ioint sawing properly with setting of concrete. Start cutting as soon as concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent aggregates being dislodged by saw. Complete cutting before shrinkage stresses have developed sufficiently to induce cracki ng. 3.05 SHORING A. Design: Design shoring to take full load of concrete. Place directly above any reshoring occurring below and keep in place until structural members have obtained minimum concrete strength as called for on drawi ngs. B. Removal Strength: Detennine in accordance with ACI 301. 3.06 FORM COATING A. Coating:1. Coat surface of fonnwork prior to each pour.2. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.3. Apply coating prior to placing of reinforcement.4. Promptly remove excess coating material .5. Remove coatings of dust from contact surfaces of forms prior to depositing concrete. 3.07 REMOVAL A. Removal: Remove fonns only in manner to insure safety of structure. B. Tining:1. Generally, forms may be removed from:a. Vertical Surfaces: After 24 hours from time of placing.b. Horizontal Surfaces: After 72 hours from time of placing. Unless otherwjse specified under Cold Weather in Section 03300. PSA 19017.00 03100- 5 3.08 REUSE A. Forms: Clean form material suitable for reuse before erection. Form material will not be acceptable for reuse, if in opinion of the Architect, it will not produce finished surface required by these specifications or called for on drawings. 3.09 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Special Inspection: See Section 01450 Quality Control: lpecialihspection is required for the follorring work under this Secti0n: 1. 'Bolts secured in forms for embedment in cast-in-place concrete. I I I I I t I I I I I I ! I I t I I I END OF SECTIOI{ PSA 19017.00 03100-6 B. C. t I I t I I I I I I I I ! I t I T I I sEcTIOil 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Reinforcing Bars for Cast-In-Place Concrete 2. Welded Wire Fabric for Cast-In-Place Concrete 3. Dowels for Joints in Slabs-0n-Grade I.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01060. 1. ACI 1i7-90 - Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials.2. ACI 301-96 - Standard Specifications for Structural Concrete. 3. ACI Detailing Manual (SP66), 1994 edition. 4. ACI 318-95 - Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete' Parts 2 and 3.5. ACI 503.1-92 Standard Specification for Bonding Hardened Concrete, Steel , Wood, Brick and Other Materials to Hardened Concrete with a Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesjve.6. MSp-l-96-Manual of Standard Practice of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute.7. ANSI/Al,tS Dl.4-92 Structural Welding Code-Reinforcing Stee1. B. Comply with listed reference standards except.as modified by supilbmental requirements on the drawings or by these specifications. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply vtith Section 016001. Unload and itore reinforcing bars to keep clean. Store on timber skids while awaiting use. Products Furnished But Not Installed Under This Section:1. Reinforcing Steel for Masonry for Section 04200 Unit Masonry Related Sections:1. Exterior Concrete: Sections 02520 Portland Cement Concrete Paving and 02521 Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks2. Formwork: Section 03100 Concrete Formwork3. Concrete: Section 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete PSA 19017.00 03200- 1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI I{ATERIALS A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTl,,l A615, Grade 60 unless othenYise indicated. 1. Stirrups and Closed ties: ASTM A615' Grade 40 or 60 unless otherwise indicated.2. Masonry Reinforcement: ASTM A615, Grade 60 unless otherwise i ndi cated.3. Bars to be Welded: ASTI'I A706 Welded t,lire Fabric: ASTlil A185. ACCESSORIES Tie l.Jire: No. 14 or No. 16 gauge, black, soft iron wire. I I I t IB. 2.02 A. B. I I I t I I I I I I I I t I Wire Bar Supports and support and clearances fl atwork.1. Supported on Soil pl ates. C. Precast Concrete Bar Supports: Comply with CRSI MSP-I. 1. Locations: Use to Sirpport foundation mats, reinforcing bars-and welded wire fabric in'blabs-on-grade, and bars supported on fiber voids only.2. Types: Piovide plain for single mats, doweled for double mats. 3. Si zes:a. Depth: Sized to provide exact clearances indicated.b. t.|idth and Length: 2" minimum, 6" maximum. D. Eonding Agent: ASTM C881. Sika Corp. Sikadur 31, Hi-Mod Gel or approved substitute. PART 3 - EXECUTIOI{ 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Reinforcement: Provide ample notice t0 completed concrete reinforcement before 3.02 PLACEI'IENT A. General: Comply with general notes on structural drawings and ACI 318. B. Bending:1. Bend reinforcement cold.2. Provide full length bars, accurately bent to details. 3. Do not field bend bars partially embedded in concrete except as indicated on the drawings or specifically permitted by the Arch i tect . Spacers: Comply with CRSI MSP-1. Provide rigid iequired in footings, walls, columns and or Fiber Void: Class 3. Provide earth-bearing Architect to allow for review of placing concrete. PSA 19017.00 03200-2 t t t t I E. I I I I I I I I I I I D. C. Placing:1. plice reinforcement accurately and ho'ld firmly in place before and during the placing of concrete.2. Provide minimum concrete protective cover for reinforcement from the exterior face of members in accordance with AcI 318 and notes on drawi ngs.3. Provide bar supports and spacers to place bars in. the proper location and wiie adequately at intersections to hold bars firmly in position while concrete is placed. 4. Froject dowels adequately to provide Class B splice unless otherwise indicated. t.lire bent dowels in place before pouring. 5. Tolerances: ComPlY with ACI 117. Supports and Spacers:l." Provide suiports properly spaced and with sufficient strength to carry loadb'of reinforcing steel and deposited concrete without collapsing or allowing bars to sag.2. Provihe plastic coated or stainless steel protected bar-supports and spacers irhere they will be in contact with concrete surfaces exposed to weather.3. Do not use bar supports to support runways for concrete buggies or simi'lar loads. Lap Splicing:1.' Wherevei it is necessary to splice reinforcement other than as indicated on drawings, character of splice sha'|1 be accepted by Architect on basis of stress in reinforcement at splice.2. Do not spl ice at points of maximum stress nor splice adjacent bars at same point.3. Provide iap splice lengths as noted on the Structural Drawings. Dowels at Joints:1. Location: As shown on Drawings.2. Dowel Size and Position: As shown on Drawings. Dowels shall be kept horizontal and perpendicular to the ioint' with a maximum variation of l/4" in 8".3. ilethod of Insthllation: Insert Dowels through side fonns prior to start of pour and hold in position durilg concrete placement operationb. Take care to keep the dowels-in place-during the.pour- 4. G?'ease: At construction ioints, coat at least half the length of each dowel with petroleum grease. F. G. tllelded connections: comply with ANSI/Aws Dl.4. Undercut bars are subject to reiection. 3.03 I.IELDED WIRE FABRIC A. Instal lation:1. Lay welded wire fabric continuously, with edges and ends adjoining sheets minimum of one full mesh, plus 2", and than 6",-tied and placed over all piping and conduit.2. Support fabric on bar supports at position indicated 0n overl appi ng not less Drawi ngs. PSA 19017.00 03200-3 3. tlhere required, construct bulkheads at construction joints and screeds to place fabric in proper positi0n. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Special Inspection: See Section 01400 Quality Control: lpectalIirspection is required for the following work under this Section. 1. 'Placement of'reinforcing steel for concrete requiring special inspection. See Section 03300. 3.05 CLEANING A. Reinforcement: Clean prior to placing concrete to remove oil, soil, ice or other coatings that will destroy or reduce bond. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EI{D OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 03200-4 T . sEcTIoN 03300 I CAST-IN-PLACE CoNCRETE r PARTl-GENERAL I 1.01 SUMMARY I' A. Section Includes: r 1. Formed Cast-In-Place Concretet 3'. iffiffi"'51'li3[f o..n4. Concrete for Steel Pan StairsI 5. Miscellaneous Concrete I B. Related Requirements:I 1. Testing: Section 01400 Qualjty Control. t 2. Quality Control: Section 01400. C. Related Sections:I 1. Exterior Concrete: Sections 02520 Portland Cement Concrete PavingI and 02521 Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks.2. Formwork: Section 03100 Concrete Fonnwork. I 3. Reinforcement: Section 03200 Concrete Reinforcenent. t 4. Grouting: Section 03600 Grout. I L.02 REFERENCES I A. Reference Standards: Comply with following except as modified by - supplementary requirements of this project specification., I t' til,lll;??.; lll'fl:i:":li::ttcations for Torerances for con*ete 2. ACI 301-89 - Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings. 3. ACI 305R-91 - Hot Weather Concreting.4. ACI 306.1-90 - Standard Specifications for Cold Weather Concreting. 5. ACI 309R-87 - Guide for Consolidation of Concrete. 6. ACI 308-92 Standard Practice for Curing Concrete 7. ACI 318-89 (Revised 1992) - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, Parts 2 and 3.8. ACI 503.2-92 - Standard Specification for Bonding Plastic concrete to Hardened Concrete with a ]'lulti-Component Epoxy Adhesive. 9. ASTM C94 - Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete. 10. ASTM C494 - Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete. B. Field References: Keep at least one (1) copy of ACI 301 on site at all times. Other reference standards listed above shall be kept on site when directed by Architect or Engineer. I I PsA 1e017.00 I I I I I I 03300- I 1 .03 SUBMITTALS A, l'lix Designs: Not less than two (2) weeks pri0r to placing any concrete, submjt concrete mjxes for acceptance jn accordance with Product Data provisions of Section 01300. 1 . Submi t manufacturer's data and7'or certi fi cat ions veri fyi ng con- formance of mjx materials jncluding admixtures wjth specified reoui rements.2. Sudmit separate mix design for each concrete mix type to be used in project. Incl ude fol l owi ng:a. l.lix identification designation.b. Statement of intended use for nix.c. Mix proportions, including admixtures.d. t'Jet and dry unit weight.e. Entrained air content.f. Design slump. S. Design compressive strengthh. Water/cementitious materials ratioi. Aggregate Sourcej. Strength qualification data.3. Strength Qualification Data:a. SuOmit required average strength qualification data and docu- mentation per ACI 301 3.9.I, 3.9.2 and 3.9.3.b. If trial bhtches are used to qualify average strength' mix design shal l be prepared by an independent testing.laboratory an6 ihall achievb average compression strength a minimum of 1200 psi greater than specified strength with slump within one inch bf maximum permitted and air content within 0-5e" of maximum al I owabl e.c. If field test data is used to qualify average strength' submit separate qualification data for each production facility which wiil suppl'y concrete to project, including copies.of concrete testing agency's reports from which data lvas compiled.d. Lightweight Cbncretd: Relate Strength to cement content of the concrete mix. Do not use water-cement rati0. Test Reports: Reports of control tests, special tests. and core tests specifibd under Field Quality Control in Part 3 shall be distpibuted by ihdependent testing laboratory in accordance with Section 01400. QUALITY ASSURANCE Testing Agency: Al1 testing will be conducted by approved testing laboraiori. See rield Qual'ity Control - Part 3 and Section 01400. Source Quality Control: Architect shall be offered uninterrupted access to ready-mix batching plant while work is 'i n progress. Record of Work: Keep record listing time, location and date of placement of concretb for structure. Keep s-uch record until completion bf project and make available to Architect for examination at any time. 1 .04 A. B. a I t T I I T I t I I I I t I I t I t I B. PSA 19017 .00 03300-2 I I 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING - A. General: Materials handling and batching shall confonn to applicable I Provisions of ASTM C94. B. Hauling Time: Discharge concrete transmitted in truck mixer, agitator I or oth6r transportation device within 1-1/2 hours after mixing water has I been added. 3. 4. I I I t I I t I I I I I I t I C. Extra Water:1. Deliver concrete to site in exact quantities required by design mix. 2. Should extra water be required for workability before depositjng. concrete and water/cemeni ratio of accepted mix design will not be exceeded, General bontractor's superintendent shall have sole authority to authorize addition of water. Any additional water added to-mix after leaving batch plant shall be indicated on truck ticket and signed by person responsible. Where extra witer.is added to concrete it shall be mixed thoroughly for 50 revolutions of drum before depositing. Water may be added at the site only once for each batch. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements:1. Cold Weather Placement:a. When for three successive days prior to concrete placement the average daily outdoor temperature drops below 40'F or when the average outdbor temperature is expected to drop below 40"F on the day of concrete placement, preparation, protection and curing of concrete shall comply with ACI 306.i. b. Minimum temperature of concrete upon delivery shalI conform to ACI 301 fabje Concrete temperature at placement shall confonn to minimun values of ACI 306.1 Table 3.2.1' and shall not exceed minimum values by more than 20'F. c. Subiect to acceptance of Architect, an accelerating admixture may be used. Admixtures shall meet requirements of Part 2. Caicium Chloride and other chloride-type accelerating admixtures will not be allowed.d. Subiect to acceptance of Architect, Contractor may substitute cement for equal weight of fly ash in design mix. e. Comply with ioncrete protection temperature requirements 9f fqI306.1. Record concrete temperatures during specified protection period at jntervals not to exceed 16 hours and no less than twice during any 24 hour Period.f. Submittal oi detailed procedures, means, and methods for pro- duction. transportation, placement' protection' curing' and temperature monitoring of concrete during cold weather is not requi red.2. Hot Weather Placement:a. When depositing concrete in hot weather, follow recommendations of ACI 305R. PSA 19017.00 03300-3 b. Temperature of concrete at time of placement shall not exceed 850 F.c. When air temperatures on day of placement are expected-to exceed 90o F, mix ingredients shall be cooled before mixi-ng. - Flake ice or well-cruslied ice of a size that tvill melt completely during mixing may be substituted for al1 or part of mix water.-d. Retarding Admixture may be used subiect to acceptance 0f Architects Admixtures shal l meet requirements of Part 2.e. Protect to prevent rapid drying. Start finishing and curing as I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I soon as possible.3. Unless adequate protection is during rain, sleet, or snow. increase the mixing water nor provided, concrete shall not be placed Rainwater shall not be allowed to to damage the surface finish. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.0I I"IATERIALS A. ACI 301: Provide materials in accordance with ACI 301, paragraphs as listed, unless amended or superseded by requirements of this section or general notes on structural drawings. B. Concrete Materials (ACI 301 Chapter 2): 1. General: Ready-mixed concrete: ASTM C94-90b. 0n-site mixed con- crete not allowed.2. Cernent: AsTltl c150.3. Fly ash will be allowed as a cementitious component of the mix. Fly ash shall conform to ASTII A618 Class C or F. Fly ash shall not exceed l1vo of total cementitious material by weight. 4. Aggregate: ASTlJl C33, obtained from same source throughout project: a. Fine Aggregate: Natural sand.b. Coarse-Aggiegate: Gravel or crushed stone containing no deleterious iubstances which cause surface spalling. Water: Potable. Air Entraining Agent: ASTM C260 Water Reducing Admixture: ASTI{ C494, Type A:a. Eagle Admixtures Conad l{.b. Euclid Eucon WR-75c. Master Builders Pozzolith 200d. Prokrete Industries Prokrete-Ne. Sika Plastocrete 161f. Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600. 8. ttigh hhnge Water Reducing Admixture (Superplasticizer): ASTM C494, Type F or G:a. Euclid Eucon 37b. Sika Sikament 300c. Master Builders Rheobuild 1000e. Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600. 5. 6. 7. PSA 19017.00 03300-4 9. 10. A. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I Non-Corrosive. Non-Chloride Accelerator: ASTM C494-86. Type C or E, containing not more chloride ions than present in municipal drinking water and with long term test data from independent testing laboratory providing non-corrosive effect on reinforcing steel:a. Euclid Accelguard 80b. W.R. Grace Darasetc. sika Plastocrete 161 FLd. Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600. Calciirin chloride and admixtures containing more than 0.10 percent chloride ions or sodium thiocyanates not allowed. I'Jater-Reduci ng, Retardi ng Adni xture: ASTM C494, TyPe D:a. Euclid Eucon Retarder 75b. W.R. Grace Daratard-17c. Sika Plastocrete 161Rd. Approved substitute jn accordance with Section 01600. C. Mi scel I aneous Materi al s :1. Curing Compound - Vertical Surfaces: ASTM C3092. Curing and'sealing Compound - Interior Slabs to Remain Exposed, Interior Slabs to Receive Resilient Flooring and Carpet' and Exterior Concrete: Minimum 30% solids content, maximum moisture loss of 0.030 grams per square centimeter (300 square feet per ga1 l on coverage) :a. Euclid Super Rez Seal or Super Pliocureb. Master Builders Mastersealc. Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600. Comply with requirements of floor finish manufacturers.3. Floor Sealer: Second coat of Curing and Sealing Compound - Interior Slabs to Remain Exposed as specified above. 2.02 ADHESIVES AND BONDING COMPOUNDS Epoxy Adhesives for Use in All Structural Repairs: sol'ids, 100% reactive compound suitable for use on and comply with ASTM C881.1. Euclid Euco Epoxy 452 or 6?0.2. Sika Sikadur 32 Hi-Mod or Armatec 110. 3. Approved substitute in accordance with Section tJhere'epoxy injection procedures are used, use low by one of above manufacturers. Bonding Compound (Interior only): 1. Euclid Euco l,leld2. Larsen Products l,leldcrete3. Sika Sikabond4. Approved substitute in accordance with Secti0n areas not subject to moisture. Two component. 100% dry or damp surfaces 0i600. viscosity epoxy made 01600. Use only at PSA 19017.00 03300-5 2.03 PROPORTIOI{ING AND DESIGN OF MIXES A. Reference Standard: ACI 301 Chapter 3. B. Design: Conform to general notes on structural drawings. Proportion ingredients for mixes in accordance with ACI 301 3.9. 1.- Should Contractor require special mix due to structural requirements, weather or materials, submit samples of cement and agjregate to be used to approved testing laboratory. Testing liboratory will make analysis of materials and design proper mix to be used. C. Durability: Confom to ACI 301 3.4 as modified herein.1. Concr-ete Exposed to weather or Freeze-Thaw Including Paving, site Work and Exterior Slabs: l'leet requirements of ACI 301 3.4.1 except that concrete shall have a water-cement ratio not exceeding 0.45.2. Concrete Exposed to Deicers or Aggressive Chemicals Including Parking Slabs, Vehicular Ramps and loading Docks: Meet requirements of ACI 301 3.4.3 except that concrete shall have a water cement ratio not exceeding 0.40.3. Design lightweight concrete mixes to be placed by pumping to provide Idesign slump at end of hose. ! I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I D.Slump: Design water-cementitious material ratio indicated under mix type.1. Concrete Containing High Range Water Reducing plasticizer): Slump of 2-3" upon arrival at 8" after addition of superplasticizer.2. Other Concrete: l{aximum 4". to provide slumps Admixture (SuPer- site, maximum slumP of E. Water/Cementitious Material Ratio: Provide concrete with following water/cementitious material ratios:1. Cbncrete Subiect to Freezing/Thawing: Maximum 0.50. Water includes fiee surface moiiture on aggregates and liquid admixture. F. Concrete for F'loors: Conform to ACI 301 3.14 as modified herein.1. Al I Fl oor Sl abs: C'lass 2. G. Admixtures:1. General: No admixtures y1ill be allowed except as spec'ified herein unless authorized by the Architect. A11 requests for approval or substitution must be made by the General Contractor and be accompanied by sufficient information and test .1ata for evaluation. All abmixturei shall be chemically compatible with cenentitious materials and all other admixtures used in the mix. All admixtures shall be chloride free. No calcium chloride shall be added to concrete. H. Chloride Ions: Maximum water soluble chloride ion concentration in concrete mix shall not exceed following percentages by weight of cementi ti ous materi al s.a. Concrete 0ver Metal Decks: 0.06% PSA 19017.00 03300-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t T t I t I b. 0ther Concrete: 0.15% I. Mixing: Add aggregate and approximate]y two-thirds of required water to mixer-first and-mii minimum of 70 revolutions at nixing speed to insure wetting of all aggregate particles, then add cement._air entraining agent ind remaining iater'and mix minimum of 30 revolutions of mixing speed. 2.04 CONCRETE MIX TYPES A. Concrete Mixes: Mix A - For Interior Slabs-0n-Grade 4000 psi fype i/ll Cement, nininum of 540 pounds cementjtious materials per cubic yard. 314 lnch Maxinum Aggregate Size. 3% Maximum Air. 4 Inches (8 Inches with Superplasticizer) Maximum S1ump. Water Reddcing Agent: Use' in' accordance with manufacturer's recommendati ons. Mix B - For Footings, Stair Pans, Stair Slabs and Landings, and Precast Toppi ng 3000 psi. fype i/tt Cement mininum of 470 pounds cementjtious material per cubic yard. 3/4 Inch I'laximum Aggregate Size. 5% + L-l/z% Entrained Air. 4 Inch (b tnches with Superplasticizer) Mix C - For Topping for Metal Decking, t,lalls 4000 psi Type I/II Cement, minimun of 564 pounds 3/4 Inch Maximum Aggregate Size. Nb entrained air or fly ash allowed. 4 Inches Maximum Slumo. Mix D - For Sidewalks, Concrete Paving and 0ther Exterior Concrete: 4000 psi fype i/tt Cement, minimum of 564 pounds per cubic yard. rvbe ti Modified or Type V Cement, minimum of 540 pounds per cubic yard. 3/4 Inch Maximum Aggregate Size. 6% ! l-l/2% Entrained Air. 4Inches Maximun Slump. Water Reducing Agent:' Use in accordance with manufacturer's recommendati ons. Fly ash not allowed Maximum S1ump. and Structural Slabs per cubic yard. PSA 19017.00 03300-7 B. Admixtures:1. Non-Corrosive. Non-Chloride Accelerator: placed at air temperature below-50"F.2. Air Entraining Agent: Use at all concrete entrai ned.3. Superplasticizer: Contractor's option at: a. All pumped concrete.b. Concietb with water/cement ratio below Use at all concrete slabs required to be air 0.50. I t I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATIOII A. Architect's Review: Provide minimum of 24 hour notice to Architect to allow him to review forms and reinforcement iust before concrete is placed and to observe placing of concrete. 3.02 A. 3.03 A. B. Contractor's Review: Contractor shall inSpect fonns and reinforci.ng Iprior to concrete placement to assure accurate placement of embedded i tems. GEI{EML Install concrete work in accordance with ACI 301, paragraphs as listed unless amended or superseded by this section or notes on structural drawi ngs. PREPAMTION Do not begin concrete work until operations are conplete enough to.allow placement to be carried on as continuous- operation for entire section ttrat is to be placed. Clean equipment for mixing and transporting concrete.1. Fonns: Cleaned of debris and ice, wetted (except in freezing weather) and coated as specified under Section 03100.2. If watei accumulates in fonns, pump out before concrete is depo- sited.3. Clearly nark finish top surface of vertical members on form walls. Protection: Cover masonry walls, glazing, and other finish_materials with polyethylene or otheiwise proiect from damage due to placing of slabs, sidewalks or floors above. 3.04 PLACEMENT A. General: Comply with ACI 301, Chapter 8. B. Placement: Place concrete in approximately uniform horizontal layers not over twelve inches in height. Piling up of concrete in forms or chuting in manner to separate aggregates wiil not be permitted. Do not drop concrete in free fall over 5 feet. I I I I I I I I T I I t B. PSA 19017.00 03300-8 after hand spading in other I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I C. Water: Prevent accumulations of water on surface of concrete due to water gain, segregation, or other causes, during placement or com- pacting. Make provision for removal of water as may accumulate so that concrete not be placed in such accumulation. D. Consolidation: Consolidate concrete during and immediately depositing by means of mechanical vibrators. Supplenent by at corners and angles of fonns, around embedded fixtures and difficult areas.1. Mechanical Vibrator: Conply with ACI 309, minimum frequency of 10,000 vibrations per minute.2, Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside forms. Insert and withdraw vibrators vertically at unifonnly spaced locations not farther than visible effectiveness of machine. Place vibrators to rapidly penetrate placed layer and at least 6" into preceding layer. Do'not insert vibrators into lower 'l ayers of concrete that have begun to set. At each insertjon, limit duration of vibration to time necessary to consolidate concrete and complete embedment of reinforcement and other enbedded items without causing segregation of mix. E. Finishing: Where tops of cast-in-p1ace concrete walls will form fin- ished surface, immediately finish concrete in form by skilled cement finisher. l'lalls or surfaces not finished to level subiect to removal and replacement. 3.05 FLAT tloRK A. Screeds: Establish finish plane of horizontal surfaces by screeds' carefully aligned and securely set, and installed at proper level or s1ope, prior to placing concrete. B. Floor Slab Tolerances: Level within maximum tolerance of 1/4" in 10 feet except slope to drains as indicated. C. Selection of Finishes: In accordance with Section 11.8 of ACI 301 un'less otherwise indjcated. Finish surfaces sparingly with special tools, such as roller bugs, to force coarse aggregate slightly below surface. Jitterbug tampers not allowed without acceptance of Architect. Dusting of weari ng surfaces with dry materials not allowed- Steel or magnesium trowels-and floats shall be used for finishing interior s'l abs containing fibrous reinforcing. D. Requirements for Slab Finish: Comply with requirements of various Seitions for slab to] erances, finishes, curing, etc. Be responsible to repair or replace slabs as required and specified in those sections to meet requirements. 3.06 REPAIR OF SURFACE DEFECTS A. Reference Standard: ACI 301 9.1. PSA 19017.00 03300-9 B. Inspection:_ Allow Architect to inspect concrete surfaces immediately upon removal of forms. C. Repair:1. Modify or replace concrete not conforming to required lines,details, and elevations. I t I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I I I D. E. 2. Repair-or replace concrete not properly placed resulting in excessive honeycombing and other defects. Do not patch, repair or flplace exposed architectural finished concrete exi:ept upon expressdirection of Architect.3. Patch holes and defects. Repair defects in structural concrete walls as follows:l. Deep Defects Exposing Reinforcing: chip to sound concrete and cleanthoroughly to remove loose concrete and'dust. Apply thin coat of epoxy adhesive. Fonn and pour full with non-shriirk-grout prior todevelopment of tack-free condition of epoxy adhesivel Strii formsafter grout has hardened and provide spbciiied finish. Moist cureand.apply clear curing and sealing comiound immediately afterfinishing.2. Defects Greater Than l/2.Inch Depth Not Exposing Reinforcing: chip,clean and apply.epoxy adhesive. 'place or iry pack using noi-snrih[grout prior to development of tack-free condition of ep6xy adhesive.!f dry pack consistency_is required, use non-shrink grbut-damp packformula. Provide specified fr'nish and cure.3. Defects Less Than l/2 Inch Depth and All tie Holes:a. For concrete having a specified compressive strength of 5,000psi or less: .Chip and clean per 1.'above. Dry pick, finish andcure per I, above.4. 0ther equivalent repair procedures may be used subject to review of Arch i tect . Unformed Surfaces:1. Test unformed surfaces, such as monolithic slabs, for smoothness andygr!f.y surface plane to tolerances specified for each surface andfinish. Correct low and high areas ls herein specified. Test unfonned surfaces sloped to drain for trueness bf slope in additionto smoothness using a template having required slope.'2. correct. high areas in unfonned surfaies tiy grindinb or other methodsacceptable to the Architect after concretb has cur6d a minimum of 14 days.3. correct 'l ow areas in unformed surfaces during or immediately aftercompletion of surface finishing operations by cutting out low areas and. replacing with fresh concrete. Finish rLpaired ireas to blendwith adjacent concrete. Where acceptable to the Architect, thespecified underlayrnent compound, apiltieA in accordance with themanufacturer's instructions, may be' used.4. Repair defective areas, except randon cracks and single holes notexceeding li diameter, by cutting out and replacing w.ith freshconcrete. Remove defective areas to sound concrete with clean.square cuts and expose reinforcing steel with at least 3/4,'patchingconcrete and apply specified bonding compound. Mix patching boncret6 PSA 19017.00 03300- 10 A. B. c. I I I I I I I T t I I I t I I t I I I of same materials to provide concrete of same type or class as original concrete. Place, compact and fjnish to blend with adiacent finished concrete. Cure in same manner as adjacent concrete. 5. Repair isolated random cracks and single holes not over 1" in diimeter by dry pack method. Groove top of cracks and cut out holes to sound cbncretb and clean of dust, dirt and loose particles. Dampen cleaned surfaces and apply specified bonding compound. Mix dry'pack, consisting of one part Portland cenent to 2-l/2 parts fine aggrbgate passing a No. 16 mesh sieve. using only enough. ltater as requiied for handling and placing. Place dry pack after bonding conipound has dried. -Compact dry pack.mixture in.place and finish to rnatlh adjacent concrete.' Keep patched area continuously moist for not less than 72 hours. 3.08 TREATI'IENT 0F FORMED SURFACES Reference Standard: ACI 301 Chapter 10. FOrm RemOval: Finish and Cure concrete SurfaCes covered by formwork immediately after forms have been removed. Do not expose more surface area than can be finished and cured in one working day. Patchi ng:1. Patih voids, honeycombs or damaged areas in accordance with repair of surface defects above. Add white cement to patching grout as required to match color of existing concrete where patches are exposed to view. Patch all tie holes. Patch tie holes where concrete is in contact with earth and where concrete is exposed. Use specified bonding compound and epoxy adhesive. D. Laitance: Remove deposits of laitance occurring on top of concrete surfaces as soon as cbncrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent iniury to concrete. Repair areas where laitance is removed as specified for patchi ng. E. Unexposed COncrete Surfaces: Treat surfaces of concrete wall, slabs' beams, and columns, which are to be covered by subsequent work' as specified under Patching. F. Unpainted Exposed Concrete Surfaces:1.' Carefully protect from damage and soiling concrete surfaces' both 'i nterior ahd exterior, to remain exposed but unpainted. 2. Patch where required as specified under Patching. upon completion of work, recledn damaged or soiled surface as required to make clean, smooth and finished in every respect. 3.09 CURING AND PROTECTION A. Reference Standard: ACI 301, Chapter 12; ACI 308 2. 4. 3. 3. PSA 19017.00 03300- 1l Protection: Protect exposed surfaces of concrete from.premature drying and frost. protect freihty placed concrete from rain damage. Protect iintttreO slabs from mortai lbakage from pouring of slabs above. Form Removal: Do not remove forms until times as specified.. Remove ciretutly to not iniure concrete surface. Protect edges and corners to pievent iracking, chipping or other damage and premature drying' Vertical Surfaces: Clean surfaces of loose sand, mortar, debris and qiout, sorav liqhtlv with water and coat with clear or translucent ;r;ift i6mpiruna"as ioon as possible after removi.ng forms. Apply curing compoind shme working day that fonns are removed. E. Horizontal Surfaces:l. As soon as poiiinte after placing concrete, coat exposed horizontal surfaces with curing compound and protect and allow to cure in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.2. Slabs to Receive Thin Set ceramic Tile: l.let cure with wet burlap for at least seven days. Do not use curing compounds' As an alternate when approved by Architect, a curing compound proven compatible with tile setting materials may be used. F. Protection: Protect concrete surfaces from staining, cracking, chipping, and other damage during progress of the work, and leave in good condition upon comPletion. 3.IO FLOOR SEALING A. Floor Sealer: Cure concrete floor slabs as specified above.1. Prior to completion of project, apply second coat of curing and sealing compbund to conbrete floois not receiving other finishes in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.2. Upon completion, provide surface clean without discoloration or traces of excess material . 3.11 MISCELLAIIEOUS COI{CRETE REQUIREMENTS A. other Concrete Work: Furnish and install other concrete work indicated on drawings, even though not specifically mentioned herein to complete work, including fol 1owing;1. Anchors: install anihors furnished under Sections in accordance with accepted shop drawings for structural and miscellaneous steel . 2. Equipment'Bases: 'Furnish and install concrete bases for.pumps' bditbrs, tanks, fans, transfonners, floor mounted electrical equipment, etc. as indicated. Furnish and install concrete fill in.iriertia bise frames provided under Division 15. Install anchor bolts and inserts in'accordance with setting diagrams furnished by contractor responsible for installing the equipment. Finish bases jn workmanlike mahner with troweled finish. Locate and size bases as detennined by contractor furnishing equipment. t I I I I t I I I I I I t I I T I I I B. c. D. PSA 19017.00 03300- 12 c. D. I t I t I I T I I I t I t I I I I I I 3. Light Pole Bases: Form and Pourelectrical drawings. Coordinate Electrical. 3.12 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Reference Standard: ACI 301 Chapters B. General: Testing wil'l be conducted by See Section 01400. liqht pole bases shown on wiin wbrt specified in Division 16 16 and 17. an approved testing laboratorY. Test Priority: control tests shall be used to determine concrete quality throirghout project; however,. special tests shall have precedence dver cbntrol iests,'and core tests shajl have precedence over all previous tests. Tests: cooperate fully with those making tests. Following tests and procedures ire subiect to change during ionstruction at discretion of Archi tect:1. Test Reports: In accordance with Section 01400. 2. Slump Tbsts: The General Contractor shail provide-necessary eouibnent and shall make tests in confonnjty with ASTM C143. The C<inti.actor shall make slump tests on the first truck of each pour and as often as deemed necessary by the Contractor to maintain the required slump and adequate records.. In addition, the contractor sndll make slLmp tests when directed by tlg Architect or Engineer. a. Tests shall'be made by person thoroughly familiar with requi rements sPeci fi edb. Sample concrete at point of placement c. Sholld slump exceed'li|nits stated Concrete Mix Types in Part 2' batch shall be reiected.d. Keep accurate record of time, location in work and results of sluirp tests which shall be available for inspection by Owner and Archi tect.3. Control Tests:a. Control tests of concrete work shall be made on every 50 cubic yards or fraction thereof of concrete placed and' in any case' minimum of once during each day's pour.b. Each test shall consist of six standard 6" test cylinders cast and cured in accordance with ASTM C31 and ASTM C172.c. Sample concrete at point of placement.d. Two'cylinders shall'be broken at end of seven days-after placiirg, two cylinders shall be broken at end of 28 days after ilacing, and remaining cylinders shall be stored until their disposition is determined by Architect.e. In leneral, remaining cylinders will be broken only when pre- vious test reports jndicated unsatisfactory results.f. Tests on remaining cylinders shall be at expense of the Contractor.g. Architect reserves right to stop future concrete work when seven or 28 day tests indicate unsatisfactory results until, in his opinion, proper corrective measures have been taken to insure PSA 19017.00 03300- 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I h. i. quality concrete in future work and corrections deemed necessary have been made.ieiis-itritt be made at time controt tests are taken and so stated in reports to determine slump, air content, unit weight and temperature of concrete.nii teiis shalt be nade in accordance with ASTM C138 or ASTM c231 .4. Special Tests:;: Should-Contractor desire control tests to facilitate early removal-oi torms. They shall be made in addition to those ipeiiiieO toi'Controt iests and shall-be.completelv site-cured' b. flpense-ior maiing additional test cylinders,.testing, curing- inh proteiii|n stritt ne 0wner's as lbng as prior approval in writino was received by Contractor' 5. Strength fEveii Considerei satisfactory if average of all three sets of consicutive strength test resulis equal or-exceed specified iirength anO no individual strength test result falls below specified strength by more than 500 psi. 6. Core Tests:;: If, at any time, concrete control test specimens show compresii've slr;ngth of 2g days below required level, or if concrete has been-frozen before it has taken final set' so seuereii that, in opinion of Architect, its strength has been adversely affected,'contractor shall, at_his own expense, have, sufficieirt core tests taken, number and location to be accepted by nrchiiict on such portions of work as may have been affected t-o determine actual conditions of concrete.b. securing, Preparing and Testing: ASTIII c42. should tests reveal that coiirete'does-not meet requirements of this specification' Contractor shall, at his own eipense, replace entire section involved or make corrections deemed necessary by Architect. 3.13 PROTECTION A. Installed Work: Protect newly finished slabs fron weather damage. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 03300- 14 I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I PART 1.01 A. B. sEcTroN 03600 GROUT 1 - GEIIERAL SUMMARY Section Includes:1. Grout under steel beam and column bearing plates. 2. Grout elsewhere as indicated. Related Sections:1. Concrete Foundations: Section 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete. 2. Steel Framing and Base Plates: Section 05120 Structural Steel. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING General: Comply with Section 01600. Deliver in original unopened containers and store under cover. 1.02 A. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OL NON-SHRINK GROUT A. Grout: Non-metallic type conforming to corps of Engineers cRD-C-62i B. Products:1. Euclid Euco N-S Grout.2. Master Builders Set Grout.3. U.S. Grout Corporation Five Star Grout.4. L&ft| Crystex.5. Rpprov-ed Substitute in accordance with Section 01600' I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Grouting:1. Mi x and i nsta'l 1 grout dati ons.2. CompletelY fjll with3. Cure grout for seven Compound as sPecified in accordance with manufacturer's recommen- grout under beam and column beari.ng P]ates. days by application of Curing and Sealing in Section 03300. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 03600- 1 I I PROJECT DIRECTORY AUSTRIA HAUSVail. ColoradoI t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I Pierce, Segerberg & Associates 1000 South Frontage Road West Vai I , Col orado 81657 970/476-4433 970/476-4608 FAX Shaw Construction 760 Horizon Drive Grand Junction, Colorado 81506 e70/242-9236 970/24r-5618 FAX Specifications Consultants, Inc. 611 t'|. Weber Street; Sui te 103 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903 719 /577 -94t4 719/577-9455 FAX Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. 70 Benchmark Road, Suite 204 Avon, Colorado 81620 970/949-7768 970/949-40s4 FAX High Country Engineering 923 Cooper Avenue Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 970/945-8676 970/945-255s FAX Robinson Mechanica] Co. 5541 Central Avenue Bou'lder, Colorado 80301 303/443-250s 303/443-5507 FAX All-State Fire Protection, Inc. 6045 E. 76th Avenue Conmerce City, Colorado 80022 303/288-3901 303/288-1936 FAX Arch i tects General Contractors Speci fications Structural Engineer Civil Engineer Mechanical Design/Bui 1d Fire Protection PSA 19017.00 I B&B Electric, Inc. 2818-I/2 l{orth Avenue Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 970/242-2450 970/241-8687 FAX Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 Road 154 Glenwood Springs, C0 81601 970/945-7988 970/945-8454 FAX Electrical Desi gn/Bui ld Geotechni cal I I t I I I I PSA 19017.00 visions desi gn des i gn t t I I I I t I t t I I T I I I t I I DIVISION 4 iIASOf{RY sEcTIot{ 04100 MORTAR AI{D MASONRY GROUT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUt'il4ARY A. Products Furnished But Not Installed Under This Section:1. Mortar for Section 04200 Unit Masonry2. Mortar for Section 04400 Stone2. Grout for Section 04200 Unit Masonry B. Related Requirements:1. Testing: Section 01400 Quality Control2. Quality Control: Section 01400 C. Related Sections:l. Reinforcement and Accessories: Section 04150 Masonry Accessories2. Block: Section 04200 Unit Masonry3. Stone: Section 04400 I.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following:1. ASTM C270-89 - Standard Specification for Mortar for Unit I'lasonry2. Grout: ASTM C476-83 Standard Specification for Grout for Masonry 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Test Reports: Reports of tests Section 01400. B. Grout Mix Designs: will be distributed in accordance with 1. Submit in accordance with Product Data proif ready-mix grout is to be supplied. Mix required for site-mixed grout.2. Follow provisions of Section 03300 for mix requirements and procedures. of Section 01300 submittal is not submi ttal C. Samples: Submit cured samples of colored mortar for acceptance.1. Final Color Acceptance: In sample masonry wall required in Section 04400 Stone. PSA 19017.00 04100- I 1.04 QUALTTY ASSURANCE A. Testing Agency: Testing will be conducted by accepted testing labora- tory. See Section 01400. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI I{ATERIALS A. Portland Cement for Unit Masonry: ASTM C150-90, Type I, except Type III may be used for cold weather construction.1. Masonry cement not allowed.2. Stone Work Mortar: Provide non-staining complying with the non- staining requirements of ASTM C91-89. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C207-79 (1988), Type S. Aggregates:1. l'lortar: ASTM C144-89.2. Grout: ASTM C404-87. Water: Clean and free from deleterious anounts of acids, alkalies or organic materials. Stone l'lortar Color: Color as selected by Architect.1. Davis Colors F. 2. Color Pigments Industries3. Solomon Grind-Chem Service4. Accepted substitute other Admixtures: Not allowed.1. Antifreeze Compounds: Calcium not al lowed. chloride or other antifreeze agents B. c. I I I I I I t t I I I I t I I t I I I D. E. 2.02 A. B. c. 2. Use of accelerators not a'l lowed. M IXES Mortar t'laterials and Proportions: Comply with ASTM C270. Unit Masonry Setting Mortar:1. Type: iype S, iaOO psi average compressive strength in 2B days' Non-Staining Stone Setting Mortar:1. Type S:- Containing n6n-staining Type I Portland cement, hydrated liine and aggregatei 1800 psi average compressive strength in 28 days.2. Provide colored mortar to match accepted samples. Pointing Mortar: One part Portland cement, 1/8 part hydrated lime or f ime putty and two parts aggregate passing the No- 80 sjeve.1. Provide colored mortar to match accepted samples.2. Stone Work: Provide non-staining Portland cement. D. PSA 19017.00 04100-2 I I t T I T t t I I I I I I I t t I I E. Site-Mixed Grout for Masonry:1. ASTM C476. Proportion by volume with sufficient water added to produce consistency for pouring without segregation.2. Coarse Grout: Coarse grout may be used only in filled-cell construction 3" or nore in both horizontal dimensions. Coarse grout to be composed of one part Portland cement with not more than one- tenth part hydrated lime or lime putty added, and two and one-fourth to three parts sand, and not more than tvJo parts gravel .3. Fine Grout: Use fine grout in all locations where coarse grout may not be used. Composed of one part Portland cement, with not more than one-tenth part hydrated lime or lime putty added, and two and one-fourth to three parts sand.4. Grout shall attain a minimum strength at 28 days of 2'500 psi. F. Ready-M'ixed Grout for Masonry: Proportion to produce consistency for pouring without1. I'linimum: 28-day compressive strength:2. Aggregate Size: 3/8 inch maximum.3. Design Slump: 8 inch minimum, 10 inch PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPAMTION A. Clean equipment for mixing, transportation starting work. with sufficient water added segregati on. 2,500 psi maximum. and placing mortar before 3.02 MEASUREMENT AND MIXING A. Measurement Method: By either volume or weight so that specified proportions can be controlled and accurately lnaintained. Measurement of sand by shovel not allowed. B. Mortar Mixing: l*lix cementitious materials and aggregate for at least three minutei and not more than five minutes in mechanical batch mixer, with maxinum amount of water to produce workable consistency. C. Site Mixing of Grout: ]t,|ix cement and aggregate for at lease 3 minutes and not moie than 10 minutes in a mechanical mixer with the amount of water required to provide the desired workability. D. Retempering: Retemper mortars that have stjffened because of evapo- ratioh of water froin rnortar by adding water as frequently as needed to restore requi red consi stency.1. Use mortar within 2-l/2 hours after initial mixing. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Mortar Cube Tests! l'lortar cubes will be prepared, cured and tested by accepted testing laboratory. See Section 01400.1. Testing: In accordance with ASTII C780-87 and CMI 20I.I-77. PSA 19017.00 04100-3 B. Grout Tests: Control tests will be conducted by accepted testing laboratory. See Sectlon 01400 and Section 03300 for requirements. Elto 0F sEcTloll PSA 19017.00 04100-4 I sEcTI0N 04150I MASONRY ACCESSORIES I PARTl-GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY I A. Section Includes:1. Anchors and Joint Reinforcement.I 2. Control Joints. t 3. Weep Holes.4. Flexible Flashing. I B. Products Installed but not Furnished Under This Section:- 1. Reinforcing Steel: Furnished under Section 03200. I C. Reiated Sections:! 1. Mortar and Grout: Section 04100 Mortar and Masonry Grout.2. Block: Section 04200 Unit Masonry.1| 3. Stone: Section 04400. t 4. Calking Control Joints: Section 07900 Joint Sealers. I PART2-PRoDUCTS r z.or ANcHoRs, JorNT REINFoRcEMENT AND coNTRoL JorNTs I A. Manufacturers;t 1. Dur-O-Wal.2. AA l'Jire Products. I 3. Heckman Building Products. I 4. Masonry Reinforcing Corporation of America.5. Accepted Substitute I B. Horizontal Reinforcement;r 1. General: Welded wire units of ASTM A82-85 cold drawn wire, No. 9I ::",1;lf;I"idl3i,;:ll,i'!"'?;,3 ?f,ffi fllllil :i'il,ilo''I b. Provide prefabri cated corners and tees.2. Finish at Interior Walls: Brite finish.l 3. Finish at Exterior Walls: Galvanized. t 4. Typg: Truss design except provide ladder type at reinforced masonry wal I s. I C. Wire Ties and Anchors: Dur-O-Wai D/A 515r 1. General: Fabricate from 3/16" cold drawn steel wire, ASTM A82-85, unless otherwise indicated', of Iength required for proper embedment in wythes of masonry.I 2. Unit Masonry Ties:a. Provide rectangular ties for use with hol 1ow masonry units. I t PsA 1eo17.oo I 04150- 1 b. Provide hooked type (90" bend,2" min. hook) for use with solid masonry units. Stone Venear on Concrete Block: Adiustable or flexible type ties of 9 gage galvanized iron and 3/8" rebars. Fini;h:- Hot dip qalvanized after fabrication. ASTM A153-82' Class B-2 (1.5 oz per'sq. ft.) or 7 mil copper coating, ASTlti 8227-70 (1980), Gradb 30 lis, extept manufactirier's standard mill galvanized may be used for interior walls and partitions. ness of approximately 80. 2.02 FLEXIBLE FLASHING AND [.,EEP HOLES A. Flexible Flashing:1. Manufacturers:a. Dur-O-Wal , Inc.b. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600' 2. Flexible'Flashing: Dur-0-wal DCF Reinforced vinyl ethylene with 1502 flashing tape. D/A 3. 4. I I I I D. I'lasonry Veneer }Jall Ties: Dur-0-Wal D/A 2L3 Adjustable Veneer Anchors. 1 ' ?fiy:' ' ulE'iill' ,.::ll ;:l'lll;"il'l;,xi.l' 'tr;.1.1[T'ttr${h iiJ , u' . I E. Powder Driven Anchors: "Ramset" or equivalent low or standard velocity driven fasteners. Minimum 1/8" shank diameter. F. Dovetail Anchors: lu x 3-lf?u or 1" x 5-L/2',.16 gauge-galvanized, corrugated. Size for 2" mihimum embednent'in horizontal mortar joint. G. Block Control Joints: ASTM 02000, 2AA-805 rubber with durometer hard- I I I t I I IT I I I T I I I B. Weep Holesz L/4" i.d. PVC tubing. 2.04 REINFORCING STEEL A. Rebar: Furnished under Section 03200. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 J0INT REINF0RCEI"IENT A. Masonry Walls:1. tnitatl joint reinforcement continuously in every second horizontal block course (16" o.c.) of masonry walls. 2. Lap 6" at sp1ices.3. Prbvide one'additional piece above and below openings extending 2' minimum beyond opening.4. Use prefabricated pieces at corners and tees. B. Control Joints: Do not extend ioint reinforcement through control joints. PSA 19017.00 041s0-2 Flexible Flashings: Start flashings 1/2" sheathing a minimumjoints. B. I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.02 ANCHoRS A. Masonry Over Concrete: Anchor masonry occurring against concrete by use of dovetail anchors inserted in slots built into the concrete.1. Space anchors 16" verticaily and 24" horizontally.2. Extend anchors at least 2" into horizontal mortar ioints. 3.03 WALL TIES A. Masonry 0ver Steel Stud t.|alls:1. Bond masonry to steel studs with wall ties located not more than 16" vertical 1y on each stud.2. Space at 8" o.c. vertically and horizontally at perimeter of oilenings in masonry, and 8" o.c. horizontally at the top and bottom stud wall tracks.3. Fasten ties through sheathing jnto steel studs using power driven screws. 3.04 REINFORCING STEEL A. General: Install as specified in Section 04200 Unit Masonry. 3.05 CONTROL JOINTS A. Install control joints in masonry wal'ls as indicated on the drawings. Joints shall be installed completely through and full height of masonry. 1. Both Sides of Joints: Calked under Section 07900. 3.06 A. FLEXIBLE FLASHING AND }JEEP HOLES Install in slurry of fresh mortar as indicated. from outside face of wall. Turn up face of of 8" and tape top edge. Lap and tape al1 end Weep Holes: Install where flashing or tenninates in horizontal mortar ioints. mortar. TND OF SECTION waterproofing turns out and Install at 24" o.c. in soft PSA 19017.00 04150-3 I I I I I il SECTION O42OO UNIT MASONRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Block Masonry t.lalls B. Products Installed But Not Furnished Under This Section:1. Masonry Reinforcing Bars: Section 03200 Concrete Reinforcement.2. Mortar: Section 04100 Mortar and Masonry Grout.3. Grout: Section 04100 Mortar and Masonry Grout.4. Items to be Built-In From 0ther Sections:a. Bolts and Anchors.b. Nailing Blocks.c. Inserts, bearing plates and embed platesd. Flashing Reglets and 0ther Sheet Metal.e. Steel Lintels.f. Expansion Joints - Sheet Metal or Manufactured. S. Mechanical or Electrical S'leeves or Blockouts.h. Access Panels. i . Al I other Bui I t- In Members. C. Related Requirements:1. Reinforcement and Accessories:2. Testing: Section 01400 Quality3. Quality Control: Section 01400 ! il T D. I I I I n I I I I I I.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following: l. American National Standards Instjtute, ANSI/NBS 211 (A41.1)' "BuiIding Code Requirements for Masonry".2. National-Concrete Masonry Association, NCMA, "A Manual of Facts on Concrete Masonry" (collection of TEK Bulletins). 3. Portland Cement Association, PCA, "Concrete Masonry Handbook ".4. Uniform Building Code. UBC. Chapter 41 - Masonry. 5. ACI 530.1-95/ASCE 6-95 Specificatjons for Masonry Structures. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURAT{CE A. Masonry: Submit following tests for each class of unit and type of masonry assemblage. Prepare specimens and test in accordance with Uniform Building Code and standards cited therein. Related Sections:1. Dovetail Slots: Section 03100 Concrete2. Stone: Section 04400.3. Calking Control Joints: Section 07900 Section 04150 Masonry Accessories. Control . Qual ity Control . Formwork. Joint Sealers. PSA 19017.00 04200- I 1. Tests made on individual masonry units within last four months.2. Current mortar test including mortar proportions.3. Current grout test including grout proportions. B. Regulatory Requirements: Where a fire-resistant classification is inA.icateO, coniply with the applicable building code requirements for materials and installation to achieve the indicated rating. C. Certificates: If requested by the Architect, furnish manufacturer's certification and tejt results indicating that concrete masonry units meet specified ASTII requirements. D. Compressive strength, f'm of concrete masonry at the age of 28 days: I,500 psi . 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. l'{asonry Units: Handle carefully to avoid chipping and protect against wetting prior to use allowing air circulation under stacked uni ts. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements:1. Cold Weather Protection during Installation:a. Preparation: Before beginning work, remove ice or snow formed on masonry bed by carefully applying heat until top surface is dry to touch. Remove frozen or damaged masonry.b. Air Temperature 40"F to 32'F: Heat sand or mixing water to minimum of 55o F and maximum of 120" F.c. Air Temperature 32"F to 25oF: Heat sand and mixing water to minimum' of 65" F and maximum of l20o F. Air Temperature 25'F to 20"F: Heat sand and mixing water to ninimum'of 75oF and maximum of 120oF. Use salamander or other sources of heat on both sides of walls under construction. Use windbreaks when wind is in excess of 15 mph. Air Temperature 20'F and Below: Heat sand and mixing water to minimum-of 75o F and naximum of 120'F. Provide enclosure and auxiliary heat to maintain air temperature above 32" F. Temperature of units when laid shall be not less than 20"F. Groirt: Place grout in masonry at minimum. temperature of 70'F and maximum temperature of 120'F. Maintain grouted masonry above 32o F for 24 hours following placement of grout. Admixtures: Mortar admixtures will not be pennitted without written acceptance of Architect. Frozen Work: Above paragraphs are designed to permit masonry work to continue during periods of cold temperature. Any,frozen masonry work frozen less than 24 hours after placement will be prima facie evidence that above requirements have not been Lomplied with. Remove and replace frozen materials as directed d. e. s. h. f. t 2 I T t ! I il I I I I I n I I I t PSA 19017.00 04200-2 t t t I t 1 I t I I I t by Architect.2. Cold Weather Protection after Installation:a. l'lean Daily Air Temperature 40o F to 32" F: Protect masonry from rain or snow for 24 hours.b. l'lean Daily Air Temperature 32" F to 25" Fz Cover masonry completely for 24 hours; 48 hours for grouted masonry.c. Mean Daily Air Temperature 25"F to 20'F: Cover masonry completely with insulating blankets for 24 hours; 48 hours for grouted masonry.d. Mean Daily Air Temperature 20' F and Below: l'laintain Masonry temperature above 32'F for 24 hours by enclosure and supplementary heat, by electric heating blankets' infrared heat lamps or other method proven to be satisfactory.3. Hot Weather Protection During Installation: When air temperature exceeds 99'F in shade, protect freshly laid masonry from direct exposure to wind and sun.4. Moisture Protection During Installation: l,|here exposed to weather, Cover top of masonry walls at end of each day's work using waterproof material weighted down to insure its remaining in p1ace. Maintain such protection until final capping of wall. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MASONRY UNITS A. Lightweight Concrete Block (Less than 105 weight of concrete):1. Aggregate: ASTII C331 (Lightweight). 2. Hollow Loadbearing Units: ASTM C90.3. Solid Loadbearing Units: ASTM C145.4. Classification: Grade N, Type 1. pounds per cubic foot oven-dry 5 R 7. a. Curing: In moisture control 1ed atmosphere at normal pressure and temperature, or in an autoclave, to comply with requirements for Type I units. Nominal Size: Eight inch x 16 inch, thickness as indicated. Minimum Net Compressive Strength: 1900 psi. Provide 'l intel blocks, corner blocks, iamb blocks, header blocks and required special shapes as detai'led or required to complete the iob. I i I I I 2.02 MORTAR AND ACCESSORIES A. Mortar and Grout: See Section 04100. B. Joint Reinforcement and Accessories: See Section 04150. 2.03 REINFORCING STEEL A. Rebar: Furnished under Section 03200 I PSA 19017.00 04200-3 l PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions:1. Bearing surfaces: Inspect foundations and other bearing surfaces for pr6per grades and blevations, freedom from dirt and other foreign' mat[rial. Report unsatisfactory conditions to General contractor in writing l{ith copy to Architect.Z. Anchors: Inspect dovetail anlhor slots cast into concrete for proper instaliation. Report unsatisfactory conditions to the benbral Contractor in writing with copy to Architect. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Anchors: Coordinate installation of dovetail slots cast into concrete. B. Cleaning: Remove dirt, ice, loose rust and scale from walls, ties and reinforcing prior to installation. C. Cooperation: Check relationship of masonry to work-under other sec- tiohs, cooperate with others anil proceed as desirable for general progress and best interest of proiect. 3.03 MASONRY INSTALLATION A. General:l. Lay masonry plumb, level and true to lines to tolerances indicated. Bond as indicated on elevations and details.2. Adjust masonry dimensions and install starter units as required to eliminate small cuts and to maintain bond. Cut neatly around contacting work.3. Construct s1ots, chases, cavities and similar spaces as required for other work.4. Masonry dimensions for exterior openings are nominal. Lay out masonry openings to provide l/a iirch miximum sealant ioint at metal frames. B. Solid Units:1. Use solid units for top course of exterior piers, walls, window sills, etc. as indicated and required.Z. Use solid units for soldier couries in bearing walls and wherever cores of hollow units would be exposed to view or weather. C. Mortar Joints:l. Lay masonry work in shoved manner in full beds of unfurrowed mortar. Coinpletely-fill vertical and horizontal ioints and voids with mortar.2. Joints: Plumb or level.3. Joint Treatment:a. Tool exposed ioints to slightly concave surface well bonded to uni ts. I t I I I I I I I I I l ! t I T il I PSA 19017.00 04200-4 l i 1 t I I b. Cut unexposed ioints flush.4. Avoid overplirmbing and pounding of corners and iambs to fit stretcher irnits after being set in position. tlhere adiustment must be made after mortar has started to harden' remove mortar and replace with fresh mortar. D. Built-In Items:1. Cooperate to build-in progresses. items of others into masonry as work steel door iambs set in masonry full of2. Steel Door Jambs: Grout mortar as wall is built. t t I I I 3. Lintels: Install lintels furnished under Section 05500 for openings over 16 inches in width. Install in beds of mortar and do necessary pojntjng. Fill hollow masonry units full with grout for three courses at I i ntel beari ngs.4. Chases and Recesses: Provide chases in masonry walls as indjcated and required for mechanical and electrical work for pipes-and condui{s. Build recesses as required for accommodation of cases and cabinets, radiators, and unit heaters. Install lintels for recesses over 16 inches in width.5. Built-in Items: Install sleeves of proper size provided by others' where djrected, to permit passage of pipes through walls. Build-in wall sleeves, anchors, plates, and other members provided by others. Properly set built-in items as walls progress and under direction of party providing same.6. Access'Panels: Install access panels occurring in masonry walls.a. Access Panels: Furnished under other sections. See Section 08305.b. Accurately locate as directed.7. Embedded Sheet Metal: Install embedded sheet metal flashing' reglets, etc., provided by others. Clean surfaces of masonry smooth and free from pioiections which might puncture or otherwise damage embedded materials. Place embedded items on bed of fresh mortar. Cover with fresh nortar before laying succeeding courses. E. Starting and stopping: where fresh masonry ioins partially_or totally set mas6nry, clehir eiposed surfaces of set masonry and wet lightly to .obtain good bond with new work. Remove loose masonry and mortar. If itjs necelsary to stop off horizontal run of masonry, step back 1/2 masonry unit length in each course. Do not tooth. F. Cutting: Where cutting of units is necessary, make cuts with motor- driven masonry saw. G. Accessories: Install ioint reinforcement, anchors, ties, controljoints, weep ho] es, flexible f1 ashing and other accessories in accor- dance with Section 04150. H. Bracing: Adequately brace masonry until cured and permanently s upported. I I t ! I I I I PSA 19017.00 04200-5 3.04 CONCRETE BLOCK IIISTALLATION A. General: Unless other'wise indicated, lay concrete block in running bond. T fr I I I I T t I B. Instal lation:1. Joi nts :2. Wetting:3. Partition3. Partit Uniform approximately 3/8 inch wide. Do not wet units. LaY dry. Partition Heights: Extend interior masonry unless other'wise indicated. walls to structure above 3.05 I,JIND BRACING A. Design: tlind bracing shall be designed to resist_wind load and exposure required by Local Code without damage to walls. .Design calculations shdtt Ue available to the Architect for examination upon request. B. Installation and Removal: Wind bracing shall be installed as the wall is laid up and shall be removed only when pennanent supports and braces are in plhce, walls are fu1 ly cured and pennission of the structural engineer is obtained. C. Responsibility: Structural adequacy and safety of wind bracing is the sole responsibility of the masonry subcontractor. 3.06 REINFORCED MASONRY A. General: I'lhere indicated on structural drawings, reinforce masonry unit cores or cavities with deformed steel reinforcing bars and grout as i ndi cated. Layout: Build reinforced hollow unit masonry to preserve unobstructed vertical continuity of cells to be filled. Reinforcement: Hold vertical reinforcement in position at top and bottom and at intervals not exceeding 192 bar diameters. Grouti ng:1. Groilt spaces less than two inches in width with fine grout using low lift grbuting techniques. In spaces greater than two inches use coars6 grout using high or low lift grouting techniques. Z. Hold moitar in bei ioints back 1/4 inch from edges of masonry unit adiacent to grout spaces, bevel back and upward from grout space' Keep mortar droppinls out of grout spaces. Head and bed ioints shail be shoved at least l/2 inch into place. 3. l,lhen the grouting is stopp'ed for one hoirr or longer, stop pouring of grout, one inch below top of uppermost unit.4. donsojidate grout by mechanicai'vibration during placing before loss of plasticiti in a hanner to fill the grout space. Grout pours 12" or less in height shall be mechanically vibrated or puddled. I I I I B. D. t I l I 'I I PSA 19017.00 04200-6 I t I I I T I I I I t, I I E. Low Lift Grouting: Grout in lifts not exceeding 16 inches and pours not exceeding 48 inches. Inmediately puddle grout spaces with stick or rod (not trowel) sufficiently to cause grout to flow into spaces between masonry units. 3.07 ALLOWABLE TOLERANCES A. Maximum Variation from Plumb:1. In lines and surfaces of columns, walls and arises:a. l/4 inch in 10 feet.b. 3/8 inch in any story or 20 feet maximum.c. l/2 inch in 40 feet.2. For external corners, expansion ioints and other conspicuous lines:a. L/4 inch in any story 20 feet maxinum.b. l/2 inch in 40 feet. B. Maxjmum variation from level or grades for exposed linte'ls, sjlls, stripes, parapets, horizontal grooves and other conspicuous lines:1. l/4 inch in any bay or 20 feet.2. I/2 inch in 40 feet. C. Maximum varjatjon of linear building line from an established position in plan and related portions of columns, wa)ls and partitions:1. l/2 inch in any bay or 20 feet maximum.2. 3/4 inch in 40 feet. 3.08 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Cutting and Patching: Cut and patch masonry wherever necessary for other trades. Do such work with experienced mechanics in workmanlike manner. Do not cut and patch work which will tend to insure strength or appearance of finished work. Cutting of finished masonry for purpose of building-in members will not be allowed. 3.09 POINTING AND CLEANING A. Cut out any defective joints and holes in exposed masonry and repoint with mortar. Take care to match color of exposed ioints in masonry which will not be Dainted or otherwise covered. Daily Cleaning: Make every practical effort to keep brick masonry work as clean as possible during construction. At a minimum, dry brush masonry surfaces after mortar has set at end of each day's work and after final pointing. Final Cleaning:1. Clean all mortar, dirt and construction film from masonry usingstiff brush and water when mortar is at least 7 days and not more than 14 days old. T I t I I B. c. D. Upon completion of pointing and cleaning leave the work and surrounding surfaces clean and free of mortar spots, droppings and broken masonry. PSA 19017.00 04200-7 3.10 PROTECTION A. Protection of Conrpleted Work from Physical Damage: Protect projecting masonry liab1e to'damage after setting by suitable planki-ng well supporied. Securely box iambs and sills of openings used for passage. B. Replacement: Replace masonry work showing dam9ge or disfigurati0n- duiing pr6gress bf work in its entirety. -Patching or hiding of defects not permitted. I i t l I ,1 I I I I I !l T I I I I I EI{D OF SECTIOI{ PSA 19017.00 04200-8 I I T I I I I l I I t t I t I t t I t SECTION O44OO STONE PART 1 - GEI{ERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Native Stone Masonry t,Jalls and Veneer2. Cleft Stone Wall Caps B. Products Installed But Not Furnished Under This Section: 1. Mortar: Section 04100 Mortar and Masonry Grout 2. Items to be Built-In Fron Other Sections:a. Bolts and Anchorsb. Nailing Blocksc. Insertsd. Steel Lintel se. Mechanical or Electrical Sleeves or Blockouts f. All Other Built-In Members C. Related Requirements:1. Reinforcement and Accessories: Section 04150 Masonry Accessories 2. Testing: Section 01400 Quality Control3. Quality Control: Section 04100 Quality Control 4. Masonry In General: Section 04200 Unit Masonry D. Related Sections:1. Dovetail Slots: Section 03100 Concrete Formwork 2. Unit Masonry: Section 042003. Gypsum Sheathing: Section 061164. Cailing Control Joints: Section 07900 Jojnt Sealers 5. Water Repellent Coating: Section 07185 I.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following: 1. American National standards Institute, ANSI/NBS 211 (A41.1). "Building Code Requirements for Masonry"2. Uniform Building Code, UBC, Chapter 4l - Masonry' 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Samples: Submit full size samples of stone jllustrating the ful1^Ilnge of Lolor and texture for acceotance in accordance with Section 01300. PSA 19017.00 04400- 1 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. l{ock-up: construct 4'x 6' wa1 I panel with stone, cleft cap.pieces'. block backup, joint reinforcemenl, ties and colored mortar in location as directed by Architect.1. Accepted Sample hlal1: Standard for rest of work.Z. Remove at coirpletion of project unless accepted by Architect for incorporation into work. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Stone: tthndle carefully to avoid chipping and protect against wetting prior to use allowing air circulation under stacked units. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIOI{S A. Environmental Requirements:1. Refer to section 04200 unit Masonry PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 sToNE A. Stone: Newly quarried colorado moss rock as chosen by Architect.l. Size: Hominal four inch thickness with sizes to match accepted sanpl e. I t t l B. 2.02 A. 8. t,lall caps: Cleft Sandstone nominal 2" thick; color as selected by Arch i tect . MORTAR AND ACCESSORIES Mortar and Grout: Furnished under Section 04100. Joint Reinforcement, Anchors, Ties, Fabric Flashing, weep Holes and 0ther Accessories: See Section 04150. t I I I I ,| I I I I I I IPART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions:1. Bealing Surfaces: Verify foundations and other bearing surfaces are at profer grades and elevations, free of dirt and other foreign matbrihl. Report unsatisfactory conditions to the General contractor in writing with copy to Architect.2. Anchors: Verify dovetail anchor slots cast into concrete are proper'ly instalied. Report unsatisfactory conditions to the General Contractor in writing with copy to Architect. I I PSA 19017.00 04400-2 I I I I 3.02 PREPARATIOI{ A. Anchors: Coordinate installation of dovetail slots cast into concrete. B. cleaning: Remove dirt, ice, loose rust and scale from walls, ties and reinforcing prior to instal lation. C. Cooperation: Check relationship of masonry to work_under other sec- tioirs, cooperate with others and proceed as desirable for general progress and best interest of project. 3.03 NATIVE STONE INSTALLATION A. General:l. Lay native face stone work from outside face of walls.2. Stlrt at ledge on concrete walls or other support as detailed.3. Lay only good faces of stone that match face of work toward the outsi de.4. Rough shape stone with hanmer to approximately fit each other. Knock off weak portions to bring stones to even bearing.5. Carry up all walls at same time.6. Completbd stone work shall match accepted mock up panel. B. Joints:t. Fill all joints soljd]y v'ljth mortar throughout entire thickness of stone.2. Avoid spiashing exposed faces of stone with mortar. 3. Remove droppings and splashings immediately with clean water.4. Joints: Full bedded and glove raked keep wal1 cavity droppi ngs. C. Stone Veneer 0ver Concrete or Masonry Backing:1. Fill solidly against concrete or masonry backing with mortar. 2. Anchor to cbnciete with dovetajl anchors set 24" o.c. vertically. Thoroughly embed anchors in mortar ioints. D. Wires: Cut off wires beneath surface that are used for tying stone in place during mortaring. Exercise care that such ends are properly covered to prevent rust. E. Built-In Itens:1. Cooperate to build-in items of others into masonry as work pr09resses.2. Steel Ooor Jambs: Grout steel door iambs set in masonry full of mortar as wal I i s bui 'l t.3. Lintels: Install lintels furnished under Section 05500 for openings over 16" in width. Install jn beds of mortar and do necessary pointing. Fjll hollow masonry units fuli with grout for three courses at lintel bearings.4. Chases and Recesses: Provide chases in masonry walls as indjcated and required for mechanical and electrical work for pipes and I I I I I T t t I t T I I I t sponge and free of mortar PSA 19017.00 04400-3 condui ts.5. Built-in Items: Install sleeves of proper size provided by others, where directed, to pennit passage of'pipes through walls. Build-in wall sleeves, anchois, plates, and other members provided by others. Properly set built-in items as walls progress and under direction of party providing same.6. EmneOObO Sheet-Metal: Install embedded sheet metal flashing' reglets, etc., provided by others. Clean surfaces of masonry smooth and free from pioiections which might puncture or otherwise damage embedded materials. Place embedded items on bed of fresh mortar. Cover with fresh mortar before laying succeeding courses. F. Starting and Stopping: tlhere fresh masonry ioins partially_or. totally set mas6nry, clehh eiposed surfaces of set masonry and wet lightly to obtain good bond with'new work. Remove loose masonry and mortar. I t I l I t I I I t I I I I T I I T I A. Pointing:tool. Fill A. Cutting and Patching: cut and patch masonry wherever necessary for. other lrades. Do such work with experienced mechanics in workmanlike manner. Do not cut and patch work which will tend to iniure strength or appearance of any finishbd work. Cutting of finished masonry for purpose of building-in members not allowed. 3.05 POINTII{G AND CLEAI{ING Point stone work as work progresses using rounding pointing ioints to natch work in accepted sample wall panel. B. Cleaning: Upon completion of pointing and cleaning, l.eave work area and surrounding burface's clean and'free of mortar spots, droppings' and broken masonry.1. Clean soiled and stained exposed stone by scrubbing with_soap powder boi'led in clean water. Appiy with stiff brush, adding clean, sharp, fine white sand to the soap and water mixture when necessary.2. After scrubbing, drench surfaces thorough'ly with clean water. 3. Leave entire work clean and perfect upon completion.4, Do not damage moss.5. Commercial cleaners and diluted acids not allowed. 3.06 PROTECT IOt{ A. Protection of Completed t.lork from Physical Damage: Protect projecting nasonry liable to'damage after setting by well supported suitable planking. Securely box jambs and sills of openings used for passage. G. Accessories: Install weep in accordance with Section 3.04 CUTTING AND PATCHING holes, fabric flashing and other accessories 04150. PSA 19017.00 04400-4 Irr I B. Replacement: Replace masonry work showing damage or disfigurationI dui.ing progress bf work in its entirety. Patching or hiding of defects not peYmitted.I I I u I I I I t I I I il I I END OF SECTION l, PsA 1e017'oo t 04400-5 B. c. I I I I I I I T I I I I I I t I I I I DIVISION 5 METALS SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Structural steel framing and support menbers, purlins, pipe or tube columns and struts, complete with required braces, hangers, connection plates, welds, washers, bolts, nuts, shims, anchor bolts and templates.2. Base and cap plates.3. Shear stud connectors.4. Headed anchor studs.5. Erecting, connecting,'level .6. 0ther structural steel Products Furnished but Not1. Anchors, Anchor Bolts' Concrete Formwork and Related Requirements:1. Testing: Section 014002, Quality Control system: field welding, and adiusting for plumb and components indicated on drawings. Installed Under This Section: Eearing Plates, Angles etc. for Section 03100 Section 04200 Masonry. Qual ity Control . Section 01400 Quality Control. D. Related Sections:1. Bearing Plate Grouting: Section 03600 Grout 2. Steel Deck: Section 05310 Steel Deck 3. structural steel studs and c Joists: section 05400 cold Formed Metal Framjng4. Miscellaneoui iletals and Loose Steel Lintels: Section 05500 Metal Fabri cati ons5. Supports for Mechan'ical or Electrical Equipment: Division 15 and Division 16.6. Steel Stairs: Section 05510 Metal Stairs. I.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following: 1. Design, Detailing, Fabrication and Erection: AISC "Specification tor tn6 Design, Fabrication and Erectjon of Structural Steel for Buildings", latest editions.2. Fabricalion, Delivery and Erection: AISC "Code of Standard Practice for Stee'l Euildings irnd Bridges", Sections 5 through 10' latest edi ti ons.3. AISC ,'Specification for structural Joints using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts", latest edition. PSA 190i7.00 05120- I 4. At.lS Dl.l Structural t'lelding Code - Steel ' B. Comply with listed reference standards-except as modified by Supplementarv nliui ;il;t;-;r-itrt-oriwings br by these speci fications' 1.03 DEFINITIONS A.structuralSteel:Forthepurposesofthissection,structuralsteel.is defined as toainearini iiit[iuiii -'i.iir -iriming exciudinq s11.uctural steel studs, steel ioists, metal d;;k;ns,'r6iti iiairs, ind loose steel angle lintels built into masonry' 1.04 SUB||'IITTALS A' iltot?[fiYltliio uno erection drawinss for all items under this section' See Section 01300 Submittals' 2. strop orawingi-ihiri be orisinal drawinss.progg::q.bv the subcontraci;; ;;';;iliiei. inii-ir'iii no[ bb reproductions of the Contract Documents'3. snop orawfigl ihilt clearlv jndicate the following: a. Profiles, sizes, spaclng''ini-iotiiions of stiuctural steel members.b. Conneciions, attachments' and anchorages' c. Framed oPenings'd. slze ini'iipe"of fasteners and shear studs' e. Cambers and clearances'f. ShoP Painting. 4.Checking:Shopdrawingsshal]becheckedfor.accuracybyfabr.icator and initiali;"'by-i;ai;iouii responsible for checking prior to submittal.5. Connections:a. Detaii; fabricate and erect structural steel connections as indicated on Drawings' B. Certi fi cates:l. l,|ill Test Reports: Furnish for all structural steel supplied' Furnish miil test reports ano"ioid'teii-iesutts of each lot of high ilrength bolts if reiuested bv Architect' 2. !\|elder certificates:' Furnisn'roi-iii-welding operators used for fabrication and erection' 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A.t.|elderQual.ifications:t^leld.ingsha]lbedonebyAWscert.if.iedwelding oPerators on'lY. B. Testing Agency; t,{eld tests will be made by an approved test'ing laboratory ,"ii.t!i'iri"piio"i.. nv l[e-o*i,ei. rbstins asencv must be experien.ea in-i:;;v-;; litiasonic- testing of weld ioints' l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PSA 19017.00 05120-2 I I T I I I I I t T t T l I I I I t I.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600 B. Materials to be Installed by others:1. Deliver anchor bolts and other anchorage devices which are embedded in cast-in-p1ace concrete or masonry construction to proiect site in time to be installed before start of cast-in-p1ace concrete operations or masonry work.2. Provide setting drawings, templates and directions for installation of anchor bolts and other devices. C. Delivery and Storage1. Steel: Store members above ground on platforms, skids or other supports and stored upright to prevent tv{isting. Protect steel from comosi on.2. 0ther Materjals: Store in weathertight and dry p1ace, unti'l ready for use. Store packaged naterials in their original unbroken package or container. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Wide Flange Steel Shapes: ASTM 4572, Grade as B. Steel Shapes, Bars and Plates: ASTM A36 B. High Strength Structural Steel: ASTM 4572 B. Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe: ASTM A53, Type shown on Drawings. E or S, Grade B or ASTM A501. Steel Tube: ASTM A500, Grade B or C as indicated. Bol ts:1. Standard Bolts and Nuts: ASTM A3252. Anchor Bolts: ASTM A3073. High Strength Bolts & Nuts: ASTM A-3254. Slip-Critical High Strength bolts & Nuts: Conform to ASTM A-325 Slip-Critical bolts shall be load indicator type as manufactured by Lohr, Le Jeune, Bethlehem Steel , or approved substjtute. Filler Metals for tlelding: Meet requirements of AWS Dl.1, 70 series. Shop Pajnt: None Headed Anchor Stud Connectors and Composite Beam Shear Studs: Confonn to ASTM A-108. Studs shall be manufactured by Nelson Division of TRW, or approved substitute. c. D. E. F. G. t PSA 19017.00 0s120-3 H. Self-Lubricating Bearing Plates:1. Fluorogold Sliding P1ates by Furon Co.2. Dura-Slide by T0BI Engineering, Inc.3. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. I. tJelding Electrodes: AWS 5.1 or A 5.5 E70 XX. 2.02 FABRICATION A. General: Fabricate structural steel in accordance with AISC speci fi cati ons. B. Connections: Provide connections as shown or noted on the drawings. Connections not shown or noted shall be standard framed beam connections as shown in AISC l4anual of steel construction, gth edition, pp 4-9 thru 4-31 inclusive, except that bearing-type bolts in slotted holes may not be used to transmit hny component of stress in the direction of the slot. strength bolts in slip critical connections shall be load 'indicator bolts. High strength bolts may be installed snug !iSlt: N0 combination of welds-and bolis, or of tensioned and snug tight bolts' may be used to transmit stress in the same faying surface of any connecti on. T I I l I I t I T I ! c. D. I I t I I I H. I. Surface Preparation:1. Surface'Preparation: After fabrication and shop assembly, clean off all loose rirst, loose mill scale and weld spatter, slag or flux deposits in accordance with SSPC procedures as follows:a. Surfaces to be Concealed in the Completed Structure: SP-3 power tool cleaning. Marking: l'lark members in protected plainly visible locations in accordance with reference numbers on setting diagrams. E. Finished Work: Finish work jn accordance with accepted shop drawings. 1. Work: True and free from twists, kinks' buckles, open joints and other defects. F. Cutting and Fitting: Perfonn necessary cutting, fitting and drilling for aciommodation of other trades and do whatever is necessary t0 secure correct infonnation for same, both before and after steel is delivered. Cutting or drilling not allowed on proiect without acceptance of Archi tect. G. Welding: Comply with AISC Specifications and AI.JS Dl.1. Welds not specified shail-be lf4" continuous fillet but not less than AISC minjmum based on thickness of parts ioined. Splices: Splicing of members to obtain required lengths not allowed without prior acceptance of Architect unless indicated on drawings. Cambering: Camber beams and girders as indicated on drawings. I t PSA 19017.00 05120-4 t I t I I t I I t I I I I I t I I J. Substitutions: Where exact sizes and weights cal'led for are not readily available, secure Architect's acceptance of suitable sizes in time to obviate any delay due to such substitutions. K. Headed Shear Stud Connectors: Automatically end weld according to AhtSD1.1. Shop weld where possible. Thoroughly clean_surface where stud is to be attached. Remove scale by grinding or sandblasting where it is sufficiently thick to interfere with proper welding. 2.03 ANCHoRS A. Provide anchors for columns, beams, channels, plates, etc., as indicated on drawings and required. Locate as indicated on accepted shop drawi ngs. B. Anchor Bolts: ASTM A307 with suitable nuts and plain washers unless otherwise indicated. Size and length as shown on drawings, hooked unless otherwise indicated. C. Expansion Anchors: Hilti Kwik-Bolt II or approved substitute with cui^rent ICBQ approval and published ICB0 Research Report. Conplete with required nuts,' iashers and manufacturer's instal lation instructions. Size as indicated on drawings.1. Interior Use: For use in conditioned environments free from potential moisture provide carbon steel anchors conforming to ASTM AgOz witn zinc plating in accordance with FS 22-7.-235-2, Exterior or Exposed Use: In exposed or potentia'l ly wet environments and for attachment of exterior cladding materials, provide galvanized or stainless steel anchors. Galvanized anchors shall ionform to ASTM A133. Stainless steel anchors shall be Series 300 stain'less steel bolts with Series 300 or Type 18-8 stainless steel nuts and washers.3. l,lhere anchor manufacturer is not indicated, subject to compliance with requirements and acceptance by the Architect and provide one of the following:a. Kwik-Bolt or Super Kwik-Bolt: Hilti Fastening Systemsb. Parabolt: Molly Fastener GrouPc. Red head Wedge Anchor: PhilliPs D. Adhesive Anchors: Threaded carbon stee'l rod conformjng to ASTM A307 complete with required nuts, washers, adhesive system and manufacturer's installation jnsiructions. Current ICBQ approval and published ICBO Research Report required. Size and manufacturer as indicated on drawi ngs.1. Exierior or Exposed Use: In exposed or potentially wet environments and for attachfuent of exterior cladding materials, provide galvanized or stainless steel anchors. Galvanized anchors shall ionform to ASTM A133. Stainless steel anchors sha'|1 be Series 300 stainless steel threaded rods with Series 300 or Type 18-8 stainless steel nuts and washers. PSA 19017.00 05120-5 2. Where anchor manufacturer is not indicated, subiect to compliance with requirements and acceptance by the Architect provide one of the fo1 I owing:a. HVA Adhesive Anchors: Hilti Fastening Systemsb. Parabond Capsule Anchors: Molly Fastener Group PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Enbeds: Prior to start of erection of steel, check location of embedded anchor bolts and report deviations from anchor bolt setting plan t0 General Contractor in writing with copy to Architect. Do not proceed until al 1 unacceptable conditions are corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Protection: Protect adiacent materials or areas below from damage due Ito weld splatter or sparks during field welding. B. Shoring and Bracing: Provide temporary shoring and bracing as required to maiitain work in safe and stabie condition during erection. Provide temporary guy lines as required to properly align members before bolting or welding. C. Field Measurements: Take neasurements on site as required for correct fabrication and installation. Be responsible for emors in fabrication and for correct fit of structural steel . 3 . 03 ERECT I0l{ A. Erection:1. General: Erect structural steel in accordance with AISC specifications with additional requirements of this section. Z. Bbaring plates: Set base and bearing plates level and leveling plates-level (1 1/32") and at correci blevations (t 1/16"). . Temporarily sriFpoit oi steel wedges or shims until supported members are plumbed and grouting is completed.3. Fielh Assembly: -Assemble structural steel frames to lines and elevations indicated within specified erection tolerances.a. A1 ign various members forming parts of complete frame or structure after being assembled and adiust accurately before fasten i ng .b. Splice only where indjcated on drawings.c. field corrbction of fabricated items by gas cutting not allowed 4. Field Connections: t'lake field connections with bolts, high strength bolts or field welding unless otherwise indicated.a. Clean existing suifaces before welding to existing steel.b. Tjghten al1 high strength bolts to provide the ninimum tensi0n shown in Table 1.29.5 of AISC Manual of Steel Construction unless otherwise shown on design or erection drawings.c. Drifting or cutting to enlarge unfair holes not allowed. T I I I I T I I ! I I I I I I I I PSA 19017.00 05120-6 5. 6. 7. I l I I I t I J l d. I'lake minor corrections by reaming.e. Do not correct serious defects in field but call to attention of Architect for decision as to method or procedure. He may order new holes drilled or the nember reiected and replaced. Composite Beams: Field weld shear studs through metal deck as shown on the structural drawings. Automatically end weld or fillet weld at Contractor's option. Temporary Bracing: Consider structural steel as non-self supporting steel frames. Provide suitable temporary bracing as necessary to maintain structural steel in proper position until permanently secured. Leave temporary bracing in place as required for safety. Field Modification: Using cutting torch for field modificatjon or refabrication of structurai steel not allowed without written acceptance of Architect. Be responsible for errors in fabrication and for correct fit in field.8. Compression Splices: Fasten splices in compression after bearing surfaces have been brought into contact. Clean bearing surfaces before assembling. Close gaps l/32" wide or greater by driving_non- tapered mild steel shims fuil depth of bearing surface along full length of gap.9. Self-lubricating Bearing Plates: Install where indicated. See drawings for type, size and installation requirements. B. Allowable Tolerances: Comply with requirements of AISC Code of Standard Practice except maximum accumulative tolerance from all sources shall not exceed 1" on columns.1. Bases of Columns: Located on established column Iines within +1/8" 2. Members Connecting to Columns:a. Horizontal deviation of member working point from position with respect to supporting column working line shall not exceed +l/16' from the location shown on. drawings.b. Elevation deviation of member working point with respect to upper splice line of supporting column shall not exceed +1/8" or -If4" frcn the elevation shown on drawings.3. 0ther i''lembers: Devi ati on of member worki ng poi nt hori zontal location and elevation with respect to the supporting member shall not exceed !1116'from the location and elevation shown on the drawi ngs.4. Leveling and Plumbing: Based on mean temperature of 70'F.5. Compensate for difference in temperature at time of erection. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing: See Section 01400. B. Testing Agency's Inspector: Perform duties in such way that nejther fabrication nor erection is unnecessarily delayed or impeded. Inspector will not recommend or prescribe method of repair of defect. C. Field Inspection: Include examination of erected steel for welding, I proper fitting and tensioning of bolts and alignment. I I I I I I I I I PSA 19017.00 0s 120- 7 D. Welding and Materials:i. lnipection of welding will assure that work confotms to specified requirements and will include: a.'Ascertainment that electrodes used for manual shielded netal arc welding and electrodes and flux used for submerged arc welding conform to reouirements of this secti0n.b. Ascertainment'that specified welding procedure and specified -.welding sequence are'followed without deviation, unless specific acceptince'for change is obtained from Architect.c. Ascei"tainment that ielding is performed only by welding operators and welders who are properly certified. Testing Abency will witness such qualification testing of welding operators and welders, if required.d. Aicertainment that fit up, ioint preparation' size' contour,extent of reinfo'rcement, and'length and Iocation of welds confonn to specified requirements and Contract Documents' and that no specified welds are omitted or unspecified welds added without acceptance of Architect.Z. Embedded plates and aslemblies will have all welded reinforcing tested by'magnetic particle in following quantities: a. Assemblies Supporting Structural Elements: L00%b. Assemblies Supporting Masonry Elements: 60% 3. The testing agency'shal1 perform the following tests in the fabricator's shop:a. All t,Jelds: 100% visual I T I I I T I T I I I I I I t l I I I 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. b. All Full or Partial Penetration t,Jelds: 100% ultrasonic c. The requirements for independent inspection by the testing agency'in the fabricator'! shop may be waived, provided-the finrilator is an "approved fabiicator" and satisfies all of the requirements of the-iggq uniform Building-Code' Section 1701. Testinj Agency will test all field welds, including wall and roof deck c6nnEctibns: 100% visual and 10% magnetic particle Additional testing will be required if more than 10% of tested welds are rejected, then additional I0% of welds will be tested using same method. Thi; 10% additional testing process will be repeated until rejection rate drops be1 ow one in 10. In addition, if defective welds are discovered, remaining uninspected-welds will receive such ultrasonic or magnetic particle inspection as may be required by Architect. testing Agency will have authority to reiect weldments. Such rejection-may-be based on visual inspection where in his opinion weldment would not pass more detai'l ed investigation. All reiected welds inatt tre replaced and retested at the expense of the Contractor. Reports by Testing Agency will contain, as minimum,-adequate deicriptibn of eaih ield tested, identifying mark of.we'lder respon!ible for weld, critique of defects n9t9d by visual. inspection or testing, and statement regarding acceptability of weld tested' as judged by current AlrJS standards.i. -nepoits shall be distributed as early as possible but not later thin two work weeks after tests have been performed. PSA 19017.00 05120-8 I 10. 1t. b. Architect shall be notified by phone if, in iudgment of inspector, test results require immediate comment. Radiogrhphic testing may be substituted-for u1trasonic. Bolted Cbnnections: Visually inspect all bolted connections to ascertain that al1 bo1ts, nuts and required washers have been installed and are of proper type, that all faying surfaces have been brought into snug contact and that all load indicator bolts have been-tightened until the spline has twisted off. tension6d High Strength Bolts: Inspect the bolt tightness of 70% of the bolts (minimum of 21, selected at random in each high strength bolted connection. If reiectable bolts are found in any connection all the remaining bolts in that connection shal'l be inspected for tightness. Inspection procedure shall be in accordance with Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM_4325_or A490 Bolts ailproved by Research Council on Rjveted and Bolted Structural Joints o?'the Engineering Foundation (Research Council on Structural Connecti ons) . Stud Connectors:a. The testing agency shall inspect stud connectors as follows: (1) All studs shall be acoustically inspected. Studs which do not ring when struck with a hammer shall be bent 15 degrees.If no fiacture occurs, stud is considered acceptable and I eft bent.(2) In addition to the above, not less than one of each 100 studs shail be tested by bending 15 degrees. If no fracture occurs, stud is considered acceptable and left bent. (3) If at any time the number of rejectable studs on any level- of structural steel framjng exceeds 3%, additional testing in accordance with above shall be performed on one of each 25 studs at this level and this jncreased frequency of testing shall be continued on aIl succeeding levels-until the number of reiectable studs at a level is 3% or less. All cost of additional testing required by this paragraph shall be borne bY the Contractor. (a) The testing agency shall verify that the number of studs' provided satisfies the minimum number ind'i cated on the Drawi ngs. 14. Dril led-In Inserts:a. Self-Expanding Inserts: The testing agency shall inspect self- expandiitg, dritled-in inserts shown on the structural drawings as fol lows:(1) Prior to installation, the testing agency shall determine' that the installing contractor has the proper materials and equipment for drilling holes in the receiving surface of required dianeter and length. (2) All' inserts shall be visually inspected after installation to ensure that they have been installed perpendicular to the receiving surface and to proper depth. (3) (a) Inspect l0% of all inserts at each level for a tension load of L50% of the manufacturer's reconmended allowable working loads in tension. If at any time the number of rejectable inserts exceeds L0% of the number of inserts 12. 13. I I I I t I I I I I I ! I I I I I PSA 19017.00 05120-9 I tested at that level, all inserts at that level shall be tested by the same nethod and this 100% testing rate shall be continued on all succeeding Ievels until 10% or less of the inserts tested at a level are found to be reiectable. Cost of additional testing required by this paragraph shall be borne by the installing contractor. (b) Inspect all remaining inserts for a snug tight condition. Snug tight is defined as the tightness attained by a few impacts of an impact wrench or the full effori of a man'using an ordinary spud wrench. If at any time the number of reiectable inserts exceeds l0% of the number of inserts tested at that level' all inserts at that level shall be tested by the same method and this 100% testing rate shall be continued on all succeeding levels until l0% or less of the inserts tested at a level are found to be reiectable. Cost of additional testing required by this paragraph shall be borne by the installing contractor.b. Epoxy-Bonded Inserts: The testing agency shall inspect epoxy- bonded, drilled-in inserts as follows: (1) The testing agency shall be present at the site to observe' the installation of the first 5 inserts placed and for additional observation as directed by the Architect. Such observation shall be to ensure that drilled holes are of required diameter and depth, holes are properly_cleaned prior to installation of the insert and that holes are completely filled with properly mixed epoxy after installation. All inserts shall be visually inspected after installation to ensure that the insert has been instal'led perpendicular to the receiving surface and to plgpqr depth. Inspect 20% of all inserts for a snug tight condition as defined for self-expanding inserts above If at any time the number of reiectablb inseits exceeds l0% of the number of inserts tested, all inserts shall be tested by the same method and this 100% testing rate shall be continued until 10% or less of the inserts tested are found to be rejectable. Cost of additional testing required by this paragraph shal1 be borne by the installing contractor. T t I t I I I I I END OF SECTION I I T IPSA 19017.00 05120- 10 t I I I I T I sEcTlot{ 05310 STEEL DECK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUM|'|ARY A. Section Includes:1. Roof Deck2. Floor Deck B. Related Sections:l. Structural Steel: Section 05210 Structural Steel2. Miscellaneous Metals: Section 05500 Metal Fabrications L.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following: 1. Steel Deck Institute Design ltlanual for Cornposite Decks, Form Decks and Roof Decks.2. AISI Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members, latest edition.3. Al,lS Dl.3 Structural tfelding Code - Sheet Steel. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's Data: Subrnit two copies of manufacturerrs specifications and installation instructjons for each product specified. Include manufacturer's certification as may be required to show compliance with these specifications. Furnish a copy of each instruction to the i nstal I er. B. Shop Drawings:1. Submit shop drawings as specifjed under Section 01300. Indicate decking plan, deck profile, dimensions, gage, anchorage. supports_ projections, openings and reinforcement fin'i shes, applicable details and accessories, type locations and size of welds.2. A11 shop drawings shall be original drawings prepared by the subcontractor or supplier and shall not be reproductions of the contract documents. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. welder Qualifications: l,|elding shall be done only by welding operators currently qualified according to AtlS Dl.1. B. li'lanufacturer Qualifications: Regularly engaged in production of metal decki ng. I I I I I T I I I I I l PSA 19017.00 05310- I C. Erector Qualifications: Minimum of five (5) years experience in erection'of metal decking for proiects of similar size and difficulty. Subject to approval of 0wner. D. Code Approval: All metal decking shall have ICB0 Approval. E. Testing Agency: Testing and inspection will be made by an approved_ testing laboratory selected and paid by the Owner. Contractor shall furnish testing agency access to work, facilities and incidental Iabor required for testing and inspection. Retention by tfe 0wner of an inriependent testing agency shall in no way relieve the Contractor of respbnsibility for performing all work in accordance with the contract requi rements. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Inspectioh:' Inspect metal deck upon delivery to site. Reject and replace any damaged deck.2. Stbrage: Store metal deck at site above ground on platforms, .skidsor otier supports with one end elevated for drainage. Cover deck until needed with waterproof covering' vented to prevent condensati on. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OL MATERIALS A. Sheet Steel: Minimum yield strength of 33,000 psi, ASTM A611, Grade C. E. Galvanized Sheet Steel: Minimum yield strength of 33,000 psi' ASTM A446, Grade A. Composite Deck:1. Manufacturers:a. Verco bJz Formlok - Verco Manufacturing, Inc. b. Super-Bond - Wheeling Corrugating Co. c. ASCE Pacific. Inc.d. Vulcraft 2VLIe. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. 2. Gage and Depth: As indicated on drawings. Non-Composite Roof Deck:1. Gage and Depth: As indicated on drawings. 2. finish: Manufacturer's standard, baked on, rust inhibitive paint applied to chemically cleaned, phosphate coated surface. Span Conditions - Deck Units: Continuous over three or more adjacent support spacings if possible. I I I t I I I T I I I t I I l I I I I B. c. D. PSA 19017.00 0s310-2 T I I I 2.02 FABRICATIOI'I A. Form deck units in length to span three or more support spacings with flush, telescoped or nested 2" end laps and nested side 1aps.1. Composite Decks: Provide defonnations required to structurally bond fi I I materi al . 2.03 ACCESSORIES A. Metal Closure Strips: Fabricate of galvanized sheet steel of same quality as deck units.1. Minimum thickness for roofs, 20 gauge.2. Minimum thickness for floors, 16 gage.3. Bend to provide tight fitting closures at open ends and sides of decki ng. PART 3 - EXECUTIOII 3. OI EXAMINATION A. Verification of Condjtions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Existing Conditions: Before beginning installati0n, examine sup- porting members for correct layout.2. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi- tions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. 3.02 ERECTION A. General: Install deck units and accessories in accordance with manu- facturer's recormendations and accepted shop drawings. Placing Deck Units: Position deck units on supporting members and adjust to final position with ends bearing on support and accurately aligned end to end before being permanently fastened.1. Provide roof deck end laps of not less than 2".2. Do not stretch or contract side lap interlocks.3. Place deck units flat and square, and secure to adiacent framing without warp or deflection. Fastening Deck Units. Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, fasten as follows:1. Roof Decks: Secure to supporting members with lfL" minimum dianeter fusion welds spaced 6" o.c. at end laps and L2" o.c. at intermediate supports.2. Floor Decks: Secure to supporting members with 3/4" minimum diameter fusion we1 ds spaced 12" o.c. at supports.3. Refer to drawings for additional deck welding requirements. I B. c. t I I I I I I I I t I I I I PSA 19017.00 05310-3 D. Cutting and Fitting: Cut and fit deck units and accessories around openin!s and proiections through decking. Make cuts neat,. square and ti'im. -Cut opbnings true to dimensions using metal saws, drills or shears. Do not torch cut. I t I t I I I I I I I I I I T I T t I E. Reinforcement at 0penings:1. Provide reinforcing for openings drawi ngs. through metal deck as indicated on 2, liliscellaneous openings not shown on drawings, for vents, risers, conduits, etc. shall be cut necessary, by trade requiring opening. F. Closure Strips: Install at open uncovered ends and edges of roof decking, and'in voids between decking and other construction. G. Roof Insulation Support: Provide metal closure strips for support of roof insulation adjacent to edges and openings. H. l.lelding: By shielded arc process. Conforn to Al.lS Dl.1. 1. Employ only skilled welding operators.2, Weid Sizes- Indicated on Drawings: .Effective fusion diameter. Gross weld size shall be approximately l/4" greater. 3.03 PROTECTION OF COMPLETED hlORK A. Deck Units:1. Do not use for storage or as working platform until permanently secured in position.Z, Do not damale by use as runway, storage of materials or subsequent work. oo not allow construction loads which exceed safe camying capacity of deck. 3.04 FI ELD QUALITY COI'ITROL A. Testing: See Sections 01400 and 05120. B. Testing Agency: tlJill visually inspect deck to verify that material is 'in acceptable condition and has been properly installed.1. Insiection: Include deck welds and side lap connections. END OF SECTIOI{ such as those required and reinforced, if PSA 19017.00 05310-4 I I I I I t I I I I I I l I I I I I T PART 1 - GENERAL I. O1 SUMI{ARY A. Section Includes:1. Exterior wall steel studs and other locations where "structural studs" are indicated.2, Channel tracks and bracing. B. Related Sections:1. Structural Steel: Section 05120 Structural Steel2. Miscellaneous lrletals: Section 05500 Metal Fabrications3. Drywall Partition Studs: Section 09261 Gypsum Board Partitions and Walls T.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Cornp'ly with following:1. AISI Specifications for the Design of Light Gauge Cold Formed Steel Structural Members, latest edition.2, Al.lS Dl.3 Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel. 1.03 SUBI4ITTALS A. Shop Drawings and Erection Drawings: Submit shop drawings as required by Section 01300 Submittals for all metal stud systems defined on the structural drawings. Indicate all member sizes including special framing at openings. Detail all connections and attachnent to supporting structure including connectors, fasteners and accessories. Indicate all welds using standard AWS symbols. B. Product Data: Prior to starting erection of studs, submit copies of manufacturer's specifications covering a'l I materials to be used with all materials and accessories plainly identified. See Section 01300 Submi ttal s. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Erector Qualifications: Minimun three years experience in erection of cold formed metal framing for proiects of similar size and difficulty. B. l.lelder Qualifications: Currently qualified in accordance with A}{S 01.1. sEcTI0N 05400 COLD FORMED METAL FRAMING PSA 19017.00 05400- I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OL MATERIALS A. Manufacturers:1. Alabama Metal Industries (AMIC0)2. Dale/Incor3. Dietrich Industries, Inc.4. Marino Industries Corp.5. Steel Benders6. Western Metal Lath Co.7. American Studco8. Unimast, Inc.9. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600 B. Steel Studs and Related l'letal:1. Provide type and size of structural studioist framing.members, track, brihging, fasteners and studs as indicated on drawings and specified in this section.2. Studs: As indicated on drawings.a. Provide 18 gage "C" shape if not otherwjse indicated.b. Head and Sill-track and'Header Members: Unpunched track, same gage as studs or one gage heavier.c. Minimum flange l,lidth: I-5/823. Stud Bridging: 16 gage channel bridging. C. Painted Steel:1. 12, L4 and 16 Gage Formed steel structural Members: ASTM A570-84a, Grade 50, with minimum yield point of 50 ksi.2. 18 and ZO eage Fonned Steel Structural Members. Tracks. Bridging and Accessories:- ASTM A611-84, Grade C with minimum yield point of 33 ksi. 14 and 16 Gage Fonned Steel Track: ASTl'l A570-84a, Grade 33 with minimum yield point of 33 ksi. Finish: FS TT-P-636C rust inhibitive primer. D. Galvanized Steel:1. 12, 14 and 16 Gage Fonned Steel Structural Members: ASTII A446-83, Grade D with minimum yield of 50 ksi.2. 18 and 20 Gage Fonned Steel Structural Members, Tracks,. Bridgins^ lld Accessories:- ASTM A446-83. Grade A, with minimum yield po'int of 33 ksi.3. Finish: ASTM A525-83, G60 galvanized coating. 2.02 FASTENERS A. Self-Drilling, Self-Tapping Screws, Bolts, Nuts and Washers: ASTM A90' hot-dip galvanized. I I I I I I I t t I l t I I T I 3. 4. B. Anchorage Devices: bolts; screws with PSA 19017.00 Power driven or powder actuated; drilled expansionsleeves. I I I 05400-2 T I I I I t t I I I I I I I I t I I 2.03 |'lELDING A. Welding: Comply with AWS 01.3. B. hlelding Electrodes: conform to SMAII A|rJs A5.1 or A5.5, E60XX or E70XX. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 ERECTION A. General: Instal 1 framing in accordance with manufacturer's recommen- dations. Framing nay be prefabricated into panels at Contractor's opti on. B. Connections: Welded. C. tlal 1 Frami ng:1. Track: -Anchor stud track to concrete as shown on drawings but not less than 3fL6' x l-l/8' powder-driven fasteners spaced not more than 24" o.c.2. Studs: Place studs 16" on center and not more than 2" from abutting walls and at each side of openings. Connect studs to tracks with welding in accordance with drawings and manufacturer's recommendations. Construct corners using minimum of three studs. Double studs at door, window and sidelite jambs. Install intermediate studs above and below openings to match wall stud spacing. Provide deflection allowance be1 ow supported horizontal niritAing framing in ceiling or head track for non-loading-bearing franing. Erect load-bearing studs one piece full length.- Splicing or wire tying of framing components is not permitted. Refer to drawings for-location of partitions extended to ceiling only and partitions extending through ceiling to structure above. D. Bridging and Diagonal Bracing: Install bridging and bracing of types and in locations ind'icated on the drawings. Unless otherwise indjcated, attach all bridging and diagonal bracing by welding capable of resisting a force of 500 lbs. minimum. E. Miscellaneous Framing and Furring: Provide for special framing at recesses, specialty items and as required. 3.02 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing: See Sections 01400 and 05120. B. Testing Agency: Will visualiy inspect cold fonned metal framing to verify-that material has been proper'ly installed. 1. Inspection: visually inspect 100% of welded connections of metal studs supporting masonry. END OF SECTION 05400-3PSA 19017.00 Ia SECTION O55OO ' METAL FABRICATIONSII PARTI-GEilERAL I 1.01 SUMMARY t A. Section Includes:1. Steel railings and guardrails. I 2. Handrail braikets and handrails.I 3. Elevator pjt ladders.4. Elevator sill suPPort angles. I 5. Steel gratings and suPPorts. t q. Roof snow fences 7 , Steel Bol I ardsrt 8. Fabricatjon fo rough hardware for heavy timber' construction I 9. All other miscel'laneous angles, channels, tubes and plates as indicated and required. I B. Products Furnished but not Installed Under This Section:r 1' tl:i?i,'Bll;o'll,'::lt.ollff;.ll'.ll'!::iil.-3lllo'filii'ft:l:l;,:"I 2. Angle steel lintels for Section 04200 Unit Masonry- I 3. nailing sleeves for Section 03100 Concrete Formwork. C. Related Sections;f 1. Structural Steel: Section 05120 Structural Steelr 2. Steel Stairs: Section 05510 - 3. Heavy Timber Construction: Section 06130 I I.O2 REFERENCES: I A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following: I 1. AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, 2 til8';l:i'$ill:{,ili';:foili'3lHI'l StEEl:II r. 03 SUBMITTALS I A. Shop Drawings: Subm'it in accordance with Section 0i300. a 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE t, I A. t.|elder Qualifications: Currently qualified according to AWS Dl.1. I 1.05 DELIVERY, ST0RAGE AND HANDLING I A. General; Comply with Section 01600.1. Store metals above ground on platforms, skids, or other supports. I Protect steel from corrosion. I - PSA 19017.00 05500-1 l,a II 2. Store other materials in weathertight and dry place, until ready for use. B. Materials to be Installed by Others:1. Deliver anchor bolts ani other anchorage devices which are embedded in cast-in-pJace concrete or masonry construction to project site in time to be installed before start of cast-in-place concrete operations and masonrY work.2. Pi'ovide setting drawiitgs, templates, and directions for installation of anchor bolts and other devices. I I T t I I I I I I I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MATERIALS A. Steel Shapes, Bars and Plates: ASTM B. Steel Pipe and Tubing: ASTM A53-84a, thickness 11 gage. C. Shop Paint:1. Items to Receive Painted Finish: Specification SSPC 13. A36-84a. A50l-84, or A500-84, minimum wall Steel Structures Painting Council 2.02 STEEL GRATINGS A. Manufacturers:l. ltlcNichols Co.2. Approved substitute B. Descri pti on:i. ttoh-walking Surfaces: McNichols Galvanized steel area.2. Bearing Capacity: Design by manufacturer t0 carry match those adjacent. PSA 19017.00 with 80% free 125 psf live I oad.3. Fastening Devices: Stainless steel universal clips or saddle c1.ips. 4. Supportsi provide support angles under bealing bars if required. 2.03 FABRICATION A. General:1. Fabricate in accordance with details and accepted shop drawings. 2. provide miscellaneous jtems of metal work indicated or as necessary to complete work.3. Materihls: Stock of types and sizes indicated.4. Make cuts clean and shiip with wire edges ground smooth. Provide straight, rigid, and tight work, free from defects.5. Close-exposed ends of steel pipe or tubing with welded caps. B. Welding: Atrls 01.1. Miter and cope intersections and weld all around. Remove-splatter, grind exposed welds to blend and contour surfaces to I T I t I I I0s500-2 c. D. T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T C. Shop Painting: After fabrication, clean off loose scale, rust, weld sla! or flux-deposit, oil grease, dirt or other foreign material and shop coat fabricated items with shop paint. D. Substitutions: Where exact sizes and weights called for are not available, secure Architect's acceptance of suitable sizes prior to proceedi ng. 2.04 FABRICATIONS A. General: Fabricate other metal fabrications as indicated, scheduled or listed in Article 1.01. B. Steel Hand Railings:l. Material z L-7/2, x l-l/2, square tube unless otherwise indicated. 2. Fabricate to lines, lev'els and patterns as indicated.3. Joints: Cut, miter and weld all ioints. Fill and grind smooth. 4. Insert into steel sleeves or epoxy mortar at contractor's option. Elevator Pit Ladders:1. Comoly with ANSI 14.3.2. provlie Lf2" x 2-l12' continuous structural steel flat rails with eased ebges spaced 18" apart. Provide 3/4" solid structural steel bar rungs with non-slip finish'o.c. Fit rungs in centerline of side rails, plug weld bar side di ameter spaced 12" and grind Bol l ards: 6" below grade)1. Mounting sol id. SNOI,I FENCES2.05 Steei pipe and plate as indicated. Grind all welds. Provide all attachineht acceisories. Pre-finish before installation as specified in Section 09900 Painting. 2.06 MILINGS AND GUARDRAILS A. Provide steel guardrails as shown, with welded ioints; conplete with all sleeves, brackets, bolts and fastening devices as required for a comp'lete i nsta'l I ati on. B. Design and construct to withstand all liveloads required by_the UBC at any floint, downward or horizontal 1y or the simultaneous application.of a laiei^al force of 50 plf and a vertical force of 50 plf, both applied at smooth on outer rail faces.3. Support ladder at top and bottom and at intermediatg points not over 5''b.c. with welded steel brackets with minimum of 7" clearance from walI to centerline of rungs. Extend rails 42" above top rung or maximum surrounding structure allows and return rails to wall. Provide fasteners appropriate to substrate. schedule 40 pipe 6'-0" tall (3'-0" above grade r lr-gtt in Slab on Grade: Set into grade 18" with concrete. Grout PSA 19017.00 05500-3 the top of the railing; the more stringent requirement governing. C. tlhere railings fit between other construction, contractor shall field measure prior to fabrication or, if schedule does no al 1ow, shop drawings-shall indicate means to adjust rails for variations in field condi ti ons. D. Where wood top and bottom rails and wood infill is mounted to guardrai ls, coordinate tvith carpentry. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3. OI INSTALLATIOI{ A. General: lrteld or bolt jtems securely in place or other-wise fasten as indicated on the drawings or accepted shop drawings. Include items indicated, scheduled or listed in Article 1.01.1. Field lJelds: Grind smooth and touch up with matching primer. EI{D OF SECTION T I t t I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I PSA 19017.00 05500-4 I I I l I I I I I I I I I T I I I sEcTI0N 05510 METAL STAIRS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Pan tread channel stringer stairs B. Related Sections:1. Concrete Pan Fill: Section 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete.2. Miscellaneous Metals: Section 05500 Metal Fabrications.3. Field Finish: Section 09900 Painting. I,02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards. See Section 01091. Comply with following: 1. Steel: AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel.2. Welding: At.lS Dl.i Structural Welding Code - Steel.3. Stair'ways: Standard construction details of "Metal Stairs Manual" of the National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers. 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Criteria:1. Steel Stairs: Capable of carrying indicated liveloads.2. Stair Fabricator: Responsible for structural design of members as required to carry live and dead loads.3. Structural Calculations: Available to Architect 0n request. - 1.04 SUBMITTALS ' A. Shop Drawings: Subnit in accordance with Section 01300. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. l'lelder Qualifications: Currently qualified according to AtlS 01.1. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply vJith Section 01600. B. Materials to be Installed by 0thers:1. Deliver anchor bolts and other anchorage devices which are embedded in cast-in-place concrete or masonry construction to project site in time to be installed before start of cast-in-p1ace concrete operations and masonry work.2. Provide setting drawings, templates, and directions for installation of anchor bolts and other devices. PSA 19017.00 05510- I I C. Delivery and Storager I1. Store metals above ground on platforms, skids, or other supports. t Protect steel from corrosion.2. Store other materials in weathertight and dry place, unti'l ready for use. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 I{ATERIALS A. General: Comp'ly with Section 05500. 2.02 STEEL STAIRS A. Pan Tread Channel Stringer Stairs: Shop fabricated.1. Design Criteria: Engineered by the fabricator to carry 100 psf I i vel oad.2. Reference Standard: Construct in confonnity with standard con- struction details of Metal stairs Manual, National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers.3. Stair Components: Stair runs and platforms as indicated.4. Tread and'Platform Pans: 10 gage steel . 2.5 lb. mjnimum self furring lath tack welded to pans inmediately before concrete fill is 5. Ellii$;rr - 3/16'plate 'steel sningers with all pointed ends and Isharp edges removed.6. Risers: 10 ga steel closed tYPe. 7 . Concrete Fi I I : See Secti on 03300.8. Handrails: As indicated and in compliance with Section 05500. 2.03 PAINTING A. Materials: Tnemec 10-99. l{o substitutes. B. Preparation: Steel Structures Painting Council SSPC-SP3 Power Tool Cleaning. C. Shop Painting: Spray apply to uniform dry film thickness of 2.0-3.0 mil's, free oi runb, sagi or other defects. 0mit shop primer withjn 2" of field welded conneciions, compression jojnt surfaces, steel embedded in concrete and steel to be covered by spray on fireproofing. D. Field Painting: Following grinding of field welded connections to exposed steel work, field appty primer of same type.and thickness as shbp primer. Touch up all primer removed or damaged during erection. Field paint finish coats per Section 09900. I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I PSA 19017.00 05510-2 I I PART3-EXEcuTIoll 3.OI INSTALLATION I A. Generat: lleld or bolt items securely in place or other'wise fasten as indicated on the drawings or accepted Shop Drawings. I 1. Field Welds: Grind-smooth and touch up with red primer' ' B. Stairs: Install in accordance with fabricator's recormendations. t EI{D OF SECTIONI t I I I I I I I I I I I PSA 19017.00 05510-3 t I I I I I DIVISIOT{ 6 hlOOD AND PLASTICS sEcTI0N 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Roofing and flashing blocking.2. Partition blocking.3. Miscellaneous blocking and supports.4. Miscellaneous wood sheathing.5. Rough hardware. B. Products Supplied But Not Installed Under This Section:1. Anchors'Cast jnto Concrete or Masonry for Anchorage of Wood: Install under Section 03100 Formwork or Section 04200 Unit Masonry. C. Related Sections:1. Finish Carpentry: Sectjon 06200.2. Custom Casework: Section 06410.3. Mechanical and Electrical Blockouts: Division 15 Mechanical and Division 16 Electrical. I.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards. See Section 01091.1. Wood Framing: comply with requirements of Uniform Building code and "National Disign Siecification for Wood Construction", 1991 edition, as published by National Forest Products Assoc'iation. 2. Lumber: Comply with Grading Rules for Lumber, latest edition' as published by l,lestern l.lood Products Association. 3. illywood: Cbnform to APA Plywood Design specification PDS 1986. Comply with US Department of Commerce Product Standard PS 1-95 Construction and Industrial Plywood.4. Performance Rated tllood Sheathing Panels: Comply with the following. a. APA PRP-108 Performance Standards and Policies for Structural - Use Panels.b. US Departnent of Commerce Product Standard PS 2-92 Wood-Based Structural -Use Panels. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Grade Stamps:1. Lumber: Each piece shall be WWPA or WCLIB grade stilpgd. 2, Wood Sheathing: Each panel sha'll be identified with APA grade trademark. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I PSA 19017.00 06100- I 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HAI{DLIi'IG A. General: Comply with Section 01600. Store material off ground and cover with waterproofing covering. I. 05 SCHEDULING A. Anchor Bolts: Deliver anchor bolts and other anchorage devices which are embedded in cast-in-place concrete or masonry construction to pro- ject site in time to be installed before start of cast-in-place concrete operations and masonry work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI hlOOD I'IATERIALS A. Blocking, Furring and Miscellaneous Dimension Lumber: Douglas Fir- Larch. Standard Grade or Better.1. Blocking in contact with Roofing Membrane: Pressure treated with wood sait preservative. Use Koppers l,lolmanized pressure-treated wood or other similar material . 'Pentachlorophenol or creosote is not acceptable.2. Seasoning (Up to Two Inches) z L9% or less moisture content.3. Interior Bioeking: Fire retardant treated rrith chloride salts. 1 or APA C-D plywood, interior with As indicated. treated. A. Rough Hardware: 1. -General: Provide necessary bolts, screws' nails, c1ips, plates' straps, hangers, etc. necessary for conpletion of rough carpentry. Provide coriect material of proper size and strength for purpose intended conforming to speciiicltions, drawings and appljcable building codes. Supply anchors to be cast into concrete and masonry for anchorage of wobd for installation under other Sections.2. Anchor Bolts: ASTM A307. B. Metal Framing Anchors: Provide with nails and bolts according to manufacturer's requi rements.1. l'lanufacturers:a. Timber Engineering Co.b. Simpson Strong-Tie Co.c. Accepted substitute in accordance with section 01600.2. Types: As indicated on drawings. C. Powder Driven Anchors: Ramset or equivalent low or standard velocity driven fasteners, minimum 1/8" shank diameter. Length as required to penetrate steel or wood member and 1-1/4" into concrete or masonry. B. Sheathing: APA Rated Sheathing EXP exterior glue.1. Thickness and roof span rating:2. Roof Sheathing: Fire retardant 2.02 FASTENERS, ANCHORS AND HARDWARE I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I PSA 19017.00 06100-2 T t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I PART 3 - EXECUTIOII 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Verify that surfaces to receive rough carpentry are prepared to required grades and dimensions. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General:1. perform in substantial manner consistent l{ith accepted standards of carpentry trade.2. fraining:- Erect plumb, level and true and rigidly anchor in place. Cut framing squaie on bearings, closely fit, accurately set to required lines and levels.3. Nail or spike members in accordance with UBC and General Structural Notes on drawings.4. Framing: 16" o.c. unless otherwise indicated.5. Shims:- Do not use shims for leveling on wood or metal bearings. Use steel shins with full bearing on masonry or concrete.6. Metal Framing Anchors: Install where required for proper connec- tions in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Anchors: Unless otherwise indicated, bolt plates firmly to concrete or masonry with 3/8" x l2u (3" horizontal leg) anchor bolts, 2'-0" o.c. or use powder-actuated fastening system.1. Size and Spacing: Accepted by Architect. C. Sheathing: Install panels continuous over two or more spans-with face. grain peipendicular to supports with end ioints supported. Stagger ends of adjacent sheets four feet where possible.1. fisten per structural general notes on drawings, UBC and APA recom- mendations, 3.03 tljooD BLoCKING AND MISCELLANEoUS LUMBER REQUIRED FoR bloRK 0F oTHER S ECT I ONS A. General: Cooperate with other trades' Provide required grounds, . blocking, wood backing and framing. Perform necessary cutting and patching of rough carpentry work as required. B. Interior Blocking: Install blocking of size required for support of_ handrails, toilei and bath accessories, wall-mounted door stops, walI cabinets ind other wall-mounted accessory items. set true to 1ine, level or plumb well secured in stud wall and flush with back of drywall or other wall finish. C. Exterior Blocking:1. Install blocking of size required for exterior wall finish materials, exteiior handraiis, exterior wall mounted equipment, roof edge details and other locations as indicated.Z. lnitall blocking for wood board sidings as required to a11ow nailing PSA 19017.00 06100-3 D. of siding to studs, nailing inches on center.3. Roof Blocking: Anchor at 3 lineal foot. Roof Curbs: Install blocking and openings and rooftoP mechanical Et{D OF strips or blocking at a maximun of 24 feet o.c. to resist force of 75 lbs. per framing as indicated for curbs at roof uni ts. sEcTI0l{ I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I PSA 19017.00 06100-4 I t I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 1.02 A. PART 2.01 A. B. c. PART 3.01 A. B. 3.02 A. sEcTI0N 06116 GYPSUM SHEATHING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Gypsum sheathing on exterior walls. B. Related Sections:1. Exterior t,tall Steel Studs: Section 05400 Cold Formed Metal Framing. 2. Interior Gypsum Board: section 09261 Gypsum Board Partitions and hJal I s. SUBMITTALS Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. 2 - PRODUCTS 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600: 1. Existing conditions: Examine framing to receive sheathing before begi nni ng i nstal I at'ion.2. Noiification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory conditions in writing with copy to Architect. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing by instal ler. I NSTALLAT ION Gypsum Sheathing: Apply gypsum sheathing panels of maximum lLirgth with long dimensions at right angles to studs. 1. 'secure with-drywall screws spaced 12" o.c. in the field 8" o.c. along abutting edges. GYPSUIvI SHEATHING Manufacturers:1. Georgi a-Paci fi c2. Accepted Substitute Sheathing Panels: 518' Type X Gypsum sheathing, Fasteners: USG Type "S" in accordance with Section 01600 Thick Georgia-Pacific Dens-Giass Gold Firestop' 4' wide x 8' length. drywal I screws or equal . condi ti ons practi cal of board and PSA 19017.00 06116- I 2. 3. 4. End Joints: 0ccur over supports with end ioints staggered. Properly support panels around cutouts and openings. Joint finishing is not required. EIID OF SECTIOII PSA 19017.00 06116-2 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I PART 1.01 A. B. sEcTr0N 06125 l.lOOD ROOF DECKING 1 - GENERAL SUMMARY Section Includes:1. Wood Decking at Bus Shelter Related Sections:1. Heavy Timber Construction: Section 06130 T.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following:1. Unifonn Building Code2. ',National Design Specification for }Jood Construction", 1991 edition, as published by National Forest Products Association.3. AITC 112-93 Standard for Tongue-and Groove Heavy Timber Roof Dec ki ng . I.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit1. Include grades. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qual i fi cati ons: in accordance with Section 01300. 1. Manufacturer: Member (AITC) with minimum of B. Members: Marked with AITC 190.1. of American Institute of Timber Construction five years experience in fabrication. quality mark indicating conformance to ANSI 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600. 1 . Handl i ng:' i,lhere decki ng i s exposed, handl e w'ith care to mai nta in undamaged and unnarred exposed faces.2. Damaged and water stained units will be rejected. B. Decking Protection: Provide protective wrappers for decking. C. Storage: Stack decking minimum of six inches above ground to insure proper ventilation and cover with waterproofing covering. PSA 19017.00 06125- 1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.0t DEcKIt'tG A. ilanufacturers:l. Potlatch2. Boise Cascade3. I'leyerhaeuser4. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. B. Description: l. Species: Douglas fir-larch.2. Appearance Grade: Decorative. l. Design: T&G with "Vl grooves4. Structural Grade: Structural grades as indicated.5. Size: 2x6 nominalg. Lengths: Random lengths.7-. Seasoning: L9h or less moisture content.8. Finish: l,lire Brush t I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I t C. Nails: Size and thicknesses and PART 3 - EXECUTIOI{ 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:l. Layout: verr'fv.rayout ot woi"k-oetoie niginnrn6-instuilation.2. Existing condition!:. verify support eteienis ire'prepared io properlocations and elevations.3. Notification:. Notify General contractor of unsatisfactory con-ditions in rvriting with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditionsby installer. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with reference standards and recommendations of deckingmanufacturer. B. End Joints: Stagger adjacent courses minimum one support spacing. C. Nailing:1. Nail each gggr:q,to.adjoining course. 0ffset nailing in adjacentcourses. Use additional nails each side of end joinls.2. Nail each course to all supports.3. space nailing in accordancb'with reference standards and deckingmanufacturers recommendati ons. type as recommended by decking manufacturer forspans. PSA 19017.00 06125-2 T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. See drawings for additional specific requirements. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 06125-3 I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I sEcTI0N 06130 HEAVY TIMBER CONSTRUCTION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Included:1. Heavy Timber Trusses at Bus StoP 2. Heavy Timber Beams3. Heavy Timber Brackets and Trim4. Rough Hardware and Connections B. Products Furnished but not installed under this Section: 1. Anchors built into concrete or masonry for support of heavy timber: Install under Section 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete or Section 04200 Unit MasonrY. C. Related Sections:1. }Jood Decking: Section 06125 I.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards:1. Wood Framing: Comply rlith requirements of Uniform Building Code and "National Oesign Sileciflcation for Wood Construction"' latest edition, as published by National Forest Products Association. Z. Lumber: Combty with Gr'ading Rules for lumber, latest edition, as published by Western Wood Products Association. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Heavy Timber: For purposes of this specification, heavy timber defi-ned as solid wobd iraning members having a nominal dimension of 4" and overin both thickness and width. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for heavy timber trusses' beams' bratkets and trim pieces aird atl fabricated steel connections and supports. B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's catalog data for all other connectjons and suPPorts. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Stack all materials minimum of 6" above ground to insure proper ventilation and cover with waterproofing covering. Protect exposed members from damage during shipment, storage and jnstallation.I PSA 19017.00 06130- I PART 2.0r A. D. 2.02 2.03 A. Store heavy timber trusses in a vertical covered to prevent water staining. 2 - PRODUCTS HEAVY TII"IBER General Requirements: Sound, thoroughly significant surface defects. I'loisture Content: lilaximum of 15% direction, above ground and seasoned, and free from warP or Species and Grade:1. Heavy Timber: Select Structural Douglas fir-larch. Finish: Rough Sawn TRUSS FABRICATION Trusses shall be shop fabricated. Insure members are accurately cut to length, angle and trire to line to provide tight joints. Construct according to approved shop drawings. CONNECTORS AND SUPPORT Acceptabl e Manufacturers :1. Timber Engineering Company2. Simpson Company3. or Approved Substitute. ROUGH HARDI.IARE t{ails: Connnon wire nail length and diameters. Do not use box nails. Threaded hardened steel naili may be substituted for common size nail of corresponding size. Galvanized 'nails shall be hot dip galvanized ASTM A 1s3. B. c. I I I I I I I I t T t t 2.04 A. B. Bolts and, Lag.Screws: Cormon bolts and screws' ASTM A307. Exterior Ishall be hot dip galvanized. c. steel Plates and straps: ASTM A36, size as indicated. weld plates I together with 3/16', tittet welds all sjdes and full length of contact I suifaces unless'noted. Use E70 welding electrodes. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verjfication of Exjsting Conditions: Verify that.surfaces to receive rough timber framing ar6 prepared to required grades and dimensions. Do not begin work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. I I I I I PSA 19017.00 06130-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.02 ROUGH HARDWARE Provide and install rough hardware and metal fastenings as indicated' specified or required for proper installation. Nails, spikes' screws ahO botts and similar items shall be sizes and types to properly secure members in p1ace. Fabrication of rough hardware shall be per Section 05500 Metal Fabrications. 3.03 HEAVY TIMBER INSTALLATION A. General:1. Nail or spike members in accordance with Uniform Building Code. Framing 16" o.c. unless indicated otherwise.2. Cut framing square on bearings, closely fit, accurately. set.to required linei and levels. Secure rigidly in place at bearings and corinections. Do not use shims for leveling on wood or metal bearings. Use steel shims with full bearing on masonry-or concrete, 3. Do not-cut, notch or bore framing members for passage of pipes or conduits without Architect's pennission. Reinforce franing members as directed where damaged by cutting. B. Fasteners:1. Where splitting is likely to occur causing.a reduction in member or connection capacity, pre-bore nail holes Il2 size of nail djameter and use threaded hardened steel nails.2. Bolts: Bolt holes shall be 1/16" to I/32" larger than the bolt diameter. Carefully center bolt hole between side plates and main members. Provide standard washers between wood and bolt heads or nuts. C. Anchors, Connectors and Supports: Install as indjcated on drawings. 3.04 TRUSS ERECTION Hoist trusses into position taking care to prevent out-of-p1ane Set and secure trusses level , plumb and in correct locations. temporary bracing and anchorage to ho1 d trusses in place until oermanenllv secuie. Insure truss ends have sufficient bearing install peirnanent bracing and bridging prior to application of Field cutting and altering of members is not permitted. bendi ng Provi de area. I oads. I END OF SECTION I I I I PSA 19017.00 06130-3 I I t I I I I I I I I I sEcTI0N 06205 EXTERIOR FINISH CARPENTRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Exteri or:a. Wood trim and faciab. Wood soffit.c. Wood sidingd. Deck rai I ingse. Redwood balcony deckf. Wood shutters S. Planter boxes B. Related Sections:1. Blocking: Section 06100 Rough Carpentry.2. l.tood Doors: Section 08210 Wood Doors. I.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following: 1. "Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards and Guide Specifications", 1994 edition, as published by the Architectural Woodwork Institute. a. Comply with Custom Grade if not otherwise specified. 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Finish Carpentry: Woodwork requiring smooth finish and exposed to view but not considered as cabinets or casework. 1.04 SUBMITTALS f A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 Submittals.r 1. Include conformance to required reference standard. B. Certificates: Submit fire rating certificates in accordance with Section 01300. Include certificates from each bundle of treated boards. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with: 1.- Wood SiOirig and Wood Trim: Class l materia'l , 0-25 flame spread' Kopper's exterior fire treatment. I I I I I I PSA 19017.00 0620s- I 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Do not dei'iver material until building or storage area is enclosed and sufficiently dry to prevent damage from excessive changes in moisture content. - PRODUCTS EXTERIOR I'IATERIALS Trim and Facia l''laterial: Western red Cedar, D select Grade and Better (maximum 20% D), rough sawn. Fire retardant treated. Soffit Boards: Western red cedar, vertical grain profile wood paneling. 1. Size and Shape: 3f4" x 6u, T&G V-groove, rough sawn. Fire retardant treated. C. Siding; 1x4" western red cedar T&G siding, rough sawn texture, A with L0-15e" maximum B. Fire retardant treated.1. Moisture Content: 15% or less. PART 2 2.0r A. B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. Oecki ng and Rai 'l i ngs:1. Decking: Redwood, CRA-RIS constructionfinish. Fire retardant treated.2. Face Boards and Cap: Western red cedar, common redwood, smooth A Grade, rough sawn. 2.02 t.lOOD SHUTTERS A. Material: At|lI Premium Grade Ponderosa Pine. Fire retardant treated. B. Construction: At.lI Premium Grade Stile and Rail and board constructi0n, sizes and shapes as indicated. C. Hardware: Decorative hardware as indicated. D. Finish: Shop finished as specified under Section 09900 2.03 BUILDING PAPER A. No. 15 asphalt saturated bui lding paper. PART 3 - EXECUTIOI{ 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verificatjon of Conditions: Comply vtith Section 01600:l. Layout: Verify layout of work before beginning installation.2. Blbcking: Ensure proper blocking provided under Section 06100.3. Existing Conditions: Examine substrate before beginning i nstal I ati on. PSA 19017.00 06205-2 I t 4' X?tlil:"l;'l;,.Tll'l{.f;'13[i',8'll:f,it:I.:' unsatisractorv con- I B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditionsr by installer. I 3.02 PREPARATToN A. Euilding Paper: Cover all exterior wall sheathing, except.sheathing I under EIFS with building paper. Lap and secure as required. 3.03 EXTERIOR MATERIALS INSTALLATION I A. General: AWI Custom Grade unless otherwise specified.t B. Exterior Facia and Trim: tlherever possible, provide each length of I finish in single piece. Face nail into framing using aluminum casing I nails. Drive flush but do not set. r C. Soffit Boards and Wood siding: Blind screw and apply trim as indicated. I ExDosed fasteners not allowed. Install soffit vents as indicated.r Sciew into steel framing or other supports with corrosion resistant trim head screws. t D. Redwood Decking:1. Nailers: Anchor redwood nailers as indicated. I 2. Decking: Install decking with 1/4" gap between boards. Make end I joints-only over supports and stagger joints in adjacent boards.3. Secure each board with two stainless steel deck screws at each suPPort. r E. Wood Shutters: Fixed to wall with concealed fasteners. Touch up following installation. Wood shutters to be pre-finished prior to i nstal I ati on. END OF SECTION I I PsA ie017.00 I I I I I I 06205-3 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I DIVISION 7 - THERI,IAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION sEcTI0ll 07113 MODIFIED BITUMINOUS SHEET MEMBRANE WATERPROOFING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: Membrane waterproofing at the1. Under all concrete tile roofing. Cover all ridges and valleys.2. Under all sheet rnetal roofing and shingles. including ridges and va11eYs.3. Elsewhere as indicated on the drawings. fol lowing locations: surfaces including Cover al I surfaces B. r.02 A. B. Related Sections:1. Fluid Applied tlaterproofing: Section 07120 SUBMITTALS Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Qual ity Control Submittals:i. Ceitificates: Submit manufacturer's written certification that applicator is approved by manufacturer.Z. Mirhufacturer's ihstructions: Submit in accordance with Section 01600. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator: Company specializing in waterproofing.1. Appl icator: Manufacturer approved.2. Eiberience: Continuously applied waterproofing in State of Colorado for three years. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Do not deliver materials to the site until ready for use. Deliver bonding adhesive and lap sealant in manufacturer's original unopened contai ners. B. Manufacturer's Recommendations: Comply with the following:1. Store membrane no more than two pallets high off the ground. Provide cover on top and sides, allowing for adequate ventilation.2. Store primer, mastic, protection board adhesive and liquid membrane in a diy area away from high heat, flames or spark. 3. Store piotection -board and-drainage board flat_and off the ground,. preferibly on a wood platform. Piovide tarpaulin cover on top and si des. PSA 19017.00 071 13- 1 4. Store only as much material at point of use as required for each day's work. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIOI{S A. Environmental Requirements: Do not install membrane waterproofing when air and surface temperature is below 40o F unless manufacturer's recommended special materials and methods are used. 1.06 WARRANTY A. Warranty: Provide two year written warranty covering material and installation in accordance with Section 01700.1. Warranty: Include watertight condition. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Sel f -Adhered Modi fi ed Bi tumen l'lembrane:1. W.R. Grace & Co., Bituthene System.2. t,J.R. l'leadows Sealtight, Melnar.3. Protecto-t{rap, Jiffy-Seal 140/55.4. Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600. 2.02 }IATERIALS A. Self-Adhered lilodified Bitumen Roof l'lembrane:1. lilembrane:a. W.R. Grace Ice and Water Shield or approved substitute by acceptabl e manufacturer.b. t4ateiial: Composite laminated sheet of polyethylene film coated on one side with a factory applied rubberized asphalt and on other side with a removable protective release paper.c. Thickness: 40 mils minimum.2, Primer: J*1anufacturer recommended. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verificatjon of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Existing Conditions: Examine substrate before beginning i nstal I ati on.2. Surfaces: Verify substrate is smooth, free of major defects, cured and dry.3. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory con- ditions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by instal ler. I I I I I T I I t I I I I I t I I I I PSA 19017.00 07113-2 c. D. I I t I I T I I I t T I I I I I I I I 3.02 PREPARATION A. Surface Preparation: Remove projections, concrete splatter, general surface diri and other foreign materials to leave surfaces in clean condition suitable for application of membrane.l. Cleaning: Clean surfaces with high pressure air to remove dust, loose stones and debris.2. patching: Patch holes and grossly irregular surfaces with Portland cement grout, concrete or epoxy grout. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. General: Apply in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Priming:1. Prime surface with Bituthene Primer at coverage of 250 to 350 sq.ft. per gallon. Apply with lambswool roller.2. Primb only area to be covered with membrane in one working day.3. Al1ow primer to dry one hour or until tack free'4. Reprime areas not covered with membrane within 24 hours. Roof Application:1. Apfiy membrane from low points to high points across fa1l line so that laps shed water. Stagger end laps.2. Roll entire membrane firmly and completely as soon as possible with linoleum roller or standard water-filled garden roller less than 30" wide. Protect face of roller with resil'ient naterial such as lfL" plastic foam or trlo wraps of indoor-outdoor carpet.3. Seal end laps and T-joints at end of each work day. _4. Apply double thickness of membrane over properly sealed expansion' cbhsiruction and control ioints and 6'-0" on each side of va11eys. Drains and Protrusions:1. Projections: Apply double layer of membrane around proiections at least 6" in all directions and seal terminations with EM-3000.2. Drains: Apply double layer of membrane around drains and place bead of EM-3000 between top layer and clamping rings and at terminations. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 07113-3 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I sEcrI0N 07120 FLUID APPLIED WATERPROOFING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUI{MARY A. Section Includes: Fluid app'lied waterproofing and insulating drainage board at the following locations.1. Outside face of all exterior foundation walls and elevator pit walls. Lap waterproofing over vertical and horizontal face of footing and extend up exterior face of wall to 6" below finish grade or intersection with slab above.2. Horizontal below brade waterproofing3. Under heated topping at decks4. Elsewhere as indicated on the Drawings. B. Related Sections:1. Foundation Drainage System: Section 027102. Waterproofing Under Sheet I'letal Roofing and Shingles: Section 07113 Modified Bituminous Sheet Membrane Waterproofing.3. Waterproofing Under Concrete Tile Roofing: Section 07113 Modifjed Bituminous Sheet Membrane waterproofing. T.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Samples: Submit samples of cured membrane and samples of drainage board, in accordance with Section 01300. B. Product Data: Subrnit in accordance with Section 01300. C. Quality Control Submittals:1. Manufacturer's Instruct'ions: Submit in accordance with Section 01600. D. Contract Closeout Submittals:1. Warranty: Submit jn accordance with Section 01700. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator: Company specializing in waterproofing.1. Appl icator: Manufacturer approved.2. Elierience: Continuously applied fluid applied waterproofing in State of Colorado for five years. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.I 1. De1 ivery:' Deliver materials in sealed, undanaged containers, eachI identified with material name. date of manufacture and 'lot number. I I PSA 19017.00 07120-L 2. Storage: Store materials in accordance with manufacturer's recormendati ons. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: Install materials in accordance with safety and weather conditions reconmended by manufacturer or as required by- local, state and federal authorities-having jurisdiction. Do not apply unless ambient temperature is minimum of 40o F and rising. 1. 06 SEQUENCTNG/SCHEDULING A. Sequencing/Scheduling: Do not begin work until substrate has been conipleted-and penetrations have been installed so membrane will not be penetrated or damaged by subsequent work. 1.07 WARRANTY A. Warranty: Provide five year 11ritten warranty covering materials and installition for waterprbofing in accordance with Section 01700.1. Warranty shall covbr maintenance of watertight condition- PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI VERTICAL I{EI'IBRANE SYSTEM A. l'lanufacturers :1. Koch lilaterials Company2. Accepted substitutb in accordance with Section 01600. Membrane: Tuff-N-Dri Waterproofing Membrane Drainage Board: Wann-N-Dri |lJal l Drainage/protection/insulation board. Drainage Tile, Gravel and Filter Fabric: See Section 02710 Subdrainage System. 2.02 HORIZOI{TAL MEMBRANE SYSTEM A. Manufacturers:1. American Hydrotech, Inc.2. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600 B. Membrane: American Hydrotech #5125 C. Drainage Board: Dimpled plastic with filter fabric, type as recomended by membrane manufacturer. B. c. D. I I I I I I I T t I I I T I I T I t I PSA 19017.00 07120-2 A. B. c. t I I I T I I I t I ! I I I I I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTIOI{ 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Layout: Verify layout of work before beginning installation.2. Existing Conditions: Examine substrate before beginning installation to verify that concrete surfaces are smooth, free of major defects, cured and drY.3. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi- tions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by instal ler. 3.02 PREPARATION Cleaning: Remove concrete fins and projections, concrete splatter' general-surface dirt and other foreign materials to leave surfaces in generally clean condition suitable for application of membrane. Clean iurfaces'with high pressure air to remove dust, loose stones and debris. Patching: Patch honeycomb, form tie holes and grossly irregular sur- faces of concrete. Patch with Portland Cement grout, concrete 0r epoxy grout. Expansion, Control , and Construction Joints: Clean, prirye, fit with balker rod and fil'l with urethane sealant. Strip-coat with 60 mjls wet film thickness non-flowing type membrane to width of not less than three inches on both sides of ioint. Install fibermesh sheet of same width and top coat entire area. D. Cracks: Rout or sawcut cracks exceeding I/16'in width and fill with sealant. Strip-coat cracks with 60 mil dry film thickness non-flowing type membrane to width of not less than three inches on either side of crack. E. Projections: Fill slot around accordance with nanufacturer's dry film thickness for a width proi ecti on. F. Protection: Protect adiacent materials with drop cloths or masking as requi red. G. Metal Surfaces: Remove contaminants which may adversely affect adhesion or perfonnance of coating system and apply primer. 3.03 MEMBRANE APPLICATION A. General: Apply in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. projection with backer rod and sealant in standard details. Strip-coat with 60 mil of not less than three inches around PSA 19017.00 07t20-3 3.04 A. 3.05 A. CLEANING Clean stains from adjacent surfaces as reconnended by nanufacturer. Remove foreign matter from finished nembrane surface. PR0TECT ror{/DRA I I{AGE/ I t{SU LAT I01{ B0ARD Protection Board: Apply to membrane surfaces at all areas to receive earth fill. Coordinhte 11ith installation of foundation drainage system. I I I I I I T I EI{D OF SECTION I I I I t I t I I t t PSA 19017.00 07r20-4 t I sEcTIor{ 07185 bIATER REPELLENT COATING PART 1 - GEI{ERAL I r.o1 SuMMARY A. Section Includes: I 1. Water repellent coating on all exposed exterior stone I.O2 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Job l*tock Up: Apply coating to a selected area after cleaning. Obtain- Architect's approval before proceeding. t r.03 DELIVERv, sToRAcE AND HANDLING A. Deliver coating naterials in manufacturer's unopened containers and t store at a temperature of at least 50" F. 1.04 JOB CONDITIONS I A. Environmental Condit.ions: Do not apply if air temperature or tempera-r ture of surface to receive coating is below 40' F. I B. Sequencing/Scheduling: No coatings shall be applied until cleaning workI is'complet'ed and inspected and approved by the Architect. I PART2-PRoDUcTs 2.OI MATERIALS I A. Water Repellent Coating: ProSoCo Weatherseal Siloxane or approvedr substitute. Clear, non-staining. I PART3-EXEcurtoN 3.01 EXAMINATION I A. Examine wall surfaces following cleaning to assure conditjons are satisfactory for application. see Section 03410 for cleaning. I 3.02 PREPARATIoN A. Protect a1 I adjacent surfaces fron overspray.I I PSA 19017.00 07185-1 I I 3.03 APPLICATIOl{ A. Apply using airless spray equipment. Apply using methods and coverage reconmended by the Manufacturer. EI{D OF SECTIOII PSA 19017.00 07185-2 I T I I SECTION 07210 BUILDING INSULATION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Rigid Insulation with uzu Furring where2. Blanket Insulation as indicated. B. Related Sections:1. Exterior Insulation and Finish System:2. Sound Insulation in Partitions: Section Partitions and |,Jalls. I i ndi cated Section 07240, 09261 Gypsum BoardI T t I t t I I I I I I t I 1.02 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HAI{DLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600. Store insulation under cover t0 prevent weather damage. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI RIGID INSULATION A. Rigid Insulation with "Z" Furring:1. Manufacturers:a. Celotex Corpb. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600.2. Insulation: Celotex Thermax Insulation Board, polyisocyanurate foam plastic core with ref1ective foil faces on both sides.a. Thickness: 1.-l/2'3. Adhesive: As recommended by manufacturer.4. Furring: USG uzu Furring, 2"x 2" size 2.02 BLANKET INSULATION A. Manufacturers:1. 0wens-Corni ng2, Johns-Manvi ll e3. CertainTeed Corp.4. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section C1600. B. Insulation: Fiberglass blankets.1. Thickness and R-Value: As indicated.2. Width: As required to fit framing.3. Facing: Foil faced under floors overhanging exterior space.4. Facing: Unfaced where indicated5. Vapor Barrier: Four mil polyethylene sheeting. C. Fasteners: 0wens-Corning Type N Stic-Klips or Gemco Insulation hangars. PSA 19017.00 072r0-l PART 3 - EXECUTIOII 3.01 EXAIi'IINATI0l{ A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Existing conditions: Examine before beginning installation.Z. Notificition: l{otify General Contractoi of unsatisfactory condi- tions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by instal ler. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. "Z[ Furring: Install 2'-0.' o.c. before application of sprayed fi reproofi ng. B. Rigid Insulation: Install insulation board in as large sections as Ipoisible in order to minimize ioints. Fit tight between "2" Furring. I t t I I I t C. Blanket or Batt Insulation: Install insulation according to manufac- turer,s recormrendations. Fit tight to adioining work and adioining insulation so that completely tight enclosure free from open ioints' holes, cracks and voidb is achieved. Attach insulation in place in manner insuring stability and to eliminate sagging.1. Faced B1anlets: Install with foil face up. Secure flanges to framing for leak free barrier.2. Vapor Earrier: Completely cover unfaced blanket insulation on wann siile. Take care to'protect vapor barrier from puncture. Lap over framing and secure iil place foi leak free barrier. Tape joints and al 1 punctures and tears.3. Insthll with stic-Klips where indicated or required. I I t I I I I I t t I I END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 072t0-2 T I I t PART I .01 A. sEcTIoN 07240 EXTERIOR INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEM 1 - GENERAL SUMMARY Section Includes:1. Insulation and finish system as indicated.2. Finish system only at cbncrete masonry and concrete where indicated. Related Sections:1. Concrete Block Masonry: Sectjon 04200 Unit Masonry.2. Gypsum Sheathing: Section 06116.3. Caiking: Section 07900 Joint Sealers. I.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Include manufacturer's specifications and application instructions. B. Samples: Submit 2'x 2' samples of each type of color and texture for acceptance in accordance with Section 01300. C. Mockup: Provide 8'x 8'mockup of each type of color.+ texture for acceptance. Mockup may be incorporated into finished work if approved by Architect. D. Quality Control Submittals:i. Ceitified Craftsmanship Certificate: The lathing and plastering contractor shall notify the Mountain States Bureau for Lath' Plaster, And Drywall, Inc. 1181 S. Huron, Denver, Colorado' before starting work and shall, upon completion, furnish a "Certified Craftsmanship Certificate" as issued by the Bureau to the Contractor for transmittal to the Architect. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Factory approved and trained. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Del ivery:' beliver materials in original unopened containers and store off ground and under cover.2. Storage: Store at temperatures not less than 40"F. 3. Storage: Protect metal accessories from rusting during storage. 4. Rusted and water damaged materials subject to reiection. l l I t I B. t I I I I I t I il I PSA 19017.00 07240-L t 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements:l. Cold Weather Protection:a. Do not apply materials to surfaces frozen or containing frost. Do not use frozen materials.b. If artificial heat is used, locate heater to prevent concen- tration of heat or fumes on finish surface.c. Do not apply if ambient temperature is less than 40" F. lilaintain-this temperature 48 hours prior to application, during application, and for 24 hours after application.d. Prbvide temporary heat and enclosure if necessary.2. Hot Weather Protection: Protect against uneven or excessive evaporation during dry hot weather and from strong blasts of dry air, either natural or artificial. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OL SYi{THETIC STUCCO SYSTEM A. Acceptable Manufacturers:1. Dryvit Systems, Inc. (DrYvit)2. El-Rey Stucco Co., Inc. (tnsul-Flex/Perma-Flex)3. Sto Industries, Inc. (ST0)4. Accepted Substitute B. System: Dryvit Outsulation or equal of other acceptable manufacturer. 2.02 MATERIALS Adhesive: Dryvit Primus/Adhesive. Insulation Board:1. Type: Expanded polystyrene.2. Flame Spread: Less than 25.3. Average Density: 1.0 lbs./cu. ft.4. Insulating Value: K of 0.23 per inch.5. Thickness: As indicated on drawings.6. Insulation Manufacturer: Approved by system nanufacturer. C. Reinforcing lrlesh: Dryvit Standard Reinforcing Mesh; panzer mesh up to I 24" above grade adjacent to walkways. f D. Finish: Dryvit acrylic based factory mixed coating with integral color I and texture. Two colors required; two textures required. t E. Cement: ASTM C150-85 Portland cement Type I. F. Water: Clear and potable. G. Parging Coat: I part Portland cement to 2 parts clean sand. I I I I I I I I I I I B. I I I I PSA 19017.00 07240-2 c. I I I T tll I t I I I l ]t t I I I I t B. s.02 A. B. H. Bonding Agent: Larsen's Plasterweld or equal. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600: 1. Existing Conditions: Examine substrate before beginning 'instal I ati on.2. Notjfication: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi- tions in writing with copy to Architect. Acceptance: Beginning of work neans acceptance of existing conditions by appl icator. PREPARAT ION Protection: Provide drapes, drop cloths and other protection.required to protect adjacent surfaces from damage during finish operations. cMU Substrate tlJith Direct Finish: Apply skim coat of parging material over CMU and bring to an even, uniform finish to prevent_telegraphing of mortar joints through finish. Where adiacent to dissimilar substrate, provide-reinforcing-mesh at intersection prior to apply finish' Concrete Substrate: All concrete surfaces to receive direct fin'i sh system shall be sacked to provide an even, uniform surface prjor to a-pplication of finish coat. l,lhere uneven surfaces occur, apply bonding albnt anO skim coat of parging material prior to finishing.. At igintsii concrete or where adjacent to dissimilar substrate, provide reinforcing mesh over jo'int prior to finishing. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. General: Insta] I insulation, reinforcing mesh and finish coat in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. B. Insulation: Install insulation with adhesive in running bond with jojnts staggered and inter]ocked at corners. Align edges.to produce itat surfa66s. Let dry 24 hours. Sand high areas to produce flat surfaces. C. Base Coat: Apply 1/16" coat of adhesive and immediately embed . reinforcing rnbbn-into wet adhesive and smooth surface until mesh is not visible. Lap mesh edges 2-1f2". A'l1ow to dry 24 hours. D. Finish coat: Apply with clean stainless trowel in continuous operation without cold ioiirti in color and texture to match accepted samp'le. 1. Form to special shapes and ljnes as indicated. PSA 19017.00 07240-3 3.04 CLEAT{I]{G A. Cleaning: Clean adiacent surfaces splattered with synthetlc plaster. EI{D OF SECTIOTI PSA 19017.00 07240-4 I I I t ] I t t I sEcTIoN 07255 SPRAYED FIREPROOFING PART 1- GENIRAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Sprayed fireproofing at structural steel where indicated 2. Sbrayed fireilroofing at metal floor decks where indicated B. Related Sections:1. Structural Steel: Section 05120.2. Steel Deck: Section 05310.3. Gypsum t^lallboard Fireproofing: Section 09261 Gypsum Boardpiititions and Walls and Section 09262 Gypsun Board Ceilings. r.02 A. I I I T I I I I I t 1.03 A. B. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Design Requirements: Spray fireproofing material onto structural memb6rs arid deck as indicated on drawings with proper thickness and densities to provide fire resistive ratings as indicated and scheduled. SUBM ITTALS Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Quality Control Submittals:i. Manufacturer's Instructions: Submit in accordance vlith Section 01600.2. Test Reports: Certified test reports from,independent testing laboratbries indicating conformance to performance characteristics speci fi ed. C. Contract Closeout Submittals:1. Warranty: Submit in accordance with Section 01700. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator: Company specializing in sprayed fireproofing. 1. Applicator: Manufacturer approved. 2. Elierience: Continuously airplied fireproofing in State of Colorado for three years. B. Regulatory Requirements - sprayed Fireproofing: Tested by uL or other certified testing agency in accordance with E119-83. PSA 19017.00 07255-L 1.05 DELIVERY. STORAGE AND HAI{DLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.l. DeliverieS: Deliver fireproofing material in original unopened_ packages bearing nane of inanufacturer, brand and proper UL labels for fire hazard and fire resistance classifications.2. Storage: Keep material dry until ready for use. Store packages of materia'l off lround under cover and away from sweating walls and other damp suifaces. Discard bags that have been exposed to.water before usb. Rotate stock of material and use before its expiration date. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIOI{S A. Environmental Requirements:1. Temperature:' lrlaintain temperature and enclosure conditions as rechmended by fireproofin! manufacturer. l'laintain minimum ajr and substrate temieratuie of 40o F for 24 hours before and after appl ication of fireProofing.2. vi:htitation: Make irovisions for ventilation to properly dry fireproofing after ipplication. In enclosed areas lacking natural ventilation, provide air circulation and ventilation. L.O7 WARRAI{TY A. Warranty: Provide two year written warranty covering materials and installation for fireprbofing in accordance with Section 01700. 1. warranty: Includb fireproofing to remain free from cracking' checkinb, dusting, flaking, spall'ing, separation, and blistering. Reinstall and repair such defects and failures. 1.08 SEQUEI{CING AND SCHEDULING A. Sequencing: 1.'Ensure clips, hangers supports, sleeves, and other attachments t0 fireproofiirg-basei, provided under other sections of specifications are installed prior to application of sprayed fireproofing.2. Ensure ducts, iliping, cohduit, and other suspended equipment.that interfere with'uhiform application of fireproofing material js positioned after application of sprayed fireproofing. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OT FIREPROOFING A. Manufacturer and Type: U.S. Mjnerals CAFCo Blazeshield or accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600.1. Fireproofing: Fonnulated }'|ithout asbestos.2. aond'strengih: ASTM E736-80, Minimum 200 lbs./sq. ft. 3. Bond Impaci: ASTM E760-80, no cracking, flaking or delamination. T I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PSA 19017.00 0725s-2 t I T t I l I I I 4. Compressive Strength: ASTM E761-80, Greater than 500 1bs./sq. ft. 5. Defiection: ASTM E759-80, does not crack.6. Air Erosion: ASTM E859-82, Less than 0.025 gms./sq. ft. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600: 1. Layout: Verify Iayout of work before beginning installation. 2. Existing Conditions: Exanine substrate before beginning instal- lation to see that steel is acceptable to receive fireproofing. Steel shall be free of oil, grease, loose mjll scale or any other coating or substance that nay impair proper adhesion. 3. Notifiiation: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi- tions in writing with copy to Archjtect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by i nstal 1er. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Cleaning: Clean surfaces to receive fireproofing of rust, loose dirt, grease, oil or any materials which prevent-good. adhesion. 1. Remove incompatible materials which affect bond. B. Protection: Mask off adiacent areas not receiving fireproofing to protect from overspray. Provide drop cloths as required to protect materials below.1. Ductwork, Piping and Conduit: Close off and seal openings to prevent infi ltration by fireproofing. 3.03 APPLICATION A. General: Apply sprayed fireproofing in accordance with material manufacturer' s recommendati ons. App'ly to thicknesses required to achieve specified fire rating. Patching: Patch and repair damaged sprayed fireproofing. B. I I I I t t I I t l l 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Testing: Fireproofing contractor shall select and pay independent testin! laboratory to-sample and verify thickness and.density of firepr6ofing in accordance with ASTM E605-77 "Standard Test Method for Thickness aid Density of Sprayed Fire Resistive Material Applied to Structural Members" or Unifom Building Code Standard No. 7-6' "Thickness and Density Determination for Spray-Appl ied Fireproofing".1. Test Samples: Minimum of two locations per floor. PSA 19017.00 07255-3 B. Inspection: At ccxnpletion of proiect prior to concealment of fire- probfing. Inspect fireproofing to ensure integrity of fireproofing. Repair any damaged areas as required. 3.05 CLEAT{It{G A. Cleaning: After completion of fireproofing work, remove equipment_and clean eiposed surfacbs of deposits of sprayed fireproofing materials. 3.06 SCHEDULES I t tl I ! I A. Fi reproofing: Locati ons UL Fire Ratinq END OF SECTION Il I I I t I fl I I i I PSA 19017.00 07255-4 t I t sEcTloil 07270 FIRESTOPPING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Firestopping and smokeseals as indicated on the Drawings as well as the following areas:a. A1l openings in fjre-rated floors and walls both empty and those accommodating penetrating items such as cables, conduits' pipes' ducts, etc.b. Curtain wa11 openings between exterior walls and connecting floor assembl ies.c. Openings at each floor level in shafts or stairwells. B. Related Sections:1. Cast-In-Place Concrete: Section 03300.' 2. Unit Masonry: Section 042003. Gypsum Drywil'l Partitions and Ceilings: Sections 09261 and 09262. 4. Joint Sealers: Section 07900.5. Mechanical and Electrical Work: Division 15 and 16. I.O2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Types of firestop to be used for each condition shall be the ri:lponsibility o? the installer and shall complv with al1 specilig9. regirlatory requirements. Firestop materials in exposed areas shall be compatible with specified finishes. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product t)ata: Submit Manufacturer's printed product data indicating product characteristjcs, performance and limiting criteria for each product proposed for use. B. Installation Instructions: submit Manufacturer's installation instructions for each type of firestop required by the proiect. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Firestopping shall be performed by a contractor trained or approved by firestop manufacturer. Equipment used shall be in accordance with firestop manufacturer's written installation i nstructi ons. B. Regulatory Requirements: Firestopping materials proposed for use on this proilct dhall conform to both'Flame (F) and Temperature (T) rat!!9: as tebted by nationally accepted test agencies per ASTM E-814 or UL 1479 t I I I J l I I t I ) t I 1 I PSA 19017.00 07270-l firetests. The F rating and T rating must be a minimum o! one (1) hour but not less than the fire resistance rating of the assembly being penetrated. The fire test shall be conducted with a mininum positive ilressure differential of 0.03 inches of water column. C. Mockup: Prepare iob mock-up of each system proposed for use in the pro5ett as directed by Architect. Approved mock-ups.lay be. left in iltaie as part of the finished project and will constitute the standard for remaining work. I.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver all materials in original unopened packages fully identified with ilanufacturer's name' trade name and UL label . B. Materials shall be stored off the ground and protected from environmental conditions as required by Manufacturer. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Conform to lilanufacturer's printed instructions for installation and when applicable, curing in accoidance with temperature and hurnidity. Conform to ventilation and safety requirenents. L.O7 I,JARRANTY A. Firestop Contractor shall warrant that firestopping systems used meet firestopping requirements as herein specified. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI FIRE STOP SYSTEMS Acceptable Manufacturers:f. ihe Rector Seal Corp. (Metacaulk)2. 3M Fire Protection Products3. Tremco Tremstop4. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. Materi al s:1. Materials shall be free of asbestos.2. lllaterials shal I provide a Flame (F) and Temperature (T) rating of -atleast one (1) hoirr but not less than the fire resistance rating of assenbly being penetrated, as tested per ASTM E-814.3. l'laterials shall confonn to all applicable governing codes.4, All materials shall be compatiblb'with the material penetrating the fire assembly. Accessori es: Furnish all accessory materials such as fire safing batts' sleeves, sheet metal , sealants, etc. necessary to complete fire stopping systems unless furnished by others. t I I t T ! I I t t I Il I I I I I I c. B. PSA 19017.00 07270-2 I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMII{ATION A. Verification of Existing Conditions:1. Contractor shall inipect and verify that the surface and condition of the substrates and all sleeves or blockouts furnished by others have no defects or errors that would interfere with the installation of the firestopping materials. Notify Architect in writing of Do not proceed with work until been corrected. B. Acceptance: Start of installation of firestopping shall constitute the ContraCtor's acceptance of surfaces and conditions of substrates' sleeves and blockouts. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Clean surfaces and substrates of dirt, oil, loose materials and other foreign materials which may affect the proper bond or installation of the firestops in strict accordance with Manufacturer's written i nstructi ons. 2.any defects or errors in workmanship.all unsatisfactory conditions have I I I B. c. Provide primers as require which conform to Manufacturer's recommendations for various substrates and conditions. Do not apply firestops to surfaces previously painted or treated with a sealer, birring compolnd, water repellant or other coating unless tests have been periormed to ensure compatibility of materials. Remove coatings a! required in compliance with l{anufacturer's instructions. I l I D. Mask where necessary to protect adioining surfaces. Remove excess material and stains on surfaces as required. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Install in strict accordance with Manufacturer's printed instructions to provide a Flame (F) and Temperature (T) rating-of at least one (1) hour but not less thari the fire resistance rating of the assembly being penetrated. B. Ensure that all accessories such as anchoring devices, back-up materials, c1ips, sleeves, supports and other materials used in the actual fire test are installed. C. Install firestops with sufficient pressure to properly fill and seal openings to ensure an effective smokeseal . D. Tool or trowel exposed surfaces. Remove excess firestop material promptly as work progresses and upon completion. I PSA 19017.00 07270-3 3.04 FIELD QUALITY COI{TROL A. Firestop Contractor shall inmediately firestopping systems herein specified notify the Architect if the cannot neet the requirements of I t T T I 'I I I I the specification. B. Firestop Contractor shall examine firestops to ensure proper installation and full cornpliance lJith this specification. C. All areas of work must be accessible until inspection by the applicable Code authorities. D. Correct unacceptable firestops and provide additional inspection to verify compliahce with this specification at no additional cost- 3.05 CLEAN It{G A. When finished work will be visible, clean adiacent surfaces in accordance with Manufacturer's printed instructions. B. If visible in the finished work, remove temporary dams after initial cure of firestops. Correct staining and discoloring on adiacent surfaces. Remove all debris and excess materials entirely from site and leave work in a neat and clean condition. El{D OF SECTION c. D. I t I I I I I PSA 19017.00 07270-4 T I J PART I - GENERAL I 1.or ',MMARY t A' i:"l3lo:l'lHlffi. roorins sEcTI0N 07313 METAL SHINGLES t I I B. Related Sections:1. Copper Flashing: Section 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal2. Cofirer Roofing: Section 07610 Sheet Metal Roofing t 1.02 SUBMITTALS I'= A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Include t typical and-special shjngles, all related flashings and fasteners. t B. Sanples: Submit two (2) full size samples of product to be used. C. Contract Closeout Submittals:1. Warranty: Submit in accordance with Section 0i700. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regu1atory Requirements: Comply with:1. Fire Rating Requirement: UL Class A2. hlind Resistance Requirement: UL Class A 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. General: Comply with Section 01600. Store shingles off ground and cover to prevent exposure to weather. f 1.05 WARRANTY I A' Tittill}fi: two year written warranty covering materials and instal- I lation for roofing in accordance with Section 01700. t r.06 MAINTENANcE ' A. Extra Materials: Provide 0wner with 1/2 square of replacement shingles. I T Store in the buildjng where directed by 0wner. I PSA 19017.00 07313-1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI SHINGLE ROOFING A. I'lanufacturer and Type: Vail l'letal Systems copper shingle approved substitute.1. Copper: ASTltl Specification 8370, cold rolled tenper, less than 20 oz, per sq. ft.2. Shingle Panels: Four interlocking shingles per panel 3. Weather: Approx. 9-3/4'l4. Special Sizes: As required. B. Flashing: Provide all related flashings of 20 oz. copperr including drip edges, rake edges, sidewall and valley flashing. C. Fasteners: Copper or brass large head screws of sufficient length to penetrate through gypsum sheathing into steel roof deck. D. Roofing Felt: ASTM D226-82, #I5 asphalt saturated felt. E. Solder for Copper: ASTM Specification 8 32, composition 50% tin and 50% I ead. Sealant: Approved type of polyurethane. Roofers nastic is not acceptabl e. 3 - EXECUTION EXAI.|INATI0N Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Layout: Verify layout of work before beginning installation.2. Existing Conditions: Verify that work of other trades, which penetrates roof deck and flashings have been completed. Examine surfaces for inadequate anchorage, drainage, foreign material 'moisture and unevenness which would prevent the execution and quality of application of roofing system.3. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi- tions in writing with copy to Architect. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Underlaynent: See Section 07113. 3.03 SHINGLING A. General: Apply in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. panel s or weighing not I t I I I F. PART 3.01 A. I t I I D l I l I I I I I I B. PSA 19017.00 073t3-2 t t l i 1 I t t T I I I I I I I I B. Shingles: Lay in horizontal courses1. Each Course: Break ioints with ireceding one. Z, Exposed Fasteners: Fermissible only in top courses where unavoid- abl e.3. l{eatly fit shingles around any pipes' ventilators, etc. 4. Build in place and place flashilg pieces. 5. Shingles bverlapping Sheet Metal Work or Flexible Flashing: Place fast6ners to avbid puncturing flashing wherever possible. c. completed Roofing: Shingles must be sound, whole and clean, and roof left tight and neat example of workmanship. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 07313-3 sEcTI0N 07317 t.lOOD SHAKE ROOFING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: I 1. Wood shake roofing on bus shelterl| 2. Related accessory materials I B. Related Sections: J 1. Flashing and Sheet Metal: Section 07600 r 1.02 SUBMITTALS t A. Product Data: Subnit catalog data for each type of shake and accessory, irem proposed for use. Submit installation instructions for siding.I! t.o3 QUALTTY AssuRANcE I A. Regulatory Requirements: I 1. Fire: Wood roofing shakes shall be fire retardant pressure treated. Each bundle of shakes shall have UL label attached. I. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING'- A. General; Comply with Section 01600. I 1. Transport'aird detiver shakes on pallets and in a manner to avoida |lr;Utl"l:r.n.. Store off the ground and cover to prevent exposure t r.o5 T,TARRANTY b A. Warranty: Provide two (2) year written warranty covering materials and t installation in accordance with Section 01700. 1.06 MAINTENANCE- I A. Extra Materials: At completjon of-the work, deliver to the 0wner- replacement shakes in the amount of l% of the total of each type of r shake instal led.I PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.or RooFINc MATERIALs,r A. Cedar Shakes: All roofing shakes shall be No. t hand split and resawn t Red Cedar. Shakes shall be 18" lengths, l/2" butt thickness. I - PSA 19017.00 073L7-l f/ I I I I I Each bundle shall bear the label of the Red Cedar Shingle and Handsplit Shake Bureau. Provide special starters at eave line. A1l roofing shakes shal I be pressure treated to meet UL 790 and shal I have the equivalent of Class C fire rating. I I I B. Roofing Felt; l{o.30 C. Interlayment: No. 15# PART 3 - EXECUTIOI{ 3 . 01 EXAI{ I NAT I ON felt acceptable for required fire rating. fel t. . A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600.1. Verify that work of other trldes which penetrates roof deck and flashings have been completed.2. Examine-surfaces for inadequate anchorage' drainage, foreign material , moisture and unevenness which would prevent execution and quality of application of roofing and siding systems.3. Layout: Verify layout of work before beginning installation. 4. Noiification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory con- ditions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by instal ler. 3.02 PREPARATION A. General: Install roofing systems in accordance with manufacturer's recommendati ons. B. Layout: Layout roofing in accordance with manufacturer's recommendati ons. c. Roofing Felt: cover all surfaces of sheathing with #30 fe'lt prior to 'instal I ati on of shakes. 3.03 ROOF SHAKE APPLICATION ,l I I l I l I t I I I I A. B. Instal'f shakes with approxinate 7-112" weather as 'indicated on the drawings. Interweave'interlaynent roofing felt with each 1ayer. Begin with double starter course at eave line using special.starter shikes. Apply shakes with butts to the straight line-starting at the. eave line."Hiil shakes into wood sheathing with not less than two (2) hot dipped zinc coated nails per shingle. Drive nails flush but do not crush i"rbod. Nai'ling guns or staples are not acceptable. C. Form hips and ridges as required using same weather as the field of the roof. PSA 19017.00 07317 -2 t I 3.04 col'rPLETroN At completion of project, replace warped or damaged shakes as directed I by the Architect. I END oF sEcTIoN I J I t I I I T t I I I I I PsA 1e017.00 07317-3 I I t sEcTroN 07322 CONCRETE TILE ROOFING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Concrete Tile Roofing2. Accessories3. All Related Flashings B. Products Installed but not furnished Under This Section: 1. Snow Guards: Furnished under Section 05500 Metal Fabrication. I l, I I Related Sections:1. Roof Waterproofing: Section 07113 l'lodifjed Bituminous Sheet Membrane Waterproofi ng. SUBMITTALS Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Include manufacturer's specifications for materials proposed to be applied. Samples: Subm'it in accordance with Section 01300 for color acceptance. Quality Control Submittals:1. Manufacturer's Instructions: Submit in accordance with Section 01600. 1.02 A. B. c.t I t t 2. Design and Specification Approval: Prior to starting-roofing' submit signetl statement that roofing design and specifications are proper for this particular proiect.3. Warranty: Submit in accordance with Section 01700. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. De1 ivery:' iransport and deliver tile on manufacturerrs original pallets and in manner to avoid physical damage.2, Storage: Store tile off ground and cover to prevent exposure to weather. 1.04 I.IARRANTY A. Warranty: Provide two year written warranty covering materials and'instaltation for concrete tjle roofing in accordance with Section 01700. I T T l I I PSA 19017.00 07322-l PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OT CONCRETE TILE A. I'lanufacturers:1. Westi I e2. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. B. Type: Interlocking Flat. Provide rake, ridge and hip tiles indicated and required.1. Colors: Two-different color blends will be selected by C. Accessories: Provide closures. non-corrosive fasteners and indicated and recormended by manufacturer.1. l{ails: Large head galvanized, copper or stainless steel length as riquired to penetrate sheathing 3/4" minimum' mi nimum. PART 3.01 A. as Arch i tect . nailers as box nails; 11 gage t I I I I I l l I I ! T I I I I I t Battens: Iux 4u wood furring strips, vertically and horizontally. Underlayment: See Section 07113. Flashings: (ynar prefinished metal shaped to fit tile where indicated or required. 3 - EXECUTION EXAI{INATIOI{ Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600: 1. Verify that waterproofing and work of other trades which penetrates roof deck and flashings have been completed.2. Examine surfaces for inadequate anchorage, drainage, foreign material , mOisture and unevenneSS which-would prevent executiOn and quality of application of tile roofing system.3. tayouti verify layout of work before beginning jnstallation. Acceptance: Beginning of work neans acceptance of existing condit.ions by installer. PREPARAT ION General: Instal 1 roofing system in accordance with manufacturer's recomendati ons. Layout: Layout roof in accordance with manufacturer's reconmendations. Underlayment: Al1 waterproofing completed and inspected before installation of battens. D. E. F. B. 3.02 A. B. c. PSA 19017.00 07322-2 I t 3.03 TrLE RooFING l I A. Batten Strips: Install vertical and horizontal battens as indicated on the drawingi and recommended by the manufacturer. Install vertical 1x4 battens 24" oc. Space 1x4 horizontal battens as required. B. Field Ti le:1. Comply rrith coursing tables to minimize cutting and drilling short course tile.2. Lay field tile in straight pattern.3. Lai tiles on top of battens with tile lugs over'lapping edge of battens.4. Nail every tile, starter course, ridge course and gable courses. C. Valley: Cut at 45" with flashing placed as detailed. D. Rake Hip and Ridge Tiles: Install rake hips and ridges as indicated and recommehded by minufacturer using special shape tile. Bed longitudinal edges of ridge and hip tile with mortar cement. I E. Eave treatment: Provide wood fascia strip of proper height to providea desired cant of tile on first course as indicated. I F. 5}?inllli'.Build in and place copper flashins system furnished under a G. Snow Guard: Install snow guards furnished and pre-painted under Section I 0ss00. I H. Shingle-in underlayment at roofs where a roof exists above. I I. Completed Roofing: Tile must be sound, whole and clean, and roof shall be jeft in every-respect tight and neat example of workmanship. I 3.04 EXTRA STOCK - A. Maintenance Materials: At completion of the project turn over.to the I owner one square (tOO sq. ft. after installation) of each blend_ofr concrete rodfing tiles for replacement stock. Store in the building in I a location directed by the 0wner. END OF SECTION I t I PsA 1e017.00 I 07322-3 t l l I sEcTI0N 07531 ELASTOMERIC SINGLE PLY ROOFING-BALLASTED PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Roof Insulation.2. Ballasted EDPIll Single Ply Membrane Roofing and Base Flashings. Related Sections:1. Perimeter Nailer: Section 06100 Rough Carpentry. 2. Metal Flashing: Section 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal. SUBMITTALS Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Include roof insulation thickness and locations and details of penetrations and perimeter. B. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 Submittals. Include manufacturer's specifications covering roofing system materials and methods proposed. Submit proof of total R value of proposed system. C. t.lind Uplift Report: Submit copies of ICB0 Reports indicating roofing system'has been tested and approved for wind uplift requirements spec i fi ed . D. Qual i ty Control Submi ttal s :1. Credentials: Prior to starting the roofing, submit credentjals from roofing nanufacturer of appljcator approval .2. Design and Specification Approval: Prior to starting roofing, submit a signed statenent by nembrane manufacturer that the roofing design and specifications are proper for this particular project. 3. Warranty: Submit warranty as specified under Article 1.06. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Roof manufacturer licensed applicator. B. Design Criteria:1. External Fire Resistance: UL Class A2. Internal Fi re Resi stance: Fltl Cl ass I3. }Jind Resistance: ICB0 high wind approved. C. Record of Work: Keep a record indicating tenperature and moisture conditions and the type and location of work being done during each day of roofing operations. B. I I I I T t t ; I I t I t.02 A. PSA 19017.00 0753 1- 1 D. Wind Uplift: Install auplift. If wind uplift project to add ballast of wind uplift. A. Environmental Conditions:1. Do not expose membrane and accessories excess of 180" F.2. Follow manufacturer's recommendations sufficient quantity of ballast to prevent wind occurs during period of warranty, return to the or take other measures to prevent a reccurrence I t I 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HAI{DLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600. B. Storage and Handling: Handle insulation and rolled goods to prevent damage to edges or ends. Store off the ground and keep covered with waterproof covering. Materials that become wet will be subiect to rejection. Store all materials in a dry area and at a tempe-rature betv{een 60"F and 80"F. Replace damaged materials. Do not leave insulation exposed to weather. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS I to a constant temperature in during cold weather.I I t I I I I I I t I B. Adjacent ltlaterials: Do not use oil based or plastic roof cement. D0 noi allow waste products (petroleum, grease' oil, solvents, vegetable or nineral oil, anifual fat) or direct steam venting to come in contact with membrane roofing system. C. Protection: Protect interior of building from detrimental effects due to roof removal activities. Take precaution to prevent sifting of dust and debris through decking. Take special precaution to protect occupied spaces. 1.06 WARRANTY A. Provide a manufacturer's written warranty against defects in materials and workmanship in roofing system for a period of ten (10) years in accordance with Section 01700. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01, ROOFIT{G MEMBRANE A. Acceptable ilanufacturers:1. Carlisle Syn-Tec Systems2. Firestone Rubbergard3. Approved Substitute B. Acceptable System: Carlisle Design uBu ballasted, 'loose-laid EPDM system or approved substitute by acceptable manufacturer. PSA 19017.00 0753t-2 I I I I C. lilembrane: .045" minimum thickness, UL Class A, EPDIll. Provide sheet sizes large as possible for iob condition; provide minimum number of field seams. 2.02 ROOF INSULATION A. System Description: Provide factory-tapered rigid polystyrene crickets. B. Tapered Insulation: Factory tapered polystyrene, 1.5 pcf ninimum density. Tapered insulation system shall be thickness as indicated on the drawings and shall develop consistent surface slope as indicated.1. Tapered Insulation Adhesive: Approved by insulation manufacturer. 2.03 ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Ballastt I-1f2" washed river gravel with 50% retained by 3f4", 95eo retained by L/2" screen and 98% retained by lf4" screen using ASTM C136. Provide larger ballast size required by manufacturer for roof perimeter. B. Adhesives, Cements, Lap Sealants, Rubber Nailing Strips and Fasteners: Type provided by or reconunended by manufacturer Provide butyl-based seam and lap cements only; neoprene-base cements not allowed. C. Provide molded pipe flashings where possible. 2.04 FLASHING A. Flashing: Carlisle SureSeal Elastofom uncured neoprene, 0.060' thick. Provide cured and uncured flashing sheet in accordance with manufacturer's standard flashing details. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Verify that work of other trades which penetrates roof deck has been completed. Examine surfaces for inade- quate anchorage, drainage, foreign material , moisture and unevenness which would prevent the execution and quality of application of roofing system as specified. Report unsatisfactory conditions to the General Contractor. B. Acceptance: Do not proceed until the surface to be covered is accep- table. Beginning of work neans acceptance of substrate. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Surfaces: Dry and broom clean before beginning work. Clean roof drains and collection boxes as indicated and reset if drains and boxes are not at the proper ievel to drain the finished roof. I t I T I T I t I t I I PSA 19017.00 07531-3 B. Protection: Protect paving and building walls adiacent to hoist prior to starting work. Lail suiiable protective materials at least 6". Secure proiective covbrings against wind. Leave protective covering in place for duration of roofing work. 3.03 APPLICATIOl{ A. General: Install roofing system in accordance with manufacturer's recomnendati ons. B. Insulation: Install rigid boards loosely laid in accordance with manufacturer' s instructions.l. Tapered Insulation: Install tapered system i.n-accordance with reviewed shop drawings. Attach to fiberboard layer with adhesive as required to irevent initting or blow-off prior to placement of nembrane.2. Joints in insulation boards shall be N" or less'in width. Install no more insulation at one time than will be protected from rain or snow by instal'lation of roofing membrane on the same day or prior.to storm. Install temporary water cutoffs at conpletion of each day's work and remove upon resumption of work. C. Membrane: Apply, lap and splice using methods and materials recommended by the manufhbturer.' trlechairically fasten to perimeter nailers using approved fasteners and recorrnended spacing. D. Splices:3" minimum lap sealed with lap sealant. Daily seal loose edge of membrane at completion of each day's work. I I I I F. Bal I ast:1. Roof Perimeter: Instal I rate of 15 lbs. per sq.2. Field of Roof: Install from 10'-0" inside roof loosely-laid around entire perimeter at ft. from roof edge to 10'-0" inside edge. loosely-laid at rate of 10 ]bs. per sq. ft. edge to roof center I I I I I I I t T I l I A. G. Terminations: Make tenninations according to manufacturer's standard details and as indicated. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. ilanufacturers Field Service: A representative of the manufacturer shall make an inspection upon completion to ascertain that the entire system has been .in3talled alcordin! to manufacturer's specifications and detai Is. 3.05 CLEANING Upon completion, remove surplus ballast, materials and debris from the site. END OF SECTIO}I 07531-4PSA 19017.00 sEcTIoN 07532 ELASTOMERIC SINGLE PLY ROOFING-FULLY ADHERED PART 1 - GENEML 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Cover Board2. Fully Adhered EPDM Single Membrane Roofing and Base Flashings. 3. Bondlng Adhesives. Lap Sealants, Fasteners and other Accessories. B. Related Sections:1. Perineter Nailer: Section 06100 Rough Carpentry. 2. Roof Deck: Sheet metal as specified in Section 05210. 3. l'letal Flashing: Section 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal. I.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 Submittals. Include manufacturer's specifications covering roofing system materials and methods proposed. Submit proof of total R value of proposed system. B. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Include lochtions and details of penetrations and perimeter. Indicate Iayout of individual membrane sheets and fastener spacings. Indicate flashing detai I s. I C. Sanples: Submit 1'-0" x 1'-0" ninimum size sample of membrane. Submitr in accordance with Section 01300. Quality control submittals:i. Cradentials: Prior to starting the roofing, submit credentials from roofing manufacturer of applicator approval2. Manufacturer's Field Reports: Submit written report from manu- facturer's representative after inspection of roof deck to verify deck is satistactory for installation of system. submit additional report indicating roof has been installed in accordance with manufacturer' s requi rements.2. Design and Specification Approval: Prior to starting roofing, -submit a sigired statement by membrane manufacturer that the roofing design and -pecifications are proper for this particular proiect. .3. necoid of Work: Submit written records indicating temperature and moisture conditions and the type and Iocatjon of work being done during each day of roofing operations.4. Wind [p1ift Report: Submit copies of documentation and certifi- cation that system meets wind uplift requirements. Contract Closeout Submittals:1. Warranty: Submit in accordance with Section 01700. I I I I I t I I D.I I I E. I I t I PSA 19017.00 07532-L 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Roof manufacturer licensed applicator. B. Design Criteria:1. External Fire Resistance: UL Class A2. Internal Fire Resistance: Factory ltlutual class 1.2. Wind Resistance: FMI-90 t I I I IC. Record of condi ti ons of roofing Work: Keep a record indicating temperature and moisture and the type and location of work being done during e1c! day operations. Submit in accordance with Submittals article. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600. B. Storage and Handling: Handle insulation and rolled.goods to prevent damagE to edges or 6nds. Store off the ground and_keep covered with wateiproof cdvering. ilaterials that become wet will be subiect to rejection. Store all materials in a dry area and at a tempera_ture belween 60" F and 80. F. Replace damaged materials. Do not leave insulation exposed to weather. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS I I I I T I I t l ,T l I A. Environmental Requirements:1. Do not expose nembrane and accessories to a excess of 180" F.2, Follow manufacturer's recommendations during constant temperature in cold weather. B. Adjacent Materials: Do not use oil based or plastic roof cement. Do noi allow waste products (petroleum, grease, oi1, solvents, vegetable.or mineral oil, aniinal fat) di direct steam venting to come in contact with membrane roofing system. 1.06 WARRANTY A. Provide a manufacturer's wri tten warranty against defects in materi als and workmanship in roofing system for a period of ten (10) years in accordance with Section 01700. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 R0OFING ]''|E|{BRANE A. Acceptabl e l'lanuf acturers :1. Carlisle Syn-Tec Systems2. Fi restone Rubbergard3. Approved Substitute PSA 19017.00 07532-2 I I I t I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I Acceptable System: Carlisle SynTec Systems, Inc.-, fully adhered EPDM system or approved substitute by acceptable manufacturer. Materi al s:1. Membrane: Carlisle unreinforced .060" minimurn thickness EPDM rubber sheet, 9'-0" wide x 100'-0" maximum length. 2. Flashing: Carlisle EPDM Elastoform flashing sheet. 3. Bonding Adhesive: Carlisle Bonding Adhesive. 4. Splicing Cement: Carlisle Splicing Cement.5. Sillice ileaner, Iap sealant, water cut-offs and miscellaneous alcessory materials: Manufacturer's standard products. 2.02 COVER BOARD A. System Description: Provide cover board approved by roofing manufacturer for use with fully adhered single p1y membrane system and acceptable for required fire rating. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Verify that work of other trades which penetrates roof deck has been completed. Examine surfaces for inade- !uate anchorage, drainage, foreign material , mojsture and unevenness dh'ich would pievent the-execution and quality of application of roofing system as specified. Report unsatisfactory conditions to the General Contractor. B. Acceptance: Do not proceed until the surface to be covered is accep- tabla. Beginning of work means acceptance of substrate. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Surfaces: Dry and broon c1 ean before beginning work. Clean roof drains and collection boxes as indicated and reset if drains and boxes are not at the proper level to drain the finished roof. B. Protection. Protect paving and building walls adjacent to hoi!t prior to starting work. Lap suitable protective materials at least 6". Secure proiective covbrings against wind. Leave protective covering in place for duration of roofing work. 3.03 APPLICATION A. General: Install roofing system fully adhered in accordance with manufacturer I s recommendati ons. B. Cover Board: Cover entire surface with cover board and fasten as required to meet I-90 wind uplift requirements. B. c. PSA 19017.00 07532-3 I I3.04 ELASTOMERIC MEMBRANE A. Installation: Install membrane fully adhered over cover board. Apply' lap and splice using methods and materials reconnended by the manufacturer. I B. lilenbrane Bonding: Install membrane in manner which allows temporary sealing on down-slope surface at end of each work day..1. Unioll membrane'and remove backing sheet in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.2. Position membrane with clean side down at location where it will be adhered.3. Fold sheet back past factory seam to expose half of sheet.4. Apply membrane bbnding cement to substrate only at rate and using methods recomended by the manufacturer5. Allow adhesive to dry to tacky stage and roll folded half of membrane evenly into adhesive.6. Brush or roll bonded half of sheet to fully bond sheet to substrate. 7, Repeat bonding procedure with other half of sheet. C. Splicing:1. Cl ean and dry surfaces to be reconmended by manufacturer. spliced with cleaning agents and wipes with manufacturerr s instructions. Install lap sealant in accordance I I I l I I I D. E. I I l I I I 2. Form splices in strict accordance3. Rol1 splices to fully bond laps. with manufacturer's instructions. Perimeter Attachment: Secure with manufacturer's recommended mechanical fasteners and rubber nailing strips at roof perimeter and roof penetration curbs and nailers. Flashing: Apply, lap and splice using methods, materials and details recommended by the manufacturer. Flash around penetrations using. -factory prefabricated pipe seals where possible. Field fabricated seals may be'uied where necebslry using manufacturer's standard details. F. Tenninations: Make terminations according to manufacturer's standard r details and as indicated. I 3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspection: A representative of the manufacturer shall make an insilection upon cbmpletion to ascertain that the entire.system-has been instal led acLording- to manufacturer's specifications and detai ls. 3.06 CLEANING A. Upon completion, remove surplus materials and debris from the site. EI{D OF SECTION 07532-4PSA 19017.00 I I I I I A. I I I t I I I I I sEcTIoN 07600 FLASHII{G AND SHEET METAL PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Sections Includes:1. Flashing and Counterflashing2. Bui lt-In Gutters3. Prefinished sheet metal on4. 0ther sheet metal flashing drawings and not specified B. Related Sections:1. Wood Blocking and Nailers: Section 06100 Rough Carpentry.-Z. Roofing and Filling Pourable Sealer Pockets: Sections 07531 and 07532 Elastomeric Single Ply Roofing.3. Sheet Metal Roofing and Flashing Associated with Sheet Metal Roofing: Section 07610 Sheet iletal Roofing.4. Copper Shingles: Section 07313 C. Related Requirements:1. Sealants: Section 07900 Joint Sealers I.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following: 1. "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual,u 1993 edition, as published by Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Associati0n (SMACNA) .2. National Roofing Contractors Waterproofing |\4anual , Latest I.03 SUBMITTALS reverse dormers related to the above, indicated on the el sewhere. Association (NRCA) Roofing and Edi ti on. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with 1. '0verall layout of sheet metal work.2. Type, thickness, and details of sheet3. Joints, expansion ioints, attachment components. Quality Control Submittals:1. Warranty: Submit in accordance with Section 01700. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Design Criteria: ComPly with:1. Wind Resistance: Factory l'lutual Class I-90. Section 01300. Include: metal components. and anchoring of sheet metal B. 1.04I I I I PSA 19017.00 07600- 1 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIOI{S A. Field Measurements: Before fabricating sheet metal, verify shapes and dimensions of surfaces to be covered. 1.06 WARRANTY A. Warranty: Provide two year written warranty covering materials and instaltltion for sheet metal in accordance with section 01700.1. Include that system shall be watertjght and weatherproof.2. See Warranty in Section 07531. B. Finish: Provide manufacturer's warranty against cracking, peeling' chalking and fading for a period 20 years in accordance with Section 01700. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OT SHEET METAL I I I l I I A.Galvanized Iron: ASTM A526 comrnercial quality sheet steel, ASTM A653' G90 commercial hot-dip galvanizing. Provide gages as indicated and specified, 24 gage minimum.1. Finish: Coil stock coated with PPG Duranar fluoropolymer coatjng finish produced with Kynar 500 resin. Finish and Colors: As selected by Architect from standard colors. Copper: ASTl"l 8370-84a, cold rolled temper, weighing not less than 16 oz. per square foot. 2.02 ACCESSORY MATERIAL A. Clips or Cleats: Same material and gage as sheet metal being installed. B. Nai'l s and Fasteners: Same metal as metal being installed or other non- corrosive metal as reconrnended by sheet manufacturer. Match finish of exposed heads with material being fastened. C. Nails and Fasteners For Copper: Hard copper, brass or bronze nails shall be flat head, barbed wire slating nails, not less than N0. 12 gauge, one inch long. F. Screws and Bolts: Round heads Roofing Felt: ASTM D266, #15 asphalt saturated felt. Building Paper: Resin sized unsaturated paper weighing six pounds per 100 square feet. G. Solder: ASTM 832, composition 50% tin and 50% lead. Use muriatic acid killed with zinc or soldering f1ux. I I I I I I B. I I I I D. E. PSA 19017.00 07600-? I I I I H. Sealant: Approved type of polyurethane; see section 07900. Roofers mastic is not accePtable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATIOI{ A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600: 1. Layout: Verify layout of woik before beginning installation. Z. Eximine surfaci:s t-o receive flashing or sheet metal. Surfaces shall be smooth, sound, clean and dry and fabric f1 ashing in place before work is started.3. Notifjcation: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi- tions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of exjsting conditions by installer. 3.02 PREPARATION A. coordination: coordinate work of this section with work of other sections. verify placement of wood blockjngs, inserts, nailing strips, cants, etc. Coordinate with Section 07531. B. Protective Coating: Coat contacting dissimilar metals with asphaltic compoun0. 3 . 03 WORKI''IANSH I P A. Reference standards: See section 01060. comply with following: 1. Unless indicated otherwise on drawings, workmanship and details shall comply with NRCA Manual and SMACNA Architectural Sheet Metal Manual . B. Edges:1.- Edges: Hem al I exposed edges, 1/2" unless _otherwise .i ndicated. 2, Drips: Angle bottom edges of vertical surfaces to form drips' C. Joints: Make ioints watertight and allow for expansion.1. Reinforce sheet metal corners as required.2. Reinforcement: Conceal withjn finished assembly. D. Fastenings: use concealed hook strips and fasteners. Exposed hook strips and fasteners not acceptable. E. Expansion and Contraction:1.' provide for thennal expansion and contraction and building movement in completed work.2. Make watertight and weathertight throughout.3. Unless otheriise indicated, piovide expansion ioints at maximum of 20 feet and not more than q ieet from corners. seal joints with sealant in accordance with Section 07900. I l T I I I I T I t I I I I PSA 19017.00 07600-3 F. Built-In Gutters: Line gutters with t.l.R. Grace Bituthene flashed into drai ns. 3.04 SHEET IIETAL A. Flashing and Counterflashing: As detailed of prefinished 24 gage galvanized iron or L6 oz. copper as indicated. Lock and solder ioints and hem exposed edges. END OF SECTIOl{ t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PSA 19017.00 07600-4 I Ir I r sEcrroN 07610 I SHEET METAL RooFING ' PARTl-GEIIERAL l, 1.01 SUMI"IARY f A. Section Includes: I 1. Standing seam copper sheet meta] roofing. I 2. Copper sheet netal parapet capr 3. Adjacent flashings at eaves, gables, ridges, top of s1ope, etc. B. Related Section:1. Plywood Deck: Section 06100 Rough Carpentry.2. Galvanized Iron Flashing: Section 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal3. Sealants: Section 07900 Joint Sealers. L.02 REFERENCES I A. Reference Standards: See Section 01091. Comply with following: - 1. Sheet Metal: "Architectural Sheet Metal Manualu, 1993 Edition as I glllillgd by Seeh Metal and Air Conditioning National Association (SMACNA) 1.03 SUBMITTALS ,l I A. Shop Drawings and Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Indicate panel layout, f1 ashings, accessories and attachments. t 1.04 QUALTTY ASSURANCE A. Instailer: Company specializing in installation of metal roofs. I 1. Experience:' C6ntinuously installed copper roofing in State ColoradoI for five years I 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. General: Comply with Section 01600. r 1. Deliver and store panels and accessories in dry place to avoid f condensation and contact with materials which might cause staining,! such as lime, cement, fresh concrete or chemicals. I 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONSIA. Field Measurements: Before fabricating, verify shapes and dimensions ofr surfaces to be covered. I. 07 WARRANTY I A. Warranty: Provide five year written warranty covering materials andr installation for metal roofing system in accordance with Section 01700. I PSA 19017.00 07610-l I I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OT SHEET METAL A. Copper: ASTM 8370-84a, cold rolled temper, weighing not less than 16 ounces per square foot. B. Under'layment: l,l.R. Grace Ice and Water Shield or accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. See Section 07113 C. Building Paper: Resin sized unsaturated paper weighing six pounds per 100 square feet. D. Accessory Material:1. Flashing Caps and Fascias: Match roofing system.2. Nails and Fasteners: Hard copper, brass or bronze nails shall be flat head, barbed wire slating nails, not less than No. 12 gauge' one inch long.3. Screws and Bolts: Round heads.4. Clips or Cleats: Same material and gage i nstal I ed.5. Solder: ASTI{ 832-83, composition 50% tin iatic acid killed with zinc or soldering6. Sealant: Polyurethane in accordance wjth mastic is not allowed. t I t I I as sheet and 50% fl ux. Secti on metal being lead. Use mur- 07900. Roofers I I I I I I I I I t I I I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Layout: Verify layout of work before beginning installation.2. Existing Conditions: Exanine substrate before beginning i nstal I ati on.3. Surfaces: Smooth, sound, clean and dry and fabric f1 ashing in place before work is started.4. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi- tions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Protective Coating: Coat contacting dissimilar metals with asphaltic compound. B. Underlaynent: Apply to plywood deck. See Section 07113 C. Buildjng Paper: Cover underlayment with layer of building paper with copper nails spaced 18" o.c. along lapped seams. PSA 19017.00 07610-2 I I I I t T I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.04 STANDING SEAM COPPER ROOFING A. General: Unless otherwise indicated or specified, comply with work- manship and details of Reference Standards.1. Robfing Type: Construct in accordance with uStanding Seam Roofing" standaid details and specifications for slopes of three inches to six inches per foot.2. Roofing Pans: Constructed of 16-3/4" o.c. as indicated. 120" long panels with standing seams 3. Start erection of panels so sheets horizontal lines straight and level4. Exposed fasteners not allowed. B. Insulation: Where copper sheet metal work ioins other types of metal, separate two metals by'lead insulation or other equally effective method of preventing e1 ectrolysis. C. C'leating and Fastening:1. Fasien pieces ovei 12" wide by cleats about 3/4" from end. Turn end back to cover nail heads. Lock free end of cleat into seam or folded edge of piece. Where seams are soldered, tin cleats.2. Cleats: Unless otherwise indicated or specified' 16 ounce copper' spaced not more than 12" apart.3. Sbcure pieces up to 12" wide by nails placed along one edge only and spaced not more than 4" apart.3. Provide edge strips at eaves and closures.4. Provide expansion'type as required for seams over 30 feet long. D. Standing Seams: 1" high. E. Soldered Seams: Where soldered seams are necessary' construct in manner consistent with good trade practice for soldering of copper. After- soldering, clean-off flux stains with solution of soap and 5% to l0% washing soda. END OF SECTION may be held true to line. Hold and vertical lines p1umb. PSA 19017.00 07610-3 t I T I I I I I t t I I I PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: Providing all calking and sealant indicated on Drawings, specified herein, and not specified under.other sections. In general,-sell all openings jndicated on Drawings qlg at other locations iequiring sealant tb seal visually and ggainst infiltration from air and water, including but not linited to following: 1. Expansion jojnts in exterior concrete sidewalks and slabs on grade. Z. Exiansion joints and control ioints in exposed interior cgncrete floor slabs, including Parking Garage.3. Flashing reglet and retainers.4. Masonry control ioints5. Isolation ioints, between structure and other elements. 6. Joints at penetrations of walls, decks and floors by piping and other service and equipment not required as firestopping. 7. Joints at sleeves wherb piping or conduit penetrates exterior walls above or be1 ow grade. 8. Joints between items of equipment and other construction. 9. Joints between door and window frames and adiacent materials' exterior and interior. I0. Bedding for door thresholds. 11. Open joints between dissimilar materials as required to close and conceal iointing of the work. 12. Construction and expansion ioints, ioints between dissimilar materials; joints around windows, door frames, louvers, and other penetrations and openings in the exterior wall; interior walls as detailed or specified. 13. Other joints as indicated. B. Related Sections:1. Sealants Related to Roofing: Section 07531 and 07532 Elastomeric Single P1y Roofing.Z. SeaTants itelated io Flashing: Section 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal .3. Glazing Sealants: Section 08800 GIazing. 4. Acoustical Sealants: Section 09261 Gypsum Board Partitions and Wal I s. I.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 for each material and location of application. B. Samples: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 for each type of sealant for color selection. sEcrIoN 07900 JOINT SEALERS I I t t PSA 19017.00 07900- 1 c. I .03 A. Quality Control Submittals:1. Warranty: Submit in accordance with Section 01700. QUALITY ASSUMNCE Installer: Company specializing in sealant application.1. Experience:' Cbntinuously installed sealairts in State of Colorado t I I ! t I I I I I I I T I I t t I I for five years. B. Manufacturer's Technical Representative: 0btain materials only from manufacturers who will, if iequired, send qualified technical repre- sentative to project site, for purpose of advising installer of proper procedures and precautions for use of materials. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AI{D HAI{DLING A. General: Comply t{ith Section 01600. Deliver in original unopened containers ant store in area not subiect to extreme heat or cold. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIOI{S A. Environmental Conditions: Do not apply exterior sealants during wet weather or when outside temperature'is below 40'F or apply interior sealants when inside temperature is be'l ow 60'F. 1 .06 WARRAI{TY A. lfarranty: Provide three year written warranty covering materjals and installation for sealants in accordance t{ith Section 01700.1. Warranty: Require installer, at no cost to 0wner, to.repair 9r.. replace-sealarits which fail to perform as airtight and watertight ioints; or fail in ioint adhesibn, cohesion, abrasion resistance, weather resistance, extrusion resistance, migration resistance, stain resistance, color retention, or general durability; or appear to deteriorate in any manner not clearly specified as inherent quality of material by submitted manufacturer's data. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 J0INT BACKING I'IATERIAL A. General: Size ioint backing material for minimum 30% compression when inserted in ioint. tllaterial: Round rod or semi-circular type. B. Manufacturers:1. Dow Chemical Company, Ethafoam.2. Sonneborn, Sonofoam.3. Schlegel I'lanufacturing Company, Schlegelfoam.4. Denver Foam.5. Accepted Substitute in accordance with Section 01600. PSA 19017.00 07900-2 I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I t 2.02 SEALANT MATERIAL A. Manufacturers:1. DAP Incorporated.2. Parr, Inc.3. Pecora Corporation.4. Sika Corporation5. Sonneborn Building Products.6. Tremco Manufacturing ComPanY.7. Mameco International .8. Accepted Substitute in accordance trith Section 01600. B. Silicone Sealant Manufacturers:1. General Electric.2. Dow Corning.3. Accepted Substitute in accordance with Section 01600. C. Acceptable Materials:f. interior and Under Thresholds: Latex acrylic, ASTM C834-76 (1981). 2. Exterior and Below Grade: Two component polyurethane, FS TT-S- 00227E, TyPe II, Class A, non-sag.3. Primer: As recomended by sealant manufacturer.4. Sealant at Sidewalks, Slabs on Grade and Interior Floor Slabs: Two- component self-leveling polyurethane, FS TT-S-00227E, Type I, Class A, pourable type.5. Siaiant at Lavltories, Tubs and Showers: Silicone tub sealant. 6. Colors: As selected by Architect from standard colors. 2,03 BOND BREAKER TAPE A. Tape: Polyethylene tape or other plastic tape as-recommended by,sealant mahufacturCr t-o be appiieO to sealant-contact surfaces where bond to substrate or ioint fiiter must be avoided for proper performance of sealant. Provide self-adhesive tape wherever applicable. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Inspect ioints to be sealed irrior to application.of any work under this section.2. Notification: NotifY General be put into proPer condition copy to Architect. Contractor of any ioints which cannot to receive sealants in writing with B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. PSA I9017.00 07900-3 3.02 PREPARATION A. Preparation of Surfaces:1. Clean surfaces in accordance2. Mask edges, if required, to straight finish Iine.3. Clean joint surfaces immediately before Remove dirt, insecure coatings, moisture would interfere with bond of sealant. with manufacturer's recommendations. protect adioining surfaces and produce a installation of sealant. and other substances which I I I I I4. Do not proceed with installation of sealant over ioint surfaces which have been painted, lacquered, waterproofed or treated with water repellent br other tredtment of_coating._ Remove coating or treatmeni ioint surfaces before installing sealant.5. Etch concrete nasonry ioint surfaces to remove excess alkalinity unless sealant manuf-acturer's printed instruction indicated that alkalinity does not interfere with sealant bond and performance. Etch with-54 solution of muriatic acid, neutralize with diluted amnonia solution, rinse thoroughly with water and a11ow to dry before sealant instal lation. B. Priming: If required, prime surfaces which are to be sealed with manufaiturer's recomnended or standard primer, after surfaces have been prepared as specified. Before use, chebk primers for discoloration and itirt picl-up bn adjacent surfaces. If staining occurs,_after exposure'- take hdequate measures to prevent primer from being.gPPlied over face of adiacent porous materials by masking or other suitable measures. C. Joint Backing:1. Joints: -Depth necessary to provide for specified allowable thickness oi sealant and also required backing where and as spe- cified. Provide backing of extent and type as specified and required to provide for allowable depth of sealant.2. aaik-up l{ateiials for Sealants: Non-staining, compatible with sealant and primer. resilient nature, and as recommended by manu- facturer of sealant.a. Size and Shape: As required by width of ioint and specified.b. Do not use mhterials inipregnated with oil, solvents or bitu- minous materials.3. Compress backing material minimum of 304 when inserted in ioint. aacking material for upper portion of joints shall be round rod or semi-circular in cross-!ection where in contact with sealant. D. Bond Breaker Tape: Install where indicated and as required by- manufacturer's i"ecommendations to ensure that sealants will Deform properl y. 3.03 APPLICATION A. Exterior Window Sills: Set in fu1l bed of polyurethane sealant. 8. Exterjor Thresholds: Set in full bed of latex acrylic sealant. t I l I I l I I I I I I I PSA 19017.00 07900-4 5. 6. 7. D. Lr. H. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I C. Seal Joints:1. Apply sealants in continuous beads without open ioints' voids or air pockets, using ratchet hand gun or mechanical powered gun. 2. Confine sealants to ioint areas with masking tapes or other pre- cautions. Apply compounds in concealed compression ioints accu- rately so that excess compound wilI not extrude from joints. 3. Remove excess compound or sealant promptly as work progresses, and clean adjoining surfaces.4. In rough surfaies or joints of uneven widths, install sealant well back into joint. Recess equal to width of ioint, or 3/8" minimum at masonry. Use anti-tack agent where necessary to protect freshly applied sealant from public traffic and dirt. Slightly recess ioints to facilitate painter's line. Handtool and finish joints throughout construction. Comply with manufacturer's specifications and recommendations. F. E. Concrete Expansion and Control Joints: Blow clean with compressed air. Pour ful I but do not over-fi I I . Sinks, Lavatories and Showers: Fill ioints between dissimilar materials with silicone sealant. Workmanship: Employ only proven installation -techniques, which will ensure that sealhnti will be deposited in uniform, continuous rjbbons without gaps or air pockets, with complete "vtetting" of ioint bond surfaces equal 1y on opposite sjdes.1. Except'as otherwibb incicated, fill sealant rabbet to slightly conchve surface, slightly below adiojning surfaces.2. |.|here horizontal joints are between horizontal surface and vertical surface, fill ioint to form slight cove, so that ioint will not trap moisture and dirt. Joint Sizes: Install sea'l ants to depths as indicated or, as recommended by sealant manufacturer but within following general l'imitations:1. For normal moving joints sealed with elastomeric sealants but not subject to traffic, fill ioints to depth equal to.50% of ioint width, but not more than lf?" deep or less than 1/4" deep.2. For joints sealed with non-elastomeric sealants and calking com- pounds. fill ioints to depth in range of 75% to 125% of ioint wi dth. Spi 1 l age:1. Do not allow sealants or compounds to overflow or spill onto adjoining surfaces, or to migrate into voids of adioining surfaces. Use masking tape or other precautionary.devices to prevent staining of adioining sLrfaces, by either primer/sealer or sealant.2. Remove excess and spillage of compounds promptly as work progresses. Clean adioining surfaces by whatever means may be necessary to eliminate evidence of spi1lage. Do not damage adjoining surfaces or fi ni shes. PSA 19017.00 07900-5 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Samples: Where directed by Architect, cut out.and remove total of three sambles consisting of undiiturbed sealant and_back-up.material fromjoiht. Samples siall be 6" in length. Reseal cut out areas with same materi al s. 3.05 CURII{G, PROTECTION A]{D CLEAIIING A. Curing: Cure sealants and calking compounds in compliance with manu- factuier's instructions and recotmendations, to obtain high early bond strength, internal cohesive strength and surface durability' B. Protection:1. Advise General contractor of procedures required for_protectlgn 9f sealants durinq construction period, so that they will be without deterioration 6r damage (othei than normal weathering) at time of acceptance.2. Protbct surfaces fron damage. clean soiled surfaces immediately. Replace any damaged material which cannot be cleaned with new materi al . T I I I t I I I I I I I t I I T I I I El{D OF SECTIOI{ PSA 19017.00 07900-6 t I I T I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I 1,.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01060.1. NAAMM Standard HMMA 861 or SDI 100.2. ANSI A115 Specifications for Door and DIVISION 8 DOORS AND I,IINDObIS sEcTr0N 08110 STEEL DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Hollow Metal Doors2. Hollow l'letal Frames B. Related Sections:1. Wood Doors: Section 082102. Access Panels: Section 08305 Access Doors3. Hardware including Thresholds and Weatherstripping: Section 08710 Door Hardware Comply with following: Frame Preparation for Hardware. 1.03 SUBI{ITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. B. Templates; Hardware templates for hardware mounted on hollow metal work shail le submitted under'section 08710 directly to hollow metal manufacturer inmediately after acceptance of hardware schedule. Report failure to receive templates with reasonable promptness to General Contractor. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: 1.- Fire ilatirig: Provide fire rating label acceptable to local building code authoiity on doors and frames indicated on the door schedule.If any door oi frame scheduled to be fire-rated cannot qualify for appropriate labeling because of its design, hardware or any other rbason, advise Architect prior to submission of bids.2, NFPA Standard No. 80. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comp1y with Section 01600. Store frames in manner to prevent twisting. Doors with dimples or dents will be reiected. PSA 19017.00 08110- 1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS z.OL DOOR AND FRAIIE MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers:1. Southwestern Hol I ow l'letal s2. Gateway Metal Products3. Hol-0-Met Corp.4. l{orth Central Supply5. Curries llanufacturing6. Elco Metal Products7. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. 2.02 HOLLOI,I I',IETAL FRAMES General: Frames for hol'l ow netal and wood doors, entrances, windows and borrowed lights, etc. indicated to be hollow metal shall be of design sections as detailed and assembled as indicated. Gages:1. Frames on Exterior Walls: 14 gage steel.2. Frames on Interior Walls: 16 gage steel. Constructi on:1. Joints and Connections Including Job-Fabricated Joints: Welded and ground and entire assembly reinforced and braced as required to ensure absolute rigidity.2. Do not used exposed screws except where specifically accepted. Accessori es :1. Reinforcement for Hardware: l'lachine frames for attachment of hardware, including mortising, reinforcing, drilling and tapping for hi nges.a. Butt Hinges: Seven gage, 12" long, full width of frame profile or equivalent.b. Closers: 10 gage, 12" long, full width of frame or equivalent.c. Strikes, Flush Bolts and Other Surface Mounted Hardware: 12 gage or equivalent.2. Anchors: Furnjsh anchors of type and number required for anchoring frames to structure, partitions, etc. as follows:a. Three jamb anchors on seven foot high jamb. b. Four jamb anchors on jambs over seven feet.c. Special strap masonry anchors at existing walls containing fire- rated assembl ies. t.lire anchors will not be allowed. Provide such installation instructions as are necessary to ensure proper installation of anchors.3. Silencers: Drill stop of lock iamb of each interior frame for installation of pneumatic rubber door silencers. Silencers shall be furnished under Section 08710, numbers as indicated on schedule.4. Joints: Continuous weld and grind smooth exposed ioints. I I I t I I I I I T I I T I I t I I I A. B. c. D. PSA 19017.00 08110-2 I t I T E. Hinges: Install mortar protection 2.03 HOLLOW METAL DOORS box behind each hinge cut. A. General: Doors indicated to be hol'l ow metal shall be hollow metal , flush, swing type doors of types indicated. B. Construction: Construct hollow metal doors from 16 gage steel' fully welded, ground smooth and completely sound and fire insulated. Provide thennal insulation in exterior doors. Manufacture hollow metal doors and panels with f1 ush tops, sides and bottoms. Plastic inserts are not acceitable. All vertical seams shall be fully we'lded. Lock seans or epoxy filled seans are not acceptable. D. Hardware: Mortise and reinforce doors to receive hardware.1. Hinges: Seven gage steel p1ate, 9't, welded to continuous 16 gage interior edge channels or equivalent. Drill and tap. Use of coined or extruded holes not acceptable.2. Locks, Latches, Push/Pulls and Panic Devices: 12 gage steel spot welded to 16 gage interior edge channels or equivalent and designed to provide adequate support and reinforcement for required hardware.3. Closers: Not less than 12 gage internal reinforcement. Provide special attention to reinforcing doors where closers are to be bolted through door. E. Insulation: Foam or batt type. Honeycomb core is not acceptable. 2.03 FINISH I I C. Labels: Provide fire rated construction and UL labels where listed in! door schedule. A. I I I I I I I I I I I t I Cleaning and Primer:1. Thoroughly clean adherence. Apply surface.2. Doors and Frames surfaces of grease, rust and scale fr'ller to doors where required to to be Painted: Apply one coat of to insure paint produce a smooth factory primer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Frames:1. Set steel franes accurately in accordance with details, straight and free of twist with head level and jambs p1umb. Rigidly anchor to walls and partitions and securely brace until surrounding work is completed. Provide deflection clearances at frame heads where i ndi cated.2. Fire-Rated 0penings: Place frames and provide clearances in accordance with NFPA Standard No. 80.3. Field Welds: Make welds full length of ioints. Remove splatter and grind exposed welds to match adjacent surfaces. Provide Archjtect PSA 19017.00 08110-3 with ample notice to review welds before finish4. Wherever possible leave spreader bars in pl ace securely anchored.5. Jambs shall be filled with grout under Section occur in masonry walls. B. Doors: Apply hardware in conformance with hardware templates hnd instructions. Hang doors to be free hardware functioning properly.1. Clearance Tolerances:a. Head: l/8" maximum.b. Jamb: 1/8" maximum.c. Between Doors (Pair): 1/8" maximum.d. Si'l'l without Threshold. lf2" maximum. 3.02 ADJUSTING A. Adjustment: At completion of iob, adiust doors and hardware as required and leave in proper operating condition. operations begin. until frames are 04200 where frames manufacturer's of binding with I I I I t I I I I t I I t I I I I I I END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 08110-4 I t I t t I I I I T I I I I I I I t I sEcTr0N 08115 PACKAGED STEEL DOOR FRAMES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 suIfl{ARY A. Section Incl udes:1. Pre-Finished Knock-Down Steel Door Frames B. Related Sections:1. Steel Doors and Welded Steel Door Frames: Section 081102. Wood Doors: Section 082103. Hardware: Section 087104. l,lood Trim: Section 06200 Fini sh Carpentry 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. B. Samples: Submit manufacturer's standard color sampies for Architect's color selection. i.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: 1.- Fire Ratirig: Provide fire rating label acceptable to local building code authoiity on doors and frames indicated on the door schedule. If any door or frame scheduled to be fire-rated cannot qualify for appropriate labeling because of its design, hardware or any other reason! advise Architect prior to submission of bids. 2. NFPA Standard No. 80. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600. Store frames in original cartons until ready for installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI PACKAGED STEEL DOOR FRAI{ES A. Manufacturers:1. Rediframe Division of Dunbarton Corp.2. Timely Division of SDS Sales, Inc.3. Acceptable substitute in accordance with Section 01600. B. Frames: 18 gauge cormercial grade knock-down construction drywall frames suitable for installation after drywall is completed. Sizes as indicated and widths as required for vlall conditions. Machined for PSA 190i7.00 08115- I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I t I I I c. D. E. hinges and strikes specified under Section 08710 Finish frame stops as required for installation of rubber door furnished under finish hardware. Trim: Wood trim as specified under Section 06200 Fire Ratings: As scheduled. Hardware. Drill si I encers Finish: Frames factory pre-finished, color as selected by Architect from manufacturer's standards. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI INSTALLATION A. Frames:1. Set steel frames accurately in accordance with details, straight and free of twist with head level and iambs plumb. Rigidly anchor to partitions and leave ready for door installation.2. Fire-Rated 0penings: Place frames and provide clearances in accordance with NFPA Standard No. 80. 3.02 ADJUSTING A. Adjustment: At completion of iob, adiust frames as required for proper door operation. El{D OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 08115-2 t I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I t t sEcTr0N 08210 t,lOOD DOORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1 .01 SUM}IARY A. Section Includes:1. Interior Paneled Wood Doors2. Interior Flush Wood Doors B. Related Sections:1. Hardware: Section 08710 finish Hardware.2. Field Finish: Section 09900 Painting. 3. Fire Rated Wood Frames: Section 08230 Packaged Wood Door Frames 4. Custom Wood Frames: Section 06275 t,lood Door Frames I.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: See Section 01060 for custom wood doors. Comply with the following:1. Architectural ttoodwork Quality Standards, Guide Specifications and Quality Certification Program, 1994 Edition, as published by the Architectural Woodwork Institute.a. Comply with premium grade requirements.2. Nl.lt,lDA industry standard I.S.1-A7 Series - Wood flush Doors. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submjt in accordance with Section 01300. Indicate location, size, elevation, details of construction, hardware blocking'fire rating, factory preparation requirements for each door type. B. Samples: Provide a sample corner section for each door type + rating. C. Templates: Hardware templates for hardware mounted on wood doors will be submitted under Section 08710 directly to wood door manufacturer immediately after acceptance of hardware schedule. Report failure to receive templates with reasonable promptness to General Contractor. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: Provide UL or Warnock Hersey label on doors requiring fire label.1.' If any door or frame scheduled to be fire-rated cannot qualify for appropriate labeling because of its design' hardware of any other rbhson, advise Architect prior to submission of bids. PSA 19017.00 082 t0- I 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AI{D HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.t. Delivery:' bo not deliver doors to building until it is entirely enclosed, drywall and concrete work is completed and humidity in the building has-reached average relative humidity of locali.ty.2. Storage: Stack doors flat and off floor. Do not drag doors across one another. I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t I 3. Protection: Protect doors during transit' storage and prevent damage, soiling and deterioration. Comply with Care" recomendations of t{l'IUDA and with manufacturer's reconmendat'ions. 1.06 WARRANTY handl ing to "0n-Si te A. Flush Door tlarranty: Provide written warranty in accordance with Section 01700 for ilush solid core doors for life of installation to include reasonable cost of rehanging and refinishing.1. Warranty: Cover warping (bow, iup or twist), photographing-of --construition be]ow fice-veneers and tolerance limitations of NWl.lDA. B. panel Door Warranty: Provide manufacturer's standard two year warranty on accordance with Section 01700. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OL INTERIOR PAl{ELED DOORS A. Acceptable llanufacturers:l. Eggers Industries2. Karona, Inc.3. Stal I ion4. l,leyerhaeuser5. Approved Substitute B. Description: Solid stock stile and rail with panels as indicated' At.lI custom grade construction. Laminated rai ls not allowed. Pre-machined for hardware. Thickness as scheduled. 4-3/4'minjmum rail width on doors to receive card readers.1. Fire Rating: 20 mjnutes where indicated. C. Species:1. Unit Entrance Doors: Larch2. Interior Residential Doors: Pine 2.02 II{TERIOR FLUSH DOORS A. Manufacturers:1. Weyerhaeuser2. A1 goma Hardwoods, Inc.3. Eggers Industries4. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. PSA 19017.00 082t0-2 I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Interior Solid Core Flush Doors:1. Thickness: l-314' unless otherwise indicated.2. Faces: Larch3. AWI Quality Grade: Custom4. Finish: Field finish under Section 09900.5. Under Cutting: Preserve full bottom rail.6. Solid Core Door AIJI Construction Type: PC-5 or PC-7 particleboard core.7, Fire Rated Door At.lI Construction Type: 60 and 90 minute. As i nd i cated .a. Fire Rated l'lineral Core Doors: Provide lock blocks. Provide panic blocks for Panic hardware.b. Frovide factory piefitting and premachining as required for fire rated labels. 2.03 FACTORY PREFITTING AND PREMACHINING A. Doors: Prefit and premachine doors at factory.1. Take accurate field measurements of hardware mortised in metal frames to verify dimensions and alignment before proceeding with machining in factory.2, Machine doors for hardware requiring cutting of doors.3. Comply with accepted hardware schedules and door frame shop drawings with hardware templates to ensure proper fit of doors and hardware. B. Tolerances: Comply with NWIIIDA tolerance requirements for prefitting. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600:1. Before installation, verify that frames are proper size and type for door and are installed as required for proper installation of doors.2. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi- tions in writing with copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work by instalIer. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Conditioning: Condition doors prior to hanging. means acceptance of existing conditions to average hunidity in installation area B. Prefitting: Prefit doors to frames and machine for hardware to whatever extent not previously work at factory as required for proper fit and unifonn clearance at each edge. C. Sealing: Before installation of hardware. brush apply exterior seal coat to all iob site cut or planed surfaces.1. Sealer: Type recommended by manufacturer. PSA 19017.00 08210-3 3.03 INSTALLATION A. General: InStall dOors in accordance with manufacturer's recommen- dati ons.1. In no case shall doors be cut down to opening sizes smaller than those for which they were manufactured.Z. Installation: Oy skilled finish carpenters or factory authorized i nstal I ers.3. Installer: Thoroughly familiar with the requirements of the manufacturer's door warranty as currently in effect and assure compliance with al1 Provisions. B. Clearance:1. l{on-Fire Rated Doors:a. Jamb: 1f8', 1.f8' bevel in 2".b. Head: L/8'.c. Between Double Doors: ll8.d. Bottom at Decorative Flooi Finish or Covering: If2"-e. Bottom at Threshold: 1/4" between bottom of door and top of threshol d.2. Fire Rated Doors: Comply with applicable building co<le. C. Hanging:1. -Afier sizing doors, fit for hardware as scheduled. Before in- stallation of hardware, brush apply an exterior seal coat to iob site cut surfaces. Use sealer reconmended by door manufacturer.2. Hang doors to be free of binding with hardware functioning properly. 3. 1{o thru-bolting of hardware will be allowed. 3.04 ADJUSTII{G AND PROTECTION A. Adjustment: At completion of iob, adiust doors and hardware as required and leave in proper operating condition. Protection: Advise General Contractor of proper procedures required to protect installed wood doors from damages or deterioration until acceptance of entire project. Replacement: Refinish or replace doors damaged during installation. 1.' Causes for Rejection: Iirclude chips, scratches or gouges of veneer. END OF SECTION T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. c. PSA 19017.00 08210-4 I sEcTIoN 08225 I METAL CLAD I.IOOD DOORS AND FRAMES t PARTl-GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY I A. Section Includes:1. Exterior metal clad wood doors and frames and related transoms. I B. Related Sections:1. Adjacent Wood t,ljndows and Sidelites: Section 08611 Metal Clad'Wood I z. Hili?ffi' section o88oor 3. Final Cleaning of Glass: Section 01710 Final Cleaning4. Finish Hardware: Section 08710 Finish Hardware I 5. Metal Clad Wood Sliding Glass Doors: Section 08312I L.02 SUBMITTALS t A. Shop Drawings: Submit jn accordance with Section 01300. r 1.03 DELMRY, SToRAGE AND HANDLING I A. General: Cornply with Section 01600. I B. Delivery: Schedule delivery to coincide with glazing schedules so thatt minimum handling of crates is required. Do not open crates except as required for inspection for shipping damage. f C. Storage: Store cases according to printed instruction on case, in areas least-subject to traffic or falling objects. Keep Storage area clean I and drY. r D. Handling: Unpack cases following printed instructions on case. Stack individual windows on edge leaned slightly against upright supports with I separators between each.r 1.04 WARRANTY I A. Provide one year_written warranty for material and installation in accordance with Section 01700. I PART2-PRoDUcTsI 2.OL MANUFACTURED I,|OOD DOORSt I A. Acceptable Manufacturers:1. EagleI 2. Approved Substitute I I PsA 1e017.00 I 08225-r H. I. PART 3.01 A. B. 3.02 A. C. Finish: Aluminum clad outside. Two custom colors as selected by Archi tect. D. Hardware: Manufacturer's standard hinges, threshold and weatherstrip-ping. Locksets by hardware supplier. l.leatherstrip: weatherstripped. Exterior Trim: Section 06200 Glazing: Doors pre-glazed with 5/8" clear Low E tempered _insulatingglass inits, altitude adjusted on'East, South and West sides of 6uilding. l{on-Low E on North side. Tempered as required by Code. Accessories: Provide necessary hardware, anchors and related items. Screen: t{one required. 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Verification of Conditions: Before installation, verify that openings are plumb and square and of proper dimension. Report frame defects or unsuitable conditions to the Construction Manager before proceeding. Acceptance: Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing condi ti ons. II{STALLATIOII AND ADJUSTMENT General: Install acCording to manufacturer's instructions and revjewed shop drawings. Adiust to work freely with all hardware functioning proilerly. Re-adiust at completion of the iob if directed by the Construction Manager. PROT ECT I ON Cover windows during spray painting or other construction operations that might cause damage. Protect thresho'l d during construction. CLEAN ING Leave in a job clean condition. Final cleaning of glass will be done under Sections 01710. t I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I E. F. G. 3.03 A. B. 3.04 A. EI{D OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 08225-2 I sEcTI0N 08230I PACKAGED l,lOOD DOOR FRAMES I PARTl-GENERAL 1.01 SUMI{ARY I A. Section Includes:1. Fire Rated Packaged tJood Door Frames I B. Related Sections:1. Welded Steel Door Frames and Hollow Metal Doors: Section 08110 I Steel Doors and Frames f 2. hlood Doors: Section 082103. Finish Hardware: Section 087104. Field Finish: Section 09900 r T.O2 SUBMITTALS I A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for all items under this section. I See Section 01300 Subnittals. I 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCEIA. Regulatory Requirements: Provide fire label as required on doors and frames indicated on the door schedule. I 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING f A. General: Comply with Section 01600. Deliver and store frames in I original cartons. r PART2-PRODUCTS I. 2.OI DOOR AND WINDOI,I FRAMES I A. Acceptable Manufacturers:r 1. Dimension ]t|illworks2. Eggers Industries I 3. Approved Substitute I B. Construction: - l. Eggers Industries Fire Guard 20 Minute.I 2' :lfin.lll,1'ofiiin,fio'?31.'f,1fih. I;l'!i'?i"l'3ilii1'll'ullll ,.."on 08710 Finish Hardware. I 3. Species: Douglas Fir for iob finish under Section 09900.I 4. Fire Ratings: 20 minute where indicated. ! t PsA 1e017.00 I 08230- 1 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 II{STALLATION Set frames accurately straight and free of anchor to partitions in accordance with nanufacturer's instructions' twist with head level and ianbs p1umb. Rigidly as required for fire rating. END OF SECTIOII I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I PSA 19017.00 08230-2 I t I I I I I I t I I I I I I T I t I 1.02 A. B. I .03 A. I .04 A. B. sEcTI0l{ 08250 ELEVATOR SI'IOKE DOOR ASSEMBLIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Conplete smoke and fire door assemblies at elevator entrances as indicated including frames, doors, operating hardware and installation accessories for a complete labeled assembly. B. Related Sections:1. Field Finish: Section 09900 Painting.2. Smoke Detectors: Division 16 Electrical SUBMITTALS Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Product Data: Submit catalog cuts for door hardware. qUALITY ASSURANCE Regulatory Requirements: Provide UL l-ll2 hr. B label on doors and frames indicated on the Drawings. DELIVERY, STORAGE AT{D HAIIDLII{G General; Comply with Section 01600. Deliver doors, frames and hardware cartoned or crated protection during transit and storage at the proiect hardware which is shipped loose to assure its proper assembly at the proiect site. Keep stored materials protected from danage. C. Inspect doors, frames and hardware for damage upon.del.ivery at tle project sjte. Minor damages nay be repaired, provided that the finish items are equal in alI respects to new work and acceptable to the Architect, dtherwise remove and replace damaged items as djrected. 1.05 WARRANTY A. Provide nanufacturer's two year written warranty in accordance with Section 01700. to providesite. Identi fy location and covered and PSA 19017.00 08250-1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OT DOOR ASSEMBLIES A. Acceptable Manufacturers:1. Openings Inc., Pontiac, l'lichigan2. Won Door Corp.3. Approved Substitute B. Frames: Confonn to Steel Door Institute (SDI) Standards 100 and 1114 for steel door frames, all-welded unit type, 16 gauge, same labelled fire resistance rating as specified for doors. Provide suitable adjustable type anchors spaced at 2'0u (max.) intervals. C. Hardware: Provide the Following:1. Closers: Pocketed application for concealed mounting, 180o open i ng .2. Eiectromagnetic Door Holders: Concealed wall type to hold door flush with wall when open. 2.02 FINISH A. Primed for field paint finish PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAtrtII{ATIoN A. Verification of Conditions: Examine conditions under which the doors and hardware are to be installed. l{otify the General Contractor of any conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactgry conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the installer. B. Acceptance: Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing condi ti ons. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General: Install doors, frames and hardware in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications, installation instructions and recommenda- tions, and the rbviewed shop drawings, using only manufacturer's certified installers. B. Install doors accurately in their respective frames, plumbed and aligned, and with clearances as required for the proper operation of the doors, and to fit the frame openings. I I t I T I I t t I I I I I I I t I I PSA 19017.00 08250-2 I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I 3.03 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Adjusting: Adiust and check each operating items of hardware and each door leai, to ensure proper operation and function of every door- Lubricate moving parts with the type of lubrication recommended by the hardware manufaitirrer. Replace items which cannot be adiusted and lubricated to operate freely and snoothly as intended for each appl i cati on. B. Cleaning: After completion of the installation work, clean expos_ed surfacei; touch up and refinish any minor damages to painted surfaces using matching primer. Repair or replace damaged or defective work as directed by the Architect. C. Demonstrations: Instruct the 0wner's personnel in the proper adiustment and maintenance of the doors and hardware, including the hardware finishes, during the final adjustment of the hardware. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 08250-3 I sEcTIoN 08305I ACCESS D00RS PART 1 - GENERAL I 1.or SuMMARYI A. Section Includes: I 1. Access doors into pipe and utility spaces.I B. Related Sections: I l. Furnishing Access Doors as Specified in This Section for Mechanical I Equipment: Division 15 Mechanical.- 2. Fdrnishing Access Doors as Specified in This Section for Electrical I 3. ililsTill;.,0;;'il::,lur5l;:l"iiliop,i.t. sections.I PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.01 ACCESS D00RS I A. Located in Tile, Gypsum Drywall in Public Toilets:I 'r'. ili'!;i,ll{'3oTco stvre c r 3. KarP Model DSC-2ll I 4. JL Industries Model TMr 5. l.|i I I i ams Brothers l,lB-GP6. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. I B. Fire-Rated Access:1. Milcor Fire-Rated Access Door I 2. Ml{ Systems Boico Fire Rated Access Door Series F t 3. Karp Model KRP-150 FR4. JL Industries Model FD5. WiI I iams Brothers WB-FR I 6. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. C. Panels Located in Non-rated Drywall Ceilings and llalls: I 1. Karp Model RDW clad with drywall I 2. Accepted Substitute I D. Description:I 1' ;::f;:;,.li ll'li::;1,:l,olixllfll.or as requ*ed to properrv service 2. Locking Devices: Key operated cam locks. I 3. FinishiI a. Publ ic Toilet Rooms; Stainless steel. b. All Others: Prime for painted finish under Section 09900 to match adjacent finish. I I PsA 1e017.00 I 08305- I PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Mechanical or mechanical or or Division 16 in which door E'l ectrical Access: Access doors required for access to electrical equipnent shall be provided under Division 15 and instaltdA by the trade reiponsible for the material is located. I It I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I t I B. General Access: Furnish access door indicated on drawings for general access to be installed by trade responsible for material in which door is located. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 08305-2 c. B. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I II t t t sEcTIoN 08312 METAL CLAD t,lOOD SLIDING GLASS DOORS PART 1 - GETIERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Exterior Wood Sliding Glass Doors. B. Related Sections:1. Exterior Wall Framing: Section 05400 Cold Formed Metal Framing. 2, Final Cleaning of Glass: Section 01710 Final Cleaning. 3. Metal Clad Wood Windows; Section 08611. 4, Metal Clad Wood Doors and Frames: Section 08213. I.02 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Conply tvith Section 01600. B. Delivery: Schedule delivery to coincide with installation scheduies so that minimum handling of crates is required. Do not open crates except as required for inspection for shipping damage. Storage: Store cases according to printed instruction on case' in areas least-subiect to traffic or falling objects. Keep Storage area clean and dry. 2 - PRODUCTS I^JOOD SLIDING GLASS DOORS Acceptabl e Manufacturers :1. Eagle2. Accepted substitute Description: Aluminum Clad Patio Sliding Doors and Frames, as i ndi cated.1. Glazing: Factory tempered insulating clear Low E glazing units, altitude adjusted on East, South + l.lest sides of building. (Non-Low E on on North)2. Exterior Finish: Aluminum clad, Custom color as selected by Archi tect.3. Accessories: Provide with sliding aluminum mesh screens. 4. Hardware: Provide complete with standard pulls and interior deadlock, threshold and weatherstripping, PART 2.0r A. PSA 19017.00 08312- I PART 3.01 A. B. 3.02 A. I I I I I I I I I I c. D. 5. Trim: Section 06200 Accessories: Provide necessary anchors and related items. Trim Flashings: Provide all related aluminum trim flashings, color to match doors. 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINATION Examination: Before installation, verify that openings are plumb and square and of proper dimension. Acceptance: Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT General: Install doors according to manufacturer's instructions and reviewed Shop Drawings. Adiust to work freely with all hardware functioning ilroperly. Readiust doors and screens at completion of the job if directed by the Construction Manager. B. 3.04 A. 3.03 PROTECTION A. Cover doors during spray painting or other construction operations that might cause damage. Protect track threshold during construction. CLEAN ING Leave doors in a job clean condition. Final cleaning of glass will be done under Sections 01710. END OF SECTION I I I I I I t I I PSA 19017.00 08312-2 B. t t I I I I I T I I T I I I I I t I t sEcTIoN 08360 SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS PART 1 - GENERAL I. O1 SUMI{ARY A. Section Includes:1. Overhead Sectional Doors B. Products Installed but not Furnished Under This Section: 1. Cylinder Lock: Section 08710 Finish Hardware. C. Related Sections:1. Steel Frame: Section 05500 Metal Fabrications2. Electric Power: Division 16 Electrical3. Job Applied Wood Finish: Section 06200 Finish Carpentry 4. Interface with Parking Control Equipment: Section 11150 I.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings and Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. B. Contract Closeout Submittals:1. operation and Maintenance Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01730. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2,OI OVERHEAD DOORS A. Manufacturers:1. 0verhead Door Corp.2. Raynor Manufacturing Co.3. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. l'lanufacturer and Type: 0verhead Door Series 420, 20 gage galvanized steel sectional overhead doors, 2" thick sections. Weatherstri ppi ng:1. Jambs: Neoprene rubber2, Fl oor: U-type viny'l .3. Head: Neoprene rubber.4, Section Joints: Neoprene foam rubber D. Insul ation:1. Insulate doors with l-l/2' rigid foam isocyanurate and 24 gage galvanized steel back cover with R value of 12.I. PSA 19017.00 08360- I Track: Two inch galvanized steel . Provide Iow overhead rear mount motor lift type as indicated. Hardware: Counterbalance doors with torsion springs and galvanized lift cable. Provide high cycle springs at garage door. Finish: Prime coat doors, both interior and exterior, for iob painting. Coordinate with installer of wood siding on Trash Room Door. H. Trash Room Door 0peration: Manual with hand pull rope. I. E'lectrical Qperation: Overhead Model FL/SFL electric operation for -doors as indicated. Provide size motors'as manufacturer recommends for type and size doors. Locate iackshafts as indicated. Provide in 120 voit single phase. Provide chain hoists for emergency operation. _Electrically-interlock chain hoist to electric operator with 24 volt control . J. Controls: Provide contactors for interface with control equipment specified under Section 11150 Parking Control lQuipment and for iirterface with C0 exhause system desiribed in Section 15000 lilechanical. K. Support: Provide necessary supplemental framing for support of tracks. L. Pneumatic safety door botton on garage entry d00r. PART 3 - EXECUTIOI{ 3.OI INSTALLATION A. General: InStall overhead doors according to manufacturer's recom- mendations and accepted shop drawings. B. Electrical: Provide electrical motor operators and controls. Conduit, wiring and connections are provided under Division 16. END OF SECTION I I I t I I I t I I I I E. F. G. c. Adjustment: Adjust to work freely with hardware functioning properly. Reladjust at completion of job ifdirected by Architect. I I I I t I I PSA 19017.00 08360-2 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I sEcTI0N 08445 ENTMNCE DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Entrance Framing at lilain Entrance2. Entrance Doors3. Entrance Door Hardware B. Products Installed but not Furnished Under This Section:1. Cylinders: Section 08710 Finish Hardware C. Related Sections:l. Final Cleaning of Glass: Section 01710 Final Cleaning2. Sealing Joints: Section 07900 Joint Sealers3. Glazing: Section 088004. Revolving Entrance Doors: Section 084705. Autonatic Door 0perators: Section 08720 I.O2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Requirements:1. tlindload: Fabricate and install franing systems to withstand windload required by Local Code with maximum deflection of l/175 of span. Reinforce framing systems as required to meet criteria.2. Air Infiltration: Not exceed 0.06 CFM/sq. ft. of fixed area in accordance with ASTM E283-84.3. Water Infiltration: No water penetration at test pressure of 6.24 psf in accordance with ASTM E331-83. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. B. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300.l. Calculations: Include calculations for review indicating framjng meets design cri teria.2. Include special glazing stop and other associated components. Indicate anchors, joint system, expansion provisions and other components not included in manufacturer's standard data. Include glazing details. C. Samples: Submit three samples of bronze finish for acceptance in accordance with Section 01300.1. Make samples on 12" long extrusions or 6" square sheets of a1 loy to be used for system.2. Architect's Review: For color and texture only. PSA 19017.00 08445- 1 D. Quality Control Submittals:1. Warranty: Submit in accordance with Section 01700. E. Templates: Hardware templates for hardware mounted in aluminum doors and'frames shall be submitted under Section 08710 directly to door and frame supplier innediately after acceptance of hardware schedule. Report fdilure to receive templates with reasonable promptness to General Contractor. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer: Company specializing in entrance and storefront fabricati0n and instal Iations.1. Experience: continuously fabricated and installed entrances and storefront for five years. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE Al{D HANDLING A. General: comply with section 01600. store frames and doors in .posi-tions necessaiy-to prevent twisting. Do not install frames or doors with dimples or dents. 1.06 I.JARMNTY A. Warranty: Provide five year written warranty covering materials and installation for entrances and storefront in accordance with section 01700.1. Uarranty to include watertight condition. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI DOOR AI{D FRAMES A. Manufacturers:1. Tajima Corporation2, Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. Framing Systems as Indicated: Custom manufactured1. Provide frame sections in sizes and shapes indicated.2, Reinforcement: If required as determined by manufacturer, add concealed steel reinforcement to meet design requirements.3. Hardware Reinforcement: Provide 3/16" concealed steel reinforcement for hardware including door hinges, closers, panic devices, etc. 4. Accessories: Provide-necessary fittings and accessories for a complete, functional and watertight frame installation. Provide matth'ing break metal, closures, etc. where detailed or required. Glazed Doors: Medium Stile Finish: Polished brass. B. I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I t I c. D. PSA 19017.00 08445-2 IT I 2.02 HARDhTARErA. Cylinders: Furnished under Section 08710 and installed under thisr section. I B. Hardware: Provide hardware including pivots, locks, push, pu1 l, r,^ threshold and weatherstripping as approved by Architect.lI PART3-EXECUTION I 3.01 EXAMINATIoN F A. Verification of Conditions: Comply with Section 01600: E 1. Layout: Verify layout of work before beginning installation. I 2. Existing Conditions: Examine openings_for aluminum framing to detennine that they are proper size, plumb, square and level before installation of frames is started. I 3. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi- ; tions in writing with copy to Architect. J B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existing conditions V by installer. I 3.02 INSTALLATIoN J A. Frames: Securely install frames according to manufacturer's recom- mendations and accepted shop drawings.nI B. Doors: Apply hardware in conformance with hardware manufacturerrs templates and recommendations. I C. Adjustment: Hang and adjust doors to work freely with hardware func- tioning properly. Re-adjust at completion of project if directed by r! Architect.Ir 3.03 PRoTEcTIoN I A. Protection: Cover doors and framing during spray painting, drywalling t or other construction operations that might cause damage. I 3.04 CLEANING I A. Cleaning: Leave doors and frarning in clean condition.t Final Cleaning of Glass: Under Section 01710.II B. Touch Up: Touch up damaged finished surfaces. END OF SECTIONI T I PsA 1e017.00 I 08445-3 It I sEcTroN 08470 -t,I REVOLVING ENTRANCE DOORS I I PARTl-GENERAL I 1.01 tl0RK INCLUDED r A. Furnish and Install:1. Manually operated revolving doors and adiacent sidelites. 11I L.Oz SUBMITTALS i A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings as specified under Section 01300 J Submittals. r\ 1.03 DELIVERY, SToRAGE AND HANDLING I Store doors in posit'ions necessary to prevent twisting. Protect from damage. Doors with damage of any kind may not be installed.I,f PART2-PRODUCTS | 2.01 REV0LVING D00Rs I A. Acceptable Manufacturers: r 1. Taiima Corporation I 2. International Steel Co.. 3. Tubelite Architectural Products - 4. APProved Substitute I B. Manufacturer and type:l. Tajima manual operation, 3 wing design with emergency collapsingrn mechanism.I'r C. Sizes: 7'-0" diameter. I D. Finish: Polished BrassI E. Glazing: f 1. Door wings: 1/4" clear tempered. | 2. Curved Enclosure tl|al'ls: 5/16" laminated, clear I F. Hardware: I 1 . Speed Control Devi ce: l',lanufacturer' s standard wi th power assi st.I 2. Push Bars: Manufacturer's standard.3. Emergency Collapsing Mechanism: Manufacturer's standard. I 4. weatherstrippin!: ftanufacturer's standard.I 5. Locksets: i,tinuiacturer's standard with cylinders by hardware suppl i er. III PSA 19017.00 08470-1 t I 3.02 A. 3.03 A. 3.04 A. PART 3 - EXECUTIOI{ 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of conditions: verify that existing conditions are satisfactory for installation. Report unsatisfactory conditions to the General Contractor. 8. Acceptance: Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing condi ti ons. PREPARATION Coordinate size and location of electrical rough-in. INSTALLATION Install according to manufacturer's instructions and approved shop drawings. Adiusi to work freely with all hardware functioning properly. Re-adjust at iompletion of iob id directed by Architect. Electrical conneition to poi+er assist and fire alarm system by electrical contractor. C LEAN I NG Leave glass doors in a iob clean condition. Final cleaning of glass will be done under other sections of these specificatjons. Upon completion wipe clean all aluminum and leave polished. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I t T I I t I T I I T I I PSA i9017.00 08470-2 r SECTlOt'l 08611 l METAL CLAD I,JOOD IdINDOWS IA PARTl-GTNERAL L r.o1 sur{r4ARY !A. Section Includes:11 1. Metal clad wood windows I B. Related sections:1. Final Cleaning of Glass: Section 01710 Final Cleaning 2, lileta] Clad Wood Sliding Glass Doors: Section 08312 3. Metal Clad Wood Doors and Frames: Section 08225 I t.oz SUBMITTALS I ,l B. Samples: Provide color samples for verification of custom color. I 1.03 DELMRY' SToRAGE AND HANDLING r A. General: Comply with Section 01600. I B. Delivery: Schedule delivery to cojncide with installation schedules so I that minimum handling of crates is required. Do not open crates except as required for inspection for shipping damage. I c. Storage: store cases according to printed instruction on case, in areas! |east-subject to traffic or falling objects. Keep storage area clean -\ and dry.Tt PART2-PRoDUcTs I z.or MANUFACTURED t,looD l,llNDot^ls A. Acceotable Manufacturers:r 1. Eagle I 2. Approved Substitute ,L. B. Manufacturer and Type: l'4eta'l clad fixed, and casement units. Provide I aluninum mesh scre-ehs on operable unit. Simulated divided lites whereI indicated. I C. Finish: Stain finish inside. Aluminum clad outside in two (2) custom I colors as selected by Architect. - D. Exterior Trim: Section 06200 I PSA 19017.00 08611-1I I I E.Hardware:1. Casements: Roto operator and sash living units as required bY code. Weatherstrip: Manufacturer's standard. Glazing: Factory pre-glazed with clear adjusted at East, South and West sides' required by Code. Accessories: Provide necessary hardware, anchors and related items. Trim Flashings: Provide all related aluminum trim flashings, color to match windows. 3 - EXECUTION EXAMINAT ION Verification of Conditions: Before installation, verify that openings are plumb and square and of proper dimension. Acceptance: Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing conditions by installer. INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTI{ENT General: Install windows according to manufacturer's jnstructions and ievieweO shop drawings. Adiust operable sash to work freely with. all hardware funltioning-properly. Re-adiust at completion of the iob as djrected by the Architect. I I I T T I I F. G. H. I. fastener. Egress hardware at al I Low E insulating glass, altitude non Low E on North. TemPered as PART 3.01 A. B. 3.02 A. I I I t I t t I I l I 3.03 PROTECTION A. Cover windows during spray that might cause damage. painting or other construction operations 3.04 CLEANING A. Leave windows in a iob clean condition. Final cleaning of glass will be done under Section 01710. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 08611-2 t I I l t I I I I t I I I I sEcrr0N 08710 DOOR HARDWARE PART 1 - GENEML I.O1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Door Hardware2. Key Box Products Furnished but not Installed Under This Section:1. Cylinders for Sectional Overhead Doors: Section 083602. Cylinders for Entrances: Section 08410 Related Sections:1. Hollow Metal Doors and Frames: Section 08110 Steel Doors and Frames 2. Wood Doors: Section 082103. Door Opening Assemblies: Section 082505. Threshold Sealant: Section 07900 Joint Sealers I.02 SUBMITTALS A. Hardware Schedule:1. Within 20 days after receipt of order for finish hardware, prepare complete schedule and submit jn accordance with Section 01300. 2. Do hot order hardware until accepted copy of schedule is returned to supplier bearing stamps of Contractor and Architect.3. InLiude catalog-cut of each different hardware item on hardware schedul e.4. Schedule: Indicate following details: B. c. Door Numbers Locati on C. Quality Control Submittals:1. Warranty: Submit in accordance D. Contract Closeout Submittals:1. 0peration and Maintenance Data: 01700. Include printed sheets Frame Materials Hand of Door with Section 01700. Submit in accordance with Section from manufacturer covering hardware Size and Thickness of Door Degree of Opening Door Material TYPe of Attachment As well as any other pertinent infonnation regarding door and quality and type of hardware to be furnjshed. B. Templates: Within 10 days after receipt of accepted hardware schedule' subm'i t four sets of templates and schedules to: 1. Hollow metal door and frame supplier.2. Wood door supplier.3. Entrance door and frame supplier. t I T t PSA 19017.00 08710- 1 furnished. Include following infonnation:a. Name, address and telephone number of hardware suppliers.b. Mainienance instructioits and parts list for each type of operating hardware including: (1) Locks (2) Exit Devices (3) Closers 1.03 QUALITY ASSUMI{CE A. Supplier Qualifications: Hardware supplier shall.have in his.employ .regltar member, in good standing, of i\inerican Society of Architectural Haidware Consuitanti, who shall-be responsible for detailing, scheduling and ordering of finish hardware. B. Regulatory Requirenents: Provide Under'writers Laboratory listed haidware ?or fire or accident hazard where scheduled or required to maintain rating of opening. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Delivery:' beliver hardware to iob site only after proper provision I I I t I I I I T I t I I t 1 I I T I 2. 3. for storage have been made. Labels: Properly package and labe'l each jtem location for which intended. Check-In: Hardware supplier shall authorize be present when finish hardware is delivered in each item and turn over to Contractor for under lock and key. 1.05 WARRANTY A. lrr|arranty: Provide fol Iowing written warranties covering hardware in accordance with Section 01700.1. Warranty against mechanical failure of door closers for five year peri od.2. i,larranty against failure of parts for hardware except door closers for two year period. Warranty shall include cylinder locks. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI KEYING, KEYS AND MASTER KEYS A. Keying Schedule: Key all cylinders al'ike or different as directed by owirer. Be responsibie to schedule meeting with 0wner to obtain 0wner's keying requirements. B. Construction Keys: All exterior cylinders shall be construction master keyed. At time of Qwner occupancy, make construction keys inoperative. to indicate exact his representative to to site and shall check storage in secure Place PSA 19017.00 08710-2 c. D. I t t t I I I T l4aster Key: Cy'linders shall be master keyed. Provide total of six building master keys. Keys: Provide two keys for each interior cylinder keyed. Stamp keys and cylinders with door number. E. Key Del ivery:1. Master keys and Subnaster Keys and Identified Change Keys: Delivery direct frbn factory by registered mail in safety envelopes directly to Owner2. Other Keys: Mail other keys to General Contractor at his office. 2.03 KEY BOX A. Key Box: Provide one Knox Company, Model 3200 Knox Box, recessed mount1. Fi ni sh: Bl ack2. Provide location stickers as required. GENERAL MATERIAL REqUIREMENTS Fasteners: Furnish necessary screws and bolts for proper installation. Provide suitable sizes, type and finish to hannonize with hardware.1. Hardware Attached to Metal: Templated and fastened with machine screws long enough to penetrate I/2' thick reinforcing. Si'l encers: Provide rubber silencers for all doors, wood and metal . Provide three silencers for each door and two for each pair of doors. Cylinders: Furnish cylinders of same keyway unless otherwise specified. Stops: Provide wall mounted stops where poss'ible. 3 - EXECUTIOII INSTALLAT ION General: Provide factory hardware technician to be present to assist and jnstruct those applying finish hardware. 2.04 A. I I I I B. c. D. PART 3.01 A.I I I I I I I B. Fastening: Furnish items of hardware with attachment screws, bolts, nuts, eti. as required to attach hardware to type of material involved and with fjnish to match adjacent hardware.i. Make attachments to metal by template machine screws.2. Through-bolt hardware such as door closers, foreann shoes of closers, holding devices and panic hardware nounted on doors or panel s.3. Attach hardware to masonry or concrete with expansion bolts or similar drilled anchors to develop full strength of attached device. Set expansion anchors in solid masonry not mortar iojnts. PSA 19017.00 08710-3 weatherstripping and Threshol ds:1. Weatheriiriiping and Soundstripping: Run full height of both iambs and full width of head.2. Thresholds and Door Bottoms: Run full width of opening. Install thresholds with continuous threshold anchors cast into slab and set in sealant under Section 07900. l.lounting Heights (Unless Otherwise Indicated): Dimensions given are from floor to center line of hardware item.1. Door Knobs: Standard - 38 Inches2. Pushplates: Standard - 46 Inches3. Pullilates: Standard - 46 Inches4. Exit'Devices Cross Bar: Standard - 36 Inches N0te:a. lilount.pull on opposite side of panic device to coincide with exit device template.b. Install pushplate to conceal through bolts of pu11. 3.02 KEY BOX A. Install in locations directed by Architect. Properly tag and install keys in key cabinet. 3.03 PROTECTION A. Painting: Do not install door silencers, kickplates, pushplates, door. bottoms-and wall stops until after painting is complete. Loosen locksets and panic hardware piior to painting and retighten after painting is. compiete. Mask hardware or other'wise protect during pajnting operation. 3.04 ADJUSTMENT A. Adjusting by Hardware Manufacturer's Representative: .Prior to final inipecti6n, inspect and adiust door clobers, locks and items requiring close adjustment and regulation and check keying. 3.05 HARDWARE SCHEDULE A. See attached schedule T I I ! I t I I I I I I c. D. I t I I t I I PSA 19017.00 08710-4 a sEcrI0l{ 08720 t AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORS I PARTI-GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARYI I A. Section Inc]udes:1. Autornatic Door 0perators and controls at Main Entry swinging Doors I (adiacent to revolving door) B. Related Sections: - 1. Wood Doors: Section 08210 I 2. Door Hardware: Section 08710-t 3. Electrical Wiring: Division 16 Electricai. t r.oz REFERENcESIA. Reference Standards: Comply with: [ 1. A[{SI A156.10-1985 Power Operated Pedestrian Doors. I I. 03 SUBMITTALS I A. Shop Drawings and Product Data: Submit in accordance with Sectionr 01040. Indicate alI elements including electrical requirements. t B. Manufacturer's Maintenance Instructions: Submit in accordance with I Section 01730. r 1.04 WARRANTY r A. Automatic door package shall be warranted for two years against material - and manufacturing defects. ! PART2-PRODUCTS r 2.01 AUTOMATIC DOOR PACKAGE [.A. Acceptable Manufacturer: I I . Stanl e-v Magi c Swi ng I B. Description: Stanley Magic-Swing Electro-Mechanical Swinging. Door.r_ 0perator and electrical control , a1 uminum header, connecting hardware, t abtuating controls, guide rails and power on/off switchesI 1. Header Finish: Polished Brass2. Manual Use: 0perator shall function as a manual door closer with or I without electrical Power.I 3. ff:;["];:,:!i:l:,..: war] mounted handicap accessibre switches I I PsA 1e017.00 I 08720-r PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of conditions: verify that existing conditions are satisfactory for installation. Report unsatisfactory conditions to the General Contractor. B. Acceptance: Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing condi ti ons. 3.02 PREPARATIOI{ A. Coordinate size and location of electrical rough-in. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. The swinging door operator package shall be installed by faclory authoriz6d ind traihed persbnnel in strict compliance with the manufacturer's reconmentations and according to approved shop drawings. Coordinate installation with adjacent frames. B. Apply protective coating to separate aluminum from galvanically - i ncompati bl e material s. C. Instruct Owner's representative in proper operation of units. D. lrlake necessary electrical and control connections for full operation of doors. ADJUSTING AI{D CLEAI{ING Adjust moveable units to operate smoothly and to be weathertight when cl osed. Lubricate hardware and moving parts. Clean exposed surfaces. Leave units in closed position. END OF SECTION T I I T I t I 3 .04 A. I I I I I I I I I I I I B. c. D. PSA 19017.00 08720-2 I I I I I SEcTION/ 08800/ t/ GLANilG .,' PART I - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Secti on Inc]udes:1. Glass and Glazing For:a. Hollow Metal Frames and Doors: Section 08110b. Wood Doors: Section 08210c. Entrances: Section 08410d. Interior non-rated borrowed lites2. Mirrors Related Sections;1. Factory Gl azed2. Factory Glazed and 08611 REFERENCES J I I I B. I I I I I l I I I I 1.03 A. 1.04 A. Revolving Doors: Section 08470 Metal C'fad Doors and Windows: Section 08225, 08312 t.02 A.Reference Standards - See Section 01060. Comply with: 1. FGMA Gl azi ng I'lanual , 1986 edi ti on.2. FGMA Glazing Sealing Systems Manual, 1983 edition. 3. Insulating Glass: IGCC certified. SUBMITTALS Samples: Submit samples of each type of glass in accordance with Section 01300. Cut glass sizes as requested by Archjtect. QUALITY ASSURANCE Regul atory Requi rements:1. Wire Glass: UL approved.2. Safety Glass and Glazing: Comply with 797 .1. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Delivery:' Schedule delivery to coincide with glazing schedules so minimum handling of crates is required. Do not open crates except as required for inspection for shipping damage. 2. Storaje: Store cases according to printed instructions on case, in areas least subject to traffjc or falling obiects. Keep storage area clean and dry.3. Handling: Unpack cases following printed instructions 0n case. Stack individual windows on edge leaned slightly against upright supports with separators between each. State Statutes, UBC and ANSI PSA 19017.00 08800-1 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIOI{S A. Field lileasurements: Field measure openings before ordering tempered glass products. Be responsible for proper fit of field measured products. I.O7 hIARRANTY A. A1l insulated glass in the vertical positions shall be warranted against seal failure for a period of ten years. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.0t GLASS A. Manufacturers:1. PPG Industries, Inc.2, AFG Industries, Inc.3. Ford Glass.4. Libby-Owens-Ford Co.5. General Glass Corporation.6. Guardian Industries.7. Accepted Substitute in accordance with Section 01600. B. Labels: Each Individual Piece of Glass: Bear label designating type' thickness and quality. Do not remove labels until reviewed by Arch i tect . C. Glass Types: Provide glass of following types as indicated: TYPE DESCRIPTION A One inch nominal thickness double sealed insulating glass. l/2 inch air space. Inside face 1/4 inch clear. 0utside face 1/4 inch clear. One inch nominal thickness double sealed insulating 91ass. l/2 inch air space. Inside face I/4 inch tempered clear. Outside face 1/4 iirch tempered clear.'Use at safety locations and as i ndi cated. 1/4 inch thickness clear Tempered Safety Glass. Use at safety locations and as indicated. One-t,Jay Glass: 1/4 inch L0F Tempered Mirropane Transparent I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I I D 2.02 GLAZING A. Setting by gl ass PSA 19017.00 Mimor Glass, clear. MATERIALS Blocks, Shims and Glazing CliPs: manufacturer. 08800-2 Size and type as recormended B. c. I I I I I I I t I I I t t Preshinmed Glazing Tape:1. Acceptable Products:a. Bostik Chem-Tape 60.b. Pecora Shim-Seal Tape.c. Tremco Preshimmed 440 TaPe.d. Approved substitute.2. oescriition: Preformed, adhesive, elastomeric butyl/polyisobutylene glazing tape with continuous built-in EPDM shim, designed for pressure sealing of glazing units in framing system.3. Sealant Cornpatibility: Provide tape conpatible with silicone glazing sealant and curtain wall or window wal 1 perimeter sealants. Silicone Glazing Compound: GE Silglaze N or accepted substjtute in accordance tvith Section 01600. 2.03 MIRRORS A. l'lirrorsz l/4 inch thickness polished plate, ntirror glazing quality with pol ished edges.l. Sizes: As indicated on Drawings.2. Adhes'ive: As recommended by Mirror Glass Manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.O1 II{SPECTION A. Verification of Conditjons: Comply with Section 01600: 1. Layout: Verify layout of work before beginning installation. 2. Existing Conditions: Before glazing, verify that frames are plumb and square with metals stops set for proper glass-to-stop face cl earance.3. Notification: Notify General Contractor of unsatisfactory condi- tions in writing }'Jith copy to Architect. B. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of existjng conditions by instal Ier. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Protection: Complete'ly cover glass during spray painting, texturing or I other construction operations that might cause damage to glass. f 1. Cleandown of Masonry: Completed prior to glass installation. I I t I 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Stops:1. Ho'ld gl assa. Stops:2, Carefully glazing. with wood or metal stops as detaiied. Furnished under other sections. remove any stop already in place as necessary to permit I 3. Handle stops carefully and install to avoid damage. PSA 19017.00 08800-3 B. Glazing in Wood or Metal Frames:1. Taie entire opening to prevent glass from touching frame in any di recti on. Center glass in glazing rabbet to maintain recommended clearances at all four sides, inside and out. Rest glass on setting blocks as reco,[mended by the glass manufacturer.4. Install shims or use shim tape as recommended to maintain clearance between stops and face of glass.5. Install glazing tape and stop in with specified stops. 6. Cover tof of tape ivitn silicone sealant on both sides of frame. 7. Cut all llass with smooth, straight edges of full -size-required by the openings. Edge clearances shall comply with flat Glass Marketing Association Standards.8. Leave seilant smooth and clean. Remove sealant from adjoining surfaces without damaging the finish. C. Allowable Tolerances: lilaintain glazing tolerances between glass and frane or stops as recormended by the FGltlA.1. l/4 Inch'Thickness Glass: i,laintain l/8 inch clearance between glass face and metal stops. 3.04 |{IRR0RS A. Mimors: Install with approved adhesive. 3 . 05 CLEAI{ ING A. Cleaning: Leave glass in iob clean condition t{ith glazing compound and putty cirefully removed from glass and adioining-surfaces.1. Final Cleaning of Glass: Under Section 01710. B. Breakage: Unless responsibility can be assessed to another contractor' be responsible for gldss broken during shipnent' storage and i nstal I ati on. 2. 3. I I t I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 08800-4 I T I t t I I DIVISION 9 FINISHES sEcTIoN 09261 GYPSUM BOARD PARTITIONS AND WALLS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Metal Stud and Gypsum Board Partitions2. Metal Furring and GyPsum Board3. Structural Metal Studs and Gypsum Board as Indicated4. Shaftwal l System5. Sound Insulation and Sealants6. Accessories and Finishing B. Products Installed but not Furnished Under This Section: 1. Access Panels: Section 08305 1 .02 A. 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Design Requirements: I I I t I t I I I I I I 1.04 A. c.Related Sections:l. Gypsum Sheathing: Section 061162. Blanket Insulation: Sectjon 07210 Building Insulation3. Drywall Ceilings: Section 09262 Gypsum Board Ceilings4. Structural Metal Studs: Section 05400 Cold Formed Metal Framing REFERENCES Reference Standards: See Section 01060. Comply with following:1. ASTM C754-88 Installation of Steel Framing Members to Receive Screw- Attached Gypsum.2. GA 216-89 Rbcommended Specifications for the Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board. 1. Gypsum Board Partitions: protective ratings where SUBM ITTALS Partitions listed and labeled for fire i ndi cated. Product Data: Submit copies of manufacturer's specifications covering all materials with all materials and accessories plainly jdentified. See Section 01300 Submittals. Samples: Subrnit three (3) 2'x 2' samples of texture for Architect's approval . C. Mockup: Provide 8'x 8' nockup of texture for Architects approval. Mockuf nay be incorporated into finished work after Architects approval. PSA 19017.00 0926r-l B. 1.05 PR0JECT CoilDITI0l{S A. Environmental Requirements: During gypsum panel application and finishing, maintdin temperatures withih buiid'ing -within rang.e of 55' to 70" F. iriovide adequate ventilation to carry off excess moisture. 1.06 SEQUENCING/SCHEDULING A. Sequencing: Wherever partitions stop agai.nst bottom of ceiling grid syitem, install grid systems prior to stud erection. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI iIAl{UFACTURERS A. Drywall, Drywall Studs and Accessories: 1.- United States GYPsum (USG)2. Domtar Gypsum3. Georgia-Pacific4. National GyPsum Co. (Gold Bond)5. The Celotex ComPanY6. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. 2.02 DRYWALL STUDS AND RELATED I{ETALS A. Interior Steel Studs: USG ST 25 gage 1{o. 358ST (3-5/8 inch). Use other sizes where specifically called for.1. Provide USG cws-20 gage studs both sides of door frames. B. Steel Stud Runners: USG CR 25 gage Runner ilo. 358CR (3-5/8 inch) to. match studs. provide long leg runners for slip ioint at structure above where indicated. C. Furring Channels: USG Metal Furring Channels of shapes + sizes i ndi cated. D. Resilient Furring Channels: USG resil ient furring channels. E. Edge mo'lding: usc 200A mold suitable for mud-in application. "J-mold" is not acceptable. 2.03 DRYWALL AND RELATED MATERIALS A. Faceboards:1. Size: 5/8 inch thick unless specifically.indicated other'wise. 48 inch wid'e x length to allow for vertical installation without cross joints.Z. iype: USG tapered edge Firecode (Type X) or Regular Gypsum Panels as required.3. Water'Resistant: USG t.t/R tapered edge Firecode (Type X) Gypsum Panel s. I t I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I PSA 19017.00 09261-2 I I B. Fasteners: One inch USG Type S drywall screws. Use proper type forI gage of stud. c. D. A. B. D. t T I ! I I I I I I l t I I I I I Accessori es :1. Corner Bead: 3/4" bullnose2. Metal Trim: USG No. 200A.3. Control Joint: USG No. 093.4. Adhesive: USG Durabond multi-purpose adhesive. Finishing Materials:1. Joint Treatment: USG Perf-A-Tape System.2. Texture: USG Texture. Sound Isolation Materials:1. Sound Attenuation Blankets: Unfaced Fiberglass Sound Attenuation Blankets. Three inches thick unless otherwise indicated.2. Acoustical Sealant: USG Acoustical Sealant.3. Ductwork Penetrations Packing: Low density fiberglass. SHAFTWALL SYSTEM A. 3-3/4'total thickness for 2 hour label and 3-ll8'total thickness for hour label with components as follows:1. Studs: 2-L/2' C-H studs or equa1.2. Faceboards: 5/8' fire rated drywall (number of layers to meet rating requirements)3. Liner Board: (t,later resistent for use in mechanical shafts - coordinate with mechanical) 1" Gypsum shaftwall liner. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 ERECTION OF DRYWALL STUD PARTITIONS E. 2.04 Reference Standard: Erect steel framing and USG Gypsum Construction Handbook. Layouts: Align partition studs accurately 'in accordance with ASTM C754 according to partition layout. Anchoring: Anchor runner channels to concrete slabs with concrete stub nails or power-driven anchors at 24 inches o.c. Anchor runner channels to ceiling grid where applicable with stove bolts. Install headers where required to receive runners where studs extend above ceiling system. Studs: Position studs vertical ly in runners. Anchor studs located adjacent to openings or partition intersections and corners to runners with USG metal lock fastener or with l/2 inch Type S pan head screws.1. Space studs 16 inches o.c. unless otherwise indicated.2. Corners and Intersections: Locate studs no more than two inches from abutting partitions, corners, etc. PSA 19017.00 09261-3 3. Openings: Locate studs not more than two inches from opening fiames. Anchor studs to frame anchor clips by bo'lt or screw attachment. Install headers over openings as recomnended by the I l manufacturer.a. ttood Doors and Hollow liletal Doors: Provide two studs at jambs. I4. l.lood Bl ocki ng: See Secti on 06100. E. Bracing: Provide diagonal bracing at head of studs that terminate above the ceiling level. Biacing shall consist of metal studs bent to V-shape and extending at 45o from partition head to structure above. Locate bracing 48 inches maximum o.c. 3.02 MISCELLANEOUS FRAMING AIID FURRING A. General: Provide necessary framing, and furring for special framing at recesses; specialty items; wall mounted casework, shelving and equipment; etc. Frame around columns as indicated. Provide necessary framing and suspension for offsets, verticals, recessed and all other gypsum-drywall !urfaces not provided under Section 09262 Gypsum Board Cei I i ngs. 8. Furring: Install furring channels over back-up material. Position channels vertically at 24 inches o.c. unless indicated otherwise. Use powder-activated flsteners or stub nails at 24 jnches o.c. a1,ong ilternating flanges. Shim channels level as required. Coordinate with installation of rigid insulation. 3.03 II{SULATIOI{ A. Sound Attenuation Blankets: Place in partitions tight within spaces' around cut openings, behind and around electrical and mechanical items within partitions and tight to items passing through partitions. 1. Ductwork Penetrationi: Provide one inch wide clearance around ductwork and pack with fiberglass ready for calking. 3.04 INSTALLATION OF GYPSUM DRYWALL A. Reference Standard: Apply and finish gypsum board in accordance with GA 216. B. Layout: Apply gypsum wallboard panels vertically with abutting ends and edges occurring over stud flanges or furring.1. Joints on opposite sides of Partitjons: Shall not occur over same stud.2. Ttvo Layer Construction: Stagger ioints between layers. C. Fasteners: Apply board to studs or furring with drywal 1 screws.spaced 12 inches o.c.'l-n field of board and eight inches o.c. staggered along Ivertical abutting edges. I1. Use Type S-12 screws for attaching to structural studs. I I t ! I I I I I I I I I t I PSA 19017.00 0926r-4 I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I Layers: Insta'll multiple layer drywall as indicated. Water Resistant:1. Use in all moist locations and areas susceptible to moisture. F. Corner Bead: Apply as reconmended by manufacturer at exposed out corners. G. Trjm: Apply as reconmended by manufacturer, where gypsum board abuts other materials, and as indicated. H. Tolerances: Gypsum board surface plane within +f- Lf8" in l'0'. I. Finishing: Finish joints trim and fastener dimples as recommended by USG Perf-A-Tape Joint System. Sand smooth. J. Texture: Apply texture to match approved sample following application of prime coat by painting subcontractor. Texture contemplated is a heavy hand troweled coat of drywall mud. K. Acoustical Sealant: Apply at perimeter and at all penetrations of gypsum board in single bead.1. Locations: Apply at partitions with sound attenuation blankets.2. Caulk ductwork penetrations.3. Caulk both sides of partitions edges with continuous bead. 3.05 SHAFTWALL SYSTEM A. Erect shaftwal'l system as recommended by nanufacturer and as required to meet specified fire rating. Use manufacturer's standard details for corners and wall junctions. Fjnish faceboards as specified under Article 3.04. Add additional faceboards where indicated on drawings. Provide horizontal installation where indicated. D. E. END OF SECTION PSA 19017.00 09261- 5 T I sEcTI0N 09262 GYPSUM BOARD CEILINGS IIr PARTl-GENERAL I r.or sur4MARYIA. Section Includes:I 1. Metal Framing and Gypsum Board Ceilings t 2. Accessories and Finishing r B. Products Installed but not Furnished Under This Section.' | 1. Access Panels: Section 08305 C. Related Sections: I 1. Drywall Partitions: Section 09261 Gypsum Eoard Partitions and t,|allsI 2. Painting: Section 09900 Painting I 1.02 REFERENCES r A. Reference standards - see section 01060. comply with following: r l. ASTM C754-88 Installation of Steel Framing Members to Receive screw- I Attached Gypsum Wallboard.t Z. GA 216-89 itbconmended Specifications for the Application and t Finishing of GYPsum Board. r 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION I A. Design Requirements: f I. Fire iating: All.gypsum board ceilings listed and labeled for one hour fire protective assembly rating. I 1.04 suBMITTALS! A. Product Data: Submit copies of manufacturer's specifications_covering t all materials to be used with all materials and accessories plainly t identified. See Section 01300 Submittals. O B. Sampl es: Submi t 2'x 2' sampl e of texture for Archi tect's approval . t Texture to be hand troweled. I 1.05 DELIVERY, SToRAGE AND HANDLING t A. Deliver all naterial in original, unopened containers and store in a clean, dry area until readY to use. f I I I PSA 19017.00 09262-L 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: During gypsum panel finishing, maintain temperatures within building, 70"F. Provide adequate ventilation to carry off PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OT I{ANUFACTURERS A. Drywall, Metal Framing, and Accessories:1. United States Gypsum (USG) 2.02 A. B. c. D. E. 2.03 A. application and within range of 55' excess moisture. 2. Domtar Gypsum3. Georgia*Pacific4. National Gypsum Co. (Gold Bond)5. The Celotex ComPany6. Accepted substitute in accordance with Section 01600. IIETALS Runner Channels: l-Llz' and 3/4", 16 gage cold rolled channels, black asphaltum painted. Furring Channels: USG metal 7f8" hat shaped furring channels. Steel Studs: USG ST 25 gage. size as indicated. Hanger ltire: tlo. 9 gage galvanized wire. Tie t.lire: l{o. 16 gage galvanized wire. DRYWALL AiID RELATED I4ATERIALS Faceboards:1. Size: 5/8', thick unless specifically indicated otherwise 48" wide length to minimize cross ioints.2. Type: USG Firecode tapered edge gypsum panels. Fasteners: One inch USG Type S drywall screws. Use proper type for gage of metal framing. Accessori es:1. Corner Bead: 3/4" R Bullnose2. Metal Trim: USG No. 2008.3. Control Joint: USG No. 093.4. Adhesive: USG Durabond multi-purpose adhesive. Finishing Materials:1. Joint Treatment: USG Perf-A-Tape System.2. Texture: USG texture. I l t t I T I l I I I I I I t I I t I to B. c. D. PSA 19017.00 09262-2 I I I I I I I t t I T I I I I I I t I B. c. PART 3.01 A. B. 2.04 EXTERIOR SOFFIT MATERIAL A. Faceboards: USG 1 Hour Fire Rated Exterior Gypsum Ceiling Board, 5/8" thi ckness. Fasteners: USG Type S drywall screws Metal Trim: USG No. 200C or equal of 3 - EXECUTION or equal . acceptabl e manufacturers. c. D. GRILLAGE ERECTION Reference Standard: Erect steel framing jn accordance vlith ASTM C574. Hangers: Install wjre hangers spaced not over 48" o.c. in direction of I-L/z main runner channels and within 6" of ends of main runners or int'erruptions of ceiling continuity. Hang from structure above. At light troffers or other openings, reinforce grillage with 3/4" cold rolled channels wired atop and parallel to main runner channels. Erect grillage as recommended by the manufacturer. Provide all necessary framing and suspension for offsets, verticals and decorative recesses, etc. Use drywail studs where indicated or required. See Section 09261 for type. INSTALLATION OF GYPSUM DRYWALL Apply gypsum board of maximum practical length with long dimensions at ribht angles to furring channels and fasten with-drywall screws.spaced 12i o.c. in the field of the board and 8" o.c. along abutting edges. All end and edge ioints shall occur over furring channels with end ioints staggered. Properly support gypsum board around cutouts and openi ngs. 3.02 A. B. Apply metal trim as recommended by the manufacturer and wherever gypsum drywall abuts other materials. C. Finish a1 I exposed ioints, trjm and fastener dimples as reconmended by manufacturer of tape ioint system. Sand smooth. D. Appiy texture as directed following application of primer by painting subcontractor. 3.03 INSTALLATIOI{ OF EXTERIOR SOFFITS Apply soffit boards using methods specified for interior ceilings and. with minimum of joints. Finish ioints, trim, fasteners as recommended by USG using Durabond Perf-A-Tape system. Finish snooth with no texture. END OF SECTION 09262-3PSA 19017.00 B. t I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT sEcrr0N 11150 PARKII{G CONTROL EQUIPMEI{T PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUI|I|ARY A. Section Includes: t.02 A. B. 1. Pedestal mounted key or card operator2. Vehicle detectors.3. Detector loops.4. Auxi I iary components. Related Sections:1. Cast-In-Place Concrete: Section 03300. 2. E'lectrical Rough-In and Final Hook-Up: Division 16 Electrical. 3. Overhead Garage Door: Section 08360.4. C.0. Detection System: Division l5 Mechanical SYSTEM DESCRIPTION General: System shall be a "key or card in - free out'r system. Entrance: Upon entering the entrance lane, the vehicle operator shal1 use his card or key to operate the card or key switch unit. This operation will open the parking gate to allow entrance. As the vehicle pioceeds into thb facility, it is sensed by the.closing loop which bloses the gate after the vehicle has left the detection system. C. Exit: Upon entering the exit lane, the vehicle will be sensed by the opening loop which will open the parking gate. ,As the_vehicle proceeds oirt of-the facility, it will be sensed by the closing loop which will close the parking gate after the veh'icle has left the detection system. D. C.0. Detection System: Coordinate controls to allow door to open when activated by C.0. Detectjon System. See Division 15 Mechanical. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings and Product Data: 01300. Include equipment wiring diagram. Include evidence of theinstaller. Coordinate with shop doors. Submit in accordance with Section diagram and electri:al circuitry manufacturer's approval of the drawings for sectional overhead garage PSA 19017.00 11 150- 1 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. llanufacturer; Maintain an approved equipment service center within 100 miles of the project site. The service center shall: 1. Use experienied manufacturer trained personnel . 2. Assume total responsibility for propei installation and operation of I I I I I I I I t I T I I I I I t I I B. c. all components l!|ithin the system. All Equipnent: Provided by the same manufacturer and UL approved' Installer: l{orked continuously and successfully with the equipment manufacturer for a minimum of 5 years. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HAI{DLING General: Comply with Section 01600. I.IARRANTY Provide manufacturer's one year warranty fOr materials and installation in accordance with Section 01700. tlamanty shall cover keeping equipment operational. 2 - PRODUCTS PARKII'IG CONTROL EQUIPMEI{T Acceptabl e l4anufacturers :1. Cincinnati Time Recorder Company.2. Stanley Parking Systems.3. Federal APD.4. Approved Substitute. Equipment List: Provide following basic 1.05 A. I .06 A. PART 2.0r A. B.components as indicated: Lane Exit Lane 1 2 Equi pment Vehicle Detector Detector Loops Pedestal ilounted Card or Key 0perated Entrance Control ler c. Auxiliary Items: Provide auxiliary items required for the complete proper functioning of the system including but not limited to heaters' wiring, transformers, relays, etc. Entrance I 1 I PSA 19017.00 11150-2 I I I I D. operating Conditions: Provide equipment with sufficient insulation' hbating and cooling systems to operate effectively under the following climatic and exposure conditions: Equi pment 0perators E. Keys: Provide the Owner with 2 sets of keys for equipment cabinets. Keys shall be unique to this parking equipment and not fit any other equipment in the area. I F. Cards or Keys: Coordinate with electronic room security system so room t access card or key wi I I al so operate card or key reader for garage doors. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verification of Existing Conditions: Inspect setting surfaces, power wiring and conduit installation to verjfy that they are ploper for a. satisiactory installation. Report and unsatisfactory conditions to the General Contractor. B. Acceptance: Beginning of Installation means acceptance of existing condi ti ons. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Coordination: Provide those responsible for related work with: 1. Installation diagrams and details for setting equipment. 2. Templates and cast-in inserts for setting equipment. 3. Electrical wiring diagrams and details.4. Electrical power requirements. B. Electrical: l'leet with the Division 16 contractor before any rough-in work begins to review the proiect in relation to the parking equipment. Explain details and precautions necessary to assure a proper i nstal I ati on. 3.03 INSTALLATION AND SYSTEM START-UP A. General: Instal'l equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and reviewed shop drawings. B. Adjustment: Program the equipment as necessary to ensure proPqr operation as speiified under System Description in Part 1. Adiust and tirne the systein as required to assure proper operation. Test all functi ons. C. Acceptance: System must operate continuously for 5 days with no down time in order to considered acceptable. Minimum Temperature -20' F. Maximum Temperature 110" F. T I I I I I I I I I t I I I PSA 19017.00 11150-3 3.04 CoilPLETI0l{ SERVICES A. Demonstration: Instruct the Owner's personnel in the proper operation and maintenance of the equipment in accordance with Section 01700. B. Operatinq and ilaintenance Data: Provide in accordance with Section 0i7OO. include wiring and electrical circuitry diagrams. 3.05 I.IAII{TENAI{CE AND SERVICE A. Service: Provide maintenance and call-back service of parking equipment for a period of one year from the time of final acceptance of the proSect. Use only oiiginal manufacturer's parts for replacements. I T I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I END OF SECTIOII PSA 19017.00 11150-4 I I I I t I t I I I t I I I t t I I DIVISION 14 CONVEYING SYSTEMS sEcTI0N 14240 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Hydraulic Elevators B. Related Sections:1. Division 16 - Electrical:a. Electrical connections.b. Suitable connectjons from the power mains to each controller signal equipment feeders as required, including necessary circuit breakers and fused rnainline disconnect switches.c. 0utlets at the machine room for lighting in the car. Electric power for construction, testing and adiusting, of the same characteristics as the permanent supply.2. 0ther Sections:a. Door Sill Support Angles: Section 05500 Metal Fabrications. b. Floor Finish: Carpet under Section 09680.c. Divider Beams: Section 05120 Structural Steel. 3. Cab Finish Allowances: Section 01020 I.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: Comply with:1. ANSI A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators.2, NEII Minimum Passenger Elevator Requirements for Handicapped. 3. Americans With Disabilities Act/Accessibility Guidelines 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Description of System: Number and Type Type Fl oors Served Travel Number Landings Number Openings Power Supply Capaci ty Minimum Up Speed Car Size 0perati on Cab Design PSA 19017.00 otis LVM 3500E or equal of other acceptable manufacturer. Two (2) pre-engineered oil hydraulic Passenger Garage and Levels 1 through 4 38'-6u 5 5 Verify available voltage 3,500 lbs. 150 feet per minute full load uP 6'-8" wide x 5'-5" clear inside. Selective col lective See car in Part 2 14240-L Hoistway Entrances 0pening Size and Type Door Operation Si gnal s Level i ng Inspection operation Emergency Lighting Communi cati ons special Features Required Brushed Bronze at First Level; No. 4 stainless steel at all others 3'-6" wide by 7'-0u, single speed side openi ng DC power Illuminated car and hall buttons, car position indicators, car riding lantern, NEII handicapped provisions. Two-way Top-of-car inspection Automatic emergency light and Telephone with armored cord in by elevator installer. al ann system car cabinet I t I T I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I Exhaust fan, dual beam Photo eYes pads for cab walls. 0il viscositY low oil control. Protecti ve control , B. Complete Installation: Provide a complete installation of electric oil- hydi'aulic (electrically operated hydrhulic elevator using oil as the fluid mediim) elevator. Include the accessory items listed perfonned in a first-class and workmanlike manner. Include materials and work as indicated on drawings and specified. Where a device or part of the-- equipment is referred to in'the singular number, such_reference shall afply to as many such devices as are required to complete the i nstal I ati on. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings and Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Include:1. Hoistway drawings.2. Equipnent room drawings.3. Elevator cab drawings and descriptive brochure.4. Hoistway entrance drawings.5. Control button locations.6. Three (3) samples each of each hoistway entrance finish. B. Color Selection Charts: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: Comp'ly with National Electrical Code, and applicable state and local codes. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600. PSA 19017.00 t4240-2 2. 3. I I I I I l I t I I I I I I I t I I I T.O7 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Existing Conditions: The following work shall be performed under other secti ons:1. A legal hoistway, properly framed and of proper depth, provided with 'ladder, waterproofing, as required. Suitable elevator equipment, including f1oors, to maintain the room at a temperature enclosed, and including a pit drai ns, l i ghts, and machine room, adequate for the lighting, ventilation and heat of 500 F minimum to 100' F maxlmum. Adequate supports and foundations to carry the loads of equipment including supports for guide rail brackets. Setting 6f airbnors and sleeves. Pockets or blockouts for signal fi xtures.4. Sill recesses and the grouting of door sil'ls and hoistway frames after instal lation. 1.08 WARRANTY A. Provide one year written warranty for material and installatjon in accordance with Section 01700. Make good any defects, not due to ordinary wear and tear or improper use, which may develop within the warranty period. 1.09 TEMPORARY USE DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Temporary Use: Should the General Contractor desire to use the service of the e'levator during the period when work on the elevator is in progress or before final acceptance of the building' the General Loniractor agrees to sign the temporary acceptance form and be bound by the terms and conditions thereof. Also, the General Contractor agrees to provide, if required, temporary enclosures, guards or other protection of hoistway openings, necessary power signaljng devices' iigtrts in the car, elevator operators and other work required to permit this temporary usage. B. Repairs: The General Contractor agrees to pay costs of maintenance of thb equipment during temporary use and further agrees that the complete elevaior'equipment witt be returned to the same condition of repair and maintenance as existed when the elevator was placed on temporary service. If repairs or replacements are necessary to restore the apparatus to itb conditjon'at the time the General Contractor placed it ih'temporary service, the General Contractor agrees to pennit this contractor to make such repairs or replacements and to pay the elevator contractor for this added expense at regular billing rates. PSA 19017.00 14240-3 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI HYDMULIC ELEVATOR A. Acceptable Manufacturers:l. Dover Corporation2. Otis Elevator ConPany3. Schindler Elevator Corporation4. l{ontgomery El evator5. Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600. B. Car: Standard finish with Brushed brass front returns and transom; brushed brass doors; exhaust fan; telephone compartmenti custom finish by others. C. Energency Power Elevator Return System: -Furnish and install at all elevitors systems complying with the following:1. Automatically activatei during building power failure or brownout. Z. Upon loss ofbuilding power and signals from the elevator controller that the elevator is-iir safe operaiing condition, i.e., doors closed and safety circuits in effect, the elevator will return to the designatei emergency floor lobby level and open the doors to allow I I I I I I I I I : I T I I t I I I 3. emergency exiting by passengers. ftevitoiremains-at- tbnby tanding with doors open until normal power to the elevator system ii restored, at which time the elevator will automatically return to nonnal service. Battery powered by gel cell batteries with S-year life.expectancy.gatteriei automatically recharge when power is restored by fully compensated battery charger. Intbrfaces t,lith either rilay logic or microprocessor controllers. One year limited warranty. I 4. 5. 6. 7. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Prior to beginning the installation of elevator equipment, examine the following to verify that no irregu- larities eiist ttrat would affect the quality of execution or work as speci fi ed:1. Hoistway size and Plumbness.2. Si11 pockets and entry supports.3. Stability of hoistway walls.4. Condition of elevator Pit. B. Acceptance: Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing condi ti ons. PSA 19017.00 t4240-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 3.02 PREPARATION A. The entire front wall of the hoistway shall be left open until entrances are installed. After elevator guide rails are set and lined' the entrance frames shall be installed in perfect alignment with the guide rails. Finished walls shall then be completed. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. General: Install according to manufacturer's inStructions, reference standards and approved shop drawings. B. Wjring Piping and Oil: Furnish and install necessary wiring in the hoistway in accordance with the NEC, to connect the operating buttons_ and swilches to the control board in the power unit. Al1 wiring sha11 be done in rigid conduit or electrical metallic tubing elcept to moving apparatus whiih shall be connected by short lengths of flexible conduit. Pibvide necessary pipe and fittings to connect the power to the iack unit and oil of the proper grade. Protect underground conduit and piping against corrosion. C. Painting: Properly paint exposed metal work furnished under this sectjon except as otherwjse specified afteLinstallation. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Running Test: In addition to the other requirements,_inspections, tests and remedies herein provided upon completion of the elevator installation and before final inspection make, in the presence of the Architect, a running speed test with tull maximum load on the elevator car to determine whethbr the elevator equipment as installed meets the speed, capacity and other requirements of the specifications. B. Replacement: In the event the equipment does not meet requirements.of thb specifications, promptly remove fron the premises.work condemned !J the Aichitect as failing to confom to the specifications, and promptly replace and re-execute work in accordance with the specifications' without expense to the 0wner. Bear expense of making good work of other contractors destroyed or danaged by such removal or replacement. 3.05 COMPLETION SERVICES A. 0penating Test Report: submit lvritten report of required operatjons test at completion of the Proiect. B. Qperating and l4aintenance Data: Provide in accordance with Section 01730. C. Maintenance Agreement: Submit the required maintenance agreement at completion of the proiect. PSA 19017.00 14240-5 3.06 1,'lAIl{TEllAl{CE AND SERVICE A. Service: Provide maintenance and call-back service of elevator equipment for a period of 12 nonths after Date of Acceptance of, total projbct by 0wner. Include regular examination of installation by bompetent' and trained employees; and include necessary adiustments, grehsing, oiling, cleanihg, supplies.and parts to.keep the equipment in iood opEiation,-except suih paits made necessary.by-nisuse, accidents or negligbnce not caused by this contractor. Provide 24 hour emergency cail 6asic service. Use only original manufacturer's parts for repl acements. END OF SECTION I t I T T I I I t I I t I T I I I I I PSA 19017.00 r4240-6 ! T t I I l I I I I I I I I T I I I I GENERALINSTRUCTIONS MECHANICAL I5OIO - 01 MASTERSPEC # 22. ACCESSIBILITY OF VALVES. CONTROLS AND SIMILAR EO.IIIPMENT...12 23. ACCESS PANELS ...........12 24. F.QUTPMENT TNSTALLATTON ...........12 25. PROTECTIONOFEQUIPMENT .........12 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MECHANICAL 15OIO. 02 MASTERSPEC # r I DIVISION MECIIANICAL SECTION 15300 . GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MECHAI{ICALII I. SCoPE I A. The work covered under this section of the specifications isr intended to include the furnishing of all equipment,materials and labor for, or reasonably incidental to the complete operating installation ofsheet I metal systems for heating, air conditioning and ventilation, including all pertaining equipment, all as indicated on the drawings, as hereinbefore r specified under Section 15050 "Mechanical" - Basic Materials and I Methods, and as hereinafter specified in this section. I 2. DESCRIPTIONOFWORK r A. The general provisions of the contract and the requirements of Division 15 I apply to the work specified in this section. B. The word "Contractor" relates to any sub-contractor engaged by RMC to participate in the project. I 3. GENERALREQUIREMENTS f A. Provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment, accessories, transportation and services required for the complete installation of all heating, ventilating and plumbing systems in the building shown on the drawings. For convenience, drawings showing primarily HVAC have been numbered with M and drawings showing primarily plumbing have been numbered with P. B. All materials, fittings, equipment shall be tested and certified by an approved independent United States testing laboratory that they meet or exceed the same construction and test requirements as outlined in these specifications and required by code. C. Installation shall be executed in a manner that will comply with applicable codes and laws. Where the requirements of contract documents exceed' code requirements, comply with contract documents. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MECHANICAL I5OIO - 1 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I I t T I OUALITY ASSTJRANCE A. Chemical and physical properties of all materials, design, performance characteristics and methods of construction of all items of equipment shall be in accordance with the following applicable regulations, references and standards ofcurrent editions in effect: l) American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, AiConditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) American Water Works Association (AWWA) Factory Insurance Association (FIA) Factory Mutual Laboratories (FM) National Elechical Manufacture/s Association (NEMA) National Fire Protection Association (II[FPA) Plumbing and Drainage Institute (PDI) Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA) Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (JL) American National Standards Institute (ANSD Manufacturers Standard Institute (MSI) Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Instifute (ARI) Air Movement and Control Association, Inc. (AMCA) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MECHAMCAL 15OIO - 2 MASTERSPEC # 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) e) l0) 1l) r2) l3) r4) l5) I I I T I I I I T t I I I I T I I I I r t s. cooRprNATroN r A. Coordinate work of this division with that of other hades in order that the I various components of the systems will be installed at the proper time, will fit the available space and will allow proper service access to all I equipment, not just that installed in this division. Coordinate work with I other trades prior to fabrication and installation of equipment, piping and ductwork to avoid conflict and delays. Adjust ducrwork and piping to fit r into space available. B. It is contractor's responsibility to provide materials with trim which will fitt il:::i'tffiHiitiiiixlf#*::l;s,,l:H'ff:ff$#I]ff' intended to designate the required trim. I C. Provide all Division 15 equipment with electrical characteristics r compatible with that shown on electrical drawings and described in I electrical division ofthe specifications. D. Prior to the fabrication of any ductwork or the installation of any devices I in the ceilings, review all drawings to ascertain that the locations of all devices in the ceilings will create a pattem which is compatible with the I reflected ceiling plan and the spacings of the various ceiling mounted I devices. r 6. DRAWINGS I A. A. The drawings are diagramatic in nature, but show the various I components of the systems approximately to scale and attempt to indicate f how they are to be integrated with other parts of the building. Determine exact locations by job measurements, by checking the requirements of other trades and by reviewing all contract amounts. I B. The drawings indicate general routing of the various parts of the systems, but do not indicate all fittings, offsets, and runouts which are required. The contract includes all fittings, offsets and runouts required to fit the system into spaces allotted them and required to accommodate building conditions. C. Drawings are not to be scaled. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MECHANICAL I5OIO - 3 MASTERSPEC # I I t I I I I I I t I I I t T I T I t I T I I I I 7. 9. D. The contractor shall maintain an up-to-date set of plans and specifications, including addendums and change orders on the job site GENERAL REQUIREMENTS F'OR ALL EQTNPMENT A. Provide a factory applied finish on all exterior surfaces. Any items which have the finish marred must be touched up or refinished to a new condition before final acceptance. B. Fumish (3) copies of spare parts lists, and operating and maintenance instructions, warranties, etc. Material shall be tabbed and indexed' according to type of information, equipmenUcomponent type, system installed and procurement source. A cross reference shall be provided so that each part, component, assembly and/or unit has its local vendor identified by a company name, phone number, address and specific representative's name. Deliver to architect at time of final acceptance. C. Rotating parts must be in static and dynamic balance. D. Select all fans and pumps to perform at an efficient and stable point on their curves. E. Equipment and performance data listed is for jobsite conditions (8300 ft. elevation). NOISE A. Eliminate any abnormal noises which are not considered by the architect to be an inherent part of the systems as designed. Rattling equipment, piping, ducts, air devices and squeaks in rotating equipment components. will not be acceptable. VIBRATION ISOLATION A. Approved manufacturers are Mason Industries, Inc. and Korfund Dynamics Corp. B. Refer to equipment schedules for type of isolators required. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MECHANICAL I5OIO - 4 MASTERSPEC # 3) 11. 12. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 10. SUBSTITUTIONS A. The names of manufacturers and model numbers have been used in the contract documents to establish type of equipment and standard of quality. Where only one name is mentioned for a particular item of material, then that manufacturer is the only one acceptable. Where only one name is mentioned with the phrase "or approved equal", contractor may submit an alternate manufacturer. Engineer shall be sole and frnal judge as to the suitability of items substituted for those specified. Contractor will be responsible to assure that substitute materiaVequipment fits in the space provided. Any costs due to the substitution of materials shall be borne by the conhactor at no extra cost to the owner. RECORDDRAWINGS A. Obtain, at contractors expense, a set of white prints and keep these on jobsite during construction. During course ofconstruction, mark on these prints any changes which are made as a result addendum and change orders, noting particularly locations of those items which will need to be located for servicing. B. At completion ofjob, obtain (at contractor's expense) a set of erasable mylars and incorporate all changes noted on the work prints. This must be done by a skilled draftsman. Mark each sheet "Record Drawings" with date and deliver to RMC. SUBMITTALS A. A. Equipment and materials submittals must show sufficient data to indicate complete compliance with conhact documents as follows: Proper sizes, capacities and performance data That the item will fit in the available space in a manner that will allow proper service Construction methods, materials and finishes GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MECHAMCAL I5O1O - 5 MASTERSPEC # 1) 2) I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I 13. 14. B. Catalog data must have the item or model number to be provided clearly marked and all accessories indicated. Submit literature showing details of each item of equipment. Mark out all inapplicable items. Plainly indicate the intended use of each item shown. Where "multiple choice" items are shown with no deletions, engineer will require the furnishing of the highest quality or most expensive iterns. Equipment suppliers will mark all data using only black pen. Reviewing contractors will add additional data or markings using only green pen. Red pen will be reserved for marks added to submittal data by reviewing architect and engineer. C. For any item to be installed in or on a finished surface (such as tee bar acoustical ceiling, plaster wall) contractor certifies by making the submittal that he has checked all applicable contract documents and that the item submitted is compatible with the surface finish on which it is to be installed. WORKNOT INCLUDED A. A. All painting except as otherwise specified within this Division B. B. All electric equipment and wiring except as otherwise specified within this Division C. C. Rated shaft enclosures D. D. Framing around openings and chases -steel penetrations E. E. Concrete equipment pads or bases SERVICES TO EXISTING BUTLDINGS A. Do all work required to maintain mechanical and plumbing services to the' existing buildings. Include all facilities which are required to enable the systems to function during construction in the same manner that they were functioning before start of construction. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MECHANICAL I5OIO - 6 MASTERSPEC # I I I t I ls. rNspECTroN oF ExrsrrNc FACrLrrrEs I A. By submitting a proposal, contractor certifies that he has reviewed thet flili::in"'3;,:i#:ilil:::"*1iH:#i#f:Hrffi:[il-. I to do so will not be considered sufficient justification to request or obtain f extra compensation over and above the contract price. I 16. SCOPE OFWORK I A. Plumbing - The plumbing system shall consist of the following I components: l) Floor mounted water closets I D Countertop mounted sinks I 3) Wall hung urinals 4) Floor and wall mounted service sinks 5) Gas & electric water heaters and circulation pumps 6) Shower/tub fixtures 7) Floor drains and wall hydrants 8) Drain, waste, vent, gas, hot and cold water piping systems to service the specified fixtures. I 9) Stub outs five feet from the building line for connections to the existing utilities systems in the public righrof-way. t l0) All systems shall be complete, tested and ready for Owner's occupation and operation. I B. HVAC - The HVAC system shall consist of the following components: lEDrTl I 1) Roof-top MUA unit I 2) Low pressure ducts, and airhandlers I I GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MECHANICAL 1s010 - 7 I MASTERSPEC # I I t I I T I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) c. 17. Snow melt system - gutter hydronic heat tracing Boiler plantVane axial fans Temperature controls Hy&onic base board systems Garage exhaust and heating Exhaust from toilets and dryer exhaust SLEEVES AI\ID OPENINGS A. The general conhactor shall provide openings through construction as required for this work, except as otherwise noted. B. Piping and conduit passing through floors, and piping passing through masonry or concrete walls, floors, masonry partitions, and foundations, shall be provided with sleeves of Schedule 40 steel pipe. Piping passing through frame or metal partitions shall be provided with sleeves of 22 gauge galvanized sheet metal. Sleeves in walls below grade shall be extra- heavy cast iron soil pipe. D. Sleeves passing through the floors oftoilet rooms and penthouses, through outside walls, either above or below grade, or through floors on grade or other waterproofing, shall be installed with I inch clearance with sleeve extending I inch beyond interior surface. Provide clamp collar with sleeves through waterproof membranes. Fill space between sleeves and pipe or conduit in underground walls with oakum and caulked lead on both sides of wall; for floors, fill with graphite packing and caulking compound. Other interior sleeves shall be two sizes larger than conduit, pipe or insulation, and shall be placed with approved fireproof material and sealed with fireproof, soft setting mastic. Cutting and drilling shall be neatly and caretully done by skilled mechanics so as not to spall concrete or otherwise damage the structure. Holes in concrete shall be core-drilled. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MECHAMCAL I5OIO - 8 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I F. Install draft stops to seal all openings in floors and walls around piping and ductwork. Draft stops shall be neatly fitted to completely seal all openings, securely fastened to the piping - ductwork and building construction, and adequately braced to support the weight of a man, where required. Draft stop material and construction shall be in accordance with' NFPA 90A, local Building Codes and shall have a fire resistive rating as required by the authority having jurisdiction. G. Provisions for completion of flashing ducts at outside walls and completion of water-proofing methods shall be provided by this Contractor. I 18. MECHAIIICAL WIRING I A. A. Provide all temperature control wiring, all interlock wiring, andI equipment control wiring for the equipment that is to be provided under this Division unless specifically shown on electrical drawings. I B. *},:Ttr"ilall be not less than No. 14 insulated color coded wire in thin- GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MECHANICAL I5OIO - 9 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I I I I I III I The following schedule is intended to summarize the division of work and material responsibilities between the mechanical contractor and the electrical contractor: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MC : Mechanical Contractor EC = Electrical Contractor TC - Temperature Control Contractor GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MECHANICAL I5OIO - 10 MASTERSPEC # ITEM FURN. BY SET BY POWER WIRING CONTROL WIRING Equipment motors MC MC EC Motor control center EC EC EC MC Motor starters, contactors and overload heaters MC EC EC MC Fused and unfused disconnect switches EC EC EC Manual operating switches, multi-speed switches,push-button stationsandpilot lights MC EC EC EC Control relays and transformers MC MC EC TC Thermostats. time switches*MC MC EC TC Temperaturecontrol panels MC MC EC TC Motor and solenoid valves, damper motors, PE and EP switches MC MC TC Duct smoke detectors EC EC EC TC Refrigeration equipment, cooling tower and controls MC MC EC TC Temporary heating MC MC EC TC B. C. 7 3. I I I I T I I I I I t I I I I I I I I * Motor-driven units which are controlled from line voltage automatic controls such as line voltage thermostats, float switches which conduct full load current of the motor shall be wired for both power and control circuit under the electrical conhact. However, if the control device does not conduct full load current, then the responsibility shall be that set forth in the above schedule. (Example: a 208 volt, 3-phase, 3-wire motor requires . 120 volt control. Electrical contractor shall fumish a 120 volt circuit for control and 208 volt circuit for power and wire the power circuit. Mechanical contractor shall wire the control circuit.) A. Unless specified otherwise or shown, motors less than 3/4HP shall be single phase, I 15 volts. Motors 3/4HP or greater shall be 3-phase. Single phase motors that are drip-proof or totally enclosed shall have a Class A insulation. Three phase motors rnder 7-l/2 HP that are drip-proof or totally enclosed shall have a Class A or Class B insulation. These requirements are based on an ambient temperature of 40C and a service factor of 1.25. All motors shall be drip-proof or better. B. Contractor shall prepare simplified, ladder-type diagrams and detailed wiring diagrams, showing electrical controls of all equipment furnished, including terminal numbering or nomenclature of the equipment. PAINTING A. All painting shall be done pursuant to applicable architectural specification . division. CLEAIIING The Contractor shall at all times keep the premises free of all waste or surplus materials, rubbish and debris which is caused by his employees or resulting from his work. After all equipment has been installed, the contractor shall remove all stickers, rust stain labels, temporary covers, plaster marks, paint spots, etc. All foreign matter shall be blown out or flushed out of all piping, ducts, equipment, fans, pumps, devices, switches, panels, etc. Identification plates on all equipment shall be free of obliterating paint. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MECHAMCAL I5O1O - I1 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I t I I I I t I I I t t t t I B. 4. 7. STORAGE A. A. The contractor shall provide for storing his materials, tools and equipment in an allocated space. He shall be responsible for their safety and protection from the elements. ACCESSIBILITY OF VALVES, CONTROLS AI\D SIMILAR EOTIIPMF'NT A. All valves, controls, equipment, etc. shall be located so that ready access can be had for operation, repair or maintenance. ACCESS PAI\TELS Except as shown or specified otherwise, provide access panels for concealed expansionjoints, valves, traps, strainers, dampers, or other parts requiring accessibility for operation and maintenance. Access panels are not required in accessible acoustical ceilings; provide a button or other means for identification and easy removal. Access panels shall be prime coated steel prepared for painting. Each panel shall be complete with anchor straps, concealed hinges, and dust-tight panel with rounded safety comers. Each panel shall be capable ofopening 180 degrees. Provide fire- rated access panels where required. General Contractor shall install and finish all access panels. EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION A. The contractor shall note that certain equipment must be installed in certain spaces before the walls and/or ceiling are closed in. All necessary arrangements shall be made for having the equipment in the spaces prior to the finished wall construction. PROTECTION OF EQUIPMENT A. Do not deliver equipment to jobsite until progress of construction has reached the stage where equipment is actually needed, or until building is' closed in enough to protect equipment from the weather. Equipment allowed to stand in weather will be rejected, and contractor is obligated to fumish new equipment of a like kind. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MECHAMCAL I5OIO - 12 MASTERSPEC # B. C. D. I I I I t T I I I I t I I I I t t I I Adequately protect equipment from damage after delivery to job. Cover with heavy drop cloths as required to protect from plaster, dirt, paint, water or physical damage. Equipment which has been damaged by construction activities will be rejected and contractor is obligated to furnish new equipment of a like kind. At time of final acceptance, equipment must be clean. All air units shall have filters installed any time they are operated before final acceptance. Provide clean filters at time of final acceptance by the owner. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS MECHANICAL I5O1O - 13 MASTERSPEC # I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I DIVISION MECIIANICAL SECTION 15250 - INST]LATION 1. SCOP8........ .......................1 2. DESCRIPTION OF WORK .................1 3. FIRE HAZARD CLASSTF','ICATION .........................1 4. PROTECTION .................1 MANUFA.CTURER ...............................1 INSIJLATION ...................2 DUCT INSULATION ............................3 FIRE STOP INSULATION ,,,................4 GEI\ERAL INSTALLATION ..............4 INSTALI-ATION OF PIPE INSULATION ..............6 TNSTALLATION OF' INSULATION ON FITTINGS AND VALVES ..............6 INSTALLATION OF'BLAI{KET INSULATION ..........................7 INSTALLATION OF EXTERNAL INSULATION FOR DUCTS EXPOSED TO W8ATIrER................ ......................7 TNSTALLATION OF HOT EQUIPMENT INSULATION ...........7 INSULATION I5250 - OI MASTERSPEC # DIVISION MECHAI{ICAL SECTION 15250 . INSULATION 1. SCOPE A. Duct and piping insulation 2. DESCRIPTIONOF'WORK A. Furnish all labor, equipment, materials and accessories, and perform all operations necessary for the installation of insulation in accordance with these specifications. 3. FIRE HAZARD CLASSIFICATION A. All components of the insulation system including insulation facings, mastics and adhesives with the exception of the elastomeric material specified elsewhere herein shall not exceed the following hazard ratings as determined bv NFPA 258 or ASTM E84. B. Pipe and Equipment Duct Coverings Coverings and/or linings (l) Flame spread rating 25 25 (2) Fuel contributed 25 (3) Smoke developed 50 50 PROTECTION A. Protect insulation against dirt, water, chemical, or mechanical damage before, during and after installation. Any such insulation or covering damaged prior to final acceptance of the work shall be satisfactorily repaired or replaced. MANUFACTURER A. Approved manufacturers for insulation are Manville, Armstrong, CSG, ' Accessible Products Company, Owens Coming and Knauf or equal. B. Approved manufacturers for adhesives, sealants, and coatings are United McGill, Pecoro and Hardcast or equal. INSULATION I5250 -I MASTERSPEC # I t I I I I I I T I I I I I t I I I I D. E. F. I I I I I t t I T t T I T I I I I I I INSULATION A. Provide fiberglass witlr "K" factor of 0.27 manimum at 75" mean temperature. Installed with factory applied kraft paper with vapor barrier or specified alternate. B. Pipe Insulation Schedule: C. Coverings or insulation used on hot-water or steam pipes shall be of materials suitable for the operating temperature of the system. The insulation, jackets and lap-seal shall be tested as a composite product and shall have a flame spread of not more than 25 and a smoke-developed rating of not more than 50 when tested in accordance with ASTM-E-84. Fittings and valves shall be covered with premolded insulated covers. All pipe insulation exposed to the weather shall be insulated with "techlite" closed cell foam insulation having an insulating "K" factor of 0.26 or better. All pipe insulation exposed to the weather shall be protected with weatherproof 30 mil vinyl jacket or foil faced jacket. Fittings shall be insulated with mitered sections of the same kind of material. Joints shall be sealed with a sealing compound. INSULATION 15250.2 MASTERSPEC # PIPING SYSTEM TYPE UPTO lrt l-114" - ', tl 2-114" - 4n 5tt - 6rt 8"& UP Domestic cold water 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Domestic hot water 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Domestic hot water recirc. 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Downspout (horiz. only)0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Heating hot water supply and retum 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 *For piping exposed to ambient temperatures, increase thickness by 0.5" 7.DUCT TNSUI TION A. Specification "A": l-112" thick fiberglass blanket with factory applied heavy duty foil-scrim-kraft facing with a "K" value of .028 maximum at 75oF mean temperature. Specification tiBrr' lrr thick, 6.0 lb/cu. ft. fiberglass insulation board. The board insulation shall be preformed, flat, rectangular, rigid material with "K" value of 0.22 ma:cimum at 75oF mean temperature. Specification .'C'.' l'' thick, 6.0 lb/cu. ft. fiberglass insulation board with factory applied foil-scrim-kraft vapor barrier facing. The board insulation shall be preformed, flat, rectangular, rigid material with a "K" value of 0.22 maximum at 75"F mean temperature. lnsulation covered vapor tight with 30 mil vinyl covering. Specification "D": Duct liner - See Section 15800 Specification "E": Armaflex II Sheet and Roll insulation is a flexible, elastomeric thermal insulation, black in color. 1-ll2" thick. It is furnished with a smooth skin one side which forms the outer exposed insulation surface. Manufactured as a closed-cell structure insulation. To have a flame-spread rating of 25 or less and a smoke-developed rating of 200 or less. Armaflex II Sheet is installed using Armstrong 520 Adhesive. Duct lnsulation Schedule: INSULATION 15250 - 3 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I t I I I B. c. D. E. F. SYSTEM SPEC VAPORSEAL REQUIRED Heating supply - concealed D No Heating return - concealed D No Heating supply - exposed D No Air conditioning supply - concealed D Yes Air conditioning retum - concealed D Yes Air conditioning supply - exposed D Yes 9. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I FIRE STOP INSUI,ATION A. Fire stop insulation shall seal against toxic fumes, smoke and water penetration equal to 3M Brand Fire Barrier, Flame Stop V, Metalines Inc's Metacaulk or Thomas and Betts Flame-Safe. GENERAL INSTALLATION A. Insulation shall be installed by workmen regularly engaged in this kind of work in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. B. Apply insulation on clean, dry surfaces free of any foreign matter and only after tests and approvals required by the specifications have been completed. C. Pipe and duct insulation shall be continuous through walls and floor openings except where walls and floors are required to be fire stopped or required to have a fire resistance rating. Where this occurs, the open space remaining between the sleeve and pipe and/or duct shall be filled with fire stop insulation. Duct linings shall be intemtpted at fire dampers and fire doors so as not to interfere with their operation. Duct coverings and linings shall also be intemrpted at the immediate area of operation of heat sources in a duct system involving electric resistance or fuel burning heaters. INSULATION 15250 - 4 MASTERSPEC # Outside air intake - exposed A No Outside air intake - concealed A Yes Supply ducts exposed to weather with intemal insulation. D No Retum ducts exposed to weatherwith intemal insulation. D No Supply ducts exposed to weather with extemal insulation. c Yes Return ducts exposed to weather with extemal insulation. C Yes 10. D. lnsulation on all cold surfaces must be applied with a continuous, unbroken vapor seal. Supports, anchors, etc. that are secured directly to cold surfaces must be adequately insulated and vapor sealed to prevent' condensation. E. All exposed raw edges shall be finished with finishing cement. F. The word "concoaled" as used in this section refers to insulation in ceiling plenums, furred spaces, pipe and duct shafts, unheated spaces immediately below roof, unexcavated spaces and crawl spaces. The word "exposed" refers to insulation in all other areas. G. Insulated cold pipes shall be insulated continuously through hangers. Rigid insulation inserts are to be provided at all pipe hangers and supports. Pipe insulation shall abut the rigid insulation insert. Apply a wet coat of vapor barrier lap cement on all butt joints and seal the joints with 3" wide vapor barrier tape or band. INSTALLATION OF PIPE INSTJLA.TION Butt all joints firmly together and smoothly, secure all jacket laps and joint ships with lap adhesive. Ends of cold pipe insulation shall be sealed offwith a vapor barrier coating at all fittings and valves and at intervals of 2l'on continuous mns of pipe. INSTALLATION OF'INSULATION ON F'ITTINGS AND VALVES A. Where the factory premolded one-piece PVC insulated covers are to be used, the proper factory precut insulation shall be applied to the fitting using two layers for pipe temperatures above 250oF or below 35oF, single layer insulation is suitable between 35'F and 250oF. The ends of the insulation shall be tucked snugly into the throat of the fitting and the edges adjacent to the pipe covering, tufted and tucked in, fully insulating the pipe fitting. Covers shall overlap the adjoining pipe insulation and jackets and on cold pipes shall be sealed at all seam edges with vapor barrier adhesive. The circumferential edges of all covers shall be sealed with pressure sensitive vinyl tape. The tape shall overlap thejacket and the cover at least one inch. INSULATION 15250 - 6 MASTERSPEC # I t rl rl rl rl rl r1 rl rl rl I I I I 'B. 11. I I I I B. c. 12. 13. 14. I I I t I T I t I I I I I I I I I I I At locations where the PVC covers are prohibited the Contactor may use as an altemate one of the following methods: prernolded fiberglass fitting covers or mitered segments of pipe insulation. Valves may be insulated with sections of Fiberglass pipe insulation complete with All Service Jacket. Raw ends shall be coated with vinyl acrylic mastic for hot piping or shall be coated with vapor barrier mastic for cold piping. INSTALLATION OF BLAI\KET INSULATION A. All insulation shall be applied with edges tightly butted with facing overlapping alljoints at least 2". Where vapor seal is required thejoints shall be sealed with fire retardant adhesive. The insulation shall be secured- to the duct with approximately 4" wide strips at 8" o.c. of fire retardant adhesive. Where the duct width exceeds 30", the underside insulation shall be additionally held in place with mechanical fasteners on a maximum of 18" o.c. B. Where vapor seal is required all breaks and punctures shall be sealed with vapor barrier tape and fire retardant tape. INSTALLATION OF' EXTERNAL INSULATION F'OR DUCTS EXPOSED TO WEATHER A. All insulation shall be applied with edges tightly butted and fastened to the duct with mechanical fasteners spaced on 12" to 18" centers or as required to hold insulation firmly against the duct surface. Insulation shall be tightly secured in place with washers firmly embedded in the insulation. B. Apply a 30 mil sheet vinyl covering with capped seals. INSTALLATION O[' HOT EqUIPMENT INSULATION ;. Insulation board or closed cell foam sheet "techlite" shall be cut and mitered to Iit the contour of the vessel and shall be applied with edges tightly butted, joints staggered where two or more layers are necessary (due to available thickness of insulation) and secured with 1/2" x 0.015" galvanized steel bands on 12" centers or with weld pins or stick clips with washers on 18" centers. INSULATION 15250.7 MASTERSPEC # PLUMBING I54OO - OI MASTERSPEC # I I I I I I I t I I i I I I ,! I I I I 22. WATERDISTRIBIJTTON ..................20 23. SAIIITARY. VENT AI\D STORM ...........................22 24. trLOOR DRATNS. OVERFLOW DRAINS, ROOF DRATNS Ar{DclBAtrouTs .................23 25. PLIJMBING SPECIALTIES ..............24 26. NATURAL GAS PTPING ....................24 27. INSTALLTION OF'NATT]RAL GAS SYSTEMS ........................25 28. SCTTEDULE ....................26 29, STJBMITTALS ...,,,,,,,.....,27 30. DELIVERY. STORAGE AI\[D HANDT,ING ...........27 31. WARRANTY ..................28 32. INSPr'.CTrON .................28 33. PREPAKA*TION .............28 34. INSTALLATTON ...........28 35. ADJUSTMENT AI\D CLEAIYING ..........................29 PLUMBING 15400 - 02 MASTERSPEC # t T I prvrsroNMECHANrcAL SECTION 15400 - PLTJMBINGIt 1. DESCRTPTIONOFWORK I A. Provide a complete plumbing system as indicated on the drawings and as I specified herein consisting of the following but not limited to, the r following: lt;; (l) Water service as indicated on drawings (2) Routing of piping through building to fixtures, equipment and drains ! (3) Sewer to 5'-0" outside building as indicated on drawings (4) Hanging and supporting of piping in accordance with Section'- 15010 and 15240 a (5) Provisions for expansion, contraction, sway, water haulmer, I vibration and noise elimination or compensation Z (6) Floor drains and connecting piping S O Roof drains, gutter leaders as indicated on drawings ! (8) cleanouts _ (9) Deck drains I1I (10) Domestic water heater and accessories ! (11) Itl::"fr:Tttons from relief valves and backflow preventers, etc., r' (12) Plumbing specialties I (13) Plumbing fixtures, valves, stops, traps, waste, faucets, cocks, I strainers, disposers, seats, carriers 'I (14) Rough-in, corurections and securing offixtures, bolt covers, valves I andsupplies T PLUMBING 15400 - I I MASTERSPEC # t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I 7. (15) Finish work including setting, connecting and cleaning fixtures, equipment and apparatus as required and removal from the site of all associated debris (16) Liquid chlorine for the sterilization ofthe domestic water lines. (17) Natural gas systems. (18) Refer to Section 15250 for insulation requirements. WORI( F'TJRNISHED BUT NOT INSTALLED A. Access doors in accordance with Division I RELATED WORI( SPECIF'IED ELSEWHtr"RE A. Permits, Tap Fees and Lateral Costs - Section 15010. B. Basic Materials and Methods - Section 15050. WATERSERVICE A. Water service is to be supplied from local water distribution system. SAIIITARYSEWER A. Sewage disposal is to be provided by the local sanitary sewage collection system. STORM SEWER A. Storm sewer disposal is to be provided by the local storm water drainage system. NATURAL GAS SYSTEMS A. Includes distribution piping systems for natural gas and manufactured gas within the building and extending from the point of delivery (metering by Utility Company) to the connections with gas utilization devices. Piping materials and equipment specified in this section include: (l) Pipes, fittings and specialties. B. Gas pressures for systems specified in this section are limited to 2 psig. PLUMBING I54OO -2 MASTERSPEC # I I I I C. Definitions: (1) Pipe sizes used in this Specification are Nominal Pipe Sizes (NPS). (2) Gas Distribution Piping: A pipe which conveys gas from the point of delivery to the points of usage. (3) Gas Service Piping: The pipe from the gas main or other source of I supply including the meter, regulating valve or service valve to ths I gas distribution system of the building served. g) Point of Deliver: The outlet of the service meter assembly, or the I outlet of the service regulator (service shutoff valve when no meter is provided). I 8. poMEsrrc Hor *ATER I A. Domestic hot water is to be supplied by an indirect heater utilizing the I buildingheatingboiler. i 9. REFERENCE srAlrpARps A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the contract documents, comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the f,l following: I (l) Plumbing Drainage Institute'Standard WH-201" -l7 - (2) 2Standards 1001,1003,1003-1, 1005,1008,1009,1010,1011, l1 1012,1014,1015,1016,1017,1019,1019,1020,1023,1024,and I 1025. (3) National Sanitation Foundation (N.S.F.)l (4) NFPA 54 - National Fuel Gas Code, for gas piping materials and I components, gas piping installations, and inspection, testing, andt purging of gas piping systems. f (5) Current Uniform Mechanical Code and local Building Code. I (6) H::ffi:ll"',ilffii:Tfili#:"'ff;*;**"r gas svstems in PLUMBING I54OO - 3 MASTERSPEC # I I I I t I I t I I t I I I I I I l T I 1 I 10. (7) Qualifications for Welding Processes and Operators: Comply with the requirements of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, "Welding and Brazing Qualifications". SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings and manufactwer's data for the following items in accordance with submittals Division l' (l) Standard roof drains @D) (2) Cleanouts (CO) (3) Floor drains (FD) (4) Deck drains (DD) (5) Overflow drains (OD) (6) Domestic water heater (WH) (7) Sump pumps (SP) (8) Shock absorbers (SA) (9) Sillcocks (SC) (10) Hosebibbs ftIB) (11) Vacuum breakers (VB) (12) Pressure gauges (PG) (13) Thermometers (T) (14) Temperature pressure relief valves (RV) (15) Specialties and special systems B. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit printed operations and maintenance data for the following items in accordance with project close- out section Division l. (1) Domestic water heater PLUMBING 15400 - 4 MASTERSPEC # I I I t I (2) Valves, faucets and operational parts (3) Sump Pumps C. Test Reports: Submit certified test reports showing compliance of the following items in accordance with Part 3 - EXECUTION of this section: (l) Pressure test (2)' Disinfection test J- 11' DELIVERY' STORAGT"AND IIANDLING I A. Delivery of Materials: Deliver materials in manufacturer's unopened | :i*:iffi1,*f]lllj*llmanufacture.s name' trade name' tvpe' - B. Storage of Materials: Store materials, equipment and fixtures in unopenedI :H[:1];:J::1"*"T fll]t#i1i;::ff:,To protected against I C. Handling of Materials: Handle materials in a manner not conducive to damage, using appropriate material handling means to protect these I materials from any damage. 12. JOB CONDITIONSJ ^ 3;H:ffi:"*1xt"[g;"*:1ffi:.l'lTf,,xl":*T,:n'ffiL*',,j::i"T' il1 ofproper locations to serve fixtures, equipment and other outlets.III B. Notification of Intemrption of Service: Except in the case of an I :ilerCency, notiff all affected users when the gas supply is to be tumed C. Work Intemrptions: When intemrptions in work occur while repairs or alterations are being made to an existing piping system, leave the system in safe condition. D. Coordinate the installation of pipe sleeves for foundation wall penetrations. PLUMBING I54OO - 5 MASTERSPEC # I I I I t I PIPE AIID FITTINGS T'OR WATER DISTRIBIJTION A. Exterior: (1) Type K hard copper complying with ASTM B-88 with silver brazed joints (ASTM 8-260 Class Bag-l). (2) Cast iron pipe, 18-40 or 2l-45, cement lined, Class 250 complying with ASA A-21.1 or equivalent ductile iron pipe. (3) Cast or ductile iron pipe to be installed with resilient joints, "Tyton Joint' (U.S. Pipe Company) on staight runs only, with no offsets in compliance with ANSI A2l.l l. (4) Turns, offsets, fittings, valves, etc. shall consist of mechanical joint types with set screw retaining glands and "Engineered Thrust Blocks". B. Interior - Buried: (l) Type K hard copper complying with ASTM B-88 with silver brazed joints (ASM 8-260 Class Bag-l). (2) Wrought copper fittings complying with ANSI816.22. C. Exposed or Accessible: (l) Type L hard or soft copper complying with ASTM B-88 with 95-5 (4) solder joints (Class SnSb). Wrought copper fittings complying with ANSI 816.22 or as applicable. Unions shall consist of 125 pound wrought copper groundjoint solder type or cast bronze solder or groundjoint type complying with ANSI 816.15 or 16.22. Stub connections to flush valve fixture supplies, or equipment supplies shall consist of solder X S.P.S. adapters (Elkhart #103) and standard red brass 125 pound nipples only (Merit Brass Co.). Chrome plate nipples where exposed (Merit Brass Co.). PLLMBING 15400 - 6 MASTERSPEC # (2) (3) I t I l T I I t I I .t t I t t I I t I I t D' *$ila:Tffi1il:"l:*fffi"J,rr",:orcastbronze forcopperpipe' t 14. JorNT MATERTAL FoR coppER prprNc ^ A. Perform soldering or brazing within the following standards and with the acceptable products as follows: I I I DESIGNATION SILVER STANDARD Type Silver 95-5 Method Brazing Solder ASTM B-260 AWS A.5.8 Class Bag-1 SnSb PROPERTIES MAX%MIN % Silver 44-46 0 Zinc l4-18 0 Cadmium 23-25 0 Copper t4-16 Tin 0 95 Antimony 0 5 A. Acceptable Products: (l) Silver Brazing Materials: No. 122 (Mueller), "Easy Flo 45', (Handy and Harmon), or "Sil Bond 45"(United Wire and Supply) PLUMBING I54OO -7 MASTERSPEC # I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I l 16. t7. JOINT MATERIAL FOR SCREWED PIPING A. Make-up screwed joints with not more than three (3) threads showing using Teflon tape. SAIIITARY SOIL WASTE AI\D VENT SYSTEM Interior Soil Waste and Vent Distribution, Pipe and Fittings (Cast Iron): (l) (2) Fumish and install all soil, waste and vent piping for the complete sanitary system in accordance with jurisdictional requirements. All soil and waste piping shall be run at a slope of not less than l/4" per foot (2.08%) for piping up to 3 inches in size. All piping 3" and over shall be run at a slope of not less than 1/8" (1.04%) per foot. Bushings in soil waste or vent piping shall be prohibited. Tapped spigots or tees shall be used when changing from cast iron pipe to steel waste or vent piping. All horizontal soil waste and vent piping shall be supported from the building structure at not more than ten (10) foot intervals. All vertical soil and vent stacks shall be supported with riser clamps at each floor slab. All soil and waste lines below the lower floor slab, or that are in trenches within the boundaries of the building shall consist of "S.V." labeled pipe and fittings to five (5) feet outside the building wall. All interior waste soil and vent piping shall consist of cast iron soil pipe and fitting. Joints for cast iron soil pipe shall consist of: one piece compression type gasket (Ty-Seal), in accordance with ASTM A-74 or no hub type system. PLUMBING 15400 - 9 MASTERSPEC # I I (3) (4) I T t I I I I I t I I I t (s) (6) (7) (l) 18. t I i I I I T l I t I t I l I t I I I (8)Hubless type consisting ofneoprene gaskets and series 300 stainless steel clamp and shield assemblies similar and equal to Alabama Pipe Company "NO HUBU in accordance with CISPI Standard #301-64T above the lowest floor and as allowed by jurisdictional code may be used when in compliance. All pipe and fittings shall have affixed thereon the CISPI grade mark of ideutification. (e) (10) All vents shall be installed through the roof of at least the minimum size as required by jurisdictional code and shall be cast iron. (11) All vents protruding through the roofshall be not less than 2" size and extended to not less than 12" above the finished roofand shall be flashed with24"x24'tx4 lb sheet lead. The flashing shall extend not less than 6" above the roofand the edges turned down into the hub of the cast iron vent pipe, caulked in place and finished with hot poured lead. (12\ All vents shall be located in accordance with jurisdictional code and in no case less than two I foot from roof edge or paxapet, or wall line of an "on the roof structure". STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM A. Interior Storm Drainaee Distribution: (2) Fumish and install all storm drains for all clear water or storm drains as shown on the plans, including the hangers, supports and support structures. All drainage piping shall be sloped at l/8" per foot minimum to 5' outside building. PLUMBING 15400 - IO MASTERSPEC # I I I I I I I I I ,l T I T I I I t I I (s) 19. (3) (4) PIPE AI\[D FITTINGS F'ORNATURAL GAS SYSTEMS A. Pipe, Tubing and Jointing Materials: (l) Above Grade - Exposed Location: (2) (3) All horizontal runs shall be suppoded at not more than ten (10) foot intervals. All vertical risers shall be supported with riser clamps at each floor slab. When risers exceed two (2) stories in height and terminate at the bottom into slab fill or native soil, these risers shall terminate with stack base elbows set on 24"x24"x8" thick minimum reinforced concrete pads set directly on undisturbed native soil or backfill compacted to same density as undisturbed earth. All storm drains below the lower floor slab or that are buried in trenches within the boundaries of the building shall consist of "S.V." labeled pipe and fittings to five (5) feet outside the building wall. Interior storm drains shall consist of S.V. labeled cast iron pipe and fittings. Cast iron joints shall consist of one piece compression type gasket (Ty-Seal) conforming to Standard ASTM A-74 or no hub system. (a) 2" and smaller: Schedule 40, black steel pipe, beveled ends, with 150 lb. malleable iron fittings and threaded joints. (b) Over 2": Schedule 40 black steel with seamless steel butt weld fittings and welded joints. Above Grade - Inaccessible Location: (a) All sizes: Schedule 40 seamless black steel pipe, beveled ends, with socket weld fittings same thickness as pipe; welded joints. Below Grade: (a) All sizes: Schedule 40 seamless black steel pipe, beveled ends, with socket weld fittings same thickness as pipe; welded joints. PLUMBING I54OO - I1 MASTERSPEC # 20. I I I I I I t I I I t I t l I I I I I (b) Protective Coating: Provide protective coating on piping and fittings that will be in contact with material or atrnosphere exerting a corrosive action, or piping buried in floors. Protective coating shall be applied at the factory. B. Valves: (l) Gas Cocks 2" and smaller: 150 psi WOG, bronze body, straight- away pattem, square head, threaded ends. (2) (3) C.Flexible Connectors: (l) (2) CAULKING Gas Cocks 2-l/2" and larger: MSS SP-78; 175 psi, lubricated plug type, semi-steel body, single gland, wrench operated, flanged ends. Gas Line Pressure Regulators: Single stage, steeljacketed, corrosion-resistant gas pressure regulators; with atmospheric vent, elevation compensator; threaded ends for 2" and smaller, flanged ends for 2-112" and larger; for inlet and outlet gas pressures, specific gravity, and volume flow indicated. Comrgated type 304 stainless steel flexible pipe with stainless steel braid and heavy flexible armor shield. For use connecting to vibrating equipment, all kitchen and heavy moveable gas appliance equipment. Connectors shall be of lengths required to displace equipment for complete cleaning under and around gas appliance. A. Caulk annular space between sleeve and pipe, fixture and wall with no-hardening adhesive sealant compound, "Homflsx LP-32 (A.C. Hom Co.) or equal. PLIIMBING I54OO - 12 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I I I t I I (1) (2) 21.T.LOORDRAINS A. General: C. (3) Provide finishes and accessories as required Provide ductile iron grates for areas subject to heavy wheel loading such as dock and equipment storage areas Provide stainers with free area ratios to drain throat as follows: Acceptable Manufacturers : (l) Josam, J.R. Smith, Zurn, Wade Immediately upon installation of rough pipe, plug all floor drains with test plugs or other means to prevent foreign material form entering piping and trap during construction, prior to installation ofthe floor drains. PLUMBING I54OO - 13 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I t T l I DRAIN PIPE SIZE THROAT T'REE AREA MINIMIJM STRAINER FREE AREA 2 3.14 6.28 2-t/2 4.91 9.82 7.O7 14.14 4 12.56 14.r4 )19.63 19.63 6 28.29 28.29 8 50.27 50.27 I T I I I I I t t l, I I I I I t I I I D. Floor Drains: (FD, PD, AD, FS) (l) General: Provide standard drains or approved equal. Standard drains for general purpose in finished areas: (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Plan Code: FD-2 (8) Make: Josam (9) Size: 2" 3u 4" (10) Model: 31122-2 31123-2 31124-2 (11) Plan Code: FD-3 (12) Make: Josam (13) Size: 4u (14) Model: 32000-7-41 (15) General: Deck Drains: (16) Plan Code: DDI (17) Make: Josam (18) Size: 4" (19) Model: 30002-5A-3 PLUMBING I54OO - 14 MASTERSPEC # Plan Code: FD-l Make: Josam Size:2"atlJ Model: 30002-54-3 30003-8A-92 General: Standard drains for boiler. mechanical rooms and storaee areas: ROOF pRAINS (RD A. General: (l) Provide types, finished, materials and accessories as required and appropriate. (2) Provide cast iron domes with securing. (3) Provide safe pans (flashing) for each drain or pairs ofdrains where roofdrain and overflow drains are adjacent. (4) Safe pans 36"x36" for single drains and 72"x36" for dual drains 36" on center or less, shall consist of one of the following: (a) 4lb/ft ,2 sheet lead with appropriate under support O) No. 24 B&S gauge (.02) sheet copper 15 lb. asphalt felt sub pans (silver soldered seams only). (c) Thicknessnon-plasticizedchlorinatedpolyethyleneand asphalted saturated felt flashing as approved and acceptable with jurisdiction code. B. AcceptableManufacturers: (l) Josam, J.R. Smith and Wade I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I C.Schedule: (l) Roof Drain: (2) Plan Code: (3) Make: (4) Model: (5) Size: (6) Make: (7) Model: RD-I Josam 21500 2" through 6" Josam 21500 Series PLUMBING 15400 - I5 MASTERSPEC # t I (s) Area Drains: | ::, ;;:'"' :,: I (l l) Model: 32ooo | :l;l Modjfication: l],**,n,,, I 23. clEAr{ours A. General: I Cleanouts shall consist of Delrin plugs indexed and color coded for t i,iil'il;Xl3iilfil3';lH"1HffiJ:1,:ffHt:,.jffit$T::ffi::l applications. I B. Floor Cleanouts (FCO) I (All FCO to have satin nickel bronze tops except as specified otherwise) (1) Floor Surface Slab on Grade I e) Finished concrete 56010 | (3) Tiled Surface 56010 (4) Terrazzo Surface 56010 t (5) Resin Matrix Surface 56010 (6) Carpet 56010-14 , C. Wall Cleanouts (WCO) I (l) For pipe spaces and walls without access: I (a) Josam 58890-17 (use tapped C.O. tee) or equal I I P'"ffit'rti11';';i' t D. I I I I I I I T l I I T I t I I I I I Cleanout Plugs (CO) (1) For accessible pipe spaces and exposed sewer piping (end of main, heel, wyes, etc.) (a) Josam 58550 plug with tapped spigot no hubs or hub type or equal Grade Cleanout (GCO) (l) Provide cast iron riser to grade with concrete base under riser wye and l2xl2x8" thick concrete pad at grade with cleanout centered in pad. (2) Josam #56040-5-15 or equal PLUMBING SPECIALTIES A. Shock Absorbers (Water Hammer Arresters) (SA): (l) General: Provide shock absorbers ofthe sizes shown (coded) on the drawings and in conformance with recommendations of P.D.I. (Plumbing Drainage Institute) Standard WH-201. (2) Manufacturer: Precision Plumbing Products, J.R. Smith, Zurn or Wade (3) Schedule: PLUMBING 15400 - 17 MASTERSPEC # CODE P.D.I. SIZE**MAKE*SZE(InleVIn.) SA-1 A ppp U2 SA-2 B ppp 3t4 SA-3 C ppp I SA-4 D ppp t-t/4 SA-5 E ppp t-t/2 SA-6 F ppp 2 E. I I I T t I I I I I l I I I I I I I I *Precision Plumbing Products **Plumbing and Drainage Institute B. Vacuum Breakers (VB): (1) Provide atmospheric or pressure t5pe vacuum breakers, polished chrome plated finish where exposed in finished rooms, bronze finish for exterior or where installed in storage or equipment rooms. (2) Acceptable Manufacturers: Watts and SMR (3) Units shall be fumished complete with test and check valves and drop-seat type gate valves on the inlet and outlet. C. Pressure Reducing Valves (PRV): (1)Provide presswe reducing valve with Y-type integral or separate inlet. Strainers with blowdown plug and shall be of the sizes as shown on plans with full size bypass line and ball or globe valve. Acceptable Manufacturers: Fisher, Wilkins, Watts and Cash Acme(2) D.Hose Bibbs (HB): (l)Provide in each mechanical equipment and boiler rooms equipped with a floor drain, or where indicated on plans, one polished chrome plated hose bibb with 3/4" hose and spout and integral vacuum breaker, lock shield and loose key. Make: Chicago Faucet Company #952-293-6 or equal(2) Sillcocks (SC): (l) Furnish and install where shown on plans the following sillcocks. Sillcock, housing and vacuum breaker shall be chrome plated bronze finish. Vacuum breaker shall be permanently affrxed to the sillcock so that it will become "non-removable" and vandal proof. PLUMBING I54OO - 18 MASTERSPEC # STYLE PLAN CODE MAKE MODEL DESCRIPTION Freezeproof SC.1 Woodford*65 Self-drain V.B. Exposed * or equal I I G. F. Pressure Gauges (PG): (l) General: Provide 6 inch case dial type gauges complete with 0-300 pounds per square inch gauge range, bourdon tube, brass socket, bottom outlet, with gauge cock and union connection, U.S. Gauge or Trerice. (2) Acceptable Manufacturers: U.S. Gauge, Marshaltown Thermometers (T): (l) General: Provide 9 inch scale angle pattern thermometers complete with 30'F to 240"F range, red reading mercury type column stainlessjacket and separable socket. U.S. Gauge or Trerice. (2) Acceptable Manufacturers: U.S. Gauge, Marshaltown Relief Valve (RV): (l) General: Provide pressure reliefvalves as required (2) Acceptable Manufacturers: McDonnell and Miller WATER DISTRIBUTION A. Preparation (l) Field Measurements: Veri$ dimensions of fixture and equipment locations before proceeding with the work. Obtain field measurements for work required to be accurately fitted to other construction. Be responsible for the accuracy of such . measurements and precise fittings, rough-in and connections for finished work. PLUMBING I54OO -20 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I T I t I t I I I I I I I B. 29. I I I t t I t I I I l T I I t I I I t (2) (2) Clean surfaces ofpiping, leave ready for painting or identification as required. Installation (l)Run piping as direct as possible to required connections and sloped to drain valves at low points for complete drain down. Locate drain valves at accessible points within the system. Sleeve and caulk wall or floor penehations of water services with non-hardening adhesive sealant compound. (2) (3) (3) Provide stop and drain valves for exterior sillcocks. (4) Maintain chlorine solution in the system for a period of not less than 8 hours, during which time open and close all valves and faucets at least 3 times. (5) After the sterilization period is completed, flush the entire system with potable water until the residual chlorine content is not greater than .02 parts per million. SAITITARY. VENT AND STORM A. Preparation (l) Field Measurements: Verifu dimensions of fixture and equipment locations before proceeding with the work. Obtain field measurements for work required to be accurately fitted to other construction. Be responsible for the accuracy of such measurements and precise fittings, rough-in and connections for finished work. B. Installation (l)Run soil and waste piping at a grade of not less than 2.08 percent for piping up to 3 inches in diameter. Soil, waste and storm piping shall be run at a grade ofnot less than 1.04 percent. Bushings in soil, waste and storm piping will not be permitted. Provide interior waste, storm and vent piping of service weight S.V. cast iron pipe and fittings. PLUMBING I54OO -22 MASTERSPEC # (4)Provide vents through roofs of at least the minimum size and height as required flashed with 4 pound sheet lead (24x24x4lb minimum).Extend lead 6 inches above the vent and tum down into vent pipe. Do not install vents within 2 feet of roof edge, parapet or wall line ofan "on the roofstructure". Field Quality Control: (l)Water test cast iron and steel storm, soil, waste and vent piping with l0 pounds per squ:ue inch gauge hydrostatic pressure for l0 minutes with no leaks. Make air test, where applicable, by forcing air into the system until gauge pressure indicates 20 inches of mercury. Hold pressure for 30 minutes without addition of air. Leave test plugs in place for interconnections offixtures, piping or specialties. FLOOR DRAINS. OVERtrLOW DRATNS, ROOFDRAINS AND CLEANOUTS A. Coordination: (l) Coordinate placement with other trades and building structure for elimination of interference. B. Preparation: (l) Field Measurements: Veriff locations of equipment before proceeding with installation. Obtain measurements and be responsible for the accuracy of such measurements and precise fitting, rough-in and placement of finished work. C. Installation: (5) T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I c. (l) (2) Drains and cleanouts to be installed on the centerline of a sheet lead pan in roofed and water proofed areas. Provide test plugs in floor drains, planter drains and roof drains at the time of installation. Leave test plugs in place for the duration of construction. Install strainers and domes as required immediately after completion of finish floor and roof installation. PLUMBING I54OO -23 MASTERSPEC # I r (3) 3,ili:,1'J",:li:il:H:f;,'*:;\1li:#J#$"J,ff::T," - sand, remove sand and plugs after roofing has seasoned. D. Floor drains to be installed with "P" traps vented as required. I 31. PLUMBING SPECIALTIES A. Shock Absorbers: f (l) Each shock absorber shall be installed with access means. tI B. Hose Bibbs or Wall Hydrants:t (1) Each sillcock shall be installed with accessible stop and drain valve I in branch line ahead ofoutlet. C. Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventers:It (1) Provide 8 inch diameter funnel one inch below backflow preventer I discharge. Fururel to be supported from adjacentpiping orbuilding I structure in an approved manner by means of angle iron, pipe clamps, unistrut clamps, etc. No pipe strap allowed. Extend3/4 inch discharge pipe from funnel as required and open site drain to I floordrains. (2) Relief Valves: I (a) Each relief valve shall be installed with a drain, full size of I relief valve opening, pipe to floor drain location. Open site I drainto floordrain. I 32, NATURAL GAS PIPINGrA. Preoaration: t (l) Precautions: Before tuming off the gas to the premises, or section of piping, tum off all equipment valves. Perform a leakage test as I specified to determine that all equipment is tumed off in the piping a section to be affected. I Q) Conform with the requirements in NFPA 54, for the prevention ofI accidentalignition. PLUMBING I54OO -24 MASTERSPEC # T I I INSTALLTION Otr' NATURAL GAS SYSTEMS A. Conform to the requirements of NFPA 54 - National Fuel Gas Code. B. Locations and Arrangements: Drawings (plans, schematics, and diagrams) indicate the general location and arangement of piping systems. Desigrr locations and arrangements of piping take into consideration pipe sizing, flow direction, slope ofpipe, expansion, and other design considerations. So far as practical, install piping as indicated. (l) Above-Ceiling Locations: Gas piping may be installed in accessible above-ceiling spaces (subject to the approval ofthe authority havingjurisdiction), whether or not such spaces are used as a plenum. Valves shall not be located in such spaces. Gas piping carrying supply pressures exceeding .5 psi to be welded (all sizes). (2) Prohibited Locations: Do not install gas piping in or through a circulating air duct, clothes chute, chimney or gas vent, ventilating duct, dumb waiter or elevator shaft. This does not apply to accessible above-ceiling space specified above. (3) Seal pipe penetrations offire barriers using fire barrier penetration sealers specified in Division 15. (4) Drips and Sediment Traps: Install a drip leg at points where condensate may collect and at all equipment supply inlets. Do not install drips where condensate is likely to freeze. Drip and Sediment traps to consist of a tee fitting with the bottom outlet plugged or capped as close to the appliance as practical, drip leg shall be a minimum of 3 pipe diameters in length. Use same size pipe for drip leg as the connected pipe. (5) Use fittings for all changes in direction and all branch connections. (6) Connect branch outlet pipes from the top ofhorizontal lines, not from the bottom or sides. C. Valve Applications: (l)General: The Drawings indicate valve types, locations, and ilTangements. PLUMBING I54OO - 25 MASTERSPEC # I t I I I I I I t t I I t I I t t I I I I I t I I I ! I T t I I I I T I I (2) Shutoffduty: Use gas cocks. D. Valve Installations: (1) Install valves in accessible locations, protected from physical damage. Tag valves with a metal tag attached with a metal chain indicating the piping systems supplied. (2) Install a gas cock upstream ofeach gas pressure regulator. (3) Valves shall be installed with unions or other means to facilitate removal or repair without disassembly of connecting piping. (4) Install gas cock upstream and within 6'ofgas appliance. Install a union or flanged connection downstream from the gas cock to permit removal of controls. E. Electrical Bonding and Grounding: (l) Do not use gas piping as a grounding electrode. (2) Conform to NFPA 70 - "National Electrical Code" for electrical connections between wiring and electrically operated control devices. F. Field Quality Control: (l) Piping Tests: Inspect, test and purge natural gas systems in accordance with NFPA 54 and local utility requirements. I 34. scHEpuLE A. Install fixtures as scheduled or approved equal. B Fixture Supplies and Stops: (l) Provide fixture supplies and stops on every individual fixture or appliance in accordance with the conhact documents. (2) Stops shall be compression types for inlet and outlet connections, flexible tube risers, loose key stops for all but residential type installations which shall be provided with wheel handle stops. PLUMBING I54OO -26 MASTERSPEC # (3) All components, stop, riser, inlet pipe and escutcheon shall be chrome plated brass or polished stainless steel, or special finish as specified for fixture trim. SUBNdITTALS A. Product Data: Submit catalog data for the following items in accordance with submittals section Division l. (l) Fixtures andtrim @ Specialties (3) Disposers (4) Faucets, cocks, supplies and stops (5) Finishes, material and colors B. Operation and Care and Maintenance Data: Submit complete printed data for the following items, in accordance with project close-out section Division l. (l) Valves, faucets, cocks (2) Disposers (3) Specialties (4) Plumbing fixtures DELTERY, STORAGE AtiD HA|{DLING A. Deliver all materials in manufacturer's unopened containers, fully identified, on container, with manufacturer's name, trade name, type, class, grade, model, size and color. ( I ) Storage: Store all materials in unopened containers, off ground, undercover and fully protected from damage due to weather and physical hazards PLUMBING I54OO -27 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I I I T t a I I I I I I I I I I t I I I (2) Handling: Handle materials in a manner not conducive to damage during moving, storing and installation, protect from damage after installation 37. WARRANTY General: All fixtures, trim and accessories shall be warranted against defects in material, installation and workmanship for a period of one year after date of substantial completion. Submit warranty to the construction manager/general contractor immediately upon occupancy of any portion of the building. Remedial Work: Upon notification of defects or malfirnctions within the warranty period, immediate corrections or replacement of material shall be commenced unless directed otherwise for the convenience of and by the owner. Repairs and replacements shall include adjacent or remote materials, system equipment and fumishings damaged and directly attributable deficiencies of the plumbing systems. All work and replacement shall be done without charge to owner, his representatives or agents. INSPECTION Examine the contract documents and provide all necessary attachments, accessories, support equipment and materials as necessary to fit allocated spaces. PREPARA'TION A. Field Measurements: Veriff all dimensions and installation requirements so that work can be accurately fitted to other construction and in accordance with the intent of the contract documents. Be responsible for accuracy of measurements and adequate space requirements for the precise fitting and assembly of finished work. INSTAI LATION: A. General: PLUMBING I54OO - 28 MASTERSPEC # A. B. 39. 40. I t I I t I t I I I I I I I T I I I I I t I I I I I t I t t t t I 41. (l) All plumbing fixtures, components, accessories and attachments found defective, broken, scuffed or damaged in any way will be replaced, not repaired, at plumbing conhactor's expense, regardless of fault. (2) All fixtures and trim shall be set level and plumb, spaced in accordance with contract documents and secured in place for permanency and rigidity. (3) All faucets, operating valves and stops shall be anchored behind walls to become rigid to eliminate "push" or "pull" movement. (4) Provide china fixture bolt caps for all exposed fixture bolts and nuts, install bolt caps with "Plaster of Paris", except where fixtures are provided with chrome plated. finished "cap nuts" (5) Provide cast brass set screw type chrome plated single piece escutcheons for all penetrations ofpiping through walls, floors or ceilings in finished and unfinished areas. (6) Terrazzo fixtures shall be set on at least l/4" of sand bedding shimmed with copper shims, leveled and sealed in place. (7) Electric water cooler receptacles to be provided under electrical contract. The plumbing contractor shall be responsible for coordinating electrical requirements to the electrical contractor. ADJUSTMENT AI\D CLEAI\ING A. Adjustment: Adjust all flush valves, faucets, metering devices and bubblers for proper flow and action after flushing operations are accomplished. B. Cleaning: Clean all fixtures, trim, accessories and attachments including strainers, traps, aerators and valves. PLUMBING 15400 -29 MASTERSPEC # DIVISION MECHAITICAL SECTION 15600 - HEAT GEITERATION 1. SCOP8........ .......................1 2. DESCRIPTTON OI'WORK .................1 3. RDLATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWIIERE ...........................1 4. REOTIIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES ...................I 5. SERVICE ASSIJRANCE .......................1 6. I{OT WATER BOILER CAST IRON. GAS-F'IRED ....................I 7. BOILER START UP AND SERVICE ...,,...........,,..,,.2 8. BOTLERWIRING ...........3 HEAT GENERATION 15600 - OI MASTERSPEC # DIVISION MI'-CI{ANICAL SECTION 15600 - HEAT GENERATION 1. SCOpr' A. Forced draft hvdronic boilers T t I I I I I I T I T I I I I I 4. DESCRIPTION OF'WORK A. Work under this section shall include fumishing and installing material and equipment related to power or heat generation consisting of the following but not limited tlereto: (l) Boilers RELATED WORI( SPECIF'IED ELSEWHERE A. Basic Materials and Methods - Section 15010. REOUIREMENTS OF" REGULATORY AGENCIES A. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. B. Applicable NFPA Codes. SERVICE ASSI]RANCE A. Boiler manufactureCs representative must have qualified servicemen available for factory certified start-up HOT WATERBOILER CAST IRON. GAS.FIRED A. Approved manufacturer as listed on the drawing schedules or as approved by the Engineer. The boiler capacity shall be as indicated on the drawings. The boiler assembly shall consist ofcast iron sections constructed in conformity with ASME Code requirements and tested hydrostatically for a maximum water working pressure of 80 psi. The extemal design of the sections shall provide readily accessible flue passages between sections for cleaning without use of special tools. HEAT GENERATION 15600 - I MASTERSPEC # B. C. I I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I I I I I I t D. The boiler shall be provided with an insulated metal jacket which shall have a factory applied enamel finish. E. Forced draft type boilers shall be provided with PS type flue. F. The boiler shall be provided with water trim as follows: (1) Combinationpressure/temperaturegauge. (2) ASME rated pressure relief valve(s). (3) Operatingaquastat. (4) High limit aquastat with manual reset. (5) Low water cut-off. G. The boiler shall have atmospheric gas bumers with orifices sized for the gas to be supplied. Gas bumer shall be equipped with main gas cock, pilot gas cock and gas pressure regulator. H. The combustion controls shall include all safety controls required by local codes and owner insurance carrier requirements. The minimum control system shall consist of the manufacturer's standard prewired control panel with electronic flame supervision. I. The combustion controls shall include all safety controls required by local codes and owner insurance carrier requirements. The minimum control system shall consist of the manufacturer's standard prewired control panel with elechonic flame supervision. J. Provide ASME approved relief valve and low water cutoff for field installation in supply header. 7. BOILERSTART UPAND SERVICE A. Provide start-up service by manufacturer's representative's seryiceman. B. Provide boiler field combustion tests for maximum and minimum firine rates which include the following information: (1) Stacktemperatures. HEAT GENERATION 15600 - 2 MASTERSPEC # (2) Gas pressure and cubic feet ofgas per hour. (3) Percent CO. and CO. (4) Thermal efficiency. C. NOTE: Presence of CO in flue gas or excessively high stack temperatures will require corrective action by the Contractor. D. Provide one yeat's service after start-up by manufacturer's representative's servicernan. A minimum of three service calls are to be made during the operating season. BOILERWIRING A. Provide all field wiring for boiler controls that may be necessary for satisfactory operation. Such wiring shall be No. l4,heat and moisture resistant and rated for 90oC minimum. All such wiring shall be installed in metallic raceway. TIEAT GENERATION 15600 - 3 MASTERSPEC # I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I HVAC PIPING I57OO - 01 MASTERSPEC # DIVISION MECHAI\TICAL SECTION 15700 - I{VAC PIPING 1. DESCRIPTION OF'WORK A. Work under this section shall include fumishing and installing material and equipment necessary for transferring heat from or to a liquid consisting of the following but not limited thereto: (l) Hot Water Piping (2) Snow Melt Piping (3) Hydronic Specialties (4) Heat Exchange Equipment RELATED WORI( SPECIF'IED ELSEWHARE A. Basic Materials and Methods - Section 15010. WORI( INSTALLED BUT T'URNISHT'.D BY OTHERS A. Automatic contol valves. B. Flow switches in the chilled and condenser water piping. C. Electronic pressure and temperature sensors. SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawings: Submit shop drawings and manufacturer's data for the items listed under description in accordance with section titled Submittals. B. Operating Instructions and Maintenance Data: Submit operating instructions and maintenance data for the items listed under description in accordance with section titled Proiect Closeout. PIPE A}{D T'ITTINGS A. Hot WaterPiping: HVAC PIPING I57OO - I MASTERSPEC # 4. I I I I t t I I T I I I T I T I I I I A. B. C. D. F. T I I t I I I I I I t I T I I I T I I (l)Above grade - standard weight black iron pipe with weld, cast iron screwed and/or flanged fittings (2-112" and larger) or t54)e "L" copper pipe with wrought copper sweat fittings and solder joints. (2" and smaller unless otherwise specified.) In lieu of weld, screwed, or flanged connections, mechanical type couplings and fittings as manufactured by Victaulic may be used, Viton gaskets shall be used for design temperatures above 230"F. Below grade - Type "K" copper pipe with wrought copper sweat fittings and 95% tin, 5o/o antimony solder joints. Minimize the number ofjoints below grade. (2) HYDRONIC SPECIALTIES Approved manufacturers are Amtrol, Bell & Gosset, Taco and Thrush. Pressure and Temperature Gauge Test Plugs: Test plugs and cap to be provided where shown on drawings or as follows: (l) Suction and discharge of all pumps. (2) Inlet and outlet ofall coils and heat exchangers. (3) All ports of control valves. Pre-pressurized diaphragm-type expansion tank ofsize and type specified on the drawings equal to Amtrol, Inc. Working pressure of the tank must be equal or exceed the system pressure reliefvalve setting. In-line air purger of size specified on the drawings with air eliminator equal to Amtrol, tnc. Automatic pressure reducing fill valve with bronze body, monel screen and built-in check valve equal to Amtrol Model I l0 Fill-Trol. Combination pressure relief valve and pressure reducing valve with removable strainer and fast frll feature equal to B & G No. F-3 and F-8. "Coin operated" air vents equal to B & G No. 4V. Radiation shut-offvalves equal to Illinois 65. HVACPIPING I57OO-2 MASTERSPEC # 7.HEATEXCIIANGER A. Approved manufacturer as listed on the drawing schedules. B. Conform to ASME code for unfired pressure vessels and other applicable codes. Size and capacity as listed on the drawings. C. Construction: (l) Tubes: U-tube type with 3/4" OD minimum seamless copper tubes suitable for 125 psi working pressure. (2) Heads: Cast iron or steel, with steel orbronze tube sheets threaded or flanged for piping connections. (3) Tube Bundle: Removable for inspection and cleaning. (4) Coating: Prime coat exterior. D. Shell and Tube Type Heat Exchanger; (l) Steel shell, with threaded or flanged piping connections and necessary tappings. (2) Provide steel saddle and attaching U-bolts. (3) Design for heating fluid in shell and heated fluid in tubes. E. Immersion Heater: (l) Provide steel collar for welding to tank. (2) Provide ASME rated pressure relief valve on steam inlet on downstream side ofcontrol valve. (3) Provide valved drain. F'IN TUBE RADIATION A. Approved manufacturers are Vulcan, Slant Fin, Standard and Sterling. B. Size, capacity and type as listed on Drawings. C. Copper tube with aluminum fins. HVAC PIPING I57OO - 3 MASTERSPEC # I I I t I I I I I t T I I I I I I I I I I I I D. Ga. enclosure with pencil proof louvers and flush joints. E. Damper with threaded damper screw and trunnion. F. Ga. Type A continuous back-plate. G. Prime coat finish unless otherwise specified on drawings. 9. UNIT HEATERS r A. Approved manufacturers are Airtherm, McQuay, Vulcan, Trane, Beacon- Morris Corp., Sterling or Modine. r B. Size, capacity and type as listed on drawings. I C. Coils with aluminum fins mechanically bonded to seamless copper tubingI suitable for working pressures up to 200 psig hot water. I D' [?H,f,i:rJ;fftff"T:"1t"""'*:l zedforrust and corrosion prevention I E. Shaded pole open multi-speed motors with permanent lubrication and integral speed selector switch. I F. Factory balanced aluminum fans. 10. CABINET HEATERS r A. Approved manufacturers are Airtherm, McQuay, American Air Filter, - Vulcan, Trane Beacon-Morris Corp. or Sterling. r B. Size, capacity and anangement as listed on Drawings. I C. Coils with aluminum fins, mechanically bonded to seamless copper ' tubing, suitable for working pressures up to 200 psig hot water. I D. Forward curved centrifugal blowers double-width, double-inlet type, balanced for quiet houble-free operation and mounted on a double or I single extended shaft. Motor located in the inlet air stream. = E. Shaded pole motors with single or double extended shafts and equipped I with automatic overload protection and resilient bases. I I *^i,'f,HflJilH;- I 11. F. Unit mounted integral thermostat. G. Phosphatized cabinet with baked-on combination prime/finish. H. Equip each unit with throwaway tlpe filters. COILS A. Approved manufacturers are Carrier, Trane, AAF, Bohn, York, Climate Control, TSI, Temtrol, McQuay, Aerofin or Airtherm. B. Size, capacity and tlpe as listed on drawings. All coil ratings shall be ARI certified. C. Design and Construction: (l) Provide extended surface type coils with tubes ofcopper or brass, and plate or helical fins of copper or aluminum. (2) Space fins 14 per inch maximum. Helical fins may be crimped. (3) Mount coil section in galvanized steel casing designed for bolting to other sections or ductwork. Water Heating Coils: (l) Desigrr for 200 psig and 220" F. (2) Fabricate coil headers from cast iron, coppertube, or steel pipe. Glycol Heating Coils: (1) Design for 200 psi and 220" F. (2) Provide cleanable tube coils with shaight tubes. Fabricate heads and water boxes from steel or cast iron. I'.XPAI\SIONS JOINTS (Radiation) A. Approved manufacturers are Keflex, Hydroflex and Metraflex. B. Provide I IQTL expansion joints where shown on the drawings or where required to meet expansion requirements. HVAC PIPING 15700 - 5 MASTERSPEC # I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D. E. 12. B. C. D. E. F. 13. t4. I T I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I c D. E. Joints shall be line size and have copper ends for sweat connections. Each joint shall provide l/2" movement. Provide expansion joint guides and anchor in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. HOT WATEWCHILLED WATER PIPE INSTALLATION A. Install all supply and return mains with straight side of eccentric fittings when possible at top of pipe. Install supply and return mains level, unless otherwise shown on the drawings. B. Install manual air vents at high points of all piping consisting of a line size nipple - 6" long for an air collection chamber, pipe cap on top of nipple with 1/4" tap, ll4" copper tubing with gauge cock. Locate gauge cock at accessible location. Provide access panels as required for access. C. Provide manual shut-off valve in supply line and combination balancing and shut-offvalve in return line from each device, or cooling coil, and at each floor level branch or runout to specific areas.. PIPE TESTING A. AII piping system shall be tested and proven tight prior to concealment. Insure that the test pressure which might damage equipment does not reach such units by valving them off or otherwise isolating them during the test. Isolated equipment must be open to ahnosphere during test. Open and close all system valves at least once while system is pressurized to test valve packing. Tighten as required. All hydrostatic tests shall be held for a minimum of eight hours without loss of pressure. All air tests shall be held for a minimum of one hour without loss of pressure. When job site conditions do not permit the use of water, air may be used in lieu of water. Test Procedures: (l) Hot water/chilled water: 100 psig hydrostatic. HVAC PIPING 15700 - 6 MASTERSPEC # T I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I C. D. D. 15. I6. 17. @ Stearn/condensatereturn: l00psighydrostatic. G. Maintain a record form document for owner's approval on each test which includes a description oftest procedure and data noting results. ITT' AT T'I|CHANGER JNSTALLATION A. Install so that tubes can be removed without disturbing installed equipment or piping. COIL INSTALLATION A. Support coil sections on steel channel or double angle frames and secure to casings. Arrange supports for cooling coils to avoid piercing or short circuiting drip pans. Bolt casings to other section, ductwork, or unit casings. Provide airtight seal between coil and duct or unit cabinets. B. Locate water supply at bottom of supply header and retum water connection at top to provide self-venting and reverse return arrangement. Provide air vents at high points. Ensure water coils are drainable and make drain connection at low points. Protect coils so fins and flanges are not damaged. Replace loose and damaged fins. Comb out bent fins. Level serpentine coils and install cleanable tube coils and steam coils with l;50 pitch. F'IN TUBE INSTALLATION A. Element shall be centered under window wherever applicable, or to B. C. maintain symmetry on walls per architect,s approval. Provide access panels for access to hand valves, flow measuring device and automatic valve. Enclosure shall be made up of a minimum number of pieces. No short pieces shall be used where a longer piece would have minimized the number of pieces. Provide anchors and expansionjoints at locations shown on drawings. HVAC PIPING I57OO - 7 MASTERSPEC # I I 18. AUT'MATT. coNTRoL vALvES I A T*lr:i::-"Oc contol valves as required and specified in Section 15e50 f 19. ADJUSTMENTAI\IDCLEAI\ING '' A. Cleaning: Thoroughly clean the water and steam piping systems after I hydrostatic tests have been completed. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I HVAC PIPING 15700 - 8 MASTERSPEC # t I prvrsroN MECTTAM.AL SECTION 15750. IIVAC PTJMPS t r. pEscRrprroN o.woRr( .................1 I 2. SUBMTTTALS ..................1 3. II\tLrNT',. CTRCULATING PIIMPS .............................1I I I I HVAC PUMPS 15750 - OI MASTERSPEC # DTVISION MECHAI\IICAL SECTION 15750 . ITVAC PIJMPS 1. DESCRIPTTON OIi WOtrU( A. The work includes, but is not limited to, the following: B. Noise and vibration control in accordance with Section 15240 - Vibration Control. C. Heating system pumps. D. Insulation in accordance with Section 15250 - Insulation. SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings and manufacturer's data for the following items in accordance with section titled Submittals: (l) Heating system pumps B. Operating Instructions and Maintenance Data: Submit printed operating instructions and maintenance data for the following items in accordance with section titled Proiect Close-out. (l) Pumps rN LIIYE CIRCULATING PUMPS A. General: Provide pumps and motors of sizes and capacities scheduled on drawings. Pump manufacturer to check suction condition on pumps and provide pumps suitable for operation at proper net pump suction head (NPSH). Motor to be non-overloading throughout the range of the pump curve. The pumps shall be single stage, split case desigrr, in cast iron and bronze fitted constructed. The pump intemals shall be capable of being serviced without disturbing piping connections or motor. The impeller shall be of the enclosed type, dynamically balanced and keyed to the shaft and secured with a suitable locknut. HVAC PUMPS 15750 - I MASTERSPEC # 3. I I I I I I I I T I I I T I I I I I I B. C. D. T t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I E. F. G. Pump seal shall be standard single mechanical seal with carbon seal ring and ceramic seat. A replaceable shaft sleeve shall be furnished to cover the wetted area of the shaft under the seal or packing. The bearing frame assembly of the pump shall be fitted with regreasable ball bearings equivalent electric motor bearing standards for quiet operation. The pump shall be factory tested, thoroughly cleaned and painted with one coat of machinery enamel prior to shipment. A set of installation instructions shall be included with the pump at the time. Manufacturers: Bell and Gossett, Armstrong, Taco, Valves and fittings in piping to pumps to be full line size with reductions made directly to pump suction (eccentric reducer) and discharge (concentric increaser). Lubricate the pumps in accordance with manufacturer's instructions after completion of the system and before start-up. Provide straight pipe at suction inlet a minimum of one size larger than pump connection with a length no less than 5 pipe diameters. Also utilize an eccentric reducer at inlet of pump which is flat on top. If 5 pipe diameters ofstraight pipe are not possible provide appropriate suction diffirser from manufacturer. HVAC PUMPS 15750 -2 MASTERSPEC # I. J. K. L. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I DTYISION MECHAI{ICAL SECTION 15800 - AIR DISTRIBUTION l. DESCRTPTION OF WORK .................1 2. OUAT.ITY ASSURANCE ......................1 3. SUBMITTALS ..................1 4. SHEETMETALWORK ........................2 5. DUCT INSULATION ..........................,.2 6. FLEXIBLE DUCT AND TAKE-OF'F FITTINGS ..........................2 7. SEALAI\IT.. .......................3 8. ACCESS PAI\ELS AND DOORS ..............................3 9. TIJRNINGVATIES ..........2 10. FIRE pAMPERS ..............2 ll. GRILLES, REGISTERS ANp DIFFIJSERS .,..........2 12. LII\EAR SLOT DIF'FTJSERS ...............2 13. F'LEXIBLE CONNECTTONS ...............5 14. CoNTROL BALAI\CING DAMPERS .....................5 15. GRAVITY BACKDRAFT DAMPERS ......................5 16. FILTERS.... .......................6 17. BREECHTNG AND SMOKEPTPE .............................6 18. EXHAUST FAI\IS .............6 19. ATRHAI\IDLTNGUNITS ......................8 20. TNSTALLATTON OF ArR pISTRIBUTTON EQIIIPMENT..............................8 21. DUCT CONSTRUCTION AI\D INSTALLATION ........................8 AIR DISTRIBUTION 15800 - OI MASTERSPEC # 22. TNSTALLATTON OE pUCT LINER .......................10 23. SEALTNGOFDUCTS .........................10 24. BREECEINGAF{N SMOKEPIPE INSTALLATION .................I0 25. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS .......I0 26. FTELDOUAT.ITYCONTROL ...........11 AIR DISTRIBT]'TION I58OO - 02 MASTERSPEC # I I prvlsloN MECHAT\r.AL SECTION 15800 - AIR DISTRIBUTION r 1. DESCRIPTION OF'WORK I A. Work under this section shall include fumishing and installing materialI and equipment related to air distribution consisting of the following but not limited to: I (l) Ductwork t Q) Duct Accessories (3) Grilles, Registers, and Diffusers I g) Louvers I (5) Air Filters (6) Air Handling Units I e) Fans I 2. QUALTTYASSURANCE A. Reference Standards: Except as modified by goveming codes and by the I contract documents, comply with the applicable provisions andI recommendations of the following: I (r) ffi*"n?i:'ffiii"ating, Refrigeration and Air conditioning I Q) ff::.T:Xtrifri,iTl,'ff-ngcontractorsNationar I (3) National Fire Protection Association (MPA) (4) Uniform Mechanical Code (JMC) I 3. SUBMITTALS I A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings and manufacturer's data for theI following items in accordance with submittal section I I AtrtDlsffilfi:il**o-' t 4. (1) Supply fans (2) Exhaust fans (3) Sheet metal specialties (4) Grilles, registers and diffirsers (5) All items udthin this section which require maintenance B. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit printed operation instructions and maintenance data for all items within this section which require maintenance in accordance with section titled Project Close-out. SHEETMETAL WORK A. Metal and Gauge: Unless specified otherwise, galvanized iron to be used throughout, fabricated and installed so that no vibrating or noise results. Fabricate from the best grade of mild steel sheets of the U.S. Standard gauge joint and seal recommended in the latest edition of American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Guide (ASHRAE) and the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Confractors National Association (SMACNA) manual and/or the Uniform Mechanical Code (whichever is more stringent). Construct ductwork to pressure classification as defined on drawings. B. Flexible connections to be made from neoprene coated glass fabric (Ventglas) unless noted otherwise on plans. DUCT INSULA.TION A. All ductwork to be insulated according to the following schedule and in accordance with the Insulation Section 15250 or as shown on mechanical drawings: B. Duct sizes shown on drawings are finished outside dimensions. FLEXIBLE DUCT AND TAKE.OFF FITTINGS A. Flexible duct shall comply with the Class I requirements of the NFPA Bulletin No. 90-A with flame spread rating 25 or less and a smoke developed rating not higher than 50. AIR DISTRIBUTION 15800 - 2 MASTERSPEC # I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t B iliffil*ffi$::iffi';i:#:Hiffi:s*:ilrfi?i*:'-inimum working pressure of 8" w.g. I C. All flexible ducts are to be insulated unless otherwise specified. Insulation shall be l" thick (min.) fiberglass with "K" value at 75oF of 0.23 (ma:r.). !D. Medium pressure round take-offfittings shall be bellmouth or conical I t1pe. Low pressure round take-off fittings shall be a straight spin-in with I damper quadrant where ceiling type allows. ll 7. SEAI.AI\ITrA. Approved manufactursrs are Chicago Mastic Corp., Tough Bond, Hardcast, United Sheet Metal or equal. I B. Duct sealer shall be a metal-to-metal air pressure sealant which is flexible and self-curing. I C. Sealant shall be fire resistive when drv. I 8. ACCEss PAr\.ELS Ar\[p pooRs I A. Approved manufacturers are Ventfabrics Inc. and C.E. Spanow Co. or I equal. B. Access panels shall consist of three one-piece stampings: the door frame, the door itselfand the pan. Space between door and pan shall be filled with l/2" thick insulation. The door shall be hung with loose pin hinges. C. Access panel sizes shall be as follows unless otherwise specified on drawings or access requires larger openings to realistically reach the devices; AIRDISTRIBUTION 15800 - 3 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I I I I t Size of Duct to be Accessed Panel size Metal Gauges of Frame Door Pan Number of Hinges Latches 6'- 8t'8" x 12"22 24 28 2l 10" - 12"8" x 12"22 24 28 2l 12 - 16"10" x 16"20 24 28 22 18" & over 16" x24"20 22 28 7) 11. 12. D. Access doors shall be fabricated in accordance with the details in the SMACNA Duct Manuals. Latches and hinges shall be equal to Ventlok of appropriate type and size. TURNING VAI\IES A. Tuming vanes shall be single thickness. F'IRE DAMPERS A. Provide fire dampers and fire/smoke dampers with sleeves in accordance with applicable building code. Dampers to be complete with spring catches and constructed in accordance with NFPA Bulletin No. 90A. Dampers to be shutter type, as noted on drawings. GRILT,F'.S. REGISTERS AND DII'FUSERS A. Steel outlets to be supplied with prime coat finish, unless specified otherwise. Aluminum outlets to remain unpainted. B. Steel grilles, registers and diffrrsers to be installed on white ceilings to be furnished with white baked enamel finish. I T I I I t I 13. I I I I I I I I t I I I c. D. Grilles, registers and diffusers to be of size, capacity and performance complete with accessories as noted on schedule and/or drawings. The insides ofreturn air boxes shall be painted flat black. 14.LINEAR SI.OT DIFF'USERS A. Provide linear slot difhrsers as shown on schedule on drawings for type of ceilings shown on Architectural drawings. Casing shall be constructed of galvanized steel with inlet collar. Casing shall be insulated with l/2 inch thick dual density thermal and acoustical fiberglass insulation meeting NFPA 90A requirements. AIRDISTRIBUTION I58OO - 2 MASTERSPEC # B. C. I I D 3ifr:fi:"J,TJ$fflfi'HilH;T5:T;'*ffi'#;li#r,H*3l;,, Architect.r E. The casing to have flanges welded to each end for connection to ductwork. Curved air shaightening vanes to be welded in the fan casing. !15. F'LE)flBLECONNECTIONS I A. Approved manufacturer is Ventfabrics Inc. or equal. r B. Ventglas shall be used for flexible duct connections when not exposed to I the weather. I C. Ventlon shall be used for flexible duct connections exposed to the weather. I D. Ventel shall be used for corrosive air streams. I 16. CONTROLBALANCINGDAMPERS I A. Approved manufacturers are Penn Ventilator Co., American Warming and I Ventilating, Pacific Air Balance, Vent Products, Creative Metals, Ruskin. I B. Provide tight close-offdampers at locations indicated on drawings. C. Construction shall be of No. 16 gauge galvanized roll formed blades. I Maximum blade width 8". Blades 36" and longer and driven blade shall be I fumished with reinforcing cone. Maximum blade length 48". I D. Blade edge gaskets shall be extruded Polymer for long life. Damper side I seals shall be stainless spring steel. Where dampers are intended for balancing purposes only, edge gaskets, and side seals shall be omitted. I E. Install automatic control dampers as required and specified under Controls and Instruments Section 15950. t li. .RAVTTYBACKpRAtr-.pAMPER. I A. Provide weighted gravity backdraft dampers where shown on drawings. I B. Approved manufacturers: Arrow Series 400, Joy, Ruskin, Flah. I I AIR DISTRIBI.J-TION 15800 - 5 I MASTERSPEC # I 18.F"ILTERS A. Approved manufacturers are Farr Co., American Air Filter, Cambridge, Airguard, Vilidon. B. Air filters shall be similar and equal to Farr 30/30, medium effrciency, pleated disposable type, 4" (2") thick. C. The media support shall be a welded wire grid with an effective open area of not less than960/o. The welded wire grid shall be bonded to the filter media to eliminate the possibility of media oscillation and media pull away. D. One complete set of spare filters shall be supplied for use during the construction and testing and balancing period. A complete set ofnew filters shall be installed before testing and balancing. BREECHING AI\ID SMOKEPIPE A. Approved manufacturers are Metalbestos and Metal-Fab. B. Breeching and/or smokepipe shall be type "B" double-wall for atrnospheric bumers and type "PS" for forced draft burners, complete with all necessary accessories such as thimbles, flashing, storm collars, support plates, and cowl cap. EXHAUST F'AIIS A. Approved manufacturers are listed below with each type of fan. B. Fans shall have capacities and accessories as scheduled on drawings. C. Fans shall bear the AMCA seals for rated sound and air. D. Roof Exhausters: (l) Belt-drivencentrifugalblower. (2) Motor and drive housing mounted on vibration isolators and completely sealed from the exhaust air stream. (3) Exposed fastenings to be corrosion resistant. AIRDISTRIBUTION I58OO - 6 MASTERSPEC # t I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I I I 19. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t t (4) Manufacturers: Greenheck, Penn Ventilator, Jenn Air, Acme, Cook, Briedert, Ilg. E. In-Line Fans: (1) Belt-driven centrifugal fan. (2) Motor, belt and bearings to be isolated from the air stream. (3) Vibration isolators. (4) Manufacturers: Greenheck, Penn Ventilator, Cook, Acme, Twin City, Aladdin, Bayley, Briedert, Ilg. F. Propeller Fans: (l) Belt-driven propeller fan. (2) Heavy duty cast iron pillow block with ball bearings. (3) Motor side fan guard. (4) Manufactwers: Greenheck, Penn Ventilator, Cook, Acme, Bayley, . Briedert, Ilg, Stanley Industrial. G. Utility set: (l) Belt-drivencentrifugal. (2) Rotatable housing. (3) Heavy-gauge construction. (4) All-welded steel housing. (5) All-welded backwardly inclined wheel. (6) Vibrationisolators. (7) Approved manufacturers: New York Blower, twin City Fan & Blower, Greenheck, Aladdin, Bayley, Ilg. AIRDISTRIBUTION I58OO - 7 MASTERSPEC # 21.AIRIIAIIDLING UNITS The air handling unit shall be of the draw-thru type, with heating coil, and filter mixing box. Coils to be as specified on the drawings. The air moving and coil capacities shall be as shown on the drawings. Shall be belt drive with guard and adjustable motor sheave. Motor nameplate horsepower shall exceed brake horsbpower by a minimum of 5% with airfoil or BI fans and 20Yowith forward curve fans. Belts shall be of the oil resistant t1pe. Motor shall be especially designed for quiet operation. INSTALI.ATION OF' AIR DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT A. Install air disbibution equipment where indicated, in accordance with equipment manufacturer's installation instructions and with recognized industry practices, to ensure that equipment complies with requirements and serves intended purposes. B. Coordinate with other work, including ductwork, floor construction and electical work as necessary to interface installation of air distribution equipment with other work. C. Install units on vibration isolators or isolation bases. DUCT CONSTRUCTTON AI\D INSTAI.LATION A. Provide sheet metal duct systems, connections, splitters, dampers, duct turns, housings, hinged sheet metal doors and necessary removable access doors for the complete supply, retum and exhaust systems. Provide access doors in ductwork wherever required for observation and maintenance of dampers. B. Duct Workmanship: Ductwork to be constructed and erected in a workmanlike manner. Ducts to be straight and smooth on the inside with neatly finishedjoints, airtight and free from vibration under every condition of operation. The internal ends of slip joints to be made in the direction of the airflow. The ducts to be securely attached to the building construction in an approved manner. Changes in dimensions and shape of the ducts to be gradual. Duct sizes fall within the limiting dimensions indicated on the drawings unless otherwise approved. AIR DISTRIBUTION I58OO - 8 MASTERSPEC # I I I t I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I B. C. c. D. E. F. G. J. I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t t t I I I. Duct Tums: 90o elbows up to I 8" wide and 45" elbows consist of an inside radius of not less than l/2 width of the duct or be fumished with single blade duct vanes with}-l/4 inch blade spacing. Shop fabricated duct vanes to conform to details of the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association manual. Do not use air tums on high velocity ductwork unless specifically called out on drawings. Flexible Connections: Provide sound isolating flexible connections on the inlet and outlet of each fan to which duct connectors are made. At least one inch slack to be allowed in fabric connections to insure that no vibration is transmitted from fan to ductwork. The fabric can either be folded in with the metal or attached with metal collar frame at each end to prevent air leakage. Ducts to be sealed airtight as noted on plans. Conduct a complete tightness test as outlined in the (SMACNA) High Velocity Duct Manual. Where joints are not accessible for proper sealing, hand holes should be cut in duct and the joints sealed from the inside. Special care to be taken to seal the duct comers Total leakage ofeach high velocity duct system not to exceed l0% (10 percent) of total system volume. A report on leakage of the system must be provided on every job where medium pressure duct is installed. Wherever exposed ducts pass through walls, floors or ceilings, in finished space, a 2" flanged sheet metal collar fitting close around ducts to be slipped along duct until flange is tight against finished surface covering edges ofopenings and presenting a neat appearance. Lock collar to duct. Wherever ducts penetrate floors or fire walls, install safing insulation. AIRDISTRIBUTION 15800 - 9 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I I I I I I I I T I t I I I It 24. 25. 26. 27. INSTALLATION OT' DUCT LTNER A. For velocities up to 2,000 frm, duct liner shall be applied with 100% coverage offire retardant adhesive. Duct liner shall be cut to assure snug cornerjoints. Edges shall be butted and tapered in direction of air flow. The coated or most dense surface of the liner shall face the air sheam. The liner shall be additionally secured with mechanical fasteners which shall hold it firmly in place. They shall start within 3" of the leading edge of each duct section and shall be spaced no more than 12" O.C. around the perimeter of the duct, except that they need to be no closer than 9" to a corner break. SEALING OF DUCTS A. All medium and high pressure ducts and all low pressure supply ducts which are not located in the air conditioned space shall be sealed with sealant or as described by local codes. Metal surfaces to be joined must be clean, dry, grease-free. Apply a heavy brush coat of sealant to the interior metal surface of the duct slip joint, then interlock securely duct sections and position in place. Apply a finish heavy brush coat of sealant to the exterior metal surface ductjoint or seam covering heads oflockjoint screws, making sure that all voids are completely filled to insure a continuous air pressure sealant. RREECIIING AND SMOKEPIPE INSTALLATION A. All breeching and smokepipe shall be installed in full accordance with local codes. B. Special configwations required for breechings, vent connections, offsets, etc., shall be fabricated from 14 gauge black steel with all joints welded gas tight. C. Provide 10 gauge black steel thimble to General Contractor for installation in masonry chimney. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Ensure air distribution equipment is wired properly with rotation in direction indicated and intended for proper performance. Ifthere is no rotation arrow supplied by the manufacturer, install a correct rotation aITOW. AIRDISTRIBUTION I58OO - IO MASTERSPEC # I t zt. FIr.Lp euALrrY coNTRoL I A. Upon completion of installation of air dishibution equipment and after I motor has been energized with normal power source, test equipment tor iTtrffffiTll"ffi:J:"HT[:ffi'::#:;,"#.:3fi,fflltil:; I equipment which cannot be satisfactorily conected. I I T t I I I I I t T I I t AlRt,'1ff#lt*ttlrs8oo- rr t I t T I I ,l I I I I I I il t I t I I I DIVISION MECIIANICAL SECTION 15950. CONTROLS L DESCRIPTTON OF WORr( .................1 2. RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE ...........................I 3. DOCUMENTATION .............................1 4. START-UP AI\p SERVICE .................3 5. AIRTUBING AI\D CONTROL WIRING .......,........3 6. CONTROT. VALVES ............................3 7. CONTROL DAMPERS .........................4 8. LOCAL CONTROL PATIELS ..............5 9. CONTROL DEVTCES - ELECTRIC .........................6 10. ACTUATORS Alrp POSITTONS - ELECTRIC ............................9 lt. AUXILTARYpE\rICES - ELECTRTC ....................10 12. SAFETYCONTROLS .........................12 13. CONTROLWIRING ...........................13 14. CONTROL DEVICE LOCATIONS ........................14 15. IDRNTIF'ICATION ........I5 16. ADJUSTMENTS ............15 17. SEQUENCE OF OPERATION ..........2r CONTROLS 15950 - 0l MASTERSPEC # DIVTSTON MECIIANICAL SECTION 15950 . CONTROLS 1.DESCRIPTION OF'WORK (l) (2) (3) The work includes, but is not limited to the following: . The automatic temperature conhol system shall be basically electric with utilized for all modulating applications. The system shall include all control devices, valves and automatic daurpers, , wire, conduit, etc. as specified and required and connected so as to perform all functions and operate according to the specified sequences. All automatic control valves fumished by the Section 15950 confactor shal! be lnstelled under his supervisiol by the Section 15510 contractor. I t I I I I t I T T t I I ! I I I I I (4) (5) All automatic control dampers fumished by the Section 15950 contractor shall be installed under his supervision by the Section 15880 conhactor. RELATRD WORI( SPECItr'IEII ELSEWIIERE Electrical wiring in connection with the automatic temperature control system where shown on Division 16 drawings shall be performed by the Electrical Contractor. All other wiring required for proper operation of the automatic temperature system shall be performed by this Contractor. Adjustments of manual balancing devices as required to obtain design air and/or water flows shall be by the Balancing Contractor with control adjustrnents as required to obtain design flow requirements. The automatic temperature control valves and separable wells for immersion sensors shall be installed by the Mechanical Contractor under the Control Contractor's supervision. DOCUMENTATION A. Point to Point Control Drawings CONTROLS 15950 - 1 MASTERSPEC # B. C. 3. I I t I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I (l) To include all termination designations, equipment part numbers, (manufacturer and description). (2) Drawings to include sequence of operation. B. lnstallation Drawings (l) This set of drawings is intended to be a guide for the installing contractor as well as a means to gauge installation progress by the RMC project manager. (2) Should include all panel locations, as well as major mechanical equipment locations with electric, pneumatic interconnections, conduit runs, etc. C. Submittal Documentation (l) Technical documentation pertaining to all control components as well as automation/DDC hardware/software descriptions. D. Commissioning Procedures (l) Step by step process which will verifr point to point operation as well as integrated sequences for specific pieces of equipment, ie. air handlers, chillers, etc. Also to include any global functions such as smoke purge, etc. E. Schedule of Deliveries (l) Tentative schedule of equipment deliveries as they pertain to the construction schedule. F. As-Builts, Operation and Maintenance (l) To include all updated as-built drawings, copies of all CAD ASCE II files for RMC library, all associated operation and maintenance literature and all applicable programming and engineering guides for software and hardware applications. CoNTROLS 15950 - 2 MASTERSPEC # START.UPAIID SERVICE A. After completion of control installation and prior to or in conjunction with balancing work, this Contractor shall adjust and calibrate all control devices provided under this contract. He shall also veri$ operation of controls and accessories fumished by others which have been mounted and/or interconnected by this Conhactor. He shall place them in complete operating condition. B. This Conhactor shall provide a written record of all control device . adjushnent settings, including set points, proportional band (sensitivity), differential and authority (ratio) settings. Written record shall be included in maintenance manuals specified elsewhere. C. The confrol system specified herein shall be free from defects in workmanship and material under normal use and service. CONTROLWIRING A. All insulated wire to be copper conductors. All wire to be color-coded for ease of identification. B. Metal raceway shall be steel, extruded aluminum or EMT conduit, U/L labeled when utilized for control wiring. CONTROLVAI-VES Shall be 2-way or 3-way type for two-position or modulating service as scheduled, shown on drawings or as specified in Sequence ofOperation. Control valves to be supplied by Temperature Conhol Contractor and installed by Mechanical Contractor. (a) Low pressure heating - normally open O) Heating coils in air handlers - normally open Water Valves: (l) Body and trim style and materials shall be per manufacturer's recommendations for desigr conditions and service shown. Equal percentage ports or ball valves for modulating service. CONTROLS 15950 - 3 MASTERSPEC # I I t t I t I I I I I I I I I t T t I B. ,J I @ Water valves shall fail normally open or closed as scheduled on plans or as follows: Ir (a) HW Zone valves - normally open (full heat) (b) Heating coils in air handlers - normally open (full heat) 7. CONTROLDAMPERS X A. Motorized dampers to be supplied by either Temperature Control- Conffactor or the Mechanical Confiactor, refer to drawings for information. Dampers to be installed by Mechanical Contractor. I Provide automatic dampers as follows: f t (l) Damper frames to be 13 gauge galvanized steel channel or 1/8" extruded aluminum with reinforced comer bracine. I Q) Do not exceed 6 inches in width for damper blaAe-s. proviae UUaesr to be suitable for high velocity performance. I t (3) Provide nylon damper bearings. Provide oil impregnated sintered metal bushings that tum in the bearings. I (4) Provide edges of the blades and top, bottom and sides of the frame with replaceable butyl rubber seals. The seals to provide a I maximum of I percent leakage at a 4 inch static pressure with t dampers fully closed (based on 1500 FPM at fulI open). f (5) The shaft damper linkage to provide a linear flow or equal I percentage characteristic as required as well as tight close off. I (6) Provide damper motor operators with ample capacity to provider the high torque required to operate the outside air, retum air and exhaust air dampers operating at high velocity. Securely mount tor :lilH"mfiiliiil;.t,lHl,fffi11,rffii.areinsta'ed I B. Control dampers shall be parallel or opposed blade type as below or as5 scheduled on drawings. I (1) Outdoor and retum air mixing box dampers shall be parallel blade,I arranged to direct airstreams towards each other. CONTROLS 15950 - 4 MASTERSPEC # I T I c. D. B. c. Gauges: (1) Provide air pressure gauges for indication ofsupply and control pressure at duct thermostats, relays, electric pneumatic and pneumatic electric switches where visual indication of air pressure is required for operating and adjusting purposes. Electric Wiring: (2) (3) (l) Valves: (l) All other modulating dampers shall be opposed blade type unless otherwise noted. Two-position shut-offdampers may be parallel or opposed blade tlre. Provide control and interlock wiring for the automatic control system. Power wiring to be in accordance with Division 16. t I I I I t I I t I I I I Provide valves sized for no more than 4 pounds drop. Two position valves to be line size. LOCAI- CONTROL PAITELS A. Control cabinets shall be all steel, fully enclosed NEMA I construction with hinged door key-lock latch. Baked enamel finish, removable subpanels, U/L listed, wall-mounted or free-standing when indicated on plans. Manual switches and indicating devices shall be flush-mounted on panel face. Provide engraved bakelite or lithographed metal nameplates for all items on panel face; paper or embossed labels are not acceptable. Intemal components securely mounted on removable sub-panels. Each component individually labeled with function md device identification, as shown on controVinterlock shop drawings. Embossed labels are acceptable. CONTROLS 15950 - 5 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I I t I t t D. Interconnections between intemal and face-mounted devices pre-piped and wired with color-coded tubing/conductors neatly installed in plastic houghs and/or tie-wrapped. Terminals for field connections shall be U/L listed for 600v. service, individually identified per controVinterlock drawings, with adequate clearance for field wiring. Conhol air terminations for field connection shall be individually identified per control drawings. I 9. CONTROLpEVTCES-ELECTRTC T A. Room Thermostats:Ii I (l) All wall-mounted room thermostats shall have locking covers with concealed set-point adjustment. Omit thermometers when possible.t t (2) Line voltage thermostats shall be U/L listed, SPDT, SPST or 4, DPST with contact rating suitable for application, maximum 2oF differential.t r (3) ilJJ:::flfffiI"i;:,rff:'.T;'"Xffimurti-stageheatingI I (a) combination heating/cooling thermostats shall have independent adjustments for heating and cooling set-pointsI anA snaU not allow set-point "cross- over". a (b) Provide individual heat or cooling "anticipator" for eachr control stage. Anticipator shall be matched to connected load, or shall be adjustable. r (c) Suitable switch sub-bases shall be provided when required by application, with switch functions clearly identified by permanent labels. Field- applied "stick-on" labels are not acceptable. (d) Microprocessor-basedprogrammabletypethermostats when used shall not lose time or program on power failures of 12 hours or less. (4) Provide scale ranges (minimum) with locking type stops for various applications as required. CONTROLS 15950 - 6 MASTERSPEC # t I t I t I I B. (5) Provide metal guards for all thermostats located in public areas such as lobbies, corridors, auditoriums, gyms, pools, theaters, stores, warehouses, gaxages, etc Room Humidistats: (l) All wall-mounted room humidistats shall have locking covers with concealed set-point adjustrnent, minimum range30-600/o RH. Omit humidity indicator when possible. (2) Shall be line or low voltage type with contact a:rangement and rating suitable for application; line voltage units shall be U/L listed. (3) Provide metal guards for all humidistats located in public areas. Duct lmmersion and Outdoor Thermostats: (1) Provide single or multi-stage type with contact anangement and rating suitable for application. Line voltage units shall beUlL listed. (2) Sensing element shall be liquid-filled remote bulb type or bimetal bpe as required. (a) Remote-bulb type shall have suflicient capillary lengths to allow mounting of thermostats at convenient location for adjustnent. (b) Provide averaging type elements for mixed and discharge air applications. (c) Provide separable wells for immersion applications. (d) Provide sun shields for outdoor sensing bulbs. (e) Provide ambient temperature compensation where thermostat is subjected to outdoor ambient temperature variations. (3) Individual stage differential -2'F maximum (fixed). Provide adjustable differential type when thermostat is used for capacity control of DX refrigeration or to cycle fans. CONTROLS 15950 - 7 MASTERSPEC # I I I l I I I T I I t I I I T I I C. I I (l) t I I I I t I T I I t t I I T I t I I D. Duct Humidistats: (2) (3) (1) Shall be line or low voltage type utilizing non-organic sensing element. Contact arrangement and rating suitable for application; line voltage units U/L listed. Accuracy - plus or minus 50% over fluid temperature range of 45o to 125"F. Minimum calibrated scale ranges: (a) Controller - 20 to 60% RH (b) High Limit -70to90%o RH, set at 85% RH E.Pressure Controllers and Indicators: (2) Two-position units shall be line voltage fype with scale range, differential, contact arrangement and rating suitable for application. Line voltage units shall be U/L listed, NEMA I enclosure unless otherwise specifi ed. Units for positioning (modulating) service shall be floating control type, or modulating (slidewire) type as appropriate. Scale range suitable for application. Slidewire types shall be provided with proportional band adj ustment. Sensing element shall be bellows, bourdon tube or diaphragm type of material suitable for application. Continuous operating pressure rating shall be at least two times maximum control set-point, and controller shall not be damaged by surge pressures up to four times control set-point value. High and low side ports shall be provided for differential control applications. Differential pressure controllers for duct and/or building static pressure control applications shall be continuously indicating photocell type with independently adjustable high and low snap- acting relay outputs; Dwyer series 3000 "Photohelic" or equal. (a) Unless specified otherwise, control ranges as follows: (l) Supply duct (VAV) pressure controller: 0 to 3" w.c. (3) (4) CONTROLS 15950 - 8 MASTERSPEC # t I I t I I I I I I T I a I I I I I I D. 10. (2) Building static pressure controller: -0.5 to 0.5" w.G. (b) Provide accessory static pressure sensing probes as follows: (l) Duct static: Dwyer Model A-301, A-302 or equal. (2) Outdoor static: Dwyer A-306 or equal. ACTUATORS AND POSITIONS - ET.ECTRIC B. C. Electric actuators shall be either push-pull magretic or hydraulic qpe, or rotary (gear-hain) bpe for two-position or modulating service as required by application. All electric actuators shall be U/L listed with NEMA I enclosures, unless otherwise specified. Actuators to be fumished and installed by T.C. Contractor. Actuators shall be permanently lubricated; gear-train units shall be oil- immersed type. Actuator housings shall be of sturdy metal construction -plastic housings not acceptable. Terminals shall be push-on qpe, or screw type accepting up to #12 AWG wire. Ambient temperature range shall be at least 40o to 120oF, except actuators subjected to outdoor ambient shall have range of -20o to l30oF minimum. Actuator size and rating shall be suitable for intended application. (l)Damper actuators shall be selected per manufacturer's recommendations to provide sufficient close-off force to effectively seal damper. Modulating actuators shall provide smooth modulating control under design flow and pressure conditions. Valve actuators shall provide tight close-offat desigrr system pressure. Modulating actuators shall provide smooth modulation at design flow and pressure conditions. 3. Positive positioners shall be provided on actuators for inlet vane control, and on any other actuators where required to provide smooth modulation or proper sequencing. (2) CONTROLS 15950 - 9 MASTERSPEC # I I F. Positive positioners shall be solid-state tlpe with actuator feed-back. Input sigrral requirement compatible with controller output signals. I (1) Positioner start-point shall be adjustable (or selectable). I Q) il*ffi;'#;l;*,o;:fl'"li'i3ii;ilt'fast 3 rixed spans ror i 1I. AUXILIARY DEVICES - ELECTRIC Ir A. Flow proving switches shall be either paddle or differential pressure type' as specified. t (l) Paddle type switches (water service only) shall be U/L listed, SPDT snap-acting with pilot duty rating (125 VA minimum). Adjustable sensitivity with NEMA I enclosure, with scale range and differential suitable for intended application, or as specified. (a) Pump operation: Penn P74FA or equal (b) Fan operation: Dwyer Model 1823 or equal (c) Dirfy filter: Dwyer Model 1910 switch fumished with Model 25 indicating gage. B. Damper end switches shall be U/L listed line voltage SPDT snap-acting, pilot duty rated (125 VA minimum) NEMA I enclosure, with roller type actuating arm suitable for damper position application. C. Time delay relays shall be UiL listed solid-state plug-in type with adjustable time delay. Delay shall be adjustable plus or minus 200% (minimum) from set-point shown on plans. Contact rating, configuration and coil voltage suitable for application. Terminals may be either screw or push-on type. Provide NEMA I enclosure when not installed in local control panel. D. Control transformers shall be U/L listed Class 2 current-limiting type, or shall be fumished with over-current protection in both primary and secondarv circuits for Class 2 service. CONTROLS 15950 - l0 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I I I I I I I I I F. Control relays shall beUlL listed plug-in type with dust cover and LED "energized" indicator. Contact rating, configuration and coil voltage suitable for application. Terminals may be either screw or push-on type. Provide NEMA I enclosure when not installed in local control panel. Manual control switches shall be U/L listed for use in NEMA I enclosures with contact arrangement and rating suitable for application. Bat handle or knob actuator with nameplate clearly identifying function of each switch position. Nameplates for "emergency" switches shall be red. G. Manual position adjusters shall be potentiometer t)?e with adjustment knob and calibrated dial. (l)Manual positioners shall have start-point and span consistent with actuator range. Dial scale marked "Open-Close" with intermediate graduations. Minimum positioners shall provide for manually adjustable minimum position (0 to 100%) with override from auxiliary @ilot) (2) signal input. Adjustable start point with span consistent with acfuator range. Dial scale marked "Minimum Position" with graduations for 0 to 100% setting. Logic networks and signal conditioners shall be properly selected for the intended application, with function (and set-points) clearly identified. (l) Provide zero, stad and/or span adjustnents for sequences and other similar devices. (2) Provide test points for all input and output signals. (3) Install in local control panels when practical; provide NEMA 1 enclosure if remotely located. Lead-LagPump Control Panel (LLCP) shall automatically start lag pump (after time delay) upon failure of lead pump to start or during operation. (l) System shall use a single flow sensing device in common discharge line from both pumps to detect pump operation. (2) Manual selector switch shall provide for selection of lead pump (P- I or P-2). CONTROLS 15950 - 1l MASTERSPEC # T I t I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I G. I I r: (3) Pilot lights shall indicate "Flow Normal" and "Lead Pump Failure". I I (4) Pumpcontrolcontactsshallberatedl HP atl20l240 VAC,pilot duty 500 VA minimum. ,l I (5) Auxiliary circuits shall be provided for "flow normal" interlock and "lead pump fail" alarm device. II (6) Push-button "Reset" switch shall be provided to restore normal operation after "lead pump fail" sequence. I Q) Johnson 5-7300 or equal. I I. Time clocks shall be seven-day program type with minimum lO-hour t carryover (spring-wound or battery) on power failure. Shall be line voltage UiL listed with two N.O. and two N.C. contacts, or as required by I application. Panel mount type for local conhol panel installation. NEMA 1I enclosure with kev-lock cover for remote installations. Twentv-four hour dial "skip-a-day" clocks not acceptable. It J. Override timers shall be spring-wound line voltage U/L listed, contact rating and configuration as required by application. Provide 0 to 6 hour I calibrated dial unless otherwise specified; suitable for flush-mounting on control panel face, located on local control panels or where shown on r' Plans' 12. SAFETYCONTROLS I A. Freezestats: Shall be U/L listed manual reset type with 20 foot non-I averaging elements and auxiliary contacts for alarm purposes. Any one I foot of element sensing temperature below set-point shall trigger fan shutdown. Provide one freezestat for each coil section ofeach coil bankr (i.e., one coil with three sections requires three freezestats). Wire I freezestats to protect unit in both hand and automatic operation. I B. Aquastats: Shall be U/L listed bi-metal insertion type, manual reset, with I contact arrangement and ratings as requiredby application and separable t well for water service. Provide with set-point limit stops as follows: I- (l) High Limit (hot water) - 220"F maximum I CONTROLS 15950 - 12 MASTERSPEC # I I I (2) Low Limit (freeze protection) - 35'F minimum Firestats: Shall be U/L listed bi-metal insedion type, manual reset, with contact arrangement and ratings as required by application. Provide where called for in sequence of operation, installed per NFPA, UBC, and/or local codes. Set-point limit stops as follows: (1) Return air - l25oF maximum (2) Discharge air - 160'F manimrun Smoke Detectors: Except where specified to be fumished under Division 16, this Contractor shall provide and install smoke detectors for HVAC systems where called for in sequence of operation, installed per NFPA, UBC, and/or local codes, (1) Smoke detectors located in air handling units or ducts shall be photocell type complete with duct-mounting accessories as recommended by manufacturer. Provide multiple units for larger duct areas consistent with manufacturer's recommendations. (2) Smoke detectors shall not be located downstream from duct humidifiers. (3) Smoke detectors utilized to monitor retum air from ceiling plenums at multiple locations shall be ionization tlpe area detectors located adjacent to retum air openings to duct system. Duct-mounted detectors will not be acceptable for this application. (4) Smoke detectors for rooftop HVAC applications shall be mounted in ductwork below roof line where ambient temperature is above 32"F. (5) When smoke detectors are furnished by Division 16, this Contractor shall be responsible for all interlock wiring to HVAC equipment. 13.CONTROLWIRING All control and interlock wiring shall comply with the national and local electrical codes, and Division 16 ofthese specifications. CoNTROLS 15950 - 13 MASTERSPEC # I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. D. I l I I I I t t t I I I I B. Contol wiring shall be concealed except in equipment rooms or unfinished areas. (Exception: Remodel or retrofit work when approved by Architect/Engineer. ). C. All Class I (line voltage) wiring shall be in metal raceway, 14 AWG minimum wire size unless specified otherwise in Division 16. D. All low voltage wiring shall also be Class I in metal raceway except as follows: (l) Concealed and accessible locations including ceiling return air plenums. Approved cables not in raceways may be used provided: (a) Circuits meet NEC Class 2 (cunent-limited) requirements. (Low voltage power circuits shall be sub-fused when required to meet Class 2 current- limit.) (b) All cables shall be U/L listed for application. (2) All cable conductors shall be minimum l8 AWG, except 19 AWG may be used for home runs to central control panels, and 22 AWG shielded twisted pairs for resistance tlpe sensors and./or data communication cables. E. All control wiring shall be installed in a neat and worlananlike manner parallel to building lines with adequate support. Where cables are used without raceway, they shall be supported from or anchored to structural members and./or ducts. Cables shall not be supported by or anchored to electrical conduits or the ceiling suspension system. F. This contractor shall terminate all conhol and/or interlock wiring and shall maintain updated (as-built) wiring diagrams with terminations identified at iobsite. I 14. CONTROL pEVTCE LOCA.TTONS I A. All room thermostats shall be mounted 5'-0" above finished floor unless otherwise noted on drawings. Ir B. Outdoor temperature sensing bulbs shall be located on north exposure, in - shaded location when possible, unless shown otherwise. Provide sun a shield. CONTROLS rs950 - 14 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I I I t I I I I I l I I I I t I I I (l) (2) 15. 16. l. 2. C. Remote conhol devices not in local panels shall be accessible for adjushnent and service - below 7' above finished floor whenever possible. D. Averaging type sensing elements shall be firmly supported in ductwork or air handling unit using l/2" EIvdT or other auxiliary support. E. Locate all conhol devices wired by elecbical conhactor and co-ordinate underDivision 16. IDENTIF'ICATTON A. All control equipment shall be clearly identified by control shop drawing designation as follows: (3) Control valves and dampers - brass tags Other remote control devices - metal tags or embossed labels Contol panels - engraved nameplate with panel number and system served ADJUSTMENTS A. Prior to final acceptance, control contractor shall have completed start-up and adjustnents as specified in Part L SEQIIENCE OF OPERATION GEI\ERAL TEMP CONTROL CONTRACTOR (TCC) RESpONSIBILITIES: A. Provide control submittal, O&M's, startup assistance, warranty support per RMC control Spec. 15950. B. All control devices including Control Dampers and valves provided by TCC per below sequence. BOILER IIEATING SYSTEIIT: A. MECH OVERVIEW: Boilers-l,2 for Bldg. Heat, Spa, Pool, and Domestic Hot Water heat exchanger, 2 primary pumps, Boiler Room Makeup Air Unit (MUA) 2-sp Fan, HW coil w/ 3- way HW Valve, Boiler-3 for snowmelt system, and Standalone Control System. CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS : (1) All control devices provided and wired by TCC. (2) NEMA I hinged locking control panel (CP) will be provided for all controls and alarm annunciation per the sequence of operation. All adjustable setpoints located inside CP. Pump status will be crurent switches adjusted to sense a coupling break. When a boiler is enabled the boiler will fire through its integral.controls. The boilers can not fire CONTROLS 15950 - 15 MASTERSPEC # I I I t I I T I T I I t I I I I t I I unless pump status is proven. MUA fan status is through an air differential pressure switch piped across the supply fan. Alarm lights will be LED's to eliminate nuisance light burnout. Outside Air (OA) temp sensor will be located in shade on north wall. c. coNTRoLSEQUENCEOFOPERATION: (l) When the OA Temp rises above 65F: (a) Pump-l will start. If Pump- I fails, Pump-2 will start. O) The Lead Boiler will be enabled once a pump status is proven. (2) Wlen the OA Temp falls below 60F: (a) Both HW Pumps will start. (b) The Lead Boiler will be enabled once a pump status is proven. (3) When the OA Temp falls below 20F or the IIWS temp falls below 150F (20F' Deadband): (a) The lag Boiler will be enabled. (4) The Lead Boiler will automatically swap every Monday at 7AM through a 7-day time clock or it can be manually redefined through the panel face mounted Boiler LeadlLag Switch (5) Outside Air Damper and Make up Air Unit Interlocks: (a) When any Boiler attempts to fires- The OA Damper will open. The OA damper closes when the boiler or power is off. (b) Once the OA damper proves open through an end switch- The MUA fan will run on the appropriate speed. (c) The MUA fan runs on Lo Speed when one Boiler fnes. (d) The MUA fan runs on Hi-Speed when two or more boilers fue. (e) All Boilers will be disabled if a MUA fan failure occurs. (Pumps continue to run) (6) Boiler Room Make up Air Unit Contol Sequence: (a) The HW Valve will modulate to maintain a 60F Discharge Air Temp. (b) Whenever the control power goes off - The HW Valve fails to full flow through the coil. (7) Alarm Annunciation Lights on panel face: (a) PIIMP-I FAILURE (b) PIIMP-2 FAILURE (c) IIWS LO TEMP (below l50F) ALARM (d) BOILER ROOM MUA FAN FAILURE (Fan does not prove status in 5 minutes) (8) Alarm Silence & Reset Operation: (u) Alarm Hom (Fed 350) can be silenced through push button switch (b) Anytime a new alarm occurs the horn will re-annunciate. (") Alarm lights will remain on until alarm reset button is depressed. (d) Provide one summary alarm contact for future remote monitoring. CONTROLS 15950 - 16 MASTERSPEC # 3. t T I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I B. A SNOWMELTSYSTEM: MECH OVERVIEW: Separate Boiler-3, HX, V primary and secoudary pumps, 4-way valve, Tekmar control system. CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS : (1) All devices provided and installed by TCC using Tekmar Controls - no exception. (2) The Tekmar snow melting control system utilizes inputs from a slab sensor to control the heat applied to the snow melt load by modulating a 4-way mixing valve, starting the pump and cycling the boiler. Slab thermal stress is reduced by limiting an excessive differential between snowmelt IIWS and HWR. Boiler thermal shock is prevented by mafulaining a minimum boiler water retum temperature.. The boiler, system pump and mixing valve automatically turn off when warm weather cut off (WWCO) or Cold Weather Cut Off (CWC0) occurs. The system has both an idle mode to hclp with recovery , automatic snow melt mode using the sensor, and a manual snow mode using a twist timer. Locate confroller inside a NEMAI lockable hinged control panel. Tekmar devices include: (3) Tekmar Controls: Controller: 662, Y alve-016, Actuator-0l0. Valve sized per Tekmar GPM table. (4) Tekmar Sensors: SnoVIce Slab (090), Socket, (091), Outside Air Temp (u70), Snow Melt HWS Temp (071), Snowmelt IfWR Temp (071), Boiler IIWR Terry (071), & wells (5) Twist Override Timer (0-6hr) located on control panel face. CONTROL SEQUENCE OF OPERATTON: (l) Idle Mode: When the slab temp fall below the 'Idling' surface setpoint both pumps start, the Boiler is cycled and the 4-way mixing valve modulates to maintain the ldling Setpoint of 28F. (2) Snow Melting Mode: Once prccipitation is sensed or the twist timer is activated- The slab temp is gradually raised to maintain the melting surface setpoint of 38F. (3) Control Safeties (integral with Tekmar controller):(4) Max. Supply Temp: The conEoller limits the SM HWS to l40F to prevent tubing and slab stress. (5) Min. Boiler Retum Temp: The contoller limits the BLR IIWR to 120F to prevent boiler shock. (6) Delta T Max: The conholler limits the rate of heat to 25F to prevent thermal stress. (7) Cold Weather Cut off Mode: If the OA Temp falls below the CWCO setpoint the snowmelt system will stop. (8) Relative Energy Usage: The display shows the accumulated energy usage in units of degree- hours. RADIANT HEATING SYSTEM ABOVE PARKING ENTRYWAY: MECH OVERVIEW: Served from Boiler-3 and secondary pump, 4-way valve, Tekmar control system. CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS: (l) All devices provided and installed by TCC using Tekmar Controls - no exception. CONTROLS 15950 - 17 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I t I I I I I I I t T I I I t (2) The Tekmar radiant floor heating system utilizes inputs from a the supply sensor and OA temp to conhol the heat applied to the radiant load by modulating a 4-way mixing valve and starting the pump. (3) Tekmar Controls: Conholler: (354), Valve (016), Actuator (010). Valve sized per Tekmar GPM table. Tekrnar Sensors: Supply Sensor (071), Outside Air Temp (070), Indoor Sensor (074), & wells c. coNTRoLSEQUENCEOFOPERATION: (l) The control system regulates the IIW Supply temperature by modulating the 4-way valve by resetting the supply water temperature based on the OA Temp and the slab temperanue. (2) The pump is shut down and the valve is closed when there is no Heat Demand Signal or when the OA temp is warm enough so that the system no longer requires heat (wwsD). (3) The pump runs constantly when a zone control is selected. Maximum Supply Temp and min. boiler retum temperature can be utilized to maintain protection of system components. (4) Confrol Safeties (integral with Tekmar controller):(5) Max. Supply Temp: The contoller limits the Radiant HWS to l40F to prevent tubing and slab stress.(6) Min. Boiler Return Temp: The contoller limits the BLR IIWR to l20F to prevent boiler shock. (7) Heating Curve Setting: Resets the HWS temp inversely proportional with the OA Temp. CONTROLS 15950 - 18 MASTERSPEC # 5.PARKING GARAGE EXHAUST I'AITI SYSTEM: MECH OVERVIEW: l-Sp Exhaust Fan with BDD, Motorized Garage Door partially opens when exh fan runs. B. CONTROLSPECIFICATIONS: (l) All control devices provided and installed by TCC' (2) NEMA I hinged locking control panel (CP) provided for all conhols and alarm annunciation per the sequence of opsration. All adjustable setpoints located inside CP using a MACURCO 103-3.{ Carbon Monoxide (CO) Conholler with SSIO2H sensors. (1) Twist Override Timer (0-6hr) located next to contoller. Provide CO Gas canister for field calibration and periodic checkout. CONTROL SEQI,JENCE OF OPERATION: A minimum of two CO sensors will monitor the Parking Garage for the presence of Carbon Monoxide Gas with the appropriate quantity of CO sensors. When the CO level exceeds 50 PPM or the twist timer is activated. (a) The Exhaust Fan starts (b) The Garage Door will open 36" above the finished floor. (c) EF runs until CO levels drop. (d) System will run for a minimum of 30 minutes. Alarm Operation: (a) Hom Annunicates if EF fails to start or if CO level exceeds the Alarm Range for 30 minutes. (b) Alarm Horn (Fed 350) can be silenced through push bufton switch (c) Alarm lights (EF failure or CO Excessive Level) will remain on until alarm reset button is depressed. (d) Provide one summary alarm contact for future remote monitoring. C. ROOF'MOTJNTED MAKE UP AIR T]MT MAU-I SYSTEM: MECH OVERVIEW: Consists of a 100% OA unit with IIW Coil ,SF, OA motorized damper & 3-way modulating valve provided by TCC, Smoke Detector and interlock wiring by TCC, Smoke Detector power wiring by EC. CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS: (l) All devices including valves and controllers provided and installed by TCC using Reset Controller (2) Locate controller inside a NEMAI lockable hinged contol panel located near MAU-I CONTROL SEQUENCE OF OPERATION: (l) The MAU-l system shall run constantly subject to the smoke detector. (2) The SF can not start unless the OA Damper is open. (3) When the SF is ON: The HW Valve will modulate to maintain a scheduled DA Temp inversely proportional with the OA Temp per the following reset schedule: OAT DATEMP OF 7OF 50F 50F (4) When fan is OFF the HW valve will open to full flow to the HW Coil and the OA damoer will close. CONTROLS 159s0 - 19 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I (3) (4) C. (2) (3) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. T I I I I I I I t I T I I I I I I I I Level I AIIU-2,3 SYSTEM: MECH OVERVIEW: Consists of a 100%o RA unit with HW Coil ,SF, 3-way 2-position valve provided by TCC. CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS (l) All devices including valves and controllers provided and installed by TCC CONTROL SEQTJENCE OF OPERATION: (l) Wall mounted heating thermostat cycles heating valve and fan to maintain space temperarure. EXIIAUST FAlt{Sr MECH OVERVIEW: Reference Mech Drawings CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS : (l) Line Voltage Thermostat, Damper, Actuator provided by TCC and wired by Elecrical Contactor (EC) (2) Line Voltage Cooling Thermostat with locking cover. CONTROL SEQI]ENCE OF OPERATION: Fans run at all times. Wired by EC. Serve elec. equip rooms. Cooling Stat cycles respective EF and' opens damper to maintain 80F cooling space sepoint. Wired by EC. (3) BEF's Toilet exhaust fans wired to room light switch. Wired by EC TJMTHEATERS: MECH OVERVIEW: Consists of a wild heating coil, and fan.' CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS : (l) Stat integral with UH, wired by EC CONTROL SEQUENCE OF OPERATION: (1) Wall mounted heating thermostat cycles fan to maintain setpoint. BASEBOARD RADIATION: MECH OVERVIEW: Consists of a 2-way 2-position HW valve). CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS: (1) Low Voltage Heating Thermostat and zone valve. Wax Head actuators are not acceptable. CONTROL SEQUENCE OF OPERATTON: (1) Wall mounted heating thermostat cycles BBR valve to maintain setpoint. I I. SPA AITID POOL: A. MECH OVERVIEW: Spa HX, Pool HX have constant 195F water flowing through the primary side of HX. B. CONTROLSPECIFICATIONS: The spa and pool contractor will interface with secondary side ofheat exchanger and provide any necessary pumps, valves, controls as required to make an operational system. No TCC involvement. CONTROLS 15950 - 20 MASTERSPEC # C. B. c. A. B. t-. A. B. C. (r) EF-t,2: (2) EF-3,4: A. B. I I I I I I I I rl rl I I t2. 13. I I I I I t I Domestic IIot Water Eert Exchanger: A. MECH OVERVIEW: Consists of a 3-way 2-positionllW valve). B. CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS: (l) Low Voltage aquastat and zone valvc.. c. CONTROLSEQUENCEOFOPERATTON: Aquastat to contols 2 position, 3-way HW valve to maintain tank temp€ratre of 140 F. CONTROLS 15950 - 2l MASTERSPEC # DIVISION MECIIAITICA.L SECTION 15990 - TESTING. ADJUSTING AND BALAI\ICING l. DESCRIPTION OF WORK .................1 2. QUALITYASSURANCE ......................1 3. REF'ERENCE STANDARDS ................1 4. SUBMITTALS ..................2 5. JOB CONDITIONS .........3 6. EOUIPMENT ...................4 7. BALA}{CING AIR SYSTEMS .............4 8. BALAI\CING HYDRONIC SYSTEMS .....................6 9. ...................8 10. SPECIAL TESTS AT\D ADJUSTMENTS .................9 11. FINALIZING ....................9 12. FIELD VERIFICATTON .......................9 13. REBALAI\CE ...................9 TESTING, ADruSTING AND BALANCING 15990 - OI MASTERSPEC # DIVISION MECHAITICAL SECTION 15990. TESTING. ADJUSTING AI\ID BALANCING 1. DESCRIPTION OFWORK A. Testing, balancing, and adjusting of mechanical air systems. B. Testing, balancing, and adjusting of mechanical hydronic systems. C. Check of all operating equipment provided under Division 15. D. Produce balancing report. E. Work Not Included in this Section: l) Pressure testing of piping systems. 2) Pressure testing ofductwork. 3) Testing of temperature control systems and/or temperature control devices except as otherwise specified. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing, balancing, and adjusting shall be done by a NEBB certified firm. B. The balancing work, including air and hydronic portions, shall be performed by the same firm having total professional responsibility for the final testing, balancing, and adjusting of the entire system. All balancing shall be performed under the direction of a professional engineer who has had five years of balancing experience in the state in which the work is being done, or under the direction of a NEBB certified TAB Supervisor. REF'ERENCE STANDARDS A. Comply with Procedural Standards for testing, balancing, and adjusting of environmental systems as outlined in the latest edition of SMACNA and/or NEBB. B. Calibration and maintenance of instruments shall be in accord with manufacturer's standards and recommendationsl and calibration histories for each instrument shall be available for examination. TESTING, ADruSTING AND BALANCING 15990 - I MASTERSPEC # I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4, t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Accuracy of measurements shall be in accordance with the applicable measurement means ari listed in the chapter on Measurement and Instruments in the latest edition of ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook. SUBN{ITTALS A. Procedure: l) Submit reports in accordance with submittals section Division l. B. Schedules: 1) Schedule tests to comply with project completion schedules. 2) Schedule testing and balancing of parts of the systems which are delayed due to seasonal, climatic, occupancy or other conditions beyond control ofthe contractor, as early as the proper conditions will allow, after consultations with the general manager. 3) Submit reports of delayed testing promptly after execution of those services. C. Final Report: l) Submit required number of copies for the job of certified final reports, on applicable reporting forms, for inclusion in maintenance manuals. This report shall contain a general information sheet listing instruments used, method of balancing, altitude correction calculations and manufacturer's grille, register, and diffuser data. Report is to contain the following additional data: a) Equipment data sheets listing make, size, serial number, rating, operating data, etc., of all mechanical equipment including fans, pumps, motors, starters, and drives. Operating data shall include measured rotational speed; inlet and outlet pressures; pressure drop across filters, coils and other system components; pump heads; and motor curent and voltage. TESTING, ADruSTING AND BALANCING 15990 - 2 MASTERSPEC # b) Balancing data sheets listing therequired and actual cfin of all supply, retum, and exhaust outlets or inlets, and totals summarized by systems. c) Hydronic balancing data sheets listing the required temperature or pressure differentials used for balancing coils, radiation, condensers, etc. Sheets shall show, in comparison, final as-balanced versus design values. d) A reduced set of contract drawings with outlets marked thereon for easy identification ofthe desigrration used in the data sheets. e) Listing of any abnormal or notable conditions not covered in the above. JOB CONDITIONS A. Existing Conditions: The following job conditions must be verified before any testing, adjusting or balancing of the systems begin: 1) Installation of the designated system is complete and in full operation. 2) On heating water systems, strainers shall be cleaned, temperature control valve operation shall be checked, pump rotation shall be checked and other such conditions requiring correction. 3) Outside air temperature conditions, occupant loads, lighting loads, special equipment requiring extra sensible or ventilation requirements and solar conditions are within a reasonable range relative to design conditions. 4) Air systems shall be checked for dirty filters, filter and duct leakage, equipment vibrations, damper operation, fan rotation and other such conditions requiring correction. B. Coordination: TESTING, ADruSTING AND BALANCING 15990 - 3 MASTERSPEC # t I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I l I 1) 2) B. C. 7. I t I I I I I I t I I I T I T I I I I Coordinate the work and reports with the testing and balancing agency employed by the heating, piping and equipment contractor, the temperature control manufacturer and water treatment agencies to perform a complete system analysis and report. During the testing procedure, immediately notify the mechanical contractor of any condition that may result in dissatisfaction of the engineer or owner/user to expeJite resolution of a problem; i.e., noise, shodages in capacity, access, temperature control deficiencies, etc. EQUIPMENT A. Provide all necessary tools, scaffolding, and ladders. B. Provide all necessary instruments. Calibration and maintenance of instruments shall be in accordance with SMACNA, NEBB, and manufacturer's standards and recommendations. C. Calibration histories for each instrument shall be available for examination. BALANCING AIR SYSTEMS A. After the heating and cooling systems are operable, operate the air handling systems and make adjustment in the controls and equipment as required to balance the systems to deliver the required design air quantities and temperatures. Fans shall be set to design requirements by replacing sheaves, if necessary, with minimum dampering. Five days advance written notice of the test shall be given to the General Contractor, who, in turn, will notifu other parties interested. Adjust all equipment to perform with the least possible noise and vibration consistent with its duty. Quietness of operation of all equipment is a requirement. Any equipment producing objectionable noise in occupied spaces must be repaired or removed and replaced with satisfactory equipment by the Contractor. Perform the following tests and balance the systems in accordance with NEBB Standards and Procedures to the following requirements: 1) Test and adjust blower rpm to design requirements. TESTING, ADruSTING AND BAT-ANCING 15990 - 4 MASTERSPEC # 2) 3) 14) 1s) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) e) l0) 1l) r2) l3) Test and record motor full load amperes and voltage. Make Pitot tube traverse of main supply and obtain design cfrn at fans (N/A to VAV fans). Test and record system static pressures, suction and discharge. Test and adjust system for desigrr cfrn recirculated air. Test and adjust system for desigrr cfrn outside air. Test and record entering air temperatures (DB heating and cooling). Test and record entering air temperatures (WB cooling). Test and record leaving air temperature (DB heating and cooling). Test and record leaving air temperature (WB cooling). Adjust all main supply and retum air ducts to proper design cfrn (N/A to VAV system). Adjust all zones to proper design cfrn, supply and retum (to be performed at completion of finish out). Test and adjust each diffuser, grille and register to within +/- l0% of the desigl requirements. Identify each diffuser, grille and register as to location and area. Identify and list size, type and manufacturer of diffusers, grilles, registers and all testing equipment. Use manufacturer's ratings on all equipment to make required calculations. In readings and tests ofdiffusers, grilles and registers, include required design fpm velocity and test fum velocity required design cfrn test after adiustments. T I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I t I I l6) 17) In cooperation with the temperature control manufacturer, set adjustments of automatically operated dampers, actuators and linkage to operate as specified, indicated and/or noted. TESTING, ADruSTING AND BALANCING 15990 - 5 MASTERSPEC # I I 18) Distribution system shall be a-djusted to obtain uniform space temperatures free from objectionable drafts and noise within the I capabilities of the system. 19) Exhaust and recirculation air systems shall be adjusted for air I quantities shown on drawings and the proper relationship between I supply and exhaust established. I D. The temperature control manufacturer shall set the fresh air and the return I air dampers in conjunction with the installing trade and settings recorded and certified by both. t E. Balance air quantities within +/- l0% of quantities shown on the drawings. I F. The air handling systems trade shall provide any necessary changesI required for the fan units. No extra cost will be allowed for balancing devices or belt/sheave drive changes.Ir 8. BAI,AITCING HYDRONIC SYSTEMS I A. All instruments used shall be accurately calibrated and maintained in goodr working order. I B. As a minimum, the following tests and balancing shall be formed on allI water svstems: l) l. lnstrumentation: Provide the technicians with the followingI instruments for field use: I $ One set ofpressure gauges and fittings ! b) Dry bulb thermometer I c) Wet bulb thermometer d) Thermocouple unit and thermocouplesI e) Set of balancing cock adjustment wrenches (obtain from I heating contractor) 0 Portable field flow meter (obtain from heating contractor) I C) Primary calibration instrument I I TESTING, ADruSTING AND BALANCING 15990 - 6I MASTERSPEC# I 2)Preparation ofSystem - Phase I: Prepare the water system for balancing in the following manner: a) Close blpass and drain valves and open all valves, balancing cocks and control valves Supendse removal and cleaning of all strainers Examine water in system to determine if it has been treated and is clean Check pump rotation Check expansion tanks to make sure they are not air bound and that the system is full of water Check all air vents at high points of water systems to make sure they are all installed properly and are operating freely. Make certain all air is removed from circulating system Set all temperature controls so that all coils are calling for full cooling. This should close all automatic bypass valves at coil and chillers Check operation of automatic bypass valves Check and, ifnecessary, have temperature control manufacturer set operating temperature of heat exchangers to design requirements j) Complete air balance must have been accomplished before water balance is begun 3) Test and Balance Procedure - Phase 2 a) Set heating water pumps to proper GPM delivery b) Adjust flow of heating water from mains c) Adjust flow ofwater through heat exchanger based on differential pressure TESTING, ADruSTING AND BALANCING 15990 - 7 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I b) c) d) e) c) h) i) I I q :f:i;:f:iTffi:ffi,::T:i::il:'ea'1ingco's No'ie I e) Check flow in each system riser I D Upon completion of flow readings and coil adjustments, I make all settings and record all data I 4) Test and Balance Procedure - Phase 3; a) After making adjustments to coils, recheck settings at pumps and converters. Readjust ifrequired t b) Install pressure gauges on each coil, then read pressure drop I at coil and set flow rate on call for full cooling c) Check and record the following items at each cooling and I heating element: (l) Inlet water and air temperature I (D Leaving water and air temperature I (3) Pressure droP ofeach coil (4) Pressure drop across bypass valve I (5) tu5ior3;*ttng suction and discharge pressure and I (6) All mechanical specifications of pumps I Q) Rated and actual rundng amperage of pump motor 9. THERMALOVERLOADSI A fi:fir:ff3,:Hil:',"#'i::lfii"Jiir#ilJ';Tiffi,:rt;1i,""0'" I electrical contractor and thermal overload protection is incorrect, such I information shall be tabulated, including required size thermal overloads, and included in the report. I I t TESTTNG, ADJUSTTNGAND BALANCTNG 15990 - 8 I MASTERSPEC # I 13. 10.SPECIAL TESTS AIID ADJUSTMENTS Air handling systems with economizers shall be adjusted for specified minimum quantities of outdoor air and then tested for design air flow at both minimum outdoor air and 100% outdoor air conditions. Static pressure profiles for each AHU shall be included in the balancing report. 11.rINALIZING All balancing devices such as dampers and valves shall be clearly marked as to the final balanced position. Plug all test holes and replace access doors and belt guards. 12.T.IELD VERIT'ICATION Upon request ofthe design engineer, a representative ofthe balancing firm performing the work shall demonshate to him fluid flow quantities shown in the report by reading back outlets or terminals selected at random by the desigrr engineer. It is understood that the operating mode ofthe system shall be the same for readback as it was during balancing. REBALAI\TCE A. When deemed necessary by the engineer, a 24-hour space temperature recording shall be taken and any required partial rebalance ofthe system shall be performed without any additional cost. TESTING, ADruSTING AND BALANCING 15990 - 9 MASTERSPEC # I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I t I I I A. B. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I SECTION 16010 . ELECTRICAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS PART .I .OO - GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. Comply with all requirements as specified in the "lnstructions to Bidders", "General Conditions of the Contract", "Supplementary General Conditions", and Contract Documents which penain to the project and all special conditions for the electrical work included herein. 1.02 WORK INCLUDED: Furnish all materials, equipment, tools, and labor and install electrical work as indicated on the drawings and specified herein. Connect all new facilities to be installed for a completely coordinated and integrated electrical system. lt is the intent and purpose of these drawings and specifications that upon completion of the project, the electrical installation including all systems shall be complete and operable in all respects. Completely connect all systems, equipment, motors, heaters, lighting fixtures, outlets, devices, etc., shown, noted, or required, from source of power to final connections and leave ready for satisfactory operation. Furnish and install any minor items omitted from design but obviousty necessary to accomplish the above intent. Work to be included is as follows: Wiring for temporary electric service and construction power and lighting. Secondary service and distribution system. Branch circuit wiring systems. Lighting systems. Convenience and power outlets. Telephone raceways system. Wiring for building mechanical equipment and systems. TV raceways system. Trenching and backf illing. 1.03 RELATED WORK NOT INCLUDED: A. The following work is to be done either under separate contract or is specified to be done under another DIVISION of these soecifications. I . Telephone instruments and telephone service entrance and distribution cabling.2. Temperature control and interlock wiring not specifically shown on the electrical drawings or required by Section 1 685'l of these specifications. 1.04 GENERAL REOUIREMENTS: A. lnstructions in specifications or on drawings such as "provide . . ." shall mean that Electrical Contractor shall furnish and install the item, equipment, wiring, etc., complete with atl details. N.E.C. is National Electrical Code; N.E.S.C. is National Electrical Safety Code; N.F.P.A. is National Fire Protection Association, Inc.; O.S.H.A. is Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Electrical Contractor means the Subcontractor responsible for work under this DIVISION 16. ELECTRICAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16010 - 1 Drawings and Specifications: 1. Drawings and specifications are complementary to each other and what is called for by one shall be as if called for by both.2. Electrical drawings are diagrammatic and indicate general design, layout, and arrangement of equipment and various systems. However, being diagrammatic, the drawings do not necessarily show all details such as junction boxes, pull boxes, con- duit runs or sizes, wiring, etc., necessary for a complete and operable system. Do not scale drawings for dimensions. Take all dimensions and measurements from Architectural drawings and actual equipment to be furnished. All dimensions and measurements must be verified in the field since actual locations, distances, and elevations will be governed by actual field conditions. The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for all measurements taken in the field. 5. Study and review all Contract Documents including drawings and specifications for Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, and other portions of the work to avert possible installation conflicts. ,Adjust electrical work to conform to all conditions indicated thereon. Should conflicts arise which require changes in the Contract Documents, immediately notify the Architect and Representative of Owner. Secure written approval and agreement on necessary adjustments before the installation is started.6. Discrepancies shown on different drawings, or between drawings and actual field conditions, or errors shown on either drawings or in specifications shall be promptly brought to the attention of the Architect and Representative of Owner for a decision before the specific instatlation is started. The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for any and all added costs resulting from his failure to so act. Existing Conduits. Pipes, Equipment, Etc.: l. Existing conduits, pipes, utility lines, tanks, equipment or other obstructions whether underground, concealed, or exposed are not in general indicated on drawings. Locate such obstructions prior to start of work and plan work so as to route and locate all new work to avoid these obstructions. Repair or replace, at no cost to Owner, existing installations where damaged during the course of construction. Examination of Project Site: l. Prior to bidding. examine the site carefully and be fully familiar with existing conditions and be fully informed of all utility, state, and local requirements and regulations that will affect the electrical work. Permits, Fees, Inspection Services, Taxes and Royalties: 'l . Arrange and pay for all necessary permits, fees, inspection services, taxes, and royalties in connection with the electrical work. B. I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I t t 3. 4. c. D. E. ELECTRICAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16010 - 2 I I I I I I I t I T I I T I I I I T I 1.05 CODES AND REGULATIONS: A. Comply with the latest applicable requirements of the National Electrical Code, National Electrical Safety Code, OSHA, ADA, the National Fire Protection Association, and the local Electrical Inspection Authority who shall have final jurisdiction. Comply also with all requirements of local utility and telephone companies. Report to the Architect immediately any part or portion of the electrical design which does not conform to the requirements of the applicable local or state codes or requirements of local utility or telephone companies, otherwise be held responsible to provide installation which will comply with these codes and regulations. Applicable codes and ordinances and local interpretations thereto take precedence when they conflict with or are more stringent than the electrical design. Drawings and specifications take precedence where design is more stringent than codes and ordinances. 1.06 STANDARDS: A. Materials and installation shall also conform to the latest standards and practices of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMAI, Insulated Power Cable Engineer's Association (IPCEA), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM), and National Bureau of Standards (NBS). The foregoing rules, standards, regulations, specifications, recommendations, and requirements shall not relieve the Electrical Contractor from furnishing and installing higher grades of materials and workmanship which are specified herein or indicated on the drawings. 1.07 PROGRESS OF WORK: A. Furnish and install entire electrical installation as designed and in accordance with contract drawings and specifications. Minor deviations necessitated by field conditions or equipment being supplied may be made upon approval of the Architect. Changes in the design and installation shall be done in a manner as provided for in "CONTRACT DOCUMENTS". 1.OB CONSTRUCTION POWER AND LIGHTING: A' The General Contractor shall provide temporary electrical service up to the point of delivery and installation of the meter at the job site. The Electrical Contractor, under this DIVISION 16, shall provide temporary poles, panelboards, switches, wiring, outlets, lights, etc., from the load side of the meter as required for construction power and lighting during construction period. All 12OV 15 and 20 amp receptacle outlets shall have GFI protection. Provide adequate lighting in all areas for painting, finishing operations, tile laying, etc., at the time required for these operations. This lighting may be either by means of the permanent installation or from a temporary system. Provide lighting for general construction as required by OSHA. Remove all temporary wiring upon completion of the work. The General Contractor is responsible for removal up to the point of delivery and meter; work under this DIVISION 16 of the Specifications includes the removal from the load side of the meter and beyond. ELECTRICAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS 160'1 0 - 3 PART 2.00. PRODUCTS 2,01 MATERIALS: A. Furnish and install all material, equipment, and devices which are new, first quality, of an approved type as listed by the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., which bear their label and which are accepted by the Architect for installation in this project. Replace, in a manner accepted by the Architect, and pay for all equipment or materials damaged in the course of installation or test. Specified materials, equipment, and devices shall be furnished and installed under the contract unless changed by mutual agreement between Electrical Contractor and Owner. Where several manufacturers are indicated for material, equipment. or devices, Contractor shall have choice of manufacturers listed. Equipment of other manufacturers which is equal to or superior to that specified may be proposed. Manufacturers and catalog numbers shown in these specifications or on the drawings are intended as a guide to quality. Substitute equipment of other manufacturers which is equivalent to or superior to that specified may be proposed. lt shall be the Electrical Contractor's responsibility under this Division of the Specifications to notify all related trades of the accepted substitutions and to assume full responsibility for all cost caused as a result of the substitution. 2.02 DELIVERY AND STORAGE OF MATERIALS: A. Make own provisions for the delivery and safe storage of materials and equipment. Make arrangements for the introduction into the building of equipment too large to pass through finished openings. Arrange to have materials delivered to the job at such stages of the work as will expedite the work as a whole. Mark materials and store in such a manner as to be easily checked or inspected. Store all materials and equipment out of the weather and mechanically protect from damage, theft, and vandalism. Where materials are indicated to be furnished by others for installation in the electrical contract, make a complete and careful check of all materials delivered and furnish a receipt acknowledging acceptance of the delivery and condition of the materials delivered. After such acceptance, assume full responsibility for the safe-keeping of same until such time as the complete installation has been accepted. PART 3.OO - EXECUTION 3.01 WORKMANSHIP: A. Good workmanship and appearance shall be considered of equal importance with electrical and mechanical operation. Carefully lay out all work in advance and install in a neat and workmanlike manner and in accordance with recognized good practices and standards. Provide competent workmen who are skilled in their craft and a competent foreman, or superintendent where necessary, who shall be on the job at all times. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I ELECTRICAL SPECIAL PROVISTONS 16010 - 4 t I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I 3.02 CUTTING AND REPAIRING: A. Provide all cutting, patching, channeling, core drilling. etc., necessary for electrical work in building structure. Locate holes to be drilled, outlets, etc,, coordinate work with all other trades on the job, and make arrangements for necessary openings and chases. Seal all holes cut for wiring runs. No cutting, channeling, core drilling, etc, through structural members, shall be done without prior approval of Architect. Make repairs to finished building where patching or refinishing is necessary due to electrical work. Actual work involved in these repairs shall be done by skilled craftsmen in the trades involved, but paid for under this Division of the Specifications. 3.03 EOUIPMENT LOCATION: A. Cooperate and coordinate work with other crafts and trades in location of equipment so that electrical equipment will not be blocked or made inoperative or inaccessible. Maintain required clearances for electrical equipment. Any cost resulting from defective or ill-timed work performed under this DIVISION of the Specifications shall be borne bv the Electrical Contractor under this DIVISION 16. 3.04 CLEANING AND PAINTING: A. In general, except where specified herein, finish painting of conduits, boxes, and equipment, where specified to be done in field, shall be done by other trades under another DIVISIONof these Specifications. Protect electrical apparatus, cabinets, boxes, and all other equipment normally furnished on job with factory applied finishes, either painted or galvanized, during storage and installation. Clean all electrical equipment, such as lighting fixtures, lamps, switchboard, panelboards, transformers, etc., of construction dirt, dust, paint smears, etc., before completion of work. Clean or touch-up and repaint all scars, blemishes, rust spots, etc., to original state of finish. 3.05 TRENCHING AND BACKFILL: A. Provide all trenching and backfilling required for electrical work. Before laying conduit, provide a layer of fine excavated material or sand 2" deep, place conduit and cover with minimum of 2" fine excavated material or sand, then backfill with earth in 6" layers, thoroughly tamp each layer and compact to g57o density in accordance with Architectural Specifications. Where additional conduit is to be installed at another level, provide layers as above around the conduit before replacing removed trench material. Remove all rocks, stones, etc., from bottom of trench and from backfill materials and exercise necessary precautions so as to avoid damage to conduit runs. Restore subsurface and surface to original condition where trenching is done in specially treated areas, such as paving, concrete, asphalt, etc. Repair trenches and restore surface where settlement occurs for a period of one year from date of acceptance of work by Owner. Provide safetv barriers around excavated areas during all times that trench is open and whenever it will cause a hazard to drivers or pedestrians. ELECTRICAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16010 - 5 3,06 IDENTIFICATION OF EOUIPMENT AND WIRING: A. DistributionEquipment: 1. Provide main switches, each branch circuit panelboard, and other similar items of electrical distribution equipment with black laminated plastic nameplates, engraved with 1/4' white letters, with designations as indicated on plans. Mount all nameplates with sheet metal screws. B. Motors, Starters, Etc.: 1. Label each safety switch, and other similar items of equipment provided by the Electrical Contractor with black laminated plastic nameplates similar to those installed on distribution equipment. Inscription to correspond with designations on the equipment schedule and plans. C. Panelboards: 'l . Provide neatly typed directory card in directory frame for all branch circuit panelboards. Furnish and install laminated plastic nameplate, with 'l /4" engraved letters, on exterior of each panel trim. Inscriptions shall correspond to designations on drawings. D. Outlets 1. ldentify circuit numbers on the back of receptacle outlet covers with indelible marker. 3.07 TESTING: A. When the installation is complete, and before FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND WORK CLOSE OUT, conduct the following tests of the electrical systems. Prepare a written report of values of all test readings and procedures together with all additional pertinent information and submit these to the Engineer for acceptance. Furnish all equipment, instruments, and personnel required for these tests. B. Low Voltage Service and Distribution: 1 . With all lighting and equipment turned on (insofar as is practical), take load measurements at the main service and for all feeders leaving the main distribution center or panelboard. Take readings phase by phase. 3.08 "PROJECT RECORD" DOCUMENTS: A. Hold one set of electrical drawings and specifications on iob site and keep up to date with "PROJECT RECORD" data and revisions; do not use for construction. Locate all underground runs including service entrances and feeders and circuits exterior to building. Upon completion of work, furnish Architect with two sets of marked-up prints or a set of sepias of electrical drawings showing "PROJECT RECORD" installation. I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ELECTRICAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16010 - 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3,09 GUARANTEE: A ' Furnish to Owner a written guarantee covering entire electrical system installed, except lamps for lighting fixtures, to be free from defective materials and workmanship for a period of one year after date of acceptance of installation by Owner. During this period provide all labor and new materials where required to repair or replace all defects to the satisfaction of the Owner at no additional cost to the Owner. Guarantee shall not cover replacement of lamps for lighting fixtures after date of acceptance of installation by Owner. 3.10 FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND WORK CLOSE.OUT: A. Electrical Contractor shall inspect the entire electrical installation to assure that all work is completed and all systems are completely operational before calling for a Final Acceptance of the work. As builts, maintenance manuals, testing results and all certificates including acceptance of local inspection authority must be presented to the engineer for acceptance at that time. B. Walk through the project with the owner, architect, and engineer describing each system, all operating controls, and any routine maintenance necessarv. END OF SECTION 16010 ELECTRICAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS 16010 - 7 I t I I I I I I I I I t I I I III II I I SECTION 16011 - SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS PART .I .OO - GENERAL I.O1 GENERAL REOUIREMENTS: SHOP DRAWINGS A. All shop drawings shall be submitted within 30 days of award of contract and prior to installation. Failure to do so shall be grounds for withholding requisitioned payments. Payment withholding shalt occur regardless of categoryfor which money is being requisition- ed, B' The use of specified equipment shall not change the requirement for submittal of shop drawings. C. All maintenance and operating manuals shall be submitted to and approved by the Engineer prior to final payment. Where shop drawing and maintenance manual submittals are the same, provide approved copies of shop drawings in maintenance manuals. Maintenance and operating manuals shall be submitted in indexed, hard-backed, cloth-covered, 3- ring binders, in quantities as specified in DIVISION 1 of these specifications. lf Division 1 is not specific, provide rhree (3) copies of maintenance manuals. D. A tabulation of the various " Equipment/Material" components of the electrical systems, together with material required for submission in the "Shop Drawing and Maintenance and Operating Instructions" categories, follows, Where special requirements exist for shop drawings or maintenance manuals, relating to particular items, they will be found under the appropriate section of these specifications. The explanation of the numerical legend used to identify the required material is located at the end of the tabulation. EOUIPMENTiMATERIAL Lighting fixtures Lamps Panelboards Safety switches Wiring devices and cover plates Motor starters Snowmelt Controller Time clocks Fire alarm system LEGEND EXPLANATION MAINT, & OP. INSTRUCTIONS ,3,4,6 ^t,7 1 1,3,4,6,7 ,J ? ,2,3,4,5,7 ,3 ,3 ,J ,2,3,4,5 1. Materials list which shall include the following data: Manufacturer, supplier, type, catalog number, components list, and manufacturer's standard specifications or descriptive bulletins.2. Name, location, and telephone number of service organization which will perform warranty service. 3. Internal wiring diagrams.4. Field terminal wiring diagrams.5. A written description of the functioning of the system. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS 16011 - 1 6. Schedule of internal devices include breakers, switches, CT's, meters, etc,7. Delivery date. PART 2.0O - PRODUCTS (not used) PART 3.O0 - EXECUTTON Inot used) END OF SECTION 16011 T I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS 16011 - 2 I t I I I I I I I I T I I I ! t I I I SECTION 16i 1 1 - CONDUIT SYSTEMS PART 1.OO - GENERAL 1,OI CONDUITS: A. Provide a complete overall conduit raceway system for all wiring and conductors. Provide separate conduit raceway systems for each communication system. Provide types of raceways as indicated or as required by the National Electrical Code for conductors to be contained. 1.02 COUPLINGS AND CONNECTORS: A ' Provide standard type couplings and connectors in all conduit runs; make all joints tight. Provide plastic insulated steel bushings for all conduits enclosing #4 and larger conductors. Provide all steel couplings and connectors for EMT conduit runs of either compression gland or set-screw type. Set-screws must be mounted so they cannot be easily backed off; "pot-metal" couplings and connectors are not acceptable. Provide standard type expansion couplings and bonding conductors for all runs through structural expansion joints. Provide waterproof fittings for all runs in wet locations such as where exposed to the weather, buried in concrete slabs, etc. Provide grounding type connectors and bushings where conduit terminations are made in the main distribution center, panelboards, cabinets, and pull boxes. 1.O3 CONDUIT FITTINGS. A. Where required in conduit runs for turns, entrances, weatherproof boxes, etc., furnish and install cast steel conduit fittings of type and size to suit the conduit run installed. Fittings shall be in accordance with the latest requirements of the National Electricat Code for conductors enclosed and their use. Provide covers and gaskets for all fittings installed. PART 2.00. PRODUCTS 2.01 CONDUITS: A' Galvanized rigid steel conduits and electrical metallic tubing: As manufactured by General Electric, Republic Steel. Youngstown Steel and Tube, or equal. B. PVC Conduit: Heavy wall, Schedule 40, rated and labelled for use with g0 C rated conductors (EPC), rigid, U.L. listed, meeting NEMA StandardlC-2, Federal Specifications WC-1094A, U.L.-651, as manufactured by Baldwin, Carlon, Ethy., Triangle, or equal. C. PVC Fittings and Cement: PVC fittings and cement shall all be the product of the same manufacturer as the PVC conduit. 2.02 COUPLINGS AND CONNECTORS: A. Fittings shall be as manufactured by o.2., Tomic, Raco, Appleton, steel city, T&B, or equal. CONDUIT SYSTEMS 'l 61 11- 1 2.03 CONDUIT FITTINGS: A. Fittings shall be as manufactured by Appleton, Crouse Hinds, Killark, or equal. PART 3.OO - EXECUTION 3.01 CONDUITS: t t I I I I I t I I t I I I t T I I I A. Installation of conduit raceways shall conform to the following requirements: l Conceal all conduit runs except at surface equipment or cabinets, in mechanical equipment rooms, or where specifically indicated or authorized by the Architect. 2. Route conduits either parallel or perpendicular to structural members, walls, floors, or ceiling except where buried in floor slab or underground where conduits may be run directly from outlet to outlet. Keep conduits at least 6" away from sources of heat such as flues, hot water lines, steam lines, etc. Locate all conduits so as not to endanger the strength of any building structural members; consult the Architect and verify actual location of all conduit runs pertinent to the building structural system.3. Actual conduit runs are not generally indicated; install in the most feasible manner compatible with the construction of the building and the work of other crafts.4. Secure conduit raceways, outlets, and equipment to the building structure in a rigid and secure manner using acceptable type fasteners. Secure conduit runs to the building structural system where runs are conceal€d over removable grid ceiting; do not support conduit runs from ceiling grid framing system. Do not use galvanized tie wire to secure conduits to the structure. Install conduits at a height over all ceiling panels to allow for easy installation and removal of ceiling panels. 5. Make all bends symmetrical using a standard hickey, conduit bender, or bending machine. Cut all conduits square and ream ends to remove burrs. Exercise all necessary precautions to prevent accumulation of dirt, water, concrete, and all foreign materials during construction. Clean and dry all raceways thoroughly before conductors are pulled in. 6. Do not embed conduit runs in concrete slab located directly on ground. lnstall conduits directly below bottom of concrete and above membrane.7. Provide standard roof jacks, or pitch pockets where allowed by local code, for conduits which penetrate the roof ; insure that penetration is completely waterproof .8. Provide one spare 3/4" conduit for each four unused poles in all flush-mounted panelboards. Extend conduits from panelboard to an accessible point beyond the area of finished wall or ceiling construction. 9. Provide seal-off fiftings where conduit runs enter or leave hazardous areas or areas of dissimilar conditions such as temperature, humidity, etc.10. Provide stand-off spacers or conduit clamps to maintain minimum 112" clearance between conduit and wall, ceiling, or other surface where mounted in damp or wet location. 11. Provide stand-off brackets and suppons for conduits on roof; set supports in pitch pockets mounted on roof, maintain minimum 3 'l 12" clearance from roof to conduits.'12. Provide sleeves for conduits passing through any slabs other than ground floor slab. Extend conduit sleeves with material as accepted by the Architect to maintain fire rating of f loor penetration. CONDUIT SYSTEMS 't6111 - 2 a, b. c. o. e. I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I II 13. Provide the following types of conduits in accordance with the specific application or location indicated. f. Galvanized Rigid Conduit (GRC): Where exposed to the weather; where required for mechanical protection; where specifically indicated. Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT): In above grade floor slabs, walls, ceilings, and where exposed in dry areas; do not install in a floor slab which is in contact with the ground. Flexible Metal Conduit (FMC); Final connections to motors, recessed f ixtures, & equipment of this type in dry locations only. Provide steel or aluminum conduit with approved connectors at terminations. FMC shall not be used indiscriminately for branch circuits. Liquid-Tight Flexible Conduit; For final connections to motors & other similar equipment in damp or wet locations and where exposed to the weather or to moisture. Provide approved type connectors at terminations. Schedule 40 PVC Conduits: All conduit runs in or under ground floor slab which is in contact with the ground; all wiring runs buried underground unless conductors are specifically indicated for direct burial or unless otherwise indicated. Provide a seal membrane around underfloor conduit run where penetration occurs through membrane beneath floor slab in contact with ground. Provide expansion couplings to prevent damage due to expansion Provide grounding conductor throughout entire length of PVC conduit runs. Do not install PVC conduits where exposed, on the roof, or in stud walls or partitions. Schedule 80 PVC Conduits: For enclosing main grounding conductor. Type AC Cable: May be installed in all dry areas which are concealed. Provide approved type connectors at all terminations. Suppon cable at intervals not to exceed 4.5 ft. Not permitted in above ground slabs, underground, or under ground floor slabs. END OF SECTION 16111 CONDUIT SYSTEMS 16111-3 T I I t I I I I I I I I I t I I II t I SECTION 16120. WIRE AND CABLE PART 1.OO - GENERAL 1.01 600 VOLT WIRE AND CABLE: A. Provide individual conductors in conduit raceway for all feeders and branch circuits. provide conductors of sizes and types as indicated on drawings, specified herein, and as required by National Electrical Code for specific uses. Where quantities of conductors in a raceway system are not specifically indicated, provide sufficient number of conductors, in size of conduit necessary, as are required to maintain function, control, and/or number of circuits as indicated. All conductors, wiring, and installation shall further conform to the following: 1. Unless otherwise specified, all conductors and conduit sizes indicated on drawings and specified herein are for copper conductors; these shall be furnished and installed.2, Provide the following types of insulation, wires, and cables for the indicated areas of wiring: a. Type THHN (90 degrees C) or XHHW (9O degrees): Install in all conductors #6 and larger unless otherwise indicated or specified herein.b. Type THWN (9o degrees C) Install in supply connections to H,l.D., fluorescent, and incandescent f ixtures. Install in wiring runs in, on, or near roof insulation, roof deck, or where conduit raceway is exposed to the sun.c. THHN (9O degrees C): Install in all branch circuits #B and smalter and general purpose wiring runs unless otherwise indicated or specified herein.d. Nylon Cords: Install in all empty conduits. PART 2,OO - PRODUCTS 2.01 600 VOLT WIRE AND CABLE: A. All wires, cables, and conductors shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., shall be standard building wire, rated 600 volts, copper unless otherwise indicated or specified herein, and shall be as manufactured by Anaconda, General Cable, General Electric, Okonite. Phelps-Dodge, Rome, Triangle, Southwire, or equal. PART 3.00. EXECUTION 3.01 600 VOLT WIRE AND CABLE: A. Installation of wiring shall conform to the following: 1 . Unless otherwise indicated on drawings, install no conductors smaller than #,|2 AWG except for signal and control circuits which may be #14 AWG or as indicated on drawings. 2. tf distance from panel to the first device in the circuit is over 75 feet for 120 volt circuit, install minimum #10 AWG conductors to the first device. WIRE AND CABLE 16120 - 1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Provide solid conductors in sizes #10 AWG and smaller; provide stranded conductors and #8 AWG and larger. Cofor code all conductors installed for service entrance teeder, distribution feeders, motors and equipment feeders, and branch circuits in accordance with requirements of National Electrical Code. Color code service entrance and feeder conductors black, red, and bfue for the ungrounded phases in a 12O|2OB volt system, green for grounding conductors, and white or gray for the neutral conductors. Connect all feeder conductors of the same color to the same ungrounded phase throughout the installation. lnstall conductors in the raceway system only after the conduit runs have been completed and after such time as they have thoroughly been cleaned and dried. Provide same size conductors throughout continuous rows of fluorescent or slimline fixtures as circuit conductors which supply the row. Provide nylon pull cords in all telephong feeder conduits. Provide tags on pull cords to indicate terminations of wire or conduits. I t I t T t I I I I I I I I I I I t I END OF SECTION 16120 WIRE AND CABLE 16120 - 2 I I sEcloN 1612't - wtRE spLtcES AND coNNEcloNSI I PART 1.OO - GENERAL I 1.O1 WORK INCLUDED: I A. Install conductors continuous from outlet or junction box; hold splices to a minimum, but,r where necessary, make them in a readily accessible outlet box, junction box, or wiring - gutter. Provide splices with insulation value equal to that of conductors. Provide splices I and connectors rated 600 volts for general use. I PART 2.00 - PRODUCTS I 2.01 CONDUCTORS #10 AWG AND SMALLER: I A. Provide fixed spring wire connectors with overall f tame retardant thermoplastic shell.r Connections shall comply with Federal Specification W-S-610d. Temperature rated 105"C. I 2.02 CONDUCTORS #8 AWG TO #2 AWG; I A' Provide split bolt connectors or pressure type compressron rype connectors properly tapedI and insulated. 2.03 CONDUCTORS #1 AWG AND LARGER: I A. Provide high pressure compression type connectors utilizing hydraulic actuated dies. Ther splices shall be properly taped and insulated. I PART 3.00 - EXECUTTON (not used) I END OF SECTTON 16121 I I I t t I wtRE sPLtcEs AND CONNECIONS I 16121 - 1 t I I I I I t I t I I t I I I I I I I SECTION 16130 - OUTLETS PART 1.OO - GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED: A. Study general building plans in relation to space and construction surrounding electrical equipment and outlets in order that electrical work may fit in with work of other trades. lnstall pull boxes where required by National Electrical Code for the number and size of conductors contained; locate in accessible places. Set all boxes ptumb with covers flush with finished walls or ceiling; if not plumb or flush, reset and pay all costs for additional work and finishing necessary. Consult Architect and verify locations of all outlets and equipment before installation. Coordinate location of all lighting fixtures, outlets, switches. starters, controllers, panelboards, and other electrical equipment with other crafts to avoid interferences and obstructions and so that equipment to be installed by others will not block electrical equipment or make inaccessible or inoperable. Provide weatherproof type outlets where installed on the exterior or on the interior where subject to moisture or extreme dampness. 1.02 OUTLET BOXES - CONDUIT SYSTEMS: A. Furnish and install flush galvanized pressed steel boxes, except where cast metal boxes and fittings are specified or required by National Electrical Code. In unfinished spaces, if flush boxes are difficult to install, surface cast boxes are an acceptable alternative. Provide outlet boxes of proper size to meet requirements of National Electrical Code for device and number of conductors contained. Provide minimum 1 -1 12 deep boxes for 1 " conduits. Provide outlet boxes of proper design for particular device or fixture to be insta ed; size of box to be determined on basis of single gang module for each device installed. Install minimum 4 inch boxes in all locations. Tile boxes or standard outlet boxes with tile rings may be used for flush outlets in unplastered masonry walls. Install all outlets in a rigid and secure manner. Sectional boxes are not acceptable. PART 2.OO - PRODUCTS 2.01 OUTLET BOXES AND FITTINGS: A. Steel outlet boxes as manufactured by Appleton, Raco, Steel City, or equal. B. PVC plastic outlet boxes as manufactured by Carlon, Kraloy, or equal. C. Cast metal boxes and fittings as manufactured by Appleton, Crouse-Hinds, Killark. or equal. OUTLETS 16130 - 1 PART 3.00. EXECUTION 3.01 PROVIDE OUTLETS FOR DEVICES AS FOLLOWS: A. Lighting Outlets: 1 . Provide minimum 4' outlet box, install to accommodate type of fixture being installed. Install junction box outlets over grid ceiling for connection of flexible conduits to recessed grid type fluorescent fixtures.2. Use Caddy t766 ta( side box suppons for all boxes installed on metal studs. B. Switch Outlets: 1 . Verify door swings and install switch outlets on latch side of door. Provide multi-gang boxes for multiple device installation wher€ system is 240 volts or less. C. Receptacle Outlets: 1. Provide 3-wire grounding type receptacles for all convenience outlets. Provide switched outlets where indicated. Provide ground fault circuit protection for all outdoor receptacles and where required by NEC. Conceal outlets for electric water coolers behind units.2. Use Caddy #766 far side box supports for all boxes installed on metal studs. D. Back-to-Back Outlets: 1. Install back-to-back outlets shown on drawings with a minimum of one stud and 6" of lsteral separation between outlets for minimum sound transmission. Do not install "through-the-wall' type boxes unless specifically authorized by Architect. END OF SECTION I6130 I I I t I I t I I t t I I t I I I I I OUTLETS 16130 - 2 I,r I sEcrroN 16131 - puLL BoxEs AND JUNcTtoN BoxESr I PART 1.00 - GENERAL II| I.O1 WORK INCLUDED: I A. Except as otherwise indicated or specified herein, provade code gauge steel pull boxes andr junction boxes where indicated on the drawings where required to facilitate pulling of conductors; where splices on conductors are to be made outside of regular outlets; or where I required by NEC or local codes. Provide covers for all boxes. Sizes of boxes shall be in f accordance with requirements of NEC. Provide PVC boxes where they will be installed in exterior locations, buried underground, or installed in wet and washdown interior areas. r PART 2.00. PRoDUCTS I 2.o1 BoxES.I . Steel Boxes: Appleton, Crouse-Hinds, G&W, Hoffman, Raco or equal. I B. PVC Boxes: Carlon, or equal. I PART 3.00 - EXECUTTONr , 3.01 INSTALLATION:II A' Do not install either pull boxes or junction boxes in concealed or inaccessible spaces or locations. f B' Provide minimum 1 " clearance between box and mounting surface where box is installed exposed in a wet and washdown area, END OF SECTION 161 31 I i I t I I t I PULL BOXES AND JUNCTION BOXES 16131 - 1 A, B. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I SECTION 16140 - WIRING DEVTCES PART 1.OO - GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED: A. Provide outlet devices of type, ampacity, indicated on drawings or specified herein. 1.02 SWITCHES: voltage, number of conductors, and color as Provide cover plates for all outlets. sAC1-l 5AC2-l 5AC3-l 90651-l devices by Arrow-Hart, Bryant, Hubbell,G.E.. or Leviton A. Provide switches, as indicated and specified herein, for load control, motor protection, and indication of operation. B. Provide cover plates of satin finish stainless steel for all flush mounted switches. Provide galvanized industrial covers with beveled edges for surface mounted switches in unfinished spaces. 1.03 RECEPTACLES: Provide receptacles of types, ampacity, poles and configuration as indicated and specified herein. Verify color with Architect before installation. Provide duplex receptacles rated either 15 amperes or 20 amperes as required by NEC. Provide approved ground fault pro- tection for all 120 volt, single phase, 1 5- and 20-amp receptacle outlets installed outdoors, or in indoor wet areas. or in all areas where required by NEC. Provide cover plates of satin finish stainless steel for alt flush mounted outlets. Provide galvanized industrial covers with beveled edges for surface mounted outlets in unfinished spaces. PART 2.OO - PRODUCTS 2.01 SWITCHES: A' Switches: Provide switches rated 120/277 volts, A.C., quiet operating, ivory, specification grade, and of ampere rating as required by National Electrical Code for load controlled. Verify color with Architect before ordering. Catalog numbers are for Pass & Sevmour devices. 1 . Single Pole: 2. Double Pole: 3. Three Way: 4. 600 Watt Dimmer: B. Equivalent specification grade acceptable. WIRING DEVICES 16140 - 1 2.02 RECEPTACLES: A. Grounded Convenience Outlets: Provide duplex, 3-wire specification grade grounding type, 125 volt, ivory outlets. Verify color with Architect prior to ordering. Catalog numbers are for Pass & Seymour dovices. 1. 15 Amp: 5262-l2. 20 Amp: 5362-l3. GFI: 1591-F-l B' Equivalent specification grade devices as manufactured by Brysnt, Circle F, G.E., Hubbetl, Arrow-Han, Leviton, Sierra, or Slater acceptable. END OF SECTION 16140 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WIRING DEVICES 16140 - 2 t I I I SECTION 16160. MAIN DTSTRIBUTION CENTER PART 1.OO - GENERAL I.O1 WORK INCLUDED: A. Provide 'l2Ol2Og volt, 3 phase, 4 wire, wye connected, free standing, floor mounted, fusible type Switchboard with subfeed distribution NEMA Class 1. 1.02 FUSIBLE SWITCHES: A' Provide switches which are fusible type, horsepower rated, quick-make, quick-break, designed for use with current limiting fuses of 200,000 ampere fault current capacity and furnished with interlocked doors. I.O3 SWITCHBOARD: Provide switchboard completely fabricated by manufacturer with tinned Aluminum busing throughout, integrally rated for available fault current, but in no case less than 1o0,0oo amps symmetrical, and designed for minimum assembly in the field. All units shall be front connected for interchangeability with provisions on main bus for connection of future main switches and/or branch feeder switches and provisions for addition of future sections. All sections shall have full length busses. Provide 100% neutral bus throughout. Provide separate grounding bus throughout all sections of switchboard and separately ground each section of switchboard to this bus. Ground all conduit feeders entering main switchboard to ground bus by means of a grounding bushing and conductor. Switchboard frame only or conduit raceway will not be accepted as a grounding means. Provide laminated plastic identification escutcheon plates over each breaker and switch; mount with screws; adhesive backed plated not acceptable. Refer to paragraph for " IDENTIFICATION" included in these specifications. In addition, provide a red and white plastic laminated plate at the top of each section with engraved inscription: "CAUTION - REPLACE ONLY WITH IDENTICAL CURRENT LIMITING FUSES". PABT 2.00. PRODUCTS 2.0.I EOUIPMENT Siemens Type SBl or equal as manufactured by Square D, Westinghouse, GE, Cutler-Hammer, or Young Electric Manufacturing Company. PART 3.00 - EXECUTTON (not used) END OF SECTION 16160 I A. B. c. A, t T I t I I I I I I I I I I MAIN DISTRIBUTION CENTER 16160 - 1 I t t I I t I t I I I t I I t I I I I SECTION .I6164 . BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELBOARDS PART 1.OO - GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED: A' Provide circuit breaker type panelboards with main lugs only, and of voltage and phase, with ampacity of bus, and with the number and size of full width thermal magnetic bolted branch circuit breakers as indicated on the drawings. Provide panelboards of dead-front construc-tion. Provide neatly typed directory cards in directory frames. Provide panelboard designation nameplate and door locks keyed alike for all panelboards. Provide "lock-on" devices for selected circuits as directed by the Architect and/or the Engineer; device to allow circuit breaker to operate "trip-free" even though the handle cannot be moved. 'Wafer-thin" or "Twin" circuit breakers are not acceptable for new work. Panelboards shall be mounted surface or flush as indicated on the drawings. Circuit breakers shall be rated for switching and shall be rated minimum 10,000 amperes symmetrical short circuit current at the panelboard for up to 250 volts. All bus bars shall be copper. Provide two and three pole breakers with common trip and single operating handle. Provide separate grounding terminal strip in all panelboards. Where spaces on panels are indicated, panelboard interiors shall include provisions so that circuit breakers may be added in the future. PART 2.OO - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS: A. Panelboards tor 12O/2OB volt, 3 phase distribution systems shall be Siemens Type S1 with bolt-on circuit breakers. Equivalent panelboards by Cutler-Hammer, General Electric, Square D, or Westinghouse are acceptable as substitutes. PART 3.OO - EXECUTION (not used) END OF SECTION 16164 BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELBOARDS 16164 - 1 I I sEcroN 161 70 - FUSTBLE AND NoN-FUSTBLE sAFETy swrrcHEs, I PART 1.OO . GENERAL I 1.01 WORK INCLUDED: I A. Provide fusible, or non-fusible, safety switches of rated voltage for service, circuit or feederr where installed, of sizes, ampacity, and with number of poles indicated. Switches shall be rr approved for main line service, horsepower rated, quick-make, quick-break, heavy duty and f designed for use with rejection type current limiting fuses of 200,000 ampere fault currentr interrupting capacity, Provide NEMA 3R raintight enclosures for switches where exposed to the weather. ldentify switches for feeder or motor being supplied. All switches shall be I of the type with a handle interlock to prevent opening when the switch is in "ON" position. I Provide fusible type safety switches with fuses where installed as disconnect devices for equipment, and package heating, ventilating, and air conditioning units. r PART 2.OO - PRODUCTS I 2.01 MANUFACTURERS: I A. Square D Type HD, General Electric Type TH, Bulldog "Vacu Break" Type HD, Westinghouse I Type H, or equal. I PART 3,OO - EXECUTION II 3.01 TNSTALLATIoN: I A. Prior to ordering disconnect switches for mechanical equipment, confirm either via shopa drawing review or by reading equipment nameplate that the disconnect switch size soecified is proper. lf not, inform the engineer of discrepancy and, with his approval, purchase proper I SlZe. I I END oF sEcroN 16170t I I I I I T FUSIBLE AND NON-FUSIBLE SAFETY SWITCHES I 16170 - 1 A. I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I SECTION 16180 . FUSES PART 1,OO - GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED: PART 2,00. PRODUCTS 2.01 FUSE MANUFACTURER: Fuses shall be follows: UL TYPE RKl RK5 PART 3.00. EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION: END OF SECTION 16180 FUSES A. Provide, for all fused disconnect switches, fuses labeled as UL class L or Class R, current limiting and rated for up to 200,000 amperes. Time delay Class R fuses shall be so labeled. Fuses shall be UL Class RK1 or RKS. Fuses directly feeding motors shatl be UL Class RKI labeled "time delay". Provide sizes and types of f uses as indicated on drawings and as recommended by manufacturer for protection of system against available short circuit fault current and for sizes of motors and conductors to be protected. Provide fuses in disconnect devices for mechanical equipment of sized, types, and ampacities as recommended by manufacturer of equipment installed. Furnish to Owner a minimum of three (3) spares of each type and size installed. Provide a metal cabinet to store fuses on wall where main elec- trical switchgear is located; mark "SPARE FUSES". Install fuses with labels facing door for easy identification. Affix labels, furnished by manufacturer, to inside of doors of all fusible switches indicating correct type and ampacity of fuse to be used for replacement. Provide rejection type fuses where required by local or state codes, or National Electrical Code, and where indicated on drawings. manufactured by Bussman Mfg. Co. or Gould-Shawmut and shall be as BUSSMAN GOULD.SHAWMUT LPN.RK LPS-RK KTNR KTSR FRNR FRSR LPNR LPSR A2DR A6DR A2KR A6KR TRR TRSR AT-DER ATS.DER A. Prior to purchasing fuses for HVAC equipment, confirm that specified fuses are within the equipment nameplate limits. lf not, inform the engineer of discrepancy and, with his approval. purchase proper size fuses. 16180 - 1 A. B. I I I I I t t t t I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 16190 - INSERTS, SUPPORTS AND FRAMEWORKS PART 1.OO . GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED: Provide all required inserts, supports, framework, hangers, clamps and other facilities as required to properly install all items of electrical equipment. Do not install supporting elements of perforated metal strap or wire. Designs of supports and methods of fastening to structures shall be subject to acceptance of Architect and Engineer. Wood supports are acceptable only on the roof. Blocks shall be nominal 4 x 4 redwood. PART 2,OO - PRODUCTS 2,01 MANUFACTURERS: A. Beam supports where installed shall be galvanized steel conduit supports as manufactured by Minerallac, or equal. Trapezes and wall brackets shatt be steel channel with conduit clamp fittings as manufactured by Unistrut, Kindorf, Multiframe. or equal. Conduit clamps shall be one-hole dipped galvanized steel straps with clamp backs. Conduit supports shall be Unistrut, Kindorf, Multiframe, or equal, or acceptable steel frames as required for each condition. PART 3.OO - EXECUTION 3,01 CONDUIT SUPPORTS: A. Unless installed under ground floor or imbedded in concrete or masonry structure, support steel conduits less than 1 " trade size run horizontally at intervals not greater than seven feet, PVC conduits at four foot intervals; support steel conduits 1" trade size and larger run horizontally at intervals not to exceed ten feet, PVC conduits at six foot intervals. Unless imbedded in concrete or masonry structure, support conduits less than 2 trade size run vertically at intervals not to exceed ten feet. 3.02 INSERTS: A. Provide Ackerman-Johnson inserts in concrete for small work and lead expansion shields for large work. Wood and plastic plugs not permitted. END OF SECTION 16190 INSERTS, SUPPORTS AND FRAMEWORKS 16190 - 1 I I sEcloN 16400 - ELEcTRtcAL sERVtcE ENTRANcE I I PART 1.00 - GENERAL 1.01 PRIMARYHIGH VOLTAGE SERVICE: I A. High voltage service, including primary underground conduit and wire, pad mountedr transformer, and concrete pad will be furnished and installed by the power company under separate contract with the owner. I 1.02 SECONDARY LOW VOLTAGE SERVTCE: I A. Provide a complete system of electrical service and distribution as indicated on drawings and I as specified herein. In addition, provide all other basic materials, equipment, and devicesin accordance with other sections of this specification which are applicable to this ,r installation. Coordinate all work with the power company to provide metering installationI and service in conformance with their requirements and recommendations.I . 1.03 ELECTRICAL WORK TO BE DONE: I A. Furnish and install underground conduits, raceways, and conductors from extenor pad-mounted transformer to the main service equipment, - PART 2.oo - PRoDUCTS I 2.01 uNDERGRoUND sEcoNDARy sERVrcE ENTRANCE:r A. Provide the following types of conduit systems: 1. Schedule 80 PVC conduit for underground portion of the service.2. Rigid galvanized steel conduit for further extensions above grade. B. Provide conductors or cables per SECTION 16120 and the 1-line diagram on the plans. C. Provide main distribution equipment per SECTION 16160 and the 1-line diagram on the plans. I I I I PART 3.00 - EXECUTTON (not used) I END OF SECION 16400 I I t I ELECTRICAL SERVICE ENTRANCE 16400 - 1 I I I t I T I I I I T I I I I I I T I SECTION 16430 . MULTI-METERING EOUIPMENT PART 1.OO . GENERAL 1.O,I WORK INCLUDED: A. Provide for a future multi-meter stack for the building complete with main fused switch in the MDC. B. All components shall have been tested and UL listed for use as a integral pan of the multi- metering system. PART 2.OO - PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION: A. Enclosures shall be constructed of formed and welded code gauge steel. No device disassembly is to be required before mounting. Mounting shall be accomplished by using a separate mounting channel in conjunction with enclosed embossments for vertical support. Final mounting shall be by the use of external mounting feet for attaching to walls. All devices must be bonded together with bolted connections. Meter units shall be provided with individual, removable covers for each meter position. All compartments containing unmetered circuits shall be provided with a sealing means. B. All components shall be factory assembled and all cu rrent-carrying parts shall be plated bus bars. Individual units shall be constructed with an integral sliding one bolt joint assembly for a completely bussed meter center. This single bolt is to be a VlSl-TITE bolt for tightening without a torque wrench. C. Meter sockets shalt be 5 jaw (manual circuit closing). Sockets shall be rated 200 ampere continuous duty. Meter socket jaws must be spring reinforced and front removable. D. Circuit breakers for up to 2OO ampere devices shall be two pole, plug-on type. E. Equipment shall be labeled "Rainproof" or "suitable for damp locations,'. 2.02 MANUFACTURER: A. Multi-meter stack shall be square D catalogue #EZ Meter-pak or approved equal. PART 3.00 - EXECUTION (not used) END OF SECTION 16430 MULTI-METERING EOUIPMENT 16430 - 1 t t I t I I I t t I I I I I I t I t I SECTION 16450 . GROUNDTNG PART 1.OO - GENERAL 1,01 WORK INCLUDED: PART 2.00. EXECUTION 2.01 INSTALLATION: PART 3.0O - EXECUTION (not used) END OF SECTION 16450 A. Ground all electrical systems in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code, local codes, and as specified herein. Ground neutral conductor and conduit systems at the main service entrance. Make ground connection to the main metallic cold water pipe and building structural steel with copper grounding conductor and rigid conduit sized as required by the National Electrical Code and local codes. A. Make all joints and connections of the conduit system tight to maintain continuity of mechanical and electrical ground throughout the entire system. Provide a bonding strap around the water meter of the same size as the grounding conductor. Effectively ground all electrical and mechanical equipment including building mechanical systems and the Owner's equapment. Provide bonding strap from the grounded terminal of 3-wire grounded receptacles to outlet boxes unless positive grounding type receptacles are provided. Provide a separate grounding conductor for all flexible metallic conduit runs, for all surface metal raceways and wiring gutters, and for all exterior poles, posts, lighting fixtures, etc., and where PVC or other nonconductive material is used for conduit raceways. Sizes of these grounding conductors shall be in accordance with applicabte Tables in the National ElectricalCode. Provide separate grounding conductor for all non-metallic distribution feeders. Provide separate grounding conductor in flexible conduit to all single and three phase motors. Do not use the neutral conductor as a grounding conductor. Ground all panelboard cabinets to grounding conductor. GROUNDING 16450 - 1 I I I t I T I I I I I I I I t I I I I SECTION 16500 . LIGHTTNG SYSTEM PART 1.OO - GENERAL 1,01 GENERAL LIGHTING SYSTEMS: A. Provide a complete lighting system, including all lighting fixtures and lamps as indicated on drawings and specified herein. Submit list of fixtures, including catalog cuts and dimensional data intended for actual installation, for review by Architect prior io purchase of fixtures. Submit samples of fixtures to Architect or Owner upon request. All fixtures installed, where exposed to weather and/or cold temperature, shall be weatherproof, of the low temperature type, and suitable for efficient operation at the temperatures and conditions encountered. All fixtures installed shall have Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. label ofapproval; installation of fixtures must be in conformance with limitations of approval. B. Provide incandescent, fluorescent, slimline and H.l.D. lamps of the type, size, and color indicated in the specifications, on the drawings, and on the Fixture Schedule for all fixtures. Verify that the lamp specified will fit and properly operate with the indicated fixture. C. At the time of acceptance of the building by the owner, provide a supply of spare lamps of each type of lamp used on the project. The quantity of spare lamps shall not be less than 1Oo/o ot the quantity installed on the prolecr. 1.02 FLUORESCENT AND SLIMLINE LIGHTING: A. Fluorescent and slimline fixtures including Class P ballasts shall be designed to operate continuously in all locations where installed. Contractor shall verify with manufacturer that specified fixtures and ballasts when in operation where installed shall be rated to withstand temperatures encountered and shall guarantee continuous operation of fixtures. Contractor shall cenify to Owner that the fluorescent and stimline fixtures furnished and installed on theproject will operate satisfactorily and continuously with Electronic ballasts when installedunder the conditions indicated on design drawings and the ambient temperatures encountered therein. Ballasts and fixtures where installed shall produce a minimum oossible sound level. PART 2.OO - PRODUCTS 2,01 LIGHTING FIXTURES AND LUMINARIES: A' Provide fixtures and ruminaries of type, kind, and with number of ramps as indicated in FIXTURE SCHEDULE, on drawings, and specified herein. Fixtures and luminaries shall be as specified unless a substitute of equal design and function has been accepted by Architect or Owner. B. Lamp catalog numbers used on the Fixture Schedule are General Electric; Westinghouse or Sylvania are acceptable alternates. Provide incandescent lamps rated at 12b volts. LIGHTING SYSTEM 16500 - 1 2.02 ADDITIONAL REOUIREMENTS: A. All light fixtures and luminaries shall be free of light leaks, warps. dents, or other irregularities. Lenses shall be free of cracks, chips, or discolorations. B. All metal surfaces of fixtures and luminaries shall be treated to provide rust inhibiting and finish coat adherence properties. PART 3,OO - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION OF LIGHTING FIXTURES AND LAMPS: lnstallation of general lighting fixtures shall conform to the following: '1 . Completely connect and securely mount all fixtures. Provide all additional supports and hangers as may be necessary to securely fasten and support all fixtures to ceiling or structure. 2. Clean fixtures and lamps, remove construction dirt, dust, paint, etc., and leave fixtures and lamps in first class condition upon completion of work. Installation of recessed lighting fixtures shall conform to the following: 1 . Provide separate junction box above ceiling near fixture and wire to fixture in flexible conduit, except where prewired fixtures which carry the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. label of approval are installed. 2' Furnish and install plaster frames for recessed fixtures installed in a plaster ceiling.3. Openings cut in ceiling for recessed fixtures shall be completely concealed when fixture trim is installed. There shall be no light leaks between fixture trim and ceiling after fixture is installed. 4. Review ceiling construction and mechanical usage as to plenums and install hats around each fixture installed in a plenum space. Provide all additional supports and hanging devices necessary to properly install fixtures in type of ceiling installed.5. Provide bar hangers supported from and secured to tee grids in ceiling to support recessed incandescent downlights; fixtures shall not be supported from grid panels.6. Overall dimensions of fluorescent fixtures recessed in suspended grid ceiling shall be such that they will fit into grid ceiling with no distortion of either fixtures or ceilinggrids. Provide additional ceiling hangers as are necessary so that there is a hanger, secured to building structure, supporting the connection of adjacent tee grids at each corner of the recessed fixture. Coordinate installation of the fixtures with installers of ceiling so that ceiling will be absolutely level after completion.7. Provide clampdown clips for all fluorescent troffers recessed in grid ceilings. Provide the following types of wire insulation: 'l . Type THHN-To indoor fixtures. 2. Type THWN--To outdoor fixtures. 3. Provide a green grounding wire in flexible conduit connection to all recessed fluorescent fixtures. END OF SECTION 16500 LIGHTING SYSTEM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A. B. c. 16500 - 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I SECTION 16502 . BALLASTS PART 1.OO . GENERAL 1.01 H.I.D. BALLASTS: A. All ballasts for H.l.D. lighting fixtures shall be single lamps, high power factor, 9570 or greater, for use on 6O Henz, 'l20 or 208 volt A.C. ci,cuit as indicated and shall be designed to operate efficiently with indicated lamps. Ballasts shall be constant wartage type providing for a + l- 4.5"/" lamp wattage regulation with a + /- 10olo input voltage regulation or shall be high power factor regulator type providing lor + l- 1 3% vottage regulation above and below rated voltage input to ballast. Ballasts shall be designed for satisfactory starting and operation of lamps in ambient temperature down to 40 degrees F. Starting current shall be equal to or less than operating current. Ballast enclosure and luminaire shall bear the Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. label of approval as a unit. Ballasts shall be designed for mounting integral with the luminaire. Ballasts shall have the best possible sound rating to produce a minimum sound level. 1,02 FLUORESCENT BALLASTS: A. Unless indicated otherwise on the lighting fixture schedule, att ballasts for fluorescent fixtures shall be electronic, with 20% maximum total harmonic distortion, Class P, with automatic resetting type thermal protective devices. Ballasts shall have Class P approval on the label to meet Section 41O-73e of National Electrical Code. Ballasts shall have the best possible sound rating to produce a minimum sound level when installed. Ballasts causing objectionable noise shall be subject to replacement at the discretion of the Architect. PART 2.00. PRODUCTS 2.01 FLUORESCENT AND SLIMLINE BALLASTS: A. Ballast catalog numbers used in the Fixture Schedule are Universal; equals as manufactured by General Electric or Jefferson with full light output of standard fluorescents are acceptable alternates. PART 3,00 - EXECUTION (not used) END OF SECTION 16502 BALLASTS 16502 - 1 I I t T I I I t t I I t I I I I I t I SECTION 16720 - FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PART 1.OO . GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED: A. Furnish and install a complete fire alarm and detection system as indicated on the drawings and herein specified. Furnish and install all equipment, devices, components and wiring necessary for a completely operating and functioning system to conform to requirements of National Fire Protection Association Standards 72C, local fire codes and local fire and building department authorities having jurisdiction. All components of the entire fire alarm and detection system shatl be listed, labeled and approved by Underwriters' Laboratories. Inc. for application as fire alarm equipment. 1,02 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: A. This fire alarm and detection system shall be an intelligent control, continuous alarm sounding, closed circuit and electrically supervised. The system shall be designed to operate whenever an actuating signal is received from a manually operated fire alarm pull station or when the signal is automatically received from a smoke photoelectric, temperature, mechanical or electrical sensing device. The system shall be electrically supervised and designed to provide signals and alarm indications for troubles on the system. The system shall be designed to automatically transmit both alarm and trouble signals to a central station alarm watch service or local Fire Department. The system shall have separate alarm silence and sYstem reset switches. 1.03 OPERATIONS OF SYSTEM: A. Fire Alarm Signal Actuation: '1 . Fire alarm signals shall be actuated by any of the following means or devices: a. Smoke detectors or any other type of sensing device such as thermal detectors.b. Manual fire alarm pull stations. c. Sprinkler system flow switch. 2. System trouble signal shall be activated by any of the following: a. Open circuit. b. Short circuit. c. Ground fault. 3. Supervisory signal shall be activated by any of the following: a. Closure of the sprinkler valve. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 16720 - 1 Operation Upon Fire Alarm Signal: 1' Upon receipt of a fire alarm actuating signal, the following operation and functions shall occur. a. A fire alarm signal shall be transmitted to the central station alarm watch service or the local Fire Department via a leased telephone line.b. All alarm horns shall sound. (A switch shall be provided to silence the alarm horns for one signal, but to allow resounding of horns for subsequent signals.)c. LCD display shall indicate location of alarm on the control panel and remote annunciator shall be duplicated.d. All HVAC equipment over 2000 CFM shail be stopped. C. Operation Upon System Trouble: 1' Trouble on the system shatl light a lamp on the remote annunciator, sound a trouble bell at the main control panel and transmit a signal to the local receiving station via a leased telephone line. D. Dwelling Unit Detector: 1 . The dwelling unit detector shall operate at 12OV AC with battery backup and shall consist of a photo-electric detector, a 135 degree heat detector, a horn and a set of auxiliary contacts. The horn shall emit an intermittent tone when the photo-electric detector alarms. The heat detector shall be connected to the system and signal the mini-sounder located adjacent to the photo-electric detector to notify occupants of a system atarm. 1.04 PROJECT DATA AND SUBMITTALS: A. Refer to requirements for PRoJECT DATA AND suBMtrrALS in SECT|oN 160 t 1 . PART 2.OO PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL REOUIREMENTS: A. The system and equipment furnished shall include, but not be limited to, all initiating, signalling and control circuitry; visual displays; relays; power supplies; batteries; chargers; initiating, monitoring and indicating devices; and all components, devices and accessories necessary to comprase a complete system operable and f unctional as specified herein. Provide the system with complete electrical supervision. 2.02 PRODUCTS: A. All equipment, devices and components of the system to be furnished under this specification shall be as furnished and/or manufactured by Notifier Company, Simplex, or Gamewell. Catalog numbers shown below are Notifier unless otherwise indicated. I I I I I t I I I I I I t I t T I I I B. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 16720 - 2 I t I I I I I I T I I I I I B. Components: 1. Components shall include, but not be limited to the following: a' One system AFP-200R control panel with a capacity of 198 intelligent devices. 99 analog detectors and 99 control modules. Four supervised audible signal circuit 8 sets of form C alarm contacts, and the following indicators and controls: 1 -Green power on indicator. 1 -Red alarm indicator. I -Yellow pre-alarm indicator. 1 -Yellow supervisory indicator. 1 -Yellow alarm silenced indicator. 1 -Yellow system trouble indicator. 1 -Membrane Alarm silence switch. 'l -Membrane Acknowledge switch. '| -Membrane Evacuate switch. 1 -Membrane System Reset switch.b. 4XTM Plug-in Transmirter Module. c. RTM-8 Plug-in Transmitter Module.d. TR-4X Trim Ring. e. PS- 1 21 20 1 2.0 AH Batteries. f . 91 1A Digital Alarm Communicator.g. PK-200 Programming Kit.h. Smoke Detectors, Photoelectric Type -SDX-551 with BX-501 base.i. Heat Detector, Fixed Temperature FDX-551 .j. MMX-101 Miniature Monitor Module.k. ADA Horn/Strobe - SHG24/ADA.l. ADA Strobe Light GXS-4HWR.m. Remote annunciator - LCD-80 with ABF-1 Back Box.n. Outside Horn/Strobe MASS24-LO. o. Manual Pull Station - BGX-I011.p, ISO-X lsolator Module. 2.03 SUBSTITUTIONS: A. Substitutions will be considered on the basis of a total system and not individual items of equipment. All components shatl be guaranteed and serviced by the supplier of the system. Substitute systems shall meet all requirements for performance, function and operation as specif ied herein. r PART 3.00 - EXECUTION r 3.01 |NSTALLAT|oN: I I A. The entire fire alarm and detection system shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's directions and instructions, under the supervision of the manufacturer's representative and in accordance with the requirements of the local building department which has jurisdictional authority. I FIRE ALARM SYSTEM I 16720 - 3 B. All wiring and materials shall be in accordance with the latest requirements of the National Electrical Code and the requirements of the Local Fire Department which shall supersede the N.E.C. when these requirements are more restrictive than the N.E.C. All wiring shall be in conduits separate and distinct from all other systems. Use #1 8 copper conductors for alarm initiating circuits, #16 for alarm circuits, and #12 for power. Use 1/2" conduit for 12 or fewer conductors, use 3/4" conduit for 13 to 20 conductors, and use 1" conduit if conductors exceed 20. Paint outlet box covers red and identify "F/A". Control unit shall provide circuitry listed for limited energy. Provide 3/4 inch conduit from Control Panel to Telephone Terminal for connection to the Central Station Alarm Service or to local Fire Department leased line. Final terminations in the main fire alarm panel shall be made by the manufacturer's field representative. 3.02 TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE: A. The system shall be checked out and tested by a factory trained representative of the manufacturer prior to final testing of the system for acceptance by the Owner. Final testing of the system shall be under the supervision of the manufacturer's representative and shall be conducted in the presence of the local Fire Department, Local Building Authority and representatives of the Owner, Architect and Engineer. After the satisfactory completion of the tests, the manufacturer's representative shall submit a letter to the Owner, Architect and Engineer, certifying that the entire system is operational and has been placed in service. 3.03 OPERATING INSTBUCTIONS AND MANUALS: A. Prior to acceptance of the system, furnish to the Owner, three sets of operating instructions and manuals in accordance with "SECTION 16010 - ELECTRICAL SPECIAL PROVISIONS". Data to be furnished shall include, but is not limited to, "PROJECT DATA AND SUB- MITTALS" as specified in SECTION 1601 1, plus all other data and information as requested by Owner and necessary for the proper operation and maintenance of the system. 3.04 GUARANTEE: A. The entire fire alarm and detection system shall be guaranteed and maintained by the system supplier for a period of one year from the date of acceptance of the system by the Owner at no additional cost to the Owner. END OF SECTION 16720 I I I t I I I T I I I I I I I I I II I FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 16720 - 4 t I sEcloN 16740 - TELEeHoNE srcNAL DrsrRrBUTroN sysrEM! I PART 1.OO GENERAL I 1.01 WORK INCLUDED: I A. Provide and install a complete wiring system for telephone equipment as indicated herein andr also per the construction documents. I B. Confirm location point of service and in general, coordinate the service to the building withI the local telephone company prior to commencement of work. I C. Confirm jacks and cable specified will work with Owner's equipment prior to release of I materials order. r D. Confirm outlet locations with Architect or Owner prior to rough-in. I E. The work shall include, but not be limited to the followrng: I 1 . Conduit to service pedestal. l| 2. Wiring system to each tenant/condominium space.3. Terminal strip mounting board. t 1.02 RELATED WORK NOT INCLUDED: r A. The following work shall be done either under separate contract or as indicated under I another division of these specifications. 1. Telephoneinstruments || 2, Service entrance cable I r PART 2.00 - PRODUCTS (not used) I PART 3.OO EXECUTION I 3.01 INSTALLATIoN: I A. Provide and install a complete system as indicated on the plans.r B. Provide and install four (4) pair catagory b wiring. I C. Submit shop drawings for system equipment in accordance with Section 1601 1 of these- specifications. I END OF SECTION 16740 I I TELEPHONE SIGNAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 16740 - 1r I r I sEcnoN r67so - TELEVTSToN srcNAL DtsrRrBUTroN sysrEMt PART 1.OO . GENERAL I 1.01 WORK TNCLUDED: I A. Provide and install a complete conduit system for cable television as indicated herein and I also per the construction documents. B. Confirm location point of service and in general, coordinate the service to the buitding with I the local cable company prior to commencement of work.I C. The work shall include, but not be limited to the following: I 1. Conduit from the building to the pedestat. 2. Mounting Board. I 3. AG-6 wiring from the board to each television location. I 1.02 RETATED woRRK Nor TNCLUDED: I A. The following work shall be done either under seperate contract or as indicated underI another division of these specifications. I l. Television instruments t 2. Television service entrance cable I PART 2.oo - pRoDUcrS (not used)I I PART 3.OO - EXECUTTON (not used) I r END OF SECTION 16750 I I I I I I I TELEVISTON StcNAL DISTR|BUT|ON SYSTEM I 16750 - 1 I I sEcroN 168s1 - MEcHANtcAL/ELEcrRtcAL cooRDtNATtoN I PART 1.OO - GENERAL 1.01 WIRING FOR EOUIPMENT: I A. Furnish and install circuits, outlets, feeders and thermal overload switches in all phases.r Make all connections to motors and controls for building mechanical equipment such as plumbing. heating, ventilating, and air conditioning equipment as indicated on drawings and I herein specified and in accordance with the following "schedule of Wiring". Befer also toI drawings and specifications included in DIVISION 1 5. Provide 'l 20 volt weatherproof receptacle outlet within 25 feet of all heating and air conditioning units located outdoors.I Provide connections to controls only to extent as herein specified. I 1.O2 SCHEDULE OF WIRING: I A. Unless otherwise indicated, all motors and controls shall be furnished, set in place and wiredr in accordance with the following schedule. (M is Mechanical Division; E is Electrical Division. ) I SET IN LINE V, LoW V,FURN, PLACE CONTROL POWER o\flm- - ITEM UNDER UNDER WIRING WtRtNG WtRtNG - HVACControl Panels M M E E E r Disconnect Switches E E E E I DuctSmokeDetectors E M E E ErFusesE--E LinevoltageHvACControls M E E E -- I Low Voltage HVAC Controls M M - M IContactorsEEEEM I PART 2.OO - PRODUCTS (not used)I I eART 3.oo - EXEcuTtoN {not used}! I I I MECHANTCAL/ELECTRTCAL COORDTNATTON I I END OF SECION 16851 I 16851 - 1