HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E TRACT C AUSTRIA HAUS AKA SONNENALP GENERAL FILE LEGALl/ort V/taq.Q t A,rsfr;Lft,ut ffit rw IEtELoFtp{t Design Review Board ACTIOI| fOt'l,l Department of Crmmunity Development ?5 South Frontage Road, Vail, colorado 81657 tell 970.{79,2139 fex: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Prcfect Name: BLITZ SIGN Project DescripUon: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A SIGN FOR BUTZ PO BOX 2994 AVON co Project Address= 242 E MEADOW DR VAIL AUSTRIA HAUS UNIT IO3.FORMER SCOTCH ON T Locatlon: Legal DescripUon: Lot: Block: Subdlvislon: AUSTRIA HAUS CONDOS Parrel Number: 2101-082-7700-1 Comments: no ltg other than existing to be instl DRB Number: DR8050606 Paftidpants: owNER AUSTRTA HAUS CONDO ASSOC rNC11/11/2005 20 VAIL RD VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT SIGN DESIGN-MONTEPARK LLILII20OS Phone:949-4555 Motion By: Second 8y: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACdON: APPROVED Date of ApProvalz llltla0O' Cond: 8 (Pl3N): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rwiew committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward ompletion. Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: f54.40Planner: Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax; 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Description of the Reguestl ffi TOI4A/ OFVAILW General Information: All projects reguiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer tt the submittit requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or dre Planning and Environmental Commission. besign review approval lapses unless a buitding permit is issued and construction commenes within one year of the approval. 1 7 Cor'rdorr"''r u'r'r' Location of the Proposal: Lot: Flock:- Subdivision: Physical Address: 2'rl to'rr /ta.(o.o Dr Vo'.\ Cn. (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) o2o Parcel No,; x,gto 3 S.oc Zoni ng: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: owner(s) Signature(s): S*- Fa., C.'Py'l Nameof Applicant l,tn.lrr* P,tztt- S,o,.., Da\rt aJ Mailing Address: Phone:9t6.f656 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiuons & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenB, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee E-mail Address: Jyne of Review and Fee: X Signs O Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition O Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) fl Changes to hpproved Plans O Separation Request TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement +++t+*t+f't*******ft+*++'i'l**+'l*************ta****+*{'*********************t+++**++************ Statement Nunber: R050001934 Palment Method: Check PARK .Amor.rnt 3 $54.40 LL/tL/2OO5O9:11 AItl Init: iIS Notation: 4649/MorTE Permit No: Parcel No! Site Address : Location: This Palment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003 LL2200 sP 00100003124000 DR8050505 IlZI)e: DRB - Sign Application 2101-082-7700-1 242 E MEiADOW DR VAIIr AUSTRIA HAUS I'NIT lo3-FORMER SCOTCH ON T Total Feea: $s4 .40 Total AI,I, PmTE : Balance: Description DESIGN RTVIEW FEES SIGN FEES $s4 .40 $s4.40 $0.00 Current Pmts 50.00 4 .40 Qucstions? Call thc Planning Dc*L at 4 79-2 llX SIGN/AWN I NG APPLICATION 1-lris application is lbr iuty sign fhat is locatcd within thc Town of Vail. Spccitic t'cqttirc tttcttts arc avitilitfrlc tiorn thc Dcparltncnt of ('onlnttrniry Dcvcloptttcnt. Narrrc ot'Busittcss: Buildinananrciurdaddrcss: A,-^>r,r.n Flo,^rr- - Jrlt €' &!ad.*r i\r' -.- Nlrrttc ot'orvttcr:Phorrc: 1r'lG'{UtG Mailing ad drcss:2o ,J Atu AA. [:. Typc of sign (scc back for dcfinitions): TOWN tl (' D, E. Signatureof owne':6t AtP'"uoI st.,,] fo To'^','^ of{'" Nalrc of'pcrsou subnritting: l"^orirg PA&c grou 4l rtL.rPhonc: 9(4'rtf Ar- tlf drfl'crcrrt than owncr) Addrcss: Do lQq cil A,r"", n Frcc standing D Wall sign D Othcr, spccity: ,/EI Hanging sign tr Awning I K t_ (; t.l Sigrr rrrcssagc: BLITZ - Srz.cofsignanclsizcof lcttcringfbrcach*ig,tprupu..o, lO" X 32 " Ytt " GPrr - Lcrrgth ol'busirtcss fiontagc: 3r. llciglrt ot'sigrr abovc grittlc: 8' Nunrbcr of signs pl'oposcd: I Ntrntbcr zutd srzc ol'existing signs: Locatiol ot'cach sign (attach a sitc plan and au clcvation drawing or a photograph clcarly indicatrttg tltc nrorroscd locatiort): S.r- Atl.a rL.l N4 N. o Matcnals arrd colors of sign (attach sarrrplcs): FEE: $20 00. PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA. lighting For Officc Usc Only: Fee Paid: Application Datc; > LU LUo6 t.IV\lN \\ N \ \ \ FLL @ct) sd: $ Orr) cf) cr) ct) o- oo \< Og ao LU k ?s r-r.r tOF€3O -t U) *= O 'rr(/'Ofr{Ex6Y acfi oorn lJ.lY(/)L2< -EN= =sI6r- X LU Io LU =LU r- l-irr A XR {=:U dR\ 6,51pwFtl frz -<O ==<ni'fi5xq friln3x= 8R9 w* I llfifrer urdeaEhd lfiat rnrnor modif'(Euons rhay he nrade to Erc Fhns owr Ure couire of U1e t?vbwlltClts lo orr€r*' ---rPlEc$ b e/ftF coriplta,)LEwi \/ -/ _ ttlt ure Town! spprlte4bb codca ud reguhuort. tlUe[)aof.(DET_.---.--.[5Ena Fn* ! To: Y'ri-?r.s: lagr 2 of d4)aegt1|! 029-i 100/t00'd 699-r 00000000/6 1310H d'lvil3llil0s-t!0rl [H]f:80 9002-80-11 March 11. 2005 Mr. Johannes Faessler Sonnenalp Properties, 20 Vail Road Vail. CO 81657 Dear Mr. Faessler, While conducting lhe planning inspeclion for the new Marble Slab Creamery location on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, one minor detail came to my attention which should be resolved as part of the Marble Slab design review approval process. Several of the wall-mounted light fixlures on the north elevation of the Marble Slab storefront are broken and in need of repair. There is no need to submit an application for such repair unless the fixtures are changing in some manner. However, because Staffs attention to the fagades of structures is very much a part of our design review responsibilities, this was an item that could not be ignored. Rather than withhold their certificate of occupancy, I thought it best to address you directly. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. I will stop by the store again before April 15h. Meanwhile, please feel free to call me with any questions or concerns. %*, Inc. Re: Best regards,/ ,..'-kti:v Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 0a--( O't\('.o^-t{ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 3tE 5€-" 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMFS ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0047 Job Address: 242 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.....: Z4?EMeadLow Drive Austria Haus Applied . . : 0511212003 Parcel No...: 210108225001 Issued. . : 1210312003 Project No : -PRSo 3-QOG ) Expires . .: 02lMl2M CoNTRACTOR PREMIER ETJECTRTC CO., INC. 05/L2/2003 Phone. 970-328-9377 P. O. BOX 1418 GYPSUM, CO 695 I.II{DBERGH DR. EAST GYPSITM. CO 8t637 l,icense: 149-E APPLICATII PREMTER ETJECTRIC CO., INC. 05/!2/2OO3 Phone: 970-328-9377 P. O. BOX 1418 GYPSI]M, CO 695 I,INDBERGH DR. EAST GYPSTTM, CO 8t537 L,icense: 149-E owNER AUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROUP LtP O5/L2/2OO3 Phone: 18 WHALESHIP PLAZA SAI.I FRLITCISCO CA 94111 License: Desciption: INSTALL AIR COND. SYSTEM Valuation: $2.500.00 )re--z{i^- tt-,-,--^ Elecnical------ > DRB Fee--:--- > Investigation-- > Will Catl--------- > TOTAL FEES-- > ss4.00 90. 00 s0. 00 $3.00 s57.00 FEE SIJMMARY Toal Calculated Fees-> 557.00 Additional F€es----> $0. oo Total P€rmit Fee----> 55?.00 Paynents---------- > BALANCE DUE-_-.-- > $s?.00 90. 00 Approvals: Item: 05000 EI'ECTRICAIJ DBPARl'ldBliIT os/L2/20o3 DF Action: AP lls*--9-?f-19--IT-1'--**:m*X*********"**{.ti.,}d.:t.*+***x.**'|'i**:t't|t++,.'**'|r***t|l*| CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 .!".13*n;J.;..1TII*-.lTf."t*9lI.oJ:.**.fgY*l*'t?-f..9]F.,,r","T.J.?*.."..,o-?.1..9.?y-?*I*i,."*";......+:,.:r+,i'.:!**++:***'r,,,.**'*+:r.+ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI APPLIGATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF I!{COIIPLETE OR. Project#: Buildittg Electricaf P€rmit *, - ( e7M7e-zt4e (tnlPGcrq|sltr F4uc,\ 73 S. F'rcntege Rd. Vaif, Cdorado 81657 @ilPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW B(,Ir^Ds ild VALUATIOIIS FORALL oTHERS (l'tDor & Matetiels) AMC{'NTOF SQ FT IN STRTJCTURE: ?ttt*zt*dtbt fuPrtd#LwrrcOlfiltr et **'*' 7 *. *,',. No*Job rddress:)4l E. /vl."Lr 0r. \/ n,l x,r"s' teg.l@ott | ltc Blodr:liling: I rr. $rbdhridon: !,1'JA{, Owners Name:ll uSf ,; e.ilusTEfrsstl{ l^r1".,. EngirEer: S+aletr)oyI Address:ML Phone: Or-.lO- ,lO < ocuirca*ry*'*.!. (Il.i Wtd.XU:+"^ flt" rW , Workchss: NetY() Addition( ) RenFdel( )R{peir( ) T€rie Pourer( ) ou,.'ql, "s[llVK Worf fype: Interior fi) Exarlor ( ) BoUt ( ) @ ) Mdd-turily( ) conmerdatffi Redaunnt( ) of€r( ) # No. of E<i$irrg Dlellirg UntE in tiis builtling:tto. of ncofinrpds$on uniB in tfib building: *ir*****r*rt**********..****i*.t**llla*iFOR OFFICE USE OIILY*******'***r**l*********t**tttrrt*'t** F;/sr/an onc/fortn{deca.rm Design Review Board ACTION FORJII Depafirrent of Community Development 75 Souh Frcntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 far:. 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Projectilame: SONNENALPCHANGE DRBNumber: DR8050245 Proiect Description: RNAL APPROVAL TO CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS-MINOR REVISIONS TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED DOCUMENTS OF SONNENALP ADDMON Pafticipants: owNER SONNENALP PROPERTIES INC 06/08/2005 20 VAIL RD VA]L CO 81657 APPUCANT RESORT DESIGN 06/08/2005 Phone: 303-4494433 1434 SPRUCE STREET,, STE 110 BOULDER co 80302 Ucenser C000001525 Prciect Addrcss: 20 VAIL RD VAIL Location: SONNENALP Legal Description: lot: L Block 5E Subdivislon: VAIL VILIIGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 2101{82-0400-1 Comments: PER GEORGE RUTHER BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Adion: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:06/08/2005 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review coinmittee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permlt for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and beconre void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: S2O.O0 Arltlltions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 97 0.479.2L29 fax: 970.479'2452 web: www.vailgov.com All pqects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Revie$/ cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmenbl Commission' Design review approval tapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the t1o(oll1one v@)rl I I t i frLocation of the Proposal:4., Physical Address: '/'O parcef No.: LlObft lC t (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:ba Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:4la,fY'> Mailing lddress; I E-mail Address: M vl 8 I { Fg3ff..lfP"|r. cn",rno., lbYb av (" -/f- o5- $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 Construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild' $300 An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls' etc. $20 Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board.NoFee pcOtso+11 P?dzoLTq Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition n Minor Alteration (MultFFamily/Commercial) E Minor Alteration (Single-Family/Duplex) \/I changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request ( Meeting Date: CeL q\^?5 - ras9 ,-t)Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of ornmunity Devdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2Lfi Jax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Prcject Name: AUSTRIA HAUS CHANGE DRB Number: DRB0,10297 Project Description: MODIRCATIONS TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ENCLOSURE FOR NEW AIR CONDMONING CONDENSERS, PIPING, AND CONDUIT ON TI.IE DOERIOR OF THE AUSTRIA HAUS Pafticipants: OWNER AUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROUP LLP 070212004 Phone: 18 WHALESHIP PI.AZA SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 License: APPUCANT MCBOYD BUILDERS INC 0710212004 Phone: 328-5789 PO Box 238 Eagle, Colorado 81531 License: 776-8 CONTRACTOR MCBOYD BUILDERS INC OlO42@4 Phone: 328-5789 PO Box 238 Eagle, C.olorado 81631 License: 776-8 ProiectAddr€sz 242 E MEADOW DRVAIL Location: 242 E Meadow Drive Austria Haus l-egal Decciption: loE C Blodc Subdivislon: VAILVILLAGE FIUNG 1 Parcd ]{umber: 210108225001 Comments: SeeCondiUons BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Margaret Rogers Action: APPROVED Second By: Joe Hanlon Vote: 4-0-0 Dateof Apprcval: 0810412004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approrral, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006591 The applicant shall paint the exposed poftions ofthe condenser units, not screened by the wood covering, to match the trim on the building and paint all electrical boxes associated with the condensers to match $e color of the wall upon which they are mounted. Planner: Waren Gmpbell DRB Fee Paid: S2O.0O DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA August 4,2OO4 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Joe Hanlon Bill Pierce Margaret Garvey Rogers Diana Mathias SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT Scott Proper 2:00 pm 1. Austria Haus-242 East Meadow Drive2. Cogswell Residence - 1090 Vail View Drive3 Telemark Townhomes- 1090 Vail View Drive3. Town of Vail Public Works- 1289 Elkhorn Drive4. Grand Traverse Realty Trust- 1426 Moraine Drive5. Guerro Residence - 1 1 16 Sandstone Drive6. Cohen Residence- 133 Vail Road7. Wester Residence - 4301 Columbine Drive9. Gore Valley Restaurant Association - 400 East Meadow Drive10. Chernow Residence-4822 Meadow Lane 1 1. Hubbard/Schmid Residence - 2683 Cortina Lane12. VailMountain Lodge-352 East Meadow Drive13. The Englishman Fine Arts and Antiques- 143 East Meadow Drive14. Bailey Residence-4257 Nugget Lane Driver: George PUBLIC HEARING. TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Gore Valley Restaurant Association, Inc. DRB04-0338 Final review of a minor exterior alteration 400 East Meadow Drive, Unit g/Lot 5D, Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicanl: Tyrolean Chalet, LLC, represented by Suman Architect Planning Group, LLC ACTION: Tabled to August 18,2004 MOTION: Rogers SECOND:Mathias VOTE:4-G0 2. Middle Creek Village DRB02-0060 Conceptual review of minor exterior alterations 129 North Frontage Road/Middle Creek Village Applicant: Coughlin & Company, Inc., represented by Odell Architects, P.C. ACTION: Conceptual - No vote 3:00 pm Matt Matt 3. HubbardiSchmid Residence DRB04-0330 Bill Conceptual review of new conslruclion 2683 Cortina Lane/Lot 7, Block A, Vail Ridge Applicant: Trent Hubbard / Stefan Schmid, represented by John G. Martin, Architect, LLC ACTION: Conceptual- No vote 4. Austria Haus DRB04-0297 Warren Final review of changes to approved plans 242East Meadow Drive/Tract B, Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Austria Haus, represented by Steve Boyd ACTION: Approved with condition(s) MOTION: Rogers SECOND: Hanlon VOTE:4-0-0 CONDITION: 1) The applicant shall paint the exposed portions of the condenser units to match the trim on the building and paint all electrical boxes associated with the condensers to match the color of the wall upon which they are mounted. 5. Grand Traverse Realty Trust DRB04-0315 Clare Final review of a minor alteration 1426 Moraine Drive/Lot 13, Dauphinais-Moseley Filing 1 Applicanl: Thomas Headley ACTION: Approved wath conditaon(s) MOTION: Rogers SECOND: Hanlon VOTE: tt-$'O CONDITION: 1) The applicant shall replace the lour cottonwood trees with twenty-four 5 gallon bushes to be staggered on the exterior ol the fence at the time the cottonwood trees are removed. 6. Lionshead Amoco DRB04-0015 Clare Final review of a freestanding sign 934 S. Frontage Road/unplatted Applicant: George Brodin, represented by Dominic Mauriello, Mauriello Planning Group, LLC ACTION: Approved MOTION: Rogers SECOND: Hanlon VOTE:4-0-0 7. Hallenbeck Residence DRB04-0334 Clare Final review of a minor alteralion 4575 Streamside Circle EasVLot 19A, Bighorn 4tn addition Applicant: Drew McCamron ACTION: Approved MOTION: Rogers SECOND: Hanlon VOTE:4-0-0 8. Cogswell Residence DRB04-0308 Elisabeth Final review of a minor alteration 1 090 Vail View Drive, Unit 14llot B-1 , Block B, Lions Ridge Filing 1 Applicant: John Cogswell ACTION: Tabled to August 18, 2004 MOTION: Rogers SECOND: Mathias VOTE:4-0-0 L Telemark Townhomes DRB04-0278 Elisabeth Final review of a minor alteration 1090 Vail View Drive and 1083 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot B-1, Block B, Lions Ridge Filing 'l Applicant: Telemark Townhome Association AGTION: Tabled to August 18,2004 MOTION: Rogers SECOND: Hanlon VOTE:4-0-0 10. Town of Vail Public Works Sand Storage Bin DRB04-0317 Elisabeth Conceptual review of new construction 1 289 Elkhorn Drive/unplaned Applicanl: Town of Vail ACTION: Gonceptual- No vote 11. Guerrero Residence DRB04-0314 Warren Final review of a residenlial addition 1 1 1 6 Sandstone Drive, Unit 301/Lot A5-1 , Lions Ridge Filing 1 Applicant: Mario and Pat Guerrero, represented by Peel Langenwalter Architecls ACTION: Approved with condition(s) MOTION: Rogers SECOND: Hanlon VOTE:4-0-0 CONDITIONS: 1) The applicant shall revise the elevations to have the proposed windows and finished materials match those existing on the building. 2) The applicant shall remove all non-conforming flood lights located on the Lions Mane structure and replace them with a conforming light fixture to be submitted to staff for review and approval prior to submitting for a building permit. 12. Cohen Residence DRB04-0313 Elisabeth Final review of a minor alteration 133 Vail Road/Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicanl: David M. Cohen, represented by Peel Langenwalter Architects ACTION: Approved MOTION: Rogers SECOND: Hanlon VOTE:4-0-0 13. Wester Residence DRB04-0312 Elisabeth Final review of a minor alteration 4301 Columbine Drive, Unit D/Lots D & E, Village on Bighorn Creek Applicant: Paul Wester, represented by Woods of Olde Millworks ACTION: Tabled to August 18,2OO4 MOTION: Rogers SECOND: Hanlon VOTE:4-0-0 14. Chernow Residence DRB04-0326 Elisabeth Final review of a minor alteration 4822 Meadow Lane/Lot 9, Block 7, Bighorn Subdivision 5'n Addition Applicant: Elizabeth A. Chernow, represented by Pappas Friesen Architecture ACTION: Approved with condition(s) MOTION: Rogers SECOND: Hanlon VOTE:4-0-0 CONDITION: 1) The applicant shall repaint and repair the garage door and trim on the east and north elevations prior to requesting a Final Gertificate of Occupancy form the Planning Department. 15. The Englishman Fine Arts and Antiques DRB04-0335 Elisabeth Final review of a sign 143 E. Meadow Drive, Unit 205/Lol8, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Annette Phan ACTION: Approved MOTION: Rogers SECOND: Hanlon VOTE:4-0-0 16. Bailey Residence DRB04-0262 Elisabeth Conceptual review of a residential addition 4257 Nugget Lane/Lot 1 , Bighorn Estates a resubdivision of Lots 10 & 11 Bighorn Estates Applicant: Jim Bailey, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects ACTION: Conceptual - No vote 17. Timberfalls Swimming Pool House DRB04-0245 Elisabeth Final review of a minor alteration 4500 Timberfalls CourUTimberfalls, Phase 9, unplatted Applicant: Karl Edgerton ACTION: Tabled to August 18, 2004 Slafi Aoprovals VailResorts,Inc. DRB04-0331 Matt Final review of minor alteration of a maintenance buibing 923 S. Frontage Road/Tract B/Unplatted Applicant: Vail Resorts, Inc. represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Venners Residence DRB04-0346 Bill Change to approved plans 4196 Columbine Drive/Lot 20-6, Bighorn Subdivision, Resub. of Lot 20 Applicant: Ted and Laury Venners, represented by Hill Construction, Inc. Richmond Residence DRB04-0339 Bill Change to approved plans 1090 Vail View Drive, Unit 3/Lot B-1, Block B, Lions Ridge Filing 1 Applicant: Eagle County lmages Hintz Residence DRB04-0307 Warren Final review of changes to approved plans 3130 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 'l 0, Block 3, Vail Village Filing 1 1 Applicant: Mr. B. Jurgen Hintz Town of Vail Garage Doors DRB04-0318 Joe Final review of a minor alteration 1 289 Elkhorn Drive/Unplatted Applicant: Town ol Vail Aspen Grove Townhomes DRB04-0316 George Final review of a minor alteration 1480 Aspen Grove Lane/Aspen Grove Townhomes, a resubdivision of Lot 2, Second amendment to Ridge at Vail Applicant: Aspen Grove Townhomes Association Navas Residence DRB04-0322 Clare Final review of a minor alteration 2610 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 32, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 1 3 Applicant: Sybill Navas Reimers Residence DRB04-0333 Clare Final review of a minor alteration 3090 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 8, Block 3A/ail Village Filing 11 Applicant: Arthur Reimers Kneupfer Residence DRB04-0349 Clare Final review of changes to approved plans 748A Potato Patch/Lot 7, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch Filing 2 Applicant: Graham Reid Construction, Inc. Guffrie Residence DRB04-000360 Joe Final review of changes to approved plans 433 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 7, VailTrails East Applicant: Visions West Construction represented by Ray Boucher Jarchow Residence DRB04-0274 Joe Final review of a minor alteration 1760 Siena Trail, Unit D/Lot 23, Sierra Condos Applicanl: Ben Stewart & Kari Jarchow Kreiselmeier Residence DRB04-0362 Joe Final review of a minor alteralion 2686 Davos Trail/Lot 5, Block C, Vail Ridge Applicant: Konrad Kreiselmeier Goetz Residence DRB04-0337 Clare Final review of a minor alteration 1853 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot 3, Block 3, Lions Ridge Subdivision Applicant: Raymond H. Goetz Slifer Smilh & Frampton Sign DRBO4-ffia4 Elisabeth Final review of a sign 531 E. Lionshead Mall/Lot 1, Block 1,Vail-Lionshead Filing 1 Applicant: Cara Walker of Slifer Smilh & Frampton The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Fronlage Road. Please call 479-2'138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone lor the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All p@ects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Deparfnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. ilLJ,Az-th>^, t 4a.,.fr'"aAans L Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Physical Address:Z'/Z E //.t/.*, De,vt- Parcef No.: 2 | al aOZZS oot (contact Eagle Co. tusessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:LtqreeoZl RECEIVED ,- {J ! i.,., B:B? Description of the Request: Name(s) of Owner(s):A^-lrr'^ y'lau. a/o l*,rrn Utrrz'^r Mailing Address:24L E. lti\rr.Jo.^, b a g/a.'\. co Rtbs+ Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: MairinsAddress: 2O. 6ox 238 Eat/o. Co tl93l '?fu 32* - at77 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review ! New Conshuction tr Addition Cl Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) R Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request 2l*c-f Page 1of I2l04l28l% $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ffi IOil4VOTI/AILW MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SU BMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvemenE. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls, I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS{.* Q All pages of Application is completeQ Checklist is completed and signedQ Stamped Topographic Survey*, if applicableB Site and Grading Plan*, if applicableE Landscape Plan*, if applicable O Architectunl Elevations*, if applicableE Exterior color and material samples and specifications. E Architectural Floor Plans*, if applicabletr Ughting Plan* antl Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable--- tr Title report, including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easementsx\El Photos of the existing site and adjacent Sructures, where applicable,E Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicabletr Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* O The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, smples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (i) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes. the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a tide repoft, and written approval ftom a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable, I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signaturq Date Signed 2eoa tls 4 *!t*{.'}*'}*}tr:tt*'t*t't't***'t't**f 't'}'}*t,t*'a***t 'tt ***'t'tr*'}***{r*****t 't***'tl.,l*lt'i******{.{.*'l,l'l't****{r****,1'}** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * !i,l:f * 'i rt ** ***** +'l:* ** * 'tr' * * ***'lt* l t'l't'l * t'l t'i'l *'f * * ** ll l.:l*'t * {.'lt,f * * {r'}*** +*{r {. ** l:t'}** ****'1. * '1. * {. * **1.'} | l' {. statement Number: R040006143 Arnount: $20.00 01 /02/2OO4L1 :30 Atrl Payment Method: Check Init: iIS NoEation: #1013/MCBOYD COIitS TRUCT I ON SOIJTITIONS Permit No: DR8040297 q4)e: DRB-Chg to Appr P1ans Parcel No: 2101.08225 001. Site Address: 242 E MEADOTY DR \TAIIJ Lrocation: 242 E Meadow Drive AusEria Haua ToEal FeeE: $20.00 This Palment: $20.00 Total ALLr Pnts: $20.00 Balance: $0. oo ****t ******rt'i***t'3*t****a***itl't*!t*t** * t**'t*,t*'it{r**'t*+'l****'}:l{.** *l * f 'l**'l'}**t**** ll"f * l.** ***** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmbs DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 {r ds.r\s{ {t de,x\ td ( Porer Supply (al nrod€b)..-.-...........11 Sfl ,60 ltLd" -Fus€ Size (a[ nodeb)............. 1 S Amp6lrh. Ampady...(09) 0.S; (12-15) 0.6; (tz) d.z Weight (lbc).......MSF|09=20; freHtZ-tZ! St Outdoor Unit: Pounr Suppfy (V/ pH I lZ) ....... retA n t fiilax. Fuse Size.................................90 ArpeMin-Ampadty.... .....25Ane6 I3H00?wreHl2Tll xsHl5Ttrl ISHrTTl{ Refrigerant Piping: Max. Ht Dlfrrence......._........................8 Ft Mar Totd Lengdr - lelft€t/dem.......197 Ft Long€st Siirgle Run ...............................90 Ft Standard Feafurcs: . llandpld wHcss rolnob dtbdl,. One year pat waEUrty. Arbrra0c fan speed oonfol. Arto r€Srt fuiowlns a pouer o|jtage. lh stafl sldem pret efib cold at sfart of heatng . Adwnc€d Micrcgocesor conrob Wegn (ped<age) . Unit shiF€d nily dtarg€d b ernir€. &yea cocpressor yanarty . chdqopemlin . Aub sfia,UAub sbp. Self fu<function. IMVERTER cdnpr€ssor il f,od.l A-------T- cngfrrw 3+il?--rqiFiF--7iFffimsxrzn g+ti,re re-qtu 7-1t? Sl[b6.ffi - Inches u |oTil il)GZ3OTN todel Configurations o (2)MSH(xrTw D (r) usHogTW + (t) ilsHtzril D (1) MSH09TW + (1) itsHlsrN o (1) Msf{@rw + (t) MsHl7T}l D (2)MSH12IN n 6)MSH0ffW O (2) MSlOgnr, + (t) MSH'2TN I${oetw IAH|ZTf, re}tlsTX t8H17T1f SSO l|)e 0Z&3 Ot'brtui Er6crb206 .: , '---' l 'v' "vt' .....1SArnps 0.6; (Ir)0.7 H12-17=31 &.zfit1tff/ ....30Amps ....25Amps ....193 Lbs. ......1 [ons tsH00Tw msHr2Tr{ MSH1sTN t|SHl77trl .lx 14 g.Cc. C,,.*-n- l*tO For..t@u"- rrlrr{ Eg ller lt,- F?o .| hi^"+ t-$.LD^r1.* ' l' *t ]UD(ZIOTN MSHO9TW MSt{tzTN fffsHlsTN tfsHrTTN I Yp;rytrir*lrl' F"^'rl 6trK *cim _l5'3,;-.f A*a. APPRO\GDgY VAR. W:Era rytslch P4ztr'falr s$il? tut Usxrrru% arj { $ s 0[ \ s { \ sS $,l fvt.|t sp -P4 ti # , ,s IJq,l?fu ( --#D tr' &s ;r. .$t h.r-| f- trl+ctr 9ad.- woel. t-"'u '-| +. rO*lcl. S[.v.c.c4 APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL DESlotr! REVTEW BOARD DArt- v p[-f, j.r,;,1i"- l:: 6-Y 6"f il "l 'Ce'rn'"^i<-e" R-$ [,i {: Ltr \\l t/?,,$F#*-_F - - {o au*, P,10 . !^+4 fxl:s{v'5 ?ri*tt +b 8- Ll-?'{ vJC- ' S"Cg,+ 9-{*r L/ul fuucnt'>+ /"'f i TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: ?42EMEADOW DRVAIL Location.....: 242 E Meadow Drive Austria Haus ParcelNo...: 210108225001 ProjectNo : .-pmd}OOG f OWNER AUSTRIA HAUS DSU GROUP LI.JP O6/LO/2003 18 WHAIJESHIP PI.'AZA SAI{ FRANCISCO CA 94tLL License: DEPARTMENT OF COMMLINIry DEVELOPMEN'I NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: Status. . . Applied. . Issued . Expires . Phone: E03-0078 Eoj-oo t( ? : ISSUED: 06/1012003: 06/1112003: 12/08/2003 i^o5-oot.2 CoNTRACTOR PREMTER ELECTRTC CO., rNC. O5/LO/2003 phone: 970-328-9377 P. O. BOX 1418 GYPSUM, CO 695 LIIIDBERGI{ DR. EAST GYPSUM, CO AL637 I-,icense: L49-E APPI,ICAI{E PREMIER EIJECTRIC CO., INC. 05/LO/2OO3 PhONC: 970-32A-9377 P. O. BOX 1418 GYPSUM, CO 695 IJINDBERGH DR. EASIT GYPSW, CO 8r_537 License: 149-E Desciption: Valuation: CONNECT POWER FOR HOTEL $2.500.00 Elecf.icel--> DRB Fee-----> Investigation--> W ll Call---> TOTAL FEES-> $54 .00 $0.00 $0.00 93.00 9s7.00 957 - 00 $0. 00 $s7. 00 s57.00 s0.00 FEE SUMMARY I'ltr'|ar*t+it:tr*r**'.tt'l****1*:r*r*ar+at+at*ltr*tr*.r.....rr*'t..r Total Calculsled F€es-> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee----> Pa)'rnents--------> BALANCE DUE--_.-> t'l+:l | 'l li l' *+'t't ***a | *a,l *l,l rt Approvals:Item: 05000 EIJECTRICAIJ DEPARTI{ENI o6/Lo/2oo3 DF Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIII CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 -l?.T.*";].;..11*t3-,1:-:."::lt".f-.T:.-T:-"::,t:..T,.:-T..:-:-ff:..:,o:..:,.,,":y.".::T.":;-.,.-......,r,,,,,,,,,,..:,*,,..*,,.+ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with tlre information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build tris sructure accoding to fte towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approve4 Unifornr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FIOUR HOI.'P.S IN AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OffiCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATT'RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNET APPIJGATION WUl. ITOT EE AGCEPTEOIF IIICO}IPI"EIE OR U Prujsct *: Building Pcrmit#: Elcd@l Pennlt *: 97H79'2!t9 OnrPrctms) nmtr 73 S. tr'rolt ge Bd. Va!f, Cohado 81657 @tlPtETE SQ. FEET FOR t{EW Bul[DS and V IUATIOI|S FOR ALL OTHERS (ltDor & ]letErials) AMOUNTOF SQ Fr IN SrRUc:rURE: lLswcsrx@/llcat qvffit@rract ws {', i No* WorkChss: New() nddiuon( ) Rcrrpdd( )ffi: Yes() No()WodrTypq ltttetbt C0 bccrior ( ) Bath ( ) Tl4ed6l<tg: 5a'gFrmily(TD,rpts"( ) t'{u6'tlatttityi ) Csrtme'cbl 00 RstBur'nt( ) OUwr( I tto. ot nmonunoCsdon UnlE in rhb building:lle of ntUUtg Dureling Unlts in tnis building: G;--;ffi-nner sysun -e:d* Ycs .No( ) *r*r*.1-***r*******************if trit***rFOR OffICE USE Oilt r,/ercnrondlbn{chcPcrm TOWN OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNIry DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0057 Job Address: 242 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSIIED Location.....: Z42EMeadow Drive Austria Haus Applied . . : 05/20/2003 Parcel No...: 210108225001 Issued . . : 06/06D003 ProjectNo: Expires..: 12/03/2003 owNER AUSTRTA HAUS DEV GROUP LrJp 05/20/2003 phone: ]-8 WTIAIJESIilP PLAZA SAN FRANCISCO CA 941-Lt License: CoNTRACTOR R.K. MECHATTICAIJ, INC. Os/20/2003 Phone: 303-355-9595 93OO SMITH ROAD DENVER, CO 80207 I-,icense : 7-62 -Vl APPLTCAIIT R.K. MECHANICAIJ, INC. 05/20/2003 Phone: 303-355-9695 93OO SMITII ROAD DEIIVER, EO 4o207 I-,icense: 162-M Desciption: AC condensers for hotel rooms Valuation: $12,000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellec 0 *.l'|tt,itt*|'l*.,l*t't||..,|'l|**t*|'t*|'.***tt|+i**t+|ii|l|i+xl't|+||*|.l| Mechanical-> $240. o0 R€stuarant Plan Review-> S0.00 Totsl Calculated Fe€s--> $303 . oo Plan Check---> $60 . o0 DRB F€e-----------> $o .00 Additional Fees----> S5s. 00 Investigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES------> 9303.00 TotalPermit Fe€--> 9358.00 Will Call----> $3 . 00 Paymens-> 53 s8 . 00 BALANCE DUE-----> $o. oo |*i|+t+|||*t+*|*|+|**ttltt|t+llt|+tt+ttt|+l*+tltll|t|,tt|'|.l+'}:t|l|i*Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARI'Ir{Elflf 06/04/2003 ccD Action: AP Item: 05600 FIR-E DEPARTMEIflI CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAT'ICE. Cond: CON0005888 (BL,DG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO I{A}IUFACTURES INSIRUCTTONS AND TO CHAPTER 11 OF THE 1997 I'MC, CTIAPTER 11 OF TTIE 1.997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITII CHAPTER 3 zuiID SEC.10L7 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC ATTD CTIAPTER 3 OP TITE 1997 IMC. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PIJAI{S AND CODE A}TAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECIIAIiECAIT ROOMS CONTAINTNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOIIJERS SHAITL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FL,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR :'*::''-'o.:-'T.:--.;:.:j--T*'..'-.:]-1--.1Tj;-.-.-|:}t.+|||'t|.|+l'.*t+|:||:}li|*ti|ii|*|t|tt+|**'*.t*.*t*!|t..+t*tt'':t+.i+| DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe T REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR HOURS IN T 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNA OR CONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF TNCOMPLETE OR UNSrG!E9.., Froiect #a - --fso s coGl Building Permit #:_ uecnanical Permit t: -!FZ=R rs(-P 970-479-2t49 Permit will not be accepted without the following: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 329- 75, Mechanical Contractor: t<K l^At"l.^.tl..r rcA r, Town of Vail Reg. No.: r GZ-lv\ Contact and Phone #'s: 4.atfdrtraar q1l- \03-1 E-Mail Address: contractor t*"t€A]a\JO G. e _.^-- COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials 07r26D002 Contact Assessorc Ofllce at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parel # Parcel#2-t z JobAddress: 21, e yt{.d0,^l Du,'drob Namer Au*",+ (At Subdivision: r.lnr L r.J t Phone: 11o - +1:l - tF f i *. .- IUzu dtd WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration() Repair( ) Other( \' '--f-0 U nrtt' Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( ) Typ€ of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MulU-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBu Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wmd/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) lithr! a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) \Wail\daa\cdevVORM S\PERMITS\N,IECHPERM. DoC tlIo Ld Submitted To:For: El Reference E Construction Job Name: f,urchasen lndoor Unit: ?ower Supplf (all models) ..........,,,... 1 1 5/1 /60 Vax. Fuse Size (all models) ,............15 Amps Vin. Ampacrty...(09) 0,5; (12-15) 0.6; (17) 0.7 Weight (lbs).......MSH09 = 20; MSH12-17 = 31 Outdoor Unit: . Power Supply (V, PH, HZ) .....7OAn30 I 1l 60 .Max- Fuse Size......,..................-.......30 Amps Min. Ampacity..................'....,.............25 Amps ,.weight (package),...,,.,.....,.............-..1 93 Lbs. MSHOgTW MSH12TN wrsHl5TN MSHtTTN ilqts/a Dimensions - Inches 4) r/.i.t,/1 Refrigerant Piping: il .l_, * 3/a ii1ax. Ht Difierence...............I1.............g3Tt. c) Max. Total Length - Multi-System ....,..;197 Ft. Longest SinglE Run,........,..,..................80 Ft. Standard Features: . 'Handheld wireless remote conttoller ' One yeari parts wananty ., Autornatic fan soeed control ' Auto restart following a power outage. Hot start system prevents cold at start of heating ' ' Advanced Microprocessor controls - Unit shipped fully chargeC for entire . 6-year compressor wananty , Quiet ooerirtion . Auio siaruAuio stop . Self chpck functon. tNvtK I tsK CornDressor M)(Z3QTN,Model Confi gurations c (2) MSH09rW . . tr (1)Mst{ogrw + (1) MSH1ZrN tr (1)MSHog]w + (1)MSN15TN tr 11) MSHogrw + (1) MSH1TTN tr (2) MSH12TN tr (3) MSHOgTW E (2) MSHoeTw + (1) lvSHl2TN 35-7/'t6' l-35.7n6"--------1 MXZ3OTN o-.-l MSH09TW MSHl2TN MSH1sTN MSH.lTTN SSD N,IXZ3OTN 1106/01 SM OMits'rDkhi :lcctdc zooi ]ZNVE N ]OtlV]8lt06'0N '0Nl tN llllrSN0l rlvf9:6 e00z w>( /\r{> Uco"*-a I Bid Packaoes zt?Z I -r) fzlw NRG Preconstruction 2003 Project # 2000 Tet:970949-1195 Fac 970 949-6159 ackage Scooe of Work: (tr'4,*c# NRG would like RK Mechanical to provide pricing and a scope ol work to NRG by APril 4th, 2003 for the following scope of work and format. Work is tsnticipated lo stad on May 11 , 2003 and will need to be completed by May 23rd, 2003. We are anticrpating a prebid walKhrough on Weo. April Znd at 1oam.,-\ A I ,.".'r,o J.*"n,."F rt lt-.' fl"'L.t*A Stage A: Provide and instatt Oty (1) MitsubiEhi m?30TN ouidoor unit rnd Oty (3) MitsubiBhl MSHo9TW indoor units. Each indoor unit will requiie a manufacturer supplied remote corirolwall mounting kit. The indoor unfts will serve rooms 217, 317 I 4t 5. The condenser will need a tag with O€ room numbers it serves. Run lhc refrigecnt PiPing uP the cxtetiort- wall Th€ condensat! drains at this time will be routsd do n the extetior Potion of thc waI back to the "-*"\ Con*/ indoor units will sarve rooms 411 & 412. The 12 unit witl serue room 410. The condenser will need a tag with the room numbeB il seoes. Rooms41Oand41f hav€ \Eulted ceilings thus roule the piping in411, itdo void srea then poP above lhe fireplace. For 4'1 O, run in through void into 4't | , then above arched opening on sitting sidc (up high) lhen Pop into void next to 410. The condenBatr dralns for these 3 rooms will nqrd to be touted to the tailPiece of lhe resPeclive. bathroom. Add Alternate #1 Mechanical: ,Stage.C: .Depending on final budget of the owner they may pursue the installation of Stage C this May. Provide 8nd install Qty (liMitsubishi MUM1SNW outdoor unit and Qty (2) MS@l'tW indoor units for rooms 413 & 414. Please note that this unit witl require (2) low smbient kits, one for each compressor to allord lor operation in the wir{el. Low amtrienl kits are not'; tequited for the abo\€ M)?. units. Each indoor unit will require a manuhcturer suPPlied remote control wall mounting kit. The condenser will need a tag wlth the room numbers it serves. The condeflEale drains for these 2 rooms will need to be de and install Qty (1) Mltsubishi MIZ3OTN otrtdoor unit and Qty (2) Mitsubishi MSHo9TW and Oty (t ) H l zTW indoor uniE. Each indoor unlt will require ! manufacturer supPlied remote control wall mounting kit. 5{"J*F tl A*"+-'r:Lt \{.{foo$t"s_,t,-L' nnt lnclusions #ft;irilf#r"i{iiililii}#'efi'Frjls$,ii;ililiti$:t$ifli{*.fr$i;jfrtr,-$?+$tiijijif.l|iT,ii 001 Full HVAC Package 002 HVAC Concretc core or drill and hoisting Protog Manager Prinled on: 328,2003 NRG_NRGDesignBuild Page 1 Subrnitted Bv:Date: turchason =norneen Submltted To:For: B Referenoe ElApproval BOonstruclion Indoor Unft: Power Supply (all models) ..........,...,,'l 15/1i60 Vax. Fuse Size (all models) .............15 Amps Vin. Ampacity...(09) 0.5; (i2-15) 0.6; (17) 0.7 Weight (lbs) .......MSH09 = 20; MSH1?17 = 31 Outdoor Unit: Pou,er Supply M PH. HZ) .,....206230/ 1/ 60 Max" Fuse S12e..,.,.............,,.............30 Anps Min. Ampacity........,...........................25 Amps Welght (package),,,.,,.. ,...,.... .., ....,.193 Lb6. tilsH09TW MSH12TN MSH1sTN MSHlTTN Dlmensions - Inches Refriserant Ptpins: ta'fl.J?" Max. Ht. Dl{lerencE........ ......i1.......1.....g's'Fr. {, I c)t3/8 Max. Total Length - Multl€ystem ...,,..t97 Ft. Longest Single Run ............,...........,......80 Ft. Standard Features: . Handheld wireloss remote controller. One year parts warranty . Automatic fan speed control . Aulo restad following a power outage. Hot start system.prevents cold at start of heaUng . ' Advanced M icroprocessor controls- Unit shipped fulty sharged for entre. 6-year compressor warranty, Quiet operaton . Auto shruAuto stop. Sell cheok function. INVERTER comgrcssor MXZ30TN Model Configurations tr (2) MSHogrW tr (1) MSHogTw + (1) MSH1ZTN E (1)MSHo9TW + (t) MSHI5TN tr (1) MSHo9I^/ + (1) MSH1TTN tr (2) MSH12TN tr (3) MsHoeTW tr (2) MSHo9TW + (1) MsHl2Tr\ l-35_766"--i MXZ3(,TN MSHOgTW MSHlzTN MSHI STN MSr-tl7TN SSD MXAOTN 1106/01 SM OMitsulishi El.ct.ic 2mi t1 /r66'0N '9N1 9N IltrlSN0C IZNV0 N l0nVl8 It{vtg:6 0002'91'ret4 I0l,VNm Project Name: Austria House Air Conditioning Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB030087 AC condensers for hotel rooms on the fourth floor labeled "8" and "C" in o<hibit A. Participants: OWNER AUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROUP LLP 04/03i2003 Phone: 18 WHALESHIP PLAZA SAN FMNCISCO CA 94111 License: APPUCANT NRG Design Build Inc. C4'10312003 Phone: 949-1195 POB 9650 Avon, CO Shb@bgce.com 81620 License: Location:Project Address: 242 E MEADOW.DR VAIL 242 E Meadow Drive Austria Haus Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 210108225001 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions; Bill Pierce Margaret Rogers 4-0 Action] APPROVED Date of Approval: O5l 07 12003 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vall Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005832 That this approval is granted only to those air conditioning condensers labeled "8" and "C" on o<hibit A and must be screened with the submitted louvered box stained to match the siding color. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO 343-44e-3e66 @g/@?/@e LZz @2P P .@@7 ROOF .. ; UNIT 000R Y : BATTERED IIIALL,.BARRELI FASctA AND .RtTuRN To I ALt C0PPER CoVERE0 I I Ir - .r/I " uol ,A'/ +,.hq:$-flslrffiWi\dP i nce ,^\ \ 6D ,q4[; l.{1"t t).ros}]"no* \*' ,/ rqtl t): n- nDV' \fl "tn( 1' fr,* --J}|r\ "uutr'fF + i\ -?" 5tr.- _-rh | | ) ---{' luNn #419 -f a /-t tnl To 1aH 5lDrNlfiueK OF VAIL EW BOARD -.n-o3""'^I t_ I I+ Irltl Avsttra \ltve R|cs.|fih|o|G'tD|b:- In$.dtbnAF.:Slbffirca: Acn,btqrfleo ecrruturruilcdil lbm: 300 tECH+lndR.{|rb|r Sr'rnBo|{-incCofli!f,Il: rl cd 3tB?:f7 15 nh,|r $d lhundry, Jdy2f, ADt z''E',€Afri{( DRVAil-2't28il.&DrluoAffi||H.ut SubI)P.: ^COlt Sr0E FAUED(f,c: ltpAtr: (lD Fftom: ilBi5$ffi Phom: ilO36&S PITASE GETOREO OR WARREN TOADIITEE lTE COiITRAC'TOROF .SLORES RlqlFrbdTlmc! oE:(PAil- Plur: 37S?i57 Enhildsr o€otDEN KAr.htrodTo: GOEiICIGr"co.,ffi#Hucrw- \t/\r\ lmradonH||bn hr 2(nhru 3tObor 315hn: &lO:ou gtobn: 3{,bm: 390 zFROVDE LETIE]R FffiTI hIBTALIER RE REFRFEMNT LNE TEST, FCOiRECTTT;€coiuJlTTomAttH coPFER c P IRI,CT YUOOD CCN,ER FOR I,,IIIT AID PAITIT TO ilATCH IUOOD,ilrTCfi CE|n Al0 conD.tT Oil PREVrX.E tttlT TO lrATCll W LL BE}|iDE Cofinanb; b,JL"^r/tu# fN J '^'Q d/"^,;: -i L,) l fl bnnt'u 7 / ^)5 /e 'fr 4 Aa Hod / '{' l/" | .Lt*. 'R<'0 -b <J'r>( o..,-{ lttl4E-geq - -A{m: g6ftoanecrnr.rREolmEo Or rrrr.,,-ft.FnqiloEhFlruATroN}}sTRrrcnoiB.v r - - 2.PROtmE LETTERFORUT'BIAI-ERRE ETHOERA|T tiE IEST. I tlPuilirrocorRREenoixt {iJt ttl.P Ir|T@hI)|JiTTOMATC|{COPPEROII' - \ 2.OOi!l'TRt CT IYCPD C,OVER FOR tfilT AliD PAI{T TO rAItH WO(D.3PAilr sawrcr{ GEAR r Fcors,rrsr PREr/lorrs usr ro mATcH}Aj. TY n+v .Y tArfo{-i-p5/ L66\ , ."W d S'/J 0] ,,r I w((\ ca^'v- l{n 37 $-7ss-' Fdl- , C.fr"/r-'4.ry' Id: tzOO Coilndt REETl31 Town of Vail Community Project # 50Oi Tel: 970949-1195 Fax: 970949-6159 NRG Design Build, Inc Tranfiitff Cover Sheet Transmittal Number Greg Denckla Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970 479-2138 Fax: 970 479-2452 Steve Boyd, Jr NRG Design Build, Inc 1 10 E. Beaver Creek Blvd Suite 202 POB 9650 Avon, CO 81620 Tel: 970 949-1195 Fax: 970 949-6159 ! Acknowledgement Required Information, As Requested Hand OO1 1.0 Drawings Installation Guidline In Pr€ress Austria Haus Installation Manuals. I will have the service start-up sheets tomorrow. Thanks Signature Signed Date Prolog Manager Printed on: 7n3n0B NRG_N RcDesignBuild Page 1 fr,/t"u &"rf '/-o+.o fr4'* ^o,rl,=o.{, ir-ri tr^,rrI]r|. MITSI BFHI ELECIffi 1. THE FOLLOWING SHOULD ALWAYS tsE OBSEBVED FOR SAFEW . Pl€Gi r€po i to y'xr r lupdy adhodty a r g bbir th€ir coo€sol b€fore conos'"-trB Els €qriFmcnl lc the porrsr 6|!9t sl'Etem . . BT 9re Io rcad .THE FOLLOI''ING g'{OI.,LD ALI,!.AYS BE OBSERT€D FOR SAFETr b€brs ilstaling tE skcoodlqrgr . 8! $r€ lo obeava tl€ cotriions opsdfaat h€a! aa tq hdudc furporbrf aFlng rglated b solgty.I Th9 indicrllon6 and meoninqs lrE 6s ldlq,{E wanHtltc Corld l€ad lo dealh. setous hil'rv. e'ic. cAt'Itot{ leocl lo sedous iniu ry h E\tdidlar gnvilon ments rlEn . Ats( rE?ding his manu.l !9 su.€ b k€ep l toqeh€r ltih th. OPERATSIG NSIFILICTIONS b a h.nd placc on lhe qll]|nC. rib. t mrsuBrs*'A,ELECTHC SPLIT-TYPE Al R COt',lDlTlONEFS hlod€ls MS1Z15/17TN Series MSH12/1sTN IFLAHE CONNECTION TYPE]llTln$Llffi INSTALLATION MANUAL cArJlloN I Grcuod lhs unlr C! nor conecl the grg$d !o ! gG S€. *abr pipg. lighriig cd o. telephon !rcuod Odcliw g{ouodho could causo an el€clic shodr. I Do nol inrb0 lh. uDit i[ r ]rllce vh{rg m inllammflbL 96€ l'enkl. lf gss leak end arcuollaie in $e area numdin! lhe uni l cottd ca-Be on dd€ic! I lB.toll a grqrnd leokdge b.elk€i depending on lhc intllll ion pLc. Ovhere lt il humid). ll a ! rc0nd l€atagp bres ke r ls rd hsldl€d, it qoul d ca!!4 an elsctlc tho.k t Pe.torm lhe dr.inngCpidng i'Jort s.cu.rt nc.oding to lhe firliallltiotl manual tt tt|€.e b r deleol h ttre d r.iE gE bi Fng t{o{t ' *lat€ r couH drEp llom he (nl and holJset|old qoods could bs v'st aod I'ANMI{G I Do nor inrl.ll th€ uiil by yoursc[ (cu$omea). h.onDlets installirtion codd calrs€ hiury dle b flo. electric shock lhe unil .hling or leakagc ol erl.r CoFstlt the dgller iom whorn !&|l puld|ased lh. urdt or special lrstder I lnrlalt t|. unit seqJrCY in o phce shic+r can b.a. dle veiEht ol lhe !nil" Vrh€n hstolled h an iEulfi.ienl slllng plc.lhs t il qodd bll c.6ho hiu': t Uae fte indoorroutdoor {nllcoattLcting Ytilg lh.t ncetr the Sttndlds lo conna€t tha indoor a|rd o{tdooa lJllit$ ond tir lha wire lo the larmltltl Uod(sccurct so th!t no€l$trlal fotce is conveyed to lhe cotlltacling se<rion ol thc lgrmitEl Uoak. hcorpl e aonnpct{tr or iriE ot the wag codd rasul h a lkl. I Do not !aa int{medi.ta connfttioB ot lha porvor cordorlhe cxlcnlion coNt nt|d do not coongct mony dgviaar lo one AC olllct. It codd ca us o lt€ or an el€clric shoEt d[r lo &bcttE aortalt da&ch€ i1gialioo. @€dngthe parfiissi$e crtFnl Cc. t Chact lhal lhe r.tlgp.ahl gos do nol ltal after Inatllhuon hai cooF uetecl I Perlonn the l0Btnlhtion eacurely reletrlng !o lhe insltllnton rnlnual. loconrl€t€ h$r{dbn ctrld caJse a perlo.tal irjury dua b lr8. el€tdc sllock. t|g unil blfE or hal€gB ol llabr I Pertoam elacrricsl trr* ncioding to the inctalLtion tllnual and bc lute lo ure an srcl sivg clrcuil f he capasity ol lhe prta.r.ircul b in$uliciorl o(thel! b ancotlFl€lt drcldcal ,|ofE I could rrsult In 6 i|9 or €n tLctrig ahocK t airrch the eleclricd corer to fF indoor unit ond lh. aeryice plnc to lha ootdoor unh Secu?9tY. l{ the €loctrlca I c!'v€r ln hs hd@r unit andbr h€ rervke parEl in the o ul(bor urit olt nol otbdl.d reqrCv. a could r9gull in. lrr or 8n gl.ctdc shock due b clrst $'atea 9tc. I Be EUre to uEedF poitptovided or apeciti"d p.rts tot lrle instlllatioll Th€ ure ol deledi\rr prrG corld cau96 !n InXjry due to a. filD. an aleclaic shlct. tF !r t ldlrE leakalp ol t3tet etc. I 0e rllle lo cut ott ttta mrln pov'et in c.tt€ ol saring up lha hdooa alac,tronic conlrol P.C. boold or wltl'|g sotka. ll codd aausg on elgttlic $lock 2. SELECTING THE INSTALLATION L@ATION 2-r TNDOOR UNIT . $rh€re 6irll.n{ is not blccked. . WherE cool lirspa€ark q\€, th€ oriirr {oon. . tdarinu m rCqlrran t ti)LR bngih bcte'oen in&or urit fid oudoo. unil b 49 lL ahd fn€ dlbronc€ ol h€igfl ol Hh untr b 25 ft. ol8rinum . Rigid $all r$thori vbBton. . Wh€ra ir i$ ml4F€€d lo dricl sunshng, . Wh€|s sasllyd.0h.d. . A a distor|cag fl. o. mo€ o*al tom lur TV and Edio (lo prcl€0t piilu€ lrorn b€arg disorhd fi noi.€ ltlm beirg g€noBl9d). . In ! Dlscg a! hr ar,l'/ aa p6libll tom lluDfgsconl and lnt:lnd€c€d liohta {5o th€ hlrsled iEmote conLol can oFlale thE alr conditoner normallyl . Wtrse th€ iirliller can be tsnolrd d ttplaced easily. 2-2 OUTDOOR UNIT . t'VheE lt b nol ct@s.d b sltoal€ *ind . tther. oillo,i b good ood (tustl,e.s. . whelg it b nol e@.€d b rlin dd diq:t $ruline. . VJhera neitrburs ati nol anqpd by op.rolon sould or l|(t air . Vrher€ did vnl cr s{ppon b tralau€ b pr6,enl tl€ ircteos€ ol operotiitl sound or vibralion. r Whel9 lh.re b no dsl of combullible It h.kaga. . Whe! inst.lino the u t 6l I high lcvel. be .('r b tix lre unl legs . Whete il b al ]ratsl lO n. alroy lagm fte onigl|r|. o(Tv !91or rdcli {Ohomi* hrao.5 r,Dd, b€ dirtub€d or ncis€ t'otld be gBr€rabd.) . lnetallt|a un horiuoaiab4 2-3 WIRELESS REII|OTE CONTRoLLER MOUNTING . PLca of npmiu ' VJtEre it b eatyto operai9 ddo!3iyvbit 9. . V,lh€r€ chldsn can nd buctl .l,lounting S€l!.l l p6tisn abnul 4 lL nbo\Ai lhe tl@r' dteck hoi oiJnals llon fie remlh aonlroller a.9 su,sf/ taceiaad by fia indor udt t|om tl.i p€iti6 ibeap oa'be€F b€BC recivbg lone soonda). Afi* lrd. dltach remote conl|ollet mo.lllhg haKlr6r€ O to a Fillar or $.tr and tat th€ v|itEl€6s .sn|ots caflkolgr a. In rFan! r h9'l i r,rcrtg r type lluo.€ocan limpa lrE us€d. h9 dlnoltrsm lhe r reless aBmoE corlrEalermay not bo r€cait gaL cAuIoN Ardl the loloNhg pla@6 fot iltdlslbn ||tE e air cd|dilinar tFrlJe i6 l.U. lo oaDur. . vy'hors lhr|9 is bo nuah tttich-E oll. . sally gfvi|EmE tS s€aGide a€ac . l-hl-oprirg orss. . Ylhe.g srlldr qF' a,xilts. . Oher sDecisl atm6FiF.ic a(gaa. 3. INSTALLATION DIAGRAM & ACCESSORIES FLARED CONNECTIONS . This unil hos llrred clnn€cllons on bolh hdoor and oricbor iides.. Relno're tle valng corer ol h€ ouHoor unit fian conngcl lr riD!-. Reli!€ranl pp€a are usad toconn€cl |hs indlr rnd otildor!nhs. Limits Ppe lerEtrr 40 ft. mar l.leight dlb€n@ 25 lt. mor No. dt b€nds l0 mar. C"*"*6^.^rr--l .f) tr ble belor.sho! s the sp€cili.ations ol pip€3 aorn n€rci6ly awibbla. O Ens{€ thal th€ 2 rclaiggranl pipca rlt ln3olaldd k, pra,,,enl cordensolbn. O RdriqE ra nt pi p€ brnding tndins mjst E€ 4 in. .{ mor€, hllrin||m $l8l tid(n !6 isULltQS 33h rCa|rnct. Fel'iger{t f&F ol 10. 16, 23. 33 6nd 4911. a19 .lailntle os optioml ibms. '/l\ a:!rmltN Ba 3urc to uge th9 ltuulatlon ot spedi€d lhHal.a!. Erc.asbr fiicklcss 'ndyc!!sa hcorai:i lmlrllato|l of lhe lndooa |rtl d hd( ol tltldness nnyc6ue de$ (lppag€. . Fl€lngeronl a.lusincfil --. ll pipc Lnglh .Eeed. 25 tl., addtonol rclrigcrEnt iR22) draEe b r€qdred iThe dl ldlot t]'lil is clt lg€d *ib Fldgerart torplfE leigb upto 25tl..) CiEc{ffi) Cl€d( he lolo*ing pana bCorE h*rlilol|. o Inslallolion pLls e Insrillatjd plote |rhg 6c|'r' 4 x 25 r n o Rsn* @ohotr€. mdnthg hord*aro 1 o Frr.rg sc'eui lor a 3.5 r 16 trm (glcto 2 e B€ltrry {A A} lo. almde coilrolsr 2 a yfE€l€s6 |gmdo conlrol€r 1 e Fefi t3pc {U!.d tor l€fi or lel}r€or tiring)I @@ ,& I@ lt3ra or ?O h..id. 6' \ 6 S.r.dr. tt z.drr.tE pi*..nd .FFII i l.!d' in6inud|. iurit iD:hl Unlti rhouklbe Inrtaled by llci||eed conu.o- lor according lo locol code taquitemcn! l€ kL or nd. tl rh.r.i.t b.bind ttp 15.3,n d 20 h- licL E. !34, 13l6 aol 2 PIpE ArBih di.rrLr Ufiun Dlldrlrla lrsialion hikr6 nobnaltncntnEn For lquld 1t4 0.@G5 316 H€ol msblhg lolm pladic St cHic gr.Yly 0.04596l 12 typo 0.@85 515 '15.17 !p.5/8 0.G15 i.16 P9€ bngfi Up to 25 lt llo adcllioorl clrrrce l! lFouh€cl EEeedhq 25 tl. Adlition l do|ge is Equind t8.br b trg tdbl€ bebw.) B6ln9prart tr t9 alrrt€d HS ll.p€0.53 oz clch 5lI lrSH D?e 2 68 oz .ech 5 lt.o.ddr h. h.|ltm poa lc| lBing |E r .n t|r inr.r.to tt.l. PlFrq o t. c|t .€d k*rd. 1I.atr 6ra,r{ ldlo.L$..r lVn.n t| FiF*! b lo !. .tocrFd b .e.llcolt irE r*r.l. (tn pl.r.4 or n*r.l mr&|!| u* r ch.mcdvrdhd ?oo.Ln d3:. | 3lS m q ni<r.. b.n*.n rh. $i,leld |t iirqor Nmp7 b €tr ol inrlrton $nf @ OpIi'|rl sbrcbn ptse o I ndoot,rolrtchot unl conn€clhq wira ,l e Enor|,drfi d'e o o o Pape |tirE imtrd {Tlra qudrlly(l€pcar6 orl lE pip€ l€rBtr.!2lo 5 o Fiii1g 6deu lrr O 4 r2D m flhe auariry dcpond fi t|9 fip€ leigtr)2lo5 G PFirg tap. o Putt/ o Dran hosa {of son fJvc. tDL, I g{}2 in. im* do. o. hdd pVC r)b. VP | 6) I o RJdg€nlijfl orl 4. INDOOR UNIT INSTALLATION 4.1 FIXING OF INSTALLATION PLATE . Find o glrudural malenol i$Jci as a std, in he $"1 {d lix inslalldion platc horizonldV V|l|€n bols l€@g*d h tre concrsb $dl ara to b€ utlzrd. lediE lia in6lrllaaon Dtare O |Jshg 7./16 In.' 13i5 h. - 7J l6 h.' t h od hole (17-gr4 in. mm p[drl. ll t|e re{.€s!rd bolt b bo loo9. .hange lt b(. slbner orlc a$ilobF in the rnarkcl 4.2 WALL HOLE DRILLING O Delenr|i)r lhs n.I hole Podton- r, Oil a 3 in. hole so tlot o0b#€ can bg l(rr€a lhtl iBjde. O trs.rl tia {'al trolg Crgrg O. oflha holos on lhe wsu Alll |l.|. co.. ..crni Br slrs lc us9 r"dl hotg 6legv€ o lo Drs/gfl the or.rdooa cofidcriltg *irss l|tm conbcilg i ith me td pst h lh€ l^at snd b pre\Enl dai|6!e bt ral in c.3. ]|' tdl ii ho{ott, Will hol! s€sl|Ilg 8nd llrhg plp. to wall 4.3 POWER SUPPLY AND INOOOR/OUTDOOR CON. NECTING WIRE CONNECTION . Po{tl $orid b€ ld(€n lrom 3n eElusill brafidrsd cilq-i-. V/idlE $ork slh.Id bc basd on .pglicabl€ ldrnicd slard&Rld . \r,Jdng roaneatbn! st&dd be madg hll(rtiE the dagr6rl Sctsrs shodd be dg er|ed ao tlFy Y{q|t botao- ELECTFICAL SPECIFICA]IONS l,rooEL IISHl?TN NSHIsTN INFOR LNIT tue,Er $ppt {Y PttAS€. H?l '| 15. 1. m 115. 1. 6€' Hh. Ciron affpatity 0.6 Fon nrolo(iF.LA 0.13 0.43 OLI]DOO6 UNTT For,er sLppv (V PHASE- Hz)a18230, 1. E€2l&ut0. 't.50 lvlal. F|l3e ize jlime delay) (A)20 Mh. Ciro.n Anp€dty t4 14 Fon nFlor iF.LA o.12 0-52 I (RLA)oo'r'€rsor rrrn^) t0.o 10.0 35.0 340 Codml ldl6ge H({| wtLtrDE coftdg : il*.L.$ hdsr |ll*Ardcd unil: cCl2VtPdd g.plq ptt.l Ndc: ll tig indoor (rtt ls 9o4,'r9aad itorn outdoor |r|i! ! 6rp3rsta citcrlt bnalgrk nol rsqu'Ed bJl r ali6conrEct 3f,itch niY b€ rrqulrd q bcsl co& ll lE ir|d@, lnl b pa$erEd lr.'|l an inclep$dant por€.3updy, 6 d€dcdled cidll bt€dGf or rnailn.rn luso sbe t{ 15 a musl ba irsldl€d hr tlc ird@r unt ond o dacorrrd s*itdi may.bo be resit*1. (F.lerb he figues onlhe fitn ) Re.rbr l|. lrdr psnC iRel€ab 7.li Rerr|o/e lh. al€cltrcal co,{tr O R€r|ln€the diiddyPonel ln 'gJ Fir the co.rdt aom6tor to @addl cqEr $ilh lock nJt. Inen 3€cuD I agarBl CaBdcrlbo( sifi aErd'ra. Tr. . tir6 ol h...1 b lil hd.. HciErrl t!..1 crt b. ..rly d€in.d by hrding . pi$. ol cniCi ir . drc. d thr.d rd mabl$T rih a t bn* V ||'rrr. FiirE t..ra 1.25 (6 pi€c$l ELECTFICAL SP€ CIFICATIONS MOD EL Llst2TN MSt5T flstTrN INDOOR I.JNIT Por,er rq?pt (U PHI"SE. Hz)115. 1. 60 1t5,1. €0 l1t t, 6s Nii. Ci|triit An|p6dly 0,7 Fln ndor (FLA)0.43 0.43 0.5r OUIDtrF (.},|IT turl. suppl iV PHASE. H?l ?18230. l. €0 20&230. r.60 s8230. 1.60 h'l& Frl5€ iz€ {lime (bl'y! (A)'t5 20 Mh. Ciro/i amoadtY 12 1a 15 Fan rnoiof {F.LA)0.42 0.52 conpresso, tf*fi 0.0 10.0 11.0 2C.0 35.0 38.0 hid rolbge hdoor unil'Bernole @nlroler : (tlid.6!) Hoo. uni-Outsoor uril : 0Cl2V {folar) cr|r otth ca.rltoI . Be ca Gtu | not b mrke ni+iri|krgl. Firr*/ fgf rn th€ larmind sDr€$3 to prEd-ert lh€m lrc.n looaffingl . All€r tSH.rir|g. pd I tF wirs tghly to cot{lm ln6l tlis/ d,o not moe.. ll 11€ clrnethq r,i€ bincorectt cor{Fdcdblf€bmirol blod(. f|c unldo€8 nol orrartlg nottialy. ll s ground ir Incomcl. il r|ay caur9a 6n rlEctric sh€x. AB lllTA{E GAllE Cod*:l ri6 b tr. nrd n? N'|a.r3 ELECTnC,\L Cg\m 4.4 AUTO RESTART FUNCTION . $rh€n the onils d he6e mod€ls nra *ippsd ttom fte fsdory. arro n6hrt lmdion is sat b Ot']. ll to! '.€nt h kr|o'r hos b nlclse lNa tunctbn, cons lt tha aanice . ,,lthan the ind:oa unil b aontlt,llrd $lt! the ,9moE ccitlolbf. ilE opa.llion m(de. lh€ ac Lnp9mlur, and hc 14l sp9ed ar. mamorir€d by lfE h(bof elcct oric cmlrol Pq board, Th€ rub rcgt n trction agls lo tYork ths moanlol iin poupr h 6 lgllor9d attcr poy{or ldkft. Uan, hc lnit tvi! lgsttrl aubnaci,:ally. ll he unl b ofaratad in 'l FEEL CoNTnot:node lt€lgtt pox,er ftibae, he opernL.r| b nol rn motized In 'IFEELCC TRo|j tho(lr.lhe opaEnifi i9 doddtd bY tno hliJ rcom tc|np€o|Je al (t€)6qt @ O t tle power o{ lhe trdooruit (l tsv ACI has b€en qll. h. opEl8lion satlngF Bcmark: lvtsl h(borlnd or,t6or u|Il8rE pou€od ln sepltal€ clqrl e1l9n I lha polErol ho od6or unl (20c230V rc) is cot.uto tPdart linc-aon do€8nl lolk 6 lllh€n thlE4 rninneit|'lE pa$gd alt€r pd*cl'^lts rgslotsd.th€ ulil dillresErl diomalclly aiEodin! to hs rngmorY lloler: r Th€ oDeralio. sctlings ! Ie tn nDdzgd t'hon J 0 s€cords t|6ve pdsled oller fle lomote corrlDler fag opafDtel. . ll lhs hnh 9o*Efi5 lu,tFd oal tr ! pd,Yerlarturi occuls ritl€ alrTo STAtfIStOP tln€r b 6ctivc. lhe th€a sEltirg b .ancal€d As tlese mcdab ale equbp€d wlh lhe aulo r€s1ar'l lundion. t|c !k colxJiliooer *|oUld sl0n otetoling al h€ catt* I'me |hol6 Fwlr h3r r€sbrcd. . ll thi rrtt tEs beo olt r'iti lh. lDr|ol5 cooltolbr balole po'r€t lg0ac, lh9 ado fgsbn lunclbn dors not rfit .t tlc possr hltoi ol t|e |gmole conl|al€r ii oal . To prr\lgrl bfe*er ol du6 It ttre rJ3h ol 6bnhg cumnl. 6)6temaltt dhe. home sDdb[c6 oot to tun ofi al lh€ sarne tme- 4-5 PI PE FOBMING . Ph€ the d.!h ho* lreb*fio relri.:graril ppiirg. . l{al€ sr,la lhat lf|e drih h6e is rDt h€awd or anakad. . Do rld pdl tn hosa lo IPPIY tha l.pc.. whcn ttF dtlh hEE9 p356.6 thg r@rn be Suna to RalP i|Eublioo haladaliltali! aU€ rla BloE) aDlttd ll.. v/rip lhE bll trpe C !.round hc plpe.rtd lh€ drrh hose. i1en pul tE pipe in lbi bact spoca ol hc hcbor lna. @ . Pix anangemerl Pul fp reldg€rdr f,iring snd the<lr.in hosi blFihc( lFn opply pbing tlpe (D b Ulcrll Ins<t t]e pbtE rnd the drah holr anlo he vdll hols sleo,g O. and hod( lE up9€r o.ft d ir. hdoor lnl oi l'E l|6ldlstioi d.b e CtEct il lhc indoor lnil b hoolod !€<rr€ly on l'r insralhtioo pl3b e by flEvilg tr udtb bltind dghl Thfost t|| lotEr p.n d the iMl,cor unit inb lhr il6t.Iatbn dalc l'- E@ . |Ld uil ci dlo b. *krrrd.nr lEfrt oPP|t lr'ib! Frr .i- llNd.bt : 15Al. lD tri. c& thr.. li.Loddrdd ccft .$! *.1 lq idro. po.tr. e+dt r. di!l:q'| cl si|(trmI O|..l lr tEd cod.. @ - hioor uircn.l.o t\. id.p.d.dF .r t{fgrt ll&:. F '!. d.i (*rr d.by) : lSAl htl* € .lx..h{od ardo.r cdrcnC l,ir. to.hd... !o.,.rr+Pa', ! adiEonnaal tlldl mrf Ch.cl nf, krd €d.- 20e'23S, rC. Ith.r. lria 60H: DC12 v itolrd trcl2 Y (elr4 20t29W ^C lpt|.r St.l 50H: COITNrcTIHG I{IFES. ltin b b€ arrcz2 dol{€ hsd.bd gjo V hs.j.tixr Equal lo 8.16n 9107 (rrrl2VEI ' tk€ co pp€. concxrt rs only. A..i hd.(. .rd q,bdcor .ofn.:ring si. o wABt{BG . UG€ l€ hd,)oCouEooa urit comeding si9 t5l meetc tl_E St adads b aonnad th€ indoo. a.d ootrloor triB ard fir he site lo th€ t€.mitd block aeo.tdy 60 that no elrorr|d lotte b oryclEd lo tht corrEc{ng r€cton o{ the bdniul blo*. Incodplrb corn€':liofl or hhg ol the \iri cg4lld rgrdl in a In.. atLach h€ eleclacol c6ier secriely. ll I b otadEd ncqreclly, ll cotlld r6u[ in I frs oa &ctdc 6hod( drc lo dud. wal€t glc. ..1..1.. ko-i LEFrffirffiEmT.Fiilc-l . Pi1€ artangemsnt Rl tba .sirig€Enl dFing and lh€ drain hose tagetEr. 0|€n apdy lo! tap€ e b Finly appv l*l L lap. a lrqD [F sd. lf.r r.9. a oe.l+ ri{jl.tDrld b. l,€ BEATTAC}IING DRAII{ HOSE g. s{|c lo r61lErch the dr6h hc6e dd lh! dmh cap h ar$c ol bll or lellreor pipog, Olhcnisc. it coold aauag dop! ol'*olerlo dig dq^n laq.n f|9 dnh hc6e. I}IOOOR UTltT INSTALLATIONI lns€rl b€ *!in hc6e hro h€ $all hol€ slegN e. ond hcok lh€ upper part ol i'rdFr |.nit o0 be hrsdntiq dsE O.Th€[ firovi lhe uit b ttL w.y ed4p d h€ lelt sir€ br pultrE lhe Dipiog easily h ttte baEk 3!aoe ca ih€ indoor dt B.dd S.r rhrpdr:tF.n tl€k $.{ tll '! tcmld b€.d.l rh. h.r.!.tbn plr. lo hdd $. qt obf+nt. . conned tlo teinq€rnht piping t dh f|9 axEnsion Fii pe g. . Thalsl lh€ los€. port ol rhe hdoo. tr1il i||t, tE irolabfd| plab O. 4.6 DRAIN PIPING . The dr3in h6e should polnl dqivn*ad lor easy drrh ilq . (Fig. Oo nol maka dr6in tiling ag 5trov'r' in Fe 2 b 5. n%"r'uD\ f3ll Xa [l(/ *,^-,*. lll4jia,ll, \!'fF rl X hor.e. LIry_l Pull out ule drain cap 8t tle rcar ioht olule drain caD at 6le lear H,td lho con|E( eectioo al th. end tncl plll lhe drlin cT. lelt Hold th e cla r/ rDart€d by fF ! rro| ond gull o./ I tro ch.h flc6o brrod. Put the d.ain crp Into lho secton lo vrhlch lhe draln hoso is to be attachod 8l the rear otthe lndoor tnlt. {F'! !l ^A ws|tw F ffi;11-*,'-.* \.r ll r9.?in. I#" lma.t the scre'*diver. .tc. irror sharP dged todf inb ltF hob al th. end at lhe c4 ed in€d the capluly hlo lle (l.h Pan. lh.ort lhe dlain hos6 Inlo lha section lo rvtllch the drdn hose li lo b€ altschod at lhr r€a right ot lh. Indoot !nlt. hs€n tbo Cral n holg luiy ilo lhe d?i n pnn ctl€ck it lhe h6e ie hoo*€d seu ft*y b fie proi*ctioo ol ib ins€njng pirl ol lrr. dlah tan. I | . urnr'"..--4 n /trF\il / -l\.1,: rJ_Tt .+=..I.y-ia tFls.11 X lRr..q iFis sl . ll lhs doin lhEg proYidld wth ths indoo. u$l b too sllorl cornecl ll sitl dclal hose O thal should b€ Fqril€d al l.aur ste. . ll lhe exl€n6ion draifi hord has b pa65 t|lq4h o roofrl. bE eu|g lo trrap it $_fih r{nfi|9rNidt add insulalion. lRr..q 5. OUTDOOR UNIT INSTALLATION 5.1 POWER SUPPLY AND INDOOF AND OUTOOOR WIBE CONNECTION . Connr":l tt|o i1doo cdiEoor rtil coaaE:ling ric 6 ltoan he irdoo. unl corr€'lly on tha rcm*1al dod(. . For lufurB saNicing, gito cxlra bngh tq connrclhg rin. Cdvrcr vh.. b o* n€Eir! 52 GROUNDING . FgnF\€ the srvice pai€|. . Fir tt|€ coardil corrrcbr lo condll ooref ../tlh lod nut lEn 6ad-lo it agEansl t'|it . La0€ sne rlack in lti|gs to a lloE_ srlie r s€nrcin! @ @@ caltTroil Ule cl|l !o !a conr*ctitlg $ites al't tlol conbct p(res WAN NG 9c turg b atlrch he cgrvkg panel of the ou6or unit $iuloly lt I b not r{tchrd con€cly. I could |lsull h ! lre oa.n eLcttic ahocl due b dlt!. $der' dc. 6. INDOOH/OUTDOOR UNIT CONNECTION FTNISHING ANDTEST RUN &1 FLARING WOFK .Ilshcalie oa ga Ld{ate b dgld h nadng *ork Pslodr lattE sll corrodly h lh€ tolo$ng pmcedur€. E@ - L6rl'i er'lo!. .oFplt ltd'r fu.. dz. irr d.lq):15 rI conn rlrg r-.3 t'r indco F,d ruppDl. - adit o.rEt r4ibh|rrst br r.$tttL CI|t;I ii. bal e*. @ ^ B'lud c.||.le b! hd.D..d.rr Dd-r .qPtt ItlEFr|ti'il|rl. d.lqJ:15 a]hl !c...1h.9 Ed Dcl2 Y (FoL) ot{bor dncErh! fl6 DCt2 vtFdr}b i!&o. lioflr .|{pl - A dLa.xrcl srch |n? Ch.6 b b.d c.(l. 2O8AjW rC. lf 3er... 6ilt cot{NEclll{G wIRES ' Vrin lo be AwGz! douti. iltsuhLd. 300 V insLdlliol. Equd b Beldd| H07 {lq 12 V Dcl. u99 cDgp€r Condlcbn} only. . Ba ca|ru hcd lo lrd(. tnl6-,ritir€. . Finty tiqhLn t|e l.mhal actg*6 b pre'€nl ltEn lrom looaaoino. r AJts ligHerh,g. Ddl0r $.ir6 tg ly tD ctr{itm thallhe/ cb tld lttov.- . ll tie @nrpclig sie b hlfra.;tty conneaLd lo lht tem*rd bbck lhg tril doaa nol oDgitb notmrtI ll r grwnd is ibrrgd. I tnly ca6a an €bctic rtpd(. r.bpd Gc.daO',4 TlEd Uq.Fn g[r.d 'Fir ffi ffi#L# L.P qr L-.i-l !8H.ifii3. ,*.. "*.. oro cul f|e copFpr pip9 corlcuy i G""o*'o-;P removal . Coordebly rgfl|ove all burc ttdn he cul caDss sec!fl ol lhe ipa,. Pu the erd 0l fF copper dPc otrnvstd b pFtcal b.tts l.oan dDptfrg in thc t{'.. ff:kx .H nlh dpe culbr. oal Coffbct the gaulp moritold vah/g e|d lhs riicuum pofip lo ihg agftics Forl d lie v!t!g on th. o€s lile rrdg ol lh€ ouuod urti. Run th€ \|adrum 9ump. fvscurfifir lor mor€ bBr | 5 mhulla,) cied( fia vrctJum 'tlh the 9o99 mantdd valt€. tren cl6e the gal4n mdilold Lg.w !! il i$ lor orE or tm attluE6. hls l€ s!.s the p<irner gauoe manfuld vah/e €rsirt6 h tt€ safi|e Fosilon. Codim '|a lh€ ptsrug g.0ge drcs -0.101 H% FlErnl',r fE !E!qe manilold \rdlvr quiddy llom th€ laNic€ Alter rclig€{Dnl piFsal€ co0ietltd and.9t!({Iol*l Ult opsn al slop Ydtsori bfi dfsolgss dpe od lhuk Phr, nithd,i lullv ooerirq lof,ll! lhe lcdoimance and lhb adrs€s lDuue. Pips Lnglh €raDcdino 25 tl. Ch.tEp }|s prDrallbed.ttoclPlpe ldnqth up b 25 tl lhe caD to th€ seftbe Dorl to oblah tlF iilid sl!113. B€mow lblE nuls anldred lo n*Fr atd cud,Fr Fur.rur. trxE. t€n pul lhem oo pipe havingco(d€bd N ,H l-JSi. ro or ,*r * atbr tt ri ns ro.t) 4{ ..rr" * Pe.|ofli fiarhg i,rt using tLrirq bol as slE$n lelnr: ""'"-@ ':t:-Di. Oidde dadnsl,e r mtn hdl h(n 6.35 1t4 127 s32 15.98 5rs 5f32 Fimly hold cappgr pipr h ! dic h tie dinsnsion ahcnln h lha ldtc obo'&. Check . Campare lh€ ltamd $oit \tiih fEurE balo'r. .lli!r9br$tsdlobod-lacliw.cuto ttle lb|rd a€ciqn tnd pc.lorm lodng .rElt aqan S.i.olh dl ar.{ad h.ij. i. *tint sibo, .ny l.dtlE.\/(t-rf> ,\,TTb//14,.-rr1Evrnhnth Lj.,.I r|ortrt I 6-2 PIPE CONNECTION G hdoor l'll connaclion Conn€d both trid rip€ .nd gas pip€ lo h&or uatt. . Atpt, r lhh coat ot Blriqsdim oi O on lF s..l ar ac. of PiF.. For connecton, algo lhecanl?r ol bolh pip€ ond oion. hen tht{eo f|e ng3 b 4 tl|nc h tla6 rut by hsnd.. Fo. lgh bfils th€ mil'| Pa d ol lhe indod q{l !ide. u6€ ihe lobl€ b.la$' !3 3 slondt rd a||d lght€n rbe llarD 1 r6i19 tro rraoat!€a. Ersdt€ tirhbrhg dlnqp3 bc ffare 6adoar Tirhiinhg lorqlr hlb c8p b{ servica pon t0b t3 Crp kr sDp vahle l'b22 Pite damg|{Tutedig rrque |nn hch Ir.b l0 to 13 'tz7 1;2 36lo.l2 15.88 ta gloSg ozt OuHoor tti corv|sli'il Ccon€ct fi9€s b lhe pip,E itnl ptrt ol the CoP vtlre h tlF salne rnChod a9 lhe hdo<a uit.. For lghbning !* th€ sanc tighl-ning tolqra lpdicd lot hdcoa uol End liJlton tha lb19 rul $ih torqJa *ratrcn ot apaolxlr. @ O Coror f&*E ioioEf,ih tipe co'd. it For o{ts@. orit siiL. lurCy ioslhb 9E.t ti)i1g ilcr dino vdvcs O U5in9 dphrg tope @. opply trdng .ffiE lrc.n ll|e er|ttt o[ oUdoor lnt . Fir lhe end ol fiing bpe O ri[l .*|e!iw Ap.. . lvheo t*irE he3 to bc arrlngad lhroqh abw .Eilnot do9al ca an3 a'he tE lhe biFerarre ard htfitdly rlt hbn. wiird adititnilco('n|s|tid' cdd iisulsllr. lor parsnliofi ol co tdsnsaliol E3 PUBGING PROCEDURESLEAK TEST 6.4 TEST RUNEffi. B€lora pedwmiq he t€d nn .€checl aav rlroa€ *|nng Wrong ildno pE!'ernr nonnol opetdlon ot ltellt€ In blowl luia dssbllio opcrdaion . Il|e ld rm c-rn t€ sbrt€d bypr6shg EIIEBGEI'ICY OpEnAnON $YiLh.\Yhsr tl|c EIERGE?{CY OPERTTION $viltl b onc€ ptt65a4 lhc tr|l rl Slad the bsl |lil (cortinuou6 oF4ralioil lD. 30 thk!is8. a lhffmc6lal do€s nol wd* dtrhg lli3 tlne. Alttrso tr*rEs th€ tinl *ill sblt the ElrtEHGEl|CY OPEFAIION sl a ht d teinp.6!r. sclog oa 75'F h @L ivlOOE. . Fclom lc$ rtn h lhg tollodng paDcsbl.. @ . Pres3 t|€ EhIEFGEIICY OPERAfON iwtd! O Pr66I oncc. rnd ciort€cl runior$r rrl{ a! hc EIyIERGENCY C@L MOOE dstlt (t Pr6! ll mce morc. .ald lh€ opora lo n gbps ilt oporalhxl node dbnralrt b€t*st O: rrd rP orery tirF th€ EITEFGEISY OPEnAION s,vt(h ie 9.er6.d.l E{ENGENCY OP€BAIION sr'iLh Corn€1 tie rslrig€rrl tira. lboth S$i, fip€ ad gE Fit.) b.k€€n lhe ir6or snd the ouldoof unil Bqncre lhe sgoica pd cQ ol the $gP vdve on ft 96 tipa sire ol the ouHoor unit. (Th€ dop vllw,,vl not r'ot* in ll inlhl stab llcsh oG oa hc feto.y (tddiy EW. B€lo|! perforrinE lhe b$ r!'l. rEched any wrcng $] nng. WrErlg v,irhg plgvents norn lop€r-dion or|Es|Jlls in bloin l us€ disa bling . Th€ lert rm can b€ s1ad.d !Y presshg EMEBGENCY OF€F,J|ol{ sdildr.Whon rhg E 'IERGENC Y OPEFA'nON sdlch 19onc. pr6!e4 the unil vJi 51!11lhe 16l r|]D (codkrious operdion) 10.30 mirrits' Alhennostal d0c$nd e'! dldtq hrs tine- allsr 3'l rlirrirt lhs uilwills|arl hs EMEFGENCY OPERATION ol. [r.d Lmpeotur€ s€dhrgol75 T in COOL fiIODE oTHEAI HOOE, . Ferform bsl ntr h lhe blo$il€ p|ocsdlre- @ . Pr.36 th. EHERGENCY @EFATION{ !$iffr. ,J Prs I 006.5nd 6isr K nrl tu s n*rl93 t'E EHEFGEI.CYCmL !,FOE 61aG. ll ire lCl sid€ larp ol he oper!{oo Indcnbr HI*s avcry 05 saconda, -raggcl the ind@r/oudooa c..ylldirE ,^irs O k'r flig-*irin!. Pros. il cfi(€ nor.. afid 0!e E&IEFGENCY ICAT MODE slrdc. Prg$ ll moa rEaa, Efd ttg o9€Flon dDps, fThe oFrllbn hode cha||gps in onbr ol O - O €very tin€ iE ElvlERGEtlCY OPEBATION srt$ is Dr€6.ed.i FRONT PANEL BEINSTALLATION C, Bdor€ hsbfl hg the pbnsl. 3el lh€ hdizonld \rdn€ to hs p6ilon aa 6ho ln in iig [!urE bdol*l Albdr |fb bolorn ot he p{!C urderlhe hodaontal vdn6. S.l flrebp d lh€ paoC Push as fia rnos.r,nrA on lhq panBl h it il to thg aircondition9t a €' t h starling thi heoting operatigrL ldoorbil br may not op.tEh & p.gvenl uodlng cod a. Pbls€ gail lor 0 ler mnne6 unllllhe bllpcrduE o{ h€51 q(dEnggt tt66 trd uj6rm 6ir blo|l5 out, IEIiiIETffiEIIE d P|gsr tr oslDFF bunm o.t lhe lenbb mrlrEller 3nd ched lhal an eLcttdlic so.nd b h.fid lrrh he hd@r unl Prela d|9 OMOFF b{lbn o0ai0 tl orn tD 6ir cqidion€a ofl- 7.2 REMOVING THE INDOOR UNIT Ba(lFE tl€ bottoo ol lha ind,oo. unl llorn lhe irFtonation pbte. O R*no. he llorr Flnal. (Sec FFONT t?Al\EL RErcVAL sho$n lbot€ i d' Inssl l6i actglrdrivers itlo tha .{tLrg ftolei d the lei and righl botbm d th€ ir|dd, r un|t rnd pu,h them !F: th. toltom ot ttc irdnor unl goec do*'l and the hod(s 6rs atbasi4 7.3 GAS CHARGE (:t CoarDgcl 96 cl*ldor b tha sarvica f,od of alop va|vc (3nayi. e, Pedonn oi putge ol the pi! (orl|ose) conJl€ ton rsl*lsranllBs 6/tNd..' O Fsplen bh tpedf sl amo! nt of the fCligert nt, *h ite oP€ ratirg the a ir condlionsr lor coolin!. ETIEFIG€NC1 OPEA TPN sidr Choctlng the luto lsslartlunctlon Atlgr opsrst.g th€ unil wilh tE rsrFtg coarlol€r, rum ofr tF rrain PotEr Tlfi.l un ll on again and che:l f tne wlt opcl.atec hlr|. sam€ mod !t lh€ mod€ rilht b.hr. fE moh Poe{. rt bt ihc Indoor unll i! o9emtGd irlth lhe rcmde controllet, bolh thc test 1un and the emerur€ncy operetion ar€ releag€d by commands lm.n lhe resFle contollet. . Once ih9 conF,€sor !bpt. lhe rE$an prworlif d&ica opo|atE6 8o Ule aomp€rsdr dl nol ops ntb lor th lt€ fihlljte to ptEbcl lhc lir aond 0o ner. 6.5 EXPLANATION IO THE CUSTOMER . Lbing tbr oPERATNG tNsTFtLrClloNs, exdah the loisr.tng b lho cudom€r' hori. lo sllrol lgmp€ Ell €, hou' to rso|ore iha a k lilbrs, hoYr b lsmovg o r g, I fic ren|ota c6ltlroll9 r h lhe snoig colitrolsa momtE haldr:r9. hov, lo deah orgcaradrs fi @6atq! alc. . FbcommErd he cl]cbmer lo |Eld fi|r O P ERATIN 6 l[9I FIUCT l0 t{S caretuly 7. FOR MOVEMENT AND MAINTENANCE 7-1 REMOVING AND HEINSTALLINGTHE FRONT PANEL FRONT PANEL NEIIOVAL CAI,ITION Nov* ch6rpn lqrit rclrtqnrar4 srrdl .s ty lfte ning the gBs 6tlind€. *hle cltaqing ol'l.nris€ laol|bles rEy be geoolalEd To mEir ain thr hiqh ptcssurr ol hg tEs cth dar Y'$m thE gas cllrdlr *ib tarm n.lr, (wdgr l aE 'F) 4{il0 cold teosoo- got nald usr nak€d lant or slsarn F|.rir.rrr F. .!efr Foiig...rr 0E cll||.hr {Pr ? 9tti 6.i ott'g. Cl|a€. nc.. A xnsLsBH ELEcrrc csPoRArrtt{ t€lD oFFtcE IIITSUSSHIDENKT SLDG. 2-2-3. MAFLTNOLICII. CH\OOA-ICJ. lc,ffo 10)€310. 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REFRlG ow_ FAX N0, 3037811358 P, 02 l-Jtf ||) c=tt' -tg E]ft4.. trl ''lll ' EIErg OESCFIFTION b guarrnt 6 your satisladlon wlti thls rfivioc. lf you hrv€ any uBtlo s, cohme t3 Ot c{ncafna abcut our iervlo€, pleaE€ call rnerican Mechanioal Srrvlcro, at l.E0O-8e{-{o80. Gu€tom€r 6iiE 8(,t 0t6s O.I II.zJ co FREslpA -L! llF -E rnel - tto4t Pl6't' -8J&o ltru.utr-l rdroq arctrt l-J*9.,r.|! EIf qr*grr,,r|'rea coNDthrgla Cttct*co nqr REFFRIERAIT L-J AEiltfI-l u*at * FAr{ X{D|*IIOR *-r- Lt t|ltr _Urrf -Brnr, | | Al61!at €\,AFO€ ',tEi , JOo|lTEclarcotarn coiloF{t^?tP^t'l I_J FL IdE ont r us n"per HEAT| eASaY t--J BJrmr _ |br EJ.d[ttg|7 L-J FrdsupptY t-J P|sl fr|r!, E nartre 4.gtms$f---l nv velr l-J drl! l.td ESorto.roq. rugr8p|L c9r{F0 El{ l-J RrtrEo-rso'. Eo,"ttu Il] pnoca6€ nTPORTI I OT{ ORDEB coftr-Erefzl rcl couxrrrE rosmoultoatn&. HVAC cofrrfio-g l-J FLU aNGE ercrrnrc* l-l nexnrvrl gm,rpE E F4r dfivrc€u uaonnernEl wiiniAril LJ O.T. i00,i00'd lailll0 - slllr.:iS ltJlIrqJ?n uurrliuv ll\8E :80 ([itl t00;-t;-l0f From: Eric Moberg AMS Dilez 07'23-03 Anerican Mechanical Services Mountain Division Eric Moberg # of Pages -2-Phone: 970-32E-5229 Cell: 970-376-0423 Fax: 970-328-5227 T0rSteve Boyd Phone: 970-949-6L59 Fax: Urgent x- For Your Review - Reply ASAP Please Comment cc: 200/100'd 6zzE 'eE 0/68 rs,,ue( - secrAres IPcrr?qceli.. uusrJeuo ftv t9:80 0gll t00z-tz-',r,# TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2138 Job Address: l,ocation.....: Parcel No...: Project No : OWNER Desciption: Valuation: DEPARTMENTOFCOMMTJNIryDEVELOPMENT \) CL/ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: ffi .,-^\Ui (!. o.+ 4 'T' ELECTRICAL PERMIT 242 E MEADOW DR VAIL 242 E MEADOW DR 2r 0108225001 LLP Status. . . Applied. . Issued. Expires . 04/24/2OO3 Phone: 04/24/2003 Phone: 328-ALLL 04/24/2003 Phonez 328-4LLa E03-0034 ISSUED 04t24D003 05/05/2003 tU01/2003 AUSTRTA I'AUS DEV GROI]P 18 WHALESHIP PI,AZA SAN FRANCISCO CA 9411_L License: CONTRACTOR RIVERIA EIJECTRIC PO Box 14L7 Gl4gsum, Colorado 4L537 License z 327 -E APPIJICANT RIVERIA EIJECTRIC PO Box 1417 Glpsum, Colorado 4L637 License:327-E RIIN NEW FEED TO EXISTING PANEL $3.000.00 Eleco.icaL_-_> DRB Fee----> Inv€stigation-> wilt call--> TOTAL FEES-.> 04/24/2003 DF Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEM| 954.00 $0. 00 $0. 00 $3 .00 9s?.00 s5?.00 s0.00 ss7 .00 $5? . 0o $0.00 FEE SUMMARY r*+*r*r..r:t Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees----> Total Permit Fee--> PaYments---.-.-'2 BALANCE DUE--_-> i + tt *a* t *'t *t't t't** Approvals:Ifem: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARIMBMf Action3 AP Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) r FIELD CONDITIONS INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO OF APPROVAL CITECK FOR CODE COMPI,IAITCE. atta'!**:ri*'|*a'|*a.ttt+,|*'t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state lawso and to build this shucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN Y TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ^APPLICATION INCOMPTETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 -FORMA SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS ANd VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (tAbOr & MAtEriAlS) Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICALVALUATIoN: $ 3 ooO Contact Asgffiont Otrteat 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel# ZtOtogZZ -t Oo1 lob Name: Abfnte flau sF Q.bon.ae lP k ct Job Address:2C2 E /Vttoa,t b.. UJ! ?o. LegalDescription ll Lofi ll Btock ll riling:Subdivision: owners *ut"t,,,E4r, nr-, F-,rr}ffi Phone: 'ngtnn"aTErn tfttpcFat ll maress:Phone: Detailed description of work: Eaa tvll^J F.e</ fo E,l,'sria,, PZnzf workctass: New() Addition( ) Remodertil**nr I turooower( )Other (I Work Type: Interior ( 9/Exterior ( ) eott' ( I Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-famity ffi Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: !q this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ({ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( c-)u No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( J/No ( ) *************************************r.*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************r.************************ Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:AcceDted BY: Planner Siqn-off: \W8iI\dAtA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM. DOC fi n6/2002 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Austria House Air C,onditioning DRB Number: DR8030087 Project Description: AC condensers for hotel rooms on the fourth floor labeled "B" and "C" in exhibit A. Pafticipants: OWNER AUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROUP LLP O4IO3I2003 PhONC: 18 WHAI.ESHIP PTAZA SAN FMNCISCO CA 94111 License: APPLICAI.IT NRG Design Build lnc. 0410312003 Phone: 949-1195 POB 9650 Avon, CO Shb@bgce.com 81620 License: Project Addressz 242 E MEADOW.DR VAIL Location: 242 E Meadow Drive Austria Haus Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 210108225001 Comments: SeeCondltions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Bill Pierce Action: APPROVED Second By: Margaret Rogers Vote: ,{-0 Date of Approval: 05/022003 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005832 That this approval is granted only to those air conditioning condensers labeled "B' and "C" on o<hibit A and must be screened with the submitted louvered box stained to match the siding color. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fe€ Paid: I25O.OO MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Margaret Rogers David Vield DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, May 7,2003 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME MEMBERS ABSENT Hans Woldrich ,,\, ur, I PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department 12:00 pm * Wildfire Fuels Reduction - Bighorn Area discussion, presented by Bill Carlson, Environmental Health Specialist - 15 min. SITE VISITS1. CDOT berm - Tract A, Vail Village t$h Fiting2. Middle Creek - 160 N. Frontage Rd.3. Moulton residence - 1793 Shasta Pl.4. Donovan Park- 1600 S. Frontage Rd.5. Vail LLC - 1250 Westhaven Circle6. Vail Resorts Lionshead ticket office maze posts7. Ski Club Vail - 598 Vail Valley Drive8. Vista Bahn deck - 333 Hanson Ranch Road9. Hawkwood. Inc. residence - 483 Gore Creek Drive10. Ore House - 232 Bridge Street11. Austria Haus - 242 E. Meadow Drive12. Sitzmark Lodge - 183 Gore Creek Drive 1 3. Lutsey residence - 185 B Forest Road14. Beaver Dam residence-363 Beaver Dam Road Driver: Allison 1:30 pm PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Middle Creek DRB02-0060 Final review of proposed private educational institution & landscape plan 160 N. Frontage Rd./Lot 1, Middle Creek Subdivision Applicant Vail Local Housing Authority MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH 5 GONDITIONS: 1. That the developer submits revised plans for the fencing and landscaping at the Early Learning Center and the block retaining walls for review and approval by the DRB prior to issuance of a building permit. 3:00 pm Allison 2. That the developer submits revised stucco colors for the terra-cofta color for review and approval by the DRB prior to painting the buildings.3. That the developer submits additional information regarding the roof material colors for review and approval by the DRB prior to roofing the buildings.4. That the windows shall be "almond." 5. That the developer make every effort to preserve and transplant any trees that can be saved. 2. CDOT R-O-W DRB03-0121 Matt Final review of proposed berm expansion Tract NVail Village 13s Filing Applicant: CDOT and Town of Vail MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: zt-O TABLED UNTIL MAY 21, 2OO3 3. Hawkwood, Inc. residence DRB03-0128 Matt Final review of proposed window replacement 483 Gore Creek Drive, Unit SBffexas Townhomes Applicant: Hawkwood, Inc, WITHDRAWN 4. Lutsey residence DRB03-0109 Allison Final review of proposed site improvements 185 B Forest Road/Lot 26, Block 7, VailVillage 1d Filing Applicant: Tom & Sharon Lutsey, represented by Morter Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:44 APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the window trim on A be painted to match the window trim on B. 5. Donovan Park Pavilion DRB03-0111 Bill Final review of change to approved plans 1 600 South Frontage Road/Unplatted Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by VAg, Inc. MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4{ CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the proposed sidewalk to the Fire Department connections shall be a stepping stone path with native grasses infill to match the stepping stone path located on the west side of the building. 6. Austria Haus DRB03-0087 Warren Final review of proposed exterior air conditioning condensers 242 E. Meadow Drive/Block 5, Vail Village 1"t Filing Applicant: AustriaHausDevelopment MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That this approval is granted only to those air conditioning condensers label "8" and "C" on exhibit A and must be screened with the submitted louvered box stained to match the siding color. 7. Beaver Dam residence DRB03-0032 Bill Conceptual review of proposed driveway gate 363 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3'o Filing Applicant A2Z Holdings, LLC, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects CONCEPTUAL. NO VOTE 8. Vista Bahn Building DRB03-0071 Bill Conceptual review of proposed deck expansion 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1't Filing Applicant: Remonov & Company, Inc., represented by Knight Planning Services,lnc. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 9. Ore House DRB03-0110 Allison Final review of proposed awnings 232Bridge StreeULot D, Block 5, VailVillage 1" Filing Applicant Larry Anderson MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: David Mele VOTE:4-0 TABLED UNTIL MAY 21, 2OO3 10. Vail Resorts DRB03-0131 Allison Final review of proposed ticket office maze posts 616 Lionshead Gircle/lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1" Filing Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Jeff Babb MOTION:BillPierce SECOND:MargaretRogers VOTE:4-0 CONSENTAPPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That there be a minimum of 10' clearance from the permanent fixtures. 11. VailLLC DRB03-0127 Bill Final review of proposed construction of a@ess driveway 1250 Westhaven Circle/Lot 30, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant Vail LLC, represented by William Reslock Architects MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITION: 1. That the applicant shall submit a re-vegetation plan to the Community Development Department for review and approval by staff prior to the use of the temporary construction access.2. That all re-vegetation shall be completed and inspected by the Town of Vail prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certiflcate of Occupancy. 12. Sitzmark Lodge DRB03-0129 Allison Final review of proposed pool renovations 183 Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 5, Vail Village 1d Filing Applicant Bob Fritch, represented by Victor Mark Donaldson WITHDRAWN 13. Ski Club Vail DRB03-0145 Allison Conceptual review of proposed driveway & landscape improvements 598 VailValley Drive/Part of Tract B, VailVillage 7h Filing Applicant Ski Club Vail, represented by Snowdon Hopkins Architects CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 14. Behrendt Residence DRB03-0085 Warren Final review of new addition and exterior alterations 4778 Meadow Drive/Lot 2, Block 7, Bighom 5h Addition Applicant Mr. and Mrs. Behrendt, represented by Environmental Systems Design MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: David Viele VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant submits a revised site plan showing a 12' wide driveway and 4' wide concrete pan per Public Works standards for approval prior to submitting for building permits. 2. That the applicant submit a revised landscape plan showing five new plants along the front of the house to be reviewed and approved by staff prior to submitting for a building permit. 3. That the applicant use TAMKO's Heritage Declaration shingle with the color submitted to staff for approval prior to issuance of a building permit. 15. Leever residence DRB03-0103 Warren Final review of proposed new single family residence 1397 VailValley Drive/Lot 6, Block 3, VailValley l"tFiling Applicant Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Lever, represented by Custom Mountain Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4-0 . CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That a revised lighting plan, which meets the requirements of the Town Code, be submitted to staff for review and approval prior to submitting for building permits. 16. Moulton residence DRB03-0104 Wanen Final review of proposed new single family residence 1793 Shasta Place/Lot 15, VailVillage West 2d Filing Applicant: Jonathon S. Moulton, represented by Architectural Services, P.C. MOTION:Margaret Rogers SECOND: David Viele VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the applicant submits revised plans to staff for approval which shall remove the clipped hipped roof and return it to a gabled roof, prior to submitting for a building permit. Staff Approvals Trust residence DRB03_0112 Warren Skylight addition Village Center, l22EMeadow Drive, Unit 7FlLot K, Block 5E, VailVillage l" Filing Applicant William A Gilbert, represented by K.H. Webb Architects, P.C, Whiterock LLC DRB03-0036 Bill Interior conversion of crawlspace 1249 Westhaven Circle/Lot 35, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant Tab Associates Inc. Vail Commons DRB02-0395 Warren Retaining wall 2106 N. Frontage RoadA/ail das Schone 3- Filing Applicant Heid Construction VailLLC DRB03-0094 Bill Change to approved plan 1250 Westhaven Circle/Lot 30, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant WilliamReslock,Architect Dunning residence DRBO3-0120 Judy Re-paint 1461 Greenhill Ct./Lot 7, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Peter & Lucy Dunning Pano Jewelry DRB03-0117 Allison New sign 201 Gore Creek Drive/Block 58, Vail Village 1" Filing Applicant Peter Apostle Rabin residence DRB03-0089 Matt Window and door replacement Booth Falls Condos, 3094 Booth Falls CourUlot 1, Block 2, Vail Village 12h Filing Applicant: Robert & Patricia Rabin Lodge at Vail DRB03-0118 Bill Re-roof Stn floor same for same 174 E Gore Creek Drive/Lots A,B & C, Block 5C, Vail Village 1" Filing Applicant Lodge Properties, Inc. Apollo Green LLC DRB03-0114 Allison Skylight & window addition 600 Vail Valley Drive, Unit A-17lNorthwoods Condominiums Applicant: Apollo Green LLC Valentine/Lipnick residence DRB03-0116 Allison Heated driveway and boiler 1255 Westhaven Circle/Lot 45, Glen Stream 45 Applicant Rosslyn Valentine Fries residence DRB03-0105 Wanen Window addition and interior remodel 950 Potato Patch Drive, lf2ilPotato Patch Club Condominiums Applicant Thomas C. & Ann E. Fries Mountain Haus DRB03-0126 Bill Tree removaUreplacement 292 E. Meadow Drive/Block 5, VailVillage 1d Filing Applicant Mountain Haus Condo Association Decked LLC DRB03-0069 Bill Replace window with doors and enlarge window Vail Rowhouses, 303 Gore Creek Drive/Block 5, VailVillage 1d Filing Applicant Decked LLC The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign fanguage interpretation availade upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. ,*ffi Application for Design Review Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co,us General Information: All projecG requiring design revie\ / must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for De$gn Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' ttesign rcview approval lapses unlecs a building p€rmit is issued and construction commences within one year of tte approval. Location of the Proposal: Lot_Block:_ Subdivision: Description of the Request: Physical Address: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)n,Zoning: La.ytrtttzt4h I Name(s) of owner(s): Acrsf.,A n" ?cn I Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): B^,|J 5k;kn) -l Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:?o Bo*. 76 So Kuoru . 1o f,/Lzo E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: O Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition t'Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/du plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Phone: ,n qqg - tlclS ?*) 1<11- G !t1 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $3OO For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee R ECEI EB 6[\'1 Zttfi3 May 2,2003 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81620 Dcllv.ry: 110 E. B!ev.. Crc.k Blvd., t202, US M.ll: P.O. Sor 9650, Avon, CO 6.|620 . Phon.:970,949.t 195 . Frx:9?0.9a9,6159 VAtL 14142 O6nv.r W Pkwy., 1195, Gold.n, CO 80,lol . phonc:303.278.3820 . F.r:303.278,3843 DENVER I | 4,tg Oc..llcld Or., lCt . Phonc:530.550.7334 . F'l:530,550.7336 LAKE TAHOE NRGD Design Build, tncZ Attn: RE: Warren Campbell Austria Haus DRB Review Dear Wanen. I have enclosed several pictures ofthe exterior condensing unit that was installed last year at the Austria Haus. These pictures reflect the same type of condenser we plan on installing this year. We would like you to review these pictures and forward to the DRB staff and board for our meeting on Wednesday May, 7'. A few comments for clarifications based on your letter dated April 30, 2003. 1 . The condenser units are free standing and are not built-in into the exterior wall. 2. The condensers will sit offthe wall 6" to 10" to allow for airflow through the unit. 3. A "shelf'can be built around and on top ofthe condensers. Howeverthe front and back ofthe units need to be open for proper operation. 4. The attached pictures reflect the color of the condensing unit. We cannot at this time provide a cut sheet or sample. 5. Our intention is to place the condenser units behind the existing balcony railings and parapets. Should you have any questions or I can be offurther assistance, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, NRG Design Build Inc CC: Michael Foster: Resort Design Via E-mail 'eve Bovd. Jr. PE Construction Manaser www.n19designbuild.com Job Name: Purchaser: Engineer: Submitted To:For: EI Reference EApproval E Construction Submitted By: A) 'f ii'/z c) Refrigerant Piping: i\ ,i,. * i/u \4ax. Ht. Difierence............. .Ii.... . .aSTt. Max. Total Length - Multi-System.......:197 Ft. Longest Single Run ...............................80 Ft. lndoor Unit: Power Suppiy (all models) ................115i 1/60 Max. Fuse Size (all models) .............15Amps Min. Ampacity ,..(09) 0,5; (12-15) 0.6; (17) 0.7 Weight (lbs).,.....MSH09 = 20; MSH12-17 = 31 Outdoor Unit: Power Supply (V, PH, HZ) ......2081230 | 1l 6A Max. Fuse Si2e..............................,..30 Amps Mrn. Ampacity..... ...25 Amps Weight (package) . .. .. . ......193 Lbs. Standard Features: . Handheld wireiess remote convoller. One year parts warranty . Automatic fan speed control. Auto restart following a power outage. Hot stari system prevents cold at start of heatino . Advanced Microprocessor conirols. Unit shipped fully charged for entire. 6-year compressor warranty. Quiet operation . Auto startiAuto siop. Self check function . INVERTER compressoT MXZ3OTN Model Configurations n (2) MSH0gTW tr (1) MSHogTW + (1)lt/SH12TN tr (1)I/SH0gTW + (1) MSHlSTN n (1)MSHogTW + (1)MSHl7TN I (2) MSHl2TN n (3) MSH0gTW tr (2) MSHO9IW , (1) ivsHl2TN MSHOgTW MSHl2TN MSHl5TN MSHl TTN 1/,3 /8 Dimensions - Inches 7i16" MXZ3OTN MSHOgTW MSH.I2TN MSHl5TN MSH,17TN ru Model MSHoSTW 33-1t2 10-15/16" 7-1t2" MSHl2TN 39-15/16" 12-5/8" 7-1t2" MsHlsTN 39-15/16" 12-5t8 7-112 MSHlTTN 39-15/16" 12-5t8" 7-1n" SSD MXZ30IN '1106/01 5[/ Olvtitsubishi Eleclric 2OO1 Submitted To:For: flReference nApproval I Construction Submitted Bv: Unif Desbnafron: Schedule No. Model No.: Capacities: Cooling ................,..... .................r.........2 x 8.5 MBH Outdoor Design Temp................. .,...........F' DBMB Cooling ..,......,,.. .........,,,,..,..,95/75 Outdoor Unit: Power Supply ..................230/ 1/60 Max. Fuse Si2e .....................................2x 15Amps Min. Ampacit-v..-.. .....14 + 13 Amps Weight................ ..............122 Lbs. Sound................. ..........d8(A) 56.5 Refrigerant Piping: Max. Ht. Difference ..........................................25 Ft. Max. Length....... ...................49 Ft. Liquid (OD) .....................,................................1/4 In. Gas (OD) ...,........................3/8 In. Standard Features: . Six year compressor warranty . Wireless remote controller ("1 Feel" conirol) . One year parts warranty . Automatic fan speed control . Auto restart following a power outage . Advanced Microprocessor controls . SlimJine outdoor unit . Zone control . Quiet operation - both, indoor and outdoor units . Auto starvAuto stop . Self check function Dimensions - Inches MSO9NW @ MUMlSNW Notes: Lo,a /!n, lix,vT P*'* (2) MS09NW I I T I l I I II I FItI ,l) | rl l, il i I *.=o* Des ign @S/@7 /@3 LZ2@2P -ffi = (t P.c'- ?-6 bVal A P'-it tlwr t'/'f'$ u*Lrr ct\rl K1 opr*1 o* al r^* 1 $t(s"t'4'l ry' be,icl) (f*- vt\lh" be' [-,it(,ri'arhr zl+'$ T5. .ri'Urs. 1rx IY.'TS e+ ix*(ii\+ rlf,lbi trit{il:-:FIt.l Ei(ffi' 5s tl., + lrl$| -li*=!"-, h,t j?, -- o) 141 i,',) "!' !^vg M1 Balcony Rail Section @ Hotel Roorns 4I2 & 413 Augreta HAUS VAIL, COLORAOO Scgerbcrg & Associa[es I Il I It t 41.\I I I I q T I J 343-449-3366a-@5/@7 /@3 L2t@T P. @@9Resort Des i9n o l Y'l5 (srM) (3-5lE' 16 GA SIUD WALL I T0 suPPoRr STOI{E - NO EAIT INSUL.) BUILDING PAPER AND FIISHING I wrlslM. (3-5/t'sTu0s AND IMTCHANICALLY MIMBRANE OVER STUO AND GY"SUM AND DOWN 4" MIN. AnACH flFS.) 8'lr' FIASHING ND WEEPS OVER CURVID STL. / ^ 8J'-6' ARCH PErAK.e-- 82'-2" SPRING (FtNtSHtD DtM.)v{2 w/ coNI, 0RlP Arch CeLail Picrce, Segerberg & Associates Archi[ects, P.C. ,t-l.A- lfsr:. !Q3-6?3-?262 Job No:AU9TRIA HAUS VAIL, COLORADO D a le: lnb tA'l DeIaiI Resont llcs ign 3@3-449-3366 @E/@? /@3 LZt q:ZP P.@67 I I I I -r I @ Uurr 'rF$ i- --?- atm.lr r--!-----+ luNrr #41.JI 1 II I \_ alh trrl TD az-1 5lDr.NqueK OF VAIL YIEW BOARDLo' " -7r ALL COPPER COV€REO Avstara jlnv+ nt oa ResoFt Des ign 309-449-3366 V.GROOVE SIDING COPPER ROOF @5/@7/@ L2. @ZP P.@6 Avsrqft tlru. Noprrrr enuenn\vd I r't^hl nn--l-1_ I Il.f- I +, artd # t s C} 3d t.- c1 D t :' iIg. JOa{n>3 l.L ll..lg52!e3troeF- rs ::;l"l $f^_- ti- )l- tm IJ Itu ::" rOir .t o .e x{}Tsfi bc UT -.1I} FtDc(n atri 1lr $ AUSTRI.A I{AUS *arlF u6lseq r.roseu E(') -.1 a_ t ('t AUSTru.A }IAUS EF e@@'d """,)"rr.rr=, -o99ee-6tt-eaE u6!sec lJos€U lot p 'nl-ooA E(n -{ab E o -+-sgae-6tt-e@e AUSTRIA }IAUS E!l-- b@@'d u6lstq rJosau H A F T E(ll -lF Foofr AUSTR]A FIAUS IF Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us April30,2003 NRG Design Build c/o Steve Boyd P. O. Box 9650 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Austria Haus air conditioning installation comments, located at 242 East Meadow DriveA/ail Village Filing 1 Mr. Boyd, This letter is being sent to inform you of several comments and questions the Community Development Department staff have regarding your submittal for the Austria Haus air conditioning condenser installation at 242 East Meadow Drive. The follow comments should be addressed in the materials submitted for your final review. . Please provide a detailed drawing of how you propose to finish trim the condenser units after they are installed into the stucco wall. For example wood trim painted match existing stucco color and width of wood trim. Also provide color sample if necessary.. Please provide a cut sheet showing the color of the proposed condenser units for review of the compatibility with existing colors and materials on the building. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 479-2148. lt has been determined that your application will require review by the Design review Board. ln order to be on the May 7,2003 Design Review Board agenda please submit revised plans addressing these concerns and questions no later than Monday May 5, 2002 at 12:00 p.m. I will be out of the office April 30 through May 1 so please leave a message I will return your call on Friday if there are any questions. *)t1r"n"ror, /,) i0Cttrrttm tz Warren Camobell Planner ll Cc: File {g*"uor "o TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 O \I?60'W FILE COPY October 30, 2003 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Auslria Haus do LauraWarren 242 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Austria Haus air conditioning installation conditions, located at 242 Easl Meadow Drive/Vail Village Filing 1 Ms. Warren, This letter is being sent to inform you ot several conditions of approval which have not been met regarding the installation of the new air conditioning condenser for the Austria Haus located at 242 East Meadow Drive. The follow comments should be addressed immediately in order t0 c€mply with the condilions of approval for the installation of a new air conditioning condenser. . As a condition of approval a wood screen cover was developed to be paced over the condenser unit which would then be painted in order to make the condenser less visible. Mike Foster with Resort Designs lnc. created the design for the cover. Please conslruct and install the cover immediately.o A second condition of approval was the requirement to paint allthe exposed conduit and switch boxes which have been run on the outside of the building for this condenser and the previously installed condenser. Please paint the conduit the same color as the wall across which it runs. As some of the conduit spans large distances it may be necessary to paint the conduit multiple colors as il runs across trim which is a differenl color than the body of the building. Painting the switch boxes and conduit will help it to blend into the building and not be so obvious as an add on to the building. I would be happy to meel with you on site in order to show you directly the issues which need to be addressed. We need to get immediate action on these issues so that we might close your file and avoid any Code Enforcement action. Please call me al 479-2148 with a date upon which you believe the above mentioned items can be completed. it-ffi''c*il-/ Warren Campbelll Planner ll Cc:File {S "t"nuor^rr* Aoo{nto (+'^.-- TO\^/I{ OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTME 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2135 ^? VAILFIREDEPARTMEN"IO NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMT Permit #: F02-0064 Job Address: 242 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.....: 242 E Meadow DrUnit # C-101 Applied . . : 10/17/2002 ParcelNo...: 210108225001 Issued. .: 10/18/2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 06/07/2003 owNER AUSTRIA HAUS DEV cROUp IJIJP IO/L7/2OO2 phone: 18 ViIHAI,BSHTP PI,AZA SAI{ FRANCISCO CA 94111 Iricense : CoNTRACTOR WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTTaO/L1 /2OO2 phone : 3O3-792-QO22 7026 SOIITH TUCSON WAY ENGIJEWOOD, CO 80tL2 License: 338-S APPIJICAIiIT WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTTLO/L1 /2002 PhONC I 303-792-0O22 7025 SOIIrH TUCSON WAY ENGIJEWOOD, CO 8 0112 I-,icense: 338-S Desciption: ADD 1 SPRINKLER IN NEW OFFICE IN AUSTRIA HAUS/ADD 1 SPRINKLER FROM EXISTING VVET SPRINKLERSYSTEM Valuation: $650.00 FEESUMMARY Meclunical-> $20 - 00 Restuarant Plan Review->So .00 Total Calculated Fees--> $28 . 00 Plan Check-> Investigation-> will cau-> $5 . 00 DRB Fee*---->so. oo Additional Fees-_-->$0. 0o $3.00 BAIANCE DUE->s0. 00 Iten: 05100 BUfIJDING DEPARII{ENI Iten: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI{EIflI L0/17/2o02 mvaughan Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 i:::*::::"i*i:::-"-:-'::T*:"**::.::"*:-::::.:::-.::::-.::::i::-"- DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an acflrrate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning $0 - oo TOTAL FEES--------> $28 . oo Total Permit Fee---_---> $28 . 00 Payments--> $28.00 and subdivision codes, design r"*"ouQp.o*,"d, Uniform Building Cod" "rU ot ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. nEQITSTSFOn INSIECUON SUAEDEMAITEIVENTy-XIOIIREOIJnStNATTVANCmEYITLDPEONE ltt 17'1*2l3tS xRoM&00AM-5nu. SIGNATIJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}VISELF AND OWNEI I APPLICATION NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPTET Building Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2135 (I nspections) are required at time of permit submittal and . Permit application will not be accepbd this information: Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N.IC.E.T. Level III (min) mvuaFwn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 calcu of Colorado 4^q4 Prutection @ntractor. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPTETE VATUATIONS FOR ATARI{ PERM '-r i, r & trf ateriaf i.l -U! I ryQ-* "fiell+ -::-- ConEct Assryzrc Offie at 97O-328-8ilO or visit Parel # (Requ no bldg. Permit # is provided above) Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. # D | soutkJrAw WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel(",)/ Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) MultFfamily( ) Commercial(".} Restaurant( ) Other( ) lrlo. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Does a Fire Sprinkler System Existt Yes(u). No ( )Does a Fire Alarm Exist Yes ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***************************!r******'l'l* F:/everyoneformysprk I I I PARTIAL@ N.T.S. GENERALNOTES: i. ALL HANGERS TO BE SPACED PER NFPA'I3 ; irEqurRED. LOW porltr DRATNS TO BE pROVTDED PERNFPA-13 j Frpg S]zgS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE wlTH EXISTiNG SYSTENI DESIGN 4. EIT UETV SPRINKLER HEADS PER NFPA-I3 ;. .SP-NWTT-EN HEAD SPACING TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA Z, New prpe AND FITTNGS To MATCH EXISTING SPRNKLER LEGE\D Fotection Co. ?026 SouLh Tucson Way EngI.ewood, Coiorado 80112 Tel.: 303-?92-00?2 Fax: 303-79?-9049 Colorado SlaLe RerisrraUoo Nurnber 032 (d SffiafP oFFlcE 20 VAIL ROAD VAIL, cQ Jl!!z CONTRACT NO: ORAWN BY: STL oNt l0l7l02 frql'rru H"^'/ TO\^AIOF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2738 o?o*r** oF coMMUNrt or*,-?rr* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E02-0208 fob Address: 242 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.....: 242 E Meadow DrUnit # C-101 Applied . . : l0/ffi/2002 Parcel No...: 2701,C8.225C(J1, Issued . . : l0/W/2O02ProjectNo: Expires. .: 11./01./2002 oliINER AUSTRIA HAus DBv GRoUP LLP Lo/o8/2oo2 Phone: 18 WIIAIJESHIP PI.,AZA SA}I FRA}ICISCO CA 94111 L,icense: coNrRAcToR ASCEDIT ELECTRIC IO/O8/2OO2 phone: 970-513-0053 P.O. BOX 2027 SIIJVERTIIORNE, EO 80498 I-,icense: 134-E APPITICAIIT ASCEI{II EITECTRIC t0/O8/20O2 Phone: 970-513-0053 P.O. BOX 2027 SII-,VERTITORNE, CO 80498 IJicense: 134-E Desciption: DIVIDE OFFICE ADD 2 RECPTACLES ABD 2 RECESSED LIGHTS Valuation: $1,000.00 FEESUMMARY Hecu'ical-> DRB Fee--> Investigation-> wiu cau-> TOTALFEES-> Ss3 . oo Total Calculated Fees-> $53 . 00 Additional Fees->$0. 00 Total permit Fee_> 953.00 Payrrents--> $53.00 BALANCE DUIE->s0. 00 $50. 00 $0. 00 s0 .00 s3 .00 Approvals:I€e'm: 06000 EIJECTRICA! DEPARI'I{EIIT Lo/o8/20o2 DE Action: AP ItseM: O55OO FIRE DEPARII{EI T CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 j1T;:i--:::*-ff-".:T::.s-:::l:::*T--"5:.:-l3l*ll3T*-".3l11.'-ar; DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accur"t" plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structue according to the towns zoninl andsubdivisioncodes, design."*"*!f,pro*4 UniformBuitdingCode and "t-*r"*s of theTownapplicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL EE MADE TWB.ITY-FOUR HOTJRS IN ADVANCE BY IEIJPHONE AT 4T9-n49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8dl0 AM - 4 PM. SIGNIATLJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}vISELF AND OWNEI APPIJCA";s"U'B:mffi ermit #:goz-oio\ 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) NVNOFWb 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Electrical Contractor : As" esl Euecxraro Town of Vail Reg. No.:ri\ - €, Contact and Phone #'s: Oqtr.N 4*o-** \fOOroIt E-Mail Address:I contractor sisnature: YJ^,7 /lt r COMPTETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (tabor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parc€l #Z\otox zzsoo\ Job Name: { C) r-,\rrrlNerv^r-o LeAu f-<Ttsr,=Job Address: )"q'L LWldNr \ r O '0 I ?.rrf r.,\ €roSlaL = rar\ <\ff6 ltD Legal Description ll Lot:Block;Filingt Subdivision: o*ntoR$Ru',.oooEV (-G.rr.rp ll Address: ff lJr.nssr.e Q*=",Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: C).s".<r€ .rtFr c -.t a.o s 'l Ctec-r=9h< l-€ a^sc 2 Q<LeSSis L\c+\{\ S WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel(vf Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (vf Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (-1' Typeof Bldg.: Singlefamily( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial (vfRestaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) t'lo (r'f Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (4 No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (r') *******************************tr*'t*****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************t rr**t **tr*rl************* Other Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees: '.:AceDted BY: Planner Siqn-off: , i,\e. N \WAiI\dAIA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM,DOC 07t26t2002 o o o o Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 1O-1-6. Overhead seruices are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepGd. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be oermitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. if this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-famif building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. a If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. lo -t-o r- Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mailand the inspector will call you back. Af\$;) NniFv4! HOW DIDWE RATE WTTH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Forresl Director, (970) 47s.213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnen(s) did you conbct? Building _ Environrnental Housing Admin; Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your iniUd contact wiilt our sffi immedide_ dow _or :. , .:. .. . .. , . no one arailable----!? ' ' 3. lf you were required h wait, how long was ii before you were helped?- 4. Was your proj,ect reviemred on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why no0 5. Was fris your first lime to file a DRB app- PEC +p- Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate fie performance of fte staf person who assisibd you: 54321Name: (knowledgq responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall eiTeu'riverress of fiie F-r'oirt Scrviue Countet: 5 4 3 2 i 8. Whatis the besttime of day for you to use the FrontService Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us b better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking tlre iime to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our servica Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: Austria Haus E*erior Modilrcations DR.B Number: DRB020392 Project Description: Inshll louver for garage ventilation system and o<terior condenser for AC of hotel rooms on deck behind railing Pailicipants: OWNER AUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROUP LLP 10/31/2002 Phone: 18 WHALESHIP PTAZA SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 License: APPLICANT ENCOMPASS MECHANICAL SERVICE10/31/2002 Phone: 970-949-L7 47 431 Metcalf Road POB s080 Avon, CO Steve.boyd@enompass.com 81620 License: ProjectAddress: 242 E MEADOW DRVAIL Locauon: Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivisioni VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 1 Parcell{umber: 210108225001 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of APProval= lLlO8l2O02 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for buibing. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005653 That the new garage louver be painted to match the surrounding wall color prior to a final inspection. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO O Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifring a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The p@ect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. u"r.rf.\o\ionr urt55. tutN4 cn q4//l T0I4/T'M Locaton of the iroposal: Lot: B eOct: 5- b Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Description of the Request: Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Owner(s) Signature(s): Phone: qb Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review O New Constructiontr Addition Minor Alteration (multi-fa mily/coinmercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 Plus $1,00 per sguare foot oftotal sign area. No Fee retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans Design Review Board. No Fee $5s0 $300 $2s0 $20 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and tr tr already approved by Planning Staff or the For Office Use Onlv:l# tf,'o'i*f4""'t' a*x no., U2V0 4 ey, Application Date: Planner: RECE It,E Il ,*ffi JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review prc,cess to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Page 2 of L2l02l07l0z TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements' Proposals'to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS o Stamped topographic survey*, if applicable o Site and Grading Plan, if applicable* o Landscape Plan, if applicable* o Photos or drawings which clearly convey existing conditions* o Photos or drawings which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*q Exterior color and material samples and specifications. o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable o Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicableq The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, draWings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). Topographic survey: o Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyorq Date of survey o North arrow and graphic bar scaleq Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20') o Legal description and physical address o Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) o Ties to existing benchmar( elther USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey o Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner. o Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. o Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report, List any easement restrictions. o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the propefi at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. o Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals o Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measurecl from a point one foot above grade, o Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc,). u All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc. ).o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Page 3 of t2l02liilo2 o Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback)o Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable W Sewer GasTelephone Water Electrico Size and type of drainage culvefts, swales, etc. o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan:o Scale of l"-20'or larger o Property and setback lineso Existing and proposed easements o Existing and proposed grades o Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decK, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. o All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.o Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. o A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.o Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.o Proposed suface drainage on and off-site. o Location of landscaped areas. o Location of limits of disturbance fencing o Location of all required parking spacestr Snow storage areas, tr Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet, Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.a Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan:o Scale of 1" = 20' or larger o Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. o Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. D Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs. u Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.o Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.q Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. u The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for olant material followino its installation. Page 4 of L2lO2l07lO2 tr Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan: o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area tr Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSAI-S For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc,) The following is an example: Page 5 of 12/02/07llz PROPOSED MATERIALS Buildinq Materials Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues ' Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of L2lo2l07l02 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name OuantiW Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc') Page 7 of Izl02l07l02 o UTILIW LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970,384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharo EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4077 (tet) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949,5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.252.4038 (fax) Contact: Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANTTATION DISTRICTX 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.475.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.L224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTEST 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified oroblems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permlt from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before digging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail, A building permit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained separately. Page 8 of L2/02107102 NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Pre-aoolication Meeti no A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identiff any critical issues pertaining to the applicant's proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an applicaUon. In many cases, the pre-application meeting helps to expedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A pre.application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 970.479.2128 or jred-[gucz@ejJaXto.us Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at htto://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/planning/drb/meetinqs/default.htm For a new residential development, the application deadline is typically 3,5 weela prior to a Design Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set fotth in 11tle 12, (Zoning Regulations) and lltle 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Requirements for orooerties located in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc,), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific geological investigation determines that the subject propefi is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards, Required Plan Sheet Format For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be snown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. 2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. 3. Graphic bar scale.4. North arrow. 5. Title block, project name, project address and legal description. 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. B. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000'or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. Page 9 of 1210210il02 Desiqn Review Board Meetinq Reouirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aporoval The Administrator (a member of the planning staffl may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by external consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an external consultant is needed, the Community Development Depaftment may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review comoletion. Page 10 ot I2lO2lO7/02 Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 o Landscape plan o Title Report (Section B) o Environmental Hazards (ie, rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) tr Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) o Trees o Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...)o Topographyo Utility locationso Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from propefi. TOI4IN web: www.ci.vail.co.us xThis checklist must be submitted prior b Public Works review of a prcpored developmenE Owners/Project Name: Project Address: Applicant:Phone Number: Submittalo Stamped suruey of property o Civil/Site plans Survev Reouirements: o Surveyor's wet stamp and signaturer Date of suruey o North arrowo Proper scale (1"=10'or L"=20')o Legal descriptiono Basis of bearings / Benchmarktr Spot Elevationso Labeled right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.o Lot Size o Buildable Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) Site Plan Requirements: I. Access (check all)o Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan, o Unheated D Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone) o Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30o/o of driveway area if unheated; 10o/o of driveway area if heated) o All driveway gndes, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):- o Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp,12&14 il. Construction Site (check all)o Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. o Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. tr I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction. a I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Page 11 of 12102107102 f C r: /L ilI. Drainage (check all that apply)D The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12.B (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)o 4 Foot Concrete Pan tr I Foot Concrete Panu Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site.u Culvets have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. o A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) ry, Erosion Control (Check all that apply) a Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.n A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped.s Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site pran. V. Floodplain (check all that apply)o The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain. a 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. D A Floodplain study has been provided, (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer) o The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VI. Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply) o The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20) o A Hazard Report has been provided o The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VII. Grading (check all that apply) o Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. o All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:l grade. o All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. o Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIII. Parking icheck all) o All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. IX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)o All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.o All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. o All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction,o No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply) o Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. oPropersightdiStancehasnotbeenattained.EXp|anationwhy:- Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that pertain to Public Works Review. Page 12 of L2l02lO7lO2 Applicants Signature_ "ffi ,1 { 1 )' $rst^tt 98{rt"o" Lo..te.R,',vlL MqlcA .*qirlFq$- . _"w ,iB$i I* ;: $t fii tg frl l/le,u /-- ,4nek'n //'qus Vrtv{*</A{ I FI GREENHECK lJo Dampers & Louvers ESD-403 Hiqh Performance Drainable Blade Louver ESD-403 is a weather louver designed to protect air intake and exhaust openings in building exterior walls. Design incotporates drain gutters in the head member and horizontal blades to channel water to the louver side lraines orjambs wherA water is further channeled through vertical downspouts and out at the sloped louver sill. The ESD-403 is an extremely efficient louver with AMCA LICENSED PERFORMANCE DATA enabling designers to select and apply with confidence. ifl,'5t OPTIONAL FLANGE :-'{4ltl ,/ltt,/ |C rlt- OPTIONAL EXTENOED Application and Design Standard Frame: Blades: Birdscreen: Finish: MinimumSize: 12"W x 12"H MaximumSize: 120"W x 120"H (see page 4) Construction Heavy gauge 6063T5 extruded aluminum, 4" x .081" nominal dimensions Drainable design, 6063T5 extruded aluminum, .081" nominal wall thickness, positioned at 37' and 45" angles on aPproximately 4" centers 3/4" x .051" flattened expanded aluminum in removable frame. Screen is mounted on inside (rear) Mitl Options (at additional cost) . Flanged frame. Extended sill . A variety of bird and insect screens . A variety of architectural flnishes including: Clear anodize Integral color anodize Baked enamel Kynar . Welded construction . 0.125" nominal wall thickness . Hinged frame. Security bars. Filter racks l. w & H Didpnsions furnashed approximately l/4" under size. Quantity Size wwidth H Height Project Confactot Location Design Specilier Replaces ESD-401 & ESD-402, April ESD-403 ESD-403 Jan. 1998 /,r-/'*;Pef /;r^, fr'^{ha rusgo rf I {io't' CAa+t"- * **J:r. 6t},u iZ".lt*^,c ..,.;::t eli 7.\ 'r. tt, a ti .|e:" , ,ar\ r. tt,l l:i !l i- t/i,^^, S-..^ +--.-'., s por t'--|,^o - '*'^tFe"-' {,ua-.-Apr I 2002- 1:24PM--970 479 5651-..- -;-;::-.::*:"" No'8004 P' l'e r .1I.-a a h?$ ' .t. ?A_iF*i ;Lyr i xlR \}\ -3ivr$c s + {'1tr h tr- \\cg''\I t-',15 '\') 1Lhs\s Fl -lb{-l) ,-l \., a{" L.1 1*.;' b> H@<mit € tr ,lc ttilF .\rlt{ - E : -irIItrICE - ..8 \ :(- - eaETITg di -l IT -IECEcfitFEEtrrErJ-2t - rtF - E --Iga EE tt =EI - dEfl - IITIITtnIE5 :-ITIII -rID -l rE; lrArIY'tO " g\v5D .Tob Address: 242 E MEADOW DR StaLus.. Location. -.: 242 E MEADOW DR (AUSTRIA Applied. Parcel No..: 2LOL-082-25-001 Issued..Project No. : PRiI98-0290 Elq)ires. ls {- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 Building- - - - -> 455.00 Plan Check-- - > Inv€sEigation> wil,l call----> DEPARTI,IENT OF COMMIINITY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALt TfMES ADD/ALT COMM BUII,D PERMT Permit #: 898-0355 A...-/)M"' IW ISSUED Lt/L9/Le98 LL / 30 /L998 05/29 /1,99e APPI-,ICAI T CONTRACTOR OhINER Descri-pEion: TENA}TT FINISH (MANRICO CASHMERE) NORRIS & ASSOCIATES, INC.P. O. BOX 5759, 25 LOWER WOODBRTDGE, NORRIS & ASSOCIATES, INC.P. O. BOX 5759, 25 LOWER WOODBRTDGE, AUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROUP tLP 18 WHALESHIP PI,AZA, SAN FRANCISCO CA Phone:. 970-923-2030 #1-028, SNOI,IMASS VILLAGE, CO Phone: 970-923-2030 #1028, SNOWMASS VILI,AGE, CO 94LLL Occupancy: E}2 T)pe ConsEruction: II FR Tlpe Occupancy 3 Valuatsion: Fireplace InforBaEion: Reshictsedl 44 ,560 B2 Type II *of ca6 AppLianccg: . o0 3.O0 . o0 50.o0 . o0 250 . O0 Tot.al CalculaEed F6ca- --> ato53.75 Additional Fc€6-- -- - -- - -> .oo Totsal Pernit Fee- -- -- - - -> 1.o53.?5 *of wood/Pallet: 1, 053 . 75PayrncnCe - - - - - - - TOTtr, FEES- - -- - 1,053.7s BAI,ANCE DUE.--- . OO Dept: BUII-,DING Division: Deot: PLANNING Division:De-pt: FIRE Division:Dept: PttB woRK Division: It.em: 05100aL/24/L998Item: 05400It.em:05500It,em:05500 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{:T GGOODELL AcLion: APPR PI,ANNING DEPARTMENTFIRE DEPARTI4ENTPI'BLIC WORKS TOV/Comm, Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved Fire ResisenpUnt date Add Sq FT: #Of GaB Irogs: FEE SOI{MARY Rcstuarant Plan Rlvi€!.- - > DRB Fee-------- Recrcation Fce--- -- --- -- > cLcan-Up Depo6it- - - -----> See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions thaE may apply Eo this permitr. DECI-'ARATIONS I hereby acknowleilge lhats I have read !hi6 application, filled out in full tshe inforoation required, co$Pleled an accuraca [t1oC plan, and staCe Chat all th6 information Flowidrd ae rcquired ie correcb. I agrcc !o conP]y !.itsh lhe informaEion and plol Plan, to comply eith all Toen ordinanceB and 6Eace lawe, and fo build €hi6 struceure accolding !o the Tolrn's zoning and €ubdiwiEion codee, deaign rcvicw approved, UniforE Buitding code and oEher oldinanceB of tbe Torn applicabl,e thcreto. REQUESTS FOR INSPEC"TIONS SHAI,I, BE MADE TWENTY-FOT'R HOT'RS IN ADVANCE BY send Clean-Up Depo6its for NORRIS .AND ASSOC ******************************************************************************** CONDTTIONS Permit. #: 898-0355 as of L]/30/9e SEatus: ISSUED ********************************!t*********************************************** Permit, Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMTApplicant: NORRIS & ASSOCIATES, rNC. 97 0 -923 -2 03 0 ilob Address: LOCATiON: 242 E MEADOW DR (AUSTRIA HAUS C-1.)Parcel No: 2l-01--082-25-001 Applied: ]-]-/]-9/L998 Issued: 1,1/30 /1998 To Ex;rire z 05/29/L999 DescripLion: TENANT FINISH (MANRICO CASIIMERE) Conditrions:]-. FIRE DEPARTMEIfT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE A}IY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2 . FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE. 3. TIIIS IS A TYPE II-FR NONCOMBUSTIBLE BUILDING. FIRE- RETARDAIqT-TREATED WOOD MAY BE USED ONLY AS BACKTNG WITHIN WALL ASSEMBLIES & NOT ON THE FACE OF STUDS.4. EI{TIRE SPACE MUST HAVE FINISHED CEILI}IG OR. OTHERWISE BE APPROVED BY FIRE DEPT. FOR PROPER FTJNCTIONTNG OF FIRE SPRINKIJER HEADS. 5. LOCATION OF SPRINKLER HEADS & DETECTORS MUST BE APPROVED BY FIRE DEPT. PERMi? APPLTCA"ION FOR}.f. DA?E. tt lr>latt / AppLrcATroN IrusT Bi FILLED ouT coMpr,ETELy ol $....,;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;.;;,-J:";*i"ffi#::::.,y.Iy.w.:.ffifl,:.**i**, nxr -Bui1dineu",U T*li*AH rxl -ELectrieal {ii:iff-.#fi#i*''/ , -o.n.,,4vver.recar 111_necA{nrcar t .l _Othuutt $l* Au:rp.11 F+Au.g,fob'Address: PFP\rT'i' n 7*?c!lt-_!lM( tbe. @7 Job Name: Lega1 Oescription: Lot Owners Name:Tgullr?'a*t'ywV;vco-i8ffi, Block Fi I in-- -- -..: Address: Arclritect,: Ar,h.l=-..._---- Address: General De scrj.ption: Hork CLass:- [ i-New I J-Atteration I ]-Addirional I llnepair g^3_#"Effiher_A!llr+_ liuraber of D'*el ti-ng' Units . /Nrrrnlier of Accommodation Units: /'. er rrc;c:onrmoclact-on Units I y' ^ {pmber and rype of Fifept.Il. \if,'.-.: orrL{ J'rPc :: "t.*taces: cas..apprian.,es r+t/*y' cas Logs / r{oodlpeJ_J. et_y'_ l$***'r***********t****?t************ vALUATToNg * rr * * r::r:r * * * * .^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * x * * * *** 95rg\-Coun Ey Asses rcg19;:'^txg ttfi,K oF vArt coNsrRucrrc,p BUILDING: STGNATUR-E: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: :]P DEP.OSIT VALUA?ION l ,r. Ll",flti T.EFUIiD TC: TO: FrlnII . oetE: SUBJECT: 75 sorrth Ironlagc road vall, colora d o B 1657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 tur|NXE&, to ottice ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYI, REGISTERED WITH THETolf}t oF VAIL TovrN oF vj,TL puBLIc r.toRKs/col.n.ruNlTy DE\rELOpirENT l.tARcH L6, t988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }LA,TERTAL STOzu.GE In sununary, Ordinance No. 6 state: :!:t__i-t-is unlawful fol: anype)'son to Litter, track "t -a"p"=tt., any soil-, roci:, sand, clebris;:, ffi".;'i,lii"i!!r"clins tiasr,-5iip,t"r,, portubre toilers and t1, l; ::_,i',v"p].tl5i".ilI.if:""ii"=ii;Hi15t_3il;:";:rili:ii-.,va L screets and . roacrs is approxir"!"iy't-it.''irr pou.mu't.Th s ordinance will be;tr;;ii;-enforced by the Town of VaiLPul.,Iic'I{orks o-oarim"ntl--pJiilns founcr rii,r"iing this orcrinancet'rilr be'given a 24 hour r.iil"n"noti""-to*;;;;;:tsaid rnateriar.rn the event rhe person so norit:..J-Jo"=-";;,,;;;pty r+ith thenotice vithin the 24 hour tirne specified, the putric ltorksDeparrment vrill =.*o,r. ="iJ-r"tlii"i-.i-th;";";;;re of persc n:;;if::3i" T:"":'ovisions "r-*'i= or.tinan"I ;fr!;i nor be any stre=t oi ;ii:;'::.];;,"Tiill;::.ff :il"":I;ii_:!;l;:l= ", io revievr"ordinance Nb'. 6 in furr, please =topl ly t',* lovrn or13; ;.ilii3i'3.";fli:T:ii"::'"iIi'n a copv- rhanl, vou ror your l? Y eaci and acknovrledgecl by: ,rtYErlCfoRPt'oject (i.e. contractor, Jt\ - ,l-IJCT L tliln !q7 . o+ner) 75 soulh ,ronlrgc road vall, colo ra do 81657(303) 479-2138 or ttTg_213g'olrlco ot community devolopmerrt BUILDING PERI.iIT IS5UA}ICE TII.IE FRANE If' this permi.t requjre,s a Tovrn of vair F'ire Department Approval ,Ensineep''s (pub'rii r,lorks) i"vi"r'uni:upprouui,ri'ij'.-il,iin!'bepurtm,ntreview or Her.'r th oepSrtm6nt-i""i.r,:u'nl.u. revi ew by the duir dingDepartment, :he estinated time for'a-iotat i.uiur-iluj,'iuii'u, ton.as thrge weelis, 14 | | sv rrw lltd,y LdKe A]l commcrcii:l 'llu"g:-gr sma.l.l) and a.ll mu.lti_family permits willhave to fo'l lr vr the abov-e.rnentioneJ rixrru, requirements. Residentia.land small prr jects shou]d 6i;-;-i";;e. around ot time.' However, .ifresidentta'r r r snra'rter projecir-i;;;;;'the various above mentioneddepartmcnts r.,ith rega.rd' to-necessaiy-r"uiu", these projects mayalso take the three-weet< perioJ..- " l:::{,",.1.T1:-rl|_l:,Tlgu by this departnrent to expedite thisperrnTt.as. s.qon as possible. : -- l:,*!. undersigned, understand the plan chec* piocedure and time : jl3-Lrq^,$[-eNr' Hrt,JpCt. Ndtn€ | 117 5neer \{as turned into tDa te 'l.lo r Devel opment Departrnelt. TO: FROM: DATE: IIEIIORANDUII ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 91 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMIT'' DEPAHTIIENT IS REOUIRED 1) 9\x X x x a\ 4) s) 6) 7) B) >< *ls a "Revor:able Right Ol required? I R. ls the right,of rvay, public property lo be used,. parking or lencing? I have read and answ rred A\4t'e44 HA{.t5 C.t ?:,^-^11:g^i:^tA' is,a parking, stasins Kor tenctng pran required by CommunityDevelopment? .. I you answered yes to an.' of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" musl be obiained. "ublic Way Permii" applicalions may be oblained al the Public Wor,x's ofiice or at C:ommulrilY Developm:nl. . lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Toyrn of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. Job Nu ?tJ A I{Ar,r.9Date: t l*!q€ - PIease answer the.tollov/ing questionnaire regariiing lhe need ior a 'public way permit": YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolili,rn work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public fropeqly?- ls rny'utility rvork needed? ,ls .he orivelay being repaved? ls dilferent access needed 1o sile oll'er than existing driveway? ls ;rny cirainage work being done affi;cling the riJlhl ol way, easemenls, or public property? Way Permit" easements or for staging, the above questions. Contracio r's Sig nature,-ilL f'lame Printed by Joan Nolen From: George nutherTo: BLDGDIV GROUP,subject: Austria Haus ===NOTE===== ==========9 / 22 / 99==4 = 57 pn== r have denied the Final co for hteAustria Haus, I am in communicationwith their reoresentatives with reqardto the i'l]eoal construction of the- storaoe sDaaes. r wi]l keep the qroup inforted.' Please forvard ahy p'laininb issue re'lated calls to me. thanks 2/99 PLANNERS GROUPFinal co Page: 1 { J:-'_----_- Ll . i.- \ REF,T L31 o Le/IB/9A OB:O4 RE0UEST$ FOR INSFECTION hlgRX SHEETS FOR:t?/t8/98 Activity: LlgB-O355 L?/LA/9A Type: A-trOMM Sitatr-rs: ISSUED []r.rnstr't ACOM Addnesgr €4P E MEADO|., DR Locationr E4€ E MEADOT^J DR (FIUSTRIR HRUS C-l) F,arcel r 8IO1-OBP-C5-OO1 Occ: IJescript ionr'l'ENAN't I-IhlISH (FIANRIC0 CRSHMERE) Applicant: NORRIS & ASSOCIATES' INC. Fhoner Owner: AUSTRIA HAUS DEU GROUF LLF Ftronel Cant ract or: lrlORRI S & ASSOCI ATEs, I NC. Fh on e : TOIdN Ol- VflILo COLORADO F,AGE 1S AREA: trD Use: II FR 97Ur-9e3-3O34 97rzr-9e3-eU'SS Inspect i on Reqr-re*t Inf ormat i on, . , . , Req r-rg 5tr s.I SAM Req Tine: tZtl ltlB Commentsr MANRI{:O Itens requested ts be Inspected... O853ff BLDG-Temp. C/O ffi Inspe $StSfrZt clriveway qrade final oqrolo BLDG-F sot ings/5tee I AAOS{I BLDG-Foundat i onlSt ee } @O5;'A PLAN-IL-C Site Flan raq|aS€r BLDG-Fran ing rzlcrA4gr * * Not On File * * geilZr5(t BLDG-InEulat i on Ie/A7/94 Inepectorl JRM 0006'a ALDG-Sheetrock Nai I te/@g/98 Inspector: JRM le./f 1/96 Inspectorl JRM le/I4/98 Inrpectorr GRG CrSaA€gt * * Not Bn File * * @OO7fi BLDG-ltli sc. te/A5/gb Inspector: JRM rA$09'Z' FLDG-Final 00534 BLD6-Temp. C/0 IAA531 FIRE-TEMtr. C/Q oursJe FIW*TEMF,. C/0 90533 PLAN-TEIYIF. C/O 0,6337 PLAN_FINffL C/$ OEI556 FIRE_FINAL tr/IJ 00539 ptd-F-INAL r/O fAO54O BLDG-Final C/tr flhone: 47 l-O686 cnsHFtERH -. Ce ime Exp Itenr Itemr Item: Itenl Item: Ibenr Iten: Item: Iten: ltem: Itemr ltenl ltem: Item: I bem: Iten: Item: Itenl Iten'r Actiorr; AFFR Action: DN flct i on: DNAction: AtrtrR Acbion: DN AF,F.ROUED NOT READY : NOT READY END TIIVIE AF'F'ROUED SHEE]ROEK NOT READY .q, ,{4s., s *I'f,,.1 ,/ r, ; ', '- w HHF,'f 131 Le/LA/\A O8:84 HEfiUESTC FOR TOr.tN OF VAIL, EOLURADO INSFECTTBN LIORK 5HEETs F'AGE AREAI CD 40 Activity: Hdcjress ! Locat i on r i-'arce I : Description: AppI icant: Ownet': Eon t r*act or r 1498-@g4e Le/ L8/1A Type: B-MECH Stat r.rs : I55UED Er:nstr: ACOM E4E E MEFTDOH DR 843 E IIEJTDObI DR (AUSTRIA RETAIL C-l) S10l-EgE*95-0rAX Occ: MEtrH INSTALL FNN trOIL, R/C DUCTS GRILLS RUBINSC,N HECHANICAL tr6l{FANY Phonet ffUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROUtr LLtr Fhone: RI]BINSDN I4EEHRNICAL COIYIFANY Frhoner U$e ! 970*.949-4459 97fl*949-OS59 o FOR: 1ll 18/98 Inspection Request Inforration... . ReoneEtor: LtrRENZO Req Tine: tZtBrtl€t Comnentsl UNIT Items r.eqrlest ed to be Inspected,. "AA39gr MECH*Final F'hone: 41S-lgPs c1, I"JILL CALL Act i on C,s,n$€sl135g^#'a*;'z;E::**"- *' Time Exp Inspection Iteml Itenr Item: Iten: Itenr Iten: Iten! Itenr H i st ory, OOEA$ MECH--l16ugh fiIAPg5 FIRE*SFRINKLER RUU{JI-I AAE4A FLMB-Gac Friping ra03lO lrlElJH-Heat ing O@3e4. MEtrH-Exhar.rst Hoods {AO3.3O fiECH-Supp}y Air. AA3+A MEL;H-M i sc.gt03grl HECH-Final 1gl16/98 Inspectorr 6RGItem: 48536 FIRE-FINAL tr/E Actionr NR NOT REflDY! RETAIL C-l ',".'"'-"ii'fi"':...i : ,ttt -t'J:l. t rlj i:,. . L:ri./ - 1. . :lri'!i' I-.-?t\ .jJ r._ r_ ' rFt,. ,' '\'tr! J\, ) tl ,IU it I 1.. It.uL& st'l ti:l ,\Y o IOI4[V# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Golorado 81657 tel; 970.479.219 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,d.rrail.co.us Project Name: Vail Happenings Sign DRB Number: DRB030165 Proiect Description: LOCATE 1 EVENT SIGN ON LAMP POI.f IN TOV RIGHT AWAY N.E. OF 242 EIS]I MEADOW DR ('Vail Happenings") Particapants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 05/20/2003 Phone: vArL co 81657 License: APPUCANT Rick Scalpello O5l2Ol2O03 Phone: 479-1711 POB 160 Vail. CO Scalpello@attglobal.net 81658 License: Project Address: Location: NE OF 242 EAST MEADOW DR Legal Description: Lot: Btock: Subdivisaon: Vail Village lst Filing .A.--,.rl-,i.' Parcel Number: 210100000000 Comments: Seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Bill Pierce Action: APPROVED Second By: Hans Woldrich Vots 4-0 DateofApprovalz O5l2Ll2OO3 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0005874 1. That there be no lighting. 2, That the sign is temporary. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: S5O.OO lr I0l4^'ffi Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.179.2139 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail,co,us General InformaUon: All projects requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the paficular approval that is requested, An application for Design Rs/iew cannot be accepted unul all required information is received by the Community De\relopment Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Totn Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review apploval lapses unles< a building p€rmit ls issucd and cons;truction commences witfiin one year of tte apprcval. Description of the nf Location of the Proposal: Lot_Block:_ ddress: Name(s) of Owner(s): Maillng Addressl Owner(s) Slgnature(s): Name of Appllcant: Subdivision E Mailing Address: (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Phone: E'mail Address: fUlpot Review and Fee:zf signs tr Crnceptual Revie$/ tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alterauon (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area, No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions), $250 For minor changes to buildings and site impro\€ments, such as, reroofing, painting, wirdor^, additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fencts and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or tfie Design Review Board. No Fee For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:check No,:- By, uz6 03 - 0 | td$ oo ,A\a =(EI (E II l- {rforlJ tFo It! Iz th,oo CL +,F -ctt II I ct)ct- {rfa II xo F -ov ei- "PU' +fg o IIJ llro CoTI+f(EooJ c..9 U) c c) lrJ I I I I oo F.AlL*'cDo 1g'-8. {J'er-itrr / -]ir-/r I tl o, C II {r,a II xo Co +,g o IJJ lFo co II+f(E (J oJ PLAT{NER: 6Vz/o $of ct+ =.er o-ns $') c)x- i+ $) (.S' f $)(S (b (D (t\ st$f Eq gx is ni gEts i sHE iH FI := fNE; = E]i ! dEsfreiil$H6= * iHElrd:dfl# I fi Roq*$ E *m r,! (tl (J)6(l.'= To--l_ N =St s}- rc\ Cb g of ---l<l Dr -lrl I -i_->Fri !| mF Zl_lzi 6)i @i FN 6- \) sIo5 _tl x-nm(t) N: csct- n rnm _Tt A =m Iq fm Is (ft N (tl -{ s(n €-{a IAm m I t-F €mr-a I fr o-n 7\l m c t-m c) ro g (tl Jzo $)I '! : =)r{ ('lr NOtrb.:m I-n (nF a Cbst u. =st$l *tHnIt 1$* *Es6gilo>zI>- 7! i- -;BU+EA F { *= 3)9ofrfiq / -r cc,, ozo/ F'6FrFi_!cr? \ ''FPi i=sr\ 36itr xrnax x{'P *gE ilx = =P< o€ t-c =zc E -I(I I cIz.o Town of Vail Changeable Event Signage Light Box Displayer g$[5taga5i$ -!o $4 $3$qE $rB =f, ==Yq dYG= 'F95 ax (t) = (tlol CTst--1. c) o-+, \n\) c)x- -t' (D (S' =$)(s Cb (t) (tl(t C! = na.r,(D|,:<c.Y.a'. o E90*dtsr 9F N(,) ObiuNEi d-Fi{d' = ao0t 0- tl c PO Box 630 Edwards, CO 81632 Phone: 970.926.2194Fax: 970.926.2169 --'7-'-'\-"-'--' z ,F Vail Villager'Lions Hcad Direction.l Displ4[ Preliminary Dr.uing ryspard.hy TCon Exhiblt! & olrelayt,Inc. | 5C10 Ftlt Avs iiE RqdrEstor! Xl| 5596 TEL 507€sO42EO FAr sCr/-zSO9{@ EUAIL rrs/ltttlorF$drlbltrcom TOP VIEW .FRONT VIEW hrb (TprEE 6' dla.) rnd RDolouth8 rhpossd PoBt Hslghl 7"61 AUSTRIA HAUS 242East Meadow Drive Development Drawings dated June 5, 1997 19017.00 SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCUALTIONS Pierce. S€terbert & Associates Architects, PC.,A.l.A. Main Oflice 1000 S. F.ontaSe Road W Vail, CO 81657 fox: 970 476 160g phone: 97O 476 1433 Denver Oflice l6l 7 Wazee Street Suite C2 Denver, CO 80202 fax: 30f 623 7262 phonej 301 523 3355Common Commercial 2't24 4688 1747 1804 2333 54b2 3501 4146 2605 Club 3057 8094 78't0 5998 or- Garage Level or- 1"t Level oK 2nq Level oe 3d Levet or- 4th Level otA Totals Ordinance 12 Difference 12696oL 12714 "w -18 5402s* 5402ow 0 102520v 10261.v -9 24959 os 24963 ov 4 t t TO!'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970 -47 9 -2L34 APPLIEANT CONTRACTOR OI^INER NORRIS & ASSOCIATES, INC. Phone: 970-923-2030 P. O. BOX 5759, 25 LOWER WOODBRTDGE, #l-028, SNOWMASS VrLr,AGE, CO NORRIS & ASSOCTATES, rNC. Phone: 970-923-2030 P. O. BOX 5759, 25 LOWER WOODBRTDGE, #1028, SNOWMASS VrLr,AGE, CO AUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROUP LLP l-8 I^IIaLESHIP PLAZA, SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean,up D approved Ir Fire ResisLirflnlCut'lt date Add sq FE: +of Ga6 Appliancca:#of eaa LogB:#Of tJood/Pa1let: FEE SUMMARY 520 .00 338. O0 .00 3.00 TOTAL FEES-- - -. DEPT : BUILDING DiV1SJ.ON: TO GARY Dept: PLANNING Division:TO PI,ANNER Dept: FIRE Division: PI.,ANS FOR FIRE DepE: PUB WORK Divj-sion: ITEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARIMETTTat/19/L998 JRM Action: NorE PL,ANSLt'/24'/L998 GGOODELL Action: APPRITEM: O54OO PLANNTNG DEPARTMENTLT/19/L998 .fRM ACt,iON: NOTE PLANS LT'/24./A998 GGOODEI,L ACLiON: APPRtt'/25'/1,998 BWILSON Action: APPRIIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTL1/1-9/1,998 .'tRM Acti-on: NOTE NEEDl.]-./24./L998 GGOODELL ACTiON: APPRIEEM: O55OO PI]BLIC WORKSlL/19/]-998 JRM Acrion: APPR N/A Building-----> Plan check- - - > InveEEigacion> will call----> ReEEuarant PIan Revie!r- - > DRB Fee-------- Recleation Fe6----- ---- -> cllan-Up Dcpoeit - -- -- -- - > TotsaI caLculated Feea--_> Addilional Fees----- - --- > Tot'al PenniE Fee----_ --- > PalmenEg-------- .00 100.00 .00 250 .00 1, 211 . oO . oo See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thaE I have read thi6 applicaEion, filled out. in full lhe information required, coBPleeed an accuraEe Plo; plan, and 6tate that alf the informatsion provided as requlred is correc!. I agree tso coftply with the infornation and PloE P1an, to codply with all Town ordinanccs ana Btatc laws, and tso build lhiB stsrucEulc according !o lhe To$n'6 zoning and subdivision . code6, deeign revi.ex approved, Uniform Building code End othcr otainanceo of the Toltn apPlicablc EhereCo. REeUEsTs pOR INSPECTIONS SHAIL BB MADB T9.TENTY-FOUR HOURS IN.ADVANCE BY TETEPHONE AT 4?9-2139 OR AT OUR OPFICS FROM 8:00 Al4 5:00 PM ,gas*tA,4*,t v" Vi//,/f E^,/sf coMMrrNrrY DEVEL'PMENT {Ilb (D NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT 'Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: Description: TENANT FINISH Occupancy: 82 B2 Tlpe Construction: II FR Type T)4pe Occupancy: Valuation: Fireplace Informatsion: ReBtrictcd: 55,229 DEPARTI4EI\TT OF 242 E MEADOW DR 242 E MEADOW DR 2a01-082 -25 -001 PRJ98 -0289 Permit #: Status. . (RETAIL CApplied. Issued.. E>qgires . 898 - 0354 lSSI]ED aL/19/L998 LL/30 /1998 05/29/1,999 Refund s.nd clcan-Up Dcpooic To: NoRRIS AND CONDITIONS as of Lt/30/98 I ASSOC t *** * * *********** * * * * * * *** * * * *********** ** * * * * * * ** * ** * * * ***** * * * * * * * * **** * * * * * * * * ********************************************************************************Permit #: B98-0354 PermiE Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERM|Applicant: NORRIS & ASSOCIATES, INC. 970-923-2030 ilob Address: I-,OCATiON: 242 E MEADOW DR (RETAIL C-21Parcel No: 2101-082-25-001 Description: TENANT FINISII Conditions:].. FIRE DEPARTNTENT APPROVAII IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARI'ED.2. FIELD INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIATiICE. 3. THIS TS A TYPE II-FR NONCOMBUSTIBLE BUII,DTNG. FIRE- RETARDAIVT-TREATED WOOD MAY BE USED ONI,Y FOR BACKING INSIDE OF WALL ASSEYIBIJIES & IS NOT PERMITTED ON THE FACE OF METAL sruDs.4. AI,I-, PORTIONS OF SPACE MUST HAVE FINISHED CEILINGS OR OTHER- WISE BE APPROVED BY FIRE DEPT. FOR PROPER FI'NCTIONING OF FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM.5. LOCATION OF SPRINKLER HEADS & DETECTORS MUST BE APPROVED BY FIRE DEPT. Status: ISSIIED Applied: LL/L9/t998 Issued: LL/30/L998 To E>cpire: 05/29/L999 lxl -Buildins *,iJr];nlrlptpfr*rf rf _Etecrrical [x ] _Mechani.cat I J _orher Job Namd:_---- Legal- Description: Lot. Block_ Filing Owners Nahe: .fglrlrurrr Ph.Arclritect t --- stwiLo $a4*'-Lt&t?trp Address I a5r uJzrt &r+rckc,k{€. | ,tL'6LrL cpnp,-A1 nrea*i***^---JTEFffii5i .''-'cof,ftffff&-- -P}.' zoooGeneraL De scrj.ption: AItork cr.ass :- [ ] -New [ ] -Alterati"n -i--:la'a?i;trfi Tff#i'J?ffi Nurober of Dwer'tiig'units: y' Number of Accommodation u #*.' and rype or Firepru3-"u, appriu.,"":;;:= ;.;T:l::J;":".? l$**:r'x*'t*:t************************* vALUATToNg ****J,:k*****.^*******x****)t******** BUTLDTNG: $ PIIIMBfNG: $ t' r-9 ', JO I HST:;I 9y-, :,$-!-oea--OTHER: $I'IEcHANrcArJ: $-ET,i- ;:;:;.: l=:-=--"--- zr.0o o ToTAL: $-=T?rE-.--- A t-.C,O Address: ]ra+ cv Contractor: -Alo,r+rAddresS: eo El.ectrical Contractor: Aridress: . Plurnbing Address: Contractor: -l3ou ilio coNTRAcroR TNFoRMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *t*i *. 11 rffi F_i_3i,:fr"ffi 1, iE,,[: ;#M_'rt.,rn,r.arru lr,."*tffiffifr9- OgrL Town of vail RegL.--no.i6g - gp.e z,toot phone Nunber: le=gl.jA-(o**!.r,7,*PR==:tklr.. r, ";iffi : Q5.l Mecha:rical- Contractor.: Addre: s: BUILDTNG PERMTT TEE: PTTI}IB NG PERMTT FEE: ME]HAI TCAL PERMIT FEE:EL'CTITCAL FEE: OT;IER IYPE OF FEE: Phone Number: (a'! sil es. No . izll - n USE ****tl******************x*****:ri' BU,II,DING PLAN CHECK FEE:PIU}TBTNG PI,AN CHEEK FEF.JY.rJl!!.r rr.r!-rr Lrl.6un ] lE :MECHANIcAL PLAN Cnnc-f Enn, ---'.-- RTCREATION FEE:CI.EAN-UP DEPOSITT TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: CLill:lI ilP DEP.OSIT vaI,U.q,rtoN ) I{-lFiniD TC: ', ll 'l rf \ 75 soulh lronlagc road vall, colora do B165 7(303) 479-21.38 or tt79_2139 FItn\{. DATE: (II]1T!.r.rTr. Reao and acknovledgecl by: .wttafl+^,r o lJlce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIfN OF VAIL Tovnl oF VAIL puBLIc l,toRKs/cotB,ruNITy DE\rELOpi.tENT I.tARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTIo},I PARKING & }IJ\TIRTAL sToR,.GE il, ::Pi;"itli3il"iii"il";.u.:::::: !!1r i!- is unrawrul.rof .u,,y ;:, ilfi :;'i:i l;ia:i"ai's -ti. =n -5;;;:.:iI, =!ili^ili!"i"iiltl :';!;i = elr se ..;;;";;T.iii:.f, iI":::"";i"=ii;ilil5l-;:i;:";:,lni:i;-",Va I streets incl,r""a= -il-"ip.""i*.r;it-"'it.''irr pavement.Th i ordinance wilL be ;;ritii;'enforcld ty-tr_,u-rown or Vairpu),ric' r?orks n""urim"nrl --pJiiI"= ;;;;;*riiri'tirg this orcrinancevilr be'given a^24 hour."rilt"n""otice t"-iii5"" said naterial-In the event the person so notifiect.aou=-nli,,,I.ipfy with thenotice within the 24 hour tinre specifi.ed, the public 'orksDepartment vrill renove said rnate;iui ;t-ir-,J^^!*ilnre of perscnnotified' The nrovision= "r'tr-ri= .ordinanc6 sn!rr not beappricab i.e to "b"=ti""ii;";^*;i;t"nan"e-o;-r;;;i, projecrs orany stre:t or alley ".-""v'"t;iiii;;";; ;;"'il!i"_"_"uv. io revievr.-ordinance Nij. 6 in fuLl, please sLop by tf," fovln ofXl;;"lliili"g.";f,i:.il:ii"::""ii1,,, a copy. rhan): you ror your. os cron/Relationship to-pioiEct ( i . e. contractor, o,,{ner) t':il 75 roulh tro nl agc road vall. colorodo 81657(303) 479-2L38 or 479-2139 o lllco ol "orrrnily devolopmarrr iuruorNo pERl.irT IssuAlrcE TIl,tE Fmr,rr If' thi.s permi.t requrlres a Tovrn of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Ensineep''s (pubrii t.torks) ;;vi";'una:jpiiouui,"i'pi'.-iliifif"bepartn,ntrev ie'r or Her'r th oepaicm6ni-i"ui "n,':unl. u. revi evr by the 6ui r di n9Department, ;he estinated time ror'u-iot"r revievr may take as roncas three weelis ' t sn rttqJ Ld l\€ I A'll commercji:t '(tur?:^:f lmall) and a.t.l muttj_famjly permits ujilhave to foilr vr trre itove rnenti6neJ *i"irrr requirements. Residentia.land sma]l pr< jects shou'rd i;[; ;-i";;er.amount or time. Howeveri ifresidential < r snrar'rer projecis-j;;;;;'the various above nentioneddepartmcnts r,,ith rega.rd' to-necessaiy-ruutu", these projects mayalso take the three'week period I:::{._"_t!.Tpt vil t t I .made by this cleparrnrent to expedi te this. .pel'ml't.as. S.qon as pr,,ssible. I -'!re-' Yv v' J:.i|. undersigned, understancl the plan check phocedure and timeTrame.. j/UX$Am*#tug- rarr*+tr.nprqx *t - 7 Lt ltb Date'l.lo ineer \{as turned into t'Communi ty Oeve'l o5rment Departmept. .t TO: FBOM: h A'rc. I IIEIIORANDUM .ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMII-' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED A LtbsP-r I' 1) ?\ ls this a new residence? ls demolili,-rn work being performed {hat requires the use of lhe right of way, easements or public prope;ty? ls tny ulilrty tvork needed? ,ls .he orivervay being repaved? ls different access needed io site oll'er than existing drivervay? ls ;rny clrainage wor'x being done aff,:cting the riglht of way, easemenls, or public properly? ls a "Revor:able Fight OI V/ay permit' required? A. ls the right of vray, easemenls or public property 1o be used for staging, parking or {encing? B. lf no to EA, is'a parking, slaging or fencing'plan required by Community Development? the above questions. need lor a 'Public Way Permit": YES NO x x x Y 3) ct 5) oJ t) B) X I you answered yes 1o an.' of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' musl be obiained. "ublic Way Permii' applications may be obtained at the Public Wor'x's oifice or al C omln{tiV Deve.lopment. . lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Tovin of Vail Conslruciion Inspeclor, at 479-2158.' I have read and answ rred AIT9TRlA Contractor's ig naturel{ame o DEVELO Phone,: 7L9-486 -3183 Valuation:3,000.00 FEE SUI,IMARY Electsrical - --> Investiga!ion> will call----> ?oTArr FEES- - - > TOI^IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8a657 970 -479-2l.38 OWNER CONTRACTOR APPLICA] T Description: DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNTTY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT ..fob Address: 242 E MEADOW DR LocaLio- . ..: 242 E MEADOW DR Parcel No. . : 2LOL-082-25-001-Project No. : PRJ98-0289 AUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROUP LLP 18 WIIALESHIP PLAZA, SAN FRANC]SCO CA CHRISTOPHER ELEETRIC CONST P.O. BOX 1346, LEADVILLE, CO 80451 CHRISTOPHER EI-,ECTRIC ELECTRICAL FOR TENAI\TT FINTSH Totsa1 calculatsed Fees- - - > AddiCi.onal. Fee6----- ----> Tolal PerniL Fee--------> Paymenle-------- BAI,ANCE DUE- -- - Status. . (RETAIL CApplied. fssued. . E>pires - 941LL .: ISSUED.: LL/L9/L998.: L2/07/L998 .: 05/os/L999 PMENT .fOBS]TE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E98-0312 54.00 .00 .00 3.00 5? .00 57 -OO .00 s? .00 5?.O0 .00 ITEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:IL/I9/1,998 JRM AcEion: APPR APPROVED ']RM.Itbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTT4ENI n ' --.' ^ ' ^'1 'LL/L9/L998 irRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. WE NEED A COPY OF STATE ELEC LICENSE AND MASTER ELECT DECLARATIONS f hereby acknor{ledge lhab f have r.ead this appLi.cation, fitled out in ful1 the information lequiled. completed an accurate Plot plan, and Btatse that. atl che informacion provided as required iE colrect. I agree Co conpl.y lrith the information and ploE plan, to conply !,itsh atl Town ord:inance€ and Btate laws, and co build this etructure accordingt co the Tolrn's zoning ana subdiwieion code6, dcsigtl revieu approved, Uniform Building Code alrd olher oldinances of lhe Town applicable ther6tso. REeuEsrs FoR rNspEcrroNs 'HALTJ BE MADa 'o{E..rry-FouR Hot Rs rN AD'AN.E By TELE'HoNE AT 47s-2r3e o*'o, o* oFFrcE FR.M g:oo AM s:oo pM 0 7;a-n- o DEVELO PMENT ON JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES Permit #: E9B-03L3 Status. . (AUSTRIA Applied. Issued.. Expires. 941L]- TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970 -479 -2L38 OWNER COI\TTRACTOR APPI-,ICANT DEPARTMENT oF eoMiuuNrlry NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ilob Address: 242 E MEADOW DRLocation...: 242 E MEADOW DR Parcel No.. : 2L0L-082-25-001- Proiect No. : PRJ98-0290 AUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROUP LLP 18 hIHALESHIP PLAZA, SAN FRANCISCO CA CHRISTOPHER ELECTRIC CONST P.O. BOX L346, LEADVILLE, CO 80461 CHRISTOPHER EI-,ECTRIC Phone z 7t9-486-3L83 ISSTIED Ll,/19 /19e8 L2/07 /L998 06 / os /]-999 Description: TENAIiIT FINISH ELECTRICAL Valuation:3,500.00 FEE SUMMARY Electrical---> DRB Fee Inveatsigation> will call----> TOTAI, FEES- --> TotaL Calculated Fees---> Addilional Fees--- - -- - - - > Total Permit Fee---- --- - > Paymente---_-___ BAI,ANCE DUE---- 't2.oo . o0 - o0 3,O0 ?5-O0 ?5.00 .00 ?5.00 ?5.00 .00 Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEIflI Dept: BUILDING Division: LL/I9/1,998 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED JRIvfiEbm;'.05e 0o- Fine oepARTr'lENt Dept : FrRE Division: 1,L/L9/L998 JRM Action: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI., DICLARATIONS I hereby acknowlealge that I have read this applicatio:r, filled out in full the infornation required, colnpleted an accuraLe plo! p1an, and stale that all the informaeion provided a6 required is corlect. I aglee to cortrPly wifh Lhe informatsion and plots plan, !o comply wiEh all Tolrn ordinances and state 1aes, anal Eo build thi6 Bt.lucture accolding to tshe Town'6 zoning anal subdivision codea, design review approved, Uniforn Builaing code and otsher ordinanc€s of the Town aPPlicable thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALL BE I,IADE TI"]ENTY-FOttR HOURS IN ADIaNCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 a- OUR OFFTCE FROM 8:O0 AM 5100 Pfi @i* ii-iiti:,qiqry*rr*.t PE&\rT, ' APPr'rcATroN xu'r-ni FTLL'D our coMpLETErJy oR rr r,ra/lr^.-a'i rA^--- ff ****,*t**:,******--;;.;;..;;;JT.T#;:;::-'Y-H.W.?:triT," ']T'_-""lrdf,fflpo,-ilT*liiHaH rxr-Elecrricar. ffiffitrfi-gi-;l ;;.***:r!t*i;*' *&yi rr$, oxrn: rtl,rlqt Job Namd: Ftrra.r rr\r(t"r Job.Addre"., "tt a-t, Au:rci^'*i^r r/r,l,Legal Description: !ot. Block_ Filing susorvrsloNr"iffi,:-tT"?L Address: - e,,qs.tr rt- 606/.l _ph.ceneraL Descrj.ption: Tt^tl,jx -,.-. i. --_. - __ tr:llumber of Frqra'l t ii-'rr-.s--- JNumber of Dr.reltiig'unrts: d a.,.._L_ "':" --"s- F'^nsr+ Nunber a-,,,rJ Twno ^; =-::: + Nunber of Accotnnodation uhit=: al ::::.::.::::::::::. cas arnr lances "':/*tcas Lossl "."ur".,, "= liudil;; f,*T-F *,. fffitrfSil:i-+g^o- s1rp5: :__.+_ arr,.. .r,rEur_rANICAf,r {__+-foo_ ?OTAL: $ l5il5li"1,::i.i-:: r:..,E.r'lB.Ltc, <ztc , r'o: ,6ft., ftffi lllii il - ffi ::i;,.. * * * *Ji* * * coNrRAcroR rNFoRMArroN_* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *fiiililiiii'" '"^'ii{i"1ilHii'-p 'ii"##" 3UILDfNG: $.r_rdro ldres s: --- -"'ua> mw{}lne*L Mafa,{lpf v worn rrf lr-.i I b^_ t ,r J . TorAL prmrir_iins, TYPI IGROUI |,ff,; ,,,Fi."f'H:1,5?-u,ffiddress, '" x'/\ Tor,rir or vai.r D^^ --'I6c--E $;31""fr.k::, *'n' no' gsias- 'Ar(v*y^"I..y:lr Res. No E, ,j+iF$,t'#ry::3* = i*mf*H-1ryru+* : ''rst lGRouI 1 so.fnfEffiu-f nurr,onrc: _l I lzoNrNG:it!lenti;_,__:__t iSIGNATIJRE. - :i_lx i!_!sp!srl 35IgF ro, o DEPARTME}fl| OF COMMT]NITY DEVBLOPMEIITTOI^IN OF VAIL 75 S. IIRONTAGE RO.AD vAfL, co 81657 970-479-2a38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLIJIIBING PERMIT Permi-t #: P98-0171- JOb AddTESSZ 242 E MEADOW DR SEAEUS...: ISSUED Locatio:r...; 242 E MEADOW DR (C-2) AUSAppIied..: l2/Lt/1'998 Parcel No..: 2LOL-082-25-001 Issued. ..: t2/LL/1'998 Project No.: PRiI98-0289 Expires. -: 06/09/'t999 APPLICAI{:I TOTAL PI.,I]MBING PhONE : 3 03 -393 -727A 4701. N. COI,ORADO BLVD, DENVER CO 802]-6 CONTRACTOR TOTAL PLIJMBING PhONC: 303-393-727I 4701 N. COLORADO BLVD, DENVER CO 80215 OTfNER ATJSTR.T^ IIAUS NqV GROUP LLP 18 ITIHALESHIP PI'AZA, SAN FRANCISCO CA 9411]- Description: ADDTNG SINK valuationz 2,500.00 FEE STMMARY pluubing-----> 45.00 Resluarant Plan Rewielr- -> .0O Tolal Calcu]aeed Feee--_> 59-25 Plan check---> 11.25 TOTAI FBES----- rnveetsigalion> .oo Total Permil Fee------_-> 59'25 wiII call- - -- > l.oo Pa!.menE6-------- BAI,INCE DUE...-. ,OO IEem: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI,IENT DepT: BUILDING DiviSiON: !2/11,/1:229^.lRY-_ __-4gligl}: APPR APPRoVED JR{_ n.:--.i^.:^.^J-LCtlt; vJ(Jvv I| J.rl'll r./Ijrrfi'r! r rrrr,/.! r ul/r-. I rr!!L2/1,L/L998 iIRM Acrion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL r*rrt*r**r***ri DECLARATIONS I heteby acknowledge chat I haw€ read !hi.s applicaEion, filled ouE in full the inforilatsion required, compleeed a:'t accurale Plot plan, and 6tate tshat al.l the infordation plovided as requireil i6 correct. I agree to comPly r.'ibh che infon$ation and ploc plan, !o comply rrith all Town oldinancea and glaLe lalrs, and to buj.ld !.his EtsrucEure aceording Eo the Tgvn's zoning anc -'Ddivi6ion codes, deeign revie\d apFt.oved, Unifom Buitding code and othe! ordinances of the Town applicablc thcrebo. REeuEsrs FoR rNspEcrroNs slrA],rr BE r.rADE r'!,rErrry - ForrR HorrRs rN ADrrrNcE By rELpi{{oNE "t "t\f+ WW)oM a:oo AM 5:oo PM \ \eW \LL-4 o. o\-a,?-\/. \*' SIGNATTJRB OF OWNER OR, CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISE],F AND OWNER FIIE Nlo. 676 12209 '98 13:50 ID:TOTAL PLU|IBING 303 393 0780 PAGE frAg/* 15:06 lCo:iiacc Erllc Gounty Agtrkrcrr Oltlrc r---'r-r i.a -aal^ f^t tr-.t', ! ,llnrtrt atE t'7E5 Date?eceive; * f^i{tlfi ,'fi :itus;::'{.il#,,il:'.ly*gxllhElxil"u*,aF00elee8 :"*l|llP*#lflry* DE'JIIi 'I ", 87 f-oBq DFPIJICIIIoN'NUS1! bE Ff!LED OUT col,lplEfEl,l on fT ll}Y Nof BE IICGEFTED rrt*r'ttrt*titrtt*li*ttt*rtarl PEBHIr ttlfOfXmfON *l.r**af*ritt*r**ttr*ttlt**rr. Nunbcr of Dncl r-lng untts.; r.!.ectrical contractor:Town of vAiI Reg. Phonb Nur$er: NO. contractor., - .PQt- Olt.t- r* **f , ****i*t rr*r*rr****l*i****l BUIIJD:NG PERTIT TEE:gLIiHE NG PERilIS fEE; }'E:}IN XCAI PERUIT DIEI ELICT}IC}L FEE: IT;iEX IYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: : oFFrca usD *******r**it**rr+*****f **t *t*r*. 8UI',DING PI.UT CHECX PEE: PDIT{DTNG P'AN CHECK FED:I{EC}TNICAL P].lN CHECI( FEE; RECRXAfIOT{ FEE: CT.EAN-UP . DEPOSIA: TOIAIJ'PE$fIT FEES: ET'TLDTNG: SIGNAIn'8'E: ZOTING: SIGNITIIRE: FOR I t-Fuilrrtns r$-"r.,"urng [ ]-Elactrioal [ ]-rcchanibar t ,-othcr ....--, Job Nane i rob'ldarcss: eUA fr Z:b"iq,? Dn-. legal, DescriPtion: Lot Block- riling- sulort'tsprr:.._ owners Nane: l),4,&Arfuf# tJt". Address: r\rciritect: ce,neral oe scriPtionl HorF class:. t'{-New I l-Altoratlon ff'eaditional t ]-Sepair t l - $rlber and r}tte of Fiteplaces: Ge6.Appllanccs_ Gas Logs Hoodr/pettet_vI*****r***r*r**.rli**:r***tr******** VI,IjUITIONS **r***r* l****************i***i*rt ll't .:_-Sutroluc: I ' ErfcaRtcel: I OAHER; Iqrrnrainc' T-wq ACdlresi; Arldress.; . PLIII|BINc: , AAp"'_ UECBANIC.AL: JJ r*i***t***-***t*tat*r***l CON!'RhCTOR \-.rerlI concractor : INFOF}'AUON Nu@ar of lcconrooaation Units: ror L: f:-- ***t***i***t**t** i 'tt*lr***Tovn of va,!l nsg. NO- Phqne Nuubnr: Ph. : -othcE i:rEr.li ;? Df,g0srr I-tFgt{D tor TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81'657 970-479-2r38 Description: FrRE .A.LARM SYSTEM **I*******r*** FEE Valuation:1_, 316.00 Electrical- - - > DRB Fc€ InvcBtsigation> will call----> TOTA! FEES- - - > Additsional FeeE------ ---> Total PermiE Fcc----- -- -> Pal rentss-------- BAIANCB DUE---- 50.o0 . o0 . o0 3.00 53.O0 .00 53.00 53.00 . oo It,em: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTT4ENT Dept.: BUILDING Division:L2/28/I998 iIRM ACt.iON: APPR APPR JRMII,EM:' O55OO FIRE DEPARI'I'4ENT DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON:L2/L6/L998 i'RM Act.ion: NOTE PTANS TO FIREL2/28/L998 iIEFF A Act.ion: APPR fd ok COI{DITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARA'TIONS I hctcby acknovl6dgc Lhab I havc read thia applicaEion, filled out in full. Uh. inforoation rcquired, coEplctcd an eccura!. plot plan, and EEaCe Ehat all the infohtration provided ae required iE corrects. I agree to eonply with th€ information and p1ot. plan/ tso cooply wich all To!.n ordinBncea and st,at'a laws, and to build chi6 strucLurE accolding to lhe Totn,6 zoning and gubdiwision codc.. dc6ign rcvicw approvcd, Itnifofifl Building codc and othcr ordinanceB of uhc Tovrn applicablc lhcf,ctso. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIAIIJ BE MADB lllBNTy-FOU? HOt Rg rN ADVANCB BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-213e OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM a:oo AM 5:00 Pl.l OF COMMIJNITY PMEI{T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAI PERMIT Permit #: E98-0331- .JOb AddTESS: 242 E ME,ADOW DR SEATUS..,I ISSITED Location. . .: 242 E MEADOW DR (AUSTRIA Applied. . : L2/L6/L998Parcel No..: 2LOL-082-25-001 Issued...: 1,2/28/L998Project No.: PRJ98-0289 E:<pires..: o6/26/L999 APPLICAI{f COMMERCIAL SPECIALISTS,TNC. PhONE: 970-24T-0268 1048 TNDEPENDENT AVENUE, SUrTE A-108, GRAND ,fIINCrrON, CO 8l-505 coNrRAgroR coMMERcIAL SPECIALISTS,TNC. Phone: 970-241-0268 1048 INDEPENDEMT AVENI'E, SUITE A-108, GRAND .fI]NCTTON, CO 81505OUINER AUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROUP LLP 18 WIALESHIP PLAZA, SAIiI FRANCISCO CA 94111 ) DEPARIII,IEI{'T o DEVELO suIttMARy rr***** *..+**1**r*r**! Total calculated Fees---> 53.00 SIOIqTURE OF OWNER OR COTTTRAeIOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OTINER FROf't : CSI fOnt OF wl.U' 75 8. AR0lrnBcB nORD\arL, oo a3-657 970-{79-2130 APPIdElrT el|Inrcr@ q|ttgn FAX NO, :Jan. 24 mts 6:@Pf't P2 FAGT 2/5.rAN-z{-uU ls'aa FE6l,{,Ucoh-DEg-DrFT.rD,E76{OE2 DBDARllmlt OF eODO't[nSIlT DEIIBIJOET{BIm trOlB: 1sr8 PBxilTr UUSI Bts pqgtlD qB .'OBSITE A,r AII TIUBII Feruig S: 898-0331EIJECTPJCAE PENilIT itob Addf.EE: 242 I rEaDOn DR Status_..: IEEIIIDrocerion. ..;, 2aZ I tGADotf m, (angrErt Apptled..s L2/L6lL99gParcel No..: e10t-082-ag-001 li;ued_ -.: L?l2s/L9gBHiojcet, tro. : ELI98-0209 E:qrl.res , .: O6/26/L999 CottfRglA', SEBCINrISTE,INC. ptrpae: 970-2.L-9268 1018 INDBPBIDEIT A\ENlrs, gultE e-108, omND dntN(:trc[r, cr5 81sosCOtcRc[['r, stlg'Itl.lgItl,rrc. DLmer 970-Z1t-O26e10{8 TIDBPBEnilT lvEG, SUrTE t-10e, c&s!O jnnlqrloN, CO 81505 ATFTN:TA IIIUS Et' GFOIP I^LPlt I'lAr.lSHTB 9r4za. Etlr 9RAlIctsCO Ca 94111 Ibscrilrcl.od: FIEE tItAIu 6f,s1El ValuaElon:l',316. O0 tE aoary Et.@ '0'tE -OOttrco .c9 ll.acdc.l---tU tc.Dvcr!tlatt-,rllrt Grltr-.. -DsD!. tE . --) btrl Grtail.iil t..t...trddqtl taar-.----.-.t teil ttltg 16r-..---..1 ISnE --.---------- -- t EllEl DOt--- -- ' - -- - --- r ro -lc .00 -oo t.00 st.oo r.wr.lor.aatta.lae t.tatat.lllrtaaa -,-Fi-ftri.tt ..!.al*ia.<aaltttrta,rrarrr,. IE78e Agggo.rffiffiffitr$Fn*nrp* r'u D"pt' ::lurrcs Divl-r +n: #T*,1#t#tt#I"*'fiffi ffi H"Jf, ro ,ueot= rren D1v!gis: coDrtror 0E AEPnovrIJ I .**'..,rrroror.-.r"i...-..€..-. .-..,r..rrrrrrr,rrt ',w.a.i.r ^O -&#**an.ffi' rflb'' !.l.c-t'-o't{gr thE t !|!r..!d tttL ?tf!GG!-c, ri]!.a.r.t a$ Artt glr trDliD:. G8 tg.!r lLB rrr EE iEfura DF rttLc a! ltqrf,rrr ic aaacB. t |cf,rr,c cq|8fz lgEN rll Fld r${lreE trd .tsr!. trr. bd tL r-i.g Ur ,Er.Errr. .c.a.r, -.9!r -cyl"t |'lE|afra, ra5.Er rlt rrr.f * .ad Ot$.r ds .a rl. .t.- llofE6tt tC SIrtEia rratt !E nE! laEl.tsq E t rEV!F tr lal.m I? ar..rrrr c l? E g?t s ttal orCo lt S:oo gr lEErlc Plocrla aE6 pi--, r$dl,vL=!o Date Received JAN 2 5 2000 o TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 r 39 FAX 970-479-2452 De partment of C omrnunity Deve lopment Building Safety & Inspection Services Division FAX CO\'ETI SHEET Qnzele 'u'""/zuloo No. Of Pages C n rnrnezri nu Slarj,alr.-q[S q'lo-a.ll - 02a9 Kathy Warrcn, Permit Review Coordinator Town of Vail Cornrnurrity Development Department Buildirrg Sat'ety & [nspection Services Division 75 South F'rontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Phone 970.479.2325, direct line F AX 970.479.2452 E-mai | : kwarren@ci.vail.co.us TO: COMPANY NAME,: FAX NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: FROM: COMMENTS, NOTES: ol-.L '1O.zrrL- oZbS lrd {P u"n""o '*"' L2/63/L994 16:Bg MRRIS & ASSOCIATES. atiti lod ASSOCIATf,S ic. PAGE OI J- Gcrrtrl Crrt;rctor c||ionHomct, cmocrdrl Towt ofVd Dcprhcul ofConmlaity lfcrdopncnt Alt dbo: Cflry Goodfit, JR Mmeqe4 or Admiri*ndvc Strfr Fulilunber. 9fllO17rZ15Z Pfu479-2I3t Fron Srn llalouL @ Ncrir ud Arocirtc* ?hmq 9G?4S{6F, Fos 9o-748.8690 Tcrry rkniA @ q?n Ebcr4 phsrE:nVUZ-USO Drr*: wvrn Fu: 9IG'241{6t7 Re : Ctr6$ Eldcrl Snboofrraor frr Urjh C-1, Ct d &!tir llrrr Tili firilh Edrltug Fcruit #'s C-l (trlrrico Cubcrc) - B9e035j ttx To: JobAddrcs: Pr$dr{o: AuiHingDcnmil #: Job Addrcrs: Flitd lto: 2428lIi&doqDdvt 2l0ts2-25-001 C-2 (Ccilni.r) - DPE4354 242 Eec ltlcrdos Driw 2l0l-{n2-25.mt It # il$t E?7' o3t 2-' Tbrnk yor. w, Sb ,hufu- ',- SrmMdqlk- Spgiccnacrn / ,rffi- SAtl Lo,tW;- 2?7 'E yLftre'woL ff:'#'^ Prgo: t (hclnd[ng covtr dpd) l|.r. rodlt D lyrl do rrf nciw I FGtr. Cmtr: Ptcr$ .tim8G tb nmc dtb Ehclrbrl Comnctor dr ftc pcf[b liid Sorrc tom B&B Elcctic to Ctotuiopftrr Ehfic, (7t94t631t9, ccf,: 7t94t6.|9t3). . Box l5l3 Edwsdr,CO t1632(9?0)9!6f494 REP] lrl TOt^lN EF VRtLr COLIIRAPO t'eltA/{)A tl8rtl4 REnUESTS FOR INSipHtrTION WORK SHEETS FOR:ls/lB/94 I 894-EJE4 Ie/lA/9A Type: tl-Ctrl{M Statr-rs: ISSUED f,onstr: AC0ltl E4E E MEADOhI DR E4E E MEADOT^I DR (RETAIL C-.S) Elar-o8E-e5-g0r TENAN T FINISI-I NORRIEi & RSSACIATES, rNE. RUSTRIR HNUS DEV 6ROUF. LLF. NORRIS & ASSOCIRTEST rNC. PABE 17 AREA: CD ffctivity; Jrddre s s : Locat i on r ' [-,arce I ! De sc'r'i pt i on l Flpprl icant I Own er : Cont ract or t Occ: F,hone I 9 7O-9[S-ErZr3rlr Fhone: F,hone : 97tB*993_eCr3O U6e: II f-R Inspect i on Reqr-rest Infornation..... Reqr-testorr $Al4 Req Time r tZtl rOE ComnentE: AUSiTIiIFI Items raeqrr.€Bted to be Inrpected.. . [iUS3rA BLDE-Ternp. E/A F,trune: 471*11686, HCIUSE Act i on Tine Exp. Inspec rsuory./:; CCCUC-gttl:iIE driveway grade -final {a0lalO ALDG-Foot i ngs/St ee I oOOerZr Bl.-DG-Foundnt ion/$tee l 6053ttt F,LAN*ILC Site Flan 0e'O3rA BLDG-Franing OgrZr4Ur * * Not On File * * UOSISO BLDG-InEulat i on 1elgt8./g€ Inspeetorr JFIFI Ie/fi9/rA Inspectorr GRLI 1A/f I /9O Inspector: JRltl Notesr AtrtrROVEO 1t en r OrZtO6'Zl 8LD6-Fiheetrock Nai I lel11/98 Inspector: JRFI Aetion: AFFR RpFRtrVED NEED TU INSTALL Notesr E OVERHEAD FIECES SIFTER FLUMBING IS INSFECTED It::,n: Otaogo *. * Not 0n File * * Item: Onft7rl BLDB-MiEc. Iten r frbWgq BLbGi*FinaI I b en: OO53lt' BLDE-Tenp. C/0 Itemr @0531 FIRE-TEFIP. C/O Item: OA53e trH-TEMP, C/O I t e'n I 0er533 PLAN-TEIY|P . tr/O I b em : 910337 trLRN-FINAL C/O ltem: BIA53B FIRE-FINFTL L/UItem: 44539 Ptl*FINAL C/0 lbenr SlgtS4El BLD6-F:inaL e/g wt'l[' '' '*'*t'* 'Item! Ited: Item! Itenr I b Hn ! Item: ltenl Actiorr: DN NOT READY ftrction: JltrFR RHIRIL E*c Action: AFFR NAS ALREADY C0VE;{ED -, -3 {t rnt1- O I?Co '9[gli 1;C) l:"1r' u-r.,qJ t?\e t;iii iot-l ! tl.c t=ir' lsl It=Lu'logD lr** t9I rnn t? .ir i.f-: e ,, 'p;t ,t f \9 -o -l\o r- VI J sug lt 3) {3fT\5z dF a A3 F J "t \ts \ $lI v| tt 3 oo t5{lg ,f, +. JF {*laO I ato I u ta UP rciE5r!.a{l.JeI 'l{r it :iI +$ iHtr gH I\: lL' t .l ll I s2 Jo\) oz l.L l!. o 0 lr,'u-1 Th -llr-\no ?J t$ ? F2 2 u)F 5 ^H 3H 3i ^ Loq l- aq :zid ut d =AV \n-)a-'a { J<_-12 I d :-:tlrr 5i F\t <= HI *d{u f,toi Jaq kt il H$ $ l$$ [rllt otx, li$tl L $ql +[t I'NL fis trl s il$ii: *d{ ir ft sLI I I I I I I I (\ F rl a F $[ 6 T O'"r[ =OmooT' 9a Io Ltar.ett P.Eltb wltuW tlq Pt"Atl sHEETNUMBER A-, .*l"r9z ll.lot o o -Il s3 fil s $\t tl\ d ET 1 _{z- Et 5t $ F kt >TP $t: Sltr\s zls s+r tq hrn td7- $fr $$i Eg ilFsl fii $ifr sl di.0' $ I \AFI|ll mI $ -l0Lv 5L N c \ $_\ { z) u5 $s zl6['+sDFfi, Et$ $; p sE -n -- PRorECr: 7Ug- .fr.7+fllLar VAIL PROJECT# Fr*x lo -A-'q9. SHEET NUMBER A-L o s $ I' I o t G(o g F $'lt+ PRorECr: c7bv1l4A -VAI> PROJECTH STUDIO GROUP LIMITED 3'I WHTTCITCAGOAVE (IIICAGO,IL 6O6tO USA tr242-Mtil2{337FA,C VILLW&Y MwtNG: Wfr** bV,. DArE: WlZ.-1O- <,,t ll'.olt au 7\ failtitt to:1e14 SHEET NUMBER: t1 .\N I / 1i I Iirolr n l*$ lil$ olil! $ dF=.t€ 6r $sNI)+\l .!. ;- | {t t ${t5 +i iqsl' ilil$sFl LkN$fl lFIr' $ i;fpotl $'r q$ i'* E$ q;1s3rnrZ i$g( Rq { .0. E $r F tf|\ T* t\lrh \r\ --l \,L o TI tn S_l L Itl+ 1SITr$ g<= :R St.I'oE Frt' PRoJI:CT:, F+y;-F-VAi_ PROJI]C1''' STUDIO GROUP LIMITED 35I WEST CHICAGO AVE CHICAC!o, IL 60610 USA 3 t2442-2000t 642-83 3 7 FAX VlStJ,]4-f DMWING: Cps* 22* DArE: lo-|-aE E4rAlrtr+> *-:?n"=,t--rrl SHEET NUMBER Fs Aewwa vlu'fta TOWN OF VIIL Department of Community Development 75 Sourh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Section 308 (d) of the 1991 edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC), as adopted by the Town of Vail' reads as follorvs: "If the building officiat finds that no substantial hazard wlll result from occupancy ofany building or portion thereofbefore the same is completed, a temporary Cenificate ofOccupancy may be issued for the use of a portion or portions ofa building or structure prior to the completion of the entire building or s[ucture." In accordance with the provisions noted above, the SECOND (2ND ) STORY ONLY of the new building constructed under Town of Vail Building Permit the ,located Vaii, CotoraOo. tras Ueen founfro be in substantial conformanCe with the minimum requirements of the Town of Vail Buil<iing Code and the provisions of Section 308(d) of the 1991 Uniform Building Code (UBC) as adopte<l by the town, and is hereby authorized for use and occupancy on a temporary basis, subject to the following conditions: l) Within two days after the issuance of this Temporary Certificate of Occupancy C'T.C.O."), and no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 23,1998, an inspection and approval of the automatic fire sprinkler system and the fire alarm system, for Temporary Certificate of Occupancy purposes, shall have becn obtaincd. The inspection approval shall be satisfactory to the Town of Vail Fire Department. At this time, a sprinkler sysrem and fire alarm system inspection is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday. October 22, lgg8. Ii for reasons beyond the control of the orvner(s) and their contractors and sub- conrraclors, an inspection is unable to be performed as scheduled, the October 23, 1998 deadline for receiving these inspection approvais may be extended by the cbief building official. 2) Within one undred and rwenry (120) tiays after the issuance date of this Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, all other portions of this nerv slructure known as the Austria Flaus, 242 East Meadorv Drive, shail be completed in accordance rvith all conditions of Town of Vail approvals for the development and in conformance with all other currently adopted and applicable laws, ordinances, codes and regulations of tnc lown oI v all. Chief Buildin g Offi ci al, Torvn of Vail. Colorado Acknowledgement by Owners Representative Date {; rr"rrturrort^ TOWI'.I OFVAIL Department of Commmity Development 75 South Frcntage Rod Vail, Colordo 81657 970-479-213E FAX 970479-2452 TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCV Section 308 (d) of thc 1991 editio of the Unifqnt Building Codc (UBC), as adopted by the Tonn of Vail' reads as follows: "If the building official finds that no subeantial hazard will iemlt from occupancy of any lrrilding c po;im thcreof before the same is completed, a temporary certificate of occupancy may be-issued for the use of a portioo 6 portioos of a buildiag or structure prior to the corpletion of the entire buildingor structur€"' In accordance with the provisions noted above' tbe theffi.,"d,, 242 East Meadow Dr$'-vul, @ial cooforffi e with tbe miaimum requirements of the Town ofvait B;ildingCdeandthe provigimsof S€ction 308(0 of tbc l99l UniformB"ilggT*"{PStg adorOed bV the town, and is h€;by authorized for use and occupancy on a temporary.bnsis, AS SOON AS ir,.llo ouLY ir a[ of the follovring conditions are fully satisfied: All exit ways must be clear, and maintained clear, fc safe egress for occupants to exit to the public street. Att requircd openiog p*t .tioo must femain iu place, and hotel roon, condo unit and stair .*lorur", aodrs tr,a' oot be ieft prop,peO opeo unless they are controlled by an approved magnctic holdopen device tbat is connected to tbe lire alarm systern No additionat temporary certificatcs of occupancy will be releas€d fc any additional areas of the UuitOing witlout G prior approval of trc foum oiVail Building Safety.Division, ttT:ot Division' Fire dpartrnent aaa puUtic Works Department. In any case, Ob eq$ building and all irpro.rrn-t, required by atl Town of Vail dweloproent approval cooditior and applicable or&*., and regulations will be satjsfactorily comptetcA or otherwisc guaranteed or approved within sixty (60) diys after the siping and issuance of this Tecnporary Certificate of Occupancy' Chief Building Offtcial, Town ofVail, Colorado STORIES ONLY of the new building cmsructea unOer Town of Vail Building Permit and known as l) 2l Omers Represeotrative {grnnt*r ro /z-/,,/q , rxir"-?--/- o G@ PV TOIYN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Section 30'8 (d) ofthe 1991 edition of the Uniform Building Code (IBC), as adopted by the Town ofVail, reads as follows: "If the building offrcial finds that no substantial hazard will result from occupancy ofany building or portion thereof before the same is completed, a temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued for the use of a portion or portions of a building or structure prior to the compretion or th' *toi::l;l:L::lT,',i"ii"'*oions noted above, the SECO STORIES ONLY of the new building constructed under Town of Vail Building Permit ano Known asG Coloraiftf-. has been found ro be in subiiahial conformance with the minimum requirements o' the I'own of Vail Building Code and the provisions of Section 308(d) of the 1991 Uniform Building Code (UBC) as adopted by ttre town, and is hereby authorized for use and occupancy on a temporary basis, AS SOON a.','' AND ONLY IF all of the following conditions are fully satisfied: l) Alt exit ways must be clear, and maintained clear, for safe egress for occupants to exit to the public street. All required opening protection must remain in place, and hotel room, condo unit and stair enclosures doors nny not be left propped open unless they are controlled by an approved magnetic hold-open device that is conrccted to the fire alarm system. 2) The fire alarm system is inspected, tested and approved by the Town of Vail Fire Department, including testing;f all devices within all hotel rooms and residential condominium units on the 2oo, 3'o and 4'o stories, 3) "Clean up" items concerning the fire sprinkler system are completed and inspected and approved bv the Toun of Vail Fire Department. These include the items discussed at about nooo on December 9, 199R n^ ";.,', !ncluding replacemenl of pairlted ovei sprinkler head covers, adjustment sf6 {"losqt shqlf to allow for effective sprinkler head functioning, etc, 4) No additional temporary certificates of occupancy will be released for, any additional areaq of the building without the prior approval of the Town of Vail Building Safety Division, Planning Division, Fire Department and Public Works Department. In any case, the entire building and all improvements required by all Town of Vail development approval conditions and applicable ordinances and regulations will be satisfactorily completed or odrerwise guaranleed or approved (60) days after the signing and issuauce of this T Certificate of Oc cupancy. ad-,lv - '/y"K Gary Acknowledgement Chief Official,Owners FOUR.TH Town of Vail. Colorado 1L.- {; r'nororor", Date Hougland & Assocj.ates 5616 County Road 100 Carbondale, Col-orado 81623 (970) 963-2372 Plan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code Project Number: Vai117.97 Date: ,January 17' 7998 Project Name: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address:. 242 East Meadow Drive Contractorl Shaw Construction Occupancy: R1 ,82,81,A3 Architect: K Segerberg 8-1597 Construction: II-FR Engineer: P-D. Monroe 1'2Q82 Report BY: Art Hougland NOTE: The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of a.Il- possible code requirements in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Report created using Plan Analyst software by b w & a. (719) 599-5622 Poitions of the naterial contained in this plogram are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( 1991 edition) with permj-ssion of the Internationaf Conference of Building Officials. # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED 1 General Stamp/Signatures: sec. 302. (b) - Grading & Drainage Plan, East Meadow Drive PIan and Profile' Master Utility Pl-an and the Detail Sheet submitted for review have not been stamped by Hiqh Country Engineering, Inc. On the revised construction documents submitted to Hougland & Associates on I2/3O/97, no sheets are stamped and signed' PLease provide stamped signed plans to the VaiI Building DePartment- o Required corrections for: Project Id: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address t 242 East Meadow Drive # SHEET IDENTIFICATION Page # 2 CORRECTION REQUIRED A5. 0 A8.1 Escape or E.l-ect. Smoke and Posting Occupant A2.1" Attic access: Provide an attic access (22X30 min) to each attic area.-- Sec. 3205. (a). See previous cornment. These missing details may indicate attj-c access. Rescue Windows: Sec. 7204. The window scheduLe or revised plans lI2/30/97 ) do not indicate that all sleeping rooms below the fourth story have windows complying with thj-s Section. Please verify compliance with this Section. Fire Detection: Sec. 1'210. (a)4. Some of the slrmbols on the l-egend do not match symbols found on the plan. The Town Fire Marshal will review the Plans for the fire detection and alarm system and require corrections as needed. Load: Sec. 3302. (c) . Please indicate that al-l- areas with an occupant load of over 50 persons wiII be posted as required by this Secti-on. Lounge Exiting: Provide 2 exits from OccuPant l-oad is over 50 swing as indj-cated does Section 3304 (b). & Sec. 3303. (a) AIso the Lounge a.reat persons and door not comply with refer to Tab.l-e 33-A Page # 3 Required corrections for: Project Id: Austri-a Haus 897-0331 Address: 242 East Meadow Drive # SHEET IDENTIFICATION coRRdhroN REQuTRED A2.t AZ. I A2.1. 10 Stair #2 Lounge Exiting: Note: Manually operated edge or surface-mounted f.Iush bolts are prohibited. -- Sec. 3304. (c) . Along with correction of direction of door swing, please verify comPliance with this section. Lounge Exiting: The doors from this area are required to swing in the direction of exit travel' -- Sec. 3304. (b). Afso see previous correction comments. Exiting Door Swing: The doors from th-is area are required to swing in the direction of exit travel. -- Sec. 3304. (b) . The lobby area is an exit corridor from the lounge and the door swing is incorrect as indicated' Corridor in this configuration is a dead end corridor exceeding 20 feet' Sec' 3305 (e) . Door from lobby: Sec. 3309 (c) - A door into the exit enclosure (stair #2) from the lobby is indicated on the plan. Please verify with the Vail Building Official that this stair will be permitted. Page # 4 Requj-red corrections for: Project Id: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address:. 242 East Meadow Drive# SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED 11 A7.0 IL T1L. ! 1.3 A2.2>2 4 14 A5.0 Roof Access: At feast one stairway is required to excend to the roof. -- Sec. 3306. (n) - Neither of the stairways extend to the roof. Roof access appears to be provided from the fourth story corridor in the area of grid lines D and 5. Please provide access as required or an alternative plan acceptable to the Town Fire Marshal . Accessible Toilets: At feast one toilet for each sex is required to comply with the accessibility requirements. -- ANSI A117.1. Please verify that the mens and womens restrooms are accessib-Ie. Al-so ver-ify that the fixture couht cornplies with requirements of the 1994 Uniform Plumbing Code. Evacuation Assistance: Sec. 3104. My interpretation of this Section .is that an area for evacuation assistance is required- It appears that the areas adjacent to stair 2 ate intended to be evacuation assistance areas, howevert the areas appear to encroach on the required exit width as required by Section 3l-04 (b) 2. Pfease contact the Town of Vail Building Official- for interpretation' Corridor Construction: Sections on Sheet 5.0 do not indicate clearly the constructj-on of thecorrj-dor walls to the ceilj-ng as resuired in Sectj-on 3305 (S') . con s uiti n g [H Hi r{'fl 333J :1830* 5616 County Road 100 Carbondale, Colorado 81'623 (9?0) 953-2312 Plan analysis based on the L991 Uniform Building Code Project Project Address: Number: Vail17.97 Name: 242 trffiY-Meadow Date: January 17' 1998 Occupancy: R1' 82, 81,A3 Construction: II-FR Contractor: Shaw Construction Architect:. K Segerberg B-1597 Engineer: P.D. Monroe L2082 Repbt't By: Art Hougland NOTE: The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Report created using Plan AnaIySt software'by b w c a. (719) 599-5622 ' Poitions of the material contained in this program are reproduced fromtheUniformBui1dingCodewiththepernissionof.the Internationa1ConferenceofBui].dingofficia1.s. SEPARATION DIRBCT]ON BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE NORTH Public way 49.0 Feet EAST Public way 62.0 Eeet . ' SOUTH Public way 69.0 Feet FIEST Property line 21.0 Feet. Area increased 12.5* for open area on.3 : . .FIRE PROTECTION 1? O F aaf :'12 fl Eoal- E? fl E aal- 21.0 Feet si-des. Page frz Code review for: Project Id.: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address: 242 East Meadow Drive NAMEFL OCC MAX FLR AREA A]-,LOWED RATIO STATUS 4 Apart. /Guest Rooms 4 Elevators4 Corr./Stairs/Access. TOTAL FOR FLOOR 3 Apart./Guest Rooms 3 Elevators3 Corr. /Stairs/Acces. TOTAL FOR FLOOR2 Apart. or Guest Room Rl" 2 ELevators 82 2 Corr./Stairs/Acces. Bz TOTAI FOR FLOOR 1 Retail- Sa]es 1 Retai-l Sa]es l- Retail Sales 1- Apartment or 1 Lounge 1 Library 1 Retaif Sal-es 1 Exerc.iseRoom 1 Elevators Room Room Room Condo Room 10395 1l_5 1.466 1.197 6 72802 115 1"625 74542 118 58 L15 1580 13553 1193 692 183 9 290L 875 506 762 345 115 51578 68828 68828 53342 sr_578 68828 68828 531.7 2 51578 68828 68828 53246 68828 68828 68828 5l_578 51578 68828 68828 68828 68828 R1 bz bt R1 B2 B2 bZ bz B2 R1 A3 B2 B2 B2 B2 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 0.2 0.0 0.02 0.22 0.25 0.0in) da1 o.23 0.0 0.02 o.25 0.02 0.01 0.03 0. 06 n nt 0. 0l- 0. 01 0.01 0.0 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Page #3 Code review for: Project Id.: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address t 242 East Meadow Drive 1- Off ice 1 Ski Storage 1 Accessory Areas TOTAI FOR FLOOR B Parking Garage B PooI Equipment Room B E.l-ectrical Room B Trash Room B Mechanical Room B Water Entry B Elevator Equip. Room B Elevators B Efevator Lobby B Storage B Rest Rooms B Stairs/shafts' etc. TOTAI FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAI, B2 B2 B2 B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 trz B2 B2 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 720 72 2393 11813 1359 9 118 224 85 983 ,17 6 80 -L1J 103 128 2!2 1393 7721"6 51884 68828 68828 68828 6218 0 68828 68828 68828 68828 68828 68828 68828 bdUZU 68828 68828 68828 68828 58827 110097 0.0nn 0. 03 n 10 o.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 01_ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.02 o.25 o .47 Page # 4 Code review forr Project Id.: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address t 242 East Meadow Drive The actual height of this building is 48.0 feet. The maximurn height of the building is 160.0 feet. -- Table 5-D EXTERIOR '{ALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table l-7-A & Sec. 1903. (a) NORTH OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG VTALL VALL PROT R1 2hr thr None B2 2hr thr None 81 2hr thr None A3 4hr thr None EAST SOUTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG i,ALL }ALL PROT VALL I,ALL PROT Zhr thr None Zhr Ohr None 2hr thr None 2hr Ohr None 2hr thr None 2hr Ohr None 4hr thr None 4hr Ohr None h]EST BRG NON-BRG OPNG VTALL V{ALL PROT 2hr thr None 2hr thr None 2hr thr None 4hr thr None The exterior walls are requi-red to be of NONCOMBUSTIBLE materiaf. Sec.1901. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings- Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50t of the area of the wa]] maximum. Sec. 504- (b) & Sec-1903' (b) Maximun single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimension greater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall. When openings in an exterior wall are above and within 5 feet laterally of an op"nilg in the story below, such openings shall be separated by an approvea flame barrier extending 30 inches beyond the exterior wltt in- the plane of the floor or by approved vertical flame barriers not less than 3 feet high measured vertically above the top of the lower opening. Flame barriers shal-f have a fire resistance of not l-ess than three-fourths hour -- Sec. 1704. (c)t o Code review for: Project Id.: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address; 242 East Meadow Drive OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS ELEMENT fnterior Bearing tnmll Interior nonbrg wall Structural Frame Exterior Struct Frame Shaft Enclosure Fl-oor/CeiI j-ng Assembly Roof/Ceiling Assembly Stairs MATERIAL Noncombustib.l-e Noncombustibl-e Noncombustible Noncombustible Noncombustib-Ie Noncombustibl-e Noncombustible Noncombustibl-e 2hr thr 2hr 2hr2hr 2hr thr None Tabl-e 17-A RATING Page # 5 NOTES See Footnote #7 See footnote #L See Footnote #9 See Footnote #8 See Footnote #14 NOTE: See Sec. 1706. (a) for Shaft EncLosure exceptj-ons. FOOTNOTES: 1) Elements in an exterior waII located where openings are not permitted or where protection of openings is required, shall be protected against external fire exposure as required for exterior bearing walls or the structural frame, whichever is greater. -- Table t7-At footnote 1 4) fire-retardant treated wood may be used within interior non-bearj-ng l-hr wall assemblies. -- Table 17-A' footnote #2 5) Nonload-bearing walls within a tenant space that are not part of a thr corridor may be of: a) Noncombustibl-e (nonrated) materials b) Fire retardant-treated wood code review for: Page # 5 Project Id.: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address t 242 East Meadow Drive c) One-hour constructj-on (any material) -- Sec. 1705. (b)1. 7l Nonload-bearing wa.l-l-s within a dwe.ILing unit that are not part of a corridor may be of: a) Noncombustible (nonrated) materials b) Fire retardant-treated wood c) Combustible framing with noncombustible covering in Type III and V construction -- Sec. 1705. (b)2. 8) ff roof is greater than 25 feet above floor, see Sec- 1906., 1806- 9) In areas with vehicl-es or airplanes, the floor surface shall- be of noncombustible, nonabsorbent materials. -- Sec. lO2.(e) & 902. (b) 1l-) A self-closing, 7 3/4 inch thick solid core or noncombustib.l-e door is required between the basement and the Lst ffoor- -- Sec. 1703. 14) Finish material- on stairs to be hard noncombustible materials. -- Sec- 1905- 17 1 The ceil-ing of the basement is required to be protected with Lhr fire- resistive construction and doors to basements are required to be of noncombustible construction or 13/4 inch S.C. wood. -- sec. 1703. Page # 7 Code review for: Project Id.: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address z 242 East Meadow Drive OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Table 5-B R1-82 thr Shops and offices less than 10$ of ffoor area need not be separated. -- Sec. 503. (a) ex #2C R1-81 3hr The separation may be two hours if limited to parking or storage of private or pleasure vehicles. -- Sec. 503. (d) ex #2R1-A3 thr 82-81 thr Offices less than 25t of major use do not require a separation. -- Sec. 503. (a) ex #28B2-A3 OhrB1-A3 3hr The separation may be two hours if limited to parking or storage of private or pleasure,vehicles. -- Sec. 503. (d) ex #1 ADDITIONAL SEPAMTIONS FOR R1 OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler or central- heating unit serving more than one unit. -- Sec. 121'3' A thr occupancy separation is required around common storage and laundry rooms. -- Sec. 1202. (bl A thr fire separation is required between dwelling units. -- Sec. 1'202.(b) FOR 82 OCCUPANCY: I A thr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler or central heating unj-t greater than 4001000 BTU input. -- Sec' 708' Storage areas in exiess of 1000 sq.ft. are requlred to be separated from the retail area by a thr occupancy separation. -- Sec' 702' (b)2' FOR 81 OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler or central heating unit greater than 400,000 BTU input. -- sec. 708. Storage areas in exiess of 1000 sq.ft. are required to be separated from the retail area by a thr occupancy separation. -- Sec' 702'(b)2' FOR A3 OCCUPANCY: A thr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler or centrlt heating unit greatei than 400,000 BTU input. -- Sec. 608. EXIT REQUIREMENTS: FL NAME OCCUPANT NUMBER EXIT LOAD REQUIRED WIDTH Page #8 PANIC RATED HDI4R CORRIDOR DOOR NOTES SWING Code review for: Project fd.: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address t 242 East Meadow Drive 4 Apart./Guest Rooms 52 4 Elevators *1 4 Corr. /Stairs/Access. *15 TOTAL 52 3 Apart./Guest Rooms 64 3 Elevators *1 3 Corr./Stairs/Acces. *16 TOTAI, 64 2 Apart. or Guest Room 59 2 E.levators *1 2 Corr./Stairs/Acces. *16 TOTAI 59 1 Retail Sales Room 40 1 Retail Sales Room 23 L Retail SaLes Room 61 1 Apartment or Condo 15 L Lounge 58 1 Library 34 L Retai] Sales Room 25 2 z aL z z z Z 2 2 L a 1 1 a z z 1 1 0.9 0.0 0.3 a1-L..Lnn n? 1.0 0.0 0.3 1.6 o.7 0.4 1.0 0.3 1.0 0.6 0.4 No No .No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes . No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Out N/R N/R Out Out N/R N/R Out Out N/R N/R Out N/R N/R Out N/ROut 4 N/R N/R Page #9 Code review for: Project Id.: Austria Haus 897-0331 Addressz 242 East Meadow Drive l- ExerciseRoom 7 1 Elevators *1 1 Office l- 1 Ski Storage * 1 Accessory Areas *24 TOrAL 264 B Parking Garaqe 68 B PooL Equipment Room * B E.l-ectrical Room l" B Trash Room * B Mechanical Room 3 B 9ilater Entry 1 B Elevator Equip. Room B Elevators B Elevator Lobby B Storage * B Rest Rooms *2 B Stairs/shafts, etc. *14 TOTAL 73 1 1 .t .L 1 2 2 1 II 1 1 t- 1 t- 1 I z 1 aL nl 0.0 0.4 4.4 ,l 'lI.I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.2 1.8 No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R Yes Out Yes Out No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R No N/R Yes Out for occupant l-oads.* NOTE: This area is being treated as an accessory -- Sec. 3302. (a) exception Rated corridors are to have thr fire protection on both sides of walls and ceil_ing. -- sec. 3305. (g) Door openings are required to be protected with 20 minute assemblies and window openings are requ.i-red to be protected with labeLed 3/4 hour assemblies. -- Sec- 3305. (h) Elevators opening into a rated corridor shal-I be provided with an elevator lobby at each ffoor containing a rated corridor. -- Sec. 3305'(i) Walli and openings between the corr.ldor and the elevator lobby are required to be per sections 3305. (g) and 3305. (h) above. In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is L/2 of the maxj-murn diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303. (c) Page # 10 Code review for: Project Id.: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address: 242 East Meadow Drive When 2 exits are required, exits must be arranged so that it is possible to go in either direction from any point in a corridor to a separate exitt except for dead ends not exceeding 20 feet in length. -- Sec. 3305. (e) Exi-t signs are required from aII areas serving an occupant load of 50 or more. -- Sec. 3314. (a) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant .l-oad is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits j-s based on Tabl-e 33-A except as noted. Exit width is in feet and based on Sec. 3303. (b) . Exit width is to be divided approximately equally among exits. Width shown for all areas is based on other exits . (0.2) Width shown for 1st f]oor is based on other exits. (O.21 Width shown for other floors & basements is based on stairways. (0.3) NOTE: When the occupant load on an upper floor j-s greater than the floor(s) be.Iow, minimum exiting reguirements are maintained. For the minimum width of doors, see Sec. 3304- (f) For the minimum width of corridors, see Sec- 3305. (b) For the minimum width of stai-rways, see Sec. 3306. (b) NOTE: A required exit from the sal-es area nay not pass through the storage area. -- Sec. 3303. (e) FOOTNOTES: 4l Panic hardware j-s based on Sec. 33L7. (d). See exceptj-on for main exit in A-3 occupancies and churches. Page # 11 Code review for: Project Id. r Austria Haus 897-0331 Address t 242 East Meadow Drive ACCESSIBILI TY REQUIREMENTS : 1) Accessibility j-s required to at least one primary entrance to this building. -- Sec. 3103. (a) & (b)3. 2) Portions of the building required to be accessibl-e shal-l be provided with the same number as required by Chapter 33. See chart in report above. When an exit is not accessibl-e (ie. stairs), an area for evacuation assistance shall be provided. See 3104. (b) for requirements. 3) ff a ramp is used for accessibilityl the max slope is 7:'12. -- Sec 3307. (c) R-1 ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS : Adaptable dwelling units are required. -- Sec. 3108. (a)8. Public-use and common-use areas shal.I be accessible. -- Sec. 3103. (a)8. STAIR NOTES: Public stairways: The maximum rise of a step is 7 inches and the minimum run is 11 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) The minimum width of a stairway is 35 inches, 44 inches if the occupant load is greater than 49. -- Sec. 3306. (b) When i stairway Is used for evacuation assistance, the minimum width is 48 inches between handrails. -- Sec. 3104. (b) 3. A1so see exit table above to see if minimum width is greater than 44 inches. provj-de handrails on both sides of a stairway 34 to 39 inches above the nosing. (May be on one side if less than 44 inches wide) -- Sec. 3306'(j) provide a guard rail- where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height :36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- sec. 171'2.(a) exc 1 The minimum headroorn j-s 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (o) Enclosed usab.Ie space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (f) Code review for: Project Id.: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address: 242 East Meadow Drive Stairways are required to be in exit enclosures. The walls of the enclosure are required to be 2 The openings into the exit encLosure are required -- Sec. 3309. (c) Note: Openings into encl-osure necessary for exiting normally occupied spaces. A connection to the exterior is reguired with the exit encfosure. -- Sec. 3309. (d) Page # 1"2 -- Sec. 3309. (a) hr fire assemblies. to be 1 I/2 hr assembl-ies. are limited to those same fire protectj-on as the Sec. 3309. (e) not) may not be used for any purpose.A barrier is required at grade .l-evel-. -- The space under the stairs (enclosed or -- Sec. 3309. (f) At least one stairway 1s required to extend to the roof unless roof slope is qreater than 4:L2. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ELEVATOR REQUIREMENTS : 1) Wtren the el-evator vertical travel- is 25 feet or more' each associated elevator Iobby or entrance area and associated machine rooms sha-ll be provided with an approved Listed smoke detector for elevator recall purposes only. -- Sec. 5103. (b) 21 ln building three or more stories in height, at least one elevator serving all floors shal-.l- accommodate a wheeLchair. See the complete list of requirements in code book- -- Sec. 5103- (d) 3) Shafts (hoistways) housing elevators extending through more than two floor fevel-s shalL be vented to the outside. The area of the vent shall not be less than 3 I/2 percent of the area of the elevator shaft, provided a minimum of 3 square feet per elevator is provided' -- sec. 5104. Elevator hoistways shal-I not be vented through an elevator machine room unl-ess such venting is accomplished by an approved duct system instalfed through the elevator machine room. -- Sec. 5105. Page # 13 Code review for; Project Id.: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address t 242 East Meadow Dri-ve Provj.de a l.anding within 1 inch (1,/2 inch at doors used for handicapped access) of the threshol-d. -- Sec. 3304. (i) The minimum width is same as door width and the ninimum Iength is 44 inches. -- Sec, 3304. (j ) The maximum travel- distance in this building is 150 feet. -- Sec. 3303. (d) ROOFING REQU]REMENTS: 1) The roofing on this building is required to be Class B or better. -- Table 32-A 2l See section 3204. and ICBO research reports for requirements. AUTOMATIC SPRINKI,ER SYSTEMS I If openings are not provided in each 50 feet of exterior waII or there is f.l-oor area more than 75 feet from an exterior opening, an automatic sprinkler system is required. -- Sec. 3802. (b) An automatic sprinkler system is required in RL occupancies 3 or more stori-es in height. -- Sec. 3802. (h) An automatic sprinkler system is requj-red in rooms where the occupants consume alcoholj-c beverages and the unseparated floor area exceeds 5000 sq.ft. -- Sec. :802. (c)1. An automatic sprink.l-er system is required in basements of A-occupancies greater than 1500 sqft. -- Sec. 3802. (c)2. An automatic sprinkler system is requj-red in encl-osed usab.l-e areas above or below stairs. -- Sec. 3802. (c)4. STANDPI PE REQUIREMENTS : A cl-ass I and II or III standpipe is required. -- Table 38-A A hose is required. -- Tabl-e 38-A Hose is required for Class II standpipes only. -- Footnote #5 FOOTNOTES: 1) The l-ocation is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (d) ,and,/or(e) Page # 14 Code review for: Project Id.: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address z 242 East Meadow Drive ATTIC REQUIREMENTS: 1) Provide an access to aII attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minimum size Ls 22 inches by 30 inches. There must be 30 inches or more c]ear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205. (a) 2) Provide venti-l-ation in all attic a.reas. The net free vent area is to be not l-ess than l square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area may be 1/300 if at least 50t of the required ventil-ating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the attic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eave or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) Exct 1 The vent area may be 1/300 provided a vapor retarder having a transmission rate not exceeding 1 perm is installed on the warm side of the attj-c insuLation. -- Sec. 3205. (c) Exc: 2 IhLL AND CEITING FINISH: 1) WaIl and ceil-ing finish materials are requj-red to comply with Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8. 2l Carpeting on the ceiling is required to have a Class I fl-ame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204. (bl 3) Textil-e wall- coverings shall have Class I flame spread rating' and shal-l be protected by automatic sprinklers or meet the acceptance criteria of U.B.C. Standard No- 42-2 -- Sec. 4205' INSUI,AT]ON NOTES: 1) A11 insul-ation material including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450. -- Sec. 1714. (c) 2) Foam plastic insul-ations are required to be protected. -- sec. 1713. Page # 15 Code review for: Project Id.: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address:. 242 East Meadow Drive GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: All glazing in hazardous .l-ocations is required to be of safety glazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2l Glazing in fixed and sLiding panels of sl-iding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazing in al-l unframed swinging doors 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpoolsr saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a buifding wall enclosing these compartrnents where the bottom exposed edge of the glazLng is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 6) GJ-azing in fixed or operable paneJ-s adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a cl-osed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface. 7) Glazing in an individual- fixed or operable panel, other than those Iocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than neets all of the following conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor' C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horj-zontally of the plane of the gJ-azing. 8) Glazing in railings regard.l-ess of height above a walking surface. Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panels. Page # 16 Code revi-ew for; Project Id.: Austria Haus 89?-0331 Address t 242 East Meadow Drive ADDI TIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R1 occupancy A fire alarm system is required in this bui.lding. -- Sec. 1'277. Provide a window or door to the exterj-or from every room used for sleeping. -- Sec. 1204. A window must provide a clear open area of 5-7 sq.ft.' a cl-ear height of 24 inches, and a clear width of 2Q inches(minimum) . -- Sec. 1,204. A11 habitabl-e rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to 10t or more of the floor a.rea. (min 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 120s. (b) A11 habitabl-e rooms require an operabl-e exterior openings equal to 5t or more of the floor area. (min 5 sq.ft-) -- Sec. 1205. (c) Provide a smoke detector in alt sleeping rooms and areas having access to sleeping rooms. -- Sec. |Z'J'O- (a)4- The mj_nimum ceiling in a habitabte space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchens. halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. -- Sec. -- 1207. (a) For 82 occupancy In aII areas customarily occupied by humans, provide natural- or artificiaL l-iqht and ventil-ation. -- Sec. 705. (a)c (b) For 81 occupancy Page # 17 Code review for: Project Id.: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address z 242 East Meadow Drive Devices generating a gJ-ow or flame are required to be 18 inches above the floor. -- Sec. 708. The minimum clear height is required to be 7 feet' -- Sec. 709. (c) 5. Parkj_ng garages require a ventilation system that exhausts 1.5 cfm per sq.ft. of floor area. -- Sec. 705. (b) 2. For A3 occupancy Permanent platforms shall be constructed of material-s as required for the building type of construction- -- Sec. 3902. If the area under the platform j-s used for any purpose (including storage) other than equipment wiring or plumbing, then the floor construction shal-l- be not less than t hour fire resistive. -- Sec. 3902. Floor-1st Occupancy-Lounge The capacity of this area j-s required to be posted at 58 occupants. -- Sec. 3302. (c) Page # 18 Code review for: Project Id.: Austria Haus B97-0331 Address: 242 East Meadow Drive ACCESSIBLE FACILITIES I NOTE: Section numbers listed below are f.rom ANSI A117.1 - 1986 ITATER FOUNTAINS: 1) One must have a spout withj-n 36 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.I5.2 2) Spout must be at the front of the unit. -- Sec. 4.15.3 3) Controls must be at or near the front of the unit- -- Sec. 4.15.4 & 4.25.4 4) A cantilevered unit is required to provide a clear area under the unit of 27 inches high, 30 inches wide, and 17 inches deep' -- sec.4.15.5 (1) 5) A cl-ear area of 30 X 48 inches is required at the fountain, The cl-ear area is required to provide for a forward approach with a cantilevered unit and for a side approach otherwise. -- Sec. 4.15.5 & Fig.27 b,c,d TOILET FACILITIES: 1) A 5' diameter unobstructed turnj-ng space is required in the toilet room. -- Sec. 4.2.3 & Fig. 3 (a) 2) Wtren water c]oset is not in a compartment, the cl-ear area required is: a) 48 inches wide by 56 inches deep with a side approach' -- Sec.4.L6.2 & Fig.28 b) 48 inches wide by 66 inches deep with a front approach' Page # 19 Code review for: Project Id.: Austria Haus 897-0331 Address:. 242 East Meadow Dri-ve -- Sec. 4.16.2 a [ig. 28 c) 60 inches wide by 56 inches deep with both approaches. -- Sec. & Fig. 28 d) Side bar is required to start within 12 inches of the back walf and extend to 54 inches from the back wal-l-. -- Sec. 4.1'6'4 & Fig. 29 The rear bar is required to be 36 inches long. -- Fj-g. 29 3) When water closet j-s in a compartment, the area required is: a) 56 inches deep by 60 inches wj-de with a grab bar at the back and one at the side. Door is at front or side- -- FiS. 30(a) or b) 65 inches deep by 36 or 48 inches wide with grab bars on both sides and door at front. -- Fig. 30(b) d) If a floor mounted water closet is used, the depth dimension shown above must be increased 3 inches. -- Fig. 30(a) & (b) e) side bars are required to start within 12 inches of the back wall and extend to 54 inches from the back wal--l' -- Fig. 7. 56a & 7.56b The rear bar is required to start within 6 inches of the side wall- and be 36 inches long. -- Fig. 30(a) 4) The bars are to be 33 to 36 inches above the floor' -- Fig. 29(al , (bl c Fig. 30 (c), (d) 5) The top of the seat on the water cLoset is required to be 17 to 19 inches above the f.l-oor. -- Fig. 29(b, & Fiq. 30(d) 6) Urinal-s are .required to be stall type or have an elongated rim and be within 17 inches of the ffoor. -- Sec. 4.18'2 & tig' 29(cl ?) A clear a.rea of 30 X 48 inches is required in front of the urinal . -- Sec. 4.18.3 8) Accessible lavatories shall provide a c.l-ear area under the Iavatory of 29 inches. -- Sec- 4-79.2.1 & Fig' 31 9) A cfear area of 30 x 48 inches is required in front of the lavatory. -- Sec. 4.19.3 & Fig. 32 10) The botlom of mirror is required to be within 40 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.79.6 & Fig. 31 -lt r February 4, 1998 Art Hougland Hougland & Associates 5616 County Road 100 Carbondale, CO 81623*,ffi,#$; Dear Art: Item I Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 t' v bq?o3>i Prerce, SeSerbert & Ar!o<iire5 A..hire(tr. PC..A.l.A. Main Otfice 1000 S. Fronot€ Rord W Vail. CO 81657 for 970 476 4608 phone: 970 476 44ij uenv€r (Jn ae l6l7 Wuee Streer Sui(e c 2 Dcnver, CO 80202 fox lol 62! 2262 phone: l0l 621 l l55 This letter is our written response to your plan review comments and follows, in general, our discussion of those comments by your comment numbers. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to pull this together. \ Stamped Civil drawings were submitted with the "foundation plan" submittal. I was reminded that these civil drawings were approved by the Town of Vail Building Department at that time, however, if you need additional stamped sets of these drawings let me know. The rnajority of the roofing is concrete tiles on battens with some areas of EPDM sheet and some copper roofing. All of those meet or exceed Class B requirements. I believe the detail book spec and roofsystems notes on the plans support this' We wilt achieve overflow for the "flat" roof areas in two ways. The high flat roof with the mechanical units will have overflow roof drains as will the roof at Grids F and 9.5. The other two low "flat" roofs on Grids F and H will receive overflow scuppers. Glazing is required to be tempered when required by code on the note on the attached revised window schedule and also in Sections 8225,8312,8470, 8611, and 8800 of the Project Manual. We will be checking during shop drawing submittal and in the field to confirm that this is executed. As I explained during our discussion, the limited "attic" spaces we have are all wann spaces with a fully insulated roof / ceiling assembly (with vapor banier) at the top ofthe space. Therefore, we believe it is not required nor is it a good idea to ventilate these spaces. Art, I believe you didn't disagree with this reasoning but wanted to leave the final determination up to the Town of Vail Building Department staff. Item 5 o o February 4, 1998 Art Hougland Page2 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8 Item 9 Item l0 Item ll Item 12 13, &.14 Item 15 Item 16 Items 17 18, & 19 Item 20 Item 21 Attic access is now shown on Sheet A12.4 at 3 locations. However, in addition we will add access hatches to the small attic spaces outside of Units 400 and 403 so that there is access to all portions of the attic. Windows have been chosen to allow egress from all bedrooms per this code section, and Sheet A8.l notes that all of these windows be provided with egress hardware. In addition, we will be checking shop drawings with this in mind. Complete smoke and fire detection plans were reviewed with Mike McGee today. Mike had many helpful comments, all of which we will be complying with, and seemed satisfied with our direction. I'd ask you to contract him on this issue' We will be providing panic hardware on all required exit doors from the ,{3 occupancy areas. This would be on doors 102 & 103, the single door QQ (near grid 7.5 & C.3), one pair of UU doors out of the Lounge and one pair of UU doors out of the Library Occupant load will be posted as required by code. System notes noted on the wall sections and plans show that exterior walls are typically steel studs with type "X" gypsum board interior and exterior sheathing and E.I.F.S. finish which meets U.L. Design U-472, attached. System notes and the fire protection notes on Sheet A0.0 show that the roof / ceiling and floor / ceiling assemblies meet one and two hour rating requirements through the various U.L. assemblies listed. These notes and specification section 07255 specify spray fireproofing of structural steel and decks. Columns are protected with concrete or gypsum board wrapping per UBC table 43C (see fire protection notes and details 6.1 and 6.2). See comments.in response to Item I I above. See comments in response to Item 12 above. Please see corrected plan attached. Exit doors directly to the exterior are now provided with swing in direction of travel and a number of those will be equipped with panic devices as noted above. I believe this note refers to doors 102 and 103. The swing direction on these doors has been corrected and panic hardware will be provided. Please see the system notes. All corridor walls are type Wl3 on one side and Wl5 on the other which meets one-hour requirements. a February 4, 1998 Art Hougland Page 3 Item22 Item 23 Item24 Item 25 Item26 Item27 o o All corridor walls and all demising walls extend up to the floor / ceiling assembly or roof / ceiling assembly above thus providing a one hour ceiling. This is noted in the fire protection notes on Sheet A0.0. Railings in stairs will definitely be provided per code. All rails at open sides of landings are 42" high but per section l7l2 (a) Exception 3 (under "guard rail height") ofthe l99l UBC rails on open sides ofstair runs are set at 2'-10". Stair #2 has been modified so that door 104 swings into the stair. See attached plan. As noted in Section 3306 (n), the pitch of our roof is over 4:12 so we have not provided a stair to the roof. Mike McGee did not insist on a hatch to the roof out of the stair. However, I believe it is a good idea and will allow safer access to the roof. Therefore, we will be providing a 4' x 4' roof hatch and a fixed steel ladder at the top of stair #1. The men's and women's restrooms on level One will meet all applicable handicap accessibility requirements. We believe the plumbing count currently meets the 1994 U.P.C. as this facility is a multi-family project and all guests have access to toilet facilities in their living unit. All common facilities are for the use of the guests only not the general public and there is no restaurant facility. Per discussions with the Town of Vail Building Department we have designed this project to meet the 1994 U.B.C. in respect to Evacuation Assistance areas. That is because we are a fully sprinklered building, we are not providing Evacuation Assistance areas. Item 28 Vertical firestopping will be provided as per section 1704 of the U.B.C.. Please refer to Section 07270 Firestopping, in our specification. Art, I hope this resolves your concerns. I've sent a copy of this letter and attachments to the Town of Vail Building Department. Please feel free to call me with any questions you have. Sincerely, PIERCE, SEGERBERG & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTLP.C., A.l.A. blkr4tu ry fh*#fu, B.i.6avis- A.I.A. Principal Gary Goodell - Town of Vail Clark Atkinson - Shaw Construction Frank Freyer o HO u0r[ND 0 A$$0cr o [TE To: From: Date: Subject: Consulting in Building ond Fire Codes Fire Investigotion MEMORANDUM GarylCharlie/J.R. ou,.-./m January 17, 1998 Austria Haus plan review. Attachment The correction report has been reduced from 28 items to 14 items after reviewing the revised plans dated 1117197. There are some items that I know the architect has corrected (such as the swing of the exit doors on the lounge and lobby, correction #9) but they were not presented on these plans. I don't know what decision was made on the door from the lobby into the stair enclosure (correction #10) if you have made a decision. I am not aware of what decision was made by the fire department regarding the access to the roof from one of the stair enclosures (correction #11) and didn't see it addressed in these plans. The fire department should receive a copy of sheets E1.10 > E1.15 for the fire detection and alarm system, if they do not already have one. I indicated in correction #1 that the revised set of plans that I received. have no stamps or signatures on them, however, some of them are of the same issue as stamped signed sets in my possession, these are: Architectural - Field Copy, dated 1117197 Electrical - Field Copy, dated 1116197 Mechanical - Field Copy, dated 1117197 I have a stamped, signed Office Copy of the plumbing plans for the underground plumbing system, dated 1Ol1Ol97. The unstamped plumbing plan that I looked at with the full set of plans sent to me on 10/30/97 is dated 11107197. I have 2 sets of stamped, signed structural plans, sheets 51 .0, 51.1, S1.2, S2.0 & S2.1 for the foundation, dated 918197. The revised plan set includes these same sheets as well as sheets S2.2 1 IEtt/tAx [970] 903-2312 / t0l0 couilTy R0[D 100 / cARB0ilDff,E, c0!0na!0 / 0162t \ EoSEtu s iE € stii*rgtgEl: EaHi, a-d*.uos E E Eif 3 tt F;itE e=3-: $g$s$; € If*IiEfiEFEIF,F ie Eiru4 *gtiEEi i Ei EIt€i * gir is r E 3e ni++: gslE;sa H :*c ***!! ;#FsFfifi .; t o o r\ .f1. o0)()! Q..C O .l 0) .-l O ErJ (D '.1O.-l (l) r0 .lr O (!(6r+..t!.pcpotn>c oU) o o.,{ c (!.-t rr g (l)0) r0 o.l.-r C .O --l -CLr .'l 0. tf-Or+.tO! O O U no'crJ-o q \ o€(U(l) Hn(>..IJO.p +rca!OC O -G\(t)(r)q (u (l) g oroN c q .,1 -l -c c Er{ ur(uO tu .t.l O..t J '.i .-ld >l.{oc0)o,rr 0)! (d O O Oo > q! o! !!..1 {! 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O !r A.)3 .v E<-r a Ep cno N rO O O O 0) ! !rolN !l (Ugc cccu mcT<oc qqa ooco'-l H & d..1 .-l .-l C..l ..1 ..1 d U'..r .; O r-r .--1 ..1 o OO O O C -.1 O.p u) D O Ur Ur dlU'Ur ..r Ot tr|.r! 'r-r c'.' O..J X X X C .-l E'O .!{Oo Olo.|.pCCoccc \aCcOO O c.-t 3tl1rdtdo O.c! u}O O t'l C 6 -.{..1 "-l ..1 ..J.-l (r) O.'l .4 [D -C.d ! O -a a.10.rr !r e..1 E N N (') N N N E -{ N N O 0) .]J N O -r N.-t c)!o! N (6(dCd(0rUOO(U(09rO' (u ().-r<CO(JO tOOCO lrO U (U b't.-{ -l (U .-l .-l .-r O C .-l .-l X .o rr-r.-r O O .-l C fU 0() o'f < Z.-'t l, UO a,OOO !r O d'O O O O O.i tr-r OFr o. r"1 (J | '-lN N ^^<.1 (dr--lN d)srr) (o t-- coFf .-l .-lu<o lr) r{ ooc .,o -; rr?gbr-r'O fd O J .4N0) (l) .ir tt > .-rri 14 .-t o o ul o5Q'+-cO!r.(UnEaOE (u J o] U) Q .IJoo (' q. (0 c 6cDo - o. .-t o o ..1 cq . O C0) l.i| +r o Q o01 r! (o dt o-Q| > q-.r tt' g) O, C E -lr . C O | ! .u ..1 ..1 (€.(l) tt .-l | | C 0 .-ldr> al c I tr o 0)..1 o oC (l) q) O^ qr O.-t r-- or^ ..1 , q o o].TE . 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O H r-l N rru& ca coHOq !r !roo o o< trJ t.., i'r t--r o FN (6 Or rl (r) Il- 0)Or>ro -'r l.{aor3ruo o(0()._t >q ]J ]J.. v) t/lr.r5Oo<tr]q-{ ..N3 .<.o13N '-l H o .rJ q)qoo00 0) .rr l.r.o oEo q?5 UOJ< @lr) rJo ro (u .p vl o II q) .i-l o.p ! 0, ...1(t Q) u) o.!tN O oal c.c oa) l-.t \H vJto o>l O'-l (J(0r0 OU o E-r o rf I ,-t T-, mo!o Or- .-l ,q()lr@onu)c{|/lJ(d,v)ooor|r- (l) I -c oo (r| or{ -o I x .4 (n o -to(Uo]:*ts o . ..t t rr lrlJ+r u +r !I 5ooc)Q)(U.o)oraur ! o -cN .lr . o.u o r! -+J (U c >c oOJ !r ^ E O C..r -Q..t t-- E -O ..1 .U tlf O - tr-r .lJ -.t ,{(I () .u . o () r{ 3._.ro -Q alo t o (u .Li >O !t{ r+.t u -C No u) t-- (l).u q rjoO .+r ))O .c,O orr{ C . O C O g C f.)(U ! O O J O o O.O0) ..1 (l) !{ O 5 -.{ -..{(l) l{ .P (rl JJ t+r Orr E ..r (U (r)q{ o ('o o(f) o t "l I c o ...{ o f rj(n -lu.Fll O l-{o q-{ 0 .rr oo gcpl| .!r c . o{ g(6C/) |r- o qco (l) (d o > o.c cor> ooo >(u -Q .p r+t Jr o@ -"r r- ."1 rr .p o o)rr 3 (U (U .-{ Ur d !{A O..p .-i c .-t o !r.,-o "-l o -c oq (d..{ or-c oJJt 3 uro u! r{ o .d,jo .p o o(U O (rl..t ..{ O (r),{ (l) o -t ...|:tr ! o Q) J.4 ..{ .C rlJ oO t-C tt t+r ujJ u^ 0)(U (I) u' | (i) g! o o q-.t E C !r rr tr.{ !i q ul-C!.{ -.{ .rd O O Q) () rd.p q)UJJ p q O (rJ t+{ -C ! tt Lr.. o (/) (U o .-{ (l) . tJu c o <.,1!{ f O lr O O O.lJ (0 5 tJ O tr-{Od f.l (l).1 (0 '+r -t !{ mE(+{ Cq{ E l.l . 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(U-c vl!u (') t! 0)c o o ..rA Z t+r I rdo rriro .p4 O tr-r ..t ..r OO O C.o E Sl lJ Oo tt O, o go o ..t +r t{! o o or o +rr{ -c c c o..{ r.{ 15 o ut i{t+.t () tO 3 ..1 tUq !.{ O o>(l) Ur o.(l) "l Otr .,-;c, '.r O! A gq -q o q..l ..1 o(U (o +ro 'd -c ooro c^o(r) .q (l)O (i) t{(0rr 3 |+{+l l'{C .COOrd 5-:. (u(n o tr o ..1 ..1 oJr \ +r(r)(?) .-l .-t t{ J c r.t o co o -c .lJ 6 tto ..r ro o . ! ...{| -Q +) C O O(4 (D tr.t.e O tnF- O ..{ O C !{ co !| +,.-t .uq > ! 3 i{ v \ s -..t C F- oEr OEl .-l o) t+{ g . O-C J CN ) C! .rr lr oo..l ur xtto. i{ !dO vt J (l) N -.i 'O Ut +, u)o- ..1 o !+J .+J.C c) t{ +r.,.t ('l(.).-tA.E .-l O lJ t!$.-l ^(') ...{ fr !OO .. O COr{ OC ON+,!E! ulo .lro!n t o- .-r 5 r! c ao6 ld q (E (0.Q 3 qr t$ o(0 O H O N sro ()'f) o (6olr) o-.{ > E-{.Q O . O+r . 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Orr tt(u o () .0).-r E . ! --i D c +J cO. ol .O.Q.!'l ! Ut-q.i O !r 0)^OqC ) C '-io' O. q) | tt lr O oir ..1 Q 6 C O !{.d O .{ Orr (u .q c _o 13 o t'r c 3 ..r o ..1 -cN rr (ocn !r <)(J . o o o..{ -c -c .-1 -l :Jo f0 . q-r 0) '+r v:.* E C -l .+ 0) t{ (f) .lJ .lr | .}< \O q_t Cf ce co !r .lr '-l '-l !r fn .-1 | N U O (Drr d rU UtC tro o d U' (U tr 3 - f-r o c (0 (l) r.{ . > .."{ ..1 -"1 --1O -a N 3 O (d O ! ! -.1 --C trn (o.$ q t'J(d rr -co o^otrrc -c o.lr v1 ..1 E c (g o !o'l E J4 O-C-C]J1J-Q n O..t O .lr ca ."1 t'r .(I) O(J(l) --l_lJ CO C ..u .tJ C-4-J3 EE .-1 O !r O !-{ -l !{ 3.- .-j r0 ..1 ..lO3O O.lr.u 3 > .u iJ O O..l O rr..{3 l! 13t{ (r- oC..t - UrO 0 u)J .a A)\ou q{(r) ..r..r 3 E p..1 .9 u)^ (D (' (6Ntt -aO. --i O <')CO O. O r{ t'r td O-QOrl(D .q)O 3,c O'O -lr E UrJJ ('.) ..p !r (u -l->t !r Oor l.{ Oo lr (D E-.{ (U o-"{ () li q-{ rJt u)^ oor]r .ori N.p! +r -a]J3 ct'roo(d (J]lq)! N .o --r . toc')lr E lr n.-{ O OIJ O -C- lr .l !{ .-t >s--l 10tr) dO Orsn.'{ t.1 arq O O.O -(l)..JO O . Or-r(l) u q +r o{o co I o (6 -c .u o'' c ^]J tt(d o ('l g . (rl (tr!(nr-r -C O U-{ g-Cl.|v OOO 9..1 O O..l!-l (l) o.0 0.-l .-r(l1 co Oco OOOO .r.{rr!C 'OO - 3 t'r !0 tr-r -C O-Ctrlf .('.) N CN O t4 O O C O rr]-J (D O .d O.+(oo O .-{ Ul O (t U'o --l lro rt -.loocrrqc ! co ff} (l)t(l)0)c -l c€ q).'l | ' ' E '.1 O O O..l Os-O.-l (r] ! l-Q.C'.i l! l'.1 tr t'.rt-- 0) bn\o o'o o J o . (c) tr 3 !r u) (r) J o o . .lJ .1r -q I (not> .-l ra)..1 OC U'C\o (D(.)q{ 0)..1 |-r) U'-CJJ cn .O co r,t co.nJ\d CQ ..i tu t'r lr..l O..l rc rc'-Q t O .q) O ..1 C !r.p t1-{ < .sor..t ! >, .'l lr >.-l >+r 0) ('rJ r- lr CcoLr O O O !l m a (oA ldjQ.d t.s o-eu)-e(0+r!Q') .-t -) OO X OOX 'rlO ttLr) rr'l --l Cn!'d.nO q]r-i O !l .-l 3 9Oo1J3 NONc.) .-l O]OO,rJA C ..1 (oO (!q-r !r OO t-r OO lr rr.aq .!.r{o +Jo-coooEo0)(u co!^0) .-1 -c ro occq.!:CO !O."1 (O -lr tr O OrJ O O g !r.u(c) !.r _Q 0) O 3 U ]r -.t U.;.+(0 r'{ 3.r tn (0 ce! rO rC O O XtO (d O O- -C Ct C rr-r rU tl-r O Eo.Q . .-.lo -Qo D rr> 0.-Q-Q! r o.]r o -.-r o(n >o, o(rl..f: v rl< g -1 0l d orC O O a/) t-- ^E tr . rdN 'r-r Oq () trO !iOc) OCO-QlrlC tr!O6+rO l-- (d co -l (0lOC)lJ.lJ ,,C . (0..1J or O -C ()-C O .-l (g d C .6 i lr- > Orr Orr '+-r O I A..nm oo()-QXNorr()co q-.{ -Qdoc)660111-{o! rr.oo!r EC I O O C () q) rr O C O C c0 C .-1 ir N O-O (0 d ds-l rd . O Io< l,l (r).-r cQo . .lr..t ..1 0)63o.-rrr .1 a 'ro .-1 -o> >!l'.1-{ rO 'O ol'O O T ! O!"-r O .-l tt .0. (/t -C tr ..-1 !r tr tr -p..N lO l..l C.-i -C 3lo C \o.-l tr-r -q .i 6l-C fU 6 c'lO 0l "-l ! (U Q {,1 O d O O3 .s tto I u) rotr F - Lo 6\0 crtH ocrl 3 i H 3-O..r u o c..r o o ou 0).p -Q !-lolN C I,r t g 3-1 (/] 0) (0-l rd O.-r H ()^ q) () ().-t o 0 > o > 0) 0 O .lr o F ts | Fr..r >-O < | <-l <-r Fq-rcooooO'-! (f) s. !O \O t-- CO Or O(Jvur-l O lro(-)Or< D ;o 'j a ,