HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E TRACT C AUSTRIA HAUS AKA SONNENALP SDD 35 1997 APPROVAL PART 1 OF 5 LEGALAustria Haus: Council to hash Db special dovelopment districts allow too much deparlure from zoning? Find out Tuesday as courrcilconslders the case of the Austria Haus. File photo. continue to tout an SDD ne the begt neang to the end in thig caEe. He adds that a rezone will likely rule out a late-July deadline. He argues that SDDa' coneidered caae by case, allow for more creativity than standard zooing aad provide incentives for develoPment. The arrangement often calls for community imProvementE euch ae landscaping and employee housing in ex' change for density increases. But Jim L,amont, exesutive director of Eaet Village Homeowners Aeeociation, BeeB the SDD process ae urifair and setting dangerous precedents, He eaYe . hie organization ign't so nucb at odde with Austria Haue de' velopers, but with town staff and their "systematic die- mautlingl of deneitY controls tbrough SDDs. Lamont would like to see the SDD process overhauled to adhere closely to densitY regulatigns in undulYhs' t.drS.'rr.Olr tmc to undrntend nezone vs. development district Developer is ready to go with either choice By TARA FI"ANAGAN One way or the other, Aus- tria llaus Development wants to make the less-adorned wing of the Sonnenalp Hotal . a whole lot bigger and nicer. But it remains to be seen what procedural route the failed plan will now take, a matter Vsil Town Council will hagh at its May 6 after- noon work gesgiou. Tgr-.ntng down the controverdial rede- velopment April 15 becags. e of its bulk, council will lgw decide if a rezoDe of the Prop- erty or a special developma4t dietrict will best carty t:he rc. vieed plan, then once again soe the plan through the toYin's approval pr<,cesa, Erpect some ninor fire- works; critice of the SDD pro- cege aesail it as a way for the rich to buy density and all but ignore underlying zoning. Critice of rezoning say the town currently haa 21 zone districts. But if a rrezone were created each time an SDD were called for, they say, Vail would have 65 zone districts undermining the integrity of its codee. In the meantime, develop- ere have downecaled the pro- poeal and bave reapplied the plan with the town, eubmit- ting applications for both a rezone and SDD. They hope to- have -the counril'g blessing for the project by late July, a notion viewed as can-do or nearly impossible, depending on whom you talk to and whether they waot a rezone or SDD, Vail plannrr Gcorlo Ruther saya tom rtrll llll that the tradition of zoning ie a democratic proceea," he 8aya. The Auetria Haue applica- tion goea to the Planning and Environmental Commigeion May i9. Ruther encourages public participation and will answer questions at 479-2145. Qucstior$? call thc rlanntng )t:ttrt ar + /'-'r)o APPLICATION FOR PLAI{NING AIYD ENITRONMENTAI'' COII'MISSION APPROVAI ffi c,ctrequiringlppryvarq*:11y.y^l-tl^:L':ff f *#,illl;lT,Hi'l' informatioa scc rhe srrbmiual requircnarts for tu. particurr appioia tlat ls t"qucsted- Tbc appticadon cur oot bc a:ce,ptedw6l all rcquircd inlo#il is submiued- n. iJ.iti""v trt" need to bc rst'iewcd by the Town Co'acil tr Arncod.rncottoan AppovedDwctopmentPlan Cl Ernplqvecflorsingy{t-Cm"t r, , ) tr Major or tr Minor CCI Fxterior Alteradon (Vait Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Extcriot Alter'aion (Lionshead) &l SPccialDcveloPmentDiscicttr NLlor or tr Minm Amcndmcnt to an SDD To croate a S.D.D. wlth underlying zoning of PA andot thc DcsiP Rariew Board' .A. TYPE OF ATPLICATION: B Additional aRFA (250) tr BcdandBroaldst tr Conditionat Usc Pqmit tr Mejc or El lvlioor Suffivision tr Rczoningtr SignVriance tr Vaiancc tr ZoningCodcAmendrntnt B.DESCRIPTION OF T}IE REQUEST; for redevelopnent of the Austrla Haug c.LOCA]]ON OF PROPOSAL: ilUT--JE uUSK- FILING ^OO*rr. 242 East Ueadov Drlve FuEiia Acconmodation (u) Distrlct D. NAME oF owNER(S): sonnenalp. kopertles NIAILNG ADTTEESS :_?9_Jgi] r.OWFIER(S) STGNATTJRE($:/ Gordon R. Plercec.NAL{E OF REPRESE}iTA FEE.sEETI{ESTjBMITTALREQUIREMENTSFoRTHEAPPR'OPRI'ATEFEE' SUBMITTI{ISAPPLICATIoN.AI,LSUBMTTTALREQtiIREME]t{Tsiry|.THET,EEToTHE DEPARTMET\IT OF colftrrit:NrTy DEVELoPIIIEI{T. 75 SO{IrH FRONTAGE ROAD' e1syp. 97o/476-4416 VAIL, COLORADO Er6s7- Fec Paid: - Cl#:- BY: Application Datc: PEC MeainS Datc: Rrvird 6-96 WRITTEN STATEMENT ABOUT AUSTRIA HAUS The Austria Haus was built in the mid 60's as a small inn to accommodate destination skiers that were coming to the growing Vail community. It operated until 1979 as the Wedel Inn. It was then purchased by the Faessler family who planned to redevelop the property into a Sonnenalp Hotel. In late 1984 they were given approval to proceed witl their project. Attached herewith is a copy of Ordinance #8 approving a special development district known as S.D.D. 12. These plans were put on hold and eventually died when the Faessler family purchased other properties in Vail and then, in 1980, remodeled the existing Austria Haus which has served as an annex to the new five star Bavaria Haus. The existing building has many problems associated with it such as there is no elevator nor a way to connect the various floor levels. The guest rooms are marginal in size by today's standards. Fire protection, sound proofing, plumbing, heating, electrical and many code issues are also minimal. Due to these many major problems it is nearly impossible to work with the existing structure. The existing parking is mostly on Town of Vail land as is the marginal landscaping. Other neighboring structures such as the Mountain Haus, Village Center Condominiums as well as the Town of Vail Parking Stnrcture are sizeable developments. The Austria Haus now appears to have sunk somewhat into the urban plan. The pedestrian experience along this part of East Meadow Drive is very weak to say the least. It is particularly poor at night and in the winter months. The existing facility has 37 rooms with approximately "75 pillows" and is operated about eight months of the year by the Sonnenalp Hotel. There is a small restaurant and bar that serves its guests and a small retail outlet on the east side of the building. large evergreens and a Town of Vail bus shelter separate the property from the flow of pedestrians that cross over the Gore Creek at the Covered Bridge. The current proposal is to provide the Town of Vail with considerably more warm pillows over the entire 12 montl period as well as to create approximately 10,000 square feet of commercial with underground parking. This project would continue to operate under the management of the Sonnenalp Hotel. The proposal also includes landscaping and pedestrian improvements on all four sides of the structure. Pierce. Se8e.be.g & Associares Architesi, PC.,Al.A. M.in Office 1000 S. Fronuge Road W Vril, CO 81657 fax:970176160E phone:970 176 44t3 Denver Offic. |6l7wr.eesrerr suiteC2 Denver,CO 80202 foxi 303 621 2262,honc:.303 623 ll55 To facilitate this proposat the following steps would be necessary: Application for: Major alteration in C.C. il Zoning code amendment Request for a S.D.D. Request for a zoning change. These applications briefly outlines the reasons for these steps: the submitted plans have square footage calculations on them. Although the project generally conforms to zoning requirements in tle requested C.C. II zone, it exceeds the density (number of units and G.R.F.A.). Howeveg this proposal is smaller than the approved 1984 project in total square footage as well as in mass and volume. The project would be marketed as a "Fractional Time Share" development with S-week unis of time divided between winter-summer and off-season. Any units in the project not being occupied would be rented out to hotel guests through the Sonnenalp Resort Manasement on a first-come. first-served basis. f:\pglaustia\docs\rtalemnldoc |donst Catl the Planning Staff at 479-2lt9 APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND EI{VIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL :IOV{NOFVAIL tr AdditionalGFSA(250) tr BcdandBrcaKasttr ConditionalUePennit tr Majuor EMinorSubdivision EI Rezoning tr SignVaiancetr Vaiance { zoningCodeAmendment ,B. Austria llaus parcel (now Public Accommodation) to C. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT ADDRESS: ZONING: NAMEOF MAILING FILINGo ruenifrg INGNAME: ,. F. G. PHONE: FEE - SEE TTIE STJBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TI{E APPROPRIATE FEE' sIiBl\tIT THISAPPLICATION,ALL SLBIIIITTALREQIIIREMENTS AND.TIIEFEETO THE , DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEM, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' nn ai4<7vArI4 coLoRADO 81657. R.,virod 6/96 GR,oo I o O TOWN OF VAIL ,"rtutno.Li? r67 L DEpARt i\IENT oF co:\r)tu-^-.tt'r' DETELoPMENT ^^*. ltKlio lhut ^oorn*"J4 ry CI'ECIi.S MADE TAYABLE TO TO\T']\ OF VAIL ACOU^-TNo. tTEM "-" .-'""No:"-r'TAf -- CoST EA. -'- TOrAL: 0 0000 4 1540 ZONINC AND N DDRESS MN PS s5.00 0t 0000 42415 U N I I.'O I{M BU I LD INETdT']'s54.00 0 oo00 42415 UNIFORIiM ri39.00 0 0000 42415 UNI FORM MECIIANICAL CODE $37.00 0 oo00 4241 5 UNIFORM FlRlr CODE s16.00 oo00 4241 5 NAT]ONAL ELECTRJCN L CODI:sJ7.00 0 0000 42415 OTI]ER CODE BOOKS 0r 00004 5{8 I]LUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$ /.00 oooo 42412 X.EROX COP]ES $0.25 0 oooo 424t2 STUDIL,S 0 tru|J0 424t2 TOVF EES COMPUTIJR PROCRAM s 5.00 0 u)00 4zi7l PENALTY FEES i RE-INSPL,CTIONS 0 0()00 4 332 PLAN REVII:w RE-CI{ECK l.-l:E tS40 PI:R IlR.l 0t oo00 42332 OFI; IIOURS INSPI:CTION F-LliS 0 oo00 4 4t2 CONTRy\CTORS LICI:NSIiS llil:S 0 oo00 4 4tJ SIGN NPPLICATION FEE s20.00 0 ooo0 4 4t3 ADDITIONAL SICNAGE FEE [Si.OO PBR SQ.FT.I 0 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0 0000.4 JJ I PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BON RD FEETTmoozzilt-lNVb.s I ICA IION FEir ( BUILDING) 3 ooo0 45t l0 TOV PN RKING IJUND oo00 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPIJNSER FUND* 0t 0000 2l t2 TZX^]BLEEa.sm* 0l 0000 4t010 TAX;iBLE@4.m 0 0()00 42171 I] U ILDInvG lNVl:STICn TION OTIIER t5 $ .tN :h PEC APPLICATION I-EES 0 0000 4 .3i0 ADDI I IONAL GRFN "250"s200.00 0 oooo 4 t30 CONDITIONAL USE PilRMlT s200.00 0 oo00 4 330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION [LESS TIIAN IOO SQ.F"I s200.00 0 0000 4 JJU EXTLRIOR ALTF-RATION IMORL TIINN IOO SQ.FT.I 5500.0u sbo.m b 0 0000 4 JJV SPECIN L DF-VI--LOP]\,IENT DISTRICT INEW]5l .)00.011 ,519. f> 0 oo00 4 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND s | ,000.00 0 oo00 4 330 SPIiCIAL DITVIILOPMIiNT DISTRICT l-MINOR AMEND s200.00 0 m00 4 J.'U SUBDIVISION 0 oo00 4 JJU VAITIANCE s250.ct0 0 oo00 4 J30 ZONING CODE AMEN DMI]NTS s250.00 ?60,oo 0 oo00 4 330 RE - ZONING s200.o0 ,oo,00 OTHER OTHER For^Lt 14tu,b = I rLL L't casE t--t cK., t 11. O Ll 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development February 28.1997 Kurt Segerberg Pierce, Segerbcrg and Associates Architects 1000 South Frontage Road West, #300 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Construction phasing and financial obligations for off-site improvcments at the Austria Haus. Dear Kurt, Thank you for taking the timc to mcet with thc Town staffto discuss off-site improvements at thc Ausfia Haus. As a result of our meeting, I believe wc havc crcatcd an equitablc and workable solution to cnsuring that the construction and financing nceds of thc off-sitc improvements to East Meadow Drive, Slifer Square and the Gore Creek streambank are met. The purposc of this letter is to summarize our agreement for off-site improvements. The final agreement shall be documentcd in a Developer lmprovemcnt Agreement. Thc Developer lmprovcmcnt Agreemcnt shall bc cxecutcd prior to the issuance of a building permit. East Meadow Drive 1. The design, consfuction and all costs incurrcd to improvc East lMeadow Drive shall be thc responsibility of the Austria Haus devclopers (herein "developcrs"). This includes the improvements identified on the Austria Haus Devclopmcnt Plans (strcet lights, curb/gutter, paving, utilitics, drainagc, landscaping, irri gation, etc.). 2. The developers shall install and pay for street and sidcwalk heating infrastructurc under East Mcadorv Drivc. The hcating infrastructure shall be installcd to oporate on a zonc separatc from thc hcating zonc designcd to hcat the pedcstrian way adjacent to the building. Thc Town of Vail will provide heat to East Mcadow Drivc at a point in thc futurc. The Town of Vail shall provide construction documcnts for thc hcating infrastructure installation. 3. The devcloper shall install and pay for a boulder retaining wall on the north side of East Meadow Drive, the desigr of which shall be detcrmined in cooperation with thc Town staffprior to the issuance of a building pcrmit, {,7 *"t'""uo '*"o 4. The developer shall be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep ofthe landscape planters on Town of Vail right-of-way, on the north side of the building. Slifer Square l. The design, construction and all costs incurred to improve the westernmost sixty-feet (60') of Slifer Square, as measured from the eastcm property line ofthe Austia Haus, as identified on the Austia Haus Development Plans, shall be the responsibility of the developer. This shall include the bus shelter, landscaping, paving, heating, seating, lighting, irrigation, etc. The design ofthe bus shelter shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail. 2. The developer shall constuct all other improvements to the remaining portion of Slifer Square (sidewalk heating infrastucture, paving, landscaping, irrigation, etc.) and the Town of Vail shall reimburse the developer on a cost/square foot basis. The developer and Town of Vail shall work cooperatively in the construction of the improvements to Slifer Square. Maintenance to the heating system under the western portion of Slifer Square shall be the responsibility ofthe applicant. Gore Creek Streambank Improvements I . The developer shall provide a sum of $ I 00,000 to the Town of Vail for streambank improvements to Tract I, Vail Village First Filing, from the Covered Bridge to the west property line ofthe Austia Haus. The $100,000 shall be used by the Town of Vail and the developer to implement streambank restoration, irrigation, streamwalk, etc. Any and all improvements approvod for the streambank shall be installed by the Developer and costs reimbursed by the Town of Vail from the $100,000. Final determination as to the extent of the steambank improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Vail. Again, thank you formeeting with Town staffto discuss the construction phasing and financial responsibilities for the proposed off-site improvements at the Austria Haus, A more formal agreement will be prepared once we have received input from the Town Council on the issue' Should you have any questions or concerns, regarding the information addressed in this letter, you can reach me at479-2145. Good luck with your project. Sincerely, R--ta*t Bob Mclaurin, Town Manager Susan Connelly, Director of Community Development Larry Grafel, Director of Public Works George Ruther Greg Hall, Town Engineer Todd Oppenheimer, Parks Superintendent FILT COPY F#J,D 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970 - 479-2 I 3 8/479 -2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Fcbruarv 6. 1997 Department of Comrnunity Development Gordon Picrcc l'icrcc, Scgcrbcrg & Associatcs 1000 South Frontagc Roacl Vail. Colorado tt l6-57 VIA FAX: 476-46014 RE: Thc rcviscd dcvclopmcrtt rcvicw schcdulc for thc Austria l-laus Dcar Cor<lon: Bclowisasulnm ryofthcrcviscddcvclopmcntrcvicwschcdulcforthcAustrial-laus.'lhcdatcs proposccl arc a "bcit casc" sccnlrio and do not includc any unfotsccn dclrrys that lnay arisc. Plcasc rcad through thc schcdulc as proposcd and lct tnc know ifany conllicts cxist. Mondny, Fcbruary 10,1997 - Monduy, Fcbruary 24, 1997 - Joint Dcsign Rcvicw Board / Planning and Environmcntal Comrni ssion rvorksession. Planning and Envitonmcntal Cornrnission final rcvicw of thc proposcd Spccial Dcvcloprncnt District tnd thc conditional usc pcrmit rcqucst. Aftcnroon worksession and cvcning mccting First Rcading of thc Austria Haus Spccial Dcvcloprncnt District Ordinancc. Tucsday, March 4. 1997 Wcdncsday, March l9, l997 - Conccptual rcvicw with thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. Tucsday, Mnrch 22, 1997 - Ilvcning mccting sccond Rcading of thc Austria Haus Z5 Spccial Dcvclopmcnt District Ordinancc, Wcdncsday, Apil2.1997 Final rcvicw of thc proposcd Austria Haus with the Dcsign Rcvicw Board. Again, thc schcdulc proposcd is a "best casc" sccnario. It docs not includc any unforscen dclays. Shoul<t you havc any qucstions or concerns, plcasc do not hcsitatc in giving mc a call. You can reach i mc dircctly at 479-2145. Sinccrcly.J'rt -l U44-T Krdlt-'aGcorec Ruthcr Town Planncr {p nnj"*ruo o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 De p artrnent of C omtnunity D eve lopment Fcbruary 5,1997 Goldon Picrcc Picrcc, Scgcrbcrg & Associatcs 1000 South Frontagc Road Vail. Colorado 81657 VIA FAX: 476-46011 Fttt cuPr RE:Austria Haus Rcdcvclopnrcnt Dcur Gordon: I havc t'inis|cd rcvicrving thc rcvisc{ Austria Haus plans subntittccl Fctrruary 3,1997. Thc purposc of tlris lcttcr is to intbrm you of thc outstanding issucs r,vhich Inust bc addrcsscd prior to sclrcduling thc final rcvicrv of thc Austria Haus Spccial Dcvclopnrcnt Dish'ict propositl with thc Planning and Bnvilonnrcntal Contnrission. Thc tbllowing issucs nrust bc addrcsscd: L Thc grading plarr is unacccptablc. Thc plan indicatcs 2'to 4'of fill around thc cxisting trccs which arc proposctl to rcnrairr. No gra<.lc changc shall occur within thc Clitical Root Zonc (CRZ) untcss satisl:actorily nritigatcd in thc'l'rcc Pt'csctvation Plan. Submit a rcviscd grading plun. Bc ccrtain thc iurprovcrlcnts shown on thc sitc plan rnatch thc inrprovcmcnts sltown on thc landscapc plan' 2. Thc dirncnsiorrs of East Mcadow Drivc arc offby 2'. Thc guttcr pan on thc north sidc of the strcct is not includcd. Including thc guttcr pan movcs thc strcct an additional 2' to thc south. Plctusc rcvisc thc plans accordingly and confirm gradcs as this changc incrcascs thc gradcs of thc driveway and pcdcstrian arcas. 7B' 71o"t1;u€ {o Fta..rlr,re.3' rhcrcisa 12%Eradcinrront*$,9'j#g#intncncoc;l[f iin u,rr. is A to'tstr 4. Plcase providc proposcd spot clevations at 25' intcrvals, bcginning at thc ccntcr ofthc drivcway, along thc south curb lins of East Mcadow Drivc. Thc spots shall match thc cxisting gradcs at Slifcr Plaza on thc cast and Village Center irnprovements on thc wcst. {P oun"'"o'u" 5. 6. Thc wall within thc strcanl tract on thc wcst cncl of thc propcrty trccds to bc rcltrovcd' 'l'hc rvall is ttot trcccssary for rcgradirtg ptrrposcs. V.l$_ggtuly€ It is possiblc to rcgradc thc strcanr bank to 2:l and 3:l on thc wcst corncr. Plcasc rcvisc thc ncccssary plans accordingly' V1itt ?prpc5a Rftrfief*n'al I 7. tt. 'Ihc 70'contour in Slif'cr Plaz-a ncccls to conllcct through to thc 70'contours on thc south. lt appcars rhc 72' contour may no![lnccu$?,i rnllHJ' tl* ctEt*,q.t. providc FFE at thc doorways to thc colnmcrcial spaccs and spot clcvations at arca drrins. oV- " A bollarcl is nccdcd adjaccnt to thc trafTrc control to rcstrict vchiclc tra{fic lionr driving around thc cnd of thc gatc' OV. llow docs parking/drop-offarca rvork? Plcasc indicatc thc location ofcach parking spaccancl it'.toooing/,t.livcryarcas. lsan$DAparkingspaccrcquircd'/ lfso,plcasc indicatc thc focation on thc appropriatc plans.- \u pdt:,;1 an'al.x;'rtE. lZxLl Z sv*'-es Thc trcncli dr.ain at thc garagc cntr0r'lcc should bc'rclocatcd to thc low point of thc 12. clrivcway. V*tt darAe. Thc gar.agc floor-drairrs nccd to drain into thc sanitary scwcr. not to tlrc crcck. .Plcasc unl.*Jth.plansaccordingly. Vitt R6r;5€. Vllt\ Wi4AFl-- Thc storrl scrvcr linc to thc Covcrcd Briclgc rnust matclr thc cxisting pipc outlcts. \ljrll ?s.t;<. Whclc is thc sanitary conncction to thc buil<Jing? ls it lolv cnough to conncct into thc garagc tloor drains'?vlltl Los?iail' 9. 10. t3. 14. 16. 17. eI'W | 5. Altcrnativc 2 proposcd fbr thc strcanrrvalk is gqf viablc duc to spring run-off llows and tloodplain constlaints. OL Plcasc intlicatc thc floodplain on thc proposcd strcamwX!\.Plan' Thc strcamwalk path width is shown to be four fcct. A six-foot path width is the . rrrinirnurrr width which allows forconvcnicnt usc. Vtill R€vf6rl rtto 1vy'ooA *W' fl14+ ,-.r'-tP.rl*t€' Potcntial trcc rcrnoval niay b[ uioil"d-oti ttt. wcst si4c of thc propcrty by constructing a boardwalk. Plcasc explore this option in morc dctail. ot- Sce rcdlincd plan for dcsign changcs to rcducc trcc disturbancc't:ai$a o@ W Zoue' Thc anglc point tic-in nccds to bc a smooth curvc. As proposcd thc curb will be subjcct to darnagc fronr snowplows' Plcasc rcvisc thc plans as neccssary' \lrtt Rat'te' t8. 19. 20. €\iniut*<6 6une$"! L1'11 @r 5.6. 21.Thc brick povcr closswalk arc0 nccds to bc approxinlatcly 75' in lcngth on thc south sidc of East Mcadow Drivc and 45' orr thc north sidc' Rcrtrovc thc bollarcls ncar thc bus shcltcr within thc Slilcr Plaza arca. OL\ Thcrc should bc a pan at thc lodgc pcdcstriart cntly arc instcatl of a (r inch curb' 4-\vlti"o.bri:c (9/ Thc ticc-standing bouldcr landscapc wall is not ncccssary. Plcasc dclctc thc thc plans.ov- Movc scating arca in ccntcr platrtcr to thc wcst to avoid trcc ilnpacts' Inclicatc thc locations of thc Villagc lights lixttrrcs in Slil'cr Plaza' Transition lionr curb to paving rcd lib (soldicr coumc) should bcgin at cast cnd of srrcct plantc$. vlill d63t- T., o.v , 5fY'1rut>te-x>a -/'' Pavcmcnt t)?cs. -subnritcoiorchipfortintcdconclctc. vl;]1 Pt6er- T:p.V. 3p-' (*/ - .,spccial pavcrs" should bc flagstonc on a conctctc basc- srrbrnit color salnplc. Add junipcrs arortnd aspcn plantings. Thc junipcrs shall bc 5 gal' plants spa:cd 4' o'c' A total of20junipcrs arc rcquircd. oL 22. 23. 2d Rcconfigurc tlrc parkiug arca ancl providc a plantcr at thc cast sidc of thc drivcway cntry. ry plantcr and rcducc thc spacing ofthc lights inpla@. All landscapc walls shall bc vcnccrcd "rainbow rock" walls. Usc and rnatch into thc cxisting landscapc wall along thc cast sidc of thc ccntcr plantcr. Add a landscapc '*'all on thc wcst sidc of thc scating arca to mitigatc trcc inrpacts. Vtitl yflhlzl\ ex,B'1; I 25. 26.@ 1 211. 30. )L. ,x 27. 31. 34. ls pcrmission givcn by Villagc Ccntcr to plant trccs on thcir propcrty? Plcasc submit a lcticr from thc Villagc Ccntcr propcrty owners indicating thcir pcrrrrission. Arc landscapc walls bcing constructed arouncl thc plantcrs on East Mcadow Drive and Srifcr Praza'r A+ q*A. $"t @ Incorporatc thc bus shcltcr morc into plantcr. As dcsigncd it encroachcs too far out into tirc bus stop arca. Providc dcsign detail ofbus shclter. Bus sheltcr dcsign critcria... - 160 sq. ft. standing arca. Vfiil oise'r-r=+' - built-in scating. - newspapcr boxcs incorporatcd (gct cut shccts frory-l4tk! Bsqc)' - pay plronc incorporatcd. - bullctin board incorporatcd. - ovcrhcad radiant heating. 6. 7. ti. 9. - lighting - pay on tbot station irrcorporatccl Scparatc scasonal tlorvcr.arcus ll'otrr thc rcst of t6c plantcrs rvith stccl c6ging' il' Thc pavcmcnt cdgc along thc south sidc of Slifcr Plaza cncroachcs too far into cRZ's' puf l ihc cdgc of thc paving linc back as indicatcd on rcdlincd landscapc plan' glitl Qaise. what is thc surtbcc rnatcrral of the patios on thc south qidc of thc building? LolOzrtf€ BqeF S*l.Dst?ue. Thc linrits of thc snowmclt arca in Slilbr Plaza shall bc fronr thc btrs shcltcr to thc south including thc proposcd scating arca. cs\t-- Subnrit a Trcc Prcscrvahon Plan indicating thc critical Root Zoncs (cRZ - I foot radius pcr I inch ofcalipcr) and rnitigatioll lllcasurcs for any root zonc disturbancc' Plcasc involvc a profcssional arborist if ncccssary' Rcmoval of thc 24" calipcr sp|ucc is unacccptablc. This is a nrajor trcc on TOV propcrty within thc 50' corc crcck sctback. Applicant shall nrodify plans to minirnizc <listrrrbancc within CRZ and show lnitigation on thc Tfcc Prcscruation Plan. g\L Plcasc providc a dctail dralving of thc "stonc cdgc." p\(-- Narrowlcaf Cottonwoods arc unacccptablc along East Mcadow Drivc' This plant typc pr.oduccs suckcrs aud has a shallorv root structulc which will push up pavcrs. Thc Town woultl rcconrurcnd a varicty of crccn Ash. onc oI lnorc crabapplc varictics or Aspcns. Lodgcpolc pinc may also work if plantccl corrcctly and limbcd up to tbrnt a crown. ov A grouncl covcr of solicl Carpct Buglc docs not providc an appropriatc allrount of color' Bcis should bc plantccl witli a nrixhnc of hardy pclcnnials ancVor annuals to achicvc full scason color. Maintcnancc and inigation shall bc by thc applicant. ov Plcasc providc thc location ofscasonal containcr plantings (hanging and ground lcvcl) to bc includcd on thc planting plan. Thc scasonal containcr plantings will blcak up thc largc cxpanscs of hardscaPc. .D.r€ \o ee)t4;64 Incorporatc four compact parking spaccs (8'xl6') into thc parking structure design to accommodatc a 24' drivc aislc. 6lts Plcasc submit an cxtcrior lighting plan for thc Austria Haus' Thc plan shall include light locations on thc clcvatlo*, lu*.n output and manutbcturcr's spccifications' Arc all windows proposctl to bc dividcd lights as illustratcd? \€5 . t+_t. 44. 45. 47. A4 { please rcmovc thc storagc arca undcr thc front cntry from thc parking lcvcl plan. / ,/ ,r Plcasc labcl thc cxtcrior building matcrials on thc clcvations. Additional dctail drawings should bc providcd for fcaturcs such as fa.scia. dcck rails. window trim. ctc'b +-il€ a@F. Plcasc providc thc iloor arca Incasurcmcnts fbr thc cxisting Austria Haus. plcasc contact Mikc Mcccc with thc Town of vail Firc Dcpartrncnt to discuss firc protcction rcquirctncnts. Sirccrcly. Gcorgc Ruthcr Town Planhcr CIVjr MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Vail Town Council Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney Georgc Ruther, Town Planner March25,1997 SUBJECT: Special DevetopmcntDistricts. In the recent months, there has becn considerable debate regarding the usc of Special Development Districts in the Town of Vail. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a brief historical perspective and the legat background of Special Development Districts. HISTORY OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRJCTS Spccitl Devclopment Districts have bcen around since thc beginning of land usc regulations in Vait. fne use of Special Development Districts (SDDs) as a land use tool was adopted by the Vail Town Council in 1973 (Ordinance #8, Series of 1973). ln 1973, the Council approved SDD #1. SDD #l was cstablishcd with the purpose of assuring unificd and coordinatcd dlvelopment and use of a site of land approximately 39 acres in size under single-owncrship or conhol, adjoining the south side of the Vail Golf Course. The rcgulations of SDD #l wcrc not intended to apply to other, dissimilar sites in Vail. In 1988, thc Spccial Dcvclopmcnt District Chapter ( I 8,40) of thc Municipal Codc was repealcd and re-enactca. fne SDD chaptcr was amended since there was a belicf by the Town Council that the Town would bcncfit from the updating of the cxisting SDD ordinancc, The updatcd ordinance, in part, provided amendment proccdures, placed a time limitation on SDD approvals and dcfined additional submittal requircmetns. The SDD ordinancc has remained virtually unchanged sincc 1988 with the exception of an amendment in 1994 which eliminated SDD from certain zone districts. Today, there are thirty-four (34) SDDs approved in the Town of Vail. The majority of the thirty-four SDD's have been approved for multi-family residential and commercial/lodging purposes. The distribution of SDDs is focused mainly in the central area of Town (between itre bast Vail underpass and Cascade Village). Special Development Districts arc no longer permitted in the Hillside Residential, Single-Family, Duplex, or Primary/Secondary Residential Zone Dishicts. LEGAL JUSTIFICATIONS FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS Article 67 of the Colorado State Statutes establishes the Planned Unit Development Act of 1972. The Act permits municipalitics to cstablish zone districts such as Planned Unit Devclopmcnts (PUD), planncd Dcvelopments (PD), Special Districts (SD) and Special Devclopmcnt Districts. Containcd within thc Act arc numerous citations which arc relevant to the Town of Vail. They arc, in part: 24-67-102(l)(d) - To encourage innovalions in residential, commercial, and indu'slrial clevelopme'ni anid renewal so tiat the growing demands of the populalion malt be met b1' gt eater variety in type, design, and layout of buildings and bv tlte conservation and more efiicient use ofopen space ancillary to said buildings' 24-67-102(l)O - fo provide a procedurewhich can relate the type, design, and layout of residential, commercial, and industrial development lo lhe particular sile, lhereby encouraging preservalion of the site's natural characlerislics ' Very similar to the Town's definition of an SDD and its approval proccss, a PUD is defined in the state statutes as: An area of land, controlled by one or more landowners, to be developed under unified contt.ol or unified plan of developmentfor a number of dtvelling units, commercial, education. recreaiional, or industrial uses, or any combination oftheforegoing, the plan for which does not correspond in lot size, bulk, or t.vpe of use, derusity, lol coverage, open space, or otlter reslriction of the existing land use regulalions' and the approval process rcquircs, in part: A fnding bv lhe municipality that the plan is in general conformity with any master plan oi comprehen.sive planfor the municipalitv. and design, conslruction, and othet requiremenls applicable to the planned unit developmen! may be different from or miclifications of the requirements olhetwise applicable b\t reason of any zoning regilation. Thc use of PUD's is cncouraged in the Planned Unit Devclopmcnt Act. In part, thc Act statcs' "Article 67 shall be liberatty construed in furlherance of the putposes of the article and to the end that municipalities shall be encouraged to utilize PUD's'" PROS & CONS OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS The staffhas attempted to identifi the many pros and cons of Special Development Dishicts' The list generated by the staff is not intended to be an all-inclusive list. PRO 1. Allows for creativity and flexibility in development. 2. Providesincentivesforredevelopment' o 3. Encouragcs public/private partnershlps for community improvemcnts (i.c., landscaping, cmployce housing, infrastructurc, ctc.). 4. fcrmits quatity development on ccrtain sitcs whcn variances arc not approvablc. 5. Allows for controllable case-by-case review of developmcnt' 6. Provides for grcater control and review of development proposals by the Town Council. 7. Encourages compliance with the adopted goals, objectives and policies of thc Town of Vail. CON I . Lack of public understanding of the SDD approval process. 2. Perception that SDDs establish a precedence for other development proposals. 3. Difficult to quanitiry and justify the amount of deviation from underlying zone district developmcnt standards. 4. Creates a public perccption of "back room" dealings with thc Town' 5. Difficult to determine the public benelits bcing gained through the sDD process. 6. Developer may bc perceived as getting all the benefits. 7. The process to cstablish an SDD is long and often turns political. WN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 | 3 8/479-2 r 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e parnnent of C ommunity D eve lopme nt FILE r'|,P:r January 16, 1997 Gordon Picrcc Picrcc, Scgcrbcrg & Associatcs 1000 South Frontagc Road Vail. Colorado 8l 657 VfA FAX: 476-4608 RE: Austria Haus Rcdcvclopmcnt Dcar Gordon, Your rcqucst for a worksession with thc Torvn of Vail Pltnning and Environnrcntal Conrtnission (PEC) to discuss cstablishing a Spccial Dcvclopnrcnt District ovcrlay to thc Austria Haus is tcntativcly schcdulcd tbr Monday, Janualy 27, 1997 . ln prcparation for thc January 27.1997 PEC mccting, staffhas complctcd a rcvicw of thc proposcd Austria Haus rcdcvclopnrcnt plans. Upon rcvicw of thc proposcd plans, statThas idcntificd nulncrous issucs which prust bc addrcsscrJ, Thc purposc of this lcttcr is to infonn you of thc issucs idcntificd by stat'f , and arc in nccd of rcsolution prior to thc January 27 , 1997 workscssion mccting. In or<Jcr to rcnain on thc Planning and Environmcntal Conrrnission agcnda, thc follorving infonnation nrust bc subnrittcd to thc Town of Vail Comnrunity Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt by no latcr than l2:00 noon, Tucsday, January 2l , 1997 . lf thc rcqucstcd infornration is not submittcd by thc January 2l st dcadlinc, I will nccd to tablc thc lvorkscssion discussion with thc PEC, as thc staff will not havc sufficicnt tin.rc to rcvicw thc rcviscd plans. Thc following is a list of thc issucs to addrcss and rcsolvc; Sitc Plan l. Plcasc rcvisc thc proposcd site plan to includc a portion of thc Village Ccntcr propcrty to thc wcst. Spccifically, staff would likc to bcttcr undcrstand thc sidewalk connections and existing Villagc Centcr Building locations as thcy rclatc to thc Austria Haus. Staff would rccommcnd that you includc thc location and alignmcnt of thc sidcwalk and buildings at lcast 30' onto thc Villagc Centcr propcrty. $ *o'"tto 'u" Plcasc indicatc thc limit of construction disturbancc on thc sitc plan. As a rcnlindcr. cluring construction, thc limit ol disturbancc will bc rcquircd to bc dclincatcd in thc ficld lhrough thc installation of a six-foot tall, grccn plyrvood fcncc. Thc fcncc will bc rcquirccl tJrcntain in placc througlr all stagcs of construction and nray bc rcrnovcd only whcn final grading of thc sitc is ncccssary. Plcasc indicatc thc location of all proposcd utility and scrvicc lincs. Also indicatc thc location of all cxisting utilitics in thc right-of-way. Plcasc pay particular attcntion to thc location of cxisting trecs and vcgctation anj thcir rclationship to thc utility and scrvicc lincs. mF F".rt'' 11 l-;l;hee. uy14e lo se'tit <. Plcrsc providc a rcviscd roof plan. Thc roof plan shall bc drawn at thc sanrc scalc as thc sitc plan. Thc r.oof plan shall incluclc all roof ridgc and cavclinc clcvations. Survcy L To accuratcly dctcmrinc thc location of thc two, largc cvcrglccn trccs locatcd on thc south propcrty linc, plcasc providc a survcycd, driplinc location ofeach ofthc trecs. Thc intcnt of 5u-cying thc location of thc driplinc is to fully undcstand thc impacLs of thc proposcd dcvclopntcnt on thc canopy of thc trccs. Dcpcnding upon thc rcsults of thc driptinc survcy, a trcc plcscrvation plan may bc rcquircd' 2. Additional suwcy infbmration is rcquirccl. Plcasc providc spot clcvations wcst of thc Austria Haus sitc to cnsurc propcr alignrncnt and grading in fiont of Villagc Ccntcr' VJ€aT .oF ?aoPeer1. Landscapc Plan l . Plcasc providc a landscapc plan scparatc tionr thc sitc plan. Thc landscapc plan shall includc a dctailcd lcgcnd listing all plant matcrials. plant sizcs and quantitics, hardscapc surfacc ntatcrials and applications, locations ofany transplantcd trccs, proposcd rcgrading, sitting bcnchc.s, fcncing' ctc. Z. plcasc providc additional dctail on thc strccLscapc inrprovcntcnts proposcd along East Mcadow Drivc. Additional dctail shall includc surfacc nratcrials and applications. lighting, snowmclt arcas. bcnchcs, trash rcccptaclcs, etc. This infonnation should bc illustratcd on thc landscapc plan. 3. In6icatc on thc landscapc plan which trccs arc to bc rcnrovcd and which trccs arc to bc rclocatcd or transplanted. ldentify calipcr inchcs of aspcns rcmovcd and linear footage of cvcrgrccns rcmovcd. Plcasc underutand that all trcc rcmoval rvill nccd to bc justificd. 4. Pleasc cxplorc thc ability to add additional landscaping at thc northsast comcr of thc propcrty. Staff rccommcnds that you providc additional landscaping to hclp rcduce thc amount of asphalt in this arca. 5. Plcase providc the top/botton.r clevations of all rchining walls and tcrracc walls. This L. 3. ,l.t. 7. infornration should bc illustratcd on thc proposcd glading and/or land.scapc plan and sitc plan, Plcasc subnrit a conccptual dcsign of thc proposcd strcalnwalk inrprovctucnts in thc Torvn of Vail strcalntract, locatcd to thc south of thc Austria Haus' Thc conccptual dcsign shall includc that portion ofthc strcanrwalk fronr thc covcrcd Bridgc Building on thc cast. to thc Intcrnational Bri<lgc on thc wcst. Plcasc contact Todd Oppcnhicnrcr aI 479-2161 to gct dctails and spccitications on thc dcsign and location' The landscapc plan nrust rnatch thc improvcmcnts shorvn on thc sitc plan. Plcasc subnrit a grading plan. Plcasc pr.ovidc additional landscaping along thc wcst propcrty. Thc additional landscaping shall bc locatcd to scrccn and buffcr thc Austria Haus dcvclopnrcnt from thc Villagc Ccntcr Condominiunl units to thc wcst. Thc lan{scaping proposcd on thc north sidc of thc building, in thc pcdcstrian arcas' should bc morc clustcrcd. Attcmpts should bc madc to providc two-way, unintcrruptcd pcdcstrian fl orv. Environmcntal lssucs l. Any building cncroacltnrcnt into thc cast sctback nlust rcspcct thc nraturc cvcrgrccn trccs adjaccnt to thc propcrty. If cncroachtllcnts arc proposcd into thc cast sctback. plcasc providc a trcc prcscrvalion and rnitigation plan. Thc plans shall addrcss what stcps will bc takcn to insurc thc survival of thc.cxisting trccs during and alicr cxcavation/construction. t-:p |o Z9' id 5li@ ?1,+?t' 2. Whcn thc Austria Haus was originally dcvclopcd. substantial dcstruction of tlrc Corc Crcck Strcam bank occurrcd. Plcasc show strcanr bank rcstoration itrrprovcnrcnts and rcvcgctation. You nray contact Russcll Foncst with thc Con.rnrunity Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpirhrrcnt (4ig-2146) to gct inlbmration on possiblc itnprovcmcnts and rcqulrcmcnts. 3. Duc to stccp slopcs, no improvcmcnts arc pcrlllittcd in thc Town of Vail strcam tract south of thc building. Plcase rcducc thc sizc of thc tcrrdccs and rcmovc thcnr from thc strcam tract. 4. A stomrwatcr nranagcnrcnt plan is rcquircd. Thc stomrwatcr nranagclncnt plan shall addrcss surfacc drainagc fiom all proposcd impcrvious surfaccs and thc undorground parking structurc. Reratho,t, L*th *s;1, epAtunz-. 6,"q I pr*. 6. li. 9. t0. 5. Plcasc rcmovc belvcderc from thc plans proposcd for Slifcr Plaza' Floor Plans 5W fl@s e\e' e F/rlury eurel ' [. Plcascprovidcacomplctcsctoffloorplans. Thcfloorplansshall Cotrlslltz - illustrate all intcrior 2. walls, doorway conncctlons, stairways, ctc. Thc floor plans shall be labclcd, indicating thc usc of cach particular spacc within thc building (i'c" officc' commcrcial' accommodation unit, fractional fcc unit, common storagc' mcchanical.' ctc')' Plca^sc cnsurcthatthcfloorplansmatchthccxtcriorconfigurationofthcbuiling. Please provide a set of floor layout plans for cach of thc particutar unit typcs within thc i"iiJf"-g. Thc plans shall indicate thc number of rooms associatcd with each floor plan tvp". ftt. floor plans shall bc drawn at a scalc of l "=8' or largcr' Onc sct of floor prin, _urt be .,red_lined" indicating how the Gross Residential Floor Area was calculated. Other L Show the location of all roof-top nrechanical equipment, all cxhaust fans, vents, antennae, ctc. All mechanical equipmcnt, fans, vcnts, etc" shall be fully screened from public view. plcase provide revised building elevations. Thc elcvations shall be drawn at a scale largc cnough to dctail thc extcrior building matcrials and applications' Plcase providc dctails of thc off-sitc improvcmcnls to Slifer Squarc, that you discussed at our last nrccting. Plcasc rcfer to thc Town of Vail Streetscapc Mastcr Plan to get spccific rccommei.tdations of improvcmcnts. Any improvcmcnts p,topgfq to.Slifcr S'quarc should addrcss pcdcstrian flow and circulation. Thc plan should also includc proposcd bcnchcs, tighiing, trash rcccptaclcs, paving matcrials and applications' ctc. A rcvocablc right-of-way pcrmit is rcquircd for all improvcmcnts in Town of vail right-of-way. Thc driveway cntrancc and acccss ramp shall bc a minimum of 24' in width' According to the Municipal code, onc loading and dclivcry bcrth is rcquircd. Plcase indicatc thc location of the loading and dclivcry arca on the sitc plan' The temporary parking spaces do not function properly. A car needs a 20'ccntcrlinc tuming raduis. Plcase revisc the plans accordingly' Tbe curvature of the roadway is too sharp. The curb on the northside of the road at the east snd of the devclopmcnt needs to tic into thc existing rock retaining wall' Provide snow guards and gutters on the building. Village light fixtures are requircd along East Meadow Drivc and in Slifer Plaza. Pleasc contait Gieg Hall (47g-2l66at Public Works to verify quanitity and locations' Please addrcss handicap parking parking requirements' 2. 3. ^ 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. ll. lz. plcase submit a reviscd sun/shade analysis accuratcly dcpicting thc conditions crcatcd O /--) by the rcviscd building plans' /goln,rn"purposc of this 1cttcr is to inform you of thc issucswhich thc staffhas idcntified that must bc ,/addresscd. Should you have any questions, pleasc do not hcsitatc to givc rnc a call' You can rcach mc f dircctly ar479'2145. / I nope this lctter is ofhelp to you as youprocced through thc rcvicw proccss for thc proposed / rcdcvclopmcnt of thc Austria Haus' I / sincercly, II a R-'t**aI t'l*-'^a- I George Ruther I Town Planncr II GUjr I \ \ \ \- \1t-\ --_ tD - \-.=--o. eNP ^,_dtrIt Logr?' (ouu* ytAr. I4rt..s l'i. PftaL Q*;y Ae=E:b i(2ia*moJ I p FttE cc:., 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departrnent of Comrnunity Development Deccmbcr 20,1996 Cordon Picrce Pierce, Segcrbcrg & Associatcs 1000 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 VIA FAX: 476-4608 RE:Austria Haus Rcdcvcloprncrrt Dcar Gordon. Your rcqucst for a worksession with thc Town of Vail Planning and Envilottnrental Conrttrission (PEC) to discuss cstablishing a Special Dcvclopntcnt District ovcrlay to the Austria Haus is tcntativcly schcdulcd for Monday. January 13,1997. In prcparation for thc January I 3. | 997 PEC rnccting, staff has conrplctcd a rcvicw of thc proposcd Austria Haus rcdcvclopment plans. Upon rcvicw of thc proposcd plans, staff hir.s idcntificd numcrous issucs which tnust bc addrcsscd prior to thc workscssiou ntccting. Thc purposc of this lcttcr is to inform you which issucs havc bccn idcntificd by stafl and arc in nccd of resolution prior to thc January 13, I 997 workscssion meeting. In ordcr to rcnrain on thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission agcnda, thc following information must bc subrnittcd to the Town of Vail Community Dcvcloprncnt Department by no latcr than I 2:00 noon, Monday, January 6,1997. If the requcstcd intbrmation is not submitted by the January 6th dcadlinc. I will necd to tablc thc workscssion discussion with the PEC, as thc staff will not havc suflicient timc to rcview the revised plans. The following is a list of the issues to address and resolve: Sitc Plan Plea-se locatc the 20-foot setbacks rcquired by the Public Accommodation Zonc Dishict on the site plan. {gronur"uo trl Plcasc rcvisc thc proposcd sitc plan to includc a portion of thc Villagc Ccntcr propcrty to t5c wcst. Spccifically, stalT rvould likc to bcttcr undcl'stand thc sidcwalk conncctions ancl cxisting Villagc Clcrrtcr Building locations as thcy rclatc to thc Austria Haus. Staff would rccommcnd that you includc tlrc location and alignmcnt of thc sidcwalks and buildings at lcast 30' onto thc Villagc Ccntcr propcrty' Plcasc irrdicatc thc linrit of construction disturbancc on thc sitc plan. During constrlction. thc linrit of disturbancc will bc rcquircd to bc dclineatcd in thc tlcld through thc installation of a six-tbot tall, grccn plywood fcncc. Thc fcncc will bc rcqlirc<J to rcrnain in placc through all stagcs ot'construction and ntay bc rcmoved only u'hcn flnal grading of thc sitc is ncccssary. Plcasc indicatc thc location of all proposcd utility and scrvicc lines. Plcasc pay particular attcntion to the location ofcxisting trces and vcgctation and thcir rclationship to the utility and scrvicc lincs. Plcasc providc a roof plan. The roof plan shall bc drawn at thc samc scale as the sitc plan. Thc roofplan shall includc all roof ridgc and cavelinc clcvations. To accuratcly dctcrminc thc location of thc two. largc cvcrgrecn trces locatcd on thc south propcrty linc, plcasc providc a survcycd, driplinc location ofcach ofthc trccs. Thc intcnt of survcying thc location of thc driplinc is to fully undcrstand thc impacts of thc proposcd dcvclopmcnt on thc canopy ofthc trccs. Dcpcnding upon thc rcsults ofthc driplinc survcy, a trcc prcscrvation plan rnay bc rcquircd. Plcasc providc a landscapc plan scparatc fronr thc sitc plan. Thc landscapc plan shall include a detailcd lcgcnd listing all plant tnatcrials, plant sizcs and quantitics' hardscapc surfacc nratcrials and applications. locations ofany transplantcd trccs, proposcd rcgrading, sitting bcnches, fcncing. ctc. Plcasc providc additional dctail on thc strcctscapc improvcmcnts proposed along East Mcadow Drivc. Adclitional dctail shall includc surlacc matcrials and applications, lighting, snowmclt arcas, bcnches, trdsh rcceptaclcs. etc. This infonnation should be illustrated on the landscapc plan. Indicate on thc landscapc ptan which trces are to be removed and which trees are to be rclocated or transplantcd. ldcntify caliper inchcs of aspens renroved and lincar footage of cvcrgreens removcd. Plcasc cxplore thc ability to add additional lanftcaping at the northcast comer of the property. Staff rccornmends that you providc additionat landscaping to help reduce the amount of asphalt in this arca. Plcasc provide the top/bottom elevations of all retaining walls. This information should bc illustrated on the proposcd grading and/or landscape plan and site plan. g SLrrvcy tr Landscapc Plan 2. I J, I i--- i-i1 | "' I Plcasc subnrit a conccptual dcsign of thc proposcd strcamwalk inrprovcnrcnts in thc 'Iorvn of Vail strcamtract. locatcd to thc south of thc Austria Haus. Thc conccptual clcsign shall includc that portiorr of thc strcamwalk from thc Covcrcd Bridgc B'nifitil*ft on thc cast, to thc Intcntational Bridgc on thc wcst. Environmcntal Issucs i-l .1 Any builtling cncroachmcnt into thc cast sctback must rcspcct thc nraturc cvcrgrccn trccs L I adjaccnt to tic propcrty. lfcncroachnrcnts arc proposcd into thc cast sctback, plcasc providc a trcc prcservation and mitigation plan.'The plans slrall addlcss what steps will bc taken to insutc thc survival of thc existing trccs during and aflcr cxcavatiot/construction. Whcn thc Austria Haus was originally dcvclopcd, substantial dcstnrction of thc Gore Crcck Strcarn bank occuncd. Plcasc shorv strcam bank rcstoration irnprovctncnts and rcvcgctation. You nray contact Russcll Foncst with thc Cornmunity Dcvclopntcnt Departnrent (479-2146) to gct inforrnation on possiblc improvenlcnts and rcquircmcnts' An Environmcntal Inrpact Asscssurcnt (ElA) is rcquircd. 'fhc EIA shall bc a Typc I rcport and addrcss past and potcntial cnvironnrcntal impacts of thc Austria Haus. Thc rcsults of thc EIA will dctctlrinc if t'urthcr analysis is ncccssary. Floor Plans Plcasc providc a complctc sct of floor plans. Thc floor plans shall illush'atc all intcrior walls, r]oorway conncctions, stairways, ctc. Thc floor plans shall bc labclcd. indicating thc usc of cach particular spacc within thc building (i.c., officc, commcrcial, accommodation unit, fractional fcc unit, comnlon storagc, mcchanical, ctc.)' Plcasc providc a sct of floor layout plans for cach of thc particular unit tlpcs within the building. Thc plans shall indicatc thc numbcr of rootns a^ssociatcd with cach floor plan typc. Thcfloorplansshall bcdrawnatascalcof l"=8'orlargcr. Oncsctoffloorplans must bc "rcd-lincd" indicating how the Gross Rcsidcntial Floor Arca was calculated. Othcr l. tr 1 I -' I Show thc location of all roof-top mcchanical cquipmcnt, all exhaust fans. vcnts, antcnnac. ctc. All mechanical equipmcnt, fans, vents, stc.. shall be fully screcned from public view. P1ease providc reviscri buitding clevations. Thc clevations shall be drawn at a scalc large cnough to dctail thc cxtcrior building rnatcrials and applications' Plcase providc dctails ofthc off-sitc inrprovcnrcnts to Slifcr Squarc, that you discussed at our last mceting. Plcase rcfer to the Town of Vail Strcetscapc Mastcr Plan to get specific rccolnmcndations of inlprovcmcnts. Any improvemcnts proposcd to Slifer Squarc should address pcdcstrian florv and circulation. The plan should also include proposed bcnches, lighting. trash rcccptacles. paving materials and applications' etc. t Plca.sc providc "a^s-built" tloor plans of thc Austria Haus. Thc plans will bc uscd to accuratcly dctcmrinc tlrc cxisting total squarc fbotagc within thc building and to dctcnninc thc cxisting parking rcquircnrcnt' Again. thc purposc of this lcttcr is to inform you of thc issucs which thc staff has idcntificd that must bc addrcsscd by no latcr than l2:00 noon, Monday, January 6,1997 ' Should you havc any qucstions' plcasc tlo not hcsitatc to givc mc a call. You can rcach mc dircctly at 479'2145. I hopc this lctter is of hclp to you as you procccd through thc rcvicw proce$s for lhc proposcd redcvclopnrcnt of the Austria Haus. I am confident wc can work together in making thc cxisting Austria Haus propctty a bctter placc for guests and visitors to Vail. Sincerclv. krQ*b* Town Planncr GR/jr 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21iV479-21i9 FAX 970-479-2452 Deparhnent of Comrnunity Development Dccembcr 13, 1996 Jcff Winston Winston & Associatcs, Inc. 1320 Pcarl Strcct Mall Bouldcr, Colorado 80302 RE: Architcctural rcvicw of the proposcd Austria Haus Rcdcvclopmcnt Dcar Jeff. Sonncnalp Propcrtics, Inc. rcprcscntcd by Cordon Picrcc of Picrcc, Scgcrbcrg Architccts, is proposing thc rcdcvclopmcnt of thc Austria Flaus, locatcd at 242 East Mcadow Drivc. Thc proposcd rcdcvclopmcnt includcs a dcrno/rcbuilcl of thc cxisting building. Thc dcvclopcrs of thc Austria Haus intcnd to replacc thc cxisting building with a ncw mixcd-trsc lodge. I have cncloscd a complctc sct of plans for thc rcdcvclopmcnt of thc Austria Haus. Thc Town is rcqucsting that you hclp in thc rcvicw ofthc projcct. I havc notificd Gordon Picrcc ofour rcq ue$t. Thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission (PEC) has had the opportunity to rcview the plans during two recent workscssion mcctings. The PEC has recommcndcd that thc applicant makc sevcral changes. Thc changcs requestcd by the PEC are rcflectcd on the enclosed plans. The ncxt mceting with thc PEC is a workscssion schcdulcd for Monday, January 13. 1997. t would ask that you havc writtcn comments back to mc by January 1, 1997. This providcs thc staff the opportunity to incorporatc your commcnts into thc PEC mcmorandum. Once you have had thc opportunity to revicw thc plans, plcasc do not hcsitatc to contact mc with any questions or concerns. You can rcach me most casily at970-479-2145. Sinccrely, Gcorge RuthCr Town Planner {,7 *'n""o'u" l> Qmv FltE c,e ;, 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8],657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 t 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 D e pa rhne nt of Co nununity D eve lop ne nt Novcrnbbr 2l. 1996 Cordon Picrcc Picrcc, Scgcrbcrg & Associatcs 1000 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Austria Haus Rcdcvclopnrcnt Dcar Cordon, As pronrisctl, thc siaffhas conrplctcd a prclinrinary rcvicw of thc Austria Haus Rcdcvclopnrcnt application submittal. As a rcsult of our rcvicw, bascd on drarvings datcd I l/10/96, rvc havc idcntificd nunlcrous issucs which nrust bc addrcsscd. Many of the issucs nrustbc addrcsscd prior to thc Planning and Environmcntal Comrnission taking finnl action on your application, whilc othcrs ntust bc addrcsscd prior to Dcsign Rcviov Board rcvicrv and building pcnnit issuancc. 'l'hc purposc of this lcttcr is to infonn you of which issucs lravc bccn idcntificd by thc staffancl arc in nccd of rcsolution. Thc following is a list of thc issucs to addrcss ancl rcsolvc: 2. o\u Plcasc tocatc thc 20-foot sctbacks rcquircd by thc Public Accornmodati onZonc District on thc s itc plan. Thc building should bc movcd off ofthc west property and thc 20-foot sctback should be maintaincd. If building cncroachmcnts into sctbacks arc permitted, staffwill most likely support encroachnrcnts into thc cast and north setbacks only. Please revisit the location of the proposed front entry. Staff is concemed rvith the impacts of the front entry on thc East Meadow Drive from the intnrsion of vehicular traffic into thc pedestrian zone. Please revisit the location of the proposed loading/delivcry area. The proposed location results in numerous pedestrian/vehicle conflicts. Staffwould reconrmend that an undcrground location bc providcd fur both thc loading/dclivery area and the trash facilifu,;:- 'r': ' 'i ; t'j j'r;"i:' I 1' "lt ',.."':''.: lI Sitc PIanil ,t. 1. {g *""r"troru* \'' tt++ i S.. l' Plcasc rcvisc thc proposcrl sitr': plnn to includc n p.rrtion of thc Villagc Ccntcr propcrly k)' r+'3 thc'rtcst. Spcciticllly. slulf rvorrld likc trr bcttcr ulrdcrstun(l tlrc sicl*valk conncctions ancl cristittg Villagc Ccntcr Brrilding loc:atiorrs us thc5; rcl:rtq lo tlrc Austria ljaus. Staff rvould rccotrttttcnd that lou includc thc Iociltion and alignrucnr of thc sidcrvalks irnd buildirrgs at lcast SDonto thc Villagc ('cntcr propcrty. 6. ln an cltbrt to nto',,c thc buildirrg footprint to thc nortlr, con..;idcrati0n should bc givcn to locating thc bus shcltcr in thc Torvn of Vail right-o1:.*'ay. 2. Allcl discussions rvith thc Planning and Envirorrnrcntal Conrnrission, plcasc clinrinatc thc ploposccl Golc (-'r'cck pcdcstrian bridgc, connccting thc Austlia Haus propcrty to thc Corc Crcc:k I)ronre:nadc. Staff lvould t'cconrntend that you proposc strcarnrvalk inrprovcnrcnls in thc Torvn of Vail Stt'cant Tract locatcd to thc south of thc Austfia l laus. Thc strcanrrvalk should bc shorvn ljorn thc Covcrccl Bridgc on thc cast. kr thc lntcrnationul [3ridgc on thc rvc.st. Plcasr: contuct Ttrd<l Oppcnhcirncr u'ith thc Torvn ol'Vail l)ublic Worl:s Dcpartnrcnt (479-2161) to gct tnap irrfolnralion of thc stlcanr tract boundarics and location. IIcasc indicutc thc linrit of ccrnstruction distulbancc on thc sitc plan. Drrring corNtruction, thc Iiruit of <listur'l'rarrcc rvill bc rcquirctl to bc dclincatcd in tlrc tlcld throrrgh thc installation ola six-tbot lall. grccrn Plyrvood fcncc. 't'hc l'cncc rvill bc rcquircd to rctrrain irr placc through all stagcs olconstruction and rniry bc rcnrovcd onlv rvhcn final grading olthc sitc is ncccsstry. l)lcasc ilrdicittc thc location of all proposcil rrtility and scrvicc lincs. Plcasc pay pilrticular attcntion to tlic locutiorr of cxisting trccs ancl vcgctation and thcir rclationship to thc utility arrd sr:rvicc lincs. E 5v lgl I | . ht ordc-t'to dctcnrrinc thc llroposcd builtling hciglrt, plcasc providc cxisting and p+e,pe*ed contottn on thc sitc plun. 'l'hc cxisting contours slrall bc sholun uniffiih thc proposcd s truct urc. I 12. I Plcasc providc a roof plan. T'hc roof plan shall bc drawn at thc sanrc scalc as thc sitc plan. Thc roof plan shall includc all roof ridgc and cavclinc clcvations. >{ Plcasc intlicatc on thc sitc plan, a dasltc<l line four fcct liorn tbc extcrior periurctcr of thc building rvalls and/or supporting colutrus. 'Ihis inlormation willbe r.rsed in the dctcrntination of the proposed site coveragc. ,1 Plcasc indicatc thc location of thc 50' Gorc Crcck strcam sctbacl,. on thc sitc plan. According to thc discussions rvith thc PEC, no building cncrouchmcnts should be proposed within thc setback. Srrwey ' I t; ).4. Plcasc indicatc thc survcycd ccntcrline of Gorc Crcck on thc starnped topographic survcy, Plcrtsc locutc tlrc 100-ycar lloodpLiirr on thc topographic sutlcy. l)lc-asc plovitlc a lopol',r'aphic survcy ut thc,s'lrnc scirlc irs thc ploposcd sit.'plLrrr. 'fhis rvill aid in thc rcvicu' of thc proposal. 'Io nccuratcly rlctcln'rinc thc locirti<lrr ot'the trvo. largc cvct'lilccrt trccs loctrtccl on thc south propcrty linc. plclrsc providc a srrrvcyccl, dliplirrc location of citclt ol'thc trccs. Thr: intcut of survcying thc location of'thc driplirrc is to lully undcrstun<.1 thc inrlrccts of thc proposcd cltrvclopnrcnt on thc canol'r-y of the lrcrcs, I)clrcrrding uport lllc rcsults of thc clriplinc sur'\'cy, a trcc prcscr.r,ation plarr tnty bc rcquirc<|. Do any cascnrcnts cxist on thc propcrly'/ lf so, plcitsc indicatc'thc location and typc of cuclr cascrncut on thc survcy. Thc suwcy slnll bc scolcd artd stampccl by a Coloradr: Liccnscd Surycvor. lndicatc on thc landscapc pllut w'hich trccs irrc to bc rcnlov(rd and rvhiclt trccs atc to bc rclocatcd or transpiarrted. ldcn tity calipcl inchcs of aspcns rcnrovcd and lincar lirotagc of cvcrgrccns rcnrovccl. Plcasc providc additiorral dctail on thc strcctscapc irrtprovcntcnts propo)^cd along East lvtcaclorv Drivc. Additional clcttil shlll includc surlhcc nlotclials an<l applications. lighting. srrorvnrclt arcas, bcnclrcs. trash rcccptuclcs, ctc. This inl'orriration should bc illustratcd on thc hn<lscapc 1llan. Plcu.sc plovidc u landscapc lllan scparatc fi'onr llrc sitc plan. 'flrc land.scapc plan shall inclutlc a dctailcd lcgcnd listing ull plant lnatcrials. plunt sizcs ancl quantitics. hordscapc surtbcc rnatcriul.s and applicetions, locations of any transplantcd trccs, propcscd rcgrading, sittirrg bcnchcs, fcncirrg. ctr:. Plcasc cxplorc thc ability to add additionrl landscaping at thc northcast comcr of thc propcrty. Staffrccorrrnrcntls that you providc additioual lanclscaping to hclp rcducc thc anrount of ar;phalt in this arcu. Plcasc providc thc top,tottorn clcvations of all rctaining walls, This infbmration should bc illustratcd on thc proposcd grading ancl/or lundscapc plan and sitc plan. llnvi ronrncntaI lssuc6 X Due to the stccp grarlcs along tirc north sidc of Corc Crcck, no off-sitc Austria Haus irnprovcrncnts should bc proposcd in this arca. A strcanrwalk nray bc pennittcd upon rcview and approval by the Town of Vail. Z Tbe proposed structure shoultl bc locrrtcd as far to thc north on the property as possitrle. This insurcs an adcquatc buf fler bchvccn thc building irnprovcmcnts and thc riparian / /7. B -r l,flndscap!-Pll!fl tr 7.-\(5.j E ..\rry builtlrrrg clrc l'ouch t tlcllt irtlo tltr: cast scttrack ntust rcsl)cct thc nraturc cvcrllrccn trccs itdjilcctlt to thc plo;lcrty. ll'ctrroitclrtncn ls Arc prtrposcrl into tbc cast sctbllck, ptcilsc proviclc it (rcc l)rcscrvirtiott and rrritigation plun. Thc plarrs shall a(l(lrcss r.r,hat slcps rvill bc takcn to insurc thc sun,ival ol'lhc c.xisting trccs <.luring und aftcr cxcava t ion/c<-r nstrtrct ion. Whcrr thc Austria llaus rvas originally'dcvclopcd, srrbstarrtial dcstnrction of thc Cioic Crcck Strcanr Lrartk occunerl. l)lctrsc sltorv strcaln bank lcstoralion iruptovcrtrcnts ancl rcvegct.rtion. You ruuy contsr'f l{usscll lrorlcst u,ilh tlrc Cotntuunity D*'clopnrcnt Dr-parlrncltt (479-2|.46) to gct intbnrtatiott cin possi'irlc irnprnvcnrcnts and rcquircnrcrrts. Astontrrvatcrnlanallcnlcntpiauisrccluirud.'l'hcstorrnrvatcrtnillltgciticntplanshall addtcss surlacc dritinagc tionr all ploposccl itnpcrvious surfaccs arrd thc undcrground parking structrilc. An Environnrcntitl lrrtpite't Asscssutr-'ttt (lllA) shull llc rcrluirud. 'l hc' EIA shlll bc a TSpc I rcpott and addrcss pitst irnd l)olcntiill ctivilon nrcnt:: l irnpacts of th.J Austria l{aus. Thc rc.srrlts of thc lil,\ rvill clctcrrnilc if l'urttrcr arrirlysi:; is rrcccssrrr.y. 1-hcnttrnir:iplrl codcrcquirtlspurkingspacrcstobcanrinirrrunr<rf9'.x19'insizc. Plcasc slrorv tlrc colrcct sizc olthc piopolicd parking sl)uc:cs. Plcirsc provirl: a rcvi:;cd prrking lcvcl plan illustr:rting thc proposc<l valct spaccs. st:rtT would rct-orrrrl.lcnd that you irttcnrpt to m;rxinrizc thc parking avoilability in thc rtndcrgt'.rttnd slrtlctufc. 'l-tris trright bc itcconrplishcd tlrrough thrl ulic of colnpact parliirrg splccs. Plcasc rclbr to Scction ltl.52 of thc Murricipal Codc for dctails on conrpact parking spaccs. lfcompact spaccs arc proposcd, plcasc labi:l tlrc spacr:s as such on thc parking plirn. Plcase pror'idc a conrplctc sct of floor plans. Thc lloor plaris shall illustrutc 1ll intcrior $'alls. doonvay cottncctious..stairway.s. ctc. 'l'hr-'llocrr plaus shall bc labclcd, ilrtlicating thc usc of cach particular spacc within tire building (i.c.. of ficc, conrrrrcrcial, accomnroclation unit, fractional fcc Lrnit, colluron sloragc, ntcchanical, ctc.), Plcase providc a set of floor layout plans for cach oIthc particular urrit typas within thc building. 'thc plans shall indicatc thc nuntbcr of roonrs associartcd with each floor plan typc. ThcfloorplansshallbcdrarvnatascalcofI"=8'orlargcr. oncsetoffloorplans rnust bc "rcd-lincd" indicating holv thc Cross Rcsidcntial Floor Arca was calculatcd. Shorv thc location of all root:top nrcchanical cquipnrcnt, rll cxhaust fans, vcnts, nntcnnae, etc. All mechanical cquipnrcnt, fhns, vents, ctc,, shall be fully scrccncd frorn public vicw. , -. ) , A Revocablc Right-of'-lVay Pcrmit is rcquircd for all inrprovcnrcnts in i.O.V. r.igf,t-ot- lvay, Floor l)!ilns -( -y ij.l Othcr c.-\lr.l\u) a\:-- \| 2.t ,':- l..... ,/ 6 a ,@ ,( ,o l)rior to building pcrrnit issuancc. a ('onstruclion stirgirtg pliltl ?trt(l crosiotl corltt'ol plart rvill bc rcc;uircd. Plcasc provitic rcviscd building clcvations. 'l'lrc clc'vatiolts shallbc <ltitu'tl at it scalc lorgc cnough to dctail thc cxtcrior building lnutcriills and 0pplicatiotls. A coruprchcnsivc sign proilrall s|tll bc rcquircd for tltc Austriir Hlrrs. Whilc thc proposcd sign plogrurn is not lcquirc<J at this tinrc. stall'lvcrulcl likc to ntakc yotl awarc of this rccluilcrtrcnt so you can bcgin to considcr dcsign altcmativcs. Plcasc providc a'Iitlc Rt'port, including Sc:hcdulcs A & B. to verify owncrship and cascnrcnts on thc propcrti', .--lI Z.l Plcusc providc dctaiis of thc otl'-sitc implovcments to Slifcr Squarc. that you discrrsscd ut our lust mccting. Plcasc lcfer to the Toryn of Vui[ Sctcetscapc Nlcslcr Plan to gct spccific rcconr n rcndations of irnpro','crrrcnts. An1, irnprovr:t rtctrls proposcd to Slifcr Squarc should odclrcss peduitriirn florv un<l circulation. Tlrc plan should ulso irtcltldc proposcd bcnchcs, lighting. trash rcccptrclcs, paving rultcrills und applications, ctc. Agoin. tlrc purposc of this lcttcr is to inicrrn yolr of thc issucs which thc.stlff has idcntificcl thnt nlust bc addrcsscd and rcsolvcd. Shoulcl you lravc any qucstions, plcrsc tlo not lrcsitlttc to givc tuc a call. You can rcach nrc dircctly *479-2145. I hopc this lcttcr is of lrclp to you a$ you procccd through thc rc-vicrv pt'occ'ss lbr thc gtroposcd rcdovclopnrcnt of thc Austlia l{aus. I anr confidcnt wc can u,olk toglcthcr irr rtral<irrg thc cxisting Austria [-laus propclty u bcttur placc for gucsLs ar:d visitors to Vuil. Sinccrcly, fJ'^'rj-R"er^-l Ccorgc Ruthcr 'l'orvn Planncr xc: ToddOppcnbeittrcr,ParksSupcrintcrrdcnt Russcll Forrcst, Scnior Enviromncntal I'olicy Planncr Grcg llall, Torvn Engineer Mikc N{ollica, Assistant Dircctor of Community Dcvclopmcnt o t' Oro1wo, 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 I O7/F ar 970479-2 1 5 7 September 3,1996 W. Michael Clowdus Berman Talesnick & Clowdus 1200 Seventeenth Street, Suite 2600 Denver, Colorado 80202-5826 Ofice of the TownAttorney RE: Austria Haus Redevelopment Dear Mike: Thank you for your letter of introduction. I have participated in several meetings with Gordon Pierce and Jay Peterson and am generally aware oftheir proposal. In most instances, staffprepares the necessary zoning ordinance amendments. We are, however, always willing to accept suggestions and assistance in aniving at the appropriate language for the amendment. I look forward to working with you and Jay on this project. Ver], trulygours, nM Town Attorney RTM/kn George Ruther, Town Planner {g *"t'"u^o ""* -' . FI-G-29-19E3 1?:13 Aurn L l]u*rnrc Rmr lvl" efiMAN !C M|GI|AIL OrrDU3 Mrrr|{A s, NrrO$r X FrANg38.8AIFN ANDTEA hr(IU,9.!&.r t*!** rfl-ESNrcK s-or,JDLJs ro jstttun?rs? p.@ BsanuaN Thr:es.rcx & Crryrus PRorE$stolrtl. GJApo&rnoN .tl-rfiN&a$ AT L^v DoO SEVEN-TEENTH SrrEET, $JrrE 26(tr DEfl/?& CoLon^m 80202-5926 (3{r3) 52-6500 F^x (303) 572-6511 August 29, 1996 Vta I'ecsirnilc 970/f9-2157 Robert Thomas Moorhea{ Esq. Vail Tovm Attomey 75 Sou& Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Rc: Austria Haus Redevelopme,nt Dear Tom: By qay of htoduction, this law firur rcprcsents Austia Haus Development Group, LLP (the 'Partn€rship"), the contact pruchaser of the existing AustriaHaus property whidr is operated as part of the Sonnenalp Hotel. I am workiog with Gordon Pierce, AIA, tvlarc Thornbrugtr, Managing Partner of the Paffrership, and Jay Peterson, Esq., in connection with redcvclopmcnt of the Austria Haus property into a fractional owncrship property (the "Projcct"). I undcrstand that Gordon mct with Town of Vail planniug staff last week to discuss rhe Partnership's plans for the Projcct. f Vail zoning N,If J- C.ottctt Corc 2 (CCom4cloial Corc 2 (CC2) - ning. The Partrenhip also understands that it will UcGE@ ro amend thc zoning ordinance to allow time-share estate uDits, fractiomt fee unis end time-shae license wdB as a conditional use in the CCZ zoae disnicl The necessary amendments to thc zoning ordinance appcar to be ralher straightforvard. Fitst' tlrc zoning map would be amended to desiglare the Ausria Haus parccl as CC2 as opposed to the PA- Sccon4 Section 18.26.040 rvould be amended to includc thc following adrfiiional coaditiond use: J. Time-sharc e$ate turits' fractional foe uuits and time-sharc liceuse units. Tlre existing definitions of time-sbare estatc, fractional fee and timc-shuc license units in thczonlng ordinance givc rhc Partnership adequate flcxibility to dcvolop a fracrional owrrcrshipproject rcsponsivc to markct dcmands. TtF|t.rfbtl,rtl{mA.d * r H..E-3-1996 L?.L4 *0|JF "*- rA-EsNrcK cLrurus ro ('?]wt9/tu?9/zLs? P.6 Robort Thomas Moorhea4 Esq. August 29,1996 Page 2 Please givc me a call to discuss the ncc€ssary zoning ordinance amendmcnts. AIso, unlcss lhe Town's staff will preparc the arrendmants, thcParhcnhip needs to obtain thc Toum's formfor ordinance amendnents in order to initiatc the proposcd "t^ges. Very tuly yorus, rua W. Michel Clowdus ., : -- WMC/bd I 6: lvtarc Thornburgh (via facsimile) Gordon Pie,lcc (via facsimile) Jay IC Pet*soq Esq. (via mcsimite) I l- TOTAL P.83 TOWN OFVAIL ilTF 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 August 19, 1996 Gordon Picrcc Piercc, Segerbcrg & Associatcs 1000 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Department of Community Development RE: Austria Haus rcdcvclopmcnt proccss and options' Dcar Cordon, Thank you for taking the timc to discuss with mc your thoughts on thc proposcd Austria Haus redevelopment. As prorniscd, I have rcscarchcd thc dcvclopmcnt rcvicw proccss and application submittal rcquircmcnts, as thcy rclatc to thc Austria Haus rcdevelopmcnt projcct. The purpose of this lettcr is to inform you of the rcsults of my rescarch and provide you with a list of redevelopment options you might consider. Thc cxact dcvclopmcnt rcvicw proccss is dcpcndcnt upon thc rcdcvclopmcnt option you and your client choosc to pursuc. I have spokcn with Mike Mollica and Susan Connclly about the proposed redevelopment project and offer the following redevelopment options: l. Maintain thc cxisting zoning on thc propcrly (Public Accommodation) and crcatc a Spccial Dcvclopmcnt District ovcrlay in accordance with Section 18.40 of thc Town of Vail Municipal Code. 2, Rczonc thc propcrty [o Commcrcial Corc I following thc proccdurcs cstablishcd in Scction 18.66 of the municipal codc and crcate a Spccial Dcvclopmcnt Distriot ovcrlay. 3. Creatc a completcly ncw zonc district for inclusion in thc municipal codc which morc spccifically addrcsscs thc special nceds ofthe property. 4, Mainlain the cxisting zoning and scck varianccs from thc Planning and Environmeirtal Commission for any dcviations from thc prcscribcd dcvclopmcnt siandards. {g *"n"uon*o Your proposal for the redevclopmcnt of the Austria Haus includes a timeshare ownership element. As you are aware, timeshare owncrship is not permitted in the Public Accommodation or Commcrcial Corc I Zone Districts. Thc Town of Vail Municipal Code defines timesharc- cstatc, fraction fcc and timcsharc liccnsc as: l. Timesharc-cstatc - Mcans cithcr an intcrval cstatc or a timcspan cstatc. A timcspan cstatc is a combination of an undividcd intcrcst in a prcscnt estate in fee simplc in a unil the magnitudc of thc intcrcst having bccn establishcd by thc timc of thc creation of the timcspan cstatc cithcr by thc projcct instrumcnts or by thc dccd convcying thc timcspan cstatc; and an cxclusivc right to posscssion and occupancy ofthc unit during an annually rccurring period oftimc dcfincd and cstablishcd by a rccordcd schcdulc sct forth or rcferred to in ths dccd convcying thc timcspan cstatc. Additionally, an interval cstatc is an cstatc for four ycars tcrminating on a datc ccrtain, during which ycars titlcd to a timcsharc unit circulatcs among thc intcrval owncrs in accordancc with a fixcd schcdulc, vcsting in cach such intcrval owncr in turn for a pcriod of timc cstablishcd by thc said schcdulc, with thc scries thus cstablishcd rccurring annually until thc a:rival ofthc datc ccrtain. 2. Fractional fee - Is defincd as a tcnanoy in common interest in improved real propcrty, including condominiums, crcatcd or hcld by pcrsons, partncrships, corporations, orjoint vcntures or similar cntitics, whcrcin thc tcnants in common havc formcrly arrangcd by oral or written agrcement or understanding, cithcr rccordcd or unrccordcd allowing for the usc and occupancy of the property by one or more co-tcnants to the exclusion of one or morc co-tenants during any pcriod, whcthcr annually rcoccurring or not which is binding upon any assigrcc or fuhrre owner of a fractional fce interest or if said agreement continucs to be in any way binding or affcctivc upon any co-tenant for the sale ofany interest in the properly. 3. Timcsharc licensc - Shall bc defincd as a contractual dght to exclusive occupancy of spccificd prcmiscs. Providcd that thc occupancy of thc prcmisc is divided into fivc or more scparatc timc pcriods cxtcnding ovcr a tcrm of morc than two ycars. Thc prcmiscs may consist of one parcel, unit or dwclling, or any of sevcral parcels, units or dwellings identified at the timc the licensc is crcatcd to bc identified later. No timeshare is a timcsharc liccnsc if it mccts thc dcfinition of intcrval cstatc, timcsharc or timcspan cstate. Currcntly, timesharc-cstatc, fractional fcc and timcsharc liccnsc units arc conditional uscs exclusively in the High-Density Multiple-Family Zone Dishict. In order to implcmcnt somc form of timeshare into thc Austria Haus rcdcvclopmcnt, you will necd to proposc an amendmcnt to the municipal codc to allow a timcsharc clcmcnt as a pcrmittcd or conditional use in thc Public Accommodation or thc Commcrcial Corc I Zonc Districts, dcpcnding on which option for rcdevelopmcnt you pursuc. An amcndmcnt to thc municipal codc rcquircs a public hearing bcforc thc Planning and Environmental Commission and two rcadings of an ordinance by the Vail Town Council. An amcndmcntto thc municipal codc is approximatcly an 8 - l0 wcek rcvicw and public hcaring proccss. Rcgardlcss of which rcdcvclopmcnt option you choosc to pursuc, there are application submittal re{uiremcnts which must bc submittd for rcvicw. Thc list bclow is intcndcd to providc you with the submittal rcquircments you will nccd to providc. Thc list may be expandcd, or reduocd dcpcuding on which option for rcdcvclopmcnt is pursucd' Thc list includcs, but is not limitcd to: L A survey stamped by a licenscd survcyor, indicating cxisting conditions on the propedy' including the location of improvcmcnts, 100-ycar floodplain and 50' crcck ccntcrlinc sctback, toPography and natural features (i.c., large trecs)' Z. A vicinity plan showing the projcct location in relationship to the surrounding arca and uscs. 3. A sitc plan at a scale of l"= l0', showing existing and proposed improvements to the site. The date, north arrow, scalc and namc of thc proposcd dcvelopmcnt with its lcgal description shall bc shown on thc sitc plan. 4. A tandscapc plan at a scali of l"= 10', showing cxisting and proposed landscaping. The landscapc plan shall also includc a plant material legend indicating type, sizc and quantity of plant matcrial. 5. Proposedfloorplans,atascalc of l/4"= 1'andasquarcfootage analysisofallproposed uses in sufficient dctail to dctcrminc gross residcntial floor a^rea, cornmercial arca, common area, interior circulation, and locations of uses within buildings' A roof plan, at a minimum scale of l/8"= l'. A Titlc Rcport, including Schcdulcs A and B, to veri$ owncrship and cascmcnts on thc propcrly. Stampcd, addrcsscd cnvclopcs and a list of thc namcs and mailing addrcsses of all propcdy o*o"ir adjaccnt to thc subjcct propcrly, including propcrtics behind and across strccts and crccks. Thc applicant is rcsponsiblc for concct namcs and mailing addrcsses. This information is availablc from thc Eagle County Asscssor's officc' A massing modcl, dcpicting thc proposcd dcvclopmcnt in rclationship to dcvclopmcnt on adjaccnt parccls. A written staterncnt describing thc naturc of the project to include information on proposed uses, dcnsitics, naturc of the dcvelopmcnt proposcd, contcmplated owncnhip patterns and phasing plans and a statcmcnt outlining how and wherc the proposcd development deviates from the dcvelopment standarrds prescribed in the property's underlying zone district. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Il.An open spacc and rccrcational plan, sufficicnt to mect thc dcmands gencratcd by the dcvel'opment without unduc burdcn on availablc or proposed public facilitics. Additionally, applications dccmcd by thc Community Dcvelopmcnt Dcpartncnt to havc design, land usc or othcr issucs which may havc significant impact on thc cornmunity, may rcquirc rcvicw by consultants in addition to Town staff Should a dctermination bc madc by thc Town staffthat an outsidc consultant is nccdcd, thc community Developmcnt Dcpartmcnt may hire thc consultant. The departmcnt shall cstimatc the amount of moncy necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall bc forwardcd to thc Town by thc applicant at thc time of filing an application. Expcnscs incuncd by thc Town in cxcess of thc amount forwarded by thc applicant' rit"tt t" paid to ih" To*tr by thc applicant within 30 days of notification by thc Town. Any cxccss funds shall be rctumcd to thc applicant upon rcvicw complction. Again, thank you for taking thc timc to discuss with mc your thoughts on the proposcd Austia Hius rcdcvclopmcnt. I anihopcful that this lcttcr hclps to answcr your questions with rcgard to tbe actual dcvclopmcnt rcvicwproccss and thc application submittal rcquircmcnts' Should you havc any qucstions or conccrns with rcgard to the information addrcsscd in this lcttcr, as always, plcasc do not hcsitatc in giving mc a call. You can reach mc most casily a1479'2145' Sincerely, fl,"^a-Q't-1,-- George Ruther Town Planncr GR/jr Bob Mcl"aurin, Town Managcr Tom Moorhcad, Town Attorncy Susan Connclly, Dircctor of Community Developrnent Mikc Mollica, Assistant Dircctor of Community Dcvclopmcnt Community Development Plan Routing Form 7o Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routed To:Greg HatLBrbiig._Wpr 'iooa o Terri Martinez, Pubirc Mike McGee, Fire Retum To:George Ruther, Community Development Date Routed:tlqlq-l Return By:t lslqt Proiect Name:A.-*fPtW A,+1,r1 Proiect Address:Zqz 6. rila+r='-J Project Legal: Project Description: Ae€ Qaiial lt4'uDa-/4Pc f St;,'"=-'t' fld ' t:\evervoreuomkouform o --,J-t-r/o^-, { 11.* rc-)- azt .- -A,ut-u.?/J ! L__ h_ -f'4*+J ' '/ / *,-- ,r-**-^ */-.-t a lr.* f - u rr-,o-'.'----..n-fi,,sn;r P9' o | -r ' (cez) 1 Zaq:-Z-: a-.+ L*,f /,-l A*//-- -+--- --.,2 aL-4 h21( c a.-- LJ 4*J r.u cr-- 1/ l-L- -.Gt< t +1'-C?1, ftAor4,f 4 ,111---( - -C-&*{ 4* .-,,,-u'"tu-Lon-"-,.-1....4.-/14, /,*.-i ta L;^ f/Ar-l ----A?-a* t-a(*e- - - --apro*-_l I - lrbL/2 )"'/'-+ ----c a ft3- L.^--J-.t@E-/" -: P*J LX -/ p /.^ -- ,>-1-*-+, lhao /r'.t- . , / /24 .€'re u^i1t 2rt+nz- /tzte't t- .*.lJ f"ob- 117 4 * c.la/ , ,1" ^--/ k /rr.' - y'?,?--., fun //ur t,, 4 I c,a^/) *u. aL hr=D ,>, A-- l/.--t/4J /-a/Ir.- /L- 3^J .-:4/tr.^V*rt ^ f o7^.-- I /"rLA .ruo(^.*+ 1- --. -?1-c.t--tt^- L-=t -.i_-- t-.-- - /r 4%, a+,h-!__? a _a _V.-!_ _ "-pJ^*- A^)-"-o-*tL, .-a'tt';* /n . e,a q - L",^-' / -- /ta--agro* I-I*- I- T' VRIL PUBLIC IJORKS JRN 15'97 tt ,rO_tUU P n1 : Iv Approved . , . Denied (cite detailed reasom) -Approvad with conditions 9rcgU"tt, PublicWodrs TerdMarthez, Public W ldike McGee, Fire Rctum To:Gcorgc Rutlrr, Clrrrrunity Dqvcloptnclt Dats Roulcd:tz/t5 Rctum By: Projcst N0mc:thu*Ptl tJ*us Prcject Addrcrs:Z?g ?h*avto,.t;l '+E+\a.?2,+<, hojcct f.gd: Projec{ Doscriptisr:tA,l4A .*b*h Pl^s?tu+* Pevie*'t URiL PUBLIC UORKS rD:30345166 FJD *J J;l-; u n I Lt+ G^*t'r-)..,". J-J ; F. ^JJil'-- _-d.' 2g). *, tutovt ;i r't*1 ToV Phl SHoP ,479-2130 FEB lei Zb Feb'rn.^7 l€r117 hetrolo."t p";r*- t?-t'^rt *rS h). ll Pn7ol4 $, fur*,) He,ats recJ"*,.7 uaoant'.^.#- Alc Sc,^ l.- .*,rf..*.li6f^ o a$llc hu^p c-.+Lb*6n Ht r, -7'rffi ",6F:i*---r---j]- t to{g .' t. a. lz'pl*a7\.t1 g,oi I i.tt*'v ora A th.lzJv\ e.-,l,,i'. l)at\n . fro*V d.:/ ,*/6 ,.:/t 7t<--* L-l -*Ly'...,: fl*fuj e't'.4 . P/.*/./ 2";/ *rt "|Furt D"s 4 *6**,io /o7a;/ , / p*./ *',*-o,r.- o-- art^7"t/ , HqffiHr" ail,^^W) nu1^- @3/ n.hx. ('; It' - 4+" c),a e . lpulfui,s b^ Hc-l.q-71 +/- 4' / #+ . rctlluat- *otlr^.<t'-let +dr.L J cowycl'.1 *t/,*iq^tu 10 :59 No .001 P .02 F8-W-L957 gB:35 ^-. tJIt'{STOI'l ffirc. IFICv 449 6911, P.gL DATE: ca/ roTAL P GEs f-'l UrGOrI AREQUESTED tr 5o+72 /rtrr"r-? ltd /';* h'&uze'ft' ifru.4d * 4w S*'1b 4rr? :Qrftr, .f aaf 4ttU a^.*6nh ftt ft+u+u \&l aa/., Jpe-r&&(, 1l;l( h'L lo "H/' *47* ln; k;, rt .out zlarc lub &i21"^ r.'A4 nL l, /ni e-2 ;, ;.r'a*rda ptelwlDu lo 7h.e4 b/,dn I/,?/.tF W-?f /..1;"7 2. bc f<41 7 Sf-.'*.r-tl*? i Ali(fL ? furtt|ta-r'v) l>ifr ?,t4, witt^ I I t0l-.ra0-rlo0 . FAx t0l-.r{r.6rr | . wrN|110@Aot.coH . t2rr pEARL I 4,M Laa.\ft* I nu7 ,o, , &4€ katlihtl ,ar NU,fBErr Flolr: EET,3UlrE r00 . 80ULDEt, CO 80t02 b l FEB-W-tg? @:36 t,Il.EToN ffiS(r. INC 449 69Lt P.@I .J"-t'--'r - | !l I /r' ill, t" II I I I I I i I Irl i I I I I I rtlt\/Ul I 1lt ,: bao i.[ b ir a|I FEB-f?-Lfr7 E:38 UII.€TUN RSg]c. INC 449 69Lt P.U t---._ I1.. _t I lrnloig I i I i .G -3trl .: lsjl r ft()rl ; ttllll :l o >' Oi'+ .l r,,ttnsrol Rssrc. lhtc -ri li ,-lH t=lHItt lsl i I I o trEB-en-tgs? @:39zt-1 \hF' \\1trs .t- D ttr. Hfi TIITFI_ P.67 Printed by George Ruther 10:37am From: George Ruther To: Lorelei Donaldson subiect: fwd: Account Balance -,: -V=N61s== ===3/L7 /97 =={ ; !$P1n== What is Lhe account balance of the Austria Haus escrow account for Jeff winston's urban design review? Fwd=by: =I-,ore1ei=Donal-=3 / t8 / 97 =10 : 3 4an== FWd to: George Ruther Austria Haus balance is $457.01-..... Here is the breakdown to date: winsron - t/97 $195.88 winston ' 2/97 $515-91 xind couriers -2/97 $ 85.00 winston - 3/97 9645.20 TOTAL PAID to DATE: $1,542.99 (original amt collected was $2,000) Page: 1 COPYFIL E )rolrrN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development Junc 27,1997 Gordon Picrcc Picrcc, Scgerberg, & Associatcs Architccts 1000 South Frontagc Road Wcst Vail. Colorado 81657 Rc: Sheambank Rcstoration Plan. Dcar Cordon: I mct with Todd Oppenhicmcr, thc Town's Landscapc Architcct, and discusscd thc rcstoration of thc strcanrbank south ofthc Austria Haus. ln discussing thc rcstoration, Todd and I both agrecd that you should dcsign thc strcanrbank to look as "natural" as possiblc. I lravc cncloscd a copy of thc bouldcr wall dctail thc Town uscd lvhcn lvc constntctcd thc strcambank irnprovenrcnLs in thc Corc Crcck Pronrcnadc. Plcasc usc this dctail in thc dcsign and construction of bouldcr walls south of thc Austlia l{aus. Nativc plant spccics should bc uscd in thc rcstoration plan. Todd idcntificd thc following shrubs as possiblc plantings, as thcy alrcady exist on thc sitc: . Aspcn. Thin-lcaf Aldcr. Twinbcrry (Bcarbcrry). Alpinc cunant. Wood's Rosc Thc Town rcquires thc following information with thc plan: . Thc location of thc 10O-ycar floodplain as idcntified by FEMA o I cross-scctional floodplain analysiso { sign-offby the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers f f you havc any questions or commcnts, pleasc do not hcsitate to call. You can reach mc at479-2145' Sincercly, Torvn Planncr tg *tn"uo'uo () Ecl tr 4t ==F:= t-lJoj +fBor bJoJf C)m $f,[* t it. ', a F :l'fifiilEfiFiir t E * $f ;5f EEg *$d FfiF t+ dOHS nd n0109IZ-62t: 0I26,92 Nnft00' oN 95: SI =fi HE I0'd FIL I COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e pa rtm e nt of Co mnunity D eve lop me nt Junc 25, 1997 Gordon Picrcc Picrcc. Scgcrbcrg & Associatcs Architects 1000 South Frontagc Road Wcst Vail, Colorado 81657 Rc: Austria Haus DRB submittal rcquircmcnts Dcar Cordon: I wantcd to rcmind you that I havc schcdulcd a conccptual DRB rcvicw oFthc proposcd Austria Haus for WcdncsdaY, JulY 2, 1997 ' To rcmain on thc agcnda, you nccd to subrnit aclditional information to rnc by Tucsday' July l ' Thc additional i nformation rcquircd incl udcs: l. Building clcvations and a roof plan indicating thc location, typc, and quantity of roof top mcchanical cquiPmcnt' 2. Building clcvations adcquatcly labclcd to idcntifo architcctural dctails (railings' trirn' fascia. flowcr boxcs, cxtcrio, iigt ting, ctc.) and cxtcrior building matcrials and colors' 3. A strcambank rcstoration Plan' 4,Conccptualdrawingsofthebc|vcdcrctobcconstructcdinSliferSquarc. 5. A reviscd ovcrall sitc plan showing thc location of thc outdoor pool' If you have any qucstions or nccd additional information, plcasc do not hcsitatc to call' You can reach me at479-2145. Good luck with Your Project' o "Hffiilt-R'^ttur tp r'"'ouo'uu* MEMORANDUM TO: Vail Town Council FROM: Community Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt DATE: Junc 17. 1997 SUBJBCT: Austria Haus - requcst to cstablish Spccial Dcvelopment Dishict #35 Thc purpose of this memorandum is to provide a summary of thc changes to thc rcquest for the establishment of Spccial Dcvelopmcnt District #35, Austria Haus' On April 23, lggT,thc Town Staff mct with thc Town Council to discuss the futurc of thc Austria Haus rcdcvclopment and for thc Council to providc spccific dircction to thc Ausffia Haus developcrs. The following dircction was given by thc Council: Town Council Direction l.ReducetheproposedGRFAwithintheAustriaHausby5,000squarefeet. Applicant's Rcsponse: 5,205 squarc fcct of GRFA has bccn rcmoved' 2. The maximum building height for the Austria Haus shall NOT exceed 48" Applicant's RcsPonsc: Thc maximum building hcight is 48' from finish grade' 3. Remove the penthouse level to reduce the number of building stories from five to four. Applicant's ResPonse: the penthouse llvel has been removed and the building is now four stories tall' 4. No less than 10,100 square feet of accommodation unit square footage shall be constructed in the Austria Haus. The 10,100 square feet shall be apportionedintowhichevernumberofunitsthedeve|opersfee|are appropriate to successfully operate a hotel' Applicant's ResPonse: I ti,^261 square feet of accommodation unit squarc foolage is proposed in 25 t1 accommodation units. 5.Two20.footsetbacksonthepropertysha|lbemaintained.Preference should be given to the west and south setbacks' Applicant's RcsPonsc: One 20'foot side sctback has bccn maintaincd along thc west propcrty line. Thc rcar (south) setback is l9'fcct. 6.Theproposed4,64gsquarefeetofcommercia|spacessha||bemaintainedas it provides the necessary commercial link between the Village and Crossroads. Applicant's ResPonsc: 5,4b2 squarc fcct of commercial square footage is proposed' 7, All parking sha|| be on.site and a |and trade is an acceptable means of accommodating the necessary area of the parking structure' Applicant's Responsc: fhc parking rcquircmcnt is being mct on-sitc (60 spaccs rcquircd/63 spaccs proposcd) and a land kadc via a minor subdivision is proposcd' O 8. ,A community room shall be provided within the Austria Haus for meetings' breakfasts and the like. Applicant's Rcsponsc: A community/mecting room of approximatcly 550 squarc fcct is proposcd on the first lcvcl of thc Austria Haus. g. The loading and delivery plan shall be redesigned to reduce the negative impacts on the streetscape (pedestrians, guest vehiclesr etc') Applicant's Rcsponse: A loading /dclivery managcmcnt plan is proposcd to minimize the ncgative impacts on thc strcctscape. 10. The stafT will make brief presentations to the council during the normal PEC reports. These presentations will include futl size plans and copies of all memoranda. Staff Response: Staffhas made brief presentations to the Council during the normal PEC report' 2/ ll.Theproposeddead|inesofJune22lndlu|y22areextreme|yaggressive. Thedevelopersshou|drethinkthedeadlinesandrequestextensionsas necessary. Applicant's ResPonsc: First reading ofbrdinance # 12, Scrics of | 997, is schcdulcd for June 17 , 1997 ' with sccond rcading schcdulcd for July 1' 1997 ' 12. The staff will make a presentation to the Town council and PEC on May 6th regardingthepros"nd"on,ofbothSDDsandtheEastVi||ageHomeowner's advocated PA-l zone district. on May 6th, the council will decide which application theY will review. Staff s Response: A prescntaiion was made to Council on May 6th. Following the prcsentation, the Council dircctcd thc applicant to proceccl with a Spccial Dcvclopment District' 13. The Town council did not feel it was appropriate to express their preference on the architectur8l design. Instead, they felt the design ofthe building should be left to the architect. Applicant's Rcsponsc: fhc applicant is proposing a singlc building with thrcc scparatc "building forms"' ^./7! &b I -y!1N,e +J..,e gcol Z. 5'l.2e,6^an\k- qoe \L-lAl 6ar-y-..rrhe,-t . Nor- xlor.J " 3lpaa-,-.ol'.tL fru luioe lo Z* Qaot'1. COPYFIL E 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Deparonent of Communiry Development Junc 12, 1997 Gordon Picrcc Picrcc, Scgcrbcrg and Associatcs Architccts 1000 South Frontagc Road Wcst' #300 Vail, Colorado 81657 Rc: Town staffls position on thc construction phasing and financial obligations for off-sitc improvcmcnts at thc Austria Haus. Dcar Gordon. Thank you for taking thc timc to mcct with mc to discuss thc off-sitc improvcmcnts at thc Austria llnus. As a rcsult of our mccting, I bclicvc I havc an undcrstanding of your position on thc construction and financing of thc off-sitc improvuncnts to East Mcadow Drivc, Slifcr Squalc and thc Gorc Crcck strcambank. I discusscd your position with thc tcst of thc staff. Upon discussion of your position, thc staff has formulatcd its position on thc construction of thc off-sitc improvcmcnts. Thc purposc of this lettcr is to inform you oF thc staff s position rcgarding thc financial ..rponribiliti"s for off-sitc improvcmcnts at thc Austria Haus. Thc Town Council will makc thc final dctcrmination on thc financial agrccmcnt for off-sitc improvcmcnts. Thc final agrccmcnt shall bc documcntcd in a Devclopcr lmprovcment Agrcemcnt' Thc Dcvcloper lmprovcmcnt Agrccmcnt shall be cxccutcd prior to thc issuancc of a building pcrmit' Eait Meadow Drive l. Ths design, construction and all costs incurrcd to improvc East Mcadow Drivc shall bc the respo-nsibility of thc Austria Haus dcvclopcrs (hcrein "dcvclopcrs")' This includcs thc improvemcnts idcntificd on thc Austria Haus Dcvelopmcnt Plans (street lights' cuib/guttcr, paving, utilities, drainagc, landscaping, inigation, etc')' 2. Thc dcvelopcrs shall install and bc reimburscd by thc Town of Vail, all costs incurred to install the strect heating infrasbucturc under East Meadorv Drive on a cost pcr square foot basis. The Town of Vail will providc heat to East Mc/dow Drivc at a point in thc futurc. ', {P *'"'"tto 'u"* .+. ' 'n ? '- '.: Thc.insrafia[ipd c6sts shall bc <lctcrmincd and documcntcd in thc Dcvclopcr lmprovcmcnt Agrccmcnt. Thc hcating infrastructurc shall bc installcd to opcratc on a zonc scparatc from thc hcating z.onc dlcsigncd to hcat thc pcdcstrian way adjaccnt to thc building. The Town of Vail shall prgvitlc construction docurncnts to thc dcvclopcr for thc hcating in frastructurc i nstal lation. 'l'hc dcvclopcr shall install and pay for a bouldcr rctaining wall on thc north sidc of East Mcadow Drivc, thc dcsign of which shalt bc dctcrmincd in coopcration with thc Town staff prior to thc issuancc of a building pcrmit' Thc dcvclopcr shall bc rcsponsiblc for thc maintcnancc and upkccp ofthc landscapc plantcrs on 'Iown of Vail right-of-way. on thc north sidc of thc building. CL Slifcr Squarc Wcst l/2 of Slifcr Sqtrarc l. '[hc dcvclopcr shall dcsign. construct and be rcsponsiblc for all costs incurrcd to improvc thc wcstcmmost sixty-fcct (60') of Slifcr Squarc. as mcasurcd from thc castcm propcrty linc of thc Austria Haus. and as idcntificd on thc Austria Haus Dcvclopmcnt Plans. This shall inclu6c thc bus shcltcr, landscaping. paving, scating, lighting' irrigation, ctc. Thc tlcsign of thc bus shcltcr shall bc rcvicwcd and approved by thc Town of Vail. Thc installation of thc hcating infrastructurc and the opcration of thc hcating systcm in this arca shall bc thc rcsponsibility of thc Town of Vail. Thc dcvclopcr will install thc hcating infrastructurc should thc 1'own agrcc to rcimbursc all costs incurrcd on a cost pcr squarc foot basis. Thc dcvclopcr shall hcat that portion of Slifcr Squarc cast of thc Austria Haus as idcntificd on thc Dcvclopmcnt Plan. 3V1*az i.6anglr-fiarl o€ ;ry r.a\tuv16rrs East l12 of Slifcr Squarc To,^r.l tl€*q.. Z. Thc 6cvclopcr shall construct all othcr improvcmcnts to thc rcmaining portion of Stifcr Squarc (si{cwalk hcating infrastructurc, paving. landscaping. irrigation. ctc.) and thc Town of Vail shall rcimbursc thc dcvclopcr on a cost pcr squarc foot basis. Thc dcvclopcr and Town of Vail shall work coopcrativcly in thc construction of thc improvcmcnts to Slifcr Squarc. Maintcnancc to thc hcating systcm undcr thc castcrn portion of Slifcr Square shall bc thc rcsponsibility of thc Town of Vail' 3. The devclopcr shall construct thc originally proposcd bclvcderc in Slifcr Squarc as part of thc off-sitc irnprovcmcnts and public bcn-cfits of thc Austria Haus dcvelopmcnt ?-rr iq'ruil'|.. 5rvz6+-nb++r-rb tE. Gore Cregk Streambank Improvements |. Thc dcvclopcr shall bc rcquircd pay all costs incuncd to cgnstruct the strcambank improvcmcnts to Tract I, Vail Villagc First Filing, from thc Covcred Bridge to the wcst property line of thc Austria Haus. The strcambank imjrovements shall be those indicated on a Strcambank Rcstoration Plan which shall bc rcvicwcd and approvcd by thc Town of Vail. Final dctcrmination as to thc cxtcnt of thc strcambank improvcmcnts shall bc rcvicwcd and approvcd by thc Town of Vail. Thc staff anticipatcs that thc Council may rcqucst that thc applicant contributc financially towards thc construction of a strcam walk. Shoul{ thc Council make such a rcqucst, thc staff will makc thc fol lowing rccommcndation: "f The dcvclopcr shall placc $ I 00,000 into an cscrow account with the Town of vail, Thc funds shall 'bc uscd by thc Town of Vail to constluct a strcamwalk along Gore Creck in Tract I, Vait Villagc. First Filing. Thc account shall bc hcld by thc Town of vail for a pcriod of timc not to cxcccd 24 months from thc datc thc account is cstablishcd. lf thc itrcamwalk is not constructcd within thc givcn timc framc, thc funds shall bc rcimburscd to thc dcveloper. Again. thc purposc of this lcttcr is to summarizc thc staff s position regarding thc financial rciponsibilitics for off-sitc improvements at thc Austria Haus. A fotmal agrccmcnt will bc preparcd oncc wc havc rcccivcd input and dircction from thc Town Council on thc issuc. Should you havc any qucstions or conccrns, rcgarding thc information addrcsscd in this lcttcr' you can rcach mc ar479-2145. Good luck with your projcct. Sinccrcly. Ccorgc Ruthcr Town Planncr xc: Bob McLaurin, Town Managcr Susan Connclly, Dircctor of Community Dcvclopmcnt Larry Crafcl. Dircctor of Public Works Grcg Hall, Town Enginccr Todd Oppcnheimcr, Parks Supcrintendcnt I MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Vail Town Council Community Dcvclopment Dcparhrent May 6,1997 SUBJECT: Spccial DevclopmentDisticts. In the rccent months, thcrc has been considerable dcbatc regarding thc use of Spccial Dcvelopment Districts in thc Town of Vail. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a brief historical perspective and the legal background of Special Development Districts. HISTORY OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS Spccial Dcvclopmcnt Districts have bcen around since thc bcginning of land usc rcgulations in Vait. fne use of Special Development Districts (SDDs) as a land use planning tool was adopted by the Vail Town Council in 1973 (Ordinance #8, Series of 1973). In 1973' thc Councit approvcd SDD #1. SDD #l was cstablishcd with the purposc of assuring unificd and coordinatcd dcvclopmcnt and usc of a sitc of land approximatcly 39 acrcs in sizc undcr single- owncrship or contrll, adjoining thc south sidc of thc Vail Golf Coursc. Thc rcgulations of SDD #l wcrc not intcndcd to apply to othcr, dissimilar sitcs in Vail. ln 1988, thc Spccial Dcvclopmcnt District Chaptcr (18.40) of thc Municipal Codc was repealed and rc-cnactcd. Thc SDD chaptcr was amcndcd sincc thcrc was a bclicf by the Town Council that thc Town would bcncfit from thc updating of the existing SDD ordinancc. The SDD ordinancc has rcmaincd virtually unchangcd since 1988 with thc cxccption of an amcndment in 1994. There arc thirty-four (34) SDDs approvcd in the Town of Vail. The majority of the thirty-four SDD's have been approved for multi-family residential and commercial/lodging purposes. The distribution of SDDs is focused mainly in the central area of Town (between the East Vail underpass and Cascade Village). Special Development Districts are no longer permitted in thc Hillsidchesidential, Single-Family, Duplex, or Primary/Secondary Residential Zone Districts. Today, SDD's continue to contibute ggeatly to the Town of Vail by providing additional flexibility and design frcedom while achieving a more cohesivc and imaginative pattem to development than traditional zoning generally allows' I,EGAL JUSTIFICATIONS FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS Article 6? of the Colorado State Statutes establishes the Planned Unit Development Act ot1972. Thc Act permits municipalitics to cstablish zonc districts such as Planncd Unit Dcvclopmcnts (pUD)., planncd Dcvclopmcnts (PD), Spccial Districts (SD) and Spccial Dcvclopmcnt Districts. Containcd within thc Act arc numuous citations which arc rclcvant to thc Town of Vail. Thcy arc, in part: 24-67-ly2(1)(d\ - To encourage innovalions in residential, commercial, and induslrial clevelctpment and renewal so that the growing demands of the populalion mav be mel by greatir varietlt in type, elesign, and layout of buiklings and by lhe consenation and more efficient use of open space ancillary to said buildings' Z4-67-102(l)(i) - To provide a procedure which can relale the tvpe, design, and layout of re.sidential. commercial, and industrial development to lhe particular site, theteby encouraging preservalion of lhe site's nalural characterislics' Very similar to thc Town's definition of an SDD and its approval process, a PUD is defined in thc statc statutcs as: An area ofland, controlled by one or more landowners, to be developed under uniJied conlr.ol or unifecl plan of developmentfor a number of dwelling units, commercial, eclucalion, recreational, or industrial uses, or any combination of the foregoing, lhe plan fttr which cloe.s not correspond in lot size, bulk, or tvpe of use, densitv, lo! coverage, open space, or ttlher reslt'iclktn of lhe existing land use tegulatfutns' and thc approval proccss rcquircs, in part: A Jinding by the municipali4t that the plan is in general confurnily with anv masler plan or comprehensive plan Jbr the municipalilV. and design, conslruclion, and olher requirements appticabte to lhe planned unit developmenl may be dilJbrent from or modificalions of the requirements otherwise applicable by reason of any zoning regulalbn. Thc usc of PUD's is encouragcd in thc Planncd Unit Dcvclopmcnt Act. In part, the Act states' "Arlicle 67 shatl be tiberatlv construed infurlherance oflhe purposes ofthe article and to the end that municipalilies shall be encouraged to utilize PUD's." PROS & CONS OF'SPECI,A.L DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS The staffhas attempted to identiff the many pros and cons of Special Developmcnt Disfricts. The list generated by the staff is not intended to be an all-inclusive list. PRO l. Allows for creativity and flexibility in development. 2. Provides incentives for redeveloprnent. 3. Encouragcs public/private partnerships for communi$ improvcmcnts (i.c., landscaping, cmploycc housing, infrastructurc, ctc.). 4. ncrmits quality development on ccrtain sitcs whcn varianccs arc not approvablc. 5. Allows for controllablc case-by-case review of dcvelopmcnt' 6. Providcs for grcatcr control and review of development proposals by the Town Council. 7. Encourages compliance with the adopted goals, objectives and policies of thc Town of Vail. CON l. Lack ofpublic understanding ofthc SDD approval process. 2. perception that SDDs establish a precedence for other developrirent proposals. 3. Difficult to develop the amount of deviation fiom underlying zonc district devclopmcnt standards. 4. Crcates a perccption of "back room" dealings with thc Town. 5. Difficult to determine the public benefits being gained through thc sDD proccss. 6. Dcvclopcr may bc pcrceivcd as getting all the benefits' 7. Thc proccss to establish an SDD is long and often turns political. .,i.[F TO: FROM: DATE: Tom Moorhead, Town AttorneY George Ruther, Town Planner May 6,1991 SUBJECT: RezoningProcess The following notes axe intended to provide you with a basic understanding of the rezoning process and a list ofpossible pros and cons ofrezoning' Rezoning Process The Town of Vail utilizes the provisions outlined in the Colorado State Statutes whor reviewing a request for a rezoning. The Colorado State Statutes identifo four criteria.that are to be evaluated Uv: tfre ,taff, and consldered by the planning and Environmental Comrnission and the Town Council, prior to approving a request for a rezoning' The criteria are: l is s,r*i*6ilr,$80,ffi'$$SdlJt.kl'ltiii'. il uu U$i#'i,i* *' .l.t-+-]lillb-{,.'1.2. Is the amlndmeni providing a convenient, workable relationship with land uses conslstent with municipal obj ectives? Does the rezoning provide for the growth of an orderly, viable community? Does the rezoning comply with the Land Use Plan? The criteria are intended to insure that the proposed zone district is compatible with the surrounding land uses and that the p.oporoi is in compliance with previous comprehensive planning efforts. A rezoning requires an amendment to the Official Town of Vail ZoningMap' An am-endment to the zoning-map must be approved by the vail Town council through two readings of an ordinancel The Planning -a gnui.on-ental Commission acts in an advisory role on rezo:rtng applications. The Planning and Environmental Commission is required' pursuant to Section f'g.OO.f aO of the Municipul Cod", to forward their recommendation to the Town Council' In instances where an application is rnade to creatc a new zone district, and then rezone a property to the new ^n, dirt i.t, an amendment to the Vail Land use Plan is required' The proi"r, of u-ending the Land Use Plan requires the Planning and Environmental Commission to forward a recommendation to the Town Council. Similar to a rezoning, the Land Use Plan is amended by two readings of an ordinance by the Town Council' 3. 4. ,i$ $,iI :t;::.ig i,lf'' {$ $ Sr-t '{i*,i,il tt'i.i"I$ i,lH il * .{,$ $:,-.{t,i.$li} 'g'; *li# ilt-. $ 19 u* l. 2. J. 4. 5. ,$, .$$Jq*:gy {s u5.XR*tp.S'-*1--$$ *'&".$Su.}} i$} qil"}.B$*W * Pros Allows "trlditional" zoning to remain in place' More eesily understood by the public' Eliminates the perceptton of "bact room dealings" of development standards' Developmant standards can only be deviated rrom if e variance request is granted' Allows for development "by right". Cons Loss of creativity and flexibility in thc development of land' Could result in an excessive number of land use zone districts' Loss of case-by-case review ofprojects' Loss of incentive to redevelop "tired" properties' SimplyanSDDbyanothernamewittroutthepublicbenefitsanSDDprovides. -$ $:l.r["'g"+T, {$ $*i1*i{;u"+**.9*$;;]ig$ ,s $$$ii$$iiit $** t$."l"g.lt$:lUU * h*qu ;Lt U€ ' Lhn4e ;J g6'nih'otts' 1. 2. J. 4. 5. {$ ffig,;:+fi' *F $'B'.frl{t*ii:,i**f$."''$l,ii.l$i} * fr"'$:i,'i ' 'iir 'fu1'r+$5r + TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Bob Mclaurin, Town Managcr Gcorgc Ruthcr, Town Planner April 23, 1997 Town Council Dircction to thc Austria Haus Devclopcrs i I ,l I Thc purpose of this memorandum is to documcnt thc convcrsation thc staff had ycstcrday aftcmoon with the Town Council rcgarding the Austria Haus rcclcvelopmcnt' Pleasc rcad thrqugh the items listed below and make any corrcctions or additions' Town Council Direction l. Reduce the proposed GRFA within the Austria Haus by 5'000 squarc fcct' 2.Thcmaximumbui|dinghcightforthcAustriaHausshal|NoTexcccd4S'. 3. Rcmovc thc pcnthousc lcvcl to rcducc thc numbcr of building storics from fivc to four' 4. No lcss than | 0,100 squarc fcct of accommodation unit squarc footagc shall bc constructcd in thc Austria Haus. Thc 10,000 squarc feet shall be apportioned into-which cvcr numbcr ofunits thc dcvclopcrs feel are appropriatc to successfully operate a hotel' 5. Two 20' foot sctbacks on thc propcrty shall bc maintained' Prcfercncc should bc givcn to thc west and south sctbacks. 6. The proposed 4,649 squarc fcct of commercial spaces shall be maintained as it provides thc necessary co.*"..iul link bctwcen the Village and crossroads. 7. All parking shall bc on-site and a land trade is an acceptable means of accommodating thc necessary area of the parking structurc' 8. A community room shall be provided within the Austria Haus for meetings, breakfasts and the like. g. The loading and delivery plan shall be redesigned to rcduce thc ncgative impacts on the street scape (peds, guest vchicles, etc.) 10. The staffwill make bricf presentations to the Council during the normal PEC reports' These presentations will include full size plans and copies of all memoranda.o l l. 12. The oronoscd dqdlines of Junc 22 and July 22 arc cxtrcmely aggrcssive' Thc devclopcrs shouid icthffilincs and requcst extcnsions a's ncccssary' T6figi}ifi*" u prescntation to thc Town councir and pEC on May 6th rcgarding .rr"Iil"a Cons of both iDDs and the PA-l zonc district. On May 6th, the Council will decidc which application they will review' The Town C,ouncil did not feel it was appropriate to express theirpreference on the architectural design. Instead, they felt design ofthe building should be felt to the architect. o 13. i , I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development November 11, 1996 A request lor a worksession to discuss establishing a special Delelopment Oistrict overlay to the Austria Haus, located at242East Meadow Drive/ on part of Tract C, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REOUEST The applicant, Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pi9r9e, is requestrng a - worksession to discuss the esiablishment of a Special Development District at242East MeadoW Drive/on part ol Tract C, Vail Village First Filing. The applicant is proposing to establish a new Special 6evelopment District overlay to the underlying zone district of. Public Accommodation, to facilitate the proposed redevelopment of the existing Austria Haus. The purpose of tfre worksession meeting is to discuss the goals of lhe proposed Special Oevdtopment District, the relationship oitne proposal to the applicable elements of the Town's Master Plan, and the review procedure that will be followed for the application. The applicant has proposed significant improvements to the existing Austria Haus property. The Austrib Haus is intbnded to become a member owned resort club, comprised ol two and three bedroom residences with associated club facililies. The Austria Haus is intended to provide additional accommodation units in the Town ol Vail. Currently, the applicant is proposing to incorporate twenty (20) vacation ownership units (lractional fee units) with twenty (20) lock-off_ units and twenty-thiee'123) new hotel roorirs. The redeveloped project would irfclude a total of sixty-three (63) new dwelling and accommodation units. The applicant is also proposing . approximately 10,500 sq. ft. of new commercial/retail space on. the main level of the Austria l-iaus. The Austria Haus will include a lront desk reception/registration area and other facilities, commonly associated with hotels and lodges. In order to facilitate the proposed redevelopment of the existing Austria Haus, th_e applicant has also proposed other apilications for review by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Thos'e applications inilude a proposed text change to the Public Accommodation Zone District to add "tim'e-share estate units, iradtional fee units and time-share license units" as conditional uses and an application for a conditional use permil to allow for fractional fee units in the Public Rccommbbation Zone District. Each of ihese applications will be reviewed concurrently with the proposed request for the establishment ol a Special Development District. A document from the applicant, entitled "Austria Haus Club OvervieW' has been attached. The attachment describes the resort club concept proposed by the applicant. ll.BACKGROUND The applicant's request retatedio a future proposal lo redevelop the Austria Haus property' The nuitii'i'H"rs was 6riginatty construcled in ihe mid- 1960's as an inn to accommodate destination st<iers. tn 1979, the Austrii Haus was purchased by the Faessler lamily who planned to redevelop the property into the Sonnenalp Hotel' In 'l984, Ordinance #8 was approved by the Vail Town Council establishing. SPecia.l Develo-Pment oisrii"r *tz. special Development District #l2.adopted an approved development plan lor lne t"J"u"ropr"nt of the Austiia'Haus. When Ordinance # I was adopted, the Town Council placed "n "igntd"n-ronth time limit on the approval ol the SDD. The approval of SDD # 12lapsed "f "u"ii VL"tr ago, on October 2, 1985.' The approved development plan was never implemented' inO inr[""0, tn"e Austria Haus underwent a remodel. Since the completion of the remodel, the Austria Haus has served as an annex to the Sonnenalp Bavaria Haus located at 20 Vail Road. The Austria Haus has 37 hotel rooms (accommodation units) with approximately "T5 pillows" and is operated approximately eight months each year by the Sonnenalp Hotel' There is a small ,Lrt"ur"nt and'bar in the-Auitria Haus that serves its guests and a retail outlet on'the east end of in"-OrifOing. The horel rooms are marginal in size ( 300 sq. ft. average) and lack certain amenities,-by today's accommodalion standards' The current proposal to redevelop the property intends lo provide considerably more "pillows" over a twelve month period, as well as create approximately 10,000 square feet of new iommerciat space. ihe applicant has proposed that a percentage ol the project be offered as.. fractional fee ownership uhits. fhe apiticint has also proposed to accommodate a portion ol the required parking in an underground parking structure' According to the Official Zoning Map of the Town ol Vail, the applicant's property is currently. . zoned pJblic Accommodation.- The Public Accommodation Zone District is intended to provide sites tor lodges and residential accommodations for visilors, together with such public and semi- prOfi"l""if itfus and limited professional ollices, medical facilities, private recreation, and related visitor oriented uses as may be located in lhe same district. The Public Accommodation District is intended to provide sites for lodging units to densities nol to exceed 25 dwelling units per acre. The public Accommodation Zone -Oistrict does not currently permit time-share interval units. Interval ownership is currently allowed only in the High Density Multi-Family Zone District pursuant to Ordinance #8, Series of 1981. chapter '19.40 of the Town ol Vail Municipal code provides lor the-eslablishment of special Devbtopment Districts in the Town of Vaii. According to Section 18.40.010, the purpose of a Special Development District is, ,,To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order to promote its most appropiiate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new Oevetoihent within the Town; to facilitate the adequale and economical provision ol streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic leatures of open space,areas; and to further the overall gdals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Pla.n.. An approved develophent plan for a Special Development District, in conjunction with the propbhies underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements tor guiding bevelopment anO us-es of properly included in the Special Development District." ilr. The Municipal Code provides a framework for the establishmenl of a Special Development Districl. According to the Municipal Code, prior to site preparation, building construction, or other improvements to lind within a Special Development District, there shall be an approved Oe-ueiopment plan for lhe Special Development District. The approved development plan establi;hes requirements 169ulating development, uses and activity within the Special Development District. The purpose o1 the PEC worksession meeting is to discuss the goals ol the proposed Special Oev6topment District, lhe relationship of the froposal to applicable elements of the Town's Master Plan, and lhe review procedure that will be followed lor the application. UpoJ| final review ot if'e ptoposed establishment of a Special Development District,,a reporl from the Planning and Environmental Commission stating iti findings and recommendations and a stafl report-shall be f orwarded to the Town Council, in-accordance with the provisions listed in Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code. The Town Council's consideration of the Special Development District shall be in accoidance with the provisions ot Seclion 18.66.130 - 18.66.160 and approved by two readings ol an ordinance. An approved development plan is the principal document in guiding the developmenl, uses and activities of the Special Development Dislrict. The development plan shall contain all relevant material and information necessary lo establish the parameters with which the Special Development District shall develop. The development plan may consist of, bul not be limited to' the approved site plan, lloor plans, building sections and elevations, vicinity plan, parking plan' preliminary open space/tandscape plan, densities and permitted, conditional and accessory uses. The delermination of permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be made by the Planning. and Environmental Commission and Town Council as part of the tormal review ol the proposed development plan. Unless further restricted through the review of the proposed Special Development District, permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be limited to those permitted, conditional and accessory uses in the properties underlying zone district. The Municipal Code provides nine (9) design criteria, which shall be used as the principal.criteria in evaluating the merits ol lhe proposed Special Developmenl District. lt shall be the burden of the applicanl to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed developmenl plan.comply with 6ich ol the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more ol them is not applicable, or that a practical solutio-n consistent with lhe publlc interest has been achieved. Although Staff will not specifically address each ot the nine SDD review criteria at this time, the design criteria are listed below lor reference: A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height' buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. B. Uses, activity and density rvhich provide a compatible, el'licient and rvorkable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 18.52. of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. D. Conformity with the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plans, B. ldenlification and nritigntion of natural antl/or gcologic hazards that affect the propcrty on rvhich the spccial dcvclopntcnl district is proposed' F.siteptan,buildingdesignand|ocalionandopenspaceprovisionsdesignedto p.odu." a functional development responsivc and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and over:rll aesthetic quality of the community' G. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and ofl'-site traffic circulation. H. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, viervs and functions' l. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that witl maintain a workable, l'unctional and efficient retationship throughout the developmcnt of the special development d istrict. The development standards lor a Special Development District shall be proposed by the . applicant. bevelopment standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height' density cbntrot, sile coverage, landscaping and parling and loading shall be determined by the Town Council as part ot the approvei O;vetopment plan, wilh consideration of the recommendations of the planning and Environmental Commission and staff. Before the Town Council approves. Jeu"ropreit standards thal deviate from the underlying zone district, is sh.all be determined that such dbviations provide benefits to the Town thal outweigh the adverse effects ol such deuiatons. This'determination is to be made based upon lhe evaluation of the proposed Special Development District's compliance with the Review criteria outlined above. tV. ZONING ANALYS]S The Community Development Department stalf has prepared a preliminary Zoning Analysis for the proposed Austria Haus redevelopment project. The Zoning Analysis compares tne OeuEfopr"nt standards outlined by the underlying zone district oJ Public Accommodation, to the "iiriing conditions ol the Austria Haus and the propo_sed Special Development District. Staff did not inilude the approved development standards ol Special Development District # 12, since the approval lapsed in October ol 1985. Wherever the development proposed through the establishment of the SDD deviates lrom the underlying zoning of Public Accommodation, the standards are highlighted in bold type. Leoal:242EastMeadowDrive/PartofTractC,ElockSD,VailVillagelst Lot size:24.089 so. ft. /0.553 acres Buidable area: 24,089 sq. fl. /0.553 acres Development Standard Underlylng Zonlng of Public Accommodation Exlsllngdevelopment Propo3edSDD' on the Property GRFA: Dwelling unns per acle: Site coverage: Selbacks: front: sides: roar: Height: Parking: Landscaping: Loading: Commercial sq. foolage: Common area: 80% or 19,271 sq. fl. 13.8 DU's 55% or I 3,249 sq. ft. 20' 20' 20' 48'sloping 45' flat per T.O.V. code Section 18.52 3@/" or 7,227 sq. ft. per T.O.V. code Section 18.52 10o/" or 1 ,927 sq. ft. 35o/. of allowable GRFA or 6,745 sq. ft. 49o/" or 1l ,800 sq. ft. 18.5 DU's (37 AU's) 35ol" or 8,400 sq. ft. 11' 9'/ 10' 13' 36'sloping 30 spaces" 31 % or 7,51 8 sq. ft. l berth 151o/o or 36,506 sq. ft. 31.5 DU's (20 DU and 23 AU's) 660/0 or 15,802 sq. ft. 0.5' 1' l4' z', 48' flat TBD"' 7% or 1,652 sq. ft. 2 berths in lront setback 26% or 10,346 sq. tt. 26% or 10,483 sq. tr. N/A NiA ' Numbers furnished by the applicant and not yet verified by staff " 1 1 soaces are located off-site on T.O.V. ROW "' To be determined V. DISCUSSION ISSUES As fhis is a worksession to discuss the applicanl's proposal to establish a Special Development District, staff will not evaluate the proposal at this time. Staff has, however, identified numerous issues which we woutct tit<e to dlsiusi with the Planning and Environmental Commission and the applicant. Each of these issues is briefly described below: 1. The projects proposed departures from the Public Accommodation Zone District development standards. As illustrated in the zoning analysis in Section lV of this memorandum, the applicant is proposing that the project depait lrom numerous development standards. The bei"ttrrSs from th6 d6vetopment standards prescribed by the underlining zoning of public Accommodation ranbe from a 151"k increase of GRFA over the allowable' to nineteen and one-half loot encroachments into the required 2O{oot setback areas. Stafl would like the applicant to discuss with the PEC and staff the necessity for exceeding the underlining zoning standards and the public benefit gained by said deviations. 2. The proposed front entry location and design. The applicants have proposed a front entry drop-olf area on the north side of the building adjac6nt to East tvtedOow Drive. Due to tfie location of the front entry, the applicant e proposes to move a traffic conlrol arm further to the east on East Meadow Drive' MOving ihe'tralfic control arm to the east is inlended to facilitate vehicular traflic along EaSt Meadow Drive to rn" rroni entty. Additionally, the applicants have proposed that a roof ;;;;;;;g;,"1""t ,"u"n feer over the norlh property line onto Town of Vail rightof-way. staff would like to discuss the proposed location and implications of the lronl entry a! nrnnosed wirh the plannino an'd Environmental Commission and the applicant. Staff is !""[iriJrr'."n."tn"J *itn"tn" amount of additional vehicular traffic which will be brought "it. ifr" d"iitrleaOow Drive pedestrian zone by the location ol the front entry to the building. Theproposedparking,loadingandtrashfacilityIocationanddesign. Chapter 18.52 of the Town ol Vail Municipal Code prescribes standards for parking and f,riOing ""J delivery. The applicant is proposing an outside loading and delivery facility and ari access ramp, leading'down to fifty-two underground parking spaces on the nortn*"rt corner oi the builJing. According to the standards prescribed by Chapter 18.52, parking and loading and delivery shall not be located in the front setback area' Stal{ would like to discuss with the PEC and the applicant the potential for redesigning in. foiOtg and delivery and trash lacililies. Specifically, staff would propose that the ild;;i;-prore ine anitity ro accommodate the.loading and delivery and trash facilities in ine unOeriround parking area. As proposed, the loading and delivery area creates a iignifi."nt c6nstraint on th; pedestrian and commercial flow along East Meadow Drive' fh. rt"tt would also like to discuss with the PEC and the applicant the appropriateness of having loading and delivery and trash facilities located within the required twentyjoot front setback area on the property and adjacent to East Meadow Drive. The implementation of the adopted Town of Vail sireetscape Master Plan. On November 20, 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted the Town of Vail Slreetscape Master Plan. The purpose of the plan is to provide a comprehensive and coordinated conceptual design for streetscape improvements that: 1) are supported by the community; 2't enriches the aesthetic appearance ol the Town; and 3i emphasizes the importance of craltsmanship and creative design in order to create an excellent pedestrian experience. The Streetscape Master Plan divides the Town into numerous sub-areas. According to the Streetscape Master Plan, the Austria Haus is located within the East Meadow Drive sub-area. tn'e East Meadow Drive sub-area accounts lor that portion of East Meadow Drive located be1veen Willow Bridge Road on the west and Vail Valley Drive on the East. The character ol this portion of East Meadow Drive is divided into two distinctive zones. The west zone from ihe intersection of Willow Bridge Road to Village Center Road is characterized by standard streeVcurbisidewalk section, the presence of vehicular traffic' u"ii"O OuifOing ietbacks and a wide variety of landscape treatments. The east zone from Village Centei Road to Slifer Plaza is dominated by the Village Transportation Center to tne riortn, the large grass slope south of the parking struclure, the lack of sidewalks and 4. 5. lhe Sonnenalp's Austrla Haus parking next lo lhe roadway; none. of which^result in a posirive pedestrian urputiJti"-"i-irrls"ioition of East Meaiow Drive is restricted to Town buses only. The improvements proposed for this sub-area addressed many of the problems laced in all other sub-areas or tne rrrrister illn,."p"r"ting buses lrom pedestrians, providing.a comtortable shopptng urp"ri"n.", controliing unnecessary vehicular lraffic' maintaining vehicular access to lodge units in the area, screening parking and accommodating i"i"i* ,"0 Oeiivery ue-nictes- The final design conc6pt for the portion of East Meadow D;1u,|b"1[An Virrage Cenier and Stifer Squire proposes some significant changes to the character of the streets. The improvemenis proposed for this portion of the streetscape h"u"r"rg"t"o enhancing the pedestrian environment while reducing the emphasis on vehicles. lt is the intent oi tntl streetscape Master Plan that the portion ot East Meadow bril; ;l"rg the Village tiansportation Cbnter remain reslricted lo bus use only' The exisfing co"ntrol gate-anO totets on East Meadow Drive, near the west portal of lhe ;;;ki"d itiucrur6, snourO remiin in place. This eliminates a dead end situation in front ol the Austria Haus. From the control gate at the west portal 01 the Village Transportation.Center to Slifer Square there sho"uld be Separate ianes for pedestrians and buses, without a grade r"'piriton. The north siOd ot tne street wili be dedicated to a fourteen-foot wide bus lane "n'O tnu south side would include a twelve to lilteenjoot wide pedestrian way. Should the Town decide to utilize the existing right-of-way area in the area of the Sonnenalp's Austria Haus, an additionaf peJeitriin walkwiy should be proposed on the north side of the road. Approximately one-hall of the East Meadow Drive sub-area is already well landscaped. rhb existing, raised brick walkway that is adjacent to the Village Center commercial area iJ a good eiample of an area thaf is well landscaped and well appointed with site furniihings. Some of the improvements suggested in the plan include: . the berm that screens the south side ol the Village Transportation Center should be heavily Planted. . snow storage requirements for the structure should be accommodated. The staff would like to turther discuss the implemenlation of the adopted Streetscape Master plan or revisions to the existing Streetscape Master Plan that take into account the proposed redevelopment ol lhe Sdnnnenalp's Austria Haus. Many of the elements of the bxisting Streetscape Master Plan were designed around the existing conditions of the Austria Haus. The proposed site improvements including access to the site, pedestrian flow, the bus shelter, the stream-edge' etc. The applicant has proposed numerous site improvements to be constructed in conlunition with the Austria Haus. The applicant has proposed sile improvements incluOing vehicular and pedestrian access io the site, changes to the pedestrian flow in the arei the relocation bf an existing bus shelter, and improvements to the north side of the Gore Creek stream edge. b. staff would like ro discuss the proposed site improvements with the PEC and the ippii.""i. -Srrit ii particuiariy ionberneO wilh pioviding ample pedestrian and vehicular access to the site witnourcr6aring vehicular and pedestrian conllicts' Staff is also concerned with the locatton of so-me of the proposed improvements along the north side ol Gore Creek. The proposed massing, height and building materials' Theapp|icanthassupp|iedapre|iminarymassingmode|oftheproposedAUStriaHauS. At tfrid iime, statf is noi prepaied to resfond to the massing, height, and building materials ot the proposeo-[rsttia ttaus' statt would like to point out to the Planning and Environmentat Commission and the applicant that the Town will be retaining the selvices oi iufl Winrton, of Winston & Associai6s. Jefl's role is to provide consultation on the design and architecture of the building a: qel as the site planning elements' Pursuant to pr""irr"r *ithin the ro*n oivait Muiicipal Code, the applicant shall be responsible for i.*O*ring the Town of Vail Department.of Community Development for any expenses associated with our Urban Design Consultant' Maintaining and enhancing the commercial (storefront) flow along East Meadow Drive. currently there is a strong commercial (storetront) llow along Easl Meadow Dtive. Particularly, tne commerdal area associated with the Village Center provides an excellent pedestrian experience. The applicant has proposed to incorporate approximately ]0:-500 iq. fi. of commercial/relail space on the_ main. ievel of the Austria Haus. Staff would like to'discuss the transition area between the Village center Building and the Austria Haus to ensure fhat the existing commercial flow along East Meadow Drive is maintained and enhanced. As proposed by the applicant, the site plan appears to include some possible. irpiouements iloading and Oetiueiyl, which will, in lacl, act as a barrier to lhe commercial flow along East Meadow Drive. Provision for emPloYee housing. Stafl will be requiring employee housing as a part ol this proiect. The exact number of "rpfoy." housing u"nits hasnot yet be.en determined. Stalt would like to discuss with the Planniirg and Environmental Commission and the applicant, the employee housing requirement. Encroachments into required setbacks. The applicants are proposing significant encroachments into the required 20'setbacks. ror eidmpte, the lront setback will be encroached upon by 19-112'. setbacks are intended io provide for adequate light, air and open space. As proposed, setbacks on the Austria Haub property are nearly non-existent. While staff recognizes that it is important that the new tiuitiing-be broughi as close to the existing pedestrian ways as possible' staff is particularly concerneO-wim tne amount of encroachment upon lhe west and south r"tO".Xt. lt is st;ff's opinion that, should any setbacks in this project be encroached uoon. those setbacks s'hould be the north and east setback, rather than the west and .[rrfi i.iOi.Xs. Staff feels the south setback should be preserved because ol Gore 8. 9. 10. Creekandtheimpactsthebuildingimprovemenlswi||haveontheRiparianZone,and that the west setback should be m-aint'aineo due to the location of the village center b;iii"l and the resiOentiit uses in the building. The stalf is also sensitive to the ;.in,,oi ;ftecf' that wrr reiurioy having the tw-o buildings (Austria 1q1.s-nv1rta0e Cenrer) too close together. buiiding improvements wittiabtafl would like to discuss with the ptanning and Environmeniaf Cdmmission and the applicant lhe.pig,pos.ed building ilopr.t ,ir"" inO locations and its encroachments into the required 20' setbacks' A possible pedestrian connection from the Austria Haus to the Gore Creek Promenade. Theapp|icanlhasproposedasigni|icantsquare|ootageofcommercia|areaonthemain level ol the building, wnicn wilf intrease the'pedestrian-flo* in the area' Currently' the prip"ii' n"i no siiewalks intended for pedestrian connections through the property' staff would like to discuss the merits of creating a pedestrian connection (bridge) lrom tne Austria Haus on fn" noitn side ot Gore Cre6k lo the Gore Creek Promenade on the ioutn riO" of Gore Creek. lt is staff's opinion that a pedestrian connection in this area willcreateamuchneededpedestrianloopinthecorearea,however,wearalso concerned with bridges over Gore Creek in such a short distance' Envi ronmental imPacts. The location of the applicant's project, immediately adjacent to Gore Cre^ek, imposes significant environmental impacts on the natural resources in the area. Currently, th.e applicant's property nas a significant stand of mature evergreen trees adiacent to Slifer Sh;";;. ndcoiOinj to the proposed sile plan, mature trees will be removed as a result of the proposed redeveloPment. Staff would like to discuss with the applicant a means lor mitigating any unnecessary tree removal. Additionally, the applicant has proposed sile improvements to encroach upon the 50' Gore Creek stream ddtOacX and ihe Town of Vail slream tract south ol the property. These improvements will impact the riparian zone of Gore Creek. Slaff would iike'to ciis"uss with ihe Planning and Environmental Commission and the applicant . opportunities for mitigating the"environmental impacts associated with the applicant's proposaf Stalf woull ats5 tit<e to inform the PEC that the Town of Vail has required' as ifre'applicant is already aware, that a environmental assessment is required' Proposed off-site improvements to Slifer Square. According to the site plan provided by the applicant, some form of improvements are proposed-to slifer square.' In conversations with Todd oppenheimer, Parks brferintenOent for the Town of Vail, any redesign or improvements associated with Slifer Sqirare shall be required to adhere to the Park Design Guidelines, prescribed in Chapter lA.S+ ot the Town ot Vait trlunicipal Code. Additionally, any improvements in the area must take into accOunt the large Stand of mature evergreen treeS. -The Stand of e*tgt"en trees should remaii in place and become ah additional focal point in Slifer Square. The Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan proposes numerous improvements to Slifer Square. For example, accdrding to the Strdetdcape Master Plan, repaving of the entire pfizi, witn one of the speciality-paving materials is encouraged, as the.existing concrete burface is wearing out. At tne iime of-repaving, special consideration sh.ould be given to. eiamining opporiunities for creating a sieciat-events location. The site has the potential I t- 12. 13. to be slightly adjusted to better handle the christmas Tree Lightin-g ceremony and other public events and ceremJnies, ritnort losing its attractiveneis. Consideration should be oiven to the removal of some of the exisling Stone walls around the fountain and west of i;;;i;;;:'i"';.[* iir oiiginatdesisn and to allow access to the water' lt is important if,it-i "o.pr"hensive desiln analysis of Sliler Square occur before any changes are ffi;,; ;id one or Vairslnost admired public areas. Seating and lighting should. also il;;-"ri";d. opening up the square to the creek and accommodating the existing eastbound, ,no p,opo,,"d wes]bound, Streamwa|k paths are Suggested. .Sta|f wou|d like to discuss with the applicant and the Planning and Environmental commission the merits of proposing improvements to Slifer Square' Possible relocation of East Meadow Drive' East Meadow Drive is currently constructed on the north side ol the Town of Vail right-of- *"V'"Opi"nt to the Ausiiia idrt ptopetry. Due to the location of East Meadow Drive in the right-ot-w"y, " ,,gn,ti.int pofubn bf riint-otway remains between.the south edge of - East Meadow Drive and the applicanl's nortn prop6rty line. This results in a large area of separation. Stalf would like to diScuSS with the Planning and Environmental Commission and the applicant the possibility of realigning East Meadow Drive' The intended purpose for relocating East Meadow Drive is to better accommodate puJ"riri"n ttow iri tnis area. As indicated previously, the Streetscape Master Plan En.orr"g", pedestrian flow on the vehicuiar-restricted portion of East Meadow Drive' lt ir rnff itp'.lon that if pedestrian llow were closer to the commercial/retail area, a better streetscape environment would result. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Since this is a worksession to discuss the proposed establishment ol a Special Development Oistrict to the property located at 242 East Meadow Drive/part of Tract C' Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing, and not arequest for a formal recommendation from the Planning and Environmerta.l Commis5]'ron to the Town Council, staff will not be providing a recommendation at this time. Staff will, however, provide a recommendation on the applicant's proposal at the time o1 final review. 10 II. AUSTRIA HAUS CLUB OVERVIE\\' I.\\rhat is the Austria Flaus Club? -f he Atrstria Haus Club is a member-owned resort club comprised of spacious tn,o ancl three bedroom residences and associated club facilities. These Club facilities are planned to include lobby, front desk and concierge areas, Iibrar;-/lounge room, exercise and tunction rooms, ski equipment storage facilities, outdoor sitting area u'ith Jacuzzi, and on-site r.rnderground parking. Additionally, access to the Sonnenalp Country Club and Spa facilities rvill be included along with other membership benefits. I Iorv is ovr,'nership of the Club evidenced? Title is evidenced by a real estate deed rvhich is recorded and is guaranteed by a title insurance policy. Each member orvns an undivided interest (UDI) in one of the Club's residence units and the associated club facilities and common areas. III. I Iorv nrany members will be allorved to join? An undivided dc-eded interest to a portion of the Club units and a commensurate portion ofthe conrnron areas rvill be conveyed to approximately 180 qLralified buyers, for a total of nine memberships lbr each Club residence (dependent on the nunrber of oernritted trn its). Each membership rvill carry' rvith it the right to priority use of lodging times. In total. 45 .,vec-ks of the year rvill be dedicated to priority use by Club members; the remaining n'eeks rvill be available for maintenance of the residences and for rental. Priority lodging nights not used by members uill also be available for rental to the general oublic. IV. Holv often can orvners use their Club? Each member rvill have full access tfuoughout the year to all Club facilities and all residences oftheir type category, subject to established reservation policies. V. Horv does an owner reserve usaqe? Members reserve their winter vacations in the fall and their summer vacations in the spring. Short-notice stays can be reserved on a "space-available" basis. VI. Will an owner always occupy the same unit? No. Members have equal access to all Club residences of their membership type. Members may request a specific residence unit and this reqr.rest rvill be granted if possible, based on established reservation policies and priorities. o AI.JSTI{IA T{AUS CLUB OVERVIE\\/ Vll.l'lorv rvill the rental proeram rvork? All residence units not reserved by a member w'ill be nrade available for nightly rental to the general public. This includes full residence units as r'"ell as non-utilized lock-off portions of member reserved residences. VIII.I-lorv rvill the memberships be sold? The Club resort marketing programs uill be similar in content and character to those rutilized in selling high end condominiums in Vail. lX. Is the Austria Haus Club a timeshare development? No. resort club nrenrbership is very similar to membership in a prestigious equity golf country club, except members reserve lodging rather than tee tinres. Resort club membership diff'ers markedly from traditional timeshare or interval ow'nership sltere large nunrbers of prospective buyers must be generated to produce the sale of specific u'eeks of vacation time in specific lodging units. or rights to use specific lodging r.rnits tbr a set number of years. Higlr-end resort clubs represent a separate and distinct nrarket segment fronr lvhat are conrmonly known as vacation timeshare properties. Althou_eh both represent a form of interval o"lnership, resort clubs merge the benefits of second home ou'nership rvith rraditional membership club benefits. A limited number of members are invited to nrake a srrbstantially larger investment in a facility' that includes all the features, anrenities. services. and benefits of a resort club. They are olvners in a single club property ir.r ',vhich they have a vested interest in the value, the r.rpkeep, and the financial health and viability. X. Are there UDI clubs at other resort areas? Yes. Club resorts are becoming an increasingly popular form of resort hotel structure. Existing club resorts include the highly acclaimed Deer Valley Club at Deer Valley Resort, Franz Klammer Lodge in Telluride, Ships Watch in Kittyhau'k, NC, The N,lelrose Club near Hilton Head, SC, as well as a grorving number of nerv properties throughout the United States. Each of these clubs is organized somervhat differently and their bylaws permit varying t1'pes of usage. o AUSTRIA HAUS CLUB OVERVIEW XI. Whv rvas the concept develooed? Club resorts are one of the fe"r' economically viable methods currently a"'ailable to finance, constnlct, and, over time, maintain a high-quality nerv mountain hotel property. Membership club services and amenities combined r.vith first class resort accommodations are also a logical product for the luxury resort market: the blended product meets the demands of the sophisticated leisr.rre tral'eler/second home orvner and at the same time addresses the needs and concerns of the community in rvhich it operales. The Austria Haus Club concept is designed to: . Provide more convenience, services, and amenities than are provided b1' an equally luxurious condominium development r Provide an economically' feasible means of fiirancing the rejuvenation and nraintenance of the guest accommodation inventory on the East Meadorv Drive propen)': . Make available significantly more accommodations in the heart of Vail by replacing 37 existing guest accommodation units lvith a new total of 63; . Ensure the highest 1'ear-round occupancy by providing room rental opportunities during times rvhen owners are not making full use of the Ch,rb; r Add quality conrmercial property, aesthetic public space, and underground parking in the Vail village core; FltE CopY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development December 9, 1996 A request for a worksession to discuss establishing a special De_velopment Oistri"t overlay to the Austria Haus, located al242Easl Meadow Drive/ on part of Tract C, Block 5-D, VailVillage First Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther snff rflii,ee::,(23}::ivacation ow ne rsh ip un!!s (f 1a9!19 nal f ee u n its) with . trici-oiiunii6 and nruenty+htee(23) twenly'{4l"ll9w hotel rooms. The redevelopment proposal includes a total of sixqfihree€3)dwelling and DESCBIPTION OF THE REOUEST ALL CHANGES TO THE PROPOSAL SINCE THE WORKSESSION ON NOVEMBER 11' 1996 ARE SHOWN IN $FRTI(E:€II+ AND BT'IADED; The applicant, sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented_by Gordon Pi9t.9, is requesting a - works'ession to discuss t'he establishment ol a Special Development District aI242 East Meadow Driveion part of Tract C, Vail Village First Filing. The applicant is proposing to establish a new Special development District overlay to the underlying zone district-ot Public Atcommodation, to facilitate the proposed redevelopment of the existing Austria Haus.. fne purpose of the worksession is io discuss the goals of the proposed Special Development District, tne relationship ol the proposal to the applicable elements of the Town's Master Plan, and the review procedure that will be lollowed for the application. The applicant has proposed significant improvements to the existing Austria Haus property. The Austrih'Haus is intlnd'ed to be[ome a meinber owned resort club, comprised of two and three bedroom residences with associated club facilities. The Austria Haus is intended to provide additional accommodation units in the Town ol Vail. Currently, the applicant is proposing to fi'ventr(ze) accommodation units. The applicant is also proposihg approximately 1S,500 Sll;t:;liU sq. ft. of new commercialiretail space on tdd main level of the Austria Haus. The square footage has been . reduced nearly 50% through the elimination of the commercial square footage on the south side of the building. The Austrii Haus will include a front desk reception/registration area and other facilities, commonly associated wih hotels and lodges. In order to facilitate the proposed redevelopment of the existing Austria Haus, th_e applicant has also proposed other apilic;tions for review by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Thos'e a'pplications inilude a proposed text change to the Public Accommodation Zone District t0 add timb-share estate units, iraitional {ee units and time-share license units" as conditional uses (approved by the PEC on November 25, 1996) and an applicadon for a conditional use permit to itt'ow tor fraitional fee units in the Public Accommodation Zone District. Each of these applications will be reviewed concurrently with the proposed request for the establishment of a Special Development District. BACKGROUND The applicant's request relates to the redevelopment of the Austria Haus property' The Ausiria Haus was originally "onrtrrited in the mid-1960's as an inn to accommodate destination skiers' In 1979, the Austria n"rr,ni" prr"niteo oy tne Faessler family who planned to redevelop the property into the Sonnenalp Hotel. In 1984, Ordinance #8 was approved by the Vail Town Council establishing Special Development District #12. Speciar O"u"roti "ni Oiiiti"t #12 adopted an approved developmentplan for the redevelopment ot the Rustiia'Haus. When Ordinanie * g wa's'adopted, the Town Council placed an "ighti;n-ronth time fitiiit o" tne "pproval of the SDD. The approval of SDD # 12 lapsed "i"u"'n VLir" "go, on OctoOer Z, 1985.' The approved developm'eht plan was never implemented' inO insieaO, th; Austria Haus underwent a reiriodel. Since the completion of the remodel' the Austria Haus has serveO aJanannex to the Sonnenalp Bavaria Haus located at 20 Vail Road' The Austria Haus has 37 hotel rooms (accommodation units) with approximately "T5 pillows" and iJ opeiaGO approximately eight monfnb each year by the Sonnenalp Hotel. There is a small restaurant and bar in the Austria Haus that serves i6 guests and a retail outlet on the east end of ine oriroing. The hotel roorJ ai" marginal in size ( sgo sq. ft. average) and lack certain amenities, by today's accommodation standards. The current proposal to redevelop the property intends to provide considerably more "pillows" ouer i treVb nionth period, as liell as'create-approximately 5,1 1 0 square feet of new commercial space. The appticant has proposed inat a perientage of the project be offered as.. fractional fee ownership uirits. fne apiticint has also froposed to accommodate a portion of the required parking in an underground parking structure. According to the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Vail, the-applicant': P.roPerty is currently . zoned public Accommodation.-fnd Public Accommodation Zone District is intended to provide. iiteJior foOges anO resiOential accommodations for visitors, together with such public and semi- prOiic t".if it-es and limited professional offices, medical facilities, privale recreation, and related visitor oriented uses "s *ay be located in the same district. The Public Accommodation District is intended to provide sitesior lodging units to densities not to exceed 25 dwelling units per acre' ine puOtic Aciommodation Zone -Olstrict does not currently permit time-share interval units. Interval ownership is currently allowed only in the High Density Multi-Family Zone District pursuant to Ordinance #8, Series of 1981. III. THE SPECIAL DEVELOPMET{T DISTRICT ESTABLISHMENT PROCESS chapter 1g.40 ol the Town of Vail Municipal code provides lor the eslablishment of special Devblopment Districts in the Town of Vaii. According to Section 1 8.40.010, the purpose ol a Special Development District is, ,,To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order to promote its most appropiiate use; io improve the design character and quality of the new Oeveloiinent within the Town; to facilitate ihe adequate and economical provision of streetsand utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space.areas; and to further the overail gdab ol the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan.. An approved develop-ment plan for a Speclil Development District, in conjunction with the propbities underlyin! zone'district, shail establish the requirements lor guiding .. bevetopment and us?s of property included in the Special Development District." The Municipal code provides a framework for the establishment of a special Development Disrrict. According to the Municipal Code, prior to i1e preparation, !uilf.r-n! construction' or other i*-pio""*"ntr io rinc witnin a Sijecial Dev'elopment Di'stribt, there shall be an approved Oeierop."nt plan for tn"'ip"tii-O"*ropment Oistrict. The approved development plan establishes requirements i6grliting devdtopment, uses and activity within the Special Development District. The purpose of the PEC worksession meeting is to discuss the goals of the proposed Special O""i"fr""t-Distri"t, the relationship of the droposat to applicabb elements of the Town's Master Plan, and tne review-lioceOiitetnatwill be followed for the application' Upol final review oiln" ptopoi"J "rtaOtisnrlii oi isp"cial Development District,.a reqql flot the Planning and Environmentat Commission tiaiing iti findings and ,eco*mendations and a staff rePlrt shall be forwarded to the Town Councif, in"accordande with the provisiorrs listed in Section 18'66'060 of inii frn".i.iiif-CoOe. fn"Jo*ti Corn.if'. consideration of the Special Development.District shall be in accordance with tn" piouirionr of Section 18.66.130 - 18.66.160 and approved by two readings of an ordinance. An approved development plan is the principal document in guiding the d.evelopment, uses and actiuities of the Speiiaf Oerie6pmeni bistriit. The developm-ent plan shall contain all relevant material and information ne"-"iiity to establish lhe parameters with which the Special.. . . O""Li"pr""t District snaii O-evefofi. The developrndnt ptan may consist of, but not be limited to' tne ap-firo"eO site plan, ttooi ptani, building sections and elevations, vicinity plan, parking plan' piefitfiinit/op"n dpaceltanOicape plan, d6nsities and permitted, conditional and accessory uses' The determination of permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be made by the Planning. and Environmental Com;i;sion and Town Council as pait of the formal review of the proposed O"uetoprn"nf plan. Unless further restricted through the review of the proposed Special Development District, permitted, conditional and aicessory uses sh.all be limited to those permitifiO,ionditionai hnd accessory uses in the properties underlying zone disttict. The Municipal Code provides nine (9) design criteria, which shall be used as the principal.criteria in evaluating the meiits oitne ptopiri"d Sfecial Development District- lt shall be the burden ot the applican"t to demonstrate tnat iuOmittat material and the proposed development plan.comply with each of the following itanOarOs, or demonslrate that onb oi more of them is not applicable, o1. inii i practical sotutio"nionsisteni with the public interest has been achieved. Although statf ritinot iirecitically addresJeach of the nine SDD review criteria at this time, the design criteria are listed below for reference: A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood ano aolacent p.op""tio relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height' buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation' B. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. C. Comptiance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 18.52. of the Town of Vail MuniciPal Code. D. E. F. G. H. Conformity with the applicab|e e|ements of the Vail Comprehensive P|an, Town policies and Urban Design Plans. Identification and mitigation ofnatural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the ipecial development district is proposed' Site plano building design and location and open space provisions designed to produ.u a functional dJvehpment respon_sive and sensitive to natural features' iegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community' A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffi c circulation. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions' phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient ielationship throughout the development of the special development district. The development standards for a Special Development District shall be proposed by the applicant. Development siinOarOs including lot drea, site dimensions, s'etbacks, height' density control, site coverage, fanOscaping and pariing and loading shall be determined by the Town Council as part of the approved development plan, with coisideratiol of the recommendations of 6; ila";in'a and Envirdnmental Comniission and staff. Before the Town Council approves. . development standards tnaiOeviate lrom the underlying.zolg di!1fi"_!:^il shall be determined that Jr.f, OE"i"tionJproviOe Oenefits to the Town tnat oritweign the adverse effects of such deviations. This determination is to be made based upoi the evaluation of the proposed Special olueropment District's compliance with the Review Criteria ou1ined above. IV. ZONING ANALYSIS The Community Development Department staff has prepgred a preliminary Zoning Analysis for tnJpiopos"O Ausfia Hius redevitopment project. The Zoning {13tygjs compares the Oeu|ioprent standards outtineO Oy ine unC'ertying zone districi of Public Accommodation, to the eiisiing conditions of the Austria Haus and th6 propo^secl Special Development District' Staff did r"il-r.i,rOe tf" approved Oevetopment standards of Speciat Development District # 12, since the approval lapsed in October of 1985' Wherever the development proposed through ihe establishment of the SDD deviates from the underlying zoning of ituUlic Aciommodation, the standards are highlighted in bold Upe' Legal: 242 East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract C' Block 5D, Vail Village 1sl Lot siz€:24,089 sq. ft. /0.553 acres Buidable area: 24,089 sq. ft. /0.553 acr€s Development UnderlylngZonlng Standard of Publlc Accommodallon Existlng develoPment on the property Ordinance #8 (sDD #12) Proposed SOD' as of 129/96 GRFA: Dwelling untts per acre: Site coverage: Setbacks: front: sides: rear: Height: Parking: 80o/. or 19,271 sq. ft. 13.8 DU',s 55o/. or 13,249 sq. ft. 20' 20' 20' 48' sloping 45' flal per T.O.V. code Section 18.52 49oZ or 1 1,800 sq' ft' 18.s DU's (37 AU's) 35% or 8,400 sq. ft. 11', 9' / 10' 13' 36'sloping 30 spaces" 31ol. or 7,518 sq. ft. 1 berlh N/A 1 18ol" or 28,591 sq. ft. 34.5 DU',s (2 DU's a 6s AU's) 71o/" o( 17,103 sq. ft. N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 short-term spaces on-sile 7 l parkang spacss pay-inlieu A delailed plan was to bs submitted for DRB approval N/A 36% or 1 1,555 sq. ft. N/A 1539/" ot 36,813 sq. ft. nJ'|" 33 DU's (23 DU's and 20 AU's) 66% or 15,80:l sq. ft 0.5' 5' t20' 7' 48'flat TBD*' 7% or 1,652 sq- ft. 1 berth underground 14% or 5,110 sq. ft. 39% or 14,267 sq. ft Landscaping:30o/" ot 7,227 sq. ft. Loading: per T.O.V. cods Ssction 18.52 Commercial sq. footage: 1@/" or 1,927 sq. ft. Common area: 35o/" of allowable GRFA N/A or 6,745 sq. ft. ' Numbers furnished by the applicant and not yet vsrified by staff "' 11 spaces ar€ located off-site on T.O'V- ROW dstermined 4\ Trc'ffi'tl;nL A'c't"o v. ptscussloN lssuEs As this is a worksession to discuss the applicant's proposal to establish a Special_Development District, staff will not evaluate the proposCl at this time. Staff has, however, identified numerous issues which we would like to disiusd with the Planning and Environmental Commission and the applicant. Each of these issues is briefly described below: 1. The proposed departures from the Public Accommodation Zone District development standards. As illustrated in the zoning analysis in Section lV of this memorandum, the applicant is proposing that the projecidepait from numerous developmentstandards.. ThK;\ bedarturis ftom th6 d6vebpment standards include, among other deviations'\a{13flo ) inirease of GRFA over the allowable and a 19.5' encroachment into the required 2V- setback areas. 2. Staff would like the applicant to discuss with the PEG and stafl the necessity for . JrceeOing the undertiriing zoning standards and ihe public benefit gained by said deviations. The proposed lront entry location and design. The applicant has proposed a lront entry drop-off area. The applican_t had originally propo'ibO the front'eniry drop-off area nbar the eastern end of the building' adjacent t0 'eait tvteaOow Drive. Dire to the location of the originally proposed front entry' the apprcant proposed to move an existing tralfic control arm further to the east on East triiaOow Driv'e. Moving the traffic conf,ol arm to the easl was intended to facilitate vehicular traffic along East Meadow Drive to the front entry' Staff and the planning and Environmental Commission were particularly concerned with tne amount of additioial vehicular traffic which would be brought onto the East Meadow briuJ plOestrian zone by the location of the front entry to the building. In response to the .onc"i* eipr-sseO at tire November 11 worksessioi, the applicant has relocated the lront entry ctiop-off area to the west end of the building. The applicant has incorporated the access ramp to the parking/loading/delivery area and the eritiance to the droi-off area into one curb-cut, instead of two, as orginally proposed. The relocation of the drop-off area no longer requires the traffic control arm to be relocated on East MeaOdw Drive. Staff b6lieves the redesigned entry better facilitates Ous trattic and pedestrian flow on East Meadow Drive and eliminates the dead-end tralfic situation resulting from the original design. staff would like to discuss with the applicant and Planning and Environmental Commission the impacts of the redesigned front entry drop-off area' The proposed parking, loading and trash facility location and design' chapter 1g.52 of the Town ol Vail Municipal code prescribes standards lo1 pqrkino ano roaoing and delivery. According to the standards prescribed by chapter 18'52' parking and loiding and delivery shall not be located in the front setback area' At the November 11 worksession, the staff and the PEC proposed that the applicant explore the ability to accommodate the loading/delivery and.trash facilities in the unberground pail ing area. As originally proposed, the loading and delivery area created a signi-ficant ionstra'int on the ped6strianicommercial flow along_ East Meadow Drive and waJsituated in the lront setback. As result of the statf and PEC recommendation to accommodate the loadingidelivery and trash facilities in the underground parking area' the applicant has redesigned the underground parking area. The applicant is proposing an underground loadingidelivery dock on the west end of the parfirid structure. fne Ooit< is designed to accommodate one loading/delivery berth. The afplicant has proposed the use of a ireight elevator to transfer goods from the underliound struciurd to the first level on the building. The applicant is also proposing to accomhodate trash storage at the west end of the parking structure near the entrance to the structure. The trash siorage area is enclosed and covered and is design to be accessed via the ramp to the parking structure. 3. 4. The staff would like to discuss with the PEC and the applicant the.ap-propriateness of niving ioaOing/delivery "nO ifitn facilities located on the west end of building adjacent to Virr"SE Cenrei. Staff ii aiso iequesting that the appl6ant submit detailed-d-rawings ol the rb"Jinllo"riuery ano trasn stoiJge "iei to determine whether adequate access and traffic flow exists. The implementation of the adopted Town of vail streetscape Master Plan. on November 20, 1 991 , the vail Town council adopted the Town .of vail.streetscape Master plan. The prrpoi" orrn" plan is to provide a comprehensive and coordinated conceptual design for streetscape improvements that: 1) are supPorted bY the communitY; 2) enrichb! the aeathetic appearance ol the Town; and 3i empnasizes rne irportihbe of craftsmanship and creative design in order to create an excellent pedestrian experience' The Streetscape Master Plan divides the Town into numerous sub-areas' According to tnJSiieeiscafie Master ptan, tne Austria Haus is located within the East Meadow Drive iub-area. m'e east Meadow Drive sub-area accounts for that portion of East Meadow Drive located between Willow Bridge Road on the west and Vail Valley Drive on the East' The character ol this portion of East Meadow Drive is divided into two distinctive zones. The west zone from ihe intersection of Willow Bridge Road to Village Center Road is characterized by standard streeUcurb/sidewalk sect-ion, the presence of. vehicular traffic' uiiieO OuifOing ietbacks and a wide variety of landscape treatments. Th9 gast zone from Viif ad -Centei RoaO to Stifer Ptaza is dominated by the Village Transportation Center to the iortn, the large grass slope south of the parking structure, the lack.ot sidewalks and the Sonnbnalp'siuitria Hau! parking next to the roadway; none. of which,result in a posiiive peOehrian experience. Thiiportion ol East Meadow Drive is restricted to Town buses only. The improvements proposed for this sub-area addressed many of the.problems faced in all otner sub-areas bt the fUaster Plan: separating buses from pedestrians, providing. a comfortable shopping experience, controliing unnecessary vehicular traffic, maintaining vehicular accesi io f6Oge units in the area, screening parking and accommodating seruice and delivery veiicles. The final design concept for the portio.l of East Meadow biivsOetween Village Center and Slifer Square proposes some signilicant changes to the character of the streets. The improvements proposed for this portion of the streetscape have targeted enhancing the pedestrian environment while reducing the emphasis on vehicbsl I is the intent-of thd Streetscape Master Plan that the portion of East Meadow Drive along the Village Transportation Center remain restricted to bus use only' The existing cdnfol gate and totems on East Meadow Drive, near the west portal of the parkind structur6, should remain in place. This eliminates a dead end situation in front of the Austria Haus. The plan states that lrom the control gate at the west portal of the Village Transportation Center to Slifer Square, there should be separate lanes for pedestrians and buses' without a grade sdparation. The north side of the street willbe dedicated to a fourteen- foot wide 6us lane'and the south side would include a twelve to fifteen{oot wide pedestrian way. 5. Approximately one-half of the East Meadow Drive sub-area is already well landscaped' rhb existing, raised brick walkway that is adjacent to the Village Center commercial area iJ a good eiimpte of an area thai is wett lan-dscaped and well appointed with site turnilhings. Sorne of the improvements suggested in the plan include: . the berm that screens the south side of the Village Transportation center should be heavily planted. . snow storage requirements for the structure should be accommodated. As a result of the November 11 worksession, the applicant has shown a revised stre;bcape. Statl would like to further discuss the implementation of.the adopted sir"eii"ip" Master Plan or revisions to the existing Streetscape M3:tT Plan that take into account the proposed redevelopment of the Sonnnenalp's Austria Haus. Many of the elements of the 6xisting Streetscapb Master Plan were designed around the existing conditions of the Austria Haus. The proposed site improvements including access to the site, pedestrian flow, the bus shelter, the stream-edge' etc. The applicant has proposed numerous site improvements to be constructed in conlundton with the Austria Haus. The applicant has ptoposed site improvements inctirding vehicular and pedestrian access io the site, changes to the ped.estrian flow in the area: the relocation bl an existing bus shelter, and improvements to the north side of the Gore Creek stream edge. The proposed massing, height and building materials. The applicant has supplied a preliminary massing model of the proposed. Austria Haus. nt mid time, staff is nbi prepaied to respond to the massing, height, and building materials of the proposdd Austria Haus. Stafl would like to point out to the Planning and Environmental ionimission and the applicant, that the Town will be retaining the services of Jefl Winston, of Winston & Associaies to provide consultation on the design and architecture of the building, as well as the siie planning elements. Pursuant to provisions within the Town of vail Municipal code, the applicant shall be responsible for reimbursing the Town of Vail Department of Community Development for any expenses associated with our Urban Design Consultant. The applicant understands this requirement. Maintaining and enhancing the commercial (storefront) tlow along East Meadow Drive. Currently, there is a strong commercial (storefront) llow along East Meadow Drive. Particuldrly, the commerclal area associated with the Village Center provides an excellent pedestriari experience. The existing Austria Haus does not provide such an experience. The applicant has proposed to incorporate approximately 5,1 1 0 sq. ft. of . comniercial/retail spaie on the main level of the Austria Haus, in order to improve the pedestrian experience along this section of the road. 6, 7. 8. AttheNovemberllworksessionmeeting,thestaffandPECexpressedconcernthatthe transirion area between th;v;l.la; Gniei'euiroing 1nd !l'g Austria Hll:!_" maintained to ensure existing .ort"ii"i'-fid* irong east UeiOow Drive. In response to the Town's concerns, the applicant nai reuiseO tne iite plan eliminating the loading/delivery and trash storage area in tn" f,init"Gcn. lne'revised site plln qppears t9.h.gve resolved the commerciat ftow prooie-mi;;;;6d by the original design. Stalf would like to review this issue with the PEC to determine if the Commission concurs' Provision for emPloYee housing. The Town will be requiring employee housing as a partof this.projectt.,The exact number oi "rioy"e housini ,nii! naino't Vet been ietermined. Statf would like to point out that m" ilipricant is proplosing a 690 sqlare foot manager's unit on-site' Staff is i".otfihenOing inat tne aippficant d'etermlne the inc-remental increase in the number of erpio'"es g""nerated by'the Austria Haus redevelopmelt. Once these ligures are proiiOirO OV tne appicant, ine staff will discuss. with ihe Planning and Environmental bommission anO ine applicant' the employee housing requirement' Encroachments into required setbacks. setbacks are intended to provide for adequate light, air and open space. As origlnally prpoi"O, setbacks on th; Austria Haus property were nearly non-existent. Staff IecSgnlestnit it is imporiant ir,at tne new duitoing .09 orgyqnt ?s cLo-s-:-tg,the existing pedeitrian ways as possiOi-, however, the staff anO tne PEC were particularly concerned with the amount of encroachment upon the west and south setbacks' lt is staff's opinion that, should any setbacks in this prdject be encroached upon, those setbacks should be the north and east setback, rathdr tdan the west and south setbacks' Staff feels the south setback should belreserved because of Gore Creek and lhe impacts the building improvements will have on the Riparian Zone, and that the west setback should be miiniaineO due to the foiation ot ine Vittage Genter Building and the residential uses in tne OuifOing. The staff isalso sensitive to-the "canyon effect'that will result by having the two buildings (Austria Hausf/illage Center) too close together' In response to the concerns expressed at the November 11 worksession, the applicant - has revised the site plan. The hpplicant has shifted the building to the north and east' A poition of the buibin'g now encrddches on Town of Vail right-of-way, south of East Meadow Drive. The building encroaches into the right-of:way approximately 18- feet' The appticant is proposing a 2O'-setback along the west propefiy Ee adqqgll to Village Center and has removed all portions of tht building from the Town of Vail.Stream Tract and the 50' Gore Creek stream setback. The building encroaches approximately 13 feet into the south setback and 15 feet into the east setbacK Staff believes the changes made by the applicant are positive, but would like to discuss the building encroachm-ent issue oito To*n property with the PEC and the applicant' A possible pedestrian connection from the Austria Haus to the Gore Creek Promenade. At the November 11 worksession, the PEG recommended that the applicant propose a streamwalk along Gore Creek. The applicant has not proposed^a location for the streimwatk. The- applicant would like'tb revisit the bridge over Gore Cre.ek issue with the FfC. Since the apiriicant is no longer proposing commercial space- on the south side ol the building, there ib some question'as'to ivnere the streamwalk will lead if a connection through to the International Bridge is not constructed. 4e. 10. 11. Stalf would again like to discuss the merits s161eratin0 a pedestrian connection (bridge) from the Austria naus on ti6-nortniU" oieore cree-r to the Gore Creek Promenade on in" rorin siOe of Core Creet<. tt is statt's opinion that a-pedestrian connection in this area will create a mucn nJeOeO peOestrian'toop in the Core area, however, we are also concerned with additional bridges over Gore Creek' Environmental imPacts. The location of the applicant's project, immediately adjacent to Gore cre^ek, imposes iig"ififi ""uitonr"nt"i irp"[tJ'on in" natural r6sorirces in the area. Currently, the dpli""nir property has " "ibnifi""nr stand of mature evergreen trees adjacent to Sl6er Square. staff would like to discuss with the applicant a means for mitigating any unnecessary tree removat- Add1ionally, the applicant hhs proposeO site improvements to encroach upon the 50' Gore Creek dtream idtOacf anO tne Town of Vail stream tract south of the propelty. These improvemJnG *iff impact the riparian zone of Gore Creek. Staff would iit e to discuss with ihe Planning and EnvironmentalCommission and the applicant . opportJnities tor mitigating the"environmental impacts associated with the applicant's pioposaf S13ff woulfi ats6 tife to inform the PEi that the Town of Vail has required, as ln"'appticant is already aware, that a environmental assessment is required. Proposed off-site improvements to Slifer Square. According to the site plan provided by the applicant, some form of improvements are proposedto Sliter Sqirare. ln conversations with Todd Oppenheimer, Parks buierintenOent for ttie Town of Vail, any redesign or impiovements associated with Slifer Sqlit" shall be required to adhere io tne part< fesign Guidelines, prescribed in Chapter t g.Sa ot the Town dt Vail Municipal Code. Additionally, any improvements in the area must take into account the large stand of mature evergreen trees' The stand of ;*rSr""n trees should remaii in place and become an additional focal point in Slifer Square. The Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan proposes numerous improvements to Slifer Sluare. For example, accdrding to the Streetscape Master Plan, repaving of the entire pliza, with one of the speciality paving materials is encouraged, as the.existing concrete burfaie is wearing out. At me iime ofiepaving, special consideration should be given to e"arining opporiunities for creating a siecial evdnts location. The site has the potential to be digFtly adjusted to better nan-dte the Christmas Tree Lightin-g Ceremony and other public eVenis and ceremonies, without losing its attractiveness. Consideration should be gGn to fne iemovaf of some of the existing stone walls around the fountain and west of ine paza, to restore its original design and to allow access to the water. lt is important that'a comprehensive design analysis of Slifer Square occur before any changes are. made, as ii is one of Vail's-most aimired public areas. Seating and lighting should. also be reexamined. Opening up the square t6 the creek and accommodating-the existing eastbound, anO pr6posd westbound, streamwalk paths are sugge^sted. .Staff would like to discuss with the ipplicant and the Planning and Environmental Commission the merits of proposing improvements to Slifer Square. The staff will be meeting internally to discuss possible irnprovements-to Slifer Square. The staff will also be discussing the public input and review process for any improvements. Once the stalf 'has n'ad an oiportunity to meet and discuss the Slifer Scjuare issue, we will be meeting with the ailticant to discuss the results of the staff's meeling. 12. IU 13.Possible rslocation of East Meadow Drive. East Meadow Drive is currently constructed on the north side of the Town of Vail right-of- ra/"Oiai"nt to the Austiia iius propett'. Due to the location of East Meadow Drive in indrigiir-of*ay, a signiticint porribn bt rilnt-ot-way remains betwegl,Jlg-t9rth edse of East Meadow Drive and iG abpficants n6rtn prop6rty line- This results in a large area of separation. The intended purpose for relocating East Meadow Drive is to better accommodate pJOertriin now iri tnis area. As ind-icated previously, tl're Slregls:3pe Mas_ter Plan En.orrag"r peOestrian flow on the vehicuiar-restriited portion of East. M9ldow Drive' lt ;5 rt"tt'i"op"iion that if pedestrian flow were closer to the commercial/retail area, a better streetscape environment would result. At the November 't 1 worksession meeting, the applicant indicated he would look into the por.iOifity of relocating the road. Since tfle meeiing, the applicant has proposed a ieafidr;nt to East Miadow Drive. The realignmeht moves the road up to 16'to the soutfi. f n staff's opinion, the relocation greatly improves the streetscape along East Meadow Drive ani the Austria Haus. The Town of Vail Publics Works Department is currently reviewing the new alignment and will provide any comments or concerns in the near future. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Since this is a worksession to discuss the proposed establishment of a Special Development District to the property located at 242 East Meadow Drive/part of Tract.C, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing, ariO nbt arequest for a formal recommendation from the Planning and Environmental Commission to the Town Council, staff will not be providing a recommendation at this time. Statf ritL, no*euer, provide a recommendation on the aiplicant's proposal at the time ot final review. 11 NO o$ F ;f,w--ilHIti t/i-,///i/ 1il -' /r///iili ,;'--.'//// t'l! /'K/ ll s ,//S,r'l ,'',/\" i ,' $,,r\,f i r*'=-.- ..")lr-Y'litt iiiilfl riI iii i..'i r\ ! [\ \\ It tr\ 'i tr tt I \\. r \ \ !----i \ \\\ \,\ fl\ *'1 ,l .l--' \i t, ...,. ,\ \ \ \ \\, \ \ \ \,---*- \ f,. ^'ffihl#s=fi t$ erFglr I It. fi l! r rf[{r oI I I I I I I I ofim m T I I I I 1 \ \o$r 7^ ma k \ ft $ arrg{r 'i:. .::,. 'tL ,l: I '\-...I'" I t I I ) i il Il,li,l +JI ,i il ,' /i'!i,l ' ,n"" ti.t' i ,i r'o i.; -i ;ll&:it .d,i:i{.ffi ft $ nrr$r ',/ /',$,r\i'V i i y'"t'-.*.. '' t ;i r..,t ,i \:i\ lriiJ iI T---ff'",1 iF* itl | ' ffi ilnl_#i{-i ifl$lHI I $l lti l--',[-Hi idr $|ilJlgtrtii,r fll FF \ \ i-, !sti !E r- ctl \ fii il-r I'r ,l:{ It {)'fl 'I,:> ft t[ nlFF{r ft t[ argFlr l I fi d ErEeIl tI t { AUSTBTA HAUS RE)EYEII'?iCXT vA[- ootot^Do o ORt)IIIANCE f8 ( Seri es of |984) AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (Kfiot.lN AS SoD l2) AND TllE DEVEL0P|'4ENT PLAN THEREFORE IN ACCORDANCE I\|ITH CHAPTER 18.40 OF THE VAIL HUNICIPAL COOE. t..lHfREAS, Chapter 18.40 of the Van l,lunicipal Code authorizes special development districts within the Town; and [,JHEREAS, Sonnenalp at Vail submitted an application for special development district approval for a certain parcel of property within the Town known as part of Tract C, Block 50, Vail Village lst Filing, to be known as Special oevelopment District No. l2; and more particularly described ln Exhibit A attachedhereto and made a part hereof; and l'lHtRtAs, the establishment of the requested sDD lz will ensure unified and coordinated development within the vall village area and ln a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated; and IIHEREAS, it is found that the proposal is consistent with Vil lage Urban Design Guide planl and t{HtREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, t0 the Town and its citizens, inhabitants and vlsJtors to Oeve I opment No. l2; IIOI,', THERTFORE, BE IT ORDAINEO 8Y THE TOI./N COUNCIL OF THE TOLIN OF VAIL, COTORADO, THAT: The approval procedures prescribed in chapter 1g.40 of the Vair Municipal code have been fulfilled. and the Town council has received the report of the plannrng and [nvironnental Commission regarding the Development plan for SDD 'i2. Section 2. Special Development District l2 special oevelopment District r2 (sDo l2) and the Development pran therefore, are nereby approved for the development of a part of rract c, Block 50, vai.l Village First Filing, within the Town of Vai1, consisting of approximately 24,092 square feet of lano. and furthers the Vai I appropri ate and beneficial establ ish said Special i -U Section 3. Pu rpo se Special oeveiopment District l2 is established to ensure conprehensive developnent and use of an area that will be harmonious with the general character of Vail Vi)lage and to promote the upgrading and redevelopment of a key property in l/ail. The developnent is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council, and there are significant aspects of the special devblopment djstrict which cannot be satisfied through the imposition of the standards in the Public Accormodation zone distrlct. lSDDl2 is cornpatible wlth the upgradlng and redevelopment of Vail Village whi le maintaning its unique and precious character. Sec.tion 4. oeve lopment Plan A, The Developmeni Plan for SDD l2 is approved and shall constitute the plan for developnent within the Special District. The Development Plan consjsts of the fol lowing documents: 8. Site plan dated April 3, 1984. Schenatic landscape plan dated 2117184 Typical floor plans dated 2/14/84 Preliminary elevatlons of the north, east, south and west Model The oevelofnent Plan shall adhere to the following: Setbacks fhe setbacks shall be as noted on the site plan Iisted above. He i qht The height is as noted on the prellninary elevation listed above. Co v€ ra qe l,io more than 7l percent of the site shall be covered by buildings, Landscap i ng The landscaped areas shown on the site plan are only tentative. A detailed landscape plan must be submitted to the Design Revjew Board for appmval. Parkinq and Loadi nq Fiveshort term parking sta]ls are provlded on site. For the remiilnring parklng requirernent, the applicant will receive a parking exception that is noted in Reso-'lution #3 of the series of 1984. Pursuant to said excaption and section l8.sz.lE0the applicant shall pay for 7l parking spaces. Should lhe square footage or useof the Special Development District change from that set forih herein piior tothe issuance of a building pennit, the pirking spaces paid for by applicant shall b€ adjusted p rop rt i onate I y. a. b. d. c. o Section 5. Dens i tY Accormodation units, 65 = 28,591 square feet of gross residential floor area' Dr.relllng unlts, 2 = l,624 square feet of gross resldentlal f'loor area for a manager and an owner' Section 6. U ses Permitted, conditional and accessory uses are the same as noted in the Public Acconmodation zone district except as modified be]ow: ConnerciaI space, Connercial s to rage, Restaurant klhhen, Restaurant dininJ, Bar LOU n9 e sPa tleeting room There are a'l so other 3,613 square feet 2,191 square feet 2,700 square feet I ,881 square feet I ,170 square feet 1 ,300 square feet I,741 square feet 565 square feet which is part of nn unit that can be used for meetings incidental uses accessory to a hotel , t -.'f r-" r!-' .:l'' - : L.'....''. acconmodati on in the bui I di ng. Section 7. Additional Conditions of the Special Development District A. The development cannot be condominiurnized for twenty (20) years. There must be a speclfic regardi ng the applicant's owned by the Town of Vail The applicant must pay to on Town of Vail property bui I dinq. 8.agreement between the applicant and the Town perpetual use and malntenance of the arcade area move or reconstruct any improvements and utilities that is necessitated by the construction of the at the time of theThe applicant must pay applicable parking fees issuance of the building permit. t. The improvement of the creek bank ls part of this SDD. F. The applicant wil'l pay for street lighting in front of the project. G. All retail uses shall be conditiona'l uses. H. A tine limit of lg months shall be placed on this approval .I. lhe_ applicant must demonstrate finaricial capability'do complete the project -^ .^ be-fore a buildinE permit :is lssued. ;r ,..i, -l ,. ..:,,1 .i:.r .i,. Section 8.. l6-'a;am-ents to the approved development plan which do not change its substancemay be approved by the Planning and Envirorunental comrnission - Sectlon 9. Limitation of Existence of Special Development Dlstrict #lz The Town council reserves the right to abrogate or modify Special Development District #12 for good cause with the enactment of an ordinance in accordance with the procedures set forth for the dmendment of zoning regulatjons as set forth in Chapter 18.65 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail. f Section 10. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decjsion shal'l not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Councll hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sectlons, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid, Section l l, The Town Counci l hereby finds, detennines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the i nhabi tants thereof. Section |2- The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provislons of the Vail fitunicipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right whjch has accrued, any duty imposed. any vicilatjion that occurred pr.ior to the effectJve date hereof, any prosecution cormenced, nor any other action or proceeding as conrnenced under 0r by virtue of the provislon repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shallnot revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTROOUCED, READ ANO PASSEO ON FIRST READING 1984, and a public hearlng shal'l be held on THJS 6th day of l'larch this ordinance on the 3rd gav of Aori l , 1984 at 7:30 D.m. in the Councll Chambers of the Vail l,lunicipal 8ui 1d ing, Vail , Colorado. Ordered published in full thls 6th day of lila rc h '1984. INTROt)UCEO, REAO AND I ln ful I APPROVED this ON SECOND REAOING AND OROEREO PUSLISHEO i I t- -Brandmeyer. 3rd 6sy 1984, RlcH,r.p.DS-HUi::r'-:.:L? (,,rvirli(.. ,r--t2 ENG|NEERS. it"{C. ,..,( ..:"/eu-._€._./22t . ___- I 94t5 rry. Cot!.r 0.n,or, Cclonlo !(rt., l- rt.n, ttt.r!?l - 2a 8B . <t,-'jl Cb/c-.ec:t s t_ , ., ,,.)t .,,c , zl.r:.. ,z\i.rA t \-- ta,e,tt^/E r> A,qsa = 24 d97.7r6 ,f.r-1. U\\i a sbz/A.?.rt/,,t Nr l$ \rt\ lo, o\\\*,i \L|- [,r \ t\ _<.d 6./ t. C q. h,. /,/-t A O -t6i.i2'a/'w//::.ta n.* <ti;o ". \l"ya!',; .r6-,ud.;f,1!P)'l{?uv It' ./.a( 4 A/ock 5F I ilt I ItI Jc_qLb_: /.',.qp L€ CAi ISSCRIPTt NN. C.)rrn Ly of Eag le . 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I,156 sq. ft. l.l 56 sq. ft. 1.156 sq. ft. 1,156 sq. ft. 1,246 sq. ft. 1.190 sq. ft. 1,696 sq. ft. 1.696 sq. ft. 1.696 sq. ft. 1.696 sq. ft. 1,008 sq. ft. AUSTRIA HAUS Lock-Off Unit (335 sq. ft.) (335 sq. ft.) (335 sq. ft.) (285 sq. ft.) (343 sq. ft.) (335 sq. ft.) (335 sq. ft.) (335 sq. ft.) (335 sq, ft.) (278 sq. ft.) (285 sq. ft.) (343 sq. ft.) (335 sq. ft.) (335 sq. ft.) (335 sq. ft.) (335 sq. ft.) (230 sq, ft.) Hotel Unit 380 sq. ft. 380 sq. ft. 380 sq. ft. 380 sq. ft. 380 sq. ft. 380 sq. ft. 380 sq. ft. 380 sq. ft. 365 sq. ft. 372 sq. ft. 380 sq. ft. 380 sq. ft. 380 sq. ft. 380 sq. ft. 380 sq. ft. 380 sq. ft. 380 sq. ft. 380 sq, ft. 365 sq. ft. 372 sq. ft. (331 sq. ft.) (331 sq. ft.) (331 sq. ft.) (331 sq. ft,) t:Ott sq. ft.) l. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 22. t7. 18. 19. 20. 21.Total7,554sq. ft. Manager's Unit 6l7sq. ft. 24. 1.278 sq. ft. Total30,l82 sq. ft. ( ) - included f:b vcryone\george\austria\sq foot 7 FILF COPY Kurt Segerberg said that could be studied further. Dominic Mauriello stated that the geology expert said that the applicant would have to build a berm, however, it would not endanger adjacent property owners. Gene Uselton asked if the applicant had addressed snow storage, or snow removal? Dominic Mauriello said things could be shifted on the plans to gain additional area for snow storage. Gene Uselton stated that this project reduced the demand on the Town's facilities. Greg Amsden thought that each of the lots should be allowed an EHU, but one lot should be required to have one. Greg asked about tree mitigation? Dominic Mauriello said to replace the same diameter tree wilh the same diameter lree may or may not be the case and when the applicant came back for a final review, it would be addressed then. Greg Amsden said he had no problem with the garage in the front setback and would like to see mitigation lor the loss of the larger trees on the site. Greg Moffet had no problem with the SDD. He told the applicant to take a hard look at snow storage. Greg said setbacks were ok for garages, but not for any GRFA. He liked the large building envelopes and was in lavor of up to 3 EHU's. Greg felt that the biggest issue would be the covered parking that is required for each EHU. He would strongly encourage at least one EHU and possibly more than 1. He told the applicant that a caretaker unit on the site was a good amenity. Kurt Segerberg asked about the covered parking requirement for an EHU. Greg Moffet stated that one covered parking space is required for each EHU. He then went on to ask for any other public comments, or if the applicant had any more questions. Jim Flaum asked if there was a time limit on building the homes. Dominic Mauriello said a DRB approval was good for one year. He inlormed the applicant, that for every building that was built, you would need DRB approval. Greg Moffet asked if anyone was here for item # 1 and if not, we would proceed to item # 3. 3. A request for a worksession to discuss establishing a Special Development District overlay to the Austria Haus, located at 242 East Meadow Drive/ on part of Tract C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Propertiesr Inc., represented by Gordon PiercePlanner: George Ruther Planning and Envirorunental Commission Miuutcs December 9. | 996 George Buther stated that this was the second worksession on the SDD and we could talk about the particular project at this time. George then proceeded to give an overview of the request. He said that since the last meeting, changes have been made to the floor plans and site plan. He explained that the applicant no longer had commercial on the south side of the building. He said there had been an increase in time-share units and a decrease in AU's, so the dwelling unit numbers had changed. George reminded the PEC that the SDD criteria required them to take a look at the deviations proposed in the SDD from the PA Zone District and to see if there was anything to be gained by the public from these deviations. George then mentioned that Public Works had not responded to moving East Meadow Drive to the south, but that they were generally in favor of such a move. He mentioned that staff was in favor of moving the street, in order to maintain the commercial flow. He said thal staff had money budgeted lor improvements to Slifer Square in preparation lor the 1999 World Championships. Gordon Pierce, the architect representing the Sonnenalp, brought the model back and telt it was useful since the overall changes would not affect the massing of the building. Gordon said he was here in Vail before there was anything in the Valley. He reminisced on when the Mountain Haus was built and said that it prornpted all the ordinances that are in place now, since there was such an outcry concerning that building. He explained that, except lor the Village Center Building, the model was correct to scale and the massing was accurate on the model. Gordon said the river bank now was not accessible to the public at all, He said that the applicant had adopted it and also the streetscape on East Meadow Drive. He said they were willing to correct some of the problems on public land. He said there was now no commercial flow between the Village Center and Bridge Street. Gordon felt the building scale and mass lit quite nicely with the buildings across the creek and with the neighbors. He noted that he had accomplished less volume now, then what was approved in 1984. He felt it was much closer in character to the Sonnenalp regarding color, detail and quality. He told the PEC that from Spraddle Creek it was astounding how many roofs were in this berg and looking down from that viewpoint, there really were a lot of buffer zones. He said that Jim Lamont had been helpful in passing on information from some of the shop owners regarding this project and that there was still some concern regarding the loading area. Gordon then handed out some plans to the Commission and went on to explain them. Gordon explained that the applicant would like a slope down lo the creek, in order to make ihe bank look more natural. He then said that deliveries are made in large quantities only one or two times a year and then throughout the year, smaller deliveries were by UPS, which was not a concern. He mentioned that there would be a sound consideration with the trucks backing down the ramp, however, the driveway would be heated and so the trucks wouldn't get stuck. (Gordon was referencing A, from the review criteria in the staff memo). Regarding review criteria B, Gordon stated that this would be a very high-end club concept in terms of the use and that the project would extend the commercial from the iewelry shop in the Village Center to Bridge Street, as well as tie the heated sidewalk to Bridge Street. Referencing review criteria C, Gordon stated that there were 36 covered parking spaces, 8 valet spaces and the ability to have 5 spaces on the surface. He said that the parking plaza was made to look more pedestrian, but it had a double use of space and was sized so that a van could make a complete circle. Gordon went on to say thal if we used the formula in the ordinance, we would need 78 spaces. He said there were 50, leaving a negative ol 28 spaces. He went on to say that if the city had a pay-in-lieu Iund, the applicant would be willing to contribute into that fund. Gordon mentioned that hotels in Town don't use all their required spaces. Planning and Envi rorunental Commission Minutes December 9, 1996 Referencing review criteria D, Gordon said the applicant was clearly in compliance with the Vail Comprehensive Plan and Urban Design Plans, because the applicant was removing an outdated building that didn't comply with the code. Sherry Dorwood, project Landscape Architect from Design Workshop, addressed the streamside area. She explained that showing the design now was for the purpose of showing what would be possible. She said that in terms of public circulation, the potential to upgrade exists from what was now underutilized. She said that Slifer Plaza was all cut up right now and the reason that retail didn't do well was because retail was under exposed in that area. She stated that it would be wonderful to have a revamped area before the Championships. She said that she was sensitive to the trees and that terracing the bank was in the plan. She then proceeded to give an overview of the plans. Greg Moffet asked for any public comment. Jim Lamont, representing the East Village Homeowner's Association (EVHA), advised that we were not talking time-share, but rather design aspects. He stated that, regarding lhe zoning issue, Pfu1 makes more sense than the SDD, since it would olfer shared development standards. Our preference would be to change that block (Vail Athletic Club to Austria Haus). Jim said that he would like to see figures included in the statf memo, regarding the pay-in-lieu. He mentioned that the Vail Athletic club had more parking on that site. He warned that there needs to be consistency for pay-in-lieu and that by being consistent, you would overcome the criticism that SDD had created special privileges for the Mountain Haus and the Athletic Club. Jim said that, regarding the design on the west side between the two buildings, there now was an open space. He said with the diminishment of it by it becoming an accessway, it then was not in the public interest. He said the architectural style was of aesthetic importance. Regarding the surrounding uses, Jim stated having an entrance plaza that turns into a parking lot, would not be advantageous. Jim thought the entry area should be designed as a plaza. He stated that it appeared to be open, but it was actually a traffic flow through space. Jim felt that the access to the parking lot could be done on the north side of the building with the pedestrian flow over it, entering through a ramp under the pedestrian flow. Adjacent property owners needed the security ol knowing lhat there would be management controls for the traflic and the noise issues. Jim said that the area was very busy and therefore, not compatible with pedestrian use. Jim said that the whole streamtract needed restoration. He said it could be done in phases using, as a tradeoff, allowances to the setback. He thought changing grades on the north side of the building was a possibility with the realignment of Meadow Drive. He stated that the benefit to the public needed to be demonstrable, when you were thinking of 0' setbacks and considerably more GRFA. He advised the PEC to be real careful, since an SDD was for design reasons and not lor use. Jim said to take a hard look at the percentage over GRFA in the applicant's zone district. Jim then asked how high the one berlh was that was located underground? Gordon Pierce said that it was 14' high. Jim Lamont said he felt Mr. Jeff Winston should give lhe design of the building in these worksessions before the final approval meeting, so the merits ol his recommendation could be discussed. He stated that we should expect the Town consultants to be at the worksessions to hear the public comments. He said he favored the provision of employee housing as a requirement for all new buildings. He mentioned that the merchants on Bridge Street needed to be heard regarding short circuiting the shopping loop. Jim felt the lunds, in the 1998 budget for the redevelopment of Slifer Square, should be focused on the north side of the building and the restoration of the streamwalk. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes December 9, 1996 George Ruther responded lhat since the plans were changing evely week, it would be a waste of the applicant's, statf's and consultant's time and money for Jefl Winston to review the plans at this point. Jim Lamont asked if the quality of the lock-off units was commensurate with the AU's? Jim Trelevin, representing the Village Center residential units, said they had spent a tremendous amount of money on redevelopment of the west and south sides of Village Center. He said that it stopped on the east side. He said that they had no control over the north side and therefore parking, delivery noise and trash was a constant turmoil. He said he would like the east side to end up the same as the south and west sides and not another delivery area. He stated another concern was pedestrian tralfic being routed down through Village Center condominiums and also a concern was the noise, trash smell and the height of the building. Jan Strauch, a tenant in the Village Center Building, stated a good shopping experience for the guest needed to be encouraged. He said that he had been in his shop space for 10 years and has seen people walk by, follow the stairway and end up nowhere. He said people came out of lhe slructure and had no invitation to go to the Covered Bridge. He felt the current design, with the ramp and loading zone, would look like an alley way. He thought creating a loading area, similar to the International Bridge, might be a solution. He lelt, as it was now designed, it would interrupt the tlow. He said he would like to see a design that addressed the problem when coming out of the Covered Bridge, there would be an invilation to see Buzz's Boots and Boards, since you can'l see it now. He said a visual connection needs to be made. He said the lighting now is too dark alter the Covered Bridge and therelore, is dangerous. Jan also mentioned that he has, in front of his shop, a 10 to 15 minute parking space and would like to have that parking continue, as it was useful to his and other shops in the area. Rod Slifer said he would like to talk about the underlying zoning and the hotel rooms. He said that one thing that sets Vail aside from other resorts was that we had small hotels and Rod felt it important to keep the hotel rooms. He stated that the Villa Valhalla and Ramshorn hotels were lost and won't ever be replaced. Rod felt it a mistake to lose 37 hotel rooms at the Austria Haus and said that all 37 hotel rooms should be required to be replaced. Dan Telleen, a jewelry designer in the Village Center, said he agreed it was too dark by the Covered Bridge and lighting was necessary. He said people stopped in his store all the time tct get directions. He felt the east end of the Village center to the covered Bridge was too dark and that a seamless pedestrian traffic pattern needed to be maintained. He stated that people needed to see other shops to attract them. Dan said that the design of the building was noi considered frorn the top of the parking structure (i.e., tour buses that pull into the parking structure). He felt the west end of this development could not have trash receptacles as that would be the first thing seen when walking down the stairs of the parking structure. Also, he mentioned that when walking out of the tunnel from the parking slructure from street level, the intersection of the two buildings would be a first impression. He gave, as an example, the alley between Sweet Basil and the Gore Creek Building. He said that alley could not be any worse then it was and it showed that the Town didn't care how buildings came together. Greg Amsden had to leave at 4:1spm. Dan Telleen said the worst trucks in the area were the beer trucks that seMced small restaurants and he felt the west end of this development was going to be a garbage dump with noise and smells. Planning and Environmental Comrnission Minutes December 9, I995 Greg Moffet asked Dan w.here he took his garbage? Dan Telleen said under Eyepieces. Jim Treleven said he didn't understand the differences between holel rooms, time-shares, etc. and their impacts. Mr. Thornberg said he would explain the differences to him, outside of the PEC hearing. Gordon Pierce said that this property was ideal for redevelopment. He suggested rather than looking al numbers, to look at the building and how it would fit into the community. He said, in response to Rod's hotel room concern, that the existing hotel rooms were being replaced with quality, rather than numbers of rooms by using a square footage approach. John Schofield asked Gordon to address how the window views from the adjacent property owners would be affected. Gene Uselton asked if the Buzz's Boots and Boards shop was included in the 5,000 sq. ft.? Gordon Pierce said that it was. Gene Uselton asked if all the sidewalks would be heated and if it would improve the access? Gordon Pierce said, yes and addressing Rod's concern, he said that it was true that we would not have the fresh faces each year, as hotel rooms would have. Galen Aasland said that the changes to the site were better now and he liked the arcade. His biggest concern was the height with a variance of 3'. Gordon Pierce said we could bring the building down to the required height; but he said that he would like it to be uniform with the surrounding areas. Galen Aasland said that from the parking structure,.the building blocks the view across the Town and therefore, he felt the height to be a negative. He felt the building was too big, as the appf icant was asking lor 153%, rather than 118y", ol allowable GRFA. George Ruther explained that the applicant was asking for nearly double, requesting 1 91 % of the allowable GBFA that was permitted by the underlying zoning. Galen Aasland thought that amount was too much. Gordon Pierce noted that what was approved 10 years ago was the mass of the building, rather than the square footage. He said it was more important to create a building that helped the whole entrance into Town. He said a smaller building wouldn't help the Town pay for all lhe extra things. Galen Aasland mentioned that lhe size of the building was driving other things (i.e., the impact on the neighbors and the view from the parking structure). Galen said he would like one loading space, not two. He was also concerned about the smell from the trash. Galen was comlortable with the commercial space. Galen didn't want to see the applicant taking any Town land for the taxable space in the porte co-chere area. But the applicant could work out an agreement for open space below the porte co-chere with the Town. Planning and Iinvironmental Commission Minutcs Dccembor 9, | 996 Gordon Pierce said that towards the Covered Bridge, was a Town-owned area that they would like to trade and that the applicant would be talking to the Town Attorney regarding the trade. Galen Aasland said the northeast corner was excellent for commercial space and parking down below was good lor the Town. He then asked if the existing hotel units were 300 sq. ft.? Gordon Pierce said one of the smallest existing hotel rooms was 227 sq. ft. Galen Aasland asked what the new hotel room size would be? Gordon Pierce replied about 330 sq. ft. Galen Aasland said Johannes Faessler had said that 330 sq. ft. was way too small for a hotel room, so Galen suggesled working with stafl regarding the size. Galen also felt the improvements to Slifer Square were wonderful. Diane Golden asked why the applicant was reducing the commercial and increasing the club units, but not the hotel units? Gordon Pierce said they had to balance the loss of commercial and pick it up somewhere else. He said hotel rooms have no value. Diane Golden asked about any employee housing units with this application. Gordon Pierce said lhere was space on-site for a full time manager, or asst. manager's unit. Diane Golden asked Gordon to tweak in some more employee housing. Henry Pratt complimented the applicant on the changes. He was concerned about lhe 191% allowable GRFA and he would like to see from staff how the GRFA stacked up against the Vail Athletic Club. He felt that losing three hotel rooms and picking up club units was going in the wrong direction. He asked how the lock-offs would be managed for use as hotel rooms? Gordon Pierce said the Sonnenalp would manage the lock-offs. Henry Pratt said he didn't want to see 5 parking spaces in front. He felt the drive going down, with the loading dock under cover was good. He stated that changing to one loading berth and moving the trash inside the garage should help the neighbols concerns. He did not want the ramp to get in the way of the connection to the Covered Bridge. He felt the porte co-chere gave more space and would provide the connection to the Covered Bridge, which was a positive improvement to the Town. He asked if it would be more desirable to add a sidewalk on the north side, since the portals at the Transportation Center are on the north side on both ends and therefore, people would not have to criss-cross the street. He felt a need for additional employee units, since this project would have additional staff. He liked Sheny's plan for Slifer Square. He suggested grading the overlook area, so there would not be additional steps. Henry would like to see the streamwalk path on the north side ol the stream, without the extra bridge. He felt the trash smell would not be a concern, since there was no restaurant. Greg Moffet had concerns and asked Tom, regarding a recommendation to Council to change the conditional uses in the Public Accommodation Zone District. Tom Moorhead said you still need conditional uses after the Council approves it. Planning and Environmental Co[umsslon Minutcs Decernber 9. 1996 Greg Moffet asked about the ralio of hotel units to club units. He said that Johannes Faessler said 450 sq. ft. was the current deluxe hotel room size and these rooms were quite a bit smaller. Greg was concerned with the small size of the new hotel rooms. Greg wanted to quantify a benelit to the Town in the stated goals, with "real live beds." He stated to the applicant that employee housing would be looked al hard. He said he wanted lo see more housing when the applicant went from 12,000 sq. ft. to 36,000 sq. ft., or tripled in size. He suggested being mindful of the Village Center lolks and lhought that they could solve the driveway inlerlace. Greg felt that traffic snarls needed to be kept out of Slifer Square. Greg also, did not want any dedicated parking in the front. He said the "food service creep" was important lo be aware of. Gordon Pierce asked the PEC what they thought about creating a "popcorn wagon" type food service in the Square area? Greg Moffet said the concern was the smell and garbage issue and how could we assure that 5- 10 years lrom now there would be no food service? Gordon Pierce suggested a deed restriction. Greg Moffet asked George Ruther about the development standards? George Ruther said he would like to dedicate the next meeting to those issues. Greg Motfet felt, as he looked at lhe bulk and mass from the model, that it didn't present a problem and he felt that that part of Town could handle thal massive of a building. He did state that once again, when the mass was doubled, he wanted to see tangible benefits. He stated that employee units didn't have to be on-site, as long as they were in Town. Jim Lamont said the most offensive part of a restauranVbar was not only the srnell, bul the noise caused by clinking bottles. Greg Moffet thought a food and beverage deed restriction was good. Mike Mollica suggested exploring the possibility of access totally underground between both the Village Center and the Austria Haus buildings, as grades could afford that. He said that trying to access this project alone, would be almost impossible. Gordon Pierce said he would discuss that possibility. Dan Telleen said, regarding underground parking in conjunction with Village Center, it might be an option, Pam Hopkins asked about the quality of noise transmission in the lock-offs? She stated that noise control was important, so that guests would come back. Dirk Mason noted that Joe Macy, representing Vail Associates, Inc., or item #1, could not be present and advised the PEC that Joe suggested either proceeding with item #1 without him, or tabling the item. Greg Amsden came back at 5:15 pm. Henry Pratt made a motion to table item #1 until the nexl meeting. Planning and Envirom€nlal Cornnission Minutes December 9. 1996 John Schofield seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. 4. A request for a major subdivision of Lot P-2, located on Lot P-2, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: P-2 Association, represented by Art Abplanalp Planner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview ot the request. Art Abplanalp asked what happened to the plats? Greg Motfet asked for any public commenl. There was none. He then asked for comments from the Commission. There were no comments. Gene Uselton made a motion for approval. Henry Pratt seconded the molion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. S. A request to amend Sections 18.27.030, 18.29.030, and 18.30.030 ol the Zoning Code to allow van storage/transportation related businesses in the Commercial Core 3, Arterial Business, and Heavy Service Zone Districts as a conditional use and add Sections 18.04.415 and 18.04.385 providing definitions for vehicle storage yard and transportation business. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL DECEMBER 16,1996 6. A request to amend the Gerald R. Ford Park Master Plan and adopt the Gerald R. Ford Park Management Plan. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Larry Grafel, Pam Brandmeyer, Todd Oppenheimer, George Ruther. TABLED UNTIL DECEMBER 16,1996 7. A request for a conditional use permit utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for a Type ll EHU, located at '186 Forest Road/Lot 9, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Mike FlanneryPlanner: Dirk Mason TABLED UNTIL JANUARY 13, 1997 Greg Amsden made a motion to lable item #5 and item #6 until December 16, 1996 and item #7 untilJanuary 13, 1997. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes Decernber 9, 1996 10 Fll.E C0py TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmcntal Commission Dcpartment of Community Dcvclopment Dccembcr 16, 1996 Austria Haus Worksession Memorandum Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., has requested a worksession with the Planning and Environmental Commission to discuss the proposed dcvelopment standards for the Austria Haus redevelopment. Due to the short tumaround time creatcd by the back-to-back Planning and Environmental Commission meetings in thc month of Dcccmbcr. thc worksession memorandum to the PEC was still in draft form at 5:00 pm, Friday, Dccember 13, 1996. Rather than provide thc PEC with a draft memorandum on Friday, Dcccmber 13, the staff will bc distributing the Austria Haus workscssion memorandum at the pre-meeting on Monday, Dcccmbcr 16. Staff woulcl again likc to remind the PEC that thc discussion of thc Austria Haus on Dcccmbcr l6 will bc focuscd on the dcvclopmcnt standards of thc proposcd SDD. Staff will be providing a comparison of thc rcqucsted dcvelopmcnt standards for thc Austria Haus to thc 1996 approvcd dcvclopmcnt standards of thc Vail Athlctic Club. F!rII coffi,-*^ *; d,Ea(- , 14.ei . ii..r A, r+ + TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o Fii. Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development December 16. 1996 A request for a worksession to discuss establishing a s-n9*l Development Oistrrct overlay to the Austria Haus, located at 242 East Mea{qw Drive/ on part of Tract C, Blocli s-o, VailVillage First Filing. & ^Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by G-ftQtrIqS) Planner: George Ruther I. DESCRIMON OFTHE REOUEST Austri'a'Haus is intbnd'ed to become a member owned resort club, cor{rprised of a mix of hotel accommodation unils with two and three bedroom residences and as{ociated club facilities' The Austria Haus is intended to provide additional hotel-type accomm units in the Town of Vail. Gurrently, the applicant is proposing to incorporale twenty-foUr (24) vacation ownership units (fractionalfee units) wlth twenty-one (21) lock-off units, twenty (20) hotel rooms and one (1) on-site manager's unit. The applicant is also proposing approximately 5,122 sq. ft. of new commercial/retail space on the main level of the Austria Haus. The Austria Haus proposal includes a front desk reception/registration arca, a lounge, an exercise room, and accessory facilities (commonly associated with hotels and lodges). In order to facilitate the proposed redevelopment of the existing Austria Haus, th_e applicant has also proposed other applications for review by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Thos'e applications include a proposed text change to the Public Accommodation Zone District to add 'timblshare estate units, fractional fee units and time-share license units" as conditional uses (approved by the PEC on November 25, 1996) and an application for a conditional use permit to att'ow for fractional fee units in the Public Accornmodation Zone District. Each of these applications will be reviewed concurrently with the proposed request lor the establishment of a Special Development District. II. BACKGROUND The applicant's request relates to the redevelopment of the Austria Haus property. The Auslria Haus lrias originally constructed in the mid-1960's as an inn to accommodate destination skiers. The applicant, Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pigr.ce, is requesting a - workse'ssion to discuss the esiablishment of a Special Development District at242Easl Meadow Drive/on part of Tract C, Vail Village First Filing. The applicant is proposing to establish a new Special Development District overlay to the underlying zone district of Public Accommodation, to facilitate the proposed redevelopment ol the existing Austria Haus' The purpose of the worksession is to discuss the devetopment stanlards proposed by the appricant. / 2).&e.b.Le,I r - Jb'!'' The appticant has proposed signilicant improvements to the existing {uslria Ha.us property. The In 1g7g, the Austria Haus was purchased by the Faessler family who planned to redevelop the property into the Sonnenalp Hotel. In '1g84, Ordinance #8 was approved by the Vail Town Council establishing Special Development oistrict *t z. speciat Develoirment Didrict #12 adopted an approved develolment-plan for the reOeu"foprn"ntbf tne Austria Haus. When Ordinanie # 8 was adopted, the Town Council placed an "igntd;n-tonth time limit on the approval ol the SDD. The approval ol SDD # 12 lapsed efeJe"n Vllrs ago, on October 2, 1985.' The approveddevelopment plan was never implemented, and insiead, th; Austria Haus underwent a remodel. Since the completion of the remodel' the Austria Haus has served as an annex to the Sonnenalp Bavaria Haus located at 20 Vail Road. The Austria Haus has 37 hotel rooms (accommodation units) with approximately "T5 pillows" and is operated approximately eight monthb each year by the Sonnenalp Hotel. There is a small resiaurant and'bar in the'Auitria Haus that serves iti guests and a retail outlet on the east end ol the building. The hotel rooms are marginal in size ( 300 sq. ft. average) and lack certain amenities, by today's accommodation standards. The current proposalto redevelop the property intends to provide considerably more "pillows" over a twelve m'onth period, as well as create approximately 5,122 square feet of new commercial space. The applicant has proposed ihat a percentage of the project be offered as . lractional fee ownership uhits. fne apiticint has also proposed to accommodate a portion of the required parking in an underground parking structure. According to the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Vail, the applicantl p.roperty is currently. . zoned Priblic Accommodation.- The Public Accommodation Zone District is intended to provide sites for lodges and residential accommodations for visitors, together with such public and semi- public faciliti-es and limited professional offices, medical facilities, private recreation, and related visitor oriented uses as may be located in the same district. The Public Accommodation District is intended to provide sites for lodging units to densities not to exceed 25 dwelling units per acre' The Public Acbommodation Zone -Oisirict does not currently permit time-share interval units. Interval ownership is currently allowed only in the High Density Multi-Family Zone District pursuant to Ordinance #8, Series of 1981. III. THE SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ESTABLISHMENT PROCESS Chapter 't8.40 ol the Town ol Vail Municipal Code provides for the eslablishment of Special Devblopment Dislricts in the Town of Vaii. According to Section 18.40.010, the purpose of a Special Development District is, "To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order to promote ifs most appropraate use; to improve the design character and quality of ihe new development within the Town; to lacilitate the adequate and economical provislon of strssts and utilities; to preservs tho natural and scsnic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approved development plan for a Special Development District, in conjunction with the properties underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements for guiding development and uses of property included in the Special Development District." The Municipal Code provides a framework for the establishment of a Special Development District. According to the Municipal Code, prior to site preparation, building construction' or other irpio""r"nG io rinO w1hin a Special Devblopment District, there shallbe an approved O"l"iopr"nt ptan for tne Specidi Developmerit District. The approved development plan establishes requirements iegulatlng devdtopment, uses and activity within the Special Development District. The purpose of the PEG worksession meeting is to discuss the proposed development staniarAs and the goats oitne ptoposed Spe-cial D'evetopment DistricL the relationship of the proposal to appicaOle elements of the Town's Gomprehensive Plan, and the review procealre mat *iti be followed for the application. Upon final review of the proposed 6rtaOti"n."nt of a Special Development Oiitrict, a repori flom !9 Planning and Environmental commission stating its tinoings an'o recommendationb and a staff report shall be forwarded to the Town Gouncil, i-n accordiie with the provisions listed in Section 18'66.060 of the Municipal code. The Town Council's consideration bt tne special Development District shall be in accordance with fhe proviJions of Section 1 8'66' 1'30 - 1 8'66' 1 60 and approved by two readings of an ordinance. An approved development plan is the principal document in guiding the development, uses and acti*iities of the Spe;iat Development bistriit. The development plan shall contain all relevant material and infoimation necessary to establish the parameters with which the Special . oevetopment District shatt adhere. The development plan may.consist of, but not be limited to' tne ap$roveO site plan, floor plans, building seciions and elevations, vicinity.plan, parking plan' pretiririnary open dpace/landicape plan, densities and permitted, conditional and accessory uses. The determination of permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be made by the Planning. and Environmental Cbmmission and Town Council as pait of the lormal review of the proposed development plan. Unless further restricted through the review of the proposed Special Development District, permitted, conditional and accessory use.s shall be limited to those permittLd, conditionai and accessory uses in the properties underlying zone district' The MunicipalCode provides nine (9)design criteria, which shallbe used as the principal.criteria in evaluatirig tfre meiits ol the proposed Sp=ecial Development District- lt shall be the burden of tne appricani to demonstrate that'submittat material and the proposed development plan _comply with 6ich of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable' orinit a practical solutio-n consisteni with the public interest has been achieved. The staff will not speciiically address each of the nine SDD review criteria at this time. The staff has begun to euaf,jate tne froposat based on several of the design criteria applicable to this worksession meeting. The design criteria are listed below for reference: A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immedaate environment, neighborhood and -Oiaceni properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height' buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation' The applicant has submitted a revised massing model for review and discussion with the Plannirig and Environmental Commission. The changes to the model are based on previoui meetings with the PEC and discussions with statf. At this time, staff is not 'prepared to respbnd to the massing, height and building materials of the proposed Austria Haus. dut@-**t- ov-ttrce*'r; . c.r"ul.*q+;t'4Ue +o A^L+*'- W \JlreJ N[trr i; u6€' aPA$ fu+q1r,arg6 V# c. As pointed out at previous worksession meetings, the Town's urban design consultant' Jeff Winston of winston a nsioiates, lnc., wilibe providing consultation on the proposed urban design elements, arcnitecture and site plalning proposed,by the applicant. The applicanl-nis established an escro* account with the Town of Vail to be used to reimburse the Town for mJexpenses associated with the consultant'S review. On fnursOa', OecemOer t2, i complete set of plans were forwarded to Jeff Winston in Boulder. Staff has requeJieO mht Jeff respind to staff, in writing,.no later than Tuesday' Jinriiv z, tggz, anO inainJanenO the ndxt scheduled worksession on January 13, 1997. uses,activityanddensitywhichprovideacompatib|e,ef|icientandworkab|e relationship with surrounding uses and activity' The Austria Haus is located immediately adjacent to the Vail Village Commercial Core area. The Austria ttaus is bound on tn6 eait by the Mountain Haus, on the west by the virrig" center Buildings ano on the south by th'e covered Bridge Build.ing and the Gasthof Grarishammer. Eactiof these buildings is I mixed-use development incorporating . commercial/retail space with residentiil and/or accommodation units and associated loading/delivery. The applicant has proposed a mixed-use develo.pment that is generally in compliance- with th6 uses perniitted in the underlying zone district. The underlying.zoning of Public Accommodation encourages the development of lodges (accommodation units) and accessory eating, drinkin! and retail e$ablishments at a density of twe.ntyLive (25) dwelling units per acre. ihe applicant is proposing to fedevelopment the Austria Haus at a Oensiiy ot gd.eg dwetting uniii per acre'(g7,gOe Eq. ft of GRFA) with.5,.122 sq. ft of commercial/retail space o-n tne sireet level of the building. lncluded within the density figure are twenty-fdur (24) vacation ownership units (fractional fee), twenty (20) hotel rooms (accommodation units) and one (1) minager's unit (Type lll employee housing unil). Staff recognizes that the applicant's proposal differs greatly from the existing use of the property. -Gurrently, the Auitria Haui inbtudes thirty-seven (37) accommodation units' bqriafinb eighteen'and one-half (18.5) dwelling unit's, a restaurant and a limited amount of commeiciaiiretail space on the dast end of the building. Parking at the Austria Haus is accommodateO Oy a tnirty (30) space surface parking lot and an informal loading/delivery/trash area on the west end of the building. Staff does not believe that the density and uses being proposed by the applicant conflicts with the compatibility, efficiency or w6rkability of the surrounding uses and/or activities. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Ghapter 18.52. of the Town of Vail MuniciPal Gode. parking and loading requirements for development are established in Chapter 18.52 of me Uu-nicipat CoOdOas'eO on the square fooiage ol the uses proposed within the building. According to the uses proposed by ihe applicant, 73.86 parking sp.aces.and one (1) toading/O"etivery berth ireiequired on-sitb. The Municipal Code.allo.w-s."grandfathering" of the existing paiXing spaces on-site. Currently, approximately thirty (30) parking gpqqes exist on th6'propeiy.' Therefore, the parking reguirement for the proposed Austria Haus redevelopment would be 43.86 new parking spaces. The applicant is. Ploposing an unOlrgrdunO parking structure desighed to-ac'commodate forty-eight.(48) (25 valet spaces & 23 r"egular 6pacesJ parking spacei and an enclosed trash facility. ll add1ional spaces ateieqiireO Oire to 6nanges"in'the use of the.bui6ingrthe applicant is proposing to meet tne aoditonat parking reqiriiet"nt by paying into the-Town of Vail Parking Fund' Parking soaces are cuirently-vatu'eO at $16,i33.i8. The cost per parking space will increase on January 1, 1997 as the figure is adiusted based on the consumer Prlce lnoex. The applicant is proposing one (1) loadingidelivery berth in the front entry drop-ofl-alea tocated'on the n6rth side-ot tne building, idjacent to East Meadow Drive. Much of the Oiopotf irei is within Town of Vait riglit-of-ivay- Statf recognizes that this area is conieniently located near the entrandes to thsfront desk and the commercial/retail Shop entrances, however, *e ieiiih"t the use of the drop-off area would be compromised by the loading and delivery oi good"- In statf's gOinlori, the front entry drop-off area should Oe ,seO bi the guests 6t1n"e nustria Haus. Siaff believes that trying to accommodate ro"Jing "n'd deri"veiy in this area will result in numerous conflicts between guests and uet icds accessingihe piif.ing structure, and delivery trucks. Slafl wouj9_19,c9,11e^nd .-..,_ , that the applicant ievisii the ability of providing the loading and delivery tacllrry In Ine *t t-a,! underground parking structure, as previously proposed. I tOl+rlLo*o1<rlDe;yo=:^* Conformity with the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensiu" pt"n,'io*n ULEbE@t2G) policies and Urban D,esign Plan. Vail Land Use Plan Ttrgj_;l"ls conta"'ed in the Vail Land Use Plan are to be used as the Town's policy. guld;lines during the review process of establishing a new Spgcia! Development District. Staf nas review-ed the Vail Land Use Plan and believes the following policies are relevant to the review of this proposal: 1. GeneralGrowth/Development 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.2 The quality of the environment including air, water, and other natural resources should be protected as the Town grows' 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgrade whenever possible. 1.4 The original theme of the old village core should be carried into new develoflment in the Village Core through continued implementation of the Ulban Design Guide Plan. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing develoPed areas (infill). 1 .13 Vail recognizes its stream tract as being a desirable land feature as well as its potential for Public use. A Commercial 3.1 The hotel bed base should be preserved and used more efficiently. 3.2 The village and Lionshead are the best location for hotels to serve the future needs ot the destination skier. 3.4 Commercial growth should be concentrated in existing comrnercial areas to accommodate both local and visitor needs. 4. Vilhge Gore/Lionshead 4.1 Future commercial development should continue to occur primarily in existing commercial areas. Future commercial development in the Core areas needs to be carefully controlled to facilitate access and delivery. 4.2 Increased density in the Core areas is acceptable so long as the existing character of each area is preserved through the implementation ol the Urlcan Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan' A Resldential 5.1 Quality timeshare units should be accommodated to help keep occupancy rates up. Overall, the staff believes the proposed establishment of the new Special Development District is in concert with the gbal! and policies of the Vail Land Use Plan as outlined above. Vail Village Master Plan The Vail Village Master Plan is intended to serve as a guide to the staff,.review boards and Town Colncil in analyzing future proposals for development in Vail Village and in legislating effective ordinances to deal with the such development. The stafl has id6ntified-the following goals, objectives and policies as being relevant to this proposal: Goal #1 Encourage high quality redevelopment rirhile preserving the unique archatectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of community and adentlty. 1.1 objective: lmplement a consistent Development Review Process to reinforce the character ol the Village. 1 .1.1 Policv: Development and improvement projects approved in the Village shall be consistent with the goals' objectives, policies and design considerations as outlined in the VailVillage Master Plan and Urban Design Guide Plan. 1.2 Objective: Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. 1.2.1 Policy: Additional development may be. allowed as identified by the dction plan as is consistent with the Vail VillagaMaster Plan and Urban Design Guide Plan. Enhance new development and redevelopment through public improvements done by private developers working in cooperation with the Town. 1.3'1Po|icy:Pub|icimprovementssha|lbedeve|opedwiththe participation of the private sector working with the Town. Goal #2 To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year'round economic health and viability lor the vitlage and lor the communaty as a whole. Recognize the variety of land uses found in the 10 sub- areas-throughout the village and allow lor development that is compatible with these established land use patterns' lncrease the number of residential units available for short- term, overnight accommodations. 2.3.1 Policy: The development of short-term accommodation units is strongly encouraged. Residential units that are developed above existing density levels are required to be designed or managed in a manner that makes them available for short-term overnight rental. 1.3 Objective: 2, 1 Obiective: 2.3 Objective: 2.4 Objective: 2.5 Objective: Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activity where compatible with existing land uses- Encourage lhe continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. 2.5.1 Policy: Recreation amenities, common areas, meeting lacilities and other amenities shall be preserved and enhanced as a part of any redevelopment of lodging properties. 2.6 Objective: Encourage the development of affordable housing units through the efforts of the private sector. 2.6.1 Policy: Employee housing units may be required as part of 311,TX,""il'#J"#?"-1fi l??'J'{,""3:estinsdensitv Goal#3 To rccognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the village. Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 3.1 Objective: 3.1.1 Policy: Private development projects shall incorporate streetscape improvements (such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas), along adjacent pedestrian ways' 3.1.2 Policy: Public art shall be encouraged at appropriate locations throughout the Town. 3.1.3 Policy: Flowers, trees, water features and other landscaping shall be encouraged throughout the. .. Town in locations adjacent to' or visible from' public areas. Minimize the amount of vehicular traftic in the Village to the greatest extent Possible. 3.2.1 Policy: Vehicular traffic will be eliminated or reduced to absolutely minimal necessary levels in the pedestrianized areas ol the Village. 3.4Obiective: Developadditionalsidewalks,pedestrian-onlywalkways and aciessible green space areas, including pocket parks and stream access. 3.4.2 Policy: Private development projects shall be required to incorporate new sidewalks along streets adjacent to the project as designated in the Vail Village Master Plan andior Recreation Trails Master Plan. Goal #4 To preserve existing open space areas and expand green space opportunities. lmprove existing open space areas and create new plazas with green space and pocket parks. Recognize the different roles ol each type of open space in forming the overall labric of the Village. 3.2 Objective: 4.1 Objective: 4.1.4 Policy: Open space improvements, including the addition of' accessible green space as described or graphically shown in the Vail Village Master Plan and/or Urban Design Guide Plan, willbe required in conjunction with private inlill or redevelopment projects. Goal #5 lncrease and improve the capacity, efliciency and aesthetics of the transportation and circulation system throughout the village. 5.1 Obiective: Meet parking demands with public and private parking facilities. 5.1.1 Policy: For new development that is located outside of the Commercial Core 1 Zone District, on-site parking shall be provided (rather than paying into the parking fund) to meet any additional parking bemand as required by the Zoning Code' 5.1.5 Policy: Redevelopment projects shall be strongly encouraged to provide underground or visually concealed Parking. Goal #6 To insure the continued improvement of the vital operational elements of the Village. 6.1 Objective:Provide service and delivery facilities for existing and new development. Vail Village Master Planfl Building Height Plan Generally speaking, it is the goal of the Building Height Plan to maintain the concentration ot tow-scald buildiigs in the eore area, while positioning larger buildings along the northern periphery. According to the Concepiual Building Height Plan contained within the Vail vittaie Master Plan, the Austria Haus is located within an area proposed to have bui6ing heig-hts of a maximum range of three to four stories. A building story is defined as 9' of height, not including the roof. Vail Village Master Plan Action Plan According to the Action Plan, illustrated in the Vail Village Master Plan, the Austria Haus property is an area intended for residential/lodging infill along the south side of the property and commercial infill along the north side of the property. According to the Vail Village Master Plan, the Austria Hausproperty is located within mixed-usi sub-area #1-S,bonnenalp (Austria Haus)/Slifer Square: "Commercial infill along East Meadow Drive to provide a stronger edge to street and c_ommercial activity gendrators to reinforce the pedestrian loop throughout the Village. Focu.s ol infill is to provide improvements to p6destrian circulation with separated walkway. including buffer' htong easi Meadow Drive. Accommodating on-site parking and maintaining the bus route aton! East Meadow Drive are two significant constraints that must be addressed. One addiional floor of residentialilodginghay also be accommodated on this site. Specific emphasis should be placed on the iollowing Vail Village Master Plan objectives:2.3,2.4' 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4,4.1, 5.1, 6.1." Vail Villaoe Urban Design Guide Plan. The proposal will not be evaluated for conformance with the Vail Villagg Urban Design Guid'e Plan at this time. Staff will be evaluating this criteria with Jeff Winston, our Urban Design Consultant, and we will be providing a written report of the review at a future PEC meeting. ldentification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. Stafl will not be evaluating the above-described criteria at this time. E. F.Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features' vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community' The applicant has revised the proposed site plan in response to comments.received from the Piblrning and Environmental iommission and staff during previous worksession meetings. illost importantly, the applicant has shifted the building on the site to further butfer ine surrounding proferties.'ine applicant has designed the.building to respect the titty-ioot iSO ) Core Cieef 'stream setback'along the south side of the property and is now miintaining ihe required twenty-foot (20') setback along the west property line. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traff ic circulation. Staff will not be evaluating the above-described criteria at this time' Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to oPtimize and preserve natural features, recreation' views and functions. Staff will not be evaluating the above-described criteria at this time' Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functaonal and efficieni ielationship throughout the development of the specialdevelopment district. Staff will not be evaluating the above-described criteria at this time. IV. ZONING ANALYSE The development standards for a Special Development District shall be proposed by the applicant. bevelopment standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks' height' d'elrsity control, siie coverage,landscaping and parking and loading shall be determined by the Town Council as part of the approved development plan, with conslderation of the recommendations of ihe Planning and Environmental Commission and staff. Before the Town Gouncil approves development standards that deviate from the underlying zone district, it shall 6e determined that such deviations provide benefits to the Town that outweigh the adverse effects of such deviations. This determination is to be made based upon tie evaluation of the proposed Special Development District's compliance with the Review Criteria outlined in the section above, The Community Development Department statf has prepared a Zoning Analysis for the proposed Austria Haus redevelopinent OasdO on the revised plans submitted by the applicant on December 1 1 , 1 996. The Zoning'Analysis compares the. development standards outlinedty the underlying zone district of PubliCAccommodatibn, to the'proposed Special Development District. For comparative purposes only, and at the requesi of the Planning and Environmental Commission' staff has included the appioved development standards of Special Development District # 30' as arnended, the Vail Athletic Club. Wherever the proposed development deviates from the underlying zoning of Public Accommodation, the standards are highlighted in bold type. G. r_0 O .ud 6v $ Proposed SDD as ol 12111/96 0.5' 5' t20' 7', 48' llat 25 valet spaces 23 regular spaces 25% or 6,122 sq. ft. 1 berth at drop{ff area 14% or 5,122 sq. tt 39% or 14,549 sq. ft. 34-33 DU's (24 DU's, 49% 20 AU's, 1 Type lll EHU) 717o or 1?2fl) sq. ft. 130% 1=--- , ---- -1 1114 2.r'\-).t- 44% 19.5' 15'/0' 13' 3' N/A -15% Loadlng In rlght-of{ay 266% 216Yc Aul " iqrqo tgt, llbolo ttrJtr' ll AUSTRIA HAUS 242 Easl Meadoiv Drivs/Patt of Tract C, Block 5D' Vail HheLegal: Lot size: Buidable area: Development Standard 24,089 sq. ft. /0.553 acres 24,089 sq. ft. /0.553 acres Underlylng Zonlng of Publlc Accommodatlon Ordlnance #8 (sDD #12-1984) or 28,591 sq. atount'or '"t4& .Devldlen EFn (Proposed v3-'og Allowable) ,n -rrr{ 1'1% l9'q.L sdh Et-lu ,l.b1o v)'@5 LO: I-?'6 A.r.t TtlZ L..o -t GRFA: Dwelling units per acre: Site coverage: Setbacks: fronl: sides: rgar: Height: 80o/" or 19,271 sq. ft. 13.8 DU's 55% or 13,249 sq. ft. 20' 20' 20' 48' sloping 45' flal 34.5 DU's (2 DU's & 65 AU's) 71o/o ol 17,103 sq. tt. N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 short-term spaces on-site 71 parkang spaces pay-in-lieu A detailed plan was lo be submitted for DRB approval 'I benh 360/. or 1 1,555 sq. ft. N/A \\ ,ff) perr.o.V.code secrion 18.52 "'\------='& ++te. Landscaping: Loading: Commercial sq. foolage: Common area: lotAt- Legal: Lot SizE: 30o ot 7,227 sq. ft. per T.O.V. code Section | 8.52 1Fl. or 1,927 sq. ft. 35o/. ol allowable GRFA or 6,745 sq. ft. L11i.3 f VailAthletic Club 352 East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract C, Vail Village First Filing 30,486 square feeU0.699 acre L1 BuiHable:30,486 square feeU0.699 acre Development UnderlylngZonlng Standard of Public Accommodation Speclal Development Dlstrlct #30 Approval Amount of Deviatlon GRFA: Dwelling unrts pEr acre: Site coverage: Setbacks: front: sides: rear: Height: Parking: Landscaping: Loading: Commercial sq. footage: Gommon area: 80o/. or 24,388 sq. ft. 17.5 DU's 55ol. or 16,767 sq. fl. 20' 20' 20' 48' sloping per T.O.V. code section 18.52 (87 spaces) 30o/" or 9,145 sq. ft. per T.O.V. code section 18.52 10ol" or 3,049 sq. ft. 35o/" of allowable GRFA or 8,536 sq. ft. I 13% or 34,505 sq. ft. 33 DU's (4 DU's, 55AU's,4Type lV EHU's) TOYo or 21,35O sq. ft. 0' 12't12' 2' 67' 29 valet spaces 327o or 9,730 sq. ft. N/A 13% or 4,066 3q. ft. 44% or 15,01i4 sq. ft. 141v. 4f/, 188% 887o 127ao 21% 20' 8'/8' 18' 19' over 58 space def lclt (grandfathered) +60/" 133% 176Vo 33% 16% IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Since this is a worksession to discuss the proposed establishment of a Special Development District to the property located at 242 East Meadow Drive/part of Tracl C, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing, an'd nbt arequest for a formal recommendation from the Planning and Environmextal- Commisslon to the Towri Council, staff will not be providing a recommendation at this time' Staff will, however, provide a recommendation on the applicant's proposal at the time of final review' L2 I I I I iI -Ji ,.( 't)i;/r' ,-to- It .$ I I o tt a \------"- fi 6 uirglr i"; I I l i l l l I l I t I l I I I I I I i I i R d I I I I I oAm mI I I I i i \ \ I Iom $ar in I ti tfr qefglr AIJSTRIA HAJSEV.|-cIre fi d u rFEir o I . H*+u! , t DthJ ' ' o3 !.o. fiw.E ntUE A*l_e i.rlo A.U.'= O conya.ttle +P V. a{.c .o o o J rlrv' hat-' Dfl=x+e*ta4 @t 6mp*a+E,€. Aryh ftW--t +twT \.o. t*to la!-.otr reri/l b€ t\'t*-rlaHe i,l AFrJIAL ?eqertrl 'R4tr-o,t hSer \F/;+h o-u' #= ' 'R-r gi,AL|. 'Dcrs NoT' l;VE Q4'L ioet' }iFrre . \a-r-. v,i+h lar> € fu,tk< ' (-ot, o-l.rec> \dtfA grrvu*f oF ;gt,rrrbJ, A*Jal Couca,,uep vJi+h 5i?€, etr bdld,.ul. tlatel . ' vaYb/bre{fie FJF+, fue EgJi+l:icl-t. \".,,--- 1l.1 o.-r.oF . p/he, >rr+Lrda,@a - p*da'uq vtrv* E fue*ap.rl ' 3rnto*tz+.- AQe &. ''.B"'*szw ry &pn4, Lc,ild'l1 iu a*le *till-r ffit Co-lexq . l--tore,l Aarro id luoar la u+r;al hry' p{oral A-@.rE at:u'-,tA be Adocuea iu .'-;l*u,. . DeT id l-lorel Royrt=. ' uu(nrrtFoen4tl€- r<i11", F, llWE A.u." ;a cln'Eyl,arl lnemort= ftvoe'e:> fUn itaure. A*^ . II,ow & eF !^ereJ R@db. eg?fi lr et'nil"re- \o \'4 C' IAAV' T;,'yaVvo-e. io A FiJAzrcitq {'od. . is6-, e,fnr1nrr| cx..tr er. I bry^. Jse '%+,te CIGL t, cowr/es. '@1"-l ekhnle. PARKING CALCULATIONS Rctail square footage 5,122 sq. ft,/l space per 300 sq.ft.= 17,07 parking spaces Accommodation Unit square footage .4 space + .lspace/100 sq. ft = 15.56 parking spaces Interval Owncrship Unit square footage I space/unit = 24 parking spaces Lock-Off square footage .4 space +.1 space/100 sq.ft.= 15.23 parking spaces Employee Housing Unit 2 spaces/T.O.V. code = 2 parking spaces TOTAL GRANDFATHERED 73.86.parking spaces 30 parking spaces TOTAL SPACES REQUIRED 43.86 parking spaccs J-r Mark Van Worstrand said, no. Henry Praft made a motion, in accordance with the staff memo, with the addition to the conditions that A should read that the old tank remain and be painted and that Russ Forrest require full landscaping and with the added conditions, E - that an access control gate be added and F - that the access road be made with as little improvement as praclical. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. S. A request for a worksession lo discuss establishing a Special Development Distilct overlay to the Austria Haus, located al242East Meadow Drive/on part of Tract C, Block 5-D' Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, lnc., represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the request in accordance with the staff memo. He advised the pEC io give sorie consideration to the deviation requested and also to keep in mind the real.or . perceivel benefit of the proposed SDD. He said there was 29,735 sq. ft. of vacation ownership in the building. Greg Moffet stated that this was 206/" ot the permitted zoning. George Ruther said, according to staff's interpretation, if the lock-offs were treated as hotel (accoimmodation) units, then the square footage proposed would seem reasonable. He said the proposed square footage was excessive, if.the lock-oifs were excluded from lhe shortterm rental. Henry Pratt asked George to read the list lrom the Zoning Code. What constitutes common area? George Rulher then proceeded to read from the Code the definition of a common area. Greg Moflet asked for the applicant to comment. Gordon Pierce stated that when he began this project, he used the 1984 ordinance as a guideline to see how they could add quality warm pillows to th'rs town. He said they did not look at specific . . numbers. H-e said that quality buildings require more space and the ordinances are outdated. He said he originally looked at tlre massing of the buibing and how it would fit into the Village. Greg Moffet said the numbers aren't that out of whack. Gordon Pierce said the project was on the lower end of the margin of a good quality hotel. H.e felt it was not valid to compar'e this project to the Athletic Club, as it has failed under three ownerships. He said it was difficuit to look at numbers objectively. Gordon said that he had corrected some of the.numbers on the staff memo and the valet parking had 40 regular parking spaces and 8 valet parking spaces. George Ruther said once you block regular spaces with valet parking, you then have 25 valet spaces and 23 regular spaces. Planning and Environmental Commission Minut€s December 16. | 996 ---- | .-I Gordon Pierce said the landscaping looks likes a low percentage, since we were landscaping outside of the project. Greg Moffet asked lor any public comment. Jim Lamont, representing the East Village Homeowner's Association (EVHA), said in looking at the comparison beiween thtvail Athletic Club, the Austria Haus and the Mountain Haus, there should be a rezoning of these three common properlies. He said that the 1984 numbers were established by Larry Livingston, but now it makes sense to rezone blocks that share similar characteristics. He sliO tn6re snoutd Oe consistent treatment among properties regarding pay-in-lieu fees. He said this consistent treatment should be among these three properties and that it may make sense for the Vail Athletic Club to go to time-share. He thought a PA-1 Zone District was best for these properties and to entertain time-sharing for the Vail Athletic Club. Jim stated to apply time-sharing to the other pA zone Districts was too risky. He advised the PEC to make sure that figures were accurate, as he was not sure of the appropriate mix. He said, regarding the design standpoint, that there needed to be more of a separation between the mass transit and pedestrian walkway and also more of a landscape sepalation that provided grades for the street to be closer to the building. Joseph Trelevin, representing the Village Center Association, had been concerned with the south and rlest setbacks, however he had been satisfied by Gordon Pierce. He said that Gordon assured us that there would be no overnight parking in front of the building. He said that Gordon had placed the trash area inside the building and that landscaping would be a ioint effort between the buildings. He did express concerns after the most recent memo from staff regarding deliveries in the underground parking facility. He said that if trucks were required to go down the ramp, they would then have noise problems. George Ruther explained that loading and deliveries were a concern and the recommendation from the PEC and staff was that deliveries be underground. He said that Gordon felt there would not be many deliveries and the front drop-off area was not good for deliveries. Greg Moffet said when you eliminate lood and beverage, you eliminate deliveries by 70% and that it wouid not be in the club membership's best interest to have a lot of unloading by the front entrance. Dan Telleen, Karat's Jewelry Store owner next to the project, said loading and unloading deliveries will cause noise from motors running and exhaust outside of his door. He stated that most deliveries were by UPS. He said that garbage smells, promised by the applicant, were going to be out of site and garbage trucks would have to go down the ramp. Dan suggested rolling garbage conlainers out to the ramp. Dan said that Jan from Overland & Express thought that east ol the . west parking structure enirance the gate could be removed making it possible for trucks to unload. Ue sdriO thaimany trucks park on the west hill to unload downhill and may be a solution with grading. Dan said he had a concern regarding the 71 parking sPaces. George Ruther explained that the 71 parking space figure had lapsed from the 1984 proposal and that the applicant would build 48 parking spaces' Dan Telleen stated there already was a parking problem in Town and it was important from the retail sector that the parking be sutficient. He mentioned that people down valley say traffic has improved in their business because of parking and that locals don't come lo Town because they cant park. . He said that we were makingj ourselves unaccessible with 30 more spaces that donl exist. Dan felt that employee housing was important since more maids and shopkeepers were going to need to o Planning and Environmental Cornmtsslon Minutes December 16, 1996 \^ 1_0 t- park and live somewhere. He lelt that the lack of housing and parking with this proposal was putting more pressure on problems that already exist. Mike Mollica explained that the applicant was not paying into the pay-in-lieu fund because they had met the parking requirement of 4b'spaces by having 4&parking spaces. He said that a section of the Code provided for grandfathered spaces. Gordon Pieice addressed some of Dan's concerns by saying that you wouldn't need that many parking spaces for this kind of a building. He said the applicant would like to fill it up with high quality boutiques. Jim Lamont asked how you could have grandfathered parking spaces when you have spaces on site? Mike Mollica gave an example of the Athletic Club on page 12 of the staff memo. He said the existing devel6pment was shy 58 spaces and they were allowed have the deficit grandfathered. The At-hletic CtuO, as approvdd by Council, was required by the ordinance to pay-in-lieu and that there was a precedent for a PA zoned property to pay-in-lieu. Dan Telleen stated that big trucks deliver to many small restaurants and when the parking is gone' someone will have to pay for it. Henry Pratt asked Joe Trelevin about the big trucks. He asked if lhe retail-oriented Village Center had inf requent deliveries? Joe Treleven said the trucks service the restaurants and the WeFtecycle business dumps broken glass, creating noise. He didn't want to create the same situation with the Austria Haus. Greg Amsden said autos come out ot that building. Dan Telleen said trucks that are too big for the garage would unload for all the small restaurants, since it was so hard to get downtown. He thought recycle bins could go underground with the trash. Henry Pratt asked for the statistics on the occupancy rate of lock-offs . Bill Sullivan said there were 2 and 3-bedroom units with lock-offs' Henry Pratt said the 2-bedroom units were in demand, so the lock-offs attached to the 2-bedroom would rarely be rented. Henry asked how often they would be available? Bill Sullivan said, based on the sales tax revenue, that 25% of the time they would be available. He also said the fractional units would be available to rent, as well as the lock-otf attached to the fractional units. Diane Golden asked how rnany 3-bedroom and 2-bedroom units there were? Bill Sullivan said there were 8 3-bedroom and 16 2-bedroom units. Galen Aasland asked about the accessing the parking garage under East Meadow Drive from the parking structure? O Goroon Prerce saro rr was nor reasrore. Planning and Environmental Commission Minulcs Decembcr 16, 1996 11_ -l Greg Moffet asked about the current sizing of the hotel rooms. George Ruther said the hotel rooms were between 365 - 380 sq. ft. Bill Sullivan said the Sonnenalp Hotel would provide the "new face" concern. Gordon pierce said units would be rented through the pool or available for rental at all times. John Schofield asked what the relative rental occupancy was? Bill Sullivan said it was similar to the Sonnenalp and that rack rates should be similar. Greg Moffet stated that there would be no personalization in rooms, that the management chose the furnishings, thus increasing rentability. Gordon Pierce said retail transports their trash and use a huge compactor at the Bavaria Haus. John Schofield asked staff if we would be able to require more parking with an SDD? Mike Mollica said he was inclined to say yes, but he would need to research that. John Schofield said he wants to know if we were bound by the grandfalher clause. He said he was still concerned with the bulk and mass. He said the market, not the PEC, needed to take care of warm pillows. Gene Uselton would like to see this project done and that he was in favor of it' Greg Amsden wanted the percentage of rented rooms equal to what is being replaced. He said that fronia lodging proposal stindpoint, he felt comfortable that his questions were answered today. He still felt tfral tn-e eRfn was too high and might be one area to trim. He was happy with the architecture. He asked about the roof difterential and what would go on top of the building, since it was such a visible roofline. Gordon Pierce stated that equipment will be hidden in the tower and that the slope of the roof would hide plumbing, vents, etc. He said that some skylights would reduce the flat portion of the roof and that a sloping roof could hide everything. George Ruther said that prior to final review, Gordon would need to provide elevations illustrating vents, fans etc. Greg Amsden didn't agree with Jim Lamont's PA-1 , as it was spolzoning for three buildings. He lelt owners of other buildings should be allowed to come before the Town with the same request. Diane Golden expressed sympathy Jor Dan Telleen, regarding losing services in Town. She was nervous about aliowing such great variances as it might set a precedence. Diane was impressed with this proposal and was in favor of it. Gordon Pierce said according to the Town plan, large buildings were to be located at the periphery of the core areas, with smaller buildings in Town. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes December 15, 1996 L2 Galen Aasland was concerned with the size of the building, if it complies with development standards and was consistent with other projects. He wai concerned that the height of the roof blocks the view from the parking struclure. He said that all the hotel units were on the least desirable north side ot tnb OuitOTng. He felt that lhe vacation units were worth a lot more making the hotel units second cousins. Galen had no problem with loading' Henry Pratt agreed that some ol zoning quantities were out of date. He felt parking wal.al issue .. that rieeded riore thought, but with shittle services it may not be necessary. Henry said that retail was not catering to thelocals, but to guests and because of that, will the retail survive the ofF season. Henry-said what bothered him most was the GRFA which lead to a building that was taller than it needed to be. He felt the GRFA was beyond what should be granted in this case. He said the site was a portal to the Village and would biock the view. Henry noticed that this week another vacation unit had been added. -Henry wanted to transfer the additional unit to hotel space and he agreed with Galen about sticking the hotel rooms on the north side' Greg Moffet agreed with the hotel rooms being in the wolst possible location. He said the bulk and mas! were OoiOting what zoning permits. He said that doubling the zoning on the property, while at the same time creaiing a parking jrroblem in the Village, increasing low-wage employees without any potential for empl6yeb nousing and decreasing the number of hotel rooms was the tail wagging tnd dog. He said a iinancing tool was a necessity, but what we had here was an 80-20 mix and the financing tool doesn't have to be 80%. He was uncomfortable with the allocation ot the square footage." He wanted more AU's and to see some of them in better locations. He stated that there was a parking issue and an employee housing issue. Gordon Pierce stated the existing Bavaria Haus faces the north and used bay windows to permit looking east and west with up an? down views. He said in terms of quality, warm pillows, this projeci would have almost 4 times the nights occupied from what exists now. Gordon disagreed witn tne view corridor and said the view Corridor was when people were coming down the steps, and not when lhey were on ground level. He said that the Village could clearly be seen from two miles away. He asked for a number since everyone felt he should cut back in square footage. Galen Aasland stated that the existing building had '11,000 sq. ft. of hotel rooms and he advised the applicant to not go less with this request. He said the PEC can't approve it with less hotel room sjrhce. Galen totd tne applicant if the need tor 141"/" could be dernonstrated then show why. Gordon Pierce said the Town asked for more warm pillows. Greg Moffet asked how they figured 25"/" of the lock-offs were AU's? Cynthia Thornberg said the 25% number came up with no basis, since there was no precedent anywhere else. Galen Aasland said he realized the Athletic Club had gone through reorganizations because of financial difficulties, however, with the financial incentives timesharing brings to this project, it needs to be brought back to the scale of the Alhletic Club. Gordon Pierce stated that the Athletic Club had lost money over the years' Greg Amsden said the Vail Athletic Club was a rernodel; this was a bulldozed property. Greg Amsden said we can't bring economics into the review. Planning and Enviroruncntal Cornrrussion Minutes. December 16, 1996 13 Bill Sullivan said there were extremely few time-share properties that had hotel rooms. He said that most people at this high-end market level don't olfer them in a rental pool. Greg Moffet said he needed more information. Greg Amsden suggested to the applicant to take a Beaver Creek project and use the numbers lor comparison. Henry Pratt said he wanted the preservation of the existing 1 1,000 square feet of hotel rooms. He also wanted to see some real numbers on the percentage of lock-offs. Henry Pratt thought 3 vacation units could be turned back into hotel rooms. He had a hard lime with doubling the GRFA, as it could be perceived as a grant of special privilege. Gordon Pierce asked if it would be acceptable to reduce the GRFA by 20/" entirely out of the fractional units? Henry Pratt said, no, that it would have to be proportionate. Gene Uselton said he doesn't understand the distinction between hotel rooms and time-share users. Susan Connelly said this project was a public benelit, as the revitalization is in of itsell new. She said different types of lodging projects were requested and adopted by the Town Council. Jim Lamont advised establishing view corridors at the west end of the parking structure. He said there were plenty of lock-ofls to do a test, which will give a degree of comfort with the numbers. He told the applicant that they had to provide the data, since they were first through the chute. _He_said the spot zoning was inconsistent, but there.was no inconsistency with the GRFA. He said GRFA was a general tool for economic redevelopment. He said that so fal the SDD was a miserable failure, as it gave neighbors no idea if they were being treated fairly. Dan Telleen noted that the owner's of the time-share units dues would be paid out of staie and therefore, not subject to the Town's sales lax. Dan still had concerns with making it tough for people coming into Town . Gordon Pierce proceeded to show old photos of the existing alley and how the project would turn this alley into a public benefit. 6. A request for an amendmenl to a condition of approval lor the Town of Vail Public Works shops expansion, pertaining to employee housing, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive/on an unplatted parcel, north of Vail Village, 8th Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen gave an overview of the request. Susie Hervert, representing Public Works, said that in early spring the employee housing would be constructed and that Public Works was fully committed to see it go. Planning and Environmental Commlssaon Minutes I)ecember 16, 1996 ' 1"4