HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D PART OF TRACT A AUSTRIA HAUS AKA SONNENALP 1999 RETAIL SPACE A LEGALFWt afnit/z O l/, /,"/1,7e /-/ TOI'IN OF VAII 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 9L657 970-479-2L38 Status. . . : (AUSTRIA Applied..: Issued- - . : Expires - . : ISSIJED 07/23/3_998 t0/02/1-99e 03 /3L/1,999 Phone: 9'lO-242-9236 Phone z 970-242-9236 Occupancy: E}2 Tlpe ConsE,ruction: II FR Tlpe Occupancy: Valuat.ion: Fireplac€ Infornation: Restricted: apDrovedFire Resistive'' amount dateAdd Sq Fb:- TOV/Comm. Dev. #of Hood,/PalLet: Clean-up De Refund 115, 000 92 Type rI *of ca6 ApIrIianc.6:*Of Ga6 Log6: FEg SI'UMARY Plen chcck- - - > InveEti.gation> wlll call----> Restualrnt Plan Reviee- - > DRB Fcc-------- CL€an-Up Deposit--------> Total Calculai:ed Fees- - - > AdditsionaL Fces--------- > Total Permit FEe--------> Pa).meDlg------- 400.00 520 ,00 .00 3 .00 500. o0 1.,823.00 . o0 1, 423 . 0O 1, 823 .0O . o0 . o0 Recreat.ion Fee---- ------> .O0 TOIAI, FEES----- 1,S23.00 BAT,ANCE DUE---- i * * * f * * * r * a | * * * r ***r*r** ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI,IENT07/23/.L998 'JRM Action: NOTE09/25/L998 GGOODELT Action: ApPR Dept: BUILDING Division: PLANS TO GARY f Ee.m: .05400 PTANNING DEPART14ENTO7/23/L998 JRM Action: NOT09/29'/L998 C'GOODELL Action: APP aEEibril"lr-cirr pr,ANs ro eEdF.de DepE: EORGT09'/29'/L998 C,GOODEI,L Act.ion: AppR GnOnGs AppROvEDItem: 05600 FIRE DEPART!4ENfIteM: O55OO FIRE DEPART!4ENT DepT:O7/24/.L998 JEII Act,ion: NOTE PI,ANS To FIREN9/29/L998 CHARI.,IE ACTJ.ON: APPR SEE CONDITION * o7 L-m: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS7/23/L998 JW Act,ion: APPR N/A PIJANNING Division; 7 /23 /98FIRE' Division; ION #3Dept:PUB WORK Divisi-on: Iit*rrt*i*triii**,***tr.***r*ttt!r**r**ttttrri*r**lrr|*r.r**|}t*ttt!r**rttt*r****araarr****rt*****{*t*atIa**i,'rrt} See Page 2 of Lhis Document, for any conditions LhaE may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby .ckno!.Iedg! thaE I have read lhi6 appliciEion, fllled out in full the infonortsion r.quiled, cooplebed an accuraEe ploL plan, and statc Lhat all thc informitlon provided as r€qullcd i€ correct. I agree bo conply irith the Lnfortnatlon and pLot plan, Co comply ttith.Il Tor,rn ordinanceE and staLe I.w6, and to build Chi6 BErucEurc accordLng co the Town's zoning and Bubdivi6ion codee, dceign levie$ approvrd, thifolln Building Code rnd ot'he! orainances of the To*n applicrblc th€t6eo. DEPAR*TEIaT oF coMMUNr* """kow +ry:e 4 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AIT COMM BUTLD PERMT Job Address: 242 E MEADOW DRLocation...t 242 E MEADOW DRParcel No.. : 2LOL-082-25-001 Project, No. : PRiI98-0L86 APPIITEAI\TT SIIAW CONSTRUSTION COMPAIVY 760 HORIZON DR, GRAND .]I'NCTTON CO 81506 COITTRACTOR SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OWNER 750 HORIZON DR, GRAND iIItNeTION CO 81505 AUSTRIA IIAUS DEV GROI'P LLP 18 UIHALESHTP PLAZA, SAI\T FRANCISCO CA 941_1_1 Descriptsion: TENAIiI:T FINISH OF RETAII. SPAEE ''AN ON .]OBSITE AT Permit ALL TIMES #: 898-0204 REQUBSTS SHALL BE IIADE TWET,ITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADrreNeE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-r1!e OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:o0 Al.t 5:0o pM gcnd Cleat!-Up DepoliC Tor SHAW CONST ********************************:l*********************************************** ********************************************************************************Permit #: 898-0204 Permir r)rye: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMTApplicanr,: sHAW CONSTRUCTION COMpAIvy 970-242-9236 EONDITIONS as of to/02/98 Status: ISSIJED Applied: 07/23/L998Issued: L0/02/1,998 To Expiret 03/3L/L999 Job Address: LOCAtsiON: 242 E MEADOW DR (AUSTRIA HAUS)Parcel No: 2101-082-25-001 - DescripEion: TENAI T FINISH OF RETAIL SPACE I'AI' Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMEIilT APpROVAL rS REQUTRED BEFORE ANy WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIEIJD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. AIJIJ WORK TO ALSO BE COORDINAT'ED WITH THE FIRE DEPT, INCLI'DING SPRINKLER HEAD LOCATTONS, AI,ARM DETAILS, ETC. TIIIS BUILDING IS CI,ASSIFTED AS TYPE II-FR NONCOMBUSTIBLE. AJJIJ MATERIALS, ]NCLUDING BACKING & TRIM, MUST MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS FOR TyPE II-FR CONSTRUCTION. TIIE APPROX. 935-SQ-FT AREA I,ABELED AS NSTORAGE'' MAY REQUIRE2 SEPARATE EXITS SEPA.RATED BY L/2 THE DIAGONAI, DISTANCE IFIT IS COIiTVERTED TO RETAII.,, DINING OR DRINKING ESTABLISHMEI{'T USE IN THE FUTI]RE. Eaglc Coun cY 8.8640 for PERMIT APPLICA?ION FORMoxrez!fup&_ 1 ' -1 .," Jon cac E ar 970-3 Tob Name Legal Description:Lot lumber of DweLling Units: OUT COHPLETELY OR IT }IAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT TNFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * :r * Dte Fcceived P,alc,e! I. TOWN oF vArL coNsTRUcTION JUL 21 1998 PER.\rrr r otB6per r: . APPLICATION MIJST BE FILLEDI r * ** * * **rr* **** *** * ** *** **** t ** ng Iri-P]u;rbing [ ]-Electrical []-Mechanibal [ ]-other BIock il tddress: ilectrical iddress: )Iumbing iddress: \ddress: r rt :t :t :t rt :t :t :t :t * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *FOR }UTLDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ILECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: Hgq[;:":;.;:ii.;: Phone Number: Town of Vail F!rg. NO-_ Phone Nunber z ft$_ZIZ:Z4e__ Town of Vail Req. NO. Phone Nunber : fu__92=_/Zzt__ nlroo Acldress , &Z-L_e fro&; il . - ri'l i rrnI rrrtty_ sUEDMSlON: lwners Name: \rchitect:Address:z&Pb.: ;eneral Description: .lork Class: [ ]-New [ ]-A).teration [ ]-Additlonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accomrnodation Units: lmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/pe)-Iet k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:t * * 'l * * * * rl * * * * * * * VALUATIONS **Jr******* ************ **)t******** ]UILDING: $E r,E crR r cA r,, +. _M=_ _OTHER: $?LUMBING:,},IECFIANICAL: $ Address: €ar"^r) lf ,n. CTOR BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: oFFICE USE ***** ********************)r***** BUILDING PI,AN CHECX FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FNES: *****rk******* Contrac GROUP VALUATION I CLEAN I]P DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO: 75 soulh tronlage roa d vail, colorado 81652 (303) 479-21.38 or A79-2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olllce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIqN OF VAIL TOI,TN OF VAIL puBLIc WoRKS/COMMLINITy DEVELOPIIENT MARCH 16, L9B8 CONSTRUCTION PA-RKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr.awful for anyperson to Iitter, track or deposit ;;;-=;ir]".I.t, sand, debrisor materiar, incruding trash iutnp=ter=, portabre toilets andworkmen vehicles.r1pon any sLreetl sidewaik;-;ii;y or pubticplace or anv nortiln trt"i"""i- --i!. right-of-way on arr Town ofVail streets ind.roads is approximately 5 ft. Lff pavement.this ordinance wiII be ;r.;:ii;^enforced by the Town of Va'lPubric works Deoartrnent. --p"r.lns found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour r.i[l"n".ot,ice to remove-said materia]-.rn the event the person so notified.ao.=-nll"'J"iprv with thenotice within the 24 hour.tim"-!p""ified, the putric worksDepartment r+ir-r remove said mare;i;i-;r-ih;":";;;"e or personnotified- The provi=i"nr-"r"fii, orornance shall not beappricabre to c-onstruction, ^.int"rr"r',ce or repair projects ofany street or ar.tey or any "ririti;;"i; ;;"';i;;i_._r.y. To review ordinance No- e in furr, pJ.ease stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtiin a copy. rlrani you for your.cooperation on this rnatter. liii (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 louth lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 otf lce of communlty developmerrt EUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TII,tE FRANE If thi.s permit requires a Tovrn of Vail Fire Department Approva.l ,Engineer''s (Public works) ruvie* ana'ipproval,'. piJnnin[-b.pu"t .ntrev i ew or Hea'r th Deoartm6nt - iev iew, -";5-;- ;;;i "; Ly' ;i,;";rit ai n9 Sirt[;3!",1;.lll "'.i'u tea iime' ior'u-iotur ""ui.n-;uv"iu[i'as r 6ns All commercial (large-or smal'l) ana all multi-family permits willhave to follow tne Sbove il;ii6";;-ri*ir* requirements. Residentialand small projects shou'ld tat<e i-ieis., .round or lime. However, ifresidentiat or snrat t er projtlis-ii,piii' the varjous -;;;;. miniloneodepartments rvith reqard' to-necessii-y-ieview, tn.i" pr"j..ii ruyalso take the three weet< peiioJ. Every.attempt wiil be made by thisperm'['t as. s.qon as possi bl e. - I, the undersigned, trnderstand the frame, departnrent to expedi te th.is plan check procedure and time Project Nanre Communi ty Devel opment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: REI MEMOFANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBL|C WAY WORKS PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED Job Name: Dale: Please an following questionnaire regarding lhe need for a "public way permit": YES NO ./1) 2) 4) 5) 6) 7) ls lhis a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed lhat requires the use of lhe right of way, easemenls or public propefi? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls differenl access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling the right of way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? 8) A. ls lhe right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B, ll no to BA, is.a parking, staging ,/or {encing plan required by Community : Development? lf you answered yes to any ol these questions, a "Public Way permit. rnusl be obtained.?ublic Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or atC9ry1ulity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspeclor, at 479-215g. questions. Contracto/s Signature TOT{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROADvArL, co at657 970-479-2L3A Job Address...:tocat,ion......: Parcel No.. -..:Project Number: DEPARTI'EMT OF EOMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE; THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT AI-'L TIMES Permit #: M98 -O2Q2MECHANICAI, PERMIT 242 B ME,ADOW DR AUSTRIA HAUS RETAIT SPACE 2roL-082 -25-001_ PRir98 - 0186 Status...: ISSITED 'tA't Applied. . : 10/14/1-998Issued...z LQll4/t998 Erqrires. . : 04/1,2/1,999 APPLTCAI\TI CONTRACTOR OWNER ROBINSON MECHANICAI COMPAI\IYP. O. BOX 6459, AVON CO 81620 ROBINSON MECIIANIEAL COMPAI.IYP. O. BOX 6459, AVON CO 81520 AUSTRIA IIAUS DEV GROUP LLP 18 WHALESHIP PLAZA, SA}I FRJMTCTSCO Phone z 970-949-O259 Phone: 970-949-O259 34, 630 . 00 #of wood/Pal1eE: Descriptsion:instalL venE,llati-on, fan coils Eo retail space Fireplace InfoftratioEr: R€st.ricLedr y *Of eas Appli.Enc€r: cA 94111 Valuation: *of Gas Logs ? FEE Sttt4,lARI *'****'t*i*i*ri Mechanical- - -> Plan eheck- - - > InveBt.igation> will call-- -- r BALAIICE DU8.--- .OO ir ri, *r * *r | ** *rir i* r + Ilqm: .05100 BUILDING DEPARIIIENILO/L4/L998 CHARLIE ACEiON: APPR PERITEM: .05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTLO/L4/L998 CHARIJIE Act,ion: APPR N/A Ge*" cD.pt: BUILDING Division: DepE: FIRE 700 . o0 175.00 .00 3.O0 .00 .00 874 . OO a78 .00 .00 a79.00 6?S.00 RegEuaf,ant PLan Revi.ew--> DRB Fee--------- TOTAIJ FBEg---.. fot6l calculaccd Fee€- - - > additiorlel Fees-- ----- --> ToEal Pertlit Fec- ---'---> Payaene6 - - - - - - - - Division: EONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAI{CE.2. AqqESS TO HEATTNG EOUTPMENT MUST-CoMFr,V Wrm SEC.s05 Ar[D703 OF THE 1.991 IIMC: *******************************************************!************************* DECLARATIONS I hef,eby aeknowl€dge thats I have raead thiB apptj.cetton, filled out in full the informat'ion required, conple€ed an accura!.€ plot plan, .nd BtaCe tsha€ all Ehe lnfornation plovided a. requlrGd is correcE. I agEee to couply vlth ehe {nformailon and pfot plan, to comply with all Tot,n ordinences and statse lay6, end ro build lhid Btruetqrc rccording Eo Ehe 'Io!,n's zoning and Bubdivislon codce, deaign rcwi.en epp oved, Unlfol.lr Building cod. and othcr ordinances of the Tor.n appllcrbl. ther.to. REQUESf9 FOR INSPEETIONS SHALI, BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR SIOI.I.ITURE OF OI{NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND O!{NER PRO|,I g:o0 Al4 5rO0 PM PERI.IIT I PERMTT APPLICATTON FORMDaTE: tD-1-98 ^ I APPLTCATToN MUsr BE FTLLED OU? COMPLETELy OR rr I'tAy NOT BE ACCEPTEDITx***************************** PERMIT TNFORMATJON **************************i**rl [ ]-Buirding t l-plumbing [ ]-Electrical X-Uectranl-cal [ ]-other Job Name: AgskLHo.,s &Ie.l "A"Job Address: 2r*J Er+ Me-qJo.^rrr Dv ! to** oF vArL coNsrRucrrt Pmqs 'o taQ Bts-olq/ BIock riling Address:Ph. Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Address: ll -----Architect: General Description:s.r |t.'wt;.,\el coit ur;th hlc d.,.f-onK e.'lvork class: t){-lrew I J-A].teratr.on t l-AatditlonaL [ ]-Reparr [ ]-other_ xtrrhlr^e ^€ rr.'-'t 'r I -- 'r- r ! rc{iri l-uo1lNunber of Dwetll.ng unLts: O Number of Accommodation uni#f it;a-t' ,[tU.. and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Applian."= O cas Logs C) Wood/pellet_lJ_ [ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs *********************************rl BUILDTNG: $ETECTRICAL: I OTHER: $P^LUMBTNGt t--ToTAL: $-l *************************** s Town of Vail Phone Number: fown of Vall Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Address:{^) Phone Number: ********************************FOR ' {2iU)^5 ---*+- oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PI.,AN CHECK FEE:PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: IiIECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT; TOTAL PER}ITT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE! t:s-:,3aaress: looo <. f-un\a-f Rd ph.+-r6+vij orrtn of VaiI Reg. NO. hone Number: Electrical Contractor: N /AAddress: - . Plunbing Contractor: Address: Ob'nSo BUILDING PERUIT FEE: PLUMBINC PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PER}|IT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FE83 VALUATION TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,, CO 8a657 970-479-2138 .APPLICAIfT CONTRACTOR O'VNER DEPARTME}ilT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENI| NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLI]MBING PBRMIT rTob Address: 242 E MEADOW DRLocation. ..; 242 E MEADOW DRParcel No. . : 21-01--OB2-25-001Project No. : PRJ98-0i-86 TOTAL PLI]MBING 4701 N. COLORADO BI,VD, DENVER CO TOTAL PLU}IBING 4701 N. COLORADO BLVD, DENVER CO 80215 AUSTRIA IIAUS DEV GROUP LI,P 18 IdIALESHIP PLAZA, SAN FRANCISCO CA 9411]. Valuation: JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit, #: P9B-0158 Status...: ISSUED (AUSTRIA)Applied. . : tL/ 04 /L998Issued...: LI/ta/1998 E>pj-res. . : 05/to/l.999 Phone:. 303942-0727 802t5 Phone z 303942-0727 Description: PI-,UMBING FOR RETAIL (A) **********i*+*r FEE SUIqIIARY 21, 041. 00 P1unbing----->330.O0 ResEuaranC PIan Review- - >.00 ToEal calculated Fees- - - >415.50 PLan Check---> a2-50 TOTAL FEES------ 415.50 Additionat FeeB---------> .OO Invcstigabion> .00 Tolal Pennits Fe€--------> 415-50 Will Call----> 3.oO Payments- - - - - - - - BALANCE DUE---- .OO i ** * * * *** *;!r J** IECM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUITDING DiViSiON:]-],/04/T998 'JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .]RI'Tft,bM:' 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENI DCPT: FIRE DiViSiON:LL/14/L998 ,fRM Acrion: APPR N/A : CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. r *"* rr'1i *iri ""...;;. . " .. -. DECI,ARATIONS t hereby acknowledge lhat I have read thie apptlcatsion, filled out in fulL the infonnatlon requi!€d, completed an acculate plot p1an, and EtaEe t'hats all che infoirlation providea as required i6 correc!. I agree Lo comply with the infofination and plot plan, to conply rrlBh all Town ordinances and etate la$rs, and to bqild this struelule accordl,ng to lhe ?own's zoning and 6ubdiwision codes, design revie!, alrproved, lhiform Building code and other oldina[ces of the Town applicable thereto. R8QUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALIJ BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS rN ADlqNcE BY HIMSELF AND o't$rERFORSIGMTURE OF OWI'J-ER OR CONTRACTOR PERI.IIT APPIICA?TgN FORH:.c,igAl. J.' APrjJJICA?ION. DArEt lI1 -1d It APPLTCATToN }rusr BE FTLLTD our coMpr,ETELy oR rr l,ny lJor BE AccEprEDItx***t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pERl{I? INFORMATIoN *,r * .; * ,r * * * * * * rr * *7a 44vrrt ^^^__xxx:rri:f,xx*)k*************, )tL J-rrul_tdrngi p<J_p]umbinS I j_Xlectrica]. [ ]_Mechanibal [ ]_Other. _t .......\v tLJ_flecnanrcal[]_otherJob Name:@ Job.Aadrer=, 4lE Legal Description: Lot Ft nr.lr h: r ! - f Corriacr l,ag1e Councy Assessors Offlce PARCEL //:Parcel owners Name: dfir.: Arclritect: G. c. Prn,.fi* 1t -o!ol t33T_gI YlIt_ ggl:rRucrro Bloc).._ Filing SUBDIVIS ION: .LP. Address: Pi D\r r r- ,/' Address: _-- ,rJ (_./.rr Jr+i 0 116 (ra --ph.ph GeneraL De scrj.pti"n, gontractoriPlumbing Address: Mechal rical Contractor.: Addre: s: 3:::^": u..ir ngg. No. | | 6.(rnone Number: 1b- ql* - q.r..,, " Town of VaiI Reg. No.lnone l.lumber: FoR oFFICE UsE ******************************* PLIIMB NC PERI.IIT FEE: MEJ}AN ICAL PERMIT FNE:EL'CTITCAL FEE: O?JIER IYPE OF FEE: DRB FIE: : l:ulijgrNc PLAN cHEcK FEE: IlwPrNc PIAN cHEcK _FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:RECREATTON FIE:CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATUF€: r:!,illi i.:p DEP.0SIT VALUATION I{IFOI{D TC: TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRON"TAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-21,38 APPI.,ICAI{T COI\TIRACTOR OI,IINER PMEMf 'fOBSITB AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: 898-0270 Phone: co 81501 Phone: co 81501 941-LL ValuaE.ion: 970-242-2450 97 0 -242-2450 2, 000 . o0Description: ELECTRICAL FoR TENAIVT FINISH e) FEE SI'UMARY 50.00 . o0 . o0 3.OO TOTAIJ FEES-"> 53.00 BAI;LNCE DI'E- - - - * rt t * !r *ir * t* * t * r Itrem: 06000 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:LO/L6/I998 iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRM- rEema'.05600 FrRe oepaRTr'lENi Dept: FrRE Division:ao/L6/L998 JRM .A.cr,ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL *ti*t****t****t DEEI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that' I have lead tshi€ applica€ion, filled ouf in ful,l the infonEtion rcqulr.d, complcted an accuraLe Plot p1an, and 6LaEe that all Ehe information provided a6 r€qulred is colrecl. I agre€ to cotnply wilh the informaEion and Flot pfan, !o conply with alL Town ordinanceE and etate 1an6, and to build !hi6 stlucEure according !o th€ Toiln'e zoning and eubdivision codes. design review approved, Uniforn Building coile and olher oldinances of the Tolrn apPlicable Chereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SI{AI,L BE MADE TWENTY.FOI]R HOURS IN .FJVANCE BY Blectrical---> DRB Pee Investsigation> will call----> Total Perllit Fee--------> Palnnenla------- o DEVELO 242E, MEADOWDR Status..;: ISSIIED 242 E MEADOW DR (retail a-A.pplied..: LO/t6/t9982LOL-O82-25-00L rssued. ..2 LO/20/]-998PR,I98-0L86 Expires..: 04/t8/L999 JI]NCTION, iII]NCTION, 'fob Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: B&BEI-,ECTRIC, INC- 28tB a/2 NORTH AVE., GRAND B&BELECTRIC, INC. 28L8 t/2 NORTTI AVE., GRAND AUSTRIA HAUS DEV GROUP LLP ].8 WIIALESHIP PI,AZA, SA]iI FRANCISCO CA DEPARTMEMT OF COMMUNTTY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ETECTRICAI, PERMIT Total caLc\rlabed EeeE---> 53.00 AadiEional Fees---------> .oo tiilritiiiao-i"' parcel #. rowN oF vArr, coNsrRucrroN PE&\IIT # PAR.EL + :T ""*ilr#ffil13'"t19- Rpne-jved qe -;o+ . App,,rcArroN MUS' BE ETLLED our coMpLErELy oR rJJgTtd l9u98o""u"r"otVI****************************** PERMIT TNFORMASTON *****:r***********************t I i-Building [ ]-Plunbing fil-Electrica] I 1-uechanibar [ ]-other Job Nanes A,,stp,n !\nus Lega1 Description: Lot BIock Filins SUBDIVIsIoN: Dh Ph. ELECTRICAT, : $3g-g-g. q_ MECHANICAL: f OTHER: $ TOTAT: 9 'f *************************** coN?RAcToR INFORMATION *************** J.***********Seneral Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. NO.\ddress:Phone Number : fu:ZAZ:_L?AU 3Iectrical \ddress: \ddress: .************ }UILDING PERMITI:,LUMBING PERI.{Id: TECHANICAL P FEIl}T ;LECTRTCAL FEE:* rDE FFF. :onments: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Req. No. Reg. NO. OFFICE USE ********** ***********r! ********* BUILDING PI.,AN CT{ECK FEE: PLUI'IBING PLAN CHECK fEE: I4ECITANICAI, PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CIEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI4II FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: owners Narne: @Address: Address:Architect: General Description: /.owork class: [f.]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Addirional [ ]-Repair t l-other Nunber of DweLLing Units: I Nurnber of Acconmodation Units: fmler and TIT)e of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************** VALUATTONS ********************************* I 3UILDING: PLUMBING: $ Y Contractor:Town of vail Reg. No.ZL'! g Phone Nurnber: gfu:SZ:ZjtSA_ t9tso)lunrbing Contractor: C_4 <ttddress: ,techanical Contractor: .:LEAN I]P DEP.OSIT RErIIITD /n"a,nk 96.^,B Etgc-f Rlq. r{c,. {,.*o VJ***l REF,Tl3I rilHN OF VFIIL" COLBRfNDB 1i:/I6./98 OBrO4 itEiiUE$I$ F:UR lNSF,ECTION l"rORK $HEET$ Ftll{:1.e/lA/9A FNGE AREA: GG 61 Flct rvity! Bgg-ficil4'It:'.1 14,/58 "[ype l A-COMM Ftddr.esrl l4l |:. Fl€r..lIiLrH DR i-ocat ion: P4E F },l[Hnlihl DR (J.TUSjIRIR flALJS) FarceI r cIOl*'E$e-H:i -Urk-lI [Jt:c: i)esr.r"i pt i on: TENt"ti! | F INifjH UFr lrt!.TAlL- SpACH "61" F{pF} icant ; SHFtlrJ Ciir,lSI RUCTIUi$ C0MFANIV l-,hcne ! Owner r. 6rU$iTii t rr Hr-]U-s DEU [iROUl-' l-.L.F, F,hone: {.iontr.actor.: $iHAld {j$i'ls"fflllc"fIC]hl CUlviF,.ihlV F,hone,. Statt-rs: ISSjUED Constrl ACOM Use: II FR 9 /o-P4A-9836 97tn-g4e-9i?J6 Inspect i on Reqr-rest l!equeotor r liLii | | ,[ nf arma h i o ri, ilonment s: RE fliIL Ftrorre r 479-6698 n Comm enf s Fj Aet:i lnspection I t em I Item: Itemr Ibem!Iten:Iten! ite[! Itenl Ite$! Itenr Ltenr Inspected...Time Exp Histor'y...., OAlaSUt HLDti*!:r'arn i nig tt / LA/2U lnspect or l CD Aet i on r frf-,F R F'ENDINCi REUGH F'LUFiBING 0U456 tsLf)i;-In6r I at r on IL/&4i9tr lnspector': CIJ Actionr FH EXTRI$R EFIST AND SOUTH l1/lgl9$ Inspector': ERG Retion: AFtrR REI-AIL ''R" RFFROVED ataB68r FLUG-liheetr-ock lrlai I tl,/L7/9A Insprectorr Gf{6., Actiolrl f,F,UR BAR trtrRTION ORr BUT.... Il/t7/98 lnsn*ctar : 6RG flction: NO TffLRED tiITH StrOTT FROM,. NOtCg I H*Fi ]tri]}.IT1L]f{ OF URYI^IrILL lSi AFIF'ROVED, BUT PT]RI'ION5 OF INSIT) UF EXTHRIOII I^J'iI.L WHRE f:A[;EU IdIII..I TJRIENTED STRflNN BOARD tilI;Fi. I"HItj 15 A lYF'H I I*.t""[( NIJN{;IIFIIIUSTIHL[. BUIL.DING. CUFIBU$| LbLH HilTHHIALti Af'(t': NUT pERMITTEII ON IHE FfiCE OF TH t^lAl-L$. FInU-HETfrHIrANf-TREfilt':O t^,Ufill MAY HE U$ED' BUl ONLY ' 14 I Tl-l1i\i f HE i.r$sEMhLY, I. E, , FtrR tsiiOKING" sbi: EjEC, l9rA1.' r'JJl I-IBL., ]HE HffLF IdRLL FOf.i THE B6tR ITSELF I'lflV CONTNIN i^ll]'Jj t'Ll fHE EXTEN I THAI IT [UlylF,LIES t"lITH sEC, 17'Zr5 (A) ( I ). I :;r I Litsu, 'i rii-l'rED hITH 1i[OTT FROt4 $HtlH ABfiU] COFIBUSTIBLI FIATERIAI-S iU$Ii U5i:$ }:UR IIAL;KING II.I EXI'EfIIOR HNLLi NOT F'ERMITTED IN 1\'FE l lFR I5IJILII]NG. HL SAID OSF t^fOULD BE RLFIOUED & REpLA HI ii'J I.:II,{b.-RET.ARUIINT-TREAlED F.LYI.,L,OD WITHIN lHE EXT WfiLL I-IhI-JEI,IbI-Y & TI1EN CUVERED I^,I1H 5/B', TYF.E .X' DRYI,{IILL. I1/16/"16 InsperLor-: GRtj $(4A'/U Llt-ilb-Fli ir, 121669O BLi-:,G.-F:i na t 69f53(r hL_i-rii* [enp, X/O IUi l-f /rrt Inst:er:t orI Lij NoteEr FL,i!i:"H L l5I 6ENERRTHL) UrgrS3l FlRk-1 E,Fll-,, C/fi ,r rA$33E: I-.t^J*l-EhF,. trlE rltet533 Ft,,fiN-l-EFiF. L:/O 64537 F.LAN..I::I;!AL E/{J OE53e l* l flh*F INAt- r:/il FICI iON: F.A NORTH F,ORTION RETflIL "fl'' F.tct i orr: DN NL]I REFlllY flT THIS TIME rOU NUM[RNUS TT] LI$T , .*#:. ff* ..i T* :'a-*lle.. t I t'I tr# L L',-F* REPT 13I 18./16./9& tZ6:04 REIIUEST$ Aetivity: tr98-'tlr58 flddressr *4i: H f,lEFliltit{ DF Location; E4E t: ltlHF{DOtl DR (AUSTRIA} F,arce I ! g1O1-u163-i:i3*Erult Descniption: trLUlvlllItlG FOR I{ETffIL (A) fippl icant r TCrTffl- FLUI'IFINtiI Ownerr AUSTll.Ifi l'tFllJS DHV GROUp LLF' Caritractorr TOTAL Fi-.UF1FIN{!i 'l-Oi^lN BF VAIL.T trClL0RtrDg r:OR INgFECTION HURK SHEETS FOR;18/tB/94 J.*./16/94 Type: B-F'L148 litatus: M$UED PAGE AREAI CD Eonstrr NCOM Use:{Jcc r Fhoner 3tt394l*O787 Fhone l F,hone r 3t83948*O787 Inspection Reqr"rest Reqr-restor: StrDTT Req Tine: O1:rZttilIt enrs request ed t o CIAA90 F,LF'IB-Flnal Infcrt'nation..... Comments: REI'AIL R be Inspected... Aeti F,hone: 479*6698 Eonnents Tine Expr Inspection Histof'y.. " . . I t es'r OSgf tA PLlvlF-tjndei'gronnd Iteu I OAegO L,Ll,tB_,1?rrr_rgh/D. W. V. lX/11/98 Inspectc'rt EiFIG I t en ; OOEAS F I RE_E F,R ] T.IKLER ROUIJH It en r A0e3gl trLFlS-Ror-rgfr/Wat er tl/tLl98 lnspeetnr: GRG Itenr OSP4O F,LltlB-Gas F,ipirrp : iIten r TAO8EA FLt'tts'-f'so i. /Hr:b Tr.rb Iten I $Oe6rzr F,L.MB-Fti sr:. Iten r 0Oe9$ F'LfrlH-Final Le/L7 lge lnsp*ctcrt CD Itecr gS53S FIRE-FlNHL- C/O Actiont AFTFR Acb i on: FtrF R flctiorr: DN RETflIL "4, " WATER TEST HNRKINE F.f(ESSURE NOT READY N'I THIS TIME i: ,#, E9/L3/1999 69:ef) RF0UESTS - INgiFECTN t'l0llK SHEETS FOll: $,1 13/199q PAGE 7 AREA: 66 Activity:898*tr304 9/13/19 Type: f:l-.tl0mf'l Status: I55UED llonstn: AtrOltl Addressr i::4; E Nf:fiDtrt^, DR Locat i on: E43 E lYlERDOtl DR (AIJSTRIR Hfltj$) Fareel : l1O1-lit8E-85-0O1 Oec': REF'T 131 Description: TENANT FINISH UF Appl icant r $HA[J I0NSIRUCTIfiN owner! AU5"l-RItl l{At.J{5 DEU Contractor l SHf,t^l CONIiTRUCTION Inspect ion Request Inf or"mert ion. . . . . Requestor r dan l eray Req Timel lZtB l t30t Eomnentsr retail Itens requeeted to be Inspected... ArZlS4la BL.D6-Final U,/0 ' TtJt^tN 0F VAl L-. IOL0RADO RETRIL SF,Af,E,'Ft', CDf{r-,ANY Fhone: 97121-34f*9i:136 6ROUF LLF Fhoner COf4F,ffNY Fhone r 97O-€4P-9E36 Use: II FR Fhone: 845-6743 gt Fac:e A1 Act i on Donm ent s Time Exp InspeetionIt en : Iteml Item: History,., ", grztUrSrzt BLDG-FPam in gtr 11,/1Ol9$ Inspecbor.r CD [tCtOSO BL"D6-I rrsulat i on L1/ft4/99 Inspeetor.r CD It / L'8198 Inspector.: GFIS AAOaqr BLD$-Sheetr.oek Nai I tl/17 /98 Inspector: GRE I1/ 17 /99 Inspu.ctor^: GRG Act i on : AF trR pEl'JD l NG ROUSH F'LUFIF I NG Action: FA EXTRIOR EAST AND SOUTH flction: AFFR RETEIL "4" AFFROVED Act ion: Atrt]R FAR FORTiOl'i OKr BUT. . . . Action: NE TAt-ltED I^IITH SCOTI FRtrM., NOTCS I IlfiR F.OF{TIOi'{ i]i. DRYI^IALL IS NF,F.ROUED" BUT F'BRTIONS OF INSID OF EXTHEINR URI.L ilERE FASED I^IITH ORIENTED STRRND BOFRD(I]UiB). THIS IS A I'YF.E I I-.FR NONCOI4BUSTIBLE BUII-DING. IOFIBUSTIBLE IIIATERIALS AI{E NET F,ERMITTED ON TFIE FACE OF TH I.JfiL.L,$. FIRE-RE'TARDRNT-TREffTED I^JOND MOY BL UsED, BUT ONLY [^,I r]rrN Tr-iE fi$sEFlBLy, LE,, FER BnCKING. SEE SEC. l9gr1, 1991 UBC. THE HALF I,JALL. FOR THE BAI? TTSI,L.F IYIAY T]ONTATN HUNtr TN THE FXTENT THflT IT CI]MF.LiE5 I'ITH sEtr. 179I5(B) (1), 1991 UFC. TTILI{ED I^,ITH Sf,NTT FROIYI SHAI"J ABOUT COMFLIIiTIFLE MATF:RIALS (O5B U$ED FOR FRCKING IN EXTERINR HALL, NUT F.ERNTTTED IN TYIE IIFR BUIL..DING. HE SAID OSB HNLILN BK. REFIOVED & REPLA I^IITH FIfiE*IiETARDffNT-TRERTED F.LYI,ISC}D WITHlN THE HXl' I^IALL AS$Hf{BI.Y & THEN CDUERTD I.,ITH 5/S.. TYF.E .X' DRYNALL. lfl18/98 Insnec'tor. l 6RG ACt i ON ; F.fl NORTH F.ORTION RE TAII- ''4"It em : WAATTA FL.ltG -Mi !t,:. Iten r Ber09A FL-DE-Final Item: qrA33O Bl."DG-Temp. C/fi I?/17/99 Inspei:tor': [I] Ftction: DN NOT REFIDY AT T]-IIS TIME Nates: FU}ICH LIST GENERATED TOO NUMEROUS TO ['IST 1El*1/9fl Inspectot": CO Aetionr AFPR FF'FROVED NOTCS: COIIIF'LETF FINI$T] DN BI1TH DOBR IFISIALL. FACKSF.LASH fIT KITNHEN ffREO Itenr 08531 FIRF--TgltlF. {:/A It pm ; tZtOSJg F,tn-TEMf-'. C/'O Iten: CtO533 F,LAN-TElYlF, il/n Act i on : AF trR PEI'JD l NG R0USH