HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5D PART OF TRACT B AUSTRIA HAUS AKA SONNENALP MANRICO CASHMERE SIGN LEGALDesign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Manrico Cashmere Project Description: new sign Project Number: Owner, Address, and Phone: Claudia and Virgle 980 N. Michigan Ave., #1590 Chicago,IL 60611 3t2-280-6948 ArchitecVContact, Address, and Phone: Kelly Hadley PO Box 18483 Avon, CO 81620 970-390-2666 Project Street Address. 242 E. Meadow Dr. Vail, CO 81657 Legal Description: Part of Block 5, Yail Village lst Parcel Number: Buildine Name: Austria Ilaus Comments: existing sign to be removed indirect lighting Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 01/31/00 Project Name: Manrico Cashmere Documentl Board/Staff Action Action:StaffApproved DRB Fee Paid: 520.00 Questions ? Call the Planning Desk aL 479_2t28 This application is tbr any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. liom the Departmont of Community Development, A B. c. G. H. l. K L. (sn) ato t9,/r D. E. tr tr Haoging sigr Awning 3lf,T:,:"'* Specifi c requirerrrelts are available Nameof Businas: man c;c o Car\r.,ecc Building name and Name of owner: Mailing outl Signature of owner: Name of nerson Phone:'7o O')t' (lf different than owner) Address: F.Type ofsign (see back for definitions): E, Freestandinggl Wall sisr tr Other, specify: Sign message: f\ Size of sign and size of lettcring for each sign proposed: I " rr. c$ uef,tEp-S o v DA-*t c Ue-NCtfrr* ?'5."I 6 Height ofsign above grade:8', Nunrbcr of signs proposed: i Number and size of eristing signs: I Locaton of each sign (attach a site plan aod an elerration drawing or a photograph cleady indicating thc proposcd location): gll"S'7 TOWNOTYNL Length of business ftontage: Lb I M.Materials and colors of sign (attach sanples): ?O t-t S tteD &r-ll M N U H LgTGt0lS N. O. Busincss license and,/or salcs tax license vcrification is II,bQUIRED prior to Dlarnipq rcvicw: Sales Tax Administrator's signature (Sally Lorton 479-2125): P.FEE: $20.00. PLUS $1.00 PER SeUARE FOOT OF SICN AREA. SUBMITTAL R.EOUIREMENTS:tr Complete Application. tl A site plan showing tle exact location where the sign is to be located.tr Elevation drawings or photos showing proposed location of the sigrr or awning.tr Colored scaled (l/4"=l') drawing, including specific lettering and dimensions and a photo. ifavailable.tr Sample of proposed materials. tr Drawings showing how and where sigr or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constnrcted"Cl Condonrinium Association or Landlord approval - atbch a lefier. SIGN CATEGORIES: t. 2. J. Freestanding -A single or muli-faced sigr affixed to a supporting structure. or imbedded in and extending li'om the ground and detachsd from the building. Awnins or Hanging -Any sig, attachcd to a building and extending in whole or in part nore than 9" beyorid the building line. Wall - A sip attached to. painted on, or erected against the walt of a building or shucture with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallcl to the tbce of thc walt and not projecting more than 9" liom the face of the wall. Displa:r Box - A freestanding or wall sip enclosed in glass for the express purpose ofdisplaying menus. curent entertainment or real estate listings. Joint directory sign - A lreestanding, hangng or wal sigr that lists all the tenants within a rnulii-tenant building. Subdivision enbance siSn - A sign to identify a rnajor subdivision, a condominium cornplex, or group of lqtryent buildings having at least 100 linear t'eet of liontage along a vehicular or pedestrian way in any RC, LDMF, MDMF, HDMF. or SDD zone district. 4. ). 6. SUGGESTIONS: I . Copics of the Sigr Code are available from the Department of Community Development. you rnay wish to check the Code to veri$ the type and size of sigr you are allowed. 2 Bc specific. Vagueness in the desctiption of design, size. consfiuction may delay the approval of your sign. 3' Mcasure the tontage of your business to deternrine the sizc (area) ofthe sigrr you are allowcd. 4' Lighting fbr awnings may spotlight only the sign leftering on the awning. Lighting may not shine into pcdestrian or veNcular ways. - 5 All individual business sips will be rwiewed by the Departm€,nt of Community Development New signprogriulls or amendments to sigr programs will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. F:werynncr/forrnVsigns/simpp.8 I 3 1tt * f gt .L TTT TTTn ll tltl tltl [-]TlI F.C.O. A urllrrAtrJl't u?'ITEAJ PourSt@ f lrttS H VAIL S]GN GORPORATION '89[#F$ffis+?is'],:s""" MANRICO CASHMERE ,'" O77 ID,.l .. !-- l/L'-' a. Lr &i{'r, ^} L- Brl 6 Ta+cEJtvAt[ slcr{ coRPORATtOif Tff#ffi8?ft?,if*;ff' ,/u ^;rr*- (ihtL t{ o tro- h'tt'l- gr lq$a + Povtatt j7l1ts8o t-- L \:5o- /r\ 'sLr"du- tt?Tr nlr', Z- 5' lt EAf tt\ELa4'-q;D <' ' t-r\J - aoAdu+-T I tLoa- r9oA ti ]L i __i 4.- ?t5t' -o 50o MAITRICO CASHMERE T Ig" I CO CASH i-=liti __jf--ttiL_-J r___- I L__l MANRICO CASHMERE o D esign Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Manrico Cashmere Sign Application Project Description: four square foot wall sign Owner, Address and Phone: Claudia Calzoni, 980 N. Michigan, Ste. 1590, Chicage, IL. 6061I ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone:Same Project Street Address: Legal Description Parcel Nurnber: Comments: 242East Meadow Drive Building Name: Austria Haus Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Approved per plans submitted Town Planner: George Ruther Date: 12116/98 Board / Staff Action Action:APPROVED DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions? Call thc Planning Dcsk ^t 479-2t2tl SIGN/AWNTNG APPLICATION A. B. c. NBCEIVEDDEC O 1 1998 This application is for any sign that is located rvithin thc Town of Vail. Specific rcquiremcnts arc available frorn the Departmant of Community Development. Namc of Business:4/IVl ER€S A -trvr- - Buifdingrunreandad&ess: AUST/t''fl HAus 2qZE PIEAAzM0& (u/u,Et)//l;L G g165+ Narnc of owner, C L 4 Url,A C4 L eom; pnon". 3 1z - ZEa {' Mailing address:{adt TOlffN OFVAIL D. E. Signature of owner: Namc of pcrson submitting: (lfdiftbrent than owner) Address: F.Type of sigr (see back for definitions): ryone:Z tZ - ZEa {? /./k t L.;TF / 5 qO ailt c'A60 EL 6O6t t E Frccstanding H, H.nging "tsrQCcltt:ln O.lft- \!tl f wdt.ign tr Awningtr other.spcciry: Ul*otqt'rr i1|orJ btA{ir1i G. H. Srgn message: Sizc of sigrr and size of lcttcring for each sign proposed: L E T fe R; tV G O tv L E ACI\ l-e rrea 4Pf Roy. 3'lz /, 3 '/z I tlz (-r.vr.He-s\ Lengthofbusinessfrontagc: 4 t:eef 13.4 fi Ar.r-ouEe. Height ofsign above grade: t ? ft L M Lrl E S Nunrbcr of signs proposed: I Number aud size of existing sigls: / Location of each sign (attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clcarly indicating thc f\proposcdlocation;: JC4* I, J, K, L, M.Materials and colors of sign (attach samples): N.Describe ligtrting of sign (existing or proposed): o. P. Busincss license and/or sales tax license vcrification is REeUIRED p Sales Tax Administrator's signaturc (Sally Lorton 479-2125): FEE: $20.00, PLUS $1.00 PER SeUARE FOOT OF SrcN AREA. 3. . t:l-l)A 4. 5.. 6. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS: tr Complete Application. tr A site plan showing the exact location where the sign is to be located.tr Elevation drawinp or photos showing proposcd Iocation of the sigr or awning.tr Colorcd scaled (1i4"=l') drawing, including specific lettcring and dirncnsions and a photo, ifavailable.tr Sarnplc of proposed materials. tr Drawings showing how and where sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructcd. tr Condominiurn Association or Landlord approval - attach a letter. SIGN CATEGORIES: l. Frccstaoding -A single or muli-faced sign affixed to a supporting structure, or imbedded in and extending fron:r the ground and detached from the building. 2. Awning or Hanging -Any sign atlached to a building and extending in whole or in part more than 9" beyond the building line. itUalL+ASStatt4ftdngffitcd'on, or erectcd against the wall of a building or shucture with the exposed . fpcc of thE sigr in a planeparallel to thc fbce of the wall and not projecting more than 9" fronr:lhc l'acc of thcIftalFr(S : ff :ot.r, )\. ;. ' Display Box - A freestanding or wall sign enclosed in glass for the express purpose ofdisplaying mcnus. current entertainment or real estate listings. Joint dircctory sign - A lieestanding, hanging or wall sign that lists all the tenaots within a multi{cnant building..qJ-ll.r,'t. I I. j L: i.:i Subdivision cntrance sign - A sign to identi$ a rnajor subdivision, a condominium complex, or group of apartment buildings having at least 100 lir.rear feet of frontage along a vchicular or pedestrian way in any RC. LDMF, MDMF, HDMF, or SDD zonc district. SUGGESTIONS: l. 2. J. 4. 5. Copies of the Sign Code are available from the Department of Community Development. You nuy wish to chsck the Code to verify the tlpc and size of sign you are allowed. Bc specinc. vagueness ,",n. o*d;ni,titfotlli';i".:*il.,,;i"*#';rr", rhe approvar oryour sign. Mcasure the fiontage of your business to determine the size (area) of the sign.you are allowed. Lighting for awnings may spotlight only the sigr lettering on the awning. Lighting may not shine into pedestrian or vehicular ways. All individual business signs will be rcvicwed by the Departmart of Community Development. New sign progralns or amendments to sign progranrs will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. l;:evcryoncy'forms/si gnVsignapp.8 I 3