HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E TRACT C AUSTRIA HAUS AKA SONNENALP STARBUCKS AKA PLATZL LEGAL,r-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProjectName: 'TARBUCK' pATIo DRBNumber: DR8040281 Proiect Description: NEW STARBUCKS OUTDOOR SEATTNG (CHAIRS, TABLES, UMBRELLAS) WilHIN THE D(mNG PATIO Participants; OWNER SF & JACAMNDA INC 06/28/2004 Phone: 20 VAIL RD VAIL, CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Starbucks Coffee 06/28/2004 Phone: C/O Ann D. Quinn, Architect 120 S. Brentwood St Lakewood, CO 80226 License: PrcjectAddresst 24ZEMEADOWDRVAIL Location: Z4Z E T,IEAIrcI{ DRM, Ct0l Legal Description; Lot:B Bbck 5 Subdivision: Vail Village Filing 1 Parcel Numbefi 2I0L08277016 Comments: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By! Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalt 0710612004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond; 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Cond: CON0006539 THAT THE SOUTHWEST PORTION OF THE PATIO RAILING BE REPAIRED BY THE APPUCANT PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. Planner: cr.ARB sLoAtr DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO Jun'21'04 04:0rpr'' Ftor',''mri{ o'U,o1ffi;oT'H*r,"JHtHl-rtils AppllcaUon fior Deslgn Review D€parEn€ft of Gmmunity Ds/€lopm€nt 75 Srufi F6nt6gc Road, Vail, Calcrldo 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fil:. 97Q.479.2452. web: invw,wilgpv.om Gereral InftnnaUon: Al pqtect3 rcquidng dedgn Bdai, must recelw apFovd prb to !ilbmltung a bultdlrE pemlt lpdlcatlon. PFase Isfer to fiG sbmittd rEqrlrcmeflts for the perdcular +prornl ttrat is rcqje*ed, fu appEation for Design Review crtutt be acefed undl all ru$dred ffirmrdon b reeived by the Cdrmunty De€lopmeni DepErtincnt. The proj€ct mry d$ n€Bd Ut b€ roIsw€d by the Town Council and/or tia Planrfng and EnvironmsrTbl CommhEion. Drglgl| rwi+re tpprurll lagrcr unlc$ r billdlnt pcflrit Ir buGd rdd Gonstrrrtiorr corffirccr wlhin mc year Of thr apptwl, Deccrlptlon of t'hE R€guest! T-l5E P.002/015 t-t0? loc.ffm of thc Propcrl: Loe_flodc-SuMlvision: TyF of R€ulGw and Fce: tr $gnrtr conceptual Revlerv FhyglelAddna3l parsf Ho.! Jtot OfZl+ Otla (Contact EEgle Co. Ass€ssr at 970-328-85.10 for parcel no.) zonin9r H.lllng Addr€r.: P-hone! OwnG(3) Slgnrurc(r): l{arne ot AFplidrt MrillwAddrcfe! E-miilAddlE3sl ts0 No Fee $650$m (-/ $?0 $20 llo F€e tr tr tx tr New CofE8ucuon Addltiyl Mirrcr AlEration ( mul{+{bntty/omrnerdal) MUEr Altgrdirl (slng[r,llmiV/dupbo Chang€s to Approv€d Flurg tlE $1.00 per !qll61e faot of &' Eign arEa, tu constsucflon d a rFw bu[dirE tr demo/t€build. For on addlilon whtrc Square toobge is added to 5ny residHluEl 0r cornmerdet huilding Cnchrd€E ?50 addfiors & intldor conversbns). For n{nor fiang€5 to buildingg lnd dte lffiFrov€r|lenE/ such .5, reroofing paitl$ng, winfuiv addtions, bnd+caping. fenc€6 and rEtaidng wallEr *c, F* min6r chttiOct to buildnor and dte imprcrerrlerrts, such as, rcrudlng. palrfrng, wlr*w addibons, landsophg, ltsnces and |€bHng wtlB' eE. For revEions ho drnr alrlrdy approved by Pbnning D.5lgn RAlleil', Board. Sdf or th€ t t [ 'tloQe Nenr{i) of Omer(e}: 27(" tr SeFration Rcquest *Jun-?l-01 04:lOpm Fron-T0ltl{ oFU Cottuil ITY 0EVEL0Pt€fiT gr01?9215e t-165 P,003/015 F-l0l MIilOR HXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE I!{PRO\IEMEI{T5 su BHITTAL REQUTREM E]{TS Gene t Iniormatlon: This appllcation ls rcquircd for proposals lrvolving mlnor extcrhr alter€torls andlor Ste impravemerG, Proposals h add |tndscaping do not rcqulrc DRB appflal glless they involve tfie addltJqn of patm, u6ter features, gradlng, or tfn addition of retaining walls. L SIEf,Eru_EFIIIIIEEIIEIITS** tr All pages dAppllcauon is complebO fteddl* E cgmFleted and signed El Stamped Topogrehic slurv€V*, if applicbletr Site and Gnding Plant, lf tpplkablctr Lan6capc Plan., if appllcabletr Ar$llecb:d Eh6tions*, if app[cableE *terior mlor and material samplcs End specifications,tr ArchiErtrcl Floor Plansl, lf applicabletr Ughung Plan* and Cut4h*qt) for pruFosed lbfi.n€s, lf appllcable0 Tide repor! Incfuding fthedules A & B to vefifu ownershlr and easemenE*tr Photos of the exi*ing slE vrd adjacent silmbres, where applicable.tr writEn apHavd tfom a condomlnium a$odaEonr lardlotd' and Joiitt owner, lf tppllcabl.tr SibFsecific Geologiol Hrzrrd Report if applieble*tr The Atrnhisffir aruVor DRB may r€qulre tfie submission of addiuoflal pla|E, drawingE, tp€dficauorc, samples and oher rn#rlals (induding a model) if @med ne€esEry to determin€ whGtrer a projed will comfly wlth Dcai$ Gu'ldellnes or ii fie intert of the prgpwl b mt dcady indlcated, P[zase eubmll tfupc (3) copts otthe rldrrials tnad with ea ts&arbk (*). *'rFor Inbetlor converslons wlti no oGrior charces, the submlttal requretnents indude a compleE sct of exEilng and Fncpced floor Plans, a ttte repoG ard wdten approlEl from a condomlnlum associauon, landlord, endJairt owner, if apPllc€ble. I have read tnd undtrstandthe aborrc listd rubmltbl rcquirementrl \t/ z.Io-I o- "4"Fm v:___ m8IJ re\ "rg ,I 8-,TS" q$' BI E I ;a EE f;E _ _E_--hl= HEE! Bijou Design: A. ciabatti $tacking Armchair with wood seat Size: W20 'y'2"xD20 %*x H33', seat height 17 %,' Supplier Ref.: #267 Frame. Tuhrlar Steel $eat: Teak Wood Slats Back: SteelSlat Pattem Finish: e-coat pretreatment with textured bronze color powdercoet finish Feet Plastic Footcaps Weight Each: 13.7 Lbs Units per Box:4 Box Dimenlions: 25"x37 Yz"*1" Box Volume: 11.4 Cubic Ft. Outdoor chair - Bijou Page2ot2 Bijou TiltTaHe Deslgn:A. Giabattl size: Diam.28'x H30" Supplier Ref: #850 Base: Square Tubular Steel Top: Flat Steel Finish: +coat preFeatment with textured bronze cdor porrdermat finish Fee[ with 1 Adjustable Fmt Weignt Each:24.3 Lbs Units per Bon 1 Box Dimentions: S'P8"x30' Box Volume: 2.5 Cubic Ft. DESCRIPTION: Photo'8 Tabb Outdoor 28 BUou Trbh ADA Tfit Odrloor. BrorE. Ietd a,("1 x f+)t\ I r{ Flg F.r o&H<.Edtr< -icl I ; L)zH uif:lHil Firt) >toztst{(t) oU fr(a f{ cta E trl vz & Bsq.! 0 to cri Xa !liItNzoElo ct {Tg g 6 ,rSrsgg *NF;trR06}H g E I.cU a :laT tr41< lta I I I I q E a o: Ig FGI as i I I t o\ Note new Logo w/text: 'Please olfer this table to our disabled customers' .E E5 B(!.E: F-E!!: €g !s sl A 4t7t2004 U[IBRELI.A nlrrrr*ai I @- PATnSOfl ISTARBUCKS U I..,] BRELLA SK U41Ti5297 611.rsi l)lirled .;L refi Lrr | ( oI,r ta(.to r Bottorn ':,,'le STARBUCKS SECURITY PIN 1. Bare Security Pin with Oasp: After bonom pole . l1--filririrr t l;\ \'Fra{ket:' ,l r*r4ler is secured into bae€, the security pin should be insefted into aligrrecl holes of base and bottom polg, passing through to the opposite end of base tu be. 2. Security pin hole is located approx. 5 1/2 from rop of basa tube. INSTRUCTIONS Ins€n security pin, paseing through base tube hol€ to opposita end of base tube. Secure clasp on bracket for a secure fit. MARKET U M BRELLA SPECI FICATIONS FOR STARBUCKS COFFEE Triirl.: Flcir rfori,e(j I Ir!,ii r ii.rfkrl. \ SPECIFICATIONS 1. Size and Shape: 5'x5' Square, shipping weighr . approx. 18tbs. 2. Frame Conrtruction: Kempas Harclwood fram e,'l 112" diameter pole, straight coupling with sectional bottom pol6, 100 1/2" overall h€ight, 4 ribs. lncludes bottom pole with baso security pin. Manual A.-- S.'..ie Se{ Ir rill Pr'lift with 3 pin positions. Pin positione may be ins€rted in 6ither of 3 pin holos for cov6r adjustm€nt from tight to looeer fit. NOTE: Cover will stretch easier in warm weather antJ fit tighter in coldor w€ather. 3. Fabric: Glen Raven Mills, Sunbrella HEmlock Tweed, Firesist #8605. Febric is Solution-dyed modscrylic, Approx. 9.25 oz. per sq. yard, Mildew resistant, Wovon fabric made 100% SEF/FF self.extinguishing fibers. 4. Canopy: Pocket corners triple-re inforced with extra matsrial stitched over main fabric pansle. 5. AirVent: Custom design, square {for air flow!. Vent is eecured to main panels with fabric tiee which are screwed into frame. A gt om met-hole is applied to centor of v€nt 10 allow for center positioning of umbrella cover. Refer to wirrd conditions on warranty page. 6- Valance Size: 6 1/2" witlr screen print of Starbucks logo in white on each flap. 7. Bottom pole connector: Brags plate is at botlom end of pole for protection from base tube. 8. Connector: Brass plated screw on into upper pole, Fir r :5,i i.il'/Jill : l-'ir'rholli for i.rrt rf,pr,, ie(rLrrcltent,X ttq.a6/ Vailt& urrnM .J ,**, l,o* ,*, DESCRIPTIOM USRELLA Page2of 2 l,li"i 6 RE Li-A S (U,' I ir5: 9: IVIAI1 KE'T U M BRE LLA SPECI FICATIONS FOR STARBUCKS COFFEE @ Overall Height - 100" @ Strort Rib Length = 2A 112" Q tong Rib Length = 4ii- @ Vabnce Height = 6112* @ rup width = 6o' 2/rrnm4 o srARBUCKS MARKET II{STAIIATIOI{ & I{ANDLING INSTRUCTION INSTALLATIOI{ I}ISTRTETIO}IS: 1. Place umbrella bme at desircd bcalion. 2. Openumbrellacarbn. FIG.A 3. Remove umbrclla frame atd botlom pole oonbn$. 4. Remove allplastic and Styrotuam packaging. FlG. B 5. Screw on fie boftom pole b tre main ftame by irserting lhe bottom pole into deeve at erd of main frare. FlG. C 6. lnsert umbrella into umbrclla base, dignirq hdes in bottom @ to mat*r wih hole in base tube. FlG. D 7. Alhh secudty pin, locabd on tle bffim @, tf,u{h fre b6e sectrfy f*t hole. FG. E The 1*l $nS enbr hole in botbm pole ad pm fluonah oppcie etd of tre bme tube. 8. ur&db b tw rcady fu opening, by maudy grasfiry runner hub. FlG. F 9. Pin pcition may be insetted in ary of the 3 fin holes h orer ditsfinent fonr lttd b locer fit Coyer win sfreffi easier in wrrcr wednr ad fitqftr h coHercffi. 10. lrsertfname pin to complete instalbtion. Handling: Ramvilg Coven The cover em ea*ly be remowd and rpbced by remor/irq screil d @ d rnfteh frare and 4 sqews loc#d towads the upper pst of edr db. To erpver cover, Wll tle 4 pocket sleeves mayfiomftame. Wind Conditions: Umbrefia shouH rpt be open in wid speeds of 25 mph or rxlm. Fdkrm b do so can cause pole beakage and/orhhhbas. I Lrli't, i.' 'irl i '- :l i. o UTBRELLA !1 , rI: )'._ /_'.-o-- i_) Warranty Mnnxer Uileneul a Base LHITEDWARRANTY: UNBRELLA FRATIE: Umbrelb ftarne b nrananted br a perird of 1 year fiom the original date of receipt of goods. Manufactrrer wanants that the product shall be free ftom defecis in uorkmanship and materials under nonnd and reasonable use and proper asser$ly. W*pilE, splitirq, ro0irtg of $rood ftf,ne pol€s dd nrsling or disoobring of metal parts b induded in coverage. \Mtat is not covered: Damage caused re a result of wind, sbrns, misfreatnent, abusive storage or urrbr# hling otr€r due b ftarne not secured properly in base is not covered. tlamagp indicative of wind are broken rib assemblies. WIND CONDITIOHS: Umbrella sfiqrld nd be open in wind speeds of 25 mph or mqe. Faf,ure to do so can causo pde Oreatroe and/or labric tears. UNBRELLA COVER: There is a $'year urananty on the Sunbrelb Firesist@ fabrb due to loss of cobr or sfrenglh from nonnal exposure corditbns induding sunl(Srt, mild€ltu, roi ard atnqheric drembab. Tears orrvearing in fabric due to the umbrelh falling over, chafing against a buiHing or other misfoeatment, shall not be recognized as a condition of urananty. 'Redacerrent of warranty iterns will be determined upon facfiory disgetbn. BASE: Base b vuarranted for a period of 1 year from the original date of receipt of goods. Manufacturer warrants that the product shall be ftee ftom de'fecb in rro*manship and materials on all bases wtrictr also cover rust and breakage of the tube. INHERENTLY FI.AME RETARDENT FABRIC: Retardent additives are incorporated into the solutiottdyed furmula pdor b fiber iornatim, makirg fire prcteciion an inherent part of the faMc. RETAINS COLOR & STRENGTH: Fabric ontains 100% solution{yed fibers that resist fading and cracking from exposure to the sun, chlorine, atmospheric chemicals and moisture. WATER RESISTANT: Sunbrella Fil€sisl@ fabric has a u,ater-repellent finish applied befure manufaciuring. Water beads will run off the fabric oover. Sunbrelh Firebt GR) febric cover Fabric does not melt drip and is inherently flame retardant passing the following FR requirements: . Califomia State Fire Marstrall's Test Pnrcedure #801. Title 19. Ree. #F368.01 o NFPA 701.o ASTM F-84-84- Values for flame spread and smoke density is Class A or Class I buitding materiat. . F.A.A. 25.853(b) interior aircraft textiles and fumishings. . FMVSS302: Auto. bus. faino CPAOI-84: Tent walls and roof. o New York Board of Standards 29+40-SRo UFAC: Upholstered tumiture. o NFPA 1975 - Fireman's station uniform (FTMS 5903-l9l) and institutional blankets, r (JL 214 Certifrcarion tU.S.). CAN/tlL Sl09 Certificaiion (Canada)ipaTJ[$#Htu${#fr"ip UTBRELLA BASE W'SECURITY PO{ I|XIEIIXB I EEIPATNSO ISTARBI'CKS e, AsE s (uqr 855.10 STARBUCKS BASE 1. Size & Shape: 24" Di€merer,75lbs, Round 2. Base Construction: Cast lron 3. New Color: New Elements Bronze 4. Specs: Ovelall tube height-14 1/2". Base 1r.rbe includes a drainage hole. Security pin holo is approx. 5 112" Irom top of base tube. 5 footpads are securecl to bottom of base which allows for leveling of ground srr rfoce. 5. Powder Goat: Base has been oowder coated to prevenl ru 31, p irl STARBIJCKS SECURITY PIN 1. Bese Security Pin with Clasp: Afr€r bortom pole is eecured into base, the security pin shoulcl be insofted into aligned holes of base and bottom pole, passing thr-ough to the opposite end of base tube. 2. Securiry pin hole is located approx.5 1/2" from top oi base tu be. iNSTRUCTIONS In sert securitv pirr, passing through l:ase tube hole to opposite errci of base tube, Secrlre clasp on bracket for a secure fit. UIVIBRELLA BASE WITH SECURITY PIN FOR STARBUCKS COFFEE Sr.,i rrrit,,' 1r l !r,,i,_. 5 l:: liii lt{]|r;lIrril ir',irr t!.,1t' ll C lr:, Brai-k|l : ,liat'ieiar :+ St(.al Ei ,lt,l 2lrv20M ,,-fip Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co,us Project Name: Starbucks DRB Number: DR8040282 Prcject DescripUon: NEW WOODEN STARBUCKS SIGN Pafticipants: OWNER SF & JACAMNDA INC 06/28/2004 Phone: 20 VAIL RD vAIt" co 81657 License: APPUCANT Starbuck Coffee 06/28/2004 Phone: C/O Ann D. Quinn, Architect 120 S. Brentwood St Lakewood, CO 80226 License: ProjectAddress: 242EMEADOWDRVAIL Location:242 E USADOW DRM, I;I{IT ClOl legal Descrlption: Lot: B Block 5 Subdivision: Vail Village Filing 1 Parcef ltlumberz 210108277016 Comments: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: PROPER Action: APPROVED Second By: MATHIAS Vote: 3-0-0 DateofApprovalz 0710712004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not beome valid for 20 dap following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: CLALB S1.,1)A[ DRB Fee Paid: $56.00 -; lun-?l-04 01:06pn F rcn-T0llli 0F [c0flUl llY 9EVEL0Fi[|{I t7!liet$t T.186 P.00t/006 F-t0l \Sign Applicatlon for Design Review DePrrffient of comnun'ty Dev€lopm€nt 7s south F6dEge Rmd, Vall, Crlondo 81657 tclr 90,4792139 tu: 970,479,2452 web: www.w[gov.com G€neral Infonnabn: All projrcB rcquldnE d€lEn leviee', murt Bc.iv€ Bpprc\r.l pdor b s,bmitthE r buildinE pcrftit applcatbn. Please rcftr to d1e rubmiEsl rqulrEfiEnE tor 0le peruct|Er aproval tfut b rcqued$i. An applbtion tu Eign RB/iew cannct be reSd uritl ell ruquircd infonrption b recelved by t|le communky Det/dopm€nt D€parufltrL The pro:lect may abo nced b be revlcn€d by ftr Town Oound andlor tn Phnning ard AwironnEntd c.,ommission, Iteiigil r|law rFg.!v!l laps unlcre r buiHinf p.rdrit ia Eelad anC coiJtruction commsrcGr w'rtfiin one y:rr ol thr approval. D.ccrlpdon of tfie R€queft tDcrtion sf $a Prppml: Lot--Bloclc_ subdlvlslon: PhwblAtl&rrcl Prrcd ilo,:&to t o 82t1ot,.r (Conhcl EEgl! Co. Asssor at 97S328.E640 br pard no.) Zordng:JDD+ Nrm€(s) of Ovrncr(c): f{aillng Addrco: Plrone owlr.(r) $gnahre(s): l{emdAp$cant:'ktr- MrillngAddrcs*h TyFc df Rit icxt lnd Fcer Xssns/ E Concept$l Re,rist tr New Cofi#uctiontr Aldlton trl Mlnor Aftcrruon (n ul6-fbmily/corfirercbl) El Minor Altet"Eon (ringl+hmlly/dupbt) tr ChangEs to Appra{cd Pllnt r*llning mllt, rtE $zo For revlslons b plans alredy approved by Dedgn RF/icrv goard. Ell 11.00 per qutn lbot of Gl rlgn area. For constuudon da m* buldirf or denro/Gbtlild. fu an a*tiflon vrrhcrr sqrgra foobee is added to any rtsi(Hlthl of cornmerdrl building (indild€ 250 eddluorE &' lrilrrhr convemlons). For minor dronges to buildin$ and siu imFovemenb, such as, rsoofirrg, pBlntllE. wlncou/ addlEons, hndscaplng, frnces and I€binlng wall6, dc, Ftr tnlmr d|engeg to buildlngr and dE irnFpvErncfils' such ss, r€rocfln€b pliltung, window additionl, l8ndscaphg, fences end =haoi5o No Fcr $650 $m $2$ s20 PlEnnlng st#f or thc 'L t lz0l6t Uc/ i . Jun-?l-0tl 01:06F 1 F rsn-Tolll 0F U Co[fiilt llY 0E,EL0nEnT l{arlc cf Buirrss: T-l6E P.003/006 r-tole?017e21t2 suEilrTrAL REQI[Rll.llrr$ Gtncrll InftnhatSn Thb .ppl@thn B llr ary ilgn dr* ls lo@d wlih EE Town ol fbit Sp€dnc rcqurrerrf|E ErE dvlihblc tufl the DEPadnEnt of chtmriv DtYdoFdatt & eJl|fitT tnEqFIREHE!{Tg .4, /D. :-Ua;1, &)Otbs7|lma a?rd $yrlcrl r. E, .?. -8. r'H. r'1. .1 J, -.K "'l WrlEgr apgrurd frcn sdor inlun rrtEi.tion, lrtdlord. andjal outncr, f appibbla 1}r d slen (rH( ullitut trtly): . QFsrsadfp snn tr AJildng ldctrtiftc|fo'lyfil|ggn tr $lurll qH8tEltrg / REI€ding 5r9n tr whdotr shn QDl5Pl4r 8ox tr sEn Fogtatn trDdly Specbl Bond tr G.. f,.d/Fbet Opuc Itoht Dhery ggn El TrnportrY Slgn Es.tdvlCon lnhancc sgn tr OttretIl Itu|lrbl CCeng prsFredt . ' -Numbcr d slgns crlditt:- f,ennrgglsr S:ltut^buctl4 Cdfr4-- $gn md lcEinq dmersrE firr dt p|qced Cgn (ottrdr a ohrcd sElcd rdlcma+jc dt'awing @,a,=t|r. 22( + - $en ln€atb.r (!tbd a iF pbt and gr dEr"thn dtrwing ffa tloloerrFh dearly indidirg tt]e prc1:r.d |ocltion d icn(F\); tuf e lelth'tu-Q 4ilY74te'- iiur|rb *rd cofor or tln (etach ermpLs) ' O C c' +/xo et^8 - ltnll'kSl-e! u ut{ 't s4ntsjfr.Ephnt ,4- t;k hahb\ -dyr| .,4n /4hhry'4f4'f':bn;'ld'6 tr/tnctcate ttrpe foston uno *.buof #r,n 'etvi'<zl 1u*Lee*6 t't ns tb re"^aih e 5l6i 9 -fnouoe triilght rbo\t. irrd$ lur|rt|s ougrq,luiaou aea. la'-7" '/t 1t7 of <.1a^to'4+ bol:aI gJA El- ftpa a afi ctc.t fu o.(lr popoea mra. Qzxen\ ) Dra$,'trE3 lhowrE how eod r{tErF tDlon or sxrhg ldfl Ench to thc htlding a6d lEw thE r'ivnilE wrnbrs&LEr€d. hee utll4o 4t) TtN AArrlnlrtrirg rnd/q Dn3 n||y trqdtl tf|e s|lb ubn of sdttlthrEl trans, dravlngs. +a'fiothn:, snrbC ltd cd|€' irtirF StElu@ a mod.tl) r ddnad lreclsy E deEmlnr wtr€|t|rer r projec irtl cEmPV $dtr ElGCan Cil'dlrt€ Gr ir drr |nEnt dure ProPotll E not cle€rly bd@hd, t ,t. t{. f*ngth of hsins ftqrtr g: ta+f elel'n' 47 Uf -Hdglt of can(s) Fdn g+ /6'' ?" It bo|l"" ?[ eiTn q@Fno-@)'6q@'dp.,@6 R@ Loclfion: Voil, CO Dcrlgn Numbor: 50673r Shccl: Fib Nomc: SiqrVACOT3l tr.cdr Dloigncr: . _ D. Mou 0,t-08-04 Rat/itionr APPROVFD BY THE Tn:i..il ()F \AlL DESIC' :, !:i:iVlEW BOARD D^rr.,-fun<PIANNER:---\:--) Exlsllnq metal awning to ltmatn Exlstlng lightlng 06-22-0,t{88} Ihb oddnC artwort iB pmbcbd undcr Fodral Copyrloht l-aws. Mrh ro Eproduollon of lhl8 6rlgn conoapt wllhout plmlsdlon fom nlb6lrt TubeArt Signs QSporu DiElay Sld. ELvallon (Eert) . M.nutaolur! and hlrall onc (1) 32" non{llumln&d randblastcd wood logo tlgn. 2730 0ccldcntrl Av!. S.s.rt ., wA 98134IEt 206.223.1122 u8A |.800.662.2854 FAX 206.22t.1129 VAILVILI.AGE.2/I2 EAST MEADOW DRIVE C.101, VAIL, CO 81657 Londlord: Dole: Slorbucks, - Dote: - STARBUCKS LEASE SPACE Scab 3/3?" - 1L 0' ?,@5q@dU'r(OlUR@;dp-'ObR@,;eqp.@)bRf94p.'Oi-*tMio',u^*Four'@)Sf , , 32" Ola. Locolion: Voil, CO Dcaign Numbrr: 50673r shgg!- 2 ol2 Filc Nsmr: StqiVACOT3 | Rl .cdr Dcrignrl Sola!pa||on: Robin Monlqro Dotrl 04.08-04 Rgvi:ionr Nonilluminated Sand Blasted Wood Loso. $tftbt!r**. SPEGIFIGATIONS: Slngle face sand blasted wood wall logo @ togo to b€ of 2" thlck c6daf wood for sand blas ng. O "STARBUCKS COFFEE", graphics and outlines ar6 to be ral3€d from sand bla|ted background approx. %" and arc to be paintod whlt!. @ Background i8 b be paintod PMS #3425 gre€n. @ Center of logo background ls b be palntod black. e Mount to wall with stud8 afiach€d to back of slgn. End View 06.22-04OBl Lond lord: Dole: 5torburks, Dote: TubeArt Signr 4 Sport Diryla;o 2730 0coldrntil Av.. S.Srrttlr, WA 9E13{1€f.206.223.1122 usA t.E00-562-2854 FAX 206-223.1123 ThiB oitlnel srtwo is protacl8d und6r Frd6ral Copyrighl La$/s, Mekb no fopoduction ol tiis d!6lgn conclpl wlthoul pormlrslm lrcm T|.tcArt, APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN RFVIEW BOART} D,{-;-i' F: ., ?-7- _ o__./_ o DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.IN'ITY DEVELOPMENTTOWNOF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vAiL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Valuation: $65,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 FEE SUMMARY Building---> 5?48-75 Restuarant Plan Review--> Plan Check--> 5486 . 69 DRB Fee"-----------> 50.00 Total Calculated Fees-> S1.238.44 50.00 Additional Fees-----> 575.00 $0 .00 Total Permit Fee-----> 51, 313 .44 $0.00 Paym€flts---------> 51,313.44 s0.00 lnvestigation-> Wilt Calt----> S0 . 00 Recrcation Fee------> 53.00 Clean-upDepnsit-------> TOTAL FEES---------> 31,238.44 BALANCE DUE-------> Q^^\ O,(.^;-t\t -R\tc :-$ , Lo-\\\ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Permit #: 804-0173 Job Address: 242 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: 242 E Meadow Dr, Unit Cl01 Applied. . : Oi/1312004 Parcel No....: 210108277016 Iszued. . . : 0BIOS/2004 ProjectNo. : PRfO t1 -Oa \8 Expires. . .: OZIO|/2005 OWNER SF &,JACARANDA rNC 0i/L3/2004 phone: 20 VA]L RDvArL, co 81557 License: CONTRACTOR CNI CONTRACTORS INC. 07/13/2004 phone: (303) 598-1500 1,207 SouEh Lipan Street Denver, Colorad.o 6UZZ) License z 77 8-B APPLICANT CNI CONTRACTORS INC. 07/L3/2004 Phone: (303) 598-1-600 , 120? South Lipan StreetDenver, Colorado 80223 License: 778-e Desciption: TENANT FINISH FOR New Starbucks Occupancy: A-2 TypeConstruction: II-A Type Occupancy: ?? Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet 0 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/03/2004JRM Item: 05400 PLANNfNG DEPARTMENT 07 /1,5/2004 Ci_,ARE Action: AP Action: AP SIGN CAN NOT EXCEED 32 INCHES IN DIAMETER AND SHAI-,I, NOT BE ILLUMINATED, REFER TO DRB 040282Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENTItem: 05500 PUBITIC WORKS 07 /21,/2004 cs AcLion: AP att+ta taal't+al,ta * See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforrration as requted is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPESTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR HOURS IN ADV AT OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATI.]RE OF OWNEROR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 ,8 **,****:r'i!*****'F+**{.****r***:r***!*,t 'S********:r**,}**:F*,tt*,f ,tr*:t *:**,}+**+,t +*,f******************:i*********:t++,t***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0173 as of 08-05-2004 Status: ISSUED***,t**{.*{.***+***:****+,N.lr*!t*********++:}+:t****+*r!:t:s,*{r***************:t *;**,t:t,t'**:t *,*,t**t*t***:}****:f :s,**!**,}+:t:t *** PermitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Applied: O7/13t2004 Applicant: CNI CONTRACTORS INC. Issued: OB/05/ZOO4 (303) 698-1600 To Expire: O2/0UZO05 Job Address: 24?EMEADOW DR VAIL Location: 242 E Meadow Dr, Unit Cl0l ParcelNo: 210108277016 Description: TENANT FIMSH FOR New Starbucks Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. APPLEANOil WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF II{COIIPLETE OR Project #: NfrTlU 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Cobrado 81657 For Parcel*Confa,ct OFFICET'SEONLry Fees: #,, RECEIVED etc.l JUt t2$0q COI{TRAGTOR IT{FORXATNfl General Contracioniltt rhn/w&,<, h<-,'*Y7'5*;E Contact ard Phone #s: M U e N Orl A ntu)? 6ny lbao Email addree:zlarc.C cn;Ctml>?(fuYt . clm Conrracror Siign* rrfu 1ffi,;ffi Oa^,u,/ta,r'rtnrC// VALUATIOO{S FOR BUILDII{G PERTIT & BUILDfNG: g 19,ola ELEGTRICAL: $ /{/ dAI)OTHER: $ €t OOO PI-UMBfNG: J I fr0Ct7 MECHANIGAL: $ l 9,0oO rorAL: t CSl 0AO Assessorc Offrce at 970-.32&8610 q visit Parcel f Job Name: frfhrt;UOt", 6fu A JobAddress: ?IhV", lkea/rt^t i)ntq-. Legal Description I Lot: I Block ll Fiting:Subdivbion: rwners Name:3F q JdCh | 4 r,d.t- lh(-|9#fr',t pl vtt)l at gbsT PW\"b q?et- 5q?olWTbHEbo"z*r,O - k to,,t uQ cn e' 2'40 ll ?W' u u s q 6 v- Engineec primfuqterjL b9EE8' s.P,,ntn* - L;llte7)' n ca bc)zo PYiPz 'tt -)')>z- Detraife<ldessipfionofwodc Y'+1r4_iS.nrcL ape,->t-.q ;n ct-ts6*7 Dzry" sfl,o!_ 't/WorkChss: New[ Additbn( ) RemodetS(l Repair( ) Demo( ) other( ) WorkType: lnterlorF Exterior( ) BoSt( )Does an EHU exist at this locatbn: Yes ( ) l.lo ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single*amily ( ) Twefamily ( ) ilulti{an$ty ( ) CorvnerOalp( Restailrant ( ) Otrtetr ( ) No. of Erisliry fhvdling Unitrs in this building:No- of Accornmodation Units in rhis buildirg: llo/TypeofFireplacesExistim: GasAprr$ane( ) GasLoos( ) WoodlPdlet( ) WoodBu*n( ) lldType of Fiedam Roooaed: Gas Aoolares ( ) C'as Loqs { } WoodlFdbt ( } I'Ybd &r*n (l{(}T A|.IO|IED} - Does a Fire Alarm ExisL Yes ( ) No ( )DoesaFircSprhkbr$emExist Yesf;( llo( ) F :\users\cdevlFORMS\PERITITSBLDGPERM. DOC * Department of Gommunity Development Proiecn Name: Proiect Address: f ThisChe*tist muf'. b @n pteted tpJfor-.e a Bttitding turmil arytr5ltkt, is awated. /, Al pages of applicdion is comptete J, rbs DRg apprsral obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approvat form 0 fuxhninium Association letter d approvd dtdted if pnied is a Mdti-Farni! csnplex e &rnplefre dte plan srbmitted 0 FrUic Wry Rrmit 4plicdio induded if apfll*le (refer to R.6lic Works deddi*) o Sagqg plan induded (refer to fuHic Works dreddist) l{o dumoeter.oarking or material storagerlorad c fodrelrr and Crouldee rithout wrltten aoorova! Asb€stG test and reslts subrnitted if demolitin is ooorring Arctioct stilrp and dgn*re (AS Currne**f rtd fAfi fdrfy) Frll floor plrrs irdrrfing buldng sedkrns and devatOnqdpets of pErs for lrirfti-hmily ard frmmerc*d B.rildings) q Wirdflild d@r s.fi€dl{e full strudurd plang induding design oiteria (i.e.loads) $rudurd E€ineer slfllp and dgndure an *rucfural pbns (Al Omrner<rd and ff*i Hy) &ils &pct mud be qibmitted prior to footing inspection Fire residive asserndies gecified and perrctrdims indk*ed $noke de*edors sfiorrn on plans Tpes ed quantity of fireplaces sfiown Applicant'e Signature : Date of submittal: F:\lrs€r5\cdedFoR S\PERIIITSI8LDGPERU.DOC Received By: 02/03:xxt4 JU i.Ut-U4 it: l ! aF I tofi-T3*tt I i. Ciilt|Jlr llY CEVEL0PT€I|I e7trl3?15a Deslgn Review Board ACTION FORM _ Dqprrtreru or Ca,nmuniby aanhpmntEt*LFUgp norc, vui c"bri5.'ii-65' !ct: 97tl,rilB.Zut9 tsr: 920.rt79,A4$l tf,bt urww.ctu .ctrtr cF it o T-3!{ P AgUwZ f-3!0 Pt!frGtl&not StrHucb PrdrctDcrilp0onl NE$J t/uooDErr 5|-ARSJCKS SIGN prrtNdprib! OWNER. SF 0,JACARi|NDA INCq)VAIL RD vArL co 616r, Uceruc: AppUCAllT St rhrdi$qlbe eO fnn D, euhn. Archftrctt& S. Banuood 5t Lrbutrd, CO g0126 Lhasel PlqleEtAddruf& z4t S MEADOW DRVAIL t!odon!212 I lcu(n DnItBr dm? glol Ol5 flunbrr DRB0{0?Ea 0ry2q1200+ Phore. 06/28/2D+ phonc; Llttrl D.lErlndonr l4B B fbcF s *ilCyilcu Vell Wtaga Filtng 1 hrcJ tlumbsn 2101082?015 Gotrl[|illn SEEST{DmONS BOATD/ttrrFFAC|IO|{ Hdonty: Srsrrd tyt Voh CordlUanG PROPER MAII{AS 3{€ &0on; APPROGD Dfb otffFrov.L OTftT t2c{,q 6ndle (Pt*N!r No tutT l-tgli phns may ba rnade without the w'tttrn cioi*enr of Tgwn ofwl tail snd/or Frc appeprrje ,iurr^i aomr?u"{O.Bnd: aot 0RF'aDprorrl slall rd beorfls rralld bf e0 d.ys follorylrrf, the dtE drppns/rl, Aprowl Df $ls Drojed slralllplce urd beeme wtd onr (1) lrser foflowlry tre datcglgPl.rltero",l, uriles a brlbirE pcftttEfi,*r Enc .or*t u{rbn ts comm.ncsand t d$afiy prlrsrnd bvard cinof.dd.-' flshnon cLArE slnAf D|l Fss p]d! fst.oo BUI LDI NG PERilI T I SSt AlrlCE Tl XE FRAIE lf thb permit requires a Tqtn of Vail Fire Depatment Approval, Brgineer's (fublb Works) rendeu and ryrwd, a Flannirqg D€partrn€nt reyis r tledth tbpdtmerd revhur, and a revit by the Rtilding Depatmant, the €stirnded time for a tctd rwierr will take 6 long as three (3) tryeds Al ommercid (lage or srmll) and all mutti-fanily permits will have to fdhr the above mmtisred madmwn requiremer*s Fbddgrtid ild sflrdl prcieds $ould take a bsser ilEuril d tine. Flrrvever, il rssidgrtid or srndler prqeds in@ the vario.ts abore mgttiored drytments with regad to necesy r€lrir, thee prciects rray & tdre three (3) weeksto rwiew ard approve. tuery dterpt wit be made by this @atmert to expedite this pennit as sxn as pedble. I, the underdgned, under$and the plan ffi prccedure and time fiane. I abo utlerstand thd if the permit is rnt picked up by the orpirdion dde, thd I mus{ gill pay the plan ffit fee and thd af I fail to do o it may dfeci future pernrits thd | 4ply for- Agrced to by: Flqied llane: _ /1 - (.nUDate: / D "l F:\TJ88F\ode$FORT,S\PERMITS\BLDGPERM. DOC int name AIo3I?s0/ ft*f|*1.***+*************++******,t ***i't l'***t*'t'*a*+**ftffIt+*+***************r.*r.**r.{.,*,r******** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staremet *+* ***** * * +** * * ****+++* ************ ***** | t+lttt+f+ i***+*** | +t *r. * *+ * * **+***** * ** t*****+ * * * *** Stat,enent Number: R04000521? Arnount: g?5.00 07/L4/2OO4L1 :34 AM Palment Method: Ctreck Inits: L,C Notatsion: #3 95I /A. W. Dunn & Conpany Permit No: 804-0173 :elrtr)e: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD pERr"fT Parcel No: 21OLO8277OL6 Site Address: 242 E MEiADOW DR VAIL Location: 242 E Meadow Dr, Unit C101 Total Fees: $1,313.44This Payment: $?5.00 Total AL,Ir Pmts: $75.00 Balance: $1, 23I .44 +***************:i**{.*********!l.***+++'t****'t***+*'t'****+'l':t tt * * * * * * * * * * ,t * * {. !t * * * {. * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunrent Pmts FS OO1OOOO31124OO RESTAUMNT PLAN REVJEI^J 75.00 ( \\ 6.oQ ot*j APPENDIX C Plan Rcvicrv Nanre of Contractor: Name of Establishment: Name of Operator (owner): Address of Operator (owner): Name of Local Contact: -Full Servicc Re" -Convenience Store -Deli_Catere r _School _Fast Food _Othcr (please specify): Seating Capacity (indoor and outdoor): Total Square Feet Of The Kitchen Area: 'f.Coffee Shop _Market (Cracery) 1ron"., ?ab 4tl7-tS7j 73i Phone: FAX: ,i i Addressofcorrrracror, lfu1 c, /"t ^,rsf D^*a ca wWtf?l4f, Namlof Arclirtea: ft/Cunnr 6- fuin Qlian phone: e? ttgS de7>-- Address of Or.r-rrtur, '5'- Date construction wiil begi^: 7f lcf Datc of planired ot-terir-tg: | | dt/- -------/----New Esrablishnrcn(: -- Renrodcl: Type ofEsrablishnrent (chcck all that apply):- , _Fish Market. Mebt Mzirket -Concession -Specialty Shop _Mobile Unit Have these plans been subTitted or do you intend to submit tlrese plans ro oilrer counries in the Stateof Colorado? _Yes l*o If yes, which county(s); 'lr4L4JfYnaryn+ Daof-baf- If Operation Is Seasonai, List The Months Of Operation:ilft tF+ Jee'rrclr-O Double T Balancing Co. O P. O. Box 157 Castle Rock, CO 80104-o I CERTIFIED TEST, ADJUST, AND BALANCE REPORT DATE L0/t2/2oo4 PROJECT 29L6 Starbucks Coffe€ - vaiL, Co 242 E lbadow Dr. C-1O1 Vail, CO ARCHITECT DESIGN ENGINEER Brian SeyferLh f, A.ssociates, Inc. HVAC CO]IITRACTOR Action Aj.r, Inc. 5676 Pecos St. Denver, CO NEEB TAB FIRII Doulr].e I Ba].ancing' co. P. o. Bor 157 CastJ.e Rock, CO 80104- Certificalion Nunber: 2631 NEBB TRS OI-2001 Natbnal Erwironmcntal Balancing Bureru PROJEGT: 2915 Starbucks O Double T Balancing co.() P. O. Box i,57 Castle Rock, CO 80104- CERTIFICAIION Coffee - VaiJ. ,CO 242 E ltleadow Dr. \/ai]., co c-101 THE DATA PRESENTED ]N THIS REPORT IS AN D(ACT RECORD OF SYSTEM PERFORMANCE AND I,VAS OBTAINED lN ACCORDATICE WTH NEBB STANDARD PROCEDURES. ANY VARIAI{CES FROM DESGN QUANTITIES WHICH E(CEED NEBB TOTEMNCES ARE NOTED THROUGHOUT THE REPORT. THE AIR DISTRIBUTIOI'I SYSTEMS HAVE BEEN TESTED & BAI.ANCED AND FINAL ADJUSTMENTS HA\G BEEN MADE IN ACCORDANCE WTH NEBB 'PROCEDUML STANDARDS FOR TESNNG. AII'USTING. BALANCING OF ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEITIS' AND THE PROJECT SPECIFI&TbNS. NEBB TAB FIRM: Double T Balancing co. REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2631 CERTIFIED BY (Air TAB SupeMsor): rtronas r.rrnj.nk DATE: 10/1? lzoo4 THE HYDRONIC DISTRTBUTION SYSTEMS HAVE BEEN TESTED & BAI.ANCED AND FINAL ADJUSTMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE IN ACCORDANCE w|TH NEBB 'PROCEDURAL STANDARDS FOR TESTING. ADJUSTING. BALAT{CING OF ENVIRONMENTAT SYSTEMS' AND THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. NEBB TAB FIRM: DoubJ-e T Bal.ancing co. REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2631 CERTIFIED BY (Hydronic TAB SupeMsof: Thomas Tunink DATE: 10/17/2OO4 SUBMITTED & CERTIFIED BY: NEBB TAB FIRM: Doubl-e T Bal.ancing co. REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2631 CERTIFIED BY (TAB Supervisor): Thomas tunink CERTIFICATION EXPIRATION DATE: L2 / 3L/ 2OO4 DATE: L0/1.7/2O- SIGNATURE I'IEBE TnS (n-2ml ooDouble T Balancing Co. P. O. Box 157 Castle Rock, CO 80104- o TABLE OF CONTENTS PRoJECT: 2916 sta:cln:clcs Coffee -,co E'A}I - AC-1 REGISTER, GRTITE, DTFI.uSER - AC-1 FAlt - AC-z E.A}I - EF-1 FA}I - EF-2 (Existing) Smoke Extraust REGISTER, GRIr.r.!:, DIFFUSTR - EF-2 NEBE TRS 3T.2OOI o O Double T Balancing Co O P. O. Box 157 Castle Rock, CO 80104- FAN TEST REPORT PROJECT: 2916 sta.rbuclcs coff€e - vail, CO UNIT ec-1 UN]T SYSTEM STSTEM LOCATON l'racheDic aL Roon LOCATION SERVICE SERVICE U}IIT DATA MAXE I r.r.g-i" .ti. UNIT OATA MAKE MODEL 6oBttx-A MOOEL SERIAL 98106?9?1 SERIAL SHV. MAKE slv BoRE Bror*uing'0.?5 SHV. MAI(E +tv. BoRE S{V. OlAlr/t CENTER DIST.6.25 14-75 sltv. D|AM.CEI.{TER OIST. BELT MAKE Bro*ning BELT MAKE # BELTS BELT SIZE 1 47,460 # BS_IS 8E_T SIZE IIOTOR OATA - MAKE l@ uotor IOTOR DATA MAKE FRAME POI,\,ER 58 0 .33 FRAME POI/I/ER SER. FACTOR RFM 1.15 L725 s€R. F CrOR RPM NAII/EPI-ATE VOLTAGE 208 NAiIEP,I.ATE \rcLTAGE NAMEPLATE AMPERES 3-7 NAII'EPLATE AMPERES ACTUAL VOLTAGE 209 210 210 ACTUAL VOLTAGE ACTUAL AMPERES 3.1 J..1 3.1 ACTUAL AMPERES PHASE HEFIIZ 3 60 PHASE HERTZ SHV. MAKE SHV, BORE Bro$aing o .625 SHV. MA(E SHV. BORE SHV. DIAM.OPER. OIAM.4 -25 4.25 SHV. DlAttl.OPER. DIAT'. TEST DATA DESIGH ACTUAL TEIJT OATA oEslctrl ACTIIAL AIRFLOW 1900 1810 AIRFLOW ENT. S.P.LVG. S.P,-0. 90 0.33 EFIT. S.P.LVG. SP. TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE 1-23 TOTAL STATE PRESSURE FAN RPM IO82 FAN RPM REMARI(S ADd b.l1 boJ.t mieeiag on fan motor.REMARKS READINGS B/:READI}{GS AY: ilEBB rRS @-200r i uoM: rp I resr orre rc/12/2o04 TEST OATE PAGE 1ffi O Double T Balancing Co. (| P. O. Box 157 Castle Rock. CO 80i,04- DIFFUSER TEST REPORT PROJECT: 2916 sta:&udcs coff.. - vaj-l, CO UNIT AC-1 sfsTElrl TERMINAL BOX LOCANON MANUFACTURER T6T II€TRUMENT ETPW EOOD LOCATION OR ADORESS REGISTER. GRII.IE DIFRJSER ESIGN PRELIMINARY FINAL NUMBER TYPE SIZE FLOW FLOW FLOW % Seating 1 stf 200 175 195 9?.5 SeatiDgt 2 srf 200 180 145 92 .5 geating 3 glf 200 225 -t:rt 9?.5 ssaLilrg 4 250 110 150 60.0 vcs tilsrrlc t CD 250 225 245 114 .0 gaJ.€a 6 sw 200 305 195 97.5 Sa.les sw 200 280 205 102.5 Sa].eg 8 sw 200 335 190 95.0 Workrooa 9 200 360 210 105.0 I REIiIARKS outlet lt4 j.6 ful-l oPen. IEAB tRS l3.2ml I Uoltt IP TEST OATE LO/A2/2OO4 IREADII{GS FY:PFG,E2 iglraantr*taffil bfrHvfr'' rrytrt rrll tffi En W:at, rh, at*tm, !-rGt.ll t rCffi5 O Double T Balancing Co. O P. O. Box 157 Castle Rock, CO 80104- FAN TEST REFORT PRO.JECT: 2915 StarbucJ<s Coffee - tlaiJ., ClO UNIT ac-2 I.JNIT eE-1 (ExistiDg) SYSTEM STSTEM soke E:(bauat LOCATION LOCATION South l{b.].l SERVICE llorkroom SERVtC€Seating' UT{IT T}ATA UN]T BATA MAKE f,rare MAIG ll[A MODEL lcws18.AMuAO II/IOOEL SERIAL FOrlE0200lD smrAt SFIV. MAKE sHv. BoRE Dilect Drirr€Direct D8ilr€SHV. MAI(E sftv. 80,RE Di.rect DrivE Dir€ct DEivE SFIV. DIAM.CENTER UST.Dilect DrivE Di.lect Dri.rrE sr{v. D|AM.CENTER OST.Direct Drive Direct D!i!E BELT MAKE Direct Dri-v€B€LT MAXE Di.rect Drive # BELTS BELT sZE Direct Dli\re Dir€ct Dri\r€f BELTS BELT SIZE Direct Drive Dir€ct Drirr€ IIIOTOR OATA i'OTOR DATA MAKE MAKE Fasco FRAME POIiGR FRAME PO\ iER o .33 SER. FrcTOR RPIIi|SER, FACTOR RPM 1100 NAMEPTITE VOLTAGE 208 NAI'EPIITE \OLTAGE 115 NAMEPI.ATE AMPERES NA,',EPLATE AIT,PERES 4-3 ACTUAL VOLTAGE ACTUAL VOLTAGE 119 ACTUAL AMPERES rcTUAL AMPERS 4.1 PHASE HERTZ 1 50 PHASE HERTZ 1 60 SIIV. MAKE sftv. BoRE Direct DrivE Direct DjiirrE SHV, MAKE SHV. BORE Direct Drive Direct Drirra SFIV. DIAM.OPER. UAM.D:.rect Drive Dir€ct Drirre SHV. DlAfrr.OPER. DIAI'.Direct DEivB Direct Driva TEST DATA OESIGN ACTUAL TEST OATA oEitGtl ACruAt- AIRF1-oW 530 AIRFLOW 1000 730 ENT. S.P.LVG. S.P.ENT. S.P.LVG. SP. TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE TOIAL STATIC PRESSURE o .25 FAN RPM FAN RPM 1100 11()0 REIIARKS Direct d.riwe, seJ.f coDtaiD€d uD-it. UBabJ-e to get. additional inforaa.tion. REMARKE rNot Acce8aibl€. READINGS 8Y:READII.IGS 8Y: i{EBB TRS ctl.,|Xll I t}OM: IP I TESr OATE Lo/L2/2oo4 TESI DATE LO/12/2004 PrcE 3 f!*atl b at fr n-t l a frH th f, --!A-'frt tg (rfrU, h,a nF y3 . fE ffi ry k- c./'tu U O Double T Balancing Ct? P. O. Box 157 Castle Rock, CO 80104- FAN TEST REPORT PRo.IECT: 2915 sta.*ucka coffee - Vail, CO UNtT EF-2 UMT SYSTEM STSTEM LOCATION South WLII LOCATION SERVICE Re6tro@.5 SERVICE tluT sTA tnI[T DATA MAKE Gre€nhecl:MAKE MODEL BCF-106 iiIODEL SERIAL SERIAL SHV. MAKE SHV. BORE Direct Drirrr Dir€ct DrirrE sftv. MAKE SHV. BORE st{v. otAtrir-CENTER SST.Di.rect DrivB Di,rect Drivt sw. Dtan.CENIER UST- BELT MAKE Dilect Dri\E BELT Mil(E # BELTS BELT SIZE Df.r€ct DEi'!E Di.rect Driv€# BELTS BELT SIZE IrcTOR OATA IIOTOR DATA MAKE NA MAKE FRAi/IE POl/r,rER 0.25 FRAME POrir/ER SER. FrcTOR RPi,I SER. FACTOR RPM NAMEPI4TE VOLTAGE 120 NAI'EPLATE VOLTAGE NAMEPIITE AMPERES NATI'EPLATE AIIPERES ACTUAL VOLTAGE ACTUAL \IOLTAGE ACTUAL AMPERES ACTUAL AMPERES PHASE HERTZ I 60 PHASE HERTZ SHV. MAXE s-tv. BoRE Di.r€ct DrivE DiEect DrirrE SHV. MAKE s+w. 80RE SHV. DlAttrt OPER. UAl,L Direct Dril[Direct Dtil E SHV. DIAI||,OPER. DIAII. TEST OATA O€SIGN ACruAL TH;T TIATA oEsr;l{ACruAL AIRFLOW 200 185 AIRFLOW ENT. S.P.LVG. S.P.-o .54 o .17 Eln. s.P.LVG. EP. TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE o.50 TOTAL STATE PRESSJRE FAN RPM FAN RPIII REtvlARtG: Not Acceasilrle, j.nlinc faa firIIy aacJ'ose REtTitARKS READINGS Bt':READIT,IGS BY: l'fEBB TRS (eznl I Uotrit rP I TESI OATe Lo/L2/2oo4 TEST DATE PAGE 'I Ra,g/t b td rfr w-a I b &H rfr i -ryfrt 6l C;ffi ,Ur ra4rt rn . rUH Frffiet ffi att Uttu t o o. REdSTER, Double T Balancing C P. O. Box 157 Castle Rock. CO 80104- DIFFUS$ TEST REPORT PROJECT: 2916 StarbuclEs Coff€€ - Vait, CO TEST OATE ro /L2/2004 I!'dtf nlY'#un-r 2 h, frNvfrr, r.4.ffi fE! tuffiffiWr''.ffig,nfrffi'&/{tuartu f o o.Double T Balancing C P. O. Box 157 Castle Rock, CO 8A104- INSTRUMEIIT CAUBRATIOIII REPORT PROJECT: 2916 Starbucrk.s Coffee _ Vail, co DATEJ LO/L? /2OO4 n?d I d W fr . t r-Dr||.l - q.ri r-a Double T Balancing Co P. O. Box 157 Castle Rock CO 80104- o SY1IBOL REFORT PROJECT: 2915 Starbucka Coff€€ - Vail, co sYrttEoL oEsGRtPnoil sY1||BOL DESGRIPTIOI'I NC Lir Cond - split syst@.KE Kitchen Eood asu Air Ea.DdliDg unit Ilr t iD€a.r diffuser BC{t Blonqr Coi]- Uait !4:tA litak€ lt) Ai! uBit CD Ceiliog: Diffuser !,tu }toduf.iBq - Da6t€r CFM clrbic Feet par Minuta TG lilodulin€ - slave CRJAC Coq)lrte! Roon Aj.E CoB4i tiorre!!{A Not Applica.ble ct E-e Cabinet UDit gcatcr - alectric NG lrlot Givett cuE-g Cabilet UD,it gaat E - gas NIC Not ID' Cootaact EC Brral)olative Cooler P PtrEE) EF (r")Exhaust Fan - larg€PSI PouJ3ds per square IDch Er - G{l E:<b,aust Faa - rediti@ RF RaturD Fa.n gF (s)Exb.aust Fa[ - sr!a].l RG R€tu.rn Grille EG E)<haust GrlLle RB R€].ief Bood GE Electric lleat RITU Roof lol) ULit EEE Eleatric Eeatj,ng Elsnt SF sut}I)ly Fan ERV Energy Reco\,rery Ventilatar 3R-a sulT)ly R€grista! - lrpcciaLttr FCU Fan CoiI Unit st{Sid€r'alL Diffrrser FII Fr.@ Bood EF llralcsfcr Fa.u sPt{Eeet Pe! Miluts TR troffetc EP\TAV Fa.u Poweled \ZAV t!av !!aaverse Ft Fe€t UE-e Unit Eeater - electric Et Hd F€€t of gead ull-g unit geater - Fa GS Gaa Heat \rAv Va.riab].e Air voh@ CPM GaJ-]-oD.s Ps! Mi-nuta HP llorsepol|er EK E€at ExchaDg€r tsz MuJ. zone ltrlit HtP Hcat Pl.qt REIlhRKS NEBB TRIi *ilfi'1 I DATFJ LO/L1 /2OO4 nqol I dnltulr5aar*rlt- wfr l,'a lffi E --6 | fh, ?'Jtoa''J| ryu- ct.G- / (ftVn fO nmO$ 3-lOV3 rrxnoe L99t8 'O3']lV l0l.-3:3AlU€ MOO\l3n ls\fJ ztz 3ev]-llA llVA* 33jJOC S){3n8UVrS ;[. -t o?F E-b!ltoIE lo" I 3 F zffiH54ola 6vr E*HH ffim -2IR EFfi" o rr, 3 EE l,;elE {LffiH aT-ri EI lEcia l= I Ea liF llliESi; lEl :g 5;: |;IEiIEE l=l Ei reEueq aE rF =$ Eff t{E1;t 5b6 THH pEx tE -sr;E QEit eE ty e--rH EE @o Oil -\ iE; E*:i:;l i:lgiiuii::l a$r*llliigill @ @ @@@ l tl tl ._il T.// I,7i$;==" :E t(*l | --- ---+----g< iA ll _" -,"-;=:;=.__ )ll@o ai -.-;\ il6ett !{{ llt@r 3;e [\-' ---'.---l \\X \\-------t--t I tlil tl F_--__J trt--L z\<ll dtl .rll<tl>tl-ll -rllrJll>tlrJll-ll avllt!tl =tlotl-ll -rll<llc Fllt < {olE a-o\ I Nlc{ I\17 otccT,1,1 .?w4ot l:a_lEH cNr coNTRtr€ToRS INc.r - {r.rE . r{ttJ| F N0.617-581-gsge P.?/6 p.a Double T Balcncing Coipanyp.O. Bot IS7 Castle Rock, Colorado g0104- ft"p4 Frt F /,5 C, fl".f 4!fn, l?,4 y n fl, 5iy!Ftp., CERTIFIED TEST, ADJUST, ANDBALANCE REPORT }ATE /a- 6-o4 PROJFCT *$latszr,..( g &o,-do Urq n Urttaeg - _DES|GN ENG|NFER .8,en+a Sa7,t','," ^..t q' ilssarir?:,rJ, /,ua HVAC CONTR,ACYOR 4corc- 4r+, 4u{ NEBB 7AB FIRiI 4oublo ! Erlrrrcl,nE eaqF.ny P,O. Bo: 152CastJ.e Roek, Colo.rado gO10{-Cetti.f:iceti,oa Nuubcrl 2631 3pl- 7.7']."7 ld r JyZ c, ill*trtctt D4ua c tat t/1tt- (a, ARct,ttTFe" NESE Tns $.2oor National Envlronmerrtal Balancing Eureau grocr. 11.agB4ot 1: glPN CNI CONTRRCTORS INC.r -tl+ltt\ N0.617 P.3/63ltr3-681-9s9a p. o!t Dauble T Balancing Company P.O. Box I57 Castle Rock, Caloreda g0104- .- t\/ -li .,'l r .l* iJ' t(.P' Nro c,>vrstse rl I FAN TEST 9t..jE :!qq{ a I rl {,J.ttir.ruit.it \!) T N .il Nt\ UNF i Ac-l UMr SYIJIEM LOCANON SYETEM LoclTtoN fr?,f2.r.,,,&r,-ilo sEnvtcE - i ! . -r. SERVICE uNi - M^K5 - itdrlEl IT OA?A % fllna tc, Ad i,tAKE UHr rT DATA i /P*zJA r,. 6cl;vx _ nSER|AL aa t zt, -aa- MOOCL flEalrt e s) tmtt a tt SERIAL SHV, MAKE , SHV BORE _ _74.1 e--€ '_/ fl FolE a Ztul oIttEa>toi,tlt'fi a,7g SFIV. MAKE SHV. BOREq{V. OIAM. cENTER OIST Qmr.acr L*DHl$t| /4,7t s{v, D|AM.OE{TER DIST,+/n1 l,ELr rrrll^E A_BELT MAIG i(I r tsEtTS BELT S|IE | 4utl6a # BELrs rFFLr szE i V I--V - t MITOR DATA '4AKE --EE TIOTOR II/\TA I c ,-tnAlG povrER |q-<il=l-_L Er33rErr F.it{, I rJE RFM , , -. - lrlz''.-..--.--i t72u'SE|F FAGTOR RPM NAMEPIaTE Vor-r,rCE --l=..F 'J')3( NAITEFLATE AMpERat -; i" --j'"" ;tl, \ dvr {frL .vr,rLr ^|jts -r _-o I 2ta.Z'-- .z/.8 6r.rut{L V9LTAGE I i ; i;l!; N \ .rIJIUAL AMPERES , 2 T v,v l9r Ap'IJALAMpEREE ; ; i,F Fttag- sl-lv MAK!sHv, EoRE HERTZ SHV DfAM OPER. D|AM, ^l .t ,,- t TEST DATA DESIGN I {.(}PHAsE 'IiFRTZ I . I+ /i, is.Q.-€HV, MAI(E :sHv. rcRe | .", . _._ .\ - SHV. DIAI',, : oFER. DIAII,. I I. ,- ,r y i r,f," 4.2f -__ ACTUALAtRFtcw l4r,; I IEsr sArA | DestgN i ecruri iS te AIFFLOW FNT. 8.P. .Lrrc. Sp, . , i - TOTAL STATIC PRESSL'FE I - ENr. E,F Lvo. s.p, i i.-'Jla i0,13 TATAL 9Ttr116 PRESSUFE I FAN RPM ,\4--_4r:_ - "' '//'tELREMARKS. -"""""-- Eugfu-u t3at7n74g1tt4 oN irtil 4iain4 r-^tr FFm FEMARKs.4rgaffi l4lrl 17, L/*trldaa-'Tlr' fi'lr- llrfptrly|il3qr , |l-,.ru|Ntss HY, NEEa rrs o'.zepl uoM. ;!-"TArJ---AG- -ta READINGS BY: TEsf OATts ||lcE.rlFn t 6l l{lp tri..r ,r ts |!O6p6 r- an -EatDflrf r0 tlaaa Caltlt'E| t*r E --. - .-,-. . - . CNI COITTRACTORS INC.r.ltt rrE I tatt t nt(o DIFFUSER TEST REPORT TEST INSTRUMEI.I? NO.617-68 t -9592 ELM HOOD P.4/6o.ocT . L!. 2AA4 ot 1 :_A_1eM P.+ Double T Batarrcing Company P.O, Box Ii7 Castle Roclc, Colarafu \LIU- R=G|STER, efl p_e, pppusEn r6tDLjI t+ic + * F,,rruy o4c.t f'IEBB IRs 10.3001 UOM| IE itgr l' m Eit rrf'4 r, Em,rt( u(ocr. 11.26a4oi l:azpn cJI_q,0lTRqgLoI?,rrNc, U N0.617'--P.5/6- PRO.JECft !4I'I TEST REFORT REAtrINCS EY: f , , -: 'Fr| r,^rq |TE9T Orffg,EFE r ts r|' * u-6€1-sssa Double T Bqtanci, p.o. Boxlsrrcomnnl Castle Rock Colorado g0104- 13. 5, # FELTs ;sElr srz= SER FACTOR RFTI NAMERATF VOLTAGE-_ j__ _-llZ-o:- NAMEPLATE AMpERES I'AMEF'ITE VOLTAGE ____-_:-l/.{)_ '-""'-'L{..2L ' ACTUAL AMPERES SHV MAKE qrv, EORE $lv qAM oPER D|AM. SHV. MAKE sHV. EORE I 6HV. otAM. OpeR, OtAt/t. ,tesroern ffi TmAh sTATtc pneswni eMl. €.F Lvo. sF. ENT. S.F 'LVG. s.F.rorAL srArc pnessuaE FAN RFM . : l/O* l)1249116a2a AJ+V A,Cacs:t+)t s. /itLtrr,!. finL. ,t!41;"...,E..., c-: .,t!:"- ' , IFIOE . o.wr,Lt.zwor 1r@Er'l CIr CONTRACT,QBg_rNC. v N0.617-681-s592 P,6/6- P.E Double T Balancing Company P.O. Bax IS7 Castle Roch Colonado g0104- REGISTER,PIFFUSER TEST REpoRT REG|STH,cRuqpppllSEt- n*tttat.O*r *r, t, tOrffi t$'/t b Et r,|aft s,-, t , "r** TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENP 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 816s7 970-479-2t3s OWNER SF & JACARANDA INC 20 VAIL RD vArI-,, co 9t657 [,icense: CONTRACTOR COMMERCTAI, SPECIALISTS OF hIESTERN COI.,ORADO, LLCP.O. BOx L572 SILVERTHORNE, CO 80498License:161-S APPLICAIM COMMERCIAL SPECIAI-,ISTS OF WESTERN COI-,ORADO, I-,LC P. O. BOx l_572 SILVERTHORNE, CO 80498License: 161-S VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 242 E MEADOW DRVAIL Location.....: 242 E Meadow Dr, Unit Cl01 Parcel No...: 210108277016 ProjectNo : fpo(- Ollt Permit #: Status. . Applied. Issued . Expires . Phone: A04-0055 ffe( -otE .: ISSUED.: 0813112004 . : 09103/2004.: 03102/2005 08 / 3L /2004 08/31,/2004 Phone: 970-513-7100 08/3L/2004 Phone: 970-513-?l-00 Desciption: TENANT FIMSH, ADD TO EXISTING FIRE ALARM Valuation: $5,400.00 FEE SUMMARY Eleciical-------> DRB F€€-------> Lrvestigation---> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES.-.> s0. 00 $0. 0o s0.00 s3.00 $437.50 s437. 50 s0. 00 s437. 50 s437. 50 s0. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees------> Total P€rmit Fc€-----> Paymen6--------2 BALANCE DUE----> Approvals: Item: 05500 FIRE 09 / 02 /2004 DEPARTMEIiIII mvaughan Act.i-on: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL *lt,l++t:l.at lr.*'t***,1*:l l,flt*+ll +at:l*j} * ta *:l t *,l a:l *,r. | +:l j; ir * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2135 FROM t:OO AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNEROR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND OWNER ^-. I te"i'lal"gp;..itTEIN\FH ffffill-':.ffi '*ffi#l I "'iru?n" ffid q:Hff55e va G.'.rad. Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of 75 S. COLPLETE VALUATIONS FOR AI-ARM PERI{IT (Labor & ltaterials) FireAlarm: $ d. , tAA co- & RECEIVED Air., ^r i -Farcet # ll ms) ****:t*****t**:tiF* *.F*:k:F* n#r &re Fire Alarm Contractor: Csurc igl.i*'Res No:Contact and Phone #'s: T r rn \,r.)ard . 513'11&) E-llail Address: CSusC . t\u^.) Corncqs|.rrrl Contractor Signafure:y --7fl L)pfi-_> Conhct Easle County Assessors OfFrce at 97$32E-EilO or visit lor Parcel #"c \c\ trtlafl arr (" Job Name: S.*\ .\cu.ts C o[Pe.Job Mdress: {+a p . \.{tc,au, Dr. .$n,ICtot, U Legal Description ll Lot ll Block: ll Filing:subdivision: Af*S[r, o [ln'r C.,n"lns owners Name: 5F t.\o.,^..o*,.\,. ll Address: Qo Uo'rt ttd. -tlo.r\.g.,tus1l Phon"' Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed Location of work: {i.e., floor, unit #, bdg. #) Unrl C \Ol Detailed description of work: Itnor'\ hn,sL..' qc\d hd,sli^.frr, olar* Wo*Class: New( ) Addilion( ) Remodel 1 ; "Repairl ) Retrofil( ) OtherM Tt Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-famity (\r/ Commercial ( ) Restraurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing D^/elling Units in thls building: l] No. of Accommodation units in thls building: Does a Fire Alarm Exisl: Yes (y') No ( ) ll Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ves (r/) No ( ) \Vai\dab\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\ALRMPERM.DOC 07t24/200,2 ARBUCKS OFFEE, VAIL VILLAGE 242 E, MEADOW DRIVE, #C-101 vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 FIRE ALARM SUBMITTAL DRAWINGS LEGEND: FINISHED FLOOF PROJECT NOTES: 1. THE BUILDING CONTAINS AN EXIST1NG NOTIFIER AFP.4OO FIRE AI-ARM CONTROL PANEL TO REMAIN. 2. lHE EXISTING BUILDING SEQUETICE OF OPERANONS WLL REMAIN AS IS. THE ACTIVATION OF A SPRINKLER WATERFLOW SWTCH OR OTHER BUILDING ALARM ACTIVATES A GENERAL ALARM CONDITION, NOTIFYING ALL OCCUPANTS. 3, THE BUILDING IS FULLY SPRINKLERED. NO MODIFICATIONS TO THE ZONING OF THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM ARE BEING MADE, ALL WATERFLOWAND TAMPER SWITCHES ARE EXSNNG. 4, PROVIDE NEW SPEAKER/STROBES AND STROBES AS SHOWN. CONNECT TO EXISTING NAC CIRCUIT AND SPEAKER CIRCUIT IN ABEA. CONTBACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY OPERATION OF ALL SPEAKER/STROBES AND STROBES ON AFFECTED CIRCUITS. CONTFACTOB SHALL METER VOLTAGE AT END OF LINE AT THE COMPLENON OF INSTALLATION TO EAJ.SUBE OPEMTING VOLTAGE IS WITHIN MANUFACruREBS SPECIFICATIONS. 5, THE EXISTING BATTERIES WEBE SIZED ASSUMING A R'LL PANEL. THEREFORE. THIS TENANT FINISH WILL NOTAFFECT MTTEBY SIZE, 6, THE EXISNNG AMPLIFIEBS HAVE SPARE CAPACITY TO HANDLE THE NEWSPEAKERS FOR THIS PBOJECT. TAP NEW SPEAKERS AT 1 WATT. F{i[ P" ry -!f d>€s E3ffi<ttesE ? sll-?l3F -vB=>nzD."q F'*,3 t d e, -r frF. D t'q s i SYMBOL DEVCE MAiIIJFACTUREF/PAFI* lffi;l Flre Alarm Control Panel Notitier AFP-400 GXrsnNG) E Speaksrlstrobe (cand€la sp€cifl€d) WaII Mount - TAPPED AT 1 WATT Wheelock ET70-24MCW-FW g Slrob€ (candela sp€dfiod) Wall Mount Wheelock RSS-24MCW-FW E Svnfircnlzsdon Modul€Itfh-Belock SM-12124 @ Accllmale Photo D€tectof Notitlor FAPT-7s'l @ H€at Detector Notlfl€r FST-851R NOTE: REFER TO DATA SHEETS FOR INSTALLATTON INFORMAT|ON, WtRtNc DIAGBAMS AND MOUNTING DETAILS. PROJECT INFORMATION: STARBUCKS COFFEE 242E. MEADOW DRIVE, #C-101 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 AHJ: VAIL FIRE DEPARTIIfiNT APPLICABLE @oES: 2002 NFPA 72, m03 l8C, 20Oo IFC OCCUPA CY: cROtJP B BUSTNESS USE: @FFEE SI-OP FIRE 8UPPRESSION: FULLY SPRINKI.ERED A STAREUCKS TEI{ANT IS BEII{G ADDED TO THE AUETRI{ HOJsE. THE FIFE AI-AHM SYSTEM S@PE OF WORX COI{sISTS OF THE FOLLOIYIIG: . MAINTAIN EXISTING NOTIFIER AFP"4OO FACP . AOOTIION OF SPEAKEF/STROBEE AND STROBES PER NFPA 72 BEQUIREMENTS - AoDITlOll oF SYNCHRONlzATtOfil MoDULE FOR STRoBE oPERAT|ON FIHE PROTECTION Etlcltl€ER: SMNEH LIFE SAFEry PO BOX 1073 FRISCO. CO S0lrl{tg PHONE: 970{0&9082 FAX: 72O-2f,/,-S849 NOT TO SCALE o Y-tr)-(o| .F IHE'1 lHiel efrgl H;slE rl<N-lFFO<I(ne\r>l +q a@ E c! ; a.dl- a f|:: H !t r* 8 F J |.l C'Fo oo+I 8 o 5s! 6 I:I t FI @ t*) \h [D BEMOTE LAMP L SIUOKE/HEAT FEIIOVE OEIECTOfiif t) FEoIEE s.c rce *r, rr.,|qr.L-l-|oorsss^a€* ts g.c |.oe to iExr ADRelsAa.E EUCES I sil.1224 | i*T***it@l IffiHFF i $Rc sarlr([: r{o orcmor([:st qrru AF3 ?p.fla U,alrr stlTttcf =F\ l:sruu E.--- rr - tL _ _ JL _ __lL_ _ FLAG .AL, NEwADDRessldle tNtT|ATtNG DEVtcE. coNNEcrro ExtsING sLc toop, ustNc 16AWG TWISTED/EHIELDED PAIR, FIELD ASSIGN ADDRESSES BASED oN PANET AVAILAB|LITY. NqTE ON AS BUTLT DRAW|NGS, 6\ NEW Nonr|cnrdru DEvtcE. CoNNECT TO EX|ST|NG C|RCUTTS AS SHOWN, USE 14AWGE./ TWISTED PAIR FqR STROBE CIRCUITSAND 16AWG TWISTED/SHIELDED PAIR FOR SPEAKER CIRCUITS. tl- r irr LtJ]L[- o@ INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. INSTALL NEW NOTIFICATION DEVICES ON EXISTING NAC CIRCUIT IN TEMNTAREA. 2. NAC CIRCUIT WIRING SHALL BE 14 AWG, TWISTED PAIR, 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK OPERATING VOLTAGE AT END OF CIRCUIT TO ENSURE IT IS WITHIN MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS. 3fD l.tf - f o r'r NY-tn-(o ' r'-lrJrrmHo HFE erq Q >d d ,.,.i o Ei<N"Fro<(,NN> *q ao E E ; Eg* a (\ P3 lr al I t\ J, EtO[--IRIOcv toJfoelAd !88 Ede T€E!547<t 8fi# tr Itf it\Tv/t BI rDl GDI Fire Alarm Submittel Submitted to: Vail Fire Department Project: StarbucksCoffegTenantFinish Location: Austria llaus 242 E. Meadow Drive, #C- l0 I Vail. CO E1657 Equipment Vendor: Commercial Specialists PO Box 1572 Silverthome, CO 80498 970-513-7100 Fire Protection Engineer:Deborah Shaner, P.E. Shaner Life Safety PO Box 1073 Frisco, CO E0443 970-409-9082 ryAtL rlpr DFpA8TTTENT ,l$pirrvurt ar $qlb'!ilti*tj\ Asi!:.rrtud Sf fuctrid if Ey --.Tltlr tr"I'-i__" fts: _a.r. *+ rbwNopveu- 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 97G479-2798 CONTRAETOR ARENS EIJECTRIC 4735 S. Santa Fe Circle Englewood, Colorado I0110 License: 350-E APPTICAI{T ARENS EI-,ECTRIC 4735 S. Santsa Fe Circle nnglewood, Colorado 80110 L,icense:350-E OWNER SF & ,'ACARANDA INC 20 VAIIJ RD vArr.,, co 81657 License: tu1-ot zs oe/3L/2004 Phone: (303) 751-1289 o8/3L/2oo4 Phone: Total Calculated Fees-> $399.00 Additiolal Fe$->$0. 00 Total Persrit Fee-> $3 99. 00 Pavmenb-> $399.00 BALANCE DI,JE >$0. 00 ARTMENTOF COMMUNITY D NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICALPERMT Job Address: 242 E MEADOW DR VAIL Perrrit #: E04-0157 Status...: ISSUED Location.....: 242 E Meadow Dr, Unit C101 (Starbucks) Applied . . : 08/31/2N4 ParcelNo...: 270708277075 Issued. . : 09/07/2C[,4 Expires. .: 03/06/2005 08/3L/2004 Phone: (303) 76t-L289 ProjectNo : Pruo4-*t( o EVELOPMENT o DEP Desciption: TENANT FINISH, NEW400 AMPSERVICE Valuation: $2e000.00 FEESUMMARY Electical-> S39b. O0 DRB Fee---_> Investigati,on-> willcall-> 90.00 $0. oo $3.00 TOTALFEES-> 3399. OO Approvals:I€eln: 06000 EITECTRICAL DEPARTMngt o9/o3/2o04 cdavis Action: AP Per Ernst Glatzle Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT CONDITIONSOF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.); FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIA]'ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatio& filled out in full the information required, completed an acfllrate plot plan, and state that all the inforrration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable REQT]ESISFOR IMPECTIONSIIALLBE MADE TWENTY-FOURHOTJRS IN ADVANCEBYTEI.EPHONEAT4TF2l4gORATOUROFFICE FROM E{IOAM-4 CONTRACIOR FOR HIMSEIJ AND OWNET . * +:i,i * * {i * * * * * * * * * * *** * +** * * * * | + * * * * * * + +*** * * * + ** * * * {. {.**'} *** * * * * * * + * * ** * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * ** + TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * +**'f+ * * t I t f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l. * * * *** ** *** * + * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *!t( * * * * * * * * * * {.,t * * * * * * * {. * * * * Statement Nurdber: R040006584 Anount': 9399.00 09/07/2OO4O8:21 AII Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notatsion: #2175lArensElectric Permit No: E04-015? Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2L0LO8277OI5 SLte Addrese: 242 E MEiADOW DR I/AIIJ Location: 242 E Meadow Dr, Unib C101 (Starbucks) Total Fees: 5399.00 This Payment: $399.00 Total AL,L pmts: $399.OO Balance: S0.00 * * *** * + * 'l' * * * * * * * * ** * * *** * * t I t * t * * + * + + t + **t + * | ** * + '8+ * * * + * * * ** +** * * *:t,* 't * * * * * + * {r i( * * * * * * 'r * * * * * * * ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code DescfliDtion Cunrent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPORARY POWER PERI.IITS hJC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 396.00 3.00 TtoN wtlJ- a ,_Ml 75 S. FmrtrgeRd. Vall, Colorado 8165f M)T BE ACCEPTED IF INCOI'PLETE OR UNSqNEP Prcfect #: Bulldlng Permit #: Electrlcal Permit #: 9711479-2149 (lmpections) sa zt8 t? Eleclri:al Contradonfi?*.t €/."4*- n c. Tq,vn of Vail Reg. N,o.:3.so -g Contact ard Phone #s:{t'* aaq -?Q/-/Zf? E-Mail Addreas:'W AMOUNT OF SQ FT tN STRuCTURE: 3,, oru - I ELECTRTCAL VALUATTON: $ 32, 6Vb , o Assessors Olfrce at g7O-3288U1t or visit fwPerc€/il Parcel f uo nane:,{S-ila "7i t fu?..-9#'7. n4-J^-r 4. c-/ol Legal Deecriplion I Lot I Blodc I Filing:Subdiviclrn: orn.* Nam5l- ,r*.1- y'uil Mffii*r t I4J . u.-l . I Phgf% . eae - fc-a, Engircer-1#-,Address:Phone: Detaibd descri$im of 6'-J6-nL'{uiny'*-/' Cy'A | 4-h) YaA utl Juut2<. WorkCbs: tleyv( ) Additbn( ) Remodelfi) Repair( ) TempPoer( ) offrer( ) WorkType: Intedor{p4 E<terior( ) Bdh( )Does an EHU o(ist at this location: Yes( ) No( ) Type of Bldg.: Single4amily ( ) Duplex ( ) Mrdti-{amily ( ) Corrnrercialt{ Restaurant ( ) OOFr( ) No. ot Exi$ing Drclling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this tuiHing: ls this permit tur a hot tub: Yes ( ) No {re) Does a Fire Alarm Bist: Yes 64I No ( ) | Ooes a Fire Sprinlder System Rbt Yes 64) No ( t**tt..*f.*****.**t***rrrtr.t*1rt***.*iFOR OFFICE USE ONLY****ll.**ttrtr*.rr***.*t.tt tttltt***:r RECEIl/ED ,ii;!31. ,,1 07tarNz @l{PLETE SQ. FEET FOR NETV zultDS and VALUATIOIiIS FOR ALL OI}IERS (Labor & iteteriab) O0rer Fees:Dale Rerdved: DRB Fees:Acceofied Bv: Pldrr€rSbnd: \WdluqtlM 7w- TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTM 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2135 OWNER SF & .]ACARANDA INC 20 VAIi-, RD VA]IJ, CO 8L557 Li.cense: CONTRACTOR FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES 015]- PONDEROSA DR GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO I r-6 01 I-,icense: 456-S APPLICA}IIT FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES O1-5]. PONDEROSA DR GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 8t-5 01License: 455-5 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE; THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLERPERMT Job Address: 242 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location..,..: 242 E Meadow Dr, Unit C10l ParcelNo...: 210108277016 projectNo : pdAtrl_et/ Permit #: Status. . . : Applied. . : Issued. . : Expires . .: 08/25/2004 Phone: 08/25/2004 Phone: 800-875-3L05 F04-0044 f)o1-"r72 ISSUED 08125t2004 09/0r/2004 08/25/2004 Phone: 800-875-31-05 Doscipion: ADD, RELOCATE, DELETE FIRE SPRINKLERS AS NEEDED PER NFPA 13 STATE LOCAL AUTHORITIES in Starbucks Valuation: $5,625.00 FEE SUMMARY Mechanical---> Plan Chcck---> Investigation> Will Call----> $0.00 Reshrarant Plan Rwiew-> $350.00 DRBFee------------> s0. 00 ToTAL FEES--------> $3 .00 s0.00 $s92.06 (9150,00) s442 .06 s442 . 06 s0. 00 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees------> Total Perrnil Fee------> Paymqlts--------> BALANCE DUE_--.> IIEM: O5]-OO BUII-,DING DEPARTMENTItem: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/3L/2004 MCGEE Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIEI-rD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the infornration required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances atrd state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desip. review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI,IESTS FORINSPECTION SHALLBE MADE TWENTY FROM 8100 AM - 5 PM- oNE AT 479-2135 *t'a*t}***+++++++ttfttt++++****+****++*****r***'|*'ta**a*+*******+**t********+f+++++++*++*+*t+lt TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO StatEment******t********++*t**tt*+++++'}'}+fff+f+++*****++*++t'+*+++++*llflllf+t++++**i*aa**a*+**';****** StaC€{nent Number: R040005553 Amount: Palment MeEhod: Check Services 3934 5442.06 09/0I/2OO4O1 :08 PMInit: DDGNotation: Fire Sprinkler Total Fees: ToIaI ALL Pmts : Balance:**'}'|****++******t+*+++*'t+***++*************************+******{'**'}**r**+++****++++++++++**** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Plnts Perrnit No : Parcel No: Sitse Address : Location : This Pajment: BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 wc 00L000031.12800 F04-0044 Tl4re: SPRINKLER PERMIT 21-OtO82'170L6 242 E MEADOW DR VAIL 242 E Meadov, Dr, Unit C101 *442.06 SPRINKLER PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CA],L INSPECTION FEE s442.06 $442.06 s0.00 89.06 350.00 3.00 APPLICATION .LL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ITICOMPLEI. .'R UNSIGIIEDs TOWNOPUAILIY 'ttnT5fu O.{ - OU I -4Sprinkler Permit #: la 9 70- 4 79- 2 7 3 5 {Inse*tions) Project #: Building Permit #: 804-0173 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 REflEtVEN Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are reguired at time of permit submittal and must include the following. Permit application will not be arepted without this information: must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Fire Sprinkler Contractor: Flre Sprinkler Servlcee Inc Town of Vail Reg. No.: 456-s Contad and Phone #t: Wayne 970-379-3236 E-Mail Addrcss:wjxg$lerGsoqr-$>. net :r 'ii * , '' ,....'-, yAtUAfiONs FoR ALARil pERlrrT (tabor & Materials) Fire Sprinkler: $-_:OZS. OO i-Offiib at e or visit ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY"************************************ Parcel # zLoLoBzTTor6 lob Name: Starbucks at Austria House JobAddress:242 E t4eadow Dr, C10l Unit C101 Add' relocate, delete fire sprlnklers as needed per NFPA 13 6tate and local authorit WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel(x) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ft ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Aacommodation Units in $is building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exisu yes (x ) No ( ttVail,dara\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\SPRKPERM.DOC o7t26t2002 @ 1i\' g:9 6 'l I I I.l e_d ,#,---E'ru^#z clOtl R E S I R 0 0. tlF{' I o of'*(o, .s, b OPEti FOR SYSIEM TEST & INSPECTIONS CERTIFICATIONS REMODEI,S SER\'ICE tstot928-9163 aoor 875-3105 FrnB Spnrr.wr-,nn Spnvrcns. INc. AL STUMP .--- c,erl <gtol 379-3276\"/'' Fax (e7o| 928-8334 0l5l Ponderoca IHve . Gletr$ood Springs, CO t1601 E-xrS-frr*t6 tr1Le Spf-tr.rpLf-\L u€(ab Locr.rrorls 5-rA12- BbL(-9 Ausr[rQ t+or-:le \/ArL ee, o Dr.-r-!o\_l:56x!gT..rfi(, t.|an5 LocBT\or{S.r -I--o Be l]-Ltocq<€^> ArrD DaLs-AT.a.b As seE,Dg^D troe, Pp-o 9p.4- Sp e_t *\{-L-g A_ Cov€_rLA G€- . Dar*- q€ pr-rr.\ t -r,q rOg .t,Ap_\<\<,.S B<At- SrwyrP G. g S , TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL.co 81657 970-479-2138 ot*-"*r oF coMMUNrrY o.*rot"* . NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT PErMit #: MO4-OI7O Bnf-o t/s Job Address: }4?EMEADOW DRVAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: Z42EMadow Dr, Unit C10l Applied. . : 08/30/2004 Parcel No...: 210108277016 Issued . . : 09/02/2004 ProjectNo t pAla4- e// Expires. .: 03/01/2005 OWNER SF & ,JACARANDA INC 08/30/2004 phone: 20 VAIL RDvArL, co 91657 I-,i-cense: CONTRACTOR ACTION AIR, INC. 08/30/2004 Phone: (303) 480-1000 5576 Pecos St. Denver, Colorado 8022]-License: 294-M. APPLICANI ACTIoN AIR, INC. 08/30/2004 Phone: (303) 480-1000 5675 Pecos St. Denver, Colorado 80221,License: 294-M Desciption: HVACRENOVATIONS Valuation: $9,897.00 Fireolace Information: Restict€d: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas toes: 0 # of Wood Pell€t: 0 **r*:r*****rt*tl,tt:l**,141'l'*rt'l:tt x***,ra***rt***t*:r*t:t t***t't,!***,*{*ar,l**it**a* FEE suMMARy Mechanical--) S200 . 00 Restusrsnt Plan Review->$0 . 00 Total Calculatpd Fees:> 5253 . 00 Plan Check--> Investigatirn-> Will Call---> S50. 00 DRB F€€----------->50.00 AdditionalFees----->s0.00 $3.00 BALANCE DUE---..---->s0.00 Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:22(BLDG.): COI'IBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 VMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23(BLDG.): TNSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 1-O OF THE 1997 UMC, CTIAPTER ]-O OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 (BLDG. ): GAS APPIJIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING lO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1-997 TMC. Cond:29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLYWITH CHAPTER 3 AIID SEC.1017 oF THE 1.997 IJMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE ].997 IUC Cond:31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAIJIJ BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSI . UNLESS $0.00 TOTTAL FEES------> S253.00 Total P€mit F€€------> 5253.00 Paym€nts-------------> $253.00 09/01-l2004JRMItern: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT LrsrED FoR MorJNrrNc oN aoon"lrr"oE FLooRrNG.Cond:32 (BLDG. ) : PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI-,, ROOM PRTOR TO AN TNSPECTION REQUEST, Cond:30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COIflTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS STAIJL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OF THE l-997 IjMC, ORsBcrroN 1004.6 0F THE L997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hoeby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto, REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS AT 479-2t49 8:00AM-4PM. FOR HMSELFAND OWNER a f+*+ff+++++**l++f++******+++lfa+t+++*ttl*+*+*tttff+++*+**lr**:F********{.*************+++***a** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staternent*****a*a*********++*********+*******{.*****+**t a******at*t*tt***t*t+t+*+t**a******+********** Statement Nuniber: R040006559 Anount l Pa].ment Method: Check 17910 5253.00 09/02/2oo401 :37 PMInit I DDG' Notation: Action Air Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address : Location: This Payments: M04-0170 TSper MECHANTCAL PERMIT 2707082"17075 242 E MEADOW DR VAIIJ 242 E Meadoh, Dr, Unit C101 $2s3.00 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES WILL CALI, TNSPECTION FEE $253.00 $2s3 .00 90.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Prnts: Balance: 'l******+{r*+*{.*{'******+lr*****++++{'**++fff+t++*+tttt*+**{'{ta{r{t****t*+*******t'*,}*+*+tt+f+**+**** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Ptnt6 MP E.E wc 00100003L11100 00100003LL2300 0010 0 0 03112 80 0 200.00 50.00 J. UU 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Golorado 81657 Permlt wlll nol be accepted without the followlng: Provlda Room Layout drawn to s Dlmenrlo Duct Sl CuUSpec INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUANON FOR TECHANICAL PERNF Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone # s: e at or forParcd# Parcel *z- to( o g?7>ar Ia '* *ame5|;'AR €xlc-rs c.)p,=rs ktpE 2H'"8,* ffio}-a€- c-lol Legal Descrlptlon ll Lot I Block: ll Flllng:SuMlvlslon: Oryvners Name:Addre$:PhorE: EnsineerBRr*s SEYtr€KTU llootHb"' sa.Pzr^r/r. |,,*firta,, d "**'3o3 -1g1-1112 Detailed desdiption of work: ilvrnc- (R6()1"v/rrio^)5 workClass: New( ) Addition( ) Albration{) Repair( ) Other( ) Boifigr Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Singl€-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-famiv ( ) Commercial (y) Rostauranl ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buildlng:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming ( Noffype of Firedaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pollet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) lsthisa convercion fiom a nlood buming fireplace ban EPA Phase ll device? Yes( ) MW R PCE$V E D , :,, 10 Auc, 2?, 2004 9:01A}[ ACTI0N AIR INC No fi ilj:*,H :#. action ei?c. TRANSMITTAL LETTER ?n''0,,o, Date: Phone: Fax: llen6 hded are beiog s€nt: lii encnsoa i.. I Uncler Separate Covcr 'lve 1282 P. 2/2 5787{001 8t27t2004 (303) 480.1000 (303) 46&9342 yl. Plans I . i Addenda 5676 Pecos Streel Denver. CO 80221 lroj.{r Sta.buck's Vail Village To: CNI Cont6ctorc, Inc- Attn: Da!rc Mgrlan 1207 South Lipan Street Denver, CO E0ZZ3 Subject Vail Buitding Department Rtsquirem€nls Phone: 303-698-1600 Fax: (303) 733-7165 We arri lranemrttirg the following to you: Prod{ct OeE Archilcctural Dra$tog'3 Engin€ering D"arrinSs lctn No. EMM 2 3r11n00F. 2 :'l f) i:'l il | . ' Samples j-' Letters f' Chsnge Order Reqsest€ I j Shop Dr3wings 1 I Specincaiions O & M Manuats Frints Escription/Ranerh Trana M€ci.nioal Ml.0 E M2.o Reml*s: This information has been requested by Joe with the vail Building Department. coPtEs To: Ey: Date n1l/vttuTL PalE 1 ol IReceir€d Bv: i'Hug 3Ol O4 o8:19a Bnil Sesfent,h ! Bn|AN sEvFEt"tTH & ASSOCnTES. tNC. I Bui$ing Dept. ) Faxl*e7047e-24s2 p.1 Town of Vail i Attn:J.R. Mondragon Re: Starbucks,242 E. Meadow Dr, Dear J.R.: Pursuant to our conversation, this letter is to acknowledge that the drawings that have been presented for review are identical to those starnped by myselfand should be considered as having been stamped. More specifically ttre drawilgs are sheets M-1, M-2, P-l, P-2, and P-3. The drawings are issued as Issue 0,3131104, '?srmit/Const.". If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Cc: Dave Morlan via Fax \t #ffi 5583 Soutl PrinEe Stre€t . Littleton. Colorado gol20 Tlfti.o /?ntl 797:f771 . F.w /lntl 7qtt7"? - E -.:r L--/6--.r--.L ---- 303Ca?-???3 OFFlGf; COPY RECEI UEO ,1;.ri: " t, . . ACTIOI\T AIR INC. 56T6PECOSSTREFT . DENVER,COLORADO80221 . PHONE (3O3)48G1000 . FAX480-9342 HEATING . AIRCONDITIONING . VENTILATION . SHEETMFIAL SUBMITTAL STARBUCK COFFEE 242EAST MEADOW DRIVE C.IOI Vail Village, CO 81657 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: CONSULTANTS: MECHANICAL ENGINEER: STIBMITTED BY: CNI CONTRACTORS.INC. A.W. DUNN & CO. BRIAN SEYFERTH & ASSOC. ACTION AIR,INC. CONTENTS ITEMS Ducfless Split System Fan Coil MANUFACTURER TRANE Town of Vail 0FmfifficoPY RECEIV E D t" ' '3 i:i A4 o(- otTo TNATTE' Preparcd For: Alpine Mechanical Sold To: Starbu cks C off e e C orqra tion Eubmittal Date: August 26,2@4 Job Number: Job Name: Starbucks - Vail Vilage 242 East Meadow Drive c-101 vAtL, co 81657 frarg A Divislon ot Anarhan Wd hr.. Trane ls pleaged to provide the enclosed submittal for your review and approval. Product Summary Oty Product1 1-3Ton Ductless EvsporatoF Seattle-Rotall Trane 2021 l52ndAvenue NE Redrnond, WA 98052-552 1 Phone: (425)643-4310 Fax (425)643-4314 J:VOB$1125126356121 tabucks - Vait Viilage.dw TableOf ConHrt3 ProductSummary 1..3 Ton Ductlers Evaporatons (tcm At) lvlechanical Spociffcabns....,......... ....,....,,....,.......,.,4 ag Data - 1€ Ton Ductless Evaporatorg Item Tag(s)otv Descripgon l/lodel Number A1 ACICV-a 1 .8 Ton Ductless Evaporators MC\/-51 Product Data - 1.3 Ton Ductless Evaporutors llem: A1 Oly:l Tag(s): AC/CU-z 1-g Ton High wall mounted 1.5 Ton - nominal Singf e phase 5O I ffiHz ?2A -24AV/208-23OV SPlit s)rstem cooling 1.5 Ton nominal Single phase 208/230 60 Hz UL, ETL and ARI standard Itsm: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): AC/CU.2 Ductless Ev€porutors General Speclflcations tor Mini.split air Handler The HighWall mounted type air handler shall be completety faclory assembled including coil, cond€nsate drain pan, fan motor, washable filter, air purifying filter and eloctronic controls to be used with a wired or wireloss rern ote controller. Air handler assembly shall include at least 2 feet ol insulated retrigerant piping (gas and liquid pipe), drain hose and interconnecting cables, so it can be properly connected to a Trane outdoor unit. Unit shall be shipped with ths proper remole controller, operaling batterles, and unll mounting plate. unit shall be matched with a Trane outdoor unit, ralsd and tested in accordance with ARI standard. Unit shall be UL listed. All units shall be CSA certitied tor Canadian application. Caslng The ABS {acrylonitrite-butadiene-styrene) molded casing shatl have a thickness of no less than l/8' inches and must not discolor with time. The lront grill shall have an anti-static treatment and must be removable for washing. Casing shall be provided with knockoute on lhe right, left and bottom ol the unit to lacilitate piping and electrical conn€ction on either side or bottom of the unit. An electrical service cover shall be provided to permit easy access lo lhe electrical lerminal strip. Dlschaqe Alrllow and Dlstributlon System Unit shall have auto swlng, dual horizontal blades to optlmlzo tns aperture outlet for vertical alrtlow and air distribution. Blade shall close automatically when the air condilioner is turned off to minimize dusl entering the unit. Five-stop preset program on the remote controller shall be available to control the blade angle Manually adjusied wide-angle louvers shall be provided lo adjust the coverage and direction of airf low. Flller The unit shall have a pre-lilter net impregnated with a mold prevention solution. In addition, this filt€r shall be capable of trapping dusl up to 0,01 microns; MCW512-24 shall have an air"cleaning electrostatic filter on the front side and a deodorizing, charcoal-activated lilter on the other. General Specification The TTK shall be a split system outdoor unit with an axial fan motor assembly for horizontal air discharge. The unil shall be installed on the ground, balcony, deck,. rooltop, or wall hung. The unit musi be d€signed lo operate at outdoor ambient temperatures as high as 1 15"F. Cooling capacities shall be matched wilh ductless air handlers that ar6 ARI certifled. Tho unit shall b6 ETL listed. Gasing Exterior must be designed for outdoor application. Unit casing is constructed sf heavy gauge, galvanized steel and painted with a weather resistant powder paint, An integral condensate tray shall be included Relrlgerant Conlrols The TTK shall be fully charged from the factory for matched indoor and up to 25 leet ot piping. Refiigerant system controls includs condenser fan and compressor contactor. This unit shall include both liquid line multi function service valve and res{rictor orifice kil- Compressor Compressor shall be either rotary hermetic or (509 - 524) or reciprocating scroll (530 - 536). A rnotor, oil system, and oil charge shall be equipped with the compressor. Standard warranty on the compresor is 5 years. Condenser Coil The coil shall be consist of aluminum finned coil with copper tubes. The coil provides airflow resistiance and etlicient heal transfer. The coil is protected bythecasing. FLD = Funbhed by Trane / lnstaH by Otherc iiiii Eqiipimenr Subnt hl Page 4 ol I Tag(s): AC/CU-z 3? i? -r= Z!c Ba gEI ;88 iEq 3$sdH* !rA f:di FTE TF5 i6i +x: ;Et 6 Tg * E 5 3 9 z ? 3Iz A p Y 3 tr z frE EF T =g .- 5 t ?x ;e c E6 H;E ; 6 ta s 2 z aI G FsEE ** i;EE I$ c D F I F 1 g I H 3 I *9 5 5 a 6 3 E 5 , E 2 > F 5^a aa- 3C9B Sc 3d agr* -Ere 5 d gi 9l t.r' ../..:..--{\iI@H FLU = ,-um(ined by rrane / tnstaffed Iry otherc lane Equlpme,rt Submn|F/l page 5 of I Dimensions - 1-3 Ton Ducfl€ss Item: A1 Oty: 1 Tag(s): AC/CU-2 MODEL Lrot o (N)sucTroN 0N|I,YEtGftT-t.B 518E 'v4 t12 r06 -Valt - 'rit !on Item: Al Qty: I Tag(s): AC/CU-2 FLD . Fumlshed by Tffine / lrctalted by Others fi8,,e EqiFmeniguhnilat page 7 ot 9 GENERAL DATA Uni C€paciy - Tons Unit Voftage Unlt Herlz Unit Phase Mn. Brch. Clr. Ampacity Br. Clr, - Max, Amps 72 [5.275l l 208-230 €o I t'1.7 20,0 COMPFESSOR Nur$€r Pttsss Cornflessor Raed Lold Ampg Locked Robr Arnpg Clrqli {t1 1 I 8.8 47.O OI,'DOON FAN l,tumber tf,r|lEter Hors€porve. ldetfi spe€d (RPM) Pfiaaa Ortd@r ilobr Fufl Load Ampg 18 ' l5 8SO I 0.65 [ 0.0497 kw I FEFRIGEFANT TyFe Charge (oz.) Une Size - in. O.D Gas l-tF SEe - h. O.D. Lh. n-n 46 1E 1t4 WolSht Snipirq (h6) llol (lbs) 121 106 NOTES: Slarbuckr - Vall Unlt - 1-3 Ton Ouctless Evaporatore Item: Al Qty:1 Tag{s): AC/GU-2 GENERAL DATA Tons Lhlt Op€rating Vottago Fange Unlt Pdnary Voltage Unlt S€condary Vofiaga Unh Hertz Un[ Phala INDOOB IIOTOR Numbet HorE€pow€r lhor Spo€d (RPM) Pt!8r Indoor lrotcr Full Losd ArnFs tocked Ro|or Arlps 1.5 [ 3517 kwl t 87'253 Vo[ 208-230 Volt 208{30 Volt 60 I 0.072 [0.0er kw] r200 I o.t4 N/A FILTERS . Tlpo Furnbhd SiE (ln) Si?€ (mm) 2-t 2.5x15.9)O.08 2-318x403)C WEight-Lbs. frg) frhlpping pratsd, Net (Uncfabd) 3s.3 (16) ftAl12t r9' ou: -3 1llcm: A1 Tag(s): AgCl,F2 - - --] I u tl+13l ffifr8 ATTENTION! re<ecr@.affi1 CT'TAI{D FA.AIE tI TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 OUINER SF & ,]ACARANDA ]NC 20 VAIL RD VAIIJ, CO 8L657 License: ol*rr^, oF coMMrrM* or*rot*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLTJMBINGPERMIT Job Address: 242 E MEADOW DRVAIL Location.....: 242 E Meadow Dr. Unit Cl0l ParcelNo...: 210108277016 hojectNo :PeO4- *l/ 08 / 3r /2004 Permit Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires. Phone: #: P04-0100 fu(- or73 .: ISSUED . : 08/3112004 ..: 03/01/2005 # of Wood Pallei: ?? COTVTRACTOR WrIJIJARD WRIGHT P&H CO. rNC. 08/31/2004 Phone: (970)484-0764 1-556 Riverside DriveFt. Collins, Colorado 80524 Li-cense: 319-p APPLICAIiIT WILLARD WRIGHT P&H CO. INC. 08/31/2004 Phone: (970)484-0764 1556 Riverside DriveFt. Collins, Colorado 8052 4 L,icense: 319-P Desciption: WASTE VENTS, WATER PIPES AND FD(TLJRES Valuation: $20.597.00 Fireplre Infmnration: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ?# ofGas Lngs: ?? FEE SUMMARY Plurnbing--> Plan Check---> lnvestigation-> Will Call-----> S315.00 R€sEarant Plal Review-> 57 8,7 5 DRB Fee------------> $0.00 ToTALFEES---------> s3.00 s0.00 s0.00 s396.7s Total Calculat€d Fees---> Additional Fees------> Total P€mit Fee------> Paymenb----------> BALANCE DUE_--_.> $395.7s $0.00 s395.75 s396. ?s s0. 00 raaa'lraa+aaaaaaa'l ]TeM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTME}flI09/01/2004JRM Action: APItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforrnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sbucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV OFOWNER erSirn AND OWNER o ******+'i'it**'i+'1.*****r!'t**********+**{'{t*****+++*{'tttt+*f*++at+:t************+'t't'*'}'t************* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statenxent*****f 't'**{t*{'******+t'++'t***!t!*'}******+*+'t{.'****+*****++*****+*************r}+!t,ir*{.,;,r.:t *x:t {.***,r**ri Stat.ement Nudber3 R0400055G1 Amount: Payment Method: check &. H L4744 $396.75 09/02/200401 :45 PMInit: DDGNotation: Willard Wriqht P Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address : Lrocation: lltris Payment: P04-0L00 1\pe: PIJUMBING PERMIT 21-01082770L6 242 E MEADOW DR VAIL 242 E Meadow Dr, unit C101 s395.75 PLAI{I CHECK FEES PLI]IT{BTNG PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Total Fees :Total ALL Pmts : Balance: $395.75 $396.75 $0.00*'l'*'+******{tit'}'}*****'f**f'aa******!r***t***'****t***ta'**t*****'}**rt'}*********t+t+tff*+**++*{'***** ACCOUNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Description Current. PmCs PF WC 00L00003112300 00100003L11100 00L000031L2800 78.75 ?1q nn 3 .00 7f6+ frottr-lo|ili 0F \lAI! C0lllllllTY 0EVEUBCiT 970r7lllt2 APPLTCAUON WILL $OT BE ACCEFTED IF !]IC'OifPLETE OR UNSICPrcJecttt: P3rmltlf: l-ser P.000/0t0 F-71a 0f-z/* tur-00-01 ll:18en CE*/- TTNTT/tr 75 S. FFnt.gt nd.rffl, Goloredo 81G57 l.2 r'{fiLl - O-l Lay rIOil FOR PLUHaIilG PERlflT (trbor e Habriels) PLUMEING: S RO, 5Q1. OO t Job t{ame: S{-,*\..-^-ko( ssJ Qo rata,r[,fbdtess: attz FUtt,e.,io,.iEn LcsEttletc]|Drt"., I r.* | g"a" " fl rting,Subdh,|ion: Phone: Fgineer: I Address:Phonc: ffi --il;;tJ ,,--^k ( rrdl=-'- n^ ,-x!9;sLt*tz wod(gae6: r,rew( ) Additim( ) AlleEuo^pq-Eiit ) d4*Il n.,n-a",tV< I o-'n *tl5Q nerteuratl_lgj l No ol E<isting Dn dllng units in thls buldlng:llo- of Asrnrnodatton Unlts In thb bulldtng: lrt**.rr.arr*al*.ar.+*1.-ittatli*.1*i*-*a.FoR oFFIICE Ulttg otlLY*.ri.)1.*r;ltt.*tt**!tlat**-+t..tttit*atr. CEIV ED q'\ q ' L\SL \W.@M.ooc 7t a?6 traffiwL 2'd sseo- 'a)- o4s EN I E}IN.|d IH9I UFI eltr:gO tO IS 9nH oa i. r.a 3J r'.'J '. T0-ri;i:2m4* 6:52 am A/FID lnlbrmaoon Inspection Requert ReporUng - - - --l{AlL CO-:J.OSltttJlE - Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, October 14, 2004 Inspec'0on Area: JRMSlbArklresri 242 E MEADOW DR VAIL 242 E Meadow Dr. UnltCt0f Page 43 CNICONTRACTORS INC. CNI CONTRACTORS INC. TENAT{T F NISH FOR t$ew Strrbuctcs Strtus: lnspAI€a: PtFfl€: (309) 69&1600PtFfl€: {303)59&16tX) Request€d Tlme: 08:00 Aff' Phona: T2ll'S6'5q)g Ent€red By: DGOLDEN K RequesH Tlme: 08:00 AIU Ptpn€: 72o9€6-69ff1 EnH€d By: DGOLDEN K Acffoo: AP AIDPRO\/ED LpJ UU: AI.COITM Sub TvDe: rcOiltlEe: ll FR tssuED JRM Inspecuon Hlstorv llem: 30 BLDGFrcming " Approv€d -0908/04 Insp€clor: c<|griii Aclhn: APAPfTROVED Co.nmENt3: COMPLETE PEhfTRATON PATCHIi'IG AT FLOOR CAN BE SEEN FROT, GARAGE INTUMESEI.IT PAINT USEDON EXISTI}'JGWOOD FRA,i,I}.IG = APPRo\/EDS) BLDGlnsuHlon 50 BlDCrsheetrof,k Nail '" ADgrov€d - Ogi15l04 lffipecto'r: JRM " 70 BLDC'-Mlsc.S) BLDCrFlnal5E PU'.TEMP.qO 537 PLqN-FlNi{L C/O 538 F'RE.FINAL C/O 539 FW-FINAL C/O8lt) BLDGFIn€ICIO Item: 540 BLOG-FinCl CtO Roqu€slor: CNI COIITRACTORS lt{C. Asdon€d To: CDAvls- Aclbn: Tlmi Exp: tFm: 537 PLAN+INALC,O R€qu€sior: CNI CONTRACTORS lIlC. AsglonedTo: GRUTHER- Afllon: Tlme Erp: U..P .lr 6 *-p- ll€m: llsil: lbrm: tlsn: lbm: Itom: ll||m: REPT131 {) (- 2468 tip+\*-t** , AMENDMENT ro LEA'E ' {h$ ' THIS AMENDMENT To LEASE is dated a-s o_{Qctoter 15,2000, by and betweenJohannes FEiBler ("FriBleru) and Platz'l LLC, a Colorado limited ti"Uiitv company ("Tenant,,). Tenantenteredinto aleaseiirNovember, p9! ("Lease')with $nnenalpi;;p.irir"6.,!ciiffia'.i .l"f!:ililtyryflassigned,itsinterestJoleBler("Landiord"). forgooda"a'vuf*Uf""oirriA;;;li;;; me re-celpt or wtucn rs hereby acknowledged Landlord and Tenant wish to modiff the Lease as seiforth below. 1. The 400 square feet refened to in Article I is hereby amended to be 608 square feel 2. The third line of Section 2.1 is hereby amended to read: "shall end at noon on January l,2}l4runless sooner terminated orn 3. Section 2.2 is hereby deleted in its entirety. 4. Section 4.2(a) is hereby amended to read as follows: 'llulject t9 cost of living rlcreases mention rp !e$o-n 2.3, commencing October 15, 2000,$5,000.00 for each calendar mo-nt! duqng th5 period which brgin-s on ocioue"js, zooo, -*d;d on the expiration date of the initial period of the Temr as set drth in section 2.1.i 5. Section 4.2(b) is hereby deleted in its entirety. 5. Sections 4,3, 4.4 and 4.5 are hereby deleted in their entirety 7. Included as part of the Lease are 2 parking spaces and the existing storage in the parkinggange. 8. The princioals oftenant have executed and delivered a certain promissory note ('Note") dated october 15, 20d0 in favor of Landl;td. A"t d.ia"lt-*al" tttr i.t"iiiioU u" ait-i ; a;i;i,ilunder the Lease. All other temrs andprovisions ofthe Lease are herebyratified and confinned andintheeventof any conllict the terms of this Amendment to Lease shallprevail. fu.titiU.o.lrb'l rolru 9u !t qg:5t FAtr E0c3 6l{0+{9o f,ErlEl,-t,EUCIIEN t, tLa.i**r{qarlLEtl jr-arLa[.FB r.n ttal- rld..al *r.I!* fl ra iH.lhA LItt$; rri iFrl,ar. r &fittrs?.urath.*n .. r*|if)ilr*rFr{rj..r- ,l.E l Lar.il|hb-.frall*, a, t tuatr....ait.rl*gf f*.at *?' bd.t-F*trLrr.Dtq t-d-.tih-.sbtitl|s g*&iEF"EFSi5ffi #id'.1*ffi.S$il {-r.a-Eihir|btr.rf .*{d-t.abd-&i}Er!(at6-tt| E.{ri4|*t.rI-!drd. NUBPOLDo qAooa ,, rrkroturr.nr l&|l oo PLATZL PHYSICAL ITEMS COUNT BAR STOOLS 30 SHORTCHAIRS 34 BAR CHAIRS 24 RED WINE GLASSES 14 WHITE WINE GLASSES t6 SHOT GLASSES 35 BUBBLE BOTTOM HIGHBALLS 51 PORT GLASSES 8 SNIFTERS 14 .5 LITER P]LSNER GLASSES 24 .5 LITER KALTENBERG MUGS 22 .5 LITER HEFEWEISEN GLASSES I .3 LITER MUGS 16 .3 LITER PILSNER GLASSES 71 CANDLES 14 MICROWAVE 1 4 DOOR COOLER t SLICER I HOT CHOCOLATE MACHINE 1 FAN 1 COFFEEGRINDER - ,t1,.(o et 0cD{ets I HEATER I ICE MACHINE 1 TRASH CANS 4 8" PLATE 18 SAUCERS 18 tO" PLATE 66 LARGE OVAL PLATE 26 CREAMERS 4 ffi a WOOD FOOD BOARDS l0 FIRST AlD KlT I DISHWASHER I CD PLAYER 1 STEREO AMPLIFIER 1 19" Tv I STAINLESS STEEL PREP TABLES 4 RAMIKENS u SOUP BOWLS 13 SILVERWARE SETUPS 20 BLENDER 2 BROOMS 2 SILVER DUST BIN I STEREO CONTROL BOX 1 OUTDOOR SPEAKER 1 9'UMBRELLAS 3 12'UMBRELLAS 1 tr;rJapn*a Lr-c.O"l"0o /ir >oo\-t\e,{>ftI*p1 : H*rzu ffi,e- pEcKLEAsEAGREEMENT (*,*aal* iler6) THf s LEASE is made and entered into rhis 8lfa"y o, !*+ , lqqq. , by and between the TOWN OF VAIL, State of Colorado, a municipal corporation, *O""0 through its Town Council hereinafter referred to as the ,,Lessor,,""O Vrur* ?AE& ' hereinafter referred to as the',Lessee',. WITNESSETH: ' WHEREAS, the Lessor is duly authorized by law to administer and govern certain real property hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, Lessor is willing to lease to Lessee the above referenced property, together with such rights and privileges as are set forth in this Lease Agreement; and WHEREAS' the Lessee is desirous of leasing said property and the improvements thereon. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenant conditions and promises contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION ONE PREMISES .. Lessor grants to Lessee the use of a certain parcel of real property location in the Town of Vail, Gounty of Eagle and State of Golorado and more particularly set forth in the survey aftached as Exhibit A. Lessee shall use said premises for a restaurant patio only. No permanent improvements or fixtures except railing around the perimeter shall be placed thereon by the Lessee. Any change in purpose shall be only with the consent of the Lessor and upon the terms described by the Lessor. SECTION TWO TERM subject to earlier termination as hereinafter provided, the five (5) year term of this Agreementshall bethe period commencing frr" [, lQq, andending on ltqtet r2*\ . SECTION THREE RENTAL AND CHARGES For the use of the premises as set forth herein, Lessee covenants and agrees to pay Lessor in advance the sum ot 461 dollars ($_) per square toot t (06 square feet) per annum for a total of dollars ($lll0--). Rent shal be paid in advance annually. Thereafter, commencing on Jrrrc lr -?oro , an adjustment shall be made to: the fixed rent in the form of an adjusted percentage, based on the most cunent Denver-Boulder 'Consumer Price lndex", specifically the percent change from one year ago. This percentage change is to be made on the rent figure in the preceding year. This procedure is to be followed each succeeding year until the end of the term of this Lease Agreement. SECTION FOUR TAXES AND UTILITIES The Lessee shall be liable for and shall promptly pay for all charges for gas, electricity, and other utilities relating to the premises leased by Lessee. Lessee shall prompfly pay all ad valorem taxes on personal property and real property. SECTION FIVE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIONS Lessee shall keep and maintain the leased premises and all improvements of any kind thereon in good and substantial repair and condition, including the exterior cond1ion thereol and shall make all necessary repairs thereto, including snow removal. Lessee shall provide proper containers for trash and garbage and keep the leased premises free and clear of snow, rubbish, debris, and litter at all times. Lessor shall at all times during ordinary business hours have the right to enter upon and inspect the premises. Such inspection shall be made only at a mutually agreeable time. SECTION SIX RULES AND.REGUI.ATIONS Lessee agrees to observe and abide by the ordinances of the Town of Vail, the statutes and regulations of the State of Colorado and of the United States govemment with respect to the use of the premises. SECTION SEVEN INSURANCE Lessee agrees to secure and deliver to the Town a comprehensive liability insurance policy written on an occurence basis, including public liability and property damage in a form and through a company acceptable to and approved by the Town, covering the premises, and all operations performed by the Lessee on the premises in the amount of one million dollars ($1 ,ooo,00o.oo) in respect to any occunence and aggregate amount of two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) for bodily injury and property damage. All such policies required herein shall name the Lessor as additional insured. A certificate evidencing such insurance, in such form as the Town may require, shall be delivered to the Town prior to the time the Lessee takes possession of the premises. Each certificate or policy shall contain a valid provision of endorsement that: "This policy shall not be canceled, or materially changed or altered, without first giving thirty (30) days written notice thereof to the Town of Vail. Colorado, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado, 81657, sent by certified mail, return receipt requested." A certificate of renewal shall be delivered to the Lessor at least fifteen (1S) days prior to the policy's expiration date, except for any policies expiring on the date of this lease thereafter. SECTION EIGHT INDEMNIFICATION OF LESSOR Lessee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lessor against all liability for injuries to persons or damage to property caused by Lessee's use or occupancy of the leased premises including reasonable aftorneys fees for the defense of any claim, suit, or action brought against Lessor caused by Lessee's operation of the premises; provided, however, that Lessee shall not be liable for any injury, damage, or loss occasioned by the negligence of the Lessor or its agents or employees; and provided further that Lessor shall give to Lessee prompt and timely notice of any claim made or suit instituted which in any way directly or indirecily, contingently or othenrrrise, affecb or might affecl Lessee, and Lessee shall have the right to compromise and defend the same to the extent of its own interest. SECTION NINE ALTERATIONS Lessee shall make no alterations, additions or improvements in or to the premises without the Lessor's prior written consent. All such work shall be performed in a good and workmanlike manner. Lessee shall pay or cause to be paid all costs for work done by or caused to be done by it' in or to the premises and Lessee shall keep the premises free and clear of all mechanic's liens and other liens on account of work done for Lessee or persons claiming under. Should any liens be hled or recorded against the premises or any action affecting the tiile thereto to be commenced, Lessee shall give Lessor written notice thereof. Lessee shall thereafter €use such liens, or claims against the Lessor in lieu of liens, to be removed of record within five (b) days after the filing thereof' lf Lessee shall desire to contest any claim or lien it shall fumish the Lessor with security satisfactory to the Lessor of at least one hundred frfty percent (1sO%) of the amount of the claim, plus estimated costs and interest. lf a final judgment establishing the validity or existence of any lien or claim for any amount as entered, Lessee shall pay and satisfy the same at once. prior to the commencement of any work in or to the premises by Lessee, Lessee shall notify the Lessor of the proposed work and the names and addresses of the persons supplying labor and materials for the proposed work. During and prior to any such work on the premises, the Town and its agents shall have the right to go upon and inspect the premises at all reasonable times. SECTION TEN SURRENDER OF POSSESSION On the expiration or termination of this lease, Lessee's rights to use the premises, facilities and services described herein shall cease, and Lessee shall vacate and surrender the premises to the Lessor immediately. The Lessee shall be responsible to put the premises and improvements back to their original condition. All alterations, additions or improvements upon the premises, unless othenajse agreed at the time Lessor's consent is obtained, or unless Lessor requests removal thereof shall become the property of the Lessor and shall remain on, and will be surrendered with the premises. Depreciation and wear from ordinary use for the purpose oJ which the premises were let need not be restored, but any repair for which the Lessee is responsible shall be completed to the latest practical date prior to such surrender. 4 o lf Lessee shall remain or continue to be in possession of the premises at the end of the term of this lease, at Lessol's option, Lessee shall be deemed to be illegally retaining possession, or shall be deemed to be a month-to-month Lessee of the premises and all the terms and conditions of this lease. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the Lessor,s right to obtain possession of the premises upon termination of this lease by unlawful detainer proceedings or othenarise in the event that the Lessor does not exercise its option to treat the continued possession by the Lessee as a month-to-month tenancy. SECTION ELEVEN COST OF LITIGATION Lessee covenants and agrees to and with the Lessor that in case the Lessor shall, without any default on its part, be made a party to any litigation commenced by or against the said Lessee, Lessee shall and will pay all costs in connection with such litigation and that said Lessee shall pay all costs and reasonable attomey's fees which may be incurred by said Lessor in enforcing the covenants and agreements of this lease. SECTION TWELVE SECURITY Lessee shall keep on deposit with the Lessor at all times after the execution of this lease agreement, a sum equal to one month's rent as security of the payment by the Lessee of the rent and any other sums due under this lease and for the faithful performance of all the terms, conditions and @venants of this lease. lf at any time Lessee shall be in default in the performance of any provision of this lease, Lessor may, but shall not be required to, use such deposit, or so much thereof as is necessary, in payment of any rent, or any other sum due under this lease in default, in reimbursement or any expense incuned by the Lessor and in payment of the damages incurred by the Lessor by reason of the Lessee's default, or at the option of the Lessor, such deposit may be retained by the Lessor as liquidated damages. ln any event, Lessee, shall, five (5) days after written demand from Lessor, remit to the Lessor a sufficient amount in cash to restore the deposit to its original amount. ln the event the deposit has not been utilized as described above, it shall, or as much thereof as has not been utilized for such purposes, shall be refunded to Lessee, without interest, upon full performance of this lease by Lessee. SECTION THIRTEEN DEFAULT The occurrence of one or more of the following events or circumstances shall constitute a default hereunder by the Lessee: A. The filing by the Lessee of a voluntary petition of bankruptcy. ' B. Proceedings in bankruptcy instituted by the Lessee and adjudication of lhe Lessee as a bankrupt pursuant to such proceedings. C' An appointment of a receiver of the Lessee's assets of the divestiture of the Lessee's estate by other operation of law. D. Failure by Lessee to make lease payments due to the Lessors as provided in this agreement within ten (10) days after the Lessor gives notice to Lessee of its delinquency. E. Failure of the Lessee to perform, keep and observe any of the terms, covenants, or conditions herein contained on its part to be performed, kept or observed, which failure continues ten (10) days after written notice thereof is mailed by Lessor. SECTION FOURTEEN REMEDIES lf the l-essee shall be in default under this lease as set forth in Section Thirteen. Lessor shall have the following rights and remedies, in addition to all other remedies at law and equity, and none of the following, whether or not exercised by the Lessor, shall preclude the exercise of any other right or remedy, whether set forth in this agreement or existing at law or equity: A. The Lessor shall have the right to terminate this lease by giving the Lessee thirty (30) days notice in writing to be served as provided in this agreement, and the term hereby remaining shall thereupon cease and expire in the same and to the same effect as if it were the expiration of the lease term stated in this agreement. Upon any termination of this lease, Lessee shall quit and sunender to the Lessor of the leased premises. lf this lease is terminated Lessee shall remain liable to the Lessor for all rent and other sums accnred and paid hereunder to the date of termination of this lease. B. The Lessor may, without demand or notice, reenter and take possession of the premises or any part thereof, and repossess the same as of the Lessor's former state and expel the Lessee and those claiming through and under it, and remove the effects of any and all such persons (forcibly if necessary) without being deemed guilty of any manner of trespass, without prejudice to any remedies for appears of rent or proceeding breach of covenants and without terminating this lease or otherwise relieving Lessee of any obligation hereunder. should the Lessor elect to reenter as provided in this Seltion or should the Lessor take possession pursuant to legal proceedings or pursuant to any provision provided by law, the Lessor may, from time to time, without terminating this lease, re-let the premises or any part thereof for such tem-or terms and such rental or rentals, and upon such other conditions as the Lessor may in its absolute discretion, deem advisable, with the right to make alterations and repairs to the premises. No such reentry, repossession or re]effing of the premises by the Lessor shall be construed as an election of the Lessol's part to terminate this lease unless a written notice of termination is given to Lessee by the Lessor. No such reentry, repossession or re-letting of the premises shall release the Lessee of its liabillty and obligations under this lease, all of which shall survive such reentry, repossession or re- letting. Upon the occunence of such reentry or repossession, the Lessor shall be entitled to the amount of the monthly rent, and any other sums which would be payable pursuant to this agreement, if such reentry or repossession had not occuned, less the net proceeds, if any, of any re-letting of the premises after deducting all of the Lessol's expenses in connection of such re- letting. Lessee shall pay such amounts to the Lessor on the days the rent or any other sum due hereunder would have been payable hereunder if possession had not been retaken. In no event shall Lessee be entitled to receive the excess, if any, of the rent collected by the Lessor as a result of such re-letting over the sums payable by the Lessee to the Lessor pursuant to this lease. The failure of the Lessor to seek redress for violation or to insist upon the strict performance of any covenant or condition of this lease shall not prevent a subsequent act which would have originally constituted a violation for having all the force and effect of the original violation. The receipt of the Lessor of rent with knowledge of any breach of covenant of this lease shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach. No provision of this lease shall be deemed to have been waived by the Lessor unless such waiver is in writing and signed by the Lessor. SECTION FIFTEEN ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING Lessee covenants and agrees not to assign, sublet, pledge, or transfer its rights in this lease, in whole or in part, to grant any license or concession hereunder, without first obtaining the written consent of the Lessor. The consent by the Lessor to a transfer shall not relieve the Lessee from primary liability hereunder or from the obligation to obtain the express consent in writing of the: Lessor any further transfer. Lessor's permission to an assignment or subletting of this lease shall not be unreasonably withheld. SECTION SIXTEEN ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS A. Lessee covenants and agrees that the Lessee will save harmless said Lessor at all times during the continuation of this lease from all damages, claims, fines, penalties, costs and expenses whatsoever which may result from any workmen,s compensation claim. B. \A/henever any notice of payment is required by this lease to be made, given or transmitted to the parties hereto, unless otherwise specified herein, such notice or payment shall be deemed to have been given upon the mailing of said notice or payment by United States certified, first-class mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to the parties at the respective addresses as shall appear herein or upon a change of address pursuant to this notice provision. Town Manager Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 with a copy to: C. All covenants, conditions and provisions in this lease agreement shall extend to and bind the legal representatives, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. D' This agreement shall be construed under the laws of the State of Colorado. Any covenants, conditions, or provisions herein contained that are held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction shall be considered deleted from this agreement, but such delegation shall in no way affect any other covenant, condition, or provision herein contained so long as such .10[ouno .t"*6, 1o t/*t DJ. V-'(, C&' ef65? I delegation does not materially prejudice Lessor or Lessee in their respective rights and obligations contained in the valid covenants, conditions, or provisions of this agreement. E. All amendments to this lease must be made in writing by mutual agreement of the parties and no oral amendments shall be of any force of effect whatsoever. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals, in counterpart, on the dates indicated to be effective the day and yearfirst above written, pursuant to a resolution or ordinance as appropriate, of their respective governing bodies duly entered on the minutes thereof. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO .r,< l iI l'.'l ln I; L' I LV l.\----^ Robert Wl McLaurin, Town Manager Project Name: Platz'l Bar hoject Description: outdoor seating area Owner, Address and Phone: Johannes Faessler Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 242 East Meadow Drive Legal Description: Part of Tract C, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Building Name: Austria HausParcel Number: Comments: Board / StaffAction Motion by: Pierce Action: Approved w/ Conditions Seconded by: Greenaur Vote:3-0 Conditions: Fencing shall be as revised on the approved plan Sign over entry not permitted per sign regulations as off-site advertising is not permiued Lease agreement for use of Torvn-owned land required. Town Planner: George Ruther Date:4/21/99 F.JEVERYONVDRBiAPPROVAU99/ DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $36.00 S IGN/AIVNI NG APPLICATION TOI#N OFVAIL A. B. c. D. E. F.Typc of sign (sec back for dclinitions)l p Frcc standing {A Wall sign D Hanging sign n Arvning G, H, I. .t. K. L. tr Other, spcciiy: i .\ Sigrr rrrcssagc: \.tt?f 5a'I Sizc of r^ign and sizc of lcttcring fbr cach sign proposcd: o ?-r"' 1., | ( r"trtr J) UJL t,l-- \ (, Lcngth of busincss frontagc: lJcight of sign above gtadc: Nunrbcr olsign"- proposcd: / Nunrbcr antl sizc of cxisting sigrrs:qlq Locatiolt of cach sigrr (altach.a sitc plirn and an clcvation drawing or a photograplr clcnrly indicating thc proposcd location):Ltr*l OQu"*,iuu.t Call thc Planning Dcsk at 479-2 | 2li 1'his application is lbr any sign thnt is locatcd rvithin thc Torvn of Vail. Spccitic rcquircnrcrrts arc availablc liorrr tlrc Dcpartnlcnt of Conrruunity Dcvclopnrcnt. Nanrc of IJusincss:It R". Building nanrc iu'ul addrcss; lriq.tql, Mailing addrcss:8&e+ Signature of orvner; Nanrc of pcrson subnritting:Phonc: (lf ditlbrcnt thm owncr) Addrcss: N. M. o. Materials and colors of sign (attach sanrplcs): FEE: $20.00, PLUS $ L00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF.SrcN AREA. ,d.y,- l Dcscribc lighting ofsign (cxisting or proposcd): 11 /cl SUBM ITTAL REOUIREMENTS: D Conrplctc Application. B A sitc plan showing thc cxact locntion rvhcrc thc sign is to bc locatcd.tr Elcvation drawings or photos shorving proposcd location ofthc sigrr orawnirrg.tl Colorcd scalcd ( l/4"=l') drawing. including spccitic lcttcring and dinrcnsions and a photo. ifavailablc.tr Sanrplc of proposcd nratcrials. tr Drarvitrgs showing horv ancl rvhcrc sign or awning will attach to thc building and horv thc arvning will bc constRtctcd. tr Condonriniunr Association or Landlord approval - attach a lcttcr. SIGN CATEGORIES: l. Frcestanding'A singlc or muli-lhced sign at'tixed to a supporting stnrchtrc, or inrbedded in and extcnding lionr thc groLrnd and detachcd tionr thc buitding. -2. Awttins or Hanqing -Any sign attached to a building and extending in wholc or in part nrore than 9" bryond thc--. building linc. 3. Wall - A sign attachcd to, paintcd on, or ercctcd against thc wall of a building or stnrchuc rvith thc cxposctl ircc of thc sign in a planc parallel to thc fhcc of thc wall and not projccting rnorc than 9" fionr thc lhcc ofthc wall. 4. Display llox - A frccstanding or rvall sigrr cncloscd in glass for thc cxprcss pulposc oftlisplllying rlcnus, currcnt cntcrtainnlcnt or rcal cst:rtc listings. 5. Joint dircctorlLsign - A ticcstiurding, hanging or rvall sign that lists all thc tcuants rvithin a nrulti-tcnant building. 6. Subtlivision cntrancc sign - A sign to idcntily a nra.ior subdivision, a condoniiniunr conrplcx, or group of apartnrcnt brrildings having at lcast 100 lincar tbct of liontagc along a vchicuhr or pctlcstrian way in any RC. LDMF, MDMF. HDMF. or SDD zonc districr. SUGGESTIONS: I . Copics of thc Sign Codc arc availablc lionr thc Dcpartnrcnt of Conrrnuniry Dcvclopnrcnt. You nray wish to check thc Codc to vcrify thc type and sizc of sigrr you arc allowcd. 2. tsc spccific. Vaguencss in the description of dcsign, size. constmction nray dclay thc approval of your sigr. 3. Mcasurc thc frontage ofyour busincss to deternlinc thc size (arca) ofthe sign you arc allowcd. 4, Lighting fbr awnings ntay spotlight only thc sign lettcring on thc awuing. Lighting nray lot shinc ilto pcdcstrian or vehicular ways. 5. All individual busitress signs will bc rcviewcd by thc Dcpartment of Comnrunity Devclopmcnt. Ncw sign progranls or atnendments to sign prograrns rvitl bc rcvicrved by thc Desigl Rcvierv Board. l;:cvcryole/lbnns/sigus/sigtrtpp.tt I 3 W|o g poaiukt 1 ?f' I F v/'q \; D 68,, {%{E { Ils,e f,sn I /0 00 't )F*:*r.rqr*x.&f.*$rt -cot'4fl. JouRNnL- r**xoroi*xrto**#x)t(**,o{(xx mTE FEE.z?_Iggg ***x* TItlE 1?:12 rot,* p,o1 moDE = r€roRY rnnrsnrtu FILE N0.= 018 START=FEB-Z? 1,?' to' END--FEB-2? 12:12 N0. @r COII NBBR/NTLJK STNTION I.FI,le/ TELEPHOI.€ NO. 0K r 130??33?384 PMES PRG.I-€. PROGRNM NfflE oa?/462 -SON}.ENNLP RESORT UFIL g?a 416 163g_ x*rorf****)*)t)toto*+x)N***x**x)|()t$tx*xr()t****r.xro*)kxx{ct( -soNNEl.lALp RESRT_ rc**qot _ :..t.r1,, :)"<' :ftili Fde '* 'tvtnt1ffi )arartt€rBllr{1 \3eL'ttt't't i.tI.,7:-i. (t,:t,tJhrthlt r!t I I',/tNtuMlo i "*I ,,\, tL- -rl- 9 r''-.r.-c \iJ5 [ li''.; j { ) :' :i .t"' ,' tl-.J U..t< -.;tl (U{A DF $it" &ttlp,t;ili, A;i 60 u^ Nctr A'Ve-ovier=.Fh,,^ t t/r6t t Aalu-* N) f\ S ,) 5lic€., {i6ur- Itu ,i+1 / 4*,t/rr 50 5O u{**/'1" ii;& ryw o Top \ie...l ffi,v(C ftu#* zrtl P,l'.krl ; 40 au ,!h'ln: ., lilI't 5rtvt / agZ ry -*;d.-'. a It- Ii I { I \5 a^ { Ert-t {t 1t t r\-I- f*r** 50 +6 Sice {te..l.l lt,6h fuu,"x, O,trinpl I,/e.l,dij,,tt1u,''S'q ur</14,ug ,s /r"o/uJ*a tu'l Cts w nn lo ! 'j" f{J **u ,tl 0 t ;"\w'}.'\y. I 1 J,!gi; iz.ir '!i {i,.rnt, o - ; t-.1.q"4,;i,r.r;. ,r UuI *1,_i ,t' L f,Jl t: ./ J{a f2...}",; : 't . .'i'j'i t.: -"1 ,,'r': ':,1 --"F 1.U t.j r' l -: " lt, '.1n. / t- i l"1u' -r"1,1i ,' - j o l!i b7 iltr.i tf ,/.it .irvtr';li {rJ ;} r'i.e*-t I ^af.rt i i i'#':l .'j ,i I , t.:* -r! J ! i-',. ,t I .s ,BSR3 \t a(\ i*-'---l\]\ lrrr \ \ tr'"' \ {€'}rE\ =i -.f)';aqi _::" q -_, -_*:?sr-.+,\:;s {, c$fr -5 }T \'j .\ $ -<C5 --s- -\!_1 a)- _5 C C'.utio VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1999 2:00 P.M. AT TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS AGENDA NorE; Time of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Gouncil will consider an item. 1. George Ruther 2. Bob McLaurin Pam Brandmeyer 3. Dominic Mauriello g\5\\{qlt A site visit regarding the reguest for a lease agreement to allow the Platz'l Bar to operate an outdoor seating area on Town of Vail property. (20 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Visit the site and direct staff on how to proceed with the requested lease agreement. BACKGROUND RATTONALE: On Aprit 21, 1999, the Design Review Board conditionally approved the outdoor seating area lt the Platz'l Bar located within the Austria Haus. One of the conditions of approval was that the applicant execute a lease agreement with the Town prior to installing the improvements. At this time, staff needs direction from the Council on how to proceed with the lease agreement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Council approve the request pursuant to the terms of the Town's standard lease agreement. Future of Vail's Marketing Discussion. (30 mins.) Discussion of Ordinance No. 12, Series of 19g9, An Ordinance Amending A Special Development District - SDD No. 30 (Vail Athletic Club) And Repealing A And Reenacting Ordinance No. 3, Series Of 1998, To Allow For A Change In The Number Of Dwelling Units/Accom modation Un its, M odifications I n Square Footage And GRFA, And Amending The Development plan In Accordance With Title 12, Chapter 9, Of The Vail Municipal Code And Setting Forth Details In Regard Thereto. (30 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Review and discuss Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1999, prior to first reading at this evening's meeting. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The VaitAthteric Ctub (JWT 1987 Limited Partnership), represented by Stan Cope and John Perkins, has submitted a request for a Major Amendment to lOecial Development District (SDD) #30 (as amended by Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1998) to allow for a reduction in the number of accommodation units from 54 to 46 (or 48), an increase in the number of dwelling units from 3 to 4 (new dwelling unit to contain one lock-off unit), and an increase in GRFA as shown in the table attached . to this memorandum. The changes are proposed due to financing constraints (the need to have additional revenue from the sale of a dwelling unit) and also the desire to construct larger accommodation units which the applicant states are more suitable for a first class boutique hotel. The applicant is asking for some flexibility in the exact number of accommodation units so that final design and costing can determine whether they provide 46 AUs or 48 AUs (48 is the maximum number they can have based on parking requirements).ot' t Additionally, the owner of a'condominium on the fifth floor (Angelo) is proposing to add a dormer and 713 sq. ft. of GRFA to their unit. This condominium owner is entifled to add this space and dormer under the interior convenrion ordinance(lg"!q 12-1541which was passed tast year regardtess of this SDD amendment, however, they have agreed to bring this request forward with the VAC application so that it can be viewed with the other improvements. Below is a summary of the changes {it should be noted that final hotel room design has not been completed and therefore theie could be minor shifts in floor area to accommodate maid storage and other necessary common area improvements): :- Common Area: AUs: DUs: EHUs: Parking: There is a slight reduction in common area (52 sq. ft.) from the 1998 approvat. The number of AUs is reduced to 46 units. The GRFA allocated to all AUs decreased approximately 'l0o/o or 2,337 sq. ft. Most of the existing accommodation units are approximately 300 sq. ft. Some new accommodation units are proposed at S00+ so. ft. The number of DUs is being increased by one unit (3 DUs to 4), The new proposed unit is approximately 3,700 sq. ft. in area. The west condo now has a lock-off associated with it. The number of EHUs remains the same at 4 units. The square footage allocated is being reduced by 39 sq. ft. The sizes range from 220 sq. ft. to 350 sq. ft. The proposal reduces the demand for parking by 2 parking spaces (from 22 to 20 spaces). The applicant still proposes 22 spaces on-site. The proposed changes to the building do not result in an amended footprint or modifications to the site plan. The previously approved site plan and conditions of approval are proposed to be carriedforward. The building elevations are modified by the addition of several dormers on the south and north elevations of the building and the enclosure of areas that were previously balconies. Th6 DRB will be required to review these changes to the building.Overall the changes are minor in terms oi Uulf and mass 5rimpacts on adjacent properties. The proposed buildingcontinues to meet the definition of a lodge with 64% of thEGRFA devoted to accommodation units and 36% devoted todwelling units (includes lock-off). See the attached pEC forgreater detail. The PEC recommended approval of the proposal at its April26, 1999 meeting subject td the followinf conditions: 1. That the previous site plan, landscape, and off-site improvement approvals continue to apply. 2. That the Design Review Board review and approve the proposed changes to the building. 3. That the applicant deed restrict the 4, Type lll, Employee Housing Units in accordance with the Town Code prior to obtaining a temporary or final certificate of occupancy. 0 a 4. Tom Moorhead Bob McLaurin Greg Hall 4. The applicant shall be responsible for all of the public improvements of the original approval (including heating the sidewalk adjacent to property from the north side of the bridge to the front entry of the VAC building and provide stone veneer on the access to the parking structure, per the approved plans, etc.). 5. The applicant shall provide and receive approval of a complete set of engineered civil drawings for all public improvements prior to receiving a building permit for the project. 6. That the number of AlJs fatt in the range between 46-4g. (added by PEC) 7. That the total square footage of the four EHU,s be nof /ess than 1,149 sq. ft. - 1,300 sq. ft. (added by pEC). Discussion of Ordinance No. 13, Series Of 1 999, An Ordinance Of The Town Of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Granting A Franchise To Holy Cross Energy, lts Successors And Assigns, To Locate, Build, Install, Construct, Acquire, purchase, Extend, Maintain, Repair And Operation Into, Within And Through The Town Of Vail, All Necessary And Convenient Facilities For The purchase. Generation, Transmission And Distribution Of Electrical Energy, And To Furnish, Sell And Distribute Said Electrical Energy fo ine Residents Of The Town Of Vail For Light, Heat, power And Other Purposes By Means Of Conduits, Cables, poles And Wres Strung Thereon, Or Othena/se On, Over, Under, Along, Across And Through All Streets And Other Public Ways In Said Town Of Vail, And Fixing The Terms And Conditions Thereof. (30 Mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Review Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1999 prior to first reading at this evening's meeting. BACKGROUND RATTONALE: Since February 27, 1979, the Town and Holy Cross Energy have been partners in an Electric Utility Franchise Agreement. That Agreement by its terms, was to expire of February 27, 1999 and has by the Vail Town Council, in Resolution No. 3, Series of 1999, extended that Franchise for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days. The Town Manager, the Town Attorney and Acting public Works Director have been negotiating terms and conditions for a renewal of the Franchise Agreement with Holy Cross Energy. The two principle areas of discussion have been the franchlse fee and the allocation of costs of undergrounding power lines within the area of the Franchise Agreement. In regard to the franchise fee, it is currenfly set at 3olo, which is consistent with other municipalities with whom Holy Cross Energy has franchise agreements. lt is anticipated that the franchise fe6- will generate a payment to the Town of Vail in the amount of $318,000 for 1 999. The Town Manager will address the franchise fee and the possibility of an increase thereto. In the Franchise Agreement, for the first time, there appears a Community Enhancement Fund. Pursuant to the terms of the Franchise Agreement Holy Cross Energy commits to creating a fund equal to 1% of the prior year's gross revenues annually. This fund, which is available to be utilized for a number of community purposes including the undergrounding of overhead electric and other utility lines, will generate approximately $100,000 per year for the term of the agreement. Under the present terms of the Franchise Agreement the cost for undergrounding overhead facilities falls upon the Town of Vail. o t, 5' De_cision on Lionsridge Loop/Buffehr creek Road street project. Greg Hall (30 mins.) 6. Information Update. (10 mins.) 7. Council Reports. (10 mins.) 8. Other. (10 mins.) 9. Executive Session - Negotiations. (15 mins.) 10. Adjournment - 5:05 p.m. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY,5l11lg9, BEGINNING AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 5/18/99, BEG|NN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNcrl CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETINGwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 5/{8/99, BEGTNN|NG AT 7:00 p.M. tN Tov couNcll cHAMBERS. Sign language interpretation available upon req-uJst-wiin?+nour notification. please call 479- 2332 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1999 7:00 P.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon todetermine at what time Council wiil consider an item. 1.CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. (5 mins.) CONSENTAGENDA: (5 mins.)A. Approve the Minutes from the meetings of April 6 and 20, 1999. Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1999, An Ordinance Amending A Special Development District - SDD No. 30 (VailAthletic Glub) And Repealing A And Reenacting Ordinance No. 3, Series Of 1998, To Allow For A Change In The Number Of Dwelling Units/Accommodation Units, Modifications In Square Footage And GRFA; And Amending The Development Plan In Accordance Wth Tifle 12, Chapter g, Of The Vail Municipal Code And Setting Forth Details In Regard Thereto. (1 hr.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve/Modify/Deny Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1999, on first reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The VaitAthtetic Ctub (JWT 1987 Limited Partnership), represented by Stan Cope and John perkins, has submitted a request for a Major Amendment to Special Development District (SDD) #30 (as amended by Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1998) to allow for a reduction in the number of accommodation units from 54 to 46 (or 4g), an increase in the number of dwelling units from 3 to 4 (new dwelling unit to contain one lock-off unit), and an increase in GRFA as shown in the table attached to this memorandum. The changes are proposed due to financing constraints (the need to have additional revenue from the sale of a dwelling unit) and also the desire to construct larger accommodation units which thi applicant states are more suitable for a first class boutique hotel. The applicant is asking for some flexibility in the exact number of accommodation units so that final design and costing can determine whether they provide 46 AUs or 48 AUs (48 is the maximum number they can have based on parking requirements). Additionally, the owner of a condominium on the fifth floor (Angelo) is proposing to add a dormer and 713 sq. ft. of GRFA to their unit. This condominium owner is entitled to add this space and dormer under the interior conversion ordinance (Section 12-1541which was passed last year regardless of this SDD amendment, however, they have agreed to bring this request fonrrrard with the VAC application so that it can be viewed with the other improvements. Below is a summary of the changes (it should he noted that final hotel room design has not been completed and therefore there could be minor shifts in floor area to accommodate maid storage and other necessary common area improvements): There is a slight reduction in common area (52 sq. ft.) from the 1998 approval. 2 ? Dominic Mauriello Common Area: AUs: DUs: EHUs: The number of AUs is reduced to 46 units. The GRFA allocated to all AUs decreased approximately 10o/o or 2,337 sq. ft. Most of the existing accommodation units are approximately 300 sq. ft. Some new accommodation units are proposed at 500+ sq. ft. The number of DUs is being increased by one unit (3 DUs to 4). The new proposed unit is approximately 3,700 sq. ft. in area. The west condo now has a lock-off associated with it. The number of EHUs remains the same at 4 units. The square footage allocated is being reduced by 39 sq. ft. The sizes range from 220 sq. ft. to 350 sq.ft. The proposal reduces the demand for parking by 2 parking spaces (trom22 to 20 spaces). The applicant still proposes 22 spaces on-site. Parking: The proposed changes to the building do not result in an amended footprint or modifications to the site plan. The previously approved site plan and conditions of approval aie proposed to be carried fonrard. The building elevations are modified by the addition of several dormers on the south and north elevations of the building and the enclosure of areas that were previously balconies. The DRB will be required to review these changes to the building. Overall the changes are minor in terms of bulk and mass or impacts on adjacent properties. The proposed building continues to meet the definition of a todge with 64% of the GRFA devoted to accommodation units and 36% devoted to dwelling units (includes lock-off). See the attached PEC for greater detail. The PEC recommended approval of the proposal at its April 26, 1999 meeting subject to the following conditions: ' 1. That the previous site plan, landscape, and off-site improvement approvals continue to apply. 2. That the Design Review Board review and approve the proposed changes to the building. 3. That the applicant deed restrict the 4, Type lll, Employee Housing Units in accordance with the Town Code prior to obtaining a temporary or final certificate of occupancy. 4. The applicant shall be responsible for all of the public improvements of the original approval (including heating the sidewalk adjacent to property from the north side of the bridge to the front entry of the VAC building and provide stone veneer on the access to the parking structure, per the approved plans, etc.). 5. The applicant shall provide and receive approval of a complete set of engineered civil drawings for all public improvements prior to receiving a building permit for the project. 6. That the number of AtJs fall in the range between 46-4g. (added by PEC). 7. That the total square footage of the four EHU,s be nof /ess than 1 ,149 sg. ff. - 1 ,300 sq. ft. (added by pEC). 4. Tom Moorhead Bob McLaurin Greg Hall Richard Brinlkley of Holy Cross George Ruther Jerry Wurhman STAFF REGOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends that the Town Council approve Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1999, on first reading. Ordinance No. 13, Series Of 1999, First Reading Of An Ordinance Of The Town Of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Granting A Franchise To Holy Cross Energy, lts Successors And Assigns, To Locate, Build, lnstall, Construct, Acquire, Purchase, Extend, Maintain, RepairAnd Operation Into, Within And Through The Town Of Vait, All Necessary And Convenient Facilities For The Purchase, Generation, ,Trahsmission And Distribution Of Electrical Energy, And To Furnish, Sell And Distribute Sdid Electrical Energy To The Residents Of The Town Of Vail For Light, Heat, Power And Other Purposes By Means Of Conduits, Cables, poles And Wires Strung Thereon, Or Otherwise On, Over, Under, Along, Across And Through All Streets And Other Public Ways In Said Town Of Vail, And Fixing The Terms And Conditions Thereof. (30 Mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, deny, modify Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1999 on first reading. BACKGROUND MTIONALE: BAGKGROUND RATTONALE: Since February 27, 1979, the Town and Holy Cross Energy have been partners in an Electric Utility Franchise Agreement. That Agreement by its terms, was to expire of February 27, 1999 and has by the Vail Town Council, in Resolution No. 3, Series of 1999, extended that Franchise for a oeriod not to exceed ninety (90) days. The Town Manager, the Town Attorney and Acting public Works Director have been negotiating terms and conditions for a renewal of the Franchise Agreement with Holy Cross Energy. The two principle areas of discussion have been the franchise fee and the allocation of costs of undergrounding power lines within the area of the Franchise Agreement. In regard to the franchise fee, it is currently set at 3%, which is consistent with other municipalities with whom Holy Cross Energy has franchise agreements. lt is anticipated that the franchise fee will generate a payment to the Town of Vail in the amount of $31 8,000 for 1999. The Town Manager will address the franchise fee and the possibility of an increase thereto. In the Franchise Agreement, for the first time, there appears a Community Enhancement Fund. Pursuant to the terms of the Franchise Agreement Holy Cross Energy commits to creating a fund equal to 1oh of the prior year's gross revenues annually. This fund, which is available to be utilized for a number of community purposes including the undergrounding of overhead electric and other utility lines, will generate approximately $100,000 per year for the term of the agreement. Under the present terms of the Franchise Agreement the cost for undergrounding overhead facilities falls upon the Town of Vail. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1999 on first reading. Ordinance No.11, Series of 1999, second reading of an ordinance repealing and re-enacting Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1998 and Ordinance No. 1,1999, to provide for amendments to Development Area A, Cascade Village, that concem the Approved Development plan for the Westhaven Condominiums Development Site and the accessory and conditional uses allowed in the Vail Cascade Club & Hotel, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (15 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF GOUNCIL:Approve, approve with conditions, or deny Ordinance No. 11, Series of 1999, on second reading. , Tom Moorhead BACKGROUND MTIONALE: On January 11, 1999, the ptanning & Environmental commission reviewed and recommended approvat Ji a major amendment to special Development District No. 4 to allow for the construction of eleven fractional fee club units, seventeen accommodation units and twenty-one employee housing units on the site of the ,,Ruins,,. On December 28, 199E, the planning & Environmental Commission reviewed and recommended approval of a major amendment to special Development District No. 4 to allow for the accessory use of the iennis facility for special events and conference facilities at the vail cascade club & Hotel. on october 26, 1998, the Planning & Environmental commission reviewed and recommended approval of a major amendment to special Development District No. 4 to allow for a "transportation business" as a conditional use within the District, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. Copies of the staff memoranda to the planning & Environmental commission for each of the three requests are attached for reference. STAFF RECOMMEN DATION : The Community Development Department recommends that the Town Council approve Ordinance No. 11, Series of 1999, on second reading. Resolution No. 6, Series of 199g, a Resolution Adopting A Two-Tier System Of Qualifications For The purchase Of Unit 36, East Vail Lodging. (30 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve or deny Resolution No. 6, Series of 1999. BACKGROUND RATTONALE: Unit 36, Vait East Lodging (A Condominium) has been purchased by the Town of Vail as the first affordable housing ,,buy- down" unit and is presently being offered for sale with deed restrictions io a qualified buyer at a reduced price of $140,000. This sales price is comparable to the purchase prices developed for buyers of the Red sandstone Townhomes and consistent with other deed restricted programs established by the Town of vail. To qualify to purchase the unit at thiJdeed restricted price, potential purchasers must: Currently own no other real estate in Eagle County; Use the residence as an owner-occupied primary home; Work in Eagle County a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week over the course of a year and plan to continue working that same amount until the sale of the property or retirement;. Agree to a re-sale cap of three (3%) percent annual appreciation. This unit is subject to the rights of first refusal held by other condominium unit owners in the Vail East Lodging association. In order to recognize this right of first refusal and enable present owners to qualifo for purchale of this unit, it is suggested that the unit be available to a second tiei purchaser free from any qualifications or deed restriction. The second tier purchase price will be a minimum of fair market value plus any additional costs incuned by the Town during its time of ownership. In the event the unit is sold at the fair market price there would be no deed restrictions on the unit. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON: Adopt Resotution No. 6, Series of 1999. Town Manager's Report. (5 mins.) Adjournment - 9;30 p.m. o. 9. NOTE UPCOi'ING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: {ALL TIiIESARE APPROXITATE AiIO SUBJECT TO CHANGE} THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNC-r|N?EUUN WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 5/11/99, BEG]NNING AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, s/18199, BEG|NN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL cHAMBERS. THE NEXTVAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 5/18/99, BEGINN|NG AT 7;00 P.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS. ; sign language interpretation available upon reqiesl *itF z? nour notification. please call 429-2332 voiceor 479-2356 TDD for information. C IAGENDA TC PLIBLIC NOTICE (as of 4/30/99) MAY,1999 In an attempt to respond to scheduled meeting demands, as well as adhere to mandated ordinance andcharter requirements, council meetings ure.ih"dur.d at the foilo*ing times: EVENING MEETINGS Evening meetings will continue to be held on the first and third ruesday evenings of each month, startingat 7:00 P'M' These meetings will provide a forurn'fo-or citizen participation and iublic audience forconducting regular Council business. WORK SESSIONS Work sessions, which are primarily scheduled for Council debate and understanding of issues before theCouncil, will now be scheduled to begin at 2:00 P.M. (unless otherwise noted) on every Tuesdayafternoon. IS AS FOLLOWS: Tuesdav. Mav 4. 1999 WOrk session 2:00 P.M. (starting rime determined by lengrh of agenda) Evening meeting......... 07:00 p.M. Tuesdalr. Mav ll. 1999 WOrk sesSion 2:00 P.M. (srafting tim€ derermined by tength of agenda) Tuesday. Mav 18. 1999 Work session 2:00 P.M. (starting timc derermine<t by lengrh of agenda) Evening meeting...,..... 07:00 p,M. Tuesday. May 25. 1999 Work session 2:00 P.M. (srarting rime determined by length of agcnda) TOWN OF VAIL --iturrr{ ,SoArr7,*-' Pamela A. Brandmeyer Assistant Town Manager si01fa1q9ge interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. please cafi 479-2332 voiceor 479-2356 TDD for information.