HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT K VILLAGE CENTER 1972 TO 1973 INSPECTION REPORTS LEGALa Royston Hanamoto Beck & Abey December 11, 19?3 Mr. Terrell J. Minger Town Manager Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8165? Re: Village Center Project Dear Terry On December 6, 1973, a meeting regarding the Village Center Project was held, attended by I\Ir. Bob Ilarford and Mr. Kr.rt Wolter of the Hibberd Construction Company, Jim Lamont and Kent Rose of the Town, and myself. The pr:rpose of the meeting was to discuss automobile access to the project. The following conclusions were reached: 1. It was agreedthat the pedestrian mall could be crossed lor access to the project but was not to be u,sed to any major e:itent for access. 2, An access ramp to the upper floor of the underground garage seemed possible in many ways. Flexibilities were: (a) Create an ,Stt shape in a ramp to extend the ramp length. Entry would be into the side of the garage. (b) Enter the east end of the garage. This would involve restudy of the open landscape space. (c) Raise the building and garage by one or two feet to decrease ramp steepness. (d) Lose one or two parking spaces to create improved auto turning characteristics. (Both "c" and "d" above may require either a variance or negotiation of some kind; The improvement to the project and the Town il;il":;'-.."' Urban Design Park Planning Principals:Arsociatcr: Roberr Royston FASLA Pericia C,adisle ASLA Eugeac R. Kunit ,tst A jO Greca Street Asa Hanamoto AsLA Louis G. Alley, Architect At Robert T. Batterton San Francisco Eldon Bcck rlSLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA George W. Girvio Cali(ornia 94t f I Xlvirolmenul Planning Karuo Abey ASLA (1rj, 397-ot9t IVtr. Terrell J. Minger -2-December 11, 19?3 would be significant and I recommend favorable con- sideration iJ minor modifications are necessary. ) (e) Raise one portion of the exterior terrace and garage space below to ease grade steepness. Connection to the ramp serving the lower gargae level is possible by connecting an exit from the west end of the upper garage level to the adjacent ramp. Trrrning movements seem comfortable and all auto circulation can be kept on the project property. Auto access across the pedestrian mall from the public road will probably require an automatic or person controlled gate. There will be a need for control of service vehicles to other properties, control of maintenance vehieles on the mall, and perhaps control ofthe transit system vehicles. Coordination between the Town and the affected parties will be necessary. After the meeting on the Village Center, a review was held of the Crossroads East Project. A good solrrtion for that project has also been reached and auto access to the Crossroads parking will be through the building, thus taking aifo movemerf pressure off of the pedestrian mall. It became apparent in retiew of the Crossroads East Project that it and the Village Center retail spices are definitely eomplimentary to each other. A superb ihopping plaza can be created between the two and it becomes very evident that the auto free pedestrian mall between these two projects must absolutely be preserved. I vould urge that the two developers look at their projects together, along with the Town, to reach the best possible coordinated pavement and landscape plan of the space between the buildings. Building of models at 20 scale wotrld be very beneficial to see the design potential. I must express my pleasure at working with both theVillage Center and Cross - roads East people. They were extremely cooperative and helpfi:I, understood the problem, and I think will reach very good solutions. I am also excitbd by the potential of the rrrban space along the mall. AU in all, a real asset to Vail. I will be pleased to assist in further review of these projects as the process is into more definitive desigrr. 3. 4. ROJSfON, Urft4MOrO, BECK & ABEY ffi,Irhfu.tm //cc: Messers: Lamont, Rose', Dobson and Hibber d Construction Company, VaiI Planning CommissionVail Design Review Board, tnl,lnTf-uai9 box 100 March | 3, 1973 Mr. Fred Hibberd l-l ibberd Construction Companyll27 Race Street Denver, Colorado Dear Fred: The Proposed building ttgrt otapproved by the Town Counc i Ipending negotiaf ions wi-rh our vail, colorado 8r657 303.476 Town Staff on the fol 5613 ing has beenbeen issueding suggestions: your;Vittage Centrleu ano affirTennit itd has low I. The remainder of your phased project will be reviewed underthe p ropcsed new zon ing ord inance. 2. Temporary parking for Buildings A and B should be furnishedon the site untir s uch time as pedestr ian precinct master pranand transportation terminar prans are compreied. At that timewe can d iscuss whethe r you wan t to f urnisir underground parkingwith landscap ing over or use the pa rk ing f acirities in fheproposed t ransporta t ion fermina l. 3, Comp leted landscap inq plan should be submitted for approval 4. We suggest thaf the exterior treatment ofsoftened by the add it ion of wood venee r ornatura I material. All signs must be approved by the Sign Review Committee the bu i ld ing be othe r suitab le l'le suggest that you ca | | the Bu i rd i.ng Departmen* and schedu re ameeting at your earliest convenience so that your projeci mayproceed w ithout further deray. rf you have any guestions, preasecontact us. Yours truly, T0wN/0F vA I Lffi(:ly Tow n Manager dt {nwn box i oo .vail, colorado 8 1657 o 3O3.476.5613 March 2, l-973 TO: TERRY MTNGER TOWN COI.JNCIL PI.,ANNING COMMISSTON FROM: KENT R0SE LTTM LAMONT DTANA TOUGHILL RE: STAFF REVfEW OF VILLAGE CENTRE flre^{of]owing necommendations areDrarr atter caneful :review of the We.fe-el app:rova1 should be given only fon building trBnand that the :rernainden of tfre pnoje"i ;h;"i;-iJ..ol'.ri.r"aunden the pnoposed new zoning b"ai"urr.. *ra *"Jtl:r p:_an. I"TP?T""y.-nenking should be fur:nished on the site fonBuilding rrAtr and building 'B'; i;; shown o"--"ii"-ffar,)until such time as pedeslnian pr,"cr-nct masten plan andtranspo'tation ter-minal plans i.ne compr-eted and adopted.fJ !l"a.time.we suggest iegotiations wi.th Mn. Hibber-dl-n an attemDt to pnovide all parking in the i".r,"o""t"_tion te:rminil on io pr.ovid;-dt-;;"3ri. p-"ri'E'i5roo,g:rade. Tl_:lt::y:l i: given, it should be sulject to an approvedr-Er.!:rdscap:-ng plan fon both buildings, with pa:rticulanattention to the st:ream tt?act. All tnash areas should be sc::eened from view. We^suggest that the exterior tneatment of the building besoftened by the addition of wood veneer on othen suitablenatural matenial. A11 signs must be approved by the Sign Review Committee. made by the Town of Vailpnoposed pnoject: 1. , 4. 5. luwn r0 t, box r oo vail, colorado 8r657 303.476-5613 LETTER OF AUTHOR IZAT ION Date Submitted Approx. February 15, 1973 IU:FRASIER & GINGERY, 2840 South Vallejo Eng lewood, Co lora do P lease p rov i de P I an Checkstructure: rNc. (-l'raa* 80|0 se rv ice on plans for the following I z. 4. q Name of Project Village Centre, Building B Lot K, iSlock 5.E, Vall Vlllage FirstAddress of Project Name of Owner Fred lllbberd ans, ca lcu lat ions and spec i f ications: ) Under Separafe Cover ( ) To be Del ) Other ( x) A lready de I i vered lans under the current Edition of the as adopted and amended by the Town of Two se*s of p I Enc losed ( .by 0wner ( P lease check p Bu i ld ing Codes i vered Un i f orm Va i | . Fire Zone 3 Se i sm i c Zone Wind Load 30 Snow Loa d 65 Frost Depth 42 /,I *-.',.. )0 ahil VILLACE CENTER+ fu41&- / fu,&/. 1* oo,/QzJ- POST OFFTCE 80X 641 VAtt, COTORADO 816s7 303-476-3600 1127 RACE STREET DENVER, COTORADO 80206 303-321-4422 p* U-4o box t oo vail, colorado 8r6s7 303.a76.5613 De cemb e r 12, |.912 Mr. Herman !ierroiJn Mr. Chuck Thompson Ge nt I emer+-L This to certify that I have-in my possession three checks payab le to Rampart Supp ly and Charles Thompson P lumb ingjointly in the amounts of $4 1136,00, $6,750.00, and $733.00 These will be eeleased in accordance with agreement betr,,,een Charles Thompson and Fred Hibberd on the telephone this date. You rs tru ly, TOWN OF Tough i I I Jbrvr.r or Va,u .IN IFECTION REAUE5T Paae -* t/ f)Jos Na.vre fi<tio€ Lk^rX-L Ti*= (66srvew /*t 6 ,*Caru=ra- cHuc < 7' ^^ 'so,t/1 - al>UlLPf f'.1/-:r D Foolr'rc- tr Fout'tz,+1tor'r n .FFavrHa! F'tne.u EI Pot<p^..u Locnltotrt: fJoluee E 7a<1,ar. Locaaros T u4fzgcTroN tTHUK Fr<r '- t't7\/o 75 ',(Au )rzn\__/ 17uu vrSt r.JC- Req.l?+1,r.rc-tr Poue.t+ lZ$' Z1a.HvPt?g \Yfr- D Frruau U THEEJROcX E! IZ'=1'o. Loc,+1ror.,.r'. El Zarr<1r,o.'- LocATloF.l: MEeuasrf,Ar- I Veu1,.,+1tont I l-{eo.1t.rc- [J Hooat fl7o.,,<1,xt Localros: Yfi I.:OMMENT4:;l l1 I S(APPRovev Co"et loNs t/o,o( Olhrq??t?ove?o{flerN+fs€T i, t: 7.<-= l lN5PF4. 3C J+^t /s elt..t'rt?3 //,/ tr2'/ ',!: PROJ ECI' Lega I Description Setback Requi remenfs: Setback Providedr Parking Required 1,.'s, f l..r Front _ (s- , F ro_n t _!fu___,5 | CeS Parking Provi sdzs:-, ded: Covered 10 uniove red s-q v-T-*, Total Frcvided: ;T?" *y'). ro"4.l'e-te"tf .?r:/'cz 'c/ le *ar ft''/{tN2 AND FARKINc CALCULATI0N" lAoa'-tJ 'bpz"tt d/ / 5e.e^ (? x 7 "t' -y'f 25- x da 4qa.s"4 4sO'ta 2 6c/. o t2 4. Q. r*" 1+ ( t+ttt J- 34. .2 5- '< / 7.da x 40r7,< z /.za- /7 r 18 Lo,2f < ./f- 3,.r t t{. C- ,2. v tJ 6 a t.'7J-2Yo..a-4.6/.'' /3-a7-Oo 6qt '/"' 7{ /...-a, o* ,R- oo /- 26-0n' Qloo( /3-'^'A 7 '/.ta7,c' X 1/,4 J- ,t- r 7.r /2.7' 5 c a'r x '+)'z'- e4 '/'e8 17 x et /76,aa 5'/ ts- 26,.u f?/ 5 o./3 -5-" | 2?.s-/. ^c-/,5-a E.oo : ,/2 f,3. td = (ro +4) $, eeoad /6 rc. i-/ t 7a .ao) A T /./. s-l Seve+t46 REVERSE S IDE fiaH-e a, s lt'^t f 6 x -/ 3-?4. 5- / : 37 f6?. d6 3 t./t/. s- 7 85'q 37 6 !o. e..-eA Ptoo''- l I e x t 5I,-+ B *,il?' a7 COMMENTS ON * dA"s 6ld7 * "o o, 3 S*b*,#ed )s /q z "- Ed s/, n! /e-r7,7-';el i rr, 5e{bae( n,oE,Si(lc odl,it, ttaS /r,'lcarr€e--t, T'A;s ateaJed /rabtea a{ /lq,er'-? 4.-'tl,'*2 fA o^r |c.-lh . Sil a- D*e {o *Ae e..r(r. .E lce,[ o'te -9/,t,'ri c\ce./f q'-2...e{bae(ar rJ,6berl t^t',// 4at< d,{!,e,,//e y'/oe,;'t7 /hase-Er'/ ./ y', /arktpt !.r frcP.a o-/ B /dh o.U+st 7e /ar K'tiV f rccVe ts rdp : /2- aa /eq n',".dw * = 1f,,ot) 1tL*l 5-?, a D / "o/;2 b e'* t' n ' /-7 tt?.-.H ea att€d /2-/dqta I. .L uNder , / l/;t/a t"l Use Zone 0(E _, Does Use Con f orm i'F.A.R., Allowed /.2r-: / ,Lof S i ze 6s',J??- 6e . , P la za Credi t _6.{-_&9-,9_Q__ F.A.R, Actua | _:6tg:l.a_, A I lowab le Actual Square Footage /4,atf'-?y' Sq ua re Fcotage , Ove r ( Un aert _ -_( /r'ntal, ,fZ-) S i des -_Je_*_, Rea r /a Rear /a /. oa Checked /-t z- zz-- t P.O. 80X 7 vAtL, coLo. 81657 Mr. Fred Hi bberd HIBBERD CONSTRUCTION COMll27 Race StreetDenver, Col orado Dear Fred: ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE My apolthe Vi I ogies for the delavlage Center pl ans.- .lanuary 25, 1973 in getting back to you regarding At a meeting Decembe r 20'' compl ex wereof Phase II, one story to Phase I I. Tirside of the cbe used as athe Town of V and design inreview your p At a meeting of theCenter Compi ex wasconcern over the sithe Cross roads ) and Commi ttee req ues ted complex. Sincerely, VAIL ARCHITECTURAT_ ch i tectural Control Commiised plans for the secondThe Committee approved omment on reducing the eare graduated effect betwee9 aiso suggested that yotl ltt. thought of putti ngnd fi re I ane. As you arensidering further regu'l atage and the Committee reqthe Town of Vai 1 . ttee he'ld phase of thisthe conceptst wing byen Phase I andu study the southin a path to probab 1y aware,ions on densityuests that you of the Ar 1972, rev reviewed.but did c g'i ve a moe Commi it omp'l ex wi wa'l kway aail is cothe Vill I ans wi th Committee on January 24, 1973, the Vil'lageagain discussed and ttre Commfttee exnress6dze of the west bui iding (portion neai"estwould like to see this bLilding broken up. Thefurther detail on this port.ion of the CONTROL COMMITTEE Secretary cc: The Town of Vail TOIIN OF VA I L BUILDING PERMIT SUPPLEMENT IAI rf fi) -r-Paotlcl LtJ-{.h +{ ceuTt-<- The signatures below certi fy that the fol lowing excerpts fromthe 1970 Uniform Bui lding Code, as amended and adopfed by the Town of Vai l, Colorado, have been read, understood and will be adhe red to : Section 502 (a) Approved p lans shal I not be changed, modified,or altered without wrilten authorizstion from the Building 0fficial issuance of a building p€rmit does not give any p rov i s ions of th i s code, or any ofhernot prevent fhe Building Official from there- correct ion of same . LDING SHALL BE USED OR OCCUPIED EITHER UNTIL THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS ISSUED AS PROV I DED FOR HERE IN . sign ( tempo ra ry or pe rmanent ) I be approved by the Town of Vai I Contractor and ALL subcontractors Town of Vai I prior to the start of by theoff by and Bui I Buil Secti on 302 ( c) Theauthority to violate0rdinance and shal Iafter requiring the Sect i on 304 (b) The Inspectionposted consp icuous ly d i ng Depa rtment. Doding Inspector. Section 306 (a) (d) N0 BUIffiRARtLY A CERT I F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY Ordinance l5 (1967 ) Before any card shall be read, filled out i n the waterp roof ho I der furn i shed not cover up any work not signed may be used S i gn Rev iew 0rd inance 2 or posted, it shal Comm i ttee ( 197 | ) Genera Ishall be licensed with the any work. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The forego ing aff i sworn to b erfo re me,l t4this YL> day o ( davit and dec la rat ion was a No.t a ry Public, by t9 u ly. sub cr i bed a My Comm i ss i on Exp i res (SEAL) lvly Commission e.ipires irlercl 31, STATE OT COT'NTY OF COLORADO ) )EAGIJ ) ss.DECLARATION OF I,AI\ID ALLOCATION I, *re , being first duly sworn upon oath depose ar{d say a-;---.osrl-ng statementase. infornation are true and cornect and belief, to wit:according to my best knowledge, 1. That this statement ie nrade in conjunction with the filingof an application fon a building pe:rmit to the Town of Vail and toconply with the r-equinemente of Anticle VII, Section 3, 0ndinance Nunben ? (SenieE of L969) Zoning Or:dinance fon the Town of Vail as anended by 0ndinance Numben 8 (Senies of 1,970) and Ondinance Numben 15(Series of 1970). 2. The descniptionbuilding is as follows: the buil the proposed 2gt7,o3l 3. The pnoposed building site containe and the existing building contains JJ,_8{4,37-sqtiare f pnopoeed addition contains qZgat,6rEffi{teet; the (Description may be att descniption). lly Connieeion ( SeaI ) yor'8 Expir.es M1-Cgmmission expires f,{rrch 31, 1976 sguare feetneet and the Equare feet is (s- Azd, zq -5-Te ffi-gO in the aforesaid Ondinance as anEi?lAI: STATE OF COLORADO ) ) COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoing geJarrn to . |efone me,tlris 4ry day affidavit and declaration was dul total building aonl.ng l+. The pnoposed building and/on existing building and additlon ae it nelatee to the buiJ.ding eite area, comply to the Floon Area Ratio fon the zoning which applies to the building site, as definedin the aforeEaid Zoning Ordinance as amended. ss. aof eubEcnibed Notary Public, by .l}t, JOB NAME r, DATE OF APPLICATION ALTERATION ( } ADDITION I } REPAIF( I ctfY -JD?,J.'ef ?ot4 w.32/- <l9Z OFF ST. PARKING MAIL ADDRESS )ct- nn e-- NO. OF LIVING UNITS Lor K sLKSfE .I,ING VY / t l.TypE OF CONSTnUCT|Oi|E t tv v tHR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABCDEFG@tJ DtvtstoN 1231 SPECIFIED FIRE SPRINKLERS CLEAN UP DEPOSIT ESCRIPTION OF WORK ANEA SEPAFATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION SPECIAL INSPECTON T0wit 0F BUILElING vA tt PEFTMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA J4,7 TOTAL LOTAnEA 5<. e (a+le?&,,.4f6 FLOOB AREA RATIO J--( o P6" C-p,,e.ed -l---: be ,,J tsAe/ d,//Qt.r'r EASEMENTS deeri 6ee- le ,D<l ..4?' VARIANCE E 5o. APPLICATIOiI*W2- ]r PLAN CHECK tr7c APPBOVAL PEFMIT /a)79t. z$- 1- c'-'78 41 I HEREBY AOKNOWIJEDGE TIIAT I HAVE BEAD IHIS APPLICATION AND SIATE THAT THE ABOVE IS COBRECT AND AGBEE TO COMPLY WITE ALIJ TOWN OR,DINANCES AND STAIE LAWS REGARDING BUIIJDING CONSTRUCTION. /6 oz ll Jurisdiction a 'l;nrt ,/ I /at / Applicant to complete numbered spacx only. BUILDING PERAAIT APPLICATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE' THIS IS YOUR PERMIT I oElci.EE ATTACIT ED !HE r (\ a_ ')., coN TiAc roi LICENSE N ARCHI'IECT OR DESIGIIER LICENSE NO. L ICEN SE I{ O. USE OF 6UILDIN6 8 Crasso{work: qoEW DADDITIoN trALTERAT|0N trREpAtR trMOVE fl REMoVE l0 Change of use from -/rt^e. (! f l Vafuation of work: $ ?ffi'o/,./)a,ao SPECIAL CONDITIONS: ?+':,::,2:."fr486 OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMTTS ARE REOUTRED FOR FLE0TR|CAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING. VENTTLATING oR AIR coNDI\Io ING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF W&RK OR CONSTRUC. TroN AUTHoRTZED rs Nor coMMENcED wtrHttl 60 DAys. oR lF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOB A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COM- MENCED. SOI L REPORT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOF cK. M.O.';;r.4 CANARY - AUDIT PIN K - APPLICANT GOLDEN FOD _ TEMP. FILE 0ecesrber 13, 1973 F4F. Frgd Hlbberd Hlbbard Constructlon Company I I ?? Rqce Stree* DenYe r, So I or.ado Re; Vi I lage Centro B Dear Fred: To conflrm your agrds&snt wlth the Town eounell r6gardlngparking for the Vl I laga Contre proJoc*, th* fol lowing ghel I apply: l. $trx?y sn-slte, undergr*und sphc€s rllf be provlded f*r cs*d*anlniuss In Fhaser In f l and lll. ?. The be I ance ef 34 speees requ i red f or the condoxrl n I u*rsIn Phases l, tl and lll xill olther be provldEd on thaslte or may bc walved by the Toxn Councll In exchsngo for a pcrk and/or Flsza to be approved by, snd dedlcatEd to fhe Tosn af Vstl ss prsvlded by th* Toxn Councll. 3. Farklng for Phasa lV {commerclsl shal I comply rlth cur'-renf zoning roguIatIons, /. Thls lefter ls In no way fe ba consldared aFpreiyal tor fhe Desfgn propssal currently belng sonslderod by fhe Seslgn Revles Board. Yours truly, TOHH OF VAI L Tarre f l J, Ml nger Toun Fdanoger dt \-i l i.. CEPY AVALABLE l{oyston FIanlr:roto Bcclt & Abcy Mr. Tcrrcll J. Ir{irrger -2- Dcceuber ll, Ig?3 Dcccrri:'.;r 11, 19?3 lfr. Tcrell J. I'iinger 1-f\'.'r l,'ixl)::Ecl Tc'iel oI V:ii P. 0. B,::: 10C Vail, CrrloraCo t10ir? P.: \'ilia3,) (ientcr l'roJccl. 1 I)erl' Teir5: Or I):cer.l:-: ,,. l;i-?, l u:cc:ii;:r rc3'rldinc the \rilhqc Centcr ?r'oject rvas helcl, :ti..:,i1:,.: :,.,. ;.;1. Pob Hlrforcl ancl l,'ir, Kult Wolf-er oi tire llibberd Coi3tiuc:r.:.::, i:r'!t:irr.1,iir\', .li:l'La:nont and l(ent Rose o{ the Town, and mysel{. Tire pu';;::.,: r,: ',i:r rr:eiiir:g rvas to ciiscuss auto:uobil.e access to the !roject. The t L,:.: :,. .. :,, l c oli: i us ioris',','er r: r eache.l: ',,, ;: ?;l:.. 1!!lir:u'i ii:l.t the lrc(lestlixli rnall coultl bc crossecl fot i,,'ai.::ir io ti:e piojec: but i,es not to bc used io any major i... :.:-. fi'r. arjCaSS. it. -r',1 2ccess raml ic tha [:)l]er {loo]. i:f t}]e undcrgrcund garage te*:r:eti p:rss ible in :r-,r n1'',r.1i'5. Flc\-ibiii:'.i !:j \tL'r'e: C::c:.1c, en "S" sl;',j:: in a t'rli::> 1e r1i'.;^ii tire rarnp Lcn1l,tl:. Eetly ti,ou1<i i:e ii:to j"ic r;lii:' :)i. the garzlge. Errriel ihe lrast .irid of ihe g:rr,i;:, i lils ii'culd involve rz.ci'rn,r t,f ihr, c-,r.r lrr rr':r""" 1;':/ r " li.ilir;c tlrc building arti i;:rr';gLr :;j' rira ol tlyo feet to r\ ,ot.c:-t' r:.'r:' <?nn!:.r'.. j. '.!-i:)rl one ci i"'.'tr i;::l.llin1,. si,:'-'(..-'.i (lrciie in:proved I rl ::l.i.i:ii.-r1; cliiirliri :" j:i:;31:. ij.l;:iii "c" and "d" above . : gl',ri.'.: crLi:i]' ti 1.,f,:':; : .- i', :1;oliaiion of sonrg :. 'i'\.i: i:i:pitri.'i,-.ri -r' .'ri: ,il),.ri tnd the Torvn a::ii.. ,:-,,;.'. r . u'ould be sigrrificant and I :..ccor.ltmcnd favorable colr_ s idor.:rt ion iJ rrii tror. r:ro riif icltior.ls at-e l)ec c,sslu,),.,1 (e) Raisc o:rc portion of flrc crlcrior. telrace ,urcl glrege slracc belotr to e:lsc g-r.ade stccpncss, 3. Conncction to thc r.artp sctvjng ilre ]o,,r,er Srnrgae lcrel is pcssli Leby connccting an exit fr.orl ilre rvcst enri of tholpp.el g.iragc iet.:l. to the adjec,tt I'al.).!p. ?u'nir.rg'tc'cllten,!s sccl:r-coniior.Lible a:td. aII auto cir.culalion cln be kcpt orr ilre ll.ojrci plopcrty. 4, Auto access ncr.oss thc 1:eiicstrian rlrll fi,orrr the pui:lic ror,Cvill probal-rly lcquir.e a:r aulot.natic ol person con,,.rorlecl giie. Thcre t','i]l be a nccd for. contrrtl oi sen,ice vchicles to oticrpr.o1:cr.l;ics, cotrtlol of rleilf e:llnce r.chicles on U:c n:al.I, a:rdpelltaps contt'ol of the transit syst.enl vehicles. .Coordination betrvien thc ?own and the aflectred palties wiU be llecessxrl,. 4ltcr the nrecling on thc village center, a reviev rvas hcLd of the cross: rlc-sEast Plojcr:t. A gooc solution fcrr.ilrlt pr.oj':ct hls el.so bcen r.crr:hcri xld i.uloaccosjs to the c|osslo:rdg })e]'!iing r','iII be tlrrcu!:h the builtlir:g. ilrri^s rakinr;atto mo'crre't p.essu'e off of thc pedestrian mal1. Ir becerie apperc.i irrcview oI the crossloads [ast pi.oject tirat it tncl thc \rillrge Lierier. reiri.lspac-es aIe deliniicly conrplimcnia|y to each <-;ther'. A supei.b ihopplrg irl:za "ca.n bc crcated bctrveen the trvo errd it beco:lis lcrl' evideni ihat thi "ri" ,.",pedest|ia,1 mr.ir bctvccn thesc tNo pr.ojects musi absolu'ie11'be preser|eri, r-uou-lci urgo that the trvo developc.s iook at their projectsiogeil.,u", aLc;::1 viththe ?orvn, to rcach thc bcstlr-os.siblc coorcli'ated pavemeni ancr laniscr.pillerrolthe spacc bctrvcen thc builcinqs. 'Brrilclir:s ct nroclcl's at l0 scelc u.o.,lc,i.vely beleficizlL to see ilre desig:r potenlial. I m'rst3;qplsas nry pleasu.c at rvorliilig rviilr both thevillage cente" ara crcss-toads East people. They were e,$remely cooperatir.e nn,i helpf"l, *Cn", o"Othe p'oblem, 'ancl I think wiLi reach very good solutions. I ani also exciiec trythe pote'tial ol the urban space along the msll. AII in atl, a leal asset toVail. I rvilr be plcased to assist in further reviev of these projects as the proce: sis into ntolc delinii.ilc dcsign. Sinccrely, ^ I Ro),efoN, rl(fttdoro, DECK & ABDY Kr^,%9,f'- ,trn r,/' .1"i:il l'Iessers: L:rnront, Rosc', Dobson and l{ibbcr.cl construction company,-r.ail Dcsign llavic\s Bo:r.rd, Vail planning Commission t.zi j"r- t ! I t I 10 G-c: i S'.cct R|GHARDS ENGINEERIC.LETTT 0F TRANSnflrrrALP.O.Box64i| r-. vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 f I Le z6 &L73 Yail 476-5O72 Denver 2t14.1521 TO Mr. Jerry Al-drlch DAYE IJOB NOApril 19. 1973 | ATTENTION Villaee Center. Phase II the following items: fl Plans fl Samples ! Specifications !1r. Herman Harroun Ilibberd Construction Co. GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU &f Attached ! Under separate cover via ! Shop drawings D Prints tr Copy of letter ! Change order D coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION J.Inspection reDorts throush Aoril 18- 1973 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: i For approval n Approved as submitted n Resubmit-copies {or approval ft For your use ! Approved as noted tr Submit-copies for distribution n As requested n Returned {or corrections n Retu rn -corrected prints D For review and comment n tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS / SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L Project Name lnspector/{Jijbz*.,- CONCRETE: 2- /l.re F-J //.^// o^, d.-.e Tg k'ns i- s't /-5 tl ar // S'/'ee/ '.' /:-c,s/ 4/zr/r. f t /* l/-< g'/'ae / 7 ^-' //cYftt /r t't-" (-- / ?.'s o ?: sa f's" 3:3d LOCAT ION APPROVE Eo rn7 PRECAST: ADD IT IONAL SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN .OF VA I L Project Nane /y', / I o.. -/ 1c,,.,, r.I- lZ //-,L. e- C-fi' I nipector y'7 .f'. Se .. nrc," r. CONGRETE: t a c- 3 /a',2 V ii -s 7- 'a77-/-, Eos)- laz -- ,/r ztt e-- OOrc LOCAT ION /d. 3 o //.' oc /2:3 c CORRECTIONS RE y'7aVra 2./6/tu. 2,40 pwt' fuuu.l: ttZl&2*a/ tua// as aldae- onay r?y'z'''flu*F 'ffa DDIT IONAL ? Materia arpt. ,. " 'i ls Testing S$uice i@ 14 Day 1 ,)1. ') '531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 Hibbe:'d Construc?ion Locati )n Air:3.8'/" - ,.oAlr lernp.: r+r Total i,Jater: Max. Size Load C.Y. Time Placed: 1"0:JC 3000 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock nr BEc 2 ? 1$73 ii:i:;? ......'. Wt/Cu. Ft. : Yi el d: Concrete TemP.: l+8o F A Moisture; ; ti l,Jeather I ParuIYcloudy Ti me Tested : Lt)z b5 Tested BY: T..Twite - Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT {or Job No or r.O. )OZ-t Date Tested:4/tB/7) t"tixI.D.r 5*sk Slump: Water TernP. : Total Yards: 4f45 Max. Agg. Si ze: )/ l. Time Batched: 10:00 Spec. P.S.l. at 28 DaYs: TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder Dia. 6.026 6.014 90?(set 6) 2@7 Day ?468 1\.>v Cylinder Dia. b.ol4 L@l+5 Cylinder Dia L .Ji+l) l:.i)ii)l: ue. I .) 2@28 J -: ") (l' I f! ir') Day Average: R EMAR KS; ?459 REPORT TO: Hibberci Herbert Town of Ccnstructicn Herrourt val-I rNsiPEct.,Nl TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER L orxen E pnnrrnl.LOCATION BEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRITUE AM PM COMMENTS: /.-A+ 7-a<f F..p, 3o H,^r,,f;+ E nppRovED n uporu rHe CORRECTIONS n orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORR ECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR / RtcHARnS ENGINEE|' NC. P. O. Box 6zlil vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 Yall 476.il72 Denver 2tt4-1521 Mr- Jerry Aldrich Town of VaiL Building Department Mr. Herman Harroun GENTLEMEN: LETifr @F TRANSnnrrrAL DATE IJOB NO- anri 1 1?- lq7? | \I?-25 , TO WE ARE tr Shop I Copy SENDING YOU orawrngs of letter yq Attached n Under fl Prints n Change order separate cover n Plans the following n Samples ! Specifications n rts throuqh ril 12, L973 THESE ARE n XF n tr fl TRANSMITTED For app rova I For your use As requested as checked below: tr Approved n Approved ! Returned as submitted as noted for corrections n n ! Resubmit . copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Return -correctedprintsFor review and comment tJ FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS through each Wednesd.ay on lhursday. COPY TO SIGNED:K. E. Richards rdr !,|}0 - ln Ar|ll| g6h.{ Lnlo, lm., lmsd, llsa lf encro6ur.a are not as noted, kindty notity ua at once- a,!t SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL Project Name CONCRETE : rnsp."+or-fufu4!(*rh 7 h\< ll:lo DAT LOCAT ION ) 1t.aal P r'.t','f /t..tr. s t .71',1e APPRO CORR T IONS t--, /4r .{a.,'F" TEE L: PRECAST: ADDIT IONAL REMARKS SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOI.,N OF VA IL I r the- 4'oo TDA /6 Project Name r9tl,ber/ ./.nt,rf l/'//a{e- l.nrcv I n s p ecl o r JEjUtcqArr,, 2- CONCRETE: LOCAT ION OD IT I ONA REMARKS o SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL Project Name I n s p e ct o r frtf!fi,3Q57r4 UN- 7:oc J 4t CONCRETE: . --: TE i UOCATIQL IAPPROVE CORRECTIONS REQUIREO lulrt FtT' u'<115 5'. E. S ,'4 e * 9ouf/, fl".,r*,.t __S. (., 9:ocr Ipht *c "l -')",' Dtnwr, Colo.80204 rlTEilALs REPonT for f,lllf,f! Job f{o or L D. 9Oz Locltl on: jn A{ r: t+,.'Z Alr Terp.: 45 Total t,later: Vat StenCtr. Fbng. S. Staimay to E}pgfrtorr. : Lr*2.6 ytetd: Concrete TenP,: 57 F A Molsture: Also: Dillqr, Longlmont Vail, Cesth Rock Truckl2 Tl cket # {n9r Ave.Wct+ gth 825-5261 ofte Testsd z t+/L1/73 Mix l.D. z 5 l,/25 Slurp: hlrter Tenp.: Tota'l Yards: P yds Max. Agg. Size: 3/4 T'lrp Batched: 1:lr5 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: l,lax. Slze Load C.Y.: 9 yd Tlne P'lacedz 3tZO Tested l'leather: P. Clordy TirB Testedt3.35 By: T.-T- F us' Jo H^"1 73 TEIT CYLII{D:iS Qylinder 01a.2Q 6.o05 6.0L5 9o2 (Sct 5) 7 Day 163r r478 1O 14 DaY ?o]-5 Cylinder Dia. 6.o]'.2 Cylinder Dia 2@ 28 Day 6.011 2875 6.007 2g2g 2902l-@ Ir5 DaY 6. ol_0 33t) Average: REMARKS: 1554 / REFORT TO: Co|o.80204 MATIRIALS tlPOn? {o' Hlbberd Job t{o or l. D. ,21-L Date Testedt VL7/?3 Mix I.D.: $sk Slrrrp: 3i Ave.825-5261 Constrrlctlon Air Tenp. | \?o Total llater: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Tlme Placed:11:20 Tested L*.ltm;1l$ Itr,s. F'rL?' Air: L.t* llt/cu.Ft. z !42.5 Viet,f,' ]r ue1 7'l Also: Dillon, Longmont Veil, Cagtb Rock Truck 15 Ti cket # 7384 Concr€te TerP, : 55o F A Moisture: Weather: partly cloudy Wind: caLn Tirc Tested:LLt)5 rr., . t{ator Terp. : Total Yrrds: 9 Max. Agg. Slze: TinB Batched: 915O Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DqYs: rErr CYL|NDERS 521 (S6t Cylinder Dla. 2ei Day 6.00o L694'' 5.99h 1318 4)1 HoId 2@ 28 DaY 2852 3003 6.008 3LO4€* Cyllnder Dia. 6.008 1@ 14 Day 2?J6 Cylinder Dla 6.010 6.o20 Average: 1506 tEllARl(t: Mobile Premlx REPORT TO: Hlbberd Construction Heman Heroon 2928 / Mato 8th Ave.825-5261Colo.80204 a rials Testins t Service t. : Yi e'l d: ConcY€te TemP.: F A Moisture: {fit Heather: Tinc Tested: 28 Days: |IATERIALS REPORT {o, Hibberd Job l{o or l. D. 52L-t oate Tested z U6/Zl Mix I.0.: }}sk Slum: 2 ConEtmction 3/tr' Al r: b.6 Al r Terp. : Total tlater: Max. Slze Load C.Y.: Tlme Placed: Also: Dlllon, Longmont Vail, Casth Rock Truck 15 Ti cket # tlater Terp.: Total Yards: Max. Agg; Slze: Tine Batched: Spec. P.S.I. at IEST CYLINDERSl Cy'linder Dia; 5.971+ 6.015 521(set 3) 2d 7 Day 1341 I211 Cy'li nder Di a. 5.o30 1 HoId 6.OZj Cylinder Dia 2@28 DaY 6.0&0 2757 6.oLt+ zT88 Tested By: 1@ 14 Day L?85 I Do/l5 2772 ,r/ Average:L276 REMARKS: Morntain Moblle t hr. nixing tlme before REFORT TO: Hibberd C@structlon ) tternen Heroon *&gfurrr6h***r*u,.*: '531 West 8th Ave.825-5261Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALs REPoRT 1ot 'di t'i:': r'rl Job No or L D. i2l-S Date Testedz,-,/3./7) i) -tl 51ump: ) " nnrtiials Testins Strvice Ett[ CIEC2?tgn Days:3000 ?) Cy'linder Dia. 1@ 14 Day 5.963 2892 Also: Dillon.J4ngmont . *eill Castle Rock.:r, Truck T'i cket + Mix I.D.: l.Jater Terp. : Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: Tine Batched: Spec. P. S. I . at TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder Dia. 6.oo2 Locat'i A'i r: Ai r Temp.: Tota'l Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: T'i me Placed: !'ltlCu. Ft.: Concrete Temp.: F A l4oi s ture : l,leather: Time Tested: Tested Byr L. rhlit9 Yi el d: 28 \1-i . )C,, 7 Day a647 Cyl i nder Di a !..: 28 Day 5 .9,/: 37 s9 Ave ra ge : REMARKS: I'1o'rrt ain l;ltlci I . REPORT TO: ili.birprd IIer-nan C on:;1-, r'' r s 1. i 1" ilc r" ^,on o sb rvrce I Materials Testing i53l West 8th Ave. Denver, Cofo. 8A2A4 825 -5261 \J 0Ec 2 ? teB Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock MATERIALS REPORT {or Job No or l. D. l2',- i Date Tested ; i,../ :./'l') Mix I.D.: Water Temp.: Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: Time Batched: Slump: -r" 'ii'I i . Locati Ai r: Ai r Temp.: Total t^later: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time Placed: Cylinder Dia. L@ 14 Day 5.99?. ztSs RtT Truck Ti cket r Ti me Spec. P.S.i. at 28 Days: 3OOO Tested By: t. I\rite TESTC'LTNDERS ir" i.t^i .) CylinderDia. 1-i TDaY 6.010 7628 Cylinder Dia q oi. 1/ t ':\' :' 1 .. 28 Day ') l"':,1 i' Average l REMARKS: l'l''-lt I ': ' il 'i. . -f,- : 'r REtrORT TO: iI ;,r :^ rNsiFEcloN TOWN OF FIEBUESiT VAI L- JOB NAME CALLER E penrrer READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRr lr\,..ri LOCATION <tF) lconauerurs, APP ROV E D ! orsaeeRovED D nerNsPEcr fl uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ,") .^,*1. ! -/ /-,s. \- j/ .-r i-i r - . INSPECTOR o o av'/- ffiil\l 6aru *lt0ltl{ltlt Boom s - ll{ rfrttttt lt[ llt Ftec tloss c* O ' llll w ASta {L .- I {z gATtt I lfdp-.n MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisd iction of Applicant to comptete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION VILLAGE CENIERf VAIL COLORADO I otSc r.1[s:e rrracrlo sr::t) 2 ttrgsERD coNSTRUcrroN 1127 RACE DENVER 3 erRwaY, rNc. LICENSE NO. 4640 LI"AN STREET DENVER 433-8651 AiCHITECT OR OESICNEi VA L DO R L51 PhOtE ENG IN EER MA L AOORESs PHONE LICENSE NO, VA IL ADORESS SRANCH USE OF BUILDING 8 Class oI worK: tr NEW tr AOOITION E ALTERATION tr REPAIR I Describework' vENts FoR BATHR00M AND KrrcHEN AND BOTLER BREECHTNG. TvpeolFuel: Oit E Nat.Gas D t-PC. E PERMIT FEES Type of EquipmentSPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Refrigeration Un its-H.P. Ea. Boilers-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnaqe Ea. Forced Air Systems B.T,U. M Ea. Gravitv Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters-B.T.U. M U nit H eaters- B.T.U. MNOTICE I I THrs pERMrr BEcoMEs NULL AND voro tr r,,!odr oR coNSTRUc. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITH]A] 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OB WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. Evaporative Coolers Ventilation Fan Air Handlino Unit- C.F.M. TOTAL FEE WHEN PBOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THlS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATIONCK. M.O. CASH WHITE - INSPECTO R CANARY _ AUDIT PIN K - APPLICANT GOLDE N FiOD _ TEMP. FILE t Mr . Fr*d ft I b i:e rdt{lbbsrd Canstructlon Co*pe*y1,27 Race StreetDenver, CoIoredo Subject; Vl I tage Contrs Dear Fred: The.followtng. !3 to conf Irm our meetlng of f,{arch zz, 1g73. Encloseols the Recreatfon Fund Fee caleElaflani, lf you have any qus$tisnspertalnlng to fha fee, give ms a cail. '-- Terry Mlnger ?gu agreod fo a*e*p? your plat &s submrtfed whichfu"lsres 3F,zr3 feru*r:e feer, res! *'f iuri i.*Jit-"t-'E,Ea r iqurrufaet tei rneet zoning regul*tiens fer'UuilAf ngs A end g. Tho re*malnlng ares of your tracf wilr be esfisi;-;;; *"p"i*i*rv for FhaseI t I of your proJee? *nder *he ne,, eanrng ordinsnes. Pertalning to qarking, for cr?lrlrcotron, a maxrmum of 60 spacBsnay be provlded on yo*l'slfe. if tngy Er€,undsrground aed landsc*plngori coffif*ercr a I spece covors thc p*rxing stru*tuFe, As y$u dlscussed,*nrth rerryr ysu ur r l be ar fowed acc€$Ben-ci fe pnrkl ng f ros the roiin'antrancr-u*ur trre-gurl i*g Yours tru I y, TOI{N OF VA I L March 28, l97j PlAl'tA 5* TOUGHTLLZenlng Admlnlstrator Tm io your t ot. o Frwfur & Eingery, lnc.."t '|, nl,t' 4"' March 2L, L973J *(" .\o/'r I'Ir. Jerry Aldrich Ce Chief Building Official Town of VailP. O. Box 100Vail, Colorado 8L657 RE: village center - plan check for compliance with uniformBuilding Code - Our Job No. 452.01 Dear Jerry: we have reviewed the final corrections of the drawings andspecifications as submirted. by the archirecE. rhe irems--iior"iiogthe provisions,of the code have been corrected, wirh ihe f;ii;;ilEexceptions (refer to the enclosed correction list): Item 13 CONS ULTIA|G E IGIIVEER S 2840 SOUTH YALLEJO STREET ENCLEWOOD. COLORADO SOITO TEtEPHONE 303 761-4860 We interpret Secrion 1706(c) toopenings should nor be loiatedunder consideration is part of Item 14 the affect that the trash chutein requlred exits. The vestibulerequired exit. The purpose of the intermediate railsis to prevent the passage of objectsthrough the guardrail. -To accoirplishare required. Item 26 required by Sectloa L7L4larger than nine inchesthis, horizontal rails Ecterior- stairway*ror^m on change plan c-3 should be of non-combustible construcrion. SecEion 3305(n) No other exceptions were taken. This completes our review ofVillage center project. A11 data are being rlturned to you .roa.,separate cover. If you have any questions, please feel free Eo conEact us. Very truly yours, FRASIER & GINGERY, INC. ,, r rzz 2 ,/J ,/ilU,at /f--/.-*- Miles Hubik, P. E. IH/ isEncll CIVII, ENGINEERING / I.AND SURVEYING / STONTT DRATNAGE / SIRUCTURAT / TRANSPORTATION / WAIER & SANITATION o v MINLJ'-I'ES SPECIA L. MEL:TlNG TOWN COUNCIL OF I-I-]tr TOWN OF VAIL MARCH 7, 1973 A special meeting of the Town counci I oF the Town oF Vail was convened at 1o:15 a.m., Manctt 7, 1g73, in the conFenence Room oF the Vail Municioal Br:i [d inr-: . Mayon John A. Dobson and the Foltowing councilmen wene present: Richand Rai lr:y John Donovan ..t-osef Staufel Tom Steinberg (pnesent Fon the Gerny White Also pnes.:'nt wene: (t. ^'/ft B //a q "i\ ,c last pontion of the meeting) . Terny Mingen, Town Managen Jim l_amont, Administnative Ass istant Diana Toughitl , Zoning Administnaton Bob Clank, Chainnran, trlanning Commission Hans \,/eibel, Memben, planning Commission Jen Wnight, Memben, ptannlng Commission Mn. clancy, a developen, was pnesent to nequest that hrs finm be alloweduntil July 1 , 1973 ' to -submit wonking dnawings. Counci.lman white exonessedhis opinion that the CounciI i-s especiatly concenned about a thtnd cone, whichis Mn. Clancyts pnoject. It rnrou ld be desinabte that the new zoning ondinancebe applied to tlris pnoject. Mn. claniy stated that the new zoning ondinancewill not add.ness itselfl to his pnoject, as, in his opinion, the pnoject nequinesa P. u.D. appnoach, whi ch the new ondinance is not anticipated to pnovide.Mn' Mingen noted that he had doubts about this omission and the matten isnot yet settled. In negand to the cunnent ondinance, Mn. Clancy?s pnojectdeviates in that one building may cnoss zone lines, in that the panking fon onezone rnay be in anothen zone and in some oF the setback nequinements. Hewas of the opinion that they would need a vaniance eithen unden the new on oldondinance. Agneement was neached to meet with Mn. Clancyrs gnoup onFniday, Manch g, at 4:OO p.m. In negand to the Hibbend Village Centne pnoject, Cotlncilman Doto-v_an__q!A[gd tbe!-!he height oithe buitding was unacceptable, qspeciatty at the entnance to - the village. Mn. Hibbend neptied that he had atneaCyGo-l,O-unit.-n aTf floons;also, tlrat the building is atmost two stonies betow gnade, thereby minimizingthe appearance oF height. He indicated that he is witting to buitd a oank on apgntion oF his larrd. CounciTnfiFwhite concunned that the height might be ofFens ive; howeven, he doubted that the council has the powen to nequine it tobe changed. councilman White mo'ed that viil.age centne, Bui lding B, beappnoved, conclitioned upon coopenation in following the necommendattons oftheTownstaFF;CouncilrnanBaileyseconc1ed;@andDonovan voted aqainst appno i; ccunci lmen White, Bailey, and oobson voted in Favonof appnova[- The motion car^nied The applicability ol tlre pnoposed necneation Fee to pnojects given approvalwould depehd on the point at which the onci nance pnovided fon the Fee to beassessed. l-he genenal concensLrs vr;r s that it wot-r td be assessed at the timethe building penmit is issued. Howeven, in any case, it could not be writtenso as to apply to Mn. Flibbendrs pnoject::.s his plans hawe been checr<ed andane neady fon a penmit. 4,4n. Hibbend l^rad some suggestions in negand to thisfee: 1. the Floon anea should be the anea within the penimeten walls oF theurrtt; 2. the charge l'on nesidential constructi.on should be 20 cents the Finstyean and 30 cents theneaFten; 3. fon comrrrencial constnucti.on the Fec shouid o'o liilllultn s box I oo vail, colorado Br6s7 303.476-56r3 'March l3, 1973 Mr. Fred Hibberd Hibberd Construction Company | 127 Race Street Denver r' Co l orado Dear F re d: The proposed building rrBrr ot approved by the Town Council pend i ng negot i at i ons w i th ou r Town Staff on the fol ing has been been is s ued ing suggestions: itd l'ow 2. 3, The. remainder of your phased project will be reviewed under the proposed new zon ing ord inance. Temporary parking for Buildings A and B should be f-urnished on the site until such time as pedestrian precinct master plan and transportation terminal plans are compleied. At that time .we can d iscuss whether you want to furn ish underground parking .lvlth latdscaping over or use the parking facilities in the p ropose d transportation termina l. Completed landscaping plan should be submitted for approva.l . l.le suggest that the exterior treatment of the bui lding be softened by the addition of wood veneer or other suitab le natura I material. 5. All signs must be approved by the Sign Review Committee. We suggest that you call the Buildi.ng Department and schedule a meeting at your earliest convenience so that your project riay proceed without further delay. lf you have any questions, please contact us. Yours tru fy , t.t t. t ! flr'11 box 1oo r vail, colorado 81657 . 303.476.5613 Manch 2,1973 TO:TERRY MT}JGER TObIN COUI{CIL PLANNING COMMTSSION FROM: KENT ROSE JTM LAMONT DIANA TOUGHILL RE: STAFF REVIEW OF VTLLAGE2 The foll-owing r^ecommendationsStaff after caneful :review of the Town of Vail proj ect : CENTRE ane made bythe pnoposed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We -feel appnoval- should be given only fo:r building ilBtt and that the :remainden of the project should be reviewedunder the pnoposed new zoning ordinance and master plan. Temporany parking should be fu:rnished on the site fonBuilding rrArr and building ttBtt (as shown on site plan)until- such time as pedestrian pnecinct rnasten plin andtranspontation terminal plans are conpleted and adopted.At that time we suggest negotiations with M:r. Hibbe:rd 1l an attempt to provide alt panking in the transporra-tion terminal on to provide any on Site parking belowg:rade. If approval is given, it should be sulject to an approved.landscaping plan fon both buildings, with particulh.attention to the stream tnact. All tnash areas should be screened fnom view. .We suggest that the extenion tneatment of the building besoftened by the addition of wood veneer o:r other suitibtenaturaL material. 6.A1l signs nust be apprcved by the Sign Review Committee. l'|INUTES DESIGN REVIEI,I BOARD REGULAR MiETING DECEMBER I3, 1973 A regular meeting of the Design Review Board was convened at 3:00 P.M., inrmediately fo'l lowing the adjournment of the Planning Conrnrission, in the Conference Room of the Town of Vail Municipa) Building. The following members r.rere present: l^Jilliam J. Ruoff, Chairman l,|illiam Hanlon Lou Parker Gordon Pierce Jen l,lright Al so present was: James F. Lamont, Admjnistrative Assistant The Vail Factory presented an application for a sign for the VAIL 21 BUILDING on the VAIL 21 CUBE. The sign'is for identification cf the Vail 21 Building on1y, and will not include the directory as pre- viously proposed. After review, upon mot'i on duly made and seconded,it was unanimousiy voted to approve the sign as submitted. The Board reviewed the further information submitted re the HUEBINGER GARAGE plans. As.proposed, the Board felt the plans for the garage" were too massive and not in keeping the character of the overall aesthetics of the adjacent building. They suggested the use of a gabled roof and that the "pedestrian" door be put around the corner facing lhe house. Upon motjon duly made and seconded, it vlas unani- mously voted to approve the p1ans, contingent upon Mr. Huebinger's agreement to make the changes as suggested. l.lr. Fred 0tto of Vail Associates presented plans for the Vajl Associates L'ift No. B - Counter Weight Lift Cover. The Board reviewed the plans, and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to approve the plans as submitted. Mr. Fred Hibberd presented his final plans for PHASE 3 of VILLAGE CENTER COND0IIINIUIIS. Mr. H'ibberd also presented a massing model of the buildinqs. The mass'i nq model showed access to the site from the Village entiance road, as ieconmended by Eldon Beck. The design approval of the buildings and site will influence the access plan; however, the access should be from the Village entrance road onl-v, After reviewing the p1ans, and subject to an agreement being reached between Hibberd, Town Council and Planning Commission regarding parking spaces and dedication of a park/plaza area, the Board, upon motion duly made and seconded, unanimously voted to approve the plans (dated December 13, 1973), as submitted, subject to the follorving conditions: (1) that large trees be planted to de- emphasize the height of the tallest, existing building; (2) ihat evergreens be plant.ed near the property line on the northeast corner; (3) that the west end by the service drive be heavily screened, bermed and planted; and (4) approval of the park and/or p'l aza design is contingent upon another revievr of the park and/or plaza design, subject to an agreenrent re parking being reached between Hibberd' Town Council and Planning Cornmission. As there was no further business to come before the meetjng' the meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.l"l. APPROVED: Chairman of the Board Nadine M. l4onaco, SecretarY box 1o o vaal, colorado or6s7 303.476.5613 January 3i, lg74 Mr. Fred Hibberd c/o Vi1 lage Center CondominiumsVail, Colorado 8165i Re: Phase 3 - Village Center Condominiums Design Review Board 4 rovai - Degember 13, 1973 Dear Mr. Hibberd: This'letter wil'l confirm the action taken at the Design Review Boardmeeting on December i3, 1973, at which you were pres.ii.'-' The Board voted to appr.ove your pians (dated December 13, 1973),slbject to the forowins cona'itions: (ii inri"i;6; trlis'oe Biirl:!,t9 de-ernphasize the heisht or irre tJiiesi,'exi;;;;s buitdinq;(zJ.rhat evergreens be planted near the property iine on tfre north--'east corner; (3) ttrat the west en{ !y.thb sbrvile arive oe'treavrtyscreened, bermed, and planted; and (4) apprcval of the-pirt and/orplaza design is contingent upon anoit,er i^bvier,r of thJ pirt anoTorplaza design, subject io an igreement-re parking ueing'ieicheobetween Hibberd, Torvn council-and plannini commisiion] in-accoro-ance with the zoning ord.i nance, Section i5.400, a tinascaping planmust be submitted for review ana appr.Jval by the oesign-nlui"" Board,,slgyllg in detair (size, rvpe and ibciron)"voui piini'to-iomprvwith the above landscaping ionditions. I have enclosed a copy of the minutes of the meeting for yourrecords and information. Sincerely, DESIGN REVIEl,l BOARD Nadine M. l4onaco, Secretary,for l{illiam J. Ruoff, Chaiiman /nrm cc: Terrell J. Minger, Town ManaEer James F. Lamont, AdmjnistratJve Assistant Diana Tough'i -|1, Zonjng Administrator . -_ -t - - l I : With regard to the sign application for the VAIL 21 CUBE, the Boardfelt there was insufficjent reason to grant a variance; therefore, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to deny the request for a variance. The Vail Factory resubmjtted the wording for the sign for ALFIE PACKER'S l,lILD II0UNTAIN INN. Instead of "Southside of Building", they proposed to use "A.round Back". Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unani- mously voted to approve the plans for the sign, including new wording. Mr. Fred Hibberd presented preliminary p1 ans for Phase 3 of VILLAGE CENTER C0ND0MINIUMS for revieur. Diana Toughill has given preliminary zoning approval. There was discussion of color of buildings, and in particular, color used on the second building. Hr. Hjbberd stated that in order for the buildings not to appear as the same project, different colors were used. The color used on the second buildinq had been approved. Building C will probably be vrhite. The plani provide for much lower level lighting once the project is completed. A1 1 phases should be completed next year. Mr. Gordon Pjerce asked jf Mr. Hibberd had acquired the approval of the master planners on his access to theproperty. Mr. Hibberd replied that he had. There will be lower level garage and upper 1eve1 parking, with 21 exposed spaces out of 115. This project is scheduled for final review on November 29, L973. As there was no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. Nadine M. lulonaco, Secretary /nrm APPROVED: Chairman of the Board MI NUTES REGULAR MEETING DESIGN RIVIE|^J BOARD NOVEMBER 1, 1973 A regular meeting of the Design Review Board was convened at 3:00 P.M.' inrrnediate'ly following the adiournment of the Planning Commission' in the Conference Room of the Town of Vail Municipal Bui1ding. The following members were present: }lilliam J. Ruoff, Chairman l^|i I I iant Hanl on Lou Parker Gordon R. Pierce Jen t.lright The first item vtas the consideration of a sign application for a temporary site development sign for PHASE 3 of VILLAGE CENTER C0ND0- MINIUMS. It was noted that the application met al1 the requirements of the ordinance; therefore, upon motion duly ntade and seconded' 'it was unanimously voted to approve the plans as submitted' with the condition that all other temporary site deve'l opment signs for the project shall be removed, and that the sign for Phase 3.shall be removed within ten (10) days after an occupancy permit is issued; and shall be permitted for a period of one (t) year. The second item discussed was the sign application for the G0LDEN PEAK H0USE DIRECT0RY. The Vail Factory made the presentation, and as proposed in the application, the directory would be sp'l it up with three signs on each window and one sign for the LaPinata above the doorway. It was suggested by the Board that consideration be given to having all of the signs placed in one window. However, it was fe1 t by the Board that this application be taken under considerat'ion and a decision made at the next meeting. The third item discusbed was the s'ign application for the LIONSHEAD LQDGING DIRECTQRY. The Vail Factory made the presentation. A variance was requested, as the appiicat'ion does not meet certain requirements of the ordinance, as stated in the file. It was stated by Chairman Ruoff that the Town of Vai1 is actively engaged in a study of the problem of directories for the entire torvn. The need for this type df directory is recognized and study is being directed toward a solu- tion for the entire situation. There is also a memo in the file from the Torvn Engineer re street right-of-way and easements at the proposed'location. Therefore, upon motion duly made and seconded' it was unanimously voted to,deny the request for a vari ance. The fourth itern djscussed was the sign application for LIONSHEAD EASY WASH in the Vail 21 Building at Lionsllead. The Vajl Factory presented the application, which met the requirernents of the ordinance. Therefore, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to approve the plans as presented' The fjfth item discussed was the location of the sign for ALFIE PACKER'S l^llLD I'IOUNTAIN INN. The sign wil ! be 'located at the entrance of the office for Alfie Packer's. Upon motion du'ly made and seconded, it was unanimous'ly voted.to approve the sign and location, as finalry presented this date; the urording to be used instead of "southside of Building" will be presented at the next meeting. MI NUTES DESIGN REVIEl,l BOARD REGULAR MTETiNG NOVTMBER ?.9, T973 A regular meeting of the Design Review Board vras convened at 4:00 P.M., immediately following the adjournment of the Planning Cornm'i ssion, in the Confererrce Room of the Town of Vail Municipal BuildinE. The following members were present: l,lill iam J. Ruoff , Chairman Nilliam Hanion Lou Parker Gordon Pierce Jen Wright A1 so present were: Temell J. Minger, Town l'lanager James F. Lamont, Admjnistrative Assistant Mr. Minger djscussed wjth the Board mernbers the poss'i bility of amending the sign ordinance to allow approval of signs to be done administratively, along with a change in the variance procedure. The Board members werein agreement that a change lvas necessary, due to the excessive amountof time spent reviewing signs, and especially, variance requests. Mr. Fred Hibberd presented plans for PHASE 3 of VILLAGE CENTER for preliminary review. Mr. Hibberd stated t-hat he was presently nego- tiating with the Town for a poss'i ble trade-off of parking spaces requiredfor dedjcation to the Town of open space. Seventy-six underground spaces have been prov'ided. l4r. llibberd also stated that he would consult with Eldon Beck regarding access to the sjte, in the hope of arriving at a satisfactory solution. Building mass was d'i scussed; Mr. Hibberd stated that wjth completion of buildings in Phase 3, the mass of the tallest existing building wouid be broken from major views. Existing lighting was also discussed; members of the Board felt the ligrrting was too bright; Mr. Hibberd agreed to check into the matter. The Board also suggested that for the future the plaza area be lighted with shaded iights, pointed down. The Board requested, prior to the next stage of rev'iew, that Mr. Hibberd submjt a massing model . They aiso adv'i sed Mr. Hibberd that con- sulting serv'ices of Eldon Beck would be requested by thern. Mr. Hibberd requested that he be placed on the agenda for Design Revjew on.December 13th. The earosellis of the Vail Factory presented a sign application for MOUNTAIN HIGH SPORTS, part of the Montaneros sign prograrn. The proposed sign met the requirements of the'ordinance. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to approve the s'i gn as presented. Ms. SalIy Freeman presented an application for a sign for HEAD FIRST, at the Covered Bridge Street. The proposed sign met the requirenrents of the ordinance. Upon motion duiy made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to approve the sign as presented, subject to submission of color samp'les aL the next meeting. Mr. Manfred Schober presented an application for an office directory sign for.the new offices at PENSION iSABEL. The proposed sign ntet the requirements of the ordinance. Therefore, upon motion duly made arrd seconded, it was unanimously voted to approve the s'ign as presented. Royston Flanamoto Beck & Abey December 11, 19?3 Mr. Terrell J. Minger Torvn IVIanagcr Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8165? Re: Village Centel Project Dear Terry: On December 6, 19?3, a meeting regarding the Village Center Project rvas held, attended by N{r. Bob }Iarford and Mr. Kurt Wolter of the }iibberd Construction Company, Jim Lamont and Kent Rose of the Torvn, and myself. The purpose of the meeting rvas to discuss automobile access to the projeet. The following conclusions .ivere reached: 1. It was agreed that the pedestrian mali could be crossed for. aeeess to the project but rvas not to be used to any major oxtent for access. 2. An access ramp to the upper floor of the undergvound garage seemed possible in many 1vays. Flexibilities were: (a) Create an rts' shape in a ramp to extend the ramp length. Entry ivould be into the side of the garage. (b) Enter the east end of the garage. This would involve restudy of the open landscape space. (c) Raise the building and garage by one or two feet to decrease ramp steepness. (d) Lose one or two parking spaces to create improved auto tulning characteristics. (Both "c" and "d" above may require either a variance or negotiation of some kind. The improvement to the project and the Torvn t lscape Architecrs: l:od Planniog Urlcn Desigl . Perk Planning Environmcntel Planning Principals:Associa tes: Roberr Royston FASLA Pruicit Qrlislc ,tsLt Eugene R. Kunit ASr-{ As. Hanrmoro ASLI l"ruis G. Alley, Architcct .,rtA Robcrt T. Batrcrton f,ldon lleck ,rsU Harold N, Xobayashi ASLA Gcorge W. Girvin Kezuo Abey ASI-rt 50 Grccn Strect Sen Francisco Californie 9{l ll (1r5' t974591 wourd be sig'ifica't and I recommend fa'orable con-sideration i-f ruinor moclifications are necessary. ) (e) Raise one portion of the exterior terrace and garage space belorv to ease grade steepness. 3. connection to the ra''p serving the lo.rver garEae revel is possibreby connecting an exit frorn ilre west encl of-the"upper garage level' tg-the adjacent ralnp. Turning movenrents seem cornfortible and. all auto eirculation can be kcpt on the proj_ect property. 4, Auto access across the pedestrian mall from the public roadwill probably require an automa"tic or person controiled g:ate.There rvill be a need for control of service vehicles to otherproperties, contlol of maintenance vehicles on the mall, andperhqps control of the transit system vehicles. ..Coorclination' betrveien the Torvn and ilre affected parties will be necessary. 4fter the meeting on the Village Center, a revierv was held of the CrossroacisEast Project. A good solutioi for that projeet iras also been reachecl and autoaccess to the crossroads parking rvill be tiirough the buildins, th;-irft** - airto movgryent press'rq o{ or ilie pedestrian ma[. It beeame apparent inreizierv of the Crossroads East Project that it and the Village Center retailspaces are definitely complimentary to each other. A superb -shopping pkazacan be created betrveen the trvo ancl it becomes very evident that the auto lreepedestrian ma-ll betrveen these, trvo projects must absolutely be preserved.I.uodd urge that th9.try-o clevelopers took at their projects iogetirer, along withthe Town, to reach the best possible coordinated pavernent and 1andscape planof the space betrveen the buiidings. Building of moaels at 20 scale would bevery benefieial to see the design potential. I must express my plea.sure at working with both theVillage Center and Cross-roads East people' They rvere extrerneiy cooperatil," .ni helpful, *ra""stooathe problem, and I illink \f itr reach very goodiolutions. I am also excitbd bythe potential ot the urban space arong the mari. Au in "d ;;;;i;"#;; "' Vail. I *iU be pleased to assist in further review of these projects as the processis into more definitive design. Mr. Terrell J. I\Iinger -2-Decernber 11, 19?3 I{ibberd Construction Company, Vail Planning C,ommissionVail Design Review Board, 4r2. 0 / March 6, t973 Frasier & Gingery, Inc. Consulting Engineers 2840 South Vallejo Street Englewood, Colorado 8011_0 PART A COMPLIANCE WrTH OCCUPANCY, TypE OF CoNSTRUCTION, AND EXIT RESUIREMENTS t/vL. The 3/\ hour fire reslstive rating of an openlng that is re-qulred, if that opening is less than 20 feet from the adJacentbu11ding, does not in thls case occur. Reference to Vall"Buildlng Department ruling on buil-ding separation in a complex. v 2. Amending note on A-13 to say all structural members to be coatedwith 2 hour fire protection lalEr of perlite to comply wlthTable 43-A, ftems tB & 31. V 3. A11 floor construction will comply with Tabl-e 43-C, Item 11. V 4. The wet flre fine ls located as shown on M-L and is sized asfollows: Main standpipe to be 4rr on the l-st floor and reducedto 2-I/2rr on the 7th floor wlth cabinet stated in specificatlonpage 60. Uf, Referring to details on A-1J, all wood framing members of ba1- eonies and facia wil-1 be non-combustibl-e treated by Koppersaccording to the Underwriters Laboratory FR-S rating. v 6. Fresh alr and combustion alr louvers in mechanlcaf room to havea fuseable link which wil-1 al1ow Louvers to close. In this case,both l-ouvers shall be rated wlth a t hour fire protective ratine. V7. The swing of door 39 to mechanical room w111 be changed to complywith Sectton 3303(b). As per Section 3304(b) EXCEPTION, a doorin any positlon shal-l not reduce the requlred wldth of a corridorby more than I/2 its wtdth. Therefore, a recess of tfort into the mechanlcal- room will al1ow door 39 to comply with this section. See detail on ChanEe PIan C-4. 2 1127 BACE STREET T DENVEB, COLORADO 80206 I TELEPHONE (303) 355.6400 III Frasier & Clngery, Inc -2-March 6, I973 V 8- Sect'ion ?20?(c) rines nnt sneni fv rnnf i nc" r,enrliSementS. Refer-JLUJ\v/ uvvv rrv e vvv!4f J, r vvr 4rrb rvYvring to Section 32031e)2, 300 pounds of crushed slag (pumice aggregate being of this nature) per roofing square is requiredfor roofs having noL more than 3 in 12 pltch, Since al-l-pitches concerned are more than this, onl-y 275 pounds of aggregate is specified because this was determined to be thegreatest average adherence to the hol asphalt at the pltches 1nvo1ved. U9. Al-L openings lo exit encl-osures are specifled -Ln ItArr l-abel openlngs, doors and jambs included, as noled on 4-16, Door Schedul-e. !rc. A11 openlngs into corridors from apartments are specified rtBtr l-abel openings, doors and jambs included, as noted on A-16rDoor Schedul-e. These openings are ful-l-y weaLherstripped to eliminatedrafts. Vtt. Steel ladder requlred by Section 3305(n) amended by Vail Ordinance number 6 and the roof hatch that 1s required by Sectlon 3305(f) were focated and approved by the Vail Fire Chief as shown in detail- on Chanqe Pfan C-4. VtZ. See f tem t-t-. 13. The trash chute cited is located neither in a stairway nor an a exit corridor, but in a vestibule as delined by Section 3308(g)2,4 openings i-nfo whlch are required to have a I hour fire resistive- rating and shall- have closing devices as specified by Section 3309(h)6. The seff-closing rrBtr 1abe1 doors on the chute complywith these requirements. As for the termination of the chute as requi-red by Section 1706(c), the termination of this chute does occur in a separate room on the 2nd floor as indicated on A-2. V )-4. Concerning the requirements set for|h in Section 1304, the sil-l heighth of all windows is no more than It-6-l/2tt from finishedfl-oor with the heads at 7t-IO-L/2rr from flnished fl-oor. VI5, To comply with Section 1305(a), the wlndows to rooms 11 and !lon al-l- floors will be increased to a width of 2'8" to provide approximately 1/ square feet of window or I0% of the floor area of elther of the rooms. 1127 RACE STREET T OENVEF. COLORADO 80206 I TELEPHONE {303) 355-6400 III Frasler & Glngery, fnc -3-March 6, l-973 v 16. Referrlng to Section 1305(a), exhaust fans are noted as fi-xtureB on E-l-, VI6A. Door to room [O1A] on 1st floor is specified. as an rrArr labelopenlng, door and jamb incfuded, with a feyed lock and a closeras stated on 4-16, Door Schedule. V L7. All- wa1ls in bath areas to have vinyl base as noted on ChangePlan C-3, to compJ_y wlth Sectlon 1711(a). UIl. Stair treads are to have a 7-f/4" rise and a lO[ run to complywifh the requirements in 3305(c), and to accompllsh the !r8rlvertical rise from finish floor to finlsh floor ln 16 rlsers. VW. ALl landings to conform to Section 3305(f) in that they are 3rBttwide in the dlrection of travel, which is equal to thewidth of the stair whlch conforms with Section 3305(b). VZO, Al-l- stair handrails will be 12" from the nose of the tread tomeet the requirements of the Vail^ Buitdlng InspecLor and con-form to Section 3305(i). y'Zt. To neet the requirements of Section 3305(o), the minimum head rOOm at gnrr T,.'\,'..J-i nh ic Q?Ort :nrl hrr Senti^n 3305(h), ttre diS-i""""-,'"itt";ii;";;;'1"""u"v i.ilaiilgl"i;-[' r0" and distancefrom f l-oor to floor is 9 t gtt. r'ZZ. fn accordance with Section 1BO5 and,/or 1905, al-l- stair treads and platforms are constructed of 1,000 psi relnforced concreteto be welded No a 5rr x Btr boxed beam serving as a support forboth as seen in stair sectj.on on A-13, The boxed beam is tobe constructed of two 08 x l-3.75 channels with a ful-1 penetra- tlon, slightly convex, single Vee groove wefd continuous alongthe jolsts in the manner shown in Sectlon on Change Plan C-4. 4 23. A11 guardrails are 1n compliance with Section l-71-4, in that all ' intermediate rails, or balusters, are 6tt on center as indicated on A-15. tu 24. In eonformance wilh the requlrements set forth in Section 3207(e)subsurface perforated drain pipes set ln gravel beds w111 beprovlded to handle surface and subsurface water. 1127 BACE STREET r DENVEF, COLORADO 80206 r TELEPHONE (303) 355.6400 Frasier & Gingery, Inc.-4-March 6, 1973 V zn.See Change Plan C-4 for details concernlng flashlng at thejuncture of the roof and the vertlcal wal1 above the corridor on the 7th f1oor. V 26. See Change Plan C-3 for elevation concerning exit from northstalrway. The exlt from the smoke proof enclosure is provided at the 2tl/2 fl-oor leve1. V 2T. Plan H-L ls taken from a typical floor pLan and the waLf con-flguratlon can be seen more accuratel-y on elther A-1 or S-1 . lZA. The room finish schedule shown on A-14 1s for typicaL floors and by reason is not to include any exceptlons that may occur. As for the fi.nish of the mechanlcal room, the masonry 1s un- covered and the wall sectlons are indLcated on A-14 and explained on A-13. l/Zg. To comply with 3309(b) as amended by Val1 Ordinance number 6,the north stair [OO] fs a smoke proof enclosure, and rneets all requirements set forth in Section 3309. UlO. All doors to the vestibules and both stairs remain closed atall times and are equipped with passage hardware and closers as noted on A-16. Door Schedule. Uy. PART B COMPLIANCE WITH ENGINEERING REGULAT]ONS Concerning Speclal Inspections, the Inspector and Strength testsof Concrete, these will be provided for in Addendum to Speclfl-catlons - Division I, Section IC(n) Inspections - herein stated: la. Speclal inspection will be requlred for all concrete, cast-in-p1ace 1n footlng, foundations and walfs as per building inspector. l-b. Speclal inspection of alI reinforced masonry w1l-l be required as per bui-1ding inspector. l-c. A11 weldj"ng on job site are connections of fabrlcated members whlch wi-11 comply with appropriate sectlons and tables ln Chapter 2f and will be inspected as per building lnspector. STREET r DENVER, COLOFADO 80206 r TELEPHONE (303) 355-640011 27 RACE v2. v3 y'r. y'r. V6 Frasler & Gingery, Inc -5-March 6, 1973 See Dlvision I, Section fC(n) or agent approved by bulldinglnspector.. Anending Dlvlslon I, Section lC(n) 2, Tests of concrete for uLtlmate compressj_ve strength sha11be made throughout the Job in conformance with Sectlon2605G) by an approved. testing agent. In Dlvlsion If 2A(h), hereln amended to say; Under all_ slabson gr.ade, as noted and shown on the structural drawings, com-paeted natural soils will be provided. In compliance with Section 2905(a) as amended by ordinancenumber 6, Town of Vai1, the flnlsh grade, 1n all cases, wllIvary from s1lght1y above, (6" or so), to far above, (!tto Br),the finished flrst floor as indicated in Sectlon 3/S-I . The refenence to ACI - lpfl code as opposed to 1970 UBC codels rather trlvlal . Although unadopted by the UBC, the ACIcode is generally accepted as being more cuffent and moreeomprehensi.ve slnce the specificatlons printed 1n the UBCcode are wj-thout exceptlon that ACI code which was used J to! years prior to printlng of the code, 1.e., 1920 UBC codeused 1963 ACI code. Therefore, calculatlons and conslderatlonslnvolved here meet and exceed the UBC code. The connections cited are adequate according to our structuralenglneer. If, however, additional ties may be required byBultrding Inspector, we wi-11 compJ_y. Note that the bearlng capacities of spread footlngs recom- mended were arrived at using the overaLl soils analysis andthere after statlng that the bulldlng mentioned would haveno significant settllng problems. Thus, the fact remains thatthe ultimate compresslve strength of the soils involved is 5000 psf. {r. ,,Y 6. 1127 RACE STREET I DENVER, COLORADO 80206 r TELEPHoNE (303) 355-6400 o coLoRADO 80303 ASSOCIATES Mr. Bob Har f ord Ilibberd Constructlon 1127 Race Street Deuver, Colorado 80206 Re: VilJ-age Center lI Dear Bob The following comments are in response to your questions which I uuderstand were proxopted by a plan revler,T authorized by the CJ.ty of VaiL: As epecified on Sheet S-2, all masonry work below the second floor requires trspecial. inspectiontt in order thac the higher sEress values glven in the Uniform Buildlng Gode may be used. The interpretat j.on of che ueaning of rrspecial inspectionrr is, 1n our opinion, the sole responsibillt.y of the buil'ding of f icial. We have revlewed theto supporting nemb er s 26/54 and 27lS4, andwlth proper weldlng,theLr adequacy. PLease Let me know lf you have fuither regardi.ng either che structural deslgn drawlngs. 444-.t951 Consulting Engineers r,.,tl-\ /-ic,L rB.w MEMBER 910 TWENTY.EIGHTH STREET BOULOER. JOHNSON -VOILAND-ARCHULETA & W. B.,JOiINSON ROBERT H VOILANO S. J. ARCHULETA March I, L973 connectlons of bar j oists , as indicated in Sectlons are of the opl.nion that t there ls oo questlon about problens or questions or the atructural , 1. , Johnson WBJ: fw o box roo r vail. colorado 8r657 . 3o3.a76.56r3 r' r a Ma:rch 2, TO: 19 73 TERRY M]}IGER TOWN COUNCIL PI..A}INING COMMISSTON FROM: KENT ROSE JIM LAMONT RE: The following recommendationsStaff after careful :review of DIAI'IA TOUGHILL STAFF REVIEW OF VTLLAGE CENTRX : :l are made by the Town of Vailthe pnoposed p:roject: 1. 2. We _feel approval should be given only for building rrB[ and that the ::emainden of the projecl should be r6viewedunden the pnoposed new zoning ordinance and master plan. Temporary par"king should be funnished on the site forBuilding ?'A" "nd building "Btt (as shown on site plan)until such tine as pedesirian precinct masten olin andtnansportation terminal plans are cornpleted and adopted.At that time we suggest negotiations with Mn. Hibbe:rdi1 an atter^rpt to pr-viOe alt parking in the tnansporta-tion terminal or to pnovide airy on iite parking bl1owgrade. ff appnoval is given, it should be sulject to an approvedlandscaping plan for both buildings, with particullrattention to the stream tract. A11 trash areas should be scneened f:rom view. We suggest that the exterior treatment of the building besoftened by the addition of wood veneer or other suitiotenatu:ra1 material. '6. A11 signs nust be uppoou*a by the S:gn Review committee. 3. $. 5. rl t'ciii .,t !li!ii: 6 o A rch i f eE !,y'ao. 'l lr ..t--r/ /'"oo LeEa I Descr iption Use Zor:e Qe-t , Does Use F.A.R. Allowed ,r.;s-; / , ' b//'F.1t.R. Actual .# , {ct ua I Square Foof age Setback Requ i rements: //, +4 &.. t.;r.t:? 4 , 0ver (Undei- j Frcnt _ /3- , Sides _1q__; Rear ./a Con f o rm , az./ et-r4*'rr) /c.n-dL/rL/ ..L,,;-*-- ? E.. -7-- 6 t=aVVA-Lot S i te 6"-.4L?-:Jo_*:_, ?laza Creltt .&!: /t f,,t1..'4Allon,able Square Fccfcge _ <(/,6-:4.5-, __ Setback Provided: 'arking Required lront /9o' , Sidcs 7-sfrq'At' , Rear tr:/.'-,,6Hs.8 incovered d1 4(-. 4d ^..Prirkir-. Frovided: CovereC -i7 ! t-1rl4tlryryrys'/ -e o /r' e o i1,{,o i "-/ 1?'/s!€ lar .A '.'/tP2 bC' z- s' itA a *.t Ji',4.R. Ai.j l) 'ARl(lli'l CALCULATICIj S :-5 ' tX 3a. ..- , x 7J' 'jzr x 6tr i3.)trA 7 7,s' Y </'e t' /r- X, F,f 6'i- x 4o,?'- /7 x ef, J- F a,', r t7 a "7.12- t7 < 17 L..2f t -/a' S,)-,, /f. a .e r t5 C, e l. -/ 5- j.Ye.oa- !-4.2:!-1-tJ:r'"6€ 6qZ f ,t,t. z J' /6,.u_-.-f?/ 5 o : /Z f:. Jf ; r'z::-:-* '?.ca /.26- l. .<s1 / . 5'4 4.ao 0, a.. t' 34. 15 *' /7.. 6 t iO6 qa. s'a qs O' ' c 6o /. o o 4 . .t.:-- 5/, ? 3 /a7.5 c ,/4 y'.3 t /'/6, tc L/4 t./, 5 / ( ?a ."o) I r /./. 5-/ (n' Qloo{ ./3.1-" I t€3- i ro . e) 5 r,eo td 5tz >t < a 6X s-e!-ea!,- a !, 1- s t -1 t ?4. 6- / ;- J7 ,-67..'6' 3 s.ttt. s' 7 85-q 37 '/ r',atJ-,?/ /40 xt sl,,o1. B *,tl(n 7 '.r,/l Iaft ,/-, -J,/ W {fu-?L,L1-<'47 ]OMMENTS ON REVERSE S IDE I :ifI i: GSNER.AL , Owner,/Contractor:r A.rehitegtural DesignrStructural Design:, . survey and Topography: BUILDING DATA Use: Occupancy Group.: Type of Construction:Fire Zoner Stories:Total Floor Area:. Occupant Load: Cod.e: Seismic zone! Valuation: ST'UMARY PLAN CHECK - VILT.AGE CENTER - f970 EditionVail - ordinance Hibberd Construction ComPany Robert J. Harford,' Designer W. B. Johnsonr P. E. Kenneth E. Richards, P. E. r L. Kal Zeff and Associates Apartment House HII III 7 33,400 square L67 S. Feet Uniform Building code as amended by Town of Numbers 6 and 14I $701,400.00 FrwfiEr & Gingery, Inc, cotvsuLl-twG EwG\|vEERS 2840 SOUTH YALLEJO STREET EHGLEWOOO COLORAOO 801 IO f€LEPHONE 303 76r-4860 March I,197 3 PART A REVIEW FOR COMPTIANCE WrTH OCCUPANCY, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON AND EXIT REQUIREMENTS Items found to be fully or partially in violation of the Code are listed in subsequent paragraphs: A11 openings in exterior walls should be protected by afire asseubly having a 3/4-hour fire-protection rat5-ng when they are less than 20 feet frorn an adjacent property line or center line of publ-ic space. East rqal1 of the building should. comply. Section 1903 (b). Structural Members 1. 2. 3. A11 structural frameresistive provisions hour fire resistive Floors rnembers should comply with fire-of Section 1903 (a). Note that 2-protection is required. Floor construction should comply with fire-resistiveprovisions of Section 1903 (a). Floors should be of 2-hour fire resistive construction. 4. WeF Standpipe 'Wet standpipe system should comply with the requirements of Section 3804. Details should be given so that the review for compliance can be rnade, 5.Balconies Exterior balconies should, be constructed of noncombustible material-s. Note that the plywood and wood is specified on the details, (Drawing A-13). Section 1710. / TANDCIVII, ENGINE€RIXG SURV.EYING / STORA4 DRAINAGE / STRUCIURAT / TRANSPORTAITON / WITPN & 5ANITATION -2-PIan Check - Villase Center March I, 1973 6. Mechanical Room - First FLoor AlI openings into the mechanical room should be protected.with a self-closing fire assembly having a minimum l-hourfire-protection rating. Vents in the west wall shoul_dcomply. Section 3320 (a). 7. Door Swing - Mechani,cal Room Exit doors should swing in the direction of exit travel when serving any hazardous area. Note that door (39) tomechanical room d,oes not comply with this requirement.Section 3303 (b). 8. Roof Covering Roof coveri-ng should be fire-retardant as for the require-ments of Section 3203 (c). Note that 400 1bs. per roofingsquare of gravel is required, whereas only 275 1bs. ofgravel is specified. 9. Exit Enclosures All exit doors within the exit enclosures should be pro- tected by a fire assembly having a fire-protection ratingof not less than I L/2 hours. This informatj-on should begiven on the drawings. Sectj-on 3308 (c). l0; Corridor Every door opening in the walls of a corridor should beprotected with a smoke or draft stop fire assembly in compliance with the requirements of Section 3304 (h). This information shouLd be given. 11. Ladder to the Roof A steel ladder shouLd be provided for access from floorof the top story to the roof surface. Ladder should con-form to the requj-rements of Section 3305 (n) as amendedby Ordinance No. 6, Town of Vail. -3-Plan Check - Village Center March 7, l-97 3 L2. Stairway - Roof Hatch Required interior stairways extending to the top floor in the building 4 or more stories in height should have provided an openable roof hatch in conformance with Sec- tion 3305 (1). Note that none of the stairways complies r,rith this resuirement. 13. Trash Chute Openings into the trash chute should not be located in exit corridors or stairways. Note that the trash chute located in the north side of the building does not com- ply with this requirement. Section 1706 (c). 14. EJngrgency Windows Windows in the sleeping rooms should have a sill height not more than 48 inches above the floor. The information shoulcl be given. Section 1304. 15. Light - Habitqhle Eooms A1f habitable rooms within a dwelling unit should be pro- vided with natural light by means of windows or skylights with an area of not less than 1/I0th of the floor area of such rooms. Window to room 53 and 1l does not comply. Section 1305 (a). 16. Ventilation ,', In bathrooms, water closet compartnents and, similar rooms a mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside and capable of providing 5 air changes per hour should be provided. It is doubtful that the duct system alone is sufficient without the installation of the exhaust . fans. Section 1305 (a). L7. Wa1ls - Toilet Rooms Sanitation provisions of Section 1711 (a). toilet room walls is should comply with the reguirements Nonabsorbent finish and backing for required. 18. Stairwayr - Risers a.nd Treads Risers on stairways should not exceed 7 L/2 inches and runs should not be less than 10 inches. This informa- tion should be on the p1ans. Section 3305 (c). 19. I,andings Every landing should have a dimension equal to the wid.th of the stairway when measured in the direction of travel. Note that this-dimension is not given. Section 3305 (f). 20. Handrails iSdairway handr.ails should not be above the nosing of treads. The cified on the drawings. Section -4-Plan Check - Village Center March L, L973 2L, placed more than 34 inches dimension should be sPe- 3305 (r). permitted to flow over where the drainage on the plot Plan. Every required stairway should' haVe a headroom clearance of not less than 6 feet 6 inches. The dimension should be given. Section 3305 (o). 22- Stairwavs - General Stairway details shown on the drawings are incomplete. Details should be submitted so that the requirements of Section 1905 can be reviewed. 23. Guardrails * Balconies Open guardrails should have intermed,iate rails such that n6 object 9 inches in diameter can pass through. Guard- rails specified for exterior balconies should comply. Section L714. 24. Roof Drain.a_ge Roof drainaqe water should not be public property. The inforrnation water is conveYed should be given Section 3207 (e). Stairway Headroom - 5:- Plan Check - Village Center March 1, L973 25. Roof- Flashing At the juncture of the roof and vertical surfaces, flashing and counterflashing should be provided. Details should be included on the drawings. Section 3209. 26. North Exit The lst and 2nd floor laYout of unclear. Required exit door is p1ans. The discrePancY should 27.Floor Plans - Mechanical Floor plan of the north side incorrectlY on the mechanical 28. Rooqr Schedule 29. the north exit area i-s not shown on the floor be corrected. of the building d.rawJ-ng (H-1). is shown Mechanical room on the first f100r is listed, as a bedroom (56) in the room finish schedule. One of the required sure. Section 3309 Town of Vai1. exits shoufd be (b) , as amended a smokeproof enclo- bv Ordinance No. 6, 30. The exit doors into the vestibule and into the encl0sure should close automatically when released by activation of a detector meeting the requirements of Section 4306 (b) 2. The door holding devices should be of an approved type wfrich would reLeas6 the doors so that they would cfclse in the event of a power failure. Smokeproof Enclosure - Ventilation -6-Plan Check - Village Center l4arch I, 1973 PART B REVIEW FOR COMPLIANCE WfTH ENGINEERING REGULATIONS Items found to be fully or partially in violation of the Code are tisted. below: 1. Special Inspqctions Special inspection is reguired at aII times for the fo1- lowing work: a) Concrete b) Masonry c) Welding Such inspections should be required by the specifications. Section 305 (a) and Town of Vail Special Construction Requirements. 2r Special Inspec!,or Special inspector should be employed by the owner and approved by the Building Official. Provisions should be made in the specifications. Section 305 (a). Tests of concrete should be required for all concrete having an ultimate compressive strength in excess of 21000 psi. Provisions for such tests should be made in the specifications in conformance with Section 2605 (e). All required concreLe cylinders and slump tests should be taken by an authorized agent of Materials Testing service' Concrete cylinders should be collected, cured and tested by this agency. 4. Slabs On Grade Discrepancy exists between the specifications calling for the slabs to be placed over the gravel base, and the draw- ings where slab placed on compacted natural soils is spe- cified. Specifications should be corrected- 3. -7-Plan Check - Village Center March 1, L973 7.Roof Framin Roof framing appear to be culations be connections shown on section ]6-pa and 27-54 i;;;;;;"1 -it i"-i""o**tnded that the ca1- suurni[ted for a review' 5. Footi.ngs. In no case should footings extend less than 3 feet' 6 inches below ttle finist'tO gtaJe' tfti" information should be given on tt. ctrawings' -seclion zgos (a)' as amended by ordlnance No. 6, Town of Vail' Design should be based on 1970 !!1tio1 "f "!11I:5P Building Code". ifln""gh ecr-fg7l Code is commonly accepted at prese-ntr--it-tt"= not been adopted' by UBc' 8. Note that the bearing capacities of spread.footings recommended by tfre S5ifs Engineer were arrived at using th" ."",*ptioi that the ruilding would be of four storyl wood frame type construction. Determination should be made whether the design criteria would remain unchanged if tfr" present buildiig loads were considered' Section 2903 (c). 226't-offiW o February 28, 1973 TO: TERRY MINGER TOWN COUNCfL PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: FRED HIBBERD, JR. RE: BUfLDING PERMIT FOR VILLAGE OENTER, BUILDING B Thank you for the opportunlty to meet wlth you l_ast Monday lnorder to discuss V111age Center construction plans. Becauseof a serj-ous tlme probl-em along with very serious financial-commi-tments, I am requesting that the Town of Vail issue abullding permlt for village center based on the following facts: l-. On October 30r 1972, per:m1ssi_on was granted by the Town ofVa11 bo excavate for Bu11d1ng B, Vlllage Center. On that same date, a Notlce of fntent to Excavate was on file withthe Department of Labor and Employment, Dlvi.sion of LaborSafety Inspeetion Branch for the State of Colorado. 2. On November 2L, 1972, Permit No. 000210 was granted toHibberd constructlon company for the use of rlago construction Company to make the sewer and water taps for Bui1dings A andB in V1llage Center. A11 permit fees have been paid. 3. 0n January 4, 1973, final and complete plans and specifi-catlons were submitted to the Town of Vall BulLdlng Depart- menb and the fee of $21052.25 was pal_d by our check no. 1021and was deposlted to the Town of Vall General Account No.501-36-0. The pl-ans and speeifications comply with theUniforrn Buildlng Code as well as loca1 zonlng ordi.nances. 4. 0n January 29r 7973, I met wlth the Town Trustees relativeto the bulldlng permit. In my opinion, I am in fu11 complianceand ordinances of the Town of Vall-. Ipernit for Bui]ding B be authorized andthls proJect shoul-d be viewed based on1ng permlt made on January 4, t973. wlth all of the regulati-ons request that the bulldlngissued. I believe that my application for a bulld- 1127 BACE STREET r DENVER, COLORADO 80206 r TELEPHONE (303} 355-6400 Page TwoFebruary 28, 1973Terry Mlnger.Bullding Permit The Town of vall- has had the plans and speciflcatlons 1n itspossession for !! days. Normal revlew, as I am told by theBullding Department, should take not more than 30 days. r stress that a delay in the issuance of the building permlt may well cause me to lose this project. Slncerely, //;fu Fred Hibberd, Jr. 1127 RACE STREET I DENVEB, COLOHADO 80206 r TELEPHoNE (303) 355-6400 ,. FrEifi & Gingty, hn C O N S TJ LTI lV G EIV G I J E E F S 2E4O SOUTH YALLEJO SnREE| ENCLEWOOq COLORADO 80ItO fELEPHONE 303 /61-1860 February 23, .|973 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Chi ef Bui l di ng 0f f i c'ial Town of VailP. 0. Box 100Vai1, Co'lorado 8'1657 Re: Vi l l age Center - P'lan Check0ur Job No. 452.01 Dear Jerry: Thank you for selecting our firm to perform theplan check of the subject project. The drawings, specifi-cations and ca'l culations were received in this office onFebruary 15. 0ur preliminary take-off of general buildingdata is attached. llle expect to complete our review duri ngthe week of February 26. A prelim'inary report will bedelivered to you on/or prior to March 5, '1973. If you have any questions regarding the referencedsubject, p'l ease contact us at any time. l,le are happy to have thi s opportuni ty to provi deour servi ces to the Town of Vai'l . Very truly yours, FRASIER & GINGERY, INC. Miles Hubik, P,E.Project Engineer MH/ gb Art. CIVI! ENGINEERING IAND SURVEYING SIORA{ DRAINAGE SITUCTUNAI TTANSPORfATION WATET A SANITATION General: Owner/Contractor: Architectural Design:Structural Des i gn: Survey and Topography: Soi I Investigations: Bui I di ng Data: Use: 0ccupancy Group: Stori es : Tota'l F'loor Area: Val uati on (Bl dg. ) Permi t Fee: P'lan Check Fee: 2/23/73 VILLAGE CENTER. BUILDING B PRO.JECT DATA Hi bberd Constructi on Co. Robert rI. Harford, Desfgnerl.l. B. Johnson, P.E. Kenneth E. Ri chards, P. E. , L. S.Kal Zeff and Associates, Ltd. House re feet Apa rtment u 7 33 ,400 sq $70't ,400.$ Bze.$ qt+. ua 00 50 25 t F,r--?'t AP* 13 Aprt)L L9' 1973 Mr. Ken Richaxds Richards Engineers Bon 643 VaiL, . CoLonado 8L657 Dear Ken: It has come to my attention that 99neal-+zx-az'-sonneLhaue been "hanging aroundtt- our iob site a{viLlage Center--fot no a?pa1enE veason. ----- - '-'- Ioun firm has been employed for the inspection of te- infoycing steel placement, strubtuTal steel pLacement and qn| . weld.ing -inspee tion requiz'ed by the Building Inspecton ' Ihis is the enient Z1 your funeti.on in relation to our Vi,LLage C-enter iob a.t this ti'me'. - We wi.LL not eatend payment for any houn for any, person not connected. uith these paitieular instances' nor uiLL ue 'eutend paynent fon any eteessioe amount of- tine taken to,inspect the paitibular 'actiuilies. An eupet,ienced engineer is abLe to i,nsp-ect placed, reinforcing steeL, str,ucturaL steel or ueldi'n.g uety qunZklg 'and. be able- to re-nder inteLligent eomments uithout ttuandering" around- the iob si'te for extended Lengths of time. As fon scheduli,ng of i.nspections, your office uiLL-b-e noti.fied one day in adpancb, ^ore adpance notice if we,are abLe, to prooide the -ne"nssary inspections. ]ther than qt these tdmesr the'presenee of your inipectbrs is unnecessary and may hanper our pnoductdon echedule. We are eonfi,dent of your competency and I hope ue c-a'n-. erpeet a good worki'n'g xeLati'onlhi.p uith youn firn. A copy of thi's Leiter ds bei'ng sent to the VaiL Building fnspector. SincereLy, Bob Hanford Project Manager RH/cjL 1ftc: M?. Jenry Aldz'idgecc: Mr. Herman L. Harroun 1127 RACE STFIEET ! DENVER, COLOBADO 80206 t TELEPHONE (303) 355'6400 ,. :,! t- ..rlL-I I April 25, 1973 Sincerely, Bob Harford Project Manager RHrZc j1 cc: Mr. Jerry ALdridge/sc: Mr. Herman Harroun NH !*! L-lt:UCTION t{r. Ken Richards Richards . Engineers Box 643Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ken, I apologize for the misunderstanding concernin_g the services of your firm. It was very unclear as to what the Building Inspector was reguiring of you as stated to us. So, when I ieceived certain information from Herman concerning the questionable activities of some of your personnel , I reached a conclusion that, unbeknownst to me' was unwarranted. It has since been clarified by Jerry AJ-dridge exactly what he expected your people to perf,orm and I now find that the inspectioni requiied by him were in the realm of activities of your Personnel reported. to me. I wouLd again apologize for the misunderstanding and ask onJ.y that your necessary inspections be kept as brief as possible with regard. to any work which is to be inspected. RIGHARDS ENGTNEERo{C.LETTT @F TRANSnflIT"TALF. LE t+ M^l 73 oArE lJoB NO. Morr 1A 1(171 I It1-?C WE ARE SENDING YOU xF Attached n Under separate cover via the following items: D Shop drawings n Prints n Plans n Samples E Specifications D Copy ol letter E Change order n P. O. Box 643 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 Uai, 47Flfi72 Dewer 24+1521 TO lr{r - .Terry A1 dr{ ch Town of Vall Buililing Departnent PeeE Offlee Bex 100 VaiL' Colorado 816s7 Mr. Ilernan Harroun I{ibberd Construction Co. Poet Offlce Box 641 Vall, Colorado 81657 GENTLEMEN: coPrEs DATE NO.DESC R IPTI ON 1 Inspectlon Reports l{ay 3 - May 9, 1-973 fffit^" center *rase b : THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval xfi For your use E As requested D Approved as submitted ! Resubmit-copies for approval I Approved as noted n Submit -copies {or distribution I Returned for corrections D Retu rn -corrected prints 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US I For review and comment n N FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Kenneth E. Richarde \ fm troa* i.r 6rH &&6 artlt, rE, Im4 b! tt cncloaurea arc not aa noaad, kindly notity us at once. SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL 'ilil f ti , .:i -: ,';: ( o DATE Project Name CONCRETE: LOCAT ION CORRE tnspector l.FT&+,1r (2.".5-7-cy t0Ns UIREAPPROV E ilLP ,1t"30 -5--z-z 7:, ;7 {Ti.-. 7t r -,",t' /, }v ( /dc'/( o''!{,/(,tti.,.k 1t 4ay'1*4(t:''), o, 11.1€q 4.:/ t tL! y- PRECAST ADDITIONAL REMARKS I I II l ) i : 'i I I SPECIAL INSPECTTON REPORT TOWN OF VA IL Project Name CONCRETE: tnsp"c+or ftl,U K (?t5:7-zS 4eB q; s I | ,tt<DATE /a'oa Ua< / d:/{ /Z?00 /d:16 t h LOCAT ION APPRO VE CORRECTIONs RE 44Si,=77"2 )q ,' )* // <./ .'rt Vn ,,,,/F /e p 4rS- ,{"' tle /r{Vr L F. -< 1 s-r4.t,| )-t ",,t'r-+ ! f--Yj .:'7\,.(')7, i ei(l- STEE L: PRECAST: ADD IT IONAL o SP EC IAL INSPECT tON REPORT TOWN OF VA I L Project Name c- as7-4 nspec+or FRAtiA; .t /tlt-,DATE 12:aa J:0a /t .'./f 'i:l{/n 1Z: 0o 5 CONCRETE: LOCAT ION MA ONRY: 4e Eav- STEEL:ht- /sr*'z 'W', t-t *t.es )a ci ^t /4tf ,,J:S 5'd lluis sLt^/J 6ei,"1atn RRECT IONS R UIREOAPPROV E j:. c E-rt.! 4er,:.rt5 /..r 7-- 'D'N'f* /sf tri. "ta// -s,/a'b.. y'a-i f i.'i-. :' i:r/.,-u /<'f ,/:- /'ri #e *: :,r,t i.:'j-'*F, t ;,f, l', U r'' PRECAST: ADD IT I ONAL REI.4ARKS SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOI{N OF VA I L Project Name CONCRETE: lnspector $-',- C <t: /7r | :qd ORRECT IONS R UIRED {/4i -fTO 'tJ'+,r / t f-. f i, lt:s;4. 6vn"4tuJ Ce//r ; (i,.,'.f)li,^$- c. .ff.,'tet/.c tt- f/>/3 3 *-6< Cctl'lcGft at,' aL/r&! Ud 4,- e:K_ PRECAST: REMARK Materllrc Testing S&vice , q53l West 8th Ave.825 -5261 MATERIALS REPORT {o' Hibberd Construction Job'No or t. O. 902-1 Date Tes ted : 5/ t+/V)Locati@ Mjx I.D.: 5t sk SlumP: 4" Ajr:tlt/Cu. Ft. : Ai r Temp.: 5Oo Concrete TemP.: Total Water: 15 gal + F A Moisture: Max. Agg. S'ize: 3/4" Max. Size Load C'Y': I |,Jeather: Time Batched: 9:l+O Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: Time Placed; 9:50 Time Testedt 9t55 Tested BY: PM & J-I - MTS ,tart cyLtNDERs 902(Set 9) 1@ l+5 Days Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 1@ 14 Day Cylinder Dja ?@28 Day 6.014 r9O1 6.015 26OL i;'o2o 31',79 6. c19 Lg77 (' ':l r /' ]l93 )L+3 5 "Average: rB89 REMARKS: REPORT TO: Hibberd Constructi-on Herman Herroun CitY of Vail Denvec Colo. 80204 Water TernP. : Total Yards: Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 12 Ti cket # 7 432 a_t_Yt l'& Yi el d:+ du''r 7a t tl RICHARDS ENGINEER.NC. P. O. Box 643 vAtL,coLoRADO 81657 Yall 476.fi72 DetIrlq ?44-t521 Department Mr- ll!.yrnan l{Frro n Illbberd Constructlon Co. P.O. Box 641 Vai.l", Colorado GENTLEMEN: ffiTrT OF TRANsnfl[TTAL lJoB NO l4ay 3, 1973 I V3-25 TO WE ARE SENDING YOU :g Attached D Under D Shop drawings ! Prints ! Copy of letter I Change order the lollowing items: E Samples fl Specifications separate cover I Plans vra u THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked I For approval Q*for your use O As req uested E For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE below: n Approved fl Approved fl Returned as submitted as noted for corrections I n n Resu bm it--copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Retu rn -corrected orints fl 19 t] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US pEg4pK5 Notel No deglgn mlx hae been submltted the Concrete any. ? fon aoo - lfr Ath B6t d ldric, lF , Tffitn, [G.. ss ,t onct. COPY TO SIGNED: lf €nclosures ,ae not as notad, kindly notilll Kenneth E. Rlbhards \ Project Name CONCRETE: LOCAT I ON SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L APPROV EDATE y'A c/z) 'oa ,7Q /,'t o 2-7 *J. jo 2- -J- u./ 1tz z r,e /=, t' ir. l/L.zJ- ,^, l'ry o/ '' 4 tt'J:" tl ut: i.t::-7 7 7 32.r-j :- -' lnspector CORRECT IONS REOU I RE ': .' ,1, c7r g/ /.|--tlt u'e51- Lat'* // 3: Te,-e I /I/, .- rq A.> r t"/i' l /e'/t r, tx' O;1 ' /tt i: <. /f'.' F /tttt fl lr-'r- /r. S.L c-p ' l4*// .s'a " t-4 'u t t ts Z t" o ,/P o ..." ;'74 L{/, 17 STEE L: PRECAST: eci f T IONAL REMARKS ilAtEllALg REPORI fot Job t{o or l. D. 902-1 Date Tested V)an) MixI.D.:5Bk Slun': llater Terp.: Total Yardr: llax. Agg; Si ze: Tine Brtched: Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Drys: Cyl'inder 0la. 6,0o4 Hlbberd ConstnratLm l-rt" Air: Ai r Terp. : Total l'later: l'|ax. Slze Load c.Y.: Tlm P'laced: ltOO Locrtlon: Yall Vl11age Center Also: Dlllon, Longrnont Vcil, Castlc Rock Truck Ti cket # Ylel d:I'lt/Cu. Ft. : Concrete TenP.: F A Molsture: l,leather: Tlme Tested: Tested By: Hibberd 6resr CYLINDERS 9O2(Set 8) 1O7 Day 2797 Average: REMARKS: Hlbberd Hernan Clty of Cylinder Dia. 5.998 Cylinder Dia 1@ 28 6.015 1t229 1@14 Day )504 Day Construcbion Herrotur Va11 ,,1 REPORT TO: flresr CYLINDER3 902(set 7) Cylinder D'la. 6.ol-2 6,O25 2A7 DaY 2t+)L 2?.80 Cylinder Dia. 6.016 hing Service Truck 15 Ticket # 7t+o7 Cylinder D'ia 29 28 DaY 6.010 l+Lzl+ 6.015 )976, tflso / Also: Dillon, Longmont Vall, Cestlc Rock F l53l West Eth {Ye,E;;';c"L80204 uAtERlALs REPoRT tor Hlbberd CdlEtsctton Job l,lo or r. o. 9O2-1 Da." Tesred z uzt/tt Locrtion: xiiittlilli;ii!"""r,.,0, Mix I.D.:}t Slu"p' 3t Air: 4'5 "'. |ltlCu'Ft' llater Telnp.: Air Temp':50o Concrete Tenp': 48o Total Yards: l+2 Total blaten F A Molsture: ttax. Agg. Slzez )/b Max' Size Load C'Y': 9 l''leather:c1ear Tlnn Batche 67 Lt55 Tlme Placed z 2t?5 Tim Tested:Z2bO Spec. P.S.I' at 28 Daysl 3000 Tested By: LETrdte 1@L5 rlayt 1@14 DaY lzZ9 Average: REIAARf,S: 2)55 ( -[fl\,I t f 'lrni H H REPORT TO: Hibberd Construct'ion Hernan Herroun CttY of Vail oJ(( {all v RICHARDS EttcIXttRS, rNC. Port Offtc,c ld 643 Vall, Cbloredo 81557 475-5072 CONCRETE. }IASONRY AND BEIIIFOTCNTC CTIEL llFBT lor: Coac,r6tc Pl"sccoeat Drt.Tlllo Ilcrthcr .t.F Locrtlon 81rry 6?Uad.r. 'tn/1"?:?d |tu.f, n;aU/e {fa. nul?r ktotty tpa // 4-- ) t<, 7- j-z^^o.>te-l ' 6*t rU fit Sout?r/,i? attoferul lllronrv Irrroectlon a.,tade.?t*J blnlorctar Steel ar, -rau'-d art Lc. u,e 'E epe 6c n ale-p fe> aa1"c.cl*'-/ly 1'! f 'J. P. rtcr lg t ',oA, rNsPErlo* TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL oare 2& lvla:. zS JoB NAME T|ME RECE|VEo ,l , 3r AM J.!y_ CALLER or*r* Iil- &^I,*E Epenrral. l57A READY FOR INSPECTION WED l* I Rn TUEMON cbnartaenTs: ^*FRt nl AMP|IL I eppRovED -do,sAPpRovED D upoN rHE FoLLowrNo.o{"}r,o"r,X*ttNsPEcr CORRECTIONS - t o^r flr-,\,...'. jrzil" cr.r l-;->t...'...,n., RICHARDS ENGINEERSIING. P. O. Box 6,4!l vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 Vall 475.,5O72 Dcmer 244"1521 To IrIr. Jerry Aldrich Post Offlce Bor 100 Vai1. Colorado 81657 Mr. Hermaa Harrouo Hibberd Construction Co. Post Office Box 641 Vai1, Colorado 81657 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU ExAttached n Under seoarate cover via , n Shop drawings E Prints LETTT @F TRANSnflITTAL DATE I JOB NO. vtav 24. L973 | V3-25 the lollowing items: I Plans n Samples ! Specifications n Copy o{ Ietter ! Change order i--r COP IES DATE NO.DESCR IPTIO N 1 Inspection Reoorts - Mav 17 - Nlav 24- 197i Vl11aoe Center Phnse TT l F, }.?r\Liar 74 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For app roval nE For your use fl As requested fj For review and comment n tr FOR BIDS DUE n Approved as submitted ll Resubmit-copies for approval D Approved as noted ! Submit -cooies for distribution n Returned for corrections n Return _corrected prints 19- t] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Kenneth E. Richards Im 2a60- i, ql-r&tB s.rL, r.,. la!.4 rrn- ,t enclosures ere not s3 notad, kindly notity lrs rt once. SPEC tAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L Project Name (-c,C r' ,4 DATE i LOCAT ION IAPPROVE rat,/ .'l/arVc.; u' , .nrl fl- t/<b t'u'e.tl'-s' i-' / -./ > Ili /t:Jo b, >,>n . /-aa 2.da {. {c ONCRETE ti {: f ,t.' L- CORRECT IONS REOU IRED -tt/ /{t a7- 17'c',t-. r''e ! " f- "'r.z tt F/) ) '1 .,44 i \\ 'l I il :l i I i I I I { I I , W+f s )de -?- gart'tQ as a-6''J< PRECAST: DD IT I Oi..IAL RE}4ARKS SPEC IAL INSPECT TO'I{N OF ION REPORT VAIL Project Nane r nspectorafufullf(:'cir 2'71- NCRETE: | | tu\'4 T IONS U IREoATE ! LoCAT loN IAP-PRoVE ll t 4'f '). :l -lt J l/ RY: (e'd.z\ TEEL: 1..., t // /-, +: t , '/- ) t.,'' :i sr-e /;tlp 8:?f 5, ?-,a a 7 :.7 g'--.-._-7;ju' {/,i,^' )d {-v,19'1L1, a u l-,/z/P !--,'tlt.{r.1ir:A tl ,:'t<.' A 17 kAST: ,-,!. tLt. ai. ra f / I:.'- , I-_r I'.=(P t/, , I i'|^ffi i,.i;J ,..t, {; "{ -' ;'/ ,..' .: t.' / -z+.i A^x../,) lc :3t ecl f ,2n / :L j4/ (1.'t."//,!i t /.L ( a.' j ! ; .,- Jrt f t'- ".., ,l * r,, -r, i/'::'-.t. . S '',-, r i' 'i'.<=,i ,7/o-,'t , r'/ r-t2.ii lY 't //i .{,/o,.w 1'-( 7t f :;. lr/,'t s 5' 1o b "'.: 21 ,.t{ {)ADD IT IO L REMARKS 7'.,i -rrt lz.t', ".t.J "q531 West 8th Ave.825 -526r ls Testing S?ruice t Materia Location: 2n6 fl-oor sl;lbs A.ir: 3 .2 Wt/Cu. p1,171y.6 .52 Yi el d: 1,o 14 DaY 4.())) Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT for Job No or L D. 9O2 Date Testedz5/21,/73 Mi x I. D. : >it 51 ump:3 " Water Temp.: Tota'l Yards: 2/' Max. Agg, sizezS/t Time Batchedi()22:i Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: TEsT CYLINDERS ),J'2(L?) Cylinder Dia. ?J7 }aY 6.010 zLt+3 6.or2 ?_L77 Average:2L60 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck l- 5 Ticket # 7556 Air Temp., 5Oo Total WaterrrS0 Aal. Max. Size Load C.Y.: T'ime Placed: l0:50 Concrete TemP.: F A Moisture:RII JUN2519R lrieather: Tjme Tested:ll:00 Tested By: l+#- Cylinder Dia. 5.998 Cyl inder Di a o.v4J 6.OL3 "2 28 DaY 3124 ??RA 1.1 45Dag REPORT TO: RTcHARDS j1:l?lf-rfc. vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 LtrTTil @F TRANSNflITTAL DAT| IJOB NO. l{av 18. 1973 | V3-25Vail 476.5O72 Denver 244-1521 To Mr. Jerrv Aldrieh Town of Vail Building Department Post Office Box 100 Vail-, Colorado 81657 Mr. Herman llarraun Htbberd Construction Co. Post Office Box 641 Val-1, Colorado 81657 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU * Attached Ll Under separate cover via D Shop drawings f] Prints the following items: E Plans D Samples D Specifications D CoPy ol letter E Change order tr COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I Insoection Reoorts Mav l-0 - L6. L973 t/ vlu"n. a."a"r tn"". -) trL;-1t lV'\ rr, i ? 3 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: fJ For approval 1p For your use E As requested [1 Approved as submitted n Resubmit-copies for approval D Approved as noted D Submit-copies for distribution D Returned for corrections fl Return - corrected prints 19- U PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US I For review a nd comment tr N FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Kenneth E. Richards l/ ,f €nc,Osu.es are nol as noted, kindty "t,r,b'' t40- r- r# &ffir sdrt ., !s 1tu.lr.r SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL Project Name CONCRETE Inspector FrtA /"'k €d-r 7'-4 -lr ll {,, nvP DATE LOCAT ION APPROVED CORRECTIONS REOUIRED t2.q :to rl,'u/>/s'tf/, sl,rb tL,e.r {- ri ,/e S4 rhrl>l 19 .u s r- r;t c-. .t .1 ' C,r,,: -/t*,5r- M RY: J:ort s/rr/t /37 . lt 2-'a f f . F., c f r ) tf ."-!z' I!4a tr.''/, f . Jd i i -'if t /s f' ,/z- 'a,'-' c( .{f- , f o ., ra,rl'- L r,, i .+ 'f i .{rt r /n/>/s f fa_-, rVr( ft. # ,;///rz / s7-v w t --c* -f7 r\ <i \. B <t.L'/<!: b p.J ,.u\ -.) - t..-''. .*/ r.l/:.i ar1 -- cc',<-t 'l€/ STEE L : [f.E, ",r ,<.ii. L'et,a,.i-1, ECAST: ADDITIONAL REI"lARKS . #, b: y'.tl t'',''""' +1. _t, t, *.->,1 -i ,:1=.7i::;-i --r-:-/i c[*---*, -')l -l ,^e' iy ,.', /t' 5:',, t) SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT . TOWN OF VA IL Project Name CONCRETE: tnspector+frJr'a ^/4'L- cl t- ,/:1 i At{DATE LOCAT ION CORRECT IO / p c--r,o-l - (,x..6. >_ ; lr* -l 7 ?/-.s 'r^-^<z-. 4r :4i ..t tLJU 4r APPROV E Tfi,e-ur- .,t(,{L! s- /ur-.I, 4h Out:,-t ( dv^-pa.i,x1 2".-4f/- uras/': AS NR slrht - bV s r r),;l e. /<'+A L"u,',il v],r f/z g e/lS t b art ti.le,'. i'f /vt,.-,'!+-*/'P d \- r- <Jt - t.- . 6/zt tYo,:-! ):(i r .\-r.., . r-. STEE L: RECAST: ADDITIONAL REMARK Mate ls Testing I Ser UIGE t I na fl1531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle RockDenver, Colo. 80204 Date Tested | 5/L6/73 Mi x I. D. : 5i- 51 umP: Water Temp.: Tota'l Yards: Max. Agg. Size: Time Batched: 8:00 Spec. P.S.l. at 28 DaYs: iTEST CYLTNDERS Cylinder Dia. 6,ozt+ 6.oog 9oz (serri) Average:21"70 REMARKS: leport to: MATERIALS REPORT for Hibberd Job No or l. D. 9O2-L 1e 14 Day ?,. qo Weather: Cylinder Dia 6.oLz 6.010 Truck nr.r Ilcke{T1 522 28 Day 4051 ?o1 ? 3982 Location: 2nd Floor Slabs l+n Ajr:2.8 !lt/Cu.Ft.:11+8.28 Y'ield: Air Temp.: t$ degrees Concrete Temp.: 55 degrees Total l.Jaterplus 10 gal. F A Moisture: sunnyMax. Size Load C.Y.: Time Placed:8:J0 Tested BY: P. l,lal one Ti me Tes ted: 8t l+5---- Rtt JUN 1 41973 2r0 7 Day 2266 2073 Cylinder Dia. 6.006 Town of Vai-lliibberd Construction Herman Herroun V VrLL\E Cc'rrT€R REPORT TO: 4 o Materia 825 -5261 6.015 3852 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Casth Rock 6.o18 37y7 6.0o8 3810 3 803 r'c531 Wesf 8th Ave. bbn"er, Colo. 8O2O4 6.0L5 z)ag 6.015 zSjo o ls Testing Service ilATERTALS REPoRT to, Hibberd. Construction Ilugk \5 robNoorr.D. go2 (set 1o) ffi Ticket # 7475 \# Date Tested z S/to/Zl Locatlon: 2nd floor slabs some small walfs Mix I.D.:5b-3/4" Slump: 4" A'ir: 2.2 t'{t/cu.Ft,: L47'76 vield: l,later. Tenp.:Air Temp.: 45 degrees Concrete Terp.: Total yards 2 2J yards Total t{aterho water added A Moisture' tl[I JUN 141973 Max. Agg. S'ize:Max. Size Load C.Y.:l.leather:1.1" Tinre Batched:6:30 Time Placedry31o Tjme TestedT:2O Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs:Tested BY: P' Malone . TEsr cyLtNDERs 9O2 (Set 10) ]'cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cyl.inder Dia. td4 Day cylinder Dia 2q28 Day 10 L5Day Average: 2309 REMARKSI REpORT TO: Hibberd Constnrction; Hernan Herrorxt; Clty of Vail Mate o a na ls Testing Service -1531 West 8th Ave.825-5261 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 14 Ti cket #9056 {?rA4 n[ JU1 131973 Yi el d: Tes ted By: 6.011 6.o09 L825 1918 u) Cylinder Dia. 6.012 1@ 14 Day 26L7 Cylinder Dia 6.or3 5.016 2E 28 Day 3].57 3279 1@ 45 Day Average: REMARKS: l-t72 REPORT TO: 9166""U I 3t68 Corstnrction; Denver, Co|o.80204 MATERIALS REPORT for !li!!s" Job No or l. D. 9Oz Date Tested 6/VZl Mix I.D.: i$ SlumP:3$ llater Tenp.: Tota'l Yards: L&r Max. Agg. Sizez)/11 Tjme Batched:7:O0 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: \rEtr cYLlNDens 9o2 (Set Cylinder Dia. 2@7 DaY Locati on:4 Airt 3.$"rt Air Temp.: 51o Total Water:-125 l.lax. Si ze Load C. Y. : Time Placed: 8:OO RIT JUI Floor Slab l,ltlCu. Ft. : Concrete TemP.: 6Z0 F A Moisture: Weather: sunny Time Tested: 8:15 Heman Herrounl City of Vail RTGHARDS ENctNEEotNC. P. O. Box 643 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 Vail 476..tO72 Denver 244.1521 To ltlr. Jerrv Aldrich Town of Vall Bulldlng Departmeot Poct Off{Cc 3or IOO Va{l, Coloredo 81657 trlr bberd GenstrueEien ee. Post Offlce Box 641 Vail-, Colorado 81657 GENTLEMEN: LETiCh @F TRANSnflITTAL lJoB NO. .hrne 8- 1973 | V3-25 Et-e', lA Jtru ?3 WE ARE SENDING YOU R Attached n Under tr Shop drawings n Prints n Copy of letter D Change order separate cover E Plans the following items: tr Samples tJ Specilications Il THESE ARE tr xfl tr n tr TRANSMITTED as checked For approval For your use As requested below: [ ] Approved ! Approved ! Returned as submitted as noted for corrections I Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit -copies for distribution n Retu rn -corrected orints For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED:Kenneth E. Richards tnr*!o Ii El& *lJrs s{ta, la.,lm.i,I-, ,t enclosures are not as noted, kindly notity us at once. SPECTAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL Project Nama -t -/'''Inspector -= ( CONCRET | /"1'€ATE I LOCATI lnppRovrqr'-'fL-r:I!t ie /s' -rt., y'-l "i /iJ: Y-aT a)./ v er I Tm:d'nk"j ,tror' " t*'71r'r:'!' ,7t ,,-tt tA- At>/c<-\ A e"it*t". - 7>- ,^lFF,z/ff.t0|:rTt, te :1a..:'t,,.ss or-l)ft / SPECIAL INSPECTTON REPORT TO},N OF VA tL Project Narne I nspector s--\ ..^j-_. (-- {': }o f:-l-e- {:It ia:f 3 : ocl t . -J il cr, .EJ: -al " <,a7!bcJ.. t.t_ iJ- c r.,x TA f.f.t,, .J'rt.h r4f t i -\- c TEELEEL:E7V*r t o]*'f/ly' ('/ : ac' .>- -' -! o r/t a ifi,, REMARKS SPECIAL INSPECTTON R€PORT TOWN OF VA IL Gr/-Pro j ect Narne I nspector DATE i LOCAT ION inppnov r Y { Z:cta ;/-,''Wl //, tf d e7, h' Y."3o e/sbz fu * g,' j#' t- "<;'rs.+) r--\ !d, A 77',t^- t'/t fJ - ! -.-\. C- :1a AVzT:lEic;ztc s<rz-C. <d/"- EEL: n./481 -4,{/-- 1- "z {.t' - 1-.:;t,4{s.u. ' f., -/,,.,. y ;,:. y'- (titht_t/ ..-' 'v--,/-- "t :]c--* si - 5;o.) t ^' -,"<^...,rJ'rt;i'/; rn ",]'ru,Ji. I fr/.:;T t2, f t t/4r/ *-' rF f t /'i!( F-rt- ] /a /rt,-1 r tt /it'n /,/M Y, ffi /?t<-"; rs 1i4,V'"',, '.'. :1 *'J ut.1,:.1/4 7u {-ort' 7t- zl-!- lrl a ,t ui . 4 P ('e pt,"t.>^4af , DDI T IONAL ot' d l1;* , wI uc^( t 825 -5261 Hibbe Locat'i on: 6th FIoor, Floor Slabs/Southend Air: 3.4oy' Wt/Cu.Ft. : 144.6 Yiel d: Concrete TemP.: 5jo gal. F A Moisture: 9 Weather: clear Time Tested: 9:15 Tested BY: pat, & Dcn 1 Hol-d 9oz (Set 16) Air Temp.t 5Oo Total Water: + ZO Max. Size Load C,Y.: Time Placed: B:20 'e I Material$ Testing Service .ffi'531 West 8th Ave. benver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT ior Job No or t.O. goz Date Tes ted $/22/73 Mi x I. D. : f| sk 51 ump: Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock I rucK l-o Water Temp.: Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: T'i me Batched: Spec. P. S. I. at TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder Dia. 6.o1'z 5.996 Cylinder Dia. 6.oo5 Ti cket #9?93 Rrt Aug 301973 2@28 Day z86b 2899 Cylinder Dia 6.009 6. o0g 1@ 6.008 5,' 18 3/4 8:00 28 Days: 2@7 Day 1 .7 0.1 L778 1@ 14 DaY 23gO HOLD 3118 2882Average z 1787 REMARKS: Mountain Mobile Construction;REPORT TO: g159""6 Herrnan H errnun I \JT UJ of VaiL Denver, Colo. 80204 ll Materials Testing Service l53l West 8th Ave.825 -5261 M^rERrALs REpoRr {or Hibberd--v"ir{*kg9S"ern*:'r',- , 0 1q73 liillluurr' Job No or t'D.9Az Date Tested, 6/tg/Zl Location:Floor Slabs 5th Floor Mix I.D.: 5* Slump: 3re Alr:)/, t^ltlCu.Ft': 1115.60 Yieldr iiater Temp.: Air Temp. i 4go Concrete Temp':5ro Tota'l yards: ]B+ Total lrtatert 65+ F A Moisture: Max. Agg, Size: l/t, Max. Size Load C.Y.: 9 lieather366e sun Tine Batched: ?:lo Time Placed: fo:10 Time Testedr 10:t'o Spec. P.S,I. at 28 Days: 3000 Tested By: P' liaione rEsr cYLtNDERs 9c2 (set ].5) Cylinder Dia.2a 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 1?14 Day Cylinder Dia 'D28 Dayigllold 6,025 2255 6.oo8 2776 6'013 29oz A .l o 22\(, 6.cl-5 3209 v.,JL / Average t 2255 REMARKS: rn(A REPORTTO: Hlbberd Constructlonl l-'lerman l]erroun; 0it'1 of Vail Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock t/ TN Mr. Jerry Aldrich __ Town of Vail Building Department Fes s 0f f ic,e-Box-f00-- Vail, Colorado 81657 Hibberd Construction Co. Post Office Box 541' Vai1, CoLorado E1657 GENTLEMEN: RICHARDS ENGINEERSd{C. P. O. Box 6i13 It vArL, coLoRADO 81657 Vail 476.5972 Denver 244-1521 LE Trqt @ F T[q]A[,,!SAfl ITTAL the following items: D Samples tr Specifications WE ARE SENDING YOU fii Attached - il Shop drawings I Prints tr Copy oi letter D Change order Under separate cover il Plans vta D lJoB No. June 15- :t S7i i V3-25 Ittrr .i1rN251973 Tfl[SE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: n For approva I f* For your use tl As requested I For review and comment - FCR BIDS DUE ! Approved n Approved I Returned as submitted as noted for corrections n tr tf Resubmit-copies for approval Submit --copies for distribution Return - corrected prints tr 19 D PRINTS RETURI{ED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Kenneth E. Richards tb ?l&o - h|' (.lrrid 3wd s-'i.^ r* . IF..n la lf €nclosures are nol as noted, kindly notity us at once. o Proiect Name-1 SPECIAL TNSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VAIL € Gt rAr. lnspector J-- C I_t*it lt:oo *E;se. ATE i LOCAT ION APPROV E .'v' fri" Sf,,r'z:.7' 1".+., r.!r+/ rr(,tz/r, ., 12, Ft- t- rrf s,,{<-- 7'" B s \tr,ffil 41- oo /1 '+r il;1a f/tt +^-i.- <"'^oi itprJiA sE__ /t/rs ie.rnr:'ilr*t{'J,td-, \- --f----'7--'---"?E-)' t -'{ih {4f-,o I t./'z-ltr-c ,t2 ei" >, .n P" o r zt- "?-'ia r-l-4 izt o -. DD IT ION l!'t4 Denver, Colo. 80204 Average: REMARKS: 2O31. REPORT TO:Hibberd Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truclg4 Ti cket #9t94MATERTALS REpORT lo,Hlbberd Job No or l.D.90Z Date Testedt 6/Ij/7j Mix I.D.: 5* Water TemP.: Total Yards: 18 Max. Agg. s:zez J/l+ Tirne Batche dt? z]'Z Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: TEST CYLINDERS 9O2 (Set CylinderDia. :gTDaY 6.022 L92l+ 6.00z zLJe Consbructl Air Temp.:560 Tota] |.later:+35 l-fax. Size Load C.Y.: 9 Time Placed: 6:l_O 3OOO Tested BY: P. Malone 1 Hold Cy'li nder D'ia 2928 DaY 6.ozj loo4 6.0r-9 )t+37 322L u) Cylinder Dia. 6.006 1@ 14 DaY 2622 Materitn f Test i ng S?tv i ce '1531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 Location:2nd Sec. 5th Floor S1abs Sl uirp: 2 )/l+ Ai r: l.li Wt/Cu. Ft. : 1L7.O0 Yiel d: Con cre te Temp. : 5 ao -. * b tst F A Moisture, qg \$V Weather: sunny Time Tested: 8: t5 Constructionl Herman Herroun;City of VaiI 'ry531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 I Materials Testing I Se rurce Total Water:+35 Max. Size Load C.Y.: 9 Time Placed: 4:10 3000 Tested TEST CYLINDERS Cyljnder Dia. 6.ozz 6,ao7 Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT Job No or t. D.902 Date Testedt 6/t:/ll Mi x I. D. : 5Je Sl ump: 2 t{ater Temp. : Total Yards: la Max. Agg. Size 3/l+ Time BatchedzTzL? 1o,'ll ibberd Constructio illage Center Location:2nd Sec. 5th Floor Sfabs 3/t+ Air:3.1+ tJt/Cu.Ft.:11+7.00 Yield: Air Temp.: 690 Concrete TemP.: 5qo F A Moisture: lrJeather: sunny Time Tested: 8:15 !'r' Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truch r, Ticket #gtg+ By: P. l,lalone 902 (Set 2@ 7 DaY L924 2r)8 r+) 1 Hold Cylinder Dia 2s28 Day Average: REMARKSI ?alt REPORT TO:Hibberd Cy li nder Di a.1-@ 14 DaY Construct i- on;Herman Herroun:Vail RTCHARDS ENGINEERT\C. P. O. Box 64il vAtL, CoLoRADO 81657 Vail 476-5O72 Denver 24rhl5!11 Mr. Jerry Aldrlch Town of ValL Buildtng Department Post Office Box lOO Val1, Colorado 8l-657 Hibberd Construction Co, Post Office Box 641 Vail, Colorado 81657 GENTLEMEN: LETTT @F TRANSnflITTAL DATE IJOB NO, Julv 2. 1973 | v:-zS ATTENTION TO WE ARE SENDING YOU :f,* Attached n n Shop drawings n Prints n Copy of letter fl Change order Under separate cover ! Plans vra the following items: ! Samples n Specifications n coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I - Inspection Reports June 15 - June 26. Lg7{vlllage Center\ase II RU JUL 6 1973 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: {l fit ! n tr L] For approval For your use As requested For review and comment FOR BIDS DUE as submitted as noted for corrections n Approved I Approved I Returned n Resubmit-copies for approval tl Submit - copies for distribution lf Return - corrected prints 19- t] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED:Kenne th E. Richarde COPY TO It enclosures ara not aa noaed, kindltt notify us .t once- SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TO!'.|N OF VA IL Project Name ONCRETE: / / nL{OATE -LOCAT ION APPROVEO RRECTIONS REOUIRED iJ: c ;,e ftr/u 4t" f t. Fos{- f;,ti,. .flct nV '^- 4n- [,t;t't nj" 4*€412 H.<rT 3'<t v4/- o.-rl'r;f r,'nck'? tr,"qel d,/'1 c4 l-.*+t fr. /.",..i."-< 4/:,1-,' t. ( . r<-zr 7/-!i /,'i[-]'7, / f' s{z u /J I 7 ut ro"-7c.'7" -t.1.i' /r.{iZ': i't:. r',1 ,i.-t-/tr ., ./*'.'/ ^ fr4 0D tT to REMARKS SPECIAL INSPECTION R€PORT TOI'IN OF VA I L Project Narna ,,/,CY\ f I ns pector CONCRETE Tiatt OATE ! LOCATTON inppnOVe 6 Hf t tt,-s ff,4e ./ 4/- <z 64.1d /_ _.,i 4*t, v- )-n 4 / a<...t I))lD"rn *'., -, Ebrf . i,lr' I * +t- 24 -f/. 7:'aa Id .'a d ?,:oa w/f :)o ?'t 8", *, ".{ cs (4 ZL c>-.)-tztt* :.; t -), l- Sy'^)Y""o., 'ttcl /-'{-i)',1, i 4*^.fu f t/'f/ ltir.*F^')t! f{r r. x- f at|'2 f L/r: c,,,,eli .,w ,, f -s ffijn'i, ctceL;*'tf .{"..= .) 'fat a ^--t 7?ta44-fn c/- r,<crd." -t<tnJ t.-'s la / ( n {, d P t5 LJ-/1-e (,2-; "_.t;tQfq"\4b,1, /(/,1 . -r:*9t; - 7- !i,lt F<'f.qr., . Lti p 5 f4 t! af 5't.. ). r u:*^7) IT IONAL R:MAR TtI,I SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOUN OF VA I L Project Name I nspector LOCAT ION InppRova/4e /a -oo CORRECT I NS REOUIR€ {ht/z 17/,raaae.{ pa<zn 1.c CzzccJ C'ctCct #firY{'Jrtfr'a ,Ft- e.t+:zl Ce Z'( " /4tP 4/n u 4' {.,';1 | "" t: c 6 eE,v F?.ri/p -r{tQ.t't ,rHtaue 17',]a /z: 3o €"<f.-* > fx FztrI- /<J "f'.rL#-u"'\ f t. rTat (F.t 't rr /r/ - tz','Jr I S f . DDIT IONAL REMARKS -,) R|GHARDS ENctNEERlNc.LffiTfr @F TRANSnflrrrALP. 0. Box 64il vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 Vail 47&5O72 llenver 244.1521 To Mr. Jerry ALdrich Town of Vail Buil-ding Department Poet Office Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81557 Ilibberd Construction Co. Post Office Box 541 Vall, Colorado 8L657 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU &( Attached n Under seoarate cover via tr Shop drawings I Prints DAT€ I JOB NO.Julv 6, 1973 | V3-25 RE; RU JUL 9 $N the following items: n Plans E Samples ! Specilications ! Copy of letter I Change order tr coPtEs DATE NO-DESCRIPTION I Inspectl-on Reports Jnne 28 - July 3, Ig7{ Village Center phase il \...*1^"**""*,"*" THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approva I f;k For your use [f As requested ! Approved as submitted D Resubmit_copies for approval E Approved as noted fl Submit - cooies for distribution l- Returned for corrections fl Return -corrected prints 19- fI PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US n For review and comment n I FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Kenneth E. Richards Fm 2lOD - rn hn.id SdiB sdrla, h' Im!d, rbri lf encrosuaes a.e not as noted, kindly notify us at once- SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL * lt .'/Project Name I ns pector CONCRET 7 (i'"'.8:OATE LOCAT I ON APPROVEO CORRECT IONS REQU IRE J. |--L- {: c"l z/g$t 7/-ft. i(.{rft;€/?. --,( "/o,^,, - l7r7o42 \'--\)-- i/;)a /- >,alLL.'* / ""p e,6r, .Jra *f PRECAST: ADD IT IONAL RgMARKS SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL Project Name I nspector NCRETE: DATE I LOCAT ION APPROV E ONRY: - >u TEEi WE+j7i7d{ i{,., 1 b{* (A-(IL1 _ ___--)-)l*zWrj,,- f r.ii I DD IT IONAL RE},IARKS SPECTAL INSPECTION R€PORT TO}IN OF VA IL Project Name tnspector CONCRETE ATE I LOCAT ION lnppRovr DD IT IONA REMARKS I PLUMEilNG!/MECHANTCAL PEFTMIT TOWN OF VAIL ?-i?-73 NAME t,/ t -'-A'a'z (- e,,rra tlEB k4ql Hr 66€eO ADDREss rRAcroR Cn <B- Pt-u n^,s,t.t flEAT,,-tq pnone4?/o 3.51i E OF BUILDlNG: oF woRK: El rue* I noorrroru E nEmoorl E nrpnrn IPTIONOFWORK: DI u*A,, PLUMEINGi IITiIMBER ' ib O-.1 F MECHANICAL: NUMBER. VALUAT|ON $7 gD nri-h . oh VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: pERMlr FEE f <o oo. g"PERMIT FEE Kott*outo TOTAL FEES: $ fl orseppnoveo \r5*dGoa P' ?ftu DArE q41 - 73 Tt.! vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 Varl 4765O72 Denver 2441521 Mr. Jerry Al-drich Post Office Box 100Vall, Colorado 81657 Hibberd Construction Co. Post Offlce Box 641- Vai1, Colorado 8l-657 GENTLEMEN: o*oi":T:lH5*u''LETTO 0F TRANSnflITTAL the {ollowing items: n Samples E Specifications WE ARE SENDING YOU g Attached E t-t Shop drawings n Prints lJ Copy of letter n Change order Under separate cover E Plans via n OATE I JOB NO,July 13, 1973 | v3-25a'rrENrroN ilil' t 6 tg l'' nu JUL 16 pn THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: tr fx tr T fl For approval For your use As requested For review and comment fl Approved E Approved fJ Returned as submitted as noted for corrections n ! tr Resubmit-copies for approyal Submit- copies for distribution Return - corrected prints tr FCR gIDS DUE tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SiGNED:Kenneth E. Rlchards t,r 2$C - n!- lriria 8E.E s!E. r& t6.r1:|b ,f ehclosrrres a/a not a3 notcd. kindly notity us al o^c.. t rr* SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA IL Project Name CONGRETE: /-, I ns pector / {{ti.t lnppDATE I LOCAT ION IAPPROVE .r-/-_i {taf Leuef. traSl : r) / zlJt, {: ./ ", t :29-Le,.:p i,F;{ s i<te ) u a.sf rlcle c, t 7,*+t *'re of -€'.Asi *6" e 4 b a-t-p/a zzd r n/ *-fE-31-f:Itif;i't , 7'4. acc 'e rl .d"€r/ H", eaSf .?u-lf .a .t 4 f tf/o//e.,r F fL dl.fao ti.S f:) f-\i- DD IT IONAL REI4ARKS t .? ri SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA tL Project Nama . \-\.-Inspector .-y'( .. I I /UrU-.ATE I LOCAT ION inppnovs 'Pdrfe7-7'eq")., i!-t .2L_ vrt_.. i'^' r ' . i <-- ,^r i.{,:+ t/ 7 ry{i fz- ; \-_ ( ,. PRECAST AOD IT IOI.IAL RE}'ARKS . TIME RECEIVED AM rNsPE.ior ,,E..TJE=T TOWN OF VAIL PM cALLER 4e< r E ornen I panrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE THUF FRf i--^,co AM [PJ'47 COMMENTS: * er po.' Jtdt Vg tl-':f- -1-a | >.>U /^J., (!eer .o C-- t) c-?u ? ft^)cv (.f /4, p-7o.,*,'\ it^/Epj {otrRovED Suro" THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTT.NS: CORRECTIONCO,^,.--, .,..'n' r r..r.1 r II DISAPPROVED ! nerNsPEcr 'Art'n,"tin 57Jc( r S[" frF.E fi DATE ll-'1"|i tllfluTEs REGUTAR }IEETI116 oEslG( lltvlttl 00ARD llovEllBER l. 1973 A recu'lar nectinq of th? De5ign Revjew Eoard llas convened at 3:00 P"' l,*"iLlof y foll6.ring th3 adi;u.nnent of th? Planning Conllrission' in the Confer;nce Roon of the lot''n of Vail l'lunicipal Building. The follo\,!ing fiiei]bers v{ere present: Hl I lian J. Ruoff, ChaiFnan IiIIi.n Hanlon Iou Pl *!.e r Gordon R. Pierce Jen l'lright Ihe first iten qas ihe considcration of a sign application for a Lr,:.,qrzr! sjte .levcloi,irr.'lt si!n for PlliSE 3 of VILLA0E Ctli-ItR Coli00- yllijtj:15.- I'i v,as not.d th,rt the a[,PlicatIJn inet all tlie req!irenents oi ii'e o"linance; therefore, upon irotion duly rradc and secondad, it iot tr','n',i'Lutl'./'tot-a! to a?{ottr ttra plrn" ,r! lrrbnrittcd, uitlr thc Ior,dition thar ai] other tgirpcrari/ site developrnent siqns. tor the proj(ai shall Le rer'ovrl, i'nd thdt tl'F sl9n l0r Irndse J..5nal I oe r€iioy.Jd r!ithifl ten (10) Cays dfter an occupancy pernrlt ls lssueo; and snall te pcrt:rjtted for a period of one (1) year' 'lie secord item dii,culsed t/as the si!n appl jcation for the GoLDEN ,2L7, f.aNtl. DIR:CTC?Y. "Ine Vaii Facto.y frdde tnc prcser)tdtion' and ;; ;.;;;;:c ia 1,1;pr'icotion, thc di;ecLo.v r,'ou l4 bc rplit Jt Nith ii.l'. si;"s on e;Ln r,ir'ccrl dnd or c <i9n for :ha -alincta dDove Lhe c(ranr7. lL lras s.-lae5tcl bi lhc lodrJ tlral consldcrJtlor Dc 9lverl ic i,utinq 311 9f thc stgt s pilcrd in orle v|ilrdol{. Ho''"cver, it vas felt bv iiLr 6o,jrd thrt ihjs applicaLion be taken under consideration and a Cecisicn i'!de aL thE nert $e€ting. The third itsn discirs!.d lias the siSn atpli(ation for the LI0NSlltA0 LCISl)ii DIRlii|iY. ThL' Vail Fact.rry firJle thil pr.c:cntntrcn .A varrance r,a! acqr!ltcC' a5 ti,'J ?tirplicatjc' dou5 nct rree: L'rLdin riqulrtlrrcnts cf rh? ordina;:e, 3s staleC in lhe file. Il lras stated by Chairnidn a"tif tf''.t the ic':n of Vail js actively engailed in a study 0f the troblerl of directo.jes for the entire tc',|n. The need for thjs type Lf dtrect'try i3 rt:catj i2.C and 5tu'Jv i'. Lain'l Cir':ctiid to!/nrd.a solu- iion ro" tii, enlire iitrtstion. There is al50 a rrcriio in the file froxl iho toin fngiueo. re street right-of-ri.ly and easnrrrcnts at thc proposed locaiion. Tl'er(ifofc, utqn l,rotjcrn duly madc and 5ccondcd' 1t vJas trnin:r'uu!l/ voted to d(rrl tr't r(qur5t [or n v'r'ldI'(c' The fourth iteiir disci.rsscil ttas thc sign application for LI0ISll[At) EA',1 ',:i','ll in the yail 2l guildirg at Lirnsllesd The Vdil taclory pre.j(t.ted tle a!',,licJ'.ion, v,hicr r'e! the rsrl.rirc'ne'rL5 ot tlc irCini,,rcc. Theiefore, upon notion duly nace and seccnded' it was un)ii-c!slj/ votcd !o ap)aole rhe pllllS as presented. lhe'tifth ir,ein discusseC t/.15 the locotion of the sign for ALFIE PACKTP'S 'nll0 ilouiilAltl lliil. The siqn riil ! bc located at the entrance ii-iie "tiii" for Alfje Packer's' upon nrotion duly nade and seconded' it rii unanitousty voted to approve the sign and location' as finaliy ii"to"t"a tnii oaie; the r';croing to be uscd i'lstead of "sou'"hside of tsJilding" vill be presentcd at the nexl meellng. I.1I NUTES 0[sl cl] R[v I [N ll0ARD RTCULAR IITETI}tG HovfllBtR 29, 1973 A regular meetinq of the oesign Revies Board lras convened at {:00 P.M.;'imiediotcly follot|ing thc adjournnlent of the Planning Cotllrisst0n' in the Conference Roon of the Tovn of Vail I'lunicipal Building. The following mcnbcrs refe present: Billiarl J. Ruoff' Chalrmnnllillian Hanlon Lou Parker. Gordon Pierce Jen t.lright Al so present Ncre: Icrrcll J. Hilger, ToNn lhnugcr .lanes F. Lamont, Adniinistrative Assistant Mr. llingcr dlscugsed wlLh tlle Do,)r'ti Nerrlbdfs the possibiljty of r'': lrJ lng the sign ordinance to nllol.l apllroval of signs t0 be done aC inistralively' along vith a change in the vdrjance procedure. The Board Feiibers Nere in aqrceitent lhat a change was necessary' due io the excessive a:cunt of tirne spent rcvjelling sjgns, arld espec'ially' vJriance requests. t{r. FIed llbt'crd prescrtcd plans for PIIASE: of VILi"AGi CtiiTtR for prel i rinary rcvicw. t4r. Hibberd stotcd tllat he r'r3s prcsently nc!o- iiating wittr the Town for a possiblc trade-cff of parking sp3cfs reqilired for dc.dication to the To\'r'tl of onen st'dce. Sevcnty-six uilorg!-o!nC Elaces have been provided. Ilr. llibbcrd.rlso staied th3t he v.otrlo ccrlsulr- 'vith Eldcn Beck regardirg accc!: lo the site, in th€ hope of drrivins ;t a saLilfactory solutj0n. Buiidirg nass lris discusscd; iir. fiibbord siated that wilh completion of buildings in Phase 3, tlie nrass of the tallest existing building vould be broken from nrajor vier'/s' Existin! iighiin'o r{as als; discussedl ncrxbers of the Bodrd fe'll the lighting }ias too brl,lht; l.ir. Hibbcrd dlrcrd to ch-'ck into the D.llter' The Board also s!9:'r.5!::a that for the iuture the lld:a drea be liglrtcd t ith sh3dL'u lighls' poirtted dovn, lhe Board requcsied, prior to the ext stdge of review, thai fl'- ililrberd subnrit a massing r,rodel. They alsd advised lir. Hibrerd ttut ccn- s!lti[g services of Eldon Bcck !,ould be requeste'd by then. tlr.-Hibberd icques[cA that he be ploced on tlte agdndd for Ddslgrr Rrrv i !'\'{ on 0!"tlrrl'er l3th' The Carosellis of thc Vail Factcry prescnted a sign applicalion f'r tlot,NTAlN lllGlt SP0RTS, pirt of tht i:or)totrcros si!1n pron|.nrn. Thc profosed siqn 0let the t'cquireilrcrlts of the ordindnce. Upo'r rrotiorl dul) trr'rJ'] Jtld seic,nded, it na; unanirllously voted to approve the sign as presented' i4s. S0lly fr(crnan i\rcscnl.'d an alpli.ntiol for a sicn fo' tiLAD FIRST' dt thc Covered ilridge Street' Ihe proposed si9n nret the.requlre-irenEs of the ordjnance, Upon tloiion duly node dnd seconded, it was unaniircugly votcd to app|.ov(' the siOn as prose,,tod' subiect to sut$rission of color sanrplcs 0L Lhc rlcxt lrlc!tlilg ||lr, fianfred Schober presented an apPlication for an office directory siqn for.the nclr offices at PLNS!oil lsA0tL. The proposod sign nrct the ieiuirements of the ordinance. Therefore, uPon notion duly nade atrd seionded, it was lnaninouslJ voted to approve the sign as pr€sented. POST IN I\ CONSPICUOUS PLACE I Hibberd Construction Company the Certificate of Occupancy for floors one through four, actually occupy any unit in Certificate of Occupancy has building. October 1p, 1973 VILLACE CENTER LETTER OF AGREEMENT hereby Fgrees that notwithstanding issued for Village Center Phase II no person will be permitted to Viltage Center Phase II until a been issued for all fLoors of said Herman Harroun Superintendent POST OfflCE BOX 641 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 303-476-3600 1127 RACE STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80206 303-321-4422 RTGHARDS ENGTNEER*C.Lerrt @F TRANSnnrrrAL TO P. O. Box 643 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 Yail 476.5O72 Denver 2t14.1521 Mr. Jerry Aldrlch Torm of Vail Building Department Post Offiee Box 1,00 ValI-, Colorado 81657 I{ibberd Constructlon Co. Post Office Box 641 Vail , Colorado 81657 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU !G Attached n Under separate cover vla ! Shop drawings fl Prints oatE lJoE No. Ausust 2. 1973 | V3-25 A?TENTION the following items: D Plans E Samples n Specifications tr Copy of letter fl Change order n COPIES OATE NO.DESCRIPTION Tncnantinn Panar+c f Tr'1 rr 1? - Trrlv lR 1O71 { V111aoa Canfar Phnse il Rrr AUe ? 073 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:./ Q*for approval ! For your use I As requested f Approved as submitted ! Resubmit_copies for approval n Approved as noted D Submit -copies for distribution D Returned for corrections ! Return -- corrected Drints 19-- t] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US I For review and comment ! t] FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: I(enneth E- Richards fh 2ao{ - ir 6lt|ira lGlB sdykq rE., rnu.t, rB It dncrosrraes a.! not rs notcd, kindly notify u3 at once. Project Name SP€CIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VAIL e (4, ^., /.., OATE I LOCATIO]!!nppno ? 1973 NRY:w'.c d t /re/:s 7q n,;+=Y,:jJjW!- i0,'ca -2.i)t) 2'- .'({ ) {rafi t S/er,/ TLr f t.l trt ./ /€2 t /-s' fire -s "4. l'ro <z-s: o-62.>-?j,(2+t4, 'r ;;' r*:/r-'.-/ ..1:).Fc ?/re/>l iSr .Jt<l t PRECAST: DDITIO RE14ARKs SPECTAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L Project Name lnspector ATE i LOCAT ION inppnovr.*--\ ,--l*. -.aF ONCRETE: tre.b,;ut STESL,,: CTIONS R F{tI AIJG ? lgB :{tu"ftc.?d ,t{ * Fd4t';./^'/ t t"r.ti./-' rafl 7'rc'</,j 1/ L.+o-z y'.o {; fut-4<4 <>:!-t_. 0DrTl0NAL RE!4,4 Royston Hanamoto, Betk & Abey NwgqnhgsP,S?, t$?S Principals: lir. TsrtsE J. ?"tlnger Tourn &ranngtlrr Town of Val,l P. A Boffi lSS YrlL Colca.akr 8615? &e; Yi$ngp Cerder proleqt, phanw Itr & fU a D€er Tetrry: :6 i;eysmber 21, 1$?3 I met wtth Geen pluce* Jtm *nd K€d on nerr development at th CrcstoedB od Vrtt EaI5t. eron*a was M bfduf ln ex-nbtnin8 te-rhtive egtgo d the proleet. It was apprer$ tffitlstr(HlgB gmooal was ln stgntfi,eant ed,lct wttb the p.eestrten psetnet prcposed tn the l"ail Flan, ErDd ln fast, vffiild bve #entialy disa&ous lmpcct upon tbo vtabittty d thg peds#fnn ars& all alme East Mea,ctstpi-iall. Cordon agreed to tnvestlpte ar*o aceess to the exi*14g Croes- rm.de oarking uehg a pagsaggway thrpm€h the prqoosal dsvelopment.I peraonally e,en see no other euccoasful soilt*lm" . : , tl *1.'r a.ecidsut of our rteecglsr s?g a brtef rwlem d the tfiiligg csntcfhofect, Fhses III and rv. Tb Daslgtr Rcvl,6s conmtttee sffiEss to tlave grven appronral d some lilnd to the we of tb peMr]an matt fm arfo access bo the un<iergrounti garaging. Wb€a Cffii Cilrrtn revlffiterfdLra plans last Sprlng fffi thta goJwt, S wrs egresd thnt edo escsgt wmld be permltted amss ths peffi"tan "relt bnf rmsld d etrculste elmg the malt {see Wtton o[ TalI Flan hcfrdad). Ths dcrctopcr mlsr* repreaented orr asnagmsd to hig erlter pwosal ad hr rtllsfy sFtnsdnl4lrotrnl, , ' , This astlan must be rsverecitr and thr effihn *ree qqls bs lmd es chortrr m the Yall Plan ijldhlry coultl be mora et@ttng to tbo pedestrl,an preclnct comept tlen grsuflng d a.do acewa r,t8sc to nem Associates: f"tdr.uO. Architects : Robert Royston ASLA Patricia Carlisle ASLA 5 o Green Street Land Plannin I Asa Hanamoto ASLA Louis G. Alley, Architect San Francisco l Eldon Beck esri Kazuo Abe11 ASIA ' ;uan Cados Calder6n I 'l : ' 14t 5,5 397 -o,5,94 Urban Design Park Planni:ng r,ir. I*i'r::ll T. . tnggr Elclsx tseek tur cg: I.{r. }i*nl lios€ hir. Jim t amont / Fi{aysr ;}*eou Enclosure: ,lketch *8-?,Tsvsr*bar 3?, tS?S rlevelci3n:.enl rvhile et ttrersai]le tlme be with ctrawlug ado aseesg from exleting aSfacent !odggs,, I w*s dtsfurbsd by ttle sssenee of hnowledgp of ths VstI Plsil on the prt of s*sign &e'rlev ilpqrd meffibers, ideitiisr of tha absve adt$g Wtild have beea grermltted H the plm was ptrsssd and wrderstood, filnsesglSl, ' }"A}T"4,:TQ6A BECK & ABEY,A fr}nc ues ign xev Date Pa i d PROJ ECT ied iee ZON ING CHECKL I S UMMA RY LEGAL DESCR IPT ION n ,/, '"r lcE 7nhltr L' (. DDnDnetrn Itctrl q \t | |\\"'r djt c.(a.zt.1 LOT S 17E 6s-, zq 2. (' ; FRoI'ITAGE SETBACKS: Required - Front /ofR , Sides Yaa-a-zt -' Zr} -./L4Z.z--Actual - Front , Sides -t DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS: Required -, Actual HE IGHT: Averaqe Grade He ight A I lowe d qf , 33Gc8.ls G.R.F.A.: .7 Ratio, Allowable sq. tt. /7 7[6,- " ,'f/.{l _, Actua | >9 CoMMERCIAL FLOOR AREA: Percentage allowable -.. , Allowable sq. Actua I sq. tt . f f3{ ; ING BULK CONTROL: Allowable rnaximum length /7{ , Diagonal , Rea r /gE z--, Rea r Actua, y't/,77 ; 11.i_6.rj'- 1 fT BUILD Requi S ITE , D iagona I COVERAGE: Allowable 7a %, At towable Sq tt. -y{.24-,Actua lA /t. Actual sq. tt. J7(Zc> ; USEABLE OPEN SPACE: Required2/f.,29e-sq. ft., Actual qat ++ Ground Leve | ,fi; LANDSCAPING: Required /o?. $, /J,a6a sq. ft., Actual 5a2.'t % /714. sq.f i. PARKING AND LoADING: No. Required // 2, / , No, Actua | //3- , Covered Re- quired .t0 $ 3'1o No',; $, Common -' red Of fsets ,/c - 7c , Actual length ZONING APPROVAL N.,,,*7 DES I GN REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL T IES APPROVAL ENV IRONMENTAL IMPACT APPROVAL /t f- 7/. Zoning Admi trator Da te Da te UTILI Chairman, Design Re v iew Boa rd Town Engineer lJo I ti Ma.yo r l-1^+^ Date S ubmi Date S ubm i 0ate S ubmi Extens i on by Sect ion COMMENTS: f or Zon i .f or Des i for Envi ng Review gn Review ronmenta I tte d ++o.l tte d of Dead I ine Dead line Da te Date lmpact Rev i to ew Dead I ine as permit;ed ifem of 0rd i nance No. date B (Series of 1973). o TO: FROII: RF: DATE: I\{EilIORANDU},1 TERRY !{INGER Jltvl LAIiONT ACCESS TO CROSSROADS and VILLAGE CEN?ER ADDITIONS DECEIIBER 4, 7573 After revierv of the Planning commissionrs recornrnendation onthis rnatter, the folJ_orvi-ng points should be noted: (1) The Irlaster Plan anri the proposed hlal1 Act have alrvaysrecogni-zed that limited access to the pedestrian mal1s willbe necessary for pick-up and deliveries, as well as vehicularaccess to private parking spaces. (2) The Village Center project has presented alternativeneans to access the slie vrhich would not violate the NasterPlan. These alternatives are curtently being studled by theStaff and Eldon Beck. (3) The two pro;ects in question are essentia.lly differentin concept and traffic volumes. Therefore, it is the Staff'sopinion that the Planning Commission,s recomnendation isinappropriate for the following reasons: (a) Permitted access to Crossroads Shopping Centerfrom Bast lvlea.dow Drive '!{ou1d totall-y compromisea critical link in the pedestrian mall. (b) The proposed Crossroacls addition has demonstrateda means of accessing its site wittrout jeopardizingthe pedestrian ma11, given the acceptability ofa parking and setback variance. (c) Limited access to the Village Center site, via thepedestrian mal1, though not desirabLe, is tolerable,given that the proposed access alternatives arenot tvorl<ab Ie . o t o ft is the Staff recommendation that: (a) Both projects be considered separately,judged on their orvn merit and conformancewith the lilaster Plan; (b) A parking and setback variance be con- sidered for the Crossroads project, so as to bring it into compliance wlth the , Master PJ-an ; (c) Eldon Beck revierv the Viflage Center access alternatives and malie appropriate recommendations for the most feasible resolut ion . It is imperative that the "long-run" interest of the pedestrian mall concept be judiciously gua"rded. Appro'zal of a parking varj.ance at this tine would insure that the mal1 concept would not be damaged beyond repair. There will be a.lternatives available to alleviate the potential on-site parking problem. It must be emphasized that once the pedestrian ma1l ls compro- mised there is no other alternative for ma.l1 space. The Planning Commission recommendatlon, therefore, is unaccept- able to the Staff. It is our recommendation that the Torvn Council direct the Planning Commission to review the proposal which conforms to the Master P1an. JFL/nmm -2- ZEtrtr AND ASSOCIATEE, LTO. CONgULTTNG SOIL ENBINEERg SOIL AND FOUNDATION I NVESTIGATION CONDOMI N I UM, LOT K, vAIL, COLORADO PREPARED FOR: HIBBERD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1121 RACE STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80205 PROJECT L0243 APRIL 28, 1972 136 LIPAN STREET, DENVER, COLORADO, 8,rj'223 TABLE OF CONTENTS coNcLus I0Ns SCOPE OF STUDY FIELD INVESTIGATION LABORATORY TESTING PROPOSED BUILDING FOUNDATI ONS DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION TEST HOLE AND PI.T LOCATION PLAN LOGS OF EXPLORATORY HOLES LOGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS PAGE I PAGE 1r2 PAGE 2 PAGE 2 PAGE 2,3 PAGE 3,4 PAGE 4r 5 PAGE 5,6 FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2, ' FIGURE 4 FIGURE 5r6 I GRADATION ANALYSES SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS TABLE CONCLUS I ONS (1) SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT THE SITE ARE FAIRLY ERRATIC. GEN- ERALLY, OUR TEST BORINGS AND TEST PITS ENCOUNTERED FROM 0.5 TO 5 FEET OF FILL HAVING THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NATURAL SOTL oVERLYING SANDS, GRAVELS, COBBLES AND BOULDERS TO 20 FEET, THE MAXIMUM DEPTH EXPLORED. A WATER TABLE WAS ENCOUNTERED IN TEST PIT NO. 2 AT A DEPTH OF 18 FEET. (2) IN OUR OPINION, THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE SHOULD BE FOUNDED ON CONVENTIONAL SPREAD FOOTINGS FOUNDED ON THE NATURAL MATERIALS. THE FOOTINGS SHOULD BE DESIGNED FOR A MAXIMUM SOIL BEARING PRESSURE oF 5t000 PsF. $) THE NATURAL SoILS ARE SUITABLE FoR FLooR SLAB SUPPORT. (4) PRESENT GROUND WATER CONDITIONS ARE FAVORABLE FOR BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION TO A DEPTH OF 18 FEET IN THE VICINITY OF TEST PIT NO. 2, AS DISCUSSED. (5) FOUNDATION EXCAVATIONS SHOULD BE INSPECTED BY A QUALIFIED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SOIL ENGINEER. SCOPE OF STUDY THIS REPORT PRESENTS THE RESULTS OF A SOIL AND GATION AT THE SITE OF THE PROPOSED CONDOMINIUM LOT K, VAIL, COLORADo.THE STUDY WAS MADE TO SUITABLE TYPES AND DEPTHS OF FOUNDATIONS, THE SURES, AND GROUND WATER CONDITIONS. THOROUGH FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS FOUNDATION INVESTI. TO BE LOCATED AT DETERMINE THE MOST ALLOWABLE SOIL PRES- OF THE SUBSOIL CONDI- TIONS WERE MADE. THE FIELD WORK CONSISTED OF MAKING A SERIES OF EXPLORATORY TEST BORINGS AND TEST PITS AND SAMPLES WERE TAKEN FROM THESE HOLES. THE SAMPLES WERE SUBTJECTED TO VISUAL INSPECTION AND LABORATORY TESTS, IN ORDER TO EVALUATE THE PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PAGE 1 PROPERTIES OF THE MATERIALS ENCOUNTERED. KNOWLEDGE OF THESE PROPERTIES WAS SUBSEQUENTLY UTILIZED, IN CON.JUNCTION WITH RESULTS OF OBSERVATIONS MADE ON THE SITE AND PAST EXPERIENCE WITH SIMILAR soILs FoR SIMILAR LOADING CONDITIONS, IN REACHING THE CONCLUSIONS PRESENTED IN THE REPORT. FIELD INVESTIGATION TEN (iO) EXPLORATORY TEST HOLES WERE DRILLED AND TWO (2) TEST PITS WERE DUG AT THE SITE AT LOCATIONS SI-IOWN ON FIGURE 1. THE EXPLoRATORY HOLES WERE DRILLED WtTH A HOLLOW STEM, CONTINUOUS FLIGHT, POWER AUGER. AT REGULAR INTERVALS, AUGER SAMPLES WERE OBTAINED FOR CLASSIFI- CATION TESTS. BECAUSE DRILLING WAS: DIFFICULT AND REFUSAL TO AUGERING WAS ENCoUNTERED AT SHALLOW DEPTHS, TWO TEST PITS WERE DUG, AS SHoWN IN FIGURE 1. L&ORATORY TqSTING ALL SAMPLES WERE CAREFULLY INSPECTED AND CLASSIFTED IN THE LABORA. TORY BY THE PROJECT SOIL ENGINEER. GRADATION ANALYSES AND NATURAL WATER CONTENTS WERE OBTAINED FROM TYP,ICAL MATERIALS ENCOUNTERED (sEE FIGURES 5 AND 6 AND TABLE 1). PROPOSED BUILDING ,T AS WE UNDERSTAND, THE BUILDING l' BASEMENT APPROXIMATELY 22 FEET IS IN TO BE FOUR STORIES, WITH A DEPTH. THE STRUCTURE ABOVE PAGE 2 BASEMENT LEVEL IS TO BE OF WOOD FRAME TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION WITH MODERATE LOADS. FOUNDAT IONS FOR T.HE LOADS UNDER CoNSIDERATIoN, THE SAND AND GRAVEL STRATA WILL PROVIDE SUITABLE BEARING MATERIALS. TWO REQUIREMENTS MUST BE FULFILLED IN THE DESIGN OF FOUNDATIONS. FIRST, THE FOUNDATION LOADS MUST BE SUFFICIENTLY LESS THAN THE ULTIMATE BEARING CAPACITY OF THE SUBSOILS TO INSURE STABILITY, AND SECONDLY, THE DIFFERENTIAL SETTLEMENT MUST NOT EXCEED AN AMOUNT WHTCH WILL PRODUCE ADVERSE BEHAVIOR OF THE sUPERSTRUCTURE. THE ALLOWABLE FOUNDATION SETTLEMENT IS USUALLY EXCEEDED BEFORE BEARING CAPACITY CONSIDERATIONS BECOME IMPORTANT. THUS, Tt-lE ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE OF GRANULAR MATERIALS IS CONTROLLED PRIMARILY BY SETTLEMENT CONSIDERATIONS. SETTLEMENTS OF SAND AND GRAVEL DUE TO PRESSURE APPLIED BY BUILDING FOUNDATIONS OCCUR ALMOST IMMEDIATELY UPON APPLICATION OF LOAD. IN THIS CASE, NEARLY ALL OF THE SETTLEMENT OF THE FOUNDATIO.N WILL TAKE PLACE DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE PORTION OF THE SETTLEMENT DUE TO THE LIVE LOAD WILL TAKE PLACE:IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE FIRST APPLI' CATION OF THIS LOAD THE AMOUNT OF THE SETTLEMENT AND GRAVEL WILL EXPERIENCE IS DENSITY OF THE MATERIAL, THE AND THE PRESSURES IMPOSED ON WHICH A STRUCTURE FOUNDED ON SAND PRIMARILY GOVERNED BY THE RELATIVE SIZES AND DEPTHS OF THE FOUNDATIONS, THE SUBSOILS. THE DIFFICULTY TO PAGE ] DRILLING AND INSPECTION OF THE TEST PITS INDICATE THAT THE SAND AND GRAVEL STRATA ARE IN A MEDIUM DENSE TO DENSE STATE. OUR EXPERIENCE INDICATES THAT THE SETTLEMENT OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING FOUNDED ON THESE MATERIALS, AT THE ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE OF 51000 PsF PRESENTED IN THE CONCLUSIONS, WoULD BE LOW. EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT WILL PROBABLY DISTURB THE GRANULAR MATERiALS AND LOOSE LAYERS MAY BE PRE5ENT AT FOUNDATION LEVELS. FOR THESE REASONS, iT SHoULD BE SPECIFIED THAT THE BOTTOMS OF FOOTING EXCA- VATIONS BE COMPACTED IN PLACE BY APPROVED METHODS TO THE SATIS- FACTION OF THE SOIL ENGINEER. pESIGN ANp C0NSTRUCTTgI't. pETAILS SLAB-ON-GROUND CONSTRUCTION : THE NATURAL SOILS ARE SUITABLE TO SUPPORT INTERIOR FLOOR sLABS. NO GRAVEL LAYER IS NECESSARY BENEATH THE SLABS. ALL LOOSE MATERIAL OR NEW FILL BENEATH THE SLABS SHOULD BE MOISTENED AND COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95 PERCENT OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (PER ASTM D-598). SURFI{CE DRAI NAGE : 1) BACKFILL AROUND THE BUILDING SHOULD BE MOISTENED AND WELL COMPACTED. 2> THE FINAL GROUND SURFACE SHOULD BE GIVEN A GOOD SLOPE AWAY FROM THE BUILDING. PAGE 4 RE INFORQING: FOUNDATION WALLS SHOULD BOTTOM. THIS IS TO GIVE THEM ISOLATED LOOSE POCKETS WHICH BELOW FOUNDATION LEVELS. BE WELL REINFORCED, BOTH TOP AND SUFFICIENT BEAM STRENGTH TO SPAN MAY OCCUR IN THE BEARING STRATA BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION: PRESENT GROUND WATER CONDITIONS ARE FAVORABLE FOR BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION ABOVE A DEPTH OF 18 FEET NEAR TEST PIT NO. 2. BE.. CAUSE THE WATER TABLE IS CONTROLLED BY THE WATER LEVEL IN GORE CREEK, EXCAVATIONS MAY REQUIRE DEWATERING DURING CONSTRUCTION. THE BASEMENT SHOULD BE MADE WATERPROOF AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TO ALLOW FOR WATER TABLE FLUCTUATIONS. A SUITABLY OUTTETED DRAINAGE SYSTEM SHOULD BE INSTALLED BELOW FLOOR SLAB LEVEL. BASEMENT WALLS SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED TO WITHSTAND A LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE I-IAVING AN EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE OF 35 PCF. ALTHOUGH LARGE BOULDERS RANDOMLY OCCUR THROUGHOUT THE SUB- SURFACE STRATA, THE TEST PITS INDICATE THAT THE BASEMENT CAN BE EXCAVATED WITH NORMAL CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT. CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION IN ANY FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION, IT IS NECESSARY T0 ASSUME THAT FOUNDATION CONDITIONS DO NOT CHANGE GREATLY FROM THOSE INDICATED BY OUR EXPLORATORY HOLES. THESE HOLES ARE SPACED AS CLOSELY AS PAGE 5 IS FEASIBLE, IN ORDER TO DECREASE THE POSSIBILITY OF ANOMALIES. HOWEVER, OUR EXPERIENCE HAS SHOWN THAT THESE ANOMALIES DO SOME- TIMES BECOME APPARENT AFTER THE FOUNDATION EXCAVATION. FOR THIS REASON, WE RECOMMEND THAT A QUALIFIED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SOIL ENGINEER WHO IS FAMILIAR WITH THE SUBSOIL CONDITIONS INSPECT THE FOUNDATION EXCAVATION, ESPECIALLY IF ANY UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS ARE UNCOVERED. IN THIS CASE, WE SHOULD BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY. KAL ZEFF AND ASSOCIATES, LTD. REGISTERED ENGINEERS c0s/ ss] COPIES 5ENT PAGE 6 BY / "'zd (4 CURTIS O. SEALY, VICE PRESIDENT oo H' I $ a?oa tb'c \ 3\ l 4-A o :''l l5r\ o ;, \\t\ $\ E\R1rN\ ' ^L Tr- t@ 2 TFZ4ea o \ Hote' \ '/\H>q^ TEST HOLE AND scALE i I'r = PIT LOCATION PLAN Rn t FIGURE 1 8u.s Ho.e. m FILL-SAND AND GRAVEL, SILTy, SOME K%l SAND AND GRAVEL, 5ILTy, WELLw coBBLEs AND BoULDERS 6()^l GRADED, MEDIUM DENSE To DENSE, MEDIUM MOIST TO WET, SOME COBBLES AND BOULDERS NOTES: (1) THE HOLES WERE DRILLED ON MARCH 27 AND 28, L972, WITH A 4r' DIAMETER, CONTINUOUS FLIGHT, POWER AUGER. <2> NO WATER WAS ENCOUNTERED AT TIME OF DRILLING. (3) THE STRATIFIcATIoN LINEs REPRESENT THE APPRoxIMATE BoUNDARY BETWEEN SOIL TYPES AND THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. (4) THE BORING LOGS SHol,, SUESURFACE coNDITIoNS AT THE DATES AND LOCATION INDICATED, AND IT IS NOT WARRANTED THAT THEY ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. v 4I k\\attxxTI-AI pgq L:.;i.:D FUSARE -1 IIln"1 1I tt; l -l 4-A SJCH m{d txtrt REFUSAL 2 rxxn lrxxx !(rxt c( x ]{tl(-KZ ElEr xdp-c t'i.l hJ FUSALRE rY-lfx f!aY'!n !(XXI u=t FUSARE 3 (YX!' TI,|{,5 ffi I cll ['.o'l N".1 FUSALRE LOGS OF EXPLORATORY HOLES FIGURE 2 l, q 8E?o1F.ffil[?" ffi 7 ffiffil:t Hote' r ffi nerr'au ffi -,N-^, _,,H. "l$ L LO"!Lss t&l nrtusRt- ss-{ - REFUSAL ffi FILL-5AND AND GRAVEL, sllry, some ffil SAND AND GRAVEL, 5ILTY, wELL 6&l ggggt-gs AND BOULDERS @ GRADED, MEDIUM DENSE TO DENSE, SEE FIGURE 2 FOR NOTES. LOGS OF EXPLORATORY HOLES MEDIUM MOIST TO WET, SOME COEBLES AND BOULDERS FIGURE ] 2 _ SAND AND GRAVEL, SILTY, WELLffi II_.t lfN? lN? GRAVEL, srLTy, soNe ffi enaoeo,-NEDruM DENsE ro DENsE,'-* coBBLEs AND BoULDERS - MEDIUM Molsr ro wET, soME COBBLES AND BOULDERS F::TI SAND, SILTY, MEDIUM DENSE TO T.'NI DENSE, VERY MOIST TO WET, SOME. GRAVEL AND COBBLES 5 tn'a ?o WATER TABLE, TIME AFTER DRILLIN( N0TEg: (1) THE TEST PITS WERE DUG WITH A BACKHOE APRIL 25 AND 25, L972. (Z> THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY BETWEEN sOIL TYPES AND THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. (3) THE TEST PIT LOGS sHow sUBsURFAcE coNDITIoNs AT THE DATES AND LOCATION INDICATED, AND IT IS NQT WARRANTED THAT THEY ARE REpRESENTATIVE oF suBsuRFAcE cmlTIoNs AT orHER LocATIoNs AND TIMES. LOGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS FIGURE 4 KAL ZEFF ANO ASSOC?"' GRADATION ANALYSIS CL lY (PLl3llC) l0 t I Ll (xO || - PLI !l rC ) lilr. r rir. TtrE R€l0txc3 a3lrf. l3t . 60t||. t9|lt. .r||a.rrtx r2oo u.5.9raN0Ai0 3EnrE5atOO ato rJO .16 .! coStLEs SOU FE 0pEtrrfa0St/:CL€ARt/i ;!'t't0o 90 lo 70 ro 20 irO 5o ao go 90 r00 o ro 20 50 40 5o 6o 70 lo roo 0 t0 ?o to 40 50 60 fQ to 90 roo HOLE 2 @5.0 - 7.8' COMPOSITE HOLE 4 G 4.0 ' COMPOS I TE HOLE 6 @3.0 - 4.0t COMPOS I TE r9 = Fa (,a A 2;,- .E F E G o, =F LJ E Fa I c z Fz ct Ia v,!, Fa IJ ! |'2 a !, o Fz lrl(,c C 50 no 'rO 50 ao o roo to to ?0 to 50 ao lo zo l0 o r0O to ao 70 ao 30 a0 to lo ro o 000 ort .ot7 .o?4 .t4t 297 .0t0 DIAYETER OF PAiTICLT r. rt a.ta ..7s t,g2 tx vtLLruETEis t27 aoo HYDROM ETER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS )T I T, / t { I J I { (r ! / /I --t A t Ll ({,,' .00r -ooa oot rl.l ItI FlG.5 KAL ZEFF ANO ASSOC '?" GRADATION ANALYSIS co00LE3 CLEAF 9OUT R€oP€fart6sir"5-8' t27 a6 90 r00 o r0 rOO cLAY (PLAStTC) t0 !l Lt (roN- PLI 3Tlc) ai,'lr. r xr. TryE READTHGS a!ru. r5vrr. 60rrl 19rll. alrl. r0o u. s, stalloaR0 3€RlE3 lroo rlo alo , tt5 rat2oo Y; rta HOLE 10 G2.5 - 10.0 COMPOS I TE TEST PIT NO. 2 @ 16.0 t r0l90 ao (' ='oet ao o F50a U.oc Hro 2ro r/r ao G .30 zLl 40 arro '-z .oI 30 F-aO lrJ c,70 sJe to 80 o roo ?o o 30: .oI lrJ 50t 26o ur .J rcf, A to 20 ao: 10f lr,) io- Fz60 u, l) ro5 A lo |j-lo a|/)ao e toou U.octro ro 0 rarc oot .o0r .oro ,017 .ota .r.t .297 .0eo OIAIEf €R OF P^RTICLE r.lt z.lt 4.7a t.62 rtt IrLLlll€TEts sc.l SI€VE ANALYSISHYDROM ETE R ANALYSIS ItI FIG. 6 h"Y 0trtifirutr sf (Drrupunru @nurn (Df liluil ffiuililing Erpurtmrnl TTIIS CERTIT'ICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 306 OF THE UNIFORITT BUII.DING CODE CERTIFYING THAT AT TIIE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE WAS lN COMPLIANCE 14ITII TIIE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN REGULATING BUILD- ING CONSTRUCTION OR USE. FOR THE FOLLOWING: Name V I LLAGE CENTRE - BU I LD ING A Use Classification H and F-l Group Building Permit No. Owner of Build zFfteZone ' Use Zone ccil ,,rom | 460 Type Construction Hibberd, POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE o t972 lfr. Horsan Hsrroun'Sr. Ghuck Thorrrpe on Ge nt I omon : ':. STATE OT COI'NTY OF COLORADO ) )EAGI.E ) ,l ,w SS. DECLAMTION OF LAND ALLOCATION I, --Irqd, Hlbbe,rd--Jr -, being finst duly swonn upon oath depose a statements are true anci connect according to my best knowledge, infonmation and belief, to wit: 1. That this statement is nade in conjunction with the filingof an appLication fon a building pennit to the Town of Vail and to conply with the nequir.ements of Anticle VII, Section 3, Ondinance Number 7 (Senies of 1969) Zoning Ondinance for the Town of VaiI as anended by 0ndinance Nurnber 8 (Series of 1970) and Ondinance Numben 15(Series of 1970). 2. The description of the building site fon the proposed building is as follows: See attached(Descriftion nay be atta descniption), 3. The proposed building site and the existing building contains pnoposed addition contains N/A Eguane feet is 1t-,854.37 --5 iGEi5-ed in the afonesaid Ondinance as am6il?lEtlf-- It. The pnoposed building and/on existing buitding and addition as it r:elates to the building site area, comply to the Floon Area Ratio fon the zoning which appties to the building site' as definedin the afor:esaid Zoning Or:dinance as anended. contains 10047.35 sguare feet' 11,854.37 square f -a!.r-rrfeet; the eet and thEtotal building 6Onrng STATE OF COLORADO )) SS. COTJNTY OT EAGLE ) l|1l Conntecion Expires (Seal) setorn to befone me, a Notary Public, byttrie six6ssntr5 day of June My Commiss'ron exp'ires Marcl 31, 1976. The fonegoing affidavit and declaration wae duly subscnibed Robert J. Harford and t PROJ ECT Village ,' Totr{N oF vA I t BUILOI NG PERMI? SUPPLEMENT IAI .i Centen Condomiriiums, Vail Vi11 Coforado The s ignatures be low certl f! that the l970 Unifo,rm Building Cod6' as Town of Va i | , Colorado, isave been the fo I low lng excerPts from amended and adoPfed bY the' read, understood and wit I be plans shall not be changed, tgdified' ";;;;";iistion f rom the Buildins of f icial' adhered to: Secfion 302 (a) App/oved or altered w ithout written Sect ion 302 ( c)The authority to vioiate Ord inance and shall after requiring the by the Bui ldi ng of f by Building iss uance of a buil any p rov is ions of not o revent the Bui correcti on of same - ding permit does not give this code, or any other lding Official from fhere- on 304 (b) The Inspection card shall be read',lll1:d"::lffiffifubt" i"lon ;;T;;;;;i'v-i " -+r' " wate rp i"" r -l:' 1:: : i::::n"o--r- ar* cinnarlOepartment. Do nof cover uP any work not signed Inspector. Sect i may be used SIgn Review or posted, lt Comm i ttee 0rdinance l5 ( lr967 ) Before any sign (temPorarY shall be aPProved bY or pe rmane nt ) the Town of Val I sub.contractorsto fhe start of '0rdinance ? (197 1') shall be licensed any work. General 'Contracfor and ALL with the Town of Vai I Prior STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE , JJ. l The foregoing aff idavi sworn to before mer a this 16th oay of My Commi ssi on ExP i res ( SEAL) t and decl Notary Pub June o HIBBERD coNETEUg!+gN CoMPAIY arati lic,by te7 was du IY Robert My Commission expires March 31, 1976 subscr ibed and JOHNSON-VOILAND-AftCHULETA & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers pHoNE{303)44.-resr at RlL oArE g'Pa nan ?73 - O sxEErlro- l, oe- PRorEcr /i//qqe Ce,:ire "t*rM.Co.UBC /?7o Elilio n) Raor FRA/wr/6 cAlcul4r/olVs : Tolc/ Loqd = Sops{. Snout LoqJ = ${,osr (A" Alio"teJ 8y lar/ pviidinj OeVorlmenf ) OeqJ LoqJ = / S esp (Rood,,rr=6, lysul.= 2t DE1K: Q) Uotsrs = 2) CeilinS=3, Sfqrrs ) = SOpsf f7€ rrt PE# : ( hmi { To Less Thq,t SlO , h)rz Go. , fn{er^eJ,qieQt b 8? psf ( Fo, 5:o Spt," ) (ftns=J2-as!4 Mqx.Span !4H6, V{al Allow.f Zoiltu s LaqJ = SAO+J ftr BiR Llo/SrS ! Urt = 60 psf l8or.CharJ VqnesCqnf, End.- Ocs$n g!! - astO Nlqx. Spon - Fler.orq,l4HS , Tofo/ A/lcw. LoqJ = 326 <-i';;i;;Tg ' Che<R SAesr Al _Q1nlilevereJ End ; V=fE (r-r<t-) = ft=4< Mat, Allout. Sec/q = v=fi* ( tt+c') p"'3 = se6/8o=[4iT #\6e'+3.) = gSOd = Q.K. Fle2qurc ') - /4ex. A!lov.t, SpacrnS = 32O/8O = W dJ - aslo Spon ./ 6!o Cqn{,levered End * !::in,'' I4HS Tofol Allaw LoaJ = 326 rjif -ChecK Sl.,,e'r P CAnl. fn, V=ffi)(r3]fL=laQo - fioo hllow./+ooo (s26) = 3to Ailow.Loq s t oi'tio = kTtdl Mqx. 5 p r'S A llowe J .J1- 1l!o Span - /1H3 1To{. Allow.. LoqJ = 457 Cheek Sle,r € C"ni. f ,^J , V=*iiit( 14' +s') = 3e.00 /lloat/S+oo ({st) = 13'0 Attou.'LccJ 130/? t -WA Niax. 5,pa*i Allow tJ . !g-- l1L0 57an t,t/ 610 Cant. FnJ.--:itli,o-t, (St*,la €hccK sf,eqr Q €lo &nf.c..(i - v=ti,i;.211-ra6'r)= se60 A!!o,u/3?ra (lstS - gg g Allo,,:, Lo tJst|/{a = [_?.il 74ar.ll^.i Atlowe).*/!4lry' CHKD. BY- DATE PRELITI. FII{AL 3 or More Gr'q @ v,q;lil rl Y r$.a F,<A,v//t{4 PIAN27o/30 = gll R0oF *- 2l,fflr, 3 100 r Tu J+) 380Ayrt Roof Frqmtn g, Crr*t - - ruUS .' Bl - ftlP*t= g#A'(aD2(rossSra,l = 50.4 Fl-K +-Corr'r,eors /fr@.il - 2't(f:ar\l = soF('K 5.y = so.q/e = /F,.71 &=dh(z)'= 27.su Re= 41-at.g = t4.gK USE ->Wt6x36t N 12t22 ,Nllx22, Ru = 29.€K ?. - ^ tt- a)J)r - .( S,J Sx = 28.1 Sx = 38.3 w=a.tt'/l-I . (w= llr) Q- t€.67' PHONE {3031 4't4-l951 CHI(D. BY- DATE JOI-INSON -VOILAND -APC HULETA ay RLL oot. 5-i9f- & ASSOCIATES Consulring Engineers nar ?!3 - ]rrorr.t l/rri,t " e C* * i. e- r'r SHEET ilO "( . OF PRELIM,- /FII{A L 'a = ll.Sx q= €.3s' 83- lul= 4.s(+,ss) f 73 (o.s 3) = 20 + = 2g Ft.-K, sx = lssune Qa,n* Loqd ( t P= +.s(so)x /7 = 6.iK t14= Plft = 6 (4.ss)/4 = sr=6. 372 =B:isj <-_ TorsfJ Q E .ftDq^, 6.5 Fr -K U sE M8x 6.s ( sx= 1.62) P= 7,3!(B 3) p= 4.5x (sg)' 2.8x (e4) -/ L<= 4.3*/ L.= 5'3 ,-tt/ Lc = .f .6 | P.2'1s 41sc.;. d/ - Mqx - )nbra<ed 'Len, / = l2.o f,f-,Atlou'-..,1 t",l'oiei{ =' 2 4.5F1* f^ Far till2t JQ <- G?-?S Atsc6.6'Allou Mqx..d'iE'iiia lene{h.-w1M = 12. SF]=R 3, J ll.s @T-RTru,reonen{tFor UnLrqcef Laa^5*l.J (b) UsE Wtpx 22 (sx = ls.c) A.4 - + o ./ ' - -\ -/,t_ r.6 (1.JJ) _ -Sx -- t2.a/r =€.1 ProwJe Daqels #4 ReLqr A- LSE Mtexll.-4 (sr= t2.o)flu=3.t A , , r tt .-,L,(for CourstnS f Arcq I t)t;:'i t1 I :14 Kl Eqc!^ Douel . % Q.qs{ Upttff '''" ; '2 (ior'') Z/14 -'i 2(.o t2.2 ('s3) l-\ 2€/3 = /2.2/3 =(a+) a* Qez! ^r 1.lk Re2'J '''. oN€ Ooute/ ReZ.t e Doue ls RerA . JOHNSON-VOILANO-ARCHULETA & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers Flcxure PHOXE 1303) it44-1951 et RIL D^rE €-/ol ,o"r 9713, = , i sxeerro 3. oF- cHrD. Bv-DATE - eeosefi Vtllqqe Cenrr€ pRELrm.- w cuew Hi|tir,j Consf. Co. rntat y' /up/c!/ rlw.rJn-ntLs*H*.s*:_ Tolq / Loqd ,= .87ps{ ,-f L. * Jo psf ) D, L. =- 47 Vif ( "s Grc.,5: pqrlh, 4 ,jotsfs , 3 cciling ) 4i8-.,lotsIt: ( Toe Chorl B"'l -Typ,cr/ ) I!9-- 23'o Flax. Cteqr Spcn 2 67 <-n/"",fi^io|tl4ll4 t Tafq,l At/o,n, LoqJ =* r'1qx. Allow. SpactnJ = 2c7/87 = Vn J7'e7L0 Clcqr fr0" 14HS) Toiql Atlaw. Loq) = 237+-!$!i"'ti - /v'{qx. Allo,t. $ga.i".,j = )37/87 = @(titlC, Mqx. sp.'s Alliw.= 28//87 = 3!2) .18' /s!6 Spe n /? - rc!6 Spon - AsE ltLs .Jo/sT (For Coi),n3 Co.st.) .llO rvlqx. A//ow. Sp.'q Fo. /5!6 -Span ri Jto- llo spe n FlooR ;pr4yrtil6 PtAtl Us€ llHA dolsrs ( fo A.l^,ouc S/cp fn - CetltnS Con:t P.er Bqb Her{orJ ): lYiqt.trtlo*..se.3 - sldt (Lt^,* t sto! To trle{ch ,/?) .)Jll - lr1 Spon UsE 8H2 (sq.g = 3!o F?qx. ) t(apqctiy = /26 esf Dhen S,po,--.' :3!O .-:-,v : JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA & ASSOCIATES Consulling Engineers BY KL L oew S't-l nz, 7 7 3 O PHONE l3o3l ,t44-1951 CHKD. BY- DATE 6-EA/Y/S : ,rar, *o 4. o, edonct Villq qe Ce n(re -PRELlN. cLlENr HtLLZTJ Co,ts(. Co.FrlrAL r' .1 l,lfR4n//Y6, Lor'rf d . Bs' wQ cantrlever -(a't.iiS Rt = #3 (za.s)2 + o.1 s (t8/2) , = t2-7'+ 4.3 = t7.OK " Ra= f1r1rt1. * 0.6s(e.sl - n.o finJ Porn{ Of .tlqx. M(pas1 s.3/t.t = 7.6t .tlqx. ftlQas) = 8.3 (7.6) / P 'rBeaehiS +?'O = o.6SYl*. w= o.e Sil!s1= l.lR/41 tg.o' dt= l7.oR l-"'' =aS^ !-s.3 Cl^erk Mr,r(, M(ruil ) Sr = 34.2/2 =W ) rYlorc1,1 = Q.4s (8.s)'/e = W (sx=n6 7.G' WA"'r , L. = 4./') d,. -L)9 = 2o!A ) N=ad!+iiS rtl = aso6>Lf bai ="4ry=IEl ; Sr = tl.s/a ={-2s Wrx /4 (S" = 14.3 ) /-c = 3.5',t tlqr a <o.s3't !a/xo ) 87-By fns(ecfrtflt Mqx. Mi,ve51 M// Conlrot DestSn (See B5', JOHNSON .VOILAND- ARCHULETA & ASSOCIATES Const;,iing Engineers " RIL D^rE 5-//-a 173 CHI(D. BY- DATE PROJECT CLIEIIT PlloNE (303) 444-195r SHEET IIO PRELIII. 5. o, FfIAL t/ F/aor Frq,,n r t1 \ 1 Co ^{A : Be" n (6e) gele{eJ. us€ P/PE CotaktuVs : != 1.€7t , Loqd =qa Per F/oor /{ , elx@ fi5n?/cevur+vlqteJ /oqds i ii e'p+il-1ex @ FOOTuVG D€S/GN : Esfq\lish, rvli^rt,ulun Foohng .Slees n Be (JseJ I Eelow Con c. FounJq{ton L)q ll s - ., : USE, tYfiu. Projecfion = 6" - lqtN.Foo{,"n3 NfJf h =WUJE| /Yl/^/. froJecrton = 6' / /V, Cafra.i ly =-/.67 (s) = 8,sS <Lf UsE Mi. ThieKness = /to (rVo Flg Renf. Re2wreJ) , A/lo,ilalle soft beanno, pt-esllre = liooatrs{ (&ot"J On' Fafql loqJ,,,L.L.+D,i.). Per Sor/s Repirf #ioatg Jy Kql Zeft i'Assoc- rLf:J. tlnif Loods i Roof = 6spsf L.L. * lspst D.L. ..--, Floor= 40ps$1.L. *i7ps{,DL. Selow Masonry l,/qlts Beqrng Di.ec{ly On Foo{rh3s - U sE Sqm& M)rinam. FoohnS 4 s A 6o,te (6" M,r.-proj. + ILO Nur. Thr|kness) Excepf,-Refnf */ 71/ornn{AL .3-#5 Chec( LoqJs fr To Be Greqler i Bot. en J # 3 vbs @' 3ro . fAtso j Dowe /s Yo /\4atonry Cotr. Top ; Bot. enJ #3 Vbs@ 3!o. fAtsoj Do To /\4asonry RuZuireJ T, / iq*.L Masonry Rein f"nftJ Deferaiaq U')Hcl" Foohngs 4re R.ZlT/nan f4tnt,oura Slee JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA & ASSOCTATES Consulting Engineers CHTD. BY- DATE cuew H tlrL"erJ Cotsf ' Co - ,, ot,J Cotsf ' Co Plto E (3ot) +r4-tgsr at RL!- o^rE 3:'/2 (j na* ?73 O sreer ro 6. or "^otec, V./ l/g:e,Centrf PRELIil. Foohn3-t, Co^+A i At!31 Loals were Freu,ious/y'on Q ear K sheef, for - q 11 wqlls . fhe Follodnon q 'uorK sheef for' qll wqtls ). fhe ,follodng fefreSe n$s f t) r'r- Jr*^" f, he v^os( heevily /oqJeJ conJt'{,ons ) Re€er T" S/ne"tr # s For Locq{ron Of NqU We"s F-.-_;_ WhLL "4' - Roof e^,U-/4+ , Wr. Floor @ /.ax/Ll- per -F/oarx3 = S,A!04 , M*i' uliit : 2 f .7'x 30 = 2.3K/4 , Conc. G.cJe @eqvn Acc,srs Eelow .Masy L)qlls Assume Cor,r. LoqJs U)tll Dts*r,Lufe, E2uelly T"'A(!:2(st)+d(n)te = !6ex ,frfol Cancen+,"*:{ LoaJs, Fv//u// lJugLf l,f csonrr/ = (+o'r 8o x /JtF= lax) * )1.-an - clF- taK\ '- ari .-,.-r t ^/l 2 ''y'uliit : ef.7^'x3o = e.3*/4 tXJ- J.6'-''t ) lvlqsy Wqll : y'{,!^X{ Conc. U)qll '/O'x l00psf .= /to'<//'t,.:- arAL Loeo = a.ax/4 @4 Allout. -/ 14,n, lyAr.t rBr'8" - (Concen*rqfeJ LoqJs Shown On Flqrl,Sht.#3) Conc. GrcJe @eqrv Accurs Eelow Mq s'v' N"lls , = 54K/+ . C a6ta.i{y Af f"f'v ,n. Ftij =f,.SS*/tr-elb"or". wALL_ax_ Roof e_t.q r4 Floor e ,. tK/+ Per Floor x3=WALL-C- Xf"f QL?^tv t Oe.| .- " 6.3*/",- , lrlasonry -N3|l = l7tx8o - S.Stq+ Ffj FE---'ts, T"' e(A No il.7*1'-/1.7/s = 2.4'NrJe ChecK Tension Yn = 88rPs t 4 '4'rtr ry): = 2ae'n'' Trv /!2 Thiek Foo{,n7 g/= tz(t1)1/6 = 912'ilr - '-' US€ /!2 TAick f,66{1^q*/ 4-# S f. + E. il,u. Qciit t3 llout 67= 1 tn \no Faof ,r't .-; (q tt.7/2.,rYu'e'a M=lIg= 2.2Fr-t( s=r+Fq F.=# = ?2psi ; tq, C( A.{oql S"i/ 8ry Pressure ?c = 2'39t"') -312 At PlP€ coLu^,tNs ; - 97/,f = 5.4"? Conceor*tof. J _ . t- ..- .:_L -. .' - tlt/Laqd = 27^n"lyl & tlo ThicK) US€ 2!8 WiJe Retn f. u/ s-# 1x 2!3 E.w. ) 8oT. JOHNSON -VOILAND-ARCHULETA 8Y U ?1/ D^TE CHKD. BY- DATE Allaan*tf, s'retss lh 6. ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers tosr 173 _o enotecr y'/llAa{ rrurpF clrEifr l/aaf,ao/a/1ilsrp/Ja ftail *o/ t/ot Lok, i,tidaNrzy /nP€l q,/ SPtlll(L ",o/" PHONE (303) 44a-t 951 sreer ro 7 or PRELIT. FI }IA L /N.f Pte 71a 51 " .f .f " futrlee ,<) tr 'l jL'D.- c4alt{ StAe/il4 sTettstd //v lff4irilEy ,/4tts dff6/4t /AtsP[zTd ^]. /?6 f&lQ//yd 64Pn4/fy 4f ///4tr/dut colr&lNATI1NJ dF 6FOofrN6 . €aaalnl2Al -literr,l r il.rprz rbt! "a a / iPA/,_/At /ftJ86 rldJ -AtL (aLLS 6Pd0r€O = ?t4 xt?r 7,i25. 74,2oo PlF = 2ts6 ?S/ : Jaar or 4 " u " :(g^z.,zao* za,zao/),/4 r zlboo tt/F: z€lptl -Zaaroa/" - / oar oFf " '/auror4 " ou uJ - f tt LtrE24L lon P /ltt,rtvJls " , (za,zoo t z'c,zoo/z),/z 3 /f,aoo ?/F= ztf ?ll " = , (?1,?o6 / zr?4,zaa/z)h --/7,44a ptFz /7o rtt " = (z6,2oo t .?.t26,?oo/z)/t ; Urloo plr = /77pt/ /1,/oo ?/.F ///5OO 7,8oo 8,7ao 6,706 : /4? PSI - IZS : l07 r 75 :67 Top dr rdaNotT/oN /!:8 /.F. or atls nt ua4 s.6?aa,/ZZ 4 €tllt . usl 'tpE(/4L /t'an.L (f€e udr?K 47:4 LEil4r( = ,l/,l,ilAUn'l f fnE,tl /'ltfl$f / :6ZeftF ./l(az g' t,tz t )r/c r.# = 72 fr io, 8,da rzr rllptPftTllil To ?xo FL ll4r, l.ott lr r2P dl ilEf [,o,1O ON wtt! = fn0rlil6 . ilzaa Ptf /4744/,84: /.l,coa PtF - ll).rlL ts 84 7o fott? 70 2Po f;, 1z TOao ltF -cttJ 6anu7 / oar oF I cEl,Ls -alE "fit./rL /tt,tpt(nov" - fau, /a// . tT zfio Fl= ///7no - g,74a(zrts)- /,roonlltl) LL-A|E€E--A46- ,ux. utot 4pE tttt 6Qa0r / our oF 4 82da luc /t'- 4o./ 'ftcue l/vt4EcrlaN TflNfl .ttt5 w f! ryn oarc s/</z] rre* q7-q J sHEErilo I oF CTIKD. BY- DATE PROJECT I//LLA6E TEilft?E cLtEilr ///B,RFtD /ailsTtrctaf:aN F\N^L /ATE 3A Pst EAsf-wEtr a/,et(T/oN fH 4F BtP4. .47:4 rd|/v L^rEE{: FoE(t Ar grftt,'H' = 4zlt'/5.or iot + 3oo r ? st) JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers PI{ONE (3O3) /t44-195t PRELI[I. waa t€ila lao glpa 1 RllF = ftAAfzt 3 MLLS = 4?aox /5i ?x31oo x 508 3?Olx Jo'x 9or = 6fi0to# . Sqoe 'JiE0a9- 'l:4 4PO6# t/6€ -"y' = ZK(W /,J (A, dao ,{/LC ELEklENft AS roLLdws: W//V04a U,:LN ' 3d y'o WALLq - 54% AU ATHEE WALL €LEMENT, - "O?' l+ft&lL lLno oil wrL& =3x6/.0 = /3,3r s N 2s/5/ \ \ JL'NNUUN.VUILANU-AKCIIULE I A & ASSOCIATES LONSUIIIIIg LNSINECTS PHONE (3031 4i[4-l951 or ?!'7// oxz ay'z/zi JoBt ?73 + sHEErilo 9 oF cHr(D. By_ DArE "ROJECT t///. 14 G E ,,-F,U r,?E - pRE LtH. _ ulll lil PFoPo,er/oN TA 4F H/itt // P.f/ - dlf CLIENT ///86EFO 4dNJTPU'TlAN FI AL !/ 1HECK W/^/Odt( UALN 64LQA/l/ --fl: /8..1r at ttArteiL to4a H h//t.L EE + 9/tralgunEp To t,t.// 5E6M&r sil6fi4 {r/FFil655ES. = /83/p.rs: t,o/tp. : /daay'"r zi?s : cHEcr 3:4 wpe sE4kuilr AF AALL 4T EilOS H1 -- tor.ttc c ?sik W = o,l, tulntoNoy -- Saot t Z?Ooaex .fr: AL l&Anl eadn BFA,rt 3O'r4?/5{ = /ldl* Floon E{Atlts . =. 2t t i 24,1 so( tVrt ,.zaoo# % , o:y'jf: : o,;'?, i,*';:iitg/o./E1it = r,ffi,fu|1 , ,/, " tr'+ Er /atl P2,8" , -t iiil'1i' * ,rfl jit , r'ifii?A = rtrtr/s , "d4,oaD/A,1zi,( tZ2/4 z /?o pst /lt4r, snants a 7o/ /3o = 2oo r2Et eolutp|?. ,urn/. ,rfptst : 7o- /Jo z -6o pst TENrloN ,, TEAIS|ON FOIT(E w/ll8€ PtsltTEo gy aNnNt)ous yf,ET. Rt/ttFoE€/N6 lU,vtCH ls ndttJ|tEo /NTo FoartN4. ( "f 'rroa.e = fto/zco)r 4o/z x 4or7,t7s = Z/oot) coupp€ssloN F0R4,E au-L 88 2/tT/8urE2 /ilro rHE 4)/t/-t uilt#t .o^rT/NUES 4Foupo TA'e con.Nt/?, fLnn PdAT/oO c 133'rlo'r6Ot {P4u.OE6LS . J<l'x.?. /'r 60{ tI4 70 P'l*;w l\tnoerl-\ -6aAl \-* ?ooptt 1 .r"* i 214,b6 - - e aztr.11 - t'. J-' kl t l,t7'rJz't 8o{ - t JrJ'r AS3'r8d{ '(at, urtsotny) (P,t, Fkhtl f/oorz 6taats)t!x Ssoo{ 6ooo aEoot ?o,caolt%s " /Troaor . JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCI-IULETA & ASSOCTATES Consuiting Engineers av f/?t1 oare s./rz/z) ,,ar q7.< a CHKD. BY-DATE PRoJECT V/I/NdE CENrclT cLtENr Ulggt,?P (d^/ rr,?UZ,rlAN nuat y' ke,vrb) OvtP)/tnh, (//,tto* ?a,aoo)/aa*zdzE z /B- Fst fri\ . /z*46"t p*/4,, . itni?i!"| ,ooSi!',T'= ht/s=(eSa/zct) x Boz 237pst /u4x. €raast -- //3 f 237 = 35A 6t aaMf4, lt4lil ,tft?{rs = /tl-?f7 z-/zl p5| rEflstoN ', ..rErj,fto$ FoEIE "7", (24/tz*)' ao/z r /Z{,r?,.?S , ."T€tVStoAt fd4q. h///t 8€ /?tflfrro ey 6trr. Rf/ilf, &Eeoq/o 1 c looOi PHONE (3031 4't4-l951 srrer ro /d oF__. PRELIT. I I I ll3 Fsts'6- ./tl,Ll iuou,t.l[ layol?E(rstt4 trEE s (nt cuu 1Qaarel t t'. : wr/ifrcne //yfpf6r/dN") : /.31 x ?81 = j6o pst ? iso.oK 'I '. " -i'- 'f,f ttsptertailar,Eri44tNtNL .t€dfi€Nrt rfit& { arlEa H.ILL /ol/4 plt ro dF /4/rlo,u EL€T'IEITT',tt?E 4r, a/t4.5 AEt/S|t^t4, /.r rf,4i( )ur74/C ld.tPS A/?€ Wgll ,rrfl /tE€ 4l(. A/4/?tir do a ftr' 0//28. rloN .tilrce filfl?€ lfPE .7 /fl.fPE€nop srptfsts /0/?95 , Fyu' utTNlN ^LL6tAA8tt. - l?t ?St I--'\mr- +Jro ril \rl , V sraj,7?? oerc s/t;4 rrs* iZS ) sHEErilo Z! oF CHI(D, BY- DATE PRoJEcr //!/A/F- .FAtr/?F PRE LIiI. cLteNT ,4/68{PO zaMsr?u:rto^l FtxAL PtT4/N-/N4 WtLC OES4d;N_ utE it fcF Eaa/t/, Flu/o & s ?SxtO. JSO PiF 4lfarit k/n7(n rdaLE ./:o nilr. /Goue ElaTH 4r tauJ sloE f- t 67.5xlS ' 22o PtF /t . JSOrlo.o/z z /zSO ptq Hs: ?ZOx ,t S,/z ' 165 t1t Wa: lolzx 8.5ix t,s'o Wer:,Ll7r 7v /4o Wz2: l5 r ?,f | /OO tll) = /? JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA & ASSOCIATES Consu!ting Engineers PlzEtS0/?E PHO E (30r) 444-195t /ti- r, q \l, WTTEZ l as = tQ66 : 2?So PCF 3 l7o, t_4,28a_Elf i /ra/,73r.aoztt Wt, \i NIt. l?xt0 /e r l,i3 = /75O ). 4,33 = TGoo Fr't/r /Jatx Z/7 " 3tS .t Z,t? = 8oO Wzx ?,5t 2 lodo x ./, ja = Jgoo llle t r /,5 .- 2850 x l.€ ,, ltoo Wtz, l,zS . ?zo r 4,75 . a ,/?lg _ tt4 : i?EO x2/cxr a = zgso p{F : fiFEfy F4crae : //,6od/.7,Lc6 : /,Sr ?(/il/d?4/N6 . ll/ttl . rtlu , ilr4:oc?". ttlcr12" / .y/.+4a4,:\L 2:o = /a.it'Ffir r Attz /d,1r11s P6, r -t f ./.fl , ra/z ' 71*r'T/rr , lf*' =7t/,a9loonftl -fap . i4u. tf (z^.t r 64 = 70, /5 t llSt .l0t7t '-,s4i'/rr'*ka /?rl - ikt''u.ty'rfoo71s11 -Ear - rt/^'?/.k Z,tr'l,r'/z, g:,5r.n,1rr - l4e! ak JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA & ASSOCIATES Consuiting Engineers pHoNE (30!l 444-resl avg/tr? oarc sy's/t) ro'# qzs Q sneerno /z- oF--- C'IKD. 8Y- DATE PROJEGT ]//lltitf lfNrEE PRELIS. cLtEnr A/4&FAP r,/1^)-rrQut ftoil nret y' lyOPfH WdLL rr il{lL - ?!4 fl/dl wntl, tp/t^tt//,va zot4 HaezourttLll <dt/,t/aga THls dlrc| At FhG0 " t/tEntr4y ir 2 caaE s aALLf dPic€e /7! 3 Af+nT I tuppoe rro (,crvaeo) ,1r FArroM sy f,z,tg o^l altrcE / urysappaptto nr me- p..,1. "cautatrt tt)natrrou ,+rdr,4(nF co€FF/il€nlr 4T //a ' za.tt/ee?= z.z _!*a$__ r_1 r arEt ///ilt(4 / ilrt' /.7r . o48,r , otE *iE' = ZS ,cF,/rr F{rt? rd .. Taatl // Fae " - "?taf,f0titlla/? .oNcPEr€ nprs: {atr/QtL Pa/NTt {.35 feF 4/. urLt - COTF, : (tr ap ,N8 at*, ,P4lf tr'- ?,3/lAz lt4elz" E.u. s S€ ,4s = /lft,oot,, /?t 4.5 z ,//1 or ilu: /,7x ,/0/t,ossxiill'. 4,?en/rr /L = 4,1/,oU : / 4O, lr= .oa77t r?r1.a:,11Q'/r ,tht: /,7x,0r4t.415,r z)77' = ,7K''y'rr fo, ,l/o.lc t ?o , A5z /.??*,.dd04r l?t4.a s ,04/1{i l4e. 6"Hotzr?, l4e ?!o Yter t ? ///a'A MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION r;rr Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, r& WLLAGE CENTER, VAIL COLORADO fisee rrrrcxeo snt:t) HIBBERD CONSTR 1127 RACE DENVER 4640 LIPAN 433 8651 LIC€N5E NO. MAI I. A DOFEgS PHONE ENGII{EEi 5 MAIL AD Di EIs PHOXE LIcENSE NO. Ma rL aDoir ss airNcl 8 craesof work: firuew n ADDrfloN nALTERAT|0N D REPAIR I Dcscribework: VENIS FOR BATHROOM AND KITCHEN AND BOILER BREECHING Type of Fuel: oir E Nat. Gas E t-PC. E PERMIT FEES Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Ref rigeration Units-H.P. Ea, Gas Fired A,C. Units-Tonnsoe Ea. Forced Air Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. B.T.U. M Ea. Floor F urnaces- B.T.U. M Wall Heaters-B.T.U. Unit Healers- B.T.U. MNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS- OR IF CONSTRUCTION OF WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOB A PEFIOO OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION, Air Handlim Unit- C.F.M- PLAN CHECK VALIDATION \/ AT T, WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS PERMIT VALIDA WHITE _ INSPECTOR CANABY - AUDIT PIN K _ APPLICANT GOLDEN FOD _ TEMP. FILE International Conference of Building Officials REc€za*.\ dtt %,;e 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHIfiIER, CATIFORNIA 90601 (2131 699-0541 JuLy 28, L972 Ed StrubLe Building OfficiaL City of Vail Post Offlce Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: Data for the above project has ance with the Uniform Building as follows: GENERAL C(MMENTS: PLan Check No. 8640 o' *' " ttot ' Project: Village Centre C ondmriniuns Address: Vai1, Colorado Type of Construction: I Occupaney CLassif ication: H/F-z Fire Zone No. 3 Stories: Four Floor Area: Offlces 3,300 Sq. Ft. Apartments 91000 Sq. Ft. Occupant Load: 78 Valuatlon: $ 275,000.00 (Suggested) 1970 Uniform Building Code Seismic Zone No. 1 been revieued for conform- Code and our coments are tu# 0/+'' OFFICES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIFECTOR T. H. CARTER MANAGING DIFECTOR JAMES E. EI HR OFFICERS PRESIDENI PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BU ILDING OFFICIAL COLORADO 3PRING5. COLORADO FIRST VICE,PRESIDEN'' EUGENE B. PESTER 5U PERINTENOENI, DEPARTMENT OF BUILOING AND SAFETY POMONA, CALIFORNIA AECOND VICE.PRE5IOENT NEWELL POCK ct{tEF EutLorN6 |r{sPEcioR YAXIMA, WASHINGTON AFtEASURER VINCENT R. EUSH SUPERINTENDENI OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORNIA JUNIOR PAST PRESIOENT TED E. DUKE BU ILDING OFFICIAI- BILLINGg, MONTANA EXECUIIVE DIRECTOR T. H, CARTER 5360 S. WORKMAN MILL FD. WH IT TIER. CALIFOFINIA MANAG ING DI RECTOR JAMES E. BI HR 5350 S- WORKMAN MILL RO, WHIl'TIER. CALIFORN IA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD OIRECTOR OF IN6PECTIONS KALAMAZOO, M ICHI64N DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECIOR DEPARTMENT OF I NSPECTION9 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOIA BILL P. HORN CH IEF BU ILDING INSPECTOS PIERCE COUN.rY TACOMA, ln/ASHTNGTON CHARLES R, HINKLEY CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOF MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORN IA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU ILOING OFFICIAL GOUNIY OF ALAI'EDA HAYWARD, CALIFORN IA JACK D. WHITE BU ILDING CODE ENC INEER KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI VI NCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENOENT OF BUILD ING VERNON. CALIFORNIA DICK T. JORDAN DI RECTOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT AUSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BUILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BAREARA SANTA EARBARA, CALIFOFNIA 1-. In accordance with your instructions this building was consldered to be of Type I construction housing II and F-2 Occupancies. 2. It is asstlred that the garden level is below ground and is therefore considered a basement. Refer to Sheet A-3 of the pLans. NONSTRUCTI]RAL CO},IMENTS : 1. The basement is considered the first story. Section 42O as amended bv Ordinance No. 6 of the Town of Vail-' 2. 0n the pl-ans, there is an apparent conflict between sec- tions shown on Sheet A-3 and Sheet A-1 regarding openings on ttgarden Levelrr. Sheet A-3 shows no I'garden leve1rr. Clarlfying details are requested. -2- 3. The flre-resislive protection of the portions of che building should be as outLined bel-ov. Note that al-L members described shouLd be c1-earLy detailed on the plans showlng that the specl-fied fire-resistlve requirements are complied with. See Tables No. 43-A, 43-B and 43-C. (a) A11 exterior walls should be of minimrmr two-hour fire-reeistive construction. Note that all- exterlor walLs are bearing waLls. Section 1803 (a), Exceprion No. 2. (b) The interior bearing wa11 supporting steel joists should be of mlnimrsn three-hour flre-resistive construction. Table No. 17-A. (c) The floor-ceiLing systems of Type I buildlngs should be of two-hour fire-resistive construct.ion in accordance with Table No. 17-A. The cross-section of the floor-ceiLing syscem shown on Page A-4 of the plans shoul-d refer to a specific ICBO research recomlendation, (d) The roof-ceiltng systeur should be of rnlninurn two-hour fire- resistl-ve construction. The roof Detail- ttAtt on Sheet A-4of the plans should refer to a specific ICBO research recon- mendatlon. (.) A three-hour fire-resistive protection should be provided for L) The W12X16.5 and the vt12x']4 beame on each fLoor, 2) The 3-inch diameter steel pipe columns on each floor. 3) Tl/le wl2x22 and che WL6x26 on rhe roof ridge line. (f) The encl-osures for the firepl-ace, chimney, s tairway shafts and enclosures for shaft adjacent to UniL B lavatory sha11 beof minimtrm two-hour fire-resistive construction, Thts applies also to the shaft shown at the north-east corner of the buiLding. (g) AlL interior nonbearlng partitions should be of minirnrm one- hour fire-resistive construction. Plans should be clarified to conply. 4, -3- Projections shouLd compLy wich Seccion 17L0. (a) Balconies shown on Sheet A-3 and A-4 of the pLans shoul-d be of nonconbustible construction. (b) Eave overhangs should be of nonconbustibLe construction. See fascia details on Sheets A-4 of the plans. Roof coverings should be fire tetardant. Section 1704. Details or specificatl-ons corplying wlth Section 3203 (e) are required. Nonabsorbent finish and backing for toilet rosm floors, walls of toilet compartments, and wall"s around urinals in the office bath- roorn should conform ulth Section 1711 (a)' In accordance with the Unifom Building Code, 1971 Supplement' provisions for the handicapped to cmpLy with Sections 1711 (a) and 3301 (1) should be incorporated on the p1an8. This applies to the garden Level. Doors and panels of shower and bathtub enclosure shouLd comply with Section 1711 (c to e). Light and ventilatlon in the garden level- ha11-corridor room 003 should comply ltith Section 1105. Light, ventllation and sanitatlon requlremencs I'n bathroun (rom 012) at the garden tevel should be specifieil by Section 1"105. Separate sanltation facilities shoul-d be ptovided for men and ltomen. Mechanical vent i1.at ing systems in baths of aLL apartments should ptovide f ive air changes per hour directly to the outside. Sec- tion L303 (a). Fan capacity should be specified. Every dwelling unit and guest roqn should have comfort heating facilities as specified in Section 13L1. Exits. (a) Exit doors shouLd swing 3303 (b). Doors Nos. 29 c ornp ly . in the direction of egress. Section and 30 on the first floor should (b) Interior openLngs into cotridors should be protected as set forth ln Section 3304 (h). Tr^tenty-minute rating for door assemblies requlres compllance wlth a speciflc research rec- omnendat lon or a l-abeled fire assernbly. The latter would result in a forty-five-minute rating since it is the minimum presentl"y labeled. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. L2. 13. -4- (c) Risers on stairways should not exceed 7-1/2 lnches and runs should not be less than 10 inehes, Section 3305 (c). lnformation shoul-d be on the p1ans. (d) Basement portion of stalrways shoul.d have an approved barrier where continuous to upper floors Ln an exit enclosure. Sec- tion 3305 (g). Detail"s should indlcate this. (e) I{andrails shouLd be placed not less than 30 inches nor more than 34 inches above the tread. Section 3305 (i). (f) Guardrails for staLrs, ba1-conies, and l"andings should con- form with Section 1714. Note that naximr:rn clearance between intermediate rails is 9 inches and rail height should be 42 inches . (g) Steel ladders shouLd be provided from the top floor to the roof at both stalnrays. An approved hatch openable to exterlor of roof should be provided. S6e Section 3305 (1-) and Section 3305 (n) as arnended by Ordinance No. 6 of the Town of Vail". (h) Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 3308. Two-hour fire-resistive wal1s are required. Doors should be labeLed one and one-ha1f-hour fire-resistive assemblies. (f) Door No. 6 shown on Sheet A-L of the plans should be a labeled one-hour fire-resistive assembly. Section 503 (c)-4. 14. Roof dratnage shouLd be conducted under the pub1lc sidewal.k, Sec- tton 3207 (e). Dry standpipes are required. See Sectlon 3803 (b), Wet standpipes are required as specified in Section 3804 (b) as amended by Ordinance No. 6 of the Tor'rn of Vail. L7. Flreplaces shouLd corply with Section 3704. Details of attach- ments and supports are required to check chimneys and fireplaces for compliance with the Uniform Mechanical Code. 18. The interior wa11 and ceillng finishes should be specified and cmply vith Table No. 42-B and Section 4203. 15. L5. -)- 19, Gypsr:m wallboard cannot be installed on weather-exposed sur- faces. See Sheet No. A-4 of p1-ans, eave detail. The 'Thoroseal-rtfinish should refer to a specific research rec srrnendation. 20. Glass and glazLrtg should comply with Chapter 54. Type and thick- ness of glass should be specified. Glass and glazlng at the stair- ways should comply rrith Section 5406. 2L. l{echanical plans shouLd be filed so cornpliance rrith the Uniform Mechanical Code can be determined. STRUCIUML CO{MEMS: 1. Special inspection in conformance with Section 305 is requlred for the folLowing work: (a) A1L structural concrete where the design is based on an ulti- mate compressive strength in excess of 21000 pounds per square inch. (b) A11 welding except where done in the shop of an approved fabri- cat or. (c) Masonry waLL construction. See Sheet No. 7 of the calcul-ations. 2. Soil- classification in conformance with Table No. 29-C and 5,000 pounds per square foot soil bearing value used in design should be specified on the p1ans. Value is subJect to your approvaL. Sec-tion 2904. 3. The foundation investigation report mentioned in plans was not included in data fomarded to us. It shouLd be submitted for re- view. 4. Welding data or details for steel decking used as a diaphragm should be provided. Information should comply vith a specific ICBO re- search recornmendation or test data submitted in cmpliance with Section 106. 5. Details should be provided on roof and floor diaphragm connections that indlcate how the shears are transferred to vertical shear-resisting elements. Connections shouLd be Justified with struc-tural calculations for comp l iance with allowabLe values. 6. Railings should be deslgned to withstand a 20-pound per foot hori- zontal force. Section 2304, -6- 7. Plans should indicate that foundatl"on embedment complies wlth Section 2905 (a) as amended by your Ordinance No. 6. 8. Refer to Sheet No. S-2 of plans. The note referring to the 3-inch steel pipe c ol-umn should indicate that che colurnn is 1o- cated on first, second and third floors. 9. Detalls of ancborage for beam No. B-3 shou!-d be on the p1ans. See Page No. 2 of cal"culations. 10. Shears for steel joists as calculated on Page No. 1 of calcula- tlons should be reconputed. The size of members should be in- creased. The valldity of shear formula used is in questlon. 11. Anchorage of the right end of beams No. B-7 should be sufficient to ensure against upLift in the event the balcony is fu1ly loaded and the floor area has no live load. Details should appear on the plans. See. SheeE No. S-2 of the plans and ?age No. 4 of cal- cul.ations. L2. Justification is required to shovr ttrat the lateral bracing at the 3-inch co h:mn and the WL2XL5.5 beam is such that a ?rfixedrl condition exisrs (K=1) . See Page No. 5 of calculations and Pages 3-5 and 3-38 of ATSC manual, 7th Edition, 13. The 61200 pounds per lineal foot value for maximum load at the foundation wa1L, referred to on Sheet No. 7 of the calcuLations, should be Justified. Note that the t\^rork sheeErr data mentioned has not been submitted. 14. In the lateral- 1-oad analysis, the distribution factors are should be provided. ghown on Page 8 of the calculations, in question. Justifying calculations May lte suggest a valuation of $275,000 in lieu of your figure of $2101000. Please {nform us of your decision so that an invoice can be iegued to cover our services. 4l,L data is being held pending further instructions from you. Tf in- scructions are not received, data rr111 be returned in 90 days ln con- formance with Section 302 (b). Please feel free to contact TJK:BNH:hb ue if there are any questioDs. Yours very tru1y, IMERMTIONAL C ONFERENCE OF BUTLDING OFFICIALS oSramatsu ?lan Check Engineer Matdlals Testing $ruice #"?,39&'S 80302 MATEnIALS REPORT for Job No. or f. o. l/zZ/Zz Doro Tcrfod: Z/ZT/Z2 Mix l.D.: 6 sft Slump: woro, tt$-.4P Mix Toro I Yords: Wotcr Rrduccr: Wind: Hibberd 52t-L Timc Borchcd: TEST CYLINDENS 3 DoY 33/4trti,, Air Tcmp.: Toto I Woiar: Air Entroining: Humidiry: Tir" Ploc"d,' 52L-25 7 Doy L 2. 3. 4. Av.roea REI{ARKS: 3 rdritevel Floor SlabField Cure Proto-MixAylin$er by Richards Ergr. 825 -5261 2531 West 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80204 Tickrr #Tnrck Locotion: Vail Village Center 51[ WtlCu.Ft.:Y icld: Concratc Tcmp.: F A Mo is turc: Co lcium: Wcother: Time Tcstcd: 9i OO 14 Doy I@ 28 Dcy L%3 r, '] \$ lii ls Testing SBrYice 825 -s261 2531 West 8th AW. Denver, Co|o.80204 Hibbard Construction 3/lr" li,' Air Tcmp.: Totol Wolcr: Air Entroining: Hum idity: Timc P loccd: Lr2131@ 7 Doy L7% Tickrr # ViIIage Center Phase I Locorion:3rd Level Floor Slab Wt/Cu.Ft.: Yicld: 45 D*t B D"y I hold L?5b )aLA t2t3 r'l.i'- - :,, ldei, Colo. 80302 ltATERIALi REPORT {o, Job Naor LD. 52L-l Dorr flrtcd: ?-2?-72 Mlr l.D.: 6 sk Slump: Wctcr Tmp.: Totol Yordc: lYctrr Rrduccr: Wind: Timc Borchcd: TEST CYLII{DENS 5?L - 3 DoY l. 2. 1 1. Avcroga REITARKS: Concrcte Tcmp.: F A Moisturc: Colcium:' lYco thc r: Timc Tcstcd: 14 Doy t@ ftcmnos uncrnrrnsfra P. O. Bq Slil vArL ooLoRAoo 81657 LETTilOF TO Uln47S5O72 Dnn r2f+15:ll Illbberd Constructlon Co. P.O. 8ox 641 Val1, Colorado 81657 !fr. Ed Srruble, Eulldlng Tonn of Vall 6,effflent1lltll, Colorado InBpec to r 81657 YOU r(8 Attached D n Prinls D Change order WE ARE SENDING Il Shop d rawings D Copy of letter Under sepante cover via E Plans ! tho following itrmr: tr Samplcs O Spoclfications coPtEs OATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 Ttren.^f {.rn Rcnar}c nn V{ I I eoa a-rn} et -ftrlt.e 2l - -frrlr 7 - lC?, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked EF For approval fl For your use [: As requested C For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE below: D Approved [J Approved a.l Returned as submittsd as noted tor corrections D tr n Resubmit-copics ior approval Submit -copios lor distributbn R6turn -corructed prints il 19- N PRINTS RETURI{ED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: IGrrneth E. Rlcherde lt .nclorur.f rn. not r. t ot.d, liadlr rolrt' t t tl on€., Fr. ?44- l. ia.a Lid Lid. rc., Li...i. h. I nrcnrnos trcrrrrnsr n[. Port Offlcr lc 643 Vall, Coloredo E1657 476-5072 @NCR8TE. I,IASONXT AI{D TSITIOICIIF !'TEIT. llFAI 'r'l l1w4 H r*' !;:'LZ{ft )i i"ltt\ Yq(.rI $$ h-ir. /\qt t$l h i\'q.(I ( ,\ F*\l\ib n- it a! !,n$tjf-'Tr,'---t Qr t'.t lhroary Inrnrcttoo 3 r. ! r-.----\;$r;['T Cmrrtc PLsccnrot lrlnlorctur Stscl r$'i<-F)a€7 | . EltDrture ol Inrprcmr h 1 Detr Tts farthrr Locrttoa 8&4 Gylldrn 7(ftc /1."/.:,F^tl 3 ?tZa.^t;.j J,,, gtJ,9: 3rl €/r, tlt f /t atrt 4,.,/,i l/terv k',., ..'6 7l'il"lt'";"lo,, . j4-r.' l'' !, .. (-?r ,.-2,1,',-.*.,, ,-.1, Drt ftr lfcrtbcr Ipcrtlo!fnrfr Juridiction Applicent to complete numberd qaces only. WHEN PROPERLY V PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O. . //tu-/2 PPLICATION rlr ATION/*h/ /rc'293. tfisr: etrecxeo sx:srt zlc PHor{E !rcE{3E NO. ItECI Oi DE9rOrrai II. ^DOiEt' FHONE LICENSE NO. LICENSE NO. L'ND€i MAIL OD U9E OF AUI LDtI{C 8 Ctas oI worK: ,FI\|CW tr AOOITION tr ALTERATION D REPAIR Typs ol Firtur. o? ltan WATER CLOSET (TOI LET'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN' KITCHEN SINK E OISP. LAUNDRY TRAY WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN @ DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OB WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBV CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF I.AWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTINC OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SICNATi',FE O'' CONTiAC UR INAL DR INKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--5INK OR DRAIN cAS SYSTEMST NO. oUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP, WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM WHITE - I NSPECTO R CANABY - AUDIT DA PI NK - APPLICANT GOLDEN ROD - TEMP. FILE //60 I PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOF of Town of Vait PERMIT VALIDATION PIN K - APPLICANT BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction to complete numbered spaces only. Vlllage Centre, Town of Vai1, Colorado 816 Part of Tract C (L_lsEE ATIACHEO sHEET)Vail VillaEe - lst F11 2-T'treet _ q1z2- -64 00 ove LICEN9E NO. AiCH I TECi Oi OE5IONEF LIcENSE IO. LlcENsE l{o, L EN OEi MA|L ADDiESG BtANcH6 unffnn BANK oF DENVER fZ40 Broadway Denver co 7 Condomlnium Units 8 crassofwork: FNEw trADD|T|0N trALTERAT|0N trRepnrn trMoVE flREM0VE 9 Describework: Construction of six condomi_nlum units l0 Change of use lrom 11 Voluationof work: $ 210, 000 PLAN cHEcK FEE $16B. AB eenurrree $3j$ SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 3:::;'""" T;- Si2e of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Flrr Sprlnklert Required [y", FNq !l"i,L,,"n, 6 OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PEFMITS AB€ REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING. HEATING, VENTILATTNG OR AIR CONDITTONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHTN @ DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDEDOR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCEO. T I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISTHE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. VS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISCOMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFI EDGRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT{ORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGLPEmORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTTON. SOI L REPORT UIHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE' THIS IS CANARY - AUOIT GOLDENROD _ TEMP, FILE I V Va-!.r*--/J,,. 4- *"-az -,a-r- (r7 f,i-1 l./, o. a-t 1y.\Je 4,, ol x g-' € /2?t1.ay' /ry 1'2A-a.4 re t5t lNrrRNATroNnl CoNFERENcE oF BurmrNo OrncrAls NEW ADDRCSS: 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 TELEPHONE (213) 699-0s41 June 9, L972 OFFICERS FRE€ IDENT PERRY C. TYREE FE6IONAL BU ILDIN6 OFFIqIAL COLORADO SPRIHGS. COLORADO FIRST VICE"PFESIqENT EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENI, OEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY POMONA. CALIFOFN IA 6ECOiIO VICE-PRESIDE'{T NEWELL POCK CIIIEF BU I LDING INEPECTOR YAKIIfA, lJltASHIN6T0N TREASURERvlNcENT R. BU9H Ed Struble SUPERINTENDEI{T OF BUILDING vERNoN, caLrFoFNr^ BUilding OfftCial City of Vail. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr, Struble: This is to acknowledge reeeipt of data on June 9,1972,for the above proJect which will be. reviewed and our cornments forrrarded to you as soon as possible, May we thank you for your Interest Ln our services. Yours very truly, TJK: hb cc: Hibberd Conscruction Company A Nonprofil Service Oryonizotion for lhe Mqinlenqnce of the IJNIFORM BUILDING CODE ond Reloted Ordinqnces ond Oflerino Soecio/ Services lo Active Clqss A Members OFFICES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOF T. H. CANTER MANAGING OIRECTAR JAME6 E. BIHR TECHNICAL DIRECTOF D. R. \^/ATSON Plan Check No. 8640 Vtllage Centre Condominiums JUNIOR PASi FRESIDENT TED E. DUKE BUILDING OFFICIAL EILLINOS, I'ONTANA EXECUTIVE DIFECTOR T. H. CARTER IO SOUTH LOS ROBLES FA6ADENA, CALIFORNIA MANAGING DINEqTOR JAMES E. BIHR 30 SOUTH LOs ROBLEg PASAOENA, CALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD OIFECTOR OF INSPECIIONS XALAMAZOO, MICHTGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECIOR DEPARTMENT OF INgFEC'IONS MII{NEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF BUILDTNG INSFECTOE PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA, \/|,ASHINOION CHARLEg R. HINKLEY CH IEF BU ILOING INSPECTOR MOUNIAIN VIEW. CALIFOFNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BUILDING OFFICIAL couNTY oF aLAltEba HAYWARD, CAL! FORNIA JACK D. WHITE BU ILDING CODE ENG INEER KANSAS CITY, rrlSSOURl VINCENT R. EUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BU ILDING VERNON, CALIFORNIA DICK T. JORDAN DIRECTOR EUILDING OEPARTMENT AUSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BU tL9ING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF 6ANfA BARB RA SANTA EARBARA, CALIFORN IA IMER}IATIOML COMERENCE K tsu Check Eng ineer June B 1972 Mr T.J. Koyamatsu ICBO 5360 South Workman M111 Road Whlttler California 90601 Dear illr Koyamatsu; Enclosed are the dnawlngs and structural calcufatlons for Village Centre Condomlnlums in Va11, Colorado' Ed Strubel, the Buildlng Inspector 1n ValL' requested that we send you these ptans for your approval' EncLosures/r bcc: Ed Strubel' Town Herman Harroun t of V.ila- TreeToPs Condorninlums, Vail .I127 RACE STBEET t DENVER, COLORADO 80206 I TELEPHONE (303) 35F64OO .., i, Rrcr{ARDs ENGTNEEnqTNC. P. O. Box 6'lil VAll.' @ITORADO 8f657 Ul|l f765072 DcnYrr 2rlrl-l5ill LETTQ 0F TmANSnnorTAn- tho following item3: D Samples n Spccificationg TO Elbberd Cooatructlon Co. P.O. Box 541, Vall , Colorado 81657 3u11dl{nE nepsr trneat Tonu of Val1, Vallr Colorado 81657 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU u Shop drawings ! Copy ot lettcr ll Under separate cover via D Change order tG Attached ! Prints tr ! DATE lJoi tao Septenber L. L9l2 | V2-89 Insoectlona - Vlflage C€oter coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTIO'{ 1 Inepectlon Reports - Vlllage Center Auguet 7 - t6, L972 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked D For approval ESor Your use O As requestcd below: D Approved as submitted E Approved as noted ! Roturned lor corrections [] Resubmit-copies for approval 'U Submit - copies for distribution I Return -corroct€d prints D Foi review and commant fl O FOR BIDS DUE -I9 tr PRINTS RETURNEO AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Of,fice f.r! 6rrf ?.t'{etr t"rd fIIpB- SIGNED: Cg_.,t s- R{..herde tl anaroaatrat ava ad aa not d, hlndl, aotlty t . ,t onca. @PY TO O RrcnAnDs Er$orNEERs, rNc. O Post Offlcc 8ox 643 Vall , Colorado 81657 476-5072 CONCREf,E. I{ASONRY ATD REIXFONCING STEEL BEPORT Conclste Placcoeot Drte fb.tlcathcr Locatloo loarke c 3o*>/2:ad fatf JrJ * fr{loor./fla*olocI tf 3apJh- ,^ on"ri- nt- {*ti: ll [Xh,J rt kl t4 /er. I f x //por/iop df tir lot^ ti o-/ aroulcJ-Et +d * >aa{ l ede / wifl ta ut )f7tou74. O.p 4n-q /Z:7a Fo) r 11 .( ll O-rt, ?^q 2:,ar ?,ih"14 ,tn ro df leu c /6rcsT !e. /tel?y >b { bu^ttbo . frw<l ttqle, 0 t.: llaroory IsrDactlon --*I--a&- D.te TbG Locetlon lelarke Itu a a! ,'/,'A ?ar r.ia.p t t nrcsAnos E!rerNEERs, rwc. OPoet Offlce 8or 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 476-5072 @xcREt8. I{ASONRY Ar{D RETNTOnCINC STEF. RBPORT w, <{,'y'/ t 14 - . Coactite Plrc,eoeot lcbforclar 8tccl Drta lLn Locetlon lcnerLr Dats tLs S.rthGr Locatlod Slurp CtU-ndcrt llmoan Inroectloo Drto rl,I Itrtathcr Locetlon llgrlr Ltr //zyr Fdtf 14.,t a o.// L, t- t,a(a. (, - RICAARDS ENGIIIEERS, lltc.v Pogt Offlce Box 643 Vall , Colorrdo 81657 476-5072 CONCRETE. I{ASONRY A}TD RBI]rtrORCINC SIEET REPORT rt \,/ / f)lot, Coocrrtc Placcncot Drta ltD tlcrthGr Ipcatlon Slunp Gyllodon lSrorrg laroectlon Drts TID tlcrthct LocStlon laoerLr ll".n //:@ nfu"a.t< /d "..a1'/-,.e/d, k. lrlnforctsr 8tc1 q/< u, e/s 8a llel {Jt Fr?t^e* ca) I t*o,< Irrpcctor I RTGHARDS ENGTNEERINC. P. O. Box 54il vAtL. coLoRADO 81657 Vail 476.5O72 Denvcr 244-1521 LETTft OF TRANSNNOTTAL the following itcms: L Samples L i Specifications TO Hlbberd Cons tr,ult lolt Co, Post Offlce box 641, Vall,Colorado 81657 Mr. 4d S+rrrb1e-..8+iJ4i+g . hs+eecor_ Towrr of Val1 , Post 0ffice Box 100, Vail, Colorado 81657 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU E Attached i f. Shop d rawrn gs Prints iJ Copy of letter Change order Under separate cover ll Plans vta li Inspectlons - trtI Vlllage Center :., go_Pl E! 1 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED Ll For a pprova I F9( For your use L As req uested as checked below: L_l For review and comment i Approved. as tj Approved as l: Returned for submitted noted correction s r' Resubmit-copies tor approval : I Submit -copies {or distribution Ll Return --corrected prints REMARKS Coples of_- the concrete test results should PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US be sent to our offlce for revlew tI FOR BIDS DUE Inspection Reporus - Vlllage Center June 28 - August 4, L972 and flles. None has been received to date. srGNID: if enclosutos ,te not as ioaed, ktndly notily Kenneth E. Richards COPY TO t;RICHARDS ENCIITEEBS, MG. . Port Offlce Eor 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 476-5072 @NCRET8. ilASoNRI AltD REINF9RCTI{C SrBlx. n8PoBT Ji,.,, nFott t.'' .)At'{ rl' Codcrstc Placement Detg Irrs fcathcr .r.l Locrtlon 8lury GTllodrtr lttLL ?:1d ',.,!;{ ;,^ *.1 ",{ ht !'rl: ^:::i' / 6.t b 5if Seuter/tie eea(eru,tl. l{aronrv Iugpectlon // a-t e 4e € t-,g Bcloforchr Stccl D8tC Its Locctloo l:rrrtr r3.t/tr. k<o.nk w ld lo\tfl,/2laa {e"#- n {l- -/tt ,t)trr u- /,}- .f , OaUteb ol J.tftppJ nCC A,t tEocl Ar*, t L.r,rc Teee 6e.* t/altzJ- zdrra. tl* r1 ,,,1o i/lh, c,u lcrp €cv t-t .6cA;,t. oJ.'r..1-J^ B. tla,-r'ocfJ-lly Z' I y a yJ ,.tttt -c*{oJa.l ^, IFF' k'l RICHARDE ENCINEERS, ITIC, Pogt Offlce lor 643 Val.l, Colorado 81657 476-5072 coNcRETEr HA.SoNil AND &ETNFOnCTNG stElx. BEIoRT For: H,'/lo t-l lt) loc, '6, aa ,lll 7; Coocrete Placcnent Drte Tlne 9eether Locatlon 8ft4 6!llndrrr Ueaonrv lngpectiou Drtc Itlc lleathcr Locatlon fflrb lGlofotcl.Bt Steel ooa bf|4 | 'fi erlT t{ lupthrl i7-tu RTCnARDS EIICINEERg, INC. Poet Offlcc lor 643 Val1 , Colorado 81657 476-5072 @IICR8TE. I.{ASONRY AIID IEIITPONCINC STEEL BIPONT ror: t4rl/"-l Coreretc Placenent Drte Itra Itcather Locstlo!8lrry C:ylltrd.E. llronry InsDectlon DItC Tb.llcather LocatloD larb S.lllorclos Stfil \- --/ - \-'-- ,Sl3oawre of Iorpector O RT'EARD' Etrcr*Esns, r*c. O Poet Oftlce lor 643 Va1l , Colorado 81657 476-s072 @NCRETE, }IASONRY AND REIilFONCING STIIL IIDBI Coucretc Placeoent Uarort Inrprctl,on Brlolorclar 8tcc1 (ott ^ftq494 -F-- .'-' f 8igrrmrr of larDrctor I)rtr f!l.llcatber Loc.tloa tbT QTl;ldrrr fiTt l.?,'.oo tsarr / t./ {/ ,/o /'a.r,?t l.tfi,lt ?.'ao C/cul"du u/-{-,'..' 4t (/. f 4/e D!t.Itr Tcethcr tocatloa fnrrtr tW tra.h 1:ao Falr fl. f. 4*tiet- u,t-//leq q>6tf{u1t(c r Oi e*-o-t 4.c a*- ?oTuly 3':a4 d^oJ-FOn? + 1 p .ra : *,cti . n*7p.fi1r*t a.gtc, t), ^c tl tlt- aaottt>9 at lti a, ,lft^lv 1:aa tsa t I #xftr."J,i{ir; t*r iffi RICHARDS ElfcItfEERSr Il|C. Poet Offlce 8or 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 476-5072 @NCNETE. }IASONRT AIID RUINFOTCIT{G S[!EL IIFfir rct, H,'I /p,t.J. @lct€tG Placeoent Hrtot6r llrpactlou Fe t--\- ,.J 'C-, .Slgnrturc of lnrFcaor Drt ItD€geathcr Loc.tlon tfx4 Gllladrr ihLzt 4:D FA /A E:J"frJ7 t/W"-"-yo *,fr?/-.a Tilvilt f,:9.(>?lt r Gr.-rj A </J - eatf .)/o t'/ Drt.llr lfcrthar Locrtl.oa lrrtr ft ltzr tq€OonJr ?J* il+t a,K. f,ulrr q'.ld It * // "d.k. ["fu2r z:ja /1 ?>llrt.!{thm,;rlz./i t'.,. /l*j, "E::I:::f )g-." -/tut 9/rr,'4til leta , ["ly2c 9'a a Fa)..r' v., 7 ct j" 4 41',,. /l- lrlaforclr 8tcc1 Drtt 118.l,oclt1oo fnrtr filrt(bla 3 il btzl /o,, iaicf r@a>.{o,n-d.E ,iJtDL V: vc Af€a. t lst *r *^atottra;r;p ;/rt/>6t #{rF} O RrcnARDs ExorNEERs, r,rrc. O Port Offlce Eot 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 476-5072 @NCREf,E. XASONRY AIID BErtrFOrcnc sf,EB. BtPqlT ,", /y' )J/ er.n : Coocrlt3 Placcoeat Drtr Ttna Itcather Locotloa I tlq ctUldG. l{a.qorv IscDsctloD D,rtc Ttr lleather Locatloo lcrlr t)'JuX Q )oO Fa tt-3 il *r a4" /euel O.k rfi'lqll 7':aa Fa)r t / /t t/t/ ttf d.,<. ;1 i (t .{-.N trinlorclng Strcl <./r .l< y- .L,, slgE tur. ot lilD.ecor o ..{Frqi RICIiARDS EI{CINEERST IlE. Poet Offlce 8os 643 Va1l, Colorado 81657 476-5072 @NCRETE. HASOBRY AND REIf,FOICilC STEEX, RllON$ Coacr€tc Plrcc8eot Drte ftuG fcathcr Locrtloo 8tum ctudc. l^n4 (t ]a Fa )r ; /( / ./' t4 " t e,te/ 1/ c /J c.dJ.lL 3"l)a o -..t {; .4 /6 o,( 6elai lestl , -TLLloJcf*,, /c,f. tf t a / ^ lJa,l p-J /,,J- lr.lA I LJ/--t llrroary Inrocctlou DTtC ltlr gcrthcr Locrtloo fnlrtr h.L /Z:aa Fa. tr J/e cl p./ r ter*€t, q.S gcf 7.J * y'X 1"u-/ ,.--tfe/p p,f A.J /z toa ,E;>7-r'* qH./p'rt-/ n --','./'u)a-t . blafotclar Stral DrtC Ttr lpcatlon lrdtr /l^l tC )da ? tl * ./ dzolto/ .l'haraz/v ?^/or. Ar,C 818!rc,uro *I NI CAL PERMIT APP I Lrc ATIONMECHA Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION Eanle County WHEN PFOPEFLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE ) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR REOiOER FROM; INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS I 6O SO. LOS ROALES ' PAsADENA, CAIIFORNIA 9I101 VilLaoe Center Phrse I. Vail . Colora.lo 1!see artrcxeo sxe er 1 7' Hibberd Construction ztP PttoNE 1127 Race St.. Denver. Colorado 811206 CONTiACTOR MAIL ADOiESS PHONE LICENSE NO, 3 Mar,"ell Heatino conDa,nll 1235 South Huron St.. De.nver. eolo. 777-66 aRcFtTECi Oi OES!6NEn M^ IL AOOiES S EFO'{E LICENSE NO, EN6IItEER MAI L A OOF EsS PiOHE LICENSE NO. MA|L AOORE ss SFANC! IJ SE OF BUILOIN6 8 C|ass of worK: tr NEW tr AOOITION tr ALTERATION tr BEPAIR Installation of Hot water heatinn .cystem Typsof Fuer: Oit n Nat.Gas I LPG. fl PERMIT FEES Typ€ of EquipmentSPECIAL CONOITIONS: Air Cond. Units H.P. Ea. Boilers-H.P. Ea. Gas Fi.ed A.C. Units-Tonnaq€ Ea. Forced Air Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. E-*t j Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters-B.T.U. M NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTFUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ASANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE R€AO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNTNG THISTVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. r / -/ t/"1 /,, ,- l,-I-,t .-- ,/t/-.t:- SIbN^.fURE OF CONYiAC'Oi OR AUT}!OFIZED A6ENT (IAT') Unit Heaters-B.T.U. TOTAL FEE Form lOO.4 +69 a usE spAcE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. : .:. International of Building Off icialsConf erence 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER. CALIFORNIA 90601 October 18, L972 (213) 699-0s41 OFFICERS PRESIDENT EUGENE B, PESTER DIRECTOR OF COMM L, N ITY OEVELOPMENT POMONA, CALIFORN IA FIRST VICE.PRES DENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BU ILDI Nq INSPECTOR YAK IMA, WASH INGTON SECOND VICE PRESIOEN I JACK O, \/YHITE BLIILDIN6 COOE ENG NEER KAN5A5 CITY. M ISSOU R I IREAgURE IVINCENT R. BUSH SUFERINTENOENT OF BU ILDI NG VERNON. CALIFORNIA JIJNIOR PAST PRES'OENT PERRY C. TYREE FEGIONAL BUILOING OTI IC LALcoLoRAoo SPRtNGS. (]OLORAOO EXECT,ITIVE DIREC-TORT, H. CAR'ER 536() S. WORXMAN MILL RO WH ITTI ER. CALIFORNIA MANAGING DIRECTORJAMES E, BIHR 5360 5- WOFKMAN MILL RD. WH]T'I IER. CALIFORN IA DI RECTOR9 GAYLORD C. DOWD O IRECIOR OF INSPECTIONs KALAMAZOO, MICH IGAN DONALD A. ERICKSQN orREc.roR OEPAFTMENT OF INSPECTIONS M IN NEAPOLIS, MI NNESOIA B ILL P. HORN cH tEF BU tLDt NC tNSPECiOR FIERCE COUN'TY TACOMA. WAsH IN GION ROSFRT B. FELDN ER SUF€RINTENDENT OF CENTRAL INSPECTION WICH TA. |<ANSA9 CHARLES R, HINKLEY CH IEF BU ILDIHG INSPECTOR MOU NTA IN VIEW, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BUILDING OFFICIAL COIJNTY OF ALAMEOA HAYWA RO, CALIFORNIA VINCENT R. BUSH SUFER'NTENDENT OF EU II-O ING VERNON, CALIFORN IA DICK T. JORDAN O RECTOR BUILOING DEPARTM ENT ALJSTIN. TEXAS FLOYD G. MCLELLAN. JR. D IRECIOR OF BIJ ILO ING ANO SAFETY COUN TY OF ORANG€ SANTA ANA. CAL IFORN IA oFFlcgs oF IHE EXECUTIVE OIRECTOR T. H. CARTER MANAGING OIRECTOR JAMES E. AI HR TECHNICAL DIFIECTOF O, R. WATSOH Plan Check No, 8640 Project: Village Centre Condmrinlums Jerry Aldrich Building OffictaL City of Vail Post Office Box 100Vail, CoLorado 81657 Dear Mr. Aldrich: We are reEurning all on the above project JuTy 28, 1972. data Eo you under separate cover in accordance with our letcer of Please feel free t.o contact of further asstgtance. TJK: hb thls office if we can be Yours very truly, IMERNAT TONAL C ONFERENCE K Csu Check Engineer \o COLORADO TESTING LABORATOR IES 136 L ipan Street 0enver, .Col orado 80223 Phone - 244-2486 CONCRITE TESTS Cl ient Hibberd Construetlon Coropany Job No. M-I008 1127 Race sr - ' ^ - eolorudo suppl ier - -- r -\- Proi€ct Vl1lage Center, . Phase 11, va\, Colo. Ticket No. ,""$ Date of pour Oesign minimum psi Slump /in. A ir conteht Unit wgt. (fresh) ocf Temperature Weather Remarks Recelved 3 cores on 10-3-72 Cylinder code Age of break {days)Test str. (ps i)Rema r ks 822 l-H 2-H 5-n 37I5 3940 5000 Slab lst floor atEntry Footing Center WaII Ist floor at Entry Slab Closet 2nd floor Cop ies : 2 CL]EM COLORADO TEST ING LABORATOR I ES, INC. REG ISTERED PROFESS I ONAL ENG I NEERS RTCnARDS EIICINEERg, INC. Poet Offlcc lor 643 Val1 , Colorado 81657 476-5072 @IICR8TE. I.{ASONRY AIID IEIITPONCINC STEEL BIPONT ror: t4rl/"-l Coreretc Placenent Drte Itra Itcather Locstlo!8lrry C:ylltrd.E. llronry InsDectlon DItC Tb.llcather LocatloD larb S.lllorclos Stfil \- --/ - \-'-- ,Sl3oawre of Iorpector O RT'EARD' Etrcr*Esns, r*c. O Poet Oftlce lor 643 Va1l , Colorado 81657 476-s072 @NCRETE, }IASONRY AND REIilFONCING STIIL IIDBI Coucretc Placeoent Uarort Inrprctl,on Brlolorclar 8tcc1 (ott ^ftq494 -F-- .'-' f 8igrrmrr of larDrctor I)rtr f!l.llcatber Loc.tloa tbT QTl;ldrrr fiTt l.?,'.oo tsarr / t./ {/ ,/o /'a.r,?t l.tfi,lt ?.'ao C/cul"du u/-{-,'..' 4t (/. f 4/e D!t.Itr Tcethcr tocatloa fnrrtr tW tra.h 1:ao Falr fl. f. 4*tiet- u,t-//leq q>6tf{u1t(c r Oi e*-o-t 4.c a*- ?oTuly 3':a4 d^oJ-FOn? + 1 p .ra : *,cti . n*7p.fi1r*t a.gtc, t), ^c tl tlt- aaottt>9 at lti a, ,lft^lv 1:aa tsa t I #xftr."J,i{ir; t*r iffi RICHARDS ElfcItfEERSr Il|C. Poet Offlce 8or 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 476-5072 @NCNETE. }IASONRT AIID RUINFOTCIT{G S[!EL IIFfir rct, H,'I /p,t.J. @lct€tG Placeoent Hrtot6r llrpactlou Fe t--\- ,.J 'C-, .Slgnrturc of lnrFcaor Drt ItD€geathcr Loc.tlon tfx4 Gllladrr ihLzt 4:D FA /A E:J"frJ7 t/W"-"-yo *,fr?/-.a Tilvilt f,:9.(>?lt r Gr.-rj A </J - eatf .)/o t'/ Drt.llr lfcrthar Locrtl.oa lrrtr ft ltzr tq€OonJr ?J* il+t a,K. f,ulrr q'.ld It * // "d.k. ["fu2r z:ja /1 ?>llrt.!{thm,;rlz./i t'.,. /l*j, "E::I:::f )g-." -/tut 9/rr,'4til leta , ["ly2c 9'a a Fa)..r' v., 7 ct j" 4 41',,. /l- lrlaforclr 8tcc1 Drtt 118.l,oclt1oo fnrtr filrt(bla 3 il btzl /o,, iaicf r@a>.{o,n-d.E ,iJtDL V: vc Af€a. t lst *r *^atottra;r;p ;/rt/>6t #{rF} O RrcnARDs ExorNEERs, r,rrc. O Port Offlce Eot 643 Vall, Colorado 81657 476-5072 @NCREf,E. XASONRY AIID BErtrFOrcnc sf,EB. BtPqlT ,", /y' )J/ er.n : Coocrlt3 Placcoeat Drtr Ttna Itcather Locotloa I tlq ctUldG. l{a.qorv IscDsctloD D,rtc Ttr lleather Locatloo lcrlr t)'JuX Q )oO Fa tt-3 il *r a4" /euel O.k rfi'lqll 7':aa Fa)r t / /t t/t/ ttf d.,<. ;1 i (t .{-.N trinlorclng Strcl <./r .l< y- .L,, slgE tur. ot lilD.ecor o ..{Frqi RICIiARDS EI{CINEERST IlE. Poet Offlce 8os 643 Va1l, Colorado 81657 476-5072 @NCRETE. HASOBRY AND REIf,FOICilC STEEX, RllON$ Coacr€tc Plrcc8eot Drte ftuG fcathcr Locrtloo 8tum ctudc. l^n4 (t ]a Fa )r ; /( / ./' t4 " t e,te/ 1/ c /J c.dJ.lL 3"l)a o -..t {; .4 /6 o,( 6elai lestl , -TLLloJcf*,, /c,f. tf t a / ^ lJa,l p-J /,,J- lr.lA I LJ/--t llrroary Inrocctlou DTtC ltlr gcrthcr Locrtloo fnlrtr h.L /Z:aa Fa. tr J/e cl p./ r ter*€t, q.S gcf 7.J * y'X 1"u-/ ,.--tfe/p p,f A.J /z toa ,E;>7-r'* qH./p'rt-/ n --','./'u)a-t . blafotclar Stral DrtC Ttr lpcatlon lrdtr /l^l tC )da ? tl * ./ dzolto/ .l'haraz/v ?^/or. Ar,C 818!rc,uro *I NI CAL PERMIT APP I Lrc ATIONMECHA Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION Eanle County WHEN PFOPEFLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE ) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR REOiOER FROM; INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS I 6O SO. LOS ROALES ' PAsADENA, CAIIFORNIA 9I101 VilLaoe Center Phrse I. Vail . Colora.lo 1!see artrcxeo sxe er 1 7' Hibberd Construction ztP PttoNE 1127 Race St.. Denver. Colorado 811206 CONTiACTOR MAIL ADOiESS PHONE LICENSE NO, 3 Mar,"ell Heatino conDa,nll 1235 South Huron St.. De.nver. eolo. 777-66 aRcFtTECi Oi OES!6NEn M^ IL AOOiES S EFO'{E LICENSE NO, EN6IItEER MAI L A OOF EsS PiOHE LICENSE NO. MA|L AOORE ss SFANC! IJ SE OF BUILOIN6 8 C|ass of worK: tr NEW tr AOOITION tr ALTERATION tr BEPAIR Installation of Hot water heatinn .cystem Typsof Fuer: Oit n Nat.Gas I LPG. fl PERMIT FEES Typ€ of EquipmentSPECIAL CONOITIONS: Air Cond. Units H.P. Ea. Boilers-H.P. Ea. Gas Fi.ed A.C. Units-Tonnaq€ Ea. Forced Air Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. E-*t j Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters-B.T.U. M NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTFUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ASANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE R€AO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNTNG THISTVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. r / -/ t/"1 /,, ,- l,-I-,t .-- ,/t/-.t:- SIbN^.fURE OF CONYiAC'Oi OR AUT}!OFIZED A6ENT (IAT') Unit Heaters-B.T.U. TOTAL FEE Form lOO.4 +69 a usE spAcE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. : .:. International of Building Off icialsConf erence 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER. CALIFORNIA 90601 October 18, L972 (213) 699-0s41 OFFICERS PRESIDENT EUGENE B, PESTER DIRECTOR OF COMM L, N ITY OEVELOPMENT POMONA, CALIFORN IA FIRST VICE.PRES DENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF BU ILDI Nq INSPECTOR YAK IMA, WASH INGTON SECOND VICE PRESIOEN I JACK O, \/YHITE BLIILDIN6 COOE ENG NEER KAN5A5 CITY. M ISSOU R I IREAgURE IVINCENT R. BUSH SUFERINTENOENT OF BU ILDI NG VERNON. CALIFORNIA JIJNIOR PAST PRES'OENT PERRY C. TYREE FEGIONAL BUILOING OTI IC LALcoLoRAoo SPRtNGS. (]OLORAOO EXECT,ITIVE DIREC-TORT, H. CAR'ER 536() S. WORXMAN MILL RO WH ITTI ER. CALIFORNIA MANAGING DIRECTORJAMES E, BIHR 5360 5- WOFKMAN MILL RD. WH]T'I IER. CALIFORN IA DI RECTOR9 GAYLORD C. DOWD O IRECIOR OF INSPECTIONs KALAMAZOO, MICH IGAN DONALD A. ERICKSQN orREc.roR OEPAFTMENT OF INSPECTIONS M IN NEAPOLIS, MI NNESOIA B ILL P. HORN cH tEF BU tLDt NC tNSPECiOR FIERCE COUN'TY TACOMA. WAsH IN GION ROSFRT B. FELDN ER SUF€RINTENDENT OF CENTRAL INSPECTION WICH TA. |<ANSA9 CHARLES R, HINKLEY CH IEF BU ILDIHG INSPECTOR MOU NTA IN VIEW, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BUILDING OFFICIAL COIJNTY OF ALAMEOA HAYWA RO, CALIFORNIA VINCENT R. BUSH SUFER'NTENDENT OF EU II-O ING VERNON, CALIFORN IA DICK T. JORDAN O RECTOR BUILOING DEPARTM ENT ALJSTIN. TEXAS FLOYD G. MCLELLAN. JR. D IRECIOR OF BIJ ILO ING ANO SAFETY COUN TY OF ORANG€ SANTA ANA. CAL IFORN IA oFFlcgs oF IHE EXECUTIVE OIRECTOR T. H. CARTER MANAGING OIRECTOR JAMES E. AI HR TECHNICAL DIFIECTOF O, R. WATSOH Plan Check No, 8640 Project: Village Centre Condmrinlums Jerry Aldrich Building OffictaL City of Vail Post Office Box 100Vail, CoLorado 81657 Dear Mr. Aldrich: We are reEurning all on the above project JuTy 28, 1972. data Eo you under separate cover in accordance with our letcer of Please feel free t.o contact of further asstgtance. TJK: hb thls office if we can be Yours very truly, IMERNAT TONAL C ONFERENCE K Csu Check Engineer \o COLORADO TESTING LABORATOR IES 136 L ipan Street 0enver, .Col orado 80223 Phone - 244-2486 CONCRITE TESTS Cl ient Hibberd Construetlon Coropany Job No. M-I008 1127 Race sr - ' ^ - eolorudo suppl ier - -- r -\- Proi€ct Vl1lage Center, . Phase 11, va\, Colo. Ticket No. ,""$ Date of pour Oesign minimum psi Slump /in. A ir conteht Unit wgt. (fresh) ocf Temperature Weather Remarks Recelved 3 cores on 10-3-72 Cylinder code Age of break {days)Test str. (ps i)Rema r ks 822 l-H 2-H 5-n 37I5 3940 5000 Slab lst floor atEntry Footing Center WaII Ist floor at Entry Slab Closet 2nd floor Cop ies : 2 CL]EM COLORADO TEST ING LABORATOR I ES, INC. REG ISTERED PROFESS I ONAL ENG I NEERS o/s tngttr*zr,!,!! Kcnnefh E. Richords @4tu Kenneth E. Rlchards Registered Professional Engineer aod Land Surveyor i/2J-83 KER/pr cc : I'tr . Ilerman Harroun, Supt . Illbberd Constructlon Co. l*n CIVIL ENGINETRING . PL^NNING . sURVEY5 SUBD|V|SIONS . WATER & SEWER SYSTE/I\S Box 643 Vo il, Colorodo 8165/ Phone 476-507? Denvcr ?44-1521 November 20, 1972 I'lr. Jerry T. Al-drich Bullding Inspector Town of Vail P. O. Box 631 Vai1, Colorado 8L657 Re: Field Inspection Village Center CondonlnLums Dear Mr. Aldrlch: Thls letter ls to certify that we lnspected the concrete, relnforcing steeL and masonry work at the Vlllage Center Condorniniums. The Contractorts work was satlsfactory and closely followed the plane and specificatlons. A few olnor changes were made as the Job progressed, but the only s1-gniflcant, change was the omission of the extr a ll4x2t-6tt dowels at the 4th floor roof J-lne, Section 24/53. The foreman sald there lras no room for these dowels. Random tests rrere made on the grout l-n the block wal1s and all were satlsfactory. I belleve you have the concrete cylinder test reporte on thls proJect. Sincerely yours, RICHAR.DS ENGINEERS, INC. Registcred Professionol Enginears Regioered Lond Surveyors CIW OF FORT MOREAN STATE OF CUINRADO Of{icr of Buildins Of{iclal REOUEST FOR lNSPECTlf..rrrl// - i't - ;./ ?-- BUtL! ||a tcAvAllox _'l GHTM|EY.*".,-fl FRAiTT C _*_.-ll coltPtElldt ._.18 Pl,tstEi|t|t wrnE ....-_.-..-.....-! tATlt .--__-_.___aE SCRATCB _-*__..-{] EtECt CAt RoucH wtRlNG _Ewrntrc.! t-t .._--_.uERONII FtitsH Xo& Iorpectioa ..J:e-A-& ,/-e. /--*-*_", h*->Zg/ iouclt.-...."".,_-._n ioucH___-_-f]FrrAl....-_._.._! flflAt____.__._.fl sEwErs *_._.*C ^/ngc. ..._......._...n*...-.....----_- PLUX8. _.._.-.___.tr cEssPoot ..__,.-...c