HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT K VILLAGE CENTER 1974 INSPECTION REPORTS LEGALil. ,cAr I oN FoR vAR I ANc E And/0r cor'rb tr I or.iAL usE PERr'r I T Ordinance ilo.8 (Series o{ 1913) Application o.t. fla<{/f2f Publication outu-h ,8r-rgZ/ Hear i ns oil" rua - .?4 jETV aea r ing Fee 4/a o Final Decision date for Town Council I (we) Village Centre lll ca of Box 64 I (Applicani) Co lora do Va i I (Address) Phone Jouu (State) . (City) do he reby request permission to appea r before the Vail Planning Commission to request the following: Va r iance f rom Article t4.60 | Zon inq Chanoe from Park ing Variance Conditional Use Permit to a llow 7one.ln (x ((x ( l4 -,Sect ion to For the fo I low i ng described property: Lot/tract ( ,B I ock 5 -E Fi I ing |Jumber Vail Village lst Filing Clearly sl'ate purpose and intent of this application The app'l icant wi:!es lo provide addilional qFen qn_i"ne over ahcl above fhc renrrirod .\nan qne/^a Tn annnmnIich .l-hic ?2 narlzinn spaces on fhe rortheast corne r of the p ropertv will be converfed into a common ll2?= =nA n [qee q_rea_ .. as well as the prop.erty owners on Lot K. App I icant desires to I -' cooperate with the Town of Vail Planninq staff and consul.lant What do you feel is the basis for hardship in this case? Master Plan p rov ides for the elimination.of commercia I parkin spaces in tne Commercial Core area. The cooe requirement for Q2 spaces contrad icts the inte'nt of the Master P lan., gnatu 9n nl nr vraofir? "iw7 an,. Jo6il{ 1; 1l6$ t- ,f il o MEMORANDUM T0: TOWN COUNCIL FR0M: PLANNING COMMISSI0N RE; PARKING VARIANCE REQUEST - VILLAGE CENTER DATE: APRIL 16, 1974 In a meeting April l!, 1974, Mr- Fred Hibberd came before the P'lanning Commission with a request for a ?2 car parking variance. The issue is one that has been discussed during the past two months at various times: the 22 car spaces would be eliminated on the east end of his parking structure and a small park made.to replace them. The park, as shown on Hibberd's plans, is designed with an aggregate base over the area, p'lanters with shrubs and small trees, and a scattering of benches. Opinion was sonewhat divided on the Commission about this issue, but a majority of the members voted to approve the variance request, and to recommend approval to the Council. DS/nrrun ,lU ll!l,l.ll-rr.l J. This is an Agreemcnt be!'.,'een the Town of Vail,a nunJ.cipal corporati.on (here ina fter referred to as "Vajl.")and Fred llibbcrd, Jt. (hereinafter referred to as "ltibberd,') RECITALS A. I{j.bberd is the developer of a projecL inthe Tor'rn of Vail, colorado, kno!,i'n as Village Center. B. The Torvn desires that cerr,ain property atstreet 1eve1 at the llortheast portion of the Village Centerparking garage altove rvhich plans currentl-y call for tl,eloc.rticl'r af 22 pc.rking sDaccs, be celeted ancl the same converteclto an urban plaza and open space. C. The Trustees of the Tov.'n of VaiI have con-cluded thaL the parl-.ing garage rvith said 22 spaces is or r.rould l:e in fu11 conpliance vrit,h all applicable codes ofVaii, but tha'" the elimir-ration of .;he 22 parking spacesand the substitut-ion thereof of urban plaza and open spaceis desirable in that the substitution gi11 reducc vehi-cletraffic anC conges.'ion and provide more open space. D. Hibbcrd is vrrlling to airpllz f or the necessaryvariance to elimina+,e tl're 22 parlij-rrg spaces provicling abuilding pcruriE vrill be issued by the Tor';n of Jail for tlreVillage Cenl-er Builcij-ng C, the parking garage and BuildinE D. In consideration of the recitals and of the mutua] co\tenants herein, it is agreed as follor,is: I. Hibbcrd agrees to an1:}y for a rrariance for the eLiminati.c-;i of 22 parlling sDaccs r.:l:ich are pr:esent.i y reqtriled Lo ):c placed above the East enci of tl:e Vil-l"age CenLer parking garagc and, in licr.r thcrcof , to converL tha{: sarilc arcil to an uri:ai: plaza and oucn spac'J art streeL levei.at tlte IIor:heast po::E.ior: cf the Viltage Ceni:er pJ_aza " .?. In consirreraticn of the loss to }libberd-of tlre adjacent parliing to his pleirnecl ccn,mc,':cial facilities, the Tov;t: of Vail agrees to grant the abovc-descrj,bed varia;rce and i:o issuc .r building petniiL ior the Vil-Iage Uen;er Buj lding C ar-rd ag]:ees that construction ma:.' procced thereon. The hrri Idi ncr nr'rnri I f nr r{rri 'l 'li nr. f "hal_1 be iSSUcd tO llibl_.crdt.vr-rlron the e:<ecuticn of thrs agreernent. As soon as tl-re plans fnr l-l.o 1.1,erao,l ;rF- €i'.-l i+^,; ..'h i.-r1i q r.rrrr.r-J-e.j t-O be On, l.l t ru.r or before I'iay 15 , I974, these plar.s r''iLI be submitted b1' Hlbberd to Vail and a building pe:::rit thcrefore requestecl . Hibberd agreesi to conrplete the conslruction of thc garage on or before tlre Ca1-c that BuilCir:g C is conpleted. In that connectioil , Ilibbcrd agrees not to occupy or reguest: a ccrtificatc of occupal)cy for Building C until the garage is conpletcd. hereo f Company 3. VaiI acknoh'Lcdges that time clue to tlrc July 1, 1974 . deadline of of Colorarlo rcgarcling the erlclosure is of the essctrce Public Serrrice: a l: ctr:r nn :r rr.l 'I ,i.use of naLural gas in order to assure the prioriLy for the' obtainin<.; oll lr;r{:rrraL gas tap$. Vail tlrerefore acknovrl-edgcs, that this agreenrent. nust be- signed on April L6. L974. .;...' 4. Tlre provisions of this documenL shall inureto the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and thcir successors, heirs, and assigns ' Dated this 16th day of April , Lg74. TOISN OF VAIL t{ayor APPROVED BY TTIE TRUSTEES : OF TIIE TOI{I{ OF VAIIJ APRrt 16, L974 By \ APRIL 18th, DESIGN REVIEhI BOARD MEETING, CONTINUED. KALEIDOSCOPE - sign and alteration: sign meets all technical requirements of the ordinance. Shop next door to Kaleidoscope has been vacated by Schuberts Internatjona'l (Mr. Slevjn making presentation), and plans are for expansionof Kale'idoscope into the vacated space. Presently two front entrances, would like to eliminate one, since it is no'longer necessary, that is, the entrance to the Schuberts shop and make that a window. There are two windows to the Schuberts shop, which look on the stairwel 1 going up the stairs -- would be of value inside the shop to close these windows and have shelving space there, so change front entrance and make it into a window, keep the front entrance to the Kaleidoscope that exists, and at the same time, we're going to give some sort of continuity so that people known it's alI one shop, put a slight trim of yellow around windows - about 1l-" in. - would like to do away with the existing sign and put up another - woodenr carved, bold letters, and kaleidoscopic design - 51 feet of frontage - size of sign s'lightly under 10 sq. ft. QUESTI0NS/C0MMENTS: -- Heimbach - is the trim shown already on the Kaleidoscope? No, the trim that is on Kaleidoscope now is the same brown - leaving it there, but adding 1l-2 in. of ye1 low, which would tie up with the sign, and existing door, with existing color. Is it a lit sign? No, 'it'is not lit, carved, wood, no spotlight at alI. motion, seconded, unanimous approva'l . HIBBERD - VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS - JiM LAMONT: HibbcTd MCt With the Council Tuesday to discuss the park and the parking varjance. The Council approved the variance Tuesday night. One of the stipulations for approval of that variance was that the p1 aza design incorporate 75% grass on the top of the structure. Fred is presenting this afternoon a design for the p1aza, which I have not had a chance to review in detail. I had asked him'specifically to present two cross-sections through the p'l aza so we could determine what the composition,depth of the earth materjal on the top of the structure and an elevation showing benches, lights and those kinds of things" I have not received them- I received this about 1:00 this afternoon, and Diana has not had a chance to determine what the square footages are on the materials covering the parking structure' but it does look-like it's75%, What I am suggesting is that you consider a conditional approval based on the submission of those cross-sections so we can determine what the depth of the grass is, and is sufficient depth to meet the plant species to allow them to grow. To me, the design is very simple and straightforward . just grass with benches and a few flowers thrown in there - small shrubs and treei. He does have a landscaping plan. He wants approva'l , I be1 ieve, for the whole'landscape plan. Itve looked at it - the species are of med'ium height - theytre not the big trees we've planted around here. As far as the design of the plaza,'itus most'ly grass. The Council did direct me to forward their recommendation for the 75% grass and that was the only way that they would approve the variance, and that is part of the stipu'lation for approval of the variance. Hanlon: various berms are supposed'to have 20 ft'lrees; Ruoff: thatrs wlat we mentioned, what we hooked onto approval the last time. Lamont: and the maximums are 5 to 8 red pines. There's one red pine in that center section' Mr. Hibberd; we've gone through P.C,; we went to Council on the variance on-TFe-ZZspaces and Council said we could do the 22 spaces if we call this an urbln p1aza, which would have been an aggregate architectural debt, and it was not acceptab'le to Counci'l , so the final deal 'is that they wanted 75% grass - this shows 83% grass - and it's a great deal of expense - but we sat.t no other course to go, and I think jt w'ill be nice' but to give you an idea of what happens, the steel members are three times the size now than they were in the architectural drawing, and the waterproofing Lamont: Cunningham told it was 14. Hibberd; I.lell, I've been doing business over in Utah and they've got grass on top of the roofs on one of the buildings over there and that's what they use, and I'm using the same architects. Lamont: Do they have trees growing on them? Hibberd: We'll mound up for the trees? Lamont: How will you mound: Hibberd: l'le'll build up toward the feed(?) area. Lamont: |.lhat's the surfacing of your walkway. Hibberd: That'll be an aggregate.Ruoff: just aggregate or exposed aggregate concrete? Hibberd: exposed aggregate. Ruoff: You say aggregate, I think of gravel loose.. H'ibberd:It'll be exposed aggregate, but not enough exposed so that you get freezing and thawing ... Lamont: Is this an undefined pathway here, or what's the deal on that? Hibberd: That's a'line that shouldn't have shown up in the drawing, we thought we had to go to this there, and jt turns out we did not, so that is grass. Lamont: And what per cent does the grass constitute? H'ibberd: B3%. Lamont: And what are the types of light fixtures you're using? Hibberd: I brought a book, let me show you. I want to use low level lighting and I thought we would use this, Ruoff: 37 inches from face to the top of the structure? Hjbberd: No, some of the lightingwill have to be taller, and we dontt want to go to this Lamont: those are the kind B]air Anmons used. Hibberd: so these would be the tall ones and these would be the smaller ones. Lamont: where are your taller ones here. Hibberd: r'ight here, and then we go to low there. Hanlon: what is the height of the biggest tree? Hibberd: werve got 5-8 feet, red pine. Han'lon: I thought when this bu'ilding got approval that the trees here, here and the front here were supposed to have 20 foot trees. Hibberd: I don't remember any footage; the reason we've gone to 5-8, a person stand'ing here'looking over the 5-8 foot tree is not even going to see the building, so the extra he'iEht in the tree is going to be incon- sequential . P'ierce: But the guy on the Frontage Road isn't goingto see the 5 foot tree either. Hibberd: l,Jell, thatfs why they are what they are, If you want to go higher, letts talk about it. Heimbach: Is that any problem to go higher? Ruoff; only a dollar problem. Heimbach: q.!.qr will they grow? Hibberd: No, they wouldn't be on the deck. Ruoffl they'd all be off in the natural. Hibberd: I think a reasonable number of trees that we could accommodate that the whole damn thing has gone crazy on cost. Abbott: How fast do these trees grow? Hibberd: They should grow about I inches a year, possibly afoot. Hanlon: I thought when we talked about this before, that those big trees would be kinda'l ike that because they were accessible up on where they were beginnning the road construction on the pass. Hibberd: ilhat's happened, is they arentt availabler so they've got to come all the way from Denver. Hanlon: I thought the Town said they could get them. Hibberd; I've talked to Tnrry and since the -Town can't get them, because the Highway says you've got to go up and get them and they're just too difficult, you can't get them where the Highway says you can have them. That's what Terry told me. Abbott:I vote we accept th'is p1an. Parker: l,le had a question on the light'ing. Ruoff: Fred, I personally like the design of those lights, but I did have a question on the low ones, sometimes you have diffjculty with the use of them here beside walks, the snow tends to get shoveled off and piled around them and some vandalism and breakage, maintenance problem, skiers and other people wandering through like to use them for seats and so forth. Hibberd: You may have a good point. In the sunmertime, they'd be great, but Ruoff: It's the winter that's the prob'l em, I've personally run into it and found myself thinking Ind sure like that in the surrner if someone would careful'ly pack it away and substitute some- thing else in the winter and change it in the spring for me. It's afairly serious consideration. Hibberdr }'|ell, from a practical matter' maybe we'd better go all tal1 lights. Ruoff: I think you ought to consider it. You're right. I love them, the kind of light amongst'landscaped features in an arda like that - I1ike it better than that from the tall lights, but to get one summer's season's worth of that and end up with iunk jn the spring might be Hanlon: How do we do this - we just had a motjon for approval , and Ird'l ike to put some -I think one th'ing we have to find out is we have one person sayingI inches, one person saying 14 inches that grass wi'l 1 grow on, subiect to approval of whatever the Staff recommends for a depth of soil. Hibberdl We have specifications that it will grow at 8 :i nches, and from the original wenve got three times the size of the steel members and I've seen situations where it's worked and I've presents the problem; we're not going to lick it 100%,this is where we're at - the only paved areas are this walk com'i ng in and the ramp down to the garage - the rest of it'is totally landscaped, park benches, and the whole area is designed to be an open gree park, but, we didn't break down the number of trees - almost 400-500 trees on the entire site, and it's up to Design Review to solve the remaining three questions from the last time we were jn, and if those are acceptableto you, I think thatlll satisfy it -- letter of January 31st -- "this lettewill confirm the action taken at the DRB meeting on December 13, 1973,at which you were present. The Board voted to approve your pl ans, dated December 13, subject to the following conditions: (1) that large trees be planted to de-emphasize the height of the tallest, existjng building; (2) that evergreens be planted near the property I'ine on the northeast corner; (3) that west end of the service drive be heavily screened, bermed and planted; and (4) approval of the park and/or p1 aza design is contingent upon another review of the park and/or p'l aza design, subiect to an agreement regarding parking being reached between Hibberd, Town Council and Planning Commission. In accordance with the zoning ordinance, a landscape plan must be subnitted fsr review and approval by the Design Review Board showing in detail size, type and location your plans to comp'ly with the above landscaping conditions. Bill Ruoff asked Mr. Hibberd to show specifically how he had complied with the conditions. The large trees - each circle represents a tree and the E trees are aspens, and then the F trees are pine, and the H are phister; and we've loaded it in this area toi;try and de-emphasize the height ofthis building, now keep in mind that this plaza is about 3t2 stories up from the first floor of this building -this building is 7 stories, so already at this stage without any vegetation we slice this building in half from this view. Now if you were standing here lookjng thru the trees, this building wilI be even more de-emphasized, and I think we should, when we're talking about trees, wer're hoping that maybe we can retrieve trees up on the pass, ad apparently, because theyrre so hard that that is not a possibility;so, what weive had to do is go to a nursery in Denver and bring them from Denver and that's what the figures are. Then, it also says that evergreens be planGd near the property line on the northeast corner - thatrs here, as you can see. It also says that the west end of the service drive be heavily screened - all right, this is the west end and each circle represents a tree and werve also got a berm that goes as high as we can go between the service parking space and the road, approx'imately ryto 5 ft. high wjth a mound. Now, approval of the park -that's what we've been through with Council; I believe that'is satisfied. questions or comments: -- Hanlon: -- how high'is this wall? the top of this wall here from grade (1 story) to the leve1 of the deck - then 48 in. parapet wall that - concrete - that comes around. Lamont: whatrs the depth of your plant materjal, earth - total of I inches. Hibberd: I might add that the expense is ext reme, but we certainly will accomp'l ish a park setting. Ruoff: I,lhaths under the 8 inches of dirt? -- we go to 2 inches of concrete, a membrame, and another 2 inches of concrete - waterproof membrame. Ruoff; Dontt you have a drainage course, a course aggregateof some kind under the dipt between it and the first concrete surface, Hibberd: hlerre going to cant this and probably there will be a gravel bed before you get to the dirt - 2 in, concrete, then your membrane, then your next two inches of concrete and then gravel and then yourdirt and then your sod. Ruoff: A lot of experience with roof-top planted areas has run into difficulty with soil turning sour, or what- ever happens to it, the sub-drainage isn',t carefully taken care of. Hibberd: I think weove got to get the water out of there andRuoff: Soil tends to retain whatever amount nature demands, but any excess can shortly start to kill all the vegetat'ion. Hjbberd: hletll need to have proper drainage, itts like a house plant, you put gravel Hanlon: Question, on top, you've got a parking structure there on topof the csnent, and on top of that, how many'inches of dirt? Hibberd: The lawn package, in other words, the sod is 2 inches th'ick and thendirt is 6 inches thick, so you have 8 inches. Hanlon: 8 inches will support grass and will l'ive? Hibberd: That 's what the specs y{e get. t Y seen the grass and walked on the grass, and Han.lon: I don't want to get into a big thing about this, but you sajd Utah, Fred, and maybe Utah is lower in altitude. I don't know. Hibberd:i t's exactly the same altitude, it's like 8120. Hanlon: Well, then there's no problem in whatever experts say that the depth of ground should be. Hibberd: I think we've got to make it right, we're saying that these specifications are, you know, will be satisfactory. He'imbach: when we approve this, contingent to the 75% grass, that means it's got to have grass, if it doesn't work the fjrst time, he's got to go back and do it again Ruoff: I think my same questions on that subiect have been more or less answered, it's primarily grass, those p1 aces where they are proposing larger plants and shrubs, so forth, he's going to mound up to get sufficient soil for the root system, that can work, I like the idea of using the mounding rather than a billiard table effect, dead flat, it looks less like a roof with grass on it, it'll look more natural. I thjnk you should, a.l so, Fred, make sure that someone has very seriousiy looked at this sub-drainage system- You are'i n effect - it's iust like a flower pot on your window sill at home - if you put that plant in a pot of dirt and there's no hole jn the bottom, it's going to die rather shortly, and it wontt work. Yourve got a wjder, flatter pot, put a lot of grass in, but the same things go on' and you don't want a hole in the bottom of it to take that water down on the people and cars below, so the usual way is a drainage bed of properly sized gravel , so that the water can find"i ts way out 1atera11y to the drains you provide to take it where you want it.llibberd; l,'le want to get the thing done by fall -'if you have an early winter you have troub'l e, last year w'i th V.C. we did get grass between the two buildings. l,le're going to try and hope to get it done. lhe one problem t^,ith planting trees, it's not as good to plant theln in thefall as in the spring, but we'll make every effort to. Aspen trees,for instance, are much better in the spring, because when you dig them up they're dormant and that's usually pretty far into fall, and you get then planted, they don't gain the root structure to keep them up straight, so you tie them up and then you have the prob'l em with people wweight of snow. What we've been able todo js get the lawns in and then plant in the spring. Ruoff; OKn then what you told is you are on the usual Vail scheduie and if you can get it done and fall holds off you'll do a1l you can to finish it thisfall, but there's an excellen- chance that the landscaping will have to be deferred until the following spring. Hanlon; size of the trees, as I said befot"e, thjs building wa approved with the condition that the trees there, and 'in these two corners were big trees; I donit consider a 5-8foot tree a bjg tree. Hibberdt Well, when you're right up next to it and when you pay for it,'i t's big. Ruoff: Do you want to make a motion on that or a proposed amendment Hanlon: My suggestion would be that the conditions of the approval of the building be nret, well I think the figure that was quoted last time was 20. Ruoff: The letter said large, but the number that was' nry memory of that number when we were discussing it, was 20 feet. Remember that Fred? Hjbberd: I really don't recall it. I do know that you meant bigger trees than the 8 feet, and when we talked aboutit, we assumed we could pick them up on the pass, and now if we've got to bring them from quite a way. Abbott: I'1.1 tell you the reasonI don't get hung up on the 15-20 feet trees. You look in Denver on 6th Ave. Parkway where people put and my parent's house where they put in these large trees and then they just grow ljke mad and they get outsized, so you sort of have a mixture. and you've got to take them out after awhilel that's the reason I don't get hung up on great big i.rees, because I think theyrll grow to size instead of outsize. Ruoff: Theywill eventually; they'1i grow a ljttle slower up here than they do down there, but the same thing will happen. Do you want to propose a compromise between 8 feet and 20, if you want to hang a nunrber on'i t B'i ll. 0k, We've got one for 12, Abbott: I'll go for twelve Hanlon: 12-20. Abbott: I appreve restate my motion o motion to approve as subnitted with the fol'lowing requirements: refer to letter that concern'ing the height of the trees and the area: the letter didn't give the he'ight but it did name the areas, minimum of twelve feet for large trees - Ruoff: we state we want s ome 12 feet trees - I donrt think I want to see every tree 12feet, Ird rather see a mixtlrre of large and small, change "F" on d subnitted 'landscaping plan go from 5 to I, to LZ -20. Do you want to say anything about lights, we could but we can't object to the lights on an aesthetic ground, because they're good looking' we've made a suggestion that because of maintenance problems that type of thing runs into here in the winter, we consider the talls ones and I think indicated that he might follow that suggestion.Is that going to be a condft ion, just suggestion, unanimous vote. o I _ b,- /\ r*.r\' t.::. --ir' 2l c'4 ..! ..n ezg 1,,(p 'L* 1' !:.a A p F q H J Y s FFll-25:r<i JulJltri::';z- - 4 -, OJ 4{.[{-r..)t-1 al ;..,' - i- i:: :', i /'rl*:'r'-1' I t'z'' ; arj.E4 E.lJ-i* J UhJ l;€ F- - Lc'w \A/.',r.l ) i."*f/1All J Ul.l i FEf,"- Lo.N /*h?\J tr- fl16'':Jl F-r.-;',- Fit..li::: - tJ fi-- 'd t1t* t,:'- BLrf,; 4-l";zLY:r= --;j+grt 17- 70 At*r,,t+1'rz - \ J'.). ':"i?-,; B TA$/iA3\K J-UlF'i:€- - 3 E*(\:Ttr&:t trlr-j,* EJ( \*J[1[*i/.-1 /;**':LY-.* ' pft8 _ d4r, te, > 3 i ..ti.. -1..1:-,1- aritrl-.c,iI K-:r,..1. _ gr14-4+, ;..411 ;rJt'4 - tlg?::O';, Q,lt:'{l:: - glmtbl a I . 1.! /..!,. ?.;,1/- /. !4't.- . / i')t , .:tr"J.-:';: I ,'..,,.rr;! ,''e(L4, BEST COPY T "l IAVAILABLE ?-*-\l r'jr.l.i l.ilji'lOlii'tlDUl'l Of AGnDfl{E}lT, madc thj.s I6t.lr da? .l .\!'r.il, L974' by and between the TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, !:creinafter referred to as the "Town"r and FRED IIIBBERDl JR.1 af, Denver, Colorado, developer of a project in the Town known as Village center, hereinafter referred to as 'r'Developer", WITNESSETH: . WHEREAS, the Developer submitted plans for the Village Cenler to the Zoning Administrator of the Town which inclucled the number of parking spaces for vehicles required by the Zoning Ordinance. Ordinance No. I' Series of 1973, of the Tor,rn of Vail, Colorado; WHERIAS, it ruouLd be benef ic j-al to the Tovrn and its citizens for the Developer to eliminate 22 unnecessary parking spaces, thereby providing 92 parking sPaces in the Village Center, and in fieu thereof construct a landscaped pl"aza in said project; WIIEREAS, in order to accomPlish the foregoing the Developer must obtain a variance rvhich elimina Les ?2 parking j sPaces; and WHEREAS, the Developer needs to obtain forthr'rlth a buiLding permit for a portion of the project designated as Bui!.ding c prior to the tirne when the permit could ordinarily be issuedi . NOW, TI{EREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE AFORESAID RECITALS AND I.IUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN IT IS AGREED BY THD PARTIES AS FOLLOI'i|S ! ' 1. Developer shall construct a landscaped plaza in Village Center on the area previously designated in the plans submitted to the Town for 22 parking spaces for vehicles' completing said plaza by the 30th day of septenber, L975, unl-ess una't/oiclable clelays beyond its conLrol require an extension of the const'ructiarl ireriod' r*l i.i 2. At least 75 per cent of Urc surface of the plaza'shal-l be grass a'cr otirer lanciscaping elements ancr the designof the landscaped praza shalt requirc t'e approval 0f, acrminis-trative staff and the Design Review Board of the Town, whichapproval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 3. The Town counciL of the Town shall grant a permanentvariance for the elimination of said 22 parking spaces, sub_ject to the approval of the design of the landscaped. plazaas provided in paragraph 2 hereof. 4. The Tovrn shall forthwith issue to Developer abuilding permit for a portion of VilLage .Center clesignatedas Building C, subject to the approval of the BuildingOfficiat. 5. By the l6th day of May, lg74l submit plans for the parking garage for the Building Department of the Tov.,n and permit therefor. 6. Developer agrees that there shall be no occupancyof Buij.ding C and that he will not reguest an occupancyperrnit therefor from the Town until after the constructionof the parking garage for: vir-lage center has been completedand ttre Town sharl not issue an occupancy permit for BuildingC until_ said garage has been compl.eted,. 7. rn the event Devel0per fails to construct the'landscaped plaza in accordance with this agreement and. tr:eTown has fulfirLed its obligations pursuant thereto theaforesaid variance shall be abrogated, psvsloper shall paydamages of $100,000.00 to the Town, and, Developer agrees thatthere shall be no occupancy of a portion of vilrage centerdesignated. as Building n and that he witL not request anoccupancy permit therefor from the Town and the Town shalr.not issue an occupancy permit for Building D until it hasreceived said. damages. FIa{ +'{ n{ id r!,l : riti s .: t It Developer shaLl I'illage Center to request a building the partlos herr:to have afflxed above writlen. ) RESOI,UTIOIJ NO. L7.Series of L974 A RESOI,UTION APPROVI}IG AN AGREEI\TENT TfIIEREBY THE DEVELOPER WILL CONSTRUCT A LANDSCAT,'ED PLAZA IN VILLAGE CENTIIR PROVIDED A Vi\RIANCE ELII,III'IATING TI.JENTY-TVIO PARI(IIJG SPACIS 1S GRANTDD BY TlItr TOh'N AllD TtlE TOIIN ISSUES A BUfLDING PERMIT FOR A PORTION OF SAID PROJECT WHEREAST the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. B, Series of 1"973, of the Town of Vail, Colorado,would permit Fred Hibber, Jr., developer of the Vi]lage Center inthe Tovn of Vail, Colorado, hereinafter referred to as the "Town",to construct twenty-trr'o parking spaces in said project in additionto ninety-tv.'o parking spaces which vrill actually be constructedtherein; WHEREAS, the Tovrn Council, having the favorable recom- mendation of the Planning Ccmmission of th; Torvn, considers thatnirrety-two parl<ing spaces are adequate for the ViLtage Center anCthat it would be reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to tlre Tov,'n and its citizens for the council to grant to the developer ofsaid project a variance eliminating the unnecessary twenty-tv.'o :. parking spaces in order to have said developer construcl a land- scaped plaza in saj-d projecc; i{HEREAST the developer must obtain building permits frcnlthe Tot"n, cominence construction, and have an enclosed buili.ingin said project b}' the Ist day of July, L974, in order to obta:na gas connection for said project with the Public Service Companl'of Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Tolrrn requires an agreement with the de-veloper of the Village Center to assure the construction of the afore-said landscaped plaza and the developer requires an agrecment tobe assured of receiving the aforesaid varianbe anC buil<iingpermits; NOW, THEREFORB, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCILoF THE tOWI't OF VAIL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: :" Section 1. Title This resolu.tion shaLt be known as the "resolution Approrring Agreement. for Construction of Landsceped Plaza in Village Center". Secti on 2. Approval of AgreemenL and authorization for execution EEGreoT. The Agreement dated the 16th day of April , L9'l 4, by and betrveen the Torvn of Vail, Colorado, and Fred Hibber, Jr., an un- executed. copy of which j-s marked "E>:hibit 1", attached hereto, and made a part hereof, is hereby approved, by the Town Council and the Mayor is hereby authorized by the councii to execute said agree- ment, or a modified version t.hereof which contains substantially . the same provisions, in behalf of the Tovrn. Section 3. Attachment of executed copy of Agreement hereto. After an agreement has been duly executed by the parties in cornpliance rvith Section 2 hereof, an executed copy of said agreetnent shtrll forthr"ith be narked "Exhibit 2", attached hereto, and made a part irereof ;nhvn4 Scction 4. Ef fcctive dat,c. This resoluLion shall Lake effect upon the passage hereof. INTRODUCED' READ, APPROVED, AND ENACTED, thiS 16th day of April , L974. Mayor ATTEST:. Tovrn C1erk ' ./r{ J'J' -,U \ {t-,/ J" box r o 0 vail, colorado I 6.5613 rlanuary 3L, lg74 Mr. Fred Hibberd c/o Village Center Condomin.iumsVail, Colorado 81s57 Re:Phase 3 The Board voted to aFprove your-p1ans (dated December 13, 1973),slbject to the foilovring concritibns, (r) il.,ut-iJ"g*'tie"s-o"planted to de-er,rphas.i:.e the herght or irr,i tajiesi,"exi;;;;g building;(2) that evergreins ue ptanteJ il.r-ii.,J'property rine on the north-east corner; (3) that ti're urest .nJ oy'ir''. servile cirive be heavily jjfillgl:.!:q':a, and p'rantect; and (c) approva.l of the-pirr and/or lplaza design is contingent upon unoin6"'i^bview or *re-plrl ";,i);;'plaza design, subject io an.igreemrnt-"e par"king beins'reactredbetween Hibberd, Town councir-a*o piinnini; co*risiion] in'acco"a- / ,ance wlth the zon'inq ordinance, sect.ion 1r.400, a iinir.ifi;;";\;^//must be submitted fir review u'ia upprouur ov irie-oe;i;;-;i;;i.,, Boal,t.;-showing in detail (size, type and iication) your p.lans to complywith the above tundscapins"ionaiiionil"' - Village Center Condomjnit:ms Review Board Approval - Dg-qC[Ler 13, Ig73 Dear Mr. Hibberd: This letter will confirm the action taken at the Design.Review Boardmeeting on'Decernber 13, 1973, at which you were present. I have enclosed a copy of the ininutes of the meeting for yourrecords and information. Sincerely, DESIGN REVIEl.l BOARD Yladt rL?rZ Wa"on Jbl, Nadine M. r4onaco, ,*|T(,1 &tz,4r6/&uirr*^t for }{illiam J. Ruoff, Chaiiman /nnrn cc: Terrell J. l4inger, .Town Manaqer James F. Lamont, Adrninistrative AssistantDlna Toughi 1 1 , Zoni ng Adrninj strator/ uLJtut\ r\cyrfw DUtTKU REGULAR MIETING DECIMBER 13, 1973 A regular nreeting of the Design Review Board was convened at 3:00 P.M., inrmediate'ly fo'l lovring the adjournrnent of the Plann jng Contntission, in the Conference Room of the Town of Vail Municipal Bui1din9. The fol)owing members were present: l,lilliam J. Ruoff, Chairman l,lilliam Hanlon Lou Parker Gordon Pierce Jen l,lri ght Also present was: James F. Lamont, Administrative Assistant The Vail Factory presented an application for a sign for the VAIL 21 BUILDING on the VAIL 21 CUBE, The sign is foridentificatjon cf the Vail 2i Building only, and will not include the directory as previously proposed. After revjew, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to approve the sign as submitted. The Board revievred the further information submitted re the HUEBiNGER GARAGE p'l ans. As proposed, the Board felt the plans for the garage were too nassive and not in keeping with the character of the ovenall aesthetics of the adjacent buiiding. They suggested the use of a gabled roof and that the "pedestrian".door be put around the cot'ner facing the house. Upon motion duly made and seconded" it was uttani- mous'ly voted to approve the plans, contingent upon Mr. Huebinger's agreement to make the changes as suggested. Mr. Fred 0tto of Vail Assocjates presented plans for the Vail AssociatesLjft No. 8 - Counter lleight L'ift Cover. The Board reviewed the p.l ans, and upon motion duly nade and seconded, it was unaninously voted to approve the plans as subinitted, Mr. Fred Hibberd presented his final plans for PHASE 3 of VILLAGE CENTER C0ND0NINIUMS. Mr, Hibberd also presented a massing model of the build'i ngs. The massing model showed access to the s'i te from the Village entrance road, as recommended by Eldon Beck. The design approvai of the bu'i ldings and site will influence the access plan; honever, the access should be front the Village entrance road only. After reviewing the plans, and subject to an agreentent being reached betrveen Hibberd, Town Counc'il and Planning Commission regarding parking spaces and dedicatjon of a park/plaza area, the Board, upon motion dLrly made and seconded, unanimously voted to approve the plans (dated Decenrber 13, 1973), as submjtted' subiect to the follovring conditions: (i) that .large trees be planted to de-emphas'i ze the height of the tallest, existing building; (2) that evergreens be planted near the property line on the northeast corner; (3) that the west end by the servjce drive be heavi1y screened, bermed and planted; and (4) approval of the park and/or plaza design, Subiect to an agree- nent re parking being reached betrveen Hibberd, Town Council and Planning Conrn'i ss'i on. A landscaping plan sho'rld be subniitted to the Board for review and approval, showing detai1ed plans to compiy with the above landscaping conditions. As there was no further business to come before the rneeting, the meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M. Base d on the above review, it is foun d that an Environmenta Iis req u i red. S igned Date Title lmpact Report !f_GAT I VE pECLARAT tm (and the stat:ment below,) it is found that this s ign ii icant environmental impact. Based on the project does above rev i ew, an Signed Wd,/qz// DA+e STATET'4ENT OF ENV lR0Nt"lENTAL EFFECTS a.JL'2-rLz-' /2.12.r O/--''t( .rMJt ry"f a-'1' J7. /"**-fL-fuJ z#*'tl-" t$ 1C33 South FronEage P.O. Bcx 1944. Vai1, ColoraCo 31657 I /'., , T)/\ ^.r ra,,-+ ,+oto iAR3cR pi AcE. cotci.iArJo s:' , it5 JUL 2Z lg74 3or/5e6.7647 \ 3, BEST eflpv 'r't? "'.t.ltx|rr t'.rl tr ':'.3'i.',,i,'',i i,l iIr:!DS I Ii f ICATED C c:rs ti Jv! -?v -':1J. l,,. l-'\:-'. - -. I ll--.--i ;1 ':-90) Conc. Co- 'l' i :-r c. '. ' , ....-:, i ;-. '': :rrrs :--:-\.=l- -__.i:--:-?,_ &!'__ i,c. 12 iicket l=ia,1.,,.clded: 5 /i,:_/l t c 3i-66 .-,rn^-a:a rTra,n.r tr/ J'.'vU:!-r'i, vU J-si]]-J. E J t h,T S l,:r.p : i: /;,- r,yt . c t13-56 Time: 7: 50 alr Curing oi SarnplefiE ia- J_i-cJ .'-,',,ois i 3.ecn Temn qao.r. oi ?;esh Conc. C 13r-63 c":3:-'az ' 4) - / ' ^ 2\'- Cenent Contenl i'U.: l- - ltl'--. :\ , JC:, ii r.-.. ',: ?a':Pina -lr;nr-,t:l::_' ir i: r_!e:r'vYv-v I ::.i.l :: Ccre s s - Last no-ii :eci rnen i't( L +l-51 tct--l -SiC 6xi2Cyl 3SSl/0 . 19 63 CF biJ u\/l ld-r. I \_) i i,f--'.i )a-:l : < t'.i l-- .) -,, ;,4 i ;-..-.rU- ll ?-c . ?"1 ' tltl i tsy: f.l,'1e: erSigned / ) "l.t,)__ '$;l sylaE * Jte2le74 hii:*ii;",; ?Aq 3rr3/ 5s+7647 Bf^ : --,.r':,ic:icrl nt;i:ng STRa )iC:.i tll ;',5T l;i il]TIICDS i :if,ICATiD ii:-bb eri. j -' a r:l'-l -,-rc:r .lcniarv Trcket fjo ..,;o{)r 2,-11,; Cu .Ycs. Piaced r ! lr-a \ _a Conc, Co. D::-- llold,ed: eil}/?t' C 3l-b6 ln'.2-r-al-a ?anr I cO:' .".-i -n T.:'r-r Time: 7:50 a"r Curing -,- c-)) ! of Samcleini Lab. !l i'lcrsi 3;cccl L,. J l:-C C Siunp 5* r'Vl. oi iresh Conc, PCF_-_:-:3-3__ Ai; Cclie;i_-;.**_[_* c 113-66 c i3s-53 ta\/c t . oi Lcac + all/ Iruc< '-.r 4. -*Ol, ' ;.,t:.:t i i-r: rneni Raiic iilj*-:.:l':.1:: AEA '-.,,1rr )l Cli '/"'iat3r .r.CCe,"{ € Plan; Cemenr- Gonient f r .F !l iL,:. 'J i-,./ -- - 'l^:' rc r .\rr11ra,-.-t 'c :'- i i,eS;Ca, OYi- Tests at Days A e :'tast - Sic 5 x 12 C'rL iJoJ.i/ u ,li DJ r-. L-, ''i :.'J . !-t t-l rr- | '---..-ttttllltitl) ! | i] i l--rilr-:__-.; - *i!4q!* ' l-rl: i_:j !;1 .."', Sasroled ri7-. J. *--7-1F* . t l.:eier sigeed BY: ,r ,1-^-:J:;:_--F:: 1^1.' li' -t nt a j EJ --!, - *v:-_ _- Lar. l.:. - _ar-:-J_2:,-?i)_._.. ?cur in t- H air---^:----)-fUC:Ufe S I r..r: f n- .T i:, li \enr'nnlr !:cket iic - tOOl-2)r Cu .!as . ?raced -::'r: --.i 1.,'sr' ; . ..;r. ^,-i.i_/ <^.:_ l -:.= ;.rr:ue :: ,-: -.{l a:.r-r-:---:-:-:---- Dai" i,1c::eat 6/5/74 Tirne:9:00 an c 3i-66 Cu:lrg of Sarn-otelS ={b.-n! ivlcrst P.ccn '.., .i 1-b b \', :le: --.:rr=l: F.a tio AC F:i::---=: -t'-1- A GrL,/Sacr 'r'y'ater i.ideci € ?ja::i , l::: Oz,/CY '3e;eni Contei::il:a r; a/\!'- ',.. 1 \2\ist JE fl:!i E:iq'-- Fine Aggregaie :, --.-t -,/gJ:.-.: .i - S:.e cs - : .-,-i i I:r- f'l.--a c c 42-64 S.oeci-e:: \'o . 'i l:t6 5Era..l ;D.i:i.::€:.,::s inches - Sti- 5 x j2 Cvlt' ;Srec:-e::':fi. Lbs. 3SgD,/0.1963 CF \feic;t iCf SSSD i;aa :c. i:c:es - Std CvI 28-?7 Tests . et e --i,ast no. of Epecinen f ?'r C:ne /a I iie ri . 5.;-.ii nl.lr--! cr,, ] ;.!:*r-":til'.1!- : r-___?ilt.'t'l Ir: ! i clUltY ' :t Li ) .-..-.. ':.. ,:'l:_ ...i.,-.,,--:ire.l _;ii i ,iOlCi :C,oc. i,;:r,jrj i ,,;, r^ ;ll=--., ,ii:o Teste. l:r:J. I.iei.cr Saupled - --- i- -:-T. i. iie!-ersigned B;r: SPECTAL INSPECTION REPORT EII, PROJECT NA INSPECTOR REcrtoNs REQUIR CCNCRETE: E* Sr l: t: ^,'t-ft-a-a- MASONRY: STEEL: PRECAST: OTHER: Soecif ADDITIONAL REMARKS: E.&*ma#sg >i - !| ; o.. '_ !^iltU,t'iton i:r5in t erin g F.tPC:.T Ci CCI;C!.:Tt ;ilI-D -::STS * CO-'.iPr.!SSI',/E JU5/ 3!O- / $' / .f : :i - -.lr i- --a ASllvi lrilTiiCDS I NfICA'i:D lC::t.:';:::: thbberi Cons.uri:ct,ion Cot:.rary _ ) rr i=, -'- Jcb lic ^ Leb. i'i- - Conc. Co. :': :n e ?:.cket No.:/OO,z't.1 _Cu.fis.Piacec ;n_ *f_neiTn:cl;-'rc, _:t Slur:'.c 'jt-:,. - -, o=-I en]-r. , a'. r of i;esb Conc. D:-:.e ).!ildeC: 6/a1?L Tirne: +:rO Curirg fl 614 -,a i-.5 c 3,1-66.. - -o**e"'P. c) "e, i1i I lt+ry l.. of Santple** rab. Lf-'! :',1ois; ?ccn*t 3l-56 - Ccn:ei: 5. C :L c 23!-ai i't\,/i czC - c 143-66 D/- F -l /, ?- -,1 a1r.,, L r.].J-.i., 'v'ci . o: Load___j_-__ _.y /\ t\=:< -\.']:Ceneni Contg::l . :Ji.a ;lt.iir: Ccres (- ..., Cr1 rSpec:;i-en !{o. i--i:-)3re -Est€o !Di;i-s:sns iiches -SLd 6x12Cvl Spect:',*n 'rVi" i.bs.3SSD,/0 .19 63 CF i\'!ei;--.: iCf -iSSD li:ea Sc., lnches - Std Cyi 28.27 ..^ri: -.id I Fra Fine Aggregreie-.,/"tl Tests at of Speci len 1i5 \1j D.iacr -l,iia]al t^\ ,.1 \tL./ lJl Cone l.Ieri. 3:iit i iu-l !/'/ !''1 - S*ri l.+ ^ i,ll-l ,' t:: Teste. i Cl:i - 5 ii 2t:o '-' /1t' SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOV,IN OF VA I L PROJ ECT lNsPEcroR trtn /4e rcrz('fi JUII 4 F74 DATE ; LOCAT ION I APPROVE D I CORRECT ION COI..ICRETE: SLA', fr_lz l6 | 2l l-a<,'eA }-rDE/ U/e I4ASONRY: STEEI-: PRECAST: 0THER: Spec i f ADDITIONAL REMARKS: SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT PROJ ECT NA INSPECTOR Tt-tte 14etz RU JUN 41974 DATE i LOCATION IAPPROVED I CORRECTIONS REQUIRED COI'ICRETE: MASONRY: STEEL E n,r- &"."avrE? Fr*r PRECAST: 0THER: Soec i f ADDITIONAL REMARKS: a €.{*c 5or; t- iounsciii't, EhQ tn9€ f tl, i R!PC::T Ci CC!TCiiT; FIEID T:STS f'- CCI-APFi:SSJ"E 'ia:l, CoJ-craic 8if ! 7 4::C HAi+ECq FLA3F,Ca:a:.:'-l Si!1..f: a --::-'.-:!':' :.-:'-:'.:'-5- iSf ii{ i.{tTh-CDS' Iir'lICiTID Cc-trectcr: Iijhberd Con$truJ-tinn Cnmlpny Project: i.ccei,ion of lG Jront, 2G.3ack, Truck l{o. 16 _: jCD :\L. l,ab. iic. _ Conc. Cc. 'line h':.jxe rJ:54 as__ li.cket No. VO01210 Cu.Ycs.Piacec /,O Tlr"e ;.-J,-^-: . r ^F;l.lL=- /(..lll =tt: D=te Molied: q/1\/74 Slunp 6.0 \4/i. \/ LiJ -oo T!me:9:OOara of Sampieff La:. S.'il :.ic:si - -?l-e 5 -Cu::rg coacre te recp. 6 o&rit;tt"t rF;r-r', ? 2 OF - slr H. I L a of iresh Conc.9r]P 'i/,n q '-'--:J--- VoI . ci Loaci g _c;[:u:.., ---;:++ IiDesig::L')'iine Aggregale lt :,,,1 :-... , J::i-l eg L/Cre S . Spe c !;re n ivo.l_01-1 D:::.e:rg:cis Ii;hes - Stc 6 :.1 1.2 Cr"i Q-; r-ir.-.c.n lYi l:,r !.1-e I qc I-.-rr-c _ 3=n 23.27 '^-t; ta\:/.1 i h< Tests a! Days Age iasi no. oi Specr-nen 1{o. -ry,vv 1..--'*\.-14..-tt-:::.'. - ll€st€ d .tr*: T. J. iie j-er Sanpled tsy: T. ;i. lieier Sig:"reJ SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT fru HAY g 0 rs74 EtatlPROJ ECT N DATE ' LOCAT ION I APPROVED I CORRECT IONS REQU CONCRETE: efAtNtN6 t{frt-t- 3c!'rA Fc'..'r- t N." E yt/elr /"'*rn- MASONRY: STEEL: PRECAST: OTHER: Specif ADDITIONAL REMARKS: FE€-* r li. & En oin i0uri0gi.itl. c o.ir -; 1O?'-l cla:.tir .E;n-,*: r :.t;-tj i.e:,- F.C. iic:: i9d4 r:-:t a^r^,.,,J- t'ir\'J\erlt vL - r'r 43iL HAi-ibCi, I LaCe, CCLC-i,.:jat SPi.tf{cS. C_.__,.,i.^:..- aJ-i, :i03i 5gb'7til7 RiPJ!:T Ci: CClfCi.I:E FM,D TIS?S I COlrlPi;.iSgI'.U S:'iiil':CT:-] i-S?i',', 1',1!T llC)S il.'lrI C.ii?!D Rn JUN 41971 Cc:ire ci.cr: Hib ior \'rc. El=L--- Lab. li: . 101-1-( 55-'oA)Project: rtIai1 \I'i l l are Ccntar. \ I )'eu' :'\'-' !v!-J-'\ ) )'cv t --r,ocerig;r oiMabs for nechani.ca.,L99l": J"'LF- roo$ zuld fearooms --!-*==:---Truck No. 15 iicket lrio.lroO:ir54 Cu.Yis.Pia-cei_. ZZ Tl;:ie a-rvec-J:5|-ex,- c 143-66 c t38-63 VoL. cf Loaci o i^,'a;ei Ce;,ent Ratic Gai,r'S;cj-.\.r'a';e: i-.died rd Fla::: ;. Io: Acni-::i-lrg: AEA cz/cv Ce::iei:i Conteni -n:i,' Desic:r bv Ccerse AgEregc:te Fine Aggregate PCI iDr:ilea Cci-es I 1- '1 1 C,' Sre cr:en i'io. IiD;'.e les:eo .Di:-*i-: s icns lnches I - i:.iG i; -;: i"2 Ci-i .C.-,s r-t-,:l-l 1,,,.._,i T F.c ;- a -l jai rC A2'. i,:.r:a S;- i:":chr.s - qii /i\ t^. l^\irj \-) {.j j Diag. Ccr:r 'r;'er':. | :-leei' Sr;lr: Igglg, i Da-r,-s Age - Last no. of Specinen iic c_ates test-. a r_''. :il -- m T ?-/^; ^*lesi€c !l\r: .rr Ue l-rtj-i- t,r'Sarpler! ily: T . J. i"lei erSrgi:ed .F;' €*r - i i !'UIl L. i_..^tLr3 t fitt Jt+ 2 $74 Var: r LC.j,Cf a:,. f,i': -: i 4iliul-.A:.D3; ..-iE. uC:ia--il'-i-i:'r.C- .. -. - -.. :.'-: 3t2i 39.- ;.-ri r, tt:. L I t ,.;.r-,t--r.;ri l,l- i le l l l \'i. ItEg, lr: *l RiPO.;iT Ol CCI,,]CF:TE F]I:D TTSTS 6 COI'1i'F::SSI',8 STRaI:GT5I ,!SI Xt f , itT.!-;CDS i l:ir] Ci,TlD Contres:cr: Pro!ect: Job lJc.1r1.l 'r ' g and bedrooas j.n IG anilE: ck-!rc. 16. Ticket No. Ii4oldec:Tjme: 8:/r5 apiCuring of Sar.pl c 3t-66 S.lurnp 5+ Mri- of i;eEETo c l{3-66 C 138-63 fol . ci I-ced .:-,rcJ ', e::'u iiaiic. .E:A t- IiDesicr -hv I !'1-i I I ^; r-- -^-i r---r :: j giJ \_/!j r Y : i lSrec!=en ito. i-i, ii:6 : c-.--rr Dl:,: ::s :c,n.: .:: ;1',c- s 6 :.: .r.2 Cr-i i\\:etg::: l,C,: :SS:-' i".iea Sg. ji:ches - 5i" f,',r) 23.?'! :lci,-l , ccc i-:s . Cceise Aggregete Fine Aggregate ll /: ai .at Days e_s- :,f t_o1- , :C: 'i+ c+^c+i t,^ J7-e50_*..) ',vv+ /'-: ) 5i :r.r :'L ri I 'i I'estei Br,: T. J. i'lei-er !cril I ic,L.ridcii*l; Itig iriee l,ri I iIi-C:.: Ci CCI\C5:'iT; Fl::D::STS .5 COl.ii',-iatSi' t l-tl3 Sculh irc:::ale i',;.c. i-:*s.; P.0. Suy ''!ll \:a1i- Cclc:aio !,i557 40i0 HAii;OF. i:-lCa. aOl"L:lAr-'i SPillfrGS. (-r.C.^ji E3!:i :-ri3,,!,sri.-'.i7 ,? si:.:l'c:':i r,,i {.*; c C citre c*.cr: ?ro,iect: LCCeilCn gr irour lT:iuc<!r'c. l-8 Ticket }rro. V001r61 Cu.f is i.ST lr4 l.'i -:f ,:ii,-aS i iil;: C.).Tl:l]fltt JUtl 4 F74 lirre h:lxed 2:40 p: _._. Pieced 16 .1'j:-*,= ;--ivet-j;.OQ._tg__. D:'re i-Jolciei: \./2:t/7!+ -iime:ig!_pgl Cur:ng cf Sa:r.ile$. C 31-66 u Slump of Flech Ccnc i-a :l . ": t'.:!J i.':cis: !::c:r'. .- i r1U I-:J-CC PCf t-bo.7 c i3 -.rl', Iiar. i1':i.e: C.e;:en'i ia:ic G;.jrlSac< i ,,,,e,t:: :d:;ei .g lia:,: Ai*!-::ule: ;.,!i Ce;lei.i Ccr'.e:.: iiix lic . : Spe cs "5* Sack Design b-v Fi_ne iggregate ; / l,tl i) i r-= e - Last no. of Specinen nc. -/k.- iDrillei Ccres Tests ai,^ .'.) c4 iD:ie l=sicC ,ilirreil:r'rs inches - S:.: 6 i- r:j ,S:eciricn 1.,;t- i:..s (-:.(o -i.r elst:: :-Ui ;;i1..,) i i..fee :q" lncnc5 *;'.. !,.:t /.o-ti I 'i'.:t.i::i;': -- r',r-1ueI j:fl :l:l:j- ii; _,'ltl Ev. r. .1. t:.i""_ _--__silraj_:i:-_T.-__J_Jig;1-edi|]c.i-:-). . i$i.i JUz 2!974 tf-- /?': f. ia-,- (:-.-,,..- .-.-..--.r^ ::^-., i.-[;.Sc* r[.9,r ;:;: ;::'i,;rc;:;'c r^r. 'l'si \.-ail . {.r. j.cl'x! r', '.-. l'5i;- .i . l .- )tr1: u- ioL'lil'i,;'.:, 4iif,:-.A;,i:i-;:r:'- i, .a!-t:.A:J!:it ..: .- -.,.-. ." : L>..!F-F..'.aLttr.iiltF'f , ti:\. 3f:-i !95-:647 Rit'CF.T CF CC\iC!.!Ti fIi:D ::-qTS & COl.1l'iiaSSI:,€ Sii.:i,IG:'ii iST h{ hl liFtcL\S I i,:D]c.rTilf ( t-r ' r--+iiiE Conc. Co. i:'lount T::::e I'i j.'lr d 2: L0 p:i - _ l_t,Ticket t{c. VOOr161 .r. i *. -= a:r i.. ..-,,.-: ; , n r\.r-..r= r-:r: r-! =J ".;uu Drr] -_^_. !=',e Motiea;@Time: i:jO nn (lr:mn L ,, tr+ ^1 Cur:rig of c i43-65 i/ci . c'f LoaC_9___-,__ _. -c.i 7'i:r. :..^ _.1 /a ^-.-\Ja : - ..:: .. lD;illeC Cc:-e-e Tests :_ t-) , -'. ; i .ic ;.' iCY Last no. of S::ecinen no, :'a-C-- - )a-U.il . t'f/'lnr / f^^ !-,: a t-,^ t-' / /^^ /- ' l+. - *8./pI.L+- o/.ta/ il+.-c./ l,J/ l4 5/ /-!,t,/ /. t-. '-, c a '- le ?a r'a- <' - ^ ;i':-eigil FCI :5il i.i;ea Sc. irc.\cs - S',c C --l :9 .27 ';: -a r',\^ \ ^t a-.^.-..r:1.tUU.-..1..y+.QU.J:.. A-y.+Ul-.'tl-:- J 1lf3 lc;i:'., :r:ci':-: :., t;{: i.ci"j il.-'il F . 0. :l-:- l.;: J ira11. Ci;iorrt-:. :=6il aj 1 ll r-:A31)il iL.i-Ca C: La ::AIi.: S',q li\ -::., ( i]t-' it :. : i' ?.i ) 1 i Hibberd Jo lT-'a.i Nn 1t 'lr nl.o: |'-r rtnnl t,.r\ i-rr \'^:c tl:,-.:.. : r u ;.\ -\ r- . ____l-e___ --Lr\E,- -\ J ._ V UU I l +U \- i: . rq:: . ; :c't-.-, -.luN _-6*1eJ1_,- I (l I - | Lah, . l. .. . lo-t -l - (-t t-48 ) -- Cc::c. Cc. I"lountain ilobil e I i|=-.\;E-.-1'.Vi I l3se Ceni,er D:ie ii4cldeC: 5/?1 /24 Tine:4:00 Pl'l Cu::::g oi Sanpie Air Tercr. z 53ot 'ri'i , of f :e sh Cc:-.c . PCF t .le. Z a iii_F:' L. .i-r-Olr c) r .:i.:Cir:; ! O::,'-::. &i-l l"i:-OO Concrete Terrip; : <1"-^ - 1.r: e rrrP 1uc 143-66 v\J!. 1r'-+^- /^,..'..^*r 5--: ^\t J rC: -?.:.(:-I- i\Ci a-!L; 'r.- i..=.,-.- - i.: a- L7di.'Jc.C.:i''Jeier l.aCec :r. r. ln- r' -_-_,_t_\z-_-. ii. r- Cce rs e .Jcii.eir'- -i i ':'*'1..1::': lil":. Srecs. 5+ Sack ?r=i:y!::-'Y t.---,--- . -i1: !1. -!'Si: i _. F'. ne i rr rec: -r" i-.-,r.^.:.+.:r,.1=s UUr tj > !Test-c ai Days A es .tes - Lasi no. of Specimen Noat c.aLs--o_f--agc-_*-C -12-{t1 ' t.c*-..-...+)= std. ;',\-eigir :ct 3:lsl ;t4r,I ;8.27 .t^i:}i l a..a^ |F(l i.srsro :::--.:.. -.,'-,;':.. ?i:i:l:-..-,.:.1;'.:-l: 28 i '.^^^ I --^^^ :,__: !99_i __Zu!q_ : _.1_Q i..::lr:-,::, x iio visible e:;-uerior fai.t-ure Harks, it stec tli : T. j. l.je:-er Sar;1ed ii- I Scii o i.{'ii,:::,:,, tiriiiii:t I ii; J '. i,ii Sr,l.i1 : ya)- t ir.r- :.: ;:i .,. S:. P.0. lic i: i9::,+ i5:.1. LOrOI:j'rC i-.f .l r 4J l tl HAi i:..1.;i ii- ^CE !i: L :;..! 1-.-. SPi;:.- 3.- i.., j i3l.i 5:5 . !;7 i.S: li i,1 r?l:Cl-s j iil,iC.+iil; FtiC;.1 Cl ia;i;C:.::t i.i-] :ISTS 5 Ca''.{ii.lS::\E lTi'l i::-- Eibberd Construction Co.101-1 T -r- l.--JLeu, ite. rrrr-1-(43-48) Conc. Cc.n l.iobil e !in,e l":ixed Zzja ?i{. l,rn llnnl 1 t,n f'rr \'r,s - Fi.:.(reri o Ttr,e p--iur-d 2.2q ,r,'r\v. \' u \_/ | | r+\J --, --..t ).4_ j i?icject: ttfrl V '. ji.cce:jcr of Fotr!-ir-6t:, For triaits G, .8, -&J.lT;-*ck\c. ie . Ticket D=ie I"4cICe Siump i+ \f :. c 143-66 Tine: 4:O0 PM Cu:lng of Sa:r.p]e - --o.:,A1 r leElp.2, >t r oI i;esh Co:,c. PCF l4Z-Z C 138-€-: /-.^.-.- ^ *; - a a\r U; . !E-; L '. , ?<. .'. , -iC.: .:-,rJ - 1.1'5 te: C:ir,e::: la:ic GaitlS.ci Desige by t"ie:Er .r:.dCei G il:.:.: Ce;ie::i Cani.er.i. Ccerse &ggre-ga'.:* Fine Agqrega:e ar- -, ", . '.. ir\t'- - - ____J_\l__--_ l:iliec Cc:-es Tests at - Last of Specirer ( / r.!;-L\; :l::e Tesieri :Spec-r'en 1.Y:. r irs - l:..!'-.1,.-t.l9rJ3' C:'it?nnn' Et . I v 1/.4 'i'"eichl. lCl 3--Stl lr r.r 1 ii-:ea S: - I nchcs - Sic C.,,: it .27 28.27 28.27 T€stec !y: T.J. lieier Sarplei;t: T.J. I'lej-er Si5:',=C o ,/^ -' )Un^ eRte{ Rtl ltAY 24 S74 SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT T0v{N 0 PROJ ECT V-r ++n ,., C tr. e q-lr,rspEcroR Ntfual) DATE ; LOLTTIOIf t APPROVED I CORRECT I ON S REQU I CONCRETE: MASONRY: STEEL: PRECAST: OTHER: Soeci f ADDITIONAL REMARKS: ) lCS,l Scrtl: ll,c:it.:t;.. j.cari l.-r,:-i i'.O. il.c.:: 1>44 VajI, Coiorado 6ii;57 401t, HAPECtr ;i,r.C:. Ct,LCi.Ag.J iPFlri!/.eS i'J -3;-a) Li:'l iJ?1 arJr,:/tJ3'1 JUN 41974 tion Co.1n 1 1 )t-ariE:r-i. ]-ccet!c;r of Four in it-riciilfe Pei,a'i nine lJa'l 1 !, t-rr: v . -\Jrl.l-'iouniai:r l.icbire T:ne lci).:ei 12:1j_!S- T:.ucil \-o , 17 Ticket I-To._V00i 1 ;0 Cu .YqE ,Fiacei jj .l::.::-,e A.rj.vez_ 1?:4i-?'i4 t. x**r[e-e r .7 . r i ..)0tl & toUhoOi t'- l-r F4tfi $ iIr €e iiI i JeJ -1 .- ' ail Viliage Center D:ie lVrolied: .5/20/74. Tir:ne:J :15 Ft't Cu::::g ci San,pief*- !:;. -&fl :.:cisi ir'::: C 3j-66 . .,,,:-C.3i:66 -- S.lui:s ,1 \\I;. of iresh Ccrc. PCf \, l!-J -DO " a;: c, \\i:ia: i.,e:'::e::i. Fia ti c iinu:l'*rs: AEA _r {i\- r'-, . Ce.reii Co:ic;':r. DesiEn f,-v I i7x?,^f; facll.' Are - Last no. of Speciren No ^^+ ^+ i^..^ n.r' --^qD I au - qe.-Y D_- _(/_4-_gC_ejc 42-i!., (2. UE,> :D::e l':s:r:i i,.:l: ir--.1i D.^: Fqc il i.tce Sc.. i:-,c,rc:r -2?.2? i0LEti.:r-l- __ --1,._irti,i.. (:;,: ftic t. Cr itlu I JUL 22 s74 li3: Soi:th Ff cr't -.1r Loai. i'k.:-: r "u. i]0:: l>q4 Faii, Coioraio 51657 4arii-, ;AeeCi PL;Ci, C:LCiADC S?ffir.i:. r.lrSi1li ii-. l .ra2 , 1.JtJ-7 F:t1 Lli"Ji,i Ci Ca::.CF.::: ;:i-i ::S:S ,i Cl:.{Pi:iSSr'-T :::.1 ''3Tl: i r- -- r-= --^-.l\Jv--r-evLi/-. i Eib r-r r;. i i nn 1fn of ?our in Si:iucture RetaininE wall l!:ucl.. f c. 17 Ticker |ob :tc " Lab. L':; " 101-1 101-1 -37-t+2\ . li r. +> -i^-'iJeu'-L:v.r Time:1r15 PM CurlnE c 3l-66 Si::nr il'e:e: Ca::e-t Reiio I'FJ1 Gal /Sack ",iret-oa .r-iie ci '3i ilen: :. :ioa Ce;:eci Ccnieni il:i j -t S'. -: ,, n- ----tY----. Srecs. 5* Sack Ccarse AgEreEat= :1 - ^.:-- '-.-jJsi5 ^w -: r! f;:.ilac Cores c 42-54 ;Sle.::.nei': No. 'D=te !es:eC :Di::etrs:oas inches :- Sici 5 x i? C1'l std ,Seecinen Wi. lbs.3-csl,,'0.i963 cF z ;tfeight PCF BSg:i ;iea Sq. irshes -StC' Cvi .2e.27 : ! ! 3: -r-;c u i:.r_> . ,rr t.1tl!/ \L J !)i:rrr l-nnrr:e:a . Sheai \JJ \,te ri Crl.i Last no. of Speclmeu lesteC Sarpled Sig:re<i :-38Lo-*3u9i ,-.. J785 -. PLITMB tNGi / M ECHAN I EAL TOWN OF VAIL FEFIMIT ru nAY24.n,ll 9a1s May 17, 1974 NAME ViLlage center III trcrl p ltibberd Coostruction Conpany ADDBESS 1127 Race S p Maxwell Heat,ing Courpany PHONE 777 OF BUILDING: oF woRK: E ruew E nootlor,r E neuooel fl nepnln IPTION OF WORK: Hot Wa PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER 125-M VALUATION $VALUAT;oN $29r978.00 REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE pERM;T 66s 225.00 Eor DArE e3 I'l* 7+ I t FLL' MEI I NGi.' M ECHAN I EAL TOWN OF VAIL OF BUILDING: oF woRK: D r,rew I noolnon E neuooel E neparn RIPTION OF WORK: p'neenoveo TOTAL FEES: $ ! orsappnovgo PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICALI NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE DATE ,.- t PLUMBING.' MECHAT\ilCAL PEF|MIT TOWN OF VAIL USE OF BUILDING: cLASS oF woRK: -E tt* ! noolnoru E nemooel D R.ro," DEscRrprf oN oF woRK: ,QZ-j; E eppnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ O DATE //\ onre.1 ToBNAME ,' )/'L.Lnnp aV-^le,n ,/// o**r^r31,"-l llftl^,,-I ADDRESS PH0NE 45L - 6dn NG: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER ALUATION $VALUATION $ PERMIT FEE ! orsnppnoveo o 'ri t '/Unn€RL cd INSPECTION REPORT nE IIAY 2 41974 SPEC IAL tl TNSPECTOR Na frt e ';'' PROJ ECT OORRECT IONS REQU CCNCRETE: MASONRY : sTEEL: {- 14*74 rHtAtEl,6'htt PRFCAST: 0THER: Specif ADD IT IONAL REMARKS: [3"i&.xwr$ss 5l,j .1,;;,-rRi,:':'ioR ir4;::*elin g '1 fl'lj Sorri-l-. Tr.6n1;r, ^ .l:l,.:C l;e.tt. ,.". ,u-" 1.91-t+ iia'i 1, Coi o;aic iii65 7 ;010 HAfr60a tl.icE. ccLc=Acc s;PatNc3. r-L)l-a-;?Alo srlili7 303/' 535-7647 :,T:.1-ii.cTI RU JUll 4 €74 101-1 1 01- 1-( i1-76,) -, Mixee lTrcl: l';o " 11+ Tickei i-ro ,-\L-00.1_1e5_ Cu.YCs. P].aced !e _ Ti::'e ;,.rrive i ;-,-t- ]..r-,1,-!o.:, q. /1^ /-t. Tiro.-. , .\ r-)f.{+, 1/ | rr r: _ -.,.".r_!'j!lt_.g.l:i_ c 31-6a )7 l.;icisi Roon .Lrr t'-a.nl-nni :, n o/ -' . \-, ,/c J :.J L-VL {-),/|f)-)d Slunc c !43-65 Currnq o I Sa ncle fl iab . d il,:). - \ - Ji-oo 1Y:. oi Fr:sh Ccnc. PCi___jlL_a!__ c 13a-63 Vci. of i.oaC q _*_cr-./Truck Coerse AgEregate Fine AgEregaie (Gel) rGaL)tCY SK./C', ?CY ,D;!l!ed Cores (- :i4-c-i lDi:::?islons Inches - S:d 5 x 12 Cyl .\-.31^i::roir uf i r "\i 3SSD/0 . js 53 CI' i\',reig;-.: PCI 3SS) C,vl 2?.27 I 'J !a -'. 1,,=!. l-iji. Tests at e - Last no. of Specinen lio. Sha a: (2i Coie rlI 1:-':ii 1800 "000 l--rti I-J tl ll r-:riii 02i5-e: -.-,r - i-::::e L i:SI Cli--,ri T.rs:ei :;.': 1. J. l.ieler Sarpied rJy: T.J. l.leier SiSnr.r ayt i -.-." ,,.-: --"' #rs 1fli3 Sorrih F.oni Jr3 iic.?C f.i?l: P.C. Bo:< l-944 rY^-.'1 '-r^'r ^-- .1^ a1 (<7 , Li -l- -L r \,\J!\J- 4010 rARBoa PL:ct. coLo3AD.-.r :j:lr;.;i.13. cc!_iBADo scg17;; ; r: ,t ii ii ii,t n .":rin,t ,9't .ijit 3_n3/ 506_./64 t a-;i!:l ':----e \- ^ -'. \- -.. --J i - J -J -( -/\. ,.-';'.:JJ- '.-, ,i-).-:-' J 1:- ;.s'ir,1 i.Ii'tiicDS I-\lDicAIiD illt- JUN131E74 i{ibberd Construction Co.r^r^ \_^ l-.ru. L,'J , Tine iic .:U_:OQ_1_LQ5_ Cu.YCs , Fie ced 1Z Tiae tvt-i 1 01-1-( a1-35) .^'l ri ". I i r-r a nf ^ n r r r,' * r z a r.' .l l,{iri"i 2:53 F},1 r1-rri,,.aj J:10 Pi{ , 'Vaii Vili-age Cente:r^ 5 /15 /71'Tine:1;;Jl_Pli Curins of Sanplefl_ tiil;uU[ :',4cist R.ocn SI': i:',p c 3i-56 rZ cf iresh Conc. PCF 144.24 c 138-63 i\ir faaq:sn' I 1'\ olr-tt \-..WrrL- l.! ).V /a J 231-52c .143 -65 Voi- oi Loa,j--g-ct-/Ttuc< | .: i:, i e5-rr Ce n..eni P.a lic A?;, Gal,/Seck '".[a;e: fdded @ Plan" ,. jc: Canant Ccnteni [C.e I \ iL.l sr13r-{ L\-! \.=a'!'I tz pqeLL flneiqo l;r-rr:r_rala Da-v' Fine ^4.9 Ereg a'"e PC]' ; / t,ll O? / -:! L + 4-Cl iS-c:cinen Nc, DJie Tes:ed :Di---:i s:or.s inches I -Sld 6xlZCvI ,S;eciinea v1/i. Lbs i\Yei;i-ri PCF BSSD i,'..:ea Sq. Inches - Sid Cyi 28.?7I- I r-c i.r i i,:ac Lbs a1\ /',)]\ct \Jr (-"^li: - ACI'-:-l'- i5i. \-tJ-4. Tests at Da e- -r,ast no. cf S;e:inen No <+r{ ir t.]-l -i'' P" 'lg i':i : i r::: {r) Dirg "Sir+a, i'::cr ' ..1 l,r^; ^.t rv, Ct e -l ca o.ttvie r gr'i r r::i PROJ ECT NAI,IE SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT T0t'{N 0F VA I L nu MAY 1 11974 // i//h t- y't t-z-nLe Le turzc-INSPECT0R 7-aza lrleez_ (i 'f*t*r-'++ E-*-t+z t->t-tz tza Z E, 4 Zt * t', DATE ; LOCAT ION I APPROVED I CORRECT IONS REQU IRED IJT]I\UKE I E.: Nta/.T ll I EArzf- lf /+LL t F &,.t:i.- Rte ,- ;Z lfegf E+;rr*tz,rp(ill42- t'#7.{,:"!:?-::. I4ASOI'IRY : STEEL: PRFCAST: OTHER: Specif ADDITIONAL REMARKs i'rii, J EC I i.r^:.r,.. \l,r-l #.r13 * G"**-onrE--?-42--c=[sr-L- -z+ 'i,-r i'fre i., l"tontl.rn of 1hi:.; <;i-Jice Iirai 1'hr: _44_J-r=r_ J_*__:1u mb c rJl.{ - l-19 --h a s : i:t F L _.i I'i has [., r:i, c hr-ougrt-l' conc re ic tes': "t oi-,i. li Shor.ln lo',r, F a i led 0'i' h e t- results in prelin:inarY tc:;1' Tested streng'l'h 262 t at i4 @ cuvu. REQU I RED STRENGTH--ISO ai' 28 days by afrprovctj p Ians You are l're r^eby notified -i'hai- f u'iure c o n :: 'l r u c'i' i o n upon said lccal-ic,n is at your risk un'iil one of 'l-lrc i9llc-rlr'ing cot'r'e<:tioti nial hr:d: is ach ieveci : 1. Recclcr!a'ilon of imllcrst-: d loaC ticsigir shtil'r itrg conci-e-ie streng-ih as te:rteri is iidcqtt;:fe and clcctiliie:nted by tftc strucl ui^a I e ng ineer in nrif ing io -l'his office. .2. Core -iesi' Jltol shcr:s rcquirecl sl reng'li'r . 3. Aclcqua-i e reinforcilrg o{ low secl'ion. 11 , Remova I of lor'r un i'i arrd rep lacenrent vr if h accepi'ab ltr corlcreTe. F INAL INSF[CT ION AIiD I SSUAI,ICE OF CEIiT I F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY !'I I LL BE I.I I'THIiELD UI'JT IL TIiIS I,,IATTEii IS COP.RECTED. ing 0f f icial l, Co loracio err- hief ot{ n L. /\l Build of Vai 8"S.rer$ee Ssil & Fountisiion Engineering Proiect: Locetlon of Pour C 143-66 c 138-93v lJ o-sJ .i .o ,,-Vol. of Load D3te Motded: 'o/24/74 Time: B:40 Curlns sf g3[Ilptg!+'1.ab. &fl l'{oist Rcor, . ; ._ -.. _.'. \, rrtarJv.;.!.-. -..c 3t-66 Concreie Tenp. fr]T., Alr Te:np. 59'F .'-".': :' -: , ",t Slump--.6*--wt. of Fresh Conc. PcF-L4tA--- Air Conte.n'.--1,r3 %-_-- {F 'tn't 1 t JULa61s74 l-033 South Frontage Road West P.O. Box 1944 Vail, Colcredo 81657 4O1O HAREOB PLACE. COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORAOC gTJ3i' 303/ 596-7647 L., LJi-O4 Gel/l.oai - \\'ster Cement Ratio Adrnixture: I.JA iesign by Drilled Cores 'i8peciqten No. ". 1Dr=ensions Inches - Std 6 x 12 Cyl I ;Specimen Wi; T.bs. BSSD/0.1963 CF iterght PCF BSSD lTotal Load Lbs.. /r \\4t Gal,/Sack Water,\dded @ ?iantgJcb S::e'158 - ,Cement Content (Gai). ?cY , Coarse Aggregate ?CY Flne Aggregate 2 ft:+:. no. . of -Specinen No, tTi'pe ofl-.,rif-..-Et..s'?-e.e I 0) Diag. Sire a r Cone tJ, Vert. l--ttlf'l it-: r Aol r--1l'1 |iTL-.-Solit lS';e: gth - Actual PSI c39-55 itrer.grh Feq'd. PSI Specified -l.e::::ks : i ^-r}^| 1244 Tested By: T. J. I'Ieier Sarpled T. J. 14s1s3Sigued B 26?r -1.t,,'= !-r'ff JUL 2 21974 iiSr'rTi'JCF.iTi F:a:D tsStT:l G Ca)..:i,:.:, " -,-4., ,'ts.:, ia. i' lS: l'.1 i.':::l: -,- S J i'T--l 3r.Tl:) Co::t:e c:cr: .i-C ii. i\ , . _l r\.l '1 l:-nicr.i. - \--*a's** i Cclc. Cr'.i-cca:.!on oi :our in Si:-ucture 4 J&H livj-nEroons.4 J&ii Bedroorcs- ?:ne 1..;')r,,:d n.24 ;vt i,-:---.) Dsie irr:olier:_ 4/24/?4 c 3l-66 L/ .I:.]-DO VCi. C: r-O-O T:rte: Cur:rs ci Sarr,pie:-i-_: .-::-r r_!.:! c !;!-i3 ,, rfUCJ- C or.'-e:, ! 3j :€li Raiic.'1,'Ei3i- -r.caec ! .i::.', ,^^-J^-j L-=r.1"*l -l !r.Jr : Lr:,, . ( 1i7Gal,/Se cil ;D;ji:ed Cc:es Tests at Days Agec 42-61 l:rre Aggrege ie )F 27 'l-r-<:iD; ,l.'. :.3 :.;3 ';9 N ::fli).*"i BEST COPY AVAILABLE fltI S'21974 !t'"'''^' l-C33 ,sonth Frontage ?.oad I,l,*:; t P.O. ilox 1944 _iOtC iJAaBCR p,_ACa, COLC:r,:.D,-r St,3l,:._:J r.tij. ,-if 3r-;9 i 7 3031 59a 1647 ':,,-73::l^ i^,/\r '- , ,'-": i.-. ' i')b :j IrF I -'r,\ i .l,in;, l:. ..1 ":.'-:-..- .JJ'--: c ii--i ' ra 1i-! -1,\; j. C L,i3 -iiii Vc]. ,:.= l,c,:C .--t_ :-:.t-.-t;- ) . : ,rl i.u=l-El-^c. PCF t-i' .. i-- ,,.r.: C 13i--ij t. !/ / '. t.),\ - i:. -:.,:; a: )Jr,-- J t-t Shr"., ',.*t' ,-rllz')-j,.1:i ,,\ta ia) i ili:i'.: / Tssts at-Days Aqq - Lasi j13, :.:: ,,;*:,::le: iio i;i ,5 tr :'|. | \') '' !. .) i-i , : ' -rC 5 c1,: i;,,,-: i .-j'--l ::, l- i -. -;- \./ i ., ]-) . .r-! ;3 r.:.) i 7 r) i....-.-.ir 1l '-..-. :, '-i : sffi.$*,;smyfles i:, .i i:uriu'ic',r ;.,;Ji'l ecf ing aJ4rtABrs^' ^illai;iT C: Caf.Cl!i: r..:-.,- -:Ji.J j -.1:',i '::.::iI'/3 gli;i.:Tg "i l.: I : t! nu ?uu 22 rstq 1.013 South F::ontage Load i'es: P. O. iio:, r 94+ \iai1, Cc.:.cr aio 'cL557 ' tj;ri1r) ha -l'.j0i" Pl-'i:E 'j:-U'1:C''.,,5)ar ' ': I ljj?i SJ6..j 6a I BEST COPY ;:,3f ),i l.ii'i:r-:'DS : :iliCAilii ti:bberc, Ccnc*Lruc-r,-, cn Uct :i I l,ii l-1 =r.,e rlan*a- rour in Siruciure : ; i: K :j.eirccr:r i:;. _ . _._t lcket No. il!-l:jz0_ Cu. iqs. r-iaced -1 ,_ Daie ].,J.:cec: t / "!/',rt Tirne: 1:,1.1 t":: Curinc ci Sanplsill '-'vc 3-i-65 i^ j ^r,! .- - i -.-,* :;t ;v ' I * T-^,..- _,r.-rr \-,/\---! -. e !.r: _-*e . _/y:2, :.-! _.J J. rL: i SIun: '-, trt/z- of iresn Conc. ?CF__ :;-;1_ Air C c 143-66 C 1-?E-63 Vcl . ci LoaC ? | ! -',.^-ii --.-.-.:EC. : 3.i:6 e a;'l /1 n.A C ?a --'s2 i-inu,liu: +l j'jA Gai./Seck r'iatei Acced rd Pj.ae: Ceneni Coni-e:rt . i,^.: !i-s rieS icil Fine :i / itl Driii:c Ccre s iSceclner ),io.lCr- l-ilJ3!e:eSieC. lDr=ees:ons rnches - Sti. 6 x -i2 jSpeclnen '.{1. Lbs . ESSD/O.lE63 fei:.:i i'.ll 9SSD ii;ee :i.:. ;.-:caes - siri Cyi Z8 -27 lTc:.,"1 ;<,ac r:s. Cy (2) i3 ) Cone Vert. S :1it c : ot i.:T Tests.at Days Age.'; 'l-.:.s: I:C. o j:' .:ic:;,eh -..:. - r. - r-a=Ec r:.- ^ -:- - F:.. 1/: I . :. i.t .,..'. -i)-: ttl-r!l'l il-'lir--: i.1-.i -. U. : s- L- Sagned tr.:t-:-:-{ri Test'.i B o Soii i;, Founiatlan Engineer.ir:. fltt AUG 21 €74 1033 Scr:.ir F::cn'r-age P.oad l::cs t P.O. Rc'x 1944 lrail, .-]a1o:-adc 81657 4t1C HAEBCR FLACA. COLC?ADO SPRri.,GS. COLOP.i^D.J e"i-'.1 'ia?! 595-'l t47 i Conc. Ca. l.iountarn I'lobile 'j-a-a, l.lir'^^' /.r-r :;r.s rt:-^tji.! Cl:1' All. _- F.EPO.qT Oi COlrtClrrTE FItiD TISTS & CC\iPi.I93.j'r1_STI:Il.iGl'I LS?ll lilETriOLlS I llliC;Tif) l-01-l_ No.'JOOI_J1A_Cu.Yss.Piacei i7 ?ir,e Arrived 7*C ?e,. i')= lo McloeC: (', /t t+/f t+ c 3I-66 Time: R:no pmCurinE oi Sar.pierft(L:i6UU.E lvicjst F:cr Concrete Tenp. 55or. .A-ir Ternp. 630r' Slump ?.O \l*lt. of iresh Conc. c t43-66 . ai1Vol.. o: LOad OZ ^1r / i'r1\- -'\-) / :r uv.r PCr___3;E--e-*_ C 1-! E-6; G.: i .1l-oai i't\'e ier Ce:i;en'; ilaiic__ _ Gai/Sacs iiniix:ure: F5.q az/c't -,r';'i: -., j'ij.x Xo.: Scecs" 5{- g*"i.Ccarse Lggragate Design by iine AggreEate n Drillei Csres -vC,'-! :1 6J cg ru' ? / t -2 /74-J/-L1 /-?.47 h9 /f 4 Teefs-_€l__Dayc_3,Cs - Last no. of Speciaen No.@AC'6-Cffi a!*-eeJ-s*qf--estu"** --- _ ]_-_-.--]--_-.i-lJ'_-i 9B:.2.-j-99:]a,-rlaQi,&ilal:a&-.- toa-45 \,'il-O+j--.-*_* ;S=ec:nen irio. iD:re T:s:cC :D:=.e :-- s ion s l:lcite s - St,l r. r l? r-lr'l :S::cirren Yr't. ; lrs. :SSD,./I.196:l Ci ii"'eighi t:cl' :59) ji:ee Sc. inchr:s -C;;i 2t.27 Tcte} l,.rid Lbs. rTi-pe cft--'r;?=a--J.f 1r i 7it.l, i ,5EO- a: ---2A-.92 -*, --?-6-.-9 _-c?_!-og i r--* ii:'i-'i ; -l- . i jstd i T\i;rn lhe ar' 14., Cci:e \.'o r i Seiit tl11l,- l lS'-:ercth - Acti.iai FSI C3"?-in f*r I li !--J S::.=r.c- j'' Rs o'C . 7SI SttcrfieC ZUUb 2101 "&*-ror3ss :ll l- iarlldsii,lil .i.:qi,reering 6lf JUI- 2 21974 :."'-^- r.,i-.:. (-/i ,. r..r:) *:\..,.ti I r:_L/ :i_)r) ,,\ L,\_,.vii-r,:oJii/i J i. i\i._'iLJ !-? A.STl;i \{ r1:IODS LYDIC.i,TED l-C33 South Frcntage Road r,.Iest P.O. Box 1944 Vail, Colorado 81657 4011 H.i ABOC PL.CCE. CCLO'iADC SPl ':;C:. iC - -, '. .lDJ ACgl7 303i 39S7&r7 t1-.-.,^,--^.. i'-'-' i?rc: ::.:i: 4 Tal.r LIr I :r'n l.-'l l0l-1 lr..--'-,,-,--H I l-ivingrooIrs Conc. Co. Tine l'iixed 7:44 an Nc .Voor 5r q Cu .Yqs, Piaced__16_ T:.n: Arrrued ? :50 a_',i:i-lci: \;: " 't q Tic<et c 3r-66 $loist Raom Air Ccni=nl 7e c 138*63 c 23L-62 l-iL/!.arearVol. of Load B* cy/Truck c: ZO an Cur-is of Sanplei-L frir"il of iresh Conc. PCF i.d;,u<rlre: A:A r f i.. \ .i ;",s::: Cener:i P.alio Gal,/Sack ,Vater Adde<i rgl Planl .. l:b S:ie O Ceneni Conteni \\;3 .i,, .5i<-/.,ioz/aY Specs " 5* Sac.r :'i* :i i.: -:.' \- - i -- L._iJaat r,'. tJy Flne AEgregaig PC'f Dr:liei Cores Specinen llo. D3te lesied--:i--:.. lDi:Ensions Inches ;Specimen Wt. Lbs. Weisht PCF BSSD A-raa Sg. Inches -srd i!:-.i:! Lcad Lbs, lii.:,::,-::'? : /r) Sh+ r: \Ll Cone i3) \/arf S ciit t ll r .,,r i'lii illl-ir Tested Byi 5:ecl:i:L Saopled 'a :rird O t eesr co ._ ri;11, Colc:el.o E:.(S'i ," i:::!i{{li')fl 43:(itAfi?(:j;pi_AC:,i.-3iijri,j1rS.J. :.:. : t-.-...-! ctiiiq 30!/ \.,!,. /*t (--i :_-a)l'.:cF.::; Fli:l 1:3i: f ilallli:::i:rE:r,il:.,'i jf :.::llcTH ii.:l-r Con;. Cc- ":*'*:'T *?,urz?$?4' q,{f JUL Z r r:"- BLE ::;: :::'lriio""'"" iioei lu:csi ucij on Con;an fl ?r-;A Ccnl:.:ir:r i::,:. .:.Cu", ::i:c re=F. Slior. ae Curing of SanoleS irlois I Pcc:.:-a: - &il3!:66 T c 23i-n2 '-i.:." CeC Sl'.:n:. ,.:!.:. lYr- of i:esh Conc. PCF 110.?Jr Ai.i iion:=ii- --:-.i--."-.t--c 1,1.:-65 Vo!, c -i3 6-63 it-::..- '' ,. - ..,.::: i.aiiC i,.j._ . .'._ .:!-,!o=/cY 'il e r:e ni Ccnt+ni .'\-.,! i:.ne -l.qcreciate,- /... 7" "'. /,"' ;-F.t.Ter?.ic 'n-r !; -.-: /^ --,-.-, .:-,. _j-!-;- !J * ; ::,> i c 12-64 i.Sc: c:-Eer l{o . :D:-::sic:.l inches -Std 6x12 cvl BSSD,/$.1.963 CF iii-eic.'Ji :'i'Cl' :SSD Cvi 28.27 st Days of SDec':g.en iic es. (2) Cc:e l1\ S rii; l. Ili I a rl1i; ;i'.;i. : 27 -t.i: i .-" -;)i, i.=|::l.,: i:lr ti ',:1:i'r -: r--.]iill-; i_.: i,ti I l r'l)*\J''j,'.'I . : :: _-i iil-t*e_!:."ajj-!f !;;,';''_,_.."-,--.. __-__ a -i)ct- - 1. .t-., ' : ,l rj.i i. n SPEC IAL *'"b.n** INSPECTION REPORT TOI',IN OF VA I L PROJ ECT N lNsPEcroR 6n klae RLt JUil1gt971 DATE- i LocAT l0N IAPPR0VEI)IONS REQU CONCRETE: t.^Ite> ZFJ Fti,+ ia i,r, I x- l rl "4 JEP Ftc-c't' MASONRY: STEEL: PRECAST: OTHER: Soec i f ADDTTIONAL REMARKS: SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT PROJ ECT rNsPEcroR '--r- -.-^ h) Ru JUilrg874 DATE ' LOCAT ION I APPROVED I CORRECT IONS CONCRETE: MASONRY: STEEL: l{i t-4lr* -, 4y'tar -2"r+t'z', PRECAST: 0THER: Soecif ADDITIONAL REMARKS: o F F o O c z o o F z a <Fg<::r-a:.F < :- J z t thi!-la9ip\z'<! =<azai:.z.zii;E9{E5tFFca(.)<o )"i51:o*:9:;<u-.(a3',t!l Ii"<da> ^?<o:tts]m=<!( .l 3r 'l lr- F cc J c! uJI(J z{ J 2 (J; o.Q u,l cc o zl Fz ut uJ o uJ z a F aa cc ) !r F -'|{F F a( c! 9 J F I =c=HlJ-eO =,2 =ql-- l o NOIJ.VNlVA :-Is>(,(") \!!c'I =-zoo z F 9o;> :z >o F c,,i ,/tNsPEsloN TOWN OF \\ I'q.fa- q FIEBUESiT VAIL DArE 2-12-7+t./ JOB NAME V I uCA€ € TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E ornen MON GOMMENTS: I pannnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR Q[rrRovED ! ueoru t++F FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS:C-t CORRECTIONS .?r \i -rlr r? I l/n/'*4" E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr e DATE INSPECTOR 1 " t't' '7'f 't' Franbr & Engery, lnc. COA]SULTING ENGIIVEERS 2840 SOUTH UALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOa COLORADO 8OI IO TELEPHONE 303 761-4860 Mr. Jerry AldrichChlef Building 0fficial Town of Va i'lP.0. Box '100 Val'1, Co'lorado 8'1657 Re: Vi'l i nal Revi ew Job No.F&G 452.19 Dear Jerry: July 11, 1974 April 18, 1974 to our 1974, and with reference uirdi^si' We have reviewed the response, dated Prel imi nary Report, dated Apri I 'll ,to the report we f i nd as f ol'l ows : ITEM A.I A. As stated. B. Use of fire-retardant q'l u-'l am beams to obtainclassification approved Uy ttre Building 0ffici C. As stated, with additiona'l marg'in availab'le byc'lassification. ITEM A-2 A. As stated B. As stated Type a'l . Tvp II e II C. In compliance under conditions stated for glass. Provisfonsfor steel frames under U.B.C. Standards Sectfon 43.509 not s ta ted ITEM A-3 compl i ance compliance InA. B. CIVII. ENGINEERING In I.AND SURVEYING STORM DRAINAGT STRUCTURAI- IT TRANSPORTATION / WAIER & SANITATION Mr. Jerry AldrichJuly 11,1974 Page 2 C. Designer's responsibility. D. In compl iance. ITEM A.4 In compl iance subject to implementation. ITEM A-5 A. In compliance B. In compliance C. In compl jance D. De'l eted E. In compliance F. In compliance. ITEM 4.6 A. In comp'liance B. As stated C. In compl iance D. De I eted E. In compliance IJEM A-7 In comp'l iance ITEM A.8 De'leted ITEM 4.9 In compliance under conditions stated. I TEM A-'I O A. In compliance B. In comp'l iance Mr. Jerry A'ldrlchJuly 11, 1974 Page 3 C. Requirement deleted. I TElvl A-'l I In compliance under conditions stated. ITEM A-'I 2 I n comp I 'l ance ITEM A-I3 In compliance I TEM A.'I 4 A. In compliance if implemented B. In compliance ITEM A.I 5 A. In compliance B. In compliance ITEM A-I6 A. In compliance B. In compliance. ITEM A.I7 A. Drainage plan not submltted B. In comp'ljance C. In compliance I TE14 A-'IB In compliance J TEl'{ A-'l 9 To be verifJed as stated. ITEM B-1 In compliance subject to four inches of so'lid masonry being provi ded. O i chMr. Jerry AldrJuly 11, 1974 Page 4 ITEM 8.2 In conpliance ITEM B-3 Ap prov ed ITEM B-4 as per our letter of May 2, 1974 In compl iance ITEM 8.5 In compl iance ITEM 8.6 A. As s tated. B. Revi sed retai ni ng wal I approved. ITEM B-7 design submitted for review and In compl iance ITEM B.8 As stated. Note that throughout the above commentary the term "in compliance"is construed to mean performance wil'l be carried out as statedin Hjbberd Construction Company's'letter of April .|8, 1974 andthe agreements and concurrences arrived at in conference wlthyou are as stated. l.le understand the building perm'it for thjs project has beenissued. Since drawings have not been revised and resubm'i tted, and no formal addendums are to be issued since the designer and contractor are the same ent'l ty, the burden of assurlng stated compliance wil'l fal'l on your inspection forces. P'lease cal'l us if you have any questions. K0Rdw Enc. cc : Fred Hi bberd Very truly yours, Frasier & Gingery, Inc..%-4@-----Knud 0. Rasmussen, P.E. ProJ ect Manager I rNspEcGoru TOWN OF FIEEUE.ST VAI L DArE '7-1Q'7? TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLEF I ornrn MON GOMMENTS: TUE ! pnnlnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION ME THUR FRI '!'a,-1 AM IPM / ffi nrn RovE D florsnppRovED [J UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: D nerNsPEcr coRREcrfoNs 5v/4aa/E Ccp(€tL Fptrn Cn+sr trZ;,,t tc,PE INSPECTOR r::.l rfb tnla.JH$iratffiH€€ ' rl .r ! t ..:i,,,i- iC1.:.li-"i','iilit '7'.r :i - i;r ;lai": l: :n-:\T'-rt,,, ../F r- Lt"...':.- iit 'r.(,/r'lt. '...-:4 RU AU8 21 1e74 10 33 South Frontage Road l,,rest P.0. Box 1944 Vai1, Colorado 81657 40l0 HAaBOR PLACE. COLORADO st'lllNGS. COLCF.IDC ai,,:i 7 30'31 595.'1647 il!!D :;S!S & Clll\:Pil:SSi"i STi.iIGTH i:.S-i'),1 i"l lTFI(jlf 5 I lllliCATED jroonse j3,ii Eedrooas. Job 1,.,- l,()l -1 *_ _ La5. li: . ]0t -t-( 1_=:r;;- =--::qb:,..Ti rn.o l..i i r.,: ri 1,. :.1 ^n | !r*ra+-"+..r 4 r #{.'**tue*$** i conc. co.''.i-'-c.:;i_' cl Pcur in Si:uciure5th_fl_gor G.H."T&.i r.ivin6- * -iir.rcl:- i::. 1l+ --Trcket t'ic.VOOIL.!a Cu.Yis.PiaceC :,r Tlrie Arri';el ?:t a a:_-. D;ie .'.i- jJeC: ? /3/'71 Time: 8:00 apCuring oI Sariole:H Lab, il--'] l.'ioisc Rcc:: U -*.::CCc:l:6'6--Concrete Terp. 61"F, Air Q lrrmrr t: ,', /t,-/ ./f -i Wt. of ,.J J..rJ -OO PCF__14e.5_- c 138-63 ' c 23.i-6? TeEp. '650r Fresb Conc. VcL . of Load__8___*_____cylTruc.k /Yal?r IclCed G ?ia:.;. Ceneni Content _ '. loc iGe i) ?CY Sila I Ccarse Aggregete Pine AggreEate ll :,L Y l-\ ^ -iF.. '^..lJgJ:-.: J /PCY iDrlji:i Ccres 4?-54 'Speci=an i'io. i_ir3te :esi,e c lDi:ie::: icns ir-rches I -Std 6x12 S.".*,"" .'.'i t Jbt .35.:D/0 .19 63 ;\'.'eighr FCI' BSSD is:ea Sq. i:.ches - Stri CyI 28.27 iTctal Lc.:c Lbs. \.., y_; I - iast no.of Specinea lic. -CP ia (iri (+.1 | 1+^ 2?.2\ " 2?.! | ^r\ ',/ | '-t: .' ^:. ^.^ i ^--. ^-u LaiUr.r : Y',-v\)n i ,r :_:i i ,.__.: '-?t,/.-/r\J-,J.-.-lL/-/J {l) Diae.Sre:i \A, Cnne /r \ Veri.:'li i--rbl tl I,- I Tested By: T. J. irlc; er S oiit I ll'^ )2473 2rEC j"QQo, --:/tQ'-a t S.&,*aner8ee -:ir:r.L.f:.1 * ic,:::!:-'i:.1 i '.119 r : i;: !:1 :i tr-\t'i' f. I r'''r':/-:-';'?t nfnue 2 {s7d -,'.,:..1P I 1033 South Frontage Road liest P.0. Box 1944 Vail, Coiorado 81657 4010 HAPSOn PLACE. COLOPADO S;,i|l$65, CJr_'.rqADC gCalT 303/ 596-7641 fltl;l :ISTS & Ca:\,ii'qiSSiVE ST-i::'iCT:l AST,V 1,1:i : iiii-rLlS I i.l IIC;:,,Ti'.D l/-..-...|'-.^.' fr,-.i:--r-i- Lccetlo:r oI f,rh ai, I O'l --l f ;rh- 1.:.. 'lnr-t-(i27-1 12\.Ll/,l- - ---, Conc. Co.i-fn:rv'ia'i n !.in).i'1 e: :*::=:=:::..::.i Tt*. ,ii;. 6,30 ar -{th floor J&ii livingroons.?,,i ! r, nri (' . iO rn .- : 2n FTl---.--_- ----teu : i-ri\JJ. v(xlr -LI v IIItiI vlJjilit. ! rrlrs +i,-!-1r:j J ! o.jv a-i:.! f:-aci: Iio. 16 ilicket Nc. Voot 4oz Cu .'iis . Piaced-4i-- i:ne**A&q?rp Hibber.d Sensiructicn n Vail Vi-l-l-aee Cente D:te Mo-tded. 6/2.8/7 I' Tirne:_?:,L5 anCuring of Sa:npie$ii. =:=r^*,1 j.r,.c:jr P.L-cr1 -c 3l-66 Concrete fenp.57oF, air Tenp. 6loF t,3i-e5 - (1, rnrn r-1-v.{'||tJ}4 Wi- of iresh Conc.PCF----l.az-l-- c 138-63c 143-66 Vol . of Load l),a':/:-:.2'J - ,Vatar Addid i,jj ?L.'r': Cenent Conieni F,Ci' Ccerse Aggreg:r+ Fine Aggregaierr AAereaa il;ill:d Ccres c 42-54 tSpecimen No.101- IiDsie Testcci l-- lDi=ei:sions Inches I -Std 6x12Cyl rS:eci.nen \f i. i,ls.3SSD,/0.1963 cF \Teight, PCF SSSD i:ea Sq. I:lches -Std Cvi 28.?7 iictaL Lcad Lbs. Tests at Da s Aee - last of Specinen r_not_catea i;est at 1-26 i 132-0PT ;.1 l^t/ tt'|t '.(/ 1o/ /+,7 /26/7 4 c+d ; :z'1.94 ' 0.9 r l4O.j ao.1 28.27 \ 28.27 ap_Q. j giooo jzo5 < | !\E\ ;,/ | eJL,/./ -/rL,t 000 : ;nn.l.-.:Y-"-.-- D Ul' !2 (1) Diag. Sh::ar i i-.:r:: ; I ir - ).cluai 9SI (21 Cone (3) Vert. Sclit 1-rl!'i It-l riE c39-66 S'-',''.:'ii'.1' TesteC T. i. I"ieier Saroled T. J. j'ls jsrSigneci BY : ; -t-- . i I L;--*-t--.; .r L '..-:> --*'- '- -rqi'r''">::=--' - PEPCiT OF COliCir.iTE iiELD 1'[STS & CO],lPF.ESSIl€ iiSTlrl l'.{ii Ii{CDS INDICA'IED 14ffi AU02t$7, 1033 South Frontage Road I.IesE P.0. Box 1944 Vai1, Colorado 81657 40lO HAREOB PLACE, COLORADO SPFIINGS. COL0,lADO 80917 303/ 596-7647 STR;lllGTH o 8"Sas*nsrfi il -':i 6 icli;:-'i'J;ic;l I;l;!,:': eri;r3 iC.::::,i.::rr: :I. bccr.d Co:isiructron Co::.'Irany I Ioit ::, Conc. Co. Lnc.: iion ofrl::.on oi PbtrF-iii-S:ructurei ii&..i BaLconies j Flf eul_a.ce G&5 (hearth) ; srcewa-!;@iio.e. lTr-e cl: i:o. l-t Ticl<et Nc.Cu .Ycis . Pi.aced 15 * Tlne -.i-i+t--++ :1.!-JCr: ]:O. _ 1l tlc:<et Nc.llnn: j"n UU.:GS. t'LdC3C t r .i. 1::18 .fITI:,:Il?_.tj 4li-1i : rc/2./1L _ _Time:-..,fu.,1i;Q3sr Curing of 5anl1e4'R Lab. ^{.1] :D:ie i"l.olded: ro/25/1 .| ]-.ab. {.i-l l,rioisi:3cl':F ar r^ .€ 8_3r-^6!3l- 6 ,1.rrrn.ao*a iTraran atQ= rr-- r.- r,Oa:gj I l{az'ie:n:). or ! \i!rF!rt )Ll Wt- of t.esh Conc. PCF--- 1lg,g--- Air Ccnlonr *6,2 - 1t- -. -c 143-66 VoI. of Load c 138-53 ,^^^llr i.):- i i .^.1/i---r!):l a,' jr! .:!jcyl tiuc( \r.--:er Ce=ert Ratic. Gai,zSack rVai=r Lciriel g i-!an: ,. -. ic' S:.,-_--- j:_. .'.f i-.- ' r . Snor-c n-1. C-.'.- Des:-i: bv [ine Aggregai:PCY oz/Ct Ceneni Conte;:i iSe-:cimen i*Io. IiD:re TesieC lDi=er:iors inch,as I :D;:.ii=i Cc:es i c 4?-64 101-1 -S"d 6xi?Cyl L22-!23-i j-rqD |J iltJ .of Suecinen i,losofa DTF Tests at Davs Age.F.,:.-r_+ ;Sl-:cimen 1,^/t. Lbs, I sisJ/0.i963 Ci liVei.gnl. PCi BSS-D i":ee sq. I:lches - S:i c,r-i z8 .27 - \ir i | "\:- | rlc tt) Diaqr - Sirear \.-,{11',I JDrI! ITAJ r_800 000 i c +,n I !-f ,{ |-:-lL:J t*-'! tii'r I iallpl-ec T, J, lieierSigneil Soii & Fouridciisrr Eugineering qlr AUG 211974 L033 South lrontage Road West P.o. Box i94j; Vai1, Colorado 81657 4OIO HARAOR PLACE, COLORADO SPRINGS, COLOFADO 8ffii 7 303/ 59A7An7 REPORT OF CONCRETE fl FSTM T{ETHODS INDICATED Contra ctor: Project: icce'Jon o! Pffi bejdf OOUS . - I 'j, .,1::.a. i" .: i . '.': Tru:k No. flr'"'i- Ticket 101-l_. Lab. No.l-U:--r--t !-.:..)-ItsUJ_ Conc. Co. D3te Moldea: 'o/24/74 Qlrr'nn lL .c 3l-66 f'a'rnr a*a lTlo:-"rrr Aq"!' A i r\r\.,-IUI It Ue I v:.j-Lrr. jjZ-5 t -rr wr. c 143-66 Vol . of Load F1t L-frl- avtl r1 evJa L/ lJr-ni. L-3 i / LCaC c 138-63 $'a:er Ceneri Raiic Gal,/Sack 'rVater Added. @ Piant , jo5 ,s::€ ljE ACnixrure: A:A oz/CY-tti s il Cemeni Conteni tlY . Coarse Aggregate l\: q r; SK'C Design by Fine Aggregate ; L,i.st-no. of l ir,n 2 ab.1 . 'J/i.,! )t \--Jtv:-v-* :.] .1'ron i ',:re n lio. si,d lSpeclnen No.' .' lD:re Tested .. iD:=ansions Inches - Std 6 x -i2 Cyl. I ;Specimen Wt. Lbs.SSSDz'0 .19 53 CF \iferEhi PCF BSSD Tct3l Loao tbs. iij (2'i (3 ) Ccn.e \ieri. Sniitutc j. Shear C3 9 -.5 *:.r'r-i{ir:ri -lt'r't 1Cr--1 r---1til'r ilri r Ao'l i'1 ! l. Iit t!-i Tested By:Saapled By: T, J. LIeie-rSiSPed //a(1,/ I Scil I ic'titriir;: ia,r. Ehiiii€!iir':ir n:rrr\:.r. .\:- ...!'-lr:::: f.jIi:_- T::13 ! CCl,.r;):.:g:r.,.7 .:-i l2.;-j -:1 :i; : :::T; ilr duL221E74 l-Sf l-1 !.1:fi.C;-:; i:.i:4,.T!) lon Com in Stru-Tr't nc Fflnrlc , lio. v0c1356 cu "l-ds . Fracec 20 T:;r,e lrii>:e: ? .21 nr,'----g-G/L-.J!t!' -.-- i. -:- - -.: a-nn^ f- Ir4 clcec: 6 /24/7 !+Ti me. of F:esh Conc. FC! ,/?+V c -?l-65 C:;:e:.i c l{3-66 C :':,J-'i1 \rc.:- . ci 'i-oo d C1".,' - i i.l 3: ' 'rfa;e: ier:re:ri iatic Cei/Sact: Acnlli'r::e: ILEA Design by ?CY Di:ilec Cores Tesis at Days Age \- rit---,.: ' ^':rf . F:.: i Lr. il ' cJl-cu !l/ r Sar"}i er1 lv; EXITS REO. DATE OF APP!ICATION TOTAL FLOOR AFEA TOTAL LOT.AREA NEW() ALTEFATION I I ADDITION ( I FLOOR AREA RATIO USE OF BUI LDING HEIGHT I N FT.OFF ST. PAR KING MArL AoDREss 29?7 OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING MAIL ADORESS COMMERCIAL TER( } FORCEDAIRI ) ELEC UNITI ) LOT BLK FILING 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTIOI I/ II tII IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtsloN 12 3 4 BUI LDI NG PERMIT SPECIFIED FIBE SPRINKLERS ENERAL OESCBIPTION OF WO ABEA SEPAFATION T0wil 0F EIUILE'INGi t|A tt PEFIMIT UNCOVEREO APPLICATIOiI ACCEPTED PLAN CHECK APPROVAL PERMIT # READ THIS L.1 * " 1-lTHAT I IfAVE STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AG&EE TO COMPLY wlTTI AI,L TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE U,1 Fnsicr & Eingcry, lnc. COA/ S TJ L TI IV G EIVG I IVEEF S 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREEI EN6L EWOOq COLORADO 801 I 0 TELEPHONE 303 761-4860 ffl{ Jt"iL301s74 July 26, 1974 Mr. Jerry Aldri Chi ef Bui l di ng Town of Vai I P. 0. Box 100Vail, Colorado ch0ffi ci al 8.|657 Re:- Building Compl i ance di ng Code heck for f orm Bui 1. 452.22 Mr. A ccordas for, have di ng C ncl ose owi ng: - General Building DataProject Data Sheet Prel i mi nary Report Part A - Review for 0ccupancy, Type of Constructi on and Exi t Requi rements. Part B - Revi ew for Compl i ance w'ith Engi neeri ng Regu'l atjons. Under separate cover, we have transmitted marked up plans show'ing location of all the Code violations cited. t,|ewill make our final plan check as soon as we receive thecorrected pl ans If you have any questions, please contact us at any time. Very truly yours, FRASI ER & GI NGERY , I NC. Plan Uni Job No I dri ch nce withe su 0een ode, I he rew Dear In ati on 197 4 Bui I Wee uest the pl ans and specj fi ca-ct, as dated May 24 and July 11, compl i ance wi th the Uni form th your reqbject proje checked for 973 Edition i th the fol z41K0 Rdw cc: Fred Hibberd, Jr.Knud 0. Ra mussen WAIER & SANITATION .CIVII ENGINEERING / I.AND SURVEYING / STORM DRATNAGE I STRUCTUNAI / IRANSPORTATION I b VILLAGE CENTER . BUILDING UD'' F & G Job No. 452.22July 25, 1974 PROiIECT DATA SHEEI GEN ERAL : Deve'l oper:Architect:Structural Engi neer: Mechanical Engineer: El ectri cal Engi neer: Soi 1s Engi neer: BUI LDI NG DATA Use Condomi n i ums Retai I Garages Number of Stories: Fi re Zone: Fl oor Area: Condomi ni ums Retai l Garages VAL UAT I ON Fred Hi bberd, Jr. Robert J. Harford, Designer KKBNA, Consul ti ng Engi neers Kal Zeff and As s oci ates , Ltd. 0ccupancL H F-2 F-'l 4 3 3.,od ' jo Jod = 268 e.rr 3 : [35 Constructi on Type I I Type I I Types II & IV-N 8709 S. F. 8630 S. F. 26,940 S.F. 8709 S. F @ 8630 S.F.G 26,940 S.F.@ Permi t Fee: Plan Check Fee: $226 ,4 34. 00 l9B,490.00 484 ,920. 0o $909 ,844. 00 $ 12e6.84 $ eqz. ss $26.00 $2 3 .00 $18.00 VILLAGE CENTER - BUILDING "D'' F & G JOB m. 452,22 JULY 25, 1974 PART A REVIEl,l FOR OCCUPANCY, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION AND EXIT REQUIREMENTS Commentary as to Code compl iancep and supplemental observationsp is as fol I ows: ITEM A.I 0n Sheets G-5A, G-6A, G-7A and G-8A the windows on the southside between column Lines G and J2 are to have wire glass in wood frames as per conference agreement with the Building0fficial on July 1'l , 1974. ITEM A-3 Hardware for Pe'l la windows used in bedroom units on Sheets G-7A and G-8A is to be modified to provide clear exit opening as requ'ired under Sec. .|304 as modified by Town of Vail Amendment Chart. The structure consists of two build'i ngs as follows: A. Four-story bujlding of Type II construction hav'ing twolevels of parking (partial'ly below grade), one 'level ofretail space and a top level of condominiums. B. Separated from above bui'lding by four-hour firewalls isa two-level parking structure, one level totally below grade and the other Ievel below grade on two sides. This bu'ilding is not fireproofed and hence is of Type IV-N cons tructi on. Building areas are in compliance with Sec. 505 and Table 5-c. Mixed occupancy ratio is in compliance with Sec. 503-a by vi rtue of fi rewal I creati ng two separate bui l di ngs. ITEM A-2 0n Landscape Plan A grade at Stair No. 2 is shown as8.|63r-0". 0n Sheet G-llA top of wall at stairwell is shown to be 8164'-0". ttandrii I around stai rwel Irequired at 42 inches above grade per Sec. 1716. B. Similar requirement appears applicable at areawell forexterior stair to Lower Parkjng Level as shown on Sheet G-4A as revised July 11, 1974. ITEM 4.5 ITEM 4.4 A. As shown onwall at edge above grade. ITEM A-6 ITEM 4.8 Sheet G-6 and Detail 6of landscaped parking Per Sec. 1716 heiqht , Sheet G-12 protective area roof is 36 inchesof 42 inches is required. 0n Sheet G-6A at Entry Door No. 7 there is a differentia'lof l'-7 1/2" between interior floor e'l evat'i on and fin jsh grade of exterior wa'lk. Stairs wil I be required. As shownon Sheet G-6 and by Detail 0 on Sheet G-12, space betweenbuilding f ine and curb wall may be insufficient to accommo-date both outsw'i ng doors and required stairs. Door No. 7should be recessed to provide required space or c'l arification detai 1 provi ded. ITEM A.7 l.lith reference to railing details on Sheet G-l2A: A. Bottom openi ng at rai l s i s shown to be l2 i nches.Sec. l7l6 opening shall not exceed 9 inches. B. Per Rail Section UL-l is shown to have wall anchors. 0n Sheet G-5A possible stub walls are shown at recessedentry edge; however these walls are not shown on Sheet G-5 structural draw'i ng. Ei ther stub wal'l s or handrai I sare required at open edge of entryway. 0ne Sheet G-'l1A: A. Handrails for stairways have not been detailed. Must comply wi th Sec. l7l6 and Sec. 3305-i. garage stair at ramp does not End returns not shown and 6- bottom not provided. B. Handrail shown for lower comply wi th Sec. 3305-i.inch extensions top and ITEM A.9 Roof pitch is not given -- sca'l es 2.5 to 12. No roof accessshown. Under Sec. 3305-n as amended by Ordinance No. 5 (1974) Town of Vai1, a steel 'ladder from top floor to roof is re-quired for four-story buildings if roof pitch is less than 4to '12. Location subject to approval of the Fire Chief. I TEM A.'I O Stalrways at east and west ends of building provide requined egress from the condominium level. Spiral stairway shown on Sheets G-5A and G-7A is permitted as an ornamental stairway and is not to be construed as an exit -- as duly noted on Sheet G-5A. Therefore the exit 'light at this stair, as shown on Sheet G-78 shou'ld be removed. ITEM A.I I Ionization detectors have been shown on Sheets G-7A and G-84. Location subject to approva'l of the Fire Chief. ITEM A.'I 2 Wi th reference to exi t I'ighti ng: A. Exit light at Sta'irway Door 53 as shown on Sheet G-8E i s not vi si bl e from the corri dor. B. Exit f ight at Stairway Door I as shown on Sheet G-7E isnot vi s i bl e from the corri dor. D. 0n Sheet G-5A the ex'it light at Sta'irway Door I is notvisible from the corridor. E. 0n Sheets G-4A and G-3A exit lights should be providedfor two points of egress. F. 0ne Sheet G-3A exit light at Door 2 should be on exteriorat Stai rwel I . C. As evident on Sheet G-7E, the offset in the corridor between the condominium wings prevents the exit lights from being visible for a'l ternate routes of egress.Directional liqhts should be added in the offset area. G. 0n Sheet G-2A exit lights should be provided at Stair No.2 and at door to stair in areawell. H. 0n Sheet G-lA exit light should be provided at ramp entry. ITEM A.I3 Four-story portion per Table l7-A for of building must provide fire-resistance Type II construction throughout: A. B. 0n Sheet G-8A the detail of boxed bar jo'ists does not appear to provide required 2-hour protection. The Designer has stated that briwill be boxed in similar manner,vided to show how this is to berod bridgi ng. dg'i ng f or above bar joi stsDetail should be pro- accompl i s hed for hori zontal C. At the south side of the building a portion of the wall is required to have protected openings as determined in the conference of July 'l I, 1974. Per Sec. 1903-a, Exception 3, two-hour fire resistive exterior wa'l ls are required in thisarea. hJall details as shown on Sheet G-l0A and scheduled on Sheet G-16A do not provide this protection. n Two-hour floor-ceiling assembly'in 1levels must extend beyond upper builside to, and including, steel beamsDetails of beam fireproofing and ce'i be s hown . olver and upper parking d'ing 'li ne at the eastat Column Line K.Iing term'ination should ITEM A-I4 Detai I shoul d be provided and for moisture-proofinging level at balconies for Sheet G-.|3. ITEM A-15 for termination ofat edge of ceiling con d'i ti on s hown i n f i re-rated cei I'ingat the upper park- Section B on Percentage coverage of wood veneer of second story above gradeto be revised in accordance with notation on Sheet G-9A. ITEM A.I 6 Provisions for wet and dry standpipes are covered by notation only on Sheet G-7M. Comp'l iance cannot be checked. ITEM A-I7 ons as shown on Sheets G-3A and G-4A are erected'nkler system will be required for the upper park- fire department access js maintained as per Sec. If future partiti an automatic spri 'i ng 'l evel unl ess 3802-a-.|. ITEM A-18 A. Automatic sprinkler system is required for refuse chutes and trash room as per 5ec. 3802-a-7. B. Trash chute doors shall be rated as per 5ec. 1706-b for l- I /2 hour protection. C. We understand the trash chute serving the condominium'l eve'lwill be a prefabricated unit vented through the roof. Thetrash chute serving the commercial level is actually a one-story shaft extension of the trash room below. Requirementfor venting subject to ru'ling of the Building 0fficial. ITEM A.I9 l'lith reference to Trash Receptor details on Sheet G-13A: A. Plan view is not consistent with e'l evations. "Shoulders"of trash room adjacent to chute opening extend above side- walk. B. Chute opening is unprotected. Handrails required at "shoulders" as per Sec. l7'l 6. ITEM A-20 Toilet exhaust fans have not been shown. Five air changes per hour are required under Sec. I305-a, Paragraph 3. ITEM A.2I l.|jth reference to garage exhaust venti I ation systems: A. Duct drops to floor should be provided with physical pro- tecti on from vehi cul ar damage. B. Ducts penetrating boiler room walls as shown on Sheet G-lA as revised July 11, 1974 should have fire dampers at wallpenetrations. C. Bottom of exhaust fans on Sheets G-lA and G-2A are only about 4r-0rr above floor. Physica'l protection should be provided. D. Exhaust ventilation of lower Ievel has been checked and foundin compl'iance with Sec. I105, Paragraph 2. E. Per the definition of Sec. ll09-b, the upper parking leve'l is classed as open parking garage and ventilation is not required under Sec. ll09-k. If future partitions indicated on Sheets G-3A and G-4A are erected, an exhaust ventilation system asper Sec. 1105, Paragraph 2, must be'provided. ITEM A-22 0n Sheet G-4A as revised July l'1, 1974, a three-fourths hourrated personnel door shou'ld be provided in the opening fromthe garage to the areawell stairway. VI LLAGE CENTER F & G JOB JULY 25, PART B . BUILDING ''D'' N0. 452.22 197 4 REVI El,| Commentary as to i s as fol I ows: ITEM B-I Notati ons rel atidated July '15, lthis report. ITEM B-2 FOR COMPLIANCE I.IITH ENGINEERING REGULATIONS Code Comp'l iance, and supplemental observations, ve to foundations as set forth in our 'l etter 974 are hereby incorporated as a part of 0n Col on for ITEM B-3 No provisions are combustion air. Chapter 6 of the ITEM B-4 shown on the drawi Combustion air open Uni form Mechani cal Level on shown as wi th wal'ls ngs for boiler roont'ings should comp'ly with Code. Sheet G-4 c'losure of openings at umn Line I between Co'l umns Hl andSheet G-4A, as rev'ised July I I , 'l exterior stairwe'l I to the Lower Upper Parki ng N should be 974; together Parki ng Level No drainage system has been shown for the garage areas. Requ'ined sand and grease trap has not been shown. ITEM B-5 No routi unheated as wel I ITEM B-6 ng of water and draigarage area. Heatas physica'l protecti nqge lines has been shown in the tape protection may be required on from vehicles. The upper tiers of the steel building frame have tensionX-bracing of f ight plates and straps. The size of these members do not appear to be in compliance with Sect4on 2705-dunless the members are connected and latera'l ly stayed by each stee'l stud. Intent should be cl arified. Speci al i nspecti ons asstructl on Requi rements B-8 per the Town of, shall be provi Vail, Special Con- ded. In the parking areas electrical outlets. shall be a minimumof 18 inches above the floor in compliance with Sectlon 5Slof the Nati ona'l El ectri cal Code. Boiler insta'l'lation shall be in compliance with Section 1108, Paragraph 3. t 8.&*nrcr8ee goii & Foundation Ingineering FEPORT OF CONCF.5TE FiEj.p T;STS & COtvJpRESSTvE STR:EIIGTH $zq 1033 South Frontege Road l{est P.O. Box 1944 VaLl, Colorado 8L657 4OIO HARBOR PLACE. COLOEADO SPRINGS. COLOFABO 8GIi7 303/ 5967647 Cr':rtra ctcr: Dr.\i6,..f. Loce:io:r of Pour in r 2 t i:,.e..Il ircx. j,llj --.i'n--rotr'i On:.,:i-:-- n * Structure Lab. Iio. fTruck ido. L'l No vCI015ll__ cu .ycis . p.t aced_I 5+ _ rine *ii*i@Ticket Conc:'e ie Slump J Vol. of \fitei Cemeli Ratio Gal,/Sack rr ACcied @ Plant i. . IcbAdddd@Plant i .@ A.ic':i:li:rre: AEA Cenent Conteni ?GY Coerse Aggregate DesiEn by.,e Aggregaierr .Acgreaat z/o .] i-j: -1.'-! j ,,-r --i Drilled Cores c 12-64 Teets at Dg ini.ica,ies 1'4o.7'':-lr-i:i -' /z:-/ru 8:ff/z'x ,721/iL rx/zi/'iL+ Di:renslons inches - Std,5 x 12 Cyl ,,..- '-! +,.r .-- e^>-c'r. gii Specinen'.,Vt. I.bs. ESSD/0.1953 >ir -nn 'z?;45 feight FCF BSSD _i.'^ -!4t. I 'i t.' ' Area Sq. Inches - StC CyI 28.27 27 Tct:i Lcad Lbs.EZZCO 8lCOO 9830c :-2Cr;lJ ' -rt, ,1 J iri'pe cf 0) (2) {3)lFrac:u;: Diag . Cone Vert.I She:r Solit t ,"t I at FII:J nt'] Ii:--i i--lLJ I !\'ioh -th - A.+ir.a I PqI f:'iA-AA 2col Uo.r :oi..-.3,--,:- EoF,ri DSI Specified,_Zav-1v..:..t|\vYv.j000 lo00 :;o00 :;AiC '0G0 iena:](s ) it-L.j-rrr-i-i_ Tested ity: =j.1r:.i :,i';a;- .:'l :r:"r-,r91 4::j rJffi Salnpled By: - '14-'z-.;-.Sigred By i / ./i/-44 ,F RU JUL 31 1974Frasier & Or'ngery, lnc. C O N S U LTI AI G T IV Gl IV E E R 5 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80] 10 TEtEPHONE 303 761-4860 July 23, 1974 Mr. Jerry AldrichChief Building Official Town of VailP. O. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 STATEMENT Job No.452.19 - Plan Check - Village Center - B1dg. C Fixed Fee Due a Ak fo Pr.1 Tt{nr Auour.sa *?J-v $ 733.8r. fNTEREST at the rate o! lo/o per month of the unpaid balance.Accounts not paid within 30 days from date of statement wilt be charged /a /'/ SPEC IAL INSPECT I ON REPORT TOWN OF VA IL nil. JuL26p?4 I NsPEcToR "62^ /lleiea-PROJ ECT NAME DATE i LOCAT ION APPROVED I CORRECT IONS REQU IRED \, UI\U KE I E : -,2t... l-Et rw\ A'-l l,4AS0NRY: 5TF t-: L" : &4, t..,,t',. t. pErz+t PRECAST: 0THER: Soecif v ADD IT IONAL REMARKS: O fz' Jt'+*-"i 'ra'F -/zt bat b (Art > F.-rL FQ E --t- /c/-l ED Fta t4- i PROJECT NAME,/*,- T/,,,&e (iEFTElv twseeno@ SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOV,IN OF VA IL tt Jt[22t^?4 CORREC NS REQU IRED tp Fs CCNCRETE: 36 L/.4r-t 2*atYt 4 fttl / tt 1t-"4 Ft-t -n t E-EPI A.tt He /,/eq-/i ! F/-tzt- 4 t/l . "i 1! " 1, J' 1.'.4 L4 i:.' i. 7i:, f,:;"':::!,1 f k' l7; P+a t't'ltr' as 5TF.EL: 6F 4E Far47- A * *-f, tr SfEti L .: 727 sl I f 119'r /a,/-zz- Fr t f e'e,4/et!& lv' it fi-i. r Sr t)11412tr-L/+rtit4t E OTHER: ADDITIONAL REMARKS: Frtier & Eingery, lnc. CQ^/SULTING ElVGIIVEER S 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOq COLORADO 80110 TELEPHONE 303 76t-4860 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Chief Building Official Town of VailP. O. Box 100 Vail , Colorado 816 5 7 Very truly yours, FMSIER € GINGERY, INC. Knud 0. Rasnussen, P.E.Project Manager July 15, L974 Re: Village Center Building "DrlF 6 G Job No, 452,22 Dear Jerry: We have reviewed the structural calculations and drawings for thefoundations of the subject project and find that they are in compliance with the code with the following exception: As shown in Sectj.ons A, B and C on Sheet G11, required42 inch frost protection has not been provided forfootiqgs in the unheated garage. Bottom of all footingsshould be 42 inches ninirnun fron the top of floor slabl Footings should be added near col-umn 3-J2 and Z-JZ for wa11ssupporting fire door. We understand foundation section shown on Sheet G13 will be rnodified by addition of a stub wal-l- to retain earthfron the driveway shoulder and to provide a curb toprevent drainage onto the garage slab With above nodifications, we reconrnend issuance of a foundationperrnit for V.i11age Center, Building [D',. KOR/gb cc: Mr. Fred Hibberd ctvlt ENGTNEERING / tAND suRVEytNG / STORM DRA,INAGT I srRucruRAr. I / WATER & SANTTATTON RrL ocT 1 1974 L033 Soutb Froutage Road West P.O. Box 1944 Vei1, Colorado 81657 4olo HABaon pLAci. coloffAoo spstrvos. coLosroo s@1? w31596'7el'7 FiE,F.CFIT CF CC]:JCF.TTi F:':D :;STS & C3\{PI!SS!\E STRENGTT{ Eibberd Constructi.on Co. Vil-lage Cen Siructure Line 2 Pad B. g. D. E. Ti.cket I'io. VOOI92] Cu.Yds. Piacei 8 T'1-r-.-GE!-rBd- -'f ^!. L:.. J \J!' -\ !. . Lab. i.::. i n^*a r'^Mountair Mobile -Time ilrne ldixed z: z? po -Arrived--}ip gE * Vol . of Loaci Gei,/l.c,ai - .i'a:a: idciee rg ?ia::tglc: (Geli Oeneni Coni.en'. ?CY . Cca:'se Aggregaie F:ne Aggregaie 10 It lri.ilei Ccres Age - lait io. of Specioea No. at davs of aec.' IET-7 L82-?l_8F 8/23/?4 8/z>/z+I /3o/7 t+- -- l-' ^ t't - l.-. -',/ (- '1 / -,,/ ,' lDi-,:rsicns inches - St{i 6 x i2 Cvl std std std i l€3j=er)'.lti. L^.s. =lsl,/o.1S63. CF 27.75 2?.89 27.80 J<J . :- ,w L:,).:'. t\ve:grt !'CF SSSI r41.]r42.0 I*.ac9 :1t i;=e Sq. l::ches - Stc Cr'l 2t.27 28.2?-rO :^6 Ice..( | )A 2n: L\J.L. Total i reci Lbs.53000 65no E5200 (1t:/'r'^'1 r\:-/.\^a i -' a1n^nI\.r ,\JW\. --tJ L,v\- i!i'.a: ci (!) (2i {3) lFr= c:u--.: Diag . Ceiie !,ert.I Si,ear Sslit t il r-rlr It=J r--: I :--:.. : : :l" i '1 !- I la.----.r-l.Jr-c.;;L.r - ACiuai :-.Ji Ui5-ob 2226 22t+6 Sire :.;:: Fsq'd. PSi S;-,cciiled o a8 ]ooo ,ooo i ;000 toool;cor, ,:;3i? SanpleriL. Lechner I €.&.ffiFcr€ ..1 t t t,..1 ocT 1 1974 RoaC -festRU Soi! & Foundaticn Engineering 1C33 South Frontage P.O. Box 1944 Vail, Colorado 81657 4O1O HAFIBOR PLACE, COLOBADO SPFINGS. COLORAOO 8@i7 303/ 59+7647 RiPCRI CF CC}}.ICI'Ti i:IiD T:9?S & CCi'.1P.".ESSI:,T STi:}:G?!{ IiSTI,l ),1i!ECDS Il{DiCATED .C:.r::ac:.-:.: Hibberd consiructionisgny__ | Ii>. -:-nt. \I:i-l lli'l l qca C.ornioF - iI ,- n .,!-4,:r- i.,'",'.- ,.., _ i . -- :e::3:. c: :ou:- 1n r::uc:ure -[ ooEers I\ . lrlal-l 1! lo ]..,,iS. wall encl eorner irom ffi i::-.rci: N:. l-5.',--, Ticket f.i".-Y!9f90!-- Cu.Ydi.Placed jcb li,: 10i-i .: * . Leb. l,:. 10i-i-( r-75-130) Conc. Co. l'louatain l'4obiLe T:rne lvtix+c 2:\i pm 1 i ne arrlv:t__j_40.__pg_!c of Samplsff'j L ab. &il _ \, Jl-oc.: (; i !-6r;Concreie Tenp" Zzed,-iir renp. ?59F Slunp ?tl ' Wt. o{ iresh Conc. PCF 1r,t, i, o 13 8-e-? . Con'.eni Gai,/Loa: c 331-i;? Gal./Sack .-Ssecs, Dnp .liii.leci. C.3:es . l"- Tests. at r+4. o rr+u . c r /;n r 28.27 )r. >,1C. 0000 'l,i_! 00 000 T-ti] it* t nil ,-iDeie Tes:ci .-. - .10L.:1: - Std 6 x i2 C-vl :ssD/,O. !! 53 ci e''l 26.2? .nl^ r - 1L0.0 .c.11 O\JU U rl-L---' ta\ Cor-ra d? 1 Veri. :-tel ii '.JJ5-Ctr S -.= z- ' rr a;:)/ )1 G. l4anzari Sarpled By: L.Lechf;lFed rNsPEc;.,N TOWN OF r> ', ,,, I / ,"DATE I( \.".. /. r JoBNAME lt ,/;.-;',.,€ ._..i..-,rr-l*:. ,.*'_. TIME RECEIVEP -'i! . , i-1, AM PM CALLER -T. Ig ..]..t^, FIEOUEsiT VAIL f]orHen rr L-I PARTIAL. LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED fiURTUE GOMMENTS: APP ROV E D ! orsnerRovED ! nerNsPEcr \J XJ upol,r rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTIoNS: COFRECTIONS €"$crffiHr$ee -Sci! & Founelsfion Englneerirrg i:ii'.'r.i i)l: ,lC:iCi.:ii; ;if:-l T;STS i COl.{Pl.tg5i',ii. ' .., ncl 1ttt74nu uu 1033 Sor:th Frontage Road liest P.O. tsox 1944 Vail, Coloredo 8L657 ioto HAneon pLAcE, coLoFAgg grnrr'rcs. coLoFrADc brr;7 3A31596-7647 at mh:- af /--rYr t I: - i\i :\ u i:--. LSTITl ].1E!HODS iI{DICATED -| \-!- \-,a a,':'-i^-! ^1 i.J-Lr49 , lr c-* -: 5-ur in Si:-ucture l';al I Iifra i.., cn noflllslZE ro il . south Time L4ixei TrcKei l';o- Y0Cl-545 Cu.Ycs. Pieced t:il Tinie lil:-r-t ..'j- / Conc. Co. D:'e l._icJoe*. .,,,; .i;/9/,i +Time:2 :50 Cu:ing of Sarnp,. a .? r-A;, alnna-tr_+e -,c;.-. ;, .I' ;i -a\. *. - t ji=: ql,.F,r. _, .- lt. t, lrri--- "'Y----*-_ " !. ie:T*,'Lab..' 6l--'i l*'!cist RocE U dI-C O iFa-- a eO.,r of l:esh Conc. PCF__j.JI^Z__- _ A:r c 138-63 Vol . cl Loaci aj c',,/!ruc'..4rt<ue t,/ Loe o ia:-,,erii Reiic Gai,/Sack 'J,Iatsi l.idec fg PIai:: ;. Ic5 r1c r-ror i flnrianl iC: l) !- L-. r- /trr' 5 - "- _-J.l--_ i^- 1- 2-: Si:-' ' ].Iir. '.'-,-C nrr n q Coerse AgqreEaie lesigr: b-v Drill e: Cc re s ' L- {/-i\! Tests at ina-i ca e - Last- no. of $nnri-' e- -.^ _l a,r 'l-ru'-t,- _L L7O-'i Dete TEsleC ,/ !o/ /!!.'oh6fi t'.8/zt/z+i/./ l!,>/ i / {.- lD:::re:sic:is hches - Stc 5 x i2 Cyl sid !, -\- i(,o. ;Speci:,,:;: '.'r,'t, Lbs. :rSSD/'C.1963 CF 4C. UU 2^ n7 ?i -9,{-, 21 , C:' i',\;eigiri ICI SSSIi i+2.. o 1 t,2 r; -1.41'.-' /,; .-, i:ea Sc - 'i rches .- Sic C'..1 2e .27 LC.1 28.'t'l >? :t t:-Q.,-i ?crel -:cc. Lbs..77ZAC 77OOO '1 G8.,ao .I "i,-,^ ^ ;r:/!uv i Tl'pe cf 0) (2) (3) Fractu:e Diag. Core. \reit.Siear Solit il T_l t_:l _ tr iiJr ) . r--l-!| '!L--=' lsr".q..l - -lctuat isi c39-as 27';\aTza ?,'t, S:re:.1:1. i,ea'd. Pil Specr:ieC -26 J000 r.000 :CCC Rani ::'. s *t ii ,rj n Te€ted By: L. ''a-^-r:.- o 8.&rmEe'€ee Sell & Foundefion ErglneerirrE Fii'ofrT of cci:'icFlr; !'ilLD Tisrs a c(l:'ii'>f is'sJ\';r Rlt ocr 1 1974 fu'est1033 South Frontage load P.0. Box i944 !'ai1, Colorado 8i657 4O1O HAFtsOF PLACE, COL OFADO SPFINGS, COLOFIA'' 639,'7 303/ 596-7647 :.-i'-..'iirl;j AST M l'1 i:TLIOLaS I l,lill CTiTEI) o-c 0o Job li',-' /-.'l 'lLW t--L iirdc< .'r c . il Ticke t lio . :./.00$.j!_ Cu . Yc s . P.i-a ceC_;1_ i.-i r,e trltel '/ :;tU l,loiurec: , E/]/?t+ c sr*66 Time:_ E:l-0 Curlng of Sanp)efi, !-ib, &?--l iriojst*' 3!-65 ._ SIu:rc LT wi.of iresh Conc. PCF C l'r tJ- €3 f.t! \J.,J! rr t !;L_-:a2l_-_. .. _.. C Z2;- :": ^..f-bEi,,'i:c?G c 143-66 \.rol . of Load 7 __cy/Truci \\'cie: l--c:;;:ert Raii.o Gei/Sack 'vy'ater Acideci € Pierir , ;c;s S.t-.a' ?j . Air',:;:.r'-,rs: i.EA OZ/CY ?.'i'r l.l -. S nc r- q Design k'y Cenent Conter:t Ccarse Aggregai:e iL/tF!ne7-/t,tl J/ "f r (i9q :,sreqaie iDriiled Ccres L 4t-b4 Specinen:ro.101-l Dite Te,slcC -Sid 6xi2Cyl Dacl /n 1o ae r*r' -,r\rJ/ v. rJ \,rr \Jr iieigtrl i'CLqSSD Area Sc. i::cnes - Std CyI 28.27 Totrl :-:i:d Lbs. - i.,asi no,nf A:.a n i '-c.nvf vwvv!!rvir std Sto I t1) Diag. Shear (2') Corre (3) Vert. S ol. rt I lSrenEth - Actual PSI C39-66 iir,-r,r j L Qe,.l'd pSI Scecified .-:c, F.er,a:'.ks -:-\r *t ),i,O-a() 10.1-000 | irTcoo01.000 rCCO i '-,CCO Tested By:-4.. Lechner Sanpled T. i. lieiersigted !,'' 'l lct- l RlL AU6e1p74SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT _"LqwN 0F vAlL INSPECTORPROJECT NAM (,t/4/ frlrrlZ*nt DATE ' LOCAT ION i APPROVID I CORRECT IONS REQU IRED COI.ICRETE: "Nu ,. t^ M cl rla*ni5loe ttne Z P,aD 6,c,0,; MASONRY : 5TI'i:1.: 1 :E-!frixti, Eec;teeaet L'rU *r- ln ie PRECAST: OTHER: Specif ADD IT I ONAL REMARKS : 8"&rer€ee Soi[ & tqundction EngIneerIng F.IPOIiT OF CClr'CF.rTl Fil:-D T:STS & CC\4PP.f,SSI\4D STRi!{GTH {rr,i'r'' , 10.33 South Frontage Road h'e.s t P.o. Box 1944 Vai1, Colorado 81657 4OIO HAFBOF PLAC€, COLORADO SPFtNGS, COLOfiADO 8(BT7 303/ 596-7647 . Sl,Ui;P Olitl F.STlvt I.liTi{ODS I l'lD:C}.TED Ru OCT 1 874 Cclt:'ac:: r: Drn ia n+- -r.cceiio:r of Pour;,'all- Jl1 io itrg, tTruck No. bbe::ci ]ob Nr:. i-ab. Iic. t-01-.1 iol-1 Conc. Co.licr 'h Time lriixed Ticket No.Cu.Yds . Piaced )5 Tirrre ArriveC hii- vriia5e uen'Lei\ ---"'Ee"-r.rl#F4- in Struciure G:'ici L,ine Gl i.o iooiingoil-r--'1..E1iiltr-Edil De,re Mokiedt 9/6/74 _ Slump 11il Wt. of Fresh Conc. PCP c i43-66 u l.'\ tr-cJ. Vol. of Load__l_____:, __c-v/Truck . Air Content w zJi-aL Gellload - \l'ater Cemen'r. Ratio GallSack ACniixiure: ,trEA ' Design by '. \: C t,' -qK./c _' ! J L-: '1 iit"gregaie_FCY Drilleci Cores Specimen No. te Tested iDinensicns inches -Std 6xI2Cyl ;Spe ci.rnen \ltt . Lbs .3SSD,/0.1963 CF lweighr FcF BSSS Tctal Load 1 i,r c I lS-cength - Actual PSI c39-56 S:reng:;: 3eq'd. PSI Specified Re rn ark s at 4:0O ha Tested By: SpIit ti cl;ei shoi';ed road io be 2 Sanpled By: 4ee rz.: c. \ iln:rhr,-ftrZ reba'uJ uo //f . Fra ctu;e (u Diaq. Sheai (2) Cone (3) Vert.ilir i-,ll c'-l 1,'.1 Siped BY-:-77 ;:,..- ^-. -_ /1 sifl;*s#-RU ocr 1 1974 1033 South Frontage Roed Hesi P.O. Box 1944' \,'aiL, Col-orado 81657 /tttl O HARBOF PLACE, COLOFADO SPnINGS. COLOcAOO ti'.rgi7 ' 3031596-7647 ;eg 5oi[ & FoundEfistt Engineer[ng ii'POFT OF CCi.JCF!T; F]T:-D TiSTS & CC\4PFiESSI\E STRE]'ic?l{ ASTI',f li{tTPiODg I I{DICAT;D Cc:::ac:'-,:: lIr oberd- Cct-'s-"l.uci j.on Cot:lary | 1oU :tc .- (.r- -. _ . Prcject:.I-ab. Iic . rol--l Conc. Co. i'!o;.n-ta.'in l'iobil-eLccatio;l ci iour i^n Structure Time l''lixeci T:-rtck Nc.Ti'cket t'ro. VOO:e jl- Cu .Ycs . Placed :6 iinre i-rived L : O0 Dete lvlolCei: 6/5/74 c 3r-66 SJump Curing of Sanple{l lrqb,_&n l'loist 3cc;:i . v J l:Do \r1trt. of Fresh Conc. PCF Air Conient c !13-66 c 138-63 Vol . of LoaC Ge1./lcad '\\';i.er Cerrer'. Raiio Ainixiure: tJA 'oz/cY \ILy- Nc.: Specs . Design by DriIIeC Cores Specirnen l{o. ate Tes'.ed lDine:rsiens Jnches -Std 6x12Cyl jSgecinen l.'v'i,, ibs.BSSD/1O.t963 CF i,eight PcF Sssf A-rea Sc. lnches -St<i Cyi 2.8.27 Total Loaci Lbs. Ga1,/Sack Vfater Adcied @ Plant ,. lo5 Site ar-- tl - tL2q.l ,'r;3 i ''2-i S3:./Cr'.Cenent Content -' -' Pg\' 2-i S3:./C'. . Coarse Aggregate_______39l - J _...: - .._ iir-oe oit-" i r 15 cEure lStrength - Actual PSI C39-66 S:renq:i. Req'C. PSI Specif .l.enarils iruck re. cc; tl) Djag. Shear (2) Cone (3) Vert.r-t L_l Tested By: S oiit Sanpled Signed BY: Flrt 1033 South Frontege P.O. Box 1944 . -Vailn Coiorado 6i657 4{tlo HAfiBoF PLACE. CO LOFADO SP6INGS, CO LOFAgO 8/€ i 7 303i 596-7n47 0cT &oad 1 1974 L:es t 5si! & tounciction Engineering :: irr:l'r. r): /-ri,,ra-;t-T:- F;rr T1 .::cTa l: r-.,,1t..r D; rccT\rF c6i: \'!-6'r-..*rt_. ,Sta, t t*,")S tt-DI Cons'ur";ci.i cn Con:icb lir-. .:.C,]-.i__ ,Lab. i.-.. le.-'--r-("i=,'.:-',(-?\ Conc. Co. iicuntal:: !'cb:-:e:-r.cel-io:; '-.: .'cu!- j.n Stlucture /-^ r ^"\ | rJ-14: :, cc-ei_r:tJ .Tlme lriixeci z: l.Q ;r::t iruci: Nc. i.L Ticket No . \r0O1ti0 Cu -YCs . Piacec!_ - I Tir.re Arrived_-d!5-:i___ D:te lr,'!o].c+c: L/Z/f + c -r+3-66 Vol . of Load Ii r- t]-c;''rr ((O;l \\ri. of fresirGic. PCF t.i- a\^-.^-. '1 1 (: ,1ll V(JlrlYl:l. a-. 'i ,/= v zi !- c: Gai /i.oad - c 138-63 c,7/Truck \\':ier Ce ;:.e:rt iteiio Gai,/Sack Water Aicieci Gr Piani jcb Sjte 2'J az/cY (Ge l;.Cemeni Conte:ii .?CY . Coarse Aggregete Desl.gn r.';"' 'J /4"-=:, Drllleci Ccres C 42-e,4 Specime- 1'o.l_0i-t- Dste Tes-"ci Dl:ie;rsrcr: :nches - Std 6 x 12 Cvl c+^5ic i e|J Sicr. Specirrer -.'i't . Lbs . 3SSD/0 .19 63 CF \i:eight i Cl 555.1.\ ,i:ea Sq. I:cl:cs - Std Cyl ?8.27 Tctal Ll.ad i-::s. .Ir ,5 ^.r fi1'5n t..!, T1'pe oI Fra crul,: ,r\tJ ,l c'L ^ --- (2) Cone \iori SDiit S';engil: * Ac',.uaI PSI C3S-66 S.-!-; n. -: :'.' .irr'l DSI Snoni{iedr LJr |.JF's\-i:r!-\r ,;l; Rlnarks -1.;; i'n;cr j'lc. -i:ri nte o. c oliisi Ce o 156-7 | i:g-r iCiCCO Tested i:y:a i .r.! I1 h.lF Saupled By: T. j, 1;s;sSigrred €.'Srcr€ee Soi[ & Foundcfion F'Ertgmeeilng if,POF.T OF CCI'JCi.IT; FII:D TISTS 6 CO\{I'RISSI\E S]Ri]':CTH ..t1a16 ) 4:'n-J/-,: !(- T r ':af .'r'I.;-T-\r.J l. rvJ l\.iiJ I lI\-r:JIJ .l -\ Lr: \,,r.1 :.:-/ o FIUOCT 1 1033 South Frontage Road P.O. tsox 1944 Vai1, Colorado 81657 4010 HAH30R PLACE. COLORADO SP6lN6S. CCLO6ADO 8@17 €74 Wes t 303/ s96.7647 C clt:a c:l : . ?. ^.i ....: . i r l.'-r - i a.. . r T.i r., r: i.lrrr v -. :'-, ^t l\- ^ :cu:' :n Structure i;a.l-i E Li-ne to i I Line c: Tni-l a,i in.'- Lab. l'-,. :L'-,-i-( r.'_, -:Jfi ._ Conc. Co. i,or-r.::iaj.::. l-otr-ie Time lu:ixeC r.:i1 t-.::: Ticket No -VOO179c Cu -Ycs . Piaced !4 Tin,e ri-ived D:'re Me];e a/!/74 G 3i-66Concre;e 'i'ei:p. -ti"r', t-i: S.lump \Art. U l-:J -O O Time::511 :::: Curirg of Sanplefr, I-a:. &l--l' t:J' 'rL.. Jl:OO PCF__J-!:..1__ Air Conlent c 138-63 Ge i /ioai I..4oist i:cc= ri ; al'- 1'eap. cl-orr of Fresh Conc. \- /-J:-cj Vol .ofLoad 9 ,. c,t/Tiuc?. \\'5'!er .*,€i: c::i Relio Gel,/Sack wate:Added @Plan:-' - lcb Ainixiu:-:: .AEA '\beilOz/CY Ce:ieni Contei:: Specs . 5:, Sac:-'Coerse Agg;:ega:e I-L I Design 11' Driilei Cores 1l1-pe cf;- i I Ia CIUI'i' i c 42-64 .TeFts at Dayg3eg - Laet ac. .: .^.- -' a ^ + ^ r- .! /\.\ r- , S ro r-i :-'c.-'!''...'rrv!-!Ll,.r.-r. r\v:t-0i-t- ;-';iJ3Ie 1€ S -,e fi ;Dinens:crs Inches - Std 6 x 12 Cvl I ,Si.eci"'.E:: 'ri i, L;s . BSSD/iO . i9 63 CF 1\ireiEhr. iCF 3553 lirea So. i:rche s - Std CyI 28.27 000 (ri T\.' - -lJiov . Shear (2) Cone (3) Vert.Solit r-?i ril rii -.1_ I <o.11 ..J.i- 1rb00C) ', !1:-' 'r rc00 I iS';ergll-r - irctuai PSi C39-55 i:r;.trr-'' Sorr'ri PST Snnci{ied ..1r:. ,icnerkr. i I .+.- c u Tested !.:r: C.Sarapled G. i.:a-nz.a.::j Sigaed. c,5i I t--.*u--:*- # ntt 1 1e74 1033 South Frolrca8,e Rcad iiest P.0. Box 1944 \:ai1, Colcraio 87657 401o HAREOR PLACE, COLOfrADO SPFi|\GS. COLORATJC 6C917i[ & FssndEtiott Etrgitieering i I ; i: C,r e Ci: 3(Bl 596-7,64'l :.IPOF:T Oi CC!.jCi.!T; iillD TISTS & CCh{Pr:lSSi',lE S:'iII':GTH liSTll I"liT"rlOtS I:{DICATEI) t,rF, a.'; -! ii--r- - -- f - ' F r r^\T:Fr I iair-l-i .'---r-,{)I n rnnF. l.J iwe,i 1:-t,L -",t.c-Trme lg!''ric" 1 ::lr.O i -r', n l- i n-r ln'rr^, = ;1rr -^ i: ^.^ -t-. D::e L4ojieC: i /?_q/'71'.Time: G 3l-66 t\|ln11nz'a;o lTl o*.:.n ?-r "il 4i r- fro:.-n j)"'',. -I -1Slunp_ji_-_Wt. of Fresh Conc. PCP c 14,3-66 c i38-63 Vol . of Load Cu:-:ngi of Sampiefi =qb;S! l.,4.otst Rcon t.. 5I:Do ' Conient Gai./lo=d c 231-62 c. \\'. I'1i AL}{:r! c. by i!x: li. ign lx Ce n're::i la'.io Gal,/Sa ck -rvater Ldcieci @ ?ie;-,t_-r-__ I cb ]C Cement Conteni 5} . Coarse Aggregete ?CY Fine Aggregeie ,PCY : Oz/CY t-uc J / :'L/ I lDri.ijei Cores w +t-o+ rSpeciaen !'lo.tol-1 lD3te Tesied :Di;easions inches - Std 6 x i2 CvI I iSiecinen \\:t. L5s. BSSD/0.]963 CF i\i'eight ?CP BSSD ':,:ea Sq. i:iches - Std Cyi 28.27 Tctal Loeci Lbs. - IJq'D I,nf {rroni--lar, -n I.'rr,a\ i l a.a:r-,^a\\J\-'(l r - \-'L \- -,\J 1?1'pe cf ! Fra .t.re I tlttr, D:.ag'. Shear (2) Cone (3) Vert. S o] it t-:tt! tl__- l lS:reng:.h - Actuai PSI C39-66 i.!-.n^.:. Qt5n,.i pST snnriiicd :. -,,,-" "eY " ' Rerrark.s *j'io l-isi br e e:l'ce:'-i o '-.\a a- Te6ted (\ i .:. =,',.t ,: :, -ni Sampled l.ialz€tL Signed l-0 CO rn /t/-lI SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT INSPECTOR FIJ: AU8 21974 Gt^ filereB- G,+tz{ /YlnP>eal PROJ ECT N CORRECT IONS REQU CONCRETE: L-l Lt.Jed^J '4Lt^', '"*Lu 4 t- ,ua t1 'F-'L iN E MASOTiRY : 3TF-EL: $dd z:|x'P7l E P- t-f Klr,t 9rE rt ral € PRECAST: 0THER: SPec i f ADD IT IONAL REMARKS: a o - *Cl roJ e '{,,,J1,Ls.F.l .n n lif Au0 z lc74 t' .'t-* E^,tJ '.'^J o At lJd-*ol l* 7 r t.q e r'Jrrtr/ U-,d L,,uo )( b P on\- Ltne4 0.' l-,-. f f-,-^ L,n. d n L,.,^.3 /, | .\(J,/ 1o,r" Tof o{ {oo*,,.y {-** ft4?.o., fo (trz"" Q-t 7--,{c.*' {-*- (-I* d,"'*.o3. /v,sro// p" fhtc-K 6'/y'-. f "'.-* t=-s,*la-'l r,r-- {,* * [-lo"*t ( d'sr .-t-. e: '+ /!-I 4>" r-s,Jo ,f f,'{,y l, f , A* 4 p.-o1e.f flo,- St"L {-* J.r=--,-q" /,tste// . (?. L' o- >^ a:t o v q.r $ |/ -o {or^ ,,{' 5ta L -- r' l7" Cn-c uJrtl Va-,c - g/5)'4" -to 8t5Z't" {tev. gt,5lu"I v- a-t.a*.-^_ Ii NI I I v 1 .. a.LM tVo 'S P".L "- @ z+" og /J$ Frg l)'W 'rr*rr1 Grhsuy, rnc. CO 2840 SOUTH YALLEJO STREET Et'tat EWooO, COL ORA DO 801 IO TELEPHO^(E 303 761-4860 Town of VailP. O. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Mr. Jerry AldrichChief nuitding oiticiar STATEMENT - Billing period Jr.Ly ZS, L9T4 :r qrF August 22, 1974 August 22, L974 r ? rg74 Job No. 452.22 illage - Plan Check thru Center DUE :$i84:2 .:g s I I I 1 i . FIXED FEE ak la P^rl A*o**1. trl.AI T_YT ' t HR o-c.-o:'*..-* \} r? 5ep z1 {ccount! not Pald within $ days from date ot statement will be charged INTEREST at the rate ol 196. p6r month ot the unpaid balancr, 'a-."-;l Frascr & Eingery, lnc. C O N S U LTl TV G E IV G I TV E EFI S 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOq COL ORADO 801 10 TELEPHONE 303 /61-4860 August'19, 1974 Mr. Jerry AldrichChief Building 0fficial Town of Vai IP.0. Box 100 Vai I , Col orado 81657 Re:r"Village cente") euilding "D'l: pl '-Rev-iEil-b"f'Rssfbl"s e to p rEffiffa ryF & c Job No. 452.22 fft Au6 21 ts?A an Check Report Dear Jerry; l'le have reviewed the response of Hibberd Construction Company dated August 1, 1974 together with Detai.l .!qawings G1.1A and G'l3B as received August .|5, 1914.l,lith reference to our Preliminary Report, dated ,July 26 , 197 4, we fi nd as fol I ows : ITEM A-I As stated. ITEM A-2 Statemen.t is f or compl iance. ITEM A.3 No response. ITEM A.4A Statement ITEM A.48 Statement for compl i ance. is for compliance. 'ts ITEM 4.5 Statement is for compliance. ctvtt ENGTNEER|NG / LAND suRVEytNG I sloRr* DRA|NAGI / STnuctunA[ / TRANSPOTTAT|ON / Urn & SANttATtON 'r-i o Mr. Jerry Aldrich August 19, 1974 Page 2 ITTM A-6 Drawing G-6A has been revised to show recessed door and stair; however, curb as shown in Detail 0 on Sheet Gl2 should be returned along each side of wa'lk toprovi de checkwal I between grade and si dewal k from topof stair to curb line. ITEM A- 7A Statement i s for compl i ance. As detai I ed on Sheet G-138 dated August .|4, 1974. ITEM A-7B In compliance. ITEM A.8A Note added to Drawing G-llA is in compliance, dated August .|4, -1974. ITEM A-88 Revised details;. dated August '14, 1974, on Sheet G-llAare in compliance. ITEM A-9 Statement is for compljance. ITEM A-IO Statement is for compliance. Drawing not revised. ITEM A.I1 As s tated. ITEM 4.12A Drawing G-8E changed for compliance. ITEM A.I3B Drawing G-7E changed for compljance. ITEM A.I2C Drawing G-7E changed for partial compliance. Balance of i ntent to comply stated i n response to I tem A-10. o Mr. Jerry Aldrich Augus t l9 , 197 4 Page 3 ITEM A-'r3p Statement is for compliance. ITELS A-12E, A-12F, A-l2G and A-l2H Statements are for compliance, rTEM A-rgA In compliance per detail on Drawing G-13B. ITEM A.I38 In compliance per detai'l on Drawing G-138. ITElit A- l 3C Notation and detail on Drawing G-l3B in compliance.. rTEM A-l39 Statement i s for comp'l i ance. Condi ti on detai I ed at garage door lintel on Drawing G-l3B is correct on'ly in center bay.In exterior bays west beam must be fi reproofed and cei ling system extended to beam. I TEM A-'I 4 In compliance per balcony detail on Drawing G-138. ITEM A-I5 No response. ITEM A.I6 As stated. ITEM A- I7 As stated. I TEMS A-'l 8A an d A-'l BB S ta temen t i s for comp I i an ce. ITEM A.I8C Subject to ruling of the Building 0fficial as stated. ,o Mr. Jerry Aldrich August 19, 1974 Page 4 ITEMS A-l9A and A-l9B In compliance per Detai'ls on Drawing G-13B. iTEM A-20 Fan capacfty stated is in comp'l iance. Fans not shown on mechani cal sheets. rlEM A-2rA Statement is for compliance. No details shown. ITEM A-2I B Requirement deleted by revised duct layout on Drawing G-lA. ITE}4 A-2I C Statement is for compliance. ITE14 A.2ID As stated. -ITEM A- 2'I E As stated. ITEM A.22 Statement is for compliance. ITEM B.I As s tated . ITEM B-2 In compl i ancer ITEM B-3 f$oted on revised Sheet Gl. May require areawell. ITEM B-4 Shown on revised Sheets Gl and G2. ITEM 8.5 As stated. Mr. Jerry Aldrich Augus t l9 , 197 4 Page 5 I TEM B':6 Detailed on Sheet G-.|38. ITEM B-7 As requ i red As stated ITEM g-8 Statement 'i s f or comp'l i ance. Note that throughout the above commentary the term "Statementis for compliance" is construed to mean that performance will be carried out as stated in Hibberd Construction Companyrsletter of August 1, 1974 and that the agreements and con- currences arrived at in conference with you are as stated. Since the drawings have not been revised for some of the stated intents to comply and since no formal addendums areto be issued since the designer and the contractor arethe same entity, the burden of assuring stated compliance will fal I on your i nspection forces. Very truly yoursr FRASIER &G INGERY , INC. Knud 0. Rasmussen, Project Manager K0Rdw cc: Fred Hibberd P. Fraser & Grhgcry, lnc. C O AI 5 U LTI IV G E IV G IIV E EF S 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET €NGL€wooq coLoRADO 801 10 TELEPHONE 303 76T.4860 rqtrld .!]1j1,301q71 July 26, 1974 Mr. Jerry AldrichChief Bujlding 0fficia'l Town of Vai IP.0. Box .l00 Vaj I , Col orado 8.|657 Re: Village--Cen.t.er Pl an Check for Uni f orm Bui I Job No. 452.22 Dear Mr. Al dri ch : - Buildins (Dji Compl i ance wi th di ng Code In accordance with your request the p'l ans and specifica-tions for the subject project, as dated ltay 24 and July ll1974, have been checked for compl i ance wi th the Uni formBuilding Code, 1973 Edition. I.{e enclose herewith the followinq: Project Data Sheet - General Bui I ding Data Prel iminary Report Part A - Review for 0ccupancy, Type of Cons truct i on an d Ex i t Req u i remen ts . Part B - Review for Comp'l iance with Engineering Regul ations. , we have transmi tted marked up pl ans al I the Code vi ol ations ci ted. I'lepl an check as soon as we recei ve the If you have any questions r please contact us at any time. Very truly yours, FRASIER & GINGERY, ]NC. K0 Rdw cc: Fred Hibberd, Jr. Under separate cover showing iocati'on of wi I I make our fi nalcorrected p1ans. WATER & SANITATTON i ctv[. ENGTNEER|NG / LAND suRVEytNG / sroml DRATNAGE STRUCTURAI. / TRANSPONTAIION 'Jr', VILLAGE CENTER . BUILDING "D" F & G Job No. 452.22July 25 , 1974 PRO.]ECT DATA SHEET GENERAL: Devel oper: Archi tect:Structural Engi neer: Mechanica'l Engineer:Electrical Engineer:Soils Engineer: BUILDING DATA Use Condomi n i ums Retai I Garages Number of Stories: Fi re Zone: FI oor Area : Condomi n i ums Retai l Garages VALUATI ON Fred Hibberd, Jr.Robert J. Harford KKBNA, Consulting , Des i gner Eng'i neers Kal Zeff and Associ ates , Ltd. 0ccupancl H F-2 F-t 3.'-* -- Jo 3)dr = Z€iA Za. $ = 195 Constructi on Type I I Type I I Types II & IV-N 4 3 8709 S. F. 8630 S.F. 26,940 S.F. 8709 S. F 8630 S. F. 26 ,940 S. F. $226,434.00 198,490.00 484 ,920. 00 @ $26. G $23. @ $1 8. 00 00 00 Permi t Fee: Plan Check Fee: $909 ,844 , 00 $ 12s6.84 $ 842.95 VI I-LAGE CENTER - F & G JOB NO. JULY 25, PART A BUI LDI NG II DII 452.22 197 4 REVIEI,J FOR OCCUPANCY, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION AND EXIT REQUIREMENTS Commentary as to Code compliancq and supplemental observationsr isas fol I ows: ITEM A.I The A. st Fo le re Se a gr bu co 'tdi ed tue ngs as fol I ows: onstruction hav ow grade), one condomi ni ums. four-hour fi re ne level totall grade on two si hence is of Typ ructure cons i sts ur-story buildingvels of parking ( tai I space and a parated from abov two-l evel parki ng ade and the otherilding is not firnstruction. of two bui'ldi of Type II cpartially beltop level of e bui'lding bystructure, o I evel bel ow eproofed and 'ing two I eve'l of walls isy bel owdes. Thi se IV-N B. Bui Mixvir A-? ng areas are in compljance with Sec. 505 and Tab'l e 5-c. occupancy ratio is in compliance wjth Sec. 503-a byof fi rewal I creati ng two separate bui 1di ngs. I TEM 0n Sheets c-5A, G-6A, G-7A and G-BA the wiside between column Lines G and J2 are to wood frames as [er conference agreement wi0fficial on July ll, .l974. ITEM A-3 ndows on the south have wire glass inth the Bui 1di ng Hardware for Pella windows used in bedroom units on Sheets G-7A and G-8A is to be mod'ified to provide clear exit openingas required under Sec.'1304 as modified by Town of Vail Amendment Chart. o \j ITEM A-4 A. ITEM A-5 ITEM A-8 A. R R 0n Landscape P'l an A grade at Stair No.2 is shown asBl63'-0". 0n Sheet G-1'lA top of wa ll at stai rwel I i sshown to be 8.|64'-0". Handrai I around stai rwel'lrequired at 42 inches above grade per Sec. .|7.|6. Similar requirement appears applicable at areawel'l forexterior stajr to Lower Parking Level as shown on SheetG-4A as revised July 11,1974.- As shown on Sheet G-6 and Detail 6 wal I at e-dge of I andscaped parking above grade. Per Sec.'17'16 height ITEM 4.6 , Sheet G-12 protective area roof is 36 inchesof 42 inches is required. Per 0n Sheet G-6A at Entry Door No. 7 there is a differentia'lof l'-7 1/2" between interior floor elevation and finishgrade of exterior wal k. Stairs wil I be required. As shownon Sheet G-6 and by Deta'il 0 on Sheet G-lZ; space betweenbui I di ng 1i ne and curb wal'l may be i nsuf f i ii eirt to aicommo-date both outswjng doors and requ.i red stairs. Door No. 7should be recessed to provide required space or c'l arificationdetail provided. ITEM A-7 l,lith reference to railing detajls on Sheet G-l2A: A. Bottom opening at rails is shown to be l2 inches.Sec. 1716 opening shall not exceed 9 jnches. D.Rail Section UL-l is shown to have wall anchors. 0nSheet G-5A possibie stub wa'l ls are shown at recessedentry edge; however these walls are not shown on SheetG-5 structural drawing. Either stub walls or handrailsare required at open edge of entryway. 0ne Sheet G- I I A:' Handrails for stairways have not been detailed. Mustcomply with Sec. l7l6 and Sec. 3305-'i. Handrail shown for lower garage stair at ramp does notcomply with Sec. 3305-i. End returns not shown and 6- i nch extensi ons top and bottom not provi ded. Roof pitch is not given -- scales 2.5 to'l 2. No roof accessshown. Under Sec. 3305-n as amended by 0rdinance No. S (.|974) Town of Vai1, a steel ladder from top floor to roof is re-quired for four-story buildings if rbof pitch is less than 4to I2. Location subject to approval of the Fire Chief. ITTM A-10 Stalrways at east and west ends of bujlding provide requiredegress from the condominium level. Spiral stairway shown onSheets G-5A and G-7A is permitted as an ornamental stairwayand is not to be construed as an exit -- as duly noted on - Sheet G-5A. Therefore the exit light at this stair, as shownon Sheet G-7E, shoul d be removed. ITEM A- I I ITEM A.9 Ionization detectors have been shownLocation subject to approval of the I TEt4 A.I 2 Exit lightis not visi and G-3A exitof egress. exit light at on Sheets G-7A and G-8A. Fi re Chi ef. With reference to exit lighting: at Stairway Door 53 as shownble from the corridor.on Sheet G-8E^ B.Exit light at Sta'irway Door I as shown on Sheet G-7E isnot visible from the corridor. C. As evident on Sheet G-7E, the offset in the corridor between the condominium wings prevents the exit f ightsfrom being visibl e for alternate routes of egress.Directional lights shoul'd be added in the offset area. 0n Sheet G-5A the exit light at Stairway Door I is not v'i sible from the corridor. n E. 0n Sheets G-4Afor two points F. 0ne Sheet G-3A, -(ar sIal rwe t t , lights should be prov'ided Door 2 shoul d be on exterior Stai r No.G. 0n Sheet G-2A exit lights should be provided at2 and at door to stai r i n areawel I . 0n Sheet G-lA exit light should be provided at ramp entry. o I 0n Sheet G-8A the detail of boxed bar joists does notappear to provide required 2-hour protection. The Designer has stated that bridging for above bar jo'istSwill be boxed in similar manner. -Deiail should be pro- vided to show how this is to be accomplished for horizontalrod bri dgi ng. At the south side of the building a port'ion of the wall isrequired to have protected openings as determined in theconference of Ju'l y 11,1974. Per Sec. .|903-a, Exception 3,two-hour f i re res j sti ve exteri or wa'l 'l s are requi red i n thi sarea. tlall details as shown on Sheet G-10A and schedu'l edon Sheet G-l6A do not provide this protection. D. Two-hour floor-ceilins assembly in'l ower and upper parking I evel s must extend beyond upper bui I di ng I i ne at the east s i de to, and i ncl udi ng, steel beams at Col umn Li ne K.Details of beam fireproofing and ceiling termination shouldbe shown ITEM A.14 ITEM A-I3 Detail shoul d be provided. and for moi sture-proofi ng i ng 1eve1 at bal coni es for Sheet G-'13. ITEM A.I5 Provisions for wetonly on Sheet G-7M. I TEM A.I 7 Four-story portion of building must provide fire-resistanceper Table '17-A for Type II constructjon throughout: ^ c for terminationat edge of ceil j condi ti on shovrn fire-rated cei'lingat the upper park- n Section B on of ng i PercentaSg cgverage of wood veneer of second story above gradeto be revised in accordance with notation on Sheet G-9A. ITEM A.I6 and dry standpipes are covered by notation Compliance cannot be checked. If future parti tions as shown onan automatic sprinkler system wiing level unless fire department 3802-a-.|. Sheets G-3A and G-4All be required for the access is maintained are erected, upper park- as per Sec. e A. Automati c spri nkl er system and trash room as per Sec.. B. Trash chute doors shal I be1/2 hour protection.rated as per Sec. 1706-b for l- We understand the trash chute serving the condominium levelwill be a prefabricated unit vented through the roof. Thetrash chute serving the commercial level is actually a one-story shaft extension of the trash room below. Requirementfor venting subject to ruling of the Building 0fficial. I TEM A.'I 9 ITEM A-I8 is required for refuse chutes 3802-a- 7 . Sheet G-'l3A: ons, "Shoulderst' extend above side- requ'ired at th reference to Trash Receptor details on Pl an view i s not consi stent wi th el evat'iof trash room adjacent to chute opening wal k. Chute opening is unprotected. Handrails "shoulders" as per Sec. 1716. l,li A B. fans have not been shown. Five air changes perred under Sec. 1305-a, Paragraph 3. ITEM A-20 Toi'l et exha us thour are requi ITEM A.2I l^li th A. R D. F reference to garage exhaust ventilation systems: Duct drops to floor should be provided with physical pro-tecti on from vehi cul ar damage. Ducts penetrating boiler room walls as shown on Sheet G-lAas revised July 'll, 1974 should have fire dampers at wallpenetrations. Bottom of exhaust fans on Sheets G-lA and G-2A arre only about4'-0" above floor. Physical protection should be provided, Exhaust venfilation of lower level has been checked and found i n comp I i ance wi th Sec. I I 05, Paragraph 2. Per the definition of Sec. ll09-b, the upper parking level isclassed as open parking garage and ventilation is not requiredunder Sec. .|109-k. If future oartitions indicated on Sheets G-3A and G-4A are erected, an exhaust ventilation system asper Sec. 1105, Paragraph 2, must be provided. ITEM A-22 C a three-fourths hourin the opening from 0n Sheet G-4A as revi sed July 'l rated personnel door should bethe garage to the areawell stai 'l , 1974, p rovi ded rway. O VILLAGE CENTE F & G JOB JULY 25, PART REVIEt^| FOR COMPLIANCE |.lITH ENGINEERING REGULATIONS commentary as to code compliance, and supplementa'l observations,is as follows: ITEM B.I Notations relative to foundations as set forth in our letter 9l!ed July 15, .l974 are hereby incorporated as a part ofthi s report. cl os u re between , as rev stairwe'l of open'i ngs at Col umns H'l andised July ll, II to the Lower Upper Parking Level on N should be shown as974; together wi th wal'ls Parkj ng Level . ngs for boiler roomings should comply with Code. No drainage system has been shownRequined sand and grease trap has ITEM 8.5 for the garage areas.not been shown. ng of water and drainage lines has been shown in thegarage_ area. Heat tape protection may be requiredas phys'ica'l protection fr6m vehicles. The upper tiers of the steel build.ing frame have tensionX-bracing of'light plates and straps. fne size of thesemembers do not appear to be in compliance with Sect,ion 2705-dunless the members are connected aira tateral'l y stayed byeach steel stud. Intent should be cl arified.- ITEM B-2 0n Sheet G-4 Column Line I on Sheet G-4Afor exteri or ITEM B-3 No provisions are combustion air. Chapter 6 of the ITEM B-4 No routi unheated as wel I ITEM 8.6 shown on the drawi Combustion air openUniform Mechanical R - BUILDING ''D'' N0. 452.22 197 4 B c ITEM B-7 Specia'l 'inspections as per the Town of Vail, Special Con-structi on Requi rements , sha'l 'l be provi ded. ITEM 8.8 In the parking areas electrical outlets shall be a minfmumof l8 inches above the floor in compliance with Section 5l'lof the National Electrical Code. Boller insta'llation shall be in compliance with Sectfon I108, Paragraph 3. frasier & Gingery, lnc. CQNSULTI|VG EAIGITVEEFS 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 8OI IO TELEPHONE 303 761.4860 July 15, 1974 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Chi ef au'if a:.ng -Oiri.i"r Town of Vail-P. 0. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Village Center Building t'D" F q C Job No. 452.22 Dear Jerry: we have reviewed the structural calculations and drawings for thefoundations of the subject project and find that they aie inconpliance with the code with the following exception: As shown in Sections A, B and C on Sheet G11, required42 inch frost protection has not been provid6d forfootilgs in tle unheated garage. Bottom of all_ fobtingsshould be 42 inches rnininun fiorn the top of floor slab] Footings should be added near colunn 3-J2 and z-JZ for wallssupporting fire door. We understand foundation section shown on Sheet Gl3 willbe nodified by addition of a stub wa11 to retain earthfrorn the driveway shoulder and to provide a curb toprevent drainage onto the garage slab with above nodifications, we reconmend issuance of a foundationpermit for V.illage Center, Building ilD',. Very truly yours, FRASIER 6 GINGERY, INC. Knud O. Rasnussen, P.E.Project Manager K0R/gb cc: Mr. Fred Hibberd CIVII. ENGINEERING / IAND SURVEYING / sToRM DRAINAGE slRucruRAr- I TRANSPoRTATToN / wartl & SANtTATtoN ',l l 'l{ o\v RU OEC 3 F74 box 1oo vail, colorado Bi6s7 oYJ Ncrvember 27, 1974 lmuru m HStiliiJrl ?o:HIBiSIjRD CONSTNUCTION CO. I'ROlt: VAIL FIRE DEPARTIIENT RE: ./'"' '"-*_-*----\Fire Protection Requirements tod Vil1age Center Building D--- \ ',^,r^*-r,a.*rb*:.'.r 303.476.56r 3 Due to the nature of the occupancy of village center, Builcling D,the system to be instal.Ied in the buiJ.ding is as foll_ows ?lte building 1s to be eqrrippod uiith a rvet fire system for use byoccupants of the bullcling and a dr:l fire systeln for use b]'the FireDepartment. Respective line si-zes in the building are to be 2',for the wet systen and 4" for tl:e d::y system. Ttrese systerns andrelated appliances shoulcl be installed in the burlding in the f ollowing m?rlll'ler: IVIIT SYSTBIII: 'I'o l.re compr:isecl of eight (8) hose eabinets. Each hose cabinetto contain 1-i:s" valve on the wet system rvith a ZS, lcngth oflinen fire hose on a rack and an approved variabl.e nozzleattached. Val.ves are to be so loca.ted in cabinets so freeturning of the vaive is permitted. The center of the valveopening is to be loca"ted 4'6'r above i,l,e floor leve1. Doors ofthe cabinets are to have the rvordj.ng "Fire Hose" r'i_sible nponthem. Threads on valves, hose, and nozzles are to be National Stanclard. LOCATIONS: Two cabinets are to be on each level. Cabinets on the twoparking levels are to be mounted to columns in the centerportion of the garage ar.ea, ancl one is to be approximately75' from the rvestern rvall of the structure, and the otherapproximately 54' from the eastern rva1l of the structure. Cabinets on the Comm5rcial ancl Condominium le.ze1s are robe mounted to the rvalls of the central ha11rvay, rvith onecabinet approximately 32' f.rom tlre western end of the hall-wdy, and the other approximately 60' .Crom the eastern enclof the hal-1.u'ay. Those portions of the tvet system that are on the two parkrnglevels should be equipped .*'itl-r sonc means of pr-eventingfreezing durlng eolcl u'eather. A dry* valve ancl air compressoris oue worliabLe meLhod, but others exist arid this point is openfor discussion. l" ' 1 -2- In addition, the rvet system is to be monitored by a flow switctrthat is tied into the Central Receiving Station of the VailTire Department. This florv switch is to also controL an outside aLarm and light, to be located near the main entrance to the building. DRY SYSTIM: The Dry System is to consist of 28" valves intended for Fire Department use. The valves are to be located at each floorIevel in the stairwells at .the east and rvest ends of thebuil-ding. Height of these valves is to be 4rabove the floorlevel. Dry system is to be equipped rvith a means to drain theentire system at its Lowest point in the building. The,dry system is to be fed by a Siamese (Fire Department Conneetion)located adjacent to the main entrance to the Comnrercial floor. Slamese is to be a double 2tz't. inlet type equipped with asingle clapper valve. ?hreads on all valves, caps, and Siamese conneetions to be National Standard. ALI 2+" valves should be installed so that a 12" wrench may be turned in a eomplete arc without removing the wrench when removing the cap or connectlng or disconnecting hose. cc: Jerry Aldrich, Vail Building Dept. o E€Fn#€€€"*.rcC -5oil & Fovndatien Engineering i:.i-a:il'cr i'c::f.:iT; F,i:l:':sTr & c,.--,t,ii:,i:tsSi\.'l sTn::'GTlt i.S? il LliII{CDS :i,JDI C.,:.TED Ar: l,'*r'/ fiu ocT I 1974 1033 South Frcnta ge Road i^rest P.0. Box 1944 Vai1, Colorado E1657 4010 H4FBOF PLAC€, COLCRADO SpRtr.tGS. COLOIIADO tlte r7 ' 303/ 596-7647 tion Corr-Jcb li'r.. ,l-C:-i l-:tr. I.'-- _{)1:-l:(]9l:_f98) Tine: il :45 arCunrg of Sanple$ Lto,.^&l ],rroist L*t 3l &l-"1 I'lroist lcc..: siunp-i:!l---"'rt- cf rresh conc. PCr--i4!.i- A-ir cor.ieri--*)[_-;3 __-__c t<3-66 vcr . a: l-c:c (- l:5-trJ /--l /T ^-^'-\tq .t LJc-; . -c:-.c ^q Gel./Saqk ! ',,farer Lciaec € Pler:t ,. . :c: i:ii; 0 Coar:se Aggregete lir:e Aocreoele/ttt AFF.:re7a-'-e Desigr L,y no. of en1n il'.=- ,-:.e ct ibs. - s:o 6 >: i2 Cvl {.2) i3i Eja-o. Ccle \ieri. Si,ear Srlit t1i-r,- lfi_" i i :-a c: ,:,3 i ii ! lS:e:;l:: - Actual FSI C-2,9-.-:5 S:le*.;:." ieq'C:, i'Sl S:i'cji:ec :*:2,t{ ie::' .:l s Saupled G. l"lanzari c00 -000 Tested By:G. lianzar-:-:Sigoed PUB IYKS..._"- T0utl{ 0t EUILEIINGi l,A tt FEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT ABEA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VABIANCE UNCOVEBEDo ,o APPLICATION ACCEPTED PLAN CHECK PERMIT # DATE OF APPLICATION MA|L ADDRESS I lZ7 ALTERATIOITI ( } ADDITION { } REPAIRI I T,ISE OF BUILDING OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF LIVING UNITS Lor lq alx I FTL|NG L/vr I fZ r.rvpEoFcorusrnucrror{ r @ rrr @v I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J Dtvtstot{ 12 3 4 SPECI FIED FIRE SPRINKLERS 3. usE zoNE OC COMA. STANDPIPE DESCRIPTION OF IIIrcRK l,-^ In"'0"n1. I IIEREBY ACXNOWLADGE THAT I HA\IE AEovE rs coBRBcr AND AGEIE ro cgr(er,v WITS ALL TOWN OBDTNANCES AND ATATE IJAV'S BEGAN,DING BUII'DINq/CONSTST'CTION. SIGNATURE OF OWNER' OR, CONTBACTOR Fraier & Ongery, lnc, COIVS ULT| TG ENG|NEEFS 2840 SOUTH YALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOq COLORADO 801 10 TEL€PHONE 303 76T.4860 Mr. rlerry Aldrich Chi ef Bui I di ng 0ffi ci a1 Town of Vai I P. 0. Box .|00 Vai I , Col orado 81657 RtI' tu8ztts?4 August 19, 1974 n",C'- .lGt-]hBuilding ,,p,'--: plan check@e to preFffiffiry ReportF & c Job No. 452.22 Dear Jerry: l.Ie have reviewed the response of Hibberd Construction Company dated August 1, 1974 together with DetailEyawings GllA and Gl3B as received August 15, 1974.!lith reference to our Preliminary Report, dated July26, 1974, we f i nd as f o'l I ows: ITEM A-I As stated. ITEM A-2 Statement is for comn 1 i ance. ITEM A- 3 No response. iTEM A-4A Statement is for compliance. ITEM A.48 Statement is for compliance. IIEM A-5 Statement is for compl i ance. CIVIT ENGINEERTNG / I-AND SURVEYING / STONM DRAINAGE / STRUCTURAI. / TMN5PORTATION / WAIER & SANITAIION o Mr. Jerry Aldrich August .|9, 1974 Page 2 ITEM A:6 Drawing G-6A has been revised to show recessed door and stair; howeverr cut^b as shown in Detail 0 on Sheet GI2 should be returned along each side of walk to provide checkwall between grade and sidewalk from topof stair to curb line. ITEM A.74 Statement is for compliance. As detailed on Sheet G-138 dated August .l4, 1974. ITEM A.7B In compliance. ITEM A.8A Note added to Drawing G-1lA is in compliance, dated August 14, 1974. !TEM A-88 Revised detai ls;, dated August 14, 1974, on Sheet G-l'lA are in compliance. ITEM A-9 Statement is for compliance. ITEM A.1O Statement is for compliance. Drawing not revised. ITEM A.11 As s tated. ITEM A-12A Drawi ng G-8E changed for compl i ance. ITEM A-128 Drawing G-7E changed for compliance. ITEM A.I2C Draw'ing G-7E changed for part'ia1 compl i ance. Ba'lance of intent to comply stated in response to IS'em A-10. l'lr. Jerny Al dri ch Augus t l9 , 197 4 Page 3 ITEM A.I2D Statement is for compliance. IIEMS A-12E, A-'12F, A-l2G and A-'l2H Statements are for compliance. ITEM A-rgA In compliance per detail on Drawing G-13B ITEM A.I3B In compl i ance per ITEM A.1 3C Notation and detai ITEM A- I 3D detai I on Drawi ng G- l 3B I on Drawing G-l38 in compliance. Statement i s for compl i ance. Condi ti on detai I ed at garage door lintel on Drawing G-l3B is correct only in center bay.In exterior bays west beam must be fireproofed and ceilingsystem extended to beam. ITEM A-I4 In compl i ance per bal cony detai I I TEM A.I 5 on Drawi ng G- 138. No response. ITEM A-I6 As stated. ITEM A-I7 As stated. I TEMS A- 1 8A an d A-..| 8B Statement is for compliance. ITEM A.18C Subject to rul i ng of the Bui I ding 0ffi ci al as stated. Mr. Jerry Aldrich August 19, 1974 Page 4 ITEI'lS A-l9A and A-l9B In compliance per Details ITEM A.2O Fan capacity stated mechani cal sheets. ITEM A.2IA]\ Statement is for compl i ance.';. ITE14 A-2I B Requ'irement del eted by revi sed I TEM A.21 C Statement is for compliance. rTEM A-2rg As stated. ITEM A.2I E As stated. ITEM 4.22 on Drawi ng G- 13B. is in compliance.Fans not shown on No detai'ls shown. duct I ayout on Drawi ng G- 1A. Statement is for compliance. TTEM B.I As s tated . rTEM B-a In compl i ance. ITEM B-3 Noted on revised Sheet Gl. May require areawell ITEM B-4 Shown on revi sed ITEM 8.5 As stated. Sheets Gl and G2. Mr. Jerry August 19 Page 5 Al dri ch, 1974 ITEM BC6 Detailed on Sheet G-l3B As requ i red. ITEM B-7 As stated. ITEM B-8 Statement is for compliance, Note that throughout the above commentary the term "statementis for compliance" is construed to mean that performance will be carried out as stated in Hibberd Construction Company'sletter of August l, .|974 and that the agreements and con- currences arrived at in conference with you are as stated. Since the drawings have not been revised for some of thestated intents to comply and since no formal addendums areto be issued since the designer and the contractor arethe same entity, the burden of assuring stated compliance willfal'l on your inspection forces. Very truly !ouFS r & GINGERY, INC. K0Rdw cc: Fred Hibberd Knud 0. Rasmussen, P.E Project Manager neenng TI LOCATION OF PLACEMENT IN STRUCTURE CL IENT NO r-A I NO CONCRETE NO CON TRACTOR PRO.,IE go*.^rG,r.o #, onRl14 1e74 COI,4PRFSS IVF STRFNGTH REPORT4Of frorbor d(e co|]rooo grB6 cclvado ' 80917 30J. 5S6 .75a7 031 sotrh f rorroqeo o box fr44 - vd - colxodo . &1657 303.4b '0297 rod \^,est 101-L 10:r--1- ( l1? -22?) llountain Moblle spil G fou dngi Center (|i flf ilATER CONTENT. IVATER.CEMENT.. AOM I XTURE cu Yos PLAcEo ... 50 cu Yos TRUCK LOAO ING. . .CU YOS en l,/u o RATIO AEA oz/ vo hCALC I UM CHLOR 1 OE MI X NUMBER gPECrFlCATroNS.. OESIGNED 8Y..... Concrete Tenp.5?or SLUMP ..... )i INcHES FR€sH coNc. rt.. 142.j pqr ENT. ArR coNlsvl 4.) fi sAMPr-E cuRrNc... iab. vt,A TER ADOeO-GALS Pt-ANT cEMENT coNTeNT.. ,2' D'ir F ? coARSE AGGREGATC PCY DATE OF TEST. TIME OF TEST. F I NE AGGREGA TE. Air Tenp. 9/L2/74 .10::O 0 JOB SI TE 1 .5-3/4" )/4" -t4 p r^v #4 6oor SPEcTMEN NUMBER 101-1 ?t7-7 .Li-f 2L9-L4 OATE TESTED 9/L9/74 e/t9/74 e/26/7 + I{UM8ER OF OAY S CUR€O r4 28 ?B olrrENslolsr I NcHEs STo. CYLINoER=6nXl2rl std std ,b Lq. SPECIMEN WE I GHT'POUNDS 27.61 27.t3 1-1 .OO BSSD oENSt TY' PCF 141_.7 1&1.7 L42.O D AREA oF CYL INOER, I Na srD. cYL t Noe,n=28.2? | Na 16.C'l e,6.27 28.27 TOTAL TEgT LOAD'POUNOS 62000 59000 80200 c0uPR€,ss I ve srReNGrH rPS I 2t95 2ffi7 283i, SPECIF IED STRENGTH'PSI SOOO f@o f000 TYPE OF FRACTURE: I ) oTAGoNAL sHEAR2) coHe 3) vER r l cAr- sPL I r 1 't REMAR K S SAMpL€D By t. Lechner C.r h^, /.l I TESTED Bv G. Manzari S I GNEO co N cREl F, r.o t'l!r roc^\01 4 1974 4O0 hdbo( pioce cdo(m pf8s cotrddo . 00917 303.5tu'b47 031 sotrh f rortaoe roadp o box fi44 - wl . cdsodo . O1657 303 '4r5.0297 Ineeflng COMPRTSSIVT STRFNGTH RFPORT tol-1CL IENT NO I-A B NO CONCRETE NO CON TRAC TOR PRO.J TRUCK NO T IME M I XEO I O1-t - ( 211-215 ) Mountain l,lobile c tl-on T I CKE T NO 8:15 o"*rveo9:15 .pLAcEc LOCATION OF PLACEMENT I N srRUcru"a Golusn footinge. r Vail VilLeSg tgn kj fl € CU YDS PLACED.. TRUCK LOAOING,. CALC I UM CHLOR I OE M I X NUMSER sPectF lcATloNs., oESIGNEO 8Y..... Concrete tenp. .B WA TER CONTENT WATER.CEMENT... AOMIXTURE. CU YOS OATE OF TEST. T IME OF TEST. ^,1SLUMP ..... LZ I NCHES FRESH coNc. 1,y1..1{+1.6 Pgp ENr. A lR coNrEN t4.5 I sAMPI-E cuR tNG.. . Lab WATER ADDED.GALS PI.ANT -1CgMENT CONTENT. . 2Z DJi' F€"t COARSE AGGREGATE- PCY FINE AGGREGATE.. A1r Tenp.6oon CU YOS en l/l o RATIO AEA oz/ vo f;0 .JO8 SIT€ PCY 1 .5-)/4r 7/t+'t 3/ 4't -54 _#4 g5or 10:00 sPEc I MEN NUMBER 101-1 2L\-??14-Lt+ OATE TESTEO 9/L3/74 9/t3/7.4 9/20/74 NUMBLR OF OAYS CURED 2 14 z6 28 oIMENSIONS, INCHES STo. cYL I NoER=6rrX12'l std std std sPeclMeN IYE I GHTTPOUNoS ?7.49 27.55 28.00 BSSD oens I TY ' PCF 140.0 140.l Irt4 ^ i) AREA Of CYL I NDER, IN2 srD. cYLlNoen=28.2? tt'ta 28.27 28.27 zd.cl TOTAL TEST LOAO'POUNOS 71E00 7L600 86000 COMPRESS I VE STRE.NGTH,PS I 2539 2ri2 q't 1 2 SP€CIFIEo STRENGTH'PS I f000 3000.3000 TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) DtAcoNAL sHEAR 2 ) coNE 3) vERTrcAr- sPLlr 1 t I REMAR K S SAMPLEo ev L. Lechner resrED av G- Manzarl S I GNEO ff-nin i 4 s74 IFLD TFST AND COI',IPRFSS IVF STRTNGTH RFP0RT I.A B CONCRETE CONTRACT PRO.JE TRUCK T IME M I X ao*arrl, 4OO h6rbq da(€cdo.6do scrrE6 cotrado . dOQi/ J03.506 b47 1O31 sorrth f romaq€ roddp o box 1q44 - \6a.cokrodo.B1657 303.4r5 .0297 n9tneenng NO NO I.lountain Hobile eo11:49 enn r vEo 1:OO pLAcEq LocATt oN oF pLAcEMENT tN STRUclupg Beatils I.i.ry,K. CU YDS PLACEO... ---:- TRUCK LDAD ING. . . WATER CONTENT... IVATER-CEMENT.. ADM t rTUR E oArE oF rESr.... 9/\/71+ TIME oF TEsr....-L:50 SLUMP INCHES FREslr coNc. wr..l.4f-4- pCr ENT. AIR CONTEN1 AI.2 fi CU YOS CU YOS eal,/t-o RATIO AEA oz/vo f(CALC I UM CHLOR I DE M I X NUMB€R SPECIFICATIONS.. DESIGNED 8Y...,. Coacrete teup.59tl' sAMPLe cuR t NG. . .I+gb. IVATER AODEO.GALS PIA TT 12 dDB StTE ceMENr coNrENr.. q* sk. {-{r 1.5-)/4, coARsg. AccRecATe- pcy \,/lrtt 'i/t+n-ft! F I N€ AGGREGA TE. Alr'Teup. PCY i4 740F sPEC I MEN NUMBER 101-1 ZO5-?206-7 207-ru OATE TESTEO 9/r2/74 thz/?4 9/L9/74 NUMBER DF DAYS CUREO t9 2k ao DIMENStONS, TNCHES s TD. cYL I xoEn=6n X I 2rl std std std SPECI MEN TYE I GHT,POUNOS 26.19 28.25 28-2S ESSD DeNsr rY, PCF t4').o 144.1 1lr1r. 1 ARgA oF cYL I NoER, lN' sro. cYLtruoe,n=28.2? lr'ra 28.27 ?8.27 28.27 TOTAL TEST LOAO,POUNOS 81800 Boo00 l_01000 coMPR€ss I vE srRENGrn rPS I 2964 2829 3572 SPECIF IED STR€NGTH.PS I 3000 3000 3000 TYP€ OF FRA1) otAcoNAL2) coHe3) vERrlcAL CTURE: SHEAR SPL I T 1 1 1 REMARKS SAMPLEo av O. l&nzatl tesrEo By S I GNED / a/-l ti. t lt 1 F74 SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT fiu ocT INSPECTOR Tryt,Me.ie.f- Q4*/ ttl*rtz'a-Pt PROJ ECT NAM OF VA IL l/trrqEu Ltpree- DATE I LOCAT ION i APPROVED I CORRECT IONS REQU IRED CCNCRETE: LutttN; zi'3q -R', -u *t ltt-5 r-t z . tl I f Z- Ete B (lf-iD e'f'TL 2 3E*i,i'tsl\A,N K .c.r/N4 PA*K|PL 9/t4zq DaA. Lttu E /-Z :'c,o-Lt* E 0 'K' Ea4t7 L//rE /-z {Ptt'' tt ZtJ'F/. I 443 K- / I t tn z-zt K-K 3 4 ha' c- Z!! 2{ 5fFiiL: PiIECAST: OTHER: Specif V ADD IT I ONAL REMARKS : co N c R F JFq' P$T' l t3"i(t 4OO harbor ddcedra@ 5OfnG cooraoo . doqf; 303 . 5S6 '1547 €31 sqrh frorrooe rood raresrpoboxfua.- vd . cdoodo . O1657 303.46.0297 neenrlg, 101-i-( i99-204) l{ountaln Mob1le LI TICKET NO 2zi4 eaa,r.o l:15 Grld O-P to 2. PLACEO COMPRFSS IVF STRENGTH REPORT CL t ENT NO t.A B NO CONCRE TE NO CONTRACTOR PRO.JECT TRUCK NO TIM€ MI XED LOCATION OF PLACEMENT rN srRUcru^a Line B 101-l vo0e040 (|, ,g ,-.. cu Yos PLAcEo... 35 TRUCK LOAO I NG. .. WATER CONTENT IYATER.CEMENT.. AOMIXTURE oArE oF resr..., 8/28/74 rfME oF TEsr.. .. i:45 sLUuP ..... 2 a/L lNcHEs FRESH CONC. wt.. 'i +lrr "; PCF ENT. AJR CONTE,NT 2^A % CU YOS CU YOS clt-,/t- o RATIO AEA oz/ vo dCALC l UM CHLOR I DE M I X NUMBER SPECIFICATIONS.. DESIGNED 8Y..... sAMpLE CUR tNc.. . Lab- IVATER AODED-GALS PLET T 15 ..TOB SI TE csMENr coNrENr.. q+ sk. Fe+ - 1.5-)/4" coARse AGGREGATE- PCY 3./4n 3/4"-#4 F I Ne AGGREGA rE. . - PCY - i4 Corcrete T z6ol'A1r 6orcr€Ee Temp. sPEc t r'tEN NUMBER 101-l-L99-7 200-7 201-14 1U1-,'O 20728 20&-osr OATE TESTED 9/4/74 9/4/74 9/7!/74 9/e5/7:+9/25/7t+9/25/?t+ NUITEg,R OF OAYS CUREO 7 7 14 28 a6 2B' oIMENStONS, tNCHtS S?o. cYL I N0ER=60X12rt std std std bE cl std std sPEel MEN l\'€ | GHTTPoUNDS 10. )4 2d.45 1J.))4q .2t _23-22 28-n BSSD oeNSITY' PCF lLlr. /+11+4.9 1t.t. a lLi.3 tl+5. O AREA OF CYL I NOER, I N2 srD. cYr-lHoeR=?8.2? tt*ra 28.27 lQtZ/.o.. (10.1/1a.1(28.27 TOTAL TEST LOADTPOUNDS 76000 75000 9lr2O0 10.q000 t-t_oooo 112000 C0MPRESSI ve STRENGTH TPS I 26BB 1lc2 )jijz eB;o 1891 3952 SPEcIF I ED STRENGTH,PS I ]000 3000 ",OOO 7,OOO 7rOO0 1000 TYFE DF FRACTURS: 1) olAcoNAL sHEAR2) corue3) venr r cAr- sPr- r r ;I 1 I L I REMA RX S r[o vleible erterLor fallare raarks. SAupLEo Bv L. Lechner TgSTED BY G. ilanzari-S IGNEO Rr_t ocT 1 41974 ao*arO ,,rr, ,rsT rlND 4010 forbo dace cdorodc soffrs coacrado . d09i7 303' 5,96 '7547 1Gl1 sourh fro.rr@e foaj u,€;rp o box tQ44 - voi . cokrodo ' 04657 303.4t5 .0297 aton COI'4F,RESS IVF STRf NGTH RFPORT t01-i 10t-t-( 19}198) Hountain l,lobi1e CONTRACTOR Hl.bber ction PROJEC TRUCK NO TICKET NO 1990 rtME M1 ;Ee 10:21*", u.ol0:45pLAcED Colunns 2 I ) G-i(; Colunn pads G2, IneeflngSoil G LOCA T II2 ION OF PLACEMEN T IN STRUCTURE J2. CL IENT NO I.AB NO CONCRE TE NO I ViIlaEe Cento k, fl ,=.. CU YOS PLACEO. . . TRUCK LOAD ING. . . YUA TER CONTENT. llrATER-CevENT... AOM I X TUR E. CU YDS OATE OF TEST. CU YOS TIME OF TEST. cl t-,/ t- o RATIO AEA oz/yo f; i_o . i/21/71 . l-1:45 CALC IUM CHL OR I OE MIX NUMBER sPeclFlcATtoNs.. DE S I GNED 8Y..... Concrete Teup.Aoor. sLUMP ..... 2* TNcHES FREsH coNc. wr.. f+4.1 pcr eNT. ArR coNtr*r-,4-0- % sAr\,rPr-E cuR r NG.. . Lab. IVA TER ADDE D- GAL S PI.ANT cEMENT coNrENr.. 5-!- Sii. 1t COARSE AGGREGATE- I,CY F IN€ AGGREGA TE, A1r Tenp. - PCY Soor ,Jo8 s I Te 1.5-)/4" 3/4t _fi4 i4 sPecrMeN NUMBER 101-l_L>)-/194-7 19t-i!+I YrJ-4(J 196-OPT OA TE TESTED E/30/?4 3/30/74 9/'o /7 4 9lZO174 9/20/'.i t+9/20/7t+ NUMBER OF OAYS CURED 7 ?14 28 2B 28 olM€NStoNs, I NCHeS srD. cYL r NoeR=6trX12,1 DEO.<f,':5td std SPECIMEN WE I GHT,POUNDS et.4r 10.44 t:.O o ))?.8.62 BSSD oeHs ] TY, PCF L44.7 144.9 r4i.9 I4-2 o r)145.7 AREA DF CYL I NOER, tN2 sro. cYl-truoER=28.2? tr.ra 16.1'/28.27 10.11 10.!-1 1r).4(2E.27 TOTAL TEST LOAD,POUNOS 79000 77600 i01000 rtclruv u9000 111000 coMPRESS tvE srRENGtx,PS I 2794 274'3r72 41Cl 4209 3926 SPEC IF IEO STRENGTH.FS I j000 JOOO f000 i000 )wv f000 TYP€ OF FRACTURE: l) otAGoNAL sHEAR 2 ) corue 3) vER r I cAt- sPL r r 't 1 1 1 1 REMARK S SnuplED By G. l.lanzari TESTED ev G- Manz.FnJ stGNEo €. - Soii & FoundatEgn Engineering o e.ffig'8 :iEi'3:.T C: C3:iCirTi ililD !FS?E & CCI' F#tsb O qt ccT 1 te74 1C33 South Frontage Road West P.0. Eox 1944 Vai1, Colorado 81657 4o1o HAReoR puaci, cor-oRADo spRrNcs. coLoaADo e@r7 303/ 596.7647 A5Tl.,4 I'ii?i{ODS ii{}iCATSD l'J+:--::;--:c:: Jibbe:i Jonstruciion Cc-pany I Ion I'i.- l-Oi-i j =qi] r - . ------:-::- ,-: ^^. ri=.",=.., . I/a:l r/irlage C""#;tab. H-'. 10i-i-(t-9q-eo_h). ..1\".**'.-.....;..,.''..u"o,*.-**,*---lConc.Cc.]'IouniairMobi1e'- ilcce':i:: cf ic'rr,n S.tu"tt."'-lTi*d Bl Gri,i 0-P tc-2. | --'--' --'--=j---=-=--_--'. I 4rr+a }.jiv-a,'i t, t!- ---r , T !:-ie fuf ixec 2.2i, rra* L. _+ y,,_ lT:-,rci: i. :. !2 . ?rc<et iic. VOOzOT,O Cu.-l'is . Pi.aced ;q lnre -irr!"-eC 5: l5 pn !3ie : Conc: Slurno rete Tenp. i 7 / t,tl o/zE/74 G 3i-66 ?irol, -\i r lenp. Z5oF '.\;:. of i:esh Conc. PCF 'l J, /, i I c l{3-66 lln ! I GelrlSack i -#at=: p.Cded '3 Piant ,. : io:qt:.e 15.'' iGe:) Cer-rent Cciient ?CY Srecs.Ccarse Aglregate i rle i.ggreEe:ell i-. i:'{i,': ): -'' I{-' tj-,€:trY-l il;:iled Ccres ; Tje5t''Age' ti$eishi PCF 3.SS] iSeecinen ifs. i iD.:te Tesiei li;ea Sc. l::cles - '?.-\.r) i ^:r I !.r< lTpe c:t:, L + I -..! rtlt-l -Sid 6x12Cv! iSSlz l' . l9 63 Ci' i4t Cc: e iJl Veri. 1.f4. o 4e00 ! | ))). t-'-'!il L_J T- r ;?: ,-,, , ..r il i e r. i Saear-Sollt lS=er::h - i::ti:a1 PSi UJJ-5' ien::ks *i.io 'lisibLe exterror f A, lsghn$i€nedTeated 3y: {nrzn Y ANDCONCRFO F IFLD TEST 4OlO l-rar*:r tiacec@(doo sFrrqs cobrddo . 00917 JoJ 596 .7547 'lO3'1 sou(h f ror{aoe roadpobrlxfua - \€4.(okrado.8lO57 JO3 .475.0297 CL I ENT NO t-AB NO CONCR E TE NO CON TRACTOR PRO.JECT TRUCK NO T IME M IXED 101-r 2:04 lnn, ugpJ:00 pLAcED_ Soil LocArtoN oF PLACEMENT rN srRucrune N-p South vaLl; K_LAI_O North sa1I 101-1-( 187-r92 ail vll e Center T ICKE T NO cu YDS PLACEo ... 50-;- TRUCK LOAD ING. . . VUATER CONTENT WATER.CEMENT... AOMIXTURE.. DATE OF TEST.... T IME DF TEST. . . . SL UMP FRESH CONC. WT.. EN 1. AIR CONTENT SAMPI.E CUR I NG. . . F I NE AGGREGA TE. A1r Benp. CU YOS CU YOS e lu,/t- o RATIO AEA oz/YD f; 3: ?'0 \ r42.3 I NCHES pnc d CALC IUM CHLOR IDE MIX NUMBER SPECIFICATIONS.. DE S I GNEO 8Y..... Co crete Ierap.Toor Lab wATER ADo€D-cAt-s Pr-lry-l 0 cEMENT coNrENr.. 5* sk. ."ty cDARsE AGGREGATE- pcy 4/l*tt .--__PCY 740F JO8 SITE 1 .5-3/4" 3/4tt -l/4 i4 SPEC IMEN NUMBER 101-1 | 8?-1 lEE-?18C-1!.to'l-24 192-OPT OATE TESTED A/23/71,8/2A/7L 9 / tL/7 t'q /i-F, /7 t'slLBhtL e/L0/7\ NUMBER OF OAYS CUREI)14 ?8 o IMENS tONS, I NCHES sTo. cvl t r.toEn=6ttx I 2rl std std std std std SPEC I MEN II'E IGHT,POUNOS 21 -6lL 27.U9 27.57 2? -78 1/ .5)l/ - /a BSSD oENs I TY, PCF 1lt0.8 1r.n n 140.4 thl.5 J{+L' . Y L4l-.) AREA OF CYL INDER, tNz sTD. cYL lNoEn=28.27 tN2 28.27 28.2?28.27 4a,1/10.1/t6 . 1'l TOTAL TEST LOAOTPOUNOS 67000 63zoo 81800 99000 99500 99500 c0MPReSSI vE STRENGTxTPSI 2370 2235 lbY)J'O??,q2n 352j SPEC]F I Eo STRENGTHTPS I i000 f000 1000 )uuu f0o0 )0oo TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) orAcoNA'L sHEAR 2 ) corue 3) vERTrcAr- sPLtr *1 I 1 1 I REMARKs *l[o vlslble erterlor fallure ruarks. ilPL,a^e.ay. c. l4+ElL --te g reD sy L. Lechner S IGNED 4.l ) 'ir i'- \ TO: FRO}.'I: t.. NOTE ru ilov 18 t974 James F. Lanont, Director, Departnent of Coinmunity Planning Gene A. Smith, Tonn Attorney O b-A DATE: i{ovenber 14, 797 4 ^Rn,:@ SUBJECT: l.lenorandun of Agreenent dated 4/ZS/L974 1. The request of the developer in his 11/1I/Ig74letter to the Town Council appears to ne to be reasonable in vierv of his perfornance under the agreement to this time; a copy of said letter is attached hereto. 2. Presuning this is no building code provision or other Town of Vail law which wouLd preclude doing the follorrring'I suggest that a conditional certificete of occupancy forBuilding C of the project be issued, subject to completion of the garage by 12/3L/L974 wit[ said certificate to become void on said date-if the garage has not been completed by then, and incorporating by reference the developerrs Ll/7I/L974 letter so as to indicate why the certificate is issued conditionally. tjk o :'! \ I t,t .l V .r(\.'v November 11, L974 LLACE CET{TER . Vail- Tor.rn Council Torvn of Vail . P. O. Box I00 Vail, Colorado 81557 Gentlemen: on April 25, Lg74, a memorandum of agreement concerning Village Center \eas agreed upon. This_menorandurn requires thai ite construct 92 par)<ing spaces in the Village Center Parking Garage for the use oi Buildings Ar.B, c and D. It also states thai the . garage must be coinpleted prior to the issuance of a Certificate of .'Occupancy on Building C. Due to delays beyond our control, vre are findilrg our schedule very tight r.rith respect to completing the garage at the same time "C" Building is readY. a Last Thursday Jim Lamont and I revierved the garage con- struction progress and rve were able to come up rvith what I hope is an aC""-ptaU:-e conpromise. The Lower. garage is complete with the exception of three items: 1. The ramp t'ras not able to be constructed be- cause oi the ]ocation of the crane t'rhich is required to complete the structure (Buildinq 3li'3i"i?'tn3""lli.'i?l'.'i.'::fi];:;: fi;="o" allorving the concrete ramp to be poured and fj.nished for the use of the lorver garage' This is expccted to take place during the week of November 18th. 2. The drywall ceiling to protect l-'he sLeel bar . Joist is being installed at this time and the fire doors have been shipped and also are ex- pected to be instatled during the r'reek of' November 18th POST Of f rct BOX 6.11 VAtl, coLoRADO 81657 103'{76-3600 ll27RACI STRttT DtNvtR,cotoR^DoB0206 l0l-3?r-41122 I I : 't o -t- Town of VaiI Frr/c)L t' l \ i a I't 'j.r- ...--r'- November lL' L974 €". I" VILI.ACE CENTER -2- Very truJ-Y Yours, Jr. POST Of FlCt BOX 6{1 VAlt, coLoRADO 81657 303-476-1600 1127 RACE STRIET DENvtR. COTORADO {10206 303'321'4422 3. In the uPper $ata$et it rvil1 -be necessary to install tne piumllng required for the coinmercial sPace above. we will be able to complete the upper garage which.has 44 spaces before tir. thut'tt""giving Holidays' -W:. feel that this will- be sufficient and, aftbi taking a pole of the present uni! """"t.", :O units wiff be occupied, vrhich r'rill require 30-spaces out of the 44 sPaces that we have. The lovrer. garage will be . completeC on or before December Isth. In disbussing this vrith girn-f,amont, the.se completion dates qtere satisfactory. withtheexceptionofafervitemsrghiclrneedtobeaddecor corrected as requireb by Jerry Aldridge, Building "C' it 99T-pf"i"a and ready fdr closiitnr - -TL are requesting that a Certificate' 6f O."op.ncy be issued on Building C and the. garage rvill be com- pleted accorcling to the schedule above o PLUMEilNG/MECHANICAL a PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL Xovember L3, L971. OF BUtLDING: Hultiply Dwellings cLASS oF woRK: E New E noorrrou D nennooel fl nepern FIPTIONOFWORK: Vent Bathrooras. Vent Kltchen Hoods and Boiler Breechi f tlt, J"L- tultrI1/ Vl l ! aee Cent er rrDtl ADDRESS Vall. Colorado OR Al nray, Inc.PHoNE 922-370L ME.HANT.AL: NUMBER tgo-u lTi 4NG: NUMBER vALUATtoN $ 2r554.0oALUATION $ REMARKS: PERMIT FE 6^orro DArE 15 xnv z+ o PLUMEilNGi/ MECHATUrCAL TOWN OF VAIL PEFIMIT j, i @ nenRoveo TOTAL FEES: $ PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $ ' REMARKS:REMARKS: ii PEFMIT FEE PERMIT FEE ! orsaeenoveo'.,DATE ,] . i ar PLUMBTNG!/MECHAT\ilCAL FEFTMIT TOWN OF VAIL November 13, 1974 NAME Vlllase Center rrDrl ADDRESS Val1' Colorado PHONE 922-3701 OF BUILDING: oF woRK: El r'rew fl aoornoru E neuooel E nerern RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANIcAL: NUMBER Jffi 174a-il VALUATION $VALUATION $ 10,268.00 REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMtT,f€i 82- so i )ff,,r,y onre 15 Ltav z4 .+J-++.llt7 F LrJ MEr I NG / M EC HA|U I CAL TOWN OF VAIL PEFIMIT iif PLUMBING: NUMBER.MECHANICAL: NUMBER : :-- VALUATION $VALUATION $ , REMARKS:REMARKS: ! PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE D appRovEo TOTAL FEES: $ fl orseRrnoveo ,t DATE VILLACE bffiCENTER November ]-L, L974 Vail Town Council Town of VaiI P. O. sox 100 Vail . Colorado 81557 Gentlemen: On April 25, L974, a memorandum of agreement concerning Village Center was agreed upon. This menorandum reguires that we construct 92 parking spaces in the ViJ.lage Center Parking Garage for the use of Buil-dings A, B, C and D. It also states that the garage must be completed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy on Building C. Due to delays beyond our control, we are finding our schedule very tight with respect to completing the garage at the same time "C" Building is ready. Last Thursday Jim Lamont and I reviewed the garage con- struction progress and we were able to come up with what I hope is an acceptable compronise. The lower garage is compJ"ete with the exception of three items: 1. The ramp was not able to be constructed be- cause of the location of the crane which is required to complete the structure (Building D). As:.soon as the roof is completed for "D"Building, the crane will be removed, thus allowing the concrete ramp to be poured and finished for the use of the lower garage. This is expected to take place during the weekof Novernber 18th. 2. The dr1ruaIl ceiling to Protect the steel barjoist is being installed at this time and thefire doors have been shipped and also are ex- pected to be installed during the week of November l8th. POST OFFICE BOX 641 VAIL, COTORADO 81657 303-476-3600 Il2TRACESTRIET DENVER,COLORADOS0206 303-321-4422 VILLACE CENTER Town of Vail November 11 , 1974 3. In the upper garage, it will be necessary toinstall the plumbing required for the conunercial space above. We will be able to complete the upper garage which has 44 spaces before the Thanksgiving HoJ.idays. We feel that thiswill be sufficient and after taking a pole of the present unit owners, 30 units will be occupied, which will reguire 30 spacesout of the 44 spaces that we have. The lower garage will becompleted on or before Decernber L5th. In discussing this withJim Lamont, these completion dates were satisfactory. With the exception of a few items which need to be addedor corrected as required by ,Jerry Aldridge, Building 'C" is com-pleted and ready for closing. Iile are requesting that a Certificateof Occupancy be issued on Building C and the garage will be com-pleted according to the schedule above. Very truJ.y yours, 6red ttibberd, Jr. EH/cjt + -2- POSTOFFICEBOX64l VAIL, COIORADO81657 303-476-3600 '11 27 RACI STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80206 303-321-4422 R* Nt ? $74 rNsr=cJtoN FlEEUEsiT DATE 5 N)o"t 7+ rrME REcErvEo *, 3 .> nrtn ,sru']: I_I OTHER D penrrel LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION .' .,, .MON COMMENTS: TUE WED rnr 9:c'+ rfDpl,r El rp,paoveo i-ii'*s* =.t LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTI DATE 7 lr.Jr..t a + INSPECT|bTU HEBIJEST .o nDATE TIME RECEIVED- AM JOB NAM PM 'CALLEB' fl pennnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUB E orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE -,,PM HAPP ROVE D E prsapp RovED D upott rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS f] nerNsPEcr - .s);'' DATE KITCH|JM r KONKEL . BARRETT I NICKEL . AUSTTN . Cansulting Engineers 7+56 Wrrl slh Av.. . 0sr!!6r. Ci:': N022b . 303 i ?3::'(.050 Oatpb.r t9r tt?l nr. AFbgrt Haalord B,lbhrt.c Smatnrottou LI8? R*ro StEE$tDlnwrr 6loru& Dqsr Sobt s0306 iIfiHrotGEr Hetun &ltmnntsrry Aldlrlcb tttl 0c'[ 3o\974 cratrs €6r lbu$daq', octDbrr 1?, 19?{ I vtrltGd t.$':Jl Job ri.te. gartlln Ernorn sd I srrurd *3' iq ?,ba preoart colrsn trD tn tho parhlng gtletlgatl,ug tbo rtnagtft o! tlre elrw uringhetlgatl,ng tbe ctsagtft o! tlre elrw uring {0$0 prf Eonc(rtt(|ra.od on encruta eylladrr tutal od r[-18 v*rtl.arl :ub- loryfng bart arqpgllrdl drs rp rstvrillbllt$ of l? bara, ro gl3rrfiar Sf,tff in- 0 {0S0 wl Eoncsrt lololng bart arqpglllcrtr thc mlrun nr lda{ruto s e&rr1r tbr dettgD l"ordt. Il you hrvr aqr grnttLocrcr Sharu grtl. SLncemlyl Uo.Wotb If. llelr l! |C1.:rr !.1 E;rf':lt 0i:.:,!:. :j l,j,( L,- td!..: g. q ! s!,. N pil i jj.jri)"r i-.. l._ l,: ,r C':,, rs ll r'\r re:. .;j:, r._: lr ci:.,,. r.1,'/,.i l.-.rch ,n. S[i,r,, a:,r, , tr-1 .-..:-_- A -r ,t! |r't t iijtt. i:!tr r r !. i ! ,,ci Xo.li. !. t92.t \{i1 : co N .RF)F I r L D o+trr roll- j 4 1974 C0r/PRtfjS lvf STRFI'rGTH RFP0RT CL IENT NO t-A B NO CONCRE TE NO CONTRACTOR 101-1 40rl harbo( dd(? ccbrodo grEs cckrddo . B@'17 3frl .506'75d7 1031 5ourh f rorraoe roodp o box fq4d - voi.cobado.01657 JO3 '475.0297 foundation Sngineering LOCATION OF PLACEMENT IN Grtd L; Slab Grld P to Mountain l'fobile PRO,JEC rRUcK ruo 16 r t cKE r No V00eZ80 ME Mtrro 9:18 Vrial1 Line P truc tlon Corr ARR I VEO pLAcE c9:5C to Grld P on Llne 4 to TI STRUCTURE. Grid L on line 4 lo i. kj flf CU YDS PLACEO. . . TRUCK LOAD ING. . . WA TER CONTENT. $,ATCR-CEMENT.. AOM I X TUR E. CALC IUM CHLOR l DE M I X NUMBER SPECIFICATIONS.. OESIGNED 8Y..... CU YOS OATE OF TEST. CU YDS TIME OF TEST, 9/2r/74 lA.OO 2SLUMP INCHES FREsH cDNc. *t.. 141'4 pcr qn ENT, AtR CONIINT I'" 'sAMPt-E cuR l NG.,. lao' Pt.ANT 2T D!i. :r.7 COARSE. AGGREGATE----- PCY F INE AGGREGATE. . -_---- POY ,.'+o eau,/t-o RA T I O AEA oz/ vo 7,WA TER ADOEO.GALS CEMEN T CONTENT.. 1n 1/4,' dUc' JI IL 1.5-)/4" 'j/ 4rt - S4 i4 sPEcrME.N NUMBER 101-t 215-7 235-7 OATE TESTED t0/2/74 LO/2/74 NUMBTR OF DAY S CUR ET)7 14 28 2b olMeNSloNs, INcHES srD. cYL I noEn=6rrX12tl std std SPECIMEN WE I GHT'POUNDS 27.94 27.89 ESSD DENS I Tv, PCF tl+2.1 142. r AREA oF CYLINO.iR, I STo. CYt. truoe n=28.27 N, | -ttl z 1o.1'(28.27 TOTAL TEST LOAD 'POUNOS 51000 61000 COMPRESS I VE STRE NGTH'PS I 2L58.2L5E SPEC IF I gO STRENGTH '['S I 3000 3000 TYPE OF1) orrco 2) coNE 3) veR r I FRACTURE: NAL SHEAR CAI,. SPL 1T I t I REMARK S SAMpLE9 Bv L. Lechner --lftu TESTED Bv G. Manzarl S I GNEO It/- I sPEc IAL lNsPEcr r0N REPoRftC,[ gCT 1 4 1974 OWN OF VA IL PROJ ECT NAME, J?- I NSPEcToR -7 cr* r''^ete.e. a4*! /l4t+rJz4El Lr*.nl I E.Alrv E R DATE i LOCAT ION veo t coRREcT l0NS REQU IRED CCNCRETE: LAE. r ,J ?<zADE '.F,t-z j lt'KJ z-\. iJt+tt- t trlE 4 q -K ]E-I'FL' lltlzt tr* E a Fp e*, |i/z " L $,1ASONRY: -ITEEt.: lJAL. ZFI- IEEEL PRECAST : 0THER: Specif ADD IT IONAL REMARKS : FlF oCT 1 41974 coNCRO F rFLD TFST nND 4O0 l-'d(bo( dd.e ccro(doo ryrgs cobddo . 80917 3&1 . 5R6 .7547 10J1 socnh frorraqe roodp o box fi44 - rri.cdsodo.81657 303.47b'0297 RFFO RT cL lENr No 101-i r_AB No i01-1-(i2i'-231) coNcRE rE No i,iountain i'iobile coN rRAcroR 4iblggi_ggnElructlon Co. PRO.JECSc'il foundotion dngineering rRUcK *o -i9 r tcKE r No V002ZjB rrM€ Ms*.oE:i5 lo^lveo 9:19_o.oaa:._ LOCATTON OF PLACEMENT tlne ]-d. I N SrRUcruRE Slab Znci floor i..-P l,ine t-2; i(-K KJ flf CU YDS PLACEO. TRUCK LOAD t NC. WATER CDN.rENT WATER.CEMENT... ADM I XTURE. CALC I UM CHL.OR I DE _- M I X NUMBER sPECtFtcATtONS., OESlGNED 8Y..... Concrete Ternp.5oor t1SLUMP ..... +T FREsH coNc. wr.. r+-,.c eN T. AtR coN TEN T 4.o OATE OF TEST.... TIME OF JEST.... F I NE AGGREGATE. . Air Tenp. .. _?4/t&_CU YDS CU YDS e e r,/t- o RATIO AEA oz/ vo & 9/20/',i4 10: l0 INCHES PCF SAMPI-E CURlNG... j.r8'Dr IVATER AODED-GALS PLANT CEMENT CONTENT.. )-2 >'i'. uf..r COARSE AGGREG^Te- PCY to .JOB S I TE 1.5-3/4( )/4" -#4 #4PCY l>cp sPlic I MEN NUMBER 101-1 ?29-7 e3b7 OATE TESTEO 9/27 /7 4 9/27174 NUMBT,R OF - OAY S CUR ED | '.1 2l\?8 oIMENSIONS, TNCHES STO. CYLIHoER=6nX12rl std std sP€clMEN rve I cHTTPOUNoS CQ. LL BSSD oexs r rY, PCF L4J.Z L44.1 AREA OF CYL I NDER, I N2 sro. cYL t HoER=28.27 trua 28.?7 .a ^rt4Qc1( TOTAL TEST LOAD,POUNOS 70800 702CIO coMPRESSt vE STRENGTnTPS I ara4 4+6t SPECIF I Eo STRENGTHiPSI :nn/'1 5000 TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) otAGoNAL sHeAR 2 ) coNe 3) venrrcAL sPLtr 1 1 REUAR Ks G. Manzarl TESTED ev L. Lechner S ' GNEDSAMPLED BY f r\6u n I o 4010 hdrbor d6ce cobrodo sOJnAs cdorado 60qi7 JO3 . 5S6 .7647 031 souh fror|(aoe roodp o bcx tQaa - wa . cdo-ado . 01657 303 .4t5.0297 RU CONCREIF I ELD ocT r 41974 TFST AND CL I ENT NO t-A8 NO CONCRE TE NO CON TRACTOR Hibberd Gonstruction PRDJEC501non neenr]lg/TRUCK NO NO TrM€, Msxsp 9:l-i ARRIvED lC:1[.o".o LocAr loN oF PLAcEMeNT I N srRuclrJp6 Slab linei-i; Gliri ii-C. Cu YDS PLAcEo. . . TAUCK LOAO I NG. . . 24 OATE OF TEST. TIME OF TEST. 9/Lr/7+ il: OO ITA TER CON TE NT WATER-CEIt,IENT... AOM.I XTURE CALC I UM CHLOR I DE MI X NUMEER SLUMP ..... +?l FRESH cONc. wT. . ji-'-'- 7.:ENT. A IR CONTENT -"' CU YDS CU YDS GAL,/L D RATIO AEA oz/ yo d/ tNcHes PCF . Lrtb.SAMPI-E CUR I NGf . IVATER AOOED.GALS PI.ANT cEMENT coNrENt.. 5i- 5i;. pxv COARSS AGGREGATE- PCY F I NE AGGR€GA TE. Air laenp. o roa srrE 1 .5-3/4" _J/! j/u* -#usPECtFfCATt0NS.. DC,SIGNED 8Y..... Coacrete lonp. o a\v --=]{- | v I q a'rEr #4 59or l.lountai-n ilobile SFEctMEN NUMBgR LOl-l 22>7 224-7 DATE 'ESTED 9/zi/74 9/26/?4 NUUEER OF OAYS CUREO r4 28 ?8 DIMENStONS, tNCHeS srD. cYL I NDER=6dX1zil std SPECIMEN UrE I GHTTPOUNDS 20.0o ?7.90 BSSD oensr rv, PCF t.i4 o O 142. r AREA OF CYL I NOeR, I N" sro. cYr- I rqoeR=28.27 | Ha 23.?7 c.a .. / TOTAL TEST LOAD,POUNOS i9000 5i000 c0MPR€.sS I vE STRENGTn,pS I 1 (f,, ri lo/,q EPECIF I€O STRENGTH.PS I fooc 3004 TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) otAcoNAL sHEAR2) coHel) venrr cAr.. sPL I r ?1 REttAR K s SAfPLED BY trnou a-l L. Lechner TE9TED ey G. Manzar'l S IGNED aa PLUMEilNG/MECHANTCAL PEFIM|T rowN oF vAl L fiu sEP a g 1tir4 9s1s September 25 Village Center t'Dtt Buildin ER Hibberd Construction Co. ADDRESS lL27 Race S p Maxwell Heating Compan PHoNgTT-6677 OF BUILDING: oF woRK: E rrrew E eootrroru I neuooel ! nEpnrn pTloNoFWoRK: Hot Water Heating System PLUMBING: NUMBER MEGHANTGAL: NUMBER L?s-M I'79+-V VALUATION $VALUAT|ON$ 29.000.00 REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE /r pERMt4 rfe 2L7.5O t 4 gss4 '..Yfu ,1f;u/z DATE rNsPE.ilo* TOWN OF FIEgI,JESiT VAIL JOB NAME TIME FECEIVED AM PM CALLER E ornen MON OOMMENTS: TUE E pnnrreu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM APPROVED . r-rIJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR Rri sEP2?1974 Town of rx.F:CTRICAL Vail PERMIT .rou N"*". M.t r ^.3.s.*.. & *o Pn*u *a V. Lsss,r:u.e. * Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 55 $............-...--.......... r..4t,5os-'.- $...1.9?.,.8e..... $.-...[.6.S-..,.so. .. APPROVALS THIS #"# .Sup .r*... ". FORM IS TO BE POSTED ('1{ SITE DURII{G CONSTRUGTION 24 HOURS N)VANCE NOTICE REQI,'IREI' FON INSPECIIONS Received By fual Checker ?\ .t*--...-k-..-.=....kr-A- tef Bututng offtclal Date Paid...-... g/gz/l / G*r1o.qi^r OB ' Mrr#?.n Testins $Ituice .2531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261 L/enver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT Job No or l.D. 902- Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Date Testedz j-22'71+ Mix I.D.:7 sacks Slump:2" Water TerP.: heated water Total Yards: 34 Yds. Max. Agg. Si ze : )/ t*" TinB Batched: Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: Locati on: Airt 4.)% Ai r Temp.: &Io Total Water: +1-20 gals Max. Size Load C.Y.: I Time Placed: 5000 ' Weather: Cold and cloudY Tested: Johnson Company RU APR 241974 Crane base wt/cu. Ft. : 148.0 Yi e] d: Concrete TemP.: 61o F A Moisture: Truck 17 Ticket # VO0O89b yds. nme Tested BY: TESI CYLIHDERS CV " Cylinder Dia.l@ t 5.990 7285 Cylinder Dia.14 Day 5)2 Day ulaCylinder 6.002 5.997 2@ Zg Day 5796 5629 57r)Average: R EMARKS: Mountain Mobile Heated Aggregates Double High EarLY 3 cyllnders eured P azz on site REPORT TO: Hibberd Constructton Supervisor- ValI ,lfoi" of Vall ' HibberdVillage Center I Frasier & Gingery, lnt COA|€ ULTING ENGIAIEERS 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENGL EWOOD, COLORAOO 8OI 10 TELEPHONE 303 76T-4860 t) -a .' EaE Proj ec i//zt-rq*e danr€1 .H-DelW/,/v,/ uM-f - EC-ee- <- Gentlend //zz fac* sreeer Subnittal of three copies ofto the project is required.directly to this office, andOffici a1. We are naking a Plan Check of the subject project for r+ith the / /73 /" a.4 . Building code atof the l The material received in this office for revietu isthe following marked categori.es: T lanr all necessary information pertaining fivo copies should be forwarded one copy forwarded to the Building Subnitted Proi ect t{o 2 452 , l7 Date: RU UAR 1 81974 conpliancethe reouest inconplete in Additional _Reg*j.r,ed , Dazr rr i :-a.l.\vv s4 rr v e ditional (o)(t) (ol (/) (/) (oJ (oj(t) all ad (z) (z) @)(z) (z) (/)(r)(t) Site PlanArchitectural DrawingsStructural Drawings Mechanical DrawingsElectrical DrawingsStructural CalculationsSoil Report Specifications No Plan Check work rvi1l be done until information as narked is subnitted. A11 inquiries as to the status of thepertaining to iterns of the Plan Check through the Building 0fficia1. Plan Check, and questi.ons Report must be directed Very trul),^ yours, FRASIER 6 GINGERY, INC. 4 0- Rasnussen, P.E. gopl Je&F f A te,€rc/@ / IAND suRvEyrNg / sronn oRAINAG€ / sTRUcruRAt WATER & SANITA'ION // TiANsPoRlATroN ?o luun ftn rAR I 61s74 box roo r vail, colorado 8f O57 o 303.476-5613 l,Iarch 131 197h Tos Ja'ry Aldri.ch, ValI Buildlng Dept. tr!@r Jay l{oaburgfu, Vail fibre Dept. In revi$rtng the drarings of the Vil-lage Center BuiLdtne Cr e.d reading tba attached speclficatlons, the fflre Dept' tlales tbe follsrj.ng requ€sto or recormendatime. 1.) Supply tbe Vail Bulldlng Dept. rith necbanlcal drarrlags to sbo,n l0catlms of the fflre Sysben in ths bruJ.fdtng. 2.) $peclIY that aLL sl.eruese corytectionsr standptpe ccnuectiosr anil hooe cabinets be equipped rdtb Natlonal Stardsd Tbeads' 3.) Speeify that all nozzles Ln the installed cablnets be of a variable strea'n type. , f.) SpecC.fy that al.l requi::ed sianese cmneotions be attached direct\y to th€ tirffafire rsl1 at thC reqotred h€Lght, ard thet a drlp bal! be provided to drajr that porbLon of the systen betteen the giamese and the flrst valle on the riser,/rlsers. Center ProJect, BLdg. Royston Hanamoto Beck & Abey March 11. 19?4 Mr. Terrell J. Minger Town Manager Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Village Center - Design Review Dear Terry: On January 4, L914 a meeting was held with Fred Hibberd attended by Jim Lamont, Kent Rose and rnyself. The purpose of the meeting was to discusss the parking of the project. Comments 1. AII condominium parking can be housed in an underground garage. (9? cars) (a) The strueture can logically slope to ease the ramp . driveway gradient from East Meadow. Approximately five feet of grade can be gained. (b) The plaza above the garage can step down over the sloped garage roof" Commereial parking of 16 cars can be parked on the surface. My opinion was that commercia.tr parking should not be per - mitted on this site. The in and out charactenistics would harre disproportionate impact upon the pedestrian precinct, require two control gates rather than one, and in general screw up the interseetion. I personally regret seeing the intrusion of any private parking onto or across East Meadow Drive. .) 3. -fundscape Archirects: UndPlanning Urban Design Prrk Planning Environmcatal Planning Frinr:ipais: trlobert Royston F,{sLA isa Hanamoto ASLA Eldoa Beck AsLA I(rjil,|o A5cj, ,A,ii.A Associa tes: Petricia Carlisle ASr"{ Iouis G. Alley, Ar€hitect AL.{ Harold N. Kobayashi ASr..{ EuBene R. Kunit ASII Robert T. Battertcrr Gec'rgc W, Girviir 5o Grc€n Srrcet San Frencisco Celifornia 9{l l1 (4rt> t974591 o March 11, 19?4Mr. Terrell J. Minger -2- Mr. Hibberd was to further research the garage construction and to discuss parking variances with the Town. Mr. Jim Lamont Mr. Kent Rose Mayor Dobson Mr. Fred Hibberd Eld tm cc: POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE 6 Dec 74 To: The Town of Vail ATTN: Buildlng Department Thi s the for 0€C s pA is to certify that !{e, Hlbberd Constructlon Corpany,wi'll conrylete lation entire parklng portion of build{ng O wtll be completed ahd Buildlng Code, Flre Code and Plumbing Code reguirements be complled with for occupancy by the above date. 2. Comp'lete separation from private construction personne'l to public personnel is provided. In the event the above requir€ments are not rEt by Decerber 20,1974, we understand that the Gertificate of 0ccupancy will becorB void and t|e may be subject to legal action. Hlbberd Construction ComPanY fo1'loring requirements not laterlllat @the Certificate of Occupancy fofSuilding C of Village Center'- L. The a'11 wil l ViCe President lnltrt RU OEC s p71 November 27, I97+ box r oo vail, colorado Bt6sz 303.476-s61s to:HIBBDRD CONSTRUCTION CO. I'ROtr{: VAIL IIIRE DEPARTI,iENT RE: Due to the nature of the occupancy of Village Center, Building D,the system to be instatled in the buiJ-ding is as follows. The building is to be equipped uiith a rvet fire system for use byoccupants oI the building and a dry flre systetn for use by the FireDepartment. Respectlve line slzes in the bui-ldiug are to be 2"for the wet system and 4" for tire dry system. These s''stems andrelated appliances should be installed in the buil_ding 1n thefollowing manner: WET SYSTEM: 'l'o be comprised of eight (8) hose cablnets. Each hose cabinetto contain I-1f" valve on the wet system with a 75' length oflinen fire hose on a rack and an approved variabl.e nozzleattacbed. Val-ves are to be so loeated in cabinets so freeturning of the valve is permitted. The center of the valve opening is to be located 4t6r' above *r.he floor level. Doors ofthe cabinets are to have the wording "Fj-re Hose" r'isibl-e uponthem. Threa.ds on valves, hose, and nozzles are to be National Standard. LOCATIONS i Two cabiuets are to be on each leveI. Cabinets on the twoparking levels are to be mounted to eoluntns j,n the centerportion of the garage area, and one is to be approxlmately75' from the lvestern ri'all of the structure, and the otherapproximately 54' frorn the eastern wall of the structure. Cabinets on the Commercial and Condominium levels are tobe mounted to the wal1s of the eentral ha1lrvay, rvith onecabinet approximately 32' from tlre western end of the ha1l-w&y, and the other a"pproximately 60' from the eastern endof the hallway. Those portions of the rvet system that are on the two parkinglevels should be equipped rvith some means of preventingfreezing during col-d weather. A dry valve and air compressoris one workable meLhod, but others exist and this point i-s openfor discussion. Fire Protection tlequiremenr" ,o. \ : I-2- In addition, the wet system is to be monitored by a flow switch that is tied into the Central Receiving Station of the VailFire Department. This flow switch is to also control an outside alarm and li-ght, to be loeated near the maj-n entrance to the bui lding. SYSTEIf : The Dry System is to consist of 2|" valves intended for Fire Department use. The valves are to be located at each floor level 1n the stairwells at the east and west ends of the building. Height of these valves is to be 4rabove the floor level. Dry system is to be equipped with a means to drain the entire system at its lowest point in the building. The.dry system is to be fed by a Siamese (Flre Department Connection) located adjacent to the main entrance to the Commercial floor. Siamese is to be a double 2$". inlet type equipped with a single clapper valve. Threads on all valves, eaps, and Siamese conneetions to be National Standard. Al-1 2+" valves should be installed so that a 12" wrench may be turned in a complete arc witbout removing the wrench when removing the cap or connecting or disconnecting bose. cc: Jerry Aldrich, Vail Building Dept. DNY nrfiov 2 5 1s74 rNsPEi*oru F|EEUEST oerr ?5 trlo.'/ z4 TIME REcEtvED 3:*. AM@ f]ornen ! pnnnnr LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR rnl 3: 3o nrvr4f [!nenRovED Q ueorrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS 1 ElorsnppRovED D nerNSPEcr 1'' |$0v z s tsta I Uovwber 25, 1974 Hl bbord Constnuctlon Companyll27 Race Street Denver, Colorado Rer lUlllage Centre Eulldlng C r \*,#"-...' Allouance for occupancy of Buildlng C ls hereby granted upon thefollowing conditions: l. The entlre parktng garage wtll be csnplEted and all Bu{ldlrgCds, Flre Code and Plmblng Code requlrements cowplisd nlth su{tsble for occupfficy by 3t 0acsrber l97i[. l, Cmplete separatlon frmr prlvate constructlon prsonnel to Fublic personnel ls provlded. 3. Exterlor surface materlal is totally appl{ed by 3l &ceiuber I 974. In the event the above requlrements are noi met by 3I llecsber 1974, this Condltlonal Cartlficate of 0ccupancy wttl become void and develop€r may be subJect to legal actlon, DEPARTHEflT OF SOffi,TJHITY DEYELOPIIEHT Jerry L. Aldrlch Chlef Bullding 0fflctal I rNs"=JLNW 2L'gL"Esr DATE ZL N'*.r -/+ nME FEcEIvED J +s AMdD AIL E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE I panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR or@ APP ROV E D D uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS I D orsappRovED fl nerNsPEcr --t / \'\ l ,,#J93ff3'u FIETIUEST VAIL ol*e kt k)o,t 7+ JoB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM@ CALLER ,l TUE CL=D ,*, ,{sltp ^@ READY FOR INSPECTION THURMON GOMMENTS: {arrRovED E orseppRovED I uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr "W{ !,y"::i f ril^[! :,'^!!i' 2* #,r sy"y,y#,'"#:?"j,i?f."f*,x {i :,y March 26, L974 P[enning Commission Toqm of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: lVlrs. Toughill, Zonilg Administrator Gentlemen: The directors of the Village Center Condominium Association visited with Mrs. Toughill on Monday and were given the opportunity of revierring the plaas filed bD' the developer for Phases C and D of the Village Center project. We were also apprised of the request for varience in the matter of the ntrmber of parking spaces to be provided. As one of the directors and chairman of a oommittee formed for the purpose of monitorlng the developmer$ of the balance of the Village Center project, I wculd like to state the following: 1. The Condominium Association is in favor of the surface 'rgreen belttl in lieu of approximately twenty-one parking spaces, but with the proviso that possible tuture usage patterns might require that this epeclfic piece of property revert to parki:og usage. 2. We favor (as is currently bemg proposed) a control gate to this pri- vate parking area, wtrich will provide for entry via the main Vail entrance, or directly to the north of the propertlr. 3. We are concemed with the grades of the interior roadways and the fact that in driving from one parking level to another, cars must leave the parkiag stmcture and traverse a distance outdoors. This area will be to the north of a large structure and we are concenred that snow will ptle up. Accordingly, we suggest that to truly make the garage workabLe, all exterior drives as well as walkways to the north of A, B, and C, should be heated by the developer. Plaruling Commission Town of Vail -2-March 26, L974 4. We are concerned with fte matter of trash removal. from the buildings, and were unable to discover, while reviewing the plans, how the developer pro- poses that trucks will. have access to the trash collection areas. 5. A goodly number of resideuts in the project have expressed interest in using bicycles in the Village, and we are wondering if bicycle racks or the like are proposed as part ofthe new parldng struchrre. We hope that you will give our thoughts due consideration in your planning process, and would certairly appreciate the opportunity of discusging these matters with you. Sincerely, VILI,AGE CENTER CONDOMINruM ASSOCIATION 'LU/ttun4,0AA Monroe M. Vice President and Director llttr4R:r *.\'.'''';'' l'tt ,a , ri):"- Projecr *^^. t////are &n/"--21 i6d,,4. SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORTfir APR ? 2r.974 I nspe CONCRETE: ADD IT I ONAL REMARKS 3+t-7+ t<, 6 y & : s h e_f_o/ _(_"_yS/r__ n t./aur t/tt,f,/r //t t. It,/./'rt//l4der Cralt-e /" a _ 1ry lf yZs- ,_L'a(d ia///t oo tf , ;" ';' - ' -'- -:l- LOCAT ION (aa. 6et* PRECAST: llumber i)l';; lnrtn Li.l t T0: i,lR, FililL r i [ ,i,.r.:i,; _-) '/lti,-I1,..:,) . ,-'.1,- l- i -', '_.|r. r:/ii.i: i) i .-: ;L:,lVl.R,'l -l- -.i,,.,.,.( r S TA TEME}IT box | 00 vail,colorado 81657 303.476-5613 DATE:Ar''! i i. We hove debited your account as follows: ,ilSIG,i Ri-Vi r,li Fi. i:,: l';ii,.,i.i;,, i,iAir':i 1 ltll:, Li:TT[n LiF t],.i'r'-'",.;,i'f ; il1; i:i;,1CLrSELr PLEASE I'liti(.- .-; 'ir r:i. ir;ll\/r:'i.:l*i- T0 I'frlt- Tllli; i.' .'.'I i. Tll-1,i;il. Y0ti ! Mr. Fred !llbberd I 1. "lO Construct ion Company I 127 Race Streef Denver, Colorado Re: Consultant Oesign Revlaw Fees Dea r F red: Enclosed pfease find an Invoice for your fee for consultant deslgnrevf e'r servl ces^on V i t I age Cenf re thr<lugh March lg74 as provldsd f orln Secticn 15.700 of fhe Zonlng Ordtuanis. Consultant servlceg a16consldsred separate frorn fhe standard Design Review Fee and iru n"iassesserl untl I consu I tant serv I ces are comp leted for the proJect.Tl. fol lowing summary rs baged on "n nourrv rate of sao.o5;-;;;-ratecshare of fravel time and travsl costs, April c), 1974 0afe November 2A-22, lg?j Decernber 5-7, |.973 December 28, 1973January 4, l914 March t974 Trave I Cost Trave I Cosf Tota I Thls fee ls tiue prlor folf you have any questi'ons them wlth you. Yours tru I y, T0ldi'l 0F vA I L Dlana S. Toughill Zonlng Admlnistrafor Meetlnc Tlrno IEa.J 2.0 t.0 2.5 1.0 lssuance of a buifon these chorges, Travef Tlnre Amo un t I .05 | .40 dl ng permi I wlll bc $t0?.00 | 56 .00 40 .00 | 00 .00 40 ,00 91.03 . lg..4J $5r9.46 t for Phase | | l. happy to revlew ,a?"'-- t- Aprt I 8, 1974 Mr. Frod Hlbberd H I bberd Construct i on Company| 127 Race S"treef Denver, Colorado $ubJect: Vl I lage Cenfre, Phese I | | Dear Fred I A complete drainage and landscaprng pran for the entlre v f l lage centre connp lex, as we il as work rng draw lngs tarbui lding D must be submlt*ed prror fo the-lssuanci of abui ldlng permif for. bul ldings I or D. Pl6as6 subr,rlf thesa l*ems af your earllest conv€nlence50 that fhay may be ctre"ct<ed by the staf f ond submlttedto the Deslgn Revlew tsoard for flnal approval. Yours trufy, TOI{N OF VA I L Kent R. Rose, P.E. Toxn Eng i neer dt cc: l4onroE M. Rif kln, vlt lage centre condomlnlum Associatlon j.t,' March 29, t974 Mr. Kent Rose Town Engineer Town of VaiI Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear lVIr. Rose: The directors of the Village Ceuter Condominium Association visited with Mrs. Toughill last week and reviewed t,he developerts plans for Phases C and D ofthe Village Center projeot. We have submitted a letter to Mrs. Toughill conveylng certain thoughts that the Condominium Association has regarding tbe project. We also raised the question of severe drainage problems on the property, whlch to date have caused a good deal of damage in Unit A. l[rs, Toughill suggested that it wqrld be more meaningful if we were to advise you of these problems, and that is the purpose of f.his letter. I.r addition to the drainage problems at Village Center, we are aware of the faqt that prior construstion by Hibbard Construstion Company, at Tree Tops in Liqtts Head, did not provide for ade- quate drainage - either arorDld fte buildings or their parking '.ttt - -\- .?-rI ___ Tt t (tiIttTIT|[ I T]ITIIITIU' A M ERICAN TELEVISI oN & C}MM UN ICA TIqN S Co RPqRATI1N \! -r rr 1 360 SOUTH MONROE STREET . DENVER, COLORADO 80209 . PHONE (303) 321"2224 \/- \J MONEOE M. AIFKIN Presidont o Mr. Kent Bose I\4arcb 29, L974 Page 2 structures - and we world like to be zure that a master drainage pla^n for Village Center is designed by a competeut engineer and reviewed very carefully prior to approval by the Clty of Vail. I lorow that you share our interest in successful development of the Village Center project, and hope you wlll gtve thls matter your atteDtion. Si:rcere1y, VILI,AGE CENTER Vice President ald Direstor MMR:r VAIT.. 75$ Recreation Fee Building B - 28,082 square feet Monies Due - Building B feet $ 14,041.00 L5 ,878.25 4 ,768.50 3,87!_:!q 38,557 .75 752 Building C Monies Due BuiJ.ding D - BuiJ.ding D - Total Moni-es 758 Credit 2L,L7L square Building c Condominiurn - CommerciaL - Due TotaL Due Monies Paid Less Amount Owed Monies Due Hibberd Building Perrnit FIan Check Fee Total Balance to be aPPlied 61358 square feet 51160 square f,eet $ L4,041.00 9 ,639.44 $ . 4,401.56 $ 1,128.94 I J5.6L $ r, s62.75 to water & se\'ter taP f,ees $ x ?o 1.. '' ) $2 ,538 . 80 ,.10\q' ,N Y='' 7 J ,\flt 1o a"t" ' ,n@4\r''v O vuQel-E dTRFA EY C UlwJ t-7 D U\JIT g urrlT f-r\t\,fl- L,' r\r ( \ i F tJlJtT- (t"za) + z& = 6.R.trA BY oR-D 1,t- = Pa'<K.l iu4\ BY oep :6 to+ E " 2?- E zz. bo) tAl4 i2^t\-Jl9 1 031 ,8+ | 146 "96 f -- x r -/ Q. \;';..',. t '.,tO( l\i- (-:2' ': -)t-" -'' 'P.,r..r-:-<-tt\i6\ NJggDaD 'eD tL6Z,46 >( 597, 28 K 1235, 45 x 4o o,47 x \6t3,2+ >< O 72 3 /o L,'- ) / lP. ,"*r <-\,''-f t L-J \.J , )".-) o / -.1 .2 if(2 QT-()a t "'t E<rl J 4 a-'.' ) ,-r i ?' t..' 'iI (.-,/t --' '- 44'/4,,:-) ^'' 36 a. tJ,' . . Qgl ,o?- pp-D, i* 8 -i! ..-zt x4- x3x\ Fo'e- \/ C- i3 a'= I 1 to t FO,Z_ Ve',.- A b UN I-T Ul\-JtT UNJiT lz+3,52 lLl+"+Z 1 8t "'oz \1sqp B (s * s)+ 6*RR G UI'.J IT I n r\r,. i t"r| \-\ \-/ rv t r I l \^ \ rF tl\-/rvll L\r\,,r..J LJI\J{l V r\ i r rf1-.- rJ i\J I t %eK-l,i-,!5- 1+9 S -3.= Foia- \(O-C llb -i+r-l?') | ,t \/-,'\ t4 .L I a"t.-' ( "- ---_,,r(2tA.L_ iJFeDiL> x += )< l-- K j= _Kb X, /,i3x 2o\# Z-t ='L_/HjgeDe r> 'oru' o la I 1*,vl" Yt"I r.\It- 1a eY oz>* 6 | ^td\rr\ f\I LllJlJ trJ a 2-c. -,t 4t .Jrl) tl | /1 I z-c.-a. te..,.J \ t- - fr :! := Y \-.,' trl \r t-- Zao) ' t> /4-f o . rs ll lc:.,<t ), -_,l --.' c-- L-, l-Jra\.) ..1-l=-lrq5:" FaPRFA. ul-J tr> I \^ \ , -r--. \-./ | \-./ | I -' UAJ IT- ,'\a \ .+-LJ,\J | | *- ?- XZ KI >c( /,\ Q5}/-b ) ,t- 5. L) = CailM€RC..IAU 3qz3 + voo = ToTAL Sgs>D PAR-K1uG NeEuEP d.,]})) A€€l^- -F:T^'.L 5q lil 'r-l F;le=-.K rtJ cr.. NEFDE D 6p) ftf*; P4r F:'=K r iuG NJ €EDGD M UL-n PLE ,J==e. C€eD r-f Z" 3y" N ET P,q.'a<-t i:J 6- iJ ge D€, tr\.le€-/Ll 6- Fi?oVtD€D ,J, -r',/I "4t-l l-*" e' lLh'a*J7Village Center Buildings C, Dl & D2PROJECT: ARCHITECT: LEGAI., I USE ZONE: PROPOSED USES: Bob Harford Part of Lot K and of Tract Cvail Village First cc-2 Condominium and Cornmercial 65t299.60 square. feet minus 30rL37.40 square feet used for Building A c Bleaving 35tI62.20 square feet DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS: HEIGHT: GROSS RESIDENTIAL FI-,OOR AREA: NOTE: Total lot GRFA Bui'Ldings A&B T,and required by 1.25 to I ratio Land remaining Frontage l Building C Side: Required ActualBack: Required Actual Building D1-D2 Front: Required Actual Ratio: Allowable SF: Actual SF: 65,299 .60 37,67L.75 30,137.40 35 ,L62.20526,75 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet l0feet+3feet 10feet+4feetat nearest point .80 square feet of building to 1.0 sguare feet of land . B0 x 35 tl62.2Q or 28 tI29 .76 square feet 27 tr.00.32 square feet forBuildincs C and D1-D2 Based on the average height of all buildings, which is 45.74 feet' the average separation is 25 feet at the shortest distance Average Grader 8767 feet at the highest average grade at A building Height Allowed: 45 feet Actual Average Height of ProposedConstruction: Building C - 44.92 feeL Building D1-D2 - 23.87 feet Condominium space 4709,,56 square feet LOT SIZE: COII,II{ERCIAI FLOOR AREA ; -1- BUILDING BULK CONTROI-,: SITE COVERAGEr USEABIE OPEN SPACE: Allowable maximumlength for any side: Al-lowable maximumlength for any diagonal: Required offsets; Actua1 length of side: ActuaL length of diagonal: Allowabl-e percentage : Allowable square feet: Actual percentage: Actual square feet: Required: Actual; Ground Level: Common: r/5 reec 225 feet 10 feet upon reaching and exceeding 70feet 70 feet longestof any side ofBuildings C, D1.D2 2J-7 feet longest diagonal of sub- surface parking 117.5 feet longest diagonal of Building C 702 .70 x 65,299.6 or 45,709.72 43.48 28,334.22 squarefeet includingdrives and sub- s-unfaqe parking 64 ,781 .A7 (Total GRI'A) divided by4 or 16 t195,27square feet 38 f791.12 square feet or total square feet minus front setbackcalculated thus; For Building C - 90 feet x 20 feet or 1800 sguare feet for Building D1-D2 - 28L.92 feet x 13 feet or 3664.96 square feet Remainder of front- age - 154.83 feet x L0 feet or 1548.30 square feet Totaling ^ 7013.26 square feet 34 rL27.12 squarefeet or 888 4664,.0 square feet or 128 consisting of private patios and balconies only +2e o o I,ANDSCAPlNG: PARKING: Required. percentage: Required square feet: Actual percentage: ActuaL square feet: Required: Actual: Covered Required: Actual Covered: 202 13059.92 square feet 56 .68 36965.38 square feet 60 spaces for condo- miniums, 16 spacesfor commercial 76 spaces 508 or 38 spaces 76 spaces NOTE: The foregoing information was approval of the 1974 Village prepared to expedite the zoning Center project. Bob HarforArchitectl -3- Royston Hanamoto Beck & AbeyMarch 28, 7974 Mr. Terretl J. Minger Town Manager Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Vail Village Cerf,er Dear Terry: On March 22, L974, Jim l-,amont and I met briefly with Fred Hibberd concerning parking on his project. He proposed reduction of the size of his underground garage for three purposes: 3. The gain of an improved landscape space. Mr. Hibberd agrees to pay all costs related to the landseape space. I assume this includes the costs of design, construction and planting. Because of the conflict of private automobiles crossing the pedestrian area, I support reduced numbers of automobiles. Any trade of qualit,v landscape forparking is of benefit to the Town. If Mr. Hibberd's economic gain results in better visual quality for the Town, then we have all gained. Messers: Lamont, Rose, Dobson, Hibberd Principals: Associates: 1. The conclusion that only one unit is needed. 2. Economic problems. Robert Royston fASL.A Asa Hanamoto AsLA Eldoo Beck ASLA Kazuo Abey ASLA space per condominium cc: Landscaoe Archirects: fa rr""ni', Urban Desi6n Park Planning Pauicia Carlisle ASLA Louis G. Alley, Alchitect AIA I{arold N, Kobayashi ASLA Eugene R. Kunit AsLl Robert T, Batterton George !7. Girvin 5o Gree n Streer San Francisco California 94trr (,{l r) 397{59.{ Sincer nnvironmental Planning F$otvt : 26 111fizcH 141+ To: l/tt, t- plauu,*a Canrrnta6/a4/ ,t"/d Dta.o Tdot,l 74tB$rco (a.s/noo/-* oom/z.u,y SuW\EcT: wlrhazAuu,+1 oF l/^znuea ,Pe aucs* R t)E'n k D rAtt,t, )*tnoaeza Ca,us/zu"/-* &mp,+n y FeaTn-/5r.tzt-y ,Peqr,'rs f s taa I T/yE t/A&tA^rag f<rqu, s f *o /)tzcla pAn*V,ua €\aee 6 /+ r TH6 Nac-fuet tT EttO aF 7,4,€ Pirzkpa s*eue-luaF Fo& t/ttt-*ca Lep/ee- BE wn'neR-qut/{ ANe THnr Mo A4tu6N BE /Axe,^t, 6 te7]zrz- o,F EiP/n.v*{.a.t w tLL FoLto q:t g'7{oA-{/-y . T^HA^I/<'/6e Foa. you/2- doopEp-Alro- /A/, Tt+t 5 71rro#ce, 5t n, oupal , , ,e tuhfu &A REVIf,l{ FOR OCCIIPA}ICY, Conncntary as to Code is as follorvs: rTlt{ A- 1 A. The Tonn of Vail does not provide exceptlon of the hasement first floor from consi-deration as a "story" as provj-ded under Section 420; consequently the building is classified as a 5-story structure. Ordinance lJo. 6, Series 197L. B. Construction is Type III- I. For TabIe 5-D lieight of, con- struction for Group II occupancy is Iimited to 4 stories. Requircd 5- story h'eigtrt cair be' obtained by addition of autornatic sprinkter system throughout as provided under Section 507. C. Per Table 5C, basic a1lowable fl-oor area is 10r100 S.F. with I/3 increase for Fire Zone 3 as providcd under Section 505-a and rvith such increased area doubled as provided under Section 505-b, the total buiJ-ding area is rvithin a11owab1e linits. I TF},I A- 2 Frastcr & 6ingery, lnc. C O N' 3- LJ LruV G E lV G I N E E F S ?840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENGL EWOOD, COLORADO 8OI IO TELEPHONE 303 76T.4860 VILLAGE CENTER-BUILDING''C'' Our Job No. 452.19April lI, I974 PART A TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION AI{D EXIT REQUIRE}{ENTS compllance, ancl supplemental observations, A. Section 504-c provides that buildings on the same property shall be assum-ed to have a property line between them. B. 0n Sheet A, the scalecl distance lietween existing Builcling "B" and tsuilding "C" varies fron 30 to 34 ft. Distarlce to assurned property line varies from 15 to 17 ft- C. Section 2003-b requires that openings within 20 ft. of property line shail be protccted by a fire assembly having i three-fourths hour fire-resistive rating. See Section 4306 for design requirements. l{indow types A and B on East elevation are not in conpliar.rce. CIVIT ENGINEERING IAND SURVEYING STORM DRAINAGE STRUCTURAI, / TRANSPORTATION WAIER & SANITATION A. ITEM A-3 Section 88, Page 35, of the Specifications states that designis based on use of "Pella" windows. Section 1505 requires that every sleeping roon below thefourth floor sha11 have at least one window approved for energency exit. Window shal1 have mininum clear dimensionof 22 inches. Pella windows as shown on Sheet 15 do not conply. With this window, the hardware is such that the sash noves fron thehinge side toward the center to a position at center ofopening when 90o open thereby reducing the clear opening for escape. Section 8C, Page 33, of the Specifications states thatglazing shal1 be welded insulated glass as norrnally suppliedby the manufacturer. The manufacturerts specifications (L973 Sweets - 8.16/R0) states that welded or 5/8-inchinsulating glass is not recommended for altitudes over 4000 ft. Pe11a Unit desj-gnations and rough opening dinensions arenot as shown in manufacturerrs current l"iterature. Desisner should confirn. D. Details on Sheet 15 do not provide flashing at exterior openings as required under Section L707-b. ITEM A-4 Required escape windows noted under Iten A-3-A above shal1 exit as provided uniler Section 1305-a. 0n Sheet 1, windows in bed- rooms 6, 42, and 46 together with windows on Sheet 2 in bedroons7, 11, 42, ar.d 46 exit into areawells approximateLy LZ ft. deep. The Building Official has stated that any such areawells over 48 inches deep shal1 be provided with a steel ladder for egress. ITEM A-5 Areawells as noted under Itern A-4 together with high retain-ing wa11s at north and east sides of the building should have guardrails constructed in cgnformance with Section 1716. Balcony railings detailed on Sheet 11 show 9 inches clearfron bottom rail to deck. Section 17L6 provides that noobject 9 inches in dianeter nay pass through rail. In the Typical Stair Detail on Sheet 11, intended designof handrail is obscure. 0n stairway section, handrail indication may be interpreted a5 pipe rai1s. B. C. A. B. 1. -2- D. F 2. IlandraiI Corner lletail nay be intelpreted to rnean rail in continuation of design used for balcony rai1s. 3. Handrail Bracket Detail may be interpreted to mean rails are bracketed off of 1- inch square posts (to scale). I'landrails employed should conform to requlrements of Section 171I. Concrete railing is detailed on Sheet 11. No reinforcing- or anchorage is shorvn. Location of this rail is not noted or shovrn on the p1ans. Anchorage of a1l railings should be checked for uniform 1oai1 of--20 p1f. applied-at top of rail as per Table 23-c. At South sicle of building alL stairs down to depressed entryways having 3 or noie ri-sers shoul-d have handrails as per Scction 3305- i. F ITEl"t A- 6 A. As shown in Typi-cal Stair Detail on Sheet.11, stairs 1 and 25 exit to- gracle frorn the landings rnidway between the second and third floors. Barrier should be provided at the landing to prevent Dersons fron upper levels passing grade leveL exit and proceeding to loler stories having no means of . .j-t in accordance with Section 5305-g. we recommend that handraits be extended across the landing to constitute the barrier and that separate openings be provided at grade 1evel to serve upper and lower tiers of stairs. B. Doors have been added to Stair No. 25 to provide enclosure for <lry standp j.pe system as required under Section 3803-b' LabeIl'ed doors- have been used as required for stairwell enclosure thereby making Stair No. 25 in fu11 conpli?lt" for an enclosed interioi stairwell as per Sectj-on 3308' C. No doors have been provided for openings- at Stair No' I' The stai.vell is fuify enclosed except for entry openings. The stair cannot be classed as a-n exteri-or stairwelL since exterj-or sides are not 50% open'to prevent accumnulation of snoke or toxic gases. llence, doors should be added as for Stair 25, ol required openings added. D. Section 8C-7, Page 33, of the Specifications -refers to use of wire glass in-the stai-r towers. No glazed openings are indicated on the plans. E. No stairway is extended to roof access is detailed on is not shotvn. the roof. Steel ladder for Sheet 11. Location of ladder -3- In accordance with Section 3305-n, Ordinance No. 6, Series of 1971, Torvn of Vai1, the location sha1l have the- approval of the Town of VaiI Fire Chief. Rai-ls of ladder sha1l extend 3 ft. mininum above the roof. ITIM A-7 Corridors from entrance doors at balconies to unit exit doors are required exit corridors. Corridor construction is in conforrnance r^rith Section 3304-g. Per Section 8A.1 of the specification exterior entrance doors have B labe11ed doors and frarnes. Per Section 8A.3 all in- terior doors are l. 3/4-inch solid cole. Interior doors fron requirecl corri<lor to units should conforrn to requirenents of Section 3504-h. ITltl.{ A- 8 Index Sheet of Specifications refers to I'Section 10-I Trash Chute". Section not included in specifications nor is chute shown on plans. If chute is to be provided, provisions of Section 1706-a, 1706-c and 3802-b'7. ITEM A.9 Dry standpipe has been shown in Stairwell No. 25. A11 areas of the Uuir-ding were found to be within required I30 ft. of this location. The following information is required: A. The Town of Vail Fire Department has made the following reques ts : 1. Supply the Vail Building Departrnent with mechanical ar^ai'iirgs to show locations of the Fire Systen in the building. 2, Specify that aI1 siamese connections, standpipe.conn- ettion's, and hose cabinets be equipped vrith National Standard Threads. 3, Specify that all nozzles in the installed cabinets be oi a v'ariable stream tYPe. ' 4. Specify that all required si-arnese connections be attach'ea directly to the building wall at the required heightr and that a drip ball be provided to drain that poriiotr of the systern bett'een the siamese and the first valve on the riser/ri-s ers . B. The Building Official has advised that the following will be required for dlystandPiPe sYStem: -4- l. Sections 3803-d-4 and 3805-b-4 have been rnodified by the Town of Vail to require fire departtnent connec- tions to be at 4 ft. above grade. 2. A plugged "1ee" will be required for clean-out during construction at juncture of all horizontal and vertical runs of standpipe systems. C. Dry standpipe is shown only on Sheet M for typical floor pfatl. stairtlpipe must be extended to roof as per Section 3803-d- s. ITE},I A.1O A Wet standpipe reqr-iired by Section 3804-b has been shown on Sheet il -as f oiated on- exterior exit balcony. In this location cither on air pressurized systern or interior piping with extended frbezeproof valve is required. B. Torvn of Vail has arnended Sectlons 3804-d-3 and 3805-b-5 to reouire that valve in wet hose cabinets sha11 be 4t- 6" above floor and that height of hose rack shal1 be nounted parallel witl'r valve. C. As noted under Iten A-1-B of this report' automatic sprinkler systen is required throughout to pernit 5- story construction. If this systen is provided, wet standpipe nay be deleted under Section 3804-b' Exception t. ITEI{ A- I1 A. Under provisions of section t302-b an aEproved fire alarn systern is required as specified in the Fire Code. B. Section 1310-C requires that all units sha1l be provided with approved detectors of produl:ts of combustion other than h-elt. See this section for Jetailed requirements. ITEI',I A- 12 Detail J on sheet 9 shows 3/4 inch cedar lap siding on furring strips on exterior of nasonry wal1. Elevations on sheet 6 shorv^ areas of application, birt we cannot deternine if the designation is ibnplete. 'section 1705-c, anended as follows by the Town of Vai1, will aPPIY: Section f705(c), Walls lrqqt-Lng on Streets or Yards' "i{ood veneer of not i*t ess' or exterior type plywood or particleboard not less than three- "igfttt-incir^ lSi s;'; in norninal thickness rnay be ap-p1ied on reiuired fird-resistive rated exterior wa11s as follows: - 5- 1. One hundred percent (100%) of the wall area of the first floor above grade. 2. Forty percent (a0%) of each wall area for each story above the first floor providing it is fire-retardent treated wood. Such wood shall be placed either directly against noncon- bustible, or fire-resistive surfaces or furred out frorn such surface not to exceed one and one-half inches (l I/?tt) with all spaces fire stopped as provided in Section 2517(F). ITE}{ A. 13 Rigid insulation is shown on Sheet 9 as Styrofoam forralls. For roofs it is specified only as 2 I/?-inch Tectuin or 2-inch rigid insulat.ion. At Tectun roof as detailed on Sheet 9 shows 1-inch rigid insulation. Caution is advised against use of urethane rigid insulation rriithout approval of the Building Official, particularly since the Tecturn II product is supplied rvith 1-inch urethane factory app I i ed. ITEI\{ A- 14 A. Details on Sheet 11 show balcony soffits enclosed with 5/8- inch waterproof drywall. Per Section 1707-C, balconies having sealed soffits shaLl be waterproofed. B. 0n Sheet 9, plywood soffits are shown attached to 1x 2 furring strips spanning between glu-1am beans which are up to 4f-8t' centers. Nailing on these fight strips at this span is not feasible. Furring should be heavied or screw attachement specified. ITEM A.T5 Irtith reference to fireplace detail-s on Sheet 14: A. Precast firebox is noted but not specified. Type of firebox should be subnitted to Building official for approval. B. Type of flue liner not noted or specified. Filling of void between nasonry surround v{al1 and flue liner as required for flue support not indicated. -6- ITEN,I A- I6 A. On Sheet 14, toilet exhaust fans are not indicated. com- pliance with section 1305-a for 5 air changes per hour tannot be checked. B. On Sheet M, long exhaust ducts are shown fron dyers' The manufacturer sh6u1d confirn that booster fans are not required for this installation. ITEM A-17 A. On Sheet Sl notation refers to architectural for slope to drain. Not shown. 0n Slreet 11, drain is shotvn in arearvells at stairs at south side of building. No indication is given as to where, and-how,.drainage iio. tn"se depresied areas is to be conducted and dis- charged. B. Specification 7E (a) refers-to mechanical for roof drains and ur". drains. None are indicated. C. Specification 7C {b) provides for perimeter drains' Size tbcation and method of discharge not shown on the drawings. ITEI,{ A. 18 on sheet 11 notation reaciing "Mayot nay not join to wa.lk" is not understood. ITEI{ A- I9 street curbing detail shown on sheet 11 should be checked for comforrnance with standards of the Town of Vail' -7 - F REVIEW FOR Comnentary tions, is ITEI,I B- 1 Frasbr & Eingery, lnc. CANSULTITVG ETVGIIVEEFS 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STR€ET ENGLEWOOD, COLORAOO 8OT 10 TELEPHONE 303 761-4860 VILLAGE CENTER Our Job No.April 11, - BUILDING I'C'' 452.19 L97 4 COIIP L I ANCE as to Code as follows: PART B WITH ENGINEERING cornpliance, and REGULATIONS supplenental observa- 0n Sheets 52 and S5 mass Inasonry chinneY that 2 inches clear cornbustible naterial Subject to review bY ITEM B- 2 On Sheet 55' of slabs is ITEM B.3 glu-lann beams are shown_supported.on"assernblage. Section 3707-h provides shal1 be iaintained between chimney and Building Official. criteria for establishing required thickness not included in the details. Throughout the dranings approxinately one-half of^the floor systefi is shown as a 5-intl concrete slab on 2l/2-inch Tecturn plan over wood g1u-larn beams. A. Section 2SL6-a provides that wood rnembers shal1 not be used to pernanently support the Eead load on any masonry or concrete. Exception No. I to this section provides. the flooi' surfacing not nore than 4 inches thick by wood nernbers. B. Note No. 2 on Sheet 52 provides only 6 * -6 - for reinforcing of the slab, indicating that assumed the 3-inch slab to be non-structural 2 L/2-inch Tectum nas the structural elenent. non- s tTuctural nay be supPorted 10/10 neshthe designer and that the clvt! ENGTNEERTNG / IAND suRvEytNG / sroRm DRATNAGE / stRucruRAL / TRANSPORTATIoN / wArER & sANlrATloN C. ITEM B-4 D. The rnanufacturerrs literature rnakes no clairn for Tectun as a structural fioor element. Only reference to-itrs use is as a roof pl"i-tf.-.i as a form'board' As a- form Uo"ta shoring it i"q"itud at 28-inch centers with a 3- inch slab. Specification 6C.1, page 27, refers to the Z L/2-inch i:;t;-;;-u iott u6a^r"d"tor ihe concrete deck' Structural calculati-ons received for review contained tro r"afysis or comment as to capacity of Tectun' Proposed floor construction appears to be violation of Section 2516-a. On Sheet 53, 3-inch Tectun plank has been slu-1am beams up to 4t-J-l-/4" clear span' ?"ai.ut" a totai load of 100 psf has been design (75 psf live load) . Confirrnation should be subnitted frorn the inih r..tltm is suitable for use on roofs ITEI,,I B- 5 used for spans over Design calculations used for roof inanufacturer that 3- with such load and span. as shown in Section 22, Sheet be adequate. On Sheet S2, open web steel joi'sts used for floors in Units i{ and J are 14H4 joittt having a clear sp?l oI 25'-0" and 26t-4t1. Per staniaid load ta6le ArsC Handbook, Page-5-295' ioir. i"ptity it-"ol-"["]+ .g 240 p\f' loading stated in calculations and i"ta riabfe indicates that the 14H4 joist ihoufd only be used for roof construction at these spans' ITEM B-6 A. Design of 1ow retaining wa1l 55, was checked and found to B. Design of high counterforted retaiaing^ wa11 as, shown ln Section Zf , Siieei--S-i-ror checked and iound to be -adequateprovidect tirat"vaiiaiti oe design assumptions can be veri fie d. 1. Design is based on utilizing lu!:I?l-restraint of court slab in the nagnitude of 7000 1bs' per lineal foot. SflU-is-""fy i 4-inch slab reinforced with nesh having a 13t - 0" span as a compression strut' The calculatiii, ao-r,oi'fiovide any- analysis of buckling resistance of the slab' -2- 2.The lateral force of 7000 lbs. tranforrned into the ir.l-ii i"iist"a only by frictional forces between itau and earth. rip'""tion joints have been used b"t"""n slabs and sirear walis paralle1 to force' hence there is no force tranfer to the walls ' If lateral displacement occursr passive.pre'ssures will be enqaqed at the face of retaining warls and.ar ;;";;";;iir*ut-itto"n in sections t6ls4 and 17/s4'. fiii"ir"ii"ii-."tld-iln raterar displacernent of the build- i"g io 'achieve lateral stabili'ty- of the retaining wa11 is undesirable. ITEI{ B.7 Placement of exit lights as shown on Sheet E is correct' Cir- ;;;;i;n is not shownl separate circuits shourd be provided as oer-Section 3312-C-2. ITEM B.8 Under Section 301-C the Building Official nay-require platrs ""J-ip"iirications t9 9e prepar5d and designed by an engineer oi "tlftit"ct licensed by the'state to practice as such' Only structural drawings have received professi-onal seal' - J- i I VILLAGE CENTER - BUILDING I'C'' Our Job No. 452.19April LL, 1974 PROJECT DATA SHEET GENERAL DeveJ.oper:Architect:Structural Engineer: Mechanical Engineer:Electrical Engineer:Soils Engineer: BUILDING DATA Use: Occupancy: Type of Construction: Number of Stories: Floor Areas: Balconies : Occupant Load: VATUATION Permit Fee: Plan Check Fee: Fred Hibberd, Jr. Robert J. Harford, Designer KKBNA, Consulting Engineers KaI Zeff and Associates, Ltd. Condominiuns Group H III-I 5 27,720 S.F. 2,632 S.F . 138 persons-gross 120 persons-units 27.720 S.F, C $26.00' $720,780.00z:*z s.F . o $ s. oo 1!,19q. qg Courts, Areawells and Retaining l{alls 8?000.00 $74r,940.00 $ 1,128.94 $ 733. 81 F Frrcbr & 0ingery, lnc. C O fY S L,/ LTl /V G E lV G J TV E E F S 2840 SOUTH VALLEJO STREET ENoLEWOOD. COLORADO 8OI ]O TELEPHONE 303 761-4860 April LI, L974 Ii{r. Jerry Aldrichcrti"i r"iral"g 0fficial Town of VailP.0. Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 8f657 Re: Vil1age Center - Building "C"Plan Check for ConpJ.iance with Uniforn Building Code Job No. 452.I9 Dear Mr. Aldrich: In accordance with your request the plans and specifications for the subject project, as received March 5, I974,2 have- been checked for-coirpliince with the Uniforn Building Code, 1973 Edition. We enclose herewith the following: Project Data Sheet - General Building Data Preliminary Report Part A - Review for 0ccupancy, Type of Construction and Exit Requirenents. Part B - Review for Conpliance with Engineering Regulations. Under separate cover, we have transmitted marked up plans showing l0cation- of all the code vioLations cited. we will make our final plan check as soon as we receive the corrected plans. If you have any questions, please cofitact us at any tine. Very truly yours, FRASIER 6 GINGERY tTl- KORdvr Enc. CIVIT ENGINEERING / TAND SURVEYING I Rasmus elr Manager sroRM DRATNAGE / srRUcTuRAr / TRANSPoRTATIoN / wnren & SANITATIoN Knud 0. Proj ect ?.;' C AGREET'lENT This is an Agreement between the Town of Vail, a municipal corporaticn (hereirrafter referred to as "Vail")and rred Hibberd, Jr. (hereinafter referred to as "!libberd") RECITALS A. flibberd is the developer of a project in the Town of Vail, Colorado, known as ViIIage Center. B. The To'{n desires tirat certain property at street level at the lJorthea:;t poltion of the vil]age Center parking garaqe above rr-hlch plans currently calJ- for the .Location of 22 parkinct spacesf be deleted and the satne converted to an urban plaza and open space. c. The Trustees of the Town of Vail have con- cLuded that the parking garage rvith said 22 spaces is or vrould be in full cornpliance with all applicable codes of Vail, but that the elimination of the 22 parking spaces and the substitution thereof of ufban plaza and open space is desirable in tha! the substitution will r:educe vehic.Ie tlaffic and congestion and provide more open space. D. Hibberd is wi.lling to aPFly for the necessary variance to el.iminate tbe 22 parking spaces providing a building permit will be issued by the Town of vail for the village celrter Building c, the parkir,g garage and Building D. In consideration of the recitals and of the mutual covenants helein' it is agreed as fo1lov.'s: 1. Hibberd agrees to apply for a variance for the elimination of 22 p.rrking spaces whicli are presently required to be placed above the East end of the Village Center parking garage and. in lieu thereof' to convert that same area to an urban plaza and open space at street level at the Northeast portion of the Village center plaza, ' .?. ln consiCeration of the loss to Hibbertl of the adjacent parking l-o his Planned comrnercial facilities' the Tosn of VaiL agrccs to grant the above-described varl-ance and to issu€ a building permit for the villaqe Center Building C and agrees that constructicn may Proceed thereon. The building permit for Building c sha]l- be issued to Hibberd on the execution of lhis agree:r.ent' As soon as the plans for the garage are finalizeC, rrhich is expected to be on or before flay 15t L974, these plans will be submitted by ltibberd to vail and a buildinq permit therefore requ€sted. Hibberd agrees to complete the construction of thc garage on or before the date that Buildlng c is completed. In that connection, HibberC agrees not to occupy or request a certificate of.occupancy for Building C until the garage is completed 3. Vail acknowledges that time is of the essence hereof due to ttle Jull' I, 1974, Ceadline of Public service Company of colorado regarding the enclosure of space and ALL Pe-apEfe* AppC-zuat_ a- E-11^Er:-1 A ') 'tst/t 64c.-A'rc I+'!tti co"'t- Ll c{+rT 5 EEi.rc.lr'r3 6 t^.,ALla vlrry+5\dY!^tl.^ D T Dg6l4tr{ oE?<F'4elo Ac<1L 'ci{T€ F€lsovet*, €@^ e.D r?2.aF>, o use of natural gas in order !o assure the priority for the obtaining of natural gas taps, vail therefore ackrlowledges ehaL fhis agreement must be signed on April 16t L974,. 4, The provisions of this docun6st shall inule to the benefit of and be binding upon the partiea hereto anal their succes8ors, heirs, and assigns. Dateal this ISth day of Apri11 I97{. TOWN OT VAII, llayor APPROVED ,BY THE TRUSTEES OT TflE TOWI.I OF VAIL APRIL 16, 1974 ffi By -2- L r, I AGREEMENT This is an Agreement between the Town of Vail,a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Vai1")and Fred Hibberd, Jr. (hereinafter referred to as "Hibberd") RECITAIJS A. Hibberd is the developer of a project inthe Town of Vail, Colorado, known as Village center. B. The Town desires that certain property atstreet level at the Northeast portion of the Village Centerparking garage above which plans currently call for thelocation of 22 parking spaces, be deleted and the same convertedto an urban plaza and open space. C. The Trustees of the Town of Vail have con-cluded that the parking garage with said 22 spaces is orwould be in fu1l compliance with all applicable codes ofVail, but that the elimination of the 22 park:-ng spacesand the substitution t.hereof of urban plaza and open spaceis desirable in that the substitution wiII reduce vehicletraffic and congestion and provide more open space. D. Hibberd is willing to apply for the necessaryvariance to eliminate the 22 parking spaces providing abuilding permit will be issued by the Town of VaiI for theVillage Center Building C, the parking garage and Buildingn In consideration of the recitals and of the mutual-covenants herein, it is agreed as follows: t. Hibberd agrees to apply for a variance forthe elimination, of 22 parking spaces which are presentlyrequired to be placed above the East end of the VillageCenter parking garage and., in lieu thereof, to convert that same area to an urban plaza and open space at street levelat the Northeast portion of the Village Center p1aza. 2. In consideration of the loss to Hibberd ofthe adjacent parking to his planned commercial facilities.the Town of Vail agrees to grant the above-described variance and to issue a building permit for the Village Center Building C and agrees that construction may proceed thereon. Thebuilding permit for Building C snlff be issued to Hibberdon the execution of this agreement. As soon as the plansfor the garage are finalized, which is expected to be onor before May 15 | 1974, these plans will be submitted by Hibberd to Vail and a building permit therefore requested, Hibberd agrees to complete the construction of the garage on or before the date that Building C is completed. Inthat connection, Hibberd agrees not to occupy or requesta certificate of occupancy for Building C until the garage is completed. 3. Vail acknowledges that time is of the essence hereof due to the July I, 1974, deadline of Public Service Company of Colorado regardi.ng the enclosure of space and ALt- pa,opee_ Appp-t'rzt.r* c-E \T'ER\ A -l 157t atqAFra .ourcrtrf b B€rhlc,llE 3 l,r./Ar_lahrt+J \Jvt^EJ^^o *ft) El'6l4r{. t+'i tli' ae"rz- aE'?(FatAE Ac<rqcI6 Fr€ritr;'tz %e-,a i. use of. natural gas in order to assure the priority for theobtaining of natural gas taps. Vail thereiore acknowledgesthat this agreement must be signed on April L6, Lg74 4. The provisions of this document shall inureto the benefit of and be binding upon the parties heretoand their successors, heirs, and assigns. Dated this l_5th day of April , 1974. TOWN OF VAIL Mayor APPROVED -BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL APRrL 16, L97 4 Fred Hibberd, 'Jr. By -2- ! Ili;\;ir)1 A !(ETCFTUM.KeFL. BARRETT- NIC!(EL.,qUsTlN' Cfu t t "irr-ut4;; Czl..rtEe ,, JA -- o.', ing Eng ineers 4ht Job No.-- lrlChecled-Sheet I of --=iSuri.ci ,'..-'-- r'r . iTEf"{ A-{', . bOZ: $5sgyFTrol.r F&'.lii+a--Des,qN er Gra F-uccr.s Sur-lez.reO , 81. _ 6r-u LyrV 8=enne,. lnF .r:,- ,., .,. W\s i '€ Ah" Tl=ctttm kcr To k -fi-t*': : ,- , -, r. .,.- tTaucTutrJ\L SYSTEJ-4, TH* c.Ae;r' .- ,; . THe *leC;7UM &cr- fuz iTtl€ tt-- : t A _ t- \)ht.^.t .-rLt-rsenTuae, rs ?E ?\l V{l'{lc.l+ EXc=rcs T#el 1 '- - | . . :-,,. '. , FesrAl ltAD q al pr', lfH* 6c?ET€. , -,. '- FeSrA;-,r ltAD q al plsf., lfH* @.tct . =r-si ' f* Nox - STzr,'cl.lz.uu lf*f.4 U-+ '" fec-rurv k';Y,, =PAFINtr..q q A'-l''i+ FJxcrtrfJ, .. 4,-J &V ,L,G-/o. llJei L.H"4N LeaO or - ' "- -.: I tr'Jv fl't l-' la:Po oF 2,n € anw'we' \'{e eL Tu= * ag,'nJ'v. E<{, ls A'cegrlAF' -:i.li \-rEM S-5 ' -: "_ X l4l{4 ..}ss7 HA3 Ybet Acqap Ar TH.€ -... llv'l I+tt- -'T ;)ri*\r " YIf , - -, '- --i , , . - , q.da ptS' fti -fne Sreql- J'rsrI ' ' ->-ffT UE l-Jnxronccra ,' ,A f)EitL€cftov. . .-.-'-- -- :' - lN'-: ' : .. ' fugE WPl MArE - Wilt+l *.lND'cAT/s5 ., ,.1 ' ' FLooz .C-sNsle0c7tcer"r ry 1,.@ Sfimr-,:.r r , , , j ',fiLAOE- ;LONSIZUcIl(2N-"W,..-,FW., rr1phr) I}-n=4 &-GB : [6suvrr.t( A f:zrclroH FRc1e12- e .3 r'!: ffi;a i;E"rut#:"ffiH'' : Tie C&q !-A&. -IH= BaD Leso, tr Ttr= ,SlA+, 15 E4usr- To .lb'L c= ., . .: Z+ip lbt l#. \,rlHrc,l 6 1\ryqote To--:-_-_n [-eFvehri qsucELlNq, , -.'.'.... - -. .. - .. B.telcpeo hT THs V{NL Psorar=- : t-lcZtzeuzsr.lV AND # , A\,vrswAar: li-.'-:^.'.-: . . : : .. -'.l}'x;rees 4s,s fu BlercserD, AT Tl+e ZsryornrNq Wpr+- w(TJ.lcoT Lafi=.au 6i?-^<,EtvtEr-.tT 6F Ttt*: Aurr-ol*1 . Fron: I{AXWELL HnTl}lOfte .fr84 In ltotTaterlleet f235 5. Huron - SP,7-6677 - Denver 23, Colo. PLEASE REPLY HERE { ,{ 4i / tl A 4tl J 4 dI o r' .ltF 4/t*44fr?3# 3t $fi1 4+ ,//' t/t I .'! rr ilAy 17 t;i"i SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT TOWt't-oF--t/A I L PROJ ECT N -,\ INSPECTOR -71^ ft|ereR- @) DATE ; LOCAT ION VED I CORRECT IONS REQU IRED COI,ICRETE: *-"-t-,t" fV{elt t" L /4/NDiePl/ e R tL.r.*L.- .5 rE P E4 9l a, tE-t a ?1+ t1 . Lt,/ N M:tr'J ket *;r B e'4tt45 E*ce*v'tE tz-v rt 'l' Tt-ti; frEEtJ,.,-7u7p4Pa27 i Z F,acr.*-- l.! e. UA,/ t rT a '!')tEFFe€r.VAa.- F t-.-'r'tN1. /v'. I lt, E tr4AS0NRY : rxEUlio | : ffi"&axs#se r. L.-;i:i;: i"Ui,rtIll);) i;:;:::eer;;;E IiilCR.i Ci CCiJCT]i:!; ]TiIi,D T!3?S & CC},4PRESSJ"E S:F.:J']GT:I F.S? }I \f ETTJODS I I'IDiL]AT:D RU JUtl 4 1974 r) n oa-- 1CL/, vA1-r--i r \-U;rJi.i!L,, !t-l-vJ, _ 4C1O iiAneOil pLACE. COLOPADC SiiirNGS. COLOs.4.D: .j13.7 atc3l i'!a- /-a:7 rnL. \;n irr:jJ. i\v- east,then soot Conc. Co. l.lounr.I'lc i::rcn eagt w o 2nd v;incior'.l l5le i\,lxec lr Ji f-c< irlo. lia_ Ticket Nc. tto Cu.YCs. P!.aceci li/i Tine .A.rriyei D='.e i,ioicieC: \,/^,C/7" t/ol , o: Lcai * :,ijt cylTruck Tin:e: 2:CC ?H Curing oi Scnpief-l Lab. &D i.4oisi Poont, 3i-65 - 24 hcurs frer C ihen lab PCF J{A i1 i- ^^--..-t ri '. otl!.lrr vvil Lgili. l\_t- tJ---c xi-62 - /--1 1i ^-.: - \.)': t/ :-1r=\ \ lr I fi:1 --4- c 31-66 I {a+nf Fra sh C.rnr (-, tr*.i-oo c 138-63 '"';-:ie: Ce;rent !.eiio AEA L-;i,/biCK i-ttater ediecl @ Plani , Jcb \bcr, PCYCer,rent Corient /"-_ l\t.J c::) i"!./a-\, (ncr-c /--.^-6 ^ x -.,-^^: +^\/!c-r. >E h.9'Jrc9(: Lg F.ina I .r r.; rq' ,r a f p iul r,,r:): .l itrriliei Ccres i c 1?-51 i^= t-i - '-r l,irr iD:te Tesied Di::e:.s!ons inches - Std 6 x 12 C';i ,S:e c::i.en $It . Lbs . ISSD/C . lS 63 Ci i."-e:gn'- PCF ESSD :..'-.--e: Sc. incaes - Stci Cv: 2e-?7 Tests at D3 ^ 'i ^-+of Speci "len 5ri 1, \ r-:\ \r,/ \ L,/ liag. Ccie Shea r .J--:Ci;f l - -r\Clitl.i r Ii L-1 i-CJ r -! _, '-:= i]l L::: c: u le tll q,-:ir- Ittt Iri i C:CCC i - -..r-.'-'L Ii-^';?J. t 3: C]: lai. S ano ieti T. ci. Iieier5iEreC CO .l- ei ic:: ffi"&m$€#se , '1 a i : ." g'J,::i ':> i utii{i.i.i*Jll -'i 4:'! i i r. l:1 i::PCR? Cf' COI{C:.E:: iiEi-D T:STS & CCi'i?P.ISSi\a STFI;I:GT:I ASTId \'1E:=ODS IIJDiC}.TED clli il,flAytrTig14 1C33 South Frontage F.oad $errt P,0. Bo:r 1944 ltal-1, Colcrado 81557 4O1C !-tAFgOP f'LACF. COLOaAD,.I SPH iN3S. cClSFp-DLr d3ci; 3A3i'ii5-764J Contraclor: ?rcject:'* ' ' |ob No - Letr. ll c .a l.lU l- l-i. l-: i iriixec -iiA F-rr i y e.: D':te f"{olcieC:Time: 2;CO !H Curinq of Sarnplej-l hb...&D l.{oist iloor.*u 3l-€ 6 - 24 hours frel-d '"hen lab \Yl . of Fresh Co:rc. PCF IiA Air Conieni li;- % c i-18-63 c 23i-62 Ga]./Loaci'Vcl , of load liA cylTruci< U -14i - o tr Gai,/Sack Waier Adcecl ag Flant , Jcb Siie t,=l Ce:nen: Conie nt (Ga1) :-r t-'\ r -"U r *-'dlz;', (-.,=nc f-n-_ :'q e Al.lrr:'pn> f a Fi na .l r-r r.::-rr i-; io ^ /tt L,\ -i 1l PCY ;_\--i-,^ L--:rsJiYrr rJy J I PCY Ccres f- l.a Ct, t,r3 i3 leS;eC Di:r:rsjo::s inches - Sti 6 -< 12 Cyi I S::cinen izt. Los. iSSrl./0.1963 Cl ;i:-eighi ?CF BSSD :,i;ea Sci. Incaes - Std C:-1 28.?7 i:iai;':ed Lrrs. Tests at Days A e - Last no. cf Sreci r,en ?;.;e oi (li r :3 Cir.iae jl L-*1 :3^-:er,gtl - -\ctu.i i'Si C3i;-36 S:-"er.;ih F:cy'c. PSi Scr:ciii::cl Diag. Shea: ln\ Cc::e i?) 2t.27 | z!.2 l OZCCC 'ic?7i0 i 1z:c00 TasleC B't. T. J, i.ej.er Sanpleri ts;r: 1. 1-. f.ie:-ers j gr:ed 3y: #.$?a,wer$ss |. *.: : i. +r - 'i 6r ' r 1 ? r \ ^ |*-ti \,1 .,' trE.'ts;i, ivrl .i a.q- rCi.r{:'1.3 ::.POFT Ci- CCr',lCRiTE iI:i-D TISTS €. COl",1.DliiSSlr,E S:REIiGTH AS? L{ ivllTHCDS INDICAT:D RIf MAY g t974 1033 Souch Frontage Road l.iest P.O. tsov 1944 Vai1, Colora<io 81657 401o HAtIBO-ri PLACE, COLiIRADO SPFiNGS, COLOBADQ e09i7 3031 59S-7547 C:ii:ectcr: I'icunialn Buiici.ers Locetici cf Fcur in Structure Cf f ice. '"erra.c'd T^]r \1^100-1 Lab. No. t0.o-1-('i-5) __- Conc. Co. Ti no Ll i r..o.-l I 1 . r.: :-t.''t L-J I f !. D:ie l.,tciaed: t,/29/7t'Time: 2:,l5 Curing of Sar.rplefl . I3b, &[ ]doi.st Roorn \r JI-Oo Sl':nr c 3i-56 U I+J-O5 of Fresh Conc, PCF__J-fr-J5__*_ c 138-63 Air Content 2.i c 231-62 Gal/T e66 - :,i--^- /-/ -^-g n-..:^\r :i,€i'v.:l:.;llL ncl::J ra - !\';ilF.:. AF L ? {ir- r.'^ .-t r.;,-\ -! L, . -\'1!r ^- l-JerLvr . )2 Il\:: < icn 1r-r Ga1-.r-i.3g1 iYaier AdCeci @ Plan- iob Sita 70 Ce::rent Conient iGai) PCY (Gal) SK,.'C' Ccarse AEgregare Fina,lnrrran,rla pr:v I L4.:;.r \JL PCY - 3ft"+. iCr,lt=C Cores I I LJ +l -oq i^rbpe c !nen l.lo. Daie Tes:ed iDi=ersior.ls inches - Sid 5 x 12 Cvlt_ Yercii FCF ?SS] l-^;ea Sq. inches - Sic Cy.l 2'd"27 Tc:=l Lcaci i.bs . Tests Days Age ir) Sl.rear \Li i?\ S olit I lS'-:ar:th - Actual PSI C3?-66 ^,/ t t' | ^a-.^.3+0 1 ao)Y Tesled By: T, .T. j'1e-i er Saepled tsy: T. J. 1leier' Sigiied By : i:: APR2glgTO Aprll 26, 1974 Esrbert Earrocn Blbbard Csnstruetloa Co. P. O. Bsl 601Vall, CO 81657 Dcer l.Ir. Harroun; ?he trag*fotasr whfch vlLI" aupply eleetrLc powcr to Butldlsge f end D csn bs loeeted uder the sta{nrsy aa loag sE Eore ttl*n sae-half of tha tranafornsr, oa el.thcr elde, le aot dlrcetly "ader ths staLnr8y. Thc relocatLon of the cxlsttnB trrneforusr shlch acrrGr the orl.g{rif,l brrlldtnge e6n bs at the loectlon thst $er dLeegeecd la osr raactlps oc Aprll 3, 1974, at the goly Crcsa Electrlc b$lldlng, upoa thc follmltng cotdftl.ang: 1" Acsose easem;at prwidad for lloly Crose Electrlc Aceoelatlolr. 2. g{tbcr the secoodary eeblee @Et be abla to bG rtuffcd back dcrn lnto th* veirlt otr affie forn of ltfttng rnuet be provldd ao aa to ell.sLaata the probls of tha aceondary eabl,ae bal*g dsmsgcd $pon ranoeel of thr traneforner. 3, i rollfug platforn sret bc provided for the truuforner, dest$red to wLthet€od 51600 pounda, 4. A1l of the abova requtrements surt bc preaated to Eoly Croes Elcctrtc At*act"atio*. isd aeeapted, bcfore Eoly Croee Slcetrle AssaetattEa trtll glvo apprsnal for the reLocat{on of the cxlstlns ttueforncr HhLch acrras the origrml bulld{rrgs. Ho].y Croee Eleetrl.c Aaaoctotlo'n, Inc., rrqulrco &bat fio a6n connects crn bc uedc tf, nctere src locstad ln lockcd roclsr Ha hope you rl11 coop€irate rith ss on th{* pollcy. If you have Eny furtbar q$cstloss, conta'ct rithar Rlchard Brtnkley or uycelf. $lneerel.y, (-!r. Aldridge, Buildlng Dept., Town of Vail April 26,1974 Mr. Fred |llbberd H I bberd Construct I on Company | 127 Race Street Denver, Cotorado Dcar Fred: Please lef thls serve as authoriratlon to utll lze a smal I portion 9.f f ?ll green be tt f or park I ng ot construcf lon tra t lers dunl ngthe 1974 bullding season. The area to be utt I lzed ls dlrectly norfh of Gore creek, southof Vlllage Centre and befween the pedes?rian bridge and tho l{lltowRoad Brl dge. Before fhe vlllage centre proJect ls consldered complafe, thearoa wi | | be completaly restor€d to the satlefactisn of the Town Yours tru I y, TOWN OT VA I L Kenf R. Rose, P.E. Town Engi n€6r dt PROJ ECT O!']NE?/D SUBI,'I I TT LV_LUTtrK r 4r qATtr ENTITIES PREL I!\,I IIJARY STAFF REV I.EW MASTER PLAi.I DATE PROCESS ING RTCE IVED DEADT INE---- DATE COMPLETED S IGi.IATURE REI'1ARKS ,-n ' LA!,IDSCAPIl3 4i:fii+ll:' 4nea. cHEcK q'/o'/'/ 4 fug..- -rc tr+'4tv 'A-c'A tA nv, -+r*JltL- 6r2y,"iur2,iu4}'y.2=# 4- tt-7/ ,-Tf4PACT REV !E'v.J .DES IGN CIiECK ENV IRONMENTAL ENV IRONTlENTAL IltlPACT REPORT rfovltt cout..c t .r . . REVIEW r'/-d-P DESTGN REVTEw /- rlF rNAL zoNtNG, REV I LW ZON ING CHECK -{t-axr. coruNl . r-f,U I LD ING DEFT . PLAN CHECK MECH/PLBG. ELECTR ICAL PUBL IC hORKS. F IRE DEPT. DEVELOPIIIIIT ROUTI;IG SLIP PUBL ICAT I ON DATE TYPE HEAR ING DATE FECE.AMOUNT ltoa,t o DATE PA ID REMARKS PiRMIT. BLDG. VAR IANCE COND. USE ENV I R. IMPACT PLAN CHECK RECREAT ION P LUMB I NG MECHAN ICAL ELECTRICAL dcs tq*; vPgie,,,-€fffF*rrnld*Woo*t!oo te l'cl , -;Il:tTNSPECIE'N FIEeUESiT I?*N oF i , it.r,l?, t. ! ornen E pnnnel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTI9N WED 4-.rnUH- -p E orsnppRovED .,'."--\, l..,PtE;sL:FRI .,.--il-AMPM] I}'I APP ROVE D E uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! netNsPtpr I:)' DATE INSPECTOR a -let - qcz z tuz REVIEW FOR Itern A-1 B&C Item A-3 A- B. Iten A-2 Apr11 18, 1974 VILLAGE CENTER - BUILDING C OCCUPANCY, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION AND EXIT REQUIREMENTS - Del-eted from conslderatlon by provldlng non-eom g1u-lams. Wine glass wl1l- be lnsta11ed 1n the approprlate wlndowsas approved by the Building Inspector. Wlndows lnvolved w111 be butt hlnged on the exlt sash by. manufacturer to pnovlde proper clearanee - adJaeent sash w111 operate as manufacturen lntended. Glass as manufactured by PPG in Denver for spec. useover 8000 ms1. Dimenslons do confor"m to 1974 Pe11a Qat. for R.O. slzes. WiIl provlde flashlng: Drip-Cap c- D. Item A-4 - Ladders will be provlded as Inspector. 1127 BACE STFEET T DENVER, COLORADO 80206 I TELEPHONE (303) 355.6400 discussed wlth Bu11d1ng ftem A-5 A - Guardralls wi]1 be lncluded to conform - shop drawlngs w111 be subrnltted to verify. a o III B- D- E- F- Item A-6 A- c- D- E- ltem A-7 -2- A11 handrails will be adjusted to 8-3/4" to bottom ra11 and st1ll maintain 3t-6" 0.A. Stalr rails are supplled by stair manufacturer and complywlth sections 1716 & 3305 (1) including supplementalregs of Bullding Inspector. Has been deleted from use. Guardraj-ls manufactured to conform with UBC & OSHA regs. Handrails in entryways will be provided and wil-l- be ofsimilar section of other speclfied guardrails. W111 comply in this manner 1nclud1ng addttlon of second door on north side of stalr #25 at G.L. exlt. Stalr redesigned to conform to exterior stai-r regs. Glazlng deleted after spess published. Ladder 1n stair #25 from top landlng to roof. Locatlon approved, ladder termlnates at trBllcorr roof hatch in manner approved by Building Inspector. - Refer to door schedule showlng unlt entry doors in compliance 3304-h. rrBtr 1abe1 doors, frames and hard- ware provlde 4.!X protectlon requlred. Item A-9 - 0vena11 conformance to Va1l speclfication and code requirements wlll be made for dry standpipe. Item A-l-0 Item A-B - Has been del-eted. A - Interior .. and will C - Refer to Item A-11 plplng wlth freeze-proof valve wlfl be provlded conform to Vall requlrements for wet standpipes. ltem A-1 . A - As d.iscussed wlth Bul1d1ng Inspector, Statltrol smokegard ion. fire detector (ICBO approved) will be placed as deslgnated by Building Inspeetor. Flre alarm system was deleted by Bul1d1ng Inspeetor. 1127 RACE STREET r DENVER, COLORADO 80206 r TELEPHONE (303) 355-6400 -3- Item A-12 -3,/4'? fur:rlng does not exceeU ,-rrrrr. Furrlng ishorizontal provldlng flre stops. Furrlng and cedar"panellng are non-com as eertlfied by Koppers, Inc.Al-ternate: Std. mat. a111ed dlrectly to non-commasonry surface. Rigid lnsulation 1n roof 1s rrFesco Boardtr whlehis approved by Sectlon J204 slnce roof complleswith Sectlon 3203(e). Tectum II 1s nelther speclfi-ednor w111 be used. Item A-1? - Item A-L4 A - Balcony sofflts will be adequateJ_y waterproofed. B - Screw attachment specified for all sofflts. Item A-15 A - Finebox 1s precast 2-I/2n thlck supported by std. masonry.Will be subrnltted for approvaL of Building Inspector 1fdeslred. B - Flue l-iners are std. slze, glazed and flred clay (f1reclay)flue tiles wlth supportlng masonry aLl in eompllance withChapter l/ of UBC. Iten 4-16 A - Ducting from baths must have been overlooked. Sheet Especl-fles flxtune B whlch provl_des a 50 cfm fan. B - Manufacturen suggests that 20 ft. of vent be consldered as maximum for dryer. Deslgn length of vent w11l not exceedthis maxlmum. Item A-17 A - Slope clearly speclfled as 20 in south areaways wlth nonthareaway to be slnilar. W111 be submltted on dralnage pl_an. B - Roof drains are deleted. Area drains are to be 4t' C.I.pipe connected to CMP storm drains. C - Perimeter dralns are to be perforated CMP connected to CMP storm dral"ns. 1127 RACE STFEET I DENVER, COLORAOO 80206 I TELEPHONE (303) 355-6400 t -4- Item A-18 -C1ar1f1ed by plot plan walkways. Deta1l wlL1 be verlfled Town of Va1l . Item A-19 - REV]EW FOR Item B-1 - Ite$ B-7 - 1I27 Fi,ACE STREET r DENVER, COLORADO 80206 r TELEPHoNE (g'3) 355-64@ havlng been connected to approprl-ate tlme wlth as at COMPLIANCE WITH ENGINEERING REGULATIONS As per detalls a mlnlmum of 4n wl]l be provided between the non-com. g1u-1ams and any flue llner. Separate eircults will be provlded as shown fon exltlightlng lneludlng separate exlt panel . br*rt a.--, LI 17 7 ft-1',*r Tqres 4P.FA *_ ral-o $l€D__ FDF- _ t_tt# tE: _F>l:D4 _4RF\ _ zttrlr_-t?- €E!t t - l*za-1a-gE-= 4f-gt-62 ee-- RIT UAY t 5 1974 SPEC IAL INSPECT ION N OF VAI REPORT It- INSPECTORPROJ ECT TE i LOCAT ION ROVED I CORRECT IONS COI.,ICRETE: ? o u *rrt F.r6- R,eIa,", v\; Atl Flo |\4A SONRY : STEEL: 2'ln, t r dc WttL f,o Rn.Te.r-oo l5 1 Ht$6tt E tzg hnrs Se'zr o t7- Pott'Zd/odt- (gf4,^)c PRFCAST: OTHER: Spocif ADDITIONAL REMARKS: TOWI{ OF t,AIL BUILtrIING PEtrMIT t: I' li Ser ; t'"*nF';t:t, rrr;fu:,t:"',"*i:ffilil:,j^,lnr;l1i:;:;r^1ft ;?r :"';;"":;.;Ii;H:-iJ ;* ^ ***i *# ;:.? i*! ;,:;; 1ouou"\, ------...-t..-/ =---:l' ';;p;,.lTllkrrDcE ... ". ll",*u.r' n"Juo".n"Jl", r^,,, EASEMENTS '"'.:f TOTAL FLOOB AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO VARIANCE EXITS R EO, UNC )V€RED PLAN CHECK APPLICATION ACCEPTEO .1 t". j PERMIT q I IIEREBY ACKNOWLEI GE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION ANI, STATE THA.I THE ABOVE IS CORRBCT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINA{CES AND STATE lstg'+ zo F J DATE OF APPLICATION N€W () ALTERATION () AODITION ( I REPAIR USE OF BUILDING COVERED SO. FT- OF BLDG,OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF STORI ES OFF ST. IOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAIL ADDRESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL FORCED AIR ELEC UNIT I ) LOT BLK FILING 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN 12 3 4 SPECIFIED FIRE SPRINKLERS WET STANDPIPE DESCRIPTION OF WORK ANCY SEPARATION k*;o* L.l TOtryl{ OF BUILElINGi t|A IL PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED APPLICATION ACCEPTEO PLAN CHECK FOVAL Penrtltr # APP R I ITEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY I{ITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE 4' w&,* P,,,t6 94tz tr I W 4r"A ??o trr ?'/{,To p sor z- t tatr pFtuc ee.ry) ua q/ sA '^+'&,t!t! Q * d, flF T il*L' P L*z-* *+E/t onlY T q+-+L # Liio,'" -L o.o8"-o o \z6aa 8 49*ilo | 40d,0. 1'-/,11''? # 6.+ le3 j q L?# Iffi {2" I tlAY 1 11974 Road I'lesi Flu Lil 13 n("i*;)ttFH#fEffS ! rl i\ d I r-;\.--i - z:r.1 ..:-1 rl{!r1 .lrt'-: i .i i u';i..i'i!rr"Jrl ; -:" 1,!.li?l..tii :. _ ,, j:. i l_: r_ i-r: 1,.- t_.: .r; 1C33 South Froutege ll .O. l',or -i-944 V:-il , Ccl,:rado E1157 .i0lt HAPSOH PLACE, COLCFiADCJ SnFiNt;5. CC.'L']:iADC 9r.t!I7 'i i'ii 596-15.71 F]:I,D 'iESTS & CL'r].i.DIESSiVT ST:iE}IGT:I AS?I,i i\.{ETFICDS iNDICi-T;D Contre cicr: D r/1i 5 /-i . i,ocdtiorl o balcony G. T;-cck No.Ticket },lo . \I-OC 1 025 Cu .Yds i :.1-r l\;n Conc. Co. ?i.ne . PLaceo i.- Tine 10'i- 1 . n. 1 t'.- -1 ^,\lL./l- l-\,- IL j Arriveo c:+C -,: D:ie lu'icldee: ,/2 /'7i. Time:1llO .r!,! Curing c 3l-66 OI Damp-ie X?- I<l-ab. &fl l.,ioisr Rccn Ccntent 1o/ c 231-62 Gat,/Lcad - '1nrr r n e:-.o Tcni-.r ' .eCf Siump !'r Wt. of Fresh Conc. PCP . -r, a! "i.J ALf c 143-65 U I.ib-CJ 'Jcl . of Load uJl rr uv,\ \r'aier Ce:nent Railc AinLr:rure: .iEA Gei,/Sack iVate: i.cdeC Q ?lent .job cz/cY Cenenr. Ccntent Coarse AgEreEate iu ! l\sc inr l:rr line Ag-oregaie FCY e. / i,tl PCY q i:.f n--..,-:,\ -\'\t d 1l <',. 1r' DrilLeC Ccres Tests at Davs AEe -r - ^+^ + c.- ^ ^-i -.. --. ir^L r L, ai C vl -i-E.L: -i vnc. \,,tn E,r 1L)i- i)" t?\\!i {w/ ,--.r a r,l 'a rl irori.T 3Ctf . /', /'i |' T-\;-,-* -:^-^ i- ^:-.-.- I - Stri 5 _:< 12 Cyl ;Sseci:er r.'y'i. Lbs,eC qi-r ,/i ..r.! 63 CF i\\reir;:r: iCi lSSl)I a)-.).t) .u'ea Sq. I;ches - Stci C,rl 25.27 1 z,t .;:'l ;,"8./i ::r'/:, i.a ?rriel I n;.d i --.:q S ra l- i r- ;,;l )ln I t*l:.aiaiitis i ti-! / 1i) Slrcar t--.lii i-j ---lli s : :l - Aciuei i'SI C33-6b r; C, C.) i:) le,:'rJ :SI Sr:rc'i:eJ:-a 'la.:+a/l 11r- t:. .r * " :_, /_\ .1^ "1 Sanpl.,=d iiy: .i . 1". r,,e j:.,.* IiigneC 3,-' : '-s-tt lilt 303/ 536-7617 tiELD TiSTS L\ Cill.i?iii5SI",'E S!P.EIIGTH I 1033 Scurh Frontage Road triesi P. O. Bo:< 1944 Vail, CoLorado 81557 ,?O1O HAR3OR PLACE, CO!OFADO SFi]I\iCS, COLQff.ADO gC9.1) ol ^ .t 'i i l4iJi't,Jil0I .. r rl;lJAl'rlitrr,.i!rr,vrrrr:, :: FO:iT Oi ai(:li iCl,:-i5 irliT],1 l,'lETiioDS I llDiCA'ISD Flu. MAY I 1974 C::,'-:,: c'.c r: )-.1i----. Loca i::r. of PcLlr ^ n-a+ -.!^--^F^(/c!; , |: vv: -.:;g'r-, ^'.- '.i^ q 1 q . Jt,t t\JlJ arv, ttti'-l T -'^ nr-.tJcllJ. l,LJ. li;ll-l-{ /-'/| /-^-.^ f-^ i\ -1t. Tine i"{ i:<ad i:: ':O Pil Tickei No , ttt i-5ijZ Cu .'t'Cs.. Piaced _ r . _ Tine hrrr;ed_.-jj_QQ_:4__ Fri'..-' naai-^-- ra- -^*^- ^-r ^*..:vlul9 : l/J 't,l J :!J- l'.u.jl;] cij -iil' e'a_.i-(i.,r_:.i6 . Daie ]"ioLded: 1i?/,-i'-Tirne: 5: r0 pi,lCurin- nF c:.-^laj=r t^*,^&f] lvloist Rccrn-tL:i:6"c 3i-65 r-nn^:^=i: Ta;-^ . :iOa.2/J' , I r'ilrr:n J,*tt \,i,'r c 143-66 i/ol- oi Loaci 7 _cy/Truck of Fresh Conc. PCF__jl{=5__ Ait c 133-63 Coltenl 4. ? % c 231-67. r--l /r ^^4 - v9f//-v!.9 i,\':i€r Cenenl Raii.c Ad:,':Lxiu.,3: A:A Oz/CY Spacs. Cenent Ccnieni Ga1./Seck ivaier A.dded @ Pl.ani ,- iob Srle 10 /Cr l) fr. - rr\!:u i, t Jcl IJPCY SY/C' Coarse l.Egreqate p.rv' 1 t?.+ Fin c lnrrror:.li'c -+,1\:: a i -,-t 5't Driil=: Ccres 1., =t -D! Tasts at Days Age Soe:i:i,e;r l{c. l6C-t 7-7 a-/ D:;e l:sieC 5/q /'7 | Di.:e::s;-cns inches -. Sii 5 x 12 C'rl stc ,S:::i::l l,Vt. L5s, ESSDu'0.1353 CF (/.ca /2 / .\l ,r,'-p r,-. - ?ilF 3:l3l i 1L4.70 lgu-i)t i-;-:e.: Sf , Inches - Sid CyI ?8.27 L5cco t.'-6.roOO li_'J= L/: '.!l I:--.^,,-.. ilr-rrl-'--'-'---:"'"JI Uie:ra l'\\, /1 \ \', lll - Core Verr. Soii.t i-tl:j ItlxlLI tl i-rLJ l--lliil i1LJ .1:;"1:;:n - Aciual ?ii C39-5;l -,'r_, ;: lr':r.-;::-, 11;:q',:i . Pi>l Sl+crr'ir:,1 Sa,no i-e C 3 ,r e,-.1.-,:,a.J a I orsleRnoveo FLUrvlEIINGi.'MECHANIeAL PEF|MIT TOWN OF VAI L 0*&.d+ USE OF BUILDING: cLA$s oF woRK: E[ *rw E noornot E nenaooel E nepeln PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALuAnoN $ //. 51 a |(. oD VALUATION$ 1 REMARKS:REMARKS: t' -\ i\\-'\\ ' -, tt*\ { PERMTTFEE ,,(5nn.f\ N PERMIT FEE il I IJ APPROVED 'l TOT&I,.FEES: $ DATE d t t € G$o , r1 A,]i";; .:" il:;-ij.:iliil .:1 {;i_-;):il li-' .j "' - "' ' ''.1 I es*ffiyffi PiPClIT {II 1]CiJCS.r-T; ;]E:D TiSTS 5 CCIlP?.ISSi'"'E SiilEI:GT!i F.S?M MlTiiODS J iJDiCATiD fin JUtl 4 tg74 slr;3r+r 1C33 South !'rontage Road LIest P.0. tso;< 1944 \,'ai1, CoJ-orado 8l-55 7 4OiO HAFiBOiI i'LAC'. COLLJEALjJ SPHIIiCS, LOLOBALC AO3i7 303/ 536-7647 r\^- l -: ^+,a-_ .Drojeci:c.J-\iil_1 e Cen iocetior oi PoI 2 fireplace hearths. lT:.:ci: Nc. _ 15 Ticket Ifc -V-OC1 045 Cu .YCs . PjaceC ]ob No.lUl-l 1 01-1-( i l-13) Conc. Co. I'loun'r.ain l.iobi.le rR Time lviixed 2: i8 Pl.! i lme Aririeg_2: e2 *i:j_ D=te iuioiied: ,/a/74c 3I-66 Rlrr".'r t i4 \ir+9.|). c t43-66Concrete Tenp.: 5i:F Tirne: 3:?;O Fl.i Curlng of Sampie& f;leatil Mcist Roorn cf iresh Conc . PCI __J2.-25__c t38-63 Air Conient 7 .2 cA c 231*62 ^.t-L-a 1,/ LOeC1,rol. of Lo:d 9 cy/Truck _ \!'eter Ce ner'u P.a iio G3],,'J-CK Water AddeC @ Plani ,. job Sile ^iinix;uie: Ann-Cenent Content i',lj:< Nc .: * Specs . 5* sack Coarse Aggregate ?CY Fine .l- !/ I II \\;-q r,l !]/^1/r _i- \, i \\f c 1,, . si'....'c': r v2:3,/ 1 1..,t :-, Jtl Dri.li:ri Ccr es '-'r;-O* Specinen:.r.lc.1n 1 1 D:re Tasied jDi:iens icn s inches I - StC 6 x 12 Cy-l aQCn/n toa'l /- fiLtrrr.).:-t / v . J.J vw r-., r '€!Ctrt PUi LiSSJ i:ea iq. inches - StC Cyl 23.27 :?^i:i i ---n Tha Tesis at D3 e - iast no. of Speciran t r \'3e iii tlit"i F-:r .^t: r -,:: l:ira f ..*e;sr , v!J3L,(he-:r:Cone I'l \ S oii. f---t l_:i rtix Iil ---il*iL-r C39-ob ii r, :r r. r I i r-r-! 2C+i L,OOTested By:-1 supt. a;rd l"lguniairr_ I.,cblf e1. SaEPled UI: n -r ill:r: Gi*sssu r;ed of nufur ,, *ri' " 1C33 South Frontage Road l,iest P.0, Bo:c 194/r Vai1, Colorado 81557 40.1C HARBOA PLAC:, COLOAADC SPBINGS, COLOAAiOSCg'i7 -r!".! i.:-rir i r:)\:! .,;.l:r'r 503/ 536-764 7 I;:r:lFli (--f ::li:'-:S:TI FIE-l] iiSTS S Carl,iPR:SSI','E SlRillc?ii A"STll I,IETi{ODS il{DiCirTiD C.:riia<:t,tr: Hlbberd COn-struction Co. Di.i-^F, 2 firepl-ace hearths. .t job No. 101-1 Lab. No.101-l-(1;-1E) /-.r-^ f-^ l.{\,r\J t: !v . \J\J. I't iobile Tine lv{ixed Z:58 ptsr ;Tn:ci.: :a,tc _ 1 5 Ticket fio ..tI-001 Q46 Cu Vdc 9l a,-a/Time Ari;e! ]:05-=sll Date i..Iol:ei: 5/i/7t+ c 3l-66 Slump___6r-35_Wt. of Tirne: i:10 PM Curlns of Sampie* li!;r&tl Moist Room Fresh Conc. PCP | )/.)o Air Conten' 7.2 % _c 23r-62 Galrlload - cJ43-66 _ ^ Cl39-63Concrete Telcp. : 5ir"FVol, of Load__9 _cylTruck \\'3ter Cei::enl Ratio . Gal/Sack trVater Added @ Planr- ,. _]ob az/cY (Gal) PCY Site .0?-_r\tscrrLl _ ST'/CY.{Cniix;uie: Al-a- .r"Ij.:< Nc , : Cernent Content Soecs. 5* sack Ccerse Aggregate PCY Desrgn by Fine Aqqreqaie\/utt A.EEr-ee.aG PCY | 't,4 -3,/: 3 /1" -+1 ' -ri n';': Last'no.Speci-san, l{o,ofr.12-64 Dar.e Tested inensions Inches -StC 5x12 vyr peci.men 1,'l't. Lbs,BSSD./0 . 19 63 CP, veight PCF BSSD Aiea $q. Inches -$ld Cyl 2A,27 Tcial Lcad Lbs, iTlpe of | tr.- ^r,, --l"-"'"'-T-: i :r ,-r Shear t!i I I C. ---.n - r.r - -'. nf r..r I l1i I'(-. {_)'! () t \L1 I-rn o /'l ) S cii; EQ ll.::.-..: s * l'ic te :blunlTesteC By: Job supi. and i,lqunt.airtl"loblle truckIt6i p1. UaEPfed bY: t.n -T lJai az.$lgars o effir€ ,r. .! 5 F ll !!)f;:i .:r f *;i:'ii!:'111fl I:r;i::eering Pii,cF.T oi coilcnE?E 1C33 South Front.age Road West P.0. Box 1944 Vail, Colorado 81657 40IOHAFiBOR FI-ACE. CO-.!:aAOl SPRTNL! CC, CirAOt 90317 303/ 596-7547 9ICLD TESTS .& CCIiPRES'IVE STRE}IGTH ASTI,l T'!ETiiCDS INDICATED Ftu JUN 41974 Contre ctcr: Projeci: Locd.:ion of Pour balcony G. Truck No. Job No. Lab. No. 101-1 -EEF-E* | Conc. Co. l"loin Structure_PreCaS', beans caryyi ng € Tinne n iiobil-e Nf ixed 'r' : Ticket l'Io.V-001025 Cu.Yds.Placed .!. Tirne Arrived i:: Deie MolCed:_ 1>1?/.t:.,_Tirne: q:0C AtlCurins of SarnlleEt:ile.Utl Moisl Roon oncrete Tenp.: c 3I-66qzor wr.Slurnp_ rr"rt _of Fresh Conc. PCF 1j7.6 a-Air Conient b. -. ",5--Zlsr-62-- Gal/Load' c I.13 -66 c 138-63 cy/TruckVol . of Load \!'ater Cernent F.atio Air:r::*iure: AIA oz/cY Cement Content iti:x ,'io.: Specs. 5* sack Coarse Aggregate Design by Fine Aggre gaie lVater Added @ Plant - iob S:ie O l\:c a, PCY \irc U SK,/C] \ L4-1r.,PCY ') /.a't ! PCY iD;!l!ed Cores iSpecinen llo. Dete Tesied iDinersicns Inches - Sid 6 xIZ CyI jSpecimen ivi. Lbs,BSSD/o .19 53 CF iWeieht PCF BSSD A:ea Sq. Ii:ches - Sid CyI 28.?7 iT,ria i Ta:i T\<t'"'-" Tests. at - tasi no.of Specruen lio, I ilype of (1) ifracture Diaq.i Shear \tl Cone /?) Veri. S olit ,i--ll*iil I!S-e:.rtlr - Aciuel PSi C39-65 l e ., .:rr=r -'h D6^t.i ?(T (n<:nifi.rd ^:: iv Lr = j,.-r L.a i -v u , : ,)I J:-'cUlIIcq sf C i.,COO i: 3.lll.3ik5 j -r:3 Jis'i i'rl c c,-,r: e:''i tr' i':iIr':r..- :,arl;rs;- _ _ / Tested -!,y: T. '-T. tuieier Re: KOR Enc. cc: Bob Harford, Dick Riddel clv|l ENG|NEER|NG / |.AND suRvEytNG i sromt DRATNAGE Dear Jerry: under rtern B5 of our report, dated April 11, 1974, we noted thatthe floor construction Lonsisting of'J inch'.otrrr"t" over z r/iinch Tectun carried on Glu- larn bEans was in violation of section2516'a unless the Tectun could be proven to be the structuralelenent of the floor deck thereby Llassifying the concrete as"topping". we enclose a letter frorn Riebe and Associates, Inc., distributorsof Tecturn, listing projects for which this naierial-has beenused as the structural- element of the floor deck. Note that spansare not noted. The distributor has also supplied copies of tests of the naterialconducted by_Pittsburgh resting l,aboratory showing test loads anddetrectlon of the specimens to failure. we have nade calculationsbased on thi.s evidence which indicate that the z r/z inch recturn - will -support dead and live loads with a safety factor of 3 L/z to1 and with deflections less than the I/360 spin criteria. we have also analyzed. the i inch concrete mesh reinforced toppingslab and found it to be structurally adequate without reliantbon the structural Tectum. since we have in essence a dual structural floor deck systensupported on Glu-1arn beams which are to have increased iire-resistance by use of fire-retardant treated woods in their manu.facture, we extend our approval to the proposed assembly. RLI MAY 6 S74 May 2,L97 4 Very truly yours, FMSIER E GINGERY, INC. Knud 0. Rasnussen, P.E. frrefur & Erhgery, lnc. c o iv s ULT| lv t; EtvG / ^IEEB s 2840 SOUTH YALLEJO STREET ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 801 10 TELEPHONE 303 761.4860 Mr. Jerry AldrichChief Building Official Town of VailP.O. Box 100 Vai I , Co lorado 816 5 7 11 -Bu Our Job No.452.19 / sTRUcruRAt if TRANSPoRTATToN / WATER & sANtrATtoN 2,ro to!lrr D.lewcrr sl..r, . D.n r.r. coro?ado go22g . ptrcr. 711-692? Apr{t lO, 1974 EAASIEN & CINGET 2840 So. VaILcJo Engl"ewootl, CoIo. 80110 8e; Uses of 1ectua Plank aE s, Stnrctural F].oor $yeten Gertleuen: tsre folloring Le a partlal list of Jobe usrqg teatre planlr ea ef,loor eyetcu whlcb, have all been perforrl.ng satisf,ectorily fron two to s?vGrx ycans. 1. Caprl Motor gotel, V. 84th & Vsl:ley Erry. 1964 2-7/2u lectun rltb appror. e-1/Zu toncretc toppiag. 2. Aepeaalt Ioilge 1n Bagalt, Colo. 1968 - i969 2n tectuo wltb. appmx. 2rr conorete toppr!.!g. ,. Ocorgetown Soae Co. La oeorgetorn, Colo. 1gI1 - lgTzltr lectun w.J-th spptox. 1-1/2x concrete topping. 4. Lovell lerrace Apte., 84tb & Iowell, Eeet&inster 19?J Glean Arm Apts.l 101 Xalley !r., NortbgS_eun 19?5 Oreenbrler Apts., 83ril & Fed.erel, Feetei$ater 19?5 AlL uatng 1-1/2n Iecturo vLth. 1-1/A$ eLaetLzell topp{tg. If re ceo bc of further aesietaace, pleaee rto not beettatc tocall. Ioura tnr\r, AIIqBN & ASSOCIATES. IilC. /il,n Z/444 Dlck Ridilell D!,/cr A.shir.ctsrol Prodsc,.EHIIII PITTSBURGH TESTING LABORATORY 3at^lttax39 lttr, PITTSBURGH, PA aa l xutu^|. liollgTlgra T0 c|ttlLll, lHf lur|.tc ^xo outlltvlt. a|.L ilrolraall tulxtrllg lr tHt cot|ttDtLlta! ?iottiry ot ctrt|.la, alrg at tHoiazartoNtol tut|"tgartor or atattrrxra. coricluatoHa ol llTtacta tror ot iloar9taaooul ltlotta lt ttlttYtD rtxDrtao out wttt.rlx at?iovat. LABORATORY No. ORDER NO. 8F.9689REPORT 6-63 SP TRANSVERSE EENDING ROOF PI"A,NKS. fotr July 25, 1963 TESTS ON TECTUM aO7 nr v. ArNrr No. +ttiii-l DESCRIIrIION: AT: FOR: REPORTED TO: NATIONAL GYPSUM COMPANY RESEARCH CENTER 1650 MILITARY ROAD BUFFALO 17, NEW YORK NATIONAL GYPSUM COMPANY NATIONAL GYPSUM COMPANY 325 DELAWARE AVENUE BUFFALo 2, NEW YORK =t r.n:?r xc-_6c-lIr,,E Four serles of Gold Bond Tectum Roof Deck panels rr,ere cesEed aE the clients research cenler. All measurements and cests lrere wicnessed by pittsburgh Iesting Lab.orat.ory personnel. standard producEion planks were shipped from Ehe tectum planr to the cliencs research center. Test sections r^rere cut from these planks and narked for iden- Eificarion. All test sections were precondirioned for 3 days j,n a TzoF - 537. R.Il. controlled cliurate. sections hrere chen wei,ghed and their Iengths, nidth and thickness l.lere neasured. Some sections were then tested aod others were subjected to further conditioning before being tesEed. -l- '.\-t\ a - t-l "#', o. , .:, .. PITTSBURGH aa a lutua|. tlloffcttof{ to cl-ttxlt, THa ?utt.tc a||o out.alvEa. a|.L aEroRTaall aulltrtto at al|t goia?1ltlt.Tla! tiottt?y ot ct-taitr. at.o ^utt{ottlaitoN?ol ?gll,lc^lrox ot t?arflllatt. coxct-uttoxt oi Elttactr rlor oa itcalo|rtocgt lltorla ta ttaStvtD taxDar|e out witTtSta atttov^!. LAEORATORY No. ORDER No.REPORT \ll sections uere subjecced to a lransverse load test wi[h che load being rpplied ac quarEer points of rhe span. The testing was done in a 10,000 lb. :ap. riehle tesiing machine. A t.esE fixture was used which insured uniform luarcer point loading at various spans. Both Ioad points and supporcs were oade of Zir diameter pipe. The load was applied aE 0.2 inches/ninure. The leflection rras measured sith a 3rr Eravel ames dial and iE r,las caken at the lidspan. AII TecEum secCtons r^rere tesEed with the unfelted side down. lhree different thicknesses of recEum were tesEed on 3 differenE spans, frr rectum on a 36tt span, 2-l!tt on a 42t' span and 3rt TecEum on a 4g,r span. tollowing is the data and tesE results as wiEnessed by picrsburgh resting ,abora tory . :est Series T-A: SecEions precondirioned 3 days TZoF / 53"/"RH, then resred, tests of each thickness. o RY , Or,, a',1 lrL r . o TESTTNG LABORATO atY^a|-tlt{aE tatt PITTSBURGH. PA est & Section No. omina I Thickrre ss ut fron Plank No. Pan vg. Width (In.) vg. Lengrh (In.) vg. Thlckness (In.) recondi!ioned tIc. (Lbs. ) rerlonditioned Density (Lbs. 8.3) T-A-1 2tt N-l 3 6rl 12.0 4r.92 2.02 12,7 2L.6 -2- T-A-2 2" N-2 36rl 1',) i 42.00 z.u+ 12.4 20.8 T.A-3 2" N-3 36" I2.0 42.06 2,04 L2.5 20.9 \ r J J) , - SqFTqrPG-{Ic.5 PTTT5BURGH rE:'IiLg LABoRAToR ' PITTSBURGH' PA. iif *"lrg{fjffftft{ffi*'E:'*E.inli$*i;?iii$fl ;riiAroRyN. ORDER NO. REPORTgo, tesl & Section No' ilonlnal Thickness Cut FroE Plank No' Span Avg. tJidrh (In') Avg. Length (In') Avg. Thickness (ln') PrecondiEioned I'lt' (t'Us'; Preconditioned Densicy (Lbs'/Ft' TES1 RESULTS: LOAD (Lbs.) T-A.4 o lttL-2 T-A-5 a ltt.-z T -A.6 ^ lttz-a N-1 42'.1 12.0 47 .96 L.JL 18. r 3) 2r.62 DEFLECTION (In.) .04 1 .05/.. .085 . 117 .150 1n? .ZLI .253 .292 .328 .373 .4r8 -4- DEFI.ECTION (IN.,) .uJ4 .045 .070 .094 .ll8 .L4t+ . 168 107 .226 .255 .283 .3 r8 ,uutlcttOtl (In. ) n?q .055 .080 1l't. L L' . 14I ,L7? .203 .zJl .275 .310 .347 N-2 421', LZ.V 4l.6t 2.5r l9 .6 23.41 N-3 42" rt n 4l.o) ) q? l8 .3 2 r.89 I I I I II i,i'I 70 r00 150 200 250. - 300 350 400 450 500 550 900 .392 -t.r. *=oPC-l :-- st E. -l Eql3.-l sgl E. ol atA) .o'>lT--art,rlD F!'al nr:E= 'qg-Psr iF at;il* 8=8o' .D ><:r ao o ' 't, n6->..,lsltc;\ r-.'\-tl_ 'l ql=l '-- t No. j ua,r PITTSBURGH TESTING LI\BORATORY Eat lt-taxlD l aal PITTSBURGH' PA. iif *ii,gffi;gii{1{Ui;$},t{iir,i'i'ilii##t""'ffliAroRvNo ORDER NO' REPORT LoAD (Lbs.) 550 700 750 800 850 900 950 t000 1050 DEFLECTION (In. ) .467 .523 .581 .654 .73 r .836 .970 Max. Load 9721t Tension Fai Iur e t{t : ,354 10I .430 .483 .527 .587 .654 .7 45 .853. Max. Load r069# Tens ion Fai lure Max. Load 1017 # Tens !on Fai Iure DEFLECTION (In.) DEFLECTION (In.) , t+35 .48 r .532 .592 .655 '7?',I .824 .952 7*qtr=rpPl-l"'Hq, lo l1 futeqkt z 1tr{/, r =E O @ z st s6-x-.^ o tl I.ll:l I . . .9oFdrClgF?4.8.r:l1o.Fll17 R.ll, forl3 dayg SirG of typicait planl - 2'112" x I2'' x 4d'' . . ,lpto rPPFl€q rF quarFer Polntslale of [oading r !,2"/mirr. Deirricy. l- )lzptl53Zi r.tt. lor' 3 days:'tl Iu69 Ibr roax. I 'I ?'frqs=rlEF-l|rr qr E Itt>< E-{ ( 'l1>< E -l9r lEl -{l -l ,s o oNIEL,e, A' L('.o*o:t I 6 GLa 'lDift\v,?P a dt o-.De- A' (t(D .D I FI>< TD ff]Ytv Dt I.'LL(l't I()N AT MI l)-ql'Afl ( IN(-'ll I ITEMIZATIONS'OF COST FOR: t. Additional Structure required due to additional live load involved. A. Increase in beam size from W14x30 to W18x64; 178.5 r.',r x 34#,/LF difference x $35.74/cwTincluding freight c handling. B. Increase in joist size from L4J4 to 16H8; 2520 LF x S#/LF difference x $36.64/cwr including freight c handling. C. Decrease in spacing of rebar from +4 0 18" o.c. horizontal each face to #4 @ 16" o.c. horizontal each face & #4 @ 16" o.c. vertical inside face to #4 Q L2" o.q. vertical inside face for 115 LF wall; 12L0 LF x .67*/LF x $30.8or/cwT including freight & handling. D. change rebar size in columns from #6 to *7i 1280 LF x .55#/LF difference x $29.25/CwTincluding freight a handling. E. Change rebar size in beams from #5 to #6; 954 LF x .45{-/LF difference x $29.lslcwT including freight & handling. F. Increase amount of concrete in column pads; 7.5 yards x 48.50/yd including additional Iabor, rebar & form material. G. Increased amount of concrete in beamst 5.0 yards x 41.50/yd. including additional labor, rebar & form material . H. 3,/4" washed rock for drainage incl-uded lere and not under additionaL landscaping; 60 yards x $8.l0/Yard. 2. Additional concrete in the deck reguiring additional waterproofing. SHOUI-,D READ - Additional concrete in the deck and, required additional waterProofing. A. concrete depth increase in deck,' 4300 Sf x 2.25" ave-rage increase x $39.0O/yard including additional labor. $ 2,169 .06 4,6L6.64 249.70 205.92 l-26.45 36 3 .75 207 .50 486 .00 $ 8,425.02 r,L49 .72 -2- B. Included in this figure the difference between plaza menbrane waterproofing G $76.20/CSF & 5 ply waterproofing under grass @ $2f8.96/CSEi $142.76/CsE d'ifference (incJ.uding 115 Ll' of cant strip & necessary. counterflasbing) x 43.8 squares (including 8" vertical side I.p).6 ,252.89 $ 7,402.6L 3. Additional Walkways required. Note! Deduct $f950.00 for error in including watkways for heated pool in figure. A. Provided L86.77 center line LF of 9r wide walkway ottrerwise not needed x $2.33/sF. $ 31916.50 4. Additional Architectural lighting required. A. Ttre following fixtures are manufactured . by Presco Lite: 6 - 5959-2s @ 247'25 & 3 - 5959-s e 147'75 L'926'75 B. Labor and material for ground work E fittings l'380.10 $ 3,305.85 Rtt tilAY 13 1974 SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT PROJ ECT AME Vrto aau Ce.rae L INSPECTOR TION IAPPROVED I CORRECTIONS REQUIRED CONCRETE MASONRY: ql A,u t-E E fr Ei- B gv-2,ttt l4o4€ ateALflP a,( €oft,ttt-A E, Eias-r.(lAs e PRECAST: 0THER: Spec i f ADDITIONAL REMARKS: deE 1 C i3 Srrutir I ron taga Load i'ies c P . O. Box 1!)44\.:air, Colora.lc 31657 iOic nAnE0it 9LAcE, coLoitADC spRrNCS. ri)LoiADo licgl7 303,/ 536,7a.i7 Rtt JUil 6 t974 i.):;,i;,rli,'ii aJi r! il ':r I a:iI::I i; il,i ]''ii?r;r)Di il.;D:ci'IeD Iob itir-' ' i.ab. I'1.:. Ilnn'- t^r l-intel, f ireplace htffj m-- f '-'i .'- I )l-,-c-.i 1t f :i:re 101-1-( 19-24) 101-',r J fireplace l;.1 1-7 /\r\.na1r.lv, V -\-,/U t\_,rO I l,ii-i.*rj i:1? Pl.l -{;r_i..'ec 1 225 Fi,',r J.l:e l,lci,jeC:._ 5/-//74 Tin:e:_ 2:00 C'r:!::.E oi Sampi:{i.. Lql. &i--l r-,r'lcisi F.ooin., 1't_i^ *u 3t 66 - Ccncrete Tenp. . 6"rsF "" \ l,r i-,n l, -i.Wi. of Fresh Co;"rc, PCf 1.4j.i _ Alr Conient t.4 9.2_ c !{3-63 c 231-52 Gal,/toa-J -t/ol . o! l.oed q cv,zTrucl< U -IJ U -OJ az/c't Gei,/S:ck I Water LdCed @ Plani . Jcb IJC i,' Cenent Content PCY lna rq,: i.r:r_rro rr -r i.a i'-L L F!netl lrr:rarrala AEEreEa PCY S lr-e 0 iGaii SK,/C' ,l r24r- 3 /-?,'+, ,:,--' :: ra: : t 3a: a -/1ra: I Tesis at Days Age - Last no.oi Specirten ltoc 12-51 iScecinen No. lDii,3r. s :.c:'!s Inches -Std 6x12Cyl (^-: ^i -r-:n ',.1/i T\c l' ra?n,/n loa? -rr!\J\J'J/ l\.'eiEr,: PCF BSSD i.'.-. ' sc irrh;rs - ,S ici cvi 24.2; i:,:,ri lc:i Los . c +,.i /r\ l1'.t,i \L i Dl,r<;. Ccre bar?Ii ,','j: * lJ^ lri -ii^-lo a -". l-r..,'i n- air\J V;r)-rJ-v v^uv,i-.i-\.r: ii './ = r; S cli: J !l 2R'.:4 28 rcg r) ; .l .) .) l d't ?;- S irnlled t,.,- :li e--.- rD/;'1 .J. I'ieief r.LYtrs(L ({i ,..,.-", , - r', q S* lou rAYr ?ET4 1C33 Sculh Front.aga load iies L. P.O. tso:i l(-r44 40i0 HAnSOFi P|-ACE. COLO-|.rADO SPnlNGS, CjL,isa3v ACgi7 +5 .: .: , ++:r r-! !il._-ril*!iJ :.f , e!. ji!!rJrv.'l i:xg:rie;iing 303/ r-36,7547 ;iil iOli I C: ij ? i,.ril :ll:i: ; Ii LD I: STS : C{l 1.,, Pi.iiLlli!-l S f t a :: CT}I ,l5Tl.{ }.1ET:iODS i\r--tlCi IiD job i'ic. i=rc:ect{ vail Vir l*r" c.nt*h, i iec' i;c' 10i-1-( lq-ar) --.-ii:cjeci|Z Vail_ VliLaee Center\ i """' ""' - i- ..t*# iCo;:c.Cc.ilcc:iic,.-- of ?Cur in S:luC:ule Unit J COUnt,erf Ort v,'a11. : --"-' -- "-ijr]&jr-ksl'4r-{&4!:;-q--.-----xt.lineb1dgfootin8,un@rep1acehtf]ne}v1jxed1;iiF]'1 lf;i:cL:-'.c._ 15 T:c<etlio-V-OOI05i Cu.Ycs.Piacec 18 iine-\rriveC .1:ZZF'1': .!::e i',icl.iec:. , q /? fr|l Tii::e: Z : Oo c ^3r-66Concrete.Tenp. : 6J"T SJrr;rrn Wi. oi Fresh Conc. PCF 1\1 .8 C':;ir'; oi Sernplei& .-er. u:-'} l/rcis: Rco:,E-- .rr., Jt:-OO c 143-66 \7^lv(Jl .ci LceC Q cv/T::c'.,, _1 j r flnnia ni 7. ), c! -/ t -'r /J C 231-cZ Galllcad - L, iJ d -OJ \\'siei Ce:i':eni iaiio Gai.zS:ck vVater A.dded t/ P.Lanr , . Job S1:e idnj-xiure: A.EA Oz/CY Cenent Colieni irlL< lio.: Scecs . 52 sacn Coarse Aggregete PCY n,:c inr hrr Fire A 7 / t,rl (cal) ?CY iGaiis7/c'l I -: r: iriit.l.3C UCre Si \-, -Z-rl= lQ-,.:ri -.or- \Tn 11 iiD:le Tesied a/1 :li=ersicrs Inches I -S:d oxt2Cyi (r-rz-'a:n -r.1.if T\e:-3SSD/C.rs53 CF i:: a Sc. Iicnes -Std Cyi ?8.?7 /.6 , 1/ if:iel i-cac i.bs. Tesis . at Age- Last no. of Speciner iio" .42 ^,() ^,4 2p.A:, ,1 '.'- t' . ': ; F-: c+: r.ri-'*"'-'-bil?ei ;6 ! S rii: iljlilL--J ::i::-::-r -=r:'d - 2ii S -:::tiei l,l==:i,ts * llO Visib] e ezre::i oy fail ui.e narks 'l-<!i-5,1 1)-r- m T I'ieier Sanple<i ?,y:1'I.i ei er Sigred 3y: May 9, L974 Diana Toughill Town of VailBuilding Department Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Diana, Enclosed is a break-down of certain expenses forrecreational amenities at village center condomi;iums whichyou reguested. The only error which we found in our originale_stimate of expenses was the additional walkways reguirei.we mistakenly included the additiona]- warkways- required forthe swimrning pool with the additional walkwals req-uired forthe plaza. Thereforer the enclosed cost break-down reflectsa $l'950.00 deduct for the pool walkways. The additionalwal-kways on the plaza were iequired beiause there were nowalkways on the original plan when the same area r,ras to beuncovered parking. . I hope that this is an adequate break-down of theseiteme. Please donrt hesitate to call rne if you have any furtherquestions. Sincerely, \ledrLt" Kurt Wolter Kw/c jl Enclosure 1127 BACE STREET t DENVER, COLORADO 80206 r TELEPHoNE (303) 355-6400 L:e, 1e y'ubmitted for tlc"ic'rll T0l^iN ENV lR0Nl'lINTAt- OF VAIL REV IEII CIII.:CKLIST Project Cwner An enc i ronmenia I in:oact report mus-t be r;ra de 'f or anv act i v ity ivhich ney have anynontrivial ef fect on the environnen.t. Ef f ec'ts inc!ude env i rcnmenta I consecuen- ces of both primarv and seconcerV nature, l'he {ollowing q uest ions shall be used as guicelines to Ceci neca t i ve dec la rat ion or an environrirental impact report. (l write rrunknownrr in ves/no colurnn). l. Could the projccf signif icanf ly change present uses of a re a ? 2. Does the pro.i ect signif icant ly conf lict wi-th applicableplans and the Vail I'laster Plan? Aa_,r/a.,,.,"/. 7.i-.'"/z- / 3. Could the p rojec f af {e ct -lhe use of a recreat iona l areairnportant visual value or p re-empt a s ite with po+enlia al or open space value? 4. Does the p roj ect involve extensive exca vaf ion or f ill? Does the p roject area or the D roj ect site serve as a hab itat, f ood source, nest ing place, crossing, rvinterinc area, sou rce cf wate r, etc. for wildlif e species? Could the p roject signif icantly af f ect rearing areas or habitat of f i sh spec ies ? -/ 3. Are there any rare or endangered plant species in the project /Z - lcca I lescrirtion l,/ill any natura I or ma n -ma de features in ihe p rrj ectare unique, that is, not found in othe r parts of the or State be affected? V'/ ill ihe p roj ect involve construction of facilities 50 percenl-or greater? Wi li the p roj ect involve construcf ion of f acilities geo f og ic haz-ards? l{ill the project involve construction of faci lities subject to ava lanche? , rype of F'roject &-r1., 1 &., ',' ','*,."-,--.( de whe'1-her to make a f answer is unknown, YES \g the project cgn e ra Ift-.-- , or area of I recreation- area which Town, County, on a slope of jn an area of in an area 6. 1. B. t/ a--./' Could the project change ex is t ing features or involve construcf ion in any f lood plain, natural dr.ainage coursq,, or watercourse?,lco w, /14y't-tt44; - b'-'7tafi+,'t r' 14 ls the project, as pa ,t 4\ t turn-"r'r.o;".1, on.1u#'J'ii'{t|'t"Ji t cumulative actions, wh ich a lthough individually small, may as awhole have signif icant environmenta I impact? 1 0. t. a re a ? 4, Could the project change existing features of stream f rontage or greenbe lt areas? 5. h i I I the project remove substantia I amounfs o{ing ground cove r? 6, Cou ld the project resu lt in s ign i f icant change any of the reg ion r s vegetation z JZ u i nc I ud- i n the hyd ro I ogyof fhe area? Could the p roject result in the displacement of commun ity res idents? Could the p roje ct se rve to encourage developmenf of presently un- deve loped areas or intensi fy deve lopment of a lready developed areas? 9. ls there appreei be con t rove rs ia I ab lg opposition to tl_rc project or i.s it likely /s 'Ql*fr*(tt ,o;. ttrhtutu;ffi:TO t-u 20. l'/ill -the p roj ect create new or agg ra va te existing lrealth hazards? YES 21, ldill the project involve the app I icat ion, use or'd isposa I ofpotentia I ly haza rdous materia ls? 22. could +he project generate significant amounts of dust or odor? 23, Cou ld the porject generate s ign i f icant noise? 24' l{ill the projec'l' discharcre signif icani. vo lumes of solid or liquidwastes? 25. could the rpoject resulf in damage to soil capab i lity or loss ofagricultural land? 26. could the project significanfly affect the potentlal use, extrac-tion, or conservat ion of a natura I resource? 21 . could project alter local traff ic patterns or ca use a signif i-cant increase in traf f ic vo I ume or transit service needs? 28, Add i t iona I rema rks : NO r' -r/ -/ -/ TOWI{ OF EIL'ILEIIIVG! vA rt PEFIMIT o CHECK |'\\ 74 %usffiIhts4538.82. LED(E THAT I HAVE READ TIIIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE PUB WKS.......--...... zo F TYPE OF OCCUPANCY ,o""o"r/, , ^^- (Zu></,e-. " Co DATE OF APPLICA NEWD(ALTERATION(} ADOITION REPAIR( } t,SE OF SUILDING SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL AIR ( } ELEC ( }UNIT() EXT. WALIS -)7lt< r. rypE oF coNsrnucrroN r rrat6 rv u@ 2. occuPANcY GRouP A B c D e r $r.r Df vlsf oN 1? a 1 SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS DRY STANDPIPE RAL DESCAIPTION OF WOR AREA SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA tr '\e n AnEA naato EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR o ln'olin *itq IHiit hox 100' vail, colorado tl1 6 57 l3c3) 47G's613 l4ay 9, 1974 office of the town manager HAND DELIVERED TO MR. KURT WOLTER I'lr. Fred Hi bberd c/o Village Center Concjsrn'i niums Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Design Rev'i ew Board Approval - Apri'l 18' 1974 Phase 3 - Viliage Center Condoirjniuns ng Plan -- Dear Mr. tlibberd: This letter rvill confirm the act'ion taken at the Design Revieu Board meeting on April 18. 1974, at which you t{ere present. The Board had previcusly approved your plans for Phase 3 on December 13' ibiS, subject to ceriaii cbirOitioni regirding landscapilq_gnd the park/ ;i;;; d;;;;n tpi"ii" reier to letter ditea Jinuarv 31: 1974' copv of whlch is attached hereto). At the rneeting on Apri i 18th, the Board reviewed your design plans' .i ncluding the"landsbaping plan, which provides for 831/ grass to be planted on the ricf of itie pait<inS'structure, wjth a soil depth of .8 inches' except nouncled ur"ur *i''*"6 trees and shrubs wjll be locaied. The Town Counljt, .in t1eir approval of your parl<ing variance,.had required llgl Vou prouia* at least'75% grass". Thb Soard deterntined that all conditions' is stut'",t in the January 31st letter, had been met. However' there was a-queition regarding tfri neisnt of the-'large trees.to. be planted' and it wai suggesteci that i size of 12 to 20 feet in height be stated as a conditl6n in approval of the landscaping p1an. The Board, ther.efo-r-e, unan'irnously votecl to approve the.park/plaza and ilnOl.uping p'lans, ai sub'itted, subiect to the condition that the iairOsca'pind'pian le arrended to shot, tl'le "F"'ident'ification of trees as being i2 to iO feet in height, rather than 5 to B feet' r -l 6q t l{r. Fred Hibberd -2-May 9, 1974 A suggestion was also made, to which you agreed, that you provideall "tall" lighting fixtures, because of the maintenance problem associated with smaller fixtures duri ng the winter. However, this was merely a suggestion and not a condition of approval . I trust this information is sufficient for your needs. If you have any questions, please contact me. Si ncere'ly, DESIGN REVIEl.l BOARD Yfudt*"'rv y?waua- Nadine M. llonaco, Secretary /rnm cc: Design Review Board members Terrell J. Minger, Town Manager Gene A. Smith, Town Attorney Building Department Irril box I O0 vail, colorado Br 652 303.47G.s613 Januarry 3I, Ig74 Dear Mr. Hibberd: This letter wiil confirm the action taken at the Des.ign Review Boardnreeting on December 13, 1973, at whi;h you l{ere present. The Roard vcted to,approve your plans (dated Deceriiber 13, 1973),subject to uie fo'llowins .oi,aitiini,- iii-;;^;";;;;;'trii, rr"planted'uo de-ennhasize the nqigrrt-of ihe tattesi,''e*istinq uuirding;(2) thai; evergreens be planteJ iuu"'ih. property r.ine on the north-easi co.ner; i3) that the i.rest ena'oy'tnb sbrviie arive tre heavilyscreened, be',^med, and planted; and (c) approval ot ilre-pirk an.r/orplaza design is contingent upon unoit,er i.bvi"* oi il ""plrr, anci,/orplaza design, subjccr; to an.igreement-re parking being teachedbetrieerr lribberd, Tovrn councii -ano Ftanning commission. In accorcr-ance with the zoninq o'.irrance, section i5.qoo, a rinisciping p'lanmust be s'rbrn j tted t:!..f uu]:y ano ,approvai uv-ir,u-nuris^"R5ri erv Boarcr,shor'ting in detail (size, typc and ibcation) your pians to conrplyrvith the above la:,,:dsceping-ionJiiionil' I have enclosecJ a cg?y of the minutcs of the meeting for yourrecords and .inforntation. Sincerely, OESIGII RTViEI,J BOARD 'flamarrrr: -r4"r,// zu&rU.,bZC 1.1r. Fred Hi iberd e,/o Vi 1 la3e Center Condo:riiniumsvail, Coloraclo g1657 Re:Plrase 3_- Village Center Condominiums !sr'e!- jgYls!-&d-d-lpp@-pL3- Nad ine for lii l 14. llonacc, Secretary, I i.rm J. Ruoff , Chaiiinen /nnrn cc: Terrel I J. I',li ngcr, Tor.;n l,lanager. Jarnes F. Lanront, Adrninish^ative Assista:tDiana Tcugiri 1l , Zoniirg Adm jn jstrator 'tazLrru-aJ box 100 vail, colorado sr657 303.476.5613 Jrrnudfj 31 ,7974 Da.Phase 3 l4r. Fred Hi bberd c/o Vi 11a3e Center Condominiums Vai i, Colorado 81657 Phase 3 - Village Center Condominiumsqesj-g!__8!v_te! loard ApprovaI _ DecenbApproval - Decentber Dear Mr. Hibberd: This letter vrilr confirm the action taken at the Design Review Boardmeeting cn December 13, 1973, at whjch you were present. The Board voted to approve your.plans (dated December 13, 1973),subject to the following coiraitibns: il) that large trees-neplernted io de-enrohasize the heighi or in6 tii:iesi,"exi;;i;g buirding;(2).that evergreens ne pranteJ iuur-ihJ property rine on the north-easi coiner; (3) that tiie west ena UV itrb sbrvile drive be heavilyscreeneci, be;^med, and planted; and (4) approva.l of-tf.,e-pi"k and/orplaza design'is contjngent upon jno'h6r i^bview ot ilre-plrk and/orplaza design, subject io an.igreerent-re parking being'reicheAbetl.ieen tiibberd, Tovrn councir-and plinnini commission. : in-accorct-ance with the zoning ordinance, section ts.q00, i-rinar.ip.ing planmust be subrnitted fo. review una ipprouul by the o.iigr-R!riew Board,rlgyl'lg in detait (size, type and ibcitton)"yori piiri to-ionrpiywith the above landscaping- ionOitioni. - I have enclosed a copy of the minutes of the meeting for yourrecords and inforniation. Si ncerel y, DESIGTI REVIEl,l BOARD Y&eruVz %'aoatq .-fu,, a r) r, 4,t Nadine 14. llonacc, secruft"f, ,r'' {i44 ^94#(/1//24HaL)for l,lilliam J. Ruoff, Chairman la / /nmrn cc; Terrel I J. 14 inger , Tov;n Manager James F, Lamont, Adininistrative Assistart Diarra Toughi l1 , Zon.iirg Adnrini strator RIGULAR i"lEtTING '/ DECEMBER 13, I973 A regu'l ar neeting of ihe Design Revier,r Board rias convened at. 3:00 P.l',l. 'inmediately fo'l lov;ing tire adjoui^nrnent of the Pianning Contmission, in the Conference Room of rhe Toylr of Vail Municipai Building. The following members l.rere present: }lilliam J. Ruoff, Chairman l^li'l Iiam Hanlon Lou Parker Gordon Pi erce Jen l.lri ght Also present was: James F. Lamont, Administratjve Assistant The Vail Factory presented an app)ication for a sign for the VAIL 21 BUILDING on the VAIL 2i CUBE. The sjgn is for jdentifjcation of the Vail 21 Building only, and vrill not include the djrectory as previously proposed. After revievr, upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unan'imously voted to approve the sign as submitted. The Board reviewed the further information submitted re the HUEBINGER GARAGE plans. As proposed, the Board felt the plans for the garage were too massive and not in keepirrg lvith lhe character of the overall aesthetics of ihe adjacent building. They suggested the use of a gabled roof and that ihe "peCestrian" door be pui arounri the.corner '. facing the house. 'Upon moiion duly made and seconded, it was unani- mous'ly voted to approve the p1ans, contingent upon Mr. Huebinger's agreement to make the changes as suggested. Mr. Fred'0tto of Vajl Associates presented plans for the Vail AssociatesLift No.8 - Counter l,leight L.ift Cover. The Board reviewed the p1ans, and upon motion duly made and seconded, it'rias unanimously voted to approve the plans as submjtted. Mr. Fred Hibberd presented his final plans for PIIASE 3 of VILLAGE CENTER C0ND0I,1INIUMS. 1"1r, Hibberd al so presented a massing model of the bui'ldings. The massing model shor.red access to the s'i te from the Viliage entrance road, as recornmended by tidon Beck- The design approval of the buildings and site vrjll influence the access pl.an; however, the access should be from the VjlIage errtrance road only. After revielr'irrg the pl ans, and subject to an agreernent being reached between llibberd, Totar Council and Planning Commission regarding parking spaces and dedication of a park/plaza area, the Board, upon motion duly made and seconded, unaninrously voted to approve the plans (dated Decenber i3, 1973), as submitted, subject to the fo'l lowing conditions: (1) that large trees be planted to de-emphasize the height of the tallest, existing building; (2) that evergreens be planted near the property iine on the northeast corner; (3) that the west end by the service drive be heaviiy screened, bermed and planted; and (4) approval of the park and/or plaza design, subiect to an agree- ment re parking being reaciied betvreen llibberd, Totvn CounciI and Planning Corrunission. A landscap.i ng plan should be submitted to the Board for review and approval, shorv'i ng detailed plans to comply with the above landscaping condi tions. As there was no further busjness to come before f.he meeting, the meetjng adjourned at 5:00 P.14. ;,0 'l !lj 5o'-'ih i-:'o::;a;: ioai liest -? .0 - L';z I91- \iai i., Ccic: zia 3]-657 4010 rAiBOir FL.AC!, CCI-OnADO g'',rrl''jCS, COLO;rADO 6agi'.r 3!:,r 595-t6;7 3:,::: i:CT jja[,1iaiii; a;:!]i TESIS S CiC:'",:Li-cSI"; ASTI'i },1!T;-ICDS I i.:D:CAT:.D 'i[ MAY 5 01974 i inrt-.:rr'^-. .lji L,har,: ^nqcrn*a*{ ^- a^ i itv-,:---uv!Jr- I:I u\JEl Lu v\lltD i.,-! u\, t,_l_ull vu. I t i --_.-.---.-----"..:l-roc::icn oi Pour i" iH} -... ; .Ene -vaJ_r v.'' !,aFe uenlcE..'l;o. lto. 101:1-(2t-;C) . _ Conc. Co. l.loun-r-ain i.iobire i-.:-oc::icnoiPour!nSi;.uc:ureit'erthanoEas"wa]-]-ofboi froon to vlest Eide oi easffi G1 & G2. Tine .lr:ixei _i 229 F':i lf:-ucl'r:'io- - 1? _Ticket I;c. ji-OOUlEOCu-Yis-?lecec 45 Tine .i.-rv:i 1z4A '-l lare l,iclde* _5/:O/14 - . -- Time:-lilllJ'iCuring of Sa;r,cie4 c 3l-56 \- -1 j-3 Ll . '=jt I I I4ci.si Rccn c 143-66 -iVr. o: F;esa Conc. PCF I41 . ti .l.ir Conieni 1,..0 ?'5 c 138-53 C 23i-e? r:cr- oi ]-o:d [i c'i/Truck Gal./Loec - '.'iBlei Ce;r,e::i Raiic .1d t-: i:^':' ir:. !.gf llaiz'Sa ck -17e:er .:.icad @ ?irr: Ce:rieni uLj;l > = Conta;rt AggreEate Fine AgEreEaie : / ),ll icb \'--3i/i)i". - za Desiee l_* ?a'! PCY ^) i'l :- Ccres i\o- i-i l.,t .: ;' ::.r......^-ilr _ ):.i:,:i -:!i 3:- j_-j; - :;i o :<).2 C"r\ - i' ^-ai . tj) - ril- v r: 'r :.3r.i U i)l Days Age T -a* qn -rCaD U -.il'.of ,iir:e c i r:en i! c ii:ee S,r. I ric;:e s ii ji 1l 1-.Ui': I a'-,LU 6cc i c0ico I T.:::ed i';' :|:-:'?.'.:J_i:' : __=-._r.__-*i_:-::':- t _.___ dHe 1fi'1 i So'r:h F:-oni;r<..- P,oaC I'esi: '!) .l n^- r Q/,./ Ya1 L ! l-O r0:i.:to cl-oJ ./ 4iJlO:-lAil3Of, PI AC5. COLCRAD,-J S?ii:tC:. Ca)'.O3\DO Aag.lY. 30.j/ 536-;d+7 ..r.r'-tM,.,tt!.'r.j:l,ll I tl a fl,1 .'.s'l:,1 ).1-i::r.i_rts i ;ifIC:rT!D RU JUt{ 131974 T-k a:^ tAt).)-J,tJ. lut-l The Vail Vi e Center--r{qryr*'i;n*+i,r... I flnn,_ fln },inrrrr rri zr }fntri] aL':c.:::rc:?ouiin'S:.-uciu;:iiorthandIasi't,yal]-ofboi roon to uest side of eas@ G] & G2. Tiine i.ii:<;d -l :?9 Pi'l T:r::< .\.1o. 1? Ticke;: itc._ ti-OClOEOCu.Yis.Placed +5 Tin= -ir:it-:t_ 'l :,!Q Ptj l!1-i Daie l,iclCed:,/1o/74 Tiine: 2:15 PMCuricc cI Sanr].e16l !Jsr Jl I31-66',-l;1c:;t Rccin C 31-5b J+ lt a.Slun-o o: F:esh Conc. PCF 1rr-i.!! Air Corieni ,l:-.O )i c 138-63 C 23i.-6? Loai 6 c f/Truc< c i43-66 Vol- oi i ", ;a -:e i Ce ineni P.a iio Gal,/i:,:1,:iYarer .4djed rQ Piar.; - ici; l'-i 3 |, Cenani Contcnt l- '\r r '"tk,,,c -riiiit Coersa AggreEate AgEregaieFine .-.-,tt^-r a-^-^- is!:.lr=r !J'Jl s 5 i.. :1 i-O: - Sid d x 12 Clrl iSrecinen i'io. ,D::,ers ions inches ?asts at Days Age' - Last no,ci J rrectnen lir l-i .i iI aa) | (2) Coi'i.l i?:ti]JF Itl 'S;ec:.ii-.er Wi. I,es . -SSD/O,!-o63 Ci ri\'erghi ?CF SSSD i-:-:'er i; , ir;les - Std Cyi ZA ,?7 r?:tei i.cic Los , E i,:;l r t-: 1 - 55AA i 80500 t'J' t'lere"S i'13:13r-! 1;r; box toq . vail, colo!ado erssT . ,03!4r6.sati January 31, 1974 Itr. FreC Hi blerd c/o Vi I lage Center CondcminiunsVaiI, Col-rado 81657 Re: Pha:e 3 - Vi'llage center CondoniniumsDetilin Re,/ier/ Bcard Approval - occcmber 13, 1973 Dear l4r. lllbberd: This letter will confirm the action taken at the Des.ign Revlew Boardmeeiing on Decenber 13, 1973, at ?hich you ,,o"e pre.eit. - - ]h:.9:?ri voted-ic.approve ycur ptans (dated Deccnber 13, 1973),sr)Je:t !O tlte tollo\ring cOnditionS: (l) thdt larqa trceg br-. 9.ii,'::1^t9 de-c:noha._j?e rh! trcighr of. the taltest, existing building;(li_ lr.ri, eyerErge!^,s b? pltnted near the property line On the nOrrn-east correr; (3) thit ure Hest end by.th; slrviie a"i"e te ieJvttyscr...r,.:.t,.Lrjnncd, ar.d f,ldr.tr.di ard (4) upprov,rl ol .e fra.k ardlo;pl.za d!5i;n is conEinc4nt upon anOth€r revie../ Of the plrk and/orpl3?d cesr!nr su:Jec'. ro Jn dgreeitcnt re parling being reachedbeirrcen ttibbcrd, io/rn Counci'l and llonning Conuni:sion] in-oiioro_ance rith the rcnlng ordin3nce, Sectjon 14,400, a lanOscapinq o.lanFU3t-be subnitted for revier! and.rpprova.l Oy tfie Oesign-Riviiw'Board,.sri./in9 in. cetait (size. rype and.lbcation)'yo"i piini to-ioiifl 'rith the alove landscaping condrElons. I hrve enclosed a copy of the Dlnutes of the meeting for yourrecords and inforflation. Slncere'ly I DESIG|I RIVIEll SOIRD Nadine i'4. ,ionaco. Secr€tary.fcr Uillian J. Ruoff, Chaiinan /om cc: Terrell J. llinqer, Town llanagerJ.fles F. 1.ft06!, idi.inisrrntive Asslstrnt Diana Tolrghill, Zoning Adr0lnlstrator I llith regard to the siga application for the VAIL 21 [UBE, the Boardfelt there was insufficient renson to grant a vaiiancei therefo:e; upon nption duly nade and seconded, it uas unaninously voted to dcny the rcqucst for a v.triance. The Vail F.lctory resubmittod the !rcrdin! for the sign for AlFlt PACKTR'S tllLl) tl0ui{TllN lNN. lnstcad of "Southsidc of $ ildinq", the-v prop,Jscd to use "Arou[d 0,rck". Upon nutio0 duly nudr drrl sccorded, it t{Js un,rni- mously votc! to approve the plans for tho sigr, including new hording. l.lr, Fr.d llibbc^rd prescrted prcli in.rl.y llins for FhJse 3 of fll.LAGE CTNTER C0ll00l.ll N I UjlS for reviev/. Diana Tou!hi ll has given prel ininary zoning approval. There tlas discussion of color of buildings, and in particular, color used on the second h!ildirlg. lir- llibberd stdted that in order for thc buildings not to appccr as the same proiect, differ€nt colors vere used. The golor used on thc second building had been approved, Building C will probably be white. The plans provide for luch lower level lighting once the project is conpleted. All phnses should bc colpl ctcd ncxt yc.rr. llr. Gordon fiercc nskcd if lh, {ibberd had acquired thc npprov,rl of the 0rastcr planners o|r hig access to the property. l'lr. Hibberd replied that he had. There $ill be loNer level garage and upper level parking, nith 2l exposed spaces out of ll5. This proJect ls scheduled for final revieN on November 29, 1973. As there.nas no further business to come before the meeting, the lteeting adjourned at 5r30 P. . it-aEffi- /mm APPRO\/Et}: ffi O, r\+\r t l\ra*an e Bzc"t- t-,.1t cn"rt IZ-ost I ?o*,'^.1 €"Itr.t c-TDRE Fo* ur(.s A<,la q.:E,t{TEP- (t') 3? goe- Poertrtl vtlaolAr*cE (5r; P.e1tr r'r qErrtH E?AG'E dP) orritc'1 r.eslqr- -* (z) IGF c.A r- PAn'Fr i1 t"rti AncE (q ) 61auc'1'r*rD Pt- A3l (b) =-tt*,tr{aa C''ttrwrcte'lA t- rvr rr.rb o\tT aBFTfo (e > oietal AG<'f '16 $uaR-rnl11 oelJi:rr: eeirarn (q) PNL|.I5 3TFr',€fuHr;' (b)sT6EFnF Fi3f (g\ L-5rrc$QrP ! D=aic,tn Tc,a.tsrlr'ae. s\o'o PAe,&rrrq lraq1mnc€(3) (\o (a) (tr ) (cr) r\o (q) (b) cc)>g-942 (rrrLTAa€ ?rrl4Nq olc-tr1 P'oot* pAe,larnq Ure'rivr<'g nD gLrcT AC,,E PABI.Jn1.- 6wrrr-r-.Ua @J€pPh^E rI g>i o?E*)i ncr-pslcnn,a-f:T?:n *:E ff;?"if e I fnovr.r -rvnrYltl,f-l al- .^-z:rT 1! ' tFrgcEf.:;(b) ia €4anEcaL. prcnt*'al Rtfi:::::'*'[ trr c-r*'-- e-r:r.r r-rD €,rnr:uar PaBltst.,'a:F Pon{'lY\q Tt dffdJrtffcE t