HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT L K KIANDRA TALISMAN AKA SONNENALP AUSTRIA HAUS 1972 TO 1979 LEGALT0l|,l{ 0F l,A tL EIIJILEIING PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR ABEA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVEBEO PLAN CH 2o F a TYPE OF OCCUPANCY EXITS REO. JOE N^ME I,/)/( DATE OF APPLICATION CLASS OF WOR NEW I) ALTERATION F'] ADDITION REPAIR I ) USE OF BUI LDI NG COVEREO HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MAI L ADDRESS NO. OF STOR I ES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAI L ADDRESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL WATER{ } FORCEDAIR( } EL€C( 'UNITII 1. TYPE OFCONSTRUCTTON r I r rV@ | HB 2. occuPANcY GRouP a B c D e@c n r .r Df vfsroN 1(2)3 4 BUILOING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FI RE SPRINKLERS ORY STANDPIPE COMB. STANDPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSUNE ENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORI(AREA SEPABATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION penurr # \ ,-tlI HEREBY AcKNoWLEDGE rHAT I HAVE^rX ^t\.t'READ THrs AppLIcATIoN AND srATE THAT THEV , ,'rt- '^'). ABovE rs coRBr'cr, AND AGREE ro ."r""" \ \Y. f 4(l J rrH-*brr6(N,%RDTNANcEs AND srArE X J^', -{CES AND STATE 6 "nl,c coNg.RucrroN. Ku ATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR sa K s +.= aul z J z o-(} ot! az o F o Q z = o F z Et t"i:;x-'<C,r(.J .a I -. Y z I Ipr 1r;tslY?:-.he=" nOYrrz<22<az6zzA) Y * t4 lFFOtr o14zxFFi:tAv:<() <r,,^JO Fr{cO> - r<oi-!.a=<tr<ts:,1 o z a F o z sE F UJ <{ J ul cc F - F F UJ cc E E aF F z ur u,l UJ L ,: =ff.-r' O a o z -oj f 0 lLo =, =eF q / NO tl-Vn'lVA v z tr E ut z. Clr :- tsr > 't! N =gz o9 z Fqq 9o;> -z >o -LCf].IHJUV a I rNsPEcr]ru TowN'oF FlEEUESiT VAIL E orsrn MON GOMMENTS: TUE flpenrrau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION .l ..- a ff-'.1) ElhppRovED I uporu rse CORRECTIONS ! otseppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTlONS: f| nerNsPEcr .INSPECTOR rNsiPEcloN TOWN OF I\' i': r:\ HEEUEsiT VAIL JOB NAME AM PM CALLER E ornen I pennal LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION FRI AM PM B'AppRovED fJorsaeeRovED I nerNSPEcr E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE Townof Vail ELESIBICAL PMT{IT /6 N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 336 g.. J-0........ I t -. APPR'VALS $ r /&en^ ,. Jxat)... t-/ Clrt t BulldlDt Oftlctll o^r"p*a....11:-/.5..:.2.k................... fr7u/ THIS FORilI I3 TO BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURTITG CONSTRUCTION 24 HOIJRS N)VANCE NONCE REQTJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS \ rHE c, r. nDllrrr !!., I L luun n box roo o vail, colorado 8t6sz e 303.476-5G13 November 11, 7976 Ichiban At Vail Ernie Kajita, Manager P.O. Box 27Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Ernie, Per our preinspection on November 11 , L976 the followj-ng flre code and safety violations were found: 1. BOILER ROO${, BOILER ROO}.{ AREA A. The bo11er room is not to be used as a storage room of any kind. A11 unnecessary storage must be removed immediately. I rv11l exempt one set of shelves on the far east wal1 for extra storage of dishes on1y, providing 'lhat this violation does not occur again. Proper lighting and fixtures are needed in the boiler room. The 55 gallon barrel must be removed from in front of the fresh air intake. A11 holes and cutouts i.n the celling and wa11 area must be replaced with 5/8 inch sheet rock and taped. The interior drain pipe into this boiler room should be removed ilnl Irfi BAR AND LOUNGE AREA A. A11 extensioq cords must B. A11 CO2 cylinders must be C. It is suggested that openbar and restaurant area. OFFICE AND SLEEPING ARBAS B. c. D. 2. A. Remove all old and exposed rviring, so on. be replaced with permanent wirlng. chained or secured prooerly . tvoe candles not be used in the extension cords and 3. \a 4. B. c. B. c. D. E. Install two smolie-guard type uL. approved smoke detectorsln the sleeping areas. ft rvill required that there rvil1 not be more than twopersons per room. KITCHEN AND STORAGE AREAS A. A11 exitways leading into and out of kitchen area must bekept clear (36-44" width). No storage will be permitted in the d.elivery Al1 trash witl be removed nightly and placed bags. receivi-ng area. in plastic F. Relocate hood pu11-box. Install two ten-pound BCkitchen area. Repair or delete exhaustthe kitchen. type fire extinguishers in vent that is above the ceiline in G. Have a quarified engineer evaluate, inspect and report onthe present hood design and exhaust requirements. H. Have hood -and duct system cleaned and treated immediatelyand have done every six monthes thereafter. rt will be required that Jim olsen and myself make a reinspection,Ernie, of the rchiban prior to you opening for the wi.nter season.'Please advise if you have any questions regarding the above inspec-tion and ask that you take a special interest in the fire andsafety requi-rements of the Iehiban Restaurant. Sincerely, IIichael llt. CarlisleChief of Vail Fire Protection District M$'Cl jb cc: Jim OlsenBilI PierceJack Lambert Diana ToughiIly' T0tYl{ 0F ltA tL BUILEIING PEFIMIT TYPE OF OCCUPANCY EXITS REO. DArE oF APPLfcArroN O a7 ZSrt MAfLAoDREss fe z-z xo L NEW{} ALTERATIONX) AOOITION( I REPAIR(} t sE oF BUf Lof NG D rtt ,e-l( t fu e- SO. FT, OF BLDG.OFF ST. PARKING MAIL ADDRESS OFF ST, LOADING cfTY ,/ *tL NO. OF LIVING UNITS ) ELEC( } UNIT 1. TypE oF coNsrRucrroN I n rr rv6rsnL/ 2. occuPANcY GRouP A B c D e r e@r r DtvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS WET STANDPIPE DRY STANDPIPE ERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : MO D,EL . DECT) AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPAFATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED THAT I HAVE STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGBEE TO COMPLY WITH AtrL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LA)6 RtGARDINC BtnLDr,ye 94rtsrrR UCTIoN. SIGNATURE OF\fWNER/k,ag,reM p*JnirL/77 TOWl{ OF BlJlLElil\rct l'A IL PEFIMIT I PERMIT # IIAVE ATE THAT THE tt*ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY } wlrH ALL TowN 'RDTNANCES AND "roroF ad 3 LAws RE.ARDING BUTLDTNG coNsrRUCT,oN. d J' e 4 ' a,4 zo l- 5 DATE OF APPLICATION MAIL ADDRESS NEWII ALTERATION ADDITION I I REPAI USE OF BUILDI SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MAIL ADDRESS NO. OF STORIES OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL WATER( I FORCEDAIR( } ELEC( }UNIT( I BLK.5T FI LING 1. TypE oF coNsrnucrroN I rr rrr@v rHR 2. occuPANcY GBouP A B c D e r @r .r DrvrstoN 1234 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FI RE SPRINKLERS WET STANDPIPE ELECTRICAL ERAL DESCBIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPAFATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVEREO OATE SIGNA?URE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR F O F2 a z o p tr z 9HIEl<Fgky!,r2t-l._<Prg < :. P z r.FT'<9-<!t.-:iit;!i - F^OY,'r4>.<ea =<ozqAzz.A);9<E5lF!.Ol0o<b<of,rzz hFEiE;<o <93si3- i .. < co>-o<oi't'] tr=<tr<':"1 cc J Y I z J z -i ul o Cc uJ z F o l! z sE z uJ =uJ !J F ul J llJ F J) F F IJJ CI t! F E a ! 5t- =r=ul0.lreO =,2 =ql- rr--f o NOttvntvA UJz c = z tr a Es >6rca .\ lL (l '.. uJ 2r.l 9 z tr!a= Ftc9tt-> -z:< >oFO -t.i PLUMEIING/MECHANTCAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL E nppnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ OF BUILDING: oF woRK: n ruew E eoornoru E neruooel E nepnrn RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE ! orsneenoveo DATE o PLU METINGi / M ECHAN ICAL TOWN OF VAIL o PEFIMIT PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION S REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE E nppnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ DATEE orsnppnoveo il rNseeclftru TOWN O FIEOUEsiT VAILln I J, DATE TIME CALLER E ornen fl paRrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: FRITUE AM.PM jJaeeRovED I otsnppRovED E nrrNsPEcr 'EI UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORHECTIONS: CORRECTIONS . .-' rl.,'". '*a' ' * 1', '- INSPECTOR i /, i tffiCBower,. appricant January 9, 1976 Grassie: This is a request for a three-way Hotel and Restaurant license for the Tal isman Lodge. Mclaughlin: There is another license in the Talisman Lodge, the lchiban. They have discussed the possibility of Ichiban doing their conventions but it's not economically feasible for Ichiban. And that's the reason for this application. The convention room now is in the Tal isman Lodge. Actually the license is to cover all of the Talisman Lodge with the exception of Ichiban. l.lhat it is for is for conventions, room service, and things of this nature. I noticed in your five day thing you set forth about the seats and so on. Actually, that's something that is out of the building department with Diana. They have agreed r.ri th her to not - thatif the license is granted they will not put in any formal seating or anything of that. nature. Here's a copy of that letter. (Question from tovrn attorney - inaudible) I'll have him testify to that. So, whenever you're ready, I can proceed. Grassie: l{e have received the fees and reviclcd thc applicaticn. McLaughlin: Rosie, can you swear the two of them in, please? ,leffrey: (Gives oath ). McLauqhiin: llil1 you state your fulI name, please? Bower: l,li I l iam Burton Bower. Mclauqhlin: . l.lhat is your occupation? Bower: I'm the managing partner of the Kiandra-Tai isman Lodge. Mclaughlin: Are you the applicant for the liquor license? Bower: Yes I am. Mclaughlin: Is the premises rented at the present timel Bower: The premises are leased from Richmond Associates, a Colorado EEnE-ral parthership. Mclaughlin: And under that lease do you have right to possession of the premi ses? Eower: Yes I do. McLaughlin: Can you descrjbe to the board what part of the Talisman Lodge you are intending to cover by this license. Boler: i am intending to cover that part of the Talisman Lodge not presently occupied under the lc.hiban's liquor license. Mclaughlin: Can you tell me did you discuss the possibiiity with lchiban' iilEiTng your con-vention faci l itiis? lli l l iam Burton Bower Bower: Yes I ha ve. lllggjhu!: And are they able to do that? Bower: They prefer not to, because of economic reasons. Mclaughl'in: Can you tell me what neighborhood you expect to serve with thi s I i cense? Bower: The Gore Val ley. Mclaughl in: The Gore Valley. Bower: And particularly the customers and patrons of the Ki andra-Ta I i sman Lodge. Particularly the Tal i snan. l4cLauqhlin: The Kiandra-Talisman, is that another - the Kiandra' is it associ ated? Bower: The Kiandra Lodge and the Talisman Lodge are both owned by RJ?h-mond Associates, and operated as one facility. Although they each have their own separate front desks. Mclaughlin: Do you realize that a liquor license must have kitchen faci l ities? Bower: Yes. McLauqhlin: And do you have the possibil ity for kitchen facilities? ' Bower: There are existing kitchen facilities in the Tal isman. Mclauqhlin: And where is that? Bower: Immediately within the area that is intended to be the primary part of where liquor is served - mainly the lounge' L9!.q!9-h-Ill-, Do you feel that there is a need in the neighborhood for this license? Bower: I feel there is a definite need, particularly for the Talisman patrons. !I4ggg-b]1-'!1: is that to serve conventions? Egygt: Conventions and meetings of various sorts' particularly in the summer , Mclaughl in: Do you personaily desire this license? Bower: Yes, I do. Mclaughlin: I have no further questions, Buterbaugh: Room servi ce? Mclauqhlin: Rob, as a practical matter (inaudible)' Smith: lJhat was this petition that you submitted? Mclauqhlin: Yes, I have submitted a petition submitted by a number of ;id;ture;, uh, by a number of partjes in favor of granting the liquor license. Page 3 l,li l l iam eu$ Bower Sil!: About how many signatures have it identified by the witness w9f9 on that petition? You might while hers sti li testifying. Dia!4r. Bower circulate that petition? l'lcLaughl in: No, that was l,lr. Fitzgerald, smith: Alright. I just thought you'd make the record better. l.le won,tasK you what happened to the one with the 5,000 signatures opposed to it. (Laughter) Thi s is uncontestbd. Mglauqbl in: May I proceed with Mr. Fitzgerald? wirl you state your name,Dlease? Fitzqeral d: Richard Francis Fitzgerald. McLauqhlin: l4r. Fitzgerald, where are you empl oyed? Fi tzqerald: Ki andra-Tal i sman Lodge. I'lcLauqhlin: Is it Ki andra-Ta I i sman both? Fitzgeraid: I'm the resident manager of both properties. Mclaughl in: Are you familiar with where this license is supposed to be? Fi tzgeral d: Yes , s i r. Mclaughlin: Are there kitchen facil ities there? Fi tzgeral d: Yes. MqLaughlin: Now, Mr. F.itzgerald, didof granting this liquor appl.ication? Fi tzgera I d: Yes, I did. Mclaughl in: Is this it? Fitzgera ld: Yes, it is. you circulate the petition in favor Tclaugllljn: Nor, I ask that the record reflect that Mr. Fitzgera'ld isidentifying a document entitled, "Petition" which contains .l07 siqnatures.I would ask that this be adnritted as petitioner's Exhibit A. Mr,'Fitz-gerald, who do you expect to serve vrith this Iiouor 'i icense? Iilzgerald:. In particular, the - as Mr. Bower said, the ent.ire valley -but in particular the Taiisman guests and convention grouDs, i4gla ug.!U_!: Do you feel that there is a need in the Talisman for thisnquor appttcation to be granted? Fitzgeraid: Yes, I do. There is a direct need by our guests. McLaughl in: Do you personal ly desire it? Fitzgerald: Yes. Mclaughlin: I have nothing further. Excuse me, there is also the fiveday notice requirement for the establishnrent, which I,il waive. Q.qe_hl: Please explain how exactly granting a liquor license (inaudible) this bar other than just convention facilities. fi??i,:,,'1oon aower Bower: Yes, we EiT there was an the purposes of either food or liquor service. l,Je modified that'bar to include a valance over the top. We closed in one end, which made access behind the bar more difficult, that is, for an-vbody iust to trander back there. He feel that we have an excellent facility. The equai of rlost places in tovln for being able to service either food or liquor within the lounge facility. And provide the means of also providing room service or serving conventions or very smali cocktail parties, that sort of thing. (?)r How many people can the facility handle? Bower: The main lounge area can accommodate about B0 people, (?): (Inaudible) convention facility? Bower: l,lo, we have a convention room which can accommodate 200 in addition to that. Bower: The bar is within the lounge, yes. hle also have a small accessory 6ar -immedi ately adjacent to the conference room. (?): (lnaudjble) Bower: Yes, I would imagine that vre would limit food service to about 80 or ]00 peop'le at a time, to provide adeouate room, even though it can seat more than that. Grassie: I have a couple of questions, too. Are the Ki andra-Ta I i sman connected? Bower:The Kiandra-Talisman ane separate buildings. Grassie: Separate bui 1di ngs? Bower: Yes. Grassie: If I were in the Talisman, could I get into the Kjandra? Would T-Ea ve-to walk outside? Bower: You would have to go out and walk approximately 3/4 of a block to enter one building from the other. No connecting hallr,rays at al l. (?): (Inaudible question) Boyer: The Kiandra is adequately served by a liquor licensee, rvhich is the mlt IIi. Their license extendi to the Kiandra's conference room. 0f course, it does not have anything to do at all rvjth the Talisman. The lray it came about originally was that we ovrned the Kiandra, subsequently bought the Talisman, which was entirely separate. recently underwent a remodel ing of the Tal isman Lounge existing breakfast bar which was almost ideally suited to Smith: ilr. Bower, do I und-rstand from your TfiET-you referred to 'is actually what will beis qranted? testimony that the I ounqe the bar assuming the license Grassie: Bower: The Kiandra is serviced by the Bully III? The Kiandra is serviced by the Bully III, that's correct. Grassie: The Talisman was originally serviced by the Ichiban? Bower: The Talisman has never been serviced by the lchiban. Their 'l icense ?6Ei-not extend to anything except the immediate Ichiban premises. Grassie: (Inaudible) wt | | l cur,l Dut LUI| DUweI- Smi th :III cannot be done. Bower: It's considerably more - it's about 400 feet away. Smith: Mr. Chairman, if I may clanify the record by asking this question of the witness. l'1r. Bower, isn't it correct that regarding this common ownership of the two lodges that you previbusl,v testified to, that the two lodges - the Kiandra and the Talisrnan - are two completely <enar:io -l ndno c Lowgr: They are two completely separate lodges under common ot{nership. Grassie: You have kitchen facilities that can handie the rnenu that's JnvoT-ved here? Bot^ter: Yes, I don't think that there will be any problern r"ri th that because nost of the types of foods that are prepared here 'iend themselves to being prepared in advance, and then being actually cooked jn a microwave oven or some kind of thing. It could work ver-v well. Grassi e: And there's storage? Bower: Yes, we have storage immediateiy within both of the areas, both the convention area andthe lounge area. Refrigerator stord_qe and cabinets. Smith: l''1r. Chairnran, I have one quick question. Mr. Bower, are you readyto go into operation forthwith after the issuance of the license? _Bpwe1: Within 30 to 45 days just to allow for certain other ancillary equipment to arri ve. Smith: So what you're requesting then would be that the issuance of this'license be deferred until such time as you are actually ready to commence ooeration? o The Bul'ly Bower: I.iel 'l , said 30 to 45 something Iike we'll be ready to commence operation momentarily. I iust days just in case there's a delay .in something arriving or that. |,le're actually prepared to start. Smith: You're actually prepared to start now? Bower: Yes. !qi!L: I see. Your Grassie: How do you thi s, the premises is facilities are alI installed. suppose that you will restrict - as I'm understanding for your gues ts ? Bower: That's correct. Smi th: Mr. Cha i rman,'in the Gore Vai 1ey. that's not quite correct.It's not limited. It's really for anY Person Bower: It's primarily for guests. It's not ourintention to of lrade but anyone who comes jn and wishes to be served nust $i!_h: In other words, this is not a club ljcense. This is 3-way license they're applying for and so, vrhi1e.... that is thrust, however, it's not limited to that. (Al I talking at once) Mclauqhlin: Actualiy we testified to both. lt's up to you to define the ne i gh borhood . sol icit al ot be served. a standa t"d the pri ma ry Pase 6 Olli 1l i am Burton Borer o Grassie: Anybody else have a question? Smlth: No further questions. Goehl: I make a motion that we approve the license on the conditions 6FTEe health inspector, the state liquor inspector making thelr surveys. 0pposed? Bowgl: Thank you, I thank the Board. (Pause) !g€t: Ile'd have to go for a zoning varlance, a parking variance, if we hhie anything beyond what we agreed to do with the Town. END Grassie: }|e have a motion and a second. Al'l in favor? O o Tal i sman Lounge Minshal'l Enterprises, Inc. December .|5, .I976 Grassie: Next thing on the agenda is the Change of 0wnershjp for the Talliman Lounge. The app'licant being Dennjs Minshal l. Jacobson: I'm Jim Jacobson, represent'ing Dennis Mjnshal'l ' the appl icant Ts tec-hnically l4inshal 1 Enterprises, Inc., which is a corporation. I thj nk you sa'id, "Change of 0wnership for the Talisman Lodge". It's the Talisman Lounge, not the Talisman Lodge. The situation is, the premises - I'm not sure how many of you are fanriljar with'i t. It's the area iust inside the entrance to the Talisman, not the K'i andra, the other end of that 5u'i1ding. Go through the lobby, continue on. There's an area with fireplaie, a living-room type of area which is presentiy licensed by e'ither Bill Bower or an ent'ity of Bjll Bower's. Dennjs t4inshall, or Minshall Enterprises, has s'i gned a :lease agreement with the new owners of the Ta] isman-Krandra cornplex to'l ease the premises. The lease is in the file, the file bejng presently complete. The type of operation to be run is basically v;hat v{as presented to th'i s board a year lgo when the license was first granted - prinrarily for the people who w'i li be staying in the Talisman. That's a very large building' even though the Bully III is at the other end. The Bully IiI is a completely different type of operat'i on. This will be an after-sk'i' the way I- (inaudible) lt, primari'ly for the people staying 'in the hotel. There is contemplated some entertainment, the lease ag:"eement prov'ides that it won't disturb the guests in the hotel . The entertain- inent will be soft, probably one guitar. The hours that we're contem- pl ating operating at this time is probably three until ten or eleven. Fair'ly-srnil1 type operation. I thjnk it'd probably be best to let Dennjs add anything that he has. Let you ask questions about the operation itself so there is no misunderstanding. My name is on the license also, I have a minimal l0% of the corporaie inlerest and therefore, I'a on there. As Jay said, none of the character invest'igations are back yet. So' what we would ask is that you approve.... (Tape b'lank) Planning & Zoning Building Inspection TOIIIN OF VAIL Note:This by Hearing date; Application for: Names LIQUOR LICENSING INVESTJGATION REPORT IS be returned to tbe Town Clerk lA - t< /q)g W 4) /q7( fr&an<*.t W--r e$'%a-7r- to Addresses Type of License applied for 3 - l/1w.t-l ing & dJ- fu-+ll--4*4 &-alA.erl Date: ,4- %oJa-,?ru'#ryEi >il 4L ?< pa Is applicant's premlses in compliance with .gl^1- ZonBuilding Inspeclion regulations? Yes X |f ryo Is applicant's premises within 500', byaccess, of the property of any public oror campus of any co11ege, universityes _' No VaU-l&'. -- raF Signed direct pedestrian parochial schoolA/+/altry DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING PBESEITIT: ,// t-/, BY /,( ///ld DISAPPBOVED: T0utlt 0t YAtt EIUILETING PEFIMIT NEW{) ALTERATION ( I ADDITION U} REPAIFI ) USE OF BUILDING OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF STORIES l. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I r lV V I r{R 2. @CUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DlvlsloN 12 3 4 SPECI FI ED TOTA,L FLOOR A,REA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR ABEA RATIO EASEMENTS VAFIA]tICE UNCOVERED APPLICATION ACCEPTED I IIEBEBY THAT I HAVE APPROVAL 9'7 ,f READ TIIIS APPI,ICATION AND STATE TITAT THE ABOVE IS COBN,ECT AND AGREE fO COMPIJY WITI{ ALI, TOWN OBDINANCES AND SfA?E I1. Town of Vail FT,ECTRICAL PERMIT JobName....&W-{4{*.Taas.neil-.t*r.ur.(isfiif-) Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Foe 159 $.........."......."....".... $...... d.ob'. 1il... -.. $,.. .....d0..4...- . APPROVALS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURII{G CONSTRUGTION 24 HOURSI ADVAIICE NOTICE REQT,,IRED FOR INSPE|CTIOhTS By Date Pair Received /r^," JOB *zgTt" 4|',t ItYar ttttt t +:D DATE TIME tNsPEctFN TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL JOB NAME RECEIVED AM PM CALLEF E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI AM PM El*ppRovED ! orslppRovED ! nerNSPEcr DATE rNsFEcforu FIEBUEsiT VAIL I t ." Pi , --^ DATE / c. ^ ,, "^ i , JoB NAME TIME REcErvEo ,.' i 4,a AwL'pM cALLER D orxen MON COMMENTS: , TUE fl panrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FR|_AN4(PM ' E appRovED EorsAppRovED.,,.\ D uporu THE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: R*rrNsPEcr coRREcrloNs l ") f=*Xi.t,b- DATE rNseeclorv TOWN FIEGIUEEiT VAIL TIME RECEIVED ,if i.. AM. pM CALLER D orsen flpnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR. _/l,/-/)l/' tr' I orsneeRovED fJ netNSPEcr RF AM PM 't1;4 <'-. EffinovED E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: cof,REcTroNs DATE fuet tt/', TOTAL FLOOF AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR ABEA BATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE 4q*/ UNCOVERED I HEREBY penurr # THAT I HAVE 13t3,qtw READ TI{IS APFLTCATTON AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITI{ ALL TOWN ORDTNANCES AND STATE ' T(l}Tll 0F EIUILDIIVG vA tt PEFIMIT f1\ ADD\T\ ON DATE oF APPLrcArtoN 8 - l9 19 NAME BtL MAIL ADDRESS NEWI I ALTERATION IiKADDITION REPAIR ( I USE OF BUILDING SO. FT. OF BLOG.OFF ST. PARKING nnlr l aooRess P NO. OF STO OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LI VING UNITS MAIL ADORESS SO. FT. COMME RCIAL WATERI ) FORCEDAIRI }ELECI }UNIT LOT BLK FILING 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION II II 'III IV V I HR 2.occuPANcYGRouP o " " o r54@t t DrvrsroN 1 l:'13 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFI ED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS DRY STANDPIPE EFAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION fi. r'fnr.rylwil fTLL o nl tl'l 0-l F iil 1.t.l .J,l- o i ENtr ! a €oFttlt? lonz i589lzsL4lonl,.,E+ #j* a's $ 3?q'2Jfrt xXd8 rg IrF5{z =am-out BP =F=96)= g) tr 6 - |ltzon ct '-a I t t,fn c{T rn,rFnf I 0z E )t , >-,r, ..0 t,,'iu = 1t- -ltl., l\-/ f11l-Lcciq l'rar,t i-i L i,,, ,'\ ' ,u/ r? bJ(\ t. I i I i:*A ?lv,/,rlJ : .r.- --:- i i I'| - t./ .i : I ?.4tb, I : I ,l I Il'--| -"':l-- I f r.Jd)^.'<r ) ?H t.L.-tyJ- | " J L | '"* a€o; I P*o at{z-z ' Ils I hairatrl -ol'-7 I r-r| .-*? Q | ",fr"k:ti;l*- ll | "nd"rfi | - ld.n 'prre*ce tO"Og Fuze.zro? Tvee f- Erreero4 ,'Lr,,, !, //'/tIt/?Pf .i^t (_rc.;.; t-.EC-t,* r) =)r+r l" l'a' z)4'(,. 6a l,tZ Crpplp, ,aJrnn Gu* - Ls4>en I l/ rt . //+ )nrer1 L-qn I t l/n ^tnove twrz. /4 lure I s\\t'//, -)na-,. I - / n -7L-ft(€.J-lt-/ /// !4|J7,al T0tlt|il 0F l'A t[ BUILtrIING PEFIMIT EXITS REO, DATE OF APPLICATION CLASS OF WORK NEW ( I ALTERATION OH ADDITION REPAIB I I USE OF BUI LDING COVEBED SO. FT, OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF LIVING UNITS Fo u,lFi CC MAIL ADDRESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL WATER( } FORCEDAIR{ ) ELEC() UNIT( I LOT BLK FI LING EXT. WALLS 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN 12 3 4 AUI LDING P€BMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS WET STANDPIPE DRY STANDPIPE ELECTRICAL CLEAN UP DEPOSIT SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE NERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT ABEA FLOOR ABEA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED penmrr # Vi*;lf"-#:r,u I HEREBY OWLEDGE THAT I HAVE G CONSTRUCTION. READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT TItE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE '.erh!.,,rva' l+O+ qEL WA,E OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR Town of Vail ELECIIRICAL PERMIT tJEq) Job Name..T..4ttsz.z*tJ....!p-rSt .:.tlp-!I..;.7.o.f...#-QE...d-.o.....S.zatc*IAhEL( N9 Applicant.-. APPROVALS Plrn Checker THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON .,OB STTE DURING CO]IISTRUGTION 2,1 HOURS ADVANCE NoTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECIIONS sll 6:/3- 7s-. Dato nuilding Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 133 $.-......................-... s......s-.p. e. 9-....... $......,..€-8 oO lfir !. ?. Itaotaf !!{ Dllvla t0rtll O. rto Town of F'I,ECTRICAL Vail PF..RMIT C/lubsc4Pe LteHn46' JobNaare-T,/*tsrtzaL.l.o.l-e.e."-..-.......-.(.t-.c-eer.-4.9*f:-.... Date of Application..- ..--.T--,o.a.e,,.,,...*.k.......-....-..--..-...--.--.--rs---.?5.-.---....- Electrical conrractor..... ...il.ea......*.?-".1-&-.t-c-t.LN.!i.1.........-......--..-...-.---- Applicant. APPROVALS Plan Checker Cbtal Eulldlog ottlclal THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB STTE DURING CONSTRUGTIOI{ 24 IIOI,JNS ADVAT{CE NOTICE REQIJIRED FOR INSPECIIONS Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 137 $........-...-...."-......... s.... -...4.8.a..y*.... 60 $....-......a?-e--.:.. " -. $...............a-.=..... $............ck..9... N9 Received "r....-..........-.VK.C-..,. . vorto Town of Vail rx.ncIRIcAL PERMIT FLo<tr loufl&L + Lo84J A€'rztob €j<' Job Na$e.....7..al./.J.":.ua.d....4p-.\.(*....:....:21.a"*-...8ee.2:7............... Date of Applicatiorl... --....df*-t.*-.-..9- .-.....-. .-----.--...-.---ts.-.?-5...-.-...--..- Electricat contractor.-..- ...4**......€..*.8.-e-r9-t.Q.,.--.F-..P-9-,.---------.----.---.. U eppvcant.. -.. - d.<.*.*oL2 K . 8*"tt.4-^-- - APPROVALSI THIS FORTI IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING COI{STRUGTION 24 IIOURS ADVANCE NOIICE NEQUIRED I1OR INSPFTIIONS Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid. Received By n1, $............................ $......5-:4-4.. 9-..... ,.| ')$.........*.p-..:- $............f-.P. #72ry< PLIJMEIING/ MECHA|UtcAL ITEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL ADDRESS 4^p oS -\, paone 7? 4 -:?3/ //) USE OF BUILDING: L-,t) oF woRK: fl new Elnoorrroru E nennooel ! nepnrn RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER /MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $ ,/'O f;, '4 VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMITFEE i 7 f0 PERMIT FEE R 'Ntty I orsneeRoveW oor, 6 -2o -7-Y rNsPEctoru aFlEEL.|ES,T TOWN OF VAIL .i JOB NAME ,?.'; ,,. ) ,j:n rt ,..,,. TIME RECEIVED ,"- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE I penrral. LocATroN BEADY FOR INSPECTION : WED,THUR APP ROV E D fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR nvsPEcfrru FlEeue€r E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE fl pnnrral. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR El'nppRovED E orsappRovED, \r' EkupoN THE FoLLowrNG GoRBEGTToNS: il 't f] nrtNSPEcr CORRECTIONS rNsPEc{bru rtEcrue6r TOWN OF VAIL . JoB NAME tr I I ornen MON COMMENTS: I pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION FRIWEDTUE AM.'PM EleppRovED E orsnppRovED f] nerNsPEcr f] upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNspEcr(bru aFTEGIIJEST JOB NAME /DATE nnne nebrrveo ..1'- i | 5 avi PM CALLER OF VAIL ,/ D orxen I penrtal. LocAnoN i! READY FOR INSPECTION //-- '"r+:::-=' \WED 'i fnUn ,,1 florslreRovED E nrrNsPEcrWapp Rov E D E upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE DATE OF MEETING ,i MEMBERS PRESEI.'IT: DESIGN REVIIJW BOARD SECONDED BY AGAINSTFOR: .SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN MOTION: VOTE: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: ,tatNsiPEclEtN FlEGluEsr TOWN OF VAIL . ,. . i.l i..:,LGL-,!,. r'1..,..' !: ,1'-. TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I ornen n panrrlu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION 1 TltuR , ,. ;;, FRIMON COMMENTS: TUE :AM PM ELeppRovED E orsappRovED I upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr ..DATE INSPECTOR ruJt4c: TOWN OF I/AIL EIIJILtrIING PEFIMIT TOTA,L FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVEBED ORDINANCES AND STATE UILDING CONSTRUCTION. READ THIS APPI,ICATION AND STATE TI{AT THE ABOVE IS COBRECT AND AGREE TO COMPI,Y :.7 GNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR c ^-*i..t-., i63., i:.^:.i{'1 c:, ,.., :.i:.. .'.0- June 13, L974 Mr. Bill Bowerc/o Kiandra Lodget/ai.1. Cclore.do 81657 Dear Bill: I understand that the Tor^m has recently contacted you regardingthe disposition of the triangle piece of ground in front of yourlodge. The To',rrn proposes that we dedicate the land to Ehem and dedicaEe to you an easement for vehicular traffic between the Kiandra parking lot and the Talisman parking lot. The Townfurther indicates thaE thev wish to retain some rishts or devise some meEhod by which they tan acquire that easemenE and effectively deny you vehicular access. I am sure we will be able to work out soEcethi-ng alcng those iines at a relatively inexpensive cost toyourself. Subject to confirmation, Ehe transaction could be aceomplished without, cost _to you.1 will wait until I get thedetails on the access easement from either you or Jim Lamont Very truly yours, VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. Frecierick S. Otto General Cormsel FS0/gE cc: Jim LamonE AR EA CODE 3C)3 476-5601 aox 7. vAlL. COLORAOO Al657 F O !-z Q z F z FPlrtz <FA, d: Er.E FF*<e',P <:_yzF!r1 F<(,z HilEIi 6Eo9Ee\z-<ei<azaa.zzA);o<;5!Fr.ooa<o<Or'lZ;ri$i: O F::J= ;<O69,,'i9 a> *r,<a*-Grm=<fi<B': F = J(J ulI z z >u do ql Eul z IJJ ztr cc llJ cc E J IL F J J F F uJ !c )I 2 llJ E UJ J F I .E =r=ul'-o lreO =,2 =ql--f E rNsPE.lo* TOWN O *f -.'.;," ,: - :.- j ,-. a" FTEGIUEST F VAIL 16 - o':' ''"7 '1 JOB NAMEDATE TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ,t?iir AM PMi ..1-- ffinreRovED E orsapp RovE D fl uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr DArE ,'J'-*i!..';",.,} INSPECTOR il\tsPEc(loN TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL D^rE /3- i6-na, JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E orsen MON COMMENTS: TUF E pnnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR APP ROV E D fl uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS florsarrRovED E nrrNSPEcr DArE / z ^'15 ^"7 3 INSPECTOR rNsPE.?o* FrErllJEsr TOWN OF VAIL c_ TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME AM PM CALLER f]oruen MON COMMENTS: TUE I pnnnnl LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION ,ryj\THUR rnr iffi .J t\r\,AMdJE) APP ROV E D I orsappRovED D nerNsPEcr At-4- (77 z'"--'7 t/'t>-- 79 VL-V " . ,//'2. T0tlt|lt 0F EIIJILtrlIAIG vA tr PEFIMIT TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOB AREA RATIO UNCOVERED EASEMENTS VARIANCE Zzr -4 , pennrr # I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDCE THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPL WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STA LAWS REGARDINC BUILDING CONSTR tLtuJ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR F(, F O o c F zo :'9t Fz <FA;: IF.2FFic C,u < :. 9 7 EEirF<., ,,,aay?!aeod |.]"X^OYlt42" iZ =zZA); o < E5 >jg=:a0*:!r:;<u- <3:eSE li"<cA> -.,/)<oiBrrleS<!( < >i f- E Ju Ioz 2 KH f!J u, cc UJ zf utF 6 (Jz tr o F ul.c cc E llJ IE t- J J F F c! E E aF F aFzut UJ ! tr uI o o =oJ f o -l,> l!o = =ot- rNsPEcloN OWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL oore L(ov 73 JoBNAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM T f'4t/5f7tnl E orxen E pnnrrnl.LOC,ATION READY FOR INSPECTION MON oondl,lENTS: TUE Ei,q rnr /crCC AM@ r--r ,!mAPPRovED I orsnppRovED7- I uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS n nerNsPEcr DATE lr q- I I'U -'7 -a/) TOWN OF EIUILE INGI l/Att PEFIMIT UNCOVERED PLAN CHECK trr-*"ug t:6,1 73 pen*n+ /7o TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE Dr-rtbv 5,hR THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE rNsPEtilo,n TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL DATE rt-S-73 JOB NAME Aooet€ # z6a-. rfME RECEIVED Og#,AM pM cetten Z>AVE;- $)aco6 S ! orxen COftIMENTS: TUE f] pnnnnl LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR APP ROV E D E uportr rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS fl orsaee RovED ! nerNSPEcr 0ctober 31, 1973 Ms. Diane Toughill Zoning Adninistrator Town of VailP.0. Box 100 Vai1", Colorado 816s7 Dear Ms Toughill: In consideration of your granting a building permitfor the proposed @e, ye-willagree to hold vacant the space foimerly occupied bythe Atlas Ernployment Agency in the Talisrnan Lodgefrom any conmercial use. This will be until suchtime as we can provide an additional parking spaceto rneet the deficiency which the Blossons Bric-A-Bracproject will entail. Thank you for your assistance. Yours very truly, KIANDRA/TAtT SMAN e(- )) fo,zo'-z--t Willian Bower Managing Partner WB:jr rNsr=rloN FIEEUEsiT VAIL oete l'' ftin7 73 TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME i TOWN OF 7V<ts rz rtrJ AM PM CALLER )a.-o Bs E pnnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION f]ornEn #eFRITUE flaerRovED florsnppRovED LJ UPON THE FOLLOW]NG CORFECTIONS: CORBECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr oare 3 rfl el 13 INSPECTOR EXITS REO, *sza DATE OF APPLICATION NEw{ ) ALTERATToN 00 ADDtrtoN( ) REpAtR ( ) I.JSE OF BUILDING OFF ST. PAR KING OFF ST. LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS LOT BLK FI LING I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2- OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtsloN 12 3 4 SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FI RE SPRINKLERS DRY STANDPIPE ENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION f T0tryt{ 0F l'A tL EIUILEITNGi PEFIMIT o UNCOVERED PLAN CHECK APPROVAL APPLICATION ACCEPTED +ls* I IIEREBY ACKN I HAVE READ TIIIS APPLICATION AND STATE TIIAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGBEE TO COMPLY WITH AI]IJ TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE M.ftv ER OR, CONTn,ACTOR - /4/tSrq 4-t/ 37o Faz'S OaatQS /.v +/, {,6* ua flarc) fi/t4.',4( ,,,.-*__..'_'---".'-. i' Cwaa./ s*tz.,z/s Paar - Ti*= KecErv*czt'J,: ;=Fi em Jbrvll o+- Va.,u lN tPECTtoN r<rauE6T lo= NaxaE f- r+, i*r..,,. ,^.i _ Ca"uera- Gu,rrtru+ D FoolNc- tr Foutrtzaltor.r tr Fravrua n FtHau B 6t<n^u Localorrt : C o.rr ra Req.1?n1'nr.-- D fv+t1r<orx tr vtueEr< tr Koor 'E lZo1,o. Loc,+1roN: 1i?uMgtt i{G- I Rouet+ U ZlaNrerer tvac X Frua.r n E Var<y.an- LocaTlor'.-r: MEcua*tcA,L flVe*1t..a1,ou fl Heo.1,r.rc- [J Hooas tr E [2,<1,,o.u Localrost: I oluer< j E ?ar<1,at. Locqror.t Vea.rzv Fot< J-xt+?-,<:\ toN.tTLe \vEF THur Fer arfi:r.n Cox,lvrexrl+: . A7?rcove? UPO$ {t:tR!:4.. i*id\i g JV.tA?Vt?ovE?D tfet;rtif"ssr 4-z( da 2ttzL r ,',." 4tu'Ja ' ,t// tz/z z-" / *z- ,1z.l.t/,-/' 7rr/ta/7:- ,<7pd.-t-r-+z z ?4.7tr,.- Co""..po*e I \ F^-=A.lr, r li- /-, -,i'.. .-- .i ./ International Conterence of Building Officials -5350 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CAI.IFORNIA 90601 (213) 699-0541 Novernber 8, 1.972 OFFICERS PRESIOENT EUGENE B, PESTER OIREC1OR OF COM M UN ITY OEVELOFM ENT POMONA- CALIFORNIA FIRST VICE.PR€SIDENT NEWELL POCK(]HIEF AU ILO ING INSPEC.IOR YAK iMA, WASHINGTON 5!CONO VICE.PRES]DENT JACK D. WH ITE BU II.OIN6 COOE ENGINEER KANSAS CIIY. MISSOTJRI TREASURER VINCENT R, BUSH SUPERINIENDENT OF EUILOING VERNON. CALIFOFIN IA J(,NIOR PAST PRESIOEN I PERRY C. TYREE REC ]ONAL BLJ I!OIII G O F F]CIAL COLORADO SPRINGS COLORADO EXECUIIVE OIREC'TORT. H. CARTER 5360 S. WORKMAN MILL RDWH!I I IER, CAL FORNIA MANAG IN6 DIRECTORJAMES E. BIHR 535O S. WOFKMAN M ILL RO, WH ]TiI ER CAL IFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWO DIRECIOR OF INSPECTIONs XALAMAZOO. M ICI,'IGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON D IRECIOE OEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA BILL P. HC'RN ':HI EF BIJ ILOING INSFECTOR PIEFICE COUNTY TACOMA. lvASHING'rON ROE'ERT B- FELDNER SUPERINTENOENT OF CENTRAL INSPqCTtON wtcanA. KANSAS CHARLES R. H TNKLEY CHIEF EU I LO ING INSPECTOR MOUNIAIN VIEW, CALIFORN IA YICTOR L. TAUGHER BIJILDING OFFICIAL COU NTY OF ALAMEOA HA YWARO. CALIFORN IA VINCENT R, EUSH S!PERINTENIIENT OF AU ILDING VEFINON. CALI FORN IA OICK T, JORDAN D ]RECTOR AU ILOING DEPAFTM EN I AUSTIN,'TEXAS FLOYO G. MCLELLAN. JR, DIRECTOR OF BU ILOING AND 5AFE] Y COU NTY OF ORANGE SANTA ANA. CAL]FORN IA OFFICEg OF IHE EXECUTIVE DIFECTOR T. tI. CANTER M NAGI NG DI REqTOR JAMES E. BIHR TECHNICAL DIhECIOR D. R. u/ATSON PLan Check No. 8587 Project: Restaurant Talisman Lodge Jerry Aldrich Buildlng Official City of Vail Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Aldrlcht We are returnl"ng all data to you under separate cover on the above project in accordance with our letterof June 5, L972, Please feel free to contact this office if we can beof further ass is tance. Yours very truly, ]NTERNATIONAL C ONFERENCE TJK: hb K tsu Check Eng ineer Jurisdiction of ///flf2 WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT PERMIT VALIDATIONcK. M.O. CASH PLUMBING PERAAIT APPLICATION Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION ti" 6, f,^o Re s fa rqtr h,/rtoron 4-Qe 1 (LJSEE ATTACHEO SHall) t / t./ /z (t;era/d ,naf'A MAIL ADDiEss ZI' FHONE s faTTnee Frue I MATTy'DOiESSl^c'f, .B aX 2a -s^281 2/-/ -P cHrttct oi ocstcNaR LICENIE NO. MAIL ADOiESS P}IONE LlcE gE NO, MAI L AODRE5S IIAIICH '""'"'Eot'ln *r, 8 CIas of worK: gfrW N AODITION D ALTERATION tr REPAIR I Describe work: Typr of Firtur. or In|n WATER CLOSET (TOILETI LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. CLOTI.IES WASHER WATER Fi€ATEN NorlcE t I THrs pERMtr BEcoMEs NULL AND voro rr vtoRk oR coNSTRUc- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITXIN 60 OAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR AEANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF T2() DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEB TVOBK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBV CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AU'THORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANC€L THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKINO FOUNTAIN FLOOR-_SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING t TREATING EQUIP. S€PTIC TANK & PIT $:{4Ky WHITE - INSPECTOF CANARY _ AUDIT PINK - APPLICANT MP. FILE CITY OF NORTHGICNN Off ice of Building Director TNSPECTTON REQUEST '-"/ , ,"n...........i-.:.../--?..:.....7-...:..........-..-. rr€m ot cln"t"uctioo..... ,fu##" BBllall.g E Excavatlon O Foundatlon O Framtng fl Flnal wall Cov€rlng trdt ""a-"tfl Bltek Ttes U Parleurg Electrlcal E Rough E Fidsh Plumblng E Rough E FlDar Furngce E Rough B Flnal READY FOR F,r. ...2-.:P*Q---!.M:.Tl|ura. A.M. InspecUo! International Conference of Building Officials s360 souTH MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 August LL, t972 (213) 699-0541 I OFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C, TYREE REGIONAL BUILD ING OFFICIAL COLORADO sPRINGS, COLORADO FIRST VICE.PREsIDENT EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENT. OEPARTMENT OF BU ILOING AND SAFETY POMONA, CAIIFOFNIA SECONO VICE,PRESIOENT NEWELL POCK C}IIEF EUILOI N6 INgPECTOR YAKIMA, WASHI NGTON TREASUREFI VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BIJILDING VERNON. CALIFORN IA J UN IOR PAST PRESIDENT TED E. DUKE EU ILOINC OFFICIAL BI LLINGS, MONTANA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T, H. CARTER 5360 5. WORKMAN MILL RO. \/VH ITTIER, CALIFORNIA MANAGING DI RECTOR JAMES E. BIHR 5360 S. !\/OR(MAN MILL RD. \/vH IfTIER CALI FORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORO C. DOWD DIRECiOR OF INSFECAIONS KALAMAZOO, MICH ICAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECTOR OEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS M IN NEAPOLIE, M INNEsOTA EILL P. HORN CH IEF BUILDING INSPEC'OR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA. WASHINGTON CHARLES R. H INKLEY CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER EU II-DING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYWAFO. CALIFORNIA JACK D. WHITE BLI ILDING CODE ENG INEER KANSAS CITY, MI SSOURI VINCENT R. BUSH SUFERINTENDENT OF BUILD IN G VERNON, CALIFORNIA DICK T. JORDAN DIRECTOR BUILOING OEPAFTMENT AUSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BU ILDING OFFICTAI- COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA SANTA BARBARA. CALI FOSNIA .,::51i,': si,I$"" Pl-an Check No. 8587 r' H' CARTER Restaurant (Talissen Lodge)'jli.''Jg":'E:'Jf- TECHNICAL DIRECIOF D. R. WA11!iONEd Srruble Bullding Official City of Vail Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 8l-657 Dear Mr. Struble: The July 12, 1972, letter frorn Architects Everet tl Zei:ge] has been reviewed for conformance with our letter of June 5, L972, arrd our co[trnents are keyed to that letter as follows: GENERAL COMMENTS: Architect states that these connents are satisfied, however, they should be confirmed to your satLsfaction. tr{e note that under Coment No. 5 t.here is a typographical error. The sections of the Code referred to should be Sec- tions 105 (e) and 105 (g) not 106 (e) and (g). NONSTRUCTI]RAL CCFIMENTS : The architect again states that the co nents are satisfied, however, we have received no revised plans to confirm thls. Therefore, a1"1 conrnents remain until revised plans have been submitted. It is our unders tanding that the project includes alL of the nonstructural construction of the basement or first f1oor. This should include the toilets, trash roour, exiting, kitchen, and restaurant, together with all wa1Ls, which ln this case appea! to be nonload bearing. Therefore, in order for us to confirm compLiance lrith the Code as stated in our June 5, 1972, letter, a1-L details such as wa1l coverings, types of doors, stairs, wa11 construction, and any other items to {ecElB 4.a a1&b?a. .Stor9 o, lghlch reference Ls nade in drawlngs. ?lease feel free to contact TJK:hb -2- the letter should be shown on the lf, tbere are afly question. Youts very truly, INIERI{ATIOITAL CONFBRNSCE '*+.: of,_-\ ,('|?)l'-t14() n*j1ca6 {_/bF{Tiir, 'l;i;,:;. tl..:.iLt{1 .AcF N-=DE' SJtr\[:3 o$ ;-;:- rio(T;-t 5lpE. .Jlffur*fuil;-,- .riTFi.,r- .Fz=sr<15 Ii-l - 11 ! ,FIF=rl;.o-r=t> -6r LYir, \-,.)ir:ig ,:> . /*'.. \ ..,r-Fli"i' J,lii -'rr ( 3) r'dvE tlot i o ltf,CinCJ:c \ l<.^T aH FoTi.t atp=5 or ,*cir-.>gt.i,g,q .+{dVF .FldI l'aE-rt Felurrre.d. Lx,un I, t."p.oofeJ :theg \Lt- . Et\Ta{ -1t.'-.....'-... _ ,.,-- _.i -, { 4 C 1 I <iito Z 5ilALL P{pEt o* EisT CDe.. oF. flr.r-U*r.sJ lF\ pNtFHe\ iHu:'f f3= O\".'.,ei | {,{i bTUreS ?eoi=6i - IF{TD - -?rcitL1rz-6.o2F1 ..-.: tne unde----str.r"fu.e -- :i It"t*'"f f* FIY-E ?pprz> i.tvE"T LAUffef-,1 eoafl . flNb -No YlEat{A$l<AL ..Ate.4HA.r-{gE--:-' ?.Nu-e{*^%et- B ,/ ///7 I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS 15 YOUR PERMIT t1 rrF @ >L d( r,^ 3IL LtsMA^l Lopae I OEsCi.VAIL g1a-cAde rsr r.rcEN9t No.t LduP tYArL ARCH I TECT ON DESIGI{Eh LtcENSE it O. r OS trJ AFA/nS LICEN3E NO. FR 2(SS? USE OF BIJIIOINC 8 CIas oI worK: tr NEW ErIOOITIOI E ALTERATION tr REPAIR E] MOVE E] REMOVE l0 Change of use from l1 Valuation of work: $PERMfTFEE 22(. t-u SPECf AL CONDITIONS: CLG**tuP Ocett-f L)ATUED 3,':l;-"" D Size of Bldg. (Totall sq. Ft.i'fi"" 6srt'a. APPROVEO FOR ISSUANCC 8Y:eE OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: covrr€d au Pct*f$"f;f.r.oP#"T- NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTFICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF I/IIOR K OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMIN PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOF PERMIT VALIDATION PINK - APPLICANT 33fr ?f, CANAFY - AUOIT GOLDENROD - TEMP. FILE EVERETT / ZEIGEL 2305 CANYON BOULEVARD BOULDER ?o u,eAN ARCHITECTS AIA coLoRADO 40902 COC 444 2571 Mr. T. .t. KoyanatsuChief PIan Check EngineerInternational Conference of Building officials 5360 South Workman Mil-l- Road Whittier, California 90601 Reference: Pl-an Check No. 8587 Talisman Lodge Reslaurant'Vail-, Colorado July 12, L972 Dear Mr. Koyamatsu: lrle were asked by Mr. Ed struble, Vail Building Official' to replydirectly to you regarding this project. Using your letter of June 5, L972 as a reference, the fol-lowing comments are submitted: GeneraL Cotmnehts 1. The building is Type II, fully sprinkled.2.-4. These items are presently correct.5. Work wilt not be an alteration, but a conlinuation of theoriginal design. Non-S'frustural Comments Floor openings comply with Table No. l-7-A and Section L706. Details were previousl-y reviewed by Building Department. There are no rubbish chutes terminating at this l-evel. ToiLet rooms were eonstructed outside the restaurant phase, but do comply. Shower or tub enclosures will comply. A main entrance will be on the south side of the restaurant and will front directly to the outside. B-label-Ied door will be installed between restaurant and mechanical room. Gas shutorf valve has been instalLed.Exits: t. 2. 3. 5. 6. 1 8. h e. Occupant load sign noting 162 occupants wiLl'be providedExit doors meet requirements of 3303 (c) Exits do not enter adjacent rooms Hallway door at rear entrance does meetl Exit signs will meet requirements Panic hardware is installed 45-minute raling JUI- -lu*-t 21 e72 Mr. T. ,t. KoyarnatsuJuly 12, J"972 Page 2 o 10. l-1. L2. \\I{ Fire-extinguishing plans will be submitted to Vail Build,ing Of ficial-. No chi:nneys installed. FirepJ.ace is not included The mechanical- contraetor on kitchen ventilation to Ln conEtruction.is to subrnit conplete information the Town of Vail. we appreciate your review of the drawings, and hope the preceding information answers each cornment. If there are .further questionst please call us. Very truly yours, EVERETTT/ZEIGEIJ ARCHITECTS AIA HAz/dg cc! Ed Struble Gerald Kato Mauri Nottingham T"l"--4^L4tzL..-o lL1 /777--' //"/+L,^ d74 g"( /e Cu--J-_-(-fu- re: A-.--^*J F-! S7-r*--Za^ l*.J- ;A^4 A'?'@- "/ t -"1 ,/L4n->.e-t . dr,re- -f4- yy"fr.lz.l "*---,!; & A,p;tr^qld*-. ( 4/o. '- c)-4-<d-4 F""/--t-,-* b{r,,- nl J'-6 ltT "lla^-g< (" '*'.l- ,0* c*r-.,l& ttb. e4^e- -t 'il."* -,ho..-, ^ tr \.; i APPL ICAT ION TO APPEAR BEiORE THE BOARD OF ZONING,'APPEALS ANO EXAMiNERS Date Application Fi t,Benedict Associates ;he requ i rements of ng 0rd inance in orde r Sect ion 6-r-7 2- i'epfesenting Richrnond Ass^ei2ras I , .iespectf ullY request a variance of rhe Vai; ar,a/ or'secti ons 3305(i), 3-3031b'). L1304 of amenaed and aciopted by the Town of Vail i The Un i form Buj loing Cc ce as n order to (See attached letter)- In ma k ing a deierhination on zon ing, the Boai-d cons : de FS only uncjue ;lardship;lneedfortheproPosedvarianceicornpatibllityofthe proposed variance with the surrounding area; effect on f utiire deve: ment of the area and; hea|.ih, safeTy, and the welfare of the inhaoi- rants of the Town. Insuilciingcodevariances.,theBoardmayconsideronlysuitabili;y of alrernate materials and methods of construction and; reasonaDle i nf e i-r reraf i ons of the p rov i s i ons of the code ' Tneacrninisirativeofficialmaychallengeanyvariancegrantedwhicr. goes beyond the scoPe of the Povlers of the Board li is unders.rood that a.fee of $25.00 payable in advance and That a \)l - ter'1 ( i0) day posting Period is required prior t,o tne aDove requesrs a publ.i c hearing.orr ^\JAPu\t,.)ff gne0: Qil,r., AssocrA'l'ls, rNC. OArchitects, Planners and Engineers P.0, Box 40, Aspen, Colorado ,-1 --, / I May 25,. L972 I1r. Bob Cl ark Chairnan, Board of AppeaLs Town of VailVail, Colorado RE: Kipndra Lodge Addit,ion Dear Bob: ilarald-Westbye, Ed St.rubble and f reviewed the building inspecrorsfinal inspection list on May 25,1,972. lrie have agreed-to c6rrect theitens listed and requested wlth exception of three iterns whiclr rre arerequesting a variance, which are as follows: It_g!S-_L: If the employeesr lounge is to be useci for steeping purposes, awin:ffi shoul,d be a-setond exit,*honever the win<lorq si1l is above 48"as requirga- uy cocle. Therefore, we worrld like to instarl a i.aclder upto the .sii. I which is about 72't high. An additional safoty considerationis that these roons have a fire sprinkler systen. Ife_ry_Zi The stair door from the restaurant to the public restroonsSlfiFi-into the stair enclosure which apparently is not alloweci by code.This door is not the exit door which does swing in the right direttion.since tiris door is rrot a required exit door we request peinission toleave it as it is rather than reverse the swing of the ioor. Itgm- 5: We are going to install the exterior handrails at steIJS asrequested, with possibly one exception. The delivery stair to tnerestaulallt on the west side at the south end is use,f as a truck loadingdock and not as a pedcstrian stair, consequently a irandrail i,rouldinterfere rvith this use and cause considerable trouble to the restaurant Iessee. . SincereLy, Bruce Sutherland BS/ibw I,' t t' t I. ! t I It box 631 vail, colorado a1657 July 5, 1972 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Board of Zoning, Appeals and Exami lowing Variance req uests on Thursday,the Municipal Bui lding: Case 8-6-72 - Mountain Haus - Requestallow interior offices on the first flventilated and a request to al low the rema i n as they are. . 303.476-5513 ners will hea r the fol- July lJ at 9:00 a.m. in for building variances to oor not to be mechanically domes in the atrium fo Case Z-8-72 - Gordon Pierce -north and east property lines of trees and preserve natura I Case Z-9-72 - F itzhugh Scott east and south property lines trlangular con f igurat ion. Req uest for setback va r iance on in orde r fo minimize the cutt ing contours. - Request for setback var iance on to allow addition to be built in Case B-7172 - Li fl- House - Request for building variance in non- conformance vlith Table l7A to allow wood roof over 6rt concrete s lab. Case B-8-72 - Ki andra Lodge noncon formance w ith Section Uniform Building Code. - Request for building variance in 3305 (i),3J01 (b) and 1304 of the lf you wish to protest any variance as an adjoining owner, please be present at the meeting on the l3thprotest by certified mail. Yours truly, - PEALS AND EXAMINERS e Boa rd P rope rryor f ile your an F €. f & Ft' I ana Wygant obert Cl Cha i rma n dw M INUTES OF I4EET I NG BOARD OF ZoNtNG, APPEALS ANDJuly 13, 1972 EXAM I NERS t.The meeting was called to order at 9:25 a,n. in the MunicipalBuildlng. A. The following members were present: Messrs. Viele, Knox,Hoyt and Struble (ex-officio). B. The following guests were present: Messrs. 14inger and Rob inson, Town of Va il; La rry Clark, Co lin Stevrart, GaynorMiller and Hugh Hyder, Mountain Haus; Jen |lJright and DavidSage, representing David Hoffman; Robert Lazier, Lift House; Gordon Pierce, Three l,,l i llow Place, Fitzhugh Scott and his residence; Chuck 0gilby, Apollo Parki Jack Catcher, Hilton. 0ld Bus i ness - None New Bus iness:A. Case B-6-72 - l,4ounta in Haus - Request f or bu i ld ing va riancenot to installGfranT-5T-ventilation in interior of f ices and laundry room and to allow the atrium area to remain as it is.Mr. Mlnger and Mr. Robinson determined that this is not a casefor the Board of Appeals and should be resolved administrativelMr. Miller and Mi'. Clark started by explaining that Mr. Bynum had approved the smoke sensor system as had Fran Bush; infact they had required it. Mr. Struble is now asking them to remove it and open the atrium area for venti lation. The mechan ica I vent i lat ion was next d iscussed. Mr. Hyde r statedthat to puf in mechanical ventilation now would be almost irnposs ib le and very expens ive. Mr. Hyder further stated that he does not consider the laundry room to be u nsa fe becauseit is not ventilated. Mr. Robinson and Mr. 14inger then sta-ledthat they feel the majority of the things on the list of March l0 have been done and the re is a point you can not go beyond andthat the prob lem of no Certi f icate of 0ccupancy shou I d be resolved now. They then inquired if Mr. Struble had inspected the Mountain Haus to determine if the items on the list had been completed. except for items 5 and B for which they areasking a variance. Mr. Struble stated fhat he had not made such an inspect ion. Mr. Minger apo log ized to Mr. Clark andstated that an inspection would be made immediately to determine what rema ins to be corrected. At that time, Bob lt/cNe i I I and Kent Rose were sent to the Mountain Haus to inspect the facili- ties. Mr. Clark stated that he has tried to make the building safe and has spent a great deal of money, approximately $55,000. He further stated that the s to rage a ree wh ich does not have mechanical ventilation will be venti lated at such time the area becomes a commercial space.. Af ter 1,1r. lt4cNeill and Mr. Rose completed the inspection, they reported their findings asfollows: The atiic area has been completed except for somewiring that needs to be i nsta I led in conduit; the steel beams coat i ng does not meet the Resea rch Recommen dat i on an d shou I d be recoated with Mono-Cote I l/ztt thick to meet the requirement, Three layers of 5/Btt gypsum board will also meet this require- ment. The f ire door has been ordered, but had to be special made because of ihe type of jambs. Since all of the items had not been comp lefed as required, Mr. Minger suggested that ll. ilt. eoaio of Zon ing, npt ls and Examiners Minutes of MeetingJuly l3; 1972 Page 2 The Town of Vail retain $1,000 of the $25,000 bond and thatthe Mountain Haus be given a period of 60 days to completethe items listed, with the exception of items #5 and #B which will be excluded. When the 60 day period has expired, an inspect ion will be made and any rema in ing items rnust then be completed w ith in l0 days or l4ountain Haus will forefeit the $1,000 and the Town of Vail will complete the items. In addition, under item #5, they have agreed to furnish some type of circulating fan for ventilation. A check for $1,000 was presented fo the Town and the $25r000 bond was relurned. Case 8-9-72 --3pe_l_l_9-_8.8-r! - Request io a I low basement to be u sed as hab itab le space ( rec reat ion and laundry room) withoutconsidering it another story to determine the . equired type ofconstrucfion. The Board first pointed out that there is p Iumb ing a lready insta I led for two un its in the b asement. The conception of the Apollo recreation room is much different thanthe idea the Board has of what a recreation room is. lt4r. Ogilby then presented sketches of what fhey would like to do inthe basement area (sketches attached). Mr. 0gilby insistedthat Mr. Strub le insisted that there be three recreation roomsinstead of one and therefore, they have spent a lot of extra money on that bas i s . Mr. Strub le den ied that he had ever suggested such an arrangement, Mr. Struble then elaboratedthat there appears to be plumbing provided for two or four un its in the basement of each bu i I d ing. Mr. V ie le staiedthat there is so much doubt about what will be done with the area that we cannot grant the variance as presented. t'4r. Strub le then sugges-l-ed that we discuss the variance in private andgive Mr. 0gilby a decision shortly. After much discussion, it was decided that there is no hardship and Viele suggested th at we disaoorove fhe var ance as p rooosed. Mr. St rub le then suggested that they be limited to one water closet, one lava- tory and one kitchenette in each building. A motion was then made by Mr. Knox that we disapprove the variance as presentedby N4r. 0gilby. The motion was seconded by Mr. Viele and ap- proved unan imous ly by the Board. The Board then stated that they would recommend thaf a variance might be approved allowing one recreation room in the basement of each building with no more than two bathrooms (consisting of one water closet and one lavatory) and one kitchenette. Mr. Ogilby was told that he must come back to the Board with drawings so that we maygrant a variance on these recommendations and for specific p lans. Case B-B-72 - J(iancj ra - Request for building variance in nonconformance with Section 3305 ( i), 3303 (b) and 1304 of the Uniform Building Code. ( l) Var:iance leq.uest to alf o.y_ -emp love-es lounge to be use d for sleepin d provideemolovees lounqe To De used tor:5_l _e.€-p-!nq p!!:P,9_99_:_sIo provr. a ladder tb-rttntolr-TbF second exit wifh s!_l _b ight of_72". A mo+ton-was made 6-f-Mi.lnox {hat thE vdii;fie be apfroveo The motion was seconded by t4r. Hoyt and approved unanimously.by the Board, (2) Request to allow door that is not a required exit swing in wrong direction. Mr. Struble pointed " Boar'd of Zoning: AppOs and Examiners Mi nutes' of MeetinqJuly 13, lr972 Paoe 3 F. n out that th is is an unsafe condition as it wou ld be con- f using in the event of f ire. A motion was made by Mr. Knoxthat the Kiandra be required to change the direction ofswing or lock the door and remove the hardware. The mofion was seconded by Mr. Viele, The Board voted unanimously to deny the variance. (l) Request not to insta | | exteriorhandrails at steps on west side at south end of bullding.The discussion disclosed that Jhis is a required exit fromthe lodge portion of the building. A motion was made byMr. Knox that they be required to insta ll a handrail onat least cne side of the stair. The motion was seconded byMr. Viele and approved unan i mous ly by the Board. Case B-7-72 - ti ft House - Request for building variancein nonconformance w ith Table I 7-A to allow wood roof over 6trooncrete slab. Mr. Lazier presented drawings and pointedout that the area in q ues t ion ( fou rth f loor condominiums) have 8rr precast ceilings, and fhe area would be treated sothat it would be two hour construction. Mr. Struble statedthat he agrees with Mr. Lazier and because of 2,000 square feetthe building is a Type ll instead of a Type lll as thebuilding was debigned. No wood is allowed in a Type llbuilding. The Board discussed the matter and determined thatthe corridor area must be protected so that any fire couldnot get out into the corridor. The 2 x l0rs over the corridorarea mus t be f ire rated and an Br? block separat ion must beprovided between roof and corridor areas. A motion was madethat the variance be granted by Mr. Knox provided thai thematerials as discussed are used over corridor T-10. The mo- t ion was seconded by Mr. Hoyt and app roved unanimously by the Board. Case Z-6-12 - Bank of Vail - Reouest for 7 l/2r setback inlieu of l5l on west s ide of building. The variance had beengranted on a preliminary basis at the last meeting and had been discussed at ihat time. A motion was made by Mr. Knoxthat the variance be granted. The motion was seconded byMr. Viele and aDproved unanimously by the Board. Case Z-ll-12 - Hilton (Bush Construction) - Preliminary variance request for zero setback in lieu of l0r on west s ide of pro- Posed building. After Mr. Catcher had presenfed the plans for the building and some d iscuss ion f rom the Boa rd, it was decided that the Board wou ld recommend passage of the varianceafter itts properly posted for the required period of timeprovided there are no objecfions from edjoining property owners. Case Z-12-72 - David Hoffman (Site l0) - Requesi for 0l setback on east and west sides of site 10. This is a pre- liminary hearing as the variance was not submitted withinthe proper posting time. After Mr. Wright and Mr. Sage hadpresented the drawings f or ihe p roposed building and some discussion from the Board, the Board requested a copy of the LionsHead master p lan in order to further determine the accessfor fire equipment to the area if the variance were to begranfed. I f there is proper access, the Board might cons idergranting fhe variance, but shou ld have further study before they ma ke a comm i tt'me.n t , E. "" f,?;:1"3t.1'il:?i.lour s and Exami ners J u ly 13, 1972 Page 4 H. Case Z-10-72 - Three Willow Place - Request for 0r setback in lieu of l0f at tract land. The Board had previously discussed this matter a1 the last meeting and had given Three Willow Place a preliminary o.k. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the variance be granted. The motion w.as seconded by Mr. Hoyt and app roved unan imous ly by the Boa ro.l. Case Z-B-72 - Gordon Pierce Residence - Request for setback vbriance on norih and east' ;'rdes to a I low bu i ld ing to con- f orm fo natural contours of lot and to save large trees. Mr. Pierce presented drawings showing grades and trees onhis property and stated that he doesnrf want to cut large trees on the s ite to ma i nta i n the requ i red setback. A motion t',as made by Mr. Knox and seconded by Mr. Hoyt that the variance be approved. The motion was unanimously approvedby the Board. J . Case Z-9 -72 - F itzhugh Scott - Request for setback va riance on east and soufh!'i property lines to allow addition fo bebuilt in triangular configuration. This variance had been d lscussed at the last meet i ng in a preliminary manner. The Board had agreed to grant the variance. A motion was made by Mr. Viele fhat the variance be granted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Knox and approved unanimously by the Board. lV. 0ther Business - Contractors Licenses were approved and signedby the Board. Respectf u I ly submi tted, TOWN OF VAILU%db Ed Strub le(Ex-Officio) dw o Mflrr ATION I BUILDING Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numhered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - I NSPECTOFI , 81692 []sre errecx:o sxeerl ARCHITECI ON DE5IGNEh ENGINEEh l-tcENsE No. U5E OF 'UILDINC 8 Classofwork: ETNEW tr ADDITION DALTERATION tr BEPAIR tr MovE tr REMOVE 10 Change of use from 1l Valuation of work: g f/ q SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Oivlslon Size of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Fir€ sprinkterr Requlred lyqe !t{eAPPROVEO FOA ISSUANCE AY NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ABE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN @ DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D.I HEREEY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AAO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYqE OF WORK.W|LL BE gOtrpLtEO W|TH WHETHER SpECtFtEDHEREIN OR NqT, THE ERANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO "IVE AUTH9RITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS9FANY q'THZR STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTTO}/ OR /-T*E PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SICII{TURE-l'F ION'FACTOR Oi AUTHORIZED ACENT SOIL REPORT WHEN PROPERLY VAIIDATED {IN THIS SP THIS IS YOUR PE cK.PERMIT VALIDATION PIN K - APPLICANTCANARY - AUDIT I . /rycT .ICATION rr,MECHANICAL PERMIT APPTICA Appticantto comptete numbe,"r r;:::::;ion ot @-- 7/ va-/ NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOtD IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCEO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL AHEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PENMIT y'rL.zp-a /"4"2/,/n, ffi I oEsci.tfls:z rrrrcn eo sxe er1 MAII AODRESS ZIP MAIL ADOR E9S PFON E3 (,oo licHt?act oF oa5|cNER MA IL ADOR E9 S PHONE MAIL AO ORESS PNONE MAIL AODPCgS AAANCH !5E OF BUILOIN6 8 Ctass of work: aruew tr Ao0lTl0N tr ALTERATT0N tr REPAIR f /)/*/ Type of Fuet: Oit fl Nar. Gas fl r-pC. ti PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Boilers -H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnaoe Ea. Forced Air Svstems-B.T.U. M E6. Gravity Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters- B.T.U. M Unit H eaters-B.T.U. Ventilation Fan Air Handlim Unit- TOTAL FEE .N CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION cK. M.O. ilt't-a : - INSPECTOR CANARY _ AUDIT PIN K _ APPLICANT GO LDE N BOD - TEMP. FILE 1 International Conference of Building Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILT OFFICERS PREgIDENT FERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BTIILDING OFFICI^L COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO FIRST VICE. PRESIDENT EUGENE B. PESTER SIJPERINTENDENT, DEPARTMENT OF EU ILDIN6 AND SAFETY FOMONA, CALIFORNIA SECOND VICE.PRESIDENI NEWELL POCK CH IEF BUILDING INSFECTOFI YAKIMA, r/\l|ASHINEAON TREA9URER VINCENT R. BUSH 6UPERINiENDENT OF BIJ ILOING VERNON. CALIFORN IA JUN IOR PASA PRESIOENT TEO E. DUKE BU ILDING OFFICIAL BILLINGs, MONTANA EXECUTIVE D IRECTOR T. H. CARTER 5350 S. WORKMAN MILL RO WHITTIER. CALIFORN IA MANAGINC DIRECTOR JAMES E. BI HR 53CO S. V\/ORKMAN MILL RD. 1ll/H ITTI ER. CALIFORN IA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWD DIRECTOR OF INSPECTTONS XAI-AMAZOO, MICH IGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF IN9FECTIONS MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA BILL P. HORN CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR FIERCE cioUNTY IACOMA. WA6HINGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BU ILO ING IN5PECTOFI MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALTFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BTI ILOING OFFICIAL Cc)UNIY OF ALAMEOA HAYWARD, CALI FORN IA JACK D. WHITE BUI LOING CODE ENG IN EER KANgAs CIYY, M ISSOIJRI VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BU ILOING VERNON, CALIFORN IA DICK T. JORDAN DIRECTOR BUILDING OEPARTMEN I AIJSTIN, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BLJ ILDING OFFICIAL COUNIY OF gANTA BARBARA SANIA BAREAFA, CALIFORNIA ROAD June 5, Ed Struble Building Official City of Vail Box 1,00 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: Data for the above project has ance vith the Uniforn Buildine as f o1l-ows: GENERAL CCT'IMENTS: Fro'm the information submitted and for review purposes the f o1-lowing assumptions have been made and should be confirmedto your sarisfacrio", td_Ofl 1. The bullding i" ;6. V - one hour, fu1ly sprinklered inrestaurant. 2. The restaurant is in a basement or first story. 3, The exLsting meeting and conference room are noE a partof this projecc. 4. The building is in Fire Zone No. 3. 5. The alterations are governed under Sections 106 (e) and 105 (g). NONSTRUCTI'ML COM}IENTS : 1. Enclosures for fl-oor openings shouLd conply with TabLeNo. L7-A and Section 1705. Detalls shouLd clearlv indi-cate thls. (213) 699-0541 Alt,t , 4F- t/ l?-{^,,}v -' ".:;51i"':3I"I3F".T. }I. CARTER "jlifJ3".?'E:"r'*"" plan check No. 8587 *B:T:iiiit'51,"" Peoject: Restaurant Address: Talisuran Lodge $pe of Construction: V - One hour Occupancy Classif ication: B-3Fire Zone No. 3 Floor Area: 41000 Sq. Ft. Occupant Loadz L62 Val.uation: $40,000.00 (Suggested) 1970 Unifora Building Code Seismic Zone No. 2 been reviewed for conform- Code and our comnents are WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 L972 o7 2, -2- Roons in which rubbish chutes terml.nace shoul-d be separated -from the remainder of the building with a one-hour occupancyseparation. Section L706 (c). Note speciaL treatment of chute for shaft protectlon as it enters the rubbish room. Nonabsorbent finish and backing for toilet roon floors, wal1sof toilet compartments, and wal1s around urinaLs should con- form with Sectlon 1711 (a). Doors and panels of shower and bathtub enclosure should courplywith Section LTI! (c to e). 3. 6. 7. 8. The main entrance should front dlrectly upon wide access to a public way at least 20 feet 703. l-n have a 2O-foot nidth. Section A one-hour flre-reslstive occupancy separation is required be- fween the boller or central heating plant and the rest of thebuilding. Section 708. An approved, conspicuously marked, outside gas shutoff vaLve isrequired. Secrion 708. Exits. (a) An occupant load sign is required in the restaurant. Sec-tion 3301 (j). (b) Exit doors should be openable from the inside r^zithout Ehe use of a key, speciaL kncrrledge, or effort. Section 3303(c). Note also that surface mounted flush or surface bolts areprohibited. Automatic flush bolts are aLlor^red on pairs of doors provided the door with the flush bolt has no knobs or surface mounted hardware and the unlatching of any Leaf re-quires only a single operation. (c) Exit doors shoul-d provide lmmediate access co an approved means of egress. Section 3303 (g). Exlting through another room doee not comply unless the room complies as an acces-sory area in compl-iance nith Section 3302 (e). (d) Interl-or openings into corridors should be protected as setforth in Section 3304 (h). Twenty-minute rating for door assemblies requires conpliance with a specific research rec- onunendation or a Labeled fire assembly. The latter wouLdresult in a 45-rninute rating since Lt is the minimum pre- sently labeled. Reference is made fo hallwav at rear enEranceto restaurant. (e) Exl.t signs should 3312 (b) (c). (f) Panic hardware i.s Occupancies having SectioD 3316 (a). locke or latches. -3- be provlded in c onf or:nranee with Section requlred on exit doors serving Group B an occupant load of more tban 100. T,n lieu of thls, doors should have no 1n 11. L2. 9. Flre-extinguishing system plans should be submltted to you to determine compLiance with appllcable building, plunbing, and fire codes. Chinrreys should conply with Section 3702. Fireplace should cmply wlth Section 3704. Sufflcient information should be provided to shon that ducts for kitchen ventil-atlon c mrply wlth Chapter Ll of the Uniform Mechanical Code. ALl data ls being held pending further lnstructions frorn you. If instructiona are not recel.ved, data wllL be returtred in 90 days in conformance with Section 302 (b). In confornance with existlng policies, we will not discuss this letter witb anyone other than fron your department unLess permission is specifical.ly granted by you. Please feel free to contact us Lf there are any questions. Yours very tru1y, TJK:VFM:hb INTERI{ATIOML CONFERE}ICE Koyamatsu Plan Check EngLneer Juridiction of Applicant to comptete numbered spaces only. BUILDING PE APPLICATION //t5 I /.>a (LlsE3 Atr^CHED aHEEfI 2o*n"^ K/4 oDat 8"x ary LIcENSE ltO.rh; Ai.HITECT ON O,CSIGNER LICENSE NO. USE OF BUI I.OIN G I Class of work: 9 Oescribe work: ,7Z,ort E< I0 Chanie of useftom .p/27 47774e7//Ezy' 24,/i) 11 VEf uation of work: $ ,/6;") () SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ot Bldg. (Total, Sq. Ft. Flre S0rlnktefs Roqulr€d Er7es flNo OFFSTREET PARKING SPACEST NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE BEOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTI LATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID tF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER I'I'O R K tS COM. MENCEO. I !.lERFqY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THIS4,PPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL pBevrsroNs oF LAws AND oRotNANcEs covERNtNG fHrsTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECTFIED!|EBErlr oR NorL THE GRANTTNG oF A pERMtr ooEs Noi?EESUME IO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CAN'EL IHE STCNAIURE oF COt{TRACIOA/'6R AUtXOitzED Ac PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR cK. M.O. CANARY _ AUDIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PERMIT cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION PINK _ APPLICANT GOLOENROD - TEMP. FILE ' l, Septembe r 22, l972 Gent l enren: : Qu|tE som€ flmc ago you roqqes?ed e varlEnco to a'l |oya door open i ng I nto ,f out' $xl't gnc't osure to sw I ng fhe ,, Hrong dlrectlon,' Thls varlcnce vas denled and you s6r6 requasted +o change the ssdn$,of,., the door, or to r€movatha hardnare from thls dosr and per:manently lock l*, , -.'l Th ts sork rnust bo cornpl eted by tulonday, October 2 'or e eummons nl,l I bt llsued for each day of vlolat!on,.. . '. - .:: ;.r r.; , ] ; ' ] !.f - you have sny ques*lons, p leare f ee I f ree fo contact th l s deparf me*t'. : '' ' ..Yours tru.l y, : , l To|di.r 0F vAtL Klanaro todg6. :""'='' ' Val t, cotorido' : l SubJect: l97l Bulldlng Add'ltion Jer:fy L, Aldr{,Ch . ,t l,Bultdlng 0f f lc{al dt : cc ! 'Bened I cf and Asgoc I atas : ./1 I ' l- 1.,, '"''4 : ...- trT/W I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION. Couo,Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PAOPEFLY VALI DATED PLAN CHECK VALIOATION / WHITE _ INSPECTOF THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION PINK - APPLICANT t't4q GOLDENROD CASH 11 r' l\ \\\J! - trtJ'"- t woo- E n PC fu> ffi v} a B r -,1 ,{i)'ut L L^/( ps/auto,rtl I otscR,t__.1!lE Atracx Eo sHaErl r) ')1 -t^ A-.-:./ ulL 4lt,- ]t,t1 aoNTaactoi, Y.3 1l au-t-'7)l.) MAIL AODRESS,-1 "''.84:hdllo,x ti-i/diL-1)qLr 'lCH I TECI Oi DESIGXER LICENSI NO. OuD p eg- ENGINEE 5, LICENSE NO. 'Ot*tAJL'-R USE OF 'I.JILDING o>)alAnatr'l + 8 Ctass ol work: tr NEw F aootrron Snlrenlrtor tr REpAtR tr MovE tr REMovE tLJ l^t,rl o L L r't6 eet ', loT t. Dli\ drv', ltt^t, LL Wonlr t PApa/^Jc; 10 Change of use from Change ol use to 1l Valuation olwork: $ 3,5 O Qf-9 Size of Bldo. Fotatl sq.-Ft. P LAtt) Flre Sprinklers Required !ys5 flNqAPPLICATION ACCEPT€O BY:9IAIIS CHECKED BY AP?ROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY: No. ot -l\ Owelllng Unlts v, OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PEBMITS ARE REOUIBED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUM8. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIB CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTFUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN @ DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WOFK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR A PEBIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEF WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREEY CERTIFYAPPLICATION AND XALL PROVISIONS OFTYPE OF WORK WILHEREIN OR NOT, ' PRESUME TO GIVEPROVISIONS OF ANVCONSTRUCTION OR CANARY _ AUDIT a ///r-{ PLUMBING Jurisdiction o Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. CATION u/o fisre ertAcreo sx:erl fL lDoiElg ztF PHO'I E LICENSE I{ O. ^icH I l:ct on rEsrcNEi LIIENSE NO. EI{6INEEi AOOiE93 PHO E ICENSE NO. usE oF !utLotNc \-8 Ctas of work: EI lew tr AoolTroil tr ALTERATI0II E REPAIR Typc ot Fixtu.. or lLm WATER CLOSET (TOILET' LAVATORY (WASH BASINI KITCHEN SINK & OISP, DISHWASHER LAUNDRY TRAY WATER HEATER NOTICE fiIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OF CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OF WORK ISSUSPENDED OR AEANOONED FOR A PERIOO OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D. PROVISIONS OF ANYCONSTRUCTION OR ORINKING FOIJNTAIN FLOOFI--SINK OR DRAIN GAS sYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPINO & TR€ATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR sEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION WHITE _ I NSPECTO R CANARY - AUDIT PIN K - APPLICANT GOLDENBOD - TEMP. FI LE A4;-//J6 I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of vftr Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, WHEN PROPENLY VALIDATEO {IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT o 0n t Thtt s Mtfl) t-s>je { lflszt rrtrcxeo sx:zrt 2 TOL.; t..: of V,k L MAI L AODiE35 E-DF 3tA UilL-476-32o7 AicH I lEC r OF oEStCr{Ei LIcENSE O. Er,lGlrJEER E LICENSE NO. USE OfJUI LDII{G 8 Class oI worK: XNEW tr AODITIOiI tr ALTERATIoN D REPAIR E] MOVE tr REMOVE 9 Describeworkt L( pF &fllu11724 aJ ta4t CIO r're& ETE Dz.' l0 Change of use from ll Valuationofwork:g 4O9. -PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze ot Bldi. (Totarl 5q. Ft. Fire Sprlnkl€rj Requlreo !y"r flloAPPROVED FOR ISSUANCE EY:4tP< lt r/-'J OFFSTREET PARKING'PACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS AFE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTI LATING OR AI R CON DITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR APERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSP€CTOR PERMIT VALIDATION PINK - APPLICANTCANARY - AUDIT GOLDENROD - TEMP. FI LE lrurrRNATIoNAL CoT.TFERENCE oF Burmtruo OrncrALS NEW ADDRESS: 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 TELEPHONE 1213) 699-Os41 tlay 3, 1972 OFFICERS FRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONA|. BUILOINO OFFICIAL COLORADO 3PRING5, COLORAOO FIRST VICE.FRESIDENT EUGENE B. FESTER SUPERINIENDENT, DEPARTMENT OF BU ILDINO AND SAFETY POMONA, CALIFOAN IA SECOND VICE.PFE6IOENT NEWELL POCK CH IEF Bt',ILDING INSPECTOR YAKIMA. 1'l|JASH INGTON TREASURER VINCENT R. FUSH 5UPERINIENDENT OF BUILDTH6 VERNON, CALI FORN IA JUNIOR FAST PNESTOENT TED E. OUKE BUILDING OFFICIAL BILLIN6S, MONTANA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 50 SOUTH LOS ROBLE6 PASAOENA, CALIFORNIA MANAGING DIRE6TOR JAMES E. BIHR !o sourH Los RoBLEg PA6ADENA, qALIFORNIA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWO DIRECTOR OF INSPECAIONS KAI.AI{AZOO, MTCH IGAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECTOR OEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS M INNEAFOLIS. M INNESOIA BILL F. HORN CH IEF EUILDINC INSPECIOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA. WASHINGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BU ILDING I'{SPECIOR MOUNYAIN VIEW. CALIFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER bUILDING OFFICIAL couNTY oF ALAMEba HAYWARO, CALIFORNIA JACK D. WHITE BU ILDING CODE ENGINEER kANSAS CtTY, M rSSoURl VIN6ENT R. BUSH sUPEFINTENOENT OF BIJILDING VERNON, CALTFOFINIA DICK T. JORDAN D I FECTOR BUILDING DEP^RTMENT AUST!N, TEXAS RAY J. NOKES BU ILDINO OFFIqIAL COUNTY OF SANTA EARBARA SANTA BAREARA, CALI FORNIA Plan Check No. 8587 Ichiban at Vai1, Inc. Ed Srruble Building OfficiaLCity of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: This is to acknowLedge recelpt of data on April 27, Lg72,for the above project which will be. reviewed and our c ofiEnent s forwarded to you as soon as possible. May we thank you for your interest in our services " Yours very truly, TJK: hb cc: Gerald Kato A Nonprofit Service Orgonizotion lor the Mqinlenqnce of lhe IJNIFORM BUILDINO CODE ond Reloled Ordrnonces ond Qfferinq Soecio/ Services lo Active Clqss A Menbers OFFICES OF THE EXEqUTIVE OIRE(:IOR T. H- CARTER MANACINO DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR TECI{NICAL DIREqTOE D. R. \^'ATSON TMERNATIOT{AI CONFERENCE U]LDING OFFICIALS K tsu Check Eng ineer l''tarch 24, l972 $4r. Bruce SutherlcndFredrlcBgnediefAlA.'aAggoql.:ateg.. l. 0. SoX 40 Asp*n, eol,orado 8t6l'l SubJect: Kiandia ;:Lodge Addltlon 0gAf SfUCe; : .'', : ., ,, 1:l:*.1 y:,.fo.ypur rgltef of March t5 ond our phone conv6rsatton ofthIs week, I haye the fo||owIng comrientg: l . A$' d i scugsed by phone, r tem z of your: lsf fe!: :does r:equ l reminlmum of one'hour tire rosistlve "onrtruefton ul;;;-;;-consi'derad a parf of the rnain bulldlng..:fn regard fo lfem 4, somethlng ls gotnglmmedlately as the area was nof Intendedand does not meat Code a ls 1.ts have to be. donefor emp I oyee hous I ng 3. when I sent my letter to you |n February, tt was medE from allst broughf to mE by Harald r*hlch c6mo'irom orlginal notes- 'taken at' f he t lme of my pre-f l:ns | | ngpect lon. oie th Ing thtf'€emss to raind that was brougrht,up at the t}me o,f the lnlpectf on,but was not noted on the Ilit ls'the door openlng l.t" t[;-"-'ground ftoor rccdrng of the stair ui ;h;'";;;il'"ic of theaddItion.Agyouknox,o||ex|tdoorsmusfopeninfhEdir-ectlon of egress; therefore, thls door wfl I have to be rehungor removod aqd the r*a | | s6q l€d . There brors a I so some i temsr€gard i ng the rriochan lca I end bo I I er roon 6rea. tt'hen you corn6 up next week, pgrhaps H€ canMonager who made the I I st of the I fems and I tg en*l roty, :.. : . : You rs tru l y ,: '. t',:.Ed Strub I e 8ul ldlng 0f f lcial .acc: Harald !{estbye dw get ahold of thEgo over the I lst In ln regard fo my fnspecfion of the Talfsman &n January and.yourletter" of January 3l , I have the fol lovi ng cornmants: . l. Regardlng your lternE 4 and 5, please be Informed that thenext Variance meetlng ls Aprlt l3 at g:00 a.m. 2, Regard Ing your lfesa i7'and f he enc los6d skef ch, p loase bglnformed fhat the re6m cqpaclfy ls 201 as ncted on my orlglnal p l en check. . 5. ln going threugh your flle,r"l f ind som6 I'torng {rhat x€re not March 24, 1972 Mr. AI ZelgelEverett/Zelgel Archltects AtA 2305 Canyon Slvd Bou I der, Co I orado BA3A2 SubJect; Tal isman Additlan Dear Al: Ed 9trub letluilding Of f iclal cc: Mouri Notflnglram dw checked on fty last Inspecflon s.uch as sfrucfural sfee'l besrnsar€ not flre proofed for two hcur ratlng, plposchases er€ not sealed at the f loors, .f he nef a I sta irs 'that profect l'nf o theboller roorn must be f lre protected, mechanical cenf I latlonIn laundry room and:beqm above f i re place In i4r. Notf Inghamf s epartment must be flre proofed, Next ll** you ut.* uF, ila wlll check fhese itenns out physlcally. Yougg tru I y, ' .. ' - TO!{N OF VA IL ':: FBEDBTc BENEDTctATA & Ass0crArEs.ARrtrEcrs & pTANNERs SRUCE R. SUTHE R LAN D AIA DIETER ZENKER I'lareh 15, L9T2 Mr. Eal Stnrb].e Bulldlne Official Torm of Vail Poet Of,ftce Box 100 Vai]-, CoLorado 81557 Re: Kianclra Iodge Adtlltion. Dear Ed: Ia reply to your letter of February Lt+, J.:972, regsriliug itens of eorrec-tlon for igsuance of a Certlficate of Oecupancy n our coments are as folJ-ovs: 1. I{e vilJ. cbeck the variatlon in the height of the riserg vhicb you neatloned. ancl rilJ- pass on to tbe Coatractor for his correction. 2. You have requested that tbe trash shed be of oae-hour congtruetion.It is our opinion that since this Etructure iE only an enclosure aacl ie not connected. to tbe building, that it, neecl aot neet this requirenent. If our interpretation is not correct, please csll end eilvls e accordlngl5r. 3. We rrill ask th,at the Contractor lnstall hsndrails aE you bave recomendecl s,s Eoon as it is possible to do so. ,Ir. Iour question as to uae of tbe euployee lounge iteu shoull be referred, to the nanagenent of the Kiantlra lodge. It is dlfficult to accomplish the nork listetl ln tbe ltems ebove at tbis time; as soon as tbe tourist seasoa passes, re rl11 attenpt to get the Contractor to conplete this vork. Sincerely, Bruee R. Sutherland, BRS:gr cc3 l&. Ron Eanler Aspen Conetructior Cornpany Poet 0ffice Box ZZ Aspen, Colorado 81511 l{r. Ilarald l{eatbye Kiaa<lra Iofue Poet 0ffice Box 1028 Vai1, Coloraao 8f55? BOX 4O ASP€N COLORADO 81611 TELEPHONE 925-3481 *F a Fabruary 14, 1972 1,1r. Bruce 5 uf her l and ljened i ct and Aseoc I etesP. O. tsox 40 Aspen, Colorado gl6l I Sub ject: l{ I andra Lodge Dear lrruce. Ll sted be lorY aro itenrs wh lch rnust b€ taken ca16 of on the Klandra Ledge addttf "l-!gfore I csn rnade :a f f nal f nrpectlon and issue apermanent Certi flcate of Occupsncy l. ltrps fo pool from lounge - botfom step doss not meet unr-form iSullcllng Code Secf lon 3505 (e) t'tirE rnExlnrunr varlafiongIn ths helght cf rlsErg ln any ons fllght shell be 3/t6uu 2. Trash shed - musf heve F/glt sypsum board I nsta I f ed I n orderto meet on€ hsur rra I I requ lcEsrent, 3. f{ondrai ls on resfaurant steps, fronf and back - sectlon 5j05(l) -ttstairways shallhave'ahndralls on each slde and €verystal rtcay. requl red fo be rno!'e than ggrt In vr idth shal I be pro-vi qled w I th nst 'lEss than one i ntermed iate handra I I far eaehBBt' of req u I rod ru I dth . 4. Enrployee loungo - Thls arBa is belng used for emptoyee houg-inS €nc, for this purposo doeg nof meet Cade due to irre nIn-doxs being placed foo hlgh. lR srder tg be used for thlsoccupancy, lt must meef r€qulrements of sectlon lj04 whlchstates that when e wlndon ls provlded for Emsrgency exrt,the sllt helght sholl not be fiiore than 4B'f above the floor. Please 5e€ thaf these lterns ar€ taken care of so that I can makeE flnal inspectlon. Yours truly , TO|,IN OF VA}L gd $trub I e Bui ldlng 0fflclaI cc: Ha ro t d Wecthvel 7 5tr*4( ,'tb, lA-#/i6r=- EVERETT / ZEIGEL 2305 CANYON BOULEVARD BOULDER ARCHITECTS AIA coLoRADO 40302 3o3 444 257r Mr. Ed StrubleBuilding Official Town of VailColorado 81657 Reference: Talisman January 3L' L972 Lodge Phase IIf Inspection for Occupancy Dear Ed: Thank you very much for taking the time to inspect with us the Talisman Lodge. This is to record my understanding of that inspection and to note those items which reguire ad.ditional action on the Ownerrs and our part in order to obtain conditional occupancy for the building: I. Install exit sign at ground tevel at east and west stairs. Note the encl-osed sketch. 2. Provid.e temporary eirr-ergency exit. signs for second exit from the con- ference room until restaurant space is finished. 3. Conference room ventilation is to be hooked up to provide fresh air. 4. Exit from the conference room using utitity stair to shops l-evel is desired. Request for variance will be submitLed. 5. Doorways within stair at west are to have a request for variance submitted to al1ow the locked doorways at landings to remain. 6. Provide two layers of 5/8" chipboard enclosure between the studs and cabinet heater at lower Lodge level east stair. 7. Room capacity signs, though not discussedr sha1l be placed at the main exi-t of the conference room. Note the enclosed sketch' Items requiring variances roilt be submitted within the next week or so. I will call in order to arrange for you and one or two other mernbers of the Variance Board to review on the site those requests prior to formal hearing. If there are any questions or misunderstandings, please let us know as soon as possible. Again. thank you for this consideration. Very truly yours, EVERETT,4EIGEL ARCHITECTS ATA HAz/ds Enclosureseigel, AIA I CAT //cv I BUILDING PERMIT APPLI toN Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. tel-lsmen Condoralnlurns . LE G L I DESCR,(L_lsEE Arr^cHED aHEEY) MAIL AOOiESS ZIP Hcrbert Glaser. Boverly Hllls Callfornla LICENsE NO. Boydson Constnuctlon AiCH ITECT OR OESION!h LICENSE NO. EIICINEEi MAI L AODRESg FHONI LICENsE NO. USE OF 'UILOINC oxtra bathroom 8 CIaso{worK: NNEW EIEOOITIOH trALTERATION trREPAIR trMOVE trREMOVE fr:amo ln bath l0 Change of use from bcdr^oom bathroora 11 Valuation of work: $PERMfT FEE ,/ / . P SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze ot Bldg, (Totall Sq. Ft. Fire SDrlnklers Required [yg5 !1q OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ABE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OF AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN AO DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE O. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOB PERMIT VALIDATION PIN K - APPLICANT "" rl 'J"/o'CANA.RY - AUDIT GOLOENROD - TEMP. FI LE MECHA { Nrc AL ICATION p*t Applicant to complete Jurisdiction of spaces only. I otacr.{[set rtrecreo sntttl LICEN9E IJO. AICHITECT Oi OESIGNEi LICENSE NO, I.ICEN5E NO. u3a oF BUTLOTN6 8 Ctas of work: tr NEW n A00tTt0N Elnttennttolrt ! REpAtR I Describe work: TypsofFuel: oit n Nat.Gas n Lpc. n PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnsoe Ea. Forced Air Systsms-B.T.U. M Ea. SWtems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnaces- B.T.U, Wall Heaters B.T.U. M NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OH CONSTRUC.TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OH IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR APERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER N'ORK IS COM. MENCEO. I. IIERFAY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THIS4PqLLc4TlON Aryo KNow THE SAME ro BE iRUaANo ibFnecr.A!! PgqvlstgNs oF LAWS AND OROTNANCES GbtEEN|^iG iHts T.yqE_ 9F v{o8!t !^/tLL BE coMpLtED wtrH wHETHER spEcrrreoHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PEiMi- OOES NOTPEE9U!,E Io ctvE AUrHoRtTy TO VTOLATE Oii'bn-ru-CEL rne?89.y!Sroryli oF ANy oTHER srATE oR LocAaLAw nE-e ULAriruccoNsTRUcTtoN oR THE PERFoRMANCE o- coNs-T-R-uailoN. Unit Heaters B.T.U. M WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED ItN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.o. cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION \ WHITE _ I NSPECTOR CANAFIY _ A,U DIT PIN K _ APPLICANT P. FILE rHug---\ :s _$a 1- -ftr}9 \\ ' II i I -*-- - -- ,^lt uto'+' d6 -rHu3'--\ ITERETT/|IEffit Arcfiitects AIA 2305Canvon Boulevard Barlder Cotorado 80302 90344425n