HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT L K KIANDRA TALISMAN AKA SONNENALP AUSTRIA HAUS 1971 TO 1985 BUILDING LEGALJ> department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION Fi re Al arm f,n m trnn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL FtLtNc ft unara _!q{ge__ JOBNAME: Kiandra Fire Alarm GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM s. c. I . TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ELECTRICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. $. prlnt .y/vail NOTE _ COPY OF November PERMIT TO BE KEPT ONI, tggsDATE JoesrreK>\N\ PERMIT NO. 002286 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION |[fl tVV 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AEEH IR M DfVISfON r22a34 GENf frt{Uff RrFIrSU oArffifi , TYPE GROUP G.B.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES \t o -.9 tc) ) ALTERATIONI") ADDITIONAL REPAIR ADDITIONAL PERMITS TOTAL PERMIT FEES Glatzle 11-7-85 ING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all lhe information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state lawo, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. AND THE OWNER. F OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ,2.ti D! D r,/ork. _. PERM IT FEES BUIIDING PERM IT PLAN CHECK ELECIRICAL PLUMSING MECHANICAL RECREAIION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO X X X q - - 4=€.€f{-- MECHANICAI CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRAl:TNP TOWN OF VAIL FEG, NO. IET E rnu S C.7 LDING :ONING ADMINIS]RATOR DAT E ]ONING & BUILOING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that lhave read this application, lilled out In lull the Informalion required, comple'ted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlorrnalion provided as required is correct. I agree lo comply with tho inforrnation and plot plan, {o comply wilh all To',vr) or(Jinances and slale laws, and to build this struclure according to the Town's zoning arrd srrbdivision codes, dcsign review approved, Uniform Building Code and othe.r orginanc€s of lhe Tgwn applicable tl)ereto. OF OVJNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMS L,JorK S)"ree-T- PLUMBING FOUNDATION Ftke*L*etn il"ff #'F,?;",1'E'gIS[.!$$H't'11?^Iol'lf Hft g"[RE?:^"''F BUILDING ELECTRICAL IilECHANICAL hun o dcpartment of community dovolopmont DtrF I. TYPE OF CONSTNUCTION 2.OCCUPANCY GROUP tI t rv v ABEHIRM 122834 VALUATION Et EC] RICAL PLUI,I SING MECHANICAL ALTERATION( ' AODITIOIIAL REPAIR( } ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEOEO: CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES {Jf,. o o atk FILIN6 TEGAL DESC. JOB NAI,,IE: OV/NER Local Add. ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PLUIIBING CONTRACTOR iIAII ADNRESSt. Address .-_-Ptt.-:-..-.? MA|L AnDRESS ; r CITY PH. rnu UI-NE TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TOT'/N OF VAIL REG. NO, TEL E rnu NnA)E TOIIN OF VAIL FEG, NO. rre 4'Y.- -7;1e WN ER. OF PROJECT t JOB NAME INSPECTION REOUEST riiltINSPECTIoN: LM_91-.1 CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF BUILDING: C] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING (*oro"tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR /t 4 ; .:,, , <tr/ \1 , ".- PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu PLYwooD NATLTNG GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP, POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING g ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOO DS tr CONDUIT B tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL iE APPBOVED -{ COHRECTIONS:' .-.. a:tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE - JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB T1 SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR |n.Pn.brt,ivair DATE F" trn ffi Dntr PLUMBING FOUNDATION DEMO - . (G CoNSTRUCT|ON PERMTT 'nffifl l;; department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL JOB NAME: KIANDRA L GENERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM SfTAFFFFR C0NqT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 827-5656 TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO, PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TELE- [|a pdd.rylvail NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE p11E Mav 13. 1986 PERMIT NO. 0021{tiz t. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I l rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H I R M DIVISION r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES ALTERATION O ADDITIONAL REPAIR( DWELLING UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO. FIREPLACES TOTAL PERMIT FEES GARY MURRAIN ONING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read lhis application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply wilh the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design revie\,v approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. AND THE OWNER. SIGNATIIRE oF owNER oH cONTRAcToR FoR HIMSELF Gordon R. Piet . Architect . A.I.A. O May 9, 1986 Mr. Gary MurrainBuilding Inspector Town of Vail. 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81657 RE: Sonnenalp Hotel (formerly Kj-andra Lodge)Vail' Colorado I Dear Sir: We wish to start demolition on portions of thls project for the purposes of investigation and to remove existi-ngtenant finish materials. This work would be limited to rernoval of floor, waLl and ceiling finishes and tenant non-bearing wa11s. we wi-11 not remove e).ectrical, plumbing or heating and ventilating devices. Also, we will maintain the fire alarm and sprinkler system with the exception of smoke detectors which we will cover so theyare not actj-vated by dust. This demol.i-tion shaLl be limited to the tenant finish,i.e. interior, non-structural items, in the area of the former Mariachils Restaurant and the commercial spaceabove. Required safety and clean-up procedures shall be followed. Ray S Proj ect Architec Karl Faessle F5; 1000 Sourh Frontage Road West'Vail, Colorado 8i657'303/476-61'76 Gordon R. Pie?e ' Architect . A.I.A. O May 9, 1985 ilr. cary }lurrainBuilding Inspector Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, CO 81657 RE: Sonnenalp Hotel Vail, Coforado Dear Sir: (formerly Kiandra Lodge! We wish to start demolition on portions of this project for the purposes of investigation and to remove existing tenant finish materials. This work would be limited to removal of floor, wall and ceiling finishes and tenant non-bearing walls. We will not remove electrical, plumbing or heating and ventilating devices. Also, we wiII maintain the fire alarm and sprinkler system with the exception of smoke detectors which we will cover so they are not activated by dust. This demolition sha1l be limited to the tenant finish' i.e. i.nterior, non-structural items, in the area of the former Mariachi I s Restaurant and the commercial sPace above. Required safety and clean-up procedures shall be f ol Iou,ed. Ray sQlry Project- Architec !000 South Fronrage Road West'Vail, Colorado 81657'303/176-6i']6 olNspEcn*o$, $FPUEST onrE L * ]{ 'i-i- JoB NAME -i--*'.CALLER '-i , ''v- INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND 6 noucn / D.w.v. tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL E tr FINAL , !c,L rr.- ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL ..l-ffrl+rr or=o / CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ir,- ii g-{ INSPECTOR. t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE a I I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON wED IHyBr FRI CALLER TUES ' o i,. -' BUILDING:PLUMBING: 'E FOOTINGS / STEEL 'i tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL . tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL 4 \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 75 south lrontage road uail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 January 29, 1.986 Jay Peterson Box 3.|49 Vai1, Colorado 8.|658 Re: Kiandra Minor Subdivision olllce ol communlly dcYelopmenl Dear Jay: The staff had the opportunity to look at the minor subdivjsion for the Kiandraproperty. The minor subdivision will not be accepted for the planning Commission,meeting on February 24, as further information is needed,particu] arly-an application form and fee for the minor subdivisjon. If you submit all of the information listed below by noon on February 3rd, the ataffwill accept your submittal for the February 24th PEC-meeting.-.tf you are unableto meet this deadline, you will need to resubmit for a future pEC meeting. Thestaff wi1'l be happy to Iook at the minor subdivision on a preliminary baiis. However, the staff feels strongly that further informatjon is necessary to complete a thorough revjew of the proposal . The additional information that the staff would like to receive includes: 1. A completed application form signed by the appropriate part.i es and a check to cover the application fee. 2. Three copies of the minor subdivisjon, two of which must be mylars. 3. Title insurance company proof of ownership of all lands wjthin theproposal . 4. A written description of the submitta'l . Staff is particularly concerned about how the parking for the Kiandra is affected if the park.i ng area becomes a separate lot from the Kjandra property. 5. A written summary of any lease agreements that exist concerning theseproperti es. 6. The staff would like to see an improvement survey that shows existingproperty 1 i nes, ownershi p, bui 'l di ngs and parki ng areas. ,'7 L . Sincerely, K'h^fo't Kristan Pritl Toum Planner The staff wil'l need this additiona'l information to evaluate thesubmittal. At this time, it is difficult to determine if other information wj'l I be necessary. However, these minimum items are needed., Please let me know lf you have any further questions. KP: br TO: FROt"t: DATE: aF. Ron Phi l1i ps Peter Paiten 1/21/86 Kiandra IDB Bonds l"l,y coril'nents and questions are as follows: ri_1. How does proposed renovation and rentodel relate to plans for new cciinerci al bui 1d i ng along Fast l'leadow Dri ve? 2. Why is estr-mated cost of improvements ($1.25 million) so 1ow compared to the requested $.l0 mill'i on jn bonds? 3. I^le would need more detailed plans to give an opinion on zoning compliance for 'ehe renovation (although it sourids like it fjtswith PA zon'ing) 4. This is a quite complicated site regarding orr,nershjps with a'l I ihe I eases and easei-ients . ',lle need to make s ure everythi ng works to_oeLher, 5. Basically, I have no objections and fee'l the site needs an upgrad_e- l.le will ask for some tradeoffs (possibly improving the trash area, looking at the potent'i al for a bike/pedestrian path and/or bridge over the creek) and will discuss this further. cc: Larry Esklith o o.-/ offlce ol clmmunlty development 75 south frontage road yall. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 18, 1985 Douglas Davies'Food and Beverage Director of Bully III 20 Va i 'l Road Vail, Colorado Re: Trash Enclosure for Dumpster Dear Mr. Davies, I am writing to you in response to a conversation I had with Christopher Hoosyesterday. 0ver the past year, my office has received numerous complaintsabout the existing dumpster area and the presence of garbage down the streambq!k. The repeated conversations concerning this matier s6em to have a temporaryeffect, but I believe it is time to find a more pennanent solution to theproblem. 0n March .l8, .|985, the date of rqy last'regular kitchen'inspection,I discussed the problem with christopher and suggested a trash enclosure/ room be built to accommodate the dumpster. I was very p'l eased yesterday to see plans for the new construction to the south end of the restaurant for the loading/trash area which I feel at thistime is a necessity and which will improve the overall appearance of a veryvisible and highly travelled corner of Town as wel 1 as'iirirrove the appearanceot that end of your building. I am very pleasedtosee your efforts in thisarea and encourage you to pursue them to completion. if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 476-7000, ext.'t05. Si ncerely,---..,./ .-J^^ i da"oaJ:ryaA//t4J"'/ ./"/ Susan Scanlan Environmental Health Officer SS: bpr cc: Dennis Fisher, General Manager Christopher Hoos, Kitchen Manater .-t Profect Applicatlo o n Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone -" //' .,,4.u t't ,'t't I n/ Owner. Address and Phone: Architoct, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL ..1-j<- DISAPPROVAL Summary: p'statt Approval l,iL, Application Number SIGN APPLICATION The f o'l 1owi ng 'informati on i s requi red f orto the Design Review Board before a finalSign subnittal fee is $20.00. ,/rt/-Date t/r/,/r <-------.--..- Phone ,',4,//" submjttal by the applicant approval can be given. A. Sign Material Name of ProjEct B. Description of Sign D. Comnents . MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings shbitTngEact location 1. Photographs showing proposed locaETdn-__ ,._4, Actual sion5. Colored siale dFawTnE-6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittar )lgn Admlnistrator Disapproved for DRB SuUmittil- Sign Administrator -! TO: FROM: RE: 75 soulh honlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 17, '1984 offlce of communlty develoPment SIGN APPLICANTS Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz' Planners Sign Appl'ication Requirements When applications for signs i s requ'ired: are submitted, the fo1 lowing information l. Site plan showing exact location where the s'ign is to be located' 2. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign is to be located' 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) (a) scale draw.ing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the s'ign itself is made (c) photograPh if sjgn is made FEE:A$20.0oapplicationfeewillberequ.iredattimeofapplication. (over) o-' EXISTING CONDITIONS Site Area = 3.32b acres I44,TSO sq. ft. Allowable GRI'A = ll5,gOO sq. ft, Tota1 area of improvements = 102.900 Assume 80% efficient = 82,3.20 grfa Allowable add.ition = 33,4g0 grfa 1 Units t)' tu@ /L["/tu UL{.AI ul fl"- fE*J /,1,. 71 accom. units (west)62 accom. units (east)66.5 133 total accom.'units @ f/2 ac u,/d..u. ) 11 d.u. (of various sizes) 7 employee units 77.5 d.u. used (not inc1. emp. units) 83 d.u. permitted Additional b d.u. or 10 acc. u. permi-tted. ' (Note: Building unit plans could be studied to permit combining' sma11 accomodation units in larger (and iewer) accomoclationunits - employee d.u. could be negotiated). (NOTE: Conversion of entire main level of Kiandra East Buildingto retail will provide 10 additional acc. unlts). - ,i. PA ZONE DISTRICT l *Professional: Business offices require CUp *Lodge is permitted use with 10% of total grfa in accessoryeatlng, drinking, recreational or retail establishments. 'Setbacks - ZOt on all sides Eeight - 45, for flat or mansard.'. 48' for sloping roofs Density - 80% of site in grfa 80% of site for any conditional use*apparent contradiction with abovetotal density is 80%25 du . /acre Slte Coverage: b5g coverage by building Parking: at least 75% of required parking shaLl be focated withinthe main building and hidden from public view no parking or loading in any front setback Acc. units Schematic 15,O00 sq. 140 x .75 =105 spacesparklng avail = 155(80 under, 75 surface) ft. (new conmercial) = 50 spaces -Sh/*,;l ytt PJ"# ,,i.,-e; li li. o Pnolf;ifY suil.t{RY TOTAL LAND - Total 3.323 acres g Fee Simple Land 1.66 acres t VA Leased Land 1.66 acres + TOTAL 3.323 * .56 acres ! subleased to Talisrnan Condo. Association. I}iPRO\TE}1ENTS SMIARY A. West Wing (Kiandra Lodge) 7I Lodgerooms l0 excepetion (larger units) t'* 2 enployee unlts Total Square Feet 42'2OO ! * Comnercial Spacg rt** ** Includes 3 2 br 2 bth + loft penthouses 15,800 r 3 studios r.tith loft 2 studios 2 continental kLtchen studios *** Includes Bu11y I1I, Bully Chophouse, Ke1lys, Meeting Roons, Kitchen' Laund rv. B. East Wing (Talisnan Lodge) 62 rooms 1 studio apt. L'ith fireplace 5 employee units - from studios to a ful-1 1 br.apt. Total Square Feet 33,400 t * Connercial Space :l:t** 1l ' 700 t :t:t** tnslgfles Skandia Shop; Tannery ' Blossoms & Bric-a-Brac, Mariachirs, The Cabin Lounge, ileeting room and Hotel offices. Total Improvements Lodging - 42,000 sq.fc. t 33,400 sq.ft. = 75'400 sq.ft. t Conmercial -- 15,800 sq.ft. 3 ll'700 sq.ft. = 27,500 sq'ft. I ? l:a ".--' {s Project Application Prol6ct Nam€: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Stalf Approval Fee Pai Name of Person Submi Location of project Description of project SIGN APPLICATION iApplication Number Phone The-following .information is required forro the Design Review Board before a final)rgn submittal fee is $20.00. submittal by the applicantapproval can be given. -,tlA. Sign Materiat _W - Comnents t 8*^ scri pti on 1. Site Plan ?. Drawings sh-owr--IgEact location rr l. ll3:99.:p5 showins proposed roca'tTdnf,_+. ACIUat Sl qn l. Colored sialiliFa-ilIi!- MATERIALS SUBMITTED l.lITH APPLICATION 6 . Photograph of s.ign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittiT- Sig-n-i-Amfiiimtor -- )rgn Admlnlstrator {# o KIANDRA STATISTICS November 1984 Zone District: PA Area Allowable GRFA Actual GRFA Al I owabl e dwe'l I i ng uni ts Actual dwelling units Accomnodation Units 20% Rul e Restaurant Total Retai'l Back of House Freebi es Meeting Rooms Height, Allowed,48' Setbacks, 20' allowed Parking, required, tIEST 1.659 acres 72,266 sq ft 57,812.8 50,912.6 unoe r 6 ,900. .| 7 over over 2791 1201 2242 Existing South, 43.75 all sides exi sti ng, EAST/TAL ISMAN 1 .54 66,942 sq ft 53,553.6 62,9'l8 62 8539 19.36% 8539 2344 2603 687 T I35 4l 48.5 7.5 77 7622 24.02% 5328 over 38 5l l3 on ?r 6r I ,/ I R. \J- @J 4 @- /--/k 4 A.t ,J+ 444--;z<-4-/ Q-, ?ro O- 7lz' eo- ./2-t 2 b = 3/Z /a24'*" 3,6ao tg'- aa "4f / o./, 7a 4 /Za a 2, g^e. e 7 S-tt /V.o . /'3a /7.fa - 1.a @-, @ . , O'/of -e..*'l 7 -La--/.1r .tt,.i-+-tt-<-, /qX ?z = 3a 7. (,,,' 2. A4-,-14 e, /zo o z.r,- - /.1o '-fu *od,31 r 9E: --rl_- ( sz .3') *?4.-";: o {;,*,2-.n--- ra .a A O 7,6 ? 43. t' ,to 3. o-f F If! b/t s< /aY r /.' ' c,.-r- la/ i' ) C.44 t a-t;*, G|*@r e 61 Sz;llo, E-r.,Vac) /L s- AoI- B.C-, lr(: VA a.<.- rGa z-f lvr A &'t fo Y v VAIL VILLAGE LAND USE INVENTOR Project 11sms KIANDRA L0DGE WEST Owner O"r."iption Prt of TkE Blk 5E, heet Completed by JTF Zoning PA Late 2/15/84 I. ZONING ANAL PARCEL SIZE UN ITS: Dwel I i ng Accommoda ALYSIS Exi sti ng .|.659 ac 72,266 sf l0 tion 77 A'l I owed/ Requi red D i fference I nformation Source otal 48.5 4t 7.5 over 24,482,12 -€.$*h"J-,, ry ta1 31,729.57 ,8I3 26,084 diff GRFA:A^e'T1 Dwel1 i ng Accorrnodat To DENS ITY:29.23 25 3 over 20v, RULE/ CgMMgN AREAS: 7622 sf RESTAURANT- BAR/RETAI L : Restaurant-Bar Pub'lic Area: The Pub 1224; chop House lg3g; Kelly's Lounge 770 Private Area 1496 Total Area 5328 Retail none Total Retail na^r Total Restaurant/Bar and Retail: vail|l1a9e Land Inventory, page Z fj".t n Accessory Uses/Back of Freebies: l20l sf ame KIAIIDRA WEST House: Z79l sf Heeting Rooms (net):2242 sf Setbacks: Height: 43.75 existing south elevation,48 a'l lowed Parki ng: 6'l exi sti ng SIZES OF UNITS Dwelling: 3 totalling 4044; 7 totalling Acconrnodation: 36 @ 284; 36 o rslFtot) 5e 8'L3,t 3uG t2)/( 331 332 -5iJ 7b1 /'^t^-<@ I Z(? t,e 3820 iet t€ i€ la I'ing 1472 sf 7qq < II. Lodgerooms 9les ! Wing : East wing I NOTE: The Special Units West Wing 3 East Wing: 8HE KIANDRA LODGE I,ODGEROOH AND SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS BREAKDOWN MARCH, 1984 17 Standard (not including 5121 e 55 Deluxe ( including 5306 6 5308 73 Total Lodgerooms (34 View-side includirry 52L2 & 5312) 62 TotaI Standard Lodgerooms (not incLuding 8005) ( 36 viee-side) East Wing has lO rooms which contain on" *rrrn size bed. 3 Penthouse Apartments 2 Studio Kitchenettes 3 Studio Kitchenettes w/Loft 2 Lodgerooms w/Kitchens (5306 s 5308) I Studio Condo (8005) 5L22 or 5123 & 5124) listed below ) west wing:Bighorn Room Pitkin Room Booth Room Three sep made into arate rooms or can be I large room. & 5122 r 5123 & 5124 )Exocutlvg Parlors ( 5121 Columbine RoomEast wing; Cabin Lounge (East Wing lobby) TtIE KTA}IDRA ITME Cf\tfrntrc St'66t^ I Vail, Colorado ccNrrfrs'lcE U RCXN{DS oF8 PIATED DIhl}lER .trUT T TJ.L DINNIR, RCL'IOS Rmq TIIE\TRE gia,ssRoclvl 96*1UU 150 96 Bigi'rorn, Pitkin, Bootlt 2,050 sq. ft.225 130 1,305 sq. ft.8B 40 '72 *10 * 60tst;horn 60 Pitkin 384 sq. ft'24 26 22 tio24AV 24 20 tsooth 360 sq. ft.30 42 28 22 5Z\2L,432 q. ft. A 432 sr1. fL.Aa 28 28 1't 32 Ciolunlcine 1,390 sq. ft.150 BB 56 44 64 _ 120 90 56 )-e 3Z 32 12 24 KffiPrNl4rllD-ADDIIGALiDTG-VISUAL,DA}JCE}-rnoli'Btu\Ds'grc' DECREASES SEATING SPACE. 81' Adding l-ongs, !€ Can Seat 150 ,"Jf,"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON DATE INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL u B tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL g APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIFED INSPECTORDATE rN toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE ,l ' . JoB NAME CALLER TUES THUR FRIWEDREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEERu PLYWooo NATLTNG T] INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER _____:_ tr GAS PTPTNG tr POOL/ H. TUB _ r-r _Tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - t'1 ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED CI REINSPECTION REQUI RED DATE INSPECTOR Project Appllcatlon OVa*f 4 ./ Pro,ect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Addrees and Phone: Architsct. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comm€nls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary; Date: Town Planner El statt Approval J C . pa* Project Application Proi€ct Name: Proiecl Description: Contacl Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: ,'fppnovnL-.i -"\ ----.*-.-'.*---.- DISAPPROVAL Date: Town Planner E Statt Approval I tA 'r?o \ x!r-- Appl ication Number Fee Paid SIGN APPLICATION Date august 16, t 9B4 Name of Project ri""aru roag" Eu"t gigllqse Name of Person Subrnitting Geoff wrisht phsng 476-s081 Location of Project East wing of Kiandra Lodge Descript'ion of Project Reprace 14 sq. ft. sisn on wi-r-1ohr Braoge Road with trro signs totalinq less than 13 sq. ft. The.following information is required for submittal by the applicantto the Design,Review Eoard before a finai approva'l cair be given.Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A. Sign Material B, oeSCriptiOn Of Sign 2 custom sandbtasted signjj r,iith raised fettering on each side (see attached for color and sketches) _ C. Size of Sign D, Cofffnents Siqns frorn Vail Siqn Services MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Dr aui ngs sEowTng-Exect l ocat j on3. Photographs showing proposed location--4. Actual sign5. Colored scalil'FEiliff6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittaT- )rgn Aomtnlstrator > Sign Administrator a-. It o tl ao lil\lv..'|"' JFT \ 6,8 ,A FT' ) pTtY- * ,r,; #yr-, ; t +vArL vuAG€ Oa{E WAY ::) GORE CREEK 101I iFlf,i,' SKI / LOCKERS \ &321 To B3g2 i B2?1 TO 8232 o .$ cs lw "$(\ "s/ 7pt,.j)l s/ ,'*"--l Foc\g Qq*qlls$ Qxrsv Qegs- st\eb-o.',\-\r,vE 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 March 9, 1984 oltlce of communlly developmenl Jeff l.|right Kiandra-Tal isman Lodge 20 Vail Road Vail, Colorado 8]657 Dear Jeff, I would like to bring to your attention a problem which has been a problem for a number of years. The area around the dumpster outside of the Bul1y III, including the creek bank, is constantlylittered with refuse. This situation js both unsanitary and uns'ightiy. I would like to set up a meeting sometime this month at which tjme we can d'iscuss the situatjon and come up wjth a solution. I look forward to hearing from you to arrange a meeting time. Si ncerely,t ,,'?'7.;1 /12-*-'*-- ,ttt \ DICK RYAN Community Deve'lopment Director DR: bpr a lnwn 75 south froniege road Yall, colo?ado 8165z (303) 476.7000 ofllce of communlty deYelopment December 12, 1983 ileff hlright Kiandra Lodge 20 Vai I Road Vai I , Col orado, 81657 Dear Jeff, The exterior alterations to existjng windows opposite the Bully III hasbeen staff approved. This approva'l-is only roi-'tne modificatiirn tothe windows. Building permiti'for interior work will have to be obtajnedfrom the building department",_ Si ncerel y, Thomas A. Braun Design Review Board TAB/rme Proiect Appllcation a"1" f;f rilXz- Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: I - Legaf Descripti on: Lol , /"- , Btoct {'f , t"'nn Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL etd{*,^ t)lis(;l{ll''l'10:i ol: PRo'll't;'i .--l=-*-111gJll..*-c-.,jrrs}rr----eir==t+L-s-xrlrt -l.fb/ o*-.- - \" onU-L-,-l\*--grr\-reiaaa---<rEl\^- €r,\.V-nI Thc fol lor,ring infornrat j.on is rcqrrirccl for subni.ttal by thc applicant to thc Desilin Rcvic1llo:trd bcl'ore a final approval can be given: A, BUILDIN(l l'LA'l'ERIALS Roof Siding Other l,Jal1 Materials Fasc ia Soffits Windorvs l{indow Trin Doors Door Trim Hancl or Deck Rai ls F lues Flashi.ngs Chinneys Trash En: l osures Greenholrses 0ther: lrr^:t--U+s-',-ie!Color B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name -e- t'*.bs r-frLss to-+L'"hl - .. _ Ro-'r\^ S-.,.,*,. Ce,L..- i,'.,^.^r t v'*l-t^. Corrnon Name Quanti ty Si ze SHRUBS oo oo- Proiect Application' ' Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Addr€ss and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal D€scription: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL -Vr,"-Approval i\ i;\t ii;ri'[;,i rili;i ti il I ,'il..f'i'i oo __i t|+- liir - i i ii ri rl ,i ri l :l I i I{l it,,fitl,r \ 1 o sPEctFlcArfoils 8'O',Ht DooRs Scelr: 3/10, = 1,0" TWO AND THREE OOOR UNITSll{?: s'o-t 6OOR oon!n ttrta *aeh odottng. to .tet€n*tE llt' "hdr.t" ol L ut it, t,Ea hG il ide d t 6 d@t Ut!, t(,L o{r, a fteAtriumlDoq. SPECIFICAIIOilS t9 IH t; ii IF mmm ILJ ru LJ - -32Y 355h' 3ar|' SINGLE OOORS AND CGORDTNATE UNITS Scrla: 3/16" 3 t,0. 6'8" HL SII{GLE DOOR UNITSUrtr: 2'r.S GL€ oOOR 2't0. StxCLE Oooi 3't"-SttacLE D@R 8'|r Hr. stt{ct-E DooR uNtTs lr|fl: 2'7.alOl,E OOOI e'to'StrOrE OOO8 t'fi'tt lct *acily "Lelt Hard" ot "flghl HaN^ uni5 vtEn oklering lo delr,"nxr,a t E hanc! olw ut t, tpe tfie mside d the doo, and t&'ut_fhe levq w,l be @ tha nght o. teh ?'t" PAitEtr=ln[ t|tilt lltl tt I litltilll lfililIt ililH 3!t4" t'r. PALEt m 2 t BXEI m 43"r^ EL m 2',0" HraEtlF-] ffi till iliiltill rul 26 6',8" Hr. l'o' "t|rcl ml rul UNITS t 4 Bl|.ct m tiltiljl ru r8' COOROII,IATE u||rl: m rui z',rt- PlttEt ll---ll liltil iltillilt ill||r--Jalrt al 3'lrrt 3 8',O'Ht l'a ruEL t 6 PAIEL I O, PlltEt ffiffiffi l't'-sotol€ oo(n mmm l_ _ 16 , ?.9 . -.22', , Fot tro o, fioe Co-oldnate lfxts adtotnaa!, muthpty ourticre hane wdth t./..,e, nunbar d un,ts .,ese., a.., aaO vz irrcn W he rcuj sri,d-**^ - f9 iEL Fq lwo d n'o.a CootctuBta UniE a<trtned, itdttpty o.r/itide h&ta *idth bn tt ownbt ot untts dastr,d and add t/, i@h bt the (,t:{lh,tua, q$t4. ,\ Project Application O Date - tl Prolecr Name: d* 't--" -/ -wi' f f Acr proiecr Description: f ftYt- Fo/t- LlgJA4* hr4f?t1 Contact Person and Phone f3 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ){ srrrrApproval +. :.dr'! -i.itil .n ":r:N,..t.Et{t.,itttIII IOt, t't I t.* I t: It. T. j t;.I T" I,: l!ft, lh .'ll: 1::I I. F., t.. [:.t. {,. E t- ,'tl l'l: I l,:;t t:. ,.:a, : a.'{: ::' ;l : i i t I 1 ;i : ll \ t- 'il a =l -b 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 3, 1983 Geoff Wright Vacation Resort Inc. 20 Vail Road Vai'l , C0 8.l657 Re; Kiandra Lodge Dear Geoff: 0n June I, .l983, the Design Revjew Board approved the Kjandra and Talisman f'l ag application as submitted. Approval is forl0 3' x 5' state or national flaqs. Si ncereiy,4-2;'-, u{sayre Town Planner JS/bb Project Appllcation Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone owner,Addressandphone:, i'r" .^*h,,*,.. lit.r.,.{, (tt ., ".- ;o l. i,;; [",i,.i-, i i .,", t t ,* Architect, Address and Phone: ' i i\, i i. \..:Legal Description' Lot \- , s\'. it)GRe i Block Filing Zone Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by:Tnr,yn Seconded by:t* r) APPROVAL 5vJ- DISAPPROVAL fL,aUt Summary: E statt Approval Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado ldrvember 23, lg1z Architects 303-47t2201 81657 I'b. Dennls Scholl Resort HoteL Development Inc. 555 North Mill Street Aspen, Co 81611 Dennis: F,"?"9gry: to my lebter to sbeve patterson, Torun of vail Buildlng rnspectordated 11/18/82, steve has two-revisions to *y ri-st or quesiions (viatelephone conversation 11/zi-/Brj1----'- vv urJ -.',u \rr' qLrsDL i. to item nq. 3, there was no need t,o have ilNon_Combusfablerl (assumed with Tlpe II construction). 2- to item no. 11, a1l structural mernbers of stair shall be eithersteel or concrete (in lieu of wood frami-ng) .ther than these two, 1be1s, Steve agreed with the 'ist of requirements, andr wiLl proceed with the dravr-ings wrrEn i hear from you bhat you and RichBlol..have cdme to an agreeable cost of construction for the project, andwish to proceed with the demolitlon and re_construction. Sirtcerely, /.4il | tt'iflU{ffi{t/M/n Craig/N. Snowdon CNS/mcc /cc: r€teve Patterson Rich Brown Jeff Wright Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303-476-2201 Vail, Colorado 81657 November 18. 1982 I'4r. Sbeve Patterson Town of Vail Building Department 75 S. Frontage Roadvai1, c0 81657 Steve: over the past few weeks r have on several occasions discussed coderequirements with you for the remodel work we are reviewlng for theKiandra-Talisman Lodge Public Restrooms (men and r^lomen) and Restaurantwailing area. Berow are a risb of those questlons and requirements as runderstand them. could you review and corunent on any that you do not agreewith and let me lcrow prior fo our beginning eonstructlon next uieek. 1. A demolitlon permlt can be obtained prior !o a building permit, so that the area coul_d be cleared prior to the completion of working drawings. 2. llandicapped requirements uoul_d have to be complied with in thefollowing categories:A. 42rtclear (between finished r.nlls) rn:st be provided at allpoints which access the staLl .B. Grab bars must be provlded on the wal_ls or toilet seat.C. Toilet height must be '18". D. 2t-8tt outswinging door minimum must be provided on the handicapped stal1 .E. Water Closet must be cenfered in siall_.F. Vanity clearance should be 2t-0rt mininmm below frontrail and 2r-10r' maximrm height of vanity top. 3. Building is classified as Type II - I'Ien-€ernbusta.bJ.e - 1-hourfire-rated construction, requiring a 1,hour fire-ratlng for all nonbearing and permanent partitions (this can be achi_eved with5/8" type |txrrgypsum board on non-treated wood studs). 4. Non-absorbent ceramic tile rmrst be provided for bhe floor and up L,aIl- (min. 4t-0"); a finished base coving (rather than groutjoint ) for sanltary purposes is highly recommended but not required. 5. Mirror section can project below the 4r-0il tile wainscoting ifgrou|ed in same plan of t1le covering. \ o ElectrlcaL A. A1l new wirlng m"rst be in conduit and N.E. C.B. Existing wiring in wall (wLren existingif hazardous or damaged, will need to conduit - comply with the 1982 drywall 1s removed), hc ranlrnad in T. If existing doors to restrooms are replaced, new doors shal1 be l-hour fire-rated and venf in door (if required for ventilation or heat,ing purposes) shall have a fire damper. B. Ventilation system shal1 be required to provide minjmwn air changes/hour as requlred by the 1982 U.M.C. 9. Existing sprinkler system shall have to be nodified to supply 1 sprinkler head per 110 square feetl or a new smoke detectorshall be installed in the rear corner of each resLroom. 10. New pluurbing shal1 comply with 1982 U.p.C. t XIa - 11. New stairs in main hallvray from public lobby to Restaurant ,-'- hc waiting area can be wood treads and rlsers (1 x oak flooring) ,rt,r !, . -npftl on non-treated wood framing over concrete sl-ab.It' 'n'*'M"12. One of 2 existing doors in staircase can be closed off and wal-I fi.nished for l-hour fire-rating (as per table no. 17-A 19Bz u.B.c. ). 13. New raralls (if added) which w"i11 enclose the Restaurant uaiting area may potentially create an exit corrldor rather than anexit through adjoinlng spaces. ff this 1s done, the followingcriterla must be foLLowed:A. A 1-hour separatlon (5/8rr type r'xil gypsum board on non-treated studs) must be maintained if openings between the waitlng room and corridor do not exceed 50% of v,rall area (as viewed from corridor to l,raiting room).B. A11 doors and windows must have '1 -hour rating and wireglass (or tempered glass with sprinkler head (dilqe operation)) located di-rectly above openlng and must swingin the direction of egress.C. If any windows are placed in ruall , bhey must comply with 'l -hour fire-ratinq. If you have any questions, please don?t hesitate to call. Thanks for your information and help on these mabters. Silcerelu, , Mltrrt@p,rCraig' N. Snor"idon C:lrIS/mcc T H D. )cnott Wright Brovnn Yoder I\I | 'L.Isr,-oli. I'I'Y'ERIAL;s O\ NAME 0F oooru., i(0d\W\ - .NKil fN'[?ANC€ ftflr{ml\ _ FILINGLEGAL DESCRIPTI0N: LOl'BLOCK DESCRIPTION OF PROTECT The following information is Board before a final approval A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wal1 Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails F lues Flashings Chinnreys Trash Enclosures Greenhous es Other },F\lo ffiy,- PLANT MATERIALS (Vegetative, Landscaping Botanical Narne required for subnittal by the applicant to the Design Review can be given: Tyge of Matgjal Color B.ffi, ?*rUs Ground Cover) Size Materials including Comnon Name Trees, Shrubs, and QY:ntitY - ';-:{ o RESORT HOTEL DEVELOPMENT, INC. Mr. Peter ilamar The Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, CO 81657 January 23, tss2 W Dear Peter: Pursuant to our telephone conversation yesterday, I am notifying you that Resort Hotel Development, Inc. is re- modeling an existing office Epace in the East Wing of the Kiandra Lodge. This space is adjacent to the existing lobby and is approximately 250 square feet. It is the intention of Vacation Resortsr Inc., Resort $ent, Inc.'s parent and the owner of the /to use this office space for rnanagement f,-related to the possible eonversion of the lodge I hope you w111 communicate this to Steve Paterson so he may issue a building permit to Shaw Construction Company as soon as possible. If I can be of any further asEistance or if you have any cofiments regarding this remodeling, please do not hesitate to calI. SincereJ-y. 'i1 .,?.:','11,,// .../,,_-.i ( .,',{ /" tfi*tW v' .;/c. Robelt Johnston Vice President Resort, Hotel Development, Inc. 555 N. MilI Street Aspen, CO 81511(303) 920-1s90 to condominiums. tr'?''Profect Appllcatlon 3 tl ,^," /n l0 3l(Dll Proiect Nam€: Proiect Descriplion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Addr€ss and Phone: Legal Description: Loi Zon6: Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board Motion by: Second€d by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL DIProject Appllcation Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: - 1 ,.i,' ".... 1 !' Block t-/ , FilingLegal Description: Lot Zonei Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: setirnded by: APPROVAL ) DISAPPROVAL .!? I v-n-t Proiect Name: Proiect Applicalion * Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone'. Zoning Approved: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL Chief Buildlng Official *rrr r I I lJ { it*Project Application G o"," /z/t/k, Proj€ct Name: Proiect Descriplion: Owner Address and .Phone: Legal Oescription :Lot-,Block , Filing Zonei Zoning Approved: Deslgn Revlew Board o^r" ''//J APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL tr'?''Profect Appllcatlon 3 tl ,^," /n l0 3l(Dll Proiect Nam€: Proiect Descriplion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Addr€ss and Phone: Legal Description: Loi Zon6: Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board Motion by: Second€d by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL DIProject Appllcation Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: - 1 ,.i,' ".... 1 !' Block t-/ , FilingLegal Description: Lot Zonei Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: setirnded by: APPROVAL ) DISAPPROVAL .!? I v-n-t Proiect Name: Proiect Applicalion * Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone'. Zoning Approved: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL Chief Buildlng Official *rrr r I I lJ { it*Project Application G o"," /z/t/k, Proj€ct Name: Proiect Descriplion: Owner Address and .Phone: Legal Oescription :Lot-,Block , Filing Zonei Zoning Approved: Deslgn Revlew Board o^r" ''//J APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL .a 'l I\,IEI4ORANDI,JM T0: Design Review Board FROM: Department of Conrnunity Deve lopnent/Peter Jamar DATE: July 9, 1981 RE: Kiandra Lodge Sign Variance Request ltre Kiandra Lodge is requesting a variance fron Section 16.20.050 of the Sign Code to a11ow three business identification signs instead of the naxinusl of two allowed by the Code and a total square footage of I29 square feet which is 109 square feet over the maximum of 20 square feet allowed by the code. The Kiandra currently has three signs which identify the Kiandra: One large sign on the West side of the building adjacent to Vail Road, one sign of netal lettering on the brick wall facing the First Bank and one wood carved sign which was ternporarily approved on East Meadow Drive. Both the large sign and the wood carved sign are proposed to stay, while the netal letter sign will cone donn. As you know, the sign code allows one sign per vehicular street or najor pedestrian way which the building abuts, with a maxirnurn of two signs, subj ect to the approval of the Design Review Board. The Conrnunity Developnent Departrnent Staff feels that the variance for the nunber of signs is warranted because of the special circunstance of having three frontages (Vai1 Road, East Meadow Drive, and Willow Bridge Road) and also the fact that the complex itself consists of two separate buildings, We feel that the granting of the variance for the number of signs (3) would be in general harrnony with the purpos es of the sign code. The applicant also requests a variance fron the size requirement of the sign code. The three signs proposed have a conbined total square footage of 129 square feet (one 99 sq ft, one 5 sq ft, and one 14 sq,ft), The 99 sq ft sign is the sign which has always been located at the Kiandra, and the two snaller signs are new signs being proposed. The applicant feels that a hardship exists due to the amount of street frontage and also due to the mass of the buildings. The Comrnunity Devel opnent Departnent staff feels that the requested variancefor the total size of the signs is not justified. While we do feel that there is a need for an additional sign, we feel that the variance from the size requirernentis quite excessive (109 sq ft), The large 99 sq ft sign was erected prior to the adoption of the present sign code and is not in general harmony wi.th the purpose of the code. The sign will be required to be removed in February of 1981, (the end of the S-year anortization period for non-conforming signs) if a variance is not granted. I J {iandra Lodge SlJ-2- 7/g/sl O FINDINGS Before the board acts on a variance application, the app l icant nnrst prove physical hardship, and the board rnust find that: A. There are special circunstances or conditi.ons applying to the land, buildings, topography, vegetation., sign structures or other natters on adjacent lots or within the adjacent ri.ght-of-way, which would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the sign in question; provided, however, that such special circumstances or conditions are unique to the particular business or enterprise to which the applicant desires to draw attention, and do not apply generally to all businesses or enterprises, B, That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in privy to the applicant; C. That the granting of the variance will be in general harmony with the pur- poses of this ti.tle, and wj.ll not be rnaterial ly detrirnental to the persons residing or working in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighbor- hood, or to the public welfare in general; D. The variance appli"ed for does not depart from the provisions of this title any nore than is required to identify the applicantrs business or use, E, Such other factors and criteria as the design review board deens applicable to the proposed variance. STAFF RECOIUIUENDATIONS The Departnent of Corrununity Development staff reconmends denial of the proposedvariance. while we feel that there is a need for three signs, we feel th;t therequested variance in size is too much of an extrene fron the provisions of thecode. We suggest that the applicants resubnit a sign progran whj.ch contains threesi-gns, but reduces the total squ€rre footage substantial ly from 129 square feet. Project Application -.1,. I Date{, i, nl b&-.. Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block , Filing Zonei Zoning Appoved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by:.l .,r,']zr'o P/,l.rse f DISAPPBOVAL,E4t'77 r-. APPROVAL e q-e\ Proiect Name: ProiectDescription: E--,' Owner Address and Phone:'JAIL ,) "lr Date t-Ovfrz Filing Du.=,A.. SO. s / ( q ./ s-c,,.iJ Y?b -/o e / Legal Description: Lot Zone: ffi Block Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board z- lF \,.,.4 |s^r"W=4 DISAPPROVAL ^L F6te. fhst * KIANDRA LODGE WEST A CO.{OOU|II|UU PROJ€CTr t^tt ot tlocl t.a,vrtl vru-La ,aty /!.||a c4rrrl t oa l^aLl. trlta (y co.,rr.@ "g,t ,, ,.r';; --=- ri.lll iCRES-- KIANDRA LODGE EAST A @.{OOUtt{ruu PAoJECT I frrl a, t{!ar !.t. tr\ vlt r4a '!rrt ,tl.tr.6(qrr rY oa t{Llr ft^tt ca aaLoa^.oo r..l Ull:P ) al -,n | (Dd.n-l*-..rt<r -a'r!4 st' ol it .,** , ?l I r ti: i.r l,;l ',:...tt: .',!r,. a( | ,.fN* (rI/ir ( l|4rl o.r,-rrr*ry /\ \..) /it"i l1r- , lraT II -'J.-r"2 // If:,i.'dilr' ) .!.)t$'T /\ 'r : l'n \ li//>\'' / ).< - - r-';!t'' qrrl I L :i tultn u llflI box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-s613 May 7, 1980 department of community development Mana qer < MariS;hi_' 9 Restaurant .l'13 l,li I Tow Creek Road Vail, C0 8.|657 Dear Sir: This correspondence is in regard to your signage for the restaurant. Each and every sign, withrare exceptions, that is displayed in the Town of Vail must be approved by either the Plannjng Staff or the Design Review Board. I am sure you understand the reasons behind such regulation. Since you have chosen not to submit your signage for Town approval ,I am taking this opportunity to 1et you know what we will allow. The Town of Vail Sign Code djctates that you are allowed a maximumof two exterior signs. The s'ize of these signs is determined by divid'ing the lineal feet of store frontage by five, and that equa'l s the total square feet of signage you are al'lowed. Since I would estjmate that your frontage is not more than 25 feet, your s'ignage would tota'l 5 square feet. Now, we rea'l ize you are in a diffjcu'l t locatjon and we are wi'l 'l ing to be somewhat flexjble. }.le have observed four exterior signs for Mariachi's. l,le are asking you to remove the sign on the Talisman Lodge Sign on the East side of the building. I^|e wiII allow the sign on the north side, near the Tannery to remajn but the hanging sign at the other end of the arcade (at the top of the steps) must be reduced in size. This sign should not be more than 2-3 square feet with possibly a directjonal arrow to get people down the steps. The sign on the wall to the left of the entrance must be taken doum. You may have a small ('l square foot) sign on the door or jn the window near the door identifying that they have found the restaurant. ,1 " '. 7 i, t Flariachi's Page Tun 5-7-80 I wsuld a'lso'like to personally take this opportunity to say I really enjoy your restaurant and fee'l it is a great addition to Vai'|. I have frequented I'hriachi's sjnce your opening and think the food is great and your prices a refreshing break from most restaurants in Vai'l . l,le feel vre are bing reasonable and even f'l exible (due to your location) in these requests and wou'l d ask your vo1 untary compliance within a week of when you receive this, Keep up the good wsrk with the restaurant and we look fon*ard to your continuance as a good business for the Town ofVail. If you have questions or coflnents, p1 ease call me at 476-561 3, ext.237. o . box 100 Yail, colorado 8l657 (3031 476-5613 Dick Sltzgeral-d ViLcor Properties P.O. Box 1028 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: East Meadow Mr11 Agreement Dear Dick:: ., ,.At the recommendation'of our town attorney, Larry Rider, a letter of agreement between Vilcor and the Town of Vail has been drafted to replace the proposed lease. f,owever, the attorney believes this is a simpler and more direct method for both parties If you have any questions, please give either Larry or me a ca1l. If it meets with your satisfaction, please sign both copies and return the original to me. Smile, off ice of the town manager September 26, 1977 Department of Communlty A1len GerstenbergerDlrector Development AG: jh o box 10O vai!, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 office of the town manager September L4, Lg77 t'lr. Dick FitzgeraldVilcor Properties P. O. Box L028Vail. Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Fitzgerald: This letter is to state the agreements between the Town ofVail and Vilcor Properties, a joint venture and owner of theKiantra/Talisman Lodge, for the landscaping of the East MeadowMall in the Town of VaiI. The parties have agreed as follows: (a) Vilcor will provide a parcel of property adja- cent to and south of the East Meadow llall for landscaping. The landscaping work has been started, and the area of the landscaping marked therefor. (b) The Vilcor property provided in (a) above shall be used for landscaping until such tim'e as Vilcor has receiveda building permit cr other approval for developnent of itsproperty that would require use or improvement of the property described in (a) above other than landscaping. (c) The Town agrees that the Vilcor property will be used for beautification of the East Meadow MalI and shall- not be considered or used as a public park or become a part of the East Meadow rYall . (d) If Vilcor requires use of the property in accor- dance with (b) above, it shall give written notice thereof to the Town of Vail no later than 180 days prior thereto, and the Town shall remove the landscaping from the property. (e) The Torvn agrees to provide the landscaping and maintenance therefor. (f) Vilcor agrees to reimburse the Town in the amount of $1800.00 for a portion of the cost of the landscaping upon the request of the Town. aMr. Dick Fitzg#eld September L4, L977 Page 2 o If this is in accordance with your understanding, glease sign the enclosed copy of this letter and return it to me. TJMlsjn APPROVED; Toidn l{anager ///rrb inger I t,Dick FitzgeraldVileor Properties Sincerely, FREDRIC EENEDIC BRUCE R. SUTHERLAND AIA DIETEF ZENKEF IA & ASSOCIATES.ARC ECTS & PLANNERSoHIT Re: Klandra Lodge Addn. Project No. 70-11 For unfinished interior wood. Avallab1e in ready-for-use solutlons or as dry compound to be dissolved in water. Wood: Use 3 lbs. per gallon water. 1 gal. wlll treat 110 sq. ft. l-n 3 spray coats, or by immersion. 28 Lbs. concentrated compound required to treat 1,000 sq. ft. U.L. Tunnel test: Flarne spread 65 on Dougl-as fir, Calif. State Fire Marshal (Reg. No. C-4.4) Fed. Spee. SS-A-11-8b. Govt. of Wash., D.C. CiEy of Cleveland, Ohio City of Odessa, Texas Bldg. Code ComiEtee, Dayton, Ohio City of Hartford, Conn. City and County of Denver, Colo. Dept. of B1dg. Inspec- tion, Mllwaukee, Wis. l{e look fornard to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, FREDRIC BENEDICT AIA & ASSOCIATES BRS/b1rASPEN cc: AspenTELEPH Constructlon Co.oNE g2s-348 oTA August 5, l97L I'{r. Ed Scruble, Building Inspector Town of Vall Vall, Colorado 81657 Dear Ed, The following is the material we would like to use on the timber mantel for the above-nemed project. Please advlse us if you will accept this product. The following description ls exeerpted from Sweetrs Architectural FLle, 1971 editton, Division 9, Section 9.10, Flamort Chenical Co. PRODUCT USE APPROVALS Flanort I{C -Ttll B'ruce R. Sutherland BOX 4O COLORADO 81611 /4 ,''1. , ''- {lmueRa Auguet 16, :.971 Mr. Bnuce R. Sutherland , , , Fnedrie Bene4iet AIA I Aaaoslates, P.0. Box40 , nep"n, Cotolrago Sl,6l,1 Subject: Kiandna Lodge Addlti;on :, ....Deer Er.uee i I note that the rnate.qial yar fnave rEfeined to fr*" onlya.65 flame epnaad. (walr .Coppers or Albl-CLad. all h*vesinilar matEniale with a f,]1ne spneed of, Lese tharl ?S, Naturallyo f nould prefan eoeing matenisl ueed that has ae.J.ou a flame epread ae poetible. Your-g tnuly o f,o!{N Or VAIL .: Ed Struble :Bulldlng Qffleial '. dw .:. r::..,. r' ff;,Zr'i f-) g' f,/rza /r.rLt a+a aot*ir;,- .t.-t.,z-hry. *r.e--dit-."t r,F*V r, {**f9. o -l- & ft net .e 14 u4--z+-tc-'c2-<€-.-.. /. frter{or- -.* f,;, / f/q.* o.e. .. Le+, fJe,, ,//c. -,L ,L-.n /ouy *6./t .tZ .latre fitf ty6t,AL;,( &.-e- 6' 6-e/-r*ro,-t .ndnt t--t1c4-e " ./// prta 4c. ?Saa.r'J.t b.rt -/-er+j;- - a e;ba a... ' *r?.- o-1-1ez- Z*. .errc.r.,4o. - zZ,.-,79.ft.1 o.ez z"t1 ./e,'//,,y ,fr.er ++, +cec-*.!S,r-ahL+- e III. TOIIN O: VAIL tsOARD CF ZONL{G, APPEALS AND EXAi.IINERS i{iNUTES FoR I'1EETING 0F oCT0BER 21, 1971_ A. The meeting \r'/as called to order at g:25 a.m. in the newi'lunicipal Buildrng.ts. The following members were present: Messrs. Clank, Knox,Hoyt, VieLe, Young, and Struble (ex-officio).C. The fol-louring guests were present: Messrs. Arthur Bishop,Bill Bishop, Gondon Pierce nepresenting Mn. and Mr.s. nicfriDonald Chapiin of the.Mountain Hausl Tenrence p. Cowhey; :Chuck Ogilby of Apo}lo Park; Evan BickelL of Frede::ic ilene-ciict and Associates representing the Kiand::a Lodge; TenryDragoo of Rogers, Nagel , Langhart and Mr. Ross Davis repre-Sentinq fhe - ^;-^ A--^^.'-{-^-qrru Jr_/ \.t Ei c r-lDD(Ju_!d, Leb .D. Minutes of the meeting of september" 17 were deferred untilthe next meeting due to the Long agenda. Past Bus ines s A. case 8-1-71 - The Mountain Haus - Mn. Don chaplin aDDeanedto re?:'esent this case which has been pending-since^iebnuary. Mn. Chaplin feels the.re ane three options open to the Moun-tain Haus: Fi nc Fq/irrl6c .\n +he outside of the buitd.ing,which ne reeis-;";i;-;;;nit".t.,""11y disfigure it; partitionsections to make the stairways smokeproof enclosunes; ordoor closens. They have t:ried severaL types of closens,but none have wor:ked wel_l. Builders Service Bureau hasgiven then much information and they ar,'e going to try anothe:rtype of device. Woul_d like to keep thein cosis down, butwant to please the Boand. Mn. Clark necommended that wegive them the three alte:rnatives to choose among and thatthey be given a tirne limit, Mn. Chaplin stated that theywould have one closer installed this week and if it works,he will oi:der them night now. Mr. struble then stated thathe would not sign a permanent certificate of occupancy,It must be a letter: which witl state all of the ficts thatdidnrt meet Code. It will be a provisional_ occupancy penmit.A motion was made by Mn. Knox that the Mountain Haus- chooseone of the thnee al_ternatives and that the project be com-pleted by Decemben 1 and completed to the acceptance of the ui.,.-r.I|Y-LIrH. \.,,.L I J_L.:Id_L . New Business Case Z-11--7L - Request fon setback vaniance of 4? in lieuof l0t- Mr. Anthur Bishop, Mr. Bill Bishop and Mn. GordonPierce appeared to nepnesent the interests of the Richts andMr. Fitzhugh Scott. Mn. Pie::ce stated that rhey need a set-back on two cornens because of the stnange shape of the lo,t.These lots were onginally designed fon nesidences and now. ' commencial buildings ar^e being built and it is a pnoblemto set the larger buildings on the odd shaped 1ots. Hefurthen explained that the building was originally designedwith a scissor stair which wourd not meet the unifonm Buildins II Meetrng Called to 0rder Page 2 l'linut e s Boa:rd of I ) fcr Y.eeting of Octobe: 2l , -g7IZoning, Appeals and Exam-iners Code, This necessitated adding iwo exits ot'f the cornens a;rd that is the only thing that nade the setback variancenecessary. If they do not get the variance, it will benecessary to ccm?Iete1y redesign the proposed build:ng.Ile fee-s that the building is very much in scale with the sr-r'rcrrnl ino. lr..irdinoq 'lhe R-i qlrr-rnq urlr n rna fha :d-injnincrr5 !urrutrr6u. -r!e !ru'rv:Jo, wrr\J o,- c' Lrts <ru_.j v !rrrrralproperty owners on the west stated their feelings as foLlows:?his is a violation, but is a practical type of thing and should be considened as an exception. They have no objection l-n +ha ir.,r'l1.,'-- -- ;-F -i ^ l^-.: ^*^rL\-/ Llts .|u_L-L(J-LtLB crb -LL rb ug5_LBr j.eu d.5 LrLeI'e ab duegudLe bpclL:gto get rire eqi.ripr enr rhrough and also to prevent fire fromjumping from one building to another. The Board feels that -'^a nhi .-6 ..i-i 6^{-.i h- +^ r-1-r a hrr-'-i rl-'rrcr r,:fhan than tOvvJuv the setback because of l-oss of view. A motion was made by )'1r. Young thar the variance be granted. The motion was seconded by lr'r. Knox and approved unanimousl-y by the board. Case 8-19-71 - Tennence P. Cowhey - Request for building variance for an alternative method of exit fnom a sleepingroom. Mr. Cowhey stated that evenyone concerned through -r-L ^ -rLrrs -LJ-rcr'llrllrrE drrLr rJuI-LLlIll,B LtLUUyrtt L Lrro. L Lrr€j ws! s t..--Code. The Anchitect stated his opinion and had no writtennotice fr.om the Building Department whether this was satis-€.:,-.f nnrr n,-r.r.i * - -h i s ner,-i nrt E.t was on vacation . The faoni_rv\.4, rJ ltcator spoke ro Dick and untif the 10th of this mon'Eh, he was ttnden fhe imnnesgign that the Drgblem had been reSOIVed. The wal-l- in question is glass and the ventilation is p::ovidedrear the ceiling. They have not rried to evade any of theprob-ems, and the matenial is already fabricated. Theaethetics of the building prohibit windows on doors andthe fabrication is such t\at they cannot be added now.Mr. Hoyt made a morion that an intenior door be placed inthe master bednoom between the two lrooms for exit. Themotion was seconded by Mr. Viel-e and appnoved unanimously trrr tho Rn.= r..l Case Z-i3-71- - James Slevin - Request for setback varianceof 5 t on the northeast side in lieu of 10r in order to Preserve trees and lot contours. A notion was made by Mr. Hoyt that.we grant the setback variance. The motion wasconn-.rarr lrrr Vrr Young and approved unanimousl-y by the tsoarrd.LtttvvuLJ vJ Case B-17-7L - Apol1o Park request fon building varianceto allow less than the requined open wall- space for naturallight and ventifation - The apartments that contain the waLlin question were not originally designed that way. They tal-ked with Ed about changing the wa1]s and at that time 'found out that they would-have to build a $tindow in the wa1i. They thought they had met the requirenent but there was a mi sunder standing and the window was built to the vtrongsize and the window is about 12 square feet too srirall-. A motion was made by Mr. Viele that the variance be granted since there is no safety hazand involved. The motion was seconded by Mn. Young, and approved unanimously by the Boand. D. ,,' Fage 3llinutes for Yeet i n r o o October 2L, I97IBoard of Zoring, Appeals and Examiners Case ts-i8 -7L - Request for building variance to allow asp:-ral stainway to serve a loft arJa largei thatr 120 squarefeet - Mr. Evan Bickel1 presented the facts in the case.The s";airs are rot ac:ually spinal stairs, but only in twoplaces c.o they actually wind. It also appears that Ed hadmj-scaLculated the l-oft area, as it was not drawn to scalepnoperl5r. A rnotion was made by Mr. Viel_e that the variancebe gra:rLed with the stipulation that in the places wheresrair spirals it be boxed in on the eorners io that mininuntread width is appnoximarely 6rr. The motion was seconCedby M,r. Knox and appr"oved unanimously by the Boand.. BenedicttsOffice will submit a drawing showing what they propose to do. Case 8-15-71 - Request for building variance Eo a1low a 36'rhandrail to m.atch existing in lieu of +2" requined - Amotion was made by Mr. Knox that the variance be granted andwas seconded by Mr. Young and approved unanimously by theBoard. (Request made by Eugene Frerichs and Monie Fnerichs). Case B-14-71 - Chanles Rosenquist - Request for buildingvariance to al-low handrails to be furthe:: apart than 88tl -A decision was defenred on this case so that Mr. Rosenquistcan submit an alte:rnative method. He will have to complywith the Code requi:rement unfess he does submit this alter..native nerhod. Case Z-I2-1I - Lodpe Pr.oner.ti as. Tnc. - Reouesi- -.-n r, Tonino variance to att-ow ;; ;;;;;;kt;;'til."i""ti'";;;;;"i;'ri;;-""at one point and Srsetback along that side of the building.Yr. Terry Dragoo of RNL, Tnc. and Mr. Ross Davis appeanedto present thein case. They presented d::awings of the pro-posed building to the Board and explained that they will needthis variance if Vail Associates r^/il_l not agree to an ex-tension of addition into the rear yard setback up to thesouth property l-ine. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that thevaniance be granted subject to penmission not being gnanted.for the othen by VaiI Associates. The motion was secondedby Mn. Hoyt and appnoved unanimously by the Board. Case B-1 6-7] - Lodge Pnopenties, fnc. - Request for buildingvar"iance to allow five story buil-ding with first ftoor ofType f construction ( 3 hour) and put four f]oors of TypeIfI construction (one hour). Code does not cIear"lv definea parking structure with other types of construction above.They would provide three smokeproof enclosures for safetyand will put in a wet and dny standpipe systems. They willalso agree to provide a two hour separation between units ' rathen than one houn as required .by Code. Would do a foun hou:: fine wall to divide buildine into two sesments. A motion was made by Mr. Hoyt to giant the variince. The motion was seconded by Mr.. Knox and appnoved unanimouslyby the Boand. E G. , ':t l ,. APPLICATIONTO APPEAR BEFORE THEBOARD OT ZOMNG ADJUSTMENT.BOARD OF BUILDING APPEALS ,1 -tll/ ' -7t DATE: October 11 L97L Asso'ciatesfor Richmond respectfu).ly nequestance from the nequrrements ect onthe Vail Zoning Ordinance in onder:to r, var 0f redric A. Benedict ancl sectionBuilding Co&aser ertes oor tne unltonmamende o I rn making a detenmination on zoning the Boar"d considens.onJ.y, 1. un-,duF handship, 2..need fon the pnopSsed variancer- 3. connatiLiritv of .the proposed vaniance with the-auinounding .o"", ,+: ;ii;.t-on-Fut"o" ,development of the area and, s. health, sir"iyr and the werfane ofthe inhabitants of the town. --J ' - rn-buildilg code variances the Boand rnay considen only, l. suit-aDrrlty of alternate mateniars and nethods of constnuiiion and,2.. neaEonable intenpretatione of the provisioni of the coae. --' The Administnative officiaL nay chalrenge any variance gnanted whiehgoes beyond the Ecope of the porvens of {ne B6and. .rt is undenstood that a fee of $2s.00 is payable in advance and that " tg.tr ( ro ) day pgglilg peniod ie nequinea'plion to a frori- rreiningon the'.above r€que8te. , f . ,,. ,^ ., i Signed: ,.1 .I I .t r. ot A?PLICATION TO APPEAR BEFORE THE BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT BOARD OF BUILDING APPEALS Dated October 11, L97L Fredric Benedict AIA & Associates on behalf of Richmond Associates Purpose: To allow the use of a winder type stair for en area of 156,sq. ft. The stalr has 14 risers at 7-7/L6 Lnches each, and 13 lreads, of which 7 have 9 inch width and 5 are rapered. The IIBC 1970 edition defines the occupant load for rrHrt occupancies ag one person to 200 sq. ft, 120 sq. ft. would have an occupant load of .6 persons. An increase in the served area to 156 sq. ft. would increase the occupant load to .8 persons, or an increase of .2 persong. I{e understand that the designated L20 sq. ft. was intended to regulate the occupancy of the area served; however, we feel that an increase of 36 sq. ft. (or .2 persons) would not create an increased hazard to the health, safety or welfare of the occupantsof this space. At the tine the plans hrere completed (May 11, 1970), rre nere arvarethat the City of Vail was considerlig an amendment to Sectlon 3305 (a) of the UBC, 1970 editlon, so rile proceeded on the basiqthat winderstairs would be allowed in H and I occupancies. Howeirer, wefailed to foresee the possibility that we,.would be ltmited in our design by the area such a stair could serve. lfe, along wlth the oltner and contractor, have been working under the assumption that the building permit (issued to Richmond Associates and datedApril 13, 1971) was for the plans as drawn. The square footage lfunitation in the amended code (received by us on February 10, 1970) slipped by us. Octobcr 11r L97L llr. ilcurtsG ltottlBghrlotba tallsuaa Lodg,rVelly Colorsdottl Gg . !rbJrerr Variaqes Ag?llctrtoa .-.' Drtr llr. ilottLuth"ras Plrtrc be lnforrcd that thG flcndrs Lodt. (B{chuondArroeletca) bar applted fbs r varlan€c to rlfos tbr:. ta u.. r ao|rcoltorclaj at&l.rr'r:r to c loft rrra ln. ta urc r ao|rcolforclaj at&l,tr[:r to c loft rrra ln losl of Vall. r it ,-Lf you rtrh to prot.rt tbl! yuLaaec, plcaer bl gs.re$t rt tbt. B..thg of tbr toerd ol Zonlng, Apgretr rud:'lxanisarr it 9100 erBr os lhrurdr l OctobGr 2.1 tn tba rrl,l . Glark of, thc Borrd -.. Z-a- zt APPLICATIONTO APPEAR BEFORE THEBOARD OT ZONING AD]USTMEN| BOARD OF BUILDING APPEALS DATE:WZ/ I, Harald Wgstbye, Richmond Associates, Kiandra hdg%."o.ctful1 request o varlance trom the requir"ements o0f the Vail Zoning 0rdinance in ectionorder to Sec. 4 and Sect rons"iidi"s-cJ the rn m-aking a determination on zoning the Boand considens onry, i-. un-duF handship' 2..need fon the pnop5sed variance, 3. compati6iriiv-"rthe pnoposed variance with the'sunnounain!-an.", ,*. effect on futuned-evelopmelt of the anea and, 5. health, slf"ty, and the welfane ofthe inhabitants of the Town. Il.,?yildilg code vaniances the Board may consider onIy, 1. suit-aDlrlry ot arternate matenials and methods of constnutiion and,2. neasonabre interpnetations of the pnovisions-"i tir" code. The Administr"ative official rnay challenge any vaniance granted whichgoes beyond the scope of the p6rvens of ihe Boa:rd. rt is undenstood that a fee of $25.00 is payabre in advance and thar " tgl (10) dav posting peniod is nequir.a'fi'io"-t" " p"uri; il;"ilson the above nequests / 3r1:) L Signed: r own or val_I P. O. Box 631 Vail, Colorado 81657 Mr. Ed Struble TALISMAN LODGE Revised drawings not filed with you. Please excuse our oversight. IL-4-7I H. Alan Zeigelf AIA JoB F(l-s . €ERT'EFECATE OF 5[JBSTANTIA!. COMPI.ETION DATE OF ISSUANCE: Novenber 12, L97L PROJECT OR SPECIFIED AREA SHATL rNCruDE, Lodge addition 6704 gl ot { i vl oi (,i ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO, 70-11 PRoJECT, , Kiandra Lodge Addn. <- ADDRESS: Vail, Colorado owNER: Richmond AssociaEes CONTRACTOR: Aspen Construction Co. coNTRAcr FoR: Geireral ConsCruction CONTRACT DATE: March 31, L97L TO: Richmond Associat,es, Harald WesEbye, managing partner, owNER The work performed under the subiect Controct hos been reviewed on this dote ond found lo be subsfontiolly completed. DEFINITION OF SUBSIANIIAL COMPLETIOI\I The dole of substonliol completion of o proiect or specified qreo of o proiect is the doie when the construction is sufticienlly completed, in occordonce wiih the conlroct documents, os modified by ony chonge orders ogreed to by the porties. so thoi the Owner con occupy fhe proiect or specified oreo of lhe project for the use for which it wss iniended, A lirt of ilems lo be completed or corrected, prepored by the Coniroctor qnd verified by the Architect, is oppended hereto. This lisf moy not be exhouslive, ond lhe foilure fo include on item on it does nol olter the responsibility of the Conlroctor to complete oli the work in occordonce wiih ihe coniroct documents, including outhorized chonges fhereto. Fredric Benediqt AIA & Associate " /l/z=/l / n{€"rrYJr.i*-n.orof.i. or corr.ct the work on the list of items oppended hereto within - !t!lI!JL---doys from the obove dofe of issuonce of this certificote, Aspen Construction Co. CONTRACTOR ^W^^* 6;LCP :urHoR'zED -":"*'^':: rhir,.,r DATE The Owner occepts the proiecl or specified oreo of the proiect os substoniiolly complete ond will ossume_ f^ull possession of lhe proiect or specified oreo of the proiect or5 p-.m. The responsibility for heol, utilities ond insuron€e under the controct documents sholl be os set forth below. Richmond AssociaEes OWNER SIBILITIESI See aEtached Punch List Architectural lisE dated LL-L2-7Li Mechanical lisr dated 10-l-8-71; Electrical lisc dated 10-19-71. ORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CERT I FICATE OF ST,|B9TANTIAI. COMPLEJION AIA DOC. G.7O' g'PT. 1963 EOITiON ON': PAGE tftE AtiaRf cAn traqtttutE of ^?.-*.4.--'- ?ta. trra t.t r(Jl^A av!., tJ^ghrtrsrgri, !|c, i- lt.3 prurrlflNc PrR ltrAPPu&r,o* '# INSPECTOR FAOMI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING tl)) a'rt+lJW .l- ,I -.\ l(lN' I PA5AD€NA. CALIFORNIA 91tOI G-i /",.t Pn-E n t/, TRACT ,/U'-',/(LJSEE ATIACT1EO SHEET) 2 ZIP PHONE 3 es lf FHO}I E 9a7 --t-s-6 2,, LICENSE NO. /aS *- PHONE LI'ENSE NO.I/4la,'rly t n -/-2.. t C-/. -. 1- EN C INEEF MAI L AODRESS PHONE L E'IOER M I L ADDRESS u5E OF bUtLDrltrG'l I Cta* of work: fl NEW Xnootrton D ALTERATI0N n BEpAtR n=], ll-). ICl r r-nt -1 C r c- n "' f-5 4 l'ao'v- 3al- Saz-- &o I J-c7 Type of Fixlun o? lt.m SPECIAL CONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOIL€T' LAVATORY (WASH BASIN} KITCHEN SINK & OI5P. DISHWASHER APPROVED FOF ISSUANCE 8Yl LAUNORY TRAY WATER HEATER NOTICE TIIIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOFK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OB IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PEFIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED,I HEREBV CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMTNED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITV TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. .-+/ rf>2tgso-"*-t DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR-SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT Jurisdiction ot . UqJ Applicant to numbered spaces only. Form lOO.2 9-69 USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. Ilo BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of. to complete numbered spaces only, PLAN CHECK ALIDATION 'DD l"T loN (L_ltEE Arraclt€o sFeEtt 2 lhnt/o 1. rt/or LrcaN!t No.TnrnrZ LICEX!'E NO.a S,+m F L rc Eft9E NO. UgE OF AUILDING t c - /1;enq-7 'Klofsom Cu Fl<r-'e. rs 8 crasotwork: Xnt* flAoBrTrot{ EALTERATToN tr REpAtR trilovE n neriovi 9 Describework, 0o"/g. anJ ,uoll u.n" lin, - l0 Change ol use from ll valuarionofwork:g # Gaa PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze ot Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. ^?PRovffrcEBY OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTTC€ SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOFK IS COM. MENCEO. I HEREBY CERTIFVAPPLICATION AND FALL PROVISIONS OfTVPE OF WORK WILHEREIN OR NOT,PRESUME TO GIVEPROVISIONS OF ANYCONSTRUCTION OR SI GII TUiE OI CON PNOPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SFACEI THIS IS PERMIT VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR CANARY _ AUDIT PINK - APPLICANT at t?uo l BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. I DESCi.(LlsEE ATTACHEO gHtErl cot liac YoR L ADDRESS FHON E LrcENSE NO. a 3 4rrrA A< A LICENSE NO, L EI.I O Eh MAIL ADoAESS US€ OF BUILDING 8 CIASOf WOTK: E,iIEW D ADDITTON D ALTERATION tr REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE I0 Change of use from Change ol use to | 1 Vaf ustion of work: $ I FC) - SPECIAL CONDITIONST Size of 81d9. (Totalt sq. Ft. Fir€ Sgrlnklsrg Requlred lyg5 l1rq No. of Dwclllng Unlts OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE $EPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUM& ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDEO OR ABANOONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREAY CERTIFV THAT I HAVEAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAMALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OITYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEHEREIN OR NOT, TH€ ORANTIN(PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TIPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATECONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFOR SICNATIjRE OF CONTR CIOi QR AUIHOiIZED AGET' (DAIEI PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE _ INSPECTOR WHEN PRO?ERLY VALIDATED THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT PERMIT VALIDATION PINK - APPLICANTCANARY - AUDIT GOLDEN BOD _ ) APPLICATIO N TO APPEAR BEFORE THEBg4fD oF zoltrNG ADtusl.Mtln-'-- 5 r, varlan 0f the BoARD oF BurLDrNc APPdi[3' --t 7/ e rro the requt\remen of SectVaiLonrngOrdinancen onden to nespectfully request and sect onBuildingCodE-JnJ er. to n t_ r Qrrn fn making a detennination on zoning the Boand considens only, 1.. Un_9lf ::i9:liq, 2..need for the-froposea-vaniance, 3. compatibitity ofrne proposed variance with the'suirounaing-an"Jl u. effect on futunedevel0pment of thg g_nea_"nd; -t. health, safetyl and the welfane ofthe inhabitants of the To*;: s"' oersLv' ( rn.buiLdilg code variances the Boand may considen onry, r. suit-ability of alternate mateniars and- meth6ds oi-oon"touition and,2. reasonabre intenpneiiiion" .oi'the provisions of the code. The Adrninistnative-officiar. rnay charlenge any vaniance gnantedgoes beyond the scope or tiie p6rvens of fr,. dir"oA. 'rt is undenstood tlr*t a fee of.$25.00.is payabla in advance and thata ten (10) day posting perioa r" nequined-pai"n-tg a publie hearing -.on the.above requeste. -, .. .' Signed: BUILDING PERMIT APPLIC toN t AT Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR Juridiction of \$ bttt!t t4r+rrl0t $r*lpae f$ fnsT 14 eauau Deir<, ht t {!see trtecreo sxe:r) coNiiAcroi MAIL ADOiESS FHON E r.rcEN9E ft o. AFCHI'EC' Oi DESIGNEF MAI|- ADOiES5 PHONE ENCINEER MAII AODiE5S PHOIIE LICENSE NO. MAI L ADDi'55 BiANCH usE oF autL0tN0 8 crasorwork: fINEW {ooorflot trALTERAT|0I,| trREpArR trMoVE flREMovE Describe work: I 4/, /4 L L E *or 4en 10 Change of usr fiom I I Valuation of work: $ SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze of Bldg, lTotarl sq. Ft. Fi16 Sprlnkters nequtred Eyes EnoAPRo)Vr ssuerce ev: LJl OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDTTIONING. THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OF ABANDONED FOR A PEFIOD OF I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFYAPPLICATION AND KALL PROVISIONS OFTYPE OF WORK WILHEREIN OR NOT, 1PRESUME TO GIVEPROVISIONS OF ANYCONSTRUCTION OR IZ EO ACENT DATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR cAsFt PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. a I CASH, t-1'l')N/.u' GOLOENROD - TEMP. FI LECANARY - AUDIT PINK - APPLICANT