HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT L K KIANDRA TALISMAN AKA SONNENALP AUSTRIA HAUS 1969 TO 1983 CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL'7\ Octobe r 3, 1983 T0: llike McGee t Vail Fire Department FROM: Geoff Wright Kiandra Iodge !RE:Parking Lot AlteratLon Attached you wlll find of a control gate and I need you to suggest parking lot entrance nobtllty of the flre All chained &rtrances kept free of snohr and our survey and plana for tbe installatlon parklng lot alterations. the pl-acement of the chain and posts at our across from Baskin Robbins to lnsure the trucks. will be posted as flre lanes and wlll be parked cars. A Vacotion Resorts Property - Call Toll Free 800-2724308 (Ercept Colorado) Oct ober 11, 1983 TO: Mike McGee ! FROM: Geoff Wright RE: Mariachis Emergency ExLt Plan 8. Ins tallation 9. Installation souch of che this closet. 10. Construction 11. Installat ion pathr^ray. *** Our anticipated t. -- 1. Installation of suspended celLlng in the area to the west of the Columbine Room. Extension of sprinkler head through suspended ceiling. Installation of an automatic door closure on door'torsna11 kitchen area. Alteration of Mariachls storage to be placed entirely on west wal1 allowing pathway equal. to the width of the doorways at either end. Replacement of dryralJ. around electrical circuit breaker box and on ceiling. Removal of storage beneath stairs. Alteration of storage area to the north of restrooms for Mariachls use, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. of suspended ceiJ-ing in room at the top of stairs. of doorway into what is presently a closet to the garbage room which w111 a1low emergency exlt through of walL between garbage room and emergency hallway ' of emergency lights to adequately llluninate emergency completion date for these alterations is Dec. 23, 1983. A Vacation.Resorfs Property - Call ToIl Free 800-272-0308 (Except Colorudo) evArL VTLLAG€ ONE WAY + i Pool I 8390 8290 8280 8190 J..r ,-! !J 540?CXIAINED ENTRAI{CES i eser FROI.iT D€SK 1' /*\ ' L4 f.t.i^v E I r. J-w .t i I It Pr^nn B \Puen e /_6ATE/- 2l'o' "5 VAC 20 AMP SUPPLY 'd VOLTAGE MUST '.JOT DROP--^ BELow tosv wtrH \l- z 20 AMP |DAD \ {s ,.^.\x'r.'-' \' {<\--r '-,.. \ \ -.t.t \ )o\\ )o'o' \'. CLOSING \ LOOP lo'4" 0 5' TYP 4*on,, CURE OR GUARD RA'L, -,,CTP SHOULD BE. LOCATED '7 FT. MIN. FROM STREET CURE LINE TO PROVIOE AMPLE TURNING RAOIUS i NO. 14 -'-rw,REs \-i'+ '\ .\ \';, L^;)/ (tr\l tt-.1- - / -') \-- o.."L ,.r& t{"r, G*6 'r3",p- """"r-& 'o.9 aq)t- Ir._(o $o r)zLJ ""-"% w lAlJ^e v .n;' - 'cJ 0ct o TO: Mike FROM: Geof RE: Marl : @o -l aRnool': ,r; O @ NO= tl ll llc<< l.r C n 3.I k r- JG 4. A a 5. R o 6. R u QT OT s t 10. c F I I I I I I,t?t' $i I I *1 I I F:.imlW:iTET (\, Oct c TO: Mtke FROM: Geof 8E: Mari I t' / i. {E ?. t\-,(>-:'"} "\+\-.:-:1 " r..- ,€t "DD":\^r ,,Oo]3;;; _i}ioJJrvVrc I- -_J r fs r 1. r c 2.E 3. r k 4. a a 5. R o 6. R 7. A u 8. r 9. r st 10. c oEEoo(J oEr'l h ti -J J4li} e. (l u -t\1r gi'u:l' tJ. olt F '{* u Project Application of'/'*,,.," ILltolyL Project Name: Proiecl Description: On ner, Addiess and Phone: Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Zon6 - o^r. ,/l a, , /S- DISAPPROVAL ,'l ,h tiisulnmary: /.t J u,4N 'uAlO / rHCl\ * ec'tT 4484 7 AO SHJ4 L-L--- T??t-tj-n 4/ 4,oP,u c.qqr tfu(rOf j/'\)Aj otr ,aEr1tvr,,"11,bllL 4l,Dsc4,a'x1 - Ld tzt/..tf N Sl'rr lj L 4 N U)o/7,< ,, E statt Approval I-a December 10, 1982 Jim Sayre Planner - Tor,m of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. Vall, C0 81657 Dear Jim: This letter is to conflrm our phone conversation on Tuesday, December 7, 1982. I have reviewed the plans proposed by frene Westbye on the building of a structure to organize the parking in the Talis- man Condominium lot. I approve of the concept, but suggest the followlng changes and consideratlons to the original plan: 1) round all sharp corners to reduce possible damage by vehicles 2) straightening head-on parking curb for easler main tenance 3) position the structure to a11ov for easy snov removal in the winter As long as these changes are made and requireTlents are met, do not oppose the constructlon of this parklng lot lsland. Sincere 1y , THE KIAI.'IDRA LODGE I^lright General GW/dmc Manager A Vacation Resorts Property - Call Toll Free 800-272-0308 (Ercept Colorodo) 424ftt /rr.,- .r-+no*urO- alM. f# rml| b- pkf {vv.- August 26, 1977 General- Manager DF/bb Enclosure Mr. Jin Lamont Towrt of Vail OfficesVai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Jim: EncLosed is a copy of the lease between the Kiandra/TaLisnan and the Town of VaiL to be executed by the Torvn of Vail as soon as possible, I believe these terrnsare in accordance with our conversations regarding theland and I would appreciate receiving an executed copyof this lease returned to ne as soon as possibLe. Ifthere is anything further that you need fron rne, pLeasedonft hesitate to ca1l. Thank you. ruto lo/ A Vilcor Resort hoperty - Call Toll Free 80G5254200 (Except Colorado) a a copy of the Lease between the K/T this executed as soon as possible, the executed lease to me. Vice President-Condominiurn Operations JPls1w Enclosure \II,COR August 23, J.977 llr. Dick Fitzgerald Klandra/Tal isman LodgePost Office Box 1028 Vail, Colorado 8165? Dear Dick: Enclosed please find and the Town of Vail. IYould you please have and return a copy of Sincerely, vrLCoR, rNC. /1 '-\,]y.,kt'r/ John Platt 555 Nortlr Allll Streer Aspen, Colorodo Bl6ll (3031 925'1900 LEASE THIS LEASE is made and entered lnto this day of August,1977, at Vail, Colorado, by and between the Town of Vail (hereafter "Lessee") and Vilcor Properties, a joint ven- ture and owner of the Kiandra/Talisman Lodge, (hereafter "Lessor") ll'ITI.IBSSETH That the Lessor, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth to be kept and performed by the Lessee, leases to Lessee the property, hereinafter described for the period and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set- forth.. 1. Leased Property. The property leased hereunder shaII consist of approximately 1,650 square feet located directly adjacent to East l{eadow Mall in Vail Vi11age, Vai1, Colorado. Such property 1s located directly along the Kiandra/Talisman property line adjacent to East Meadow Mal1 on the south side of the Mall from the bus stop on the west end of such l',1a11 to the control gate on the east end of such ]{a11. The leased property will consist of an average of three (3) feet in depth from such Kiandra/Talisman property line and in no case will exceed fifteen (15) feet ln depth from such Kiandra/ TaLisman property 1ine. 2. Use- of Leased Property. The l-eased property shall be land- scaped by the Lessee for the purpose of beautificatlon of the property adjacent to the East Meadow l,[a11. Such leased property sha1l in no way be used as a public park and sha1l in no way become a part of the East l{eadow 1,,1a11. The Lessor reserves the right to continue to use the leased property during the term .of this lease in any and all ways con- sistent with appropriate uses of such property. 3. Term. This lease shall be for a term of one year from the date of the execution of this lease. Provided, however, this lease shal1 be continued from year to year unless written notice is given at least 90 days prior to the end of any lease year. -1- Further provided that this par.agraph shatl be subject to and subordinate to the provisions contained in paragraph 4 herein relating to terrnination by Lessor. 4. Termination by -Lessot.This lease shall be terminable by Lessor at any time upon 90 days prior wrltterr notice to Lessee. 5. Indemniflcation by Lessee. The Lessee hereunder agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Lessor against all claims whatso- ever arising from the use of the leased property including mechanic's 1iens, claims for injuries, workmen's compensation claims, etc. 6. Eigrhts of Parties Upo . In the event of termination of this lease pursuant to either paragraph 3 or paragraph 4 herein, Lessee sha1l have 9O days from the date of notice to terminate in order to remove landscaping which sha11 be constructed as contemplated by this 1ease. If such landscaping is not removedwlthinsuch 9O day period, such landseaping sha11 become the sole property of Lessor provi-ded, however, in the event the Lessor strall remove such landscaping, the expense of removing such l-a"ndscaping shall be ful1y borne by Lessee. 7, Ug,uterance of Leas. . During the term of the lease, maintenance of the leased property including the fandscaping shall be the sole responsibility of the Lessee. Lessee agrees to maintain sueh property in a first-class conditlon and to keep such property free from litter and debris of all klnds. 8. Notices. In every instance where it shalI be necessary for one party to serve notice or demand upon the other, such notice or demand sha11 be sent by United States Begistered or Certif ied l,{aiI, postage prepaid as f ol1ows: Lessor: Vilcor Prope rt les Post Qffice Box 1OZ8Vail, Colorado Lessee: The Town of Vail . Post Office Box tOOVai1. Colorado -2- I Nottce mailed as aforementioned shall be deemed to have been eerved on the third day followlng such mailing. Either party hereto may by like notlce designate a different address to which notlce shall thereafter be sent. LESSOR: LESSEE: VILCOR PROPERTIES By THE TOIYN OF VAIL -3- rNsPEc# TOW-|{ IU FIEBUEsiT OF VAI L D orxen E pennnl LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR FRI-AM PMMON COMMENTS: E appRovED I otseppRovED E nEtNsPEcr fl upot*t rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE prumflNc PE Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. /227-f2 IT AP toN Voil, Colo., Eost Meodow Dr . L ECAL I oEsci,1!see nrucr eo sxeery MAIL ADORESS ZlP MA II ADDFESS PIONE AiCHI.rECT OF DE9IGNEA EEh fuAIL AODFESS PHONE LICENSE NO.5 Ho-ld V. Cook, 666 Lipon St., Denver, Colo. 255-.9431 881 MAIL ADDRESS ARANCI] SE OT BUILDING 8 ctass of work: X ne w n A00trt0N n ALTERATToN tr REPATR I Describe work: storm droinose complete. PERMIT FEES Typr of Fixtura o. ltrm SPECIAL CONDITIONS;WATER CLOSET (TOILET) LAVATORY (WASH BASIN} KITCHEN SINK & DISP. DISHWASH€R APPLICATION ACCEPTED 8Yr LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR AEANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK tS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR_SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O. tr- *t INSPECTOR FEORDER FROM: IN TERNATIONAL CON FERENC E O F BUI LDING OFFICTALS ' 5O SO. LOS iO6LES ' PASAOENA. CALIFORNIA 9I I O! PERMIT VALIDATION Form 1OO.2 9-69 USE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP. ETC. t, a NI /2er-'4 ATION En Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. MECHA CAL , Vqil, Colo., Eost Meodcniv Drive I otlci.{LIs EE ATTACNEO SI{EETJ 476-5673 MA IL AODiESS PI{ON E LICENSE NO. AiCHITECT OR DESICNER 444-2571 LrcErr9E NO. 255-3431 LICENSE NO. 881 ust oF 6utLotN6 8 C|ass oI worK: X NEW tr ADDITION D ALTERATION tr REPAIR 9 Describe work: Heoti ond venf i lotion system cornplete. TypeofFuel: Oit fl Nar. Gas I lPe. f] PERMIT FEES Type of EquipmentSPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea, on Units-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnaqe Ea Forced Air Systems-B.T.U. lruU M Ea. PA APPROVED FOA ISSUANCE AY Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heat6rs-B.T.U. NOT ICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTIOI{ OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D. Unit Heaters-B.T.U, 3? - mO M WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION cK. M.o. cAsH t"fit {'v {v' M.O.PLAN CHECK VALIDATION INSPECTOR REoiDEi FRoM! tNTEFtNATtoNAL coNFERENcE or SutLottts oFFtctALs a go so, Los ioBr.ag a PAsaoENA, caLtFoRNr^ 9l1otForm 100.4 +69 USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. i;., AUTOMATTC SPRINI(LER COUPN.IvY CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS OF UNDERWRITERS APPROVED FIRE PROTECTION 4.t OeadaTttaru AsS6 ClMAllttl PtlACl a/o toa 6tl-"ttz DEtw'ER. CoLoRADo EO2l6 any 26, L97L Clty of Vall Bulldlng Deprtnent Vatl, Colorado 8L657 Re! Ktandra Lodge Addlttoa Vall, Colorado Gentlernen! l{e are attachtng tbree prlnts of Epprwed dra'rlngs for the addltloa at tbe above proJect. We are eleo attaching our check ;fr $79 Ln the a,nount of, $4 aloag w-ltb the pelult apBDcatloD f,or the flre protectioa iastallatlon. We tnst you v'lll flnd tbls to ueet nltb your approtal antl retum at least one prlnt to ue vltb your stasp of appronall thereoa. Yowe truly, e,u,r Aurct'{aTtc sPRI$lg.'En ccMPAlfy ESM:pb I}ALIIA DlEtrLct ltanager HOUSTON TG\#i'i $F VAt Ur DAILY BUILDITIG INSPECTION REPORT I nuira'"*,p#(rand Permit n", l2Z L Jt \zrl{rl Ea"t VrJ*rry lssued:Date Issued: Remanks b,"r* finrhaA qnl <orgbt , 6,2.. ,r*rfto PER^ rTAPPLrcl'o* P4 I of Town of VailJurisdiction numbered spaces only. Kiandra Lodse 1!see lrtrcneo srret; Hanald Westbve LIqENgE NO. Down East Landscapin ARCHIiECA OR DESIGNER LtcENSE NO. ENOINEER MA IL ADDRESS PHON E LICENl5E NO. USE OF IUILDINC 7 Penmit for landscapins onlv (n 8 Class oI worK: tr NEW fi<AOOITION N ALTERATION tr REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE l0 Change of use from Change of use to l1 Valuation of work: $2.500.00 pLAN cHEcK ree '* //,J-D PERM IT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. {Total) Sq. Ft. APPIICATION ACCEPTED aYr //,/(/ PLANS CHECKED AY: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE BEOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AtR CONDITIONTNG. THIS PEBMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMTNED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCI.ION QF THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. FIRE OEPT. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION cK. M.o. cAsH 31^n a t"" lod {'J"/l INSPECTOR Form 1dr.l 9.59 FEOiDER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' 60 SO. LOS iOBLES ' PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 9! IOI INSPECTION RECORD DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP. ETC. .a o II TOWN OF VAIL BOAF,D 0F zOl,tING, APPEALS, AND EXAMINERS i'1INUTES FoR MEETING oF JULY B, 1971 I.I{eeting Called to Orcer: A. j.n9_ m99t-1ng was called to opder at 9 : 15 a . m .VaiL Office.in the Town of va:riance B-7-7I be gnanted. and passed unanimously B. The foll-owing menbet:s were present: Messrs. Clark, Hoyt,Knox, Vei1e, and Strubte (ex_offici_o). C. ?he following guest was pr"esent: Mr. A1 Zeigel. D' A motion was made by Mr. veile that the minutes of thespecial i'{eeting of June 28, 197r be approved. The motlon.was seconded by Mr. Knox and appr"oved unanimouslv. Past 3us ines s A. contractor.s License fon pe::cy sadcjo::is d/b/a vaIley plumbing _A letten of conplaint fr.om Mr. ,l:.nL Cunningham was reaa. Itwas suggested by Mr. Cl-ark that we check witn ti-r. County Clenkof Mesa about the possibility of bankruptcy pr"oceedings againstM::. Saddoris in thi Gnand Juiction ";;;-a;;p;-;;"i;il:; ' attached). A motion was made by Mr. Hoyt that a lette:: be I: ill"i to M::. Saddori-s by the boa::d ,,oiifyir.,g ',im tfi"i - he 1s openating under a temporary license i.niing investiga-tion of the -banknuptcy. Tha motl_on r^ras sec,nnrlcrt.hrr Mr-r \i eileand approved unani^o,."ry by the Board s sr r* ' \ III. New Business A. Case B-7-7I - Application fon vaniance by Mn. AI Zeigel onbehalf of the Talisman for a non-comfoo*i.,g door at the topof a stairway. ftre coAe,does not allow a doon to open overa stairway and theire is no landing." o"q.tio"a uv ttre coae.l'1r. strubre has suggested that thJ door Jt;" in rather thanoven the stairs and this has been changed on ih. plans assuggested. Mn. str"ubl-e recommended apfroval of the varianceas netthen the, stairway no:: the doon ine required by Code asexits.Twoexitshavea1neadybeenpnovii1ed.asrequiredand this would simply be used a" l. ""r'rrice pnrr.,w frnant ror deliverie., .i". "'.,0'ri3";::: ::t;1":::":l"rli"l3l""i."Purposes. A motion was made by Mr. Knox thatThe motion was seconded by Mr, Hoytby the Board. IV. Other Business CaSe B-B -7L - Jjp t" rrnn jn-r.-* .h^r-i/rr.+ jnn fn"e 1- rri 1 nfor Lion s iq,.,."."', !":"il:neil"il:li:fi-i:: ::il":"il:':*"::Ili::"which woulo allow him to ,.,"" "ooE shingles ""i}r."-than fir"e-netardant wood shingles. Mn. stnuble necommended that thevaniance not be granted and that fine retardani shi.nglesbe ::equired since the Code is not stnictly met even Uy tfre A. Page 2 Minutes Boand of fo:: Meetir,* l"uty 8, l97IZoning, Appeals, and Examine::s fine netandant shingles. The Boand voted to delay a decisionuntit the next meeting when Mr. Cunningham.(can be present. The following applications approved pending receipt of fon Contractors Licenses wene insunance certificates :j -l , lr B. 'tn l-1. McBride Concrete Construction Logant s ConstructionVail Contractons Aspen Va1ley Plumbing and Heating, Inc.C, A. Stanley Plumbing and HeatingShaver Refrigenation and Appliance Senvice Rose Drywall Petensen Associates Paul r s Homes, Inc Kendall Electnic Co. Harvey Const::uction Company A motion was made by M::. Knox that these lieenses be app:rovedas noted above and seconded by Mn. Hoyt. The motion waspassed unanimously by the Boand As thene was no othen business, the meeting was adjourned atl0:45. TOWN OF VAIL V. dw &e/r*Stnuble Ex Tft A DDT Tn^.n-^ \r... . rJ r vl.li I \J r\ BOAR.D OF BOARD OF TO APPEAR tsEiORE THE ZO}GNG AD'USTMENT BUILDTNG APPEALS . '/-71 respectfully r"equest DAIE: dt rrf.t4tCtt o: SecTi_onvarrance fnon the reo^ulffiiG-0f the Vail Zoning OrOina""..In orden to ano SectionB.uilqing CodE e unLfor ..1 -.It rn making a dete'mination on zoning the Boand considens oniy, r-. un_dr:'e hardship, 2..need ror itru-pr:op6seo.variincel B. compatibility ofthe proposed vaniance with the'suir"ounai"!-i"-"i +. effect on futunedevel0pment of the a:lea-"nar -i. health, safety, and the welfane ofthe inhabitants of the rown. b"t se4ssr, q rn.building code vaniances the Board lnay considen onry, 1. suit-abiliiy of airer;ate nareni"ls ina netnods oi-.or,"t"uition and,.2.,reasonab1einterpnetatio'."-oi..tr.'uprovisionsofthecode. The Administrative Official may challenge any va:riance.gnanted whichgoes beyond the scope of the p6ro"o" of the Boar^d. rerr{r;s Bran(eq .It is uncerstood that a fee of $25.00 is:-t:." (10) day posting p"oioa-i"'requir.-aon the.above nequestsl - -- payable ''in advance and thatp:rion to a public heaning Signed: o -._ EVE RE,]TT / ZEICEL ARCI{ITECTS AIA 2305 CA},TYON BOULEVARD BOULDER COLORADO AOSO2 Mr. Ed StrubleBuilding Official Town of VailP. O. Box 631 Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Ed: June 16, L97]- Please excuse the delay on our application to appear before the Board regarding the service stair door in the Talisman Lodge. Enclosed is our reguest for the variance and our check to cover the $25.00 fee. Very trui-y yours, rtAz/dg Enclosurescc I'{. M. Nottingham o EVERETT / znI 2305 CANYON BOULEVARD GEL ARC H BOULDER COLORADO AIA 444 2571 llarch 16, 19.71 ITECTS 40302 303 Chairman, Board of Zoning Town of Vail Vail, Colorado Gentlernen: Adjustment 81657 It has cone to my attention ttr-at afor increased floor area ratio forwest of the Edelweiss and south of request for variance has been made a building to be construcLed to the the Talisman in Vai-l . It is my understanding that the current allowable floor area ratio forthat particular piece of property is 1:1, and that the developers ofthe property are requesting that it be modified to 1,3:1. My concernsrelative to this requested variance are both professional and personal. My professional concern comes as a result of constructing the Tal-ismanproject within a floor area ratio of less than 1.1:1, and determiningthat it was about the maximum that slrould be provided on that particu-lar site. This concern would expand to other sites within the villagerelative to bul-k as well as height of future structures. The scale of the Town of Vail is an important thing, and there must begreat concern about compromising this important aspect, as for examplethe lvlountain Haus does. My personal concern is one of a property owner in Vail in that my wife and I are owners of one of the condominium units in the Talisman. Our apartment is directly north of the proposed construction. We are very concerned about bulk and height of structures built across Gore Creek. and trad assumed when purchasing our particular unit that the new lowerfloor area ratio would prevail for at1 future construction. I respectfully request that you view this variance application with an extremeJ-y critical eye toward what has and what might develop time andtime again relative to the inappropriate scale of buildings within and around the Town of Vail . I look forward to attending the Public Hearing scheduled for March 18, L97L. Very trul-y yours, o Ndmw IrAz/dg ., '. o *fillsmon B0x 5t6 YArL, C0L0nAD0 0t86t PH01{Er(303) 4tG-5673 March 17, l97l llr. Robcrt Clark, Chalman Board of Appeale and Zoning VariancegTorn of VailVail, Colorado 81657 Dear tlr. Clark, rn bchalf o! the TalLsman condomLunLun Aasoeiatlon r would likc toprotest the applleatlon for variance to changc the Froor Area Ratiofor the proposed condomiainm unitg next to the Edelseiss located ontfLllow Place. I bElieve that the proposed.change in ratio from1.011 to 1.3:1 is not consLstent wj.ttr-the Lntcnt of the new zonlngordlnance whlch reeently lowered thc ratio from 1.5:l to 1.0:1.Slnply speaking, I object to the proposed height of the building.From the model. that I saw, it appcars that the building will havefLve or ELx floors Ln the north-Llevation. Sl.nee the froject islmedtately south of the tall.snan Condornl.niung thie would acriouslyaffect some of our viewg. lhe board realizes, of courge, that lf any variance Ls granted on thisproperty, that actLon would invite nore varl.ances of the sane ordergq llf properties in the block and probably should b e grantcd. This,tf I nay iterate, was not the inteni of thi Board of Trristees whenthey passed the new zonlng ordinance a few months ag6. The KiandraIfdge ntght also become affected by the inevLtable development ofthese propertles. Durl,ng the recent rnonths, there wcre Beveral neetinge of the Boardof TrusteeE with public notl,ce and particLpatLon which invited any andall objections foi a change in thc ioning iloor area ratio. I atfendedgeveral of these Ireetings at whlch there lras a great deal of discugElon and very few obJections to the gcneral Ldea. trron what I obeerved, theBoard of Trustees acted, in a nanner consLetent rith public sentl.nentwhen they paseed the new ordinance. I contend that puUftc sentinent has not changed and the ordinance ghould be upheld. Sincerely, it.A. l)'wr$a U. U. Nottinghan " rln fatilnrl 6r'rloS. 4j.. IEOAL NOTICE,.;. i$"il ' e - 0llrxl tt FIRST -]i+:: "':;"=' il;:" ".,1 " l". : .- ,*u"-rtt a vrrilncc trom th' '' CliiritJ-"^tt ot door clorec In ;' STATE OT COI./ORADO COI'NTY CF'EAGLE DECLARATION AF' UAND. ALI,OCATION )l ss. ) t, A. AtaX 7+Wv , D$hg first duly E worn upon oath, dcpoee and oay that the followlag atatcmcntg are trse and correct eccorCing to my bect knowledge, inlormatlon and bellef' to wlt: l, That thte atatement ie made ln conjunctlon with the filing of an application for a building pernit to the Town of lVail and to comply with the requircments of Article VII, Sectlon 3, Ordlnaace Numbcr ? (Seriec of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Towa of Yail. Z, The degcription of thc building eite for the propoeed building ie ae forlowa: gee *gg$A€A _ - . (Dcecriptlon may be attachtd 08 Burveyor'e mNp may be ueed to gho$ dog- eription. ) 3. The proposed buildlng glte contains sguaae fect, and the propoeed butlding contalng equare fcet of atea as defined in the aforegaid Z.onlng Ordlnarice. 4. The propoeed butlding, ae it relates to thc buildtng sitc area, cor:rplica to the Floor Area Rptio for the zoning which appliee to the building eite, as defined in thri aforcga The foregoing affidavit and declaration wao duly eubgcribed Alan zeigel .tworn to before mer a notary public, byft 25th ila! of June Artoc. 19eo(71 . My Commissicrr E:<pires l:v;tsi 6' 7974 L- i: a..^''--' il "' t!. ^,, . ,. ''. -:,1',,1.- :. .,,.: . ., j-..t , .4-. ' :"--r:T- l-,trc..".-.:.-_,t -.,, t,J ._.,., ". - rr, J.. !r - Co,,ou!::,,.; 8,,ii,-",0 -2)Ji \,7 cs';'!7t!t i.vcr:.uc Dc,rver, Co/ore.Jo t0204 1W TqUsr*r+"; r"fig "u*u"" *o, 39 lC i 5/23/70 A.rr.M. LicAL )iSCRrPTr0\ 4 -^-r- ^€ T^+-^ T ^..-l Tr .r1l--t- tr ":r tr--.'l it-. 11---^ n-.'r -. -..1 uar; oi LoES i. and i(, Block 5-3, Vail Village, Firsc f:-l:_:rg, Countyof !ag1e, State of Colorado, r,:,ore pa-rtlcularly iescribed as foiiowe: Beginaing at a poinc oa the Nortsh line of East }ieaciovr Drive, sa:i-d poi;.rt being 99,70 feet f:rcn the East 1ii:e of Vail R.oad as'r^reasured along saicl North line and the.exicnsio;i the::eof ; thence N.75"53I00rrE. and al-ongsaid Northerl-y line a disiance of L2.95 feet uo a poin'L of curve; 'shence aloirg seid Noitheriy line aad .totr!-TErve to che right having a radiusof 105.87 feet, a celt::al aagle ot 2Loe2t6gtt, an arc dista:rce of L9A.L2 feeE to a point of tangent I Ehence aloi.g sa;{ ta;rgent and aiong said Northerl-y li:re S.82"35'00"E. a dis'cance of LJ\)+3_feer to a poinr ofcurvel thence aloiig a cu::ve to rhe'righr:rav$-fnadius at iS.CC feet,a ce::t::aL angle of 90"20106", an arc distance of 118.25 feet io e poiat of reverse curve; tl.ence along a curve to t;te i-eft having a raCius of 170.00 feet, i.i central angi-e of 24"51t26'1 , an a::c distaece of 73.75feetl tl:eace S.57"15t27t1W. a disiarrce of 92.AL feet ro a poinr of inter- section r'rith the South.westerly line of saici Lo; It; 'ihence N.50"24.r00o'W. and aiong said Southwesteri-y line a dis'Cance of 58.C0 feet;'chence N.61r'52r00"W. and elong said, Southwesterly l-ine a distance oi 127 ,00feet to the Sou'liivrest coroer of said Lot l(; ihence S.69"50r00"Ini. and alcirg t-:c Southerl-y liae of said Lot L a ct-s:ence of L02.50 feet; thence N.55"08|2Bt'8,, a distance of 135.66 feetI thenc,e Northwesterly LL6.94 fee!, nore or less, to thc point of beginning; coniaining L.564 acres--.--.- \ '0.a.-\ r,5,1 EVERETTIZEIGEL EVERETT / ZEIGEL ARCHITECTS AIA 2305 CANYON BOULEVARD BOULDER COLORADO AO3O2 3O3 444 2571 tvlr. Ed Struble Building official Town of VailP. O. Box 631Vail. Colorado 81657 Dear Ed: June 25 , L97.1 Pfease find encl-osed a declaration of tand allocation for the Talisrnanproject and attached legal- description. Both reflect the total site upon wtrich the entire Talisman project has been, or is being, constructed. The'area noted in the legal descrip- tion as L.664 acres strould be approximately 1.54 acres in accordancewith our calculatior*s. This exact area is being verified with Meurer,Serafini & Meurer. If there are additional questions, pJ-ease call. Very truly yours, EVERETTi/ZEIGEL. ARCHTTECTS AIA IlAz/dg Enclosures cc M. M. Nottingham Meurer, Serafini & Meurer a , i /'r*/!#tzz7 BUILDING PER'VIIT APPLICfiON I Jurisdiction of To wr.J A\L- Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. --I-,A,u\St\.4 \L-l Cr+r*.s e- I D E3CR.1ffisee rttncneo sneerl OWNER MAt! AOORESS Ztp PHONE2 Rumfordr/Nottinghan P.O.Box 565, Vail- 8l-657 476-5673 3 Loup-Milter consrruct*;-'If:.u.^:":l'TX"t" "-"iiz-zasl u7- 4 LICENSE IIO. B-5254 Everet..1-./zeLgel-. '^'.' ooozSo 5Arcrllteccs ^9u"{?l^ l'rd""+'a a_rs z rARCHITEIT OR OE!I E^GrNEE. -MA'L ADDq:lsn - 2 Bth strgdf"l LrcENse No'5 Johnson-Voiland-ArchuLeta 1'"". 444-L95L 6 Colur,-*ia Savings c - 'o'' ^"'TffthLOan & Broadway 2gZ_9gOO (Main) 7 Restaurant/Shops and Lodge 8 CIasoIworK: D NEW E AOOITION N ALTERATION tr REPAIR tr MOVE D REMOVE 9 0escribework: Construct a 5-1eve1, pre-cast concrete structure matching existing condominium in construction system and exterior materials, 10 Change of use lrom rr/a *o.) tl Vatuation of work: $( 400 r 000 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Slze of Bldg. APD - (Total) 5q. Ft- ol4 llLo c*rto*J- I A4)nd Reculrec [fy6 [s6APPROVEO FOR ISSUANCE AY,t4s oFFSTREET PARKING SPACES! IOZ An Bi,"iL, u",,, ? o NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOF ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. tNG, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN @ DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOB A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IN THIS SP THIS IS YOUR P€RMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.o. cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION raz.+<-nfuf ,98?,zg(d //,d 4-ro -?/ cK. M.O. CASH , 9 81,'t{ INSPECTOR iEOFDER FROM; INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF 9UILDINS OFFICIALS ' 50 90. LOs iOELES OPA3ADENA, CALIFORNIA 9ITOIForm lOO,1 969 qr INSPECTION RECORD a DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB. FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DHYWALL EXT. DqTHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. EVEF-ETT / ZEIGEL ARCHITECTS AIA 2305 CANYON BOULEVARD BOULDER COLORADO AO3O2 3O3 444 2571 Mr. Ed Struble Building official Town of VailVaiL, Colorado 81557 Reference: Talisman lodqe Addition - Last Phase Dear Ed: May J-7 , L97L we appreciat,e very much your reviewing the referenced project with us, as r/'rell as your prompt fol1ow-up letters. Using your Item No. Ir Item No. 2: Item No. 3: Item No. 4: Item No. 5: letter of I'tay 5, 1971, as a reference: Parking: Prior to final layout and construction of the parking area, we wilL re-space and arrange where neces- sary parking spaees in order to provide the 101 spaces' plus one 12r x 25t loading berth. As discussed, we see no particular difficulty. Fire-Resistance of WalLs: I feel ttrat we comply with each requirement, with the discussed exception of the exterior non-bearing wa1ls. The exterior non-bearing wal1s on the norttr'and south are sheathed with Non-Com treated rough plywood over gypsum sheathing. The spaced boards applied over the pllnr.rood sheathing will not be treated. The roofing material was also discussed and it was decided to permit non-treated shakes in order to match the existing building roof. Door 226: Ttre swing of the door will be changed and a variance will be requested to allow the door. Srnoke-Proof Enclosurer Stair No. l: The smoke-proof en- closure will be in accordance with 3309-G' providing a naturally-ventilated enclosure in accord with your let- ter of May 6, 197L. Supply and Exhaust Air, B2-Oc.cupancy: Mr- Ctrandler Bosworth, mechanical engineer, has been asked to supply assurance that the Cod.e requirements are met. In dis- cussing this question with hiJn' it apPears that the equipment exceeds the Code requirement. Toilet Floor and wal-l Surfaces: We trave asked the con- tractor to prepare a sautple for your and my approval . Item No. 5: Mr. Ect StrubLe Builcling Official T6,wn of VaiI ltay .17, 1971 Page 2 Please note that the enclosed addendu$ and .Ietter authorizi.ng a changfeorder to be prepared covering the other itens we d,iscussed,r' is wel-J.'isother modifications. This change order will be drawn up and a final copy subnitted to yqu. Againr thank you verythis project.much, Ed, for your irterest and conEideration on Very truly yours, EyEnETT/U EIGEL ARCITITEeIS $"da"?a AIA sAz/9s EncLogures cc Loup-l{il1er Construction, Inc.!{. M. Nottingham "' 2i Delete trIoctrtsal $ectfon ig., pages a-U,tf;;.ra an"':attachedl 3. ncl*te Hechanicatr .sections ,15a, Pltrnbtngr-and 15br.R{Dilt,inE an$: . Ventllatingt insert attached Eeoleanlsal,specificatlone, pagea ; , Fl-P4 and IiVl-HV3'. . : , ,,.1 . .,' ,,:,'1rl. l:,,-1. ":r, .. rar,r$r-rnn LcDGil'- Fri'rA! enAsr' ' '' ,,",,'t .',, ,, '. .- .*rr':rr, lgzl FrdJect tio. 6927 ': .'' ',,, .-*Jo-....*,.1,76'].-............'..'''. 1.' The base contract excXudos llnleh fi-.ttie kltciben/dlpiyigd.oungcar:a of the re€taurant. Iovel. AII restaurast finlrh'rLtl.beatrea of the rettaurant IoveI. AII restaurast fi"n.lsh',ILtl.be EVr;RETT/YErGEL n:CnTTECTS Arrr tr'r,."','ttt a:1 -.1.:,i,, ' , , 11. Alan Zalgel, AIA . HAE/dE "', Attachpents ' , !, .-' :- ..t *r'"..,'.r,t M:. Totn Andrews Loup-i,riLler Conqtruction, Ine. ; , 5895 Ea"st Lvans F.Venue , ' llenver, Colorado 88222 Reference: TalLsman Lodge .Additlonl -'iri*a*t ilrage Ghange ordes iterna': Deqr 'Ioml The following ltems trave .been el,ther- requee ted by the owner or arerequireo as a result of the Dulldlng Inspect,orrs review cf the draw-ings, They should fornr the basis of Chang-e Order No. 1. ventilated, emoke-proof enclosure of 2-hour constructlon in abcord 1. RFviSe stalr \ gnd adjacent areas Ln accordance with supplemental: dra\rd.ngs SU10-FU15 '(enclosed). this le to provlde a naturally- ".' ' '1" ".i, ...,q.: E.o 2J. A. E , "tt"h. the 1970, Ulrtor{r iiu+ld,lng Cocle ' Realocate raundry cfiute aa Crrown on dupprenrental drawings. , Frovide occupant lirnit signs in accor.dance with the 19?0 UBC forrestaurant and neeting rooms (meelting room 200r. restaurant 300). Provide n.r1;,n$l"ii;.on restaurant level exit <lootra 104, 107,I12, 113, 1l Provide sliding gl,ass unlts and doore in lieu of hollow metal an,3fixett glass at entire ehop level as per supplement.al drawing SUI7. Change swing of door 226 ta opposite direction, hingecr on west. ProVid,e l.lon-Com exteEior treated plvwoo<t soffits at aII wooC- f raeo overhangs. 6. 1 8. . a. 10; ,1rt sample of toilet rbonr wall fintsh in restaurant l-eve1Provlde test . toilet rooms for approval of BuiLding OfficiaL and Archltect. Stalr 3 is to be of two-hour conetructi .,1 rnstar. "rqr3ffiX:,nauchi;'.;;;"";;, .*1" *.." ;0"* "ru",of todge ]rul . : ::r Omit storage area '. ',t on south. side:of' meeting qoom:tO'S,; , ,. - . " and, 4oors ll:...;.' : '. -' i.:,... ' 1; ,: ,:!i, : Iiltr. Tocr AndrewsLoup-i'liller Construction, Inc. I"y rJ, 1e71 Page. 2 .,',,i .. ';l2. Provlde drop gypboard ceillng at enploye€rs level tt kitchens and - ^ . :"aT to conceal overhead pltnbing.- : 13. Re-locate telephone equipnerit room frm existlng Lodge boiler roonto new restaurant level kitchen snea per supplenental drawing SU15. 14, Dunbwaiter to be roughed,-in only :for futnre installatLon. 15. Provide pool area construction aa requested by owner outside ofbullding LLne. l{ec}ra.niea1 ' ,. *""* ,n buLlt-in'.vacuum sysggm at gtair L, piptng only, as per Bltpplemental . drawlng SU1O-SU15. "2.., Add drinking -fou4tain 1n corridor 10d butslde. ..|'06, r€cesaed at the plumblng waII.tol.tret room6'105 and .t . , ,.1 , 3. provlde a sfgn ,-a n;; shut;6ff valve 4.. ffnit restaurant level hose cabinets;the smoke-proof encloaurer per verbalCook Plumbing. per L970 UBC. relocatel' otherd: ,o o,ra"ide of'instructtbns' !o Gary lttohr of 5: l::lld: "9:q"ii-:13?-?f: ranse. hood: .inrn".-if,.*loy9e 1gve1 irt-chens to meet ventilation requirernents per I9?0 UBC; fan to turnon when light syritched. --'- . : : 't. , . .,,.t.. Vefy truly yourg L ARCIiITECTS AtrAEV€RETT lv,ErGF:t H.Alan Zeigel, AIA :i' t ' rl;l :; :: -., i'''rwl'!99 , , iidciogrra" .':r;'a'.:': ; I^IILLIAI4" B. BOWERP. O. Box 1028Vail, Colorado 81657 476-s0Bl Office of Planninq and Zoning Town of VailP. O. Box 100VaiI, Colorado WBR:RD:jk cc:Rosalie Jeffrey Town C]erk Sincerely yours, ./ /'.// .t;ttlzrq 6 rtl"Lu7 I,\ff LLfAM B. BOL^IER 81657 Attention: Diana Toucrhill Dear Diana: rn regard to your inquiry as to proposed changes in the physicalstructure of the Talisman Lodge Loun6and Col-umbine Room pursuantto my Liquor license application, r would, dt this time, like toclarify a few matters. The proposed liguor license is solely for the purpose ofaccommodating convention and banquet operations with the Lodge.For that reasonr w€ do not intend to place a permanent bar withinthe Lounge area or make any physi-cal changes in the layout ofei-ther the Lounge or the Columbine Room. rf you have any further questions, feel free to contact me. $ t, ilF ;{ 6s ffiru fiJAt-i-l4 -1''d' ''E'{rL. __ {-ctn"{w- \Jr2-l \rt4t42 - @lrt\il : ,ql d\- _lr$ c! e- d. -, lnlai et\1 nF- (*z wLr- '#r''ffi$- wa-LAA.9T,IE L8 a.6 ;o(.- s- TPNIH lb" Xb' 'V rffil/W 1"4nq A-l ffii.w' uf{*t 1t,t . ,lEV'bt.- /+'1o-tFUl€;|r/uAl.{ |-CW fi !\[RET',r_i Z€tCtI r\RCHITTCTS AIA Ll, clIIoI l0u!"rvrll toutlrr!.,, (0.Et.i$g !3at3 t}{€t Dv\r3 + +U-IIp vA-('11 ffiir .fri - er+# il@l 4'-r'/r" ' L^b= * r8''- '^ti i!'rr:-- - -L f:i ft16ttF L{JsJ$<reil-re - UHF w/ati ealw'tw(Z-1HWNa# FI.R W' wO"1/wh-w a.G ' &o F* - W-rre-wvLwth - w7cta - 6T t'll' ;*n= t-tltl"tF- ", +I !..{_. .: - J -.- ----"-1- ---\ & | 2 _\ i*+r&r- -l utw tstgGAT !-r I u G W. I. HW rlaiail btWltfih M(6 " ffile tE ,"" Mrg r,l -r;A{r6F4Af.{ tfrMV fr .\/*!{ETTr zGtGtt ARcHrrEcrs ArA trri !A*rirn rorjlrvAu, aq{rDt8* cololrDo adl!| . taHaa'..{n @ nui rllltl4F -t?F- lt r,l'42t: I t. t. R.L,6-I'tR* w $$ @ f-Hru -$-f,li I l-ql 5l+" aw fiT, 1.uAg: rir l'-b" 1.,fft 6-9', f,EE lla.u - 1'-o" 6t& tF tg.)-IO lo t*l \I MIAV K5. LX6 ''"fx rr{i€KtdK lKlM HV4A (U"tV 4lt1) u,L_,tr&4n fla 1- t.hr 0vbw1i2.E@ v1a z Ffir^lr-4l,tHHEE_l+:€1 -t0 QTUW_y I &@^h -t/_Ib" o.c h-iar<ti auiw- L^.r-,? 2V? rHH€R r.iYE' N/ffit+@, l/-tr' a.,,. .-i .4d tfE z a4i .Af /; a /}9 tr u\tNJgtZ ^a tt+d\ifl lfl)l (At lW l?14- OIYAF InNttK lt-lr. HIZ+Cr\r7 Vrl-lb" 0.6, g 4'TJW + 1U A,C. L,i rm R}|Nffi.. aUEfE - - te*itz JT5, fF"f 14" fr4 lNl'{EK 6'/EE {,6. (O,lbVt' A)IW i;/'\W. Jft, V *bjNl affi + a*1@UN?. \-\*--\?t,L t.ts\W 2/A 6Yr7Oe2 r,,1'4tNA-TEi2-''T1,:- A'Eq, I I lHSji-^Tj.f :?,eL ay -tui1<rVtr (fid hffi?,#* t Lth' R t#v+ alun -IAJ9{.4A|J tAnE fr-Eh",-h \fu"--'1'-p' fVERETi',, fF I ri r.:': {fr.lt i.r fCTS AiA llni.-AfrY(tR tOUttVr.lr, f ,,i:'\i-.;. r'-rf\'11."').i.r,ill Jrll-{J4-47' ott u I-xl"aerWvr+#Q ribura (t\L-/ + @w'. L?/; lQ'o"i v i i fudH.1"xlI74" Ip l;"ann ,l V :-- ntjg%; I iit to1-a,/&' | @!rya {a 74 ft fK',Fv f'lrK:-i'{ Vl-91. eU,$ toQdA{ f vf'P r:TT,/ uEl$f I ARCI{l'ffCT5 Arr lrot Cn!{l'Ot tti(.rLtVAXD t}trtt,tt, totOIl-'$ r[]F'l {?l +ar't;! 6\V:J>A trQniN4 t/d'-- 1-o' fi\e r *u-tqr? vAY '11 @ i I i --+o #wrw6,&U:iffi17 7,F F-Fn = 1'Tt2frw 2.ro" 6ft'tQ €IF,I fi'-s|/d tuv. * au-,{al+ t-IaY'11 {41-1*/r" twz (t+"t'-d' :. ,; ..,. 1 ., o,'n' : 3 sincaraly :.jin -.,tt iil,r' ,. .'., l, "',' ".:. .,'. Hay 71 1E?L ; ' €ent1cm6n:,,": . :'ll leuis Cool Plrrabing asd He&tlng, Inc. !66 Lipan Strect ' 'ld" have r.oceivgd your3 Plumblns and Heohanr.eal pennit applications fm thc Tallgnan addition, you faLredto lnolude th* s}q,00' for c6de bqnka w}Lelr rr sent to , "" . :"" :::ttJe will appneciatr youp ehcolr in th. asptgt of $19.00to covcn thr oost of these bsokr. 'Thank you. . i-., .: dg ,,-;-:. 1 ';. Hay S, 19?1 I*b. AI Zoigel !ylT"!t and ?eLgel I 30! _Canyon_ Blrg Eoulderp, folonado $ubJeet I tallE*an eeAtt!.oa I Dc*r A1; : - ,'Rrgarding thc abovr eubJcet lcttenr Itcm b whieh wa dieeucged on the phone, I *at in ennon and your amokepnoof cneloaura nay bc in ascordanoc with 3909 (g) inetcad of (h) pmvl.ded *aalr veat:lluLe baea aininum of 16 Bqus,rE feet of opcning facing enextenion eourt, ydrdr @F public iay aI lEast 20 t in sldth.. :. : Tharrke fon bninging thla ts lny attentlon. R*epcctfutrLy, T{ndN 0f VAIII Ed StnubleBuilding Offlci.al dw ..,o i .:r'#L.: z:;,. :-: M+'r e "qJ et 1g7i ',l"tr..,Al Eeigel ,,ty?tu!t and Zeigel A:nshitecte .',"'2305 Canyon Blvd. Bouldenr- Colorads. :,'' . Subl*ctr 'Talia$&n Addi.tlon: . 'l De&r Al: : li .':l t, I ,,. :- ..t t, t{y plen oblck of the abovc subJectnbeild{ng +l *s t}re fo-trgwkri lse zone ia Publio Acconsdationsl oocupaney grrupe ane B-Zfon the baesment floon, f-2 fon the ehop level. errd H fon allfloore above; nurnben of etoniee ls fiveI type 6f eonetructionia II. The followLng Ltane ar€- nos-eoiif,o;iing: l. Panking - 101 sPaces are rcquhed which ineludes a loadLnsbcnth I2r x tSr and all par*ing apaces ahall be gt x lgr - ;l:":tt aisles fon perpeirAtoutix, [arking ehalt be AE ' l , ----'' 2, Atthouglr dur.ing our m€etj-ng yratcnday it appeared you havetvcpything to cods, irr refercnce to fire resistance ofy!11?, r,am including lhg following fon your infornationtn accolrdanoe with 1? (a). l. Extenior beaning warrs - two houn nsn-eonbuetible.b. rntgnlor beaning walre - tlro houn non-combusti-ble. , ,: , (!. Exterior non-bearing saLle - one hour non-combuetible,d. PartitionE - One hour (nay be fine netardani wood).e. Stnuctunal - Tro houn - f . Shafte , fSoo*e'ane ooof conetr.uction * Tyo hgsrn' ' .. : :, . , ,' t, ... l--3. rn accondance litl,3g0e (h), thene shatl be a froor on ,landl,ng an $a*h eide &f-a doon, tnor 2?6 et the stain., tr}. Youn attention leI - :.1 r"egandl,ng directed to eeeti.on 3309 (h) paragrrapha emoke proof ancloeures. 5. rn relatLon to tha B-z oc*upanciea, $ol,rr **tentLen is:.,,,glT:"tad to eeotion 705: r€Scl.dtag qep$ly 'a*d exlr*uet.,airgy8t€Ss. . r"i - ,,-*, -l -1 ': " f,.'. .'i -,.'.- 6. Sectlon 1?11 (a) r@gnrdl.ng toilet floon and HalI aurfaccs.as pen our diseuseionr lrB $iIt EGe hos the polysatcr paini worKB out orr one sample bdth.. i- ;... . .. i. AL1 of the other itemg thct $rerdiscugsed in oun neeting v€ster-day will be cor.:reoted by addondum, of which yog lrill s6nd ne_ ' , -' t' ,, ..: fon youn ti.ile a$d eooparatien. €r. copf . Thank you .very much Respectfully, TS,fN Of VAIL Ed StrubleBuilding Offi.eial dw -: .. 't' tt -;:',. .:.j .-" .._1, :.1 ..1 t, ,' '.ll:., tl'' , :i. .:! :,",* .,:i 3zo{ G) --71ar€*Y N{ Lo5L a-4'*Sptccloe.s-. Fl.-- - Gfir.*&-t.r-) --- - ry<* e4* n-Ut, to8 n^A.-.u/r.4r.-',^- o * "1ko7 L1 =4 = 3oouL ry t1.- (-* .4-tr' --r4^-t, ff fL 8L4 4-ea &,, . *ffi "+rt<"4 -tl^^Aila /o *,/s.^^l , tlu- --*b -,L'tl lx fI++! 6'z ?4{,_. a( 1.,^,;L q7\4- /4^;]e GF o ./eerya€?_ ,e{.- _- _ 4 L!_l 31,L3 1_ l?oq ap- trxr. B"rr^"4 L Lt*, - 14 \- +,Jr, Inf, . ,' Z t.,^- ,-r^,-44, . E.t, tJ'"-lq;Z I t* v,n ; uQr, ffi,'&r4/ E*1 p.-J.).$!-^ X"* Al* 6? '--.'-_' ,\ I?d6 te/ '''-..-- D' F|- a /th t\{'ittt*)l or \fi/&)l'_ rt- r'- L l/v- o l7 /o 31oa (11 ),flr., -' o.)l ,".-t t>. lL* ,- L--A*1 *-,^-^ e----l- oiu, 't &( .. Jr,, '... " { -r-'c c,-\ .-,,!u.-,-- lo^,.'.i\ ( VftPlA4rc€rffita4lc€\ ifil-u"L, aL,'ai cK I I i4rr\.d1--$.rf-ern:rin*itr**fuh!1. t.7>o1G) \ S*nbr^,-o,l -Ju*,o-^*. '-0^-,ll tt/l A .1 -PA2<,2/44.4-.j ,iljl)-Y r4f w-U ;.2r4--- ^ 4fr ,l ry*-r*1 +"l{r T0 e*t f4."t1 t-kdJ k ---./-, --*y-a * 'rzoq (t)\'i1,,*'*{"r*"t L'r-/n<r-o \ ytt-/.l^ . Vpl , Dn*- d)tr,-L n*l,t",'^t^- tl- &4 *("k=*1 J-; A- - Vr+At,t L o{",^ - \"* s" *l ,41, +- -^ {.+l:'.& +oZs- - 44'*;lo * 'lZ', h-^i;- 4.-t---^-e v-4'{, /-* , *. a) G> 9)1"'p r.^- ( r) *'A\ p.'*^ Ca) zv"$Lra/n* ("\ Nr'.*)fi-^-g Al'4, (t') 33tL E/.!- +ry OK j'u 3'l A-a-8-1 7:: AE= *tE' ez 'tY Ifu"" LL -!ru E;1md -- )ga ll"7 A ,_ ra*l y\l, 6 -l*1 -aag )'s --'n-7 *n O'2 ,'trz ;'-t ^ "*4/"/t- ot e8e-+ -a- 1I , A( 1: rf,Aa) Permit No: PLAN CHECK LIST Aop ( -rt aN tt!Date fl/tr/ 22 Use Zone PA1 Ir Occupancy Gnou Avenage Grade Height of Buil No. of Stor.ies .ti--\..tll5 Fr/s 2q144.-r6. Floor erea b? - 6346 f: ?.44t l-l = l?J57 7.i i al ?ype of Constr.uction T Lot Anea .1 8. 1n 601 7r-:6uff. 12. L3. 1,4. Floo:r A:rea Ratio Setbacks Required: - Fnont / 5 ''a' gi6./a !.a ' Rear r/<l 3t " Occupant Load 5-a : iOl F-v= 3b tl ' 7o Panking n"qui".a 4 fr G^lJ "f toz ,4A ,^"\'Litfu\ Loading Be:rths Requined crs' Compliance With: .^a) Occupancy Sec. 5 b) Occupancy Group . .. --.c)- Type Const. Sec. L7 d) Type Const. e/ .Exlts UeC. 3J f) Gener-al Engng. Sec. 23 g) Masonry Sec. 24 h) Wood Sec. 25 j) Concr"ete Sec. 26 k) Steel Sec. 27 :-. t 1) Ex., Fdtns., Ret. Walls Sec.29 m) Veneer Sec. 30 n) Roof Const. See. 32 o) Skylights Sec. 34 p) Penthouses Sec. 36 n) Fir.enl aees Sec. 37 s) Fine Systems Sec. 38 t) Stages Sec. 39 v) Fire Protection Sec. )2 w) Fire Standards Sec. 43 x) Publie P:rotections Sec. 44 y) Occ . of Pub . P::op . Sec . 4 5 z) Drywall t Plaste:r Sec. 47 aa) Pre-Fabricated Const. Sec. 50 ab) Plastics Sec. 52 . ac) Glass t Glazing Sec. 54 . ,..3 f FRE0Rre BEflED,rrlio a AssocrATEs ARcF,rrcrs &pLA*r{EBs ERUCE F. SUTH"ERLAND AIA DIETER Z€N KE R Aprtt,21, n971 Me. En SrnuealE Bulr-otre 0rrtctAL, Torx or Vett-Vtrr, Cor-onroo e$r| Ra: Ktrronr Apor. 70-11 Daen Ea, Ae You nEeuEErEt, EilcLesfo HgR6tx OX Tt{E FLATE SPREAO QgAL T T t gI OFrxe Corverirtox Roor roR THE AroYE I xope You rlLL Ftio rHtS PRooucr PLEASE ADV I SE. St lcEnelv, FREDRIC BENEDICT AIA & ASSOClATES En cr- ce Eru Hrrpsa HAnALo Weerays ER5,/r E | 0..A coFY 0F I tFoRntr I ox THE'P0itArLt PlnTlTl0l lx Pf,O.,f E GT. aAllSFACTeRYt lF ilo?t 40 t,THENLAT9 BOX ASPEN COLORADO 8T6.|1 TELEPHON 925-3481 TOIIN OF VAIL Building Pennit Supplement rAt Pnoject TALISMAN LODGE ADDITI0I{ Date Aprll 15 ' 1971 I' . of theiuo vffive readand understand in fu1l the foll-owing excerpts fr.om the Unifonrn Building Code and that a copy of this supplementshall be posted with the inspeetion card at the job site: Sec. I07 Sec.202 (e) Sec. 302 (a) Sec.302 (c) Sec. 304 (a) Sec. 304 (b) Wheneven thene is insufficient evidence of compliance with the pnovisions of this code,the Building Official may nequire testsas proof of eompliance to be made at the expense of the owner or his agent, by anapproved agency. Wheneven any wonk is contnary to this code,the Buil-ding 0fficial may orden the work stopped until he authonizes the wonk to proceed. Approved plans shall- not be changed, modified,or altered without vmitten authonization fnom the Building Official. No penmit gives authonity to violate anyprovisions of this Code, or any other ordin-ance. The issuance of a pernit shall notprevent the Building Official from theneaften neguining the conr.ection of non-confornities. At the request of the Building Official , aIetter shal-l be subrnitted to him from anegistered land aurveyor on engineen eertify-ing the location of the building in nelationto pnopenty lines, prior to the j.nstal- lation of the foundation waLls. Inspection card sha]l be read, filled out in fuL1 , and posted conspicuously at the jobsite. Do not coven up any wonk not signedoff by Building Inspecton. Befone any sign may be used on posted, itshal-l be approved by the Sign Review Comnittee. oRD. 15-1967 gurrolRo PERMTT nppuclrloN /: ao I Applicant to comp!ete numbered spaces only. Jurisdiction of- TOWN 0F VAIL RLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION cK. Total Fee Due 9926.75 INSPECTOR REORDER FROM: IN TERNA TION AL CON FERENC E OF BUILDING O FFI CIALS I 6O SO. LOS ROBLES ' PASAOENAI CAIIFORNIA 9I I OI it) \ v\ L\ F. Kiandra Lodse Addition \L\ N t\ 0 1[see rrrrcr'r eo sreer; 2 Rrc ASSOCIATES Box 767, Vail 87657 r.rcENsE No. 925-7224 ARCHITECT OR O€SICNER PHON 'CoIo. 925-3487 LICENSE NO, dict &.Associates tsox 5 Robe::t H. Voiland LICENSE NO. U']E OF BUILDING7 R.estauraat, tod Class of work:Ekc0--orrroN N ALTERATION tr REPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE g Describe work: approx. 15,000 s, f.) to existine lodee buil_ 10 Change of use from 11 Valuation of work: g 358. 000 PLAN cHEcK FEE 2)2 .25 PERM IT FEE 4 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ot Bldg. (rotal) sq. Ft.l-527 Fire Spflnklers Required Fl17es flNo*'"'^';t:;".' No. or 5 motel Dwelling Units 5 CO OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOT ICE SEPARATE PERI\4ITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTHUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COM. MENCE D.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTTON. sICNATURE OF CON TRAC R AUT.{ORIZEO ACEN I FI RE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Specify) Form 100.1 9-69 o INSPECTION RECORD DATE REMABKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOF}NG.I .)t-: CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OH DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. o /'proiect 4*-n*-t/n*. fu"iZ*'-..- oate 4/-/ j.'// I, r-oftheabove mentfonEElro jeET-do-TEreby@ve neadand understand in fu1l the fotlowing excerpts from the Unifonm Building Code and that a copy of this supplementsha1l be posted with the inspection cand at the job site: TOl/iN 0F VAIL 9uilding Pennit Supplenent rAr Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with the p:rovisions of this code,the Building Official may nequire tests as proof of cornpliance to be made at the expense of the ownen on his agent, bY an appr"oved agency. Wheneven any wonk is contrary to this code,the Building Official- rnay order the wonk stopped until he authonizes the work-to r! vvvvs. Approved plans shall not be changed, modified, or: aLtened without written authonization fr.om the Building 0fficial . No permit gives authority to violate anypnovisions of this Code, or any other ordin-ance. The issuance of a permit shal-l- not pnevent the Building Official from theneafter nequiring the correction of non-confonmities. At the request of the Building Official , aletter sha1l be submitted to him from anegistered }and surveyor on engineer eertify-ing the loeation of the building in relationto pnoperty lines, prion to the instal-tation of the foundation walls. Inspection cand ehall be r:ead, filled out infu1l , and posted conspicuously at the jobsite. Do not cover up any work not signedoff by Building Inspector'. Before any sign may be used or: posted, itshall be approved by the Sign Review Committee. Sec. ]07 Sec. 202 (e) See. 30? (a) Sec. 302 (c) Sec. 304 (a) Sec.304 (b) rcense ORD. l-5-1967 o TOWi,i OF VAIL I3OARD 0f ZONII'IG, APPEALS AIiD EXAMINERS i'iIi'iuTES FOR I,IETING 0F APRIL I, L97t I. rI A. The meeting was caLled to olrder at. at the Town of Vait offiee. B. The follorving members were present:Young, and Stnuble (ex-officio), C. The following guests were present: D. Minutes of the neeting of March 19,co:rrected. Motion was made by Mn. Past Business 9:30 a.n. on April B, 1971 Messrs. C1ark, Hoyt, Knox, Ha::al-d flestbye and Bob Lazier 19 71 $rere approved asHoyt and seconded by Mr-. Knox. A. Mountain Haus Case B-1-71.they were notwill hear the New Bus ine s s request fo:r appeal negarding door closersMr. Gaynor: Miller- called to inform the Boand thatyet pnepared to have case reheard, The Boandcase at their next regular meeting. III. 0'"A. Hanaid westbye (Kiandna Lodge) case z-z-7l - Request for. setbackvariance. Mn. l{estbye r:equested a setback var^iinee of sr. rtwas then suggested by Mn. stnuble that he request a vaniance of3r since the building is ali:eady close to the pr:operty r-ine inone place. Mr'. westbye stated that the complex was planned about two andone.half years ago. The lodge was built in 1969 but the::emainder of the complex was not compreted at that time due tolack of noney. since the building wls.planned before any codewas adopted, they feel they shourd be able to go ahead wlth the ^^-*'tconpr-ex as pranned, vail Associates owns the property adjacentto the Kiandra and they did not proresr the vaiiat c" irtei itwas posted fon the nequined 10 day period. M:r. Knox moved the variance of 3 r setback be gnanted. Motion wasseconded by Young. The Board then voted unanimously to grant thevai:iance . Mr..Bob Lazier presented his preliminary plans to the Board fortheir- feeling befor.e the final plans ane d.:rawn for his new LionsHead.projeet. lie wants to substitute two doo:rs from bedr"ooms tooutside balconies instead of a hallway for exit. His vaniance caseon this rnatter. will be heard at the special meeting on the zznd, ofApnil The. following applications for contractor r s Licenses were approved'subject to receipt of insurance certificates and payr.rent: 1. James C::aig a tiI \,. I\leetin; CalIed --o Orcer Novembcr | 7, I 97 | Mr, Evtn ElckEll ' ,, t ','Fredrlc Benedlet & AssoclsfasP. 0. Box 40 Aspen, Colorcdo 8f6ll' - ' ,.,, ::.: "", Dsar Mr. Elckell:- The Board of Zonlng, Appealr and.Examlners met ycotor-rlay to dlscuss the stalr plan for tha Klandra Lodss.$chcmc rrart as ghoun ln your drarlng of october 22, tgtthas been approv€d by the.Botrd. Thank you for your eooperaflon lr thls mattor, and lfthcre are I urthtr queetlons, p leare cal | . YourE f ru ly, s{4t0 0.F zOrrt tNG".::.- : Reberf ,R. S l.ark Chg I rnran 'u1: ,g6ri.:p*crd dwn : t '...' t-. '.,' ::l ' tt""' nprCals At{D 'Exa}it t*ER$ j '. .".: ..,'t ' .' , . ,..:.. '. , " ' ::'l',',., F,fi f 0 8fiUCE DIETGR BIG BENEOI R.SUTHEFLANO ZE N K E R oCT AIA & AIA ASS0C !ATES.ARG oHI TEC.TS & PTABNEBS october 22, L97L Ed Struble' Bul.lding InspeetorVall., Col.orado Itear Ed, I am sending the drew!.ng you requeeted for the Ktandre Lodgc etair. I am eubmltttng two Ldcae for your"coneLderat*on. SchenetrArr uses a handral-l whieh re prefer fron arr archLteetural rtandpolnt and $cheme ttBt" uses the ldea brought out Ln thc verlance neetlng yeeterday vhlch I fcel rould tend to vlc-ually eremp the atalr. $cheme trA't gerves th€ purpose of the 6rr reductfon et the st{lr corn€rs, but doce not vlsual-ly reduce the sfalr wtdtb. Ttrank you for tlne end aaelatancc ln helping ue resolvethlg problen. SlncereLy, SREM,IC BENEDICT 5nw 13,o, ErlJne encL. coLo RADOASPEN 81611 TELEPHONE 925-3481 t r. -r EVERE'T,T,/ IE Tfl FrI. p...]1i:Hr?Ti::TI] }rA2305 Cany":n u()L,.ieuar-Boulder, fr:ir.rrad;'iil 30 ? TAL I SttAii l. Ijil(tf, Fro;ect llri., {9?1 ADDEND{TIi I\0" 4 A"ftpEctf rcar.rOlis B.DI$.9'JING5 3. Drawing 2: l. Dralu ing 2 : F.t:stauranr- Plan: Door 121, to mc,ve eagt t,'*0'. Fini.sh Scbedule: Under 'Cei lirrgs , " chrngu Sp to ST. ___3pq*l_2.!__ie 7l 2. t. Soctic,n grt:. Acou6trc TFlatment: Add: Ail ceilrrrg Systern _ C:inferi";nc:e Rc,om C*:ii:"rrg,, Rest&uran+- L€ve1, Roon I5g:' provrdeAirson T'i-l-e iiyst*:n, i:on-clsecti,enal fissu:red patternn 12 x 12,Acoust. 1".:r:e Jr- 5 iec arrangemenl;. iJS6 cel"lin;" Erect in strictrcc.ordnr)ce w j.t.ii '.liiG specif .rcatt cnsi., S('dt:.cn 98, -G1 psr.irn I ryr.'alil *.idl Chase rry.ali System - Chasewalls ar. )r:jge *.nc1 t:![rp].Qye€ ho:riinq leveiL rha]-L be LrsG cavrtyShaf t ,{411 3aK T-siud eystenr, naCe up cf t-1. /2" "!:-str_id.s 25-gaYge, ]" illpsum *h,rft r+rail lj-er, Th-rnnfiber sound blankeeand dcrubi'e icyer 5./,1" slreetroci; sw gyp Fanel-e. sear a! f roorat:d ceilinr.jt st,rli jai-;rrls. Ergcc ai-t-:n sr*ri,.,t Accorrlancewith roanuf aclrir-*r t s directions , Section 6F-:;, Hall pane.ling: ird*: _;1,+r"..or ro<:,cl panaLlng incorridors 'co ba treeted with t.'lpperrs Non-con flie-reristivetreatment. Sectton 61r-?,, Pcurylr Carp€ntry, General; Rcugh l.,urflberr Add _ Al-1" e"xterior wricd i,rin to nrarc.lr exist.ing Lodge. ? {. r" Drawr.ng i: -lrJc?.r Extend 4" piertic clrain til6 t-o ihylight atcreek, Dtl no*. connscts t-o ttol.m .,6!t€! as shcr*n. 2. Drawing 1: rndex to Dravingrr D..avingo El through s6" notused in Phasc Ii. 5. Drawing ?; Wal.L Sect j.snr: boarct on plywoo<l . Chugr b,,lr<i orr board reference to 6, Drnwi"ni:r 2 r Delete note with acouat:crl plssr-€r shordn r)n ateerstud 1n'teri.cr pareitlon. 7. Drar-'inr1y 4 r Employec lrouring Floor Fle'i: sre l/t" pia:r $heet16 for but-h arrangement" providc addi.: onel jcors ar shosn oitalne type aa Dcor 505" . 8. I)ravrng ?: Omit rtair ohown ucat cl€ve'.,.en. I . Draw.tng 15 : Ccnf erence Roc)m t Md air :i i 1ing. t i.- TE l-.i.st.!an L<t,1,3e Addenduirr l'.i.:" 4 Page 2 i0. Cir a\,r'.i-t:iI i ,: : Far "^ Tc be fr)I:mrcl top and l-it 2" :,rc,:.r1. with cLcr$'f, L ::a.reI cri ,:oJ,ference sidc, einrlar :r. walL carieltng.I'{ore door: f rcm Cining to f un rorn 5' to Lelcr or edsr-, l-1. Drawine irr: Exte.'i.rr door f rcri haLi Lo outeide is 305g, EO.SI. ; ae1! i-o l'it()v,r. Ec west as reqUj reC" 4t-0' d:,mensron tohe 3'-4" 1.2, Draw:,ng i.6; 6ihr:>'s ceilinqr to be lry*in tyire : x {, T'-gri"d5y3l.em' tr-3" litawirrg is: D6'iete alr notc's regarding exterior stucco.rJhang,] ti: coat-,ircJ over gyF r.rheething. 1,1 , Drawing i8: Siorrer encloruj-es to be llbergiara. i f icatic;rs as :utr enclosurer. i5. Drlrwi.nq i9;. lr:Q.Fped ceilincl over- clogeL area tc be ornitted"Dropped ce!li ig only over Lnvalory portion oi lav,/eloset area. I6. Drav;rng ?i . Sj:art deraii ! -2C-i:0 r Oait nrrce j r mrtsh Condon:.n-irrtn st.rir r:ari, .iee Sheet SU"1 , 17' Drawing .?c, ;ali $iection x- l-?0 ' pro.ride teo-l-lour cgnrtructicnrohere new bu.i.c1in,1 lne€ts cxistirrg. Cinit concrebe fiI1. 18" Drawlnq ?0, .roctlr>rr L-?-20: Pr.lviCe 5,/8, qypborrd tor orre-. hour pr$tec'ion +i vood frrrnlng. prsvldr tvo-hour eonrtruct:onwhcra new mrst6 err;itting. 19" Drtsrng ?J.: I{*il .iectlon F-7-Zlr providc S/E, gyp ovrr rlll|sod frenirg fcr c:l-hour conrtructica- 20. Dr*wlng lrr Os,it: laf*rencc to r|-ucso; replrcc wiLh cortingove;r l,/? " ;iyp sh*at.ring,. 2I" Windos*r ,n Csrrldgrt 303, 103, rnd eapl,oyer levrl to mtt,ch to<Xge ;t': i,xt ilndcr;g. Sane spec- PLUMfiNG PE Jurisdiction o Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. /raa / 2 IT APP roN I oEscR.t[se: ertncreo sreer) a7',/ ARCIII T'CT OR DESICIIER LICENsE NO. EIIGINEER LICENSE NO. U5€ OF BUILOINC 8 CIASSOfWOTK: NNEW EADDITION trALTERATION DREPAIR Typo of Fixturr or lt m SPECIAL CONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOILET' LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & DISP. LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS- OR IF CONSTRUCTION Off WORK TSSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR APERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIIVIE AFTER WORK IS coM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF 1AWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHERETN oR NoT, THE GRANTTNG oF A pERMtr ooEs NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGcoNsrRucyroN oR THE PERFoRMANCE oF coNsrRUaTtoN: URINAL ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAs SYSTEMS: NO, OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EGIUIP, WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT TOTAL FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR REOFDER FROMI INTERNATIANAL CONFgRENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS ' 60 SO. !ilr.r'D Form lOO.2 9-69 LOS ROBLES ' PA5ADENA. CAI.IFORNIA 9I IOI . USE SPACE BELOW FOB NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. EVERS'fT /'dEIGEI, ARL-I{I?ECTS A]A 2305 Canyon tsoulevard Bouldt:i,.goit"?rsdg* -, q0302 * __*_H,qEgh*.3!.r-_lg1l TALIS$Ati i.,{)$€E,r$DItIi}NProject No. 592? ADDEND{,'}t t{O. 3 A.GETiERAL Thl"s is the last phare oftodge rn Vail, C,rlorado. aa r pai'|' of ti.e erlrtingingt fcr exset l.>cation. SPECTFTCAfIONS 1., .Section SC-1, Conf liction: Add: That yhlch i.rnpt:,es grcrtcrq'J&,lity und, or quantlty rhrl I govern, prnding deciti.on Uyths *sehlte,::t " 2. Sehaq,lulr of Errrtri*gra Delcte and insertr Drarrrngg dated onl{€rcli 26, 1,,',71. ara harcby rnrdc a part of thie Contrect. Drevinge: i,,:chitccturel Al through A7, rnd A.1.5 through f23.$,:ructural $l t-hrough 55 M,rchaniocl ll5 throuqh H10 E.,octr.L6al E7 ehrDugh Ell 3.'Stct-rorr 1A-l , $or.r Includsd; Gcncral scope of Hqrkt chrngete read: th'uork rncluded :.n t-hlr Contract coneistr of thecoftltructiorr sind cerrplction of t_hc Lod?c portion of the Lodgeand eo*dcn1nj.'rm addition. \pa fff , One-hour conseructionr !i*op {i ofcuF,,lac;.,, aIL in rtrtct rccordance {,ft.th theee Spcci-ficati*ns arrc, thlr accanprnyirg crauinga, excepting only thoeeieee6 t-hat nrl apclfically ch*.'o, notod. or lpecifisd as notln thrs fcrrtru :t. d. $er:'*inn 1A.-3' s.qrlutftc! of, lorhr Ths arsuned asquence virl, beto s:$.n$trust lli. Lodge fgundltiorr vork flrst, clien to ccnplet€n€c€s*ury dery,:lltion uork rt thr north cnd of tha existingLedge' snd la,rtr ta cupletr tha Lodqe b'r.rilcung. Ths renodel-ing a*d rcconi'Lrrction sf, th€ €r.rting rteir uhrlt bc schedurecles requs3ted h',' i..$ner. 5 . ssct.i,.orr 2D- 3 n ,lui.vertr I t!i,t on :iro sectron. thc tl|o-phase eddition to the TalrsmanTha Lodge portron is to be conatructedLetge rnd Condoinirrl. Note the drrs- B. 6. $outron V . Set:ti cri' 8. Ss*t.-l.on ,64, Mortci'r Ontt cntirc sectic,n. 48, Llr i{'- l,asonryr Omit rntire saction. 5(.: , S;eel Jaistt ! ChaiL ')rrt,ire scction. 9. Ssccr'3rr 5D- He+-al ]Gcking; hir. crrEire aection. arrasSuoc rotro?xs pott}dle IIE IrtAO c1O3:KcJ, Atr l$l"ftsls 6u;1rtir 1*rcodr {rddv IFTw :6u1:trai:,3 lliaarlg rE6 uol?3'os "54 .T$r.rad dr:,d ?Iuo '8 rt:etr.?ttR oe-'I4 u(}lasts 'Fe "$ai.ras uei:r?i?O iuo.r?eur-tv a!6r, til !f 6uTrsrit3 roolJ 'C-N6 uL\T1tlas 'SZ 'uor?3at arTtruF ?Tr'ct !tJq4 af T,& dOd tt{}x?&(;f5 '7,8 'a1qtrxaod nt d1*su*p rer psTtddn pue "ce:stnt .6u1qcreq ;t[ oxst{plr atnw tsTxaiw?t 'Buorloirrp r'rernlcrlnl:llr {51Tr prc^9,:t u; p*r1c{dn pue perTw "ra1ar1d 3i1 ,noc* a?otTr\tnv '9'g'n ol .telTurls $q o? {srrolrw "e6tu1r:p a1o1. "sJooft i,Efit tTitts to tlrroT+n:ieuc.d lacrrlt;:T$puu edrd purlott rsuluadc prre tpToa I'r:X g? re'i*e1d cTilfnoow parlddl ,(erdg ll{.urlta},& aTtrtnocY ue'porterdg '}-36 tx}T-+}ag 'TU 'i6utrrelp eot 'trc1rtc11dde 6u;IT83 Ftre Tfe& 'prmq snsd.{6 tepitm petn aQ o1 prttq pw';,* ie/T tp.roog ie:{3"9 6uruopeep-punol 'E sEftTrstrr1 11ra.(lri enrdf,5 'f -q6 u$l.?ssg "04 "uoTlca$! 6rT1ua 1I'{O trotrrold pltf tF}w"! !t6 IJd}TQO*S "67 'pr1e;yr6ou *q ox 4po3 'esUttorTt 000'z $ tlTEo lacuiElrv ;r.IE!.rPIt?H 'E-tl8 uoT+*O$ '87 .lrraqr Lr.raq eq {)1 aeul€' buT1rtntul IIv :a6urEJ 'v trttlg 6u;1r:n*ul '?-TS uoTlsss 'tI 'cdf,l rrrl:rrTrtrtpuo3'{c}talt' t{tTtrT} rTpour.rag 'ttu16 lrxeTnslT qtlA 099 r,Trss "TpsDrY o4 o6treqa ,uoTl}3s 1!q) *:ooc tulplts !r?J,' p$e poon '[-s8 uoTxt'*-q "9I ':oouaA otffi I ' oa:lllExsnb .rte.{-oAl ol e6,rfi!q3 :l;oofl 'I ts.fooo qrnls 't-1t uottr}es 'sT 'lTJ rSUEd r*OUSftlOX Aq ufiCIp-lr,3uI trq ol trauttl t', :;*rtt.{ ot-vg (:oT?o'$s '}T "6u111ac rrco: aouaro; -uor oa rrrlddv ..ppY lrlorarTntu:i ral*Trad '€-fl uoTtrces '€I rt{cTurs lurrcdrur.:tr rcr r'".;iH :3r::STt,.I;t;:tl"ll'e, .tm1rs1pp'ro3 SuTltrxe'4c?!rn "1enbo f,o 'rao]-llop rolltlxe e ,re<ldoy qlTA lnar& 'poonAld r8p$.4ernlxal r{6no"t roT:aare .t/t o? poo.llld aFuetil :6urry1no'-19 TTrU 's luoTlrrrl*uoJ uorlTltrd pue TTE* '?-y9 uo!1sas 'TT 'pool{ .^J1r1r$r-arlI xo} us}.-uoN e,"raddoy qlT& pea"erl tq oa :aqunl 5u1un:1 11y lPpv rvi uorl'-\Bs "0t ( Pari.ut.ruoc SNOI J,trlI.lISSdS) 7 a6e6 t 'oN wrpuaPpv uoTlTppv aEpoT u?ursrf e;, f aii" s;can i!.-.(lge AdCition Addendu.n Ne" 3 Pace 3 (SPEC If I(:ATluN$ continua<l ) n'.rrfaccn {cxcept soffit rnd csrcr€ec t}rhckct$) and el} oxposed gypsur$ eheething. ':oxture tso te rinil* to**iutrng Lodga rtuccot celcr to be Gre,ctly thG sale6.&lI re approv*d by lrchitat:t, e$" Sactipn II-A-{" Faaldrntial Ritchen Equiprcat; Chacge tc ces,d: Ranger Egul.vclonr to C,E. 't329. .30- rangr wlth stLf,-cloantng tclYpt'. Hpod: G.8. JV62, l+rf riE*rator: Equivricnt to c.E. tBF llti, tt*o- CCrq)ef t&tnt" .\.li a,ppi.:.$r!ces te $fl Co'r1;rr-tone. 2?" $estiorr llDr f*rpsting: bit satirc rcctl6n. Eateptcr ( A ssac,la7€s TO Bax 4o 1(seet I'lsaa"rc 8t6/ / SUBJECT:K tflrtt rs,<A /44tzro*/ ror-o I D En,<- EEctc a ' '*o'ThlE TowN oF vAtL BOX 631 vAlL, coLoRADO gt6t /rr5-5613 1gyB. f<e 8, /92/ FU.to See /1€e€.cu.fit xctux cor/o/t Tft€,4pr€zJaet€r</ZJrsfl Ta 7//€ /?7O UAe .fil€ 7o44J //AS ,rlaz /J42 c-oP/e-f EutJ OFF V€7 s/NC€ /7 /s-s-7'/1 C /N ftl€LoC,qL P.4,WS ttt/ac C atrft/ sf/4'r€ <7/47u7et-tptaL s?*)a yb<t /4 (6AtPt{7e: 6o p/ O F T7/€- a4a//r 4/r'c€ 11 S Sdo.tJ ,+J / 7' carrl€s fF/e PE|-'S€i- Jo<P/ { FoZ€Or To Ett/(cds€ 7^///E .1ttz-t/ /e/? OZ/G4/AC /e7'/ez pLEAsE REpLy To ---+ sTGNED €Z/ I Au,roroa Orrr.rn- dRAr.aRc co.. tNc., EiooKLYN, N. Y. I t232 DETACH THI5 COPY-RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. l4'-o'e.+f t*d e so' 1r{tNlMOl,/ll AI3LE AR VERTI<AL PAtrIT(ING. EXAM PLE A - ArrcLE PARt(lN<i .<-AraLE - l'3:S.' z3t- o*g!o" M(N. EXAi,TPLE E FARALLEL P,\Rl.lNq VE I r*r.1. I At5 LE r-'--t' z'/o'.,*, EKAMPLT ABOrrli Et(AMPLet AR.B i{OT To SClrS Sr Zofz --'vlFREORIG BEilEOICT AIA & ASSOCIATES ARCH-TTECTS &PLAlIlIERS BRUC€ R. SUTHEFLAND AIA DIETER ZENK€R Hareh 25, L97L Ed Struble, Building P.O. Box 631Vall, Colorado 8L657 Official Klandra Lodge Additton Job No. 70-l-1 Dear Ed, Enclosed herein are copies of Addendums Nos. L, 2, 3, and 4 and a marked-up copy of the pLan check report. If you have any questions, please call me. Sineerely, FREDRIC BENEDICT AIA & A.SSOCIATES ce ltrarald Encls nRS/n Westbye w/encls COLORADO Re: BOX 40 ASPEN 81611 TELEPHONE 925-3481 oo Rox 631 .Vail, Colorado.81657 Tclcirlronc 303 475 - 56L2 Iebbuary Richmond Associates., P.0. Box L58 ' VaiI, Colorado 81657 Subject: Kiandra Lodge Addition Gentlemen: f have completed a plan cheqk for the above subject pr"oject in accgr.dance with the 1970 Uniforrn Building Code as amended, and the.Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance. My findings aue as foIlows.',', .. Occupan! group is 82 and H. Th:ree sto:ries in height . . Constnuction is Type V one hour'. . ..r Setbacks :requined; front - 15r-0rrt :* Panking requined; B2=2I and H=I2. : ' One loading benth requi:red.\',ne l9ctqJ"ng DeI'UIr r'9{{ut!eur .. ::1, ,, i. .. The foJ.Lowing items shall be connected by nevised plans o:r. . ;' . i'.1a<idendum:. ._ . : . h t ,', /t *,-u|/.{|./a;/',,n|,I)AJ-J.1ightsinexitwaysofbasement.and,-Zii..l od A.;----J gr:ound floo:rs sha11 be pnotected by a wi:re , : /i/ rt!.-- &t* cage', ,,. . .:-' .:' . | ?. -' 2) A dninking fountain is nequired on g:round ' , ' '','luc t floon. b^ I *aa^,r', j3l**l;:t:::t";lit]r?'"t"il:t::i";i:l.i:r;nH::ffi3. 4 a /y' 4). Window.in sleeping rooms shaLL have siLl 2'1<' cx*SrT"i?,*r --r nelgnrs notr oven 4-8 inches above floon with p *.;.L4 ;:"2-" an ft.ea of not Less than 5 sq. ft. with no .-{f *1"tf-L) dimension leee than 22 inchep . , o 5 ) Bathroon exhaust units shall be capablea,K, n ol pnoviding 5 ain changes per" houn, connected 't,,c.t4, f t/,-rdirectly to the outside in aLL H Occupancies. - A" .lt oooa4 D)clu|g: F.,.{-^*.:^- .--.ri ^^---, . +, A y, ..-xtenion waII coverl,n-,^ffi ffi,'ot the wall area of finsrnt ffi tl,f; :';:ii""x:1'" ;";i:ll',T:x.o:n::: 0,:r, : 9o ? IA eh ^- Ar. , q t l.s uY cLr.L oL-ttcl vI I l-I'ulSAJLt-, and 40% of the wail- area of all floons above fl.oon above gnade; the finst floon pnoviding it iE.fire-netand-ant tr"eated wood. t/7) Movable pa::titions shaIl have a fLamespnead classifieation of fII. 8) Dumbwaiten shall be in accondance withSection 1705 (a), exception 3. H*r' z, Q3 ^.0!*. L)j,'z- -f-h'vr-eE*. @,_='-', ,r./'.^l \----..".-......_" at '+>tL4- t- ^fr',n /o' 4:/J*','' p'l u(*;l planter detaiLs shalL confonm to Section ' fr- ar, *;;.1,,, tto:- isfZ t;i t. tE-ut a qdfu4 ,N0,L' -+ t46) Finestopping required between stair--tL"-\ '7 sbringers in-iriadte, top, and bottom of each stai:r adjoining walls and partitions Richloond AsEociates Page 2 c,LiY:n.?J1,-) .A @,'lc , 4'. Noz Atld!^' *.r*-l -r*f II No,3 .-fi.,, g, za <rl<,-12, t No ?- ../t-.', 7,', -:7-0*, . .0o % ,,/9) Qtonage rooms 019, 205 and tr.ash chuteopening in stair. #2, ane not allowed in :!'acc./w Section 1706 (c), Section 3308 (c), l. and'Section 3308 (f). 110) Weathen exposed wa11 areas shaLL havea weathen :resistive bannien. ..(11J '- Roof shall not ove:rhang property Lineas shown. .z - {n\2) Guandnails shall be not Less than 42'tin height. ' r^ ^\w,(I3) A snow load of 68 psf (altitude-squa:red)' shal,l be used .for. :roof in nlace of Loads. set for^th in Tabl,e No. 23-^B with :red,uctions accotdance with Seotion 2305(d) Ir+) Signs requi:red in acco:rdance with Section.2309 and 330f(j) both of whichJnay be on sign. 47) Doons firom boiler room shall. swing outin acc/w Section 3303 (b). {,8) Door^s 10 Exiting fnom }rooms 006 and 007 should swing 180 degneee o:r they would etiL1 fiaa+ r'-1,,1^ .l € r-L o,K. 19i- Yol" attention is . 3305 (a) as amended. 20) Doon 2 and 10 exiting fnom room 008; . door 5 exiting f::om room L07; and door L ':'t",' ' exiting fnon ioolo 100 r; shall be in accondance '" ' :' with Section 33L6. .;- --A-nu ADlt& , 2D Submit details on reinfor"cing of r-ire- i ., '. :pJt*i*,1i,,, ., places and chimneys, and all- concrete block.wo'ki,... ,..*r,. ,r A | 22) Timben m( and supports.at dining- :. '' ' , .t^-r,/-? b4- - - :roorn fineplace do not meet requinenents of ..:; , . ' .'..^t'+/) fu n _* :roorn fineplace do not meet requinenents of :-.,,.:' . ' t, , t t. ,.;': 4++'4P-rt( a. ' r- : , i u43) Hearth strilt project a minimum of 18rr f::omthetaceoi.ti"iirepr..ui',aining,:' room. t.2\) Tnash noom shall be sprinklened in: accondance with Section 3802 (b) 7. " 25) The gyp-boand ceiling of basenent shall '. meet the nequirements of Section 4203 1. l'-, l V26) The 2x4 ceiling joist shal"l be fine- . netardant fireated wood in accordance with :', Section 4203 2. (See detail 5/6) ,n27) A11 sbructunal steel such as shown in Section 2/6 and 6/6 shall- be individually p:rotected by a one hour fir"e-r'esistive :rating' irhen euch mLmbers suPPo::t dinectly applied: loads f,norn mor"e than one floon. \/28) A waf kway .du:ring. constlsuct{on !s nequi:red ' .4.e* i.-i4'-!{on-/.,n..'-,.'.-,J,d^.>||onthewEEtsibeinaEcondancewithSection --L- Jt, A U lrlrna4l+06. LO du,ovaLag) At-l gtass areas-ove:r 6 le:, ft;:_l:""'.C,-'l ,, "^'*, vi;;n 18!r above the floon, and-the least dimension is no gneater than 18rrr shall{rt--w.o-,'.-,,-- De a gniif on pl-,Jh-Uall on each exposed side' : 9/or or,,'o,'ii q,rtP,.gO) 2x6 ceiling joists in brash .room (Section''/J f'f!:Yn," f n '; tc\ *^^,i ,..,-o r.,^,,i fi'a-''asistive orotection. detail of cornbustion Richnond Associates Page 4 plan. t42. 32) If rnechnical;.* 3i3'ii:":('"il:ll a::ea above'bath in le-icc"ssibte, all wa3.ls rneet reguirements fo:r a t,tJ,2 one houn nating. ':r ; a'/< ' t'gi) New panking plan requi:red' 17 va^;-.--"--t- I0t,_0n...\/3D Rean setback nequirement-is" o, k , A vaniance is rnequi:rea for buil"ding to . : r : -/r4 rr"in-..,JDe located as shown' i / As I mentioned to Mr' Wdstbye a^slgnt tine 1g3,.It "o" in the' " : process of amenoi"i'iit"-Zi1i1s-Satnance reganding parking to allow a more ,.""iBr"-panking-a"11"q:i:?l:,"lill-t.g:Ii"lt* 'aLlow a more reasr.irre l/er-.\.,.^.6 --;";;;.irrua . new parking :r, "-a"py of same. As yet I have not l?eceLv(ilt cr ''rsw .:. I have talked with Bob Voiland' the struc'Eural i";*;;;-qii""ti""i ott- "o*t stnuctural members contact me wnen tt ft"" checked them out' If you wish to discgs-s 3"y o)'' -1ne above items ' ! am available ' : at most any t:-me' If thei'e ane no-;;estions and'when the : above cornecr:-ons have-been.rnade Tl:i?it;elfunnistred to lnt" ' ' enginee:: t and he wilL i #;i:";"i"iiii:lii""i:ii,l building pennit' Ed Stnublefr !l l, Lr sv-v 'ls"ildi"g Official ES: DMcoi- AsPen Constnuctlon uo' ee;leaict E Associatee o I ADD$\DUII Ng. 1 - KIANDRA LODGE ADDrrroN ' Vail, Colorado FebruarY 3, L97L - 1. Substitute standard glazing in lieu of atE glass in all except Room i03. 6. cases Z. In che Specifications, FaBe 87, section-9K-2 ' p'axagraPh ':C" should rlad rubber base in lieu of vinyl base' 3. Add. to gutuer decail ZLILO, 2f' wide G'I' straPs at.2r0" O'C' 4. Delete paragraph I'K' under section lB-2, page B (progress photograPhs). ..- Add paragraph "C" under secEion 6D-7 ot the gpeeificaLions: C. Glue and nail.all applied door stops' In she Specifications, PaBe 73, paragt"?! :?'^' Yld:t section 8N-1, the hardware aliowaice should be $3,300'00 in lieu of $5,600.00. 7. Deduct one (1) air:vrall complete beEween Rooms /i007 and #003' Leave in Ufoci<ing for futuie lnstaLlaClon per section 3/6. g. Deduct ceramic tile above 4r0" in Rooms /i002 ana #003. Finish ' topedgeofceranicti]"ewithbu]'lnosecap'enaruelwal].above ceramic tile 5. 9. Deduct shelving in Room /f00L. q.0. Deduec exterior wood planters aL Rooms 11. Substitute frame wall with dry^rall in between Rooms /1109 and /1i"10 - Deduct' LZ. Deduct firePlace in Room #f05' 13, Deducr - subsriEuie frarne wall wirh siding outside and 3/8" c'D' exterior plywood inside, palnted in lieu of *asonry at Trash oainced drwvaLl applied direct Eo masonry in Stairs-ied stucco - Deduct'in lieu of sPeeif {i100 and tfLOT , tieu of masonrY wal! ' Room #113. L4. Substitute itL and'li? - cont - I I f " . I .t I I t-- ll t. I l.- I j I L-. l l, {-- li(-; l-ilr I r-! i l/ tl il I f ': I I Addenduro No. L, 2/3/7L z 15. Deduct drop ceiling in Corridor 1t202. L6. Deduct aLl drywall furring on masonry walls and apply dryuail- : direct. /'Deduct foldi.ng door between Rooms ii106 and tfLAT . are protected frorn moisture aC all times. 17. l_8.ier section i 6ts-2 substitute the word 'rindusErial'r in lieu of rrarchitecturaltr. 19. In the SpecificaEions, page 43, paragraph "Et' under sectj.o.n .68-3, wrapping. Load wrapping in lieu indlvidual wrappingwill be acceptable provided care is taken Eo insure that bea.ors 20. Sheet E-l Correcc fixture rfWrr mounting note to rgad: Wood .. . framing as direcced by archicect. : 2L. Adjust window siies per submitral by Pella Produccs Co. 22. In the Specifications, page 97, secrion 10H-3-, paragraph "8",lines I, 3, 4 and 5 should read: 1. Refrigerator Westinghouse RC090L - coppertone 3. Builf-in under-sink dishwasher with sofE food disposer General ELecrric'i,lGCSSz00 with GGpFI dark copper fronL paneI. 4. Disposal General Electric, GCFC-400L 5. Exhaust hood - 24" Vent-A-Hood General ELeccric with 2-speed' fan and light - coppertone color 23. Roof paraper decaiL 26/LO -- Add 26 ga. G.I. graversiop with 2" drop face 24. On Sheet lft of, plans, correcc note Perraining to consEructlon fence to read 6r0" high construclion fence 25. On Sheet {44, north elevaEion, extend brick wainscot co match height of existing planter along exrerior face of north wall of Room ilL05 to east, walL of Room #101. 26. On fireplace elevarion detai.l" 1/11 subsriEute stueco in lieu of Lrrjcis sliowl |1eLween mantle and ceiling for a width#€Jl.t Sfrrcco uexture ro be selecced by architect. g!O" ' -co$t- Aociendum No. i 2/317L 3 27. 28. a) b) c) d) Deduct for changing control system from System "Drtto System I'C" (singl"e stage in lieu of hi-lo fire). Deduct for changing valves and thermometers. to'standard substitutes. Control wiring by electrical contractor in lieu o.f Honeywell as specified -- Deduct. Deduct insulation on all piping 1|" diameter andsmaller, (noc including boiler room). a) In the Speeifications under f5-B-13, Fixture List,substituie the following: A. L-l Lavatories Lrnerican Standard 0487.025 l8'r diameter Roadalyn viEreous china slim rim lavatory, self-rimming, and front overflow. Use 2200.0L2 Heritage faucet. B. L-2 Lavatorv Dame as Ir-I. C. L-3 Lavatories Same as L-1. D. BT-I Bath Tub American Srandard p2255.379, righr ourler/ p2267,375 Iefc outlet, 5r-0tr Bildor recess bath with tiling bead, acid-resisting, enameled cast iron with Stan Sure bottom, with 1330.158 push-pull barh and shower; L576.289 pop-up bath drain. E. tr^lC-l Water Clos_ets American Standard 2f09.056 elongated Cadet toilet, free-standing,vitreous ehina, wich 5330.063 seat and coveri 3lBt'angLe suppLy and stop. - cont - Addendum i'lo. 1 zl317L t+ 28 Mechanical Plunibin Icems cont. F. WC-2 Water Closets 'l . American SEandard 2340.032 Tribor t,oilet, slphonjet action, extended lip bowl , l|" top spud, virreous china, 5320.i.14 open front seat,'. 402A.0I2 bolt caps; 51"oan 110-FW Royal flush valve , with vacuum breaker and screwdrlver scop. C. U-l Urin-alg American Standard 6500.011 3/4" top spuci Waslibrook viLreoug china washouc urinal , outlet conneetion threaded 2'r inside with wall hangers; Sloan 180-YU Royal flush valve wiEh vacuum breaker and screw- driver stop. SS-i Servi.ce Sink - 9K as specllled. KS-1 Ki.tchen Sink Elkay GECR.-3321 stainlees steel self-rim sink, Elkay LK-234 sink fitting, Elkay LK-35L sink scrainer, 3.-11'l 20 ga.-SF-P-trap, 1-*" x Lz't 20 ga.-SF tailpiece, 1-t" end outlet SF disposer'ceer Eastrnan C5$-20:::. supplier. Disposal specified on Page 97 under Section l0li-1 of these Specifications J. DF--L D.rinBin.q Fount{Ln American Standard 83f0.L20 Saratoga drinking fountain, vit,reous china, auto$atic volume regulalor, wall hangers and screws. Deduct. for usingttPayne" \dater heaters instead of those specified Deduct all piping insulation in boiler room. Sheet M-3, $prinkler System: Note should read: Under base bid, bqs-ement fl-oor shall have fire sprinkling system as per SPecg' tto I. b) c) d) I t.l .i I rl -l 1 I ADDENDUM NO. 2 - KIANDM LODGE ADDI,TION Vail, Colorado February 12, L9t7L vl. Movable.partitions shal1 have a flame spread classification of IIi, as'per U.B.C. standards. Flame spread testing statistics' shall.be clearLy noted on manufacturerrs shop drawings. ' v 2, Delete storage rooms 0I9 and 205 complet,e. l-3. Trash chute opening at the second floor level of stair /12 shall have one #3 SLSS (20rr x 20rt) B label door as manufacrured by Consuruction Products Company, Inc. Trash chute shall also be equipped wlth one sprinkler head at top of chute. (See attached Drawing 2A.) v 4. - v.q Guardrails shall not be le3s than 42" Ln height as per U.B.C. (L970 ed.). Correcr details 24/Lo,27/L0,28/Lo, 4/Lz and g/L2. PlanEer detail on Sec.Eion 3/5 shall include 2't round vents at 24'r .o.c. in the bottom. r$. Add co Icem //10 on Addendum No. 1: delete exterior wood' planter at room 106. llhere planters are deleted, add 15" gyp. sheathing with I x 8 horizontal-lap r.s. cedar siding, sl-milar ro derail 3/5.j v7. Firestopping shall be required as follows: in all stud walls and partitions including furred spaces, so placed that the maximum dimension of any concealed space is not over 10 feet. Between stair stringers aE top and botEom and beEween studs along and in line with run of stair adjoining stud wal-ls. I 4, Doors I/9. Doors frorn boiler room il0l0 shaLl swing ouE. l0 from rooms /t006 and 007 shall swing in l80o. 0n fireplace detaiLs ZlLt and 3/tt the hearth dimension should be 1r-6'1 in lieu of lr-4rr shown. L:ro. I a t;L o 2 Addition r.97r 4t. The ftrrring strips for the basement ceif ing shall be fire recardant treated wood. -/nLT. A11 wood framing for drop ceiLings sha1l be fire retardant treaEed wood. *3. On Sectiot 6/6 ltrap steel bm..qtith metal lath cage and apPly 21" thick Portland Cemenu plaster. L/L4, Line aEtic spaces above corridor between units F-2 and E-2 and J-2 and A-2. Provide an l8'r x 18" one-hour rated meEal ceiling access panel to each space and painu to match ceiLing. (See attached Drasring 2.8-.) ,, access door 1f22 in Lofc rooms G'? and T'2. three t'Arr.lrindows on eas! face of ltL staLr tower Addendum No. Kiandra Lodge February 12, Page fwo L5. DeIete L6. Delete deduct. j : fC+-laulCALi""-t%c tvtS . 6lANDsA'" l--oP4s;- r\oo, " Joa* T'1"A9t+ Ot-{UTe ErC,, ".PeR AogsN)puh4 *2 :(hRtD LINE dl,wt Tr-: / KI,ANDRA LODGE ADDITION ADDE}IDI'M NO. 3 February 23, L97L t/L. Change. aLL Z x 1"0 joists which span 16'' to "or,structiongrade .Douglas fir. 2. Dele.te 'rDur-o-wal'r reinforcing from hollow uniE masonry walls. 3. Add ro secrion 32/53 a 6 WF 15.5 x 8r-4tr with top el. LO?t-LLtt .'. ongridlinel.Thisbeamshouldbearonbedptatesateach endl similar to the other 6 WF's. 4. connect the Type "Jtt fixture in Foyer 101 and Ehe Type 'rJ" fixEure "t "."t end of Lobby 100 ro circuir EM-l. Also in. Dining Room 108 add a Type i'E" exit lighg over the reserva6ioni desk at the northeast corner of the room' 5. In Addendum No. 2, I'tem 28, correct'the foll'owing: A. L-l LavatorY American Standard ' I. KS-I Kicchen Sinks Elkay cEcR-2521 (R of nos. shown) 70-rl .; No. 0489.02I (in lieu of no. shown) or L) w/LK-3sr, sink sErainer (in lieu t/2. on grqund floor lobby add a Haws No. IitfltA-8 electric vlater cooler .o*il"C" with fittinls. Install at existing roughed-in location in Lxiscing building. Extend lines as required' Extend basement fire sprinkler line to trash room as required by code. Provide an anti-fxeeze loop in basement area' !8. provide a black-on-white 4rrx 6t'formica sign ac the gas shuE-off '\-- ""i". which shall read: "CAS SHUTOFF VALVET" The following electrical work orinto the above proJect:' 1. In the fixture schedule, Type/isll1. 2. In the fixture echedule, Type 150 watcs total per fixture. KIANDM LODGE ADDITION ADDENDTM NO. 4 February 24, L97L 70-lI modificaCions need to be incorporaced ffJfr shaLl be Solo ttgLLL in lieu of I'Ntt lamp vratt,age shall not exceed west side of building of type ttR". shall be Tork lt73OA-2. 3. In the fixture schedule, Type rrRn shall be prescolite /193006-Qwith special etched glass wirh Q 300 T3/CL lamp. The unir shall" be surface mounted in lieu of recessed. 4. 5. On Sheet E-2, the four type 'rRrt units at along column A shall be type 'rKr in lieu On Sheet E-1, time clock "a'r in Room 005 nnS/n o . ADDITION NO.5. L97L I. 2. J. 4. 5.wal,l of 8rt o.q. as as WC-l. Architect. BRS/n ,i .l.'''. 'I : JOH "o|.o,*o arnerican builders CONTRAGT DtvtstoN, tNc. 2,,{O WYANDOT 5TR,EET DINVE& COTORADO 80223 PHO}{E (303)71+13e6 Morch 5, l7l Aspen Construction Compony Prix22 Aspen, Colorodo 8l6l I Aiin: Ron Horper Re: Kiondro Lodge Genflemen: Pleose find enclosed tests on flome spreod quontities of Vinfex vinyl . The lqsf poge is o more in-depth reporf on physicol ond chemicql properties of the 3M Torton clod vinyl which is the some qs Vintex in thickness ond physicol properties. Attoched is o somple of the vinyl overloy prior to emboss- ing ond lominoting ro rhe 1/4 inch Luoun poneling used in our ponel construction. We ore olso enclosing somple blocks of fhe Vintex finishes ovoiloble. Pleose odvise if we moy be of service fo you on this proiect. J\trElitc Encl . P. S. lffe would like to hqve the test ond the blocks returrpd when you ore through wifh them. J.W.E. ' R,OOF DECK ROILING STEET . CUR,TAIN WALL O WINDOW WAILS r FOTDING DOORS . SUN CONTROIS o IOILET PAR,TITIONS DOORS ANd MIDGET StAl SHUTTER,S ' TOLDTNG GATES ' MEIAT TEITERS ANd PLAQUES STEET JOIST I Project No. 3-2445-70a Final Report -1 ..;i i INVESTIGATION OF SURFACE BURNING CHARACTERISTICS OF FIVE VINTEX PLUS PANELS for Evans Producta ComPanY Plywall Division Corona, California March 3' 1969 This report is for the inforrnation of the Sponsor' It rnay be used in its entirety for the PurPose of secur- ing product acceptance frorn duly constituted approval authorities; however, this report or the narne of the Institute shall not be used in publicity or advertising' SOUTHWEST R ESTARCH INST!TUTE SAN ANTON IO HOUSTON SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE 8500 Culebra Road, San Antonio, Texaa 78228 DePartment of Structural Reaearch Fire Reeearch Section INVESTIGATION Or. SURI.ACE BURNING CHARACTERISTICS C. A. Hafer PrePared for Evane Producte GornPanY Plywall Division F. O. Box 880 Coroaa, California 91720 March 3, 1969 Reviewed:APPROVED: zu/"/ e a.lhJ Robert C. Dellart, Dlrector DeparrmeDt of Structural Research @souTHwEsr RE'EAR.H rNsrrTUTe I. INTRODUCTION This report is a presentation of the results of flarne spread tunnel tests on Vintex Plus panels subrnitted. {or evaluation by the Plywall Divi- sion of Evans Products company of corona, california' The report con- tains a C.escription of the materiaL, the preparation and conditioning of the test specirnens, the test procedure, and. the test results, The results presented apply onty to the specimens tested and not necessarily to the entire pro<luction of these or similar materials. AII test data are on file and are available for review by the Sponsor or his authorized representative' ' The tests were conducted in accordance with the provisions of ASTM Designation E84-68, "Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Charac- reristics of Building Materials. " This is identical Eo the test method speci- fied in USASI No" 2" 5, NFPA No. 255, UL No. 723, and UBC No. 42'I. The purpose of the test is to evaluate the perforrnance o{ a material in relation to the performance of asbestos-cement board and red oak floor- ing under similar fire exposure. The results are in terrns of flarne spread, fuel contributed, and srnoke developed during a I0-minute exposule and are numerically expres6ed as a ratio with asbestos-cement board zero and red oak flooring I00. Periodic calibration tests using select red oak flooring provide the 100 reference, and the zero reference is established by conduct- ing a l0-rninute test with asbe sto 6- cernent board Prior to each test serieS. rd\ ffi sourHwEsT RE'EARCH rNsTrruTErtw DESCRIPTION OF MATE Two each Vintex PIus pane!s (I/4rr plywood' iI. 3/8" flakeboard, I/2" flakeboard, 3/4" flakeboard, and l/4" hardboard) were received February 4, Lg69 frorn Evans Producte Company, Plywall Division, of Corona, California. The panels were identified as shown in the follow- ing table. MATERIALSTABLE I. DESCRIPTION OF Sp e c irnen Average Thickness _(in.) Unit Weight lb/sc ft I /4" Viqllex Plus/Lauan a )tF.A 3/8'r Vintex PIus eboard l/2" Vintex PIus/Flakeboard 0.5i28 3/4" Vintex Plus/Flakeboard 0.7583 l/4t'Vintex Plus/Hardboard 0,2498 Vintex Plus designates a 6-mil printed (wood grain) surfac e. 0. ?05 z.060 3.065 1.4ii vinyl decorative III. PREPARATION AND CONDITIONING OF TEST SPECIMENS The specirnen was prepared using three 2I" x 8rand one 2I" x 16" pieces of. Lf 4,t Vintex PIus panels nailed to two 2l" x 1218" wooden frarnes. The printed hardboard (L l4"l and Lauan (l /4") panels were nailed to the frames using 4d nails on lOlr- 12rr centers. The frarnes consisted of Z" x 2" fir rails and 2" x 4" pine cies at 3 to 4-ft intervals. The other panels (3/8", I/2" and 3/4,') were tested without additional support. Three Zl" x 8: and one 2l rr'x I6rr panels were used fot each specirnen. R1'*- mffi sourHwEsT RE'EAR.H rNsrrrurETJW t The specirnens were conditioned in the furnace room where the atmosphere is maintained between ?0o and 75oF and 35 to 40 p.ercent relative humidity. IV. TEST PROCEDURE The tests were conducted on February I1, IZ, and 13' 1959. Mr. Bruce She rrnan wa6 preeent to observe the Ce6ts. Reference data were obtained and furnace operation checked by conducting a IO-minute test with asbestos-cement board. Thie ptovided a zero reference for flame spread, fuel contributed, and smoke density, . The average of five previous red oak calibration tests were used to .. estabhsh the 100 reference. Ignition over the burnets with the lateet red oak calibration tesr was noted 48 eeconds after the start of the teet and the flame reached the end of the specimen in 5- I /2 minutee. The Vintex Plus panels were tested with the finiehed surface facing the inside of the furnace. V. TEST RESULTS Test results, Calculated on the basis of observed flame travel and ' the areas under the recorder curves of furnace ternperature and smoke ' density, 3r€ pr€serrted in the following tabie. SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE i0 q) (.) |r U) o r' FT c F. d |r I'l!l |r u, bt) z5 20 I5 l0 5 0 4-t lzl igniting FIame Q Burner iz5o r 000 ?50 500 250 Time (minutes) FLAME SPREAD 234567 Time (minutes) FUEL CONTRIBUTION (Furnace TemPeratu re ) 35 30 z5 2A l0 t 0 Time (minutes) SMOKE DENSITY A-C Bo:.rcl tttttrll l"d,9*t a a \ , ,t I j , I Y,v t TTlt'l'lill A-C Roard rr r t, tt t lll Depre s sion - Photoceil) FICURE 5. GR.APHIC PRESENTATION OF TEST RESULTS FOR ON WOOD FRAMES/4: vINTEx PLuS/HARDBoARD PANELS SOUTHWEST RESEARCH INSTITUTE ofl rFttgrn\Pfi-{}f,SHffi/qL AEWre ffiHffiR#E PffiffiWffiffiTHffiS: A. FLAME RESISTANCE Tests conducted by leading independent Test Labora' tories in accordance with the provisions of ASTM Designation E84-61 have established the following burning characteristic classification. l. ADt{ESION-lb/in' WIDTH 180" pull back test ivith one inch strips of tilm at 75"F. Specimen llame sFroad Rate Fuel Contributed Factor smolo DensiR Factor Asbestos-Cement Board 0 .0 0 Red 0ak Flooring 100 100 100 ,.TARTAN.CLAD'' ANd,,3M', Brand vinyl Veneer J 0 "Dl-N0C" Brand Pressute sensitive Vinyl Film 0 1 0 SIbstrate .Dt-N0c' Erand Films -series 7 "TARTAN.CIAD'' and "3N" Brand vinyl Veneer Itand films --Serier 31 Pressure Sensitive Solvent Activated Heat Activated Pressure S€nsitivs "Novaply" Flakeboard 2th-3 6.6V2 9-9Vz Tempered "Masonite"cv2-o o-Dv2 5-5th Fir Plywood 5Y2-6 l -.l.f2 Aluminun 9-10 9-10 9.10 10.12 Galvanired Steel 10-ll 70Uz-7112 C. R. Sieel luv2-rr r2th-L3 Acrylic Lacquer 7'10 Alkyd Enamel I-6 "IARTAN-CIAD", "DI-N0C" and "3M" Brand Films-series 7 are also coast Suard approved (material meets the requirements of Paragraphs 164.012-5(b) and 164.012-10{8) of 46 CFR, Subpart 164"012)' These vinyl tilms are atso approved by U.S.oepartment ol the NaYy ts conforming to Federal specilication CCC'W'408 (Type ll, class 2L-|n additi0n, the, conf0rn to tederal Specitication CcT'1918, Method sgql' B. THICKNESS Adhesive Coaieci .007" -.0085" C. FADE RESISTANCE No appreciable change after 250 weatherorieter hours' D. IMPACT, ABRASION AND SCUFF RESISTANCE No eflect on woodgrain pattsrn after 3'000 cycles. (Tabor Abrader-CSl7 wheels-1000 gram load.) E. HEAT.RESISTANCE No adhesion failure after 150 hours (continuous) at 150'F. F. COLD CRACK IMPACT RESISTANCE No failure at 0"C (+-2'C). G. FORMABILIW PROPERTIES 1. Erichsen {orm test-cross hatched and formed with no delamination. 2. Strip bent 180' nation. over Vr" mandrel with no delami' H. STAIN RESISTANCE No permanent stain after 18 hours direct contact with the following agents: J. DIMENSIONAL STABILITY (150oF-,48 hours) (Series 7 Only) Not more than .025" shrinkage from panel edge' Pres' sure sensitive adhesive coated film tested at 150"F for 48 hours. Application made to a 10" x 10" alumi" num panel which was degreased and etch€d and allowed to set for 48 hours at 70' to 90'F. prior to testing. L. SOLVENT & CHEMICAL (Mounted on Aluminum) 1, Heptane-s hours 2. Ethyl Alcohol-s hours RESISTANCE 3. Methyl Ethyl Ketone-lo mins. 4. Xylene-'2o mins. 5. Reference Fuel (85ole Mineral Spirits, 15% XYlol)-l hour 6. SAE #10 motor oil-s hours 7. Water-l week 8. Salt Spray (5% at f10'F.)- 1 week No attack No attack Severe attack Severe attack No attack No attack No attack No attack Catsup Chlorox Cola Coffee Ethyl Alcohol (50%) Household Ammonia Hydrochloric Acid (10%) Hyd rogen Peroxide Lemon Juice Mercurochrome\ Milk M usta rd Oleic Acid Port Wine Salt Solution Soap Solution (1%) Shoe Polish Sodium HydroxiOe (10%) Tea Vinegar M, WEB WIDTH L. STANDARD: 48 in' Width plus salvage to a com- bined minimum total of r/z inch. 2. cUSToM:48 in. (-0" +l/L6") N. ROLL LENGTH 1. Maximum roll length is 1000 linear f6€t' O. WEIGHT Approximately 34 pounds per 100 linear {eet' P. CORES 3" 1.D., Paper. O. STORAGE dnapplied tilm should.b€ stored in a clean, dry area ut nJimuf room temperatures (70"-90"F')' Roll goods which are removed from the original container should b€ horizontally suspended ot{ the floor with a rod run' ;i.; tfir;h in" .dr". For-best results, the tilm should ua used wiinin one year of purchase' -f' 1," .'.7.f.Q58 N CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AND CO-I\4PI,IANCE VaiI, Colora ar,i, :t -!:'... :-i - - w ;:.1. Applicant shall marntain saiJ building in accordance,.with allpr-e€ent or future ordinances with1 respect m saniadon, buil-ding and zoning. Building Official 7 {ryr''3ry ,fzQa F:' Felihrarly 5, 19?t .lielrnold {qqoeiates ," ,,P. 0" Box '158vi:i, 6ii"iii" slss? subJectr Kiandrtlodse . ^ -^.Gentlemen! leted j"n* cheek ,oi'l*n" abeive eubie*t pno{lat rnf have conlp accordanca with_tle 1g?0 unlfors Building code le aninaia, andthe rown "t o::t _:n"t:* orfrnance, uv rinf*n1 are aa foitowe, .. :.'Construction'ts1.'v?e.vo,,u!oun' .'.si.deandnean-10'.0't] : , n:_Illlowing ***t'" 1.'be eonn{eetcd by r^ev{aqd pfrrr* o*addendun: ' - .. . :: " :: ;;"";;rdrng ehar! be, prsvrded *rti an approt *aoutside gaa ehut off valve eonepieuoualy manked. , +) t{lndots in sleeping noone shall have eLllheighte not ovc:r tt8 l"nches above floon wlth ?{r area of not lesg than 5 sq..ft, wLth nod{mengLEn lesa,than ??,Lnchee. ' .;ts Rlchnsnd Asascliitae Page ? ' ' $it 'Bathnoon cxhauui *itn .exs:.r b,*: eapableof pnovidlng 5 ain ohangea pen houn, eonneeted dLnectLy to the outeLde l-n all H Oceupaneiea. 8) Extelion nall covenl.ag may be wood on 100tof the wall alrea of fLnat floon above gnade.; and tr0t of the wall area of, all floons-abovethe fLnet floon pnovidlng tt ll fine-retard-ant treated rood. 7) Hovable partitlona ehall have a flame spread clagsLf,Leation of fff, 8) Drrmbwaitan ehall be Ln aceordance with Seetion 1?06 (a)r exceptton 3. g) Storagc rgous 019, 205 and trash chute opening in staln #2, sne not allowed l.n acc/w Seetion 1706 (o)r'a8dctlon 3308 (e), and SeetLon 3308 (f). ..10}:'!t3atrrir9.:{P9sedwa1}anetaeha11'h*"e'. .....&'.f|at|.i9r',:'.asl.gtlvtbar'nl.€lf,l 1f.) Roof ahatl not ovsnhang pnoperty ltnc ag ehown.-. 1?),. €uar.dnalX.a a$al1 be not lCsa than t+?tl in haight..:' 13) A snew load of 68 paf, {altftud€*sguasrd}'ahall be uaad for rqof Ln place of loadeeet fonth f,n,.fabl.q IilO. ?3'b rlth roductlonsin aecondance nith Section 2305(d). ,,,,.'l t',' t -::'- 14) Signa ncquired in accondanec wlth Section 2309 and 3301(J) both sf whieh may be on elgn, .- Li) ''Flanten detalls shall confomr:to Seet!.oh L8) flngetopptng nequ{rGd between sta{r' ''.''strlngene i* niddle, top, and bottom of each'.:'run, an& between studa .J.n llne wlth nun of staln,,adjof.nlng rralle and pant:[tions, i: . ] ln aaelw SectLoa 33S3 (b),. ' : . , 1, ' , L8) Door*a 10 BrdtLng firom roome 006 and 00? should swing 180 degraee or they would etllleeet code if they swing in. i.} ' :' ..' Rleh&ond- Aeeociat*e fage,3 : ,-r.'.' ( 19) Your'attention ie inv*ted to SGetlon I 930€ {a} ae amended, 20l- Doon 2 end 10 exitlng fnon room 00gidoor. 5 exitl.ng from room 10?; and doon IexLtlng fnom room 100, ehall be in accordanoewLth SectLon 9316. ! 21) Subnit detal.le on reinfonel.ns of flne-plaoaa and chl.nn.yb. 22, ?lnben @ "no supports at dlnifis loorn- fineplaeq do not rneet- nequlnemante 6fScctign 370t+ (g)', 23' Heanth shall pnoJect a nLnl.mua of l8n :i fnom the face of the fl.replace ln dlning lloo-Dr ztl) Tnash rooa'ehal1 ba spr:l.nklened Ln \ aeoordance w{th SeetLon AE-02 (b} 7., ?5) The gyp-board eelllng of t*"rcht ahall \ stcet -the requirenontg of SeetLon $Z0g 1, ' 26) .,fiie ?x$' csifk$l']oLrtr,'eha1I be , flne* [::Hli"frli.llod,.664 {n aeqgrdance r*lth .l il. i\'. .1 i. 2?) Atl. strueturatr ateel ,ltfeh as shfirrn ln 'i $cgtion 21S and 616 shall bc lndividualLyproteeted ,by a ona houn fine-resistl.ve natinsyh€l euch nenbene suppont dlncctly applLedloade firos.rluoF€ than bnc floor. 28) A wllkray dunLng conatrruction is nequlne,don .th6 wEgts*,d.e in cceondance wlth SectLon r+80 6 , ?1}$l}elqsel.ar€aaove!is9!['.ft',.]tceathan J.8" abva the floon, and the ].eactdimaneLon ie no gnaater than 18t, sha1lbe a 61111 on puitr-ban on eaeh cxposed eide. ' '' -t . - . : . '3{) ZxB celLlng JoLate Ln tnaeh noom (SectLon6/6) need onc houn fine-nesistive protgation. 3l) -Show"looatl.on and dctall of combustl.onair louvep. r-r' ] Rlehnpnd Aa*oaiatasP*ge,rt ', ,.,..,,4." - .-5. 32) ff ncehnLcal anpaa aboue, bath lnSection S/5 wtI} be accelalbla, all walla and floora ehall meet naquincmanta for a one houn rating. . E3) Nor parklng ptan requLned. 34) Rear srtback. nequlrement le 10r-0rf.A vani.moa La requlned fon buLldlng tobe loeated as'shown. Ae I ncntioned to !fil. Weatbye'*'thont t*,nne 6d6'i w€,ar'€ l"n the'proeegg of, amendlng the f,oning ordLnance negind:tng panking toarroat a inorc feaaible parkLng a,nlangcmcnt, whleh r gavo hima_copy of aqne. _Aa lrat I hava not recelved a n€w pank!.ngplan. I have talked with Bob Volland, the etnuctunal engineen, nega:nd-ing son€ queatlons on Bom6 etrrcctunar membene and he w111 'eEnta€tncehenhahaa.a}r***d...!$iiriout..:"' If you wLah to diteusE any of the above'Ltemc, I an avaLlableat moat any tr.mc. rf thene ane no queetLona and rrhen thcabove corrcctione have bean nede and copiee funnl.shed to thlaof,:fiee, f wilL Lssur thc bul.lding permltr . Feepectf,ullyn ':, ' TOWry Of VAIL ,. ;, 8d Struble , -' . '": ': ' - Bulldlng Qfftot*} ,.';" _ ES: pmec: Aepen Constnuetion Co.Benedid E Aseoelates - Permit - lLoc:o tr PLAN CHECK LTST Lo >atl AuDtrtor..t ( late Jnl.r. 6, 7/ Use Zone PA Occupancy G:roup tsa s H Average Gr.ade g t+g ,6 Height of Building 3E La"t No. of Stories 3 Floor Ar"ea t5 L'? o '1 z. 4. ,7 o 1n T1 L2, r.1 . JF L U"7Type of Construction Lot Area (ro.*.) 67, b04 ./\ Froor. Ar.ea Ratio (Avv. eroo) sa,+oo = ,84'. I C'l iL Setbacks Requir.ed,:. Front 15! o'' side 1O'- O' Rear. '\o'-ou Occupant --oad 'V'l = '45 4 H = 25 Panking Required 82: 2l E)(r g-r'4. '12 + 4,{ -- Loading Be:rths Requi:red 6.llb'rdt)l Feq'r.lvs\ ?b,5 .1t? 3.4. Conpliance With: ...a) Oceupancy Sec. 5 b) Occupancy Gr.oup 82- H t/ c)'Type Const. Sec. i? t/ d)rypeconst.Y(W '.Exits Sec.33 Masont-y 24 Wood Sec. 25 v{ Concnete Sec. 26 e) 6,t i\ K.) t-/ Genenal En Sec, 23 ','/ ,ut; * Stee1 Sec. 27 w o Ex., Fdtns., Ret. Wa1ls Sec. Roof Const. Sec. 32 2sv.L) n) o) yt r., l D.' t) v) w) x) y) z) 44t -t- \4'J J ac) Veneer Sec. 30 v- Skylights Sec. 34 Penthouses Sec. 36 \./' U' i't.r.An l:.roc q4.' ?1 Fine Systems Sec. 38 L/'' Fire Protection Sec. 42 l-/' L./' Fine Standands Sec. 43 wPubli.c P:rotections Sec 44 V Dr"ywal1 6 Plaster Sec. 47 l/ Pre-Fabricated Const. Sec. 50 .ui" Staees Sec. 39 rlas .Et-c s bec. 5 t (i_Las s b utazl_n I ofr, Pnojeet above mentioned project do her:eby centify thi ave nead undenstand in full- the following excenpts fnom the Uniforrn Building Code (UBC): '8. A.See.302(a) TOWN OF VAII Building Permit Supplenent tAr Date ,//- /o '7 o the and Approved plans and specifications shallnot be changed, nodified, on altered with-out authorization f::om the Buildine 0fficial. No perrnit p:resuming to give authority to violate on cancel pnovisions of this Code shall be valid. The issuance of a penmit' sha1l not pnevent the Building Official from theneafteri nequining the correction of errons or fnom pneventing building openations being canr.ied on when in vio-lation of this Code on of any othen o:r- dinance of the Town. Inspection ca:rd shal1 be r"ead and filled out i-n fuIl where required. No work shal,l be done beyond the point indicated, and signed by Inspector:. fnspeetion card shall be maintained until Certificate of Occupancy has been issued and then :retunned to Building Inspection Office. Building 0fficial shall be notified, in wr.itinge of any portion of the structure or building to be pne-fabricated off-site. Such pr:e-fabnication facilities ehal1 have a certificate of approval from ICBO or be inspected by the Building Official pnion to the starting of work. Sec.302(c) Sec.304 Sec.305D. tacan1YLJA CERTIFIED BY: BUrDfiiG PERMTT APPLrciTroN Jurisdiction of TOWN 0F VA]L to complete numbered spaces only. 1l_7099 LTlL0 / 70 I Plaza buildine - southeast connen llTha T: n n or.'rzll q[ser arrrcaeo sx e er; owNER MA|L aoDREss zrp pHoNE2 David A. P:ratt P. O. Box 119I Vail-. Co1o. 81657 476-3111 1 -^- sel-r MA IL ADDRESS same as above same ARCN ITECT O8 DESICNER cama LICENSE NO.a s*,k self ENGINEER5 se].f same PHONE same 6 ,rorra U5E OF BUI I. OIN G ' retail leathe:r sto::e 8 Class of work: tr NEW n A00tTt0N Jl nEPATR fl MovE D REMovE Cedar uaneli on back wal-l cash counter" and const:ruction of dressins room 10 Change of use from bouticue and eift sho Change of use to clothine and accessonies 11 Valuation of work: $""""'>O&&c&O<x 60 PLAN cHEcK FEE -0-PERMTTFEE $O.OO SPECIAL CONDITIONS: size of Btds. shop (Total) Sq- Ft. Fire Sprlnklers nequired [y65 Sno No. of Dwelling Uniti -n- OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPACEs: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIBED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMIVIENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTTON OR WORK TSSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DO€S NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATTNGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PENFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Specify) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT VALIDATION \\ PLAN CHECK VALIDATION INSPECTOR REOhDEi FROMI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' !O 50. LO5 ROBLES ' PASAOENA. CALIFORNIA 9IIO!Form too.l 9-69 INSPECTION RECORD DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK - TRENCH ! REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY .t FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW.UP, ETC. SOUARE FOOTAGE . KIANDRA ]fDGE BASEMENT FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR THIRD FIOOR FOURTH FLOOR 3,200 . L2,400 L0,700 L0,300 4,500 ---.-\4l.loo -ssc% d ott 2o Eto Q".-f P.O. BOX 7 vA[- coLo. 81657 ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE October 6, l970 Mr. Harold l.lestbye KIANDRA LODGEVail, Co'lorado 81657 Dear Hemmi e: It was noted by the Committee that the original approvalgiven for the Kiandra was dated February 5, .l969. Since the plans submitted for your addition are dated May ll, 1970" approval of the Committee is required. The pTans were approved within the scope of the authorityof the Archi tectural Con tro'l Commi ttee a.s set forth and defined in the restrlctive covenants for the FirstFiling, VaiMIlage. The Committee did have the fol lowi ng comments : the set back as itnot conform with the I rements must a'l so meet standards ordinance Sincerely, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE You shou'ld be aware that appears on the pl ans doesexisting zoning ordinance The parking requiset forth in the .-7,.^,a('Rodney Sl i fer Co-Chairman RS/san cc: Ed Strub'le I j i l ll,t r--lrl ii.,. llii r i' r . .,t 8rc x'81 K .4l o, 2 1 l :r ^;{os3 :''! I o do e o O eeu,."r* Le*J 1 Ceu,t* ' KL'l, t1^,ecfi, FQO.p, Lo"rarle- Anrnrc & l/,cetu,re e I Atau.{zrt^.*< It tt 4+ s'12 za 7-oo ;67lac-c. -' 16g0 *zno = H ||- 64o2?ao t -\-{a68o+E=4'1* -/ Stoo *zm " LS ,# TorAL oce, Loro 419 I L (p @ @ 360 \5 r5 z@ loi,) Ir:3c a.L")a +a1 4o246; :t L-I1?- Z+v.o)7.r +24 lrTa 6686Ibto 6q0=(l ,Jo ;fi-a-o 56fl4 :ir" '1 o+!l) 7b{1 na JLll6 4sotrfr eil ,P|o a APPLICATION THE licant FOR BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF VAIL fill in this eection onl Alteration Type of occuPancy aUILDTNE bn'arNsrqgq BUILDING INFORMATION Repaire f( IJI Bo FUtt od,r Eou r,,fffi-'-s1"rll[lL/zq . No of stori es Z_- ,i. v=!' No. of roornea4l:{o r,b,tt}re/gNo. of water closete / L (Circle correct classification) Type of eonstruction l@Uf.IU V. /-.Occupancy group A. B. C. D. E. F. Gg/I. J, S. Approval by planning and architectural control committee to obtain building p€rmit. Date ,Signature BJrrLprNc rNsJ'EcjEJN Approval of PlansReceipt of Plans (2 sets recuired)Date Amount of Permit Fee $ Amount of Clean up Fee $ Date permit iseued Final inepection Cettificate of occupancy & eomplianic Paid: Cagh $ Paid: Caah $Gheck $ Tap fee paid Amount Date Check $ /-l ),oot'1 ' -'o-" ' ,t,: L o.-:.' ,., : L _ t ra ) , Building address Date of Applicrtioa Addrees )4*,/ r:nrr,Tel. No. Addrese Tel. No. Addresa City Agpe-n, -tit. N". Subdivision (A11 parta of butlding) No. of Families ESTIMATED COST lPermittee) Goagtructioa clean-uP 'iliti !-r'--'4 Vail, C oiorado Pe rrnie s ion is hereby granted ianfarJ' as d Wlr?rt to.J story i l1'I ''''| ,l L f- 'I' ype c,f Clortst ruction .A't/-. provisions set forth by the Vail the rr,rles and regrriat:ions as strt a n','l in corrl>liance witlL the 1964 G r our:r ''. rchite ctural C ontrol Iorth in the \"ail Viilage Llnif orm Fuiiding C-.r>de. d e *#r'/r'.r? aA EII n . ^ /tlte . 'AaJ* ia ,, ddt""t Er/ of /t* r? , E/orft f€ , /t 6 In accorclancc ..p ith the C ommitter<:, subjcct to Pr ot r,cti'..e C)ovenants, (lontla.c1.or ,ro,o"."n-E1&- J.ZW. Vr ii P Lrilcling inspector:/ INSI]F C]'IC N }1,F CO R.I) ( Ilt>.r: Dc1:artmental use Only) INSPJ' C'-TIC N ITOUNI.).." TIO NS .\ IrJ:)R OV-l i..CON4M['N'IS DATTJ & SICN,.'TT]RF d ot) '11 , trl uo -" a4 5 0 oo: n ITOUGI{ ROT-IGI.i ROUGH APPLICATION F1CR BUILDING PERMI1 THE TOWN OF VAIL (Applicant fill in this scetion only) Building address Datc of Application Addtcsscity Vnffl ,. - Tel. No. Address Addresscity@ SuHivieion BUILDING INFDRMATION .' k e, FI Bo &(, *4 IJ (tl 1.. E () Alteration Repairp_-- Type of occuPancy (All parta of building) BUILDING qnrcwsE,TS=ffit3s.g117"- No of stories-ft--Ht. .I4E=- il: til"il"#Ijl*'f (Circlc correct classification) Type of conetructio" r. u. m.i v @ Otlrl hOUf Occupancy group A. B. C. D. E. F. C@ f ..1. Signed s rrnlttee Approval by planning and architectural control committee to obtain building perrnit. Date Signature BUILDING INSPEGTION Receipt of Plans t - 7- rA------- (2 sets reouired)Date l/a,, €C Date permit ieeued Ja Final inepection Approval ofPlana 2-/-)a Datef.h/Amount of Permit Fee $S1a.l'o + z*l.E Paid: Caeh Amor:nt of Clean op rffi paid: cash q $ check $tAlE J?t Gheck $ Tap fee paid Amount trf?.rt Certificate of occupancy & compliance Construction clean-uP STATE OF COI-,ORADO CCT'NTY Or. EAGLE DEC LARAT'ION CT' I"AND. ALI.,CCATION lI ss. ! , bl$rg first duly Bwor! upon oath, accorClng to my best knowledge, etatementa arc true and correct lnformation and belief. to wit: l. That this statement is madc la conjunctlon with the filing of an appllcation for a buildlng permit to the Town of lVail and to comply with thc reguirernentg of Artisle VII, $ectlon 3, Otdinance Nurnbcr ? (Serieo of 1969) Zoning Ordiaance for the Towu of Yail, 2, The desctiption of the building aite fo^r the propoecd building ie aa followe: (Deecription rnay-bE aaacfied'oi aurveyor's map may be used to ehoi dea- criptlon, ) 3. The propoaed buildlng eite containc sguare feet, and the propooed building containe sguare feet of area as defined in the aforeaaid Z.oning 6rdine-ilce. I, s 4. The propoeed building, as lt relatee to the building slt€ area, compllca to the Floor Area RBtio for the zoning which applies to the building glte. ag defined in thd aforcsaid Zoning Ordirrance. The foregoing affidavit and declaratlon was aa'y of tl?o, &. NOTARY o STATE OF COLORADO COT]NTY OF EAGLE DECLAR.A.TICIN Cr. I;AND. ALIOCATION )) ss, ) t, lluAtrl.f %rQgU , Dsbg firet duly sworn upon oath, depose and say that the foltowiug Etatementg are true and correct according to my best knowledge, information and bellef, to wit: 1. That thie statemeat is made ln conjunction with the filing of an application for a bullding petrnit to the Town of lVail and to comply with the requirements of Article VII, $ection 3, Ordinance Number ? (Serlee of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of "Vail. Z. The deEcription of the building eite for the propoeed building ie as follows: . (Deecription may be attached or eurieyorte map may be used to ahow des-cription'' (tor3?orEr,.r,s")+ (a trc$tFnAramo'r) 3. The propoeed building aitc containa 7?.,117 square feet, and the proposed building contains E.lr4Og_(*onr*rrrsquare feet of area ae defined in the aforeeaid Zoning Oidinance. 4. The propoeed building, ae it relatee to the building eite atea, corrrplies to the Floor Area Rg;tio for the zoning whlch appliee to the €* 'ttf,O1TNER The foregolng affidavit and sworn to..befo re me. a nstarv*o/3 *_ aa'y oi _fU.; ,AY @l,lrlltsstoN O(PnES J 17, lgz3 y subsqrlbed and -r0\ffi{ oF vAl L o DA]LY BUILDING ]NSPECT]ON REPORT T'"9 | fln O-* I Biuldine: TALIfMAH I ,1o Penmit No: ?1053H C.0. Issued: .4, ?o Poo-t-'r,"-1 7.<- Irrlt. e"--l- , .XssusD w3 lrYsFr lJoYlcg Rg: b0 g s.trPr' t[, ?o ' [l , ..}o V-/^'Ia v\,,4,,lLJ, g.,F+' (gt: O l( | J, sor1a4 vu-laullztt-'-'y' pC 94a^l.p 'yt-- . Contnactor: LDUP - 6115LFR. tr. t.DtrQ-S S L..SLDTPe ;" r-;;; * -)":'t^("*t') '**, u-o€r^- e-r*-+^. K ++,lsrb 9pf. lSrzo o 0.1, a,r. 0"n 78,to ,.* tJ-1-a2L^t-c*"^'- ll!'Y'-< Tnnt ,.tL llttpr 1a' arfl?r Date fssued: lggj lr-tO l I L. rl4i : l.\ r C,i 1 o t ,'.,ji.;,. t,-. l,:] ttoi'lli 5tDE. ' L,-.-, li-r-!r.-:..2i...:-i.. €TEii- f.==Al<ig: Ir\ :girsEir,Frlt iitrVF ,-{f inK=Fll.::rf,,D -o2'r;r, \-.,*,n.? ..; -€-::.-,; red. /--" I r f . - c t ,:1 ;:' !-/i;.i.-,..,j ( f) l-lCve nf &et, fir-€groof4j .i;i',.ZrT ,--v /:.L!.!C' .)ai3: t 5liA.''L PrpEb oF{ EilST $loa op fls*p-r,r-r.a{ ,Hus{ ft= eroobq I STsres rcCId= 6t it-tlc i:-r.JcT i1': fi?:-E ?itcorz> WFsT LuA'Li- ri-{ lkilLFr?- e"6ra 1)"1 6|a 4}SarfFP tAUHpfj Eocri flNb llo 1'lFaHAr-ti(aL d1s- 4HAi+.qF i?r ;--:1 . ' -i!:- ifldu I 1A pA:F1".1=FiT'\ . ?olr:-;z K.oaq - 'l'l',e uAJe,. Strct jure lEv ftoo<-;,-€?uiuEP. TTA Fgst,rr f.eoyg TAa H$'E l-o l1E f,n-ef?@trie. lllr{ - -Dtoillt{rts8^.4' 5 ' -= '.)'A,::r- 4Han&e! f(zE?r-AcE r4l t I cbe-\* crna*,tr G! Ld-" not &n frr.p-o..feA =Jhc+1." eu\d, A 5HAur---hre.a o* Etal Spe oF tl\tH/.af -ltTpLtFHFFf( - 6To.uo ?-La-,JE c1 lt{la----?-atLFa-&oal'1 - tke ufrde,.- stv-.r.f,re fis>?PErE.D 9(l ALL IH EK>trErz- -Ecorl - 4D*1 |ae- *EoJTFJ;. tf Nb $o_ gEH,Al{taL fuV._l.HAdClE *==_?-_Nn- eHn**,er *_ +QO* ?EQOIEEp. -S,Fc>yE FaE - FtuEpra...E - tr{- -bloplrxr*ut'-s leT :o EE -fto.ztvaTeo_. L fHer-oy,ald -ohr !1<,oo-,'1 At+rr1 a]41\-- 6np^eu, Q vu- . fia,.er+arz.,*-rk-t^t ) 3f*v*srb*r 8 r t9?$..: ':Fvgnettl5elgg]".Arrneh$'tcctgAIF'.'l.] ' ?S*5 Canygn, nogfcvarda""ia"""',i"r"";;;.*itr3rj?.....l. 'i ' '' ' : .. ' ,Bt:' p*rgft €o" ??osg StrErtne?; ' Tal1114* Cerndoalrr{um . Dean A1: ;;;;*nactoyo'*ri*tt*,larcctobe::i;].$?*res*rd* :lng1'-"$tore Soo&1t" plca*c bs lnformad that:l.t :[e et{1t ,,..' ehantca1llyventi1etqd.:'...: ,. :.,.. :. :, : Ed Struble, :::::'"' efflcral .' cc: Fumfond/lJottinghan LouF-Hil}an Congtrruction Co. EVERETT / ZET 2305 CANYON BOULEVARD -,"t #"* GEL ARCHITECTS AIA BOULDER COLORADO 8O3O2 3O3 44+ 2571 Mr. Ed Strubel OcLober 29, 1970Building Inspector Town of VailP. O. Box 631Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ed: It has been noted that there appears t.o be an error in labeling ofa particular room name in Unit No. l-A4 of the Talisman Cond.ominium. Sheets Nos. B and 9 of th-e architeclural drawings indicated in thethree-bedroom modifications ttlat this is a family room. A11 notesreferring to this room should be amended to read "store Room. " If there are any questions regarding the error, please let me know. Very truly yours, EVERETT/ZEIGEL ARCHITECTS AIA IIAZ/dg I t Octdben 15, 1970 Evenett/Zeieel Arehiteets AIA ?30_5 Canyon Boulevand Bouldar, Colorado 8030? ATTENTION: l4:r. Al- Z6tgle FEr !oar$ of Z6nl"ng,ancl gpr:eir:.s l{e**ting , ' Octoben B, 19?0 Dear lt,r. Zelgel i , ' 'Please be inforrned of the nesulte af the above menttoned ,nr**ting l ,_ Case 8-1-0-70; Wet StandpLnes tn the Tallsnanition - Vaniance danied : Caee B-tL-?0: ftlt"*o:r Finl.eh in the Talisman, ,, . : Addition.- Vaniance gr€rnt€d fhank you for. your patience and undenstandlng. . Fespectfully, : .::' ' ,. ' . . ,.' , - t :q* K.r.r',"oro- - , ,r. , 'tt. \Ed Struble )Building Sffiei*I .ES/ah ' " I 0cT 66 1 1970 Sepfember 30, 1970 Town of Voil Box 631 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Tolismqn Condominium Voil, Colorodo Proiect No. 701-82 Gentlemen: We ore enclosing o copy of the letter received by us from Johnrcn- Voilond- Archuleto & Associotes, Consulting Engineers doted 22 September 97A, certilying thot the welded connections ot the pre-cost concrete woll ponels hove been occomplished in occordonce with occepted stondords of proctice, os you hove requested in your letter doted 4 August 1970. Very truly you rs, LOUP-MILLER CONSTRUCTION CO. ..^ ,s t, \(-l-t-./ $-r+ffi;", ERM:ib Enc losure Glrot co' Lo$P'!fit$Es 549€' EAgT EVAN €i A\/ENUE DENVER,COLORADOgO222 PHONE:757-7883 4J \ ;,),. :t a 'J ur ,'J EIO TW€NTY.€IG}ITII STRE€T BOULOER. COLORAOO 60302 JOHNSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA & ASSOCIATES w. 8. JOHNSON FOBERT X, VorlAiro s..r. AachulGra Visited the job sit€ urith Eud Hunt to of the building since my last visit. erection of precast elements is going problems. The lofforuing are ltems of 1. Grouting of cored slab joints 2, Dry-packing of uralL panels uas 4a4.i951 Consulting Engineers rsvieu, the progrags In general, the enroothIy ruith feu special inter€st: at RECORD 0F FIELD 0tsSERVATI0N-(pag" 2)-Talisman Condomlrriums, VaiI, Colorado. E verett/Zeigel 9-22-70 0Ap Iouer level.' 3. \UaII panels uere being set, shimmed, and braced properly. 4. Ulelded. connections at stairuell panels appear to be done properly. (erection foreman informed ms that hls uelder uras ceit ifled ) 5. Structural steel .connection .appear to be c6rrect. uras in plo gr€ss. being completed bolting and urelding 5. ,Embectded dourels urere being bent into prope! positions and superintendent uas reminded to include atraight bars through dry pack joints.uhen topping is poured. ?. U,.[U.F. tlas of cortect size and uas in place at uest end of lourer ffoor. Sub-base for slab on grads appeare to ba properly placeci and graded. Tulo problems ulsre called to my attention concerning precast uaII panels: 1. Panel NK Q-2-3 uras fabricaled uri.thout an Bmbeddect channel to receive an 8rr UiF. I instructed the assistant superintendent (Gregg) and arection foreman (cnuct) to field fabricate a uelded plate connection in I'ieu of tha one sholrn on the drauings. ?-.Y ---V I EIO TWENTY.EIOTITfI STREET BOULDER.coLoRAoo Eo3o2 ,ail,l.lo5l ASSOCIATES Consulting EngineetsJOFINSON -VOItAND-ARCHULETA & Y9. A. ,TOHNSOI{ noEEiT H, vorL^l'to s.,r, ARC|uL€TA RECgRO 0F FIELO 0BSERVATI0N-(pu9" 3)-Talisman Condominiums, Vail, Coforado Evarett/2aigel , . 2, lUal.I panels f(lK L'N P-2-2E have been cast rrrith the ||C1|' channel in the urong end. I instructed arection foteman ' to effect the connection ruith an angla seculed to precast panel urith exPansion anchots. The superintendsnt requssted to pour fireplace area slabs at this time, instead of uiith the topping. After a revieu of the plans, I advised him that this could be done ploviding these recomm€ndations ulere follouedl ' l.Bottombar6u,ererueldedtoprotrudingdouelsatNorthand Sou th . 2. Top bars u,ere urelded to 8rr channel' and bent dou'n to Provid€ 3/4" c:Iaal cova!. 51ab to be poured to 8tt thickness at this time. EVERETT / ZEIGEL ARCHITECTS AIA J,\q1S 2305 CANYON BOULEVARD BOULDER COLORADO AO3O2 g'g 444 25?I ,,W\" June 25, 1970 Mr. Charles Bynum, P.E.Building Official Tonrn of VaiLVail, Colorado 81657 Re: The Talisman CondominiumVail, CoLorado Dear Mr. Bynum: I am enclosing herewith the Declaration of Land Allocation,duly notarized, and the Application of Building Permit fromthe Town of Vail, for the Talisman Condominium. Very truly yours, EVERETT/ZEIGEL, ARCHITECTS, A. I.A. N",sl*,ff4 HAZ lmcs Enrclosures JUt\?'l rc'') EVERETT// ZEIGEL ARCHITECTS AIA 2305 CANYON BOULEVARD BOULDER COLORADO AO3O2 3O3 444 2571 !4ay 13 , L970 Mr. Charles Bynun, P.E.Building Official Tovrn of Vai-1Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: The Talisman Addition Plan Check Dear Mr. Bynum: We wish to thank you for your meeting with us on Friday, May 8 , L970,to discuss the review of The Talisman Addition. Using your letter of May 5 | L970 as an outline, the following conmentsrecord our understanding of that meeting: (1) Due to area, the buil-ding should have fire separation wallsr The Condominium portion is separated from the Lodge building by a 5" concrete wall- with an "A" labeled door opening at the Lowest level. An ad.ditional two-hour separation will be provided between the existing Talisman andthe adjoining new Lodge construction. Openings will be "8" label, orl|-hour. Pl-ease note the enclosed plan. (2) Kitchens under the required minimum of 32 sq.ft.: The buffetapartnent (Unit 101-) is shown approximately 30 sq.ft., and will- be en-larged to 32 sq.ft. All other unit kitchens are shown greater than therequired minimum. (3) Ilearths under l-8" width: The fireplace detail plan on Sheet 14 shows the hearth width to be 18". (4) Condominiurn baths too sma11 for 5 ft. tub: sheets 9 and l1 indicateactual bath dimensions which will accommodate tubs. (5) Upper Lodge floor sil1 height too high: It is d.imensioned as 3'-9"on Drawing #21, which is under the 48" maximum. (6) Exterior wall construction: Lodge building construction may be Type IV - one-hour, which will allow the 4-story height of this portion. o Mr. Bynun -2-May 13, L97O tn'' l'*f"n""r'Io ^o/.4t :L/ : ii r.f ,. i at'{ 3 c/2 The Condominium portion may be Type V - one-hour, due to only 3-storyheight. The basic structure of the total addition is, of course' concrete, which is a higher classification. As discussed after our meeting, it must be noted that most exterior surfaces are wood. The walls are one-hour, and the roof structure is concrete or wooil frame. (7) Rebar in concrete and block walts: The reinforcing will meet the requirements of U.B.C., as noted in your handout sheet. (8) Floor drains: Roof drains will daylight. Interior ffoor drains may go to sanitary se$ter. (9) L,oading zone: Two loading zone spaces are shown on Sheet l, at the east end of the new Lodge. They are not noted as such, but are dirnen- sioned 12 | . (l-0) Building too close to 1ot lines: as shown. (11) Areas of site and buildings: Total SiteTotal Building The building location may remain (12) Valuation of proposed work: Estimated building cost! $775,000.00. One additional item not noted in your letter was discussed. The interior room on the lower 3-bedroom Condominium unit is to be a storage area. Al-so, on May 13, 1970, in a tel-ephone conversation with Mr. Gunn of our office, it was decided that the board on board siding, the cedar shakes and the limited anount of wood framing shown on the new Lodge would all be allowed. If there are any questions or comments notify us as soon as possible. Again, this matter. Very truly yours, EVERETT/ZEIGEL, ARCHITECTS, A. I.A. I\*$*,ff{^ HAZ:mcs Enclosures 72,477 sq.ft. 76,405 sq.ft. relative to the abover pJ-ease thank you for your assistance in NEW @?AL ca't CO|.{C. \A/Al,o ExtsrlNq. qorc;!_a L,oQe,g >Zve> 7+n3 z-trL4d) h-i'=l'Cl' tAage Ext5ftnq >oAc-zL TY?, FIKA wA|J. g'L1upLe. WRp"66e 3HO73 \EVA> n-rY t'alLc),rt New LaaaL -5' & le' coNs. ForNP$noFi WALL TYP- Fl(7 wrru- c-oHc. wA;L exlSTt N q "n263 - \tt\r>A),YTA;i3 =lKA3]-A i<,,LiiT L7VF"/- 7i*hn L" = | ',-d' tH.r-CO=C<,AD ?uL. meT alJQ zr-Kii-rnNW/ 2 upYtkb z' fl?e,x,, oYq. bvQ. ))TA' StEb,fHt5 tb F z fiR. vvALL,Y,f;T,fr"i;#?,"ffil "3,fr-A Vr'Eldgxte ylAy i? / tqTo NEw >A?&* a5bFl16LY .- v /Y?,oYLe6 Hc)LJOiNG ruM EKtSTi NG 'Do36e. I '? "a t $ay 5r 1"9?0 Runf,ond-l{ottinghan Ae socletee TaliemanVail, Colonddo ReI TaLLsnan Addltlon Dear Hr. NottJ.ngharn: Follorslng are the :reeults ofeubJect buil"cllngt a pLan eheek on the X. Plane bhot"r about 3sr000 ffitteet and thla does nottake into s^ocount the exL8tfing ?a1ieman, ?henafonen thearea is too great, and the bulldi.ngs ehsuLd have fire eepanation walls ae thcugh the::e were eever:al" s€perstebuLldLngs. Table 5-C. 2, Xi"tehene are unden 8ztfi#frnfoot euperfLcial fl"oorarea whieh is minJ.mwn in VAil. 3. Heanths are unden 18H width. ri. Bath in One BR unlt wiLl" not &ceonmodate a 5 foottub. Same pppl-{"eo to one b&th ln Two BR uni,t. !. Sill_helght on $heet 21 not in accordance wlth Secr 3320. 6. Extenior^ walLs in a Type ffl-l Hn. building must be tloo-hour fire resisttve inconbr.latlble conotructlon where openings are pennitted-*See Teble L7 A and Sec. ?00 3, (a), ?. _BuJ"l"ding must be et least Type II-1 !{n. due toheight, See Table No, 5-D. 7. Reban in concrete lleLl.e end block work ehauLd roeet mi.n*nun etandards aB :.equj.red by U.B,C.--See S€c. ?31tt,(X), 3 and 2418, (fln 3 and 2622, (el, ALso note handout sheetn encloaed, baeed upon theee secti.ons. 8. FLoon drains can not go to sanitarry Bewer per Vail SanitatLon District negulati"ona. 9. No loadlng zone in<1{eated--Requir:ed by ?oning opdinanee. |--":,a *2- 10. Plot plan shows bu&&dlng too close to lot linea as requined by the Zoning 0r"dlnance and also U.B.C. Sec. L306 , (b) . 1"1. I need ttrs area of tha lot and the total &re& of the exlsting and propoced buildings including a1l floone i.n order to compute the floor area natio as r"equ{red by the zoning ordinance. 1,2. SectJ-on 301.r (b) nequines that the applicatJ.on ehow the valuatlon of the proposed work. Sl"neenel"y o Chanles Bynunn P.n, BulLding 0fficiaLVail-, Colonado EncL l f{and-out sheets cci Evenett/Zeigel, Anehitecte LouP-H:i"lLer, Contnactor CB/mdd 77oSEtl EVERETT,/ ZETGEL ARCHITECTS AIA 23()5 CANYON BOULEVARD BOULDER COLORADO AO3O2 3O3 444 2571l-7 September 1970 Ed Strubel, Building Inspector Town of Vail Box 631Vail-, Colorado 81657 Dear Ed: My appreciation to you for your time and considerationregarding our construction of The Talisman Condominiumin Vail. Our intentions of course, are to comply wit,h the re-quirements of the Town of Vail for the health, safety and welfare of individuals utilizing the condominiunfacility. Naturally we desire to hold constructioncosts to a minimum while providing the best possible buil-ding. You may expect to receive our variance request towardthe latter part of the week of the 21st. Again my thanks for your help and I remain, fndebtedly yours, EVERETT/ZEIGEL, ARCHITECTS, A.I.A. bil fih,k Gerald G. (Bud) Hunt, Jr. GGH:bh 6rD-:Y.1Dq $Q,s( t' :>, k"/ 1!oue- /ftt<t&- CaPsr. &, $gglggy. UtLO€D klr<tecrtols aF --(4s'r g421,1,4UALt7J '*o" rr5 *HJ1oF vAtL vAtL, coLoRADO 8t6t 476-5613 ei1*. Aue ^4r 7o rouf ,1 LL uEl&s Do/lJc 'Sne.a?r,vAr, a4,u,+,€c7'/o/S l4l5f 8e ren Pcuoy eoPy' dr c,e7rrF4>2,*r Faa er{ wao6z 8/ 5472 //,74, ALSI P6rt€' lUelJr* A ututrext PeVoer pc. e7alr' FLooE ,ts lT ls eo*tpL€T€D (<er ll ececa). Frealm A .e.'4a/rT6-a e*swJ de F/erL/ AS ?a eoAr&z&4cs\rt" f deEPTA.E/(//y, tp/fii /4 llt/t Srrr,loneos ApO /4/Se SPsefta?7rot$, (ee: ua? -sq.Sos (t) PLEASE REPTY TO ...4> SIGNED rrltltc co,. lxc,. laooxr.lr. x' t. ttLa THI5 COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED , ilfintdNIAH TESilt{C COtsPAltI' WEIDER OUAURCATIOI{ 7-28-70 Ihis is to certify that ...Rqdney...Lee...Eii.enapn...........'.......- Emptoyed by ........... . Y.l Le.. S.r. eI.. I f e3...-.. F..e ryLc..9,,.... - has successfully pessed fhe test for Welding Opefators reqgired ln AWS D1.0-66 & AWS D2.0-66. end is duly qualified tro operate os a Welder as prwidcd for in sold codes subiect to lhe limilations stoled on the r€verso o p rocess of we I d i n g ..... lI Lg I 9.e i-..1!9 9.e _1.L1.._._4I_9 Plale or Pipe. Max. Thickness . I9......7..5Q Material Limitations ....-...9f..q9p.. P.:L. ...... /our- /lfuttez tbpsz A, Tr4 Lts4t4^J 4aA) +-r7 o 52N gggSgg1. UlL O€7s ftAtttcrrt,>tt s c'r €. (45Y 6t6atu/€l-'/7J FoLD t /4 I a wt ta€e t DanttC STR. q,rr'et A Cop.1/€Cr/a/ t /44, s/- lg pEe1/f'/t.)) - pz€ISf '*o* r$ toyll,pF vArL vAil' co{-oRADo 8l6t {i6-56t 3 ,u*. Aue - 4, 7o PcAtrlT foPy' dF c aE r/f /.4:-/ iJlr ,.o,4 Ltr// wcloep a/ se?f //, 7o, A t_:o Flt:4tJ F2pl'tt su A tJe /r7-e7'/ Et laer poe *ec{ Ft ooz 4s /r /< eo*r7L€rtD (ser lt rta r:t' ) , Fle)rh A 6)un( !,/E/c-p pt.ps arl ae F/,e er As ro eo Fopi4Apce f A(CL'/>74-8/< /7/ utrz1r' / fu/f Sr4*onees A^rO ,4/SQ -{pe o t:t7277 /.iJ*J!. (.er: uE? s9c 3 ,4r',o 3as(l) PLEASE REPLY TO -+ SIGNED d/ GRAYATC CO., tNC.' BROOKLYN' N. Y. t I2" DETACH THIS COPY- RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. 1!oue- /ftt<t&- CaPsr. &, $gglggy. UtLO€D klr<tecrtols aF --(4s'r g421,1,4UALt7J '*o" rr5 *HJ1oF vAtL vAtL, coLoRADO 8t6t 476-5613 ei1*. Aue ^4r 7o rouf ,1 LL uEl&s Do/lJc 'Sne.a?r,vAr, a4,u,+,€c7'/o/S l4l5f 8e ren Pcuoy eoPy' dr c,e7rrF4>2,*r Faa er{ wao6z 8/ 5472 //,74, ALSI P6rt€' lUelJr* A ututrext PeVoer pc. e7alr' FLooE ,ts lT ls eo*tpL€T€D (<er ll ececa). Frealm A .e.'4a/rT6-a e*swJ de F/erL/ AS ?a eoAr&z&4cs\rt" f deEPTA.E/(//y, tp/fii /4 llt/t Srrr,loneos ApO /4/Se SPsefta?7rot$, (ee: ua? -sq.Sos (t) PLEASE REPTY TO ...4> SIGNED rrltltc co,. lxc,. laooxr.lr. x' t. ttLa THI5 COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED , ilfintdNIAH TESilt{C COtsPAltI' WEIDER OUAURCATIOI{ 7-28-70 Ihis is to certify that ...Rqdney...Lee...Eii.enapn...........'.......- Emptoyed by ........... . Y.l Le.. S.r. eI.. I f e3...-.. F..e ryLc..9,,.... - has successfully pessed fhe test for Welding Opefators reqgired ln AWS D1.0-66 & AWS D2.0-66. end is duly qualified tro operate os a Welder as prwidcd for in sold codes subiect to lhe limilations stoled on the r€verso o p rocess of we I d i n g ..... lI Lg I 9.e i-..1!9 9.e _1.L1.._._4I_9 Plale or Pipe. Max. Thickness . I9......7..5Q Material Limitations ....-...9f..q9p.. P.:L. ...... /our- /lfuttez tbpsz A, Tr4 Lts4t4^J 4aA) +-r7 o 52N gggSgg1. UlL O€7s ftAtttcrrt,>tt s c'r €. (45Y 6t6atu/€l-'/7J FoLD t /4 I a wt ta€e t DanttC STR. q,rr'et A Cop.1/€Cr/a/ t /44, s/- lg pEe1/f'/t.)) - pz€ISf '*o* r$ toyll,pF vArL vAil' co{-oRADo 8l6t {i6-56t 3 ,u*. Aue - 4, 7o PcAtrlT foPy' dF c aE r/f /.4:-/ iJlr ,.o,4 Ltr// wcloep a/ se?f //, 7o, A t_:o Flt:4tJ F2pl'tt su A tJe /r7-e7'/ Et laer poe *ec{ Ft ooz 4s /r /< eo*r7L€rtD (ser lt rta r:t' ) , Fle)rh A 6)un( !,/E/c-p pt.ps arl ae F/,e er As ro eo Fopi4Apce f A(CL'/>74-8/< /7/ utrz1r' / fu/f Sr4*onees A^rO ,4/SQ -{pe o t:t7277 /.iJ*J!. (.er: uE? s9c 3 ,4r',o 3as(l) PLEASE REPLY TO -+ SIGNED d/ GRAYATC CO., tNC.' BROOKLYN' N. Y. t I2" DETACH THIS COPY- RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. -(lre,o(tr1 3ot 8z^9 4l tQ S, 'l 23'j>S F't Tmot 2ltcrto s\EtUblF,*tw PHONE 493.732I C. S. A{eurcr E. lli. Scr,afini Al. R. /rl euror ".-...-.-...,., -,1 ..-..-, ,.-i-:,;":, ),;t. rt i. {1 - t-*;.:;;,,:j ji;r 3 ()n;i:**t:rs - l',1.1? V,1.::; i9;.; l.'.'c,;ue D cnve r, Col orarl o 5C9O4 ",,'u.r no.32f!!- 6/23/70 A.H.M. IEGAL DESCRIPTION A part of Lots L and K, Block 5-E, Vail Village, First Filing, County of EagJ.e, State of Colorado, more particula::ly described as follows: Beglnning at a poiat oa the No-rth line of East l"leadoi,r Drive, saj-d Point being 99,70 feet frcn the East line of Vail- Road as measured along said North line aird the extension thereof ; thence N.75"53r00rrE. and along said Northerly Line a distance of L2.95 feet to a poinE of curve; thence along said Northerly line and along a curve to the right having a radius of 505.87 feet, a central angle of 2L"32r00", an arc distance of LgA.Lz feet to a point of tangent; thence along sa:i-d tangeni and along said Northerly line S.82"35'00r'E. a distance of 27L,43 feet to a point of curve; thence along a curve to the right iraving a radius of.75'00 feet, a central angle of 90"20r06tr, an arc distance of 118.25 feet to a point of reverse cu'Jve; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 170.00 feet, a central angle of 24'5Lt26", an arc distance of 73.75 feet; thence S.67'15t2711W. a distance of 92,8L feet to a point.of inter-'section ';rith the Southwesterly line of said Lot K; thence N.50o2/rr00r\nl . and along said Soutirwesierly line a distance of 58.00 feet; thence N.54'52r00"W. and along said Southwesterly line a distance of L27,00 feet to the Southwest corner of said l,ot K; thence S.69'50r00"W. aaci along the Southerly line of said Lot L a distance of 102.50 feet; thence N.55"08r28ilE,, a distance of L35.66 feet; thence Northwesterly LL6.94 feet, more or l-ess, to the point of beginning; containing L,664 acres. JUN 2 ,11970 ' EVERETT'ZEIGEL ,,,?o, ^ " A:'{,,^,1-,' ;fo ,,r'eb.,, 1., LA N N E R s June l-2, L970 Vall Water & Sanitation DistrictVail Municipal OfficesVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Kiandra Lodge Site Gentlemen: It is our understsanding that you are proposing a utility easementfor a nevr sewer line on the east and south east of the existing Kiandra Lodge sitse. The owners of the Kiandra have no objectionto this easement if the excavati-on does not get too close to theexisting structure, the excavation is compacted and the surfaceis returned co the condition existing at the time of excavatioa. I{e do not know the depths upon a distance from the folLowing drawing. of Ehis proposed excavation. I.Ie insist exiscing footing excavation as per the Extsl,-y 6|-.J P.o1es *l t-xc.tv4lt 7,.7c, s" J 9'tu',: r If you have any problenos meecing the or our office would appreciate being Sincerely, FREDRIC BENEDICT AIA & ASSOCIATES 40 Bruce R. Sutherland CC:Harald hlestbye, Charles Bynum, Kiandra Lodge VaiI Rtrj lding Inspector txrs lrn 7 €/rrc{..e above requirements, the owner advised before excavaEion. BOX ASPEN coLoFArro 81611 TELEPHONE 925-3481 0rcrQrA & Ass0crATEs AnlrrrEcrs &prAr*ERsFRE9RIC BEilE FIA *,{ *.,"o/.ru l,1/&:' L970 l{r. Ctrarles Blmum Bull.dtng Inepector City of Vall:Vail, Colorado 81657 Ref, Klandra Lodge Addltion 70-11 D,eaf !{r. Bynum:' The Lot area-bulLding square footege for the above-mentioned proJect is: Butlding area lneluding the addltion ls approxlnately 501900 sq. ft. (not lneludlng besenent areaa). Thc Lot area ts approxlmately 66,000 sq. ft. Stneerely, Bnrce Sutherland ,B$rl CC: llarald l{estbye 4O ASPEN COLORADO 8I611 TELEP.HONE 925.348I PHONE 493.732I C. S. A{eurcr E. lli. Scr,afini Al. R. /rl euror ".-...-.-...,., -,1 ..-..-, ,.-i-:,;":, ),;t. rt i. {1 - t-*;.:;;,,:j ji;r 3 ()n;i:**t:rs - l',1.1? V,1.::; i9;.; l.'.'c,;ue D cnve r, Col orarl o 5C9O4 ",,'u.r no.32f!!- 6/23/70 A.H.M. IEGAL DESCRIPTION A part of Lots L and K, Block 5-E, Vail Village, First Filing, County of EagJ.e, State of Colorado, more particula::ly described as follows: Beglnning at a poiat oa the No-rth line of East l"leadoi,r Drive, saj-d Point being 99,70 feet frcn the East line of Vail- Road as measured along said North line aird the extension thereof ; thence N.75"53r00rrE. and along said Northerly Line a distance of L2.95 feet to a poinE of curve; thence along said Northerly line and along a curve to the right having a radius of 505.87 feet, a central angle of 2L"32r00", an arc distance of LgA.Lz feet to a point of tangent; thence along sa:i-d tangeni and along said Northerly line S.82"35'00r'E. a distance of 27L,43 feet to a point of curve; thence along a curve to the right iraving a radius of.75'00 feet, a central angle of 90"20r06tr, an arc distance of 118.25 feet to a point of reverse cu'Jve; thence along a curve to the left having a radius of 170.00 feet, a central angle of 24'5Lt26", an arc distance of 73.75 feet; thence S.67'15t2711W. a distance of 92,8L feet to a point.of inter-'section ';rith the Southwesterly line of said Lot K; thence N.50o2/rr00r\nl . and along said Soutirwesierly line a distance of 58.00 feet; thence N.54'52r00"W. and along said Southwesterly line a distance of L27,00 feet to the Southwest corner of said l,ot K; thence S.69'50r00"W. aaci along the Southerly line of said Lot L a distance of 102.50 feet; thence N.55"08r28ilE,, a distance of L35.66 feet; thence Northwesterly LL6.94 feet, more or l-ess, to the point of beginning; containing L,664 acres. JUN 2 ,11970 ' EVERETT'ZEIGEL ,,,?o, ^ " A:'{,,^,1-,' ;fo ,,r'eb.,, 1., LA N N E R s June l-2, L970 Vall Water & Sanitation DistrictVail Municipal OfficesVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Kiandra Lodge Site Gentlemen: It is our understsanding that you are proposing a utility easementfor a nevr sewer line on the east and south east of the existing Kiandra Lodge sitse. The owners of the Kiandra have no objectionto this easement if the excavati-on does not get too close to theexisting structure, the excavation is compacted and the surfaceis returned co the condition existing at the time of excavatioa. I{e do not know the depths upon a distance from the folLowing drawing. of Ehis proposed excavation. I.Ie insist exiscing footing excavation as per the Extsl,-y 6|-.J P.o1es *l t-xc.tv4lt 7,.7c, s" J 9'tu',: r If you have any problenos meecing the or our office would appreciate being Sincerely, FREDRIC BENEDICT AIA & ASSOCIATES 40 Bruce R. Sutherland CC:Harald hlestbye, Charles Bynum, Kiandra Lodge VaiI Rtrj lding Inspector txrs lrn 7 €/rrc{..e above requirements, the owner advised before excavaEion. BOX ASPEN coLoFArro 81611 TELEPHONE 925-3481 0rcrQrA & Ass0crATEs AnlrrrEcrs &prAr*ERsFRE9RIC BEilE FIA *,{ *.,"o/.ru l,1/&:' L970 l{r. Ctrarles Blmum Bull.dtng Inepector City of Vall:Vail, Colorado 81657 Ref, Klandra Lodge Addltion 70-11 D,eaf !{r. Bynum:' The Lot area-bulLding square footege for the above-mentioned proJect is: Butlding area lneluding the addltion ls approxlnately 501900 sq. ft. (not lneludlng besenent areaa). Thc Lot area ts approxlmately 66,000 sq. ft. Stneerely, Bnrce Sutherland ,B$rl CC: llarald l{estbye 4O ASPEN COLORADO 8I611 TELEP.HONE 925.348I No. ----..!l 'V CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AND COMPLIANCE Vail, Colorado --l-r:'-;--i-'J-- -l9 - - -!;-,) Permit is hereby gr"nt d.-...Iig.-l!..'ltt{t.'.:,-- to occupy the building as. - - J-,-.;-.;: ;itt:J. -E "L:-ili t3- - - - on Lots "..-, Block--.-. Addition. Located in -------...---iLlji.:Leriiij.l.--:t-('€..-..--..-.--.. zoning district. The address knovfir as .. - - - ]Lar:.i.- j".,.a!l Qu": - J)Lr-!t t- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Applicant shatrl maintain said building in accordance ,with all present or future ordinances with respect rp sanitation, buil-PresenE of ruf,ure ordtnances wttrr fe,spect tlc santtatron, burt- ding and zoning. .r{',/ - . ,/ t'- ,,1 ..t. : / L 4l k +.. .:.-.,, f t.... : / :l ui::. I _. !:.i:.17:1...::....... ..... INSPEbTION JRECOBD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Vail, Colorado Phone 476-561t To Insure Inspection the same day call: 476-5613 before 11:00 A M DO NOT COVER UP AN; WORK NOT INSPECTED .o Notice: Inspections will not b€ made unless this card is posted on the job. ALL subcontractors must be licensed and sign this ca'rd to obtain inspection. ,7-*e l trt f Concrete--f-I Heatine -l_-rl Elestr,icaf Plumbing t-- I Dry Wall or LratJring I I T() C(IMPTY WITH C(|DE INSPECTION RECORD To obtaln in:pections call 4?6-5613. Inspe€tions wiil be made the same day on calls before 11 A. M. No inspeetion will be made on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays. Inspection F Founda I z-t-zz 7-/ -t7 Approved Rejected By fnspections will not bo made until permit has been secured anrl contrar- tor has slgned and placed his llcense number iu the spaces obove. Date I\tlasonry 7 -21-67 846 Certificate of Occupa.ncy and Compl'iance must be ob- & tained before structure is occupied. .:L .1? , ./ K.ANDRA LtrDEiE /er/:'--.4,,_- o,>a- _/<42/.^+i. pt -*_,t'-/fQVAIL, trOLORADtr 81657 (/ 10 51 d., -,.< 1s62, W $468 -€s-/aa ),--- -- -D o r,r,.rn s t4L- \(-l:iOal."CL5lr: 5ne lL lrr' ().r lrLJ E a"'tJ I J a'. JrJ L L'r .r..' 1':r.rinsLtlr-:a1:n1.r4tr1ffi .!d:lG-;Gii45*j1: : (l '-r' J Ah-'*''>h f"/w* V ('- 0';-o*'&6*{.' Rn.,_, JO'oo t Q?,ac'ffiryry to 4 t ., IVb. Bruce Sutherland Fredrlc eenedtct Archttect, AIA P. O. Box'40 Aspen, Colorado ', :. . . Dear Mr. Sutherland: In 1eqard to tlre permlt fee, I find.that enough. /// May 20, 1969 !n as much obtain have n trermlt Fee Plan Cbeck Clean Up Fee "{ 473.25 Pald: $lr04B.0C started constructlon and wlsih to so that you may contlnue, I wtIl plans as ]nou go along. check the followlng 4"u*t'lons from the code: l. 2. wlndows do:not conform. See 3320. c Block work needs vertlcal and horlzontal reeenforcement. Durowall may be calculated as part of the horlzontal steel. See. 23L4 (K), 3 and Sec. 24LB (e), 3. Hearths should be 18" wide and extend, 12" past the fire box. Sec. 37A4 hr., ,' WESTBYE LODGE at Vall II 'I " ."' . : : . ,..., Further devlatlsns wtll be noted and,transmltted to the contractor or toyori.&$}Qu'wish..':...... Sincerely r' THE TOWN OF VAIL Charles G. Bynum, P. E. Buildinq Olficial cc: Midwest Construetlon, Denver I Aprll 14, f?69 KilIIINDATION PERMIT Permisslon ls hereby granted to Richmond lates as olrner on tot t, Blockto construct the foundati.on of a four:story lodge 5-8, Vall Village Flrst Fillng, ln complianee wlth plans for thls project submltted by Fredertc Benedlct,rdance with the provlslons of the 1964 Unlform Bufldlnt'@ ThiS ls a temporary permit tion of a\dortion of a buildlng tn accordance wlth Secti 1964 Unlform Building Code and the holder of such per at hls own rlsk wlthout or structure wlIl beasguranee that the permlt for gTanted. "o' -"4--{'.',/APPBQYED: ,, ,,,.. _ . Vall Buildlng,Offlcer I l,' f'ltii! iit,\, 1;|\ /J t':u| ' r/t-Sda/. - t4t -'# ,* ;;i qr- *{rS i / t",f''r, 2v/ 3 SE r z. fP * /' 6r'a ' / 4. eb -z).,"t 7,2 'Oa ia , ?2' fp 7f'a'a /to, t 'l) a.^ ) ). lad '!..o '-*'""":V/f."i, . 1"-'s 7lor. zl - "eA-#' ffi-i--nni;:7:'"Jr ' t"!n'* Y' "- rVii 'zS / a t/,?. aa --------=Y'?f't5 l?' 4 ). ... ' .-" tt,/t G - .":E*; o PPLICA TION FOR BUILDING t\t He rvrn''11 'r PERMIT THE TOWN OF VAIL Iicant fill in this section onl Building address ' Date of A oplication arIle Pddress Z City "1,; " .,' INSPECTION RECORD (f or Departrnental use only) BUILDING INFORMI TION New A ddition A lte ration Repairs Type of oc cupancy_[gf,j1*_ .A rea oJ Lot <,.1/ , {,1-9 BUILDING DIMENSIONS Total floot atea (sq ttl_+{, s.-_ No. of stories 3.1 4 Ht. +2:G" Nr. of toorns*!!-No. baths 6-c3 No. of water closets 8'7 No . of Farnilie s ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTION (Materials & Labor) COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE duu0 l,!)p,lo \: .n F E,\ Narr'e ,1-1,J/, -*" t C^rl", o 1, u, , fi Address City Tel. No. Elock Subdivision (CircIe correct cla ss ification)l. Type of constructio" t,fi)fii) Iv, v\-'Z \-.-;/ ?- Occupancy group A i \ {i .t:l n \ i r{ N \ s sl \") "ld 0r 0, c) q) ()g d rd *r a g) t-{ rlq!)g$ Ft -rug HFt1 E,IE;8<P dQI LJ 'lz6z&ztu<;7. H l-lpu (' {d & d t.p.n {r} c)q) +r F l.r +a o .J { e'ilt-qE \la\]ro4".1 drq 3E dqr.'{ +,ddtlr Q n I tr fil!) o +,u k to Eou o +rIo g) a0 E tr E nl !, .9 dF ,l !i AJ N ts k.?3 U 5o .6 G, aIo o o+,do +)h 0)u INSPECTION APPROVf L FOUNDATIONS (De\CQ d: o..s* o-cq'.{ <f'{-'q .-. \ drc{ >\. FoF!q) ok n. \\\ rI l.{ 'I \s o +Jd 0) 0) L ho .xa o) ru (o 0) d r.l (s (D d n do (u (t a! lrd t o ([ 0) o (')g I l,l c .:dgt dO d*trctdc) bo +.1 nxCHdo E,e >.8.O f{ NEs,o6o ^t{ah<i5 () tr-t. .tcbo u) +i ).r l.r 0) a St z Ho {sl FTaz z |.r rl 5t1 rq FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGH FINA L ROUGH rINA L ,Iao $relrrc !-oql q uun GfrESS a B z FREDRIC JOHN M, ROSOLACK, ASSOCIATE ENEDICT ARC I H ITE TEI.EPHOT{E AIA i25-3481 T Apr1l 10, 1969 Mr. Blake Lyneh Eul.ldlng l}epartnent "*-Vall, Colorado RE: Iodge on Lot I, Block 5E Val1 , Colorado Dear l{r. Lynch: fhe partlalLy conpleted drawlnge eubmitted to you on March 2L, L969 meet the requirements of the tlnlform Buildlng Codeof the Internatlonal Confer€nce of Bulldlng Offlclals L967 EdLtlon, Volume 1 to the best of our krowledge. SLncerely, FRSDRIC BENEDICT ARCHITECT AIA I{estbye 4O ASPEN COLORADO 8I6II Bruce ,f'L 1U",{f.- of{. Aprtl l, 1969 Mr. Blake LYnch Buildtng llepartnen! VaLl, Colorado RE: Lodge on IPt L, Block 5E Va1l, Colorado Dear l{r. LYnch: The parcl.ally courpleced drawtngs -aubmluted co you on March ti; it6t ,".1 ch"'requtremente-or rhe uniform Bulldlng-qg. oi'tt. Iqternarlonal Confercnce of Bulldlng off,tclelo 1967 EdLclon, Volune I to tha bert of our lcnowledga' Sincerely' TREDRIC BENEDI T AROIITEST AIA Bruce Sutherland BS:blh cc WeetbYe BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Pe rrnit ,*.futeL2- Perrnission is hereby e"^nt"d ,tr'o/-t r-n4/ fu-zl;,F ^'/2"o-.au * &-f.r-.a* a / syty l/ " fnz-t".) ""%7f-*l'*t &t'4r .2*i. / ddres s In accordance with the C ornmittee, subject to Pr ote ctive Covenants. Type of C on st ruction -T-a/Z(}. Contractor l.pproved provisions set forth by the Vail /'rchi.tectural Control the rules and regulations as set forth in the VaiI Village and in cornpliance with the i964 Uniforrn Building Code. cro.4!-E €'-L Vail Building Inspec INSPECTICN RECORD (For Departrnental use Qnly) INSPECTICN I'OUNDATIONS .\ PPROV-A L COMMFNTS DATE & SIGNITURE FRA MING b0 .d tgl FINAL ROUGHo c) l'l FIN..^ L ROUGH bo a1 -l FIN/ L ROUGHjr do FIN/1 L FREDRIC a B ENEDICT ARC o H ITECT AIA -2 ) .// ) r,b-/TJttlnti',/ --/JOHN M. ROSOLACK. ASSOCIATE July 1-4, L969 Mr. Charles B5mum Building Inspector Vail, Colorado Re: Iodge at Vail Dear l,lr. Bynun: In connection rf,ith our conversation of JuLy 8, Lhe fourth floor loft areas af,e to be used as part of the l.iving room area. In checking with Mr. Bridgee of the International Conference of BulLdtng Offlcials, he confirmed your position on the boller room exlt door. I{e wl-ll hinge the existing door so that it wll-l swing lnto the boiler room as per your recomendatlon. Sincerely, FRMRIC BENEDIST ARCIIITECT AIA Bruce Sutherl BRS:111 CC: Thomas Thompson, Clarence Jackson, Ilarald Westbye Vail, Tltan Construction Denver, Titan Construction 8OX ,t0 ASPCN COTORAOO 8l6l I TETEPHONE 925-3481 FR EDRIC roBENEDICT ARCHITECT AIA JOHN M. ROSOLACK, ASSOCIATE April 24, 1969 Mr. Blake Lynch City Manager VeLl, Col-orado RE: Westbye Lodge Dear Blake: We understand that you are unabl.e to issue a buildlng pernl_tfor the total project at thLs tlme. However, lt is our under-standing that the project as submitted has been accepted bythe Vail Architectural Control Comittee end lt neets wlththe loeal zoLr^g requirements. I{e have by previous l-etter indlcated our intentlon to meetwith Bullding Code requirements and rre assume when we submitfLnal dralvings, which conform to code, we wLJ.1 be issued abuilding permit. Sl-ncerely, FREDRIC BENEDICT ARCHITECT AIA Bruce SutherLand BRS:blh ec. Harald Hestbye Alan Fleischer w/copy of per:arit cox 40 AsPEN COTORADO 8l6ll TELEPHONE 925-3481 l,{r. BLake Lynch Clty l{anager VaiL, Colorado 81657 FREDRIC BENEDICT ARCHITECT BOX 40 ASPEN COLORADO 81611 rr_'' FREDRIC o B ENEDICT AR ITECT AIA JOHN M. ROSOLACK, ASSOCIATE May 19, L969 VaiL Buildlng Department c/o Bullding Inspector Val-l, Colorado 8L657 RE: Rlchmond Associates Iodge at Vail- (Westbye lodge) Gentlemen: EncLosed herein ls the completed archltecturel-, structural , mechenical and electrical drawings for the above mentionedproJect. We have obtalned a pernit for excevation and foun- dation work only; at this time, and we wouLd now llke to have the permit l-nclude the totaL bulLding proJect. It is our understanding that we have paid for the entire proJect permlt fee. Slnce the projeet is under constructlon, we woul-d appreclate obtainlng your final- approval as soon as possible. Sincerely, FREDRIC BENEDICT ARCHITECT AIA oCH BRS:blh Encloeures cc lloward Snith HaraLd I'lestbye Ml-dwes t Cons truction-Denver Sutherl- BOX 4O ASPEN COLORADO 8I6II TETEPHONE 925 - 3,f Al ',A*.*u= -21 r"*"t--r- STATE OF COIPRADO COT'NTY OF EAGLE firet duly Bworn upon oath, arc true and correct orrnatlon and bclief' to wit: l. That thie gtatcment is made lo conjunction with the flllng of an application for a building pertnit to the Town of ,Vail and to eornply with the requirements of Article VII, Seetioo 3, Ordinance Numbcr ? (Seriea of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Towa o{ Vail. 2, The dee ptlon of the building aite for the propoecd buildiag ia ae followe: (Dcacription may be criptton. ) oa surveyor'e map may be used to ehour deg- 3. The propoeed buildlag Elte contains fect, and the propoeod building contalno of area as defined in the aforegaid Zontng O 4. The proposed buildlag, ae it relatoE to thc building eite area' conrplies to the Floor Area Rptio for the aoning whlch applies to the building eite, ea defined in the aforegaid Zoning Ordinance. The foregoing affidavit and dec DECLARATICIN OF I;AND. ALI,OCATION Il ss. t sworn to before flt€, a-notary public, byb+ . ilary or betf. " , 1969. depose and aay tbat the following accorCing to my beet knowledge, /lv' u\-.ree[becribcd andt NOTARY PUBLIC a#r My Comnr;s:iort e;rpl;es Fubruary 13, 1974 pruMslNc PERMTT APPL'&t'o*/Jao f2 Jurisdiction ot Upl L Applicant to numbered spaces only. I DESCi.{[see ertrcxeo sx: er; MAI L ADDiESt ZIP COI{IRAC IOR MA|L ADORESS3 Cuur PHONE I.ICENSE NO. ARCHTTECT MAI L AODRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 4 FAsDAtc MAI L ADDRESS ICENsE NO. USE OF AUILOING 8 Class o{ worK: tr NEW ffiONrcN, tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR 9 Describe work: Typs ot Firturs or lt m SPECIAL CONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOTLET) LAVATORY (WASH BASIN' KITCHEN SINK & DISP. APPLICATION ACC€PTEO gY:APPFOVEO FOR ISSUANCE AV LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERIVIIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COM- MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. sIGNAIURE OF CONTRACTON OF AUTITOFIZED ACENI URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR-SINK OR ORAIN cAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING E TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM EREAKERS I.3WN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT cK. M.O. CASH Itr \VA \\ 1u\26,\ \)N ROBLES O PASAOENA, CAII 'ORNIA PERMIT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIDATION INSPECTOR INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS ' 50 SO. LOSForm lOo.2 9-69 REOFO EF FROM I 9t IOl USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW.UP, ETC. AV€EAC€. (TPtuoAA PeA 5g<- L t a tE. 'OED- J 4R.No,6. (96? tFes '( , E'rf. _52- 5a.9L.' , .fi€u 4t ou l- oo 68"t? lzltl2 8o Qo o 4c,S 1 GEAD€ 1o Pr.E. =- L'-8:- -et -u- erraog To cL6. ? *:b au6,r4sr.- Oa41 - Sr, Bt.1; -a"e_= SIS-|7$- Brnnr, Fra- 8t 4 o t -9 r Gp/\pr - Bl11-5" ,t' - 3" 607'.oa- t'(t-S g!A51!Flt=D--A - 4Et-g-t=AE----- -- a APPLICATION r.OR BUILDING PERMII THE TOWN Ol. VAIL (Applicant fill in this eection only) Building addtees l-:tL-t !A,t4,: V&le. Date of Application S-/zS /4 Narne f4cl,tm.+^l l- ctac tS Addre a s Name E ver,urr a. I c:6eL- Addres s City Eoueo e/r* Tel. No. .lLot $[ierocl BUILDING INFORMATION New .glAdditionAlteration- RePairs-*- TyPe of occvqaa'cY ;2U!A&JW' (Al1 parte of building) B tIrLD lNc-bnrar uslq t'l s fif'"t"l fl""t.rea (sq frl--7oo *.- odlr g ou No. of water closets City /z1tfiG Tel. No. ,rt-7r3 ---No. of Families ' No of stories--Ht'-._ No. of rooms No' baths- ESTIMATED CCST -g oF coNsTRUCTroNl@g -(Materiela & Labor) , i{ S',Uai.'l"io; (Circle correct clas sificationl Type of construction I.II.III.M. Occupancy group A. B. C. D. E. F. G.H. I. J. Ju,)*- q llzr/Signed Approval by planning and architectural control committee to obtain building permit. Date Signature Receipt of Plans- ', 'rr, 8'9-lliggEcIlq-Ueroval of e''"-Jfi (2 sets reouired)--:--5;;-"* .. "-.-_-'-- '-/ bate Atnount of Permit Fee $ ,t.oo, -.4. A, /a.)b:Jli)Paid? Cash $ Check $:,: t:;-- Arnount of Clean up rffi eaid: Caeh $-check $ z:-."e Date permit issued Final inspection Tap fee paid Amount Certificate of o.J[liEf a-i"itlia""l - Name P.e aurt<,; Foo. Address /{-/ L - /7 t* A,/ Py'eo"n'^-f"bz.-,^--|fu**,J:t(Peimittee) Construction clean-uP I o Pe rrnit Perrnission is hereby ^. /.orfr*n-lh--, BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado g rante d 967 ffi- Date tfu,ovz ZO, t to -b 1- /,2'.+r--t /,'42l-/.4 ".'- >l-! ddr""s / tl"-C--t'n a*-v In accordance with the Cornmittee, subject to Protective Covenants, provisions set forth by the VaiI the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the I964 '/ /a .A' rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Building Code. Group ..7/ .rlTvpe of C onst ruction ,ry4 C ont ra cto r "l pproved ,-1"/.0.! Vail Building Inspector INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use OnIy) INSPECTION FOUND.\TIONS .\ PPROV} L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNITURE F.Rr' MING FINA L bo d ) g.l ROUGH() o Iq FINI L ROUGH FINA L do l-. l"r-! ROUGH ho -a.J d a, E tDl.11 | FIN} L -'J-t.: &/" .i t- ,l - . ..1. ;',- - ,-<. '.'r)' ,\' ,,:-; ..' ,/ '., -' c '(- . ''-u-( -/ cv! \- . i,/ ,,/ . l . ----..L,ti ./ ,-.'(,. ,1 t 'i ../\t-(-' ( ,/ (.-ilr ... :--i "*. February 5, 1969 ', Sincerelyn ) - .VAIL ARCHITECTURAL ITTEECONTROL (- t, Br: PWS: bb Peter !1. Selbert Chai'rman -.^--f-t"-, inc-, .nn iL' o"! *o-*l t' Mr. Harold t{estbYe General DeliverYVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Herrsnie: 'After detailed review of the p1an9 for your^lodge on Lot L' Block 5-E, Ftrsi-Fiii";; rhe irchirectui'a1 Control- committee iiili"-iil ;;;ii*i""iv'6,pprova1 of Ehe pro-jecr pending the following: , . saLls faction; 'i 'i v1t'a' t' ' ' - submission aia appioval of a rendering;' - s"u*i"sfon and aiirroval of a model;' --' submission and approval of a skeleton outline' In regard to the drainage easement you have requested running iiir!!"i"-rJi"-i..r on rhe east bounir"iy of youi.prope-rgy ar-rd-three io-ii"i-f".t-o"-ttt.-"uit boundary- of the remainder of Block L' 'Vall Associates agrees to grant this uasement' The details ehould ' be iinatized bv y6u with Slifer and Company' aREA CODE 303 476-5 6()1 ONE WALL STREET, VAIL, COLORADO 6I657 a PLI , -.t,- ,tr .pP CATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN OF VAIL licant fill in this section o i Building address Date of A opli.cation aIne -A ddre s s BUILDING INFORM} TION A dditionNew A lteration Reoairs Type o{ occupancyl.l a)g Bo :lJ .|rltrto City /javiz ;,.2 zle, /a Tel. No. /t/z-ggjt .A rea of Lot d d0 tUrl 7 Zze Gr < Address City_'-/?t., r",o, l'" _ Tet. No. +uu-z, rt City l); ,, , t .Tel. No. Jf(-C-;r -s Flock Subdivision (Circle correct classif ication) l. Type of construction I, II, III, BUTLDTNG DTMENSTONg ., .Total floor area (sg ftl_/2(t{_9_! 'n (,.'No. of stories i Ht. lffuZ!".r"-u Nc. of ,oorns 4d No. baths/Z No. of water cLosets 4') No . of Farnilie s ESTIMATED COST ,",6i s \a, + gl \) ?. Occupancy grourr L"J t,'^ d p, o .P rt, rJ(, a() uc u d cH atl tr d l.{o o !., rl {pgs Ft -:()E HE E$ HI49dn E&ZF<ia.lop,c) dA >.ocd uo o o d() +ttr OJ O o5 Ic (do o g o oj ti o E u tr u 0)& lD trFt (0c ftt c tl .n C) tU o. nlh -9 t\ I E tU a 6 F }rop a)+r .0a xI lu g g qt du € d 0r o .1 h c, .t-ltr o E{ \i $lrl N \IA dd tq o .d F. n { INSPECTION RECORD (f or Departrnental use only) APPROVF L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATUREINSPECTION FOUNDATIONS oF coNsr Rv cr roN;fuitfuAn (Materials & Labor) I li, or G, ((ct;t ud 9f .:.Ed l6dO.tt +' ca).0 0) bo +,t'7.Fr a1A7dtrrd o+re: Eho l'.pho -1 t p" Eob.lretr hnEt-| (E '-{aI';<5.o o l.t .0g b! (/) C) (!a z Flu H P.'.t/lzl-l oz atl FI (,r d trr d.l frt t E as k d tr .i u? -.|5 t{ ul l'ao t{ c) ,xo 0) qJ 1.. tr tUv .\ltrP o +) q) o n+,F 0) F o td dil)lrd tr o d o 1t) th p, tllo(I) rd o h 1'4, n FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGH FINf L ROUCH FINAL ROUGH FINA L tr rd tU a /irr\ l/' i' I t' \''' . l''1 1'\ I i,*,r, r. I T ri' I l'. t n I lt r' -\,:4!',/Y\ -A{( ,t L.4i) jil ii ! ii tli .,: l , -t-, _.. z. l o SURVFY No.37061 cEqTIItIC,ITE Cl SrtiivrllY I, B. Max Seraflnl, a Reqlstered Land prcpert.,' wi?s surveyed an<J steked under p]-at: June 17, 1968 Surveyor, certlfy that on June 11, 1958 thc n:r' aupervlsion, es lndicated on the attaehed A part ol Lot Kr Bl-ock !-E, vai)" virlage First Fil1ng, corrntv of Eagre, state ofColorado, nore particularly Cescribed as follor€: Beginntnq at the Northsest cornr:r' of said Lot K; thence S.8zoJtrOonE. and along theNorth line ci s;iid Lot ji a distance of r37.lr3 feet t.: a noint of r:urve: thencealong a cutrye to the rigtrt havins a radj.us of ?5.C0 feet, a central angle of ?Oo|OfO5n,!n arc distance of 118,25 feet t.o a poi nt of reverse eurve; thence along a eurve totlelef+.-haviriq a radi'rs of^170.00 feet, p- cent.ral snqfe of ilPl]rr?_6n, ^; are dlstaneeof ?3.75 feet,l thence s,6tor5,27r',',. ^ distanee of ?2.i1 feet to a poi.nt or. inter- eect-i-on vri th +.he soul,hr'ree terly 1i ne of said Lot K; rence N. (6o2)11 66rrlal. an<J a'l,ongsald Southwe:ster1,'ljne a djsl.anee of 53.f0 feet; tbenee N.611052tO0t'ir,. .a1d along saidSouthwe.sbcrly_]lf:," tiistnnce of 127.00 feet tn l,he fjorrthrrest. corner of sairi Lot K;thenee N.17"f13t36ttE. and aicng i.fre iJest,erl;r linr: of said lot I( a dlstance of 126.11feet to the t,nre poi::l, of be:Ijnninq; ecntajning jor32c.lL sourre feet or 0.708acres, 'nore or less. BUILDING PERMIT VaiI, Colorado Date ? -/?OGP Pe rrnit as Q-?,'$ra"t*,-to C-., t-..--t a 3 stury In accordance with the Cornrnittee, subject to Protective C ovenant s . provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in compliance with the 1964 Group -A' rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniform Building Code, Type of C onstruction Contractor ,/ t ,,l A pproved VaiI Building Inspector INSPECTION RECORD (For Depa rtrnental use OnIy) INSPECTION NPPROVAL COMMENTS DATE & SIGN,ATURE FOUNDATIONS r.R.AMING u0 ! .l gl FINAL ROUGHQ a) 14 FINf L ROUGH bo p,FIN,A L ROUCH boj, d 0) o FINA L o .W Pe rrnit Pe rrnis s ion is hereby as conTracto14 BUIL]]ING PERMTI.I. Vail, Colorado ( Date July 17 r9 68 granted Fned Rumford, Owne t. Co. to construct a three sto ry , _l4l44r\.r-l-rrY.on part of lot K. Block ing -l ddre s s Vail , Colorado In accordance with the C ornmittee, subject to Protective Covenants, 'I'ype of C onst r uc ti on provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 Group Lou Miller Constnucti Comoan l.pproved A rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Building Code. C ontr:actor Vail Building Inspector INSPECTICN RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) <l bJl I trl INSPECTION .\ PPROVS L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNTTURE FOUND;TIONS -X* FR,^ MING ft{-t'fnrf,n t/#- FINA L ROUGH 11 rr" tryV(, u l4hh /\tir^ zry a.) I'r FINl^ L t.I C Ut J t 6.t( :' f(- ;1/3 / //)l- tl)a f, oo; O,FINA L ROUGH ROUGH jo G 0)F o a FINA L i b[,^*,- 'rturfu 7tf - e(6 e Pe rnrit Pe lrnis s ion is he reby as contractor s BUILDli{c PER}vilr. Va il, Coioradr: to constl:uct 1ng .n ddre s s Vai1, Color"ado fla fr' .Trr 1 ', 1 t, tq Ac a three In accordance with the Committee, subject toProtective Covenants, 'f ype of C onst ructiorr p r ovi s ions s et f o rth by ths Va.iltlrc rrrles and rcguJations a.s set and jn compliance with the 1964 /' rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Building Code. .' .", ,"./ J''/', '/ 7/ .t'r-\ ( .<2, t-"'1. -r//- d<t' .Vail Eui1ding Inspe cto r Cont::actor Group r,ou Mifler Constructi Comoan irpr:oved INSI.)T CTICN RECORD i t;I { i .tiI ii , il (For Departrnental use Onlv) al rd INSPECTICN .\ PPROV,1 i,.CO]vI]vIENTS DA TE & SIGN,^ 1, URE I'OUND; TIONS F.]FINA I- ROTTGFI FRI lvlTNC Uas trIN.,\ L ROI]GHp F FIN, L ROUCH '",1 i, Il' I l, &l _bo d 0) E t! ixz FINA L /, "L o rl }TPPLICATION F'OR BUILDING PERMiT THE TOWN OF VAIT, Iicant fill in this section onl I Building addrr:ss BUiLDINC INFORM,A TIONi Date of /,r>plication E lock Subdivis ion Circle correct cla s s ification N"*_-A__ /.ddition_ I lteration Renai rs Type of oc cupancy ,' rt:a of Lot BUILDING DIMENSIONS t.: No. of stories I *,. 1y, ctat,;,.Li (. Nr. oI tootns 40 No. baths{ No. of water closets .i ? No, of Families ESTIMNTtrD COST oF coNsT RvcTrovn?,6.{r O AO- (Mate rials & Labor) y' ddress Tel. No. Lot d u4 orl 1. Type of construction I, II, III, ]V ,(V,, i "; ;r Z. Occupancy gl'ouo t,'8, C, D, E, F, G l-\F -l ;r'i I{c), Id"1 | E;r IHEi Ifi{;-l;9, El<, 9! ol '? i EltO., l dl : Ent ilsi2t EIE't o 61.!o,o r cl'i illllllllll tillt.l Illi l,h'$fi*],tiu'n'u c)tr n Ioi(.) r: '.{ rc o*tr rr(dO do bn {n F (': d O+r hO trpho p6nr5".8lr -1 'O ^ (g --rX tr ''rt.., .-r 5<i;.o (.) l.{ c FO Ul () ,1.(t z F f.l PIa r{ l-l J F-l I tit | || t, !'$'!'iilull,ll!' t fi*1fi llT;t I j*;fi'HF; ; ! ;3[;gFIs i aiit;Efo |- C (i.d.o.= o o)d INSI)ECTION iTECORD (for Departrnental use only) INSPECTION ;',PPROV/ L FOUNDAl'IONS COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE J c.l FRAMING ROUCH FiNF L ROUGH FINA L ROUGHhj) d) -Ll-, ir FIN} L I I I t' {