HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT L K KIANDRA TALISMAN AKA SONNENALP AUSTRIA HAUS 1990 TO 1999 GENERL LEGALDEPARTT{EMT OF COMMUTI'I?Y DEVELO V" 97 75 South Frontage Road Departtnent of Community Development vail, colorado 81657 NotrE: TIIrs pERMTT Musr BE posrED oN ,foBsrrE AT ArJL TrMEs 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 t 3 9 FAX970-479-2452 ADD/A1T MF BnrLD pERMIT permir #: 899-0045 ,Job Address: Locati-on. . - : Parcel No..:Project No.: APPTTCANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O_ BOX 34L9, \rAIL, CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 34L9, VAIIJ,OWNER I{ & W PROPERTIES INC 5554 GREENWOOD PTAZA ;; 62 MEADOW DR 62 E. Meadow, Talignan 2101-082 -05-004 PR^t9 9 - 0062 Wanfv ,dt /0b / 1/K 92, , Ut//,#e H / Status...: fSSUED IlnApplied. . : 04/06/L999Issued...: 04/07/L999 Elpires ..: LO/O4/1999 970 -845 -L001 97 0 -845 - 10 01 co, CO, Phone: CELL# 47r-4888 81-5s8 Phone: cErL# 471,-4888 816s8 8LVD, ENGLEWOOD CO 801112385 Description: Haynes/Wilson kit,chen/bath remodel, nen windows TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De Refund approved amount Occupancy: R1 '48)e Construction: v If1pe Occupancy: Val-uaEion: MuIti-Family ]--HR Type V L-I{our 160, 000 Fl,!eFLace Reatricted: l{O *Of ca6 AppLiances: rr.rrritrr*a*ar FEE suullARy Building----- > Plarl Ch6ck---> Inv€stigEtion> nill CeIl, -- -- > Add ssdEhb fof cas Loga r . oo .00 soo. o0 *of tiood/Pa1L.t: 9SO.00 537 . O0 . o0 3.O0 Rcstuarant Plalr RGvlen- -> DRB Fee-------- R6cierCion E€e----------> elcarr-t4r DcE osit---- -- --> TCTXAI, FEES-.... Toual calculated Fecg-- - > Ad.dLtional FGCa--- -- -- - - > ToCaI Pefllit Fee-----_--> Payuants------ - BAT.AIiICE DVE-_-. 2 ,72O . oO '00 2,r2O.OO 2.\2O.OO .oo Item: 0510004/06/L999 04 / 07'/'J,999rtem: 05400o4/.06/.L999 04 / 06 /l.999rtem: 05600 04 / 06 /L999Itbm:' 0550004/ 06 /Lgse Dept:ro iIR- DAVISDept: DepE: Dept: BUITTDfNG PI,ANNING FIRE Pt'B WORK Division: Division: Division: Division:. BIII IJD ING DEPAR1IT1EIiI:IKATTIY Act,ion: NC}TE RouIedCHARIIE ACTiON: APPR CTARLIE PIJANTiIING DEPART}{ETiTTKATIIY Actsion: NOTEKATTIY AcLion: APPRFIRE DEPARTMENTKATIIY AcLion: APPRPIIBLIC WORKSKATHY Actsio T: APPR NIAN/A N/a N/A See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions that, may apply tro this per|Il.it. I hereby ackaosledEe ChaC I have rcad Ehis applieatj.on, fiLled oue iD fuLl Ehe furlEoruaeion requilad, coqpleted .n accuraU€ plots pfan, ard Etats ehaL all l,h. infonation provided a6 lequirsd i6 correct'. I agree t'o conply vith gh€ inf,ontration and plot plan, Eo co|tlply vitsh all Tovn ordillancee and Ecate lars, and fo buiLd this grructure .ccordi4g to ch€ To$n'E zonirtg and lubdiwisiolr cod.a, desj.gn rovien approv€d, Uniforu Bui1dj.ng code and other ordinanee. of the Tonn applicable tsheleEo. REQI'ESTS FOR N$}PE(TIOUS SIIAIJ, BE I|ADE TTTEIITI. POT'R !{OI'RS S€bd Cl6;r-gtr| Dctroele To: $edbo sre{arlrRE *} oE corrrRAeoR FoR HrEsELrr ANir .onrrED ********************************tt*****************t**************************** CONDITIONSPenn:it #: 899-004G as of O /LS/gg Status: ISSLED*****************/***************************************************+t********** Pe]crrlir,.Type: ADD/ALT MF BUIIJD PERMTT Applied: o4/06/LgggApplicant: NEDBO CONSTRUCTToN lisued: o4/07/L9gg970-845-1001 To Expire: t0/04/1,999 Job .Address: I-rocaEion: 52 E. Meadow, Talisman Unit 104Parcel No: 2101-092-05-004 Descript,ion: Ilaymes/wilson kit.chen/bath remodel., new windows Conditions:1. FIELD',INSPECTIONS ARB REQUTRBD TO CffiCK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WAL]S,CE]LINGS,AIiID FT,OORS TO BE SEALED WITE AN APPRO\TED FIRE MATERTAI .3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE R-EQUIRED IN Ar"L BEDROOMS AND SVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 0F Tr{E 1997 IIBC.4. FIRE DBPARTIVIENT APPRO\TAI IS REQUIRED BEFORB ANY WORK Cj|I{ BE STARTED. 5. SEE CORF.ESfIONS ON PLANS PEJqq.0ob2 t TowN oF vAILONSTRUcIoN pERMr ne$AroN FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THf APPLICATION WILL BE RIJECTT,D Contact the Eag,le County Nsseggors Ol?ice at 97A329-8640 for parcel # Parcet # ZIO\AtZCtfrOO* -L louName: Htt}'\e>-\r-l'r(>, ^ JobAdd.ess:62 8ko,6,,., Tdti.u,.rr^/. ff# BundneUf Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Legal Descnption: Lot ul-f ,( Block 5A nlioe ,/rf Fi\ruq Subaivision (/Qil Uil(atse-q: Address: 565 r.f 6wt,*.,-a.",t ll[ere.{ rhone+. Address: F,aqtti^-ecr.\_,p tg 60 t\ l phone# Permir #lo* Owners Name: Architect: Description of Job: Kl Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces;Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLI,JMBING $ Alteration ( 4/ Additionat ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: , Gas Logs WoodlPellet OTHER: $ VALUATIONS ELECTRiCAL: $ MECHAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: rorAl g tbd.aE,tr.oD Address: PO R.f< tFqf\ C/c,l \ rown of VailRecisrrarionNo. 25 l- Egn: CU I#"".# Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. Plunbing Contractor: Town of Vail Regrsration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registrarion No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIG},IATURE: TO: FROM: D.A.TE: SUBJECT: AII CONTRACTORS CI]RRENTLY REGISTERED WTIH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMIJNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE COITE $.2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROEIBITED A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereoi it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposiq or cause to be liuered tracked or deposited sand" gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice. or any other debris or material upon any streel sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifr and require any person who violates or causes another to violarc the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's empioyment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such san{ gravel, rocks, mud, dr! snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receip of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified the Director of Public Works, or other autborized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of zubsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any con3tructiorq maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, elecricity line, gas line, telephone line or any apput€nance thereto; 2. To deposits of san4 dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Peralty: As an altemative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provrded in Section l-4-l of this code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawfrl for any person to fril or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Worics as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the exeense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acloowledged by: Position or Relationship to hoject: """ 4q[q1 TOWN Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUAI{CE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Deparfinent Approval. Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval a planning Departnent review of Health Department review, and a review by the Buiiding Deparhnent, the estimated time for a total revierv may take as long as three (3) weeks. AII commercial (large or small) and all muiti-frmily permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departrnents with regard to necessary ieview, these projects may also take the three (3) week penod- Every attempt will be made by this deparment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand tle Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreedto by: Project Name : oate: L+/{/a q Work Shea was tumed futo the Comnmity DwelopmenC Dept S*'"o' TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: DATE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JAMJARY I, 1999 WHEN A.PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQTIIRED PLEASE ANSWER TIIE FOLLOWINC QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING THE NEED FOR A.PUBLIC WAY PERMIT': I. Js rhis a new residence? yES NO-U- Is demolition work being performed tlut requ{es tlaG-of the Rightof-Way, easements or public propeny? VnS_ NO__Y 5. Is a different access needed to thg site stber rhan the existine drivewav? YES N i;it *t"r6"rk beingpitbat affects the Right+f-Way, easements, or public property? Is a "Revocable Rigbt+f-Way Permit" required? ES NO- A. Is the Right-of-W9r, easg_qeurofFublic propety to be used for $agng, pa*ing or fencing?YES_ NO / _ B. If NO to 8d is a parking staging or fencing plan required by Community Developmeut? YES If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obuined- "Public Way Permit'' applications nay be obtained at the Public Wort's office or at Community Development. If you have any questions ptease call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. ANSWERED Arr TIIE ABO\E QUESTIONS. Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? NO [/- NO 3. 4. 8. YES o 6. NO Contactor Signature TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIT, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTI,IEI,IT OF COMMT]NI,rY DEVETOPMEIIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PI,I'MBING PERMIT Job Address: 62 MBADOW DR LOC TiON. . . Z 62 MEADOW DR (TAI.,ISMAN Parcel No. . : 2l_01-082-05-004 ProjecE No. : PRil99-O062 APPLICAIiIT EI.,K COUT'ITRY PLI]MBING & HEATINGP. O. B,OX 764, GYPSUM, CO 8163? CONTRACTOR EIJK CO{'NTRY PIJTMBING & HEATINGP. O. BOX 764, GYPSIIM, CO 81637OWNER H&WPROPERT]ESINC 5554 GREENWOOD PTAZA BLVD, ENGTEWOOD Description: NEW sHowERs AI{D FIXTTRES ***r***r,r**rr****'r***rr*.a** *r*.r,ir***rr. FEB 6t t{t{ARt iIOBSITB Permits AT AIJL TIMES P99-005r_ staEus...: IssItED 10App11ed. . : 0s/2s/L999 Issued. - . : Expires. . : Phone:970-584-1040 Phone: 970-584-1040 co 80t r_L238s ValuaEion:6,200 - 00 PluEbing- --- - > Plan (*reck-- - > I nv. B! lEaC l on > Will CaIl----> Rcltualent P1a-n Revicw- - >TotsaL Ctlculated FecE- - - > Addl.lional Poe6- ----- --- > Totel Derm{t Fee-------*> Payu€nie-------- 105 .00 26,2s , o0 3.OO .00 134.2s .oo 134.24 ** r ****r'!.***,*+*'rr***r**r'*ii * r,.*,"*t,r**1,r*.,i.t,.**ir,,,.ri,*rt,,!r.,*,,*r,,,,-,,-,.T:Hll,lll;;;;;;;";*il'1,,*'*'** r*..;3:,-. rtse.m: ,051-00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT DeDt: BUILDING Division: Q5 125/1999 .]RM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRII{-It.em: 05600_!'-[RE DEpARlttEltT Dept.: FrRE Division:o5/25/L999 .TRM feE-iorii AppR N/A --E-' ---- tt?r*rr****.rrr--.r.;*t**,*.'- rr*+****rirr**** COIIDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD TNSPEgTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAITCE. + * r*i**tt *t* r****1**t** | **r*i t DECIJARATIONS I hercby acknolrlrdg. thaC I hav. read chl6 appllcitlon, fllLcd outs ln full tshe infoaracion requl,r.il, couploled an accurabe plotplan' and Etat€ thhts all the info!$at.ion provid.d a6 rcqutrod i6 correc!. r agrer to conFly $ith tshe infomaEion and ploc plan,to conply rrlth Ell fottn ordlnancEa and scate lasg, end to bulld Lhi6 €Eructuls Eccording to the Totn,6 zonlng ajrd gubdivislon codc6, deolgn rcfl'er approved, Itniforn Eulldlng cod6 and othlr ordinanceF of t'he Town applicable Ehereto, REeuElrrs ron rNspecirors gmr,rr Bs IrADE TrdENTt-FouR HouRa rN ADVANcE 'TowN oF vArOoNSTRUcrroN 'ERM,, oil,cATroN F.RM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TIIE APPLICATION WILL BE REIECTEI) Contact the Eagle County Assessors Offic€ at g7&32t8640 for Parcel # Parcel # Date:Permit # Job Name:Job Address; Building ( ) Legal Description: Ownen Narne: Plumbing (t,I Lot Block Electrical ( ) Mechanical ( ) Filing SuMivision Address: Other ( ) Phone# Architect: Description of Job: /Ue.t-'t Work Class: New ( ) Nunrber of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Alteration(i,f Cas Appliances ELECTRICAL: $s Qize) '-MECHAMCAL$ Additional ( )Repair( )Other ( ) Nurnber of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet OTHER: $ TOTAL $ VALUATIONS BI,JILDING: PLUMBING CONTRACTOR INFORMANON Phone # Address: Phone # Ff nddr".., Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: Gcnerel Contrecton t\ie1l l"re Address: Pr P.su, ,2.tta ,^9r:f 8/fa5;8 Town of Vail Reglstration No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Town of Vail Registration No.2lt Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail RegisFation No. SIGNATURE: ZONING: CLEAN UP DEPOTTIT REFUND TO: SIGNATURE: TOI{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONfAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-4'79-2L38 EloqtlicrL--- > DRB Fee Invc.Cigrtiqr> tfill call --- -> EOTAI' FEES-- -> a DEVELODEPARIT,IEMT OF COMMT]NITY NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELEETRICAIJ PERMIT ,Job .Address: 62 MEADOW DR LocaEion. . .: 62 Meadow Dr, RivaParcel No- -: 2101-082-05*004Project No. : PR^t99-0062 APPI-,ICAIIT I.,ECTRIC I'MTJTMITED TNC 1-768 AI.PINE DRIVE 1, VAIL CO 81557 CONTR"ACTOR LEEfRIC I'MLIMITED INC PMEMT JOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES Permit #: 899-0087 Status-..: fSSUED Ridge Applied. . : 06/oL/1,999Issued...: 06/03/L999 E:cpires. . : LL/30/L999 Phone: 970827-5980 Phone: 970827 -5980 OWNER Description: Electrical for remodel/code compliance Val-uatsion:10, 000 - 00 t*tttirri*r****arr+r+ft*. pEB sIruIqARy rrtrrrfrri*r**i' *irrrrr*ri*****rrrrtrrrr*rr 1768 AIPII{E DRIVE 1, VAIL H&WPROPERTIESINC 5554 GREENWOOD PI,AZA BIJVD, co 81657 ENGLEWOOD CO 801112385 lEo .00 .oo .00 3.00 183 .00 193 .00 .oo 1S3 . O0 1S3.OO .00 Total Calculated Pee6- -- > Addiliodral F.es--- -- --- > Tolal Pcrui.! F66-- -- - --- > Pal|Ecnts------- BAI,ANCE Dt'E. - - - *a*+ttitttrtt*tttt*'?rtrt***'l*tti**i!lrrtt**tt:r'|i*rrtt**rtrlrtr*rrrr*rr**t*r*rJ.*ir*.*+rirl*rir rr r.*ri tt* trr+arra *t***t ITEM: OSOOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEI{T DCPE: BUII,DING DiViSiON:O6/03/L999 KATIIY Action: APPR Approved per-KWItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMETtr -DepL: FIR.E Division: * *r* J.r r r t t* t lr t * ** * a * t t + t rr * CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHBCK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I h.lahtir acknorlcdE€ Ehat I hava read this applicatsion, flllcd out in full the infotLLion requiled, coEtrleted an acculace plot' plart, rnd state that all the inf,ornation provl,cbd ao requircd is cotr.ct. r agrec to conFly rit'h the intorEation and plot p1an. co cdrrPly laigh all Tofn ordinancca .nd. 6crte lawa, and to build tshis st'lucburc acgording t.o the Toen,s zoning and eubdiwisiott coder, deoiEn revicn approwed, Uniforn Buildlng code and olhat ordinancea of t'ha Tosn appl,ica.bl6 tshereto, RBQUegfS FOR IIISPECTIONS sllAIrIJ BE UADE T'!iB!ITI-FOUR HOURS IN ADIIANCE By TBIBPHONE AT 479-2138 OR At OtR oFPICE FROM 8:00 AIit 5:O0 Ptil . J' Arcltitect: General De scrj.ption: PER}{IT APPITCATTON FOR].I. Dr\TE: C-f -Ql ;/ AppLIcATroN lrusT BE FILLID ouT COMPT.FTELY oR rr 1.L4y tror BB AccEp?ED I|{)t***t * * * * * * * x * * x * * * * * * * * x ,. * x * pERl.lrT IIIFOR-IIATT6N * * * .," * x * 't * * * * x *:rtP vrslorr\J:r ^ tc x ' x x x :t :t lt * ?k x * x rt * * * >l )k.* * )i ; .; * *I i-BuiJ'ding i j-''luhbing' 1>(-llectrical [ ]-Mechani-car. I J-otherJob Name: \\s.$rc=\tfrtr_gorf Job.Address: 62 Wt,Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing owners Name: L\r i iacc iagle County Asscssql O.f f icei 10,;*g:8.640 lg"i:::i'toltii o,ffi o. vArL coNSTRUc?rt +Z5qf- Cc/oz-G qq - ooLlL PEPC\IIT iI Address: Address: ar'I.;ork class:_ [ ]-New yrz{_Alteration t l_Additional r t_Fon air [ ]-otherNunber of or*e'l-ing units.r -!- Nrln{ler of Acconnodation units: ( ..#*". and Type of Fiteplaces: Gas AppJ.iancesW. . . Gas Logs_ I.lood/pellet-- lq***t(***x**x******z****.x'l****x***x vALUATToNg x >t ir * rr * rt * * * * * ,t u * * * .* * * * * * * * * x * * * * ,r * oTilER: $ TOTAL: { ** * * x**rt**rt **** *.*?t ** * * * r< * * *m^i.rh ^.rl''l\y,rr (Jr va:-f tieg. NO.Phone llumbe.r: - le,?e Aridress fl-e,jo .Plurnbing Contractor: Aodress: I;3l""f,Hll,*&JX;*:=- To'wh of VaiI Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone l.lurdter: D^aa ll/'\.re:J . rr \.,/ . Reg. Mecha:ricaL Contractor.: Addrer d: ' BUILD]NG PERMTT FEE: PL'I}IB NG PERI.II? FEE: ME]}IAI ICAL PERMIT FI]E:EL]CTIICAL FEE: OTJ{ER IYPE OF FEE: NER FFF' * **x*t ** * * ** ** * *rt* * * rr x )1 * * * x **r**FOR OFFICE USE * * * * * * * x * * * * * * * * * * ?r:r * x,6 x :,r *,i * * ;z. BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: :IYTPING PI,AN CHECK F;;;HECHANTCAL PLAN CHEC-i_FiE:RXCREA?ION FEE: CI.EAN_UP DEPOSTT: :o*' PER,'IrUHtB' ReceiTYPI IGROUI lsirul{u TC: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SfcNAtrdR_E: VALUATION i:i.'rii:ll liP n:P.OSIT qoq€€, o 75 soulh lronl3go roog vall, colorado Bl6S7 {303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 FFONf . ctlnYE.'.n. olllce ol comm unlty dcvelopm en t ALL CONTR}TCTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEREO HITH THETO;.IN OF VAIL Tolni oF VAIL puBLIc I{oRKS/col.il.IUNITy DEUELOPi.IEHT ]'tARcH l_6, 1988 CONSTRUCTTO}.I PA!,KING, }L\TERTAL STOP.,I.GEIn sup16ry, ordinance No. 6 states l!.1t_il-is untawful for anyper'son to litter, track "r ae["=it. any soi]., =o"r,, sand, c.lebris;:, ffi:;'i,lil"illt"ains .-'-ilsi*5iip=."f;, -;;;i"ii! t"iru.s a nd 11, :" ".'inv iIr.!!l:.ilil"iil""li""ii;f,li:l_*il;:";:,ili:*l-".va I strects ancr . roacls ir -"ppr"*imateiy -t--it .''itf pavement.Th s ordinance r+irr ue;rr;:ii;^enforced by the To.*n of Vai'Pul-,,Iic'r'lorks oeoarimentl"-pJr"Ihs found',rii,r"Iir.'g this orcrinancevil-I be gi-ven a 24 hour.".iti.Ii"notice to remove said nateriar.fn the event the person so notifiecl .9?n= r.,ot conpty with thenotice rvithin the 24 hour tinre-rpecifie;,"i;"-;"tric lror:ksDepartment r,ri11 remove said :nate;ia1 ;t-tr.,...I"iIn"e of persc nl;;if::gi. [:'":'evisioni-"r' ini= "iai"".,"E lf,5ir nor bLairy stre;. ;; ;il:;.::.];l,"Tiili;::.;; $"Tilii_l!;i;:r= ", To revier,r-.ordinance Nij. 6 in fuL], p)-ease =top: ry tn" lown.otX3;;"1]ii3i'3""if,?:'l**"::""iiiin I copv- -rtuii vou ror your, R Y eas and acllnor,lledgecl by: to Proj e- 6't- qq g-r,{- C"".*.'t. e, contldcto;, oaner) i ll'li\' . " {' 75 soulh lronlag c road vcll, colo ra do 81657(3c3) 479-2Be or rtTg_2|3g o l/lce ol communlly developmeIl u,rL0rNc ru*|,,1 rssuAr.rcE Til.tE FRAr.lE If thrls permr.t reauifef a Tor/n of vai.l Fire Departrnent Approval , ..Ensineel''s (.pub'lii r,iorks) ;;;;;'unlljpprouut ,.a ptanninl,bepartni ntrevier'r or Herl th Department-i.ui.",':uii.u. revievr by the 6ritainglloi[l$',j;.,:ll ur.iro ted iim;' ior' u.to t" I' ;;;;;";uy,,iu ii, u, r ons A1l commcrcii:i'(lu"?i^:: .:T]]l and a.lt rnutti_fanrily permits uiilhave to fol I r r'r ttre .it ove .rnentioned ririrrn requ.r rernents . Residentia.rand sma'11 prr jects shoui a' iake-;-i.i!;; amount.of time. However; ifresidential r r snraller projecir-i;;;;;'the various above n.:ntioheddepartmcnts r., ith rega.rd' to-nu."rioi]:."v.i u", these projccts mayal so take Uie three'.rreek period ::::{."!!tTl,t 'jlr t:.1'19: bv this cleparrnrent to expedite this' .pel'mt't.as. s.qon as pr.;ssib1 e. j - '- - -v E^rev' Lr: L l:.ilr undersigned, understanc, the plan checrl pi^ocedure and timeTrame.. : rlr G-r-1 Date l,lork 5neer h'as turned 'i nto t'Conmuni ty Devel opm+nt Departnrent. , .t' TO: FfiOM: F\ A TE. r)E.I lL-, ALL CONTRACTORS TOV/N OF VAIL PUBLIC |'tAY 9, 1994 VVHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS DEPARTIIENT PERhIIT''IS REOUJRED ls this a n6w residence? regartjing the need for a 'public lVay permit": VFe t\lnIY\J \,//\ >< >t questionnaire 1) 2\v \< )< 3) c1 q\ ls. demolili,.,n v/ork being periormed lhat requires the use of ihe right of \vay, easements or public fropefly? - ls rny'utility rvork needed? ,ls .he crivervay being repavecl? ls ciiiferent access needeci lo siie oll er than existing drivervay? ls ;tnY <lrainage Wor'x being done aff,rcting ihe riirht of way, easemenls, or public propedy? ls a "Flevor:able Fighl OI Way permit" required? A. ls the right.of vray, easemenls or \public property 1o be used ior slaging, pafting or lencing? B. lf no io EA, is a parking, staging or lencing'plan required by Community Development? I you answerecJ yes 1o an.'of lhese queslions, a "Public Way permit" rurtbe obiaineci. " )ublic Way Permit" applicalions may be oblained at the Public Wor'x's ofiioe or ai C:ommunity Deve.lopment. . lf you have any questions please.call Charlie Davis, the Tovrn ol Vail Conslruciion lnspecior, at 479-215g, 6) 7) B) I have read and answ rred alllhe above questions. ila.me \.tttx Coniracior's nalure Daie REPTISI. h.M/leltt9.5 e&7z4O fiet ivlty r fidtree*t fou.rt lon r' Flreslt Descriptienr Appl ieant r&rntrl Contrretonr il{sF€CTN lftRl( 899-6S46 Attellg Typer A-ilF 6E HEADUI.' DR 6e E. Fleadon, Talicrrn Unit l9O e10t-oBe-09-oo4 lleynes/l'f i Ison kitchen/brth t€Dao coNsTRucTrrsl H & I'I TRfIFERTIES INC itlEDBO CtIIIISTRUCT I Oltl tal r999 FA6E AREAI Etatuar IAEUED tronstrr flf Urrr U l-HR windoxs 970-A45-tOOl 97*-64s-1001 RE Ttl}tN gF VAIL,coLlJRttlr[J S}EETA l7 Jlll'l Occl rrrodel, new Phone r Phone l FhonF r Inspeetion RcquectRrqgcltorr ffiRL Rrq Tltrr Glr@Iterr reqg*Etrd to eO0[9O Bl-DB-Final Inforration.... Correntsr l$lfT be Inspected... Phonel 190 Tfl-Isufftl Action Corrents 904-5735 Tlre Exp Inrpcction History.....Itorl OffiSO ELDB-Fraring WlO3l99 Inrpeetorr JRltl,Wllr4/99 Incpectorr JRlrl Itrrr OStrm Bllrti-Insulat ion Iterr m&O BLDG-Sheetrock Neil JDB/ 16/99 Inspeetorr JRltl ftrrr tililm0 H-Ilti-Flisc. Itcrr AetrtO BLIE-Final Action: DN trtttlTRFCTOR Ctl[tlCEL Actionr APFR RPPROUED Aetionr AtrPR AF*tltOUED JRt4 t:j ihPF.? . t arrEF I l rra .tO8l14/!99!l.O7r4O TOl.fN OF UA!L,urLoRRxx, S}IEETS PAE€ 16 AREA: JRI{ ActivttyrfHdrerl l' Lobat ion lI FgrcllrDercr!ptionr Appl ieanrt r lhnrFE Contracterl IhIEPECTN IIORK Fqlg-0OSl All?/lS Typer B-PLFIB 6e HEfrD(Jtl tlR 6e HEAIlul{ DR, Talirran *190 etgl-08e-o5-oo4ItrlI SHTT€RS AND FIXruRES ELK CUUI{TRY FLUI'IBIHB I }EATII'16 H & hI PRT}PERTIES INtr ELK $(nlNTRY PLUIiIBING & HEATI}IG I t?/ t999 Btatugr ISEUED ConstFr FfT Ocer Use l trhoner 97O-584-IO4O Fhonec Phoner 97O-584-IO4O Inrpcction Rrqurrt Requertorr tr9RL Req Tlrcr OIrOSItcr reguestrd to Inforration.... Uorrents: UNIT be Inspected... Phoner 944-57St 199 TRLIETTAN Action Eorrents Tire Exp @ee Fl-llB-Final Inrpactlo|r Hirtory.,.. .Iterr g@lS PLltlB-UnderqroundIterr SGES trLFlE-Rough/D, lf.U. ffif?6fi9 Inspector: JRilItGr!- egees FIRE-SFRINKLER l{[,X.J€]l Itrrl,OOPSO PLltlB-Rough/l.f6t er' Gt/&/99 Inspeetsr: JRllItarr @441, PLI'fB-tias Pipingftrrr OOaEO trLilB-trool/Hot Tub It:rr @60 PLltlB-l{iec. Itcr: OSe96 PLtrlB-FinaIftrrr @534 FIRE-FINAL C/U Actionr AFPR PPROUED FLOII TEST Actionr APPR AFPROUED JRFI TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTTAGE ROADvAIt, co 81657 970-479-2L38 -1p/tstt/rhlO z"zL /*K, 6k{e DEpARrMElrr oF coMMuNrry DEVELoeMENT V, Ul/@t /* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIL TIMES 413 GOR-E CREEK DR 413 GORE CREEK DRIVE 2L0t-082-05 - 0 02 pR.I99-0050 St,atus. . Apptied. Issued. . Expires. APPLICAN:T COMTRAgfOR OWNER DENVER, DENVER, 80209 80209 co co Phone; 303-744-L634 Phone z 303-744-1634 Clean-up Mult,i-FamiIy Type V l-Hour Valuation: Fireplacg InforEation: Restricted: y r_07, 000 *of wood/PalleL: 1 1,,77O.2OBuj.lding-----> Plan Check- -- > 1nv. ttigat ion > will Ca11----> R€etuarants Plan Review- - > DRB Fee-------- Recraeat,lon Fce--- -- -- - -- > CIean-Up Depo6i!--- -- - -- > *Of Gas Applialces: 768 .00 499 .20 .00 3.00 .00 .00 .00 so0 . o0 Additional Fees----- ----> .o0 ToEal PermiL Fee--------> Paym€nEs------- approved amount date Add Sq Ft: *of cas Log6: Tolal Cal,culated Faes-- - > FEE SI'MMA.RY TOTATT FEES---- L.170.20 BAI,ANCE DI'E--------- .00."';;;..;;;;;' ;;;';;;;..'.""'.**.;";;:';;;;;;;';;;;";;. " " O3/L9/L999 KATIIY AcLion: NOTE ROUTED TO .]R*03/L9/L999 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR SEE CONDITIONSIEem: 05400 PLANNfNG DEPART|4EI{II Dept: PLANNING Divi-sion:O3/.t9/.1999 KATHY Action: NOtE ROUTED TO BREI{TO3/L9/1-999 BWITSON ACTiON: APPR APPR- NO DRB FEE NECEES.ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DCPT: FIRE DiViSiON:O3/L9/L999 KATITY AcLion: APPR N/AI!9mi .055q0 PIIELIC WORKS - Depr3 PUB WORK Division:03/L9/L999 KATI{Y Acrion: AppR N/A r+i+*t*a*irt*r* * rrl*****i* a ****rr*ti*r* r **.r*r ***r t t* ** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to Ehis permit. DECI,,ARATION€ I h.!.by .cknowledge lh.l, I have read this applicacion, filled outs in ful] the infornaEion required, completed an accurale plot plalt, and state thag all bhe inforoation provided as required i6 colrect. I agree t'o comply lriLh Che informatsion and plot p1an, ISSI]ED 8/a8/Leee 03 /L9 /L999 09 /Ls /1,eee L,77O.2O 1 | 17O .2O ADD/ALT MF BUITD PERMTT PermiE #: 899-0031 o/ / \ Q^r/f /bo UoeJ 'Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel Ne..:Project No-: L. AII,IASS ITiIIERIORS 16 POLO FIELD LANE, I-,. AMASS IMTERIORS ].5 POLO FIELD I,ANE, HARRTS LORING H* Ari'rAss LoRr HARRrs, 16 poi,o FIELD "*totflt5frrffi. tra$:Description: AMASS RSMODEL Occupancy: R1 T:lpe ConsEructlon: V l-HRTlpe Occupancy: sit Refund bo qolrply nith all, Topn ordinance€ and etate 1aws, and to build Ehis slructure codcE, daEign leview altproved, Uniform BuildinE Code and other oldinances..Q{ the [g to the T/d)'s zoniDg and subdiwision appl.icabl/ rhtreto. -213a oR ot /* o"tr"u FRot s:oo At s:oo/-"f/ V,-t "g'az- RAQUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHA'Ir BE MADE TIIEI TY.EOI'R HOI/R,S IN ADI/ANCE BY TEIJE Send clean-Up Deposib To: AIIIASS STGNATURE "at- oR cbtnRAcroR FoR Hr]rsEI,F aND or{NER ******************************************************************************** COIIDITIONSPermit #: 899-003L as of 04/05/99 Status: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Applied: 03/t8/L999Applicant,: L. A}IASS TNTERToRS rssu€d: 03/t9/1999303-744-L634 To E)q)ire:. O9/L5/1"999 ilob Address: I.,OCAI,iON: 413 GORE CREEK DRIVEParcel No: 2101-082-05-002 Descriptrion: AMASS REMODEL Condit,ions:1. F]ELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. AJ-,L PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,.AND FLOORS TO BB SEATED WITH AIiI APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIPGD IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC. 310 . 5 . 1 OF THE 1997 IJBC.4- FIRE DEPARIMEM| APPROVAL IS REQUIRXD BEFORE ANy WORK CAII BE STARTED. 5. TIIE CONSTRUCTION TYPE FOR TIIIS BUIIJDING IS V 1-HR. ALL PARTITIONS MUST BE COIiI:IRUCTED TO BE OF ]--HR FTRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION o TOWN OF VA|CpNSTRUCT|ON pERMtT Ail[CATtON FORM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Eagte County Assessors Offrce at 97G3ig-AUO for parcel # Palcel# AIat bSL e;C$'L ?6qq- oo50 TEf7 Date:Pennit# Bqq-oo3l JobName: A*q:: Q6qogc-L Building (X)frumbing$nlectrcar{naecrranicfif Legal Description: Lot Block Filins SuMivision blttr-t 4 * { Lo tuttu ( A *as)t L Pccz, i,tza L^u.: Owners Name: 4 Wrrsi Address: Db-ru/u,X. Cb ,fo'b q Architect: ,.t"Address: N /rl Description of J o6' /?a1vesotZ rob Address: AHf /'*rr'|V":,f ';?s6' 142-6e661 pzpr Other( ) Vct-799^tutY- Phone# -,'.^ BUILDING: $ 2)t occ' PLUMBINGg /otL\(2'.r, Work Class: New ( ) Alteration Q$ Number of Dwelling Unis: / Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Additioml ( ) ..(f^ Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gasloss -o -Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ /4, AO1d OTFIER: MECIIAMCAI$ z' 68o TOTAL CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Phone # Address: Phone # General Contractor: :< Town of Vail Registation No. tl[o- L Town of Vail Registration No. Electricd Contractor:Dct,tt t);4ttcrt? 6-rFc 466r"rs: ,e l)ol /192 -iJ,qa*-rtf ('O htL)L Town of Vail Resistration No.Phone# I'ZC-,-uZo Z plumbins Contractor 1 f,rpoo"-a /7uuDtai Mechanicaf Contractor : 4t#* 5 Pi'..',nt, ? /'btflu, Address:f5'7u 7/nxutrr ,t&.r/tai J-oo,cL T.own of Vail Rcgistration No. BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: I r--z g 5-o, oirc'r $ /o7,ooo CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TOWN OFVAIL Department of Comnuniry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Agreed to brY: Project Name: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME TNAME IfthispermitrequiresaTorvnofVailFireDepartrnentApproval,Engineer's(Pub|icWorks) reviewandapproval,aPlanningDeparhnentreviewofHealthDepartrnentreview'andarevtew bytheBuildingDepartment'theestimatedtimeforatotalrevrewmaytakeaslongasthree(3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi'family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of ume. Howevcr, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned deparnnentswithregardtonccessaryrevierv,theseprojectsmayalsotakethethree(3)week period. Everyattemptwillbemadebythisdeparnnenttoexpeditethispermitltssoonaspossible' I,theundersigned.understandthePlanCheckprocedureandtimeframe.lalsounderstarrdthatif thepermitisnotpickedupbytheexpirationdate,thatlmuststillpaythePlanCheckFeeand that if I fail to do so rt rnay affect future permits that I apply for' I--1 /"/l/&^t*' l)"*"--z ^ ,.1y'lunEs K4:e* Work Sheet was turned hto the Community Development Dept' Date: {g"o*r" ro MEMORANDUM TO: ALLCONTRACTORS FROM: TOWN OF VAIL PIJtsLIC WORKSDATE: JANUARY 1, 1999 RE: WHEN A..PUBLIC WAYPERMIT: IS FJQUIRED JOB NAME: DATE: PLEASE ANSWER TI]E FOLLOWING QIT'EST]ONNAIRE REGARDING T}IE NEED FOR A NO__L 2. Is demolition work being performed that requirgs the use of the fught-of-Way, easements or public propert-v? YES_ NO_JL *PUBLIC WAYPERMIT': l. Is this a new residence? YES 3. ls any utility work needed? YES No-tr- 4. [s the driveway being repaved? YES No- tr 5. Is a different access needed to the site other than the elristing driveway? YES 6. f#r aTri6i[]r done tlnt affecrc the Right-of-Way, easements, orpubtic property? 7. Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO ,X 8. A. Is the Right-of-Way, easemerts or public property to be used for staglng, parking or fencing? YES_ NO_A_ B. lf NO to 8A, is a parking staging or fencing plan required by Community Development?YES_ NO \ If you aruwered 1ES to any of these questiong a "Public Way Permit ' must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or al Community Development. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval fmm Public Works at 479-2198. r HAyE READ ATSIANSWERED ALL rr{E, ABOVE QUESTTONS. ),/,ll; A"*ft,,,,"*) Contactor Signature Date: NO_ X- Company Namc DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY NOIE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON EI-,EqTRICAL PERMIT iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: E99-0035 .fob Address: 52 MEADOW DR Status...: FrNALLocatj-on...t 62 E MEADow DR (TALrsl,lAN Applied..: o4/09/L999 Parcel No..: 2101-082-05-002 rssued...: o4/09/L999 ProjecL No.: PRiI99-0050 Expires..: L0/06/L999 t DEVELOPMETiIT DOIIBLE DIAI'IOND SERVICESP. O. BOX 1452, EDWARDS, CO 81532 DOUBLE DIAIVIOND SERVICESP. O. BOX 1452, EDWARDS, CO 8l_532 HARRIS LORING H* AII,IASS LORI IIARRIS, 16 POLO FIEI,D LANE, DescripLion: REWIRE ELEcIRICAL FOR TNTERIOR REMODEL Valuation:8, 000 . 0o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI TAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2138 APPTICANT CONTRASTOR OWNER EIectr.ical---> DRB Fee fnweetigati.on> will call----> TOTAL FEES. --> Phone: 970-926-6202 Phone z 970-926-5202 DENVER CO 80209 1{4-O0 - oo .00 3.00 14?.00 147 - O0 . oo L47.OO 147.00 .00 Totsa1 calculaeed Fee6---> Addlcional Feee------- --> Total Penl,L Fee--------> PayrnenEa-------- BAI,ANCE DUE-_. - r * * *****r ****i*** * ****** ****ir****, ** * * r ***tt*********,r******a****rr*|rrrrtt *t*******t*** ***t*rtt*!rttr** rr ITEM: O5OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARII,IENf DEPt,: BUIIJDING DiViSiON: O4/O9/L999 JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .]R}'Trtemi'.05600 FrRE DEPARTIqET.IT Dept: FIRE Division:04/09/1999 JRM .A,ction: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ir*rrr.}***r*****.!*rtr** ***r* *r rr*rr a ** *rrrirrrritr*****t***a|,a***rrrr*tr**rrt DEETARA'IIONS I herabf acknorl.dgc thaL I have read Ehl€ applicaeion, fill.d out in full bh€ infof,rnalion r€quirad, conp16t.d an accuraEc plot plan, and state that all tshc informatl.on provj,ded a6 required is corf,ect. I agree to cooply with the infonabion and plots plan, to comply rith all tolrn ordinanceE and statse lav6, and to bulld bhis struclure according Co the Town'6 zoning and subdiviFion codes, design review approved, gniform BuildinE Code and othcr orilinanceB of the Town appLicable lhereto. REQT ESTA POR INSPBeIIoNS gHA'JIJ BE IADE TWENTC-FOItR HOURS IN.ADvaNcE By TELBPHoNE N! 479-2r3e OR AT oI]R OFFICE FROM 8:00 I]l 5:o0 PM SIoIq,IURE OF O'INER OR COT{TRA(3OR FOR HIMSE',F AND OWNER TO!f[ Or !"ArL 75 S. FRONEAGE ROAI) VAIIJ, CO 8r-657 9'70-479-2L3A DEPAR{" couMnNrTy ?EVEOPMENT NOaE: tlIS PERMIT !'lttST BE POSTED O[ aIOBSITE AT ALL TMES ELECTRICAI, PER!{IT PenrLiE S: 899- 0035 alob Addreas | 52 I{EADOI{ DR Status...: ISSIJED Location..-t 62 B MAADOVI DR (TAiISIAN Applied. .I O4/O9/r999 Parcel No. . : 21.01-082-05-002 fsaued. . .: 04/O9/1999Project No.: Er<pireB. . I L0/O6/1,999 APPIJICINT DOUBLB DIAMOND SERVI(5S Db.oIre | 970-926-6202P. O. BOX 1452, EDmRDS, CO 81532 CONTRACII)R DOITBLE DrAMO!|D SARVfCBS Phone: 970-925-6202P. O. BOX 1452, BD!|ARDS, CO 81632OWNER NRRIS LORING E T ATi{ASS IJORI EARRIS, 16 POIIO FIEIiD I,AN.E, DEWER C1] 80209 Descri-Dtion: REWIRB ELESIRICA.L FOR I}ITERIOR REI4ODEL Valuation: 8.000.00 '.ye!t.---.--.''...!Eltaxs ooa- ---------> IEEE: O6OOO BLEETRICII, DBPARIIJIENT DEPE:04,/09/1999 'IRM ACEiOI: APPR APPROVED \IRI'I'TEin: O55OO FIRB DBPARIIi{EM DeDE:04/09/1,999 .IEA Actionr APPR N,/A BUITDII{G Division: FIRE Di.vi6ion: CICI{DTTION OF APPROIIAI, DECLARATIONS I h6by .cfnql.dg. th.r I h.r r..d thir .!Flic.tid/ fill.d dt itr flll tlE irloutla !.Sui$il, .dpr.!.d d.oN.t. plot p1a, ud rr:c. ttrt .11 tho ilaotu.i* plovid.c { !.quir.a l. cd!.ct. r r9!.. !6.(4ry rlth E}[ !n!6&im ed plor pls- !o caply rith .lf To$ dd'to4.. ..d .t.te I.B, -d to boltd tJli. .Enrctue -eldrrg ro tL t i.!!'. dllg ed .lDditi.to codr., ii..ign !.wi.r .pF!drd, ntrlfod loitding cod. 6a othc 6.diDG.. 6f ch. T.E aD9IIc.bl. rh.!.io. naQIMl|r 6e ltraPacfiorGr s Lr, tE lllDE traEr.rY-rcrn sooll ltt ancE EY TBr,lprrxr Al a7r-41!a oq aa cm oPFtcl llo|. l:0o rx s:oo PL [ ]-Buttdtns [ ]_pturnbtns [f,]_rt""trlc.r t Job Nane: ,[\rnn.:* ?o.Dndn.i ' .- rob Acldrcss: lcEal Deeerlptton: Lot Archltect: ceneral oeecription: BUILDII{G: EIock 59 Address: [ )-llrchanlcal t ]-Other P -O? N0.010 P.01 PEIII{IT f Bqq- m3l Apr-O7-99 l2:lOP E'ouble Diamond Serrrice T0LlN DF vRrL col'l-DEV f:os-oze-2452 970 926 62C)3 ruL f e5 15:oo ti-r,iJt F. r'e^^,",t? -- Tgg"ii_11ll'3ig;5flffifl". DATE: al A'PrJrcAtrotf 'tusT BE Frr.rJED our cprdprJE8Erv oR rr }tty llor BE rccE,,r'D f,**t*rr'lf *lt'**t****'**r***'t pE*ltrr rNroR[arrorf attri*******rrr.rrrr*r*.r.**r lddrees: work ClaBr! [ ]-NeW I l_tlteratdon NuDbeE of DtrelllnE Units: __ Irrnb€r and Type of, Flreplacec! CagV f**rt***r**.*r*.t*t***t**t*rrrii*t [ ] -Aililltlonal Number I J-RePrlr r l-orhrr of Accornnodatl,on Unltr: ApplLancer_ Gar Logs_ tfoodr/?ellrt VIL'IUATIONS rr * * * t r r * *r t * 1 * * * ** *** ** * * * r + i * * t. OTHEE: f 0Iectrl,eal tr ori Phone Nunber: *,F;qtq*r?'{ddress: Plu!|blng lddrcFBi trt*t*r*atl l a*r*t *t*|la*ata r**ttr.UTLDTNG PER}IIT FEEI LUUBING FERITIT FEE; ECHANTCAL PERIII! FE8:.I.ECITTCAL FEE; T$ER TYPE OF FEE:IB FEE: fQI:.pa35:fown o? Phona Nuhber: qt Town of Vall Phon6 Nu!|b6ri Eown of vall Phone NunbBr! Rag. Reg. NO. FOn gFFfCE USE itr.rt*r.******.rr************* BUrIDINO PIATI CTIECX FEE: ELUMETNG PIdAN SHECK FEE: }TECHANICAL PIAN CHSqK FEEIRECREIIION TEE: CI.EAN-UP DEPOSIT! IOTAL PBNUIT FEf,S: BUILDINc: SIGNATT'RET ZONfilG! SfcNtlURE3 {echanicnl contrdctor: rddf6Eg: 8Q.FT' I"?fiili:*iij fn')qe- coNTRAcroR rNFoRI.rATroN r. r r * *.r r r | | **r i* * ***** * * * * Town of vall Bcg. NO. NO. Contfastor: .P.Ary U-P pBPosrT EBfinYp.Igi TALISMAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 62 EAST MEADOW DRM * VAIL, COLORADO 81657 To: Town of Vail Building Department 3/18/99 The intent of this letter is to inform the TOV Building Department that William Amass the owner of Talisman Condominium #160 has permission from the Association to remodel his condominium. The Talisman Board of Directors approved a construction policy that governs work in the building several years ago that Bill Amass Construction, the contractor must follow. Talisman Condominium Date Received Tom Saalfeld l,lAR 18 1999 TALISMAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 62 EAST MEADOW DRIVE * VAIL. COLORADO 81657 CONSTRUCTION POLICY The Talisman Board of Directors has implemented this constuction policy as a guideline to protect the Association, it's common areas and residents. The items listed below must be complied with during construction. Questions relative to this policy are to be directed to the Executive Committee Construction Chairoerson. o Owners will fumish the Association with a $ I,000.00 damage and clean-up deposit before construction begins. . The Association will need a liability certificate of insurance from the General Contractor, and a Town of Vail building permit . The Building and grounds are to be left exactly as they were found. Any cleanup by the association during or after construction will be deducted from the damage deposit. r Common elements such as exterior walls, the roof, etc. cannot be altered or affected without written Association approval. Association approval shall mean the Executive Board of the Association or the Condominium Manager, ifauthorized by the Executive Board. Any project with high impact activity that creates noise which could disturb the inhabitants must be done during normal working hours( 8A.M.-5P.M.) Contractors and their subconffactors will be required to use the back stairs. Any use of the front entry must be ananged for and approved by Management. Each contractor will be given their separate codes for the parking gate and entry doors. These codes will be deleted upon constmction completion. No construction is to take place during the ski season. Construction, with the exception of emergency repairs, shall not to start before April I 5th and shall be completed before November l5th. Activity before or after these dates will be fined on a daily basis of $ 100.00 per day. No smoking is allowed in the building. January 1997 r.,RE[ t6F,|EF,T131 TOWN UF VAIL, UOLURilij{r 11f3i$3:.:3:::=::::::1,:l:$:::::=i:::=:'l::l:-:i::l::1::::====***:::::-jl1=:Fe!,ivity !: B9?-relrrlJl 4/'A7 / l9 Type l A-MF Address: 6u lvlL-truftt'J DR Lac*t i.sn: 6E e HEAITOL{ DR ( IALISIVIAN 164) L,arcel : lireri -[igC-'rrr5-rAtrij De seri pt i on : i.livlftru RtjirlililEl Flpplicant: L. Af''i455 ii\j"r Llri iuRs Owner': HAfiRl$ LOftING H []ont'r.actor^r l-. AlytASS ll.lTEf'(Iul,i5 Stat r-rs r ISIiUED Coristr: fflrlF tise: V 1-l-lR l-'honer 3O,r-'744-1634 Fhone: Fhone "" 3il3.*-l 44*1634 lnspeetion Request lnf or-matrsn...,. n AllroReqr-rest or; RON Fhane : iliui- 3rt37 I/ t l " - Req Tioe: S!*OB Erinnents: l4lLt*l'GflrL F,LEASE ^ , f)O IIters reque+tEd i'b i:e JnspecLed, .". Act ion'..CommenL s $ c " Time Exp ,/rAilra3ta ELp6-Frx m r rr g In spect i on HistEI'y,..., Item I .rZ[ArZtSO Bl-llLj.-F:r.an ing It em : rdtttrA5ur I?LDG-.lnsulab i an It emi AtirlA6fi bl-ll6--3heeir.r:ck Nai I Itenl'AEE7{it iri.Dfr- irli sc" Iten: AfiOgrZr FLLG-F:inal 4rWi t- )WN OF VAIL ' S. FRONTAGE ROAD!rL, co 81657 I o-47 9-2L38 ' Lan Check---> 458.25 Invest i gation>.00 Job Address L,ocation. . .Parcel No..Project No. 62 E MEADOW DR TALISMAN UNIT # 390 2101-082-05-0 L 6 PRJg7-0018 Status. . . AppIied..Issued... Expires. . .00 Additional. Fees--------'> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT permit #: 897-0035 ISSUED 03 /26 /tse7 o3 /26 /tee7 0e /22/tee7 j APPLICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION phonet 476-43e5p.o. Box 34t9, vArL, co/ CELL# 47 1-4888 81658 CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION phone: 4't6-4305p.o. Box 3419, vArL, co/ CELL# 47 l-4888 81658OWNER HODES ROBERT D ADMEDIA CORPORATE ADVISORS I, 866 3RD AVE 26TH FL, NEW YORK Ny 1 Description: COSMETIC REMODEL OF UNIT Occupancy: RL Multi-Family Type Construction: V l-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: VaLuationz 92,2eO Add Sq Ft: Fi reptace Infofmation: Restfi cted:#0f Gas Apptiances:fof Gas Logs:#0f tlood/Pa l. Let: t***Ll*********************************lrr**************** tEE SUI'1|'rtARy *********************lrt***ff***rb************************** 3ui Ldi n9----->705 .00 .00 TotaI Calcutated Fees---)1 .416.?5 .00 1 ,416.25 1 ,416.?5 Restuarant P lan Revi ew--) DRB Fee-------- Recneation Fee----------> Cl.ean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES----- 250.00 1.416.?5 Totat Permit Fee--------> Ji tl. catl.----> 3.00 BALANCE DUE----t****i*****t****t*****************************i*************i****************************tr************************************** Itelni .05100^FqILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:93/26/L997-CHARLTE Aa-ion;--AFFR cHeRr,rs DAtrS-ITEM:- Os4OO.PL$NNING DEPARTMENI- .-,- DEPI: PLANNING DiViEiON:03/26/L997 CHARLIE action:- AppR N,/AItbm:' 05600_qIRE DEPARTMENT - ___ --',_ Dept: FIRE Division:93/.26/.L997 CHARLIE Acaion: AppR N,/Ao3'/26'/L997 CHARLTE Acriona [pFR r.i7AItem:'05500^PUBLIC WORKS -_*^ --',- Dept: pUB WORK Division:03/26/1997 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR N/A ***********i*****ft**********************tr****|Hrtt****************i*t****i****t***************H***********ff**************** see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to thiE permit. DECLARATIONS r hereby acknow[edge that I have read this apptication, fiLl.ed out in ful,L thc information required, compteted anptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty iith the informationto comply with att Town ordinances and state lalrs, and io buil,d this structure codes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the 1dn a[p(i]9pte ttre( EOUESTS FOR IIISPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TE end Ctean-Up Deposit To: NEDB0 CON OR AI OU OFFICE accurate pLot and ptot p [an, subdivision OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #l B9Z-0035 as of 04/14/97 Status: ISSUED* * * * * * * * * * *t * ****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** * * * * * * PETTNiT.TYPE: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT APPJ.1Ed: 03/26/T997Applicant: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION rssuedt O3'/26'/Lgg7476-4305 To Expire I Og'/22'/:.gg7 Job Address: Location:; TALISMAN UNIT # 390Parcel No: 2101_-082-05-016 Descripti-on: COSMETIC REMODEL OF UN]T Conditions: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL]ANCE.2' ALL PENETRATTONS rN wAr,Ls,cErLrNGs,AND FLooRs ro BE SEALEDWITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *: E97-0037 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 03 /.26 /.7997Issued... : 03/26/199'1 Expires.. : 09/22/799't Phone : 303926367 5 Phone: 3039263675 26TH FL, NEW YORK NY 1 'l ,200.00 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. ., Pro ject No. ELECTRICAL PERMTT 62 E MEADOW DR TAI,ISMAN UNIT #390 2 l- 01-0I2 -0 s- 015 PRJg 7 -0 018 APPLICANT DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 87632 CONTRACTOR DOUBIJE O ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 81632OWNER HODES ROBERT D ADMEDTA CORPORATE ADVISORS I, 866 3RD AVE DescripIioN: ELECTRICAIJ FOR COMETIC REMODEL ****i******************************************fi********** FEE SUHIIARy VaLuation: Total Catcutated fces---> 147.O0Etectri cat---> 144.OO .00 .00 3.00 DRB Fee Investigat i on> tlitL caL l,----> Additionat Fees---------> Tota I Permit fee--------> .00 147.m 147.OO TOTAL FEES---> 147.00 BALANCE DUE.--- ***************fi*tr**|t,t*t**********************************************************************t*****Jrt***********lr************** ITeLni,06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING Division:03/26/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: *********ff*******t*Jr***tff**t*ffrt**********t******************************ft*****************************************s******* CONDITION OF APPROVAL I. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED 90 CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2, ALL WORK MUST ABIDE BY 1996 NEC ***ff****************************************tr*************Jr********************fi********************f***********ir*************** I.hereby acknowtedge that I have read.this apptication, fil,l,rd out in futl, the information required, compteted anptan, and state that atl the infornati.on provided as required is corfect. I agree to compty iith the informationto _comPly uith al't Town ordinances-and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according io'the Tovn,s zoning and DECLARATIONS codes, design revieu approved, uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn aipl,icabl.e accunate ptot and ptot pLan, subdivision AT OIJR ICE FRO}IREAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A \ TOR FOR HII.ISELF AND I DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITE PernitPLUMBING PERMIT Job AddressLocation... ParceL No.. ,. Pro j ect No . APPLICANT GUARANTEED PLUMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2156, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PLUMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2'J.56, VAIL CO 81658 OWNER HODES ROBERT D ADMEDIA CORPORATE ADVISORS I, 866 Description: COSMETIC REOMDEL OF UNIT Phoner 3038279414 3RD AVE 26TH FL/ NEW YORK NY 1 .00 Totat Calcutated Fees---> accurate ptot and plot ptan, subdi vi si on I S SUED 03 /26 / LseT 03 /26 / reeT oe /22 /tee7 794r4 96.75 .00 96.75 96.75 )WN OF VAIL ' S. FRONTAGE ROAD\rL, co 81657 to-479-2738 AT ALL TIMES P9't -0021 62 E MEADOW DR TALISMAN UNIT #390 2101-082-05-016 PRJg7-0018 Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . Phone:30382 Vafuation:5, 0oo . o0 ***********************t************t*****t*****Jct******* fEE SUl,lttARY *********t*t-t*t****H********Jrt*******t:h*********ff***** P Lumb'i ng-----) PLan check---> Jnvestigation>tlitt catl,---> Restuarant Ptan Revi eu--> TOTAL FEES---_- 75.O0 18.75 .00 5.00 96.75 Add'itionaL Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- EALANCE DUE----**********lrt**************rr*****ff****Jr*****ff*******t***************ff******t************************ff******t*************** Ite.m: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING Division:03/26/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIt'em:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ************t******************************************************************************************************************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. !'IELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALI, WORK MUST COMPLY WITF 1994 UPC **********lr*rr******t*f,**ff***tr*******Jr***************************************ffi***rt******************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that r have read this apptication/ filted out in ful.l, the information required, comptptan, and state that att the information provided as requircd is correct. I agree to compty with the infgto compty with atl, Toun ordinances and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure accordinq to the ToHn's codes, design reviev approved, tniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Toun;f[pti IEQUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI,,IENTY.FOUR HOURS III ADVANCE BY an ion and OI.INER OR FOR HII.ISELF AND OUINER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 APPI.,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address Locat,ion. . . Parcel No..Project No. NEDBO CONSTRUCTTON P.O. BOX 34I9t VAIL, CO, NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O, BOX 34L9, VArL, CO, HODES ROBERT D 62 E MEADOW DR TAI-,ISMAN UNIT # 390 2101-082-0s-016 PRJg7-0018 lJort Ft€D 3-96-11 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT permit #: 89?-0035 Status. . .Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . APPROVED 03 /26 /tee7o3/26/Lee7 oe /22/Lee7 .ELL# 471-4888 "'5i:::' ffip/ CELL# 471.-4888 81658 ADMEDTA CORPORATE ADVTSORS r, 866 3RD AVE 26TH FL, NEW YORK Ny 1 Description: COSMETIC REMODEL OF UNIT Occupancy: R1 Multi-FamilyType Construction: V 1-HR Type V 1-HourType Occupancy: Valuation: 92,200 Add Sq Ft: Fi reptace Information: Restri cted:#Of Gas Appl, iances:#of Gas Logs:#Of [ood/Pat Let: ***ffi##*ffi******************t*******ffi**tr*#**** FEE SUl.tl'lARy ********lr*****#******************************ffi*ff* Bu'i Lding----) Ptan Check---> Restuarant Ptan RevieH--> DRB Fee-------- 705 -OO 45E.?5 .00 Tota I Calcutated Fecs--->1 ,416.25.00 AdditionaL Fees--------> .00rnvestigation> .0o Recreation Fee----------> .oo Totat perm.it Fee--------> 1,416.25t.li|'|.ce||----->3.00c[ean-upDePosit-------->25o.o0Payments--_-----------==> *******rr*,r***ffi***n*#**************lll**lili;;;;;;;;;;;i*******liili-:i*---*ilfl:l-3.1fi;;r-*;*-i-.***1liifi*- Ile4i.q51q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:9?/26/\gg? CHARLTE Acrionr ApFR CHARLTE DAVISrte.m:'05400_PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT oept: eLANNTNG Division:03/26/1997 cHARLTE AaEion;- EFFn N/eItem:'os600_EIRE DEPART\,IENT _ Dept: FIRE Division:a1/,26/,!227 qHARLTE -Acrioii: AppR N/A 9.?/267!227 _cr_rARr_,rE Acriona AppH NZAItem:' 05500^EUE!Iq WqRK$ -__* -_',_ Dept: pUB WORK Division:03/26/L997 CHARLjE edLion: AppR N/A *ffiffi***ffi****ff*ff****t**ffrit*ff*****************S**rr*ff**t*****t*****ffi**ff***f,***rtrfffilrrnH**tffi********** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS r.hereby acknovtedge that r have rcad.this apptication, fil,l.ed out in futt the information required, completed an accurate ptotpLan, and state that att the information ppovided as required. is correct. I agree to coryty riittr tire information and ptot pLah,to compty Hith aLl' Tovn ordinances -and state laws, and io buitd this structure according to-the rownis ioning ana subdivisioncodes, design reviev apProved, Uniform Buil'ding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabLe thercto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE llAoE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS ltl ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Al 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRot{ E:00 Att 5:00 p}t Send Ctean-up Deposit To: NEDBO CON SIGNATURE OF O}INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIiSELF NUO OUIICN o *******************************************************!k************************ CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0035 as of 03/26/97 status: AppRovED******************************************************************************** Permir.Type: ADD/ALT MF BU]LD pERMrr Appliedt 03/26/1997Applicant: NEDBO CONSTRUCTToN lisued; O3'/26'/tgg7476-43os To Expirez 09'/22'/1997 Job Address:Location: TAIJISMAN UNIT # 390ParceL No: 2L0L-082-05-016 Description: COSMETIC REMODEL OF UNIT Conditione:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WAI_,LS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTTH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 199], UBC.4. F]RE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REOUIRED BEFORE ANY I,{ORK CAN BE STARTED. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitPIJUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 62 E MEADOW DRLocation...I TALISMAN UNIT #390Parcel No. . : 2101-082-05-0 16Project, No. : PRJ97-0018 APPLICANT GUARANTEED PLUMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2t56, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PLTIMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2756, VAIrJ CO 81658OWNER HODES ROBERT D AT ALL TIMES P97 -002r Phone z 3038279414 ADMEDIA CORPORATE ADVISORS rr 866 3RD AVE 26TH FL,NEW YORK NY 1 5, 000 . ooDescription: COSMETIC REOMDEL OF UNIT Valuation: ****ffi***ffitffi**ff*t*ffi*****,r*ff*****FEEsUt|llARY*'Hr***Jtffi***ff'c*ffiffffi****J.tffi**# P tumbi ng-----> 75.00 Stat.us. . . AppJ.ied.. Issued... Expires. . Phone:30382 TotaI CaIcutated Fees---) Additionat Fees-------->lotal Permit Fee--------> Payments------- APPROVED o3 /26 /7se7 03 /26 /ree7 0e /22 /tee7 79414 1E.75 .00 3.00 .00 .75 *ffi*****,.*r*ffi****,rrr*rrffi*t***********ffi***k*ffi*******tr*****ffi*****-illllff-lll;;;;;;;;;i****o**i*IL* rtem: .05100_BUTI,DTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:93/26/L997 CHARLTE Ac-ion; -ADFR CHARTJTE DAViS-It'em:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: **tffi*t*t***ffiffitffi*|t*ffi**ffi***********#****ffi**ffi**ffi**t***ff*lr****#ffi*ff**ffiffi*ff** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIOITS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITfi 1994 UPC -___ ffi*****}}**l*Jtffi***Jr*'t******t**rffi****tht***ffi***L**t**ffi*ffi*f,tffiffff************ff***r***id****rt*ffi*ffi***lrrt*ffi*** DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that t have read_this apptication, f il,l,ed out in ful.t the infornation required, compteted an accurate p[otpl'an, and state that att the infornation provided as required. is corpect. I agree to compl,y vith tire infornation and pl.ot itan,to.conPty lrith atl' Town ordinances_and state [aws, and io buiLd this structure according io the rown,s ioninj ana subdiv,isioncodes, design review approved, Ljniform BuiLding coda and other ordinances of the Town afpIicabl.e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,'ENTY-FOUR HOTJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO}I E:OO AI4 5:OO PII Ptan check-*-> Investigati on>tlitt caLt----> Restuarant P len Revi ew--> TOTAL FEES_---- 96"75 .00 96.75 .00 STGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIiISELF AND OI.'NER o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 E lectri ca [---> DRB Fee Invest igat i on> $li l. L Ca L l,----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0037 Job Address Location. . . ParceL No..Project No. 62 E MEADOW DR TALISMAN UNIT #390 2101-0I2-05-0 L 6 PRJ9 7 -0 018 APPROVED 03 /26 / reeT 03 /26 / LeeT oe /22/Lee7 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . APPLICANT DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 8!632 CONTRACTOR DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 81632OWNER HODES ROBERT D ADMEDIA CORPORATE ADVISORS II 866 Description! ELECTRICAL FOR COMETIC REMODEL Phone: 3039263675 Phone: 3039263675 3RD AVE 26TH FI-,, NEW YORK NY 1 Valuation:7 ,2OO.O0 *********ff*ft****ffi******tr*lrrrff*#fi**t*:t***ff******* FEE SUI'll,tARy ffiM***ffi*****ffi**mff*****************tr******* 144.@ .00 .00 3.00 rorAL FEES---> 147.OO Total. Catcutated Fees---> Additiona[ Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> BALANCE DUE---- 147 .O0 .00 117 .OO .00 147 .OO **********#**********************************ff*********lrt*************************************************************Jr***** IteBi .qqqqo_ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:03/26/7997 CHARLTE Action:-AFFn-CHenlrE DAViSItem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ffr**ffiffirrffi**ffi ***ltt*ffi tlt**ff ******tffi ,r****ffi *iffi **lrtff rffi ff *ffirrffi ***f*ff ffi ffi ****** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. F'IELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU]RED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST ABIDE BY 1q96 IIEC-- **********ffi*t*********t*ict*ffii*ir****!t*ffi***i*Mffiffi****H**#ffi*i***Jl*****t***********fi*****rrti*ffi****ffi***** DECLARATIONS I - hereby .acknorrtedge that r have read.this appl.ication, fil.ted out in fuLl. the information required, conpteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information proi/ided as required is correct. r agree to compl.y Hith the inlofmation and pl.ot irl,an,to compty with aLl' Town ordinances-and state.taws, and io buil,d this st ruc tu re-accord i ng io'the Tovn,s zoning and subdiv,is,ioncodes' design reviev approved, l,.lniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the town a[pticabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIOiIS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AI 479-2138 oR AT OUR OFFICE FRO 6:o0 Afi 5:OO p I fContabt Eagle County Cf .. 970-328:8640 for KPARCEI #, 2lot CFiZ r ff "f:ffT:qt"?i oF vArL coNsrRucrroJ PERI{TT APPLICATTON FORI.T DATE: PERI'IIT /I ^ APPLfCATToN UUST BE FU,LED oUf COIIPLETEIJY oR fT MAy NoT BE AccEpTED.f X***************************** PEIWfT fIIFORI.IATJON *****************************7l tNl-suilains yl3-eruuins txJ-Elecrrical I J-r,fechanibal [ ]-other Job Nane:Job Address: Legal Description: L,ot 't*-31',ryi#n Uut owners Nane: Robcrl* Je"; Hade.' Architect t /V/n Address: General Description: Work Class: [ ]-Ner{ gzfatteratio Nunber of Dwelling Units; /.tNunber of Acconmodation Units: ) Ph. [ ]-Repair I l-Other *"'8fl?i. l-Additional EtEcTRIcetz $_12-OP . a 6 BLII.IBING: $ S.occ:-ZE Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Addfess: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ***************** * * ******** * **** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUI'fBTNG PERMTT FEE: IIECHAIIICAL PERUIT FEE: ELEEIRTCAI., FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. No'.'llLPhone Number: 84<-noTPhone Number: flh<-tOoT Town of Vail Phone Number:2 FOR OFFTCE UsE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUUBTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE:!,IECIIAI{TCAL PIAN CIIECK FEE: CI,EAN-UP 'l !!t: TOTAIJ Town of vdil Req. No. lTGlJ Phone Nunber: a+.c-t 3OO- Town of vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: I' BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATT]RE: *"?>L?, Cornment cLBAlr uP DI9OSIT tEtruf,r, To: ilt8 2S 75 louth fronlage rord Yail, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: su&T8CT: offlce of communlty devclopmcnl AI,L CONTR,AqIORS CT'RRENTLYI REGISTERED T{ITII TIIETOIIN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMITNITY DEVELOp!{ENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAI., STORAGE rn Eunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it i.s unrawful for anyperson to ritter, track or depotia ;t-=;;rl-rili, sand, debrisor material , including_trash-tunpsters, portabre toirets andworknen vehictes. upon any streetl sie;;"i;;;i;y or pubrj.cplace or anv porti-on th;;";;:--irre rigrrt-oi-ray 6n arr Town ofVail streetl ina-roads is approiinately 5 ft. iti pavernent.This ordinance w*r le ;rri;ii;^enforced by the Town of Vair.Public works oeoartnentl--p"i"lns founa rriirr.ri'i this ordinancewilL be s'iven a 24 hour rriii."'i"ii".-to-;;;;;"r.id narerial.rn the event the person so notified.aoes-noi--eoipry with thenoti-ce within the 24 hour t*ne--pgcitied, the pui:.ic worksDepartrnenr wirr. r*.or"-"iiJ-ritEii.i-ii-irrJ';6;.. or personnotified. The nrovisi"ns-ot-Iirl orainance shiu not beappricable to clnstruction, -r.iii.tt"nge or repair projects ofany street or altev "r ini'u[iriii"= in rhe rijrrl-._ray. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of:3:i"::ii:i"9.";i?**:*"::"";;;i" a copv- rirani vou ror your (i.e. contractor, owner) t lnwn 75 soulh tronlage .oad rrrll, colorldo 81657(3o3) 479-2138 or 479-2139 otflce of communlty dcv.loprnofil BUILDING PERF|IT ISSUANCE TiME FMME If this permit reOui,le; a Town of Vail Fire Departnrent Approval,!l.qjlg"l =,, (pyfl ig IgI11 I "eri.n .nl'ipp"ou.i, -i iiiiiiiilS'i.pur*.ntrevrew or Hear th Department, revi ew, anir'a-"eui J ;i-;i;;"Erit ai ng S,eri[H;',h.ff: ". ti'u ted time' ro"'u-tot"r ;;;i;.-;"i"iull'a, rons All commercial flarge or sma'') and a]r mu'rti-famiry permits wi'have to fottow ttre ioove il;;i6"il;xirur ""qrirements. Residentia.land small projects shourd ui"-i-ieiter'amount of time. However, ifresidentiar or smail er .projectr-ii,pi"i' the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to-".i"riiii-"euie*, these projects mayalso take the three-weet< per.ioJ. :J rs'rt r'Irtr)E P'uJecEs Every attempt will be_made by this department to expedite thispermit as s.oo n as poss.rDre. t/\Psvr rE r'r L-j!. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. x=}!v ?zt Corrnuni ty Devel ooment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the iottowing questionnaire relarding the need for a "public Way permit.: ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) fs the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different access needed lo site olher than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? 4 ls a'Revocable Right CI Way permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, siaging or lencing plan required by Community Development? NO <- (--"- 1) 2) YES C".'- <-'------ (__--- c-'--.' !!9u- algwered yes to any otthese questions, a "Public Way permit" must be obtained.?ublic way_ Permit" applications may be obtained a tn"'protic work,s oflice or atc.o.ry.r1u1ttr Development. !f you have any questions please carl Cnarrie Davis, the Townol VailConstruction Inspector, at 479-2t5g.' I have read and answered allthe above /---- Job Name Contracto 's Si!nature 3r/-? PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino oermit aootication.lf yes was answered to any of the above questlons tnen a "public way', isrequired. You can pick up an application at either community Developmeni located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1gdg Vail Valley Diive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (tocate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies ieq'uire ui to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction tratfic controlistaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. ' This plan will show locationsof all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Gonstruction, Staging, etc..). This plan will expiie on Oct. 1Sth. and will need tobe resubmifted for approvalthrough the winter. 4l Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic iontrot ptan oi a iiteplan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lnigation cre*. Thelocates take place in the morning but, may require up to 49 houis to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit You will be contacted as to the siatus and any thii mayneeded. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but ptease allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. please do not confusi the "Public Way Permif'with a "Buitding Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: ] Jh9-gbovaprocess is.for work in a pubtic way onty.* Public Way permits are valid only uhtit Hovember i5th.* A new Public way permit is required each year if work is not complete. crlloftay 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3E / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Department of Communiry Development rltFOruAIIOf, TEEDED TIHEI| TTPPLTTTTO FOR A IIECIIAITICNL PERITIII HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FTOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAI ROOM I,'ITH EQUIP!{ENT DILAWN IN TO SCAr.,E, WITH PHYSTCAL DIMENSTONS AND BTURATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. SHOW SIZE AND IJOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. DUCTS, FLUES, 4. NorE WHETHER ELEVATOR Eeurplr{ENT wrLL ALso BE TNSTALLED rN MECTIANICAL ROOM. FAILURE TO PROVIDE IHIS IISFORUAITOX grIIT DELAI IOUR PERI,IIT. 1. 2. 3. lnwn 75 rodh tront ge .oad vdl, color.do 81657 (3qD 4?s2138 (303) 47$2139 olfice of community devdopment . NOTTCE IO COMTRACTORS/O}TNER BUIT.DERS Effective June 20, 1991, the Town of vail Buildi-ng Department hasdeveloped the following proced.ures to ensure that new const.ructionsites h_ave adequately established proper drainage from buiLoingsites arong and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or- screecs. The Town of vail public gforks Department will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of vair roads orstreets and tbe instalration of temporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from the road or street oD to tle construction site_such approval must -be obtained pri-or to any request for inspectionby the Town of vail Building Department ror tobtingrs or Eemporaryelectrical or any other inspection. prease catl 4'7g-zi6o t;request an inspection fron the public works Department. Atl0w aminimum of . 24 hour not.ice. Also, the Town of vail public works Department will be approvingall final drainage and culvert. instaliation with resulting roaipacching as necessa^ry. such approval- must be obtained prior toFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. .i7 t'' .,'Od.., flBrrrt' I r-.'-17 Fr 4 r€.tlr:F. [r1 L[,EC{LE rEL:f'lar 10,!i7 1J:37 '-r r'q! .l t11- \rrtr.i- N0 ,Ocg F .r.l1 I .lr l n,,Teli,ln'ta.n corttlolrr iriir,rnr associr(ion 'ftr rvh0ur it rtray cortcern: Tlte Tnlisnrnrr (:rrlid$rriit)iur)l Associsticrr authorizcs NBIJRCI cono{t,rtrrtir:n Inc. to uttdettnke inteu:nl l'erlovrrtions lo'.'ondcrriliniurn unlt #390, owuecl by Rtrberl I), Hodes NDDno consrnrctio' r.vilr rrrake eve.ry r..flhrt r0 rlhide by trre As.rocia(itins rogttlatiorts itr rnaking srrch nlturalioul. work rvill (('ilrr)gnfe trr':r wgsli rr1^,):ri.l 7rr, , rgDT wjtli anticrpiitecr sor'1:li,tkrir rlrcwcek irf ,trrt.y lth. Jggz Williarl Amasr .-/ I Presidertt' HoA ilrla*-, U,^,^--ad- J/'fit 62 dell Meadorv []r rt,r V,1il, Cotorddo 8ldJ7 O'lA.r/1r{-itdr TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Bui lding-----) P lan Check---) Invest i gati on> lli Ll, CaLl.----) a Job Address: 62 E MEADOW DRLocation...: TALISMAN UNIT # 390Parcel No. . : 2101-082-05-016Project No. : PRJ97-0018 ?o . /-.' /,t' \l' (:-'--) ll tl (i t 5 'U V'' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT permit #: 897-0035 Status. . Applied. Issued,. Expires. I S SUED o3 /26 / Lee7 03 /26 /7ee7 oe /22 / tsel APPLICANT NEDBO coNsTRUcTIoN Phone:p.o. Box 3419, VAIL, COf CELL# 47t_4888 816s8 CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTIoN Phone:p.o. Box 34t9, VAIL, CO, CELL# 471_4888 81658OWNER HODES ROBERT D ADMEDTA CORPORATE ADVISORS I/ 866 3RD AVE 26TH FL, NEIV YORK Ny L Description: COSMETIC REMODEL OF UNIT Occupancy: RJ_ Mu1ti-Famj_ly Type Constructi_on: V L-HR Type V L-HourType Occupancy: Valuation: 92,200 Add Sq Ft: F i reptace Informatjon: Restricted:fof Gas App I i ances:flof Gas Logs:#0f t,ood/Pa l, Let: *******************************i*********************f,***** FEE SUt!l{ARY *****rhtffi*********tt**rr*******lrt**Jr*****ff***it********** 47 6-430s 47 6-4305 705.00 Restuarant ptan Revi ew-->45E.?5 DRB tee--------.00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 ctean-Up Deposi t--------> TOTAL FEES--.-- .0O Totat catculated Fees---).00 Addi t'iona L Fees--------->.00 Total Permit Fee-------->250.00 P 1,416.?5 .00 I ,116.?5 'l ,416 .251,416.25 BALANCE DUE----*t*******************************************ffi******t,t******************ir*************t*tffi**********************f,****Jr**t****** IIEMs ,O51OO^P!I_II-,DING DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:g?/26 /\g27^cLrABlIE- acEiiiiii--ADFn cHeni,rE DAViSruem:' 0s400_pL4NNrNG nnganrupryl_,-.----- -"o6[t: PLANNTNG Division:g.? / 2 6 / !297^ cusB_LlE -AcEii;;i;--ai;Fn n7aItbm:'05600_FIBE DEPARTMENT _ ,_ Dept: FIRE Division:Q1/,?A/,r997 qH4BI,IE Action; AppR NIA 91'1?9/\222 cHARLTE A.tioiii iiFDH ii/lirrem: 05500_pUp!IC WORK$ -^*_ --,,_ Dept: pUB WORK Division:03/26/t997 CHARLTE Action: AppR N/A ***********ff***********Jrl*******t****************t*****,H************************ff******************i************************** see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permi-t. DECLARATIONS l.hefeby acknowtedge that r have read this appl'ication/ f il,Led out in ful,l. the information required, compLeted an €ccurate pLot ll"k-ll3:::1"-ll':^:lt^:l?-i:l:it:ll"!,provided as rlquired.is correct. r asre. to compr.y !,ith the information and ptot ptan,to compty uith al,t Toyn ordinances and state [avs, and io bu,ild th.is stnucturerv'rr ur.urlrqlrces ano srare [aHs, and to DulLd this stnucture accogding tgithe ToHn'sroning and subdivisioncodes, design revieu approved/ uniform Buitding code and other ordinances ot tn-'rp{n appfi/gpte ttere#. RESUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,|ADE TIIENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Cl.ean-Up Deposit To: NEDBO CoN ( AT oUgIoFFICE FRol'l 6:00 At'l a' ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0035 as of o4/I4/97 status: ISSuED* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *l+ * *i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * Permit.Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Applied: 03/26/1997Applicant: NEDBO CONSTRUCTTON tisuedt 03'/26'/L997476-4305 To Expire. Og'/22'/tgg7 Job Address: Location:" TALISMAN UNIT # 390Parcel No: 2101-082-05-016 Description: COSMETIC RE}4ODEL OF UNIT Conditions: ]-. FIELD INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WAT,L,STCEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED F]RE MATERIAL.3. sMoKE DETECToRS ARE REOUTRED rN ALr, BEDRooMS AND EVERY sroRyAS PER SEC.12].0 OF THE 1991 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REOUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. I TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8l-657 97 0-47 9-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0037ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address r 62 E MEADOW DRLocation...: TALISMAN UNIT #390ParceI No.. : 2101-082-05-016 ., Pro ject No. : PRJ97-0018 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED 03 /26 / 7ee7 03/26/ree7 oe /22 / reeT 63675APPLICANT DOUBLE Q EL,ECTRIC Phone: 30392 P O BOX 975/ EDWARDS CO 81632 CONTRACTOR DOUBLE Q EI-,ECTRIC Phone: P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 81632 OWNER HODES ROBERT D ADMEDIA CORPORATE ADVTSORS r, 866 3RD AVE 26TH FL, Valuation: BALANCE OUE-_-- Tota I Catcutated Fees---) Addi tional, Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> 30392 63675 NEW YORK NY 1 7 t200.0o 147 .O0 .00 147.00 .00 accurate ptot and ptot p tan, subdivision DescripTj-on: ELECTRICAL FOR COMETIC REMODEL *********************ff ***ff******s*******************i*** FEE SU tIARy E Iect ri ca t---> DRB Fee lnvestigation> UitL Ca L t----> TOTAL fEES---> 144.00 .00 .00 3.00 147.00 Payments------- ************t**********************Jrt****************Jr****************************ff***************************ff***************** Ite.m: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:03/26/1997 CHARIJIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ************t*****ff*************************************************t******ff***********r*********i****************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU]RED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST ABIDE BY 1996 NEC ***Jr****Jrt************Jr*******ff********ff****ik******'***********#***ff********************ffi******H***fftr*lr**tr************* I. hereby .acknovtedge that I have nead th'is apptication, f.itted out in futt the information requifed/ compteted anptan, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y with tire informationto.comPty lrith aLl' Town ordinances _and state.[aws, and to buiLd this structure according iothe Tovn,s zoning and DECLARATIONS codes, design review approved, Unifofm Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town aFpticabl,e theret AT OUR ICE FROr 8:0O Al,lREQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A ( AND OIINER o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2]-38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS I TE Permit Job Address: 62 E MEADOW DRLocation...: TALISMAN UNIT #390Parcel No.. : 2101-082-05-016Proiect No. : PRJ97-0018 PLUMBING PERMIT AT ALL TIMES P97 -OO2I Phone z 30382794I4 ADMEDTA CORPORATE ADVTSORS I, 866 3RD AVE 26TH FL,NEW YORK NY 1 5, 000 . 00Description: COSMETIC REOMDEL OF UNIT Valuation: **********************ffii*********t**********f,********t** t EE SUfl ARy ****#*******************************t******************** P Lumbi ng----->75.00 APPLICANT GUARANTEED PLUMBING & HEATING P O BOX 2L56, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR GUARANTEED PLUMB]NG & HEATING P O BOX 2t56t VAIL CO 81658 OWNER HODES ROBERT D Ptan Check---> 18.75 Restuarant Ptan Revi eu--> TOTAL FEES----- Investigat ion> l,riLl catL----> .00 5.@ Status. . . Applied.. Issued.,. Expires. . Phone: 30382 .00 Tota( Ca[cutated Fees---> 96.75 Additionat Fees---------> Total Perfiit fee--------> Payments------- ISSUED o3 /26 /tee703/26/rse7 oe /22 / ree7 79414 96.75 .00 96.75 96.75 SALANCE DUE--.-*******tr***ff*tt*f****|t*************ff******************t*trl***t**l*********************************r************lr*************** Item: .051.00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING nivision:03/26/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: *******************************t*fi*****t********lct********************tft****t********ffr*************************************.t** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 . FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPiJIANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITE 1994 UPC ff**********t******t***i*******tffi*************iff(*******************u************ft**i************.tff********f,r***************** t.hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl,jcation, fitl,ed out in fuLL the information required, comptplan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agrce to compty riith the intg DECLARATIONS to compty sith atl ToHn ordinances and state [avs, and to buil.d this structure accordinq iothe Town,scodes, design nevie!, approved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town tipti REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{ADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY an ion and accurate ptot and ptot ptan./ subdivi si on FOR HII.ISELF ?xr:-tflJe fl.alp Ll\./llJfq vf,r erJrr-J<= *a"u=p1-Y,-rrZ)".,9L) FaSp-]t' \ t n {_ //-a6l>T tN rtilS t hPI * W<"::\4 ,- @Fff'6{8" 1: !t|l /REPTTSI / TOhIN OF VAIL, CELT]RRDT]F'AGE 1387/lI/97 O7:58 REEUESTS FUR INSFECTIUN TrlORK SHEETS FORt 7/Ll/97 AREAI EG Activityr E97-tlO37 7/Il/97 Typb: B-ELEC Statusr I$SUED Eonstr: AAFT Flddrrlg r 6E E f{EADOW DR L.oeation: TALISMAN UNIT *39O Farce L r 31 0l -OBt::-tZr5*'1416Description: ELECTRICAL FOR COMETIC REMODELApplicant:, DOUBLE B ELECTRIE ^' Owner': HBDES ROBERT Dtrontractor! DOUBLE n ELECTRIC Ecc: Use: F,hone: 30139163675 F,hone: Fhone: 3O39363675 Irrspectiorf Reqr.rest Infor"mat iorr. .. . . Request orr trAT/N[:DBO C0|IISTRUCT IffN Req Tinel OBlOEt Cannrentsr Items r.dquerted to be Inspected,.. AA19A ELEC-Final Fhone : 476 -34Oi Aet i on Comment saK - Se= J..tt'-r I:dine Exp - Inspection Histdriy. . . . .Itenl O0f10 ELEC-Temp. Fower' . Itenr OOIEO ELEC-Rouqh ;- A6/L3/97 Inspeetor.: EG Action: AtrPR AdEFOVED' Iterr OO136 ELEC-Condr-rit 7 Iter: OO14A ELEC-Misc.Iten: 06190 ELEtr-FinalItenl $OAe4 FIRE*'RLffRlYl ROUEHIten: OSs$E FIRE*FINAL C/O REF'T I S I trAGE lra AREA: DSVI7/TT/97 O7 I5B REOUESTS FOR INSF'EETION I^JT]RK SHEETS FDR:7/LL/9V v I TOllN 0F UAIL, C0LORRDO oI Eitatus: ISSUED Constr: AltlF Oec: F,hone a 476-43?t3 Fhone: trhone: 476-43tZt5 Use: V 1-HR Activityr 897-OO35 7/lt/97 Type: A-MF Addr.essr 6€ E frlEADOt, DR Locat ion r TALI$NAN UNIT * S9tA trarceI r eltal*gr$**rzr5*r416 Deser-iption; co$tylETIC RHMODEL UF UNIT Appl icant : NEDBtl CUNSTRUCTI0N Owner": HODES ROBERT D Contnactor: NEDBO trtrNSTRUCTItrN Inepect ion Request Infor.mat i on. -.., Requestor; trATlNEDB0 CONSTRUCTION Req Time r OBrOtZt Comments: Iteme r.equest ed to be Inspected... AB0TA BLDE-Final Phone: 476*34tZt3 Aet i on Comment s Ti me Exp Ifspection Hi5tol"y.,, . .'- Item r orlse0 pLAN-ILC 5it e Frlan BLD6*Fr*ning BLDG-Insr-rlat i on BLDG-Sheetrock Nai 1 BLDG'fili Ec, FLDG-F i na 1 BLDti-Finsl C/O Iteor 00036Item: ff6650Iten: OAS6AIten; OOq70Itenr baaea Iteg'r 0@54C1 '"t REtrT131 TOI^'N OF UAIL| COLORADo trn6E I AREA: DSA7/It/i7 E7r58 REOUEST$ FOR INSFECTIBN WORK SHEETS FORt 7/LI/97 Rctivity: F97*tZtO31 7/1L/97 TypEi B-FLlylB $tatus: L5$UED Constr.: ffAPT Addness: 6E E NEAD0W DRLocation: TALISMRN UNIT *JgA trarcel : EIOI-ESE*Os-'a16 Descr.iption: COSFIETif, REOMDEL OF UNITApplieant: EUARANTEED FLUIYIBING & HEATINF Bwner": HODES ROBERT D ContnactoT: EUARr{NTEED F,LUFIBINS & HEATING Inspect ion Request Infornat ion. . . . . Requestorr trAT,/NEDBO CONSTRUCTION , Fhone; 476*34tZt3 Req Tiner 08rOE Comments: Items requested to be Inspected.,, ",' Action Comments 0cc: Use l Fhone: 38JS879414 Fhone: Fihone: 34J8879414 tlnre ExplJ' U'6P9A PLMB-FinaI * :,t Inspection History. . . .. Item r DEetB trLlvlB-Underqr.or-rndItenr Fft*AA FLMB*Ror-rgh/D. l,l. U, A3l14/97 Inspaetor.: DF fi3/gq/97 Inspector: DS Iten r EEIE3O trLMB*Ro'Jgh,/l^later. @=/14/97 Inspector: CF Itemr &Se40 F,L"ltlB-Ciae FipingIt en : OOaS€t F,LttlB-F,oo 1,/Hnt Tr-rbIten: Otag60 F1L|48-Misc. Iten r el0gg0 trLFlB-Final Action: AtrFR APtrRUVED Actionl ffFFR ONE TRAF' Aetion: AFFR APFRovED 6bnmn 6a/"es DEPARTMENT oF coMM,,N,,,?K#-# trr/SoTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT PROJECT TITLE: FI,EISCHER BATIIROOM ADD/ALT SFR BUItD PERMIT PeTmit, Addrees:62 E MEADOW DR ttNrr #20s 2101_-082-05-009 Status-..: FfNAI-,App1ied..: O4/L9/L99sIssued...: 04/20/L995 Extrrires. . : to/L7 /L995 Phone: 3039263655 Phone r 3039253555 Phone: 479-1978 ALL #: TIMES 895-0084 APPLICAIiIT CONTRAgTOR OltlNER BuildinE-----> Plan chcck-- - > Inv.stig.Cion> will call----> Additional, Fee6------ -- -> Total, Penit fee--------> PaynenlE------- BAIA}ICB DI'E---- Resbuarant PLan Revie$- - > DRB Fee-- --- --- Recrealion Fcr-- --------> CLean-Up Deposit- - - -- -- - > TOTAI, FEBS- - -.. BUIIJDING DEPARTMEDIT GARY Actsion: APPR PI-,AI{NING DEPARTMENT GARY AcTion: APPR FIRE DEPARTMEI TGARY Action: APPR PIIBIJIC WORKSGARY AcLion: APPR Eion. . . :Parcel No..: ect. No.: PR,J95-0055 RIPPY CONTRACTORS P O BOX 999, EDI{ARDS CO 81532 RIPPY CONTRACTORS P O BOX 999, EDWARDS CO 81632 FI-,EISCHER TTTARILYN M 52 E,AST MEADOW DR 205, VAII-, CO 81657 Number of Dwelling units: 001 Town of Vail Adjusted ValuaEion: l-8,000 *of ca6 Appliances:*of cas LogB: 1 *Of wood/Pallec: 225 -OO .00 . o0 50.o0 .00 100 .00 Total CalculaEed Fee6- - - > 524.25 . o0 824 .25 524.25 . oo Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept,: FIRE Division: Deptr: PUB WORK Division: Item:05100 04/20/L99sftem: 05400 04/20/199sItem: 05600 04 /20 /L99sItem: 05500 04/20 /L99s * * * * * r * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * r * * J * * * * * * * * * * * * * , a * * * * * t * * !r * * * * * * * * * * * * See Page 2 of tshis Document for any condit.ions tshat may apply E,o this permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledgc lhat r have read this application, filled out in full, fhr infomacion rcquired, conpl.c.d an aceulate plot pLan, and rtatse that .11 the infoinalion provided ae required ia cgrrect. I agrre to conply l|ith the informatLon and p1ot. Plan, Co conply tfith all Tovn ordinances and atate lanB, and t'o build chi6 structur€ according Lo the Totun's zoning and eubdivision codcs, daaign revier approved, uniforn Building Codc and othBr ordinances of tsh€ Torn applicable thereto, REQUASTS FOR INSPE TIONS SHALL BE MADE TWBNIY-FOUR HOURS IN AD\.ANCE BY TEI,EPHONE AT 479-213S OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AI.I 5:OO PM TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up it Refund approved amount date DescripEion : BATHROOM REMODEL Fireplac€ lnformatlon: RestricLed: NO FEB SUIi{MARY Send CI.an-Up Detrrosi! To: RIPPY C1oIfTRACTORS SIGNATIJRB OF S{NBR OR COIITRICTOR FOR IIIMSBLF AND OWNER PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit #: 895-0084 as of 03/29/99 SEatus: FINAI-,***:r:r************t*************************************************************** PermiE, .I:pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: o4/19/L995 Applicants: RIPPY CONTRAqTORS Issued: o4/20/L995 .fob Address: 62 E MEADOW DR LocaEion: ITNIT #205Parcel No: 2101-082-05-009 ********:r*********************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. CAIJI' FIRE DEPT. BEFORE STARTING WORK PARCEL: i:l9rLOBZAil0tO9 t R[C'0APR r 9 g9S APPLICATION I,TUST BE FILLED OUT COI{PLETELY OR IT I{AY HOT BE ACCEPTED *;****++++*l++.r++**********pBpltIT IIIFORIIATIOH****r*+rlr*****r**r***r.*r+**+* tXl-Bulldlng t l-Plumblng tXt-Electrlcal t l-tlechanlcal t 1-Other Job Hame: FLEISCHER Job Addreea: 52 E. I{EADOW DR., #2@5, VAIL Legal DeecrlptJ,on: Lot BIock Flllng TALISI{AH COI{DO #2O5 Ownere lfgne: IIARILYI{ FLEISCHER Addreeg: 62 E. IIEADOS DR..VAIL Pr,\.476-L97A Archltect: Addreea: Ph. Genersl Deecr1.ptJ-on: BATHROOII REI{ODEL l{ork Claee: I I-Ner IXI-Alteratlon I l-Addltlonal t I-Repal-r t ]-Other l{unber of Dvelllng Unite: 2 Nunber of Accomodation Unl.te: Number and Type of F1.replaceEr: Gae Appllanc€rE_ Gae Loge I t{ood/Pellet_ " r * * * * g[ffi!]T ror{s } * i r r } } } } } } } r r } } } } } } } } } } r } } } } r i TOTAL: /{ood - l*t*)rtlrrlll**lrlllr+rrr+TTQQIITRACTOR IllFORtlATIOllt**rr**r*,1*******rr*rl*rGenersl Contractor: Rl-ppy Contractore. Inc.Tovn of Vall Reg. l{o. __fZt_E__Addreee: P.O.Box 999. Edrarde. CO 81632 Phone l{umber: 926-3655 Electrlcal Contractor: EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC Tovn of Val.I Reg. No. 156-E Addreee: BUX 1116. VAIL. CO S165S Phone l{urnber: €27 -3772 ELECTRICALT L,@OQ NECHANICAL: OTHER: Torn of Vall Reg. No. Phone t{umber: Tovn of VaiI Reg. No. Phone Humber: Plumblng Contractor: Addreee: llechanical Contractor : Addreee: ll;lllrll;l*lrlr+ll+lllil;li)**;*FOR OFFICE USE I l * * * l l l * l * l ; l; l l l r l i,l r r i + r r BUILDIIIG PERIIIT FEE: PLUI{BIHG PERI{IT FEE: I,TECITAHICAL PERI,IIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: . BUILDIilE PLAI{ CHECK FEE: CLEAI{-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI{IT F vALUATrOil.l PLUI{BIHG PLAI{ CHECK FEE: I{ECHA}IICAL PLAH CHECK FEE: RECREATIOI{ FEE: BUILIDNG I SI6}IATURE: ZONING T SI6}IATURE: N OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PEF}IIT APPLICATIOH FORI.I DATE: 4/L4/93 BUILDIHG: L7.OEO PLUIIBIT{G: l="J CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUI{D TO:RTPPY CONTRACTORS P. O. BOX 999 EDI{ARDS, 81632 o April 18, 1995 Mike Rippy Rtppy Contrac.tore, Inc.Edwards, Colorado SubJect: Remodel - Unit #120 Talisman Condominiun Gentlemen: This letter ac'knowledges_receipt of your fax dated Aprir 12, 199swhlch outLlnee the rembdet actt-vtty to be constructed in unit #170. The condominlum assoclation doee not object to the constructionproposed.ag outlined in your fax. Frederick M. HaynesPresident T'alisman Cohdominiurn Assoc. cc: Ms. Marilyn Fleiseher #170 Talleman CondominiumVail, Colorado F:TaLMF Description: Valuation: BATHROOM REMODEL FEE SUIIIIARY APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER CONTRACTOR Etectri ca[--> PLan Check--> Invrstigation> l,i l, L Ca l,l.---> TOTAL FEES-_> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON Job Address: 62 E MEADOW DRLocation...: UNIT #205Parcel No.. : 2101-082-05-009 RIPPY CONTRACTORS P O BOX 999, EDWARDS CO 8L632 RIPPY CONTRACTORS P O BOX 999, EDSIARDS CO 81632 FLEISCHER MARITYN M 62 EAST MEADOW DR 205, VAIL CO 81657 EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1L16, MTNTURN CO 81645 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #! E95-0064 Status...: APPROVEDApplied..z o4/2o/Le95 IsEued. .. z O /20/L995Expires..: tO/L7/Legs Phone: 3039263655 Phone: 3039263655 Phone z 479-L9"18 Phone z 3038275772 53.00 .00 53.00 .00 53.m 50.00 .00 5.00 53.(n Tota I catcutated Fees--> Additionat Fees------> Totel Pefrit Fee------> Payments----- BALAI{CE DUE_-_ Dept: BUILDING Division:IteM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI{ENTO4/20/L995 GAF.Y Action: AppR CONDITION OF APPROVAL **** tff,t**f,*t*f,**f,t*i DECLARATIONS I hereby acknou Ledge that I have read this apptication/ fitted out in fult the informtion required, corp l"ctld an accurlt. ptot plan, and statc thlt rtl, the informtion provided as required ie correct. I agree to corpty eith the infofmtion and pl,ot ptan, to corp[y vith al,t Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and to build this structure according to thc Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, design rcvicv appnoved, uniforr Bui|ding Code and other ordinanceg of the Toun appl,icabl,e thereto. REOUESIS FOR IIISPECTIOIS SI{ALL BE IIADE TIIENW-FoUR HoURS lll AoV l{CE 8Y TELEP}loflE AT 47>213A 0R AT olrR oFFICE FRo}l E:q) A[ 5:m P[ SIGIIATURE OF ol,lNER 0R CoI{TRACToR FOR HIIISELF AND OiINER 1/2"AtL T-H'IURES REPL\CED IN EXISTING LCCAT]ON 1 REPLACE TI]B 2 REPLACE SINK 3 REPIACE STOOL ,1 REPLACE VANITY 5 REPLACI' T]LE FLOOR/WAT,L6 ADD POCKET DOOR7 INSTALL LINEN CABINETS ABOVE BED 8 INSTALL CLOTHS CABINET IN BEDROOM 9 INSTALI, TELIVISION CABINET @ FOOT OF e I n)- BED CLc)q> lrlCJ Lr-Ll-c) g o E3 F \f- \\N Ni W CUENT MARYLAND FLEISCHER I'r ]t rri Lr"^'"4/l57'95 '"^* Ze,tPFP:i:/ CONTRACTORS \\GD)\€61!!gzADDRESS62 EAST' MEADOTT DR JOB BATHROOM REMODEL LOCAl'ION #170 TALASMAN PI.AN TYPE ' 5,-0, PER M I T "iY:F: "T,:,^IYN DAI'E i" / ( /' i :) JOB NAME t\ INSPECTION REQUEST READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON . .' ',,i PM , lj.,!;: GI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING O ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr i&SUtATIoN tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: O TEI,IP. POWER O HEATING FOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR u_ tr FINAL D FINAL DATE INSPECTOR |V\tv'(t wt| o / -1-' ?anfi"Y Wlry' tlryr-ru -,1- | ' / |o lallstAat L'MdotlvlhtAtnq o r lalttn7Y1 0, lvt* frilrl gylsvli(^th,yn t o , tr'>s* ry /t. .- .* t dlign Review Action FCn TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Category Numbet q o^t" 4 7- 1y' BuildingName: ln(itva^ owner, AddressandPnone: T r,t{is-r-o-n {t (, Zfzs"t ArciitecVContact, Address and Phone: /../ ( a 3 ur Board / Staff Actlon Vote:Motion by: Seconded by:_ '! Disapproval {starnnnrovar Conditions: _ Town Planner oa., *? qi DRBFee ere-paia # 7 tt DRB IPPIICATION - TOWN,0F VAIL, DATE APPIJICATION RECEMD I DATE OF DRB MEETING: ttt tt ilr t I tHls lPEttc'lfrotf HtI.[ l{o! BEuNTtt Al,L REQUTRSD lnrOnVtUONt**ri*t**t O rcvtted 6/18/91 cor,oRADo ti? MAR t | 1j,,* lccE9sEDr9 SqB$IITED I.PBOJECT INE'ORMATIQN,T A. DE$CRIPTIONI B. TYPE 08 REVIEW! _New Construotlon IJEGAI, DE$CRIPTION: Subdlvlslon ZONING T ($200. oOl -)!ulnor Arceratlon (920.00) (90) E. s, rf property ls d.;["|;;descrlptlonl please provlde.attach to thts appllcatlon.'^ Conceptual Revtew Block a meets and boundg legal on a seParate sheel and appllcantlot area, SENTATI k*t. Phone fru. ,'p ?4v;-: FEE ((PuXt4/t^ I' E 2o.oo V7 g 50.00 $100.00 s200.00 $ tl00 .00 $500.00 IIITBOST OWNER' g SIGN}TURE LOT AREA| trf requtted, stamped survey showlng G,NAME OF APPLICAI{T Ma l ltng .Addresg I APDIICANT' Address: *SIGNABSRE (E} IMatllng Addrese FEE SCHEDULE: VATJUATION $ o-9 1o,o0of10,001 -$ 50,0000s0,00I-$ 130,000 9190,001 - $ 5001000 $S00,001 - 91, 000,000$ Over 91r 000r 000 IPPI,TC,IIION WII,I, BE PROCESSID NAITS OF MaillnE H. I.NAiqE OP OV{NER,S: J. l(. Condomlnlun Approval lf appllcable. DRB FEE: DRB fee9l as ehowtr abovel arc Bo be palct althe tlme of submlttal of DRB apptlcaglon. later, when applytnE for a butldlng permltr please ldentlfy theaccurate valuatlon of the propo6al The Town of vall urt 1t rr:llust thE feq accordlng to ?h9 trblc below, to ensure the correct fee tg pais, a^o) /,-M/,frrlr/ tNo LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF LOT ll, ( PROJECT: The following infornation is Review Board before a fina] A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash EncLosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of for submitLal to the Design can be given: MATERIAL COLOR required approval TYPE OF B. PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* * Indicate for deciduous trees. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Designer: Phone: trees. caliper h Indicate t.t1 88.11.rt I .rr.Fl i,'r(-k-;8?-llol P{.ll irjl j jrlll{: hh Cbign Review Action fi TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: owner,Addressanaenone: 7' a, IJ-zl *,o1 { "v ,,/., ,4s s.' r ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Legaf Description: Lot f Bbcx 5 C Subdiusion U. l,/;/(.r Zone District P@ectstreetAddress: i,' / t t it r, ,l .t..t il. u-< Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval dStaff Approval 'Conditions: h lltr;,,, ,/ /..,r. Town Planner ' ' I ,/ rt 9 DRB Fee pre-paid tr /.*ualei /.i il/ I / WE ARE SENDING YOU ! Attached fl Under separate cover via LET'T o ER @F TRANSNfl[T'T'AL "^" ll/4 /4b l'"" "" 4a lk ^"'"'!rH bY AtlilWtV4 frLl+g*rt aoHw4lAlilAee the following items: ! Samples I Specifications ! Return -corrected prints ! Submit -copies for distribution n Resubmit-copies for approval N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Sirowdon and Hopkin o so 201 Gore Creek Drlve Vail, Colorado 81657 ! Copy oJ letter tr Shop drawings THESE ARE TRANSMITTED (ns reQuested tXFor your use FFor approval fl For review and comment D FOR BIDS DUE n Change order f Prints Architects go3-476-2201 FAX476-7491 n Returned tr Approved ! Approved n E Plans as checked below: for corrections as noted as submitted ! DATE NO.DESCRIPTION t tt/4 /4a bLWfrVA ar ?pa l-asa Pera*paqlal- Vapfij|-rw SIGNED: COPY TO ,t enclorur.s .ra not .a notaal, kihdly notity ua ,1 once! o Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gorr Creek Drive Vail, Colorado o Architects 303 476-2201 81657 ,li,J,TJ e ft at'>a TA>taY1AitaoatcaYt HIilraq tt/4/4+Ja? HIIHF#F 4al* HreLAHE erH..i,q ,1xt oWF IFT*" (?fffiF-t-.',^(l- f o-,t-r;/ /a-.e.t ,,_- h_r. ,H?r^l^ 4l2wv2 \ ) KJ i I .vttat ?va ?HWPpeP lH FrwZH?r-frI lF,-__-- aUp 'Vrc'FzxtV 1-151p71l|1 ?lrilbfl? ?aetra @fA-Wnnt ?*FlH4 Aref, -: hw lrr*:tWh*4 o,Wd ral r*rr atl lwap'oet+^ dll{a. P (6$) ' 3o 7,wffr''a. {-! - !-.-ta- (etf I 3u,nop.o ngllhtr::ria^Ilrr4ry1.rl r J l'tla:o?n . ?m1;1/ plf+f yt4ffi* AaAbaA Hlcil??Hna'Iii4ilb 4att ,/ lf+ztltrcafeto.) /.4 Lqf6,# nur orvh"ltt vq w'rth mh drdcl su w,#rq',u#*,&6,;d o o go-r 4n. t^frrb lcfort0:(6lr) (to ?tW l++te ?nre U) Aff$!,'iffiffi I*lqHA4 Pll+t qatrt It/444