HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT L K KIANDRA TALISMAN AKA SONNENALP AUSTRIA HAUS 2007 FACE LIFT LEGALItzV/laY /t+ /ofE, z- co lttJ\Fr trat ELrF\lE \- Design ReYiew Board ACTIO]II FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tet: 970.479.2139 fax'. 970.479.7452 web; www.vailgov.com Protect Name: Project Description: Partlcipants: Project Address: TALISMAN CONDOS Legal ltescrlption: Parcel Number: Comments: TALISMAN COLOR CHANGE DRB Number: DR8070229 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS TO CHANGE COLORS FOR STUCCO, FASCTA AND TRIM OWNER TAUSMAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOC 05/2912007 62 E MEADOW DR VAIL. CO 81557 APPLICANT SNOWDON AND HOPKTNS, ARCHnE05/29|2007 PO BOX 3340 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001763 ARCHTTECT SNOWDON AND HOPKTNS, ARCHTTE05/29|2007 PO BOX 3340 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001763 62 E MEADOW DR VAIL Phone: 970-476-22O1 Phone:970-476-2201 LocaUon: Lot: K&L Elock Subdivision: TALISMAN CONDO 2101-082-0501-7 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actaon: SIAFFAPR Date of Apprcvalz 05 129 l2OO7 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Rachel Friede DRB Fee Paid: f2O.OO Motaon Byr Second By: Vote: Conditions: f0}fiT ilFVAL 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2t38/479-2139 FAX970479-2452 May29,2OO7 Snowdon and Hopkins Architects, P.C. Attn: Craig Snowdon Serrt via fax: 970476-7491 Department of Community Development Re: DRB07{229 Talisman Condominium Association 62 E Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Lot I, Block 5E, Vail Village l" Filing Dear Mr. Snowdon, Thank you for your application for changes to the approved plans for Talisman Condominiums. I am writing to inform you that your application has been staff approved. A DRB Action Form is included for your records. If you have any questions or concems, please feel free to contact me. You may commence painting at your convenience. Planner, Town of Vail (970Y79-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com Attachment: DRB Action Form Rachel Friede Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.7t28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning Design rwiew approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and one year of the approval. *rt.n or*,e nropomrt Locj-Bro*r 5E- suudivisionr.-Hlii Fh-vsfcatAddress: loI frrl(leO',b['{.rlv luii.&. parcet No.: tl.gl0tt 05 0 17- -- (cona*EagteCo.Assessorat9T0-328-8540turpanelno,) lla,''ne(s) of Owner(s): lnlarling Addressl I 9, fi1e tra il l!0.'olbl r. 41L . 0mrner(s) Signaturc(s): Narne of Appllcant: Mailing Addr€ss, E-i:rail Address: $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association o t{gJ C)v o N N1 lS t\ re na;T=L= \\2 t.= U V i,e rJgflgp+i: wrvrsFt (fl. of the Taliwan ( ^uAowia:n'n- hrto.t wfion : ' - Type of Review and Feet tr Changes to Approved Plans Submitta! Requirements: Ftcdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb-change-to-approvpdilans-1iage-o5-11-2006 doc " :'l'AL-.| d, l"tit^il'&al.^l t'.'tx"i lf ! 1 ;ii+r"- , Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIAIS Type of Material l$ h4.oh L+. 'sr'Fttl4q *vttt . tfl;tiil9 c*irfing uoo4 eqrlrnq o0h0r(,b,e trislinq /woo+ oh4 alz4 e(litiq /ncw wood exirfiug wwl tolat c*irtir4 tvoe4 netrl Fretzl .t(t 4etirlr e*1sf[6j flv. melal e*istinl Flv. ruretol c*fftihq qf\aov :Frash'€aelesure€- stonc or?5-ntw l.tlft ,?n{t+o[c . P-k.r l4 wF €) /t r;/s1 ' Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys " pt vlwi| r,ov'!'roi{;e ,[lo4 "iv'rl,rTii1t#i" triIlirrg1 nafura{/fun ' olz*'h" \oin ' 1w la4 omtk'lwnnl ------ tprnl .fl$t'ltw hoqqe b[le rwl qldn . tobdat,o 9tt/..)ofi_.-.-:---:- | | | ?A,nt .5?M 2vsfLg '6ltr 300b @r* Vrev.La lifr"td.t rtain.lobww Nn071 --.: +n vttttain ae efirts --;---;- , {arn . lobtooi 5w }ol1 'prlt| nlqn melal " ----;---;-|| P?VT, " fo\a o(to { 1, }o'11@ ?"W'5r{ilMerrhoqt. blqe ru1 r,t"ttlrat "br{f " €reenheue+ rr0+ sno',tr lq?fdf ' Retaining Walls- Exterior Lighting Other a*ttu4 tuc+l|paint . loPauo 5tN 1o1l neh, {tont' vcnctr Morerub\<' yol hvcen glcfv "nor ol v*F wilel Fs. 'brottc n?Pw {u ilcry l4owvlrpuTt rt{qml Notes: dl nbr nqnluq "rs ttr Shorwin,urrllrzHl,,jj-1v,09.{r13ger " ' 'A' Please specifo the manufacture/s name, the color name and number a[d'attach a color chip..'r. i. - (: . "\t-- T Page 6 of 13F:\cdev\FORMs\PERMlTs\Planning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.doc lt rt{2312005 elul"; Q-'r PO ,'-.& 3340 . +Y1Ai'' Box Vail, Colorado 81658. Phone: 970-476-2201 . Fax:-970-476-749 1 '6/4f7a<' , 2i-2L' pp- +) F-h22.ih'n4,,'l,a)e4, e Vi\4*l 4 . -*i*.'t'), . ?l-. , --',cs /9'1+ t .i.r"b ) "r,;,p .-i..,t i., ,ii i . :'l. 6'-.,&6 frli.-a, 4.j_ - .l,,, Jlrlorl'-,-vl A Az,. i, il{ i, ,ti'J4 TDeaL+tYf )'. --i'. u .l-+'4.1'.'; Summerhouse Beiqe *;-h\ -* !* -- I I r Tree Bark 2'64-I rir+,l,l-''''*rl"*i',J.,:t^rq: ,t lt 2,L? ri'e1 , t -.;-*z#- lii6 I . z,^it- i>.i4 P.O. Box 3340 Vail, Colorado 81658 970-476-2201 r{x 476-7491 LETTER O)F lfR,ArNSfWlliliA:L f -l Samples I Specif ications TO L] tr Plans WE ARE SENDINC YOU fr Attached nUniler separate cover via E Copy of letter I Shop drawings ! Change order ll prints the following items: DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: KAs requested ffFo,. y.ru, ,r" ,(Fo,. aporourl ! For review and comment n nron eros ouE I Returned for corrections ! Approved as noted !Approved as submitted ! Return corrected prints I Submit -copies for distribution I Resubmit copies of approval L ]PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US I Besign Review Board ACTI(IH FON,i'I Departmeat of ComrFuility Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 faff970"479.2,{52 web: www.vaiSgav.com Prciect Name: TALISMAN D(T REMODEL Projed Descrifion: Particlpanb: DRBNumber: DRB070027 Location: RNAL APPROVAL FOR MINOR ALTEMTION INCLUDING NEW ROORNG; NEW PAINT COLORS; NEW BALCONY MILINGS; NEW WINDOW TRIM AND NEW VENEER owNER TAUSMAN CONDOMTNTUM ASSOC 0Ll26l2N7 52 E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 816s7 APPUCANT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHITE01/26/2007 Phoner 970-476-2201 PO BOX 3340 VAIL @ 81658 Llcense: @00001763 ARCHITECT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHITE01/26|2007 Phone : 970-476-22Or PO BOX 3340 VAIL co 816s8 Llcense: C000001763 62 E MEADOW DRVAILPrcject Address: TALISMAN CONDOS Legal Descrlption: Parcel Number: Comments: Loe K&L Block Subdivision: TAIISMAN @NDO 2101-082-0s01-7 Motlon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Dantas Dunning s-0-0 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actton: APPROVED Date of ApprovaE 0212L12007 C,ond:8 (Pl4N): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall shff and/or the appropriate ret/leil committee(s). Cond:0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Buildlng personnel prlor to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approral. @ndr 202 Approval of this proJect shall lapse and beome vold one (f) year bllo,rring the date ' 6 of final approval, unless a buildlng permit is issued and construction ls commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond; 113 All dwelopment appllcaUons submltted to the Torrn after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Serles 2005 shall be subJect to the pending employee housing regulaUons in whatever form they are finally adopted; pro\rided, horuever, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April L5, 2007, thls Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Planner: RAC|HEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: i25O.OO ut.ly. l{lu. .t z:t4 IAt JoJ JFrN. 1r '. eE67 4:39pM -.m 779 0714 SNOI^IDOI*F€FKINS @oaz/ooz It_o! 38e P,,,?/? G€.lelal Intbrmaton: Al! r|ojeds r€qdrlog de*lgn rer4ew must Gceive apFrsv"l p,rlor h sbmttdng i buildng Demlt applkm'qn. plesse re{,:i'lI| th€ tubmlt|sl rcquirements fior tJre partirular epprolrul $at is requeste4 An applkauon for De5igo Rerleu/ car,,tot be accepted unb'l all required Inbroetion b rscsiyed by fie Comrunity Develofrment Departrn€nt. The pn-:,edt Fldf tl$ need !e be reviarued by tfi,e Toum Council and/or the Plennlng and EnvlronmsrtEl Commision. ne :if{n |tvlew appmval lapses unless e bullding parmit is lssueal and ccnstnrcfion 6nmeno66 u.italn or'r1 I year of ure appnwl. tlre Le .aijon of tfte Prcposal:suUaivrion:-V?l Fh,.rslcal Address:Varl Fa.'ce{ No.: ,l0ltl1'0 5 0 IFa.cef No.: rtvrv rc v-t v , L - (ConhctEagleCo.Asseeeorat9T0-328-8640brparret no.)Pr 7-r,r ,ingl 14. . .. - Nn ne(s) of Owner(s):lzlhaala-fu onilo rni,a snw hrt o it"fi otl Ma::ting Addtess:TE,trrg [ai rb Phone: Ovr ner(s) Slgn aft re(s): Ni: ne of Appllcantl t M,n;ling Addressi €-r1ail Arldress: De partfi ent of esnmunlty Developrfl st "*'iiff.ffi5,fr'%u;'!rm:&#65? ? lz tl o+ rrab: unrar,rraibar-om l__-,",_,_ g Ftl. €,c({*" $50 llul $1.00 per quaro toot of tffil dgn arca. No Fee $650 For consfudion of a new hrilding or demo/r€build. S300 For an addl0on whsr Suare fuobgs is added s arry rcsldential or @mrnerEial bulldtng (indudes 250 addldons & lnulor conversionsl. $250 For mind dungeg to bulldlnge and dte impmvernenE, zuch as, reroofing, palntlng, wlndow addltlors, landscaplng. fences and rctalning wElls, €tc $20 Fof rnlnor change! to boildhEs snd site lmpruansnts, sudt 3s, ret'EffnE, pahting, wiillour additions, lsnCEcaping, fenes and r*ining walls, de *20 For revlsions to plans aleady appoved by Plennlng Spff q the Design Radqar Board. aP6oJ oo ,\, \, TVi,,s of Revlew and Fee: D. $igns n :".onceptuel Revlew n i'Jew ConstrudonB nriCiEon S[ einor ntjraton irnultj^fhnlly/commerdal) E Minar AltenEon isl n gle-Pemlly/duplex) fl tJnangesbApprtnred Flans S Separailon R€quest Mlnor Exterior Alteratlons ,i Application for Design Review No Fee 'l- I . Door Entry -wood panel - existing to remain \ Trashlski noom - existing - paint - new color - Benjamin Moore-Moorwood 'Manchester Tan'o Directory panel - stainless steel existing to remaino Lighting Existing recessed at door to remain Existing wall sconces - replace with new fixture - Noral 'Park' Model F (Bronze)r Window (above entry) - existing stucco - paint Benjamin Moore-Moonuood 'Manchester Tan'- copper sillo Site Walls Free standing walls - new stone/moss rock veneer (grouted w/ stone cap)o Signage (office)- at middle entry to be determinedr Hand Railings - existing wrought iron to remain Deck Railings (south) - new "hammered' iron (see details) Decking/Deck Edge - existing concrete detail - paint - new color Benjamin Moore- Moorwood 'Taos Tan' Deck Soffits - existing concrete paint - new color Benjamin Moore-Moonvood 'Manchester Tan' Stair Enclosures (South)r Walls - precast concrele/stucoo - paint new color Benjamin Moore-Moorwood 'Manchester Tan'o Gates - existing wood - paint to match stuccor Stains - existing wood (3 x 12) treads-stain - Benjamin Moore "Moonrood 'Taos Tan'. Railings - existing wood - paint - Benjamin Moore "Moorwood 'Rustic Taupe' Gas Meter Enclosure (North) - wood siding/copper cap (existing) Precast Braces - existing concrete - paint - nenr color to match Benjamin Moore "Moonrvood'Rustic Taupe' Ghimney Gaps - paint - Benjamin Moore "Moonivood 'Rustic Taupe' Window trim - in wood siding (North)- stain to match Benjamin Moore "Moonrood 'RusticTaupe' Windows (existing) in new stone walls as stone lintels (approx. 8') Gutters/Down Spouts - new copper Solid Latex(0eg,067) or Alkyd toaot Alaska White * Redwood 20 Montgomery White Old Parchment ladelphia Cream Richmond Bisque Sandpiper Taupe G raywood *Sea Gull G ray 72 Shelburne Buff English lvory Bridgewater Tan Golden Yellor 5a ndsport Gray 5a usa lito Gray Platinum G ray Buckskin ission Brown New Fawn Calif ornia Rus Barn Keo II Old Pewter 5 pan ish Mossrrr Deep Ch a rcoa I Cordovan Brown Tree Bark Coffee Since all chips are affected by age, light, heat, and mechanical coating processes, the chips on this card may vary slighlly in color or finish lrom the actual stain in the container. ord Brown Maritime White *Mahogany 64 *Natural Cedartone 45 Manchester T Beige Gl Du ne Grd Taos Tan R ustic Taupe lde rness Gr Charleston Bro ChocolateG reat Smoky Brown PARK \-,lossicol design is olwola in - yeslerdoy, todoy ond in the future. The Pork provides on ottroctive oppeoronce In the doyiime ond functionol lighting oi night, This model's design reflects lrodiiions from oround the world - o unique combinotion of clossicol design ond the lotest developments in modern lighiing technology. We offer o wide ronge of energy-eff icient light sources ond reflectors thot creote the right otmosphere ond functionoliiy for oll environments. Only components ond row moteriols of the highest quolity ore used in the monufocture of Norol flttings ond occes- sories. When developing new products. instollotion ond mointenonce friendliness is olwoys given iop priority. Pure. recycled oluminium used in the olloy combined wiih o seven sioge surfoce treotmenl ond Uv-resistont polyester powder cooting moke Norol iuminoires exiremeiy resistoni to corrosion. The result of Norol's uncompromising quqlity policy is low lifetime costs for the customer. Investmenl in luminoires from Norol more ihon poys for itself through low instolloiion ond mornlenonce cosTs. Deslgn' Hons Gabriel Finne i{ 'h \ 6 nordu - 1T-q ae w-i- l! i .:t -rl 'r'F r@[ U A n--T\U ffitr Sou rce Sockel CFL l8 1o 57 4-pin bose lvlH 50 to l0O PR medium bose HPS 50 to 100 PR medium bose INC 200 medium bose Notes: Other bollosl ond LIGHT SOURCES/OPTICS - PARK Effi,,FStfi 't IJ Code TR RR RBV N ote: Bollost eleclronic HPF mogneiic HPF mognetic none Voltoges I 20, 208, 240, 277, 347 120,208,240, 277, 347 I 20, 208, 240, 277 , 347 't 20 Mountings Avo ilo b le A" D4, I E] , E2, R2, R3, K A, E E], E2, R2. K A E EI, E2, R2, K oll Requirements none none voltoge configurolions moy be ovoiloble. Coll Borbicon for deloils. AVAILABLE OPTICS D esc riplio n top refleclor ring refleclor tvpe V borosilicole reiroclor none For oplimum performonce use wilh cleor or tint lenses. Bollost locolion moy chonge with higher wotloges. 142 MAIERIAI.S PARK on 99.5eb pure recycled olumlnum wlth less thon '2"h cop' Pet conlenl lens - Acrylb nnt Lens AT AcMic Opol lens AO Hordwore - 304,316 sloinless sreel surfoce lreotmenl - Excludve "Polyseol" system Rellectors - onodlzed oluminum DUM,ilLrIY A4I3.2 olumlnum olloy is used for strength, teslsfonce to conosktn ond reduc€d weight W resbtont polraesfer powder cooting resisls dlsc€L orolion trom W loys betlet lhon convenlionol epoxy powdef cloling Seven stoge surfoce teolrnenl wtlh chtomole erisules excellent odhetence befween melol ond fhe polyesiet cooting Acrylic bnses with odded W protecllon EA$YTO MAINTAIN One ptece lens for good fit ond eosy removol fof cleon' ing Stngle copttve screw lor occess to bollosl comportrnent when seryicing Stolnless steel hordwote ond screws ensules |touble flee molnlenonce Flnger lighl sctews for le-lomping requke no lools Norol Green GRN Cuslom color motch ovolloble, cobr chip requked Most chorted RAL cobrs ore ovoiloble Set-up chorge wlfl opply to semi-slondo]d, RAL colors ond custom colors EUCIRTCAt . Ul wet bcollon or lesled f,o meel U[ 1598 equivolenl for wet tocotlon by Enlslo (wwweniekl.coml ACCESSORY A}ID OPnON CODES Lodder Bot Photo Cell Duplex GFI outlet in posl bose AVAttABtE COIOURS Stondo.d Colors Texlured Block Texlurcd White Norol glonze mhd€dGreen Seml-stondord Colors Silver Grophile BtK WHT BRZ Pl|T stt GRA LB PH GFI ORDER EXAMPTE PARK Mod€l I Mount Lamp n_m \blloge Oplics Lens Finish Acc€6sory tulonu{octu.ed ond Dbftbtned h Nod'n Ametico by: EARBICAiI ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS Lil'. conodo: 479 Centtol Avenue, Fort Ede, ontcb t2A 3T9 U.S.A: Suite 386, 266 Elmwood Avenue, Buffdo. N.Y. 14222 Voice: t9o5) 991 -9107 tax (905) 991-97@ E-moll: info@bobicon.co Web: www.bcrbhon.co 144 I Tll s lF FIE * l- *i= t t- -l ar l:*l* I l_ i 12in !f3{J mm I | 173l4in I MoDEL: A 450 MM I 3/4 in 225 mm TA| ,/- _-\ | -t______________\- .=lEffi".DEL:B2s*ls \ir l/lF- vI trntl\ 9in 231 mm r 36 1/4in rr g2o mm ---------1 i 21 3l4in i:---=5s r*-----------' : V 0 $ Q a 0 -8S t* A m--t\\il-7 r12jn I 307 mm -0 \ffi/N// u-t/vEfirFi-ilo llG ll- ll rooeu tl tltlill\ asnin 169 mm ;(') ro ao .E (oo o t (\lo I I I I I I -l -t F .'! c',i;ict--ilo i I i I E o Foto oo ot ffiloerain lf I Jltzo'- Po Box 3340 r vail, colorado 81658 o Phone:920-426-2201 . Fax 920-426-2491 | /4* / a1. . ?rtb?leW ylal>t?la*t lolla 4 ur/- ? TFlt4 of a^l -s,-+Ota ohp THF,f .t 6q ,W?2 ltl' , 2* tErtd 4ttiP$?! f bil . ?/4t' * ll -a tt e t}"1 ' PO Box +2 Il 3340. Vail, Colorado 81658 r Phone:920-426-2201 r Fax:970-476-7491 Ir*d/c1 '. v* ?.4 P_ ert + 2'rle*:4, 4*1 Vu67d?? 1Ft!.J Ztl,+'a 4YY,P'2H2V4hW l-lt-+F, , j-tr>t) +*eJ?, veg?vp Dzf*l; . I r,l. 9r' 1r l,-a' - PO Box 3340 . o'c 11 t b vla HaN Vail, Colorado 81658. ?pl4PaHlFllUfrq Phone: 97 O-476-2201 I Fa x: 970-476-7 491 | /+b /al . . bf+??Ia? 1*le"l?l4.A-rlp*4 . 1-'l ,.+ I EErl $ ,t {\ d \ L T $ _lf rl (.\\- +l \-t d tr 1 _l t$ - ey'eJpf o a2lt 2. lt -A,t .b.h'b'a,?' , ?v7*4f lo# ' _, j/*tt t, lt -ov - 1at -etl 1al -atl r.?" (yJgrrt\ .VPh,P.,P,a' +tL, a*,;pr-, ^at*?+ lvr+bar)#,#?, 44 ,la. ?rlhila z;fa.P. hct"ye ?A++ta ?"c?Wab . Hrl,'f h+llltla b*fhl*+ . ^olrrt ?lvqrtPr4 ' fVroiUaifa, hW t?tlJ'z- ^?Hl'raalq\r'L ftig-+rL4 n fl .E :l-[ q I F--;3;=---_==--.._\ - TAI-lafiA-l oaf FoYfHlrlH+ , )! , ?btla >? +/ laTol , Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SofRb Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys PROPOSED MATERIALS Tyoe of Material " n,X'ffi:,irfW,f*slitli'rg wlu,Ato. d?i{ h" l* h{.on V,t. ' crfetlt4g !?M . trl{: lqnc {dl . cxritiut /ncw uv00d - - o*irtiug wl tol"t cxirtitrj nroo{ neh, mi["] .rec 4cbrlt re.k4 ogqrr mehl " e*;rfiag qelv. melal Pilnt ' Pf{": leot tov' cxirfprl galv. metal ?oittt 'wW nl\nnl ytintr. ttt/'l . Arl.o{r*r|+fanrxtftirq *tloto +lesh+nd€frres- 6tovtc or?r.nff l'qft ltn{rtone ftafnral "bnfr " aSlittlr4 tvrstrl ??int. trn, ,Io,at !e,'r' .- neh, <tone V0nc({'rn36erual<. eJrulhvce^ Jfcltl "hor?l P"rF twilel FE, .bront e . ulpw gu ficru 74ow[rpttTr nrlqml *irting Noe4 *tttto . c*rrfirrj @Tan tfdtn.ttf,t': laot ton ldnt.ftlt. lune grel . ,@+t1 eqrf rrrq wh^v$ve trisfing lwoo* ar4 alz4 - €reenhegses. Irot $ow lhtrft Retaining Walls' Exterior Lighting Notes: F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_minor_alL11-23-2005.doc Ltl23l200s f,irtl*r F*:i (aLc Page 6 of 13 fo r(uzin pe efirtrW Stone Base (north and west)o Moss rock (grouted)- gray brorn colors (minimal orange)r Match Sonnenalp - southeast @rner of porte cochere wing. Buff sandstone slab/sillslwindow headers in stone (west end/lower level) Stone Cap - Buff sandstone at all new stone veneer - 2' thick 4 x 4 and 2 x 1o rrim Band - existing - new color - solid stain - Benjamin Moore Moorwood 'Dune Gray' Siding (vertical) - existing - new color - solid stain - Benjamin Moore Moonvood 'Dune Gray' Stucco - paint existing - Benjamin Moore Moonryood .Manchester Tan, tAlindowstSliding Doors-o South - clad (dark brown) to remain. North - paint - new color - dark brown to match existing clad Fascia - existing/new - stain - new color - solid stain - Benjamin Moore Moorwood 'Taos Tan' Soffit - existing concrete - paint - new color - match Benjamin Moore Moorwood 'Dune Gray' Roofing - DaVinci composite shake roofing ('Tahoe Brown'), watershield membrane and felt interlays (Class "n^" roof system) Upper Stucco Parapeto North - existing stucco - paint - new color - Benjamin Moore-Moorwood'Manchester Tan'o South - existing stucco - paint - new color - Benjamin Moore-Moonrood 'Manchester Tan'o East - existing stucco - paint - new color - Benjamin Moore-Moonrrood 'Manchester Tan'. West - existing stucco - paint - new color - Benjamin Moore-Moorwood 'Manchester Tan'o chimneys/step ups - stucco - existing - paint - new color - Benjamin Moore- Moorwood'Manchester Tan' ' Metal caps - existing - paint - new color - Benjamin Moore-Moonrvood 'Manchester Tan' Entry Alcoves (north). Steps (treads/risers) - existing sandstone to remaino Walls - new stucco painted Existing wood - new stucco finish - Benjamin Moore-Moonrvood 'Manchester Tan'. Snow grates - metal (existing) to remain. Landings Lower - existing buff sandstone to remain PO Box 3340 ' Vail, Colorado 81658 o 970-476-2201 .970-476-7491 (F) r 5no*donfl opkins.com Upper - existing buff sandstone to remain. Door Entry - wood panel - existing to remain Trash/ski room - existing - paint - new color - Benjamin Moore-Moorwood 'Manchester Tan'o Directory panel - stainless steet existing to remaine Lighting Existing recessed at door to remain Existing wall sconces - replace with new fixture - Noral 'Park' Model F (Bronze)r Window (above entry) - existing stucco - paint Benjamin Moore-Moorwood 'Manchester Tan'- copper sillr Site Walls Free standing walls - new stone/moss rock veneer (grouted w/ stone cap). Signage (office) - at middle entry to be determinedo Hand Railings - existing wrought iron to remain Deck Railings (south) - new "hammered" iron (see details) Decking/Deck Edge - existing concrete detail- paint - new color Benjamin Moore- Moonrood'Dune Gray' Deck Soffits - existing concrete paint - new color Benjamin Moore-Moorwood 'Manchester Tan' Stair Enclosures (South). Walls - precast concrete/stucco - paint new color Benjamin Moore-Moorwood 'Manchester Tan'r Gates - existing wood - paint to match stuccoo Stairs - existing wood (3 x 12) treads-stain - Benjamin Moore Moonrood'Taos Tan'o Railings - existing wood - paint - Benjamin Moore Moorwood 'Taos Tan' Gas Meter Enclosure (North| - wood siding/copper cap (existing) Precast Braces - existing concrete - paint - new color to match Benjamin Moore Moorwood'Taos Tan' Chimney Caps - paint - Benjamin Moore Moonrrood 'Taos Tan' window trim - in wood siding (Northl - stain to match Benjamin Moore Moonrood 'Taos Tan' Windows (existing) in new stone walls as stone lintels (approx. 8") Gutters/Down Spouts - new copper PO Box 3340 o Vail, Colorado 81658 i-A' i 4l-tA$ 6dt-l b"p|-1 iii --r-'4u . Phone:.970-476-220'l . Fax: 970-476-749 1,+/is/ea. , v*.-d--?,v- j?y-. l4/t:z?lb,q /aala4 " ':p'.b',,ii.b -:a+ ., :ii,'a . ,? -A€, 7: ',; .a1, E l, ,tr;=^€ ,lv.)"i2v-+ , i..,::. '1-,g, ,,, / VAl ! * ;rb') - t/:7,/^'e'6 / ':+ ?b.2 2 21- ' '\ v' - Dune Gray h Manchester Tan .," ln"llF :.1 it'*P-'a-'a Taos Tan Tree Bark : - L.:1.2 at:,,t'76,; Po Box 3340 ' vail, Colorado 81658. phone:970-476-2201 r Fax:970-426-7491 2/lq /o; r- - Fl'r It-l =lFF-f / ) 7' oj .LI JHAKE r I hr)e lJlcn{l PO Box 3340 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . *a 11 I h >l +y1rt4 ?a#?afl ril rUy'a Phone: 970-476-2201 o Faxl. 970-476-749 1 | /Lb /bi . >f+7?12? y+a"lTlabrlafl+ - Lr s _lf -L_ ]t. +l t$ I "l 'o 6r'tr 5 Vtr T+?ll+b To? ?+rNa- dl' ht'z v 4/lb'14 llra,, / l/Ztt trl,/or,' t' ?al+t 6"V ? inafrA? at+/t*frA, ( +,' a,a, ) 2a - tl zl? - fa 4tz l/z-t' 4q. PY ?2 +1221.-pl*>[4a?'La ', *tta,o,'4 rd? *>Evalt4 lzVToFA, l+ ,4c,/.11 ' aaa +l \F I $ = s I ,^ lo' 4t.?'0J=+11 - e'l 3, P.'h.7'a . l]ii! TiIlftl il _lL -.'_:o,3 o3'b'h'3 >?.'//^+i7 , i/4r = lt -av - , NLhl E-Af LLtla b?fhll4 ,. 6a*Ifr ?lv,/rtta# . e *orla\ ' o ,2ll -- lt -e2tt . V. t+,4,ir-11 ,lrj o?lJt/llA|f_ d ' L+ . loz1l . 4-?-L el7tl.ibf,k ll Utt t l/?It ^ lrVt, /%ot 4ra? L. ? t)lv\ w dfi b)11 "4".(4t'4,a.) bo ,ll+ll ,?a 4V- Vfl?a'a Q1.. ?-h1?' rl/bl+'ta? 3a4q e /4'!p,a, "rVo" a? ?^l+fb b?ar' 't*vulv,*ufa7 v-61111$ ?*, 11,s1-L ,lF? lftu r'lzf . ++ . v/pt))41v"'+ 1i Qtt a,a *4t, a#4|>.-.t 4L. t'bAaz, ,ah?+ l?7i-+4)fu,4t2, 44 'lz Vt'Pt'a AlJats ?et-I€ 2-Nl++a VZc?!a7a" *.r-l- ??aVVa1 I+a, h?2 IPtla h?d]l+aal 11F^ L 1"1u6+t-\-c7 d tllirT ft ) _nlT \tr$. -L$s rEit, ii li zt\J-ul_\ 7Y& $ -or({$fi +. 1t $ 'r*$ +-F-$-$xd\..rt.$ I+- $-( tJ AIzir =$.--r it s$ rf 1 d-*r -S-.[I\F\\ ETIr fl_\+lt- .itg \{tSIY t.ua 5sil-r$r.LN t-'.. $\_\ irt,0{rq a .!l- r$ sl i$ _\l {iI ft$ I =t I a- ll s t --|P q F t\t I }lt +-f- \L q T z aJ ] _--=-.:-:-=.-_-- z U) =F PATTK \-,lossicol design is olwoys in - yesterdov todoy ond in the fufure. The Pork provides on ottroctive oppeoronce in the doyiime ond funciionol lighting ot night, This model's design reflects iroditions from oround the world o unique conrbinotion of clossicol design on<j the loiest developments in modern lighiing technology, We offer o wlde ronge of energy-efficient light sources ond reflectors thot creote the right otmosphere ond Junctionolity for oll environments. Only componenis ond row moteriols of the highesl quolity ore used in the monufocture of Norol fittings ond occes- sories. When developing new products, insiollotion ond mointenonce friendliness is olwoys given top priority. Pure, recycled oluminium used in the olloy combined with o seven sloge surfoce treotment ond Uv-resistont polyester powder cooting moke Norol luminoires e-xtremely resistont to corrosion, The result of Norol's uncompromising quolity policy is low lifetime costs for ihe customer. lnveslment in luminoires frorn Norol rnore thon poys for itself through low instollotion ono ntointenonce costs. Design: Hons Gobriel Finne ,f, xh \ G,noraL' -rrncrQ o8wii rgr I L-.r :ia , ai^tI tf-1PFi ut4p6"p+lF t)i+, lt,.t-r, lA* t f,.:a?p+ta p L.l#!"l^ F iXtilpr I ii--I\ll -;".F.*AH4+d# -it' : ffi1ffi.n!FlgF*.'*,?lq1 LIGHT SOURCES/OPIICS - PARK Sou rc e Sockei Bollost CFt I I lo 57 4-pin bose electfonic MH 50 to 100 PR medium bose HPF mognelic HPS 50 to 100 PR medium bqse HPF mognelic INC 200 medium bose none Volloqes 120, 208, 240,217, 347 t 20, 208, 240,277, 347 120,208,240,277, 347 Mouniings Avo ilo ble A, D4, E EI, E2, R2, R3, K A, E EI, E2, R2, K A" f Er, E2, R2, K dll120 Notes: Olher bollosl ond volloqe confiourotions moy be ovoiloble. Coll Borbicon for detoils. AVAILABLE OPTICS Code Description Requirements TR lop relleclor none RR ring relleclor none RBV ivpe V borosilicote refroclor none Note: For oplimum performonce use wilh cleor or tinl lenses, Bollosl locolion moy chonge wilh highef wottoges. 142 t.'.,',rr'-.r,4,.'-.1 :;2r-:,1;,_. '..' 'i r')'.,;-: , l:-:-'-t*'.-'.(n,:,r''. 1'..,2:.,':;,p ll4)+ r--l;r.f.!! :-!, r PARK MATERIAI.$ Houslng - Preclslon dle cosl oluminum A4I3.2 oloy bos€d on 99.5% pure recycled olumlnum wllh less ihon .2% cop. ^ per conlenl . * - I lens - Acryllc nnf Lens AT I - I Acryllc Opol lens AO Hordwore - 3011,316 sloinless sfeel Suafoce |reolment - Exchjsive 'Folyseof svstem Reflectors - onodEed olumlnum DURABItIil . 4413.2 olumlnum olkry b used lor slrength, resislonce lo colrosbn ond roduced weight . W reslstont polye$ter powder cootlng reslsts dlscol- oroflon trom W loys betlet lhon convenllonot epoxy powder cooling . seven slogo surfoce heotment wnh chromofe en$u]gs excellenl odherence befween melol ond fhe polyester coollng . AcMc lenses wilh odded W protectbn EASVIO MAINTAIN One pbc€ bns for good fif ord eosy rernovol fo. cleon- ins Slngl€ copfive screvr for occess lo bolosl comporlment when servlclng Siohless sleel hordwore ond screws ensures lrouble fi€e molnfenonce Flngor ilght screws tor relomping require no iools AVAITABTE COTOURS Slondord Colors Textured Block Bl-K Texlured While WHT . Norot Bronze BRZ . f I Poflnolied ereen PAT I - Semi-stondord Colols Grophile GRA fll)rol Green GRN Cusiom color mqlch ovollobb, color chlp loqulr€d Most choned RAL colols ore ovoiloble Sel-up chorge vvlll opply lo seml*fondord, RAL colors ond cugtom colors EI."ECTRICAI . UL wet locolion or tested fo meel UL 1598 equlvolenl fol wel locctfbn by Enlelo (www.enfelo.cornl ACCESSOny A{D OPnON CODES lodcler Bor Photo Ce[ Ouplex GFI ouflel in posl bose t3 PH ORDER EXAMPLE PARK Modd *J Mount [omp \rotloge Opllcs Len6 Flnlsh Accassory lvlcrutochned ond Dhfibuied h Norlh Arnerbo bv: BARBICAN ARCHITECTUNAL PRODUCTS LTD. Conocto: 479 Cenfrol Avenue, Fon Ede, Oniotu t2A 3T9 U.S.A: St{te 386, 266 Elmu/ood Avenr,F, Buffob, N:(. 14222 \ rbe: (905) 991-9707 Fu (905) 991 -9708 E-rnoil: lnfo@bo|blcon.co Wbb: www.bobhon.co t t*L11fl2.14 o14b, ar{ td I tlilt , ?r. | 4t tt4d t??a ?, eE Lv u+lt F I F1u F L, , T I I I I I-t ^, lE _to,rrlN-l I I I I I I I I I I I,l_ V e W Y tl 0d.strtKQ bfls 0 fr -__TT-ltl Jil\tl i?/\\ i//-r I 12in r 307 mm .c$ c., lr}u' r 12in If 307 mm -l | 173t4in I M9DEL: A 450 mm 21 314 in , 36 1/4in rr- 920 mm I E Eoc', .C\ rf) _T I elEF tlo ^ lC\l a( l.o I I I r!:+ 1:2+"\ :, * Fa r+?llr-b.l :Hd'19tA4, nn Sr E ft ffF.HID T- I -t *IE NIR I I I I I II MODEL: R2S -l-fr LA.t ,'----"l-#*tE _--1: .gt tr i.I ! RitS \\ [lF- €L4\r 9in 231 mm Tel-.=lE{l€ *ltI -fl G\lt/\\ f/ EF?; tlI tl ll MoDEL: tl il ll-4.l^} oiln 169 mm MODEL: R2R-HlD 1O 112 in 267 mm t-Fir la) .c (oo {(Y) ol,@ At b -re,b': 7Wrr.*az i'*.,.)*,,a =-.$"."e* li*UA'f *'-.Ye'tJ.-lidP'rt- '-tc1r)l- 'lN I I MODEL: 555 mm , t.L';t,qu,E-ts-i #|)ba!llil jt-i/, , eitig.+ i>6 ,/yi€-av,ail*b ,la.|t f l*f ,,1!-? , I tz v+in Ir-----_-- E F. oo C\l ffilov+in tl l] JlL"o" f0WiY 0F Vi,.n 75 SouthFrontageRd. Vail. Colorado 81657 970479-2138/479-2139 FA.]K.970-479-2452 February21,2007 Snowdon and Hopkins Architects, P.C. Attn: Craig Snowdon Sent via fax: 97 0-47 6 -'7 49 | Department of Community Development Re:DRB07-0027 Talisrran Condominium Association 62 E Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Lot I, Block 5E, Vail Village I't Filing Dear Mr. Snowdon, Thank you for your design review application for an exterior modification to the Talisman Condominium Association on 62 East Meadow Drive. This letter is to confirm tlat the project was approved as submitted by the Design Review Board. A DRB Action Form is included for your records. If you have any questions or concems, please feel free to contact me. It has been a pleasure to work with you and I look forward to working with you again in the future. --1 '( , J*L r.-e.rA{e Rachel Friede Plarmer, Town of Vail (970)479-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com Attachment: DRB Action Form fftf,fi"tN"Y FYELS*tE*rt Design Review Eoard *cTIOt{ FO*,H Department of Ccmmunity Development 75 South FrontaEe Road. Vai[, Cslorado S1657 tel:970.t179,1139 fax:97$.479.2452 web; wvrw.vailgu%rom Project l{ame: TALISMAN Dfi REMODEL Proiect Deecription: PO BOX 3340 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001763 ProjectAddress: 62 E MEADOW DRVAIL TALISMAN CONDOS FINAL APPROVAL FOR MINOR ALTEMTION INCLUDING NEW ROOFING; NEW PAINT COLORS; NEW BALCONY MILINGS; NEW WINDOW TRIM AND NEW VENEER Participants: owNER TAUSMAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOC 01/26/2007 62 E MEADOW DR VAIL, CO 81657 APPUCAI'IT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHIE0I/26I2007 Phone : 970-47 5-220L PO BOX 3340 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001753 ARCHITECT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHIE0I/26I2007 Phone | 970-47 6-220t DRBNumber: DR8070027 Locataon: Legal Descrlption: lot: K&L Block: Subdivision: TAUSMAN CONDO Parel Number: 2101{82-0501-7 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Dantas Dunning 5-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval; 0212U2007 Cond: 8 (P[-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUc. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 ! ' Approval of this projed shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final apprwal, unless a building permit is issued and constnrtion is ommenced and is diligently pursued toward ompletion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, howwer, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April L5, 2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applicatlons. . Planner: MCHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee pald: S25O.OO P.O. Box 3340 Vail, Colorado 81658 970-476-2201 r{x 476-7491 LETTTER \U' l_r TR-A N3A4|lf lf* lr i=l Plans ds*ple,X Specifications I Copy of letter ff shop drawings T--_l -'L_l Lnange oroer T---t ^ . L l rnnrs the following items: THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: EAs requested XFo, your urc For approval n For review and comment tr Iron eros our I Returned for corrections [] Approved as noted I Approved as submitted ! Return -corrected prints tr Submit -copies for distribution I Resubmit copies of approval 20 - L_JPRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US rOIryiV OT VAIL 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0 47 9 -2r 3 8 I 4'7 9 -21 39 F4,X.970-479-2452 February 9,2007 Snowdon and Hopkins Architects, P.C. Attn: Craig Snowdon Sent via fax: 970-47 6-7 491 Deoartment of Communitv Develooment Re: DRB07-0027 Talisman Condominium Association 62 E Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Lot l. Block 5E, Vail Viilage 1" Filing Dear Mr. Snowdon, Thank you for your design review application for an exterior modification to the Talisman Condominium Association on 62 East Meadow Drive. Per our conversation yesterday, I am requesting the following materials to supplement yow application: I . Labels for submitted photos that dEtail location ofphotos2. Materials board with material samples or photos of materials being utilized in the rernodel of the Talisman, including but not limited to paint colors, stone, window trim and cedar shake I understand that the Talisman Condominium Association has agreed upon a cedar shake roofing material. As you know, the Town recently banned wood shake and wood shingles. While this application is not required by law to utilize another material, the Design Review Board is sensitive to the fre hazards that exist within the Town and has recently required applicants to utilize other materials besides wood shakes and shingles due to this concern. I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me yesterday. [n order to remain on the 2121107 DRB agenda, I will need the above information by noon on 2/19/07. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Best. Rachel Friede Planner, Town of Vail (970)479-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com v [-ETlItFtP,{'OF TR,AN S,IWITTA\L P.O. Box 3340 Vail, Colorado 81658 970-476-2201 r{x 476-7491 B copy of lener ! Shop drawings ! Change order E prints T fr elon.Msa,nples Kspecifications ro fiun { hr:,/ lfi fu' fr*{rq, 134 trut & iuq WE ARE SrNolNC VOu Ennached !Under separare cover via the following items: THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ffiAs requested ffiFor your use ffiFor approval f Returned for corrections ! npproved as noted L l Approved as submitted ! Return -corrected prints ! Submit copies for distribution n Rcsubmit copies of approval n For review and comment ll nroR grns our 20 - L-]PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 Building--- > $2, 953 . ?5 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> 51,919.94 Recreation Fee--------- > DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 3\h se- U'.-\ O', L\"4'-- -(l)\r^-\ terr'n-T rt-NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PCTMit #: BO7-OO5O Proiect #: ?? Job Address.: 62 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: TALISMAN CONDOS Applied...: O3ll4l2Cf.7 Parcel No....: 210108205017 Issued...: 0311912007 ?RSo-1 - @2Q ExPires..': 09ll5l2ffi1 owNER TArrrsl'IAN cotlDoMrNrlrM Assoc 03/L4/2oo7 52 E MEADOW DR vArIJ, co 81657 APPLICAT{T PTARMIGAN MANAGEMENT 03/L4/2007 phone: (920) 476-3328 52 EAST MEADOW DRIVE VAIIJ corJoRADO 8A65'1 L,icense:884-B COTiTTRACTOR PTARMIGAN MANAGEMEI\IT o3/L4/2007 Phone: (970) 476-3328 62 EAST MEJADOW DRIVE VAIIJ coIJoRADO 8L657 L,icense:884-B Desciption: NEW ROOFING; NEW PAINT COLORS; NEW BALCONY RAILINGS; NEW WINDOW TRIM AND NEW VENEER Occupancy: . Type Construction: Valuation: $450,000.00 Revision Valuation: ?? Total Sq Ft Added: 0 '**t(+ttd<**,i*****,r{.*rt**'***'t**:r*:l:**,*8rt:f *:},i++:t:i.{.*'tta*,i.**********r.**:t*f*t++ FEE suMMARy $0 . 00 Total Calculated Fe€s-> $4, 875. 59 S0. 00 Additional Fees-----> $0. 00 Invcstigadon- > Will Catl----- >$3.00 BALANCE DUE_--.-- >$0,00 Approvals: IIEM: O51OO BUIIJDI}IG DEPARTMENT 03/1-5/2007 jplano Action: Ap TtEm: O54OO PLA}INTNG DEPARI.I{ENT 03,/15/2007 Rl,F Action: AP ITEM! O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIflT Item: 05500 PI,BI-,IC WORKS 03/L5/2OO7 gc Action: COtqD NO staging on lleadow Dr- Fire access must be maintained at atl times. Pedestrian access from garage to be clear at all times. Dumpster to be fenced. See Conditions page of this Document for any conditions that nray apply to this permit. $0.00 TOTAL FEES------- > $4,876.69 Total Permit Fee-----> 54,8?6.59Payments------*---> $4,876.69 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, ard state ttnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and ptot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe T thereto. REQI'ESTS FOR NiSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWEIT{TY.FOIJR HOURS IN AM-4PM. FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET *********'l***,F***{.*,|.|N.*:*********1t*'.*i.***,t.*t*,r*****{.*******!r*{<*{.*{.{<x<'r{.*i.***{<{<**,r***i.i('|.*'|!{.*{.**'i*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 807-0050 as of 03-19-2007 Status: ISSUED *,1*,1.*****{.*******{<*******:t*:t*:{.**************dc******1.*:******'k*******:f :*********************{.************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 03lL4l2W7 Applicant: PTARMIGAN MANAGEMENT Issued: 03n9t2AO7 (970) 476-3328 To Expire: 091t5/2W7 Job Address: 62 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: TALISMANCONDOS Parcel No: 210108205017 Description: NEW ROOFING; NEW PAINT COLORS; NEW BALCONY RAILINGS; NEW WINDOW TRIM AND NEW VENEER *,1.*t :lrc.*rl.*ri.******{.'k***nk*************************conditions. ***********;}****<**r(**{.*{.*****d<*i.*******,1.*t{*t{* Cod: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQURED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. UNSIG i#: ftloz'$zb 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 are required for CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Separate plumbing, COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT BU|LDTNG: S { 5O. OOO. OD oa,ooMECHANICAL:$ For Parcel# Conbct Assessors Office at 970-328-8il0 or visit alolo?.zo5ot Job Address: 6f e th€A>d\^J b\,Job Name: JftL\s ,r Aill 4l.lbo AgS rrl . WorkGlass: New() Addition( ) Remodel(}( Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist al this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior p( Both ( ) TypeofBldg.: Singte-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-familyftfCommercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Existino: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loos ()J Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood of Fireolaces Prooosed: Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED X 3ez5.69 IroPEVAIL 0409l20osF: \cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\buildin gJrermil DOC Page 1 of 15 ASBESTOS TESTTNG REQUTREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLOMDO DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTINGANYTIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERIAL VyiLL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOSTESTAND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMITAPPLICATION FOR AtI REMODEL ADDMON OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOUTION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIA|S THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERI,AIS ARE EGMPT. o I have included the asbestos test and repoft with my building permit applicauon apdicart signafure OR ftte o I certiff my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building material. The construction plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information. ft-his wil-l be verified during plan review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) o The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of construction was applicant signature original mnstruction date F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\buitding_..permit. DOC date Page 4 of 16 02109/200s BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessry review, these projects may also take three (3) week to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: project N.r"' TKrrM&rl E.XT4rctfp k^^rn$eL Date: - 9'1-ol F:\cde/\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingjermiLDOC Page 5 of 15 02109/200s cfl,ttl{rY rElELoPrEnF Deoign Reuiew Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 reb: www.vailgov.com ProiectName: TAUSMAN EXT REMODEL Project Description: Participants: DRB Number: DRB070027 Location: RNAL APPROVAL FOR MINOR ALTEMTION INCLUDING NEW ROOFING; NEW PAINT COLORS; NEVV BALCONY MILINGS; NEW MNDOW TRIM AND NEW VENEER OWNER TALISMAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOC OV26l2007 62 E MEADOW DR VAIL, CO 81657 APPUCANT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHITE01/26|2007 Phone : 970-47 6-220I PO BOX 33|() VAIL co 81658 License: C000001763 ARCHTECT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHffi0V26/2007 Phone: 970476-220L PO BOX 3340 VAIL co 815s8 License: @00001763 62 E MEADOW DR VAILProject Address: TAUSMAN CONDOS Legal Descrlptlon: Parcel Number: C;omments: LoE K&L Block Subdivision: TAUSMAN CONDO 2101-082-0501-7 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byl Second By: Vote; Conditions: Dantas Dunning 5-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalz 0217L12A07 Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commiftee(s). Cond: 0 (Pl3N): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and beome void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a bulldlng permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All dwelopment applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2fi)6 shall be subffi to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Totl,n fails to adopt the pendlrg employee housing regulations by April 15, 20/J7, this Ordinane shall not apply to such development applicaUons. Planner: RACFIELFRIEDE DRBFeePald: $25O.0O . f lrllcFAl-t dat'WFil) lLlH+ Buildinq Materials Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sofflb Windov\,s Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys PROPOSED MATERHTS ' Wrlq?p +/liF/ol ,' @Tan ?ai'rlt -tttl, 4qnc grq. -- . @q\ ftvooo . cfletiltg Erktir{ hruc{ qfin.l-+l,t: lat lpn eqifrnol ootror|,Ve trirtinq lwr,o+ ob1 elz4 Exterior Lighting Other *irtirf lrrgw Woosl -- exirfiuq sm1 Aat cxirtirrg woe4 neU ftrc,Tzt ., lCt {1}j111 6"1t4 .1qn mefrl', e*lrfirg qclv. metal P?ivi/f,' Fl{: ltot lllu.' c{sfi4*l gatv; rn€fal ?zint, 'n"W ilFaw:t :P?frtt' ftl.4 . n 6fiarf*Ttnc*rffug r:f\aoo ntr l.[ff ,"n{rto[c flaf tnral 'br$ " e*tiftltq tuchl painl. trt{.,.'taot t?n: -' ilettl {to}re vcnccr ncu "norDl p*1, lveQel FB. , bYotttt . @?Pw {ut}cn ftwnt1vgr 'n{qnrt Notes: Please speciry the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F :\cdev\FORl4S\PERMm\Pbnnin g\drb_minor_alL1 1-8-2005.doc 11/B/200s to rCnalrr ae eltirtrW Page 6 of 13 Stone Base (north and west). Moss rock (grouted) - gray brown colors (minimal orange). Match Sonnenalp - southeast corner of porte cochere wing. Buff sandstone slab/sillsAryindow headers in stone (west end/lower level) Stone Cap - Buff sandstone at all new stone veneer - 2" thick 4 x 4 and 2 x 1o rrim Band - existing - new color - solid stain - Benjamin Moore Moorwood 'Dune Gray' Siding (vertical) - existing - new color - solid stain - Benjamin Moore Moonrood 'Dune Gray' Stucco - paint existing - Benjamin Moore Moonryood 'Manchester Tan, Wndows/Sliding Doors*o South - clad (dark brown) to remaino North - paint - new color - dark brown to match existing clad Fascia - existing/new - stain - new color - solid stain - Benjamin Moore Moonrood 'Taos Tan' Sotrit - existing concrete - paint - new color - match Benjamin Moore Moonrood 'Dune Gray' Roofing - DaVinci composite shake roofing ('Tahoe Brown'), watershield membrane and felt interlays (Class .n^" roof system) Upper Stucco Parapeto North - existing stucco - paint - new color - Benjamin Moore-Moorwood 'Manchester Tan'o South - existing stucco - paint - new color - Benjamin Moore-Moorwood 'Manchester Tan'r East - existing stucco - paint - new color - Benjamin Moore-Moorwood 'Manchester Tan'o West - existing stucco - paint - new color - Benjamin Moore-ltloorwood 'Manchester Tan' Ghimneys/step ups - slu@o - existing - paint - new color - Benjamin Moore- Moorurood'Manctrester Tan' Metal caps - existing - paint - new color - Benjamin Moore-Moonrood'Manchester Tan' Entry Alcoves {north)o Steps (treads/risers) - existing sandstone to remaine Walls - new stucco painted Existing wood - new stucco finish - Benjamin Moore-Moonrood 'Manchester Tan'o Snow grates - metal (existing) to remain. Landings Lower- existing buff sandstone to remain PO Box 3340. Vail, Colorado 81658 .970-476-2201 .970-476-7491 (F) o 5no*donfl opkins.com Upper - existing buff sandstone to remaino Door Entry - wood panel - existing to remain Trash/ski room - existing - paint - new color - Benjamin Moore-Moonrood 'Manchester Tan'r Directorv panel - stainfess steel existing to remain. Lighting Existing recessed at door to remain Existing wall sconces - replace with newfixture - Noral 'Park Model F (Bronze). Wndow (above entry) - existing stucco - paint Benjamin Moore-Moonuood 'Manchester Tan'- copper sill. Site Walls Free standing walls - new stone/moss rock veneer (grouted w/ stone cap)o Signage (office) - at middle entry to be determinedo Hand Railings - existing wrought iron to remain Deck Railings (south) - new "hammered" iron (see details) Decking/Deck Edge - existing concrete detail- paint - new color Benjamin Moore- Moonrood'Dune Gray' Deck SofFts - existing concrete paint - new color Benjamin Moore-Moorwood 'Manchester Tan' Stalr Enclosures (South)o Walls - precast concrete/stucco - paint new color Benjamin Moore-Moonarood 'Manchester Tan'. Gates - existing wood - paint to match stuccoo Stairs - existing wood (3 x 12) treads-stain - Benjamin Moore Moonrood 'Taos Tan'r Railings - existing wood - paint - Benjamin Moore Moonrood 'Taos Tan' Gas Meter Enclosure (North) - wood siding/copper cap (existing) Precast Braces - existing concrete - paint - new color to match Benjamin Moore Moonuood'Taos Tan' Ghimney Caps - paint - Benjamin Moore Moonrood 'Taos Tan' window trim - in wood siding {North) - stain to match Benjamin Moore Moorwood 'Taos Tan' Windows (existing) in new stone walls as stone lintels (approx. 8,') Gutters/Oown Spouts - new copper PO Box 3340 o Vail, Colorado 81658 o Phone: 970-476-2201 o Fax: 970-476-7491.*/ 6 /o1 . , v€-t*b%, I a t- ./, /*4 ,4V' l,'.-q, ,/ i,el"?Q " 'l-t F -,.t-. , :" , dia l-? 11+ o -^'r;b < 6l.59 , 74t-/"4F1:-:r* ' \;:,.)t,,...$ // V)di2U-q ,i *-",. n-t, b / Vt^\\.l ';-1 '"'?!i /;.tF4 / it *6P 17"-.:; ; 7-*b++I Manchester Tan .-.r, ;. L_1\, _r lr t ,:)A' dl.: Taos Tan lree 6a rK . r:_s,, _ P0 Box 3340 r Vail, Colorado 81658 o Phone: 970-476-2201 o Fax:920-476-7491 +7)e 7aJ . -lAt-.14bt4 ao>'el:r-r;t..tr" e*-ib7td? p,.Aj'ev-1,*L+ 7aet-A "q \ UI JHAKE I ir h0c Itlcn(, PO Box 3340 . Vail, Colorado 81658 r *o 11 i F >l4YAF" c.at4?af tf t\y'4 Phone: 970-476-2201 r Fax: 970-476-7491 | /?b /a1 . 'fl?rlaz vael?lahfla]4 . : N\\t--*lL e'*c.1e| .'.-t.-------.-..-------_ e 42 lt a ll -d2tt . 1at -o 4t.?" (yJr-,q+\ ,' 4) (ztt r?tt T*f.ll+o Io?F+tNa' dl' b*q t o,/lb'4a l,r7..t, / l/gt, ,rl/oe" t' ?a'c:i q ZV ? *fiai W 2rrlpy4fi A'. (1t, a,a,) Aa. llzl2- - fo4W t,h-" 4q. ?a?? ?P q+z?|- ?l'ruz2le4 4 +tta,O ''tt?"2 2t Zvt.ltql VA,-aF.A' l+'4c,?'11 ' aae ? . tt,46r-11 , 111 eFlii,.lbf u ' Ib - lozll ' '.Lt r a7 Av\4?' ll /?-tt { l/?lt ^ lr?" / 1a'4rvv> ?*tb$w ^eh)-/,(4rP,a.) bo .ll*lZ . ?o t.lt ?r'14a'a +1. r'+- rthpllaz- QaSlq a /1 :: e,L, z-Vb? e? ?fl+fd a\4;tg' -r\vAv,sz Iay ?/tt"L ttla- fr,, L{/J_l l.ltJz -L_ L al r$ t a\ +\ * - llVtt /zq '71 Vf))a'r1+42+o 4,., e,a , *4+L a/,4Nt1";v+'I *ljiij;; tiilliiil'Il ti., ql A++'Vz,. Ah?+ l:aF+?F)v+,"44?, 44 ,'2. ?t'iLzl'a l.|laa# fua'-t€ vzc? _.r . -!.-_,1-,:.., -._L -* _.1 ..il lltt It lL*. *. -. --.i. -- -:. .'=:L--. c, o. F)h 7, +' ?.,a. h; ?, a laf i t aTrzlrt = lt -oe - , t.lr.!,J tft|lt4a ?=fhlt 4 ,' fia)Tfr ";?,/hf lal4 .' .--fl+lt6 z"a2. ?'-?-tAa -rl .\l \-1'_--=_--- 1'-- I +t \F d s _l ttl I1a+Z 'A-, ?WVVal ia, hzz r?iiia h?a\l'rzc1{Ff u llbtr'-qtr lt{. $T\ilr zJJr\ -zl-Y$z$*Is t,l'r- :1' $q*$+F-t $' $i$ I+- $_ {. rJ A*lLir:r\ *** -r S. ,l' lL d_*z -0..[lit-\\ ur-lr t\-li S!-;o -{$r -t- a-_ s 1 {\.1 $l ,rU 't.{. !_N $\t- .i\lI U-L \\ -t-r- $-*x $t n+jt +r, _u( r$ s$ I t I 11 s t -r q f.- ) l\ I ItL -r-.i-F \L \ 7., z aJ F gr,-, ]i 1 tii t" I l.t' E-l\i 'l ;l I I =E-: =--..-_\ Lf . I' | | -['dl'-'{ | -rl |[l| |--::' tl ll | | -.--'> f-r- r,-- i#; z U)f F PARK \-'lossicol design is olwoys in - yesterdoy, todoy ond in the fufure. The Pork provides on ottroctive oppeoronce in the doytime ond functionol lighting ot night, This model's design reflecls trodilions from oround the world - o unique combinotion of clossicol design ond ihe lotesi developments in modern lighting iechnology. We offer o wide ronge of energy-eff icient light sources ond ref lectors thot creote the right otmosphere ond funclionolity for oll environmenis. Only componenh ond row moteriols of the highest quolity ore used in the monufociure of Norol fittings ond occes- sories. When developing new products, instollolion ond moinlenonce friendliness is olwoys given iop priority. Pure, recycled oluminium used in the olloy combined with o seven stoge surfoce treotment ond Uv-resisionl polyester powder cooting moke Norol luminoires extremely resistonl to corrosion, Ihe result of Norol's uncompromising quolity policy is low lifetime costs for lhe customer Inveslment in luminoires from Norol more thon poys for itself through low insiolloiion ond mointenonce costs. Deslgni Hons Gobriel Finne \no[aL.\p -in-a rP wnor r-rf ,-o r crJ , ff -l{t-l,aN cet4p efiNtl/,? , vyt€r-t ft4a7yva?r'rtzb LleFit r ixtilpF fr\lrEr Source CFL l8 to 57 MH 50 to 100 HPS 50 fo 100 lNc 200 Socket 4-pin bose PR medium bose HPF mognetic PR medium bose HPF mognetic medium bose none Noles: Othel bollost ond volloge configurotlons moy be ovoiloble. Coll Borbicon for deloils. AVAILABLE OPTICS Descripiion lop refleclor ring refleclol type V borosilicote refroclor LIGHT SOURCES/OPTICS Bollost eleclronic PARK Voltoqes I 20, 208, 240, 277 , 347 120, 208, 240, 277 , 347 t20, 208, 240,277, 347 120 Mouniings Avo ilo b le A" D4, I El, E2, R2, R3, K A. E EI, E2, R2, K A, E EI, E2, R2, K qll Requiremenis none none none Code TR RR RBV Note: For optimum performonce use with cleor or lint lenses, Bollosl locotion moy chonge wilh higher wottoges. 142r *.r,.:.,',,i9At:.1 Aet-b-: ]-ll*] l,)14/i,, , Q*-t,t2*t,167'etr,r':;96*b l-ld+lt ?i.i]'\7-r, I PARK MATERIAI.S Houslng - Pr€cbkrn dle cosl oluminum AllI3.2 otloy bosed on 99.5% pure recycled oluminum wlth less lhon .2v" cov - per conlenl - * - I lens - AcMb nnf lens AI I - I Acryllc Opol lens AO Hordwore - 304,316 slolnless steel Surfoce h€olment - Exclrdve 'Folyseol" system Ref leclo16 - onodEed olumlnum DI'RABItIil M13.2 olumlnum olloy ls used tor sfrength, reslslonce lo c€nosion ond reduced weighl W eslsfonl polyest€r porvder coofing lesbfs dbcot- orollon ftom W roys better fhon clnvenflonot epo)ry pol def coctllng Seven sloge surfoce feolmenl wilh chtomqle ensutes excellenl odheence befween melol ond lhe po\,esfer cooflng . Acryllc bnses wilh odded W profecllon EAIIYTO MAIiIIAIN One plece lens tor good til ond eosy removol for cl€on- Ing Slnglt copilve scre,\ for occess lo bollost compoffnent when serylclng Stolnless sfeel hordwore ond screwc ensur$ fouble lree moinlenonce Flnger flghf screws for re-lomplng reguire no tools AVA[.A0|"E COtoUnS Slondord colors Texlured Block BLK Texlured Whlte wHI Nolol Bronze BRz . * - I Pollnoted Green PAT I - Seml-stondord Colors Sllver Grophlte GRA Norol Green GRN Custom color molch ovolloble, color chlp requlred Mosl chorted RAI clobrs ore ovollob|e Sel-up chorge wlfl opply lo seml-stondord, RAL colors ond cuslom colors ELECIRICAI, . UL w6l bcotion or lesfed lo meel UL 1598 equlvolenf fot wel locollon by Entelo (wwwentelo.com) rccEgnnyAr{D omoN coDEs Lodde( Bor Photo Ce[ Duplex GFI outlel In post bose LB PH ORDER EXAMPIE PARK Il/lodel -irounl Lomp -\eilogr€ Oplica tens Flnlsh Accessory Monufochied ond Distn'bded in Norlh Arnerbo by: BARBICAII ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTS LTD. Corodo: 479 Cerdrol A\€nue, Fod Ede, Ontodo L2A 3I9 U.S,A: Suif€ 386, 266 Elmwood Awnue, Buttolo, NY. 14222 Volce: {905} 991-9707 tcgl: (9051 991-9708 E-moll: Info@bottcon.co Web: www.botbicon.co , f^VftiHA{ ail?aflril r[t4A, ?t<t4ttt46t??a?aa*V tSa*t Fl fiUl.b, T- I I I I I -t ^.tE Fl- 'tc! Sloc)lco -lobl* I I I I I I if- rii \[#/ $-/tX Ftlil I I MoDEL: D4 tiII , rAt.i- r T- fif]83/4in I ,-- '. 225 mm "i E i\ f MoDEL: Bzs Rlg r\ iil lr'- vIAI I-F;- 9in 231 mm T I I cvlE)lo xls-'l- I I II _T I.1. Qlr - I.O ^ l<{.l- L f _l.=ttr*l:*l* Il_ | 12 in f5o7mm I | 173l4in i MoDEL: A 450 mm 21 314 in 555 mm MODEL: R2F-HlD T-t- stF sl5 It 101/2 in 267 mm :TVIfilfilfll .Hsls(} fflE8lAIAl \[-T I \r_r/l I-r1 r 12in r 307 mm -0 A\[--[Nt/\4 ; tl!il ll mooer: tl III ^4._l:.,- eiln 169 mm s lo l.c) ffilosain ll ll J1''0" r:.€ 1v*"r_Lfr 3 t4 I v-+' 'F,ts--lrt-llaNgHt*'3r i -- -= ----1tt c E Ial ss lili 1// \.g?/ O r t*i-!+g,t^fi kt-;b.aF{ii"l t,)94 , Wif+ir6 /7*av*$Qb l*la|t Fl*t[s* . r 36 l/4in rrJ----92omm---------i E EooF.AI o o ol I tt sr+rn i PO Box 3340 . Vail, Colorado 81658 o Pho ne; 970-476-220 1 o Fa x:. 970-476-749 1;.w11 " ," .-.fAl- I €f,{f fl catl V afrttll[fia =_g.-+ lt'c" r. NbFl cN" (ta?tb,\€lt-, :fF lJ,{ Frb.P ?t p ,vb?+ )./."?cN tPlH', ' 2r< l+ftt1d- *lfF.4)a/ t<b* f?|fi ' . ?,/41' Naf= :3 ll -4lt - . At r br t4+ rF{a 4 hJ rt+Tc fr? ?^LF{+t? - Ft"Ll?. thtfr t rttH PaH PO Box 3340. Vail, Colorado 81658 r Phone:970-476-22O1 r Fax: g7O-426-2491 .4211 .itlu/ai .I>hl;+t4,a-ft dd\ ?evl Fl tLlFl4 . 7 tlV?Ia? Fo?t?la^r|lo"fl* e oH ! aba?.V? Vn??4 t=tv*ofl? aFr.' PtLL lalb bq7?qrrlTb? btl++'e a4*a?+z V4,LW l-]f+E , lt '4,"r--9 lt a PO Box 3340 r Vail, Colorado 81658 r *o 11 t b l.l + f{rF aal4?efl lt'{ tUr'f 4 Phone: 97O-476-2201 r Fax: 970-476-749'lhll+7a1 ' . bflT?lc* 14ePl?labtlat',4, . 1.\ * d ZE +r $' I $ +1 ; L 5 =$ _t $ 1/ra" 1tltz- * +tty'L't tl t'a?--ylftIfr" 2? +lYlL+? A(F .|.11l|-r ..Ai4.aW.+yb q1l',fr.l t"r.l b V"bV ?,bVW.- 4u* z" +IL, tl?[Aa V? ?htL - 1al -at'- aLl 4r.?" NV+|1 .h.h. b. a,?.F' . ??V-rAf i-t-* ' . i/4tt =, 7t,av - . NZI,J p-p^i;lt4o bbt4l;q - 6a)ffr ?L?,/tt lafl ' 4,t 9*14 : 4 y ?42t - ??h bll|pl vbt' elb. FIaLU+ ll4 W+'uafs ?Ado-y'a? oA? ,'frr*lrav o144a,ihwrti) llrz,t / ltzlt rl/eytt | ?a', etA*V enrlafr?? av+All+f-t?L(1t'a,a,-) 'P?. llbl2- - fo4ta l/at' 4q. ?efc 9:P +au?, ?/*VU4-f?7'? & *ttz.o.'4?? Slzv*-fr4t "?l?FA' ia '4sc1l ' aaa b . t+,4aL1l , lr 1 o7 tlglLrg 2 ' L+ ' lozll ' 4" of qFlLl+? | 4, { lr?t' x ir?" tao' ?Tav'v 7 *teq W a4,1.{l4 b\,(4te,a.> bo .ll*ll 'W 4tz Vt'l?l'a +r:;. \',aP: YtrtP#r+d? Aa4q A /4tta,a, ??dv a?' ? ^l+ta ?fu? +4vlv*vfay f+tltt+d- Ff, tthl.L L.tib t/zLt4e. 4b4)5ryp,'92 4t'a,a, *q+, a$+1FzV, +tL trEW*,. aFv+ 1p74h*f) zb,st-)? '44 , iz. '?7V,PPyVL "/4 Plt* ,. Haue+ o r-+"0,6.(r1tA6f \ :st +l =tt\ I-t$ =s I ?ft+t'd ?al1e 3f laa'6 #2a2, hfaP 7eo* . a\OIlaF . e gll 2, ll -ptt t $e++t 'h-L ?rc?UoT t+4r, h?2 rP.lt-Jd, ^7oll-r aa14FA L y1*d+r\q A/P/II Infonnatlon Requosted Inspect Date: Inspec'tlon Area: Slte Address: lpesdaV, October 23, 2007 62 E ]IIEADOW DR VAIL TALISMAN CONDOS SubTgoe: AMF^ 44Mty: 807-0050 ^ Type: A-MFuonst rype: occuDancv:otrfien TALISMAN CONDOMINIUItI ASSOC Contractor: Desoiplion: n"9 Insp€c'tlon Historv Status: ISSUED Insp Area' JP Phone: (970)47S3328 COLORS; NEW BALCONY RAILINGS; NEW WINDOW TRIM AND NEW Requested Time: 0l:00 PM' Phone: 471-2028 Entered By: DGOLDEN K REPTl31 Run Id: 7L67