HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT L K KIANDRA TALISMAN AKA SONNENALP AUSTRIA HAUS ACCESS EASEMENT LEGAL75 south fronlage road vail, colo,ado 81557 (303) 476-7000 JO L1 iri olflce of communlty development April 20, 19gg Mr. Johannes FaesslerSonnenalp properties 20 Vail RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Talisman Condominium Access Dear Johannes: r have enclosed a draft of a ]i.cense agreenent for the ingressand egress of Talisman Condoniniurn owners through thesonnenalp property. r have arso incruded a preiirninary drawingshowing the location of the possible easemenl. r deci&ed thai-it would be best to wait and do the survey rdork once lre had theapprovar of both the Talisman condoninium-Association and theSonnenalp on the license agreement. r wourd rike to schedule a meeting on May 20th to discuss thelease agreement. r hope that this tirne Schedure arrows enoughIeeway for you to review the proposal with the necessaryparties. The meeting will be nela at the Town of vail 6rri."=at 9:00 AI,I. Please give me a catl once you receive this letterto confirm that you can make the neeting on May 2oth. rf thisrs not convenient for you, r wourd be happy to re-arrange themeeting tine. [,, !jln {tiKri Sen si ncerelyr.ll llfifl.t r istan Pnior Pl tcere r _tlru/r .stanrior Pritz en Planner KP:br Enclosurecc: George ShafferIrene l.lestbye non phillips Larry EskwithPeter Patten r-,at Eskwith and Peter patteJ Kristan Pritz llarch 30, 1988 TaI isnan/Sonnenalp Easement I t ia'I()., 't't .: !.- i| .y), t._. . I.1; TO: FROM: DATE: RE: l!;.t , . J:"'l ,J"',' /r .li. Iji Lr/ The condo board for the Talisman would like the Town topropose an alternate access easement to be used by their condoninium association owners through the Sonnenalp property. Ordinance L4, Series of 1978, states l-n general terms that the Town may propose an alternate easement to the existing access easement from the Meadow Drive maII into the Talisman project. (See attached Ordinance 14). Larry reviewed Ordinance 14, and it is not required that the Town necessarily provide this alternate easement, as it is not an easement in perpetuity that we will be receiving from the Sonnenalp property. Ilowever, I discussed this issue with Peter and Ron, and it was decided that it was in the Town's bestinterest to proceed with an alternate access easement throughthe Sonnenalp property as opposed to allowing Talisnan ownersto access through East Meadow Drive mall. Larry, I amrequesting that you write a prelirninary access agreenent which would allow the Talisman owners access through tbe Sonnenalpproperty. (I know you have 0 work to do these days! I toldthe Talisnan people it would be 3 to 4 weeks before we could have an agreenent due to your rrork load. ) The conditions of the easement are that: L. It is not an easement in perpetuity. The easement must be able to be revoked by the Sonnenalp for any reason. 2. The easenent's maintenance will be by either the Talisnanor Sonnenalp. At this time, I do not know which group hrants this responsibility. 3. The easement area is presently paved, and this area will continue to be paved. There needs to be a clause in the agreement addressing how the revocation of the easement will be handled. 5. Vail Associates must also sign off on the easement, as the Sonnenalp has the ownership right from Vail Associates through a deed. once the easement agreement has been written, I will send itto the condoninium association and the Faesslers at the Sonnenalp. They will rnost likely add conditions to the agreernent. Once the agreement has been finalized, I willprepare a survey showing the exact area of the easement. If you have any questions while I am gone, Peter is up to date onthis exciting issue! 4. \ flsnon January O?. 1988 trffi] Town of Vai 1 7Ir Solrth Fron t"rge Road Vai I, Eolo.rado BL&57 Attention: Hr. A. Peter- Patten Jr, Director Commurn i ty Development Certified Mai I Re. Tal isman Condominiurm Access to Eagt l"leadow Drive Dear l"lr. Fatten: This letter w1l1 conf irrn my and Hs. Irene hlestbye's meeting Decenber ?8. 1?87 with yonr Hr. Rich: Pyle-'man. Sorry you were not available. however Rick was very courteoutg and helpfutl. I bel ieve the Tal isnarr Condominium Association's position is clear. Inaccordance uith the conditiong of Vail Ordinance No. 14 ($erieg of 1978) r th* ownerg of the Tal igman Condorninilrms reqLlest the Town of Vail pravide them with free and LrnencLlmbered accegs to their East f"leador{ Drive condominilrm property as soon a!; possible. l"lr. Pyleman egtirnated it would tal:e aboutt five weeks for the Town tt: mske tfre necessary arrangements. I appreciate there may be a few details to worl: outr however I re,epectively request, tln behalf of all the own€lrs. that any delay hJ€: i::ept e minimlrin. If yor-t have any qnestions. please contact me at my office (313) 9bL-7475 my horne tf,I3) 636-6654. FAX 519 t5? 7495 AlEo feel fre* to tal ['; to cllr r I'larrager'" hs. lrene We*tbye and /or our Attorneyo l"lr-. Charle.; H, Cclwperthwaite r:f Fendleton & Sabian, F.C, Phone ;5(ri5 839 1304. f:AX 3{).1 S31 t:t796. Will you pl.ease acknowledge" in writirrg, receipt of thir; letter to 68?7 Cedarbrook Dr. n Birrninghamn Michigan 4*lf-)It:!i with a copy to our As=ociation'g t:f f i-ce. Sincere 1y n TALISMAN CONDOFIINIUI'I ASSOCIAT ICIN Bvu" Shaf f regident Ecf Meodo,vDrhe Vdl. Colorsdo6{657 co3/47&5603 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce of communlty developmenl November 30, 1987 Mr. ceorge H. Shaffer 6827 Cedarbrook Drive Birningharn, MJ.chigan 4gOl.O Re: Talisman Condoniniun Access to East Meadow Drive Dear Mr. Shaffer: r received your retter requesting access frorn East Meadow Drivefor the TaLisman Condoniniums on LL/27/97. Again, I express mydisappointment that the relationship between the Tatisnlncondominiums and the sonnenalp has not arrowed a soLution tothis prob).em. I reiterate sorne of ny points in rny letter toyou of March 11, 1987 in which we feeL that this would havemajor negative impacts upon that pedestrian area as werr as theexcl.usive bus lane on East Meadow Drive. I again offer our departnentrs assistance in a possiblesolution to thi.s probren. r can't herp but feel that alr thearternative solutions have been discusled and considered.Arthough r wirr schedure this issue for discussion at our Yggffy interdepartrnental staff meeting for Monday, December7tn-, I sincerely.hope that a neeting nray be arrairged in thenear future to discuss the probrern and possible solutions. S i nnara l rr ' ,t-.t: '/ ,-;').i, /?.rrJ A. Peter PattenT Jr.Director comrnuqity Devel.opnent APP:bpr cc: Talisrnan Condominiurn AssociationMr. Johannes FaessLerMr. Ron PhillipsMr. Larry EskwithMr. Stan Berrynan t- 'g*'7' z -//-ffi'''''' u'u'u"" 1et#'€827 CEDAREROOK DRIVE . BIRMINGHAM, MtcHtGAN 480tO . trr.r, 526-6654 '_ ,rirffi November 31 . 1gB7 Town of Vai I75 Solrth Frontage EoadVail, Colorado g1657 Attention: Hr. A. peter Fatten Jr.Director Community Develooment Fe. Tal isman Condominium Access to East pleadow Drive Dear l"lr . Fa t t$n : unfortunatery, we do not enjoy the sarne rerationship with thesonnenalp groLrp and we find tte ter* they have imposed on us inexchange for s;1rpy to our property thrr-r treir west gate entireryunsatisfac tory. F leage consider this letter as The Talisman c.ndominiumAssociation'g of f icial reqnest to the Tor,,rn of Vail to immediateryprovide lrs free and lrnencr_imbered access to our property inaccclrdancer with thes te.mg of Brdinancer #14 0t tizg. we, reqlrestthis access to our property be established prior to the christrnasseason so there wirr be no'inteiiuptions to the frow of trafficin and ourt of our area. hle regret f inding it necessary to tar,:e this action_ I1.Vg!_h"ve any qurestions, please contact?6L-7375 my tromer (I1S) 6t;_LaS+. Flease reply to the above address with a copy to olrrAgsociation's of f i.ce at 6I Ea::t Headow Drive in VaiI. Sincerely. CONDOMINI UI'4 ASSOCIATI gN $ince the Talisman Condominiurms werehave enj oyed a friendly" cordial anoall previoLls owners the Taligman and br-ri I t in l?7(:r itg or.rnersneighborly relationship withliiandra Lodges. me at my office (S1I) TAL I By: rge H.affer. Fresident g*'y* z -//'#"'i (3r3) 626-66s fl*d6827 CEDARBROOK DRIVE ' BIRMINGHAM, MICHIGAN 4AOIO T , ,,i%fu November ?1 . t9g7 Town of Vai I75 Sor-tth Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657 Attention: Mr. A. peter Fatten Jr.Director Commr_rni ty Deve I opmen t Registered Re. Tal igman Condominium Accegs to East f"leadow Drive Dear Flr. Patten: Unf ortunatel.y n we do not enjoy the same relationghip with thesonnenalp group and we find the terms they have imposed on us inexchange for entry to trur property thrn flreir west gate entirelyurnsa tigf ac tory . Pleage congider this letter as The Tarisman c'ndominiumAss'ciation's officiar reqrtest to the Town of Vail to immediatelyprovide ug free and unencumbered accesB to octr property inaccclrdance with the terms of ordinance #r4 clf 197g. we request'thig ar:cegg to orrr property be estabtished prior to the christmasseagon so there will be no interruptions ts the flow of trafficin and out of oLrr d,rea. Ne regret f inding it necessary to tat':e this action. !f you have any qlrestions, please contact me?61-7375 my home (f,13) 6A6-6654. Please reply to the above address with a copyAssociation's office, at 62 East Meadow Drive Sincere 1y , TAL I CONDOI,I INI Uf'I ASSOCIAT ION ,'flt Hail '(J^ $ince the TaL isman Condominiums werehave enj oyed a friendly, cordial andal I previoLrs owners ther Tal isrnan and bui I t in 197O i tg er+nersneighborly relationship withFiiandra Lodges. at rny of f ice ( f,13 ) to ourin Vail. By: rge H.lef f er . Presiden t .11 - 1 75 soulh frontage road vail, cotorado g.t657 (303) 475-7000 March Ll, l9A7 ottlce of communlty developmenl Mr. ceorge H. Shaffer 6827 Cedarbrook DriveBirningham, Michigan 48o1O Re! Talisrnan Condorniniurn Access to East Meadow Drive Dear Mr. Shaffer: Needless to say, I was not pleased to receive your letter ofFebruary 1.7th regarding the possibility that tire Talismancondominium Association is interested -in pursuing direct accessonto East Meadow Drive. we feel this wourd have major negativeinpacts upon the ped.estrian area as well as the bus lane thatwe have all strived to create. Although the Town of vail has not been invorved in any of yourdiscussions rrrith the sonnenalp to date, we feel that there mustbe some type of compromise agreement which could be reached t,oavoid creating a new access ior the Talisman property. At thispoint, r would offer our d.epartmentrs assistance-in i" "ii.tnp[-to reach a solution amenable to all parties. please let meknow if you are interested in our paiticipation. concerni-n-s the procedures to follow if arl erse fails, itappears that Ordinance #t_4 of i-9?g does allow (through anaccess.easement) the access you are referring to. Afterreceiving a titre report or other confirmati6n that this accesseasement has been recorded, we wourd sirnply conduct an internalreview process with other affected depar-tnlnts. r arn not surehow the access through the bus contror gate at vail Road wouldwork -- this would need to be discussed with public works. tf Again,.r betieve it is of the utrnost importance that thissituation be worked out in . *"nn.r thal will not change theaccess for the Tarisnan condoniniums onto the controlred buslane and pedestrian street. rrri= would. have adverse impactsupon a nurnber of.properties in the area as welr as the |eneralpleasant.pedestriln ltnosphere that has been createcl; pleasecalr me if we can be of firrther assisia"".-""-li*you travequestions. APP: bpr cc: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Karl Faessler Ron PhillipsLarry EskwithStan Berrlman Patten, Jr. Connunity elopment o\!'t .4*.y* tr -//-#^ 6827 CEDARBROOK DRIVE ' BIRMINGHAM. MICHIGAN 48O1O. (3t3) i;eb r- Lr;lr'1r t'l n l?ti7 Di rer: l:or- nf ljuarmltnit'v. I]eEv;:L of-r mei-i 1:'I alr,i n $ f r..,*i I Vai. I i"lr-tni r:i. pa1 flr_ri idiriq 7fi tin. Fr. r:rrt;lcre* Rt:arj Vai 1, i:nlorad{r 13l.*r:i/ [:le: l]rdi rranr:e f{o. 14, $elri es of l{?78ripri.r" IS, I?74 L:ien !:. I (.! rt {..,i r't i I ;,,i i* r'-.rritirel *n hsirhal { c:f tfr*: Tlrl i gm;rrr {..}:nrlctm:i rri. t_rnrA$:;fic:r.*rtinn rr:r;ar-cJin$ hh{: a.Lrnv* tlr"clirr.:rncq+ ralri nh €$tarLJl i nhedpeciestri an rnai 1s ;rl (]nq rcrL.ai rr cjsgi nriated eii-ea= r+i {:i'ri n ths'l"cwn n{ Vai. I " Ar: ',,ct..r prr:bnblv i.:nni^J, this nr-rj j. nanc* i..l;rr.;tt-tttsl*.*e: i:r,lner= nftfr{ii T,:,1L i. =rnan tl;rntJnin i. n i Lrna ac{::Lf,3::: h}e ir. r,.ieor'} F-asi: i'le;acla'd iiriverancl thmir par. lline lDt :iLtb ject tn ths* -lnwn's obt,:li rri ne av;rl i ri wr':i Lt en s.eii;ear*nt prnvl, cj i nfl nccs:p{:nLrIe altei-.na'L j.vr: a{:ceE:i t(3 eli tirelr- Ec]r-e creek lir-ive ar- i.,Ji1lar,+ Itridae Fic.rd" WouI rl y0Lr l--)1r*ree gi. ve !:r .:;ome idc"a as to plhart procedurres we'' shaurld {ot Inr,r i*, f or cerrtai n reascrig. 1 v.JF +ind it nec=s:;ary' y1;.-;1(] geclire access to' Eaat l,iaadow Dr-ive. I lcol,: f nrwar.rj to.ts recmiving yourr qltqrlsst i c:n -.r s ta fr r::u,r .Lhil:i r:;in her dnnu xri th .rmini inutrn a.t i ncnnvenienrr:: l:o everynrr;:" FI e-.;rse r*pl y tm the iitbclvr: adrJre.:s r,.,r j. i: fr *i cspV tn nnrFts+t:ci a.t:i on '-:i .lf f :i. re a[: i;]l |r.,rst l.{c+;,rd .'u,r i.ir.i ve i n V;ri 1 - 'Ihanl: y*ut {nr- ry'i-rltr {:c:i-l:;id,;rai:ian. S:i ncsrr-r':r.l y " TAt_:t';t'liiF.l ftSFrrc: I A"l-:l nf'.! Fyr : Tnm .furai.rir Iren* !:,eist [: yel ii hll,l r_ii'.t i: N I ui. i , Fraai rJent g"'"r* Z -//-ffi- 6827 CEDARBFOOK DRIVE . BIRMTNGHAM. MICHIGAN 4gOIO. (3I3) 626-6554 il November 11 . LqBz Town of Vail 75 Sourth Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 816F7 Attention: flr, A. Feter Fatten Jr.Director Commnnity Deve l otrmen t Registered l'lai I Re. Tal isman Condominium Access to East l"lead ow Drive Dear lulr . Patten : since the Taligman c.,ndominiurrns were br-rilt in rgTo its ournerghave enjoyed a friendly" cordial and neighborly rerationship withall previoLrs ctwners the Tal isman and l,iiandra Lodges. Unf ortunertely, we do nat enjoy the sarne relationship with thesonnenal,p groLrp clnd we find the termg they have imposed on us inexchanqe for entry to our property thr'r trreir west gate entirelyurnsatigfactory, Flease consider thiE retter as The Tar igrnan condornrniumAsgociation'g official rerqlrert to the Town of Vail to immediatelyprovide ug free and unencurnbered access to our property inaccordancer with the terrng of ordinance $14 ot Lg7e. l.le requtestthig accegs to orrr property be established pricr to the christma=seagon so there wilr be no interruptions to the frow of trafficin and ourt nf oLrr area. We regret f inding it necessary to tal,:e this action. iI V:l have" any qurestions, please contact me at_ my office (IIg)567*737A my home (f,t3) 4?6-6654. Please reply to the above addresg with a copy to ourAgsociation's office at 6? East Meadow Drive in Vait. Sincere I y. %tu 1 TAL I CONDONINIUM ASSOCIATION Byr rge H.ffer. Fresident g*'r Z -/1,9," 6827 CEDARBRooK DRIVE. BIRMINGHAM. MICHIGAN 48o,Io. (3I3) Novenrber 31 . 1987 Town of VaiL75 Sor-rth Front-rge RoadVail, Eolorado 81637 Attention: Hr. A. Feter Fatten Jr.Director Commurn i ty Development Registered Mait Re. Tal isman Condominium Access to East Headow Drive Dear Mr. Fatten: TALI CONDOI"IINIUM ASSOCIATItrN Since the Taligman condominilrrns were b.rilt in rgTo its ownershave enjoyed a friendlyn cordiar and neighborly relationship withall previoLrs owners the Tal isman and Fiiandra Lodges. Unfortunately, we do not enjoy the same relationship with theSonnenal p grtrup and we, fi'd the terrns they ha.ve imposed on us ine:tchange for entry to our property thru Ureir west gate entirelyurnsatisf ac tory . Please consider this letter as The Tarisman condominilrmAesociaticln's official requtest to the T'wn of Vair to immediateryprovide us froe and unencumbered access to ourr property inaccordancg' with the terrns of ordinance rlr4 ot tbzs. |,Je requestthig access to our property be estabr ished prior t6 the trhristmasseason go the're wir.r be no interruptions to the frow of trafficin and ourt of oLrr area. We regret finding it necessary to tatre this action_ II.V:l have any qurestions, please contact me at my office (5lI)961-7575 my lrome (313) 6?6-66F4. Flease reply to the above addregs with a copy to ourAssociation'g office at 6I East Meadow Drive in VaiI. Slncere I y, By: rge H.hffer. Presiden t o g*"r- Z -/1-#^ 6827 CEDARBnOOK DR|VE. BtRMrNGHAtt. M|CH|GAN 4gOtO. (313) 626-6654 November 3I. I9€,7 Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Eol.orado €11657 Attention I l,lr. A. Feter Fatten Jr.Director Community Development Fegisterad Meil Re. Taligman Condominilrm Access to East Headow Drive Dear l'lr. Patten: since the Tal isman Eondominiurns were buril.t in l?7cr its ownershave enjoyed a friendly, cordial and neiEhborly relstionship withall previ.ctLts owners the Taligman and Hiandra Lodges. Unfortunately. we do not enj oy the sarne relationship with thesonnenalp groLlF and we find the termg they have irnposed on ug inexchange for entry to our property thrur their west Eate entirelyunsatisfactory. F lease consider this letter as The Tal isman CondominiurmAegociation'g of f icial requtest to the Town of Vai I to irnrnediatelyprovide ug free and urnencurmbered atrcess to ourr property inaccclrdance with the terms of ordinance *14 of 1978. hte requestthig accegg to onr property be establ ished prior to the christmasseagon so there will be no interrutrtions to the flow of trafficln and trnt of nt-rr area. We regret finding it necesgary to take this action. If you have any questione, please contact me at my office (Ilg) 96L*7375 my home (313) 626-66F4. Pleage reply to the above address with a copy to ourAggociation's of f icer at 62 East l*leadow Drive in Vail. Sincere 1y , TALI CONDOFI I N I UI'I ASSOCIAT ION By: orge H.ffer. Fregident 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 March l-1, 1987 offlce ol communlly deYelopmenl Mr. ceorge H. Shaffer 6827 Cedarbrook Drive Birmingharn, Michigan 48o1O Re: Talisman Condominium Access to East Meadow Drive Dear Mr. Shaffer: Needless to say, I was not pleased to receive your letter ofFebruary 3-7th regarding the possibility that the Talisman Condominium Association is interested in pursuing direct accessonto East Meadow Drive. We feel this would have major negativeimpacts upon the pedestrian area as well as the bus lane thatr{e have all strived to create. Although the Town of Vail has not been involved in any of yourdiscussions with the Sonnenalp to date, we feel that there mustbe some type of compromise agreement which could be reached toavoid creating a new access for the Talisman property. At this Point, I wouLd offer our departrnentrs assistance in an atternptto reach a solution amenable to all parties. Please let rne know if you are interested in our participation. Concerning the procedures to follow i.f all else fai1s, itappears that Ordinance #l-4 of L978 does a1low (through anaccess easement) the access you are referring to. Afterreceiving a title report or other confirmation that this access easement has been recorded, we would sirnply conduct an internal_review process with other affected departnents. I am not sure how the access through the bus control gate at Vail Road wouldwork -- this would need to be discussed with public Works. Again, I believe it is of the utmost irnportance that thissituation be worked out in a nanner that will not change theaccess for the Talisman condonriniums onto the controlred buslane and pedestrian street. This wourd have adverse inpactsupon a number of properties in the area as welr as the generalpreasant pedestrian atmosphere that has been created. Fleasecall me if we can be of further assistance or if you havequestions. APP: bpr cc: Mr.Itr. Mr, Mr. Karl Faessler Ron PhiJ-lips IJarry EskwithStan Berrrrman Patten, Jr. I g*,f, Z -/r.ffi" €8i27 CEoAREROOK DFNE . 6tn lNOHAr|. UtCHtGAfl 480tO I l3t3l Fehruary 17, 19S7 Directnr o.f Comnunity Devel opmenf-'T'trwn c.tf Va i I Vai I i'luni ci Fal Fui l ding 75 So. Frontage Road 'Vail, Colorado €1657 Re: Ordinance No. 14, SeriFs o{ 1?78 April 1#" 197B Gent I emen : I am writing on behal{ of the Talisman Condorninium Asgociation reg;rrdi ng the above nrdin,ance which establ ishedpedestri an mal I s al ong certai n clegi gnated ar-ea€ uli'[hi n the Tovln o{ Vai 1 . A5 you prabably know, this ordinance guarantees owners o{ the TaI igman CnndominiLrrn6 access between East l{eadow Drive and their parking lot subject ta the Town's abtaining a val, i rJ written eai:ement praviding acceptable alternative ecc€fss ts ei therr tlore Creel.; [Jri ve nr lrli ]. Iorl Etri dee Road. mi n i mLrm ctf i ns{}r'lvf,?n i ence ts everycne " F,leage reply to thti* &bove addresg with a capy to ourr Asrr:ci ati.on's cr{-4. icl+-, *L 6?, East l"te+d$H Driv+ in Vai-l .,, Than k yout f t:r ycllrr c on:ii der at i nn . Si ncernl y , 't*.tCould you please give..u? .=erne idea aE to what procedurag we ;":;ttfould {ollow i{.' {or cerrtain reasrrn6, we find. it nec€Eg$ry. Xf :+tu'-*acltrrr eccesg to East Headow Drive. I lonk {orward to'I recei vi-nE yc:lrr sr.rqge*ticn as to hnw thil* c;in btp done r,rith a : Tom Frai-tn IF€ne hlest bye , Fresi dent o //,e" 7,,4 g*"y* Z 6827 CEDARBROOK DRIVE. BIRMTNGHAM, MICHIGAN 4AOIO . 13I31 62 Febrr-t;rry f i, 1gB7 Di r"-er:l:or- r;F i}:ninuni{:y Iieval opinen.t:- 'T or.;n o{ Va.i 1 Vai i i-h..rnici.p*iL Er_rr LrJinrt73 i-:c. F;.- ont aqn fto;+clVEril. {loI oradn f3 1,irL:l / Re: tlrdi n-rnce No. 14,, !1erie=-= a-i 1978riFri.:1 1*o 197* lien l. I F.:llrE]rr : I urn u.itinq.n brlhal.f cJ: tirs l.;,rl igmarr Conclrm:i*i. lrinA::';ac:r;ii:i. rn ra'cj;r.rdi nq tii* a.r:ro,;i= oi.-di. n,,:ricc +riri ch e=t;rL:r i -.;he;Jpede+stri an mal ls :rl onq cer-t-ar n d*,:.: qnated iarr]r:is r,;i i:hi n t!.rel-nr'rir n-f Vai. i " fl',:l 'r'si., pirr-rbarLrl y i:rir:w n L.hi s or.cJi n.rnce r_1u;1i-.ante,al. ordners r!fthe TaL i. ema.n r-lcinrrt:mi. ni ur i-;r;s acic.e=3 ri e i: r..ri.ie ri E:a.'=r: i'reaEiau lirive: .-'r ir ri tr-ru'i r p:iirrllinrl 1o.L :iirb jer:t .Ln thrir Touln.s *bt,*i ni rrnl av;;l i il r,lri tte n ii*aapin+rn.L: pravi. rli ii;i fic:cFrpt*Ll1 e ..:r I t E"..,r.n a.L: j. r;e{\{: c {i?:::-1 {:c r:itir.,+r' ll.=rtn f,r-eek llri ve or l{i 1l of-J fiii-idce Finaci, . uJnr-rl rJ yor-.t pl e;rara give r-r?3 .:icifie rde-a ;i s; to r,rh.r t procndurree ule'''- -nhoLrld {o1lnr,; i{, {or .*it.,in re€r'cr..,E, we iind'if.;;;";;*;;' i-'''ttto secure atrc€-.ss fo Eagt' r,reador'l Drive. I r*cr.l f nrrrai-d tof recg?l vl ng yffLrr riLrqqest i c]n €i?i tc h,f r,,l r:t.li .* .c;in Lla dEi-iE Wi th ;rmi n i murn n.F i ncflnveln i ent:e i;r: evervonff,, F I earse repl'; tn the e.bor.re atjrjr.e_.ig r,ri th et ccp.; to nurrAg=oci ati t=n '= o+ f i ce a-L ir:l East l"learclor,lr D,-t;,;' i n Vai i , Thar-:fl yc:r-r -f ur- ';i:lr-Lr- qcn.;i cjq;..a,Li crr. $i ncarel '; , TAL- I51.1r:il! : l-nr,r i-ri-+i..ri.r f i- cli-i i,r t+r,.'::t b ye []rr:'s:i r:Jtlnt REC'0JUN121986 TALISMAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 62 East Meadow DrlveVall, Colorado 81657 ( 303) 476-5803 June LL, 1986 Town of ValL 75 S. Frontage RoatlValt, Colorado 81657 Dear Slrs: The Tallsnan Condomlnlun Assoclatlon owners wlsh to go on record regandlng thelr posltlon on bhe Town of Vallrs proposed pathway along the stream adJacent to the Sonnenalp Hotel and the Tallsman Condomlnl-uns. As you are aware, there 1s v1rtual1y no property between the sldewalk on the south slde of the Tallsman Condomlnlums and the edge of the stream. Owners 1n the bulldlng are opposed to a path along thls anea of the stream because any prlvacy they now have would be el1m1nated. Yours truIy, TATISI.TAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATIONnll. I aAqJ h+r_ wr_dux\n Irene westbye I Manager cc: Sonnenalp Hotel George Shaffer, Presldent, Tal-tsman Condo. Assoc. o {... t 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 November 20, 1985 Irene Westby Prime Property Management P.0. Box 3213 Vail, Co. 81657 Re: Office 0peration in the Ta] isman Lodge olflce of communltY develoPmenl Dear I rene: The staff of ^uhe department of Community Development has rev'i ewed your ;;;t;;i and wil l approve your business license as requested' n''hile a conditional use js r"qrir'.,a-ior-ptot.ts;onal offices' staff has interpreted t;;;;";4" be primarily related.to operation of the Talisman and services i", pr."iJ. oit'.it. to be secondary to this use. P'! ease do not hesitate to call me with any qu..iion. you may h"u".on."tning this matter. Thank you for your cooperation and patience' Si ncerel y, A^,St* Tom Braun Town P'lanner TB/bl f .?o PRI!{E PROPERTY MANAGET{ENTP.0. Box 3213Vall , Colorado 8L657(303) 476-2952 November 14, 1985 Mr. Tom Braun Town of VallVa1l, Colorado BL656T Dear Tom: Per our telephone conversatlon yesterday, fol1ow1ng 1s anexplanatlon of the operatlon of Prlme Property Management. The servlces provlded by Prlne Property Management are as follows: - mald servlce- flnewood- weekly securlty checks- ut111ty payments - dlnner reservatlons - malntenance - houseplent care - pentry stocklng - remodelllng supervlslon- dry cleanlng & laundry plckup - arranglng carpet & upholstery cleanlng I provlde these servlces for the naJorlty of the owners of theslxteen unlts 1n the Tallsman Condomlnlums. In addltlon toprovldlng the above senvlces, I also nanage the Tallsnan Condomlnlum Assoclatlon fon the owners. I also provlde the above servlces for four condomlnlums ln Vlllage Center Condomlnlums, one condomlnlum ln Tlnber Fal1s ln East Vall, and one townhouse ln Booth Creek. I currently have two employees. One 1s my housekeeper, who worksfor me fulltlme. The other ls a malntenance man, who works for me one day ever.y two weeks, performtng ulnor malntenanee dutles 1n the conmon areas for the Tallsman Condomlnlun Assoclatlon and also forlndlvlduals unlts for Prlme Property Management. Senvlces such asflrewood, nalntenance, and carpet & upholstery cleanlng are contracted out to people 1n those buslnesses throughout the valIey. The employees and contract labor do not use my offlce to perform any of thelr dutles, and contract labor arrangenents are handled by phone. i' "'I ? Requests from ownera for Bervlces perforred by Pnlne Pnoperty Management are made excluslvely by telephone. Owners elther callne long dlstance from thelr hones, or from thelr unlts ln Val1, when they are her.e, to make arrangements to handle thelr needs. My plans are to lncrease ny unlt capaclty by ten or twelve unlts 1norder to make my buslness f1nancla11y v1able. The servlcesprovlded and the tnanner 1n whlch they are handled wlII be exaetlyas deserlbed above for ny exlstlng un1ts. When my buslness reaches ny proJected capaclty, 1t w111 be necessary to have one addltlonal person on staff 1n the housekeeplng department. I w1I1 not hlre addltlonal- malntenancestaff beeause the maJorlty of nalntenance work 1s contnaeted out. The total area of the Tallsman Condomlnlum Assoclatlon offlce ls 1J2 square feet, and lt ls locatd ln the basement of the Tallsman Condomlnluns at 62 East ltleadow Drlve 1n ValI. Thls w111 be thelocatlon of Prlme Pnoperty Managenent. Your"s truly, PRIME PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Jp... @ufrr^l Irene B. Westbye Owner/Ilanager 1w (r . box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Dlck Fitzgerald ViLcor PropertiesP.O. Box 1028Vai1, Colorado 81657 Be: East Meadow MaLl Agreement (o f-AfJ4-/ -{t 6 office of the town manager September 26, L977 Dear Dick: j., ,.. : At the recommendatlon'of our town attorney, Larry Rider,a letter of agreement between Vilcor and the Town ofVail has been drafted to replace the proposed lease.However, the attorney believes this is a simpler and more direct method for both parties ff.you have any questions, please give either.Larry or me a calI. If it meets with your satj_sfactlon, pleasesign both copies and return the original to me. Smile, Department of CommunityAllen GerstenbergerDirector Development AG: jh . f'Ca lnl'ln box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 4765613 Mr. Dick FitzgeraldVilcor PropertiesP. O. Box 1028VaiI , Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Fitzgerald: C' office of the town manager September L4, Lg77 This letter is to state the agreements between the Town ofvail and vilcor properties, Er joint venture.and owner of.theKiantra/ralisrnan Lohge, roi irr6-iand.scaping of the East MeadowMall in the Town of vail , The parties irav5 -greed as folLows: (b) The Vilcor property provided in (a) above shallbe used for landscaping unlit- subtr Lirne as vircor has receiveda building permit cr other approvar for developnent of itsproperty that vrould require use or improvernent of the propertydescribqd in (a) above other than lanlscaping. '(c) The -Town agrees that the Vilcor property wiJ.lbe used for beautification of the East Mead,ow ultl-and-shalLnot be considered. or used as a public park or become a part ofthe East Meadow t1all. start ranlandscaping marked therefor. (e) The Torvn agrees to provide themaintenance therefor. (f) Vilcor agrees to reimburse theof $t800.00 for a portion of the cost of thethe request of the Town e area landscaping and Town in the amount landscaping upon :'(!,'. Dr.cK rrtrger.f September 1.4, Ig77 Page 2 If this is Lnthe enslosed T.lltrls jn AFPRO\ED: Vilcor Properties (o aecordance wlth your understanding, please signcopy of this letter and return it to me. Jrwal /n,,e Terlell Ft{inger Tewn lrtanager :l SJ.ncerely, 't' ,I o{ tht* Teil i grn,:n llr:ndnmi rr i.tfin ahovl* r:y-cli. nariqe ,,+hi_ -hcertai rr de=: qn;ri:eo si-its= L( tn n!;taL:lished rrl i th i n f-hs 'r. I'Jmul d yolr .'J - shnurl d {ol y. j;:.:.f 6 s61cLtr.e S . . ;recei vi nq! tni.niJnLun o.f fs y''u pi-cbarbl:/ !::nci4r, thi s orrJi n.rnce cg*arantee= o*ner= oftlre Tal i=rnan candcrni ni nms a.ces,s beir,i.nonn F_-.r. =t i{eadr:r'r I}riv€? "rnd. L,he-'ir parllinqt lot surb jert to the Town,s oEf_;rinlnr.l av"rl i cl r'ri-i tt*n e-r.aerrent provl'.di nG accc.rpta.bLe .rr tarna.r:iv*aEcci'.s tn ei r-ir,nr Grri-e cr.uek Ilrii,e or tiri l r or.l Bi-idge F,rr.r.rti. lI "":,: gl ve LrE :i c,'Tr {: i dt-,a .is to what procedcrree yrel or4 1+, +oF certain recl-=trns, we f i, nd it necessar.y'acces:: f ci Eas:L' l,le.rdow Dri va:. I i a*1.,: f or_ward toyrrltr sl(qqesti on as tc lr lr"r thi=. can be done uith .ri nct:nr.eni ence to evarynni.:, Flt--!l::{? r'€lFl.,. l:a ths abo,.,e arjcJr.a,:;s rqith ,:l capv to clrrAgsociatir:n'= o*.f i. ce ,at tlX Ear,t l.i e-:.L cl o r..t IJrive in Vail Thar"rll yor-r {ur- yrrlri- ccn.si da,r:i.l:i crr, Si rrceri+1',.,, : l-i:lr lrr,riir.r I ;- r.;ii L.,- r,;i r::i: t L-:,y,e r.rtrili.l I i.r I t_tl.! t\sl-itlc I *T I DF.l g*wZ-li*ffi 6827 CEDARBROOK DR'VE. BIRM|NGHAM, MtcHtGAN 4AOtO . (3r3) 626-665 Februrary 17, 1987 Di i-cc{:oi- o.i Co,rmuu:i ty l}evelopinentTor+n of Ve i I Vai I Ph..rni cipsl Br_ri Ldina75 5o. Fr-ont.tqe RoerrJ Vai 1 . tlol r:r.eda Sltr5l, Rc: Ordirrance lrjo. 14. Selri (}E o.f 197L:t/rpril 19, lcil;g tient I (*ntan : I ;im u,rr i. t i nq on br*hal { As;:;;it::r. ;it i err rr:q;-:,r-cJ i n11pedestri =in mal l st al ctrrq Tour:r"i o-F Lr.r i. i . Fresi dent ,i\ C Z5 south tronlage road vail, colo.ado glGS7 (303) 476-7000 March 1t_, L9A7 offlce of communlly developmenl Mr. ceorge H. Shaffer6827 Cedarbrook DriveBirrningham, Michigan 4Bo1O Re: Talisman Cond.orninium Access to East Mead.ow Drive Dear Ur. Shaffer: Needless to sav. f y?" not pleasgg.tg receive your letter ofFebruary. J.?rh iegarding gh".;;;ibirity that tire Tarismancondominium Assoiiatioi is iirteiested in pursuing direct accessonto East Meadow Drive. we feei ttris wouiJ-ir"""=.ujor negativeinpacts upon the pedestria' ur." as well as the bus rane thattre have all strivEa to create- Although the Town of Vair has not been involved in any of yourdiscussions with the sonne;;ip"a; date, ," i."i frrut tt "re rnust!," ??t" type of comprornis" igi""."nt wtricrr "o,ria-r" reached toavoid creatincr a new access ior the.tiii=^."-iiJpertv. At thispoint, r woul6 offer "ur aeparl.rnentrs assistai.."'ir, an atternptto reach a sorution arnenabr! i"-"irr parties. prease ret meknow if you are interestea in-oui participation. concerninq the procedures to fo110w_if all else fails, itappears tbat ordinance #14 of 1978 does iif"r-itfrrough anaccess easenent) the access you are referri"; i;.. Afterreceiving a titie report or 6ther confirmati6r,-tn.t th's accesseasernent has been recorded, we would =iilit-;;"i""a an internar.review process wirh other itre"i"o aepiiErd";;.*-i an not surehow the access through the bus controi qate -ii-vaif noaa wouldwork _- this would need to be discussed with public Works. o t Again, I believe. it is of the utmost importance that thissituation be worked ""t-i"-"i;;;"" tiral-wirr-ioi' cn"r,ge theaccess for the Talisnan conaorniniurus onto the controlred, buslane and pedesrria;-;;;.;t.- d;il would hu;;-.;;;rse impactsupon a nurnber of .properties in--Ih". u.-r.u. as well i" tr," generalpleasant pedestrii" itr""pn*i. iiiut.has been creJiea; ptease ;:::.I:":r we can be or il;il;"-;==ili""IJ=o"'iF'|ou have APP:bpr cc: Mr. Mr. l"lr. Mr. Karl Faessler Ron phillips Larry esfwittrStan Berryman elopment i..\ Town of Vai I75 Solrth Frontage FoadVail r Colorgdo gl6i7 Attention: Hr. A. Feter Fatten Jr.Director Comrnr_rnity Deve I otrmen t Since the Talisman Eondominilrms werehave enjoyed a friendly" .orJi"f""noall previoLts or^rners the faf isman ino Re. Talisman Condominilrm Access to East Meadow Drive Dear lYr. F,attaln: Registered Mail blrilt in IgTCr its or.rnersnerqhborly relationship wi thl'iiandra Lodges. g*"y* Z -//*& 6827 CEDARBRooK DRIVE . BIRMTNGHAM. MICHIGAN 4ao I o . (3,I3I November 11 , L7ET CONDOMlNI UI'4 ASSOCIATICN unfortnnateryr we do not enjoy the same relationship with theSonnenalp group elnd we find the -terms they have irnposed on us in:ff:i?:;_:::,;:.." to o*r p'"p"'ty tnr.r trre:.i'**lt sate entirery Please consider ttris retter as The Talisman condominiltmAsgociation's officiar reqr-r";; i; the Town ot v"ir to immediatelyprovide lrs free and unencurU"rej- access to our property inaccordance r'rith the terrn= clt oiJin.nce #r4 ot tizg. .ue reqnestthis access to oLrr-_ property be establisheO prior'to the Christmas:;"il] il.*l?'8.,:t::":: ""'i"l"i,uptions to the f row of traf fic We regret finding it necegsary to talre thiE action. ;Jrl;:rl"# i#-.i'ii.li"!;;_i:il:" contact me at my orrice (f,rr) Flease reply to the above address with a copy to or_rrAesociation's office at 6Z Easi Neadow Drive in Vail. Sincere I y, TAL I By: rge H.Hf fer, President o tuwn n llat 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 / ' /'A, Peter Director APP:bpr cc: Talisrnan Condorniniurn AssociationMr. Johannes FaesslerMr, Ron Phi.IlipsMr. Larry EskwithMr. Stan Berryman otf lce of communlly development Novernber 30, 1987 Mr. ceorge H. Shaffer 6827 Cedarbrook Drive Birrningharn, Michigan 48010 Re: Talisrnan Condoninium Access to East Meadow Drive Dear Mr. Shaffer: r received your letter requesting access from East Meadow Drivefor the Tarisman condorniniuns on-11/2?/g7. Again, r express mydisappointnent that the relationsniie uetween ih" ialisrnancondominiuns and the sonnenarp has not alLowed a solution tothis problem, I reiterate soire of ny points in my letter toyou of March 1r, 198? in which we feer-that this ivour.d havemalor negative inpacts upon that pedestrian area as werr as theexclusive bus lane on East Meadow- Drive. I again offer our departnentrs assistance in a possiblesolution to this probren. r can't help but feei that ar,l thealternative solutions have been discus'seo and considered.Arthough r will schedure this issue for discussion ax. our I::kly interdepartnental staff meeting for Monday, Decenber7th, f sincerely.hope that a meeting fray be arraiged in thenear future to discuss the problem ind lossible r6r.ut,ionr. Sincerely, '-..-- i i', -/*ii,,i PattenT Jr. Conmu4ity Developnent 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 1.8, 1986 Ms. Irene Westbye Manager ,.Tal isman Condomini um Associ ati on 62 East Meadow Drive Vai1, Colorado 8.|557 Re: l,lalkway along Gore Creek Drive Dear Irene: off lce of communlly developmenl As you are undoubtedly aware. consideratjon has been given to developing a walkway along Gore Creek through Vail Village. The concept of the wal kway evolved from the Vail Village Master Plan process that has been under way for over a year. The proposed walkway would connect Ford Park with Vail Road andis just one of many public improvements that have been identjfied in the Vi'll age P1an. I would like to stress that the Village Master Plan is not complete and will be presented for formal review by the Planning Commission and Town Council th'i s surmer. In addition, we have yet to determine the final locat'ion to be proposed for the wa1 kway jn the Ta1 isman area. l.lith respect to your site, theproximity of the Talisman Condomjniums to Gore Creek is a significant des'i gn consideration- At this time we are studying the feas'i b'i lity of locating the path on both sides of Gore Creek and connecting the segments with one or more pedestrian bridges. I encourage you to keep abreast of the upcoming review process that js scheduled for this summer. The walkway is one of many issues that will be discussed with the Council and Planning Commission at these public meetings. Please contact me in the near future for the exact time and dates of these meeti ngs. Si ncerely, ..1 a) Aunn \)N'or^"^- Thomas A. Braun Town Planner TAB: bpr cc: Ron PhiII ios TALISMAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION 62 East Meadow DrlveVa1l, Colorado 8L657(303) 476-5803 June 11, 1986 Tov{n of Va1l 75 S. Fnontage RoadVatl, Colorado 81657 Dear Slrs: The Tallsman Condomlnlun Assoclatlon owners wlsh to go on recordregardlng theln posltlon on the Town of Vallrs proposed pathwayalong the strearn adJacent to the sonnenalp Hotel and the TallsmanCondomlnlums. As you are aware, there 1s vlrtualJ.y no property between thegldewalk on the south slde of the Tallsman condomlntums and theedge of the stream. Owners ln the bulldlng are opposed to a pathalong thls area of the stream because any prlvacy- tfrey now havewould be ellmlnated. Yours tnuIy, TALISMAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATIONntf. r -AA C/M^! Wg@.-rrA Irene Westbye ] Manager cc: Sonnenalp Hotel George Shaffer, Presldent, Tallsman Condo. Assoc. EAGLE VALLE aURVEYING, o Y ENE'NEERINGlNc.- June 24, 1983 Mr Jim Sayre Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 8L657 At the three lowes t we have checked the elevations of elevatlons were taken on the the west end of the building. + alisman Condominiums trlM request of Irene l,Iestbye, unlts at the Ta11sman, The floor of the three unLts at We have established the floor elevaEions to be 8148.5, based on lnvert elevatlons of nearby sanltary sewer manholes. Our ex- perlence shows the manhole elevations Eo be in reasonable agree- ment wlth the datum of the Tor,m of Vall Floodwav maDs in this area. Please contact me if I can be of any further assistance in this matt,er. AND SURVEYING, INC. Irene Westbve S incerely , WH 5.FKONTreE R2 wEsT ^uffe to2, uNL, COLORAp.O Arcb7 FO3)176.1673 Project Application Project Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Com ments: Design Review Board ._" //61Kt DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL t,j f, Proiect Name: Prolect Description: A Project ApplicatbrF Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date f .lZNIRov^L DISAPPROVAL Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and phone t''".L Owner, Address and Phone: ''" J*ffior;-o ress a n d p h o n e ; Legal Description: Lot Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board ,7 .- t- pr f1ata I / /l/ Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL E statt Approvat \df* \Rx4 =. -g .{ -r1\1{ FF{U4J3F tll c( \9 ,'bo,9/-. . '*' t oRDrirANcE No. -!4-Series of 1978 \ AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOVTN COUIICIL ESTABLISHING PEDESTRIAI'I MALLS ON BR,IDGE STP.EET, GORE CREEK DRIVE FROM I,{ILLOW BRIDGE ROAD TO A LINE VIHICH IS THE EXTENSION OF THE EAST- ERLY BOUNDAR,Y LINE OF TRACT GI VAIL VILLAGE FIFTH FILING ACROSS GORE CREEK DRIVE (INCLUDING THE INTER- SECTION OF BRIDGB STREET AND GORE CREEI( DRIVE ) , EAST MEADOT,^T DRIVN FROM GORE CREEK ROAD TO VAIL ROAD (I{ITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE INTER- SECTION OF EAST ME.PDOT'I DRIVE AND I.ILLOW BRIDGE ROAD A}JD THAT PORTION OF EAST MEADOW DR,IVE ADJACE}IT TO T}lE CROSSROADS SHOPPING CE}iTER), AND HANSOI{ RANCH ROAD PROM BRIDGB STF.EET TO A LINE WHICH IS THE EXTENSION OF TTIE WESTERI,Y BCINDARY LINE OF I-,OT P-3, BLOCK 5-A, VAIL VILLAGE FIFTH FTLTNG, ACROSS HANSON RANCH ROAD; I{AKING THE DETERI4IIiATION REQUIRED BY LAI{; SETTING FORTH REGULATIONS FOR USE OF THE PEDESTR.IAI.I MALLS BY VEHICLES; STATING THAT THERE WILL BE NO ASSESSMENTS FOR THE COSTS OF ESTABLISHI4ENT AND IMPROVE. MENTS OF THE },IALLS IN ACCORDANCE WITII THIS ORDINANCE; SETTII{G FORTH THE MA}INER OF PAYME}IT OF COSTS AND CLAIMS FOR THE ESTABLISHME}IT OF PEDESTRIAN I4ALLS; MAKING FINDIIIGS ATID RULINGS ON THE CLAII4S FOR DA}IAGES SUBMITTED TO THE TOI'IN COUNCIL; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN RELATION TO THE FOREGOII\iG WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, Totun staff, and the Cj.tizens Advisory Committee reconmended that the Town Council establish certain pedestrian malls which would res- trict vehicle travel thereon; !{HEREAS, the Town Council adopted Resolution No. 17, Series of L977, expressing its intention to est.ablish certain pedestrian mal1s with lirnited vehicular use, and Resolution llo. 2, Series of 1978, establishing said malls; WHEREAS, after Notice was duly mailed, a public hearing was held by the Town Council on Aoril 4, L978, for the purpose of hearing claims gresentations; and --- I -2- '?t I WHERXAS, it is the opinion of the Town Council that it would be in the publicts interest that certain areas be used as pedestrian malls and therefore establishes the samei NOW, TITEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOIVN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section (l) The following streets and public ways within the Town of Vail shall be established as pedestrian ma1ls with vehicular travel thereon lirnited in accordance with Section (4) of this ordinance: (a) Gore Creek Drive from Willow Bridge Road to a line which is ttre extension of the easterly boundary line of Tract G. vail Village Fifth Filing, across Gore Creek Drive; (b) East ttleadow Drive from Gore Creek Road to Vail Road (wittr the exception of the intersection of East Meadow Drive and witlow Bridge Road and that portion of East Meadow Drive adjacent to and south of Crossroads Shopping Center); (c) Bridge Street; and (d) Hanson Ranch Road from Bridge Street to a line which is tlre extension of the wester1-y boundary rine of iot p-3, Block 5-A, Vail Village Fif$r Filing, across Hanson Ranch Road. Only streets or public r.{ays sPecifically referred to i_n this ordinance are established as pedestrian malls, and nothing herein shall be construed to establish or create any other streets or public ways within the Town of VaiI as pedestrian malls. Section (2) The intersections of East l4ead'ow Drive and Bridge Street, Bridge Street and Hanson Ranch Road, and Bridge Street and Gore Creek Drive shall be part of the pedestrian mall areas. only intersections specifically referred to in:this Ordinance are estabtished as part of the pedestrian mall areas, and nothing herein shall be construed to establish or create any otfier intersection within t.he Town of Vail as part of the pedes- trian maLls " r ( 1 -3- Section (3) The pedestrian malls hereby established shall be primarily for the use of pedestrians, but vehicular traffic may use the same in accordance with the following res- trictions: (a) East Mead,ow Driver west of Willow Bridge Road' to Vail Road - vehicular traffic will be restricted to the fo110t^r- incr: (1) Public transportation vehicles operated by the Townt (2) EmergencY vehicles; and (3) Repair or maintenance vehicles authorized by (b) to Gore Creek following: the Town. East Meadow Drive, east of Willow Bridg6 Road, Road - vehi-cular traffic will be restricted to the (1) Public transportation vehicles operated by the Towni (2) Emergency vehicles; (3) Repair or maintenance vehicles authorized by the Town; and (4) Local traffic to the Vail Athletic Clu'b' Mountain Haus and Wedel Inn' (c)Brid'geStreet,GoreCreekDriveandHansonRanch Road, as described in Section (1) above - vehicular traffic will be restricted to the follc'vring: (1) Public transPortation vehicles operated by the Town; (2) EmergencY (3) RePair or the Towni vehicles i maintenance vehicles authorized by (4) Cornmercial vehicles entering the maII when necessary for the purpose of making deliveries or pro- viding seivicei for properties fronting on lhe maII; (ro uf -4- (5) Private vehicles entering the mall when necessary for the purPose of checking in or out of any hotel, pension or lodging establishment, or going to or from a private parking sPace owned by a hoteI, pension or lodging establishment, as a . guest thereof, picking up or delivering goods from or to establishments on the mall, or goinq to a private parking sPace in which the operator of the vehicle has permission to park from the owner of said private parking space; and (6) Private vehicles enteri-ng the mall when necessary for the purpose of going to or from the property or business fronting on the mal1r of the operator or passengers of the vehicle- Section (4) The direction of vehicular traffic may be limited to one way on certain portions, and parking on the pedestrian malls may be limited to certain areas and for specified times. Section (5) The restrictions on vehicular traffic in the mall- areas, as herein specified, are provided in order to insure reasonable access to the properties and businesses wh j-ch require access frorn the public ways included in the mal1s ' to provide access to and from private property and to protect the public interest. Section (6) A11 costs and expenses of establishing the pedestrian malls shall be paid by the Town, and no special asses- sment shall be levied agaj-nst the owners of lands abutting the pedestrian malls therefore. Section (7) No improvements shall be made to the pedes- trian malls in accordance with the establishment thereof. If in the future, the Cogncil determines that the pedestrian malls should be improved, the improvements may be accomplished and financed in , ,rot (ro .fl -5- accordance with the Special Irnprovement ordinances of the Town or Statutes of the State of Colorado. Section (8) With regard to the clairns filed for damage to real property by the establishment of the pedestrian mal1s the Council finds as follows: (a) The establishment of a pedestrian rna11 0n East Meadorv Drive between Gore creek Drive and l'{ilfow Bridge Road may deprive the owners of the Talisman Condominiums of their right of ingress and egress to their condominium parking lot from the public street unless other access is provided or the o\{ners are al-lowed vehicular access along the maII. Further, the Town Council recognizes the rights of the Talisman Condominium owners to ingress and egress to their parking lot frorn a public way and desires to assure to such owners those rights. (b) The following claims have been withdrawn in writing: Charles tl. & Barbara Cor'roerthrvaite Robert T. & Diane J. Lazier I'trarner & Diane Newcombe Donna I. Grayson Arthur G. BishoP Douglas & Mary Mclaughlin Plaza Lodge' Inc. (1) (2) (3) (4) (s) (6) (7 (8 (q (10) (c) The attorney for Edelweiss condominium Association' Kennard T. Perry, Mill Creek Court Condominium Association, Hans- peter A. Buhler; Blanche C. HiIl , Vernon Taylor and Vernon Taylor' Jr., has requested that the hearing on their clains be continued to April 18, 1978, at the regular meeting of the Town council. JOhn Amato, the representative for A & D Enterprj-ses, Inc., Casino Partners, Inc., and Vail Group, Inc., also requested a continuation' (d) The following claimants failed to apPear at the public hearing: ( 1) . (n.one). (2) (3) (4) (5) G -6- Section (9) Based uoon the above findings' the council determines that the claims submitted for damages to real property shall be allowed or cenied as follows: (a) The stipulation for settlement of the clairn of the Talisman Condominium owners submitted by the represen- tatives of the orrrners is hereby approved as follows: (i) Notwithstanding the provisions of this ordinance, the owners of the Talisman Condominiums shall have the right, in perpetuitlz, of ingress and egress to and from their parking Iot to East Meadow Drive, including access on said Drive' (ii) If at any future date the Town of Vail shall obtain at its exPense a valid written ease- ment in perpetuitl' running to the Talisman Condo- miniurn owners whereby such owners rvill be granted at no charge, a free uninterrupted right of ingress and egress to and from the parking I'ot to either Gore Creek Drive or l{illow Bridge Road' and such easement is approved in writing by the Talisman Association (which apgroval shall not be unreason- ably withheld) then as of the date that such ease- ment is duly recorded in proper form, the pro- visions of Section (1) hereof shall terminate and be of no further force and effect' (iii) The ingress and egress provided for in subsections (i) and (ii) hereof shall be of sufficient dimensions to allow for the free and uninterrupted passage of vehicular traffic' (iv) The provisions of this stipulated settle- ment as contained in subsection (9) (a) of this ordi- nanceandshallinuretothebenefitofallpresent and future Talisman Condominium owners ' (t t -7- (b) The following claims shall be denied: (i) (All other claimants requested (ii) a continuation to APril 18, (iii) 1978, at the regular meeting (iv) of the Town Council' ) (v) (vi ) (c) The following claims shall be allowed: (i) (A11 other claimants requested(ii) a continuation to APril 18,(iii) L978, at the regular meeting(iv) of the Town Council. )(v) (vi) Section (IO) A11 monetary damages and costs and expenses rel-ated thereto that are herein allowed by the Town Council or a Court of competent jurisdiction shal1 be paid by the Torvn, and no special assessment therefor shall be levied against the owners of lands abutting the pedestrian malls unless levied against all real property lvithin the Town' Section (11) After the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of the final action and approval by the Town council of this ordinance, all actions or suits attacking its findings, determinations and contents, and of all proceedings relating thereto, shall be perpetually barred and shal-l be conclusive of the facts so stated in this ordinance in every court or tribunal . In order for one to have standing to sue, he or she muSt have aSserted his or her protests ' remonstranges and objections in accordance with those particulars contained in the notice relating to the proceedings on the forrnation of the pedestrian malls. Section (12) The officers of the Town of Vail are hereby authorized and directed to take all action necessary or appropriate to effectuate lhe provisions of this ordinance. Section (13) If any part, section, subsection' sen- tence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance and each t,vt i ,ra ATTEST: :/7 -8- =g part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase hereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections ' subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invali.d- Section (I4) The Town Council hereby finds, deter- mines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. II.ITRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READIIIG, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL this 4th day of April , L978 ' and a public hearing on this ordinance shatl be held at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vail' Colorado, on the 18th day of april , L978, at 7:30 P'l{'' in the Municipal Buil-dinq of the Town. INTRODUCED, READ, ADOPTED AND EIIACTED OII SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY THIS ISth DAY OF APRIL, I978. /ii ,6;,;t TOI.JN CLERK --) ATTEST: Iffi | *i"lt+'.1'::i";i,'i",tlifliot " o"o"'t'i"n"'"n lplt*Ilwi{iq#ffi h:"i{*'Ir! I #::lrfi fi .l#f ,'"?:di:'E:&:ry.1 .Lq ._R ID )N IE rH IE ,F :K ,o o E ), s '.he PROOF OF PUBLICATION \TE OF COLONADO ,OUNTY OF EAGLE do solemnly swerr thal I am of THE VAIL TRAIL; that the same is a weekly newspaper ;,rie in whote or in part and published in the County of Eagle' -State of joiilo,-"na has a general circulation therein; that said newspaper has. been ;;iil;d "ontinuou.tf "nd uninl,emrptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of nore than tifty.two eonsecutive wee'ks next prior iothe lint plblication.of .the .""..*"J-i.gJ 'notice or advertisementi that siid n€wspaper has been admitted io the United States mails a" r""ona..f ari matter under tire- provisions of .the Act of lriarch 3, l8?9, or any amendments thereof, and that said newspaper is I w-eekly ".tiiiitpliOrt' qualifrerl for publlshing legat notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. -'rt the rnnexed legat notice or advertisement was published in the regular and .re issue of every number of said weekly newsprPer for the period of l consecutive inserlions; and that the first pubication of sald notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated /qff(tL 7 A.D. 1978 and thal the last publicrtion ql said notice was In the issue of said newspaper deled n#ffi:",.':,mvhandthis /\'gru A.D. rel& forSubocribed rnd swom Io betotFe' a not'r C te ot Cof orado, this -f- daY ol D in an 16, r98llly Commbglon clplrci Mey 191-Qommission expirer }./\STIR SiIR.LEASD tnrs by and bctween ed parrnership, Indcnture naclc this Z3rd day of t4arch , 19 ?l ,RUMFORD-NOTTING}iILY AND ASSOCIATES, a Colorado limie-Srrb-Lessor, hereinafter called,,iessorr,, andH. ALAIT ZEIG;L AIID LAURA B. ZEIGEL Sub-Lessees, .he--inaG ca lied I]'I\E s8ee", SSE T tr. ;Thoc Lessor, in considerarion of Ehe rent hereinafter rc-'servcd and of che covenanrs by Lessee herern contained, hereby cie-mises and leases unto Lessee,'and Lessee hereby accept,6.end renis:.': , An undlvided onc_sixgeeniir incerest in and . .cg !h-u-real propcxry described on the accach-ed Exhibic L ' CITANT YETI.IOD OF PAYMENT OF,RENT To have ond to hold che samc unto Lessee:from ltarch ; 23rd rn ?1 -..-^ rn an 1Qffilil=t:unt|!June30,20.19,Lesseepaying'i and said leasehold int-erc.sr shall be and shall remain appurEeilanc.to Unic loL - Talisman condominiums, acco.ding to ihe Map the;c-of fileaToiTecorcr and rhc co".io-ifi;r.'-o""i".rirolo. The Tari.s-man condominiums recordccl in Bool< zI9 , p"gn _ j lI_, -;;gi;--- Cou. Ey, Colorado, subj cct to tho c-crms , covenan.ts , condi cions ,casciiencs' resrrictions, uscs, limicacions and oui;.lacions se!fortlr in said condorniniu* o"ci"rocion.ana tire Leasa from vair As-sociaces, rnc., atEached hereto as Exhibit 2 and tlris sub-Lease.Lessor reserves chc righc E,o rea.se rhe_ renaini"; ii;;";"]"i"i""".r,".'.(L5/16) lcasehold inreiesr in-o,'.i-ro rire .subjeci ,"nr properry by.. iseparate T eases, eacir (Lease) leasing an undivided one-sixceenth .., ..inieresu rherein, and cach such reasehord inreresr ,ii"ri-ui-il;" . ::sir.ait rcmain appurtenant ro one of che si*roon-ionao*i.i.r*-,.rilr. ' . . T:1:ilg-ll..-.il: yhol? of che building, The Talisrnan Condonoiniuns : .i, tha re for in e qua iT\on chTf ins r a un,nn I s, - iin.'G-in" -"r"r" i'i ;"' in "dr"n"" r;;';;i;llli: l:.:^:y:". -ind above caxes^,.assessnenrs ind orher chaiges here_under payablc- by Lessee. rf rhis Lease co*inenc"i-o"-n-ilv""ir.,lii^l;.chan on'rhe firet' day of a monch,' rhe fi;;;;;;;h,i"r"nr ir,oii-iu :,, r\.,^r,...^J ira vA cl 9ti \r. And Lcssor hcrcby covcnflncs wich Lcsscc t_hau'uporr pay_ ,i.i, rr,cnt of the rcnt as aforcsaicl a.d upon observance and perforrraicc i',f l] i:lte cn\'an,iirl-rl h., Tnc,'; .,,. lr -..,..r...r r,.,r.. na....-i,rn I y^,--^:. -r..rr o -o ! 1. l',rvncrrr of llenE. Lesscc vill pay or cause co be paid saidrcn! irr lawrrrr moncy of the unitcd scaces of America at Ehc t,imcs'ond in thc nranrlct al'orcsaid, without troticc or dcmand at thc of-ficc of As.sociauion or chc llanaging Agcnt rvho shall bc responsi- , bla fot collecctng rc$tB fron.rlt.ionlomtnturn owners ancl cransnit-tlng [ho ranrc !o Lcseor sinruri:aneousry wich Lhe exccucion of this. Lcasa. Lcssee ehalr dcposit rvi.ch ihc A.lrqcjatlon uhe sum of .i 'i Dollars to be held as aprovided in'paragraph 35 of law wirich-may be payable i* insrarr;;i.;;";;;r""'rillri"f;:";il;l;na".,..to pay only such instalr.nrencs uogeEirer.with inrerest as ehall be-come <iuc and payable during saicl icrm. tcrn@"";i;;i; uiii 1ii'at eIl cirnes 'durtiis""sai'1, :.6, .Rcp,rir ancl Maintenalrce-. Lessce wirl-. .at al-l rir,rec.d'rr.i.,'..."" Z.-.r:i:sr!"a fss".* . Lcssee will pay or cau6e co be pria be- . .": rore cltc samc bccomes delinquetrt alf rcal propcrty taxgs and asscss-;mcnts of - cvery descrrprion io vhich. sald pinrir""'nna cr.,u-rG: ""a--:,.:.conclorninium unit arc now or may cluring said carm be assessed or be- .,i , come liablc, whechcr assessed io Lessor or Lcsscc, ";;;;;-;ini-uilir' i taxes shall be prorated a-s of chc dates of commcncement and cxpiration re speccivery of said term; pr-ovided, however, Ehac vich re- r . . ,. f l.n,":.l..,:r"ny assessmcnt rnaclc. un<lcr. any betccrment or ilnpro,r"*ent ;i, 4'- , rlrrlgvemgntg Rcsuirgct. bv L.avr.. Lesse-e wirr during rhe r.rhore or .. . lll-o*:-"t":-,:: h:t,p'oportio.aie share of rhe .*p"n""! by che Asso-. :.':,::::::",^::I:, !:1i9, mainEain and.repair arl flnccs; ;il;;,^""1...,drains, curbs, roadsi sidcwalk"-""a^p5rr.i";';r::;';ii"i'illi"i", ;..::o:i::l_ll^t:: :: !: mad9, builr., ,oi"c"ii"J-nna i"p"ired upon .or adjoi,ning or in connccrion "irr, orl-io;-;;;;;;;;";h:=IoiSlriin-':. ,|,rm proJcc[. ,--- --: . i :i r:1 al'l rcscrictions, cove anrs, conciirions and provisions ,oir l::.1::I":.1:iol.lng l"y 'ancn<tnrcnrr' rh"rnoi-a"iy ."ai-"ri"iri.e:.1.,u 3.-^Rglgrs and gchgr chargcs. Lcssee wirl pay beford che same be-come cerrnquenE arr assessmcnts for his proporcionaEe share of checor,rnon expenses of The Talisman co*dominium projccr "na "ii ii"ili",duties' rares and ocher ourgoings of every alr"iipcr"n ro which said..unic or Lcssee in respect rtieruor r,ray during said Eern be asscssed ,or. bccome liable, whet.hcr made by governrnental auchoritv or anv ..,. ,pubric or comrnunl.ry service "ornpir.y or by che Associ;;i;"';";;ianr .:'., . co cha DeclaraEion and ch" ay-i.nrs'of rhl'A;;";i;;i;;.--:' r--"--"-,. ,.. 5. Ollservaf gc of .L_arrs .- Lcssee vrirr at arl crmes during sard .term':kcep@tnelssociacionl<eepalIothercomn1one1enencs' . of rtre projecc, in a'srriccly crean "na s"niiary """ai.i""] -""i "i*observe and pe4form all laws:, ordinances, ,ui"" and,regulaEions nowor hereafc:l Tlg" by any govcrnmcilral auihoricy and aIl By-Laws,. rul-es-, regularions, ngrtniencs, <lccisions and decerminacions dulymade by the Associafion nnn'l i nrh'l a Frr r-1r^ hr,^i ^-,- ^.. &i.- .-- ^ -'- ---- . proj ecE, and.wirl indemnify Lessor againsc alr- accions , .suits;,.danir- ages and cLaims by whomsocvcr broughl or'made, uy reason' or-itti "o"-.ll::*"1:" or nonper.formarrcc. lhere;f Uytf"se"" or..any,.lerson under .ll ItIt . j r. .i .r.., r.. tcrn' au his oim expen'c, kecf' said unir''in substanuiar rcpcilj aiidwiil nraincain che same in good order ana "onaicioi,-nna, au.his rent rcserve by the Associac$;-FGtire Condominiurn Declaration. --o , o\,/n cxpcrlse rcpair and mal(e good nrl clefecus in uhe subjccL con- donrLrriuur rrnLt., ond aE hlo proiroruionace sharc of tlrc expcnsc by.,.and ch*ou6,h tha Aoroe{os{on rbpalr nnd rnal<c good au deiccgs in'. , ,lir;,.i,1,19--l:.ti*;,:.n ..clcnenc6 of chc' condominlum projeiu,hcrcin requi.red c,o f;' 'bc rcpairjed '(of wtrich, norice'rhercof sirali bc:gtvcri bt i;;;;;..*...,.::.i' annilrc che scnce of rcpair ancl con<liiiorr thcrcof, and will ac l.ris .ot ics agents) wiuhin 30 days afccr the giving if euch norice. r 8' usc. Lcssee wirr.use tl're subjccc condominium unit and.otlrur' ..propercy only as permitced under rhe Oeclaration 9.Insu.rancc..Lesseervi).I,ochisproporE'ionateshareofthe ::T"';^:I il* ll::t1uh rh: Ascociacion L.-"ii rii"."a"iiie ,"ia. . ,LI.rJt d L al.a Elrnes o'ufxng sa j.d : , ,. . :tern, keep all improvemenrs of thc condominiu. pioj""t, insuredagainsiIossordamagebyfirewitllexcenacacover-ag.-ii.."".i"- . surancc conpany auchorized ro do busi.ess in col0raio aE a rea- .. ; :,:1"?1:., "::-a., o,.td expense irr- an anlounc as ncar as pracricable ro .. : ...thc ru11 '"ir""".,'",''[-"".r^.r,."'""'l"i,llnl:r"::;"::t::";;:"::;:.::- ',,. ,' il'^tlol: by blanke. policv or poricies wricccn in accorda"";';i;; .'.,' jthe Dacraracion in rrre """u f r .ri"-arr""i;;i";"";";;;;il:; l:'" r i . Fs,.r F,.,.. .1 1 ..-.: - ^--- LvrrrtJ rtt . 'fact for arr unic owners and rnorcar;;;;-;;;;ril.g ;;';h;=i";, o, .... ." i, ,j:i"g:^::-:!"i:-respecEive con.loninlum unirs una""fiur.enanE coo-. :......r v e\,..\r\,r,r^rr^urit uurrs an(I appurcenanE coo_, .. :. ,.,::n*:1:T_olll:' lnd from- rime ro cinc upon receipr rhereof ""uru-- ...:,.' .io be aopo.ii"a '.i,iiiriri.i"'!lli,"!:1"'::;il: :?":::f i::::- : '1, :i":"l"ll:l:r^?r,::::".1 cercificares chcreoi, *iiho.,c pr"i,rai"n . . ,.',to the righc of Lessee ro rnsure said uni. for his "; ;;;:;il:= :' .'. . Il.::::y^:u!!ofsuch1oss.orclamagca11tnsuian;!i'o"n"dssha11be uscd as soon ";-;;r;;,;;uiv p."riur:^;y'';i:'i:::"1::;;:";";";:: , '.."lt:lli.g:,r:l:::1lg.or orherwise reinsr"ii.g tir"-iiiro,remencs in . r.a good and subscanriar nranner accorciing ro ir.,u o.igi;;i;il-o.ii ,, . ' :l::::l:i^.1,:::"f or -sucl.r modif ied, ptais confor;i;;-;. laws and .ordinancesclrcnineffcct,arrdLcss["-i'iri,..";.;i;up;;P;;;i";;;" slrare of the cxpense, malce up any deficicncy in """['insurancel.t9:::.i: as is providccl in rire Dtclaracion. nenr shaii-;;;';;Pl.9c{.:eQ5asLsprovidcdintireDec1aracion.Rentsha].1noEbc :l::""0^3::lng-:"I-pertod of damage. Noswirhscanainf any provi-sion nerein 6ec foruh-wich respect Eo ross or damagr and rebuild- . ...ins, circ, provisions or p.rust"ph :o-or-irr. ;;"i;;;;i"r""rii"r.l--, .* :l::r.,::"t:.::"":.l:Tagc and rcbuirding sharr concrol]-'aia-""rlpri- .'diiy"::[i,'_,i-y such provisions set forrh herein. :10.--Lelsgr'i--Cosci.ancl Exocnsgs. Lessee will pay ro\r\;"r<'|rr!r o^r cosEs ano expenses incruding reasonable attorneys-r fees.,.,1'incur'ed-by Lessor in eiforci.g;;t of rhe covenanrs herein con- ....: ::::"":i:i-p::i"::i?n of said unii, in corlecli;; ;;;;i;;i"il. IlL.:^i?1-"'-.1:.d ?,rh"I.lloregr i,".u,,nanr-;;i;;i;";y';ir;;;;";;'i; ::::i":y 11!l any licigaiion (ocher thln';;;;;;";;;;-;;";;";: faulc on irs parc shall bc madc aa party. 11.. Indeia.licy-.. Lessce will indemnify-a.d hold Lessor irarroressaSaxnsc alr claims and damarrds for 10ss or damage, incLuding prop-ercy damage' pcrsonal injury and vrrongfur deathl arising ouc ir'or. in connoction with tl're usc or oc"rrp"ncy of the premises oi- tire.subjccc conciominium urric or chc concrominiu^ proju"l-by Lesscc oiant/ pcrson claiml.ng by, t:lrl:orr1;ir or-. rrn<lcr: l,n.oeel o1: ,11.1.., j1 cc:; {1,.11 t: ,_-o I inclucling tcasonable sctor.rlcys' fces incurrcd in connection viih the dcfcnse of any such clainrs. 12. t,iallil.icv Insrrrance. Lcssee will ac his proporEionate shareof uirc cxi)cn.sc, by and throrrgh rl'rc Associacion, ef fecc and maincaindurirrg thc r.rhole of soid tcrm compreircnsivc general liabilicy in- surancc wri Eccn in accorciance with rlrc Decl"aration, 'covering all che urric o\rilcrs with respcct to the condominium project, in an in-s\rrnilce con\pnny authorized Lo do irusj.ness in colorado uich nrinimumLimits of noE less rhan $300,000.00 for inJury ro one parson and $500'000.00 for injury ro morc rhan one persoi in any one accidcniotr occurrcrtce and.$50,000.00 for property damagc, and from Eimc :co iime upon receipc theleof cause tb be- deposlcea prompr,ly witlrLessor currenE certificates of such iirsurante, withbuc iiejuarce ..,to the righc o.f Lessee to maincain acldicionar riabitity- iniurance.Such policy shall name Lessor as an additional fn".rrua'. IJ. or ium nor vidcd hcrein, ed to be rhe h.i -.r,,.- ..-: r. . Conqrrlrcciol o.f Impr-ovamenrs. Lessee will noc individuallyoy and cnrough tlre Associacion erccc or p).ace on the condomin-projecc any building or siruciure J.ncluding fences and valrs, - malte any addicions or struccural aLrcraciois to or cxterior "\l.g-+p!q.qyc-qqgL-e_Irngnisq.{checonclominiu*p"offipt.''..'i:.''and unless first approved in wriiing by Lessor, thl l6ara'of ltan- ;,:;;.' ,' .agers of the AssociaEion and each f[rsc mortgagee vho is a bank,.:'.:':. '. lnsurance company or othcr establishad lending inscicucion. ta.. Iloico nnd, u-nt,n"zul . 'Lessec will noc nake or euffer in- , .; . ,drvrdu-alry or by che Association any wasce o! unlawful, irnpropcr "..;.:' ,or offensive use of said condomj.niu.n unic or project. ' :.:'. t,'ll: l,iSns. . Lcssee will noc coi,r"nic or suffer any act or neglect .;;....rohe rcf,Eid premiscs or any i;;r;;";;";-;;;;";;'"i:ir.,I'...3i""is :.'| .''i',.Lessec ilrercirr shalL ac any tinre during said term become subjecc :l:i....,:co any aitachment, judgmeni, lien, charge or encumbrance vha-tso- . .;,. :ever' ochcr tllan a.ny mortgagcs, and will indemnify and ho)-d -"' . ',.'-,Lessors harmlcss from arl lost, cost and expense rith,uspncc .:,"1 ..Ehercco. ..Lcssee will ln<lcnnify and hold Lessor harmlcss againsc .": ,..aL1 Iiens, charges and cncunrbrances and alL expenses in connec- .,... ri,;ion therewith including attorneys' fces, with respecc to said ..: : r'^\Jr. r-rrr;&swr i,u ^.lcruqrng aEcorneys ' iceg , ltith respecc to said .,.. , - ;.prenises, rririch may.result, fronr any act or negrecc of Lessee. .',i' i '' ,, ' 16.- Assinnmglc and subrctting. Lessee rnay withouc rhe conseni 'i.t---------'-',. oi Lcssor scrl, .aeeign or subrec this Lease by instrumenc contain-:..' . ing thc_rvric,ren undercaking of the purchaser, assignee or sub- .... .. .lessee to pcrform arl o-bLigations oi L"rsn" h"rurtri"r; provided, ihorucver! a cruc copy of such inscrument shall be furnished !o che .';i,;;";;""0,"-'- :,. . . visions of the^ Declarat,ion relacing to a sale, "riigr.,*unu or eub- l,..''lease are not breached. , , - .',' AND rr rs HEREBY MiJTUALLY AGRIED by'and besween che par-;,:..ties hereco as foLlows: , 1?.. .II^,cidgnts of Condonilium 0r*rcrshirr. Excepc as Lessee shall a; all tiiles during said oivner of the lcaseholci escace and the oEhervise pro- tern be deem- ' subjecc condo-/of lll :,rrr'no,:i..- ,r:: ,'l'^ :\,.n l ^..-,,-' r.. -..21 I8. _Cpns.,ru to_-Uor.g.C!X_g. Srrbjccr to thc i:crms of the Lcasc be-u\rccr1 Vail Associa ccs , Ir,c. irnC tlre Lessor (Extribic 2) , Lesscen)ny f,roill -rime bo Eimc vithorit ftrrthor con6ent as6Lgn iriir-i"ir" !{ yoy of;.mortgage- or clced or- trusc to ,llny barh, irisura'ce com- . .:piny or otlrcr escablrshcd lentting insrieurion ", .origigi",-";atlte r'rorcaagec nray cirforcc r'.r"h oJrigagc and acquira citre co thelccschold cstauc a.ncl chc sulljccc "ondo,ninium unic in any rawful I;y:.,1"1-pcnding forcclo.sur.c-of such-morrgagc ."y a"f." possessionoi.atl(i icnc said premiscs, and upon forecioiure trruroor, may-selland assign Lhe leasehol<r escaue an.l rhe subj""c "onaoii,lrr"'""ii' :. ,by assignanent or othcr instr'.'oiru iontaining the wrltcen,undertak- .l ::9',?;":n:,.::..1!l:"^.!l _l:Tro...."ir-ruiie"cii"J""r-ii,""o hereunder, i. .provided thaE upon execurion of any sucli assign*uni oi=i.'Jlilrl,":;1'1 .a irue copy chereof s.al1 be delivcred prompciy co Lessor. ..,;. ;,: ]?: on of Morrnasee t:HS:- -o"tti rur- :l:t--::lr"nr,.L€ssor.asrees as rorlows,- ;ii-;;;";r; Eo Lassor:'::.::l: ."h:11 conscirJce u tio;-;;-.i" pr.-i";;:";;=J".;:":H- l::::t:l-"nir superior ro atl orhei riunl-inci"liie-ci,u a66€sa-nencs foi connron expenses except for: Tax and special assessmenE licnspremises and subjecc conciominiumin favor of any asscssing uniu, i , ", ,..(U) lll bums rrnpaici ou a firsc norcgage o, ',,..,:,,'r, .,.. ...'i. '.. :.first deed of rrusE of record i3"31'y"^ ,,,t,1 1 ,i.:1,'.. -.. :.,,.., , Y:15:_,tl:r1:,l.",company.or orher escab-. ,,.:.' ..'i, . r...,... j . .,.' i lished lending inscirueion, in"i,rJiig- ,r .' . . ', ,.',iall obligacory sums ao may-U" proriJla ,.,. ' ,,.i.,, , ' ..! on the and The lien of Vail Associaces, Inc. as...,,.'Lessor of che land co Dcclaranc p.,.,ir.r-anL to thc tcnns of a ccrcain lons :,. .,,..,tern ground leaee rcferred to her6in(Exhibtc 2), and a dcfaulc bv Lessee in Eire_ pcymenc of rent hercundcr or Less-o:': l"ilyr: ro. perform nny or '.ii"'"o.r"n"nrs or agreements h-ereinstated which re'sults in a, rerminarion of che t en"Er-srralr not.af-fcci such first morEgagee's encurnbrance. FurEher, in the eventof a foreclosurc Uy iu-n a firsa norrrgrgue, the morcgagee shall nocbe requircd ro pay'the ren[ provided in-rrris Leasb ci uu paid ro .Lessor during che rcdemprion period of che forccrosur"-;";-;;.iig : 'ri'c period uhac the mortgagcc holds EiEIe ro che rcasehord csiace;.:ptovided, howcver, trraE il.ti purron acquiring. trre lcasehord cstace .. . :11., ih.:^:?:l:Ti.::- llic oppy,,.-ccnani ir''erncJ'r"o* ir.,u morcB6see :. ,.:1:ll^o:..t::91", ro perform'all of ihe obtigarions ir;;";;;'3;Lcssee bv rhis Lcase. rrrese pror:eclive-;;;;i;i;;r^rr1"ii-"pory -...wiih cqual'force and procecrion in-faurr'oi ilr;-;;r;;"po.r {n rrro .; AII ocher firsr rno::fgagcs (othcr tharr to a banlr,fl::^:.ii:il ?r ochcr ae cabriclroa renaing rnecrruiron) ;;dr/ qttu.iunioic morcgagce ahalt always-f'u-uuuorainase eo all of tho rrrv. sriv'rr rerce anq procectlon in favor of che morLgagee in the .,.: :."..:l:^:r:t] morLgagce acquircs ricle r,o rlie leasel.roid"iili"r"rc"""a' .s\ri)JccE condominiurn unic..in lieu of a forecloeure, .r,ny onJ-ili--.xcfcrcncco to'rmorcgigoo'.irr pa'afroptre 1g a'cr ig'rnor., a f4iirrc,;tlljfl:,.:-y]l,l. 11, a iia'iti, tii,ruirriiioli-osi.npaly oL, or!lt.'rr ,ii,r,iifrliiirJd i. ,, insutJ- a.lll' f errilS, ! ,at t--\*O {. | ', cor/cilancs flrld oEhcr pfovisioils of ghis Lcase and che lien of the Lcssor as is providcd in chis Leasc, including Le6sorrs right uotcrnirrn Cc thc Lca.se. 20. - PLoqc-cgion of ]hs.sir.nmcncs alrd sublcascs of Loase. No assi6,n- .hrcnE or' dublcn'c of rhrs Lca6c $h@rovides foithe payr'rcnc of renc. to. Lhe assignor or subtassor. Ai1 payments-ofxcnc by any person having ar iniercsc in rhis Lease "t,nii'u" i"e"-tas is p-.-.ovidcd in this Lcasc. No assignment oi r,rur"ure of thisLcase shall be valid vhich proviclcs fol a poy*,.na-i, payments ofrcnc rnade or to bc made to che assignor or' ,ublo*"o" fo, "n -amouni in excess of rhe srared rcasr p"y.nnir.-Ei..;-r;i; iun.,o'be paid by the Lessee anrr er.1 p"".onr subsequencry ecqutring 6n' incercsc in chis Lease sharr be-!i.," ".orrn, wirrch is provi.ded for rin i.is Lease oavablc to Lessor.) Aly_assignor of this Lease sharrbe and sharl ror"in rr"irr.-i"tthe fulr paymant of the renE rescrv- ..cd and che performance of ctlc covc.anis arld agrcemcn.s made in chie iLcase by rhe Lessee in case rhe assrgnee shari fair so;;-;";"";--; ,.ihe assign"g by eccep.anqe of the assignnent agrees to make the .'.... Payments and perforn arl of rhe covenanrs and lgr""rJir"-ii J"ia -,,1:, .Leas e 2L. Corldcnrnilrion. Tf oa ony timc duri:rg the term of rhis Lcase" tire :nr-r" prerscs ("ontiro'piun'iru", is defined in che Dccrara-iion) sirall be car<cn or corrcien.cci by- ".t-";;;;;ily rraving chc' po\'rer of cminent domain, tlcn in suth cisc rhe esca'e and inier_'. esi of Lessee in all lancr aird improvemencs so taken sharl cease. "']d deternrine' lld- all connircirsatioir a.ra aa."ger-io. or on accounco'f any Land sl,all tie payabie io and, be rhe sole propercy of rhe' Lessor, a.d all "orpo.antio" -ar,a damagcs for or on accoun. of' thc improvements and ochcr inicrc.scs sharr- be payabre to tire.' Associacion, as. Er:usEce for arr oe cn"-t"iia-"dli." and. morrgagees'.. for che purpose of payment, accoraing to che r;;; or danage, fotcheir respecEive interescs rf ac aqy rimc during the rcrm of this Lcasc, chis lonre- ... ltol<i in Lcres t is so cakcn or cJnriennccl , chcn iir such casc tire es- ,... .r *tatc and interesc of Lesscc sharl cease and determine, and al1 ..r.,'. .' cornpcnsation and damages for or on eccounc of ,any rand sharl be., ,,.r.. .' payabic co and be trre sole propnicy of ti" i""roi, and arl conr- .....,..i ..,.' pensaiion and damages or, uc.ounc o'f tl.rc irpr"""","its and othe-r- .:'. ll:":::::.,i:?,11 *.1"{"0t":co-lr,u Associarion, as Erusree, for .. ,, t .. ) In thc Svelt of a partial condemnacion, the Lessee (".,C ., .all oiher Lesseas-) sharr .orl.o.lu -rr.ru t"*ninii;-fl.ir"r common eie-.,.: .. .ineni:s co'good orderly conclicion and by amena^fni-of cnu n""i"r"--.,,,,.: ..'tion cause uhe remaining parr of the i*p"o,.r"ronir-.o'ilI ;;:;;:;;-'.':.' .,tutcd as a nev/ or amcnde<l condomini"" piopoilt-';;gi*" according ...,,,..to the inceresrs in the gcncra). conmon- erimen-us cfren existing, , :.airdsuchainendedregimeinottbefirsc,;;;;;;;.iy-t,u,,o' the condominium unic bwncr "na-"orfe";;;;-i;";";; ;;;";;:,oiiloru ,,:: . , ::"TIT::: *lfli::-according. to-rr.,; io," oi ;;ils;;'for rheir r ....1respctriuo inrn.uIi.;-';;-;;tn'l""'lti::iJ: lil"fl;.j"lnjlir".. r. ,'.:' ;:il;li::,,,llu^*,:i::-TiI-craim ana ;;;;;;;,ri", 1rl" condemning :auihorirv alr cornpensaril" "rl ar."e"r-p"y"rri;"*,ll:"il1;":?*t -. ..: .: Lesseers leasehold incerest. . -- ,.. .. ! . 22. .DefcaEancc. 'if.,is dcmiseLessec shall fail co pay salcidays afcer. rhe eame blcimes dunoi ha-ve bccn legally denandedforn fairhfully any bf cho oih is made upon rhie condition, thac !f ' ,; renr or any psrc thereof within 40'e, whechcr- rle eamo shalt or shall, or shaIl fatl co observe.,or per- ,, . ,.er covenanEc or agreenencs'herein : -6- : 'i o '-'=o confnincd 6rld on Lho paru o! Lcsscc to bc obscrvcd and pcrforr,red, and if such dcfault shall coniin\ic for 35 days afcer writ,ren no-iice Ehcrcof is givcn co Lcsccc or mailcd to his lasu knor"m ad-drcss, o^- if Lessec tlrcn orrn,ing this Lcasc fails to make and paylrisnrorugagcirrs[aI1mcnccoa.nyfl'rstnortBa8coorbreachescic tsrhrd ond provletona of any euclr flrot r,rdrigagc, or shall becomei)iir1r(1'ui)E and fail co perform 6ny of the covenant,s of Lessec here-ui'rdcr or shal.l abandon said prcnisc.s, or if this teasc ;;-;.;-;;-iace of i.iercsc of Lessee hereu*der sharl be sold under any a!-cfichnicnu or cxecution, Lessor may aE once re,ent.er said premises :i^:"y"I:::_:.]:.::ll and, upon or r.,i;h6us such cnrry, ar, iEs oi/.. ,,tion'ccrminacetlrieLease,withoucserviceofnotice;;i;;"i. l:::::r"::d-:::l::r^grejudicc co any .ocher r"."ey-oi-riel,i-3f- .,,: action for arrcars of renc or for any preceding or..ili'irl""n ''',,. of co.cracc, and in case orc such ccrminaciorr, Le.sn.;;-i";;;;;. ,. ,in che premiscs and in che condominiun unic and pro1""r-"i"ii"i"-, i,cone anci remain the propcrty of Lessor I provtdcd, r,i,u,o"oi', -an.i- ' . .no fairure of rhe Association co per-foi-'nny "o"""""c-";-i";;;; . .|t.herein pi:ovidcd ro,be perfoimecl.bv rrre Assotiarion rtroii ;;;;;;-... 1. -:rtuEe a cicfault by Lessee hereuncler so rong as Lessee shall use rr..,,r,ihi.s bcst efforts to cause such cover,nnc ro be performcd by the :,: .,,. 1::::i;r:.::,-:1,1.:h1Ir pa{ his p::oporrionare share of alt cxperlse :,-r,, ren c, tl'rereof wirtrin 30 days nicur ri.," ii.,otg"s assessed by l;" ilfi:i: t'i l:l:i^r":.::t":: of sgia prcrniscs bcc6me due and p;i";i; t'y""-' ,..Lessee' sucir cerminarion n,ny tr"-"'i"-"ir"".i".-oi"'r"iilall, or ..,..:filing an affidavit rhereof 6y Lcssor. !u::ot sha,|l be encirlecl ro be reimbursed for any,lr s.l:ll::1:9 !y Lessor rb. cure anv_deraurr or r.ess"i-i"giri"r"iiii"", ,:"f:I:r: rhereon ar rhe r"co of nine (9j-p;;;;;; ;;;-;;;;";;l ',.., a li'ke raee of inreresr shatl b" ;;t"di; ;;-;;-.;;;";;;;J ;;; .;i, 23. E:stensiol gf Leaqc Terq. rf che Lease becrveen vair Associ- .':"",.'--.._v,,ur',, \,,. r,s<rn., r!:r.i . ri: EtIe IeaSe beC\reen VaiI AssOci_ .. , ., ..:. lSli:,]i"; ^_lld,Ryford-NoiErnghan and Associaces <u.r-,iirir ii-i, : ', ... 'axtended bcvond irs rerm tr.re' rrris sub-lease "ilr'b" ';;i".ola^iy ,the saire il'cngch of perm, providel c.a partics hereco execuce a ....:.!..,; DCr'|'r' r'!:ri6Lrr er Fe]ln, plovided cna partics hereco exccuce a . . . ..:. ,.!r-.r,rriEccna8reementseEting.forchsuchextenstonwiitlinthircy(30) <iays of rhc execucion of rhe wri.cria "g"uuioni oe-.'ia"n.ion be-rween vair Associares , Inc. and R rmfori-xo;ai;gi;.-;;;'A;;;";".".. " ..1 24, Inceres E Urron Tcfnrination of '..",. ''-'- . Upon the ternrina- . ." . :::...:"-:,]is Leaqe by expiration of ius term, che Lesseestinte:_ : '':...,esE in ihe prenises and in the condonr.ni'.r-"ii.--""a-nriii".^rn"ii .r; ...'.. l:":l: :11 l"l"i" rh3.t:9p9"cy of 'Ln".o", ,subject to che rerms . ...- 1..: .. 1l.,."Itl"gtl!i"!1"r.. Damage-co or clesunrcciorr of any impxovcnrcncs .. i::_:h:^d:ll::.1 or:'r.scs s[a1t noc .o.-inrr"-crr"-r";:";5;";;;ii"" ., .. : ,! rcni: be abated. Each condoniniun uniu ovrner "na lo".o.l"rh"ii" '.'' rcgistcr l'ris mailing acldress vricir the Association and aIl dcr,rands, .1, ,i'.noiices of othcr noEices intcndcd to be served upoi- ir.," Lessoi or .;:i . Lcsscc shalr be mailcd thcrcco uncil such add::erl i, cr.ranged by :'.r .. l.a noEice of address changa rnaircd, by ccrcified or regisrercd nair' ,co the other and Lo che Associarior,, and uncir "u"i, nEaiurr", "r"-:. 'I:gi:::l:1.,. Lessor's actdress and Lcisee', "Ji*"rr-;r;-;;-;;;--- ..'., , i.::":l::l:y., Lessor reser-vcs rhe r:ishE ro nni"r!"-.;"";";l;;i.- ',, ,i , *:t,l::i:.:-r:-ir-provided in che o.Ei.r"ci"i.--i.."prance of renr . ' ; :Z ::-:t:: :t, Ijr _dgenc shalt nol be <ieomed co be a witver by rhea ,',.. '. :. :i-:lL:t:-i:j]^by.Lcssec orl a_iry. .ou",.,nnr, hercin "o"r"in"i "', "i': ' LcssoI's rlghc Of, fe-encry fot' brcach of conditlon. Lessorrs ' '..... waivcr of any breach by Lisscc, sharr "or opnr"ie-io e*rir,grieh,. i'I I I I /A rr FAI ,.\!.t Al\A D r/\Ili Vr UULVTVIUV ) .:i: .: (_. My Y^y noiarial coruris- '.. . \ ^^.- '/ 5i,. j . Cguti?f Ot Ut+,r-u ) ..: , .::!te tiris 2 3{ay forcgoing ins crriroenc of ./VLar-u/- ' ;', ' tl*:.i ihe forcgo.i,ng in..sli-unreiru was ac'lcnorvledged bgforc me' . chis ??daav ot ///h)a-L- - L9?/ - b; ,.-fl*,ur-1- ' Noit,irrghan and Assoclares, a linrired partnefehip. of ///Qrtzt<-- . L9?/ - bv r'7fut2, of Rur(ford- 0F C0L0RAD0 ) ,- )cs.-) 'coUNTY oF ?r+A- )--__----_ ' I't . ? 3 Jcry r ne of3,? irx"#insEnrnent vas acknowledged before ne this , L93.L, by' Fl. ALA?.,2€I6€L A*o .;. ta€t- 'a. ',. Wi tn es s:*Y =ti"n o*j i .l .rllg \|,llL|.A<rA O9olA. 'a - ^_-. s.a'lJ llv t,g I lar |! v\rlr..rraFllv.t-,t 11.:i Jlo,l d:l.$ircs l"-l Nocary Public -t ,^o Flr\)H( 41!.?:l I (, J. A1.r,.t f, Ai, Scro/l"i l-'],rltlr:n i.Ln':..t! i il., f-i,;,1',qn f i.;2rrr.vrr-r., vi.i,.r.,.,/ ti;tJ r.;-'\,rr.ltr, d.Jl. /)taLo,ttuilin 7 Lt:yit:.cr.t - 29C1 tiitczt ilt,', ircnuc Dcnv..r, (o/o;o<Jo C0lC4 nEvr:;co I I nY Irtvfgto I I uyI ilIlrll il o STCCL frAS wiTx C^eg 5tt A5 Sroy;!.+ CnOSSC6 Cvt AS c|Or.rN, B €xrSTrNG COr'HCn f ovrro Ol +i LOi L r,o?i$''?, isa " A' \' U I l"l i I I { I I 14z.Ol 77,11":- aa,rT: .5O9 Ace;9 LOT r- PotN]- TR.A.<'T .r ' riCALC r' . _5A_, v A p;:i of I.oEs L anci l(, B'ocli 5_E, Vail Village Fiisr Filing, Courrtyof liagle',sracc of cororacio, rore pariicuiarri a.."ribcd as--ioirorqsi co;::uc:rcin.'g nt Ehc most sourhrrcsucrly point of saici Lot L; i:!rc*ccN.50"J5r00"ij. and nlong ri.,o So*riiir, l.r^o of ssicl I.ot I, a diriLlnccof 195.34 fcer; tircncc rf .33 o04to0''ii. ancl along rrrc souti:erty linc ofsaid ['ot L a disr;rnce of 165.00:i"ur ro.c,e riuc poinr of bcginning;thcncc N.55'09'28,,t,t, a clisra.cc "r ieoloo";";;;-rtlii* n.r0"5i.r32,,r.a disiance of 97,46.{g"r; t.tni"o-i.sz":sioo'El'o-JI"1",.,"e of r.42.01feer; rhence s.23o54'3S',i:. -;-;i;r;;;o of 86,00 fcc;; thcnccs'6i'05t22t''' a distance of 40.15 fcct to trre souir:casteriy corr.c:: ofsaid Lor L; rticnce_.s.69"5d;00;lil-n".r cro.3 rhc sourr: liirc of r;cr.ciLo: i. a clicrancc of 102.s0 icct'rJ"il: rrl" foin:-ii ic3r.",:i,rs;cc'.riaining 22,L7s 6quai-e foec or 0.509 ncrcs,-roio-o" i"rn. IICAL DiSCitI?tiON I I -o --'o iil :t. , f. ^t. S.!r.rr^l ,(1. f. l,r.r,r,,r lJrulE.l, i:;l;';lry t....J i::tu.tsr:, hc. /) | .t - Louttilin; Lu;i*tett -lgCl \'7gl i7:!z t\v"nvs Dcn r*r, Color,-.r/o'COIO.J LOT .,L /,- t\' I S.-EP'I#iu,n{e"Lyi Fr3ti,tT arrr)xr'.,tt.rrJr -._.__!.js\,,_.,-_ "; ;:2.; r le-j7.t ; ;: _ ,3. i.l.o I --rror!:_-__ .. -=- sc^rC t" . J:O_._ Acca69 fu*ma ,1{vrgi n__-/_-l_-_ i,y__ f((vi:;r o_lr_./_. t Y___-_-_ I Itf tL l,rf.t i,.n I ri C!rr!,:r:.I ti 3r.Ot f.. + crr0i5t9 Csl A3 j"xoJi.. tr ctrstrro co{r.t r .orrr,.o !> =bgo*D;e.,i .: ir':l LoT 'i(" ; i iL Y.( i-) O'/ \l U, i.EG/rL DESCiUITION .rrir *c;e:i.e car;cr,ren.t Lg.0O 1ii9t lnir.riti;h €icros,ri a p.rri of Lot- L, ii.r,-ir5-il, vril vi11ag,e, |lr:rc.i'it.j.nt;iCJuuty oi Eaglel Srarc o;, Coir:ri.uo,t.:.': gi.1;1";1ine of wlrr.clr ic ccsErii..r ni follol.rsr' cor*r"""irrii at tii.r;-r"';t^$or:i:l,vcsi:cfr.y poiirt^of-saidi Lor L; ;hcncc H.oo;:sr00,,r.:. ii...(l ili0i..frc'"" soriii;crlv line .of 1ai1i rcit tl r.9(r .34 fci:i ; rrru.i.,",i-Nli:ro,i'J;;,,;r:."'., :::1-ni:1"3'ssil] !9yit-rcrlr' l.inc rei.co fce::; tircn""-il.iso0s'zti,,i,;., i:10.c0i--ce;; tricilcG N.34"51t12"E., 97.45 fect; .tircr:ce S.gZ.i5,O0,,F:., 15.00I:*i_il-ilic poirrr,?f . b"Sinaln6i '1.,1,.,"e cif ir a'gte ro :hc Lcfi oi90'00'00'r,35.00 feer co tlio i,6itrt of tnr."i,iuol"u"i.r'por.irr beirig:,..rt^re rl.glit of, ttity of last yeecior-C,rivc. f,-'\ to'i ;.JP ! ) -\---q--- / \Po.o, Lgr}?'-g'cc'e {;,t, /;'i/ i , :.: . MliMOMrl-DUi4 OF LEASE .r .. . ; . :_ i.' ..''..' . :. l,' ' ' \r^r..'-^ .! ^ i, . ""t '.i'." . . iotice is hcreby givcn that on'the z4th day of lunur"..:..'-,ii ';':;... ,,...:..':...,,1 .,.- . 1970' the undersigned did ent,e! int,o a Long Term cround LeaEe ..r:... .,. . ; .,:.,. :,. I: 'rvherein.\AIL ASSOCIiTDS, INC. ,' i ,Colorado corporati6n, is re_ ., ': ,. i , f,crred Lo a6."!e6sor" and RU.\6'.RD-.\OTTi\GHAr{ A},rD ASSOCTTTE* '', :'r...'' ,'colorado Iirnlted partn€tship,, is ref,erred to as .,,L€86eor.,,. ond:,r.'; i.; . said. Leasc contains tho rolLowing provisions: t - . '.Li ',:.,' .. ';. : 'LEASE' For and in consideration of the rentals to .' :: r ''' Ioe paid by Lesseo and other good and varuabre consideration, , :: ': ,' !' ;. . i .lessor hereby leases to Lessee, and Lesseo leasee lrom Lo'sor .. .. ..1. ' the preririses describod in Appendix r utt"":.,u\ to and made a part . i. . . . heroof , TO liA\ra AlfD tO HOLD the premises ior a tern of forty_nrle .,r^r.l (49) year6 commencing as of 12:00 Noon on J!t'1' !'o.r.," i-J'L 'l.. : y r, {970, and ter;i,i.1_ ..ating ae of 12:b0 Noon on !fulrr I ?610 '." . ". j, ., 1. vY-J a, avL>. .'-;,r t. ... . .. OPTION TO RENEl.r. Ahe Lessee at.its option.may.exiend .. . ... , ' .l th€ terrn of rhi6 rease fo!'an additionar f orty-nino (a9) year. i: . : " . the "lease 'teri such , cxerciso of opt'ron to extend the lease tern is derivered to t:1e ' Lessor 'i'n written,forn.' .trre rent durrng such renewar'aor^ subject to negotiatiirlon between the Lessor and l,essce. ': .' .l .-..t, a v. a. . term shall bo I -o \-*o 1=' ,. r r .r I' .' twcrvc (r2) months thereaftot'Loosor sharr receivc an offer fron ' . a third pcrson roady, wirring and'abre t,o purchase the reascd prciiri- ,",t'lscs',on r.easonablo'torms and :concjiti.ons:.acceptable .to.fies,sor. .thcn ., " ., , 'e..v .\,\,.t\.r,s.r-'\rla-...rr.iu\tpgctl'rrg .r-u .!gi>:r9f d {nqn . . ,, Lcssor shalr within thirty (30) days of the rcceipt, o( such ott,er, ot-,i . j .l' fer to serr the reased premises t,o.Lessee in the forrowing rpnner3 ..; :''' 'i ' ;'.i Lessof shall delivcr to lcssce a. copy. of, a proposed off,er .. . .,: i,opurchasoby.suchthirdpartyandLesseeshaIlhavEthirtf{ro1 'adaysaf,tarraceipto{euchaproposedoEf,ettopurchasotoagre€to ' ,.purchas€ upon t'h€ terms set forth therein or to rejoct the'ter"-rs o, i .l '..' . ; .l'the offer to purchaso and not purchase tha reascd pr€ni'es. such l,:.'l.'l.'l'I I'.1.l :."1''. off er to purch.ase by a third paity must be bona f ide by a wiiting ,.'' ,,i,'i ...buyer to a vlilling serrer, u:rder -,.erms and for a price which is "':t,:'. II ,'j.., leasonabry rerated to the fair market value of the property at tho',:,... . j. 'tino of said'offer. Fairurs of the lessee to make any response to ,',,,.:, ',. : : .i:. :.',,. the'ofier within said 30 days.shaIr bo"deomed to bo a'refusar of '',.'.'"" ...rn the evenc an offer is nade which is refused by the ies- ;':.'. sce, t,he Lessee's right of first refusal sharr ierminate when the ...' . saro to,the purchasor i6 actualry consummated. shourd the sale not. 'bo connr,trurtntoCl wlthj.n IB0 <l.ryn frorri tlro d;rto of rolunal.)ry tho Log- j'* 'Eoe, tho Lessee'a right of lirst refusar sharr continua during the ,., I I ti ! t I ,. i,- ifu,1" or otbct "o*.-.!"n tousing tacirirics il;, orhar uses vraich shaII bc permitted under applicabla zon'ing ordinanses, regulations and shall'no.c be unlawful. . '! .trules. o; clid cntar into a Long Acrn Ground lease, dated iuly 15, Ig6Ar f,e- '' 'corded August 16, 1969 in Book 2r2'at page 253 of the rear pro?e!..,y.. :;ccords in the bffice of the crelk and Recorder of, Eagre county, cororado' which reaso is incorporated herein by reference.- ?ire rease, dat'cd Jury 15, 1968, emlrfcea a portion of the lnnd",l"or.nrod heroby a'rd the'part'iee hereto do hereby un"u" that the'said reaee,, datci .o instrument and'the 1casc dated 'Tune 24, 1970.'referred io herein and anrended as may be necessary to ' fully'con(ornr to tho provisions oi this instrunen! and the r.ease . . tiatcd 'rune 24, r9?0. Fron and aft,er the date hereoi the said leasc. , ' dated ..tury 15, 1968, eharr in no way be. enforceable in a manner in-' 'a.consistent with the provisione ''hnr"'of , and sharr be of no in<iepenpent i I t. I 'force and cffect.whatever. , .:. 'or conflict belwoen th,r tcrns toi thi" memorandurn and tho Lease to.....,,,, ., ,.,,..,"...^9lt':;::t:t.ui tnn t"lilt irrar:r eor":1,.,1" between tho pa--ties' ' ,i'''' he;cto'.. '.' " " 'i"':'' i''' '':" '-""'" r' ' "'rI' j " ""' i 'r"r''i'1':l .:"'r"'""'r'''':'l ,'i+;' rN.wr'^v'ss wllERtotrl trrg parties. hereto havo .executed -!hoso.':' - presents on gb6,. 30th '.. day of June " ' :. ,- i .. . ',, ,.,. '.;.-;ffi,I:: -- CoNSTRUCTION...In tho eve:it there shall be. any anJriEuity , : . :, : | '1.: ". vAiL AssocrATEs, rNc. .I (srr,r) , 'l l.;' ' ':;, - ,,': l i'..'1,' vAiL AssocxATEs, INc. . -a , .,,v4s,, y<rr L,rLurarJ'y qgScl].D_..' J i" ''.:'i l,l,r o.it. "i :g!:. L and'K, )l10ck 5-8, Vni'l'Village,,FirsE i' .',,,,;.': " ::i::tu:frjill"i i.Jci' oi^colorodo,. nore. parcicurarry :;' ,ri., . " cd as .follows : ,.".'...t :'; ':.'." . . '.i' i ,' Beginning at a'poinu on ihe Norrh'line o.a'Easc Meaclow Drive, ti , : r'1.,' l.t l.i ''t ::t:"n,11:,b:llg^e?.70 rccc ;;;".h;";.;;.il," or vail Road .,,, ,.i,.,.',. 3s measurcd "roig 'nia *",ir.,^iiJ,'"'lio"iix iil:,:f"l"ll.l::i, '',i1..,: ' ' .."',':.ut'oircc N'.75"s3'0d"i.-"aa-.i",..g said Norrherly rine a <risr:d:rce :'i 3f i2.'95 feeu to a point of c,rr:,r": ,r:.hanno .e.r,..*.- -^:r \,----i. ..!,'i or 12.'e5 feeu to a poinr os .ir"u; ,.ir;;;=;i'""r^^Jlri.$liiiliiv l. ,: ;',"'.'llne and arong' n ".,i,r" fo-Ir.,J"right having a ridi.rs of 505 .g7-.,. .... ........, :il:,1;illl,.: :"::::l ::;l: :;-tit5e,od,'; o,., "-iE li,I",,"" or re'.12 1....'.;i,'',.'. ;:;srccE ro a po*I.,9e".i,qiii; ;;;:","i]";::"ll'illiinit;llo;i3";,.:.,;.:.,...,,.r inlo.rl::;|":ll,:)':':::i;ii:oii;i.:"';i;i";:; or 271.43 rno. .o::.;::iliirq;j :":ii:'"?'r;:5X"i,j'1"":"^ii::q'' ;' J';;";;"If;"""ii1:il:'i;;. a poinE. of curve; ^ll"n:n Fr";;_;'Jr;;";;"li""rrril:f,:ri;;."..: . ..'li.. ;-'; ;ll:::^o^f ^7,s:99 f:"i, n "Ln.rlt a;.rgre of 90 ,20,06,,. an are ., :,- i. ., i. : :l:-,:;:; :i_ii;.;;-;;": ;;" s ..o v 4.16 r. . .1, . ;., l, ,, an arc , ..:'. ;. 'vr rro'4J recE cq a poinc of reverse curvs; thence i: .''t,: .i; rii i,, :;::g"i ::;t: :? il:;i?;jl',"il'-i i::i::^:i l,e,os,rce,, e ri,. {. ,. ,, ^'rrerseccron wirh rhc, souchruesrcrly 1lne oi-"oii-r"..i,"ir'lice . .,_.... I;lBirX"ll,'-;_::l^"i":f"::ll^i:-"rr,:sccrry line a discance of . . ....... N.50"24'00"l,I.::l:"::.::]v r1ne. of_ saiJ ro.'xl"irl"nce . . ,'', :, ll;o*io lnLn,"'ri :91- ll' lgtr', " ;i*"" r"iig il;'l;;il":i;"i1":'" ;:. ,. i said ioc L-a disran;" ;; iozlii l::ll :il:"::'i:;....u'i,.. ; distance of 135-66 F;^;:,:;^--^ ., s8.00 feec; chence N.e["ii;dofi:";;;";i;i; ,.:l; :":il::l::ri; - i,' ., i::"*: liff::": ,l"t"ll?;lg,,rio...o.,che souchwesc cornqr or said, ,,:' :i,.: ii'i:::: :; :ili:;j:"# j::#,$i::::ii:iirlrii, !i' i:"J:'oi,n ,.1,1'-:, t:,:',, l: :ll:,1:::: 9;,:,::,'n11nrt i".'.i*ii, t:i6i;;;;:.*'.-:'.. I 1 .,i , ,t ii' ",i;:;, ,:;;:i'r,,,,,1 r,ir;t:; ::i.:i:."',',. i. .r:.': iil, .ti ,.' t:,rlt '.,',, j '. '': ,"'',1",,;. ,,,',',':.. :;'j'ri;j':r:'.",,: 'r'.i;'. .:,: ,,. ,.' ,,i t,,:.., .;j l..i i,,1'.,. i..,,'r.,1, i:r1.:.,,1,,;;.. l'.,',t,..t.,'. ..i.',: .', ,,. " .i.:.:i,:,1',:i"..' 'i l1 .,.i'r. " . r; :r,.",' .'''',, .,.,'.".''' il.'::i.,,:.;;,,:.;.,;,,r;,1 ;' j.,. :",it'.i.'.,:"':l,i ...';'',',;.r,,i,,:, , i i {i''",t.;': ', , ,i.; ,,:, ,. :,; r,.,, : ',: ,,,i,, . : : " :,, .:r.' t.,i'';i;l;ii:'.1;i'i,i'll' : i.'jt', :'',,',;:.,,, . ; l :.. ,,, ';...,,';.r., ...; ,.'. ',. 1..' ': ,.,. t. i"./,,r' . ...... .,t:ir.,. il . , ,,.". ..,-; 1..' ,: .1'.!: r! '. . j ..- .. .r ; t,'- . ,', .i'.''.r't'''i.;....,.'.;.':'..',..].'!';|',.'.'..l,' '. ,..'," ' : .'..": t:.i,lJ r.';ri,,i;'..:'l'1 ;'"', 1.t'l ,''i"' "'','.': :::'.,.;'ii.: - ',-...,.,ii.;l.;..!l:,..;..'....'..ij:,.:i.l.i.'.:..':'.:.,i.....''.-......'.''..I ..'; '.:' .,-,.',:.. ' ,1.:.,'i.lL;..:,rl , irt-t', ,t.l;: l'',,,. -.t.'., ;,:,';",,- .-,icssor:-