HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5E LOT K VILLAGE CENTER 1985 COMMERCIAL AND PARKING LEGALbroken lene line for e distance equal to the length ofthe diverging lines. Additional white markings may be placed in the triangular area be- tween the channelizi ng lines. 38-14 Stop Llnes Stop linee are golid white lines, normally lZ Lo ?A inches wide. extend_ ing acroas all appnoach lanes. Stop lines should be used in both rural and urban arreas where it is important to indicete the point, behind which vehicles are required to rtop, in compliance with a STOp sign, traffic aigna! officers, direction, or other legal rcquirement- Stop lineq wherc used, should ordinarily be placed 4 feet in advance of end parallel to the nearest crosswalk line. In the sbsence ofe nrarked croeswelk, the Stop line should be placed at the desired stopping poin! in no case more than 3O feet or legs than 4 feet from the near€st edge of the intersecting rmdway. If a stop line is uged in co4junction with a STOp aign, it should ordinarily be placed in tine with the STOp sign. However, if the sign cennot be located exactly where vehicles are expected to 8top, the Stop line should be placed at the stopping poinL 38-15 Crosswalk* end Crosswalk Llnes Crosswalk markings at signalized intersections and across intersec_ tionel approaches on which traffic stops, serve prirnarily to guide pedes- triane in the pnoper paths. Crosswalk markings across roadways on wbich treflic is not controlled by traffic signals or STOp signs, must also Eerre to wlrn the motorist of a pedestrian crossing poinl At non-intcr- rcctbnd locati<lns, these markinge tegelly establieh the crosswelk Croeswelk lines ehsll be eolid white lines, marking both edges of the crosswdlL They shall be not less than 6 inches in width and should not be rpaced less than 6 feet apart. Under speciat circumsta,noes where a stop line ir not provided or where vehicular speeds exceed BE MpH or where erosssalkr .re unexpect€d, it may be desirabte to incnesse the widtl of the cmsswelk line up to 24., in width. Croeswelk lines on both sides of the cmsswalk should extend acnoss the full width of pavement to discourrge diegonal walking between crosswelks (fiS. g-l4a). Cr:osswelks should be marked at all intersectiona where there is sub- stsntisl conflict between vehicle and pedeetrian movem€nta. Marked cloeswalks should also be provided at other appropriete points of pedes- trien ooncentration, such as at loading islands, midblock pedestrian cnwing, or wherre pedestrians could not oCherwise recognize the proper plece to cros* Croewslk markings ehould not be used indiscriminately. An engi- mring study should be required before they are instglted at locations eway from traffic signals or STOP signs. 38-t9 Slince non-intersectional pedestrian cmssiagr are generally unex_pected by the motorbt" werning aigns (sec- ZC_gt) should be installedrl1| d" -ql.! ls-ibtlity pnovided biparkins prohibitione. -For edded visibility, the aree of ti" ""oi*,"Ik .;t;; marked wirhwhite diagonal lines at a 48" angre or with white longitudinal lines at a9(F rngle to the line of the crosswalk (figs. g_14b, f4c). These lines $ld F epproximately t?,, ?A,,wide aird apaced t2..to 24., aparLXlhen diegonal or loagitudinal lineg ere ,"a- tJ-if. a crrosswelk, thetr Bverse crosswalk lines may be omitted Tlris type of marking isintended for use rt locations where subetential "uLU"* of pedestrians er.oes without eny other traffic control device, at locations where phys-i:el conditions are euch that added vUUnity J, tie crosswalk is desired T *- $rces where e pedestrian eroaewalk -tf,t J be expected. Careshould be teken to ineure that crosswalks *iti ji.gon"f or longitudinallines used at sorne lmations do not weakm or detrict from other crosa-wdks (where special emphasis markings ar not used) (fig. B_l4a).Tfhea an- excluaive pedestrian phase signat" wfrich permits diagonalcrossing, is instslled at an intersection, a-unique marking may be usedfor the crosewalk (fig. B_fS). 38-16 Parking Space Markinge Perking space markings shall be white. Thc mrrking of parking space rimite on urban streets encouragesmore orrderly and efficient use of parking spaces where parking ttrrn_over is substantial and tends to prevent encroechment "" n* ilj;rra 1":1 bl" st,',ps, toading zonea, approaches to corners, clearance apacesfor islands and other zones where parking is pr,otri[itca. fypicat parkingeplce markings are shovn in figure 8_16: 3B-l? Pavcment Word and Symbot Markings Word and symbol markings on the pavement may be us€d for tbe P"t"*" of guiding, warning, or regulating traffic. They should be lim_ited to not more than a total of threl fi.""1f irf".r,"Uon. They shall bewhite in eolor. Symbol arrrows may be used to convey either guidance or mandatoryme'-ges; however, where a movement that would otherwise be legar isto be pnohibited, the arrow marking must be accompanied by standardsigns end the word marking .ONiy'. Signa or ierkings should bercpeated in edvence of mandatory turn hnes when neoessary to prevententnpment and to help motoriets select tlre sppropriat€ lane beforer=rching the end of the line of waiting vehicl*all btters rnd rymbors ehould be in conformence with the StandardAlpbbets for Highway Signa and pavement Uarkings.. Large letterc,s5mbols end numerals should be us€d, g feet o, -orJ in heisht; and, if-iEE o,. "-.-, Etr,., Adlrrud,.rt (HT{r-rot *rr|lt.r Dc Jo 3t-22 r-& Ordcdl t|lrtlrlt l 1 b - Oar.lt r:tftt! rtrh rthpod rifi lor iaU t*lttv. nfr *ra. fypbl rrrrrrf ,rrftqt.\l rlolEr 5r *. t&t5fr lh. C|rd.|. c - Qlrr. rlfi; dth hr|lrctC lt: ror.dd fialar, tt-to 2C-29 Soft Shoutder Sign (W8_4) The SOFT SHOULDER sign is intended for us€ to warn of a shoul_der condition that presents a hazard to vehicles that may get off thepavement, .. lne sign shall be placed near the beginning of the soft_shoulder con_dition, andother signs shall be ptaced aiinterials throughout the lengthof the road where the condition exists. I wLa 30r r 3O" wt-5 l0'r 30' 2C-3lt Slippery \f,hen Wet Sign (\il8_5) Ttre Slippery When Wet sign is intended for use to warn of a conditionwhere the highway surface is extraordinarily slippery when wet.It chould be located in advance of the beginning oi th" slippery sec_tion end qt appropriate intervals on long i"tiori. of such pavement. 2C-31 Advance Croasing Signe (Wll Series) Advance- Crogsing signs should be used to elert vehicle operators tounexpected entries into the roadway by pedestrirrnsi trucks, bicyclists,animals, and other potential conflicts. These crossings may be relativelyconfined, or may occur randomly over a substantiat iistance of roadway. ^ Wh:* such crossings are confined to a single location, the AdvanceCY]i" sign rnay be supplemented with ai auxiliary distanc€ signspecifying the dislince to the crossing, or the crossing point may beidentified by e Crcssing sign (sec. ZC-3fl . Where such crossings occurrandomly, en auxiliary distsnce sign specifying the length of highwayc€ction u-pon which the potential hazerd exisl may be used. If ther€ction of roedway where the potential hazard exists L quite long, addi_tionel signs may be lcated at intervals, with appropriet€ a ,J-ustments inauch legends. If en unexpected hazard is seasonal or t€mporary, Advance Crossingsigns shall be removed or covened when the hazardous corxlition termi_nsta& 2C-t6 wtt-l 301 r 30x ut t/t-2E'xg wt r-3 tO" r 30" wt t-4 30" r t0" wt t-5 tOa x 30' 2C-32 Groesing Slgns (WtlA Scrics) Croesing eigns may be used to supplement Advance Crossing signs as I mesn8 of assisting the vehicle operator in defining the specific point of crossing. Such signs ahould be used only 8t locstions thet are unusually hazardoua or at locationg not reedily rpprrenl When used, the Croesing rign should be loceted immedietely e{iacent to the crossing location. Cnossing signs ere normally limit€d to nonmotorized crossings, such as pedestri.nq bicyclists, and cattle. Thete signe ere distinguished from Advance Croesing signs (Wll Serier) by the addition of crossing lines on the eymbol plete. If an unexpected hezard is segsoDrl or t€mporsrf/, Crossing signs ehdl be removed or covered when the hezrrdous condition t€rminates. In meny instances it may be desireble to define the crossing by pave- ment merkings (gec. 38-16). 2C-33 Double Arrow Sisn (Wfz-f) The Double Arrow eigrr showing tvo elros3 pointing downwerd to right end left is intended for use et loding eDd refuge islends, trafllc islsnds with curbs, snd other obatnrctbns in the roadwag where traffic is permitted to psss on either side of the igland or obstnctiorl Treffic eeperated by this aign may either rejoia the tlrough rosdwsy or chenge tc-r, Thls Agreement made and vember, 1985, by and between lage Center Commercial, legal Bl ock 2, Vai I Vi 1lage, Flrst 0wner, and the Town of Vail, IMPROYEMENT AGREEMENT entered into Fred Hi bberd ly described Fil ing, here herel naf ter thi s 25th day of llo- , Jr., 0wner of Yil- as a part of Lot K, inafter ca'lled the cal I ed the Town. , I{ITNESSETH: lhereas, the 0wner, as a condition Certificate of 0ccupancy from the Town, Improvement Agreement; and Therefore, in consi of issuance of Final wishes to enter into an dera ti on of the fol I owi ng mutual 0wner and the Town agree as fol- !lhereas, the 0wner is obligated to provide security or collateral sufflclent in the judgment of the Town to make rea- sonable provlsions for completion of certain improvements set forth ln plans and speclflcatlons on file with the Town; and llhereas, the 0wner wishes to provide collateral to guaran- tee performance of the Agreement, Including construction of the above referenced improvements by meons of an irrevocable letter of credl t. N ow, covenants and agreements, the lows: l. The 0wner agrees, at i ts sole cost and expense, to furnish a'1 1 equipment, materlal and labor necessary to per- form and complete, on or before July l, l9g6 (rlate of comple- tion ), in a good workmanl ike manner, landscaplng lmprovements as shown on'the plans and specifications on fi'le with the com- munlty Development Department of the Town. All such work shall \ be done under the lnspectlon of and to the satisfactlon of the community Development Department of the Town, and shall not be deemed complete unti'l approved and accepted as completed by the Town. 2. The estlmated cost of such work and improvements ls $3,905.00. To secure and guarantee performance of its obliga- tlons as set forth hereln, the 0wner agrees to provide securi and collateral ln the form of an irrevocable letter of credlt from united Bank of Denver, N.A. ln the amount of $3,905.00' ln a form slmllar to the attached letter draft. 3. The Owner may at any time substltute lts collat- eral originally deposlted with the Town for another form of collateral acceptable to the Tol|n to guarantee the faithful completion of these improvements referred to herein and its performance of the terms of thl! Agreement. 4. As lmprovements are completed, the 0wner may ap- ply to the To|rn for a release of part or all of the collateral deposited with the Town; upon inspectlon and approva'l , the Town shal'l rel ease such col lateral . If the Town determi nes that any of such lmprovements are not constructed in compliance with the plans and speciflcatlons, lt shall furnish the 0wner a'list of specl f I c def I ci enci es and shal I be entl tl ed to wi thhol d co'l'lat- era'l sufficient to ensure compllance. If the lmprovements are not comp'leted according to the plans and speciflcations by the completlon date, the ToI,n may withdraw and emp'loy frotl| the ty deposit of collatera'l such funds as may be necessary to con- struct the improvements in accordance with the plans and specl- flcatlons. 5. Town shal'l not, nor shall any offfcer or emp'loyee thereof, be llable or responsible for any accldent, loss or damage happenlng or occurring to the work specifled in thls Agreement un'l ess the Town contracts to do the work pursuant to Paragraph 4 above, nor shall the Town, nor any offfcer or em- ployee thereof, be liable f.or any persons or property lnJured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said llablll- tles shall and are hereby assumed by the 0wner. The 0wner hereby agrees to indemnlfy and hold harm- less the Town, and any of its offlcers, agents, and employees agalnst any losses, claims, damages, or llabllitles to whlch the Town or any such of lts offlcers, agents, or employees may become subject, lnsofar as any such losses, clalms, damages or llabillties (or actlons in respoct thereof) ttrat arlse out of or are based upon any performance by the Owner hereunder, €x- cept as specifled above, and the Owner shall reimburse the Tolrn for any and al I 'l ega'l or other expense reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, darnage, liability or action. This lndemnity pro- vlslon shall be in addition to any other liability rlhich the Owner may have. /h may be be ln 7. amended wrl ti ng The partles from tlme and si gned mutually agree that this Agreement to tlme, provided that such amendments by" all parties hereto. ATTEST:TOIT OF YAIL By: 0ItER SSr Improvement Agreement was acknowledged be- day of J{oyember ___, 1985, bY Fred my hand and officia'l seal. --Jaffi6n, TY- 6'm0f By: STATE OF COU}ITY OF IJYOMING TETON The forfore me this H I bberd, Jf . lli tness "noJdlx My commi s s i on exp i res : 0ctober 5, 1989 }1. J. lleyrs - Notary Public My l]ommi:sion !.;ii'r,.'! 0ctJbdf 5, 1989 4 P. 0. Box 2092 o TO: FROII: Th'e balance of the wlll be completed Thls work wlll be Town of YaflP. 0. Box 100Yall, Colorado 81658 Fred Hl bberd, ,Jr.P. 0. Box 7474itackson, llyonl ng 83001 landscaplng, crossyal k, and for $3,905.00. conpleted by iluly 1, 1986. dralnage rork Aspen Trees Aspen trees in front of ToymakersTrail, Eyepieces, and Kid Sport.Plans call for 1l trees; 7 have been transp'l anted.4 trees , 2-3" cal . 0 $50 $200 Aspen trees in front of Bag & PackShop. 6 requi red.6 trees, 2-3" cal. @ $50 300 Aspen trees in planters at west endof D Bui 1 di ng, bel ow Toymakers Trai 1 .5 required. 5 trees, 2-3" cal. 0 $50 250 Aspen trees at south side of F Building,east end of Village Center shops. 0ne exi s ti ng tree; 4 addi ti onal trees re- qu i red.4 trees, 2-3" cal. 0 $50 200 Total Allowed for Aspen Trees Eng'l eman Spruce Engleman Spruce in front of Village Center D Buil<lin9. 4 required; 3are planted. L tree @ $200 BREAI(DOIIlI OF BID FOR COIIPLETED IA]IDSCAPIIIG Landscaping, Crossralk and Drainage $200 $ 9s0 Sod Total Allowed for Spruce 200 1300 sq. ft. @ 179/sq. ft.255 Tota'l Landscaping Cost $1,405 Fred Hibberd, Jr. agrees to pay up to two-thirds of the cost,of installing a crosswalk in front of Village Center D Bui I di ng, accordi ng to the pl ans submi tted. Fred Hi bberd,Jr. a'l so agrees to provide for drainage from the west side-walk entry to Village Center to the southwest corner of the s i dewa'l k. Drainage allowance, p€f conversationwith Bil'l Andrews on 11ll9l85 700 7^*t 7/r;,/.sUp to-# of crosswalk expense 1,700 Conti ngency 100 7/ TOTAL LETTER OF CREDIT AMOUNT $3,905 o 1 ^^LBtt United Bank $S g,LP--e*::"et Wlu,* United Bank Center '1740 Broadway Denver. Colorado 80217 Telephone: (303) 861-881 December 9, 1985 Mr. Peter Patten Director of Community Development Town of Vall P.O. Box 100 Vai1, C0 81658 Dear Peter: At Fred HLbberd, Jr. ts request, I have enclosed the origlnal $3,905.00 standby letter of credlt on the account of Fred Hibberd, Jr. for the benefit of the Town of Vall. I hope there are no problems rillth the wording on the l-etter of credit and if you have any questions dontt hesitate to call ne at 863-6052. Sincerely, A, /./ / ?/'/'LiP r- c Peter F. C. Conmercial PFCA:bu Enc losure Banklng Representative -,-F United Bsnk Cente., 17OO Broadway,Jer. Colorado 80274-0085, USA United Bank o I of Denver National Association Swift Address: UBDN US55 Telex Number: W.U.045533 United BK DVR Lr.T. 04322014 UBDK Ul Cable Address: UBDEN/DENVER Telephone: (303)861-8811 PAGE:OI IRREVOCABLE STAIIDtrI LETTER OF CREDIT OI]R LETIER 0r CREDIT NIIMBER: 539228 DATE 0F ISSUANCE: 85/DEc/06 BENEFICI.A,RY: TOWN OF VAIL U P.o. Box 1oo tr vArL' coLoMDo 81558 ge GEIIILEIIEN: 9 AT THE REQIIEST OF: EIBBERDI FRED JR. 6\ 1977 sours PARK Rotrrr lrJ JAcKsoN, rIY 83ool ,"* AlrD FoR TEE AccouM oF: sAMEHi F= WE UEREI|Y ISSUE OTIB IRREVOCABLE STAI{DBY LETTER OF CREDIT NI'}TBER 539228 € I{NICE IS AVAII.ABLE BY PAYUENT AGAINST BENSFICIARY'S DRAI'T(S) AT SIGIIT' := DRAWN ON IIIUTED BANK OF DENVER, N.A. TEIS CREDIT IS FOR AN AGGRECATE AUOI'NT NOT IO EXCEED A TOTAL OF U.S. DOLI,AR *3,905.00. DRAFIS SUBUITTED UUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY Tf,E FOLLOWING DOCI'UENTS: 1. TI{IS LETTER OF CRNDIT. 2. A STATEI.{ENT PURPORTEDLY SIGNED BY Tf,E TOWII{ }IANAGER OF TITE TOI{N OF VAIL STATING TEAT: IIFRED UIBBERD, JR. HAs NOT CO}TPLETED Tf,E IMPROVI}IENTS AT TBE VILI,AGE CENTER COUUERCIAL BI'II,DING PURSUAIIT TO Tf,E TMPRoVEMEI{T AGREEUEM DATED NoVEMBER 25, 1985, BY AND BETWEEN FRED UBBERD, JR. AND TEE TOI{N OF VAIL ON OR BEFORT JIILY l, 19g6r. EXPIRES AT OUR COLNTERS AT 5:00 P.l{. DEI{VER TIUE 0N 86/SEP/01. ALL DRAFTS UI'ST BE MARKED IIDRAWN INDER I'NITED BANK OF DENVER, N.A. OUR IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LEf,TER OT CREDIT NI'MBER 539228 DATED 85/DECIO6". WE MREBY AGRBE TO BOAOR EACE DMFT DRAWN AI|ID IN COUPLIAilCE WITS TBE TERUS OF TSIS SREDIT IF DI'T,Y PRESENTED (TOGETMR }JITf, TBE DOCIilENTS AS SPECIFIED) AT TEIS OTFICE ON OR BEI'ORE TEE EKPI,RY DATE. Tf,IS CREDIT IS ISSIIED SUBJECT TO TBE T'NIFORU CI'STOIIS AND PRACTICE FOR DOCI'UEI{TARY CRXDITS (1983 REVISION), ItrIIER}IAIIO}IAI, CHAMBER OF COM}MRCE (CONTINI'E) of Denver N8tional Association ^^.-^.w wtD-3.3, SwiftAddress: UBDNUSSs Telex Number: W.U. 045533 United BK DVR t;t.T.04322014 UBDK UI CableAddress: UBDEN/DENVEF Teleohone: (303)861-8811 PAGE:02 PI'BLICATION NO. 4OO. I'NITED BAilK OF DEWER NATIO}IAL ASSOCIATION BY: International Banking 0fficer rII Itls. Kr{stan Pritz Town Pl anner Town of Yai'l 75 South Frontage Road Yai'l , Col orado 81657 Dear Kri s tan : This is to confirm that if theparticipate in a joint loading make the decision to build the In lieu of writing a letter toto Village Center, we wil'l usewill be issued directly to the ed as to the use of the loadlng November 12, 1985 Hotel Sonnenalp i faci I i ty at such new hotel . s built, I will time when they Since the three stores that have been added to the east end ofthe buildlng conslst of a Jewelry store, a trave'l agency, and a'ladies clothing store, the trash removal requirements will notincrease dramatically. lfe will have to accommodate all of the shops for several years in any event; and I don't think it wlllbe necessary to expect Sonnenalp to take care of our trash inthe event thei r bui I di ng i s bui'l t. In regard to trash removal, rte are on a daily pickup basls withour trash removal service. l{hen needed, they will pick up twotimes a day, which has been sufficient in the past to preventoverloading. If any problems do arise that we are not awareof, please let me know. the del i very peopl e tha t del i vera pri nted form I etter . Thi sdrivers, and they will be advis- zone. Very truly yours,fulltw Fred Hi bberd, Jr. FH/Jh Encl osure 1977 SOUTH PARK RT JACKSON. WYOMING 8300,1 I TELEPHONE I3O7I733.7327 CERT'D 75 soulh trontage roed Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 October 25, 1985 ofllce of communlty development Mr. Fred Hibberd Hibberd Construction Company'1977 South Park Route Jackson, Wyoming 8300.| Re: Loading and Trash Removal, Village Center Building Dear Fred: 0n 0ctober 21, '1985 a'll the varjous Town of Vail departments reviewed your interim proposal for handling trash and loading for Village Center D Bu'i1ding. The departments were not exactly pleased that the joint loading facility would not be built, however, the directors realized that this was beyondyour control. They wanted to make it very clear to you that enforcementof the loading areas will be very strict. The directors are asking that you write a letter to your de'livery people inform'ing them of the proper loading spaces to use when delivering to Vi1'lage Center. There was concern that the truck drivers really do not care where they park because they are not the ones who end up paying the parking tickets. The staff is requesting that you inform the delivery people that they need to be very careful about where they park and to use the proper loading spaces. It was also stated that the trash would be monitored strictly and shou'ld be removed on a regular basi s. The Cormunity Development Department 'is requesting that you write a letter stating your commitment to participate in a joint loading and trash facilityif the Hotel Sonnenalp is built. A letter sent on October 8, .|985 does not clearly state that you will participate in a joint facility if the Sonnenalp is built. In general , the directors found your proposal acceptable even though they would have much prefemed to have seen a joint'loading facility. I would appreciate it if you will follow up on these requests. Please give me a call if you have any questions concerning this letter. Si ncerely,.tArV, I IJ-\"[nfftNnT'b Kristan Pritz' Town Planner KP: br ili 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 October 24, 1985 r\ r 1J department of transportatlon/public works J. Mr" Fred Htbberd Htbberd Constructlon Company 1977 South Park Route Jackson, WY 83001 r'1 , -Re: Drainage - Vfltage CenEer Building Dear Mr. Hibberd: WaLer fron the roof of the Vll1age Cencer Building and the streetscape improvemenEs is not following the designated course shown on your drainage plan. Presently, the drainage goes west across the inEersection (Eurn- around) of Wl11ow Bridge Road and East Meadow Drive and inEo Ehe Tallsman parklng lot. Your plan proposed the drainage course follow along Ehe new curb and gutter, Ehen down Ehe east slde of lfillow Bridge Road in a swale along the brick walkway Eo Gore Creek. The proposed and approved plan is the only acceptable way to handle the drainage in the gea. Please l-et me know of your l-ncencions to maincain chls requirerlent as the present conditions are clearly uffcggPEable. It is irnperaElve that Lhe proposed dralnage course be functioning and compleEe before November 15, 1985 (street cut permit deadline). Slncerely, Bill Andrew/ Torn Engineer BA/njm cc: Stan Berryman Pete BurnetFr;. r \., The undersLgned, as owner of the Sonnenalp Hotel ,consents to the placement of the building located atVillage Center according to the attached eurvey, andthat such placement will not affect the renovatlon of the Eotel Sonnenalp. Faesgler, Gmbh By: ,r*rtQo 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 8'1657 (303) 476-7000 0ctober 25, .|985 offlce of communlly development Mr. Fred Hibberd Hibberd Construction Company.|977 South Park Route Jackson , l,lyomi ng 83001 Re: Loading and Trash Removal, Village Center Building Dear Fred: 0n October 2l , 1985 all the various Town of Vail departments reviewed your interim proposal for handling trash and loading for Village Center D Building. The departments were not exactly pleased that the joint loading facility would not be built, however, the directors rea'l ized that this was beyondyour control. They wanted to make it very clear to you that enforcementof the loading areas wil1 be very strict. The directors are asking thatyou write a letter to your delivery people informing them of the proper loading spaces to use when de'l ivering to Vil'lage Center. There was concern that the truck drivers really do not care where they park because they are not the ones who end up paying the parking tickets. The staff is requesting that you inform the delivery peop'le that they need to be very careful about where they park and to use the proper loading spaces. It was also stated that the trash would be monitored strictly and should be removed on a regular basi s. The Community Development Departrrcnt is requesting that you write a letter stating your commitment to participate in a joint loading and trash facilityif the Hotel Sonnenalp is built. A letter sent on 0ctober 8, 1985 does not clearly state that you will participate in a joint facility if the Sonnenalp is built. In general , the directors found your proposal acceptable even though they would have much preferred to have seen a joint loading facility. I would appreciate it if you will follow up on these requests. Please give me a ca1 I if you have any questions cirncerning this- letter. Si ncerely, ..n-Y IKristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br III III 0ctober 21, 1985 Hand Del ivernfKFTffiefr-Pri tz Town P'l anner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Krl stan: This is to confirm our conversation last Thursday regarding the mutua'l use of a jolnt'loading facillty at the Hotel Sonnena'lp.It is understood that at the present time, the Hote'l Sonnenalp does not p'lan to proceed wlth their new hotel constructlon. However, if they shou'ld change their mind in the future, I haveset aside the sma'l 'l parcel of land on the east edge of my pro-perty at Yillage Center so that this loading facllity could be bui I t. In the meantlme, I am dlscussing with the owners of the Son- nenalp the possiblllty of constructing a loading zone that could be incorporated at some tlme in the future lnto theirhotel plans. There are no assurances or guarantees from themthat anything will be bullt, but I am hopeful that something can be worked out. You have my letter stating what we intend to do to satlsfy theloading requlrements for Yillage Center. I feel that this will be adequate. Very truly yours, 7,arul Fred Hibberd FH/Jh 1977 SOUTH PARK RT. I JACKSON. WYOMING 83001 ' TELEPHONE (307].733.7327 hk' }'|e wi'l I be able to hand'l e the trash and loading needs f or thesefour spaces out of our west end trash room and our trest end loading zone. Both the trash and loading zone areas will be monitored thls winter by Mr. Bruce Molscan, who wi'l 'l be working 7-lor me as a maintenance person for the building. As soon as < \construction ls completed, I wll'l provide you with te'l ephone\-Tznumbers for Mr. Mol scan ln the event that any problems shou'ld'arise. He is familiar wlth Village Center, having worked for me on and off for severa'l years, and we will make every effortto see that the west end'loading zone and trash room will servethe needs of Yil lage Center D. Building. In the meantime, we have not given up the possibility of work-ing out something in the future regardfng a joint loading fa-cility with Sonnenalp, even though they do not intend to buildtheir new building. I cannot say that this can be done forcertain; however, I will proceed in this direction. Yery truly yours, fu7/4/"4 Fred Hibberd FH/Jh 1977 SOUTH PARK RT. r Ms. Kristan Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South FroVail, Colora Dear Kri stan Pri tz Please consider this letter as a proposal for hand'ling trash and loading for Village Center D Building, in 'lieu of the agreement between the Hotel Sonnenalp and the Yi'l lage Center. As you are aware, there are four spaces in the east which I refer to as the Village Center F Bui'ldlng. space is a c'lothing and gift store called Scot'land The east space is a jewelry store; its name is Kara space behind Karats on the first floor is a travel ed 0verland Express. The fourth space is yet to be l- IfI EEI ntage Roaddo 81657 bui I di ng, The west Boul evard.ts. The agency cal leased. JACKgOi.l. WYOlvilNG 83C01 .iELEPHONE BO7 .l 733-7327 tII III tls. Kristan Pritz Town Planner Town of Va i 'l 75 South Frontage Road Vaf 'l , Co'l orado 81657 P'lease consi<ler thls letter as a proposa'l and loading for Yillage Center D Building, agreement between the Hotel Sonnenalp and As you are aware, there are four spaces ln the east bui'lding, which I refer to as the Vi'llage Center F Building. The west space is a clothing and gift store ca'lled Scotland Bou'levard. The east space ls a Jewelry store; its name is Karats. The space behlnd Karats on the first floor is a travel agency call- ed 0ver'land Express. The fourth space is yet to be leased. 0ctober 8, 1985 Dear Kri stan: for handling trashin lieu of the the Yillage Center. l{e wlll be able to handle the trash and loading needs for thesefour spaces out of our west end trash room and our west end loading zone. Both the trash and loading zone areas will be monltored this winter by Mr. Bruce Molscan, who rl'll be workingfor me as a maintenance person for the bullding. As soon as constructlon is completed, I wl11 provide you wlth telephone numbers for Mr. Molscan ln the eyent that any problems shou'l darlse. He is familiar wlth Ylllage Center, having worked for me on and off for severa'l years, and we will make every effortto see that the west end'l oadlng zone and trash room wil'l serYe the needs of Village Center D. Bul'lding. In the meantlme, we have not giyen up the possibllity of work-ing out something In the future regarding a joint loading fa-cility with Sonnenalp, even though they do not intend to buildthelr new building. I cannot say that this can be done forcertain; however, I wlll proceed ln this direction. Very truly yours, fuv/%4 Fred Hibberd FH/Jh 1977 SOUTH PAFK RT. r JACKSON. WYOMING 83001 I TELEPHON E (307\ 733-7327 III Iilr. Peter PattenDirector of Community Development Town of Va i'l 75 South Frontage Road Yai'l , Col orado 81657 Dear Peter: lllth regard to the crosswalk fromroads Shopping Center, I have the December 9, 1985 Village Center to the Cross-following cost breakdown: Street Pavement Sawcuts Pavement Removal Compactl on Concrete Bed for PaYers Ba ck hoePavers, Includlng Installatlon Paintlng Crosswalk Strlpes $ r50 200 t50 300 200 1,000 500 Total $2,500 The above costs are estlmates, and lt is expected that the crosswa'lk can be completed for $2,500. However, lf the actua'l costs exceed the $2,500 figure, I will agree to pay two-thirdsof construction costs up to a maxlmum of $3,400, provided, how-ever, that Crossroads partlcipates wlth one-third of the to-tal. In any event, there shall be no expenditures that exceeda total of $5,100. Very truly yours, HIBBERD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Hibberd, Jf. FH/Jh 1977 SOUTH PARK RT JACKSON, WYOMTNG 83001 r TELEPHONE (307\ 733-7327 IEI TIt [);llrq, tkorL &tk- .r\s a,r corsun\I-tf u;tt* 'il'AH huN to the cos t Mr . Pe ter Pa ttenDirector of Commun Town of Vail 75 South FrontageVafl, Colorado 816 Dear Peter: |{i th regard to the Crossroads Shoppi n breakdown: November 25, 1985 i ty Devel opment Roa d 57 crosswal k from Yi I lage Centerg Center, I have the following rd l Street Paveme Pavement Remo Compacti on Concrete Bed Backhoe'Pavers, Incl u Pai nti ng Cros nt Sawcuts va'l for Pavers ding Installation swa'lk Stri pes 1s0 200 150 300 200 I ,000 500 Total $2,500 This will cover the cost of the proposed crosswalk. Very truly.yours, HIBBERD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY %,4iLL&"4/r, Fred Hibberd, Jr. ru54q 1977 SOUTH PAFK RT. r JACKSON. WYOfvllNG E3001 I TELEPHONE t307 ) 733-7327 INTER-DE PARTMENTAL REVI El.l PROJECT I DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTI0N 0F THE pR0p0SAL:. PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC t.lORKS Rev i ewed o, , /? /4 oate rf/ z /e-rComments: / / ZrvtZ=3r2sr /=_ Zzz/re 4<prr+t-, 5r4y s .7 /r ss o < Ee.rq-tt /e r f J<ts'f 4o2/'\rC 7 zo,*rs oF K€tzK i p71,.-/z.r-t4 ut{tzg BcocAs. /s 7t/<-yE 4*z cd,..lc/ze-/€ E*-,o zo QZ-T€-Z /rtVgST A^, /s q€ Gc>t..tc 7:a ao 7,?.t / ,?etr 74( FIRE DEPARTMENT Bus t(o u-4: o PE>.t 2 DateReviewed by: Comments: ll : POLICE DEPARTIVIENT-.-...-......:-_Revioved by: Corrnents:- Date Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Date Hand De]iverfrfKFTg[tfi-Prt tz Town P'l anner Town of Yail 75 South Frontage Yai I , Col orado 816 Dear Krfstan: In answer to your lowlng correctlon. l{hen I tal ked wl thYlllage Center toimprovement. Yourpercent to my shar agreed upon. llovember 20, 1985 Road 57 letter of November 11, 1985, I have the fol- Peter Patton regarding the crosswalk fromCrossroads, I agreed to sp'lit the cost of theletter changes thls from my share being 50e belng tro-thlrds. This was not rrhat was I dld agree and will agree to,pay up to $1,700 for half of thecost of buildlng the crosswalk. I am gathering the informationto determine how much lt will cost and wlll supply thls to you thi s week. l{lth regard to the access easement, would you please supply mewith the addltlonal wordlng that is requested by Larry Esk-wlth. You say that Larry questloned point #2 iir tne Easement Deed regarding the certlficate of 0ccupancy to village center.I am not sure why this is a problem; and if it ls a problem,please state rhat the problem is. Sfncerely, /^;z/aaz Fred Hi bberd, Jr. FH/Jh 1977 SOUTH PARK RT JACKSON. WYOMING 83001 I TELEPHONE (3071733.7327 n!T III l,lovember 19, 1985 Hand Del iverMr. Bil I Andrews Engi neerl ng Department Town of Va i 'l 75 South Frontage Road Vai I , Col orado 81.657 Dear Mr. Andrews: This will confirm our conversation of today. Recognizing that, due to bad weather, it would not be practical to perform streetcu!s y,,hich will be necessary to satisfy drainage at the west end of'Village Center D Building, we wi'l'l do the fo'l'lowing: tr will instruct our maintenance person to channel waterrunning on the north side of Building D to run on the eastside of East Meadow Lane down to Gore Creek. I2) t,{e are providing for a letter of credit for which $700will be earmarked for construction of curb drainage sothat water will flow on the east side of East Meadow Lane. (3) Completion shall be the spring of 1986, but not later thanJuly 1st. As soon as street cut permits can be obtained, we wi I I begi n constructi on i n the spri ng. If you have any questions regarding this, please advise. Very truly yours, 7*/r{,'/A^-/" Fred Hi bberd, JP. FH/Jh cc: Kristan Pritz (1) : 1977 SOUTH PARK HT. I JACKSON. WYOi\.ilNG e3001 r T=LEPHON E t307 ) 7 33-7327 fo oo 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (s03) 476-7000 oftlce ot communlty development November 11, 1985 Mr. Fred Hibberd 1977 South Park Route Jackson, Wyoming 83001 Re: Village Center Dear Fred: fn respect to the crosswalk connecting Village Center to Burger King,I confirmed with Peter Patten that a l-etter of credit will be necessary to cover 2/3 of the construction costs for the crosswalk.At this time, Burger King is willing to pay L/3 of the cost for thecrosswaLk. I will need this l-etter of credit before we will be ableto issue a temporary certificate of occupancy for the remodel. Please let me know if you have any questions about the letter ofcredit. Larry Eskwith and Bil-l Andrews had the opportunity to review the access easement for Village Center. Larry felt that addj-tional wording needed to be added to the easement deed whj-ch would describethe purpose of the easement. He also questioned point 2 in the easement deed Which states that the easement shall not take effectuntil all certificates of occupancy to Village Center are issued bythe Town of Vai1. I also feel that this requirement is unnecessary and should be omitted. Please make these corrections as soon aspossible so that we may present the easement deed to the Council atthe earliest possible date. Sj-ncere1y, l,1 n l Kr:-f"n l/.+Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br EASEMENT DEED KNOtll ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: FRED HIBBERD, JR. (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"), for TEN D0LLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, se11, convey and confirm unto the T0WN 0F VAIL, a Colorado Municipal Corporation, whose 1ega1 address js 75 South Frontage Road, Vai1, Colorado 81657 (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"), the fo'l lowing real property situate in the County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, to wi t: A perpetual non-exclusjve easement over the property described on the attached Exhibit "A", for the purpose of pedestrian, vehicle and drainage access. T0 HAVE AND T0 HOLD the real property interest above bargajned and described with appurtenances, unto the Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns forever. And the Grantor, for himself, his successors and assigns, covenants, grants, bargains and agrees to and with the Grantee, its heirs, successors and ass'i gns, does hereby grant, bargain, seii and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, subject to those liens, taxes, assessments and encumbrances of record, if any; said above bargained and descrjbed realproperty interest to remain in the quiet and peaceable possession of Grantee,its heirs, successors and assigns, against all and every person or personslawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, by or through the Grantor, whjch Grantor shall and wjll WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. Acceptance of this easement by Grantee shall constitute jts agreement and consent as follows: 1. The Grantee shall maintain the area of the easement that is on theexterior of the street curb. the Grantor sha'l I maintain theportion of the easement on the interjor of the curb. 2. At such time and in the event that the easement described hereinshall be abandoned, Grantee's real property interest jn the easement shall revert to and be thereafter merged with theservient estate. Signed and delivered on this 29th day of January, 1986. GRANTOR STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE SS: The foregoing Easement January, 1986, by FRED Witness my hand and Deed was acknowledged before me HIBBERD, JR.official seal. this 29th day of / ./lz ,ffure U/--'z^ 7fS J-"b7. /r^.1 /a;l Ca YurT Igfrlf;#,'8n,tg EXHIBIT A Loc K' Block 5-E and a par! of Tract, C, Vailco Ehe nap thereof recorded in che office ofRecorder described as follows; Beglnnlng at a point on the southerly righc-of-way of East Meadow Drlve, whencethe southeast cornar of Village centlr, the rnap of which is recorded ln the offlce :f the Eagle county' colorado clerk and Recorder, bears S 4go37r3g'r E z4g.4gree.; Ehence arong said rlght-of-way 3 courses; l) 35.00 feet along the arc ofa curve to the left havrng a radr.us of.376.72 i."t, " central angli of o5ol9'25,'and a chord that bears N 61002'43" E 34.gg feet; 2) 7.01 feet al0ng the arc ofa curve to the r{8ht havlng a radius of 20.00 feet, a central angl- of 20"04'25"and a chord that bears N 68'25r].z't E G.g2 feet; 3) 27.64 feet arong rhe arc of . rr curve to the right having a radius of 35.50 ieet, a cenrral a.rgr! oi 44447;0s,,and a chord that bears s 7g"L41 02" E 26.95 feet; thence deparcing .said right-of-way N 83"11t02" tl 20.16 feec; rhence s 79o46i03', w 10.3b-rioiii:,[[affor.""-s 65"44r52" r.I 36.sl reer ro the poinc or relinnri; ";";;il-!s.'l({_6SlJ.{ffir,.ror"r.Lu;i(a1or less' ,a2, o ./ A A part of acc ord lng Clerk and Village First Filing the eigle counry, cJlorado 4o<- cororado p.L.s. nso&.,]!;.. ..t{1S 'rPii;i';'l'.,ii.\:s / n=ss.so'. I l*r" -Lo==3f;;8!o,oo,, \ : ABaNDoN R'o.w f ch=gl::p2'35"E\ '. -- .\ >- Eos, ;{ithi,iti'H'i)'f 3l'68- ,R:35.5o' \ rr6r.tt. -/ Jl.ei"sz.oj,,. ,2t AL,zr.64' --./)?:f"-11'os -/ ./ l:;:'i?i",4'02"8 26.95' , lrtt' a. o 5 o r g ?5 ".----------- L :35.OO' -.1 CH : N 6loO2'43"8 . 34.99' 1*."n.oe"wt.;l z€o+eios"w \nln - \e. Fi ona . drrld . -)Concrlr Buildlne Ovdrhong (Typl TRACT C Srlck Pof io SE COR NER OF V ILLAGE CENTER R: 376.72 PARCEL TWO l SECON 0 SUPPLEMENT TO MAP OF VILLAGE CENTE EASEMENT DEED KNOW ALL MEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS: FRED HIBBERD, JR. (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"), for TEN D0LLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideratjon, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the TOWN 0F VAIL, a Colorado Municipal Corporation, whose legal address is 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee,,), thefollowing real property situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, to wi t: A perpetual non-exclusjve easement over the property described on the attached Exhibit "A", for the purpose of pedestri an, vehicle and drainage access. T0 HAVE AND T0 HOLD the real property interest above bargajned and described with appurtenances, unto the Grantee, its heirs, successors andassigns forever. And the Grantor, for himself, his successors and assigns, covenants, grants, bargains and agrees to and with the Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, subject to those 1iens, taxes, assessments and encumbrances of record, if any; sajd above barga'i ned and described realproperty jnterest to remain in the quiet and peaceable possession of Grantee,its heirs, successors and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawful1y claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, by or through theGrantor, which Grantor shall and will WARRANT AND F0REVER DEFEND. . Acceptance of thjs easement by Grantee shall coistitute its agreement and consent as fol I ows: 1. The Grantee shall maintain the area of the easement that is on theexterior of the street curb. the Grantor shall maintain theportion of the easement on the interior of the curb. ?. At such time and in the event that the easement described hereinshal'l be abandoned, Grantee's real property jnterest jn the easement shall revert to and be thereafter merged with theservient estate. Signed and delivered on this 29th day of January, 1986. GRANTOR STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing Easement January, 1986, by FRED Witness my hand and Deed was acknowledged before me HIBBERD, JR. offi cial seal . this 29th day of '' l (//*',-"-' ,bfficdlrrcan,tg /*r,"a a. part of ac c ord ing Clerk and :l;i:kl,r'i'.11,,',31;'1"'ff :io:*:; j,;,:i;i*i".:,'iri_qffi'ggg;;;;," Loc K, Block 5-E and a parc of Tracc C, Vailto the rnap thereof recorded in rhe office ofRecorder described as follows; EXHIBIT A land J. Colorado P.L.S. Village First FilinC the Eagle CounEy, Colorado Beglnning at a potnt on the southerly righr-of-way of East Meadow Drlve, whencethe southeast cornar of virlage centlr, ih" r"p oi which is recorded ln rhe officeof the Eagle County, Colorado Clerk and Recorder, bears S 4g"37,3g,, E 24g.4greeE; Enence arong said rlght-of-way 3 courses; r) 35.00 feer arong the arc ofa curve to the refc havlng a radr.us of.3j6.72 feet., a central angr! of 05"r9r25'land a chord thar bears N 61"02t43',r E 34.gg feet; 2) 7.01 feer arong the arc ofa curve to the rlght havlng a radius of 20.00 feet, a central angle of 20"04125"and a chord that bears N 69"25112" E 6.92 feet; 3) 27.64 f.eet a10ng the arc ofa curve to the rlght havlng a radlus of 35.50 i"ul, . cenrral angl! of 44"37'05',and a chord that bears s 79"14r02'E 26.95 feet; thence departlng..s..a.id right- CH. S 79o14'O2"8 AEANDON R.O.W TRACT C Srlck Polio SE CORNER OF V ILLAGE CENTER a.05of9?5"-------- L:J3.UU CH.N6loo2'43"8 LOr., K t--:: I Buitdlng Ovdrhong (Typ.) h=2O.oO' L =7.O1' A =2OoO4' R:376.72 PaRcEL TWO , SECONO SU''LEMENT TO MAp O, u,aaooa "r*rr- o l\uho". Bvman !.a^{ A@U+ EASEMENT OEED L-o KNOt,l ALL MEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS: FRED HIBBERD, JR. (hereinafter referred to as I'Grantor"), for TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideratjon, the receipt of which is hereby acknow'l edged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, se11, convey and confirm unto the TOWN 0F VAIL, a Colorado Municipal Corporation, whose legal address is 75 South Frontage Road, Vai1, Colorado 81657 (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"), the following real property situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, to wi t: A perpetual non-exc'l usive easement over the property descri bed on the attached Exhibit "A", for the purpose of pedestrian, vehicle and drainage access. T0 HAVE AND T0 HOLD the real property interest above bargained and described with appurtenances, unto the Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns forever. And the Grantor, for h'imself, his successors and assigns, covenants, grants, bargains and agrees to and wjth the Grantee, its hejrs, successors and assigns, does hereby grant, bargain, se11 and convey the same in manner and form as aforesajd, subject to those liens, taxes, assessments and encumbrances of record, if any; said above bargained and descrjbed real property interest to remajn jn the quiet and peaceable possession of Grantee,its heirs, successors and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, by or through the Grantor, which Grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. Acceptance of th'is easement by Grantee shall constitute its agreement and consent as follows: The Grantee shall mainta'i n the area of the easement that is on the exterior of the street curb. the Grantor shall maintain the port'i on of the easement on the interior of the curb. At such time and in the event that the easement described hereinshall be abandoned, Grantee's real property interest in the easement shall revert to and be thereafter merged with the servient estate. Signed and deljvered on this 29th day of January, 1986. GRANTOR 1. 2. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE )) ss: ) The foregoing Easement January, 1986, by FRED Witness my hand and Deed was acknowl edged HIBBERD, JR.official seal . before me this 29th day of UffiE*rilnn,tg /",na et EXHIBIT A A part of Loc K, Block 5-E and a part of Tracc C, Vail Village Flrst Filingaccording ro the map thereof recorded ln the office of the Eagle County, Colorado'Clerk and Recorder descrlbed as follous; Beglnnlng at a point on the southerly rlght-of-way of fast Meadow Drlve, whencethe southeast corner of Village Center., the map of whlch ls recorded 1n the offtceof the Eagle county, colorado clerk and Recorder, bears s 48"37r39'r E 249.49feet; thence along sald rlght-of-way 3 courses; l) 35.00 feet along the arc ofa curve to the lefc having a radlus ot 376.72 feet, a central angle of 05"19125"and a chord thar bears N 61"02143' E 34.99 feet; 2) 7.01 feet along the arc ofa curve to the rlghr having a radlus of 20.00 feet, a central angle of 20"041 25"and a chord thar bears N 68o25'Lz't E 6.92 feet; 3) 27.64 feet along the arc of . a curve to the right havlng a radi.us of 35.50 feet, a central angle of 44o37105" and a chord tha! bears s 79o14102" E 26.9s feet; thence departlng ,s_ald rlght-of-way N 83oll'02', IJ 20.16 feer,; rhence S 79o46103,,t{ l0.3b ee{odl"iffiflt4,,-of-way N 83oll'02" IJ 20.16 fee!; rhence S 79o46103,, l{ l0.3b eeorlrl"if,SS 65"44r52" I.I 36.51 feec ro the polnr of beginnlng conrarntrs':e\il$$.6.or less. .'-i Colorado P.L.S. fitt2Z H = S_79o.|4'O2"E 26. ABANDON R.O.W TRACT C Brlck Poflo SE CORNER OF VILLAGE CENTER h=2O.OO' (,u* R:376.72 A3 05019 25 "--------- L:35.OO' cH.N 6aoo2'43"8 ir,"'t' f-.*s3o$'oa"\ .;l s 7€o46:.Ot'w.\ LOT K r--1 ]--.\ I Buildlng Ovirhonq (Typ.l lrr'r 'or' PARCEL TWO , sEcoNo SUeeLEMENT To MAp or vrrlaGE cellri o EASEIVIENT DEED KNOl,l ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: FRED HIBBERO, JR. (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"), for TEN D0LLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the TOWN 0F VAIL, a Colorado Municipal Corporation, whose legal address is 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 (herejnafter referred to as "Grantee,'), the fo1 lowing real property situate jn the County of Eagie, State of Colorado, to wi t: A perpetual non-exclusive easement over the property described on the attached Exhibjt "A", for the purpose of pedestrian, vehicle and, drainage access. T0 HAVE AND T0 H0LD the real property interest above bargained and described with appurtenances, unto the Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns forever. And the Grantor, for himself, his successors and assigns, covenants, grants, bargains and agrees to and with the Grantee, its he.i rs, successors and assigns, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, subject to those 1iens, taxes, assessments and encumbrances of record, if any; said above bargained and described realproperty interest to remain in the quiet and peaceable possession of Grantee,its heirs, successors and assigns, against al'l and every person or persons lawful 1y claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, by or through theGrantor, which Grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. Acceptance of this easement by Grantee shall constitute its agreement and consent as follows: 1. The Grantee shall maintain the area of the easement that is on theexterior of the street curb. the Grantor shall mainta.i n theportion of the easement on the interior of the curb. 2. At such time and in the event that the easement described hereinshall be abandoned, Grantee's real property interest in the easement shall revert to and be thereafter merged with the servient estate. Signed and delivered on this 29th day of January, 1986. GRANTOR STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing Easement January, 1986, by FRED Wi tness my hand and Deed was acknowledged before me HIBBERD, JR.official seal. this 29th day of '',' .,t i 7fs H I BBERD , officdrrcnt'' /ai!, eD il617 EXHIBIT A A. parc of Lot K, Block 5_E.and a parc ofaccordi.ng to the map thereof reco;ded inClerk and Recorder described as follows; Tracc C, Vail Village Firsr Filing the office of the Eagle County, Colorado Beglnnlng aE a point on the southerly right-of-way of East Meadow Drlve, whencethe southeast cornar of Village Cenler, the nap oi whlch Ls recorded in the offlce :f :he Eagle councy, colorado clerk and Recorder, bears s 4g"37'3g', E 24g.4greeE; Ehence along said rlght-of-way 3 coursesl r) 35.00 feet along che arc ofa curve to the left havlng a radlus of. 376.72 feet, a central angli of 05o19'25"and a chord that bears N 6r"02'43" E 34.99 feet; 2) 7.01 feet atong the arc ofa curve to the rlght having a radius of 20.00 feet, a central angle of 20o04125"and a chord thar bears N 69"25'12,' E 6.92 feet; 3) 27.64 feet al0ng the arc ofd cuEV€ to the right havlng a radius of 35.50 i".i, " central angle of 44o37.o5uand a chord that bears S 79"14102', E 26.95 feet; thence depa: :*rl.l,ii'li;::;,',i:i'1.';:;,:*:::,;,:fi :*:*i"if :L($il$lt&,;... - ,2/;"$$ ''";;i{b'il"-. z4o<- eland J. - -aG<-.,-/' f-.,/€</Ll?Letana@ Colorado p.L. S. 2350{zr-$;.,r. L. D. "rruo.o_6;.. ,.,r-....,,.; s$J ,or, ;iiw,ili'H'i,f {,u'" h=2O.OO' L =7.O1' A =2OoO4' 6=O5ot9'25"--I-.35.oQ' ./) EASEME 31.68' ,R:35.5o' \ tutt'r}.z)1;y2r'ot' cH : s 790t4'02"8 26.95' ' - Phon. 9. Pcdrrld "P*1 TRACT C CH: N 6 toO2'43"E . 34.99' SUPPLEMENT TO MAP OF VILLAGE Brlch Polio SE CORNER OF V ILLAGE CENTER R:376.72 i, !1' PARCEL TWO SECOND EASEHEIIT DEED KNOII ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: FRED HIBBERD, JR. (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"), for fEU OblInnt- tSfO.OO) ana other good and va'luable consideration' the ;;;";pi-di-*riicn ii'hereby ackn6wledged, has granted, barsained'-- ;;i; 5nO-"onu"yed, and by these pres6nti does grant, bargain,-sel1, ;;;;.; ;.;-lonitrm unto iuE rowH'0F VAIL, a Colorado Municipal Cor- ;;;;;ion,-rt'oi"'legal ,address is P.0' Box 100, Yail' Colorado -5i;5{t t f'6""i naf ter ref erred to as "Grantee" ) , the f ol'l owi ng rea1 . . ;;;;;rii-siruate in it,e county of Eagle, state of colorado, to wit: T0 HAVE AND T0 H0LD the rea'l property interest above bargained anA OescriOeO wi th appurtenances, irnto the Grantee, i ts heirs' suc- ;;;r;;;-and assignr-?6""ver. Ani the Grantor, for himself, his successors and assigns, covenants, grants, bargains and agrees to inO *ith the Grante6, its heirs, successors and assigns, does here' 6y'g;;;|, -uirgain, sill anc convey the same in manner and form as iioi"riii, su6ieci to those liens, taxes, assessments and encum- brances of record, it any; said above bargained and described real prop."tV interest'to remiin in the quiet ind peaceab'le possession 6t bianiee, its heirs, successors arid assigns, aglinst a'll and every person o" p""tont iawfully claiming or to-claim the whole or ini i,utt thereof,-ui or thf9u9!-!l'e Grantor, which Grantor shall ani will IIARRANT AND F0REVER DEFEN0. A perpetua'l non-exc'lusive easement..over-the property d"ii"iUeA on the attached Exhibit uAu, for the purpose of pedestrian, vehicle and drainage access' l.TheGranteeshallmaintaintheareaoftheeasementthatis on the exterior of the street curo. The Grantor shall rnaintain the portion of the easement on the interior of the curb' 2. At such time and in the event that the easement described herein shall be abandoned, Grantee's real property interest in the easement shall revert to and be theieafter'mei'ged with the servient estate. Acceptance of this agreement and consent a STATE OF !.IYOMI NG COUNTY OF TETON The foregoing Ea 9th day of December, lli tness my hand easement by Grantee shall constitute its s fol I ows: ss: sement Deed was acknow'ledged before me this 1985, bY FRED HIBBERD' JR. and offi cial seal Signed and delivered this 9th day of December' 1985 GRAIITOR Slide Dr.o 317 Beaver My Commission ExPires: Addre s s : \ A part of accordl-ng Clerk and Lot K, Block 5-E and a parc Eo the map lhereof recorded EXHIBIT A of TracE. C, VaiI in the office of Village First Filing the Eagle CounEy, ColoradoRecorder described as follows; Beglnnlng at a polnt ol th9 southerly rrght-of-way of last xeadosr Drlve, whencethe southeast corner of Village Center, the rnap oi which Ls recorded in the offlceof the Eagle county, colorado clerk and Recorder, bears s 4go37r3g', E z4g.4gfeet; thence along said rlght-of-way 3 courses; r) 35,00 feet along the arc ofa curve to the left havtng a radius of. 376,72 feet, a central angl! of o5ol9'25',and a chord rhat bears N 6loo2f43" E 34.99 feet; 2) 7.01 feer along the arc ofa curve to the right havlng a radius of 20.00 feet, a cengral angl! of 2O"O4t25"and a chord that bears N 68o25112" E 6.92 feet; 3) 21 .64 f.eet along the arc ofa curve to the right havlng a radius of 35.50 feeE, a central angle of 44"37t05',and a chord that bears S 79o14'02" E 26.95 feet; thence depal f ;;ir..i,i)'i;;::;,;,i:i'i"';:;,:*:::,3,:f ::;: j* ji:::l___s$}}*{%;.,. d2:{'""aii3 zt EAST M h=l= A= ch ;?*,,,\ Colorado P.L.S. *22 ot l4' o01 5"0 s8' .50 .84 io0( 75" t.6€ 35. 3Z 53 =si3l AEANDON R.O.W h = 2O.Oo' ,oriur*, L =7.O1' \ , A =2ocoC25 Ch=N68"25't2".E 6.92' a : 0 5ol9'25 "-------------- L : JJ.UO CH=N6iooz'43"E . 34.99' = 27.64' H:S79o14'O2"E 26.95' i.-.- R:35.5O' a.440 57 '05 " arr,"X - TDn ^-r aI r\a-1\-, I \- Brlck Pof io SE COR NER OF V ILLAGE CENTER trtr ,rrlr9 wol{ LOT K r--7 I Euildlng Ovdrhon g (Typ.) R: 376.72 r'tl' PARCEL TWO , sEcoN0 suppLEMENT TO MAp oF VILLAGE CENTE EXHIBIT A A. part of LoE K, Block 5-E and a part of Tract C, VaiI Village First Filing according to the nap thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado Clerk and Recorder described as follows; Beglnnlng at a point on the southerly right-of-way of past Meadow Drlve, whence the southeast corner of Village Center., the map of whlch ls recorded ln the offlce er -U iu 3t' d1 2" dl- Cle of- adl r43 rad ,12 rad '02t; eP of the Eagle County, Colorado feetg thence along said rlght- a curve to che left having a r and a chord that bears N 61"02 a curve to the rl-ghE having a and a chord that bears N 68"25 a curve to the right having a'and a chord chat bears S 79o14 of-way N 83"1Ir02" l{ 20.16 fee s 65"44'52" W 36.51 feet ro th or less. f-r"ray dLus 43" E adius 12" E adius 02" E ; the poin and 3 of k.and Recorder, bear ay 3 courses; 1) 35. s of 376.72 feex, a E 34.99 feet.; 2) 7. us of 20.00 feet, a E 6.92 f.eet; 3) 27. us of 35.50 feet, a E 26.95 feeti thenc hence S 79"46'03" W int of beginning con l<.<._ land J. L er lorado P.L.S. 2 .E sS48"37138"8249.48 00 feet along the arc of central angle of 05o19 t 25" 01 feet along the arc of central angle of 20" O4t 25" 64 feet along the arc of central angle of 44o 37 t 05" e deoartins said r ieht- ro. :'a r-qsc):"i!Hfl^o*,. :';:$$i"'r"ryU'"i'" -4;*^^,"1ii:ztrA-. - ..i.P.= 3 50 e'&" ..........:'i-li os, ',:{;{6ii,iilH-l,t h= ss.sol IL=32.84' t s;__'$sPr?P;;.,e\ : ./ -31.68- .R.3s.so.arrrrh - AEANOON R.O.W Phona Pc drrld TRACT C zl'i=iliit'os' -t AL,2z.G4' -/ ./ lcH = s zsotc'oz"E. 26.95',): 6. o so tg' zs " -1------., L :35.00' .Vt R= 376.72 CH: N 6toO2'45"E 34.99' EASEME PARCEL TWO , SECONO fi-sYrr'o?"{... z.goqsjbr" w \ =)ionJrrro '.woti( .'.'." ' LOT K r--= I O#rhong (Typ|I u ild Ing SUPPLEMENT TO MAP OF VILLAGE CENTE ,:l:9 s Erlck Pqllo :' .-e SE COR NER OF V ILLAGE CENTER o' t, tt,_ - J'{ |!' I \ ifl't '- Jl'N -l | 1\);,' t i,)^ ., 1 I _- yr, ,.1, -T) i Ij i l1\Itlrlrf Yri^' ,,, ,,, . \..'* --\ -- -. t1. Best Copjrr Available r':,.... ,.1'' '.,. * li G ;} '-] r-i i> t .{ {J} r"ri L:"i iir i.rJ !.,. Lr.' ;.J !- i, ti-:} i f.r-,t LJ *t m i I II I I i I I I I11, i:I cr,!.{i1I l\l tii t I I I I ,i: \i i: !:HS .t rlu] '{' .j a-l l'r' i'hr \Ll it(r \ . \.iN$ v --r\'lv )Jl\ i; tr. s U |, q (\\ n \$ <. ir i\ il \)f'\ \ l\i :\itl{'\i \ t. sl ll'( Irri b .$ r\.t h {}'rl .ti p ,11vi. : \\ It |- ..),1 't \\ a\\,v\ n(l r\ '\ ll \ rQJ n \{^ ri.\! /\i , ..1rtiI'J -t:t t r-.. it\f- -'ii \t '.\ tri '\) I \: 1..' rir.; i'. 1 tO: =?;, ,, 'r:.., i : ; .= a 'r ii ; .; r1,jlr-r r,i ;,' I ii;: it;i;i,;+*,, i: li.:,i* ; ii-i t* t $'jii I i i ; ! ili i;s; l :: ['r ir t i:{i :" -ti;-1," s f f:il,g; il; i"*"i ! i l$ ;';r fi3iilis H * lr li.i l:i; l;":i l,,=:"*r'ili il*; I;*":3 .;; i;:;nt i- *:::dj,r ",{: o ti I i.:; f, f; I {,,s :.i:i;:;rr r ; : il il t; irt:r'"ll;: i;rtiirriIi;';tilni: i ..."o.l,T * lt':' ,1 l;l r i; i=in,3 : ;J i [I J : :,,^ * [ .,,, d rh".l*;l -tr ijl,i$;;t;ii:!,iii;;rr;;;;iit;5;rr . f :r .:,.1i='ri'f'; i, o S I: ; ijS 5 t 'Lr: ir ii;;: ItT ; IE:5 ]i i , ;liu r: i:*:: ;;; ii: ;;* .; ti ,- 1':. ,,- .n ,'i * .,, .t, _!tt:= : il I : lt il ;'l, r.,, i :i.l,lil : l"i i -;ss 1.;,' ., ;J:. :- _a,,. - ,i-, . E l-,r1 .,;r: liil ,. I :: .-'i r.- rj: >-l Ct -- (Y ') -' :i ' {; ; l,-"... ., T, ?^ t, .' i" .3 'i'i i- * .i';*^;: ,: ::i'; ll;ilirir';ii: _: '., .. :l fr-f ,-r.::l ii : cr; ,G,r" i: Fi. -J rJG 1r' \J &, -:.:- (1 !a -- , a'' ,:: ;: l" .e.n :r '!! .a I ..: F l:.r/:'tr. n; .l it(r Il t! ') dt-) r.- :.1r. {, :a, ir -,' -C: ( r- > r. 4,1 ;: r'. ,i i1 I .t r r\ ;i '\.r raar{ i_. rr cl r \i +] tl* i i r.\ {,r,a tJ {.'. t .rt.::, '. i, ;.-.rj . jf r. ' ^,.',1 ) .., .' .l . :i .. .(r il - ,' ri 9 . ..'1.'€- -- " l_-." r_ -: ! .l ,'^ .i. : ii {': i'j'.. r ,:i ::t ? .'-: ;'r',.:' : rr- ' ': J\ '' ':.ll ' . .:' .. t!. '; I" i.i ..) d. " i !' ": () '.f.i o t- .J r! ;: .J :r :' '. ,.: ll ..1'-i "i?-l '.t <-r i t!^l , t^t r (,6l .a:lirtlrrl J { '{ I ci ,/ ' "<;,,.. \./ \. /'.'.t I _ _- r-_r"::l '_ _ _, I I I 'ti "- ir i I I. ti I -_ j -! -- -_- ii /r I ll / ,t I n ,-. ; ":: !j ., li : !- ,:.',:! - :.. : ii !i_t il I _' '. (' .r 1 ,. :i -,:I _J1 ---. !\ ;'l' ., (. .' >.t ri -: ,', .j Ti t I jj l 1,'. '. l i"r'\, l 't: /i: .,- i. '.1. , ri Irt ..'.' ,' t 1. :t,iI t' , r'. \ I I I /, '.r, r j ! ''{.. :ds 3:; f,ry EASEMENT DEED KNOtll ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: FRED HIBBERD, JR. (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"), for TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the TOWN 0F VAIL, a Colorado Municipal Corporation, whose 1ega1 address is 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee,,), thefollowing real property situate in the County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, toy{it: A perpetual non-exclusjve easement over the property descrjbed on theattached Exhjbit "A", for the purpose of pedestrian, vehicle and drainage access. T0 HAVE AND T0 HOLD the real property interest above bargained and described with appurtenances, unto the Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns forever. And the Grantor, for himself, his successors and assigns, covenants, grants, bargains and agrees to and wjth the Grantee, jts hejrs, successors and assigns, does hereby grant, bargain, seil and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, subject to those liens, taxes, assessments and encumbrances of record, if any; said above bargained and described realproperty jnterest to remain in the quiet and peaceable possession of Grantee,its heirs, successors and ass'igns, against all and every person or personslawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, by or through theGrantor, which Grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. Acceptance of this easement by Grantee shall constitute its agreement and consent as follows: l. The Grantee shall maintain the area of the easement that is on the exteri or of the street curb. the Grantor shall maintain theportion of the easement on the interior of the curb. 2. At such time and in the event that the easement described hereinshall be abandoned, Grantee's real property interest in the easement shall revert to and be thereafter merged with theservient estate. Signed and de'l jvered on this 29th day of January, 1986. GRANTOR STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE )) ss: ) The foregoing Easement Deed was January, 1986, by FRED HIEBERD, Wjtness my hand and official ackn JR. &ffir8frrlry,z&lg seal ow1 edged before me this 29th day of A part of Lot K, Block 5-E. and a parc of Tracc C, Vallaccording to the nap thereof ,""ord.d in the office ofClerk and Recorder described as follows; EXHIB IT A 4<.<- Village First. Filing Ehe Eagle County, CoLorado Beglnnlng at a point on the southerly rlghE-of-eray of East. Meadow Drlve, whencethe southeast cornar of vi.1lage centi.r, the nap of which is recorded in the offlce :l :h" F"gre counry' colorado clerk and Recorder, bears s 4g"37,3g" E 24g.4greeE; Enence along said rlght-of-way 3 courses; r) 35.00 feet arong the arc ofa curve to the left havlng a radius ot 376.72 ieet, a central angll of 05o19r25'rand a chord char bears N 6lo02'43,, E 34.gg feer; 2) 7.01 feer arong rhe arc ofa curve to the ri8ht having a radius of 20.00 feet, a cencral- angle of 20"04t25t1and a chord that bears N 6g'25'12" E 6.92 feet; 3) 27.64 feet arong the arc ofa curve to the right havlng a radr.us of 35.50 ieei, a cenrral angre of 44o37tos,land a chord that bears S 79o14r02'r E 26.95 feet; thence depa: :*,1,1,:'"ii;i:;,',3:i':.';:;,:*::i,;,li:**:T"if :ij."$[$:fd;.." $i;.ii'' i;;r:a-";;: "ry Zi*s|--_ _ ^*\ t=e.E#iZ-"" Leland J. Lrrtneir ? Ai ----le= cororadop.L.s.23s0{--.,.$,.,,,....,,:..i1{f . EASr lai'fi'sfffu!;b'iilv'E/ n=ss.so'. L ,{* .f;==idltdor, \ : ABAND.N R.ow /ch=s75eg255E\ \ t. 31.68- ,R:35.5o' \ ttt5t.91., \ \ --A:ft^:lu:i'#;,.. I-=?.3i90' *i',*,1:4i/ ,)3{i'i'i R:376.72 A: O5019 25 "-------- L "35.OO'cH: N 6 to02 '43"E 34.99' ,r,\?:t "lP*TRACT C Erlch Polio SE COR NER OF V ILLAGE C ENTER 'i''9 09.Buitdlne Ovirhong (Ttp.l it ll' PARCEL TWO SECONO SUPPLEMENT TO MAP OF VILLAGE CENT EASEI{EIIT DEED KNO}I ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: FRED HIBBERD, JR. (herei nafter referred to as "Grantor" ), for TEN D0LLARS ($10.00) anO other good and valuab'le consideration' the ;;;"i;i-;i-wnicn is-hereby ackndwledged, has granted. barsained' sold and conveyed, ana by these pres6nti does-grant, bargain,- sell , ;;;;"; and contirr unto iUf T0t,tN 0F vAIL, a Colorado Municipal Cor- ;;;;;ion,-"r,oi" legal address is P.0. Box 100, Vailt-Colorado -5i;5d'i rrirei nafter referred to as "Grantee" ) , thq fol'lowi ng real . .properii situate in in" County of Eagle, Staie of Colorado, to '1it: A oeroetual non-excl usi ve aeicribed on the attached of pedestri an , vehi cl e and easement over the ProPertYExhibit uAu, for the PurPose drai nage access. T0 HAVE AND T0 H0LD the real proper!y !nterest above bargained and deiciii"O with appurtenances, irntb the Grantee, its heirs' suc- ..irJr. anO assigns ibrever. Ani the Grantor, for himself' his iuii"tro.t and aisigns, covenants, grants, bargains and agrees to inO *ith the Grante6, its heirs, successors and assigns,.does here- 6V-g;:it;i, -Uirgain, sitt and convey the same in manner and form as i?oieiaii, suEieci to those liens, taxes' assessments and encum- brances of recorO, it any; said above bargained and described rea'l DroDertv interest'to remiin in the quiet and peaceable p9!session 5f-6rli't.",-iti-heirs, successors arid assigns, against all and every person o" p.iront-iawfully claiming or to.c'l aim the whole or inV -p.lt thereof , -UV or tn19ug1_11e GranLor, whi ch Grantor shal'l anA wt .| T I.{ARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. 1. The Grantee shall maintain the area of the easement that is on itre exterior of the street curb. The Grantor shall maintain in" po.tion of the easement on the interior of the curb' 2.Atsuchtimeandintheeventthattheeasementdescribed herei n shal I ue auanooned, Grantee's real property i nterest i n the easement shall r.r..i-io-inO Ue thereatter'meiged with the servient estate. Acceptance of this agreement and consent a STATE OF I,IYOMING COUNTY OF TETON easement by Grantee shall constitute its s fo] I ows: Signed and de'livered this 9th day of December' 1985 GRAIITOR )) ss: ) The foregoing Easement Deed-was 9th day of Deiembdr, 1985, bY FRED HI |'|i tness mY hand and of f i cia'l sea acknowl BBERD,l. edged before me this JR. c Slide M. J. Hayes - Nciary Public Countv ol #T\ slatp of TEion $i. .:if \tYornrflg \ : l/-!r' fily Commision Expires 0ciober 5. lii9 o ry Pu 317 Bea ver My Commission ExPires: Address:Dr $ 43 ,560 . 00 In installments after date, bf tire Torr,rr of Vail at the at Vail Colorado Forty-three Thousand Five Village Center Shops for val ue received, Office of the Finarrce \1',J, i &"^r^^t Vail , Col orado 6/25/95 I promise to pay to the order Director, I.iun.ic.ipa1 Buil ding t9 Hundred Sixty------ Dol lars, with interest of ten percent instal I ments as fol I orvs: per annum on the unpaid balance,payabl e in yearly The first instal lment the second instal lmenr the third installmeni the fourth installment with the entire unpaid of s_1€19:9q_ of S_1 il3 jj_ of S 9,612,64.r116 bal ance due and due and payable due and payabi e due and payable due and payabie on Sept. 15, l9g5 , on Sept. .|5, l9g6 , on Sept. .l5, l9g7 , o n__!ep t_,_l_L__l_99.|3_, paya b I e on d' '' il.:iiii[:,.:i: ]:.:l:: i;l:.::,'.?1"?:ll :l:t,oHi.i.i:?:l:i?o.t,rnt"i:r3o3i,:ii-":,I+. .' '18 percent oer annlm rnrt *h:+ rr j.r,..^^ r- - ,'{*ur;'18 pircent'per annum, and .uhat i:fl::i_iil,:l: l,;.;l;:ff";;roil,:f.lt;i11r..",, *#[U#',,i lli."i.,oil,3i iil flf,:i:,:"i:d:: i:I^jl.:p.un."-0" is.eement securing this noteffi."i sha'tt cause thL whoj; ;';;-;; ;;:.#";;;';i";r::,"3;"ifl:llr;:::ii'lr,ll'.i;l;". Ti. i:,"E;i"!lill;,ii ,ll?":';13!Ji,il; l.,ou. or-ti,"'noi.."'rn. ,u[u.,"Jni-.iiJ,^,..,,,'" a;d-;f ;;;;;ri-'and aoree rn :n,, ^-l::"flt:nt, .protest, notice-on r.rpJvr.rt':r. and or Drotest,-and asree i; ;;t ;_i;rriri'li";iil!'jF'J;rllli.:r:'o::i?:{,FlJ,n.n,,.l: before, at or jrier ritr"iiy,"u'.0'if thjs noie"o.'iiiur.rt thereon,is not paid,u: llii,Si;;'::.::;:ri: :i:::l:;,ug'uu to puv ;ii ;;'J;;iuru .oii,-oi .oH'l.tion, ororo (Y.)s- 4 ool|J) ltt Ic\r F{l "t "il oo|r) rJ) <\l €ol *4 oolLo o|aal(o (\rl @ oooro or (\toro Os|- 4 FU''.n =^ O(uo> oJ (J(,+' F O- OJ Oo (,)o.d FFO-O lr)+ (It Fo.u.<+ CD (\I UI UI UIoooo(,(J.dr!dCLCLEvt tn .J1 lrr (O <froN(Y) (f) CD olrJoLdr!z.(5Z a,r)F-r U.Jv(Jd.<.<o-a- ./! .J1 C^c, (,o>o o) o+)(o O !'ro .o(JJ<).^ O- CL ,Otn o-ro rodO tr..C). .u) <\, +'(l- tn oo (f) I (u (J rd UI .|JIFP lF(t.^o tn(\tlr),- @ '{) tf, | lf,.....t.Fr CA st <f, rlr | 1r) Or Or (Y) tJ.) (v)l r-r- r- r-l \O -oi.o rE)(\t Or.c) r.o $J a Pq- tt ro sf (o <\l Fano(-) C5 =,vd. o- t (J(u 'F. >.E'roB+)!(JO (,.r-oE!(n J.+J+, o) cD.6 ('dc!!(|)(U.FF c Ltn{J.o aI'(6 .tJ (t'OO(u!to!vro o| >Ec >)(Jqro.lJc(n() ''- (o'F .d -c' o o-oo d:t !(/, (, o-(J q)ro.g(J>r--O(,OO q- rn oo (f) I o)L'.d .ooFl t^ tn .!11tJ| OO =l ooCrl (r) cr)t!ld.lrl I(5l (u(l)z,loC,Hl .o .d5Zl O_ O-d,l tJ, ta<lo-l ,- I tn v, o(, lo-o@u) (J '\<fd c5 c\lUJ :E '\F !-r \oz, v,l&l d 't'(-'<O'cL .n lrJ(5J )2.&,J t-r H LI- r!l c5l<l P .tr .|Jt! Fl rF r+- rtsFOI<ol f cr s = LLI 6 .t tn HlX lrll |J)odld<l ro @o- =l or oacn o <f< (rl +) o>)(n.d (J'F (6(oLo o-(Utt f >P O)(, (U O).5 C (J -C > C, 'F O ()'F thP 'r- P.d (l)-c oo (l,-(, = .r-.no l-I o vtPE !(^o, o o),- q)() E16!-.tt :o r- !o(l)o c (U tn tn ldL.6 lp Or-! O o E P(F at ro C!@ o {J =tE +t roL f to .+J6(u z, <nz, xt! = d. =Fau., lrla o-oE o Pg(,ut c,.r- C (U .NC J Ctn oro < rd(l) o(-) F o-o{r oO, l-(Jg: F oa.'- O "- (') >d O- (,.F .d, ttt.n 0J N.r-, crE .g !- Nc >t.F r- Olrl lrl :4 (-) U- O- =@r-Oo(u(6>tnoa=t./|'-PO-(uLIFXVr U O lr.l(d=(uoF z..60EE'CE(U(U()JLLt^ tA ,- ttlO O .P t- F rlJo- O- ..- OJ <) &,o o E> F oL ! at(u Fo- o- J (J d.IJ ==(J P+,q-|F {Jrts oo ro(o cr) o 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 91657 (303) 476-7000 June 26, 1985 olflce of communlly devetopmenl Mr. Fred Hibberd 1977 S. Park Route Jackson, Wyoming. 83001 Re: v'i11age center revised parking fund calculation and staff approvedelevation changes Dear Fred: I have enclosed the new parking fees for the additional loft levelon the east end of the viilage center building. The town w.ill notrequire that you pay the additionar amount roi ilris square footageunti l your next payment on september 15, 19g5. At thit time thefirst installment will be $9,249.94. piease sign the parking feeagreerent and return that. to me as soon as possible. I have-alsoencl.osed your staff approval sheet for the'minor changes to thewindows and doors on the south and east elevations or ilre building.Please call me if you have any further questions. Sincerely, K/*n f ih Kristan Pritz Town Planner KPlbl f:enc Re: village_center Revised parking Fund carcurations andSonnenalp Agreement ror ine i;";;'Faci.lity Dear Fred: 0n June 26' lgg5 I sent you a letter regarding your new parking fees forthe loft rever that was iaoea i;-fi; virtug" center builiing. Thisagreement needed to be signea i*neJiaierv." ni-lrrii iir.'i'n.ve not receiveda signed copv from lgua ieforilv,-i'ilrt that it was important to remindyou that an aqreement,must.be "ni"""c into_with-*re ioiei-ionnenarp andvourserf concernino-*,.-jdini ililiil iuciriiv rdl-tii."iiriase center. rhave included a siined agreement aai6a septem-b"" iz, igei'in wnich you statethat the sonnenalr":!g-iiiiil;"cd;;;"asreenent wi' be provided ,,prior toany temporary certificate of-occupancy-ueing issued by the Town of vail.,,Please do not wait on ttris agreJ;[ri"'rrtir you are rygdy for a temporarycertificate of occupancv. unae" no-circumstances will the staff want torssue a temporary c.0. irntit in" i'i"".ii;t rl;;-;;";';;.ild. 75 south trontage road vaal, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 July 31, l9g5 Fred Hibberd 1977 South park Route .Jackson, l.lyoming 8300't oo otflce ot comnunlly development CERTI FI ED If you have further questions, feelll:f: address these,issues prompily.rree to give me a calt. Si ncerely, 16'l' fl-tKristan Pritz' Town Planner KP: br Encl osures O O viilase center shops oo Vajl, Colorado 6/25/g5 s 43 ,560. 00 in installnrents after of the Tor,rn of Vail ar at Vai'l Colorado date, for val ue received, the Office of the Finarrce I prom'ise to pay to the order Director, Liunicipai Building t9 Forty-three Thousand Five Hundred with interest of ten percent instal lrnents as follorvs : per annum on the unpaid balance.payable in yea ri y Dol1ars, The first instal lment the second installment the th ird instal I meni the fourth installmsnr with the entire unpaid of S 9,6j2,64 of S 9,6.12.64 balance ciue and Sept. .l5, lggg , of S_i€tg:g{_ due and payabte on Sept. 15, 1985 , :r.s :*:'i due and pavable on sept. 15, re86 , due and due and payabi e payabi e on payable on on r; jf;*{:F,;t,";ti"ffi :1;j ;ilj;Tjlitl:T:f,'iiit: lli:l",tff t tlto,r,rn!. ;:t:oEi lJf^iS nCntED_that if this. note is not o,. rne principal and ar,,6 percent ou, unn,i.,l:: lli:,iii"#"f:;l I|:1, oHi"i. ili:]^l[?d^g,9"!eleender:,*'1,8^percent' pu'-unnii:';il ;il.';'ijl, jl:"f:'_-shat -ai"*' i'E!i3!i"ut'tn!'i:tloEi' Eiiliir o:.',:I iil "lili:r i y;i; "."' iiil*'1,ff5""1Y.::#:ll :l l::t;;iri'ol Yntu.us tffi I l: r 1 u1. lii;!' ;;Hl t s,j: TdT r*:sr i4*ill :irir ff rft i:'i:lwhole note to oaiora":,,,,qrce or agreement securing itir_noa",.the option -"r-inJ"fi"i|E"ujrolf;l,.lf^th"Jl.urest to be counied : ; l.T tr Tiitl;' iJ * i'$il :r. ir.:r i l; i :,:" k, i: :; : r*li " r=Iq i, :#'";;; rlr,,$fi.:;.' hereor severai ii_ il;":t;;:i.;lr:n9 hol der of the 'r;r:r _ -t:'il;:;r':n;tJill: ,t*jt ': iif"ll ol:r::,,,iio 1s,1"-;; 'Ji;':,131,?3lTi,;,lloll'l: totii.-on noipiy,'un,,i;,. ,6lli,ll p I *,1::,,iii:i:'iffi ii : -: i :. L i; j:,'ii r':i" : ii:iiirili, ::s,'l :* i i:,, I1i't.o--,.''i when,r..,o.,::j;-;,;;;;;i: :;" 't this note rr trl:Sii-;;";:;ruiit;:i 5:i::i-^ - including reasonablu uttoin"i,;=;::r:t pav all reasonable costs-oi.ori'iltion, :":l_d 1sf.".to any;,i;;ri;il #';i;:'j;'l: 19_ti.. on nonpuyn,unt ill"i-tli-'ljtv, and ri this note or t"r"illTtll^and partiai layrnents DATE .-___ Vi 1 t agele;Itr-Jh-d: oo September I2, 1994 l r. Peter patten Town Planner Town of VaiI 75. South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81G57 Re: Expansion of VillaqeCenter Commercial Space Dear Peter: Pursuant to our discussion of September ll , 19g4, the undersignedhereby agrees to the t"iiori"q'il"*", 1' An agreement will be entered into with the Hotelsonnenalp wherebv the mutual ".. tt a joini r"-Ji"g facilityLocated on the "i:q":ay gwnef by the H5tef -S""".""rp and theundersigned wiri be set forth .' such agreement strarr be providedff.t";"*: :?"r:iT:"'u'y ."ili-ii""t" of oicupar,"v t"ins issued by 2. The undersigned hereby agrees to provide for themaintenance of the pedestri.r, "iJLwaIk area, as well as a1rassociated landscapirrg ""rr"t;";;;; under tne nuiioing permit. oo located on the rnrest end of theshall be maintained and policed byit serves its intended pirpose. 3. The loading areaVillage center Commerciaf -aiei- the undersigned, i" orA.i [t"[ 4. The undersigned hereby agrees to al1ow the Town,at its sole cost and expeni.,-t"-*"ve the landscaped berm on theProperty in the area noith of the LaTour plaza if and when theTown decides to proceed with the improvements as noted on theUrban Design Guibe plan. 5' The-undersigned hereby agrees not to remonstrateagainst a Special rmprovem6nt Distri;t, -ii-"rrJ-rhJn one if formedfor the VaiI Vil1age area. 5. A sign program for the.village center Building shallbe submitred by the-unber"ig;"d,-"r tris-age;t,-;;; such signprogram sharl be approved bi the Desig" R.;ie; e;"ra prior to theissuance of a remporary cerlifical. gi ";;6;;.;-For tne expandedcommercial area- This condition is nereby subject to the Town ofvail staff working with the iicii:-tect and the ir,J.r=ig.,ed in orderto meet this requirement. oo oo Mr. peter patten September 12, I9g4Page Two 7. Before.a temporarV c9r-tlficate of occupancy j_s issued,approvar for landscaping and cuti-within-th.-ad; ira:_ri.av easementmust be obtained rro* il6untii"-nlif, puUric*s.irri.", Heritage;i::::i:lon, upper Easle v;ii;y-;"d. sa;ia;ri;;-;;; Hor.y cross the under=r3".u"ij:::-". tempora.ry certificate of occupancy is issued, v" i r - iJi' ;; :";;" 3:it=.F""'.Tl:":l i::: ; :" "?I=T:li j? l:i_ jil -; ;'Gallerv vilraqe c-t.i 3i,'"-nil--ii"it ...."= """.*I"t shall be insubstantial c6nformity with th.-Jtt..hed Exhibit A- If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, DAY OF SEPTEI{BER, 1984 A. (Fre PatdeActinDirector of Co ity DevelopmentTown of Vai1, Colcjra rLve Jr. OI^7 D \-4 ,//4#4,o 122 EastVail, CO 303/47 6- ( I I I I I I : z -{dcm r a TIo @ -i ,ir Jl I i.'\\.\. \{r . ti -i L l<lrli-tlt>t,-.IUJm FrlZ --lFII) nl C .C z. Cf --ov -ll rrlCt<x>Yzi,T \', rn Cr(f, C) @ mTrXM-t- _-r j 't' t.Cri.],: \ \ September 12, :..984 !lr. Peter Patten Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81657 Re: Expansion of Village Center Commercial Space Dear Peter: Pursuant to our discussion of September 1I, 1984, the undersignedhereby ag:rees to the following items: 1. An agreement will be entered into with the Hotel Sonnenalp whereby the mutual use of a joint loading facilitylocated on the property owned by the Hotel Sonnenalp and theundersigned will be set forth . Such agreement shal1 be provided Prior to any temporary certificate of occupancy being issued bythe Town of Vail. 2. The undersigned hereby agrees to provide for themaintenance of the pedestrian sidewalk area, as well as allassociated landscaping constructed under the building permit. 3. The loadins area located on the west end of theVillage Center Commercial area shall be maintained and policed bythe undersigned, in order that it serves its intended purpose. 4. The undersigned hereby agrees to allow the Town,at its sole cost and expense, to move the landscaped berm on the ProPerty in the area north of the LaTour plaza if and when the Town decides to proceed with the improvements as noted on the Urban Design Guide plan. 5. The undersigned hereby agrees not to remonstrateagainst a Special Improvem6nt Distriat, if and when one if formedfor the Vail Vi11a9e area. 6. A sign program for the Village Center Building shallbe submitted by the undersigned, or his agent, and such sign program shal1 be approved by the Design Review Board prior to theissuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the expanded commercial area. This condition is hereby subject to the Town ofVail staff working with the architect and the undersigned in orderto meet this requirement. Mr. Peter Patten September I2, 1984 Page Two 7. Before a temporary certificate of occupancy j_s issued,approval for landscaping and curb within the 40r utility easementmust be obtained from Uountain Bell, public Service, HeritageCablevision, Upper Eagle valley and Sanitation and Holy CroisElectric. 8. Before a temporary certificate of occupancy is issued,the undersigned ag'rees to grant an access agreement to the Town ofVail for the crescenfshaped parcel located in front of primaGallery village center shops. such access easement shall be insubstantial con.formity with the attached Exhibit A. If you have any questions. please contact me. Sincerely, .Tr ow Drive FH:mec AGREED . 've Actin Director of Town of Vail, Colcira DAY OF SEPTEMBER, L984 ity Development ,// 444,o 122 EastVail, CO 303 / 47 6- {o m -n z --{ rrXi z!loz ft ( I I I I I I I z.Jdcm r 1' a To Q-t AUzcoc .J iri '| /+' i' .!l.-:-._' tt:' *- I . ,,.i (\.\t. tt .i '-:.1 U r- I rrl C) trlz-l FI ;U &1grOz Cf -? & {-l m L')<x>5z= m -O G-t \ -lmTr irx rn l: l-^ f- =-!+zl. i .: i'-) I \ fi0 -'Ar.r.uti L' dl)ct\ r \c-' This Agreement entered into this day of . 1985. by and between FAESSLER, GMBH, a-ffin corporfri6i-(hereinafter referred to as "Licensor" ) and(hereinafter referFed-To as "Licensee"). RECITALS: WHEREAS, Licensor owns a portion of Tract C' Vail village First Filing, To\^rn of Vail , Eagle County, Colorado' as more fully described on the attached Exhibit "A" ("Licensor Property") ' upon a portion of which Licensor will construct at a future date a truck unloading facility; and WHEREAS, Licensee owns the property adjacent to the Licensorrs property, such property being described on the attached Exhibit "8" ("Licenseers Property")i and WHEREAS, the Town of Vail has required as a condition of the redevelopment of Licensorrs Property and Licenseers Property that the truck unloading facility located on Licensorrs Property also be available for use by the shops located in the easterly mostportion of Licensee's improvements, such shops containing approximately square feet. NOW' THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the performing of the covenants and conditions by the parties to this Agreement, the Licensor does hereby license and permit the Licensee to use on a non-exclusive basis the truck unloading facilities to be constructed on the Licensorrs Property. l. construction of the Truck Unloadinq Facilities.Licensor e truck unloading facilities ("Facilities") to be located on itsproperty. Such Facitities shall be constructed according toplans and specifications as approved by the Licensor and the Town of Vail at their sole discretion. 2. Term. Thig License shall extend from the date of completioiTf the -Facilities until such time as the Town of Vail no longer reguires.the Licensee's use of such Facilities. Licensor may at any time. at its sole discretion, request the Town to authorize termination of this Agreement and if soauthorized, this Agreement shall be terminated upon execution of a Termination of License Agreement making reference to this Agreement and executed by the Town of Vail and the Licensor. 3. Use of Facilities by Licensee. Licensor hereby agrees to allow l-,icensee oFliis tenants Lhe right to use the Facilities during normal business hours for the purpose of loading and unloading merchandise for the easterly most shops located on LICENSE AGREEMENT Licenseers property, such shops containing approximately sguare feet. Licensee agrees to use such Facilities for only such purpose and abide by all reasonable rules and regulations of the Licensor concerning such Facilities. 4. Release From Liability. The Licensee hereby releases and disch@ any and all liability arising from this Agreement. 5. Indemnification. Licensee hereby agrees that it shaLl indemnifylEffilai?f-E-old harmless Licensor and its successors and assigns from, against, and rdith respect to any claim, liability, obligation, 10ss, damage, assessment, judgment, cost or expense (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneysl fees and expenses and costs and expenses reasonably incurred in investigating, preparing or defending against any litigation or claim, action, suit, proceeding or demand, of any kind or character), of or in any manner relating or attributable to any claims of damages arising from Licensee's activities associated with this License Agreement. 6. Covenant Running With the Land. This License Agreementshall be d described on Eihibit "A" and Exhibit "B" and shall be for the benefit of Licensee and all subsequent owners of such property. 7. Notice. All notices and communications required herein shalL be fi-iiiliting and shall be sent by certified rnail to thefollowing addresses: Licensor: c,/o Sonnenalp 242 East Meadow Drive VaiI, Co 81657 Licensee: Fred Hibberd Notices shall be deemed properJ-y given when mailed by certifiedmail in a sealed envelope, postage prepaid, addressed to the above addresses. Any such notice or demand shall be deemed to have been given or made at the time it is deposited in the United States Post Office. Any party nay change its add.ress of record by giving written notice of the change to the other party. 8. Waiver. Failure or delay on the part of Licensee or the Licensor E--ffircise any right, p6wer or piivitege hereundershall not operate as a waiver hereof. 9. Insurance. Durinq the entire term this LicenseAgreement-E-in-ffect, th6 Licensee shall keep the subject licensed premises insured, at its sole cost, against claims forpersonal injury and property damage under a policy of generalpublic liability insurance with Limits of at least $500,000.00 for bodily injury. The policy shall. name the Licensor as anadditional insured. Upon the request of Licensor, the Licenseeshall deliver to the Licensor certificates certifying that suchinsurance is in effect. 10. Default. fn the event t.he Licensee is in default of anyprovisionT-r covenant of this License Agreement and such defaultis not cured by Licensee within ten (I0) days after writtennotice to the Licensee by the Licensor of such default, or ifsuch default cannot be cured within such ten (10) day period and Licensee has not conrnenced work to remove such default within theten (10) day period, then this License Agreement shal-l terminateat the election of Licensor. 11. Prior Neqotiations. This License Aqreement constitutesthe entir@ parties hereto and shatr supercedeall prior offers, negotiations and agreements. 12. Anendments. No revision of this License Agreement shalL be valid unfffi'e in writing and signed by an aulhorizedofficer of Licensor and by Licensee. 13. Applicable Law. This License Agreement is entered intoat Vail, naE-IFid6linFco1orado, and it is agreed that the properjurisdiction and venue of any action pertaining to theinterpretation of enforcement of this License Agreement shall bein the County or District Court of Eagle County, Colorado. ThisLicense Agreement shall be interpreted under the laws of theState of Colorado . 14. Binding Agreement. It is understood and agreed thatthis Agreement shall- be binding upon the assigns and successorsin interest of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set the hand oftheir respective authorized officers. t'Licensort': FAESSLER, GMBH, A German Corporation President By ttLicenseett: on. \.,?)0:1 t or rne> Io oto .; .;1.;rr, OFr) -r F\l \o cr lcot* *i* sfr 3:$ Fu1o(J (-t z. :z o tJJo UJ UJ = U., UJ(J (,/) (5z. Y. o- FU) (-J LrJF FOF o C).6o- lrtO CO tl +, (J ,(t .('o g slcv >>oPC.-.O |'.l 'O >u)O O.r (U L (J.F.ol ylocO(J ! .U Ct Lr! O (t, -O >O-(uclo> +r5>a Q) o'r c, (U+) qlo (u P(J(J| (l, 6 CE< ) .6 .d c|.c >C).r: O ()'- C., O- C)'Fv1+r Cr'-P (/n.6(u.F+J.r' < (J (Ju-c ocl] (l) Ct3'- @ O3'--- rn = L tr'ro !-| -.- u,P I C a+) CEE v) .- CIE (, OtO-!-9 c,+rCLO,(J .- (c| !- (J (6.- .6 L SE.3E ' 833E r.n tn aO 5- l,/| .-(tJL .6 t-Pq cf+JO --oO(/|E rO-ooE P Lr- r,/) cn I (Uo .(to- t-?do 5ta a to(.t lcs {r r.r -- f--r$= . .+ -4 .lA o- o- \+g.S-= hl :2e 5.F= El Y ? g {J i: -l.[l* <-cl o <u I '=I HHE>zt oo(J*l ,n a ts 6_l .+-, (u (uq-- c) 16f (o cr) .!-t .-{-_o.JH 3..9 n+ovftP+rs !5*.*rd O- t.iP Cr O- cr e I# $ffi ;;;;E1: ; rdl(51<lFIolOIr!- I IUI <t ;l HI<l =l,-, I><lOIe.l <l o I E ,t' !- :J .o.t-, 0., z. z o-x L! Fcz.o<d. {J=cc,gr(u - F'r E C,, </-l.n c, E LJ(n (uO rli d(u o(J o-(J{J O(u3-C)C od Lrl '- O 'r Ctl U) >O- O- ul .rJ rO O!- r/r vr oJ< N O-+) qJ!.d LF N OC >''- - OO e.ul|.lJvc)tr-F o.- o- 'z(u-\/\O(-r Q '=t 'g>5.ao-0r<{z;;a * d=(uoq-F .JJE=O (U OJ -< \ t-r-t, vr L --J, O o @-=J<arJ3 3s3FrEl- L o-€ O \-- FO- a- rn -{ e v) .J (-) d L.lJ ==(J (u (-) (o o- ll +, (J (g a6U ooal' Ulo-Lvr Q)o-rr)c)lr) GtLr} ]- Ct- d3 nwttlt c., 0,,(J(Jct .o rr) cf)(o F\ c4 co st r.ct o!(r1@ FU)o(J lrlF =xo CL J FoF r-{ or lno() (E <1, K'O (a tl +) o IU td(J Lq, sf sr(\l >o+,C,F.0 6 ! >5 UlO cl't- O I ..,'FrU= r/tOCcL c, L .d rE !ltt () q, -O >5O1yoo> +t:> 0 Q) t,.F (., (l,+.' Gn(U (U +, (J (J (U .lJ EE-C > .o Gt O.g >cr.': o q)'!: c,o ct.FU')P (.t.F P vr .t| (u.FPd s(J ol.co "o g P3'i @ o)3 3.i | ..- UrP I C Ut +tC!! r, .F g)! t,Cro'-!9 O.t-, st(t,(J .Fi!! ()lo.F.d! SEEE ' 8-g:E. Ct Vt lQL o .-dl ,_.8 b; g ,- E:; e .P lJ- (t an o(Yt I (l) at' ant- $:?ori5 ,(5 +J +' c.i= Lr- tJ- d:z .d,ggi< Fl vr .nx 6- .nl+ lrll OOF ---r =l o o i= E'l cf' Cf' d:-, -l | | <I'l (u@z.lL,(J '-r I (6 (d:zl oo o*l tA o cLl +) (U (u(F (l) L(d g v) r.o r.orf) o +, E'o +, ctL (o+,o(U z,o vl = Gxt! =2o<E+)=c(Jc')o - F.r I O) ../1uq E ul(, oo 6 e.(u o(.) cL(J.p aOL(JC oa lrl'r O.r g) Ut>o- O. u!'F -J ld Ol- rrt,o< N cLp o! (6 LF N OE |'er- OO &, Ld lrl lZ (') l! F O- O- z,(U'-O(.'j}(uI-l.6 > .t'to-o=.ur1 4oLxt^ 9) trt.6=(u9F JJZ,o.oEd(u(Uu-tn tto oo J !Jo_ ooO 0'1' F O! to o Fo- o- tn F v, Io otoo olo o otoro o lrj)!-r . r-{ l(\J r.o (\tl@14 t9rh I vl Ou IU N oooooo t() Or sf Ot Fl O c\lc!@19+{4 Ftno(J (5z. 5Zd. o cflrlolrj U.Jz. t!)lrl(J o-an (5 =:Zd. CL tl +, rt' (ttotnorcoorOt,o, '-urA olr)(t rl) (\t rJ) otno(lJ()C,(t' at,oooul |r)(Y)(o r\ (7) (f) -t'd.<=\_ v3_/-v-J\c>.<.e(sJ(-^ (lr_--_!\ Po+roos@.t{-oJ+JP+,! q- rF t+-(u(,L3dorqc'€ = t^ rn .<n A6 (\r I-, u? "l tioCqql9 I "' oo n" "."j++;ld *;or ol or fv) |l) colFt @O (\l c-{ i{ r-{ l(OF{ (\, I I |rll HIF-lblotrl-l I5l =lc4ull Ir.!lFI<l =lt-. I><l e,lo-lo-l<l J (J&IJ == Vail , Colorado for value recejved, I prom'i se to pay to the order Offjce of the Finattce Director, l'lunicipal Building t9 s, In of at jnstallnrents after date, the Tovm of Vail at the Vail Co]orado '?,6i,..6'l the second installment of ffi-' '\,ue.6'l the thjr.d instal'lment of $_:#++__tl,6D.4tt the fourth 'installment of ffi- with the entire unpa'id balance due and DATE q.J/_f/ 57.908.00 ' Dollars' with'interest of ten percent Per annum on the unpaid ba'lance, payable in yearly instal'lments as follo|s: q X?.qj The first jnstaltrent ot@q due and due and due and due and payab'l e payable on Sept. 15, l9B5 , payable on Sept. 15. .|986 ' payab1e on____Se!I-.__15r , payable on Sept. 15. .l988 '4,eta.5yon $€*t#6 - Sept.ll-1j89 IT lS AGRttD that if this note is not paid when due or dec'l ared due.hereunder, the principal and accrued interest thereon sha'l I d rar't interest at the rate ot 1g percent per annum, and that failure to make any paymeni of principal or jnterest *t,ah Or. or any default under any incurnbrance or agreement securing,this note sniff-iiri" thi who'l e note to belome due at once, or the interest to be counted ii-p.:n.ipul , at the option of the holder of the note. The makers and endorsers herbof severil1y waive presentnent for paynrent, protest, notjce on nonpayment ina-ot protest,-and a-oree to any extension of tinre of payment and part'ial paytnents Ueio.e,'at o" ifter r,riturity, and if this note or jnterest thereon is not paid wnen Oue,,or su.it is broughi, agree to pay all reasonable costs of co'llection' incl uding reasonabl e a'rtorney's fees. lu1*J /'*''a tntt a. t I A__t4tO4L0, -ltil - /7{/ at l'tt+ ' irulq 6e- JA L* tt '}at''u"'F*,a{M/, 4l)'1 (l-,',,i . -I-yf i,;- |t-3 trd tlz 4/4t a% 7 '*'i,trilil?fo o BFtDtru,'dttt^{ [0,*O *6 {r\nQ,t nar] \rf, ry*o 'l,o}o = 4J/t(o r-+4 lnwn 75 loulh lronLge road YEll. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olflcc of communlty dqYelopmenl June 22, 1984 Mr. Fred Hibberd 1977 South Park Route Jackson, Wyoming, 83001 RE: Villaqe Center Park'iig Fund Calculations Dear Fred, 01 May_30, 1984, the Design Review Board gave final approva1 for the Village Center Project. You requested that I give you approximate parking costs for your net,ll commercial and restaurantaddition. Please see attached sheet. Let me know when you have seating capacity. Please Si ncerely,/.1 0 .1 Tnttan Trrtt Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP/rme more information on your restaurantcall me if you have further guestions. €I \) \ ,B ,d c,i ! s \ sf BA I v ,{ .1. ilh g \tr/2 ^rt SF'rFI \ g e\tF qJa I6 E FrfnT hf;vf;rt8 -*-.\ lrl $ESP ^\ cL-\+ $=c65 F tq 8S g:#$lq o E; $s lo tqE EE Fv',o.(-) (tz. !zd. o t-u lrllrlz, vl lrJ(-) Gv, C'=l-lvE o- 'll*.;B'r+-. .F-|Jf'lEvrp Irtlnp I': l= tor tf oc^. ln G,.r-'C L dtEO !, IL = |' O- rhv'! I In a af ro'rg O. ,tYT ,. I oL ,E .Ao C',oo- UI l-.r- ' ,.' lY\ $r r. T.^'i+ + n') 3g fY! , tDIq- E >)yt@ L o.r.v, o E,.g ro!:o >O(u. P=>(,l'FUo,.PC)(Jrq.€ O-c(l,o rJVt |o (l,.F(JEs@ o-ogr() >I C Vr.i-. .F ql! Po+, c ! c,(r.U.F,U.Pct (u'E! LO. ., F C +)ah .F (6 ,hC J.F' (ur- O.o ut ! +) o)(urF o!.o q ,n ooc.t I (lJ (J tuclt, lt) .l-,FC.,tr) Cto(F(J (u(5!z. .dts=y, crEFIIA CL UJI O'=l ou.r ot (f, F .lrl I =l,< (!tl c,>< z,l oo F.l Ct.e. lzt eo- d,l tna- <l +, +, +to.o(l,ooc,l+- || ltsg ssct ct .d ===lg , Et gvr. E$ {sl $Ai+ +'| t c|| a-6 trl(5 Foou- lrld. =ot/) lrlF >- ><od. CL CL $co -ods€ <,o i- -lJog Vi U UFiv q/ \J .A \e*\!6ev o +, !t! ..F E(6 L =.U.p an(u &, =o .t1z. CLxlrl Fz Ft4!JE olrlU'oo-od. CL z.o altz. CL:xtrJ Fzod, lJ- c,JL!o<&,rgFoqoFtJ) F a/, cro(,, U'(otEcLoanJ ottnOr!=ooJJ !!o(Uttt rnoocL o.ooLLCL .CL J a-a(-)d, LrJ ==oc, Io otoo olo.; .;1.;rrl olrof-{ -{l t (o (\ll@a .*l* oo srrr, Ctr(Yt oooooo o(lo(l o| <tor oGlr-{ (\l 4 V' 4 PP(F q_ ;;tn tn<rrlrr) .-{ CO (c) r, l(r, rr) J;$+;|..i ^;Or Or ci |J) (')l.{ COF{ ..-.r F{ l(o I FU)o CJ LTJF =xoto- CL ) F F vlo(,(oo \ tl +, (J€ |It(J rnq,Cooct vloL.t(u o-rr'99<\t rr) >t(JPC.'- .tt (, ! >, (,O CL.e (U L ().r.O :t rrc)CO-() L d .d t-cr o o -o >o-cj(Jo> Pf >tlr (u m'- c, o) +-, CD (U (u {J (', c) O)d CE-E > .('.5 O= >dJ.- o| c).- (Uo- ().-(nP0().-P 6 ti O).-+>rg < L, (J.t'.c ()- g 3='i - ot3 ='i| -.t- tnP I E: r, {-,Ct € (/| .F qtE t/| OO'-L9, (u+,CL(l, c_t -.'- O L tlO.-ntL SEEE s, 8S:E.aO .O! Vt .e ntI,rt l-P Or C=PO -EoU|E r-oooE Po(U (u!.t, = ro 10 (7' co +, o +,c .dL:t C'{J o z U)z. >< l,.rJ Fc, z.o E.+., =c(J CD C' - F.-C A rnt,1C C trJvr oo 6 e,(u o(J o-(J+r a(uLCrC ol' |.l-r.- O .F O) rJ) >O- O- rr.F- J (6 OI ur ul qr< N o-+, (UE (, LF N Oc >-t'r- OO duJ rd :Z (-, tr- F O- O- lz.tooloc,1.6>t/1o-u=lnt o-(Ul-><.n (u Lrl .d=.ooF loIEEElocrL!l.ntnI o o(u ) uJI o o_oI O O(' F- OI L LcL c) FI o- o- (/t F v't o? OIt ol rnq,(, .tto- 1r, (r,?ct tl +, o ,tto .I'o L <t =t C\I (u(u()() 16do-o ro (',(ol\ (7) (r) FU)oc) z. !zE. o- IJ.J(-, CLUI <5z v.e. q O J (J d trJE =c) .|. lJ- (t U) ooct I OJ() (5 UI Eirt63 *= f fl d)z .dqct =< Fl tt1 V,E- nl o ofl= Pl s s i,--< cEl | | d6 Lt- -l o .,z,l(Jo '-.{ I .tt (€lzl cL o-dl tn v1 sl +,c,+ro(l) i+- (l)r+-oP !- 9-(l)ctLJtuo-c, =tntncrUlrr|lo ]r)co(7,Or r--{o(\l.1 (\l UI EI 8l =l-lr!l kl =l><lole.l *l oL!o LU Lrlz o o o A3] als \3r- tS t{u- Itr} . l9t 302;r rf tf\ SJilt'an / r -.\@t)tM lrlqit Sid,{. llb trHt=&i, nsloDW^! 3,M x ?8 hlart E x ll tr6I v ot /rur aea (a^oa,< {t ru Fer o/e- tl,.y r 1f ,?2 yrtT ,c,,-tz--s '/5)f,{o 7 z'.ta? aQ,s{ a\ut 7- 4 0' c//r<6ez' a-' fr1 Oa,t6/'v4a ,n.no.rvf = #g ?r{4O /Jr€^) /4rlau.r/f =4 lffiI V0'\o @, tt - J ) lF '/i ts pa,d OpFzo^r G/ata) Tr-- d/,7// s,ttt<-4d.ua)aa 7o fou< ?r rao-O a/u 4 ,a'r'i,L,r, e Szvsts 6{6t..att.uG o ''t ?y'{/t<, 7-*g qy'C/"{ P,qyrtte>.tr t),.. EatiDatslb 7; /z-tcz-uba z'Fua 3.'zo'v4s-Ozctn'€ /tvc(a-zs€) ,e.-tou,r'7- (arrorrn, P,+vnez,n lra f{Sl/.// * 3aua-rl= /6f,' tO ?, lr' 4- P4 y.na-,v7= ""8:_{thr,t /2n y,rte->tT = 0/tot,v4c /l^*-r- - ,;r:7:::-'-"t /2*vartvr- fr'^''at //r'r/ar24,ra,r 3ggr'o.a +S'Ute'-- 7?oP'oo - {ttt/,2y'= Ji 4,6 f1^tancav @rc2. a.@\=> /3399e--"' , g,bra.(7 N aaot V2y o7a,n175. = -@5n a^,/rq5 /?f C/ /?F2/ Er//?ri $^ f"/lot /lv*t 7 '/5 ,6 J t'aym^uf 2ercznac fa vor>r, /*' + zl/ea Lctr*€ / 3'trtt / sn 'h4n>sr Po 4, n a y'aao. oot344.c/ * 44g/1" I "eao"'f z/) = foy',oo /oo.to F3.t/. // t' 1684-oo * 4/e;Zei,1,,^ r,/4-r4/1t- for value received' I Office of the Finance to pay to the order l''lun jci pa1 Buil d ing 'r se Di rector, 5_ 31 ,632 .00 In jnstallnrents 3f1sr date, of the Tovrn of Vail at the at Va'i I Co] orado reunder.rate of-I oi interest i s note e counted endorsers payment ial. payr;tents not pa'id l ection, he e pa th b nd onrt s ol ue n the rrcip n9,t to s an nno par n isfco d Ij it o d ro o ecla payment o reement sr the intte. The test, not of paymen nterest t onable co UE dF J ag 0 no ro E i as otftaid wll;, tVereon sllIIure to nlr n\umDrEfice re \u/at o hol der of for paymen tension of f this not , to pay al 'q e o note i s. nr j i ntereq! \that ra\il nler anyf i e\to becpm on\of tilp ese\tner/t to bny' exity, and i ght, agree rnev's fee IT I5 AGREED that 'if th'is the princ iPal and accrued 18 percent Per annum, and r,lhen due or any defau'lt u shal'l cause the whole not as principal , at the oPti hereof several 1Y waive Pr and of protest, and agree bef ore, at or after r,utur when due,, or suit is brou incl uding reasonabl e atto 1 I I I en pu, a'l ll d e ahy or a the nt, pr time .e orI rea ta pr ur res ke ce an ere L> f er ma ict he st VJ/,% 6e_ JADATE q-.2/_f ( Vai'l , Co1 orado tI rLl o+__ l9 a prom due and payab'l e on Sept. 15, .1985 ' due and payable on Sept. 15. 'l 986 , due and payable on Sept. 15, 'l 987 ' due and payable on Sept. 15. .1988 , payable on $8,344.46 - Sept. 15. .l989 r Dol l ars, with .interest of ten percent per annum on the unpaid balance, payable in yearly instal 'l nents a s f ol'l ows : The first insta'llment the second installment the thir.d instal'l ment the f ourth i n stal 'l ment with the ent jre unPa'id of $B,344 '44 of 58,344.44 of $ 8,344.44 of $8,344.44 balance due and 4l)r1 (l',-,,, , iy.S)i'ti- lt-3'(d oo hwn 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 0ctober 23, .|985 Mr. Fred Hibberd Hibberd Construction Company I977 South Park Route Jackson, Wyoming 83001 CERTI FIED oo olflce ol communlty developmenl ) ne: - vi ]-]1se Center. .PaFki ng Dear Fred: 0n 0ctober 17, .|985 I inspected the parking areas at the Village CenterBuilding. All the spaces met the Town requirement that a parking space be available except for two parking areas. The first space is used by a vendor. This space must be cleaned out. The second space is leased by Rendezvousl,lest. This space was packed with recreation equipment, and some of this must be removed in order to allow for easier parking. Four spaces are being used for the construction of the corunercial area at Village Center. You and I agreed that these spaces would only be used temporarily for the constructionwork, and will be cleaned out and returned to solely parking use at the timea temporary certificate is requested. I will reinspect these spaces at the time you request a temporary certificate of occupancy. You also agreed to write a letter to Mr. Carpenter stating that you wil l make sure that easy access to his parking space will be maintained. It wasqy understanding that you would send me a copy of this letter stating your intent to keep the access to the parking spaces open. If you have any questions concern'i ng the parking situation, please feel free to call me. I really hope that we do not have to go through this typeof inspection again for Village Center parking problems. I hope this will be the last time that we wil] have to deal with this. Thanks for your cooperati on,i KP: br cc: Bri an 0' Rei I 'ly Si ncerely, r I nl Knrnr. Ynft Kristan Pritz Town Planner ol oo October 9, 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 .|985 cERTIFIED olllce ol communlty deYelopmenl Fred Hibberd 1977 South Park Route Jackson, Wyoming 83001 ssues to be resolved before temporary certificate Dear Fred: 0n September 25, .|985 I sent you as well as Jay Peterson a letter outlining the issues that needed to be resolved before the Town of Vail could give you a temporary certificate of occupancy for your new addition at the Village Center bui'lding. It appears that there are two more items that will need to be addressed before a temporary certificate of occupancy wilI be issued. First, it is my understanding that you are to construct two paver cross-walks connecting Village Center to the Crossroads development. You have mentioned to me that you felt that you had had an agreement with Peter Patten that this was no longer necessary as you would be paving your sidewalks in front of the Village Center. I suggest that when we meet on 0ctober .|7, we also try to meet with Peter to clear up this situation. The second item concerns the drainage on the northwest side of the Vi'l lage Center building. Presently, the roof drains flow directly into the street and over to the Talisman parking lot. Public Works'opinion is that the drainage from your bui'lding was to flow to Gore Creek rather than to the Ta'l isman parking lot. This issue also needs to be resolved before the release of a temporary certificate of occupancy. Lett plan to meet with Peter after the parking check on 0ctober .l7. Hopefully we can resolve some of these questions. KP:bpr cc; Jay Peterson S'i ncerq 1y , Kti'l*'1,'l+ Kristart Pritz Town Planner occupancy - Center Garages Concerning the 'inspection I performed on the Village Center garages for zoning code compliance, the fo'l lowing garage spaces need to become available for parking use as of June 28, I984: l. Tfe garage space used for storage for building D located on the sbuthwest corner of the parking garage. 2. Brandess-Cadmus' storage located adjacent to that to the east. 3. The Charlje's T-Shirt storage area'located on the north side of the garage. June 'll 75 south lrontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476.7000 .|984 Mr. Fred Hibberd 1977 Sorith Park Route Jackson, Wyoming 83001 Dear Fred, Very since urs, A.P PATTEN, JR Acting p'irector Corrnunity Development cc: Dick Duran ottlca of communlty developmenl Re: Vi1'lage As I've'discussed with you, these underground parking spaces cannot, according to the zoning code, be converted to uses other than parking without Town of Vail approval . I appreciate in advance your prrcmpt response to have the garage comply with the Town zoning code. o 42 wosl mc.dow drlve vall, colorado 81657 (303) {76-2200 flre department are violations found on the second level Village Center D Building on May 3I,1984. l. UFC Maintenance of Fire Systems A11 fife protective and extinquishing systems or appliances shall be maintained in an operative condition at all times - Such systems shal1 be extended, altered whenever any building is remodeled or added to. The followingparking of the Need to relocate hose cabinet #2I so that it is accessibl-e.cabinet near trash con tainer. UFC Article 85 Electrical that is enclosed in garage Need to reDlace hose in cooperation with the the enforcement-of :tbeThis article sha1l be enforced in authority having jurisdiction for National Electrical Code. Light fixtures in garages #4, 5, 16 and the space west of 5(.i need repair. Light fixtures in garages must not extend through wa11s and must have a switch in each garage- The duplex outlet in space #30 needs a cover. Cover open electrical box in space #4. Need ccver in junction box in space #8 and inust relocate junction box so as to be accessible. Romex wiring must be replaced by conduit in space #20. UBC 4304E Holes in Fire Rated Ceiling and Wa1ls Are Not A11 garages are in need of drywall repair. Must be one hour rated throughout. Need to repair ceiling where it has been penetrated. Must tape and mud. UBC 17068 Every Openj-ng Into a Shaft Enclosure Sha1l Be Protected By a SeIf-CIosing Fire Assembly. Fire assembly at trash chute must be repaired. t( "o Village Center D Building May 3J-, 1984 page 2 5. UFC I0.402(a) Maintenance of Fire Assembly for Protection Of Openings Three hour door must be repaired with fuse link. 5. UFC 10.3I5(a) CommerciaL Type Hood and Duct Need to relocate fan for La Tour from garage to roof- In accordance with Town of Vail Municipal Code 15.12 if you fail to compJ-y with ttris correction notice on or before the completetion date below your failure wiII result in further action bei-ng taken under the provisions of ttre Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, which may include your being issued a summons to appear in Municj-pal or County Court for the violations above specified. Upon a finding of.guilty of said violations you will be subject to the penalties provided by law. Cited corrections shall be completed by AM/PM, Date Building Owner/Manger Date FJ-re Department Off icer Date COPY November 12, 1985 deliveries to shops and restaur- Mal I I THIBBERD NITCONSTRUCTIONI ICOMPANY T0: Companies responsib'l e forants in the Yillage Center Town of Vail Very truly yours, 2/L/J'J7" Hi bberd, Jr ff9-toadlng zone at the ylest end of Village Center Building',0,,wlll be made avallab'le to those companies-that deliver to Vil-lage Center shops and restaurants. Unloading shall be limited to 15 E1lrg!g!- only, unless hardshlpreqg!res addltlonal tlme. p'teaEE-3EE-Tt'e Bulldlng ilanager re-garding addltlonal time required for unloading. The comblnatfon for the lock, which is designed to protect theavallabi'lity of thls loading zone for your use, isPlease keep thls confidenttal so that unauthorizec $ET35'i'-3-FTttnot occupy thls space. You should be aware that the Town of Vail ls concerned thattruck drivers are not concerned about where they park becausethey are not the ones rlho end up paylng the parklng tlckets.l{e and the Town of Vail recognize that parklhg ls iometlmesdifflcul t. However, we are confident that this 'loadlng zonewlll be a b{g step in making it more convenient for you to makeyour de'll verles. P'lease sign at the bottom of this'letter, indicatlng that youaf9_al approved dellvery company to Vfllage Center. A copyrlll be giyen to you for youi file. If you should have any problems regarding the use of the load- lltS t9r!., please,contact Mr. Bruce-Mo'lcsan by'leavlng a note atllg Kid Sport skl shop in the cenrer of Villige Centir BuildlngttDtt. Thank you ln advance for your cooperation. FH/Jh +bc: Kristan Pritz - P.0.Box 7474 COPV Dear l.lr. Carpenter: I vanted to follow up my conversation with Erian 0'Rellly con-cerning your parking space in Yillage Center "D" Bulldlng park- I ng garage. Flrst, I would llke to apologlze for the Inconvenlence you have had regardlng access to your space. I am confident that thenaJor difficulty ln access was brought on by construction golng on at the east end of Buildlng "D'. lly constructlon superintendent, l,llke Haselhorst, ls aware ofthe needs for Yillage Center condomlnium owners to park on the upper level. He ls a responsible personr afld I fee] he was do-lng the best he cou'ld wlth a difficult situation ln keeplngpeople from blocking your space. However, lt was not posslblefor hlm to be there monltoring the parklng al'l the tlmo and ltprobably 90t out of hand. As you can understand, it would belnposslble to have a ful l-tlme parking attendant, whlch lsabout the only ray re can guarantee that the sltuatlon rlll be 100 percent perfect. III IIt l{ovember 12, 1985 Itlr. Tom Carpenterc/o llr. Erian E. 0'Rel'l lyAttorney at LawP. 0. Box 2911 Yal I , Col orado 81658 I have hi red l,lr. Bruce l.lol cban to work f orhe rlll be in charge of keeping tho accessto all of the spaces. Should you have anyavallable at the bulldlng, or you can leaveat K'ld Sport, a chl'ldrenrs skl store on the commercl al space. me this winter andas free as posslble problems, he wlll bea message for himflrst level of the If there is any further problem. please do not hestate to getln touch rith me in Jackson, l{yomlng. My telephone numbers are ( offl ce ) 307-733-7327 and ( home ) 307-733-6682. Very tru'l y yours, FH/Jh cc: Brian E.0'Rellly, ESQ. ->Kristan Pritz - Town of Vall 19,;/ SOUfH PAFIK ill . .. r'...,,t{ ,,\r I !. ' , ; ! . j . : ! | I , . . ;i,.1-r'.,ir. -)rr, r 1..r'!;i /^l l/"/-(,,'lr, Fred Hibberd, Jr. oo lown Z5 south trontage roadyall, colorado glGST (303) 476_7000 September 30, l9g5 ottlcc ot communlty devetopment Brian 0'Reillv Vai I National-Bank BuildingP.0. Box 29ilVailn Colorado Bl65g Re: Village Center Condominium parkinq Dear Brian: Peter Patten. gave me a-copy of the letter that you had sent to himconcerning the issue of sbierar pirr.i,ii'spaces at the viilage centerRy:ldilg beins.used , ror itorig.l-'^iuit y.u", peter patten ancu r cK uuran v i s i ted tfif i ] l.gg-center. pir-*i ng.u.Li. -, ri,ij "i.q, I ..athat several of the parking ipaces beri! useo ror storage be returnedt0 use solery for pai^king." i5r"-itJ.isii ruv occur in the spaces,nowever, the primary use of ttre-spaiei"riust'oe-ior rju"ti'ng]" i"iiy:.iiili;"fl.:o';i;. riidii.:iliti"ifii:t ::r:irffir,i,;"lt3t;,,nlli.t-,T3!t9". t rili.be meetr'ns with""Freo Hibberd within the nextrew days to resolve this prob.lEr." -" ' '' Since.re1y,,. ("hn{i,\t Kri'stan pri tz t Town Planner KP: bpr Enclosure luttn n 75 3oulh tronlage rold yell, colo..do 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 27, 1985 Mr. Fred Hibberd 1977 South Park Route Jackson, Wyoming 83AAl ual CERTIFIED ITIAIL W Re: Village Center Garages Dear Fred: Approximately two weeks ago I called you and informed you that I had a complaint from Mr. Tom Carpenter concerning the use ofVillage Center garages for storage. Since that timer I havetried to piece together the previous inspection information thatPeter Patten and Dick Duran completed in June of 1984. In theprocess of trying to gather this informationr I have determinedthat the problem of using parking spaces for storage of construc-tion materialsr etc. still exists. I asked Dick Duran to checkthe Village Center parking area to determine if the violationsthat were outlined in the enclosed June 28r 1984 letter hadactually been remedied. He then informed me yesterday thatparking spaces srere still being used for the etorage of parkingmaterials and other items and also that the fire code violations had not been addressed. Later that afternoon I nent over to the Village Center parking and took pictures of the parking spacea being used as storageareas. I returned to our office and called one of your assistants, Mark Hauser. I informed him that the storage areas must becleaned out by Mondayr September 3O by noon. I called back toinform your secretary of the same message and asked her toarrange to have someone at the Village Center who wouLd be ableto let me in to the various parking areas. F'or your informationrf was able to determine that the followinq units were in vioLation: The third unit from the west end of the building on the south side. The first unit on the west end of the building on the south side. 1. 3. The 10th unit from the west end on the north side ofthe garage. 4. The sixth unit from the west end on the north eide ofthe garage. At this timer I am not able to determine if there are otherparking areaa that are being used as storagel as the garage doore are cLosed. If the storage areas are not cleaned out by September 301 1985 at lloonr I wilf proceed to issue a sunmons. This has been a re- occurring problem at the Village Center Building. ft is obviousto me that you are fully ardare that these spaces should not be used for any storage. I hope you will act on this matter im- mediately so that we will not have to proceed with a citation. Sincerelyr Kristan Pritz Town Planner oo brianOQeillv Attrcfnev atL6w' A ftobseiond Corporahon December 3, 1985 Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 8I557 | ,,/ {,,ilcds1([l' , nffim} 'ltJl lL - lrt' l'.r\ lt r \/yr.ril F- LIl/'' ' r' Dear Kristan: My client, Tom Carpenter, wishes for me to inguire whether or not Fred Hibberd has applied for a Certificate of Occupancy with re- spect to Village Center, and if so, whether or not a further in- spection of the parking areas has been conducted. Any information which you can provide to me will be greatly appreciated. Brian E. Ol BOR/bd cc: Mr. Tom Carpenter Vail National Bank Building . P. O. Box 2911 . Vail, Colorado 81658 o (30ir) 476-2535 CERTIFIED 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 October 23, .|985 Mr. Fred Hibberd Hibberd Constructjon Company'1977 South Park Route Jackson, Wyoming 8300.l Dear Fred: oflice of community deYelopmenl Re: Vi'liage Center Parking 0n October'l 7, .l985 I'i nspected the parking areas at the Village Center Building. All the spaces met the Town requirement that a parking space be available except for two parking areas. The first space is used bY a vendor. This space must be cleaned out. The second space is leased by Rendezvousl,/est. This space was packed with recreation equipment, and some of this must be removed in order to allow for easier parking. Four spaces are being used for the construction of the commercial area at Village Center. You and I agreed that these spaces would only be used temporari 1y for the construction work, and will be cleaned out and returned to solely parking use at the time a temporary cert'i ficate is requested. I wjll reinspect these spaces at the time you request a temporary certificate of occupancy. You also agreed to wrjte a letter to Mr. Carpenter stating that you will make sure that easy access to hjs parking space will be maintained. It was my understand'i ng that you would send me a copy of this letter stating your intent to keep the access to the parking spaces open. If you have any questions concerning the parking situation, please feel free to call me. I real 1y hope that we do not have to go through this typeof inspection again for Village Center parking problerns. I hope this will be the last time that we will have to deal with this. Thanks for your cooperati on J Sincerely,,/ i -.-,c. 1 Knfan tnR Kristan Pritz/ lown HIanner.' KP: br cc: Brjan 0'Reiily lnwn 75 south lronlage rosd vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 27 ' 1985 CERTIFIED MATL Mr- Fred Hibberd 1.977 South Park Route Jacksonr $lyoming 83A0L Re: Village Center Garages Dear Fred: Approxinately two weeks ago f called you and informed you that I had a complaint fron Mr. Tom Carpenter concerning the use ofVillage Center garages for storage. Since that time, I havetried to piece together the previous inspection information thatPeter Patten and Dick Duran completed in June of 1984. In theprocess of trying to gather this informationr f have determinedthat the problem of using parking spaces for storage of construc-tion materialsl etc. sti.ll exi.sts. f asked Dick Duran to checkthe Village Center parking area to determine if the violationsthat were outlined in the enclosed June 28t 1984 letter hadactually been remedied. He then informed me yesterday thatparking spaces were still being uaed for the sCorage of parkingnaterials and other items and also that the fire code violations had not been addressed. Later that'afternoon I went over to the Village Center parking and took pictures of the parking spaces being used as storageareas. I returned to our office and called one of your assistantsr Mark Hauser. f informed him that the storage areas must becleaned out by Mondayr September 3A by noon. f called back toinform your secretary of the same message and asked her toarrange to have someone at the Village Center who would be ableto let me in to the various parking areaa. For your information,I was able to determine that the following units were in violation: 1. The third unit from the weet end of the building on the south side. 2. The first unit on the west end of the building on thesouth side. .a a./ 3. The l0th unit from the nest end on the north side ofthe garage. 4. The sixth unit from the west end on the north side ofthe garage. At this timer I am not able to determine if there are otherparking areas that are being used as storage, as the garage doorsare closed. ff the storage areas are not cleaned out by September 307 L985 atlloohr I will proceed to issue a summons. This has been a re-occurring problem at the village center Building. rt ie obviousto me that you are fu1ly aware that t.hese spaces should not beuaed for any storage. f hope you will act on this matter im-mediately so that we will not have to proceed with a citation. Sincerelyr Kristan Pritz Town P lanner brianOQeillv Att,cnlev aL L,av' A Dobssion6l Corporatlon Mr. Peter Patten Department of Community Development Town of Vail 100 S. Frontage Rd. W.Vail, Colorado 81557 september 24, L985 Re: Village center Condominiums Very ours, Reilly Xc: Tom carpenter Vail National Bank Building . P. O. Box 2911 r Vail, Colorado 81658 . (303) 476-2535 Dear Peter: I represent Tom carpenter, owner of unit 5-H, Building c, Village Cent6r Condominiums. Mr. Carpenter is concerned that several parking spaces in Building D have been converted from parkj-ng to storage, resulting in inadequate parking and in some amount of interierence with his ingress and egress to the parking lot' Apparently the condominium owners' association is not concerned wiln tnis development, as it is most like]y the lessor of the parking spaces; in ani event, my client would like for me to de- termine ii tnis leasing is in violation of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of VaiI, and if so, would ask that the Tovtn so inform the Association. I would appreciate it if you could have one of your staff investigate this situation and call- me when they de- termine the facts of this matter. Thanks. Y I'n 4lrwl "W1 ll*', I |,/4kI?K '/ / tili 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June ll, .|984 of tlce of communlty develoPment Mr. Fred Hibberd.|977 South Park Route Jackson, Wyoming 8300'l Re: Vi l lage Center Garages Dear Fred, Concern'i ng the inspection I performed on the Village Center.garages for zoning code compljance, the following garage spaces need to become available for parking use as of June 28, 1984: l. The garage space used for storage for building D located on the southwest corner of the parking garage. 2. Brandess-Cadmus' storage located adjacent to that to the east. 3. The Charlje's T-Shirt storage area located on the north sjde of the garage. As I've discussed with you, these underground parking spaces cannot' accord'ing to the zoning code, be converted to uses other than park'ing without Town of Vail approval. I appreciate in advance your prompt response to have the garage comply with the Town zoning code. Very since urs, A.P PATTEN, JR Acting Director Community Development cc: Dick Duran o 42 wcd m.ldowddw vrll, coloredo 81657 (303) 476-Zm0 flre department June 28, 1984 lled Hibbard L9?7 Sonth Park Rorte Jaclcsor, l$yqnjng 83001 CERTITIED I.iAIL Dear l,t. Hibbard: Mter not bearing fron you in regard to the violatiqrs for.nrd o'ri' the secord tevel of parlring at the vitlage Center D btlilding I f,€el that I mlst set a date fon ccrq>liance- I lrarre enclosed a copy of the violations and what is needed to brin' these itens Glt< up to Code. AI1 itsns m*t be ccnpleted by Sept€inber ]st. Failure to do so will give IrE no alternative but to issue a sulngns. As you lmow, the inspecticr was cqrduqted qt May 3lst. Today is .rune Zgth. I feel I an being fai.r jn alloring a three rpnth period for ccrq>liance. Sirrcerely, ,/L4.."* Dick Duran Chief DD/hnl o lnwn 42 woat meadow drlve vall, colorado E1657 (303).76-2200 llre department The following are violations found on the second level parking of the Village Center D Building on May 31,1984. 1. UFC Maintenance ,of Fire Systems All fire protective and extinquishing systems or appliances shall be maintained in an operative condition at all times. Such systems sha11 be extended, altered whenever any building is remodeled or added to. Need to relocate hose cabinet #2I so that it is accessible. cabinet near trash container. UFC Article 85 Electrical that is enclosed in garage Need to replace hose in This article shall be enforced in cooperation with the authority having jurisdiction for the enforcement -of,tbe National Electrical Code. Light fixtures in garages #4, 5, 16 and the space west of 5G need repair. Light fixtures in garages must not extend through walls and must have a switch in each garage. The duplex outlet in space #30 needs a cover. Cover open electrical box in space #4. Need cover in junction box in space #8 and must relocate junction box so as to be accessibte. Romex wiring must be replaced by conduit in space #20. UBC 43048 Holes in Fire Rated Ceilinq and Wa1ls Are Not A1I garages are in need of drywall repair. Must be one hour rated throughout. Need to repair ceiling where it has been penetrated. Must tape and mud. UBC 17068 Every Opening Into a Shaft Enclosure Shall Be Protected By a Self-Closing Fire Assembly. Fire assembly at trash chute must be repaired. 4. Center D Buildin 1984'May 31, page 2 uFc 10.402 Maintenance of Fire Assembl for Protection Of Openings Three hour door must be repaired with fuse link. 6. UFC 10.315(a) Commercial Type Hood and Duct Need to relocate fan for La Tour from garage to roof. In accordance with Town of Vail Municipal Code 15.12 if you fail to comply with this correction notice on or before the completetion date below your failure will result in further action being taken under the provisions of the Uniform Fire Code, 1982 Edition, which may include your being issued a sunmons to appear in Municipal- or County Court for the violations above specified. Upon a finding of guilty of said violations you will be subject to the penalties provided ,by law. Cited. corrections sha11 be completed av ; :0(t eut )|te-<-'- Building Owner,/Manger Date Department Of Date t ltrItullunn sf TO; FROM: RE: DATE: I box too r vail, colorado 81657 r 303.476'5613 Kunt l'lolte::, Hibberd Construction Co. Town of Vail Sign Review Board Sign Agplication - Wdominiums Location: temporary construction sign located in existing f::ame, Lot K, Vail Village Lighting: none specified January 2t+ , Lgl 3 The Town of Vail Sign Review Board has appnoved youn application for a tempo::any conit:ruction sign for a peniod of six months f::om this date, with the following conditions: The only wording to apPear is as follows: VILLAGE CE}'ITER CONDOMIN]UMS SALES OFFICE INSIDE ComPletion - Novemben L973 Hibbend Construction Co. (addness and telePhone number) This appnoval is also conditioned upon the Pnoper maintenance of the photographs included in youn sign. In onder to make oun file eomplete, we would appneciate your completing the enclosed application fo:rm and retu:rning the same to us with your check for $2.50 Thank you for^ your coopenation. Sara Gar.ton A Q{,,{n, 3::1."?il z" ^" g, tt* n-' *;;, Mongan Douglas /nmm 'l J TO: TERRY MTHGER TPWN COUNCTL ". PLANilI}IG COMHISSION . ] . FROM: XENT ROSE,i.. .JIU LAMONT :: -DIANA TOUGHITL Harch 2, 19?3 Rx: STAPP REVIEW OF VILI"ASE CENTRE The following necommendatrons are made by the Town of varlStaff aften 6anef,ut ;;i;;-;i ii* poopoecd proJect: I. 1:.f::1^.p.onovat ahould be given onty go" building ilB'' .nrd that the remalnden of the pr.oJect should be nivie$edunder lhe prbpoged new zoning irdinance "na r'iete! ;il; ?. T"Tp91any-plnking enouid bc furniehed on thc slte fon .ryilgilS_:A:.and buildlng nBr (as rhown on site plan)unrrr such trsa ae pedestrian preainet naster pran anatrangpo'tation terminal pranq Ln9 cornpleted ani adoptad.At that timc we susge't negotiatione ilittt un.: niuueld: i?_1"^"*?np! to pi.ovide ait parking in the inansponta-tlon tenntnal or to pnovide any on iite parking bltoregnade. 3. If approval is given, it should ba eulject to an lppnovedlandacaping plan fon bottr buildings, titf, particuii'atte[tlon to thc atr:ealo tnact, l+. AI1 tragh aneas should be scneened fnom view. 5. wc_suggeat that the exterlon treatrnent of the buil"dlng besofteneO by thc additlon of wood -veneer on other euitable'natunal nateriar. color samples fon the exterior ;h"ule-. be subnltted for appr"oval. 6. A11 'signe nuet be apyrnoved by'thr sign Review conDLttee. ? 75 eoulh tronl.ge road Ytal. colo.rdo 81657 (303) {76-7qr0 September 25, 1985 Jay Pe terson Post Office Box 3149 Vailr Colorado 81658 Re: Village Center Issues to be Resol.ved Before TenporaryCertificate of Occupancy Dear Jay: I have enclosed an agreement that was signed by both Fred Hibberd and Peter Patten on September 12, 1984- The agreement lays outseveral condi tions which must be met before a temporaty certificateof occupancy will be issued by the ?own for the new constructionat the Village Center. rtems I, 7 and 8 eeem to be of immediateimportance. At this tine I an not sure when Ered nould like toget a temporary certificate of occupancy. Howeverl in order toavoid any last minute problemer I thought I ehould write you andclarify that these items need to be addressed before we wouldissue the ternporary certificate of occupancy. ftem I concerning the agreement between the Hotel Sonnenalp andthe Village Center owners will be impossible to complete at thisLime. Ilorireverr the staff is requesting that Fred subnit aproposal as to how he wiLl be handling loading and trash for theproject. This was a very important concern of the PlanningConmission and staff when the project was going through therevie$/ process. Even though Fred is unable to fulfill theagreementl a proposal for handling trash and loading is still necessary. ftem 7 st,ates that an approval for landscaping and a curb withinthe 4A foot utility easement must be obtained from Mountain Bellr Public Servicel Heritage Cablevisionr Upper Eagle Valley Sanitationand tloly Cross Electric. This is a relatively straight-forwardcondition to meet. Signatures would be necessary from al.l of the above utiJ.ity companies. ftem 8 requiree that Fred grant an access agreement to the Townof Vail for the crescent-shaped parcel located in front. of PrimaGallery Village Center Shops. The access easement would need tobe approved by the Town of Vail at an evening meeting. A surveyand legal description would be required for the easement. A1so, note that the fire concerns outlined in Dick Duranrs letterdated June 28, 1984 nust also be completed and approved by theFire Departm'ent. once these items are finishedr the Town will beable to issue a temporary certificate of occupancy. If you have any questions concerning these issuesr pleaee feelfree to give rne a caIl. KP: bpr Enclosure $,fo Town PI September L2, \984 Mr. Peter Patten Town Planner ,/- Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Re: Expar.sion of Village Center Commercial Space Dear Peter: Pursuant to our discussion of September lt, 1994, the undersigned.hereby agrees to the following items: *Sf. An agreement will be entered into with the HotelSonnenalp whereby the mutual use of a joint loading facilitylocated on the property owned by the Hotel Sonnenalp and theundersigned wirl be set forth . such agreement sharl be providedprior to any temporary certificate of occupancy being issued bythe Town of Vail. 2. The undersigned hereby ag,rees to provide for themaintenance of the pedestrian sidewalk area, as well as al1associated landscaping constructed under the building permit. 3. The loadinq area located on the west end of thevillage center commerciar area shalr be maintained and policed bythe undersigned, in order that it serves its intended purpose. 4. The undersigned hereby agrees to a1low the Town,at its sole cost and expense, to move the land.scaped berm on theproperty in the area north of the LaTour plaza if and when theTown decides to proceed with the improvements as noted on theUrban Design Guide plan. 5. The undersigned hereby agrees not to remonstrateagainst a Special Improvement District, if and when one if formedfor the Vail Village area. 6. A sign program for the Village Center Building shallbe submitted by the undersigned, or his agent. and such signprogram shal1 be approved by the Design Review Board prior to theissuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the expanded commercial area. This condition is hereby subject to the Town ofVail staff working \ntith the architect and. the undersigned in orderto meet this requirement. " :,-'' {t Mr. Peter Patten September L2, I9g4 Page Two *7. Before a temporary certificate of occupancy is issued,approval for landscaping and curb withi.n the 40r utili.ty easementmust be obtained from ltountain Bel1, public Service, Heiit.ageCablevision, Upper Eagle Valley and Sanitation and Holy CroisElect,ric. \ - +.8. _Before a temporary certifi"ai" of occupancy is issued.Ene uncterslgned agrees to grant an access agreen€nt to the Town ofvail for the crescenFshaped parcer located in front of prima Galrery village center shops. such access easement shall be insubstantial con.formity with the attached Exhibit A. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, FH:mec AGRXED TO A. tEre i PatUeActinDirectbr of Town of VaiI, Colorad *d*&/,rurh 122 East Meadow DriveVail, co 81657 303 /47 6-0833 DAY OF SEPTEI{BER, 1984 ity Development fu^t, ( V ;'{ ?s-&z,-r'e \E?" if=e- ft I I I I I I I I : z-l =c m r tr To -l &rq f,i 2loi Iel ,l I: al .: .'._. -."' --. :,in I I / t;2), i7'/r, :-!d -' JJiNo ri x >!r) 'Ylt "> -1 m (', ><fld>Y \m \b \'r .- ECra @ -.{mTt irrxn iJ-rn)- :-::-.-) t- ^Gr-i-j ai- I I\^j- o.a . a-->r r t ::'i 42 w€sl meadow drlve v.|1, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 flre department June 28, 1984 Fled Hibbard 1977 South Park Route Jackson, Vfyoning 83001 CERTIFIED MAIL a :1 Dear }tr. Hi-bbard: After not hearing frcrn you in regard to the violations found oni the second 1evel of parking at the ViJ-lage Center D building I feel that I must set a date for corpliance. I have enclosed a copy of the violations and what is needed to bring these items back r:p to Code. A11 itenrs mr:st be ccnpleted by Septernber }st. Fail:re to do so will give me no afternative but to issue a sunrnons - As you knoru, the inspection was conducted on May 31st. Today is June 28th. I feel I an being fajr in allorirtg a three month period for ccxnplJ-ance. q i nz'.ara l rr /1 A. // / /KAilKUL--'Dick Dr.rran Chief cc: P. Patten DD/hrnl { 42 wesl meadow drlve vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 The followingparking of the 1. UFC Mainten Need to relocate hose cabinet #21 so that it is accessible. ' cabinet near trash container. 2. UFC Article 85 Electrical A11 garages are in needhour rated throughout. been penetrated. Must llre department that is enclosed in garage Need to replace hose j-n of drywall repair. Must be one Need to repair ceiling where it hastape and mud . are vi"olations found on the second levelVillage Center D Building on May 31,]984. All fire protective and eltinquishing systems or appliancesshall be maintained in an operative cond.j-tion at all times. Such systems shalL be extended, altered whenever anybuilding j.s remodeled or added to. This article sha1l be enforced in cooperation r'rith theauthority having juri-sdiction for the enforcement -of -tbeNational ELectrical Code. Light fixtures in garages #4, 5, 16 and the space west of 5G need repair. Light fixtures in garages must not extendthrough wa1ls and must have a switch in each garage. Theduplex outlet in space #30 needs a cover. Cover openelectrical box in space #4. Need cover in junction box J.n spaee #8 and must relocate junction box so as to beaccessible. Rom€x wiring must be replaced by conduit in space #20. UBC 4304E Holes in Fire Rated Ceilinq and Walls Are Not Permitted. Maintenance UBC 17068 Every Openrng Into a Shaft Enclosure Sha1l BeProtected By a Self-Closing Fire Assembly. Fire assembly at trash chute must be repaired. \ . , -t , Vill+ge Center D Building May 3I, 1984'page 2 uFc L0-402(al Maintenance of Fire Assembly for proteition __- ' -: Three hour door must be repaired rvith fuse Link. Need to relocate fan for La Tour from garage to roof. In accordance with Town of Vail Municipal Code I5.I2 if youfail to comply with this correction notice on or before Lhecompletetion date below your failure will result in furtheraction being taken under the provisions of the Uniform FireCode, 1982 Edition, which may include your being issued a surnmons to appear in Municipal or County Court for theviolations above specified. Upon a finding of guilty ofsaid violations you will be subject to the penalties providedj,by law. " .:' 6. Cited corrections shall be completed av Q-!!!_AM/@ Date Commercial Department O