HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A BELL TOWER CONDO SCHOBER GENERAL LEGALCONDOIIINIUI.T DECIARATION FOR BELL TOT{ER CONDOMINIWS RECITAI,S Bell Tower Associates, Ltd., an Oklahona Linited Partnership (rrDeclaranttr), is the owner of the real property interests situatein the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described in Exhibit A attached hereto and nade a part hereof. Declarant desires to establlsh a condominLurn project under the Condoninium ownership Act of Colorado (the nActtr) and to define thecharacter, duration, rights, obligations and linitations of condoninium ownership. A building and related improvements have been constructed on the real property interests described inExhibit A, which building and irnprovements shall consist of separately designated condoniniun units. A condoniniun nap shall be filed showing the location of said building and improvements on the real property interests, whlch is hereby nade subject to this Declaration. Decl.arant does hereby establish a plan for the ownership ofreal property estates in fee sinpl.e consisting of the air space contained in each of the units in the building and the co- ownership, by the individual and separate ohtners thereof, as tenants in conmon, of all of the renaining real property interests. DECI,ARATION Declarant does hereby subject the real property interests described in Exhibit A to this Declaration and publish and declarethat the foltowing terms, covenants, conditions, easenents,restrictions, uses, reservations, linitations and obligations shall be deened to run with such land, shall be a burden and a benefitto Declarant, Lts successors and assigns and any peraon acguiringor owning an interest ln the real property interests which are or become subject to this Declaration and inprovenents built thereon,their grantees, successors, heirs, personal representatives, devisees or assigns. 1. Definitions. As used in thls Declaration, unless otherwlse expressly provided: (a) trUniti means an individual air space unit containedwithin the perimeter walls, fJ.oors, ceilings, windows and doors of a unit in a building constructed on real property which is subjectto the provisions of this Declaration, and as shown and describedin a condominium map recorded in the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado, together with (i) all fixtures and improvernents therein; (ii) the inner decorated or finiehed surfaces of suchunitrs perineter walls, floors and ceilings; (iii) the doors and windows of the unit; and (iv) the interior nonsupporting wallswithin the unit.The term does not include, however, the undecorated or unfinlshed surfaces of the perineter walls, floorsor ceilings of a unlt, any utilltl.eE running through the unit which sen/e more than one un1t, or any other general conmon elenent orpart thereof located withln the unit. (b) I'Condorniniun uniti Deans a unit together with theundivided interest in the general conmon elenents appurtenantthereto and the right to exclusive or non-exclusive use of linited common elenents associated therewith. (c) nOwnerr means any lndividual , corporation,partnership, association. trust or other legal entity, orconbination of legal entities, nhich is the record owner of an undlvided fee simple interest Ln one or more condoninium unlts. (d) rGeneral conmon elementsn neans (i) the landincluded in the real property interests yhich at any time aresubject to this Condoniniun Declarationi (ii) the foundations, columns, girders, beams, supports, perirneter and supporting walls,roofs (including, without linitation, glass roofs), balconies,halls, corridors, lobbies, stairs, stairways, fire escapes, entrances and exits of the buildings; (iii) the utility lines running under and through the floor of iunit c-lrt, as hereinafterdefined, uhether or not such utility lines service only unit C-1;(iv) the installatione, equiprnent and naterials rnaking up thecentral services such as power, light, gasr hot and cold water, heating, enow rnelt (including, vithout linitation, linited commonelenent areas), refrigeration and air conditioning andincinerating; (v) the tanks, pumps, motors, fans, compressors,ducts, and in general all apparatus and installations existing for conmon usei and (vi) aff other parts of the real property interests which are not part of a unit. (e) frLinited common elenentsn means the part of the general cornmon elenents assigned for the exclusive or non-exclusive use and enJoyrment of the owner or onnera of one or nore, but lessthan all, condomLnium units. (f) rrconmon expensesrr Deans: (i) all expenses exlrressly declared to be conmon exlrensea by this Declaration or by the by- laws of the Association; (ii) all other expenses of adninistering,servicing, consenring, nanaging, naintaining, repairing or replacing the general cornmon elernents; (iii) insurance premiums forthe insurance carried under Paragraph t herein; and (iv) aII expenses lawfully deternined to be comnon expenses by the board ofdirectors of the Association. (S) rrFirst lienorrr neans the trolder of a pronissory note palment of which is secured by a first nortqage or first deed of trust encurnbering an interest in a condominium unit. . trMortgagerl shall include a deed of trust, and trmortgageen shall include the beneficiary of a deed of trust. (h) rrAsEociationn means Bell Tower Condorniniurn Aseociation, a Colorado nonprofit corporatlon. (i) "BuJ,Idingtr Deans the bullding inprovements containing units located on real property subject to this Declaration, and all other improvements constructed on the property subject to this Declaration. (j) The condoninium units subJect to this Declaration shall be known as Bell Tower Condoniniums. (k) rDeclarationn means tlris instrument and all Amendnents or Supplernents thereto hereafter recorded ln the records of Eagle County, Colorado. (1) [SharJ-ng Ratiorr of an owner in his percentage interest ln the general comnon elements appurtenant to his unit, as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and rnade a part hereof. (n) iluapu means the original condominiurn Map required to be recorded hereunder and alL Anendments or Supplements thereto hereafter recorded in the records of Eagle County, Colorado. 2. Division of Real Propertv into Estates; Use and Occupancv of Condominiun Units. (a) The real property interests are hereby divided into 13 condoniniun units designated c-1 through c-Lz, inclusive, and R-l (which shalt include those areas designated on the Map for reference purposes only as R-lA and R-18) each consisting of a unit, an undivided interest in the general common elements appurtenant to such unit, which interest is set forth in Exhibit nr- and tlre exclusLve or non-exclusive rlght to use and enjoy llnited comnon elements, as set forth in Exhibit B. (b) Each condoninl.um unit Ehall be inseparable and may be conveyed, leased, devised or encunbered only as a condoninium unit. litle to a condominiun unit uay be held individually or in any form of concurrent ownershlp recognized in Colorado. In case of any such concurrent ownership, each co-owner shall be jointly and severally liable for ttre perforroance and observance of all the dutles and responsibilities of an ottner with respect to the condoninium unit in whlch he owns an interest. (c) Any contract of sale, deed, lease, deed of trust, nortgage, will or bther instrument affecting a condorniniun unit may descrlbe lt by lts unit number as shonn on the ilap, followed by the nane of the condonlniun units and reference to thie DeclaratLon andto the l.lap. (d) Declarant shall gJ.ve written notice to the assessorof Eagle county, Colorado, in the manner provided in the Act, sothat each condoniniun unit sill be separately assessed and taxed. (e) Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Declarant resen/es unto itself and the successor oqrners,to be held by Declarant or any other person or entity at any tine owning units c-l through c-I2, inclusive, and R-l the right' without the consent of any other owner, such other ownerrs first lienors or the Associatlon, to conbine, divide or partition suchunit or units to create Epaces either larger or Emaller than suchunit or units as shown on the l{ap for the purposes of using, conveyansing or leasing; provided, however, (i) that the olrner doing such conbining, dividing or partitioning obtains, at his sole cost and expense, all required governmental approvals including, but not linited to, subdivision approval and issuance of a buildingpernit and a final certificate of occupancy for all work performed in such combination, dlviding or partitloning, (ii) that the integrity of aII common elernente servicing any other part or the renaining part of the bullding are properly, safely and reasonably protected at the sole cost and expense of the ortner doing such conbining, dividing or partitionJ.ng, (iii) that no changes or nodifications are made to the exterior of the building, unlessprior to construction such owner(s) shall have received architectural. approval , which shall not be unreasonably withheld, fron the Association pursuant to paragraph 19 herein, (iv) that the exercLse of such right shall in no way increase or decrease the percentage ownership in the connon elements of, or tlre percentage of conmon expenses to be paid by, any ouner not involved in such cornbining, dividing or partitioning, and (v) that the onner doing such conbining, dividing or partitioning shall, at hls eole cost and expense, file in the records of Eagle County, colorado, a Supplernental Declaration and a supplelDental t{ap appropriatelyallocating undivided percentage interests in the general colnmon elenentE to and depicting such conbined, divided or partitioned unit or units. (f) Notwithetanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Declarant reserves unto itself and the successor owners of units c-l and c-5, to be held by Declarant or any person orentity at any tine owning unit C-l or C-5, the right, without the consent of any other owner, such other ounerrs first lienors or the Association (other than architectural review as hereinafter provided), (i) for the owner of unit C-1 (aa) to construct attached awnings to the building covering all or part of the area marked on the ilap as trL.c.E. Patlo unit c-l'r or trL.c.E. Entry unit c-lr', (bb) to naintain the Denu boxes presently located on Tonn of Vail property at the southwest corner of the bullding and at the north side of the building, wlth the rlght to uove and place such menu boxes onto the area narked on the trlap as iL.C.E. Patlo Unlt c-lr'or iL.c.E. Entry Unit C-1", respectively, andr/or (cc) to enclose and nake a part of unl.t C-l all or any part of that area marked on the Map as iL.C.E. Patio Unlt C-lni (il) for the owner of unit C-5 (aa) to construct and attach an awning to ttre buiLding coveringall or part of the area narked on the ltap as rL.C.E. Patio Unit C- 5n, and/or (bb) to enclose and nake a part of unit c-5 all or anypart of that area narked on the llap as nL,.c.E. Patio Unit c-srr. In the event any action is taken by an owner pursuant to this subparagraph 2 (f) , such oifner shall conply, as applicable, with the requirenents of subparagraph 2(e) herein. (e) Notwithstanding anything contalned hereln to the contrary, Declarant reserves unto ltEelf and the successor ownersof units c-5 through C-L2, inclusive, and R-1, to be held by Declarant or any person or entity at any tine owning unlt c-6 through C-L2, inclusive, or R-1, the right, without the consent of any other owner (provided that the owners of units C-6 through c- 12, inclusive, agree and act unanirnously), such other ownerst first lienors or the Association (other than Architectural review as hereinafter provLded) : (i) for the onners of units c-6 through c-12, inclusive, to enclose and nade a part of one or nore ofunits C-6 through c-12, inclusive, alL or any part ofthat area marked on the }{ap as iL.C.E. Deck Units C-5 through C-12'r, nL.C.E. Deck Units C-6 and C-7tr, :IJ.C.E. Deck Unit C-6n, rrl,.c.E. Hall Units C-6 through C-L2tt,[L.C.E. Bathrooms C-6 through c-12rr, or trL.C.E. Kitchen C-6 through C-12it (ii) for the owner of unit R-l to enclose and rnake a part of unit R-1 all or any part of that area narked on the l.tap as !|L.C.E. Stair Unit R-lrr, rrL.C.E' Deck unit R-lrr, nL.c.E. walkway Unit R-1n, or rrl,.C.E. storage Unit R-1n. In the event any action ig taken by an owner pursuant to this subparagraph 2(g), such onner Ehall coroply, as applicable, with the reguLrenents of subparagraph 2(e) herein. (h) Condoninl.un units C-l through C-5, inclusive, shall be used and occupied solely for office or colnmercial purposes. CondonlnLum units C-6 through c-12, inclusive, and R-l shall be used and occupied solely for offlce, cornrnercial, dwelling or lodging purposes. All of the above stated uses and occupancies shall be only as pernitted by and subject to the appropriate and applicable governmental zoning and use ordinances, rules and regulations fron tine to tine ln effect. An owner shall have therlght to lease his condoniniun unit upon such terns and conditions as the onner nay deem advisable; provided, however, that (i) any such leaae shall be in writing and shall provJ-de that the lease Ls subJect to the tems of this Declaratlon, (tl) a condominlun unit nay be leased only for the uses provlded herelnabove, and (iii) anyfailure of a lessee to conply with the terms of this Declaration,Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws of the Association, or the rulesof the Association shall be a default under the lease enforceable by the Association. 3. Condorniniun l,lan. Upon substantial conpletion of the buitding and prior to any conveyance by Declarant of a condominiuutunit therein, Declarant shall cauae to be filed for record in Eagle County, Colorado, the Map, which shall contain: (a) the legal description of the surface of the land; (b) the linear neasurenents and location, with reference to the exterior boundaries of the land, of the building and all other inprovements built or to bebuilt on the land; (c) the floor plans and llnear dirnensions of theinterior of the building including the units, the general common elernents which are not a part of any unit, and the linited connon elementsi (d) the designation by nurnber or other synbol of eachunLt; (e) the elevation plans of the building; and (f) theelevation of the unfinished interior surfaces of the floors andceilings of the building, lncluding the units, as established fron a daturo plane, the distances betseen floors and ceilings, and the linear measurements showing the thickneEs of the perineter rallsof the building. Declarant reserves the right to arnend the Map from tine to tine to conform it to the actual location of thebuilding (including all parts thereof) and to establish, vacate and relocate easements, access road easements and off site parking areas. In addition, Declarant reserves unto itself and the successor ouners the right, without the consent of any ortner whoseunit is not involved, such ownerts first lienors or the Associationto amend or supplement the Map to described alterations resultingfron the conbination, division or partition of a unit or units pursuant to the reserrrations set forth in subparagraph 2(e) herein,or alterations resulting fron the enclosure of linited connon elements pursuant to the reserrratl.ons set forth in subparagraph2(f) herein. 4. General Cornmon Elenents; Encroachnents. (a) The general cornnon elenents ehall be owned in comtnon by all the owners and shall renain undivided. No oltner shall assert any right of partltion rrith respect to the general connon elenents. Each owner waives any and all rights of partition he nay hold by virtue of his ownership of an undivided interest in thegeneral conmon elenents as a tenant in conmon with the otherouners. This Paragraph shall not, however, linit or restrict theright of partition of a single condoninLum unit among the ownersthereof, whereby the owners petltion the court to sell the condoninium unit and to allocate the sole proceeds among the owners, but such right of partition shall not be construed to mean a physical division or partition of a condoniniun unit, nor shall such rlght of partition affect any other condominiurn unit. Notwlthstandlng anythlng contaLned herein to the contrary, nothing contal.ned in this subparagraph 4 (a) shal.l be conEtrued to liroit orprohlbit a proportionate adJustnent in the percentage ownership inthe general conmon elernents in connection ulth the conbination,dlvlsion or partltlon of a unLt or unl.ts pursuant to the reservations set forth in subparagraph 2(e) hereln, provided that any such conbinatl.on, division or partition shall not increase or decrease the percentage ownership in the general common elenentsof, or the percentage of conmon expenses to be paid by, any ownernot involved in such combination, division or partition' (b) Each osner shall be entitled to use the general comnon elenents in accordance wlth the purpose for whicb they are Lntended, without hindering, Lnpeding or iruposlng upon the rightsof the other onners and in accordance with the rules and regulations duly establlshed frorn time to tfune by the Association and subject to the provisions of Paragraphs 20 and 21 herein. (c) There is hereby created an easement, upon, across, over and under all of the general cornrnon elements for ingress and egress, installation, replacement, repair and naintenance of allutllities, including but not linited to water, Eewer, 9ds,telephone and electricity. An easement is further granted to allpolice, fire protection and anbulance personnel, and all sirnilar persons to enter upon the general conmon elenents and condominiununits in the perfor:nance of their duties. Further, an easement is hereby granted to ttre Association to enter in, onto, above, acrossor under the general cornmon elements and any condominiun unit toperforn the dutles of naintenance and repair to any condominiumunit or the general conrnon elements including, wlthout linitation,the right of ingress and egress across and over that area rnarked on the Map as '|L.C.E. Mech and Storage Unit C-lr and rL.C.E. Stairsunit c-ln as necessary for the purpose of providing access fromthe general conmon eleuents located on the west side of thebuilding to the area rarked on the Uap as trllech Room G.C.E.rr. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Paragraph, no sewers, electrical lines, water lines or otherutilities rnay be installed or relocated on the general cornnon elenents except as approved by the Association, and any utility or company in the use of the utllity easement granted herein shall be responsible for any danage to any general conlnon elenent or cost incurred by the Assoclatlon aa a result of such danage and shall be reguired to pronptly restore any of the general conmon elernents disturbed or damaged by such utility or company in the exercise of any of their rights under the utility easenent granted herein. Should any utility or conpany furnishing a servl.ce covered by this easement herein request a specific easenent, including a vehicular easenent, the Association nay grant such an easenent to the general conmon elements by a separate recorded instrument withoutconflicting with the terns hereof and without consent of the owners being reguired. The easenents provided for in this Paragraph shall in no way affect any other recorded easement to the general conmon elenente. (d) There is hereby created an easement granting to the ouner of uirit C-l the right to construct and use a ventilation chase (the 'rChasen) from unit c-f to the roof of the building along the western face of the building, |n guch location as the owner of unlt c-l shall determine and without the consent of any other owner, such ownerrs first lienors or the Association. The Chase Day encroach upon any general corunon elenent or the linited common ellnents reserved foi iny unit. The Chase shall not be constructed in front of any window br door opening into the exterior of the building. The owner of unit C-l shall be responsible for danaqe to any general conmon elenent or linited connon elenent resulting fron LonEtruction of ttre Chase and shall be required to pronptly restore any general comnon element or lfunited conmon element disturbed or hanaged by the constructLon of the Chase to their forner condition, as nearly as is practlcable given the presence of the Chase. (e) If any portion of the general conmon elenents now encroaches upon any unit, or lf any unit nort encroaches upon any other unit or upon any portion of the general common elements' as a result of the conitruction of the building, or if any such encroachnent shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of the building, a valid easernent for the encroachnent and for the uaintenance of the same so long as the building stands' shall exist. In the event the building, any unit, any adjoining unit, or any adjoining general common eJ'ement, shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of condennation or eninent donain proceedings, and then rebuilt, encroachnents of parts of the general common elernents upon any unii or of any unit up-on any other unit or upgn ?ny porti-o-n of thE general conn-on elen-nts, due to such rebuildlng' shall be pernitted, and valid easenents for such encroachments and the naintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shall stand. 5.Mechanicrs Liens; Indennification. (a) If any owner shall cause any material to be furnished io his unit or any labor to be performed therein or thereon, no owner of any other condoml.nium unit shall under any cLrcurnstanceE be liable ior the palment of any expense incurred or for the value of any lrork done or naterial furnished. All such work shall be at the expense of the owner causing it to be done, and such owner shall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, materialmen and other persons furnishing .Iabor or materials to his unit or any l-nprovements therein. Nothing herein contained shall authorize any oetner or any person dealing through, with or under any olner to charge the general connon elenents or any unit other thln of such ownerwith any nechanicrs lLen or other o Iien or encumbrance whatever. on the contrary (and notice is hereby glven) the right and power to charge any lien or encunbranceof any kind againsL the general comnon elenents or against any owner or any ownerrs unit for work done or naterials furnlshed to any other ownerrs unlt is hereby expressly denied. (b) If, because of any act or orniseion of any owner, any mechanl'crs or other rien or order for the paynent of money shall be filed against the general cornmon elenente or against any other ouner (whether or not such lien or order ls valid or enforceable a6 such), the ouner whose act or onission foms the basis for such Iien or order shall at hiE own cost and expenae cause the same to be cancelled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety conpany reasonably acceptable to the Association, or to such other owneror ownera, within 2o daye after the date of fillng thereof, and further ghall indennlfy and save all the other unit ovners and the Association hamless from and against any and all costs, expenses, claims, losses or danages, including reasonable attorneyrs fees resulting therefrom. (c) Labor perfor:med or naterials furnistred for the general connon elementi, lf duly authorized by the Association, in accordance with this Declaration or lts bylaws, shall be deemed to be perforned or furnished with the express consent of each onner and shall be the basis for the filing of a lien pursuant to law against each of the condomlniun unl.ts. In the event a lien is effected against two or more condoniniun units, the owners of the separate condoniniun units nay renove their condoniniun units fronthe lien by palment of the fractl.onal or proportional amount attributabfa to each of the condoniniun units affected. fndividual palment shall be conputed by reference to the Sharing Ratios. Subseguent to palment, discharge or other eatisfaction, !h"condorninium unit shalt be released from the Lien paid, satisfied or discharged. Partial palment, satisfaction or discharge shall not prevent the lienor fron proceeding to enforce his rights againet any condoniniun unit not so released or discharged. 6. Adninistration and l{anagenent. (a) Bell Tower Condoniniurne shall be adrninistered and managed puisiant to this Declaration, the Artlcles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Association. Each owner shall be a mernber of the AEsociation and shall remain a nenber until he ceases to be an ortner. As nembers of the Associatlon, all of the owners collectively are entitled to the total of 10,000 votes, with each owner being entitled to the nurnber of votes equal to his tharing Ratio nultiplled by lOrOOO. Each menber shall conply strictJ.y with the provisione of this Declaratlon and of the ArtlcLes of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association. The Associatlon shall have the rlght to promulgate and enforce rules governing the use, naintenance and appearance of the general connon elenents and shall have the right to assign any parking spaces' if any, in the general I conmon elenents that have not been designated as linited coqmonelenents. Each nenber shall be bound by and shall conply with ru1es, resolutions and deciEions of the Assoclation duly nade or adopted in the manner set forth ln thls Declaration or in theArticles of Incorporation or Bylawa. Fal-Iure of the nember to conply with such provisions, rules, resolutions or decisions shall be grounds for an actl.on to recover dauages or to obtain injunctiverelief, or both, by the Association on behalf of the other ownersorr in a proper case, by an aggrieved osner. In addition, the AsEocl-ationts bylaws uay authorize the AsEociation, during the period of any delinquency to suspend a nenberrs voting privileges; however, no such suspension shall affect the rights of a first lIenor. (b) The Association and lts nenbere shall adopt no rule, resolution or deciEion nor take actlon in any manner whatsoeverthat would interfere with the reaeonable and nornal conmercialactivlties to be carried oDr in and around condominlum unLts nunbered C-l' through C-1-2, inclusive, and in particular the reasonable and normal activities carried on in the operation of a restaurant and bar business on, in and around condoniniun unit nunbers C-l and C-5. (c) The Association nay enploy or contract for the setnrices of a nanager provided that such emplolment shall be by contract having a term of no nore than three years and each such contract shall be subject to cancellation by the Association on ninety days notice, with or without cause. The board of directors(the rrBoard") may not delegate to a manager the authority to rnake expenditures for capital additions or iuprovements chargeable against any portlon of the annual budget, as defined in subparagraph 8(b) herein, other than that portion specifically designated for capital expendlturee. The nembers of the Boardehall not be liable for any onissLon or inproper exercise by a nanager of any such duty, power, or function so delegated by written instrunent executed by a naJorlty of the Board. 7. Itlaintenance and Repairs. (a) Each owner shall be responsible for rnaintenance and repalr of hLs unit, including fixtureE and improvements and allutllity llnes (exctuding the utility lines running under and through the floor of unit c-1, wtrlch are deerned to be general conrnon elenents, except for the routine malntenance and cleaningof such utility lines) and eguipnent located therein and serving such unit only. In perforning such naintenance or repair, or in inproving or altering his unit, no owner shall do any act or work which inpairs any general conmon elernent or the structural soundness of any building or which interferes with any easement. (b) The general conmon elernents (including the linited comnon elenents) shall be adninistered, conserrred, managled, 10 Daintained, repaired and replaced, except ae nodified by paragraph7(c) below, by the Association, whJ.ch may have accesa to any unitfron tirne to tine during reasonable hourE for such purposes, or atany tine for the purpose of naking emergency repairs thereln necessary to prevent danage to the general connon elements or to another unit or units. The costs of repairing any damage to a unit resulting fron entry therein for any such purpose shall be a conrnon expen€re of all the owners. However, lf the need to make such entryresults fron the negllgence or intentional act of any owner, hisfanily, guests, enployees, lLcensees, leeeeea, agents or lnvitees, such onner shall reinburse the Assoclation for aII the costs ofrepairing euch darnage and shall be llab1e to the other owners forall additional losses or danages suffered, including reasonable attorneyrg fees. (c) Notwithstanding the foregolng, (i) each owner having an interest in a linited conmon elenent which is a deck or patio, shall pay the proportion (except for routine painting, cleaning or repair which is done in conjunction with the general upkeep of theexterior of the building) of the costs and expenses of naintaining,repairing and replacing such linited comnon elenents includlng ahot tub or spa of which such owner has any use and enJolment, the numerator of which is his Sharing Ratio and the denoninator of which is the total of the Sharing Ratios of all persons having any use and enjolment thereof, (ii) each owner having an interest ina linited common elenent which is a stairway, hallway, elevator, walkrray, kitchen or bathroon shall pay the proportion of the costs and expenses of naintaining, repairing and replacing such linited conmon elements of which such owner has any use and enjolment, the nunerator of which is the Sharing Ratio and the denorninator of which is the totat of the Sharing Ratios of all persons having any use and enjolment thereof, and (iii) each owner shall pay all costsof repairing any darnage to the general common elenents (including the lirnited conmon elenents), or to any unit other than his own resultlng fron the intentional act or negllgence of such owner, hisfanily, guests, ernployees, licensees, lessees, agents or invitees. 8. Assessnents for Cornmon Exoenses. (a) Except as set forth in subparagraph 7(c) herein, each owner shall pay his pro rata share of the common expenses, which proration shatl be nade on the basis of the Sharing Ratiosin effect on the date such conmon e)q)ense is assessed. (b) The Board shall fix, deternine, levy and collect annual and special assessmentE to be paid by each of the owners to meet the comnon expenses and to create a contingency reservetherefor. Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year of the Association, the Board shall adopt a budget for that year. The budget shall include, but shall not be linited to, an estinate ofthe costs of naintenance, repair and replacement of the general 11 common elenentE, the cost of utllities and other services to be provided by the Association, the cost of insurance required by Paragraph t herein, and proposed capital extrrenditures. The budgetshall lnclude an adequate resen/e fund for the nalntenancer repairs and replacenent of those general conmon elenents that nust be replaced on a periodlc basis ln order that euch maintenance,repairs and replacenent may be pald for through regularinstallnents rather than by special assessnent. l.or the Associationrs first fiscal year, the Board ehall adopt the budgetat the first rneeting of the Board and designate the date of commencement of the first annual assessnent, with the costs for naintenance, repair and replacernent of the general cornmon elements and any reserve fund needed therefor baEed on a good faith estinateof those costsi said estinate nay be based on the costs incurredby sirnllar assoclations in the general locale. Thereafter, the cost of naintenance, repair and repl.aceuent and any reserve fund needed therefor shall be on the basis of the prevJ.ous yearrs costsvith such adjustnents therefrom aa the Board considers appropriate. The budget shall also lnclude the annual assessnent for eactr condoroiniun unl.t. Special assessments nay be levied whenever in the opinion of the Board it is necessary or advisable to do so (i) to neet Lncreased operating or rnaintenance expenses or costs, (ii) to provide for additional capital expenses' or (iii) because of emergenciesi however, if the proposed additional capital' expensesat any given tine are or would be ln excess of $5orooo.00 in the aggregate for any calendar year, such expenses nay be incurred only after the owners, by the vote of the owners of at least 59.0 percent of the general conmon elements, approve such expenses. A11 annual asseasments shall be based upon an approved budget; all other assessnents shall be in itenized statenent forn and shall setforth the detail of the various expenses for which the assessments are being made. (c) The Board shall prepare and provide to each owner a statement for the annual assessnent and any special assessnent against his condoniniun unit. Annual assessments for the budgeted common expenses shall be paid in quarterly lnstallnents, each such installnent due and payable in advance on the flrst day of each calendar quarter, or nore frequent Lnstallments ast Day be deternined by the Board. Special assessnentg shall be due and payable as specified ln the written notice of such assessment provided by the Board. (d) The Board shall have the rlght to add to any ownerrs assessnent as provided ln this Paragraph those anounts ex;lended by the Association for the benefit of any lndividual condominiun unit and the orrner thereof, including, but not linlted to, fines (pursuant to rule adopted by the Association), repairs and replacenents (to any condoniniun unit or the general comnon elenents) caused by the negllgent or willful acts of said owner, his fanlly, guests, enployees, licensees, lessees, agents- or l,nvl.tees; naintenance, repair, care of and replacenent of linited L2 a common elements appurtenant to a condoniniuro unit; and all other expendl.tures or charges provided for by this Declaratl'on or the bylawe. (e) If any assessment shall remain unpaid ten daya after the due date thereof, the Board nay inpose a late charge on such defaulting owner in a reaEonable anount or an anount equal to 1.5 percent of such aasesauent, whlchever Ls greater. Llkewise, a late charge in a reasonable anount or in an amount equal to 1.5 percent of the unpaid assessment, whichever is greater, nay be imposed on the first day of each caLendar nonth thereafter so long as such assessment shatl be unpaid. Failure to uake payment within 30 days of the due date thereof also shall cause the full anount of such ownerrs reg'ular quarterly assessnents for the rernainder of that year to become due and owing at once, at the option of the Board. rn the event it shall become necessary for the Board to collect any dellnquent assessments or fees, shether by foreclosure of a llen herelnafter created, by commencing of a court actl.on or othenise, the delinquent owner shall pay, ln additlon to the assesEment andlate charge herein provided, all costs of collection, lncluding a reasonable attorneyrs fee and costs incurred by the Board in enforcing palment. (f) All suns assessed but unpaid for the share of cornrnon expense assessed to any condoniniun unit shall constitute a lien on such unit in favor of the Association prior to all other liens and encunbrances, except: (i) liens for general property taxes and special assessrnentsi and (ii) the lien of any first nortgaqe or first deed of trust of record encunbering such unlt. The Associationts lien shall attach fron the date when the unpaid assessment shall becone due and may be foreclosed by the Associatl.on in like manner as a Dortgage on real property upon the recording of a notice or claim thereof executed by the Associationsetting forth the anount of the unpaid indebtedness' the nane of the owner of the condominiun unit, and a description of the condominium unit. ff any such lien is recorded by the Association, the owner shall be reguired to pay the costs and expenses of ttre preparation and recording of the Associationrs lien, including reasonable attorneyrs fees, or $100.00, whichever is greater. rn any foreclosure of the Associationrs lien, the owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorneyrs feee. During the period of foreclosure the ovtner of the condoninl.un unlt subJect to suchaction shall be required to pay a reasonable rental to the Association. The Aasociatlon shall be entitled to purchase the condoniniun unit at the foreclosure sale, and to acquire, hold, lease, nortgage or convey the sane. Each owner, by accepting a deed to a unit, waives any applicabLe homestead exemption as to the assessnent lien. (g) No ormer shall exenPt hlnself fron liability for paynent of his share of the conmon expenses elther by waiver of the 13 uae or enJolment of any of the general connon elenents or by abandonnent of hLs condoniniun unit. (h) In case of sale or other transfer of a condomlniununit with respect to vhlch sums assessed for conmon expenses shall be unpaid, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in such unit shall be jointly and severally llable with the seller or transferror theieof for such unpaid issessments. Notwithstanding the above, any first lienor who obtains title to a condorniniuru unit pursuant to the remedies provided in the nortgage or foreclosureof tne mortgage will not be llable for such unitrs unpaid dueE or charges wfriCtr accrue prior to the acguisltion of tltle to such unit by the firet lienor. (i) Upon written request of any owner, mortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transfereeof a condominiun unit, the Association shall issue a written statement setting forth the anount of the unpaJ.d conmon expenses,if any, with respect to such condoniniun unit, the amount of the current nonthly assessnent, the date on which such assessment becane or shall becone due and the anount of any credit for prepaid expenses. Such stateuent, for whl-ch a reasonable fee may be charged, is binding upon the Association in favor of any person who ray rely thereon in good faith. UnlesE a reguest for such stitenenl shall be conplied with within twenty days after receipt thereof, all unpaid comroon e:(penses vhich becane due prior to the date of naking luch reguest shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person reguesting such statenent. (j) Any party in favor of whon a lien on a condonlniun unit has been created nay but shall not be reguired to pay any unpaid connon expense with respect to such unit, and upon such paynent such party shall have a lien on such condouinium unit for the anount so paid of the sane rank as the lien theretofore existing. (k) The Association nay reguire each owner' other than Declarant, to deposlt wittr the Association, without interest accruing to the owner, an amount equal to one guarterrs common asseEsnent levied against the condonlniun unit owned by such oirner, whlch anount shall be held by the Associatlon as a reserive to be used for paying such ownerrs periodic conmon assessnents, paying such ownerrs apecial assessments, for vorking capital or other reasonable purposes deternined by the Association. Such reserve palment shall not relieve an owner fron naking regrular palment of common assessments or palment of special assessments as the tame becone due. Upon the sale of a condoninl.un unit, tlre owner thereof shall be entitled to a credit fron his grantee for any unused portion of such reserve, which amount then held by the Association shall be transferred on the Associationrs books to the account of the grantee. 14 9. Insurance. (a) The Association shall, on behalf of the ownerss (f) keep the bullding (lncludlng aII of the units and all fixtures therein, but not lncluding furniture, furnishlngs, or other personal property supplied or installed by condoniniun unit owners) lnsured against loss or danage byflre, with extended coverage (lncluding lnsurance against loss or danage by vandalism or nalicious rnischief), in at least the arnount of the naxinun replacement value thereof, deternined Ln accordance with subparagraph 9(c) herein; (ii) provide and keep in force, for the protection of the Association, its officers and directors, and all the ounera and fl-rst lienors, general public Iiabillty and property daroage lnsurance against clalns for bodlly lnjury or death or property damage occurring upon or in the general connon or linited elenents, in linits of not less than $1,000,000 for bodify injury or death to any number of persons arieing out of one accident or disaster, or for damage to property, and lf higher llnlts shall at any tinre be custornary to protect against possible tort llabillty, such higher linits strall be carried. (iil) carry insurance in such anounts as the Association may consider necessary or advisable against such other insurable hazards as nay fron tine to tine be cornnonly insured against in the case of sirnilar property in sirnilar Locations elsewhere. (tv) carry dlrectors and officers liability insurance ln such anaounts as the Association may consider necessary or advisable. (b) All insurance reguired to be carried under this Paragraph shall be carried in favor of the Association, the ovners and all first lienors, as thel-r respective lnterests may appear. Each policy of insurance shall contaln a standard nortgagee clausein favor of each first lienor of a condoniniun unit which shall provide that the loss, if any, thereunder shall be payable to Euch first lienor, as Lts lnterest nay appear, subJect, however, to the loss payrnent provlsionE Ln favor of the Assoclatlon hereinafter set forth. All policies of insurance against damaqe to the building and fixturee shall provide that losses shall be payable to and adjusted with the Association, aB attorney-in-fact for the owners. lhe Association shall hold and apply the proceeds of such insurance as set forth in this Declaration. Each insurance policy shall provide that no cancellation thereof nay be nade by the insurancecarrier without having first given 30 daysf prior written notice thereof to the Association, tbe owners and all first lienors. Each insurance policy shall also contain a rseverability of interestrl 15 endoraenent, that provldeE in case of violatlon of any provlsion thereof by the Association or one or Dore (but less than all) ofthe o!{ners, the coverage of euch policy ehall be suspended or invalidated only as to the lnterest of the Association or the ortneror ortners conmitting the violation and not aE to the interest of any other oltner. All poticies of physical darnage lnsurance shall contain waivers of subrogation and of any defense based on co- insurance. Duplicate originals of all pollcies of physical danage insurance and of all renewals thereof, together with proof of palment of premiuns, shall be delivered to all first lienors at Ieast ten days prior to expiration of the then current poJ.icies. (c) The naxirnun replacenent value of the building (whlch ghall indicate the naxlmun replacenent value of each condoninlun unit contained therein), ulthout deductlon for depreciation, shall be deternined by the Aseociation prior to obtaining any policy of flre insurance or any renewal thereof by means of one or nore written appraisals or reports nade by competent, disinterested appraisers, or by an insurance companyrepresentative; however, appraisals need not be obtained more frequently than at tvo-year intervals. Copies of such appraisalsor reports shall be furnished to each ovner and each first lienorof a condoniniun unit. (d) Each orrner shall be responsible for all insurance covering loss or danage to personal property in his unit andIiability for injury, death or damage occurring inside his unit. Any such policy shall contain waivers of subrogation and shaLl be so written that the liability of the carriers issuing insurance obtained by the Association shall not be affected or dininished thereby. 10. Appointnent of Attornev-in-Fact. Each owner by his acceptance of the deed or other conveyance vest.lng in hin aninterest in a condoniniun unit does irrevocably constitute and appoint (a) the Association with full power of substltution as his true and lawfut attorney in hlE nane, place and stead to deal with such i.nterest upon danage to or destruction, obsolescence, or condennation of any building or real property as hereinafter provlded, and (b) Declarant, or the subsequent owner of the unit(s) in guestion, vith full power of substitution as his true and lawful attorney in his name, place, and stead to deal with such interestin order to effectuate the reservatlons contained ln Paragraphs 2,3, 4 and 20 herein, each with fuII power, right and authorizationto execute, acknowledge and deliver any contract, deed, proof ofloss, release or other lnstrunent affecting the lnterest of such ovrner, and to take any other action, which the Association or Deciarant nay consider necessary or advisable to give effect to the provisions of this Declaration. ff reguested to do so by the Association or Declarant, each onner shall execute and deliver awritten instrument confiming such appointnent. The action of the Association in settling any danage or condernnation claim shall be 16 final and binding on all orrners. No owner ehall have any rights agalnst the Association or any of its officers or directors with respect thereto except in caee of fraud or groels negtJ.gence. 11. Danage or Destnrction. In caee of danage or destructionof the building or any part thereof by any cause whatsoever: (a) If in the reasonable Judgrnent of the AssociatJ'on,the proceeds of inEurance shall be sufflcient to pay all of the costs of repairing and restoring the bulldlng, the Aseociation (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) Ehall cause the building to be repaired and restored. applylng the proceeds of insurance for that purpose. (b) If in the reasonable judgrnent of the Association the anticipated proceeds of insurance are not eufficient to pay the costs of repairing and restoring the buildlng, and if the excessof such costs over the anticipated Lnsurance proceeds, are less than 20.0 percent of the nininun replacenent value last deternined under subparagraph 9(c) herein, then the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall prornptly cause the building to be repaired and restored, and the difference between the insurance proceeds and the costs of repair and restoration shall be a cornnon expense to be assessed to all units and paid by all owners as provided in Paragraph 8 herel.n. (c) If in the reasonable judgrrnent of the Association the anticipated proceeds of insurance are not sufficient to pay the costs of repairing and restoring the bullding, and if tbe excessof such costs are 2O.0 percent or nore of the naxinum replacementvalue last deternined under subparagraph 9(c) herei.n, then the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall promptly cause the building to be repaired and restored, and the difference between the insurance proceeds and the costs of repair and restoration shall be assessed and paid as hereinafter providedi provided, hovever, that if within 100 days after the date of such dauage or destruction a plan for repairing and restoring thebultding shall be disapproved and a sale of such building is approved by the orrners owning 69.0 percent or more of the general common elernents and by 69.0 percent of all first lienors, the Asgociation (as attorney-ln-fact for the owners of condorniniumunits) shall execute and record in the Eagle County, Colorado, real estate records a notice of such facts, and thereafter shall sellthe entire real property on which the building is located(including the bullding) together with reasonable easements for ingress and egress, if requlred, as designated by the Association,free and clear of the provJ.sions of thls Declaration and the Map, which shall wholly terninate and expire with respect to such property upon the closing of such sale. The proceeds of insurance and the proceeds of such sale of the real property shall becollected by the Association, applled first to the palment of expenses of the sale, and then divided anong the owners and paid L7 into separate accounts, each representing one unlt. The insurance proceedl shall be divided according to the ownersr respective percentage interests thereln as shown by the insurance policies, it so ehown, othenise according to the ownere' respective Sharing Ratios then in effect, and the proceeds of sale shall be dlvided according to the ownersr respectlve Sharing Ratios then in effect. The fundE in each account (without contrl.bution from one account to another) shall be applied by the Aesociation for the following purpoEes in the order indicated: (i) for palment of the balance of Ltre- tlen of any first mortgage or deed of tnret on the condoninlun unit; (ii) foi palment of taxes and epecial assessnent liens in favor of iny assLsling entity; (iii) for palment of unpaid common expenaeai (iv) for palment of junior lienE and encunbrances ln the order of and to the extent of their priority; and (v) the balance reuaining, if any, shall be paid to the ocner. The provisions of this Paragraptr shall not be construed as llniting in any way tfe rlght ot i first lienor (in case the proceedE allocated under (+) above shalt be insufficient to pay the indebtedness secured by his Iien) to assert and enforce the personal liability for such deficiency of the person or persons responsible for palment of such indebtednCes. If within 100 days after the date of such damage or destruction a plan for repairing and restoring - a damaged or destroyed building is not disapproved pursuant to this subparagraph 11(c), the Association (as attorney-in-fact for such owners) shall pronptly cause such repaLrs and restoration to be nade according to such-plan, and the difference, if any, between the anount of the insuranc! proceeds and the costs of repair and restoration shalL be a cornnon expense to be assessed to all unl-ts and paid by all ouners as provided in Paragraph 8 herein. (d) Nothingr contained in thls Paragraph shall be construed as'lnposing any fiabillty uhatever on any first lienor to pay all or any part of the costs of repair or restoration. L2. Obsolescence. (a) If at any tine the owners of 69.0 percent or more of the gerieial connon -elementE and 69.0 Percent of all first lienors itratt agree that the building has becone obsolete and shall approve a plan for its renovation oi restoration, the Association (il attoriey-in-fact for the oltners with interests in such liuifding) strltt pronptly cause such renovation or restoration to be nade-according to-suCh plan. All owners shall be bound by the teros of such plan, and the costs of the work shall be a conmon expense to be assessed to aLl units and paid by all owners as provided in Paragraph 8 herein. (b) If at any time the owners of 69.0 percent or more of the gerieial common elemente and 69.0 percent of all first lienors -5tratt agree that any of the inproveroents constJ.tuting general conmon elernents have become obsolete and shall. aPprove a ptan for thelr renovation or restoratLon, the AssoclatLon (as 18 attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall pronptly cause such renovation or restoration to be made accordlng to guch plan. All olrnerB shall be bound by the terms of euch plan, and ttre costs of the work shall be a cornrnon expense, to be aegesged to all units and paid by Paragraph 8 herein. (c) If at any tine the ownera of 69.0 percent or nore of the general conDon elenents and 69.0 percent of all first Iienorg shall agree that the building has becone obsolete and ehould be sold, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall pronptly record ln tlre real estate records of Eagle County, Colorado, i notlce of such facts, and shall sell the entlre reat pioperty, free and clear of the provieions of thiE Declaratlon and the ltap, which ehall whotty ternl.nate and expire upon the closing of such sale. The proceeds ol euch eale shal'l be collected, applled and divlded anong the ownere by the Associationln the manner provided in subparagraph 11(c) herein. 13. Condennation. (a) If the entire real property shall be taken for any public or qirisi-public use, under any statute, bY right of eninent donain, or by purchase in lieu thereof, or if any part of the bulldlng shall be so taken, or if any part of the land shall be so taken and the part rernalnlng shall be insufflclent for prrrposes of Bell Toser Condoniniums, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall collect the award rnade in such taking and shall Eell the part of the land renaining after the taking, if any, free and clear of the provJ-sions of this Declaration and the l'lap. - such provisions ehall wtrotty ter:minate and expire uPon the recording of a notice by the Association setting forth all of such facts. The award and the proceeds of such sale, if any, shall be collected, applied and divided anong the owners by the Association in the nanner provided in subparagraph 11(c) herein. (b) If such taking shatl be partial only, and lf the renaining part of the land shall be sufficient for the purposes of BeLl Tower Condominl-ums, the condonl.niun ownership hereunder shall not terninate. Each osner shall be entitled to a Ehare of the condemnation award to be determl.ned under the follorlng provisions: (i) The total anount allocated to taking of or injury to the general common elenents shall be apportioned arnong-owners on tne basis of each ownerrs respective Sharing Ratlo then in effect; (ii) The total anount allocated to severance danages stritt be apportioned to the oltners of those units which were not taken or condemned on the basis of each such owner's respective Sharing Ratio then in effect; 19 (iii) The respective anounts allocated to the taking of or inJury to a particular unit or to inprovements an owner has nade within hiE own unit shall be apportioned to the owner of that partlcular unit involvedi and' (iv) The total anount allocated to coneequential danages and any other taklng or inJurles shall be apportioned anong the owners in proportlon to their respective Sharing Ratlos then in effect. If an allocation of the award is already established in negotiation, Judicial decree, or othenrise, then in allocating the avard the Association shall enploy such allocation. Distribution of apportioned proceeds shall be rnade by checks payable Jointly to the respective ounerE and their respective first lienorE. (c) In the event a partial taklng results in the taklngof a unit, the owner thereof shatl automatically cease to be a nenber of the Association, and hie ownershJ.p interest in the general conmon elenents shall terninate and vest in the owners of the rernaining condoniniun units. Thereafter, the Association shall reallocate the ownership and assessment ratios determined in accordance with this Declaration accordl.ng to ttre same principles eroployed in this Declaration at itE inception, and shall subnit such reallocation to the ownerg of the renaining units for the anendment of this Declaration. (d) rn the event of a partlal taking, the renaining part of the land shall be deerned sufficient for PurPoses of Bell Tower Condoniniums unless within 1Oo days after the date of such partial taklng the owners of 69.0 Percent or nore of ttre generaL connon elements and 69.0 percent of all first lienors shall agree that the renaining part of the land shall be deened insufficient for purposes of Bell Tower Condominiuns, in which event the remainingpart of the land for all purposes of this ParagraPh 13 shall be deened insufficient for purposes of BeII Tower Condominiuns. (e) In the event that any portion of Bell Tolter Condonlniuns shall be nade the eubject natter of any condemnation or emLnent domain proceeding or Ls othersise sought to be acqulredby a condemnlng authority, then tinely written notice of such condennation shall be given by the Association to each owner and firet lienor. 14. ouality of t{ork. Any repairs, renovation or restorationof the real property or any building covered by this Declaration by the Association ast attorney-in-fact for the onners shall be done in such nanner as to nake the real property or the buildlng at least as valuable after such work as it sas inmediately before the occurrence requiring the work to be done. 15. Amendnent or Revocation. (a) This Declaration nay be anended or revoked (i) by Declarant at any tirne prior to the filing 20 of the t{ap, and (it) upon the vrltten approval ln recordable foraof the onnera of 59.o percent or nore of the general conrnon elenents and 69.0 percent of all first lienors, except that theprovlsions of thiE Paragraph 15, the provlelonE of subparagraphs 2(a),2(e1 ,2(f1 ,2(ql ,2(h), 4(d),6(a),6(b), 7 (al ,7(c),8(a),21(d), 21(h) and 21(i) herein and Exhibit B relating to interests in the general comnon elements and the linited conmon elenents may be anended only upon such approval of the osners of 1oo.O percent of the general conmon elements and all flrst lienors. It shall also be revoked in whole or Ln part upon eale of aII or part of the real property pursuant to subparagraph 11(c)' L2(c, or 13(a) herein. (b) Notvithgtanding the provlslons of eubparagraph 15(a) hereLn to the contrary, in the event of the conbinatLon, division or partition of a unit or units pursuant to the reservations set fortn in subparagraph 2(el herein or the enclosure of linited common elements puisuant to the reserrrations set forth in subparagraph 2(f) or 2(g) herein, the owner or ottners of such unit or units and the first lienor of such unit or units nay anend this Declaration, without the coneent of any other owner, such other ownerrs first lienors or the Association, to reflect a proportionate adJustrnent, cornbination, division or partition betieen the resulting units and the owner or owners thereof with respect to the percentage ownership in the general common elements and the percentage of general conmon exPenses attributable to such resulting units; provided, however, that any such amendment shall not increase or decrease the percentage ownership in the general conrnon elements of, or the percentage of suctr conmon expenses to be paid by, any onner not involved in such combination, division or partition. 16. Property for Conmon Use. The AssociatLon may acguire and hold for the use and benefit of all ovners, real property, as long as such real property is purchased at a foreclosure sale or if such property is to be used as a managerrs unit, and tangible and intangible personal property and nay dispose of the same by sale or othenrJ.se, and the beneficl-al lnteregt in any such property shall be owned by the osners in the Eame proportion aE their respective intereEts in the general comnon elenents and shall not be transferable except vith a tranEfer of a condoninlun unit. A transfer of a condoniniurn unit shall transfer to the transferee ownership of the transferrorrs beneficial interest in such property vithout any reference thereto. Each ortner may use such property in accordance with the purpose for which lt is lntended, wlthout hindering or encroaching upon the lawful rights of the other olrners. The transfer of tltle to a condoniniun unit under foreclosure shall entitle the purchaaer to the beneflcial interest in such property associatea wittr the foreclosed condoniniun unit. 2L L7. Registration bv Owner of litailinq Address. Each oetnershall register his nailing address with the Association, and exceptfor nonthly statemente and other routine noticeg which nay be sent regular nail, postage prepaid, addressed ln the nane of the ownerat such registered nailing address, all other notl.ces or demands lntended to be served upon an owner (whether by the Association or another oqrner) shall be sent certifl.ed uail, postage prepaid, addresEed in the nane of the owner at euch registered nailingaddress. All notices, denands or other notices intended to be serrred upon the Association shall be sent certified nail, postage prepaid, to the address of the Associatlon aE designated in the Bylaws of the Association. 18. Duration of Condominiun ownership. The separate estates created by this Declaration and the.uap shall continue until this Declaration shall be revoked or untll lts provlsions shall terninate as provided herein. 19. Architectural Control . No building, fence, wall or otherstructure shall be connenced, erected or naintained upon theproperty covered by the Declaration, nor shalI any exterior addition to or change or alteration to the bullding be nade untilthe plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape,height, color, naterials, and location of the same shall have been subnitted to and approved in writing as to harnony of external.design and Iocation in relation to- surrounding structures and topography by the Board or by an architectural connittee composedof three or nore representatives appointed by the Board. In the event the Board, or its designated cornnitteer fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within thirty days after saidplans and specifications have been subnitted to it, approval willnot be required and this Paragraph will be deemed to have beenfully conplied with. 20. Easement, Lease. License and Use of General comnonElements. The Association shall have the right to grant by easement, lease, license or pernit the use of, by less than all ownera or by nonouners and with or without charge as the Association may deen desirable, any portlon of the general connon elenents or any condoniniun unit ovned by tbe Association. Therights granted to the AssociatLon in this Paragraph 2O shall only be used in the promotion of the collective best interest of the ottners. 2]-. Restrictive covenants and oblicrations. (a) No fnperiling of fnsurance. No onner and no ownerrs invitees shall do anything or cause anything to be kept in or onthe general conmon elenents or the unlts (collectively called herein the trcondoniniun projecttr) that rnight result in an increasein the premiuns of insurance obtained for the condoniniun project or which night cause cancellation of such insurance without the 22 prlor written consent of the Associatlon first having been oltalnea. The operation of a restaurant and bar shall not regulre the prior written consent of the Associatl-on. (b) No VLolation of Law. No ouner and no otmerrsinvitees shall do anything or keep anythlng in or on the condonlnlun proJect wtrich wouta be inmoral , lnproper, offenElve or in violation of any statute, rule, ordinance, regulatl.on, pernit or other valldly lnposed requirenent of any governmental body. (c) No Noxious. OffenEive- Hazardous or Annoving Activities. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any part of the condominiurn project nor Ehall anything be.done oi placed on or in any part of the condoniniun project which is or rnay become an unreasonable nuisance, disturbance or annoyance-to otherE. No owner shall pertit any actlvlty ln his unit which results in sounds belng tiansrnltted through the floor or ceiling of his unit that unreasonabJ.y interfere vith the use of the units below or above. No activity shall be conducted on any part of the condominiun project and no improvements Ehall be nade or constructed on ahy part of the condoninLun proJect which are or night be unsafe or hazardous to any peraon or property. The.owners acknowledge and agree tlrat buslness and conmercial actLvities including, without linitation, restaurant and bar operatione shall be conduCted in and on units nurnbered c-l through C-12, incluslve, and the general common elenents and that some annoyance and inconvenience is to be expected and tolerated. The owners acknowledge and agree that unit R-1 is to be used for residential or conmeicial purposes and that excessive noise, unsightly displays, excessive and unpleasant odors and all other excessive nuiianles are to be avoided. Noise, smoke, odors or Iightspecifically permitted by the Town of vail ordinances, rules or regrulatlons adopted fror tlne to tlne, ehall not be subJect to conplaint by any orner. (d) No Unslghtliness. No unsightliness shall be permitted on or in any part of the condonLnlum project. l{ithout liniting the generality of the foregoing; nothing shall be kept or stored on or in any of ttre general common elenentsi nothlng shall be hung or placed upon any of the general connon elenentsi and nothing shall be ptaced on or in uindowe or doors of the condoninirrn project, which would or night create an unsightly apPearance. (e) Restriction on Anlna1s. No aninals, Ilvestock, horses or fouftry of iny kind shall be kept, raised or bred within any unit oL withln the general conmon elements lncluding, -but not linited to, dogs, cats or other donesticated household anirnals. (f) Trash and Unsiqhtly Uses. Unsightly objects and naterials shall not be placed upon the general conmon elenents and no part of the general conmon elements nay be used as a dunping 23 ground for garbage, trash or other vaste, and the sane shall be disposed of ln a sanitary nanner. The AEEoclation shall have theright to enter upon any of the general connon elements and to remove Euch refuse piles or other unsightly obJects and rnaterialat the expense of the owner causing the eane, and such entry shall not be deemed a trespass. (S) No Violation of Rules. No ouner and no ownerrs fanily, guests, ernployees, licensees, lessees, agents or inviteesshatl violate the rules and regrulations adopted from tine to tine by the Association, whether relatlng to the uee of unl.ts, the use of general conmon elements, or othenrise. (h) Town of Vail Restrictions on Use. rhe use of the areaa deeignated and nade subject onto the Uap as R-lA and R-18 le hereby restricted the following: (i) That such areas shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than thirty consecutive days, and that if it shall be rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full-titne enployees in the Upper Eagle valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deened to include the Gore Valley, t{lnturn, Red ctiff, Gilnan, Eagle-Vail , Avon and their eurrounding areas. A full-tine enployee is a person who works an average of thlrty hours per week. (ti) The restrlctlons in this subparagraph 21(h) shall not be anended or revoked prior to JanuaryL, 2oo4 without the prior wrLtten approval in recordable form by the Town of Vail. Declarant reserwes unto itself and the succesror orrner of unit R-1, without the consentof any other owner, such other ownerrs first lienor or the Association the right to nodify or terninate therestrictions in this subparagraph 21(b) when pernitted to do so by the Town of Vail. (i) Interpretation. Deternination with respect to whether or not a particular actlvity or occurrence shall constitute a vlolation of this Paragraph 21 ehall be nade by the Board and shall be final; provided, however, that a decision whether or not a particular activity or occurrence occurring on, in or around unitE C-l through c-12, inclusive, shall constitute a vlolation of this Paragraph 2t, shall be made only upon a reasonable detetminatlon based upon the requirenents llniting action of the Board as set forth in subparagraph 6(b) herein. 22. Effect of Provisions of Declaratlon. Each provision of this lleclaration, and agreernent, pronise, covenant and undertakingto conply with each provision of thls Declaration, and any necesaarf exception or reservation or grant of title, estate, right or interest to effectuate any provision of this Declaration: (i) 24 shall be deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrunent by which any right, title or interest in any condominiun unit is granted, devlied or conveyed, whether or not eet forth or referred to in such deed or othei instrument; (11) shall, by virtue of acceptance of any right, title or interest in any condominiun unit by an ottner, be deerned accepted, ratifJ.ed, adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such owner and, aa a personal covenant, sfritf be binding on Euch owner and hiE heirs, personal representatlves, iuccessors and aseigne; and, shall be deemed a personal covenant to, uith and for the beneflt of the Association lnd of each owner of any condoml.nium unlt; and, (iii) shall be deerned a real covenant by Declarant, for itself, its successors and assigns, and also an equitable servltude, running in each case, as a bulden with and upon ttre title to each and every condoniniun unit. 23. Enforcenent and Remedles. Each provisLon of ttrls Declaration shall be enforceable by the Assoclation or by any owner by a proceeding for a prohibitlve or nandatory injunction and/or by a iuit or aCtion to recover danages. If court proceedings are instltuted in connectlon with the rights of enforcernent and renedies provlded in this Declaration, the prevaillnq party shall be entitled to recover its costs and exPenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attorneysr fees. Failure by the Association or by any orrner to enforce any provision, covenant or restriction herein contained in no event shall be deened a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 24. Special Amendments. Declarant hereby reserves and is granted the right and power to record a special amendment . (a;special Anendnentt) to this oeclaration at any tirhe and fron tirne to tine which anends this Declaration (i) to conply with requirenents of the Federal National l{ortgage Association, the covernmental National Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loan tlortgage Corporation; the Department of Housing and urban Deveiopnent, or any other pubLic, quasipublic or private -entitywhich perfoms (or nay perform in the future) functLons sinilar to those -currently perfo-rned by such entities, and/or (ii) to-induce any of such ag-nbies or entitieE to nake, purchase, ee11., insure, or guarantee a nortgage covering the condominium units- In furtherance of the toiegoing, a poier coupled wlth an interest ls hereby reseryed and granted to Declarant to nake or consent to a Special Amendment on behalf of each ouner. Each deed' mortgage, trust deed, other evidence of obllgation or other instrunent affecting a condominiun unit and the acceptance thereof shall be deened to be a grant and acknowledgenent of, and a consent to the reserrration of, the power of Declaration to nake, execute and record a Special Amendment. No Special Anendnent made by Declarant shall affect or lnpair an existing deed of trust or mortgage upon a condominLum unit or any warranties rnade by an onner or mortgagee in order to induce any of the above agencies or entities to nake, 25 e,or guarantee the uortgage on such ownerre I any of the provisions of thls Declaratlon or anylce, clause, phrase or word, or the appllcation .rcunstance be inval-idated, euch Lnvafidtty shallrlidity of the renainder of thie Declaratlon, andf any such provision, paragraph, sentence, clause,n any other circunstances sha1l not be affected re provJ-siong of thls lleclaratlon ehall be in clemental to the Condouinlun ownership Act of ther and to all other provlstons of law. lenever used herein, unless the context shalle, the sLngrular nunber shall include the plural ,ingular, and the use of any gender shall include REOF, day of oklahoma linited partnershlp BY: ss. cn-. gxpires: 'L .; rNotary Public )) ) ) DeclaratLon .?g€, Firstded in the rd Recorder, ,aid r.ot attherly linererly line,y corner of , according .e office ofleri thencetherly and Gore Creekfeet; (2, Beginning; slo'43 | OOrrEre for Gore 7 line, the ight-of-way:t along the E of 622.79 chord thatrrting said ;3. OO feet;fooffw L2.7L N1o'43 r OO||W:o the True 't L987 rg and98r aa rts of enants ap. ng Lnstrtrment was acknowledged before ne ttris .j!f4q , 198tr9 by clark s. willlnghan, as affiTr Toner'associitEs, Ltd., an oklaho-na rinited hand and official seal . Declarant haE , a Gen-eral 26 4.Rlght of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and renove his ore therefrou should the sarne be found to penetrate or intersect the prenisee as resented in United States Patent recorded July 12, 1899, ln Book 48 at Page 475. Right of way for ditcheE or canals constructedby the authority of the Unl.ted States as reser:ved in United States Patent recorded JuIy L2t L899, In Book 48 at Page ,175. Restrictive covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clauge, but onlttlngrestrictions, if any, based on racer color,religion or national origin, ad contained In instrument recorded August 10, L962, in Book 174 at Page 179. Easements, resert/atlons and restrictions a€t shown or reserved on the recorded plat of VailVillage, FirEt Filing. 5. 6. 7. Page 2 of 2 I I EXHIBIT B (Attached to and nade a part of condoninlun Declarationfor Bell Tower Condoninluns.) Interests in General Conruon Elernents Percentage ownership in General conmon Elenents Appurtenant to the Unit 28.67 2L.64 3.45 1.95 1. 93 5.52 1. 30 4.26 L.82 1.78 L.78 1. 53 24.26 100. oo The owner(s) of each unit shall have the exclusive right to use any entry, kitchen, bathroon, walkway, stairs, hall, hallway, elevator, porch, balcony, deck, patJ-o, mechanicaL or storage area referenced on the lrlap with tlre numerical designation correspondingto the unit nurnerical designation of his unit, and each such entry' kitchen, bathroom, walkvay, stairs, porch, balcony, deck, patio or storage area shall be a linlted conmon element, as designated onthe Map, appurtenant to the unit(s) wlth the corresponding unit numerical designation. Unit c-1 c-2 c-3 c-4 c-5 c-6 c-7 c-8 c-9 c-10 c-11 c-L2 R-1 BYI.AI[S :OF BEIL TOI9ER CONDOI.{INIT'I{ A8AOCrATION ARTICLE I offices - __T-h",principal office of the corporation (the 'rAssociationrr)shall be located in vair, colorado 9L657. The Association rnay alsohave offices and may carry on its purposes at such other ilaceswithin and outside the state of colorad-o as the Board of Dirlctorsmay from time to time determine. ARTICLE IIT Administration 1. Annual Meetinq. The annual neeting of the nernbers shaltbe held at a tine designated by the Board of Directors or the ARTICLE II Membership. Votincr, ouorum and proxies 1. Membership. The menbers of the Association shall_ be asset forth in the articles of incorporation from time to tirne. - 2. Voting Rights. The voting rights of the menbers shallbe as set forth in the articles oi intorporation and in thesebylaws frorn time to tirne. 3. Ouorum. Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws,the presence in person or by proxy of members entitled to vote so.dpercent or more of the total votes of the nenbers shall constitutea quorum. 4. Proxies. Votes rnay be cast in person or by proxy. Everyproxy must be executed in writing by the mernber or his dulyauthorized attorney-in-fact. No proxy shalr be valid after thlexpiration of eleven nonths frorn the dlte of its execution unlessotherwise provided in the proxy. . 5. Majoritv Vote. At any rneeting of members, if a quorumis present, the affirrnative vote of nore than 5o.o percent of ttrevotes represented at the meeting, in person or by proxy, shall bethe act of the nernbers, unless the vote of a gleater'number isrequired by raw, the articles of incorporation, the condominiundeclaration (the rrDeclaration') establishing the condominiunproject at Bell Tower Condoniniums (the rpremisesr), or thesebylaws. o fourth Tuesday in the month of December, beginning with the yearl-989, for the purpose of electing directors and for the transaction.of such other business as.may come before the rneeting. rf the dayfixed for the annuaL rneeting shall be a legar holidaf in cororado]such rneeting sharl be held on the next succeeding brisiness day. 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the members, forany purpose, unress otherwise prescribed by statute, may be calledby the president or by the Board of Directors, and inarr be called.by the president at the reguest of the mernbers entitred to vote40.0 percent or more of the total votes of the mernbers. 3. Place of Meetinq. The Board of Directois rnay designateany place, either within or outside colorado, as the pllce foi anyannuar neeting or for any special rneeting called by the Board o?Directors. A waiver of notice signed by all rnembe-rs entitred tovote at a meeting nay designate any place, either within or outsidecolorado, as the ptace for such rneeting. rf no designation ismade, or if a speciar rneeting shall be called otherwise fhan by theBoard, tlg prac" of meeting shall be the principal office oi tneAssociation in Colorado. .4. Notice of Meeting. Written or printed notice of anymeeting of the menbers, stating the place, a.y and hour of themeeting, and the purpose or purposeJ for whicn the meeting iscalred, shall be delivered personarly or by rnair to each rnernberentitled to vote at such meeting not ress thln 10 nor more than 50days before the date of the meeting. rf nailed, such notice shallbe deerned to be delivered when depoLited. in the itnited states nail ,addressed to the mernber at his address as it appears in the officeof the Association, with postage thereon prepaia. For the purposeof deterrnining members entitled to notice bf or to vote at anyneeting of menbers, the Board of Directors may set a record datefor such determination of members, in accordance with the laws ofcororado. rf requested by the person or persons lawfully calJ.ingsuch meetings, the secretary snalt qive noiice thereof at iorporat6exPense. 5. Infonnal Action by Members. Any action reguired orpermitted to be taken at a neeting or the nembers may be takenwithogt a neeting if a consent in wr-iting, setting forth the actionso taken, sharl be signed by all of the nembers entitled to votewith respect to the s-ubject natter thereof. such consent shalrhave the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of the menbers.,and may be stated as such in any articles or document filed siththe Secretary of State of Colorado. 5. Yotinq. In the election of d.irectors, each nenber shallhave the right to vote the number of votes to which he is entitledfor as lany- persons as there are directors to be elected, and forwhose election he is entitled to vote. cunulative voting snatl notbe allowed. ARTICLE IV Board of Directofs .l-. Nunber. Tenure and Oualifications. The business andaffairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board ofDirectors. The Board of Directors sharl consiJt of f-our directors,two of which shall be class A directors and two of which shall bea class B director. Each director, other than an initial director,shall be an individuaL member, or a partner, trustee, officer,employee, director or 25.0 percent sharehorder of an organizationaimenber. A person other than an initial director shallautomaticalry cease to be a director at such time as he ceases tobe an individual menber or a partner, trustee, officer, employee,director or 25.0 percent shareholder of an organizational nreurirer.Directors sharl be erected annualry at the arinual meeting. Eachdirector shall hold office untir the election and qualificition ofhis succesbor. This section L of Article rv sha1l not be amendedwithout the vote of L00.0 percent of the votes of the nembers. 2. Election of Directors. The Class A director shall beelected by.a rnajority vote of the Residential Members, as definedin the articres of incorporation, who are entitled to vote at aneeting at which directors are to be elected. The class Bdirectors shall be erected by a rnajority vote of the conmerciarMembers, as defined in the articres of incorporation, who areentitled to vote at a meeting at which directors -are to be erected.This section 2 of Article rv shall not be amended without the voteof 100.0 percent of the votes of the members. :. .Resj.gnations; Vacancies. Any director nay resign at anytine by giving written notice to the piesident or tlie secietary o?the Association. such resignation sharl take effect at the finespecified therein, and unless otherwise specified thereinr. theacceptance of such resignation sharr not be necessary to malie iteffective: Any vacancy on occurring the Board of Directors (byreason of resignation, death, an increase in the nunber -oi directors or otherwise) nay be filred by the affirruative vote ofa majority of the directols then in oifice though less than as.ugruni provided, however, that upon the death, -resignation orotherwise caused vacancy of a class a director, the nei directorto fill such vacancy shall be an individual conrnercial Member, ora partner, trustee, officer, employee, director or 25.0 percentsharetrorder of an organizationat -commercial Mernber. Furtherprovided, that upon the death, resignation or otherwise causedvacancy of a crass B director, the nelr director to firl suchvacancy shall be an individual commerciar l,Iember, or a partner,trustee, officer, enployee, director or 2s.o percent shaieholderof an organizationar connercial Member. a direitor elected to filla vacancy shall be elected to senre untit the next annual neeting of the menbers'. This section 3 of Article rv sharl not be arnendedvithout the vote of 100.0 percent of the votes of the members. 4. General Powers. The Board shall have and may exerciseall the powers of the Association except such as are expresslyconferred.upon the members, either in their capacity as members oithe Association or as olrners 6f condominium unitJ ltne nunitstr)Iocated on the Premises, by 1aw, or by the articles ofincorporation, the Declaration or these bylaws 5.In additionits general powers, the Boardresponsibility, acting through shall have the authority andthe Associationts officers: to the (a) To adninister and enforce the covenants, conditions,restrictions, easements, uses, Limitations,. obrigations and aliother provisions set forth in the Declaration subrnitting theproperty to the provisions of the condominium ownership ect of theState of Colorado. . (b) To establish, pake, amend and enforce compliancewith such reasonabre house rures as may be necessary for theoperation, use and occupancy of the prernises. (c) To maintain in good order, condition and repair, andwhen it deems it necessary, to renovate arl of the genLral andlinited comnon elements, as defined in the Declarati6n, and allitens of personal property used.in the.enjolnnent of the premises. (d) To obtain and naintain insurance in connection withthe Prenises, the menbers, the Association and holders of liens onunits in the manner and the arnounts provided in the Decraration. (e) To fix, determine, levy and collect annual andspecial assessments to be paid by each bt tne members to neet theconmon expenses (as defined in the Decraration) and to create acontingency reserve therefor, all as specificarly proyided for inParagraph 8 of the Declaration. - (f) To collect prornptJ-y all delinquent assessnentssuit or otherwise and to enjoin ol seek danages from a nemberis provided in the Declaration and these bylaws. by AS (S) To protect and defend the Premises from loss anddamage by suit or otherwise. (h) To borrow funds in order to pay for any e:<penditureor outlay authorized by these bylaws and the Declaration, toexecute all such instruments evidencing such indebtedness as theBoard nay deern necessary or advisable. o (i) To enter into contracts within the scope of theirduties and powers. (j) To establish bank and/or investment accounts for the conmon treasury and for alr separate funds which are reguired orrnay be deerned advisable by the Board. (k) To rnaintain full and accurate books and recordsshowing arl of the receipts, expenses or disbursernent of theAssociation. Any member or his tirst lienor, as d.efined in theDecraration, may inspect such records at any reasonable time, andupon ten daysr notice to the nanaging agent or Board. and paymentof a reasonabre fee, any nember, first lienor or prospective rnemberor first rienor shall be furnished a statenent or such present menberrs account setting forth the anount of any unpaid asseismentsor other charges due and owing from such present member. (I) To prepare and deliver annually to each member astatenent showing all receipts, expenses or disbursements since thelast such statement (l) To take any action or enter into any agreement that l?y bg required as a condition to al1ow any first tienor to sellhis interest in any unit to the Fedefal National MortgageAssociation, the Governrnental National }lortgage Association, -tie Federar llone Loan Mortgage corporation or the Department of Housingand.urban.Development, which shall incrude, but not be lirnited to,giving written notice to any such entity of any loss to, or takin!of, general or linited common elements if such foss or takin!exceeds 9101000 or darnage to a unit covered by a rnortgage or deedof trust purchased in whole or in part by any such eniity exceedssL,000. such notice sharl be sent in cale oi ttre party lervicingsuch rnortgage or deed of trust. - -6. Man?crilq Aqent. The Board nay employ a managing agentfor the Association at a compensation establishld by tht soard toperfom such duties and services as the Board shalr authorizeincluding, but not linited to, the duties listed in section s orthis Article rV. . Reaular Meetinqs. Regular neetings of the Board nay beherd without carl or formal notile at such places within the siateof colorado, and at such times as the Board may from tine to tineby vote deternine. Any business rnay be transacted at a regularneeting. until further detennination, the regular meetinq oi ttreBoard for the election of officers and for suih other business asmay come before the rneeting may be held without call or fornalnotice irnnediately after, ina it the same prace as, the annualneeting of nernbers, or any special neeting of nenbers at shich aBoard is elected. 5 - _ _ 8. Special MqetiJrqs. Special meetings of the Board nay beheld.1t any place within colorado at any time when called by the.nr-ae i Aan* ar hrr *r-r^ ^- s^-^ r.3president, or by two or more directors, it lease three daysr lriornotice of the time and place thereof being given to each dirLctorby leaving such notice with him or at rris teliaence or usual praceof business, or by mailing or telegraphing it prepaidr- andaddressed to him at his post office address ai it appeJrs on thebooks of the Association, or by telephone. Notices n-eLd not statethe purposes of the meeting. No notice of any ad.journed meetingof the directors shall be reguired. 9. Ouorurn. A najority of the nu:nber of directors fixed bythe bylaws sharl constitute a quorum for the transaction oibusiness, but a lesser number uray idjourn any rneeting fron tirne to !it". Wh"t] a qluorum is present at any meeting, a nJjority of thedirectors in attendance shalr, excepl where -a targer nrirnber isrequired by. law, by the articles or incorporation- or by thesebyJ-aws, decide any guestion brought before such neeting. _ _10. Waiver of Notice. Before, at or after any meeting of the.Board, any director may, in writing, waive notice bf such heeting.and such waiver shaLl be deemed equivarent to the giving of sucfrnotice. Attendance by a director at any rneeting of the Bolrd shallbe a waiver of notice by hinr except when a director attends theneeting for the express purpose or -oojecting to the transaction ofbusiness because the meeting is not iawfulty called or convened. 11. !,leetinqs by T,elephone. Unless otherwise provided by thearticres of incorporation, urembers of the Board oi any conmitt""thereof_may participate in a neeting of the Board or cornnittee bymeans of conference telephone or sinilar comrnunications equipnenlby- which arl persons participating in the rneeting can helr-eachother at the same tj-rne. such participation shall constitutepresence in person at the neeting. .I2. fnfornal Action bv Directors. Any action required orpernitted to be taken at a neeting of the dilectors may be takenwithout a meeting if a consent in v-riting, setting forth ihe actionso taken, shall be signed by all of the directori entitled to votewith respect to the subject natter thereof. such consent shallhave the same force and effect as a unaninous vote of thedirectors. ARTICLE V Officers and Aqents 1. General . The officers of the Association shall bepresident-(who shall be chosen from the menbers of the Board), oneor more vice presidents, a secretary and a treasurer. The'Boardof Directors nay appoint such otherbfficers., assistant officers,committees and agents, incruding assistant secretaries and assistant treasurers, as they rnay consider necessary or advisabre,who sharl be chosen in such iannLr and hord their oifi.." ror sucrrterms and have such authority and duties as from tirne to tirne rnaybe determined by the Board. one person nay hold any two officeslexcept that no person may simurtaneousry hold the offices oipresident and secretary. rn arr cases where the duties of anyofficer, agent or employee are not prescribed by the bylaws or u!the Board, such officer, agent or ernployee shall follow the order-sand instructions of the president. 2. Removal of Officers. Upon an affirnative vote of amajority -of the rnembers of the Board, any officer may be removed,either with or without cause, and his successor elLcted at anyregular _meeting of the Board, or at any special meeting of theBoard called for such purpose, 3. . Vacancies. A vacancy in any office, however occurring,nay be firled by the Board for the unexpired portion of the tern. 4. President. The president shall be the chief executiveofficer of the Association. He shall preside at ali meetings ofthe Association and of the Board. He snart have the general andactive control of the affairs and business of the Asso6iation andgeneral supervision of its officers, agents and ernployees. -5. Vice Presidents. The vice presidents shall assist thepresident and shalr perform such duties as may be assigned to thenby the president or by the Board. rn the absence of tht president,the.vice.president designated by the Board or (if there -be no suchdesignation) designated in writing by the president shall have thepowers and perforn the duties of the president. rf no suchdesignation shall be made, each and every vice president nayexercise such powers and perforn such dutieJ. 6. Secretary. The Secretary shall: (a) ,Keep the minutes of the proceedings of the menbers,executive committee and the Board; (b) See that all notices are duly given in accordancewith_ the provisions of these bylaws, the Seclaration and asrequired by law; (c) Be custodian of the corporate records and of theseal of the Association and affix the sear to alr docunents whenauthorized by the Board of Directors; (d) Keep at its registered office or principal place ofbusiness within or outside colorado a record. containiig tie namesand registered addresses of all menbers, the designation of theUnit owned by each member, and-, if such Unit is encunbered by amortgage or a deed of trust, the name and address of the party who o holds the pronissory note secured by such mortgage or deed oftrust i (e) fn general, perforn all duties incident to theoffice of secretary and such other duties as fron tirne to tine naybe assigned to hi-m by the president or by the Board. assistantsecretaries, if any, shall have the same duties and powers, subjectto supervision by the secretary. , 7. Treasurer. The treasurer shall be the principalfinancial officer of the Association and shall have the care indcustody of all funds, securities, evidences of indebtedness andother.personal property of the Association and sharl deposit thesame in accordance with the instructions of the Board. He shallreceive and give receipts and acguittances for moneys paid in onaccount of the Association, and shall pay out of the tunas on handall bilIs, payrolls and other just aLuts of the Association ofwhatever nature upon maturity. He shall perform arl other dutiesincident to the office of the treasurer ind, upon request of theBoard, sharl make- such reports to it as nay be requlred at any !ime.. He shall, if required by the Board, give the -Association ibond in such sums and with such sureties as-shall be satisfactoryto the Board, conditioned upon the faithfur perforrnance of hiiduties and for the restoratibn to the Association of alr books,papers, vouchers, money and other property of whatever kind in hispossession or under his control belonging to the Association. Hesharl have such other powers and. perforn such other duties as maybe frorn tirne to time prescribed by the Board or the president. Thaassistant treasurers, if aDyr Gnarr have the sime powers andduties, subject to the supervision of the treasurer. ARTICLE VI Obligations of the Members 1. Asgessments. Each member shall pay his share of alIassessments irnposed by the Association to ureet €he cornmon expenses.Each assessment shall be arlocated anong the menbers on thl basisof.their sharing Ratios, as defined in thL Decraration, except thatwith - respect to unoccupied Units owned by Declaran€, theAssociation shalr assess Declarant onry if the aslessments assessedwith respect to all units not owned -by Declarant or occupied byDeclarant are insufficient, in which case Declarant shall baassessed for all units owned and unoccupied by it in the aggregate,an arnount. eguar to the amount reguired to meet actual expenses ofthe Association not to exceed an amount egual to the pro rita shareof the common expenses Declarant would be required 1o pay if arlof the units owned by it rrere occupied. rf a unit is ownea by twoor mor_e ment'ers r each of such co-owners shall be jointly andseveralry liable for the portion of the assessment att;ibutaute tosuch unit. Assessnents sharl be due and payabre on the date ordates specified in the assessment notice. -all unpaid assessments may bear a late chargb at a rate determined by the Board fron tineto tirne and shall be. secured by a lien on tie unit owned ry [riedefaulting member, in accordance with the provision= or- theDeclaration. 2. Maintenance and Repair. ' (a) Every rnernber shall performor cause .to be performed at his own expense al1 maintenance andrepair woik within his own unit (as deiined in the Declaration)necessary to rnaintain such unit in a good and.habitable state oirepair. (b) AIl repairs of internal installations in a Unit suchas waterr.light, gas, power, sewage, telephones, air conditioners,sanitary installations, doors, windows, electrical fixtures and aliother accessories, equipment and fixtures belonging to a unit shallbe at the rnemberrs expense. (c) Each member shall reimburse the Association pronptlyupon receipt of its statement for any expenditures incurrea uy itin repairing or replacing any generat or riurited cornrnon elelnentdanaged by the negrigence or intentional acts of such member, hisfamily, tenants or invitees. 3. Conpliqnce with Decl,aration. Articles, Bylaws qnd Rules.Each member shall cornply with all of the proviEionE ot trreDeclaration, the articl-es of incorporation and bylaws of theAssociation and any rures and regurations issued by the Board. rfa nember fails to cornply, the Association sharl have the power,during the period ot such delinquency, to suspend a member,s iotiniprivileges. ARTICLE VII -l-. Proof of Ownership. Except for those nenbers whoinitiarly contracted to purchase a unit fron the Declarant, anyperson on becoming a member sharr furnish to the Association lphotocopy or a certified copy of the recorded instrument vestingthat person with an interest or ownership. such copy shalr rernainin the files of the Association. A rnernber shatr noi ue deemed tobe in good standing and shalr not be entitled to vote at any annualor special rneeting of menbers unress this reguirenent is firstsatisfied. The Association may issue menbership certificates toIts nernbersi however, such cer€ificates sharr noi be deerned to beshares of stock in the Association. . 2. Reqistration of Mailing Address. If a Unit is owned bytwo or 4ore mernbers, such co-owners shall designate one address a!the regiEtered address required by the Decraration. tne iegisi"r"aaddress of a menber or menbers snatt be furnished to the secretary Reqistration ofMailincr Address and Lien Holders o within five- d.ays after transfer of titre, or after a change ofaddress, and such registration sharl be in written form and siqnedby arr of the nembers or by such persons as are authorized by 1awto represent the interest of such menbers. 3. Liens. Any mernber who nortgages or grants a deed oftrust covering his unit shalr notify the goard-of the name andaddress of the mortgagee or beneficilry of the deed of trust andshal1 fite conforned copies of the note and security instrunentwith the Board. The Board shall naintain such infoimation in abook entitred 'rl,iens on units'. The Board, when giving notice toa nernber of default in paying an assessnent or other deflult, shallsend a copy of such notice to each mortgagee or beneficiary of adeed of trust covering such rnemberrs unit-whose nane and abdresshas theretofore been furnished to the Board. First lienors, asshown in the Liens on units, shall have the right to examine thebooks and records of the Association at any reasonable time. Association sharl be 201 core creek Drive, Vair, cororado 91562.such-address may be changed from time to tine upon written noticeto arl memlters and alr mortgagees or beneficilries of deeds oftrust listed in Liens on Units. 4. Address of the Association.The address of the ARTICLE VIT Members shall have the right irrevocably to constitute andappoint the rnortgagee or the beneficiary of a t-rust deed their trueand rawful attorney-in-fact to vote trrlir unit rnembership in theAssociation at any and alr rneetings of the Association and- to vestin-the mortgagee or the beneficiary "ty and all rights, privileges ?nd porders that they have as mernbers under the irtictes -of incorporation and thele byraws or by virtue of the Declaration.such proxy shall becorne effective upon the filing of notice by themortgagee or the beneficiary with the secretary or the Associationat such tine or times as the nortgagee or the beneficiary shalldeen its security in jeopardy uy reason of the fairure, neg-lect orrefusal of the Association, the Board or the members to cirry outtheir duties as set forth in the Decraration. A release oi tnemortgage or the beneficiaryts deed of trust shall operate to.revokesuch proxy. Nothing herein contained shall be conslrued tq ierievenembers, as mortgagtors, of their duties and obrigations as onnersof units or to iurpose upon the mortgagee or the beneficiary of thedeed of trust the duties and obligations of a menber. 10 o ARTICLE IX Indernnif ication l-. Definitions. For purposes of this Article IX, thefollowing terms shalt have the rneinings set forth below: .("1 Proceeding. Any threatened, pending or completedaction, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criiinal , ld:ninistlativeor investigative and whether formal or informali . (b) fndernnified Partv. Any person who is or was a partyor is threatened to be made a part to iny proceeding ly reas6n oithe fact that he is or was a director or officer of the associationerr while a director or officer of the association, is or wasserving at the request of the association as a director, officer,partner, trustee, ernployee or agent of another corporation,partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, incrudingwithout linitation any emproyee benefit pran of thd association foiwhich any such person is -or was seiving as a trustee, planadninistrator or other fiduciary. 2.. fndemnification. The association shall indennify anyrndennified Party in any proceeding to the fultest extent permlttelby law. -3. Ingurance. By action of the Board of Directors,notwithstanding any interest of the directors in such action, theassociation may purchase and maintain insurance, in such amountsas the BoSrd may deern appropriate, on behalf of any rndemnified !?tty. against any liabirity asserted against hirn and incurred byhin in l i= capacity of or arising out of his status as anrndennified Party, whether or not the association would have thepower to indennify hirn against such riability under appricableprovisions of law. 1. Riqht to frnpose conditions to fndennification. Theassociation shal1 have the right to inpose, as conditions to anyindennification provided or pernittea - in ttris Articre rX, sucirreasonable requirenents and conditions as to the Board of Directorsnay_ appear appropriate in each specific case and circumstances,incruding but not lirnited to any one or rnore of .the following: t"ithat any counser representing the person to be indennifl.ed -iir connection with the defense or settlernent of any proceeding shallbe counser nutuarly agreeable to the person to be indennified, andto the association; (b) that the assoCiation shall have the right,at its option, to assume and control the defense or settlenent ofany clain or proceeding nade, initiated or threatened against theperson to be indennified; and (c) that the association shall besubrogated, to the extent of any palments made by way ofindennification, to all of the inaennifiea personrs-righl ofrecovery, and that the person to be indennified shall execute aII 11 writings and do everything necessary to assure such rights ofsubrogation to the associa€ion. ARTICLE X Amendments . 1. By Directors. Except as by law, the articles ofincorporation, the Declaration or these bylaws linited, orcornmitted to action by the members, the Board snart have power tonake, arnend and repear the byJ-aws of the Association at any regularneeting of the Board or af any speciar rneeting carled for thatpurpose at which a quorum is represented. However, if the menbersshall make, amend and repear any bylaw the directors shall notthereafter anend the same in such manner as to defeat or impair theobject of the members in taking such action. 2. Members. The menbers may, by the vote of the holders ofat-least 50.0 percent of the votes of the nembers, unless expresslynade subject to a higher voting reguirement by raw, ttre aitictelof incorporation, the Declaration or these bylaws, nake, alter,amend and repeal the byraws of the Association at any annuaimeeting or at any special neeting called for that purpose at wnicna quonrm shall be represented. l. ConfLict with Declaration. Notwithstanding anythingcontained herein to the contrary, these bylaws sharl not be arnenaeito bring any- provision herein into confllct with any provision ofthe Declaration. These bylaws, as amended from timeto tine, sharrremain subject to the Declaration and this section 3 of Article Xsha1l not be amended or deleted except by a vote of Loo.o percentof the votes of the mernbers. ARTICLE XI Miscellaneous 1. SeaI . The corporate seal of the Association shall becircular in forn and shall contain the name of the corporation, theyear of its organization and the words rrseal , Colorado.rl 2. Right of Entrv. The manAger and any person authorized !y tne Board of Directors shall havs the righL to enter each unitin case of any emergency originating in or threatening such unitwhether or not the owner or occupant is present at the-t,ine. 3. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Assocj_ation shallbe such as may from time to tine be established by the Board ofDirectors. L2 o 4. Services. Attached hereto as Schedule A is.a list ofservices provided by the Association, which are paid for out of the.periodic assessnent. 5. Assessrnent, Debts, Obliqations. Attached hereto asschedule B is a statement indicating what assessments, debts, orother obligations are assumed by a nenber on his Unit. 6. . Recrealiqn,I'acilities. There are presently no existingrecreationar facirities at and there are no plans to constructrecreational facilities as part of the preruisei. . 7. New Additions of General and Linited Comnon Elernents.There are presently no pJ-ans to construct or add new additions ofgeneral and linited cornnon elements to the premises. 13 SCHEDULE A L. 2. MalI and grounds care. Snow removal fron sidewalks,areas which are part of.the areas. stairs and nallgeneral conmon 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 7. Trash rernoval . ?later and sewer service to the units and asused in connection with general cornmon elernents. Electricity for tighting and heating of general, conmon elements. Adninistration, bookkeeping, Iegal and audit fnsurance, as more fully described in paragraph 9 of the Declaration. A1l other ordinary maintenance, repair work,and services related to the general common el.ements which nay be necessary. The services set forth herein are the initialservices to be provided by the Association. The Association may, from time to time, add toor subtract from the list. \- SCHEDULE B Assessments. Debts, or Other Obliqations AssumedBv a Member on his Condominiurn Unit 1. Assessments. Each member will be assessed by theAssociation his pro rata share of the common expenses attributableto eacb Unit owned by him. Such proration shall be on the basisof Sharing Ratios, as defined the Declaration, on the date the cornmon expense is assessed, except that with respect to unoccupiedunits owned by Declarant, the Association sharl assess Decraiantonly if the assessments assessed with respect to all Units notowned by Declarant or occupied by Declarant are insufficient, inwhich case Declarant shaLl be assessed for all units owned andunoccupied by it in the aggregate, an amount egual to the amountrequired to meet actual expenses of the Association not to exceedan amount equal to the pro rata share of the conmon expensesDeclarant would be required to pay if all of the Units owned by itwere.occupied. special assessments may be tevied whenever in-theopinion.of the Board of Directors it is necessary or advisable todo so (i) to rneet increased operating or maintenance expenses orcosts, (ii) to provide for additional capital expenses, or (iii) because of emergenciesi however, if the proposed additional capitalexpenses at any given tine are in excess of $5O,OOO.OO in theaggregate for any calendar year, such expenses may be incurred onlyafter the members, by the vote of the holders of at least 75.0percent of the votes of the members, approve such expenses. 2. Debts. All suns assessed but unpaid for the share ofconmon expenses assessed to any unit shall constitute a lien onsuch Unit in favor of the Association. This lien is more fullydescribed in subparagraphs B(e) and 8(f) of the Declaration. - ?. Obliqations. (a) Although Declarant does notanticipate that the merobers will purchale their units subject toany liens, except for the lien imposed by law for real propertytaxes levied on the Unit for thL year- in which the bnit i;purchased, there are liens irnposed by the laws of the united statesand the State of Colorado which may not appear of record. Eachprospective menber is advised to avair hinselr of a title insurancecornrnitment prior to closing of title on a Unit. (b) Each member may mortgage his Unit and the mortgagenay cover such menberrs interest in generat and linited commonelements. However, except for mechaniqrs liens, assessment liens,or tax liens, no other liens may be obtained against the general'or linited cornmon elements -.U a4lq{/ .AfilAN , ;,l,l.l tAt[ | r N' 'r Al.l lltiN H'' fHFsE I Rl:s[N'r:' l1r.tt t/ j l( tt l.N'l t:tit'k t:it 1; l l(( .rrr ')r,.rl)oma { ()t por ltton, '':t.,i ^l t..l /.. 1?'t t.(l t(, ,tr, lli.. " :lalrtol", l()r atld lll Con3id- ,.r,r! i, rr , I r'),,,1 ,rn,l vdluabl.' ,rrrl.td.l.rt l('l) pald to th€ . rtl t ( r !. t'v ht.l.l '1 , 'Wt:lt ASS()( tA'f!:l;, l..Tl). . .rn Ok l.rhonr l,rnr tad r, "r,.tlihit, { r,npl lrr.(t r)t Hlt('h Unt"rpr tseri, lnC. ls thc ...r.'.r.r. ,.trlrr.r ,||r(t (ldrk 5 Hr I lrnghrn rnd Paul H' Httch ar I lr., ^.r'rrr f ",.1 l',lr ttr.'r ri, h€tclnaf tct l.f"rfad to ati thc 'rcfantaa" th. rF( ..l;,t and srrftl(:lency ot vhr(:h atc heroby icknofladgad .r:,,1 , ('nt.hhrrt, h.tr (jRAN'rED, SOtO and CONVEYED tnd by thaaa i, | .6.nt a rl,r.s (iRAtaT, SELL rnd CO$TEY unto BELL I\)WER A630- :ArE:,, l.n) th. cr.nt€c, al i ,)f that crrt.in r.al progafty ' ,qeih.i Hrtlr th.. r|!provar.nts thetGon lylng and brrng !,i,.rt.(, trr th.: l('t.n of Vrll, ('ouftty of Eaglc, Stata of '. , . t .tt[, kn()vrr .r t.h" :lGl I Toecr Bur lding, ylrrch t3 lor" p.r r r( uI.t ly d?rcr rbc,l by rrcto. and bounda tn Exhlbrt i^x .nd vhl(:l| rr Dor. p.tt.rcularly dG.crib.d and dclln..t.d on thl ml|p marked Erhrbr t' "8", bolh of vhich Erhlbrts rr. aiti|r'hcd lrcrcto .nd 1n<:e;portLld h€rain tor all purpo3aa, :,,r/ lr rcal propct ty rr tir:r'etnrftor rcfcrrcd to rr thc "ProParty Tlrr6 (:r)nvcy.nc. lr axPraatly D,rda iubjact to tarca for tlre yc.r 19t10 'rrrd subfcquant yaara not yat dua and payabla. To lUvE N{D To HoLD thc Prop.rty, togcthct elth.ll .nd srrrgular thc right.r ar.d apputtanancci Lhlrcto tn any vlac bc.lorrglng and any rlght, trtlG and !nL.rc.t !n (;tantor ln arrd to adlacGnt st.rG?l r, .llay. and right3-ol-vry, unto EELL 'l'()wl:R AcSOCIATES, L'fl)., th? Ct.ntrc, .nd it3 ruccclrorl end dtl6rgnir toravat, rnd the cr.ntor doe3 harab/ brnd ttralf, itr, riu(;(:caro!a and aatrgna to rrlrrant .nd fot.vcr datand all lA't I "!Vli I r YAfl!/!frY_ yE! - P.9. I ol Z P.g.i o lrArTr tp - r.ll I o, 2 ,qi r; 'iLir .r !;i i' -,,*.*.--ana"...*,.*.*rl*r"'1 ||r(l r,rt,,Ju,lal the Frr,perti' unlo thc Cttnt"c ,ur.r .rr,'| r,Jl)s aq,.tlnat .v"ry paraon vhoitoavar L'r t() ('lrln lh. rt[?, or any ptrt thofaof, ,rs itl(,tat{61d. rN ytTlrEss uHEnEot, Httc8 DftERpt I sfg, Irc., th. cr.ntor, 'rari .x.('ut.d thr! Hrrranty Daad on thla tha !0th dty ol ,tune, 198O. and rtr auccataon lrvfutly cl.irlm .ub).ct, horavat, STATE Ot OXL rct I IcoL'l{TY O? TlIAl I BE?otl E, th. urd.rrtgDd .$thorltt, oG tblr d|!lp.r.on.lly .DD..r.d IAUL l. lltcl, lr..l(bt cf ttlclqTtnPntglt, lIC., r corgor.tloa. Inar! to D ta L t||.p.r.on rnd offlc.r rho.. nD i. .ub.crlt a to tb totatoloetartrur.nt .nd .clDr.l.df[d to r Ur.t ba u-ut d tlr .-for th. purDo... r|rd comllratlon tbor.ln dDraaad, ^uctrrE rrpst tI- rrE AD tr & ot otttct tilr jl- iuy "t r/ ., ,rt_&). Btlca rltttltStt, trc.or^r]'9r /or.rrl9r , /1 r y't/ t./-sv' it2z/'7/ /nl I \r l i, i'1 "A" 1.,,.':('.1 .rt l'd!t of 'l'RA(:l A, BLoCX B-5, VAfL V.ILLAGE fIRST l li.llrr;, (','Lttrty of [:,I.Jlc, Sl..rte 11, ,:,.:rr-: lhr.d Je f ol lows. C(,mhencinq r! thc Northwe3L Corncr of arid tr'ct A, thcn(:c Not Lh 66| l8| OO'r E', rlong thc North Irnc of E.id Tr.ct A, lll'15 f..tt thcnce South F:'' 15' 32" 8., 126.6{ faet; thcncc North 79'l7' oo' 8., 63.rlt feet; thcnce South l0' f!' Oor' E', 7.50 fect, to thc Tru. Point of B.g{nningt thcncG r:ontinuing .long thc .jor.r.id courr., 97 flat to I point on thc South lln. of rrid Tr.ct Ai th'nc' Ncrrlh ?9' 17r Oon E. .nd .long .rld South ltn' 39.50 fcct to ! Point of curvr; th.nc. rlong s'id south linr rnd.long. curv. to th. right hrving r radiua o! 622,7g faat, . ccntrrl rngla o! O2t tl.' 54" rn rrc diBtlncc of 29.51 fG.t; th.ncr Noltlr lo' 't3' OO! tt., 53.0 fcct; thcncc South 79' l?l Oo'r U., a fcct thcnc. tlorul lO' a3'00|. I', 12'7I feetr thcncc South ?9' 1?' OOr f., 2f fGct; thcnc' Nor.Lh lO' rl', 22'O f..t; thcnc. South 79' l7' oo'r w., al .OO fcGt, to tho potnt of brglnnlng. t. ii.ll I BIT :'.|'__:_s-o_l_o_ . P_._gs . ol Colorarto, tno!G Particul'rr- / . rrl i,r i. ', ' '.1 l) / ,r' j. ;,.i. ,i o aa 9 ricriE . CRt.t:l( A1' N()rtu. '/)[ -^o t. rl rt I)AT}: I, t /i r.t 0tat ,' It, vn li Ili,:r At lAr { q9' r) tttrt'Oo-f 2argo' \l tl l tltl II,r i'. rd r !.rf t rttrr'oo'l II I i ,l ):'P LI tt ta t HIJRERY C!:R?IFY TIIAT THI8 T PNOVE}IEN' TACATI ON CEIIIfICA'! r{As pR}:nAR}:D FoR !.Al{D iiii,r d[inl}|t!! corP^rt ', ?HE t BPnonl'rt t l,r)('Al'roN Bl:INc aAsDD oN-i-;RiVtOUl ?ioPERTv suRl'Et rtADE DY llE AND rs ilo1' 'to 8E ruLt;; ijpoiiroi rfll usterr'rsHll[N? or' lENcl' rr,iir,rrinc oR ontl:R tu?uRE lxPxn'E{Erlt LINES' r ruRflr!:tr cEnrIFY rH^r fll; rt{lroYEnl$: ol-:*-1':g$':r- . *, .,,i ;Ili{;^,,;";ti i i' ni'ii, iiinur'il !r.-r.!1 I : -3t131.:tll$:( lr r Ff u rAF! r r. ARIES Or fllE tlrcl&.i'oinr,crroHs, ARE ttNTlRf,t,Y wrltlrtl rt-!l loyl!-^- Ar .rrr;iil ;;' ;^i;,o?Fi'iiii,' ;;; ;x ;E--lF Io- -r11cl9111::U'.g1.lgil :: ; i ";; il li,i ! ii -i' : ; ;; Ro'fiier';i-g" Iry. P9.1 T lg:.13 rs.33' ll;lil;"# ;ilffii"il;"-;';;' ;'.;'' i;-N9 ll6il-q!. T:' oulll*,lll; l';.LLIi,,,i'.i3Xl'iu3"5*'iiil^"iiiiii rir'ir:l-,.-E,*1.:., . rcEL, Er.crFr 4 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD i^.".\ -\VAIL, CO 81657s7o'47g'2r38 t'\k 5 \5 t!- \-Jc-,-'-\ \) '' !\"'( * \: NOTE: THISPERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDONJOBSITEATALLTIMES \) \(-.T- O' pi ( Yl<-\\ \ cra-&'(--^- 5k\'\ ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: BO5-0I32 \J Job Address: 201 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.......: BELLTOWER BUILDING ParcelNo....: 210108263013 hojectNo .,fq otr_OAOf OWNER BEIJIJ TOVIER PARTNERS IJTD O6/OL/20O5 1O1OO N CENTRAI, EXPWY 2OO DAIJIJAS TX 75231 APPI.,ICANT G & G ROOFING P.O. BOX 817 FRISCO co 80443 Lricense: L24-S CONTR,ACTOR G & G ROOFING P.O. BOX 817 FRISCO co 80443 Lricense:124-S Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $43,600.00 FireDlace Infonnation: R€6tricted: 06/0L/2005 Phone: 970-568-sss2 05/oL/2OO5 Phone: 970-668-5552 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : O6l0ll20f5 Issued...: O6{OV20/J5 Expires,..: lll28l2n5 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee------- > # of Wood Pellec 0 $96s.20 s0.00 $955. 20 $95s.20 90.00 Desciption: FINAL APPROVAL TO REMOVE AN EXISTING ROOF AND INSTALL NEW POLISOCYANTJRATE AND GRAVEL STOP. INSTALL NEW BIJILD UP ROOFING SYSTEM, SAME AS EXISTING Add Sq Ft: # of Gas Appliances: 0 Buitding--- > Plan Check-- > lnvestigrtion- > will cdl----- > s583.15 Restuarant Plan Review-> $3?9 .05 DRB Fee-----------> S0.00 RecreationFee--------> g3. oo Clean-up Deposit------> TOTAL FEES------------ > FEE SUMMARY $0. oo 90. o0 $0. 00 $0. 00 9e5s.20 BALANCEDUE------> Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEIIII o6/ot/2o05 Js Action: AP Item: 05400 PIJANNING DBPARTMEIflI o6/oL/2oo5 Js Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPART!{ENT ILem: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PAGE 2 ***,r***'f***,|.*************!t!t*{.***:f,i****'f'******,**,r*'f*1.*!t.,ti.:t***'i*'t.***:t(*:t(*:N.*1.******:t*,**,i*:tl.*****d(**,!******* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0132 as of 06-01-2005 Status: ISSUED ***'1.*tt*tttttl***!t*!******ti*,t***,*********'t*******t *********'*'t*********1.******'*:**,**********tr{.**J. Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: Ml0ll20fl5 Applicanc G&GROOFING Issued: 06101120[5 970-668-5552 To Expire: ll/2812005 Job Address: 201 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Iocation: BELL TOWER BUILDING Parcet No: 210108263013 Description: FINAL APPROVAL TO REMOVE AN EXISTING ROOF AND INSTALL NEW POLISOCYANTJRATE AND GRAVEL STOP. INSTALL NEW BI.JILD UP ROOFING SYSTEM, SAMEAS E)(ISTING Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge 0rat I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and sbte laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design neview approved, Unifomr Buildhg Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWEMY-FOIJR HOIIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 ll TION wlLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U roject #:rl uildi TOVt:l0FVnt 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 BUILDING PERM Separate Permits are required for electrical, pl CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: G&GROOFING, INC Town of Vail Reg. No.: LZ+-J Contact and Phone #'s: Brad Smith (970) 668-5552 Email addressl ooroof i nd 1a earth I i nk - net Contractor Signature: coM PLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials BUILDING: $ ar.noo ELECTRICAL: $OTHER:$ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAl:$ L/3.6oO oo & For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit 2 L 0 1- - 0 I 2 - 6 3 - 0 I 3 Job Address:Gore Creek Drive Dispose of existing roof.Install new Polisocy e xist in WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: : Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burn Gas Loas ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED re Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) urat( *s*s*#*****************sdFoR oFFlcE usE oNLY****r.*****s,k*********** \\VAiI\dAIA\CdEV\FORMS\PERIVI ITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07 |26DOO2 lfiY-1l-ems 8733? FRO'lrEmLE Ctlf.lTY ffiESSR 974=ffi?9 l-l c.t r olil|crN|'n.rAdd||.. IOTERPAf,Tf,ENSLTD X CEIITRAL EXPTY AOO TX T$tirr TO397lre6€5553 P.1 l'l enc ml TOm CO|DOI||UB llllT:R-l BXOTIC 8|(slo '1o{tlt wD tt.3r€l 8|({5t0 Feoir wOtt.tt{r 8r{r70 Pr64m uD rz.3r"Cr 8X4'70 FBOtiA WDtl-tl{l 8l({670 FC{3zl WD ll*l{-tl 3l({t0 PG{330 WD {r€a BK{rliro Prc{llr wD 0r a,t't2 g(.ot7a PG-0:82 wD {2 Bf,{5'0 prB{tto wD 0r ot{2 a(€0 l0{t7l wD Rt!'t7t lltl REStRtcflt E colrEll rr 06.1t{r TYP-EIrEl"..rf,t ior=-Pnbt[DijE o IAtAl SahF Plcr$r l_ Iobil. Ar||l LoUlc Ra||rrha Vblr. i.-J t-.il Ei c"nroi T.x3*lseA.d ,Jfei:s" .t!tl$r,-* D contot I.*.& -r r-t c.-,J4?4;#L llilorr iL &s!ry- r_j_l-h9!Lqrbr_i:]-nd fi ] nttr PPc.fu I ,t' ir PIFb [.4] iu l;.;r#E&J .,it-r"l!^!t(_r, . Ter Ctle ,f l-E;fiffi Srddr f -l;: Aaaf c|r!:::i;lXhfnck it lQ: Carolu11*l (> *& QrcSng Fc,x iq,)O- r.bg- 5353 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, West Vail, CO 81657 tel: 970479-2138 fax: 970479-2452 web: www,vailqov.com Project Name: ?? DRB Number: DRBO5O235 Application Type: Prcject Description: RNAL APPROVAL TO REMOVE AN MSTING ROOF AND INSTALL NEW POLISOCYANUMTE AND GMVEL STOP, INSTALL NEW BUILD UP ROOFING SYSTEM, SAME AS EXIfiNG Participants: OWNER BELLTOWER PARTNERS LTD O6/O1i2OO5 1O1OO N CENTML EXPWY 2OO DALI.ASrx 75231 APPLICANT G & G ROOFING 06101/2005 Phone: 970-668-5552 P.O. BOX 817 FRISCO co 80443 License: 124-5 CONTMCTOR G & G ROOFING 06/01/2005 Phone: 970-668-5552 P.O. BOX 817 FRISCO co 80443 License: 12,1-'5 ProjectAddress: 201 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Locafon: BELL TOWER BUILDING Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: BELL TOWER CONDO Parcel Number: 2101-082-6301-3 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApproval:06/01/2005 Meeting Date: 06/15/2005 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 da)rs following the date of approval. Cond; 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final apprwal, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Oond: CON00071zl4 NEW ROOF MUST MATCH EXISTING ROOF WTTH SAME ROCK COLOR AND BALI.AST Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: ?? !, 1G17-2m5 Inspectbr Request Reportlng Page 34 4:07 pm vail_ co - clhf ol Requesb<l lnspect Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2005' lnsoecfron Arear JS srb Address 3 t"ttt f?8f,€ffttif,ff*H' ArFD Inlbrmr0on Acllv{tv: E[l6lIXC nD€: A€OftlM SubTyDe: ACOM Slatrc: ISSUEDConstTni: Occupeihy: (6e: InsgArea'Jsi OTy'TbI: BELL TOIJIIER PARTNERS LTD Aoolhant G&GROOFII{G Fhone: 970'66&565? Cohbador: G&GROOFING Phone:970-66&5552 Deecrlp0on: FlttAL AI'PROVAL TO REIIOVE AN EXlSIltlG ROOF AND INSTALL NFW POLISOCYANUMTE AND. GRAVEL STOP. INSTATL NEWzuILD UP ROOFII.JG SYSIEM, SAME AS EXIST}re Reouesbd lnspec0on(el lbm: 310 BLDG-Flnal C'oReqIeSf: G&G ROOFING Alsbned Tor JIIONDRAC€|.|- A.lbn: Requested Tlme: 02:00 PII' Ptrone: 97066&5552 Entgrsd Br DGOLDEN K TlrrcExp: ID lnso€cfon HlstorY lbm: 10 BlDGFoothar/Steeltbm: 20 BlDc-Fowrdtodsb.llbm: A) BLDGFEmInotbm: 50 BLD&lmUMntbm: 60 BLDGShoetock ifafllbm: 70 8LDGMtsc.lbm: 90 BLDGFlnallbm: 5A) BLDG-TEmD. CYOlbm: 532 PW-IEMP.C/Olbm: 533 PLAI+IEMP. Clotbm: 537 PLAiSFIML C/Olbm: 538 RRE-RMI-C/Olbm: 539 PWRI.|ALCYO l!Em: 5lo BlDe*FlnalCYO l!em: 21 PLAhI-|LC Fouffbtlon Plan l!em: ?2 PtAl*lLC Sfte tun lnI owt lC IWN Aa,n*^wJ wlo SWux-! [\+'Pa": REPT131 Run Id: 3799 ?*^L+. j-"'^'-! 1 ,!\\< :-E(, Y TowN oF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT vAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT Uo''-t O . Lt'^',u rjl 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD :\ . ^ O __.r a fvAIL'co 81657 F\l a<-'t-c'r-^- 5\d1970-479-2135 - /'\l NoTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES EX-Z-ZT_C,I=CI-\ ALARM PERMIT 2OI GORE CREEK DR VAIL 20I GORE CREEK DRIVE 2r0r 082630r 3 Permit #: A0l -0064 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Project No : Status . . . Applied. . lssued. Expires. Phone: : ISSUED : 12107/2001 : 01122/2002 : 0712112002 OlrlNER BEIJIJ TOWER PARTNERS LTD 1O]-OO N CENTRJAI-, EXPWY 2OO DAI,I-,AS TX t)z5L I-,icense: COI\TIRJACTOR GODDARD ELECTRONICS, TNC. P.O. BOX 2336 DILLON, CO 80435 License:363-S APPLICANT GODDARD ELECTRONICS, INC. P.O. BOX 2335 DILLON, CO 80435 I-.,icense: 363-S L2/07 /2OOL 1"2/O7 /2OOI Phone z 97O-468-572L L2/07/2OoL Phone: 970-468-572t Desciption: REPLACE EXTSTING FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL WITH ADDRESSABLE MODEL. REPLACE SMOKE DECTECTORS TO BE COMPATIBLE WNEW PANEL Valuation: $4,259.50 l. * *,** {( * * * + 't *,} + * * + Electrical----.--> DRB Fee---"---> Inl€stigation---> Will Call-----> TO1.{1. FEES-> Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees---------> Total Permit Fee-----> Palments---------> BALANCE DUE-----> $90.00 $0.00 s93. oo s93.00 90.00 s93.00 993.00 $0.00 Approvals:Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIIIT L2/L3/2ooL mvaughan Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ,++*+++++,t****|'i+*i++:ta,l*+l:*****+'itt++:r:i'3|'l*,rt+++a+*+|'*t,l*t|+*a+*a*rl,ar*:l+:*:t:r**r.*l.:t*** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQtTESTS FOR INSPECTIO:'{ SHALL BE MADE TIVENTY-FOtrR HOtIRS lll TE 8:00ANl-5PM. .\til'il'Building Permit #: Alarm Permit #: ?tJlVTIOFYI: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 81657 applir Dept. this ir at time of the Vail Fire accepted without.JS CTORINFO Fire Alarm Contractor: Goddar/, €teofrmi c s CoJ\tact and Phone #'s: Ce l( : V of(ica, 1tc - ta€8- 9'7zt 393-9rt COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR AI.ARM PERITJIIT bo r & Materials) Fire Alarm: + 4Z 592---.-- Co nb ct Ea o Ie Co u n lv Ascss ot at 9m828-8640 or visit www.nel# #ffiffiffi ZrotcSZSJstcl ^t zwtCgW 4r a./ Job Name: futt Touee $ut,>,a5 JobAddress: 2o I 6cFe (R@4< Dt4tL, l/Att- Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: O^rners Name: ll Address:Phoire: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detaifed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. *) flll F iOOt s awl a(t^t '*H"1iT;;':''Prs:lflX' Are alw,a ze^lrl pa,*l u)|rt ao{lrctoble *dil.gV?::yfr/"* WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( 1 netro-ntft) Other( ) TypeofBldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial (X) Restaurant( )Other( )*,,,_ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 3_(r,e$Jb+l"i No. of Accommodation Units in thb buildingr" . . Does a Fire Alarm Exist: yes (X No ( ) fl Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes CXl No ( ) * *** t******* *** i** rr* *iri***i** *f,* r* *r**FOR OFFICE USE OI{LY** * **'rr!r rr*****r*** *** **t*** ****rr*i** \l** F:/everyone/forms/alrmperm Goddard Electronics Td€ohme 90-46&521 P.O Bo( 23:18 119 La Bfib - wtfr #105 Dillm. CO 8(X35 November 20.2001 Town ofVail Fire Department 42 W. Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Fire Marshall McGee Town of Vail OFn:'*', q0PY Proposal For Upgrade of Bell Tower Building F'ire Alarm System To Adressable Type: In order to bring the fue alarm system at the Bell Tower Building up to current Fire Department standards, the following changes are proposed: l. Replace existing fire control panel with Fire Lite MS-9200 addressable panel. 2. Replace existing system smoke detectors (9) with Fire Lite model SD350 photoelectric addressable smoke detectors. The existing smoke detectors could not be connected to monitoring modules and used with the new panel, because they have not been tested and listed as compatible with the new panel by UL. 3. Connect existing mechanical input devices (heat detectors, pull stations, sprinkler flow switcb and sprinkler valve tarnper switches) to monitoring modules (MMF30I) in order to provide each of these devices with a unique digital identity. The newly configured system will provide fire department persormel with the exact location ofthe source ofan alarm signal as opposed to identifiing the area or floor ofan alarm source as is the case with conventional fire alarm systems. In addition, the addressable smoke detectors will also provide self-diagnostic information and inform the system rnaintenance company when various detectors require cleaning or other service. These features will reduce fals€ alarms to a minimum and expedite the completion of any required maintenance tasks. Enclosed with this letter are specification sheets for the proposed new devices. Please call rne at 970-333-5917 with any rernaining questions or concerns regarding this system upgrade, or leave a message at 970-468-5721 . Sincerely, Stephen Goddard @ Frre-LrrgAlarms OENENAT Th€ SD35O ild SD35OT Addross&l€, lovr-plolil€ plug-in Phorododric Debctors us€ a sab-ol-tt|€€rt phorododric sensing chamber wilh cdnmunicdiorls to plovits open atBa pDt€ction and aro us€d a)dusir€ly with Fito-Lit€'s M99200 and M99600 Addr€ssaH€ Fr6 Alam Contrcl Panels. The SD350T adds il,r€rmal sfisols lhat will datm at a fix€d t€m- perdu€ cf l35o F. Since tris debcnor is addlosoaua, il will Hp orEagpncv p€rEornet quirt<ly locde a fio during its eady stag€s, potentially saving preciors r€sc o time while also r€ducirp prop€rty damage. Two LEDS on sach ss|sor light to provido a local, visible s€nsor indication. Remote LED annunciator capabilily is available as an optional accessory (Pan No. R44004. FEArutEs SLC Loop. 2-wir€ lmp oonn€c{ion. . Unit us6s bas€ lor witing. Addresslng . Addr€$sat e by dovice. . Dr€cl D€cads 0r-99 (M99An) ard Ol-159 (MS-9O00) €ntry of addr€ss Archltecfrrrc. t niqu€ singfe souroe, dual cfiarnb€r d€sign lo rcspond quid(ly and d€p€ndably lo a broad rangs cf fir€s. . g€ek, lor/-pmfile d6sign. . Integral communicalions and buill-in typ€ id€r ification, . Builtin tamp€r- resistari f6alure. . Rsmovable cover and insoct-rosistant screen lor simple field cleaning. Operatlon. withstands air volocities up to 1,500 t€€t-per-minut€ with- out triggsring a fals€ alarm. . Fetory prosot at 1.5% nominal ssnsitivity for panol darm thr€shhold level. . Visiuo LEotlinks" wh€n th€ unit is addrossed (cornnxrni- cating with the lir€ pan€l) and latchas on in alarm. llechanlcals . sbal€d again$ bad( pl6s6ur€. . Dir€ct sufac€ rnounting or ol€ctical box rnounling. . Mouris to: single{ang box,3.$ or 4'octagonal box, or 4'square ol€drical box (using a plastor ring - indudod). @@ @o*n OFFIOTfrNPY sD350 olther System FeatutEs . Fully coat€d circuit boards and supodor RF/transi€nt pro- teclion. . 94-v0 plaslic llammabiliiy rating. . Low s{andby cunenl. Optlons. Ft€rnob LED outptd conn€clion (Parl l,lo. RA400a. ADPLIGATIONS Us€ photo€l€ctric d€l€ctors in lilesaloly apdications lo p|o- vido a brcad raEp dfircsE$ng capatllity, esp€cially wholo srnddgring fir€s a.B anlicipated. lonizalion dd€ctols ars ot- ten bdt€r than phoroebc'ldc detectors al s€nsing last, flam- ing tir6. coNsitRuGnoil Th€se d€t€clols ars construcied of LEXAI{@ in an df-white color. Th6 SD35O(D dug-in low-prolilo smok6 d€t€ctors ar€ d€9ign€d to commordal standards and ofl€r an atlraclive ap- p€aranco, I I o dod.rrnont b not hlonalod to bo us6d tor insta[atirn purpos6. We ty lo kg€p inlormalbn up-Hate s|d accurde. Wo cannd cov€r all spoclic or anti:ipaio a[ r€qdr€md s- Al specifical'rons ara s.|brdl lo change For moro lnformat'ron, cd d Fir3.tile Ahrms, One FlFLila Plece, Nottffo.d,mtn|lr irade h tho U.S.A. (D472. PhorE: (80q 6rt-3473, Tod F1€6 FAX: (874 6994105, DF€214S- Prge t d2 nlstAu noN The SD350(T) Phrg-ln Deteciots use a detatc-hable mount- ing bsse to simplity installation, service and maintenan@' Mount base on box whicfi is at least 1.5 inches (3.81 cm) deep. Suitable boxes itdude: . 4" (10.16 cm) square box with plaster ring. . 4' (10.16 cm) octagd|al box. . 3.5" (8.89 cm) octagpnal box. . Singlegang box. ltofE; Because ot the inh€rent sup€Msion provided by the SLC loop, end-ol-line rcsistors are not teqlired. wiring 'T- taps'd branches are permitted for Style 4 (Cbss B) widrq- OPEIATIOI'I Eacfi SD350fD ui6 one ot 99 possible addrcsses on the MS-9200 Signalirq Une Circuit (SLC) or up to 318 (1 59 on each loop) on the M996OO SLC- lt t€spords to regular polb lrom the system and rcports its type and status. The SD350[D Addrossable Photool€c'tric S€nsorn unique unipobr ciamber responds qukcdy and unifottrily b a b.oad range of smoke condltions and can wilhstand uind gusb up to '1,500 tsd-peFminute wilhout sending an ahnn lwel sig- nal. Because ot the unirclar chamber, the SDAsoCD is ap- proximately trc linr€s more mspot'tsive than rnost plpbelec- tric serlsors. This makes it a tnqe stable detector. DCIEETOTSCil$'lvTYT6T Each denedor can ha\re th€ir sensitMty tested (lequired pet NFPA 72, Chapbr 7 a$ lnspactbl, T&ing and Mainte- nanc€) when installed/connecied to an M992O0 ot MS- 9600 addressabb fire alarm contrd panel. The resulls of the sensitivity test can be printed ofi the M$9200 and M9- 96m lor .€cord keedng. $EqFIGA:NOilS VoftrgF rangE: 15 - 32 VDC (Peak)- Stanoy cufl€nt 30O l.tA @ 24 VDC. LED alment: 6.5 mA @ 24 VDC (atcH lON'). Alr tr.looity: 1,5m ft./min. (7.6 n/s€c.) maximum. Dl n6br: 5.0 inctEs (12.7 cfi), 6.2 ift$es (156 mm) installed in B950LP Base. Helgilt: 1.7 incfies (43 mm) insbllod in 836(LP Base. Wdgtrt: 3.6 oz. (102 g). Op€rding Tempemne Rmg€E e b rly C (32" to l2()"D sD350. Oprating TemFrat teRatEF: o'to38" C (32:to 100"D $xr50-l Tenperature: 0" - ,l(fc (32" - 12trR. Rehlus humidity: 1(P,6 - Sl%, mtrcmdensing. Page 2 ot 2 - DF-5214S PnoDucr sD3so(A) srBsoT(A) BA4MZ B:IsOLP 822'RB BSUAH uilE tNFOntAfloil AddressablePhotoelectic Deteclot (B:lsdP base induded). (A) model has ULC lisling. Same as above with thermal element (B3sOLP bas€ included). (A) model has ULC lisiing. Remote tED" l/bunts b a singlegang box' PlugFin deEcnor base (induded). Darneter: 6.1"(155mm). Mounting: u|: (102mm) square box with or without plastic dng, 4' octagon bo)q 3 f/2! octagon bo( or single gang box. All mounting boxes have a minimum deplh of 1.5" (38 mm). Plugin Syslem Sensorrelay debctr base' Diarneter 8'2" (157 mm). Mounting:4" (102 mm) square box with or without plastic ring' 4" o@gon tF,x, 3 ltl oclagon box- All munting boxes have a minimum depth of 1.S (38 mm). Plug-in Sys(em Sansor sounder dslectol bas€. Dhmeten 6.0"(153mm). Mounting: l|l (102 mm) square box with or without dastic ring. iilounting box has a minimum depth of 1.5" (38 mm). Soptomber 13,2001 1151276 A1-100 ms-92o0(c/E) Addrcssoble FireAlorm GonFol Panel Selion: Addressable @ Frre.ure'Alarms CCNERAL The Firc.ffie ts-02m is a compaci, cost€ff€clir,e, ad- drsssabl€ fir€ alam cor 'ol pan€l with a capeiry of 198 Fllr Lfte gn Serlec d€iricss. A singb Slgnaling Une Gr- cuit (SLrC) loop supports up b gg stnoke d€toc'tors d 99 od|trol or md|itor rndd6. The panel us€6 suttffi-rnounl l€cfinology and is dosign€d fior eas€ of installalim and programmirE. lt l€atur€s rh€ ht€sl in fire prolaction tech nology, indudng rnaintsranG al€rt and aulornatic det€c'tor tstt. ltg n6w, largor €ndosur€ is capablo d housing 12.0 ^fl batdi€$. N€w as ot S€g€mber 1, 2001, th6 MS-9200 will indud€ on lho motherboatd (Ra{r. PCD) built-in intsfaces tor a ptinbr at|d r€rnoto annunciators. FEAruNES 9LC Loop . SLC can be configured tor NFPA Styl€ 4, 6, or 7 oporaton.. SLC supports up to 198 addGssabb devb€s [99 d€t€ciorE and 90 moritor or control nlodds I, induding new addros- sEU€ dual monibt modl€-. SLC loop max. bngth 10,fl)0 ft. (3,OaB m) @ 12 AWG (3.25 mrP). Nofificaton ApplLnce Ckc||lt3 (ilAC's) . Dual Int€gral NACE, S:tyb Y or Z (cbss B or A).. SilerEe lnhittt and ALrb Sil€nce timer oplions.. Alarm, lrcublo and supowisory r€la]r6, standard.. May be programm€d for Sady, March Tim€, Tempo€l or Cafifonia cod€ (tgquires gi/firnrc PN 737fl) or gtreater). . 3.0 amp l,lAC powsr, e)pandau€ to 6.0 ampa. Programmlng and Softrarc. Autoprogram and Walk Test t€atures idontify tu/o or mor€ d€vices set to same addr€$.. K€ypad prognmmable on parrl, with two user-dslin€d passwords, dus an Autoplogram featir€.. Cusbm English lsbels per polnt may b€ manually €r|b|€d or selectod from an inbmal library fl€.. Hsmote Acknovrl€dgp, Sflenco, R€sst and Dfll via MMF- 3fi) modulG and LCTXO romote annunciators. User Intcrtece. Integral 4Gcharacter LCD display wilh backligrhtlng.. Real-time docldcalendar.. Hislory fle with S(xl€l/enl capadty. Advanced Flrc Technology . Maint€nance alert ryam8 when smok€ dotgc-tor dust accu- mulation is €xcessiv€.. Bett€ry charger for up to 60 hours of standby power. . Walarllow or sup€Msory sgl€clion pgr monltor pcinl. alarm verification nt92@ Fussl6s5, power-limited technology meets UL powoFlimit- ing requir€ments, elfectivo May 1, 1995. Det€ctor s€nsitivity ptlt out (requires t/2.1 softwar€). Presignal delay option per NFPA 72. Rapid poll algorithm ior manual Elations. Besponds io alann/aclivalion in hsa lhan lwo s€conds. Operatos s,ith $nrktt€d, tnshi€ldod wiro (up to 'l,m0 fiJ flX3 m) tor ]strdt apdbatiotls {U.S. PatBnt 5210,523). 3[n S€ries addr€ssauo de\rices bdrro decimal addr€ss sel€ction. Address d €ach devi@ can be easily 60l in the field by uso of a screnddver. U DACT-F Digital Alerm Communicaior r€ports 56 zonea or 198 points to a C€ntal Ststion. Built-in pdnter interface - UL list€d fior p€rman€nt atlach- ment. LCE -40 S6ries alphanumeric, 4o-characler, backllt r€rnot€ sorial annunciators op€rate over buill-in higlFsp€€d EIA- 485 port Up io 32 may b€ support€d on th€ M992(X) (rquhes softwarc PN 73750 or grcat ). Mad€ in th€ U.S.A. doqlmonl is nd irl6n{hd lo ba LrB€d tor irBtalalion pirrpos6s. Wb ry ro ksep inionnatbn utrtcda[e ard #uaala. Ws cannot eorroj a[ sp€cific apt)taa- or antcipels eI rBqdrE ndrts. A! spec-Lelbits arB sriidt lo G+Engs uilhod For mo.e hbmalbn, cr acl Fn€.Ub Abms, One FirBLib Ph, l{otlhbtd, (D172. Phon€: Om) 627-3473, Toll Fr€s FAX; (87r) 69$4105, F X Df-612:t6 - Prgs I ot4 €eI 66Cb@EGEttl SVSTEil PENIPHENAlS A]{D WIHT'IG 21 VOC vDc 1",,foTTfffi':ll-^. --EllEiuutuu: IlH|-rl I l.l :; llI lF"E"El I IEEEEHEI I | '0 -----tr=---'IL-,-7 Wirc REui|€rnsrts Twiste+pair shleldod 'ElA-485 lnlerhce bulh hlo lhomolhadoard-4ukag([ar .! ol g/1/01] LCTXO rd LCtXIL Lts btm0 tbdsrrdr].cO4(L) In the EA{85 bp -ffi )I(E DETECTOBS sD350 SDESOT cD3s0 8 OplirralFom4 5 Anp R!hy8 (o/d!r ACI{nF) -t tJ/ uefirg rlrEbr 30O Scras &rb 4 t altu qtfr ffi r.tlstt xge n btd WIRING REQUINENENTS The SLC r€quirE us€ of a spocinc wir€ typ6 lo onsrJr€ paoper circ-uit op€fatim. lt is reoai- rnond€d ftat all SLC wiring b6 rwist€d-Fir shi#€d to rfnirnize fto e'fbcts of el€ctical intertdmoe. \ rir€ dz€ shouH be no srnalbr lhan 18 AWG (0.75 mflf) and lto larger rhan 12 AWG(S25r|[|tz)wit€. Th€ wir€ siz€ d€perds on th€ lGngfi of th€ SLC circuit. Use tho tablo b€low lo d€tetmine th€ sp€dfic wir'ifo roq0irsflonts forfid SLC. Untulsted, unshio|ded Tyfrical Wirs TtD€l 12 AWS - B€l(lon 9683, G€nesie '1.110,Signal 98230, WPW D999 1 4 AWG - Boldst 9581 . G€nesls 4408, Sbnal 98/0i10, l\rPW D995 16 AWG - B€|dm 95t5, Gen€sis 4.100, & 4600, Sbml 98600, wPl!, D991 18 AWG - Beld€n 9574, G6neBi6 44@, & ,1002, Signal 9&!00, wPl / D975 12 - t8 AWG 1. AWG wi€ size conv€rsion lo mstric !iz€: t2 AWG = 3.25mmr; 14 AWG = 2.00mrfi 16 AWG = L30mt|f; 18 AWG = 0.75mn'z Pag€ 2 of ,t - DF-51t€ <-AIltuIctAToRs AFT.LED ACS/ CU LDU ACa (Nolificallon Appisnce Circuls); Bellr, 8lgn8lE, Eltobt3 F'l----:-q-D4,fl- T-iII'I 'T $0xroRs lt tF-300 ltMF-002 cu F-300 cBF.300 1300 n--'E iltl t UOllnoR ltM F-901 UDACT.F 'ElA-232 lnllrl8c6 buin hlo iha molh.rboad (N!r tt olgfl/01) 'ElA4a'.Dtt EU.N2 lobitc. bon ,'to lh. (a42U n.r.PC' PULL STAflOI 80r2-tx Dstsr6 in Fet {mderB) 10,000 €,048) 8,000 (2,.138) 4,875 (1 ,480) s,225 (983) 1,0o0 (30s) ttf{lz?dl.rd COflTPATIBLE ADDRESSABLE DEVICES All feature a polling LED and rotary address swilches. CP350 Addressable lonization Smoke De{ector. SD330 AddressablePholoeleclricSmokeDetec,tor. SDSso(T) AddrcssablePhotc€lec-tricsmkeDetectorwilh Thermal Sensor. D350 Addressable Ducl Detector. IB50 Addrsssable Duct Etstector wittt r€lay. ItF3(x) Addressable Monitor wlodule tor one zone of nomally-open dry-cor ac-t initiialing devices Mounts in standard 4'(10.16 cm) box. Indudes plastic cover plate and end-oflin€ resislor. ltodule may be contigured tor either a Style B (Class B) of Style D (Class A) iniliating device circuit. tlltF€0o DualironitorModub. Same as MMF-3m a(cept it opeGtes in Siyle B (Cbss B) d|ly. Pro\rides two Class B circuits. HtlF€fi Miniature versbn of MMF-SO. Excludes LED and Style D option. Connects with wire pigtails. May mount in device backbox. lllf-3@ Similar b MMF-300, but may monilor up lo 20 convenlional two-wire detectors- Requites exlemal 24 VDC power. Consult fadory fol cam Dati bl e smoke detedors. CllF1j(x} Addressable Control Modul€ tor one Style Y/z (Class E/A) zone of sup€rvised polarized "oof""t;en Appliances. Mounts ditectly to a 4' ( 10.16 c1n) ebdrical box. Notification Appliance Circuit option requires extemal 24 VDC to power notilication appliances. CRF-gn Addressable relay module containing two isolaled sets of Fonn-C contac6, which operate as a DPDT switc{r. Mou nts directly to a l|' (10.16 cm) bor, surtace mount using th€ SMBs@. BCI-12UX Addressable manual pull statbn with intedace modub mounted inside. l3{x) This modul€ isdales the SLC loop trom shon circuit conditions (reguilad fo(sW 7 opantion). Compatible with legacy Fire.Lite 300 Series devices. Please consuft factory for further information on all lhe 300 series devices: CP30O, SD3O0, SD300O), C304, MSm, M301, M302, C304, and BG-loLX. IIoIES: 1)'A' suttix slpttlct be included onV when or&r- ing ULC lisld units (e.g. SD350A, MMF-NOA| 2) For tnore on MS-92@ Comwttwe Addt?'6,/ c Devlca, please see the to orlng data 6tle,e/F (dewent numbers): st Sausoaa0r (DF-s2t49), cP3a0 @F-s2t58), HnF4(n sgtxlUDF-:ro0 ttdtitor rlodu,6 (DF-5212r) aN B@ ,2LX (DF-52O13]. EIA-232 PIORT Pllft.24 Prim€r/PC lntertace Modub. Cable. DBgF Connector a.d $pin tnale to 25fin fernale adapter. IXF{85 LCD.40 Disphy lnterface Module. NOTE: PIM-24 and DlM485 options ere not eveileble simutteneously. Neinerthe Plttl-24 or Dnt /t85 E needed with the MS-g2N motheroad Rev. rcD. COftIPATIBLE ANNUNGIATORS/ DETflCES USING EIA.485 PONT LCM{I Series: (}character, backlil LCD-type fite annun- ciators capable ol displaying English-language text (requires one DIM-485 per MS-9200 panel b intedace with up to 32 LCD-4O annunciators). Hequires software P/N 737fi ol greater - oontact Fire.Lite Technical services about soft- ware compatibility qu€stions- AFt/AFfl-X Sedc* LED-type fire annunciators capable ot providing up to 56 sdtti are zorEs of annunciation. Avail- able in incremenls of 16 or 32 with expandable (AFM-X Series) and non-e)pandable (AFM Seties) corliguralions to meet a \ariety of applications. LDI Sedes: Lamp Driver Module series for use with custom glu|phic annunciators. UDACT-F: Digital Alam Communicator Transmitter. NOTE: For more on MS-*2N Com4ifu Annunciatus aN Cotrrpibre AAlas Pdt Irevtps, pleese see the faltuting data sheecs (clocuntent numbers): LCIl.Etl (DF- 51174), AFIIIAFH.X (DF-51465), md LDU Seiles (DF- 51fi4). FI ELD- PPOGRATIIING FEATU RES Off{ne Progrernnlng: Create entire program in your oftice using a windows@based PC coflputer (order prc grammir€ kil PK{aooVv separably). UdoacuDflunload sys- tem programming locally to the M$9200 in less than on€ minute. Auto-Progrennlng: Command the MS-92m b pro- gram itself (takes less than 30 seconds). In the Autc Program mode, the MS-9200 scans for all pcsible devices at all addresses, sbres the device types, and addresses found. and then loads delault valu€s for all options (General Alarm). lt also checks for two or rnore d€vicea set to the sanle addtess. On-Lin EdiG While siill Foviding lire prd€ction, the Mg 9200 may be prog@mmed from lhe tront panel. Simde menu trees displayed on the LCD allovv the trained user to pertorm all turEtions without relerring back b the prograrn- ming manual- E glish Lab.l Llbtryys Qu'rckly selec{ labels ftom a standard library of rnore than 50 sd,ectives/nouns, such as 'FLR 3 HALLWAY," or enter custom labels letter-by-letler. Use recall funclion to repeat previously used label. Program Gheck Automatically catch cDm'rK)n e]rors, such as relays not linked to any zone or point. MANTENANCE ATERT Th€ MS-9200 conlinually monitors €acfi smoke dolstor and responds to a reading ot 8O/" ol the d€t€ctors alarm threshold. ll the detector continually rcpotts an 80ry" thresh- old reading (8i/10 of unat is requited to b€ an alarm condi- tton) tor 24 hdrc, a trouble corKfitbn is crealed- This re- drces the risk ot fabe alarms due to dust and dirt by aleding a trouble (maintenance) condition rather than initiating a false alarm. AUTOMAfl C TEST O PERATION The MS-9200 perlorms an autornatic test of each deteclor every lwo hours. Failure to meet the tes{ limits causes an AUTO TEST FAIL trouble type. System Reset clears this trouble. DF-51276 - Page 3 ot 4 a NFPA STANDARDS The MS-9200 complies with the following NFPA 72 Fir€ Ala]m systems requirements: . LOCAL (AJtomatic, Manual, Waterfrow, and Sginlder Su- pedisory).. AUXLIARY (Automalic, lranual, and Watefioltl (rcguircs RTb+&n.. FETOTE STAnOil (Aromatic, Manual, and Waterflow) (rquires RTtufBF ot UDACT-1.. PROPRIETARY (Automatc, Manual, and Walerflow).. CE TRAL STATIO {Adomatic, lanual, and Waterflow) (raquires UDACT-fl. CABINET SPECIFICATIONS Door: 17.11' (/$.,16 cm) hifr x 14.71' (37.36 ctn) wide x 0.375'(0.95 cfl) deef. Bac$ox 16.9O (42.$! cm) t$gh x 14.50' (36.83 cm) wide x 4.50' (1 1.43 cm) cb€p. Trim Rir€ (pan # TR-4-R): 20.02' (50.85 cm) high x 17 -@' (44.75 cm) wide. SPECIFrcATIONS. Prfrmry lnput gow lol lfS{:lOO afld rc&XXtC,"l2O VAC, 5060 Hz, 2.3 Ampe. Ptlmary Input pomr ior IIS4XDE: 220l2/t0 VAC, 50 l-8.. Toi.l 24 V s'lststr poFr: 3.6 A (expandable to 6.6 A).. Standard l{o,t$caton C|fc'ul|3: 2 (Style Y or 4.. E)eanilon Nottlcatlon Clrcult3: up to 99 (using CMF30o modul€).. Notltlcatlon Appllanco Powor: 3.0 A (e)pandable lo 6.04 with XHlvF24).. Four{|rc dcbctor pouen 3(n mA.'. Non-rseet$lc r.gul&d pouer: 3fl) mA.'. NorHlguffi pow* 2.5 Anps maximum.r 'NOTE: Subtact lbtn tobl2l VAC so/.rce.. Bauery cnalgs drg€: 7 AH - 18 AH (BB17F batt€ry cabhel lor 18 AH bafleries).. Bomote chargff (panel dptgier ctisa ed, require€ MS-WN circuit b€atd *71711 , avdilabla Jun6 | , 1 9981, 2$120 AH (uee CHG-I2OFI. Cha|g€ floai ?de: 27.6 V.. Ct|arlpr culrqrt: limiled b 0.8 A". Confrol panel Alfm, Ttuubb, $|pcn lsory Rclay con- tact ratlng!: 2.0 A O 30 VDC. CONIROU' AND INDIOATO$I LED IXDIGITORA 1, AC POWER (gr€cn). 2. FIRE ALARM (rsd). 3. SUPERVISORY(yellow). zf . ALAFM SILEIICE (ye{ow). 5. SYSTEM TFOUSLE (yellow). TENARAI'E SUITGH OOTTNOLS 1. ACKNOWLEDGE'STEP 2. ALAFM SILENCE 3. ORILL4. SYSTEM RESET 0amp leso 5 - 10. t2+6y pad wilh fdl alphab€l 17 - N. 4 c1raor keys 21. ENTER rCD DFPLAY ,O cfEracters (2 x 20) with long{ile LCD display, backEr. Page 4 ol4 - DF-51276 PRODUCT IINE INFONMAfl ON M99rn0 Addr€ssableFi.eAlamcortrolParFl. Includ€s LCD display, single printed cirqrit board ard cabinet. ll992tnc Same as abore with ULC listing and DP-l€ deed-front Panel. ll992lxE Same s M99200 with 220/2rt0 VAC, 50 Hz ranslotmer (UL listed). FTF.8F Plug-in Retay Transmitler Option Module. Provides eigl Fom4 relays, plus municipal box and lemole stabon mnnec{ions. OP-l€ FufFferEth intemal di€s,sDE'tlpl (tquttdlor FU aPltcfutts; irwludd ut'F,| or&rrngrsswl UDACT+ Digital Alam Communi:ator Transmifrer. XRll-24 120 vAC, 10O VA Transformer. Epancb s!,stem poter swply. E)Qands Notification Appliance power trom 3.0 amps to 6.0 amps. 'PllF24 Pdnter Inbrlace Module reguired to connect a 4G or tGcolumn Printer. '[XI-a8tt LC[]4O Display Intedace Module required to corvert EIA-234 lo En{45 for use with the LCD40 Series ann unciaiors. PK-g2qtw Programming Kil for Winctorvs&based PC coftputel (rquires Pr*% and assod,a'€d lprdware). TR+R Trim Ring for semi-flush mour ing. B8-17F Battsry box, requited to mount P912180 battedes. B&55F Battery bo(, r€quired to house tllo (2) Ps 1 2250 batteries and one (1 ) Cl-lG-1 20F battery cla(gei- For balteies greater than 25 AH, coniult lactory for housinglmounting afiangamen6. CtlCr-l20F Remde banetych eryingsysEm. Reguirod tor charying 25 to 12O AH baueies (can only bo r//A€d in conjmdion with MS-y2N ci tcuit Mtd #71711). FS.127O Banery, 12 volt, 7.o AH, (two rqutred). PfS-12120 Battery, 12 volt, 12-O l{1, (two requird). PS-1480 Battery, 12 volt, 18-O t#, (two requircd). PS-l Zl50 Battery, 1 2 volt, 25 N4, {two rquhed: requires cHG-l2tfr). Pf9-1255{l Battery l2volt,55 N{ (tw rcquired; rcqires cHG-1XrF). FCP$2{F Remde Porer Supdy e)ean& NAC odptns by 6 Arnps or lotal system poxer by 4 Amps. 'NOTE: PrM-21 ati DtMlAS q ions arc not availade simuttarreo/.4'ly. Neitl7€,r the PIM-24 or DIM/85 is needed wrfl, the MS-92$ motheb@ftt Rev. PGD. lfl-lndorrs|D is a l€gistoted lrademark of Microsofi Corporalion. l TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 s7 o-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Pernit *z 896-0122 Job Address: 20I GORE CREEK DR Status"': ISSUED Location... : BELLTOWER PENTHOUSE Applied.. I 05/'23/'1996- parcel No..: 210r-082-63-010 riiued..,t 05/28/1996 project No.: v.," vJ v-v Expires..; LL/24/1996 APPLICANT BROWN-WOLIN CONSTRUCTION P o Box 701, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR BROWN-WOLIN CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 701' vArL CO 81658 OWNER BEIJL TOWER PARINERS LTD ONE TURTLE CREEK VILLAGE STE, 3878 Description: ADD DORMER TO EXSISTING ROOF Phone: 3039494186 Phone: 3039494186 oAK LAWN AVE, DALLAS TX 75219 Occupancy: Type Construction: Type OccuPancy: Valuation: Rl Multi-FamilY V l-HR TYPe V l-Hour 10r550 Add Sq Ft: flot Gas Logs:fof tJood/Pa I'tct: Fireptace tntonnetion: Restricted: *** *ffi. FEE SUltllARY *****H**r*t**fi#ffi t#.75.OO Totat catcutated Feca--> fof G!3 APP I iances: 155.m Restuarant Ptan Reviee-> 100.75 oRB tee-------------> .00 Recrcation FeF------> 3,OO Ctean-UP DePosi t-----> TOTAL FEES--------> 5O.OO Additional tees-------> .00 Totat Permit tcF--_-> 100.m Pafncnts--)Paynents--)100.m Pa/ncnls--z1,8.75 BALANCE DUE--> Bui tdi ng---> Plan check-> Investigation> tli Lt cal. t__> .00 40E.75 10E.75 -00 Iter:.05100 g"l3llrB?E It'em;'05400 05 /23 /t996 05'/24'./1996Itbn:'05600 8?lnftA"EIthn:' .05500 8Zl33ll'.338 BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: NOTE.HAiLIE AcIioN: APPR PLANNING DEPARTMENTCAARLIE Action: NOTE CHARI,IE ACIiON: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENTCHARLIE ACTiON: APPR CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR PUBLIC WORKSCHARLIE ACtiON: NOTE CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR DEPI: BUILDING EfiHi'E'3lglfl,, n"**,"" PLANS MIKE MOLLICA PER MIKE M /A /rt N N N N DCDI: FIRE Division: Division: Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: See page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that may apPly to this permit' D E C I-ARAT ION S t hcraby .ckrrytrdg! that t havc read this.Ppti€tion, titted out in futt thc infornation required' cotpt'ted-an rccurate p[ot ptan, and 3tatc that atl, the inforFtion Prcvidcd as nequircd is corr?ct. t "gtt" to-"o'pl'y ''ii ttt titt in?oroation and Ptot Ptan' to conpty with al,l, ToHn ordinances and stlte [avs, and a 'L"iti-aii r' .i.u.tu"i-t..o"oi ng iittte ToYnrs zoning rnd subdivision codes, design rcview approvcd, Uniforrn Buitding Code and oihcr ordinances of thc Tonn applicable ther'to' REOOESTS FOd{NSPECTTONS SHALL SE IIADE TUEi{TY;FOUR HOURS Send CteBn-UP Deposit To: BROIJN-IIOLIN CONSTRUCTIoN ll'lc ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: Be6-012 2 a;-;7'oi7i8l11 . - status: lssuED *******************************************'************************************* Pernit rype: ADD/ALr MF BgM-lERMrr- -eppfici-nt, snoi{N-wolrN coNsrRucrloN 3039494t86 Applied: 0s/23/L996 i-ssued: 05/28/L996 To Expire: Ll'/24/L996 Job Address: LOCAIiON: BEI.,LTOWER PENTHOUSE Parcel No: 2101-082-63-010 Description: ADD DbRMER TO EXSISTING ROOF Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' 2. ALL PENETRATioNS rN wAlls,ceiirxes'AND FLOoRS ro BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIREO--iN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY sToRY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. 4.FIREDEPARTMENTAPPRoVALIsREQUIREDBEFoREANYwoRKcANBE STARTED. 5. WTNDOW MUST MEET EGRESS REQUTRMENTS 1991 UBC SEC 1204 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 896-0t22 OccuPancy: Rl Type Conetruction: V Type Occupancy; Val-uation: FireDtace lnformation: Restficted: Multi-FamilYl-HR Type V l--Hour 101550 Add Sq Ft: 201 GORE CREEK DR BELLTOWER PENTHOUSE 2LOr-082-63-010 fof Gas ApPtiances: Phone: 3039494186 Phone: 3039494186 LA[rlN AVE, DAL,LAS TX 752L9 flof Gas Logs:fof tood/Pallet: DepI: BUILDING DiViSiON: Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. Status... Applied. . Issued. .. Expiree. . APPROVED os/23/ree6 05 /24 / Lee6 Lr/20/Lee6 APPLICANT BROWN-WOLIN CONSTRUCTION P o Box 701, vArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR BROWN-WOLIN CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 701, VArL co 81658 OWNER BEI-,I., TOWER PARTNERS LTD ONE TURTLE CREEK VILLAGE STE' 3878 OAK Description: ADD DORMER TO EXSISTING ROOF ********r*ii FEE sutrtllARY Bui f,ding----> 155.00 Restuarant Ptan RevieH--> .00 Total cal'cutated Fees---> tro8'75 PLan check---> 100.75 DRB Fee-----------------1 50'OO Additional' Fees---------> -0o lnvestigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> -OO Tota[ Perlit Fee------> l.0fl'75 Ui|'|'cat|'---->r.ooctean-UpDePosit-----_->1o0.00Payments-------__-_> TOTAL FEES-----***t****i*tt************t*****t**********t*********l****tl*tt***tt******ti**tt*** ITem: 05].OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT65/21/tgga cHARLTE Action: Nor6a'/t4'/7996 cHARLTE Action: APP m: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DePt:)i /76ga- ctiAnLre- -eaEion: Nqfq ql4l-{s cH4'BhIE,4'/70i6 ciiAilLrE Action: APPR cHARLTE DAVrs6E"t ) i t 16 6i;- cfrIfrl rE-' -AEEiiiii ; --Nor 6a'/24'/I996 CHARLTE Action: APPlIbm:, 054OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT05/23/I996 CHARLIE Action: NoToa'/t4'/799G CHARLTE Action: APP "Ff,fififiiue^iEiXtriufifrh^ "'"*'-t- -'-u"pq-' -PI,ANNTNG Division : cfiEiltin- -A-Eion, Note pLANs MrKE MoLI-,rcA 6572471096 EHARIiE AcTioN: APPR PER MIKE M ii.6fr:'' d56oo-FTHs-Dsp[RfMetit - - Dept: FrRE lTbm:. O54OO PLANNING DEPAR'I.!I!;N'I.05/23/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLA 0.,/24'/1996 CHARLIE Acuion: APPR PERItbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT EE/iilIl'BlE EfiTftIIE tsEi:I: TEBft NIT It'ern:' .05500 PUBLIC WORKS6572i/i990-citARLiE AAtion: NorE NIA 6a'/23'/1996 CHARLTE Action: APPR N/A0s7h7 *tf ***ffir.**ffirrt*rHt,r*itffifr*trrr see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLAMTIONS I hercby acknovl,cdge that I have read this appti cation, fitted out in futt the informat ion requi red, corPlcted an accurlte plot ptan, aird state thit al.l. the inforrnation provided as riquired is correct. I agree to compl'y rrith the infornation and ptot pLan, to corpl,y rrith al.t, Tovn ordinances and state [ans, and to buitd this structurc according to the Toun'3 zoning and subdivision codes,'design revieu approved, unifofn Buitding cide and othep ordinances of the Torrn appticabte thereto' REauEsrs FoR '{spEcrrol{s srALL BE ,oo, ,nantouR HouRs rN AD'AN.E BY TELEP}'NE n' o"-'}t AT ouR oFFrcE FRo E:m Ai 5:oo Plt Send Ctean-Up DePosit To: BROl'lN-llOLlN CONSTRUCTIOT'I INC ffiFoR HrllsELt AND oul{ER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #. [J96-0122 ai ot os/za/sa status: APPRoVED ****************x******************************************,.******************** pernit rype: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Appried: 05/23/L996 Applicant: BROi,'IN-WOLTN coNsrRucrroN lssued: 05/24/L996 3039494186 To ExPirer tl/20/L996 Job Addrees: LOCATiON 3 BEI-,LTOWER PENTHOUSE ParceI No: 2L0]--O82-63-01-0 DescriPtion: ADD DORMER TO EXSISTING ROOF Conditions:1. FIEI-,D INsPEcTIoNs ARE REQUIRED To cHEcK FoR coDE CoMPI.,IANCE. 2. ALL PENETRATIoNS IN WALLa,CEILINGS,AND FLooRs To BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3.SMoKEDETEcToRsAREREouIREDINALLBEDRooMSANDEVERYSToRY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. 4.FIREDEPARTI,IENTAPPRoVALIsREQUIREDBEFoREANYwoRKcANBE STARTED. 5.wINDowMUSTMEETEGREssREQUIRMENTSlgglUBcsEcl2o4 PERI'IIT /I Legal Oluners Descriptilril;,."A.rL ntocx-5[ rili"e suBprvrsroN,(doli?,< fir,sh Name: oe*ls,rnl?'d*ia P^**rAddress: P.o.gd. lsa1ag,Ar,"r,hrl7?ttog pn.6w-lU-a/n pn.716- 2eo I General Description:) d"r^", {z t ttl roaQ/i* llork Class: [ ]-New gfi-alteration I Nunber of Dwelling Units: l-Additional I Number of l-Repair [ ]-Other Accommodation Units: Electrical Contractor: NAddress: ******************************** FORBUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLII'{BING PERUIT FEE: MECIIANICAIJ PERIIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF F8E: DRB FEE: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vait Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ** ********* ******************** BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUI'fBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: I'IECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PER}ITT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATTIRE: ZONING: SIGNATT]RE: $co"r^'()ol,nf .0. Boy 70 ) 0"\ Q I i6€8 CLEAI| I'P DEPOSIT REFI'I{D 75 ioulh frontagc rold vril, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: su&TECT: ottlco of conmunlty deycloprnGnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURREMTLYL REGISTERED IVITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC r{oRKs/coMMUNITy DE\IELOPIIENT !,IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I.IATERIAL STOR,AGE rn sunmar?, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit "nv-soir,-"J"i., sand., debrisor naterial, including trasn lunpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehictes.upon any streetl "ia;;"ik;-;ri;y or publicplace or anv porti-on ttreieoi. --tI" right-of-way on arr Town ofVail streets ina.:gags is afproxinately 5 ft. off pavement.rhis ordinance rill b".;ar_i;Iit"enforced by the rown of vairPubric works DeDartment. perslns found .,rii,r"ri"g this ordinancewirr be siven a 24 hour r=iai;;-';"ti""-t"-;;;;;;"=.id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified aoes-";;-;;;pry wittr thenotice within the- 24 hour. til;-;;;;iii"a,"if"-illfiric r{orksDepartment will remove said urateii"r ii-i.r,.--"",i!i=e of personnotified' The orovisions or trti= ordinance strirr not beappricable to c-onstruction, r"ir,i"r-rce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utiiiiies in the righi-a_way. To-r:eview Ordinance.No. 6 in full, please stop by tbe Town of::li"::i1:i"3,Tf,if*:i:.:a-'"iGi" a copv. riranic vou tor your $trfn- A)o l,^ CX Vr- onlReLat (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 soulh frontage road vtll, color.do 81657 (3o3, 479-2138 or 479-2L39 otflce of communlty dovclopmqtt BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this perytit requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer's. (.pub]ic lJorks) review anJ app"ovai,'i iia*i.ini'bepartrnentreview or Health Departm6nt revtew, .nl a-review by the BuirdingDepartment, the estirnatea iiru io"'.-iJt"r ""ri"*-i"v"L[i'as tongas three weel(s. All commercial (rarge or sma't) and ail multi-famiry permits wi'have to fo] low the above menti6ned maximum requirements. Residentia.land.small projects shourd take t-1e;;er'amound of time. However, ifresidenti'al or smarler.projects impaii the various above mentioneddepartments wi th reqard to- necessii:y-revi ew,-*,"i. i""ji.ii' ruyalso take the three weef periJJ. Every attempt will be Tgge by this departrnent to expedite thispelrnrlt aS soon as possible. - l:-il" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timetrame. v Communi ty Devel ooment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED NO 1r/ t/ / / / U J 7 4/ 1) z'.) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or pubtic property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls difierent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit' required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Communily Development? YES 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) !f19u_ algwettd ytt to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's ofiice or at C9.ryr.r1u1ity Development. lf you have any questions please call Cha4e Davis, lhe Town of Vaif Construction Inspeclor, at 479-21*. I have read and answersd allthe above questio n ,1r D.tl -'.\ Arr, t I)e l/'l-0'r+ | d rrq. \)o r rner y'llJ rtrn". Job Name Conlradofs Sig lllr /1WK [/f-'-- H'*-'5b.1u PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino oermit aoplication. lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "public way" is required. You can pick up an application at either community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valtey Drive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc..). This plan will expire on oct. 1Sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (tength, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a iite plan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g hours to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any thai may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but pleasi allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The above process ls for work in a public way only.* Public Way Permlts are valid only until November 1Sth.* A new Public way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. catp ay TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 1. 2. De panm ent of Commun ity Deve lo pment I}|FORUATTON IEEDED I{tIEIf APPLTTilG FOR A IIECTTAITICAL PENMIT HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAII OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EOUIPI,TENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow srzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION ArR DUCTS, FITUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILI, AISO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FAIIi'RE IO PROVIDE TIIXS II{FORIIATIOI| WII.L DEI.AY IOUR PERUIT. 3. 4. hwn 75 $uth tront|ge rord Yrll. colondo 81657 (30:r) 47$2138 (3{t3) 4792139 office ol communily developmenl NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OVINER BUILDERS Effective June 20, 799t, the Toern of Vail Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adequateLy established proper drainage from buiLdingsites along and adjacent to Town of vail roads oi streets. The Town of vail Public works Departlrent will be reguired toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Towo of vail roads orstreets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from tbe road or street on to the construction site.such approval- must be obtained prior to any reguest for inspectionby the Town of vail Bui-rding Department for footings or temporaryerectricaL or any other inspection. please catt 4'l9-2160 t;request an inspection from the public works Department. Allow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of vail pubLic works DepartmenL will be approvingall final drainage and culvert instaLlation with resulting roaipacching as necessary. such approval must be obtained prior toFj.na1 Certificate of Occupancy issuance. f*,*corrt.". Eaele county l,"""".orlrt"" o" vArL coNsrRu"rro* O ft ;;,ll'r:3;Wt'-';i;^t'rh'ilongll,l;Iill,E:ili3fi "F;*'' DATE: 5 /agllL PER}IIT # nlgetnteltr $ c coNTRAgtOR INFORMATION * ** * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * , APPLICATION I'IUST BE FTLLED oUT Col'tPLElELy OR IT ltAY Not BE AccEpTED(f,******Jff*fffif* ,f",""-7vifffdffi.:U4tpi.-. PERMIT INFORI'{ATIoN ***'t*****************.******** tx-Building [ ]'-plunbing [ ]-Etectrlcar [ ]-Mechani-cat I J-otherl) ,r- Otl Nrob Narne: ftf{lo"rnf3;H:.1t'""- ,rob addresr, &ol &r<,C.e*4Dr;h{ - Lega} Description: Lot_1| afocf_5f, Filing $elfhwcr farfhq')^tIA. ., ^,'owners Name: e iiAs,'tie. -'Gi^irot P"*'nAddress: f,o.Ax tSafif , &"Gh,t/, lg txt pr..i4-37/-af ,2 Ph. ceneral Description:do.*rr *o t r"oQii* work crass: [ ]-New f-arteration I J-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwell_ing Units:Nunber ofLng unrEs: _ Nunber of Accommodation Units: ^ {pnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/perlet_v {**********Wa*dl$.t**********:t* VALUATIQ}iIS ***:'r*****'t*'t********************* tiurl,otne: $ /o,sso PLUMBING: T--- "/16- aaot cortrqstor: Ero*lnr C^ro /,i-A;+-I,...Address. F,6. &/ 1ot-][,reffi ELectrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: *** * ****_******* * ** * * ********* *** BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE' FOR PLUI{BTNG PERMIT FEE3 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: EI.,ECTRTCAt FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. No. /oo-APhone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CIIECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CBECK FEE: RECRIATTON FEE: CI..EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI,IIT FEB$: /1 'tgIlPIl!9: (W,* E-zLt- tQ SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNAN'RE: CLEAII I'P DEPOSIT REFI'I{D TO:S<'o.,n - L f .o- Bov l,n J0) eo^|, 6 I t6€8 Post-lf Fax Note I ,T 'l BY:r P.O. 3838 Orrk Lrwn Ar.cnric, Suito J00. Delht, Trilar ?521, .214559-45., . FAX 214 559 ,160A 201 E.OorcCreckDrirt,3rdFlo<x.Vriil.Cplor.rdo 816.17.970-a76.2lLl .FAX970-479-i)499. '{r.r L rr.vr nYY E3.rr t52R8 . AmrJilio, Tcx{s ?91d5.5283 JPhyricrl Artrin:s!: ?24 S. Polk r Ar:rtrrjllo Tcriu ?t lbl . 806-3?+2432 . F.trX 806-379.7049 ,: r.tAY-25-96 THU SNOI,IDON IT HOPK I HS AREH T T P g1 Brin :i'ovmn PAPTNERS, ITD,' Aptl 8,,1996 ';'i, . l -.' TO'TN OF VAIL . do CtrigSnowdcn ' tl ^ll ,li^:-:-- B--!ll!- fdll'8nt&Htoo"" Vail, C0 81657 alterrtions or tsr,r, t0wuR coNlreDUNluM Asg(Xjra'l'tta'l'toN , I. i 3838 O$.k Lewn A\rcnuc, $uitc 100 . Dlll{r' TctN 7571') .21+551)-45D . FAX 214 559 460$ 201 E.GoreCreckDrirc,3rdFloor.Vrll,.Cglor,rdo 816.17.970-476-?l2.5.FAX'9?0-479-[)499 P.O.' avt E' \rvl9 Lr|6gf, l,fl vgr JIl| fl99f I Y lrt.b9l!JI,l99 919.r, . t/V'..rg'4 | 4-t . r',a /r a tv-- I t'trrta d.or 1.5288 . Arnariliq Tcxts ?9105"5288 .'Physical dchiru*r ?24 S. Pulk r Arriuillo. Tcxlr ?9ttll . 806-3?+2422 . F.,\X 806-379,?049 ' Town of Vall Communlty Doy6loDment . . .,rir biigrjl tip0n pirns, siltriiicaiic0s an0 0ih0i liiiit sh;rr''. :rii,vt]li 1:re CLri,d|l)g ir l,r;lal lrOnt ihi)reaf rer f6qclf itg t ;s lil:cn ci err0rs in said plans, slecilicati0ns and ollr! ,rrF {-N'7a oi*Ifivr"{?q,jfr,*4Wi'4 tqnl.o2 Y.rffiflr qht ttbvt. 8ul1d Hsalil Flrs XnE Q; Otrllh o rtuo.1 a tkuo lra" , 7W , 4t(1r' w-1 .ti\ntEoPt ilr,ffi,nr*il( Wffitr* qr;Ww*ilflh| un*i,g wf ro,"rLnlf . u*iv, Ihvu buil,'4. o*rsfriuljtor?1|6 , ollrhrg dsdovnwulm F[ , TtBr. o' 1{1, Ltlrl4l , Vrt[ ,nlon4o . Vi'- tt-e " o dlbq " *1W " + '?tw'1' q Q^^U&* .r--^- , Lol,rrto, a,fefiw)hqrl4r'q luro .h{hn,J hrHrq , vrrl ,d-{, t- I o + I l,'41*lJ (-/11 , a?w{o h/rn . \ W-qQ^--.* t or 4ot1 ' +/ltldlb oo !r) sx $s $ $1 Q$$ R$ $ \ N H s F.$s.5 ^Fs6 v, -.! .=Ilr)JS s Rs \. N $ 6 AR s$ s$ Ng itii $$ i lH,$-- \s I W,+,!.-'Q^'-* 1) A1l lunber sha1l be Doug-Flr 12 s4s or better. A11 colurns to b€ continuous bearing to exlsting structure.2l sheath roof r'rlth 5/8r' plt'wood rrith Dlnltlun span rating of 4o/2o ot better. Nail plln ood hrl-th 8d € 6" oc at panel edges and 12tr oc at Lnterroedlate nenbers.l) gheath all exterior walLE with 1,/2'r pl]mood or oriented strand board vith ninlnuu span ratlng of 21/o or better. Nail i/ith 8d e 6r oc at pan€l edges and 12rr oc at interDediate studs.4) Live loads used for desigm- -Roof-100 paf snow (1e6s than 3:12 pltch), -wlnd-2s psf. -Eaqthquake-Zone 1 UBC.5) A11 conBtructlon Dust conply wlth the 1991 uniforn Building code aa adopted by the Town.of vaLl EulLding D€partDent and thercen€ral conditions of the contract for constructionr' (AIA Document A2oL),6) construct wal1s aE followa- -Exterlor-zx5 e 16i oc. -Interior-2x4 e 16 oc., un1€sE noted otherwise.7, A1]. beaDs, joiats and rafter8 are to bear upon arallE or beams OR be bung sitb SIt{PsoN Strong-TLe hangers or approved equaLs. AI1 connection hardvare aa nanufactured by sIl{PsoN strong-Tieor approved equaLs.8) All structura.L n€nbers are Ehorrn in thelr final positionsproperly braced and supported, during constructlon it nay be necessary to shore portions of the Etructure whil€ otberportlonE are belng constructed. contact the structural englneer for conaultation as required-9) contractor Ls responsible for all non-Epecified connections, contact Etructural englneer for details as required. Bngineerto approve a]'l structural substitutiong.10) contractor Ls to coordlnate al]- diaphragn penetrations (ie, chinneyE, plunblng serrers, €tc. ) througb fl-oors, loofs andfoundation wall6 rrith appropriate sub-contractors. ceneralcontractor is responsible for rn€ans, Dethods, techniques, aequeDces, procedures and Job-Eite safety associated with thisproJect, General contractor to verify all, dinensions and elevations nith architectural drawi-ngs. Notify engineer of allconflicts or onigsions betlr€en variouE elenents of th€ rrorking drawLngs and the exLgting condLtions before coNoencing eriththat portlon of the project. ceneral contractor to lnspect reDodel proJecta and verlfy prior use and proper disposal ofexisting uaterials (i.e. asbestos, etc. ) as required by code-Identity of all existing hldden Etructural elenents based uponplans by BORTIAN/A'fEr.CHER & ASSOCTATES dated July 23, 1968. Lt ) ALI naterials erposed to exterior and/or noJ,sture conditionsahall be treat€d for these conditions (ie, chemical staining, paintlng, etc,) aE requlred by code. W)rU%ArLDtua vArLl CslFaDO lZ /lrta /q?a qw- q Q,,.-^ fnre z7z v_rv REprl3-l- --' TOWN DF VAIL, COLORADO o4/AE/97 Q7:46 REOUESTS FOR INSFECTIEN WORR SHEETS FOR: 4/ t/97 PAGE 1 AREA: DD Activity: 896-OIEE 4/ ?/i7 Type: A-'MF Address: i:O1 GORE CREEH DR Far"ceI : l1O1*OAC-63-O1lA Descr.iption: ADD DORII1ER TO EXSISTING ROOF Appl icant r FROTJN-WOLIN CIINSTRUCTIOtI Ownerr BELL TOWER trARTNERS LTD Contract or: BROI^IN-WULIN'CnruSfnucf toru StatL(s: MlilJED Donstr: AMF Oec; Use: U l-HR F,hone: 3Et3949zrl86 Fhone r Ffrone: 3$39a94186 Inspect i on Reqt-rest Reqrlssl or: Rich Req Tine: O8:OO Itens reqlrested to OO54@ BLDG-FinaI E/O Information,.. Comm ent s: Be11 be Inspected,. Fhone: T ower" penthouse top 949 -4186 f I oot" . Act i on Connnnts -A-fv.) nwI /%J-- -L#;AF-\./' , - Time Exp InEpection History,l. ... Item : EgllaSB BLDG-Framing A6/o3/Sb Inspector.:. CF Item : OOESO'BLDG-Insulat ion A6/lF3/96 Inspector': CF Item: OO54A BL-DG-Final C/0 A6/lA/96 Inspeetor': CD Notes: SMOKE DETECTORS, @7/16/96 Inspector: EF A*t i on Ac:t i on Ac.t i on ARE RECI' D IN Act i on : APF,R AF,F,ROtTED : AFPR AtrFROVED : DN DENIET, BOTH LtrWER BEDROOMS : DN no one home two times oz = E UJo- CN an LlJ UJtr. = uJ €als€l0l N H v z H z o\ IJJ *co H ,z its 9>za 9r 5 l., ,F lo E F FI =o z z F-lAE ./. Fr H zo HH vtzH Fl H o uJF z z 6 J .5 zz It J LIJa - uJz 3Otr It!oz;3 (v :I LIJ <Fz^ YZa< o o : (E (Ji =l cl 3oF o ooc(!c ol o) O =J tD E =cl o o (! ; .9 o) '=O(,;i*tr:tE8EaFe*€*838EiE: E UP.Oc-o>e::i:IS d r,= t cY'-(5 :; B.: zr?io6 E ONEtEo f E o 3o-OO.-oet- !s: c .,.Y- (E F o- (! o--ag6:oiEorE o-.s(!CvE;: FEEbI o oE'"ieE9 -C G L:l --C)(! o'-- =r-F;,8 =;e3;ot o >.= :E:9(Elc 5- aSeH9E-o -gFgs c!o.l \T F uJ o- z oJ f(D :< UJ (J z =F qJ (,z6 l o- J z Io uJ z tr uJ lu 3 LUt lrJ z 6 uJo F6 o o-f z (J >< F ul al, u't UJ trJu-t =E UJ(! .J F l- (Jz J f e.FoluJ uJ z =f) J - gJ = NOTl- IVA F U. Ex z :a =t- =Fz z LF A Z!o==o? X i ilF Y u o-;a o cFz >- (-)- Q<-lnFn Z Xt!rL< 4- i 6 gFFo:.* i N (,F (\r =>(r _I z tr f o o-f F CN a G : z Eoo {X; tr E LUF ; z izlzQaFur o< 5-- 3o<z tr1. z=!;do3trOI I I I I Il-_-.- il lz'oz ir x- OF :) G tJ.lz 9IF z EooLUI '...,'. a- ';-'t' .',. r.f , +Z C) u),g(,!6 I ,;--x ,'' a'' - =c! o- l- o UJo z Jtr I I kiFHF H _E otrB FtltlFl F I IF Fi H E |r.tE LJ z FI' Ft) i<Etsv, & H =z x A aa --4 = Frn F\ I\o i FfH tso =Etr !J 66 F & z etr I.ir rn(\ o r!1 1l <I>l l'l-l ;l 3lolFl E 2 o ]U J aioz39 =e.tr .i o IJJi : 6z 3I E oz uJE J a l! z 3o F = (! z LU(r (! oz;oF uJ)t! (Y r.lJz = F LIJ trI O <F r!<z&UJF o(J <oOF;s -zr t 9P =#JZu-o O <F :1 FzA =si,z E I'r b2 J<(J<5 ?, :o C\J u)oz F.l zi IIJ Foo -z F UJY ul6 O.{F0\.o\F ,-{ =IfroIIJ N ,, H, =(Jlr/ ollzl ^olQzl rHlrl uJFP \.,,zo x zEi (9= hlz=e.Do x>z l:) Fl o- t! N ..<5\,, \J =="*i --r -i t!od> "54--ElLlt l f]UU = llJ !Lo llJoz ao o o(r o- JF t!-!:: > o- LIJ>(! 9o\ lrJ x> J =LL tl.l G] F o o o o tr E Eo(J AOIl+. c!|D>F :o -E E =E, lrJ o-zIF() :)El-(nzo() I I \ TF ilE Ei:€EsE- E:.9 : 15o- 6.:' |u, i;;;E lii ii;gNl,E;iFE\IE3 giif i€tigi P;665 :EEgB E6EgE :-'ESdc O'-: -.c= o l, c Esit€tglr3 ! -: .':8 iEiEg zl .. >l ujul2 UJ o- J z E o o ooF ^ 6zq 5 =eag of,. qroEZr()8e q |r<oq 4.Es g icr(, rl='99 c -E'' =,5,!=Flor \\ ui \'C) IIJ tr(t>oo1zo F0.utY UJ@._pB Flr) >c3 !'r k-rio,ofliEololrlgur 1^FIJzo n! zo9z_e coo ==dP J o(JZF = llJJJ tr:truio.ttoE9E3€8B9?a .=.E3tE'J = ltlEF85 =96E9Eieq€= uJ oF t-r- ts =E,lrl o-zIFof E.FazoO tr = UJ o- l!o IJJ F .Y "5 z f UJ =tr ly t;: ldrvJ Lll"r? tl: E @ (9z J u- Fo -'.+S l+ 6 lri'a o El!g ii =z @t x d E s ant uJe J = k ro NY 4 =C) ,1 <rl6UI o t ! C) a.:) ad \:J 2 tr I."lr l';lNr.to l=.t0IuJl5t<l>ttLlolzt3toIF F I ,-J Y ulJ utF d2 dut J ? l!oz3oH =tr 1(t ufq -l t|-lqzIg F lo olul 5 >i t! Yz3q H d u!zil. J uu J :g olzl lrJl :l<l>l r.l OI zl3q FI ui JulF, ulz =F Fo lr.t =()E q -rO<t-c()ur<zEurFo8 c) o EF() UJJ llJ Fz :JF fi*7a) =<'-= 99 =() =;=Fd7 J<Q sg a!2 Xr 75 roulh fronlage road uail. colorado 81657 {303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 ottlce of communlty deYeloPmelll BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thi.s permit requires a Town of Vail [ire Department Approval , Engineer''s (Pub1 ic Works) review and approval , a Pianning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All commercial (large or smal'l) and all multi-famiiy permits will haVe to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a'l esser amount of time. However, if residentia'l or smaller projects inpact the various above mentioned departments wrlth regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as s,qon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the pl an check procedure and time frame. Agreeo Eo Dy. De1EloitrSheet was turned into the Communi ty Development Department. \.t?t 75 soulh fronlage road veil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: oltlce of communlly devclopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OF VAIL TowN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI'0{UNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I'IATERIAL STORAGE In sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash durnpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVaiI streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the Public Works Departrnent will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction. maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departrnent to obtain a copy. Tbank you for your cooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) Date [,, I faE*/osd ft*er+s CovtV-+,/ ,utf{r/r' stfa_a-f A^t<4< FrW s,Ts o^t T"/ oF stuJg o ciz tr =G, uJc o o (a c.l l'r aululu- = UJ(l ooffit /,*$s tv) Or (v) o\ a H E fi HE gr o z UJ F E E 2z o zz o UJF z z I (o € ozzal t!z 3ocr(ul := Evlul <FZa YZo< o o 5\oS€$u\\ IN 3.o\F\ ON5\El tN E. =r;\4 =6 (! o O I'5 d) E = f d : ..1 o. Frl (! F{l =Pl.9. zl><lE5l ol oti .[.Y''=O(,;<*!oiE8F"; =e*€*E E 8 F=::c € 6E:Ec-o>:= E3 i! =8i'e';=g cY"(! 3 5;.; E EiRItEo*OOc iEo'6'- O O = 9-F EidE o-(6 o-- SE; soiE-orsfi:€ :F€HieEe.si: (!o'-!c;o(/) --E.-sf;; E ga'-= o(!=; ;F E';€; E9Eo.eEg: ra (Yl q \o @(') * E uJa z .) Y ul z - (J llJ.Jlu z E = 2 UJ u.l l].l z tr u, uJ 3 t z UJ F6 uJ c z UJ x F uJol .n uJ UJlr = =E UJ F F z J ID J =F IIJ.J IJJ (9 z. = d = () = Fl H H (Jz NOrM'rVA el I I l=lztl IFlq lrrl .i lE:IH E{ gE 6 6bf; ?a =EAttoE;6d 8a(Jzx.^H$ ;E:5 gF d(\Ofr I =>lr -r =aD IX lr'r t: IEIHt< l* tz lFl IE l' | (t:l(,lzlF{ t> I' IH t<IB FiA Fl E zrql'trl DE|or KJaHts F) t1 E 7 Eopllh z tr J tt o o- ut F 6l E- o- E z Eoo R 14z tr uJF 3u,z Izlz9o <Oo< 2tl 8o<z U) Lz <tzZ- d63EOI I I]l# lrI r'ttzi l=r--rrllll Ll_I toI tJI tJI t<l5l;l3tI UJl l! th zY i z F laz o =o I - X--l :l5l -Jl :l zl .. >lo UJ tLl uJz i (! uJ(! J z E o X z tr @ H.k-o9 (! c{ I & I (o LO O ul tr U) d)o.? zo Fo- uJY ul(Il oFt ccuJ^o.x t! o\ LF- r-r trr | (r) Hurbkzo tFn z oPze 0oo =z dP J AF f: CD LU +{.Xt}{t}4 L ul(L ILot!oz o @ o (rI EI JFUJ-h=-i(rduJ>(!OL9oqurxdx>9F .JJ tr IJJ o E CLo o oE .:ct Eq ott o E =E, lrJ o-z9F(Jf E,Fazo C) 9z I UJ =! I I H Fdfl4 HFi rlFt trl z tl- J J lr.t E Hts I 2l-{&FIf.lzt-l tsz E FlH ui5 z ID -') z .l)EFl E FrHB FfrdX u, z F4 H € c'rN uJg,oo = @ \o I\o I FlH F tr uJg,oo F tsaz B Iz FIH FlFl IA = t!- Ic'\ z ci lrJE J a IL z 3oF r\ l-- Icr\.$ o\ ui IJJF H ts F] Fltll FI z =c I (n o2 o uJE J a tt z 3 F rn t\ Io\s IJJ ul (9aHI cqEFi Fn ".frllAHI>l F1 FJ}J E tr A I(n oz oruc l!oz3 F F-.if, F- Io\.+ o\ ul lllF =tr oz o uJt Ji ll. z3 F tr oz o llJ ! rL z3 F tuJgJ F E,ulz = Fo uJ ='t' C) <FtrouJ<zE (nZoo JE<o(JF FS !2r tuOAO ,"x>Y =#fFd6 JIY<;:<F =+3 6! 3g Et: =b2 (J .J<C)fflfl:jd oz F =E uJ o- o o (t) uJ UJ|r E =Ellj o- t$sNs*I I I I o'l o\@,,., @o, ltr OlFr .< '--{lo "it "itl E; E I I IzHt zg;i g od !9 'rD ll! >{EI* A ni2 x< lo F-r(JtJ Pdr5 uJ ?G == zz oqJ Foz zoJfo .5 o =z zH F.lH H E F Fzt-l z *.l( lt uJ.lt =T G tl- zoo Eo utz3od |!UJ6z;t.EvI u,lFI<F2^o YZo< !)a,/ ..J, t',1, {n / --r-- '1 ,1 " t t, |'., 4.' n/ "./ tL' ,'i 472,1 t "''l otl 4,/)"i,/' Ya ts A z IJJ Fl() o j-rDc6*8.9 B H€: F.c S? € EgE; E 6E:Ec-o> sfi:;e'=-9c96iIoSoI5;.; EE-s: 5E gE 9; ge $EisoiE ors€eE 96(!6 E;EE - o,lJ o --cJ(! o'- E-c= o g' et;c ; H:E lfiE;9E o -cEg: -o(E: |-\\o|-\ .ir-ir rn\T o c.l @ 4 E =ct! o- z ) -o UJ z J ) 9E o uJJ u,l z IDt J () 2 () uJE |l,lutl!zI F u,lcouJa @ 'g UJc.zI ut trv, qJ i uJ o x luo ollju,l]- ==G,|rIo- J FoF oz = Co J d,F UJJq,t z =)o- 9z uJ- Fl ts F NOtlVn'lVA -E. QT>El ll FloiDZEO(/l E..Eao5n<:x<rq !J3z.ltj uz : >E --|'1 =l!N =aON zzooF^atq5 F9 0qaz>-oaJ<)zr!<oq ^-OtoFO.ini zIF lr- cr(, uJL F o E UJE J z Eoo xXxz F- E UJFJ =t!z tltltltl Fz zOaEur5? =Hc) i- <z Fz .. 2= fioiE uJ J oaulzX9 l.- ut zI z I I-j I I oldl o3 <t o l -X o Ftt, -Jl<l FI zl zl .. >loul UJ llJz t uJ(L) z E o z l-o 2 :< c") I / (o g) OO o\ @ O'l t\(\ FfH Al UJ Eooo') zo Fo- uJY uJo oF F =Eul(L tto o-oo I UJFoz tr E UJ t!oEE E<cf€aB9tt ir EE => = u.t i- E FEE =o-E U5 I itnE XO_t x>t q-o-i!.i uJo F ts =E, lrJ o-zIF C)fEl-a zoo IJJF 6 z ,r9zecro =zffJOcL tr- EEi aHg trDD \ oz o UJ .E J lt z =F al>l t!lol zl3otH I I I I ?l tfl JI <l>l ltlol =l sOl u.lFI F ttlH I HHv tr F\ F- I .i I IIorl >l t!l f, ts ahz B Iz H FlFl .J) t G \orn .<r\o I Or$o\ I}(trlni *lrl Fll ol Lul .cl Jl <l>l trlq zl 'lotFI F-l z & =c tt F{ X F-rbr.l tslc)2 tf g. frfBo F{ FftJ rI1 tsl uJ =z o-) al oelot\tzl tn(JI r-.t | |El \o fll rprl Ir\l \OJ ?..{ | I .VA J e4<q> J EO # h <n zz E ul =z 2? =Ed6o EoFo Fz C) 0rir ttr \JZ o t -rO<FG() tJJ <ZF LLI F(rzo J (J F uJ) uJ trnn o May 31 , t989 Mr. Peter Patton Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Dear Peter: I want to follow up on my phone conversation of May 30, L989.I am terribly distressed by the installation of the ventsystem at the Lancelot Restaurant. Beth and I have con-tracted to buy the Penthouse in the Gore Creek plaza, withthe closing scheduled. for June 15th. The installation ofthis vent system dramatically affects the penthouse and itsva1ue. One of the views, if not the primary one, is to the GoreRange. This vent now destroys that view from the living roomand entry. I have been told that Herman Staufer did receiveapproval from the Town of VaiI. I cannot accept the factthat the adjacent property o!,/ner was not notifj_ed and that noone from the Town of Vail visited the si_te to determine ifthere were any impacts. I would like a response from the Town as to what action willbe taken. If nothing is to be done, I will have to consultan attorney to take appropriate steps to restore this veryimportant vier^r. P1ease respond as quickly as possible. Yours tru1y, Rs/jt cc: Howard and Martha Head Herman Staufer Ron PhillipsLarry Eskwith Fred Otto /ln t f .& --la>/'-l nI a&g". EAG! qB!!! 89CLUBVAIL 230 Bridge Street, Vail, CO 81657 AVON P.O. Box 2518, Avon. CO 81620 (303) 47 GZ42r FAX 47 G2658 (303) 949- 1900 FAX 949-1122 JO\+ (Y) OO uJFo @o-zo Fo-lll :< uJ co oF ts =frF\o-PtL xiol"i*olo# | .lrr5 U!!bEzo z o9ze coo =z o-r! ?r(,(J= =ri6d= tr E uJo- t! 59EAal€frB9It ir 5gF-Jr =uJ!E h>R :E-(LuJ: >(L: OEE 9o9 \urEA'Lt x>€;.1FtL ':€= l! co E -- F =E, lrJo-zo F() D E,a, zo(J !nn oz ts =tI!o sl xl*z. <. ltr El#lE iiHrE vltrth *t) cY*oA \\l *_ *=o)*\ Yt z lseErtri; giiiEQEE E'ris E'jJ €; eeii[; :iEiF,N EEEiEI+ :-oESd/)."tg o'^- ; =,/r .') e**E, \ l; aEE:fi )l= o.(g o.- :o=*o"(5 ): o - 'lt .ei o9F€fiE=i Y(')woo H:gs? j gsE;E E; eEI Jl -l zl zl .. >lo uJ ul u,.lzo =(r tu ) z Eoo a B t- uJ ILr<:og x.l?12ol?lE Fl--rl<(/rl@l(l- =5-# y.{f,.t- errtuznV =>E -r(nfu.$ =@61 lltttltltlloll-ltolI uJlllltall>lI u-lloltzl =l =lal 9lrr-I FI olzl ol uJl 5l al>l lr-l il I I I I I I I ol =lol uJI :l <l>l s-lol 2l ,,t =l fOl uJFI F ol =.1ol IJJI :l al>l JrlN-{ !l tLlol zl =lolFl rf) IF\ c\l .U Fo I.lLIol I-:z Ir-lC'I o.' I!l crl Ir-r I (\ll frcrl a dE -)Z -I o = (n E YC' IJo) |co,o Itrtl-ttsltlrl6(Plotz.t--i-\ J:tr /c t.1,'" !/ F 4 I(P rJ| t,b T d, = Tq ? 1uJl =4 ! {J FJ O (\I Fz z T [t .J- IYr- ;-- \JZ E LIJ LTJ E 2? =#f,F d' zo o E <F(r()tr]<zE|.rlFt't Zo tlJF T E d affitr BECK & ASSOC|ATES,CC P. O. Box l4l3 vAtL. coLoRADO 81658 (303) 827-57U UETCM @F TRANSNflITIIAL ,/dTbena€ /oc/re 4- ffii, n Samples the f ollowing items: n Specifications :r ,o6rl*, ol y'*Z Bu;/d,/,/6 r Vhtfl,,rZ DtF WE ARE SENDING YOU n Attached I Under separate cover via f Shop drawings f Copy of letter I Prints I Change order DATE NO OESC RIPTION f / 4tt/s { /n///€E/r/;/ 9e,tay' , . // / /,(7/co/"*/ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: firo, upprou^t , fr* your use / Z As requested n Approved as submitted n Approved as noted I Returned lor corrections n Resubmit-copies for approval n Submit -copies for distribution ! Retuan -corrected prints ! For review and comment [: tr FOR BIDS DUE 19_! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US €/ du//o Pzzr/r< ,&. Ecap 4,fy Tc/ rt A; ?reYa;l ,n1%rQ/'/ b-q'67 -{4Fy' %z'*/fuJ %/"/,/- Z;)d/"/-a/-, -"/ A,*// ry'/z COPY TO ll enclosurcs arc not as nolecl, ktnclly nolily us al onco. l'rro*oo,u o*ilor^,*,o. l- ,^,, 8f']6fq1 --.: ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vAtL, coLoRADO 8r657 (3031476-220r CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY DATE tuEr+r @f4it[ycdr.r' n i"rc:ried n ValiCity of Pirrmlt Sec. 3cl3 (c) 1$!12 ii B C t-__ tl .", !; flATE: llgwN oF vA lL )PART OF TRACT AA .-..--1..- i{,"tt,*ar ooi! -.1 FOUR STORv 1l/616D BUTLD I NC BUILOING AODITION (ONE STORY I li'llhro' EurLDrNG 8iJ|[' f;,Ti'"'^?'" t7 2' !,N. I 4't. 24.oo'..zg"l74 ts.2' \ \ \ \ t '0,Vr9 suyvy no.q4q drt t/roll, IwW$tw t1t c,vww1 , , ftlor,k 5'b ,Uvl1 1-\\Li3. \ +-- I tI \-1 \ t ) ,/11= I JIil.\ turttre" t iftrti' oo"E L -;t -' GORE CREEK DRIV E NI5'o ;ar'/ @ -lo o_:ffit;/*iW,!,tril 'rprt (traog,'X H3F.3ir*ilfirFoLLo,vs t I ' ,ro*rr',-l (40) PATIO AftEA ---"'-'- L-- 1;t"- -{(') CD(\ac) /1 4./) / 0v IIJF U)oo-: zo Fo-utY IJJ Co oFt Er-9@4O\b't>-lo- c\|8.{rllt? uJF!JOEzo -J 2 T [! =! J otF(J l,rJ J UJxFI*.t z : fo n tr uJq E fuJ59E<ctf6Vtte,B9tt; 5gE ;=E E=o dtrE :}E U59 iurE XO_t x>6=Fo ..to-!tr ttt F ID - z (99 =Q..DO =zJO CL T'|- E =E lrJo-zoF(JfEFU'zo() !n! oz ts =e IJJo- I I l\l or,r-r I .l(\t ' C\J IqJ -iF =,rl I I I I -lFt-D13-: roolt r- tP 2E e*E!r fH $E;9i p:.9{ \5 a;t:c r1; EflEEE " :EF;:S sEisi €Eigr 96666 iEEEg :3E9dG o'-.= -c=o)oc ce !.3 €:, !E !; tr -q I.EJ E!a;e gEiEg g;;FE x =zzvoooF^.^zI5 =9E9 of, .J, O E.Zr-Ooon(JzX lL<9q ig;lG -xl!.Xz'. : tr,lrGJ(, ;Fl ol-lJI<l(Jl -U) z, u- z. z.z, LrJ F E Fz. IJJcld. (J J 2_l zl .. >l ut llJulzoF ul o- zI = PI.Fl r-l.Fl 6l ILIoltl ;l (Jz II I I 6 F J =O F(JlrlJJo(J t! cct =&. ii =z (Do") .olol-lcl6l 6l =l u{E 4 O)rosr x d E : r\. o)(\l I(o i a C) o =q aq.E :Ecl t! -v (J o!o lJ.l (\l a uJE J = c E() ;.t' P G' (J UI a.)', oo .Y o) G G Il-jt =.1 uJt 5t <l>l t! ol zl 3IolFI l\ro IF\ GI I t I F(J ulJ LlJ lJ.l lrl F = E tr td Irosr z oUI E. J a t!oz3oF t =tr z ci uJ G IIoz3o =tr oz o UJ(r J o z;9 =tr z ,.i uI lroz3o u,/-)r! F. E,ulz ="a F uJ =Io <FG()uJ<zt[!F(rzoO Jt<o(JF F3 S?F-,2tro >Y;c) =f]F4Z]o!o 2 T uJ = ; ) e E ;' =t-Oz J<Oa y').3H oz E =Eulo- o Ooo (\l 1r) cc r-. at UJ Luu- ts =E uJ o- 'r' Lslclt fJ1b\7 h''t I ItF\t-t cocQ olO[ r{ t^.(v+^J ld0r.+g -t- I I I I I1d,<ew#l,acr}Y SE lrlF o F FI =o z utulF z z J dt € z o l. Lr LI Fu l.l IJ *** tN tr, ..) ''/' v 'l 2 cE uJz; uJI z xl 7. "n'/l? '2, Llt c., ,, l] .ili77e c;F 1 t!Jc) o c) ol oi 6\O,-- 'r ctQtN)x K.- !! _.\ .'1\s.lrE\6trbj{ o\/-cl. o D (! (D DoO,/ao, E 7,.. t7,i Etl or! -\ ',t, ,/ Vz; ] K,orl oo\.s--E\ 6l t-1 0)E o D (! (D Doo o) =:'=- t1,, E.:or c)." E7 {to o.o. (U !q) q) '6 oo. o.o co. ,ah.:o.o anplc(!. 'E N (,'\ ):o-F o) o o) Eo(Jl (t o. fl o o E. !t. 4l o oc(! o;}.6 E .!96S'=O(,'*Iog8E E# s E=Eo:{!rc-o o(!S :EFd'i =c96 ESE EEA =!E500 iEo3qstq! f.=- (6 o.(5 o-sEloro. =€:E6:EE EO C: EsE -E€ -PC6 0'-5Ee E't E.si' '6>9IEE.Y:E8i 8 hEe9E o eEg -oc o or c oo Olc!cr, Et uJ z Y UJ z C) F llJJ uJ (,z =) J 2 ()q, = IIJ IUl!zoF U LIJ fo 3 UJtuJe.z(, u,lo F o lrJ 2 llJJ x F lrj U' tt UJ IJ.Jttt =E uJtrJ FoF z6! .o J 9c C)urJur z ao =fJc z IJJ: F F NOrM'tVA j^ !IJ F2 lr.:'- " E-=.DFf trt (t P1 =o"rp tr&lf-2 2 t+, t9 9 ct5 E c g& EE 6F o O 6'/')F0 W; i cl-'o\ +Eg Erol('- {. D = :-)JJ JJ s zI F J { q o c oc(, UJ o F\ lu J zo Foo to e UJF =qJz !1 EzfzOaE al,l<qo< Yq\ =H6o<z ant2.. 9= -Ifio3tr t_ I A (Iq'1 :I u- (r o B v) l<ltrl zl zl .. >lolrl UJ uJz U' tr = UJ o- J z E o =o 6 (\t I co I -c ,/) 7 4t ,/7./ia /J/1 /4 /). rl ut tr U)ooa zo F IJJY uJo oF E =G, trJ ll-o o-o C) I ult-oz F =E lrJa-z9F C)fEFazo(J u,F o z oPz?.oo =z=r=dP if; 2?= ;;g !tr! tr =uJc ItoFr!EZE<ttl€8B9Eir .EE => =uJ-5 h=o dfiE =aE Ub9 \uuEX(LE X>t q-o-t,E u,l ID o --- I :.E gz LL J @ F J z. z. o!- lrJ F E rt1F E v. ui =z .D l- a qo F (o UJ z ! I l t O)N <\.1 X co,] frul&ad J = F() ,o + I (6 = ana uJ Eo Fzu- ll.v V. wl d E =l! (n I C\,I ci o UJ =al >1 trl ol zl:l 9lFI rirN CN <l- I r\sl ui uJF z .; uJ J a t! z3oF <\J(\J I Olsf Or :=d, l! z d uJ ) a l! z 3o tr z llJ 5 3 t!o z)3I =tr oz ti ut lt z3 F t! UJ F E uJz3o t- UJFToE E <F(E9uJ<zg,UJF(42 JE<o()F trs ;.iiF AoIO t2? E?>d]Fd6 3g =3g6 tv t ir = \JZ <c)fflfr=1 r>tFt--1L>b<tJ r.o' 6 nSu q ;i ': + $ n+q .'N9--j 8tr3t .S fr>\$ J. I H ,q I uril\l $/) ,iS\ll F 0< N \!', 2F25 f, ul.l-l- 6 a ^h$ LJ' -1 lr I --{ E' \J rdv G \JI7-tivlt GI J itu\i0t{f T.:s.sg :8 -kr|_l ill-) It/<iH5;q6\Jrl! N r$ $g $Equ -u d* i$ {N VIJ ,J ilr,.F 4E t./ . | -l-ff\aro-1s j! 4' Flv.o..rc.-tL Oltc t-, 3*.,ioS .$u' ' J.q l*--,tc 1o t'aalu.6!q t - 4v D'.-.-(*zacft^g,) l - ', : 't:'&'c- L+-3 t-L" +) \ illl'/f /u oo il.V-"f*/' J SrhP L1+u!''^^ $*rr'plS+lr,pS ,- ,h eo.sr;r.+cx) *s, pa* L Dl.^--. T3*rri(sL t"l ra lnR4 JB A'tF Disprr.t..bovas . LL)wl wlbst {r*l-flu .r 6<- elr'r l/\'!+ P- (EJ r.at tr -r.s( /rC l() tJ z 1,-c.lC UV;'.ct nlrL'e-l e. 1'9" ptep- fs Town of Vail Departnent of Connunity Developnent 75 South tr'rontage Road.Vai1, Colorado 81 657 January 11, 1990 To Whom it May Concern, 0n June 17, 1987 we paid a clean-up deposi.t of 'l 00.00. The pernit nunber is #2951 . Since the job has been donefor some time now we would like to be refunded our deposit.If there is a problen please cio not hesitate to contact ouroffice. Thank you. \ -\..\. ...''. r.-S f.'_:,.i. .t- -. r)*-t' 'o ...\ R: '>*\\<r- .-,.::.. \\-;\- r-\.\>--\i' *r\'- .., -(.'-\-\\". s:r- \).' ..-'.y=. _. ..\-._\-':\- -\->r- r--i - ka Sincerel-y, Dan TeLleen DT/ ss \t',t,\*' \'\-\}-' N \i5t\ '\..=p\q1..---. i,\ \-N\..-\t \-.:= ,\s -u P.O. Bor 279, | 22 E. teadow Driye, Yall, Colorado 81658 (3O3) 47G.47GO FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belov items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box prov'ided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING DATE: CERTI FICATE OF OCCI'PANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 DATE: ?'-- f-'l C.J O ro C\I ! o) o o lIJ tsodlo-zo Fo.r!Y UJdl oF F E uJ o- l.l-o o-oo ulFoz ulF o z (J9ze 60 =z dP 3Ei ;Hg E !culo. lt EqE<ctf€aB9ELa9'=s =>E dtrE !:=E F#: >o-i 8a9 \urE XO-E ;-Eu{o-:!i ru ID F -I - E =E lrJ a-zIFof E, 6zo(J tr!! oz F. =G tUo- u^lL'J 5Eil-t-l I aI+Jq 11_ i5 +rF 26trY YZo< lr)t!o i tl- o o E Fz o t UIz3 tltl,; ll (Y,llrur Nll =coorll EIol!=lZ Z u- ilo o o jfl g 3 : F;lH! fiEIb{ ;.1iF EfI (t) J =F ul uJo- l!>o lrtu o- az Eo = J6 zxG I d!l(ul =lil 6 (9z =u- Jdt FoJ L(t' ! ll- ! @3 F (l, dl ii =z o - t/J =4 a.4qt od{I = TC o o. 6 art uJ dd I = =& trl E ll-l I 3 sl al>l :l 3l PI ol =.1ol il sltrlol zl 3lolFI EEd >l trl z ct UItc lI-q z3otH tr oz ut J >l ttlol zl 3lotFI (-) tt1 =E z o uJl <1 ttol zl 3l 9lFI ul J ur F t t UJz =o F()l!tr () E <FEOuJ<ZEUJF(4 Z,o JE<o()F -<ir G =z'a _c!202.ts =fd6 ix ::F *3 Y,z =8 Eh uJ+Eo2 o <OqEtrtrn oz ts =E UJI (t, IJJ IJJILt =t uJL %rifr:'frh) I I(o. cxtH---< <floN..+ sf I I I A4fl 3_-, 15d<o(.5(,,z t6 IJ uJF E Iz = =z ,^l =l<lFI-l lJ- |OI I -tHIol I <ld-lqz.l= lr'ottlOJt(7)F{lF-)<ld't.IOOl uJZ.n 1trqo- rJ{14.na< inulFoz oz 6 J l.o .6 =z ltJ uJ i lt- oFo zoo Go Eurz Bod u- uJ6z;xaEvILu <FZcr YZtt< E') ai9EO ;(D oq,rJ.o '64 ;o. ?!.t, O.ohcd.ag.co,I.coc uD-oonNO -of; :fiFo 96 e=oo#! oDcc(! ?r(DiEoo 8o6oD o.c =EP'=gd a=ob EJ Eg o9 EO_tr(Ut3 ./i ot';(uE d:9E6s'=O(, sbE ,.2 R;E6EE: ;OY g,!s iE a =PF; >= c96 e5; EEA =:E:ERcc-3teP! c.=- (rt 0.(o cL sEE (/,! O.Ego(EC P6tEil: s o oE EdE_ae :+. Cct o'-<; c)! *-c li)O- sEee33to>. H{ E.ite9E qr e5g -o6 Ll)(\l N ,o{ LTo F =Ea!o-oz6! -ou,-oz o- 9 F() UJ UJ oz. to = JL J oz otu = uJ uJt!z tr IJJ o tlJE @ BuJ; u.l z 6 UJo o o- UJ z 4,1J x F ul at,l tn UJ LlJlJ- F =E IJJ o- J Fo F z oI @ o utJgJ (,z 6 E J 9z () llJ. F F NOtlVn'lVA b HE FJ E F F .r> -d*-oz. ]-! a-z< =rv -.;r!t!d, #ii-<2Fu.xh =>E --(r) = lrJ l'i =9I z.zo9 q5 F9 0oo6bQZl!<oq d!?i5.ioi I I E!-lVF trF|< PllrJlL)l<IJlo- lH ls t4 ltn t; z tr J q ci UJ oo x =-L uJ z E z tr IJJ FJ =uJz t0tzlzs!a <oo< 4UztE Ytt3o<z Fz,. 9z..': Ftro3trOI tltlt\tt)|lll[ltcgltoltoltdl u,l G lrlz :< =F uJ F z 9 t-- J az J \ ;J 3 F 6 E I I| --r tI <lI F-lt2ll-r,,l ..- tzl16--| .. +Flfi <)= lM,t22le4t> I r,u l1t<tzlo lo olo ;I< a/) l-._r ) \ t reIa: 4 \v z F!)I t-l-tr fl oz! tL F - a UJo (\l I ,.f +. c.JcfO lu E @o93z>oq IsrulFY=uro(ourekF- F (E ut(L lLlosid8$rl ult- lllbkzo z.n9zz =z cL tl- Jifi z?=iHo-r -'i UJ6il= F E uJo. :!{E2E<ol€Ee9tt ir '95[E dLE h=o dE: >Li 8bE :HE ;TEul €= H F F =Elrlo-zoFo :) E,Fazo(J n!! (9z J TL TJJ co d. LU =F JJ TJl@ IJJ z -l ! >t (u! (5 (\J UJe a = C!z :<cl IJJ z <\t(o(\Ist I(o sf tltlJ-lcl .-{ || <t-lH rl:a cllulr €l f;el +slJsl<|!l+oltzl FEI olzl ol uJl 1l al>l rLlol zl 3lolFI zl ol IJJItrl JI 3l Ilol zl 3lolFI ol IJJIEl -Jl <l>l rI-Iol zl 3lolFI I I I I ctl =.1(9l u,tl 5lil>l II-|ol 3l sOl rJrFI F OO1F =#4Zrr- o z t Lu = uJ Er C) <FGC)[!<zE I,JJ FtnZ J EF C) IUJ LIJ t-Eir b=o(.) !D! o t,FINAL INSPEgTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be comp'l ete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. N FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING TEMP0MRY C of 0 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY oz E =E UJo- \l o Oo c'r c t f\ C\I (/, LlJ uJ lJ- F =E IJJI LE LE So1hffi tlbNlor@Fll O),r"'{l 1lt\ .l..l 9., gH 3E;r lr I t It3tE #; eE l!! <,= =x d= -lE 1? q= e: a,ll}-r ozz. OOv H a./) .tZ,4d pJ F l(JFF =rv)r f: F-tr- F{ p trlt t]-t F l< Fz F <o c{a9x+s l5luJs13o t=o t_st6or l"€t5o t!: = . t\ro- t l<o. I lF i $lE; )15o -)t -5- Ntfi b*N= FN,13s E=$E E }IiEl- liOg t;?o oFsq€-1 9eS .= ,4E{ nr-' co{r.,, i Fc* IEQx;qs iPl ! tl6 o-l t:?l ixal Ig uJl IJrl I(Dl I o)oll) g; o,E () c .9o € -o g, cq o) oN -(,- 't- o c E o o c) o .9 -c =o o ! o ui '6 oti (E '= g) cD g8E EEH .g 8E =ge c96'- o. -c E sE E EE500 i:o 3egtq! i.=- (5 o_6 0-$El.nr o_Efi: E6:EE Eo6= EE E - CL.Y '+. =6 0'-5Eg E'€ E-e:'36>o (!; fr;; Bte9E orOEE!ocD -o(E srOlc\l o sr F\Or c tc O F\ C\I c c O oLr) 6E><I'F)rfxx s@ ro =U z o Y r.u-oz J F ru ll,l 2 ao =J J z I() UJt uJ UIu-z tr tlt orl.lc oto =uJ uJ z 6 IJJ F at uloc z IIJJI o ; (f) sf x F ul.ttl ag,,l ulttt =E LUc J FoF (9z I o J () G otll uJ ('z t J J =ourt F an >ZE = NOr-LVnlVA F{>{'lJ H EIacl Hcl 1--lrda14{ { Y 'lt zo F a C) UJ J uJzlu =>E -I(v)Eur(Q =c0al zzooFo- A;a a ata6bo2r!<og o- !?iE -i<ri zI F J IL cj c3o UJ F F\ C\l E o- uJ J z E zo F E iJJFJ =uJz tltltltl ?z z9!4koo< YO- =HRadcj<z a ts1*9z1a- tro}EOI l-ll.-{ |tr I l-lI-'-Ttl l=ll\o ItlrTtFltFlt<ll-lll [Tl-ltoltoltil IIJ J G oa UJzY i trl F zo F J oz 01 I =(o FF- ;JJ i F !J Ol? l-t- c\l FF co It- t!oo(( o 3 o <ltrl zl zl .. >lo llJ UJulzo E = UJ 0-) z E F\ C\I z troI @ I><I I I "lzlYI <l(Ll I l;.; (t") I (\t I !! ,?e nHl 2,Hl &z f\ @ Fl (f) F{ J = llJFo c0o1zo F IJJY UJo o F tr (r u.l(L tl.o (L o I uJFoz IJJF o z .rP =2. =z)f dP "dq =E'=-r ": t!6il= E<txLl t (E IJJ o- IL t!!E2E<of,€8B9!L 5gtr Lr r- =ul:-E Ffb :EE U6E irt x>t q- €= IJJ .D oF --r F =E.l! o-zo FofEFazoo ; tttot ull ]<l>lluol zl Bl o{FI !-{ r\rr, Il'-c! JrlN 1 ctl z.l ol uJl 5l :l :l 3l PI tllur Itt I1lr)lFt st I El-'l-l Idl cil9l =l".1 ol"l Hl -'l ilF'.t >l =-l bllzl =31qolEFI I I I I ?l(9l 5<t>l Il|ol il g Ol urFI F (ulol il.E (Jz J TL o I I I 5 = F o ana/, d, lr,l =oF JJ 1r.lco >ltsEd D6t u; =z ID {J C) an -v!o = 0., U1 ah LuEo 2 I(o i .t' 6 G.F C) UJJ E2? =<=c d6 F C) (r Fzo C) z To uJ = t-E ir Oz E -rO<Fc()ui<zt I.IJ F(42 j:< F{ rXE4 E4 l>d t-- c-) co cvOo o = ts =c IIJo- -tHo.<(\r lo Fl*lol I I Iz.' F.{ |<lJdrSd lc) =lE t. I I l.,oIFt<ErFl9z r* lotz lt uto =T cott at, ffn$* EE HE,fr E$:;Eifi e; =pF-€ >=:c966'-oE- EEFiR EE;FE g"; E"€ €$Eisi € E ='g;E6:ii :iEEH60'-!-.c; o o F -.ar!g,O tlIJll!= lE; : ; ldi ur e lE: : : ll YJcL4ocd =lz 2 !- l,tJo o otrtr ^ 6zH H 3 = Fd3; Hd ; e o F-.1 E F EH rl<l trl zl zl .. >l Iu uJu,z U'F E uJ o- J z E cn (\,I l- llt E U'oo-zo Fo- llJY lrjo oF F tr IJJ o- l!o Loo I uJFoz tr E UJ o.lr L r.lJ59E<cLl€8E91tL;scE E drE FEE :dr ub9 \urE XO-E X>t q-o-i!tr uJ c0 @ uJF o =3zEE =?dJFH --><I X EEi--iuJ6d= F =Elrl o-zoF() :)E 6zoo t! E I ol-l olulltrl JI <l>l l!lol zl d o, (o (tt &, UJ EF- JJlrl co LlJ =z @ <l>l a/,lrlF (J .Jlat o5 :4(J LI I I I zl r,il u.tl :l vl flp o &.F()ulJut 2p s3fF d.6() FO tFzo() trhI+EFt-Oz G, -rO<FcouJ<zt I.IJ Fo3 () !!! u,lo Jc o 9coz U z F v,o .! t t E a.!E.E E * r;u 3 i=;::+.Ei E;i ;::!,;s* €I z 35'E-o: c aE e:;; ! 4.i E E 5 =;.;E;:.; a -. 13 E :E€ !i;;i i i-= J=:iir!ie 4.2 a.E i s i ;i:! :- 5= ; E;giy:ti i!!€ 9c; t\@('l o(n 5D o0 .g Fl -1 Jq .1q'a q t4 U' 'lqil :H(u I ! ; ) L Fl l-l .E i U F dql.N I j z ': OD == C\T I ca (o I Jq o+lulJ'.t.q +.1qi 1 "1 tn+l g vl.Fl r.lqg t4,J ctl) c l .E d j I 0J I &, Lo =oF- cJ z l! t+J (1 i/t f-orH9tf, ^<>x R3e 5dz 11 <\Jii, -z"v)z: F?9r\> lt..-Pa1 trJ \,,-{.^FP>Zox!J,,1 -\ - -<F<=r!F-Joa t4 ca c))r z3Ftr*r!<i:iF<!{o;al3z>h><-v5Qr-BE*3PF-A\ ,.. ' LL)dto>:; no€rug HFEx l95pffi<uOSXH,,,t-Yl FESE +ft- -g. ?:t -a+aha a.{. O. FR tfi FrH.lJarrt .fjf+ -F E{.lJ EF if{ +fT\ =vFiaFr --?arl{|e f+\aaLI !. -E *FlIPLlLI(t\ =,rFf 11 e.rFl ELI .fJlFf fl-*.lf{ AI € O Town of VaiI- 75 5. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 91637 Pl an analygis based c:n the 19€}5 urri f orrn Bui I di ng Code Froject Id: BELL TOWER ADD. Addregs: VAIL VILLAGE Occurpancy: AInFlrRl Type o{ Const: I I I-IHR ==== ========= == ====== == == ==== === ===== = == = = == = TYFE OF CENSTRUCTION: I I I-lHR SEFARAT I DN DIRECTION FOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE FRBTECTION NORTH Bui I di ng 4(r.0 Feet EAST Public lrlay 41.{r FeFt SOUTH F r-tb 1 i c Way 35. (t Feet WEST Eui Iding NOTE: The code iterns listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirernents in the 19€15 UBC. It is a gnide to gel ected gercti ons o{ the code. Date: April., LqgT Contractor: EtECl.:. Er ASSOC. Architect: SNUWDON & HOPfiINS Engineer: TIM BOYLE Flans Exarniner: GARY MURRAIN lO. O Feet 31 . r-) FFFt ?O.O Feet Ct. t;t Ps*1l. O Feet Area increased 37.5 Z {or osen area on 3 sides. FL NAf,IE OCC AREA ALLBWED A/A OCC LOAD REII'D EXITS EXIT UJIDTH 4 Hotel./l'lotel Rm Rl 5BO 18563 C).03 3 1 O. 06 TOTAL sgc) 1856f, Cr.Os 3( 3) 2 0.O5( {:).06) 3 HotellMotel Rm Rl ?' SCt 1E}563 O.13 11 3 O.23 TOTAL ?35O 18563 C), 13 lt( rI) ;l O.23( 0.36) 3 fff f i ce F:I 3C)30 :4750 (r. 13 31 : O. 61 TOTAL 3C!3O 247SC) r). 13 3L ( 37, ? ().61 ( Ct.74) I Di n i ng Room Bt 43rl 14751) (:r. 02 3{J 1 (1. 6(-l l Retail Sales Rm Bl 2987 3475C) {,.11 1OO 2 1.99 I Retei 1 sal es Rm B2 45rl ?475() (:1. (J2 15 1 0, SrJ 1 Fetail Sales Rm BI ?65 2475{l ().Ol I 1 O.lA TOTAL 4151 2475,C, t:t.L7 153( 17t) ? 5.Ct7( 3.43) F Dining Room A. 3f,7() 18563 O. lE| Z?i.r 2 4.49 TOTAL 337Ct 18565 0.19 ?35( f,(:19) 7 4.49 1 6.19) FUILDING TOTAL- 1013? 45148 C,.2? 1?9* NOTE: Indicateg that this occLrpancy is not al lowed on this {loor-Table 5-D * NOTE: Indicates that this occLlpancy is an accessory area-Sec, J3o2. (a) exc. REOUIRED ONNUPANCY SHFARATIONS Rl*F? I hr RI-A. I hr AlI qlazing in ha:ardourg locations (see gection 5406. (d)) 1s required to be o{ safety glazing material . -- Sec. 54{t6. HANDICAF REOUIREI'IENTS: Handicap access is reqlrired to this br-rilding. *- Sec. 3301. (e) and Table .13-A If a ramp ig ltged f or handicap access, the max slope is 1:1?. -- Sec 3f,t17. (c) If water {ountains are provided, one murst have a spolrt within 33 inches of the {lcror anci lrp*{ront controlE. -* Sec. 511. (c) TOILET FACILITIES; 1. All doorways leading to a toilet room for handicapped are requti red to provide f,l inches clear width. -- $ec. 511. (a) 2. Frovide 44 inches clear on each sicle of doorways. -- Sec. 511. (a) 1. .3. Frovide a 6O inch diameter clear area within the toilet roomtg). -- Sec.511. (a)2. 4. Frovide a cleaF area 4? inches wide and 48 i nches long in front of at leaet- one water- closet. I{ irr a compartment and dnor ig on the side, provide a clear access width o{ 34 incheg. Door may nct encroach into clear area. -- Sec. 511. (a)3. 5. A 48 inch accegs width is reqni red tcr the handicaF cotnpartment. -- Sec. 511. (a) 3. 6, Gr;rh barg are reqlti red behind and on one side trr on both sideg of handicap water clclset. Side bar is required to be 4? inches long (min) and extend 14 inches in front n+ water clcrset. Rear bar is to be ?4 inches long in a roorn or 36 inches long in a conpartment. Fars ar-e to be 53 inches to 36 incheg above the floor. -- Sec. 511, (a)4. 7. Frovide a clear area urnder at leagt one lavatory. 3Cr incheg wide X 39 inches hiqh X 17 inches deep rninimum, -* Sec, 511. (b)1, A. Ihe bottorn of one rnirror, opening of a towel f ixtutrel and disposal f i xtutr-e is reqlrireld tt: be within 4(r inches o{ the {loor. -'- Sec. 511. (b)I.ErS. R-l HANDICAP REAUIREI,IENTS: IF there is more than 3tt urni tg on the site, handicap units are requtired. 21 throlrgh ?9 un i ts on si {:e-one lrn i t- 1l)C, El ovpr-one,n plu* one for each additional I t:t(:, Lrnitg o'$ {ract:iorr thstreo{ Al I doors in the Lrni t are reqlrired ttl provide :f: i nche?s clear widttr' Toilet {acilities in the:;e lrnits are reqlrire+d to comply with Sec. 511. These r-eqlti rement-g; arer per Seic. 121f,. The *rO inch clsar ar'{*a j.s, n.rt rerqlrired within urnit$. -* Sec. 511. (a) 1. EXTERT'R ?r.- ,r*, RATTNG* oro o*r*r,u?FRoTECTIoN NORTH HAST SOUTH h'EST OCC BR6 NON-FR6 OPN6 FRG NON-BRG OFNG FRG NON_EIRG OFNff BRG NON-FRG OFNG lAlALL WALL- FROT b,ALL.. NAL-L F FtO-r h,ALL ttJALL FRDT WALL WALL FROT Rl jlhr thr None lhr llrr None ?frr thr None 4hr 4hr NOF Bi 3hr thr None ?hr thr None ?hr thr None 4hr 4hr NOF A3 4F'r thr Noner 4hr thr- None 4hr lhr None 4hr 4hr NOF The e;rte'ri or ulal ls are requrirecl to be o{ NONCOMFUSTIEILE rnaterial. None -- No {ire protection requirements {or openings. Prot -- Openings are to be protected with S/4 hr {ire aggembl ieg. 5O7. of the area of the wall maximum. Sec 5t)4. (b) NOF -- Openings are not permi tted i.n thig wall. * -- These walls rnay be requti red to have a parapet wall 3O inches above tfre roo{ing. The parapet walI is required to have the satne fire rating as the wal1. See section 17Cr9. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDINB ELEI-{ENTS Table l7-A I'IATERIAL FIRE RATINB NOTES AND EXCEFTIONSELEMHNT Interior Fearing wal t ANY Interior nonbrg wall ANY Strutctural Frame ANY Ex ter i or Strurct Frame Shaft Enclssnre ANY FIoor./Ceiling Assembly ANY Roof ./ Cei I i ng Assernb I y ANY Sitai rs ANY I hr. t hr. Sec. 1705. (b)?. I hr, I hr. I hr. I hr. NONE See {ootnote *1 FDOTNOTES: 1) Hini,nLrJn on exterior gide also based on exterior brg. walI requirements. Frovide a thr ceiling in the basement, -- Sec. 1703. Faserj on section 3?Ct?. (b) The roo{ing on thiE br-rilding ig to be {ire retardant. See gection 33(:t3. (e) and ICE0 regearch reports {or requirements. EXIT NOTES: Stairways connecting l or more {laorg are requi red to he in eltit enclosLtres The ulalls o{ the enclasure are reqlrired to be t hr fire assembl ies. The openings into the exit enclosLlre are required to be t hr asgembl ieg. A connecti on to the exteri ctr is reqlti red with the same fire Frotection as the exit enclosure. -- Sec. 3309. (d) A barrier is required at grade level . -- Sec. S5O?. (e) At least one gtai rway is required to extend to the roof l+nlegs roof slope is greater than 4: l?. -- Sec. 33C,6. (o) The space utnder the staire (encl oged or not) may not be urged for any pLtrpose. -- sec. 33(19. (+) See section .l3tl9. for additional information, Within a dwelIing nnit: A stairway in a dwe'lling mr-rst be at I east 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) -* $ec. 33r-)6. (c) exc.#1 The maxi murm rige o{ a step is B incheg and the rni ni mlrm rlrn is ? i nches. Provi de a gurard rail where drop o{{ is greater than 3(:} inqhes. Minimltm height=36 inches, maximltm opening sire*A incheg. -- Sec. - 1711. er.rc 2 ^Thts minimurm freaaroom] 6 +t.- 6 inches. -- 5ec!f,(t6. (p) Frovide a self-closing, t 3/4 inch ttrickr Eolid Fore or noncombutsti bl e door between bagement and lst story. -- eiec . L7c-,3. The maxi mltm travel distance in thig burildino is l5O feet. -- Sec. 33Cr3. (d) ADDITItrNAL REEIUIREI'IENTS BASED ON I]CCUFANCY For Rl occupancy Storage and laundry roorns ursed in cclmrnon by tenante to be separated by a oner hour occrtpancy eeparation. -- Sec. l?t)2. (b) A {ire alarrn system rnay be required in this building. -- Sec. 12$3. (b) Provide a window or door to the exterior +rclm every rclclm Llsed +or sl eepi ng. A r^lindaw must provide a clear open area o{ 5.7 sq.{t.t a clear height of ?4 inches, and a clear width of 2Ct inches(rninimum). -- Sec. l?C,4. All hatritable roo.ns require exterior glared openings eqr-tal tD 1C)7. or rnore of the {1oor area. (min ll:t sq.ft. ) -- Sec. l?Ct5. (a) AI t habi tabl e roorna requi re an openabl e errteri or openi ngs equtal ta 3Y. or mclre of the {loor area, (min 5 sq.ft.) *- Sec. l3*5. (a) The minimurm ceiling in a habitable space ig 7 feet 6 incheg except kitchenso halls, and baths may have a ceiling height o{ 7 {eet. --Sec. -- 12{t7. (a) Floor-Srd Occupancy-Hotel/Hotel Rm Corridors serving an occupant load of lt) or more are requri red to have thr constructi on and rated openings -- Sec. 5305. (g)&(h) Exitg are required to be separated by t/? a( the diagonal o{ this area. -- Sec. 55O5. (c) For B? occupancy In alI areas cLrstomari I y occupied by hurmans, provide natural or arti4ical liqht and ventilation. -- Sec. 7t15. FLtlor-lst Eccup ancy-Di n i ng Room Eorridorg serving an occurpant load of 3() trr more are reqLlired to have lhr constructic:n and rated openings -- Sec. 3305. (g)&(h) Fl oor-lst Occupancy-Retai I Sales Rm Exit signs are required from all areag servi ng an occurpant l oad o'F 5O clr rnore. -- $ec. 5$14. (a) Corri dorg gerving an occupant load o{ 3C) or more are reqlti red to have thr congtrurction and rated openings -- Sec. 8505. {g)&(h) Exitg are required to bF separated by l/2 o* the diagonal o{ this a,rea. -- Sec. 33Cr3. (c) Doorg are required to swing in the direction of e>:it from thig area. -- Sec. 3304. (b) Floor-2nd Occr-rpancy-Of f i ce Corridors gerving an occurpant load o{ 3C) or more are required to have lhr ct:ngtrlrcti on and rated openings -- Sec. 3305. {g)&(h) Exits are required to be separated by t/2 a4 the diagonal of this arEA. -- Sec. 33Q3. (c) Fer A3 ocrupancy An automati s {ire*extinguishinq system is required in the basement, -- Sec.38O?. (c)?. An aurtornatic sprinJrler system is required in encl osed urgable' space below or over a stairway. -- Sec. 38t)l . (c)4. Fl oor-F$l"lT Occurpancy*Di ni ng Room Exit signs are requti red {rom all areag gervinB an occurpant load o{ 5t-r crr rnore. -- Sec . 3314. ( a ) Corri dors serving an occr-rpant load o{ 30 or more are required to have lhr construction and rated openings -- Sec. S3o5. (q)&{h) Exits are reqnired to be separated by L/2 ai the diagonal of this area. -- $ec. 33Ct3. (c) Doors are reqnired to swing in the direction o{ exit +rom this area. -- Sec. 3304. (b) Exit doors are reqlrired to have panic harrJware. See exception for rnain door. -- Sec. 3318. (a) The capacity of thig area is requri red to be posted at 228 occt-rpants. -: see . 3s!12' (c) Basemnt Lancel ot Mechani ca'l lst Level BELL TO}IER BUILDII{G Square Footage By Use and Floor April 14, 1987 3, 1801e0 33 " c) 450 2,9874so atSZ 265 Bar Ski Shop Tenant #2 Tenant #3 2nd Level Residentia'l 2,350 4th Level Resi denti al Offices 2,660 Hall - Common 390 j O-fa 3rd Level * { .x. f,l F,: M o R A N D U lvl { * { TSr f.:ARY t4tlRRAIN, Bt.JIL.,DINl,i ilFf;IfiIAL,, FI1OMT l'l IhlE McGHE, [:IRE 1AR#HALtrD-.'' DAIE: AF'RIL 16,, lSF7 'rRHr VAIL FIRE DEFARTr"IHhIT pLAN r',rt*l*:i E fiL"L TOtIHR *.t..x.{,**t*{ {.* L $urlrmit {irel alarm plan shuwi nq; exi*ting ancJ nsrw 3" Frmvicle aqcoss tm {ire lrmgel cnhirruts *, Or.rmstionl New hr j,cJnen {rom entry to trar with 6'6" headroclrn 4. Gh"rs+$tionr Roo{ as-,t;ernblv r:varr nerw additiorr WE ARE SENDING YOU n Attached L Under separaie cover BECK & ASSOCIATES,INC P. O. Box l4l3 vAtL, coLoRADO 81658 (3O3)827-57tr rETTt @F TRANSnfltT"TAt E Samples the f ollowing items: f Specif icationsn Snop drawings n Copy of letter ! Prints n Change order l l Plans OESCR PIIONa 4-a8-8 B€// fav/e,a {REfurnls /t r&c,ht b.Arro / t THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: n Approved as submitted n Approved as noted n Returned for corrections f-l Resubmit -copies for approval :] Submit -copies for distribution -l Return -corrected prints n For review and comment n f] FOR BIDS DUE 19- .J PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US I For approval %are/ SIGNED:COPY TO ,t encrosurcs ate not as notect, kindly notily us al onca e A6t aQo- I oo hun box lfil vail, colorado 81657 3034767000 /e// /@/6< r"a/-"-''' ctz ?- zi"t7 t/e &^J" ?Hj JreJ // ;*, zr'** rs'- yr::;' ::. ,$..a /A'/'tta ,/:;r'r-+4' -/'/*'//'-, f_ _/./^rJ /2/'az /'41" $uthot Sramshammer, nrc.Telephone: 303/476-5626 Pepi Gramshammer Sheika Gramshammer May 3rd, 1987 231 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Mr. Ron Ph1l1lps town manager Vall, Co1o.81657 Dear Ron: - Comlng back co our meeting I would llke to brlng several maccers to your atlention in writlng. 1. I am very concerned with the addicion to the Bell Tower bulldlng. Gasthof Gramshammer r the Creekslde buildlng and Ehe Covered Bridge store have an easement to be able to drive to thelr propertles. Wlth Ehe addition Eo the Bell Tower building there wi.ll be very little room between Lhe fountain and the entrance to the Timberhaus sport- shop. The ne$/ entrance wlll llnrit the view for the drlver of a car and as I see i.E, iE could happen very easlly, that a child runs out of the enErance and right into a car. Even if the car is going very s1ow, iE w111 not be able to stop at that instance, if a child runs right in front of Ehe car. I would like thls to be a matcer of record that I have made the t orsn of Vail aware of thls possible problen, 2. A blg problem for me and the Austrlan Haus is che horrlble smell corning frour the May Palace exhaust fan. I had many complalnts from ny guests and Pepl Sports cannot keep fhe windows open. Some days the smell is litera11y nauseatlng. I cannot belleve that the town of Va11, wlth all lcrs regulacions, did not recommend that,... the exhaust duct and fan be installed oa the top of the roof, Grease is blowlng onto cars in ny parklng lot. This rea1ly hurEs my establlshnent and buslness. Something has to be done abouE iL. 3. The concrete around the chlldrenr s fountaln is crumbling and disintegrating and a disgrace to thls beautiful place.It needs to be repaired. Also the flower and tree planEer on the east slde of the childrenr s fountain has in many places rocks breaklng loose and falling off, it also needs repalr work. page 2 / l-etter Eo Ron Phillips 4. The music emitted by the Brldge Street Shuffle is anoEher anrloyance. A speaker i$-mounted next to the front door and rock musLc is heard very J-oud on the street and in the nelghborhood til l or l:30 AM. I have complal-ned to the pollce departmeot three times, but to no avail. Many of my hotel guests complaLn they cannot oPeo the windows at nlght because of the noise. 5. For the last couple of years the t onrl of Vail has trled unsuccessfuL to take the telephone box out, whl-ch ls situated on the west side of the porch of Gasthof Gramshamer ' next to the childrenrs fountain. I do not understand why the towr of Vail has allowed the Telephone Company to put this in in the flrst place and seems to be unable to have it removed or relocated to a more invisible spot, it is really an eyesore. Coples to: Peter Button Gall Loewenthal Herrnann Staufer Kent Rose Gordon Pierce John Slevin Erlc Affeld Paul- Johnston, rnayor Pepl Granshanner K*- Boylc EnBlneorlng, Inc. 143 East l'lcador,r Drive, Suitc N-10 Vall, Colorado 81657 l*1r. Craiq Snourdon SNOI,,DON & HOPI(INS ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Crcch Drlvo Vatl, Colorado 8165? Datcr 5-4-87 Job *r8716 Pro jcct: Bcll Tor,rcr Addition Locatlont Vall, Colorado Contnector r Beck & Associates Ouncr; Clark l.leatherr Partly cloudy 60 deg 0 l0alr Prosent at Siter Ken, Rory, Tln Boyle FIELD REPORT Stccl ls set and fornr tho lrat ar.ray fron the at tho routh corncr. Speclflcd Metutex 6eI ar a patch pnoduci for Four€d. Told Kcn to leavc a 5' hcadcr in thtr anea. ln place fon barerqont ralIr. Instrucied Rory to pull form ln one areE and to get the mat closer to ihe lnside by ihe Adhesive Englneerlng Company of San Carlos, CA thc cxposed relnforcing in tho foottnga previously x 12" bean pocket ln thc South cornen for the future cct Bocl,. & Aasoclatcs Prsr t den t ' 1,. tt o /fa^ Boylc Englnecrlng, Inc. 143 East lleadou Drivc, Sulte Vqll, Colorado 81657 l'lr. Cralg Snor,rdon SNOI,'OON & HOPKINS ARCHITECTS 201 6onc Crcck Drlvr Vatl, Colorgdo 81657 FIELD REPORT Stccl ls set and forml ln place for south baae$cnt ualls. One forrl remalns to be buttoned up. Slzo and cpaclng of steel ia according to plans and apecs. Dor.rcla that tie thc horlzontal steEl to axlstlng r,lalI ars gnouted and spaccd correctly. Told Ken and Rory to use the sane Metatex 6el specifled for the footing patch fon the patchtng of honeyconbed r^ralla pourcd on 5-4-87. Told Ken to uoe thc aalrc typical ledger fon supportlng the 2x10 012"o.c. Jotats at the cxisling building Iine in this area. Dccking over these joisto chould ba 3/4" C-0 INT plyr^rood. Aloo lnstructcd Kcn to put 6x6-l0/ lO LlflF tn tho concreto topplng tn thta area and also at Shop *3. INC. cc: Beck & Assoctatcs , Datc, 5-6-87 Job t ' 8716 N-tO Project ' Bell Tor.rer Addltion Location, Uail. Colorado Contractop Beck & Assoctatec Orrlner: CIark tdcathorr Clcar 65 deg G l'30 pt't Prcront at 5itc, Kcn' Rory' Tlt't Boyle ERING, Presld '|!'' ,.r ot]- 4 Oxb u,!ro aF 6>Ex ltr +'-4'oroi$Yn bq/e eng|r)e€r|ng. irc 143 e rneodo,rv d suite n-10 ct6sro6 sf@ping oenter \oil, oddodo 81657 3o3/47621n 4t +'' g" rzrlo|{e PLacY f4fvt r$4'1 a??Ari+4 ./l a/" lLa d4 I (?., l-lt L..l Nr:u r/ "e rffi*:"irt-*ni. tnooo"il ,4z{ttz\ b r rla | \lzrlo 9," PLaoF Fl Lftt I F,/Lt'4 vE"lloF-* lF6ra4\ ezlz> 4e? * voTlo rt ' ttFv , oo F LIlfiVL4 */zcLtf I htPt f,?:V; ToALe FVT\aPLL VrlL, CaLDFhP/2 lb dLi Fl L tq91 Hal?z ;rrl{r L raF f ,trl) arrlttlq l+ 4 br, ,u/t, Boyle Engineering, Inc. I43 East Meadow Dnive. Suitc VaiI, CoLonado 81657 303 / 4?6-2t7@ N- 10 Mr. Joe Norr i s TOI^IN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT ?5 South Frontage Road LJest Uail. Colorado 81657 0ate: Subjcct: l"lay 18 , 1987 BeIl Tor^rer Buildine Addition VaiI. Colorado Thic is to confirm a couple of the changcs that have been made to the plans f or' the above noted addition and to cover a couFIe of othcr miscellaneous items. Flrst, ihe steel in the piens on the east side of the building uas placed according to plans and. specifications. The new basement ualls on the south side of the project uere done in accordance with our Section C/Sl as appnoved by thj.s office. Furthernnore, ule have dcsigned the 2x10 012"o.c. floor framing rrrith 3" of concnete topping in this area. Ihe 3-?xLO header in the southeast corncr of the floon franing beans on tho typical header at the r^raIl line, and the joiats frar,,re off of this headen uith 4-l6d toe-nails and an A35 fnaning anchon on each ioist. The ledger at the roof on the south side has been installed as a single 2xl0 as opposed to the typical 2-2xL@ Iedger elEeuhere. This has been accapted by this office providing the bolting is as specified. The sill platc overhangs is a veny lightly loaded I have instnucted Ken to lintel at the ncu, opcning the first coursc of block Finally, I am spccifying a thc existing bascnont urall on cach end and have a 3/8" lintel for the other neu opening in 6' uide. This angle should bean 4'' ion bolt thnough the vertical leq. tho south foundat ion rrral l considerably. Since this wal I it is acceotable as it exists. grout the cells solid unden the ends of the angle through the basement r,rall. Funthenlrone, he r.riIl grout solid immcdiately above the Iintel. 6x6x5/ lE angl e uhich ui l1 bc diamc I J Please Reply Ix] No Reply Req'd cc, Beck & Assoc iatcs hs# Boyie Engineering, Inc. 143 East luleadou Drive, Suite N-10 Uai l, Colorado ElES? 3@3/476-2t70 Hr. Joe Norr i s TOIJN OF UAiL BUILOING DEPT. 75 S. Frontage Road U,est Vail. Colorado 81657 Datc, Juno Subject , Bel I 20r Vai I 30, 198? T or^rer Add i Gore Cree k , Co I orado This ts to conflrm that I have lnspectcd the framinQ of the ncu, entry and bdr addrtion for the Lancelot Resiaurant in the above noted building and nequested the followrng additrons. Finsi, I instructed Ken to ado i'rarrng straps acro:s all of the discontinuitieE in the top plates and headers in the r^ra1l f narnlng. I also told hirl to add a rou of blocking dor^rn thc rriddle of the run of rafters' I have also reviewed the notches that existed rn the rafters in this area and found that they meet present code snoui loading requrrements uith the notches as they exist. Finally, I revieued ihe tr,ro TJL trusses in the ceilrng of the Titqbcrhaus r,rhich have had the botton chord cut, I instructed Ken to add a ?x4 to the existing botton chord in these areas which extends 18" beyond the cut in both directions, This 2x4 patch is to be glued r.ri th PL400 for the full surface and nailed r.^rith 10d G 3" o.c. Please give nc a call if you have any questions regarding this matten. J Please Reply Ix] No Reply Req'd BOYLE ENGI Trmothy M. Presidenl cc: Snowdon & Hopk i ns Beck & Acsociates '{ta3Oil A JUII i9 Rt[il\ ' !,t:,t ( ,.1 3r\ $$r q \lt0 "$4"\/ t r on Drive B 1657 tr} 'io. tnoou o,i'-ffi..# c W# BoyIe Enginecring, Inc. 143 East Meadow Orive, Suite N-10 Vail, Colonado 81657 303/ 476-?t7@ t'lr. Bill Andenlon BECI( & ASSOCIATES P,0. Box l4l3 Vai I, Colorado 81658 0ate, Subject, June 30, 198? Bel I Tourer Pent house 201 Gore Cneelt Drive Uai I, Colonado 81 657 This is to confjnn that I have lnsoectcd the noof beans in the penthouse of the above noted building. hlhile I did note a fair amount of checking in some of dhese beans, I do not consider any of them to be a problen. This type of checking js coFtmon in thiE climate due to shriniiage in the r^iood. I t usual ly occurs in the first five years of the life of a buildinq, so I trould erpect that these beams have been in this condition fon some time. A couple of the beans are slightly warped in combinaiion ulith the checlllng, but the depree rs sr'laI I enough that it should have a nininnal effect on the strength of the rnenbers. Please give ne a cail if you have any questions regarding this matter. rt Please Reply [x] No Rep]y Req'd BOYLE ENGINE Tinothy l"l . Bo Pres i dent Snowdon & Hopk i ns I FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The beloul items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box orovided. FINAL PLUMBING o DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: d FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE :. \ . \..': FINAL BUILDING TEMP0MRY C of 0 DATE: . CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: nrnp.r*r=e PROTECTION COMPANY Pl aza Lodge29I Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado May 4, 1987 PRO DUCT TECHN I CAL DATA BlazeMaster CPVC Bl azeMaster CPVC Sprinkl jne, ductile ironcouplings and fittings Model G, Si dewal l -hori zontal , L," Itlodel FR- 1, Fas t Response, t2" Upright and pendent Model G, Recessed, i2" Model G, Spray upright and pendent JPL i,latchman, grooved-end, butterfly JMB Sentry, wafer butterfly1-2" clobe, #1257 Th-pee-(ort (Gauge Test Valve) ,/' \( #5705 Aflg1e 0utlet, single clapper #5022,f ottom 0utl et, s i ngl e cl apper / ---/ / Series ldFD, Vane type I ? pc chrome fi nj sh, heavy gauge Model 300, Reversible beam clamp l4odel 100, Pipe hangers *********************************************************)k*************** PROJ ECT: ADDRESS: DATE: PIPE: FITTINGS: GROOVED F]TTINGS: SPRINKLERS: VALVES: FI RE DEPT CONNECTIOI,IS: IdATERFLOt4l DETECTOR: ESCUTCHEONS: HANGERS: MISC: BF Goodri ch BF Goodri ch Sprink, Inc. Rel i abl e Gri nnel I Reliable Reliable Sprink, Inc. Spri nk, Inc. Uni ted Brass Uni ted Brass Potter-Roemer, INc. Potter-Roemer, I nc. Noti f i er ARGCO Michigan Hanger Co.Michigan Hanger Co. Automati c Fi re-Trol s Uni ted Brass 3 rHC2 ilr-l a-/ cezrJ-/e:,f fTof 4/o/ rzt'.'o"i:-4- /<- 4-''z-e/ ' fo zt s foZz 'r4"J aJutrJhy' - tt-Z 4'r' onf 4tzz c<- &- ttsd't ' Farr-Larm Horn & Light Gauge ci ock , #974, 300# pressure P O. BOX 211033,8229 NOLA DFtVE. DENVER, COLORADO 80221 (303) 429-6598 I'\) O sPR tut(,ttcusItDffiAppoYld ---4)- Flg. 706 Reducing Coupling Flg.7O5 Light Weight Coupling A llglit eclght coupllng truly r.tcd rt 300 pd mlnlmum In all rlzer from l-l/2" through E'. Grocv* sPRtF!(.i., llttlng$ ia ,. durub!? -:.:;::. Tccr ,:ao C r A:agr;.i Flg. 4I Dpirid- Thc -iP?',rlti wlth t eh*i The Jnt{rr ri grcovcg.:. , F unlt. Size: e'tb.r- Ftg.77O No-Brace Coupling r) Elpccldly d.dgn d utxt rlgldltt b nccrr.rr th. Smtfi-UNE oBr.cG Co|?llry do.t{r. Jo6. Wc rccommcoa I hr lr..W duty ur r valvt conm<llona Slu: 2" throogh 6. Rcduction-on-thc-run plping ulth SPRlltK'Lll{E S Reducing Coupling. Availablc wlth tPcchl tn t l inlcrt grskct for vcrtlcal instlllatlont to Ptevcnt smcllcr piplng from slipping into thc l.rgcr PiP.. Sizc: 2.12"x ?', l" x2",3" x2-1n",4" x2", 4" x2-ll1l", 4" x 3" and 6"x {' Flg.7O7 Standard coupling Harvlcr thln Flg, 705 llghtrcight Coupllng, the Strn dard Coupllng grorrldc! gr.rtcr rtrcngth for thc oughcr lllgnmcnt Op to l00O ptl on c.rtrln slzet. Sizq l-l/2" through 12' f frffnfff g.'tctt uc rbo rvrlrllc. [ittings hrr ! complctc llnc of groovcd l-12" through 12" madc of Fon ln 9Oo .lbow3, 45c Elbows, d dtmcnclons assure perfect n groovcd pip. systems. Mek-Tees Thc SPRlttK-LtNE S Ack.Tces Fls. 72O E Fis. 721 arc rated at 300 Fl, and may bc us.d for 8ny tcc connectlons whcrc a thrcldcd outlct i3 ne€ded. Sizcz 2" x2-112" - 4" x2-112" (17 different sizes) SPR4tllt('l' ET weldins Outlet Fittings Thc weldcr's choice for fast, cconomlcal thretdad or grooved outlet! on any piping 3ystem. Lightcr wall to match light wall pipc allows lc$ tlme for heatlng and morc outlet3 installed Per hour. Ee Fig.702 Flange :LANGE Fls, 4l allovs s direct linkage 25 clst lron or cla$ l5O steel flangc. akct makes th. trtruposition from a :rr to a flrngcd 3ystcm with a slnglc Flg. 7Ol I r$ 12" I I l. I I I I ))Dte Flg.72l Sizc: Fig. 701 Female Thrcadcd l/2" through 4" Fig. 702 Cut-grooved 2" through 6" o ReliaDld t"*, c"_-- Sidewall Sprinklers Bulletin 112M -_---_--E_ q J 1\) The tt/lost Complete Lineof Sidarall Spdnkbrs Available '1 . Vertical Sidewall-Upright 2. Vertical Sidewall-Pendent 3. Horizontal Sidewall-Hsw 1 Deflector 4. Extended Coverage Horizontal Sidewall-EC 2 Deflector 5. Varietyoffinishes 6. Multiple orifice sizes 7. Listed by Underwnters Laboratories, Inc. & Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corp. NYC BS &A No. 587-7$SA. Prcduct Descrifllon All Reliable Model G Autornatic Sidetrvall Sprinklers utilize he center strut in compression pnnciple of construction The fusible alloy, retained in the cylinder of a small solder capsule by a stainless steel ball, acts as the trigger of the sprinkler. When the fusible alloy melts, the sprinklers op erating parts spring free from the sprinkler clearing the waterway and alloMng the sprinkler to distribute the dis- charging water. Except lor the parts in the cylinder as mentioned above, the sprinkler components are made frorn copper based alloys for maximum conosion protection. Lead plated, wax coated or wax over lead plated sprinklers are available lor specially severe environments. Chrome plated sprinklers are available for decorative purposes. All sprinklers are individualty hydrostatically tested. All sprinklers are identified as to their fusing points by nwkings that appear on the operating parts and by an identifoing color that appears on the frame. SidevYall Spink4er Types Verdcal Slderuall The ModelG VerlicalSidevvallSprinkler is designed fo use in light hazard situatlcns where standard sprinklers are deeired impractical because of decorative br struc- tural conditions. lt discfurges approximately 15% of the VerticalUpright Horizontal-HSW1 Extended Coverage-EC2 water on the wall behind it with the remaining 85% dis- charqed in front of the spdnKer This Sprinkler may be instaiied in either the Upright or the Pendent position. Horizontal Sidewall-HSW 1 llefl ector This deflector configuration is designed and listed for use in either liqht or ordinary hazard occupancies. The use of the Modeic Horizontal'sidervall Sprinkler in ordinary haz- ard occupancies will provide installation simplicities and economies in many circumstances. Additionally, an at tractive installation is provided by the sprinkler since it can be installed wihorjt the exposed pipe nipple and reduc- ing ell required with most sidewall sprinklers. When in- stalled with an escutcheon, no unsightly piping mars the linished appearance. Extended Coverage llorizontal Sidewall Sprinlder-EC 2 Dellector The Model G Extended Corerage Spnnkler is listed for the protection of larger than normal areas in light hazard occupancies. This sprinkler has successfully met the stringent requiremenb for speed of operation and area ot cove-raoe iniorporated in the latest Underwriters Labora- tories lib. standards for extended coverage sprinklas. Patent No. 4,44O.2U Thcp16bbArbmdcSpdddorCo.,lnc,52SNlorhMacQuestenParkray,tt/trJntvenm'Nett/Yo.k1C52 ollolbntal o todel G Eftilled Covsragn Sltlewall Splnkler-EC 2 Defrecror Available Finishes: Color ldentification: Approlals: Brorze, Satin Chrorne, Bright Chrorne Black SUipe (Bronze Finish Onty) Underwiters Laboratories Inc. & Underwriters' Laboratories ol Canada NYC BS&ANo.587-7$SA hstdffion Wencfi: Model D Sprinkler Werrch The Underwiters Laboratories, |rc. listing forextended coverage sprinklers presently includes the following limitatkrns: 1. When extended coverage sprinklers are installed in muttiples, the maximum ceiling height shall be 9 ft. 2. Wtren extended coverage sprinklers are installed singly or when addrtional areas are spnnklered in ac6rdance wilh NFPA 13, no ceiling height limitation applies. Tecfinlcal Data Nsninal Odfice: Thread Sae: K Factor: Height: Rating: Max. Ceiling Temperature: 17u'| %, NPT 8.2 US (118.2 Metric) 3%d' 135"F (sro) 10rF(38"C) GonrageAla: F|olRrl Erb|||trr! Wldr r Loaih|n|00 Dr.cb. b G.rhaurfr|lldrI||. {ht-Lr. (lr)lF.! 25 30 30 35 40 9.3 13.4 13.4 18.2 23.8 14x1814xfr 16x 18 16x20 16x24 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-12 G12 ilod€l G Horizontal Sadeurall Spdnkbr-HSW 1 Defiector lnstallation Wrench: Model D Sprinkler Wrench (1) ldentified by pintle exlending above deflector Sprinkler Height-Base of sprinkler to top edge ol deflector or pintle whichever is orealer Technical Data llorniml Ortflco Thrad She K FGtor US liletslc Spdnkler tleighl Approval Organization and Ty?e of Agproval Ugttl Hazard Ordinary Hazard rE 7/1d' | | +ti' ('' ' 't32 17h2n tlt %"l,,lPIlt " NPI 1rt ' NPT Ya" NPIIENW 5.62 4.24 2.82 8.20 7.96 81.0 61.0 40.6 118.2 '114.7 3$C', 3%d' 3Vi{ 3Vi6" 37a" 123.5 1,3,5 | ,J.C Model G Vedical Sidewall Sprinkler TechnicalData Installation Wrenci: Model D Sprinkler Wrench Installation Position: Upright or Pendent Approval Type: Light Hazard Occupancy. (1) ldentit€d by pinlle extendrng above delleclor Sprinkler Height - Base of sprinkler lo lop edge ol dellector or pintle whichever rs grealer }{omlnrlfftic€Thl€.d Slz. K Factol US lmefric ApprovalgHahht %"(15mm) 7/1e,"\'l ,b't,) 17h2" 't|hat\\ %" NPT %" NPT %,,NPT %" NPT %" NPT 562 4.24 2.8? 8.20 7.96 81.0 61.0 40.6 118.2 'l.147 27/b" 3lrc" 3Trc" 3%a" 1,2,3,4,5 1,3,5 1,3,5 1,3,51aq Approval organizdions, ternperaturc ratings and finishes for Horizontal Sidewall HSW 1 Dellector and Vertical Sidewall Spdnklers Natural Bronze -Al Temp. ratings Bnghl Chrorne Plaled-Ar' Temp. ralings Salrn Chrorne Plaled -A Temp ra:ings Lead Prated -165'F, 212F & 286'F ratings Wax Coaled -165'F Clear Wax, 21ZF Brown Wax Wax Coated Over -165"F Clear Wax. 212"F Brown Wax Lead Plated llaxlmum Celling Temperaturc Frarne' ColorBaling "F "c .F 'c 165 21226 57 100 141 1m 1m 150 225 38 38 66 107 Black Uncolored White Blue Approval Organizations: 1. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc 2. Factory Mutual Research Corp. 3. Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada4 Fire Offices Committee5 NYC BS & A No. 587-7SSA. 'Frar€ cdor does rot apply lo chrorne plated sprinklers. Ordering Inlormation: Specrfu: 1. Sprinkler Tvpe: Either Vertical Sidailall, or Horizontal Sidaryall-HSW 1 Deflector, or Extended Coverage HSW-EC2Deflector.2. TemperatureRating.3. Nominal Orifice.4. SprinklerFinish. Tho awip.rEnt preserned in this bulletin is to be instelbd in accordance Mh the latest published Standatds ol lhe National FiIe Prole€tioo Associatbn. Factory Mulual neseaicir Capbrann, o( ot|er similar organizabns and also wr'ltt the provisidrs ol gove.rrnental cocles or ordrnances whenever applicable Rdiaue Spdr*ler D6r,tcas. protectirB lrb and ploperty fo{ over 60 years. are app@ved by all fire insurance and govemrnent agencies. and are inslalled and serviced by R€liable's chain ol r@(€Senlati\€s Reliable rsp.es€ntatiws, located throjgholJt ttLrr ted Stitles, Canada ard lor€ign countries, ha\€ a lile"lrne oi experience and are as near as yorrf lelephorE llsrdadrrlod by th. R.lbbb Alomrdc Sprlt*hr Co.hG 525 ibrlh Macoueston P8*way llount hrno.r. Now York 10552 (914) 66&3/170 tst pirrreo tr u.s.l. slos UPRIGHT AND PENDENT SPRINKLERS ltoDEL FR-l, FAST RESPO{SE SOLDER TYPq 1/2' ORIFICE GENERAL DESCRIPTION the 112 inch orifice Model FR-1 Up- right and Pendent Sprinklers (Ref. Fig.rre Al are automatic sprinklen of the fast response.fusible solder type. They are "standard sprinklers" and produce a hemispherical water dis- charge pattern below the deflector. These sprinklers utilize the same type of fast response fusible link that is used with the pendent and sidewall Residential Fire Sprinklers. Their lus. ible link has a nominal Resoonse Time f ndex of 4l f1Yz.5ss,/z (as measured by the m anufactu rer). APPROVALS AND STANDABDS The 'l /2 inch orif ice Model F R- 1 Up- right and Pendent Sprinklers are listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada. The laboratory listings only apply to the temperature rating and finishes stated in the Technical Data Section. The 1/2 inch ori{ice Model FR-1 Up- right and Pendent Sprinklers are lisled by Underwriters Laboratories lnc. as Qu ick R esoonse Sorinklers. the 1/2 inch oriJice Model FR-l Up- right and Pendent Sprinklers are ap- proved by the New York City Eoard of Standards and Appeals under Calen- dar Number 334-79-SA. WARNING The trlotlel FR-I Upnght and Pendott Spinklen desc bed herein rlast be installed. and nmintained in compliance t+'itlt this docuntent, as well as with the applicable standards of the Natioml Fire hotection Association, in addi tion tb the standards of any other @thorities hav tg iurisdiction. Failure to do so may intpair the integity of this device. The owner is responsible for maintain- ittg his fire protection systenr and devices in proryr operating cot dition. The installing contractor or manufac- turer shdtld be contacted rclotiee touy questiora. TECHNICAL DATA The 1/2 inch orifics Model FR-l Ug right and Pendent Sprinklen have a 165F/74C temperature rating md they ara rated for usc at a maximum service SSU-3 OEF LECTOR *?16'(tt.ti.l r, A XE- IN UPRIGHT PENDENT 'Temperature rating is indicated on deflector CEILIN6 PL AT€ SEATING S URFACE diir-E cron x cRoss SECTION 8-Gasket4-Hook 6-Eiection s-Link Spring Assembly 7-8u tton FIGURE A 1/2 INCH ORIFICE FR.1 UPRIGHT AND PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLIES Components: '| -Frame2-Strut 3-Deflector pressure of .|75 psi, They are available with either natural brass or chrome olated finishes. ln th6 case of the natural brass finish sorinkler. the link assembly is provided with a clear coat- ing and in the case of the chrome plated sprinkler, the link assembly is provided with a black coating. The nominal discharge curve plotted in Figure B represents the flow "O" in U.S. gallons per minute lgpm) as deter- mined by the formula: O = Krlp where the nominal sprinkler discharge coefficient is "K" and "p" = pressure in pounds per square inch (psi). List- ing standards permit the actual value of "K" to vary from 5.3 to 5.8. The sprinkler Frame is a die cast bronze per ASTM 8176(C878001. The Strut is silicone bronze per ASTM 897 (C65500) and the Deflec- tors are brass per ASTM 836(C22000 for SSU and C24000 for SSPI. The Hook is phosphor bronze per ASTM 8159 (Cst0001, the two halves of the Link Assembly are copper per ASTM 8152 (C102@1, the Eiection Spring is Inconel 600 wire per ASTM 8166. the Bunon is brass per ASTM 836 (C22(X)01 and rhe Ga;k6t ir Teflon.il orscr{^ica ||r utEl3 nEr llrurE FIGURE B NOMINAL DISCHAHGE CURVE FIGURE C OFFSET SPBINKLER WRENCH orscHAeG€ lx u,s, GA!l.o,.l PEi rrxulE lcPL) aa I o / Oupont Registered Trademark Reliabld Cbdgc Automatic Sprinkler The ttlost ComPact Attractive and EasilY Installed Sprinkler Ever D'esigned. Featurcs 1. 11y'i'Total adjustment provided by adjustable inlet versions 2. 1E' Totaladjustment provided by econornical standard inlet version 3. Adiustable inlet version available with either 1" NPT male or female threads eliminating costly reducing coupling 4- Srnall diameter escutcheon 5. Available in brass, chromeorwhitefinish 6. Multiple orifice sizes for design flexibility 7. Suitablefornon+esidential and residential occupancies al ike 8. Listed by Underwnters Laboratories, Inc. & Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada. Aooroved bv Factorv Mutual Research coiporation, t tvc BS &A No. 587-7$SA. Today's rnodem buildings demand that a sprinkler not mV o@ide frg best fire orotection but also achie/e an anrhcWe ap@arance. Reliable's Model G Recessed Sprinklet like Reliables Model F Recessed Sprinkla nreets botrr criteria lt cornbines tte fire fighting capability of a proven sprinkbrwrth the smallest practicable recess- ing Lnit lF small profile clces not disrupt the o/ef€ad aeshetics, and yet one vertcd glance upward gives a vis.nl assr.lrarrce of tfte finest in fire protecton, an auto rnalic sprinkler s'ystern. The Model G Recessed Sprinkler's threaded twe oiece constructim makes initial field installation a very easv task lt also allo\,vs ceiling panels to be rernoved withe.rt shuttinq donrn Sre sprinkler protection thus facili- tatino maintendrrceof above ceiling services. The adiust- ablelersim wh its one inch inlet and one and one haif irch adiusfnent eliminates both the rormally requrred reducin! coupling and the need to accurately cu!'droP niooles.-This sprinkler can be adjusted after the ceiling is in blace and.even while the system is pressurized elirhinating tfp final conections to pipe hangers orceilings that mighf oferwse be required. the Reliable tr/odel G Autornaic Spnnkler is the hean oltte Recessed Sprinkler. This sprinkla utilizes the center sfut sdder in cornpression principle of construction. The fusible alloy, capturd in tfre cylinder of a smajl Solder Caosule bv a stainless steel ball, acts as the tngger of the sorinkler. Vlhen Se fu sible alloy melts, the sprinklers opeF aiino oarts sorinq free frorn the sprinklet clearing fn watEnvay anO atloMng tfre deflector to distnbute tfp dis- ctnrging water. thc HlSb mcuuc SprtrtOrr co' hG' 525 l,lodr ltJ|dirgt Pathrdy, ttilori Verm' Nleit York 1G52 Prcduct Deccrlpdon attd InstallaUon The Reliable t\,lodelG Recessed Sprinkler has been de sioned witr ease ol installation in mind. A choice ol three ini6ts wth up to one irEh adiustrnent coupled with the %" escutcfeon adlustnent enables rnost systems to be in- stalled usirp piecut drop nipples. The adiustnent can be acoqnp'lished after the ceiling installation and while the q6tern is pressurized thereby prwiding sprinkler pro tectkh before constnrctixt is cornpleted. The t'lon-Adiustable inlet version (Fig. 1 ) consists of fE Reliable Model G Spdnkler wih an attached cup re cessed in fre ceiling. A ceiling trrbot 21/i'diameter is recorrnended. The Adjustable inlet version uses he sarne sprinkler as he NorFAdlustable inlet type except that l" additlmal adjustrr€nt is provided by a telescoping sprinkler tnlet seition that hreads in or out of a stationary Coupling Reducer(either 1" maleor 1"female)asshor,vn in figures2 or3. The Sprinkler€up assembly comes aftached tothe inlet Coupling Reducer and is retained frorn separqllon past its madmum adlustrnent lengh by a snap ring. This cornbination is simply installed after the system drop nip ple, elborr or tee has been'roghed" into the d imensions bfrorvn in figures 2 or 3. Wrenching means are provided o W frex flats sr the couplirg redrrer as depicted in he fioure+--do notwrench on arry other part of the spnnkler ,{fter the ceilino tiles hare been cut and installed in place h 2t /a" dian:e(er hole is recommended), the spri nkler can be adiusted usinq the RC Concealed Wrench. When using the wrerrch in this applicatbn, hoile/er, do not over- torque bewnd the adlustrnent stops. Fio. 4 strqla a '/z'NPT non-adiustable inH sprinkler' witriire anached sorinkler cup conrbination inserted into the special Reliable lr/odel RC-lnstallation Wrench. This wrenbh must be used. The wrenching pads of the sprin- kler easily slip into the rectangular cutouts of the wrench as ttp or.itside diameter locates the threaded cup. A tH' dri\€ ratchetcan tfpnbe used for installatlcn and tighten- rng. Fio. 5 shows tfe renroral of the wrench. Care should be takei during this procedure to avoid hitting the deflector with the wrench. The wrerch shoild be lowered unttl it clears the threaded cup, and then rnoved horizontally to clear the sprinkler. The installation is completed by thread- inq the e$utcheon on untl it contacts the ceiling. To avoid bdvinq srnudge marks on the ceiling, the Reliable Modet FEA Fl-ush Spdnkbr Escutcheon Wrench should be used. See Bulletin 205 fordetails. Mte: 1. Use hex wrerrch flaF on Coupling Reducer to tighten Adiustable Spdnkla into fittings. Do'not use RC Wrench lor his purpose. ) 4 FguoS p Ftgue4 o Sosnt ter Escutcneon provrdes l,r" of the Total Adiustment. Adpstable lnlets. when used, provrde 1" ol the Total Adiustrnent frering lntormation SpeciV 1. Temperature Rating 2. Norninal Orifice 3. SorinklerFinish 4. Escutcheon Finish Sprinkler Type: Eiher Non-Adiustable Inlet (Frg. 1) 1" Mde Adiustable lnlet (Fig.2) 1" Female Adjustable Inlet (Fig. 3) Approval Organizations 1. Underwnters Laboratories Inc. 2. Factory Mutual Research Corp. (Ljght Hazard Occupancies) Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada N.Y. Citv BS&A No. 587-7SSA 3. 4. 'Add 75" for Pinlle on %' & %o" Onfice. Drn€nsins in Patenth€sis n Millir€ters 14" NPf l.lsrMistable Inlet Frgurel 1 " NPI MaleAd|l$aHe hlet ) Cbtdfrcrtbo Spdnfbt flsllng l|rrlmum C€lllng Tempaf'tur!Frama Cob?.F 'c qc Ordrnary mnaty lnfedf€dtalc 135 57r6s 74ZlZ 100 100 r(x) 150 38 38 66 Blek Uncdd€d Whrte St!.d.rd Flnbh..' Elcutch€oo Eronze I ErassEronze I WhrteChrfirc€ilgfi | Ohrct frigtrt^ Chrone 8n0ht I Chrorne Duil Chrsne Bnoht I Wh,le 'Sp€c|al Fnrshes Upon Flequesl Sgrlnklor InH Totll Adlustn€nl'tlomlnd Ormc. K FactorU.g il.trlc Ihresd Approvrlt rgrArtl-lb Non Adpstable Non Adpstabb Noo Adiustable l\lon Adpstable Adpslabl€ Adluslable Adjustable ..rat.\ ,.2 'a' I l^" 11,2' w'-tla" " l0mmj lp' t,t" i/' a" /a" 5:te' 424 282 .4 r0 796 553 4.24 2.72 .81,O-' 6r.0 406 59 1 114 7 797 61 0 392 ,4" NPT It" NPT ,,5" NPT l0 mm 8SPt':" NPT l" NPT Mde or Female l" NPT Male or Female l 'NPr llale or FernaLe 1.2,3,4 1.3.4 1.3.4 I J 12.3.4 134 1 3.4 l" System. /.Iee. or Elbow Tk r"t 1" Max I Adiustment 3:Ya" t Yt" Drop Nrpple to Cerling Dirnensim -l-.----__r] Itntet 1" Max I Adjustmer 1 " NPI- FernaleAdistabb Inlet Fgure3 ReliaDlc* Goae , Automatlc Spdnlders Sprryup|gttT Spray Pendent and Conventional 'F -d oI Product Desdiptlon The Reliable Model G Automatic Sprinkler utilizes the center strut solder in compression principle of construc- tion. The fusible alloy is captured in the -cylinder.of the solder capsule by a stainless steel ball. When the fusible allov melts,the bll rnoves into the cylinder allowing the cvlinder to fall away frorn the sprinkler. When this hap- obns. the lever is rel6ased to spring free lrom the sprinkler bo tnat att of the operating parts clear from the wateruay allowing the deflector to distribute the discharging water' Except for the pans in the cylinder as. mentioned abore, ihe sprinklei cornponents are made korn copper based alloys for maximum conmion protection. Lead olated. wai coated orwa,r over lead plated spnnklers are hvailable for specially severe environments. Chrome olated sprinklers are available for decorative purposes' All sprinklers are individually hydrostatically tested. All sprinklers are identified as to tleir tusing poinl by markrngs that appear on s€veral of the operahng parts and by an identitying colo that appears on the frame. SprinklerTypes Standard Upright-Ihis deflector configuration is rnr- mally used wilh exposed piping installatbns. Water ls distnbuted laterally and doivrward in a wide pattern aP proximating a hemisphae which is completely and unF formly filledwith waterin the form of small drops or spray. At a dprinkler height of 10 feet, a circular area of approxi- matety 20 feet in diameter is covered by the water dis' charged at the minimum pressure. Standad Pendent-This dellector cmfiguration is nor- mally used where tfre sprce above fe piping is rnt adequate or where a concealed piping installation is enF oloved. lhe discharoe cfnracteristics of the Standard Fendent are virtualV identicalto fre Standard Upright as descnbed above. largp and 9nall Orill+By varying the orifice size, a large or vnall onfice sprinkler is created fnt will distribute asmr.rch as 4ryo rnorewateror657" lesswaterfEn ttte rpnnal %" orifice sprinkler. These sprinklers are idenlified by fre orifice srze that is stamped in fre base of fte sodnkler and bv the ornte tat extends frorn the deflec- ta-tre oception istre t-ange Orifice Sprirkl€r wih tle 7r" NPT hlet tuead ufere tp size d he hlet is $mcier1 to dasiry fis sprirkler c an havirB a larger tnn strr dardorifica Conventionat-This deflector configuration is used pri- marily in those counlries where the F.O.C. installation rules havsprecedence. The sprinkler is designed to distribute a portion ol its water discharge upward against the ceiling whn tne balance do /nward. lt may be installed in either he Upriqht or the Pendent positton. Spnnklers wtth con- ventidnaTdeflectors are avarlable with orifice srzes con+ sponding to light, ordinary and extra-high hazard installations. Applicadon and Insilallation Standard sprinklers are used in fixed fire protection sys- terns: Wet, Dry DelugeorPreacton. Care must beexer- cised that the orifice sizes, temperature ratings, deflector sMes and spnnkler spacings are in accordance with the hfest published standards of the National Fire Protectton Assoiiati:n or the approving zutnrity having iunsdicti:n. The spnnklers must be installed with the Reliable lvlodel D Spnnkler Wrench. Any other type of wrerrch rnay darn- aoei fe sorinkler. Installation and sale ol autonnbc fire sddntter qnterns utrlizing equiprnent manufactured by Reliable is perfomed by a world-wide netuoft of install- irn distrihriors. Consulifre Yellot'v Pages unda "Spdn Uers.nutsnaic Fre', or wrile to tts direcdy. The apgovab a lbtirEs d Relaabletutqndic Spth- ldec bV rnabr appruvitg oQErizatbrE ate sfufln h fE tatulailbd lbi proviJed m tEt bd d fis tulleltn. rutfb.4.440?4 Penh gnall Onfrce Upnght (Wth Pintle Scrs,v) I rb RllbDlc aromdc spnnor co" hq 525 l'lorfr tttlaoueden Parh't'ay' ftrlorl V€nsl t''leYv Yod( 1G6a @conven'l.nd HlGlnddbdon llgtr SFrhfhrYYp.'f Fct Sorln5tl{d!fii Apptovrbt3Ifrlc Standaril.Jpnafit (SSU) and Pender{ (SSP) Hedo.s Mitdd to lndii:ate Pcdirt orn' 4.24 2e.r.s 7.96 8.20 8.20 4.10 8!O.^ 6r.0 40.6 4.5 114.7 1r8.2 r 18.2 59.1 "t!tn||rrn9d SYrc'9d3*{?tk' 75.4 nm 73 nm trgts,i.'r 1,3,7 |.2,3.7 1 ,3,7 1.2,3,7 1 ,2,3.7 4,5,6 4.5,6 !r| srrluonbflr ld lwt (15 I'|ll lrr-. %c' gnallOdficet'r witr t2" NPf (r5 rm) Thrsd %'s.ndl odfic€r'! wih r4' NPT (15 nm) Ihread %o's.ndl Onli<rt't rvih %" NFf (15 rTm) thredrtaf Larqe Onfic€t" w|r| %' twf (,|5 rm) lhred I t d Lad€ Onfice with %' NPI thred 20nmxFfiwifi20nmthred l0rn n XLHwih t0 nm Thread Co\entirat-lngall€d in Up.lft o. Pended Fcnbn 'f.105.62 8.20 59.1 81.0 118_2 73 nm 73 nm 75.4 rm 5 4,5,6 4,5 l0 nm XLH wrth 10 nm Thread 15 nrn $ardard Orifico wih 15 nm lhred 20 rnrn XHH wh 20 nrn Thread (l ) lderilified by pintl€ extending abovo defl€cto., Spnnkl€t Heigtn includ€s pintle exlerEi)rl Approval Oqanizations: 1. Underwnters Laboratories. Inc. 2. Factory Mutual Research Corp. 3. Undenrvriters' Laboratories of Canada 4. Fire Offices' Committee 5. PleniereAssemblee 6. Verband der Sachversicherer 7. N.Y City, B.S. ardA. t{o.587-7SSAfrarne Cdor does not apply to chro.ne plated spnn0de6-Us€ spnnkle. ra0ng as d€ntified on operatng parts as shoi,n belof,. Flnishes l/lalntenaca Sprinklers sho.rkt be inspected regula/ry lor arry physical damage, dust, conoskrt ard pant (otherhan tp ident- rling frane color). Mte: Ne/er suspend any ltens (signs or decoraions) ftorn fre sprinklers. All autqnalic sprinklec sholkl be replacedafterSOyeasof serviceorbeforeif tleybecorne parnted, conoded or offprwise dilEged. Once fused, autornatc spdnkles mnrpt be reas. sernbled and rer.rsed. llleur sprinklers of the same size, t\De and ternoeratJre ratino rnrst be installed. Acabinet <ji replacerneirt sprinkters-should be prwiied fur hb prlpose. Use mV tp special sprinkler wrerrch prwided by fE manuhcUrer for spnnkler rernoyal and installation. Anyotprtypeof wrench may darnage fe sprinkla. rra 6qittsl p|€sg d h f|.s h-06i| b b b. ilstaild h fs.drlco rffr thc laH gnr$e<t gr|('a6 oa$o l|atittd F " P'dodion Assaielitl Felory lt,trd nacdcir Cqfiradtr o. dt€. sfiits o.lgtiztirB rtd e|,ith 'tc pfol/isit|8 d got a|IfrErrd co(b d o(l|xncea Y*lfrEt'€r app{caue. RfdlbSgiidrDaric6, pGf.ding tbr|(' ptopa.lybovrq)twr ar!ryturadbyf i.lilE tEat|dgD\'l|'rrEf agsE|tt, adata irsla[d ads€ni|csd lD mb's cnirc, rF,E l,6rc Hff rFE'ildtl tocrt.t tlulrui lt ttrd $rir, Cfdtd HCn ootfir h... |}irtd otpditr td n Gr€t a trx, lddplsr. lh5rt **'ffi Co,fE SiXt Ndfi lrtcor€.ltt Puhq lh.rrt vb,rst Nrw \b.i lcice (914)E*3.to Natural 8rofize | -All Temp. ratFgs Briohl Chrom€ |Ftated | -A Ternp. rarings Satin Chrqrc |Plated | -All Temo. ralPlated | -All Temp. ramgs Lead Bar6d | -165"F.21?F & 286"F 1311'95 Co.rogooled | - | 65"F Cle Wax, ? | fl Bro!,tn WaxCorooroted | - I 65'F Clear Wax, 2 | ?F Brorm Wax Over Lead PlatedEnarneled | -Subpct to Acceptance by Authodly havrng Junsdicnm ltlot Apprwed by Otrdal Strut (wrth Iemperature and Yeat ldenftficaton) Solder Caosule(wlh lemperature and Yeat lctenlrfication) fra,e/ cap Inlel llreads Upright l5!Edt ItrafDrutr.Tl ::.t75P1$w.P. JNflB Jnfl@ TF!]ITTE W Grif-ifuh @orP. BITTTERFTE . g!|gtl!. Iron body tol|lt .nc.p3uLt d utth Int 0..t s..t EPOM rubb.r. Nlcfid-g|l|.d br.!t dilc (AlSl 316 on rcqu.t|). AlSl f20 31.flr LISTEO FOR t7t Pst.w-P. Slza t'lt 3'r Faca lo Frc.r.60:!l.8tt r.8rl 2.U7 2.26 2.26 2362 o 3.tr9 4.:ic7 5.19t 5.9E4 7,185 6.r50 10.3r E 8.E2 9.@ 9.at 10.00 10.00 11.50 r2.50 K ?.32 r32 7.U r.32 7.32 7.n 7.€O WETGHTS (tB9 17.1 ra3 19.1 2LO &7 3r.0 3S.8 o T€lt Prr3lurc . Marlmum Wo.klng Tomp. Face lo Facc. Flango adaptatlon Available wllh int mel switch o. 350 psl 250 0F APt GogMSS SP 87 ANSI B 'lS5 class 1g) outCdr lampar switch.iMffi wnrEnriuc BdrrEnffuArurc . ttwtll. irm body. EPOM scrt. Flllrn coat.d ductlL trqt dtsc (ANll 316 on .cquest). AlSl 420 3tdr LISIED FOR 30 P1S|.W.P. Slz.t' 'lt J' Face to Faca r.603 1.811 1.811 2.47 2.n5 2.M 2.3,i,2 D 3.700 4212 ..960 5.{X'6 7.U7 8.(Br 10.20 E 5.51 5.43 410 0.69 7.8 8.07 9.29 K 7.32 7.n 7.U 7.32 t.32 7.€O 7.@ w€rGHT3 (t8S)m.7 21.E 233 2r.7 E1.20 38.70 f7.50 . Tcat Pr€ggu.r : 6(n p.l . Maxlmum Wo*lng Tcnp: 26li oF . Fso to Fa@ . Flenge adaptatbo : APIGTMSSSPST : ANSI I 1&{t ctass tfll Anlleblc wlth Inl.rnd 3ult fi a oul3ld. hmpa? 3wltclr . Dlrlll. l m body (wllh golt rn|d co.tlnet. EPOM rubDar morrldcd dllc .TadPrrrc.ut :abpd r l|dnun Wbdrloe Trrp : Zb.F Arrl&|. rl||| hr|r|ul trilcn aout blr'F- dlctr !t ,I . AIE 420 rt.|n I' USttD FOn-fi tziPs.w'P. Sl!.t T'h 7 6"a' Faca lo F&a 3.Er0 3.8r0 4.567 3.6n 5.gtr 5.236 o z6ta 3.50 a.fln 5.5dt E.62t &62C E !.313 5.5e1 6.888 7.36!l 8.268 9.213 K 7.9 ,.u 7.U2 r.gll 7.60 7.60 wErcHnt (LBsl ra9 re.8 AA 29.5 . at.a 47.3 (f"J.6rif-ifuh Ourp' \ :r1/ 5350 N'wFt-.srll,-.o, -a t-rI l-ltlL^_-:--^J i o*-GTllBE & ANOE VATVES , Scr.w.d lonnat 125 WsP No. l2!? Globo Volvo No. | 16T Anglc Volvr Thcro vqlvcr oro dcrigncd for gcncrol rcrvicc whcrc fight 3hut ofr ond frcqucnt u3a ora dcrirrd. Thcy orc crpcciolly rccommcndcd for ulc with tlaom, oir, oil, wotcr ond gor rcrvicc, whcrc non-mctollic dirct orc rullcd. Thc No. | 25T ond l26T volves orc cquippcd wilh No. l25TD Tcflon' disc for gcncrol rcrvicc' A rwivcl dirc holdcr p.rmitr dicc to wcor avcnly ond provldc o tight leqt und.r full lood condltionr. Thcy orc conrtrucbd 30 thof thcy con bc rcpockcd, with rhc volvc in thc fully opened position, whilc undcr full pressurc. Thcsc volvcs fcofurc aorlly rcploccoblc non'mctollic discr, Teffonr imprcgnotcd or' bcrtor pocking, ond hcovy duty ruggad Gonslru€lion. A choicc of dircr ir qvoiloblc to mokc thesc volvcc ruitqblq for mosi oppllcotions. l25S Globc Vslvc 1265 Anglc Valvc Equippcd wilh No. l25SD Rubbcr Disc qnd roted for 200 WOG rcrvicc (No Stcom) Rccommcndcd for firc sprinklar r25S t l26s 'Ug listcd for firc ipr;nklcr scrvice. 2' rizc only. ;; ,i;:, ': N-:tl'i"\w i4: A r%'lt/f w 2t'f rw 3w lw ,1w B ly.'rr4'3)#'2X'zyi .r 3w 3w c Ghrdl'3,$r w,y'"ltr'r Shipr.'; ' Yvt.Gbi! .J'.80_, I r. :, : ..:-l 'i.gl,. : Li. ?4i w'iilkf lqfiit,:llel 2w B'"rw lral 1'1tW 2N-2%:'?:w'39$; .: ':i 2%'...il ..5fi :" .94 s.2& ' Ghrotra.frGni 12':;.14 t^_, 6 a x..'t,s M.rol ro Mctol scot 200 woc llo. l25r|m Darigncd with o brqs dlrc to providc tighl rhut off fot 3taom, oh, gos, wola. ond oil, thir volvc will givc long life ond rclioblc rcrvicc. Thc dirc ir on corily rcploccoblc rwivd typr, mochincd of brosr ond conctructcd lo mokc conlqcl inridc thr 3rot orturing o morimum obiliry to pro' vide righr rollng In fh. toP.r.d r.ol orco of thr body. fhlr volvo on bo rcpockrdl wifi thr volvr In tho fuly oFnrd pooirbn, whilo vndor full prurure- ll f.orutct t'fion lmprognohd orberbr pccfing. h ir nol rccommrndcd for GTOBE & ANGTE VALVES Scrrwcd Bonnct r25WSP l-l rrwlcr wlth obrodvr motrdolr' | 6@ | =*ttrEERrD Bv PRoFEssroNALs FoR Non-llrtollic Dirc 2@ WOG l25lbrWSP 200lbr.WOG 100% Hydr6trllcTo.Ld Scrcwcd Endr RlllngSt.|n Swlv.l Dllc Hold.t Vrntllatcd Alumlnum Alloy HandWtccl Avrll.bl. wllh Phrtlc H.nd wh..l Through 91" Body telcrlak Bron:c conformlng loASTtl 802 I L PROFES9IONALS I --.r -]{EEDLE VAwES o hcommcndrd whcrr conhol or m.f.ring of rlcom, oir, gor, oil, woLr or ofhcr non-vircour liquidr ir rrquirod. lhir ir o rmoll, . compocl ycr ruggrd nccdb volve. Spccify rruica. -^-i 200 wtP 400 woo 50O Hydrorroflc Toling Scrcwed lonncl Vcntilotcd Alumlnum Alloy Hondwhcrl lody Motrrlol: Brcnzr confonning lo ASIM B 62{3 -@ EI{OINIERID BY PRO Racommcndcd for us. whcrr clor ond dcllcotc rcgulo- tion of fiow ir rcguircd for 3trom, wotcr, oil, gor or olhrr lighr liquidr. Spccify rcrvicc. 2@ lb. ws? IOO lbr. WOO Union Sonnot Sody ftlrlrrirl: Bronrr conformlng lo ASTfit I 62{:l Three Port (Gauge Test Valve) Pcrmib on intp.ctor to ch.ck fhc occurocy or rcplocc o gouga without rhutting down thc wholc linc. Scrcwcd Sonnrl 20O lbG WSP 4OO lb.. WOO Scnwrd Endr tfrrr rAt and Vl' TWcl-vl'AY INLET FLNCTICIN: Used as an auxiliary inleiconnection providing 5OO G.P.M. minimum (Ref: NFPA No. 14) to supplement the fire protection water supply. Drop clappers provide unobstructed waterway. Flush design desirable when appearance is a factor. FIE OU LAFI LY FUFI N IBH EEl : Cast brass two-way inlet bodv with drop clappers. Size and outlet location as selected by figure number. Polished brass plat€ with lettering as selected. Two polished brass double lemale snoots with rigid end N.P.T' x pin lug hose thread swivels, plugs and chain. OP/fIONAL FINISH: -D Polished Chrome Plated (Rsfer to Pg. 57 for special tinishesl VARIATION: -F Sillcock Flange plate with sillcock -G 3" Female Hose Thread lnlet LETTERING AVAILAELE: AAJTO, $€KR. STANDPIPE DRY STANDPIPE (Refer to Pg. 47 for special lettering) SPECIFY thread and lettering --r-J!-= Fc--1 r.;y'--- t-5vtj {fr1q5 ,r-ffim nItt--t.'r1--{ d j-g=ro L-..,f--- ^ ---= F-12--J Top or Boftofi Otilcl 'd Back Outlel suFFlx -F SNOOT fr- THFIEE-VI,AY INLET FUNCTICIN: Used as an auxiliary inlet connection providing 750 G.P.M. minimum (Ref.NFPANo. |4) to supplement the f ire protection water supply. Drop clappers provide unobstructed waterway. Flush design desirable when appearance is a factor. FIEGiULAFILY FUFINISHEO: Cast brass three'way inlet body with drop clappers.6" outlet location as selected by figure number. Polished brass plate with lett€ring as selected. Three polished brass 2'/2" double female snoots with rigid end N.P.T. x pin lug hose thread swivels, plugs and chains. OPTIONAL FINISH: -D Polished Chrome Plated (Refer to Pg. 57 for special finishes) VARIATION: -F Sillcock Flange plate with sillcock LETTERING AVAILAELE: AUTO, SPKR. STANDPIPE DRY STANDPIPE (Refer to Pg. 47 for special lettering) SPECIFY thread and lettering SIZE AVAILAELE: 6', ' x2y2" x2y2" x2y2" ffi SUFFIX.F Flg.5O3l Back Outlcl o SNOOTFIg. 5O32 Bottom Ouilcl F19.5033 Top Outlet Ssbt'd'.rr or J.v R Sm'th Mtg. Co, T\rvct-wAY vl,lTl{ SINGILE CLAPPEH-EIUCTILE IFIctN EICIEIY FUNCTICIN: Used a3 an auxiliary inl€t connection providing 50o G..P M. minimum in*: Nf pCtto. i cl to suoplement th€ fiio protection water supply. Swing clap-per providei ijnoOsiiucteO watehray. lTle combination ol a ductil€ iron body and axpos€d fealure is the mosi economical meth-od of satisfying fire dept. inlet requirements. F|EOULAFLY Ft F|NIEHEEh Ducdle iron lwo'ryav inlet bqly wift rod €nsmd mm. tettersO AUTO. SPKR. Btess swine clapper and pin lug swiveb. Back orlngboolli,' iJ'rcdctgO tv tigurc numbcr. S,tza 1"x2tA"x2k" ' SPECIFY thread \E F5X-i Back Outl€t OPTIONAL FINISHES: -8 Polished Brass -C Rough Chrome Plated -O Polished Chrome Plated LETTERING AYAIIABLE: AUTO. SPKR. STANOPIPE SPECIFY thread and lettering Fig. 5705. .. Angle Outlot TWG!-WAY WITH SINGiLE CLAPPEFI FUNCTIG'N: Used as an auxiliary inlet connection providing 5oo G..P.M. minimum in*: tlFpTit to i al to-suppiement the fiie protection rvater supplv. Swing clapper provides ijnoOiii icieO *ate'rwrv Elposed design fbature is an economical method of satistying firo dept. inlet requirements. FIEOULAFILY FUFINISHEEI: Cast brass two-wav inlet bodv' swing clapper and pin lug srvivel. Back or angle outlet as selected by f igure number. Lettering as selected. Size 4"x2%"x2%". '$ FtL--1,TTNpZlF--ro-i Flg. 5710 . . . Bacl Oullcl Fig.5715... AngleOutlct T\,vct-WAY vt,ITH EtctUBLE CLAPPEFISI FUNGTICIN: Used as an auxiliary inlet connection prwiding-Soo G.P.M. minimum inef : NFpCNo. 141 to supplement the fire protection water supolv. Droo clqopers- provide ijnoOstiucteO iatd'iay- Eipos€d design feature is an economical method of satisfying fire dept. inlet requirements. Fl E OU LAF| LY FUHN IAH ED : Cast bra$ two-wav inlet bodv, drop clapp€rs and pin lug swivels. size and outlet as selectd by figure number. Lenering as sel€cted. Flg.5720Scrlc BaclOudcf F19.5730 Sorl.r 9Oo Anglc Oullcl OPT|ONAL FIIiIISHEE: -E Polished Bras! -G Rough Chrome Plat€d -D Polkhod Chromo Plat tErrEnriloAv luil.e AUTO. SPKR. STANDPIPE SPEClf,throld srd lotterim lprucAnor Deaigned to signal any wderflow condition in a wet-pipe sp.inkler systqn that equals or excee6 the discharge trom ono sprinkler head. Such flow may bs due to fire, leakage or accidenlal ruptu.s of the piping- lrr3talled on main risg'3 lo gay€ a system waterllow signal, or on feed main3 supplying sub'risers or cross mains to give a soctaonal waterllow signal. They also aro instatled on ctoas maing or branch line3 to give a walertlow signal by zone ot area Normally this type of piping is lound in: 1. Warehouses 2. Large buildings 3. Industrial plants 4. lndustrial storage 5. Aircraft hangac 6. Retail eslabllshments 7. High-rise buildings Compatible with anv appropriale control pen€l to: l. Operate local alarm signals (Bell at Riserl 2. lndacato signals on annunciator panels 3. Trip a municipal flre alarm box 4, Slart flre pumps 5. OR ANY OTHER FUNCTION THAT CAN BE INITIATEO OR CONTROLLEO BY THE OPEI.I. lNG OR CLOSING OF A SWITCH CONTACT. OPERANOil Wlren a tlow of water ooculs, tho yano i! deflected actuating the control linkage to the swalch. Ths conlrol linkage incorporates a pneumatic retard elsment to preyenl falsa signals from being given by tiansient flowr caused by flucluatang water paeasu re. The retard eloment b adiustable lrom 0 to 70 sec- onds and is instantly recycling so that a sequenco ol ilows, each ol less duration than the predetet- mined relard period, will not havo a cumulative effect. A factory adiustment pro/des fot a r€tatd s€ttlng of 20-30 s€co{rdg on all standard detectors. Other rotard settings within the (>7O s€cond range may be accornpllsh€d by field adiu!&tenl 2€PDT cirdit switch€t prwide isolaled alarm and auxiliary contact functlonr IrEECtr rto EXGIXEERT SPECHCTNOXT GTOR @ ",[ lil''. I \ {) Yrr.typr Wetdlor ffir !h.l D. h0l5 o |ltr .9.hHr ttd... CCng r ddgmE o thr dnwlngr r{/ ar tgclllad h.rd|L D.ffir${ brddgld lcnou* lre d| d|'r y.rtlcd a htutd Cglnlr hf dt lrd b nuntd h. fitff|e o. dlal 12 lnclt- d ltt mfnt H dt re- th. dt cddt d td.{b. rd Jt.f h|r r rrrd' hr[' rdne b Jgrd rtt lh d f- H ql|.b a d tta tlbi.fga tc oa tg.hur hd DGr r:ldr nrctsdJr ddl lnco'Do.lb r hnl|ft nctcr.te Fsrdc..d.aa|tt.il dh r dllrtrua tt|gl d O b 7O snf. tiltlr lhd !. dtd D' | 9offi.vn drcp lab tb urErtt d n Crh$ Dffir {d trrfda a |l hr|| co|aJl .|rrE Vrr{nr wr:.. lbf Dd.cb..dd b. thd.rtlB L$ortdr b rt.l rutt ffnfl Aft.A - YANETYPa WAIERFTOW DETE sCRIE8 UID GOrSTRlrcnOil WFD vanelypa, ryat€rllow detectors consigl d:l. A vane op€rated pneumatically retarded switch asembly, mounted on an aluminum base plata 2- A cast aluminum pipe saddle to which the base plate is atlached. 3- A steel U-bolt to clamp the saddle to lhe sprinkler piping. 4. The retard switch assembly can be removed and replaced without depressurizing th€ sy& tgm. 5. The switch assembly is enctced in an amPact resislant cover. lmtaltatioo is by cuttlng a circular op€nlng through lhe pipe wall al the sslect€d location. The hole lc sized to pormat lhe polyethylene flexible vanc, which ir rolled up to a suitable dimenslon, to be inserted through lhe opening into tho wetertay. Vanes aro marked for field trimming lor use in heavy walled pipe sometimec used.in high rise buildlngs. The pipe saddle is lhen socur€d to the piprf€ by'mean! ot th€ tt-bolt. The required hole slze ls 'llr *1/1S0 inchea lor 2, 2lr,3 and 31t inch det€ctors, or 2*1/16-O Incher lor 4 5, 6 and 8 Inc{r detectoc. H,orlzonld or wrtical moontlngr re-12-2 t t-. I 4otst,lrlFrr| CI =oJrt4lrlt- =r||G ]t r|| - ilOTE: Conarlt tab.' to. irlltslladdl ot cogg- CAG f,trprottrgtolt- VaneTyoe Waterflow llot€ctors cannot be used in dytapo susilarll, delugs syst€lns, o-r Pr,eaction sysfigflis. becauso the valE and machanasm mavti Camdgod by tha sudden rustr ol water whon tho conbol v-alve operu. A pressure actuated type de' bcbr shosld Oo ulsd on tl|€ce sFtotna tJJ- SWIrCt| RAnTGS Srdtdta aru deratsd 50 percent of standard rat- Ingl lor llra alarm aPPlications. 125 Vc-75 Anpo 250 Vr-75 AmPe 40 Yac-75 Atttpc 6(D Vac-t Amp (F125 Vdc-025 AmP 250 Ydc-0.15 AmP ORDERIXO trIFORIATIOT EflIIIlt tlE *'t|dD wFD2*-7V6 WFDzth 5a&7@ IYFI,-3 ttGT-G lYFDSlt salmao wrD{ 5a&7@ WFD-'sa&?u wFD{5a}7r WFDa 5rt@ IOOIO Watettlou tlsictd Watsrflou ttgttcs Walqrllou Dciactor Watedlou tlol€clor lYaterfor Dciectrr Walcdlor ttsbctse Waiorflow Dsbctr Wderllor Dsbarr TrTrnpcrrrldt ls OPtt* Oor ttrrdt (ar hcfrt q GUm.itat: tl[.E ro ct.E tr qrT m'fl| Aro $ tr ralla Foe OC P?C Cl T€Itn EAC||srE c lo.E til|tCGl|..Filtfi|w_nW u3 ?Ara.l m. r.llrr ollE nrlHll tffir *o-11 TEEEI 1-718" Flnlrh IPS Cotl Atuilllut hrlt Fnlrh 2', STEET hnt IPS Gct @to$F*rr Chsomgr '.1112 ' 01002 01qB 0100{ 01(xF 01o(f, 3t1 01007 01008 010(p 01010 Chrome t ott wh, 1n' 3/4 r 1t2l 3ra i I I ! I I II I -l , ottwh 112. gl1 Braca In 3t1 CA: (8fiD il2.W2 z-PC ADJUSTABLE PENDANT CANOPY gV.' 1-3'8" I Adfustment: 2n lo 3" frlctlon lock Trlple electrochrome platlng, or three coats of baked enamel, on heavlor gauge steel results In a unit that wlll stand up to more abuse. To ellmlnale rust and corroslon and to ensure complete cov€rage of exposed mstalllc surfaces, ARGGO llnishes each cup and sklrt Indlviduallv. In addltion. our rlbbed cup and notched sklrt ellminate scratches durlng Installatlon and provide a superlor frlction lock, keeplng the sklrts tlght to the celling and ellmlnatlng readlustments. A "we€p" hole assurgs immedlate leak detectlon. Gonvenlent stacked packaglng eliminates damage In translt. Separate boxlng of cups and sklrts mak6s canopy lnstallatlon easler and ellmlnates loss of, or damage to, sklrts left on the lob site awaitlng installation. Protect them In your warehouse until you need theml One-half and three-guarter IPS available at the same prlca. (8(x,) 85+t Michigan Now Offers You FLEXIBILITY Both Styles of Beam Clamps in StockatallTimes ModelNo.30l 1-Hole Universal/ Reversible BeamClamp ,f .Sllh'il00ii 2-Hole Universal/ Reversible BeamClamp APPROVEO BY @jt'ttto NOTE: Thb 13 th. 3am. sup€flor, univeBal beam cbmp a3 the No. 3oo. fh€ only excoptbn i3 th6 minor 3tyling change. ThB chango nac63sitata an addi- tbnrl I %" ol fod wlrcn b.ing u3ed et a lop baam clamp. ModelNo.310 2-Hole Big Mouth Universal/ Reversible BeamGlamp APPROVEO 8Y G) t'ttto ModelNo.31l 1-Hole BigMouth Universal/ Reversible BeamClamp APPRovEo ev<A> *h1r-rsreo \'z NOIE: Thb ir tha r.rna luparioa, uniY€rsd baltr durp st lha No. 3t0- lh. only .xctp ton F th. nlnor styling cfianga. This chJtga neca$itat . rn eaEito.rC 1 qa" of rod yrhf,r bG ing urad !r I tog baarn cLm9. 6:,:i:""@ MichlganHangerCo., lnc.@ : 300 Erie Street. Hubbard, Ohio 44425 r 8(XF3?t10354fio11 Free Numbor) o FIRE rod rlra ", ' PROTECTION SPRINKTER HANGERS c t) MODEL NO. 100 Hcrvy Duly fo,r Yrriour Rod Si:o MODEL NO. ll5 Heevy Duly for fl" Rod thut" Pipoah l"d for 5". 6". 8" P,pe MODEL NO. 130 Ughf Du|y for ll'td flru f" lb. h" lcd for t-. d', f tbo USE: Derigncd lo reducc lhc "in placc" corfr of inrlalling piping rydcmr. MATERIAL: Carbon rlccl. FlNlSH: Elcclro-Galvanized IASTM-Typc LSI ot hot dipped gclvanircd. CONFORMS WITH: Fedcrrl Spccificaiion WW-H-l7ld fiypc l0l and MSS-SP.69 fTvpc l0l. LISIING: Undcrwriler Lcborslorier. Inc. APPROVALS: Factory Mutual Firc Inrurancc Companicr. OROER lY: Pipc riec. lap rirc and guanlily. Pipr Sirc DIMENSIONS e ---f-- r -: c*-:6--- | , I Sidndrrd Ootidn.l Rrc'd. Load a Tcrl Lord Vt"7a th' I il"tii"--le"1/t" r@ r50 /t"%ro t50 t"Vt"tYt"r00 'l0tth"Vt'lYt to 750 !/t1,,= t 2"to ,ro _.h" _l/r',lVt' Vr*2*",1 r@ 'l02t/2"Vz"t"th 250 r5{tr _tvr'-Ji, _ _rh %' I tVt' -tt/t" tVe" h' ft"1vi'--i !i.:, IlLl rlt"_l t%' I{'I!'1il _-t|_$_h.v;' Vt' _ 110 _ _.250- 150" ar' r50 l!@ | sql 2e3o Jth".r}{lVt'5y."L",%",tt5 2660 t"lt/.", tY."2Yt't',h t/t',th", lt"r50 tlm fipo 5irr DIMgNSIONS lec'd. Lord T..l LordAtc0 Vz" SAM8 AS MoDEt r00 lt':tl lqt 750 v;'](1tr:_ 'l1r.:_}l".tt' t(D tEot' tth;' toio Fqrt0 tth-ll'-t0"t@ 7lo 2'll'-t0"r00 750 2Vt"h- J-Jyf I tlt"ll'-r5'250 EOt',h - I_zVt-lVt" -rf-'ft- 250 rt0 tth-V."2Vt"1th tt'.t0 250 I t(pv'n- --Jv'1$-t '.-ir-2S rt@ Itht -- -Zth 1%:Vr'-ll'lrt 2660 c"tt/f l zVt'rll"Vt".tl-alJ 2AtOr'/i a |Vt"Vt".tl"r50 ilo fipr Sirr OIMENSIONS bc'{ Lo.d aIrd Lc.dAIco th'. yi'. h __- Vr" ,a th" Vt'. _t'h'l-|ft. I l(- ,t:-1.-_Itll:!L It'-!.: ro l0qto /tor{ ttc I h-thq th'_riq IO ,n lth'tt[lt:r*-ll-.ra'lo rortth-2t:|l1tr.!o fi 2w ,y.'!ft'--l-'tt'{,Itorll'_2w 40:_It!f t!0 |lo ,Vt'h'-2l/l' 'l4.- tlo r!o f ll:2V.-all--li--.-2to |lorti/n.2W lrh.th-.,r arf ,g tlt'-_zth'_?th. 1rI -,h-:ar--,/f.rr- t4,to 25'tdr-Ith'-r a||- W HORN &. LIGHT Audible- Visible 4ur nA alirat PaoferJioa S, COSTS LESS THAN ANY WATER MOTOR GONG . MOST ELECTRIC GONGS COMPLETELY OIST3NCTIVE FROM ANY OTHER ALARM SIGNAU; FAST, EASY MOUNTING . ON ALL TYPES OF WALLS 1I5V. AC.RECOMMENDEO BY FACTORY MUTUAL FULLY GUARANTEED - MAINTENANCE.FREE OPERATION APPROVED FOR USE IN ALL HARDOF.HEARING OCCUPANCIES WEATHERPROOF @NSTRUCTION - FOR EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR USE sq QdQa to - fff,,Hy#il'*.,- ftta naa ' pJffiiilflT5*-. Automatie F|HE-rRolsi trCORPOIATE - Y-BL0W-00W1{ [.VES lScrwrd Bcnnrt 200 wsP Non ltorolllc Dbc aoo rvoo I I t. Rcrcmblc golc volvcr in thrir obility lo P.tmil morlmum f,ow ond globc volvcr In thclr obility to attoin righf closurc. Thcrc combincd quoliticr moko lhir volvc uncguolcd for blow' ing ofi boilcp. Eccourc of rhcir con3lruction, they con wilhstond tho frcqucnt opcning ond cforing ncccrrory lor thit opplicotion. fhc volvc ir buih wifh o rcncwoblc scol modc of coct bronzc. Thc No. 24T Tcflon" disc con bc reploccd without ramoving thc volvc from lhc linc. ttl,o. 225N No. 225J Sot Rlng Wrrnch Scrl Ring 20O lbr. WSP rloo lbr. WOG 500 lbr. Hydrortolic Tcrting Scrawed Endr o Riring Stcm Raploceoblc Tefionr Dirc Rcmovoble Eronzo Seol Ring Scrcwad Bonnel Ventilolcd Aluminum Alloy Hond Whccl lody Mcteriol: Eronrc conforming ro ASIM 862{3 No. 2257 Y BIOW.DOWN VALI,ES Unlon Bonncl 200 wsP 2OO lbr. WSP 40O lbr. WOG 500 lbr. Hydrorlolic lcrllng Scrrwod Endr - Riring Slcn Rcploccoblc No. 2{T Tefion' Dir lcploccoblc Eronzr Scol Ring Union Bonncl Vcnfilarcd Aluminum Alloy Hcnd Whccl lody Mofcriol: lronrc conforming lo ASIrll B 626:l Soo Chort fo: No. 2257 No 225U1 U!.d whrrr ilo|. God6 rrqrrlr. a uttion bonncr boilr ry typ blow down voJvo or wlnr o hccvy duty blow down volvr b nqulrcd. Non-Mcfollic Dhc a00 woo GAUGE CTOCK Eoltom Connoction No. 974 2h- facc (30,60, r00, 160, 2q),lllFfilp' No. 9'174 3th' ?*q (160, 200 lbr- presrura) Beck Conncciion No. 9748 2th- Facc (100 lb:. prcsrurc) No. 97tl! SYPHONS ttlo. 9tl Al AngL L!.r r{tr.'rt JIor hp No. tttl Slic* lrqr ENOINEERIO EY FROFISSIONALS FOR PROFISSIONALS S.i@ 5\5\€17 **.* FIRENET *** HYDRAIJLIC ANALY$I5 OF A FIRE I]ROTEC'I'ION.SFRJNI{:LER SYSTEI4 VERSIONl-JULYJ.9EI4 DATE FOR THIS COMPUTER RUN ID FOR THIS COI'IF,UTER RUN = INFUT DATA FIL-F NAIlE * llFC OUTFIJT DATA FILE NAFIE * SEAT INti **.*tf * * * * **.* * {..* * * * * * * Jf ****************+*****************{.1****r****{t * J+ *t+.1+{f ** t+rf **l+SFRINI,iLER SY$TEM DATA SIJMMARY It tt t+ * if *t+.x. * * * * * * * * *J+*J+* *******X. {-,** **.*.X-** * *** ** * * * {.***.r+ * X*l+Ja{.**r+**.*******++***.*.*.}t*l**1.* hIATER SUFFI.Y fiFIARACTEFIISTICST $TATIC FFESSUftE = 118 FSI RESIDUAL FRESSURE * ?tt FSI RESIDUAL FLOuJ = 13OO GFI'I ELEVATION OF FRESSURE EAGE = O FT. FLNN REOIJIREPIENTS: OUTSIIIE HUSE FLOla, REOUIREI'4ENT (AT SUFFL.Y) "= :i5(:' 6FM INSIDE HOSE FLObI FEOUIFEI'IENT (AT LOCATINN 3 ) = 15O GFI'I TOTAL SFRINF:LER SYSTE|4 FLON REE:IUIRHD (BASE OF RISEft) = 45O GFI'I SPR I NI.::I..ER I NF:ORI"IAT IfJN ; I'IAX]I'IUI,I $PACINC OF SFRINI":LER HEAD$ = 1(I FT. PIAXII'IUI'I SFACINE OF BRANCH LINES = 15 FT, RESUIRED l4INIPlUl'l FLOW (FER SFRINF-LER) = 15 6Fl"l REBUIRED I"IINIMUN FLOW DENSITY = .1 EPI'1./SO. FT, OTHER $FRINF;LT:R SYTJTEI1 DATA: DAFAULT VALUE FOR C-FACTOR "" 15(:) NI"JMFER OF LIOOSTER PUI{FS = O SUI{|'IARY nF SFRINFiLER OPERATIONT Sl-.'RINI.:L.ER CONSTANT -;l L.NTATION T]F OFERATINCi SFRINI.ILER$: 7 g I lrl tl OF OFERATIFIG SFRIN}.::LHRS: {JF OPERATINts SFRINII.L.ERS: trl 21 t3 25 t4 OF trFERATING SFRINF.LERS: 25 OF trF'EFATING SPRINI(LFRS: 36 27 OF OF'ERATINS SF.HINH:LEfTSI 2A rct14{-Tt: LOCATION I.-OCAT I ON I.-OCAT I ON LOCAT ItrN LOCAT I ON 'il. "rl ******lfl**+***{t{f***i+l+lt****lf***t(***lf+*****.*l+l+.**{f**tf.l+*J+*.1+.x.*l+Jt+.1+i+*JF*l+* .*+****lct***{.*.*{.{.****.iEtFtF*.******tt**.t+rc*** *t****Je***{r*x*******Jtlt-**lf ***** **+*****+*****FIF.E DATA SUHHARY *.**.* {..x.{ *. * *** *{f J* * *J+** l+.tt***ttttJ++***lf JC * * tt* * ft*** ** * * *** Jr * * rt*r* * *** *Jt*t+ *.**l+*.lf *ll** *rf ***rl * NUIIBER NUI'IFER NUI,IBER OF (Jr OF FIFE$ * ?9 JUNCTIONS = ?S LOOFS = 2 TO D I AI,I.(IN.) 4.19(:, 4. t50 ?. 951 3,003 1 , 5(13 1,60: 1" 5(:)? I . 6{l? 1.611? 1.5(J2 1 . 5(12 r . 6{r? J..6113 I " 6{l: t r cf r_rJt I . Cal-rl 1 . 6t): 1 . 5c_rl 1.602 J Ar1? 1.6L)? 1. 6{l? 1. 6{)? I .6C)? 1 . 1{)9 1. lC,9 1. 109 1. 10? HW-C 140 1?O 150 150 150 I rJrJ 15r1 l ECt 15r) 15t1 150 150 15(:) 150 't tr\ 15r) 150 150 1s0 150 15(l l5r) 15(l 150 150 150 LENGTH (FT. ) "2'1 fr 10. o T. (J 1.O 4.0 17.5 17,.:\ 10. rl to. $ 1l,rl 4.9 .:, . r-, 14. O 4.Ott o 12. {_'l 1"0 6.O 5. {) 7"0 (1|.t EO. LN. (FT. ) 93. I 16. O ?7,7 1q I (,. o rl. (:l rl" O 0. {:) 1Ei I r). {r r), {) 0,0 t). 0 0. (:) 15,1 36. ;i 0.o c' . c-, r). r) 0. {) 1().5 o.0 EL. DIFF. (FT. ) a! r-r 9"O 0.0 r:).0 o"$ {r, {:, 1:). rJ o. (:l r). 0 (1,0 t_1" 0 rl . {l (1. o 0.u (:) . {J c,. o {r, o (:1. {, {}, rl (1. {) (:), $ o.(] {} " {:) rJ. (:) r:r. () 13?T 34 56&77A E'Y I 1(l 10 11 11 12 t a:r 'l? 13 t4 14 1515 16 16 171.'/ 181A 191? 4rs 20 ?0 ?1 ?1 ?3 77 2:i 33 34 525 6t6 ?6 77 17 tB **.**l****ltJt*.***f**t+***Jttt**rfrt**Jtlt.Jt***l|.]r*.tttf{.,********J+*rfJrJt*.}t*J++F*.**.lflt*** * *.t+*.t+J+** t+*{..*.*.}r +f l+.* * {t t+ Jt Jt.it t+ t+** {t *{.* * * *+ * * * t( {.J+t{.* * * *J* {+*{.**.i+ t*.t+ {*Jf+tJ+.}+ J+ t+.}+ *.1+* **** HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS hIITH REOUIFIED FLOITJ AT RENOTE HF-AD *JIJI*. **Jf*****J+.r+*+**+***JT**tC***{f**Jf*{0J+l+**J****{.*J+.t+***l+**.ttJf**J+{.*J{J{.*{.*{.**** *T+{'*SUMIVIARY OF SPF{INHLER I'C'N OFERATION**** THI FOLLOWING SFRINI':LEREi ARE OF,EFATIN6 ? 1t 1? l' ...I 14 15 16 ?(l 31 22 ?Li "!.+:5 :6 77 :8 SFRINI.iI-ER I"i 5.60 5. 6() 5. 61, ci A.-i 5. 5(, 5.60 5. 6t) 5. 60 5.6C) 5. 60 5.60 5.60 5. 6t' 5. 6(J 5.5{t 5. 6Ct 5. 60 5 " 6t') 5.6{:t ri Ar1 '\llf,;'o' 9. $0 9.00 9.00 ?. o0 9" Orl 9.00 9. OO 9. {)O 9. (:)0 tt, Ot-) ?. Cto 9. r-_rr1 9. {:)O ?. r1(l ?. t:'(l 9. t:'tl 9. O() 9.0(:) cJ r\r'l PRESSUF{E 8.40 7. ?fl 7 .47 7 .43 7 "3b'7 .43 7. 5A-7 AE, 8.7i, s.79 r7 afl 'IA QT 16, B? I A Aal 16. g6 -7 LA/I i1a7 6PPI 859.68 6PH FLOUJ 1S. B? 15, 46 15. ?6 1.1 |Q 15. 4t 1q -7A 16" 54 17.3n ?3. ?S ?f,, u4 :3.01 ?f,. 04 ?3 " 3rl r?, e? .l- :r " fJu 1 /- Af1 THE TOTAL SFRII.IHLER FLOhI DELIVERED = f,59.83 GFl"1 Tl-'lH OUTfIIDE I-{ilSESTREAM FLnlrJ nF: 35tl GfrN OFERATES AT 1rl4 . ?8 []S I 29.46 PSITHE INSIDE HO$ESTREAI"I FLOI^| OF 15() EFT,I OFEI1ATES AT THE f'1INIMUM DENSITY FROVIDED EtY THIS SYSTEM ]5 O.1(]O fiFM/SN FT hJATER SUF'FLY CHARACTEftISTICS I-.O{:ATION AT PIPH NO 1 Si'|ATIC FRESSURE = 1lE} FgI fIESIDUAL FRESSURE = 90 FSI AT l3CtO OFERATING FTRESSURE = 4{1.15 PSI AVAIT-AB[-[: FRESSTJRE = 1O4.98 FSI AT .tt**Jf*Jftr** EXCESS (OR REOUIRED) SUFF.LY PRE$SURE = *J***Jt****Jllf ***J+**tt*{..*JtJt*****t+'*ta**Jf * {.** l+{.* * *** * **.*.lf Jt J*.}+ * l( lf .t+.rf **lt.l..* l+ rtJ+ *********.*****.**d*.t.*{.***+********.*****.*+**.*********J*******r+******* ***r+i****r+**re SUMMARY OF HYDRAULIC DALCULATIONS r+*r+**.r*r+**r+16** *************J(********+********Jt*****{r***********tf****1.**}.#.******* F,$ I ********* NODEgJ FRNH_Ttr FLOI{ (GFt't) FIFH (FT. ) EOV. FT v'sl / l ClO-FT b.LEV.il!FlnlH-!J D I A.F-NN D I FF. E,C T tr'q T .: 3 4 q 7 FI 3 50?.683 3r)9.68 4 f,59.68 5 1?6. f6 6 115.56 7 44.e7s 6n.64 9 53.83 I (:r. tlr) :. {Jo ?1. O* I . Cr{t 4. 00 93.13 16. (:)r] 11? l"(l o, (to 15.12 O. CrO (). r)0 o, {Jo 4.6? tr, /6 ?.3.77 :81.1? l.LJr C)qf 10. 7l 6, 50 0. (Jr-) f,. 90 o, {:x) 0. O(:) Q. o() o"0{} {). 0(J o. $c) 40, 16 -=i4 " B4 "lc] a"'7 16.56 If].73 a E:,'7 8.43 r40 4" 191?O 4.t6ts0 :" cl5 150 r.oD150 1.6(l 150 1.6015fl 1.6() 15C) 1 , 60 34.84 5.3t.1f'r n'tt:-/. ^t I J''j|l ?{r, 56 1l . 90 'I El 7q 7 ql "r: 8.57 10,16 B" 43 0. 16 7 ,nn 0" 4s 7 " dZ (-). 36 9lo 1{l 11 11 13 1:.r ia 15 1616 t7 1'7 1 Ct 1$ L9 19 4 19 :(r 21 ::t :? ?;5 5:5 636 36 27 t7 :€l 7'7 .:\7 ?3, r)7 a'lt -::i.65 -S?, {)7 -54. it6 -71 . 40 -gg. ')7* 105. 59 -16f,.4: 34.57 r .t , ..,,J -11"44. --14.46*57.73 ']1 A-7 f,o. 6el ro. oE 4. 5{:1 .1. (ltl 19. f,tl l fi " r){) 1(1. ()() 11.{){l 4, ?0 :l . r)c) 18, 0(l 1:;,, O0 4. tJ0 11.9r) 1?. 0(l ?. oo 1.0() 5" 00 6.00 ?. cro C, ' {10 rJ, {l() 5$,Zf, lri 1? 0 " C)(] (J. ()(l $. o(l 0, ()tJ' c). {}(J 36. ?E 0. (lo o. oo (1. 0(:, r-J" oQ 1t.09 13. $9 tq tat 10.5€l c,. oo 150 l- drCt 150 t , 6(l l5(l I . frt) 1:j0 J. . l:t) 15() J. , frt] I5(l J. , 6(l 15Ct I " f:(lr 1S0 L . 6(l 15O I . Crtlr 150 1" 60 15(:r :. ()(l 150 1 . 6(l 15rl 1 . 60 150 1.6r) 150 1 . 6rJ 150 1.60 15tl 1 . d:O 150 1.l, I l ql.i t I I LJr_r rr.i.r L\JIJ I..II. 3" 48 {). r.5 r), :? J..49 i.77 7. rlB 1.7 . {-t t. 33.80 L B. r)O '/ .8{_t (J.40 r-\'qO t. ?9 7.74 9.46 I4.47 3. €t4 4. 68 (:) " o{J 0. 00 r), {){J rl. (){) {), rlr) 0, {:)t) (), rl{l 0,0{:t r]. {){) 0.00 Q, Ofl 0.00 o, {)$ r:r. (J(:) rl . c)c) (1. {:rc, rl, oo r:). 0{} o. c,o (). {'0 (1. rlD '/.43 '7 -a.a 7 ,4:3 '7 ,3{j 8.74 cJ ?ar ?, fl1 1-f Aq 1-7 AA t7 TA 1-7 t'\') 1gl 7-{ 8" 57 9. :to 7 .47 (:], 1& 7,4:J 0,04 7 "3& t)"1:r7 7 , 4j -(-), (_)B 7"5S -C)" l5 7 . q6 *(:r, T;8 A -f4 .-r-r 71f, 9. tr(] -0,56 9. fi1 -o" 51 1'7 LA -7 clFt '7A q/- -tr tr{7 17.158 0.31 !7 " (t? rl . .16 16.57 (:).05 1'7.r1 I -rl .C'f, l'7 At1 --fr -lrJ 18.7f, -1.33l/:.94 | "797, e]5 0 .77 7 . 1.7 L). 50 Ei.88 0" 4? THE I'IAXII'IUI'I VELNCITY OF 1?.98 FTls OCCURS BEI-WEEN NODES AND +**rF 50?.6 TI-II5 EXCEEDS oF THE RISER **** HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS AECURACY CHECII:S (UNBALANCED FRESSURE 6FI'I. IS DELIVERED TN Th{E BASE THE RENUIREMENT OF 45Ij EFI4 74?3?? IN LOOFS): IALOOP +| 1 - UT'IBALANCED LOOF* 3 -14 13 12 UhIEALANCED NODES: l9 FRESSURE = NBDEST 74 11 l(t F,RESSURF = ao 21 -o.0055 Fsr23 2tsB7 rl. O(,49 FS I ?1 ?O t9 65J4 1516 *tf.tttt***l**.tf*.tfJft*J(******r+**{t{+*.r+J+*.t+.*.x.*.**.t+*tf*.r+r+***J+**J+{f*if*J+l+*J+*Jr*****.*{+ *rr*** END OF SIMULATION ***** oaDro t 2 ouoI F: o xo! o A. t() ? ot!{ o z e tt q oj ? o utF zEA \ \ \ $ t\ \ 9 .\ { 888 888Ntb 888 flsdr Suns$ud si \3 a lrl U'l \ .r.1 ; t) \f. \ \ vl o U. \U t'.. \ V) = 5\S\87 **t. HYDRAIJLIC ANALYSIS NF A VEFSION FIRENET x** FIRE FRMTETTION sPRIN}{LER SYS-TTFI 1_ JULY 1?84 DATE FNR TH]Ii COI"IF,IJTEF{ RUN ID FOR THIS CNHPUTER RUN = INPUT DATA F]LE NAME = I.:ITCHEN OIJTPUT DATA FILE NAl"lE = ],iT? *tF* +** **.*.**{..* * * *+ ** + +**** tt**.* * ** **** *.**.r{ **Jf * * ***** * **** * * *******l* * tf**tf****.rf{tl+r+l+SFRINI";LER SYSTEN DATA $UMPIARY ,f .r***.tt * t+.*Jf Jf Jtlf *J* *+ **Jt********.***.1+**.*lF.X..*tt.*{.*.1+lt{.J(l(**l+Jl.*l(lt*{.x.*l+ttJ+**l(*ltt+*ltl+*{{'*lt*rl***Jtr*tt t/,fATER SUPFLY CHARACTERISTICS: STATIC F'RHSSURE = 118 FSI RESIDUAL FRE.SSURE = ?{t FSI RESIDUAL FLOW = 1f,O0 GFt'l ELF-VATION OF FRESSURE GAGE :. 0 FT. FLOIIJ RENUI REI"IENTS I OI".JTSIDT HO$H FLON REOUIREPIENI (Af SiLlFFL.Y) = .jl50 GFI'l INSIDE HOSE FLObI REOUIREI{ENT (AT LOCATION 3 } = 15{:I GFI'4 TOTAL SFRINI":.LER SYSTEI"I FLN[, REOUIFED (BASE OF RISER) ". 198 GF'I,I SPRIN}C;LER INFL}RI'IATION: l'IAXIMUPI SPACING Ot "O*t*1,:.L.8R HEADS.' 1I FT. l'lAX I MUFI $PAC I NE OF BRANCH L I NES = 9. 33 FT. REOUIF{ED I"IINIHUI'I FLOhI (FER SFRINI{L.EF{) = 1€ GFf'I REGUIRED ]"IINIMUPI FLOW DENSITY = .16 6Fl'l/S0. FT"lEffi,ffilql OTHER SiFRINIT.LER SYSTEM DATAr DET"AULT VAI-UE FOR E*FACIOR = l5{:! NUI,IE{ER OF FJOOSTER FUFIFS = t] SUI"IMARY OF SFRINI.iLER OFERATIOI.I; SPRINI{LER CUNSTANT = 5.5 LOCATION OF OF'ERATING SPRINI.::LERS: 74910 LNCATION OF OPERATING SFRINI{L.EFS: 13 LNCATION OF OPERATING SF'RIN}'::LEFIS! 14 15 16 L7 LOCATION OF OFERAT'ING SPRINI"iLERS: 18 19 **********.*********.**l(*****.*.*********.*.***************.r* ***+*l****** *******lg***********J(.**tf*********tf***.1r.*te.|+F*r++fJ+*******{+*+{+*.*******J+* .* t* J+ {t*** **.tt**t+ r+FIFE DATA SUNf{ARY *.** t+*t+ J* Jf J+ J+.)+* l+** Jf***.F*.rfF**+*l+.x..*.lt.t***Jf*.*rtl(*.F*rt*.t+*****J+.x..,++*+r(.***Jt**+*.**J+Jr*.]+lt*.,r*.r*Jt.*i**lf* NUI"IEER NUI"lBER NUI'IBER FROf"l Il... 7 a I 1C, 1? L4 l5 1t- L7 1B 19 FIPES = 19 JUNCTIONS = 19 L0OPS = I OF uF BF 1?233445 56&77e El 9 ? 10 1|} 11 11 4 5 12 1? 13 13 14 14 15 13 16 16 L7 618 tB 1? N I AFI.(IN.) 4. 1?f-) 4. ?60 :.951 ?. oo3:. o03 1.60? 1.60? r"60? 1.60? 1 .602 3. 11(13 1 .603 1.6(l? 1. 109 1. 109 1, 109 1. 109 l Aal? I . 1119 HW-C 14(t 12Ct 150 150 150 15r) 15Ct 15|:) 15(r 15C) 1scl 150 150 150 15Cl 150 150 150 15(:t LENGTH (FT. ) 10. c) 2.0 6.Q 9.O €r.5 t? ri art e 4. c) 13. O 4.0 6.5 2.0 ?ri B. {J lrl 6.0 ET.J. LN. (FT. ) 1 1.3. I 16. Ct .J5.3 ro. ? 0.o ?3.7 0. c, o.o 0.0 J.3.6 49.9 13.1 0.0 10.6 0.0 7.6 O. (:t {). 0 FLOW FRESSURE 2?.41 16. O? ?2.43 16. $4 ?:.65 16.:,7 :r.35 17.24 2L. t4 14. ?6 18. C,9 tO.44 1t1. C,(t 10. f,:i 19.10 11.63 74.72. '.t. 17 ??. lC, 15. 57 2t.77 15. 1? = 2?9.66 GPI'I EL. DlFF. (FT. ) 9.O r_,. o o.a o.Q o.0 {J. rl o,o(r.0 0.o o.o 0. {J 0.o 0.o 0. (l (:).0 r:). $ r+ * *Jt * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * tf **rtJf ****.,t*********t+*ltJt*lf *.*****tt* * ***ltrt*{f lf lt*Jt** .**.**.*.*.***.*.*.*****.f t ************ *** **lf ***** *+******+* *****.* ** ** * ****.I+.*.*.* HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS WITH REAUIRED FLBW AT REI-IOTE HEAD **** **** ****** *.*** ***.*.*.*.*t0{-.*** *********t(*,** *lt* *tf ******+**+***** ******* ****SUMPIARY EF SFRINHLER SYSTET4 trPERATION**** THE FOLLOWING SFRINTI.LEFS ARE OPERATIN6 LECATION SPRINI{LER I.i 5.611 5.60 5.60 5. 60 5. 6Ct 5,60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.6c, ELEVATION ?.00 9.0{) 9. CrO ?. oo 9.00 9. OO 9.0(J 9.0(t 9. ('O T: -- THE TOTAL sF.IIINF:LER FLObI DELIVERED THE O|".TTSIDE Hn$ESTREAPT FLUOF f,5() GFr'r nFERA-|ES A-f d:t8" ' 9 Fgii THE INSIDE HOSESTREAM FLOW OF 15O EFM OPERATES AT ?4.3: FSI THE NINIHUT,I DENSITY PROVIDED FY THIS $Y$TEI"I I5 C}" 161 FPfi/sn FT' tIATER SUFFLY {"IHARACTERISTICS LBCATION AT FIFE NO 1 STATIC FRESSURE = 118 FSI RESIDUAL PRESSURE = 9O FSI AT 1;io0 OPERATING FRESSIJRE = 53.69 FsI AVAILAELE F.RESSUFE = 1{I8.39 F'5 I AT 'r+r'r+**rfrF,+r* EXCE$SIVE (OR Fb.OUIRED) SUPFLY GF f'l 7?5.6 FF.M PRESSURE =*J(t+****** **tt**{+***.*.**.*.*****{..*t+.nJ++****i+l+*.t****l+***14*******Jf****.t+*J*.r+*l+J+****t**{* ***x* F*****************.F********+*{.****+* *******.t*Jt*******.r(J+J+***t'*+ **J.**.*t+***.*.* sul'IMARY oF HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS n*t*.*r.******.r(rf *lf **********t * + * ** t.*** ** * n*tt*Jf * * * **{.** * ** * *rt *..F ***.** ** ** **i+if ****.1*** NODES FLON FRNM-TO (GF'I"I) FIFE (FT. ) EUV. FT ittHf\l END DIFF. FSI. H-t^l DIA. FSL/ ELEV. -c- IN. lclc,--FT PSi. 13 :3 l4 45 h7 fd B? ? 1.'1 Lr) 11 tt -i 5 1:lt 1;113 14 14 15 l_.:| .L Cl 16 L7 618 lff 19 a7c?.64 379. $t_l 3??.6C, 151.71qa /--f -9.59 -54. 65*77.49 *77.89 93.lt4 73. clt 3&.09 18.00 ':r7 (1 ,1 14.7? 4f," E6 I 1f,. QB I &. 0(l 3:i. 36 3C). ?3 (:,. LIC) ?5,7{l o. oo 0" O{J {}. $0 13.61 49. 89 1?. 09 (:1. 0r-l 1rl. 581 (:!. ()() 7" 56 rl. OCr 12. C)9 0. Ctr-) l,4cr 4. L9 l?(l 4.36 15') t, ?5 I*Jr_r Er r_,r_, 150 ?, clo 15n 1 . 6{l15r) 1,60 1.50 J. f;O 15{} 1 , 6(-) l StL l. " /rt) 15{_! l. rl() 150 1.60 150 I . 6{:) ,t JL' J. . r .t '| E:fr 'l 1 I I'JL' I.".TI I'JL' I. J, I 150 1,60 15Cr 1. 11 10. 0(l 3. rlo 6. (10 Tri fir-r ?. {lu (f r Jr-, 4. +O I .:i . t:t{t 1.ClO 4. tltl 6.50 3. ()(l B. t:xl 1.(1(J 6.00 -c ?rJ q {T 15. 69 (1. 48 $" ?8 1 L1 '7 t1-r. 4.56 19. 58 1.9,54 ci ll:a :1. f,{l 4.68'7 /-f- (:). {){) ;13,69 f,. ?i) 39. (18 o. (Jcl :4, f,? (), (:)(l 32 " 53 o. oo 16.8f, () . {:r(J 16 . ?(} L' r r_, L' .j. cf r rJ._' (:), ()() :|.6" 06 r). r)0 t 6. .:i8 {1 , or) 17":& 0. {l() 1?. 65 D. (lc! 16, g3 0. (){:) i4"27 O. $l-' 1:. 78 0. (l(l L{t, 44 o. ficr 1f, " 78 {_),0(:r 11,6.J o, orJ :16 " :0 rJ. ()rJ 15.59 ".1,4. -I ? "tT q? 16. Af, 'I A ?ar 15. 03 16, 06 1'7 1/- 1cf Afi ?t.53 13.78 L0" 44 10. 33 LL. L7 i5.59 15. t3 ':t A? 4.75 t at 5.68 o.6r cr. L7 *tl . 8f:l -.1 ,, f,6 ?" 55 t-t.4? -T. 7.4 rl, 11 t). 46 fr Al {1. 4& THF I,IAXIT4UPI VELNCITY T]F 15.44 FT'IEJ NCI;URS FETU'EEN NODES}ANT} {f*r{.* ;-79,6 GF,M. I5 DHL- IVEF{EiI TO THE FASE OF THE RI$ER *v..x.* THI$ EXCEEDS THE REOI"JIREFIFNI'{]F I'?E} GF,f"I HYNftALIL"IC CAL(]ULATINNS ACCURACY CHECII:S (UNBALANNHD FFIESSURE IN LOOFS}: L. (lt..lfl' +l :t - f.]il]lltii:i : l. .1. L {:l ii," ii:l "./ h ::; 4 1 1 Lii\lBAl"-Ahll-;[:in F RF$S]i-]i:llj ;' *L),, r..r{):,i I i::r.j I .i*J++1.1+.i+*.*.li+l+{.+.!i..}+{.*t++++l*+{.++ti-+J6* t{.* I.J+ # Jf {..}i *.J+...ri J{ tf+Jftt * * + ii.+ +.1+ ++ + + *'i* -:f *-is -ii'!+ * .X'+ J+ .*J(.r..,+.r. tjFlD oi:- Lr I t4ul..AT I trll| .F**.*.,. lt otl6o {z. o(, l'.iI " t':I ci' xoo Ci A. o =d(Jl! a o z ol! oj =o lrJF z c <lr,r t ' t.!!,,ltt EF$ 888o\oro 888-gs :o-(9 ooo I P3R }o u_ oooooo\odtr_r\l ooooooloo FI\ gBg 888|nroN 888Nt10gFF rrla? o.L I b\ U |.. .{ \c .s t I \9 o $ tfJ \i\( i { \ \4 l'l str o \ \ q \ st .i t\\ S\ \ Bw PROTECTION COMPANY DATE: 5.04. B7 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Fi re Marshal IVail, Colorado !'lE ARE SENDING YOU THE FOLLOt.JING ITEMS: JOB NO. 87011 & 870t2 Copi es Da te 3 page l page _For your Descri Pti on I i ne drawi ngs I i ne drawi ngs Pl aza Lodge Bel I Tower Bl dg. For review 4 4 4.24.87 4.24.87 Bl ue Bl ue for for xx For approval REMARKS: use _As requested Copy to:files Signed:Rod Sebasti an P.O. BOX 211033,8229 NOLA DHtVE, DENVER, COLORADO 80221 (303) 429-6598 Ernpr|#e PROTECTION COMPANY LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO:Fi re Marshal IVail, Colorado hIE ARE SENDING YOU THE FOLLOI.IING ITEMS: DATE: s/04/87 JOB NO. 87011 & 870r? Copi es Date No. 2 5.05.87 2 5.05.87 2 5.05.87 2 5.05.87 XX For approva'l REMARKS: Graphs attached. Descript'ion Hydraul i c cal cul ati ons - Bel I Tower Seati ng Area Hydraul ic calculations Ki tchen Hydraul ic cal culations Pl aza Lodge Hydraul ic calculations Pl aza Lodge For your use -As requested - Bell Tower - First floor - New basement For review Copy to:f i I es Si gned: Rod Sebas tj an 8229P.O. BOX 21 1033,NOLA DRIVE, DENVER, COLORADO 80221 (303) 429-6598 ry PROTECTION COMPANY LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: Fi re Marshal I Vai I , Colorado t.lE ARE SENDING YOU THE FOLLOI.IING Co 'ies Da DAIE: 5.04.87 JOB NO. 87011 & 87012 Bl dg. 2 5.04.87 2 5.04.87 Product techincal data - t' Product technical data - XX For approval REMARKS : _For your use -As requested For review Copy to; fi I es Signed: Rod Sebastian P.O. BOX 211033, 8229 NOLA DRTVE, DENVER, COLORADO 80221 (303) 429-6598