HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A TOV CHILDRENS FOUNTAIN LEGALcof,ltulllr cvELop{4Btt Design Review Board ACTION FORM D€pa rtment of Communfi llevelopment 75 South Frontage Road, vail, colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 tax:97O.479.2452 webl www,vailgov,com Proiect Name: CHILDRENS FOUNTAIN TREES Project Descrlpton: Comments: Motlon By: Second By: Vote: Conditons: DRB Number: DR8070101 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION FOR REMOVAL OF TREES AND RECONSTRUfiON OF PTANTER AT CHILDRENS FOUNTAIN PI.AZA AND GASTOF GMMSHAMMER HOTEL Participants: owNER VAIL COLOMDO MUNICIPAL BLD6,O3|aO|aW7 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT VAIL COLORADO MUNICIPAL BLDGO3IaOIaOOT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 816s7 PrcjectAddrcss: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL Location: CHILDRENS FOUNTAIN o tu) <(^t 9t Legal Descriptionr Lot A (D7BlockijD4tubdivision: VailVillage Filing 1 Parcel l{umben 2101-064-0000-3 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approval= O312012007 Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB apprwal does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. , PIanneT: MCHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Pald: $250.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Revi Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 f ax:' 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All p@ects requiring design review must receive appro/al prior to submitting a building refer to ttre submittal requiremenls for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design REview cannot be accepted untl all required informauon is received by the Crmmunity Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Crmmission, D€sign rcvlew approva! lapses unless a building pemit is issued and oonstrurtion commences within one year of the approval. of the Location of th€ Proposal: Physical Address:231 E. 1--anz- foet-L /)n'u- (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86,10 for parcel no.) Zoningl f ,/1 / Name(s)of Owner(s): /2 trr (t / / r / Owner(s) Slgnature(s): l{ame of Applicantl 4"^'vd$f ov o \oA Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E ConceDtual Review E New ConstructionD AddiUon ddnorAlterauon (multFfamily/commercial) ffiirnr *eration (singletumily/duplex) n Changes to Approved Plans D Separauon Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, eb.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee r,.;, Ll ''ii 1i'. oq 2001 I OF VAIL lil. i, -r }i|AR Lot: - Block:6a srbdiririon Mailing Address: Mailing Address: For Officp.Uqp Only: t Fee Paid: F\ /)r- Qftcfk No.:_ By: ,""."n ou,", ? 1g €7 Dav& = = Assocnrns ,' | | | | | lll | | li'Fr -,i i ll ll I llt r r "-ll Tree and Landscape Consultants October 4,2005 Todd Oppenheimer, ASLA Capital Projects Manager/ Landscape Archilect Town of Vail 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, CO 81657 Trees near the Children's Founlain in lhe Town of Vail Dear Mr. Oppenheimer: At your request, on 28 September 2005 | evaluated several blue spruce and aspen trees currently in a north-south array, east of the Ghildren's Fountain in Vail. The primary purpose of the assignment was to determine lhe struclural stability and overall condition oI the trees with respect to the planler area or growing environment they are in. The following is a summary of the evaluation, with recommendations. Salient Features, Observations and Recommendations 1 . Four blue spruce and one aspen are growing in a north-south array in an elevated planter easl of the Children's Fountain. The general planter area is bound by a2.5to 3.5 foot high stone wall at the west and north sides, and a 3.5 to 5.0 foot high earthen / stucco wall at the east side. 2. Moving from north to south, the first blue spruce is 16 inches in diameter and the planter area is approximately 11.5 teet in width at this point. The second blue spruce is 12 inches in diameter and the planter area is approximalely 10 feet in width at this point. The third blue spruce is 13 inches in diameter and the planler area is approximately 8 feet in width at this point. The fourth blue spruce is 13 inches in diameter and the planrer area is approximately 7.5 feet in width at lhis point. 3. The east side wall is not a struclural wall, and currently is cracking in several locations. Failure of the wall, at least in part, probably is a result ol pressure applied by lree rools and associated soil. As the trees grow in size (i.e., diameter, heighl, root system), an increasing percentage of the original soil volume in the planter area is occupied by an ever-expanding and massive rool syslem of the subject rrees. The wall inevilably will conlinue to deteriorate. Repairing the wall will resuh in significanl injury to the trees, root systerns, and could accelerate root decay, resulting in hazardous trees. Technical, Research, Appraisal, Forensic, and Eilucational Seruices l25RW.HooverAvenue. LittletorLColorado ffi1274f.l5. (303)973-1515 r Fax(303)973-5061 Re: Fleport to he Town of Vail, @ tom Day & Associab*l 0.4.05 4. Over the past few years, lhe wesl side of the planter area has experiencd construction activity, rototilling and trenching for a variety of reasons. As a result, the trees' roots have been cut, ripped, or otherwise injured on numerous occasions. This type of wounding leads to root decay, which is insidious and €n undermine the structural stability ol lhe trees. The presence of numerous wood decay mushrooms (fungus fruiting bodies) in the planter indicates rool rot; however, the full extent of such rot cannot be determined without extensive excavalion of ihe planter area. 5. A combinalion of: i) rool decay, ii) limited root growing area, iii) past rool injury from conslruclion / trenching activities, iv) tree height (-55 to 60 feet), and v) prevailing winds from the west, all add up to a precarious scenario with these trees. Although the trees generally are in good condition, the probability of failure from windthrow is very high. As such, should failure occur, resulting in property danage or personal injury, the associated liability is considerable. 6' The problems described above cannot be mitigated. The dimensions of the planler area are fixe#-the trees have oulgrown the limited volume of the planter area. In a sense, lhey are fast becoming 'pot-bound'. Crown reduction (essentially topping the trees) would result in permanent disfigurement and decline. Guying the trees with cables and ground anchors can be done; however, the location of [concrele] anchors and steel cables would be visually intrusive, and clearly dangerous to vehicles and pedestrians. 7. I strongly recommend all five trees (foui spruce, one aspen) in the subject planter area be completely removed. Replanting should involve smaller growing species of trees and/or shrubs suitable to a highly exposed, limited growing area. Addendum 1 ' Two aspens al the southeasr corner of the Creekside building are currently in a relatively 'tight' phnler area. lf the soil area lo the west of the trees is disturbed (i.e., cut, grade ahered, or related), then the trees inevitably will die back, decline, and eventually die. During the decline stage, the trees also will represent a windthrow hazard. One lree already exhibils canker disease and associaled dieback of branches. lf soil disturbance occurs as proposed, I recommend removing the lrees. Otherwise, they will become a liability. lf you have any quesiions or need clarification of any portion of this report, please let me know. Fbpod to h€ Town ot Vail, @ l]om Day & Associabs-l 0.4.05 Steven J. Day, ASCA, CPAg Registered Consulting Arborist #285 Certified Professional Agronomist (Plant Pathologist) enc bio Sincerely, BIOGRAPHY Steven J. DaY Education 1977: Bachelor of Science - Plant Pathology / Botany (double major), Colorado State University, Fott Collins, CO. 1980: Masler of Science - Plant Pathology / Botany, University of Maine, Orono, ME. Emphasis on biology and palhology of forest and hndscape amenity lrees. 1995: Graduate (#0007) - Arboricultural Consulting Academy, American Society of Consulting Arborists, Rockville, MD. 198i!-2000: Adjunct lnstructor of Basic Arboricullure course, Urban Hofticulture program, Front Range Community College, Westminster, CO. Hislory of academic and educational engagemenls available upon request. Experience 1976-1978: Held labor and supervisory posilions with Colorado State and U.S. Foresi Services' projects for the evalualion and control of insects and diseases of foresi and landscape amenity trees. 198G1987: Held positions in field labor, supervisory, sales, rnanagerial, and consuhing roles with private sector tree and hndscape managemenl firms. 198O-present: Presented numerous wokshops, seminars, and classes lo privale sector and government professionals, trade associations, and the general public. 1987-present: Principal ol independent tree and landscape consuhing firm offering technical, diagnostic, research, appraisal, educational, forensic, dispute-resolution, and support services to business, governmenl, academic and research institutions, professional and trade associations, and the general public. Fields of specially include plant pathology, arboriculture, forest and landscape amenity trees / shrubs, and related topics. History of professional emolovment. presentations given. and major prolects and engagements available upon request. Professional Affiliations-Active1. American Society of Consuhing Arborists (ASCA) - Registered Consuhing Arborist #285. Pasl President; have held board and committee posilions since 1990 2. Intemational Society of Arboricuhure (lSA) and Bocky Mountain Chapter (RMC). Secretary / Treasurer (RMC) - 2005-2007. Pasl President (RMC); have held ISA and RMC board and committee positions since 1980. Received Award d Merit (BMC) - 19853. American Phytopathological Society (APS) History ol orofessional affiliations available uoon request. Select Qualificalions. and Certifications 1. 1988-2001: Vocational Credential aslnslructorforPostSecondary/Adultlevel programareasof Agricuhure / Horticulture, from the Colorado State Board lor Community Colleges and Occupational Education.2. 1996-present: Certitied Professional Agronomi$ (Plant PathologisQ - #16527, administered by ARCPACS, a federation of ceftifying boards in agriculture, biology, earth, and environmental sciences.3. 1988-present: Expert witness qualification in county, state, and federal @urts. History of expert witness and litioation consuhing cases available upon request. Publications Have authored and coauthored research papers and articles in scientific, trade, and special interest publications. History of publications available upon request. Page I of3 Davis ColorsrM in Mix-Ready@ Color Card. Note: [f this chart does not appear to be on a rvhite background, please click here. For instructions on hou' to use this chart. click here. Davis Colors has created the Concrete PaletterNl, the digital color chart for concrete, allowing you to visually specify'the exact color you rvant in lottr project. For more intbrmation, visit the Concrete PaletterM website. Base color sample: The base-color of cement determines color range. Like all natural materials, variation is normal in concrete. These are simulations of concrete made with reference Type II gray cement, light tan sand and water to achieve 4" slump. Actual job-site re,s-ulls may differ. i re Santa Fe tttTI Color Group: Subtleil Sandstone Canyons237 160 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\gwprint\mxc ... 03/09/2007 Davis ColorsrM: Mix Ready Disintegrating Bags Page 2 of3 Dune Outback Silversmoke 6058 677 8084I Dark Gray 8084 Graphite 8084 Color Group:I Tile Red tttT Terra Cotta 10134 Light Gray 8084 Spanish Gold 5084 Color Group: StandardII- I -t-"^.-1" *:*il t"'ilt#t" sangria6os8 ;0;8 s237 rrr7IrI -'{,ii -wj_K "ff#* ;#_;#H,*;""?rvttovJ alor iJt^+ ,n1?n " 71z-o7< Y 1i^"r su '" ?il:X ".i\"-;2.:? .I--sos+ -r-- r T_ti" Mesquite 'A," ?lT;5084III I Bayou Cocoa Pewter Cobblestone 6130 6130 860 860 PremiumI Brick Red 160 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\gwprint\mxc... 03/09/2007 Davis Colorsru: Mix Ready Disintegrating Bags Page 3 of3 Kahlua 677 Instructions The swatches represent mortar made with gray masonry cement and common sand. For full instructions, ask your building material dealer for a Mix-Ready Data Sheet, or call a Mix- Ready service center or click here. These video reproductions arejust for ideas. Ifyou choose a color based on this screen, you may be in for a big surprise. Please finalize your selection from our printed color card, hard samples or job site test. For a FREE continuing education I hour credit course on Concrete Colors click on the continuing education icon. Or click here. We welcome links to our online Color Chart. You are free to link to this page. We'ul'elcome questions or comments. Or call: West: 800-356-4848 East: 800-638-4444 I Adobe 61078 I Flagstone Brown 641I Green Slate 368s I Palomino 5447n Willow Green s376 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\gwprint\mxc... 0310912007 TNWN OF VAII: DLsIC)N REVIEW STT.FF APPROVAL srnFF-Kt-l:- t^ i I ebea -. Jpd'uu suetpttqc'rcqtnu e$oeo I 5z il -{o a-l 'n ! =CJ'L't l> t< I i '.-- r-1 -l,- '-.' ra-T:r))j ri (,..: <.-,:;z --;i] | T-\ i*ii I a:. o :t> \N 'c'*.) -*d,r\) ---- t-n+ ov ?a 4B \-lto =T'mv c)-f,gi F.9H d I[ eH fie oEF: E DEMOLITION PLAN Ed 6P rrLiir Z PI OJzii iiffiir m otr-{ zrm mz0 ) \ ) ) $c i$l XX ) q d= aog* z? z H8 * tf+inrFdHj rala dHHE dEoo.g .g PLANTER AT GASTOF GRAMSHAMMER +\ P! =mr-mox =aoH c)ca @ tr Ii o 6 UIdzn 2fln Hm FI 6az s F ) \ ) I on Po-+B \- -150 =Tm7 c $: 2 T I a EFI I @ o i, Ez n 6 6 lrl FE .'FB T3E E iFHE . -EF -PE =HE HF eEgF qt i 5 SFF1zz >==FFF r-\1,ort9Si320tz-0dttr 3iZ:,F zez ,1,. P F l$srt-'oedd ?sE Hgi-X+4d6x62 d=fr o P!o Za== H3fi =F^2*E q1 3ffizul ad .r, =9e7gozgd *3 aa-9P F-o nmtr*ba FIxa =zct H E grE EHE E FE E3E;F E3E c{} l, e{Ft- (D(Il ts) SBEP qt vt a FEE l,6n = NT'arD IE 1' It -Ng t'l br*:1- -n lr ' ..) 'r n <l'> 2z:lT' u=-r-Tl rirx <<; <m:=>-<;r- :'' n- ,(^)-f--IP,eF-t+r I I I I I i 70lc-t\ I I i q ctrfrll s92 :'.zn *EHu\ ri tra _!ot-rtl a4 ozm ca @ Pq FFIrt z arl !z Ic) =z=ozm E I tn zo o0 ! Fz --.1m l o g, "1 -n at,ft aI = m Fz-{ m, t> l; a{ .Tl XX I tr[[it PLANTING PLAN PLANTER AT GASTOF GRAMSHAMMER J QUOTE OF THE DAY I can't tell you the hoitility in lhe Nauy among personnel. If he gets xoen life lerms, they will think he sot off Jilhtly. -Lt. James Alsop who assisted in-the prosecution of former Navy radioman Jerry Whitworth convicted of espionage. SPORTS The VaiI Latosse CIub hosts r*pen on hturilay. PAGE 8 GARDENS High+ount.ry garaentng $ an art as well as a hobhy. PAGE 3 Serving Eagle County Tuesday through Saturday Friday, July 25, 1986 Volume VI, Number 2S Children's Fountain gets new sculpture ByMike Phillips Daily Stsff Write. There was r€ally only one test for the statue.And from the looks of passersby Thursday, who conristently stopped to gaze or click off a few pictures, the new statue perched in Vail's Children's Fountain breezed by with straight A's. lbe $atue was the brainchild of local architect and Town Coundl Member Gordon Pierce, felbw'architec{ Fitrhugh Scott grd Deane Knox, prgident of the Drlccd GsUeries. Tog€tb€r, tlrc gxoup solicited prlvate donations for thesculpture, which cost apgnodmatclyfi0,0ll0.It was a deal, sccording to Knor. Ncmally, Deonic $nith,h pnoject's artist, could bave recelved llltr,(l|lll for the fountain lcubtrrre wiicb consigts of five lergeptbarlfe bronze children caught in various acts of elebratlon. Ifs a simple design, but don't b. dectiv€d, Smith said he spentmrly a year d€veloplng the fnlghdscnlptttre. Thursday, hfu worh was cming to an end and he talked about the pmtect as the last touches were being added; the fomtdn's watEr jets were about !olprirgtolife. "It war oFtoos the sublect nder rwH lnvolve c[ildren"" b !.i4 .Urdng 0o tbe foutaln's Dennis Smith, designer and sculptor of the nowly-installed statues. stands in tront of th6Intsrnational Childr€n's Fountain just momsnts after the water began to flow over his work -same. "fve got sir children of my own and I often use tlrem as sublec'ts; so, they werc a natural rublect lor me, tm." Wben he tooh the prolect, Smttb ststchcd a draring of the fourtalrn, noffryttre pbcrmart d every rock, rater spo|f and indentadm-lle set sbout creatlng a "tilf" Fq; Thursday. The project, which.consists of live children, wes'the brainchild ol Gordon Pierce, Fitzhugh Scott and Deane Knox. The Fountain can be geen next to Pepi's on East Gore Greek Dr. was to elevate the scuFurcs." And tber€ they 8re: flve figures on pedestals, jumpilu, dancilS, celebrafmg arnu tbe weter. "Soe the center on€," Smlth sald of one eruberant ff8ure framed by all three water streams, "Sbe's lite a bee f,oadng in tbe middle of e fbmer. lf,r gd a s€ose d moveomf a scul$ue that wouu worl withintbe elements and invite interacton from vlsitors - rnost of all real children who find tbe fountain an irresl$lble plac€ to cool off and play.*l s€t uil pbcing scrlsfir€s on'th€ rocks, but fett tbat migil btden children frq playing m tlreo," he satd. "Theo, the idea s€mle of tle moment that I like. It's ror*ed well." Pierce lik€d the finished produet, too. "I'm ecEtatic, really very tbr leqtt h€ said. "It's added rnotber elernent to ttte foudain - and eveo the torr. I think Soe Cudrcr'r Foollab p.te I Stttt pnotd by Jaol AffLct !- rf To*n T"k It's the pulchritude of a Friday that makes the rest of the week worthwhile. Really. It's a day when demimondaines can frolic at the cafes and enjoy the sun. In other words, it's Friday so let s celebrate. Good news for tiose interest€d in the Boy Scouts organizauon. Ther€will be a barbecue Sunday at Nottingham Park from 2.(i p.m. for parents and boys interested in Cub Scouts, Webelos and Boy Scouts activities. This comes cuurtesy of Don James, who we assrnne was a onFtime Boy ftort himself. All interested parties should attend this party. {0 years old despite bbcrg oa"t'D stperisor. Don Horn will remain only 3g I'm only 39." Frpgy EoIrd brench manager and vice prtsident Dan, i?s mt how old you an, lfa rt arll as rtgional manager. Sorry how old you fecl. Jwt ast Dcrm. , ,;Dod Ql error. They don't have VANNA, but thG grlalfif,Nllp is offering speciat boys at Pedal Power are rolling tlre SA Fp on all entrees. Now dice in a weekend bicycle sale. You is\tlr dIlQ to enjoy a delicious roll the dice, and depending on what dinm i rtilt price. numbers come up, you get a certain tt's thet tlrne of we€k again whenpercentage off the cost of we bring you the car section. Wetry accessories. Stop by in LionsHead. to bring you the latest news from the [,ife's a Beach and then you party auto world, check out this new is the otd sayrng at MATT'S in the section, complete with a schedule of Enzion. Jwt to make sure this holds Glenwood Canyon fortraveleB. true, the Merican r€stsurant is We wish a very ltappy Birthday to having a beach party torrorrow I,AURA BENEDICKT. No not our night with sand put in everyone's laura BenedicK, but her sistepi} shdes at the door. Be tlpre or be law who's a very successful stockelsewhere. broker. this is a family affair, little Gorsuch's Midnight Sale begins sister Gena is celebrating her today from noon until midnight. This birthday in Kemosha, Wis. as well. is your chance to chat with LARRY Maybe our laura will have 8 I,EITH about the latest in rcller birthday tm. blades, stop by and check out the A B€lated Itappy Birthday todeals, BILLY SHEPARD who works veryThis from our ad sources. hard at the Vail Athletic Club as WHISXEy CREEK clatuis it bas the Candy Meye/s secretary. Bily,s best view in tlte valley. firis comes birthday was Wednesday, if you days after the claim it has the best in t|aven't gotten a prrsent yet, then chicken fried steaks, Now sewing you've missed the Billy Shepard barbecue for lurch. prrsent rush. Supplies may now be The l0th Annual Mintum Ctafts limited, but we'rc sure you'll findFair wiu be hetd Sept 13. The sornethirg Bi[y lik8. organizers could use yor help, call We've heard through the them at 9{9fi91. grapevine tbat MII(E GROSS and We'd like to clear something up. In LORI STAIIL rill be tylns ilre knot our business section m Wednesday on Aug. 10. Cmgratulatioru to both we mistakenly said Linda Hoots was of you and we wlsh you the best. tlp new branch nanager at AJpfur€ Therc's a ner tadies Night in Federal Savings and L.sn. finda is towl on Friday nights and it's sure an addltiqr to the staff and will be to be a hit. Chat 16 will atlow ladies taking over duties as the branch s". roio Ta|l pa8€ zt The famed efligy to Dan Mulrooney at Bart & Yeti's. We missed one yesterday. DAN' "The Mole" MULROONEY turned ESE CATERING AVAILABLET Hou,! &? drrly. Cr6.rD.d. 6h0pptne C.nt r. atC-!a|2. sh The GASHOUSE Reetaurant BeisroL Seving Lunch & Dinner J.K. ond Chef Dennis invite vou to loin them ot lhe Country Club of the Rockies Beoutiful Rrbllc Restouront, Lunch dolly l,l:30 fo 3:3{l Dlnn€r lu€sdoy fh.or€h Sundoy 6 to *30 ftowheod cilVoH 9ib2l l 1761.0'0 VAEI PARKllilG "Exceptional Food at Modest Prices" Senting Breakfast, Lancb d Dinner Daily locared in Vail Village, Dosnstairs from thc Children's Fountain. Creekside. {76-Jl13. Quality Film Processing on l(odak Paper ONE HOUR llso In I!!l Uail 476-ll4il4Vail's Only C0MPLETE Pholographic Supplier o tr crossrords {7rutars. 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 19, 1986 t Re: Children's Founiain Sculptures of fice ol communlty I Dear Gordon:- . 0n June 18,'1986 the Design Review Board made the following comiTrents Chi'l dren's Fountain scu'lptures: 1. By lowering the scu'lptures, it is fe'lt that the foun"ain inviting to ch'ildren and adults. 2-Try io maintain ihe intent of the fountain so that children are linv inio the fountain- .If at a1 1 possible, the wal'l should 5s lsnov€d-.fr removal of the wal] wou'ld a'lso a'l]ow for'lower.ing of the scu'lptuiEsFremoval of the wal] wou'l d a'l so a'l'l ow for 'l ower.i ng of the scu'l ptuiEs. Sea'uing cou'l d be located around scul ptures and water. the fountain so that people mayaibw If the wal'l is removed, bou'lders shou'l d be situaied around ihe e the founiain. Planters cou'l d then be built into the boulder are very natural ]ook- Boulders cou'ld also serve as seating.-'' .'':' The Design'Revievr Boird and Council need to discuss when it i:,.,..^..-., appropriate to have the Design Review Board review public projects' particularly when design consnittees are involved. .There seems to be"a${+,l*',: sense of frustration oi ttte part of the board as they feel nany of .t!e!;1i;g-;';';..: r*ajor design decisions have already been made before "n "ppii;;"i ..I;i=I,l: p:^esen'-s a pub'lic project. i wil'l discuss this issue with Peter Patten-:i.:"r- if you have cuestions aSoui the comments, pl ease fee'l free to that their irjeas will be he1 pful , as 1 think every one of the felt '..hai the sculptures wou'ld be a beautifu'l addition to the wou'ld be 4- Si nce rel y, r/ tt i;1 ),). n - l; -1. :. .. ._r. i tf. ._ Kr i si.an Priiz i.r : )i