HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER 1987 1988 EXPANSION LEGALt+ . I APPLICATION DATE:16 March,t987 DATE OF DRB .J +t DRB APPLICATION 1 April ,1987 A. PRo,IECT DESCRIPTI0N. New entry canopy and delivery/trash scr'eening vatts. alq Cda-UaV I dv ,ll5rr i NG: *****THIS APPLICATI0N }IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INF0RII'IATION IS SUBNITTED***,r* I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application [gqtinS with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to 991!l!ilg if any additional informatfon is needed.. No applicatio-n wiiT be iccepted Yll::t.i! !1-gomRlete (must include a'l'l ltems requirgd by'the zoning aamtniJiriidri.It.is.the applicantrs responsibility to make an dppointnrent with thE staff to iino'out about additjonal submittal requr-'rements. Pleise note that a C0MpLETE applici-tlon will streamline the-approval'process for your project ly aecreising-thi'numberof conditions of approval that the'DRB may sti-pulate. -ALL iirnaitions oi iiirovai-mustbe resolved before a building pemit is .lssiled. B. LOCATION OF Address PROPOSAL: 231 East Gore Creek Drive Legal Description let DEFGIII B'lock FilingVail Vi1. lst5B Zoning cc1 C. NAME OF APPLICANT:Gasthof Granshamner Address D. NAME OF Address E. MI'IE 0F 231 East Gore Creek Drive APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE :Sidney Schultz 141 East Meadow Drive tel ephone 47 6-5626 telephone !lj1320 Si gnature Address tel ephone 47 6-5626 F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested. VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $..50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,soo,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 rE E. *o $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 231. East Gore Creek Drive ?Mnn|:t'F,l lt? ltn ? t trF f|Frrih^trr^ MME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADORESSI LIST OF I.IATERIALS Ga ^ ^ J-i--rt-zJr -basE bore ^#'ureeK ur]. ve o . lst DESCRIPTiON OF ew enEr canoDY and delaver warrs. The followlng lnformatlon ls required for submlttal Eoard before a flnal approval can be fiven: A. BUILOING I,'IATERIALS: TYPE 0F I,IATERIAI by the applicant to Uo Deslgn Revlen GOLOR str ee nl ng Roof Sldlng ' 0ther't{all Materlals Ralls 3rIL 'CoPper 'Natural aged patloa na Stucco Match Exist.ihg Soruce beams and corbels Na tura 1 Exposed spruce rafters and plank Natural GaLe to'trash-wood l-ouvered Match Existing Stucco return Match Existing Natural a ed atina na na cop er na Nane of Stucco wa 1l- s na Match Existin Designer: phone ! na No chanSe to landscaling other , than new oavers-see helow Cormon Name gganiSJ- , 5l3e*Botanl'cal Name ne added.. EXISTING TREES 8E REMOVED NONETO t+ 'PLANT IOTERIALST (con't) SHRUBS Botanical Name---Corrnon Name ;''' 'ri: , .,, EXISTII{G SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED *, a\ ", o -||.l.!4--- .' l--lr-' ----E I VNA , Square Footaqe,.ffi, Heated InterLocking pavers in sand bed; TOV spec., 1300 s0D SEED ' 1"1 ' TYPE OF IRRIGATION naTYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 0THERT LANOSCAPE FEATURES (retalning rlalls, na fences,swlmning pools, etc.) ' :' 1:': Pleasa rpeclfy. ''il'l. ,. :,,ri,.,i PP.OJECT: /'('7-!Q-4-h I , o3 l',t , .i + " x.l, \- dau, DATE sUEMITrld: 4,/t < COI'.J4ENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF OESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: I I'ITER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI El^| ]'t -z t-, e o,t n DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 7/t+7 Pc*^'*rnc /4 t5 71oo ,M9*,eoe+t & '4 n-r^ Date C zrrrn fuc- @k* 1, FI RE DEPI.RTI4ENT Reviewed by: Conments: Reviewed by: Connents: POLICE DEPARTI4ENT RiCi;EATi CII DEPARTI{ENT Reviewed by: Co;;ents: Con1,n1e^a -+. Zo*,n/tr ' *' PUBLIC h'ORKS P.eviewed ,rt /r* n^t"-4& ?Ccnments: ' / ( PPtr; /a 4 ptztztlv ,** 7 yl rlt <.c { Date 75 south tronlage road Yeil, colo.ado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 3, 1982 ![r. Sidney SchultzP.O. Box 3186Vail; Colorado 8lCSe Re: Gashof Gramshammer Dear Sid: The Design Review Board voted 5-O to approveentrance canopy, trash screening and oulsidemeerrng on April 1. Before issuance of a building perrnit, we rnustreport and letters of approvil- frorn the otherentry and parking area. ff you have any questions, please feel free to Sincerely, Betsy RosolackPlanning Technician olflce of communlly development change in theat their receive a title owners of the cal} . the bar Proiect Application ! r r, ^c / t t^ lf 1 /t- - lt.. | ,/' - (.-"r4 cf h,.r'l /--proiectName: \J)h- ' ' .- x*''k((fi'', ^,/r (fl7t)let l/.' ProiectDescription: €trlr t.j r:(ttro,i,n 4''(rlii S<l'a<t':, t>uTc(oor l2an' Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board IA-l tlfr1nale l ltl- | APPFOVAL ( -tt DISAPPROVAL // / i', ./( J__\ \ t_( ,{ . ,/ ' Town Planner E statt Approval O j/r,*u / A^5r/u444,?-. t o o o o I I | fr*-/o/u"*-*-.= (o '€) a,n,( ' *d /.-ot zc t y-t/ Xzt',-'r'-;'r-,- Development proposals in CCI and CCII are reviewed by the Design Review Boardwith respect to Design considerations as ouilined in the urban Design GuidePlan. These Design Considerations address various architectura'l ani 'landscape features. It is the responsibil'ity of the applicant to demonstrate whethertheir proposal is complying with these considerations. The Design Considerationsfor the Village and Lionshead are available upon request. PIease feel free tocontact Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz with any questions you may have. Vail Village - ) , ^r"' - 1* aTP,'-) "'I'{i a4" M1 os1^2f1 o T0: Design Review Board Applicants for projects in CCI and CCII FR0M: Department of Community Deve'lopment l. Heights and missing 2, Roofs 3. Facades wal I s/structure 4. Facades - Transoarency .'lr? 6,'t'lnr"6' r-/z. Facades - t'10,r^t yls+"- '*llg O J'"sL Sc'rez'*-- 3. Bal coni es - nA 4. .Decks and Patios - l-#* L^'t ) 5. Accent Elements - 4a. 6. Landscape Elenents - trlo J^^r^* 7. service - +rxul Scter f:"h a*Afr sz;dbt' i'U'T'ryt ^it'\" ior'*';''s Lionshead ,(€,reA' (over) o la']r*t,moh raort -/-= r'/|t'l-F{hr6 YCIr Bot Br? ?rr;A}I r.{ rr 'tT.o^lFr'fl BooX }trvrttl \ Ct1r,. .- ? i;--"F rrlct . .- . 'oe nuEnlElii;:,__i \ \ t''..wrJ _..,a)F^5}-' ) EAGLE VALLEY ENEINEERINGi buRvEYtNG, tNc. JrLy 22, L987 Sidney Schultz - 141- East Meadow Vall, CO 81657 Re: Gasthof Gramshammer Dear Sid, Per your request I have calculated the areas of the three you provided for the above property. BeLow is a surmnary of Lots e thru i, Block 5-B, Vail Village Fj_rst Filing 15 foot wide adjoining parcel 7 foot wide adj oining parcel ., ques tions . 222 surre 4 legal descriptions the areas. L2344 SF 2495 SF 1203 sF 16042 sF Archi.tect Dri-ve S.FBONTIGE RP. WE5T uAtL, 60L0RADO bt6"7 (30')176,10T3 RECORDEIYS STAIIP Tans Doro, Madc this dey of Scptenber si:rty-sixin t[c ycar of our Lord, one thousand nine hundrcd srd bctwecn VAIL TESOCIATBS, IIC., a corporetion duly organized and cxisting under and by virtuc of the lawa of the Statc or Colorado,of thc first part, end GASIBOF CBAltgHtl,tl,lER, INC. r corporation duly organized and cxisting under aad by virtue ol thc lawa of rhc State of Colorldot of t}te Eccond pert; WITNESSETH, Thst the eaid party of the firut gart, for aod io considcreton of the sun of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable coneideration &elrEGlr to thc said party of thc first part is basd peid by thc caid party oI thc accond part, the receipt whcreof is hereby confcssed and acknowtedged, hath grantcd, bergaiacd, sold and convcycd, gad by thesc Presents docs gralrt' bargaia' relt, convey aod confirn, unto the Said garty of lAc sccond part, its successors and aasigns forcver, all the followinll describcd or lnrccl of taad, gituzte, lyiag aad bebg in the County of Eagle end State of Cotorado, to-wit: A part of rpt a, Elock 5-8, Vail Village, lirst llling, County of tragle, State'of Colorado, Eore Plrticulatly desctibed rs followst Seqlnninc at the Southeaet cofner of gaid l,ot It thence tl-esterly ifSng th6 Eoutlr line of Btid tpt I tnd llong . surve to the Ieft haviiq a radius of 622.?9 feet, ! qentral anglg -of Lo22'48i. lI 9lcdii€iice oE-f5.oo-faAa; Or;naa'N:ooogroo"w. i dlstance of 97.37 f,eeti tlrence tr.26'41rOOrE. a distancc of 92.59 feet to a Snint of interBec- tLon wLth the Southluest€rly lLne of lpt d, Block 5-8, Vail Village, tbst liling extendedl tlrence 8.63o19r00"8. along said gouthwesterly llne octend;d e distance of 15.00 feet to ttre Eouthwest corner of stid Lt d; thence S.26o4trO0rW. along tbe lfeat line of l^ot e and tot f, aa.l-d Block 5-8, a diatance of 69.12 feet to the Southwesterly cotrner of Baid tpt fr tlrence g.O'O9'O0'8. tlong the lfest llne of, Lots 9, h, lnd .t Ln eaid Block 5-B a distance of 93.61 feet, Bore or less, [,o ttre true point of peslnningr contrining 2495.42 square feet or 0.057 acre8, Bore or lesa.-' -tbCgfHER, with rll eld singular t$e hercditarncnts and appurtcaanccs thcrcuato bclonging' or ia enywise appcrtaining, and the rcversion and rcvcrsions, rcrraindcr ald rcoaindcrs, rcots, issucs lld profits tbcreof; and all the cstatc, right, titlc, interest, claim and dernard whrtsocvcr of thc aaid party of thc first pert, cithcr in law or cquity, of, in ead to thc sbovc bargaiaed preaiscs, with thc her€ditlncnts and apPurtc[anccs. TO HAVE AND TO IIOLD the said premiscs abovc bargained and describcd, with thc aPPurtcnanccs uito the said party of thc sccond p.rt, ita succcssor8 and assigns forevcr. And thc said Vail Assoclates, Inc., party of thc first part, for itsclf, its successors and assigns, doth covenan! graot, bargain and agrec to aad with thc said party of thc second part, its successors end essigns, that at the tiqre of the cnsealiag and delivery of therc prcs- ents it is wcll scizcd of thc premises above convcyed, as oi good, sure, Perfect, a.bsotutc end bdefeasiblc clt te of inhcritanee, in law, in fee simplc, and hath good rkht, full powcr aad lawful suthority to Srantr bargain' ecll rnd coavca thc se,oc in manacr and forrr eforesaid, aad that thc aerne are frec and clcar frour alt foroer and otlcr grants, b4rgeins, sales, licns, tares, assessmentr aud incuobraaccs of whatever kind or nature socvcr; eXeePt ta:cee for 1966 tnd therelfterr end thc abovc bargpincd prcmiscs in the quict and pcaccablc possession of the seid party of the second part, it! Buc- ccssors and assigls against rll and every pelroa or pcrsons lawfully claiaing or to clain thc whole or ary part thercof, thc said party of the first part shall and will wARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, The said partll ol thc tirst part hath causcd its corPoratc aarnc to bc hcrcrmto sub- rcribed by its president, and its corpotete scd to be hcrcunto rffixed, attestcd by its secretary, the dsy and year first abo"c rerittcn. Attcst: S€ctdq!7.h-trLat-By STATE OF COLORADO, I ----......-.county of..-..-..-.-..-.----..-. J t* The lorcgoing iastrudrent was ecknowledgcd beforc me this 19 ,by dey of e5 as ValI A-seociates, My noterial commission expires Witners rny hand and oflicial scal Presidcnt aad Secrctary of InC., a eorporetion. Notsrr Publlc" No. 767. w BRANTy DEEHorporrdor to 6r9.ndon. -BEdlord'Robt!&l Pdlgl8 C@Drlt lt2a.aa Stout 8ir.*' D.!tGr. Colorrdo 'o teuneg, Srnrrlrl lno ltrunen, - C*r.lury 8ryu,. - 29Ol Wcstlgth Avcauc Dcnvcr, Colortdo 8O9O4 ) lnc. tlloial aat "t!r C 3 Atran f. fi. $iri,{ *l R. ltbttt CERTIFICATT OF SURVEY ,.,""., *o.!z!!l_ July 16, 1958 I, E. l{ax Scraftni, a Regtctered Lnd Surrreyor, certtfy that onJuly 3, 1968, thc property war auneyed and etaked under Ey sup€r-vleion, ae l.ndtcatcd on thc rttached plat: =' A part of lot e, Bloek 5-8, Vdtl Vtllage Ftret Flllng, County ofEagle, State of Colorado, more partteularly deacrlbed ag followe: Cmenctng at the Southerst corrrer of eald Ipt a; thenee l{eaterly elong thc South ltne of eeid Lt a and along a curvc to the left havlng a rediue of 622.79 feet, I central angle of L'22r48,,, en are dlstance of 15.00 feet to the true pol,nt of begtnnlng; thence N.0o09r00'1f. and along a ltne parallel to the t{estcrly llne of Ipts 8, b, and I of eald Block 5-B a dieterrce of 97.37 feet; thence N.26"41f00r'8. and along a llne parallel to the Weatcrly llnc of ., i 'tate c and f of Block 5-B a dlstance of 72.69 faet to f, polnt of Lotcrsectton wlth the Southncsterly llne of Iot d extended of 3rld Block 5-B; thcnce N.63o19r00rT. along eald Souttrdeetarly llne extendcd a dlstrnce of 7.00 fect; thence 5.26'4Lr00'T. and along rlLnc parellel to Che West llne of said l.or e aud Ipt f of Bloek 5-Er dlstence of 74.36 feet; th:nce S.0oO9iOO,E. aad along.r ltne parrllelto the tJest ltne, of Iots g, h, and t of sald Block 5-B e dtetance of 99,25 fcet to a potnt of lntereectlon h'Lth the Southerly ltne of eaLdIot e; tbence Eaaterly along the Southerly llne of sald I.ot a eudrlong c cul''ye to the rlght havlng e radius of 622.79 feet, a centrel angle of 0'38r39rt, en arc distrncc of 7.00 f,eet to the true polnt ofbeglnntng; contalnlng 1202.61 square feet or 0.02E rcre8, Eore or 1e!8. \ '#l:to:*[rt'r:trr.]f,]* r/ pA \0 I nccoraca rt-3.10.0..-...oUoct.....1-J., trrrtlor NoJ-00023'....-..- VAIL ASSOCTATES, LTD. ,'a Colorado Lirlt€d Plrtnerlhip rhotr raldle|| i. Va 11 , CoEEty ol 8ag le , rld 8trt. ol Colorado ,lor thc colridcntisl sl ----------------Ten lnd nollOO ($10.00) Eag Ie . rod St!t. ol Colorado Coulty ol Elgle lle' 1,"-dol|rrr, in brail p.i4 h.lrby rcU(.) rltl corv.y(r) to GA61[EOA GRAIiIS IRMMER. I!IC. -- a Cololado CorPorationtLo.c rdilr.r L Vr il , Oou4t ol th. lollowiag red prolrcrty in tbe , ud Statc ol Colorr&, lowit: IrotE First e, f, 9, tr and i, ELock 5-8, vail village, Fillng; EDn or D.EoD. I.!. ltr!.tl nrm. ot rth.t; U l,v D.t... r.!t.l ln RDrc|.nrruw.ot ah.! tr-tt am. o(!.r.o[ r. *.curot .ltom.v4..arca ot ornc. c-{P&r.v ot o!&rr|,'b..rr ntrt. ot r$! bflb.t !t otalorra, a. rb. D|i. la.!l t*.-!*. lla-t,lt .. .-.irLa ltat.''- Ji.rt .+r.rh.! llLrba c.ED..t lal+aa aldr aret' O-t.t ql|.aar aecording to th€ recorded plat thereof. Together $ith the rigltt to use the roada, atreet!. drivet, Ianea, placea, circles and walkways as 6hown on Baid plat for access to and from the prenises, $hich right shall be aPpultenant to and run with the land and shall not be conatrued to be personal to the party or PartieB of the second p.rt. with rll it! 0ppulteoalcer, 8!it w8rrrDt(!) th€ titlc to the rame, rubJcot t 1964 general property taxe6 due in 1955 lnd ell Bubsequent taxes, lnd subject to the protectlve covanants of record. SiFDed tbi!lBt dry ol JUIY , r54 vArt, AssoctATEs - LTD- . STA1E OF COI,OBA.DO City and Courty ol Denver Th. foretoilg i-ustruneDt Fr rcLDof,led3cd bcfore me tbir lEt rlav of atuly '1964,by peter w. Seibert, ! ceneral Partner of vail AsEociates, IJtd., ! colorado Limited PutnerEhiP August 9, 1965 ollicirl gl ]- :i": io!4,: J aJ Q-.{I r-r' a..'-:>,] \ r2.5r,l'/ DEED luls DEED, maile this .2{ ^aay ot under and by virtue of the laws of the State first pa!t, and GASTEOF GRAMSIIAUUER, INC., a organized anal existing under andl by virtue of of Colorado, of the secondl part; TiMTflIIl|TM . 1968, between of Colorado, of the corporation duly the laws of the State VAIL A8SOCIATES, INC., a corporation Cluly or nized and exieting Di) E oru o ) o oc I !t {r!,o o o fl o WITNESSETB: That ttre saial Party of the first,part, for and Ln consialeration of the aum of, ![en DoIIara ($10) andl other goodl andl valuable consideratlon, to tbe aaid party of the fi!8t part in hand paid by the saidl party of the seconil part, the receipt of which is hereby confesaed and acknouLedged, has granteil, bargaineal, soldl anal conveyed, and by tleae prea€nta do€a grant, bargain, aell, convey and confim, unto the said partyof the second pa!t. its Euccesgora and aasigns forever, all the follovring deecribed parcel of lanal, situate, lying and being in the County of Eagle anal State of Colorado, to-wit: A part of Lot a. Block 5-8, Vail Village. Firlt Filing, county of Eagle, state of coloraalo, more particularly described aE follctrs: cqmencing at tbe Southeast conrer of gaid Lot a, thence westelly along the south line of Baid Lot a and along a curve to the left having a raaliua of 622.79 feet, a central angle of L'22'4A", an alc distance of 15.00 feet to the true point of beginningr thence N. 0"09'00' w. and along a line parallel to tbe weaterly line of Lots g, b andl i of eaid Block 5-B a digtance of 97.37 feet; thence N. 26'41 '00" E. and along a line parallel to the lilesterly line of lJots e and f of Block 5-B a dlistance of 72.69 feet to a point of intersection with the Southwesterly line of L,ot d extended of eaid Block 5-B; thence N- 53"19'00' l't. along saidl southee8telly line extenaled a distance of J.!Q-leel; thence s. 26'41'00" w. anil along a line parallel to the west line of said Lot e anil L,ot f of, Block 5-B a allstance of 74.36 feett thence s. 0"09100" E. and along a line parallel to the weat llne of Lota g, h and i of Eald Block 5-B a alistance of 99.25 feet to a polnt of interesection $ittl the southerly line of eaid IJot ar thence EaBterly along the southerly Iine of Baid Lot a and along a curve to tbe right havinE a raAiug of 622.79 feet, a central angle of Oo38'39", an arc diatance of 7.0O feet to the tlue polnt of beginning; containing 1202.6I aquare feet or 0.028 acres, nore or less. TOGEA'IIER with all and aingular the herealitaments and aPPur- tenances thereunto belonglng, or in anlndise appertaining, and the reversion and reveralons. remainder and remainders, rentg, iaaues and profits thereofr andl all the egtate. right, title, intereat, clain and demandl \rhatsoever of the saial party of the first Part,either in lau or equity, of, in ancl to the above bargained Premisea,tfith the herealitamentB and appurt€ndnc€8r TO EAVE AND TO IIOLD the Eaidl premises above bargained andl tlescribeal. rrith the appurtenanceB unto the taid party of th€ Eecond part, its succeEaore and aesigns for€v€r. And the said VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., party of the first Part, for itself, ita successors and assj.gno, does covenant, grant, bargain andl agree to anal uith the aaid party of the second part, lts succeaaora and aeslgns, that at ttte tfune of the ensealing and delivery of theae preaenta it ls HelI seized of the premises above conveyed, ae of god, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate of lnheritance, in lax, in fee eirnple. andrbaa good right, frll gorrer anil larful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in nanner andl form aforesaidl, and that tbe same are free and clear from aII former and other grants, bargaina, sales, liens, taxes, assesa- rnents and encudbrances of {hatever kinil or nature soeveri Eubject to general taxe6 and special rssesEmenta for 1968, payable in 1969, and all aubsequent taxest and Eubject to the easementa andl protec- tive covenants of recordt and tbe above bargained Premises in the quiet anil peaceable possesaion of the saidl party of the second Part,itg guccesEors and assigna against aII and every person or PersonsIawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, tbe saial party of the first part shall and will WARRANT AIID FoREVER DEFEITD. IT IS UIIDERSToOD AND AGREED that this conveyance is madle rtd accepteal, ancl the parcel of land is hereby granteal, upon and eub-ject to the follc*ring covenants, conditions, reatrictiona and reeervationg, which Bhall apply to anal run with the aaid land: no buildlng or structure of any klnd thalI be built or maintaineal on the southerty eighty (80) feet of the above deacribed pareel of, Iand. IN I{ITNESS tMEREoF, the aaidl party of the first part hath caused its coEporate name to be hereunto sub8cribed by its Plesident, and ita colporate eeal to be hereunto affixed, atteated by its secretary, the day and year firat above $ritten. $ecreta$ ...'tor,oneoo ,- ) "..d-fr.(',,""oovxw o?/be_ ) --' .r 'i.'..:1.:C}e-..f oregoing instrunent \das acknor,t Ledlged before ne tt'tis )gd.,: aSl€.i,lgust, 1e68, by ,)at , -{-<.,.t-.2 a8'Pidaialent anil - t:.ffi4 as secretary of vfiL AssoClATBs, INC., a corporation. rny hand and official aeal. expirea:sion -Z- TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Conmunity Development Departurent DATE: July 13, L9B7 suBJEcr: A request for a density variance in order to create anew dwelling unit at the Gasthof Gramshammer.Applicants: pepi and Sheika Gramshammer I. DESCRTPTTON OF VARTANCE REQUESTED The applicant i.s requesting to add a total of 230 sguare feetto an existing dwelling unit and also to create a newdwelling unit- An existing attic space will be convertedinto l-90 sq[uare feet of GRFA. presently, the space is usedas part of a bedroom area, but the 1ow ceiling height makesthe area difficult to use. The new dormer witt op6n up theattic and increase the ceiring height so that the- spacl rnustbe considered to be GRFA. An existing bedroon in the ownerrsunit will be expanded by 35 square teet. The applicants have proposed to restrict the new unit so thatit cannot be sold to a new owner. The owner would like theoption to convert the new dwelling unit to an accornmod.ationunit if the new dwelling unit is no longer necessary. Due to the fact that the project is also over on allowableconmon area, the addition of the enclosed ski room (36 feet)requires a common area density variance. Any comnon areaabove the allowed amount is added to the totar GRFA for theproj ect. Presently, the Gasthof Gramshamner has 2L accomrnodation unitsand 6 dwelling units for a total unit density of t-6.5 d.u.rs(2 a.u.rs are equal to 1d.u.). The Commercial Core I zoninsall-ows .dwe1ling units, which means that the project is - already-dwellini units over the allowabLe. rt isconsidered to be a legal grandfathered nonconformingsituation. The allowed GRFA is . The lodge has anexisting GRFA of which rneanE-TEat the project isover the allowEEre-EFra. The proposar requir"i a aensrtvGTiance for the additional dwetling^orrii. s-t.tt i=considering the 230 square foot adaition as an expansionwhich would fall under ordinance 4. For this reason, a GRFAdensity vari-ance is not required for the unit expansion. fhe36 square feet of conmon area above the arlowed GRFA doesrequire a GRFA variance. II. ZONTNG STATISTICS Zone: CornnrerciaL Core I Site Area: . A. DENSTTY GBFA Allowed:nxisting: 13,115 sf Amt over allowed: Nunber of Units Allowed:Existing: 21 A.U., 6 D.U. Total , 16.5 unitsProposed: I Conmon Area. All-owed:Existing: 7,565 sfProposed: 36 sf ski room addition r Bi: :birn covenabn - . :.- .. a:.lowed: -. .. _ Existing: . io,zsy sf building :.'-: - -::: : L,650 sf dininq deck, .. 1t_,940 sf approx Proposed: O, areas added are already included as site . C. PARKING The additional unit will reguire one parking space. Theowner will be required to pay into the CCI parking fundfor one residential space (gs,00o). ITI. CRITERIA AND FTNDINGS Upon revj.ew of Criteria and Findings, Section t-8.62.060 ofthe municipal- code, the Departrnent-of communi-ty Developmentrecornmends deniar of the requested variance bised upon thefollowing factors: Consideration of Factors: The rglaliolship of !he. requested variance to other g><!e!iagor potential uses The staff feels that theimpacts on adjacent usesThe additional unit doestbe building (please seehas no negative irnpacts necess to achievetreaenl amon obi e ves of th expansion will not have negativeor structures in the area.not increase the nass and bulk ofthe attached east elevation), andon views fron adjacent structures. ation isand un forme vlc or o attain thee without ant o special privil The d ee to which relief from the strict and literalteretation and enforcernent of a S It is true that the Vail Village Master plan and Land UsePran tend to encourage the developrnent of accomnodation unitsin core areas. However, this proposar involves a reguest fora dwelling unit. Even though the-vail village r{astef pran isnot officilrry approved, it does refrect elanning comrnission,Town council and generar public comment which hai occurredover the past two.years. These opinions have shaped. thedocument up to this point. for this reason, staft feelscomfortable in citing some of the poli-cies from the villagePlan: 1.2-i- Al1oli increased levels of developnent as id.entified.by the Action plan or consistent with the VaiI-, Village Master plan. Note: No residential increases are found in the ActionPlan for CCI . 2.3 rncrease the nurnber of residentiar units throughoutthe ViIIage area available for short term overniqhtaccommodati-ons. o encouraged. Any residential units thatdeveloped above existing density levelsrestricted per section L'7.26.O75 (owneruse unit 4 weeks in high ski season). These.policy statements encourage accommodation units but donot give direct encouragement to additional dwerling unitsabove and beyond altowed densities for a property. At this lirgl the proposal does not call for any i-estriciion perSection L7.26.075. In addition, the pr-operty does not haveany additional GRFA. staff believes Ltral tnese aresignificant factors which make this density r"qntit differentfrom the Sitzrnark and Christiania proposals which alsoinvolved density variances. The sl.tzinarr and christianiaprojects both had avairable GRFA and were asking for densityvariances to add new accommodation units. stafirs opinion isthat these two density variances are clearly different fromthe Gramshammer request to add an additiona-r dwelling unit.Staff finds that the request would be a grant of spe6ialprivilege. The effect of the regrg?t"d y"rianc orEaE].on and trafflc " 2.3.L.The development of accornmodation units is strongly areshall be can only safety. The proposal will have no negative impacts on these factors. Such other factors and criteria as the cornnission deemsapple Eo trre ance. IV. FINDINGS The Plann and Environmental Commission shall rnake thefoows before gran a varl_ance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grantof special privirege inconsistent with the linitations oiother properties classified in the sarne district. That the.granting of the variance will not be detrirnental tothe public hearth, safety or werfare, or materiarry injuriousto propertiee or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practical o difficultly or unnecessary physical hardshipinconsistent with the objectives of this titte. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the sarne site of the variancethat do not apply generally to other properties in thesame zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges.enjoyed by the ohrners of othe-r-properties inthe same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends denial of the density request. Therequest for the additional unit is not supported by theporicies found in the Land use pran or arlit vait irillageMaster P1an. - rn addition, the staff finds that the reqrlestis a grant of special privilege. rn respect to the conmon area GRFA variance, staff recommendsapproval 0f this reguest. rn the past, reasonable amounts ofconmon area have been approved through the variance process,as adeguate conmon areas are necessary to provide guLstservices. The additional 36 square feet f6r the slii storageis a legitirnate amount of common area above what is altowedand will be used for a needed guest service such as skistorage. a ?ErAlr- rtro 6UA , l3tltf, clrnrnortJ +tgF Ad,r A/ fo, {DILL ,Llb,r leot_ <l SDso arsb 33) O ldr ],{YD ; 3sDi )br , Ii"l" :1}? S: )Dt d, )Dt 3ab I13 313 nt It, rlD [Lr Sts llr bt) ULI , 'lb,'t AN$\o\l nO ':--..tJ @ (a a.) t e( ?t( 7?€ " Q. t. ait ," lvo(' hl ' "&!: 'st€ 6tV ; Qrrlt?t&.6L(MET. Iti otEfl6E 6 0.U,.. TDt40 \L,Srani\- at 1o '( Ihrd 16ZF .o , dJ€r€A- @-eA o- A';}lr a^^oilJ"aJ.(W !LU-. tffi 4.tL-' ioo^ lsr, ^b }dq. ; 6wn t'&d)b\' il!) d6oL df twicrh" 't'tA( - .'.tlt \,-r \'( <Jfdfs/ ?'3*l th Ih 7t?gr Arah ml s'raf s'tl hh?tr xjFll otjt 9l [,Qr lt W-q^l fa"fit"t' @,tfL;j"'t,a,lc,,/o> QilMat- -3'I^1 ?f ?rt SAJ J'(l EI t8 dbl ,/ I I , Surtq44'* r.?( /'r( J'JT oI zth o lDs - Ito -ls ELY 10s{ *au,L 8v-15' llrXb Dx f, tr tlrr:z_ lLIS l]f- trtl;z- ? rtril- 16 ItuYz- aItr-\\ 3t? t)-,tr 'Io Itttl ,,l3f l,oz It..{.l -l )to'-@. @. Ix J.0; L J,t xa0fr_ 1.r r}l f.U rf, 3o Jr ?oo@c o 3 }tl[ro lf,* /?, f tS ?r8 r1'S xlO 1.x f, / rlt 'LByxVil tlx l-b" Lf el F4 @D @ lGa-t ls }t 2)DJL@ 2se t3 tI' R\r71( I fll{ ( {a/ } l) te3 rl x- l/ lr'r-l- ( t,lt- L,t{tt ;L t,f t1 ; <_ ltl v lt *z_)*Riz lle A thll u.xY Jrlr4 I I L?rr Au- tl ,. trt 4b n x).l rr tVi4/trrr-z.rxj- fa.f 66 Ll, LZ r,Yl rLo { AI'J Attg aJ ).lJ 6 xlz- ?r 1.1',tx /V u] bt*1 ra 6ilfols\-/t* tY/firt t.37r .r? ,LA 2r.s 20Y rR. tr ? tla-/tti u tLxt (f xlr |,X fo f"t{;o rtO _- 9\ tLV G tYt t?crof ol x{ol , ?-+Axr 4. ttx1,hh .\\ .J j7, r;'!x {l Qq 5iof AcQfifti zU\<t? J 7-5J W1\\ (',Zl l,vQt f i7a f/ au 4 xs1 ol ry 93r-sH s,r tl ?b gxYl : lt -nV hx2 -f ?fA 7! 11x/ ?r all o il Lfiro" fio^' Att ty rtur ,lt lt ,0ll z ef U*'t ,0\tyl/.t nl CF r lr YIO lo,ry lL. l$ /zx )y V0E' {o vO Jtr l? 3n ) s r< lr tz- -f4 rlu t3 IA fxL''4 Y4a_<_(a/sr\\_70U3 ts u L] r/J FY Lb -.JoE'pl E rll k*ttr- J** t , ,'6'" z P 5 UJF U) UJ llIlTfl ao +F lsq stT'\gu fGo $sF{ i$t< TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: prti.,q and Environmental- co*f=rion Cornrnunity Develoment Departnent JuIy l-3 , L9B7 Exterior alteration request to enclose a ski room,deck bar, and kitchen storage room and to create adwelling unit at the Gasthof GramsharnmerApplicants: Pepi and Sheika Gramshammer square feet of existingto the outdoor dining I.THE PROPOSAL L.A ski room addition: enclosure of 36 square feet ofexisting unenclosed space 2. Deck bar: enclosure of 60unenclosed space adjacent deck The owners of the Gashof Gramshammer are requesting anexterior alteration and density variance foi the followingconstruction: Kitchen storage room: addition of 2L0 square feetadjacent to the existing kitchen for the restaurant * Residence addition: addition of 230 square feet tothe Gramshammerrs residence that will cieate aseparate apartrnent on the third floor and expand anexisting bedroom A density variance is required for the new apartmentand will be reviewed in the attached memo. II. COMPLTANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF COMMI,TERCTAL CORE I 3, 4. L8.24.010 Purpose The Commercial Core I district is intended to providesites and to maintain the unigue character of thevail villagte commercial area, wittr its rnixture oflodges and cornrnercial establishments in apredominantly pedestrian environment. The CommercialCore I district is intended to insure adequate light,air, opeT space, and other amenities appr6priate {othe perrnitted tlpes of buitdings and uses.- The district regulations in accordance with the VailVillage Urbin Design Guide plan and DesignConsj-derations prescribe site developrneni stand.ardsthat are intended to ensure the maintenance andpreservation of the tightly clustered arrangements ofbuildings fronting on pedestrianways and publicgtreenways, and to ensure continuation of the buildingscale and architectural qualities that distingnrishthe Vi1lage. This proposal is in cornpliance with the purpose section ofthe Comnercial I zone district. The character of the VailVillage commercial area is maintained. Adequate li.ght,air, and open space are preserved. The additions do notadversely change the buildingrs scale or architecturalqualities.. rII. COMPLIANCE WIqH THE, URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PI.,AN FOR VATL VTLLAGE A. B. c. D. Pedestrianization. Vehicle Penetration. Not applicable. Not applicable. IV. COMPLIANCE WJIII THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VTLI,AGE The following Guide plan Sub-Area Concept relates to thewest side of the cashof Grarnshammer and states: rrCommercial expansion potential--one story (frornplaza level) would improve enclosure proportions andcomplete third side of p1aza. Sun pocket terracepotential at first or second level . Large existingevergreen to be. preserved. tl This proposaL does not directly relate to this sub-areaconcept. However, it does not prevent this retailexpansion frorn occurring in the future if such an additionis desired. . Ttre staff agrees with the applicant that, rsince theadditions and enclosures in Lnis proposal do not extendbeyond the existing building, many oi the Urban DesignConsiderations are not applicable.'r The Considerati6nsare Listed belowl Streetscape Framework. Street Enclosure. Not Not applicable. appticabte. E.Street Edqe. Not applicable. F. Blildinq Heiqht. The existing dorrner on the east sj-de of the building is expanded in order to provide headroom within the new apartment. The irnpacts ofthis new dorner are minimal . This portion of theroof would still fall under the 34 foot height area,and therefore does not change the existing heightproportions for the building. G.Views and Focal Points.No impact. H. Sun/Shade. No impact. I.Service and Delivegy_r_ No irnpact. v.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends ipproval of the request for the exterioralterrition- 'The proposal complies with all the DesignConsiderations for the ViJ-lage and the exterior alterationcriteria. Z/\ldA t&2 1re A r---------l F F N s,- zt H CN Tr SE3lIL o DENSTTY CONTROL O""U'T* A. PEC AND TOWN COUNCIL 6/ 3O/ 87 EXTSTTNG APPROVED POLICIES ].. I"AND USE PLAN 1.2 .1 Note: 1.L2 vail should accommodate most of the ad.ditionalgrowth in existing developed areas (infillareas) . 3.2 The core areas are the best location for hotelsto serve the future needs of the destinationskiers. 4.2 Increased density in the core areas isdesirabl.e so long as the existing character ofeach area i_s preserved through implementation ofthe Urban Design Guide p1an. Question: Does this include CCf? Answer relates toPolicy 4.3. 4.3 The ambiance of the Village is important to theidentity of Vail and should be prlserved whenever possible (i.e. sca1e, ilpine character,gnall town.feelinq, mounEETnE, nalural setting,rnrtmate size., cosmopolitan feeli_ng,En?fronmental quality) . 5.1- Ad.d.itional residential growth should continue tooccur prirnarily in existingf platted areas andas appropriate in new areas r,rhere high hazardsdo not exist. 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with themarket place demands for a tult- range of housingtypes. 2. PROPoSED VAIL VTLLAGE MASTER PLAN Allow increased levels of development asidentified by the Action plan or consistentwith the VaiI Vi1lage Master plan. No residential increases are found onthe acEIon plan for CCf. Preserve the existing architectural scaleand character of the core area of VailViIlaoe. ,/ 2.2.L o B. 2.3 2.3 .L 3.3.2 OTHER APPROVED POLICIES t_.Ordinance 4 1_98 5 c.PROBLEM Increase the nurnber of residential unitsthroughout the Village area available forshort term overnight accommodations. The development of accommodation units arestrongly encouraged. Any residential unitsthat are developed above existing densitylevels sha1l be restricted per SectionL7.26.075 (owner can only use unit 4 weeksin high ski season). To maintain existing outdoor dining decksand encourage the development of newoutdoor dining areas through infill orredeveloprnent proj ects. Al-l-ows a naximurn of 250 additional square feet tosingle farnily and duplex structure= if they are overfive years o1d with an agreement to upgradl the siceas necessary. Does not a1low for the addition of anyexterior additional square feet for rnul_tj--famil_vstructures (e.9. interior space can be utilized butno mass or bulk additions for balcony enclosure oradditional living area) . Approvals (or denials) over the last 10 yearsindicate the pEC's and Councilrs policy i= io nota11ow mul.ti-farniLy balcony enclosures because thev :11"?: prove-pr-rysical hardship, there is no speciitprrvrlege and that the request is generally lior theconvenience of the applicint.rr Density variance applications (or SDD's for the samepurpose) are on the increase. Some recent approvals(sitzrnark, christiania) appear consistent witil adopted andproposed policy toward encouraging accommodation uirits itother criteria are net. However, this month the pEC has approved two multi-familydeck.enclosurel (one has been atfiirned by counci.t, one ispending Council action). Both of these &ecisions appearto set new direction toward these types of densityvariances. Question: Is new policy warranted (i.e. changes to Ord.4of l-985? ff so, what are the new criterianulti-family deck enclosures must meet? Density variance requests for dwelling units are nor',r invarious stages of the approval pro"e"J foi inree Ccfproperties and one irnmediately 6utside the core. At leasttwo of these will al_so reguir- height variances (andpossibry others). olry on-e of theie r"qn"=i= has agreedto ownert= y:" restrictions, and in tha€ case, onl_y aportion of the additional density would be restriclea.without discussing individuat pr3jects, we must determinea poricy direction to fairly a-na intetiig.n-ry deal withthese and other sirnilar profosal_s Finarry, we nust und.erstand that at reast one existing butunfinished townhouse project will Ue appiying shortly foradditi-onar density- tnis appears to be consistent withLand use poricy 5.1 as rar ls accommodating the long termgrowth needs of the comnunity. However, ai appropriatequestion concerns the tirning of implementing inis-portionof the plan. Due to the coitinued'p."=""-"'of avai_rabreunsold, constructe{ qnd approved but unbuilt units, is itprudent to allow additional density at this tine? Apolicy direction is necessarv. STAFF POSITTONS While we havenrt haddiscuss all of theseposit j-ons on each, we arnple opportunity to thorouqhlvissues and develop firrn staff - would offer the followinq: Enclosures Do not approve any more until revisions to ordinance 4 of1985 can be made. This will alIow ample tirne to completeany necessary revisions and to analyze their short andlong term implications. 1.Multi-Famil BaIcon 2.Densit Control Variances Outside CCf Densit Contrgl Variances in CCf We have maj or concerns thatand clear enough to controlAbsolute strict adherence to :h"y19 be approached only if lodge roons or resrrj_cted.dwelling.units are propoled--boti novr and after adoptiongf !h? village Master ilan. The planninq approvais snouldinclude substantial public irnprovernents aOiilent to theproject (Gore creek Frornenade-with the sitimark as anexample) in return for the density. Density allowancesshould be made only in instances where it i; clearly inkeeping with the mass, bulk and. general scale of theimmediate area. the design guidelines are firmthis rnost sensitive of areas.the guidelines and the o elements of the Vail Vil_Iage,Master plan nay provideenou-gh controJ_, Uyt y9 gueltion whether thi3 ;ifl .,ccur ortarhether it is desirable.- .The pubric input-in Jeieroping - _the. p111..y?s vgry strong in rhl direct.ibn "i-;;a-iuowingmuch additional rnass and/or bulk in this .r"u. 'However, certaj-n small additions, if lodge rooms or restricteddwerJ-ing units, could stilr be desiraure in-ce;;i" areasof the core. This wiII take more discussion. A 7-/ Box 61 6 */(";iu,l r-C'-L;z- f ,1 /- D 4e, / -ii lr'tr f,u v' 0["'-'- eC u"tc L,{/,\ L,- "p r4-t" ?J->- @ / l( /' ,'l -L/G 7 ?.[' ' {-l /4 hL-