HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT A GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER 1998 REMODEL 3 OF 3 LEGALDIVISION 15 MECHANICAL SPECS GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 1* Alt *S Town of Vall OFFICE COPY Bffi-1v I oozc ,l I I t I l, fl I I I T I T I ! I I I It I I TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR MASTER SPECS 1 DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL I sEcrIoN 1s010 - GENERAL pRovISIoNS t sEcrIoN r5o2o - woRK INcLUDED lI SECTION 15023 - CODES' FEES, PERMITS' & STANDARDS r sECTroN tso42 -TESTS I sECTroN 15043 - TESTING, ADJU.TIN., & BALANCING 1 SECTION 1s045 - PROJECT COMPLETION SECTION 15047 _ IDENTIFICATION I sEcrroN rs048 - MATNTENANCE MANUALS, ''ERATING IN'TRUCTI'NS, AS BI.JILT DRAWINGS I sEcrroN 15050 - BASrc MATERIALS & METH.DS I sEcrroN 15250 - INsuLATIoN tf sEcrIoN 15400 - PLUMBING I sECTroN 15600 - HEAT GENERATI.N I sEcrIoN 15650 - HVAC Ee'IPMENT I SECTION 15700 - HVAC PIPING SECTION 15800 - AIR DISTRIBUTION I sEcrIoN 15900 - coNTRoLS & INSTRUMENTATI'N I I I I t tIt DIvtsIoN 15 MECHANICAL I sEcrIoN lsOlo--GENERAL PROVISIONS I The drawings and specifications for this project are protected under the common law copyright. I Copyright @ 1998 Yoder Engineering Consultants, Inc. Alt rights reserved. T PART 1.OO--GENERAL n 1.01 PRovISIoNS 1 A. Work performed under this division of the specifications shall conform to therF requirements of Division 1, the Mechanical drawings and all other items hereinafter t sPecified: 'F 1. Details: Minor details not usually shown or specified but necessary for the proper I installation and operation and/or conformance with codes or standards listed 1| herein, shall be included in the work. f 2. Drawings: Drawings are diagrammatic and indicate the general arrangements of I systems and work. Do not scale drawings. Examine all drawings to veriff and . coordinate space conditions and requirements, clearances, finishes, etc. I a. Drawings and specifications are intended to be complementary and what is cailed for by one shall be as called for by both. ll ' b. Discrepancies, conflicts, or differences in job conditions and drawings a1 bring to the attention of rhe Architect fbr clarification before bidding and .r proceeding. I 3. Equipment and Material: Equipment and material specified by manufacturer's I name is to establish a quality standard. Equivalency of substitutions will be determined by the Architect whose decision is final.I I 4. Modifications: Make reasonable modifications in layout, arrangemenm, attachments, etc. to: lJ a. Maintain maximum clearance for headroom to exposed work. I b. Establish adequate clearances for the irutallation of suspended ceilings and similar work. r cASTHoF cRAMSHAMMER wEST MAY 1998 15010 - I It c. d. 5. A. B. C. I t T I I t T I I I I I I I t, I I I Verify shaft, chase and double partition clearances. Space to be adequate for installation, but minimal. Notiff Architect immediately of any conflicts with work of other trades or with structure. e. Conform to codes or standard requirements. The word "concealed" as used in this specification refers to such spaces as pipe and duct chases, pipe and duct trenches, above plastered ceilings, in walls or buried where pipe and/or duct is inaccessible when building is complete. "Exposed" is intended to be within equipment rooms, unfinished areas, above "push up" ceilings, duct tunnels, and wherever pipe or equipment is accessible. I.O2 SUBSTITUTIONS AND REVIEWS No Substitutions: Contractor shall provide a base bid which shall include only specified equipment or equipment listed as equivalent in specifications. No substitutions for the listed equipment will be allowed in the base bid. The contractor shall provide the necessary allowances in base bid to accommodate any changes required for the installation of listed equivalent items. If the contractor desires to propose a substitute in place of the specified equipment or listed equivalents, the contractor shall submit an alternate price for each substiruted item and shall incur the costs for any additional engineering fees for review and redesign. and any costs for any changes required for the installation of the substiruted items such as structural. electrical, etc. After the contract is awarded. substitutions will not be oermitted. lf performance of a substitution is unsatisfactory, conrracror shall replace the substitution with the specified product, material, or equipment at no additional cost. Bidder's choice: Materials, equipment or services listed by several identifying names are intended to be bidder's choice, and any of the listed names may be bid without soliciting prior acceptance. Where more than one name is given in the specifications, the first named manufacturer's material, equipment or services is contemplated and any changes and their costs required to accommodate the other named material or equipment as well as space requirements for the other named materials or equipment, must be assumed by the contractor in their bid. (See shop drawing requirement). Performance specifications : 1. When any product is specified only by a requirement to meet an industry standard or regulating body standard (such as UL, AGA, AWWA, ANSI, etc.) and rhe I GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15010 - 2 I t I I I I item proposed carries approval of that body, no prior acceptance by the Consulting Mechanical Engineer is needed. 2. When any product or service is specified by a requirement to meet a performance standard or is specifred by a generic specification (no manufacturer's name listed) no prior acceptance by the consulting engineer is needed except as specifically called for in these specifications. 1.03 SLIBMITTALS: Submit 5 copies of the following to the Architect for review: A. Complete, bound manuals of all major items of equipment and materials to be furnished and installed on this project. Manuals may be submitted by general category such as HVAC, Controls, Plumbing, and Fire Protection. B. Identify each item by manufacturer, brand and trade name, number, size, rating and whatever orher data is necessary to properly identify and check rnaterials and equipment. The words "as specified" will not be considered sufficient identification. C. Submit shop drawings for all material and equipment other than the first named in these specifications showing any changes required in piping, ducting, elecuical wiring, space allocation etc. Be responsible for making all changes required and the costs for any changes. Coordinate changes required with atl other trades. Pay for all changes resulting from rearranging equipment to accommodate use of alternates. D. Each submined item shall refer to specification section and paragraph, or drawing/equipment schedule number/letter with which the item is specified/identified. E. Submit complete control diagrams and sequence of operation plus substantiating engineering data for all temperature control systems. F. Provide 1/4" scale sheet metal shop drawings of all ductwork. Include all HVAC and plumbing piping, valves, etc. Include ll2" scale mechanical room layout drawings. Provide I set of reproducibles and 2 sets of blueline prints. Provide complete shop drawings indicating location of all access panels. Provide shop drawings indicating location of all floor penetrations and sleeves. Shop drawings must be on CAD and transferable to AutoCad 14 (or current edition in use in Engineer's offrce). G. Provide complete shop drawings/submittal data for all materials and items within mechanical systems specified in this specification or on project drawings by manufacturer and/or product type and/or model number where: 1. Additional clarification is necessary to define the item proposed for installation. I I t I t I I t t t, T 0 t GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15010 - 3 I. J. I 1 I I I I I T t I 2. A performance specification requires verification, acceptance, and review of the Architect prior to placing order. All shop drawings/submittals shall be marked in detail. Accessories. options, and configurations not indicated or indicated erroneously shall not remove the responsibility from the contractor to provide equipment meeting project requirements, performance specifications, space limitations, etc. Place orders for all equipment in time to prevent any delay in the construction schedule or completion of project. If any materials or equipment are not ordered in time, additional charges made by equipment manufacturers to complete their equipment in time to meet consrruction schedule, together with any special handling charges and responsibility for project completion delays, shall be borne by the contractor. Review of shop drawings does not relieve the contractor from the responsibility of furnishing equipment and materials of proper dimension, size, quantity, quality and all performance characteristics to efficiently perform the requirements and intent of the contract documents. Review does not relieve the contractor from responsibility for errors on the shop drawings. If the shop drawings deviate from the contract documents, advise the consulting Mechanical Engineer of the deviations in writing accompanying the shop drawings, including the reasons for the deviations. Coordinate all required changes with the orher trades affected. If the changes are instiruted by the contractor, they shall pay any costs involved. Shop Drawings: Contractor agrees that shop drawing submittals processed by the Engineer are not change orders; that the purpose of shop drawing submittals by the contractor is to demonsuate to the Engineer that the Contractor understands the design concepr, that they demonstrate their understanding by indicating which equipment and material they intend to furnish and install and by detailing the fabrication and installation methods he intends to use. Contractor further agrees that if deviations, discrepancies, or conflicts between shop drawing submittals and the contract documents in the form of design drawings and specifications are discovered either prior to or after shop drawing submittals are processed by the Engineer, the design drawings and specifications shall control and shall be followed. 1.04 IRRESPONSIBLESUITS As a condition precedent to the performance of the work described herein and as a consideration therefore, all parties to the performance of this work agree that in the event any one of them institutes a suit against any other pafry because of any failure or alleged failure to perform, or any alleged error, or omission or negligence, and if such suit is not successfully prosecuted or if it is dismissed, or if verdict is rendered for any defendant or defendants, the party instituting the suit hereby agrees to pay any and all costs ofdefense, I t I I t |, I I t GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15010 - 4 I t I I including attorneys' fees, expert witnesses' fees, and other expenses of defense which /J may be needful immediately following dismissal of the case or immediately upon verdict I being rendered in behalf of any defendant. l, END OF SECTION I I t t I t, I f cAsrrloF GRAMSHAMMER *EST MAy 1998 1s010 - 5 I l 1 I T l t I I l T I t I I I I T t l f t t t SECTION 15020-WORK INCLUDED PART 1.00.-GENERAL I.OI DESCRIPTION A. Work includes: The mechanical systems required for this work are to be as indicated on the drawings and include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Building uriliries services complete, including connection with the serving utility companies. 2. Roof and area drainage systems. 3. Complete water distribution systems to and including all plumbing fltxtures, fittings, heaters and associated equipment. 4. Complete sanitary waste collection systenrs with traps, vents, interceptors and clarifiers. 5. HVAC systems complete, with all connecting piping, ductwork, and controls. 6. Therapy, pool, spa, steam room equipment and/or piping. 7. Insulation of piping and ductwork. 8. Air systems, complete with connecring ductwork and controls. 9. Mechanical equipment controls. 10. Desigr/build fire protection system, 11. Gas piping system (natural gas) complete. 12. Motor starters, variable rpm systems complete. B. Work not included as part of this division: Painting of exposed pipes and ducts except identihcation as specified herein. See Section 15047. C. Proposal coordination with other trades: The drawings and specifications for this project do not assign specific responsibility for any particular trade to purchase, provide, install, or warranty any material or item. The responsibility for such coordination rests solely GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15020 - I 1.02 A. J I t I t I I I A. B. i I I I t I l I I I t with the standard experience of each trade and the general contractor (or whomever assumes such coordination responsibility). This consultant relies upon the expertise and standard of care of the project trades and general contractor to provide complete, functioning, code conforming mechanical, plumbing, and associated systems. QUALITY ASSTJRANCE Qualifications of installers: 1. For rhe acnral fabrication, installation and testing of the work of this section, use only thoroughly trained and experienced personnel who are completely familiar with the requirements of this work and with the installation recommendations of the manufacturers of the specified items and materials. 2. Contractor shall have in charge of the rvork at all times during construction a thoroughly competent superintendent with experience in the type of work to be installed under these specifications. Changes in job superintendents shall be made only upon written consent of the Architect. 3. In acceptance or rejection of installed systens, no allowance will be made for lack of skill on the part of the installers. 4. Refer also to specification Division l. I.O3 COI\{PLIANCE Whenever required during progress of the work and after completion of construction, immediately furnish proof acceptable to the owner that all items installed are equivalent to or exceed all requirements specified for this work. In the event such proof is not available, or is not acceptable to the Architect, the Architect may require the contractor to remove the item or items and replace with material meeting the specified requirements and to repair all damage caused in the removal and replacement, all at no additional cost to the owner. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 r5v20 - 2 t t l.o4 sr.JRJAcE coNDITIoNS I A. Inspection: r l. Prior to any work of any section, carefully inspect the installed work of all other I ;:fr?#"1il?# such *'ork is complete to the point where the installation mav I 2' H1fl,,:l:'.lTn:':':rli.lT be in strict accordance with arr pertinent codes' 1 3. Verify that all work is adequately protected from any freeze damage. I B. Discrepancies: 1. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notiff the Architect.I,rII- 2. Do not proceed with any installation in areas of discrepancy until each discrepancy t has been tully resolved. I END oF sEcrroN I I l I I t t .ASTH.F 'RAM'HAMMER *EST MAy 1998 1s020 - 3 I I I I I I I I I I n I I t I l I t t I SECTION 15023--CODES, FEES, PERIIITS AND STANDARDS PART 1.00.-GENERAL 1.01 CODES, STANDARDS A. Compliance: All work shall comply with the following codes and standards, latest editions, as applicable, where no conflict develops between laws, ordinances, standards, or this specification. Where differences occur, the most demanding and the highest level of material or workmanship shall apply as determined by the Architect. l. State or local laws, ordinances, r'egulations including applicable energy codes and standards, Dept. of Health Regulations, etc. 2. Regulations of utility companies including installation specifications for materials and installation methods. National Fire Codes by NFPA (National Fire Protection Association). ASA (American Standards Association). NEMA (National Electric Mfg. Association). UL (Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc.). ASTM (Arnerican Society of Testing and Materials). ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers). UBC (Uniform Building Code, International Conference of Building Officials), as adopted with local revisions. SMACNA (Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association). UPC (Uniform Plumbing Code, I.C.B.O.), as adopted with local revisions. UMC (Uniform Mechanical Code), as adopted with local revisions. IJFC (Uniform Fire Code), as adopted with local revisions. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15023 - I I ,, I! 14. Colorado State Boiler Code as interpreted by the Boiler Code Inspector. I 15. Colorado Departmenr of Health. I r.02 NOTTCES - I Give all necessary notices, file all necessary plans, obtain and coordinate required t inspections, obtain all approvals, etc. of all governmental or quasi-governmental authorities havingjurisdiction and control over this project. I,,- ._ 1.03 FEES ; A. Except as specifically coordinated with the general contractor, include, as line items. within the base proposal sum, the cost of all;Ir 1. Fees, permits and taxes. I 2. Licenses and royalries.f 11 3. Connection and/or tap charges.llI 4. Utility installation and/or extension or service charees.II 5. Tests required as specified. I 6- Temporary and/or permanent service until substantial completion with meters andr control devices as necessary. I 7. Compliance labels, certificates, occupancy or use permits.t 4. 8. Bonds, warranties, guarantees, service and rnaintenance contracts, etc. as t specified. r 9. Meters including installation. ] l 1.04 TNSPECTTONS I Notify proper authorities when work is ready for inspections required by applicable I codes, rules and regulations, allowing sufficient time for inspections. Receive, record ' and submit written approvals of authorities to Architect within l0 days of each inspection. f GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAy 1998 15023 -2 rt 1. 2. J. 4. ). t t T I I t 1 I t J I t I I t I I I SECTION 15042_TESTS PART I.OO_GENERAL 1.01 TESTS REQUIRED A. Piping tests: Test systems in the presence of the ArchitecVengineer or with their approval. Provide signed, written statement that test was performed, date, time, and test results as follows: Soil and waste piping: Hydrostatically test by: a. Plugging all openings. b. Filling system (or portions thereof) to roof level or a minimum of 10 feet in height above highest drain within portion of system being tested. (Maximum static test pressure should not exceed 20 feet on any portion of piping system.) c. Allow water to stand 3 hours. Check all of the joints for visible leaks or moisture. Drop in water level shall not exceed 1 inch in last hour. Domestic water: Test hydraulically to 125 psi for 4 hours including outside service lines. Pressure drop shall not exceed 3 psi in one hour. With permission of Architect air testing shall be permitted rvhen possibility of freezing exists. Hold pressure within 3 psi variation at same temperature for 24 hours minimum. Record pressures and temperatures. Heating and snowmelt systems: Same as paragraph 2 above, except test pressure tobe 5O7o above relief valve setting. Defects: If inspection or tests show defects, such work shall be replaced or corrected and the tests repeated. All repairs to piping shall be made with new materials. No caulking of screwed joints or holes will be accepted. Natural gas piping: a. [,ow pressure gas (less than 8" water column): As required by gas utility regulations and/or by pressurizing lines with fuel gas, air or inert gas (never oxygen), holding a pressure of 10 psig for 15 minutes with no loss/drop in pressure. Measure only with mercury rnanometer or slope I GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 r5M2 - | t I T I I t I I I I I t I I I t I I I gage calibrated to read in increments of not greater than one-tenth pound. Verify test(s) results per above . Medium pressure gas (greater than 8" water column) and welded low pressure gas piping: As required by gas utility regulations and/or by pressurizing lines with air. holding a pressure of 60 psig for a minimum of 30 minutes with no loss drop in pressure. Veriff test(s) results per above. END OF SECTION b. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 r5u2 -2 A. B. c. D. E. F. G. H. I I I T I T I I I T I I t I I I t I I SECTION 15043--TESTING. ADJUSTING AND BALANCING PART T.OO--TESTNG. ADJUSTING A"\D BALANCING (TAB) 1.01 GENERAL The testing, adjusting, and balancins of mechanical systems shall be part of this division. Include in base bid the cost oftesting, balancing, and adjusting At the completion of the installation, the mechanical systems shall be adjusted and balanced by an independent balancing firm specializing in this work. The firm must have experience and qualifications satisfacrory to the consulting engineer. The firm must have current state registration and certification as a "NEBB" firm. The Mechanical Contractor, acting in cooperation with the balancing firm, is to furnish and install such items as thermometer wells, pressure test cocks, manual dampers, access doors, etc.. as required to allow tests and adjustments to be made as described in this secrion. Such planning should be accomplished and completed within 60 days of bid award and prior to any balancing work on project site. The Mechanical Contractor shall make any changes of farr belts and sheaves to obtain the required cfm and make any other corrections to the systems for proper performance as requested by the consulting Mechanical Engineer or as directed by the balancing firm. The TAB contractor shall review the engineer's documents and the contractor's shop drawings and become thoroughly familiar with the job. A site visit is recommended prior to the closing-in of ductwork and piping to verify that all fittings, dampers, control devices, test devices and valves are properly located and installed. Examine each air and hydronic distribution system to see that it is free from obstructions as well as visually "tight" with no perceivable "airleaks". Determine that all dampers, registers and valves are in a preset or full open position; that operating equipment is lubricated; and that the required filters are clean and functioning. Request that the installing contractor perform any adjusnnents necessary for proper sarrup of the system. The TAB contractor shall use test instruments that have been calibrated (at altitude) within a time period recommended by the manufacturer and have been checked for accuracy prior to the start ofthe testing, adjusting and balancing activity. The TAB contractor shall retest non-conforming systems or components as often as necessary to achieve compliance and/or acceptance by Engineer. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15043 - I I I I T I I. J. Veriff that all equipment performs as specified. Adjust variable type drives, volume dampers, control dampers, balancing valves and control valves as required by the TAB work. Document the results of all testing on NEBB report forms and submit 4 copies for approval and record. All TAB work shall be performed in accordance with the procedures described in the SMACNA 'HVAC Systems - Testing, Adjusting and Balancing" manual and NEBB. L. The TAB contractor shall become familiar with and comply with the provisions of all national and local codes. and ordinances that affect the TAB work. M. TAB contractor must provide a set of marked-up, full size blueprints with each booklet. Half-scale prints bound within report booklet are acceptable only if they are legible. kgibility of half-scale prints will be determined by engineer. N. Mechanical contractor must furnish to TAB contractor 2 sets of fresh unedited blueprints for preparation of balancing report. PART 2.00.-AIR SYSTEMS 2.OL PROCEDURE A. Adjust and balance all air systems to meet the design conditions and tabulate all information on acceptable forms. All systems to be checked for proper performance at peak or maximum modes of operation, both heating and cooling. Balancing and adjusring shall include but not be limited to the following: l. Adjust all fan systems to deliver design air quantities with a tolerance of -5% to plus 5%. Measure air volumes at all -srilles, registers, diffrrsers, intake and exhaust louvers, and adjust and balance to meet design conditions within a tolerance of -107o to plus 10%. 2. Operate all fan systems controls and calibrate all sensing devices as necessary. (Refer also to control specifications for coordination ofresponsibility.) 3, Pennanently mark set points for all adjusted/calibrated devices. I I I I t I t I I t I I I GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 r5M3 -2 t I I I I I l I t I I I t t I t I I I 2.02 REPORT A. After balancing is completed, tabulate the following and include in a written report to the consulting Mechanical Engineer and the Building Department in fte project jurisdiction: l. RPM, amperage and voltage input to each motor (include all motors). 2. Nameplate data and overload heater capacity installed for motor. 3. Entrance and exit air pressure across each fan, filter, coil and louver. 4. CFM capacity of each fan system, and at each grille, register, diffuser intake, return and exhaust louver. 5. Total static pressure across each fan system. 6. Air temperature of each heated or air couditiored space and at the entrance and exit of each automatic damper and coil. B. Make special note of any discrepancy between tabulated conditions and specified conditions and call to the consulting Mechanical Engineer's attention. Rebalance and retabulate information as required by the engineer to meet design conditions. C. Incorporate the final approved report in the O & M Manual (as specified herein) including copies of the mechanical drawings. flMhere the point of measurement cannot be described adequately, provide a cross reference number in the report tabulations and at the point of measurement on the drawings.) PART 3.OO..WATER SYSTEMS 3.01 PROCEDURE A. Adjust and balance all water/hydronic systems to meet design conditions and tabulate information on acceptable forms. All systems are to be checked at peak conditions in all modes of operation. Balancing and adjusting shall include but not be limited to the following: l. Adjust all pumps to deliver design flow within -5% to plus 5%. Measure flow rates at specifred poins within the system and set within -107o to plus l07o of design flow. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15043 - 3 I I 2. Balance coiliheat exchanger bypass to match tull flow resistance through coil/heat exchanger. Balance flow through all water/air, water/water, water/glycol heat I exchangers. 3. Verify alt system controls and sequences. Calibrate sensing devices as necessary.I I 3.02 REPORT t A. After balancing is completed, tabulate the following and include in a written report to the .l consulting Mechanical Engineer: -.i' 1. Nameplate data and overload heater capacity for each motor. I 2. Amperage and voltage input to each pump motor at design flow. I 3. Pressure differential across each pump and through each heat exchanger. I (Include readings only when measuring points/devices are included and detailed on drawings.) r B. Make special note of any discrepancy between tabulated conditions and specified t conditions and call to the Consulting Engineer's attention. Rebalance and retabulate I information as required by the engineer to meet design conditions. t C. Incorporate the final approved report in the O & M Manual (as specified herein) including I copies of the mechanical drawings as necessary. (Where the point of measurement cannot be described adequately, provide a cross reference number in the report tabulations and at I the point of measurement on the drawings.) t I END oF sECrroN II I I I IT GASTHoF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15043 - 4 I l I I I l I I I I I I I I I I t I I I SECTION 15045-.PROJECT COMPLETION PART 1.OO--GENT,RAL 1.01 WORK IN PROGRESS A. Protecr all installed work. Seal all conduits, ducts and piping until pennanently enclosed. B. Prorcct all finished surfaces such as aluminum, chrome, stainless steel, etc. from damage. AII damaged materials, regardless of cause, shall be replaced at the time of substantial completion. C. Only crafumen skilled in their trades shall be used for any work. D. All work shall present a neat, mechanical appearance when completed. E. Coordinate installation and opening arrangements with other trades to minimize cufting and patching and to insure adequate provisions for attachment, support and mouiling. Changes made necessary in completed work due to a lack of coordination are the responsibility of the contractor. F. Cutting of any structural members, regardless of size, is prohibited without the prior approval of the Architect. G. Do not cover up or enclose work until it has been properly and completely inspected. tested, and approved. H. Should any of the work be covered or enclosed prior to all required inspections and approvals, uncover the work as required and, after it has been completely inspected and approved, make all repairs and replacements with such materials as are necessary to the approval of the Architect and at no additional cost to the owner. I. All penetrations of the building envelope shall be sealed air and water tight. Any terminations consisting of assembled parts shall have all seams etc. sealed air and water tight. J. Coordinate routing of pipes and ducts within building envelope to minimize potential of freeze damage. K. Provide I set of additional frlters and strainer screens prior to building substantial completion. If excess dirt has accumulated, provide an additional set prior to testing and balarrcing. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15@5 - 1 I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I.O2 NOISE CONTROL All installed equipment shall operate under all conditions of load without any objectionable sound or vibration noriceable outside of the room or space in which it is installed. Moving equipment, machinery housings, enclosures, ducts, piping, grilles, etc- that vibrate or emit objectionable sounds due to start up, operation or thermal movements, which are noticeable outside the room or space where equipment is installed, shall be dampened, balanced, and have vibration eliminators or isolation pads installed or otherwise corrected per manufacrurer's specifications and/or engineer's direction, including shock absorbers on pipin-e. 1.03 OPERATION Provide all oil, grease, filters, etc. for operation of all equipment until final acceptance. Protect all equipment with covers as required and all shafts and bearings during installation. The Contractor is responsible for operation and maintenance of all equipment until final acceptance. Use of building HVAC equipment or plumbing for or by construction personnel is expressly prohibited except as necessary for testing and calibration or adjustment without the written permission of the Architect. END OF SECTION GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 r5M5 - 2 I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION ls047.-IDENTIFICATION PART T.OO--GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION Each piece of mechanical equipment specified in these specifications or on drawings shall be identified by permanent labels (stick-on labels not approved) with the exception of plumbing fixrures, grilles, registers, diffusers and equipment which is concealed in walls or above inaccessible ceilings. I.O2 PIPE, EQUIPMENT, A}iD FITTING IDENTIFICATIONS A. Valves: In accordance with latest standard ANSI A13.1, provide Seton brand non-tear vinyl tags (PTC) permanently fastened (Tie NT6) to valve for each valve except in public areas when exposed. Clearly print in indelible ink (PEN, PMPI) the service and/or function of the valve. (Note: Brass mgs expressly prohibited.) Provide valve tags in accordance with the following schedule: l. HVAC valves and finings including but not limited to service shut-off, balancing, gate, butterfly, ball, plug, globe, etc., shall be "Blue" for cooling, "Red" for heating, and "White" for combination cooling/heating or other use. Tags shall indicate valve type. equipment or system served. and valve size. 2. Plumbing valves and fiuings including but not limited to service shut-off, balancing, gate, ball, plug, globe, etc. shall be "blue" for domestic cold water. "Red" for domestic hot water, "Yellow" for fuel gas, and "Orange" for miscellaneous valves and finings. Tags shall indicate valve type, equipment or system served, and valve size. B. Piping: 1. Identify all piping per latest standard ANSI A13.1 and OSHA, at maximum 30 foot intervals on straight pipe runs, at tees, and wherever piping enters concealed spaces or passes through walls, ceilings, or floors. Group labels on parallel piping runs and place so as to be readable from the nearest accessible vision point. Markers must be in compliance with respect to (1) proper letter codes, (2) proper letter sizes, (3) correct background color, and (4) proper marker length. All piping shall be identified. Directional flow arrows shall be applied adjacent to each pipe mark. Identification of all piping systems shall conform to the designations in the mechanical legend on the drawings. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15047 - 1 I t I T I I t t t I I I I I I I t t I 2. Labels shall be spray painted on pipe utilizing the Seton nameplate company stencil legend system. Use 1/2" letters on pipes with a diameter of 2" or less, 1" letters on pipes between 2-112" and 6" in diameter (inclusive), and 1-314" letters on pipes 6" or larger. If pipe is uninsulated, pre-spray paint, 360 degrees in diameter, with a white-non peeling paint. C. Equipment: All HVAC and plumbing equipment shall be permanently labeled with paint utilizing pre-manufactured stencils. 1.03 PAINTING: Refer to specification Division 1. Piping, where so noted on drawings, is to be painted, whether area requires finish or not. All ducts in exposed areas to be painted when so noted on drawings. Paint all surfaces visible through grille, registers, etc. flat black. A. Color coding: Standard color code for pipe and equipment marking per ANSI standards. (Brady or Seton color coded self- adhesive bands may be installed in lieu of painted bands.) The following colors shall be used, unless noted otherwise. l. Red: Fire protection and sprinkler systems, post indication valves, hre hydrants, fire sprinklers (do not paint heads or fusible links), fire sirens and pumps, blanket containers, stop bars or hazardous equipment, etc. 2. Yellow: Narural gas, compressed air, high temperature water (above 170'F.), High pressure steam. Gas piping under pressures greater than 14" W.C. Shall be stenciled "danger-hi_eh pressure gas". Indicate normal operating pressure and/or temperature. 3. Blue: Cold water and chilled fluid. 4. Red: Domestic hot water and any heating system distribution piping. 5. Aluminum: Flues, high temperature equipment and surfaces. 6. Black. White or Color: Per ANSI standards. B. Where piping is to be painted entirely, the color, if not per ASA standards, shall be specified by Architect and noted within proiect plans and/or specifications. END OF SECTION GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 r5M7 -2 l I I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t SECTION ls048-MAINTENANCE MANUALS, BI.IILT DRAWINGS PART I.OO-GENERAL 1.01 OPERATING INSTRUCTTONS OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. AS After all mechanical systems have been balanced, calibrated, and control performance sequence proven, (and all of the following have been present to supervise the start-up of the equipment for which they are responsible: All Mechanical, Electrical and Connol contractors, and representatives of major items of mechanical equipmeng the contractor shall instruct the owner fully in equipment and systems operations, adjustments and maintenance. Give the Owner 48 hours advance notice of such instnrction. Contractor shall provide 4 hours of instruction to owner, exclusive of automatic temperaure controls. See controls specification for ATC instruction. All hours shall be logged with Architect. I.O2 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL Refer to specification Division 1. Provide 4 copies of bound operating and maintenance instructions and schedules to the owner covering alt operating equipment. Submit proposed draft of such instructions to the engineer for approval prior to issue. Manufacturer's catalog sheets may be included as supplemental to the operation and maintenance literature. O. & M. literature shall preferably be published and detailed by the manufacturer. O. & M. Manual will not be waived under anv circumstances. The manual shall have, at a minimum: 1. Alphabetical list of all system components. with the name, address, and 24-hour phone number of the company responsible for servicing each item during the first year of operations. 2. Operating instructions for complete system, including: a. Emergency procedures for fire or failure of major equipment; b. Normal starting, operating, and shut down; c. Summer shut down GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15048 - I I : 3. Maintenance instructions, including: r a. Valve tag and other identified equipment lists; .l b. Proper lubricants and lubricating instructions for each piece of equipment; r c. Necessary cleaning, replacement andior adjustment schedule.II d. Complete filter size list and schedule of locations. t 4. Manufacturer's data on each piece of equipment, including: I a. Installation instructions: I b. Drawings and specifications; I c. Parts list;t d. Complete wiring and temperature control diagrams; I e. Marked or changed prints locating all concealed parts and all variations I from the original system design. In other words, provide to the owner a I set of "as-builts". I 1.03 RECORD DRAWINGS I The contractor shall maintain a current set of drawings with all changes and deviationsI from contract documents marked in red and accomplished in a timely manner. Prior to substantial completion date. contractor shall transfer all data from the job site prints to a I set provided by the Architect for inclusion with the O. & M. Manuals. Refer also to - specification Division l. 1.04 GUARANTEE/WARRANTY f A. Required: Include manufacturer's written guarantee/warranty on all operating equipment in O & M Manual. Guarantee/ warranty shall commence on the date of substantial I completion. Guarantee/warranty terms shall be for one year, or as specified herein. I Operation of equipment during construction period is not permitted except as specified in Section 15045 and will not be considered as any portion ofthe guarantee period. t I ! GASTHoF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15@8 - 2 t I I B. Service Guarantee: The following guarantee is a condition of this agreement and shall be signed by the contractor and included in the O. & M. Manual, in addition to other I wirranties and guarantees required in these specifications:I r "The undersigned guarantees that this installation is free from mechanical defects. He I agrees to replace or repair, to the satisfaction of the Architect, at no additional cost to thetr owner, any part of the mechanical installation which may fail within a period of one year I after final acceptance provided that such failure is due to defecs in the materials or I worknanship, or failure to follow the requirements of the specifications and the drawines. " Firm Name: Address: I I I I Bv: I Conracr: I Date: t Telephone number: I Fax number: I I I I END OF SECTION I cAsrHoF .MM'HAMMER *EST MAY 19e8 t 15048 - 3 A. B. C. I I t t I I I I I I I I t t t I I I I SECTION 15050.-BASIC N,TATERIALS AND METHODS PART I.OO-GENERAL r.O1 MATERIAL All mechanical material shall be new and of the quality and rype specified. Manufacturer and catalog number shown in these specifications or on drawings are imended as a guide to quality. Requests for substitution approval shall be submitted to the Architect in accordance with provisions of Division 1 of these specifications and Section 15010. No extension of completion date shall be allowed for time lost in consideration or installation of approved substinrtions unless it is justified in the request for substitution. I.O2 SIJBI\{ITTALS See Section i5010. and Division 1. 1.03 PROJECTCOMPLETION See Section 15045. and Division l. PART 2.OO--PRODUCTS AND EXECUTION 2.OI ACCESSIBILITY Provide adequate clearances for proper installation, keeping clearances and installation spaces to a minimum. Locate all equipment, including but not limited to valves, traps. cleanouts, motors, filters, controllers, switchgear, drain points, strainers, etc. that must be serviced, operated or maintained, in fully accessible positions. Provide access doors wherever required for accessibility for service. (Type, size and location to be approved by the Architect.) Provide access to all fire dampers, volume dampers, valves, etc. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15050 - 1 I I T I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.02 FREEZE PROTECTION Proximity of any equipment component or fluid piping to potential of damage from freezing sources shall be avoided wherever possible. Drawings are diagrammatic. Make location adjustments, add insulation and/or control devices and/or heat sources as necessary to prevent or minimize freeze damage potential. The Architect/Engineer will neirher guaranree nor be responsible for any consequences of freezing. Submit concerns of potential freeze locations in writing to Architect in sufficient time to make appropriate modifications. 2.03 ALTITI.IDERATINGS Except as otherwise noted, all equipment capacities are adjusted ratings for the elevation of this project. Manufacturer's ratings shall be adjusted to provide net ratings shown. 2.04 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Unless orhenvise indicated. all motors and controls shall be furnished, set in place and wired in accordance with the following schedule. (15 is Mechanical Division-16 is Electrical Division). While it is not the intent of this chart to allocate costs to specific contractors, it is common sense to expect the costs of all work to be in some contractor's price. Be sure all costs are covered. Avoid duplication or omission by careful coordination rvith all subcontractors and the G.C. Don't assume! DESCRIPTION FTJRNISIIED TJNDER SET IN OR [,ITD PLACED WIRED AND CONNECTED Equipment motors and thermal overloads, resistance heaters r:l 15 r5 16 Magnetic starters and overload relays rll 15 16ru 16 Disconnect switches, fused or unfused, hp. rated switches, thermal overload switches and fuses. manual operating switches r:l 16rl 16ru 16 GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15050 - 2 I I I I I I I I I t I I I t T I I I I (l)If furnished as part of factory wired equipment, then wiring and connections only by Division 16 If line thermostats, P.E. switches, time switches, etc., carry the full load current to any motor, rhey shall be furnished by the Mechanical Division, but shall be set in place and connected under rhe Electrical Division, except that where such items are an integral part of the mechanical equipment, or directly attached to ducts, piping, etc., they shall be set in place under the Mechanical Division and connected by the Electrical Division. If they do not carry the full load current to any motor, they shall be furnished, set in place and wired under the Mechanical Division. The above list does not attempt to include all components. All items necessary for a complete system shall be included in the base contract. Provide motors and equipment for only those current characteristics indicated on the drawings. All 3 phase equipment shall have each leg fully protected from loss of power. over current, under voltage or phase reversal. It is the intent of this division to require complete systems per the contract documents. Coordinate all equipment requiring electrical power, regardless of volta-qe, with other trades, so that all systems are complete and operable. 2.05 EXCAVATION, BACKFILLING: Excavation, trenching, bedding of pipe, placement and cover. backfilling, etc. in conjunction with work under this division shall be per requirements of division 2, the UPC, and the additional requirements specified herein: A. Trenches: Slope bottoms uniformly to drain. Trench bottoms to be firm, free from large rocks or boulders, or shall have concrete cradles placed to suppoil piping. Cradles to bear on undisturbed soil. Cast lron: Place on firm trench bottom shaped to accept hubs. Both hubs and pipe shall have uniform firm bearing. Place a minimum of 12 inches of loose rock-free rnaterial over pipe. Test, compact and backfill per Division 2. Other piping, conduits, culvefts: Place on frrm trench bottom and backfill per Division 2 or embed per manufacturer's recommendations. Expansion: Place pipe fittings and thrust blocks per manufachrrer's recommendations andior project specifications. B. c. D. Thermostats, control relays, control trans- formers. solenoid valves 6l I)l5rzi 15rzl GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15050 - 3 I I I T t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 2.06 PIPE DEPTHS Interior pipe below slabs shall be a minimum of 4 inches below slab and shall not be in contact with concrete at any point. Minimum exterior cover over water piping, unless otherwise shown or required by code. shall be 8 feet above the top of the pipe. Verifu deprh of bury with engineer prior to commencing work. Area drains shall have maximum cover possible consistent with finished landscape and acceptable flow lines. Gas piping shall have minimum of 3 foot cover with warning tape WITH 14 awg 12" above pipe. Sanitary waste and storm drain lines shall have 3 foot cover minimum. 2.A7 MOTORS A. Comply with NEMA standards and conform to ASA C-50 for insulation and dielectric strength. Capacity to be sufficient to operate associated driven equipment and devices. under all conditions of operation, altirude and loads without overload. Minimum acceptable horsepower (hp) is that indicated on the drawings. Select and install motors for quiet operation. All motors rated 1000 watts or greater shall have certified power factors under full load of 85% uncorrected and 9O% corrected. All 3 phase motors shall have full automatic protection of each leg for loss of power as well as over current, phase reversal, or under voltage. All motors and compressors of greater than 5HP shall have an approved method of soft snrt. B. Belt drive systems shall have steel bases with positive adjusfinent for both alignment and belt tension. All drive pulleys shall be adjustable without exception. C. V-belt drive systems shall be designed for 150% of motor nameplate rating, matched and adjusted to drive apparatus properly and to prevent slippage or undue wear when starting. All v-belt drives shall be such that when a desired speed and belt tension have been established, the variable speed pulley and belt tension adjustment are at approximate mid- point range. 2.08 STARTERS A. Provide starters of current and capacity ratings to serve the motor intended. All three phase starters to have over current protection on all three legs. On three phase starters furnish a phase monitor control relay, Time Mark 82588, 2588, or A258B, 3 phase monitor control relay to open on phase reversal, phase failure or phase undervoltage. Phase monitor control relay shall be mounted and wired in the starter enclosure by this contractor. Furnish switches and green running pilot light in starter cover. If pilot lights are specified on control panel, individual starter lighs will not be required. Factory assembled combination starter and 3 phase protection is preferred if available. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER V/EST MAY 1998 15050 - 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I B. c. Provide integral transformer and 120 volt control circuit on all starters which are furnished with control circuits. Size thermal overload relays for approximately ILS% of full load motor current. Switch and fuse units will not be acceptable unless specifically indicated. 2.09 PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS Full length pipe in longest lengths possible shall be used. AII threads shall be right hand, pipe standard, clean cut, full depth and tapering. Install piping so as to permit complete draining. Provide drains at all low points. All interior soil, waste and condensate lines shall have uniform pitch in the direction of flow of not less than L/4 inch per foot unless otherwise noted. Ream out all pipe ends, turn on ends and rattle before installing. 2.10 SLEEVES AND PLATES Provide sleeves and/or inserts in sufficient time to incorporate in construction without cutting. Provide sleeves for all pipes passing through or within concrete, masonry or hard tile. Sleeves in exterior walls exposed to moisture (above or below grade) to have "Link Seal" mechanical seals or other approved water-tight methods and materials. All penetrations of fire rated walls and all penetrations of floors shall be sealed airlwater tight via fire rated methods (mechanical or mastic) approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Refer to and coordinate carefully rvith Architectural divisions to avoid duplication in work of sealing. Sleeve size: Large enough to permit free movement of pipes where expansion or contraction may occur. Large enough to pass pipes only where pipe is insulated, with insulation to butt construction. Where insulation is required to have a vapor barrier, insulation shall be continuous through sleeve. I-ong enough to project 1/4 inch above finish floor, except in rooms having floor drains where they shall project 1/2 inch or install "Link Seal" mechanical seals or seal watenight with approved fire rated mastic. Core drilled holes in concrete will not require sleeves with the following exception: in areas/rooms (without floor drains) which are above occupied/usable A. B. 1. 2. 4. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15050 - 5 I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I space, provide water-tigltt sleeves at least 1/2 inch above finished floor surface or install "Link Seal" mechanical seals or seal watertight with approved mastic. C. Pipe Sleeve Material: 1. 24 gauge galvanized iron sheet with lock seams, Schedule 40 PVC, or alternate material with prior approval. 2. Anchors for sleeves shall be suitable for the materials sleeved and the construction encountered. Water dght seals required as noted above. 3. Whenever piping passes through wood joists insrall quiet grommets; tape copper pipe or use plastic grommets to avoid contact with steel studs. 4. Whenever copper water piping passes within concrete or masonry, it shall be insulated with a minimum of Il2 inch Armaflex or equivalent. D. Duct sleeves: Trim wall openings for ducts with flush sheet metal trim (22 gauge galvanized iron). E. Escutcheons: Provide for all exposed uninsulated pipes and conduits passing through finished surfaces. Plates to be: l. Nickel plated, split-ring type, unless otherwise noted. Size to match pipe. 2. Deep recessed type where sleeves extend beyond floor or wall surface. 3. Piping insulation shall butt neatly to finished surface. F. Cover Plates: Provide cover plates for all electrical outlets, switches or equipment controllers or indicators that are installed in finished surfaces to match electrical plates as specified in Division 16. Screws to match plates. 2.1I PIPE FLASHING Flash all pipes extending though roof surfaces with 4 pound lead flashing extending 12 inches away from all walls of pipe. Flange to lead sleeve, extending up around the vent pipe and turned down inside the vent pipe. Vents to extend 14 inches above finished roof, unless otherwise noted. Alternate flashing methods/materials which are listed by a nationally recognized testing lab/agency and/or are specifically permitted by the applicable codes are acceptable when installed in compliance with manufacturer's instructions. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15050 - 6 I I I 2,12 SLJPPORTS, PADS, HANGERS: Provide all equipment supports, pads, bases, t anchoring and attachments, hangers, braces, etc., required for equipment. Coordinate equipment mounting and attachment requirements and furnish anchor bolts and inserts. I mounting templates, sleeves, etc., to other trades requiring same. I A. Pipe Hangers: Provide pipe hangers compatible with pipe material and constnrction, for I all mains and branches, consisting of: I 1. Single runs (horizontal): Clevis or tear drop type clamps with rods hanging from r strucure in approved manner. Grinnell or Carpenter and Paterson. 2. Parallel runs (horizontal): Trapeze type (rods and steel angles or channels) ofr ilT::'::';ifr-'".:"'.'-s":fl'Jil:ii:,131",'Jil"ji?ffffH#l:"11"::iJl from wear and shielded against expansion noise. 3. Vertical runs: Support at each story heiglrt and at the base of each stack. Supports not to exceed 10 feet O.C. Support with pipe clamps only. I 4. Pipe support spacing (maximum): I a. Cast iron (except "no-hub") 5'-0. O.C r b. Copper 6'-0" o.c. r c. Steel 10'-0'O.C. d. Glass, PVC, etc...Per manufacturer's recommendations. t e. No-Hub...Support at each joint horizontally; vertically, support from pipe only (never from joinQ. I 5. Supports and Anchoring Methods: Perforated strap or wire is not permitted for I pipe support. Provide insens where the pipe is to be suppor-ted from concrete. I Use toggle bolts in concrete block. Provide Phillips "Red Head" expansion bolts (selfdrilling), or powder-actuated anchors. Install per manufacturer's I specifications governing material and conditions encountered. Powder acnratedI fasteners shall not be used in precast concrete without approval. Plastic anchors are nor approved. Piping may be laid on roof or floor joist chords only with priorr ;'.il::l;iffiilrkJ,: '$$':,'l,iJ1e";:#:t'iii""lr,il:i:1"Ltrx'Ti wood. '! cASTHoF GMMSHAMMER wEsr MAY 1998 15050 - ? I I I I t t t t I I I I I I t I I t t I 6. Insulated pipe: l8 gauge galvanized steel protective bands, 12 inches long around insulation with support attached around bands. Pipe insulation shall be run full size through hangers. 7 . Soldering or joining pipe to pipe or pipe to structure as a method of support is not permitted. B. Duct supports: Per ASHRAE guide. SMACNA duct manual and Chapter 10 of the UMC latest editions. The most stringent requirements govern in conflicts. 2.13 DUCTS Construct straight and smooth with neatly finished joints, air-tight and free from vibration. Internai ends of slip joints shall be made in the direction of flow. Changes in duct dimensions and shape shall be gradual and uniform. Curved elbows, unless otherwise noted, to have centerline radius of at least 1-1/2 times the duct width. Turning vanes shall be installed in all elbows 45 degrees or greater and shall be arranged to permit air to make turns without appreciable nrrbulence and to remain quiet when the system is in operation. Construction of ducts shall be per the details and recommendations of the latest edition of the ASHRAE Handbook, SMACNA, and UMC Chapter 10. The most stringent requirement goveflrs in conflicts. 'Duct Mate" joint method may be utilized provided all portions of seam/joint rnaterials are provided by "Duct Mate" and installed in strict compliance with manufacturer's standards. All duct seams are to be sealed. 2,L4 FIRE DAMPERS Install Type B and/or Type C fire dampers where indicated on the drawings, as required by NFPA 90A/90B or required by local codes. Provide a duct access door to each fire damper and service access when Architectural access is restrictive. Furnish UL labeled fue dampers and access doors/panels. Refer to Architectural drawings for fue resistive ratings of walls, floors, ceilings, etc. 2.IS COMBINATION FIRE/SMOKEDAMPERS Combination fireismoke dampers shall conform to UBC Standard Nos. 43-7 ar:d 43-12 with a minimum leakage classification of III. Dampers shall incorporate one U.L. classified safety mode operator with direct detector signal. Install in accordance with the manufacmrer's U.L. installation instructions. Operators shall be automatically resetting and interlocked with fire alarm system. Comply with UMC 713.1. All smoke dampers CASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15050 - 8 I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I t shall be activated by smoke detectors within an approved alarm system and shall be automatically resetting. 2.16 FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS where duct work or piping is connected to fans, air handling units, pumps, or other equipment that may transmit vibration along the piping or ductwork, connect by means of a tlexible connection constructed of fire resistant canvas, flex piping, or other approved method complying with UMC Chapter 6. Connections shall be suitable for pressures developed at the point of installation. Flexible material shall be waterproof for weather exposed ductwork, shall show no visible strain during operating conditions, and shall comply with code requirements. Flex connections for range exhaust systems shall be fire rated in compliance with UMC 507.3.2.. Z.I7 VOLI]ME DAMPERS Install hand operated volume dampers in each branch duct to each diffirser and register. Volume dampers shall be controlled by heavy duty locking quadrants mounted outside of the duct and shall be opposed blade type or single blade type as noted on drawings. Volume dampers in ducts over 12n deep shall be made in two sections, each independently operated. Locate damper operators within 18" of suitable access. Operators must be visible and accessible from access point. 2.T8 SPLITTER DAMPERS Splitter dampers shall be at least 1-1/2 times as long as the narrowest adjacent split and controlled by rods extending through duct and ends swayed or bent to prevent rods from dropping into duct. Quadrant operators to be Ventlock No.635 or No. 637. Dampers must be rattle-free during system operation. 2.I9 CLEANING A. Intent: It is the intent of this specification to require that all work, including the inside of equipment, be left in a clean condition with all dust, grease, and construction debris removed. 1. Piping and connecting equipment to be left free of sediments, core sand, grease, etc. 2. Domestic water systems shall be thoroughly sterilized. See Section 15400. GAS'|IIOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15050 - 9 3. A 5. 6. 1 8. I I t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I Clean all exposed surthces of piping, ducts and hangers. etc., sufFtciently to receive paint. Vacuum ducts as required for debris removal. Air systems shall not be operated without filters. Replace the filters or clean perrnanent type filters just prior ro substantial completion. All air systems shall be furnished with one addirional ser of filters for owndr replacement. If deemed necessary by final review prior ro acceptance by owner. air coils shall be cleaned in an approved and effective manner. Remove, clean and replace all screens, interceptors, strainers, etc., in piping systems just prior to substantial completion. Clean and wipe dry all plumbing fxtures, exposed valves, faucers, and piping, etc. that are exposed just prior to substantial completion. Clean all equipment and fixtures per manufacilrer's specifications to avoid scratching finished surfaces. Leave all plumbing fixtures ready to use. clean interior and exterior of all air handling equipment of all construction debris. Clean exterior of all exposed ductwork just prior ro substantial completion. Thoroughly clean all equipment room floors after completion of equipment, prpe and duct cleaning. A condition of luul acceptance will be tlre cleanliness of all exposed systems, equipment and equipment rooms. 2.20 VIBRATIONISOLATION Equipment: 1. Erect all floor mounted equipment (where called for on plans) on 4" high concrere pads extending 6" beyond the complete floor area "footprint" of the equipment. 2. Mount supply and return centrifugal fans, cabinet fans and air handling units (where called for on plans) on inertia base with a weight equal to not less than 1- l/2 times the combined weight of the fan and motor. Where centrifugal is used, mount fan and motor on conrmon steel base. 3. Support each factory assembled air handling unit and fan with Mason Industries or equivalent spring type isolators, as follows: EQUIPMENT MASON ENGINEERING STATIC DEFLECTION GASTHOF GRAMSI{AMMER WEST MAY 1998 15050 - r0 I I I SPECIFICATION MINIMUM (irrches) - ComDressor b .75 r Pumps: il 2) Flexible coupled b .75 I Cabinet fans & air handlingjl umts: 1) Floor mounted b .75 I 2) Suspended d 1.50 I Utility Sets & inline fans: I a. Floor mounted b .75f b. Suspended d 1.50 t 4. Atl mountings used. out-ofdoors shall be hot dipped galvanized.I r 5. F4uipment with operating weight different than tlre installed weight, such as J chillers and cooling towers and equipment exposed to wind, such as roof fans, cooling towers, etc., shall be mounted on spring mountings as described in A Engineering Specifications B, but a housing shall be provided that includes I vertical limit stops to prevent spring extension when weight is removed. Limit stops shall be out ofcontact during norrnal operation. II B. Piping: I t. Condensers and Compressors a. Isolate all refrigerant piping from the structure throughout by doubte I deflection spring and neoprene hangers with 1' deflection. Hang piping soI that it does not touch any part of the structure. Connect piping to compressor or condensing unit with convoluted bellows braided metallic r flexible pipe cormectors. b. lsolate all condenser water piping cormected to a chiller or cooling tower r from the structure throughout the equipment room by double deflection spring and neoprene hangers with I " deflection. Hang piping so that it I does not touch any part of the structure. Connect plpes to condenser and I to cooling tower with teflon flexible equipment connectors. I I GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15050 - 1l A. B. c. D. E. I I I ! I ) l I t I I ! I I I I I I t 2. Base mounted pumps and air compressors (including temperature control compressors). Connect piping to air compressors with convoluted rubber bellows or braided metal flexible pipe connectors. Isolate air piping from the structure for the hrst six hangers by double deflection spring and neoprene hangers with l" deflection. Hang piping so that it does not louch any part of the strucure. Connect piping to base mounted pumps with teflon flexible equipment connecrors. 2,2I CONTROL VALVE PIPING If the control valve size is smaller than the pipe size marked on the drawing, the reduction in size pertains to the valve only. Valves and strainers on either side of the automatic valve shall be a minimum of the pipe size marked on the drawings. 2.22 PTJMP CONNECTIONS Where the suction or discharge of any pump unit is smaller than the pipe size noted on the drawings, all strainers, valves, flexible connections. expansion joints, etc., shall be a minimum of the pipe size noted on the drawings. 2.23 ACCESS DOORS Refer to specification Division 7. Furnish an access door to isolation valves for each pipe chase for each floor. This includes both toilet plumbing chases and pipe riser chases. Access door assembly to be minimum size of 16" x 16". Milcor is basis of desisn. Furnish access doors in all non-removable ceilings and in partitions and walls where necessary to maintain access to plumbing cleanouts, shock absorbers, f,re dampers, manual dampers, valves and other mechanical devices requiring access. Size these as required for access. (16"x16" minimum) Provide all access doors to the general contractor for timely construction into the building. Provide painted steel access doors with key lock suitable for the surface in which they are installed and satisfactory to the Architect. Recessed style ro accept plaster finish, recessed type to accept acoustical tile, flush panel for drywall or flanged flushed panel for remodeling are possible compatible types. All access doors in fire rated assemblies are to be U.L. Listed for use in the fire rated assembly. Verify ratings with Architect. Comply with IJMC 605.5. GASTI{OF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15050 - 12 t I F. Smoke and fire damper access doors shall be labeled. I END oF sECrroN I I t I I t t I I t t I I t t .ASTH.F GRAMSHAMMER *EST MAy 1998 1s050 - 13 I I t I I I t I I I B. C. D. I I t T I t I I t I SECTION Is2s0--INSULATION PART I.OO-GENERAL REOUIREMENTS Note: All K t'actors shown in the following specification are expressed in Btu-in./hr/ sf/ "F. 1.01 SCOPE The work included by this specification consists of furnishing all labor, accessories, equipment, and materials necessary for the installation of all insulation for piping, ducts, and mechanical equipment in accordance with the specification and applicable drawings, and subject to the terms and conditions of the contract. I.O2 GEI{ERAL lnsulation shall be installed by a firm regularly engaged in the irsulation business with a rninimum of 3 years of experience in this type of insulation installation. The mechanical contractor must obtain prior approval of Architect/Engineer to install insulation. Insulation shall be Certainteed Manson (CTM), Certainteed Corp., or equivalent products by Oweru Corning, Knauf or Schuller, approved prior to installation. Insulation shall not be applied until all surfaces are clean, dry, and inspected and released for insulation application. A complete moisture and vapor seal shall be provided on cold surfaces where vapor barrierjackets or coatings are required. Anchors, hangers, and other projections shall be insulated and vapor sealed to prevent condensation. Pipe or duct insulation shall be continuous through walls and floor openings except where walls or floors are required to be firestopped or required to have a fire resistance rating. Duct linings shall be intem;pted at fire dampers and f,rre doors so as not to interfere with their operation. Duct coverings and linings shall also be intemrpted at the immediate area of operation of heat sources in a duct system involving electrical resistance or fuel burnins heaters. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 i5250-1 F. I I I i G. H. t t I I t 3 I B. c. D. I I I t T I I. Low temperature insulated piping shall be supported by hangers and metal shields to be installed with the piping. Inserts shall be provided and installed between the pipe and the shields. Insens shall consist of rigid pipe insulation equal in thickness to the adjoining insulation and shall be vapor sealed into the adjoining insulation. Where hangers are in direct contact with low temperature piping the hanger and supporting rod shall be wrapped with foil-faced blanket insulation and vapor sealed. Hanger rod insulation and vapor barrier shall extend up the rod a minimum distance equal to the diameter of the pipe. Vapor barrier musl be continuous thrcugh walls and hangers. Raw ends of insulation shall be sealed with a vapor barrier adhesive. The drawings may contain notes requiring a specific type of irnulation. Such notes shall take precedence over any alternates permitted within the specifications. Hangers and Anchors: Provide 180 degree. 0.016" aluminum shield, at hangers and anchors. Where shields are used on pipes 2 inches and larger. provide insulation inserts at points of hangers and supports. Inserts shall be of calcium silicate, cellular glass (minimum 8 pcf), or other approved material of the same thickness as adjacent insulation. Inserts and shields shall cover bottom 180 degree of pipe circumference. Duct liner shall conform to the requirement of ASTM C 1071, with an NRC not less than .70 As tested per ASTM C 423 using a Type "A" mounting and a thermal conductivity no higher than .25 at75oF mean temperature. 1.03 FIRE HAZARD CLASSIFICATION All insulation shall have a composite (insulation, jacket, or facing, and adhesive to secure jacket or facing) fire hazard rating as tested by ASTM E-84, NFPA 255. or UL723 not to exceed 25 flame spread and 50 smoke developed. Accessories, such as coatings, tapes, and cloths, shall have the same component ratings as specified above. All insulation materials or their containers shall have a label indicatine that thev do not exceed the above fire hazard classification. Duct liner shall meet the life safety standards as established by NFPA 90A and 90B and should not support microbial growth as tested in accordance with ASTM G2l ail,Ct22. I I A. GASTI]OF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15250 - 2 I I I 1.04 PRoJEcr coMPLETIoN .:- See Section 15M5. I r PART 2.ffi'-PIPE INS{JLATION I | 2.oL coLD PIPING (DowN ro -20"F) fr.efrigerant suction/make-up water/domestic water/boiler make-up water.) I A. Product: Insulate with CTM "Alley-K Snapxgn" molded one piece fiberglass pipe irsulation with a K value of 0.23 at 75 degrees F mean temperature' Ji B. Factory applied jacket: All service jacket (ASJ) (self-seal optional). t C. Insulation thickness: Refer to tables at the end of this section. I D. Application: Itl 1. Piping: I a. Butt all joints firmly together and smoothly secure all jacket laps and joint strips with lap adhesive. Flare-type staples at 4" spacings may be used for t concealed work. b. Self-seal lap-apply according to manufacturer's published t recommendations. I c ilffilJT"xr#:",';T'l,1;;ffl,:T;,,'i;,':r:"iffiil"[ff:i r ^ Finings and valves:lz. I a. Insulate with molded fiberglass fittings; segments of pipe covering; or withI i'ff'J.:ir,'ff:"1*:;'#':"',?$::,"i.ffi'.fl31?* with 20 gage wire I T CASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15250 - 3t b. I I I t Vapor seal by applying a layer of open-weave glass cloth fabric embedded between two flood coats of vapor barrier mastic. I-ap glass fabric 2" onto adjacent pipe. In lieu of glass cloth embedded between two coats of mastic or adhesive, Certainteed "Snap Form" insulation and premolded fitting cover system may be used. Covers shall overlap the adjoining pipe insulation and jackets and shall be sealed at all edges with vapor barrier adhesive. The ends of all covers shall be secured with pressure-sensitive vinyl tape. The tape shall overlap the jacket and the cover at least one inch. 2.02 HOT PIPING (tJP TO sfi)'F) (Domestic hot water/high and low temperature heating water) A. Product: Insulate with CTM "Alley-K Snap*6n" molded one piece fiberglass pipe insulation with a K value of 0.23 at 75 degrees F mean temperature. B. Factory applied jacket: All service jacket (ASJ) (self-seal optional). C. Insulation thickness: Refer to tables at the end of this section. D. Application: 1. Piping: a. Butt all joints frnnly together and smoothly secure all jacket laps and joint strips with lap adhesive. Flare-type staples at 4" spacings may be used for concealed work. Self-seal lapapply recommendations. accordins manufacturer's published Finings and valves: a. Insulate with molded frberglass frttings; segments of ptpe covering; or with firmly compressed hberglass blanket. Secure in place with 20 gage wire and finish with a smoothing coat of insulating cement. Pipe sizes under 4" may be insulated with hydraulic sening insulating cement. All thicknesses to be equal to that ofadjoining pipe covering. c. t I I T I l I t t b. 2. 3 T i I l t GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15250 - 4 t t t 1 I t I l I I 1 I c. Exposed fittings and valves shall be additionally finished with open-weave glass cloth fabric adhered between two flood coats of lagging adhesive. Lap glass fabric 2" onto adjacent pipe. In lieu of glass cloth embedded between two coats of mastic or adhesive. Certainteed "Snap Form" one-piece insulated fitting systems may be used. Covers shall overlap the adjoining pipe insulation and jackets. The covers shall be mechanically secured by serrated-shaft stainless steel tacks pushed into the overlapping throatjoint. 2.03 OUTDOOR PIPING flMeatherproofing irnishes for outdoor insulation) A. Piping: Apply 0.016" aluminum metal jacket with moisture barrier around pipe and slip around pipe and slip edge into preformed z-lock position to shed water. Butt next jacket section leaving approximately 3/8" gap. Place pretbrmed 2" butt strap with sealant over the seam and secure with 1/2" aluminum band and wing seal. B. Fittings: 1. Apply prefabricated metal fittings identical in composition to pipe jacketing. 2. Alternate: Apply a coat of weatherproof mastic by spray or trowel. Embed into wet coat a layer of glass cloth. Smooth membrane to avoid wrinkles and overlap all seams at least 2". Apply a second coat of same coating to entire surface. 2.04 BI.JRIED PIPING (\Meatherproofing fi nishes for buried insulation) Piping & Fitting: Insulate all buried piping and fittings in the same nxmner as described in above paragraphs with extruded polystyrene rigid insulation "Trymer" as manufactured by Dow Frost. Spiral wrap with "Mole" wrap 50% overlap. b. t I I T I t t GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15250 - 5 a' - )I pART 3.00--MEcHANICAL EOLIIPMENT INSLJLATIoNI I 3.01 Hor EQUIPMENT (uP To 4so'F) 11 (Air separators). - A. Product: Insulate all surfaces with CTM IB 200, 2 lbs./cu. ft. fiberglass insulation board a having a K value of 0.23 At 75 degrees F mean temperature. f B. Factory applied facing: Shall be all servicejacket (ASJ). A C. Irsulation thickness: Refer to tables at end of this section. I D. Appllcauon:I r l. Cut, score, or miter insulation to fit contour of equipment and secure with 1/2" x t 0.015" Galvanized steel bands or 16 gage galvanized wire on 12" centers weld pins or stick clips with washers may be used for flat surfaces and spaced 18" I apart. Stagger joints where possible and fill voids with irsulating cement.I I 2. Finish by one of the following: 11 a. Apply l" galvanized wire mesh over entire surface and hnish with npo coats of insulating cement troweled to a hard frnish. D b. Apply a smoothing coat of insulating cement. When dry, apply a coatingI :1ff';:3ilill,#1iiT"#l';1i,"ouF,l11llilT ,""Tff'#,T 3lH: Ll,r adhesive. I c. Insulate with factory applied all service jacket (ASJ) t'acing. Joints int factory applied facing shall be covered with 4" wide strips of same - material, cemented in Place. I il 3.02 COLD EQIIIPMENT (DOWN TO -20" F) I (Refrigerant equipment/air separators. )r- t A. Product: Insulate all surfaces with CTM IB 200, 2lbs./cu. Ft. fiberglass insulation board having a K value of 0.23 at 75 degrees F mean temperature.t GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15250 - 6 D l B. D. I t t I t I l t I I I I I I I I t t C. Factory applied facing: Shall be foil scrim kraft (FSK). Insulation thickness: Refer to tables at end of this section. Application: 1. Cut. score, or miter insulation to fit contour of equipment and secure with '/z" x 0.015 galvanized steel brands or, 16 gage galvanized wire on 12" centers or, with weld pins or, stick clips with washers spaced 18" apart. 2. Fill voids with insulating cement. Seal all joints, breala and punctures in facing with fre-retardant vapor barrier adhesive reinforced with 4" tape similar to that of tacing material. 3. Where appeariurce is a cornideration, and as noted on drawings, embed a layer of open-weave glass cloth into a wet coat of fire-retardant adhesive, overlapping seems at least 2". Apply finish coat of same adhesive. 3.03 OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT (Weatherproofing finishes for outdoor insulation. ) The exterior surfaces shall be coated as follows: Apply coat of weatherproof mastic and embed into wet tack coat a layer of open-weave glass cloth. Smooth membrane to avoid wrinkles and overlap all seems at least 2". Apply finish coat of same type mastic. The total thickness of coating shall be a minimum of 1/8". 3.04 PLI.]MBING EQI.IIPMENT All lavatory P-traps, supply valves, and exposed piping shall be insulated with preformed insulation when a part of handicapped installation or exposed. Preformed insulation shall snap in place without use of tape. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15250 -'l I I t t I PART 4.OO..DUCT INSULATION-TIIERMAL 4.OI DUCT LINING UP TO 4OOO FPM IN RECTANGULAR METAL DUCTS: (SIJPPLY, RET[JRN, EXHAUST, TRANSFER, AND OUTSIDE AIR) Product: All rectangular ducts shall be internally lined with Certainteed #150 Ultralite coated duct liner, 0.27 K value at 75oF mean temperature or Owens Corning "Aeroflex" unless noted otherwise on drawings. Insulation thickness: 1" unless otherwise noted on drawinps. Application: Coated duct liner shall be cut to assure overlapped and compressed longitudinal corner joints. Apply liner with coated surface facing the air stream and adhere with 100% coverage of flue-retardant adhesive. Coat all exposed leading edges and all transverse joints with fire-retardant adhesive. The liner shall be additionally secured with mechanical fasteners which shall compress the duct liner suflrciently to hold it frrnly in place as follows: Velocities to 2000 FPM: Fasteners shall start within 3" of the upsteam transverse edge of liner and 3 " from the longitudinal joints and shall be spaced at a maximum of 12" O.C. Around the perimeter of the duct, except that they may be a maximum of 12" from a corner break. Elsewhere they shall be a maximum of 18" O.C. Except that they shall be not more [han 6" from a longitudinal joint of liner nor 12" from a corner break. Coat all exposedjoints and edges oftransverse joints with a fire-retardant adhesive. Alternate application: Duct liner shall be installed in accordance with the duct liner standard of the Sheet Metal and Air Conditionins Contractors National Association. 4.02 DUCT WRAP INSTJLATION FOR ROI.JND SI.]PPLY DUCTWORK A. Product: Insulate all round supply and reftrn ductwork with Cerainteed sandard duct wrap (1 lb. density FSK facing) with a R value of 5.8 At 75 degrees F mean temperature, or Owens-Corning Fibergtass Type 100 commercial grade foil faced duct wrap. B. Insulation thickness: l-1/2" Unless otherwise noted on drawinqs. 1. 2. 3. B. C. l t T T I t t I t I t t I I GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15250 - 8 I I I I t I l I I I t t I I I T I t C, Application: Adhere insulation to duct with fire-retardant adhesive in sufficient quantiries to prevent sagging. Ducts with a width over 30" shall be further secured on the trnderside with mechanical fasteners on 18" maximum centers. Insulation shall be bufted with facing overlapping all joints at least 2" and sealed with fire-retardant vapor barrier adhesive. Seal all breaks and puncrures with vapor barrier tape and same fype of fire- retardant adhesive. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15250 - 9 I t I t t f, I t I str'*: t I I I I I I t '' TNSULATION THICKNESS TABLES'' HVAC PIPING MINIMUM THICKNBSS NOMINAL PIPE SIZE (INCIIE$III PLI.]MBING PIPING MINIMI.JM THICKNESS NOMINAL PIPE SIZE (INCIIES)oI Plumbing System Fluid Temp. F Runouts to 1" czl l-1/4" and below l-I12" to 2" 2-t12" to 4" Above 4" MINIMUM THICKNESS Cold Water ANY 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 Hot Water 100-130 1210-160 170-180 0.5 0.5 0.s 0.5 0.5 0.5 u.) 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 Horizontal Storm piping 1.0 1.0 1.5 I .ASTH.F GRAMSHAMMER *EST MAy 1998 15250 - l0I FLUID Temp. oF Runouts to 2"<zl t"& Below l-114" to 2-u2" to 4" Above Heating systems Heating water n0-2c0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 Radiant/ Snowmelt 80-140 0.5 1.0 i.0 1,5 1.5 THICKNESS TO PREVENT CONDENSATION Refrigerant or Brine Below 40 1.0 1.0 i.5 1.5 1.5 Condensate Drain 1.0 1.0 1.0 I I I t l I t TANKS & EOUIPMENT Service Temp. oF Minimum Thickness Hot surfaces- Indoor conditions up to 200 2', Hot surtaces Outdoor conditions up to 220 J Cold surfaces 40 to 60 2" Cold surfaces -20 to 39 J t Note (t)' ;3rXH* exposed to outdoor air and in mechanical rooms. increase thickness by I Note (z): Runouts not exceeding 12 feet in length to individual terminal units. t END oF sEcrroN t I I I t I t I GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15250 - III I r SECTION lS'tm--pLUMBING t PART T.OO-GEI{ERAL I 1.OI DESCRIPTION I A. Work included: The plumbing system required fbr this work includes, but is not necessarily limited to: I 1. An cotd water distribution. | 2. Domestic water heating distribution and recirculation. 3. All plumbin_e wastes and vents. 'l' 4. Floor drainage . I 5. Gas distribution sysrem. I 6. Roofand areadrainage 7. Utility services to and including taps ro mains. I B. All other plumbing items indicated on the drawings, specified herein, or needed for a -r complete and proper plumbing installation in accordance with all pertinent codes and I regulations. I r.oz euAlrry AssrrRANcE a SeeSection 15020. I t r.03 SIJBMITTALS See Section 15010.I 1.04 PROJECTCOMPLETIONIr See Section 15045. Ir GASTHOF GRAMSI{AMMER MAy 1998 15400 - I I t t I 1.0s WELDED PTPTNG See Section 15600.t PART 2.OO--PRODUCTSI . 2.OI PTPING - A. Soil, waste, vent and roof drainage piping: Under slab and to 5 l.f. beyond building t footprint: Irt 1. vlaterial: t T I t I I I t I I I a. Below grade: 2 inch size minimum, "Spun", standard weight cast iron mechanical slip joint pipe and fittings. Backfill with sand to 6 inch depth over pipe. b. Above grade: (1) 2" sizn and smaller: "No-Hub" service weight cast iron prpe an<t fittings, 4 inch maximum size. Alternate: Copper drainage nrbe Type DWV with cast brass solder joint drainage fittings. Use adapters at grade cormections to cast ircn pipe. (2) 2-l/2" sizr and larger: standard weight casr iron soil pipe and fittings, or "No-Hub" service weight cast iron pipe and fittings, 4 inch maximum size. 2. Joints: a. Mechanical: Slip fit with lubricant and compression tool, flex ring to conform to ASTM C-5&. b. Solder: 50/50 over fluxed pipe and frttings. c. No-Hub: Corrosion resistant clamp assembly over flex sealing sleeve conforming to ASTM C-564. 3. Before submitting any alternate materials, contractor must assure materials are code approved for this specific application and certifu in writing they have GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER MAY 1998 15400 - 2 B. C. D. I I I t I t I I I I I I T I t t I I I obtained approval and will guarantee code review acceptance or replace with specified material. Soil, waste, storm. and area drainage 5LF beyond building footprint or slab: l. Material: (Below grade only) 4 inch minimum size, standard weight cast iron with mechanical slip joinrs listed for underground applicarion as per paragraph aabove' PVC/DWV equivalent to local water and sanitation district standards. Piping routed under vehicie traffic areas must receive special attention to bedding in conformance with pipe manufacturer' s recommendations. 2. Joints: Mechanically or chemically fused points using approved mechanical joining methods or compatible glue/mastic per manufacturer's recommendations. Cold water-underground: 1. 2" S:vE and Smaller: a. Material: Type "K" soft drawn copper. b. Joints: Minimum number of brazed (lead free) ioints; ream to fuil diameter, apply flux to pipe end on pipe smaller than r-1/2' and to prpe and fittings on sizes over l-112,,, braze at g00of. Minimum. Altemate joining method: compression; flare pipe to inside diameter of compression nut with proper flaring tools. c. Fittings: Wrought copper or compression. 2. Over 2": Class 52 ductile iron or Class 22 cast iron mechanical joint. Either type to be installed in strict compliance with manufacturer's recommendations. Note thrust block bedding and backfill requirements in particular. See Section 15050, for backfill unless nored otherwise. Alternate: (5lf beyond building slab or footprint) nonmetallic piping with compatible joints equivalent to (and approved by) water district standards and specifications. Hot and cold water above ground l. Material: Type "L" hard drawn copper tubing. 2. Joints: ream to full diameter. apply flux to pipe on pipe smaller than l-1l2" and to pipe and fittings on sizes over l-112" . Use lead free solder (95-5 tiniantimony) or Silvabrite 100 (95.54-.5 tin-copper-silver) and appropriate heat. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER MAY 1998 15400 - 3 t I I I l t I l t T I T t I l I I t I 3. Fittings: 125 psi solder joint copper or brass tittings or adapters. Use insulating unions at all connections between steel. brass. bronze. iron. and copper pipe. E. Equipment drains: Material: Type "M" hard drawn copper with tee and removable plug at every change in direction. F. Narural gas piping: Material. coatings', identiflcation. joining and support method per requirements of local gas utility, and shall be in accordance with NFPA 54, latest edition. 1. ANSI-8106.9 welded fittings shall be used on all gas piping 2" and larger. 2. All underground gas piping should be machine wrapped with "Scotchrap" PVC tape using 50% overlap wrap minimum. Finings and joints shalt be double wrapped and extended 6" beyond fining. 2.02 VALVES AND PIPING SPECIALTIES: A. Valves: Shall be Apollo, Stockham, Nibco, Hammond or Jenkins, in accordance wirh the following schedule. except as otherwise noted: 1. Copper pipe: a. Gate valve: Not Permiued b. Globe valve: Brorze, W.O.G. Disc, rising stem, screwed bonnet, 125 lb. S.W.P., 200 LB. W.O.c., Nibco T-211-B. Equivalent valve manufacturer permined with prior approval only. c. Check valve: Bronze, W.O.G. renewable disc, 15 degree swing check, Wye pattern, Nibco S-413B or equivalent. d. Ball valve: All brass including ball, teflon seat, full porr, 150 lb. S.W.P., 600 lb. W.O.G., Nibco T-585-70 through l" or Apollo tull port through 2Vz" or equivalent. e. Butterfly/wafer: C.I. body, aluminum bronze disk, Buna Seat, l0 position locking handle, 150[b. W.P. 600Ib. W.O.c. f. Silent check valve: Nibco 5480 or Williams-Hager equivalent. 2. Ferrous pipe: (Prior Approval Required) GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER MAY 1998 15400,4 I I I I I I I l I I t t I I l I I t I a. b.Gate valve 2-112" and larger: Iron body rising stem, flanged (screwed optional to 3" W.O.G.. Nibco F-6174 or equivalent. c. Globe valve 2" and smaller: Bronze body renewable disc and seat. rising stem. union bonnet, 150 lb. S.W.P..300 lB. W.O.G.' Nibco T-235 or equivalent. d. Globe valve 2-112" and latger: Iron body bronze mounted, yoke top' rising stem, 125 lb. S.W.P., 200 lB. W'O.G., Nibco F-718-B or equivalent. e. Check valve 2" and smaller: Bronze body. swing check, 150 lb. S.W.P'. 300Ib. W.O.G., Nibco T433 or equivalent. f. Check valve 2-1t2" and larger: Iron body bronze mounted, swing check (screwed optional to 3" size), 125 lb. S.W'P., 200Ib. W'O.G., Nibco F- 918 or equivalent. 3. Refer to symbol legends on drawings for type of valve to be used. B. Piping specialties and accessories: l. Drainvalves: Crane No. 451 (1" For lines to 5', 2' for lines 6" andup). 2. Strainer: Cast bronze, Wye pattern, removable strainer, Conbraco 59 series (bronze) or Fl series (iron). Provide blow-off for each strainer piped to nearest floor drain. 3. Test well: Temperafirre and pressure test plug; Peterson Brand, Z Valve Core. Provide one bimetal dial thermometer 0 to 220 degree range and one l/4" N.P.T., with pressure gauge adapter. Provide one pressure gauge (0-100 psig). Thermometer probe to fit test Plug' 4. Pressure gauge: Trerice No. 500X, 4 l/2" dial, with Crane No. 88 Needle valve for each gauge. plus siphon for each steam gauge. Permanently mount gauges as indicated on drawings. 5. Thermometers: 9 inch scale, red mercury-filled column, expansion heads to protect against extreme heat, separable socket well, adjustable stems as required for ease in reading tiom floor. Trerice or appr<lved equivalent' GASTHOF GRAMSI{AMMER MAY 1998 15400 - s 6. A. B. C. t t I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I 2.03 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM General: Each fixture shall have a shut-ofT valve at the fixture adjusted to prevent excessive tlows. Supplies shall be brought fiom the wall wherever possible. Install all fixtures complete with all required water. wasre and vent connecdons, fittings, trim. supports, faucets, valves and traps. All exposed faucets, fittings, prpe, trim, escutcheons, etc. at fixtures shall be chrome-plated brass, unless otherwise noted or specified. All faucets shall have renewable units, seat and barrel. Fixrure list: Plumbing fixtures are specified on rhe drawings. See Section 15010 for substitutions and equipment list submittals. Equivalent fixtures by American Standard, Kohler. and Eljer do not require approval to bid. Pipe sizes: Install mains of the sizes shown on the drawings. piping connections to tlxtures (branches) shall be as follows, unless otherwise nored: FIXTT]RE SOIL/WASTE VENT TRAP HOT COLD Service sink J 2u 3/+ " Water closet, F.V, 4',2"1" Water closet, F.T. /ltl+2', Lavs 2"I Vz"I t/2" Urinals, F.V.2"I Vz"2" Bathtubs & showers 2"I th"z',ta'%" Kitchen sinks with dishwasher 2u I t/2"2','/4 34" Drinking fountain I t/2"I Vz"I t/2"'/2 D. Plumbing accessories: Equivalent accessories by Josam, Zurn, Wade and Smith do not require approval to bid. L Cleanouts: GASTIIOF GRAMSHAMMER MAY 1998 15400 - 6 I I I I I I I l I I I t I I l t I t I a. Provide screwed brass cleanouts in all horizontal piping below floors ar intervals not to exceed 100 feet, as indicated on drawings: as required by code. b. Provide cleanout at base of each vertical soil. waste, vent or rainwater stack. Cleanout with polished brass cover tlush to surface. Use Zurn No. Z-1469 cover for walls and Zurn No. Z_I455 cover for floors. 2. Shock absorbers: Zurn Shoktrol Series 1700. size and location as recommended by manufacnrrer and pDI Standard WH-201. 3. Floor drains: Unless otherwise noted, Zurn No. 415 coated cast iron floor drain,two piece body, bottom outlet inside caulk connection, adjustable nickel-bronze round super-flo strainer, except tile floors use square strainer. 4. Area drain: As noted on drawings. 5. Wall hydrants: Automatic draining, freezeless type, Woodford Model 65 or equal by Zum. 6' Any venting device requiring a moving or displacing component is expressly prohibired. 2.04 ACCESS PLATES Access plates shall be prime+oated steel for painted walls and shall be equipped withallen key locking device. All other access plates and panels shall be approved byArchitect prior to installation. 2.05 OTIIER MATERIALS All other materials, not specifically described, but required for a complete and proper insallation, shall be new, first quality for their respective kinds, subject to ttre upprovj of the Architect, and included in the base conrracr. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER MAY 1998 15400 - 7 I I I t t I I t I I I I I I l I I I I a. Provide screwed brass cleanouts in all horizontal piping below floors at intervals not to exceed 100 feet, as indicated on drawings: as requirecl by code. b' Provide cleanout at base of each vertical soil, waste, vent or rainwater stack. Cleanout with polished brass cover tlush to surface. Use Zurn No. Z-1469 cover for walls and Zurn No. 2_1455 cover for floors. 2. Shock absorbers: Zurn Shoktrol Series 1700. size and location as recommended by manufacrurer and pDI Sandard WH_201. 3. Floor drains: Unless otherwise noted, Zurn No. 415 coated cast iron floor drain. two piece body, bottom outlet inside caulk connection, adjustable nickel-bronze round super-flo strainer, except tile floors use square strainer. 4. Area drain: As noted on drawings. 5. Wall hydrants: Automatic draining, freezeless rype, Woodford Model 65 or equal by Zurn. 6. Any venting device requiring a moving or displacing component is expressly prohibited. 2.04 ACCESS PLATES Access plates shall be primetoated steel for painted walls and shall be equipped withallen key locking device. All other access plates and panels shall be apirovea ty Architect prior to installation. 2.05 OTIIER MATERIALS All other materials, not specifically described, but required for a complete and proper installation, shall be new, first quality for their respective kinds, subject to ttre approvai ot the Architect, and included in the base contract. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER MAY 1998 15400 - 7 t I PART 3.OO--EXECUTIONI 3.01 QUALTTY ASSURANCE I See Section l5o2o. I} 3.02 PLTJMBING SYSTEM LAYOUT I A. General: I 1' Layout the plumbing system in careful coordination with the drawings,r l'fiffiilT"tfffflilLxT"T:Jf:T::,ffiff:,}'#:::#il.,i',ffi';-; | 2' Follow the general layout shown on the drawings in all cases excepr as required tocoordinate available space with other trades. I B' Enclosure of pipes: Except where specifically permitted by the Architecr, layout a1 pipesto fall within partition, ceiling, or roof cavities. Furring other than that shown on the t drawings is noi permitted wittrout prior Archite*urar approval. I C. Freeze protection: Drawings are diagrammatic. Route piping to avoid freeze up. Refer I also to Sections 15045 and 15050. I 3.03 TRENcHTNG AND BAcKFTLLTNG: I Perform all trenching and backfilling associated with rhe plumbing installation in strictt accordance with all pertinent provisions of Division 2 of theie speciications. I 3.04 INSTALLATION OF PIPING AND EQUIPMENT I A. General: I I' Install all piping to constant slope or generally level and plumb as required by I ;Tff. -o herein, free from traps, and in a manner ro conserve space for orher I 2. Provide uniform pitch of at least 1/4 inch per foot for 3,, and smaller, lig,, per foot fbr 4'' and rarger for all horizontal waste, soil, and roof drainage piping I within the building when approved hy rhe local authoriry; pitch all venrs for GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER MAy 1998 15400 _ 8I t I I I I I T I I I I I I I t t I I I proper drainage; install vent piping with each bend 45 degrees minimum from the horizontal wherever structural conditions will permit. 3' Cushion all traps and bearing points to minimize transfer of sound: provide complete isolation of dissimilar nretals with dielectric unions; anchor piping anO install expansion guides to provide fbr uniform thermal movement of pipe *ithout excessive sress or noise and to protect system integrity from excesslvl pr"r*.. and water hammer. 4. Inspect each piece of plpe, tubing, finings and equipment for defec$ andobstructions; promptry remove all defective material from the job site. 5. Install pipes to clear all beams and obstructions; do not cut into or reduce the sizeof load carrying members without the approvar of the Architect. 6' Installation of plumbing fixtures designated accessible to persons wirh disabilities shall comply with local ADA requirements. B. Joints and connections: 1' Smoothly ream all cut pipe; cut all threads straight and true; apply best qualityteflon tape to male pipe threads; use graphite on all cleanout plugJ. 2' Compression-type neoprene joints for waste piping are prefened as specified herein. 3' Make all joints in copper tube with solder applied in strict accordance with themanufacturer's recommendations. Silver solder @razed) joints on all below grade copper piping. use lead free sorder on ail potable water piping systems. 3.05 BLIILDING SANITARY AND sroRM sEwER (Beyond 5 ft. outside building). A' General: To be constructed in accordance with these specifrcations and drawings andwith minimum requirements of the [AppROPRIATE ] Disirict. B. Geological conditions: 1' Soil test borings have been prepared. Bidders may review the report on file in the Architect's office. 2. Bidders must assume all responsibility for deductions and conclusions which thev make as to the nature of the materials to be excavated for sewer line construction. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER IUAY 1998 15400 - 9 I II C. Cleanouts: Provide cleanouts at 100 foot intervals. Provide heavy duty cast iron tractor I cover set in two foot square x 6 inch deep concrete pad when not in paved surface- The f "y" in the line and vertical riser to be standard weight C.l, Pipe. Cleanouts in pipe over _ 4" in size may be 4". It D. Flushing and Cleaning: Flush and clean sewer lincs and remove water and debris before tlnal connection into the existing sewer is made. ' E. Location: Where the locarion of the sanitary sewer line is not clearly defined by I dimensions on the drawings, the sewer shall not be closer than ten feet (10') horizontally I from warer supply mains or service lines, except that if the top of the sewer line is three feet or more below the bottom of the water line, the sewer line may be placed no closer I than six feet (6') horizontallY.r F. Crossing Water Lines: Where the sanitary or stonn sewer line crosses above or within t three fbet below a water line. the sewer line shall be constructed of standard weight cast I iron or Class 52 ductile iron and no joint in the sewer line shall be within TEN feet horizontallv of the water line. r G. Rock Bedding: When unstable soil conditions are encountered at the sewer grade, or when the excavation is through solid shale, slate, sandstone or other hard material, place I the pipe on a bed of crushed rock or gravel in accordance with the manufacturer'sr recommendations. The location and depth of rock bedding will be as directed by the - consulting Mechanical Engineer and the pipe manufacnrrer. I ,. 3.06 FLASHING I A. Flash each vent and stack through roof with 24" square, 4 lb./s.f. sheet lead flashing I nrrned up around pipe and caulked into hub or approved equivalent method. :B. Flash roof drains with 36" square, 4 lbis.f. sheet lead, or chlorinated polyethylene factory I hminated to 15 lb. felt. Clamp flashing into roof drain with roofing. ! C. Alterrxate: Flashing materials and methods in strict compliance with roofing membrane I manufacturer's details and instructions. Prior approval required.I I 3.07 WArER SERVICE I A. Furnish water service from the main or fire main. Provide approved compound meter, t valves and bypass installation in accordance with the governing agency regulations. I B. Run all domestic water lines on the site as shown on the drawings. t GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER MAY 1998 15400 - 10 I I t I I C. Provide concrete thrust blocks and anchoring at connection to the main and at all turns a and valves. Provide valves with cast iron valve box, extension top and cover marked with letter "W".II 3.08 GAS PIPING - A. Provide all labor and material required for installation of gas supply system. I B. Provide distribution system including mains, branches, shut-offs, unions, other devices and fittings and connect to all equipment. Grade horizontal piping minimum of 1/4' in 15 I feet toward low points. Provide drips at low points with tee, nipple, valve and cap. I C. Use reducing httings where pipes are reduced in size. On horizontal runs, use eccentric I reducing fittings and take all branches from top or side of pipe. I D. Ground gas piping electrically and continuously and bond tightly to grounding connection I in accordance with NEC and NFPA requirements.I E. The entire hstallation shall meet all requirements of the Gas Company and any local I agency having jurisdiction. Installation shall be in accordance with NFPA aDd ber inspected and approved by the Gas Company. ! 3.09 CLEANING See Section 15050. . I 3.10 srERrLrzATroN oF prpEs I See Section 15050. I 3.11 cLosrNG rN T.INTNSrECTED woRK I See Section 15045. I - 3.LZ TESTING I See Sections 15M2 and 15043 I ND oF sECrroN GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER MAY 1998 I54OO - 11 I I t SECTION T56OO-TIEAT GENERATION I PART I.OO..GENERAL I r.or DESCRTPTT'N I A. Work included: The heat generation systems required for this work may include, but are- not necessarily limited to: t l. Hot warer and heating warer generarion boilers. - 2. Radiant floor heating systems. r 3. Snowmelt systems. I 4. All other items indicated on the drawings, specified herein, or neded for a complete and proper heating installation in accordance with all pertinent codes and I regulations. B. Related work described elsewhere:Ir 1. Plumbing: Section 15400 I 2. ksulation: Section 15250 I 1.02 euALrrY ASsuRANcE r See Section 15020. I I 1.03 ST,JBMTTTAT,S See Section 15010.I I I I I 1.04 PROJECTCOMPLETION See Section 15045. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15600-r I I PART 2.00--PROpUCTS . 2.OI BOILER I A. Furnish and install a boiler as specified and shown on the mechanical drawings. B. Boiler system shall be furnished with electric controls as shown and with an ASME P & I T relief valve discharging full size to floor drain from each boiler and storage tank. I C. Details, trim and equipment for boiler as follows: I l. Burners shall be for nanral gas operation.I z iltl,TJf:'"'J":J::J,:r*:*T^:#ffi,y$'::t 'il"".:lT::';ry,i#';Tf t condition. 3. Combinationpressure/temperature/altirudegauge. t 4. Observation ports. I 5. Operating and safety high limit aquastat controls set at 205'F,I 6. Built-in air eliminators. I- 7. McDonnel Miller 51-5-2 low water cutoff wired into burner circuit. Manual reset I for low water condition and automatic reset after power failure. 8. Control transformer if required. I g. UL gas train. I 10. Properly sized gas orifice for actual conditions based upon CO measurement inf boiler vent during startup I D. Totally enclosed, remote mounted, pre-wired control panel containing electronic detectionir and safeguard controls with pre-purge and post-purge programming, four (4) second fuel - cut-off, [direct spark ignition] and all other combustion, operating and safery controls I necessary for compliance with UL and local utility requirements. Panel shall include alarm bell with silencing switch and lights indicating POWER ON, FUEL ON, and I FLAME FAILURE. t I cAsrHoF GRAMSHAMMER *EST MAy 1998 15600-2 I t I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I E. The boiler-burner unit manufacturer shall perform the following services when requested by the contractor: 1. Furnish all necessary piping and wiring diagrams 2. Installation inspection of boiler-burner unit prior ro stan-up. 3. Perfbrm start-up service on unit, including such adjustments as may be required and complete efficiency tests of completed unit. 4. Instruct Owner in proper operation of unir. 5. Supply Owner with four (4) complete instruction manuals. 6, Provide one (1) year free service from date of acceptance by Owner and guarantee all equipment furnished for same period. Normal maintenance such as oiling and cleaning shall be performed by Owner during this period. F. Installation shall meet requirements of all governing and controlling agencies. G. The Electrical Contractor shall provide a single power connection to the boiler-burner unit. The Mechanical Contractor is responsible for and shall provide all other wiring required for proper operation of burner and associated controls and shall provide all wiring in accordance with wiring diagrams furnished by boiler-burner unit manufactrrer. H. The boiler-burner manufacturer is solely responsible to the Owner for proper installation operation and service of the boiler-burner unit as previously described and the Mechanical Contractor and Owner shall deal with no one but the boiler manufacturer in these respects. 2.02 RADIANT FLOOR SYSTEMS A. Furnish and install all labor, materials, equipment, and services required for a hydronic radiant floor heating system where indicated on drawings. B. Components of the buried tubing system shall be provided by one manufacturer, including: tube, fittings, manifolds, and other ancillary items required for a complete installation, as manufactured by Wirsbo Company, or approved equivalent. C. Tube shall carry a twenty-five year non-prorated warranty against failure due to defect in material and workmanship. Manifolds and other ancillary components shall be warranted for eiehteen months from date of installation. GASTHOF GRAMSFIAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15600-3 2. J. l. 2. D. E. F. G. I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I Tube: |.'lube shall be Cross-Linked Polyethylene. rated at 180oF maximum working temperarure, and 100 PSI working pressure. The nrbe shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM standard Specificarion F 876. as manufactured by Wirsbo Company or approved equal. The rube shall be of cross-linked polyethylene manufactured by the 'Engel method". The tube shall have an oxygen diffusion barrier capable of limiting oxygen diffusion though the rube ro no greater than .10 GlM3lday @ l04oF water temperature. The tube dimensions shall be: [5/8" nominal irnide diameter (3/4" ouside diameter), in accordance with ASTM Standard specification, as above,l or fll}" nominal inside diameter (5/8" ourside diameter), in accordance with ASTM standard specification, as above. ] 4. The minimum bend radius for cold bending of the tube shall not be less than six (6) times the outside diameter. Bends with a radius less than stated shall reouire the use ofa bend support as supplied by the tube manufacturer. 5. The maximum tube run on anv zone shall be 200 ft. Manifolds: Manifolds shall be of cast brass construction, manufactured of alloys to Prevent dezincification, and shall have integral circuit balancing valves. Manifolds shall be able to vent air from the system, and shall be provided with support brackets and ftbe bend supports. Manifolds shall be isolated from supply and return tubing with valves that are suitable for isolation and balancing. Finings: Fittings shall be manufactured of dezincification resistant brass. These fittings must be supplied by the tube manufacrurer. The fitting shall consist of a barbed inserr, a compression ring, and a compression nut. Supply and return piping to manifolds: Piping shall be metal pipe or cross-linked polyethylene tube with an integral oxygen diffrrsion barrier. Cross-linked polyethylene tube should only be used when specifically approved by the local building inspector for supply and return piping applications. Fitting shall be compatible to the piping material used. Fittings used with the cross-linked polyethylene rube shall not permit excessive oxygen permeation. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 156004 I I 2.03 SNOWMELT SYSTEMS t A. Snowmelt system shall have the same requirements as radiant tloor systems, provided the zone requires no more than 200 ft. runs. If greater than 200 ft. runs are required, the t following may be subsriruted: I 1. Tube: Tube shall be Wirsbo hePEX cross-linked polyethylene, rated at l80oF t maximum working temperature and 55 psi working pressure, as manufactured by wirsbo company or approved equal. Tubing dimension shall be 7/g" nominal I inside diameter (3i4"outside diameter). 2. Manifolds: Manifolds shall be of cast bronze as manufactured by Winbo. I 3. Fittings: Fittings shall be manufactured of compatible metal. I 4 i;i5llffiU',TJLl"ffiJ:#T.,';il:,",#:*:?riJJ'i;:x?!,yJJ;f;,il1 building. I 5. Mechanical equipment, tube, valves and fittings: All materials, equipment, tube, I valves and fittings in contact with the system circulating water shall be of non- I ferrous material. I PARr 3.oo--",*C'rroN t 3.01 'TJRFA.E coNDrrroNs I See Section 15020. | 3.02 sYSTEM LAyour See Section 15050. I I 3.03 TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING I See Section 15050. I I cASTr{oF GRAMSHAMMER wEsr MAy 1998 rs600-s I I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I A. B. 3.M BOILER C. Boilers shall be installed as shown on plans. level and plumb with adjacenr walls. Water side "boiling-out", flushing and cleaning shall be performed by the Mechanical Contractor in accordance with the recommendations of the boiler manufacturer. (The contractor shall furnish all chemicals required for "boiling-out".) Equipment and installation under this Section shall meet the requirements of the Division of Boilers, Department of Public Safety. State of Colorado and all other governing bodies. The Mechanical Contractor shall request, obtain and pay for certificates of inspection of completed irstallations by The Division of Boilers, Deparfinenr of Public Safety, State of Colorado, and The Owner's insuring agency. The Mechanical Contractor shall also comply with the results of their findings at no additional cost. 3.05 ASSOCIATED PIPING A. General: 1.All connecting piping to equipment shall be insra[ed in boiler room to provide adequate head clearance under piping and room around equipmenr for service. Piping in ceiling spaces shall be installed in coordination with all other trades. All piping in heating water syster$ shall be installed to rise uniformly in the direction of the flow and at every change in elevation provide accessible manual air vents at the high points. Refer also to Section 15050. 3.06 INSTALLATION OF SNOWMELT PIPING SYSTEM A. Hydronic radiant snowmelt system shall be installed similar to the radiant floor piping system with the following exceptions: 1. The tubing system shall be pressure tested with water or air, in accordance with applicable code, or to a pressure of 40 psig 24 hours prior to encasement in the radiant panel. The system shall remain at this pressure during the panel installation, and for a minimum of 24 hours thereafter to insure system integrity. The contractor shall be responsible for providing the water as required. D. 2. J. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 rs600-6 I | 2' The installing contractor shall be responsible for taking the appropriate measures I to protect any fluid in the piping system tiom freezing with the use of a 50To t mixture of Dowtherm propylene glycol as a freeze protecting agent. I 3.07 cLosrNG rN rrNrNSpEcrED woRK I See Section 15045. I 3.08 rEsrrNG I See Sections l5M2 and 15043. I 3.0e CLEANTNG See Secrion 15050. I END oF sECrroN I I I t I I I I I .ASTH.F .RAMSHAMMER *EST MAy re98 15600-? I I I SECTION 15650--rMC EQUTPMENT I PART T.OO--GENERALt 1.OI DESCRIFTION I A. Work included: The HVAC equipment required tbr this work may include, but is not I necessarily limited to: Fan coil units, fans, and other related equipment. B. Related work described elsewhere: t 1. Insulation: Section 15250 I 2. Air Disrribution: Section 15800 3. Controls and Instrumentation:Section 15900I I r.02 QUALTTY ASSrJ'RANCE I See Section 15020 1.03 STJBMITTALS I I t I t I See Section 15010. Units specified on the drawings establish the minimum standards required in materials, finishes, methods of access, assembly, type of components and features and benefits. The engineer's evaluation of alternates is final and will include judgment of adequacy of availability and skill of service technicians and proximity of critical parts. 1.04 PROJECTCOMPLETION See Section 15045 I I GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15650 - 1 I I PART 2.OO-.PRODUCTS r 2.05 FAN COIL TJNITS I A. Furnish and install fan coil units as specified on the mechanical drawings. I B. Fan coil unit shall be furnished with tactory mounted elecric.t C. Unit performance shall be certified in accordance with Air Conditioning and Refrigeration I Instirute (ARI) standard 441. D. Units shall include DX coil, heating water coil (where called for), drain pan, auxilury I drain pan, fan(s), fan housing(s), motor, and thermal insulation. I z.a6 FANS I A. Furnish and install fans as specified on the mechanical drawings. - B. Fans shall be furnished with factory mounted electric controls. I C. Fans shall be turnished with motor, automatic backdraft damper (where applicable), ard factory wired disconnect switch, v-belt drive (where applicable), and safety guard (where I applicable). D. Fan bearings shall be self-aligning type ball bearings. Bearings shall be heavy duty type I for an average 110 life of 200,000 hours at oesign operating conditions, in accordarrcer with ANSI Code 8-3.15. I E. Centrifugal curb mounted fans shall have all aluminum construction and shall have- weatherproof cover over motor and drive assembly and motor swirch. Fans shall have a I bird screen and a factory fabricated aluminum base with cants and curb counter flashing I as required for a watertight installation. Curb shall have sheet metal closure on inside perimeter to completely cover iruulation. I PART 3.OO-E}GCUTION I 3.01 SI.JRFACECONDITIONS r See Section 15020. r GASTI{OF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15650 - 2 I I I 3.02 SYSTEM LAYOUT I See Secrion 15050. T 3.03 INSTALLATI'N oF EQUIPMENT AND AssoCIATED PIPING I A. General: I l. Air conditioning equipment and fans shall be installed as shown on plans, level I H*#HU"X* adjacent walls, in accordance with manufacrurer's t 2 *lf:TTl:,l;r1lJid'l,i,il",:'"r',.,:ilrHffif"ffTJl.,:ff";lffix; I ceiling space shall be installed in coordination with all other uades. 3. Refer also to Section 15050. I 4. Refer also to Section 15600. I 3.04 cr,osrNc rN r.JNrNspEcrED woRK I See Section 15045. I 3.os rEsrrNG I See Sections l5M2 and 15043. I 3.06 CLEANTNG See Section 15050.I I END oF sECrroN I I GASTI{OF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15650 - 3 I I I sEcTroN rszoo--rrvAc prprNc PART T.M-GENERAL - l.0t DESCRIPTION I A' work included: The HVAC piping systems required tbr this work may include, bur arenot necessarily limited to: I t. Hearing water piping. I 2. Condenser water piping. 3. Condensate piping. I 4. Associared valves and fiuings. I B. Related work described elsewhere: l. Heat Generation: Section 15600 I Z. HVAC Equipment: Section 15650I I.O2 QUALITY ASSURANCE I See Secrion 15020. I r.o3 srJBMrrrALS I See Section 15010. I Lo4 pRoJEcr coMplErroN I See Section 15045. I I cAsrHoF GRAM'HAMMER MAy r9e8 1s700 _ r I (2) b. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I PART 2.OO_PRODUCTS 2.OI PIPING MATERIALS A. Piping materials: 1, Low pressure (124 psi and less) Low temperarure (249"F and less) Contractor's option, either steel or copper for water pipe as outlined below. All fittings to be long radius pattern. a. Ste€l pipe: (1) Heating water. condenser water over 4" in size, chilled water, and low pressure steam piping; schedule 40, black iron and/or steel, butt weld ASTM-A-53. (3) (4) Copper pipe : (1) Heating water piping, chilled water piping and condenser warer piping; Type "K" copper with wrought copper fittings and l100oF solder for all buried lines. For nonburied lines; Type "M" copper with wrought copper fittings and 95-5 solder. Where copper pipe is joined to brass. other dissimilar metal, use 1100"F solder. Condenser water piping 4" and less; Schedule 40, galvanized steel piping with 150 lb. galvanized, malleable iron, screwed htrings. Condensate piping; schedule 80, black steel, butt weld, ASTM-A- 53. Fittings on exposed pipe 2" and under may be 125 lb. Cast iron screwed, or for any water lines, 150 lb, Malleable iron screwed. Fittings on concealed pipe, use forged steel, standard weight, bun weld or socket welded. Fittings on pipe 2-112" ard. over, use forged steel, standard weight, butt weld. Where flanging to valves equipment, etc., Use 150 lb. Forged steel flanges or 125 lb. Cast iron flanges. For branch lines on welded installation welding tees, thread-o-lets or weld-olets shall be used. No snrb-in branches will be approved. GASI'I]OF GRAMSHAMMER MAY 1998 15700 - 2 a. b. c. d. e. B. I T I I t T t I t I t I T I I I I I I (2) Drain pan piping; Type "M" copper with wrought copper finings and 95-5 solder on all lines not buried. Type "L" copper with wrought copper fittings and 95-5 solder for all buried lines. (3) Refrigeration piping: Type "L", ACR grade copper. cleaned. dehydrated and capped at the factory. Use wrought copper httings and having a minimum melting point of ll00"F for buried lines. 95-5 solder for non-buried lines. Valves and specialties shall be standard brass or bronze valves for refriseration service. Valve and specialty schedule: 1. Steel, [.ow Preszure (124 psi and less) [.ow Temperanrc (249'F and less) Gate valves: Class 125, 200 lb. W.O.G. bronze sqrewed. or iron body, brorze mounted, flanged. Stockham G-612 NRS or G{23 O.A.E. Butterfly Valves; 150 PSI W.P. For 250oF service, positive tight shut off for flow in either direction. Provide lever handle for sizes through 6", totally enclosed gear acnntor 8' and larger. Full lug iron body to permit retention of valve to one flange only. Rigid back, field replaceable resilient seat and bronze or welded nickel edge disc. Extended neck to allow for 2" of insulation when used in insulated lines. Dezurik 632 | or approved equivalent. Plug Valves: 175 lb. W.O.G., 150 psi W.P. For 250oF service. Eccentric, positive tight shut off valve with permanently lubricated stem bearing surfaces in upper and lower journals. Provide adjustable position stop for all valves used in balancing service. I-ever achrated on sizes 5"-8" where pressures do not exceed 100 psi. Gear actuated on higher pressures and on all sizes l0' and larger. Gears to have adjustable position stop. 1i2" Through 4"; Dezurik figure #435. 5" and larger; Dezurik hgure #118, Hornestead Industries series 1500 series or equivalent. Globe Valves: class 150,300Ib. W.O.G. Brorze screwed, orclass 125,200lb. W.O.G. Iron flanged. Stockham G-512 (iron). Check Valves: Class 150, W.O.G. bronze swing check with regrinding seat. Stockham GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER MAY 1998 15700 - 3 r '- Irr B-321. or iron noiseless check valve for pump discharges. fJ 2. Copper. Low Pressure (124 psiand less) Low Temperature (249"F and less) r a. Ball valves: Full port, 600 lb. steam rated @ 150 psi. Apollo 77-ICfJ,nW r series O.A.E.r al 3il:,TffiJ3l,:i;:;:J'r;HTi,liil"# ',' J b. Butterfly valves: Locking handle, flanged or sardwich style, class I25, 2N lb. W.O.G, 3 bronze. I b2. Globe valves (Do not use without prior approval.): Class 150. 200 lb. W.O.G. bronze. solder ends. -It c. Check valves (silent type): - Class 125. 200Ib. W.O.G. bronze. solder ends. - d. Balancing valves:r f.1,ffi;J,l;"T1,,1'$X1,?"i,';,i'*'Jli::,f,":',Tlli"l;'$,,t3ffi1 -', Setter Plus or approved equivalent. I e. Flo-Control Valve: Taco Flo-Chek or approved equivalent. I I f. Unions: 300 lb. W.O.G. brorze with solder ends or 125 lb. cast iron flanged union. -,'t g. Strainers: tr 250 lb. bronze "y" type, soldered ends with stainless steel screen orI flanged with brass screen. I h. Pressure gauges: - 4-112" ditl, bronze bourdoh tube. Pressure ranges as required. Brass I lever handled cock and pigtail. Trerice 600 or approved equivalent. r i. Press.-Temp. Taps: I Peterson Brand, Z Valve Core or approved equivalent. I j. Thermometers: r GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER MAY 1998 I57OO - 4 II t I I I T I 2. I t I I I I I I I I I Multi-angle with separable socket, red reading mercury. Trerice B x 9 or approved equivalent. PART 3.OO--EXECTJTION 3.01 SURFACECONDITIONS: See Section 15020. 3.02 SYSTEM LAYOUT: See Section 15050. 3.03 TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING: See Section 15050. 3.(X PIPEWORK A. Piping: l. Grade and valve all heating and chilled water piping systems with 3/4" hose end valves to permit complete drairnge of the system. All high points in equipment rooms shall be vented with automatic air vents piped to convenient drain. All high points in system outside of equipment rooms ro be vented with combination automatic/manual air vents to relieve air in the system. Grade and trap all steam and condensate piprng to permit complete drainage of the system. Grade all mains in direction of flow and grade all runouts to pitch to main at minimum pitch of 1" in 20 feet, or as specifically shown for condensate removal. Trap all steam risers and ends of mains. All buried pipe to be insulated as per insulation section of these specifications. All buried pipe shall be surrounded by 4" clean sand. valve off each individual piece of radiation or equipment with valve for shut off service on supply, valve for balancing and shut off service on return. 3. 4. t I GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER MAY 1998 15700 - 5 2. 4. 5. 6. I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I 5. Welded piping: Piping shall comply with provisions of the larest revision of rhe sections of the ASME code for pressure piping. 6. Boiler external piping shall comply with the latest revision of Section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. ANSVASME BPV-I Power Boilers. a. Befbre welding is performed. the contractor shall submit to the owner. or their authorized representativc. a copy of welding procedure specification together with the procedure qualification record as required by Section IX of the ASME Boiler and pressure Vessel Code. b. The types and extent of non-destructive examinations required for prpe welds are as shown in Table 136.4 of the ASME Code for Pressure Piping, ANSI/ASME B3r.l-power piping. If requirements for non- destructive examination, and basis for rejection shall be matter of prior wrltten agreement between the fabricator. or contractor and the purchaser. c. Each manufacturer or contractor shall be responsible for the quality of welding done by their organization and shall repair or replace any work not in accordance with these specifications. B. Valves and Specialties. AII services except high pressure steam (125 psig and above) or high temperature hot water (250'F and above). 1' Gate valves, ball or butterfly valves may be used on all water services for shut off service. circuit setrers shall be used for balancing service on all lines serving the heating equipment. Globe valves, where shown, are the only suitable valve. check valves on all base mounted pump discharges are to be "noiseless check valves", other check valves to be horizontal swing check valves. unions or flanges are to be used wherever necessary and in piping at all equipment so that piping may be conveniently broken and moved to facilitate equipment maintenance. Dielectric unions are to be used at all connections where ferrous material is connected to non-ferrous material and where ferrous material is connected to domestic water piping. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER MAY 1998 15700 - 6 l I I t I I 7. Pressure gauges and pressure-temperature taps are to be used wherever shown on drawings. Gauges and taps shall be installed in pipe inunediately before and after equrpment with no valve or fining between gau-qe or tap and equipment. Taps shall be located in an accessible position. 8. Thermometers or pressure- temperature taps are to be used on each side of each piece of equipment where a change in temperature takes place. This does not include distribution equipment located in finished rooms such as radiation. C. Valving of branches: Valve all lines except drain pan piping before they leave the basement, crawl space or trench. t 3.0s FLUsHTNG oF rmArrNc wATER sysrEMS I A. General: Flush and test entire system piping prior to installation of any covering f maerial. When required by construction sequence, portions of systems may be separately tested. Written verification of testing to be signed by project supervisor andI submitted to Architect. I B. Flushing: thoroughly clean and flush heating water systems with heated tri-sodiumI phosphate solurion.I C. Additives: No additives of any type shall be introduced into the system without prior I approval. Propylene glycol shall be "Dowfrost" inhibired type and solution shall testr 40% plus or minus 37o after 96 hours of continuous circulation. No cbromate solution A shall be introduced. A permanent sign shall be conspicuously mounted in the boiler room I stating that the systems requires 40Vo g|ycol solution at all times, requires annual inhibitor check, and that no additives including chromate solutions are to be added.I 3.ffi CLOSING IN LININSPECTED WORK t See Section 15045. I 3.U7 TESTING See Sections 15042 and 15043. rlI 3.08 CLEANINGI l See Section 15050. I GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER MAy 1998 15700 _ 7 I I t I SECTION Is8OO--AIR DISTRIBUTION I PART I.OO--GENERALI I.OI DESCRIPTTON - A. Work included: The air distribution system required for this work includes, but is not,- necessarily limited to: r l. Ductwork. I z. Flexibte ductwork. I 3. ?jT;accessories: Dampers. gravity back draft dampers. fire dampers, rurning | 4. Grilles, regisrers and diftusers. - 5. All other air distribution items indicated on the drawings, specihed herein, or | ;:ffi:":iT.:"#rT:ffi1#:per mechanicar instauation in accordance with an I B. Related work described elsewhere: - Insulation: Section 15250 t I r.w QUALTTY ASST.TRANCE See Section 15020.l 1.03 SI.JBMITTAI,S t- See Section 15010. 1.04 PROJECTCOMPLETION I See Section 15045. t I GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY i998 15800-l l I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I PART 2.OO-PRODUCTS 2.OI DUCTWORK A. Material: 1' Low verociry/pressure ductwork: (Less than 2000 lbm/2" w.g. static pressure.) a' Rigid duct material: Zinc-coated sheet steel of thicknesses risted inASHRAE guide and data book, r"*i.olii*-*0"* * srandard G_land Section 6 of tlre UMC. Factory made air ducts shall be UMC Class I. b' FIex duct maFrial: Acoustically insulated flexible duct consisting of innercore of uo pry poryester over carbon steel helix duct, 1" thick 3/4 lbdensiry insurarion and air tight vapor brrt;;;.o; ,,Kn factor of 0.2g at75"F' The flexible duct mirst n.."gn.ou"o ry tri.'"o0, authority for thespecific application and uL listeo ior nu*r'rpi"la", ,mor" development ilil:*r"r chara'erisrics. Duct r"";,;;-,hJ;;"*ing insertion ross in Ocave band DS Z5O kuertion loss 2.7 Z-7 500 1000 2000 ,10002.3 2.8 3.2 2.5 Flexible Technologies, Technoflex Type WG or approved equivalent. c' workmanship: In addition to the requirements specified in Section 15010: (l) Joints: y1?t ,_. rn"ql stip.joints (round duct) shalt not be usedwithout OTr*Tl_l*"1 of ^the engineer. When approved, jointssha' have minimum of one metar screw per 10" of circurnferenceand sha' be taped. At other metar joints .r,"ri u" p". al'rrvr .naSMACNA standards. loints on exposed ductwork shall have nosharp corners or edges. ,,Duct mate,, joints are an approueOjoining method. Joinrs at or near o";idu,c;;;r#,#ri # seareoabsolurely air tight. Q) Duct layout: Metal duct sha' be used for all fittings and ductwork. (3) Sandards: ASHRAE and SMACNA. Manuals and associatedliterarure available for reference at Engineer,s office. (Note CASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15800-2 l I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B particularly Uniform Mechanical Code specificatiorn for range hood ductwork based on class of hood.) (4) Flex duct shall be supported from structure adequately to avoid unnecessary bends or sags. Minimum I l/2" bands shall be used (wire support not approved). Materials exposed within ducts or plenums shall comply with UMC 601.3 (Fs25 sD50 etal) 2.02 DUCT ACCESSORmS A. Furnish and install the following accessories where shown on the drawings: 1. Outside air manual or motorized dampers shall be l-ouvers and Dampers, Inc. TSD-400-UD or equivalent. Blades shall have polyfoam seals permanently attached. Certified leakage rate shall be less than 6 SCFM per square foot @ 1" w. g. pressure differential. All non-outside air dampers noted as opposed blade shall be low leakage type with certified leakage rates Iess than 6 SCFM per foot @ l" w.g.pressure differential. Backdraft dampers shall be Ruskin Type BD2/A1, O.A.E. Turning vanes (all rectangular elbows): Non-adjustable 90 air turns, galvanized steel blades, single walled vanes on 3-ll4" centers, urdess noted on drawings. Opposed blade dampers (for duct splits and where shown). a. Sizes up through 36" x 12". Titus AG-35 or approved equivalent. b. Sizes above 36" x 12". Steel or aluminum construction with worm drive operator. Screwdrive slotted shaft, factory assembled. Multi{amper with external handle and quadrant type locking device. Blades not to exceed 6', in width. 6. Spin-in frtting for round duct connection. Factory fabricated galvanized for insulated ducts. Butterfly damper with quadrant operator and lock nut on all applications except VAV systems upstream ot VAV box. 2. J. 4. ). GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15800-3 l I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I 7 . Flexible connections: 24 oz. p,r yard. U.L. approved material. 2.03 GRILLES, REGISTERS AND DIFFUSERS A. Furnish and install grilles, registers and diffusers as specified and shown on drawings. B. Final location of ceiling diffr.rsers shall be per the reflected ceiling plan or as per field requirements. 2.04 EXTERIOR WEATIIER LOTTVERS A. All aluminum 6063-T5 extmded alloy minimum, weather resistant constnrction, complete with aluminum bird screens on all intake louvers and aluminum insect screens on relief and discharge louvers unless screen types are otherwise on drawings. B. All louvers to be furnished with [mill] [anodized] [baked enamel] finish. C. All louvers shall have a maximum allowable pressure drop of 0,10 inches and zero water penetration when tested in accordance with AMCA Standard 500. Minimum 457o free area requirement. D. All louvers shall bear AMCA certified ratings seal for both air performance and water penetration. E. Furnish and deliver to the General Contractor, all exterior weather louvers required for the completion of mechanical systems. The General Contractor will install all exterior weather louvers. F. American Air Warming, Air Balance, and Louvers and Dampers are acceptable marufacturers. G. Combustion air openings shall have % " mesh screen. All other required exterior openings shall have /r" mesh screen per code and mav have insect screen in addition if noted. 2.05 CONDENSATE DRIP PANS Provide under all fan coil units. Drip pans shall be constructed of galvanized steel, four (4) inch minimum depth and three (3) inches larger all around than related opening. Entire interior or palrs shall be coated with mastic and be completely watertight. Suspend fronr structure with minimum four (4) hangers. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY I998 158004 I t t t I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I 2.W A. B. 2.08 A. 2.06 DUCT CURBS A. Curbs tbr ducts penetrating roofs shall be equal to Pate Curb PCSA-B. B. Curb shall be of box section design, 18 gauge galvanized steel construction, continuous mitered corners and welded corner seams. Integral baseplate, factory installed wood nailer, and shall be insulated with 1-112" thick. 3 lb. density rigid board insulation. DUCT AIR HOODS I-oren Cook Co. VI/VR as standard of design and construction. Penn ventilator, Carnes, ACME, and l.ouvers & Darnpers. Hood housing shall be heavy gauge galvanized construction. All vertical seams shall be continuously welded with lock formed seams on hood ends. Hoods shall be stressed and sloped for drainage . Provide aluminum expanded metal bird screens with 85% free area, insect screens, backdraft dampers and/or accessories as indicated on drawings. COMMERCIAL CLOTHES DRYER DtrIAUST SYSTEM Individual connections to dryers shall be made using minimum U @ & S) gauge rigid round aluminum ducts. B. Remainder of systems shall be constmcted of aluminum alloy, commercial designation 3003 temper H-14 or duct sheet, minimum gauge of 0.025 or heavier as determined by Table 1-14 and 303 of the "SMACNA" manual. C. Completely watertight construction and pitched for proper drainage. D. Provide gasketted access doors where required, for lint removal. E. All joints and seams tlroughout systems shall be sealed watertight using sealant equal to "United High Bonding Strength Duct Sealer" as manufactured by United McGill. 2.09 FL[]E TYPE IIB'I ITENT A. UL listed factory-built modular exhaust system for use with heating equipment and appliarrces which produce exhaust flue gases at a temperature not exceeding 10000F under GASTHOF GRAMSI{AMMER WEST MAY 1998 15800-5 t I I t I I t I I I I t I B. D. C. G. corurnuous operating conditions. system shalr compensate for ail flue gas inducedthermal expansions. Flue exhaust system shall be suitable for Type ,,B,, gas vent usage. Roof penefations shall be suitable tbr a noncombustible roof and shall be according !o themanufacturer's detail drawings and installation instructions. when installed according to manufacturer,s instructions, the piping arur its supportingsysrem shalr resist side loads ar leasr 1.5 rimes the weight "i,IrJpip.g. Maximumspacing between vertical supports shall not exceed 30 feet. -' q'v PrP The entire s,"ck system ^from each appliance to the termination including accessories,except as noted, shall be from one manufacturer. Manufacn'er shop drawings shail show actual layout. sysrem shall be instailed asdesigned by the manufacturer and in conjunction with sound .irgir*rr"g oractice. The inner diameter for breeching and stack shall be verirred by the manufacturer.computations shall be technicalry sound,, i"ll;* ASHRAE calculation methods andirrcorporate the specific flow characteri.ri., ofrfr" inner pipe. E. F. I I I il 1' layout the air distribution system in careful coordination with the drawings,determining proper e.revatio*.io, ail components of the system and using only theminimum number of ells and transitions to produce a iatisfactorily functioningsystem. Mitered elbows. with n"rrning vanes are pretbned. option to insta'radiused 900 elbows with a centerlirie radius of 1.5 times the duct width isacceptable but "square" inside ..radius,, is prohibited. MAY 1998 PART 3.00.-DGCT.]TION 3.OT SURFACECONDITIONS See Section 15020. 3.02 DUCT SYSTEM LAYOTJT A. General: GASI'I{OF GRAMSHAMMER WEST r5800-6 2. J. t ). t I I I I t I I t I t I I t I l I I t 2. Follow the general layout shown on the drawings. Coordinate with all trades sufficiently in advance of installation to avoid rework. Bring conflicts to Architect's auention in sufficient time to avoid delay in work progress. 3. Duct sizes shown on the drawings are gross area dimensions. Ductwork shall be furnished and installed in accordance with ASHRAE duct construction standards (and UMC when applicable). 4. When low pressure supply air ducts are not located in the conditioned room itself. these ducts shall be sealed per SMACNA Class B stardards. This standard includes the sealing of all transverse joint and fining connections and snap lock seams. Not more than one unsealed longitudinal seam on the perimeter shall be allowed per joint. All ductwork shall be seated by using mastic or rnastic-plus tape. The sealer shall be non-toxic, non-combustionable and non-flarnmable and have approved fire rating for sealing ducts in plenums as required by appropriate authority having jurisdiction. B. Ductwork materials: Low velocity/pressure duct systems (T.s.p. 2', *.g. and less). l. All supply and return ductwork to be galvanized steel except as otherwise called for. All exhaust ductwork to be galvanized steel except as otherwise called for. Ductmate or w.D.c.I. proprietary duct connection systems will be accepted. Duct constructed using these systems will refer to the manufacturers guidelines for sheet gauge, intermediate reinforcement size and spacing, and joint reinforcements. Formed on flanges (T.D.C./T.D.F.lr-z5Alr-25B) will be accepred. Formed on flanges will be construcred as SMACNA T-25 flanges, whose limits are defirnd on Page 1.36 1995 SMACNA Manual, First Edition. No orher construction pertaining to formed on flanges will be accepted. Formed on flanges shall be accepted for use on ductwork 42" wide or less, 2" static positive or less, and must include the use of corners, bolts and cleat. {over 42", the reinforcement/joint deflection criteria no longer conforms with the IJMC.) All laundry exhaust ducts from exhaust collar through exhaust fan to outside of building to be aluminum ductwork watertight consrruction of weights as calledfor. AII ductwork exposed to view to be stainless steel with ground and polished welded joints. All ducts to have radius elbows as no turning vanes will be allowed. Dry ducts shall not be fastened with screws or other devices which could obstruct airllint flow. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WE.ST MAY 1998 15800-7 2. J. C. D. E. F. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6. Exhaust ducts from range hoods; ducts and blowers beyond the outles of each hood are not included with the hoods, but shall be provided as follows. All ductwork exposed to view to be stainless steel with ground and polished weldedjoints. All consealed ductwork to be 16 gauge black steel wittr angle joints, exterior welded. water tight construction up to the discharge cover. All ducts ro have radius elbows as no turning vanes will be allowed. Provide rated access removable without tools for cleaning. 7. Dishwasher exhaust ducs tiom collar through fan to outside of building to be stainless sreel ducrwork watertight construction of weights per UMC Chapter 10 requirements with watertight joints or aluminum per paragraph 2.128. All ductwork exposed to view to be stainless steel with ground and polished welds joints. All ducts to have radius elbows as no turning vanes will be allowed. klges: No sharp metal edges shall extend into the air system of high pressure ducts. Air inlet collars on mixing units shall conform to and be flush with the flexible tubins or other inlet cornections. Takeoffs: Do not install takeoffs on elbows or other points of the system where air velocity is not uniform. Ductwork construction: l.Suspend ducts from structure with proper hangers at intervals in accordance with specification section 15050, at each floor and wherever necessary. Make all duct connections to motor driven equipment with flexible connections, unless specifically indicated otherwise on the plans. Install turning vanes in all 90 square elbows, whether shown on plans or not. Install manual splitter dampers and/or opposed blade dampers in all low velocity duct divisions and splits where shown. Splitter dampers shall have push rod and external locking device. Insall adjustable volume extractors in low velocity duct takeoffs with linkage for external operator. Make all duct offsets with 15 degree transitions. sharper transitions can be made only when space does not allow 15 degree offsets, 30 degree offsets maximum. Make all radius elbows with radius of one and one half times the diameter or width. 4. Seal all joints with approved masric. Flexible ducts: GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY l99tt 15800-8 I I Attach all flexible ducts inner liner to duct connecrors, diffuser necks, or ductwork withstainless steel worm driven clamp. Tape oui.. uu..,., securery over clamp with vaporI barrier npe. G. Roof penetrations: ! l ' coordinae locations of roof openings with alr rerevanr trades. Locations and sizesI il?#*offiiffiiffi'ilffiffiHli;"Tj'.*;-'*'ffiill,io*orurr I 2' YXTIlililfil* shall be provided wherever ductwork or piping penetrates roor I 3.03 TNsTALLATToN oFEer.rrpMENT I A' General: l. Install ductwork as sl I allowing *, ,.ri!."t3il1;,:. *" drawings, providing adequate suppoft and not Z Install duct accessories as shown on the drawings. I 4eLsrsur lcl 3.04 CLOSING IN T.ININSPECTED WORK ' See Section 15M5. I l I t I I 3.05 CLEANING See Section 15050. END OF SECTION t GASTH.F GRAM'HAMMER *EST MAy lees I r5800-9 I I I SECTION 15900--CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION I I PART r.oo--cENERALI I 1.or DESCRTPTToNI I A. Work included: the controls and instrumentation system required for this work includes, I but is not necessarily limited to: I l. Boiler controls.r 2. Circulation pump controls. I 3. HVAC system controls. I 4. Make up and exhaust air unit controls.r 5. Domestic hot water controls. - 6. All other control items indicated on the drawings, specified herein, or needed for I a complete and proper control installation in accordance with all peninent codes I and regulations. t r.02 QUALTTY ASSURANCE I Installing contractor must be the direct employee of the equipment manufacturer or theirI authorized franchise and have been in a direct continuous relationship for a minimum of 3 years. Independent contracton purchasing equipment from wholesalers or other suppliers I for installation are specifically excluded from this project.I See Section 15020.I 1.03 SI.IBMITTALS r In addition to compliance with Section 15010, supply evidence of compliance with I Paragraph 1.02 above. I I I GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15900-l A. B. c. D. E. I I I I I I I t T I I I I I I I I I t 1.04 PROJECTCOMPLETION See Section 15045. PART 2.OO-PRODUCTS -2.0I CONTROL SYSTEMS General: Furnish and install a solid state electronic control system as described on the drawings with components furnished and installed by the temperature control manufacturer or by the manufacnrrer's representative. Provide all components, materials and wiring (except as noted herein) to make a complete system capable of all control requirements and functions described herein. Coordinate control requirements with project contractors and equipment suppliers to avoid conflict or omissions. Acceptable Manufacturers: This specification is a performance specification. Manufacturer must be approved by the consulting Mechanical Engineer before bidding. It is recognized that packaged equipment comes with other names on controls and that some functions are accomplished with other named components. This specihcation does not intend to prohibit this practice. Service: The control system and equipment shall be guaranteed for a period of one year from the date of final acceptance at no additional cost to the owner. Identification: Engraved micarta plates shall be installed to identiff all major control units. On all control devices and at interface points with building equipment, identify wires and control devices with adhesive backed impressed tape labels. kbels shall indicate unit functions, temperature set point, and/or I.D. number referenced to control diagram. Control drawings: L The temperanrre control manufacflrrer shall submit shop drawings or equipment, control panels and wiring diagrams to the consulting Mechanical Engineer for review. 2. Upon review and return of above shop drawings, the temperature control manufacturer shall disperse the required information to other trades involved in the work and shall coordinate all aspects with them. 15900-2GASTHOI; GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 I I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I G. F 3' Shop drawin-es shall consist of descriptive literature, control diagrams, wiring diagrams. damper schedules, auto valve schedure, sequence of contror, pipin! diagrams for all valves and shall show equipment u.rong"m.nt in all panet i.ontsi Show location in building for all panels. coordination: Refer ro General provisions and Divisions I5 and 16. All automatic control valves shall be furnished by the temperature control manufacturerand installed under their supervision under Division tsoo. All automatic connoldampers, unless otherwise specified, shall be furnished by the temperanrre controlmanufacturer and installed under their supervision under Division 1500. 2.02 SEQLJENCE OF OPERATTON Refer to drawing Ml.l for control description. 2.03 FIRE AND sMoKE DETECTORS: (NFpA requirements 2000 cFM or grearer systems). 1' All air handling units shall be equipped with a manual emergency stop controllocated at a convenient and accessible point for shutting down the fan in case offire. For the purposes of this specification, the disconiect switch will serve thispurpose. 2' Smoke detectors supplied by the electrical contractor shall be insalted ardinterlocked with the temperature control system by the mechanical contractor.coordinate detector requirements with the electrical contractor. 3. In systems of over 2,000 cFM capaciry, smoke detectors approvd for ductinstallation shall be installed at a suitable location in: a. The main supply duct on the downsrream side of the filters to automatically stop the fan. b' The return air stream, prior to exhausting from the building or being diluted by outside air, to automatically stop the fan. 4' The detectors shall be installed as noted above. The controls shall be arranged to close the fresh air damper automatically when the fan is off. The fan sy*stems shall shut down automatically when the smoke detecting apparatus is in alarm or by the manual emergency fan stop. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMTJR WEST MAY I99S r5900-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 2'04 vALVES: All automatic control valves shall be furnished by the rcmperarure controlmanufacturer and installed under his supervision. l' valves in water and anti-freeze system shall be sized for not more than 3 psi drop. 2. valves in row pressure steam system shall be sized for not more than droo. 3' All valves shall open for fulr supply water flow to heating or full bypass waterflow tiom cooling generation plant whenever a loss of power or air suiply to ttrevalves occurs. 2.05 FREEZE DETECTION TIMRMOSTATS Each supply system with water coils taking any percentage of outside air shall have afreeze detection thermostat located on the downstream side of the coil. Thermostats shallbe of adjustable electric contact type, silver plated, having manual reset with 20, flexiblesensing bulb of increment type with any section ""p"dl. of actuating mechanism ontemperature drop below set point. when temperature drops below set point, thermostatshall stop fan(s) and close outside air damper. They shall rr"u" * isolated set ofcontactsfor alarm system and be automatically resetting. 2.06 LOCAL CONTROL PANELS Provide and install control panels at each make-up air system and any other system whereit makes sense' Group these together into one panel when equipment is located in oneequipment room. The panels shall be totally enclosed with ftiogla door and contain allrelays, switches, gauges, etc. 2.07 TIMRMOMETERS Provide and install a 3-l/2" dial, remote bulb thermometer adjacent to each remote bulbthermostat which is not provided with temperature indication by another part of thiscontract. Provide outside air sensing thermometer in each equipment room, psl I t I I I GASTHOF GRAMSIIAMMER WEST MAY 1998 159004 I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I T I I 2.08 WIRJNG OF CONTROL DEVICES Control devices carrying full load current furnished by mechanical and wired by electrical shall be located at the device being controlled. unless shown on the drawings or mutual agreement is made between the contractors with no change in the contract price. 2.09 LOW VOLTAGE POWER (ELECTRIC SYSTEM) All control devices and panels containing low voltage power sources shall inherently comply with NEC Class II requirements (current limiting), or shall be supplied with branch circuit fusing to limit control circuit current to NEC Class II. All control transformers shall be of the inherent current limiting type, or shall be installed wittr primary disconnect and overload protection. 2.IO TTMRMOSTATS A. All insertion or immersion remote bulb thermostats shall be transmitter and panel mounted controller-receiver type, unless specified otherwise. Provide local or remote temperature indication at each sensing point. B. Transmitters shall be liquid filled capillary averaging bulbs of maximum length unless specified otherwise. Liquid insertion thermostats shall be provided with separable wells. C. Solid state sensors for duct and air handling equipment shall be averaging type unless specified otherwise. Liquid sensors shall be provided with separable wells. D. All public area thermostats (corridors, restrooms, lobby, stair towers, etc.) shall have concealed adjustment, corrcealed thermometer, and tamper proof cover. E. Mount all thermostats at 48" above finished floor to comply with ADA requirements. 2.I4 DIRTY FILTER GAUGES Provide and install differential pressure air filter gauges of suitable range with sensing tips located on the inlet and outlet side of all supply fan filters. Differential pressure gauges Dwyer series 2000-AF Magnehelic or equivalent with scale range approximately twice the pressure drop recommended for filter change. GASTHOF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15900-5 I PART 3.OO--E)GCT]TION I 3.01 SIJRFACECONDITIONS I See Section l5o2o. I 3.02 TNSTALLATT'N oF EenrpMENr I See Section 15M5. I 3.03 sYsrEM crrEcKour I Prior to control persons leaving job site, they must confirm in writing to the Architect or I engineer that all systems are operating satisfactorily as shown on approved shop drawinss. I I END oF sEcrroN I END oF DrvrsroN I t I I t T GASTI{OF GRAMSHAMMER WEST MAY 1998 15900-6 I