HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT A B C LODGE AT VAIL INTERNATIONAL WING 1995 DRB FINAL REVIEW LEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of C ommunity Deve lopment September 18, 1995 Riva ge Sogth Condo. Assoc -V* w;tl'ou {lk{1- e"'-L 53d t-e Re: Intemational Wing Lodge at \/ail Dear Marijke: The Town of Vail has scheduled the Intcrnational Wing for a final Dcsign Hcaring Board hcaring on October 4, 1995. tnterested individuals arc welcome to attend the hearing which will be held at thc Tou.n of Vail, Council Chambers, locatcd at 75 South Frontage Road. The hearing will begin at 3:00 p.m. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at (970) 479-2138. Sinccrclv. fl*4 /."-J/tA Andy Knudtscn Senior Planner P.O, tlotr7 VailfO 816 {g *""r"rro r*r, ltlo orf\o Olr,oct Hfa6ox uJst z a 'a ul 2lr'ltt IfE( ooHooFooo'r cl lYl Fooz hm20tzoH(JQf.6'{a cE fofitll { F(o3.t tlt3000 ( CHJDOtrJONL HOF. (3<>J>HHH (f<c . 1.. > o Q gil \r' tr.> €h$9 &oaEid5ttdu% ii'RS Els rrro = Z E H R E N\\D \)\( ){ l\115, l\4. October 12,1995 Andy Knudtson Town of Vail - Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado Andy: Enclosed you will find all the additional information you requested in your letter to Jay Peterson on Septembir 19, 1995. The following is a description ofour response to your requests and their locations. Request#1. Seeenclosedsurveys dated2/10/95andl0/6/g5.Forthesiteareaseesurveydated 1016195- note #6. For updated topography see survey dated 1016195. For legal description see survey dated 2/ 10195 Request #2. In Town of Vail's file for the International Wing' Request #3 See enclosed height calculation sheet dated l0ll2l95. Request #4 See enclosed Arlberg Restaurant sheet dated 10/12195. Request #5 Staff has reviewed highlighted floor plans on9/20/95. The remaining information needed was the status ofthe rooms adjacent to the pool - they are designated as accommodation units. Request #6 See enclosed Landscape Plan dated l0ll2l95. Request #7 We own the land, no response required. Request #8 No response required. Request #9 See enclosedLandscapePlan dated loll2/95. Request #10 No response required. Request #l I See enclosed Conference Room Area calculation sheet \R( I ll I I ( f l.rRl.l'L A\NlN(;.lN I I Rl()R5.1 ANI)S(-r\l'l r\li( | i I | ( I llilE lr.(). llcrx lt)7(r Ar,,on, (--okrraclo til(r2t), (()7(l) 91.)-0257 [nX (()/1]) 9'1'l I(llJ() Andy Knudtson Town of Vail Page Two October 12,1995 Request #12 See enclosed Landscape electrical lighting cut sheets. The only lighting on the building will be recessed and unexposed. Request #13A Easement provided as discussed. Request #l3B As discussed we will "cooperate" with designing a Masterplan for integfating the Intemational Wing, Village area and base of ski slopes. Request #l3C We will provide fire sprinkler layout plans prior to building permit. Request #l3D As discussed we do not agree to provide the requested right-of-way prior to application for a building permit. The enclosed information response to your additional requests should be considered reasonable and accurate to the extent that we will be heard at the October 18, 1995 Design Review Board meeting for Final Review. Sincerely, Greg Christman Project Manager enclosures OGIrzPeO Z E H R E N AND ASSOCIATES, INC. THE LODGE AT VAIL.INTERNATIONAL WING Conference Room Area Calculation New International Wing Conference Room Golden Ski Room Vail Room Total Conference Room Area (qt)rou*e feet r 424 4 r 3zG '/ l"Us4 ,4^&1 ARCHITECTURE. PLAN NING. INTERIORS. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTU RE P.O. Box 1976 Avon, Colorado 81620, (97O) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080 218 square feet -i 1449 square feet- I ,/ 7682 square feet ,/ TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970479-2452 Frr.r cdFy Department of Community Development September 19,1995 Mr. Jay Peterson Vail National Building 108 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: The Intemational Wing at The Lodge at Vail Dear Jay: After a thorough review of your most recent submittal material for the International Wing, and after a comparison of the requirements stipulated in the letter dated January 7, 1994, I havc identified the following remaining issues which must be addressed and resolved. l. The surveys you have provided do not show sitc area, updated topography' & (particularly on the southeast comer of the site) or a legal description that matches' the title policy. Please address these points. 2. Conccming the roof plan and the height of the proposal, showthe underlying topography, verification that th€ roofridges do not exceed thc 33 feet/43 feet allowed by the CCI Design Guidelincs, and that the proposal complics with the 60/40 percent split, as required in the Design Cuidelines. Also, please provide all height information in USGS figures, so that all ridge elevations can be correlatcd to the view corridor analysis done by Eagle Vallcy Surveying. The document showing the view corridor height allowances is not stamped. Please have this [h document stamped by a rcgistered surveyor. 3. Plcase provide a letter expanding the DRB application to include the Arlberg Cafe. The plans provided for expansion in this area do not show sufficient detail for the staffand Design Review Board to understand the proposal. In addition to the cast elevation, north and south elevations are required. A colored rendering or perspective may clarifu many of the questions staffhas. tp**o'uo /q.Staff would like to ieview the highlighted floor plans to verify that all spaces have becn counted appropriately. In addition, we would like an explanation correlating the floor plans and the sections, 5. The southcast comcr of the project is an arca of significant concern to staff. At l/8 scale, please provide a regrading plan, detailing how the proposal interfaces with the garage enfancc of One Vail Place as well as the drivervay to this garage. The landscaping, and retaining walls, walkways must also be shown in this plan. Be surc to identifu all property lines in this area. 6. Ttrc landscaping plan that has bean provided appears to be high quality. In addition to a concepflial plan, the'fown of Vail needs a spccific plan showing spocies, size and quantity. and a materials list that correlates to the plan. Identi$ any existing site improvcments in the courtyard area, such as walls. Provide a detailcd landscape plan, at l/8 scale, which shows the walkway between the International Wing and One Vail Place. Please address issues such as snowshed, lighting, snorv removal, etc. 7.-a. Thc agreemcnt signcd by Edmund Drager, Jr. and Richard Caplan on August 9, u Y 1983, stipulates that there rvould be 7400 square feet of confsrence room area with 6000 of that being in one room. At this time, staff has mcasurcd thc proposed drawings and finds that thc total conference area is only 6678.0 squarc feet with the largest room measuring 5927.5 square feet. Please modifr drawings to rcflect the 1983 agreernent. 8. Thcdrainageplanuiilizcsthelandknownasthctradeparccl. Ifforanyrcason' thc land exchangc is nullified, ihc Lodge Tower has requcstcd.that the drainage plan movc fcrward with appropriate approvals from the Town and Forest Service. Plcase rcspond to this rcqucst. 9. Our current DRB application requires dctailcd cut sheets for all lighting fixtures to be located on the exterior of the building. The lighting fixtures cannot exceed a value of 125 rvhen calculated as a ratio of initial lumens to luminous area. Pleasc identifu where thcse fixtures will be locatcd on a sitc plan, reference the cut sheets to tlre appropriate locations, and veriS that the values do not excecd 125. Conditions of approval at this time are as follows: A. Prior to application for a building permit, the applicant shall provide a public acccss casemcnt through thc corridor betwecn the proposcd Intemational Wing and One Vail Place. 1,..' € 10. B. The applicant shall cooperate with the Town of Vail, Vail Associatcs, and surounding properly owners in the future to develop a master plan for the area to integrate the Intemational Wing, Village area, and base of ski sleryles. C. Prior to application for a building permit, the applicant shall provide detailed drawings to the Town of Vail Fire Department which show that the existing improvements as well as the proposed constuction will be spninkled. fr Prior to application for a building permit, the applicant shall dedicate a pation of the site adjacent to tbe right-of-way next to Checkpoint Charlie io accordance with the needs of the Town of Vail Public Wo*s Departnent. \ Please nofe that a parking fee will be assessed for tpe Arlberg, all accommodation units thatwill be created. as rvell as the conferenco room area. Staff has provided the attached letter to members of the public who have exprcssed interest in the projcct. For a complete list ofthe individuals, please revicw tbc file with the town staff. Most of the items listed above reJlect the information requested in the previous letter of Januaty 7, I994. Although much of the information rcqucsted has been partially addressed, thcre are still outstanding issues. Woutd you plcase provide the information to address the concerns listed above no later than Monday, Scptember 25,1995. ll. 12. Thank you very much for your coopcration. Sinccrely, n/.//,4w+ 4".'-.JvQ Andv Knudtse{ Senior Planner xc: Tom Moorhead Susan Connelly attachment : LLI t- ,_r tt t)rmf '*d * -'h ^-)/ I '12-r(/y"r; kt a "7 t)- .l, .<." c-D.+.\ q L<," '\pr. € .\\ e 6, t.f Y,r* o1n Y, ,&- ^'.'.^rr' "o't' ,*e 9 ".t-S-r t ,rg .\{c',-.-1, h4,,Mx ffi ' ' fl s{3,nq fi2,,*.,w i.-.t L.L<+* , *. .i,-'t , i'( ,t-^{-.p I l(- ,t.rt o ,r-* J T'au.r7*){or o* 'J'* '-t oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Lodge Property - revisions to approved plans Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Lodge Properties, Inc. 174 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail CO 81657 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone:TimLosalZehren and Associates, PO Box 1976' Avon' CO 81620 Proiect Strcet Addrcss: 174 East Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot a, b, c, Block 5-C' Vail Village lst Parcel Nurnber: Commcnts: Building Name:The Lodge at Vail Revision to stone base and addition of doors and one chimney to thc loading dock building. Replaccment of two decks with three terraces at Lcvel 136'. Addition of one chimnev at levcl 136'. Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: 3-0 Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 10-15-97 IrriliVERYOrr..U\DRB\A PPROVA L\97\l,ODGIi.O | 5 Board i Staff Action Bill Pierce Ted Hingst Action: Approved with condition l. The area around the loading dock needs to be cleaned up. Garage doors and trim and electrical meters/bbxes and conduit need to be addressed and improved. The exhaust vents on the mechanical building must be incorporated into chimnevs. All to the satisfaction of staff. \ DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$20.00 FILT COPY 75 South Froraage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Octobq 161995 Ms. LynnFritzlen Fritzlen Piecce Briner P.O. Box 57 VaiL CO 81658 Sincerely.n- r ,/ 1fuL4-,{""- Andy Knfrdt/en Senior Plbo{er AIVjrcc: Tom Moorhead Susan Connelly D epartment of Community D eve lopment Re The Lodge at Vail Intemational Wing Dear Lynn: I would tike to correct your misunderstanding expressed in your October 16, 1995 letter. L The Town did not grant additional GRFA in 1983. Neither the agreement, nor the staff memo allocates additional GRFA. 2. Surveys havc been submitrcd, identifying lot area, as well as topography. These surveys are dated February 10, 1995. Please keep in mind that the staff does rely on information dating as far back as possible. such as | 982. to establish pre-existing grade. The 1982 survey continues to be relevant, but has been augmented with a current sun'ey. 3. Thc title rcport matches the legal description. Please stop by my office to verifr this' 4. GPJA parking heighg site coverage, exterior lighting and landscaping conform with zoning. If you would like to stop by and review the drawings in greater detail, it may be helpful for your understanding ofthe project. I will be bappy to assist you in that effort. Please do not hesitate to call me at479-2138. J r5"/\ {p ^t"'"u"*t* OLD RE I PUB A LIC NATIONAL TITLE LTA COMMI SCHEDULE A Our INSU TME COMPANY o RANCE NT t_. a Order # VT25633-2 For fnformation Only Alta Lender Poli l_ l_047 .00 Tax Report r_0.00 11,057.00 ****WITH YOUR REMITTANCE PLEASE REFER TO OUR ORDER NO. VT25633-2**** EffecLive Date:January 05, L995 at 5:00 P.M. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: frALTAft Loan Policv !0-t7-92 Proposed Insured: INDEPENDENCE ONE BANK OF CALIFORNIA $7, 000, 000 . 00 The estate or inEerest in the land described or referred to in Ehis Commitment, and covered herein 1s: A Fee Simple Title to the estaLe or interest covered herein is aE the effective date hereof vested in: LODGE PROPERTIES INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION The land referred to in this Cornmitment. is described as follows: PARCEL 1: A PART OF LOTS A, B, AND C, BLOCK 5-C, VAII-, VILLAGE,r'rnstprlr Mone PARTICULARTY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT A, BLOCK 5-C, VAIL VIIJIJAGE, FIRST FII-.,ING; THENCE NORTH 24 DEGREES L1 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF LL9.67 FEET; THENCE NORTII 15 DEGREES 17 MINIJ:IES OO SECONDS EAST A D]STANCE OF ]-43.00 FEET TO A POINT or cunvs; rHErrrw _-are-Hr E4yryq- naoTus oF 96.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 64 DEGREES OO MINUTES OO PAGE 1 - Charges - o REPUB o INSURANCEOLDLIC NATIONAL T]TLE COMPANY ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A our order # vT25533-2 SECONDS, AND AN ARC DISTANCE OF 107.23 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT; THENCE ALONG SAID TANGENT NORTH 79 DEGREES 17 MINUTES OO SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 245. 42 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE; THENCE ALONG 4 CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 582.79 FEET, A CE}ilTRAI-,, ANGLE OF 2 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 54 SECONDS AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 21.00 FEET TO A pOINT; THENCE SOUTH 10 DEGREES 30 MINUTES ]-6 SECONDS EAST 4 DISTANCE OF 369.21 FEET THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT A; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 44 MINUTES OO SECONDS WEST AND ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 4 DISTANCE 490.53 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPT ALL OF THE LODGE APARTMENT CONDOMINII]M, ACCORDING AND PURSUANT TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP AND CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION THEREFORE RECORDED rN BOOK 2L7 AT PAGE 531, COUNTY OF EAqI-,Er STATE OF CULURADO.- AND EXCEPT ALL OF THE LODGE SOUTH CONDOMTNII]M, ACCORDING AND PURSUANT TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP AND CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION THEREOF, npCOnOgD rN BOOK 2:1 At-pnCE 6r-2, COINTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 2: coNDoMrNrIlM ITNTTS 1-32, 1-34, l-35, t-38, L4O, L42, L44, L46, 1-50, !52, !54, l-56, l-58, 1-60, !52, 1-64, L66,249, 1-39, AND 155 THE LODGE APARTMENT CONDOMINIIJM, ACCORD]NG TO THE MAP FILED FOR RECORD, AND THE CONDOMINII]M DECLARATION FOR THE LODGE APARTMENT CONDOMINIUM RECORDED IN BOOK 2L7 AT PAGE 531, COI]NTY OF EAGI,E, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEI-,,3: LOT 3, TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED T/4TH INTEREST IN TRACT A, EAGLE VAIL TOWNHOUSE QUADPLEX LOT 3, BLOCK 1, EAGLE VA]L SUBDIVISION FILING NO. ]-, ACCORDING TO THE PI-,AT RECORDED MARCH 29, Ln9. lN BOOK 283 AT peep Ss: a}[n aS Orprr'reO AND DESCRIBED IN THE TOWNHOUSE DECI-,,ARATION RECORDED APRIL 2, 1,979, IN BOOK 283 AT PAGE 663 AND FIRST AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED APRIL 12, fgzg,_-IN E9AE-ZBa Ar-FEm qE -COLORADO. TO OF PAGE oALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirement,s) Our Order # VT25633-2 The following are the reguirements to be complied wiLh: 1. Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the fu1I consideratsion for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interesL to be insured must be executed and duLv filed for record. to-wiE: 3. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED December 28, 'J"984, FROM LODGE PROPERTIES INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI]NTY FOR THE USE OF IJNITED BANK OF.DENVER NATTONAIJ ASSOCIATION TO SECURE THE SI]M OF $4,500,000.00 RECoRDED January 02, 1985, rN BOOK 403 AT PAGE 737. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED August 12, 1988, IN BOOK 489 AT PAGE 79. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT ]N CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED AugusE 25, 1989, IN BOOK 512 AT PAGE 352. MODIFICATION AGREEME}ilI IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED March 20, 1-990, IN BOOK 523 AT PAGE 856. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED May 15, 1990, IN BOOK 529 AT PAGE 321. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED ilanuary 02, 1992, IN BOOK 569 AT PAGE 948. MODIFICATION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED Septernlcer 23, 1-994, IN BOOK 650 AT PAGE 819. 4. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED SepEember 30, 1988, FROM LODGE PROPERTIES INC. , A COLORADO CORPORAT]ON TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI,'}i:TY FOR THE USE OF SEA CONTA]NERS AMERICA INC. TO SBCURE THE SI]M OF $1O,OOO,OOO.OO RECORDED April L8, 1-989, rN BOOK 504 AT PAGE 4l-4. 5. TERMINATION OF FINANCING STATEME}TT WITH I'NITED BANK OF DENVER, THE SECURED PARTY, RECORDED January 02, 1985, IN BOOK 403 AT PAGE 738. CONTINUATION STATEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID FINANCING STATEMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 13, 1989 IN BOOK 5]-7 AT PAGE 575. AMENDMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID FINANCING STATEMENT RECORDED JUNE ]-, 1-990 IN BOOK 530 AT PAGE 515. PAGE 3 oAI-,,TA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-I (Requirements) Our Order # VT25533-2 CONTINUAT]ON STATEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID FINANCING STATEMENT RECORDED. AUGUST ]-2, 1994 IN BOOK 547 AT PAGE 686. 6. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED October 02, a972, FROM LYMAN C. JOSEPHS AND MARION N. JOSEPHS TO THE PI]BLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGI,E COUNTY FOR THE USE OF WESTERN FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATTON OF DENVER TO SECURE THE STIM OF $40,000.00 RECORDED October L9, A972, IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 826. ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED ilanuary 24, 1983, IN BOOK 352 AT PAGE 526. (AFFECTS UN]T 139) IF THERE IS A CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSI]RED HEREIN FROM THE VESTED OWNER SET FORTH IN ITEM 4 OF SCHEDULE A HEREIN, THE TERMS, PROVISIONS AND COIilDITIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX MAY BE APPLTCABLE. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUME}fTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RECORDTNG FEES HAVE TNCREASED AS OF JULY 1, 7-995 TO $6.00 FOR THE FIRST PAGE AND S5.OO FOR EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE. RELEASES HAVE INCREASED TO $]-4.00 FOR THE FIRST PAGE AND $5.00 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE. PAGE 4 vALTA COMMIT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) The policy or policies to be issued willfollowing unless the same are disposed of MENT Our Order # VT25633-2 conEain exceptions to the to the satisfaction of l_1_. the Company: 1. Standard Except,ions 1 t.hrough 5 prj-nted on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yeE due or payable and special assessment.s noE vet certified t.o Ehe Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED rN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. ].0. RIGHT OF V'IAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE I'NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN I]NITED STATES PATE}ilT RECORDED JuIY 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. t2. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHTCH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTR]CTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAI.., ORTGIN, AS CONTAINED IN ]NSTRi]MENT RECORDED AuguST 10, 1952, IN BOOK ]-74 AT PAGE ].79 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AuguST 30, L971', IN BOOK 22L LT PAGE 492. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED MAY 5, L970, IN BOOK 2L7 AT PAGE 53]- AND IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 23, ]-973 IN BOOK 231 AT PAGE 612. UTILITY EASEME}TT TEN FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE SOUTH LOT I-,INE OF LOT A, BLOCK 5-C, VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED CONDOMINIUM MAP. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PIJAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING AND THE RECORDED MAP OF THE LODGE SOUTH CONDOMINITIM AND THE LODGE APARTMENT CONDOMTN]UM, TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DEDICATION RBCORDED December 08, L9'7L IN BOOK 222 AT PAGE 5]-7 AND IN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 2, 1978 IN BOOK 277 AT PAGE 979. TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN VAIL ASSOCTATES, INC. AND LODGE ASSOCIATES, LTD. RECORDED January 16, L969 TN BOOK 21-4 AT PAGE 494. 13. L4. 15. PAGE .H. IJ I COMMITM SCHEDULE B-2 (Except ions ) ENT Our Order # VT25633-2 17. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF RELEASE AND TERMINATION OF EXTSTING EASEMENT AND GRA}ilT OF NEW EASEMENT RECORDED MaTch 03, 1979 IN BOOK 284 AT PAGE 924. 18. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN VAIL ASSOCIATES, TNC. AND VAIT.J WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT RECORDED AuguST 15, 1965 IN BOOK 1-97 AT PAGE 455. 19. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES, RECORDED AND I'NRECORDED, ASSIGNMENTS, AGREEMENTS AND OTHER RELATED DOCWENTS THEREOF. 20. TERMS, AGREEMENTS, PROVISIONS, CONDITIONS AND OBLIGATIONS AS CONTAINED IN AGREEMENT BETWEEN LODGE PROPERTIES INC., A COLORADO CORPORATTON AND HKC PARTNERSHIP, A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, RECORDED JIJNE 19, 1986 IN BOOK 443 AT PAGE 706. 21. RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF MANAGERS OF LODGE TOWER CONDOMINII]MS ASSOCIATION, INC., AND NOTICE OF EXERCISE OF OPTION RECORDED FEBRUARY 16, ]-988 IN BOOK 479 AT PAGE 51.. 22. EASEMENTS AND ENCROACHMENTS AS DISCLOSED BY IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE NO. K-83-093 OF JOHNSON, KI'NKEI.,, & ASSOCIATES, INC. DATED DECEMBER 21, L984. 1r.r,FMe o TTrDouGH 22 AFFECT PARCELS I AND 2) 23. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VE]N OR I-,,ODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT AS RESERVED IN I]NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MATCh 17, 1891, IN PAGE 438, THE PREMISES BOOK 48 AT 24. RESTRICTIVE COVENA}TTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURB OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAI-, O&IGIN. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRIIMENT RECORDED September 06 , a972, rN EqgI ?Zg 4l3aer :pA-aNn Ag eMe,Nosp rN rNsrRutrglir RECoRpEp April !_LL977, IN BOOK 253 AT PAGE 9O]-, AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED JULY 7, ].992 IN BOOK 584 AT PAGE 244, AND RESOLUTION RECOBDED JULY 7, 1-992 rN BOOK 584 AT PAGE 243 25. UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS TEN (]-O) FEET IN WIDTH ARE RESBRVED ALONG ITTE STIBDIVISTON. ]I'I aoorrrot'l , utrl,rry aNp-ona-rmaen easEMENTS SEVEMND ONE-HALF (7 t/2) FEET rN wlpTH ABE neSERVEoiLONG EACH SrpE OF EVERY SrpE LOT rN THE SUBDMSIOIq NOT FnoNrrNc oTTT a nporcATED STREET oR RoAD AS RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI-,AT. 25. EASEMEMTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICT]ONS AS SHOWN OR RECORDED Septeniber 06, L972 IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 303. PAGE RESERVED ON THE PLAT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order # vT25633-2 27. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE PLAT RECORDED March 29, L979 IN BOOK 283 AT PAGE 553. 28. TERMS, COND]TIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TOWNHOUSE DECLARATION RECORDED ApTil 02, T979 IN BOOK 283 AT PAGE 663 AND FIRST AMENDMENT RECORDED APRIL 12, L979, IN BOOK 284 AT PAGE 65. 29. PLAT RESTRICT]ON AS CONTATNED ON THE PLAT RECORDED MARCH 29, 1.979, IN BOOK =-e.l g BY VIRTUE OF THIS SUBDIVISION, THE I]NITS OR PARCELS CREATED HEREBY WILL NOT coMpl.y wrTH LEGAL LOT REQUTREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTTON OF 4 STNGLE FAMTLY RESIDENCE, AND THEREFORE, NO BUILDING PERMIT SHALL BE GRANTED BY THE COUNTY OF EAGLE FOR SUCH A STRUCTURE TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON THE SUBJECT I-,OT. THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONLY ONE FOUR-FAMILY RESIDENCE SHALL BE PERMITTED ON THE COMB]NED AREA OF THE FOUR LOTS CREATED BY THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT. 30. DEED OF TRUST DATED April 30, L979, FROM MICKY E. POAGE TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COU}flTY FOR THE USE OF THE EMPIRE SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCTATTON TO SECURE THE_ SIIM OF $75,000.00 RECORpEp May 10, 1979, rN BooK- 285 AT PAGE zee . - ASSTJMPTION AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED August 21 , 1,98L, IN BOOK 328 AT PAGE 50. (ITEMS 23 THROUGH 30 AFFECT PARCEI.,, 3) ITEMS !- 2, AND 3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WII,L BE DELETED FROM THE MORTGAGEES POLICY UPON RECEIPT OF A SATISFACTORY SURVEY. ITEM #4 WILL BE DELETED UPON RECEIPT OF A SATISFACTORY LIEN AFFIDAVIT. TTEM #5 WII-.,I-, BE DELETED IF THE COMPANY RECORDS THE ITEMS REQUIRED I'NDER SCHEDUI-,E B-1 HERE- IN. ITEM #6 AND 7 WILL BE AMENDED TO REFLECT THE TAX STATUS AT THE T]ME OF POLICY. ITEM #B WILL BE DELETED UPON RECEIPT OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT NO WATER 4ND SEWER CHARGES ARE OWING. (AFFECTS PARCEL 1) oALTA COMMITMENT PAGE 7 ooLAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEME}fiT Required by SenaEe Bill 9l--14 A) The subjecE real properEy may be locaLed in a special taxingdistri-ct. B) A CertificaEe of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obLained from the County Treasurer or the CounEy Treasurer' s authorized aqent . C) The information regarding special districEs and the boundariesof such districts may be obtained from the Board of CounEy Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Reguired by Senate Bill 92-143 A) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdict.ion shall be obEained from the County Treasurer or the CounLy Treasurer' s authorized agent, .