HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT A B C LODGE AT VAIL INTERNATIONAL WING 1996 APPEAL OF DRB DECISION PART 2 OF 2 LEGALDeSn Review Action For| TOWN OF VAIL )","noo Number-- Proiect Name: Building Name: Proiect DescriPlion: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecvOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot / Block Subdivision Project Street Address: zone District leT Board / Staff Action Seconded bv: y'gpp,ou"r' ! Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner o^r", /1./ ' 7,f DRBFee e,"-p^ia #.Q-r) Exhibit 28. Letter from Abplanalp to Town - March 14, 1996 - appealing decision o . LAw OFFtcEs DUNN, ABeLANALe & CxRrstehJsEN, P.C. varu Birx E u rLolNG gutrE 300 I 08 SoUTH FRoNTAGE RoAo \,VEST v^rL, CoLoRAoo tl I 657 .14 March 1996 Town Council Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Westvail coVIA TELECOPIER AND VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Town of Vail planning andEnvironmental Commiss ion75 South Frontage Road WestVaiI CO VIA TELECOPIER AND VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Re: Lodge at Vail International Wing Dear Sir or Madam: This Firm represents Ms. Anita sartz, the owner of condominiumunit 527, Ttre Lodge at vail Apartment condominiums, on whose behalfthis letter is being directed to you. By this letter, Ms. Anita Saltz appeals the action of the Townof Vair Department of cornmunity Development and, to the extent andif any action was taken, the Town of VaiI Design Review Board,approving certain revised prans of rhe Lodge at Vail rnternationalwing. Despite repeated requests for information and notice ofconsideration of proceedings, notice was not provided of eitherstaff consideration or of any consideration by the Design ReviewBoard- For the reasons noted below, there is uncertainty from therecord regarding the nature of the action which purports to approvethe plans which apparently have, somehow, been given approvil bythe Town of VaiL The Town Council considered and gave conditional approval tothe Lodge International Wing in early December, 1995, despiteobjections by adjacent owners based upon both design and trespassinto the conmon elements of the Lodge Apartment condominium. Thecouncil was assured by the developer that no trespass occurredunder the offered pran, and imposed only the condition that theplan be redesigned to increase the buffer between the rnternationalWi.ng penthouse structure and the affected Lodge Apartmentcondominiuns, The devetoper then submitted a revised proposal tothe Department of comrnunity Deveropment which confirmed theexistence of the trespass previously j.dentified in the planpresented to, considered and conditionally approved by the Town TE LE PHO N EI (3O3) 476.O3OO TELECOPIER: (3Olt.r76-it763 I(ARE N M, OUNN CEITIFIEO LEOA! A!'I'iArltI JOXN W. DUNN ARTHUR A. AIPLANALP, JR. ALLEN C. CHRISTENsEN DIANE L. HgRMAN attctal covNrgL: J ERRY W. HANNAH councir. That revised pran was disapproved by the Department ofconmunity Development staff, at which tine interested plrties wereeffectively cut off from negotiations which occurred between staffand the developer. On the 12th of March, 1996, this Firm received notice that arevised pran for the Lodge at Vail rnternationar wing had beenapproved by the Town of Vail. It is that approval. which is thesubject of this appeal Initially, there is uncertainty regarding the source of theapproval , and therefore the nature of the appear. The Town councilreferred the plan considered by it in December back to theDepartment of Corununity Development staff. However, the 'tapproved"plan provided by the Town of Vail indicates that it was ,'Approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board - March 7, 1996", and alsoindicates that it was "Approved by Staff - Andy Knudtsen - 3/7/96".Therefore, the Town's record indicates that approval may haveoccurred either by the Design Review Board or by staff, or by both. We shal.I rely upon the Town to determine who took the action and todirect this appeal to the appropriate body, in accordance with theVail Municipal Code. Wj.th reference to the reasons for this appeal, they aremultiple: 1. The plan which was provided and identified as thatreceiving town of Vail approval is virtually unintelligible, but,to the extent j.t is intelligible, it clearly has no relationship tothat which was approved by the Town CounciI. Therefore, theapplication must be initiated as a new process, rather than beingsubject to wholesale redeslgn at the discretion of Community Developnent staff. 2. Ttre new plan has an area which is between CondominiumUnit 527 and 533, on the west, and the penthouse structure, on theeast, which is not labeled, diagramed, or the subject of anyelevation, and which was not included on the prior plan. It may bean elevator shaft, and it may have a sloping roof or a flat roof.It may be two feet high, or it may be twelve feet high. Noinfornation has been provided which gj.ves any information regarding these guestions. 3. Neither the "Roof Plan" nor the "Roof,/Planter Section"identifies the location of the Iatter sectj.on. One can only speculate even as to whether the Lodge Apartment Condorninium is onthe left or right of that section, but it is clear that the latter does not represent a section indicating the size or impact of thestructure which apparently is planned adjacent to Units 527 and When, and if, our client and the other objectors are providedwith any additional plans which are necessary to makeunderstandable those two maps which were provided to us, it nay beable to identify with speci.ficity other problems with the designwhich are not now identifi.able. By this letter, in addition ioinitiating the appeal as set forth abowe, we again request copiesof a1l submittals, maps, plans, correspondence and other materialpresented to the Town of VaiI in association with this natter, orexchanged between the Town of lail and the applicant. xc: Ms. Anita SaltzMr. Tom Moorhead Ms. Ann FrickMr. Jay Peterson Exhibit 29. Letter from Abplanalp to Town Attorney - March 1'9, 1995 tDuruN Law -*iFFrcEs O -, ,^BPLANALP & CURISTENSEN, P.C. JOliN W. OUN N ANIHUR A, ABPLANALP. JR. ALLEN C. CH RISTENSEN OIANE L. H ERMAN R. C.gTEPHENSON SPECIA! COUr{3€!: J ERRY W. XANNAH Mr. trom Moorhead Tor,vn Attorney Town of VailVail CO VIA TELECOPIER Txe Varr- Belx Burr-orr.rc Su rte :oo roe Sourx FRoNTAGE Roao Wesr Verl, Coloneoo a tesz 19 March 1995 TELEPHON E: (970) 476-O300 TELECOPIER: (970' 476-47 63 KAREN M. OUN N cERltFrEo !E6at a5SrslaNt Re: International Wing - Lodge at Vail Dear Eom: Andy Knudsen has advised me that ble should nol.t contact you in order to arrange an opportunity to review the fiLe with reference to the Internitiona.I Wing, including that portion of the file created subseguent to ths December decision of the Town Council whlch ls now ln lltigatlon. You are, therefore, the custodian of these records under CRS 24-72-2OI' et seq. we understand that a decision was made by the Town of VaiI on the 7th of March to approve an amended pIan. As you are aware' we have appealed that declsion on behalf of our client, Anita sal-tz. I attempted to contact you yesterday and today in order to infornally mike arrangements for the review of the material which has been ielivered to or is in the possession of the Town of Vail related to the Inteto ret Please contact me at 476-0300 and either advise me or leave a message regarding the time when this materiaL can be inspected and copied. In accoidance with CRS 24-72-203(3), I reguest that the time set be within three working days of the date of this letter. very-ftuty y9uf6l\,./ I / ,tT dutttt, ABpLANALP e,cn TENSEN, TFerEEore, EIe purpose of this letter is to Gflpursuant to cRs 24-72-20I, €---&, the opportunity to review and, to the extent deemed necessary, to copy, aI] record! in the possession of the Town of Vail which have been developed by, subrnitted to, or otherwise come into the possession of tne town of Vail, since the 4th of December, 1995, and are related to the Lodge at vail International wing. Arthur A. xc: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Saltz Abpl Lp, Jr, Letter from AbPIanalP to Exhibtt 30. Town Attorney - Nlarch 22, 1995 D u r'r N . t rro*^H f'dil*, =r.* rrQ r. a. Txe Vatt- BeN x Butt-otHc SurrE 3oo rog Sourr FRoNTAGE Roao wEsr Vrrr-, Coloneoo a l6sz 22 March 1996 Mr. Tom Moorhead Town AttorneY Town of VaiIvail co VIA TELECOPIER Re: rnternational Wing - Lodge at Vail Dear Tom: As you are aware, earl-ier this week I regues-ted th9 opportunity to t."iJi' tnl ro*n's . f iI5 .f.o1 tl: ^r".t.tl:":::?:1 ST.::;il:";;;;"".-*-ir. i was advised rhar rhe fire would be made availableatNoontoday.Atnoontoday,Iwaspermittedtoreview anumberofdocumentswhichwereapPar-ently-drawn_fromthatfile'but I was nor p.i*itt"C to revie-vi the tile. There can be no guestlon that a number of maps were not provlded' and that at least dne staff memorandum was not supplied' documents which were readily ldentified as missing the following maps ' to which leference is made in two in the file: referred to in Zehren and Maps A1.1 and A1 .2 r-eferred to in Zehren and Maps A1 .1, A4.1' A4.2' A4'3 Iaminpossessionofonestaffmemorandumwhichwaswrittenafter the beginning of the year, which I obtained earlier' but whlch was not "*5ng the materlal supplled' Thls omission illustrates the pl"U1?ttn with the fact thai I was not provided.the opportunity to review the file, as reguired. by l.aw' I have no idea what other documenli .t" in the fll.e, or what documents have been removed from the file, but the publlc is entitled to review thaL file. Please make arrangements to produce tl" actual afternoon, in order tnat-f might lnspect what it actually at least at this Point in time ' Very t Associates memorandum dated Associates memorandum dated and A4.4 file this contains, TELEPHONE: (970) 476- 0300 TELECOFIER: (97 0' 47 6-4765 KAREN M. OUN N caFtllllD tEGAt assrstaN.l JOHN W. OUNN ARTHUF A. ABPLANALP' JR. ALLEN C. CH FIISTENSEN OIANE L. HERMAN R. C. SIEPXENSON SP€CIAL COUNSE!: J ERRY W. HAN NAH The included memoranda Ma riq 2/26/962 MaPs 2/16/962 cruI ABP Arthur A. AbPlanal Jr. Exhibit 31. Letter from Abplanalp to Town Attorney - March 25' 1996 JOH N W. OUNN AFITHUR A. ABPLANALP, JR. ALLEN C. CH RISIENSEN DIAN€ L. HERMAN R. C. STEPH ENSON 3PECtlL COUfagEt: J ERRY W. HANNAH Du ru ru f"".o*"H f'6;RrsrENsl, P. c. ^ Piorts3roN^r co.Poi^rror Txe Varr- Brttx Bu tr-ot ruc 5u rrE 3oo roe Sourx Fnoxrace Roro West Vrru, Colonroo e resz 25 March 1996 Mr. Tom Moorhead Town Attorney Town of VaiIVaiI CO VIA TELECOPIER Re: International Wing - Lodge at VaiI Dear Tom: You are aware that there is Pending a reguest for an opportunity to review the actual file on the above matter' in order to- iOentify and obtain copies of naterial which we have not been provided. I have specifically requested a number of maps which were submitted in February, and you indicated today that no progress could be made on that matter because Andy Knudtsen was out of town today. In order to facititate your effort to obtain and provide the material which has not been provided to us, and to assist you in your conversations with Andy Knudtsen, I have identified a number of documents and items which f have been able to establish, based upon the lnformation which I was pernitted to review' were provided to the Town of Vail but not included in the material I was permitted to inspect: 1. Response to reguest for detailed statement "addressing the Conditons of APproval from the Design Review Board approval of November 1, 1995" (referred to in letter to clark Atkinson from Andy Knudtsen dated 31 January 1995, which follows this letter); 2. Information submitted by architects on February 2, 1'996 (referred to in letter to Peterson from Andy Knudtsen dated February 7, 1996, which follows this letter)t 3. Maps submitted by architects on February !6, 1995 (referred to in memorandum to Town of Vail 2-16-96, which foLlows this letter) and identified as folLows: A1.1 (dared 2-15-95 A4,1 (dated 2-15-95 A4,2 (dated 2-L6-96 A4.3 (dared 2-L6-96 A4,4 (dared 2-16-96 YEIEPHON E: (97O) 476-O3OO TELECOPIER: ag'rOr 476-17 65 KAREN M. OUN N clrtrrrEo raGAr ^sstg?arr 4. Maps submitted by architects on February 26, 1996(referred to in memorandum to Town of Vail 2-L6-96, which followsthis letter) and identified as follows: A1.1 (dared 2-16-96 )A1.2 (dated 2-76-95) Naturally, while hre can identify the foregoing items which, with the possible exception of Item #1 (which may not have been submitted at this tine), have been received by the Town, we still wish to inspect the file. Notwithstanding what I am certain is your good faith statement that all developments have been forwa.rded to the District Court, \"re have reviewed the lists of items the Town has provided, and which are intended to identify those items which have been forwarded to the District Court to supplement the record. Those supplements do not include the above information and material . Very truly yours, /. tl DUNN, ABPLANALP & CHRISTENSEN, P.C, '! F-t's \ '.', r,\--' \-- v{Pl-/' - :1Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr. ,// t V xc: Mr. and Mrs Jack Saltz Letter from Town Exhibit 32 ' Attorney to AbPIanaIP - Illatch 27 , 1995 -'r1; 'tl\ |I ': r":"+ E;1on.u;==1 TCr r",torh+J Co,/D6fx.Ca Phone I Tn \1q_rpa 'u''t7L-91Lt Fax 4 MAR-2?-96 1e:29 FROM, TO r.Jr.l OF VAIL 75 tutah Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-4-t 9-2 I 07/Fax 97M79-Z I 57 I D, 3O 3'l 73215?PAGE l/7 ffice of thc Town Attornq March?7,7996 VIA IELECOPTFR Arthur A. Afuianalp, Jr.. Esguire Dunq Abplanalp & Christcosca, P.C. i08 S- Fronage Road, Suire 300 vail. CO 81657 Re: Sakz/Wells r'- Lodge Properties, Inc., a aI. Dear Art: In rcsponse to yo.tr request for rnaps submitted by architects oo February 16, 1996 and February' 26, I 996, these are not pan of tbe g4 rvas approved b1' 7, 1996, and'.rtich has been Anita Saltz is part of the rccord and rlzs served upon Anira Sala rluough yorrr officc. If you are in posscssion of a mernoran<irm or other documents tbat have not been made gert of the offtcial record, please submit thenr to me for revielv so that an;- discrcpancy can be resolved. R ThomasMoorhead Toxn.A.ttorney RTlvl'awxc: Aady Knudtsen Very tnrjl'yours 6Yk / of a desiga be fore one is submined rthicb is acceptablc to thc Toran dthc applicant ar€ nor $tt-"rrorrro 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 07/Fax 970-479 -2 I 5 7 Ofice of the Town Attorney March2T,1996 VIA TELECOPIER Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr., Esquire Dunn, Abplanalp & Christensen, P.C. 108 S. Frontage Road, Suite 300 Vail- CO 81657 Re:Saltz/Wells v. Lodge Properties, Inc., et al. Dear Art: In response to your request for maps submitted by architects on February 16,1996 and February 26, 1996, these are not part of the record at this time as the maps were previous iterations of a design effort to create an adequate buffer. The several iterations ofa design before one is submitted which is acceptable to the Town and the applicant are not saved or maintained as part ofthe record as they are no longer relevant and would complicate the record. The final design, which was approved by staffon March 7, 1996, and which has been appealed by Anita Salta is part of the record and was served upon Anita Saltz through your office. If you are in possession of a memorandum or other documents that have not been made part of the official record, please submit them to me for review so that any discrepancy can be resolved. Very truly yours, R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attomey RTIWaw xc: Andy Knudtsen {g *""""uo "ut, MEMORANDTJM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Tom Moorhead AndyKnudaenfi March 26, 1996 Interaational Wing, Lodge at Vail Tom, After I read Art,s letter of March2}nd,I woutd like to clariry that the maps referenced (for example, zehren& Associates drawings dated February 26th or February 16, 1996) which are not f J of tn" rr.ord at this time are the niaps which were previous. iterations of a desip effort to ireate an adequate buffer. As is the casi with almost every Desigu Review Board projecl an architect will proceed through several iterations ofa desip before o1e is generated which is acceptable to the Tovm aoa-te applicant. The earlier detignt Uy Zebren,-referenced by Art in his Ir,,tarch Z2nd letter, have not beeniaved as they are no longer relevant andwould complicate the record. The final design, which was upptou.d by staffon March 7, 1996, is part of the record' Regarding the other information Art is describing, perhaps you could requesJ that he be more ,piin"f io my knowledge, every scrap of paper related to the International Wing has been included in the file. Please let me know how I can be of fruther assistance. Susan Connellycc: f:\€veryom\Endy\meno3l96bmrb€84326 o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 O7/F ax 970-47 9 -2 I 5 7 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Andy Knudtsen R. rhomas voorneaalfiiA March 25, 1996 lnternational Wing - Lodge at Vail Andy, sorry to bother you with this but I'm afraid we must address Art Abplanalp's concerns of March22, 1996. Please provide me with the information conceming the "missing maps." I believe that the easiest thing for us to do is to supplement the certified record at the District Court weekly with any new information so that there can be no question at to the completeness of the file. Thanks for your assistance in this tp-{r*'*, RTM/aw ( v' Attachment C:\krxdtsen. m6m Ofice of the Town Attorney {g *""r"rro r** SE[{T BY:Xerox +. TelecoDier ?021 ;o Durux, A Jotar ?. Dl,rtx AirFut A AaFtax^trr Jt. AU.EX C. CxttJttrttr DlliE t. lt3tl t L G. t?3tt{tt tox ttlgA Garr|.!: .rlrlv r. x^rxaH IE. [ot Moorhead Torn Atto:rney Towr of vallVaII CO VIA TEIACOPIER Re: Internrtlonal lflng - Iodgc at Vall D€rr TOn! AE you are aware, €trller thts wcel3 Iopportunlty to rsvlen the !!own't ttle tor the Intcrnathe Lodge at vall. f ras advtscd that thc tlle u avatlable at lfoon today. At noon today, I war peflttr nu[ber of docunentg whlch were epparEntly drawn fronbut I war not pemtttrd to revlcn the flle. lfhere gueetlon that a nunber ol naBs s€8r not provlded, an<l onc gtalt [.Dorandun raE not eu1ryllcd. llhe docuncntg whlch n rclncluded the followlng napr, to Denoranda ln tha fllar llapa retesred to ln lehrcn 21261952 u.pr Al.l snd Al.2 napa refcrrod to ln lehren rnd Asgoctato! 21161963 Uapt A1.1, A4.1, A{.2, A{.3 arut A{.{ I an ln goaserrlon of one staff.nenorandun shlchrftor th€ beElnnlng ol the year, whlch I obtaln€dwhlch wao not anong the unt€rlal oupglted.lllulttat€e the problco wtth the frct thrt I naa oppoltunlty to rcvtsr the flle, aa rcgulnd by law. what other docunentr are ln the flle, or whatrenoved fron the flle, but the pbllc tr entltledlth. Please nele arrangglontE to produce the actual afterrroon, Ln order thrt I nlght lnlpect rhf,t tt actuallrt lcas3 at thts polnt ln tlme. 3-22-S0 ; t:2gPI iDUNN,ur$NALP$srm 3034?92'15?;* 2 Ls OF?rcsa EPLANALP & cXnrSrENSEN, P.C. Txr Verl Benx EurLorr{o Surrr roo roa SouYX FFot? or RoAD WiaT vAtL. ColoiAoo ctat? 22 llarch 1996 readlly ldcntltted whtch retcrcncc ta and Asgo€latee atto, .rtt x^]nSr x, ou cttflltrD rlart thc lflng ofbe nndeto r€vletthat flle,can be noat l€alt nt aalngtn two dated dated wrlttcnLler, but onl'stton lded th€ no ldea have bcrntotew that llla thl. contalne, not.f Arthus A. Abplana , P. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-4 79 -2 I 07/F ax 970-4 7 9 -2 I 5 7 Ofice of the Town Attorney March 15, 1996 HAND DELIVERED Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr., Esquire Dunn, Abplanalp & Christensen, P.C. 108 S. Frontage Road, Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Intemational Wing - Lodge at Vail Dear Art: We are in receipt by fax, regular mail and Federal Express your client's objection to the staff decision of March 7 , 1996 on the above-referenced project. Pursuant to Section 18.54.080 of the Vail Municipal Code, this appeal is scheduled on the Design Review Board agenda on April 3.1996. Very trulv vours-'/1c //6,Ylb,% R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attomey RTM/aw xc: Vail Town Council Planning & Environmental Commission Andy Knudtserr v/ Jay Peterson, Esq. {p *""r"uo ru"r FROI"I : ABPLANALP PH0NE N0. : 3443433648 l'lar. 14 1996 12:54P1'1 TELECONIER TNANSMITTAIJ TO!_TOWN COUNCIL, TO[{N OF VAII Ar{D lllEVAII PI.ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAI. COUMISSION EROM: ARTHUR ABPLANALP, JR. TO TETECOPTER NO. (970)479-21s7 AND (970\479-2452 FRoM: TELEPHONE/TEIJECoPIER N0, (304)344-35{8 (WEST VIRGINIA)IN VAIL :, (-9?O)476-476.5 DA,TE: 14 March 1996 Eiluludirrg Llrls cover Eheet, the number of BageE t,rangfiitted lsl Please call (3O4)344*3640 in the event ot difficufty wtth thtstTAneniesion. THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONIJY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAT. OR ENTITY tO SHTCH IT IS DINECTED AND MAV CONTAIN INFORUATION VIHICH I5 PRIVILEGED. CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR EXEMPT FRO!{ DI$CIJOSUHU UNDER APFLTCAELE IrAW. If the reador of thle nescageis not the lntended recilrient or the employee or agent responslble tor d6rivering the mosBage to the intended reclplent, you ar6 herehy notified that any diEseEination, dletributlon orcopytng ot this comnunicatlon ie etrictly prohibited. If you have recelved thig co$municatlon in crror, gleaae notify thetransnitter at the above telephone number by collect telephonecall and destroy the material transnltted. FROT4 :HBFLANALP PFnNE N0. : 3A43433648 Lew Orrtcas DUNN, ABPI-ANALF & cHRISTENSEN, P.c. a Fnorrtl|oNAL cohPoxat tor{ VAIL EANI FUILDING gutTE 3OO I c,6 touTit FnoNTAG! RoAb wE:37 vAtL, eOLOhAEA 81 667 14 March 1995 llar. 14 1996 12:55PM PAa JOHN W, PUNN AR'I{UR A, ATPLANALF, JR. ALLGT{ G, Cl{Fta.t!Ha2N DIANE L, HERI,IAN '11}'*oi_"'" IFESIAI COUNTEL: JFiiY W, HANNAH tELCFHgt{El (e?o) {?O€tOO TELICOPItRt (e?ol {?3'l7ct KARBN T, olNN CGaTtFr[D LEqaL Ala[at^atT ![own Council Town of Veil 75 South Frontago Road t{eEtVaiI CO VIA TEIJECOPIER AND VIA FEDENAL EXPRESS ToBn of VaiI Plannlng andEnvironnental CounisEiotr 75 South Frontag€ Road tdestValI CO VIA TEIECOPIER AND VIA PEDENATJ EXPBESE Rer LodEe at Vail International Wing Dear glr or Madar: fhig Ftrm repregentg Ms, Anita Saltz, the owner of Condominiununit 527, The Lodga at vair Apaf,tment cooctornirriurng, on whoee behallthis lotter is being directed to you, _ Py thts lettef, ME. Anita Sa1tg appgals the actlon of the Tor+rrof, vall DeplrlrnerrL uf ceuruqnity Develofiment and, to tbe extent anatlf Bny action wag takin, the Town of VaiI D€iign Review Board,app,rovirrg cnrLaiu rcvised prane of the Lodge at vall rnternationart{ing. Despite repeated regueetg for information erd notice of|jtJrrsiderdtiorr'uf proceedlnge, notlce waa not provided of eltherEtaf,f coneideration or of any consideration by the Design ReviewBoard. ror th3 rcasons note6 below, there is uncertainty tron th€rgcord regarding the nature of the action which purporte to approveth6 plan8 whlch apDarentty hav6, aomehow, been given approvif lythe Town of vail. The Town Councll consldered and gave conditionat approual tothe Lodg€ International wtng tn early Dec6mber, Ig95; degpiteobjections by adjacent owners beBed upon both deslgn anci treslassinto the co[unon eremente ot tne Loctge Apartnent condominiun. - Thecounetl was agsured by the deveroper that no .tf,egpagg oceurreaunder the ottgretl Irlan, and impoaed only the condition that theplan be redeelgned to increase the buffer between the hternationallilIng penthouge structure and the af,fected Lodge Apartmentcondoniniuns. The developer then Bubmitted a revlBecl proposal totho Dapartnant ot Cotlrnunity Developnent uhlch confirneit theexlstence of the trespasa previously identtfled ln the planpreeented to, coneroered and conditlonally approv.d by the Eonrr FROI',I : AEPLANALP PHoNE NO. : 3843433648 f'lar. 14 1996 12:56PN PA3 council. That revieed pr_an war dlsapproved by the Dcpartnrent ofcglmu?+tv_Developnent staff, , at which-tirue intdrosted plrireg we;;effectively eut off frorr negotiationE whiah oocurred bitwccn Bt;iiand the developer, 0n th6 l2th of March, 1,996, thie Firm received notice that arcviced pl,rn for the Lodtge at vail rnternational lfing had bsnnapproved !y tne Town of Vail., It is that approvat whlch ie therubJsct of thl.c appeal Inltialtry, there le unsortalnty rsgordtng the ggutrse of thei,Dlfovalr and therefore th6 nature of ttre appeat, The rown counctlrrferrerl the Dlan ooneidered by it in - -Docernber back to theDgpartnent of Comnunlty pevelopilent staff. tlowever, tha napprovedil plan provtdeil_by lhe Town of VaiI indicatec tlrat it wac ,,Approved by the Tom of Vatl Design Revlew Board - Mafch Z, 1996,', aifd alsolndlcates that itwas 'rApproved by gtaff - Andy l(nuOtean - 3/l/96x.Thcrefore, the Town's record indicates that approval rnay-haveoccuirred etthcr by thc Dciign Review Bonrd or by eEat!, or bi both. We ahalJ, rely upon the Town to deternine who took the action and todLrcct thl.e appcal to tbc approprlute body, tn accordlance wtth theVatl tlunicipal Code. Wlth reference to the reaaons for thle appeal , they arenulttple; 1. Tlru plan whtch yras provideo anil ldentifted aE thatrcceiving Town of Vail appEoval ls virtually unintclllglble, but,Lo Lhr Hrtsrrt lt 1r htolllglble, it clearly has no relationBhip tothat which war approved by the Town Councll. Thereforo, theapplication mret bc tnltlated ea a nelJ procOBB, rathef than belngsubject to hrholesale redeetgn at the diecretion of ConnunttfDcvelopment Btall . Z. TlrE nen plan has an Afea which is between CondOulnlumUnlt 527 and 533, on the weet, and the penthouse atructure, on theeaetf which ia not labeled, diagransal, or the EubjBct of anyelcvation, and which wes not included on ths Drior plan. ft may nean olevator Bhaft, and lt nay havb a sloplng roof or a flat roof.It nay be two feet hlgh, or it nay be twelve f,eet high. Nolnfornatlon har been providod which glvee any infornation regardlngth€ss questions. 3. Nslther the "Roof Plan" nor the 'rRoof/Planter Sectlon"tilenttfteB the location of the latter section, One can onlyspeculate even aB to whether the Loalge Apartnent Condominium lc onthe lett or rt-ght of that section, but it is clear that the latt€r doea not reBresent a ssctlon tndlcating the size or impact of thestructure whtch apparently te plenned adjacent to Units 527 and 533. FROI"I : NBPLANALP PHoNE N0, r 344343364S Nar. 14 1996 12:56PN PA4 ulhen, errd if, our client and ths other objectort are provirlcdwlth any adaltttonal plans' which arE ncceagary to nakeunderstandable thogo two mapB which were provldad to ue, it lny beable to tdentlfy with BDecificity other problemr wlth the deitgnwhteh tfe not now ldsntifioble. Dy tbia lettsr, tn addltlon tolnltlating ths aXrpcal aB Eet forth abover.we agatn r€gueBt copieeof all eubnlttqler mtpgr lrla$a, correspondence end othcr naterlalpresented to ths Town of Vail tn aaEociation wlth thi6 natter, or errchangod betrilsen the Towrr of Vatt and the agplicant. xci !18! Anlta SaltuMr. Tom Moorlrcad Ms. Ann Frlck Mu. Jay P$terron truly EA'd -1u101 -EFlr-alctl Sahzl%ells v. Lodge properties, Inc. and Town DA{IBITLIST PRELIMINARY INruNCTION & RULE 106 MARING Wednesdaf, ldarth 13, 1996 l. Ordinance 4(t970) 2. ftinaucc 21 (1980) (attrached to Wells, b,rief) 3. OrdinancE 4 (1993) (attachedto Wells, brief) 4' Miscellaneous sections of vail Town Code in cfrect in 19E3 (anached to s/ells, bricf) 5. Miscellaneo's sections of currcnt vail Towu code (some scctions werc sfiachedto Welts' brief) 6' certified Maps of Brock 5-c, vail viltage Firbt Filing from prglc county 7. Ordinance No - 41 (lg7S) (fiached to Wclls, bricf) E. OrdinanceNo.42 (1990) (attachedto Wells, brief) g' Memomndum dated August 12, rggs from cornmrmity Deveropment to pEC; subject A rcquest for h height vadatrco and common area square footage variance inorder to add an ererrator addition to &e Lodge south condominium Building l0' ordiuancc No- S (1973) (some sectiorc werc attached to weus' brief) I l. Chars and Timclines 12' Documents attachcd to wclls' Motion to supprernent the certified Rscord 13. urban Design Guide prarr for vail village.-Design considcrations secrions 14. Certified Record in this case as supplemented by the Towu EA/'g'd )XJ3f ES:SI 956I-eI-dUl^l Jutt t t'C*** i ::6ti[ :*,"*"H,tfihffi#Jtustvuquti* zt v Erf[.eI URRflYii# Ailt 2. The_;s6s ccncluflqne tlld appl!| to etlsulttlot oftotat denrtrv t" ll!l:^_*il;;T;: i.:! l= rtsmif rcant . enct!.nrrESrll;":"*ni ordrnancor 'rnc€ riirl or tr," fi;;-;;Iiir to 3. llf.rraetiue, w.ro .vsi.lallc to _Lodgr prollgrtl|r lnleEt rtthrn ble .tg_t"ttgl" "lltiJ'i_rn, r. ordrnrf,qe.l-. r€dsePropcrtlor could havc_ appllca-fii-c-rrzonJ,ng of lr.c 1eno,rncludtng as I sD€ctu ilviiopiiiz'dr"rrr"t. 4. Ttra rffrct, o! the lgg3-agrernent borrr€en lrotlgsPreltrtlet arrd the larn nii io-c5.iie i vrrtarrce frii'tne_zonlngord'rn'nee by contrlca anc nrihoii-6"pryrn9 wrth the tloqn,rrtqutr.ncnEg tor Eh?.grn[tl;g-;i-";"ralee. orantlng ot ayartrncs aB ro drnrlt! ir p.irilted-by ril;-i"*il]'JilI.r.".ngulatlons alrhough_i,"tiniicri-i"i-"igqy lrevc rcldon, i ! cvrz,tr'en grrnrrq br ttri !or0;;;-;fidi;i;nd Envrronilonral coude6r.on. rfrtb reopcct to other i'au.., rhteh havr bcrn rltsedove! thc Euat frv goyi, t r'a"c-r,Ji-i"o c,ehvrot lgacc to hcvc AnlcaEal,tr FrcrenE et the-hiari"g if--ii di*r, otr wcatneEdry. rn th11palt r Davs otrord 19 prooici-uil iir{i-riJ ;-iriilil;,degorltron and harre cari-.O-y"u-irr"-oo.. not lnt€nd tg Do tn ValIunEtl ttle r|toh of t6rsh lt. '-- -- ' wlth EcElrrct to tne rtigulation es to nlnutet ofeeetlngl of the r.oOge.eparcrint-iiilicrtrtuD Agloctlltonr I aleorav. ro nranE or coi*rii;g-ilied-luir,unti"lll:-';iiliii, yo"tttrve *quut.d utrrthoa irv 6ri"nc-ii;uing ro vr.thrrErt - hortrerpagr slatn. t.al-uniDr--id-rirpong to that requerr tncrnuchrg I bove nat recolved a copy ol-ihE-*.l"liil' H"l;L$il;:l,l!'til"fii'iii:"$i ;H'i3ll'.;*; -' Jr<lr lpce ccr l{s. Sal.bal'lr, lrlck. I{D. Imont Youtg veay trUlyr , rBPrJttttllp g cHnfgDEtlEN, !.cr tl, Dunn Lfh^ bt"5D) t Q)'f *4e-' zg 39vd LSVAELTAL6 Et:gI 966tlztlea ,Ori r. DUrra||t tt,r r, I|'tJuUf,t Jl.rltt{ C, G|tnaraErr3l|l a. tattr. l.- e. art.|.drt|tr *rr( $s||altrrt|lr f. xaltt { Q r-.^,,o , ir",11#n,,'*fftrli'ffik DuN N, AerlaNntt; o'ac"r . -*..1|.S::rsrsnsen, p. C. Trt Verr P1p1 6111or"n turr roq toa Souff Fn*real llleo wrrirvtrL Cerorroo trrtr toarah ll, t9g6 j!l!t S. Batlcy, Jr, il;d'Ii,'*iltngr sr ar. oe;;.;; t;i;;il""l62surrr r r ? g vll ?tIJECOprEn 30!-0t?*009 7 .Re: geltl/Hetl,e ?.. Lodgr pfopsftio;. I!s.Dras Jtnr ;:::$l;rti"',aift $i:i:i"*i,rl"it##H:#i:h" ;;#'$tr 1"i*1t;t;o*ii'*:*Uii:.t:r+'!;;,n*,,.' - l:__b" cxgrerrro ry ffi-ffi.ifl: ff-::"_::b_"tance of rhC oprnlona 'opy oi [[;-;;"i{,1'#1i""ff *:*:"lll"it*"ir,llEri. -i - i#l$]1'ildi$tr#.;i,1',;i'di;:iiii:,i,'$ili:;.ffii:}" follone: flre rqbttance of ltr- r.anont,s oprnlon wllt bt ar connecoJsn lrrf, t#I-: crlcur*.lon or tri'$'T$Fff n'$fr+#i$l$l#,Timiffi ' Itl"ll8;s #:l ffi:Tir!. ur'? "iiiiiii'r fffe;sg****:**,rt,;H#jffi tl!lttq!:aatot.ra-ga€ r.r,tcgt attr:(tto, at.-.r.. |larcl r. but|rt."tF t lltr! l|t||rrrr O, Ut , AUilO, tX ll i) E{rtff HAmlil0:* 2/10 r9 39Vd L9VSELTOL6 9E:gr 966rlZllES .}1-r,-.o-i 4rzuriu ;*tra., *rr|-,U'7U47UU4b7;* U/ U, SINI bT;Elll ol ' ltt tuillLr.r Bg 39Vd JFlrroat/louqc 1996 1ItqqrTEGI.Ur r t' \D gIyJF lrGJNr rRltc Tf qFNrCt'^ N' relz-.ffiiJ ny " "*i.tv cf ilobi!.. 1, rnd cn;lrccrlnj cou'grniw ar dtrft$w, dcrigwr, rnd field lntpcctur' l,re$rr alrri Uotil-o., A n d Drrtlr nrr : € rlpl r' rrYyo P il I And. Dfryrr. WoifirnpUui;; ilffii; dcdgn.of rcsidcntial, coon*cial rnd inrtitu' hiiJriroerutc$ iictlOing rilo plrnniri ud lo-drcepc dcliln' !l rvcyo r in-a cifu E4ti :trta! T:ohniclu = crrpcr' wyoni I 3' RcnsnsiDililio in;huttd rlrirting th; i0 fillddoign ol nrior nuniciPrl smrt Prv' i;;G;i; dninryc proBsrrD fbr r stvil tn;iuerirg firo' rrnq^rcur +aEnATrc^r s' study.of rhc nrbrn dcsiga, ilr$t'r pltmlu}' nrd f*@Dtcrn.tloBr, rlleltl rnd uooolril ccnnunitlct' UDDl/lltllrrLsl r*rriting, lrq,r forrrrt.photography' tclcvision ptoduetion' m$tzinr publie$iosr. tltf6tiliJ.t iitnotul.t rlirlgr,-;ripblor prcrcntrtioor, publlc rpcd.ilj utd Ptcsr rrlrtionc' EDlltrAgOlL |9?0-ol|rcrrlty of goloredo' 'A, Joc|oh1Y: eprc|alirrrlon ig urben gociolcgy' iriiig tri gc-dir.ct"r"l dcoi6u. aivil colinrcirng, rnd prychology' It?t.tlrivrrrllt rt Colorrdo ltlA, UrDrn tni l'tlrtrt PlrrahjlColuulty Dr' irroptto,, *'iti . ,poo;rti".6o" in sountrin retort town plraninit dcrlS!' .od oommullry dor ctcFnont toobnlqrror' !4or.rnsroM r -$IGl r{l t aTrpN s : Amcrioru Plrln in8 A |.Oeirlion' profnrffi pubtic rnd prlvric rrctor ptrnacrr' L9VS6L'8L6 9€:€T 966rlZr/EO G-,^.:.-...'...-:;:t.xr-r--.---.€3:hg.n*O, - - .-....i',',;iylil,".'.i'rr'i!' .I15U-.tffr kll n rre rnoa t ltt6 nDBUI|E $Ircchlht(ipfi.GonnrdV llutlof nrtr l[,4 Mouttrtl R:rarr inrF ,trlillilf irrloleavr rlEcuTrvEl|lEcxo+1 pa+I Jlr.r.{!EF no}f||ovNFes ^qsoer-ATIO :i, Y rlr,r fiO&On AnQ- | rq r ..PBFiIlilL Orgu izrrional, rdntllill*lvt, rnd planuinj rclPooabilitl"f for 8 propsrrt owucr rsrocietion rcprcmurilg indivtdu.tl prq?Bny orracrs rfrd condoadrlum r|rogirtions throughout Vril Vlllagc. R0. spondbilltirr includs; Buput'irioo of acighborhood progrny owncr perticiprtion in Oc plrulioj !y vdl Aloocirltr, [nc. of 327 miltion gotdon Perls Sti Brrr hrdovol- opdlrlt rnd trvllwsd bt tho Town o(Vail. Critic aart rnlyois of nuy dcvrlop rnont proporrls reYlcwnil by thc Towu of Vril'r Dlrign Revirw 8orrd, PlUtriagrnd Environurqntrl comniseion. rnd fons conncll for Vril vlltrgc, Membcrof rivcnl l'orm of Vril t&rk fproe conminccs 0r patticiparcd in rhc pubiic rcvicr on bchrlf ofttc Honcouroo ArrocirrioB on mltlcrt rcgrdiqf zgoil5, irud ur., mrsrrr phnruog, aod enr{rourunlrl fisttett, ?r.,lF{ilING CPr{s Ut.r anT ; t ?rl-t} r I : Cl icntc incl udc npnlclprl gov3f!.Etttr; oondoninium il$ciatiotrl rnd comruunitt or gurizationr.lhuor Vtll Cordollnirn Arrocllrlftr novid€ roostcr pluninS, derljn rc,vicw ud-ludrcepc dorigr srnrice to oae of tbo oldrOr rnd lrtcrt "on{orriolori?repcrtt b vnil, lncludlog r multt-nrilllorr doltrr ranowrior and upgradgg prog,rail, Rcpreacntcd thc associolioa and ncighborbood intcrcrr la t!. proprrariol rtd rrvicrr by lf,e tofv! of Vall of tho Vril Vilhge Mrrrcr tlrn rnd gtrecaeitc plur- Actior Vril/Srlcod-r of Opor $gr*: Ptunirig end oemmvqity dcvclopncnt advisor to a nonprofrt putlic ir.rcrert oiganiation. ][c prlrrry afiortr of tha or3a.u:rtion erc dircctcd rt im?lgl1r_s opcnlp"cot in rbe Toivn of irrit througb itn oi.r,rl3ht ofrontng, nrrlcrurnd USFS lind cxchangts. Towtt ol Rcl Clllf, Co.lorrdo: ,Mastcr plarling rnd connunity drvclepnrnrguidrncr to tle Towa council and strff conccrniog *i rcgmd?rtio! oi' too ydr odforro.cnrrioirg touro, ite govcrnh€n|., esd infrrstruoturc whilc arintrhiru lttc Hir"prnic culture of rhc oouaunlty. Tora of lvor, Crlorrdol Cond'ctcd rerclrcb aad rtudier rcrulrlng In rheprcprra{on of Mrrlcr Plau nportr rad erhibhr nbmltrd for conrldcrrdoo' lrr Tor"nCeuacll, Plambl Commicrion, and fowl Mrorgc. Nottio3lrp Rrncf Mrrrcl plrD f,rlarrr A rDort prtprrod for rhr psrpo.lc of $teblioblag land use alt.n6tjvcs for alzo0 rcre imcd e[3iblc for u-o.rrtio! to tbr Ts',r of Auoa. Rucrrci hclude$ compilrilon of land-usc inforne.tioa ud orp?gt for rcas of firture uben dcveloparnr, _-.1!_r- r ^ !f!$orr lt|rrrcr Flu: Two rcparlu trnd uw ptau wen pcparcd,wilCtr qr$GrlriItsC rh! lonrrionl ofrordwlyr, rlr.turll hrzrrCf, opcn lpw", -gtbl.port tcrmilrl, somurcrsirl and rcridcilid dcvcloprwol rirll, drsrnriivcsltarogtiondtlter fol r alal.bole trolf eour* rnd ton rrrr puk with iportr cornplcx- - es 39vd L9rA6LrgL6 gE:Er 966llZl/ES 1",*-r*,, -'.'f:,.r,,-.....-.-s'.,.k',**r# *,*,oiHf,J.i',,ty ir,!d v JFlrnoot/Rcrumn 1996 Wildlife lltrilfr ?lru A plln wes prcpared fot thc puriorc of dcfdn. iog wildlifr miggrtion routtl lnd brbitar for brgc grrnc rnitrtr auC blrdt of prcy. Plao imludcil mapping of nigmtior routcs and hrbltct. Plon nrrrrtivo providcd for lltsrnrtitc rnijratiol rortttt thrrough utburized rnr utd invontory of cridprl migre' tlol conidorg. Itrcr llltr Ann:rrtlor Plrt! A plrn prcpared for tbe luipolc of idmtifyiq rrcar GtldDls fsr annsratien to t!,e fo*t olAvol wtthln llmitrtlon er- labll.rhcd ty Sntc of Coloralo crrbtiag lcgirlarien, Plrp lnctuded hvcrrtory, nrp. pfugr rorl rnrlyrio +f rll 3ovcrnmcrtol fcrvieot, toundrry loertlon, |rod uret, and dcnsltirr rlthin crtrblirtrC rpceiel octropoli[n rcrvicc dirrrior. qtr'Xl4ler {Nrrrc cCIrsrrr rrxr, 4qIyrU_(l|r.AVON- eor.oRADp tpla'$rtr l;cporuible for tle rcvicw of plrnning rnd d;rign frctorl of rll devcl. Opmlnt projrclr Proposcd in tbe comnuoity. ScniOr consultlng rdvilor to tb? To\tn Menrgcr, Plrnni4 Comoluion, rnd 'fo*n Council on rnrttcrs rglrtcd to ccoeotrlc drvclepncnt Dolicy, long.rangr plranlng, urban dulgn rud ucbitoctuc. fhc Town of AvDo il r ilouorain rerort levy rown sstrbltthrd ln 1970, wlth tLc intont of bc- corin3 tlr grimaqr rboppng, and comarcrcirl rcrvics clntrr for tbc Vril Valtoy rc- lort 5omPl.r. ltrrfrr llrn Gorb r|oi lolicio: PreFred dreft of docunelt fot tubrequc.nr rdoption wlfcb juidcr Oc conoudry's god! nnd potioier regudlng rbo dcrtlop. romr of itr acolnl8t, tErntpotlction r)6(GrB, rubrrr dsrf8'. horrsirlg, ud publtc ftcilitlu. Urbrl Dortgr ?ht; Developncnt of an urbrn dorign tlcrnr rnd plrn furcrntrrl turlncrs Dirrriot, Fepered oupporriul 3rrplisr rld rtport. end c6nduotcd Dublh btsringr. llrn indisrred losilion for rdditlonr urd nodlfleetlonr !o stcct lynao; cirorhtion corridorr for rnr:r trrnrpgrtetfuin, dGlivlty roil cmergcncy vt. bichr: titcr frr pcdrrtirn circuletion corri&orc, prrliry fxiliricr and ludrcapcd cPGs sptr:G; |ld abc locetloA 0f rnqlor conu,crsiri rnrl rcridcnthl rrruquttt. Plei providcd for M|ttcr PlanninS of s rtvcr ftont prr& and tor I[c cxpeuioo of horsl sad rccon conm€rcirl orcr dea3 linitod portions of tlrr B4lc Rivcr. lvon Towl Celtrrr Prtiicipalod io o publis/private ccononic dcv:loprncur protran to dcvalop r retail rhoppiry aGntct wirh o Wall\tcrt dcpartEtnt storo rs I mrjor uebor t Drot. Th rhopping wntcr projcct wer plenrcd rr I rDautr of oon. lcrting thr conorunhy't tcoooolc barc fiou a dcpcsdorrcc upol roddndrl oon. qtrupiloa rnd reol G$E!G sslcs t0 tn lconony dcpmctnt upon rrtcr tar frout retr.il cdor. Ttc projaol furtbc.rcd the conrnunityl inrgc rs a rirq;or rGtril sld rervlce etbtet in ths Vtil Vrtley- Dlftflct Mrticr llmrr Proparrd Mrstcr Plus for mrjor devoloprucnt prrc+brdjx!$ ro rhc Eaglc Rlvcr. Mrsrr,r plans included ciro llanninj for prrkiug irrvc- tr.rrer, buitdint_sr ogln oprc!, pedotlrirn $ircutatiorir lrra?br rtver nont park in. provoruGott, wlldltfc plct€rvcc, rgurric rad othcr rocreational froilfilce . Mutgr Plrnc wcrl proparc.l for Bqltbcrd, Mcym'r Rrnch, rnc white subdlvlrionr. tA :PVd L9VSELDEL6 EE:EI 96EIIZIIEA vu-lr-tD i'lr;zor ; EArl'r "-n ururrTuu{tiz;* D/ u$En I Dt.{!ala It r ala att- Ere JFlarnoouRcru'sro I 996 pceffi ii" tb. ldrloiairtration of zooinS' trnd urc, ttd [oitUog codcrl rupcrvlrion of dcpermcnld P1feoltlcl' rdvirory ro thc lown Altor- ney; thJ prrprnflin of rcports and rccolrrtioltr to thr Planrring Comnrisrion rod fown Couniil. rrnds tho lupcrviriob of lhc Tovrn Malrgor T rrnfrrb6 ilvrlc pu .ot f,ljDir/Dclr t5' t rrctlo ntltt.dor Br po rtt AuthOrca tcpotl tcslrdlng rta dlrpbttrlou end modificrtiOn lo tbe cornmunlty's Irrnsfintli Ocvclopncnt Rlghtl progrlsli s.rcd oB con$ittc. ro drrft lqtitlrlior ior cubrcqrrnt adoprjor of onilnanc.c ibic-b prrmitp{ tbo frrcrlonrllrrtion of a &- vdoporcoi righf i[to I iombinrtioa of diffsrint r:ridoatirl unit riril In ordrr to cn- OOU|1. r wilq. vrricty of hourirg typtt to b. colrlfuolcd, rnd to crUcC zodng draritlcs lo rdjurS to cf,rngrr in mrrlri eohdidoos. w- pnrr -trfiFrn aND.rf.[ 4 VJsIo\.I&QDilC' ln-jfZ&tiiar publistrcr, produccr, unlfcr rnd photogrrphcr fot prilt rad tclovi- lion oc|ia in rf,r Vril Vrtlcy. hivrtc pl60i$ rnd doiSn tlviow c6llultr11l fol locrl S0vcruocntr, progotl;r orrafffr attot!€yr, ald hrt?rclt !itoup!' Tl. Yitl larnr Ad Lecrl Mlprina: Comusroirl Dublicrionr ori- c6tcd towrd viiltor rnd logd popu[6on, with cnPbu[ oD 3r6cnrl intcrcil uticltg rnd foatures dircctcd towrrd plrulaj rnd drvcloprnrnr it oa' publlc Tclcvllia Advilrry Conolt6ct Mcrbar of cltlzcnr sommit' tE? 3urolrtrd by tbo 1'oll Torr8 Ceuneil 19 setrblirh publirc ecoc$ tGltvillotr ltr tbc Vril Vrllgy, Co-rutboled !!pon ol inpleulcotrtion stt8te8its. Ncr'rvril: PrOduccr of r ortc bOUr Wekly nor't iEttrvicw lhow {or Itlo cosocsulivo vt'Lr GgncGtollg rignifica'.l ii'u!'' ?vcbtt' rnd pcrnonallti er of tho Vril Vallcy. Tbr rbow eulalsrtrd ln e rcrirr of lpooirl plogl.nt wlicb wcrc pro- duccd on tOCrtlOq tlocumanting thc cxpcrirncot of rh Vril fiIDior Hoctsy Tuo'r tow of SloGklolm. Hchiuki, rd Lrrti4red. Oolloo lml SLl Bur Briorcbpr:rl Mutcr Plur tlllt Boprc' rertcd Mrnor Vdl Goldcuiniun Alroslrtl6n in ncgotirtiol u'itb Torm of Vril rnd Yrll Arrociuor rogndlng thc nultr phnninS, grchitecturrl d9ttg1 udrulnCrncnl of apiibborlrooA piopctty octltf govce$tt cf uttr wltbln @oldrn Pralc lki Brrc OirUiit. MU13r Plrn providrl for rccr[rioorl og:n tyrce, end a. JEsort building rvllcb lmtudoc food riwicq rll mhool, cltild cue, ncdicel rcrvicu' ctSldtltitl towlnf, guhiag rlructuntt, l3d r:erlrttonrl facilifics. PrOjccrr wrr cpprovorl by Town Couacit m0 prcpcrry owacts associrtioa- Mrnoi lirll Prl.ltriar Mrllr lgltr Dori3n ald superririoc of thc sonrtruction Of e pldartrlrn ndl tnd cntnncc plarr for Muor Vtil Lodg3 rud Ford Prrk, ftorcct tctrtcwcd old rPprovs4 by Town of Vril Drritr Rrvirw Ecrrd snd Pl"nnin$ coilmlUlotr. 9g -Itd L9Vq6LNAL6 EE:ET 9E6IIZIIEB *itlqJtl Dt.9l .61 tvrr.'s. r -u-tt-uD ; it; zofal *,*r,*.l. JFlarnont/&cams lgld DrllEcron nr.GQVMrtIrrIIJOtrYf.r oIIltENT. f(Iry.9:+i:YAll.l rqCn-ilqt-t .B.pr ",''ptoyAfCot u lndurtc tudcnt rcrving ar aigainlsgruiat ltrit- "lr On-pn-id tu fnifriwl Malagcr. Adminictretivc rwponslbiliticr includrd rhc fqrmation of tbiDepUtfi.nl Of COntnunitf' DovelOpmurnt thrt rcsultcd ia rppoint- n.nt lt Diroctor of-coalruniry DcYclopult4. Thc Dircctor'r toryonflbllitill itt' oi.f"C roprr.'isiorr of phyriorl, rociat, ecoromiC, rnd ffcd planning factorr for rn urbrs mor.rrtsin resort *ith I grqccted poptrtion of 50,000: !4onlnl to Etc Torvn lf.*fir md ldvisor to TowrAtiornry, Town Counsll, Plqging Conoirrisn. Dc- rirl flevicrr EOI?d lni r vfilcly of study courmirtces; cooldiBNlot of proforionrl .olsdt or rrvlsct lur urban d*i3n md rrrrter planningl plrndng ltw, rrchitceture rud lBdr..pr dctijn for lubllc capitrl inrPlovcilq0t projccrs toralint Sl5 mlllion; adninir&rtor ol bu-ttgoi rid fixrl planning for a strff of livc rcchnioirnr tcrpo0riblc f"" ttr e;1tilg ud inloraensnt oi lurd uac policy rnd tcgulationr including: build' ing, cnvirennintrt hnlth, rooinS rod rubdivirioo codcs. enviromeutrl imprgt "iiir.-.nr, rrod rro m111.r ptrining, dosign rcvicw 0f tmdscapc, sitc ptrnniUg r1d irobitcotur., crplul improvcmclt p6nning, rnd jotni Vrll -lrrOcirtCrlggtc Couaty rot6tcr phnning for tbG Viuttr Otynglcu rnd eth:r ilrua'- Esvlroursld Hrrrrdr ordhercr: .\utbored caabling lcgirlrtion cstrblirhiag lrzrrd zoner tbgt Plovi&d for tbc prolibitlon of ilmcturcr lA rnrr of knoqa rutrirul hrzrrdr. Lrgir[rion 3cquircd s$PPort iaformetion ptovitled by on- rit! rclettttllc ludy s1d nutor plrnninj documrntlrioo. Tbc lo3irlatior wr! tc' vicved by Plualng Conaiorion, rgprovrd !y 'Iown Couneil. Eorlrortd Zorlng Oidli.tc.! Arthorrd rrtrltr ptrnnlnE t.F(tt rod cnrbtirg lcgidrtion rlrt crcrtpd floor by /loor ?0!|n8 oll|tlncltblt for builtlln5r i,ithin inc irtt vlllqe conrmorslrl corc. Tba lcaislrtlol wae rcvlcwcd !y Plrnnrn3 Oourlrrlon rld rpgrovcd by Town Counell. Corfruilty Girl ftttht RcDorr: $erved es priuoiprl nauniciprl-mrs- trr plenner rnd authoref t ilrr&il glen rcport of Sodr ud pollcirc' on bobrll of r cirilon oododllrtr appoirtcd by tho Towa Council, wbich rot out tconOplc, fl|cd, reoid, rnd cullcj1l iirlr urd polieigr for rhc Town of Vril. Plrnniag Cona6rlon Rcvicu, rld Tcwrr Couucil Approvel. t'13 vrlt ttrrriirhnr Sorvd rr prinoiprl nunioiprl plrnncr fur r nr- tionrlly rctcctcd litdt6rpa dtrlln tl:r6 tbrt produpod t plan fot capltd lmptovc- nrnt piojcolr for public ircititiJs and pubtic lrnfu wlthin thc Tour:n of Yail. Tlre Etrrtar pien known ar thc Vril Plrn **l rpviuwcd by phnniug cgntrrirrlon rad ap' provdiy Torrn Council rubecguctt to lcnl$-y end fctrilcd p_ublic r.cvitw- Mastcr i'trn rorultcd iu lbr prda$rltnlirtion of Vdl Vi)lajc, trdfttrim mtll improvcmcntr' lurk inprovcnrcnts, public lcndfctgr luploucmcnttr 6grrrco tO Vlil' thr rcqUiri' ion of Ford Puk oud the cotrstructibn of t Crnttrl prrkiny'Uurporlrtion ccnbr for Vril villqgc. lr73 Zolilt Code f,iloru Ordiarrcc: rPas principrl municiprl plm' Iret in cotljtroction norlln3 xfth utionatly roliciud phnnh3 ottornsy to drrft I ml- jor rcforru-of t[e zoning oidi-t*o.. Tbr rcruldn3 relorar ordiurncr gtoridrd fcr trhc -inclution o'f dai6n tovlcs luldardl, cnvirountettal prucrvrtlon pmvirionr, u'/u{/uu{b7;# ti/ u 99 39Vd L9VB6L'BZ€ ge:eT 96ET/Z|/EA JCJI I Dt.JaJrt vl oa t tct nan U/U{/UU{B l t} // d JPLrnorURcrunG 1996 cotrCidggr of opcn lprgqe lnd laldtgrDt1g, rnd.cctrBrlir.cd parli4 mq.Ul$!rcn$" Ttre ordinrnso icEGiied Planailg Corninlgriol lcvierY aod Towa Gouncil ap9rovrl' Rrrl srhtr Trrurtrr Trr: ttrr principul d$iciprl plrnnct il con" jructiou with ToUn Managor eud Flr$oe Dircctor iu tho prcprrrtio[ of 1' tnuniciP€l uriq progrm whlch csttbli$ed t\rndiry tor a caPltrl Inptovcrueut pto$mr w[ich inc:uiiO dc lOqUtfitiol of gublic gPto lgtccr Otc conslructioa of improvcncnlr to public opctr rpric rod Ds3kl, snd iqducrncilr for thc oonrlructlon ofprivatr lrctl' irlonot imsritiro on privrt? PreFrt'. Produced tettcr plannbg docnneotr coo- corninl qp?! rprcc roquiritloq,'rnd n11t?t plmnln3 rtpo-rtrfor lopro_lcmUp on pUbticjmlr rnd nellr. Thc proJrot roceilf rpp'av-tl by-thc Towa Councll. Vrll Vlltr;r Trrarprrtelfon Crdfir Ssvld rr prinoigd nunicigrl pleuncr on r nrtionallyie lcctod intcdirclpthrry drriSn tcar of rrchits$!, t$ld' l"rpc rrcbltcctE, rnd en'incsrt rbrt &rlgncd rud conrtnrcttd I Aulti.lcwl 1200 oat puiilg stnrcNr;, inforiation dlitGtr bul turpottllioq ceutcr' cntr'noc plezr rnd ionot.t tor Vril VillrSre. Rcrloaribilltlcs iucludcd' rc$c,rlch for nrastrr plrunin3 !!d urb1n desiSn Eri6ria, mortcr plannirg :dvlrory rcconncadoliol. to town Mrn- agcr, Town Coirncit rnd Plrnning Conmirrio& rnd publie fglrtigl3 in conjunction wltttrbond rlsction- Mrtlct plrn and urban dUlin lpprovcd hf PlllAlut Cornnis- tion, Town counsil ald by iublic clcsrion. Tb! profcot rcccivcd nariond rccogni- ilol for its orccllsncc ir hodccrpe .nd rtrbilr deri;t. Eert Vril IIut* Plu All Aralrrflort Prcprrcd m$tcr hnd uce plr+ rnd zoning plrn for Eart Yail. Ptcplrcd nrltlr plerrning r:r{ Eonlsg docu' inrort, g"ro pobii" 6rtinooy dudrg ruaoHtion bcrri4 bcforc T.rwl Council, rp- Pcrnd ct nrighborbood ncalnlr corrccrqisS a!!3r!tion, urltcr tluuitu' tud ioaluj rla!fir. Preprred aoniu ylln for srvcrd hundrrd Jcparltc rroD'nlcr' nct rrith p-roFrty ownr11, gf ve gublic lestimol]' bcforc Plamiog Commirr'lgn rud Town gsunoil icgurltD3 llnd usc rnd roniog donrilics for trcb PNse I of hnd ln thc anmx' &lo! rrG& Zontag denritier scru lowctrd ftom dcnsities rllowed bt privUe oovo' s$r. The rongrrllon hcteased tbe rirc of lhr commulity tbrc. fold' The rua3xltion rrnr rpprovod by plrnling cornmifrion, towo oounoil, rad public sloction. Jotr A. Dobror arGn lflllsar Plrn: Served ar rnuaiclprl pluncr wirh ra intcrsrtlolal deriga lcam of rrsbltcctd fundrorpc trchi{ccl, cnginearr and tcoultlclllr, to derigncd a uulti-nilliol dotlrr indoor ict arcat utd sonvcilion ccr- trr. MrtGr plra inctudcd tbc dcriprtion oll g lanil errguiritloo rilc, ths locatlon of najor publtd tOptOvements 0r thc silc. inclufing plblic plazcr aad landscrpcd ODon rple3.- Yrll Al{ Rrglrtrl Growlh ManrFEGri Plre: Wu principrl tnunici' prl mrstrr plilnct eonrulting with a nrtionrlly rolectcd nUaisiprl 1o\rtlomcut con' iutrtnl tcrur conslstils oftrbon plrnning, Dulietprl eisirccrisg, Publlo wntlft rnt ouniolprl filrecr to produce ir lrowlh nillltsE€nt ptrn throl3h w[ich to dc(nrEdaa tbc levit oforb$ ronricts n?cessaty to neintrln rpopulatiea bllrnso btlrtccn $Li uoultain crlnClry md ubrn dcvclOprncrt ta Vril, Bcrvcr €rcck and lhc rurround' ing fUbdiviriom, The projcct ftori'rcd llrndng Comniwion rcvicw and Town Conncil rpprovd. Lg 39Vd L9Vq6LVAL6 9E:Er 96EllZT/E9 lErrr I DI , l|cltl ut.ttl lvtrr|Jt t Cr-,r-'oo ; a:(Jrrt-i....... uATLEI non} lFLrmont/Rtsttrc 1996 Dirlrtet Mrtttr Plrul Authoru4 In coujonctios with muoiciPel dc- sign rcvlcw.o*uttoob, ;iioi o.hiuott and lcgsl rdvkors, t ccries of nlrl:r plus for Spcclet lrcyctopnc'r iis6i6tJ tn d13 TOw! of Vrll. Mrrtrr pbur inoludel! C13- o.c.uii.3., uur_uqriotr ior"f vril viltrlr Inr, Nonlrroodr, Dsublo Trcc lnn, i"a ritrinti.ot rcsiconiiiouriot ploiccr. Flinr rpprovcd by Prr$nl$ connlrllon ia ro*n councll, projwtr wore colrtruclld' yrll vrury-ii.iiii liiii ciua,*ua iatcrsovcmr$nl|l raastor plrn rovtcws oo bchltt of rni'iqd of iitl of CcvntoPrrcot grep-orlrtcforc thr Erglc louiiy corrlsciorcrr oo.rcerning thc crcrrion of rnctrcDolitan dirtriet for ths rauUtrttiu tGlorl Conmuililict of T[€tr VEit, Ergtc-Yail, Avotl, Bewpr Ct9!X' AlroS'' Lerd, EcrrY Crcck, ud Edwrtilr' pcvcropnJit Rrrirwr Authorrrl drtiSn r3vi1w rcn911{o1the Dcrign Reviow Borr4 ptrsiiss Ceromirslou rnd TosaGolncil of ell rutdlvjrion rsd Urfilirer coartruorod Uirt r"o iyzZ end l9?7, Rovicltt 4sco..oted for an cstinrtcd ilil;iltilir, iorif""*"tioi .oto.rrlrl crpitrl aotrtttrclioi lacludcd 50 aulti- ttotlcil ||trl mlrcd or" oorru*irl, iolol, coniominiun lttuGturos. Rcvlcw for ;il;il;t; iith v.ir *.ltot ptmr, luteirioion, zonlnS' drsign-rovirwl rnd onvi' iJoilJoiti."O'r. ffrnt oppioJJ ty pt.nni* Conaisrioa aad foYrn Council, 95Vr of tbc projcctt wQrt GgDllructcd- Gllorrdo fi.iof"g Elrbtln; Lrgirlrtior Conclltlo' t97l: Ssrvcd on a rub-crmittcc soipoiJ ei pl.nning profcssionrb rnd Sovcrnmcltrl oflicir6 *io aiin"O Semtc Billii, e-i"ti*iO. eislprchoudvc plaoniricnrbli4 ecl.1llt . cr.r&d l04l rnrironmmlei ine plrnoiry rcAulrtiolc. T[t lctillrtiol T$ rdop0d by tho rrdo lcgilltturc. u/u*/uurlttr;F u/ u Cor.ORlE Enploy.i'Uy rt t Vni".oitl of Colstldo whils r grlduate studErt rs r rGurohor rvorEint oo .poi.t projccu sitb frcvttyrnd-denr .!l:t:,-1t-1i: 1.-":t fioa thc Sohoolr orft*iiitoiu.J"i'li s"nitonncutti Dcsign' Public Affelrr' ud Burlncrr. MctropolitrnssruclrrluD3ugcr'Co|orrdo,Nclthborhoodtov.nr- |[!|lt gtpt'tn rponiorca'bv thc unirerrity 0f colorrdo. Rcrerrch position doou- iiiliiii-il.Coh of uotrololltrn loroltator rpoa neighhorhood rrabilitv- iolrritr progtre[11 warc sotduutcd in noi3hborbood rntlylied rechnlque$, 1nfttg' "otttio toivtsi dhtilott, rnd counoi! of govcrnr,rtnt isot *rlv*s'7-'-'-- --'-ir-iiii-iricmri $tuoy, Erlh couly, c-olrrr-!0, R'escarch cor- du4!d orra"tllri ruipiooi oiCotirrao Mpultr'iu colla3r rnd tbr Ullversilv of Col' ;il;: &cscetched coadqetcd into thc govaraaral{, ilfrltruclurc.rnd rocirl ioofiio,ra,otcd by lhc rrptd oxp*rrion t f 1trr'r[.t indu$y' mou'rdn .'rotl commB' ilticr and thc prcporcd Ylmcr olympicr. Vriisynperrul, VUl, Colorrdo. Pteics! rPc$gted by thc Tc*n of vdl rud rb. Uni"elitf oi ioiottro;' Undct d[rcction of Town Manegcr grvrrided rhc Inirirt rcscarch rrrd orgraftetional ruppon for the Vril SymporiuB. Tb? Putposc cf $ynporium *rs fo "ngt{cr r tcnre- of eoronunity throu5h tbc crcttion of confcr- rusrt tiot cacouregG cultrrral and intallcctur! drvllopnlat' B0 39Vd L9VS6LVSLE 9e:€r 966llzrlEg Io ,8, J\\ ,t\ <-tr'eoz;e- (- '(^t \J F\ (_, <- ,> "' Jucobs Chase Fdch Kleitopf Kelley LLC Attornep et Iaw ItJ"p*&tr* Plo"o 1050 17A Sr, Suitc 1500 Dcnvcr, CO 80265 303-685-4800 tu30368s4869 ea/T.a'd >J)lf,f LV tLT. 966T-68-UUtl I'ACSIMTI.E co\rER SIIEET To: Mr, Andy Knudtgen Fsx Numben 9701479-2452 Priority handling instuctions: J Deliver immediately Deliver within 2 hrs. From: Lia A" Woodall, Esq. Date: Maroh 9, 1996 (a:a0pm) Number of Pagcs (including cover sheet) 2 Original document(s): _ Will follow - in the mail - overnigbtdelivery X* Will not follow Clicnt Matter No.: 018t.001 Comments: CONFIDFNTI AT.ITY NOTICE This hcsimile covcr shcst and any documents which may accompany it contain information tonr the law firm of JACOBS CIIASE FRICK KLEINKOPF & KELLEY LLC, ( t) which is intended for the use of tbe individual or cntity to which it is addrcssed; and (2) which may contaiu informarion ftat is privilcgcd, confidential, and/or otheruisc cxanpt fron: disclosure under applicabte law, If the readcr of this mcssage is not te intended recipient or the ernployee or sgcnt responsible for deHvering thc messagc to thc intcndcd rccipient, uny disr:losure, dirsernination, distribution, copying or other use of this communication or itt suh$trnc€ is prohibied. If you have reccivatl this communication in crror, plearc call us colloct to arrange for tle destruction of thc communication or ils r€tun to us at our expcn$c. Ttrank you, za'd tu-L0r Jacobs Chase Frick Kleinkopf Kelley LLC Attorueys at Law lndependence Plaza 1050 l?rhsr. Suite 15fi) Denver, CO t0265 303{6s-4800 tiil 303-685-4869 JCFXr4t?+l za/ea'd LAW:sdb >D1lf.c AV tLI 966T-64-UUt^l t IjrA V/oo&ll 303-592-44'36 March 9" 1996 VIAFACSIMILE 97014194452 Mr. Andyltuudtsen Scnior Planner 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Salb,/\ilelts v. Lodge Properties, [nc. ct rl' Dcar Mr. Knudtsern: This letter is to inform you that we have been hformed by Mr, Bailey' attomey for Lodgc Propcrties, Ino., thal he is unable to bcgin thc hcuingin this casc on Monday, lrto*tt t t, tlge to anothcr tial. Therefore, the hearing in this case will begin, as scheduled, at 9:00 a'm' on lffeclnesday, tvfarch 13, 1996' The subpoenas ftalt were served uElrr you ,ue still in cffcct and you are expected to bc present in the couflroon of Judge Jones, Dislrict court of Eagle county. at 9:00 am. on Wedncsday, March 13, 1995. Thank you for your cooPeration. Very tnrly yours, Ff^rt}''d"tL LiaA. Woodall FftE C0Py 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 March 7,1996 Mr. Jay Peterson WeststarBank Building 108 S. Frontage Road West Vail. Colorado 81657 Bob Mclaurin Ton Moorhead Susan Connelly Pam Brandemeyer Jivn Lamont Jim Brown Lynn Friulcn Grcg Cristnan lack 7*hren Art Alplanalp Ann Frick Michael Ametl Rick Rosen SincelelY' / l,/ /i#l.{f^--Jv\---\ Andilqgdtsen Senior Planner De pantment of C ommunity Deve lopment Re: The Lodge Intemational Wing Dear Jay: On Decernber 5, 1995, the Tou'n of Vail Town Council considered upon rypeal the Desiga Review boardapprovalofNovemberl, lgg5. TheTownCouncilvoted6-l(Jewettopposed)toupholdthe DRB approval with the condition that additional buffering be added betwan the terraces adjacent to Units gi, 533 and 535 and the proposed Penthouse Suite of the International Wing. The Coungil directed you to generate architecturil designs for this buffer to be reviewed and approved by staff' As the atlached approval form indicates, staff has approved the design forthe buffer. Thank you for your cooperation. Please call me a 479-2440 if you would like to discuss this issue in any greater detail. {,7 ""'"uo'uu' F everyonehnd)^g6-leuetvacnm.3O o D .t ..! esign Review Actio TOWN OF VAIL o NF orm Category Number Project Name: Building Name:,-l-El Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVGontact, Address and Phone: istrict C <: -Z- Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion bp Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval D Disapproval ) srattnetrovat Conditionsr oate: 3/1f 4t. DRBFeePre-paid ,fg'g ,.n Jncobs Chnse Fnick Kleirukopf & Ke lhy ttc Arronrrys lt Llw lndependercr Plnzn I O5O | 7rk Sr. Suire I l0O Drnven. CO 8O265 ,or.68r.4800 rax 701.681.4869 JCIXX-4o12- l Ann B. Frick .,1 ut,'r.,' O March 6, 1996 Arn B. Fnick 892.4422 R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Bob Mclaurin Town Manager 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. CO 81657 Andy Knudtsen Senior Town Planner 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dan Spaneck Building Administrator 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Re: Saltz/lVells v. Lodge Properties, Inc. et al. Gentlemen: We received the enclosed letter from Jim Bailey by facsimile at7:23 p.m. on March 4. As you well know, we represent Luanne Wells who has a lawsuit pending against Lodge Properties, Inc. and the Town of Vail with respect to Lodge Properties, Inc.'s ("LPI") proposed development, commonly refened to as the Intemational Wing. We now believe that LPI may to apply for a building permit immediately after the close of business on March 14, 1996. At that time, Ms. Wells' lawsuit still may be pending, in whole or in part, before the District Court of Eagle County, Colorado, or before the Colorado Court of Appeals. Please be on notice that if the Toun of Vail issues a builCing permit tc LPI for fhe International Wing while Ms. Wells' lawsuit is pending, Ms. Wells will deem such action by the Town to be ultra vires,illegal and in excess of the Town's authority; and Ms. Wells will pursue all available legal remedies. Very truly yours, 4*" fP"oa kb Enclosure c: Luanne Wells Paul C. Heeschen U TIARRIoILEY Blu.ryEennwc& h'rrnsonr A hoFussrgNAr CoBpoBduoN Afaor.Nutlr^T Iaw YAIL NITr|ONAL IIAIVI BI.DG. lC SOUUrfrorrAct SOrlo 'TFU SUITB aoa vAlI. GOInEADO tra!? TtLEPFONtt (8[o, .tC{o08 IACETm|.E (tm) ar3{aat Marsh 4,1996 R. Thomas Moorhcad City of Vail 75 S. Fronage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE; saltz/well! v. Lodge Propertieq-lnc.. et ar., civil Action No. 95cV362 Dear.John, Ann and Tom: This constitutcs our notice that as of the closc of business on March 14, 1996, we will no longer be bound by ttr" Stipulation. Best regards. Cordially, HARRING & PETERSON. P.C. Anu B. Frick Jacobs Chasc Frick Kleinkopf & Keltey 1050 lTrh Srreet, Suite 1500 Denver, Colorado 80265 6854669;# 2/ 2 IJNCOIJiI(,ENTNR t0ln LtNcorn SlnaEI, 6urrr 9r?5D8t{vtf . cor.oalD{o !ot€,a Itl.EmloN8 (rot rt?-t!ao nacst[n,E (!08) r8?-Gt wnrl8al &]t |L eAn.F.y6ttxnAw.cf)x John W, Dunn Dunn, Abplanalp & Christcnsen, P.C. 108 S. Frontagp Road South, Suitc 3fl) Vail, Colorado 81657 JSB;mpp o FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-21iV479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 March ll,1996 Mr. John Dunn Dunn Christensen & AlPlanalP 108 Sorth Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Tom lr'loorhead Susan Connelly Grcg Moffet Department of Conmunity Development {"-t {/'=* { ,tt JAar^-^,- :c\'eryole\rndy[ercBJ6\dun.3 I I (:gg V.,-, - 4wtd /( ft?(, RE: International Wing Dear John: Attached to this lettcr please find the plans recentty approved by the Toulr of Vail Community Development staff for the buffer to be constructed betrveen tbe Penthouse on the International Wing in the existing condominium dwelling units. You will find that the proposed improvements havJbeen redesigned in such a \\'ay so that no portions encroach upon the limited common' elcments of the existing lodge condominiums. If you have any questions about the drawings, please do not hesitate to call me. {S **oru", '../- *--<--- zY-l .L ir- | &$l H$# EEE- o EI ryilrltiilll= il | :, I Bd s3n6sE il? 0d -:5arr(l\tq 9().r o s-* d n-X-U-:gr- tL \- !r {l!t3A t:rl !1 io =2,- p'le=+ rHE-lE Ne bgd ts: s g,f Fs3 oE olLdooi5-biP sdo fi6i sn BE fsso).713i;o*idi(!p b-9t63r#a-6 o-[q;n is; Iip H+{f f =z Eobo*6du, fr-B < #s 5Fg b {iF ed+ Ir [.;0. 6'lJ-rrF!lllo .fI ,Bg-: ElzfooZo U ';!iooc! O- 6.E pfrc tV II) c:sosiExOgu '; $giEu'I {8 'oooooolooooooq -ooooolooooooq)oooooolooooooq)oooooolooooooq)oooooolooooooq)oooooolooooooq)oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo(fooooooooooootDOOOOOOloooooolbooooooloooooorboooooolOoOOoOrboooooo +iN SK''-.'N oo<rOOoo(rooOo()ooool)oa OOI)oooor .c o-q EE =L\$ rn I + .c o- c) A oo tol ol =o:;"5Es =OPdhni" FE$oL oo.qtot5oFF_ P8 s"r * ="', .B E I -o"l T $9 dE =Lt c.r a I.t s I !tb 8H =0a- FXT*s p3lF tc:!gsi $ It?it *$f; r 5$"3o i =o 3q !E3 b et q0 rJ(') oc oqt ]L U) E oo IL o a3 .d6L,,g r=l l1'r<;l L; hjjo I !g ilt7 IB ii 22,-cl d3+ rHE _?E6lxtl o 0 6 t uf o ) H*l {["I th JAA-.--^"- 4,st ,fuor{ /( ff?/, RE: International Wing Dear John: Attached to this lettcr please find the plans reccntly approved by the Town of Vail Community Development staff for thc buffer to be constructed between the Penthouse on the International Wing in the existing condominium dwelling units. You will find that the proposed improvements have been redesigned in such a way so that no portions encroach upon the limited comlnon elements of the existing lodge condominiums. If you have any questions about the drawings, please do not hesitate to call me. Tom Moorhead Susan Connelly Greg Moffet :€vcryone\mdy{enq5:96uDn.3 I I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 March I I, 1996 Mr. John Dunn Dunn Christensen & Alplanalp 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Department of Community Development {S *r"r"uo r*"" ''.'r'-( 'n-{ L ZnI irl Qtal{16 |uK{{Fg8!k)= rIEE! . EYd t6=cc+ EP6rmo Enl8_ ilti I| ,ot I ffid lillll NI U3o{=5S ?b6 cteF= o 9(f)c^. x-: 11 q) xrJ, ^7 \ tEo E o-i.t!oci htil j -*c qtcRsl 3 H^ Fs3 g oLtcloi6. b-89 3; '.s fEe -onn500I bre d*$ots,0r1*s! .Jiqp5.9t03t# o-i o.$ "6nci 5eI .,=-{'! ptrl EPb6isE!F, oll. EEo g_"3{', 6l<ejzl-: f:f 7 r-- =l)_ l(filo lrqlb rll'olE ZL).i a\ f t\ E g-' ris &F+ id3 io3 $ E3RTIJ " efl+x-€ le8- +6= 6 n-rr 661 .;"*f fl z E U uzot\ $*pg J'* S6 n*E& *fgE -'/J ..: ,': :;l .i!):l 'll. t',i r .:i ::'.i :j;ilii ilJi': ;l'!1{dl!.t 'iii :,r _c 0-el EE =tL\0((l =o 3o 10 C3 ! o_{to oo rt c{ f\r =E;* Eso!tn5P6E sls =a v. Nrt o(, Eg0FF=oO6966!t$fl o_q U C.l $xi*s 3gE 9 E0! s is:Ii;s i d t13 l8t b 6 i$f; E5$8" i 6 t o0o U)c =o l|. srs o 0 L et $3 'i ,it .:1 .:.i :r ,,1 :li ;.,: ': ]i '.:'ii .-t r':i '::t ,::1i J''\ .;:? ;d rrL n:fi tr'i1)i,i !--ii.l 1:: ,.1-.1 lr'J i.1:! *:; t. it:' .-,'it .i9i i:I I\Jrij;i ru', iIll.i'i . ' I (fi .c o-Q o{ 'tLt @ ili ffid -c d-r OraA6 itI =2"- p'le=: -HE-:E N? o & r0 L, of o I .dfi!,,q !r !F6tdI E8 ii )ooooOollooooooqroooooolooooooq)oooooolooooooq)oooooolooooooq)oooooolooooooq)oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo( DOOOOO0loooooo(booooootoooooolbooooooIOOOOOOTbooooooIOOOOOoIbooooooloooooobooooo0 r5{rmaj il-acul oo(rOOoo(,oooor)ooOor)ooOor)o0oo>oo NI ltem ilign Review Action Ftn TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbef ,". sltlqu Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: oa-1- .'4"'--t- Legal Desaiption: Lot I ZoneDistrict CC-f- PrqectstreotAdarn"t /?4 f 4r.v-. Cr-=f 0--,.= Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: tr Approval D Disapproval ! $attlpproval Gonditions: /tDae 3/ I I Q (.DRB Fee Pre-paid ffqz.z ,* ,tt '-'€, -21 Vg\ ./-w> .,/ Ir\rr'\ e) _-,./t -,r.-si:r=; | _&--ll ff za-l E l-l a taluol.K51 JHBI ; s3r .-LLt!.,";o 5i': -> UJ { i;;3 .{ 0- *'7ra' ' q- t", in [.r.1cl ,sQ 9o 5-o<f)oi T'.S(o dstE|f)3^ 8$ e)sq(L d qio66' rg9 3TsEi^flfr5 uEeitbE+rl7 b6 o=o, d_[ *-E 3-'"(l Ud)c{ F-Uxa **,*s S(')= lL \- qt 0 so(L o_ E qt e): o_o Ef Zfobo"-7afr Z-EOdu E F-' ;i8 &E+ = (-^ lde ,L o3 o_qt {iF ee+ !eE P6= fiT-raC Cnr60^ Oh dirtr.?ft.io E:fz Eo ozo U u u. J $8n[6 I $ o:tHiF= I s{, Ul6.s s$g =fi: FsIH$I z s .H sg ;giE iE .HEg $[- ; qi {gNe E"ta J'-0n.tt P ! be s $rgt or3l R spb ggEE fL p 59ro b3tul#(U- I r*t ci s3 *r, 6! 6gd5ES *r (lsE -^,* ovrl IL (\ IIII- 6l< szlr roooooooooooo(rcooooooooooo()oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo()oooooooooooo( ooooool)oooooo wN Njr*'=SN Oo()oo OO(rOO Oor ool,OOoor)ooool,oo sdt- o-elet?o6 =o o- dr t.aJ IL e) IJ =oo rt c.{ I c{ =ILfu EEoetn5rP6E U} 5rs v. =c!t o0po-trJ'elFt- H$60!€h -,!dtL (Lq U ol 5. o_el 8E i0_ci !.0 e)o a- oo v. 6l-3+t0JL+,o ar. o o-oF s \, $lsa- ool- o_Lo+,q3 o+ts rr$ Lrbfi186E-o- 96E ss€.s;'$ 3iE !t E,68E b 5 [Fst HU3 oJ' O- O_j$ I 5 3 0Ts3 sI |l ro 0o $)s =o .FIL UIsL o 0LL Lo .r, ro3 $ o!t(J ;.'us f;s ., gl Los o03 € tSE gfli $iEFFi s o_0e,':ot =ut -u IgEEIi o a- o fl QLJd03t-+to I S H*g ilem loQ Eo -0j,tt tJ)c.i T,.s!0 ds,E|I| d+ drS I $ .n:$$i8_ Hi +, Itlos sflisf : FE $iFi UEcitbF+rl? b6a\- -l r\"-o [*oSru= o U(|)c{ tt t J.r\ (l)j lL r- J' -07,$t i $$g fr 3i6 s lHso b3t gf*t" ci 5*r 6n 6gf;5ES +rO nii 5l< szt-: a .9so o_g s ao .=L o_o ffz Toozo U El z Eobo-7 ltt t-EOdu P. ., *=&' iis 8F+ = a-^ tdE o6 3o-ro {IF e0+ ;*F$ e)s olLf,ofr6R* EtP g6ss-^Inf rgHug llEIli Efz Toozo U roooooo OOOOOOIrcoooooOOOOoorroooooo OOOOOOIroooooooooooorroooooo OOOOOOTroooooooooooolroooooo OOOOOOIroooooooooooolrooooooOOOOoolrooooooOOOOoolrooooooOOOOoolroooooo OOOOOOIroooooooooooolroooooooooooolroooooo N$N NTN oolroooolroooolroooorroooo(roo roo n9'tZ s qT L a) a)o I (f) .qt-qt -c+t f-(Le) 86 =o o- dt -c+, o- eto 0(f) rt ol I c\ ;.r s ru LToL =IL Eaoa! ol-tt+,o UIs fou =c\|rt et0po_ iJ'0tFF=ri6bI€st o_q () CI I $;i! Hu i$ nlii$l 5.(LQ 8E +L C\r s tr0e, r:ob 6r !() eto a+ o OL 6La+,03L{Jo a!o o_oF \, s)sa+ o ol-(L L et+,g e,{soIir F LrOrl3t s,sE gs:as;s sEEIIt{ $u=q! g'€8E bjE5 Yt frq-=o 5',g $ l[E!lE s A a.- o fl lo l-t+t0fL+to =o 3 o-0 s3 -s I tl I .u o UIsso ru l|- usa- o ot- IL L et+,63 l[ :l 3*H ll?m L- vE nr&., Anily Knuiltsen o @ @ ('ltntJ Or/c ,ui .J-, N {,s_^ -^/.\/ 37 ,1ea y'1..,t 3 4",7 o,-: *-#.u*" {lZ'J ," lTv tr)Tr'a L [*. s'-:a *.^. (/ hnsdL ,-"-*./ (t ./.".nr 4h /La a- z1-{<._ w t/--""/"J /" -u -nf (? fta.aa-fu t/ &.-4 dK aA l^& do t-f4-.-- <i\rt<'<. 6let @Z:L(n.r, ("-.11fi t Ft<w'Post-if Fax Note 7671 o"'" 1/5 /"1'ltdL"'2_ To | < .i\f /vl1 /\z'tr li-t Frcmht' !-, r:i-.- I f,.-", Co./D6pt.c co' ',) Phone #Phone f Fax# €3] cc>,7 1 Fax * to @ vt fr*/- s-q"i-< t-VHt ,^s 6K @ @)-T rJ +7 *" tUf T/I-.J [Z-<-cz-r- 4 ,o&n r */^ F^I> - FHD O 9 ut//7f *."- t4^ &*'r Z c.-,'// artre^ru--4. ,j f,:2.--<- -\s 4rQ4 4 .a."..,-J r{, SEI'IT BYr l-o 16-96 ; 3:10Pil : BAILEY tLARRlNG,Toffli 0F VAIL CoM-IEV';# l/ 3 /'/{ }//52 o JAN 161996 ,N I'l{E DISTFICT eounr, coLNTY oF EAGLE, srA?E oF COLORT)o * ,*O .,1,: AITITTA SALTZ- PIriiliG v. LonCI PRoFERffi$,INc; IOr.^f Of YAIL r nndcipl corpnniug TOVTN COUI{C:IL OFmE hlwN oF vAIr, T! -e_or g^r',roU[ qVHr.r, nr,lves, fiul R JOHNSTON,MAROARET .r. osTERFos$, KEvD{ R" FO1g}, tvgcgA5r O. nrir3rf aod ROB FORD, ctbs To',m Coucil r,frhTsttl ofVll Ihfcndmn, .nd LUANT{E WELI.S, Phtuifi, Y. LoDcE PRoPERnEs,ll.tc, aul TIIE llcwN oF vjIL, coLoRADo, ,od k ,ffnr$ irrhir :9T11 3F5 ,n*,il{r !S rowN corJNcr!;ruw-r.i L{Ar* d TOu,T'rrffiR}rExPLANNING AlrD ENVIRo}IMENTAL coMMlssroN, DEsrcil{ nHrew BoARD, A}irDyK\UDTSEN, in hb g$| erpdty-ar Saior ffmner'ed Zortg-Afi6r6d"s, ri,r DA!{sP^${EcIg ia hir efirirl o.F€tly rTFtE suILDtNc.cD}tr}u-ffirTo& L)ttea.hltr, Phi*ift. tu&D wcrb q*wcl6'), by bcr *orncyr, Jrmbe €ln* Fr;ckKtdnlcgfr* Kdrcy,ilC,."$dn8fe Urlguoa:ys, D*nqAbptlusr_Ll_Ctilb, iC. t"n rrinb,?,plruau 3.IEt t=qIltusrIPULAnoN {rm neqfiEsr FoRoR,DEttfi]cd iB tbirruenerrnd drredJanuEry l0' 1996' h.[cby fuil,ori! hc rcord ihu sDould bG acrtifisd in oir ralbr r.r followr: . Flaintiffr r:lrust dldoanrrr_lcguding rhs Inrrnrtiarl wiry dcmrq,rrrcuaq{t tu 1963 ffiT b.t*rrn lofte nnryc*ics, t e. cftc r.ocre') ard rhe ro"i oiv"ir'. incMhe wft,r; rcrr*"ttll FLAINTTITS' DESIGNAI1ON OF TIIE NECORD TO TE CEiRTIIilf,D IH\T BYJ DATED: Jrnrlrry t?,,tggS l-16-96 ; 3:10Pil ; BAILEY HARRlNG.Toffl\ 0F VAIL CoM-DEV;# 2/ 3 \ \ r. s$ccrrfdtprblicproccodin3prqdoffidrl*dmsud \ 2' 'or'rrer .oduficcsir*'rru fo*ni$iort d€prffi, agin'yrad nruicptof*ditrgr and any Gndingr ud cucl'cimr ,rd" 6 -' ' Ttc ganc arc rcqrrc*rgd u,it,qcft E, bot trt pt,ilEcfuily Iimied tr, thC follonin$; \ l . rV6t SEsriod $ fo* Conrcil hcld fuF 1 9, t gffi;\ 2. TowrCormilJrtrctrrsbtd*,&-ilfrg; rv 3' Plrad48 6d rnvirorynrr d*rt;d"" cotrsidEnrtotr or Tb r.odgs,cepflicditu Sr E$qi*rllllrtlo'j ; l.t"a6"*o"r Hr C;;il Cqc t. Q(x) nrbnirudir t9t3r\ 4' rtr Lofueb 6qg oreileorca ,oai"r runcodroc io rh. c.r ud puilic - - --*, Accorumdaior Zoasfui&a h tigl; T Jrl Dcdsn Rcr'furlcd coaddcnrion ofTh Lote,r Apglicciel nrhluathOcbbcrof lggt:ad\, 6. TotaConn*ill-{ccriryofDmbcr, lg0, Jecors Chrsr Flra Kurxror & tftu.sy LLC y'\rBB. Frick,*fgZ+ LirA. Wmddl,#!{l8lt l$0l7dr$r..$irr lS0O DGEYE, CO80a6t Ey.__.. Jop W. DuEqN#1421 Vrl[ CO f rdsz (970)d?60300 Arrorxpys FoRttl$mFFi Pqn' AbFhDJne Chrireo*a p.C. tOt $, Fnogc Xd. S., €00 tlti4rrl-r SENT BY:.l.lq.-96 ; 3:11Ft{ ; BAILEY HARRING-TofiN 0n V,!tl--Q.o{_-p;1 3-l 37,Ww vv . cEnnflcAtEor$eRncD I brety celiry rhctsuc rndtr$d wpy dtc lbtr8ghgflaNTtrs, DEgcNATtfi qFTr,E*rcoRp rn BE (ErrrrED wrr nmcr ro rbc ffiiuta3 o 6irnF-l zJft; -* JrurS. Brilslr, Jr_ B&y, I{Etat & pcanon' p.g. 1660 tit3ot11Sr. S11;b 317f Daunr,CO t0264 R. Th91611t1&uiard Tounfinnry CftyofYrit' 75 3. FrorrncRd,vrilC0 srest A*- 5"1" ,cfr&ttlr roTrl- P,5q SENT BY:ATTORNEYS ; 12-29-95 ; 1 I : 06Ail ; DLI\IIi{BPLANAIFCHR ToWI\ 0F vAlL COll-DEVr# 1/ I LAVY OF F |l- E,s DUNT'T. ABFLANALF & CHRISTENSEN, P,C. ISTN*o toHx w n|lNN ^N THUR A. AEPLANALP, JN, ALLEN 6, CHRISTE'{5EN OIANE L, NEiTiAiI N, C.3TE'HENsC}'\I VAI I, BINX EUILDING ll ||'fF :lno I OB goLrTH FtnNtlnF Rnan l ,/F<T varl-, c6!aRAD6 €l6E7 TELECOFIER SRINSI{IIItrAI. (970) {75-0300(970) 476-4765 'ELEPHOH:!ttTpt d7+otoo AALEGOPIEEI l57O! {"6.4745 KA N€N iI. OUNN Cefl l|Flgu !d6^! lnlrtt^XtSfEClll COutElLr JCinv ur. r ili]atar r Telephone;Iix! TtO; FROIIT: TO DAfE: Excludlng thls cover sheetr J^ p^g." are Delng transmitted. PleaEe call (970) 476-0300 In the event of dllftculty vith thls trandnlstlon. couttENrs: rul$ r|EGiGilGt! IE lralrn E ofrl FqR lllE ItsE ot 'lE IIDIvrrxnL m EnIiIAI r(' EFT'n IC Ig DINTCl D IID NY ffiTA I YIFOEr|ATTOII TSICE Ig PNTVII.EGIID, €TIIDETATTT' rm/m rranpr r:Rolt DrScrrsttf,E Uf,DER rssr,Icllr.! Lrn. r? @ FlrDlR ol' tgra lr88hcr rg rftrr rtE fftdtfDED nEcrprgffr m tHE ruFrcrEr on lcllr RlSPofgrBrr toR orum]f,tg tE laSSncr To tTE If,f!f,DED 8ICIPIEIIT' tcn, rRl EaEBI f,oTIFIID nm:t ;1ffi Dt8tillillf,tflolf , Dt3itllgrxrror oB tlryrrt$ sr 1'Ur6 Cnio@rrcltrf, 16 lilircll,Y tnosrBxttD. rt r([ nva lrcErvF lEs gototuftclTroff llr EnndRr guBlSE Errlr TEs opt'lcE tIilltDI.AlEDf EI o$LEqf lltlPEttE GLIJ, lm D!8!nOf llE tTrlslllllr. R.farffi! SENT BY:ATTORNEYS ;12-2S-85 ; ll :06N ;DUN|{ABPIJIN.ALPCIIR L.\'iv o-l-lcain DuNn, AopLANALP & CHRtsrENgEN, P.c. ^ Fx|]rlE!tluNAl LOliFOia I lOa! VArL EaNfi I u ||.ntnO 6urTE goo lo8 souTli FiloN tA(iE F!oAD r|,Fer Var L, Col.oFAno e | 6i? I)ecember 29 , 19 I 5 lSTi\i.TOl{No OF VAIL CON.DEV;# :i 8 JOHN V'. DIJTI N AFTHUF A, AFPLANALf., JK. Al I hta tl. a:llllllil I tJfiltN nrlN r r Hl F UrN R. C. STEFHENSOI{ ,rFr-..,AL ,EOU ri €Ct, .ri rFY w. HAt{NAtl Tf r F FllnNF' ag7O, 4'16.o,rtr TEI ECOFIGNi aaft)r 17ri.4"tot KAiEN M, DUN N surr flfrin t-geAt a6ll3 r^r I Anlta Salz The Lodgc Condoiliniun€ Apartm€nt 527 VetI Co 0155? Rc: The Lodge at Vail Dedl AfIIL.r i Enclos6d are coples of motlons belng fllecl wiEh che court and a noFice tndicating tnat Ann Friclc and J lntend to appear at I:JU an luesctay to se€k a cenporary r€stralnlng order unless rve have a6Eurance tron tne Town that a bulldlng permlt will not be iasued. Ann asked that we ftle a notlon, and It clid seen to rnake sense for ne to file one so that I may participate nith Ailn in the heatlng. AE we have cllecu66ed, tt will be n€ceEsary that the eourt requlre postlng of a bond. Our argume4t 1ll1 be that the amount of tnc bond should be nonlnal (say' 31'000) until hearing is held at a later tine on a Prelt&lnary lnJunctton. If a prelLmlnary tntunstlon ls granted, the anount of the bond no houbt would be-subetantial . However, we will at thet time have a ruling froil f-he jrrrlge rhct-her you and the ot-hnrs are llkely t-o prevail on the mirtis of the case. fn othef rorvls. we should iravc a ruling at that tlnre, although on a prellmlnary basle. on whethcr the 1983 igreement was IIIegal contracE zonlng- Il thc Judge rulsE in youi fewof, faiaLng a lafgef bond oughL to b€ trore Juetifiable in evaryone's. nlnd. It !t111 eose mattsrs lf you ore the one to post the bond; aaauming it l.i noruLna I in amount. It would be ny ruggestlon that you write a peraonal check tso our truBt account ani-that' wc write a trueg acseunt qheck to the Cqurt. To be on the cafc rldc, rc could conslder a greatcr atnount r such as S51OO0. r woultl like to be abl'e to hand over d shesk on Tuelday Lt we prevall on thc notlon. Pleeue lel nte know yuul LftuughLs. I will be a-reund home over ttre long wsttltttrld lf you uhould wl8h to call at that tlme. SEM BY:ATTORI\EI'S 5.2g-ss;11:0?A[l;DUNNABFLANATCHU\*T0IIN0FVA|LCOM-DEV;#3/8 Ysurs varY trulY, DpNN, ABPL,ANAT.P & cHRrsrENsENrF.C. I\llt \\,lofri w. ounn t/' SENT BY:ATTORNEYS ;12-29-95;ll:07AN ISTNo Ilt THE orr*rat CoURT, COUNTY oF EAGIJE' STATE OF COLORADO case No. 95 Cv 362 -'Toflli 0F vAlL C0M-DEV\# 1/ I MOTION NOR TEMPORARY REETF.AINING ORDER AND FOR gT{ELIIIINAR'Y IT{JUNCTION ( INCORPORATING AUTITORITY) AI{ITA 5AIfZ, Plalntl f f, vs. ITODGE PROPET{I'IEIJ, INC. i TOWN OF VAIL' a nunlclpal corporation; |IowN couNcll, OF TIIE TOwil Ob' VArIJ; and SOBARMOUR,SYBILI-,IIAVAS,PATILR.JOHNSTON,MARGARETA' osinnross,'KEvrN R. FoLEY, !'trcltAEl D' JEwli'rr ancl nOg fOnD, as the Sordn Counctl of the Town of Vailr Dafendants. COITES NOW the Plalntl'ff by hcr attorneys' Dunn' Abptanalp l-chrisienctn, P.C., and iottes pursuanl to Rules 65 and 106(a)({)(v), C.R.C.P. for a temporiry re-straininE order and for a prallminary InJunctloni IDID Ag GR,OUritDS TIIEREFOR, EtAtES AE fOIIOWS: l. Plalntitf incorF'lttt'en each and every allegation of its verified complalnt filed herein' 2.Uponinformationandbe}ief,if,Defendantsarenot' {estrain€d, tho o"t"ttOant, Lodge ProPsrties., Inc" will apply ;;;;-;"ii-aire oetenaini,-to*n oi.vair, wllr issue' a building permll fat thc "on"ii"laion of lmprovenente to lrhe Lodgc at vall- -see g*hiblc A attached hereto' 3.llherearepresentt,hesixfactorslorprelininaryrelt€f Eet fortn in natni.F v. r'ra':qirrfane | 619 P'2d 648 (CsJ'o' 19E2): a.gherelsareasonableprobabilityEhat'Plaiattffwill succeecl on tne rairit's' Tha subiect trrrup*:iuy-already exccsda lfil-oensfty altouea by the Tostn's ordinancee' rf the iiipro"ii*ente to rr,e r,6oge at valI. aro conettructedr the dettuiLv *iii-U"-permitted io-n"-eten greater. If Defendants relv on the ""nlrict-enlerea inio by them-in 198f,, they are in effect i"i"i[ing i rfqht-[o-co;rtr;cL zonlng.. coniract zonlng is lllagal i"-ii-ufiri vfies Uirgalning away oE the pollce-power' Folg Leaqlns Dev..9o. v' B6-ard oi countv Comrn'rst 528 P'ad 23'1 (Colo' SEM BY:AfiORNEYS ;12-2$-95 ;11:t)8AN ;DTJNNABPLNALFCHRISTN.TOI{N OF VAIL COil-DEV;# 5/ 6 19074 ) . b. A danger of real , Inmediate and irleparable lnJury rnay be Prevented by-LnJunctLvc rellef' RuIe 106(d)({)(V) 't-li.c.e]r-provtdes-etrai ttre deeision of a governrental body under revlew rnay- l,re aLayed. It the decision under revlcw ln thig case is not atiycd and if Lodge Propertles, rnc', iE grdntecl a iurlcttng pirnrt, lt may icguirtr vecLsd PraPerty rLghts or ofhervile-proceed to completlon of, the pfopossd lmprovementg' caualng Platntifl's slalm Ea be moot. c. There ls no plain, gpeedY and adequat'e remetly aL law. plainttff f= eniftfei to h"ttl the Court review the actlon oi tne Town of Vall and to cletefnine the varictlty ot the 19E3 iot"rnett. Rules 5? and 106(a)(4), C.R'c'P', will provllepi;fitiia an ictequate reiledy'oiriy'it tssuanco ol a builcling permit is stayed. d. Granting of a preliminary injunction.will not disserve *re puUifc iitereat'. To the lontrary, not- grantrng iniuncti"e reiief wo,.trc allow the Defendants te violate the zoiittg of,dlnances of lhe Towtt. €. The balance of equitieg favors the-granting.of an injunction. Ti is-equfEable tliat.the grantlnq of a bulldlng permir be stayed ;";;a;;-tJ prtrii'in6 re.'i"w of, the actions of th€ town - f' Entry of an lnjunet'lon witl preserve the sBatug quo pendlng a trlal on the merit6' IIHEREFoRE/PtaintiffmovesthatDefendantsbeenjoined and resrrJ;S6;-ffip;;;;;r; and pendins hearins on pleintl,f f 's clain pursuanr ro-nuie 106(a)({),-C.R.C;P., from applylng for or tssutrrg a [rullding Permit' Dated the - daY of ilanuarYr 1996' DUNN' ABPLAIIALP fr CTTRISTENSEN' F'C' "y, loa s. Frontage Road s. f300 Va11, colorado 81657(970) 4'lt5-0300 ittorneys for Plaintitf SEM BY:ATTORNHfS ;12-29-85o ;11:08.{N IDUI\I,\ABPLANALPCHRISTN'TOIf]\ OF VAIL COM-DEV:# 6/ E .0S 1J.1ilil, 75 South Fromage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970- 479-2 I 3 V479-Z I 3 I . FAX 970-179-2152 DecenbcrS,1995 Jay Petason, Esq. WestSbr Bank Building 108 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Departme nt of Community Deve lopnent RE: Ttrclodgs inwrndional Wing Dear Jay: On Decenrbot 5, 1995, tle Tcrwn of Vail Torvn Courrcit consider upon appeal the Design Review Borrd appro1el of Novcmbcf, l, 1995- The Town Council votcd ti-l (Jewcn opposerli to uplold lb€ DRB approval '*ith tbe condiriotr tbat additional buffering be added benvcen rhe reraces adjaccnt to UniB 527 . 513 and 535 and_thc proposed . _ P$rtlouss Suits uf 0rr Erlsrlatiolal Wing. Thc Cuturuil dircutcrl yuu tu gtEucrttc urqhitcctural dwigrt fur 0ris brdltr to bc rwiewcd and approved by steff. A.l-though we do nat plan td, rcleCile this item for a Design Roiew BoarC . headng rtalf rrortd iii<c to n:oftc tb; proposcdd**ings aviilablc for public rcvisw in our ofEccs et somc datc in rhc fi.rture. Pleasc srrborit drawings showing tttc fotlowing infornratiun: A. At l/4" scale, sbow all existing improvements. Deiinsate wbat is a limited conrmon elenren! a geilefial Cgmfion clcmcnt. anl what is unrler thc owncrship of the Lodgc Prorperties. Show rhe oroorxed inrDrovemeots at 1/4" scalc in plan. sccCon and clcvancn. fhc scctions should includc rhi nril ncrelr ['fthc sruCnrrcs 0n cither siile 0ftbe terrace aree. This would include both thc poposedPentliousc Suite in)provemalts, as rr*ell as the cxisting units 52?, 531 and 535. If it is helpftl for you and yor.u climl fte Town of Vail stalT is willing to rwiew conceptual proposals that would uchisvc tlic l,rulTcrilg ncurlid in rhis arqr. Oncr you ha'r'e the existing cond;aions mapped oug we woultlbe happy_to sit dou'n and mcct rfrth you I would likc to bare a final desig available for public ievrcry no latet ''!an January 2' I996, Staff will maks a dccisiod od tbc 4plicdtiur approxinratcly onc wcch latcr. Tbank you for yout sttctidon to thie mattcr. Plests call meat 4?9'] l38 ifyou s'ould likc tu discnss thic issuo in any gesfet dct$I. Esl, McL{d! . Tom Moorlad !i'.I!ro Co.dh Pnlr Er orluricr Jiu Lroorrt filr Emrrn Lyar Fnulco 6|tgCridnrn Jlrt Z€lcd Ai Alil.rrtlr| Aoa Fiick Mictrcl An€tt X.iol Bolca B. t EXHIBIT ..A.' SEI{T BYIATTORNEYS ;12-29-95 ;11:09AN COTJIITY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO ISTN.o TorN- 0F vAlL c0M-DEVi# 7/ 8 IN THE DISTRICT COURT, Case No. 95 CV 362 NSTICE OF IIEARING ANITA SAI.TZ, Plalntt f f, vc. I,ODGE PROPERTIES, INC. i TOWN OF VArL, a nunicipal corporatloni rOWN COUNCIL OF THE lotftt OF VAIL' and EOE TRMOUR, SYBILL NAVAS, PAI'L R. JOHNSTON, IIARGARET A' OSlenrOSS, KEVIN R. FOLEY, MIcll4EL D' JEI|ETT and- [oB-FoRD,'ae-t[L Town Councir of the Town of v411, Defendants. NoTIcEIsHEREBvGIVENthatPlaintiffg'tllapplytothe court at 1:30 p.ul on-J-n,rary 2, 1996, fo! hearing forthwith on t"" uotton for Ternporarrr Resiraintng Order-and her Motion for 6io"= Reguirlng celtiftcatlon of the Record' DATED the 29th day of Decenber' 1995' DI'NN' ABPLANALP & CHRISTENSEN' P.C. IT dellvery copy hereof followe I was uerved bY BY! -, , . =.r,=tJohnw. Dunnf ffi 108 S. Frontage Road S- *300 Vailr Colorado 81657 ( 9?0 ) 4?5-0300ittort't"Yt for Plaintlf f IS HEREBY C!:lt',frl'lllD tnat a on December 29, 1995, as Jay K. Fet€rson, Esq. 108 South Frontage Road Vall, Colorado R, lrhoflas iloorhead, Esq. ?5 South FrontaEe Road VaiI, Colorado SENT BYIATTORN$S ; 12-29-95 ; 1 1 : O0A|rl ;DUMABPLANALPCHRI STIIITTOI{N OF vAlL C0M-DEV;# 8/ IN EIIE DISTRICT COURT, COTNTY 0F EAGLE, STATE 0P COLoRADO case No. 95 Cv 362 MOTION TO REQUIRE CERTIFICATION Of RECORD ANITA SAI,TZ , Plainti ff, vs. I.,ODGE PROPERTIES, INC. ; TOtfN oF VAIL, a nunlclpal corporatlon; TOWN COTNCIL OF THE ToTil OF vAILi and BOB ARMOUR, SYBILT NAVASS, PAT'L R. JOHNSTON. MARGAREE A. OSTEREOSS, KEVII{ R. TOI,EY, UICHAEL D. JEIIETT ANd ROB FORD' aa the lfown Councll of the Town of Vail' Def€ndants. COMES NOlf f-hc Plalnf-lf f tty her attorneys, Dunn. Abplanalp e chrlstensen, P.C., and moves pursuatrt to Rule fO3(a)(lJ(fff), C.R.C.P.. for an order raquiri.ng r:crtificet-ion of the record; AND As GROITI{DS TI{EREFOR. stat€s as follolrs! 1. Plalntlff has filed a complaint pursuant to Rule lo6(a) (4), c.R.c.P. 2. Rule 106(a) (d)(III), c.R.c.P'. provides that, upon motion of the plaintifi,'ihe'Court ghall ordef the defendant body to file erith the clerl( or the courtr on a upeclfled clat.tl. Llre record of proceedings before that body. Datecl the daY of JanuarY, 1996. DUNN, ABPLANAI,P E CHRISTENSEI{, P.C. 109 5. Frontage Road S. *300Vall, Colorado 8i557 ( 970) 475-0300 Attorneys tor Plaintiff SEIff BY:ATTORI{EYS JOHH W. Oui|tl AitHUi A, AEPI-AI{ALF, JR, aLLEfa (:. cttIlS I |'xlrl;ti Olar|t l.. r.ltl|afl aFfctal coufatlEL JSTII II. |rANAAH lFOr TELECOPI ER TR.AIISUITTAL FRoMr .rorh.| w. runr TO TET,ECO?IE$ NO, !'hq -:,viL :12-29-95 ; 3:59Pil |DUNI{ABPLANALPCHR TO$N 0F lAlL Coff-DEVt# ll 2 ljw ottlcEr DUNN, Aapuerv,rup & CnnrsrENsEN, F.g. IST\*o vltL 8at{( ButlotNlB EUITE gCO I O€ EOUYH FIO'ITAG' ROAd lvEsT vall-- G6L6taDo tl85? TELE rotalt {r"01 a?a.ot€ tlLEcoPrEir tl"Ol attt-atl! xatc r. Dutat{ CtiTlrICA LaAA Allll?lfaT Er(cluding this cover sheet, / pages are b8ing transmitted. Pleage eall l97O) 476-0300 ln the event of dtftlcultl'wlth thls trangnisslon. Coilnents: TIIIS MESSAGU IS INTf,NDTD ONI.,T TOR TEE USg OT TUE INDIVIDUAI. OB IMIITY TO WHICE IT I5 DIRECfED AIID UAY COI.ITAIN INf,ORT'IATIODI MIICHrE PruvILEGru, coNI'lDtsN.rrArJ A$D/(,R Extr:!{FT tRoll DrscrrosuRE ITNDER AIPLICIBLE IAlf. If the readcr of thls nessage is not thr lntcnded reclplent or the enBloyce of ag€nt responslble lordelivering the ncrssage to the intended reclplent, you are herebynotified that any disseminatlon, distribution or copylng ot this cooununlcation is strlctly prohlblted. If you have received thlscorfinunlcatlon Jn cffor, please notify fhis Office lmmediately bycollect telephone call and dcsttoy the transrntttal. Reference I . SENT BY;.{TT0RIIJEYS ;12-29-95;4:00Pil1 Law eF t tcHs DUNru, AEFLANALF & CHHISTENSEN, P,C, ^ rF|.lFEs,3 (rN^r co8P€rk^ | t.rN V./\rL EANK F LltLotNo EurT! goo I OA SOUTI l FRoNTAGE Roao WEST varL, CaLon^[ro Bt€Sz D,Bcember 29, L99S ;DUNNABFLANALPcnSnutotttl 0F vAlL coM-DEv;# 2/ 2 r ELCPHONEI lsTor4ra arln: TCI,,ECOPIER! (l?(ll a?6-4?6,€ KAREN r}l. uuNN 9€RTltlt.o LEOAL A!rrnr^itl .JOllN W. r'rrNnl AIIT HUF A, ADPLANAI.F, JR, AllCll g. gHxlB r a Nslr,l DIANE L, }IE'IMAN i. c. ETfinl tL N 6ON tFECI^L counnil., JFRNY V'. XAniNAH E'cl'sed ls a stlpulat,lon ernich hae been subnitted tothe attorney for Lodge properties. _ Pr€paration of this stlpulation follows up on atelephone conversatron between ttr. narley, Ann Frici( and meearrler thiF afternoon. Jlm a66urea ue lirat Lodge propertieE hagnot conpleted the necessary pap€rwork to itte tndir ip[riciiioii--for a burlding permlt. He also lnatcatecr a desire to-workthrough the lseues we have raieed. r cannot go so far as to eaythat he rf,antg to worh everythLnq out on an amicabre basis, but iredld eeem to deslre to avold a flght lf he can. lle have arragreed to neet on Thuraclay to b€aln some dlecussjong. The sttpulatlon, tf it ie eLgned hy Balley, would seemto.serve our purpoggs aa wel.r as a tenporary-reetrainlng order atthls tine. Obvlously it han f.he aclvanlage if tto bond bEtngrequired. In the mgantlme, the motion sent to you this nrornlnghas heen filed with_thc coqstr and we wilr be aule to proceedrnmedlately to obtatn a rostralning order lf that becomes l.:.s:rry_. AB p.rt of ouf discuaaion on Thurcdaye yre witl plck adate- for hearl.ng on a prell.mlnary lnJunction. wa ruay very ierlb€ able bo pass by tho regtrainlig oiaer stage. Anlta SaIzllhe Lodge Condoniniume Apartment 527vaLl CO 8165? Re: Dear Anito ; You.Ea very brulyl DUNN, ABPTJAI{ALP Ti CHHI$'r'UNSEN,F. C. The lodge aL VaIl If yau have any qu+rtionrl pleaee give me a call. jwd: lpae John t{. Dunn SEI,{T BY :AfiORNEYS d2-2S-Ss ; 4r00PM ;DIM,iABPLINALPCIIUN.T0f,N 0F VAIL C0M-DEY;# 1/ 2 IN TIIE DISTRICE COURT, COUNTT OF EA0LB, STATE OF COITORTADO Cas€ !fo, 95 CV 362 STIPULAEION ANII'A !iA!'r6. Plaintitt, v3. LODGE PROPERTIES, INC. ; TOIIN OF VAIL, a nunlcipal corporation; TOI{I{ COTTNCIL OF rHE Tot'N Of VAIL, and BOB ARMOUR, SYBILL NAVAS, PATJI., R, JOHNSTONI MARGARET A. OSTERfOSS, KEVIN R, FOLEY, MICHAEL D. JEtlExlt and ROg FORD, as the Town Council of the Town of Vall, Defendants. coME ltol'l the Ptalnttff and the Defendant, Lodge Pfopettles, Ine., by thelr rrnriernlgned attorneys and stipulate and agree ae followE: 1. Lodge Propcrtler, Inc', ehall not apply for a buildtng perrnit for tnpiovements to The Lodge at Vsilr generally OescrlbEd- in the Conplilnt hcreln, exc€pb upon len dayr wrltten noticc Eo Plalntiff. 2, elaintlff ahall vaqete hearlng on her motlon for temporary scsLraiolng order, now lct f,or l;30 P'M' on Januory 2, 1996. DATED the - claY of , 199_. UUNN, ABPITAI{AIJP & CIIRISTDNSEN, P.C' Byr--- 108 S. frontage Road S. *300 Val1, Colorado 8f657 { 970 ) 476-0300 Attorneys for Plalntiff SH\IT BY:ATTORNEYS 52s-s5 ; 4:0lPM ;DUNNABPLANALncnRlf,rorN 0F vAlL C0M-DEV;# 2/ 2 EAILEY. HARING tr PETERSON' P.C. Qtt , Jamer E. gall€y, Jr. 1500 Lincoln Street, *317t Dcnvor CO 90264 AttorneyE for Lodge ProPertles FILEMPY 75 South Frantage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-U3q479-2139 FAX 970-479.2452 January 17.1996 Mr. Jay Peterson Weststar- Bank Building 108 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Enc. cc:Susan Connelly Tom Moorhead Bob Mclaurin Re:VailTownCouncilrequirementforbufferingatthelntematiorulWing Dear Jay' After revierving the information submitted by yorn architects regarding the buffering betlr'een declis on the third floor ofdte Intenational Wing, staft'has the following comments: Design The distance separating tlte decks is inadequate at this time. Staffbelieves a buffer of 22 feet is appropriate' This can be accomplished by mailtaining thc existing decks in their present configuration and reducing dre rvestem end ofthe penthouse deck. The concept ofa planler benveen tlte decks should colltinue to be used. Please provide a specific landscape ptal in the reviied drarvings indicating the size and species of tlrc plant material' lnclude approfimately fiu. .r=.gr..,, O.es in the plan'ter area adj-acent to the peirthouse' Atso include a description of horv the area rvill be lnaintail.led n the futurc. Saff is assunring rvindow configurations for the existing condomiriruns will not change in the revised drarvings. provide details regarding the elevator equipmetlt. I understand no mechanical equipment is required to be located on dre roof. Furthennore. all renting can be acconrplislted rvith duct work that will be daylighted arvay frorn all condorniniums. Please verifY. Owner's apBroval Prior to taking action on the requested desigr approval. the Torm must receive approval from the o\\mer of the area to be modified. wlrether this is an individual or the association. Pror,ide the condominium declaration' with appropnate sections highlighted, indicating rvho has the aufbority to modify a General Common Element' Include a tetie. ito* rttis patty g"anting approval for all proposed rvork' Another option is to move all proposed improvements outside any existing GCE or LCE. Thalk you for you attention to these issues. I have included rhe correspotldence I have received frorn interested parties ior your information. I look forward to resolving this in the near future. Departrnent of Community Development {,2 *"""o 'o"" F:ele4 one\andy96-ler er peterson Il7 :iJ # i!- ROat x. . dL/Iz/sa tzl.zs T|lC r.lt of FIEEE oF F I € }I A I D F. 1800 Iwary L2, 1996 9-irta t tao LI NCOLN STBEEI sUttE I t00 oGNVEi CO|.OFADO ooaof rEL lo! ate I t0(, FA. !g.t iC! O.l I t FO EOX attt VArL COLORAoo €tG!a t[L :oJ a1l lDao Vb Facslmile nc,.47g ?d zt5'1 16- Andy KDudbetr Cmmunity DeveloPment Tsu of VaiI 7s South Froutage Road Wcst Vd, Colondo 81657 Re: The Intemational Wing, The Lodge at Vail lk Andy: Ar you anc aware, this ofEce represeuB Dr' and Mrs. James H- Cavanaugh' the fiiDcrs of Unit 533, The Lodge * Vail. Tb purposc of this letter is to provide tbe Town of Vail, in particular the community flr:{|c-topt ot Deparfnent, comments, cmocrus and suggestions relative to tbe final grosi4 erchitectur.l plans submitted to tle Town by the developer-s for the Ironational wing. .rti&:r our mceting rhis past Tuesday, in which the prcposcd plars were revierred alld rbrrsscd amqtrgst ourselvcs, I forwarded copics of ttrc tcrrace plans to my cfients' Tlcse plans were reviewed by Dr. aod Mrs. cavanaugh rnd discussed last nigbt via tclqrbonc. Ffr.-t aDd forcnrost, it must be pohtcd out that sEoug cotrcerns rcrnain with the alnErcut use, ard seemingly disrcgard, of thc Cavanaugh's private propcrty riqhts .i*tti"g ftom the timited ioomon clcBests ("LCE) afiached to their condominium * At no time has any rcprescutadve &om the dweloper requestcd tberigbt-to {ffze such LCE as part of the current devcloPmcnt plan. Morcovcr, without benefltt f frrthc investigAiou iro 1[e condominiuu tloCumcnation' I aE trot comfortablc Itr thc coudominium association's righ to comrcy any irttsrt$B, whetber via an .-q_.mcrt eucf,oachmeot, or trarsftr of titlc. I betiwe 'hit issus mwt be carefully rwiewcd by the Town shoutd it havc not yet been addresscd. Th secod maJor concen remains the propo*xl elevator shaft. As explaincd nbove, I ar of tle opinion the protrusion of the shaft inm the prEseut deck area of thc eaanergh'; condominium unit is a violatiou Of the propcrty righn relativc to the I.'G'. Notwittstendng, thc actual placemen of the shaft in cloae proxiDity to the Tb LodCe luilding appears to be noneother than a mater ofcooyeDicnce aud in total dregarC tor ttc o*r.n& of the affected uniS. Should the dwelopcrremain ,rl^rnlr in the toc*ioo of tbc same, at least an inquiry imo the installarion of a Ot. cou'Y5EL: ELRoo, KAT!. t'FEEO. LOOL' MOIEON tr nrLv€iMAX' F C 6L/Lz/sB tz:za 1800 ELROD,f,ATZ ET TICHARO | !, Dr.. ard MrS- JanCS lf, Qlyrn:rrgh Jrury 12,lg*t @c Two bgrkaulic clevstor should be reguestcd- Ttis tlpc of cquipmeor would elinirete the #rg to. the promrsion of tla elevator shafr tbrougb rhe loof' A bydraulic el6ta0or ds not requirc this cxte$iotr. Fielly, shquld the Town prcreed with its approval of tbe current developmcnt plal, (rc Bust addrcss Ure UnAscaping issues. Tte insAllation of the largc evclgXq9D trees is ranrxrnount to the construction of a landscaping "wall'. This will accouplish rding 6q1g then tbc ctimination sf wbat litlc light and air tbat would be rcnaidng rc ti. project is complstUl. Morcovcr, neither mysclf, nor rly clients' bave beeu e&ceted as to tbe actual Eaintcnarce of the landscapiug. Crmcerns ov€r cos6t usc of rirate propeny !o apcess the landscaping, iusurance and liability, asd thc lib must bc addrcssed. Ifu overatl bcst solutiou fur tbc dcvclopmeat of the Ilternationd wing uld tbe -daclnned' to Thc Lodgc building appea$ to be thc eliEinarioo of the proposed tEraces on The Lottge, ttre elimination of the terraccs immediately adjaccnt to thc cdcrtainmeut suite aod directly across ftom The Lodge buitding' the installation of Ior lyisg landscaping on thc roof arca scparating the two buildingS' and the relocdioo cf thc clerator shaft. I fnrst thc above informatioo will be considered io thc final decision making process ht the Toua of Vail. In the meautime, rhis officc will continue m monitor the fitadoo as well as investigate all avcnucs of recourse should the Properfy rigbts of Dr- and Mrs. Cavanaugb bc cast asidc. Shoultt you wish to discrrss the contcuts hceof, please call- For your inforrration. I t'in be iut of tbe country tom January 20th throueB February 4tb. Mr- Bob Prcco dEkod, IGtz, rteeo, [nok, Moison & Silverman' P.C- should be callcd for any imedia6 csnoerns or proble"',c- He ca1 bC rcachcd at the Samc nuuber. Thank I8. Ycrrs vcry mrly, RruARD P- ROSEN. P.C. Richard P. Rosen /h$ o E,Lsr Vn, lace Hoptr owN ERs Assoct,t rt oN, hq c. otlicers: ltesident - gob Galvix S€cretari' - Greua l,a:Xs l'reasurer - lhrrick G:amm Dircclors - JuCib 3€rkoritz - Dolph Briilgev,'atcr - CUic Ca,,lkin< - Ror I-anSicy - Bil! Vston - Con:ic Riildcr Ptxt Officc Ror 2-18 Vail, Colorarlo 81 558 Telephcne: (97C) 32;--(69l \{essag€/FA.xr (9?0) 821-5856 FAX TRANSMISSION COVER PAGE To: Susan Connelly Time: 11:.30:22 Pages (including cover): From: Jim Lamont, Administrator Dale: t/16/96 I Subject Lodge at Vail, International Wing, as oroposed Special Inslructions: Attn: Andy Knudtsen Upon review of the document concerning the redesign of the roof top terrnce, the Homeowners Association continues lo find ihe proposal insufficient. The proposal does not meet the goals or expections of the Association. JRN-15-1996 tA"42 pt Kettry ttc Arrorrryr ar Lav 363-695-486 v 9 JCFKK 515 P.6? Lir A, Wooddl ,or.8924416 0ltt.sl -!-0TAL P.S2 Jncobs Chnse Fnick Kteiruko & January 15, 1995 fudy Knudtsen Senior Planncr Towa of Vail 75 South Frontage Road , Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lodge at Vail Intemational Wing Dear Mr. Knudtsen: Oo behslf of our client, Mrs. Luanne \l'ells, we have reviewed the drawings submitted by Zehren and Associates for The Lodge at Vail Internatioiral Wing in rcspoDse to the Town Courcil's requirement that additional buffering be installed to protect condominium units 527, 533 and 535. Wc join in the written objections zubmittedby Art Abplanalp, on beh,alf of Alita Saltz, which present detailed reasons why the drawings inadequatcly address the concerns raised by the Town Council oa Decembcr 5, 1995. We continue to objcct to final approval of this project based on the Town's failure to address zoaing compliance and the questionable validity of the 1983 Agesmeut between the Lodge and the Town of Vail. Very tnrly yows, JACOBS C}IASE FRICK KLEINKOPF & KELLEY r-t.c lr.deprndrrrce Pllrr l0tO 17il Sr. Suitr l5O0 Dervm. CO 8O261 "3r fa:t: (97 O1 47 9'2452,or-68t486) ":. originaltofollow u* !O1.68!-*859 cci LynnFriglen , Art AbPlanalP LiaA. Woodall ,cfxx.lo I r.J. i JOHN W. DUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALP. JR. ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN OIANE L. HERMAN R. C. STEPHENSON TE LE PHO N E: (97O) 476-O3OO TELECOPIER: t97Or 476-4'163 KAREN M. DUNN Law OFFTcES DUNN, ABPLANALP & CHRISTENSEN, P.C. A PROF€5€IONAL CORPORATION VAIL BANX BUILDING sutrE 300 I 08 SoUTH FRoNTAGE RoAO \iIvEST vArL, CoLoRADo 81 657 12 January 1996 SPECTAL COUNSELT JERRY W. HANNAH Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town of VaiI Department of Communlty Development Vail CO HAND DELIVERED Res fnternatlonal Wing - Lodge at VaiI n tJ''t'tt LEGAL ass \\"C \/ ^,F- \* < fl!r4i;\-/ ,[''' t Dear Andy: we understand that the Town of Vail has received a revised plan relating to the International wing, in,response to the Town bouncil's r6quirement that additional buffer be installed to protect the eiisting condominium units. As you wiII recall' this iirm represents Jack- Sa1tz and Anita Saltz, who have requested that we revi-ew and provide comments regarding that proposal' our review of the proposed revision, cross-referencing according tol sheet, identifiLa Lne following clarified or confirmed problems with the proposal: 1. Sheet A1 . 1 a-Thenewplanconfirmsthattheproposedelevatorshaft and unidlntified adjacent companion structure will penetrate the deck which is an exlsting limited common element of the Lodge Apartment condoninium to the extent of one-third of itl wi-attr, or two of six feet' This, of course, contradicts the developer's statement to the Councii, when its representatlves stated that the eLevator would not penetrate that area. While the deck is a limited common element, it is still a conmon element of, the Lodge Apartment Condominium owned by the Assoclation. rt cinnot be changed other than through the coutprising a limited common element of Unit 527 and Unit 5r3. b- The new plan proposes to modify the exterior waII arrd door of Lodge apariment Condominium Unit 535. Again' this cannot be changed other than by the Lodge Apartment Condominlum AssoCiation, through the procedure es*.ablished by the Declaration. d,,r/ ,^F c. The new plan proposes to expand the common elements of the Lodge Apaitment Condominium by creating Condominium AJsocialion responsibility for an expanse of terrace and planters replacing two existing decks ' Again, this reconfiguration of a relatively simple common efement (the decks iow associated with Units 527 and 533) and the associated responsibility cannot be changed other than through the procedure established by the Declaration. The queition is whether the Association would agree to amend the Declaration to accept responsidility for this modified structure, when it is for the benefit of only three ol^tners, and many members of the Association object to the project as a whole' d. The plan not only confirms that the elevator violates ttre area owned by the Lodge APartnent Condominium Association, but that it's proximity to Condominium Units 527 and 533 is certain to cause disruption through noise and vibration. The elevator is, of co-urse, adjacLnt to the terrace areas of each Unit' The elevator structure and operating machinery (which almost certainly is within the elevated structure adJacent to Unit 533) is also less than six feet from Unit SZZ and four feet away from Unit 533 ' No indication is provided regarding access to the operating. machinery, buC that would almost certainly be required through the terrace of Unit 533 or 527, or across what is proposed to be the nel^t "general common property" which is proposed to the east of the proPosed terraces. e- The plan clearly confirms the concern expressed by Lhe Councit at the lJst hearing, that the development is tu.rning three fifth-floor condominium units into three streetllevel condominium units. Units which formerly had nrountain view will now have views of a 12-foot by 14-foot terrace boxed in by a planter and whatever amount of snow may accumulate on top of those pfanters lurinq winter' mifng the winter, ealh unit, despite the fact-t-hat it is on th6 fifth floor, will have a view of a wall of wood and snow. Sheet A1.3a- This sheet establishes the effect of the extensive Iandscaping necessitated by the proposal , which, with a pl"anter he-ight of 3-l/2 fbet and plant height of L-2-feet, will Jttectively create a box around each unit 4- Lt2 ieet to 5 feet high. This analysls does not consider tlue effect of snow depth during winter. The excessive marintenance involved in preventing damage, and the risk of, damage from the snow, is not likety to be well received by the Association whose property this is 2. expected to become. b. The terraces of Units 527 and 533 will abut an operating elevator, which will make the owners' ability to enjoy-those terraces speculative, at best' c.Ifthesandstonebenchtobeinstalledabovepartofthe elevator shaft is intended to serve as seating, it is unlikely to be successful, as its surface will be thirty inches above floor level. 3. Sheet A4.1 Ttrl.s sheet confirms the proflle of the elevator shaft and its unidentified companion structure and establishes (a) that there wlll exilt only three feet in the elevator slraft for operational equipment above the ceiling of the floor below-, and (b) persons sitting on the .,sandstone bench" above the eievator shaft in front of unit 533 will be approximately five inches above the shaft and its operattng eguiprient. Additionally, this sheet confirms tbe inpa-ct -ot- the elevator enclosure which will be constru-ctedtwentyfeetfromanddirectlyoppositeunits 527 and 533. 4. Sbeet A4.2Tlrissheetisnotparticularlyinformative,beyondthelnformation provided on other sheets' 5. Sheet A4.3lllris sheet confirms (a) the contemplated modification of tbe general conmon 'eiements compri^einS - tle "n1f + "tt9windows of unit 535, (b) the obstruction of the window of unit 533 by the eLevator shaft and associated structure a<tJacent t-o it, and (c) the penetra.tion of the limited cmmon elements comprised of Lhe decks outside Units 527 and 533 by the 6levator shaft and the associated structure adjacent to it. 6. Sheet A4.4lfhis sheet confirms the penetratlon of the llmited common elements comprised of thL decks outside Units 527 and 533 b* the elevalor shaft and associated structure adJacent ta it, to the extent of one-third of its width, two feet' In sunrnary, the developer proposes to redra!,t condominium ownership bcrndaries and reOetine cohdoninium air rights without even prelent"S.ng the issues to the Condominium Association whose approial is soulht. Obviously, no approval has been obtained. The t6wn of Vaiti co--ntinues to coirsider -ihis proposal in violation of its own ordinance, which requires that the design review_ be processed onX-y upon submittal of ptans by the "owner or authorized agent of any project.'r Vait Municipal code 18- and c.1. 1'fre proieit- alsumes that the Lodge Ap_artment Condomlnium essociation w1ll agree to the modlflcatlon of the content and the boundary of the coridominium air space unit. Under the condominium declaralion, that cannot occur except upon the consent of 75* of the property owners and all holders of first deeds of trust. That has not- happened and is -extremely unlikely to happen' while the proposal was originally presented to the Town based upon the representition that oniy the pfoperty of The Lodge at Vail wis to be d6veloped, it has become apparent that the project cannot proceed absent mbaification and development of property, including ifr space rights, owned by the Lodge Apartment Condominium Association. Therefore, the project is not properly before the Town for approval, absent -consent of the Lodgg Apartment Condominlum Association. Whether viewed on that basis or on the basis of the design review criteria alone, the project should not and cannot legally be approved as submitted. A. Abplanal Jncobs Chnse Fnick & Kkirkopf Krlley rLc Arronrrys rr Lrw lndrprndrnce Pl,ur lol0 | hk Sr. Suirr | 5OO , Drrvtn, CO 8026, ,or.68r.4too viafax: (970)479-2452 original to followr* 701.685.4869 cc: Lynn Fritzlen Art Abplanalp .rAtl _; ' .t- January le:tsgt o .r?. t.-t Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vaii, Colorado 81657 Re: Lodge at Vail International Wing Dear Mr. Knudtsen: On behalf of our clien! Mrs. Luanne Wells, we have reviewed the drawings submitted by Zeltrenand Associates for The Lodge at Vail Intemational Wing in response to the Town Council's requirement that additional buffering be installed to protect condominium units 527, 533 and 535. We join in the written objections submitted by Art Abplanalp, on behalf of Anita Saltz, which present detailed reasons why the drawings inadequately address the concems raised by the Town Council on December 5. 1995. We continue to object to final approval of this project based on the Town's failure to address zoning compliance and the questionable validity ofthe 1983 Agreement between the Lodge and the Town of Vail. Very truly yours, JACOBS CHASE FRICK KLEINKOPF & KELLEY t-rc d;f)""*-t t- lin A. Woodnll ,or.8924416 LiaA. Woodall JCFKK.29IGI o { \f/'" /Januaryt''tee' (qlf"o '' aMr, Jay Pctcrson , $'- . t ! Wcststar Bank Building \'/ L,* . t" . A I lT,l;T'"""ti:l,**' 'b\nt't' <r/t" *{rr'; Dcar Jay, After revicrving the information submittcd by your architccts rcgarding thc bu{Iering bctwcen dccks on the third floor of thc Intemational Wing, staff has the followiltg commcnts: Dcsign The distancc separating thc decks is inadcquate at this timc. Saffbclicvs a buffcr offfcct is appropriatc' This can be accomplisheO UV *.ittt"init'tg t'he cxisting dccks in the cxisting conliguration and rcducing the wcstem cnd ofthc penttrousc deck. Thc-conccpt of a plantcr bcnvcen thc dccks should continuc to bc used' Plcasc provide a spccific landscapc plan i9 the rcviscd drawings indicating the size and spccics ofthe plant lnatcrial. Includc approxinratcly fivc cvcrgrccn trccs irr thc planter arca adjaccnt to the pcnthousc' Also include a dcscription of how thc arca will be maintaimcd in thc futurc' Sta{I is assurningl window configurations ior the existing condontiniums will not cha.gc in the reviscd drawtngs' Provide details rcgarding the clevator cquiprnent. I rurderstand no ntcchanical cquipmcnt is rcquircd to be located on thc roof. Furthcr morc, all vcnting can bc accomplishcd with duct work that will bc daylightcd away from all condominiums. Plcasc vcrify' owner's approval - -^-..^^.^r r^'* na,*mrar oval from thc owner ofnioito taking action on the requested design approval, thc Towr must rccclve apprr the arca to bc modified, whethcr this is an individual or the association' hovidc the condominium dcclaration, with appropriatc sections highlighted, indicating who has thc authority to modify a Gcneral Common Elemcnt. Includc a lcttcr froDr this party grantinf approval for all proposcd work' Anothcr option is to movc all proposed improvcntcnts outsidc any existing CCE' Thank you for your attenhon to thcse issues. I havc includcd thc concspondcnce I havc rcccivcd frotn intcresicd partics for your information. I look forward to rcsolving this in thc near f.gturc' Sincerely, Andy Knudtscn Senior Planncr Re: Vail Town Council rcquiremcnt for buffcring at thc lntcmational Wiug Susan Connclly Torn Moorhead Bob Mclaurin F:weryone\andy96-letter\peterson I I ? .0L/t2/0A t2:23 tHC r.tl OFFICEE gr flrol olsoo nrcHanD P. Fo$tE.X. Jmuary L2, lY96 9axr2l I t20 Ltf.COL|.| 9Tl EET ruttt I r90 oGNVCn COLOE OO ootof ?EL lol OIZ t99l' F^f J9".r i6t oa | ! YAIL FO aOl ala7 Ylrl coLoFADO at6!a tEL !0! a7l |lao Vie Fecslmile n0.47gld 2.t5ll Mr. Andy KDudSetr Community DeveloPment Tovu of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WEst Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: The Interortional Wing, Thc L,odge at Vaii Dear Andy: As you arc aware, this of6ce reprcsenB Dr. and Mrs' Iamcs H' Cavanaugh' the owners of Uuit 533, The Lodge at Vail- The purpose of this lener is o prwidc tbe Town of vail, in particular tbc community Dwetopmeut Departrnent, con;eo6, conoer$i and suggostions relative to the final prre*fo erchitectural plans submittcd to tbe Town by the dcveloJrers for the lntcrnational Whg. After our meeting rll* past Trcsdey, iu which the proposcd plaru wcre revierrcd.and rtiscusscd *-grt oursilvcs, f forwuded copies of tbc tcrrace plans 19 my c]ients. Ttcsc plaos we;e reviewed by Dr. and Mrs. Cavanaugh and 4iscussed last nigbt via telephonc. First ald foromost, it must be pointcd out that stroug colcsros rsmain with tbe ;;;;*;, rtd seemingly Ourcgud' of thc Callpurh's privaie property dgbas #Jtiot toit *," u"titue commoiclemcuts (-LCE) asached to their condonrinium uuit. Ai no time has any reprsscntative ftom tbe dweloper requesttd theright to "tilir" ,"rh LCE as part otin" cunent dcvelopment plen. Morcovcr, without bendtt ;i-fr"d investigation into the condomidum documcilation, I am Dot comfortable with thc coudomiium association's rigbt to convey any irterc$ts, wbcther via^an eagcmcn! encroachmeot, or trensftr of titlc. I belicvc this issue must ue cercnuy rwiervcd by thc Town should it have not yet been addrcsscd' The second major concern remains the proposed elevator shat' As explaincd abovc' I am of the opinion the protrusiotr of trclnit into gre present deck arca of ths crao*gn'i condo-iliun unit is r violahou of the propcrty Iight$ relativ_c to thr LCE.Notwitbstanding,tbeactualplacenemofrbeshaftincloseproximityto-t}s The Lodge building appears to be ioncother than a Eetter of cotrvcoicnce aud in toal JGg.ta tot ttrc oi"nentip of tbe affccted units. Shotrld thc dwelopcr remain aOaliluu in the l<ration of the sunc, at least an inquiry irno thc installarion of a oF CountELr €LRoo. l(,|Tr. r'tE€O. LoOL' xOlEgt{ 'r grLvEiNA|{' F'C' ,,01/L2/58 12:28 ELROD.KATZ ET AL Rt cH.AR9 p. no€;lNr P. G. ::: .L-l::. hyrtraulic elcvator should be requcsted' Ttis type of equipueft \ryould elplrte tle oLd fot tbe protrusion of the eievator shaft through tle roof. A hydraulic elevator docs not require this cxteosiotr. l.inally, sbould the Tonn proceed wio its apprwal of ttre currcnt developmcnt plal, oue -tst address the laDdscaping issucs. 1ae inshllation of thc large evcrglesn tee$ is tailenount to the construction of a landscaping "w'dll'. This will accOnplish notling more rhrn thc elimination of what litle light and air dat would be rcnainiug on " tie project is complutUl. Morcover, ueither mysclf, nor my clietrB, have bee0 educated as io tl. r.ttat maintenance ofthe landscapiug. Couccrns over costs, usc of private property to apcess tle landscaping, insurencs and liability, and thc lihc must bc addrcsscd. Tte ovcrall bcst solutiou for tbc rlorclopmcut of the hteruational wing ud tbe -r63s[ne[t' to The l-odge building ryicars to be thc eliminrtlon of tbc prorposed tffraoes on The Indge, tbe eliminatiou of the terraccs imnrcdiately edjaccot to thp cntcrbinment suirc and dircctly acrms from The Lorlge buildinS, tle instrllation of t * ly.lnc laudscaping on tbc r-oof arca scparating tbc two buitdings. and tbe reloction of thc clwator shaft. I Uust the above idormatio[ will be considered in the final decisiol makhg pl\r6s by 0re Tovm of Vail. In the neafiine, this office will cOntinue to monitor tls siUrarion as well as investigate all avenucs of recoruse should the Prqperty rights of Dr. and Mrs. Cavanaugh be cast aside. should you wsh b discuss thc conteots hereof, pleasc call. For your inforuatim. I *ifr U i* of the counry from January 20th througb February 4flr. Mr.B_ob Prceo of Elrod, KaE, Preeo, Ilok, Moison dc Sitverman, P.C. should be caltcd for aly immcdiatc c0trcerrs or problcms- IIe can bc rcachcd et the sene nuuber- Thank you. Yorus very mrly, RICIARD P- ROSEN. P.C. Dr. rud Mrs. Jamcs H. Cavanaugh January 12, lW Page Two Richard P. Rosen /tN E,lsr Vu,ucs HoMrowNERs Assocu.TtoN. INc. Otlicets: ltosidont - tsob Galvin Socret!ry - Gr€tta lhJls 'lteasurer - Pdhick G:ainrn Direclors - JuCith Berkon'itz - Dolph Dridgcvratcr - Etlic Caulkins - ltotl Langi€y - Bill Morton - Connie Riilder PtxL Officc Bor 2-18 Vail, Colorachr l{ I 658 Teteptrcne: (970) 827-5680 \,le6saBe./FAX (970) 827-5856 FAX TRAT{SMISSION COVER PAGE To: Susan Connelly Time: 11'.3O:,22 Pages (including cover): From: Jim Lamont, Adminislrator Date: l/16/96 1 Subiect Lodge at Vail, International \Mng, as oroposed Special lnstructions: Attn: Andy Knudlsen Upon review of the document ccncerning tre redesign of the roof top terrnce, the Homeowners Association mntinues lo find the proposal insufficient. The proposal does not meet the goals or expections of the Association. o Jncobs Chnse Fnick Kteinkopf Krlky rLc Arrornryr er Llw January 16, 1996 AndyKnudtsen Senior Planncr Town ofVail 75 South Frontage Road , Vail, Colorado 81557 R.e: Lodge atVail Int€rxational Wing Dear Mr. Knudtsen: On behrlf of our clienf lv!s. Luannc Wclls, we have rcviewed the drawings zubmitted by Zeluen and Associates for The Lodge at Vail International Wing in r€sponse to thc Town Courcil's requirement that additional buffering be installecl to protect condominiuru ruits 527, 533 and 53 5. We join in the wittcn objections submitrcd by Ad Abplanalp, on behalf of Anita Saltz, which present detailed reasons why the &awings inadequatcly addrcss lhc concerns raised by thc Town Council on December 5, 1995. We continue to objcct to final approval of this project based on the Town's failure to address zoning compliance and tlre questionable validity of the 1983 Agreement between the Lodge and 0re Town ofVail. Ver.v truly yorus, JACOBS CTI,ASE FRICK KLEINKOPF & KELLEY t-t.c Lir A. Woo<hll ,or.8q24+r6 0lltsl TOTRL P.62 lrrdoeMncr Phrl lOl017fi5t. Suhr I lO0 Denwn, CO 8O269 rrii fqa' (970) 479'2452,or.6sr46cf,original to follow r,ir !ol-6&5-*s69 cc: LynnFdtdeni Art Abplanalp .X,;/,,Dd^/L I.ia A. Woodall ,cFt(x.ar0.l JOHN W. OUNN ARTHUR A. ASPLANALP. JR. ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN DIANE L, H ERMAN R, C. STEPHENSON TELgPHONE: (970) 476-0300 TELECOPIER: 1970t 476-4765 KAR EN M. DUNN LAw OFFIcES DUNN, AgpTRrunLP & CHRISTENSEN, P.C, VAIL BANK BU ILOI NG sutr€ 300 I 08 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST VA rL, CoLoRADo 91657 12 January 1996 5P€clAL COUNS€Ll JER RY W. HANNAH n ';[''''"" LEG^L ^55 (ln f '-/ ^,F\* o +?Y tq'i;, J ,(,rr v The elevator comprising a limited common element of unit 527 and Unit s33. b. The new plan proposes to modify the exterior wall and door of l-,o-dge apariment Condominium Unit 535' Again, this cannot be tnangeO other than by the Lodge Apartment Condominium AssoCiation, through the procedure established by the Declaration. Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail Department of Community DevelopnentVaiI CO HAND DELIVERED rocedure established the d Re: Internatlonal lfing - Lodge at VaiI Dear Andy: We undergtand thaf, the Town of VaiI has roceived a revised plan relating to the International Wing, in, -response to the Town Louncil's re-guirement that additional buffer be installed to protect tne eiisting condominium units. As you will recall' this-Firm represents Jacli Sattz and Anita Saltz, who have reguested that we revi-ew and provide comments regarding that proposal' our review of the proposed revision, cross -re ferencing according to sheet, identifi-ed Lhe following ctarified or confirmed problems with the ProPosal: 1. Sheet A1. 1a. The new plan confirms that the proposed elevator shaft and unidlntified adjacent companion structure will penetrate the deck whlch is an existing limited cornmon Llement of the Lodge Apartment Condominium to the extent of one-third of it6 width, or two of six feet' This, of course, contradicts the developer's statement' to the CouncLl, when its representatlves staLed that the elevator would not penelrate that area. v{hile the deck is a timited common Llement, it is stiLl a common element of the Lodge Apartment Condominium owned by the Association. It' cinnot be changed other than through the d'l/ ,^ff/ c. The new pJ.an propo8es to expand the common elementsof the Lodge Apartment Condominium by creating Condominium Association responsibility for an expanse of terrace and planters replacing two existing decks. Again, this reconfiguratlon of a reLatlvely simple common element, (the decks now associated with Units 527 and 533) and the associated responsibility cannot be changed other than through the procedure established by the Declaration. The question is whether the Association would agree to amend the Declaratlon to accept responsibility for this modified structure, when it is for the benefit of only three owners, and many members of the Association objecL to the project as a whole. d. The plan not only confirms Lhat the elevator violates ttre area owned by the Lodge Apartment Condominium Association, but that its proximity to Condominium Units 527 and 533 is certain to cause disruption through noise and vibration. The elevator is, of course, adjacent to the terrace areas of each Unit' The elevator structure and operating machinery (which almost certainly is within the elevated structure adjacent to UniC 533) ls also less than six feet from Unlt SZ't and four feet away from Unit 533. No indication is provided regarding access to the operating machinery, Uut- ttrat would almosl certainly be required through the terrace of Unit 533 or 527, or across what is Proposed to be the new "general common property" which is proposed to the east of the proPosed terraces. e. The plan clearly confirms the concern expressed by the councit at the ltst hearing, that the development ls turning three fifth-floor condominium units into three streetllevel condominium units. Units which formerly had mountain view will now have views of a L2-foot by 14-foot terrace boxed in by a planter and whatever amount of snow may accumulate on top of those planters during wlnter' ouiing the winter, ealh unit, despite the fact that it is on th6 fifth floor, wiII have a view of a wall of wood and snow. Sheet A1 .3a. This sheet establishes the effect of the extensive landscaping necessitated by the proposal , which, with a planter height of 3-L/2 feet, and plant height of I-2 feet, ltill effectively create a box around each unit 4- L/2 teet to 5 feet high. This anal-ysls does not conslder the effect of snow depth during winter. The excessive maintenance involved in preventing damage, and the risk of damage from the snow' is not likely to be weII received by the Association whose property this ls 2. expected to become. b. The terraces of Unlts 527 and 533 will abut an operating elevator, which will make the owners' ability to enjoy those terraces speculative, at best' c. If the sandstone bench to be installed above part of the elevator shaft is intended to serve as seating, it is unlikely to be successful, as its surface will be thirty inches above floor level . 3. Sheet. A4.1 Thls sheet confirms the profile of the elevator shaft and its unidentified companion structure and establishes (a) that there w111 exist only three feet in the elevator shaft for operational equipment above the cei11n9 of the floor betow, and (b) persons sitting on the "sandstone bench" above the elevalor shaft in front of unlt 533 will be approximately five inches above the shaft and its operaling equipment. Additionally, this sheet confirms the tmpict -of the elevator enclosure which wiII be constlicted twenty feet from and directly opposite Units 527 and 533. 4. Sheet A4 .2 Thls sheet is not particularly infornative, beyond the information provided on other sheets ' 5. Sheet A4.3 Thls sheet conflrms (a) the contemp].ated modification of the general conmon 'elements comprising tle "11] anq winddws of Unit 535, (b) the obstruction of ghe wlndow of unit 533 by the elevator shaft and associated structure adjacent t-o it, anct (c) the penetration of the limited common elements comprised of the decks outside units 52? and533bytheelevatorshaftandtheassociatedstructure adjacent to it. 5. Sheet A4.4 Thls sheet conflrms the penetration of the limited common elements comprised of thL decks outbide Units 527 and 533 by the elevalor shaft and associated structure adjacent toit,totheextentofone-thirdofitswidthrtv'rofeet' In surnmary, the developer proposes to redraw condominium ownership boundaries and redefine condominium air rights without even prelentlng the issues t,o t,he Condominium Association whose approval is sougnt. obviously, no approval has been obtalned. The t6wn of Vail continues to consider this proposal in violation of its or^rn ordinance, which requires that the design review be processed only upon submittal of plans by the "owner or authorized agonL of any proj3ct," ValI Munlclpal Code 18- and C.1. The proJeCt- assumes that the Lodge Apartment Condomlnium Assoclatlon wll} agree to the modlflcation of the content and the boundary of the condominium air space unit. Under the condominium declaralion, that cannot occur except upon the consent of 75* of the property owners and all holders of first deeds of trust. That has not happened and is extremely unlikely to happen. while the proposal was originally presented to the Town based upon the representition that only the property of The Lodge at Vail was to be developed, it has become apparent that the project cannot proceed absent noOitication and development of property' includlng ifr space rights, owned by the Lodge Apartnent Condominium Associltion. Therefore, the project is not properly before the Town for approval, absent consent of the Lodge Apartment Condominium Aisociation. Whether viewed on that basis or on the basis of the design review criterla alone, the project should not and cannot legally be approved as submitted. A. Abplanal BROWN & ONE NORWBSIT BANK CB{ITN, ltI) LINCOLN STREET, SI.ITIE :nM DE$WB&@IORADO IA}}Sa) TELEIHONE (XB)&|zdm FACSIMTLE (3(B) 8nLX53 JEB:lb Enclosure nWT?Ebcrrp.fl ATTORNEYSATIAW I Jr-q E. Brown i cc Arthur Abplanalp, Esq. Mr. Jorge Bosch JAMES E BROWN ruV-C0lttffi:D[*DEPT. OlOo!.1 rcELD. RUSSMAN January 19,19% Mr.Andy Knudtsen Torvn of Vail Department of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 91657 Re: International Wing at The lodge at Vail Dear Andy: Art Abplanalp has prwided me a aopy of his January 12,l996letter to the Town concerning htgl Eliq" the International Wingls intrusion into general and limited oommon elements of The lodge Apartment Condoniniums. Please provide me copies of all correspondence on these iszues, as well as adequate prior notice of any meetings, so that I may participate on behalf of my client. Thank you for your consideration Best wishes in the new year. 1 Yours very truy, O o d4 J 1'h%"/tu Cr-'lr-C"y* f f hLk*{"6 \\-'J o2^ c ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES-INC. oo48 E. ,.,|;PaB?:i. L?# .tro. AVON, COLORADO 81620 (303) 949-0257 FAX (303) 949-1080 WE ARE SENDING YOU T Rttached ! Shop drawings tr Copy of letter Prints Change order tr ! ! Specifications LffiTtrfuF TRANSNNITTAL fl euns E Samples tr fl Under separate cover via qL+8'1,6 the following items: coPlEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION ?-7,6,qb At, l aerranc. 7o'-l ?-3,b,1b fd".2.aerraae.5,ee/-ioq THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked f ror approval E For your use ! As requested I For review and N FOR BIDS DUE commenr below: n n tr n Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections ! Resubmit -copies for approval ! Submit - copies for distribution I Return - corrected Prints 19 - ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ? I ivqBraS SIGNED: tf enctoauraa et? not aa no ktndty notw ua a, SENT BY:o3- 4-e6 ; 6:28PM ;BATLEY *Utr Jncob,s Cknsr Fnick Kleinkopf Keltey t"tc Arrorrayt rr L^u lndrpemltrct Pbu lOlO lTrlt 5t. Suin ltfi) Dcnva, CO 80261 ,0r-6614Em ei tol-bsrAatq Re: SallzlVelts v. Lodge Properties, Inc" et al' Dear Jim and Torn: We are planning to filc onc rial bdef approximately one wcek to I 0 days i n advancc of the t o.ittg io ttti* tutto *ra thcn suggest, if the judge dcems n€ccssary' to file proposed findings offact and conclusions oflaw at thc conchsioo ofthc uial' I ulso wish to notify vo" rbat t* may callthe followiug witnesscs to tcstify at thc hearingl Fcbruary 29, 1996 Jarnos S. B"il"Y, Jr., Esq. Bailey Harring & Petersoa P'C' 1660 Lincoln St., Suite 3175 Dcnvet, CO 80264 R. Thomas Moorhead TownAttorneY 75 S. Froutage Rd. vail, CO 81657 krryEskwith AndY K.nudtscn Luaone Wells Jim l,amont HollY McCutchern Don Elliott (orpert; CV enclosed) Pleascletmeknowwhomyoueachmaycallaswitnesscsrrtthehcaring.I apprcciatc your pnlfessional cooperation' Very truly Yours, Euclosurc cr John W. Dunn 3034rufi7i# 4/10 Ann B. fnicl 89?.4+12 ,GK(-tall.l "cL SENT BY:ei- 4-e6 ; 6:28PM ;BATLEY nAuc-, DONALD L. NI,LIOTT TS4ltunboltlt Strcst D$rvcr, C() 802fE IJSA (.303) 3.55-(r104 3034752157;# 5/10 I'RO}'ESSIONAL HISTORY Frcscnt: Continuing: Prior: Vice Prc.sidcntt. Chrion Assosiiltes pf Colorado. LLCI Rtral Estlte AttofllcY - Pluning :unl l)rvrloptucnt cr'rlltbtrr'rtivc' Washirgtun, D.C., lnrl Sr. Pacr'*rurg. Rrrssiru 199+1995 flircctor of Downtown Z.oning and Oatcway Pryiwts - (:ity nud (:ounty of Dcnvgr. l99l-1904 Assislunt trirestor ol'nirport Glteway l)cvclopmcnt Otlicc - Citt :rDd County of Dcnvur, 1988-1991 l(cal Estatc Atlurnuy :rnd A.*socia..'-- Davis. Cnrhiun & Stuhbq pcovsr. Crrhrradrr. I 984- | :rEE ARIA^S OF SPECIAI.. COMI'I|'I'E,NCE Lunrl-use pmctic$ concrinFulcd in urhun zrrning otrd dcvu'lopntunt rcgul:rdon:i. dgsign rr;vicw $ystent.\ urd groulr nralngsurunt lcchniqus' Infrl:lnrcr-'* linrrss pru:tice frrcusing on dcvclopmcnt r:lurges and ilnpact l'ccs. MAJOR PRO.tr:C-r'S es.sistin8 City ol-St. Peterstrurg, Russir, to dcvclup law"- und legal proccdutts 1(, trunsfcr sttmrncrcial larul t'nm $t!te r)wncr$hip to gfivatc trwncrrlrip, unrl dcvcloping similur modcl luws and pmccdurcs lirr use thntughtntt Rtssis. Dr.rftiug md irdrrption ol'innovotivc zouitrg Ordirr:rnces impletrrcnting magtgr plun lir f)owntnwn | )euvcr, tlohtritdo. Drulling and adoption of mistur plm and zrrning otditnnccs lirr 4.5(xt acrv- mixcd usc dcw{uprnunt ffta ncur l)gnvsr ltltcrnoliorrul Airprrt Direction ef inrpact tbc stutlius antl drufting of dcvclopttlcnt linrrrrcing policy for 4.5t)0 rCfc mixud u.re rtevcloJrnrcni nr:tr Dcavcr Intcmational Airport I)nrffing of grrrwth rntuirgcm€nt ritrutegy and tools llrr Douglir.s coturty. Ncvatla 'SEITT BY:d- 4-eo ; 6:28PM ;MrLEY -Ur 3034792157;# 6/10 DONALD L. R,LI,IOTT Page 2 };I'UCATTON r[IDLTCATIONS PROTTSSTONAL }lEMBERSHIPS Mastsr of City i\rtl Regional Plcruriug - J.F.K. Schurrl Qf Covcnttuutt. Hruv:ud tJnivcrsity, | )t!4 Juris f)rlcror. ctnn tlut'lc - Harvirrtl Llw School. 21)lf4 llnclrclor ul'Science, suttuua cutu lirudc, Phi Bcur Koppa '- Yulu tlnivcnity. 1n9 Narh.miel Rogg ticlltrwsbip lt Tlrc Joinr (tntcr trrr Udan Studir:s at llurqrnl t-tnivcrsily rad M.l.T., l9D3 Fditor, 4th Ediiiorr ol'Cttlrrludo Llnd Plnttning unrl lltve , Coluradu Cihupter. Amcric.u ltlunning AsvrsirliQn (1991)- Wintrcr,,l 1QQ3 Amcric:rn Pllluirtg Arxrciuripn national awnrd lirr csccllcnce: "l'ocal GovctnrnL'nt Exusliorrs tiom Dcrclopr:rs lllrr lleav.cr Ml8dryr" t6 L-olorndo Lawy'gr a2 (with Ruth l'i. Comr'cld. J.rnuilry...-1987); Usittg Arbitratiurr irnd Me<ti.rtion lo Rcsolvr, Lund lJse Disputcs'' Jr) Land Usc Law itnd Zq$ine Digcst 3 (with leflrey ll' Grl-ry. Muy 1987): 'Muniuipal L*tlbrernenr pf Restrictivc ('ovcnil11.*' 38 l;rnd I lsc Lew arld i4ruini.lDi8g>( 3 punc 1986):."Pl.rnning Anrund the l!,orrldrr: An Evuluutirrn of the ltotculial FII'ccLs of {lommunity (:rrulmrlniailEtns-Y--Bgildql ou Mrrniuip:rl Planrring Activiry." Monograph 83-10 of Ancricrur Plunning A.sxrciation (19E1). Frtrlucnt speeler on lOnd USC topic-.1 tirr the AntCriCAn Plgnning Associ:rtirrn. Coloredo Rrr Ass+rciution. end Nstiotnl hstitutc of Municipal I "cw 0ffit:crs. Prusidettt of Color.rdo Clrapter rrf Arrrc'rican Plaruring Assrrciation (lt)92- 1994), Mcrnbcr of Anticus Contutitlt'r (ltt5'). NationaUSlirtc Policy Crnrdinating Conuuittsu ( | 99 I - | 995 ). Plorrnilg und l.uw f)ivision ( l r8s-) and lutcrnalional Division ( 1 99 1 -) ol' Amr,ricln Plalning Associrrtion. Mcmbcr, Anurirjiln Instltute of Crsdificd Pliurnsrs Menrbcr of Atncricln, (blorudo. and l)snvur Blr Assrrr:iltions . .. .,SENT BY: 'J- 4-e6 ; 6:28PM ;BAILEY *Ut 30{A792t5?t# ?/r0 tlotnd of l)in'clors of Rc*l,y Mountairt l-ilxl t,9! ln-rtituts (ur:n-pnrlit crlucational.:lewicc. and rtscqrch orglnizatiou) at f)cnvsr Univrrsity $.'hool ofl.aw, 1992-1995 l)ownttrwn l)crver Inc. (husirre*s lcadcxhip .rnd uivic orgrniartion). Outstanrting Projcct Aw.ud. 199.5 Mcmlx-r, l.arrd Usc und Grwcrnancc Tu,sk l.'orcru olColorado Srnurt Gmwth Initiativc (gubrmatorial qrprinuncrt kr pnrmoN gr.L\s mots gn:wth rnirnugement initiatives). I !)95 Color:rclo Choptcr ol' Americsn Plmning Assor:iltjon. Outstnniling Plun Aw$rds. l$r0'.$rl | !)94 Mcmbsr o1' joint Ams'rican/Japanesc dclcgrtiun to China nnd .speakcr at synryxrsia in llc'ijing, Haikou. und Guangzl:ou rrn "Urbou Plinning iil Cllbus Tr,rnsition to a Sorui.rlist Markct Ecunomy". 19!13. SScahcr at llnitedNations l)cvckrpment Contl'rcnuc rrn Ilrbon l)cvctrrpmcnt Progrnms and Polisisr in Nagoya. Japan, 199? Boud of Dirc-ctors ol'Warren Villagu (non-1:mfit pmvit}"r uf lxru.sing. child calc,lad carr.=r planning tbr singlc p:uent l"amiliss), I985-|9')5: Outstanding Service Award , 1990 Bulrnl uf Dirrxton of tlrbsn Dcsign Forum (nor4:rulit mernbership orlnniantion to promotc u$ln rlcsigrr gools), l9E7-1989 DONALD L. ELLIOTT Pagc 3 clYlc nnvotvEMENT AND HONORS & Jncobs Chnse Fnick Kleinkopf Ke llry LLC Alronrrys lr Lew lndependence Plnzr I O5O | 7rk Sr. Suire | 5OO Drnvrn, CO 8O26 5 ,or.6814800 rrx 7O1.685'4869 JCFKK-4o15- l Ann B. Fnick 892.4422 March 5, 1996 Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Re: Sakz/Wells v. Lodge Properties, Inc. et al. Dear Mr. Knudtsen: This matter has been set for hearing to being at9am, March 13, at the District Court for Eagle County. It has also been set to begin Monday, March I I atlpm,if Mr. Bailey, counsel for Lodge Properties, lnc., is available at that time. We will not know until perhaps as late as Monday moming, March I l. In any event, rather than submitting two subpoenas to you, I have submitted one subpoena requring you to appear beginning on Monday, March I I atlpm and continuing thereafter until your testimony is concluded. However,l will let you know immediately when I receive the information as to whether this hearing will begin on March l l or whether it will not begin until March 13. Furthermore, I will try to work with your schedule with rcspect to your appearing to testiry. My assistant Lia Woodall, will be contacting you regarding the scheduling of your testimony. Very truly yours, Enclosure JACOBS CHASE FRICK KLEINKOPF & KELLEY LLC o UNT DISCOUNT .00 CHK TOTAL: 00882 AMOUNT 5.00 5.00 DATE INVOICE NO 03/05/96 030s95 COMMENT WITNESS FEE AMO FOR TRIAL ]-B8. OO1 CHECK: 000882 03/05/96 ANDY KNUDTSEN hcobs Ckase Fnick Khirrkopf & KtlLey Arrorrep n bw li\d.pc.{dtl|rE Ptlra loto trk Sr. tuIC lt00 Dcnlri, OA 8026[ ,orar4f{Jo Flxror,tSt1.f,9 COLONADO NATIONAL BANK DENVER. CO 80217 23-2-',tO20 00882 000882 Lt-c *FIVE DOLLARS AND NO CENTS DATE 03/05/e6 AMOUNT *********5.00* PAY TO THE ORDER OF ANDY KNUDTSEN NOF il.ooo88lr. r: to ao000 e Ir: Iqtl t eo? l5 2Lrp IN THE DISTRICT COURT. COLTNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO Case No. 95 CY 362 SUBPOENA ANITA SALTZ, Plaintiff, LODGE PROPERTIES, INC; TOWN OF VAIL, a municipal corporation; TOWN COUNCTL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL; and BOB ARMOUR, SYBILL NAVAS, PAUL R. JOHNSTON, MARCARET A. OSTERFOSS, KEVIN R. FOLEY, MICHAEL D. JEWETT and ROB FORD, as the Town Council of the Town of Vail. Defendants, and LUANNE WELLS, Plaintiff, LODGE PROPERTIES, INC. and TI{E TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, and its agents, in their official capacities, namely, THE TOWN COUNCIL, TOWN MANAGER, TOWN ATTORNEY, PLANNING.{ND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION, DEStcN REVIEW BOARD, ANDY KNUDTSEN, in his official capacity as Senior Planner and Zoning Administrator, and DAN SPANECK, in his official capacity as THE BUILDING ADMINISTRATOR, Defendants. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO: To: Andy Knudtsen You are ordered to appear and give testimony at the hearing on Monday, March 1 I, I 996, and continuing from day to day thereafter, beginning at l:00 p.m., as a witness for Plaintiffs in an action between Anita Saltz and Luanne Wells, Plaintiffs, and Lodge Properties, Inc., the Town of Vail, et al., Defendants. DATED:March 5, 1996 JACoBS FR]CKK]-ENKOPF & KELLEY LLC B. Frick, #8974 Lia A. Woodall.#24183 1050 17th st.. suite 1500 Denver, CO 80265 (303) 68s-4800 ATTORNEYS FoR LUANNE WELLS rf ,cFKK-3948-l RETURN OF SERVICE STATEOFCOLORADO )i rr. COUNTYOF ) I declare under oath that I served this subooena on: in County (time), at the following location: (date), at by (state manner of service) I am over the age of l8 years and am not interested in nor a party to this case. Date: Name D Private proc.ess server D Sheriff, Fee $ Mileage $ Sisned under oath before me on: Notary Public My commission expires: County JCFKK-]S48- I ZEHREN ^X3 f:lr9lArlrNc. 0048 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Suite 303 AVON, COLORADO 81620 Q7U 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080 ttrTTil @F TRANSNNITTAL WE ARE SENDING YOU firnttacrrea tr Under separate cover via G*: 'n t'|- the following items: Aprints! Change order ! fl ! Shop drawings ! Copy of letter I Samples E Specifications coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION.L L'lb4tt AI "t?^ Vte-og t<^trare, / n ,vE> dx*'^.. b tl *t.z 9ec*a7t,-a tl t\U (l THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: f,ror aooroval I ro,. vor, ,"" ! As requested n n ! tr Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections ! Resubmit -copies for aPProval ! Submit - coPies for dlstribution E Return - corrected Prints ! For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE 19 - tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS ll encloaurea are not es notad, Rlnctly notlfy ua at '.":'::iilLi"ili':,i':il:: AVON, COLORADO 81620 (970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949-1080 Ltrrrt@F TRANSnflITTAL wE ARE SENDTNG You frttacneo trt o Snop crawingi S erint. Under seoarate cover via n Plans tr Copy of letter ! Change order ! COPIES DATE NO.z ?,.bqa A{.1 #iohs e-g levtz4s THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:\., ft For approval }' For rour rr" n As requested u n n tr Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections n Resubmit -copies for aPProval n Submit - copies for distribution n Return - corrected Prints n For review and comment D FOR BIDS DUE 19 - ! PRINTS RETURNEDAFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS n V"l.en;Glli n= STGNED: COPY TO tt enctoaures are not aa noEd, klndty notw ua et on' /:):' ./.\ Office of the Town Attorney 4u TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0- 47 9 - 2 1 07/ F ax 97 o-4 7 9 -2 1 5 7 February 15, 1996 HAND DELIVERED Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr., Esquire Durur, Abplanalp & Christensen, P.C. 108 S. Frontage Road, Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 Re:International Wine - Lodee at Vail Dear Art: I am writing in response to your correspondence of February 7,1996 to Andy Knudtsen. I would hrst like to address the public review of the International Wing - Lodge at Vail file. As I am sure you are aware, our obligation to provide access to public records is tempered by the active use ofthat record. As I am also sure you are aware since your law firm is involved in the litigation, this file is presently in active use extensively and is therefore not available for public review at those times that it is in use. We have presently completed the filing of the Designated Record and an index of that Record is available at your office. I suggest that any review of that documentation take place at the District Court. Any plans, documents, correspondence or other matters that deal with the development of the site as opposed to the litigation and post-date the filing of the record, will be available for public inspection in a file in the Town Attorney's office. Appointments can be made to review such documentation through Anne Wright. The Town of Vail has not reached the conclusions, nor do we feel it is necessary to reach such conclusions, that you have represented in your correspondence as "universally accepted" in regard to the violation of property rights and/or conformity with the 1983 Agreement. Your position that the PEC approval has lapsed due to a recent adoption ofan ordinance is not consistent with the staff interpretation that has been held since the adoption of the ordinance that such ordinance would not interfere with previously granted PEC approvals for exterior alteration. {j un"uor*"" Thus far, any proposed changes to the development plan are subject to staffreview pursuant to the Town Council direction that was given at the time of their review of the Design Review Board approval. Very tnrly yours,MR. Thomas Moorhead I Town Attorney RTN{/aw 62115/1996 L0:53 9794790467 LrNCOt ltl cE:irnER ISOO LINCOLN STBEET' EUITE Cl'O bEl{yEB, coLoIrADo 00to,. TELEPTTONE (gl8) t t-lr@ I AccIll[IL,! (uuil, tt'l-o0t? Pcbruar)' L5' 1996 PAGE 81 BAILEY, Ilannnva & PPtnn^soI\T A PnonnssroNAr. coRPonATloN AfNJfifiDtEATlJAw VAIL NIXIONIL BAI{K ALDO. roa 8ourll Fno*rAoE RoAD WES!. SUIISv lri coloE Do 9rltt TET.EPBoNI (808) {70-1rc08 fACSDlg/D (lo0)'lttd{Cl Mr. Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner, Town of Vail ?5 south Frontage Road VaiI , Col.orado 81657 RE: I,odge at Dear Andy: rn reviewing Febr-uary 14, vl,lt FAX NO. 9?O-479-2452 vair rnternational wingrrrerrace Landscaping your letter dated February 7, 1996, trhich I received on l-996, the follotrting arc my cQmments ' I. The itistance beLweerr Llre existir:g rlet;ks 611r;l our terrace is, aL a . minimum, 19 feet and in most caseJ exceedg your request- of 22- feet. The area where the sepB-rHl,;iorr is 19 L(J Zo fBet is sinply a planter serviCe area. in order that we may access the landecaped area- for malntenance fuiposes wlthout walking in tlre planl-er artid. wiLhuuL this access area maintendnce of the- landscap:.nq on the north side would be very dlff1cult- 2. I am unclear of your concern 1n youi second point in that a landscape buffer aiea remains betvreen the decks of Lcdge Apartmant ancl our new International .wing. ]t i5 impossible to expancl the Iandscaped area atl the way over the Lodge Apartments as the current- plan shows the landscaped area ovgr a structural wall carrying the loait all tbe way down through the building' 3. I believe Sheet A-t.t sete forth the plantin_g uraterial- and the slae and the species of the plant materiai, It also specifies-that that area wili be naintainbO ny lrodge Properties, Inc. and not the Condonin iurn Association. 4. Sheet A-4.4 shotrs the elevator vent facing east and away from Lodge Apartment Condoniniurns. No other elevator vent is shown nor is tlrtUer venting necessary. There is no obher nechanical equipnent that will be located in tfris area. No venting or duct work for the' elevator will be daylighted toward Lodge Apartrnent Condominiums. PAGE B2E2/L5/L396 18:53 97A4794467 Mr. AndY Xnudteen Senior Fl"nner, Iown of, vail Fcbruary L5, 1996 Page 2 vlA FAX NO. 97n-479-?452 If ycru llave any I would like to S incerely, questione t woul"d aPPreoi-ate lecelve final aPProval for a pronpt tcloPhonc call, our landscaPlng Plan. J TOWN AFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado A1657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 February 9,1996 Mr. Art AbplanalP 108 South Frontage Road West Suite 300 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: International Wing Dear Art In response to your letter of Febru ary 7 , 7996,I would Uke to conect some of the statements that were made. you hal'e said that floor plans submitted to the Town were not made available for public circulation. If you are stating that the material was not available for public review, that is - ialse. If you are suggesting that the Town staffis not in a position to circulate various portions of the file *r-ni.h *uy bi of interest to you, tlat is correct. As I have communicated to your office, the fi1es are available for you to review Monday through Friday. 8am to 5pm' This assumes that the files are not in active use at the time. Please call me a few days in advance of the time you would like to review the file, and I will have it available. As there are approximately 15 to 20 people who are actively following the project, the Town staff is unable to provide each individual with a comprehensive set of materials. I'm sure you can understand the togistical problems, not to mention a potential legal liability, of committing to provide every intJrested person copies ofthe on-going correspondence. When a staffdecision conceming the desigp issues has been made, I will mail a notice of that to you and to all others who have been involved in this issue. An appeal of such decision must be filed pursuant to 18.54.080. Please callme, if you are interested in reviewing the file. I can be reached at9701479-2138, Susan Con:relly R Thomss Moorhead Esq. FILE COPY Department of Community Development {S *r"r"ur r^r"* :e'!'c!yone\ardJ'! ette!s-96UbPla!!l. 209 TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontqge Road VaiL Colorado 41657 970-479-2 I 3 V4:79-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 February7,1996 Mr. Jay Peterson Weststar Bank Building 108 S. Frentage Road West Vail, Colcnado 81657 Slsarn Comelly Ton Moorhead Bob Mclawin Rc Vail Town Council requirement for buffering at the Interaational Wing - Staff review ofproposed changes submitted February 2,1996' Dear Jay: After revirewing the information submitted by your architects on February 2, 1996- staff continues to have the aoncems expressed in the letter January 17,1996' o Staffbelieves that a buffer of 22' is appropriate, particularly on the north side of the Idernational Wing, as that is in the "i.i"ity of the decks for Condominiums #533 an.d#527 ' r The concept of a planter between the decks should continue to be used. That concept was - elinrinated with the February 2, 1996 submittal. The planter area should be used, instead of a t€race, across the area between the decks. o please provide a specific landscape plan in the revised drawings indicating the tlg u"9- species of the plantmaterial. lnclude a description of how the area will be maintained in the fiuture. oShowthatal1ventingandductworkfortheelevatorcanbeday-1ightedawayfromal1 codominiums. Pleise provide an explanation verifying that this is the case and that no other methanical equipment will be located in this area of the proposal' Thankym foryour attentionto these iszues. FftE C0t". Department of Community Development {P *'"'"'"o '*'r F:everyoncbndi96jener\peten on 207 t Du ru ru, AB 'LANA'J; ilU'J. rsrENSEN, p.c. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORA'TION JOH N W. OUNN ARTHUR A, AEIPLANALP, JR, ALLEN C, CHRISTENSEN DIANE L. H ERMAN R. C. STEPHENSON VA IL BAN K BU ILDING su rrE 300 I O8 SoUTH FRONTAGE RoAo WEST VArL, CoLoRADo 81657 TELEPHONE: i97O) 476-O3OO TELECOPIER: tg'tot 476-4765 SFECIAL COU NSaLI JER RY W. HANNAH c ii rrrr Eo 7 February 1996 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town of VaiI Department of Community Development Vail CO HAND DELIVERED Re! International Wing - Lodge at ,--',\ {&7\'\,l ^:O\,l-'r( . r\0i- L ,'\ Dear Andy: we understand that there is in process, some!,there within the Town of Vail Department of Community Development' consideratlon of possible modifications of a plan for reconstruction of the International Wing of the Lodge at Vail. The plan which is now under consideration may be comprised of the two ',iloor plans" which were submitted to the Town on or about the 5th of January, but whlch were not made available for public circulatlon at thit time. Those two plans contemplated a roof, rather than terraces, between the proposed penthouse and the condominiums, and had no relationship to the plans approved by the Design Review Board and conditionally approved by the Town Council. whether or not these two plans comprise the proposal which is now under review, we understand from the developer's attorneys that the plan novt under consideration apparently is intended to address the tact, which now seems to be universally accepted, that the proposal approved by the Deslgn Revlew Board and conditlonally lppioved Uy1tre Town Council, with direction to increase a buffer' vtotatea the common elements of the Lodge Apartment Condominlum Association. A new plan, whatever that plan might be, apparently 1s intended to eliminate that violation of property rights. The purpose of this letter is to point out that any pLan which is a moditication of the plan approved by the Design Revie$I Board and condiLionally approved by the Town Council has not been approved by either. The Design Review Board approved a plan with teiraces, but which violated the property rights of the Condominlum Assoclation and the condominium owners. The direction from the Town Council in early December was simply to lncrease the buffer st'' betsreen the penthouse and the condominiums. submitted which eliminates the violation of elements, that is a new plan which has not approved by either the Design Review Board or lnv such plan ia public record, 44q f{€-rySCgE!- If a plan has been .__{ ...'Ithe limited common -., t ? ' r been reviewed or the Town Council. copv of that Plan. lc. r'vttt-f'T( .{u.'. t'^we should also point out a difficulty with conformity with the 1983 agreement wniCn has recently come to our^_attention. We understand that the developer is relying on the 1983 agreement_with the To$rn of VaiI which lt asserts permits construction of the proposed project. Documents which we have obtained, and which i""brpuny-this letter, establish that the agreement was premised ,tpon representatj-ons to the Town of vatl that the improvements would not extend so far in height as the lower level of the condominlums of the Lodge at vai1. This fact is estabfished by the memorandum from Mr. Peierson of the 18th of May, 1983, and the "three-dimensionaL layouts" referred to in the final reference of the first page of that- memorandum. Intervening pages between that first paSJ aid the layouts are not being suppr ied, in the interest of Ureltiy, but theylhould be available in the Toutn's files. The layouts which accompanied the Peterson memorandum clearly establish that the "Area of Expansion" did not extend even to the top of the adJacent property owned by Lodge Properties' Inc. Only two floor levels exi-st it t[1" Lodge lt Vaif betl^teen the top of the International Wing and the bottori of the condomlnium units. The peterson plans esfablish that the Town was told that development ti i:J,would occur only on the floor level lmmedlately above the 'ilcrDr'r International Roo-m, and that the expansion would include only one 11 ^floor Level . Therefore, even if the validity of t,he 1983 agreement l'Jftlwl\ is not an issue (which it obviously is), the premise of that agreement, established by this material originating from - the d5veloper's attorney, esta6lishes that design r:eview approval above the floor level of liie condominium units should not have been and should not now be permj.tted. Had the current application been consistent with the -representatlons made ln 1983, the project would never have generated the opposition which has occurred' Finally, it must be observed that, with the acknowledgement by the develop6r that the plan approved by the Design Review Board was lllegal arie to its appropriation and violation of the common elem6nts owned by th;- Lodge Apartment Condominium owners and Association, and the lapse- of more than two years since the f,toe period -permitited--T6r development, without even a valid submitlal to tne Design Review Board. A new or alternative plan adoption of the ordinance requiring issuance of a building permit wlthin s of Planninq and Environmeryle-Adelopetis now well outside the can be consj.dered only through a new PEC application based upon some new, non-intrusive design. PEc approval having lapsed, any such nevt DRB apPllcation may not be validly considered' f.'1.,n-l LAd'r\i--< -.b t1\ / "1 d\: Ybur contlnued effortE appreciated. and cooperation ln thls matter are xc: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Saltz A. Abplana ,^-/'' r :./ Larry Eskwlth .Iay. K. Peterson llay 18r l9B3 Lodgc aL Vail o MEMORANDUH FacLs TOI FROM: DATE: RE: Prior to May 5, L970, l^talter J. Stalder, ilr. andRoss E. Davis owned the property ciescrir:ea-on-[he at.taclredrixhir)it, A ("Tota1 parceri'). the rotat parcel contained 3.0423a9res. on l'ray 5, r970, starcrer and Davis submitted u poitiorr-orbhe 'l'.|-al l'arcer to thc cororado.condominiurn nct. This portionis <lcscribed o' thc attachecl Bxhil:ibs u ".J c.-- I,he Norttr winc-1I'ropct Ly cont-ained .6184 acres ("North winj r;ircel _ DxhiUit--ril .1'lrc.5our-lr r'rinq narcel is Lhe air space crescribed on the att,ached|jxltillit C ( "Siotrth. t'ting parcel,,) . The North plng earcel ancl SouLhl'lincr ['arcel constituLe a srngre Parcel owned by the LodgeAparLnrents concrominium owneri ana nssocialior,-iLoas" ApartmentsI'.rrccL ) . lflOn Fc,bruary I9, l9Zl, the remai.ning property (.tota1l'arcel less Lhe Loclge Apartment,s parcel) was-tiansferrecl to r ^r,.^Irroperties, fnc. (Exhibit D) on .Tuly I , LgiZ , Lodge propert.ies , f nc. leased tcSouth, Inc., for a period of 65 years, a portion of the TotI'arcel for the co'struction of 42 indivi.duar -arhring units1'his parcel of rand is crescribed- on Exliibit E {;r,oaq" souLh _ . ,. \I'ar:ce1" ) . I'lre Lodge South parce.L contained . f jSf acres. Alr of'the above occurred prior to the effectiveof the Town of Vail zoning ordinance rirniting density to 25l)er acre present tinre Lodge properLies, Ine. stillthe TotaI ParceI (Remaining Tot,al par."iil con.structed 62 accommodation units with afeet of GRFA on the 2.0899 acres. AL tlrc2.0889 acres of l)ropert.ies , f rrc.of 37,347 scluare Lod<1eacldiLic'lral rrniLs owns Lodge total - :' 1 Prt;perties. fnc. proposes to construct up LowiLhin their remaininq cRFn. - r'or yr.vuv r:onvcnienco, r have a t,tached tlrree-qimens iona rIG.tyol.tts shuwirr.l wlr;rL Lr-ansltired above. 42 :t =E' "N oo 0t \, q_ T-p $ eJJ-r ..!. .4 .1,+: d-T01r\,L3P -\) ^, -t- +<0J $r]F\ $. r.0JvJ ll r,r { pt'+ I\l ,/ II, IA ,i \ \ VI.q) t-r{\Iu lr& ,l tlI$ { {fr \t.1 J--? ul_tl dtn{ F \-P u 0 I ) &ru-fu:/w /_.,1 ^jrl_ u P"--.--* 7 "* *L'L- ct| @ /*r1 *7'*z- a FITEMPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 Deparnnent of Community Development January 31,7996 Mr. ClarkAtkinson Shaw Construction 760 Horizon Drive Grand Junetion, Colorado 81506 RE: Pre-construction meeting for the Lodge at Vail Intemational Wing Dear Clark: I have summarized our meeting of January 31st below' If you have quesfions about the required i"for*.ii*, please call "tCot-LV otn"iniembers of the Torvn of Vail present attheme.,eting toanswer Vo"t quest,itis. We are here to help you construct your project. Although our standards are hlgh' we wiU do what it takes to help you meet thcm. Construction Staging Plan The information to include in the Construction Staging Plan is as follows: l. Siteplan showing: The edge ofpavernent on the both sides of all streets' The feice loiation (8 foot tall plywood, painted dark green)' The two nearest fire hvdrants. A;itrty ptan wifU aU'gas, electric and water mains (size and location). The location for staging. 2. provide a description of the access to the construction site. Include the followi'g ilfoIl3]]tf'- what roads within the Toum your construction vehicles will be usin-g; how fiequently clelrvenes will be made; the size of trucls to be used: and any baffic control tlat u'ill be necessary. 3. provide the civil drawines for the storm drain, as well as any re-grading plary that-will need to be conducted immediately In order to drain the water from the mountain away liom the stte. 4. Describe how you will mitigate any debris or mud problems affecting village streets as a result of vehicles leaving the site. 5. Provide a parking plan indicaring how many vehicles are anticipated to pqT,kotlliE.-jjlli9ly of all vehiiles sh-ould be parked-in the struc-ture. Please veri$ that you w'ill coordtnate paflflng limitations with all subcontractors. {g *""'"uo 'u" f:\everyoae\andy96-lette\atkinson. I 3 I o the altached check list from Larry Pardee regarding work in the rightof-way' Design Review Board Please have Greg Crismran, the. architect, provide a detailed statement addressins the Conditions of Aoproval from rhe Desip ReviewBoota upptouuio?-froiilGi t' iiqS. This riust be submitted with the staeins plan and building permit. Please oot. in-ut tirii-is one condition of aooroval placed on the oroiect-bfiown corro"iiolt?ti-niilil'iui" itn--i;"iiii;[i;t;ffi;;i been addreiied. rbe architects ilir"tiil-(i,rJreiia;;;;4fiil;,,;;;;aiecei""D*Ri6;;;uuf6o' to submitting anv permits for this site. Building Permit Dan Stanek will be providing you with requirements for Building P.ermit, including oPt'im: for speedier tum-around times. This ffi"#ffi;'#"i;1i." i" b"fi";it""t"ty rin aays'.-as requeited in tle meeting, he would like to sit down ;iili;;"d tn"-.init."ifi-addf before zubmitting the permit to walk through it and flag any potential problems' Timing we are anticipating that you will be submitting the permit on Ma1q.h l, with the plans to start construction around Ap.il G. i'l;;;;lilii tf,. siaigiog ptao on March. I also. During lhe meeting we ;;k;A f";G;;si"spil t" ;r i"U-iGa ptiq_to th1 alpilication for.a buildins oermit: however, the March l st zubmission *ijiir[* ini-ii*"'iirri uaiquuiiti.n" io .e"ie* the stiiing plan prior to construction. As I mentioned earlier, the Town wants to help you with this constuction effort. To the extent that staff i,ii r"ii-rii"tl-*itn'y* uU-o"lvo* [u"rtiois'un"ud ofti-", webelieve it will eliminate problems in the future. Give me a call if I can help with anything. Susan Connelly TomMoorhead MikeMollica Dan Stanek Greg Hall Mike McGee Tom Sheeley Larry Pardee Jav Peterson Gieg Christrnan FJI,T COPY 75 South Fronage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21iV479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development January 29,1996 Mr. JimBrown One Norwest Bank Center 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 3000 Denver, Colorado 80203 4530 RE: Intemational Wing at the Lodge at Vail Dear Jim: After reviewins your letter of January 19, 1996, I must let you lnow.that the Town will not be providing ;;;;;i';;;;""d#;d;ti;ith6 irio-JvJioterested in this project. If you are. interested,.vo] ate ;j;;;;;;r;ilt"-rd Town offices and reiiew the material. As t'Eere are ap.proximatelv 15 to 20 Deople who are actively ir-no*i"t G p-:.&, tU. iown staff is ugable to proviile each individual with a |;"il;"il;i"J iJi"itir"t".i.ls. i'm sit" yo" can understqnd the lo-gistical prob.lems, not to mention a ooteitial lesal liabiliW. of a commifinent to provide every interested person co_pies of ibe on-golng. fi;il;fi;;;;:-rb;i;a;r-fifiJryuitiutJro.puutic r6view from ti a.m' to 5 p.m. at the rown of vail d;"i";]i;;.i;;.rt?ffi;;* ThiG;"ils'that the files are not in active uie at the time. Please call ;;;ifid;y;i" uai"".iof tle ti-e Vo" wo"td like to review the file and I witl have it available. No meetings are scheduled. A meeting,woqld be scheduled only.in re.sponse to an appe_al9lq-._rj+:f a;.i;i;il;hi.n ir &p-""t.a soon. I *iTt mait a copy_of the staffdecisio-n to v.ou. qnd to uJl,99:f _yho have been involved in this issue once it has been made. Any appeal of such declston must De nleq 'purzuant to 18.54.080. Susan Connelly R. Thomas Moorhead, Esq. cc: {g ^'""t'o '*"r f :\wcryoDcvrdy\96-L€tEs!os!- 129 t ' ANrrA sALrz & LUANNE?ELLS, ''-.ATNTFFS v. LODGE PROPERTIES, INC. & TOWN OF VAIL, ETAL. Case No. 95 CV 362 (lnternational\Mng) INDEX l. Record of rown council consideration of 1983 Agreement with Lpl 1. 07.19.83 Work Sessiona) Agendab) Transcript 2. 08.02.83 Evening Meetinga) Agendab) Minutesc) Transcript 3. 08.09.93 Agreement between Lodge Properties, lnc. and Town of Vail ' ' ll. Record of Planning and Environmental Commission ("PEC") Consideration of the Lodge's Application for Exterior Alterations of Modifications in Commercial Core | ("CCl") submitted in 1983 1. Application for Exterior Alterations or Modifications in ccl (2 copies) 2. 05.18.83 Memorandum from J. peterson to L. Eskwith 3. 06.13.83 PEC Meetinga) Agendab) Minutes 4. 10.06.83 Memorandum from community Development Department to pEc (2 versions) 5. 10.10.83 PEC Meetinga) Agenda b) Minutesc) Transcript *(Not avaitable on 02.09.96 - will supplement) 6. 10.13.83 Lefter from E. Drager to Town Council 7. 10.18.83 Town Council Evening Meetinga) Agenda b) Minutesc) Transcript 8. 10.21.83 Memorandum from community Development Department to pEC 9. 10.24.83 PEC Meetinga) Agendab) Minutesc) Transcript ' ' lll. Record of Design Review Board ("DRB") Consideration of the Lodge's Application Submitted in October. 1993 1. View Studies and Existing Site 2. Authorization from E. Woit 3. Utility Location Verification 4. lnter-Departmental Review by Hall (no date) 5. Miscellaneous unsigned documents (no date) 6. Inter-Departmental Review by McGee (no date) 7. 01.1 1.93 Handwritten Notes 8. 10.11.93 DRB Apptication 9. 10.21.93 Handwritten Notes 10. 11.17.93 Handwritten Notes 11. 12.13.93 Lefter from J. Reutzet to A. Knudtsen 12. 12.22.g3Zone Check 13. 12.23.93 Handwritten Notes 14. 01.04.94 Handwritten Notes . 15. 01.05.94 Letter from L. Fritzlen to A. Knudtsen 16. 01.06.94 Letter from A. Knudtsen to J. peterson with Notes 17 . 01.07.94 Letter from A. Knudtsen to J. peterson 18. 01.07.94 Letter from A. Knudtsen to J. peterson with Notes 19. 01.27.94 Handwritten Notes 20. 02.10.94 Lefter from A. Knudtsen to J. Reutzel 21. 03.02.94 Letter from J. Reutzel to T. Moorhead with Notes 22. 03.02.94 Letter from J. Reutzel to T. Moorhead 23. 12.12.94 Memorandum from A. Knudtsen to B. McLaurin ilt lo ' ' 24. 12.14.g4Memorandum from A. Knudtsen to B. Mclaurin. et ar. 25. 01.05.95 Title Commitment 26. 03.21.95Memorandum 27. 03.27.95lnter-Departmental Review 28. 03.27.g5 Facsimile from G. Christman to A. Knudtsen 29. 03.28.95 Handwritten Notes 30. 03.29.95 Letter from A. Knudtsen to C. Ryman 31. 04.06.95 Facsimile from one Vail place to A. Knudtsen 32. 04.10.95 Facsimile from G. Christman to A. Knudtsen 33. 04.14.95 Lefter from J. Brown to A. Knudtsen 34. 05.02.95 Letter from J. Reutzel to A. Knudtsen 35. 05.03.95 DRB Meetinga) Public Noticeb) Agendac) Transcript 36. Handwritten Notes 37. 06.21.95 DRB Meetinga) Public Noticeb) Agendac) Transcript 38. 06.21.95 Handwritten Notes 39. 07.10.95 Letter from A. Saltz to p. Osterfoss 40. 07.19.95 Letterfrom J. Brown to S. Connelly 4'l. 08.14.95 Letter from L. Fritzlen to A. Knudtsen 42. 08.25.95 Letter from A. Knudtsen to L. Fri2len 43. 08.28.95 Facsimile from G. Christman to A. Knudtsen ' 44. 09.1 1.95 Letter from S. Cope to A. Knudtsen tv o 09.15.95 Zone Checka45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. AA 56. 57. 58. 59. 09,18.95 Letter from A. Knudtsen to J. Brown 09.18.95 Letter from A. Knudtsen to M. Brofos 09.18.95 Letter from A. Knudtsen to A. Saltz 09.19.95 Letter from A. Knudtsen to J. peterson 09.25.95 Letter from A. Saltz to S. Conneily 10.02.95 Letter from H. Smead to S. Connelly 10.02.95 Letter from D. Narins to S. Connelly 10.12.95 Note from Zehren & Assoc. To A. Knudtsen 10.12.95 Letter from G. Christman to A. Knudtsen 1 0. 16.95 Letter from A. Knudtsen to L. Fritzlen 10.16.95 Letter from L. Fritzlen to A. Knudtsen 10.17.95 Letter from J. Lamont to Town of Vail 10.17.95 Letter from S. Shuman to S. Connelly 10.18.95 DRB Meetinga) Public Noticeb) Agendac) Transcript 60. 10.18.95 Handwritten Notes 61. 10.25.95 Handwritten Notes 62. lO.2T.g|lnternationalWing Site Lighting Lumen Data 63. 11.01.95 DRB Meetinga) Public Noticeb) Agendac) Transcript 1 1.01.95 Handwritten Notes 11.01.95 Design Review Action 1 1.01.95 Memorandum from A. Knudtsen to File,v 64. 65. oo. o Lettera11.01.95 from A. Knudtsen to J. Peterson 1 1.01.95 Letter from L. Fritzlen to A. Knudtsen 11.07.95 Letter from A. Knudtsen to J. peterson 11.08.95 Letter from A. Knudtsen to J. Peterson 1 1.09,95 Letter from A. Frick to T. Moorhead 11.09,95 Letter from A. Frick to T. Moorhead with Notes vt | " M. Record of town Council Meeting of December 5, 1995 '1. 12.01.9S Memorandum from T. Moorhead to Town Council 2. 12.05.95 protest of Ms. Luanne Wells 3. 12.0S.9S Work Sessiona) Agenda 4. 12.05.95 Evening Meetinga) Agendab) Minutesc) Transcript . 5. 12.0S.9S Handwritten Notes 6. 12.05.95 Letter from R. Rosen to A. Knudtsen 7. 12.08.95 Lefterfrom A. Knudtsen to J, peterson vtl r-?oo I ' V' Supplemental Documents for which Plaintiffu have Requested Certification 1 . 05.1 3.83 Petition for Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance 2. 05.17.83 Analysis of PotentialforAdditional Hotel Rooms in CCt, PA & CCtl 3. 08.19.83 Memorandum from Department of Community Development to pEC 4. 08.22.83 pEC Meetinga) Agenda b) Minutesc) Transcript 5. 05.15.84 Town CouncilWork Sessiona) Agendab) Transcript 6. 07.06.84 Letter from p. patten to F. Wells 7. 03.08.85 Letter from H. Frampton to p. patten 8. 09.18.90 Town CouncilWork Sessiona) Agendab) Transcript - 9. 1983 Plattner Drawings * 10. 1995 Zehren Design * 11. 1995 Zone Check * 12. Collection of Surveys dating from 1g80 - 1gg5 " (As of 4:00 P.M. 02.09.96 maps were not detivered and witt be fited on Monday, 02.12.96) IN THE DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Case No. 95 CV 362 NOTICE OF DEPOSITION ANITA SALTZ. PlaintifL LODGE PROPERTIES,INC; TOWN OF VAIL, amunicipal corporation; TOWN COLNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL; and BOB ARMOUR, SYBILL NAVAS, PAUL R. JOHNSTON, MARGARET A. OSTERFOSS, KEVIN R. FOLEI MICHAEL D. JEWETT and ROB FORD, as the Tou'n Council of the Town of Vail. Defendants, and LUANNE WELLS. Plaintiff, LODGE PROPERTIES, INC. and THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, and its agents, in their official capacities, namely, THE TOWN COIINCIL, TOWN MANAGER, TOWN ATTORNEY, PLANNING AND E}N/IRONMENTAL COMMISSION, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD, ANDY KNUDTSEN, in his offrcial capacity as Senior Planner and Zoning Administrator, and DAN SPANECK, in his official capacity as THE BLIILDING ADMINISTRATOR, Defendants. PLEASE T.\KE NOTICE that the deposition of Andy Knudtsen, in his official capacity as Senior Planner and Zoning Administrator, will be taken on Wednesday, February 21,1996 atthe conclusion of the deposition of Lawrence A. Eskwith, or approximately 3:00 p.m., and continuing thereafter until completed, including the following day, February 22, if necessary, at the offices of Dunn, Abplanalp & Christensen, P.C., 108 S. Frontage Rd. S. #300, Vail, Colorado. DATED: February 2,1996 JCFKK-3 ?97- l Jecoss CHnse Frucr KLerNKopr & Knllev LLC ftrT*- Ann B. Frick, #8974 LiaA. Woodall,#24183 1050 lTth St., Suite 1500 Denver, CO 80265 (303) 68s4800 ATToRNEYS roR Lumqwe Weu.s CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Norce oF DEposItIoN was mailed to the following on February 2, 1996: James S. Bailey, Jr. Bailey, Haning & Peterson, P.C. 1660 Lincoln St., Suite 3175 Denver, CO 80264 John W. Dunn Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr. Dunn, Abplanalp & Christensen, P.C. 108 S. Frontage Rd. S., #300 Vail, CO 81657 R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attorney City of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. CO 81657 ICFKK.3297- l IN THE DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Case No. 95 CV 362 SUBPOENADUCES TECUM ANITA SALTZ. Plaintiff, v. LODGE PROPERTIES,INC; TOWN OF VAIL, a municipal corporation; TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL; and BOB ARMOUR, SYBILL NAVAS, PAUL R. JOHNSTON, MARGARET A. OSTEMOSS, KEVIN R. FOLEY, MICHAEL D. JEWETT and ROB FORD, as the Town Council of the Town of Vail. Defendants, and LUANNE WELLS, Plaintiff, LODGE PROPERTIES, INC. and THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, and its agents, in their official capacities, namely, TFIE TOWN COLINCIL, TOWN MANAGER, TOWN ATTORNEY, PLANNING AND ENWRONMENTAL COMMISSION, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD, ANDY KNUDTSEN, in his official capacity as Senior Planner and Zoning Administrator, and DAN SPANECK, in his official capacrty as THE BUILDING ADMINISTRATOR, Defendants. THE PEOPLE OF TI{E STATE OF COLORADO: To: Andy Knudtsen You are ordered to appear and give testimony, in you offrcial capacity as Senior Planner and Zorung Administrator, at your deposition on Wednesday, February 21, 1996 at the conclusion of the deposition of Lawrence A. Eskwith, or approximately 3:00 p.m., and continuing thereafter until completed, including the following day, February 22, if necessary, at the offices of Dunn, Abplanalp tcFKK-3297- | & Christensen, P.C., 108 S. Frontage Rd. S. #300, Vail, Colorado, as a witness in the above-entitled action, and to produce at that time and place the following documents for plaintifPs counsel's inspection and copying: For purposes of this subpoena, the following definitions and instructions apply: DEFIMTIONS 1. The term "International Wing Plan" refers to the proposed development of the Intemational Wing at the Lodge at Vail, which Lodge Properties, Inc. has been pursuing since at least 1983. 2. The term "LPI" refers to Lodge Properties, Inc. 3. The term "1983 Agreement" refers to the contract between LPI and the Town of Vail, as signed by the Town Manager, and dated August 9, 1983. 4. The term "zoning ordinance" refers to Title 18 of the cunent Vail Town Code and/or relevant predecessor codes and any particular sections specifically identified for the particular year mentioned. 5. The term "Town" refers to the Town of Vail and any actions taken or decisions made by the agents of the Town of Vail, including, but not limited to, the Mayor, the Town Council, the Town Manager, the Town Attorney, the zoning administrator, the Community Development staffl, the Senior Planner, the Design Review Board ("DRB"), the Planning Commission, the Planning and Environmental Commission (*PEC") and the building official. 6. District. The term "CCI" refers to the area in Vail Villaee zoned as Commercial Core I 7. The term "Total Parcel" refers to the approximately 3.0423 acres previously owned by declarants, Walter J. Stalder, Jr. and Ross E. Davis, as of the date of the execution of their Declaration and legally described as follows: A part of Lots 4 b, and c, Block 5-C, Vail Village, First Filing, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of Lot a, Block 5-C, Vail Village, First Filing; thenceNorth24oll'00" Eastadistanceof 119.76 feet:thenceNorth l5'17'00" East a distance 143.00 feet to a point of curve; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 96.00 feet, a cenfial angle of 64'00'00u, and an arc distance of 107.23 feet to a point of tangent; thence along said tangent North 79'17'00" East a distance of 245.42 feet to a point of curve; thence along a curve to the right having a radius of JCFKK-329?- | 582.79 feet, a cental angle of 2'03'54", and an arc length of 21.00 feet to a point; thence South 10o30'16' East a distance of 369.21 feet to the South line of said Lot a; thence South 89"44'00" Vy'est and along said South line a distance of490.63 feet to the point of beginning. 8. The term "South Wing" refers to the condominiums located in the air rights above the Lodge at Vail, on the fourth and fifttr floors, conveyed by and further described in the Declaration. 9. The term "North Wing" refers to the condominiums located on .6184 acres within the Total Parcel, and conveyed by and further described in the Declaration. 10. The term "Lodge at Vaif'refers to the well-known hotel structure originally built on the Total Parcel and located on land underlyine the South Wine. I l . The term "Lodge Tower" i, ,t " ligf,r-uory Uuilaling located on a ground lease from LPI of approximately .3350 acres within the Total Parcel, and containing 42 condominium units. 12. The term "air rights theory" refers to the theory advanced by Jay Peterson in his memorandum to Larry Eskwith dated May 18, 1983. 13. The term "Current Buildable Site" is the parcel of land upon which the Intemational Wing Plan is proposed to be built and constituting the approximately 2.089 acres remaining when the land for the North Wing of approximately .6184 acres and the grotrnd lease for the Lodge Tower of approximately .3350 acres is subhacted from the Total Parcel of approximately 3.0423 acres. 14. The term "PEC Application" refers to the Application for Exterior Alterations and Modifications in CCI submitted by Mr. Jay Peterson on behalf of LPI in May 1983. 15. The term "DRB Application" refers to the DRB Application submitted by Mr. Jay Peterson on behalfoflPl in October of 1993. 16. The terms "relating" or "relate" mean, in addition to their customary and usual meanings, addressing, discussing, referring to, pertaining to, reflecting, evidencing, stating, showing, analyzing, acquired from or disseminated to, summarizing, or recording. t7.The words "and" and "or" shall both mean "and./or." 18. The term "document(s)" includes any written, typewriuen, printed, drawn or other graphic materials of any kind of nature, including, but not limited to, correspondence, notes, memorand4 telegrams and cables, telexes, telecopies, panafaxes, publications, contracts, agreements, insurance policies, minutes, offers, analyses, projections, studies, books, papers, records, reports, lists, calendars, diaries, statements, complaints, filings with any court, tribunal or ,CFKK-1297.1 agendas, bills, invoices, receipts, estimates, evaluations, personnel f,rles, cedificates, instructions, manuals, bulletins, maps, plats, architectural drawings, surveys, title reports, advertisements, periodicals, accounting records, checks, check stubs, check registers, canceled checks, money orders, negotiable instruments, sound recordings, films, photographs, mechanical or electronic recordings, tapes, transcriptions, blueprints, computer programs and dat4 data processing cards, computer disks, software, logs, e-mail, news postings, instruction manuals, x-rays, laboratory reports and all other medical tests and test results, whether in draft or otherwise, including but not limited to, copies and non-identical copies (whether different from the originals because of notes or marks made on or attached to said copies or otherwise). INSTRUCTIONS l. If you make any claim of privilege as to any docrunent identified or requested herein, for each such document: (a) Identifr the person(s) who authored, signed, issued and/or authorized the document; (b) Identifu the person(s) to whom the document was directed and by whom the document was received; (c) State the type of document, e.g., letter, memorandum, etc.;(d) State the date of the document; (e) State the nature ofthe privilege claimed; (0 Describe with particularity the nature and substance of the document; and (g) Identify the person(s) who has custody or control of the document and every copy thereof. DOCUMENTS I . Your entire file(s) regarding or pertaining to the 1983 Agreement the air rights theory and the lnternational Wing Plan. 2. All documents that refer, reflect or relate to discussions, meetings, analyses, reviews, and recommendations regarding the Intemational Wing Plan and its potential compliance or noncompliance with allowable density for the Cunent Buildable Site. 3. All documents that refer, reflect or relate to the work session of the Town Council held on or about July 19, 1983. 4. All documents that refer, reflect or relate to the Town Council meeting held on or about August 2,1983. 5. All legal authority, including case opinions, Law Review articles, or judicial rulings that uphold or pertain to the air rights theory. JCfKI(.3297- l Jacogs CHnse FRrcr Kr.Bn,mopr & Knnpv LLC LiaA. Woodall,#24183 1050 lTth st., suite 1500 Denver, CO 80265 (303) 685-4800 ArroRI.nvs ron Lueltt'rs WeLLs CERTIITICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certifu that a true and correct copy of the foregoing NorIce oF DEPoSITIoN was mailed to the followins on Februarv 2.1996:- James S. Bailey, Jr. Bailey, Harring & Peterson, P.C. 1660 Lincoln St., Suite 3175 Denver, CO 80264 John W. Dunn Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr. Dunn, Abplanalp & ChristenserU P.C. 108 S. Frontage Rd. S., #300 Vail, CO 81657 R. Thomas Moorhead Town Attomey City of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 JCIXK-3297-l RETI]RN OF SERVICE 1996,I served theI hereby certiff that on this _ day of Notice of Deposition and Subpoena Duces Tecum as follows: I certifi under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. STATEOFCOLORADO )i tr' COTJNTYOF ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 1996, by NotaryPublic My commission expires: t?r,uror,il r e s IN TIIE DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO Case No. 95 CV 362 PLAINTIFFS'DESIGNATION OF TIIE RECORD TO BE CERTIFIED. AS AMENDED ANITA SALTZ, Plaintiff, v. LODGE PROPERTIES,INC; TOWN OF VAIL, a municipal corporation; TOWN COLINCIL OF THE TO\IN OF VAIL; anC BOB .ARMOLTF. SYBILL NAVAS, P.{UL R. JOAISTON, MARGARET A. OSTERFOSS, KEVIN R. FOLEY, MICHAEL D. JEWETT and ROB FORD. as the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Defendants, and LUANNE WELLS, Plaintiff, LODGE PROPERTIES,INC. and TIIE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, and its agents, in their official capacities, namely, TT{E TOWN COUNCIL, TOWN MANAGER, TOWN ATTORNEY, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD, ANDY KNUDTSEN, in his official capacity as Senior Planner and Zoning Administrator, and DAN SPANECK, in his official capacity as THE BUILDING ADMINISTRATOR, Defendants. Plaintiffs, Luanne Wells ("Wells"), by her attorneys, Jacobs Chase Frick Kleinkopf & Kelley, LLC, and Anita Saltz, by her attomeys, Dunn, Abplanalp & Christensen, P.C. ("Plaintiffs'), pusuant to Rule 106 and the STIPLILATION AND REQUEST FOR ORDER filed in this matter and dated January 10, 1996, hereby amend PLAINTIFFS' DESIGNATION OF THE RECORD TO BE CERTIFIED submitted on January 12, 1996, as follows: The date in item number 5 regarding The Lodge's Application to the Design Review Board should be changed to October of 1993 (not 1991). rctxK-2932-l For clarity and completeness, Plaintiffs' repeat the entirety of PLAINTIFFS' DESIGNATION oF THE RECORD To BE CERTIFIED, AS AMENDED, herein, as follows: Plaintitrs request all documents regarding the lnternational Wing development and the 1983 Agreement between Lodge Properties, Inc. (lthe Lodge') and the Town of Vail, including without limitation: ${'r notices of all public proceedings and official actions; and .r^nlr 2. minutes and transcripts of all commission, departnent, agency and public L h{rt ^(," proceedings and any findings and conclusions made thereat; ,wl l)&v The same are requested with respect to, but are not necessarily limited,", *" ## Work Session of Town Council held July 19, 1983; Town Council Meeting held August 2,1983: Planning and Environmental Commission consideration of The Lodge's I Application for E>cerior Alterations or Modifications in Commercial Core I j s:?"u#T:l"T,J3fi;**^ning amendments inthe ccr ''a puurii Accommodations Zone submitted in 1983; J" Design Review Board consideration of The Lodge's Application submitted in October of 1993; and Town Council Meeting of December 5, 1995 January 17,1996 fl't< \k$u DATED: bt.D \^, JCFKI(-2912- l JAcoas CHASE FRtcK trGE${roPr & lGi.Lcv LLC ,, ,lr; A P*'*'u''* ArnB. Fnclq #t974 [itA. Woodall n4t'33 1050 l?tb St, Suit 1500 V.il, CO tt657 (970) '$?fl300 ATroRl.tEYs Fon Putxlrrs CERfIIICAjrEOF SERYICE I hercby cctiS tba a grr rd couect copy of rbc bregoirg puNrF?$' DESENAflo\r oF TllE RE(pRDroBE cerIF1pD, AS AI{ENDED svzsmeilcdothc following mJrnnry 17' 1996: Jrncs S. BailcY, Jr. Bailey, I{ring & Pettcson, ?.C. 1660 LirolnSt" Suitc 3175 Dervcr, COW261 R lhooas lfoorhred TownAromay Cityofvail 75g.Froct gcRd. V.it, CO t1657 \/ -da)d,Lr*-, DGDv€r, CO t0265 303) 685,1800 TIITFL P.O4 IN TIIE DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Case No. 95 CV 362 rlErEhrDAr{r""""niltRl"ff HHtfrHr*oooNor,nrE ANITA SALTZ, Plaintiff, v. LODGE PROPERTIES INC.; TOWN OF VAIL, a municipal corporation; TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL; and BOB ARMOIJR, SYBII L NAVAS, PAUL R. JOHNSTON, MARGARET A. OSTENTOSS, KEVIN R. FOLEY, MICHAEL D. JEWETT and ROB FORD, as the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Defendants, and LUANNE WELLS, Plaintiff, v. LODGE PROPERTIES INC. and THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, and its agents, in their offrcial capacities, namely, THE TOWN COUNCIL, TOWN MANAGER, TOWN ATTORNEY, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION, DESIGN REVIEW BOARD, ANDY KNLJDTSEN, in his official capacity as senior Planner and Zoning Administrator, and DAN SPANECK, in his official capacity as THE BUILDING ADMIMSTRATOR, Defendants. Defendant, Lodge Properties Inc., by its attorneys, Bailey, Haning & Peterson, P.C. pursuant to Rule 106(a)(a)GV) and the STIPULATION AND REQUEST FOR ORDER filed in this matter and dated January 10, 1996, hereby files its designation of record to be certified in this matter as follows: 1. Defendant Lodge Properties Inc. concurs in Plaintiffs' designation of those documents regarding (i) the Design Review Board (the 'DRB') consideration of the Lodge's Application submitted in October of 1993 and (ii) the Town Council Meeting of December 5, 1995. 2. To the extent that Plaintiffs have failed to designate certain documents pertaining to the DRB's consideration of the Lodge's Application submitted in October, 1993 and the subsequent appeal of the DRB's decision, Defendant Lodge Properties Inc. designates the following additional documents (the term 'Documents' includes minutes, transcripts, notices, memoranda, correspondence, applications, notes, and any other written item which was considered by the Design Review Board and Town Council in their consideration of the matter at issue in this case) for inclusion in the record to be certified in this matter: a. all documents regarding the application oflodge Properties lnc. for approval of its International Wing by the Design Review Board; b. all documents regarding the Vail Design Review Board's consideration of the International Wing development; c. all documents regarding the appeal of the Vail Design Review Board's decision to the Vail Town Council and the appellate proceeding and the decision of the Vail Town Council. 3. Defendant Lodge Properties lnc. reserves ttre right to object to the following documents designated by Plaintitrs for the reason that such documents are not part of the public record regarding the governmental action on which Plaintiffs' Rule 106, C.R.C.P. cause ofaction is based: a. documents regarding the 1983 Agreement between Lodge Properties Inc. and the Town of Vail; b. documents regarding the Work Session of the Town Council meeting heldJuly 19, 1983; 2 \r c. documents regarding the Town Council meeting held August 2, 1983; d. documents regarding the Planning and Environmenal Commission's consideration of Lodge Properties Inc.'s Application for Exterior Alterations or Modifications in Commercial Core I (CCD submitted in 1983; and e. Lodge Properties Inc.'s request forp,roposed zoning amendmeng in the CCI and Public Accommodation Zone submitted in 1983. DATED ftit lZ day of January, Lgg6. BAILEY, HARRING & PETERSON, A Professional Corporation Denver, Colorado 8m6/- Telephone: (303) 837-1660 ATTORNEYS FOR LODGE PROPERTIES INC. CERTITICAIE OT SERVICE I hereby c€rtiry that a true and correct copy of the foregoing DEFENDANT LODGE PROPERTIES INC.'S DESIGNATION OF THE RECORD TO BE CERTF'IED was mailed to the following on January l?rt+ 1996: Ann B. Frick, Esq. Lia A. Woodall, Esq. Jacobs Chase Frick Kleinkopf & Kelley LLC 1050 l7th. St., Suite 1500 Denver, CO 80265 John W. Dunn, Esq. Dunn, Abplanalp & Christensen, P.C. 108 S. Frontage Rd. S., #300 Vail, CO 81657 4 -- /-2- re a ,(/o.- ^re ^x-*:** 7a/ T 13 ^-f Andy Knudtscn *.*1,+,2 'A'1" 4Y u-4- \rA-L T, &,L.\ 4-"r--/, /- €1,."14 /*,* S--/,"-*/-( u.-U , u--^-4*, t /-=-"-/ f1--- '4#f"l-- &. /-L vdv ^"1".-/>,b+ */,.*/ n1-^t l-L{- + ^_t //_._ a4 T- s; /-.a---**>N- {p necvcrcoeten 7- rufr T a /I-2.-.-*-<- ,A t/^ il; a "t sz-,- /,, I -4 J-L-l^^A.1*, /U iZ =, ,6- U),n< tL,^d ? 4 f s F-l- d,.A-..1- -x.*-/r^,,^- 5.d -T c_q__."_ ,L t'4^ ,(_ A ;[ Vl.-,* l Painted.by Andy Knudtsen 10:12am From: Andft Knudtsen llo! Stl.Ean Conne].1y, Tom Moortread subjecc: fwd: Internatiortal wing ===NOT'E==: ==1/t6/96==8:41am=:tJouad Che tswo of yotr tra'we time to meets wednesday, ,Jarr 17 , f rom 10 - 11- , to discuss Cfle internationa1 Wing? Ttre buffer required blt counci]- has been desiqrned. The P]-anners and I trave recommendations f or modif icatsiorts. collrlnentss from al]. interested partsies r,rj-11 be de1i-vered bl. noort todafl.. Ttrexe trave beert many conrmentss abor.r ts ctre specifics of the Lodge dec].arats1ons - - w}.o rea11y h.as Ctre rights to modj-fl't a Limitsed Colrllnon Eaement? can' twaitf oranansr^ter cotl.i sone Fwd=bt : =sl.lsan=corrnel L -t / t 6 / 9 6 ==9 : 0 6am== Fwd !o: And.l/ t(nudtssen I can meet, but I don't ttrlnk ml'z presense wi]-]- add anything|- rjn].ess yor.r think dif f eren].lt, I'd jr"rs€ as soon take a pass- Lec me know - Fwd=lf,].: =AndL=Knrrdcs en=L /!6 / 9 6==9 : a3am== Fwd to: Susan Connel].lt Thats's f i-ne. Tom and I will forg|e ahead and T wi ]. ]. Iet l,/ou krrow Ctre scbedu]-e and (to the deg|ree ltolr arej-nterestsed) ctre conc].rrsions aborrt LcE'/ccE/ c.ondo a.ir space (I am fascinaced, personal-l-y). wtta.ts I anticipate is giwing \tay a lettser on 1-17, out]-ining the ctrang|es and the additiona1 infomation lhats we need co make a deci-sion. He and che arctritecEs can work orr t.tta. b wtriae I 'm awalt - Fwd=by : =susan=connel-f=L / ! 6 / 9 6=:9 t 14am== Fwd to: Andy Knrrdcsen ;;ii;iE;i;'k;.;know wtr.ere fzor-r me informed, and l-ets me tshink f can add wa1ue. Page: 1 SE{T BY: "a l-16-96 ;11:50Ail ;BAI.EY U'* Ben^nv, Hrnnnvc & h'rensox A Profcscimat Corponnon Suib 3175 Lincoln Ccnter 1660 Lincoln Strea Delver, Colorado &D61 Telephone Cl(B) tJZ-16d0 3034792157;# l/ 4 DATB ,uuary TEtrIFAX: (9'0)a7y21f. -, lN u, ,.f,f 6 "-l rerefex (303) t3z{xtt7 efTEIEF|EX MESSAGE '0 16,196 'W ,5 To: Ton Moortead r . - ,O;rA t'^" - . Jr^ ln ^tr. t?Fr*\,q.r^.aq [-lg b"--- -lrr V' BoM: JinrBairey /ut :rLqr#." ry,W( \ ly' -, ,\, Q Total NumberOfpag€$IncludingThirons, M\' ^,',If pu do not rwoive all prger, U : W ,,flTfff"iln,1x1uding Trir o*,, @\, W t #,r_ preasecarf *.o,,#' !*\ ","_(/ Y*f NrrPEoF r"!'Dr'!-r'.."'r'q'r'rc'r' xtl't1*',''{r'v nOCrmENr: ptaintiffi' Desiguation of rhe Rccord b bc Ceftin€d.*.lj# 2 " ; I ' coMMnt{rs: rom: Ca'neonceyouhavercricc/Ed. rhilb. l(:' (t y" j} t U EAID c(Pr .,,l,fvu ' III FOIIOIf,: yes_ No X -1 r,Lv , lt l,lr h.y t) I L n .t%{,*)' llls lfss cE l5 rtlE AcorrxYtrc DGJiEXIS rnE trrElDED flq F* T|c UsE OF rxE tFtvtqxl ot Errrlt to t ltolrxer rrE rDotErsto rD i y c(rrl-r{ rtf{ntrr la idi'G n-rvrEr€!, oflttD€fTtr. rrD ErEpt Frq DIscLosnE u$ErrPFl'lcril'E ltlJ. rt rlE t?rDEt-oF rurs rrdrii'iri iis iiiireryrre DoqrEns rs Fr nG rxrE.@ rrcrprErr fiTllE illoru c ^ffrr rEsllilstBtE iqr DrrrGilrcild'iiifre-..ro rn llEbeo rEcrnEn. y111 /uE flErEBr rorrrtoTrrl Art DtssEttr^rrd' Dtsnlrrrtq c cowirc or r-iui"corrrcrrra rs ii-r]drlT'ir6rruro. rF rqJ *vErtcCITED rlts mltcritn Ir Euon' prerse ro-iin-rs'iriid.nrerv_rv rtt"EfifirE, rb rEnnr r,.e nrcrr^t EssrcEl|D lrE roDooilvrrc DrnxErrs ro rd rr rnr iiinn'rriii!'ivrr rls u.s. pogrrL s€rucr. r r ritr. SENT BY:1-16-96 ;ll:slAM ;4 t-'l' BAILEY UllNcr N1'I{EDlsrRlcTeouRr,cor.JNryopnact r JAN 18 19S i cro No. 95 cv 362 s! ' ' r-r'.,rt ' r or tiAGLE srATE oF culoRilU) *' ofu-o .aJ , *orooffi aNffa setT4 Plhin iq v. LODGEPRoFERnH.:Nq Touar oF vAIr*IIIE lowhf oF vAffim,###$ffi OctnOrnts, rnd TUANNEWELLS, pt iDlifi v. tffiLffigm u5-"4r+ rcwN oT vatr. cqoRADo, rnd irs .sr.'e, iE rrldr *"GtE;*T"ffi*i ;;;N Defeadrca tt" "ffiiffi*I* rq/dc)' uv ro a' ffi'",ffifrH ffiffiffiffiffihffiHffir,ffi tnqit|lDa SETT BY: ^c BATLEYU**303l792157i# 3/- r-veFr .,ge . r u,| .lrr, a-! 4 l. lodcr, ofClpublicproceediqStrqdofidd*dong;md 2. uinrs nanascripu ofdl oomtrdr*r4 ocnrayrry* aSg1pyard ${,[icproeecliqg! udrr, fidiry, [(i;ffio|t EdrtEsr* I'c soc ur rcq'coed wi., rqaa to, h' at oof rcily fi'fud !o, tb fothwirsl. Wctscssirorfln$uncittoHJuIy I% tgEt;z rornco'srrrr*uffi;;ffi.iJ**, ,. PlOdcA ua EnnmqcUrt C.rrn'nird6.ffiffi . &ffiJffiffih?-'"'"iDd.. ccrdhbrc :' flffbff'li$r#'""id*t.ilffi ra{c'rAp1*catiesilhd*d 6. TornCouacilnfmfhgofDaebsj. t90J D TED:.hlrE y lZ,lgg{l Jecues Cprse fnq K.enrro* & Kzu.sv tLC Ann3.Fdgftyr4 UrA, Woodrtl#24t93 Jo50 l7rhsr., $dr Foo (y/0).?60t00 ArronmvsroRnrunfrs 2 Dcwcr, CO t(E6S V, Du!$ tt4zl 6&att1.l BY:qr if r,l.l9-e9-;llj.slA[',.,,.,_.8{f,1fl ryH,"flg#.r&!flrr\,4,"nv cnxutcrrEoPmyrcE r Hy sriry th ltrr d'wm cop of rbctrgofog aenflil:rs, orlhrctrror otncRBcqD n' 8s Goflrfmr wrr ror ro ililiiril", J[ltry t2. tgre Jreg Brilcl &. 8riLy, Ihaiq5 & ften, p.C. t660 ticoh S,, SuiF 3l?5Ilrlrlcr,(EIt264 R.f}5rl[oodrrd TmAr@y Cltoftril 759FloqcBa Vll,CO lt6tz Ls-L rr.:|{Dl IUTf{- P.gt4 REVISED 01.02.95 MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING December 5, 1995 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the Vail rown council was held on Tuesday, December 5, 1g9s, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. the meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT:Bob Armour, Mayor Sybill Navas, Mayor Pro-Tem Peggy Osterfoss PaulJohnston Kevin Foley MichaelJewett Rob Ford TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Robert W. Mclaurin, Town Manager R. Thomas Moorhead, Town Attorney Holly L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk First item on the agenda was Citizen Participation. Rick Sackbauer of the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District congratulated new council members on their recent appointments and presented a brief update on district projects which included: efforts to consolidate the water district and sanitation district through an election process in May, 1996; progress on employee housing; Eagle Park Reservoir project and completion of the interconnect. Mr. Sackbaur informed Council members he would come in after first of the year with a more detailed update and thanked Council for their participation. The second item on the agenda was the Consent Agenda which consisted of approval of the Minutes for the meetings of November 7 and 21, 1gg5. Mayor Armour read the Consent Agenda in full. Sybill moved to approve the Consent Agenda with a second by Kevin. A vote was taken and passed unanimously, 7-0. Third on the agenda was ordinance No. 24, series of 1995, first reading of an ordinance repealing and reenacting Chapter 18.39 (SkiBase/Recreation Zone District) of the Vail Municipal Code and approving the Development Plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, 485 VailValley Drive/Tract F, VailVillage Sth Filing, and Tract B, VaitVilage 7th Filing. Applicant vail Associates, Inc., was represented by David corbin. Mayor Armour read the title in full. Town of Vail planners Jim Cu.rnutte and Lauren Waterton reviewed the application, plans for the redevelopment of the Golden peak ski Base, and work sessions that had been held with the PEC and the Town Council regarding the application. (For a complete analysis of the proposal, please refer to the November 27, 1995 staff memorandum to the PEC, distributed to the Council on November 28, 1995.) lt was further explained that staff recommended approval of Ordinance No. 24, Series of 1995, and conditional approval of the Development Plan, Jim Curnutte stated the purpose of the ordinance was to amend the text of the Ski Base Recreation Zone District. sybill moved to approve ordinance No. 24, Series of 1g95 on first reading, and the motion was seconded by Rob Ford. A vote was taken and approved unanimously, 7-0. Discussion then centered around the proposed development plan and included: the proposed new base lodge, the building of a 148-space parking structure, lift upgrades and other on-site improvements, including a skier drop-off lot and a new children's center parking lot. Council members reviewed a list of conditions attached to the development plan from Community Development as modified by the PEC. Dave Corbin, t),J'1, cant u.r nu"? nh,,t" trllslqb o sh(;t)/zt.r\u+wt*t r*l *t m eql uo peseq se/v\ le^ordde cf d eql pue 'eg/o1./ol uo epeur servl c:ld aql Aq te^orddBuo[eJaile Jopaue uv 'uotstcsp leql papacoJd guo eql q]!rv\ suolssas rJoru\ aaJq] leqlpue '6ur14leuotleuJolul eql anoldde o] 0-g palo^ gUO aql g6lllll uo lei{l paureldxe pue lcafold aq1 0urpunolns fuolsrq aql pematneJ uesplnuy Apuy ,lauueld llpn Jo umo|a^uo raarS aJoe 'f ,Ll p palecol 'l!en le a6po1 eql 1e 6ur14 leuo4eurolul aq1 anordde ol uotstcep gUO B go ;eadde ue sem epuaFe aql uo ./ .oN ruall 'sJaquau llcunoc ||e ,(q panordde sem pue uotlepueutulocal gBls oql apnlcut ol uotloru Jaq papueulg od '0-z 'r;snourrueun passed pue ualel se/v\ alo^ e 'uollorx aql papuocas se^eN 11rqr5 'a6a1rnud ;ercads e aleaJc lou plp pue eualtJc aoueuen laaul prp lsenue.r aqi leq] lcpl aql uo posBq uorsrcap s,c:ld aql uJnua^o ol ssoralso {66e4 [q apetu sem uotlout v 'JoJJa ueunq pailc pue auJog 'Jl/\ lo JoAB, ur e10ds louJv leEqctl^l ,luaptseJ lren'uorsrcap c3d erll uJnua^o ol uoneJaprsuoc s,lrcunoc aq1 palsanba.r rllngcadser aujog 'Jru 'roEqlas luoJl aql olur lueulqceoJcue lool g.t e pasnsc pBq JoJJa eLll pue .rora ourraruns s ol anp rceqlas aq1 palsanbeJ pEq aql paure;dxa auJog qog ,luecrlddy 'apoO Ouruoz aql ql/v\ lualstsuocut aOa;rnud ;ercads;o luerO e ut unsal plno/yl acueuel aq110 6ur1uer6 aq1 1eq1 11a1 'ruap ol uotlout aql Io Jo^el ur 6ur10n sJaquJaru aq1 peureldxa a6:oag 'lsanbar ecueue^ rceqles luo:l pasodo.rd aq r(uep o1(6uiluassrg'l"goy1'pu" lnou.ry) Z€ Jo alo^ sJaqu€u uorsstrutuoC aql pue 0u[aau C3d 966t ,/Z JaquanoN aql pue leadde oql Jo punor64ceq aq1 pa/v\er^ar Jaqnu ao.roag r-uue1o |1en 10 urvroj 'apo3;edtcrunyl llen lo u/v\oI aql to '020'zg'g l uorlcas o1 luenund ,lsanbar acueue^ rceqlas luo4aql ]o leruap s.uotsstuluos leluauuoJt^u3 puB 6uruue;6 eq Eurleadde sem ,.cul uojsaf, oxu Jo pJsureJB r11e5 rq paluasardar 'euJo8 qog '1ue11adde eqr .peou rcruurrruur) O Zggzluots!^!pqns si opEaUI lcnlqsuul ,g lol uo uotlcnJlsuoc rapun r{l1uer.rnJecueplseJ aql JoJ pesodo.,d acuerJe^ lseqlas luo4 porsanba: aq1 Auap o1 uorsrceps,uorsslur.uoc lelueuiuoJr^us pue 0uruue16 aq1 ;o leadde ue se/v\ epua6e'aq} uo'qy,S 'g-2 'r{;snoutuBun passBd pue ua1e1 se/v\ a}o^ v .$l,v\ar arry{ *ro4 puocos e qlrrvr "{1poq1ny Eulsuacrr lecor aql uo rcuecen eq1 1;g oi u;deq3prneg guroddp ol pa^ou ;;rq[g .s1o1;eq eql perllpl uoaqctnccn,rrroH duiipenqurrliara/v\ sloileB 'uosr! A {ene6 'ueuJreqc Jaulrol Jo uoueuorsa: at{} Iq p"1e"rc Loiiridlauo rol sluecrldde aJa/n ra{eM fuial pue 'uollesn auag ,urdeqS'eneo ,"qr.y,1rluoqlny 6ursuecrl reco'r Jo luaurlurodde aq1 ser* epuao-e aq uo a^u JaquJnu uJall alo^ v' sB^e N | | r q^s rq puocss e qr|/vr, uqrnir;'"1!'fi#fi:l? :il:iffi iH.ffi $t;:l'/661 'Jequanop errdxe ol rujel 'ssoralso .y lereoreyl Jo ural perrdxeun "|.$ ni"io'roiol Jequ,ou, rtcunoc e 6ullca;a 10 asod.rnd aql roJ uorlcarf ;ercads e JoJ elep aq1 6uu1asuorlnlosau e ,9661Jo sauas 'ZZ.oN uounlosag servr epue0eiql uo uay quno1 aql '9661lo sauas 'gZ acueulprg uo 6urpee.rpuocos orD lo eurl eq11e lenordde s,;lcunog o1 pefqns aq prno^ uelo lueuoolenapaql paa:6e sJequJeui lrcunoc 'suJacuoc laq passerdxa pue suollsanb persBneepuou Acuel 'lueprsal rren'sJou/v\o ryadord lenpinrpuraqllo,{Ilq,sudos", "..li;iilacueurpro ,{q lBql pue sll'/v\apls ur'luteu lou saop sl,oM cllqnd lBr,.l} Icunoc pauJo}ut pEatuool^l tllof 'eaJB eql JoJ IEAOIuAI MOUS Uo paluaululoc 'uollB!3ossv ujntutujopuosujorlsruBu eq1 Ourluasarder 'ue0r1Iy1 suero .sllB/v\aprs /v\eu pesodord lo erueuairl",ilo; a;qrsuodsar aq prno/v\ oqM lo uorlecuuelc Jo] parsB 'uo'l"rcossy sraurnoaruoga6e;I4lse3 aql buquasarda.l '1uoue1 up 'sluaujanordtur'edecs raaJls pasodord Jo aouBueluleul pue buueqs lsoc 'sluaruenordulr adecs gaa:1s papnlcur uotssncsrp 10 sc1dol reuorlrppv 'r pilnq lou saleroossv rlen plnoqs uaddeq plno/v\ lBl.rwl pue ernrenJls6ur4red pasodo.rd aq1 6urp:e6al panurluoc uorssnoslo .lenordde alqrssod.ro; 6unaaqr6uru-ana rrcunoc 6! Jaquaoeo aql ol 1q6no.rq aq uorle:ado s' uo uelep e.rotr pe;sa06nspue palecr;drxoc eJan senssr 6ur1.red pelels aH .pouad reart oml E JAAo u1 paseqd aq r{lqrssod plno/n arnlon.rls 6urlred aql leql paureldxa ,1uecr;dde eq1 Ounuasarda.r criteria for exterior alterations as well as an agreement which the Town had executed with the Lodge relating to accommodation units and conference area within the Village. Attorney, Jay Peterson represented the applicant, Lodge Properties, lnc., explained he was there to request the 1983 DRB decision be upheld. Mayor Armour requested Mr' Peterson and other lawyers present speak after the presentation by the applicant. Applicant, Lodge Properties, Inc., represented by Greg Christian, distributed the design of the proposed International Wing, and presented the proposed change of 1983, adding 19 rooms. Town Attorney, Tom Moorhead explained that 1983 decisions were still in effect. He further stated that any changes or modification to the original approved application would have to be reviewed by the DRB. Ann Frick, on behalf of Lou Ann Wells, adjacent property owner, that statutory procedures were not adhered to, and that the 1983 agreement was illegal. Architect, Lynn Fritzlen, stated inappropriate procedure was followed and that relying on a 83 planning approvalwas inappropriate after 12 years. Peggy Osterfoss asked what the time line was for approval. Tom Moorhead informed her that in 1983 there was, no time line set forth on exterior alterations, but since that date there has been a two year time limit put into etfect. Those opposed to the approval of the lnternational Wing who gave input included: Attorney, Art Abplanalp, representing owners of Uni[#S22, Vt. & Mrs. Saltz, as well as three other units. Mr. Abplanalp presented a map which he said depicted the proposed sight barriers of certain private condominium owner! and stated that Rick Rosen represented the Cabinas, also adjacent property owners. Jim Lamont, representing the East Village Homeowners Association, requestdd council members take into consideration a new opportunity, and requested this proiect be withdrawn. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, Lodge properties, lnc. acidressed concerns and answered questions. Mike Arnett, Design Review Board Chailman, was on hand to answer questions, as was Jack Zehren, architect for the project. Peggy moved to uphold the DRB approval of the project with the stipulation that additional staff-approved modifications be made to the plan to improve sight and sound barriers on the building's west side. Kevin Foley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed, 6-1, Mike Jewitt voting in opposition. Item No. 8. On the agenda was the Town Manager's Report. Bob asked council members to check their calendars in order to meet for a special work session on Tuesday, February 13, and reminded them of the Town of Vail's Christmas party at the Marriott on Friday night. Mayor Armour informed those present of his concern regarding raising the speed limit to 75 mph and asked that statf research the issue and any possible alternatives. Bob Mclaurin said he would discuss it with the new Police Chief. Other topics of discussion included: the shortage of bus drivers and overcrowding; the need for a voice mailsystem for council members. There being no further business, a motion was made by Paul Johnston to adjourn, with a second from Kevin Foley at approximately 1 1:10 P.M. 4ffiESr: Holly McCutcheon, Town Clerk (Names of certain Indlvlduals who gava publlc input may be inaccurate ) v",t :l*,, t"u,r'l t:*'j n h llt^h | 2/tt5ltl5 I Vrl Ftcstann & US Mttr (970) 47924s2 Mr. Randy Stouder Planner in Charge 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 I Jncobs Cknsr Fnick Kleinkopf Kelley LLC ArroRNEys Ar LAw lndependencr Plnzn 1050 lTrk Sr. Suiru | 100 Denvtn, CO 8O26I ,or.68r.4800 FNt ,0r.68r.4869 IC'IiKK-2468- l Lin A. Woodnll ,or,892.4416 December22,1995 0Ec 2 TOV.COMM. DEV. DEPT Re: The Lodge International Wing Dear Randy and Staff: We understand from Andy Knudtsen's letter to Mr. Peterson dated December 8, 1995, tlnt Mr. Peterson must submit drawings conceming the additional buffering to be added to the Intemational Wing Plan. I called you today and left a voice mail asking whether those drawings have been submitted and when they would be available for public review as we need to make plans to come to Vail to look at them. We had represented Ms. Luanne Wells before the Town Council hearing on December 5 and want to be clear that we should be notified on her behalf to review the drawings that Mr. Peterson still needs to submit before staffmakes a decision on the application. Tha^nk-s in adt ar.ce for vour attention to this matler. Sincerely, Or)nr4"z,<- LiaA. Woodall V HARIHE LAW OFFICES OF Rtc D P. ROsEN, December 21, 1995 Jay Peterson, Esq. 108 South Frontage Road West Vail. Colorado 81657 OINVER | | 20 LINCOLN STREET 5UrlE I too DENVER COLORAOO 4o203 TEL 303 A32 1900 FAX 303 463 04 r 2 PO EOX 4 r 37 VAIL COLORADO a | 654 tEL 3O3 ?r7r 194O IOV.CO[4IV1. DEV. DEPT Re: The Lodge at Vail/International Wing Dear Jay: As you are aware, this office represents Dr. and Mrs James Cavanaugh. The Cavanaughs are the owners of Condominium Unit 533, The Lodge at Vail. During the past few weeks, I have had an oppornrnity to meet with the staff architects at Zehen & Associates relative to the proposed design for the International Wing' The information received, including copies of the design layout for the proposed terraces for Unit 533 and the two adjacent units, has been reviewed and discussed with my clients. Three major concerns are still present. The proposed design elements for the terraces, although with good intentions to mitigate the impact of the new structure, serve only to ascorbate the situation. The terraces, as designed, incorporate a large number of evergreen-type trees, shrubs, and other landscaping. It is obvious that this "natural" treatment will result in the development of a "wall" surrounding the terraces serving noneother than to eliminate any potential for natural lighting, and the total elimination of the remaining views. Even more disconcerting is the elevator shaft that encroaches into the proposed terrace for Unit 533. Although it has been described as a minimal impact onto the terrace, it reduces the usable space of the terrace and eliminates any reasonable use of such a terrace. This is only further compounded by the placement of the landscaping discussed above and the ever present noise distraction of the placement of ventilation outlets at the top of the elevator shaft. Finally, the obvious reason for the proposed landscaping and otber architectural elements to be installed on the terraces is to lessen the impact of the expected noise from the exterior terraces adjacent to the entertainment suite that will be constructed in the International Wing. This suite is expected to be of the same elevation of the impacted condominium units in The Lodge. It is not my intent to criticize without offering some suggestions for eliminating the above referenced concerns. It is suggested that the following design change be reviewed and incorporated into the final design that is to be presented for review by the Town of Vail Community Development department. OF COUN5EL €LROD I'iAf Z .,RLEO LOOA M(IISON & 5 LYERMAN P C lF.F ? ?;, RICHARO Jay Peterson, Esq. December 21, 1995 Page Two o The exterior terrace ofthe entertainment suite that faces The Lodge should be eliminated. It is not only apparent that the presence ofthis terrace necessitates the proposed terracres for The Lodge condominium units, including the installation of the landscaping elements, it also most undoubtedly will add significant construction costs to tle overall development project. Moreover, the proposed terraces on both the International Wing and The Lodge offer nothing visually other than the presence of the other improvements. The remaining views for The Lodge units are to either sides of the lnternational Wing, and the expected views for the new improvements clearly are not the ones ofThe Lodge building. o The installation of an elevator shaft within hilo feet of the large picture window of Unit 533 is not well thought out. This proposed design element offers what appears to be a cost-saving measure for the developer without consideration of the impact onto adjoining properties. It is recommended that the developer either relocate this elevator, or in the least, find some solution tbat allows for the reduction of the height of the elevator shaft. Further, the venting system for the elevator must be relocated to lessen, if not eliminate, the expected noise pollution. I, as well as my clients, are eager to work with your designers to incorporate the above recommendations. Of course, any reasonable solution will be entertained. I look forward to hearing from you or your architects within the next few days. Thank you for your consideration Yours very truly, RICHARD P. ROSEN. P.C. YLclt* Richard P. Rosen /hs Andy Knudtsen John Volponi, The Lodge at Vail FILE COPY 75 South Frantage Road Vail, Colorada 81657 970-479-2 I 38/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 December 8, 1995 Jay Peterson, Esq. WeststarBank Building 108 S. Frontage RoadWest Vail. CO 81657 Bob Mclaurin Tom. Moorhead $rsan Colnellv Parn Braodmeler Jim Lamont Jim Brown Lynn Fritrlen Grcg Cristnsn Izc.k7*hren 4rt 4lnl4nanA-no f nc( Nficbael funett Rick Rosen Department of Community DeveloPment l.il l,L>JI/A-t 7 ff-.*- Z L,-t< al"t,lt"P4 E <L,t RE: The Lodge Intemational Wing Dear Jay: On Decernber 5, 1995, the Town ofVail Town Council consider upon appeal the Design Review Board approval of November l, 1995. Tfoe Town Council voted 6-l (Jewett opposcd) to ubfiold the DRB approval with tle condition that additional buffering be added between the terraces adjaclnt to Units 527. 533 and 535 and-the proPosqq . Penthousc Suite of the International Wing. The Council directed you to generate architectural desigrrs for this buffer to be reviewed and approved by staff. Al-though we dc not plan t6 schedule this item for a Design Review Board hearing, Saff would iiice to maire the proposeddrawings aviilable for public revierv in our offices at some date in the future. Please submit drawings shorving the following information: A. At l/4" scale, show all existing improvements. Delineate what is a limited common elemeflt, a geneftll common element, and whdt is under the ownership of the Lodge Properties. B- Show the proposed improvetnents at l/4" scale in plan. secdon and elev?tion. The sections should includethlfirllheigbtbfthesructwesoneithersiileoftheterracearea. Thisv/ouldincludeboth the proposed Pentfousc Suite improvements, as rvell as tle existing units 527, 533 and 535' If it is helpfirl for you and your clien! the Town of Vail staff is willing to rwiew conceptual proposals- that would achieve tf,e buffering needid in ttris area. Orce you have the existing conditions mapped out, we would be hqpy-to sit down and meet rfrti you. I wout<l like to have a final design available for pubiic ieview no later than January 2, 1996. Statrwill make a decision on the application approximately one week lat€r. Thank yon for your erttention to this matter. Please call me at 479-2138 if yotr would like to discuss this iszue in any greater d€tail, J4, /{,rt"-t } '.il Awn, {p *""r""*ruo 7r4-- 7 tz/s/zr t )t(z(k s-.** -.' ' t. ir ,AJ-I u/4nv* u-,1 l;/t"wJ.u su G"nt l{'J tolttl4s t lL lq* Afilt {c^t r--.-N", sfsles /.-lLt I qs iofrtl < r tr I tl Tf ( I iltb DKB DIZA bes D L/9 +" *o &--'=p*f"s f'r"F5 nt"A^.ha't c4+ M&Ss t++t..**Le*i'*'lr M'LJ ,t4f4* irhaa,*Lf; *% ' ?-f^.&r^-{3 dt-.v'o-<.- r//+f w't/W b-s?*rt .to-yt-'-ut L fra-o n-*rff ryd'^ll7 )l>Je I rrrl1'-'Y1'l-?^ JLF 5..ol sf"Qt:' tl\Dg ry/ 7,/"W J-AA^Qlr / ' l'W'tg.t )4 k vlssrn 77 hLO rs,or 1.rV*tl"fYl vlc--a V -*4 -^t?lt fo,y v19 '7Yb 1=7 'f*.N- gllg ffYl-' '\^c/{ "-fT Wd ? ? Pn17;ov- L y+-l *y4 *T s--/ 472-. k #"rl , -H-fz,/fff J./n- .^rf- -?F 'va/-,-1 4, l",*--Arzr nl-TO k 4-p-1* e/o.p_S.gt /f.*,-y47y +"y t*+Vs z-lTfnC orf 'J:1"w.Vr)-?t' -{.V -,"f /1-T-\ U-f F, ry:$ , v>l4l;vj ss:rf fo f :q ' ^/)'-/ -"'ld l;--r't'n . I I (:_./ S>1.t7 ftt JM?. tEbl ' ..+rv lrlA--'1-{t\- ^c. nl\L2'Yl ': l a: i' )*.e/'.'i .ir' zr,' . rt7 i,'YV '\'t -ltaPJ i I t:l- !: i ,JE.-Cl' . .i ,1 1 j' li_ ,1. ,.iLE.',O) ll i, oe : 0'l ::' : Jl . ot a ;, l! ,-i 5€,o I r: Ja, nrENE0ltou r r q t -/s /rf -T#d# OFt t-/ c-ov' l.' l''^- f/t"-/ -AJ, {--,-J Gentlemen: On behalf of our clienl Luanne C. Wells, an adjacent property owner, w€ hereby appeal to the Vail Town Cowrcil the November I, 1995 decision ofthe Town of Vail Design Review Board regarding the Lodge at Vail, International Wing. On behalf of Ms. Wells, we object to the Design Review Board's decision based upon the proposed development's nonconformance with standard procedures and requirements of the Vail Village urban design guidelines, applicable design review objectivesandpriorconditionsofapproval. OnbehalfofMs.Wells,wealsoobject to the proposed development on the basis that it violates well-established zoning rules, regulations, laws and policies. Ms. Wells is a property owner at One Vail Place and is adversely affected by this proposed development. n*on_B '.o'! Sel/: 4r*- ^f v..yr,,ryl",;- fffi*;*-'lndrprndrncr Plnre V I t / , ' , t '-l.:-:.-,-^ - 4u- L-i-o-{-, M JecosscueseFrucrKlErNKopFfOlO | 7rh Sr. /\ suhe l ioO ." I / / .."-rt f* &KSLLevLLC Jncobs Cknse Fnick Ann B. Fnick 892.4422 Novem!er9-19951 ,7,lo'{7-1"'IYEAY 6T b----dfu,1 L"- "-4-4-Y L* /t"-"_^, {_L..^_,..A International Wing Z/--L &4,,^-._ *? t/'ll-/tofuf s at-tltr-, VW A hrr,^* F.frti"t 'Ain g. r'ti"n ABF/kb H //:za Brf *r.^.,.r VTrr* /*<--< - cA^Vl Kleinkopf Ke[[ey LLC Arronn rys lr Llw Denvrn, CO 8O265 ,or.685.4800 rxr 7O7.68J.4869 Jcflr.t7al-l VU FACSIMILE andUS IqIAIL Mayor Osterfoss and Town Council Attn: Town Attomey, Tom Moortead 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Appeal Lodge at Vail, Proposed L '"/ ,.-;// xEfvEDf,toyr3u- rOil50N INTIRTAIN}i,tINT November 7,1995 N{ayor Osterfoss and Town Council Attn: Town Attorney, Tom Moorhead 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 FAX: (970) 479-2157 RE: Appeal Lodge at Vail, International Wing, as proposed. Dear Tom: As an adjacent property owner, I hereby appeal to the Vail Town Council the November l, 1995, decision of the Town of Vail Design Review Board regarding the Lodge at Vail, International Wing. I wish the Town Council to overturn the DRB decision based upon the proposal's non-conformance witl standard procedures and requirements of the Vail Village Urban Design Guidelines, applicable design review objectives and prior conditions of approval. I am the owner of Units 523 and 525 in the Lodge at Vail and am adversely affected by the proposal. g-<__ 345 North Maple Drive Suite 208 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (310) 2464688 345 NON.TH M,\?II DRIVT slj|Ii 208 rtvtRtY liiLLs cA 90210 TIL: (ll0) 146-{688 tAX: (110) 2{7.8E82 I J$nrcfpg 5.5{mtu 7ll fritt\.Atcuc $rr farr,$.fl.tuur FAX (970) 479-2452 October 17,1995 ; Ms. Susan Connelly Community Development Director Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ms. Connelly: re: Intemational Wing at The Lodge at Vail I am the owner of Condominium 363-365 at the Lodge. My wife Sydney, our four sons, and I spend a good deal oftime throughout the year enjoying the wonders of Vail. We have an unencumbered view of the Village and mountain from our unit which is on the upper southeast corner of the Lodge looking past Wildflower and over what is currently the International Wing (Xerox picture enclosed). Although I am a director of The Lodge Condominium Owners Association, I am writing solely in my individual capacity as a unit owner. As you know, the Association is a member of the East Village Homeowners Association, and EVHA has already expressed many concerns which I share. Although it is in the interest of Lodge Properties to increase their profitability by creating additional facilities, the location, design and scale ofthese facilities should be planned with consideration for all affected parties and the citizenry as a whole. Ms. Susan Connelly Town of Vail Page2 With this perspective in mind, I would hope that the DRB will look at the proposed design in conformance with its own performance requirements with respect to scale, roof design, tle requirements that commercial use be limited to plaz.a levels, underground parking to be located at the site, required passage ways between adjacent stnrctures, etc. To the extent possible, views over, and privary of, oristing residential units should not be diminished. It would appear that the upper most floor exceeds the height requirement, and the Penthouse unit itself is a luxury that serves largely to meet the hubris of the owner. It should be removed in order to reduce the building height. I have been impressed with the continued efforts of the DRB and the Town Council to encourage enlightened development in the town, and I zubmit tlese comments with the hope that they will be of assistance to you in ttre course of your consideration of the proposed Intemationat Wing. Very truly yours, ,./,t r' b-/.'M4'o{*^ --c, Stanley S. Shuman enclosure e ,t$hrnleg F.S1"*nFcElvEDt{0y I lt srrrgirrtrA# tc: Utu'ti.(,fry., $"ri*r.l.fl.unrr ,t'Jl'{s cil)u'441 Cr[.'Jt-t'*': FAX (970) 4794s7 November 7,1995 Mayor Osterfoss & Town Council Attn: Town Attorney, Tom Moorhead 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Sir: re: Appeal Lodge at Vail, International Wing, as proposed. As an adjacent property owner, I hereby appeal to the Vail Town Council t}re November lst, 1995 decision of the Town of Vail Design Review Board regarding the Lodge at Vail, International Wing. I wish the Town Council to overturn the DRB decision based upon the proposal's non- conformance with standard procedures and requirements of the Vail Village Urban Design Guidelines, applicable design review objectives and prior conditions of approval. I am owner of Unit 3631365 in the Lodge at Vail and am adversely affected by the proposal as set forth in my letter ofOctober l7th, 1995, copy enclosed. I very much appreciate your consideration. Very truly yours, I/,'2 , ,'/ '/i l''f"'t't't' i' 'i i-e-__=.-- ! enclosure ial.r H !l.i El H € $p - .9 ff Ue;: E E E F,ES , E(A=Sf;pS <.o3tE; ts ire8E-l aSR c i:e;t4 Hsil, < l).=!68#. 1o a I €)+..Ta b0t -lo-{.)ao-x Frl Ea -GB ao.- € --{.J0 Fq).- (,zf-l FJ zo -Fl z& Frl Flz - Jf-{ F r4coo Fl rI])l.{ lrL{F o o al 'o u ll t-a r..,! I IY - a.) a ril J h {-?(g c.)bo I bo (n X I t\ u .3 = ,<,\i hll .= 't. ./_ L] N A, q.) (- Lr - () - fi1 "- ^.j .ta/.'rl o View from Wildflower Patio - tlpprox. 7 5'-0" Jrom face oJ-builtling l r,ltriai 1..ti at,I\It View from East end rvalkrvay - Acljacent to Lotlge.s,wimming pool View studval The Lodge at Vail - International Wing Photos taken May 4, 1995 - Black line represents maximum exterior boundary of Intemational Wing, using the string line which was put in place for the Conceptual DRB as a reference. View from East end walkrvay - Adjacent to Wilclflower Restaurant view from Gore creek Drive - Lorking s.uth ttlons eost end walkwav '-ctara r-- -t 'E -r ,! 6lt.-o CL C-) eg':. o=Eaacr El> q rEO(J CJ a r- -EJ ct'ir '.r E)€ rCD Jr_ .G -a eL .=o.- -c c) rh{,cr -Ervt CD I '5 crjI .; .E lil .i i: ii li I ii I I I '-l II lr TxllllXt$rr-*rl I [-,J.''-lj11; iri...__.1..,.r, I I , 'JIrllal Jl I et !,\:i S:l at - t TI ;l;;-l I I li t' IL_ |ltl nl 4 ..E1...l ata 1 I + I I I It.,' I |Etttrl :l ; (5 N --l lltlI il 'i. ' -J-! - ll rl :l I I I:r; x rTr i.-; r Ittt '. . \l.t\|r'. .l.l ,-Of,+l l:i,:' l,l ; Y-t" ; a 'l ! { i1llir a, l__L--_, .r! ll.r,.r : -T- DEC-45-1995 L6zU 343+685+4869 P.@.o TOWN OF'VAIN- TOWN COIINICIL }TEETING fuerdoy, DeccnLe" 5, t995 7,30 p,-.. PROTE,ST ON IIS. LUANNE WELI,S Rcspccdully ""b'oiced by J.coLs Chac. F;ck Kleinhopf & Kcllcy, LLC Somm"ry of Frotoctt The lntemational Wing Plan, as proposed by The Lodge hoperties, Inc. ("The Lodgc"), violetes $ I E.24,I 30 of the Vail Zouiug Ordinance, wfuisfi limits total density iD the Commscial Core I District to not more than 25 dwelling units per acrc of buildablc site ar€a. The subdivision of air rights which arc separatcly ovmcd by the Lodge Apartmcnts Condominium Owners and Association ('Lodge Apatments') does not create a separate buildable site area that doubles the allowed densiry per acrc nor should the number of Lodge Aparuants be igrrored for deteftiining density. The 1983 Agreement dated August 9, [983 between The Lodgc and the Town Ivlanagcr which purports to waive thE dcnsity zoning requirement in exchange forthe constuction ofnew conference facilitics at the Lodgc at Vail constinrtcs illegal contact zoning and is null and void. ' In approviug the 1983 Agreement on August 2, 1983, the Town Council tcted ultra vires and abused its discrction by effcctively granting a variancc for density without following the mandated procedwes for notice arrd public hearing and without making findings upon the record regarding the criteria used to grant variances. I The Lodge hes no vested property rights, under common law or by statute, in lhe Intcrnational Wing Plan, as proposed. RECOM}f,ENDATXON Sr'e raspectfully request that the Town Council void the 1983 Agreement. In the altemative, we ask that the Town Council take the mattcr undcr adviserncn! so that it can thoroughly consider the maner upon a properly developed rccord. We welcomc the oppornrnity to respond in person or in writing to any questions or concerns that the Council may have regarding this matter, which may arisc during its review arrd consideration of this matter. ,cf,F(-lrrr-l .. DEC-45-1995 L6:34 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 343+585+4859 P.A3 TOWN OF VAIL, TOWN COUNCIL Jacobs Chase Frick Kleinkopf & Kelley, LLC, on behalf of Ms. Luanne Wclls DECEMBER 5. 1995 PROTEST OF INTERNATIONAL WING DEVELOPMENT, AS PROPOSED Wing of the Lodge atVail. Ms. Wells objecrs to lhe lelality of fte On behalf of Ms. Lu.gnne Wells, adjacent property owncr to the Lodge at Vail, the law firm of Jacobs Chase Frick Kleinkopf & Kelley, LLC, protesrc the developmcnt of the pmposed lntemalional ofthc Town ofVai objects to the failurc ofThc lodgc to comply with the propcrly''.-,.ci@ Fi6EEffits-frd;ffice and public hearing requircments for variances and/or rezoning, particrrlarly with - f i^p6 respecttottredensiryrequircmeotsmandatedby$ls.2a.l30oftheTowrrotVaitZoningOrdinance.t<€ T..z tf (ord.2l (1960)$ l(part).1 Ms.Wetlsreservesherrighttoobjectsndprotesronothsrgrounds,I t>M*'p F",. @ In l98Q thc Town of Vail passed a Zooing Ordinancc that resricCd density in the CCL. Under S 18.24-l30,totaldensityisrestictedto25dweltingunilsperacrcotbuildablesiterea- Assumingthat dre entire 2.089 acres of the parcel that The Lodge owns is a buildable site, the totd dcnsity would be limited to 52 accommodation uuits. lhe 62 existing accommodation units were to of the Vail Ordirpnce and would use. As such, the units exceeded the meximum of the 2.089 acres owncd by Thc I-odge. The Lodge's ThoorT That Separately-Ownod Air Rights Doubles Density aud/or Such Units Should Not Be hdlded ir the Density Count- In 19E3, The lodge took t}e position that the separately-owned accommodation units that occupy the zubdividcd air rights above tle Lodge at Vai[ hotel unitsr should not bc counted ia the total denstty cquation. in May of 1983, The [ndge Properties, Inc., submitted an Application Form For t On May 5, 1970, previous owners, Walter J. Stalder, Jr. and Ross E. Davis, zubmitted a portion of their property to tbe Colorado Condominiun Act. Thc subdivided condominiums are owned by the Lodge Apartments Coudominium Oumers and Association ("Lodge Apartmcnts'). The condominium units in question are located above the first two floon of the hotel complex known as the Lodge at Vail and are referred to as the South Wing of the Lodgc Apartments ("South Wing'). I wrng orthe Lodge at vait. ,v<\, b*rrcen Thc Lodgc and Ri , kC(V. CI9X3-AFEemRT:ffi.H' ^,<4D EffiEtlGcfrrifficeand -P rt'^. @ n{*2rD BA.KGR.I'ND Y tff ' In l9&t, The t odge proposed a plan to expand the Lodge at Vail by building an International \Ving o!4p sdditional units on 2.089 scres in thc Commercial Core I District ('tcl"). At thc time, a toul o@ccommodation units with a total of 37,347 squarc feet of GRFA had been constructed on tie2.089ad\- tZ-Lyz,.L= VZ ,,/ Etxx-2pr!l DEC-O5-1995 15:35 343+685+4869 P,U Exterior Altcrations or Modifications In Commercial Core I (CCI) ("Application dated May l9t3'), which incorporatcd tt$ jiug tigh!:th*L*d rcprescnted rhe allowediensity at 104 accommodstion units. .Scc Application dared May 1983, paragraph N, pagc 8. Apparently a dispute arosc regarding toral density because that samc montl, The Lodgc.. through its atomcy, Jay K. petcnon, wrotc a memorandum of law to Larry Eskwith, Town Anomey, in which be prcsentcd thc argument that thc subdivision of air rights had doubled the totrl allowrblc density for the buildable sitc. It is our understanding from talking with individuals knowledgeable about the hisrory of tbis ploposd expansion that this was nst the frst timc that The Lodge had presented its *air righ6" argument to tie Town of Vail. Wc undentand that on tbree previous occasions, other Town Anorncys had bccn approached with tlis defrnition of density and each time the position was rejected outighr. Wc rulderstand fiuther, that lv{r, Peterson.played a firndamental role in advancing this theory of ''air rights" at thc time the Town Council was considering the subdivision ordinance in 1980. Again, t}e theory was rcjcctcd. Thc 19&f Agrecment Side Steps Zoniug Requiremcnts- / Aftsr scvccal pr€vious unsuccessful attcnrpts to persuade thc Town to incrcese the allowablc ,z density on its 2.0E9 acreq The Lodge apparently convinced tie Town to accept is air righs argurnent \ or, at a minimum, not to reject it outright. On August 9, 1983, the Town of Vail ent€rEd into the 1983 \ Agrement with The Lodgc in which it was agrccd that: I. The parties agree that the dcnsity conbol section ofthe zoning ordinance for the CCI Disnict shall rot prohibit the Lodge frorn building rhe 34 new accommodation uuits and one dwellidg unit f'Units') (emphasis addcd). 2- Before thc Lodge shall proceed with the coirstruction of the Units it shall be required to comply with all thc appropnatc ordinances of the Town and obtain pernission from the appropriate boards and commissions of thc Town and furthcr obtain all required and necessary permits. 3. Should the lodge go forw-ard with the coostruction ofthe Units it shall be firrther rcquired to construct cxpsnded confcrcncc and mccting room facilitics in thc Lodge so that when such expansion is complete the Lodge [ ]2 contain total conferencc ard meeting noom space which is at least [ ],400 in size, more or less of which one nrom shall contain at least [ ],000 squre fect morc or less. i a. The corporation sball not irutitutr any legal action lgrinst the Town conceming any oflhe disputed issucs sct forth hcrein. The Lndge by entering into this Agreerncnt docs uot waive its rights to request an additional six accornnrodation units nor docs the Town waive its rigbt to oppose such rcqucst Brackets indicate that copy is illcgiblc. ?,cFrr":!rr-r .. DEC-85-191+5 16:35 3A3+685+4869 P.6 The 1983 AgrEement was unanimorrsly approved by the Town Councit at its regular qleetinc\ held on August 2, 1983. The agenda for that mecting lisred the item as "AppRovAL or AGREEIftNT )RELATING TO LODGE AT VAIL AIR RIGHTS.- Dcnsiry was not mentioned_ '/ Thereafter, Thc Lodge obtdncd approval from the Planning and Environmental Commission\ C'PEC") for its proposed expansion of the Intemational Wing on October 24, 1983, efter fust beins ) denied on octobcr | 0, 1983. Once agai4 no density issue was raiscd or discussed at the hcarings 6**. fthe PEC. After twelvc ycars, The Lodgc has dccidcd to movc forward wilh its proposcd Inrernatioual Wing, seeking Dcsign Rcview Board approval on the basis of a l21ear old PEC approval. Thc Dcsigrr Review Board conditionally approved tbe Intemational Wing as proposcd, on November 1, 1995. The Town Council called up the approval of thc Intcmational Wing on November 7.lgg5, scheduling the hearing for December 5, 1995. Ms. Wells timely appealcd the DRB approval under g 18.54.090 by lottcr datcdNovcmbcr9, 1995. ARCT]Mf,NT L TEf SUBDTVISION OF AIR RIGHTS TROM THE SURTACf, ESTATf, DOES NOT DOUBLE THE TOAAL DENSITY t)F A BT]ILDABLE SITE AREA; TO SOLD OTEERWISE WOTILD VIOI"ATE TI{E NTEGRITY OF THE VAIL ZONING ORDINAITCE The position advanced by The Lodge, that the International Wing, as proposed, compties with the existing density limitations is unsupportable. The Lodge contends that the separat€ly-cneared estatc in air rights owned by thc Lodge Apartrncnts is E scparatc building site area creating is own density. That argurnent overlooks the clear understanding of the tern "parcel ofland" used in the dcfinition of "LotorSite,"$ 18.04.220. TheLodge'sapplicationofcaseauthorities(noneofwhicharcColorado authority) interpreting the tcrm 'oparcel of land" is off rhc mark. A *parcel of }rnd" is simply not the s"me thing as a *parcel of air," separale ownership or not- Moreover, if new density werc created every time a separately-owned estate in air rights is created, the integriry of thc Vail Zoning Ordinancc, $ 18.24. t30, resticting total densiry in CCI, would be complctely undcrmined- Subdivision of an above-surface cstate from thc surface cstate crcatcs no more additional density righs than would subdivision ofa surface estate into two separate surface estates, Zoning requirements sirnply cannot be changed or multiplied by creating subdivided ownership since zoning is inteaded o regulate land and not owncrship. See Town of Lyonr v. Bcrhor, 867 P- 2d 159, l6l (Colo. App. 1993) (status ofland use docs notturn on the ststus ofownership-) Accondingly, no reasonablc interpretation of thc zoning ordinance should permit The l,odge to build aoother 34 accommodation units and one dwelling un.it on a site that already exceeds the maximum dlowable density by l0 uoits, with the rcsult that tbc total density is nearly doubled. The t odge's theory of air rights is absurd. h would permit othcr property owners whose air rights have bccn subdivided to make similar claims, potentiatly doubling the density in the CCI Disrict. The integrity of the zoning ordinance must be upheld. rql't-2!_rLl DEC-45-195 16:35 343+685+4869 P.6 U. TEE 1983 AGREEMf,NT IS DTIILL AND VOID AS TT CONSTITUTES ILLEGAL CONTRACTZONING. Thc 1983 Agrcement purporls to s€ttle a zoning dispur between The Lodgc and the Towa of Vail by agreeing privately that 'lhe dcnsity control scction ofthc zoning ordinance for CCI shall not prohibit the Lodge from building the [3a] Units." I 983 Agreement, Sec. II, Para. l. In exchangc for thc zoning waiver, The Lodge prOmiscd !o Cqnstruct expanded confcrerrce cnd meeting faciliries. Conhact zoning is illegal as t\ ultra vires bargaining away of the policc power. Ford Lcesing Dcvclopmert Co' v. Boerd of County Comm'rr. of the Couuty of Jclfersoq 528P.2d.237,240 (Colo. 1974) (retrearing denied. l2l9l74). see abo Attman/Gtrzcr p.B. co. v. Mayor & Aldermen of Anuapolir, l14 Md. 675;552 A.zd rz't7 (1989); suski v. Mayor & comm'rs. of Borough of Bcach Heven, 132 N.J. super 158, 333 Ard 25 (App. Div. 1975)- see generetty 10 McQuitlin, Municipal Corporatiol$, g 29-07 (3d ed. l98l); 2 Arderson, American L,aw of Z.Ering 34 g 9.21 (1986). ,.The basis for this position is that zoning rcstrictions and permissions must be govcrned solely by the public intersst atrd not by beuefit to an individual applicant.' Zoning & Planning Ei Am. Jr- 2d S 46, at p.67. See, e,g. Wrrner Co, v. Sutton, et aL, 274 N.J- Super.464, 472;644 A.2d 656, 660 (App. Div. 1994) ('Thc zoning power delegated by the Legislature to the township officials was prostituted for the special benefit of tbe plainniff") Furthermore, this "principle is not limited to agreements of questionable legaliry, orro ftosc made in smoke-fiUcd rooms; it applies as wcll to those made openly, in good faith, and containing terms and conditions that would otherwise be appropriate." Attman/Glazcr, lrpra, 3 14 Md. at 687 522 A.Zd 8t 1284. The 1983 Agreement exchanged a waiver of total dcnsity for thc promise that The lndge would constuct expaaded conference and meeting facilities at fhe Lodge et Vail- Thus, the | 983 Agrcement is nufl ard void as illegal contfact zooiog. See, eg., Baylis v. Bdtimorc,219 Md. 164, I4E A.2d429 (1959) (zoniag ordinance which reclassified land on condition that the owners entcr into an cgrcsmcot with the city to develop &e land io a particular way was held invalid.) The tacts retaring to the 1983 Agnement te elen more egregiout than lho.ce in Baylis, suprq since there wos no zoning ordinance Wrfed wnogtng to chnge totd cltafge withglt the,proper proce&ral protections dorded to tlu cammuniry. in puticular the adJacent wpatgLownefs, The Supreme Court of Colorado wnote one of the lcading cases on contract zoning. In Ford I-easing" the developer had applied for rezoning for a planned development. Although Ford's proposal feiled to implement 12 of the plan"ing commission's recommendations and did not strictly comply with the county ordinanca that required unified control, Ford rcquested the Board of County Commissioners to inform it of whatcvcr additional re{uircments and regulations wcrc necessnry in order to have its application approved. The Board refused. The Supreme Cou* of Colorado held rhat to "act ot}erwise would be patent contract zoning a concept held illegal in most slotes as ur ultra ulres bargaining away of the police power." Id- at240. See slso I R. Andenon, Americsn Law of Zotiu.g $ E.-20-1. Thc rccord also shows that The Indgc visit€d with the Town.Council for more direction betw€cn the first heariug before the PEC on October 1 0, 1983 wherc thc PEC denied its application and thc jcll.r-zotLr ., DEC-45-1995 16:3?o 343+685+4869 P.S? second hearing before tre PEC on October 24, 19t3, where the PEC approved thc applicatioo as reviscd.This factual scenario frrrther supports a finding of illegal contract zonini. The Town Council would not have. engaged in illegal contact zoning if the density waiver had !c9n olfered to elt prnperty owners with subdtvidcd eir righb. .See city Jf Beltiuore v. catq277 Md- 198, 205-06' 352 A.2d 786 ( l9?6) (ordinance granting additional deniity upon dcdicarion of land not cont'act or conditional zoning wherc offcred to all similarly situated properry owncrs). Howc\rcr, this position would bc untenable to tbe Town of Vail as it wouid completety desuoy the carclully coosidcrcd density rcsnictions adopted by the zoning ordinance to prctect the unique qualities oithe Tovm ofVail. m.THE TOWN COUNCIL'S ACTION IS VOID BECAUSE rr WAS BEYOND ITS JT'RISDICTION. The Town Council's approval by resolution of the l9E3 Agreemenr cxecuted betweea Tbc Lodge and Richard Caplan, thc Town lv{aaager, is an ulera vires tct- It is well settled in Colorado t}rt contracts erecubd by rnunicipal corporations in which there was a failure to comply with the mandatory provisious of applicable statutes or charte$ are void. Sec Swedhard u Denvet foiat St tck Land B@tk of Denret, t18 P.2d 460 (Colo. tgat), Thc Town Managcr has no authority under the Town Charter of Vail ro contract away zoning requiremcnts. See Towl Cbartcr, $ 6.3- Indecd, thc Towu Manager is requircd to be "rcsponsible for the snforcenent of the iaws aud ordinances of the town[-]" Id-,6.3(a).r From the limited avaihble rccord, it appears that many other procedural mandates $rcre $imply ignored and not enforced by the Town aad/or its commissiens at the time. For cxample, thc Town of Vail's Zoning Codc provided in 1983 for a procedure for gnnting variances from the literal interpr*ation of the Zoning Code, iucluding density restrictions" whcrc a practical difficulty or unnecessar1/ physical hardship would resulr Town Code g 1E.62.010(A) (emphasis added). Density contol is a development standerd for which a variance may bo sougbt aod granted. $ 18.52.010(8). AccordingtotheTownCode,jurisdictiontogrentvarianceslieswiththe Plauning Commission. $ 18.62.010(13). Application procedures are maldated pursuant to $ 13.62.060 ofthe Town Codc. 'If a municipalip desires !o allow a devialion from the permitted uses under the zoning ordinance, it must eithcr smend the ordinance 'or follow the nccesssry proccdures for granting a variance;itcgnnotshortcuttheseproceduresandpermitthe...usebymeansof-..acontactwitbthe landovmcr-';TYernerCo. v. Suttou, etd.,274 N.J. Super. 464,471, &4 A.zd 656,659 (App, Div. 1994) (quoting Ench v. Mryor & Council of Tp. of Pcquennoclq 47 N.J. 535,539,222 Ard t (1966)). 3 Thc Town Chartcr dirests that the Mayor "shall bc recogrrized as the head of tbe town goveidment for all . . . legal purposcs and he shall executc and authenticatc legal instnrmens requiring his signatue as such official." Town Cbartcr, $ 3.3. ,cxx-'ot|.t DEC-45-1995 1623?3a3+585+4869 P.@ There appears to havc becrr no formal applicatiorr f<rr a variance filed with the Planniag Commissiou as reguired- lndeed, thc only "request to amend" made by Thc Lodge was luried in is Agplication dated May I9E3 betbre the PEC. It requests only an ancndment to the Considcrations and Guide Plan in accordance with 18.24.220(8I shoutd rny part of the application bc found not to comply with th9 Vail Villagc Urban Desigrt Considerations or Guidelincs. .9ee Application dated May t9$; ;.4' As further evidencc that no applicarion for a variance was requestcd, the word 'variance" is not containcd in the l9E3 Agreemcnt. The recommendation from the Community Development Department to the PEC darcd Ocrobcr 6, 1983, failed to mention anytbing relatiag to density, including that a dispute had arisen and that it was sefiled by €resment- Similarly, thc minutes of the PEC on both October I0, l9t3 and October 24. 1983 rcflest uo discussiou oftotal density. Ms- Wells believes the proper public noticc and hearing requirements under the Town Code and Cn-S.$31-23-301(l),er,sc4r.werenotfollowed. "substantialcompliincewithstatutoryprovisionsis required for lawfirl enactment of zoning change . . . and failurc to comply with essential mandates of sEtutes invalidates the proceeding. Wainwrightv. City of Whea nidge, 558 P. 2d 1005, 1006 (Colo. App. 1976) (citations omittcd)- See dbo Snydcr v. The City of Lakewoad, 189 Coto. 421,425:542P. 2d371,372 (1975') ("The fact tiat these [zoning] hearings arc requircd is itselfrecognition ofthe fact that the dccision making process must be more sensitive to the rights ofthe individual citizen involved.') IV. TIIE RECORD REVEALS THAT TT{E TIEARINGS($ BETORI TEE TOWN COI]NCIL AND PEC F'AILED TO COMPORT WITI{ TIIE PRINCIPI.,ES OF FT]NDAMENTAL FAIRNESS. A. Public Notice of A.uy Vrrirncc ln Density Was Inadequrte. The .Town Council unanimously voted to approve the t 983 Agreement with The Lodge at is meeting held on August2, 1983. The mafterwas listed as item 6: APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT RELATING TO LODGE AT VAIL AIR RIGIITS on the agenda under a section cntitlcd "CITIZEN PARTICIPATION." Tbe limited enfy in thc minutEs does not mention any nonapplicaut public app€ar-ance aud does not dotsil the presentation made by L,arry Eskwith, the Town Attomey. B. The Rccord Dernonrtretcr Thet the Town Council Friled to Meke The Nccesary X'indilgs to Support A Vrrigncc. As previously stated, zoning vsrianccs are granted only on the criteria ofpractical difliculty or unnecessary physical hardship. If the PEC approval of tfre Intentional Wing proposal, followed by the unanimous Vote of the Town Council, can be construcd to have bccn an application for and approval of a a Se"tioo 18.24.220(8) states: 'Revisions to the Vail Village urbarr dcsign guide plan and dcsign considerations shall be reviewed by thc plenning and environmental commission with official actiotr to bc taken by the towu council by resolution on a semiannual basis to ensue that the pli. reflects the purposes and intent for which it has bcen adopted. The review ard action shall take placc within thirty days following the public hearing on the applicatioos (Ord- 2l(1980) $ I (pa't).) Jctll.,rtr- I DEC-45-19S 16:38 343+685+4869 P.W vatiance, the record ofthose procccdings clearly arc deficient tojusti$ approval ofthe density variance, The short enry in the minuies was: Thc ncxt itcm on thc agenda was approval ofan agrecmcnt relating to the Lodge at Vail air righs. Larry Eskwith prcscnted thc mattcr to thc council- A morion was made by Bill Wilto for the Town Manager to exccute this agreement. Second by Ron Todd- A vote was aken and the motion passed unanimously. The record must contaiu details of the evidence prcsentcd and proper grounds and reasons to support its dccision. Murrey, et aL v. Boord of Adjustmenl r,arimer county, 594 p2,d 596 (Colo. App. 1979). 'Abscnt such detai[ thcre is no way a coun can rcview he decisiou of thc Board." Id. at 59E. While strict cvidsncc rulcs do not apply, the record must r€veal that the hearing before the Town Council comported with the principles of fundsm€ntal fairness. Natiood Heritagg Inc. v- Prilrn, ?2E P.2d737,73t (Colo. App. 1986) (record demonstated that approval of use variance, following hearing, was based on City Couucil's findings that each of the criteria listed in City Code had been met). The minutes of the Town Council and the PEC clearly show that no such criteria wss applied aad no findings were made. The Towu Council's action adopting the 1963 Agreement as a variance of density requiremenB was 8t ebuse ofdiscretion- V. TEE l9E3AGRf,ETVMNTRESULTEDtrY Tf.I,NGALSPOTZONING. Assuming that the Town Council properly amended the zoning ordinance by its private 1983 Agrccmen! the resultiug waiver of the density rcstriction is illegat spot zoning. Clerk v. City of Boulder, 146Colo.525,528;362P.2d 160, 16l (1961). AstheSupremeCourrofColoradoarticulated in Oerk, thc tcst for spot zoning is'Vhether thc cbange in qucstion was made with thc purpose of furthering a comprehensivc zoning plan or dcsigncd mcrcly to rclievc a panicular propcrty fiom thc rcstrictions of thc zoning rcgulations." Id.,1,46 Colo. at 528:362 P.2d at 161 (ordinauce which rczoned certain lots from residqrtial to commercial z-one singled out smalt area for special treatmenl in manncr which did not flutler the comprehensivc plan)- The 1983 Agreement's waivcr of thr: dcnsity rcstrictions for the 34 additional accommodation units aad one luxury dwelling unit of the International Wing proposal similarly cawes out a small section of lim ited building site areas in the CCI for special treabnent. Our uuderstanding is that as of Fcbruary, 1994, no other property wi$in CCI has been givcn rclicf flrom th€ density requirernenl Moreover, dre pupose of the'rczoning" of the particular property to pennit higfier density of building does not fruther thc comprcbcnsive zoning plan adopted in 1980 by the Town of Vail for the CC I Disrict.t Nor can The Scction 18.24,010 Purpose. The commercial core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character qf the Vail Village commerciai areq with its mixtr:re of lodges and commercial establishments in a predomin ntly pcdestrian environment. Thc commercial core I distict is intended to ensure adequatc lighL an, open space, and jca3I'.:q'|-l DEC-45-1995 16:39 343+685+4869 P.ta Iadge point to 8ny matcrial changed conditions in thc "character of the neighborhood which may require re-zoniug in the public interest-" Clerh 1a6 Colo. at 532, 362 p. Zdat l63lciting Eolly, Inc- v. commissioncn, I40 colo. 95. 342 P- zd lo32 (1959) and Borough of crerrkilt-v. Borough ofIlumonl, 15 N.J. 238, 104 A. 2d 441 (1954). Under 6ese circumitances, the properry ownirs have aright to rely on existing zoning regulations. /d Thc action of the Town Council was arbitrary urd illegal. vI. TEE LODGE HAS NO YESTED PROPERTY RIGIITS IN THf, INTERNATIONAL WING, AS PROPOSED. A- Tte Lodge Ifas No Vcsted Prop€rty lrtererts Uudcr Conmon Lew. lssuancc of a building permit, coupled with deaimeatat reliance. ctearcs vcstcd propelty rights, $tc, e-9., Dervcr v. steckhouse, 3 l0 P.zd 296 (colo. 1956); clke v. Bot lder,45o p. za ris 1bolo. !969) (nerc issuancc of permit without more, does not cause such a vesting); Graniger w Cormgt ofPil*h,794P2d 1045 (Colo. App. l9E9) (permittee must take substantial steps to cxcrcisc pmpcrty rights in relianceon permit) andP.F. Invcstmentt lrrc.v- City of Watmhister,655 P,2d tS65 qCoto. App. 1982). To date, there has been no building permit issued. Thc Lodge sat on its PEC appmval of the International Wing for twelve ycars- During tbat timg, it es&d the political warcrs by submitting applications to thc DRB, but then withdrawing them. finally, on Novcmbcr 1, 1995, tbe Desigrr Review Board conditionally approvd The Lodge's most rEccnt application. According to the leffer dsted Novcnber 7, I995 from Ardy Knudtsen, Senior Planner, b Jsy Peterso4 attorney for The Lodge. The Lodge must still comply with eight couditions beforc it may apply for a building permit (and one condition at the time thc building permit is issued). Clearll no property rights havc vcstcd undcr commou law. B. The Lodge.Eas No Statutory Vestrd Property Rigb$ Under C,R-$ S 24-6&105 or Cheprer 18.67 of thc Tom Codc- In strort, The Lodge can find no protcction under the Colorado statutc sutlorizing vestcd propcrty rights or Vail's local chaptcr implementing that staMe because statutorily vested propcrty dghts did rrot exist in 19E3. The colorado statute docs not spply for a numbq of reasons. other amenities appropriatc to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The disuict regulations in accordance with the Vail Village urban dcsign guide ptan and desip. cousido-ations prescribe site dwelopme'nt standards tha are intended to ensue the maintcnancc and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedesuian ways and public greeoways, End to cn$re continustion ofthe building scale and architcctural qualitics that distinguishthevillage. (Ord.2l (1980) $ I (part).) ftxf-ltt|-l DEc_as_1sss 16r3e O 343+685+4869 P. 11 Fi$t" the starutc was passed in 1987, four years after thc l9E3 Agreement was approved by the Town Council, and clearly applies only to site specific development pleni approved on or after JonuaryI, 1988. $ 2+6&106.6 sccon4 the staarte permits a landowner to obtain a vested propcrty right after local governmental approvel of a site specific development plan. g 2a-6&l0t(l)(b). Thc Vail local chaptcr rcctricts the definition of a site specific devclopment plan to 'a final major or minor subdivision piat" or a special devclopment district development plan." g I t.67.0 t 0(B). Apparently, ncither of thess dcfinitions apply to the Intcmational Wing dcvelopmeut plan, as proposed. Third, the procedural requirernents of0re statutqT including designatilg the documcnt that triggers such vcsting at the timc ofepproval, $ 24-68-102(4),t were not mel and could not have been met as the stafirte did not yet orist Finally, a vested pmperty right undcr the stahte €xpires after three years rnd may not be extended by any amendments to a site specific devclopmcnt plan unless cxpressly authorizcd by tbc local goventmilt. $ 2+58-104(l). 9ee ulso g 18.57.045 Vested property righrs--Duration. Nothing in the statute purpofts to change existing zoning authority or procedures for the exercise of iL The statute clarifics that zoniog, oucide of a site specific dwelopment phn, shall nor rssult in ftc crcation ofvcsted property rights, Conseguently, thc purportcd zoning change eftcted by the 1983 Agreemeut did not crcate a vestd property right in the waiver of density. Tbereforg The Lodge has no vested property rights. either under common taw or by statute ir the International Wing dwelopment, as pmposed. 6 Even ifttre statute did not so providc, thc common law of vcstcd propcrty rights thar gxisfed in 1983 should apply. .fee Gramigerv. County of Piikin, 794P.2d 1045 (Colo. App. 1989) Qaw in existence at the time of an application for a particular larrd use and uot the law at the tirue ofjudicial dccision applies). 7 Vesting of thc property right must follow noticc and public hcaring. $ 2+68- 103(1). Local goveromerrt approval is subject !o all rights of refer€ndum and judicial rcview, the period of which does not begin to run until the date of publication, in a newspaper of geaeral circulation within &e jurisdiction, of a notice advising the gcneral public of the sitc specific development plan approval and creation of a vested propery right The publication of the notice shall sr6g111'rrq later then fourteen days following approval. Sce also $ 18.67.030. I Section 18.67.050 Notice of approval requires that "Each map, plat, or site plan or other document constituting a site specific development plan shalt contain the following laoguage: 'Approval of this plan may crcate a vested prcperty right pursuant to Article 68 of Title 24, C.RS., as amend€d.' Failurr to contain this rtatement shall invrlidate the crertion of the vested pruperty right " I4 (emphasis added). rctg{o?t"t l0 ,. DEC-6-195 L6.4A | 3a3+68s+486e P.Lz CONCLUSTON Bascd on thc forcgoing argumenB, w€ rcqucst that the Town council rcscind thc | 9g3 Agr€crncot as void. In the alternativq wc rcquest.h't the Town Couacil rrtF dre mattg- rmder advisemcnt for furthcr study aad dcvelopmcnt of the rccord. Wc welcome thc opportutrity to respond ia pcron or in writing to any questions (r concenu that thc Council mey havc rcgarding this mattei, wtrich na5r arisc during its rcview and consideration of this natcr, lr TOTAL P.12 FIIE COPY AFV,4IL South Frontage Road Department of Community Developmen: 970-479-2138/479-21i9 rFAxe7o47e'24s2 /r["ttr! ( Novembers, 1995 e ff , n ,*t L JayPeterson,Esq. \ \f0l' Nx 4# n WeststarBank Building J4 lu -l ,/' l0SS.FrontageRoad '\{/ ,9-'\, (r(vailco8r657 ({,rl1l-'" RE:AppealoftheDRBapprovalofThelnternationalWing " A, *Nk,DearJay: Y bil Colorado 81657 OnNovernber7,l995,the Town Council called up the approval of the Intemational Wing. We have scheduled the hearing for December 5, 1995. Please call me if you would like to discuss the matt€r in greater detail. Sincereln /1 / \t I 1Wra.t 'v t/\1 Andlr Knudtsen gsnio- plannsr AIVjr cc: fu( Bob Mclaurin Tom Moorhead Susan Connelly Pam Brandmeyer JimLamont JimBrown LynnFriElen Greg Cristnan {p*nt*rruo Jncobs C[rnsr Fnick Kleinko NtF99195 L?36 pf Kellry Ltc Arroaicyt at Lrr lid€pE rd€icc Pt^rr lOtO I 7th Sr. Sualt I t(X, De*cr, CO 8O,165 ,or-68146(n Ea ,0r.6614669 Etrdrat-l o 343+685+4€89 P,@..'jc: Co"'^' '#ra*<oAn B. Frick 892422 VU FACSIMIIE ad IIS lrtAIL Ittlayor Ostcrfoss and Towl C;ouncil AtE Town Attorrr,y, ToE Mooftcad 75 SorltFroutageRoad Vail, Colomdo 81657 Rc: Appcal Iadgc Ea Vail proposcd tncrraional Wing Clcotlemcn: Ou bcbalf of ornclicull,urnrc C. Welts, an adjaccntgoperty ownctr, wch"r.$y ryeal to thc vail rorn council thc Novrmbcr l,'ts9s a;^i;o- -thc Towa of vail Dcsign Revicw Boad rcgading tbc lrdge at vail, IuEranimal wing: o! bcbalf of Ms. wd\ urc objcct to thc Dcsign Rcview Board's dccisiou bascd-uponthe poposcd devclopmcot's loncor6nnaacc with standard proccdrrcs md rcqui*@cots oftbc vail f.ruase-rutaa desip guidclincs, applicabL deeign rwicw objccfircs adpir conditioos ofapponl. on bchalf of lus" wc\ wc Jso objcct to-thc pmposcd derdopcnt on tre basis tbst it violates rrclt csablishcd zoningdes, rcgulations, Iarvs aod policics. Iv[s. wells is aFopcrty owrc"ar ooc vail pls'e and is adrrcrseg aftcbd byrhis plpps5d dcrrclopmeot Norabcr9, 1995 Vcrytnrly yorrs, Iacoes CHAsE Fuoc tr(renxopr &TG:,sYLLC ,/1 rt'r'* F.FRtrk 'AnB.Fdclc ABF&b TIITFL P.@ ttnn ReviewAction t TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: ArchitecVGontact, Address and Phone: LegatDescription:Lot /* ;t# *"--rur#/.rdt'J Zone District /C 2- ProjectStreetA aaress: /14 F /l-.n'- (lr'<- L t) ti',-, Comments: Board / Staff Action S_econded by: AApproval ! Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner o^r., // / ' '-/ f DRB Fee pre-paia ,/f {z z ) FILE 00n" 75 South Frontage Road Vail Colordo EI657 97 0 - 4 79 -2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX.970-479-2452 Department of Communiry Developme NovemberT,1995 Jay Peterson, Esq. VailNational Bulding 108 S. FrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 RE: The Intemational Wing at The Lodge at Vail On November I , 1995, the DRB voted 5-0 to approve the ptans for the Iaternational Wing. Conditions ofapproval are as follows: A. hior to application for a building paurit, the applicant shall dcdicatc a public access easement through the corridor between the proposed International Wing ad One Vail Place. B- hior to application for a building pennit, the applicant shall provide detailed drawings to tbe Town of Vail Fire Departnent which show tbat the existing imFrrovements, as well as the proposed constmction, will be sprinklered. C. Hor to application for a building p€Nrnit, applicant shall providc approval fnorn thc U-S. Forest Ssvice for the use of U.S.F.S. land adjaceat to &e International Wing. paio. If ap'proval sann6f [s sccured, thc applicant shall rctum to the DRB for q4rcval of a modified design of the landscaping, site planning and grading. DRB cocburagcs the applicaot to anpand the landscapi"g in the area, ifthat is acceptable tothe Forest Service. D. The DRB-approved drawings indicate that all improvements comply with the Towa standards for beight and view corridors. However, verification of the cmsilructiou documents must bc providcd at time of building pcrnit. Prior to alrylication for a building permit the applicant shall provide documentation to the Cmmunity Development staffto verify that the proposed stnrcture does not eocroach into any established or adopted view corridor. Docume,ntation shall include a surveyor's stamp of the elevations and sections, speciSing the USGS elcrration ofthe proposed roof ridges, plate heights, chimney caps and view I f1 ,ntoto"uo "n'f\rl E I!? cosidor boundaries. The urban design standards requirin g a 60140 heiebt also shall be verified' prior to issuance of a building pemri! applicant shall pay a pa*Tq re; i" tN anrcuntof $8,ss4.40p.;;;"'f";it"ii'ti"ga"t-,9-t-"1^T.lab1fli^r.anrcuur or iDo'Jt'f"rv pe''.er/v 'v' 'sv r---- parking requirernent of 62.e ' Jevelopment. The DRB-aperov{PlaT shorv a rp"""t, so the fee would be $538,009'z|4' F. Prix to application for a building permit' appli-canj sball provid6 verification that "fiptopoi.a lighting complies witn rOv standards' G. Prior to application for a building pemrit' the aPPli-1Tt shall revise the landscape liglting plan' replacing o" plopo'5'iigit n.ii!'E" with the 'village Lighl' in orriler to be consistent-with tne rest of the Vail Village Area H. Frior to application for a building pqrrit' the applicant shall redesign the enty srarement into the courtyard n"'n ill-r";i'a;t plaz'a--T\eapplicanl shall zutmit asketch to staff, veriffing th"t th:;try [i"nl"otn"" been "dramatically reduced in size." I.Inthefuture,tbeapplicantshallcooperatewiththeTownofVail'VailAssociates, aEd surrounding property o*o*-ti'J"J'ioju -ott"t plan for the area to integratc tt t lot.-uti*ti foiig *itn tht Village area and base of ski slopes' Thank yo' for yo'r cooperation throughout tbe review of tbis project' Please call me if you have any questions about these conditioos' Siucerc!, AK{r cc: k*/,,--ffi'rgsnisl plannsl Greg Clrisrrtao Susro CoocllY Jirn Brolrn Lynn F itdcn Jita Lamost Fritzlen Pierce Briner P.O. Box 57 . Vd @br& tt6't. 3031rffi. ta: 303-'i'G4mt November I, 1995 Andy Knudtscn SeniorPlanner Town ofVail Conmrmity Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail Colorad o81657 . Re: Lodge at Vail Intcrnational Wing E:cpansion Dear Members of the Desip Review Boar4 On behalf of Luane Wells, I hcreby object to thc Design Rwiew Board's final lgview sf the Iodgc at Vail International Wing ocpansion application The objection is based upon the failure of the applicaut to comply with pre-established application requirements . The sicnificant failurc is as follows: - Failurc to obtain authorization from owner. - Failurc to provide complete information - Faihxe to provide information on a timely basis to faciliate a complete and accuate review.. The following is a discussion of the aforenentioned tbree poins - Failurc to obtain euthorization from Orrner Division IE.54.O4O of the Vail Mrmicipal Code requircs that the "owner of authorized agent of any projecr-. shall submit for fi"al design review." The Lodge at Vail Site Lot AF, C Block.SC as described on the Oct 11, 1993 DRB application consisb of tbree condominir:m associations, Lodge Pnopcrties, Lodge Tower and the Lodge Aparmene. To date only the Lodge Properties has signed or appruved the application. The reccatly submittcd suney and title report arc inconsistcnt with the site description on the DRB applicadon- The suwey and title report rely on nexcepting out" the seadominirrrn subdivisions of the t odge Aparments Parcel of l97l and the Lodge South Parcel of 1972 to establish the "Remaiuing Lodge Properties Parcel". These condominium subdivisions are not land subdivisions as defi'.ed 6t Title 17 Subdivisions of the Vail Municipal Code ( Adopted by Ondinance #4 of 1970). o AadyKnudsca Pagc 2 Novcobcr l, 1995 Therefore the Lodge at Vail sirc should be treated as one site and not as tbree independent parcels, therefrre consent muil be obtained from all tbree owners. Now ' at survey and ownership information is available i1 i5 important for the Town to revisit the issues brought up by Mr. Jack Reucel's in his letter of Febnrary 23,l994to Mr. Tone Moorchead. This letter questions the reliance on a condominiusr zuMivision to establish a "site or parceln. The pecedent set by allowing two owuers oi associations sharing the same building envelope to be tneeced as separate entities for the purposes ofzoning and redevelopment is contary to the Town of Vail regulations and common sense. 2. Feflure to provide information on a timely basis to facilitete a complete and accurate revie:w. As of Friday October 27 , 1995 a completed zoning nnalysis was neither available from the Tovm of Vail or the applicant confirming existing and proposed GRFA, density, site coverage, landscape area, md height in relation to the allowable. Reliance on the 1983 PEC approval is not acceptable due to the many changes rcflected in the current proposal. The aforementioned documenb, which are necessary for a complete zoning analysis, are set forth and required by Section 18.54.040 as follo*':s: " B. Conceptual DesignReview l. Submittal Requirenen6 ... c. Sufficient information to show that the proposal complies with the development standads of the zone dstrict in wbich the project is to be located (i.e. square footage total, site coverage calculations, number ofparking spaces, etc.) " "2. Staff{DRB procedure. The departnent of community development shall check all submitted material for compliance with applicable provisions of the zoning code, subdivision rcgulations and Sectioa 18.54.040 C Section 2... If the application is found not to be in compliance with applicable provisions of the zoning code and Section 18.54.040C, the application and materials shall be returned to the applicanLn These materials are rcquired to be submitted four weela prior to a scheduled review as estrablished by the Town of Vail Deparment of Community Develophent Policy. Sr'fficient time was not provided for the staffor intercsted parties to review the appropriate documents. 3. Frilure to provide complete information. o Aady Knudbcn Page 3 Novembcr l, 1995 We are still auaiting copies ofthe following infomation nhic,h was r€qucsted st thc Octobcr 18, 1995 If this information is not anailablc wc would requcst that the rwi€w be tabled ''til it is. - Revised east elcvation ad&€ssing issucs brought W at tbc Octobcr 18, 1995 meeting regarding pnuacy betrveen the two buildings. - Revised watkway planten on thc east sidc ad&€ssing tbc issues brought up at the Octobcr 18, 1995 meeting. I respecdrlly requesttbat the Board delay theirrcviewuntil the aforenrentioned issues arc properly addressed- Sincercly, Lynn FrialenArchitect sg; lnanne Wells and Paul Heeschcn Dr. and lvfrs. Smead One Vail Placc Tom Moorehead TOV Attorney JackReutzel Attomey Jim Brown Atiomey for Lodge at Vail Aparhcnts Town of Vail Dcsip Review Board Town of Vail Town Cormcil Anita Saltz Lodgc at Vail Apartnars Stanley Shuman Lodgc at Vail Aparhents David andRhodaNarins Lodge at Vail Aparhents East Village Homeowne/s Association, Jim Lamont Administrator L:92O5\A}.IDY t 027.WPD O 1,, February23,1994 TomMoorehea4 Esg. Vail TownAtrorney 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, CO 81657 'North wing Parcel" all as defined in thc applicants l9g3 mcmorandunto the T . Re: LodgeatVailproposcdExiransion DearTom: .- J$ -* has beenprepared to address the cqrtrrl legal issucs surrounding thc Lodgc atVail proposcd ercpansion. There are several pla'mingrclatcdissues ttrat wilibc bcttci addrcsscd through the Town's review proccss should the need arise. This memo addresses tbe following spccific queitions: 1. Does thc qirrent proposar submitted by the Lodge at vail violate the allowable density of Commcrcial Corc I? 2- Did thc 1983 Agreement between the Lodge at Vail andthe Town of Vaillaqfir[y waivc thc dcnsity reguirement of the subject property? 3- ltas the Lodge at Vail vcstcd its right to build the additional unirs? it violate theallowable densitv of Commercisl Core T? There is some coafisiou as to the area cootained in the Lodge at Vail's proposcd expansion- Nocetheless, we belicvc that no matterhow the applicaat aiAnls the "Lot",the dcnsity limitation of the Commcrcial Core I ("ccl") Aistrictnas been excecded. Jhlc arc 90 dwelling tP- it_s cxisting today on the 'T-otn. No matter how the Lodge at Vail defines thc gcographic limitations ofthe i'Lot", (the 2.088 acres identified as the uTotal Rcmaining Parcel" ot the 2.7073 acrcs idcntificd as the Total Rcmaining parcel and thc 1. owllAttorney), dtshisl Ifthe Lodge at Vail is proposing th" aaaitionalGin ttre Z.Ogg acre Lot fte O o{'"=pEB'23'ia Tom Moorehca{ Esq. Febnrary 23,1994 Page Two dcnsity ls set at 52 Eits. If tho applicant is proposing the additional units onthe 2,70?3 aqela, the dcusity is sct at 67 uaits. In eidrer event the current number of existing units.olcccds the total numberpermited by tho CC I dishict . Somc of thc ercisting 90 dwclling units oay barrc bccn constrrcted prior to tbe adoption of the Town's zoning rcgulations and therefore would be considered legally non-confomdng uscs. However, those units still cormtagainst&c density cap onthe Lot The Lodge at Vail argscd in 1983 thgt within a defiDed geographic spaco more rhan ono Lot could c2dst by vimre of separata owucrship ofthc airrights scpaf,ate &om the rcal properfy- In this particular instascq for c:camplg thelodge at Vail seen$ to argue that tbe 2.088 acres i's rcally a.176 acres for purposes of allocating densrty; the su&ce 2.088 acres asd &c 2.08E acres lying'above &e surfrcc owucd by a diffcrcat cntity. Iostead of fifty-tqro dwellingunits, &c Lodgc is cntitled to lO4 dwelling units on &e 2.088 acre LoL Tbc code's definition of a Lot tom which densrty is determined is defined as: aParcel of land occupied by a wo, buildit'g or fiuctturc undcr lte provisions of thic title and mccting &g minimum reguirements of this title. A sitc may cousist of a siaglc lot ofrecord.... Nothing in the definition gvcs any indication that conunon ovroclship is a rcquircment of a LoL Yet common was the key clc,ncnt to the Lodgcs rationale in 1983. Sincc thctc were two separalc ownqs ofthe strface€state and thc air cstatc, thcre had to be two Lots, each ofwhich were entitled to 25 uDits to the acre. The togical results of this tfrinking is readily spparcnt. Densrty control has legislatively bcc.u acloowledged as a lawfirl exercise of a municipali!/s police power since it prodotesthe healtl, safcty and general welfare of the community (c.Rs. S3l-23-3ol(l) . To dlor two or rnorc ownerships to occupy tbc samc Lot and allow each ownership thc sane density rights frustratcs the purpose of density limitations recognized by the Stce enabling authority aod implicifly rccognized by the Towu,s Code. In any ev€ng I believc thc Lodge at Vail's 1983 legat memorandum setting forth this doublc deasity proposal was rejected by stafi, As a.rcsrilg the Lodge at Vail threatened =a=es",{t' s o- Tom Moorehead, Esq. Fcbruary 23,1994 Pagc Tnree suit and the Town executed an agreementpqporting to waivc the density requirerncut. If the Towu staffagreed with the l-odge's position expresscd in a memo from ie a$orncy to the thc,n Town Attorney, there worrld have beerr no nccd to execute an agrccmcnt resolving "thc disputc [relating] to wtether certain of the dwelling units of thc Lodge Apartment Condominiums located on a parcel of air spacc above the real propcrty owned . by the Lodge, is athibutable to tbc laod ovmed by thc podgeJ." 2. Trid the la83 greement helween the T rdge st Vail and the Towrr of Veil The Agrecment waivcs the <iensity coutrol section ofthc Commercial Cors I Distict in . violation of state statutes aod was done for no othcr-purpose but to rclieve a particular property from the restriction of zoning rcgutations. As a rcsult, the 1983 Agrcement is ulra-vines to the state enabling lcgislative and thc Town Code and is flrerefore void. It is wetl scttled in Colorado that confracas o<ecutcd by municipal corporations in which thcrc was a frilurc to comply wifl the maadaloryprovisions of the applicablc stanrtes or charters are void. (Swedhrnd v. Denver Joint StocLland Rank of Denver, et al., I l8 P.2d.460, Colo. 1941.) Colorado Revised Stitutcs, $3 tt3-301 (l), empowers municipalities to, among other things, regulate and restrict hcight, number of stories, size of buildings, the sizc of yards, t}e densitv ofpopuration and the rtse qf luildingF, stuctures and land. This same section also rcquires that such regulations "shall provide for a board of adjdstment that may detcrmine and vary their application in harmony with thcir general purposc and intent and in accordance with geaeral or specific rules containcd in such regulations." Sta,te law firtheroandates thatBoard ofAdjustme,nts hcar and decide all matters upon which it is rcquiredtopsss undcr ordinance (C.RS. 531-23-307} Ths Torrn's Zoning Code had in place in 1983, and today, a procedurc for granting variances tom thc literal interpretation of the ZonngCodg includiqg densiqt, whcre a hardship would result (Town Code Scction 18.62.010) Section 18.52.010 (13) ofthe Town Code vests jurisdiction to grant varianccs from the provisions of thc Zoning Code with tbc O =r=""o=l' o=-O or=-.t=FEB 23'94 L 534P.2d TomMoorehea4 Esq- Fcbrusry 23, Lgg4 Page Four Plaffring Commission. Applicaots forloT*lo qu$t Tryq*+ the criteria forrnd in l*,iooig.e2.060 of the Town Code. The Lodge at Vail failcd to follow mandated ;;;"[;i;r oUtabing thc density variance and thcrcfore, the 1983 agreement is im'alid ind r:nenforceable. Thc Tonm is not estopped from frnding the 1983 Agrcc'ment uncnforceable becausc of a lia" of cases stating th;t cstoppel apinst a mrmicipal corporation may not be udPt.9l, " p*'"r"p*ryif thc-nnrnicip.itorpotati*Fa""-C**"Ttv-i1T*:TnT:3:1tu" (Scc 805, Colo. APP., 1975-) Notr*itbstandin! the ulta-vires naturc of the Agrccment if givcn its literal readhg, th! A{feemcnt is conead zoning in violation of well established case law. (Scc ClgtkJ-CiE "F"""ra"r, 3G2?Adl60, Colo. 196l; Kings Mill F{omeownen Assoc. v- Ciqv of "trrG 557 p2d 1i86; Coto. 1976; andTnfcrrmation Please. Tnc' v. Board of Qpunty FiT-i*"i*Lr. nfM-gr. Cn*ty, 600 P.2d 85, Colo. fup. 1979.) ThcAgecment pq"rtt t" r*l* tho deosity reqlirc,meot within Cornmercial Core I for the Lodgc at Vali. Wo othcrproperty witilitl CCt Uu" been giveo rclief from thc dcnsity requiremc'n! tGru Lodge atVht.-gywEivingthe density theTowa Council, througfi G1.*;gU*ager, bas rciicvcdtheLodge UVail from'the restriction of zoning rqgularions, thereuy crcating for dt intcnc and purposes a diffcrcnt zone. prior to 1987, Colorado wag one of tho number of statcs that recomized a vested property rig$t only upon zubstaatial reliancc on the issuance of a valid building permit and 1 substantiat stcp toward conplaion ofthe project. (See P:W lrUestnnents' Tnc' v' City of Jtlestrninsrqr , 6SS p.261365-, Colo. 1982, Cline v. city of noutder , 450 P .2d 335' Colo' 1969.) Tlt.te rcquircments wcrc not an4 to darc, have not been satisficd by the Lodgc at \Iail. The tp$J ptanning and Environmental Qsmmis3iell approval ofthc exterior modification in 1983 css-e does not vest the projcct. No building permit was cvcr issued ty ,n" rot* or relied on by the Lodgc. Reliascc on the Planning and Environmental <L--itrion approval in tigg as a sitc specific dcvclopment plaa, thcrcby sgtujgry rr*tiog th" rigil must fail siacc there was tro sta$tory vcating possiblc in 1983' 3. o ,$nrleg S. Slgnralt ill Fjiftt.Xladst $rr !arr,$.fl.uurz FAX (970) 479-24s2 October 17,1995 Ms. Susan Connelly Community Development Director Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ms. Connelly: re: Intemational Wing at The Lodge at Vail I am the owner of Condominium 363-365 at the Lodge. My wife Sydney, our four sons, and I spend a good deal oftime throughout the year enjoyng the wonders of Vail. We have an unencumbered view of the Village ' and mountain from our unit which is on the upper southeast corner of the Lodge looking past Wdflower and over what is currently the Intemational Wing (Xerox picture enclosed). Although I am a director of The Lodge Condominium Owners Association" I am writing solely in my individual capacity as a unit owner. As you know, the Association is a member of the East Vrllage Homeowners Association" and EVIIA has already expressed many concems which I share. Although it is in the interest oflodge Properties to increase their profitability by creating additional facilities, the location" design and scale ofthese facilities should be planned with consideration for all affected parties and tle citizenry as a whole. v Ms. Susan Connelly Town of.Vail Page2 With this perspective in min4 I would hope that the DRB will look at the proposed design in conformance with its own perfornance requirements with respect to scale, roof design, the requirements that commercial use be limited to plaza levels, underground parking to be located at the sitg required passage ways between adjacent structuies, etc. To the ortent possible, views over, and privacy of, existing residential units should not be diminished. It would appear tbat the upper most floor exceeds the height requirement, and the Penthouse unit itself is a luury that serves largely to meet the hubris of tle orrner. It should be removed in order to reduce the building heigbt. I have been impressed with the continued efforts of the DRB and the Toum Council to encourage enlightened dwelopment in the torvn, and I submit these comments with the hope tbat they will be of assistance to you in the course of your consideration of tle proposed tnternational Wing. Very trulyyours, -./l - ,r' o--re<.d[."*]- Stanley S. Shuman enclosure ' Please be advisedof the-following recommendations that are offered for your consider- ation in review of the Lodge at Vail, International Wing, as proposed. l. The scale of the Proposed structure adjacent to the passage way between One Vail Place and the International Yil&.ur proposed, sliould be equivalenito the passage *ay bet*Ln One Vail Place and the Hill Building. T[e International wing, as proposed, shoid tt"ir ii.p ---- down towards the One Vail Place passage way and Eaton Pllza. 'fni wiattr of the passagelay between One Vail Place and the International Wing, as proposed, should be the sam'e wiOitr as itrepassage way between the Hill Building qrd the Golden Feak House. The passage way should be a minimum of 25 feet- Design should allow for a qualitative or adequate jedesiian cir"utaiion - around-the building. The building_design should-aniicipatea anale Jompatible *itfr u1rin-miing ofthe parking areas located south of the proposed buildirig site that would provide for a pfaza gii-- ing direct access between the Village and ihe Mountainl should the Lanb Exchan.qe siie devjoo-ment option not be exercised, allowable GnfA can be relocated to lower floors, tf,us to*..in!1'5. plo-!l-". of the building. There appears to be no requirement in the zoning contract with the Tjwnof vail that it must approved adjunct uses such asionvention facilities. - 2. A different ro-of style should be employed, without resort to dormers, so that view blockages from surrounding residential units and public walkways of Vail Mountain and the GoreRange are decreased. The cathedral,ceiling roofcovering the penthouse unit is excessiue, it - - - should be substantially reduced in order to lower the appient 'building height.. I'ne proposed roof forms increases shadowing on pedestrian walkwayi and public plLas. A different roof formcould cause less shadowing. Th_e privacy of,, or view hom, existing'residential units shoutA noi- be diminished. The upper most flobr should be removed ui it "pp"Lt to exceed the height requrement. 3- Flat roofs are.neither-encourage or allowed in Vail Village, the building should con-form to the 40To/600/o height.and sloping roof requirements of the faii vitt.g" trb; o"tign Guidelines. The architectural desigrrattributes of the proposed structure should be reviewed forcompliance with the Vail.villagelJrban Design Guideiinei by the Town of Vail professionaiA+ sign review consultant. A.ll buildings in Vail Vittqge and many others having lesier impacts, have been required to be reviewed for compliance by the Town ofVail's design consultant.' 4. The roof terrace should be removed in order to maintain the privacy of adjacent resi-dential units. The size of terr. ace allows forLarge social garherings which are i,iapptoi;ati aiitrislevel,ofthe building, given the adjacency ofreiidential inits and-the faiture ofthe apilic.nt toprovide privary screens. Easr HouBowNERs Ollicers: hesident - Bob Galvin Secretary - Gretts parks Treasurer - patrick Gramm Directors - Judith Berkonitz - Dolph Bridge*atl. -i Ellie Caulkins - Ron kngley - Bill Monon - Connie Ridder To: Town of Vail Design Review Board Town Council 1: From: Jim Lamont, Administrator Date: October 17,1995 RE: !9dg. at Vail, International Wing as proposed DRB Application, October 18, 1995 ( Post Office Box 238 Vail, Colorado 81658 Telephone: (970) 827-5680 Mcssage/FAX: (970) 822-5Sj6 IATION, TNC. +. €,.' F\ \,.s F .-5i. t.iiil3; r /,5. How will noise and odor from building exhausts and mechanical systems be handled? Wil[ they interfere with residential quality of adjacent residential units? Adequate protections should be given to surround residential and commercial properties fiom these factors.. ' 6. Building should conform to the design requirements of the Vail Village Master Plarl which requires comrnercial uses to be located at the plaza level. Parking for the building should be required to be located underground on the site. The Homeowners Association requests that all substantive design standards and review re- quirement be imposed upon this application as they have been imposed upon all other buildings of similar size and scope that have undergone development within Vail Village in recent years. The Homeowners Association requests the foregoing within the ethical context ofadvocating equal treatment and standards for all property owners within the same zone district. Failure io proi'ide for equal treatment and standards has the potential to seriously undermine the ethical in- tegrity and intellectual authority of the public design review process within the Town of Vail. oo IIL E COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213q479-2139 FAX 970479-2452 Octobcr 16,1995 Ir{s. Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen Pierce Briner P.O. Box 57 VaiL CO 81658 Sincerelv.l*4'4'" AndyKnfudt/en Senior Pllofier AIVjr. c€: Tom Moorhead Susan ConnellY Depalnnent of Communiry D evelopmen. Rs Thc Lodge at Vail Intcrnational Wing DearLpn: I would tike to conect your misundentanding expressed in your October 16, 1995 letter. I . Tbe Town did not grant additional GRFA in 1983. Ncither the agreement, nor the staffmemo allocates additional GRfA.2. Surveys have been submitrc( idemifring lot area, as well as topography. These surveys are dated Fe5ruary 10, 1995. Please keep in mind that the staffdoes rely on information dating as far back as possible. such as t 982. to establish pre-existing grade. The 1982 zurvey continues to be relevant, but has been augmented with a current sun'ey.3. The title rc?ofi matches thc legal description. Please stop by my office to veriff this.4. GRFA parking height site coveragg e,aerior lighing and landscaping conform with zoning. If you would like to stop by and review the drawings in greater detail, it may be helpful for your rurdersanding of the project. I will be luppy to assist you in that effort, Please do not hesitate to call me at479'.2138. Jo3./\ {sun"uoruo It / IO' Jr : - .-'._-.- -7 |tlL Fritzlen Pierce Briner P.O. Box 57 o Vail &toratlo El65E . t03-t766342 . FeI'. t(84764m1 October 16,1995 AndyKnudscn Senior Planner Town of Yail Planning Dept. 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail Colorado 81557 re: Lodge at Vail International Wing Addition DearAldy, 'V V'n#olr-t On behalf of Luanne \l'ells, of One Vail Place I have the following connents. As Srou are awale lrre have filed a formal protest with your departrnent arguing the validity of the zoning of this proposed pxrject. Tom Moorehead has told mc th"t @ agreement that grants the adCitional GRF{Jhc agrcement does state that thc Project rcquircs compliance with the DRB application ani review process. A retierv ofthc Lodgc Propcrtics proposal is scheduled this Wednesday, October l8 at the regularly scheduled DRts meeeting. We do not intend to debate rhe technical aspccts of the zoning at this mccting butwe do bave the following: l. To datc a complctc and cu:reut swv'ey has uot been submitted to the Town as is required by Sestisn 18-54.040, Section C, division A of the Town of Vail 7-ontng Code. The 1982 suwey submitted by the applicant does not reflect current building beight, location u toprgaPhy uor does it rnee* the ottrer rcgtrirements of Section C. Most importantly the lot are'a and the legal description are not stated on the srrvey. A partial survey, showiog miscellaneous grade elevations is not appropriatc grvcn the scope of this projcct.Once this suley has been prepared the proposed "site plan' as defined in Section C should be superimposed over thc suweyoCs inforrration. The survey and site plan should be submitted fo'.:r rveels in advance of a scheduled review, as is required for all applicatioos so thet all interested parties may have an adequate oppom:nity to revierv the docuneots. c, /\ \\" !35 FAI 970{FRITZIJN PTERCE ++' T'OV Knudtsen Pagc2 Octobcr 15, 1995 .l\L) 2. Thc titte r€port submified does not mstsh tbe legal dcscription on the application. Si"ce a recent \--l $rr/ey has not been subnitted it is not possiblc to corrclate thesc two. Thc titlc rPort cxcepts out "/ sereral parcels that are not excepted orrt on the application or on what survey information is avdlabb. It is my bclief rhat the property statcd on tbc applicatiog Parcels A.B *d q is owned by a rnmber of eutfties including the Lodge Propenies and the application should bc zubmitted jointly by tbe Lodge Prupertics, Lodgc Comncrcial and Rcsideotial Condorrinir:m Associations and Lodge Tower .{ssociation Without a survcy rcflccting tbe boundaries of thesc cxccptcd parccls or the Iodge Properties parccl it is not possiblc to determine if title report is accrxste and if tho Lodge Propcrties alone is the qualilied applicanl 3. A.s of this date the staffhas not providcd a zoning ualysis to thc public confir:r,ring confonnonce wirh allowed GRFA, pa*ing; treighC sitc corcrage, octerior lighting, land-ccaping. AIso I bsre not seca an analysis by a Town of lail representative in rpgards to confornance rvith rhe Urban Dcsign Guildelincs tbat are applicable for this disrict. We are rcgucsting that this information be oade availabte to neigbboring property owrren at least four'*ccks in advancc ofa scheduled hearing ir ordcr to bave adequate opportunity to review tbe documens. Geoerally we are concemed ttrat the application is grossly inadcqrrate in comparison to tbe scde of the pojict and is impact ou sunouading propcrtier It appears the applicant is more iuierested in "csting tlrc dcvclop'm.ent rights tbrough the DRB process than going to €rpcnse of providing aAequate infounation and dcsign for a tr'rly feasible project. 7E.1901 o r4 0 0 l_._ llh nn o Sincaely, cc: L-uanne Wells -rim L.amonl, East Villagc llomcownet's Association Anita Sdtz Jeck Reutzel Attorney Frank Heeshin f--tt Brown Attomey Attorney T'om Moc,rehcad TOV AttorncY L:r92OffrrANDY I 0l 6,\\?D .B b't)' \ tt5:56 on.pt-ulvrsAvE TEt:eU,t9006 P, 002 fuvtulJ. Narirc' M.D. Rhda S- Narins' MJ\ fhc Loilge at Vail#535 U4 East Gorc Cnck'Drive VaiI, Colorado 81657 Octobcr2, 1995 Ms- Susan Connelly Commuaity Developmcnt Direclor Towu of Vail 75 South Frontagc Road Vait, Colorado 81657 rc: Proposed Inlernational Wing at The Lodgc at VaiI Dear Ms. Connelly: We have ourned Coudominium 535 at the Lodge at Vail since 1985- Affcr having skied at Vail since its qlenilg year and aftcr looking for many years, we purcbased this condominium for irs locatiou and partiorlarly fot ils vicw of thc Gore raugc. Our family bas eljoyed spending timc in Vait in both sumner and wiuter and feel tbat lhe cbarm of Vail Village iJin irs scale and planned usc of space. As condominium owren; in thc Lodge at Vait, wc have an igtcrcst in thc continued profitability of the Lodge, but feel that thcre should be a desigu which does aot impact so lcgativcly on so miury peoplc' The dcsign of thc proposed Iorcrnalional Wing at ibc Lodgc goes coulter to the . plaaning we hivc seen in othet p"rts of the Villagc- lt is a large structure, whose beight is oot oi scale with the surrounrling opeo space. Thc " Presidential Suile' to bc built oa the roof of the structurc will affea the quality of life in Vail for us as wcll as markedly decrease the monclary value of our property aDd that of rhe surrounding condoniaiums ia the Lodge aud adjacent buildings. We havc beeo shown photograpbs of the views from our windows which we fecl arc misleadilg. The architects havc drawn is tbc outlinc of the proposed buildiog, but the line drawings thcy prescatcd do aot reflect thc uass of E fwo story stnrcture which will be built oaly teu yards from our living area ald the faa that the roof design calls for a large terrace wbich will be used fel strlgrtnining located only feet from our window. An area in soch proximity to living space is i:lappropriate for such rse. fiT,r) lr:or u A. rtAA o -2- Wcwoulilbavcuoobjectiontoadcsignwhicheliminatesrhc,PrcsidentialSuite,aad asy buitdi-g abovs rbe #"ril;;ii[T"*"g l,dg" boil{nq, G}ibinates thc roof area as a potential cnlertaiDis;;; oo gff_cs adcgate'd-cafrce to bc-building to ue E"*t' we would bc bappy ,o *oirlo*"'ai firdiqge +-* L"*-:.:ti :tisfy lbo cconomic coosideratiors of rbe r.odgc 6il would prcscnrc tic-quatity of lifc thet so Erany of u's have sougbl bY buYing h V-ail Villegc' wc arc mesrbcrs orrle ti"st"vo Hooa omcrs A$ocidion rod arc endosin8, a oopy of somc of rnc conccrnl;iJ ;y tb. Goci-erion witl which we egrcc' Ttcsc ooaccrs should be addrcsscd ";#;; t"1"-* ntU" i""ti"g. We are surc tbrt a satisfiaory solution ro this problcm-can L.-fo*a siai Ucra "n si n-y peopte who would lftc to fiad a way 1o rse rlic ilfi;;;itr L*r "rrr," .oootain ro bcne'fit ell couccrncd' SincerclY' Rhoda and David Nsrins I l5:57 DRf,..'-D,{VlS AVE TE[:9J. )006 -3- Corems ol 6c East Vall Eoncowners Assochdoa whlch should be consldered ln the design review public hearlng Tbc scalc of thc proposed strudure adjaccnt to the passageway between One Vail Place and the Intemstional Wing as proposed should bc cquivalcnt to lhc passage , between Oae Vail Place and the Hill Building. The Internarional winges proposed shonld stair sicp down lowards thc One Vail Place passageway aad Earon Plaza- The width of the passageway between Oue Vail Placc and thc proposcd Internatio!8l piro, should bc tlc samc width as thc passagcway between the Hill Building and rhe Golden Peak House- (Aminimum of 25 feet). The roof should be llipped wirh no dorners so that vicw bloclcagcs from sorrounding rcsidcntial units and public wallsrays arc minimized- Tbere should be no l€rrace space on the roofoftbe secoud level in orderlo maintain privacy ofadjacenr residenrial units- The siz.e ofthc tcrra@ would allow Ior large social Eltherings which are inagpropriate at this tevel of thc buikling. IIow will the noisc aod odor from building cxhaust aud dcvators be bandled? Will thcy inlcrfere wiih the rcsidcutial quality ofthe adjacent units- Clbis has been a problem io the l-odgc ia tbc past). Thc building should conform to tho 40Vol60% height requirement of the Vail Villagc Design Guidelines- The proposed roofincreases shadowing on pedestrian are.as aad public pla'as. A Hipped roof wouldbc less shadowing. Building should conform to thc dcsign rcquircmclts of Oc VaiI Village Master Plan, which requires commetciat u.sas lo be localed at the plaza lcvel, . Dasiga should allow for a qualitative or adequate pedestrian cirolatiou around thc building- Thc building dcsigu shoutd bc compatiblc with an ia-filliag of tbc parkiag areas locatcd south of thc proposed boilding site- The two slory third lloor'Presidential Suite. should be removed, Parkilg for tbc buildiag should be reguired to be located undergrouad oo lhe site, P. 00{ oo October2, 1995 Design Review Board Tonin Council ONE VAIL PLACE Via facc 479-2452 Ms. Susan Connelly Community Elwelopment Dbestor 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co.81657 Rd Internationalriling of Thelodge at Vail DearIUs. Connelly, We are own€rs of Condominium number 2 at One Vail Place, z4y'.Wall Street, and sperd a Ereat ded oftime here in the Vail Vdley. We understand that change is necessary for the growth and vitality of the Valley, btrt we are entreurely concerned with the impact of the proposed orpansion of TheLodge. Ilaving revi€wed the 14 concerns of the East Vail Homeowners Associatioq we share and spport their oonserns and most certainly support the elimination of the third floor of the proposed structure. It is also very important that the structure be pulled baclc at least 25 feet from One Vail Placeto allowfor adequate pede*rian circulation and views from Founders Plaza" Your efforts in reviewing projeqs and dlowing only the projects that are compatible with tb neighborhood are appreciated. Very trulyyours, +t q e^.,r-'/ IL J. Smead I W Ann Becher-Smead ANITA SALTZ SIx MAR'IN BUTLER COURT RYE, NEw YoRK tosao Desicrn Review Board Tosn-Council vrA i;iTP?5'3i:- i"27 n u, AND VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS h\t,-coMM, DEt/ f uy'uulslvl, uLll, Ms. Susan ConnellY Cornmunity Development Director Town of VaiL75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8L657 RE: fnternational Vling at the Lodge at Vail Dear Ms. Connelly: My husband Jack, and I have been the owners ofCondominium 52'7-529 at The Lodge at VaiI. since 1986.During this time we have enjoyed the charms andfacilities of the town of Vail and Vail- mountain bothin winter and sumner. The view that we enjoy from ourcondorainium is very iurportant both to our guality ofIife and to the monetary val-ue of our unit. Whereas we recognize that Lodge Properties has arequirement to e-xpand their fadititied and increasetJtgir profits, we strongly feel that the needs of allVai1 property owners and citizens must be considered.We therefore recommend that the third floor structurebe rernoved, and the building be Fuf'@-feerffo'n- Vail One p Sredeetriarqirrcu1:attdn--Iid v i ews f rom Founders PI a z a . As members of the East, Vail Horne Owners Association, wesha"re the fourteen concerns addressed by the EVHA andineluded with this mailing. ThaTk you for all your efforts in helping to developProjects that are cornpatible with the surroundingneighborhood, and in their design exhibit a spirit ofgood neighborliness. Sincerely, d,e^e4; Anita Saltz Encl: Photos taken by Lodge properties of our presentview and overlay as dbne Ui r,oaq6 properties architectsshowing the bui-tding envel6pe oi the international wingas presently proposed. There are several units thatare altered more than ours. EVIIA, list of iterus to consider. LTZ 'l}L l\u.Jrl'{ >er \,|rrrl Derign RevIerY Borrd TowtrCourdl $eptenber2$199{l VIAFAXTO (n}r479i2{52 AI{DVIAREGGULI\RMAIL Iv[r. SrnruConaclly Coorsntty DevcloPanent Dlnctot TowuofYrll 75 South Froatrge Roed YelL Colqedo t1557 Rcr IntemetionrlWing rtThc Lodgc etVeil DcrrM* C.olrcllY; My lrurbend' Jrck ead I hrvc bccn thc oraco of Coadonbinn SE Si!9 tt The r.odge rt vrll rtnce 19s5, DEint sie time wc hrvc eafoyed thc clrrns ena flcnfOec of tte Town of Vell rnd Vrtl rnonnteln both i! wint'lr.nd ssmnan Tlrc vlcw &et we cnfoy fron our condo'trtnisn ir vcry tnrportant both to our qneltty of llfe end to the noneter5l vdue of our udt. Iilhenr we le'cogdzc thrtlodge lto1lclllcr hrr rrequlrcracrrt to orpud tbeirfrcilidcc end thercby tncrcerc lhdr prefitr' we atroryly ftel 6et t$e nce& of ell Vrtl prolxrly orruerr end dtlzcor uust bc ontlde!"d. We drccfon recouocnd 6rt thc thtd f,oor stflrtusc bc noove4 "td thc bufldlng be pulled brck et tcert zi feect 6on vrll one Plece, co ee to ellor,v fu edegartc pede*rlrlcirculedon endvlewr ft,om Founden Phzr" Slncclefy. Anitr Saltz k^ctlrokak^ lj I 9,,tkc ale t 4.7 -e*t*, W^fa.lzlP"J*^ )G-*^"'t' Rry Tffn Council Mayor Peggy Osterfoss75 South Frontaqe RoadVaiI, Colorado Srgsz Dear !ts; osterfoss, TAV .r;}/'{l[t,0fy, l)ftl Sincerely, . ,-- t-.-.ci'b LLzLq. L e'- Anita saltz '-J O3 ANTTA SALTZ Srx MaRtrN BU'LER CoURT RYE, NEW YORX IC'S6O July 10,1995 Uy husband Jack and I are tbe owners of acondorniniun at The Lodge at vail We wish.to--go on record as being very strongly oppo_?ed to_the expqns_ion of the International wingat The Lodge at Vail as presently proposed. I{6believe this proposal to -be ifle?ai i; that iti.grnores the density regulati.ons. We also wish to state tbat r{€, as condominiuuroltners and menbers of the Lodge Condoninium OwnersAssociation, never voted for this proposal. As llerd-ere present at every meeting, I do not understandwhen or by whom this-vote wai-taken Please add our names to the List of interestedparties who wish.to be informed of all .meetinqs ofthe Design Review Board, the Architectural RSviewB--ogrd, and -any. other ageircy. or fOV Defore whonthis issue is discussed. Thank you for your attention to this matter. 5.2.-0^1 ..'tonl 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 07/Fax 970-479- 2 I 5 7 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Office of the Town Auorney MEMORANDUM Vail Town Council R. Thomas Moorhead, Town Attorney December 1, 1995 Proposed Development lor the International Wing o fcenie.u 4 tn?a+o hel-rx s-/*- g3 @tn On August 9, 1983 there das an agreement reached between Lodge Properties ("LPl") and the Town of Vail (Town") (ExhibitA). The agreement resolved a dispute concerning what development rights remained or how many additional dwelling units could be located on the property known as the Lodge At Vail containing 2.090 acres. This agreement compromised and settled that dispute. In summary it was agreed that the zoning ordinance for CC'l would not prohibit LPI from building thirty-four new accommodation units and one dwelling unit. Prior to such construction however LPI would be required to obtain permission from the appropriate boards and commissions of the Town and required to obtain all necessary permits. LPI agreed to construct expanded conference and meeting room lacilities at the time of building the expansion. This agreement was discussed by Town Council on August 2, 1983 (Exhibit B). A transcript of that discussion is attached which resulted in the passing of a unanimous motion authorizing the Town Manager to execute the agreement (Exhibit C). There was no challenge raised by adjacent property owners or any other objections raised to the agreement or the Town Council's authority to enter into the agreement. The record reflects a good faith, negotiated compromise entered into to resolve a valid dispute. In May, '1983 an application was made for an exterior alteration in the name of LPl. This matter was scheduled for consideration by the Planning and Environmental Commission on October 10, 1983. The Community Development Department prepared a memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated October 6, 1983 (Exhibit D). On October 1Oth the Planning and Environmental Commission denied the application based upon the closeness of the LPI property to One Vail Place (Exhibit E). This decision was appealed. On October 24, 1983 this matter retumed to the Planning and Environmental Commission lor consideration after changes in the proposal were presented to Town Council. The changes included proposing fourteen feet between the International Wing and One Vail Place. The Planning and Environmental Commission voted to approve the exterior alteration pursuant to the staff recommendation (Exhibit F). Q-'e.';.-t ,Yl fn',-. Pc-r.^-al DPS L*ks. O-'* @ A.L, 1-l' Nzu,r.-1*. *-t'. f* lu DP8 felaN'+l"'''.-i {p rr"r"uorur* ^.v This Planning and Environmental Commission approval remains effective. Subsequent to thls approval, the zoning regulation tns been changed which caueee approval of an exterior aherar0on to lapse and beoome void two yean bllouing trhe dab of approval. Tt*s povision was not in effect at the timE of the PEC approval of thb s)(brior altondon and the nerv provlsbn has no effect upon the approval. Addltional information will be provlded as. requeebd. Thank you. o ,t)' &rl ( "'l'lr o ( "tho t2t t :; AOt d bstwaerr thc Cc|rpcrr:rt1on'' ) T<rwn,, ) . o 'A(itat.:lrttt.:N f Lodgo Propgr.t1(ts.I nc. rnd the Town of Veil, Gt Lcrg.d i rr lo tlil:r qt -, ^ .. z -O-,J_ s^y ot' ./., 3. T , log35d l'.r t-ri.^^ ^,. & C(rl,oro,do Corl)(rr.rclon ,.r Co]'orado }lunt_cj 'r:rl Corporatl on 1. The cor r nEcrrnLs Fotatlon 16 the Orvtror of ceata1n rell 6F.rh^_---'menrs l0cated thsreon rvhich are colrcettvcly urro*,""tt property and lmlrrove- ("The Locts€")' Being rnor., parrrcurrrlv ";;"";;;;a &6 rhe Lodse er ve11 and eontalnlng: 2.ogo ccr<ra- -ber'.4').,q oD the attached Exhrtrlt. -.,.i. ot 2. Tbo Lodge ls loeated wlthj-nthe Town of V&l']'. tlre Comnerclal Core I Zorre Dl'strict, 3. A d1.6,)uto trae a,rasen bcto rdhether rhe ,"ra", _-]r;-__=:^ _"""rreeD the corporatlon .and the To*,n as.zonl.ng ordlnq.nces o, tbe Town would &llow the EddltLon ot3{ nerv occ,onrmod!'tl'on units and one dwe]'llDg uDl'tas I'UnJ.ts,.) to tbe Lodge ( collectlvgly retorred to 4. The dieoute rar gffi,ltrre Lodge ^o"to"t" relatos to whethsr c'ert&ln cyy -.- --.r-rrtrneDt6 condomlnlums loc.te; ; *"_1.1" 11"rtlns unrt6 il: ;;"";:-:.:;"::::":::::,::,he,,.age: ;"";:;::1":: .:ij:T:c, 5. Trre partle. now wrsh to c6,nn:ah. __rerhaln between them. compromlso snd 6ett:e arr.. crlf fercnce- whlcrr IT NGREEUEI{TNoly THERE r.oRE, the partl"" ..r---::-:_l:r. .l.hc part,'os agree au"a arn"tee aB tolrows: 'rdlnan.e tor comrne.^.,:; -:__"': Ene dcnsity contror saction or r.r.,-. bo unirs. rnercrar corer J "n.rr-"1"-';r;";"1 sactlon or the zonl'trtall. rrcit prohlbl t the Lodtrc lrom.but lclj,:A2. Bet'orc the l.a,r-^ ^-r sh4rr o" ,"o",j."oT:":;;r_:;".-:: :::" aho c, )rvn ancr obrarn per.misslon {ror' "r,o "t''trrc appropl:::"::il^::":":r"I:" re ToNn aDd turth ---'q ,rer obtaln alr ,u," olttopri:rtc boards and corrunlsslons .,, @'loulcthoI,odgg"o,o".,"j]Tl1:::1r1'ceosarvper'ntt8. ralr be fu'ther ,.enuJ-:; --:.'r"-rv..rcl wlttr' tlro conotqulred to.constr Drrlrles 1' r,r€ :::::':.';,:::;::ct cxponcr-o .o'i.",'o"l; :;r':::::;=,:.:,.t :',"n expa'ns1on 1s corrJrf ete thc ,.,o.)aic Bxhtbir A ,lr. r(t t I l! l. whtsh (rn c IO()n a/ J'ata.'r. J n st.zc:, Dro:.o ctr I c..J..r ar, 6;(Jrlur('.teet nor.c or lo.ss. 6hal l. ,cr[l t.n I n trt lb:ur ! l"""lli,::'::-:"1:":. "n:tl Dot r'n6rlrute anv regor actron ogelnsg r.r,,, ::::" .]- T ::':" ::'" ::^:::_ : l:rruted lssucs'o,' r o'ti ;";;-; ."' ;:':::,;":"cnterlD[3 {n.to th16 Agrecmcnt does Dog walvc l.ts rlgbt, ""rl r(:guoEt a,n eddltlonh,: rcqu,ost. trro parile' hrve itgnca thl., Agreernent this LODGD toonr"rros. INC. 7u TIIE by TO!!N OF VArrJA Colorndo-il'rinf cf pal' Corporarlon IN. I{TTNESS WIIBnEO!. dav ol . ( +, :.983. @ Edmu IIINUTES VAIL ?OWN COUNCIL MEETING 'FIIESDAY , AUGUST 2, Tg8330 P.il. 9l,Tug"oiy, Ausust 2, tsa3, a resutarnerd 1n the Vaj.l ltuaicipal Buildi;g.meeting of the VaiI Town Council was Herman StauferPaul Johnston Chuck Anderson*Bill t{i1to, ltayor pro-Ten Rod Slifer, Mayor Ron ToddGail lvahrlich* None Richard Caplan, Town llanager+l,arry Eskwith, Town At tornev MEITIBERS PRESENT: ABSENT : OTHERS PRESE}TT: ,r ( arrived late ) The^first item on ,h:"*:"g: y?: th: first. readins of Ordinan ce #2?, Series of1983' an ordinance rnat<iig :.t iii"g.i ii'iua.in contror. over any stolen thlncof varue. Larrv Eskwith-stated if,ai ir,r" ordinance makes it iiregal toknowingly retain sto-r.en q1or.riy. ---r.,li-ionrr. ton ,"o"-.-roiion'" .o "ppro.,.ff$,lf,:.:"1?l.;:: ff3 :;U,5:*l*t"i5 #il1:" iq;.'':,fi;,i1"..0 unanimously The next i'tem on the agenda was the first.reading of ordinan ce #2g, series of1983, an ordinance arglraine. "h;p;;; io.oeo impoundnent of vehicles.Larrv Eskwith stated-.that, tt" *6ri" ;uv"ii"tiiro" nave ueen'Ji"i"r."n from thisurdtnance' which arlows. the Town to .nr."- into_ a "ont"""i--rIii-u.n o"g"rri""-lron who will salvage the cars "nJ-ti.-io"n wirr noi tir.t-'r.u"a to offer theiii:I:id:'3li'l3i;,,13l'1il"';:il:i ;;i;"i"':t"" to "pp"ouu"5iiin.n". *ie-;iothe ordinanc" r."-Jii"i";-;.;ii;;il rn"F,rlilt"t passed unanimoustv and The next item of the agenda was the first reading of ordinan ce €2g, series of1983, an ordinance repeal.ing """ii"n=-ii.26.060 icj-e-ird..ii]io.ooo <cl s,rarrns to condominium. conversion p.oj""I.. ina.puiaunii; ;;;;;r"g utirlties.' 'rry Eskwi'th stated this ordinan""-"iirir"t"s the need for indr.viduarmeter'ng when units are^converteo i.nto -conaomin iumsl - -ion"ioii'r"o. a motionto approve ordinance rzg ana ctriir. -iii"i;lin seconded rhe motion. Themotion passed unanirnously ."a -lr,J' "iiil.iJ" *." ordered published in futl.There was no citizen participation. The next iten on the aggnda. vras-.. cont i nued gl:":::rg" of.proposed speed dipon wesr Gore creek o"ty:: -Ar1 .weis -p"..J"a.a-,the council wirh additionalslgnatures supporti'nE. the speed aips. niien Knox stated she was in favoror the bumps, but .n;: :!.I-.n"uiO-[. ,i.i!a clearly. r,ar.ry.Licnrlter alsoi:iiiill!.:li,:*.';;:il:: ;ru;i"!i$5,,,:l'":",'v'in p."""i,!i-,o,r,ea drainase probrem,-Jam.e. tr,.-'n.iJ"-.iiii,"Xi,"iiliS ,;:;:"::,lf.oio,"n,".r.rabirity and would ui g!99n1i"ii-i",iiliiii. After discussion Bitl:lrr: Tldu a motion to j.nstatl ttrree speJj-l:: t9dd amended the-motion i" i""i.ri";;;9il:.on.lfest Gore creek Drlve. ff:",":t::l l*::; "l;;lj:":li:';;-;::;,;3; i;:";.:l:;:" ;";:f.o;n ;L:;;:"0 Exhlblt B $ill'r"il"ou*.r" TUTSDAY, AUGUST7:30 P.ll. MEETINC 2, L983 ...e next item on the agenda was the aDDeal of Vall Associates Sno$making projec.Petrer patren presented tne proposat-ii-trr" councir. i"-=iit"o this is anapprication for a conditionar uie permit which had r."n:-""ii!i up b], thecouncit due to concerns over minimum "i.""r_f low. i;;;"-;;;';.en discussj.onswith va11 Associates, the rorest se""ice-"no ahe pr;;;i;s"6i"i,. TheForest Service and piannlng "t"it-"triiitics shoqred that minimum srreem flowwould be protected. The planning o"p".ir"nt recommended "pp"ou"r with theseconditions. A) Meter cold pe.tl r,i6n.i..o ,oa -H.*-ii"iiiii. " st Review thedata at the end of l year to assure vl-is,noi-"x-d"!aiii^ii'i"t., u"" causingthe stre: n f10w to go be10nr miniurum. iit." much discussion Bon Todd madea motion for approval of a tempora.y "onarcion"r ,r".-p"iiii" oi v"ir Associatesrnowmaking puurp house_fgT lh: Dhase- I po"tion of the ;;;k. - Tiis approvarshourd be for a l vear period at ttr" eio-or "nr"n-tir"-*.'*:.ii'review thefacts and with the st:.pulatlon va -ii"iiir' meters. ?he snowmaking shourd bemonitored c1ose, and with the .oraiiior"i ctirectlon that theconnunrcation that is currently sotng o;-tetween the Tov and va and theI'orest service continue so thai *e "in-n.u" some sort of ongoing idea whatlmpact snowmakins i.s occurring on the creet.. s."ona.i ;; ;ili;i'Anderson.Bob parker srated that he "ouia-noi"iii""*rtt this motion as stated. vAis investing too much-money to rlsk haviag the permit rernoved. for whatever' .ason i.n one year. rt was agreed tt"t-iir"v.nirwritr ;;i;-;.; together'th vail Associ.at es - ( Bob parier j -t"-'airii a document which reflects RonTodd's motion' Ron T;dd t.=t.i.6 ;i.;;ii"n to. read: Appoval of a conditlonaruse permit for Vail f:g"i1t9: .no*."Xing-plmp house "onitition"r upon anannuar revi.ew as rerates^to minimum "i;;;r- tri* tor -coi.-c".Ji. -a" be reviewedby Town of vail, Forest servi cel" iir i -a!Ji"i.t.. and the water nistrict.That vA w'11 instalt a net€r to'moni.tor-iiows and aga'n on itre conoition thatthere be ongoing dialogue^bet"."n ir"-i*a', Forest service, vail Associatesand the water District ' ctrucr< eaerlJt -Jilono"o the motion. Tbe tnotionwas passed unanimously. The next item oD ,h" .:i:o,lr,:ls approval of an agreement relating to theLodse at vail air ric!!:: _r,arry ir:k;i;; iresented tne matiei-io the council.A motion wa.s made bv B1r1 rirto'ror-irr;-tfol uanager-io-'-!i.""t " this agreement.second bv Ron rodd. A vote was i.r.i"I"i"trr. .oiioo ;;.;;;";;;rrmousry. The next item was aDDrovar of vacation of dralnage easement of Lot 16, Grenlyonsubdivision' pet tli'_pa.iie; - c;;;-;;;""!iort. to the council and expressedhis approval' This is_just a-torrnarity-iJ auanaon-this drainage easement,Bilr ltilto made a motion to approve irr! uic"tion of -drainage .i.emeot of Lot16' clenrvon sibdivision.-- s-"i""iia "i,; ;;;.., staufer. chuck And€rsonstained from giving his vote due to tn"-t..t he bad a conflict af lnterest.Morl'on approved. ll:$";:-l"yi"3:::,fo$l;r}';"tllll:ri:1":.ln: councir whether the-rolrowlnstournameni. -ir,.^6oun"ir aereed-;i;;i;;":l; ;:..1: Jerry Ford corr There was no Town Attorney Repolt, As there was no further business the meetlng n,as adjourned at 9:OO p.M. 5 )-62 Tc ,^f The next item is approval of an agreement relating to the Lodge atVail air rights. Mr. Eskwith. Exhiblt C agreement, pursuant. to the agreenent does not waive its right tocontest those additional units, nor does the Lodge waive its rightto come in at a future date to ask for t,hose units. r, ve b6enassured informal,fy by. representatives of the Lodge that they haveno intention of building those units but r think its importairt fo,the Town council to know that they are not precluded from d.oi-ngthat by this agreement. r,d be glad to answer any guestions froithe Council or from the menbers of the audience. Larry is this a unique situation as far as this subdivision by airrlghts within our conmunity? Larry:. The exact situation at the Lodge rnn to the best of myknowledge and its based on research bec-ause r went over to LandTi-tle and started pulling condomini.um declarations rike crazy, ih;only condominium association that r know of that's positioii";--;sorid block parcel,over a rodge thatrs under separatebwnership 6utconnected to that Lodge is the Lodge at Vai1, blfore zoning, bifore -z_oninqr.tha!'_s right that occurred befo.e "offi'thatthiswho1etheorynecessiffisitatedareview on my part of our density control section because r think when thecolorado statute relating to air rights, and that's what theirtheory, the Lodge's theory is based on, a statute in the state ofcolorado- rt state that air can be conveyed in parcers, that aparcel_of air rights is entitled to alJ. the same considerations asany other parcel of real estate. when you read that statute inconjunction with our ordinance it raise-s some not. so palatablepossibilities that r think need to be addressed and rm in theprocess of addressing that now and hope to have an amendedordinance for your consideration at your next meeting, noperurly-oithe_ meeting thereafter. As soon as possible because r think it hasto be considered. Any questions from the Council? Any guestions from the floor, from Jay? (could not hear short response) rf there are no discussion or any comments r thi_nk all it wourdtake is a motion authorizing tha Town Manager to execute thisagreement, if there are no changes or other qirestions. Motlon by Bill Wilto, second by Ron ? Any further discussion? Aye. opposed? Unani-mous. If not, all j_n favor vote saying aye. (, MEI,IORANDUIq Planning and Enyironmenta'l Conmission Conmunity Development Department Prllig hearing and consideration of a reguest for an exterior alteration andmodification for the Lodge at Vail containing lodge rooms, retaii,pi.., ionfe..n..space and a deluxe dwelling suite. The prop6sal includes-modifications'tJ-ttrJ""!gdg" ?t.lql adjacent to Founders' plazi aha to tne pari.ing tot-on itii *isi"-side and additiona'!. storage space-on the parking tot ievei on the north sideof the Lodge south building. 'Applicants:' Lodg; at vait-ana ttrJ-loagi sJrir, REQUEST: Condominium Association t The request is to add 34 new luxury accommodation units and one luxury dwellino:lll :91!tin]ns qpproximaterv 30,0b0 ssuare feet arons wiirr new pil;;r;;;i""'commerctat space containing approximately 3,600 square feet, additional conferencespace, and a ski storage room'to the Lodle it vali. In addition, new stoiiqe'-"space for the condominjums is being prop6sed for the L;dg,-i6rin'diiioi;;:-"' Other modifications. are a new gate house on the west, reversing the auto circu-l:ti9! into the parki.ng lot, aid a new entry court. 0ver on tie mountajn-srJe,the parkjng lot would be expanded and new siairs added for skiers io i.t t6'--'the ski lift chairs._Ih. eist plaza-wou'ld be redesigned to compiereni-Founae",s l]li.: -At the Lodge Plaza there would be a temporary canvas pavittion removiuteourlng the winter. The new Internationa'l wing would contain idoitional conference :pace' lodge rooms, one luxury dweiling unit ind commercial space on irre-piaii-I evel . BACKGROUNO 0n.July.25, 1983, the two.restaurant expansions were approved by the planning and Environmental cormission. Approved'were a 730 squhie foot expansion tothe salt Lick restaurant to be rbhamed the tiitdftower and a sis-i5ol-"ii,.nitonto the Arlberg restaurant to be renamed the cipriani restalrant. CONFORMANCE b,ITH PURPOSE OF COI4MERCIAL CORE I DISTRICT The commercial core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintainthe unique character_of the vail village conmercial area, with iti mixture'orlodges and commercial establ ishments in a preaominuniry-i"J.strian environment.The cormercial core I district is intended'to-ensure ag"qrii. rigfitl ii;.]";il;'space' and other amenities appropriate to the permitted dypes of-builoinis anauses. The district regulatiohs in accordance w'ittr the vaii-vtiiui.'u.ili-o!i'is,, october 6, rs83 _u*n, plpfJ s3 TO: FROM: DATE: SUsJECT: ( \ Exhibit D Page 2 l0/6/93 VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN Vehic'le Penetration: There wil I be no change by this proposal Streetscape Framework : As noted in the application, there is noa pubrrc street. The proposed shops andin Vail Village. I Vail and Design considerations prescribe site deve'lopment standards that are intendedt0 ensure the maintenance and preservation oi ifiJ tigh;i;;-;iustered arrEngementsof buildings fronting on.pedestrianways and.puulic gilenil.ji, uno to ensurecontinuation of the buirding scare ani-arcrriieiturai ;;;i;{i., that distinsuishthe village. The community Development Department considers.that the proposal is in conformancewith the purpose of the zone'district.-"ltre Lodge at Vaii ii the anchor forVail vitlase and needs.to be upeiadeJ to insul;'!li.eriiiti_r, vair Vii.raseand the conmunitv. lilithout a lirong_hJirt, the Village wi.lI suffer. Thecommunity 0everoiment oepgitmeni i.Eri-ii'.t.the long and short tenn successof Vail villase is partia)ly based-Jn-aluariit iffi";; i;;i. direct,frontage by tne proposai onptaza d0 add t0 the pedestrian experience #22 Pocket park' screen fence -to close off alleyway (gate required) and continue;:fii::'iff;.t!"!lil 3;ifrilil benches, pianters; snow storise-in winter. -.-- The proposa'l contains an improved,area of landscgping and walk between theffl?;,lT:::,*, lf , ?l I,l,ll.,$:4. ;t,i.i i.,-"irosine orr the i,"i_i, not #14 Vil'lage plaza. Feature area paving treatment, central focal point visiblefrom Gore creek Orive. -Major't.ria'"rJ-ipi'iriing-ii n.n.-iri [ii., .o"n".,1' with eversreen screen olaniing to oeiini,-"est .ige. 'wiir'ii.Jlr stairs,! with mid-rever jos raniing, d.;; ;;iil'"lI. to Lazier Arcade shops. This proposa]-19tual]I."tPul9t..the Founders' Plaza area and makes this intoan exciting space within Vail Village. -- - pedestrianization: iLliYllfliffii::T;::lllJn8t'rf,: ;ffirl::,piaza revel, the potentiar ror pedes- Street Enclosurer O The proposed International wingthe width of the enclosed spaci space it faces. The proposal.comp'lies with the intent of therssues wtil be more specifically discussed at owould have generally two heights, one fourth1! ?.aces and one sixth the width of the enclosed Design Considerations. Detailed desionthe Design Review Board neeting. ( L Street Edqe: The irregular facades proposed for the shops and restaurants meet this elementof the design consideritibns. views: There are no designated view corridors in the area of the proposal service and Deliver-v: This wi'il not change by the new addition proposed. Architectural and Landscape Considerations: The proposed heiqht of the new International wing_from the new plaza ranges from24 feet to 33 fe6t. At_the p"a.Jiiian-piiii iei,Er ih;;;;d;.t meets the intentof the height section.of-the Design coniiderations. rrbm itre south side, the heightwould be 35 feet and 43 reet. -itrE conmuniiy-oiutiopr.ni"oefirtment feets that theheights. Frgposed meet the intent of the qesign ggniiae"iti6[i and provide for themix in building heishts as perceiveo in viii'Viii;;e:- There would be no sun/shade impact on Town of vail public space (the Founders,plaza)as shown on the sun,/shade study. One concern of the staff is the amount of space between One Vail place and the Inrer-national wing on the third floor. The stafi considers that the top floor be shiftedfive or six feet to the west to open ite space between buiidings. For.the. proposed storage at the Lodge South, the Conmunity Devetopment Departmentfeels that there are no negative .irpicii. Parki ng: At the time of a building permit, the applicable parking fees for each type of usewill be required. Fire Department Considerations : A new fire hydrant wiilwing because of the new be necessary along the south sideresidential and commercial space. near the new International Sun/Shade Consideratjons: al=o- RECOMMENDATION: ' l-\ The Cormunity-Oevelopment 0epartment reconmends approval of the Lodge atr/ailreguest for 34 new lodge rcoqlr a luxury dnelling unit, new conrnercial space and new storage.sPagg. ln..addition, we consider the site improvement veiy positivefor the Lodge at-Vail and Vail Village. As noted previoully'in the memorinium,the Lodge at Vai'l is the anchor for Vail Village. The Cormlnity Development Department feels the upgrading and expansion ii posltive for Vail'Villale and the conmunity. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMEI{TAL COIIil'IISSOI{ ACTION OII OCToBER IO, 1983 Dgnovan moved and viele seconde! tg deny the application with the exceptionof the Lodge south proposal with the main reason being the closeness oi tne Lodge property to One Vail Place. The vote to deny was 5-0. ( r. .' PEc _2_ 10/.'o; He added that he tra!_lola.the appricant that the board wourd act on the proposartodav, and had recommended oiniii "iir,'il,. suggestion that the applicant aoorvagain in November. lack of information. the vote was 5_0 rn tavor of denial . 3.uest for an terior alteration Vi'l I a nter 0ro ect at t2 a n0nt east e to rev se nstruct a to const ct addit ons to th reta i 5!9PS 'pl icant: Fret-fi_tEG ect. st for a conditional rmit in rgial Core II in order to constoncert HalI Plaza. seconded uest for an xterioL alteration for the Le note conterence space and a de] uxe sui te. containin retai I corcoran read a 'letter from.the applicant gtlin.g to tab.le this item until l0l24. Vote was 5-0. 4. 3. west soft Assoc i ationl additionat lToFE e space on street leve on the rtn sideeth buildlnq.p I I cant:ge at Va o ut DickRyanreviewedthememo.JayPeterson,,.}ffil-applicant,showed model and asked if the.pEC.ouiiuoi.-iirrt on just the storage for the LodqeAlan Tafoya, representing nuoii-pirin."rr,ipr, the architect, showed where thein the parkino area of t-ooge-souii';;;i; go. He added that'there wourd be r6which wou'ld be minimizea "iir-aiJi:t"iiiing into.the garage. The garage wourd fi :l.il.'oil"';il;';::0,:3';d" l- a South. storage I ockers, be stora Jay then discussed the model and its different aspects: the new entry and rearrangedparkins lot, ski tt::ig..:lg :;it;ii.-tareteria,-Iil;h. iew rnternational suite.viele asked what would happen to itre 2 spruce trees next io the entrance when theparking lot was rearranged,'ina-F.i.rsin respondeo ilrai irrey would attempt to movethe trees to another toiition.'- l;;;;;;^*., expressed about the croseness of theInternationar wino to o;a v;ii pi;;;. "'peterJoh.;;i;.tiii'one Vair,prace overhunsits propertv rinel .He.added th;i-fi; ar:chitecis-nia il,"iii."..9.{noyjns the rop storyof the rnternational wins !J ir,i-rJli,'and weiJ-diii.iilii"o with the appearance.viere asked if there wert technicai-irooremi-*itr,'il;-;;;iiins, ,o crose tosether,and Peterson said ttrat ttrey-wo'iiii-rrui!"to use speciar glass Trout said that he had difficulty witn having o_nly two feet.between the buildings.He sussested takino :p":e. r.or i'rr.e"oiiier..end-of_tfie uring-ina dir"-g,""rr,iiJ'uriraing.He approved the rist'gr !F qropbsii.'''Martha rriizieni i"resident of One vail placestated that everyone^who tiveb ih-cci'*.r.on..rned about narrovr alleyways and allot tnerr problems' Donovan stated itrai'sne fe]t that the bui'lding had blen designed Exhibit E PEc -3- O ,zes I 8lt::'l?il;:,tli,il0:looiilf'rfl'ftiil1.:h.11-T!.eveyone rert that the Urban Desisn whether o" noi ii w6"iea.-'5i.-liaii iiiilrilirffll8ooiilf"if.,lih;l!,uoep-iii-'iiilwas drawing peop'le to a dead end. Donovan r_ef['ir,ii-ii"ii. ru-.r the praza wourdbe a lively place' but not in-winter." she.was conie"neo-ibout the heights and confusedabout how thev were fisureo- i;e|J"iin saio irrai-on-iii.'pi... side, 50i of the roofswere below 35 feet, in-the uact, ttri-roor wai-'id il.i"ittiir," highest point. He fertthat if the guiderines were ipiiiiii,'itrey rourc need a varrance. llore discussion followed concerning the-helght. of-the east end of the International!ing' Donovan pointed out that thE p"oposai-ir,irri"i.il-iitt tt. whole comp.tex, not5ust with 5 rooms (regarding itre-iioieitss_or-1rI'6"iil;"; to 'ne vail place).Piper liked the new entrv, 5ri ieit-i[it iro*""i-ii-iri!'iiicare or the parrcini rotwould not be visible wtrei'ciri *""i iiiieo tfi;;. ".ri"igillc.with Donovan'coicerning;li ;lT:':':"lLll.,?uitaing-to-bn.'i.ii-pi;;;;'.#-;;i!l"a *r,, the roof sarden Ron Grant' representing l{aTgn pratner, architect, stated that he and his coworkershad worked with a rareE moder ano-rrai'iri:i.ili-i;p';i;; Jr tn" new wins in severaldifferent places' but-thii.itiev wei:I-cissat'isrieo fuir'-iiw-but the rocation shown.Piper said that he wourd rii.-io"I.! ;il;-;;i;;r;;:" iJ{."ron showed erevationswith the hish r:oof six feei-weit.--vrli" riiio-ir,i"iltr;;;, but fert that it wasunfortunate that the_ranoscaping-weri-io ui i;.is.q-;'i'iiili tn" cars had becomemore visible. He agreed witir o6novan regardils iJit.niii-Jr tn" praza, and fertthat he courd not e6 aiont.iu,-i-i.J io;l;it;rrr;i:-"i#.;"an asreed with the concernsiloif;ltii;rexcept that he-did not have anv prouiir-*iu,-iii feelins of the oeio enu Patten pointed out.that One vail Place had built to and over, their property linewith an asreement with the l"ai".' it;il. rritiien iiiJ"u,fr-*nen_the schJeuir'luirdingilll iiiJl;.:i;"f;:*:l';'ffi.;i:l.Tiili'. side.- The eo"l-c"i"i eill.-iliiiffi*,, -tar<-an moved and V uth proposa gq _!!'t I Ptace. apol i h the tion of Jim iilorgan arrived. Jim sayre showed plans and.elevations and explained that the staff recomnended approvalbecause there wouid ue no oJtri;;il;i Irr..t'on tr," iJjJiiiis properties, therewas a phvsical hardshiF, and ttii"f *e"Ilother "a"iiniJ!-!"int"a for the construction:1,ffi:l:",ll,5.li,l.ll;,,nfr;;3,;n.**j;:lt,In$i:.i'ii,.t to-pri.i fi;";;.s. Donovan felt should be an the commercial space request accessory to the lodging. a was excessive, that the comnercial space ( ( Morgan asked Eskwith whether or not he.felt.the applicant was asking for athangein the substance, and. Eskwith.repried-that rre wai-qu"iiiJ"ing the same thinq. He;j:r.o that the Town had the inhlreni po*er to cha;sJ-ii; iijd il il-r#'i|iinu..a Patten stated that this was more of a rezoning with the reshaping of the sDD, andthat it would be a recorrnendation to the Town-corr.ii -r,"-rould have to pass anordinance' Morqan liked the-maii.,-uri"iorrJ-tn"-itiidniiui."p""ronal.ly offensive.Piper felt that this,was a major ir,ing",i9.!r,. origi;;i-i;D because of the additionof the Amoco site and.the reqiest-tJr"ioaitionai cf,iA: i!-t"lt that there wasa str'ng impact on vai'l Road.' He felt the view corrlaor'ias a personal opinion,'and a'lso felt that on-approaching thi 4-way one observed the immediate area or ,j!:.ul:l 1ea1-br. He feil tnat ine-t.inascaped corner *ii dooa, and had no probremwltn-the parking sPaces proposed, ana wintiJ-ti-li.'tfr!'.Silitionat uses remainas ls. Ryan stated that the staff did their best to listen to the old tapes and to get iinformation from them. He feit that ti"". ".." severar posir,rve aspects of theproposal' but was basicallv concernea rriffr il,e-rigniiua.i--irt" staff felt thatthe Amoco site should oe rizoneo-tJ-pR"ana ilrere inouiJ-u" in amendment to thesDD' specificatv ror prrasJi-iv-a-v,'*rit ,i"y ;";;-il; jisi ,ino" changes.The staff did noi r::gT:lg chan;in;.i; permiited us"i-ff,"-ionditionar uses .risted,they did recorrnend deleting the ieciion toncerning aiitini"-o"tween bui.tdings,as this had been eriminatei trom-iii'oiir"" sDD's,-dii noi-i".o*.nd item D,-usingaverage height, did not. recornnend item-8, cf,ingi,ig-ih""EifR.unO allowing additionaltt0or area for corrnercih.l type ,r.,-urt-n.eded-to-kno" ,rri.r, rules would apply. Ryan said the staff approved the amount of parking. Piper suggested there-P"..1 Yo!. on the proposal with the exception of the allowanceof changing conditiona'l uses to p.rriit5o ,s.r. Morgan moved and Donovan seconded to deny the uest based on the ma nitude andsca te.vote was 4 in avor 0 entat -ns nta erce I lT gn.gler.ior alteration for Lodge at Vail to add a mod at i ons roposa nq lo west s aza" adjacent the Foundeiir plaza 3];:o*{;'":li:;0.:nF:.rl:ll,',li.!:dse-_at-vair'!gnl lo the Town councf I they were;:1":.1" [jii?,, j", 1'!":l ;Li::ii-ir;i:i, _ {i:';"i:rff l3ll if,Il'il.'li'or1?iitlli'ffi\'fi:;:l'3,1o"I'::.1"::::' ir ili::l;ii:iit li;i; iij"o'll"i"il"'i::J:'i;#'il.:"J.;ff: ill,:' ;;d-;;;.-:ti ii;F";i;i;;.:;"fl.il:"HT,YiJl',il"ii'uf{,i#"liT:,'lTJjl';"i;,r: ;1,::f::ii.ii- ::iiiiF T:H:l :il j;l::;,' LJi;lffl,;:"x:',l"'li3;,;:::nij",llF;.#;:jl'iil;i;ifficonded o lc'74't rkhibtr F I I 1t"t'i.c n ,'.',\ aDstainino. r staff t\t\ .lr.re^ L2/05/gS 17 | 0d Osor 832o 1000 ttrc LAIV OtFl'Jl !r ol' oa.avEi I t 2l' LTNCOLN *fee,Zf n urlS i!oo oENVSi coioiaoo aoz 6a Tr,! 301 l1: lrD(' FAX )o:r aa3 oa l I r. a:i lox alJT va I L €ol !rt?^oo itara TIL JOt {tl l9ao Dcccnrber 5, 1995 Vh Faesimile 970.479.U52 Mr, Ady Knudtsen Coomunify DcveloPment Town of Vail 75 Suutlt Frtrot4go Road Wesr Vail, Colorado 81657 You6 vcry Euly, RICHARD P. ROSBN, P.C. . t a-&L .,1t"b[ r{ov 4'' bt*n 1002 IntVntfl 1..Il^tt <r | ./ Y"ou,')AS) rT\'' Re:AppealofDRBDecislon-lotemedonalWiDg,ThcLodgeatVatl Deu Andy: This office rcpresents Dr. and Mn. Ja.nrcs H. Cavanaugh, the owncrs of Unit 533' Thc Lodgc tt Vail. This lcncr sbatl scws as fsrrual uol,ic? of suPPort of the appcrl of thc DRB lpproval of de applicarion relative to the Inlcrnationat wing, The Lodge at Vail, It is hereby rcque$d of the Town Counsil tbr the Town sf vail' tlbel &cy wenun t[c. lppruval *i-i*Oit U"rk to DRB for coutirued hcarings oo the design elemeats of the .ppliruior. ' Thc approval, as decided b1 th9 pRB'^fails to follow tbe applicable o-.iig" g"iaorint pinti4ea by tbe Municip4 Cg99 for. the Town of Vail' In p.*f,ufl, the proposed structrlre is not compdible witb the cuneut lodge 'improvomelts,-urost lotably the scale, mts$, ald site phning' For pulpusc! uf rlc record bsforc Towa Council. it is oy understonding-tbet the dili;r,tt;r*idcrs tbe rlesign etements of the pro-posed luternuiopal wing. Tbe d:"ir-ination of the legality oitl* tg8f AgrccmcDt by and bElwccu tlre Town qf vail -O l-oOgt Propcrties, -lnc., OatcO Augrst 6, 1983, is not at issue nor bcforc thc Town Council for todght's hcaring. Should you brve aly qucsdons, please call. /hs 0f couNsEL, cLtoq, B.Tz, tlEEo' Loo'' r\'lcl6f |t n ti'TvEFMAN' P t' DEUTSCHOLUNE DEUTscH, Srur,are& Rnurzrr. P'c' ATrml.a;ts.raD Go|jEq[tLC|:t ATLatl' rr.sEA.|T xtNVU'aAt EFUE SI'Ills DAtvr cnr 6l'r.?10 @t TclttaotI (!!) rt''l9u tIEr J(OB)r.aror May2,1995 RE: Proposcd Expansion ofthe Lodge at Vail DcarIUr- I(nudseu Thank you for advising me oftrc pcnding Dcsigl Rwiew Bord considcration of the Lodgo a vait's propcedlpanston- I hrvc had the to spcak rvith lvls' fynu f'ritzlen -S"tdid t t *iio.tiog involverrcrrt rx'ith &is matirr on behdf ofNfs' Luann Wclls. I have blen advised tnat Us. Wclls coutinu* to be consEf,ued about fbis matter sad hec asked us to re,lnain involved' whca wc last spoke about firis nrattcf, in vl8lch of 1994, we raised scvcral tbrcshold issucs to be iesolved prior to trc applicant moving forward' Thase issucs were f istcd in a letter to Tom Moorchead, datcd March 2, Lg94 and attached hereto for your corrvcnicnce- In fari, we had earlier raised our legl and planning issues to you in a letter datcd Deoember 13, 1993 also attached for yor:r review. If this matter is now bei4g considcred at the May 3, 1995 DRB rnccting arc wc lhen to assrsre that thc issues raiscd havc been addrcssed? Iiso, please advisc mc as to tbc t'csolution so that I may bc better ablc to advise my ctrient ofher optiorrs. If tbc issucs prescrrtcd in our erlicr ureetings have not yet been resolve4 I rc,rrclv our conssnr ahut utilizing the DRB's timc for a proposal ihat is not bc pcrmittcd under tte prescnt zone catcgory. I tbink it important to ""rc tnut during the last 13 mont'hs, tbe applicant has not attempted to contact us regarding rcsohrtion of 6csc issues. Thc lapse of timc benreen discussing this proposal docs not rcnder our coBcer$i irrclerrarrt It is clear that ifthe basis in reAich the Lodge at Vail prcsegts its request is unlawfu! tben thc proposal must fF;|. I believc wc are entittcd to answers regarding ihe central legal issues surronding this proposal md a spccific time line for addressing rmrcsolved issues. Wc wilt noi ailor tc applicant to piececreal its oray tlrrougb the Vail appr,oval pFocess without baving our conecrns addrcsscd. We therefore respectfirlly rdo"st thst the DRB continue this matter to thc noC hearing darc with direction to the apftioot to meet with oursclves and trre Town to discuss thc major issucs. MAY.'-o)' 9S'ITUE) l4: 2l TEL:3030131 P.002 F^rtsrE Da'llsn toEtta st*rrxE ,ACAS. ggtEd. Mr. AndyKnudsen Vail Comrnrnity Dwdopment Director ?5 South Frontage Road VaiL CO 8r5s7 VTA TELEFAX T ,ffi 05/02/95 14:18 TXIRX N0.0136 P.002 MAY.'-02' 95 (TUE) l4:22 DEUTScH,oLHNE TEr: i03o13r P.003 DErrrscH, Spu.r^eNe & R-Eural, r-c. Mr. Andy I(nudsen May 2, 1995 PageTwo Because of aa earlier cornmitmeot, f an unavailabls to 8tt€u'l the DRB mccting tomorrow. Ly111 Fritzlcn wifl bG in attcndance and will advise thc DRB of orx unresolved conccrns. I wotrld "pp*&urc you mnking &is lettcr and its attachEx@ts part ofth€ DRB record- Thanks again- for b'ringing thc meeting to Ey att€ntion' P-C. JER/ji oncl. cc: Luanu Wells I.ynnFritzlco I05/02/95 14:18 TXIRX N0.0136 P.003 lHv..-o)' es{TUE} r4:22 DEUTscH,oLLANE It{arch2" l99a TomMooseheadEsq. Vail TowuAttorncY 75 SorlhFrontageRoad vail CO 81657 Rc: Lodgp at Vail Proposed E>rpansion DearTom: Tbis memo bas bcco prepared to addtcss the oeotral lcgal issr:es srrrrormding thc Lodge at vait proposed cxpansion. Ttrerc arc sevcrat planning telaied issues that will be better aaaressed tbrough &c Toqm's review process should t}c nccd arise. This mcmo addrcsscs thc follorring spccific questions: A Docs the cullent ploposal submitted by thc Lotlge at vail violatc thc dlowablc dcnsity ofComnercial Corc I? B. Did thc l9E3 Agreement between the Lodgc st vail and the Town of vail lawfully waive the density rcquircrncnt ofthc subjectproperty? C. Has dre Lodge at Vail vestcd its right to build ttrc additional tmits in accordancc with its 1983 nrbmission? 1. Tloes the curJtent proDostl srhtlnlttc{ by tfre Irdge st \/,eil violete the allowablrdcnsltlr Qf Commercial Core I? Therc is some confirsion as to the area contained in the Lodge at Vail's proposcd e:pansion. Nonetheless, we bclicrrc drat no matter how tre applicant defines fte "Lot", tlri dcnsity tirnitaition of the Commcrcial Corc I ("CCI") district has been exceeded- Thcre are 90 4lvglling units existing today on the "Lot"- No mattcr how the Lodge at Vail defines the geographic limitations of thc "Lot". (the 2.088 acrcs ideutified as the "Total Rcmaining Parcel" or tre 2-7073 acres identified as tbc Total Rcmaining Parcel and thc "I{o(fr Wing Pacccl" all as dcfincd in the applicants May, 1983 legal memorandum to tho Towu Attomcy), the existing den.sity exceeds the rnaximum density-pcrmiftcd by fle CCI I rn[,:sogDsst P. 004 05/02/95 14:18 TXIRX NO.0i36 P.004 uav.. oi' 95'(TUEI l4:22 DEUTSCHOLLANE TomMoorebca4 Esq. Marchz,1994 PageTwo Diskict If the Lodge at Vail is proposingthe additional units on the2.088 acreLot thc a"""ity is sct at 52 units. Ifthe aprplicant is proposing the additional rmits on the 2-7073 a4;;1el-ot the density is set at 67 units. In either event &e current numbor of existing rurits exceeds the total nr:nrber pcrmittcd by ihc CC I district. Some ofthe existing 90 dwelling units may have beeo costnrcted prior to the adoption of the Towns 26ning regl.lations and drerefore would bc considered legally non-conforming uses. I{owever, those r:nits still count ageinst the derrsity cap on thc I-ot The Lodge at Vail argued in 1983 that within a defined gcographic space mce than one Lot could exist by virtue of sepamte ornmership ofthe air rights seParate from the real property- In this particulr instance, for enample ttrc Lodgc at Vail scslns to argpe trat tft" Z-OSS acres G really 4.176 acres for puqposes of allocating density; the surface 2.088 acres and the 2.088 acrcs lying abovc thc sur&cc owncd by a different cntity- Instcad of fifty-two dwelting units, the Lodge is entitledto 1O4 dwclling units on ths 2'088 acrs L<vt- The Code's definition of a Lot ftom which density is deterrniued is defined as: a pglelpflaqld occupied by a use, building or scuctrrrc under tlrc provisions of this title and meeting the minimrrm requircmc,nts ofdris tittc. A sitc may consist of asingie lot ofrecord-... (emphasis added) The dcfinition docs not rccognizc air rights abovc a parccl of land as a Lot. Nothing in the definitios gives any indication tbaf oommon ownership is a requirernent of a Lot. Yet conurron ownership was the key elemerrt to the Lodge's ration:te in 1983 when it argued that since fhere were two separiate owners of thc surfacc estate and fhe air Gstate, therc had to be two Lots, each of which were entitled to 25 units to the acrc. Thc logical results of this thinking is readily apparent. Density cmtrol has legislatively been aclnowledged as a laurfi{ exercise ofa municipalityrs potice power since it promotes the healtb" safety and general welfare of the community (C.R.S. $3I-23-301 (1)) . To allow multiple owuerstrip cntitios to occupy thc same Lot (or air spaces above the Lot) and allsru each onmership deusity rigbts for the entire Lot ftrstrates the valid purpose of density contols. If thc LodgCs approach is valid f can envision a sccnario where ofh.er parcels are irrf,oduced on the Lot by virtue of other buildings or different ownaships on the same Lot with each ncw ownership allowed up to 25 dwelling tmits an I trr.rs3frsr P. 005 05/02/95 14:18 TXIRX NO.0136 P.005 ulv.'roi' 951TUE) l4:23 OUrrrrnor.,U*n TomMoorehcadBsq' Mrch2,1994 Page Tbrcc ase. The rssutt ofthis "laycring" effest is cleady absurd' and demonstrates dre weahcss of thc qrylicant's Position- This fu the rcason I beliore the l-odgc at Vail's 1983 lcgal scuing fordr this double density pmoposal was initiallv qiccteat by stsfr, As a resul! thc Loilgc Et vsil thrcatcncd zuit aodthe Town exeorrtod an "greclnelrtpurportingto waive the density ,"q"ir.o,"ot If the Toum statragrccd with $e Lodge's positiog oprcsscd in a memo fic;* it" attorney to ftc thcn Town 611666sy, trrcrc would havc bee'n no oeed to executc an agreerrcot r€soi"irrg "the disputc [rclattngf to wha]rer certain of the dwclling uits of tttc lfrgo Apartment CondominitrmJto"afea on a parcel of ai1 sp-ace-abovc the real property "f*fu d'6e Lodge, is attributablc to thc land oumcd by the podgel'" lawfuIly welye tte dcnslty requirement of thc snbJcct pYoDerty- oncc it is acknowlcdgpd $at the Lodge's 1983 propoeal viohreo-cxisting deosity restrictions, it bacomcs appa.cot tbat the agrcc}en1 wairrcs the density contol section of the Commerpial Corc t fjistrict it .'iolation of state staEltcs and local ordinances, was donc for no otrcr purlrcse but to rclicve a prticula proP€lfy &om the rcstiction of zoning regulations. As a result &c 1983 agreemeni is ulEa-vires to thc sEtc cuabling legistation and tro Town Code and is therefore void. It is well scttted in Colorado th5t cmtacts executed by municipal co'rporations in whictt therc was a failurc to comply with thc mandato,ry provisions of thc applicablc staJtrtes or chartem arc void. fSwcAtrmC v- ne'nf.er loint Stoct t-and Bak-ofDcnvcrdel" 118 P.Zd^ 460, Colo. 1941.) Colorado Rsviscd Statutes, $3f-23-3OI (I), cmpowers rrpnicipalities to, amongother things, rcgutate and rcstictbeigh! number of storics, size of buildings, &e sizc -ofy3d:'. the iensii ofpqputation ana tlic usc ofbuildings, sr-rtculres andlaoj. (emphasis addcd.) Thit ta-J t"ction also requires that suc.h regulations "shall providc for aboard of aajustrrerrt trst rDay detcrminc and vary rhcit applicatio in barmony with their general prirpor" and hrcnt and in accordance *it g"oc"al or spccific nrles containod in spCh regu.la.tions." rn:soiOlit P.006 I0s/02/95 14:18 TXIRX N0.0136 P.006 ulv.'-ot' 9s{TUE} l4:tJ DEUTscHO'LLAIIE Tomlvloorehead' Esq. Iiifgcha 19% Pagc Four state trnr frrths mmdatcs that Bosrd ofAdjusaent hcar and d€r;idc all nattg's upou wbich it is rcqtrird to pass uader ordinmce (C'R-S' $31-23-30-7)' Thc Town s Zoning Code had in place in 1983, and has in placc today' a prooedure fo-r granting variances from the iite,rat intcrpretation of thi Zoolog Codc, inctrdingdssit$ where ahrdship *oota rcsult (Toum'Code S"ction 18.62'Oi0)' Segtion lS'62'010 (13) ofdrc Town Codc vcsts exclusive jurisdiction to grant variances from the provisions of the Zoning Cotle witnte if*"i"i Commission--Applicants for a varianoe must comply with rbe criteria fognd in Section iS.SZ.O6O of the Tolwu Code' The Lodgc at Vail failcd to follovr mmdarcd procedures for obtaining the density variance and therefore' thc 1983 agre€tn€ot is invalid and rmenforccablc' 6.rmr i""iorr"'* .rfMotga.t C.',-ty, 6U)P2d86, Colo' Ar4,' L979') TheAgrccment p"rp*.r . *rt* rc aEity t"quircmcnt within Cmmercierl Core I for the Lodgc at ?"if. 1.o o'r loowlodg", ,,o other propcrty owner within CCI has bccn givcn relief from the dmsity rcqu;eme;t arrougb a i"'rpt" contract likc thc Lodge at Vail. finalty' by eTaiyingtlte dcnsity requireorit, tne iown Co'ncil, t'ough its To\trn Mqnagcr, has r€licrrcd the Lodge at Vait from trc restriction of zoning regulations, thercby crcatilg for all inEnts and pu4lOSCS a different zonc withorrt fotlouring prcper procedures therefor' Troeei tbe Lodge st vall have e v€sted right to bulld the addltipnal uEits? In 1987, Colorado enagted a statute dctailing thc actlons nccded tq establish a vesting arising from a govem'Ileotal approval. I.neloaset proposal is npt subject 1e this stafttc' sincc-ftpredatedJanuary 1,1988- C.RS. $2fi8-r06. clearly,evenhadfhcstahrte applioil, the iodgc's pntpoit"a ""sting would have lapscd after threa (3) ycars- C.R.S g2/t-68-104(l). Thc Tfim is not cstopped fiom finding thc 1983 Agr€cdent *TPi?'bt"' S]^1: hcld tbat estopp€l "gd", a m'nicipal corporalion riay uot be uUlyzcd bV a priwatc party if ;;;;;;';;k;n finds aprevio'sly exeourcd ageernent invatid-. (scc | --. tt .1.s34P.2d,80s TEL:3030'31 P.007 Morecnrer, beyondtbc ultra-vires natnc ofthe Agrecoen! 9: A-gre€ment is tmfatrfirt beeuse it effcicts contriacr zoning in violatiou of icll cstablishcd case t*:^(Y^t# CitJr of,Bouldcr, 362P.2d 160, Colo' 1961; Ki IMffi --t"r.-55 7 P zd I I 86, iolo. Colo. App., 1975). 05/02/95 14:18 TXIRX NO.0136 P.007 I imv.,-oz' e5(TUEf l4:24 orutrrrlrront rel: toiJ ast Tom Moorehead, Esq. lfarcb 2,1994 PageFivc Prior to 1987, thc concq)t of vcsting was .rempizod in Colorado o$V unon substsstiat rcIiamcc on dre isnrmce'of a v*id building pemit irnd a substsntial stcP towed complerioo ofthcprojeot 1Se p-WTrrvcsaents. Inc' v- Cityof Westmi ' 655 P2d t:6i, Coto. rs82,-clineil:irydEould,e' 450 P-2d 335, Colo' 1969') Thcsc requiremarts wero not an4 to datc, bavo uot bcca satisficd by &e Lodge at Vcil' The l9'g3 plamiogandEnviroumeirtal Commission appmval of1te ed€riormodification in 1983 did not vcst thc projcct No building pcrmit was wer issucd by the Town nor did the Lodgc othemrisc JuUiUatiaUy rely on aoy approval to its detrimcot In facf, it did notbing with respcct to its 1983 approval fortcn years. Any arguncot 68t the lrcdgCs rigbts havc vcstcd is without frctttsl c lcgal supPott. I woutd bc happy to prrrvi& you wi& addiff'onal infomration in my ofthe issucs discr:sscd "to*rJifyoo daermine it ncccssarlr. Thank you in advance for your consideration- Verytnrly yoltrs, DEUTSCTL SPILI.ANE & KSrITTT:L, P.C. Jaclc E- Retrtzel JER'ji Ltyrlp \ilells L;enFritzlen P,008 By 05/02/95 14: 18 TXIRX N0.0r36 P. 008 r MAY.:-02' 95'(TUE) l4: 24 DEUTSCH,OTLANE Deurscn, Srnrar.re & RsurzpL'P'c' Arur.f lrE AlrD cqnisEl.l.oF .r? t^w t7$Elisr !E l,JE|ttElt' .lvar|lJtJtrttEal EsctsbEog. cd-ogDo aol tr clotr'.-rd rlLEF lc @t4lLEl December 13' 1993 rel'solJrrt H^A\'EYETI'EOT!ol[r rag,!r-AnG |^CrErElrfiza, P. 009 I ft4r. A-sdy l(nudsen, Director Vail Commr:nity Dwclopmerrt Deparuncnt 75 SouthFronage Road VaiI, CO EL6S7 Rc: Propced E>pansion of the Lodge at Vail DearN4r. Knudsen: This firm rcpresents Mr. and adrs. Frunk wctls, adiaentproPsTy or'ncrs to thc Lodgc at VaiI- Wihavc bcen advised that the oumers of lhe Lodge d, Vail are intcnding to sit approval to build sdditional units on the proP€(q/. Orr ctierrts have conoems aboutthcproposal from a lcgal and design pcrspecfive' As we now rmderstand tbc proposa! ttre applicant wilt be rclying on a 1983 aEEee[rcDt executcd by the Town irlaiager as authority drat thc additional units proposed at pernrittcd without the ncccssity of a rezoaing. Wc bclielvc thc reliaace on the agrJemcnt i5 misptactd as it is our position Otat the agleement could not havc created aiaitioout -"i"Cdghts in eKc€ss ofthe provisions of the Toun's own zoning ordinmces' The agreemeot is ptcmisca on ao incrpretatioo of 'buildable sitc area" rhar would atlow every_owucrofacondominiumtherigfottobuildatadensityof25dwellingrmitstothe acrc, rcgardlcss of the size of the parcet- Adhercncc to such an interpretation leads to a.bsurd dcosities that far excocd the intcnt of&e Code- In addhiou to our qoncsm regarding trc tegafity of the proposal, Ms- L m Frieten of Fritzle6 Pierce Brincr of Vail has rerricwed 6c proposal and has adviscd qs gf several plaDqisg qpd dcsip dcficiencies that requirc firrthcr analysis and rcsolution from thc fown s[aff. Hcr findings arcsummarized as follorn's: 05/02/95 l4:18 TXIRX N0.0136 P.009 *ir. *r:esITUE) t4:14 n'urscu, OutE ,rr'roruoil DEurscI{, Snrr-r-nrqn & Rsrrrul' r'c' Ivlr- AndY Knudscru Dircctor VXt Con*nt ity Dcvelopment Dcpartment Decernber 13, 199} PageTwo P.010 I 1.A aomplct€ rcview of a proposal oftlis size and trc impacts to the srrrounding propcrti"s "f,outd be undertakcn r:nda the rcquiremcnts of a rezoning or SDD Process that would incorporate stnrcarred public input and decisions bY the Tovm Couucil' ThcVailViltageMastcrPlaocallsfor.,minimrmimFactofviewsoftlre mountain ftom Eatou Plaza-" Thc building is shornn as two and tluee srsics from the pr""" ierr"f- ft appcars n aJ ae lowcrcd ridgc heigfut at the two story portion i" *"o, iirvi# prot aion of the cxisting L.odge at Vail residerrtial condominiugrs tnatr ror'ennancing a vicw corridor from the adjacentpublic sPaoe' A stated goal ofthc Tow of Vait is to e;grand the Villagc bed basc' The derrelqrmcnt propo."J is cro"rv conitominiums, Is tlrere any assrrance that thcsc units wiU stay t"tt"a"ta"othone'vacaot" sccondhomes odrer thantbeworrdoftheappti"antzwhatfifurccontrolwillt}eLodgcatVail harrc overrtrls dertelof,nent? At this time thcrc are ttrrcc separate ilcrsnip entities forthe total Lodge at Vail derrclqlmentthat ars not accountabte to cach other. wilt this development constitute a fourth cntity? ThelodgcatvailiscrrrrentlyinEtigationwiththetow[ofvailovcrthcpr.piJr*a orcn"og€ thut-would filrtler c:gand thcir frcilitl.. .Tr. ftt ;;-u; aaat"rsea trJn" the crrrrectly groposed cccpansion would inrerface with any firture develoPmcnf? Thc uniforrnity oftle froade, inclutling fencsratiolu balcony rails' fascia' landscaping is geoerally inconsistent iith "tot"ot dctrclopment in vail Villagc. The pcdcstrian corridor th.at oonnccts Eaton Plaza and the lifts between one Vait Placc and the opansion will be compromiscd by this dcrrelopment Soiar.ryor.rre, figtti;& st"* removal "od "ooo'shed should be addrcssed for fftis axcl J. 4. { 6- 05/02/95 14:18 TXIRX N0.0136 P.010 ulv. :oi, 9S{TUEI l4:25 DEUTS0H, 3r.,ilrg - TtE..:vtfrtrsprur-enre & Rgtlrzru' r'c' JEkji TEt:3oi6l.Jl P.0n Ivfr. AadY Knu&co' Diroctor Vail Corrrmunity Dwclopmeot Depatrncnt Docernber 13' 1993 P4goThrec T.Thcpurposeofthcscrviooal1caonthcbasenrcntfloorisr.rrrdefincd.What type ofactivitywill rhis area gco€carc? Noise' uuckaccess' cmployee aacesq visual and acoustic ,crecrring of mectranical equipment and tash shoutdbc addressed' WcwouldapprcciatetheopPoftnitytoocetwithyorrstafftofirrherdiscllssor|r ooncems. It r orrr cue,ng, iot"c to -rru every cmort to resolve this mattcr arnicably; howevcr, they are preparcd to tglce wbstevo tlp" trg nooessEry to Ptote€ rhcir ProPerty' VerytulYYours' Nfr- and lvfrs. Frank Wclls Mebbcf,s of Town Couucil Mc,nrbers of Tovm Ptanning Commissisr Msnbers of Town Desig4 Review Board LynoFridco I05/02/9s 14:18 TXIRX N0.0136 P.01r 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 07/Fax 970- 479-2 I 5 7 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Office of the Town Attorney MEMORANDUM Vail Town Council R, Thomas Moorhead, Town Aftorney December 1, 1995 Proposed Development for the International Wing On August 9, 1983 there was an agreement reached between Lodge Properties ("LPl") and the Town of Vail ('Town") (Exhibit A). The agreement resolved a dispute conceming what development rights remained or how many additional dwelling units could be located on the property known as the Lodge At Vail containing 2.090 acres. This agreement compromised and settled that dispute. In summary it was agreed that the zoning ordinance for CC1 would not prohibit LPI from OuitOing thirty-four new accommodation units and one dwelling unit. Prior to such construction however Lpl would be required to obtain permission from the appropriate boards and commissions of the Town and required to obtain all necessary permits. LPI agreed to construct expanded conference and meeting room facilities at the time of building the expansion. This agreement was discussed by Town Council on August 2, 1983 (Exhibit B). A transcript of that discussion is attached which resulted in the passing of a unanimous motion authorizing the Town Manager to execute the agreement (Exhibit C). There was no challenge raised by adjacent property owriers or any other objections raised to the agreement orthe Town Council's authority to enter into the agreement. The record reflects a good faith, negotiated compromise entered into to resolve a valid dispute. In May, 1983 an application was made for an exterior alteration in the name of LPl. This matter was scheduled for consideration by the Planning and Environmental Commission on October 10, 1988.The Community Development Department prepared a memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated October 6, 1983 (Exhibit D). On October 1Oth the Planning and Environmental Commission denied the application based upon the closeness of the LPI property to One Vail Place (Exhibit E). This decision was appealed. On October 24, 1983 this matter returned to the Planning and Environmental Commission for consideration after changes in the proposal were presented to Town Council. The changes included proposing lourteen feet between the Intemational Wing and One Vail Place. The plannlng and Environmental Commission voted to approve the exterior alteration pursuant to the staff recommendation (Exhibit D. {g *r"ourru", a This Planning and Environmental Commission approval remains effective. Subsequent to this approval, the zoning regulation has been changed which causes approval of an exterior alteration to lapse and become void two years following tre date of approval. This provision was not in effect at the time of the PEC approval of this extedor alteration and the new provision has no etfect upon the approval. Additional information will be provided as requested. Thank you. C 72tt:; Aot G,r Lcrs'd trrl4 tljin qt . 2 &J- day o! Zl , )d.rr nr.a^^ - F-' )'o83 a ( it a ti t.;t,t t.: N.I: ,r)' lttd butwc,en tho Locttfo I)lops).t1otr.Inc.,. q C(rl,orado Corporargton ,A Co1orado ltun.{,c J p:r 1 Corl)oratl on ( "1'tro Corl)uratlon,, ) ( "'l'ho T<.rwn,. ) . and the Town of Vrll, 1. Tlrc cor ' r llEcrr^Ls poralion is lhe Orvtrer o! ccrtaln rer-l 6F..h^_---real property and lmprove_.ment's loc.ated thoreon rvhich are collcc,tlvely knowl(',Th€ Loog6.,1. Beins molo parErcurnrly "t"_;;;;a &s the Lodse Br v.tl end eonta.{.ning 2.o9o.q,cre€ - -Ee\-.'n('q oD the a.tto'chcd Exbrl, ot 2. Ttro Lodg,e lE located wl'thl'nthe To\en of Val.]'. tlfe Comurerclal Ccrre I Zone Dlstrl ct 3. A dl'Ffruto trae artsen brto rdhetber rhe ,"rr;;_-:;.--:^:".lv:e! rhe corpor.tlon .and the ro$,n aE.zonl.ng ordlna,nces o.f tbe Town wou3{ new occonmoa.rlon unrts and "".-":_:.,:::. *""td a.r.r.ow the addit1on otas ,u:rlts,.) to tbe Lod*ie. 't".o*ttt,tt" unlt ( correct1vgrv rerorred to <1 . Tlre dl'soura >-r _ -_ _r.r!\ _. Bpute reJ,EtqB to whettterr cbr*. r _ -Blp1En e Lod*e o.r--.,^--:':'"t ao whetbor c'ert&ln of tbe dwerllrr'\ry lrtnents condornin rurns loca.ted on jt_:.:" dwetllns unltr I parcef o! !.1r rPaccil:;"j:.:":;":::j:":::::,:: tho Lodge. 16 ettrlbutabre to ,h. ,an., 5. Tr)e partlea now wrsh rorenaln between them, comprotnlso 'nd Gettf o a'rr ctlf f erobces whr,crr Noly THERE F.RE, the partle" tt ncREEMEt{T 1. .J.llc paFl ,rdlnance to, "on'os agree tltr't taBloe ag folrows: tro units. rmer-c1ar core J "lu o"t=tty contror scctlon o,' rhc' ";l::;.,2. Bctorc tho r^^_^ _. _- r shalr be r-equl: e Lodgs tharl prgceed rvlth thg c ,,.:,, : "" tjiJ:: lii ii:';::,;. t" :. " " il.::":;:, .: ;: " re Torvn a'd turtrrGlF ..,h+ _. -':- LrIt' api)roPrl,lte bo, -,-*._-\ --ter obtaln all teour --:^ :--"sL: ooards aDd cotrunlsslon.' .f @ t,ourd rho r,ods:s .o "o,.""llt::1,::: ?q'ceesarv per,nrts. raLr be fu'trrer '.e.,rr l -],. -'-- . 'v'rvnrc[ wltlr' t'o conol lhilltres 1n t'e 'equired to constr , L<rdge sc, tr,at *n::": expanded "";;::.":"" :"t:::::;=r:.t" '" :u."lt cxpanslon 1s cornJ:1.a. tho L,(rdgo dxhibit A .,!.'....t. / tr a..rat..t .r.rrrt .rtrt.,r., :rrtd t'a:(: t. t n :91,7.c , ntcrr(, ()r L cr:r.r Df s,(rtruro tect nor.c or losb-. 1.".]l]1.::'::t"ll":. =n:tl not in6titure anv r.cs.r :rctron agelnst rrr<:Town conc.r.nlng a,ny of thn dls;rutod 166ue6 6.ct for --"" ....atnag tlr.. cnterlnr in.to tx.la a.,F^^-^-- -e€'r'!;ct b'cE ror?tl her"{n' 'rhe Lodgc' bycnterlnr ln.ro thla Agirecmcnt does not .,ri r i,^ ...r_ __ ,noE r,valvc 1ts r''ghtE; tci ,rl.t(tL.l rtl' which (rn c l.oonl ahaJ l. I r:lr I rr U!. lo:rri I .Crt|l t.a I n s,t I oirri L rcguast an irddltlonn: ::1":::","c,datron unrrs nor <roes.Ehe rown welve ,; ;;";; ::";;;r":"=l"onur*arcqu,os!. trro pnrilea tra,ve slgned thtt Agreer|ent this THE LODCD PNOPERTI]IS. INC. by 7u @ 4;r3*g;- TOIeN OIr \r4IIJA Col orado-U=rrof cf pa]' CorporBtlon I .; Edmu -.-_ _._ r..-:_;:.. II MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGTIIESDAY, AUGUST 2, 198330 P. . Pl,Tr::oly, .4uq9"t 2, 1e83, a resurarne.!d rn the Vait Municipat Buil<l:.ig.meeting of the Vail Town Council was Herman StauferPaul Johnston Chuck Anderson* B 11I Wilto, Mayor pro_Tem Rod Slifer, ltavor Ron Todd Gal1 Wahrli ch* None Richard Caplan, Town Manager+Larry Eskwith, Torvn et t"rfr.y IIEIIIBERS PRESENT: ABSENT : OTHERS PRESENT: * ( arrived Late ) The first item oD the. agenda was the first.reading of ordinan ce #27, series of1e83' an ordinance T.:Ii:'t-i! iii.;;; ii'io."rn control over anof va1ue. Larrv Eskwith stated ti.t tr,i" ordinance makes it iirE!i].;..nt"srnowrngrv rerain store! q1"pu"iv.-- n",ii^ionn"ton ..a.-"-i"ii"i .o .pp.or,.H:'tf,:":,:?lJ:: ff: ::5:,::Tt$it"i:i ii;i:t:" ir;;_#.,i;i.it.""o unanimous,y The next item on the ag6nda was the f irst^readi.ng.of ordinan ce #2g, series of1983, an ordi.nance amglains ;;;p;;; i6.oio impoundment of vehicres.Larry Eskwith stared^_that. it " *i"0. ;1iv"Iu"rton', have been strlcken from thisurcrnance' which alrows. the Town to anra" into a contract with an organiza_tron who wirl salvaqe the cars ""a-ti"-i"*" wirr noi-iir.t"ir"" to offer the:[i:l]4tii'::;':::;;Hrllsiilir ;li;.i,'"r'"" to upp"ou""5ii,n"n". *za anothe ordinanc" *".-Jio.t"d pubrished in triilt"n passed unanimouslv and Tbe next i-tem of the agenda was the first .reading of ordinan ce FZg, series off il;ril ::'::;l:;rl:t:"11Iq .;";;;";^i;:26.060 io a-,"o"iilio.ooo rq s,. rrv Eirwitt,-tiii.i'iil,il:iiiili:r':iffii;;,::.iffioff::il"l;i6iiii",iii,ii""metering when units are^convertea int o - c onaom:- n iurns . - -io.r'ioii'rro. a motionto approve ordinance f29 and ct""x-ii"i.iJin seeonaea the motion. Themotlon passed unanimouslv ""4 -InJ""i:iiiuilu *"" ordered published in furl.There was no citizen participation, The nexr item on the agenda . was_.. con t i nued gl:c::si:n of. proposed speed dipon ''esr core creek o"ty:: arr.weis -prJJJnrea-.ttre councit wlrh addirionalslgnarures supportine-the speed cllps]--iii"n xno* stated she was ln favor:1"::; l!'fi; ?;tr:i:: !l.v-.r,o,-,.ia'u. ,i.r."a crearry. r.arry r,icnriter arsocouncrr r,i" ui"*"^lg;i,:i :f,:"3"3i[oi;,"31"'_1.::ylil p;;;il.;;' ro rhe i. llilli". probtem, damase tt"-t"i"v-Io;i;"-:: stated thev would be*ii::';lI.'l'.":il:i f; :io""f!'J-i."ii:ili'ii"'' l?i:i il:::l:i":';,li*n'" Ron rodd .,"nl"i-iii.";"il:;,:: ll:;:ri"::i $11:..1. we"t co".-6ieek or1ve. ff:..:;::l SitJE; "ml*:.ili:,;;";:;;";:; t;:";"ll::: ;";:f"";:: itnx;;l"o Exhiblt B !IiNUTES VAIL TOIYN TUESDAY, 7:30 P,ll. COUNCIL MEETING AUCUST 2 , 1983 - ''e next ltem on the agenda was the aDDear' of vail Associates snowmaking projecrPetEer patten presented ttre proposat-iI-in. councir.----i.-"iIr.o !nrs ).s anappli-cation for a conditionat use permit which had ;".n-;"ii;; up b], thecouncil due to co'cerns over minimum stream.frgw, i;;;"-;;"';"en di.scussionswith Vail Associates, the Forest Service-ana in" pf""iing"Si.ir. ?heForest service and pranni.ng "tart-.laiiitlcs showed that mininum srreem frowwould be protected. The pianning o.p"ttr"nt reconmended "pp"ourr with theseconditions. A) lteter cold p".r.l iiSn"ieaa ana ll"*-i;i.iriii. " sl Review thedata at the end of l vear to assure va i.s - not --exJ.Jai.i^ii 'i"t". u"" causingthe stream f10w to go bel.w nini-urum, -- iil"1 nucb dlscussion Ron Todd medea motion for approval of a tempora.y "ondrtion"r u""-p"iiii" oi v"ir AssociatesDnowmakrng pultrp house for the phase I Dortion. of the ;;;;:- riis approv"rshourd be for B l vear peri.od "i irt.-"ii-or snich-iir.-r"'*iii review theracrs end $'ith the stipuratl.n va in"i.ir'netefs. trr" "n"rr"iing shourd bemonitored close, and wlth the conariionai crreci ion - ti";-;;;-^.comnunication that i.s culreFtly s"ini -;o -u"tseen the Tov and vA and theForest service continue so thai i. "in-i."" some sort of ongoing idea whatimpact sno$'nakins is occurring on the creek.- Seconded by Chuck Anderson.Bob Parker stated that he "oura n"i-'iri.-"ittr this notion as statecl. vALs investing too nuch-noney to rlsk n"uini the-permit removed for wtratever- -ason in one year. rt was egreed tt "t -iirry .nir"rit, ;;;i;-;.; tosether'th va'r Assoclates.(Bob parier l -ti"oi"ii a document vhich refrects RonTodd's motion. Ron T;dd re.iaie6 t i"-.iii"n to. read: Appoval ot a conditionaluse permit for Valt 1;::".lt:: "o*_rtini-punp house coniiiion.r upon anannuar review as rerates to mini'um streim- rri" tor-coi.-6".Jt-t" be reviewedby Town of valr, Forest servici, -vari-iiJo"r"t"" -and the water District.Thar vA will install a neter to'.ooiiot-i iows and again on the condition thatthere be ongoing di arogue -bet*..n - itt" -io"i , Forest service, vail Associatesand the water Dist!ict: ctrucx aJersJu- Jlconaea the tnotlon. The motionwas passed unanLnousLy. The next lten oD tbe ageoda.sl: app.royal of an agreeEent relating to theLodse at vall air "igl!:: -l*t"v-iii*ilfr iresenteo tbe natter to the council.A .otion was mede bv Blrt trrto- tor ib;};p uanage"-io'-Ji.i"tJ' this asreement.second bv Ron rocrd. A vote rae i"i"i-ili-tne ilti;; ;;";:;-;;rrnousry. The -next item was approval 0f vacatl.n of dralnage easement of Lot 16, GlenlyonsuDclvtsion. petter patten gave the ,apoat. to _the Council and expressedhis approvar' This i:-i":l r-i"trriitv"fx'atanaon this drainage easement.Bi'll wilto made a motion to approve ttr6 vacation. of_drainage .i""r"nt of Lot16, clentyon sibdivision.-- Sltonaea-t; ;;;r"n Staufer. Chuck Anderson;:lifftJ;::rgi:t"t his.vote au"-i"-ir'.-'act he had a conrrict or interest. under Town Manager Report, -Mr. capran asked the councll whether the folrowlng''ruesdays work session shourd ue cincelrra-orra to the Jerry Ford GolfTournament. The counclr .s".rd-iiiii;;d.y not to meet. There was no Town Attorney Report. As there was no further business the meetlng x,as adjourned at g:OO p.M. ATTXST: ly subtnltted, O" - ) -s\ -i-c ,^) The next item i-s approval of an agreement relating to the Lodge atVa1l air rights. Mr. Eskwith. Tha1k9 Mr. Mayor. To give some background. on this issue the Lodgeat vail came in pursuant ro the urban design guidelines and "ppii6Jfor some redeveJ-opment of the Lodge itself, 5nd that redeveltpmentwas to incrude 34 additional units, almost of alr of them "i ""pione accommodation units under one dwerling. The staff reviewed tilerequest and denied the request on the basis that the zoninj,particurarly the density seition of the commerciar, core one zoieDistrlct prohibited the add.ition of those new units. r then wasinformed by Jim Bairey of the law firm of cawkrns, Kramer andGrimshaw (firrn name?) who represents the Lodge as werr- as JayPeterson hrho also represents the Lodge, that in fact ""r.lni"iunusual happened in i'9i2 which to them indlcated that the densitieihadn't been built out at the Lodge. This occuiiea pri_or to ttretime we had our zoning ordi.nancei in ptace -trd ,n.t n.ppened isthat the ohrners of the property on which the Lodge is buift deed.edsome property to the Lodge and they atso deeded by meets and boundsa parcel 0f air rights over the Lodge to thd Lodge Apartmentcondominiums- The Lodge Apartment condominiums buir_t- in Inat aiiparcel and their cl-aim to me was that the units which were buil_t inthat air parcel could not be att.ributeo to the r,oole itself becauseit was a separate parcel under different ownerstrii. They providedme with brief, cited a 10t of law. r then proceeded to researchthe law myself i1 .some detail, including tairing to the Nationalrnstitute of Municipal Law offices, the -cororadiuunicipal-i;;;,1; and a woman who lectures on air rights, itta t".a of GeracaGoldhammer(?) from Hytand park. My re6r:-ng after discussins th;issue with all those people and resdarching It myserf is that wh1ler didn't think Mr. Bairey and Mr. peterson-were 6nti-re1y "orr".i-i'their assumprion, r ferl it was a regally oelaialre ""a u.j".ui.dlspute and of course r brought that up to the Town's attention andwe've discussed it in some detail. The council asked me to drafta possibre sett.reme.nt agreement for consideraLion tonight whichwouLd provide that in order to forego the necessity of a law suityitf lfe Lodge at Vail, that we would accede to tn"ir being allowedto build those certain accommodation unit" urrd Jwelring -units solong as they did-'certain things for the Town. one of the chiefthings .they would d.o for the fown if this .gr..*"r,t were enteredinto' i.s as a part of the redevel0prnent build and refurbishconventlon space in _the Lodge and that convention space wour-dprovlde for at least i,400 sq.- ft. in totat ana inat e,doo "q.-ii.wouLd have to be contained within one room, so it wour.d have onelarge convention roon in the Lod.ge which would handr_e that 6,000sq' ft' Both parties agreed to forego a raw suit. The Lodgel?:::9_:" comply wirh atr rhe zonins -..e"ii;*."i" of rhar zoneqrsrrrct as wel-l as-all the requirements of the submittal ,rnae. ineurban-Design Guidelines. r thint its importlni-to ,,ot" for theTown Council that if the Council enters .inro rhi,compromi se s tiri s i s sue, it mean s -.flJ'Jri. T&"n.tX'"""ten;:?T:t " ii:containing 2.09a acres and that site wour.d alrow additionar unitsthan the units tbey are proposing to build now. They would beentitled to six additionai un:-ts. The Town by entering into this Exhiblt C o agreement, pursuant. to the agreement does not waive its right tocontest those additionar units, nor does the Lodge waive its rightto come in at a future date to ask for those units. rrve beenassured informalLy by representatives of the Lodge that they haveno intention of building those units but r think its_ importa-nt fo,the Town council to know that they are not precluded from doingthat-by this agreement. r'd be glad to answer any guestions froithe Council or from the members of the audience. - Larry is t.his a uni-gue situation as far as this subdivision by airrights within our cornmunity? j,arry: The exact situation at tbe Lodge rnn to the best of myknowledge and its based on research bec-ause r went over to LandTitre and started pulring condominium declarations like crazy, th;onry condominium association that r know of that's positio"i"g isorid block parcel_over a rodge thatrs under separatetwnership 6utconnected to that Lodge is the Lodge at vair, before zoning, beforezoni-ng, that's right that occurred before zoning. But r think tothat this whole theory necessitates and has nec5ssitated a reviewon my part of our density controt section because r think when thecolorado statute relating to air rights, and that, s what theirtheory, the Lodge's theory is based on, a statute in the state oicolorado. rt state that air can be conveyed in parcels, that aparcel- of air rights is entitJ-ed to all the same considerations aiany other parceJ. of real estate. when you read that statute inconjunction with our ordinance it raisei some not, so paratablepossibilities that r think need to be addressed and ilrn in thdprocess of addressing that now and hope to have an amendedordinance for your consideration at your ne-xt meeting, rroperurly-oithe. meeting thereafter. As soon as possibre because r think it hasto be considered. Any questions from the Council? Any questj-ons from the floor, from (coul-d not hear short response) If there are no discussion or anytake is a motion authorizing theagreement, if there are no changes Motj-on by Bill Wi1to, second by Ron Jay? comments I think aII it wouldTo!,rn Manager to execute thisor other questions. saying aye.Any further discussion? If not, all in favor voteAye. Opposed? Unani-mous. (, o MEMORANDUM P'l anning and Environmental Conmission Communi ty Deve'l opment Department October 6, .|983 Exhibit D TO: FROM: DATE: REQUEST: SUBJ ECT: prllig hearing and consideration of a request for an exterior alteratjon andmodification for the Lodge at vail containing iodge rooms, retail rp..., ionr...n.uspace and a deluxe dwelling suite. The proposal includes-nlodificationi'to-[nJ'-""fqdg. lt.lql adjacent to Founders' p'lazi aira to the parking lot on it. wesi'-side and additional storage space on the parking lot ievet 6n tne north sideof the Lodge south bui1ding. Applicants:' Lod96 at vail and tne r_oage sJuih Condominium Association ! ( \ The request is to add 3-a ney llfufy accommodation units and one luxury dwetlingunit containing approximately 30,000 square feet along with new ptaza-]evetcommercjal space containing approx.imateiy 3,600 squarE feet, additional-cJnferencespace, and a ski storage room to the Lodle at,vaii. In addition, new stJ"ige'-"-space for the condominiums is being prop6sed for the Lodge souttr'ouitoi;i.-'- other modifications are a new gate house on the west, reversing the auto circu- l:!i:l illl lhe parking lot, a;d a new entry court. Over on tFe mountain side,tne parking lot would be expanded and new stairs added for skiers to get tothe ski lfft chairs. _The east plaza wouid be redesigned to complemeni Founder,s flaz,a. .At the Lodge Plaza iherb would be a remporary canvas paulttion remJviuredurlng the winter. The new International wing would contain iOditional conference :pace' lodge rooms, one luxury dwelling unit ind conrnercial space on the plaza I evel . BACKGROUND 0n.July 25, .|983, the two.restaurant expansions were approved by the planning and Environmental conrnission. Approved were a 730 squii^e foot expansjon tothe Salt Lick restaurant to be rbnamed the wildflowei and a gzs iooi-.ip.niionto the Arlberg restaurant to be renamed the Cipriani restaurant. CONFORMANCE WITH PURPOSE OF COMMERCIAL CORE I DISTRICT The commercial core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintainthe unique character_of the Va.i I Village commercial area, with its,i"lure otlodges and corrnercial establishments in a preOominantiy pedestrian environment.The commercial core I district is intended to ensure aiebuaie tisht, iirl;i;i'space' and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of-buitoinqs lnJuses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vaii-viiiase'u"uii-oltisn Page 2 10/6/83 'U VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN VAIL VI E UREAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE N Vehicle Penetration: There will be no change by this proposal and Oesign considerations prescribe site development standards that are intendedt0 ensure the maintenance and preservation,or the lighiiy-.iurtered arrqngementsof bu.ildings fronting on.pedestr_ianways and.puUlic Sieeniuji, unO to ensurecontinuation of the bui'lding scale ani a"ittiieciurui';;;ilti.s thatdistinguishthe village. The Community 0evelopment Department considers.that the.proposal is in conformancewith the purpose of the zone'district. irif-r6aii-it"iiiii'i!-rn" anchor forvair viilase and needs to oe upgiaaeJ to insurJ"il,ij;;iirr'o, vair Viriageand the cormunitv. Hithout.a !i"ong-neirt, the Village will suffer. Thecommunity Deveroiment oepartmeni ieErl-irrat-the rong and short tenn successof vail vi|rase is partiirlv based on-a-quariti iil.-;; iili. o i Vai'l #?2 Pocket park' screen fence -to close off alleyway (gate required) and continue;:ffi::.iffi.,!,!fil i;if"lli: benches, prantlrsi ffi;_si;;;;e,in *int",. -..-_ The proposal contains an improved.area of landscpping and walk between theLazier Arcade buitdinq anC ihe-Lodge at.Vaii.'--iforing off the area is notpobsible because it ii a fire line]- ,r #14 Village plaza. Feature area paving treatment, central focal point visible' from Gore creek Drive. -Major'i.iJ'rJ"tiipi'inting-in l.w.-iri fii.t .o"nr.,1' with eversreen screen lJ:litlg_ti-oeiin!'west "ig..' wiir'ii"Jlt stairs,\ with mid-revel jog landing, opens entri-aiJa to Lazier Arcade shops. This propostj-1!!r"l1y.expands. the Founders' Plaza area and makes this intoan exciting space within Vail Village. -- - INTERNATIONAL l,lING By having new commercial .shops at the new.,plaza level , the potential for pedes-trianization has increased by tt. piop6'iil. Streetscape Framework : As noted in thea publ ic street.in Vail Village. application, there is nofhe proposed shops and !jSct,frontage by ttre proposa.l onpraza do add to the pedestrian experience Pedestrianization: Street gnclosure: I The proposal.complies with the intent otlh.'rssues wt || be more specifically djscussed at t' t)esign Cons iderations. Oetailed desiqnthe Design Review Board meetinq. (\ The proposed International wing would have generally two heights, one fourththe width of the enclosed space it faces ani one sjittr the wiotn of the enclosedspace it faces. Street Edqe: The irregu)ar facades proposed for the shops and restaurants meet this elementof the design consideritibns. Buildinq Heiqht: The proposed heisht of the new International wing-from the new plaza ranges from24 reet to 33 feit. At the p"a.ii"iin pilii i"i,Et:irr" ii:ipi't.r meets the intentof the height section-of_the Design_Coniiderations. rrbnr Ine south side, the heightwould be 35 feet and 43 feet. Th; cotmunity oevJiopm.ni o"pu"trent feels that theheights.proposed meet the intent of the Design coniiaeiitioIi ana provide for themix in building heights as perceived.in Vail-Viiiige.- views: There are no designated view corridors in the area of the proposal service and Deliver.v: This will not change by the new addition proposed. Sun/Shade Considerations : There would be no sun,/shade impact on Town of Vail public space (the Founders,p.l aza)as shown on the sun,/shade study, One concern of the staff is the amount of space between One vai'l place and the Inter-r national wing on the third fioor. The staff considers that the top floor be shifted\- five or six feet to the west to open the ipace oetween uuiiaints.--' "- For-the proposed storage at the Lodge South, the Comnunity Development Departmentfeels that there are no negative imiacts. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Park i ng : At the time of a buiiding permit, the ap.piicable parking fees for each type of usewill be required. Architectural and Landscape Considerations: Fi re Department Cons iderations : A new fire hydrant will wing because of the new be necessary along the south sideresidential and commercia'l space. near the new International a RECOI,II,IENDATION: l-\ The Conmunity-Development Department recormends approval of the Lodge at-Vailreguest for 34 new lodge rcoq!: a luxury dwelling unit, nel, cormercial space and new storage.sqagg. In..addition, we consider the site improvenent veiy positivefor the Lodge at-Vail and Vail Village. As noted previoully'in the memorinbum,the Lodge at Vai'l is the anchor for Vail Village. The Connunity 0evelopment Department feels the upgrading and expansion i- positive for Vail .Vi'llaie and the connunity. PLANNING AND ENVIRONI,IENTAL COI.il.IISSON ACTION ON OCTOBER IO, 1983 Donovan moved and viele secono.O rt deny the application with the exceptionof.the Lodge south proposal with the main reason being the c'loseness oi ttreLodge property to One Vail P'l ace. The vote to deny was 5-0. $'qe'|q'|' 1' )- PEc -2- rot; He added that he had_to]d.the appricant that the board wouid act on the proposal l3l iil'' i'ff,1:#o:::"8:ll:l,,o:l::i liit"li:-;:rsi:!ie;.r;ri-i,:. re r i cant app ryevqrrr rrr rrovemDer' %nded to d"nr ttr.'bpoiilitiSl'illack of information. Ine vote was s-o iffi 3.uest f r an elterior al rati on to the Vi'l 'l a Center ro.i ect at l2 seran and to cons p I i cant:Hibbe gymaker,s rai1. to con add i ons to the re dl I Corcoran read a asking to tab'le item unti'l 'letter from the applicantrlper seconded to table uViele moved and 4.A corme p a nditional usestorae units in agre ntil the ti 'l in thisof0 ber 24. al reI in order to const e 10/24. Vote was 5-0. + ower ver o ar tey Investments,nc. to !ryeen One at I Ptace aspacegonterence space and a u suite.to the west s llqnal stora s ace on t street soc i at ion.cant:at Va conta i n ooqe ro retai l uoes cati ons ot onrts -.e0nT Jay then discussed the model and its different aspects: the new entry and rearrangedparkins lot, ski rt::ig..:l! !;gr;!9"-gareteiia,-i;i;h" iew rnternational suite.Viele asked what would happen io irre i spruce irees neit"io the entrance when theparking lot was rearranged,'ina-F.i."rin responded that they would attempt to movethe trees to another toiation. - cJi.!tn-"ur expressed about the closeness of theInternationar wino to oil v;i'i pi;;;."'peierioh'iiii-t[ii'one vair,p.race overhunsits propertv linel ,He.addeJ il'li-irri architects r,.a ioniia.red moving the top storyof the International wins-iJ iii.'niti,'.no weie-aiii.iiliiio with the appearance.viele asked if there were technicai-iroulemi-*iil,'ir,.'urjiiing, so close together,and Peterson said ttrat ttrey-woiiii-r,ui!-to use speciar grass Trout said that he had difficulty with having only two feet.between the buildings.He suggested takinq :p?:e. t"or ii,.e"otiier.,eno-of_ti,9 yi"9-ina moue-11re 'rr,oi.:iriroing. He approved the rist'pf lle proposii.'' Martha Fritz.tenl i resident of One Vait placestated that evervone^who tiveb in-ici'rr.r.on..rned about narrow alleyways and allof their prob'lemi' oonovan'ii.iira'ii.['srre rert that the building hait bben designed The applicant asked to-table until October 24. Donovan moveto tubi. i[.-tt!',i'uniir "olildi]"ji."1il: vote was 5:o i; 5.uest for aD exterior al terati on for the L DickRyanreviewedthememo.JayPeterson'.l}ffil-applicant,showeda ffi!;'r:?:,::*::":*1;.,llr":::l;,::i:^tir! o.'r,ii'iii',io".e. ror the Lodse south.Ar an Taroya, representins n,oii-p;il;.;;;;;r]"rii"i"iiiiriiii"lirM ;i:.:.ifl: iiill;"in the parkino area of Lods;-a;ui; ;;;ii gb.- He-aJa;J iil; there would be r6 .rockers, xlr;n"y:l:"0:.Tl?rTj^."a wiin-aiJi:'"ii.i'g i'ti'-t["-ii'ii'.. The sarase wou]d be fi :1. ll.'oil"'iil;' il:":6i;;" :-'i'ii"iJi.l"ii Exhtbit E PEc -3- lr* I 8lt;:'li:l;:,t!8,il':looiill'rfl'ftif;!-lhlt-not.evervone rert that the urban Desisn;h;il";';; iiJi ii-i;"r"a. - ir,e-.io.i'iille,lliri:lurrnlrif.'::#1;,!gdl.il_;;il:'was drawing peop'le to a dead eno. -oonovan rct['i[ii-ti"ii. summer the praza wourdbe a lively place' but not in-winter." she.was coniJ"neo-ilout ilre heights and confusedabout how thev were figured. peleiiin saia irra!-q;-il;'pilr. side, EorJ of the roofswere berow 35 feet, in-the uacr,-tiri-ror.li li ii.i"lt"ii" highest point. He rertthat if the guiderines were speiific, iney wourc need a varrance. li'lore discussion followe!.9o19ep!ng the_herght. of-the east end of the Internationalwing' Donovan pointed out that ilri iriposai-ir,irri"i.li-iiu, the whore comprex, notiust with 6 rooms (regarding itre-iioiiitss-or-gre'uriiiini'to One vail placb).Piper riked the new entrv, Eui ieit-uila h;*.;;-ri'ii!'j,iilore of the parkini rotwould_not be visible wnei'ciri ;;;; ;;;ili ::;#'F:":i.ii:,liiiiiiil'tt=6i.'ilfio,il:f..',1.#l:::,,}li li:"ijl,;i*:!i',' Ron Grant' representing ltaTgn p'r.atner, architect, stated that he and his coworkershad worked with a larg6.rndei ana-rriJ'iriea.iii-i6p-iiJii Jr u,. new wins in severa.ldifferent places. but-thai-ilev'*ei:iii-ssatisriei-iiirr-i|y-uut the location shown.Piper said that he uoura iiie-i"-;;; il;;-;;i;;ioiil" ti{"iron showed erevationswith the hish roof six reei-weii.--VtIil rilii-irti"irt"liiE, but fert that it wasunfortunate that the_ranascaping'w";;-;; m irrarigea';'ilIi the cars had becomemore visible. He aoreed with o6niivin rigarails ioitertii'or tn. praza, and fertthat he could not g5 aiongrritt-l'i,ri ii;t;iiEn;i.-..i#.;;an asreed with the concernsiioffitif;rilt"r'' that he-did not have inv p"ouitr'riu,-ii"'feelins of the deid end Patten pointed out that One vair p'race had buirt to and oyer their prcperty linewith an asreement rith the-foai.. ' lliiiita. rrrtiien_iiii"ir,ii*l,en_the scrrJeo[r'uuirdinsIll iilll;':i;'rf;:*:l"J'Ti";iil..l,io:l'. sroi.- rrr!'eo"!-i"iti rrli.'iliiiiTtep,i -/a,'<-Viele ion of ar I Pla Jim I'lorgan arrived. Jim sayre showed olans and-elevations and explained that the staff recommended approvalbecause there wouid ue no oJtri;;;i;i .ir.it.o; til iilJiiilrg properties, therewas a phvsica'l hardship' ani il'li"i-*.".lother ua"iini"i-diiint"o for the construcron:l'ff[:::"'Jr'I"ir.J'rl;"n!:93';i:.1!*j*1.;,:iijii:.i'ii'.t to-pr jcr fi;"il;e" l.lu Itr 1 Itlu l ?{t' VAILTOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1995 7:30 P.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS AGENDA 1, CITIZENPARTICIPATION. 2. ConsentAgenda: Approval of the Minutes tor the meetings of November 7 and 21 , 1995. 3. Ordinance No. 24, Series of 1995, first relrding of an ordinance repealing and reenacting Chapter 18.39 (Ski Base/Flecreation Zone Olrttt"U of the Vait Municifat Coie and approvin[ the Development Plan for the Golden Peak Ski Base, 485 Vail Valley Drive/TradtF, VaiiVillage Sth Filing, and Tract B, Vail Village 7th Filing. Appticant VLilAssociates,'tnc., represented by David Corbin. 4' Resolution No.27, Series of 1995, a Resolution setting the date for a Special Election for thepurpose of electing a Council member to complete the unexpired term of Margaret A. Ostedoss, term to expire November, 1997. 5. Appointment of Local Licensing Authority Member. 6. An appeal of the Planning and Environmental Commission's decision to deny the requested front setback variance proposed for the residence currently under construction on Lot 6, Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision/2832 C Kinnickinnick Boad. The appellant, Bob Bome,represented by sally Brainerd of RKD Design lnc., is appealin! the planning andEnvironmental Commission's denial of the front setback vari'ance iequest, pursu-ant to Section 18.62.070, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. 7 ' Appeal of a DRB decision to approve the Intemational Wing at the Lodge at Vail, located at174 E. Gore Creek Drive. Applicant Town Council and LuAnn Wells. 8. Town Manage/s Report. 9. Adjoumment. NorEUpocLonMtNGS,llTllllpJ"*Rr,nMESBELow: rHE NExr vArL rowN "l.!til'L llou*" woRK sEssroN wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 1212l9s, BEG]NN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONWILL BE ON TUESDAY, tZt9195, llBqlNNtNG AT 2:00 p.M. tN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCTL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 12liU9E, BEG|NN|NG AT 7:30 p.M. tN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS. ||||l !101-$ry-ugqe_interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. please call 47g-z114voice or479-2356 TDD for information. C:\AGENDATC Donovan felt should be an the corr{n€rcial space request was excessiv€, that the corrnercial spaceaccessory to the lodging. ( ( Morgan asked Eskwith whether or not he felt the applicant was asking for a-changein the substance, and, Eskwith.reptieo-ttrit rre wai-6u;;;;;ri19 the same thinq. Hei::t.o that the Town had the inhirent power to chariee til iiid il;#';;'o'Biis.."a Patten stated that this t{as rnore of a rezoning with the reshaping of the s0D, andthat it woutd be a recommendation to-the Town-co*ii,ii'*r,o-ft;ii i.;; io-pilr'unordinance. Morqan riked ail;;ii, -uri iounJ-ti,"-riisiiil;ie"persona.py offensive.Piper felt that this-,wut . ruior-ili"d.,lg the original sDD because of the additionof the Amoco site and.-the reqiest tor"ioa'itionai efiin.'II-t"tt that there wasa strong impact on vair Road. He rert-ttre,iil;;;;;or'i,, a personar opinion,and also felt that on-approach'ing the 4-way one observed the imnediate area orj!:.ul:l lgalfy. He feil ilrat tfie lindscaped corner was !ood, and had no problemwrtn-the parking spaces proposed, ana waniio-to-iJe tiii-"6ioitiona'l uses remainas 1S. Ryan stated that the staff did their best to listen to the old tapes and to get iinformatjon from them. He fert that lt"r" w."" severar posrErve aspects of theproposal, but was basicailv concirnea wiilr ih.-*;;;;i;o"l--rn. sraff fert thatthe Amoco site should le "izoneJ-to-Fn"ana ilrere irrouiJ-l. in amendment to thesDO' specificailv ror phasii-iv-a-i,'ttit tt.y were not just minor changes.The staff did noi "i:?ryind changini io'permiitea usei-thJ-ionditional uses listed,they did recorrnend deleting ttre ieliion loncerning-aiitini"-o"tween buildings,as this had been eriminatei rrom-iii'6tn." sDD's,-did noi-"".'*.nd itern D, usingaverage heisht, did not. "".ott"na-ii"i-1, .r,ingiis-i;""GirA and a'powing additionalfloor area ior commercier-itt;-;;e,-iut'neeaed to know which rures wou.rd appry. Ryan said the staff approved the amount of parking. Piper suggested there-f...1 yoF on the.proposai with the exception of the allowanceof changing conditional uses to permitttd uses. Morgan moved and Donovan seconded to den.y the uest based on the ma itude andsca le.e vote was 4 in avor o dt -aqa r nst nla wltn Pie xterior 11 teration for the Lod at Vail to add aace and t to the sacatonsthePl aza qs'Plaza st6e. 3l;:o-tJ'":liffor:nBl.r:il1.r|;-!:dse-at-vair.wen! io the Town councit they were;:l'lJ',[jiil":',:':":ltl":::i:-:ldi:i: ;ii"o"i!1ff #ll #:i'il.'3iilrl?!i.lli,llyiffi:1.:,lo"l":1"1"::::, ,* il!:11.ijetii-r,r;;e Jil"oii"i.ii.rillJl"il #tH.:"J":ff: gil,:r-"i.n-"JJ,. fi i;fi:i";;;iil.I";"i;:";";,lilj,ij.ii'ul{, il3"li'i!,'lT.,jl';"i;,lg' ;1,::l;:::i'ii-llilir;:; T:i;:l :illil:3i,'i.Ji;;ll.lJl"y:',:,':i:i,;::y:L",i1!::' qF #,;lji;i#:' ;"',[lfi"fi,1::.ffi"ft ":iil'l8.ono"o I irrtC.L n i"r$"" tc''74't ) abstainino. Exhiblt F and Tro