HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT A B C LODGE AT VAIL 1985 TO 1992 PEC DRB LEGALt t.rr,^ \L.r\ T \ \jos .'v B\v \\sts\r--,-?')oib -t^t o Yd .\ irsV; ]r\( \LS (.-1t 51- \i (- S fi,. (-- L\ro +8 tc{l lvi tn. P<. Or 'ttizj + \a.9c a51s G Nr o\\,"\f !-I v.(m1-r r-rr\uxr 3.o . $c'r" 5kl \\ i,., o \ +f 63 Y9 t i\r u,0 UJ.:\\ uu.=^ € \\ 2 t 0 o.<\c " r 1-irr o \\ Sr'1 .t- lot vit,. \s rn (c\ Yt-Sq. R {Y\cr.i .p\: b\10s .. .\2^t o h Rc,o \n \ c,r tl l't)o l Du.nr\Gr<rsrr-r-.., ^., 0_, \J " Rc"v\".' -Rr^-\\ f \ 'ir'l': ,i'+r,}] ., .lP Tr., 1 Lb)l cq-\cs\ i Crnir "t Stor- s \\.2,ta 'tQ q'.i h\',t<- - )o,vr V(\.o S G,"" zq G.*rscio.L. hex b\otro LJ<,51<- Ly \L Ot ,-..- Q r N c,\ fAoxc,.o*cf, S - R"U-"ts Q-b -R,'x F) \J (--, O<l.-a\b lL Go \\ i t\ro \N , \\"\\. \. T."'(t<.so"r o- -)A o 5 t\\evr\" (Lsrr\n 't\\o 21 20"1 J.n..^., N ato 1-osz 2s oo\ nl rr c.,,c( T'rI r\\t< Av< t' Juli \cr-rox Lc)L0 vL Dr\,. (-\n <.s\..Crl Ivr o 03ot1 eLiX,*6 {5o-ba. 65 5 txt, Qun-, &o \.n r\ u.r icq-<-6larl IVA o o \jr .N\ .lg. L\ro Z(rG Q-o.-,Io \tqr- ocr -59 UJ..\ )-oo r \^a-6\T*a6v so To \i.\Qo{ R.D ofq.v S<* a Sfut^" t55ot a^\\ i5--\c-..,L fL. \-\c $t3 l.o X Oa\l L4 i\ .- i.. \t tIto t - v?L- LL -OO\._J cJ11 2o \\,.-'\rq,.,,\c t-\ C-.<-*\ \\.-u\L j NY U CLq )t\r,, V- Q o i\o- i!i-ru fr , ,, .r \r.Lr t\!r'-r- Fr. . Vrc ft\ .fn , ,..\ - \ / \ ,1 rt'lUr1"\n \. \,,,f c ( ni -..\ -r,.L t , , 1l,.\-....,, K_.i p UT \rr\-' . \ lC,,. a_._"l'1 I ) Ua,^i - I \ \rC (r\ rl? l 'a t^\ L <- tl r-t , 1t" \, .^\ . o ('r ' ka\\ r-,. I .'" I5t c\r. re/ ,. \ ' ,\ \'t L\\t?(.,-, > \)c.^\_ ?-c. $o>^ I au4Lt 1 \r\uur\on , TX l)2\r- tr *-, Nt-* Yu-\" ., NV l0oao J d\n (.4\t :Bl'r Se.,-,., D'r"u o 0r Il,ii -,-'kL - Lz - oqr) l1 S-u.:\t -i'u1 ittg F r'"rr sc.s (-urv o-,- tr. tI*"., -r, 'B \srh n." 5 r \u'tl St. -1tigT Q .e \l.." l, r- i.1 .ri !^'\ Ci. B\k59 ' *---"-r-* - cY 1- q,'I -ooi -i*o-\1. o \ot lr I \\ ".-. r.-., 5\c^.,., \.. ?o-i;r-,x 9or,rs Vqr\ Go g\ug ( Soou 3ss C"-: (..n\ CT 1T t- \),^\\c,r \X )f )ot .o\5 G\r1 Q'-11,\- Q\t.-tq \L.,, \ no !. t \\i_\.\)\\rt- 1\\,( I nn?\\\ lLc:b\.n VYrv-,- L -5q?-a(---re'. -f ,.r., S O\ Lo g\q{ < ';. \, '. . -:f..". .ft.' ."=. .; '' a"_ 1f,;l:. ".1.,, i ' lll a.i l_oVnIl Or-,- V),^""- 2tol ovL. 51 tn])otr- l'i .il 1L\o to-u . Jo--r v\. > Tr-.-.,,. \\, f)crs thcr tlr , 2o3o N\,"i- St . t rut'\.-sL \.0<,\\ s 2ojo .nnr St. 121I ttt,(l er I -,\ r <Y\r\c.r o\ ! ".,..',\ a!7\o t .- o8.2 = to= ooL_ +-;, j=-_J_ _ _ t:_\ <-' - \\. ) $r-.*'.,^*l^ .,'-\ \l o'..\ .\ --t . 't 'l' \\u'"tr \L' t'n cc'tt R ooo:tl .. \\. \ rt ; \$-Y\ b \L o\\ b \Gl..f. i:: sr. \{\L c V c^c\\..ihg :,1,, ttX 9 er\i., L..,_.\c 0yrr. To*- ur- V o^'"\ r!i 6ox \qo - -r., las&ElRr uRil-'\\ \ rDfti4TE?4rs nPR oO2 IAcs_u4 I I4- r F3N st'tl S s i cE-J!n3E:l 10:51 No .007 P,01 **, Copf <s Available Fe.x 309-476.7485 174 Easr Gore Creek Drit'e \bil Cokrratlo 8165i 3r'r'' ';16-5O11 tlDEE.RT UHiL rDll 3476742s nPR 0u)2 Fidotrqpant furc fr Trdnsemedca Tlila Insurenoc Company i ihg-Legrl 0t6crtgtion of card Pot{cyi{r hereby arrunded end nodlflrd to rtad asfollori: i PARCET I: A part of tots r, b, eid c,, Block 5-C YA.lL VILLACE, FTRST FTLII{GI norF Farticul rrly Crrcrt beC ar fpl.: orfi ; laglnnlng a; the goutinref t iji;ilef r1n r-Ct e,Eiocr 5 C, tftcrr.e-along $aiC tangPnt Jr T!.1 7,01, East, r dlrtance af ?45,4? feet tlr pult;t,9i CUrVC irhen:C.el0tr3 a cu'Ve :n .;lte :.;.: ):a..-.,iric I rrsius of ltl:.1.: f+et, a : :sitire'l _a:ir-e_of eo,t3'-r{',: -.c ,., 1et3!! 0f 2i.0g-*c;,: -'ri'. ir",,t,the''!ce 5 :c"30'16" iasi, a 'is.,,rcc of -36i,.21 irii t6-',r,i-siu-:r t jrr :{said lOt ei:lltll'-t S 89"44'$1" rlrgt,_e.6 aIirg seld itlJtl irrr.- 11t:i,,1a€ it. r.9l l"frtt to thq PCiIJ'i CF F;iGil{.i.riG: SI' IPTIIIO THFREFROII: C€ndoiitl't,iun t:r'{is l_iZ, tl-s, 134, i3g, lJl , :Jl. l4-. ::?{, ii.:':i!' rsE,:.::, lll, q!c,:ia,-jf+,:i:, li6,911.2_!r,24a, zLe, :*, iili zeai ziii irii iii, iisl:r?:. i1c, 343" 3a6 ,:?^. 1*, lri, J:i' lil, ii*i i:;l3€6. 40i, c^1.. ai.,, +ri, eoi, q:,:, iiil ;ii, ii;, sjr. Tranqamerica Tttls lnsuninoa Cornpany e Plrddr3i 10 :53 No .007 P .04 rAiL JILIrEGE, iIRs-T FIiINS: ;.'rence H e4611 'ti" gastr aihence h i5"tI'?C"::st; a '.ngq..:c u] onF a curt'i tt tjO ang'ie of !44:l'10.r l.l !. tangent; gi s :anc€ o- l1:'.67 feer_l I it:3nce cr 143,3[, t'aet .-:r a pcir,t cf curve; ^1 !1t f,evinq A *:d:rii df it.iJ:.fc,:r, i Ccr;tiaj::l "i stance ot l)-/.2? fis-. c9 I p:int cf ' l r a A/--'r --:.. ,*: ' .l '-3, 3.??, lJi, 2i8. ZJ9, l:1 , 332 , -ts t, 3t8; 3i:1 . lrfC, -162, 365,:'77,:?'t, :2f. 5?3, PoUcylfurlbr l, -:gJ-C Eadoncoer'{FoE iq :.\s_rcli..',j J':rjh*:;av ? f-u-1.1. iE iF,D 28,, €E uc,' LODEE. RT UFiIL Polfcr liwrter l'"i:iiC 0rdr lto.c &tdarafrcnt c.lOT "12 l.,larsmcc.3-'drn rDJr476742s nPR 0il12 10:51 Nn.007 P.02 Thr r+ Enrlorrunrrrt hf,d tl TrEnsgmerlca TttC lnsurtnco Companv i efftsilve 6rt of rrf d Fcl lcy tf'her€D[ gtanocg lrcF .lunc 5' lt907;i0 A.S., ?o jenut:.y. 3: 1992 oi4:13 P. lt{,. The rhpn| ncr*y Inrt' rs: :rt Thct, mFf E3 ofi€rlts. eq;wlt prortCid hraf n. tirr rrcm I tene, cncn0|'anctr o{': sltr mttfs sfian !f thr publ let.wilr aff#ftng Fld glalE r lntcrrgt- o,tfici +trrn'.ifio.adErn ln crtd polldr ECEFf: Ir0Nt (7I Tb$tr € $C|tn Dy tn6 p4hl tc r*F €!, thr rttlo tg r.td r.:'ra?6tr I ntEt-Esl lr vrrhlC ln +hr va-.hoor th€yn Ia edr€Jr| r A. LoDCE ?R0fEPTIES, lNC.r,& colortdo C0rp0r'atltn The to?fl ll$lll?y { *tr fttrprny lno€F s€tc Fot lcy €nc Eny e..:crrr*,::l-9-l':isln sial I not 6)qid. -tr *f?-.gsregfte, firc foes ag:eilnr cf siIi tel l$ Enai'-sl': f hlcfi rira ftnp€rr1 ls ,tbi t5n*rd-untior +hr c€rrdii"iorrr anC s:li.ili,rngthcrecf tc pay. Thlr cndorseman+_ t: oo_c! a'pert cf sald pcl lcy end ls subjes' ro theJll{EYlll;. r,s, t3{t}ltlot{g ,rt{D srtFJl,ittors -ierr;n, exe6pf :E nrorJli ler by fh0,'rd/ l6 i Cn9 h aa€si . 'l'hl' en*r:.lar'nt ir rrgt tO Fe Ccnflrljgd lg lnsrr lng rhe ?ttl | :o eatdc'tr+o or lnfcrorl E$,ef -.ny lar"r ders fhan the daf';f -iiia r-cr iiyi,-*pi-ii.16re!n e"grrall y pr clr lced ps ?C t he a';bjOe :afi€r lr Crecf . Trensgmerlca Tltle Insurance Company brdi-t i E6J @ UdU I NNGF AT IJATI I : IDC34767ot= rlroo* nPR oU]2 10152 No.007 P Thr cffrs|lve # 7100 L l[r ' ilt*nl lt Trataarndca Tltle Inaunsnce Compenyii 1d.il Gt |rtg FolftU ft heafy cbrngnC f rol xero.u t?, l99o -tr r.ar r lltO Juac 5r t990 i at Trgo A. H'. th6 Cffpstv h*eby Inssr€tt (l) Thstr tcrFf as utfriltsd,lrgrarrly prcldrd hrelnp tDrB !ru tE I hng, srubFane 69. efhr la+frri $crn by thr puDI lgilFrd5i r+f6s+ln€ rrld br{rtr t' trrt"{.trtr ottsr lttan ?DO|Ct'rlFFrlsr tff*rrn€ trld r3hCun rn ntd pol lcyl 1ffitr1.1ttodt€tcrrl,a to thrlngsrcd 1:rcd,lDoad of fsuss tieordc,{ Uay l5r 1990, 18 I€oL 5t9 rt Pnga !31, (?l Tnr?, rr ihfrn by thr puH lc rtsd$ tha ttttr io srtf erta*e€r lfi+lri|t ls vr{rd In ?trr vrshas thsa In tcfirdulr Ai i' LttDltE 9R0?RTIEIr I!i'C.1 gl Coloredo CorFcrarl'onrl I . Tfie fgtEl liabll tty o! +hr gaaprw undcr nlc Pot lcy and a6y GfidoFr6o€rfrthreln shall nart {kc€ed, ln tlrei tgglciilfr' itre leet tfiosnr c.f sitC Fol lcy artdcosts Nhltrtt ilte Co.rprry lr obllgrtfg- unCar lhi eoncrtfeFE snd StrputlitoaithcFeol io pat, iThls radorrramt_ ?r _rnade-_g- Ent gf *td Fsl tgy rng IF sobJrf to filscltE[,BEl, e0ilIilTt0Hs AfiF s?rpuLATligHg rlrr:tn, rrierr as.rooffice ui iiriptcv|rlons lrrpcrf , I Thla ln&rmrri ls ncrr tc EE:congttutd !s lilrflng the flfl a tr $trfeglrlr r tnfsrerF € sf !n? lsrcr Gtr tirn rhe 61| d niO FOtic,r;-eE;trf ;rhorrln orgrrrty prwrded ar fo ?t. tpJGf trA{+0r h*t€f . Tn*neemerbs Tltle lneurnnce Comp*ny tof lcf tlc.t 4r0E3l0 OFdaf, lli.a E'drmalt c-lm,1? +rda: .r.lfttu6 J,?rillj€rt E 5iltrI tst6b 6, 5a scrt 03 r_0DGE-rrT",uirL...,_. rDT5476742s ffPR 0U)2 10 :53 No .007 P .05 : 'I' LE0AL DESCRIP[!0|{ . conttngl{t il I626, Jt7, 830, 533, 534 ancir 53li all 1nTtE LoDCE ApAnfiErt cottDottlt{rtJtf ; 99c9rc!nq.1nd. purruant ro thc cdnconjnlun Oeclarailon therafore, rrcorded1r Book elI ct pagu 5311 e,nd alto excepting ihrrefrurl CondfiflriurB Units l7Z,-17Erilg6J-182,-194,-199. _2n.,-Zlg, Z?Br Zgl, ?lA, ?s_trr 117-, s78r 3861 387, 3941 3ig' 475, 1il,-+iA. +Ee , +dz.-i6*. qgE. sjl!_\ lt_r_r 57Er 386, 3gZ, lgf, igf, +7s, 177, !4. 48f , 487' 49tt ligt 5h, ,s7e, s86, 5c?, 534: 5ee; Fn; 618; 985; 687. csa; EcAi tiii zrei tiii i'aii,lf.11q_7!ef ;'i' InE LOD0! S0UrH coI00tul{liJlri i :glllg1lg-!0-?hF Hg thepof !!!hc rg1 record anc the condom{nrun Decloratlonrlcorfid ln Boolr 231 et Pree 6r!ir lbJgct or tnl-pr"ru,-ievi,iints,;inciiiffi,easencEts' re$t!'rcticnr, us€i.1 T,'i-niiaironc and ob'tigriions iii'torti-in iiil-'condmlnir.rn 0eclaration.rnd-*"tir ita:3cr.lease drtEd i;ty i; igia anc-""iloriii 3"i,illlrfri,ll!: ii,'Hftg:'.i:"'#.::iJ,lwli:":,i*t,ilriii;l,F.giii,ii;,,rs contained ln sald lease- - ;alsoil I EIIEFIIIE that leasrholri estrte Crcstcc by nasrBr Leare betrtean LodgsProrerr{es, inc... a colonedo corioiiii'Jnina-iiiga-louih;iil; a Gororadocgr9oratlon nccordrd Cctober.,ll,-1173 tn eOOt a3i at-Fio6 Sff-'carFsrailon Fcc6r.r3c octobeF .e3,i1,173 tn Book ?31 at prgd 6t1. PARCELII: I i I cdndoE{nrur unrts r3rr,ls+r.t'so,-ire,.l3g1 140, l4a. 144, 146, tsot rse, 1F4,lig' iFqr 160r 16tr tr5+, i6s,fitiol-ilgl-" THE L00eE ApARilgfi conuor,ririiUm;-: -'-' : accot{fng to the titro f.t-ted for..iegord, end the Condomlnfrrr Oecllraslon fsrthe LaDai lpr*rlrErrr' corooi'iinifuir' riEiiiei"Tn ii6oi lit"i;'ile!'iir. Qr.\r-^r$ubjcct t0 the tenirs tnd conCittoris of Condon{nlurr Daattrrtlon rcsorded inEost( Et7 et prge EEl, i i :s-d +.lJ&iOO l-f4aLSSB e TU,II- ESr6E !6, SO cdU LBDCE.FT VR]L llt.rvvf o. ve,Dr 'r.l! r-!c9_476742s I fiPR 0U2 10 : 54 No . tl07 P .06 TtrrIt lfr Trerrermerlce nfle hewanoc Company ll IcJ r?td_-rbl tc'y1 ir hcilbu ehrrqrrt frt J\ugurr te, 1t0cIil|rch 27.:1gg0 at 7196-1, H.. afttp taEtrlhlrt +104310 ffithr i : Erhfnnrt r,lgt.lz EadoruBrlcaI t'd l lra4ramcrlca lltlc.lneuran€ Oompany ftdarBt FnCorrtulril I lld It l "tlHtyt 6 9;26 A.f{. r Grprny irrsty tttrgr ' i (lt EEf+lltcDl-c1-c,ft+rl$ cagil|rly putdc,c Dsrtn, ?trrrr ull! _r-r!nrr -olEf,EDtrrj c sftr' rcfirrr rtnn oy -ltc prlltcrucortr, etfF,t4g. old rsilr + t,||rstr-grt+ tnin.rirtram ll rrtd poll-q, ffirr I Rcrolution.ol gopyrlor i,*.rr|! Ledge Torrr gondfirrnium Arrocirtion,Inc. rreordrd Fctruary tB, igtn tn Ecot iig ir'Ft-a--6i; " D|ld 0f Trrtt fFsn, Lodgq prrp'ties trre. to the Fublic T:-ugtee cr :. firig-cg,1gtg_foq ihq gse or- 5cr-contrtncre-r*iitri'i;;. ;' ro $ecure : .10'010'000.00' cgi€d serienrber 90, teds ;a "ii[ci"ii.riiil'iii9 (cor(2t ttrtr_lr driln ty.fig_Fi,tlltc rmd*r ttrt flilc tD flld rcruoor r,'+!rutrr rr ristrc lh tnr vrrrrii-itriln t'n ccrrdrntc-li l,0E6E pR0FERTIEs, irb., I colorldo coryoFltionrl. Tha +ord I l€DIl lly of tlp ftoDsny qndrF srld Fol lcy anc an;r lndorsilBn?tr''er.rn rh.r I nof "Ts., Jl rhgFFri"#;fi;;;d il;il'of srrd Fcr rcy andeor*r rhteh tltc hprry tr ouilfrfrt'-un-di. ir,s-tinoilion" ona stpptdttongfficreof tO FgI. I?lrls.tr6rrar.?l t^l__r1t_J. p:,+ of .flrd_ FottcT dnd rs ruDJrcf rs rhriffiif* nfFl$rtoirs r.to srrntiiidr'ri +r'c".rn,-.inlpr'ii-'olf iili dy- iiil _Thlr rncor*.T_1._ld, i_o b€ t-nEir|Fd !f lrrr,.rtng thO rtttr lo fi,dcs?rfr or tniBrsrr es-{ iny rot"rt#iiil rnfi*it 'ilr* Ft tsr, d€cpf *hs.lo .rgrcsrty pr*lcraii iriiirE"Elrc? E rrcr hrmd, Ar\Ed,j6.lJv{l.*tt € T1ll.t B9:go 26. 86 H# q0DGE".flI",ui lqf34i6742s , oPR 0iJ2 10 : ss l'lu . 007 P . 07 r/ 'tl !l ftr EooR S0+ at prgs 4Il. i llr: -Cfrtlffqflf 0f lllm{rsrl, {rsur{ by the Clar.k sf thr Courtr ln Clyll Acttonllb._89-1098. fn tlrr Dtstrtct Corlrf ln and for Eegle Csuntyl colorroo,entltled Lodge Tonm condsmtnlun Alloctetlon rnC-Tourn of ?iil. Pltinilff($)i.vB. Lodge.PFopgSfll:-Inc' et a,[_' Defancrnllt). Notlce of tir Pendenl - -,- Fecoftled .tune 25, 1989 In Bsck EOt et prEe 678. r-. FyrrU,E rr rrpel 9ttrr afi5rt Eb s.t r yErBnf|lrll.\-, r t!gLa(;E lrl Lf I flflEEn! |Fecoftled June 25, 1389 In tck 50t et prge 678. I CeFt{f{cata sf D{mt|tal, lrfu.Alby thc ClErt( of thr C0ufrr In 6ivll Acflon,t{o- 89-lg9Br In tha DtrtrrcF'colrrt tn enc for Eegle corinii, Coiorrdo,--'--rnt{tlnd Lgdge Ternr ConComtniuoiAs$ocfNtlgn-a4a fo*r of Viit. ptlintift(s}. vx. Lccae Fropcrtlerl tne., bi rt, serrndent(sj. ttoiici ii fis-iiiil"n=. rrcordrd *runc N, tgg, {n Boulc g0g Et ptge 3zf. : ,ct!€ndDdnt-tc tltE lnsured oeea oritnrrt recordcd f,ugust 2F, tgtg ln Book 612rt Prsc tOE. i I . ' securlty ln teFctt under tlr lUitdonrr Gomlercfal Code rffret{nq rubjectproperpr notlce of vhteh iS rgivcn by tEC Stateoent of Sonttnisitoi-rrqn; Lodgc.prcpet'Hes lnc.,.debtor.(sl io ilnfteci lrnt ot Denvcrl securld pErtyrrccordad l{evenbcr 1I. 1989 in ioot Sl7 at prds E7E.rccordad t{evmbcr tr, l9B9 irl iopt su et pagr EzE. i $GngpS=lo the lnfurcd Derdj or trurt r.ocordsd Hrrch 8, 19t0 In Boorr Cgtat Prgr B5E. L'C Ar.rtd,tsJ jtHls8u B Jtlrl f€r6E ?6r EB ud L.tID6E .F]T UFI]L 0{,, ur,,9: ur; ro I -_." I"1c94767425 *o",..,JIi,oU' hrurg tt Trencarperlflr Ttta lngursncc GompiEnyil Tnc rftcrrlva drfr of glor-pol,Jsy^_tr hsrrhy ehrlrgcl lrclr lilarch 11 r lsgBFt 9!16 A. lt,, +o Ausu6:u, lrgbe ;+ iilt6 n.i.. "-" F" Cmf.*y heraby ln=rrrrrli I i orr'rrar.,. EEpr-r,i*n!,rr* 6xpr*6ly -Dr.oytd..t hrcla, thr{c FrE: rlcr ll3nsl fltcuEDfrnGtg.or .crf.trr *ftars shrn by-thr publtcrresrdrp Ell!,cftrF tald_-'lrtatf cr In*r,rrd, othei. thm'+h;ltrhcrn tfi crtt Dcllcryn E{trtFfr . l. UeaC of Tnri Ainendnullrdrted l'lErch 7, lgBB and recordcd lllarch 11, lgab,fn rBooh 480 at page S07] i i ?. Dcaci of Trust Amil&lertt idltdd Junr 30. lggg, lnd r.ecsrdcd August 41 lgBttrln Bopk *BE er prge EiB,i l :3' fit$.ff filtir^Fiiln;ii: *t-l tun, t:,_leBB, and recordrd Ausurr r?, le's, (t) Thrt, es *T tf lni pylrtc rctrrds, ?hr fr?ls fs rrld esfafrtr ln{Er6r+ rs vrrrd ln ?hr vasfrGE rrr*n trr scittoi,ir li lllilri The *orrt I tebrlJiY q_]+il]c*era 11dcq. retc Fot tgr rnc tny endorlcr.rcnts?he'eir t'rrl ns; tYld, il ll?.tFsftscte, itri 'ece-ri"uni'or selc pcr rcl,, .ncccE"s vr'.icE +he co.pBny lr' oEt lgiicd' rncer -re cofilr+ions rir srrpri lirJi,i?:rrcgf *o gcy, L l --"--ThlF "t'r0cFLlFgi:t '.L.,-'u'.c-.", l, r*.^tf , stf c. Fcl tcy rnc le rpbjcc-:- tq theSClrEOuLEg' c0JirDrT tor,rs Ar(E .rilF{iliiroNs- tnrrdt",-'"rici+'-r, medir f ed byr theFrcv tsiene hssg|'. i i 10 :55 Na nfi7 D n+ tifte +6 is6J6 ter.,r exctf ! as R,E: Tn I $ eF cgr ga*rf r? I t r:o: +ciItrEte o' lnigrgg'; aS ef c'tr ,le+ellr,e-srp esF:'gtgl r l.ev tcr( es ii Lodge PropertlcE Ft t.y lfo. r at083t0 Ordr lb.r bg eOnStr ued lc ir.tur I n.c *l,rgdlfe "-,rn +hc cr*c c+ eric tsrt subjFr+ rt++et peecC. Tttlg lngurance Comp.rty A ^ ---') O L) '1--r 4J-t.C/ N. l Ctlf,f-r_, hdld ".'. ', tt _- ' ; L , -f -lrt. ' .:.-**{- r-f "'..di:.ii'f-EadorrmrfB'd i e-tO1l'tg Ah&,<!$f, J3tf;J.SSU B =lru Eg3GA ZE. @ H# iiil L.ODGE,fiT UffIL.ir*_;rD J5476742s HPR 0U2 10 : 56 l'lo . 007 P .Eidorrrmnnt lrrnd fy I Tnnsrmerice Tlff.c In s.lrenoc il ftr sfffilvf grto of saldrFollGr ls h.|.|ry chama{ fro Jlnrary 2' Itctr.rf l0:o{ rLiL, to tlaltt tl' lg0g, i? 9t25 A.l{. rt4 Oapany ntr€Df lnrstirr i I |rt'a. ll l ttrliry.{rular 41OEIIO fet llrt, er oi*n py tfta ufltc neagrdsr tttl ?t?16 tg srldclftfr or talr?eEt ls asrlut In ftcivil|lrs Ehflfr tn Sei|l{ulf I il ThG fdtGt Itcbltlfy o? tlia Conpany Bndtr sald Follcy lnd any rndoreserrfe thrrsln Ehllt nctitcas4t, Irt fha aggfqgater lte froc trunt of acld tul lq anrl cuttf tilcn Tfier hfatry ls obl lg-fed sndrr ?ha Ondttlons rnd Sttpuratrofts tnrrref ro puyr i i Thts.cndgffsgnt tr ssdeir dl* sf slld Foltsy tntt ts EUbJrct to SeEfiJLE,. 001{DlTl0Ns lflD STIRJLATI9I{S ttrerclnr rrccpf rr mdlf lad by PrwtetouihEnEof r I i (lt lt|lt, s€ct c cltcrtr @Frtgty Pluvl'lgll b*r-lfr tlrrc r. r nO I lUrr, arcrrDmncae, Or siilr l|f,fe||t tltilE FY ?hl PuDl IE ftGofEs, rflbcftm ltld Efiti or tntatrsti sltc ffrel itr# 5h..F la old pol lqr |ilCEl'r frm ltg ar$rrul rat ?DroEh rfr Ft forttr qr +t ftcri rfirdrcil Gomprny "md3 e.€"*frrE,'d..o, I thrth. At'Eddol J.q#Js+ r 3-uJJ, @t6r'?E,.EA Hd 09 L.tlDGE.FtT !rlIL"';xF ot* oGt*, rlot'tJt#igoo7 rP ' 10 Fr i,IEEI9F5 | El LEEFE DtTr:tEll LrrsIJr Fr sirlr I rs., cargcrrftonr cr.a Oallcta oncr,a sote ProPrtc?ErE0t[rm0ctt AtJgust lZ, i967' tn B*lr 167 lt FrgB 8t!, I i !' d. FlrrttlltgF * i.t,l oncluElont sf llt anrl Jutlgnnt In thntcoltln etlon rnfltladlhe Lgdaa Sosth Sil$nlnluq lsSocllflollr lfic.1 e? Elrr. Plrtntlffnr vs. LCAs eroprtlir,,trr, Effsnthnfi ctvtl^lsfidn [o. p?-ryIl], Dtrtrlcf, gaurt lor Ergta i,ounty,- plorado, lnc rsrthd Drcmbcr Ir 1987, lni l6cr f7r |t Fcge {19. I i i I ol- of tanrttrs Lodt* Tflrr condoolntu' ' sf iExrrct33 of -0Fflon ier(btl Fabruery 16' ' h Rstotutlon gf B+rd of lbnlgtrs Loog* Tarr-CondoGlnluE Aft*f sflonr--trrc.r--rnC moilca sf [enrcica #-Optton ierrbrt FebFucry 16, li88, lfi Bock 479 st Pa$ 5t. i ; f. D|6d of -1l'pgf lmaftrnt bv Lpdr piggerftes; ltc. to fhr fublfg-lrrsiee of 'ltt Sunly of Eagll rertt-ed llaa$ ll, t98Er tn geols 4lO uipElf 507, md gfwn tn conriecliten lt+tr fhc 0rrd sf ?ru!* recp?dcd JEnrltT 2' 195!1, lr !€is 4Ol af FLgr 7fr. : ' b. Tlras, g.e'urnts rcnlclQn* Flrdttloit and €bl lgutlone aa Gontrtmd in rgFafien{ brTraca todbr'Frcfrttlir fltF r s blcrudc oo't'Pfl+lonf tn- nC prtn"--rtrlFr ! 0otcei6a tlirlfed'parlnerrhtPr r€rdad Junr 191 t9llf; fn Bsr irt rt tqd rca. I I I IDr3476742s Enderltrnf tfir l0z.lli ltconttunl,rl6r Rt$t of Ertrrl tnrrg.lrt bct_f$r, Trrr Barlr or lrprn "tlltEtrt, frte.i--i-Otoaeo &roratloft,--rao^rtbd -AtE-u* 1.,.-lS'^ ll-E-^- ---,i6s enc'tog. lnc rrs;t#-Jril;i9.' lg8!, tn -gm* dz rt Frgrc 102 rnd ,llF' omnarslet !t-euire Drilesn Lodgr PrqPlr:l-rlt.lno.L-a LJ]DEE ,FT Uff]L .gol0rad0IAE |'tar|irrr 41083 **.*-..*"rlflgffii# #*ffiiq "+ctu*' *ri# ,-r*f;*,*:Wffi'ti$*g+ g.@m.?n?:xgs;tt ar tr rhu. dre a;-*..1*-;":ffiH#j-lltr5ll$r1-#.'ffiEr :;a tron& - -sr F: , .i I I 'i ql .l lIr{ uqqrltGl'q'odi s1.t' bTSj.=rrc ru -hFot &r r+r- b r.ct\dyp6 lcltiloa;. I ,' rTffielnr .,-i:fgrfti;,i i ti :F --rl.!rr ^. i, a Tffie -- -:i;L'Jet'" < \iY-'.rlit s'\Jfs 0n I t!DGE. FIT UFIL r 0J34767425 nPR o|}Z 8 : 4il Nn .002 P .01 FAqSIM{LE,TRAItslfisFroN SEEET Dcar Sherry; Pleasc flnd encloeedr a tJtlc report is dated .TanurarY 1985- If not, I will $rrange to g,et Slncerely t ld or-1, S .t#fir-,* llaul A, Jeppson lljtcctor of 0rsner Services report for Lodge See- if the town a ncw one. PropertIeE. Thls, wl1l accePt thls ' oi Vorl April 8, 1992 Sherrv Dcrrward Al.pine Irrccrtratlorla :l 47 h-7 660 Paul A. Jeppeon 174 Es,Et Gore Creek Drivc YaiL Coiorado 81657 303-476-501i Fax 30$-47C7486 No . tltltl F-2 02 ,+l '' furosrollqrPra*c8 S CEB }FRAIJ l3S DUIIE a I 1 I I ?sbrNa 4108310 $'|tldg Er5o0r000.c0 '.iaffErlt e, L9g5 at i0r0A }'ld-Drtcsf Palig L llct cf Ertctrlt tlFrp B$t{ ct fq{\tEB.f i G+'=C0E 1 4 ltr tltlt to srid b.Eit b rr tlta itrp bcrmt rrrad lc : : E, Thc nsrtmBt tr deci of c*t, rail rrri3nraaa il ial" co"rrtd !n this Poltoi rrc.desciledl at folls$r; Derrd ci ltu'lt'ta Adllte E::5tge' Sc*+gy trFfstst, y:'r=rtiruf StAtEEr''- gE ascl'e@$ of Eanfr c€ tsssi | '-s-a{afrotq '- I t"EF l*berr:cr !5d' a asbrreio erlinlztLcm' to the P.ffia trc$4ee of t*B e:tttti'lt ai Eag:a iir tr,.-rrr+ cr - -- -;- EEJtde aisc 6c hsiEt N*kgtsl- Asseir!;lae' r artro*ca bea''r{firf lrsclt-Jcsl I i4.380,000^oc : Dffiiib.Er28' 1984; "+ilitt-?, ises il r4oh 403 ai ?ase ?3? rctfE Fs(gffiES' 3S.1 a CciolEdo ftrpartflb' ts fm tdre!€ I l lS .fg'tti d3t|aEcf.lrd LnDGE .FT uRrL _ tlfl::|:o?t , RPR 0U2 I :.15 No .0112 P .03 tr.ffi:ffi:tqg'S-s|#,F^H$ffiSE$Sit.''6*irE*Ltr?ax EL.F" rrTe rartr{tEl rslrt.rrt ;' tar uc- *'rtr *.'r'5 i"r+rr arrr*tr}riir *tt t-i tt+ta?Ilrl EwtlBr ttrlTtF'olr l-rrtt l^r'DrEll rlrtt'fit Pllcf. r A Ssrt c€ IgLE ar b, eld srBIO* , I i - ll :f-H":":.r ry c4.d rurvr, reuE necccsd ffiber z-i-isH;il*s*T*zFic IlIl"3#^:-HH!._1F^:pli*q T r"ltr r, [o=z. $nrJsc'r:r ilr. !e:=.rs, nElr€ents,rsdsionq, ccrvii-tres r$a- obuFc^;L-"*#*oETiIc-,ri*. E&EEF83 EgRllrc+, .._ cr-rrEoJ.dr=a ih#;s l++, t^s3, t#_-, tsf,; iH, +:, l{4? !*, !l{, !4s, *JilF, ttt, f.i:', #: #;l #; #: #: lEr#ilr#! *i-i*lH; i*l ixffiiz ^it:l1g, lll 3sz/3sq, ti?; !t?; iso;56i;iiEij iEe, {oil;il; Zbs, +oE, {0?.4i0,4rl1*,_lryr liir ;ror Et*sjz_r_illj ii6',i5rzi iro. :ii, cr{'ild El!, alr in ,Ers @ IFAFF.EITT @UO[l[qBr" - ---'i-' I 1=:-+De_Fd p=s,e.l* tr txe ifcge"f$=. $inotlo" -.Lrrsforel =acottinC 1:r kak 2r? r4-,, ?lflr 53!, *tC gjL"c e€..L-g lhq€+:regp"twry itroildrdd-ujr* *** rtfif, rrr, :-rr, ,.Ja, ,fr. 227, 27s, zes, zE',, z9E, 2es, t77, 3tE,sJFr llZ, tg-!; lqftn, iiq,-aiir.,-Lh,1lgt,l 4ss, e?7, sie. rE6, =87, lisq, jset 6:.7, IIt!;--68$+*6e8591;f W*r-"iE7, ze,.;se , ,.,t2'l iSL', *,a'ris,'-Efi &@€ ECEg CeDCr"Err*riI s.if --' ffi:rr#ffi*#'ry ras. trr.r+elr EigI tEEs. i 1mtc p*li+l*riy dmeibeO a-e fe.ij.ciri ;'l r ; EcEiit:iitq G,g 'GE Ser.!*rri eels aC yat aj : Ellql! s'c, I i:llEcjs :.S. I I Vf,I! !=ilqr FESE ElJltr 1 i *erne !! F+i:golE a dlrr+nce al ti3.6i f*r;ij..€IH N. 1fi7r00i! s drcg;566 ef L43.tC tee=-tp || !)cL-:t' O: c.,g'Jt, 3.-xTB^-*t1",-$ c cu.'r ts .-rbe ria: rar.'tli ift-.crru-o?-EE,oo-se$T,-i centret ;ngle:let* dcrq c c.='r irs *?q xi'4:= b^rili i-=-.ccrr-o--EE,oo-siE,-i ce$rrei ;,:reted 64-0Dra06r E''c a s:E, eL;;F os Idi.zr-se.,= e-a-pilit-;i-ia-.qs':{;Hla ai.ona sdd a'ilce=r w ?gn7'cc"s r cl-Ji::r-o;-zti.Ci iee--E-e +i:r: of cdgiJrr!sf;ffi,iry:"1:= F_* +Ff: H"llt a fr€tus.trs 582,79 fe.rr 3 cen-;rar aartrr oi 1.?:!lll{:,.iBt-:T_= .,ir+! e'i!,ba r#e' tc r-pocr*; - lilT€: i9;qg:i6:r q riisi=re af t69-Zt Eee: ti the-S**=t i|ra o.. saii !c..- a;tfsffi s eg-€{r0O"h'rrrd a:ErE stjd, sfti= rJii e cis*.,es€ of c-go,g: iest to i:heFOEIE Cg| BEATff:l€' I LI]DGE.F]T UFIIL ffPR B ',#. t?tu .'; thG{. A -'^t[j,'ll#fr=FPR.0U2 .002 P .048:46 No P-4TNLE !86}E DEBCRIPTIOH cFBtlnEcd. ' ' ' ilEB=o=oo,irc,t Lrcrcbsld Ertrte l="* tu6-bl-{a9!i:^t1:?.b"lT::1 :tot"ti.Alj=jr r i$rs _r;ic_,i ..rF.r:.v_i- r,r ___ =_;;-"iJn_ -ane F4Ea sOUthr_ Inc., a fjlgffH':;=*Hi*;J*:::i!.'3EnJ;;--ai,-is ri- ri E6"rl!r !t eEge 6!1' I :, PF.RCE! I conblnsed- -.. . ,lplicei qr' | |I t tlr I 6oaEoai-i-ert Faltr 132' 1-?4, 136ri13i,i39f :gr- I44'l i46' LTo' 1t2"J4d' Iqfi' ultt-r60,'-r6?.Itsl. rcs, ics, za9, 't,il,,t I E|tr rcohr eel.Bmcut co]l9o!{s:ira!. a--r--:-r.,- Frrlr+-r}-:-r-rr-- &- &ha rr-- .. 1Li tcr- -o,^::rd.. En€ the COndoninlUn DeCllretiOn!rt"or+fiti eo -.h; urg f{.ib{.-!=--::S.*r!, en€ !tl9 coneoEuinluir ueei*':E'i\1.: f,cr g.ac !oDc= FFAFts{Etitr coxpcu:wli-i''Il"i=E"{-in-eook 217 at Prge 531' --] i I -,,.r -^^-r-r^- -a,r,q+Aarigu5Ject ii! 'Jrc fasEl 'Ettil coadi'ticr,r loi cb#oafnfi:rn ceclaraflon reeorCed :!n iEosk 2l? ab aaiii- f Cf ' : i L[DGE .AT ueTL _ TDI347r,742s FFR B 'E ?TIIed ITiLE & AEGtrI- ffiFflf/ ?QlH r{9. G{Orc.t nPR 0u2 n ' ,1 r:. hln .002 P .05 f. ,fory. liesr or rigbn !t E Litgrr fcE E:-.-;fE , l=lp!, orr'EtrriEl bFltltpfsrE-- ';-b.stii!-" irf,ts#i, 3-fgo;Ed E/ lr:.'erd 16.,. ib(n4 ry the ES:JE lEcord.s' If. i,nxee an6 lrfessErts fOtr LFSt EEf. *ibEqEES'prfs cdr IEG dUg OE ,Hr€bI€, i r i';l I 3. SttgrlcCicor, r'htch dO tcr coaitia n €o!ieir',:re 0r reve!!3i c1rudc, U*l "*ft.G"rc.ii:."ito"s, 13 Ea:.' easeE oil rBcer Golo:' rqltt'1la' or cs.tio--"!-oitgr"' ii l+tt*ss"d- :: ?rotc;Biv! gevcnE=:s-o! veli vfaG;;;-ir=ir irJi=i-=;;;;d;-l-i=p-ip. iett is 3ooh t?4 et ?ecs i7e' (, ,gesea.eee g'e= thr Ecnc-sg:ig 1t feeti of l;bleec p:ole;!y lc ehcr.e ol-ths Eccoleee ElEr ol VEll Y$lLAg 3i;:r: rilliil rtre Lcdtc ADr:=etl; gceical'alu--r til-i;d.'Gd-d;dd;rLi. i.r-,,oigtbc iy !a'!:rs€:r'_ rrcordel !'' ?oots. lta -ai-fil-iil #I-ttl,Eic--nc.z,[s.e[-aiz, ?arc 6e0, aeok 2?4. Pasa 3e0' 5. ErrAllr+t g:rtlr,C Eo YelL t;r;n r-:i st{t!.t{ci D!r!={c: ia.s!"c il":='o:?:---- ffi:tifffiffic rE!€.r ATT|SAF rrnD "r|tt rr|cca?to|{ Lc^R f€llgv rl?c laLo{eti' ttr-tt'tot TCgEDIILE E .tlaRt I ?ltr pollcy rloa reot inslr+ ryrin:t lo= cr dlae" g 61 r*-r':or oi thl lollorF-q I racordrd la Boolc 197 et 3e3r i I "' .efpoa:i-s-g t'r.a !o3le--r--aE Cilc:{ieil t}toPcrEv! ;A I0 foot e."*i.ol I-yhE 5 fnec :n i.r:$r ridc.of..-1io'--c::"If!1r acr . C+:,onelgB c: r'nr 59u3[r.'.rsi .iEett i E{rrc FtlidEr !h.rb.EE lfo..th lrn-1l' l1 t t, El.ock 5-Cr Vei.l Vlitrgc' Eirlc F{,lrE8r rhraee sir.,i-a'.nir' iqear ftr,ao f,erc e3ots-!s:-Tl:: }l-ae t!liii-r,il'i:; ;ilT;;-;F,; - ";1"u[i!rle r''--t* rorcth-5oos8 r 30" Eee ; .&0 trrtt lhcrcc :loreh 58u'u I Ent! gh. E.le se l"o[1 !io' 2' La llE!'t I'i+ E.E. .rfrt t 'fi l I :.---ll CoEri=uEdl. . . 'l' ' 6. *trthf oS th. FEcFElEEe5 ?: ij "c'-a c! lcEc co errt;ecE esd rarucvc ' hlg olo thlrcfroep rhi,r1€-it't. i-t-. :e lccrai lo leaa;;*cE 03 i'a:c:lc.trt- :l-c.ltT|::s ''rceeby lis::Ecd, $t Eea+r , e : ii: Eai;ed sFe iT?aie;li Erig;dc4 J--11' lzt l"tt r{q DooL tE er lrgr 47!. I ill7. Rlgi-.t ag 15ay tcr C,lEgbfs o.i tre;E+f gwsL:cccrd tsy s1e lucbollil o!-rir^-- Enrrrd SEEEesr cc-;iilr.re* ri liiie! SEFEST ?pteit ;esor€rd Jut'y I?r ltll lt!, loolr €S aE frgr 475 i Irlte. is",bject Eo Ete Eeitt rltd c;nd."-rtOnri cf lcie l,:rtsr'.:=strt rrEO:CCd tr.sy 3' ll79' ta loot zEB at l'lge 'tzt. I i 9, i5gbjGct ig rha,.esi-r:.i i:j:. ,:cadi,gicasi 35 ihe Agreeealt fesO:leC Jf*r:ett 16r !369 L: toolc 214 ar l*1t i;'l i j Costi3l:Edj. . . .l L''DEE klltlr.' b?r61n'r' Jt#;?ffi tecerCe{, Vaf 5, IttO !B fcc.r. il?rs' 3och 231 er pege 6il, 11, : 1l.l .; chrrtc!. I S C E ED IJLE B-Coatisurdrltiti"t tlll *:*:.;:a:"r1 ntrr,ch de cce esBEst,t e ho:tetts:e cr r.vcErrr 6.r.,,sa,bu?,.*-.tr!r,E;, rrrcri,crte *, iz- ;;;; ;.il;-og-ir^scr-ciioi, -i*irgro",' ?= l.*lql!l irtgtal Es coccei,ned- i.= rh.trlrasaE TiccEaee-l,c,j j: lgio ffPR 0U2 8:47 Na .002 F.6 F .06 IO; 1i1 Ttccriled lag 5, !9:La lcrck 2L7 ac ?ege 53:. eBC octolbr , llTl la Eosic eil r: ?rgr 612. tcr:1, crrrdgE.-onrt c!!,:EsggE:it rnil lttecerCg4 Vaf 5, I3TO !n fec.r. il? rg g s6 cs:ligi.alC h the ine:r.r=eats a^-.i OcEolfr* ?7, L973 3AC{ti I 531, ;s Plcperi:e8 erd ety lrrl;naaara Drcc c: Eill; frs= i RorE E. Dlvrsrlseurl a. !{,ccEeyr Er:old lfl. slr*:r, sr-rnd llrnr lostti lhrrt Ia-l gc rhe ?..rb1{c_Trr:rrrr cl c}e Ciucii-oF *sra5o: tlt car of :. i"brrarn,_Fd;:d Erilasr esd !pa.n Asrcetrc:t6r! c! D.+wci.'!.ii"='* !' gagfugsg.gg, rdroErEord.C : tEc.Fle= lt, I?to la Eook elg st ?eg: 349 h-oEr F-r*tErieat v! taacr srsorCr€ ltJgeeer IB, 1970 is Scoh 219 EE Fete 249, Eive,:i tB .ccls3CBlCB riit Sh j;5e a.ccae - les{i of igusc. En-ctoselctg; by LcCge rt Eaji +.=ol g.Si. FoEatE Benrlee ?a,.{ u r!.ara or J_onE|slr. IU.EL€L_& Associe,ree sE:"rFJab lio. tr,ltolaTg* es mldrd iar s=rrcy u-ob -l{o. fd/e3l093 eatnd WzWl. I : Eaererclseat by Laal.er AlctJr tlro rullre! FEoF.=--tr sc chc,}a o,r _ _ t5, 16. . Lt, Jobsroe, Sr5kii r essggilc;1.Sun+rr:-Jpi :r"l r?ior6zr. , r"-id;* bg srrrr,rrr ircbi Db, Sfy'83/0-d3 EEtsi !U?L/iA, 'i i ,ii Deed, ci tzurt,.t=u r ICEGE !'f,ccHiFsj EE., a oc:.crda eoqporationto tra Rfillcr$urtac trd fri c+,*jtl' or^-iaagle =tr-ffe tui ol : ISdeEi C. OCee:S .+O noelAOl N. *ri'ffiF 'tD nE sr r $i92,332,SS i iCrltrC. r licpe*er 26r ll38lrrmmdei t rlrauary lJ, l9B3 llr: Etrir 35i. eb DIVE 96? rue D€ed o! gl'isr b ot*t c, gsEe*]:s Ed !L51F$ N' utsq*re' g/D/i dit€c AFni rr, isel, r;r*tilF-rff';t; L"gr tt-root llt at Fage 195' Dead of, Tnrrs f;ag I LBti\- C. ;c!fB=L e=i, g-SOH H. JOS=JESio rte gubttc lgugsrc cf Ebe Corsri oilradespl tle rse of r ltE$IElsf ElERAitsgfies A-\! i,ols a$loclArlolrto Eec$re : 510.000.001i i6etad r octobg a, lgztlrecarCed r octcber lg,ilgtz is BrcL zzs Lc Fsge E2G l^ctrsprlol.rad lb{tflcittca rg=crrile lreorirri Jaa-.rary t4, rgg3 ir Beok 3ri ets PrBe 516. gtvca lr cslleciioe wiai-. ibc +'oovo imd of Ernrr. Ir PASTItrti :'' [Ir r[dldsn tn tha runcn r:r fott! tn Fart I of lfit {.f.a"t" rie rith to rLc-9r'rarc ot btcrqt b thc f,FiE;l; "-. t r;;;b-i|t'til;f ;,h[t Sillouo.ia, nrue"+ u.*r 4 &orm' but &c ffi- p"";L][ iil;A-;;;-.- ,A;.dbite io ^,.hr liea or elgsc oi tteh'e=d ponsryG ttroE rdil ccatt: i I I'sE:r{trlt Isrrsesr- '*;rErr' the Tlrltm ccarFTfjal 0368 affrdrJeE '-lI} SubjEat G;Fr;Fi;-cs '*gJi=-it'-; + 5;=rs=;':s itae:=; =:-' -"?+-'- iEoi".ti.i" =,o., e*6[J, ; Ei.--rf-t+$ bi sire rl'rl,cc.-l- ilTcjir-icr,ilCd-#r"y;'it*t€"d-fr;';+ i, iias $ sra' 403 at *!FeE 738' ':'' 07 L[!GE. FIT UR I L.FIPR Eg 'E .="rloffi'.LK,nPR 0u:I :48 Na .002 P .08 f.e' thnpmrnr tb|d tr Tlurssnln{m Ttls lnrurunar llomprry . .tb.Goorp"oy f*cly lwlrx .grlor.|[* Jr* ,* Dlpls{ rhrrr scstala by rcuol of aaygl ttl tallo'*irF ta.ttEr ll, lbt hcomerhqrl ia rhr arrcaac€ whid. rbr Ccrnpuy hereby giral (a) ltlc thcra r= oo *.=*tr. i.ordid6r+ gr rcFlo€osr uilcr rlbJsl tLr liea pl rle I-ErqguFc $ d"Sa ol su* r:feadi'to h Sctdsle t caa bc ctr a5, nria;il.Lc.ted, or o&cnrEc iapri:ed: :(bl tarr. SrctDt rr rhcrrr tn Scfuddc B. $rzt !!r aE DFlrc$r "iolr8orr oa, raid hoil ol uy cniorccrblc cotruratri oltliiot* or rrrtictiios: (e) 11rl GSaapt sF rbotra in lolldule F. rrrrr llr rrc rD.rorchlaean cI lulllbr,, .t',,c-ttlr$ or tapplesusu lcortd ol raid h*d ouo r{isiaine LDd& ao? tsf rsororol.tlGtr oqto iaii ilg l of hrilehf. , rrecrcrcT or bjroreior tocmd oi adjciu:lghsili l. {ey futarrr violatimr oa ratd lrld..of rnr c.yd.drrs, aordltiar. or rstJsdoe eqrFri$rprior to ac{clridos qf tirlc ro miil atri ca iarcrc"-t bv .jbc trlrrgtGd. ptavideJ ruoh vlahl tioa! !crrd!-b lor or iup"irr.cnt:cf tlrc ll+a of 6e irortctsc or rit-ed of trtrt reftncilro ln tclcftle A or nsuft ia Iom ol &ddde to eiil eruteir-isr*rr:if rbl lnmnd rhEllaquln ruch rltle tn eartrbat0B sf the ir.deLtetb;r rrctl.d b; swh Iaon{EEc or ticrilof irgrr. t. Duargi- to cxirting iEprouil?ng:*-LicL a:e locrtdl tt eaEor& =gts rblt poniea ofthe ltltd Nbt?qr ta at erlerct,rbpr.r il' $ci,eddr 3,, r'.hlcb ilofue rcrolti frplq rhre=miro oi rLr ;lrlrr to use. or srr*utsrmgh e"'e''ot for &r prgSses for wblch drettEs r:r ||r|ltfd Of r,ecertci i 1- -try ftitl oerrtt orCe: -or;ne;msti nqi4"g ra;rsrd trorr acy h.nil lilJsisine eirl lrndsf r4lr toetoff.ba€st rlo.ia ft Schedule'B. - Strrtrr^ta-tlcr FCgHatn?t "ry ori dl tlt r+ardr Ecasanarr. cordiriosr or rrrtrlcrtmsD rP?ut- r- ih.f tlEll not-ba d!r=d !o rder to or lnetdp tLc t6n6r, aov.lrrtr tqli couilltiour ecr. rltaEc b dt hElc lrfel|tri tg fu S*€dEIe-l. {te oet [$tlttf cf rir colapuy urder Ja oor* c-nd rnf cgrbr,,EeEr rhcrttc rlrll aot*13d F tle rggrrgarq tbc fes€ laaaac of rrld ;rclic7 red eorte which &r Ecrpray tr o&ligorrd,ullcr Ar Coudltloas rar! Edyclrtlonr $erecf ti irf. ' ilThb eniloriemrEt lr uldc a gast af uia pohcT r oI the Folic-v Bite thnof rcd ir ruljltrto the rchcilglrr' cqdldog ail:dptla$ur' lii *"t*io* lrorr- ccrrgca U.t"r" eocusud^e*crpt rr uo'd'Eed by rLe goyiriou-l$rcf, I InanealnemnaIl 'dla lnnumnoe 0ompany 'ifu'ry hillftnt3v Pclic,yNua!." odorNrqhr clogtlo ilonoqrleru.C.l00 LODGE.FT Ufi]L / .4sFEis,tfu Polloyltnasrr tll0g3i0 '-=ll#TH-I :49 iro PiF. Ttb ril€@.gE L Eeili e Dlrt of rsld tcHcs eeE ir rubicr* re rLc rcLeildre. co--iitioor oCrdpafrdonr tlrrd.. etEpt !r ;r€€ifi"d Uy-rli ircndru bErcot. li TranEamdrica I Tltle Ineurancc Gompany *q rt rlCd FrPR trU2 ilil Erdbruetmnt ,*i'ultt- Transimerlca Tttli lnCurance Companyrli,tl ?tr Cocperey lnby Insu:er .S-lst l*r o!' Arin grd.$ Fbtch tbe iusred rhdf clddE ae a r:ralr of nny gecbc of rLe rirh orvrrrinrtgg6g af tL!' .".+-;a11 4|j6$, tl irttofnee nr i{nodllo iarlrrsFr& ae a rcraL ot q+s,|IE sr Lc+ Eat@E EillaELo,-.o El lEttllit,6 ol lcbdBle B oec! or rlrro,ql reii r'.i1. .4q-cEE tE 61 1ggilge'.c. ^tbe frc-p,6'qt oi srid p6liqvttdr' tLo dr;lidrFr rad rdlnhdoo tharul n 9ay. - ldd poliot ..d e:y cardoneru$,u tllhdrr rhrll aot rid p6Eeyind co*uwhfuh tEc Coslprayfu olUgrred Tl. t6b! UribiEry ot thc Consr:ry tailcr ,triti pdioy r.ud e:y codorrerqsr,u ilorain qeEE.tE tbr ;ggrege'.c. tbe fra-p,6qt of srid p6liry irail cqsu whfuh tEs Goslpray ir No .002 P.t lcrrclrGatFog,GlOLl 09 L.!DGE, f]T UFIL'FpR'aE-,se a|'.q? iTiil.tr I tt FPR 0U2 g :50 l'lo .082i.,ltd *tr# ts mgilSttrh 't':rdan {1,08319 @nB{l Fre pou.ey Ls !€seEf ffided ryirefu#sg -Er$8sre-trI ! of gc&e*rlr s. .ll Elil tae,:l I',lhtdtiry a-i tin Cqfig rndig Eiri goij.cV ai. arye#tmnts tAfreto gtUll. nse eleEdr, b ttc eEgregBte, fla r=^eryat o|t sald Friqt lg:C €sEs $hiiLi'bs C!FK' lt .lhtigqf€'r lrldrE'-',1! tr#L-llEE aTi sili,F:iEEjfs:t ii^rffif io Dqy.1:S:[r r*icrse*' i.B ECe a ip-y of trli Eolldy rd i€ s.tlbJ|cgio tb Ec!:e&!ies, e:altl.cre afi1-stig1:lrtjrlrst+eei:.. srcEEt rr !OaU.€5€d try E+ Elsr/f#c:E bs:. i t!t+ sdts*--ar:c rs rcE tp se ccnsi=r.rC rg i$sEdlc the tiC,ri0_Fat: egtlb cr $t€sr*fr- =.s d :sE, i.a*es da-rn t*En tii 6ei= sr- srLd PllE ercqt ce berrfi:r E€Eesci1';.c,ridr| a€ to tbe lubjEt trEBErt4!!ctl. GfEJCruCr, Il:rE ESUARIEE AtrptNr 1' i i iE\r I I hte: JEllrr? 14, IggEhl,itr llrdeq'4ig831A Efuco-rt irHE c-:!L0.l 10 Lr*cE#T-*iu+lLsri6r r,.',.E r Rlt,'Jrilfiff I HPR 0U2 E :50 .No .002 lndonrrnicilt l{Inurr 1g Traneamerica Trtle it neurenca Co mprny ti I I}rf.onnpyhltblsnrrAtbrerrlrplstloecr+lich**tirsr* *rnr.snft bytcaror ef PhFtsLlErnorl||ttcdq. ";rc"i;Epd"!nrGit.dtd!s o" tle lrnil'ri Dar of Policy cr ..na='rctrC t$.r.grr rLcrcairrrr ncaildsg f;o rlo rfitrsir. SD"iirT'rLr D-rf,of PoBoy-oi-.r-*"itai; ul-.$c "d;ta ct rlc let.rl sCe= ril* rab:ril i:rt !.tr fdEnii ro ln ErorP E-F;=:ASEe"L-iTddEEidfi-dFFj;;[t'.t, ffit*''rol5r foE wbsteurt asri eoaCitloar: t, ?tc ilgtre rb[, aeni{y itr Ca9e9 prrmg$ b rrrir:^S a cuo bo*ltd,gr .L'll 5ss!s to rs ir,soil hlrecldor of ny . rcEal or tLreeterrd !rc#i$ ol &r shrllrl rieEr.icurl-oG,*i#-0*0rd3cotttr'EtidaldLhi., - | l. TLc Cocsary &dl lgac *t ti$r. rr t:r ert. to rdre sEy rcdpo t'blc!. h tt oplalon:aay be ugorrrrar-c d@blr \;;;iJidlGerE;Ei.ffo]Ei.tG'i;dfr.itd:r.lrtiiE;EJtir liGrro:uit indsil'{.-h Bot tlgit d t* rly cr rll of,&iloEo"'ia4r i I {a } Ir. tLr Cug,lrnt'r or.la r!*t, or b tLe ame ot tti hr;g;d or oi tlB bcsorr'cr uedtt lbr idpbt iiltlr rectnil by ,'-' tb.i".Er-';;A;t 11-f"i*"Ccgp..t'rteuartrrrrdtarqprtsEctlead.guqnretollrtd**adarti-ottarygr+."iat 6iliti*-iiTl .g"tE;cr-b.?# .tyE""ug"tt id'*L'i'slgt-q or#gda:o:-v tllblrrEl orborldi r ' r - ---!--. ^L^ !-.!-L^^J--.. ---.-l L-(b) h thr Eonp6sys erra rls!! ga |rr the aetc sI tlr iudrril or oi tlt beaqryel qrlu-thriadebt+Clrr1 rmrr'ed |r' ' r!.r brceil'rrdnrrse t; g; g.eFg-"rt h2E€dtr tp cirgci the fttleg of *mdt!! bosd or ddostElcilrs !t .t!crt;;G. o! EcEclr-fffi rtfrrs tbr &rar-{ gr ro* bo-irrier ie ondtieil by lrw to ruaD rtarlilfi boDd ot- TECEE-gJiJ], ;{[tf,. .t-. .;;; o" .-e"or. t" -U.f rfa l=-tca c.- r=& bJrr"--_er s'onlll ts'u Dio :o a'.tllrll lad tlir idorrmear aor bcea iracilt agl (c) to 1grrb or b. tnid, ont of aay an$ ff*rtty, b6il Ct ElAet€Ils3r Ot Ctt! of 155 coAlrtOertim or iadr recotrcd Lr the Corprir or l.t rf,c ii=nril or b.. iic bsrlevrs eder rlrr tndt.brrdre rfiilfrd !t tha Llrl.rcji bonsrgcl mcL ssocs:t r.r'!r':Il icit!,bulrc tlr Cqdpesy for rI pryanars crila u tlc nrrycd by &i Conpuy bt rc3ioa oI &t tqrsnacr rforileil bg ttr ailanirrir t"pxr;r iuiti ril eoctr p.ii c*EGE er iaefld by tb: Coepsny !r' coltftdol thatwltL b.itilfu sttoaq+ir. ' , 3. Tb. lirrtrrri rlrll r&c clt rtrrrtrllr ltEpr tc lecdr€ ihe bbrrprs* uttcs the hCcbtcilaar $s$td, by.tte luurd ffi{rffi fi r.h}ly-#+sHFi.:**r#[i#Iff F,f flffi J,*i,*ffi ,$fficita t DllEoL tuc alto lo ltqElrl" aEcE llltloFc lo rq|t4t lacE !fr6Flt -ro rcob bonot*cr ol sy rcrrrfcr treuecd rrrci.tr of tit =iillilt rigjrti d. lto rirLrr bqriiita or drla'c cc burribd, e os &r!l te dr othc. tfll b hscrrd, by_reuc, st rt€ b.ares cJfgrld $ro trorr'ar bc srilc irnilghlt-to :sy parron gr tcd-q-..d"-;;;154 '*i JrtEicd rgtc-tr-lt$ 5tr of lti is.;Endr rirEtt rna.rteciies etlhlt rbtd. psrdr ntrr'+'S d barr nmrbtd iluot ts thc arrc lnErEEr e! U tlir cods'.t ,Hbnr$J Jeor ol Gir oedascnr,rri rhrll br drocd. ro frd sotbtm lut"d- Ibr rorrl li.ttltr ot tf,c Cqront aadsr rriit tolicr rl.dl c lrcr sotat of jid pallrg rgil'oir.rlic& rb Coepirry ir rt thcreto rhrl aot sc*d ln thr lgjregrts' rhr epsdltlolu eoil rrlptlnrjou Scncl ro pey. Ttlrccdo4pcur tr nrdr r pett of rltd palicy aad ! mbjec tlorclrilulca *eriitioat ud rtipuhtloru tEatia. ecepl acdtfie,l Ly tfc pccdrfrur l;ad, I l bltsf Ndirbcr 41043$ qeoclttEitrGfood{t 11 I frh *r' i Project Application g4-/-f< Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com menls: Design Review Board Date /-t- vu Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPROVAL Su m mary: Date:4-t- / z-*F.'Approval \o APP ,,revised 9/4/9t DRB LTCATTON - TOWN OF VAIL,COLORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ******t**t TEIS APPLICETION I{ILL NOT BE ACCEPTEDUNTIL ALL REQUIRED INFORITATION IS SUBI{TTTED********** I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION:,a,7ax ./.asre B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construct ion ($200.00) L./ Minor Al-teration ($20. O0) Conceptual Review ($0) c. D. Addition ($50 - 00) ADDRESS: Zit'z LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot Subdivisio n 2o, If property i-s describe<l bydescription, please provideattach to this application. zoNrNG. ec_ / Block 5-{- a meets and bounds on a separate sheet a ,/7/.4'a-e>,/r.za{ /la4 legal and F.LOT AREA: If required, applicantstamped survey showing 1ot area. H. NAME OF AppLICANT1- 4o0qE e,Mailing Address: must provide a current NAME OF Mai l ing Phone APPLTCANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :Acdress: Phone NAME OF O!{NERS:'C- a-r. .1, <--- *STGNATIIRE (S} :Mailing Acidress: FEE SCHEDUIE: VALUATIONs 0 - $ 10,000$ 10,001 - $ 50,000$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - 91,000,000$ Over S1,C00,0C0 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI.. EXPTRES APPROVAIJ UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS Phone J. K. Condominj-um Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submj-ttal of DRB application. L'ater, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify tieaccurate valuation of the proposal . The fown of Vailwill adjust the fee accordi.ng- to the table be1ow, toensure the correct fee is paid. FEEc tn nnY z:w . ww $ s0.0c $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 ss00.00 ONE YTAR AE'TER FIDTAT ISSUED A!{D CONSTRUCTION ISSTARTED. **NO APPI.,,ICATION WTLL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER' S SIGNATURE April I, L992 Mr. Andrew Knudtsen Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Co.81657 Dear Mr. Knudtsen: This letter authorizes the Taste of Vail to use the Lodge atVailrs International Deck for the temporary placement of a tentfor their April 2, L992 to April 5, 1992 event. The tent will betorn down on April 5, 1992 If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. AMS/cc Sincerely, 174 East Gore Creek Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 303-476-5011 Telex 45-0375 Fax 303-476-7485 ,r -,t t t-Project Application o Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot etocx 5L ,7,1inn vv r<f Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: o^," l)w' 17tl11l D ISAPPROVAL Nf'v 'hf r o'tfl*'or-6F r Jou'tz,r, Summary: Seaonded by: Town Planner o^,., 9ov. l7--,la1l atf Approval Owner. Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: ption: Lot ( , Btocx qL Fifins V V. l4f , zone - Legal Descri Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: ,^," whot/. Q tl44 | DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: Summary: taff Approval ^frtrrr l'.-;0trA- n -t -Ll-at-srQ €q$fVlad t-c{ ' -T, 3H ii€ ftEHiSfil,-llJlHil {,\trit I i \/filFr.il 8Hf''lt Il dl fl"[Hli-- .i iirtNll H fiHflI$ NOVEMBER 12,1991 ATTN: MARY DENING TO}IN OF VAIL DEPT. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RE: CHANGES IN STAFF APPROVED AUSNIT WINDOW ADDITION PROJECT DEAR MARY ATTACHED PLEASE FIND A COPY OF YOUR SIGNED APPROVAL AND THE DRAI.TING IT WAS BASED ON,FOR THE ABOVE REF'ERENCED PROJECT. TIIE OWNER HAS REQUESTED THE CHANGES SHO!{N ON THE ATTACTIED DRAWING AND DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHED ADDENDMW WHICH WILL BE ATTACHED TO PLANS SUBMITTED FOR BUILDING PERMIT. I DON"T BELEIVE THESE CHANGES SHOULD HAVE ANY EFFECT ON THE APPROVAL YOU HAVE GIVEN, BUT I WOULD LIKE YOU TO REVIEI{ AND PLEASE ISSUSE SOME TYPE OF WRITTEN RESPONSE I CAN SEND TO MY CLIENT. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR HELP.AND PLEASE CALL ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. RIPPY CONTRACTORS 926-3655 THE THE ADDENDUM NO.1 NOVEMBER 12,1991 AUSNIT UNIT PROPOSED WINDOW ]NSTALLATION IODCIE AT VAIL VAIL. COIORADO FOILOWING CHANGES ARE HERE BY MADE TO DMWING A-1 DATED 11-6-91 FOR ABOVE REFERENCEED PROJEGT. ON PARTIAT FI,OOR PLAN IN BEDROOM NO. 1 -OMIT THE PROPOSED FIXED WINDOW ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE PROPOSED SLIDING GLASS DOOR. ON THE NORTH ELEVATION-OMIT THE PROPOSED TRIANGUI.,AR FIXED WINDOWS ABOVE SLIDING GLASS DOORS.AND THE PROPOSED FIXED WINDOW SHOWN ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE PROPOSED SLIDING GLASS DOOR. ON THE INTERIOR ETEVATION- OMIT THE !,IINDOIdS DESCRIBED IN ITEM NO.2. THE DRAWING TITLE SHOULD BE CHANGED TO READ "PROPOSED SLIDING GLASS DOORS INSTATLATION"RATHER THAN "PROPOSED WINDOW PROJECTIONS" 5. UNDER GENERAL NOTE NO.5-WINDOW UNITS B\ ''POZZI" SHOULD BE CHANGED SLIDING GLASS DOORS TO BE SELECTED BY fiTE CONTRACTOR AND APPROVED THE OWNER ''}'1R. AUSNIT" 1- 2- .) 4- TO BY ''lli" ' ,.,if,-r '.:r .i;,,h' : ,: r 1:1'l I ,,ril Q,...' ^rr FE, l.'. -i.0tr6= 8f9iI 7'+At =.3anto Itsil i& l>-t INilulilbt ilft ltPi ilHllE HH AYQ0Ni SH Project Application Date Proiect Name: Proiect Contact Description: owner, Address and phone: ?€EA Vlr-T I l '' € . Ul FlaL. *Ia . Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot C- Block Ac-Filing t/ v t<a Zone - Com menls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded Dy: o,," uJoV Q,t14 ) D ISA PPR OVAL Su m mary: Town Plan ner Date: laff Approval T x X x t DESIGTT lDtns[z r,lTllltlr- rfuo lt.,Lr TOTAL P. E1 0cT-18-1991 12:55 PETER C, RUSNIT ,o r.f,239?62654 P,At EPPITCATtrON - TO}TI!| O' VLIL, DTTE APPLICATION RECET\ED : DA?E OF DRB I,fEETINGIs\tbvlrtTTtp FoW fi ttlrrrtalltST RFF P€Vt Etv At,t2 g rpp&rcxlsott rtt.r ]ior Br AccEprED APP'aovAL llLl' REO9IIID IldrORt{ATION Is Stlerfirrsotit*tlttir PTION ! REVTEW: AFPLICA}TT: Addross: COI4F.ADO &r s T .l {1, $I p A1 95 + struction (9200,00)y(ornt Alreration (S2o.oo) n ($50.00) _Conceptual RevieLr ($0) s: r/Nl T 5l b LooG€ AT vAtL , DESCRIPTION: Lot , (z _ Block .5o * i-sion lnrc,]!4cutae Ftpst Ftt- tJO rty is deEeribed by a meete and bounds legallon-r.please provlde on a seperate sheeg aidto this apptication. : If reguired, applicane must pqgvide a currentFurvey showing lot arEa, F//fl ,_r€Fft. { Phone Cztz) A|e - a+ z* APPLICAI'IT,S REDRESENTATIVE:iO, BoY q c, 6t I -d/67;-lcldress: \.'. I, * NA str Ma DRth ap ac wi C. /| ac9rt T"* um Approval if, applicable , (zrL) slg- srz4 I DBB f,6e9, as ghown above; ere to be paid atc of subnlittal of DRe applicatlon. Lbter, wheng fo5 a bullding permltr please iaenrify rheI valuatlon of the proposal. The rown ot valtjuot the fee according- to the table below, tothe correct f€e Is pa1d. lPPnp\rt! !:otRE8} EPTI.DIIIGI PEAHIT IS llllJ! BE PROCESSED t{tTEoglt C[{N8B'S Stctl,[tunt FEE $ 20 ,00I 50.00 $100.00 s200.00 s400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEII' I.FTER TINII. rssuED i\ltD coNsfRucrtroH rs OWNERS: (8) : Address: K. VAIUATION 0 - $ 10,000I - $ 50,0001 - S 150,0001 - g s00,0001 - 91,000,000 s1,000,000 wt .frtrr5 l 0tl A- a. dcta I,FiiiT I il3llwHls ltit t4t+i I Ft |l t{ LII D4HilIi HIHNI I$EIEI tJ.,rNXAY &d --r t a- ta- - od A 3 A I A llJ* tr t_ A l,tj $ q& o- cl ' il'$ 'N$n ilMH HffiH f- I1J.3q fYo IF T Kr=/ iN ^lFlrn Klilpl 't Lt NH F4IiJNF F. october 17r 199L Mr. PetBr AuEnlt 1.12 East 616t Street Naw Yorlc, NY 10021 i Dear ttr. Ausnitr Your constructJ'on ln Unit 5:'6 was iliir"i---ui - the AesoclatLoh'- . rhis con[inient upon the 5 itens llsted ln octobei 8th to Dtr. Boach. Good Luclcl approved this approval 18 ny letter of 0"*\l.$vem^- Paul A. ,fePPson oiiector o-f- ouner senrices 174 Esst Gorc Creek Drive Vail' Colorado 81657 8OS47C5011 Far 80$4767485 ROtl JOl0r J l0lcli ootobcr 8r 1991 Blnorrclgt Ur, Pet€r tugnlt Unlt 516 Dcaf l{T. lusnlt: The Board le happy to announse lt; approval of your ienroaer shlsh conttsta ol: l. fnetalling three ulndows ln.-y"Il ,l::I?""" laclngsoutl].-ii"'i-*tnoows_wllibeldentical6-tiii araii"ec lCnt to rnY orflcc' Thls approval lE condltional 9n. ihs itenr llsted by llanagantnt ln tnc 6;i;b3r etn fatter to tryFerf ' Jorso Bogch roCie iPrrtnentl, Presidenl Mr. Jorge il. Eoach iepubllo Natlonal Bank, 1bb s.E. znd AvG. ulanrt, FL 33131-1507 Dear Mr. Bosclr: Hr. Peter Ausnlt, o$ner of Unit 516' would llke to install three new wlndowe n rrlJ"unit. - Thesa *-ilaioJ routa le f,acing south' and do to th6 p"llhl'i-li sii rn tina uutldlng, $rgta windotrg are tnpoeelble to se;'-ioTi l-nf otrrer fiit-;t ;;f 'of the neislrboring buildlngg. one wlndtow vould replace il existtng wlndoc ' that currently exierE and the i!.o-n-a'-irl.rtrira-'iirra-ia.'e tg_rg cur into the wall of the bullding' Eng-Inee-rlni-i"p"t* uoutd 'be subnitted as needed to lnaure itfrrctural integr'rtv-.--Hr. Ausnrt would $arranLy 'JEliilt-i"liii"s-riIi-iie""-units-ror a period of 5 vears' [{ethlnkthattheaddltion"qllenavuindowe-tothesebedroone' wourd ruake the "ir-ii-"-"1-'rentaur-e.'-i's-ttoveg F. Krett the unlt and proposed changes, h3 ha!*-1o.*i"trr;;ltn tnt trindows' since they could not tre--eeen fron anprlr6re except tha roof ' the Management le for the proposed changes under the following conditlons t 1. An Englneer{ng report 1g subnitted to lnsure Btructural lntegrlty. 2, Xr. ruanit warranties against leakaEe' froil around the rindors due to tba nanu_f"'J"ii"E or lrieta*atlon of these uli *fna"we for a Perlod of 5 Yeare' 3. llhe work uust be coupreted during- the^off-*eason' which run fron October fst, tnroirll-XJ""itUe" 20th or fron April i6trr tUrough uay 22nd' 4. Ur. Ausnl't wiII place. a bord in the approprlate asount' ,to oov€r;ny ;-o-n"inr"tton dauaEe to tbe luirdlns' 5. securtng the Iom of, vall approval and neceesary perElts' r have encrosed the prel!.nlnary drawings anit uourd llke to dlEcuss then uitlr You' SinceralY, Q qru x.$'ryaer" Paul A. JePPircn iriec€or oi- oYner servlceo October 8, 199 I 803-{?S5011 Frr< 3O$47&748$ l?4 Eatt Goc Crcck Dave thrl Colorado 81657 FILE COPI lnwn 75 south trontrage road Yall, colorado 81657 (3&r) 47$2138 (303) 479'2139 olflce ol community developmenl August 13, 1991 Mr. Jay Peterson 108 S. Frontage Road West Suite 307 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lodge at Vall Dear Jay: As a follow-up to our recent conversation, and a letter I addressed to you on April 16, 1991, enclosed is a relund check in the amount of $100. This refund is for your application for an exterior alteration for the Lodge at Vail, which was submitted to the Community Development Department on November 27,1990. As we discussed, due to the incomplete nature of the submittal, the Town is now refunding the application fee, and the exterior alteration request will be considered withdrawn. lf you should have any questions or comments on the above, please do not hesitate to call me at 479-2138. Sincerely, /4A lqau Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Planning lab Enclosurecc: Mike Shomo Ir II A n (L t-z tU FG o-uto z Fu-d a LrJo E $ z tr(I tr a uJ rt s z a-\ tr = a uJ -F E f z 1-\ F o- tr a Lllo -F (I I za\ trg E a uJo Ft d< z .tr o- tr UJo -F II -LL za\ tr E atu -t- o oo F I F zr] tr tr a I.IJ_o tr n(9 o O a'l <l- ul z tr E uJ t- f z-(f ul JIF ut o- {-) TI F Vl lf,l Ftv ut D trlo oJ E|] l.t- z F.4 lil|-J ,<t rl trt!rx tu zo z tLultr z a') tr E Oa uJo Ft s UJ trl 2 #=fi<zt!o cS }HH H=3Z JF*= uJ i1zi< oY zol<aY,ZE IIJq-Fx UJ UJdo<o(rA r- !{ =.Y LL!i= z coQ o z >oFUJ ?8l(r z6)2 T: ulz> CtJ< u.lIIJ (I a l'li< ><ccrrruJ ur .6 !J =ilo=o-az{ia".Fi -'i atr<tr En o(otDF ^€:FoztNs io).c oN56<3:Qp9E lzl J f F" :(fizut{3Ie OJ(! c d4z { aze ar afAEHJ ITI Fur (, <!:) o <.2cr { f.. z t- t-.Ftn O Z J rt-'tJ Z€ (tOFr€ {JO-{ frtr{-io-F.cC0 UIll.>tDH<L. F(J> UJ :r|\IC (LFOOZLFU :f fl (Jf af .oE g - :( it t{ -ZgJ FJ^ 3 > 0l F< r...1HOli.l{ {Old"Ft*-> -)-r{'l} (Dq IL ? r,-J ||) cd f.- q nl{ tu F azo o d) 4q (!oIF =9o 4 cclo 6 o z o rf) 0l fi., f'l LU II ozul Pq Ia (Y UJo(ro uJa I OtrfIL -ul ra'>_: z RH2= >z .iz otu U) t!.F U.I lz J ul llJ f, ul'F o .Euo o J .Jf zn [f r{ FI Jr. H{' til\z f'l4()-) f'l LIJ zo(I LU lc} o I F,| o dt = ZY< :.. Yg ==-uJ c I P E == oz ul (o @(3 t=r rtt rno n F ur Ir{ ur -o I IJ- t= E! ..t{ €rllo oo t\| o t (r)o(' a lo(o E .eo(, =6 a ttoo ooo,cro ,t rO,olo F. Ius 6\ <f !n z LJa l! Ftrl :< { { CrloF '7 I F<ii) = {4i-'\ 7 EA ';.{ Fi}€47;'F N6z-:tr, iJ,] O t" ..lC(rtr:{-'utL->tD-UiIF.O-FO(] rl:(aP : >SFrH4 01{?-.tt> t:tF- € UJ JJ !i- I Fz I lrl(t E. T Ia3t- (I ffi ffi ffi t,oOr\L!l t'9 ^, 6iN5 i:o-c ONEEs8:Q'p'9U -e, t-(o @(.o slx I =J:gv2 I tta rrE H rr-F+EO dN Crl ; ,.i f.. Crl ${si )$ '6 rts 0 ? 3 0+t xt\rl ==rLZ;J :.li !i -l\J \\q\L\\\ @sT l,lO. EA. 'r-'rli l-i CODE r 0000 4.2475 ;TION FORM xxxxxxx IS88 UNIFORIT RRE CODE | 0000 12115 1S87 NAIIONAL ffCTRtCAL CODE t 0000 42115 OTI{ER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 PRTNTS (M.n-ARS) 0f.0000 42+12 )GRoX CoPIES ./ STUDIES ENAL1Y EE',S / RE-INSPECIION OFF HOURS NSPEflION 'E CONMACTORS UCENSES'EES r 0000 413:10 ONER FEES 0t 0000 at4t3 .stcN a?Pucrttoll \i \.,'r\l-V\\ '.. :'' r' t'\trs,' Mr. Burt Klettvi,- -q\-;.,\{t/o Th.e Klett Organization 112 York Road Jenkintown, PA l-9046 Dr. ilarnes Cavanaugh 554 Dorset Road Devon, PA 19333 Mr. Michael L. Shank3 Cherrlmoor Drive Englebrood, CO 80110 Dr. and Dr. David Narins 21 Dolma Scarsdale, NY 10583 530 533 534 535 \- Xo<). \e:> ) (rq Uv r\ (5o,N\o-.Lo <<of'o1 J**,.s C, b Su-}..q \1 r( N u"$C)r-': Q-r^s\).3grof JNclr"{r.Jnv_ lt{t -rvi 1 C\b rC(- Cc (r*rf \\,,\\?,R.oOt2-o \,$ove,o 9\.r. \\33 Lr-\.'O- V,^i trtr,( (p-15.jrt \tvc-'^,-ra , $n 2\\5 f \J - o8 L._ L\o o_l 1o-., t- +I n \cr zbg [\ \-rJr-s\ti"l N6 S)cq g f5ctv s dnc.n.\c (\"ro tQ. Ct**.. N o(c\ fLI si8\t Tea \ \\0b \tr \-i u \on nnavi\(rq Sctct \,Kq,tir^ G\ "h \\u..v-.., Tro 3r !'r. \\$ st, \'Y*.\* ' \{\ hni r\o-\ +G is .\ q S.\ t., u\" a ).\\\ 2\s\-bt. 1 -L-\q,o\ ) e\! tm* 0*n f).,fl\." {) onc\ e, )so v ^',.\ \r 1 ".,\K \ t"{l \rT . NvL L..'-.< iorrr\ TU Loto( .f\ LJ u\\ +- Co t." \Nb",, $q,\\qnb1 ,l,:' t!,",,1 :t "91 '* F*r€*'"'f'2t x ts, L S\u-'r-v \\\\\(.\ qn\ , \'.Jf. 6 ;O f-1 rSfli- i,n fil <r iuu r \.C\ r. a*.., [)s R . \d<-i {\o u\\r rrr ,;Av. - St<toi \-\3a \1 2\).0 (, Q,vr\l.,r ov s Lr.t c o ffi 2to r-0t? - \\ S\.-...^ )*(-\,,,.,..s S.ht"('ri?-rcic\r \-or r \rrl xoq \-.i *-s\ I f, c,.r,1 q-g K\s\t ? o '\oo e , 5'1.',..",\J. f c- o-\n. ..)^..,' $u-,- Su\\rvq S \L(o N <.,<tha-crs\ r. t. f-iJ lJ b'.) \*..., )*"\\ 6\oo S. wl 'r\ r^i -\t a )6221 s q'r\ \DE2-8 L., S+ D q\\ 6 iLL\ -j- u - "---------!'-'-*---*i:-- - ti" lttr i -L\ ta- Lri 6o i_j>---q! _ -, -:t- I ! r- .r.L 9v r'n f ",t r r-t "rL *s\c.\\ \r, ;3'> \-.r arr.io...., \(+l ?\oo< N*-cv\i-\\\ \u* --(rt -.r Cr(rr I a-.'19,1-r-\r \-X \.J<-( bri Sr. \-'-,-t, C., ) Sr".&., \^Jo \-\ \ \" ttr\-ve- N ..9., Q1's\ -,.,o G, \r_.,.p\\i 51 P or., i.r.., Rc,.\\ Qut.\ o au/\, I"-nT\qvr\q ,r \ 9ojj1 Sl.\* J\00 ?r. r,: t. .l f-.:\..,r- !q.-tr \u *, .,\ )- q-\\\L*. \L\*.*..*.\ o *rc-N (- Lz9 So"\! s\. N\ *-L , S\ n,," \\i \ cr\y,\ 9^t.F\ o,t \\'.- x f'.-rr*..*- a 5\r -t) oo L\\u \q h\ \\".r \'\. C^-bi Va +v Go\\n- 5u )-c OlolE ( S t'fr.\< o-l S\ ,*t I{ i\ q NT o _-:1;-..i+!:a:ii,i_ . _ \!-cb.---\?4.\.. .- -]t\\0 3 \ f\. Nq_.-," \-. 8\ l(lc( ')l-tcr-. 'i+ -o T\. qr.,'9, Tut \ \6b St. I \\))boz $-t\q C)r\-c '"1\1e- 2l o i- t20s] )- .1 4^ ^i> Lz- s v Slor,tr- h,r\- ob n^ + [.\* S\o-.-,I-...., h<" r"i o,,\LU\*.- -o c\e l1\ ooo N.'tcri T)c on\e-<\\.9 l)\N q.\b,o\ tr\J2t t lotl rji- .c-L .it.;' -o orviO.. M x Cuiza \"35 b f,) o"I\ .l'''nve- ojL \\<_ 5 L<,* \ >2)fSv rcV.\\Nr*.! :*L 3r )3 ,+ s" ). C o 3o)-r \tlo 15 Apr\l 1,992 TRANSMITTAL Mr. Andy K nutsen Community Developm ent Dept. Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cololado 81657 (hand-delivered) Rc: DRB Application to Expanrl lVildflowtrr Terrace, Lodge at Vail Dear An d r', I greatlv appreciatc your williugness to include on PEC's April27 agenda the application from Lodge Properties, Inc., owrrers of the Lodge at Vail, to expand thc Wildflower Rest.aurant's outdoor dining terrace. The enclosed materials are to support the companion DRB application, and we hope it can be added to the agenda for the May 6 DRB hearing, as the owners wish to have the new terrace ready when the rcstaurant opens for summer business on June 13. 1. Proposed site/landscape plan (3 prints) 2. DRB application form ?,. List t'r f nlart materials @r."'.t,,,r,,r the cxisting si(c- c1fr,ry..af +4ehcA4r1r4) 5. A chr:ck from Lcdge Propelties. lr.c. f or $20 to c,.rvsr Ihc LIRB appl'ication fee If you should need another copy of thc improvement locaiirtn survcy (Johns,:n. l(unkel & Assoc.. revised 12li1 85) rvlrich was submitted with the PE,C application packag,,., please call Mr. Paul Jeppson, the Director of Owner Services at the Lodge (476-5011), who has the reproducible copy. If there is anything else you might need besides thc survey in preparation for the May 6th DRB mecting, please let me know. Thanks again for your help. S in cere lr,.fil*r(Uu,rwd Sherly Dor rv:rrii cc: Paul Jeppsorr. l-odge Plogrerties, Inc. landrcapc architccture irnd urban dcsigr. in mouotain communitiqs aod higt-ahituds ettvironoents 500 llast Lionshead Cirfle. Suit(, :i01 Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-0661] lrAX (303) 476-7b60 171 (larlos l)rive San Rafael, California 94903 (415\ 491-4722 FAX (415) 479-6718 t r.vised 9/4/9L Date of Application Date of PEC Meeting APPLICITIO}T FOR COITDITIONAT T'SE PENUIT This procedure conditional- use The application is required for any project required to obtain apermit. will not. be acceDted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Lodge Properties Inc. ADDRE S S L7 4 Eas t Gore -C-ie e-El)r .- B. NAI'{E OF AppLICANTTS REpRESENTATI\E Paul A. Jeppson ADDRESS 174 East Gore Creek Drive a NAI'{E OF o$rNER (S) rl'!/UJtlf J D OWNER(S) (print or tYPe) Lod rties Inc. srclraTnRB (s)1tp6$1pg'cro<- 174 East Gore Cree PHONE D.LOCATION OT ADDRESS 174 PROPOSAL i a. b. & c r- ^ .l'f beatlttCr'' b'efl otxgr r L r NGglly1flsgr st East core Creek Dr.. vafflTd 81657-Fi1lng FEE $200.00 PAID $200.00 CK #s3380 BYEg.@I". THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT W]LL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of aLl property adjacent tothe subjecr property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACRoSS STREETS, and their rnai.ling addresses. THE APPLfCANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-applicaLion conference with a planning staff member isstrongly suggested to determj.ne if any additional information isneeded. No applj-cation will be accepted unless it complete (must include all items required by lhe zoning adninistrator) . It isthe applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with thestaff to find out about additional submi.ttal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WTLL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL coMMrssroN (pEc) MAy STIPULATE. & CONDTTTONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the following infornation must besubnitted: - 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and ics operating characteristics and rneasures proposed tO make !fip ,rca '-nmr/t.f iFlo pilfl Other prOpertieS in thevicinity. The description must also address: a.' Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. t b.EfEEct of the use on liqht and air, distribution of population, transPortation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreatlon facilities, and other public facilities and publi-c faciLities needs. c. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Effect. upon the character of the area in whj-ch the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in reLation to surrounding uses. A site plan at a sca.Ie of at least !" = 20' showing proposed development of the site, including topography, tuilOing locations, parking, traffic circulation, useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage features. Prefiminary building elevations and floor plans- A title report to verify ownership and easements. If the building is condominiumized, a letter from the condominium association in support of the proposal must be submitted to staff. Any additional material necessary for the review of the apptication as determined by the zoning administrator. ** For interior modifications' an lmprovement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. REQUIREMENTS The PLanning and Environmental Cornmj-ssion neets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A cornpJ.ete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) nust be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning adrninistrator) wilt be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittaf date. IV. TIME A. B. A. B All PEC approved conditionaf use permits shall lapse if construction is not conmenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued to completj-on, or if the use f-or which the appioval is granted is not corunenced within one year. If this application requires a separate review by.any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by S200.00. Examples of suth revievtr may include, but are not linited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Perrnits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant sha1l be responsible for payinS aly publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at the appticant's requestr doY matter is postponed for hearingr--causing the matter to be re-published' .then' the entire fee for iuch re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. t Applicarionfi"...d by the conrnunity o.irop*"nt Department t-o- have significant design, f and use or other issues whj.ch may have a significant itnpact on the community may reguire reiriew by contultanLs other tbat town staff. Should a determinltion be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Comnunity Development may hj.re an outside consultant, it shal1 estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to t,he Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Developnent Departnent. Upon completion of the review of the apblicatign by the consuftant, any of the funds forwaided by ttre applicant for payment of the consultant which have not ueen- paid to the- consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the ambunt forwarded by the applicant shal1 be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of noLification by the Town. X <tL *6*-j% ryftr fl*" fuw PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April27,1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town ot Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an extension of a previously approved variance for the Neuswanger Residence, Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge/2642 Cortina Lane. Applicant: Chris Neuswanger Planner: Jill Kammerer 2. A request for an extension of a previously approved variance for the Christiania Lodge, 356 Hanson Ranch Roadilot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Paul & Sally JohnstonPlanner: Mike Mollica 3. A request for setback and site coverage variances ro allow for the extension of two balconies and an airlock at the Vail Trails East Condominiums, 433 Gore Creek Drive/Lots 7-15, Block 4, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Vail Trails East Homeowners Association/Mark Foster, President Planner: Shelly Mello 4. A request for a conditional use permit to allow an outdoor dining patio on the first floor at the Lodge at VailAffildflower Restaurant, 174 Gore Creek Drive/a Portion of Block 5C, VailVillage First Filing. Applicant: Lodge at Vail/Sherry Dorurard' Planner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for setback and site coverage variances for the Wilhelm Residence, 4289 Nugget Lane, West UniVLot 5, Bighom Estates, Flesubdivision ol Lots 10 and 11, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Robert and Karen WilhelmPlanner: Jill Kammerer 6. A request for an amendment to an approved development plan for Spruce Creek, Phase lll, 1750 S. Frontage Road WesUSpruce Creek, Phase lll Applicant: Michael LauterbachPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for approval of a modification to the final phase at Vail Point, 1881 Lionsridge Loop Road/Lot 1, Block 3, Lionsridge Filing No. 3. Applicant: Steve Gensler Planner: Jill Kammerer 8. Any items tabled from the April 13, 1992 meeting. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the VailTrail on April 10, 1992 p* lzoafut lk"nn",n and Judy Robins 755 Lafayette Street Denver, CO 80218 Richard and Edward Tally Ted Reynolds 1300 Post Oak Blvd., Sle 770 Houslon, TX 77056 Harry and Suzanne Bielinski West 35986 Highway C Dousman. Wl 53118 Francis B. Hurlon P.O. Box 587 Wellinglon, KS 67152 Robert and Eva Moyad 5333 McAuley Drive Suite R-61 10 Ypsilanti, Ml 48197 lvan and Susan Popkin 8317 Fairview Road Elkins Park, PA 19117 Dela Wright White Eugene and Sylvia Perle Richard and Barbara Wenninger P.O. Box 791000 51 10 W. Doherty Drive 855 W. Pean Road San Antonio, TX 78279-1000 Wesl Bloornfield, Ml 48323 Milwaukee, Wl 53217 JF- Mr. Jorge J. Bosch Presidenl, Lodge Apartments 150 SE 2nd Avenue, #605 Miami. FL 33131 Alice G. Snavely Presidenl, Lodge South 6540 Clitfbrook Place Dallas, TX 75240 Thomas P. Tatham 1 100 Louisiana Suite 1275 Houston, TX 77002 Louis Bockius, lll P.O. Box 844 Cheyenne, VVY 82003 Charles and Elveree Tyndal 3641 Shamley Drive Birmingham, AL 35223 Paul K. Conner, M.D. 8315 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas, TX 75231 Dan and Elda Unger P.O. Box 4278 Malibu, CA 90265 Eunice Smith 1302 N. Green Bay Road Lake Foresl, lL 60045 Dayco I nveslment Corporation 1221 Brickell Avenue, Ste. 1840 Miami, FL 33131 Jacabo and Maria Kluchnik Sismo 105 Pedregal de San Angel MEXTCO dr 01900 Allen and Barbara Yahn 19 Canlerbury Road West Jameslown, NYU 14701 C.P. Javier Gomez and Maria Benilez Ave San Pedro Sur 202, Col. Del Valle Gaza Garscia N.L. MEXTCO 66220 Wesleyan Inveslment Corp. c/o Bank of New Providence Trust Co. Attn: M'chael A. Ranson Claughton Hse Shirley St Box N4723 Nassau Bahamas Margaret A. Roberls P.O. Box 502 Dekalb, lL 60115 Ellen W. Halle J. Jelferson & Anne Miller, Truslees 7805 Ellenham Avenue Ruxton. MD 21204 James and Judith Knox 207 Glen Cove Drive Chesterfield, MO 63107 N.A. Curacao c/o F. Guillermo Valenliner Chinflurt N.V. APDO. 6607 Caracus Venezuela The Metzger Family Parlnership 220 Spear Avenue Englewood, NJ 07631 Roberl and Christine Adams 937 High View Avenue Manhatlan Beach, CA 90266 Fred S. Shavlis R.D.l. Box 384 Somersel, PA 15501 David and Elizabelh Cohen David Grossman William Jacobs, Jr 6350 Riverside Drive R.W. Hayden-Ball, Jr. Family Trust 2001 Wesl Jelferson Slreet Atlanta, GA 30328 1071 Celeslial Street Joliel, lL 60435 Cincinnali, OH 45202 /re'f 6) o/o'J ,F- Donald and Barbara Jean Zale 26 Stone Court Dallas, TX 75225 Frederick R. Mayer P.O. Box 5083 Denver. CO 80217 aTfhe Franses Corporation cio Edward Bleckner, Jr. 1641 SE 71h Street Ft. Laderdale, FL 33316 Roberl and Diane Lazier P.O. Box 627 Vail, CO 81658 Herman Stauler P.O. Box 5000 Vail, CO 81658 Bell Tower Partners, Lld. 300 Crescent Court Suite 600 Dallas, TX 75201 Aggie Givren 1030 Lionsridge Loop Unit 304 Vail, CO 81657 Rod and Belh Sliler 230 Bridge Slreet Vail, CO 81657 Piero A. Barberi-Rivolta 215 Robin Drive Sarasota. FL 34236 Charles Bosenquisl P.O. Box 686 Vail, CO 81658 Howard Head 21 Blylhewood Road Baftimore. MD 21210 Karen N. Heuman 20 Henhawk Road Greal Neck, NY 11024 John Matejec P.O. Box 35246 Tulsa, OK 74135 Gilberl Prolli Manoir De Courdray, Courdray Rabut 1413 Pont-L'Eveque FRANCE Marti Shlenker Shirley Becker c/o Citizens Bank P.O. Box 924449 Houston, TX 77292 Amy J. Jorgensen 7 East 85lh Street New York, NY 10020 John Goemans 12634 fofiey Blufl Drive 320 San Diego, CA 92130 Nathan and Gloria Turk Steven and Shelly Tur4< Rockinghorse Ranch Roule 44145 Highland, NY 12528 O""ro,o Joseph Smead 6 Quail Meadows Drive Woodside, CA 94062 Jared and lrene Drescher 1000 Wilson Blvd. Upper Mall 800 Arlington, VA 22209 Burton and Belty Burman Frank and Lou Anne Wells 2030 Main Streel lrvine, CA 927'14 Blanche G. Hill 31'l Bridge Streel Vail, CO 81657 Vail Associales, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 The Sitzmark at Vail. Inc. '183 Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 Hong Kong Cafe c/o HKC Parlnership 1'183 Cabin Circle Drive Vail, CO 81657 U.S. Forest Service P.O. Box 190 Minturn, CO 81 645 Lodge Apartrnents Condorninium Association Parcel # 2101-082-21-00L thru 077 ^- -'r'. Mr. Hubert Ried L3L-133-l-35r:D' \ .\ \',\,.,'.{,921L Link Meadow RoadHouston, TX 77025 Lodge Properties Inc. L37-L39-L4L L74 E. core Creek DriveVail, CO 91657 Mr. Bernard Mendik L43-L45 330 Madison Ave. New York, NY 1001_7Mr. Mendik Mr. R. Ben Hogan l-51--L53-1-55City Federal Bld. 10th FloorBirmingham, AL 35203-3758 Ur. Fred Hassid 20238 Prince Creek Dr.Katy, TX 77450 Lodge Properties fnc. L74 E. Gore Creek Drivevail, co 8L65'7 Mr. Roger D. Judd PO Box L7Fairbury, NE 68352 Dr. James Kallas 3259 Pioneer Ave. Thousand Oaks, CA 9i-359 t_57-159-161 l_63 -165 232-234 23L-233-235 Mrs. Margaret Cassidy/Michaela Cassidy 236-238-240 2723 Jac.kson Street San Francisco, CA 94115 Mr. Joseph DiDonato 330 Beveridge Road Ridgewood, New Jersey O745O Ur. R. Ben HoganCity Federal Bld. l-Oth Floor Birrningham, AL 35203-3758 Mrs. Pilar TiampoP.O. Box 487Laconia, NH 03247 Mrs. Juliet R. Genitenpo 5707 Indian TraiIHouston, TX 7705'7 I'tr. Desmond Kearnst777 LarLmer St.Unit 1910 Denver, CO 80202 Carlo Crocolici 80 Warren st., Apt. #SS New York, NY 10007 Dr. & Dr. Arie Liebeskind 10 Shore Cliff Place Great Neck, NY LLO23 Dr. Harvey Cohen 256-25A L930 S. Federal BIvd.r/C-l_Denver, CO 8021-9Dr. Cohen Mrs. Dorothy Krunm 257-259-26Lc/o D. S. Hobson 4351 Bridgeview Dr. Oakland, CA 94602 Mr. Arthur llasbruch 260-262-26487 So. BrenthroodDenver, CO 80226 237-239-24L 243-245 244-246 248 250-252-254 25L-253-255 263-265 Mr. Glen Woodc/o Thornwood 329 St. ceorge Street London, Ontario Canada N6A 3A9 Mr. Victor Kaufman 152 W. 57th St.17th Floor New York, NY 10019 Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto Viso 2l-L2 S.W. l-7tlr Ave. Miarni , FL 3 314 5 Mr. & Mrs. Clifford SobeL 4O Dorison Dr.Short Hills, NJ O7O7g Mr. and Mrs. Stanley caines 1446 North Ocean Boulevard Palm Beach, FL 33480 Prima Holdings, Ltdc/o Jurg Bollag, Dir.P.O. Box 625 Eagle, CO 8163L Kalpec 4th Investment Co. PO Box 30 Englewood, CO 801_10 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lapidus23 Delevan LaneHarrison, NY L0528 Mr. Charles W. Olson 551 W. Washington Chicago, IL 60606 266-268 33r_-333 332-334 335-337 336-338 339-341 340-342 343 344-346 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gaines 1446 North Ocean Boulevard Palm Beach, FL 33490 Mr. and Mrs. Russ Lyon L1411 N. Tatum B1vd.Phoenix, AZ 85029 Mr. Henry Mancinic/o Freednan, Kinzelberg 2l-21 Ave. of the stars/Ste. 900 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Mr. John S. Starkc/o Stark Carpets 979 Third Ave. New York, NY L0022 Mr. Hosrard Gosssuite 2100 55 East Jackson BIvd. Chicago IL 60504 Mr. William Hokin 875 N, Michigan Ave./Ste. 3707Chicago, II 6O6t-t- Mrs. Onda Dturso 56L Golf DriveNorth Woodmere, NY 1l_58L Dr. E.K. Connorssuite 204/ 675L North 72nd St. Omaha, NE 6AL22 Mr. Charles Koch PO Box 2256Wichita, KS 6720L 347 348 350-352 J3J 354-356 355-357 3 59-3 6l- 3 58-360 362-364 !tr. Stan Shumanc/o A11en & CO., Inc. 7L1 5th Ave. Nen York, Ny LOO22 ?r. -,,,...,, Mr. Jorge J. Bosch 150 S.E. 2nd Ave./#605Miami, FL 33131 363-365 366-368 401 402'404 4 03-4 05 406-408 407 -409 410 4L2 Dr. Witlian Winter PO Box 6848 San Antonio, TX 78209 Dr. T.W. Wagenknecht Ridge PlaceStreator, IL 61364 Mrs. Joan Chorney 555 17th Street/Suite l_000Denver, CO 80202 l,[r./Mrs. Jarnes von Germeten 30O Boylston f8O1Boston, DtA O2LL6 Mr. Marvin Blumberg 7LO5 Broxburn Dr. Bethesda, MD 20034 Chinfurt N. V.Attn: Dr. Guillermo VaLentinerLabratorios Vargas SAApartado 2461 Caracas Venezuela l'[r. Peter Luck-Hille 3 Wychconbe Studios Engalnd Lane London NW34XY England Mrs. Josephine Abercronrbie 5005 Riverway $sOOIlouston, TX 77056 Mr. ALain Wertheimer9 W. 57th St. New York, NY 10019 Mr. Peter Ausnit L12 East 51st St. Neqr York, NY 10021 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lane17 Pheasant Ln. Greenwich, CT 05830 Mr. Henry Kravis crlo KKR9 l{est 57th St. , 42nd Floor New York, NY 10019 Mr. Richard FurlaudLso East 52nd Street12th Floor New York, NY L0022 Ms. Sybil Robson 731.0 Mullholland Drive Los Angeles, CA 90046 Mr. ceorge R. RobertsAttn: Susie Bond 101 California St. San Francisco, CA 94L11 Jack and Anita Saltz 17 Willow LaneScarsdale, NY L0583 4I3-4L4 515-517 516 518-52 0 5L9-52]- 522-524 523-525 526-528 527 -529 PLANT MATERIALS FOR THE WILDFLOWER TERRACE EXPANSION Lodge at Vail TRDES 2 Aspen , 3-112" caliper Populus tremuloides 3 Aspen,3" caliper 4 Aspen,2" caliper 9 SHRUBS (all 5-gallon) 8 Colorado Dogwood Cornus sericea coloradense 15 Blue Chip Juniper Juniperus horizontalis 'Blue Chip'6 Alpine Currant Ribes alpina I Dwarf Arctic Willow Salix purpurea nana 37 [Note: Up to 8 of the most shapely existing small upright junipers may be transplanted and used in place of some of the above new shrubs.l NOTES 1. No as-built improvements or topographic survey of the courtyard area exists. 2. Irrigation system will be modified and expanded to cover the new landscaping. 3. Plant beds are to be edged with Ryerson steel edger or equivalent. 4, Brick pavers in the expansion area are to match the existing. Pattern is running bond, with soldier course at the edges held in place by Ryerson steel edger. 5. Existing timber steps at east side of existing deck are to be remoyed and replaced by an extension of the wildflower garden as shown. 6. Existing small upright junipers are to be removed. The best of these may be used in place of up to 8 of the new shrubs listed above, 7. Drainage in the sodded area immediately south of the terrace is to be improved by regrading as needed to cr€ate a swale down to the concrete walk to the east. J revised 9l4l9L IPPLICATION - TONN OF \TAIL, COIORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : It**tt**** TBIS .NPPLICATION IfILL IIOT BE ACCEPTED T'NTTL II.L REQUIRED TNTORMATION IS SI'BIIITIED I lr DATE OF DRB MEETING, W I. ryB.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ,/ F. H.NAME oF AppLrcANr s REpREsENrArrvE , faol ,b{lfla*tMailing Address -. A*AL Phone 475-5011 T v e ailaccurate val-uation of the proposal. The Twill adjust the fee according to the taby'ie be1ow, ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: 'rCp VALUATION o - $ lo,ooo$ 10,001 - s 50,000 $ 50,001 - s 150,000 $150,001- - $ 500,000 $500,001- - $1,000,000$ Over $1,0001 000 FEEI 20.00 $ 50.00 9100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 * DESIGII REil'IEIf BOARD EPPRO\TAI EXPIRES ONE YE.AR AFTER FINAI APPROVAI. UNI.ESS A BUII.DING PERIIIT TS TSSUED AIID CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO EPPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITSOUT O9INER'S SIGIIATI'RE *r******** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: ($2O0.OO) y' "tnot Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.q0)onceptual Review (S0) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Et of Lots "'b dtock 5-c Subdivision If property is described by a meets and bounds legal on a separaLe sheet anddescription, please provide attach to this application. E. zoNrNG , &l LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. musL provide a current NAME OF APPLICANT: Mai|!,ng-ad;f1es91 I.NAME OF OIaINERS: *STGNATT'RE (S) :Mailing Address: Condominium Approval if applicable- DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe t.ime of submit.tal of DRB application. Later, applying for a building permit, please identify Phone 676-sor l \\ II. PRE-APPLICAT MEETING: - A pre-application meeting lrith a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionalapplication information is rieeded. It is the applicant, sresponsibility to make an appointment $rith the staff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline theapproval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THi DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal reguirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally reguirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approvaL and a finaL approval . Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining final approval. C. Applicants who faif to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has been republished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Conrnunity Developrnent Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding,' and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeletters from adjacent property ovrners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a napped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural waIls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting colurnns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building pernit. IION ,l rv.NEw coNsrRucrG A. Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survev, stamped bva licensed surveyor, at a scale of 1t' = 20' or larger, on which the following information is provided: 1. Lot area. 2. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5'contour intervals may be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4" or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (Iarge boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ) . 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerline of stream or creek, reguired creek or stream setback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of40t or more, if applicable. 5. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS ]andmarkor selrer invert. This information should beclearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point. This is particularly important for height measurements. See Policy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys. 7. Locations of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc. nust be shown. b. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their sourceto the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Telephone Sewer Water GasElectric c. Show aLl utility meter locations, including any pedestals to be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocablepermits fron the Town of VaiI are reguiredfor improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing must be shown. e. AlL easernents (Tit1e report must also includeexisting easement Locations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. Provide spot efevations of the street, and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side ofthe lot, 25 feet out from the side property lines. Site PIan 1. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. Percent slope and spot elevations must be shown. ALl existing improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas,walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with top and bottom ofwall spot elevations), and other existing site improvements. 3. silbtions of top of roof ride (with existinq and proposed grades shown underneath). Theseelevations and grades must be provided in orderfor the st,aff to determine buil-ding height. All .r.ridge lines should be indicated on the iite plan. Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated on the site plan with corresponding finished andexisting grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 8t unLess approvedby the Town Engineer. -^(y Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 3 copies reguired 1.. The following information must be provided on the Iandscape plan. The location of existing 4"diameter or larger trees, the location, size, spacing and type (common and latin name) of allexisting and proposed plant material . All treesto be saved and to be removed must also beindicated. The plan must also differentiate betvreen existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the attached landscape materials list. 3. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring forplant material following its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. NOTE: In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various development proposal components, please incorporate as much of the above infornation as possible onto the sitepIan. D. Siqn off from each utilitv companv verifying thelocation of utility service and availability (see attached) . E. A preliminarv title report must accompany allsubmittals, to insure property ownership and locationof -4L easements on property. F. Architectural P1ans (1,/8" = l' or larger, 1/4" ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies required. 1. Scaled floor plans and all elevations of the proposed development. Elevations must show bothexisting and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be I'red-lined" to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. 3. Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (8-l/2" x LL"l for inclusion in PEC and/or Town Council memos may be requested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material colorsshall be specified on the attached materials list.This materials list must be completed and submitted as a part of DRB application. Colorchips, siding samples etc., should be presented tothe Design Review Board meeting. c. Zone check list (attached) must be conpleted if project is located within the Single-Family, Primary/Secondaryor Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, of adjacent structures. I. The zonifelrni1i9tlator and/or ?RB ] require the submissioh of additional plans, drawiitgs, specifications, samples and other maLerials (including a model) if deerned necessary to determine whether aproject will comply with Design Guidelines. V. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey.the redevelopmentproposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be subnitted in lieu of the more formal requirements set forth above, provided all important specifications for the proposal including colors andmaterials to be used are submitted. VI . ADD]TIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with all speciflcations shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/8" = tt or larger(L/4" = Lt is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing structure. F. Specifications for all materiafs and color samples onmaterials list (attached). At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. A statement from each utility verifying locaLion of service and availability. See attached utilitylocation verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registeredprofessional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership ofproperty, which lists all easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: A. Building location(s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. C. All util-ity service line as-builts, showing type ofmaterial used, and size and exact location of lines. D. Drainage as-builts. E, Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A11 property pins are to be either found or set and stated on improvement survey. G. All easements. H. Building floor efevations and all roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge lines. vrrr.coNcEPTuAL trcN REVTEW Submittal requirements: The owner or authorized agentof any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual reviewby the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development. The conceptual review isintended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthe compatibility of their proposal with the Town, sDesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimarily for applications more complex than single-family and two-family residences. Hordever, developersof single-family and two-family projects shalt not beexcluded from the opportunity to reguest a conceptualdesign review. Complete applications must be submitted10 days prior to a scheduled DRB rneeting. The following information shall be submitted for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimurnscale of one inch eguals tnenty feeti 2. Conceptual elevat.ions showing exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposedstructure or structures; 3. Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to belocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.); A. completed DRB application form. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Corununity Development sha1l review the submitted materials forgeneral compliance with Lhe appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, theproject shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements, theapplication and submittal materials shall be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation as to whythe Community Development Department staff has foundthe project not to be in compliance with zoning coderequirements. Once a complete application has beenreceived, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptualreview application and supporting material in order to determine whether or not the project generally complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote onconceptual reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentative shall be present at the DRB hearing. A. B. I't NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: LIST OF MATERIAIS SUBDIVISION required for submittal approval can be given: fuva The following Review Board EXISTING TREES TO information is before a final BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaLI Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FLues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of P],ANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES to the Design A.TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* he. -T - \ - BE REMovEo - hO*@ *Indi.cate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum cal-iper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. Designer: Phone: Botanical NamePLAN' MAr"*fr, PROPOSED SHRUBS Ouantitv Size* la EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is5 qallon. GROUND COVERS 'EED -Mne TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTROI, C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. fndicate heights of retainingwalls. Maxirnum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property D. is 6 feet. SUBDlVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK F]LING ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they be maintrunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Ete U.S. West Communications 1-8 0 0- 922-19I ? 458-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 94 9-57 81 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-553 0 Steve Hiatt Upper EagLe Va11ey Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-'1480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 1. This form is to verify service availability andIocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing a utility plan and schedulinginstallations. 2. For any new construction proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utility verification form. 3. If a utiliLy company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative should note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. If the issue is relatively complicated,it should be spelled out in detail in an attachedIetter to the Town of Vail. Howeverr please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of theutility company and owner to resolve identified problems. 4. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comment.s are made directly on the form, the Town wiII presurne that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. 5. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility Lo obtain a street cutpermit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before dioqinq in any publj.c right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit nust be obtained separately. * PLease bring a site p1an, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle VaIley water & Sanitation signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed, ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAI DESCRIPTION: Lot Block - Filing I tl ADDRESS: O$INER ARCHITECT PHONE PHONE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **I,OT SIZE AIIowed (30) (33) Existinq Proposed TotaI Height ToTaI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Water Course Site Coverage Landscaping + 425 + 425 Front Sides Rear Setback 20, 15' 15' (30) (s0) Retaining wa1l Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Yes Environmental/Hazards: L) 2l 3) 3'/6' _Reqrd (30o) (60o) (9oo) (1200)_ Permitted Slope jg3_ Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: No 21? Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche b) RockfalIc) Debris FIow 4) lrletlands Previous conditions of approval (check Property file) Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections 78.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, l"ots zoned Two Fanily and Primary/Secondary which are less than 151000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Developrnent Department nay grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant neets the criteria set forth under Sections L8.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for fuII- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 10 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: \/=,,i! /i', L , MEMORANDUM 4 zl ,.2 Planning and Environmental Commission Community DeveloPment DePanment April27,1992 A request for a conditional use permit to allow an outdoor dining patio on the fust ioor at the l,odge ar Vaiwildflower Restaurant, 774 Gore Creek Drive/a Portion of Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant Lodge at VaiVSherry Dorward Planner: Andy Knudtsen I. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE The applicant is proposing to expand the existing Wildflower outdoor patio by approximately 366 sa. ft. Cunently, thJpatio is l,6Tl sq. ft. in size. The total size of the outdoor patio is planned to accommodate i4 tables, which is 9 more than the Iestaurant had last summer' The material used for the addition will match the existing pavers. Currently, the landscaping around the patio includes a row of trimmed bushes planted next to sod. The proposed landscaping includes 9 aspen, 37 shrubs and 370 sq. ft. of additional planting beds' The existing trimmed bushes will be removed. The zoning code allows for 80Vo of a site to be covered with buildings or ground level patios. At this tirne, the site coverage for the Lodge is approximately 43,336 sq. ft., or 47 '7% of the site. The proposed deck will increase site coverage by 366 sq. ft. to approximately 43,732 sq' ft. or 48.1%. The section of the Commercial Core I zone district that addresses landscaping states that: "No reduction in landscape area shall be permitted without sufficient cause shown by the applicant or as specified in the Vail Village Design Considerations." '/+ The planted area of the site is approximately 18,498 the expanded deck, the planted area on the propefty approximately 18,132 sq. ft. or 19.97o. sq. ft., or 20.3Vo of the site area. With will be reduced by 366 sq. ft. to /1,! 4 This expansion will require approval ftom the Town of Vail Liquor Board, and the applicants will need to prcsent the expansion proposal to the Board prior to constructing the patio. No spccial requirements, such as a railing around the seating arca, arc anticipated to be rcqufued by the Liquor Board. ZONING STATISTICS A. Tnrung:Commercial Core I B. Site Area (for the Lodge Prropcrties): 90,992 sq. ft. C. Setbacks: Allowed None, cxcept as rcquircd pursuant to the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan D. Site Covcrage: 80% maximum or 72J94 q. ft. E. Landscaping: No reduction, unless recommended by the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations Existine East 38 feet Wesc 175 feet South: 154 feet North: 90 fcet or 43 20.3% or 18,498 sq. ft. -ub orE',:.ta 43,732 sq. ft. 9% or 18,132 Vail Village' Urban Design Guide Plan that some of this courtyard b€ infilled with paven. Please note that these area calculations h*ff**ldbg,reviewed the Town reco'rds and examincd the past plans and designs closely, but could not find any document showing that this elclqllllys..approved. For this analysis, staff has included it as site coverage. b?odn:rt.EftAdhqirq[F II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Departnrent recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factorsl l. Relationship and impact of the use on devebpment objectives of the Town. The purpose section for the CCI zone district calls for lodges and commercial establishments within the context of a prcdominantly pcdcstrian environmcnt. The purpose section cmphasizes the pedestrian nature of the Village, as it calls for "tightly clustered arangements of buildings fronting on pedcstrian ways and public greenways." The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Considerations, on page 22, call for dining decks and patios which "generally contribute o the liveliness of a busy street, making a richer pedesrian experience." The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan calls for "a future area - pavement treatment" around the Wildflower Restaurant. Staff believes that the development objectives, as defined by these documents, call for dining patios such as the one being propose{ and that the additional dining patio space will compliment the pedestrian nature of this area. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schmls, parks and recrealion facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes there will be no impact on the issues listed above. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffrc flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Again, staff believes there will be no impact on the issues listed above. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the propmed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Staff is concerned about the impact this proposal will have on the character of the open space surounding the Wildflower, Hong Kong Cafe, One Vail Place Building, and the rest of the Iodge facility. Given the fact that the Lodge r€cently submitted a reviscd plan for thc Infrnational wing, staff believes the ca1rtyad charactcr could dramatically changc in thc near frrtue. This recent application is based on an exterior alteration approved by the Town in 1983' which called for the courtyad to be surfaced with brick pavers. Constmction of the International wing will remove a significant portion of the greenspace, shown as the harched area on attached site plan. In addition, the new traffic patterns accompanying this expansion may requfue much of the courtyard to be converted to pavcrs. Because the rcvised International wing proposal does not include a comprehensive design for the courtyarid, staff is concerned that the landscaping lost with the Wildflower expansion may be need€d at a later date when the International wing expansion is constructed St1ff bclicvcs that an gppmpriate condition of approval is to rcquire that a masrr plur for tlre courtyad be designed and rpviewed by the DRB prior to issuance of a building pcrmit for the Intcrnational wing. Or, if the curr€nt exterior altcration r€quest is pursued, that a master plan fo'r the plaza be dcsigrcd and rcviewed as part of the extcritr aleration process. The applicants havc offered to rcmove the Wildflower deck if, during the master planning process, additional landscaping is needed in the courtYard. Staff believes that, with these conditions of approval, the Town will have an opportunity to change the paven back to landscaping at a later time. At this time, staff and the applicants both see the Wildflower deck expansion as a temporary solution. Given the fact the existine courtyald has approximately 11.243 sq. ft. of landscaping, suff believes the additional amount of pavers can be accommodated while still prrescrving the character of the existing courtyad. Findines ,''' I B. srantins a conditional use Permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code' III. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the request for an expanded outdoor patio, with the condition that: l. Prior to schcduling any public hcarings for the currcnt Intemuional wing expansion, the applicant shall &sigr a mastcr plan for thc courtyard and zubmit thc plan for the revicw and approval of the Town. Thc applicant shall, if dccmed neccssary by the Town, tr,movc dl of thc pavers associabd witb this omditional use in oder to allow additional landscaping. / / ca,, /oe, / 1.,-- f'-''{"' | " / Staff believes that ttris proposal meets the criteria for a conditionafuse permit, as discussed in accordance with the purposes of the zone district. Staff believes Finding 2 is met, as the operation of the outdoor dining patio will be operated in a way that is not detrimental to the public health, safety or welfarc. Lastly, staff believes Finding 3 is met, as the proposal meets with the applicablc provisions of the zoning titlc. With the condition of approval listed above, staff believes the proposal should be approved. c'\ec\nanoc\odge.427 1q,1') ' /vLlY -:' l/o /5'< .>u1'"r) /ke ,7 7 ,/ >5,t^-< | L^ rt\/a L Fz-< b,n*r/ G%''"*-{ 0ua 1/u,- ,/ 7,-. 0,*.,,/r^Lf*,",u, ,., / /#- ytta-t/ -on'{"'^ /" i {i Ir,l ,- D,.*^, (qu*'- V ,1,K-n G* *-*-u \ \> { \ \,t P Ns s((sX Nl \ 'c.\ . t{,.uJ (\Fs \ Ks Fi\'Ns \J!Sr{- 0 Nt A R x Q*\ t 3I E ri .T!:i!;li,I!!i ...1 ,:. a,io d stq"tr nlSei ffieF-- Et !C E 'oldl-o ;i .! i,Eiii flilisgliit aII art. a z a t-6 oIot.o, g o g r^1LJ 0 0 0 f n . b-d mb-d g :.ri. l I 'r:A ,rl' \ t-!:I \ .i.:::\ :16 9 li a; w , I PUBLIC NorlcE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on Apnl27,1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 'l . A request for an extension of a previously approved variance for the Neuswanger Flesidence, Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge/2642 Cortina Lane. Applicant: Chris Neuswanger Planner: Jill Kammerer 2. A request for an extension of a previously approved variance for the Christiania Lodge, 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Paul & Sally Johnston Planner: Mike Mollica 3. A request lor setback and site coverage variances to allow for the extension ol two balconies and an airlock at the Vail Trails East Condominiums, 433 Gore Creek Drive/Lots 7-15, Block 4, VailVillage First Filing. Applicant: Vail Trails East Homeowners Association/Mark Foster, President Planner: Shelly Mello 4. A request for a conditional use permit to allow an outdoor dining patio on the first floor at the Lodge at VailArVildllower Restauranl, 174 Gore Creek Drive/a Portion of Block 5C, VailVillage First Filing. Applicant Lodge at Vail/Sherry Donltrard' Planner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for setback and site coverage variances for the Wilhelm Residence, 4289 Nugget Lane, West Unit/Lot 5, Bighorn Estates, Resubdivision of Lots 10 and 1 1, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Robert and Karen WilhelmPlanner: Jill Kammerer 6. A request for an amendment to an approved development plan for Spruce Creek, Phase !ll, 1750 S. Fronr€ge Road WesUSpruce Creek, Phase lll Applicant: Michael Lauterbach Planner: Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for approval of a modification to the final phase at Vail Point, 1881 Lionsridge Loop Road/Lot 1, Block 3, Lionsridge Filing N0.3. Applicant: Steve GenslerPlanner: Jill Kammerer 8. Any items tabled from the April 13, 1992 meeting. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department office. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on April 10, 1992 r* .\ .-i\, \ =)r&o --- s c')\ o E (t) c C' o o J E (u .v (u tl- q) 1) (O co .1 o s {$:oG soo5€fs €iX\Jd;9 RS ) alpine international TRANSMITTAL April L7,1992 Andy K n u dtsen Community Dev. Dept,, Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dear And y: At your request, we have paced off all the green space on the Lodge at Vail property and transferred our field notes to a survey. A copy of this is enclosed for your use in the review process for the Lodge's application to PEC for the Wildflower terrace expansion, I have made no attempt to add up the total area, and the dimensions shown here are approximate. If your preliminary calculations reveal that there is a problem in the open space ratio, we can generate a site plan that is more precise. I will be working all next week in Eldon Beck's California office, but if you have any questions that Paul Jeppson can't answer, please feel free to call me there: (415) 49I-4722. l'll be back in Vail on the 27th and will plan to attend the PEC rneeting on that day. Thanks very much for your help in shepherding this project through the approval process. Sincerely, cc: Paul Jeppson, Lodge Properties Sherry Dorward landscipe anhitcctule and urtatr dcsign in mountain communiti,cs and:bigh-altitudc coviroaments 500 East l-ionshead Circle. Suite 301 Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-0668 FAX (303) 476-7660 171 Carlos Drive San Rafael, California 94903 (415) 491-4722 FAX (415) 479-6718 alpine international 8 April 1992 TRANSMITTAL Mr. Andy Knutsen Community Development Dept. Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (hand-deli ve red) Re: PEC Application to Expand Wildflower Terrace, Lodge at Vail Dear Andy, Enclosed with this package are the following materials pertaining to the request by Lodge Properties, Inc. to expand the Wild f lower Restaurant's outdoor dining terrace: 1. Improvement location survey (Johnson, Kunkel & Assoc., revised 12131185) 2. Proposed site plan (3 prints) 3. PEC Application form 4. Letter from Mr. PaulJeppson describing the nature and reasons for the proposed expansion 5. A check from Lodge Properties, Inc. for $200 to cover the application fee 6. Title report 7. List of adjacent property owners (28 pages) Please call me or Mr. Jeppson if you need anything further before the PEC meeting on April 27. (lt will be our intention to submit the same drawing for a f inal DRB approval at the Board's May 6 meeting.) Thanks very much for your help, Sincerelv. Sherry Dorw ard cc: Paul Jeppson, Lodge Properties, Inc. landscapc architccturc and urban design in mountain conmunities and high-altitude environments April 6, L992 Comnunity Development OfficeAttn: Andy Knutsen Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage Rd.vail, co 8L657 RE: Expansion of Wildflor,ler Terrace Dear Andy: on the Application for Conditional Use Permit, we are required toprovide several answers under Section III of the permit. The following addresses each question in order. I) F. The list of adjacent property owners will be provided separately. rrr) l-.we are asking to expand our existing brick patio adjacent to the Wildflower restaurant. We already operate theexisting patio under a Conditional Use Permit, we would Iike to expand the patio, which would allow us to increase our customer base for lunch and dinner in the Wildflower during the sunner. The patio is currently used to serve breakfast, J-unch and dinner; weather pending. The use of the wildflower patio would continue to be the same. The existj-ng patio is made of brick pavers and is framed by flowers and shrubs to give it a definite border. The new section would be built with rnatching brick pavers and bordered by flowers. Our plan would be to extend the Wildflower fl-ower bed that currently exists between our property and the WalI Street building, up and around the patio. The would keep the definition, but irnprove the look. As far as comparable properties, both the Hong Kong and Vendettars operate outdoor patios in the same area. 174 East Gore Creek Drive !hil. Colorad<; 81657 303-476-5011 Fax 303-476-7485 2 III) L)a. The Lodge exists in Commercial Core I. fn this area the town is encouraging the use our outdoor spaces- This will better utilize our area, for both guests of the hotel and walk by traffic. This lmprovement wilf not hinder access by pedestrians, actually it will encourage pedestrian traffic to at least view our flower beds if not sarnple our restaurant. we feel this irnprovenent will add to the attractiveness of The Lodge. It is consistent with our long term goal of irnprovements to the property, especially the exterior grounds. III) 1)b. our expansion of the Wildflower patio will- have no effect on the use of light, air, distribution of population, etc. III) 1)c. The effect on traffic due to this expansion will be rninimaL. Any drive in traffic will be allowed to park in our lot if they are using the restaurant. Access by pedestrian traffic is the same. III) 1-)d. The expansion of the wildflower patio will enhance the area twofold. First the new pati-o section will be angled to match the existing angles on the Wildflower itself,to allow it to fit lnto the surroundings more appropri-ately. Secondly, the existing flower bed wiII be expanded to surround the patio to give more color. rrr) 2. rrr) 3. rrr) 4. rrr) s. The site plan will be provided by A1pine fnternational. This is not applicable. The title report will be provided separately. The property is owned by Lodge Properties Inc. and is not condorniniurni zed. As you know, the complex does have Condorniniums. they are not a party to this project, however they would provide a letter of approval if necessary. f hope this answers all your questions regarding this project. I am available to answer any other questions you nay have. Sincerely, ?o*\\)ttt^.- Paul A. ,teppsonDirector of Owner Services a 'rlElrrFlx.:' Project Ap'p;cation t o^," r c/a=/qa Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone owner, Addressand phone: L-' Dg l ftYa.f<tf*t e.s, TpC. tT,-l E. &f< Cfe<k 0f,. Architect. Address and Phone -- -l Legal Description: L ot5-4 bl-C--, Block 5-e ,r,^n 1rf io',L V iU"Se , zon. Cc z is{,*eCom ments: Deslgn Review Board on" rc fa r/qa Motionby: fuE o' L^qtlr,l} Seconded by: D ISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Su mmary: Town Plan nert//o^," tE/aS/TQ Paul Jeppson Director of Owner Services 174 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 8165? 303,47 6.5011 Fax 303-47 6.'t 425 O R I E N T.E X P R E S S H O T E L S o EPPLI DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: **t**ttttt EEIS APPLICATION WILIJ NOT BE ACCEPEED uNtrr. A!r. nEoutRED rNrorutarroN ts suBurTrEDt**a**a*tt PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: AdditJon of 2 sheet metal roofs for Wildflower. Swarnp ce wall on ton nf fhe LlJldflower- These w'l 11 nrovlde cover from the sqow fhat. frcazas fhecp rrnJf s drrrJnq the winter- DRB I revteed sl{,ls]r carroN - torll{ otr varL, coroRADo I. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00) Addition ($50.00) x Minor Alteration (520.00) _Conceptual Review ($0) c. D. ADDRESS. 174 East gore Creek Drl-ve, Vall, C0 81657 yarE of Locs arDr c c c ^LEGAI DESCRIPTfON: Lot _ Block J-u Subdivision g6nnnercial Core I If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: ccr a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E. G. Ft_ I LOT AREA: If required, stanped survey showing applicant must provide a currentlot area. NAME OFMailing APPLICANT: Address: I Vall. C0 81657 Phone 476-5011 NAME OF' Mailing .APPLIEANT' S Address 7 174 REppESENTATIVE; Paul A. Jeppson East Gore Creek Drlve VaI1 . CO 81557 phone 476-5OII NAI'{E OF OWNERS ; Lodge Properties Inc. *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address:Vall. C0 81657 Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEEs DRB fees, as shoyrn above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applylng for a buitding permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town ofwill adjust the fee according to the table ensure the correct fee is paid. t FEfr I s 20 /00 * DESIGN REf,'IETI BOARD APPRO\TAI, EXPIRES ONE YEIR AFTER FII{AI. APPRO\TAL T'NI.ESS A BUII.DING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCIION IS STARIED. **NO APPTICAIION WTLL BE PROCESSED T|ITEOUT OT|NER'S STGNATI'RE 1 T K. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - $ io,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000I 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - s1,000,000$ Over $1r 0001 000 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400. 00 $s00 .00 Properties Inc. Gore Creek Dr. rI. r*-*nrr.orro *rrr"., a plg-?pplication neeting with a menber of the planningstaff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additionarapplication information is needed. It is the afplicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the slaff todetermine if there are additionar submittal reguirements.Please note that a coMpLETE apptication will screanline tbeapproval. process for your project. III. IMPORTAI{T NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal reguirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the pioject site toindicate property lines, building fines and buildingcorners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. AIfsite tapings. and staking must be compreted piior to theDRB site.visit. Th. appricant must. ensure Lhat stakingdone durj.ng the winter is not buried by snow. B- The review process for NEW BUTLDTNGS normarly requl-restvro separate meetings of the Design Review Soard: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Appllcantsshourd pran on presenting their deveropment pioposar ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining finaiapprovaL c. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their Lten bepostponed, will have their items removed fron the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at tbe discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the CommunJ.tyDevelopnent Department staff (i.e. i formal hearlirgbefore the DRB may not be reguired): and sinilar exterior changesthe existing plane of the b. Building addition.proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the tirne such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeletters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating thi associatj_onapproves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard study must be subrnitted and theot{ner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior. to the issuance of a building pernit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a-Town plannerprior to DRB application to deLermine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. E. For all resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior st.ructural walls of thebuilding,' andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions ornodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a buitding permit. a. Windows, skyl.ights which do not alterbuilding,' and o 24" frffi,E-"---- t .a9..E/ 42,/4 -----r--- -MruJ -:ZF:=- ^.,..68 zz z@i z6t ea d33 * * * * * * * * * FEMITTANCE ADVICE FULL P YIIIENT \ICUCHER NO. AND mrD IHE cfiEcK BELqrylE@lEql i17 ,92 p000 CHECK #53773 eo. oo LoDG E Effd"pg?firE $'ini8'3BPiff.tffi P ot uo'' NET AMOUNT 30. 00oo -f r--tLjf-{ fiF" l.IF? I L- 11i sc* I I snE LrLr:: rl.=sh 1",.';,1;,1s, i ii .i. il ji:r,l;l-l i:il-r*-rti'-i| i | ,in t_ i: # :;tj;ri.:;-i-i-ii- Lr:rir,ii._ Fj'l irqlr_-..i:'i:'!: f,ir irFtilr FF_i:. ilfri,.t, rfi i. t *,r-r,:i,, i,,-,:.j :, ..at . :..ii:i I t,errl F.3 t d i:]'l i.li itiU.i. j j..r;'i Fii ii:, i-ir.-'riiii,:r t-ti I.t.!t fr*,rtt t, HmD(Jnt p.3rd ,:irj":li.:r t:r . iti:i -rHlir-lF:-. {r'rl|J 1 ,1,,_ r1 , g;f1i;;.- . r !:. i r i,i i a i i;. [i i, -. )trr,,.l ,,, ,,,\vri5r (-,, ,t , t,l'l''.(""1 rrrIl--.a rr-r--t r Project Application ,^," b, f orf q2 L Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect,,Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: E statt Approvaltown Htanner il zco {<e Io,t ?6a'Fct 70- D2l, fu /II'T'LILAIION I-UR AUUI IIONAL GRFA FOR Pn0PERUS IN Excrss 0F ATL0IIABLE GRF! ff'0 MAY 0 51992 0ote of Appl tcatlonl!!;i!y'fll Date of DRB tleeting 0/t:t7-?/ e,sE- APPL lCAJ.L0{. coNF ERENC E A pre-appllcat{on conference with a member of the plannlnq staff ls stronqlvencourased to discuss lhe plovtsions under wtrtch-rbditio.it-sRiA iin'il-iiilato a slte. It should be u-nderstood that tlrts ordinaiii-uoes nou assure each propertyarr additiona't 250 square feet of GRFA. Rathtr, urii-oijirinc" iitoni-i;. d_ -ri25! square. feet if d,ertailr corrditions aro met. Appllcations for addttlons under thls sectlon wlll not be accepted unless theyare.conFlete. Thls Includes alI tnformiiion .edui".i-o"-6ii-i6.m ii'w.ir'ls"Deslgn Review Board subrnittal requirinents. PROJgCT [)ESCRIPTION: B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Oescrlptlon: Zon€ 0istrlct Lot Bl ock C. NAl,lE 0F APPLICANII O Address -tr -|ftvfl 'tFttLv ' N.l .t.tJI lf|x.L.._- tphone_@ APPLTCANI,s REPRESENT lrJt|* 6j0rtl lAW> p/,rei/ k::,NN'IE 0F OLTNER(S): :JtArl €trFK .,, _ ..- . .._ - -. _ Sfgnature(sl Address 174 ttilEe ,f,tFNtFt,_ Nt: lJt. t0 F. Flllng Fee of l:00.00 ls requlred at ilnre of submlttal The followlng lnformatlon, rn addltion to DRg submlttal requlrements, shall berequfred wlth thls submttlali --- - - l' Verlflcatlon that the unlt has recelved a flnal certlflcate of occupancy.2, Names and nralllng addresses of adJacent property owners and of owners ofunits on the sam6 10t. This lnfoimitton'ti'iviiti6ie iriiri-tii ElUii"corntvAssessor's offlce. 3. Condomlnlum associaHon approval (lf appllcable).4. Exlstlng floor plan of structure, G' Your proposal wlll be reviewed for compllance wlth Vallrs Comprehenslve plan. D.NAI"IE OF Addres s If thls application requlres a separate revler{ by any local,. State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vai]. the application fee shall be increased by $200,00. Examples of such revLew. may include, but are nctelinited to: Colorado Department of ttighway AcceEs PetmJ-ts. Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publlshlng fees which are Ln excess of 50* of the application fee- If, at the applicant's Eequest, any matter ls postponed for hearlng, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entl-re fee for such re-pubLication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Conmunity Development Departnent to have signlficant designl J.and use or other issues which nay have a significant inpact on the communlty may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determlnation be made by the town staff that an outside consultant Ls needed to revlew any dppllcation, the Community Developrnent may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this anount shall be f,orwarded to the Town by -the appficant at the time he files hls appl'icatlon with the Community Development DePartnent. Upcn completion of the revlew of the appllcation by the consultant. any of the funds forwarded by the apptlcant for paytrnent of the consultant rlhlch have not been paid co the consultant shal,I be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town Ln excess of t.he amount forwardeC by the applicanE shaIl be pald to the Town by the appllcan! within 30 days of notification by the Town' r l,: '_.i : 't_.. , lir : :.: i_rl1i ::Tii6i i:iFPET U :.r ._! _- : --Li-, rtF i ,' f,LlLAliuti rdi{ PijtPERT I r5 lf,l T=L :1 j f.i{- 1_ _ J-,:' . :,Lr*i I'UH AUUI I IUir/IL GRFA [ri:rss 0r A].r0]tA0LE onFA trcTMAy05pg? Best coPY Available r r l "-i I''''Fll trg Ills',l-f r'rrri Fi;iriiJ" : i *ffi1A.{.,:iffi*.._E*fi ker:. *#t; -r#- t !'1 ..: tt 11Y ? l{ir'*ur rr'. Ir,r'l t Ir,''"'" , " 'J urr 1f I 6n thg 3 Afis Alsestqr'r ofllcr, . La: : ;-1r.. . . tl t-f ib;ri-. nddre*erE +f arjJrtent,Jot, Thit'!nfornltluri . :ir I ' , + t i i 1.,,1, , Gqrl i f ie tlo Of pf'opei'tJ s*nflrt end oft'i rve ll tblr fnpm thn , t ;$ 0CtUplnCrYl p|{fiEre 0f [,rg1r iounty l* C: ndcnlil,su-r *sociailon agprovol (lf appl lcrblr),4. txictfng fl';or plan of rtrtcturr. Yovn PrapEsl! wlll be rtvlawed fur coltpllinci fljth Ytllrr comprrhrhri.tE il[n, i?5E4lr o )rte of Appl i*ai trn-&,iIJE )fl l't I l' DR':, t{es,i , ,tt*i-&.: t'i .. f {, - :.--- . i- ..,. -. u*l.,*LAtt!:.* ., I ,.f 91'g.i,r ,.. * .i, 4 ii!t,')lji t i! t.., F ,. 10,-;'.1 ; ,, 1,i,*"f l; : . ;..,r I,l,g i) ',,., ,i1 ;.E L,'1,jgr ,it, j- r,.j :, li l.; ,A'i ij!t',i ,_.1 ,. lr.l l; I 1.;;'1,j9:'51;.,: a!lr,'- '.1, 'r i -i' i.iq ,' *,: ,o i, , i,.. ,, ; ;.r!_tAre f+.ret i:i :;i,irA, [iAth.-,,.r. I ;,-;f ;',1.11_f, ;. I I *9 . .,,,"... ' E,Ert.Etii corrdll,i1,rl a':,:,*1. ' :.:Cll!crr3 uF:,3r :,,ix ':"t,::,. aiii,,;:i ;* L.tr.il, -;.,i e ,{ rili,JgS *,1 :.,a!-...- }:1i_1: ,,* jJ{rft,j ,,. ;.i e 't, ., ,r;,'.'t', i,rL'ri !fn1 r'gq-trg, i:,fi, ^"-....{ . .. .-j*k€-*I r Ii , *f {/r! li, ;r i rl i'$pgf ty '._t. F,. : .-:i.'T5i4fai F['t! DRB DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ***t****** TSIS APPLTCAITON T{ILL NOr BEIINTTL Ar.L REQUTRED r,r*NForRl{AJroN o IPPLI /u/zc/t/e ZOO O revised gl4lg]- CATION - TOYIN OF \TA,rL, COIORAI)O fff,unv c 4 tsof 4Dy't,*'tts'1 S/tS/t: "".#r{3' '""1" 'tJt s/4:7 ' PRO.]ECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRTPTION: IS SUBMITTED 't0R-df Lor6e 7btu9r B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction (S200.00)A Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition (S50.00)_Conceptual Review ($0)c. ADDRESS: t/Atf. %? Za*e *r tAtu D. LEGAL DESCRIpTION: Lot _ Block Subdivision ff property is described bvdescription, please provid6attach to this applitation. a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and E. ZONING: NAME OF APPLTCANT:Mailing Address: LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing applicant must provide a currentl-ot area. F NAME OFMailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE:Address:/.4. I. NAME OF *SIGI{ATURE (S) :Mailing Address: J. V Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tirne of submir!11 or DRB.appri"uiio"l --r;;;;, whenapplying for a building. permit, please iaentiiy-lireaccurate valuation of the proposal . The rown 6r-vaitwill adjust the fee_according'io tn. tabl_e Uefo", roensure the correct fee is paiO. === :^-_-=_--_ = _ fUE pAID: $ cZ _ Phone FEE s 20.00$ so.oor' $100.00 $200.00 s400.00 $s00.00 VALUATION ! 0-$ 10,000$ 10,001 - s 50, OOO I S0,001 - $ 150,000 $1s0,001 - $ s00;000 $500,001_ - 91, OO0,000$ Over $1,000,0OO * DESTGN RTVIEW BOARD APPROVEI EXPIRES ONE YTAR AFTER FTIIALAPPROVAT I'NIESS A BUTLDING PERMIT IS ISSUED ENO COTTSTNUCTTON ISSTARIED. **No APPr'rcATroN t{rLL BE pRocEssED l{rrEour o?wER, s srGNAntRE 1 Phone /z Phone -t\ N.\\ \ \J \ R N :=4 :.- _ #EAl|*:4 l€ ---G1€4)z_..4 t7=4 '--=t - ifl Ttf l^lH tlF rJff r L l,li scel l an,+ous C.esh 1,15_ff4_9: 1 {,: 1 i: ,:;'l Egtri.ipr # f,Ftlt$ Fccruri t ,lt ST Er"tE RIirEi,l...l:,F;E FEEI Rnr,:un t t *n,Je re,J ., f8. FF Item paid Rmount pqid [r1ErB0B+1]l1l:1rjfi tg. iJE ChEn,lE rF t u rnp,J .., rl.0{J THFTFII< V"DTJ NOTICE IS HEREBY GTVEN thAt thE Design Revj-ew Board application Municipal Building. Consideration of: PUBLIC NOTICE Planning Staff wiII be reviewi,ng a on ilune 3, 1992 in the Town of vail 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of GrossResidential Floor Area for the Ricci Residence located at 2576 Davos Trail,/Lot 5, Btock E, Vail Das Schone Filing #1. Applicant: Nancy A. & T.J. Ricci 2. A request for an additional 250 square feet of GrossResidential Floor Area for the Stark Residence located at Lodge at Vail Unit #353. L74 Gore Creek Drive/Lots ArBrC, Block 5-C, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant:John Stark The applications and information about the proposals are availablein the zoning administrator's office during regular office hoursfor public inspection. TO$IN OF VATL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on May 13, 1992- \uN\.\\Sf\l*\\,r:. s,s \s-1\.-\i\l\. rsu-SfssN \*\\\$\ -T{fhIF.I |fF LJtrI I L- l'liscel I aneotrs Cagh 6g-85-':r': 151 :ir:l: ::[i F:*ceipt * Bgftli Flccoun t # 51'El.t[ F:i t:,[H\rl[:,tr I TIi]].lFrL EE:F H Flnr,:urrrt. terrder'*d :, itilB. $tJ I tem p.3i,:, tlnoun ? Paid BlEr-rFB41l:I8FBB :BFr. tlLt ' lh;rngF. r*fur-rr*,J .:, 8. [tl:l -I-HtrIF{}{ VOU li'c'u r ;.:shier JU[iY : Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: '/A* L-aA y4Lega|Description:Lot-B|oc|(,f-,Fi|ing-'zon.((F ,^^-H^^+. Design Review Board ,^," Vz/tr2 Motion by: Seconded by: 3-o DISAPPROVAL Summary: Project Application Owner, Address and Phone: Staff Approval rILE COPY 75 soulh lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (3ffr) 4792't39 office of community development April 15, 1991 Mr. Jay Peterson 108 S. Frontage Road west Suite 307VaiI, CO 81-657 Re: Lodge at Vail Dear Jay: As you are aware, lour submittal on behalf of the Lodge Properties, Inc., for an exLerior alteration in Cornmercial Core I has been placed on hold by the Comrnunity Development Department. Your initial application for this exterior alteration was submitted on ulay 2!t 1989. This application was conceptually reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission on June 12t 1989, and was assigned a 50-day review period. No action was ever taken on this application, and on Decenber !4, 1989, you withdrew the application and picked up all the submittal materials. Your most recent application vtas received by this Department on November 27, 1990. Again, this was conceptually reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Connission on Decenber 10r 1990, and a 90-day review period was assigned. At your'request' this application has been placed on indefinite hold. Due to the. volume of submittals before the Planning and Environmental Comrnission, and because your application is substantially inconplete at this time, we request that you withdraw your application and resubmit when your redevelopment plans are cornplete and finalized. If it is your desire to proceed to the Planning and Environmental Commission with this application, please call me as soon as possible so that we may neet and discuss the deficiencies in the submittal materials. One way or the otherr I look forward to t I ' ii:i a hearing from you on this matter. Sincerely, /"1/* I'trk Mike Mollica Senior Planner /abcc: Kristan Pritz Mike Shomo It t r4 rra c' / rt /ao May 25, L990 Ms. Shelly Mellon Town of Vail Department of Conrnunity Developnent 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 8L657 RE: Timberline Tours Dear Ms. Mellon: Tinberline Tours is currently renting 422 sq ft. of Comrnercial space from us this summer. The will operate a raft and wildlife company frorn that space. Although most of their business willcome directly from The Lodge, they will be taking outside business. This space is a portion of the space that Vail Ski Rentals usesduring the winter as a ski rental shop. The ski shop isexclusively for the guests and owners of The Lodge. Since thatis an in house operation, it is exempt from the Parking Fee. It is my understanding that Tirnberline Tours wil] fall under theCommercial Core Parking Fee of 3,oOO.OO per 3OO sq.ft. becausethey conduct business that is not exlusive to the hotel . Iwould like to process the paperwork necessary to become fully incompliance with the town. I have included the proposed Lease between Tirnberline and The Lodge at VaiI. You will find a diagram of the space on the lastpage of the lease. This diagran comes from the original plans when the space was built in l-984. The space that we are rentingto Timberline is outlined in yellow on this diagram. If you have any guestions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, 4l J |, 1l'a,. /.,4 UCrr;,>,i , Paul A.'u'ep$6onDirector of Owner Services 174 East Gore Creek f)rive \hil. Colorado 81657 303-476-5011 Fax 3O3- 47 6-7 425 COMMERCIAL LEASE BETWEEN TODGE PROPERTIES INC. AI\TD Ti-nberline Tloursr Tnc. o COMMERCIAL LEASE Table of Contenta Sectlon No. Tltle Page No. Fundanental Lease 1. Term; Extension. 2. Rent 3. Securlty Deposit 4. Services 5. Use and Trade ilame 6. Operation of Premises. 7. Alterations. 8. Possession and Acceptance of Premises. 9. Quiet Enjolment. 10. Signs. 11. Repairs. L2. Liens and Claims . 13. Condominiurn Documents; Rules and Regulations . . 14. Telephone Service. . 15. Indemnification. 15. Nonliability of Landlord . . 17. Liability Insurance. 18. Damage by Fire or Other Casualty - Fire Insurance. 19. Assignment and Subletting. 20. Eminent Domain . 2l . Accese to Premises . 22. Tenantra Taxes . . 23. Default 24. Remedies of Landlord . 25. Surrender of Possession. 26. Holdover Tenant. 27. Notices. 24. Subordination of Lease . . 29. Transfer by Landlord; Attornrnent 30. Security Agreernent . 31. Directory Board. 32. General. Exhiblt nAt Terms 1i 1 1 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 I I 9 9 9 10 lo l2 l2 L2 13 13 14 15 16 t7 t7 t7 18 18 18 22 -1- I. Landlord; Tenant; Address for Notice and pavmentof Rent. Landlord: Tenant: I I I. Percenta Gross Receipts for Section 2(b). Lodge Properties Inc.Attn: Director of Propertlea174 East Gore Creek DriveVaiI, Colorado 81557 Tinbenline Trours, Inc. L'14 East Gore Creek DriveVaiI, Colorado 81557 Tt v-' (r ov' )e Rent. €ll+ percent f}f,|. of Tenantrgany lease year, payable grn+te+$. See'fnon\\y V. Ut:Llitieg. As additiona). rent, Tenant shallaIl separatEfy-mEEred utilities. See Section 2(d). VI . Lease Tenn. Five (5) years comnencing19qO See Section 1(a). pay on VIII.Use of Premises.rentals IX. Tenantrs Trade Name. Tenant_ is required to dobusiness uffi Tililberlrne 'rours, -LrE. See Article 5. X. Exhibltg. The following exhi.bits are attachedhereto and-Ere -IiEorporated herein by this reference: Exhibit nAtr Description of the Premises This statement of Fundamental Lease Terms andreferences to the Lease are onry for the convenience of theparties hereto. Each reference shall be construed toincorporate all of the terms and conditions of each suchsection referred to and alr other terms and conditions trereofwhich. may have application thereto. In the event of anyconflict or inconsistency between the statement of aniFundanentar l,ease Term and the terms and conditions of ai.ygther provision contained in this Corrunercial Lease, the-latter shall control. Raft and wildlife tours' bike - 11- I 1 COIiIMERCIAL LEASE THIS COMMERCIAL LEASE (nLease') 1a made and enteredinto effectlve the _JEg= day of Mav , , 1929, by andbetween LODGE PROPERTIES INC., a--Coloteao-orpoEtioi, ( ilLandlordrr ),,egrrlnrarion _. [indicate whether a eolE-piopiletor- :l,ipl_p.flnership, or corporationJ 1 I'Tenantn), Jointiy caltedthe nParties. n Landlord hereby leaEes to Tenant and Tenant herebvlets fron Landlord that portion of stro;r-rrrrit ski stnp ( "Premisesrt ) owned by Landlord, Iocated in ffre - f,oEleApartment Condominium Fuildi.ng, Vail., Colorado (rBuildin;i),with the Premises nore particularry described on attachedExhibit nAtt and containing approxinitely iJ-ll sguare feet, tohave and to hold the premises for the term,--I-na at ttre rentarand other conditions, covenants, and agreements set forthbelow. 1.Term:Extension. i* Tt-ri, .to.-.. L, r,r {6,y-p fa1.''-, N\^y lsr _ i\ro,; tr Ne v \:r Qcr rc,-\ 5 y.l'.r Fl.*. cr{,"i,,-, r.r \l r,r-,-.r:r-r f s- t't\{ . $u,,.rn,y i\rc rnc o\\r c,{ a) Term. The term of thiE Lease lnTermr)shall be for five (El-years conmencing at 12:OO noon on, 1990 (rConmencement Datert), and expiring atSqJsE-, 1990 ("conmencement Daterr), and expiring at12:00 noon lbvenber lst , 199i , unless tenninated lartiCr aeprovided in this Lease, subject to extension only as forlowE. b) Extensi.on of Tern. Tenant shall have theright to extend trre@iod of rive is1 yearaupon the same terms and conditions of this Lease eiclpl trrat(i) all categories of rent may be rnodified at the solediscretion of Landlord to reflect the then current rnarketrate rental for the Premises for such extension of the Termand additional rents including but not limited to aEffiiltt{E I +ondo*inirl*-a€.6'o,eia€{-or*-due+-attd-eetpcnsers-f oruttilfl Tot1-a:gEs-6 fthe-Suirci*rgl-+rrd (ii) Tenant shalr have no further right toextend the Term. This extension right may be exercised onlyby written notice thereof to Landlord at reast six (5) montlisbut no nore than eight (8) months prior to the expfrition ofthe initial five (5) year Term. If Tenant is in defaultunder-any of the provisions of this Lease at the tirne of anyexercise of this extension right or on the comrnencement ofsuch extension period, Landlord may treat the exercise ofthis extension right as void ab initio. 2. Rent. Tenant agreea to pay rent for thePremises to LaiEl6rd at 174 E: Gore Crlei Drive, Attn:Director of Properties, VaiI, Colorado e1652, or at suclrother place as Landlord nay designate in vriting. payrnent ofrent shall be made without notice, abatement, setoif, ordeduction, as follows: Rent of $f lva ( 5l rrear 'l',r -'. ..,...i-J a.-.J lerrr.leirrE rJr l_ begJ,on theConrnencement Date and thereafteiEue on irst day of eachcalendar month 1n advance wi ce during the Term. lfthe Commencement Date is than the first day of acalendar month or Tern ends on a day other than thelast day of endar month, the monthly Minlnun Renteach euch month shall be prorated on a 3O-day ** 1.",.. uu-L 1 iL- lg r: ,;r.nL< r {\ "9".rrn 1!<- *J .*^'\ V i\\ 'r",' tt'Fr. o ' cr'"\;. ::"1- ":" :::'in::T' l: li, t*Q rr Q*$,,5",.n {t< c,: {1tflF",t t} By l\t., 1o";..., of !,.,.'\ . Ihr {<c. i,"i\\ tc :;91\t e''\\ r-.''o\it'o\ c-.s €."r\'-;' y"'' I {Y': t;*"*t0i F.,"J1.,\ 2(% r-'" j\ ' vl Tt,*".-t., gcrviv,. c t \\.r- 9^rL"rr t ic ',\ ru\ bt 9*'i '- 'r'\v""' "-i.n- \r\ rr a'.(\ Y{.'.r !:3tr--tr- r t)r-t t'rrrr ei\\t l<'ra. Percentage Rentercentacfe Rent. Tenag{ shall pay, asel rercenEaqle KenE. -t'enallE shall pay, agaddltlonal rent, rer&i@-R6F6fr.ral toJhSpercend (tr.J ofTenantfs Grose Receipta, aE defined below, for any ieaieYeer, as defined below. Percentage Rent 6halt be payablerno'r$ly wa+t€srr. Each instarrnent of Percentage Rent shall be dueand payable within 3 days after the end of each gui**e**,rncott-, u..-rt\., based on a calendar year. Said Percentage Rent, conputed andt't''t'l\\rY@instalImentg,shallbepa1dwithout notlce, deduction, aet-off, or abatement 8t the addresgdesignated by Landlord. At the end of the Leage term,whether by expiration, default, or early termination, Tenantwill pay the Percentage Rent due within 30 days after the endof the Lease Term, which obligation of Tenant ehall survivethe expiration of the Term. 1. nlease Yearil shall mean a period oftuelve (12) consecutive nonths measured fronr the ComrnencementDate, and each anniversary of the Commencement Date. 2. tcross Receiptsrr shall nean thetotal amount of receipts and other revenue fron all businessconducted on or from the Premises, regardless of whether euchbusi.ness is conducted by Tenant, or by any licensee, con-cessionaire, or subtenant of Tenant, or otherwise, whethersuch business includes consignment sales, and whether suchreceipts are evidenced by cash, check, credit, credit card,exchange, or otherwise, without regard to wbether collectionis made of the amounts for which credit is given, and shallinclude but not be linited to the arnounts received for thesale of food, beverages, goods, irares and merchandise,services perfonned on or purchased at the prenj.ses, equipmentand other rentala, and all fees and similar palments receivedfor any business conducted in, upon, or fron tbe premises togetber with all orders taken or received at the prenises regardless of whether such orders are filled fron thePrenises or elsewhere. Each sale, charge, or transactlonshall be treated as a grosE receipt for the full price orcharge ln the Lease Year during which such sale, charge, ortransaction is made. There shall be deducted fron GroEsReceipts the sales price of any nerchandise returned bycustomers for exchange if the sales price of the merchandisedelivered to the customer in exchange shall have beenincluded in the Gross Receipts. Gross Receipte shall notinclude the amount of any sales or use tax inposed by anyfederal, state, municipal, or other governmental authori€ydirectly on sales collected from custorners provided that theamount thereof is added to the selling price or absorbedtherein and is paid by Tenant to such governnental authority. A. If Tenant elects to exercise its optionunder thiE subsection (A) by executing a Guest Charge Agree-nent which shall then be appended to this Lease, Tenant shallallow guests of The todge at VaiI Hotel (trllotelrt) to chargepurchases to their Hotel roomB ("Hotel Chargesn). All ltotelCharges shall be submitted to The Lodge at VaiI Hote1 byTenant at least once during the day but not later than- 12:OO noon and at least once eaclr night but not later than 1O:00 p.n. to the Front Desk for oostJ.ncr of |lta tt^^1r -...,*o ,vr. rv....r.e !'.r.q.-r !,sr stJicl,y responslble for lnsuringthat each Botel Charge is made by a guest that ls checkedinto the Hotel . Landlord iE not responsible for any chargea made by people that are not staylng at the Lodge it Va1l,Eotel Charges which are not glven to the Front Desk forpostlng to guest accountg before the gnrest(s) check out ofthe Hotel, or lf the charge la disputed by the guest.Landlord wilI pay ltotel Charges to Tenant within acorunercially reasonable tlme; provided, however, that inaddition to all Percentage Rent due, Tenant wlll pay as -2- addltlonal rent flve percent (52) of ell Hotel Charges nadeby grueets of the Hotel, which amounta ahall be deducteddirectly fron the Hotel Chargee pald by Landlord to Tenant.Furthermore, if any rent reguired to be paid by Tenant underthis Lease is not paj.d vhen due, Landlord rnay firet applyHotel Charges towards the payrnent of such ren€. In the-eventthat any Hotel guest fails to pay Landlord for any EotelCharge, Landlord ie not responsible for such non-payment andeharl not be liable to Tenant therefor. If renant Cxerclsesits option under this subsection (A), Landlord and Tenantagree to be bound by the tertns of the Guegt Charge Agreenent. 3. Tenant shall naintain within theTown of VaiI, Colorado, accurate and complete books andrecords of all Gross Receipts, together with all supportingrecords and pertinent data, which shall include nithout - linitation all sales slips, cash register tapes, bank state-nents, reports of excise, sales, and business and occupationtaxes covering any period during which this Lease ie inforce. Tenant shall rnaintain such books and records forthree (3) years fron the end of the lerm and shall hold themavailable during the Term and such three (3) year period forinspection and copying during reasonable business houra byLandlord or its agents or designees. Within 30 days afteithe end of each nonth during the Term and withi.n 30 daysafter the end of the Term, Tenant shall deliver to Landloid awritten Etatement of cross Receipts for the preceding nontb,signed and certified as correct by a proprietor, generalpartner, or officer of Tenant. Tenant shall also dellver toLandlord copies of all sales and use tax returns at the tineeach is submitted to any taxing authority. In additiori,within 90 days after the end of Tenantrs fiscal year, foreacb fiscal year during vhich this Lease is in forle, Tenantshall deliver to Landlord, at Tenantt s expense, a statementshowing alr GroEs Receipts derived from the prenises duringthe preceding fiscal year. Within 30 days after expiratioior earlier ter-mination of this Lease, Tenant shall -deliver such a statement showing all Gross Receipts since the end ofthe previous fiscal year. ff Tenant has euch a staternentprepared and/ot certified by a licensed certified publicaccountant in the ordinary course of Tenantts business, tlrensuch certifi.ed statemeDt shall be delivered to Landlord.Receipt by Landlord of any statement or any palment ofPercentage Rent for any period sharr not bind Landlord as tothe correctnees of such statement or payment. Once for eaclrLease Year and once after expiration or earlier terninationof this Lease, Landlord shall be entitled to an independentaudit of Tenantrs books, records, receipts, and any otherdata, including Tenant's income tax returns, by a certifiedpublic accountant desig,nated by Landlord. If the audit shoysany deficiency ln the payment of Percentage Rent, thedeficiency shall become immediately due and payable. If theaudit shovs Tenant has understate-d Gross nlciipis by twopercent (21) ot roore_for any Lease year, Tenant jtratt pay allof Landlordrg costs incurred ln connection with the audit agwell as the deficiency due, and, furthermore, tandlord may,at itg sole optlon, declare a default under thig Leaae.-Landlord shall hold in strjct eonflrlcnre a] I rt61v'r:1r A--+ lli;-\. -i ,.r,Ji" r aijri'; i), J.srr.rnL un(lef GhlS trgasg and ShalI nOtdinrlge lt except to carry out the purposeE of tllis Lease orin connectlon wittr the financing, refinanclnft, or sale of allor any part of Landlordrs intereet in the prenisee. additlonal rent, all Real Eetate Taxes low,during the Tero. The ReaI E-sta+'c-1f6*6; shall be patd byTenant nonthry*-i+-advafi€e, in an amount equal to onL-twelith -3- any notlce of taxe6 and assesanenta fron the appropria!.Cgovernnental authorities. Tenant is reaponsible i6r -t}.y'ne,t, i.e., adjusted, ReaI Estate Taxes commenclng on Januarj I ofeach year and shall pay such new Real Estate T retro-actively to January I as 6oon as tandlord recei notice oftaxeE and assessnents. For the period from Comnencenent any taxing authority any increasez{n the ReaI Estate Taxegduring the Term, provided that,.fenant shall conduct guch expenses, arising ou f any Euch contest. While Tenant hasthe rlght to conte'f in good faith increases in Real EstateTaxes, Tenant such tine as 1 pay to Landlord the increased rate untiltaxing authority may change the increasedr-.tg. AfI |.CaI Estate Taxes assessed prior to but payable 1nwhore ot;zi instarrments after the comrnencement ol the Terrn taxes or upo4 tp-alrTtgation to any governnental entity assessedord aa a result of its ownership of the prenisee, d) UtilitieS. Tenant shall pay, asadditional rent, all-EEEEIfE and other utirities as are ormay in the future be separately rnetered for the prernises. e) Interest on Delinquent palrmente, LateFgg?:. If_Tenant shall fail t,additional rent, .or any other sum or charge due Lan-dlord,such amounts shall bear interest at the rate of eighteenpercent (181) per arulum compounded annually comrnencing on thefirst caLendar day_ after the due date until paid in full(nDefault Interestn), and, in addition, if suih palment ienot paid within ten (1O) days of the due date, Tenant shallalso pay to Landlord a late charge equal to fj.ve percent (51)of any delinquent sum for each rnonth that suih sun ii'--celinquent. Landlord and renant hereby agree that the ratecharge representa a fair and reasonable estimate ofadditional costs Landlord wirl incur by reason of such latep_alTgnt by Tenant. Both Default Interest and late chargesshall be addittonal rent pavatrl.e bv Tenant ;rrr-r:.r tli': 1 . -:! ;.: . f) other qunq. Any other suma or charges,i.ncluding but not TrmIEEa*-Eo cha-rgee for r"pairs andnaintenance perfo:rned by Landlord, to be paid by Tenant underany other provislons of this Lease are hereby -designated agadditional rent and shalt not for any reason ble considered ageither Mlnlmun Rent or Percentage Rent as hereln defined. -4- rent end Real Estate Tax aa aecurlty for the full and;faitbful perforrnance by Tenant of each and every covenay't,condition, and agreement of this Leage. If Tenant ts/ Lndefault of any auch covenant, condltlonr oF agreincluding but not limlted to palment of rent,diminishing, walving, or affecting any other riglfte and remed5.es, tandlord may uae, apply, or retain all any partof such deposit for the paynent of any such or other charge in default or for any Eum whlch Landlory' nay incur, expend, or be required to expend by teaeon/of Tenantrsdefault including but not linited to any,/ danages ordeficiency in the reletting of the Premisef, regardless of whether such danages or deficiency accrtt{ before or after summary proceedi.ngs or other reentry by lord. Landlordshall not be reguired to so use, apply,/or retain all or anypart of such deposit, but if all or .fiy part is so used, applied, or retained, upon denand T t shall imrnediately deposit with Landlord an anount of Ttash egual to the arnount so used, applied, or retained so to have on deposit withLandlord at all times the full,/sun set forth above. If Tenant shall fully comply vit{y' Tenantrs covenants, condi-tions, and agreements under s Lease, the deposit or any balance thereof shall be ret/rned to Tenant after the end ofthe Tern and after a rea Ie time and opportunity there-after for Landlord to in t the Premises for the purpose ofdetennining whether thgl terms, covenants, and conditions hereof have been fuLLy/petformed and observed, but Tenant shal.I not be entitleS/ to any interest on such deposit, norshall Landlord be ob)dgated to keep the deposit in a separate account. In theof an assigmment ce of evidence satisfactory to Landlordthe right to receive the deposit or any balance thereofr/ Landlord nay return the deposit to the Tenant originapy named herein, regardless of one or more assigmments of this Lease. If Landlord Ehall sell, lease, or otherwise ag,6iSn or dispose of the Prenises or this Lease, Landlord n/y deliver the deposit or any balance thereof toLandlordr/ grantee, Iessee, or assigrnee, and upon Euch Tenant hereby rel.eases Landlord from any and allfor the return of such deposit and shall thereafter rtt 1i abi Ilook/solely to the grantee, Iessee, or assignee. Thispro/ision shall apply to each and every sale, conveyance, or se of the Premises or assignment or disposition of this 4. Services. So long as Tenant is not in default under any of the provisions of this Lease and except in the case of accident and/ot events beyond its control, tandlordwill furnish without additional charge to Tenant (a) hot andcold hlaqlp in reasonable guantities at all times and(b):hbatihg for norrnal retail shop use during normal business trours for such use. The interruption or curtailment of any such services shall not constitute a constructive or partialeviction nor entitle Tenant to any abatement of rent or conpensation from Landlord. 5. Use and Trade Name. Tenant agrees that itshall do businesg under the name of Tr,..,bK.lr,rc -fc;r>, !.-.. 10 u cs , cl-\ \-t r\. . .rp SirL, , business in the Buildlng shall not be exclusive. Tenant agrees not to carry on any hazardoug activities upon the Prenisee Dor to permlt or suffer any nuisance or wastethereon. At ite own expense, Tenant shatl comply with allappllcable Iaws, ordinances, orders, and regrulations ofgoverrunental authorities and agencies and all applicable requirements of the Board of Fire Underwriters or other -5- boardg or organlzations exercising slmllar functlons. Tenantehall not perform any acte or carry on any practlcee vhlch may damage any of the Bullding, ehall keep the Premlges clear and free fron refuse and dirt at all timee, shall store allrefuee within the Premises at Tenantr s expenae, and ehallregrlarly deposlt all refuse in appropriate receptaclee at deaigmated pick-up areas. Tenant ahall not burn any refuseln or about tlre Premises or anyrhere else ln the Building. 6. Operation of Premises. Tenant shall keep thePreniges and ite display windows lighted from dusk to 9:30 p.n. Tenant shall refer to the Premlses as ttre Lodge Promenade in aII advertising naterials and shall use thePremises addrese of ,l{ East Gore Creek Drive, Vall,Colorado 81657, in all instances where an address is required.until the conducted closing of the ski Ii fts be open to the public at stneaS from From the opening of The Lodge at Vail Hotel for the sunrmer season until the closing of the Hotel in October, Tenant . shall keep its _[qginess open to the publi_c pt least fronB.t'o 19=49 .... to 9i5S'p.m. Monday through sCES*Eby. and--f-=en seasons, the business condubted fron the PreniseE open to the public at least fron LO:00 a.m.5: 0O p.n. every day of the week, except when clo pernitted bythis section. The business conducted the Premises shallnot be closed for any continual 6d of more than two (21 weeks and then only during months of April, but solelyafter the closing of lj.fts, May, October, but notbefore The Lodge a I Hotel closes for the summer seaeon, and Novenber,bolely before the opening of the ski lifts, and for re than a total of 30 days during any LeaseI closures of more than tvo (2) days muet be filed 7. Allegations. Tenant shall not make anyalterations, addlEf5iEl-6F improvements in or to the premiseg without Landlordr s prior written consent and then only bycontractors and with materials approved by Landlord. AtIsuch work shall be performed in a first-class, vorkmanlike manner and shall be done at such times, in such manner,subject to such reasonable condi.tions and desigrn criteria aeLandlord may from time to time desigmate, and ln accordancewith the approved plans and specifications. Unless othervise agreed in writing at the time Landlordr s consent is obtained,all alterations, additionsr or inprovements upon thePremises, including but not linited to all paneling, parti-tions, and the like, shall become the property of Landlord atthe end of the Term and shall remain upon and be surrenderedwith the Prenises as a part thereof at the end of the Term.AII such alterations and improvements shall conform to allapplicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and codes, and all,proper llcenses, approvale, and pernits shall be obtainedprior to cornmencement of any work. Atl alteratlone,additiona, and improvements shall be malntalned by Tenant andshall, upon any such instal Iati on bt, 'Farrrql tr3 ': 1'.' -:' ' -".r- i we4j !€vwrir.ir r-rlrrred. Tenant shaII not nake anystmctural alterations in or additions to the Premises. Ifnonstructural alteratlone or changea become necesBary becauaeof the appllcation of lawe or ordlnances or other directlona,rulea, or regulations of any regulatory authority havingJurisdlctlon over the business carried on by Tenant or becauee of any act, omlsslon, or default on thc part ofTenant or because Tenant has overloaded any electrical orother facillty, after flrst obtalning Landlordrs wrl.ttenapproval of plana and specificationg and furnishing such -5- lndennlflcrtlon agalnat 11ens, coats, and danages aB Landlord may reasonably require, Tenant ehall makc auch alteratlonc and changea at lts expenae and in accordance with the approved plane and specifications. g. Possession and Acceptance of Preniaes. a) Poeseseion. lf for any reaaon tandlord cannot deliver posseEl6i-GFthe Premieee io Tenant on the Commencement Date, this Lease shall not be vold or voidablc,nor shall Landlord be liable for any claime, danagea, expenses, or costs arising therefrom, but no rent shall accrue, nor ghall the Term commence until possession ls madeavailable to Tenant, and the conmencement and expirationdates of the Term shall be pcstponed appropriately. If Tenant takes possession of the Premises with Landlordrgpernission prior to the Connencement Date set forth inArti.cle 1, then such date of possession shatl become the Commencement Date, the expiration date of the Term shall be advanced appropriately, and the Term and all obligations under this Lease shall corunence as of such early Comrnencenent Date. b) Acceptance. By occupylng the PremlsesTenant accepts the Premises and acknowledges that the Premises are acceptable to Tenant and in the condition calledfor under this Lease. 9. Qulet Eniolzment. So long as Tenant shall observe and perform the covenants and agreements binding uponit under this Lease, Tenant shall be entitled during the Termto the guiet enjoyment and peaceful possession of the Premises. 10. Sisns. an awning over the shopfront within three (3) weeks af e Comrnencement Date of thie Lease. If.the awning doesthe shop nane on it, then Tenant shall purchase gnd haveinstall adecorative eign within the sane time period._,ffe furnishing and installation of both the avning and sign will be atthe sole expense of Tenant. Tenant nu_.9t-obtain prior writtenapproval of all sigrns and awningsfu4ore they are installed,which approval shall be at Ehe--c6le discretion of Landlord.Tenant is responsible for ping the awning and sigm cleanand in first-class co on. If Tenant does not keep the awning and sigm cle;ra-and in first-class condition, Landlord may do so at T s expense, which expense shall constituteadditionalearlier and lnstalLed by Tenant, including any necessary b) Tenantrs Sicrns and Devlcea. Except asprovided in Section 1O(a), above, Tenant shall not erect orinstall any exterlor or interlor window or door slgns orother advertlsing media on the Prcroi ceq r..ri ihatrf :r.- -':i a - '-:1.-:" :.-L--.j,- r.t rarr\..r.!'r(1. Air, SuCn slgnE ShaII ConfOfm tOapplicable lawe, ordinances, and regulatlons. At the- end ofthe Tern, Tenant ahall, at Tenant's expense, remove all suchsigns pernitted to be placed on the Preniees and repalr any damage to the Prenlsee caused by such removal. Tenant ghallnot use noieenaklng advertlslng media includlnE, wlthoutIlmitation, IoudspeakerB, phonographs, or radlos which can b€ heard outside the Premlses without the prior written consentof Landlord. -7- c) Landlordr s Slcrn. Tenant ahall pernltLandlord to place a rETTlrFrelA upon thc preoiees et rnytlne durlng the 90 days prlor to ihe Lnd of the Term. 11. Repairg. a) -- LandlordtE Repairg. Landlord shall keepin good repair th@bfroor, structurarconponents, and exterior walls except plate glass or glass orother breakable materials used in itrictural- portiong of thePremises; provided, however, that Landlord -shall not berequired to nake repairs or replacementa which becomenecessary or desirabLe by reason of the act, omisaion,default, or negligence oi Tenant, its agents, servanta,employees, inviteeE, or licensees. - b) Tenantfs Reoairs. Except as provided insectlon "a" above, Tenant shall, at its expense, keep thePremises and all equipment, facilities, and fixtures thereinir.-good order, condition,- and repair, in a clean, sanitary,and safe condition, and in accordance with all applicabrUlaws, ordinances, and regrulationE of any governmentalauthority including repairs and replacementi fesurting frouuee by ?enant, reasonable rrear anb tear excepted. Tenant:tr"ll neither pernit nor suffer any waste, damige, or inJuryto the Premises. If renant refuses or neglectJ do commencerepairs within t.l (10) days after wri.tten demand byLandlord, or guch lesser realonabre time in emergencies, orthereafter to comprete such repairs with due dit:.gence,Landlo-rd may, in addition to any other renedy it rnaj havi,nake the repairs without riabirity to Tenant ior any-toss ordamage _that may occur to Tenantrs-business by reason- thereof,and, if Landlord m-akes such repairs. Tenarit shall pay to'Landlord on demand, as additional rent, aIl costs indexpenseE in connection wit-h such repairs together vithDefault Interest thereon. _ c) Glase. Tenant shall, at its expense,promptly replace with@ss of the same guality any dlanagedor broken glass, including plate glass anO any- interior andexterior windows and doors in the premlses. - a) __PalrmenE by Tenant. Tenant will pay orcause to be paid arl sums for work done by, through, o-r rinderTenant in or to the premises of a characte-i which;irr or ^"yresult in Liens or claims against Landrord or Landlordr g'interest in the Premises, and Tenant wirl keep the prenises and the Building free and clear of all nechanicrs and otherliens and crains on account of work done for Tenant orpersons clairning by, tbrough, or under Tenant. Tenant shallbe liabre for any direct or indirect charges to Landrord,resulting from any such lien or clain inc).uding but notIinited to attorneys' fees. b) Removal and Security. Should any liengbe recorded aqainstffi6 D1,r1i_ 1rc .* 3.:i.,j -.- ----i ..--=-',.-iig r.ric Lr r-.rtr trt€f€Eo be conmenced, Tenant shallgive Landlord written notice thereof. Tenant sharl cauaesuch riens to be renoved of record withln five (5) days afterthe recording of the lrens. rf renant shali degire tocontest any nrechanlcrs rlen, Tenant shall furnish the bondprovided for ln se-ctfon 39-22-131, colorado Revlsed statutee,and if Tenant sharl deeire to contest any other cralm arisingout of work on the prernisea, Tenant Enirt furnish securlty-acceptable to Landlord ln twice the anount of the clain plulaestimated costa and lnterest. If a final Judgneni 12. tiens and Clains. -8- establlshlng the valldlty or exlstence of ! llen or clrlm for any anount 1s entered, Tenant ahall pay and aatlsfy the aaneat once. If Tenant has not pald any gun for whlch a lien orsuit either has been recorded or conmenced and ehall not havcgiven Landlord security aE provided abovc, Landlord hay,without being required to do so, pay such lien or claim, andthe amount eo paid together yith reaeonable attorneye' feegincurred ln connection therewith and Default Interest andlate chargeg, if any, thereon ehall be inmediately due and owing to Landlord as additional rent. c) llotice and Pgqt:iag. At Ieast 30 daysprior to the corunencffi on the PreniseE 1; excess of 91,OOO.OO, ?enant sball notify Landlord of the proposed work and the narnes and :ddresses of the pereons supplying labor and materials for the proposed work. Landlord and its representatives shall have the right to go upon the Premises and inspect such work at all reasonabletimes, to post and keep posted thereon notices as provided bySection 38-22-105(2), Colorado Revised Statutes, and to take any further action which Landlord may deem proper for theprotection of Landlordts interestE. 13. Qg4dominium Docunents; Rules and Regulatione. ledges that the Premiaes and the Building are par!e Lodge Apartment Condominium, Gore Creek Drive , Colorado 81557, and agrees to abide by the Dec on thereof, the Bylaws, and all rules and ns now or hereafterpronulgated by The Lodge t Condominium Association,its Board of Dlrect gera, or ite Managing Agent. The breach by T of any of such rules, regrulations,shall be a breach by Tenant under thisDecIaqg,t,,iof,l or Bylaws b) Rules and Requlations.Landlord reservesthe right to adopt from tine to time rules and regrulationsgoverning the Building and/or the Premises, including withoutIimitation the following rules, any breach of which by Tenantshall be a breach under this Lease: 1. - Tenant and its employees, agents,representatives, guests, visitors, invitees, and licenseeEshall. not use the swimming pool, jacrtzzL, sauna, parkinglots, or garages located at The Lodge at Vail; 2. tenant shall not conduct oradvertise any auction, fire, bankruptcyr or so-called "goingout of businessrt sale or similar types of sale on the Premises without Landlordts prior written consent. Tenantshall store or stock in the Prenises only such goods and nerchandise as Tenant intends to offer for retail sale at,in, or fron the Premises as welt as Tenantta necessarysupplies and equipment; and 3. Tenant shall not display or seII any goode or nerchandise on the sj dewalks i;. +l'+i .^rnr'!^n 'ttse-4 -'.-' L... i-,.* yicr2rr aLea alJPur.tenant tO tne Pfem:.seB Of theBuilding without prior wrltten consent of Landlord. Atl rules and regtrlations adopted by Landlord pursuant tothis Sectlon shall become effective upon dellvery of the sameto Tenant. 14. Telsphong_S9-rv.igg-8. Tenant shall arrange forall telephone sffiay require. Tenant shatldirectly pay the utlllty for such services, including the a) -9- egtabllghment and connectlon thereof, at thc ratea chargedfor auch Eervlceg. The fallure to obtain or to contlnue toreceive such services gharl not relleve Tenant of lte obll-gations under this Lease. 15. Indemnifica!1on. Tenant hereby agrees toindemnify and ho-rTEilll6ETTinress frorn and aiainlt any andaII claine, denands, damages, cogts, and experieea tnctdatnjbut not limited to legal fees and costs arislng from thecond-uct or- nanagenent of the businese conducted by Tenant inor about the Premises, any breach by Tenant of any covenantor agreement of Tenant under this Lease, and irry act,omission, default, or negligence of Tenant, its lgents,representatives, contractors, servanta, enployees, sub-Iessees, concessionaires, customerg, licenseis, or inviteeein or about the premises, the Building, and tire sldewalksadjoining the same. rf any action or proceeding is broughtagainst Landlord owing to any such claim, upon Landlord-r sdirection Tenant covenants to defend suci action orproceeding by counsel reasonabry satisfactory to Landrord. 16. Nonliabilitv of Landlord. Landlord shall notbe liabte to rffiage occasioned byplurnbing, electrical r lfils; water, atean, or other utilftypip9s, systetn, and facilities or by the bursting, stopping-,Ieaking or running of any tank, waihstand, cl.osel, waEte, Lr 9!her pipes in or about the premises or the Building unresadlrectry resurting from Landrordrs intentional act or neglectafter notic-e; (b) any damage occasioned by water bei.ng iponor coming through the roof, ekylight, vent, trap door, entrydoor, or otherarise unless resulting fron Lanatoiari -' intentional act or neglect after notice; nor (c) any damagearisi.ng from any act or neglect of contents or otheroccupants of the Building or of adjacent property or thepublic. Landlord shall not be responsible ior- anli defecte,Iatent or otherwise, in the prenr!.sts, in the Buildlng, or inany of. the -equipnent, machinery, utilities, appliances, orapparatus therein, nor shall it be responsible-or tiable forany-injury, loss, or danage caused by or resulting fron acteof God, the elementa, flood, riot, vJndalism, eartiguakeg, orother circumstances beyond its control or for any- injury,loss, or damage caused by or resulting from any defect ornegligence in the occupancy, construction, operition, or useof the. Premisee, the Building, or any machinery, apparatus,or equipnent by any person or by or frbm the acta, oriissioni,or negligence of any occupants of the prenises, the Buifdinglor of adjacent property or the public. 1?. Liabilitv Insurance. Tenant agrees to procureand maintain, a@oticy of irisurance whichinsures Landrord and Tenant from any and alr craims, demande,or actions for injury to persons in an amount of not lessthan $1,000,0o0-oo combined single rimit lncluding insurancefo" danage to property in an amount of not leie than$25,000.00, arising from, related to, or connected with theconduct and operation of renantrs business or actlvitleE oroccurring on or about the Leased premises. Tenant shall algoprocure and maintain a no! I z.rr 63 lnr-'.--...-- -'1-:..-:1" i:-,.. 1.,..?,. ,i--; -u9r-- iio'.,riiLy dncr extended coverage Ln an amount ofnot less than g3OO,OOO.OO J.nsuring, at a ninimurn, TenantrJlnventory, equipnrent, trade fixturee, and other personalproperty. Such pol-lcy(iea! or duly executed certliicate(a)for the sanre- together with satisf;actory evidence of thepalment of the premiun thereon shall Le deposited withLandlord at the cornnencement of the Term and n6t lese than 30daya prior to the renewar date for such coverage and sharrcontain, in addition to natters custornary in lnsuranceindustry practices, a speciflc statement that contractual - 10- liablllty ls lncluded and the lngurerra agreenent to glvc Landlord not legg than 90 daye prlor wrltten notice of anycancellatlon of or material change in the Bcope or amount ofcoverage of such policy. All such policies shall contalnprovisione that Landlord and itE servanta, agentB, and employees nay recover thereunder for losses by reason of theact6, omissiona, or negligence of Tenant or any other lngurednoth'ithetanding that Landlord ie an lnsured thereunder. lfTenant fails to comply with euch requirenent, Landlord nayobtain such lnsurance, and Tenant shall pay Landlord thapremium thereof together with Default Interest and late fees,if any, thereon upon demand as additional rent. The insurerissuing policies reguired by Lhis Article nust be licensed inColorado. A11 such insurance policies, coverage, and issuersmust be approved in advance by Landlord. 18. Damage by Fire or Other Casualtv - Fire rnsurance. a) Damage. If the Building shall bepartially or totally destroyed by fire or other casualty, the same shall be repaired as promptly as may be reasonable atthe expense of Landlord to the extent provided below, unlesgLandlord elects not to rebuild by written notice to Tenantwithin eixty (50) days after the casualty, in which eventthis Lease shall terminate. If the Premises were renderedtotally unusable for Tenant's business, the date of suchtermination shaII be ttre date of such casual.ty; if thepremise6 were not rendered totally unusable for Tenantrsbusiness, Lhe date of such termination shall be the datespecified by Landlord in such tennination notice, nhichtermination date shall be no earlier than ten (lO) nor morethan 30 days after the receipt of such notice by Tenant. IfLandlord shall not so elect, then, to the extent providedbel.ow, Landlord shall repair, rebuild, or restore any damagesuffered by the Premises as promptly as nay be reaEonable atthe expense of Landlord but only to the extent of stnrcturesand inprovements which tandlord has an obligation to repairunder this Lease, and this Lease shall remain in full forceand effect. Unless thie Lease shall be termi.nated asprovided above, Tenant shall forthwith replace or fullyrepair at Tenantr s cost all signs, trade fixtures, equiprneit,display cases, and other installations originally installedby Tenant or by a pri.or Lessee. Landlord shall have anlnterest in the proceeds of any insurance carried by Tenantto the extent of Tenantr s obligations to repair or replaceunder this Lease regardless of whether this Lease isterminated as provided above. Tenant shall have no interestin the proceeds of any insurance carried by Landlord, thereceipt of which proceeds by Landlord shall be a conditionprecedent to tandlordts obligations to relair, rebuild. orrestore under this Article. b) Operation; Abatement. During the periodsubsequent to a casualty and during ahy period of reconstruc-tion, restoration, or repair, Tenant agrees to continue theoperatlon of ite business in the premises. Minlmum Rentshall be abated proportionatel-v drrrjno a't!t r!.,?'i zrar {n .'r.'t-\ .-i.*- - j,._l ; - *-.i,1i....- *., rrrvcrter€nse Wir.n r:ne OpefatfOn Of thgbusiness of Tenant in the Prernlses by reason of any casualtyto the Premisee, and euch abatenent shall continue only foithe period commenclng with the date of the caeualty andending with the earlier of the substantial completlon- of thereconstruction, restoration, or repair to the premlses forwhich Landlord le obligated by thls Article or when suchinterference hae substantially ceased. However, if theBuilding shall be partially or totally destroyed owing to theact, omission, or neglect of Tenant, its agente, employees, - 11- contractora, visltora, licengeca, lnvlteeg, or gubtenant!, Tenant ghall not be entitled to any abatenent of Mlnlrnun Rent except to the extent, if aDy, that Landlord recelvee ths proceeds of rent insurance ln lieu of euch ltlinimum Rent. c) Insurance. Landlord shall nalntain or cause to be maintained policies of casualty lngurance coverlng ita obligationa under thiE Artlcle, which coverageshall provide protection agalnat casualtiee included under standard fire and extended coverage insurance with each of such casualties belng referred to ae an nlnsured Casualtyn. Landlordr s obligation to maintain any insurance doee notinclude any interest of Tenant or of Tenantte personalproperty, nhich shall be the sole responsibility of Tenant. Tenant shall maintain j.n effect with a responsible insurance company or companies, policies of insurance covering allproperty owned by or interest accruing to Tenant includingbut not Iinited to Tenantrs trade fixturee, furniture,furnishings, floor coveringrs, inventory, eguipment, and plateglass, structural glass, or any other glass located on thepremises and subject to this Lease, and any interior andexterior windows and doors in the Premises for not lees thaneighty percent (8O%l of the replacement value of the eame against an Insured Casualty. All such insurance policies andissuers shaII be subject to the approval of Landlord.Neither party shall have any interest in ttre proceede of insurance received by the other party except as provided inthis Articl.e. Ihe PartieE ehall obtain frorn each insurerproviding coverage reguired under this Lease a waiver of allrights of subrogation of euch insurer against the otherparty. If such waiver is available but only upon payment ofadditional premiums therefor, then either party may regulrethe other to obtain such waiver upon payment by the request-ing party of sush additional premiurn. Without Landlordrsprior written consent, Tenant shall not carry any stock of goods or do anything in or about the Prenises which wlll inany way tend to increase insurance rateg or invalidate anypolicy on the Prenises or the Building or carried onLandlordrs operation of the Butlding. If Landlord shaLl consent in writing to such uee, Tenant agreea to pay agadditional rent all increases in premiums for insurance ofany tlpes resulting fron the business carried on in the Premises by Tenant. If Tenant installs or uses anyeLectri.cal equipment that overloads the power lineE to tJleBuilding, or causes any problem to Landlord's intereet in theBuilding, ?enant shall, at its expense, make whatever changesare necessary to remedy tbe same and to conply with therequirenents of insurance underwri.ters, rating bureaus,utilities, and governnental authorities having jurisdiction. 19. As@. Tenant shall notassignr, sublet,--fiEnsfe@1edge, or encumberthis Lease or any lnterest herein or all or any portion ofthe Prenises without the prior written consent of Landlord,which consent may not be unreasonably withheld, and onlysubject to the linitations of Article 5 of this Lease unless expressly waived by Landlord in writing. Consent by Landlordto any aesignmentE or sublettinq shall not be a r.r6.lrrcr. ^f.', -- ...-:r.r.l' -' - -- r-:i-: e!, 4.rJ sri|.rscquettL ass.l'gtmgnt Ofsubletting, nor will such consent release Tenant or anygruarantor of Tenant fron any of lts obllgationa undei thl.gLeaee. Any tranefer or encunbrance of fifty percent (50f) ormore of the etock, assets, eguity, or other proprletarylnterest of Tenant shall constitute an asslgnrnent of thia Lease under thls Artlcle. Neitber thle Lease, any lnterestherein, nor any eatate created hereby shall paea to anytrustee or receiver in bankruptcy, any assignee for thebenefit of creditors, or by operation of law. Any such -12- raaignment of the Premlaec to any of auch peraong ehall bcdeemed to be e detention of the premlsee and shall glvcLandlord the unquarifled right to enter upon the premisls andremove all of Tenant goods, flxtures, and furnishings andgtore the sane at then prevalling storage ratea gor ttreaccount of such person actlng under assigmrnent from theTenant, and such person's refueal to allow Landlord to soremove such gooda, fixtures, and furnishings shall constltutean unlawful holding, lnd auch peraon shall thereupon becomcllabre to be removed from the premises and/or to piay MinlmunRent on a daily basis, in advance, in an amounC elual totnice the Minimun Rent plus all additional rent otheryigcpayable hereunder. A purported assigrnment, transfer,subletting, ot encunbrance of thls Lease without Landrord'aprior written consent shalr be void ab initio. Tenant agreesto reimburse Landlord for Landrord'E-reasoiEue attorniyslfees and other expenses in conjunction with Tenantts requlatfor Landlord's consent under this Article. 20. eg_ggnt__QSrnE1n. If aII or any part of thePremises sharl E-Taen-una€r the power or e-niirent domain,then the Lease shall cease on the part of the premiaes sotaken from the date that the possesslon of such part l,etaken, and all rent shal.l be paid up to that day. - If tlreportian of the Premises which is taken ls such aJ to destroythe usefulness of the Premises for the purposes for which thiPremi.ses were leased, then from that day either Landlord orTenant may terminate thie Lease within 30 days thereafter.If thiE Lease is not so terminated, Tenant srritt continue lnthe possession of the remainder of the prernises under theterns herein provided, but the Minimum Rent shall be reducedin proportlon to the area of the prenises taken. Allcompensation or darnages for such taking shall. belong to and!e the property of Landlord without any participation byTenant; however, Tenant may make any lfain for loss ofd-amages directry against the condernning authority providedthat such slain does not diminish, delay, or jttrervige adversely affect Landlordrs anard or the award of Landlordramortgagee. 21 . Acceas to premises. Landlord and ite repre-sentatives shar@o enter upon the premiseg upon reasonable notice at arl reasonable hours to inspect thePremises, to nake such repairs, additions, or altera{ions tothe Premi.sea or the Building as Landlord elects, and to showthe Premise_a to prospective tenants, purchaserg, mortgageeg,or others; hovever, Landrord shall not unreasonably intelferewith Tenantrs business being conducted in the pre-miseg. rnemergencies, Landrord may enter the premises without noticeand with force, if reasonably necessary, to preserve andprotect the Premises or other portions of ttre Building, andLandrord shall neither be liable therefor nor sharr theexercise of such rlght be deemed an eviction or disturbanceof TenanttB use or quiet posseesion. all taxeE, whetlEf-6i-EE'I-Er: personal propertyassessed aqainst the personal, nrnnartrr -+-ol- it sch --*-u:rjl'd r.i!)r. w v u.ir.:rr \. e pract (r by Ienant oL-&,d,ddl.ord in orabout the Premises, whether or not suctgp,rf,perty beconea partof the -realty upon installatlo;o.Xan1. suci taxes ar€assessed against Landrord or_gbedulldlng-or if the assessedvalue of Landlordrs prgr.r6 ie increaied thereby, thenLandlord shall a{v:lsrfenant of the amount of any suchassessment, ay)zftnant shall prornptly pay or rei-mburseLandlord J9{aLL taxes resulting rrom lrre slarne. tranatoidigpay such taxes based upon either, the assessnent ofr19h! -13- such asaesBment. Any biltlng by Landlord on accincreased asBeaanente ehall be payable b ae addl-tional rent on or before the date upg the next MininurnRent palment le due hereund nant shall have the rightto protest to the app4 taxing authority any such taxeaduring the T Ovided that any such protest ehall be unde proaecuted by Tenant in good faith and at no 23. Default. a) Default bv Tenant. Ihe happening of anyone or more of the following events shall be a default byTenant under this Lease: 1. Tenant shall fail to pay anyinstallment of +*+m**"cng, Percentage Rent, or Real--Ss*rEc 4axes within three (3) days after the date due; 2. Tenant shall fail to pay any addt-tional rent or other charge or nonetary obligatlon withinfive (5) days after the date due; 3. Tenant shall fail to report andlorto provide Landlord with copies of all sales and tax receiptewithin 30 day6 of each filing with any governmentalauthorlty; 4. Tenant shall fail to perform any oneor rnore of its covenants other than those involving thepayment of noney within 30 days after delivery of writtennotice or, if such perfortnance cannot reasonably be cornpletedvithin such 30 days, then the fai.lure of Tenant to comnenceperformance and proceed with due diligence within such 3Odays and thereafter to prosecute diligently and pursueperformance to conpletion; 5. The naking by Tenant of an assign-ment for the benefit of its creditors; 6. Ttre levying of a writ of executionor attachnent on or against the property of Tenant and thefailure to obtain a release or discharge of the same withln30 days thereafter; 7. Ttre institution of proceedings in acourt of competent jurisdiction for the involuntary reorgani-zation, Iiquidation. or dissolution of Tenant or for itsadjudication as a bankrupt or insoLvent or for the appoint-ment of a receiver for the property of Tenant and saidproceedings are not dismissed or any receiver, trustee, orIiguidator appointed therein lE not discharged within 30 daysafter the institution of said proceedings; 8. Ttre lnstitution of proceedings for !!. v-oluntary reorganizati.on, bankruptcy, liguidatlon, ordissolution of Tenant or the use of anv siatd nr federer -.r.;-.r,1 *;r !^:,i e- -.:5;- vw.r-1 cru! wt ptOCer:Oing r)y LenanEi anct/Of 9. The abandonnent or vacatlon of thePremises or renoval of substantially all of the furnlture,equipment, or other property from the Premises for a periodof fifteen (15) or mare days. b) Default bv Landlord. Landlord shall notbe ln default under thle Lease unless and until Landlord hagreceived written notice thereof from Tenant specifytng the - 14- alleged breach by Landlord ln reaeonable detai1 and Landlordhas not cured euch breach, lf aDy, wlthln 30 daye afterreceipt of euch notj.ce or, if such cure cannot reaaonably bcconpleted within such 30 daye, then the failure of Landlordto cotnmence the cure of such breach, if any, within 30 dayaand thereafter to prosecute diligentry and pursue compretionof the curing of the breach, if any. a) RemedieE. If Tenant is in default underthis Lease, then without further notice to Tenant, vithoutbarring later exercise of any other remedy, and in additionto all other legal remedies Landlord shall have any one ormore of the following remedies: 1. Landlord nay requi.re strictperformance of all of the terms, covenants, agreements, andobligations hereof as the same shall accrue and have theright of action therefor; 2. Landlord may re-enter the prerniseg and, without terminating thie Lease, at any time and fromtime to ti.ne, relet the Prenrises or any part thereof or partsthereof for the account of Tenant, or otherwise, and receiveand colrect the rents therefor applying the sane first to thepayment of such expenses as Landlord may have paid, assumed,or incurred in recovering possession of the premises, placingthe Prenises in good order and condition, repairing oraltering the Premises for reletting, and such- additionalexpenses including cornnissions and attornbys, fees paid,assumed, or incurred by Landlord in or in connection- witirreletting the Prenises, and then to the fulfillment of theterms, covenantE, agreenents, and obligations of Tenant, andTenant hereby waives any provision(s) of law otheruiselimiting the foregoing provision and any other such rightanow or hereafter given Tenant under the law; and,/ot 3. By written notice to Tenant,Landlord may declare this Lease at an end, re-enter thePremises by process of law, eject all parties in possession,and repossess the Premises. b) LielU]lf . Notwithstandins any earlytermination of this Lease andlor a reentry into the premisee by Landlord as pernitted in this Article, Tenant shall remainliabre to tandlord for damages for breach of this Lease in anamount equal to the total of the following: 1. AII unpaid Minimum Rent, percentage Rent, Real Estate Taxes, Default Interest, late fees, and anyand all other additional rent and other charges payable b1iTenant hereunder (coll.ectively the itRentstr) - due for theperiod prior to the date of reentry or, if elected bytandlord, termination of this Lease, together with additi6nalDefault fnterest and late fees until paid; 2 . Al l. costF a4d avnr:,-'o^+ | l- - r::.:.:'l "i.;*.-*-- -; -.- -Jr,...--Lr-.r iir-lr r.eEjrEry anct fepoSseSslOn Of thePremises and the repalr thereof to the state requlred by thlsLease upon termi^natlon or as may be necessary lor releitingand any brokerer commissione, attorneye, feeE, and othefcharges incurred ln connection therewith or ln connectionwith reletting the Premisee including attorneyar feeeincurred ln the collectlon of all Rents; and 3. A sum equal to all Rents including agood faith reasonable estimate of Percentage Rent whlch vouta 24. Remedies of Landlord. - 15- have been payable hereunder after the datc of tennlnetlon or' reentry for the balance of the Term had the Leage not bccnterminated or reentry made together with Defaurt rntercat endlate fees if any thereon; provided, however, that ln thcevent that the Premiges is relet, which reletting ghalt ln noevent relleve or release Tenant of or from liablllty for darnages hereunder, for all or any part of the balance of tncTerm had the l,eaee not been terminated or reentry made, then,to the extent Landlord receives any net proceeds fron guclrreletting, Tenant ehall be entitled to a credit againet ltaIiability to Landlord in an amount egual to such netproceeds. c) Reletting. Nothing contained herelnshal.I be construed so as to charge tandlord rith any duty torelet the Premises in the event of ternination or reentryhereunder. lf, however, the Premises are relet, the renfreserved upon such reletting shall be deemed to be the fairand reasonable rental value of the whole or part of thePremises so relet during the term of the reletting. On suchreletting, the terms and conditions of the reletting shall besuch as reasonably can be negotiated by the parties to suchreletting, and Landlord shall use reasonable efforts tonegotiate such reletting to be no less than the anount ofrent reserved under the provisions of this Lease. In noevent shall Landlord, as a condition to itE recovery ofdanages hereunder or othernise, be obligated to givepreference or priority to the reletting of the premisea aBconpared to other premises which are then available in theBu5.lding for lease, it being expressly agreed that tandlordshall have sole and absolute disqietion as to whlch vacant orunleased space shall be leased to an available tenant. d) Pavment. AII damages payable hereundershall be and become immediately due and payable upon date ofternination or reentry. If, because of any bankruptcy,insolvency, or sinilar statutes, the right of Landlord 1ocolrect damages shall be lirnited to an anount ress than wouldbe payable in accordance with the provisions of this Artic1e,Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for the full amount of anydamages recoverable by Landlord under the circunstances. e) Personal Propertv. fn the event ofreentry and/ot termination hereunder, Landlord may reenterthe Premises using suclr force as may be necessary ind removeall persons and chattels therefrom and/ot change the locke orothenrise refuse Tenant access to or possession of thePrenises except for the purpose of Tenantts removal of anypersonal property which is neither the property of tandlordnor property in which Landlord has a security ihterest, andLandlord shall not be liable for damages or otherwise byreason of any of its acts in accordance therewith. Antproperty belonging to Tenant or any person holding by,-through, or under Tenant of otherwise found upon the premises may be renoved therefron and stored ln any publlc warehouseat the cost of and for the account of Tenant. If Tenantshould abandon, vacate, or surrender the premises or bedisposSessed. anrr Dersonal. nronortrr ! af* '1;1i-* ?h- l.--....f I 'rsiri*y rr€ ijsci.s,.i arrarr,iurrerl, lt , ag ghe Opti On Of LandlOfd, Onguch. reentry. Landlord nay take possession of any and allfurniture, fixtures, or chattele in or on the premiEes andsell the same Ln whole or in part, without filing eult orobtaining any,executlon order or decree, after ten 110) daysnotice by Landlord, to the highest bidder for cash-wlth o-rwithout euch property belng present at the sale, Tenantagreei.ng to make delivery,thereof to the purchaser, and applythe proceeds thereof to the palzment of co6ts and expensei-oftaking and removing the property and holding the saIL and the - 15- Rents and anounta owlng Landlord, and Tenant egreea topromptly pay any deflclency. f) Expenses. If Tenant is ln default underthis Lease, Landlord nay but need not inmediately or at anytinre thereafter, nlthout notlce, cure any euch brlach for tieaccount and at the- expense of Tenant. If Landlord at anytine, by reason of euch default, is conpelled to pay orelecte to pay any eum of nroney or to do any act whith-willreguire the palment of any sum of money or ig compelled toincur any expenge, including reasonable attorneysi feea, ininstituting or prosecuting any action or pro-eeding toenforce Landlord'-s rights hereunder, the sum or sums so paidby Landlord. nith Default Interest and late fees if anythereon, sharr be additional rent hereunder and shall be duefrom Tenant to LandLord on the first day of the nonth forlow-ing the palnnent of such respective suma or expenses. 25. SUffg4dgr1 of possession. At the end of theTerm, Tenant shffisee in food conditionand repair, reasonable wear and tear and loss by fire orother unavoidable casualty excepted. If Landrord lequeste inwriti.ng, upon the expiration of the Term Tenant -shall promptly remove any additions, fixtures, and installatlongpraced in the Prenises by or for Tenant as designated in therequest and repair any damage occasioned by such removals atTenantr s expense and, in defaurt thereof, iandlord may effectsuch removals and repairs, and renant shalr pay the Landlordthe cost thereof, with Defaurt rnterest and lale fees if anythereon. This obligation of renant shall survive the expira--tion of the Term. 26. Ho_ldovetfgngn!. In the event Tenant remalnsin possession oEEETiEtiErafter the end of the Term andwlthout execution of a nerl lease, it shall pay daily rentegual to the per di.em rate at two hundred peicent (2OO%, ofthe Minirnum Rent for the irnmediately preclaing Lease *ear,subject to aII tbe other obligations of Tenant under thtjLease, and shall be deemed to be occupying the premises on aday-to-day tenancy. 27. Noligeg. Whenever under this Lease a provi-sion is made foi-IoEfEe of any kind, such notice shall- be inwriting and sigrned by or on behalf of the party giving ormaking the same, and it shalL be sent by-registered-orcertified mail, postage prepaid, to the last address setforth below, or by actual derivery to such address furnished,or such other address hereafter provided in writing by eitherparty for such purpose. If Landlord or Tenant is rnore thanone person, notice need be sent to but one tenant orlandlord, as the case may be. The initial mailing addresseafor noticeg are: To Tenant: subject and subordinateor other lien presently Creek Drive Tenant accepte thlsmortgage, deed of upon the Prenises or 'i- l)q Vai 1, East Gore Colorado 81657 To Landlord; f'orloe Prnrla.1.lisc t-^ ,rLrn: urrector of properties 174 East Gore Creek DriveVall, Colorado 81552 Any changes of address shall be given in the same manner asother noticea provided herein. 28. Subordination of Lease.teasetrust,to each exi sting -t7 - the Bullding, and arl renewara and extenarons thereof, rndTenant agreea that any holder or beneftclary of any-auchmortgage or deed of trust or other lien ahalr -trave ttre rijrri.at_ any tine, to subordinate such mortgage, deed of truei,- orother rien to this Leaee. Landlorg i"- ri.r"uy irrevoc.uy -v-e9te-d by Tenant with furl poner and authorlty'to gubordinatethie Lease Agreem-ent to any mortgage, deed of irust, or otherIlen. herelf!-er pf-a-.99 upo-n the -piern:.seg o, ,por, .if o, "nyportion of the Building, and Tenant agreea, upon demana, itexecute such further instruments suboidinairng thrs Lease agLandlord may request. 29. T . Landlordrnay transrer, i@, its rights and obligationghereunder, and in the prernisei and,/or tn6 AuifJing. In theevent that for any reasol- any deed of trust, mortgage, orother encumbrance upon all oi any part of the premites isforecrosed or a deed or other instrurnent of conveyance isgiven in rieu of foreclosure or if Landrord transiers itainterest under this Lease, Tenant covenants and agrees toattorn to such successor to the rights of Landrord. rn suchevent, this Lease sharr remain in fulr force and effect rnaccordance vith its terms as a direct rease between Tenantbereunder and euch successor. The foregoing lrov:.sions oethiE Articre 29 shall be self-operatlve and effective withouttbe execution of any further instrumente; however, Tenantagrees to execute and deliver to any successor euch instru-ments ai may be requested by Landloid or by any successor andprepared by Landlord at Landlord's expengs or such succesEorin order to confirm or effectuate said provisions. wheneverused in this Articre, the term nsuccesso'r, Jtti-lncrude iteheirs, representatives, aucceasors, grantees, and assigms.Ttre provisions of this Artiqre shail -nrn to fue uenerit ofand nay be relied upon by any such successor, ty Landlord, 1nd by any other p_erson or ent:ty who haE or'"cioires anyinterest in the premiseE including but not trinrtea toassigrnees, grantees, or other successors ln i.nterest of theparties hereto, holders, or beneficiaries under mortgages ordeeds of trust, and the like. tion and as securi.d-foFThE-!ffient of all rents and ocharges - becoming . 9r" . hereundlrl Tenant hereby- lrants,Landlord a securi_ty interest in the forrowirig 'a."J{ia"icollateral (the .ncorrarerarr ) : (a) atl "q"ii;n"iV -t-i"al Ii:1:::: ac9o11ts receivabie,'"6r,i"..t-' rl-g;jz{, cash,inventory, and other personalty placed in the E ses duringthe term of this LeaJe; ana 1b-) all of th; ;p6;;dl tnereot.The securi.ty interest hereby granted w i"6i to i-anarord inL:::l::: _i:"::."1I :l"rl be -e;t;;;J, sru;iri-"tla t" anypurchase mon_ey se1l1itV interest' gr-^nfiVy f"r*"tio a partyor person which has provided suchy'nven€ory on credit or-which has advanced -money xo f tngn{ce the - p"'r"rr."e or euchil:.il?:-l:, I.i1"!. shatr -executSy'and delivdr 1o i""arora uponthe exesutj.on of this- Leas",-u{ at the ""q..""t- J-Lanatord, f:lT1ls.--,"-t-"!-:T:"t(") gr{dencins rana'iiia' a - securrtv::l:. : ::..:l i^-"-h,Ii^t l, u.p og,6pp t1p r I a €e f i t i ;t tr," ". Jr, pe r flc rsuch security interest ,/ttn-i'. .r-or-,,,rt h-: --l -."o: 1,.--_- -i--l]" :.o. .,i:.--.;.-^<. zi. iL oy'orry .grme thereafter, guch default orbreach- not havins/f,evio-usry been cured, iandlord sharr then 1,1"":.11. of the26nedi_es of i secureC paity ,rrra."-tfr. lawe of:|:_^s?!.. o)zfolorado including, wtlhout timttairon, rhe :-19"" to tgxe- po-sseesion of the Collateral, and, for thatputpoae,rYandlord ma-y enter upon the prenl.ses and rernove the:T: ?f.._f1"q.,^!"lglord shatt stve renant at teaet ten (10) l=l*:t:: n*i:e of the date oi or afrer whrch any prtvate "y o!-any other intended dlspositlon ie to be midi or of - 18- aecurity intereet andterminated uhen ell of Collateral crea ll bcother charges beconlngpaid tndue under tlds-Leaee-6f extenaion thereof have been 31. Directory Board. Tenant shall be entitled tohave itg name -E86fr-rrp-6il-T-ny Directory Boards of thcBuilding. Landlord ahalt designate thC etyJ.e of suchDirectory Board, vhich shall be }ocated in an area desigmatedby Landlord in the rnain lobby or elsewhere upon tfreLandlordr s premises. 32. General. a) QS!qe$q. Whenever under this Lease itis required that a parEy-Etain the consent or approval. oftng o-th91 party, such consent or approval shall bJ 1n writlngand sharl not be unreasonably withherd or derayed except asexpressly provided otherwise in thj.s Lease. b) Relationship. Nothing in thls teageshall be construed by the parties to this Lease nor by anythird party as creating any relationship between the pirtliaother than landrord and tenant. rt is expressly undirstoodthat although the Percentage Rent paid to Landlord is bagedupon a percentage of Gross Receipts of Tenant, Landlord andTenant are not partnera or co-venturers, that Landlord hae noright, title, or interest in and to the business of Tenant,that renant has no right to represent or bind Landlord in anyrespect whatsoever, and that nothing herein contained sharibe deemed, held, or construed as rnaking Landlord a partner orassociate of Tenant or as rendering Landlord fiabfe for anydebts, liabilities, or obligations incurred by Tenant. c) Gender, plural. Whenever the singularnumber is used herein, the same ah-f f include the ptural, anathe nasculine gender sharl incrude the feminine lnd neutergenders. d) No Weiveg. Ihe various rights andremedies contained ana reEEIied under this Lease s-halr not beexclusive of any other right or renedy of such party andshall be in addition to every other remedy now oi hereafterexisting at law, in equity, or by statute. No {elay oromission of the exercise of any power shall impair sucli rightor polrer or be construed as a waiver of any default or ieacquiescence therein. One or more waivers by either partyshall not be construed by the other party as a waiver-of isubsequent breach of the same covenant, €erns, or condition.Ttre consent or approval of ei.ther party sharr not be deemedto waive or render unnecessary consent or approval of anysubsequent similar act. e) Estoppel Certificates. At any tlrne andfron time to time, fenint agrees, uport request i-n writingfrom Landlord, to execute, acknowledge, lnd dellver toLandlord a written statement - eccnnnani azr \" !-.'^ - -i - -.-.;.i--u ;Ll,-\-., .i., u.rJ.|' r.'ealrc .rtlq arJ, amendrnenta thereto,certlfying that thle Lease le unnodified and ln full forccand effect or, lf there have been nodiflcations, that thcLease ae modified lg ln full force and effect and eettingforth the nodiflcatlons, if any, the dates to whlch rent airdother charges have been paid, i.nformatlon containing breachesor defaults lf any are cralmed, and such other lnformation agLandlord shall request. Fallure by Tenant to execut€,acknowledge, and deliver such Btatement to Landlord wlthinthree (3) days after receipt of Landlord's request shalI - 19- constitute Tenant' e acknowredgment that Landlord,a ltatement!wlth. respect to such matters are correct, vhlch atatement! Tay.Pe relied gRon by third parties, unresg Tenant advreeaLandlord of modificationg or conditionE not consistent wltlrLandlordlB request. f). - Caplions; Ierger; Modifications. Theheadings contained fre nd do notdefine, rimit, or conatrue the contenta of thig'Leaee. Arrnegotiations, consideratj.ons, representations, and under-standings between the parties are incorporated herein .rr--r"ybe modified or artered onry by agreenent in vritlng betweenthe parties. Phrases such- aJ the expiration "r ""a of theTerm and those of simitar import s-hall incruds earriertermination of the Term for cause as provided abo.re. h) .Bindinq Effect. The covenants, agree_r9n!s, a-nd obligations herein contained sharr extend-to,bind, and inure to the benefit not onry of the p"tii." heretobut arso to their respective personar -r.pr."etr€.t1veg, heire,successorE, and aesigrrs. However, the term nLandlordn a3used in this LeaEe, so far as covenants or obligations on tbepart of Landlord are concerned, shalr be limite-d to mean andincl-ude onry the owner or owner' or mortgagee in possessionof the Premises at the tine in guestion. zurttrerno're, in thegvel! of any transfere as provided in thls Lease, theLandlord herein naned, and ln case of any srrt "aqa,"rrttransfers or conveyances, the then-transferiing Landtord,shal'l be autonaticalry freed and relieved, rron aird after thedate of such transfer, of all liabJ.ltty as respecta thep.erformance of- any covenanta or obrigatidns under'thie LeaseEnereafter to be performed without further agreement betweenEne parties or their successors 1n interest or between theparties and^ the purchaser, transferee, or grantee upoD anysale, transfer, or conveyance in that i.t sh;lr be deemed andconstrued that any such purchaier, transferee, or grantee hasassumed or agreed.to.-carry out any and ali agieenente,covenante, and obrigations of Landloid under thiJ Lease. hereof.s)Tlme of Essence.Time ls of the essence i) Rent Covenants, Severability, Jurisdic-!igg- The covena"aof the other covenants contained in this Lease, "rra, in tlreevent Landlord comnences any proceedings for nonpalment ofrent, Tenant will not interpose any counterclairn 6e-whatevernatur-e or description in any such-proceedings. Ttrie sharlnot, however, be construed a! a waiver of trri teninti "-iigrrtto assert such craims in any separate action or actionlbrou-ght by the Tenant. If any provision of this Lease shallbe determined to be void foi any reason Uy "ny .ourt ofcompetent jurlsdiction, then such determinition- sharl notaffect- any othar provision of this tease, ana aft otherprovisions shall renain in full force and effect. Landlordand renant agree that the raws of the state of colorado shallgovern the validity, performance, and enforcement of thlgLease and that for the-!1!,r!'r^Re of +hla raaa^ --. ;, 1.,*;- et *L egur, L; A,t\,\rg'L pursuanE nereto includlni for thePurposes of Jurlsdlctlon and venue Landlord and Teriant shallbe deerned to be resldents of the county or nigrer--state ofc-olorado, and each hereby consentg to ana shau] be eubJect tothe pro-cess -and Jurlsdiition of guch court",- "r,a, ln theevent that-they cannot be found wlthin such jurlsdictton forpurposes of service. of process, each of,them-hereby appolntathe secretary of state of the state of coloraao'as theiragent for service of -procesB,- p_rovidlng _that a cojy of anyPapere concerning such suit shall be mailed, certiiied natf, -20- to the party aought to be served at his Lest kno$n addrecs ecprovided 1n thla Leaee. The provlaiong of thlg Sectlon ghallaleo apply to all assigrns, successorg ln interest, andguarantors of the obligatione of either Landlord or Tenant who shall each be deemed to have consented and agreed to be bound hereby. J) Coets and Expenseg. Ttra partleB agreethat, in additlon to other provisi.onE of thie Leage providingfor the payment or reimbursement of coata and expenses, aparty who ie not in default under or pursuant to this Leaseshall be entitled to legal fees and costs and other expensegincurred in connection with enforcing the obligatlons andIiabilities of the other party under this Lease. k) Liabilitv. Notwithstandlng anything tothe contrary contained in thiE Lease, Landlordrs liabilityunder this Lease shall be linited etrictly to the interestsof Landlord in the rent, excluding ReaI Estate Taxes,reserved hereunder. I) Conpliance with Law. Tenant agrees tocomply with and to require any contractors, euployees. oragents vhich it nay engage to comply with a1l federal, state,and local Iawg, ordinances, regmlations, and directionsrelating to the employment, conditions of enplolzment, andhours of labor in connection with any conEtruction, altera-tion, installati.on, or repair work done by or for the Tenantin or about the Leased Premises. If the Landlord shall be damaged as a result of any breach by the Tenant of thigcovenant, the Tenant agrees to pay to the Landlord the anountof such damage as additional rent under this Lease. m) Ecmitable Relief. The parties understandthat each of the separate covenants of Tenant to Landlord andLandlord to Tenant hereunder constl.tutee a separate andmaterial inducement by the other party to execute and deliverthis Lease and the Premises to Tenant and that damages forbreach of covenants not reguiring the palment of money aredifficult to assesa. Tbe parties agree that in additlon toany other remedy either may have with respect to any breachof any covenant not requiring palment of rnoney to Landlord,Tenant or Landlord as the case may be shall have the right toseek relief at equity by iray of speciflc perfornance, mandatory injunction, or otherwise in order to assure guchother partyts compliance with each and every provision ofthis Lease. 33. Attachments. The following are attachedhereto and by this referdce incorporated herein: Exhibit A Description of the Prenises IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed anddelivered thlg Lease effective the date first written above. LANNLORD: LODGE PROPERTIES INC. By: -2t- :' TENA}IT: By,Its:Title EXITIBIT A COMMERCIAL LEASE DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES S\<' R...r\,*\ S\.r0q, \r<x\ lo t,,-,.r1.rlur.. \-n\r,-".,,,-< Tenant: T,r.,-.,It.-\.,..,. T..r.< Landlord: Lodge Properties Inc. TO I .t t: I i,"'o ll l'l ,', v tt' c\r .. -. I) Y .i [t'v;,'' t-1 ' v L' : J.'):l , ) - l.), c' e,,- |J, t : ), t'. . -' rf lr- s,, {r ii:ii: i rl I -ro I I -j'i' 3 {.'' ir .1'; ' ';i,.].tl .i.. l{tr 'tt'rl. { ! -q g o0o',.urtof,-ii,u,lo4Date Date of PEC Meetinq APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE I. Planning and Environmental Commission review is required for the alterationof an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or the replacement of an existing building L0CATED IN TllE CCI DISTRICT. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEWED BY THE DRB. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME 0F APPLiCANT Lodge Properties, Inc. ADDRESS 174 E. Gore Creek Drive Vai1. CO 81657 B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATiVE ADDRESS 108 S, Frontage Road trres t , lf3}7 PHONE 476-s011 VaiI. Co B1657 PHoNE 476-0092 NAME 0F OI,.INER(S) (print or type)Lodge Properties, Inc. SIGNATURE (S ) ADDRESS I74 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 pHoNE 476-s011 D.LOCATION ADDRESS 0F PROPOSAL: LEGAL I74 E. Gore Creek see attached legal des cript ion Dr ive "'tt>-E. FEE r'g16o.oo)\------ THE FEE MUST BE PAID REVIEl,l YOUR PROJECT. PALD lt'21-70 cK # 2100 II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MIMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDTO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION I.'ILLBE AccEPTED UNLESS^IT Is_C0MPLETE (MUST INcLUDE Aaa-ireus nrqurRED By rHEZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPITCNNTiS NTSFON.iSILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINT-MENT lrlITH THE STAFF T0 FIND OUT AB0UT ADDITIoNAL suaMirrnr nrqurnEyrnrt. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I^'ILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESSFoR Y0uR PR0JEcT BY-D-ECRE-ASINc rHE NUMBER 0F coNDriioi'is or RppRovAL THATTHE PEc MAY STIPULATE. ALL c0NDITIONS 0F APPROVAa Nutr sr coMpLIED wITH BEFoREA BUTLDTNG pERMrr rs issnED. ftri Followrr,re Nuii sE"i[sf,trrreo, -- .'-.'. -] A. Improvement.survey of property showing property lines and location ofbuilding and any improvembnts on the iahO.' B. A list of the names of owners of a'll property adjacent to the subjectpropertv INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHTND ANb AbRos-s srnirrs, ino-ltreii-tiiitngAddTCSSCS. THE APPLICANT l.lILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. ev-Ssl_&igsis{-- BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I,IILL OVER ? LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS The United States Forest ServiceP.O. Box L90Minturn, CO 8L645 Riva Ridge South Ownersr Associationc/o Willows Box 759 Vai1, CO 8l-658Attn: Morijke Brofos Riva Ridge North Ownerst Associationc/o Rick Halterman Box 3671Vail, CO 81658 Sitzmark Lodge Robert Fritch l-83 E. core Creek DriveVai1, CO 8l-557 core Creek Plaza Building Cl-ark willingharn l-300 Bryan TotrersDallas, TX 752OL Bell Tower BuildingClark Willinghan 130O Bryan TowersDallas, TX 75201 Lazier Arcade Bob Lazier P.O. Box L325 Vai1, CO 8L658 Brandess Cadmus Real Estate 2SL Bridge StreetVail, CO 8L657 One Vail Place c/o l(rs. Blanche C. Hill 3LL Bridge StreetVaiL, CO 8L657 Lodge Apartment Owners' Association L74 core Creek Drive Vail, CO 8L657 frr/ r0D /ntI otfo 3 t41 , Co tr(6 A;t{e Skny' 76* Rgov"#i ?so t'1|4 S{-' 5,;{e 160e. DeV.c*, CO Ao2oz dtt .{/,4- tt' 82t -gloo (r!^- "rfv4 *a' Oa'o' V&( tlt t ,t-*\ Lodge South 200 vail Road Box 490Vail, CO 81657 Sumners Lodgec/o Rick Halterman Box 3571vait, co 81558 John Hobart 325 West Ohio Street Chicago, IL, 60510 Ron Byrne 285 Briclge StreetVail , CO 81657 . Elizabeth Weber P.O. Box 31. Blawenberg, NJ 08504 {Q,*o" DEscRrPrroN oP rHE 'o*"""O OWXED BY IpME PROPERTIES' IIiIC' A Part of LoCs a and c' Block 5-Cr va iI village' -First Filing ' Toe'n of vail, Eagte countYr-ioio"a" rnore Particularly described as folloss: Beginning at the Southwesterly Corner of said Lot a; thence N.24ollrO0"E..rong iii wesEerly Line of sai'l L,ot a' 119'6? feet; thence continuing atong saii westerly line' N'l5cl?rOO'E' IO9'65 feet to a point on cheSoutberlylineofThelpdgeAparlt"ntCondo*iniun;thencealongsaid Southerly line on the following nine (9) courses: I) N-79o29r44r'E' I5?'8I feet (per desc) (t55'8t feet calc) 2l N.I0o30'15'l{' 6'00 feet 3) N.?9o29'4{nE' 8'35 feet 4) N.I0o3C'15"W' 8'90 feet 5) N.?9c29'44"8' 16'35 feet 6) N'l0o30'I6"W' 6'00 feet 7l t.79o29r44'E' 29'85 feet 8) S.10c30rl'6'E' L5'00 feet 9) N-?9o29'44"E' 146'65 feet .toaPoincontheEasterlylineofthatParceldescribedinBook2l?atPage. 531 in the Eagle Cou nt.y Clerk and necordlr's office; thence along said Easterly iine s.loo3o'I5'8. 290'24 feet to a point on Ehe South line of said Lot at thence along said so'tn f in" S'89ort{ ' OO't'f ' 267 '58 feet to a Point on the boundarylineoftheParcelleasedtoLo,3gesoulh'thencealong.saidboundary tbe folLowing fifteen (15) courses: r) N.0oo18',o0"lf. 2l N.89o 42 | 00'8. 3) N.00"18'00'w. 4) N.89c42r00'8. 5) N.00'I8'00'1"' 5) s.89o42r00"t{. 7' N. OO"L8 | 00nt^I. 8) s.89"42'00"I. 9) S.00ol8 ' 00"8. to) s.89o42'00"w-rr) s.0o"l8r0o'E. 12) - S.89o42'00"w. 13) S. OOorS'oo'8. l4) N.89o42'00"8. r5) s.00ol8roo"E. 29.24 feeb 3.60 feeE 17.40 feet 8.00 feet 16.00 feet I1.80 feet 16.00 feet 166.30 feet I7.90 feet 7. ?0 feet 5.20 feet 19.40 feel 30.30 feet 13.10 feet 25.25 feet to a point on the south Line of said Lot a; lhence arong said souch Line s.89'4{'Oo"w. 42.55 feet to the Point of beginning ' Sairl parcel contains 2.090 acres' rnore or less' s EXCEPTING a legal description of the northerLy portion o€ of the condominium building (commonly refer red to as che fourtb condominium building) . the south wi ng floor of the The air space above the elevation of 8'l9t'62 fee! above mean sea level over the following described Property: ThatPartoELota,Block5-c,vailVillageFirstFiling.countyof EagIe, State of Colorado' more particularly described as follotrs: Cornmenc ing at the southwest corner of Lot a' Bl'ock 5-C' said VaiI village First Fiting; tbence.N.24oIIrO0nE, and along the Northwesterly Iine of said Lot a, Block 5-c, 119.67 feel; thence N'l5o17'OO'E' and along the l.lorchwesterly Iine of LoE a, Block 5-C, IO9'65 feet; thence N'79"29'44"E' I5I.8I (I59.8t calc.) feet to the true point of beginning; thence s'I0o30'16"8' 44.30 feet; thence s.7g"29' 44"t",. I0.OO feeti tbence S'10"30'16"8' 40'?0 feet' tehnce N.79o29'44"E. 10.00 feet; thence S.l0o30'l6nE. 15.05 feeE; thence N.79o29,44"8. 15.55 feet, Chence N.I0o30'16"lf. 20.I0 feet; Ehence N'?9o29'44"9' 90.25 feet; thence N.loo30,16"w. 28.00 feet' thence s.?9o29'44"|{. 38.35 feet; thence N.10o30. 15"W. 57.95 feet; thence s.79o29'44"W. 8.00 feet; t'nence N.I0c30,l5"w. I5.00 feet; thence s;79c29', 44"W. 29.85 feet; thence s'10"30r16"8' 6.00 feet; thence s.'tg"29'44"w. 16.35 feet; thence s.IOo3Or15"E. 8.90 feet; thences.79o29.44"I{.8.35feet;thenceS.IO"30'16"E.5.00feetithence S.79"29r44"I{. 6.OO feeE to Ehe true Point of beginning ' ALso EXCEPTING a legal description of the soutberlv Portion of the south wing of the condominium building (conmonly referred to as the fifth floor of tire condominiun building) . TheairspaceabovetheelevationofE,2o4.Sgfeetaboverneansealevel over the following described ProPerey: ThatpartofLota,Block5.C,VaiIVil}ageFirstFiling,countyof'.:. Eagle, State of Colorado, more Particularly 'lescribed as follons: Co nencing at the Southwest corner of Lot a' Block 5-C' said VaiI ViIIage First. FiIingr thence N.24"11r00"8. anri along the Northuesterly Iine of said Lot a, Block 5-c, 119.6? feet; thence N'I5o17'00"8' and along the Northwesterly line of Lot a, Block 5-c, 109.65 feef,t thence N.79o29'44"E' t6l.8f feet.; thence S.10'30'I6"E. 44.30 feet; thence S'79o29 r44"W' l0'00 feet' thence s.10030'I6"E. 40.?0 feet; thence N.79c29:44"E. I0.00 feet' thence s.loo30'16"E. 15.05 feet; thence N.?9c29'44"8. I6.65 feet to the true poinE of beginnihg; thence s.loo3o'I5"E. 84.70 feetr thence N.79"29'44"8. 6.00 feett th!nce s:I0.30'16"8. 66.10 feet; thence N.?9029r44"E. 6.00 feet; thence s.Io"3o,l6"E. I.65 feet; thence N.89044r00"8. 24.44 feet; thence N.79"29r44"E' 23.90 feet; thence N.lOo30'16"W. 45.00 feet; !hence N'79o29'44"E' 9'30 feet; thence N.10"30,15"W. 13o.80 feetr thence s.79"29 ',44"Vf . 59.25 feet, thence s.loc30'16"8. 20.I0 feet to the true point of beginning ' 2 s. A request for front and side yard setback PEc 12-10'16 variances to al]ow for a garage on Lot 1-0, Block.-..--4, Lions Ridge Filing No. 4i L464 Aspen crove Lane.Applicant: carrol P. Orrison - l-0. A request to amend the Town of Vail Zoning Code byrepealing and reenacting Chapter 8.28 to expand,strengthen, and clarify code provisions relatingto Air Pollution Control .Applicant: Town of Vail - LL. A reguest to amend Chapter, DesignGuidelines, of the Vail Municipal Code in order to amend Section C,6 and delete Section C,13.Applicant: Town of Vail - 12. A request for an amendment to Chapter 18.54.020(E) of the Vail Municipal Code, Design Review Board Organization, in order to delete rrfifth" Wednesday of each month.AppJ.icant: Town of Vail 13. A determination of 60 or 90 day review period forLionshead (CCII) and Village (CCI) exterioralterations: 1) Lirthouse ""un:__} *z( rr*"1 f-, ^ 70- /92) Gasthof Gramshamner \ ll , f 3) Lodge at VaiI J nOut*' fn Tabled 14. A request for a setback, density, conmon area,Inde- accessory use and parking variances in order tofinitely construct additions to the Christiana Lodge, 365 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 Vail Village 1-stFiling.Applicant: PauI R. Johnston PI,ANNTNG AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION December 10, 1990 AGENDA 1l-: 30 Site Visits2:00 Public Hearing SITE VISITS - 1. Approval of minutes of October 29 and November 26. - 2. Update on Vail valley Medical Center Parking Structure completion and reguest to extend theinterim parking plan on Lots F, E, 1-0, Vail Village 2nd filing, 181 West Meadow Drive.Applicant: Vail Vatley Medical Center - 3. A request for a conditional use pernit in order toestablish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot P,Vail Village 2nd Filing, 141- West Meadow Drive.Applicant: Joan M. Norris 3 4. A request for a rninor subdivision in order to vacate a l-ot line between Lots 46 and 47, VailVillage west Filing No. 2.Applicant: ANJA Corporation I 5. A request for a side yard setback variance j-n order to construct an addition to a single farnilydwelling on Lot 16, Buffehr Creeki 1879 Meadow Ridge Road.AppJ.icant: Jerry Farguar - 6. A reguest for a najor amendment to SDD No. 4l commonly refered to as Cascade Village, Section L8.46 - Area D, in order to add office floor areato the clen Lyon office Building, 1000 S. Frontage Road West, Lot 45, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdi.vision.Applicant: GLen Lyon Partners 5 7. A request to establish a Special DeveloprnentDistrict for the Sonnenalp redevelopnent, locatedat 20 Vail Road; A part of Lot L, Block 5-E, Vail Village Lst Filing.Applicant: sonnenalp Properties, Inc. 4 8. A reguest for a front setback variance in order toconstruct a garage and a wall height variance in order to construct retaining walls at 1448 vail Valley Drivet Lot 18, Block 3, Vail valley First Fil ing.Applicant: John and Barbara SchofieLd .*4 d.; f4.r-/ ^', -fu /A d.^ /2.ti,r1 ,Z fe T:q * /"..*y.- [,,rlv-^*D o PRESENTiIilEEre Diana Donovan Peggy Osterfosssid schultz Kathy Warren Parn Hopkins Chuck Crist The meeting vras Item No. L.Are est for a ma Planning and Environmental Couunission June l_2, L989 STAFF PRESENTPeter PattenKristan PritzRick Pylnan Betsy Rosolack Mike Mollica called to order at 3:00 p.m. by chairrnan, ilim Viele. or exterior alteration for the RedLion Inn, 304 Brid e Street, Lot H, Block 5aViLlaqe First Fil-incr.Applicant: T.n.R.- rn-c.,/Red Lion Inn The staff presentation was given by Kristan pritz. she reviewed aprevious approval for an exterior alteration for the Red Lion givenin.1982, explaj-ning the proposal and the conditions for approvil.Kristan then explained the present proposal which would inlruaerepracing the existing removable windows with operable windows andlowering the existing brick sill atong Bridge slreet. The newproposal would also include a new pocket garden and seating area, aswell as new pavers to replace tlre existing asphalt. she further'explained the applicant's request to extend the deadline placed onthe removal of the existing windows as a condition of the L9B2approval. This reguest is intended to aLlow tine for reviewing theremodel and to allow the applicant to secure the bar area. rn presenting the staff's opinion, Kristan stated the general concernthat the proposar does not fu1ly conply with the purpoie section ofconmerciar core r, and that the design-of the encrosure does notsubstantially enhance the rrunigue chiracter of the Vail Village arearland the 'rpredoninantly pedestrian environnent.fr The staff fettthat both landscaping the south side of the outside dining deck andalso adding a bench and paver treatment for the street would be anl-mprovement. They also felt that lowering the brick sirl would bepositive- Holrever, staff would not find Lt acceptable for theexisting sliding glass windows to remain on the irorth and south sideof the deck area and felt those windows shourd have the sarnetreatment as proposed for the Bridge street side of the deck. The staff recommendation was for deniar due to the staffrs beliefthat the proposal did not comply with the applicable exteriorarteration criteria of pedestiilnization, slieet framework, and :!re9! edge.. The staff also recomrnended two changes in the proposal.The first being that floor to ceiling operaule windows desigi'red tonatch the proposed west window treatrnenl be used along the iorth andsouth elevations. The second change recornmended was to add greater uses. Kathy said she was not comfortable with expanding interiordining while lessening outside dining and using Town property besides. Peggy Osterfoss stated, in regards to other existing deck enclosures,that it would be inconsistent to deny the request due to the transparency and overall look. She also said that if the deck encroached onto a walkway, she wouldn't be concerned, but since the expansion would be onto a public park, she felt additional nitigation would be due. She suggested landscaping, benches, drainage, etc. Regarding the streamwalk, Peggy asked if there would be roorn for a walkway if certain plans strould occur in that area. Sid Schultz said he was uncorufortable with the proposal due to the use of public land. Diana Donovan felt that it was bad planning on the Town,s behalf toallow decks on public 1and, especially on a park. She said she had ahard time supporting the proposal even though the plan is attractive. She voiced concern about taking away public space and suggestedputting in benches or something attractive such as flowers or trees,to invite people and let them know that the area is still public. One of the owners, Jirn Slevin, said he would be more than willing toput flowers, trees or something else attractive in the space. Pam Hopkins strongly felt that the proposal would enhance the Promenade area and suggested constructing some sort of soft buffer todivide the private and public land. She suggested tiered effect offlowers, shrubs, and trees. She also suggested addJ.ng lighting forthe evening hours. Both Chuck Crist and Jim Viele agreed with Pamrs opinion. Peggy motioned for approval of the exterior al-teration as per thestaff merno with the additional conditions that the applicant willparticipate in additional improvenents or landscaping as detenninedappropriate by the DRB and Town Council , and also will remove theconcrete planter in front of the restaurant. The notion lttas secondedby Parn. Vote: 5-2, Kathy and Diana opposed. Approval for a Conditional Use permit rootioned by Peggy. Motion seconded by Pan. Vote: 5-2, Kathy and Diana opposed. Prelininarv review of exterior alterations in CCI andscr: a. Gore Creek PlazaMotion: Kathy Second: 6O days Vote: 7-0 Item No. 4 Chuck t Chart HouseMotion: Pam l.totion: Enzian Kathy Motlon: Pam Second: Lionshead CenterMotion: Kathy Second: b. Second: Kathy 60 daysVote: 7-O Vote: 7-0 60 daysVote: 7-O 50 daysVote: 7-O c. d. e. f. 'ChuelE Pan Kathy Chuck Iten No. 5 Joint work sesEion date set at June 27, 1989, 12:00. Item No. 5 Review of Tolrn Council appeal of the PEc decision to approve the \/}IRD Tennis Courts at Ford Park. "aor App 5. 21. 1989Date Date APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS iN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE IODGE AT VAIL of PEC l"lsslinq b/tz I ication I. Planning and Environmental Commission review is required fon the alteration of an eiisting bu'i'lding which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio-or the replacement of an existing building LOCATED IN THE CCI DISTRICT. FOLLOI^IING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEWED BY THE DRB, The application wi'l'l not be accepted unti'l all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS L74 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 PHoNE( 303 ) 476-s011 B. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Jay Peterson, Attornev -ADDRESS Fcv JrV? PH}NE (/7-I - 6!)2) c. l\tAffi o, ol,tNER(s) SIGNATURE( ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF ADDRESS PROPOSAL: LEGAL Lodge at Vail I74 E. Gore Creek Drive, VaiL' Colorclao 81657 E. FEE $100.00 THE FEE MUST BE PAID REVIE!,l YOUR PROJECT. blealS?exo [|Vs"* t cr #_aO58 ?_ e BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE.APPLICATION CONFEREilE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER Is STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITiONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION }IILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTMTOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSiBILiTY TO MAKE.AN APPOINT- MENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDiTIONAL SUBMITTAT. REQUiREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION l4l.ILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BYTEERMS_ING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED I,IITH BEFOREA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSM. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Improvement survey of property showing property lines and location of building and any improvements on the land.see previous Iodge files B. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subjectproperty INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and thei'r mai'ling AddTesses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. see previous l-odge files OVER ccI III. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the fo1'lowing information: A. The site p'lan sha'|l be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scale of t', = ZO'.SiIOtltING EXISTINc AND PRoPoSED IMPRoVEMENTS T0 THE SITE. A variation: of the sheet size or sca'le may be approved by the Commun'ity Deve'lopment Department if iustified. B. The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed development }'IITH iTS LEGAL DESCRIPTi0N sha'll be shown on the site plan. c. The existing topographic character of the site including exist'ing and proposed cohtours. This condition will only be required for an expairsibn area where there is a change of two feet of grade. D. The existing and proposed landscaping, patios. E. The location of all existing and proposed buildings, structures and improvements. F.. ,A tit'l e report to verify ownership and easements. IV. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT IN l^lRITTEN AND GMPHIC FORM A PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INDICATING THAT: A. THE PROPOSAL:IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PURPOSES OF - AS SPECIFIED IN 'I8.24.0'IO. B. THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES l,lITH THE VAIL GUIDE PLAN REGARDING: "'1. Pedestrianization2, Vehic'le Penetration3. Streetscape FramewoFk4. Street Enc'losure5. Street Edge6. Bui 1di ng He'ight7. Views8. Sun Shade Consideration MANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS SHOULD BE AS SKETCHES, SIMULATIONS, MODELS PHOTOS, ETC. THE CCI DISTRICT VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN tLre proposal is in aonformance with the purposes of ttre CCI district as specifietl in and substantially ccrnplies with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide plan regarding 1. to 8. ADDRESSED BY GMPHIC MEANS, SUCH (INCLUDING NEIGHBORING BUiLDINGS), THE NEIGHBORHOOD. IF THE APPLICANT IS PROPOSING A MJOB CHANGE TO THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN, THE PROCEDURE FOR CHANGES ARE NOTED IN SECTION 18.24.220(B). C. THE PROPOSAL IS COMPATIBLE l,lITH THE CHAMCTER OF V. THE TOI.IN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI ALSO DESCRIBES OTHER ZONING ISSUES THAT.THE APPLICANT MUST RESPOND TO IN WRITTEN OR GMPHIC FORM. VI. THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIEI{ OF THE APPLICATION. . VII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTEMTIONS OR MODIFICATIONS iN CCI INVOLVING MORE THAN IOO SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR AREA ARE ONLY REVIEWED SEMI-ANNUALLY. THEY NEED TO BE SUBMITTED BEFORE THE FOURTH MONDAY OF I'IAY OR NOVEMBER. THE PEC HOLDS A PRELIMINARY REVIEI,I SESSION WITHiN 2I DAYS OF THE SUBMITTAL DATE. A PUBLIC HEARING SHALL BE HELD }IITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRELIMINARY REVIEW SESSION. RiplTcRTIons FoR THE ALTEMTION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT AODS OR REMOVES ANY EIICI.OSEO FLOOR AREA OF NOT MORE THAN IOO SQUARE FEET MY BE SUBMITTED AT THE : niquTnEo TIME oF THE MONTH FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REVIEI,{. FOn-uoRE SpECIFICS ON THE REvIEtlt ScHEDULE, SEE SECTIoN 18.24.065 45. PRESENT Tom Briner (new) Diana Donovan Duane Piper Howard Rapson Sid Schultz Jim Viele ABS ENT Eric Affelot Planning and Environmental Commission August 12, 1985 STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Kristan Pritz Tom Braun Rick Pylman Betsy Rosolack 1. Approval of minutes of June l0 anc June 24. Donovan moved and Rapson seconded to approve the minutes of the meeting ofJune 10. The vote was 4 in favor with Viele and Briner abstaining. Donovan requested that concerns about the amphitheatre timing be passedon to Council in the August 24 meeting. Donovan moved and Viele seconcied that the corrected minutes of August 24be approved. The vote was 5 in favor wjth Bri ner abstaining. 2. Eeqyqst for g]lgrjor alteration for Gondola Buildinq in Lionshead.Appticant: Vail Associates, Inc. Tom Braun stated that this was the third time this item had been considered.He.showeci-site plans and elevations and listed 6 major elements with changesand also listed the criteria to evaluate exterior aiterations. He stated thatthe staff recommended approval of the plan with the exception of the staircaseadjacent to Purcell's deck, and the approval included g btner cond.itjons. Bill Pierce, architect for VA, reviewed the proposal. He mentioned that VAhad eliminated the expansion of the real estate office on the northeastcorner. He added that the only issue now was the staircase on the north side.Pierce stated that the staircase was necessary until level 3 was constructed. The staircase lvas discussed as was the schedule. Hunn stated that with newownership there was no guarantee when the project would be done, but guessedthat perhaps-it would be next spring. He iaoeo that they could come 6acr witnlne Phaslng later. Dean Liotta stated that This Wicked West would expand this0ctober and hope to be finished on the exterior in Z to 3 weeks. The sun/shacie aspect was discusseci and pierce felt that there was. no change.Donovan wanted DRB to know that the lights at le petite were to be relocaiea.Braun stated that the same type of light that exjsts in the area could be obtainedin a smaller version. Donovan felt that letting le petite use public spice---'would encourage other businesses to cio the same. PEc 8/12/Bs Viele moved and Schultz seconded to rove thevrere rroveo ano )cnutrz seconded to approve the proposedi Donovan also felt that pl.acing trees so far into the mall may obstruct the viewanci make it'look like a ciead-end. she asked if it were possible for vA ina --' others to do all the projects at once,, and Braun aniwerEa-inat this aipeliharin't been addressed. patten stated that if the pEC felt itrongly auolt-thetiming, they should make a-strong statement to vA. Donovan-reptiei inii stre-felt that Lionshead had suffered-enough, and Viele agreed. Donovan aclded thatshe was not concerned about wicked l,leit-since it was"noi on the mall. nunn -- stated thaf first there woulci be the addition of the.mezzanine that was withinthe existing volume, and the stairuays and tfre expaniiJn'of the storefrontion the north. Hunn stated that the applicant woula irave no proulem if ihe pEa wanted to require that all that be done at once. (with the elception of theprop0sed restaurant expansion on the northwest corner--it can't'be convertedto restaurant until the balance of the office has been completed. The size of trees was discussed and it was decided that they should be 3" caliperciec'i duous trees. nsions to the Gondola, that the treesf ll :l]:q:l-,deciduous, that the-tenants or re peliie iii.-iia-iiiir.f"sii"i, "irrbe responsible for snow removal between the four p"opos.o i"ees and the storefronts,that adequate street lighting be provided in the ie Feiiie-ind Banner Snorts es rsJPvrrJrurc rur rrruw rellluvdl oef,ween Ine TOUf pfoposgd tfggs and thg StOfthat adequate street lighting be provided in the ie Feiiie-ina sannei ipoiiiareas to replace the 4 Lionshead ma]I lights that would be lost from this eipansion. J.Request for exteri o r al te ion and for variances-.{n order to add an elevatorto the east side of t pp1 i cant:ge Southnooml n't um socr a Kristan Pritz. presented the proposal and showed elevations and site plans. Shestated that the staff recommended approval with the Fire Department and public Works concerns addressed. Darrell Harris with Robert Arnold Associates, representing the Lodge South, answeredquestions. The feel.ing of the commission was thit becausE of the 6eighi'iia-"''pa::i.lS of the building, the elevator addition would not have much imfact. Thebuilding was already far beyond what was currenily pe*id.i. iapson'ii[ea ' - about the construction schedule and Harris-repliei inat ttrey rropeb io iiariin september and have the outside done by 0ctbber ano-itre leit-aon.-uvThanksgiving. Jay peterson, speaking toi the applicant, stated that ii-wii reasonable for buildings that needeci service elevators to be allob,ed to trive ttrese:}.y:!:l::_l:^t.!:I impiove the runctionins or ilre uuiiains: H9 stated thii-Lii tvpeot 'lmprovement was goocl for the Town as long as no other iegative impacii-ociuieAoue to the elevator addition. Bob Poole of the Forest Service stated that the parking.area south of the Lodge Southis Forest servjce land and the Forest service trab I paiting-spac"s. pooie-eifiresseo concern that the staging materials anci vehicles not use th6 3'spacer no" ulJ.[ i.."r,to the spaces. The contractor, C. Duncan, said this-wouiO-present no problem. BrinermoYe{ end viele sec-onded to approve the exterior alteration'p.i=ir," itlii-r.ro. ffi'was 6-0 in fuuoi variances. Votewas 6-0 in favor. iitand compliance with Vail Fire Department alarm systems. |Rtc'oAu0t51eB5 August 14. 1985 L. Eskwjth, Esq" Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail . Col orado 81657 RE: Lodge Tower - New Elevator Addition Dear Mr. Eskwith: Lodge Properties- Inc recognizes the fact that the additionof the new elevator on the east side of Lodge Tower will necessitate the long term use of I and not currently under lease by Lodge Tower from Lodge Properties Inc At thi s t ime the necessary documents are bei ng preparedto add the necessary square footage to the current I and lease between Lodge Tower and Lodge Propert'i es Inc. As soon as these documents are prepared the Town of Vai Iwill be furnished with a copy for your records. cc : Ms . Kri stan Pri tz HDT:klg Sincer urnovszky anaging D'irector I74EastC'ore Creekhve Vatl.Colorado81657 308476-5O1f Tekx45-0375 ,ltr-Project Appllcation frae. a /?0b Proi€ct Name: Proiect Description: conracr person and ,non" HdrnrzoT (#, ,Bpqzls) Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: /7* EA*TffiE CreEF H-, *Vfi/L, za. &/d'D7 47b-fu'll A^/,Q, A-#, (AFrt- MmLWZ@. ru/{/At/ € ption: Lot bT A , atocx /c, Q. b/a1 V4/C U/11/r/!AE Fitins H67- t/L///A , Zone - //4 5'c.&zLegal Descri Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: J {.'i\,"'iil , I .i\tri 'irl\ i Z't), 1 l-,.-i V'1,nala. l:, | | | ll I ,f, s"rt ePPiovat o APPLICATION DATE:August 6, 1985 DATE 0F DRB MEETING; August 21, 1985 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l.lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning stah member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to findout about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE appl'ica-tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing thb'numberof conditions of approval tllat the DRB may stipulate. ALL cbnditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is Jssued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION. 8-Story, 81 Square Foot Elevator Addition on the east end of The Lodge South Condominium Tower Building. The proposed addition is located internally on The Lodge at Vail property. B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:Lodge at Vail Lodge Tower Building, 164 East Gore Creek DriveAddress Looge tower tsui tgj.ng:_lg4 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail, C0 91657rcLegal Description Lot A ' Block 5C Fi1in9 Fi rst Fi I i nq Zonlng ccI C. NAME OF APPLICANT:Lodge South Condominium Association a.k.a. Lod e Tower Address 174 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail, C0 gL65l socl atr on telephone 476-56LL D.NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIyg; Robert L. Arnold Associates Address 230 Bridge Sireet, Vail, C0 g165z E. NAME 0F 0WNERS: Sames as "C,' above telephone 476-11.47 Si gnature Address te'lephone F. DRB FEE: The fee ritt u. paid at the time a building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE 0- $ 10,001 - $..50,001 - $150,001 - $500,001 -$ 0ver $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 $ to,ooo$ 50,ooo$ 150,000 $,500,000 $1,ooo,ooo $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: l. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the siteto indicate property lines and building corners. Trbbs that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review procbss for NEl,lof the [)esign Review Board, 3. People who fail to appear meeting and who have not republ i shed. EUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings so plan on at least two meetings for their approvai. before the Design Review Board at their scheduled asked for a postponement will be required to be NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: 'I74 East DESCRIPTION OF PR LIST OF MATERIAI-S' rLh Tower Elevator Addition 5C reek D irst Filing 'ing. The following Board before A. BUILDING informatiord is reQU odge. at Vail property s ieqUired foi sirUmittal by the applicant to the Design Review a final approval can be fivin: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other t.lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts l.l'indows ilindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ralls Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther Stucco (Tq me!!! eriqlirsl 2X hJood (To ma!c[ existing) B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Common Name Quani ty Si ze* Indicate height for conifers. (over ) Wood Shakes match exis'uino To match existin o . 'PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Cormon Name Quanity Size(con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED , Square FootageType GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Please specify.t ft August 14. 1985 L, Eskwith, Esq. Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road Vai 1, Colorado 81657 RE: Lodge Tower - New Elevator Addition Lodge P.roperties. Inc.. recognizes ,the fact that. the addi.tibn.of.. the. new. el eVator. .ori ..the :east ...'s.ide.': oF. lodde To'wer':, wj.l'.|.necessitate the long term-.use of' land 'not' currently underlease by Lodge Tower from Lodge Properties. Inc At thi s time the necessary documents are bei ng preparedto add the necessary square footage to the current I and lease between Lodge Tower and Lodge Propert'ies Inc. As soon as these documents are prepared the Town of Vai Iwill be furnished with a copy for your records. cc: Ms. Kristan Pri tz HDT: k19 'r ncer urnovszky anaging D'irector 174 East Gore Creek Drlve Vall,Colorado81657 3O3-476-501f Telex45-0375 a TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ? footage variance ln order to actd an elevator addltionat the Lodge South Condomi nium Buitcting.Applicant: Lodge South Condominium Association The Lodge south conctominium Associatron is requesting to a clct a 96foot elevator addition (al square feet) on the east sicte of theirexisting buiJclrng. In order to construct this projectr a heightvariance and common area square footage variance are necessary.This burtcling is a .legar non-contorming structure. The Lodgesouth building is .tocated rn the commercla I core r zone distriatwhich has a height maximum of 43 teet for 4ot of the bui.lclrng and33 teet for bot ot the bui.lcling. rhe Loctge south ctoes notconform to either of these height consicrera tlons. rn fact, mostof the Lodge is over tr,ro tines as high as the maximum height of43 teet. The elevator hrill be used as a service efevator ancltheretore needs to provide access to a.tl. ot the 8 stories of thebuilding. The proposed e]eva tor hri.l .lt ma tch the highest exrstingroot rldge ot 9b teet. In Commercial Core Ir 2()t ot thecan be considered ag common area. c9rnrn9 n _rlosetsr lobby a!and common encL osed acloi tion ot the proposed eleva t.or, the but lctrng woul d be 4 ,gg5square teet over the allolred common area square footage. Forthis reason a common area variance rs also being reguested.Please see the tor lording zonrng statrstrcs for thrs buirolng: D_Ig9El_e!]-q! oF VARTANCE REQUESTED LODGE SOUTH iltd^Rd tn t6tnru6 hVZ WffiWr Total exisEfrf-- Rematning sf or 141593 sf Itt6'14 sf 1I1542 sf at sf lLrb23 sf (r{ith elevator)5l st .3350 acre Al lohred Exrstj.ng El eva tor te coverage includes buildingsr ground levelunless otherwrse speci tJ.ecl in the Urban Des]'gn Al lowed t t t6'14 stExisting 57,526 sf Plannins I envrronmentar commir"ror?n@I,r-.rrn/ :;:::':,":;::"""" u{h%ru-tu A request for a herght varlance and common area sguare GRFA for the propertyre hal lways, Total Site Area: Site Coveraqe: (E0t of totalsite area,l (Please note sipatios and ctecks Guide Pla n., GRFA: Over allowed 45rts52 sf Densi ty Common Area (GRFA a ll or.red z{Jt J Allowable DU's: E Exrstrng DU's: 42 Al.lorred Exi s ting Eleva tor I 21335 sf'l t249 atEl sf Tota I existing '/ r 33u sf TotaJ over allowed (inclucling elevator) 41995 sf $""tona A.llowed:l. Up to but ot the builcllng may be burlt to a height of 33 tt or lese. 2. Not more than 4Ot ot the buirding may be higher than 33 ftt but not higher than 43 tt. Approximate Existing Heights: l6t ot existing root 96 tt 61t of existing roof 94.5 tt 16t of existing roof 91 ft 5t of existing roof BB ft 2t ot existing root E5 tt Proposed elevator 96 tt hi9h3 Revlsed Iteight Breakdown wlth New E.leva tor: 23t ot exlsting root 96 tt 6lt ot exrsting roof 94.5 tt l6t oi exrsting roof 9l ft CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon revi ew ot Criterra and Findrngsr Section ]E.b2.06U of the I'1unic Co the Department of Communtty Developme n enlal o e herqht varlance an enia I o e commo a reavariance based uDon the f oll.ovinq factors: Consrderation of Fa c tors t--/ The relationship of the requested variance to other exrstinq or I potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Heiqht va ria nce: The additional height ot the elevator should not greatty impactany adlacent properites- An existing stair _toner alreadv is F{ I O(J' .l oca te d nex t to-..--hetght -+ha+-varj proposed etevator. f.ni. G.. t.r"r n." "tr"reen 85 and aa f eet. The eteva tor shouldnot greatly change the exrsting situation on this portion of theburlding. The addition does not greatly change the builovera I I im 1 The proposedelevator does increase the size of the bu ing nhich ln most W *{yt the site.impacts on nrEy. Common Area Va ria nc e: The p,fgposed e I eva t o r---adcll, ti on decreases the size of the entrvrravr"!9-!h. covered parJ(lng qJeq. Howeverr a lZ foot entry rs stil--.ton.fhs E-ettEtf-ona common area to this property has no negative impacts on existingor pbtential uses and structures in tne vicinrty-. The de eetow ch rel ief from he interpreta- ulaElon necegsa ni f ormi te vlcln rant of spe cases is a-lready too large forthe addrtion has minina.I neqative Height Variance: rt ltouJd be a grant ot speci,aJ privirege to arlow the heightvariance. rt is certainly tru6 that the existing building iJ alegal non-contorming use due to the fact that it was constructedunder a ditterent type of zoning. vail has many buildings whichfall hrithin this citegory. The proposed nergtrt ot 96 teet isover twice the maximum height of 4J teet a.lLohred uncler thecurrent Commercial Core I zoning. To approve such a great heightvariance woul.d be a grant of speciaf privilege. ln 9gnungn 4rea Va ria nce: Once again, many builcttngs in Vai-t are over their alloered GRFAancl common area affowances. To approve the additionar commonarea ot 81. square feet would increise the totar amount over theal.l"owed common area to 41995 square feet. To approve the actditio_q-a.l El square feet ot coromon area r.rolll_d @privil€g€r ,fs mEt jffi"r pE.F-,ffi;@."- f;EGprobfffiilt ff Heiqht variance: This variance will have some size of the shadow cast by impact on light the stairr,rell and air in that the wi l1 be i ncrea sed rffi ;:rnti' E?'#'j ji : ; "F1 H T?r poput"tion, t."l.oo.t"tior, "nd t."tti. ffifacrlrties and uttlities, anO ouOtic safetv. :Md4f > due to the {i ti onu, e.leva tor addi tion wil fthis area. Common Area Va ri.a nce: height of the not disrupt the il: "'" ; " . i"tr"r"r""t " I; r. 3; i The additional 6 t uitl hav ome im on fhe o resenthere are openi n e east end of the hailway which will now a ddi ti onaf common areabe blocked by the elevator addition. Therdill have no effect on pedestrran or auto trafti.c-- size of the en o Ene covere r is noc atf6Et&-co s e isa roblen. RELATED POLICIES IN VAIL'S COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN Not appl icab.le. Such other factors and cri teri.a as the commi ssion deems applicabie to the proposed variance. FINDINGS The Planning and En trndinqs before qranting a variance. That the granting of the variance will not con€titute a grant ofspecial privilege inconsistent uith the limitations on otherproperties cfassitied in the same distrrct. That the granting of the variance rril.l not be detrimenta.l to thepublic healthr aatety, or ereltare, or materrally inlurious toproperties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is rrarrantect for one or more of the following reasonsS The strict or lrteral interpretation and entorcement ot thespecified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical handship inconsistent with the oblectives ot thi s ti t-t e. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions app.l.icable to the site of the variance tha t do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regu.lation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the o$rners ot oLher properties tn the same district. n each tloor of the Lo ,; ,3 srAFF REcOr{}TENpATTOL The statf be.lieves that therefrom this proposal. Howeverlbe a grant ot specjig hoaroF+nf signiticantstatf feets that it are the impacts hrou-l d on ei. cle o s eigqce. For this primary r€dErortr statt must recommendof the requeete. lJo Sq f*pJ, - Uoc TO: FROM: DATE: SUBiIECT: (PJease note sipatios and decks Guide PIa n. ) GRFA: Densi tv Common Area (GRFA a l.t oerecl 20t , AI lowed Existing Eleva tor Total over e leva tor , Total existing aflowed (including t. SLPlannrng I nnvironmental C ommi ss:. on Communi ty Development Depa rt.ment August 121 1985 A request for an exterlor afteratron in order to a ctcl anelevator to the east side of the Lodge South building.Appticant: Lodge South Condominium Associatj.on *[s\l^l qEEgBIPTIoN oF REQUEST SfltUrcf ftEyRTrye Srte Covera qe: (6Ot ot tota.Lsite area, Total existing Remaining sf The Lodge south condominium Assocratron is requesting to adct a 9b -foot, hioh eleva tor tower to the east side ot the Lodge Souffi condomi ni um bui r di ng. To ta I squa re f oo ta ge f or the e.leva toraddrt,ion is 8l souare feet. lhe elevator hrill extend up to theEth story ot the buiJctrng. The elevator witl be used primartlytor servlcing the 42 existing condominiums. LODGE SOUTH Tota I Srte Area:.3350 acre or 141593 st Allowed ll16'1 4 st Existing 17t542 sf Eleva tor Al sf te coverage includes buildingsr ground level unl^ess otherwise specitled in the Urban Design A.l lowed ll,6'14 sfExisting 57 1526 st Over alfowed 45r652 sf AJ-tonable DU's: IExisting DU's: 42 Il-r623 sf (r.rith elevator) 51. sf 2r335 sf'I t249 sfgt sf '/ r 33O sf 4,995 st Up to 6Ut ot the buj.rdlng may be built to a height of 33 tt or fesa. Not more than 4Ot ot the building nEy behigher than 3l ftt but not higher than43 tt. Height AIloLred: 2. Approximate Exj.sting Hei ghts: lbt ot existing root 96 ttblt ot exrsting root 94.5 ttl6t ot exrsting roof 9l ft5t ot exrsting roof 8S ft2t ot existing roof 85 tt Proposed etevator 9b tt high: Revtsed Height Breakdorrn wrth Ner^, Elevator:23t ot exrsting root 96 ft6lt ot existing roof 94.5 tt16t of existing roof 9l ft rPJease note that the southeast corner of the eJ.eva tor addition(approximately 9 st) encroaches on the Lodge at Varl property.The appllcant has providecr the enclosed letter from the Lodge atVa j. I g j.ving their approva I for the encroachment. The Lodge south builcring is crearly a .tegar non-conformingstructure when comparect to the commercia t core r zonlng require-ments. Wtth respect !o allowable common arerlrecL Eo artowaoJ,e common area, the existinstrucEure is afFeaOi 4rg llowed commo a rea--€t--'2l3J5_-SgUa f e - feet-.--_.gfi tft_ot comrro[-aTet ovEFttre allowed amount is equa-t to 41995 squareteet. For this reason, it is necessary tor the applicant toreguest a common a rea variance for thrs proposal. (see attachedmemo., building a ctua l.Ly building propose cl 96 teet. I imit of for the II rle' t,6ln SiTfro,+ aIlowed common Under Commerciat Core I zoning, the maximum hetght ot theis 43 feet. In adctition, only 4Ot ot the bui J.ding canhave a herght ot 43 teet. The Loctge South condominiumhas a height range between 9b teet anct 85 feet. Theelevator r"routd ma tch exactty the highest root rioge otThe new root is over twice as high as the al. l.owed nlignt43 teet. Theretore, a height vartance is requlredacldltion. COMPLIANCE 9'IITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF THE COM}IERCIAL COREz 14.24.O1(') Purpose The Commercia I Core and to mai.ntain the commercia.l dE€d r ni establ ishments rn a I ctistrrct is intended to provide sitesunique character of the VaiJ.Itageth its mixture of lodges and commercia Ipredominantly pedestrian environment. The. Comm:rciatare I disrrrct is inrendeOO "n"rre adequarerl9nt, dlEr ope-Tl space, and other amenitie6 approprlate tothe permitted types ot buitclings and uses. The clistrrctregulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urba n DesignGuide P.lan and Desrgn Consictera Lions prescrlbe site deve-top-ment standa rds that are intended to ensure the ma intenanceand preservation ot the tightty cfustered arrangements ofbuildings tronting on pedestrian ways and pubtic greenways,ancl to ensure continuatron of the buildrng scale and archit-ectural qualities that distinguish the Village. Due to the bur.ldingr i development pertain toan ameni ty rch al Guide Pfa n a Hohreve r, the will use theThis proposa burlcling is aintent ot the fact that the Lodge South buitding is a non-contormingt is difficult to compare rt to the prescribed sitestandards as well as buildtng scale requirements that to maintain the building scafE-ahdqualities that are called out in our Urban Designs thi s bui lding is a non-conforming structur e. eleva tor is in scale with the exrsting buitding andsame materials that are on the present building.l1 given some conarclera tl on for the fact that thenon-conforming structurer is in comp-liance hri th thezoning for the CCI distrrct.. III.COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE The urban Design cuide plan does not calr out any specificproposals tor this area. IV.COMPLIANCE WITH URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE The purpose of the comparison bet.ween the proposa.l and the Designconsrdera tions is to shor., hord the new desrgn strengthens ordetracts from the overall intent of the Design considerations. Be-lor., each consiclera tion is the applicant,s response as rrrer l asthe statf 's response to that particu.lar item. A.Pede s trla niza ti on Applicant: The proposed elevator addition wilt continue tocletine the established separa tion between pedestrians andvehicle circu.lation along the east buitcting edge and theLodge pa rk i ng J. o t. staff: The elevator addition is located on the interror of ^1 the Lodge developnent. It is not c.lose to a major pedestrianway- The open area bet\reen the e.leva tor adctition and theLodge enp]oyee cafeteria is present.ly used as a parking6E€dr sevice delrvery E|F€dr and a pectestrran wa.lkway up tothe ski I i f ts f rom the Lodge. The et eva tor a ddi tijl -lll)fUghgrs_ \'grI_r{!fe impact on peoestrffi puj.lednryact on pedestrlffis putledba_ck close to the e.leva tor w resently useE for the )tn__)--J"r prtpo""f parkingl waJking or makf detiveries. B. Vehi cle Penetration App.licant: Not appticable. Statt: This Desrgn Consideration.s mafor emphasis is toreduce "auto penetration into the center ot the vilrage..'The Lodge is organi.zed in such a way that parking is tocatedin the rnterior areas of the site. Thereforer thrs Designconsiclera tron is not appJicabre to thls proposar. rt shou.r.dbe noted that the e-leva tor addition witl decrease the entryway non going into the parking garage on the ground level oithe Lodge South building. An actequate opening of 12 feeLniJi rema in it the addrtion isffith publicw Ji-ip l0 feet.r6-!Fciposar naintains this required width. rnteriorvehicle penetra tron shoul.d not be adverseJy atrected by thlsproposa t. C. Streetscape Framerror.k Not applicable. D. S treet E ncl osure Appr j. ca n t externai and statt: This consrclera tion states tha t ,'an enclosure is most comforta e when its walls aretelIt as hiqh as the thc.l osed. "The extGEEE nclosure ofet-T-ai] and the Lodge South Towersgreater than I:1. This ratio $rirtproposed elevator addition. space between theis currently anot be a t tec ted Lodge ra ti oby the F. Street Edqe App.licant anct staff: The adctition and. ir_regularity to the buildingeast el.evation. c. Buitdinq Heiqht App-Licant: The Lodge south rower condominiums is current.lya. non-conforming building located on the outer bounctary oithe Commercial Core I zone distrtct. The proposed e.Ieva toraddition is located internalJ.y on the Lodge at vail propertyat the east end ot the Lodge south rohrer conctoniniums.Although this location will cause the most impact to theLoclge a t va i I , both the ohrnership a nd nra nag6ment of theLodge strongly approve of this addj.tion. No request foradclrttonal herght is requirecr since the proposed eleva toradclition is to be no higher than existing portions of the bu i.t di ng. r{i11 provj,de nore interestedge and facade of the .' Staft:rhe "Qr, "u nt actually is requesting addltional height as a grea ter portion ot the building wilt non be at the maximum hetght ot 96 feet. The exrstrng builcting hasonly 16t ot the root at 9b feet. With the elevator addition,23t ot the roof line wilJ. be at 96 teet. It is dittizrr ot Ene roor trne wilt be at 96 teet. It is ditlli_ggl4oqomFare-;rtris orlrtotng to tne euil Heign€-?dEf?6;aJi!n, (' \r^ r .)Or{'1"\ _aF" it..i€ sc tar f rom c.rf orming to the height limitations. service for the buildlng's I floors. The roof line will not ex e exrstin 4Fo rdhere the present . As stated in- the Design Considera tion "The height criterra are intendedto encourage height and nassing variety and to discourage uniform bui.tcling heights along the street." It is staff'sopinlon that the criterta cannot be applied effectively tothis proposa I due to the fact that to have a usef u.l e.levator,it nust service the I ftoors of this exrsting builcting.Staff cloes tee.t that the Lodge South condominium buildingdoes require special consrderation due to the exlstingheight of the bui.tding and purpose of the servlce elevator. H. Views Applicant: Neither establrshect view corrrdors nor streetscapeviews from pedestrian ways bril.l be adversely affected. Statt: Establ j.shed vier^r corrtdors and vlews from pedestrran htays r^til. l not be adversely af f ected by thls proposa.I . Views ot the ski mountaLn from the I-70 'and Frontage Road areasItill be affected. The additional height of the elevatoracldition will block out a sma.l .l oortion of the vrew of the ski mounta i n. I . Servi celDelr verv Applicant: No impact. Statf: Atl service and delivery areas are rnaintained given this proposa J. J . Sun,/S h,ade Applicant: The proposed elevator addition will have insig- nitlcant effect on the spring and fall shadow pa ttern over the surrounding Lodge at Vail properties and parking lot. Staft: The existing stair tower already casts shadotrs intothe parking area below. The proposed elevator wilJ increasethe shadow pattern slightly. Houeverr the sun,/shade criteriais designed for the purpose of timiting shadow patterns on ad jacent properties or the publ ic right-ot-way. f nj].i-S*ctEsr the elevator addition wiIl not affect adjacent proper-ti€E or pu gnr-ot- srAFF *"0""r*oArroN statf reconmends approvar ot thie proposal. rt is fert that the,*lft"C- 1 ProPosal is either not applicable to the Design Considerations or {f,fffqr4fl nas very Jittle impactl it antr on each conslcreration. stattrrt\" ,r1r1 t' also teels that some relief must be qiven to the strict interore-lo,'Ii,al,,-r,'^ arso teels that some relief must be given to the strict interpre- f0 -t:-dt< d/-, tation of height considerations for this building due to the factl,,vr!{t^1,fiS' tllat.it is a non-conforming structure. Staff recommencts approval t\dS4t'"' ot -the project contingent upon the Fire Departmen.t and pub1icrJ- {J works concerns being addressed. '<lt'rV ..rYr'i\t flvr.r- \d!\./' A'i^-r ,\ o\vr' F?0j,9 A* r'ire DePartment . atf r'- \ ' etlv +d-",,[dd)t l. Fire service recall, wil] be reguirect in the nerr etevator.:VrW\r-"'i \dJq.\ 2. Compliance with the Vait Fire Department afarm system 6 ' 0 rdill be required. Publrc Works 1. The e.levator actdltion must not change the exlstingdrainage patt.ern on the property v. July 9,1935 Mr. A. Pet er Patten DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8 i657 DEV ELO?MEN I^test T Re: Lodge Tower (Lodge South) Elevator Project Dear Mr. Patten: Following our recent discusas a request to support the Tower for the addition of alocated on the east s ide ofto the f ire staircase. s ion this note serves appl ica r ion of Lodge second eleva tor to be the building adj acent We vrould also like to confirm that Lodge Properti-es Inc. are initiati.ng proceedings to add the required additional square footage necessary to accornmodatethi.s elevator. We would appreciate your support and favorableconsi-deration on this matter. s D. Turno 9 zky Managing Direc LODGE PROPERTIES INC cc: Mrs. Alice Snavley Sincerelyr 174 East Gorc Crcck hvc \htl, Colorudo 81657 303-476-5011 Tclcx4S-0375 rrranz, o fuar,$-d at^t f,qd0,t sa+h'g iiunn: ako onarrvrd obd"* U..O* yl\lb , 6t \R \ fiirnn1 6ncyq- if\' {aok i''rFc}: dqrUb, fnini,*!" ^d {rmt \\U- \' Ltnuur\ru\ &' a seau\l (oJL nu tjut$eh \ r\tt&\,,boryl 6R$ q5D+ Ord 'dt^-Ul6, il^t( undd F+ Qo^p^dto^L dtshd I"- ,: a\ Robert L. Arnold Rsociutes Architects, PC. 230 Bridge Streeti I Vail, Colorado 8t657, _, i-i (3O3) 476-1147 July 17, 1985 Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Conmission 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Lodge at Vail, South Condominium Tower - Elevator Addition Exterior Alterations in CCI, Va'i1 Village Urban Design Considerations: 1. Pedestrianization The proposed elevator addition wi'll continue to define the estab-. lishbd separation between pedestrian and vehicle circulation along the east building edge and The Lodge parking lot. 2. Vehiclq Penetration Not applicable. 3. Streetscape Framework Not applicable. 4. Street Enc'losure The externa'l enclosure of space between The Lodge at Viiil and The Lodge South Tower is currently a ratio greater than 1 to 1. This ratio will not be affected by the proposed elevator addition. 5. Street Edse The addition will provide more interest and irregularity to the building edge and facade of the east elevation. Robert L. Arnold AIA Daryl V Harris AIA Michael R. Houx AIA 6. July 17, 1985 Town of Vai'l Plann'ing and Environmental Commission RE: Lodge at Vail, South Condominium Tower - Elevator Addition Page Two Bui'lding Height The Lodge South Condominium Tower is currently a non-conforming building located on the outer boundary of the Commercial Core I (CCI) Zone District. The proposed elevator addition is 'located internaliy on the Lodge at Va'i 1 property at the east end of The Lodge South Condomi ni um Tower. Although this location will cause the most impact to The Lodge at Vai1, both the ownership and management of The Lodge strongly approve of this addition. No request for additional height 'is requ'ired since the proposed elevator addition is to be no higher than portions of the existing bui I di n9. Vi ews Neither established view corridors nor streetscape views from pede- strian ways will be adverse'ly affected. 8. Sun/Shade The proposed elevator addition will have insignificant affect on the spring and fall shadow pattern over the surrounding Lodge at Vail properties and parking 1ot. 7. o Date of Application APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI) I. This procedure is required for alteration of an existing buildingwhich adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio orreplacement of an existing building shall be subject to review bythe Planning and Environmental Commission. The application will- not be accepted until all inforrnation is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS PHONE B. NAI',IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATM ADDRESS PHONE c. NAME 0F 0WNER (print or type) SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION E. FEE $TOO.OO PAID F. IMPROVEMENT SUR\/EY OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPERTY LINES AI{D LOCATION OF BUILDING AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS ON THE LAND. G. A Lrsr oF THE NAME oF oIvNERs or Ar,L PRoPERTY ADJACENT To rHE SUBJECT pROpERTy and their mailing addresses, rr- Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scaleof I" = 20'; a variation of the sheet size or scale may be approvedby the Comnunity Development Department if justified; Applicariotor Exterior Alteratio' oedrrr.CCI page 2 ' /" .._ I B. The date, North arrow, scale and name of the proposed development shall be shown on the site Plan; C., The existing topographic character of the site including existing and proposed contours. This condition will only be requred for eipansion area where there is a change of two feet of grade; D. The location and size of afl existing and proposed buildings, struc- tures and imProvements; E. The existing and proposed landscaping; F. The location of aI1 ei<isting and proposed buildings, structures and Patios or decks. III. The applicant shall submit in written and graphic form, a preponderance of evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commission that the proposal is in conformance with the purposes of, the CCI District ana lnat the proposal substantialty complies with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. A. If the applicant is proposing a major change.in the vail Village Urban nesign Guide Plan, the procedures for change are noted in . Section L8.24.220 (B) . IV. The applicant'must also submit written and graphic supporting roaterials that lhe proposal substantiatly conplies r^rith the fol-lorving Ur:ban Design Consiberations sbction of the VaiI Vil.lage Design Consicleratj-on. A. PedestrianizationB. Vdhicle Penetration' C. StreetscaPe Framework D. Street Enclosure E. Street EdgeF. Building Height c. ViewsH. Sun Shade Consideration l{any of the above iterns .should'be addressed in some graphic means usinq such tools.as sketches. simulations, models (inc'luding neighboring buildings), photos, etc V. The Town of Vail Zoning Code for CCI also describes other zoning issues that the applicant must respond to in written or graphic form. VI . Applications for exterior alteratj.ons or nroclifications in CCI catl' are only reviewed semi-annually. They need to be submitted. beforethe fourth Monday of May or November. For more specifics on the review schedule, see Section L8.24.065 A-5 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI EW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF E PROPOSAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPART]IIENT DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING y'ooavtt Jfr+''aq e* I SlruL 0efrilN'a TH (47fe-/') Date RECREATION DEPARTI'4ENT Reviewed by: Comments: PUBLIC WORKS Reli.eweel bv: Comments: * .JtDl-^ o*"__tW fr*-fuptuu t{."m. efitJ, d 6^C-a ,p*\ Uo ! d* bl' /,to'*t'f+"e"... Reviewed by: Comments: Date ^/ lnwn 75 south tronlage road yaal, colorado g1657 (303) 476-7(xr0 July 31, 1985 ofllce of communlty development Buff Arnold 230 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 8.l657 Re: Lodge at Vail, South Condominium Tower Elevator Addition Dear Buff: I would appreciate it. if you wou'ld address the Urban Design Considerationsfor the elevator addition it ttre t-oogJ. rhe uiuin-o"sis" donsiderationsi ncl ude: '1. Pedestrianization2. Vehicle Penetration3. Streetscape Framework4. Street Enclosure5. Street Edqe6. Building Feight7. Views8. Sun/Shade Consideration It is.required that the app'l iant address those urban Design considerationsthat do^app1y. to the propbsat. y;ti written responses do-not need to ue 'very f.ng. Daryl has arready'written a brief section'on-ouiiaiiig height. - .-'r KP: br eas qc? NT P1 5i tr To r nccr {t.tt own I e call me if you have any questions. rely,6.l S\"'YfIt Pl anner oo l.Nb€ ,tbd^l Grun'L enArUL , -fuiqVrf) geq^rrd ,(JU lown 42 rert mcldor ddvo I!ll, Golorado 81657 (303) {76-2100 llru deprrtmonl TO: IGisten Pritz FROM: Mike *"fu DATE: June 26, 1985 RE: lodge at Vai1, Elewator for Iodge Tcryer In aceordance with Ordinance 3, 51983, an elevator c4)ture and return, and firefighter control package would be required for the nenr elevator. In addition, you should be anrare that as of this date tlre Lodge To\^rer Condqnfuirm Association has not made 4rpropriate provisions for the existing elevator return controls in accordance with Ondiance 3, 51983. I\4',t/hnI I o'ru APPIICATION FORM FOREXTERIOR AITERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE II (CCII)\IAII, LIONSHEAD This procedure required. for arteration of an existing building whichadds or removes any encrosed froor area or outdoor pitio ot r6pi.-u-ment of an existing.buirding shall be subject to ieview by the-pran-ning and Environmental Commission. The application will not be accepted until all information is submi.tted. 1: NAME OF APPLICA}IT ADDRESS PHONE tl - I. 2.NAIVIE OF APPLTCAIiIT ' S ADDRESS REPRESENTATIVE PHONE 3. NME OF OWNER (print or type) SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE 4.LOCATION OF PROPOSALr' , ..,11 ,'r ADDRESS: IEGAL DESCRIPTION 5.$100.00 ! (: r r'a I . . PAID 6. rmp-rovement survey of property showing property tines and.locationof building and any improveneits on tie- faira. -' 7. If. Four A. A list of the name of owners of alr property adjacent to thesubject property and their MILING aadriss6s. (4) copies of a site pran containing the folrowing information: The_site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24,,x 36,,at ascale of r" = 20t; a variation of the sheei oi,".r" *uv u.-.p_proved by the community Development Department ii-iustiiied; ' The-qate' north arrow, scale and name of the proposed developmentshall be shown on the site plan; B. D. The rocation and size of arr existing and proposed buildings,structures and improvements; E' The existing and proposed landscaping patio add,itions or deretions. rrr- The applicant sha1l submit in-written and graphic form, a prepond.er_ance of evidence before tbe_Plannits .ne-eiit.o.rrn"rrtar commj.ssionthar the proposar is in conforman;a-riih tii. p,rrposes of the ccrrDistrict and. that the proposar substdai"ii; complies with the vairLionshead urban Design euiae pr."l---"--s-4r A' rf the applicant-is proposSg. major change to the vail r,ionsheadurban Design Guide pranr tne-proJea*"=--i"r change are noted i.nSecrion 18.24.220 (B). rv. The applicant must arso submit written and graphic supporting mater_iat s rhar rhe proposar suuili"ti"iiv-I"iilir3l with the rolloiins E:::1.:::t?:"::""rderarions sec rion or - iire-vait Lionshuia-o""ign A. Height and MassingB. Roofs . C. Facades - Wall_s/StructureD. Facades - TransparencyE. Decks and patios - F. Accent ElementsG. Landscape Elements Many of the above i-terns should, be addressed in some graphic means;:ili" ";:l, lii]3, :"dl;:::":i, : ii"i;;i;; ;;;a"i. i ii.ririi g..,," i gr._ C. The existing topographicand proposed contours.an expansion area where Applications forbe received up tonoted in Section character of the site including existj.ngThis condirion wilt only U" i"ilired forthere is a change of twl teel-Ji-gr"a.; exterior alteratiols or modifications in CCII canJuty 3I, 1980. A-fter that-d;i;,'at" time frames18.24.065-A-5 appry. i, v. roiJ;. vI. :.ii.!,' r-i.,;1 rri .,,,..11 , .,,,,:rhe Town of Vail zoning cod.e for ccrr also describes other zoningi:H:" that the applicint *""[-r""pond to in rritt"n or graphic Robert L. Arnold tsociates Architects, PC. 230 Bridge Street- Vail, Colorado 81657(303) 476-1147 Ju'ly 17, 1985 Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Corrnission 75 South Frontage Road Vai'1, Colorado 8f657 RE: Lodge at Vail, South Condominium Tower - E'levator Addition Exterior Alterations in CCI, Vail Village Urban Des'ign Considerations: 6. Bui ldi,ng: Height The Lodge South Condominium Tower is currently a non-conform'i ng building located on the outer boundary of the Conmercial Core I (CCI) Zone District. The proposed elevator addition is 'located internally on the Lodge at Vail property at the east end of the Lodge South Condominium Tower. Although this location wj'l'l cause the most impact to the Lodge at Vail, both the ownership and management of the Lodge strongly appnove of this addition. No request for additional height is required since elevator addtion is to be no higher than portions building. the proposed of the existing qrp\ Robert L. Arnold AIA Daryl V Harris AIA Niichael R- Houx AIA Jul-y 9, 1935 Mr. A. Peter Patten DIRECTOR OT COMMUNITY TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vai-1, Colorado 81657 DEVELOPMENT West Re: Lodge Tower (Lodge South) Elevator Project Dear Mr Patten: Following our recent discussion this note serves as a request to supPort the appllcation of Lodge Tower for the addltion of a second elevator to be located on the east side of the building adjacent to the fire stalrcase. We would also like to confirm that Lodge Properties Inc. are initiating proceedings to add the required additlonal square footage necessary to accommodate this elevator. We would appreciate your support and favorable consideration on this matter. 5 D. Turno zky Managlng Direc INC Mrs. Alice Snavley Sincerely, r LODGE PROPERTIES 174EastC'ore CreekDdve Vatl,C.olorado81657 808-476-m11 Telex45-Otl75 t -11 1s35At 55 )5/)4/ 35 I3s IPY3tlJ 3TN :iL"/3 t1?1'l <127 3I ) 33ID3 IlTfl\ '10 15-11 1411P CtT 3irlCo o>Tt/)i ff /1IL 'C:i.,,IIJNITY ):\/NL3PI{TNT PI-CIINI}.IG ITPT 75 S FiC \Tri3 i RD /\IL !0 31551 t-)I327tali\ 13/1i/i7 '1a:; IP'1111/ID ''1V\ r5r'11 r5-r5 152tP CDT TJI3 I t3 IP {l)ils \-1 4 4 \i2 3l J 4 ats/ 13/ ",5 I ]3 IP 'I3^J,]Z OSP 2l t23112,51 T)3rJ il ICHA,?DS0)l Tt( 59 t5-15 il41tP 13T P:13 Ti"{r TO"t\ Ot 'JAIL, FlNE-3tT ADfR i3S F0t Tf'lq C3,1.Y]IJ\ITY )Ti/IL]P:.1EIJT PLA\I'':I\3 )iPT 'i.\IL C3 ',1 357 LICE SIIAVILY i-{AS :iY 3A3]{INC A!I I3 AJT}{C3IZ:) A)J) HqJ T]{: R]IiJT T1 A:T A3 A:i:r:.'JT "C3 !-f f3! Tl',J:? I .'' lIil,\LF lF TllE Lo)il: T3 /tl lLr'"\T0f AIDITIC].] \tir 3Ii3R: TilI PLq JitIli: )rP{lTi'li)J',I CF Ti{l T3,l\ li 'J1IL JANI: PI]](I IS DI;iisTCii CNf S:C3:Tq:Y LOD:.i TO.JE,I l ):) J :)1 t711 !37 t 22r isT {3,4C01]P ''0,'4 I t o I t t t t a I I fro;r N-l I o o o I I I TO REPLY BY MAILGRAM MESSAGE, SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR WESTERN UNION'S TOLL - FREE PHONE NUMBERS I -}IIIJIAM J. DERRICK 5848 Acacia Clrcle, Suite A-200 El Paso, Te)<ae 799L2 Juoe 3, 1985 The Tonn of VatL Gomuntty Developneot Plaonlog Dept. 75 S. Frortage Rd. Veil, Colorado 81657 Allce snaveJ.y hes m1r approval and le authorized and has the rlght to act aa agent for Lodge Toser GondoninLuo AssoclatLon on behalf of rhe Lodge Torer elevator additl.on now before the planolng Department of the Town Lodge Tower CondonLnium Aeeoclatlon IIJD/vlc t and Dlrector Office of Comnunit whileyouwere otfi Telegram from:Perk{ ns ' authorized and has ri EXPEBT No. Zte Date ) of Application May 28, 1985 -(/ APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI} r. This procedure is required for alteration of an existing buirdingwhich adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdooi patio orreplacement of an existing building shall be subject to review bythe Planning and Environrnental Commission. The application wiLl not be accepted until all- information is submitted. A. NAME OF ApptICANT Lodge South Condom ) ADDRESS .|74 East Qqre creek Drive, vail, colorado g'1657 pHoNE 476-561.l B. NAI'18 OF APPLICANTIS RSPRESENTATIVE Robert L. Arno]d Associates PHONE 476-1147 c.NAI'IE 0F 0WNER (print pr type) SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL Lodge at Vail, ADDRESS 230 Bridqe Stre ADDRESS Lodqe Tower Buildinq" .|64 East Gore Creek Drive. Vail Col orado 8.|657 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Portion of Lot A, Block 5-C. Vail Vi]First Fil in E. FEE $100.00 PAID {tt:y/&s'ff:,,/1.6,/. - ,I F. I!,IPROVE},1ENT SURVEY OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPERTY LINESOF BUILDING AND ANY IIvTPRoVEMENTS oN THE LAND. G. A LIST OF TTTE NAME OF OWNERS OF A]-,L PROPERTY ADJACENTSUBJECT pROpERTy and their mailing addresses. A}ID LOCATION TO THE ( o.C rr' Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A' The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36', at a scaleof l" = 20'; a variation of the sheet size or scale may be approvedby the Community Development Department if justified; I O t^r-4- LODGE PROPERTIES INC. HANS TURNOVSZKY, 174 E. G0RE CREEK DRM, VAIL, C0. 81657 LODGE APARTMENTS (LODGE APARTMENT CONDOMINIUl'l ASSOCIATION) JOAN DUNCAN. 39OI S. GILPIN ST., ENGLEl'lOOD. CO. 80110 LODGE SOUTH (LODGE TOt.lER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION) ALICE SNAVELY, 6540 CLIFFBROOK DR., DALLAS, TX. 75240 RIVA NoRTH (RrvA RrDGE NoRTH ICHALETS] CoNDoMINruM Ass0crATr0N) MR. A. G. ANDRIK0P0UL0S, P.0. BOX 788, CHEyENt'tE. }{y. 82003 DAN UNGER, 6970 hIILDLIFE RD., MALIBU. CA. 90265 RIVA SOUTH (RIVA RIDGE soUTH IcHALETs] coNDoMINIUM AssocIAIION) DR. EUGENE PERLE. 5I'IO I.J. DOHERTY DR., WEST BLOOMFIELD, MICH. 48033 THE ],ODGE SOUTH CONDOMINIUM EXHIBIT A TO DECLARATION Legal Description of tand A portion of Lot a, Block 5-C, Vail Vi11age, First I'iling,a subdivision in the Town of vaiL, county of Eagle, stat6 ofcororado described as: commencing at th; s!{ coiner of saidLot a; thence N 89o 41' 50" E 42.55 feet along the souther].yline of said Lot a to the true point of beginiing; thencecontinuing along said southerly line N g9o 4lr 5[rr E 1g0.5feet; thence N 0o 18'. OO', w 29-.24 teei- i thence N g9o 42, OO"E 3.60 feet; thence N 0o 18, 00" W L7.40 feet; thence N g9o42' 00" E 8.00 feet,; thence N Oo 1gI OO" W 16.00 feet;thence S 89o 42r 00" W 1I.80 feet; thence N Oo 18r OO,'W16.00 feet; thence S 89" 42'OO', W 166.30 feet; thence S0" 18r 00" E 17.90 feet; thence S B9o 42'OO" W 7.70 feet;thence S 0o L8' 00" E 5.20 feet; thence S 89" 42t 00" W19.40 feet; thence S 0o L8, OOr E 30.30 feet; thence N g9o42' 00n E 13.10 feet; thence S 0o IB'00" E 25.25 feetto the true point of beginning containing 14554.0 square feetor 0.3341 acres more or less. togelher with an easernent for ingress and egress to andfrom the above described ,preperty to and from the publicstreet known as Gore Creek Drive, for vehicular and pedes-tri-an traffic across the public driveways and walkwayson the property adjacent to the .above described property owned by Lodge Properties, Inc., and together with an ease-ment for 24 parking spaces on the property adjacent to theabove described property owned by Lodge properties, Inc.subject to the right of Lodge Properties, Inc., its successorsand assigns, to regulate the location of parking areas anddesignation of parking stalls. oofADate pplication May 28, 1985 APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR AITERATIONS oR MODTFICATTONS IN COMI,IERCTAL CORE r (CCr) r. This procedure is required for alteration of an existing buildingwhich adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outd.ooi patio orreplacement of an existing building shall be subject to review bythe Planning and Environrnental Commission. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted.. A. NAME OF AppLICNTLodge South Condom ) ADDRESS .l74 East Gore creek Drive, vail, colorado 8.|657 pHoNE 476-561.| B. NAIVIE OF APPTICAI{T's REPRESENTATIVE Robert L. Arno]d Associates ADDRESS 230 Bridqe Street PHONE 476-1147 NAME 0F OWNER (prinlor type) SIGNATURE ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL Lodge at Vai1, PHONE ADDRESS Lodqe Tower Bui'l djn 164 East Gore Creek Drive. Vail Colorado 8.l657 LEGAL DESCRIPTION of Lot A. Block 5-C . Vai I Vi l'l First Fili EEE $l_00.00 PAI D : -. IMPROVEMENT SURVEY OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPERTY LINES AI{D LOCATIONOF BUILDING AND ANY IMPROVEI{ENTS ON THE LAND. G. A LIST OF THE NAME OF O}TNERS OF ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO TIIESUBJECT pROpERTy and the.i r mailing addresses. rr' Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24,, x 36', at a scaleof I" = 20'; a variation of the sheet size or scale may be approved,by the Community Development Department if justified; ' F. o LODGE PROPERTIES INC. HANS TURN0VSZKY, 174 E. c0RE CREEK DRM, VAIL, C0. 81657 LODGE APARTMENTS (LODGE APARTMENT CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION) J0AN DUNCAN'. 390.| S. GILPIN ST., ENGLEI|00D. C0. 80110 LODGE SOUTH (LODGE TOWER COI{DOMINIUM A5SOCIATION) ALICE SNAVELY, 6540 CLIFFBRooK DR., DALLAS, TX. 75240 RIVA NORTH (RIVA RIDGE NORTH ICHALETS] CONDO]iIII{IUM ASSOCIATION) MR. A. G. ANDRIKOPOULOS, P.O. BOX 788, CHEYENNE. t.lY. 82003 DAN UNGER, 6970 I.IILDLIFE RD., MALIBU. CA. 90265 RivA s0urH (RIVA RIDGE sgurH ISHALETs] coNDoMINIUM AssocIATI0N) DR. EUGENE PERLE. 51IO t,J. DOHERTY DR., I,IEST BLOOI.IFIELD, MICH. 48033 - J 1- Jt TH3 LODGE SOUTH CONDOIVIINIUM EXHIBII A TO DECLARATTON Legal Description of Land A portion of Lot a, Block 5-C, Vail Village, First Filing,a subdivision i.n the Town of Vail, County of Eagle, Stat6 ofcolorado described as: commencinq at t.h; sw coiner of saidLot a; thence N 89o 41.' 50,'E 42.55 feet along the southerlyline of said Lot a to the true point of beginning; thencecontinuing along said southerly line N 99" 4l_, 5b" E 190,5feet; thence N 0o 18'. 00" W 29.24 feeE; thence l{ g9o 42 r OO"E 3.50 feet; thence N 0o lB, 00" W L7.40 feet; thence N g9o42'00" E 8.00 feet; thence N O" lB' 00" W 16.00 feet;thence S 89o 42r 00" W 1I.80 feet; thence N Oo I8t 00,'W16.00 feet; thence S 89" 42, OO,,W f66.30 feet; thence S0o 18'00" 817.90 feet; thence S 89" 42,00" W 7.70 feet;thence S 0o 18' 00" E 5.20 feeti thence S 89o 42r 00" W19.40 feet; thence S 0" 18r OO" E 30.30 feet; thence N 89"42'00" E 13.10 feet; thence S 0" lB'00,'E 25.25 feetto the true point of beginning containing 14554.0 square feetor 0.3341 acres more or less together with an easement for ingress and egress to andfrom the above described,preperty to and frorn the publicstreet known as Gore Creek Drive, for vehicular and pedes-trian traffic across the public driveways and walkwayson t,he property adjacent to the .above described property owned by Lodge Properties, Inc., and together with an ease-ment for 24 parking spaces on the property adjacent to theabove described property owned by Lodge propert,iesl Inc.subject to the right of Lodge Properties, Inc., its successorsand assigns, to regulate the location of parking areas anddesignation of parking stalls. :'""2 t\\.t d Ar tl\ 5c"k , '..-.-.o.-\-.-, a3?.3 I b ,k |er- t-^r o.*l =Do. ** u-"&1- * 9r!-'- el )' ^**' lUW t-PveA- gza$)l€r?J_ "P-€r LZVA- N, )onaon"'- C^--q\A $-.it "r-1, Datez 1-/?- ra I a3/!.9/!99a !3'!3A FROImLLEN & CO. INC. NEU YORK TO ilinulry 25, 1990 L3A3476468,4 P.62 ilrr stin Eltunrn-o7o Nlrtt end Clor l trllor ,11 tth Avr' Nt}| y6rh' NY roo2r P661 Mrr Shunanf Plrrm f lnd rnoloood t'hc. t'.udgl fpq1tltti1t!' Co$ql,*urn Jriioolatlonr Eohrd nr l'lr,,rgor:i-iltril'iton icsr]iin;-titr oxtorlpr altrtatlon ot unlt t63. tr rhe Jsaud :n't vlsh Mr'-. nhwtl[nt ownor- o! Unlt 166 Fnd dor.,nFloroc,n.t.ooa}lriliiiiliii,liodtcoun'anexterloral, ntl.on to'ulllt 16B' .i'i"*'-t!-'ttqtIiu. chrt Dlr' Bhunat ;;;, r,r b a' L ri-o*it' in . l',t .' iil. i ili$ljrtl;*ft$"tr1?1 "llT'nlt ntP ,Of birtlroom wlhdow A, TI'r tt: .r t{!rt'Gt lttl1ogy-Ylrtdou fn t'gg..llTrtl ba ldmtlqrl ln tl*oftnd';ililti'..lrolt.o"frllioolnrrlniowof}69. ffi It'til"' T ", l#* Jf; ' "'r* rli'ii$* t "iu f ir lt.li;"$ry3? upsrablon ror trro'Iligrl6roii' not'ir' lnd olranlng of hiu.woYe r &soi rrrto rnurr rnitsh ctirting gable ovoB !t9t bus ba let Iiiof g to 10 trnohrr ' AtI work ttust ^ br os1nt'lot?it. Ilt Sunl l0th 'or 'a ftnr of dl'000,00 nrt o^f *iii-6i'lirifi o'ul"ir-fiic uonc Portrc ln fil-ffi;-ol-t Pr ind t'f,Poe' Art ro*f rot{llnE anil opb.ol$r--ylnohrilr ' Fol.?ltir.llliti; iiiv eriir6, - Lr; .- irurt'i,r Carirrl Jown f"$"lfll#I'o$i l;-.,"ril ilili- ]iih'U,,f i'-" #T^E*$ill?'-ili6'lri I': T:..f f il"'lt.[Tr'oB'l]tol"i*#f FJTlrJlf tJrlJffr,Io'[?Itl'slT r{r. orrunau,nl;* ol'rl'inf"ii$rr"o.llll"ltlr.:l|t "liruqlcfnoborYoonrbruqtton, F' 0' Dr 8. F. O. a3./L9,.!99a !3t3a rtrtIN elmru & cB. INc, NEU yoRK To L3a34?646AA P,A3 r,, tl,dii**,*:t,''i-,nf. "illlf"f 'lf;,'ottt l*Hfi' Ty"1 li r. H; X1!.T-,ltf,', *l'l;l,tf,f:-.t[:'*fill*l't'!l'l'i';I']lil iti yeatt'r frfi'it:ll sltpensir' til"Hqi#*-#:$'fJJ#q"ll*%r: -llTi"T#"T"*"il ippr0vt itktrf Jt*'Sry;$I**J"lt"Ux*tl'y-t*l'lffi |ll"J'ilf "fJ'*Llt'':i , It yorr hftvo any quortlono' ulotrto fatl fror tqr oontnot ne' 0lnorrrly t 8*l h,Dqqr"..^' itll.h""tpifll.' Bnrvrdf F tlut str' Jorgr Doloh LA.ND. TITU GUARANTEE "ryPANY Representing Title Insurance Conpany of Minnesota ., MK YOU FOR YOT'R ORDER Augrust 03, 1989 Our Order: Vt 384O-2 BUYER3 STANI-,EY S. SH['!,TAN SELL,,ER! BERNARD H. II'ENDIK ADDRESS: CI'SER 1 Attn: ARZAT{A BROWNSTEIN T IIYATT 410 17TH AVE. DEI{VER, CO eO2O2 1 Attn: KEN ROBBINS .,":"r"t 1 Attn: PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY Al,T PM MINNESOTA TITIF I\ 5140 Wcrd Road Arvada, CO 80002 420-021r 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suite 105 Aurora, CO 80014 75 | -4336 l 8l0 30rh Streel Boulder, CO 8030 | 414-4101 ' 200 North Ridge P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80424 153-2255 5l2 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 212 North Wahsalch - Colorado Springs, CO 80903 634-4821 GommitmentTo Insure lssued through the 0ffie of: P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 32l - l 880 8821 E. Hampden Suile I 00 Denver, CO 80231 7 50-1223 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 127-9353 I20l Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 247-5860 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd. 5u rle IJU Englewood, CO 801 l2 770-9596 3600 So. Yosemile Denver, CO 80237 691-?837 LAND TITLE GI-ARANTEE '108 South Frontage Road W' P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 47 6-2251 3030 S. College Avenue Suite 201 Fort Collins, CO 80525 482-901s 710 Kipling Sfreel Lakewood, CO 80215 232-3 | I I 3609 So. Wadsworth Suite I l5 Lrkewood, CO 802 35 988-8550 | 1990 Granl Sireet Suile 220 Norfhglenn, CO 80233 452-Ol19 'I 9590 Easl Main Streel Parker, CO 801 34 84 I .4900 108 Souih Fronlage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 176-2251 LAI{D TITLE GIARANTEE COi/PANY I ALTA lo"MrrMENTSCIIEDULE A Apptication No. VL384O-2 For Infolaation OnJ.Y - Cttarges - ALTA Owner Po1icy 91,303.OOlax certif- $zo.oo--TOTAL-- 91,323.OO With your rernittance please refer to V1384o-2. 1. Effective Date: July 28, 1989 at 8:OO A.M. 2. Pollcy to be lesued, and proposed Insured: ttALTAlt Ownerrs Policy $110881250.00 Forn 8-1970 (Arnended 10-17-70) Proposed Insured: STN{LEY S. SHI'MAN 3. The estate or interest in the land descrlbed or referred to l-n this Conrnitment and covered herein is: A I'ee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: BERNARD H. IitENDIK 5. The land referred to in this Corunitrnent is described as follows: coNDoMrNrItMrNrT 365, THE rODGE APART'I.{ENT CONDOI{rNIItl',l, ACCORDING AND PURSUANT TO THE CONDOMINIIII'! ltAP AND DECLARATION THEREOF RECORDED MAY 5, L97O rN BOOK 217 AT PAGE 531, COUNTy OF EAGLE, STATE OF COTTRADO. : rA('.E I I L. ALT^T:#:-; 'ENT (Requirernents) Application No. vL384o-2 Ihe follovting are the requirements to be conplied with: L. PayBent to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the fuII consLderatlon for the estate or interest to be insured._ 2. Proper instrurnent(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured nust be executed and duty filed for record, to-wit: 3. CERTIFICATE OF'RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CONDOI,TINIT'M DECIAR,ATION. 4. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERI{S, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOI{N OF VAIL TRNISFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 5. WARRAI{IY DEED FROM BERNARD H. MENDIK TO STANLEY S. SHUMAN CONVEYING SUB.TECT PROPERTY. PAGE 2 ALT^,N:;":-; MENT (Exceptions) Application No. v13840-2 the policy or policies to be issued wiII contain excep!i"!? to ttre loll-owing-unless the same are disposed of to the satisfactlon of :he ComPanys Standard- Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. t. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessnents not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. t. any unpaid taxes or assessrnents against said land. l. Liens for unpaid water and setter charges, if any. ). RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR I'DE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFRO!,I SHOULD THE SAI{E BE FOT'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES As RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JuIy 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. tO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE I,NITED STATES As RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JuIy 12 , L899 'IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 11. RESTRICTIVE CoVENANTS WHICH Do NoT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, ilIT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRT'UENT RECORDED AUgUSt 10, 1962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. 12. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDTTIONS, EASEIIENTS AND RESTRTCTIONS, I{HICH ARE A BITRDBN TO THE CONDOMINIW UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCIIEDUIJE A' AS CONTAINED IN INSTRT'MENT RECORDED UAY 5, Lg?O, IN BOOK 2L7 AT PAGE 531. 13. UTILITy EASEMENT TEN FEET IN WIDTH AISNG THE SOUTH IrT LINE OA InT A' BITCK 5-C, VAIL VTLLAGE, rrRST rrL,INc AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED CONDOMINIW I'tAP. 14. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. PAGE 3 I ; LAND. TITU GUARANTEE "|MPANY Representing Title Insurance Company of Minnesota TIIAI{K YOU FOR YOUR ORDER August 03, 1989 our Order: V13840-2 BWER: STN{I.,EY S. SHUIIAN SEIJLER: BERNARD H. IiIENDIK ADDRESS: CIPSER 1 Attn: ARZANA BROWNSBEIN & IIYATT4to 17TB AVE. DENVER, CO 8O2O2 1 Attn: KEN ROBBINS COPIES 1 Attn: PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY AM PM MINNESOTA TIT|F ll 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 120-0241 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suile 105 Aurora, CO 80014 75t-4336 l8l0 30ih Streer Boulder, CO 80301 444-4101 ' 200 North Ridge P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80424 . 1s3-2255 5l 2 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363 212 North Wahsalch Colorado Springs, CO 80903 634-4821 Commitment To lnsure lsued thrwgh the 0ffie of: P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 32 t-1880 8821 E. Hampden Suile | 00 Denver, CO 8023 | 7 50-1223 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 127-9353 l 20l Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 217-5860 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd. Suile | 50 Englewood, CO 801 l2 770-9596 3600 So. Yosemite Denver, CO 80237 691-2837 LAI{D TITLE GI.ARANTEE I 08 Sourh Frontage Road W' P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81658 476-2251 3030 S. C.ollege Avenue Suile 201 Fort Collins, CO 80525 482-9015 710 Kipling Streel Lahewood, CO 80215 232-31 I I 3609 So. Wadsworth Suile I | 5 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 I1990 Granl Sfreet Suire 220 Northglenn, CO 80233 152-0149 19590 Easi Main Streel Parker, CO 80134 8.il | -4900 108 South Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 vail, CO 81658 176-2251 LAND TITLE GLARANTEE COil/FANY Application No. vL384o-2 For Information onlY - Charges - ALTA owner Policy $L,303.00 Tax certlf. 92o.oo --TOTAL-- $1,323.00 With your renittance please refer to V13840-2. 1. Effectlve Date: July 28, 1989 at 8:oO A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured3 nALTAn Ohrnerts policy g1r088r25O.OO Fom 8-1970 (Anended 10-17-70) Proposed Insured: STANLEY S. SHI,I'IAN 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to In this Cornmltment and covered herein ls: A Fee Slmple 4. Titl.e to ttre estate or interest covered herein iE at the effective date hereof vested in: BERNARD H. I.TENDIK 5. The land referred to i.n this Cornrnitrnent is described as follows: CONDOUINII'I'T T'NIT 355, THE IPDGE APARTIIENT CONDOMINII'U, ACCORDING AND PURSUANT TO THE CONDO}TINIT'I,I I,IAP Al{D DECI.ARATION THEREOF RECORDED ![AY 5, 1970 rN BOOK 217 AT PAGE 531, COITNTY OF EAGr,E, STATE OF CO'iRADO. PAGE ' 1 AT.,TA aOtMTTMENT SCHEDULE A t' *, aLrA oo"MrrMENr oSCHEDUI,E B-]. (Requirenents) Application No. v13840-2 fhe follotting are the reguirements to fe complied with: 1. Payment to or for the account of the grantorE or mortgagors of the full consideratl-on for the estate or interest to be insured.. 2. Proper instrunent(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. CERTIFICATE OF RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS, CONDITIONS A}{D PROVISIONS OF CONDO}IINIUM DECI,ARJATION. 4. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY TI{AT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS A}TD PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRJANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 5. WARR,NITY DEED FROM BERNARD H. T.TENDIK TO STANLEY S. SIIT'}IAT COWEYING SURfECT PROPERTY. PAGE 2 I 4LT^,I:#:-; 'ENT (Exceptions) Application No. V13840-2 lhe policy or policies to be Lssued wLl-l contain exceptions to the ioll-owing-unteis the same are disposed of to the satisfactlon of :he Company: L. Standard-Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. t. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessnents not yet certified to the Treasurerfs office. l. Any unpaid taxes or assessrnents against said land. 3. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. ). RIGIIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IODE TO EXTRACT AND REI,IOVE HIS ORE TEEREFRO!.I SHOUI.,D THE SN,IE BE FOI,'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JU1Y 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANAI.S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE I'NTTED STATES As RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED July 12 , L899I IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS I{HICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI.,AUSE, BIII OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COI,OR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAIJ ORIGIN, AS CONIAINED IN INSTRT,MENT RECORDED AugUSt 10, ].962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. 12. EHOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AlrD CONDITIONS, EASEI.IENTS Al{D RESTRICTIONS' WHICH ARE A BITRDEN TO THE CONDOMINITTM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDUL'E A, As CONTAINED IN INSTRI'MENT RECORDED !4AY 5, L97O, IN BOOK 2LI AT PAGE 531. 13. UTILITY EASEMENT TEN FEET IN WIDTH AIONG THE SOUTH IOT LINE OF I,oT A, BI,oCK 5-C, VAIrr VTIJTJAGE, FrRST rIr'rNG AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED CONDOMTNTUM MAP. 14. EXTSTING I.,EASES AND TENANCIES. PAGE . 3 : LA.ND. TITU GUARANTEE "ryPANY Representing Title Insurance Company of Minnesota TIIANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER Augiust 03, 1989 Our Order: V13840-2 BUYER: STANI,EY S. SHT'I.IAN SEI,LERS BERNARD H. I'IENDIK ADDRESS: CIPSER 1 Attn! ARZANA BRO!{NSTEIN & HYATT 41.0 17TH AV8. DENVER, CO 8O2O2 1 AttN: KEN ROBBINS ,, ::"-"" 1 Attn: PTCKED UP FOR DELTVERY AI'! PM MINNESOTA TTTL,E !\ 5440 Ward Road Arvada, CO 80002 420-O211 3300 So. Parker Rd., Suile 105 Aurora, CO 80014 751-4336 l8l0 30th Slreel Boulder, CO 8030 | 444-41 0l ' 200 Norih Ridge P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 804?4 153-2255 5l 2 Wilcox Cast le Rock, CO 80.|04 688-6363 21 2 Norlh Wahsatch - Colorado Springs, CO 80903 634-4821 108 3030 S. College Avenue Suite 201 Forf Collins, CO 80525 482-9015 710 KiPling Street lakewood, CO 80215 232-31 | I 3609 So. Wadsworfh Suile I l5 lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 | 1990 Grant Streef 5urle zzu Northglenn, CO 80233 152-01 19 19590 East Main Street Parker, CO 80134 841-4900 108 South Fronlage Road W. P.O. 8ox 357 Vail, CO 8l 658 176-?251 LAND TITLE GIJARANTEE coil/mNY Soulh Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 8l 658 176-2251 Commitment To lnsure lsued through tln 0ffie of: P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 321-l880 8821 E. Hempden Suile I 00 Denver, CO 80231 7 50-1223 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 8022 | 127 -9353 | 20 | Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 217-5860 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd. Suite 'l50 Englewood, CO 801l2 770-9596 3600 So. Yosemile Denver, CO 80237 691-2537 LAND TITLE G(ARANTEE CON/FAT.JY I Ar,TA Oo"r.{rT}IENT SCHEDUI,E A Application No. VL3840-2 For Inforuration onlY - Charges - ALTA owner Policy $1r303.oo s',333: 33 I{ith your reurittance please refer to v13840-2. t. Effective Date! July 28' 1989 at 8:Oo A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed fnsured: nALTAn O$merrs policy 9110881250.00 Forrn B-197o (Amended 10-17-70) Proposed Insured: STA}IIJY S. SEI'}IAN 3. The estate or interest ln the land descrlbed or referred to in thls Cornnitnent and covered hereln is; A Fee sinple 4. Tit1e to the estate or interegt covered herein is at tlre effective date hereof vested in: BERNARD H. IIENDIK 5. The land referred to in this Conrnitment is described as follows: CONDOI,TINIT'}I I,'NIT 365, THE IDDGE APARTMENT CONDOMINIIJ}I, ACCORDING AND PURSUANT TO THE CONDOMINIW UAP AND DECI"AR,ATION THBREOF RECORDED IIAY 5 , L97O rN BOOK 217 AT PAGE 531, COUNly OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIORADO. PAGE , ]. a ALrA Co"MrrMENr ISCHEDUI,E B-1 (Requirernents) Application No. v13840-2 fhe following are the requirenents to be conplied with: 1. Palment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured roust be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. CERTTFICATE OF RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL IN COMPLIANCE WTTH THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CONDOMINIT]M DECI,ARATION. 4. EVIDENCE SATTSFACTORY TO THE COMPANY T}1AT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AI'TD PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX ITAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 5. I|ARRANTY DEED FROM BERNARD H. I'IENDIK TO STANI,EY S. SHI'I,IAN CONVEYING SU&TECT PROPERTY. PAGE 2 (Exceptions) Application No. V13840-2 the policy or policies to be issued will contaln exceptions to the 3oLl-owing unless the same are disposed of to the satisfactlon of :he company: t. Standard- Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. t. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. any unpaid taxes or assessments against sald land. 3. LienE for unpaid water and eewer charges, if any. 9. RIGIIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IFDE TO EXT&ACT A}{D REMOVE HIS ORE TH'EREFRO}! SHOULD THE SA!,!E BE FOT'ND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSEET THE PREMISES As RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED.fUIy 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE I'NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN I'NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED .TUIY 12, 1899, IN AOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 11. RESTRICTM COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COIPR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AugiUSt XO, 1962, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. 12. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENATTTS AND CONDITTONS, EASEMENIS AND RESTRTCTTONS, WHfCH ARE A BURDEN TO THE coNDoMINIItM UNfT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDUI-,E A' AS CONTAINED IN INSTRI'MENT RECORDED T'T,AY 5, L9'7O, IN BOOK 2L7 AT PAGE 531. 13. INILITY EASEMENT TEN FEET IN WIDTH AIPNG THE SOUTH IDT LINE OF I,oT A, EI,oCK 5-C, VAIIJ VILIAGE, FIRST FIIJING AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED CONDOUfNfUI'{ l4AP. 14. EXISTING IiEASES Ar{D TENANCIES. 4LT^,T;:':-; "ENT PAGE . 3 ; 7 -I $ 6q :t+ iHl Ns h. \^rs N\\s ,\-N oo ftEbree *rlhrt Uarr*?as ExErlNq L F4oasw $r\brN o\il It, \t -lll-qt I \T a._ b K \) t :lItill! il1ll1 $ It 1 I ' ,ilI Lt-l ir II I I I'.| b Nt |\ s -1\\|s b.. \ s* e\l }\ i: , t.t\ A. !:. -) o ffi; March '.,.',.v-- 19, 1990APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB I4EETIi'IG: DRB APPLICATION Apri I 4, 1990 *****THIS APPLiCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI1ITTED***** I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatlon meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to . determine tt any"aiiiiifiui inrormation is needed. No application will be.accepted unless lt ts comp'tete (must fry!y{e iii iieti-required.by the zoning administrator)' It ts the appri"Ini;l il;ilr;ibiiiiy-to make an dppointmLnt with the staff to find out about aaattilnir-sutmiiiit-requirements. Pleise note that a COMPLETE 9PPlica- gon w1't streamiiie if,e appiou"l'plggett for.your-Proj:91 bv decreasing the number of conditton, or'ipiriuit--t[ii irre-bng may sti-pulatb. ALL conditions of approvai must ue iiioivea before'i uuitaing permit is issued'; A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:ftlR00F AND t^lINDOtl l,lODIFIeATI0N B. LOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: 174 GORE CREEK DRIVE- VAIL. COLORADO 81657 - Unit #365 Lega'l Zonlng Descri pti on Lot Bl ock Filing APPLICANT:Stanley S. Shuman 711 5th. AVENUE - NEI^I YoRK. N.Y. 10022 telephone (?1?)832-80a0 AppLICANT,S REPRESENTATIyg. G0RD0N R. pIERCE' ARCHITECT. 1OOO S, FRONTAGE ROAD I,/EST - VAIL, CO 81657 tel ephone 476-4433 Staniey S-. Sh c. D. E. at F. NAME OF Address NAME OF \ Address NAME OF Si gnature Address 711 5th. AVENUF/- llE!,! Y0RK,10022 tel ephone (212) 832-8ooo stake the site be removedvisits the DRB FEE: The fee wi]'l VALUATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,ooo $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .5o0,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 time a building permit is requested' FEE be pa'id at the '$ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must io indicate p"operiy irnei ana building corners. It9"s- that wj'l'l itrouta itso 6e iirarfid. This work must-be completed before the DRB si te. Z. The review process for NEl.l BUILDINGS rvil'l normally involve tt'to separate meetings ii-tt. Oeiibn Review soiri,-io-pian on at least two meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled mliiing l.a who have'irot asked for a postFonement will be required to be republ i shed. - ''./' ---A^r.- +lra llacinn Revipw BOafd. 4.Thefollowingltemsno]ongerhavetobepresented.totheDesignReviewBt They, however,';;; io ue piesentla"io-ir,E'ili;s namiiiitratoi for approval: a. lllndovrs, skyllghts and. slml.lar exterlor changes that do not a'lter thes' ;ii;iiil pi-ane-or the buildinei snd b.Bulldlngaddltlonsthatare.notviewedt|oT?nyother]otorpublicspace' whlch have had 'letters suumri'iio'iiiil-aaioinil'9 p;plttv owners approving the addition; and/or .pprouui"iior' ir,.-is.nt iot',' ii-tui'ug.t of a' condominium assgc!1tl1n 5. You may be required to conduct Natura'l Hazard Studies on your property' You shou'ld irt..[-iltn a ionn Planner before Proceeding O '-rr, oF MATERIALS SHUMAN CONDO - THE LODGE AT VAILNAME OF PROJECT:i ltttl'lg vr r l\w r-v | ' -ii-'E'eir-bE!ini Fii or :,iiniir A6DREss: 174 F0EtrlfrEERnRIVESTREET AODRESS:-..-- DESCRIPTION OF P The following lnformation is requlred for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a flnal approval can be fiven: A. BUiLDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other }la'l'l Material s MATCH EXISTING/ADJACENT Rr)()F Fasci a Soffi ts $ll ndows llindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F'lues F'f ash'ings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther MATCH AD,.]ACENT/EXISTI NG B. LANDSCAPING: Name of MATERIALS: Botanica'l Name Comrnon Name Quani ty Si ze* PROPOSED EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED NO CHANGES MATCH EXISTING/ADJACENT NO CHANGES - WATERPROOF IF NECESSARY N/A N/A N/A *Indlcate caliper for deciduclous trees.for conifers. ' (over) Desi gner: phone: Indicate height |,1 / F-lnnr NATERIALS:*=_'(con,tl f Botani cal Common Name Quani tvName SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVEO s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Souare Footage CAPE FEATURES (retaining wails,swimming poo1s, etc.) Please spec'ify l:-F -- I Project Appllcallon / otl .ProiEct Neme: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Addr$s and Phone: Architect, Addr€ss and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Commenls: Design Review Board 5a n /<- . APPROVAL {".t ': - o - tnJ. 1l(L - DISAPPROVAL & n,7 n'^^l , L, 1o 46fc( E statt epprort, l@' ITown Planner**, t "/z ?/ tr( r* : !tt '.)' /:\. ,/\ ,T}:-t 1,-4 i ('i kia )qr'' t i vc^.sk Blas5o n'\# | ; i . :\ 1i.: i :l: !- ,Y-? !o ---:-'t Y , : '-- a---- : : Z: t) .-f-cf ' : '.- ' -..i-- l-\. - | ' r 1, ' :/ Golgrcdo G'gnrvos Antsift€ Go* "" JoBNAME=-==@ SALESMAN ---_ PHONE Si1-ffislr Blossom tlne Arts of thc Amedcas .l ,-l /\Jor (i,vrFi.Eq- ilEEL AIf,*J- Ng^^6(R A6B^)r vffi Sounert e ,r-t)"-'-t / / '-f' L t-/ z-'t -) &-r., ),' ' ) , i"/!, ,- rf,i ,,i il ON THE LoDcE PRoMENADE T VAILVILLAGE 198 Core Creek Drive . Vail, Coloraclo 81657 . 3031476-312q or 476-1769 ,. I DKB,'f,tfrtS 7^ n' i.lSLotsD r,.-- 5 f"rc {"-o nf *Ye- "- s/'( ,6 n "-/ Dt 4oo3z ZL sy b ?i €/ r s1' " 6 : I stln-- q, t,-,_L Z-L Z S c121t onA rY t1 \ :' + .) t, 3" * lr-= &furl oll (2L1L L3, 'o t4l.'- n^ *1 30 ' =4. 6co4" {t+ ( {E t s<J4-a;4Lq---"-- &' h'o rc^\itr-fl ---- n U_./L,4o, ? 'a't r z n, t-, + ltrrJt Un"I*-l o" 3ol" { V!-' " {t r<- )t-l' n^ LI a r['* L otf^ I I I I .,ibt alur lv. r.t &1k" ' z ..& --- rL oh r t sr1,- ,4"*-pru:32 J- ?_a ,6 \ I I i .Jl\l '. -l(t It\ \ \ \ 3q" x /L P1<r ' -- r/'/ P '> f- !" -. ?'' ( l> -) t" v., t'- ?r' s- 1'__-__-f-___1 v ,^ uo'k o*\ 'z ' t/l F6r rt <-,'l t 'J '-- 0 >, !. i-k"t+L'),-u),/ SALE$ CON I.RA.CT o- TIE Jc't'tAsit BLctsscn^ - )ate Offer Made \ddre;s )elivery Address Smna COLORADO CAI'JVAS AWNING CO., It!C. 3990 South Windermere, Englewood, Colorado 801 1o Phone: 303-789-0533 Estimated Date of DeliverY / ur{q<s- PAYIlIENT TERIiIS Mer:handise described he."on is ofief=c lcr s?le:. acco(daace wilh the Te.ms aid Cond':icns cl lnrs Ag.eement on the toilo.'ing payment !e.r-s 50% degosit with balance due on receipt of i. 'o::e Accounts are delinquent alter l5 days Intar.';i charges ol l ri% pe. month are due on delinq'.,"lnt accou nls. Payment by cash, check, or credit carC. Make checks payable to: Coloradr Canvas Awni,'9 DEPOSIT RECElVED CASH. oArE CHECK: $ -- oATE- At'!T' --. -- - C vrsn O ursren ceRo CARO # _. EXP. OATE n n d'' :-3!-H-t6one I I tt OFF ER 5 ZA-2r+y _S tttf E I:@as eE - kt fu 4!l >-, c-C! -u P LEaE--A !7jt .) , ^ -1<'/ | tL)tbTtr. 8 .G >RoP ?--o -T?TrH--. Pf*alE-c11aot--' 3-:o_hTtl-- ,ftt; n1g,-SvNlB r,-c+-a tu f o Tu41t l-q r -[-F,..,- t:C a+€a _t/rtuy:,<E "tgt..t c- ewp - o p - fr Li4- -rI M q- ; -fu Ll sasn--ft-B !-q5 [o-lr -, -ro ! \: ;'!Y"\\tr.lZL. 54tt€-at*--UtE AtA-ats of' LL'J, Price Tot:l Salor R AGREEMENT Att terms, co4ditions aod prices contained h erein shalt expire ,rith in thirty (3o) d ays frorn date ;nd at any time befor6 that date are subiect to ch an 9e or withdrawal 'ivithout notico unless Purchaser has tirst signed and detivered this agreament to Sellar. The undersigned purchaser hereby accepts this oflerand orders anc agrees to purchase and pay torthe above described merchandise and to be bound by alt terms and conditions stated. including Terms and conditions on 1gv915g 5ida. IMPORTANT INFORMATION O REVERSE SIOE.- RSAO BEFOAE SIGNING' Purch aser hereby acknowledges receipt of a com pleted copy of this Agr!ement aod acknowledges that Purchaser has read and unCerSt 3':s everything contained herein. Dated: s__ ___ Tax S-- P,i@ s -c/45: qo- - Purche;er Accepte.l for Coiorajo Caivas A^ning by: Authorr:e-, S;9n3lur? Purchaser 75 south liontage road uall, colorrdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 1986 offlce of communlly developmenl October 16, Mr. John CogswelI The Squash Blossom 198 Gore Creek Drive Vai1, Colorado 8.|657 Re: Awning Proposed for Entrance to Squash Blossom Dear John: You were scheduled to appear at the Design Review Board yesterday, 0ctober 15, but you did not appear nor did you send a representatjve. As a result, your awning proposal has been tabled unti1 October 29. Today I spoke with your manager, T'i na, and told her that we must receive an elevation of your building showing the proposed lines of the awning drawn ontoit. |,le must also receive a drawing of your new proposed awn'i ng indicating thelettering (including dimensions) as well as a sample of the awning. As I indicated to you by phone, 'i f you remove the sign over the door, you wjll have 6.3 square feet left for the lettering on your awning. would appreciate receiving these items by Fri day, 0ctober 24. Please call you cannot get the required drawings and samp'l e to us by that time. S inc ly, tsy Rosdl ack anning Technician l.|eif Be PI 75 south fronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 October 30, 1986 offlce ol communlly developmenl Mr. John Cogswell The Squash Blossom 198 East Gore Creek Drive Va i 'l , Col orado 8.|657 Re: Design Review Board Approval for Awning Dear John: 0n 0ctober 29, the Design Review Board gave approval to your application for an awning with signage for the Squash Blossom. The approval included: L. Color is to be'light turquoise #4610 and #4706 with lettering to match the 1ight stripe in #4706. 2. Both existing wooden signs wi'l I be removed. 3. The awning wi'l I have angled sides with a sign on each side stating, "The Squash Blossom" with the necklace logo. There will be no lettering or logo on the front of the awning. 4. Total lettering will not exceed 10.9 square feet. 5. There wi1 I be a new steel light with a nembra design above steel or white letters stating, "Est '1973, Aspen, Denver, Colorado Springs,Vail." The store name wil] not be mentioned. 6. The awning wi1 I be placed to harmonize*glith the existing awnings on the promenade. awning and new light sound like a nice addition to the storefront. It was working with you, John. Sin re'ly, The ni ce ck hni ci an ,) 9b Betsy Roso Planning T 75 soulh trontage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 October 2, ]986 olflce ot communlty developmenl Mr. John Cogswell The Souash Blossom 198 Gore Creek Drive Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Awning Proposed for Dear John: The staff reviewed your comments : Entrance to Squash B'l ossom proposal for an entrance awning and have the following 1. The "necklace" 'l ogos on either side constitute a second sign. If you wish to use the logos on the sides of your awning, you must remove all other signs, as your shop is allowed a total of two signs. 2. An alternative would be to reduce the size of the letters of "The Souash Blossom" and place the necklaces on the front of the awning on ejther side of the letters. Please submit a photo whjch clearly indicates exactly where the awningwill be placed. If the location as to height, etc. is not clear on thephoto, we will require an elevation with the awning drawn onto jt. The Design Review Board wiil require a sample of the exact fabric of the awning. This may be brought in the day before the meeting so that the Board can review it on the'i r sjte vjsjts prior to the meeting at 3:00 PM The awning wjll be a fine addition to your shop. pl ease feel free to cal I . If you have any questions, Si nce1ely, ? )2' .{/:e'(*-z: < ,'"-' Eetsy RospTack n1^--:--./T^^L-Pl anni ng'Techni cj an SIGN APPLICATION ,\.- Appl ication Number Date ^A Fee PaidP &0 00 u'l'ttgt--------n'-2j 'gl- .., Name of Project )QUAS tl Vcossert- Name of Person Submitting .\o rhl Gpr-Std f UL- pnone 11163 t\1 Location of Project I7 F Cna$ Ce.. Df . Description of Project A W,Vf-Ve fOR. S UO P The following information is required forto the Design Review Board before a final Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A. sisn Materiur C+ t/ /fl t F A/\ et+ t submittal by the applicant approva'l can be gi ven. I l;B. Description of Sign L N 'LO,ED..? )-.tatrT -fuRQvotse 46(Q. C. Size of Sign 10" t 1l 'fWf - lo6os lo'K 6" D.Length of r"ontuq" (Ft. ) 30 / Comments PAAE ?Q},,qoo a - MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings showTng exact location3. Photographs showing proposed locatr-on _4. Actual siqn5. Colored scale drawing _6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submitta'l Disapproved for DRB SuUmittal---_]l 51gn Aomlnlstrator Siqn Administrator . Proiect Applicatlon , , -r '- t- ?t D ^" tif* l' 4 pro!€ct Name. ' I *E \:OtlAS t{ t:rt- plfuna Projecl Description: lVtl contactPersonandPhone \g+( d (r. L?4ft^/t-' t- L-- owner, Address and phone: . lq$AL 6 , fu 6S Lll t L L 4', ('" tL t( Architect. Address and Phone: Legal D€scription: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL 1pxfu Approval ' '." !+l 75 south frontage ro€d Yail, colorado 81657 (3{t3) 476-7000 Apri 'l 17 , '1984 T0: SIGN APPLICANTS FR0M: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz' Planners RE: Sign APP1ication Requirements olflce of communltY deualoPmcnl [pver) Pnass"lr Stcrl =E }|henapplicationsforsignsaresubmitted,thefo.|lowinginformatjonis required: l. Si'te p'lan showing exact location where the sign is to be located' 2.Photographordrawingshowingthebuildingandwheresignistobelocated. 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) (a) scale drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign wj]'l be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) PhotograPh if sign is made $20.00 application fee wil'l be requ'ired at time of app'lication' FEE \f r u Ie"Tr;,J AIeSbeP *Trw/89 Ao W+r--r--Tt& SfleD ,\- Application Nuntber,{'n Fee p.i$3o of Project Name of Project Name of Person Subrnitting ,JeqN 6otcy,r t e none 4Zbgl21 Project Date ttlftle4 0r"Location of Description SIGN Scuat+ The following to the Design Sign submitta'l 'information is required for Review Board before a fina]fee is $20.00. submittal by the appl.icant approval can be given. A. Sisn Materi.r tilpor: - Parrrrr- B. Description of Sign c. size or sisn 2t l}tt :f lt- /0t/ D. conments ( r f + Vl tLt Ae P+inrlz7 VqNM * StL'/erz- *- fr(\u . MATERIALS SUBMITTED I,IITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings sfi6wing-A-act location3. Photographs showing proposed 'lociTTbi- 4. Actual siqn5. Co'lored siale riFawTn!-__6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB submittal )lgn Admintstrator Disapproved for DRB Submittil- ,-l- cd'B o_ '-- lltt tF Sign Administrator ul tr ct)ooazo Fo- IJJY lLl @ oF ts E uJo ]Lo Ioo UJFoz !ufl z o9z4 dlo =z):) dP <-fi :f= =lrJxdd=)<- -txLlLl E a(ulct! EE E<cf€aC9!aa9 =d=>E dtrE FEE =*E 669 lurE XO-t x>t q- o-i!E uJooF rscv/J=.= 'f r\ |r.l ko E =E lrJ o-zo F(JfEFC,zoo iF ot U\ o = LTJoD r\lco'orl luJ @tE (t'lE, I z d == E tn IJJ!ull F =E uJo- E'lt ,g q+ v)va/ L G IIJz3o lll Fo2 F alH6A tO€E i=s€ Ns gtt EE NI; FE {i ;€ i{iee l3oo PE E€ H?, s.eF rE;s9d " is3f .E Nsr-S ;E \- ;*i; iE*?IJJ(J or'i(!'=Oo gbE E#g E;E e 6Pc-o e*5:gPE'i =c96 t5t EEE,hoo -c- € cgI: c,=- 6 o.G o. sEE .Ae dEfie E61E:.E O (!: EEF - o.; -+. C6 0'-5Ee $EEEE;9 ca ;g Ehte96.o E5g -oo (n ul u.lt! E =E IJJo-J FoF Ieo =ozIFo-ao ll,lo Eulzuro =>G --G, = u.r cn =aOol zzooFo- A;B Eoo1>9()9Zr!<oqH6;()FO.iGi zo Eoo zIF E, uJFJ o & il Y$.) VI oz F =g, uJo- zl ol uJl 5l <l>l r!lol zl 3lolFI P = (\l rr, c\l I(\t(',(o @ llJJ uJF "l "{ d, z. F = a tr I I I 'lcil Hl 3l t!lol zl FI cil =.1olutl 5l <l>l |rIol zl tlFI IJJ =z 6 ..:z c.JoL(J (t, ! 8 tJ st(\l .d .lJ at| (U oJ E2? E?2G d5o z T uJ = o(irg+EFFo2 t -rO<Fco IJJ <zEu.l Fs6 o tt) IJJ UJtl F =(r ul o- ltul F,-oz oz J to .5 z I I I'Iu t3 I I I I I, te l7'z t= tg.z ft*9g.1; €!gEE \e E$EEYNE i arEE \)l: g€FgESgI t;E"€g 13? iiigE - :(')'"oo :EE9"', :g;i; .E;(r)u)tr cg;=i E Ea=e iegEF { art\ E E ul z ao ()t tlJ UJu- F =ul J oF LN qa E >E -E.''lur& =.oN zzo9|:o-9 =3;.nO6b<)ztL<o1H6taFOjGi ILq o-l t^ IEt<t$ lo l; z Eo : zo kl 9Jl JI :l =lvl 2l .. >lo ur IJJ UJzoF ulo J z 9F o (9z :< z J(D \ .l \ -\fo- \lrl t_!l-\|!l sl ..: I'l :l Ioaut4lq CIctq J E tl ll-tl ti tq>t Jfl95 I sl fl :lilolFl iltltltltltl loltzllol tHl| -rltaltilloltzl!31qol rrJ FI tltltltllol lglt*llJlt<ll>lI ttll:l =t =lEotrr-t Fl I I I OI =.1 u.tl 5l al>l :lIFI il ..1 ..\ ui trF ll $Irl ?l '.1 Fl sl iljt il FI FI F uJF --.r O<Fcc)uJ<ZE, IIJ FOZo() <o(JF;()ES YF =z 9ozl- =#1Zrl-o =-r uJ = -Uo2 o <c)(1 U' r al LIJ F E t4J CL (5z, J l! d. OE o lJ.j6t! z. U' (5z. =JJ tt lrJ trocloa zo Fo- UJY UJql oF arj F Fr (\l ulF o rt) So \_'i \ \ i\\lo l@r{!3 z ,r9 =e =z d8 DtrN J "3qz-e.i Qh- A;E IitE><rEluuD o. N6 Es uE^ .?txdE-9Bi! I-Ftr ==E==-='= ut :-F;q E;3E.':+u 39IH urElr-X O-r :>$ lr, ..1 F CL ar', \€fi; J.,, *:iFl.* E=i-et E =E,lrl o-zo F() D E.Fazoo '6 a n!! May 7, 1947 To: Town of Vail BIds. InspectionsDept' From: Summit Masonry Const. CorP- Subject: The Lodse at Vail Chimnev FIue and chases' Rebui ldins .".i"r"-tr"'-.;;"-"ffi ffi -ft 3ffi ffi 4-l-b-I ock where -pqEsi-b-1-e-and as 14g-did last-season wrap exsistinq wood with-S/B sheet rock. -Al-I-l1ues will be lald us ins f ire clav- all_w.4-ed-exp-ased with i'n-sbeses-wi11 be seperated - gr :Lth 4 "-mas*anry-wtrer€--Pe€s: bl e . Thank You M"/&:> z-J;/ooa fli€ {,- , t:./' af tg"vtL" da. -*j *{a/.ox Lut-E cF te"xr:'" <A7 Cr,JA- Cc^< ' ,801 C//4se /.- \.*--_ _ C<:'^ c ElE c4's{ '\"- ritili, r .. r--i .-.-.-l---..-... I.. , Ir | , ll{,lli | -.. ,r-, r--- - -- r--32' cV /z'' > /2' Chf /r"ttl3 ..- '- /'n F{c<;a irl/t€P/a(<"' ,.' /f 7/ece 7ZJ 7Z'oZ €o'w€. f'aFS-7cP I .i I (. Jdy'.-z F.aq2L44 ,-3&7f"ot4 Cet.)c. ftP137a72 --_. i-:'u .a_l A .- '-,:;- - ri;- Zu/V/-z F/r?riDL.\c€ ( o.'<z/t< \\. ^ .)\ . ','' /3 k /v d/- (.t / / } INSPECTION REQUEST . L,^I,l , TOWN OF iVAIL4- Ua.l' CAt rAAe PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT Ioor, {/trf N JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: .,YO* Cj!-i +A -r_rooz , t1.'t t-Jrtrn,'l l'/\ AJ.:)4 l-n---r WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCKf-l-.|.I|.D \ I r! (_ tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL J,,i e-rf tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR n tr F6IAL tr FINAL/ffi =E"ATPROVED /coAnecrtorus, tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST .- vAlL\rxrrr\E .-..--*-.-* \DATE : JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED.THUR CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: FRI B D tr tr tr tr tr B UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rt"'oN REQUEST VAIL .! TOWN OF tPEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -.-- t'-,lrIDATE '- /i -i I / ! ,/ JoB NAME t/ \ l\ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR AM )i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n g'FTNAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR U F,I'NAL tr FINAL fPPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oR__INSPECTDATE DATE '' \' -- \'\ ',-' t. JoB INSPECTION: I SPE PROJECT''\ , CALLER MON TUES WED CTION REQUEST , TOWN OF VAIL \ ....i. i':11' PERMIT NUMBER OF \ \,';.\'\ -- IN READY FOB LOCATION: flI,;FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL E tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ D.FINAL tr FINAL i.. , ,APPROVED i CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO SUMMIT MASONRY CONSTRUCTION CORP P.O. Box 172 Sil.verthorne, colorado g0499 :. To: Town of Vait Blds Dept. June Attn: Joe Norris Subject: The Lodge at Vail chj.mney flue'ieplacemenE. The following chimneys have been units #534, 530, 526,524,522,520,516, 533, 527, s23, #404, 406, 40s, 41A, 412, 354, 340, a, 1987 replaced s21 , 515 357. %r",, "llt - Thank you,t:'4*/* ,3-'-) l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:, MON INSPECTION REQUEST t / t'r',i,, / TOWN OF VAIL )',t ) ;-: Z ,,Ji,sx )c.Lr-., , THUR ,7 FRI \:::::.i::- J, i t'i CALLER TUES WED LOCATION:) )r/ t:.t BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n S rrr.rnr-tr FINAL ELE trT trF tr( tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FI}IAL tr FINAL*7-t- /tflfeaoveo COhRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTORDATEry- A- 'z;1 oz E =Gulo- c u F u oD .o tJ v, UJul l! E = UJo- LE oe*-llq+, #T) r\ @Olr-l N ! an o = l!lO I r'. lon I lr- I IUJ .r-xa tE<E FF tJi(Jrae = gJ F e.oF g = zz out F z z !ldl€ =2a) IIJ uJ at) troL FO Fz o Eo CE uJz3od t! uJ6z:B .E \J Pg <F2at 9,=a< tn l- ,o.: E !,',J.J L) rt)Nt, Oa, Erdx!o<c6 F z. LUJ(J c o) .A^(D:oE qtg €!8: '-G6.9'aa';o 6(o-oc;EoF EC o!-.cocoDooNO J"$cc EEFOqb!5oo PF E€oo Eo6cD o.E:D irfato!-.tc €€ E-, EEe9'cL ECLg(! "'OO.3>!!E j-o oti c'=oro EEE =.e *,.YoUtq)c;.= (6F=Co xEc-o e*5:gP€'S =c9d 3Et E E-s,FOO;E()g*e l!! iE=!cLo o- sEE oPo_ =€eE6: E E.Eg t-6 EEE_a€ -+. C6 0'- t'-E StEoi' '6>.BI=. o'r-:t 9 9EoOEEsOot -o6 F{ sF o<r o N,oN F =E UJo- z ! ao -()ul oz J c,F ulJ UJ ozo E) = uJ uJ UJIIz tr uJ uJe oE oo =g ulc,z -tt uJo F llJoclz IJJJ x F uJo (t uJ LlJt! F =c IJJ o- FoF z Jf ao J Fi) uJJ uJ zo =Jo- C)z Eo uJ. F F NO|lVn]V Lt. = F Fvc ctr CL o Lr" t C E Lrd : 3 l!o2o F E LrJ llJz llJo =>8, --ati r,tr .{ =!0N zz F.o- 7:< -rd.a 6 tnoZt-oaJ<)zr!<o1a-o;oFO;<ri -il :J = o U''d Ldtt, a./',L! a UJd. tJ1 6o d, <) -lLL t=lo l"at1 U.J = U) L! O =Lrld. oa zo F J t! cr o c UJL F E o- uJ z Eo z Ee. UJFJ =llJz lltltl <,,Fzlz9.n < (,)o< =HHu-bo<z o tr<F9= EO}Eor uJl oa UJzx =F UJ F 2 F 5 oz q -i 3 F lrJ ooo3 o <t FI zt zl .. >lo uJo uJ uJzoF =ar uJo. z 9F o z Fo 6 .r{ {Y) rlO t\c)O c\!N |.r) It\(\I co j *l .lot =.1ol rl gl !l BIFI =.1ol IIJI tcl Jl <l>ltrlol zl 3lolFI I I I I el dl uJl(El il>l ttlol flp @r.o(r):h .+, g l4J(5ooJ 1r.l F ii =z I I ilq zl =tolFI =O F(J F.tlz tt1 =o <oOF F33!C E 2P s3 =Fd6 C) E -rO<FG()uJ<zF ITJ Farzo C) z ,ra 9ztcoo =z=rf o-- I =f;?- i'i'i () A;E =CE uJ4 l! EU2ZE<ctl€8EP!ab9gE E dtsE FEE =1E U69 iuE XO_E ;TE u.l €= ut dl uJF o UFo @oazo Fc uJY uJlo oF Feg; Hl!ai>o-o-cE E luFoz E =e,lrlo.zoFofEFazoo nDn ffi ff F"IFlNt€J t<r u ^c.. LrJ O F{CEPE<.8d.Q ctrJ H .ttO-Jr- (5 6- Xz.< a) J u- ttl '-. .-{ (t, U- \-./ c d..=oc9 IAF O.d!.r (Do o+) LrJ ! (u LtJ C-zog(JEt/', o '.-.E(,oC5 Lq-z.+ o- =Lt,o cJPJ.p (UJ+)'TI rJ- J <! lrJ tt in f. t; lir x i\) as \ x x x 0 d0 h o UJ IJ.J lJ- E =E uJ(L I Ir\l \)a It. I\.-tH L.<lto \t\ I . r\\ | $,\ N$V ht'l UJ oi. ,EF z E\ F(Jzzo l./ @ tg l!Jul U' ot! |-o Fzoo (ro Er!z Bod t! uJdz .;,3aofuJ FI<F7aYZo< \r \.\: \,, N \.i\ x -i- o c6*6.9'=dEKci gEE; E EEgEE e g:s le :g*;fii!g; iiaF$ =SeoE EE;Ff g.= E"s g o:-,o"(5)! o-lt €tig; :uE;g(! o'-i e.c= o o E E'€ittI3 3tc-- E 8i;E ieiEg I --il $t s st 0$I J $1, a ( 8l c{s 06 tr (l.l o- z J l xo IIJ (J z Jo- J I Fo UJJ UJ z (o Jo- Iz UJ gJ |lJltz tr w O uJ lo =g uJ z 6!! F al,oo- uJ z u, o x gJo at I.TJ UJu-t- 5 u,o- z o -JIE Fo UJJ uJ z =Jo- -t 2 UJ =r c\l NOTMlVA u,F o Ji \\.{\= .lt > E Y{ - E o l,rur S)l 1-: :Nl ;\G\lr2ZtL'ooo.F ^ .r, z: 3 3 =F.tOEet E^r!<o q *:i g E*i6i 6j : \t\\ i ) u \ a ,1 r z tr {ll-eo o-3oEo u.l al- F - llJ J zItroo z9 E UJF =ulz tltltl v,Fzfz9tnFUJ<oo< =Excoo<z o tsz ,. 9z tro3tr ul JJ G v,t/,u,zx9IF zo F l U'z I II cr-1tl [1 o 3o t-l Fa rl<tfl zl zl .. >l uJ llJ llJz U't El! zo E o ozv UJ =!)oo1zo Fo- IJJY IJJ c0 oF E Gut,_. o. lto o-oo I utFoz !trn z ,,' 9zzoo =z-rOo-L "dq =83= ul ;''idd= trtr! fr-f td=<ff i2[Eo EsuF^{5>< di-2e!! I -F lr .=ur;sff E Ei! EraF F:+6 59E\ urEU-X O-E-; io,vr'i€q= = trJ T6 {aF** E -- N tl { F =E LrJo-zIF()fEF(nzo(J I z J lJ- I I J d FoJ 't.., F ii =z o\-1, 14 =4 Ja = ic tro G ll- UJ o a = I 6 j- .' l. \xl E \ It N\ o =C,ul 5 a >1 t! ol zl 3lolFI o )t i \sris ui) IJJF t:' \i ....\ 'It\ tr-- r{l 1s lf. ci'z out CE J <l trl oJ 21 3l YIl-l ( r. f- b l \-.*( Ds ui) UJF =tr ct o uJE J tt o1z3I tr o qJ : IIo z 3l 9lFI E oatr I I I c;l =.1ol uJl 1l <l>l ruol pl i uJz =o F t! =T C)E E. <FCO IJJ <zE[!F(rzoc) JE<o(JF i-<ir(ts 16U() z J ; 2 ) *6YFz()z<+E;iFY,z =g E lrJ b J<(J s?fi=1 ><x x><Xxx.>< 1 E"gNL = 5 23:;=!E g;IE$E; tE3'EEe EE Ei*ru =E aiegE=+- e€iegEE- EEq ; p\s- > Er€P t.6 .a\'h\v- 9nn iE \\tNlt 1$ s-t: Y: Sj ,} 1+.t,i-)iti \- r'-.t \\ ts i\\ EEtril-E3 EEat C) ag c,c-€l E?e n REEo.ccL q).B *+\)\\tz1 \ ._t \) \- e \) t I t I I { sS.{ \st.\ c5- s -)\) \ry bbI {-t € I bA 7.o/S "'z4re) or r'9l 1g'FI -rdu o c, A*,(*.0..!"y;*,i tro Jlrttrrfi Il. GavA.s|rr (J(ttl Ddl D(tttcrET Ro,rtD Itr!v(}:ir. P'ENNBYr,v.tNrA l{)ililil Aprl l 9, '1987 llr. Jorge J. BoschI Palm 8qy Plaza #21 il Mlaml, F]orlda Dear f4r. Boschr I understand you would llke tounit. The Board of the Lodgethls and w{shes you well wlth 0108n proceed w{th renovatlons on Your A-ssoclatlon certa{nly appreclates the proJect. S{ ncerely, 5N I UdS)17' r. .: ,l' 068i-TS/-SrZ : lll [)s FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The be1 or items need to be complete before giving a permit a fina1 C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL T FINAL BUILDING TEMP0RARY C of 0 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME ( :_, INSPECTIONTOWN OF, i" REQUEST VAIL BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES J WED THUR FRI AM Bt r't tr LN tr tr tr o FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.FOUNDATION i STEEL FRAMING O tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED co ECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t t INSPECTION I 'l REQUEST'i I NAME MON CALLER FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ruEs (@ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oorr\---N)t$-,o, THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS -tr SUPPLY AIB tr APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: ISAPPROVED _-EGrNSPEcroN BEeur RED INSPECTOR '', ',,\INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL ,PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\\\--\ - - \ -.- 1DATE \ I.' JOB NAME OALLER '.\:''r-- MON TUES WED THUR w ^ta READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:F!D /A eu BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ u tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING sl tr tr o BOUGH \ \tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR Z ij;' /? \ IINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES. PER e* rr NruN/|eEn or pno.lecr // ,/ t -', ': J'1 ' 1 JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,.. ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUd.H tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR TI T] FINAL tr FINAL /{oPttou=o CORRECTIONS: 7'tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTORDATE