HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT A B C LODGE AT VAIL SIGNS LEGALl.tAY- 14-99 FR r AHNIE EGAN P-€'1 AWNING COIUPANY OF AIYIERICA.INC. FAX * FAX * FAT *FAX * FAX i FAX * FAT * FAI(' FAX * FAX * FAT T FAX L'A)( TRANSMISSION FROM THE DESK OF AI{NIE EGAN ---.-. 97A-328-6E25 ro: t!"r^t tJJ;[sp^ Ar FROM: ,,K/+Un{ No- oF plces-2 DA'E: 5/ , "//q1 I-nA . tl1_UEr3 tI }t' -t I., i t- J- f . 0/O Y- tury| q/k^ .?^ b4!l U p.dla-^t, TVAIL EXEC OFF 197A476981 P. I5-1A-199S 6'34PM FROM Eest regards, VENP Charley Viola LODGEAo Mry lE, 1999 Brent Wilson Town of Vail 75 S. Frontagc Rd. W. Vail, CO 8165 DearBrent: I We have reviewcd the plans for tfc aw{ing to be instrlled over Lodge Apanmerrt t 32, 3l5q lngwn al l5t Corc Crcck Drivc, by Lord tltigr; Lsathc6 lncorporatcd. wc grant pcrmission to install thc proposcd awning subjecr to I'own of Vail mde. i Plcase feel frcc to contac,t mc if I may bc of eny fimhcr assistance. Th€ L,odge at VaiL 174 East Core Crtdr Drive, VaiL Colotado 81657. USA Tetepho:re (970) l7650f I FroiailE lClO, 47G7425 Intemet: www.voilnet/thelodge ANN I E E6AN 32e6423979 o APPLICATION DATE P.A2t'rAY- 14-99 FR r g3 :g6 o ( PIease NA.t"lC oF NAME OF ADDRESS NAME OF ADDITESS Print or FROJECT PERSON SUBMITTING 158 Gore 328-6825 SIGNAI'TJRE OF OWNER ;,,OCATION OF PROJECT LAdE!9E€ owNER ssge Piersol - PHoNE 375-2691------ LoL DESCRIPTION QF PROJECT .I'}IE FOLLOVJING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL-BY THE -\PpLICANTPRIORToTHsREQUESTBEINGSCHEDULEDBEFoRETHEDESiGN REVIEW BOARD. A.DESCRTPTToNoTTHESTGN/AWNING(FREESTANDING,WALI',l PROJECTING, ETC), INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE' see orawrng *" , B.SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL c. SIZE OF oVERALL SrGN, SIZE oF LETTERING AND LOGO D.HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE 8' -.. .. DESCRIBE I,IGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) li . 1 2. 3. 4- LENGTH OF BUSINESS TRONTAGE (T'T) CONDOUINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAI, FEE: S20.00 PLUS $1-00 PER SOUARE rllIT,,,CIIECK NO. EJ Site Planir"""Li"nt shorring exact rocation of sign r-rr awning on the building rhotolraphs showing proposed locatlon Colored ecale draving Sanple of Proposed materials enolograpn-of- sign if available6. w\;irt,stqsSign Admini6Lrator .p / LlJ. .t APPLICAT]ON STGN/AWNING APPLICATION \rt'i ,r,,, * DArE /2 - /f (Please Print or NA}.{E OF PROJECT NA}4E OF PERSON SUBMITTING yHoNE_fZ/i5J37exl/5 ADDREss flQ 6 /' Go,e Creetr ].^ t/o,\ (c IOCATION OF PROJECT DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT h0s; n6t ndh?e ahanlc THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY TIIE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE TI.IE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AVINING (FREE STANDING, WALL, PROJECTING, ETC) , INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. \h,f,|'c)rfi:-?- q2 NAME oF owNER 7e,ak S)mciletf puown_C-7c_=t3Z 4 -,/ t t - t,/ ,/ ,/".ADDRI,SS d3a bnAqc 5//eer "r?-/" srcNATuRE OF OWNER c{eaz:2^-*"en& B.SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL Co v.s+vuc€d c. srzE oF oVERALL SIGN, SrZE OF LETTERIT'rG AND LOGo SIGN ABOVE GRADE 1'/ "tl9 5' /anq. 4v J3 " hiclh 9, ';tst lt tzan"1e./a/f.a {..,/c) D.HEIGHT OF DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) I hbre, F. G. H. I LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (F[') CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL 1. _ Site PIan FEE: $20.00 PLUS 51.00 PE& SQUARE FOOT oF SIGN.AREA. a;', PATD Jq l-*l'" 'ia:"'r '9) REoUTRED MAW WTl'tl APPLTCATTOU \J "' -77' El.evations showing e>:acL locat.ion of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing 5. - Samp1e of proposed mater:.als Phot,ograph of sign if available ofin NAr.r Sign AdministraLor TO: SIGI'I APPL It','.. when applicaLions for signs are submitted, the following i si information is required:i -:, t5 o ICANT t {c- :,\- 'rr--r\ ^ '1. 1> -d\ L. A completed sign,/awning applicat.ion (attached) . 2. A gite plan showing the exacL location where the sign is lto be ]ocated. 3. iA photograph if possible and building elevaEion showing ithe location of the proposed sign. 4. A scaled drawing which details the design of the signt as f oIlot,s : (a) Colored exactly as sign wil] be.(b) A IisL of naterials to be used in sign (netal, wood, canvas, paint., etc.)(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showing exact.ly how and where the awning is at-tached to the building and how the awning is to be const,ructed. .6. Description of lilgnting that will be used in conjunction with lthe sign or awning. If proposing an awning, lighting is not' aLlowed t,o shine through the entire awning which calls undue attention to the business. Lighting may spotlight only the actual sign lettering on the awning. RECOI'{MENDATIOI'IS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc. 2. Be specific. Vagueness on design, size, construction nay delay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REOUIRED AT TI]E TII,IE OF APPLICATION SUBI4ITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or lJederal agency other than the Town of Vail, theapplication fee shaLl be increased by 5200.00. Examples of suchreview, may inc)-ude, but are not Iimitect to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permit.s, Army Corps of Engineers 404, eLc. The applicanh shaII be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the applicaLion fee. If, at theapplicant.ts requestr tsny matt.er is postponed for hearing, causingthe matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication sha1I be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed l;y the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or ot.her issues which may havea significant. irnpact on Lhe community may require review byconsultants other thaL town staff. Should a determination be made by t.he l-own staff that an out.side consult.ant is needed toreview any application, Cornmunit.y Development may hire an out,sideconsultant, it shall esLinate the amount of money necessary topay him or her and this amount shalL be forwarded to the Town byt.he.rpplicanL at. the time he fil-es his application with the Cc,rn'nuniLy DevelopmenL Department. Upon completion of the reviewof the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwardedby t.he applicant for payment of Lhe consult,rnl- which have notbecn paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant.Ei:;:enses incurred by the Town in excess of r he amount forwardedby the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Tovrn. .L rrl _l ] -., t' lf ': .\ d \ December 11, 1992 To whom it may concern: The Lodge Properties Inc., dba The Lodge at Vail has noobjection to Vail- Ski Rentals changing their sign to readrrCurtj,n-Hi1l Sports." This approval i-s conditional uponthe following: 1. The sign is not larger than the existing Vail SkiRental sign. 2. The sign is cornpleted in a first class manner.consistent with our irnage. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, n ir,ri cr.r'\ i\ .';Rt{As-..-- | _,t \\Paul A. JeppsonDirector of Owner Servi-ces cc: Vail Ski RentalsCurtin Hill Sports 174 East Gore Creek Drive \hil. Colorado 81657 303-476-5011 Fax 3O3-476-7425 May 25, L99O Ms. Shelly Mellon Town of Vail Department of Community Developrnent75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 8L657 Or{ u4 r"O porrvvl W RE: Tinberline Tours Dear Ms. Mellon: Tirnberline Tours is currently renting 422 sq ft. of commerciarspace from us this sunmer. The will operate a raft and wild.lifecompany frorn that space. Although most of their business willgong directly from The Lodge, they will be taking outsid.ebusiness. This space is a portion of the space that vaiL ski Rentals usesduring- the winter as a ski rental shop. The ski shop isexclusivery for the guests and owners of the Lodge. since thatis an in house operation, it is exempt frorn the parking Fee. rt is my understanding that Tinberline Tours wilr falt under thecornmerciar core Parking Fee of 3,ooo.oo per 3oo sq.ft. becausethey conduct business that is not exlusive to the hotel . Iwould.like to process the paperwork necessary to become fully incompliance with the town. r have incruded the proposed Lease between Timberline and TheLodge at Vail . You wilt find a diagran of the space on the rastpage of the lease. This diagram comes from the originar pranswhen.the space was built in L994. The space that we ire rentingto Tirnbertine is outlined in ye11"ow on this diagran. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, .{) ' ,/iu-'aJftnh7Tttl'r Pau] A. \t'epfr6onDirector of Owner Services 174 East Gore crceh Drivc Vail. crlolarl. 81657 303-476-b011 Fax 803-476-242b )A l'.|,5'*15' 1'x 3' ll'v),(' Ll 'Y5' - a\ ('\ n ;/ \rl- It\ | -., - -/.r. Q : 82,5.\,\-_ .Lv - u ll /-\ ^^, l4 s.r t\- .l- r. , I I a q t'il \iri Ai+l-10 --- {,f iir+tt'l ,t-t -t JIll I:tl\ftri<l*l {l-\|r 4Rul. s =N I ,.1rl l\ Project Application ProjecrName: , /t ', n-ro'/"' 4?oon o^"fu Proiect Description: conractpersonand ,no^" flr {rno'nr f// /22-n"'/" €fr'trrs /4/ Z oaf ,<f y'* crt i/rc7 zt% €997 Owner. Address and Phone: ( <a*l ' /t>4t at ,/Att Lesal Descriptio^ tlqa+-, Btock {1 , r,r,1$r@, zon" ftn / Comments: Archilect. Address and Phone: Design Review Board o^," h/rs Motion by:/o-,,, /rtSrUnnz. 4-2 .- seconded o" 72ft '42n"'r(@/-r DISAPPROVAL summary: " 'ryo a"/ frz'ltrta,u ' fu- ' '(Vrsf ' 7r/r/7 fuTEqpfs Qa,',,r, /tr7 Paprta,ly'. Town Plan ner D Statt Approval Project Application )4 ""9$ /0, 1l Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contpct Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Block Design Review Board Date 1 ,o 1l Motion by: Seconded byr A PPROVAL D ISA PPR OVAL Su mmaryi ,Slietht Vt\to _ O Town Plan ner E Statt Approval ..,-,C Q,FP C TM KLL tt '-r t-- ' APPLICATION DATE EIGN/AFNINC APPI,ICATION Print or Type) PROJECT (Please NAl'tE OF NAHE OF ADDRESS NA}'IE OF ADDRESS PERSON SUBMITTING /74 ter_.6 ' .,( i ,, PHONE r --'L--act&-D,/2. OWNER PHONE SIGNATURE OT IFCATION OF DESCRIPTION OTNER PROJECT OF PROJECT THE FOLIOWING INT'ORHATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBI'IITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN R-EVIEW BOARD. il A.DESCRIPT PROJECTI roN oF THE SrGN/AWNING NG, ETC), INCLUDE SIGN (FREE STANDING, WALL, HESSAGE. -, rL.L t. B.SIGN OR AWNING I.IATERTAL c.SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF I It Wf lnNe )( z LETTERING AND I,OGO F<<-f r1rc4 SIGN ABOVE GRADE VAZI(E IIT, LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) vnz,r, (ryv., 4' l'w,,tY 1' 8l htqWD. E. HEIGHT OF DESCRIBE F. G. H. LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) CONDOI{INIT'I'I ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) $2O.OO FEE PAID CHECK # - REOUTRED T.IATERIAI,S SUBHTTTED WITH APPLICATION 1. '' Site Plan 2. ' Elevations showing exact focation of sign or awning on the building 3. I Photographs showing proposed location 4. - Colored scale drawing 5. , SanPle of ProPosed materials 6. y'r Photoqraph of sign if available -\ t;lu-a(t- Fw sttnD( Sign Adninistrator hE6.FJQ' r-EEHEEggaF-HFatoooF,-etFcrlo.lrloulo$o=IY@o-s-+=qu==-guuE ilol Il *l JJ$krL0il\ uI ' !.f\) I -7 t tr ) J .$ \t\l g:I_)...\-th d :)v\ .$ \-l I "T\s\J J$ \ \il L- 1 s N { \I s 7 F- ,ct v\\ o t s s $:( h -i \l _\ ;a i -!.'l:ilililffi I o _l tls CERTIFIED offlce of communlty dovelopm€nl75 soulh lrontage road Yall, colorsdo 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47$,2139 October 19, 1989 Mr. Chris Farrington Lodge at VaiI L74 East core Creek DriveVail, Colorado aL657 Re: Excessive Signage at Lodge at VaiI Dear Chris: on December 6, l-988, the Town Council gave approval of a sign variance so that the Lodge at VaiI could construct an entry free- standing sign, and remove one wall sign, thus continuing to have three sJ.gns where two are allowed. The agreement was to remove the west wall sign. On March 29 t 1989 t the D-esign Review Board approved the design of the free-standing sign. This sign was constructed during the sumrner of 1989. on JuIy 13, L989, I phoned you and asked that the west waII sign be removed. You replied that this would be done as soon as the free standing sign wal finished. Two weeks ago, I talked with you on the site, and you said you were waiting for your painters. Per our phone call this morning, we agreed that you wouLd have this sign renbved by November I, L999. I told you that if the sign were nof renoved by Novenber I, the Town would be forced to take legal action. We -would Prefer not to do this, and ask fof your cooperation. We feel- that we have been nore than patient with you in this regard. Thank you for your prompt attention to this unfinished matter. Si2cereJ-y, - t IK6tr6s/r4'Betsy $.osorackPIanni{rg Technician L o'D &€ A-r /' o^r" 3 4' /s1 S , e,1v Prolect Appllcatlon t/A r1.f^strZ-tProiect Nam€: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone ar-lAtS f+1R y' ra-t C-tt')4)6-Sc,tr Owner, Address and Phone:I eD 41 f /"ff,? t '(s 7 x.t ( , t-/a ( Az( (/z((,.. -D/r",( 64A;J atl 4t')Architect. Address and Phone: lJy'tt4(J P.,42*t€{Z a /37oc Legal Descriplion: Lol Block Filing , Zone - Comments:2 g t p(';) 5 t4*'1/t:^'ta? At-J C C to D Gf 4'r yA t c-- PA 1? E ,,-J c l-cf.?o.4 x-., I tE l.o /1.1 S/?N L( 4- tf.r (',> Fe,- 6o74 Deslgn Revlew Board t lr?l- c,/rY7Darc Jl_ l,/" DISAPPROVAL -)"t'I'Motion by: | ,: / ,,iSeconded by: Lt , APPROVAL -) "/ I' .).) ' ..I, Date: Town Planner E statt Approval tCk\ - c- e..-11- ,-f **, \(w ?-4 f, *_*^_- =S-r..i ^-{/ -'e'/ (, l^" "/ ftZ ////,/ Proiect'Application oate 10/17/88I'r erolecr'l,rame: L0DGE AT VAIL ENTMNCE SIGN tlrl4'ry'eec*--- Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Chris Farrinqton 476-5011 Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Motion by:t./Llf Seconded by: +o / Lr/z r Date: Town Planner E statt Approval r1 .l' /'-t / tl- lLlL' i I t ) S l.-, cca o' -o* 2 /' /:n.- ,', * "L,tt-/,'> O\- Iin ,J? oo" - ,,at J,*t(_1_{_ /,t // G._t'"._ t'! ci-l rlI - [4. ,- ( -:--- lt- S, t.- -L--- 'n--T" \ o- p a,:'-.-- w,_ n ,, il. o r-- n<-f u-( ] (// (-i / , ,-- )"-,; J ', ct f",,- * /'o +\- ,..a- cl+,U i Illfii rrr-v I /( I\-/\' ; / F--+\ t"- -/U Lz--':t, tJ'- dt-r-- C -+ L- r-r .-17 t-r)/ h,-r- ,lw1-7/l 'l' ( L, \ii 'a-t.r ,l( " ,,-,.-,, / =/"" C<:''zi t"J^i-".-lnLL I|.) I)t/tlit.'1- /Lb./', r,.'\ \.t O il i/ 1I" l./ i\-_"' lLs a-{ I t'. .tI k J--u TO:Design Review Board FROM: DATE: Cornrnunity Decenber Developnent Department 6, L988 for sign variances for the Lodge at Vail. Vail SUBJECT: A request APPLICANT: Lodge at I. THE REQUEST The Lodge at Vail is reguesting a sign variance. Atpresent, the Lodge has three waII signs. They wish to adda freestanding sign in a new planter at the entrance tothe parking lot on the west. In so doing, they propose to remove one of their three existing signs. The allowable number of signs per building is two, and so the Lodge would propose to continue to have one rnore than is al1owed. The variance being requested is that of arnount of signage. The freestanding sign is proposed to contain et feet. The allowab1e size is 20 feet. The signage on the Lodge at present has existed sincebefore 1980 and is grandfathered. However, a request to add signage requires the consideration of the whole sign program. II. FINDINGS AND STAFF RESPONSES Before the Board acts on a variance application, theapplicant must prove physical hardship and the Board mustfind that, A.There are special circumstances or conditionsapplvinq to the land, buildincls, topoqraphv.veqetation, s structures or other matters on adiacent l-ots or within the adiacent riqht-of- wav which would substantiallv restrict theeffectiveness of the siqn in question; provided, however, that such special circumstances or conditions are unique to the part or enterprises to which the applicant desires to dgUt attention and do not applv q Staff Response B. That special circumstances were not created bythe applicant or anvone in priw to theapplicant. Staff Response: c. o the ne eneral. Staff Response: That the qrantinq of the variance witl be in seneral harmony with the DurDose of this title 11 not be materiallv detrinental to thedinq or wor Section L6.L6.010 Hannonious with Town sca1e. Sign location, configuration, design, materials and colors should be harmonious with thenajestic mountain setting and the alpine villagescale of the Tovrn. Section 16.1-6.o2o Not donrinating. The sign shoutd not visuatly doninate thestructure to which it belongs or call undueattention to itself. Section 16.16.140 Architectural Harurony The sign and its supporting structure should bein harmony architecturally with the surroundingstructures. D. use. Staff Response: ITT. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The variance applied for does not depart fromthe provisions of this title anv more than is lzls | /: L'r , - 'e cL; < / --., ( it t' t -L.2(t* , i .( , ,Lt l-i; -'> (^,',,.; r --A L,,LL.)^r nr./' '') ii//l-c),'1.{- '-"'//5 f' .r' ,n ./ -b C.- | - /'.<-LL+--f 1 .- L C,1 \- -1,.f/rt;r Tz,. ) .>n \t1 I t'-,1 L i C r'r r '- +..-9. t I.i ,L , l\ | t-7 I "l lt.'/ '2/-t'lV.- /( (, t' I 'y..--A -. e I S, L"\ . & c,<* //,-- t-/ ,"> f f'<. f lt,'c. / a'r < i. L-^f-]- L L' . ].-- - \*-t1 / o -,. L"- -/" r///J-N. L , , - rLr- t1 i -=\\ J ( '., lt t a r- r ..., '" 2), ". | ,\ :j- \j c-(, G. tLL' fu/4- /. , /' t/ll_,Q! 4-&_L /.. -,[ --Vt a '\ -t J?P ,L'- h i?-i /=,t,,' \-L) b-- - ,-d.1& t-' l'- - . L+- -<- {u-- )-"- / *-et,r* f/0 /2 '(-..f) \ \_ U o 2:+- -f, a: '-,i .N. rl L-/ 1I Lc'o ^';b c^-4- lji-i \ ,, I Y.---{- t L--r--l'\ | t. /L4'- \---"'-t^ r ,.//LJ \- P-t U( t< .\ ,,| \."lf L *u/,,-t*Ie r,io ,f I *2 L./L t \- L () a=( - 6,,,.-*.(o,. 1 .\ 6F/&+l- $nt{&zau*g t-oP<? PMs &"'/( '+t /g i rr;-f 4 LaDAa aEatl z-Avet 5flLL o a UER ZAYORE ft, CeLae 5/ucco 7.t rl rtt' P*|NT eLafz t //l I ula.// @ Et ET,b 44 rtoPY QL , ela/ra/44/.45 REQD ppspPSTr/OM 7D F/<OS/ L/NP ! 4 J to ,, Dttail ARAPE MAf VAtz-. a<e cl<EeK g/eN a. e6. AE t r(-r) I E€D ,Ar6s ji lir lrl it I \\ I rxs\ /VO lz tj 72P sF frL" AL'/n 'stail /'<: \ L 'L--' r/t \./l' ( v 'Y*-t 3TEEL h</4K 5ET /N P8OE<, 4N4. t nREil ruwEr IssoclAtEs ARCHTIECTS . 18 IIITCHELL DRIVE lrlfl H YErt goNl{ecncur eo6rl r,rtA PWa, V//- /!4tt 4-2 ,.Fi,.rr til{ - a t- ./ '... .ir- '-.'- -- i! r'1_:,!:\,' t.r--.,' t. \1, DY laatirr.inn LE5errrPl||ltYb|-'- Fee Paid SIGiI APPL ICATIOiI Da te Projectboe A( n4 rc a@t< _2.e'* ltPerson subrri tii ng /'4('s y'r+z z' ^'' ato'-Pnone 47L'5Dr/ of Project Z-.eer-e- t4' rz!*ru Name of Name of Location fucior oL-,r, ,L't- oranr.' ',a-oez- (/a'z Zt-r*,-t^'"toseO) ff.ru toflolving infornaticn is required for subnilial by the applicantto the Design Revierv BoarC befcre a fin:l approyal can be givel- Sign subnittal fee is 520-00. A. Sign tlaterial hatc/&t'? , fucz-o /+rr.fif> /+Llr7r(- Farct1 * Lt6>n-S , .-,.*'*r.S FtA-*:d 9 4*1r'- Fz4^.)PrrzB. Description of Sign 6-ater<r> n C. Si:e of Sign Aa'u4t- Pztnt77ne Z'6" >.3'1" Lengih of .rrencaee (tt-\ 6*5'r c Q / ?" (/,*uztz-) t'tCnr.::enf < )+ al /5 *f r?l 4t*; fu r7e./-t-: <-€ )^D L..e be ,44- rh tu lpD oo rll /zz#Vr t"o a-.c' /.J t'e '7*& Yt r -rur*-l- JeALe rtztoDtu da, 1. Si te P'lan v ,. Drar'rings sEt-'rrng -x:ct 'loca'.'ion 3. Photcgi:phs shcr'ri19 propcseC loc:-.r cn 4. Actual sign olf v 5. Colored scale oral'rtng - 6. PhotcgraPh of sign ( i n^Acntnrsci.rtor- APPrcved for ORts Subnittsl Disaoproved for [)RB Sub;ritt:i - /ZHf oF 7 'r€ /r47 Ee/C-/r4 G7a7s AF TtlX ...e /> Cre I'IATERIALS SUAiiIiTED l.IiTIi APPLICATIOiI Stln-AGrr,rs cracor- t PUBLTC NorrcE NOTICE IS HEREBY GfVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of VaiI will hold a public hearing on November 30, Lggg at 3:O0 pM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building to hear the following: L. A request for revisions to the sign code. The revisions will include allowing restaurant chalkboards under certain conditions. A redefinition of signs will require all signs within L0 feet of an interior window surface to count toward a businessrs total signage. Applicant: Town of Vail 2. A request for a deck enclosure at Woodridge Townhouses, Unit 4, on Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block I, Bighorn 3rd Addition. Applicants: Edward and Carolyn Koplin 3. A request for a sign variance for the Lodge at VaiI. Applicant: Lodge at Vail The apprication and information about the proposal is available in the zoning adninistratorrs office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Zoning Adninistrator Published in the VaiI Trail on Septernber i.6, 1988. a SITE VISITS 1:45 p.n. DESIGN REVTEI| BOARD FOR NOVEMBER 30, 1988 3: OO P.lt. 1. Slgm Code Revision L 2. Koplin Deck Enclosure, Woodridge Townhones *4Iots 3,4 & 5, Block 1, Bighorn (Final) 5 3. Red Lion Restaurant Signage (Ftnat)VaiI Village 6 4. Iodge at VaiI Sign (Flnal) t 2 5 Safeh'ay Sign Variance (Final) 3 6. Wicked West Sign (Final) Lionshead Mall 4 '1 . Golden Peak Children's Center Signage (Final) Golden Peak Ski Base MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF APPROVAI,S: zoo-z-Que, Storefront paint - Sunbird Lodge Steep-N-Deep, Storefront paint - Sunbird Lodge l,lannot Sign - Crossroads Mall McCue Storage & Kitchen Additions - L 3, Bighorn EstatesMorris Fence - 4074 #4, Sighorn Drive Amended Signage, Nesr CIub & Restaurant - Potato Patch ClubIancelot Restaurant, 2 Window Signs, South Elevation tn -v LoJsu a./- )'a,-r/ g ,'l' 1 {r-< . ,?.-oy--'* raai---r ut JU'' n .-) =9, r- l(. i,, D{S /, Lo!, /p/(Cu-- /,_ )"/1 Sou r-.L (."1 t t / o tv_1 l)l".,jk Er.o Jr'B"x 7s-r Lla,,/ , l-* i' ,n +i ,,1t41) ----------r_----_?/" 5 4a'e (o.n- zci ., bc; (., 1 U.:.ry' r)s(.rC 4'Zze---t=-* e .', ,t6J T-+_-,) / / L /a\c.. .1,, /?- ( F;, f --( l8 3 € /,..- C^"-t- D. O"-- C.*..c 4,'. . -, 1, , ), r/ / ?t', ( /- t<.-b- lor. t- J t-r\ f / q 3 a-- f ,,- t-L"_a' b, -7i +/ QtaR 6: gntoP EAE alzR (n ar rzNBH) FAYJ . /?ttvEe Ef'6 b aALOE A, grbN EAar '' 44auNo AL2R ( Ocass mnrst) D z/za/ s7 ts\F\{\AN$\\\\l\ t\s\Jb\$N\0NN0 $ u ) { .\t \ N-tl t tx\; \$\r{N \ K{ \ \ 0\l {, N \ 0tI\l N 0 tNi\ $r rt E ,4 N\j \ tx{ \{ $fr t\ Nu R \ \. \ \ \,\.,r, $ . "tN$ri$${t \ ${$\ (t /"\ ( 6", v\v ,t (l a\ a\, ttl' {/\ r ? \.r Ui anto 4a 1\ .ry {\'I LWF, (z) lta,lo" 0 a ,q 0..,1 NEw PLA NT/Na , P'- D f"2'r ''€s '4 4t)^J 14L-t, Jn' Ac/' f/et' .I\ 4/7Fet I PtZ N TH E LoDeE AT l/A,'L ENT/<Y g/e/V V" tr.7L O , Prv6.A-/ (t 2-2a-87