HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT B LAZIER ARCADE AKA WALL STREET BUILDING BUILDING DRB PEC LEGALo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL I Date 7- Z7-<l'l t,l Project uamc: W&tt- SfPteT Butt-U Nc,- BuildingNamc: owner, Atldress andphone: BoA f-ftZey- ArchitecUContact, Address and Phonc: Lcgal Description; Lot Block 5C Subdivision Vnp V,.rrkot 11 Zone District GT. Project Street Address: Comments: ,--_-_--..\€eerd l6l4ff4g!ior1), Motion by:Vote: Seconded bv: tr APProval D Disapproval oate, 7-72* 7'7 DRBFeepre-pai<l I Qucstions? cott tn. tnning staff at 4'79'2128 APPI,ICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL DI]SCRIPTION OF 1'IIE REQUEST: }\I'SOf tlrrof,bJ - AiJNERAL INTOBMAITON 'l his application is lirr any projcct rcqtriring Dcsign Rcvicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc l)csign Rcvrcw approval prior to sLrhnritting rbr a buiiiing pcrrnit, For spccific intbnnalion' scc thc submittal rcquircnrclts for (hc particr.rlar approval lhat is rcqucstcd. Thc aipiication cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd intirrnration is submittctl, Thc, piolcct tley also nced to bc '"uit'uttl by thc -l'orvn Cotrncil ancl/or thc Planning arrd Environrncntal Courrnission. Dcsign Rcviclv tloard approval cxpircs onc year aftcr linal approval unlcss a buil<ling pcrmit is issucd and constructi()n is startcd' TOl'/fN OF VAIL t]. ('. r) l; LOCAI lON OF PROPOSAT-: LO]':_- BI-OCK: + PHYSICAL. ADDRESS: l^l4ll t{- (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssor Officc at 970-328-tt640 for parccl ll) ZONINC: --&E-- NAMII OI; OWNER(S): MAII-INCi ADDITESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): ci, I I. NANl E, Of, APi'LI('AN'I': ,IYPE OF I{EVIF]W ANI) FI.]E: D Nclv Construclion - $200 Constmction of a ncw building' tl Addition - SMinor Altcrafion - $50 lnclurics iury addition whcrc squarc lootagc is addcd to any fcsidcntial or cotntncrcial building. $20 Inch.rdcs rrrinor clrangcs to buildings and sitc irnprovcnrctrts, sttch as, rcrooting. painting, windorv additions. landscaping, fbnccs and rctaining rvalls. ctc. MAfLINCADPRESS: YWJ ,+-;- I,,____g_rt_ ._ PHoNE: DRB tccs arc to bc paid at thc tinrc of subnrittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a btrilding pennit' please idcntify thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. ThcTown ol'Vail rvill adjust the fcc according to thc project valuation P|-EASE SUBMIl'TI{IS APPLICATION,, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMEN'I'S AND THE FEE TO THB I,EPARTI\{EN'I' OF COMMTJNITY DBVEI,OPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAII,, COLORADO 81657. PARCEL #: * t c. dL' r,- /A-'-p /iL, lL tJt;fa flaS o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS I BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Cr!:cnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lightiug++ Othcr * Please specifi the manufachrrer's color, number and attach a small color chip *i All extsrior lighting must meet thc Town's Lighting Ordinancc | 8.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate th. nunlb". of fixturcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. f de$ifV each fixture type and provide ih. h.ight "boue grade, lumcns output, lutninous area, and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixtures' Updatcd 6/9? Botanical Namc l'"osBn lmlnsclpnrc O Common Namc Ouantity Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Mininrum rcquircmcnts for landscaping: dcciduotls trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in height shrubs - 5 gallons Typc Squarc Footagc CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTmR LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fcnccs, swimming pools, ctc.) Plcase specify' Indicate top and bottom elevations of rctaining walls. Maximum height of walls within thc llont setback is 3 fect. Maximum height of walls clscwherc on thc propcrty is 6 fect. Updated619T This form is to vcrifu scrvicc availability and location for ncw conshuction and should bc uscd in conjunction with prcparing your utility plan and schcduling installations. Thc location and availability of utilitics, whcther tncy 6c main trunk lines or proposcd lincs, must be approvcd and vcrificd by thc following utititics for thc acconrpanying sitc Plan. r rrrLrroocATION V ERJFICATION Authorizcd Signaturc Date U.S. Wcst Communications I -ti00-922-l987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Servicc Cornpany 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John Boyd T.c.t. 949-5530 Floyd Salazar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 476-7480 Frcd Haslcc * plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan, and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Water & Sanitation signaturcs. Firc flow needs tnust bc addrcsscd. NOTES: l. Ifthc utility vcrification form has signaturcs from cach ofthc utility companies, and no commcnls arc madc drrcctly on thc form, thc Town will prcsunre that thcrc arc no problems and thc dcvclopmcnt can Procccd. 2, Ifa utility company has concems with thc proposcd conshuction, the utility rcprcsentativc shall notc dircctly on the utility vcrification form that thcrc is a problem which nceds to bs resolved. The issuc should thcn bc detailed in an attachcd lefter to thc Town of Vail. However, please kecp in rnind that it is thc responsibility ofthc utility company and the applicant to resolvc idctrtified problcms. 3. Thcsc verifications do not rclicvc the conffactor of thc rcsponsibility to obtain a Public Way permit from thc Dcpartment of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilit-v locations must be obtained bcforc digging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A PRE-APELICATION CONFERENCE updated 6/97 ll. 1il. IV. A prc-application confcrcnce with Torvn of Vail staff is rcquircd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss the mantlatory prc-application mccting ha.s bccn complctcd. !t is thc applicant's rcsponsibility to schcdulc this mccting by calling 970-479-2128. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Dcsign Rcvicrv Board rnccts orr thc lst and 3rd Wcdncsdays of cach nronth. A complctc application fofln and all accompanying nratcrial must be acccptcd hy thc Comnrunity Dcvclopment Dcpartmcnt a nrinimum of thrccandahalf (3 li2) weeks prior to thc datc of thc DRB public hcaring. REVIEW CRITERIA your proposal will bc rcvicwctl for comptiance rvith thc Dcsign Guidelincs as set forth in Soction l8'54 of thc Municipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A. Ifa propcrty is located in a rnapped hazard arca (i.c. snow avalanchc, rockfall, floodplain, dcbris flow, wctland, ctc). a hazard study must bc submittcd and the owncr must sigrl an affrdavit rccognizing thc haz-rrd repoft prior to thc issuance ofa building pcrrnit. Applicants are cncouraged to chcck with thc planning statTprior to subrnittal of a DRB application to dcterminc thc relationship ofthe propcrty to all nrappcd hazards. B. Basic Plan Shcct Fornrat. For all survcys. sitc plans, landscapc plans and othcr sitc improvenrents plans, all of thc fbllowing must bc shown. L Plan shcct sizc must bc 24"x 36. For largc projccts, largcr plan sizc ntay hc allowcd. 2. Scalc. Thc ntininturu scalc is l"=20'. All plans nrust bc at thc santc scalc. 3. Graphic bar scalc. 4. North arrotv. 5. Titlc block, projcct nanrc, projcct addrcss and lcgal dcscription' 6. Indication of plan prcparcr. addrcss and phone numbcr. '7. Datcs of original plan preparation arrrl all rcvision datcs. It. Vicinity tnap or location map at a scalc of l"=l '000' or largcr' 9. Shcct labcls and numbcrs. l0 . A bordcr with a rninimunr lcft sidc nrargin of 1.5". I l. Narncs ofall adjaccnt roadways. 12. Plan lcgcnd. C. For new construction and additions, thc applicant nlust stakc and tapc thc project site to indrcate propcrty lincs. proposcd buildings and building comers. All trees to be removcd nrust bc taped. The applicant must clsure that staking donc during thc wintcr is not buricd by snow' All sitc tapings and staking must bc completed prlor to the day of thc DRB mecting' D. Applicants who fail to appcar beforc thc Design Revicw Board on their schcduled mccting date and who havc not asked in advance that discussion on their item bc postponcd, will havc their items removed from the DRB agenda until such tirne as the item has been republished. E. Ifthe DRB approvcs the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must bc resolvcd p:rior to the issuance of a building permit. Updated 6/97 STAFF APPROVAL Thc Administrator may rcvicw and approve Design Rcview applications, approvc with ccrtain modifications' deny the application, or may rcfcr thc applicationlo thc Dcsigr Revicw Board for dc_cision. All staff app.ouals a." subjcct to final approval by thc DRB. Thc following types of Dcsign Rcvicw applications may bc staff approvcd: A. Any application for an addition to an cxisting building that is consistcnt rvith thc architcctural design, matcrials and colors of thc building. anrl approval hus bcen rcccivcd by an authorizcd rnember ofa condominium association. if applicablc; B. Any application to modify an cxisting building that docs not significantly changc thc exishng planes ofthc building and is gcncrally consistcnt with thc architcctural dcsign. Inaterials and oolors ofthe building, including. bJt not limited to cxterior building finish matcrials (c'g' stoncwork, siding. roof matcrials, paint or stairl,), cxtcrior lighting. canopics or awnitlgs, fenccs..antcnnas' satcllitc dishes' windows, itytigr,t . siding, rninor co-nrmcicial facade improvctttcnts, and othcr similar modifications; C. Any application lbr sitc improvemcnts or rnodifications including. but not limitcd to, driveway modifications, sitc grading, sitc walls. rcnroval or modifications to cxisting landscaping, installation of acccssory structures or rccrcational l'acilitics. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. lf this application rcquircs a scparatc rcvicw by any local, statc or Fcdcral agcncy othcr than the 'l'own of Vail, thc application fcc shall bc incrca.scd by $200.00. Exanrplcs of such rcvicw, may includc, but arc not limitcd to: Colonrdo Dcpartnrcnt of Highway Access Pcrmits' Arrny Corps of Enginccrs 404, ctc' B. Thc applioant shall bc rcsponsiblc for paying iury publishing fccs which arc in cxcess of 50% of the apptication fbc. If, at thc applicant's rcqucst, any nrattcr is postponed for hcaring. causing thc mattcr to -bc rc-publishcd, thcl thc cntirc fcc for such rc-publication shatl bc paid by thc applicant' C. Applications dccnrctl by thc Community Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpartment to have dcsign, lantl use or othcr isiucs which may havc a significant irnpact on thc cornmunity may rcquirc rcvicw by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a dctcrmination bc madc by thc Town staff that an outsidc conSultant is ncedcd, thc Conrnrunity Dcvcloprncnt Dcpartmcnt may hirc thc consultant. Thc Dcpartmcnt shall estimatc the arnount of rnoney neccssary to pay thc consultant and this arnount shall bc forwarded to thc 'Iown by thc applicant atitrc timc oifiling an application. Expcnses incurrcd by thc Town in exccss of thc amoiurt forwarded by thc application shall be paid to the Towr by the applicant within 30 days of notification by thc Town. .Any cxccss funds will bc retumcd to thc applicant upon review comPlction. vt. Uodated 6/97 ,OWN OFVAIL a o MINOR ALTBRATIONS TO THE.EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS CENERAL INFORMATION This apptication applies to changcs made to a sitc or cxterior altcrations ofa building. Any altcration in rvhich additional building squarc footago is addcd will requirc an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS Photos or sketches which clcarly convcy the cxisting conditions. Photos or skctchcs which gleady convcy thc proposed building or sitc alteration(s). All rclcvant specifications for thc proposal including colors and lnatcrials to be used. Condonriniunr Association approval (if applicablc). Iflthc intcnt of thc proposal is not clcarly indicatcd. thc Adnrinistrator may dctcrminc that additional nratcrials arc nccc.ssary for thc rcvicw ofthc application. u a o ot Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Prolect Name: Building Name:ZhLrf ,-.- 'i:7--2 t z"f 7- zz t z-7) .,..,-/ 6 Projec't Description: Owner,Address andPhone: Kfi F. r a-t (), 4EcnnwA*L /r'p rt z'-<z-,q.- r-,, -rstuO /h r A/^ | r:'L. :1 /6A -1c,{ 73/ - ggY{ ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: '-.*1- g;a',*..-r a a. rL:=,'x *r, Legal Description: Lot - Block f( Subdivision Zone District ac-z- ProjectstreetAdaress: ?2 { (J..g/ lzlze€T Comments: Motion by: Board i Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: D Approval fl Disapproval ,XQtaff APProval Condilions: Qucstions? t Call thc Planning Staff at 479-21 2tt APPLICA'I'ION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL TOWNOFVAU GNNERAL INFORMATION This application is firr any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicw approval. Any project requiring desigrr rcvicrv mrtst r.cccivc Design Rcvicw approval prior to sutrmitting for a buitding permit. For spocific infomration, scc thc submittal rcq*ircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. The application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc rcquired information is subrnitted. fle piojcct may also nced to bc rcvicwcd by the Town Council and./or thc Plzurning and Envirorrmcntal Cornmission. Design Revicrv Board approval cxpircs one ycar after tinal approYal unless a truiltling pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd' DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: ,r iLB.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 2:Z '., C, D. ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: F F. OWNER(S)SIGNATUITE(S\ VFr' ln, s,-u,.-"t't^"''-' NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: C.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEEI tr Ncw Construction - $200 Construction ofa ncw building. Includcs any addition rvherc squarc footage is addcd to any residcntial or commcrcial building. Includcs rninor changcs to buildings and site iniprovcmcnts' such as, rcroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping' fcnccs and retaining walls. etc. For any application where thc applicant wishes to meet with Dcsigrr Review Board to detenrrine whether or not the project gencrally complics with the design guidelincs. Thc DRB does not vote on conceptual rcvicws' tr Addition - XMlno. Alteration - DRB fecs are to be paid at the timc of submitlal. Later, rvhen applying for a building pcrmit, plea-se identify thc accuratc valuation ofthe project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' $s0 $20 E Conccptual ltcvicw - $0 vArL, coLORADO 81657. updated I /97 ,ln., LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDINC MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Other Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosures Creenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other * Plcase specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must mcct thc Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If cxterior lighting is proposed, please indicate thi number offixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identi$ each fixhue type and provide the height above gradc, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixturcs' :> {t 3 4{ 4 F _4.-----.- 1''-= " 3 z 4'( -,*--.,"" 8rl{-ul-e/ luL' ,iJ:ub ffl] HIIDESS-cADllus REAL EST FA}{ N0, 9U03188v Il^Btondess'Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. /t$) 281 BRTDGE srREEr ' VA.L' coLoRADo s16s7 b r.- K \ Rz: $a3-cr's f"r^*l April I,199? Town of Vail Dept. of Cornrnunity Dcvclopment 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, Co 81557 Dear Sirs: Please bc advised that ttre Wall Street Builling Condominium Association fully approves of thc instaltation of a bay window and loft window in Unit #301 of the Wall Srreet Building as shown in a skctch prcpared by Circle Wcst Architccts darcd 8-12-94. Please call me at 476-1450 if you have any questions. REAL ESTATE (970) 4?6-14s0 r DENVER TOLL FREE 893'3101 RESERVATTONS r{00-222-VArL . FA)( (970) 47&3188 P, 0l Wall St. Bldg. Condo. Assoc. O!,nn Review Action trO"F-t Arr, " i,'^,/o , Address and Phone: ArchiteCVContact, Address and Phone:t'\_--_,./ dvtt t^h ll Legal Descriptis6; l6f _ Block Prolect Street Address: Comments: 0c Zone District (CZ Board / Statf Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Disapproval d/6tut DRBFee pre-oaiall h il#tlilq ^\ft-t^ t"/ ox", /k /?-alt/ f.t +r (- --.>- {1 $+ {\ lu ,$ "'\9 l[:=llL:-] F_li=--lE--' ?.-= crN!{uo'rs bP€at- ' R^rt|tuq F\all'GO c\E,e6$ 1D /1*1LN ffA9arA e\-.qO hjurood 5 z'\e"wo F/gar*, ?fhtp@^aFeu To tr4q+t'.),tsttt\. goF€\T: Tiq toooo CtOr^\. 3fAueo to ^4A{aHEXltTlrrq. f t r.rsrr rft€, qtAb FseT.0r@o 9 t o^rcr U.rooo 9X1q15 Eil'f,,&J00,o€iowq 5Ea.ioll ftrpa1 fgAq td I Ll ooq-, , r,r',: q\-o u c4)nduDdl(1^9rhuq . EtO.t^. AAFA9Ai rC. gtr.r,r.1Aro u €1 tr.J *r! , vCPVl 9\ht, /fiFfl $?q Lr$TrL . q I ttl 8f.?i3"1*' -5 C?) ?4r4' Figc.rA'5 ,ri-r*-r -.. t r\rYr6, j t >-l*rllEfca€elc.lo TlM*{a$ ErsgTlp(,-o | |qvEeN Ftez.r4. +l l-,-ou:€ggox--Je" I €r(Ar.rEo q(#r f__t -r.o /h4'(at{ i:" i; 5oeA I" T ' q "rooo9'rorpl . :21Attr'EO fo ,rA{ctt Exofiuq. FplT. ,vl.t€oApt u&j-. + Ifl 6.2q.1+ ?,+ t\, €^\r "R$i S; tll s 7| t\l 1s a ; +o d ts Pt$ ., I J0- rt is 3$ s*s o I rt'j $o iiltl .t\ 43p i-=t i$$ u9-,' a TO: FROM: DATE: $UBJECTT MqMOFAN-pUtul Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department rjdrlDecember 16,'1993 Proposed Community greenhouse windows Developmenl policy on GRFA relating in all residential zone districts oartL' This merno sgrves to iCentify Commurrity Development's policy on GRFA calculations relating to greenhouse windovrs in all residential zona districts, Since the adoption of the amended GRFA delinition in 1991, it has been stafl's policy lo define all windows which protrude from the exterior lace of a building, on a residentially zoned lot, as "bay windows". Bay windows can be very lar.ge. structuralfy framed, and extend to, or nearly to, the ground. They may add significant masi and bulk to a building and therefore will be counted torvard the total allowable GRFA on a site, However, cerlain types ol s6ll-6uoportinq windows' hereinafter referred lo as 'greenhouse ,,vindows". do not signiiicantly add lo ihe rnass and bulk of a building and will not be counted torvard the total allowable GFFA on a site. The follOwing criteria rvill be used for classifying greenhouse windows. Windows which meet the following Oimensional requirements snati Us Considered lo be greenhouse windows and shall not count as GRFA, b"il4s_g_.Il t rr oo@ecessary to meet €uil_ding code iicrr minirnum requirement was chosen because it be cornfortably used as a window seal, and because it greenhouse *indo* lo be used in a room with an 8'foot ceiling height. 2. Proiection - No greenhouse window aj,:r,stj!4ggj.e buitding. Trris disTiffi-dil6ws ior adequale relief for appearance purposes, wrrncur rrn'rmnria-lv additlg to the mass and bulk of the building, The 18- inch allowance rvould also allow lor a usable wirtdow sill almost 2 ieet wide' considering the width of a typical exterior wall (6 ' I inches)' 66 requirements). The 36 locates lhe window too high to allows for a typical 4-foot high 3, gojo"sJru.clion Characteristics' All greenhouse wirtdows :h,18#-h^r ^^r ,^^,tirr\ cn-o^ial frrminn nr eonetruclion rngthods for s upQltd. and ed that they die into *aso.:ffingle.'A small roof bver tho window qtl3tothe walf of the building a be allowed Provided the t*th"ng in timit6d to 4 inches beyond the window plane' I',t ------:i-------I----------I r r^T, ,^t r rr rorl PAGE E3nr lnr /1!!2 g0:AA 183476A97A NATHAN TURK shall not require s allal/L982 00: A8 38347b8970 <. I.IATHAN TURK PA6E O3 s-*!+elFery1r994':l:.s'9:r::::^Yl,::T,::::i::f 3i:il^H,.*ft#ffirlinisri|,'"wasderivedonthe^asSumqti1tl':|Ie $$ffi;'.^ """iis" sized room, it 4 F:t,lll,the mo<imurn ^arnv 2?ffi;' ;il ; .'tX"t iiJt''' t Jri ; ;ilil;d *i nd-ow is between 9 1q S,rljiljtllli;3til;; ;;'i' i'.."'in J *n Ji'[i' Jia f ;".;,1 qe no rno re 1H", i^l 1' 1 1','j: i':' l:;;i;?;,'#i ";i.rrl"brt6id inr'aoortioior side windows (18 inches,x ! t^?ut.-6 square feel)v/ou|dbi.ingth6overa-||rvindowareatoapproximale|y44squarelee|' h.Vn nrcenhousa windows will be alloweo per ot"tting unit, however,5. Ouarrtity ' Up to two greenhous,e wifldow the 44 souare foot size limitatioh will apply to the combined area oi the two windows' ,Greenhouse rvindorvs shall not be counted as site coverage. "sile coveragt::-Tt,.tl:,,t"t'o ;'in"J' iHilffi il ;;' il ;; h il ;i; t^i ^ii' ot "'li r !iPl?1' *.T i f :1:1:'.s :;:3i'l::;"Jilru';[3;;E '"r in.luol anv ponton Ir I t"i'y3lqlffili:ij"?,'.'il:iii'i: :fr:?#H:il ;;iil:';,ffi l' ;""iJil' i !''; ;; il; ,'o p ur i J -' n i* s s'1.:1'fl ::": :j:".1:ilioT.-[:,ffiT';::ffi'#t].; #i,il"'-ii''rr uririi.s *"rs, and snce er::*::::J"o"il"' :?';ff:iillilllJil"rilo, srarf berieves *rey snoiia"noiue "onsioered site coverase' Please note that bay tt'indorr's do count as site coverage' This policy shqJt not apply to window additions to buildings on cornmercially zoned pfopeny' please see lhe attachsd drawing of a typical greenhouse windovr as well as sorne pholgraphic examples of existing greenhousb windoin's throughout To\rn' I :' '3 LrJ(9{IL \ H -F z.Irt-4z rl 'Tl(n (o \- l.- !? ,ii -i) clfil 'I o EXAMPLE OF GREENHOUSE WNDOW a-l C.r.rt .. Or STCIION vlEw 7/ /"7,t Brondess -Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. 281 BRIDGE STREET . VAIL. COLORADO 81657 August 16, L994 Town of Vail Dept. of Conmunity Development75 South Frontage RdVail CO 8165? Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the WalI Street Building CondorniniunAssociation fu1ly approves of the installation of a bay window andfoft window in Unit #301 of the Wall Street Building as shown ina sketch prepared by Circle West Architects dated 8-L2-94. Pleasecall me at 476-L450 if you have any questions. Wall St. BIdg. Condo. Assoc. CMG REAL ESTATE (303) 476-14s0 . DENVER TOLL FREE 893-3101 FESER\/AT|ON_a r.800_222-\1Att . trAy {:t03) 476-3.!88 :T.'lrEsT ARcH r TEcTs =".=.U t *= EAUOY SraoOFG Brgg b",olt.r,-ogct''-r,,c wfu' ;i lEr# W tlFua{p Wruoaul s t! <t {L fts$*, Frnrn r*e oerk of-" , ort r/g-sKenneth B. Houman ' , / %nu o,f W Ee : 6'/" wrr,rf,u* + Jl "*.*/ ,"Pil*q 6 A^ ' * \'/'' ; , 4 +,tu,t-1 vA \o*L adwl *{- t& j**, .,,,o,,ffis -t trlf. , f+ ,^r.l{!' urr,r*k r,-u HLti *r[,lh[ I p( /X.tt-+-<*+!*g(rr,t"t{-/dM *'zzr u5-[,t' S* #fo ! : H {s) o@Gircle West a" Circte West Architects. , -2077 North Frontage Roatr Suite 108 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 479.0503 N T4TFTPI4t5t5 u u L=F TRANSNflUTTAT seDarate cover vta E Plans ! Change order tr ro g*roY %oo,DF|Z furN dF v,4rL, WE ARE SENDING YOU Xnttu"nea I Under D Shop drawings t {rints tr Copy of letter coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I 6. ra.1,4 49>PfravtE- 2($7aa1 c'21\.1+2,FgdLc,uo 1ftAj B.++ ftJ rrtt0oqj. rD.t?,14 Pt+,,J DE7411- 11l{-.;.r %+t W:NAUJ' THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:\_/& For approval./-' I For your use ! As requested tr D D D Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections tr Resubmit - copies for approval tr Submit - copies for distribution ! Return - corrected Prints n For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE 19 - tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS cA<t At€ lf Ynl WE- A*tv At%fioilY. COPY TO SIGNED:^cD^ FEcYcLEo PAPER:Ed Contonts: 407. Pa€-Cgnsum€r. lO% Posl-Consumer E enctotttre!' ete not es noted- ktndlv notltv ua at onca. \a C. ici;: v'r.r,r, 2Cl7 Ntan F(.rtaao t' 1 . SLrito 1O8 Va . Colofado 81657 t {3o3) 479 0503 Tololax (303) 476 4183 Orr6clo/ P6lgr M Kolopouros O,p A/cn T AA August 24, 1994 Randy Stouder Community Development Town of Vail Sa',! (*...':;),'.- i '-i, r- ..- !;'' ! ' I I It, , I ,'1 DsffHardy, The wMow bcaled abovs tho Droposed bay v{indow on ths pelspodivs skotdt lor the lleuman Condominium is to allow moro hairral lioht into an existino ld,fr arba. ll is a loft area that is op€n to below and is very dark, since there b ndnatural light in thb area ol the condominium. There is no code violalion since the lofl has its exisling means of ogress and is op€n to b€low . lf you havo additional questions leel freo lo give m€ a call. EM Chde West Architects, P.C. Crcle Wsst archiFcls. P C A Prolossonal Cdpo(aion F€ ste.6d in Colorado Ofibo 2077 Nonh Frqtago Road Surte 104 Vall, Coloradc 81657 , ri *o 6 ,t,,"(/ Et er/ h.4 ,&n,o,/ir. {Rop; 4ren t1., , y/e.aV*,t./ P,e/,, fv+z ,. , rtLU. fieuHAA) ^o&,c' lt frW, Arf" (r^u + ,4'q NlI! ,{ru.t Cr^A A+EnLrl; (a.,rne*Cr E Ht ul-{i'rJ rtq0 ba dree Prsrry€N f\-,o-g'Jn^t *l.\'| _ {.'t - '. e *:t".o:rt":tn ODESTGN REVIEI{=BOARD APPLICATTON . TOWN OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:!r********* ******rl***I. A. PROJECT TNFORI{ATION: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: D.LrO L BIock If properLy is described byrlocnrinr- .i an -1^^rr, Lr.\rrr., ;rreoS€ pf Ovidet.o this applicaLion. a meeLs and boundson a separate sheet lega1 and attach New consrrucri:l. t$200.001 #uinor Alrerarion ($20.00)AddiLion ($s0.00) Z-ra;;;;pl;;i-;;iiew rg0) ADDRESS, ZZ5 Ut+,,u gfWFT, #3ol LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdiwision ZONING: NAME OF Mrilin^ APPLICANT: Address: r. trhnn o G.NAME OF APPLICATIT'S REPRESENTATTVE:Mailing Address: hone NAME OF OWNER(S) F Fr!' qarf Elnrrr t, , VALUATION di n ,' .! ,1 .\,.\,.r!p v I j-ij, ijuij$ 10,001 _ $ s0, 000$ 50,001-- $ 150,000 $150,001, _ $ s00,000 $500,001_ - gl-, o00,0oo$ Over $1, 000, 0OO DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI EXPTRES ONE Y&LR AT'TER FINATAPPROVAL uNr-,Ess A BUTLDTNG pERMrr rs rssuED Ar{D coNSTRUcrroNIS STARTED. APPLICATIONS I|TLL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOW O?INER'S SIGNATU'.E Condominium Approvat if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are t,o be paid at theLime of submittal. of . the nna ippiipaE.lon. r,ater, whenapplvins for a building permit,' prbase-ia."tiiv-ii. u"",,rru."valuaLion of the proposal . The iown of vail wilf adjust Lhefee according to ihe- table berow, to ensure Lhe correct feeis paid- ,1 . P ZU. UU $ s0.00 $100. 00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 Address: rowN or(iort STREET CUT PERMIT WALI STREET PTANTER SHANEIS MOI'NTAIN MASONERY FERnrr no. 0024 g O Cotrlrrcloda copy to b. t.pl on lobrlt.. t. 2" t LIC.2 t 5 i' E I 5iE I I! {IllI di 5 Wortbfor: rcr,*mr WATER SET/ER G^8 ETECTRIC VAIL PROJECT) TELEPHONE OTHER LANDSCAPING PermltFo -0- WAMD (TOLTN OF Blllto: Pric: {Lr INSPECTION REMARXS SKSTCH PI.AN OF WORX ATTACHEO o 1 ,,1U4 /t 'ta t'.r I APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT Job Nam€i E"ij Legal Description Street Addr€ss z.Excavaling Contractor Name 4. Work is for lcircle onel Water Sewer )-/ Gas Electric Teleohone Temporary Site Access TOV Contractor's License Number Other 'Landscapinq )'---*- ..:,. ' Public Service Company (1-800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas croup (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) 2/) ,.\", Deptn r 1( BondAmount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee $ 6. ALL MATERIAL, EOUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STABTED. 7. Rubber oulriggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. 8. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company' signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works ofiice to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-74801 ; li i i .) 5. Trench-wid th ,{ / Length (min. 4') '------------- - t.,L{- : i) 9. U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) ' ,,. , u _' ,^ . ) Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161\Electricians (47 9 -21 7 1 ) Public Works (479-21 58) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSUREST A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. Alf excavation must be done by hand within 1 8" of utilities - (Senate Btll 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing bacKill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify thgt I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility comp{rybgreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notilied as required. ol Agreement Oate ol Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL,PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, andlocation of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. f r: ;ri ( f- i, L'f u C' i:il i, ' THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! Whiie - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Community Development Gold - Contractor 10. 1t. 12. rowN orian ,$*-*Rrr*o. 0024rt, STREET CUT PERMIT Contnctor,r copy o h fcpt on fibrtlr. 2" t r WALL STREET BLDG. RrcHT FIT SPORTS 225 WALL STREETl. TA MASoNRy rNC. po Box 146 EDr{ARDS, C0 gt632 926_2150 grcr".n rg wortlrlor:,"*".-@-sntE^ oAg ELEcrRrc r€LEpHoNE wcABtE o*ER- PermllFr $403.00 Permit Fee $75lBond $328 I E 6 t E I 5iE ! I f(, E di 5 , Inc., P.0. Box 146, Edwards, CO 81632Blllto: Prld:Debble S. Roeland Recclptft 592r Fa$ Tllo.tl F!.dcrbd{ INSPECTION REMARKS SKETCH PI.',AITI OF WORK ATTACHEO APi'LICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL lPUBLICWAYPERMIT 19, Job Nam€ /,8- TOV Contractor's License Number -' Start Dateq,;- +. wor* €tor lcilte onel Comptetion Date ' , '-i ;'1 Water Sewer Gas Electric" (Permit Expkation Date) Other Landscaping CAry Temporary Site Access Permit Fee $ t ,* - Total Permit Fee 5. Trench-width i /. Length (min.4') Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (416-7480) Public Service Company (1 -8O0-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) j Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1-800-922-1 987) ?, $' 7. 9. TCI Cablevision of the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161)Electricians (479-217 1\ Public Works (479-21 58ll THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction trafiic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 1 8" of utilities - (Senate Bil 1r7Z). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. 't0. 11. 12. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! Yellow - Finance Pink - Communily Development Gold - ConlractorWhite - Public Works f t8' { +t' 'tt 5d @ z;( e #,3z{et lts- / tooY'- { ot //r ro 4t Yi 1t'tlr ,l4r/r- . f.tr} \Fl.- r 3f.-tt.-P- I €_'A-n*J SEl EKCrUa..rrl€ Fur.r- BEB{rrc,E tnr s}loP 47b - t41 70.- lSo.ar> ry r4aaa.,f !tct8- Fl,D^tt il Pf- 2 Trao? *,T$r</L 6-t3 8- 6q.e {ta_+z='+ hl,^r W o-t"ila^LL> i{ad u:ln.,k = B\\^4- (!-_ io, ___* :,-w"AUfERU@ANr EISGEGASU'@E W H 1 lL l ST o RA G E 5 A L e 5j )e? v . '(D;!it ) -i€I-o\ ':r.* {fl ,.'rl WU frf4^ ?€Nl--lfits Pa"f( A^fi C"Lt -\ n''n C,- lLl11 -4 +t',6-*l't** ,r$ ,..ii I/'l t/lV\D* (. 0")\ .--r'\ \*Ns"= PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION December 16, 1991 MINUTES PRESENT Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Kathy Langenwalter Gena Whitten STAFF PRESENT Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Betsy Rosolack PUBLIC HEARING The meeting was called to orcter at 2:15 by the chairperson, Diana Donovan. 1. A rcquest tor the establishment of a 60 or 90 day revlerir perlod for an exterlor alteratlon request ln Commerclal Core lfor Rlghtllt Sports,225 Wall Streevwall Street Bulldlng/A part of Lots B & C, Block 5C, Vail Viltage Ftrst Flilng. Appllcant: Robert Lazter/RtghtfttSportsPlanner: Jlll Kammerer Jill Kammerer stated the staff recommended a 60 day review period. Chuck Crist moved to establish a 60 day review period for Rightfit Sports, lollowed by a second by Connie Knight. The vote was 4-0 (Kathy was out of the room for this vote.) 2. A request for approval of an exterlor alteratlon In Commerclal Core I for Rlghtllt sports, 225 Wall streeuwall street Buitdlng/ A part ot Lots B & c, Btock 5c, vatl Vlllage Flrst Flllng. Appllcant: Robert Lazler/Rlghtflt SportsPlanner: Jlll Kammerer Jill Kammerer explained on November 1 1 , 1991, the Design Review Board approved a modification to the exterior facade of the building. The modilication reviewed and approved by the DRB did not propose relocating the front door. Therefore, an exterior alteration approval was not required. Exterior alteration approval is now required because the front door would be moved foruard 5-112 teet, so that it is flush with the eastern (front) facade of the building. In moving the door, lhe facade modification prpoposed now adds floor area, triggering the exterior alteration approval reguirement. The interior of both floors of the retail space have been demolished and a new interior is under construclion. The square footage of the entry level will increase by ten square feet, and the square footage of the second lloor will increase by five square feet. Benji Amsden, projecl architect, agreed to two conditions. l) that the applicant contribute $400.00 to the Town of Vail parking fund and 2) the applicant contribute $220 to the Town of Vail for the purchase of one newspaper dispenser. Connie Knight moved to approve the exterior alteration with the two conditions. The motion e was seconded by Chuck Crist, and the vote was 5-0 in favor. 3. Contlnuance of a work se$slon tor a deyelopment plan modlflcatlon tor The Valley, Phase ll. Tracts A and B, a part of Parcel A, Llons Rldge Flllng No.2, commonly referred to as The Valley, Phase ll. Appllcant: Grossvlew at Vall Propertles, lnc./Steve GenslerPlanner: AndyKnudtsen/KrlstanPrltz This was a work session only. Andy Knudtsen explained how the final GRFA numbers had been calculated. In June, 1980, Eagle County had approved a plan for the Valley Phase ll, allowing 26 dwelling units with 32,909 square feet of GRFA. The County had excluded balconies, hallway, corridors, stainrtrells, garages, and service areas, as well as heating or mechanical equipment areas when calculating GRFA. Using the 1980 County definition of GRFA, the Vail planning staff calculated what the GRFA would be for Steve Gensler's proposed plans. These figures are shown on the top of the table on page 3 ol the memo. The bottom ol page 3 showed how Gensler's proposal looked using the current Town GRFA definition. The County definition would allow 700 more square feet of GRFA. In general, the staff felt the use of credits for the new proposal was reasonable because credits had been used by the County. Randy Hodges, project architect, showed an overlay which indicated where the buildings, roads and walkways had been located on the original proposal. This was laid over the current proposal. Kristan Pritz commented that the staff had new ideas which the applicant had not yet had an opportunity to respond to. Andy explained that one idea would be to move the driveway onto the easement, which would allow the applicant to move the buildings to the east and would allow more of the forestred hillside to be preserved. He also suggested clustering some of the homes. Randy replied that when the proposal was first brought belore the staff, the drive had been on the easement, but someone felt lhal the driveway should line up with the road across the street. With regard to the upper units north of Buffehr Creek Road, Andy was concerned with the steepness ol lhe area where the upper struclure was proposed to be constructed. He suggested that the dwelling which was farthest up the property be moved closer to the lower structure and that both be closer to the entrance. Andy felt the extent of disturbance caused by construction was more important to the statf than the exact location of the foundations. Andy expressed concern about the width of the upper road, and pointed out that the ideal situation would be to reduce the number of dwelling units in this area to 2 units, which would permit the road to be narrowed to 12 feet, Steve Gensler, applicant, told the board that a mud slide was located near the entrance to the upper units, which would not permit the lower building to be moved closer to the entrance. Kristan responded the staff wished to move the upper unit closer to the lower unit. She questioned whether or not the upper unit could be constructed due to the Fire Department requirement of a minimum distance of 100 feet from the hydrant to a dwelling unit. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Departmenl December 16, 1991 A request for approval of an exlerior alleration In Commercial Core I lor Rightfit Sports, 225 Wali Street/vvall Street Building/ a part of Lots B & C, Block 5C' Vail Village 1st Filing, Applicant: RobertLazier/RightfitSports Planner: Jill Kammerer ll. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Approval of an exterior alteration request is required for any addition of enclosed floor aiea to structures in the CCI zone district. The proposal includes a 15 sq. ft. lloor area expansion to the Rightfit Sports retail space, located on the east side of the Wall Street Building on Wall Street. Under the redevelopment proposal the interior of the retail space has been demolished and a new interior is under construction. The square footage of the entry level will increase by ten square feet and the square footage ol the second floor will increase by five square teet. The applicant is requesting PEC approval to move the front door of the retail space fonrard so that it is flush with lhe eastern facade ot the building. BACKGROUND On November 6, 1991 the Design Review Board (DRB) reviewed proposed exterior modifications to this retail space. Under this review the applicant requested approval ot a new awning, new signage and modifications to the facade of the building. Under the exterior modification plans presented to the DRB there was no addition or reduction in floor area proposed and therefore no exterior alteration approval was required. The proposal which was submitted was approved by the DRB subject to the condition the bn'S approue the colors to be used on the facade prior to Town issuance of a T.C.O' ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following summarizes the zoning statistics for this exterior alteration request: 1. Zone District: CCI 2. Lot Area: 7,318 sq. ft. ilt. I Coverage tv. 3. Site : Existing:4,640 Proposed:4,640' 'No change in site coverage is proposed with this request because the space to be infilled is already covered by the second floor of the building. The applicant will be required to contribute $400.00 to the T.O.V. parking fund. The addition will constitule 5% of one parking space. The parking fee for 1 commercial space is $8000.00. ('t5 sq. ft./300 =.05 x $8000 = $,100.00) 4. Parking: COMPLIANCE WITH THE PUHPOSE SECTION OF COMMERCIAL CORE I 18.24.010 Puroose: 'The Commercial Core I District is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village Commercial Area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I District is intended lo ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The dislrict regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards .that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village.' The redevelopment of the Rightfit Sports retail space is in compliance with the purpose of the CCI zone district. Under the facade modification approved by the DRB, the applicant has increased the transparency of the facade, thereby increasing ground level activity. The addition will not negatively effect the scale of the building and will improve the overall quality of the space. REVIEW CRITERIA FOH THIS PROPOSAL The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan includes three elements that establish the review criteria for this application. The first of these is referred to as the Guide Plan which includes a number of sub-area concepts, many of which identity potential areas for future development and other improvementls. Secondly, the Urban Design Considerations express the large scale, land use planning and design considerations, and finally architectural/landscape considerations which will be reviewed by the Design Review Board, establish the criteria for evaluating detailed design considerations of a proposal. The Vail Village Master Plan also addresses specific goals pertaining to the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village that must be considered in this application. In addition to lhe Guide Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan, taditionalzoning considerations are also a factor in this proposal. V. I --COMPLIANCE WITH THE UBBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGEvt. vlt. There are no specific sub-areas relevant to this proposal. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDEBATIONS FOR VAIL VILI-AGE The following design considerations ar€ a critical element of the Urban Design Guide Plan. They identify the key physical characteristics of the Village and provide the tools to assure that new development is consistent with this established character. These considerations include the following: A. Pedestrianization: The proposed addition will have limited impacts on the pedestrian traffic flow because of its proposed location. The addition will add interest to this pedestrian area with the increase in window area transparency and increased visibility into the store. B. Vehicular Penetration: Vehicular penetration and circulation will remain unchanged as a result of this proposal. C. Streetscaoe Framework: Streelscape framework identifies two altematives lor improving the pedestrian experience in the Village. These include the development ol open space, including landscaping along pedestrian routes and the development of infill commercial storefronts along pedestrian corridors. While landscaping can provide a softening of buildings and a colorful framework, commercial infill can provide activity generators and visual interest for the pedestrian. As previously mentioned, under the DRB approved facade modification, the increased transparency of the shop frontage will add visual interest to the area. The proposed addition will relocate the front door of the entrance to the shop. The addition will have no impact on the streetscape framework. D. Street Enclosure: The purpose of this consideration is to maintain a comfortable relalionship between the width of streets and the height of buildings. The facade modification along the Arcade will have no affect on the street enclosure of Wall Street because it does not increase the overall height of the building. The DRB approved addition will improve the existing condition by increasing lhe visibility and transparency of the retail business frontage along the arcade. The proposal to relocate the door will have no impact on street enclosure. E. Street Edoe: The only moditication to lhe street edge proposed under this exterior alteration request will be moving the front door entrance to the retail space forward (five and one half feet) so that it is flush with the facade of the building. Staff believes that this modification will have no impact on the Wall Street street edge. F. Buildino Heioht: Building height wiil be unaffected. vlil. G. Views and Focal points: The proposed expansion does not affect any adopted view conidors. ln addition, the infill wiil have no impacts on the line of sight from eiher the top or bottom of WallStreet. H. Service and Deliverv: The proposed expansion will not affect current service and delivery patterns. l. Sun/Shade: There will be no increase in the shadow patterns as a result of this addition as it is within the existing shade patterns of the building. J. Architecture/LandscaoeConsiderations: These design considerations are typically the purview of the Design Review Board. The staff believes the architectural detailing and increasei transparenry resulting from the redevelopment of this retail space will have positive impacts - on the appearance of this area by adding visual interest to the space. No landscaping will be removed under the proposed redevelopment. However, the applicant has agreed to contribute 9220 for one newspaper dispenser to be installed in this area. The newspaper dispenser will be the tirsi to be installed in the Village in keeping with the Vail Streetscape Master plan. GOAL #2: TO FOSTER A STRONG TOURTST INDUSTRY AND PROMOTE YEAR-AROUND ECONOMIC HEALTH AND VIABILITY FOR THE VILLAGE AND FOR THE COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE. 2.4 Obiective: Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activity . where compatible with existing land uses. 2.4.1 Policv: Commercial infill development consistent with established, horizontal zoning regulations shall be encourage to provide activity generators, accessible greenspaces, public plazas, and street scape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the village. The proposed infill is consistent with established zoning and the existing uses of the area. The addition will provide interest and activity lo an area which currently experiences limited activity. IX. STAFF HECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation is for approval of me requested exterior alteration. The review of the relevant Urban Design Criteria and the Vail Village Masler Plan goals show lhat the proposal is in conformance with the applicable s€ctions of these documents. The applicant will also be required to contribute $400.00 to the Town of Vail parking fund. In addition to the contribution of lhe parking fund, the applicant has indicated he will contribute $220.00 to the Town of Vail for the purchase of one newspaper dispenser. Staff believes the redevelopment of the Rightfit facade, which includes allowing the front door of the business to be moved fonrvard live and one half feet, will be an additional activity generator for the Wall Street area and will improve the area's general appearance. C:\PEC\MEMqS\RlGHTFlT.Dl 1 /nir lllf i lill I {tq 6rcn+'..Q p.- 'h5'I5X., Ip'-n{!yrrr f latrrst I I T_t- I I It- t\ .I L t- I I 'l J- l/ '!r"" ;hr IuI lrlitl t 'ltllrt' E== ENTRY LEVEL DEMO PLAN SCALET l/4"-1-0" t ' 41VP UIILL tJ,/ Zo' 2' ^tzt4t WELO"U) a+E- )Cr+ "r.yl 4@E lp ----------------= , ?tlarJa I t-ru4ttw 514t2-:-. vAbFtal |'AIT?IIJq P v<tef|tl,'t 1+ taL, 64?.+ ab6+ E*4AJL4 er'ft-f L-6!a-- dfre* ulvEt-' fra2o<e €'*-,eA LEr/61- JftEP=tEvsl' q?z + 4ba.+ /@"(*1r oo ',. v+1o )v. *tJJtJl- w)ae et+s|t-v ...-91Ut4/eL1 *i2'3F2F. $.(/1"t7,!.fy4ta? ?}L32. Z.at/4 EAST ELEVATION o .ar]rJ ) .--..- r.|laJ EAST EL SCALE: 1/4".f-0" azal s415. 4p r|!'..J D:{{ t* "ri^'{d \r- |ll r,lt' ):l i\- Y ?E. l-hLLlfl$l)e.lalA-L JFXS' . t^J;W+-1(48 J-Yz',+szw' 'r d a'\i" {wtry- prJtl 4'3. lll tll lll Hl I'lill l.-Jlllr I = =/q ENTRY LEVEL D $\ llll SGALE:1/4"=f-0" EMO PLAN o I 4lt? ut^t:c lJ/ zo* Zo6.-<H3 WZoa) A+P- +E!tz+ F?4t4 HvEzUP tlotLt +tA+ta.vr> f lb7, (ALL\ afa" ANr2 a6rEt Uttrc? nvt-Z1'rtEvL EtlJ, ?w, WPqrtP war ?bAJ*\rpre? lc aaVW ?\t$ItrJ4- 1+ QL, t&"'r1 I -{- 4-atlll W-+Oa64e ?HotJE, + zvv4*r,€',5 ,tez' +1E14. FlNf+H I.J.rLLA= Wa'D,la nblLH A\|6fluq FrNtaH .wv, +nVt+) @t&-42)r \2" L-Vt- 7L1\.l*$ <{l)12 + ffil$ +,$t-'' U+lw- FA4t a t-?LeZ-"6r=E- oo I on) tril<=JFz +tzl Fwn Hw-uP ultw t*>vev "Lxtz a-.arJ E A+'frJq e.-ry4f I-E'/a-' )QPe? rEv€t- 7g-'e'Y*e 6,-r14f LEJ6L- }V'ee- l'8v6t-' 4U> u-;;lL rt/ L.<-<.1,53 WL FA-A4N?- ?rbJE h VveL,wr+9 *eE 6pxt7a. rfilFihl-r.JALL A+Wa'vfc rn$74s1 E4{J1L;G Fr ?r\tsrtl\ 1+ ur' q?z + <UO,,+ 6az { 4U6 + r_i_ li r--..'wi%, i i ri ra'-tt#ll vrp \ ? ia'-rrl+tiFr"--r4{ir '-_--+-3; L;= -.1 E- =lr' N?f O" -AtLl,, bbA*l tuss7t?tw h#fbrwoA .p&4t&/"?t? Al2-,/22 ZVI{4 4?aX ttWg71 ,4ue W)oJ eOt not*? "t?L?'d* r'-otAc.14o-* 1l/.2',2_y,.6t oo P?Xe t-WD4rEE- -"ViStW. trE1-J frlulrry'lrya)z t;y*ja dv, N)Jr&, W\eUt+sft*n --,-6'tukra.t-1 vra,'?@7b?nt6I10t)aF 7++?- 4./L EAST ELEVATION SCALE:1/4"=f-0" EX]STING r_L___J Irl { fal^L fZAltS<Z USZ'> - iV Awilt-aflal' W- b|qN +4. fr42,zl'-z|t+tl ;9 = b.4E4ae +tc,yJ4z qo t)p? @ts) +TJc,oo (FELJ - ava,l Atu.4a , rL'ir $$ ,.)*i{fr, $f, '€ttoL-' 2Lur-lN --= NEr-J.q- EAST ELEVATION fL&l.J O Wat A-bls@tJ SCALE:114"=t-O" PROPOSED {.$^" "t'Iv'-'o }a PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on December 16, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for the establishment of a 60 or 90 day review period for an exterior alteration in Commercial Core I to the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreeVPart of Lots B and C, Lot 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Rod SliferPlanner: Jill Kammerer 2. A request for the establishment of a 60 or 90 day review period for an exterior alteration in Commercial Core llto the Cano Residence, Lionshead Center, 520 E. Lionshead Circle, Unit 205/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant: Victor CanoPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request lor the establishment of a 60 or 90 day review period for an exterior alteration in Commercial Core ll lor additional common service area to the Lifthouse Lodge, 555 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block '1, Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant: Robert Lazier/l.R.A. of Vail, lnc. dlUal Bart & Yeti'sPlanner: Shelly Mello 4. A request for the establishment of a 60 or 90 day review period for an exterior alteration to the Lodge at Vail in Commercial Core l, Lodge Properties, Inc., 174 East Gore Creek Drive, A part of Lots A, B and C, Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc.Planner: Andy Knudtsen/Mike Mollica 5. A request for the establishment of a 60 or 90 day review period for a Commercial Core I exterior alteration request for the Golden Peak House, 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots A and B, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing, Applicants: Golden Peak House Condominium Associationlr'ail Associates, lnc./GPH Partners, Ltd./Margaritaville, Inc.Planner: Mike Mollica 6. A request for the establishment of a 60 or g0 day review period for an exterior alteration request in Commercial Core I for Rightfit Sporb, 225 Wall StreetMall Street Building/A part of Lots B & C, Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: RightfitSports/RussellShayPlanner: Jill Kammerer 7. A request for approval of an exterior alteration in Commercial Core I for Rightfit Sports, 225 Wall StreetMall Street Building/ A part of Lots B & G, Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Rightf it SportsiRussell Shay Jill Kammerer ryr#,I 3i"t y:W!":*,nn' L' i tF'r'*1 c[lP Y .L II 8. Any items tabled from the December 9, 1991 Planning and Environmental Commisslon meeting. lnformation on the listed items is available at the Community Development office in the Vail Municipal Building during regular office hours. 41b- P1/)TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on November 29, 1991. W nf 'tl/, J?, lqt @ ,16: )PQ^,ry* // t*/t'z 'JqT q'lr / A $o,fr^T^ t?( 9'* 0'!"/- 14 ilfu, & ntr"T ,7h":\ Ky &f*"/ )l,ut D^-Z( 3" VN, c" g/u57 4 C^*';* L{/' % c6qa,-/r-" &-/* 26 bdy 8- V *4, A, 8)t" s7- l resised 9/l/gt and fees are submitte A.NAME OF APPLI ADDRESSVAtt^ t I, Date of Applj-cation Date of PEC Meetino APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR AIJTERATIONS OR I,IODIFTCATIONS rN COMMERCIAL, CORE r ITATL VILIAGE The application wiII not Planning and Environmental commissi-on review is recruired forthe allerati-on of an existing building which adds or removesany encl0sed f100r area or outdoor patio or: the replacementof an existlng building located in tne CCf Districc.FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEWED BY THEDESIGN REVTEW BOARD (DRB). B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT' S REPRESENTAT z- unit alI information PHONE DE SCRIPTr ONJ4E o f / orc._4. (LESS THAN (MORE THAN sQ. FT- ) SQ. FT. ) -1-73 z6 /,/!! :;ii'' -:" D. a NAME OF O LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL STGNATURE (S) A.rJ!r!t! D ) /ei/ 54 J/,4/l t///L401. /5r fZ/ ADDRESS FEE \ S2oO.00 $s00.00 rrIJ- U I cK# , THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: ft4''t ' ,THE COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT /5! 5'"'., PROPOSAL :1, '/-7 "' 100 100 BY {xLr.rt//JG t st ,11 -:l :' ;!'.:'j 7o C /-4?2t( /t/.'.1'" /'_ i. A pre-application conference with a pranning staff member isstrongly suggested to determine if any additionalinformation is needed. No appllcation will be acceptedunLess it is complete (must incl-ude al_l items required bythe zoning administrator) . It is the applicant, sresponsi-bility to make an appointment wit.h the staff to findout about additional submittal reguirements. III- PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE ABUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Improvement survey of propert.y showing property linesand l-ocation of building and any improvements on theland. B. A Llst of the names of owners of all property adjacentto the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their maiti,ng addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONS]BLE POR CORRECT MAILING .fIUIJJ\'I1JDII5. accepted c. Submit four (4) copies of a site-plan containing the tolfine information: V _ 1. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 35" at, a scale of 1" -- 20' showing existing rand proposed irnprovements to the site. A variation of the sheet or scale rnay be approved by the Community Development Department if justified. 2. The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed development wit.h it's legal description shall be shown on the site Plan. 3. The existing topographic character of the site including existing and proposed contours. 4, The location and size of all existing and proposed buildings, structures and improvements. 5. The existing and proposed landscapingr patiost additions or deletions. 5. A title report to verify ownership and easements. 7. Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floor plans, at a scale not smaller than one* eighth equals one foot, in sufficient detail to deLermine floor area, gross residential floor area, interior circulation, locations of uses wj-thin buildingsr dnd the generaL scale and appearance of the proposed development. IV. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT IN WRITidN AND GRAPHIC FORM A PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INDICATING THAT ; A. THE PROPOSAL IS IN CONFORMANCE W]TH THE PURPOSES OF THE CCI DISTRICT AS SPECIFIED IN 18 .24.01-0. B. THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPL]ES WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN REGARDING: 1. Pedestrianization2. Vehicle Penetration3. SLreetscape Framework 4. Street Enclosure5. Street Edge 6. Building Height'l . Views8. Sun Shade Consideration Many of the above items should be addressed by graphic neansr such as sketches, models (including neighboring buildings), photos, etc. If the applicant is proposing a major change to the vail Village Urban Design Guide PIan, the procedure for changes are noted in Section (B\ . C. THE PROPOSAL IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. V. THE TOWN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI ALSO DESCRIBES OTHER ZON]NG ISSUES THAT THE APPLICANT MUST RESPOND TO IN WRITTEN OR GRAPHIC FORM. VI. THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAI IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIEW OF THE APPLICAT]ON. I t vrr. AppLrcArroNS ,o$*r"*roR ALTERATT.NS o* tottcArroNs rN CCI INVOLVING MORE THAN ].OO SOUARE FEET OF FLOOR AREA ARE ONLY REVIEWED SEMI_ANNUALLY. THEY NEED TO BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFOP€ THE FOURTH MONDAY OF MAY OR NOVEMBER. THE PEC HOLDS A PP€LIMINARY REVIEW SESS]ON WITHIN 21 DAYS OF THE SUBM]TTAL DATE. A PUBLIC HEARING SHALL BE HELD WITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRELIMINARY REVIEW SESSION. APPLICATIONS FOR THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT ADDS OR REMOVES ANY ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF NOT MORE THAN ].OO SOUARE FEET MAY BE SUBMITTED AT THE REQUIRED TIME OF THE MONTH FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) REVIEW. FOR MORE spEcrFlcs oN THE REVTEW SCHEDULE, SEE SECTTON 18.24.065(A5). VIII YOUR PROPOSAL WILL BE REVIEWED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH VAIL, S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. rx.If Lhis application requires a separate review by any Iocal, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shal-I be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are j-n excess of 503 of the application fee. If, at t.he applicantts requestr aDY matter i.s postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Conmunity Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on Lhe community may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any appli-cation, Community Development may hire an outside consuLtant, it shaLl estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consuftant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. B. '2-'\,J) , |'.'-tr-E \Project Application Date //.b'7/zti Project Name: Project Description: fia Stru.ls 0uf7&u. Gontact Person and K#looo,"""andphone: 4o a T 4tin, fa.8- ISZS , tkt/,A. yas- Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description :tors B&C . etocx 5C , rtme hht/ l4/ba i /{ . zon" ccf Comments: Design Review Board Date //.b f/ Motion by. 4fO. /anrb Seconded by: a/F- Et 4a ' < r^ 'w21414a/ars DISAPPROVAL fu candt.*or, z Summary: APPROVA L E statt Approval 1, revised 9l4l9LT:DRB APPLIqATION - TOMT OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: coroRrDo ro-rw_99T1a1eet rErs APPLtorfil;;;iio, * rccEprED nNrrr. AI.t REQurTp**t*xo*T'l|JroN rs snBtdrEtED I.PLOJECT INFORI'IAT ION : A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200. OOt _liuinor Alteration ($20.00) Addition (S50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) C. ADDRESS:25 D.LEGAL DESCRIPTIaN YI,SL ,a',do Block 5C subdivisi on utar/ tl//aqu E E/rrzq If property is described by a meets and bounds lega1description, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. ZONING = Cbl F. G. r. NAI4E OF MaiJ-ing APPLICANT' S Address: LOT AREA: ff required, stamped survey showing NA}4E OF APPLICANT: MaiLing Address: applicant must provide a currentlot area. REPRESENTATIVE:H ttEzt c*- xt *t ttttss - EErtJ tAc,tad,/ < 41rb Ilala $ 20.00 $ 50. oo '"'z'7 ,..-., $100.00 s200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 NAME OF srGr|lfllRE (s) : Mai-l-rjq Addre Phone .{7A -€Gt c) J. Condominium Approval if applicable.42(r - e?oq K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail wi.1l adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: $ FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONI 0 - $ 10,000$10,001 -$ 501000"- I50,001 -$ 150,000 $150r001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ over $1,000,000 * DESIGN REVIEI{ BOARD APPROVAI EXPIRES ONE YE,AR AFIER FI}IEI IPPRO\TAI. ['I{I.ESS A BUII.DING PERMU IS ISSUED A}ID CONSTRI'CTTON TS SrIRTED. **NO IPPLICATION T9ILL BE PR@ESSED I|ITEOIII O9|NER'S SIGNATURE T0: rSrGN APPLICAIITS When applications for signs are subrnit.ted, the followinginformation is required: L. A completed sign,/awning application (attached) . 2. A site plan showi4g the exact location where the signis to be located. 3. A photograph if possible and buitding elevation showlng 'the location of the proposed sign. 4. A scaled drawing which detaits, the design of the sign,as follows: (a) Colored exactly as sign will be.(b) A list of materiaLs to be used in sign (metal, wood, canvas, paint., etc,)(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, subnit drawings showingexactly how and where the awning is attached to thebuilding and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lighting that will be used inconjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing an argning, lighting is not allowed to shine through theentj.re awning which calls undue attention to thebusiness. Lighting may spotlight only the actual signlettering on the awning. PSCOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc.2. Be specific. Vagueness on design, size, construction maydelay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REOUIRED AT THE TIME OE APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this applicat.ion requires a separate review by any IocaI,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vai1, theapplication fee shal1 be increased by $200.00. Examples of suchreview, may j-ncIude, but. are'.not linited to: Colorado Departmentof Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at theapplicant's requestr dDy matter is postponed for hearing, causingthe natter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Developnent Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the communit.y may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outsideconsultant, it shaI1 estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount sha1l be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he fiLes his application wit.h the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultanL, any of the funds forwarded by Lhe applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to t.he Town by the applicant within 30 days of gotification by lhe Town. (Please Print or NAME OF PROJECT ADDRESS l-Z *tY1 Of, ,-.NEJ^IfrD. C'o' BOZZ'8 NAME oF o$rNER L#. fiil.rct t- psownSab 5*2?- ADDRESS SIGNATURE LOCATION OF DESCRIPTION oF ot{![ER 6, OF PROJECT NAME OF pERSoN suBMrrrrNC fazerLJt A.r16r''r+J pnonr@)-19&!9 PROJECT THEFoLLowINGINFoRMATIoNISP€oUIREDFoRSUBMITTALBYTHE APPLICANT pRroR TO THE nsouesT BEfFSCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING PROJECTING' ETC), INCLUDE SIGN (FREE STA}JDING, . WALL, MESSAGE. AI4,A-I O ,A(1 t<r B.SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN,SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO il fr = +.otfr n _l tr HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE q.f DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) F. H. IENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL PATD 1 z 3 5 f sign Sample of ProPosed materials ehotograph of sign if available ,,t"1,vhri 21t- et/*t' FEE: $20.00 PLUS $1-00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF DATE SIGN AREA. CHECK NO. Site Plan Elevations showing exact location o awning on the building ehotolraphs showing proposed focati Colored scale drawing Siqn Adninistrator i NAME OF PRO,JECT: LIST OF MATERIALS fifffi OCr 21rcs: LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: LOT;f W.OCX 1flQ SUBDTVTSTON VAr-VrU.aqe. rt*gOtrtf STREET ADDRESS I 225 A)LJ-.V 3f. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT : FS.4+be- A.r-lEE-CflOd The foLlowing information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIAIS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck RaiLs Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses OLher reguired for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAT COLOR TEA,!- Mininum caliper for height for coniferous 67fLC-t ti Fs*?- B. tr,laoo *-t,lJ)6- LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Conmon Name Ouantity Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *fndicate caliDer for deciduous trees. trees.Indicate |---v 'ri ffi0uut j'' lil-Brondess-Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. -ZIIED\\./rrrsrq\\ 281 BRIDGE STBEET . VAIL, COLORADO 81657/f4tt& wlltft\wJt \\" 3\\dii off".. October 11, 1991 Town of VaiI Dept. of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vaii, CO 8L657 Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the wall Street Building Condominium Association fully approves of the exterior changes to be rnade to the WalI Street Building by Right Fit Sports as shown in a drawing prepared by Maverick Architects. Please call me at Brandess-Cadnus if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ct'{G WALL STREET BLDG coNDo. REAL ESTATE (303) 476-1450 o DENVER TOLL FREE 893-3101 NATIONWTDE TOLL FREE (800) 222-VAtL tlJNL.f Ha r.^r - -- - - -i--+--T ;<B- -P-t;$t t3.'- ' I r.r*r fr ' L Dfat -- Ittrr -a J.nu.(v I I"'-yrrL ^r.ocr^"t , rE. I or-r. ii .*-*. -t-,--dlt.- r-". I Lril rs $g ;l --rr cot-orrdo, lrLt''r." I t-A *- li oarr r. utttr .Dd otltr J' ulltl' 'r Il: tclet taEants I .l 1i; orl r ..{It. - Ib" I ,i -Ji*.* r -irr 'r' 'r rrlrrltl t b.- r.r a lb F'-i ir'.. t'"-i'r' 1::-: -::: -,..-' ooril'ia-ix-othar good .nd v.lu.blr con'I'ltr't r^* r.-J-.-.....r. If i-J'a- a1prr rr d! t J F't r..r rb -rr. : - t. G- --:t-ffi:.- :r= =:r f;Jr#;;:HJ=-E;r,'"i u ..a . . :i iig-tftl:,, "rt,fiJitll-rtrrnr' rc.ordrne to 'h' r"c'c'd i tlat ih.taol d.acrtbt' tt- ritr-tt ;o'!tnc l'ng 't thr llofthrrrt ,l ircrarr ot r.ld tat u. til*t-itttttty 'long tht lotthtrly I tnt 'rt :lrrlrr t^ot b. rrent,- .u,I"ii g: l'1; ":"li: :.:::::] :ll ,l';1",.. iilffi*il#t*ti*qrilrfiil:t'i, ; I Flnt ol b.llnnlnf, l' -" lT.l arr-'Ft ih.rt *'dsr-F ^r ,i -.. --.* -.-* -lt#'.LTlltl-: 5; t;-' rr r't "'t r"''tr' :: ;i lrojrety trr" 'u'-ln.ll corrnrntr ot rrcort. 'j erlelrntr ana Prot'ol rvr :' - * - B.tl e '. *1,qrr:r r'- :-r. -'r-- ffi:;.#ffii.-J,-,,jiF fi i i':';'#f 'L'.rft7irn t, .rfr1.,"f17,:f,-- r irdffH.Sr..- i- --.,.. .,.: ..,J .r.,,\r.rv . r ,1 '.:-t,i ;1'ci'' r-4 llr' " lr- -- ,-.;-..f tatat i. tllbal' t _ ^..r.r.n. t-F-., J l. L. lr l d'," . -.F.-vrtL AttoclAt'tl ' lx( 'rt'lLl'!i1r -r-- APrrl \' lrrl' I I' 'gs-i-rrtrr: tegal: Bldg. Perult No.: ProJ ect !Addrese: ITot In installrnents after date,order of the Town of Vail atBuilding at Vail, Colorado, Dotn Payment with lnterest of tenyearly installments The first installment the second installnent the third installrnent the fourth installnent as follows: of$ of$ of$ of$ on due due due and due and Dollars, e unpaid balance, payable in and payable payable payable payable and on rt is agreed that if this note is not paid when due or declared duehereunder, ttre principal and accrued interest thereon shal-l draw interestat the rate of 18 percent per annum, and that failure to make any paynentof principal. or interest when due or any default under any incunbrance oragreement securing this note shall cause the whole note to becorne due atonce, or the interest to be counted as princlpal, at the option of theholder of the note. The nakers and endorsers hereof severally waivepresentnent for payment, protest, notice on nonpa]anent and of protest, andagtree to any extension of tine of palment and partlal palzlnents before, at,or after naturity' and if this note or interest thereon -is not paid whendue, or suit is 6iought, agree to pay aII reasonable costs of collection,including reasonable attorneyrs fees, by: vair,eotorado, +1 ,affi-?f for value received,the Office of the f prornise to pay to theFinance Director, Municipal Date Proiect Application Project Name: Pro.iect Description: Contact Person and Own€r, Address and Phone: Legal D€scription: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 7^"-Approval t I Project Application o*, c1 ' l? 1o Projecl Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot erocx 5(, ,rrrins eview Board .on"(( l Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Staff Approval DnE lPlIrICi[TIoU DATE APPLTCATION RECET\IED: DATE OF DRB IIIEETING: t -'.^SSt Sgf u:=' " n- \-q.o n-,n -a[- *****TIIIS APPLICATION WILL NOf BE ACCESTED ITNTIL ALIJ INFORI'IATION IS SIIBI,IITEED***** r. PRE-APPLTCATION I.TEETINGS .& pre-application neetlng wlthstrorrgly suggested to deter:rnineinfomation is needed. No aDpl a planning staff nernber isif any additional . It is the applicantre aooolntuent with the Etaff to flndresponsibifity to nake an appolntuent with the Etaff to fout about additional subnittal reguirements. Pleaae notethat a COITIPI.'ETE applLcatl.on wlll streanline the approvalprocess for your project by decreasing the nunber ofconditions of approval that the DRB nay stLpulate. ALLconditions of approval nust be resolved before a buildingpetmit is issued. Application will not be processed without Ownerrs Signature. A-r-r..|.,,,r o$ A1 ' ={. -+A. PROJEET DESCRIPTION: B.IFCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 225 l^].-t[ er+rr:cF Legal Description I€t Block Subdivision V ltl-zoningfu C. NAI-IE OF APPLICANT: !{ailing Address: o^rL6 - Phone +1G- l++1 D. NN,TE OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATTVEs Mailing Address: Phone {Ltp'bb11 b{.t I ,.r.Lt)E.NAI'IE OF OI{NERSS EICrAEunE(8) s l{ailing AlL.ryl Phone +-Lto- l++1 F. Condoniniun Approval lf applicable. (9ae- PEC, :"^tr"^;+{*l ) G. DRB FEE: llhe fee will be paid at the'tilre a bulldlnct oer:nit is paid for. ItALgAgIgN $ o- $ 10,001 - $ 50,001 - $150,001 - $500,001 -$ Over $ 10,ooo $ 50,000 $ 150,000 $ 500,000 91, Ooo, ooo $1, 000, ooo FEE $ lo.oo $ zs.oo $ so.oo $too. oo $20O. OO $30O. OO 1) I{ATERIAI,TO BE SUBMITTED I.NEW CONSTRUCTTON A. Jh#=onies of a topogranhic nan and s{te plalr at-a'state -ot fn = ZO@he site contalning the - following: 1. Licensed sunreYorrs stanP. 2. Contour lntenrals of not more than 2r unless the parcel consists of 6 acreE or nore,,in which case'-5t contour interrrals nay be accepted' 3. Existing trees or gloups of trees having trunks with diineters of i" oi nore one foot above grade' 4. Rock outcropplngs and other slgnlflcant natural ieatures (liige-boulders, intertlttent streams, etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, centerline of stream or creek, creelc or stream'setback, lOO-year flood plal-n and slopes of 4ot or more, if applicable' 6. Ties to existing benchnark, either UsGs landnark or sewer invert. 7. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage ol and off site' stroirlng size and type of culverts, Bwafes' etc. b. Exact locationE of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed se-rrrl'ce. lines t"on toitces to ttre slruLture' utilities to include: Cable IV Sewer Gas TelePhone tlater Electric c. Property llnes showing distances and bearings and a blsls of bearing d. Proposed driveways uith percent slope and sPot elevations e. AII easements (Title report.must aIEo include eGileasenent locations ) 8. Existing and finLshed grades' 9. AII existing and proposed I'nprovernents lncludlng atructuresr'landscapLd areas, senrice areas' etorage areas, walks, drivewgyg, off-:itreeE.piiiiig, rJaaini-ii"1"-, retaln!'ns !?rls (with spot elevationr-"i-I6p-ind iottorn of walls), and otlrer site inProvements. 10. Elevatlons ot EoP or Fqsr +r'r"=o '-*-" ------rv' ::ffitrl"' lndicated ""-[tl--Erte plan. ElevationE.for roof tfaq"t ehall also be i-ndicatea on the site plan ;i;i-;";;"=p""ai"g flniEhed and existing- grade elevatlons. u" fi6ttion of the roof shall exceed 33 feet. IIST OF I{ATERTAI,S NAI'IE OF PRGIECT: LEGAL DESCRISTION: IOT_ BInCK sUBDMsIou V.w" ref Elli€ STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIIETON OF PROJECT: F- .. n ^r,n.(.^. r rr*{.1 n ,^rr. q .f^ ur.,ln.Trl €*r+{trtg \- f ...r'rz{sUS, The following infotmation'is requlred for EubnLttal to the DesJ-gn RevLew Board before a flnal approval can be given: A. BI'ILDING MATERIAI^g:TYPE OF UATERIAL Roof Siding Other tlall Materials Fascla Sofflts l{indows I{indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chlnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other LANDSCAPING: Nane of Designer: Phone: PIAI{T !,IATERIAL,S: Botanical Name EXISIING TREES TO BE REUOVED *Indicate COI'R s+"".^ C^.*- qt*ll B. Cornmon Name e!r4l!41-F44. ouantltv SLze*2 +"o.4*.PROPOSED TREES *-/t/\ --- caliper for deciduous trees. llinirnun calio?f for treel iE 2 inches. rndicate height for coniferous trees. a.^e) Yf'*-. releri,c.'n.^* l-^^Ae^pr45 ab f*-TOV Lo.^o\>cere /"tE')^",+"tt o ADEOUATE AVAIIJABTTTTY A}ID UTILITY IOCATION VERTFICATION SUBDIVISION JOE NAI.IE IOT BIOCK FILING ADDRESS The locatl.on and availability of utllltles, rhether they be nalntrunk lines or proposed lines, nuet be approved and verLfled bythe following utilities for the acconpanyl.ng slte plan. Authorl-zed Siqnature Date U.S. West Conmunications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 0r 949-4530 Publlc Senrice eompany 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 94 9-5892 Ted Husky/t{icbael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-5539 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley water & Sanltation District * 476-7480 Fred Haslee NOTE:These verlfications do not relLeve the contractor ofhis responsibitity to obtain a street cut pemit from the Town of Vail , Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locatlons before dicrging in.any public right-of-uay or easenrent in the Tonn of VaiI. Abuildincr perrnlt lE not a street cut p . A etreetcut pemit tlust be obtalned separately. This form is to verlfy service availability andlocation. Thls should be used in conJunction with preparing your utlllty plan and schedulinginstallations. * Please brlng a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtalnlng upper Eag1e vall6y t9ater & SanltatLon signatures. Flre flor needs nust be addressed. : ,t ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: L,ot Block _ Filing ADDRESS: OWNER Fence/Retaining I{alJ, Heights 3r/6, Parking Reqrd Credits: carage PHONE PHONE Allowed Existinq Proposed Total (30) (33) 20. 15 1 15 1 (30) (50) (300) (600) (eoo) (1200) (s0) (100) (2s) (s0) (2oo) (400) ARCHITECT IOT SIZE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Height Total GRI'A Prfuoary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Iandscaping l,[echanical Airlock storage Drive: Permitted Slope 88 Actual Slope Approved by Town Engineer:Date: Environmental/llazards : Avalanche 1) Flood Plain 2) I Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) RockfalI c) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands ,u fi" r/try CIV\il/& \Y[' - W slt \nfusca4n^{ ,l+t+s'" a 6moil ol,orvrAtlAlot rrtr '\a(A Nv-'O L?6ey d{v1 {ndtuw aho\n e;"rp,Pif 0 t I. IfuUrd,s 00,'W urlin ktr ) v{vn fb llo: FRO}T: DATE: RE:A request for an exterior alterattonViLlage lst Filing, 225 Wall Street.Applicant: American Angler/American on Block 5C, VaiI Ski Bxchange *.sfu I. DESCRTPTION OF THE REOUEST Approval of an exterior alteration request is reguired for any addition of enclosed floor area to structures ln the ccl zone district. The proposal includes a 95 scr. ft. groundfloor expansion of the American Anglerr/Anerican Ski Exchangeretail space, located at the south end of the arcade, of the Lazier Building on WalI Street. The expanEion includes the relocatj.on of the store entry and the addition of two bay windows to the store. A new entry will also be added for access to the basement area of the buiLding. The proposedinfill area is currently an open exterior space and provides access to other areas of the building. The expansion is proposed exclusively on private property. II. ZONING CONSIDERATTONS The following sunmarizes the zoning statistics for thisexterior alteration request: 1. Zone District: ccl 2. Lot Area: 7,3LB sg. ft. 3. Site coverage: Existing: 4,640 Proposed:4r640* -rtpt-.Jfi V ro Lhange iir site coverage wirl occurv \,[/" u because the space to be infilled ls/\-fW zV |-"E -^'gr')'- *,^( already covered by the second floor of -r,.. N the buitding.,\) "1il' \oV', u t^.|,n c..V[/ u ,"_4, \. Parking: The applicant wiII be reguired to contribute .r\lln- I $goo.oo to the T.o.v. parking fund. The .nfl' additlon will constitute 32t ot a parking n*;0./ \ space. The parking fee for 1 conmercialvl\r" space is $3000.00. (96 sq. tt../3oo -.32 x $sooo - $960.00) III. COUPI,IANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECIION OF COI,TI,TERCIAL CORE T 18.24.010 Purpose: The Cornmercial Core f District is intended to provldesites and to rnaintaLn the unique character of the VallVillage Conmercial Area, with lts nixture of Lodges and comnercial estabtishnents Ln a predoninantly pedestrian environment. The Connercial core I Dlstrict is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, andother anenities appropriate to the permitted types ofbuildings and uses. Ttre district regulatlons in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Deslgn GuLde Plan and Design Consl.derations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and presenration of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildlngs fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenhrays, and to ensure continuation of the buiJ-ding scale and architectural gualities thatdistinguish the Village. The infill project is ln conpliance with the purpose of the CCr zone district. The addltlon will be an activitygenerator in an area whl.ch le currently void of conmerciaLa€tivlty. llhe addition slll not negatively affect the scaleof the building and will inprove the overall quality of the sPace. IV. REVTEW CRITERTA FOR THTS PROPOSAL the Vail Village Urban Design Guide PIan includes three elements that establish the review criteria for thisapplication. The first of tbese is referred to as the Guide .,,,2 Plan which includes a number of sub-area concepts, many of.rr(W which identify potential areas for future development and tfv' ^,0, ::l:T- iitl?::i"l!::- -:":g1dll:-!h:-YTl"'. ?::'g:^ -r ^-- { --,. {'\h^T'' n other improvements. Secondly, the Urban Design - ,rrN "'r ,r tlk Considerations express the large scale, land use planning 't)0.$t"- r\'Nw$, and design considerat5.ons, and finally -:. .\ \';r{V" archLtectural/landscape considerations which will be 0\$^t Nt\ reviewed by the oesiq-n Review Board, establj-sh the criteria . rr..{{-'"'\AJrp for evaluating detailed design consLderations of a proposal. . u.tr:$l\ts (W*- -' v r'5er'r"rsr'' r.=e'sY' ev's V\'1 il) ,n# The Vail village ltaster PIan also addresses specific goals 1414" Olp'\r$ertaining to the enhancenent of the walking experiencet')- -tf-t" !.rn\throughout the Village that nust be considered ln this ft Xtvrw[y$" . aPPlication' " .-,^19- .r ,, Url- fn addition to the Guide Plan and the vail Village llasterUo'\\r\\u'\ nlan, traditional zoning considerations are also a factor in \ \t [ n.;.--this proposal .[A)r\rr,i\ d\,tJvt- v" A&,{ \ {}..\),='Y2 V. COI'IPLIANCE WITH THE T'RBAN DESIGN GUII'E PI,AI{ FOR VAIL VILI,AGE There are no specific sub-areas relevant to this proposal . VT. COMPIJIANCE WTrH THE T'RBAN DESTGN CONSTDERATTONS FOR VAIL VILI,AGE The followLng design consLderations are a critical elenentof the Urban Design Plan. They identify the key physicalcharacteristics of the Viltage and provide the tools to assure that new development be conEl.stent with thisestablished character. These consideratlons include thefollowing: A. Pedestrianization: The proposed addition will have llnited inpacts on thepedestrLan traffic flow because of Lts proposedIocation. The addition will add interest to thispedestrian area with the increase Ln wLndow area and increased visibility of the entry of the store. B. Vehicular Penetration: Vehicular penetration or circulation will renain unchanged as a result of this proposal . Streetscape Framework: Streetscape frarnework ldentifies trro alternatives for lrrproving the pedestrl.an experience in the Vi1lage. These include the development of open space including landscaping along pedestrian routes and the developnentof infill cornmercial storefronts along pedestriancorridors. t{hile landscaping can provide a softeningof buildings and a colorful franework, comnerciallnfill can provide activity generators and visualInterest to the pedestrian, according to thisconsideration. The proposed addition will reLocate thestore entrance to the front of the shop and add two bay windows. All of the itens ulll lnprove the pedestrian ex;lerience by convertlng an otherrrise unused space intovlable conmercial area. rn addition, the increased transparency of the shop frontage will add visual Lnterest to the area. Street Enclosure: The puryose of this consideration is to maintal-n a cornfortable retationshlp between the wldth of streets and the height of buildings. Ihe one story additLon along the arcade uiII have no effect on the street enclosure of WalI Street because it does not increasethe overall helght of the buildlng and although it does encroach lnto the pedestrian corridor, the impact does c. D. not increase because of the projecting rnass above. The addition will inprove the existing condition by increasing the amount of retail busLneEs frontage alongthe arcade. E. Street Edqe: There are no standard setback requirements in the VailVlllage. Rather, propoeals are looked at withrelationship to ttre site and the surrounding developrnent of the Eite to insure a strong street edge. The addltlon will partially fitl an area void of cornmerciaL activity along t{all Street. The street edgeof Wall Street w111 be lnproved with the continuationof ttre existing building line. F. Building Height: Building height will be unaffected. c. Views and Focal Points: The proposed expansLon does not affect any adopted viewcorridors. In addition, the infill w111 have no impacts on the line of sight from either the top or bottom of Wall Street. H. Senrice and Delivery: The proposed expansion will not affect the current service and delivery patterns. I. Sun/Shade: There will be no increase in the shadow pattern as a result of this addition because it is within the existing shade pattern of the building. J. Architecture./Landscape Considerations: These design considerations are typicatly the purview of the Design Review Board. The staff feels that the detailing and increased transparency of this corner of the building riII have positive inpacts on the arcade area of the building. Also, the infill of this spacewill irnprove tlre appearance of this area by addingvisual interest to the space. The addition will be rernoving 94 sq. ft. of brick pavers which are considered landscaping by definition. In order to remove landscaping in the ccl zonedistrict, sufficient cause nust be shown by the appllcant or as specLfied in the valI Village Urban Desigm Consideratlons. In other instances reguests ofthis nature have been reguired to obtain a landscapevariance in order to decrease the amount of softscape,/trardscape landscaping on site. This was necessary because they were decreasing both tlpes of landscaping and thus changing the ratio of hardscape tosoftscape. This tlpe of change reguires a variance because according to the definition of lapdscaping only20t of tbe overall amount can be in hardscape tlpe landscaping. In this application the anount of hardscape is . decreasing and actually naking the situation less nonconforning in regard to the landscape definition'requirement. lfherefore, we are not reguiring the approval of a landscape variance for this appllcation. The staff finds that the application is consigtent with the Vail Village Deslgn Considerations. In addition,the applicatl.on ls conElEtent sith the goals andpolicies of the Vall Village l-laster Plan. We also feelthat the benefits of the project outweigh the impactsof removing the paved area. The applicant has agreed to contribute up to 9500 for the repair of the paved staimay located adJacent tothe bullding. The staff, feels the repair andinstallation of new pavers ln this area is an appropriate reguirement to nitigate the renoval of tlre pavers in tlre infill area. The Town of ValI landscapearctritect reviewed the proJect and recomrnend the paver treatnent as an inprovenent needed in the area. Below is a sumnary of the existing and proposed landscaping as they relate to the total area of thesite*: Lot Size: 7,318 sq. ft. Existing Landscape 1715 sq. ft. or 23.4* of hardscape 115 scr. ft. or 1.6* of softscaPe X83O sq. ft. or 25.ot of the site Proposed Landscape 1621 sq. ft. or 22.L2 of hardscape 115 scr. ft. or 1.6* of softscaPe 1?36 sq. ft. or 23.7* of the Eite *Alley ways and areas betneen buildings which are not accessible to pedestrians and do not have any landscapedqualitles lrave not been considered landscaping. VII. RELATED GOALS AND POLICIES OF THE VAIL VILLAGE I'fASTER PLAN GOAL #2: TO FOSTER A STRONG TOURIST TNDUSTRY AND PRO!,IOTE YEAR-AROUND ECONOI.TIC HEALTH AND VIABILITY FOR THE VII.,LAGE AND FOR THE COI,T},TT'NITY AS A T{HOLE. 2.4 2.4.1 Obiective: Encourage the developnent of a variety of new conmercial actlvity where conpatible wl-th existing land uses. Policy: Cornmercial lnfill development consistent with established horizontal zonl,ng regulationsshall be encourage to provide activitygenerators, accessible greenspaces, publ-icplazas, and street scape improvements to thepedestrian network throughout the Village. The proposed infill is consistent with established zoning and the existing uses of the area. The addition will provJ.de interest and activity to an area nhich currently e:rperiences lLnited activity. VIII. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON Ttre staff reconnendatlon is for approval of the reguestedexterior alteration. The review of the relevant Urban Design Criteria and the Vail Vlllage Master Plan goals showthat the proposal is ln confornance wj.th the applicable sections of these documents. Tbe applicant vill also be reguired to contribute $960.00 to the Town of VaiI parking fund. The staff feels that the conversLon of this area to conmercial space wl-Il be an additlonal activity generatorfor the WaIl Street area and will improve the general appearance of the area. 6 .rOF,E aRE EK *,,vE f,r fflq t .o ti $ u f, F ri I -l I'I J I ! '1 co {= s OJE V' (rJ c.) co'r= GI OJE f ao, TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Conmission Conmunity Development Departnent Septenber 10, 1990 A reguest for an exterior alterationVill.age lst Filing, 225 Wall. Street.Applicant: Anerican Angler/Anerican fttt cgpy on Block 5C, Vail Ski Exchange I. DESCRTPTION OF THE REOI'EST Approval of an exterior alteratj-on request is required for any addition of enclosed floor area to structures in the CCI zone district. The proposal incLudes a 96 sq. ft. groundfloor expansion of the American Anglerr/Anerican Ski Exchangeretail space, located at the south end of the arcade, of the Lazier Buildlng on WaIl street. The expansion includes the relocation of the store entry and the addition of two bay windows to the store. A nen entry will also be added for access to the basement area of the building. The proposed infill area is currently an open exterior space and provides access to other areas of the buildlng. The expansion is proposed exclusively on private property. rT. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The foltowing sumnarizes the zoning statistics for this exterLor alteration reguest: 1. Zone District: CCI 2. Lot Area: 71318 sg. ft. 3. Site coverage: Existing: 41640 Proposed: 4.640* No change in site coverage wLlL occur because the space to be infllled is already covered by the second floor of the building. 4. Parklng: The applicant will be reguired to contribute 9960.00 to the T.o.v. parking fund. The addition will constitute 32t of a parking space. The parklng fee for 1 comrnercial space is 93000.00. (96 sq. ft./3oo =.32 x $3000 = $960.00) III. COUPLIANCE T{ITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF COMMERCTAL CORE I 18.24.010 Purposes The Connercial Core I District is Lntended to providesites and to rnaintain the unique character of the VailVilLage Cornmercj-a1 Area, with its mixture of lodges and comrnercial establishnents in a predonlnantly pedestrianenvironment. Tbe Connercial Core I Distrlct isintended to ensure adeguate light, air, open space, andother amenities appropriate to the permitted tlpes ofbuLldlngs and uses. The district regruLations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide PIan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are Lntended to ensure the nalntenance and presenration of the tlghtly clustered arrangenents of buildings frontJ.ng on pedestrian ways. and public greenways, and to ensure continuatlon of thebuilding scale and architectural qualities thatdistinguish the Village. The infill proJect is in conpllance with the purpose of the CCf zone district. The addition will be an activitygenerator in an area which is currently void of conmercialactivity. The addition will not negatively affect the scaleof the building and wilL inprove the overall quality of the Epace. IV. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THIS PROPOSAL The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan includes three elements that establish the revies criteria for tlrisapplication. The first of these is referred to as the Guide Plan which includes a number of sub-area concepts, many of which identify potential areas for future development andother improveuents. Secondly, the Urban Design Considerations e)q)ress the large scale, Iand use planning' and design considerations, and finally archLtectural/Iandscape considerations which will be revlewed by the Design Review Board, establish the criteriafor evaluatlng detailed design considerations of a proposal . The Vail Village Master Plan also addresses specific goals pertaining to the enhancenent of the walking experience throughout the Village that must be considered in this application. fn addition to the Guide Plan and the Vail Village MasterPlan, traditional zoning considerations are also a factor ln thLs proposal . V. COMPLIANCE WITH THE T'RBAN DESTGN GUIDE PI,AN FOR VAIL VILI,AGE lfhere are no specific sub-areas relevant to this proposaL. VT. COUPLTANCE WITH THE I'RBAN DESIGN CONSTDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILIJ\GE The folloslng design consideratLons are a critLcal elenentof the Urban Design Plan. They identify the key physicalcharacterlstlcs of the Vlllage and provide the tools toassure that new developnent be consistent with thisestablished character. These considerations include thefollowing: A. Pedestrianizatlon: Tbe proposed addition will have linited inpacts on thepedestrian traffic flow because of its proposedlocation. The addition will add interest to thispedestrian area with the Lncrease in window area and increased visibility of the entry of the store. B. Vehicular Penetration: Vehicular penetration or circutatj.on wilL rernain unchanged as a result of this proposal . C. Streetscape Framework: Streetscape framework identifies two alternatives for irnproving the pedestrl"an experience In the village. These include the development of open space includingt landscaping along pedestrian routes and the deveJ.opnentof infill conmercial storefronts along pedestriancorridors. While landscaping can provLde a softeningof buildings and a colorful franework, connercialinfiLl can provide activity generators and visualinterest to the pedestrian, according to thisconsideration. The proposed addition will relocate the store entrance to the front of the shop and add two bay windowE. A11 of the itens wilt inprove the pedestrian experience by converting an otherwise unused space into viabte conmercial area. In addition, the increased transparency of the shop frontage will add visualinterest to the area. D. Street Enclosure: lhe purpose of this consideration is to maintain a comfortable relationshlp between the width of streets and the height of bulldlngs. The one story addition along the arcade will have no effect on the street enclosure of I{aIl Street because it does not increasethe overatl height of the building and although it does encroach into the pedestrian corridor, the irnpact does E. not increase because of the proJectlng nass above. Theaddition will lmprove the existing condition by Lncreasing the anount of retail busineEs frontage alongthe arcade. street Edcres There are no standard setback reguirements in the VaiIVillage. Rather, proposals are looked at with relatlonEhip to the slte and the surrounding developnent of the site to insure a strong street edge, The addition wilL partlally fill an area voLd of cornmercial activity al,ong I{aIl Street. The street edgeof Wall street will be J.rnproved with the continuationof the existlng building llne. Building llelght: Building height will be unaffected. \tiews and lqcal Points: The proposed expansion does not affect any adopted viewcorridors. In addition, the infill will have no J.npacts on the lLne of sight fron either the top or botton of Wall street. Serrrice and Deliverv: The proposed expansion will not affect the current servLce and del.ivery patterns. Sun/Shade: There will be no increase in the shados pattern as aresult of this addition because it iE within theexistlng shade pattern of the building. Architecture/Landscape Considerations : lfhese deslgn conslderations are t1plcally the punriew of the Design Revlew Board. The staff feels that the detailinE and increased transparency of this corner of the building will have posltive inpacts on the arcade area of the buildlng. Also, the infill of this aPacewill lnprove the appearance of this area by addingvisual interest to the space. The addltion will be renovl.ng 94 sg. ft. of brick pavers whlch are consldered landscaping by definition.In order to remove landscaplng in the CCI zone dJ-strict, sufficlent cause nust be shown by tbe applicant or as specified in the Vail Village urban F. G. H. I. J. Design Considerations. fn otlrer instances requests of" thts nature have been required to obtain a landscapevariance in order to decrease the anount of softscaper/hardscape landscaplng on site. This was necessary because they were decreasing both tlpes of landscaping and thus changing the ratio of hardscape tosoftscape. this tlpe of change requires a variance because according to the definition of landscaping only20t of the overall anount can be in hardscape tlpe landscaping. In this application the amount of hardscape is decreasing and actually naking the situation less nonconforming in regard to the landscape definitionrequirenent. Therefore, we are not reguiring the approval of a landscape variance for this application. The staff finds that the application is consistent withthe vall Village Design Considerations. fn addition,the appllcation is consistent vlth the goals andpolicies of the Vall Village Master PIan. we also feeLthat the benefits of the project outweigh the impactsof removing the paved area. The applicant has agreed to contribute up to $5oo forthe repalr of the paved stairuay located adJacent tothe buildlng. The staff feels the repair andinstallation of new pavers in this area is an appropriate requirement to nitigate the removal of thepavers in the infill area. The Town of Vail landscapearchitect reviewed the project and reconnend the paver treatnent as an improvenent needed in the area. Below is a summary of the existing and proposed landscaping as they relate to the total area of thesite*: Lot Size: 7,3LB sq. ft. Existing Landscape 1715 sq. ft. or 23.4* of hardscape 115 sq. ft. or 1.6* of softseape 1830 sq. ft. or 25.0t of the site Proposed Landscape 1621 sq. ft. or 22.L* of hardscape 115 sq. ft. or 1.6* of softscape 1735 sq. ft. or 23.7t of the site *Alley ways and areas between buiLdings which are not accessible to pedestrianE and do not have any landscapedqualities have not been considered landscaping. VII. REI.ATED GOALS AND POLICIES OP THE VAIL VILI,AGE MASTER PI,AN GOAL #2: fO FOSTER A STRONG TOURIST INDUSTRT AND PROMOTE YEAR.AROUND ECONOMTC HEALTH AND VIABILITY FOR THE VTI,IAGE AND TOR THE COIIIMUIIITY AS A WHOLE. 2.4 Objectlve: Encourage the developrnent conmerclal activity wlrereland uses. of a variety of new conpatible with existing 2.4.L PoIicv: Commercial infill developnent consistent nithestablished horizontal zoning reg'ulationsshall be encourage to provide activitygenerators, accessible greenspaces, publicplazas, and street scape lnprovements to thepedestrian network throughout the Village. The proposed infill is consistent with established zoning and the existing uses of the area. The addltion willprovide interest and actLvlty to an area which currently experiences linited activity'. VITI. STAFF RECOI'IIiIENDATTON The staff recommendation is for approval of the requestedexterior alteration. The revl-ew of the relevant Urban Design Criteria and the Vail Village llaster Plan goaLs showthat the proposal is in confomance with the applicablesections of these dosuments. The applicant will also berequired to contribute $960.oo to the Town of Vail parking fund. The staff feels that the conversion of this area to commercial- space will be an additionaL activity generatorfor the Wall Street area and rrill improve the general appearance of the area. lti #e'\'to 1*"t =""o I o IIit.tIl' I .9 (5 OJT +)rt,(tr q) co'.r=I 0JT -!, o(h fl H ffiH P?OJECT: DATE SUit,IITTED: COI'.i,IEIITS IIEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSALs PUBLIC UORKS P.eviewed by: Reviewed by: Con:rents: POLICE DEPARTI4ENT I NTEP..OEPARTIIENTAL REV I EW DATE OF PUELIC HEARING Revieved by: Connerrts: Date i 't r. ..: j; Revieaed.by: Co;;,ents: ^l I I Date 7 o trrt v--- .'":,: n1'q r!'- l, 81ggtl IHTTS.OEPART}IENTAL REVI El.| !Lt. I' T'.V '' - - .. ' , PROJECT: D.(TE SU3I.IITTED:DATE 0F PUBLTC *rO*rnC al . r0 Ccl'',i,1ENTS ttEEoED av: 3 . El . BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: 9UBLIC UoRKS Revier,red by:0ate Conr,ents: FIRE DEPI.RTI4ENT h,4 -'- < Reviewed by: ///c G'# Dat E'z-7-5oeLJE.+.ry ./ POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Revieved by: Con:nerrts: . Date ' 'd.r'4't .i_: Reciggrorr DEPARTt.t:NT Revle'.red by: Co;;'entg: Date PUBLIC NOTICE trT;;Pe.a133 NOTICE IS ITEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Env iro nrnental Comnission of the Town of vail lri1l hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the urunicipal code of the Town of Vail on Septenber 10, 1990 at 2:00 p.n. in the town of Vail Municipal Buitding. Consideration of: 1. A request for Lots 5 and 6, Forest Road.Applicant: Ron an amendrnent to tlre approved access plan for Block 7, vail Village lst Filing, !46 and L26 Byrne 2. A request for a work session on the Sonnenalp redevelopnent and proposed Special Development District at 20 Vail Road, Part of Lot L, 81ock 5-E, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: sonnenalp Properties, Inc. 3. A request for a conditi.onal use pernit in order to construct a remediation system at the Vail Anoco Serrice Station, 934 S. Frontage Road. Legal Description as follows: A PART OF lHE NEl/4 NEI/4 OF SECnON t2, TOwNSHtp 5 SOUJ!1,_RANG-E 8l WEST OF IHE SIXTH CnixCipt MERtorAN,'DEScnrbEo ns FoLLows:'BEGINNINc AT THE PotNT _oF lNrERsEcrloN oF THE Eeir-urHe oF sAto sEcloN t2 wtTH THE souTHERLy RrcHT-oF-wAY LINE oF u.s. HIGHWAY No.6. Slio porNr BETNG 6s4.ls FEEr sourHERLy FRoM rHE NoRTH€rsr coRNER oF sAlD sECTloN 12; ixelrcr wEsTERLy ALoNG IHE sournERr_v RtcHT-oF-wAy LINE oF sAtD HlcHwAY, A OlsrANcE oF i+o rin, MoRE oR LEss, To I pornt oN THE EJST HrcH wAIER BANK o_F RED SANDSTONE CREEK; rxir.rCi S'oUrnenl- , ALONG THE SINUOUSITIES OF SAID EAST HIGH WATER BANK, 200 rCET. UOAE OR LESS, TO ITS INTERSECTION WIIH THE NORTH HIGH WATER-BANK OF GORE CREEK; rigr.icg EAsTERLv. ALoNc THE stNuouslnEs oF THE NoRTH HtcH .wATER BANK oF GoRE CREEK. zci iEET, uonE bn LEss, To ITS tNTERsEcnoN wtTH THE Flsr LINE oF sAlO SECTIoN 12: iHeNCE r.ionrHentv, ltoruc sruo rtrsr-r-rNE, 160 FEET, MORE OR LESS. ro THE POINI OF BECINNING. Applicant: Chevron U.S.A., Inc. 4. A request for a minor subdivision on portions of Lots 7 and 8, Block 6, vail Village 7th Filing, LL1T E. Vail Valley Drive.Applicant: Thornas Rader 5. A request for an exterior alteration and a landscape variance on Block 5c, vail Village 1st Filing, 225 WaLJ- Street.Applicant: American Angler/American Ski Exchange 6. A request for an exterior alteration in order to construct 30 sg. ft. expansion on l,ot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing, 510 l{. Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Landrnark-Vail Condorninium Association 7. A request for a najor change to existing development approval for the valley, Phase VI . Applicant: Edward Zneimer 8. A request tlnena section 18.04.130--de-'inition of Floor area, gross*sidential (GRFA) r 18.09. olnittsiaeResidential District density controlr 18-0.09o singlefanily District density control , L8.L2.090 llto Fanily Residential District density control and; 18.13.080 Prinary/Secondary Distri.ct density control , of the Municipal. code.Applicant: Town of Vail 9. A request to amend sections 18.04.360--definition of site coveraEei 18.09.OgO--ttillside Residential District site coveragei 18.10.llO--single Fanily District site coverage; t8.L2. 110--fuo Fanily District site coveraget 18.13.090-- Prinary Secondary District site coverage; 18.14.110-- Residential CLuster District site coveragei 18.16.11o--Lou Density Residential District site coveralte,' 18.18.110-- MedLun Density Residential site coveragei l-8.20.110--High Density Residential District site coveragei L8.22.110-- Public Accommodation District site coverage; L8.24. 150-- Cornmercial Core I District site coverage; 18.26.L2O-- Cornrnercial Core ff District site coveraget 18 .27.O9O-- Comnercial Core IfI si.te coveragei 18.28.l2O--connercial Service Center District site coveragre; L8.29.090--Arterial Business District site coverage; 18.30.110--Heavy Se:rriceDistrict site coveragei 18.32. 110--Agricultural and open Space District site coverage and; 18.39.190--Ski Base/Recreation District site coverage, of the MunS.cipal Code.Applicant: Town of Vail 10. A request to amend section 18.52.160--off Street Parking and Loading Exemptions, of the Municj-pal Code.Applicant: Town of Vail The applications and avaiLable for public Departroent office. Eown of Vail Connunity Development Rrblished in the VaiL infor:nation about the proposals are inspection in the Conrnunity Development DepartnentTrail on Augrust 24, 1990. o Ms. SheIIy Mello Conrnunity Developement Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Co. 81557 August 13.7990 Department West PABADTCU DESIGN ARCHITECTUBE PLIINNINO INTERIOBS ! n,,t t" ,e*il Rer American Anglerr/American Dear Shellyr This letter is addressing your25, t99O, Ski Exchange letter to Joey Tonahill on February Joey now has a letter from the owner and president of the condorniniumassoeiation giving him permission for the proposed erq>ansion of the American Angler/American Ski Exchange. Could you please rescheduleus for a PEC rneeting on September 10, 1990.. The reason for this delay was determining the value of the ercpansion and how the new space would be leased^. If you have any questions pleasecall me at 476-5997. Ihank you for your patience and consideration. Sincerely I t&*uErich HilI, Architect ccr Joey Torrahil] P.O. BOX ?81 VAIL, COLOBADO 81668 (soa)lzo+aez Augtt'til: l0 ' l(.tu0 shel 'r'rrw n7ir SVail Ir.'l Ur.nt pi a'Hiil-nllq'qprlo. A!55oc. l r,:Y )4r: l l.'of V,tiI [, lAnrrr . Fr.ont.;rqr' Rd. , (:o ft t 6i? Uea r Ms . tlrr'.[ I rt : Pleas,: t're -rrt'lvise'l l'lraL- thr) tt''rI t- sr ' ' 'nJ(lil:-'1:':'il".:,r,f;1'1.''1"'r'$ll*lI "ppio*,.s or t.r,e,_:;,1;1.;1.,i'rf,rr,;i.il "Jl:l$ji:d.ljiil:;rl;;1;;;;;i. ,1r rhsr tb' R,rbert 'l'. [a Froperr.-v lry J,uz,.rr','r't.:ri,.nt , Amr,:f i"o,l"siii ixt:trartq''rAnierie'rrr Ani'l lor ' .rhe Associs!;i:l:1.^,,f,1;iiJl,lnol.lll*,,*ll-,'111.-!)''il!l:i::'i;'j'!lil.li"iilupon: I | . t)cl-()r'. rhe A!rso(:ri{q,ron ,.t."Fii ii^p'J,.iri*g..pJ..,- ;;;;;i or'r,t;t1'"' ;rvr4r'rt\t': ot L!"t' ;iir#i:ii;:x;i'iilr,:t$"fr:":',"#*i+t:'l"sjr,i-', irjl'' iiY""::'i?fi"'\; portion of i\trtet'tt'tn'"stti-g-icftantlt' t'fit' liid tr"rst"rnc'rrt c'rtl't'attt'r" sn'r tr :f;."?l'f;*"t,,.11,1,:,.,iiLl i[i.lilll"lI-i:l:;i*l;:l-tl '!'llT":""'rr st i'l Lrue ' ' 11.".,,i,?, n;;';,liii,i',:;;,,t;1;-l'i?.[',ir"''.]tr--l:ill,'i:.,.t1'lii;llliil'iti; il;:i1"1;j:t;,lll;il;1i.",1,:.1",1"1!'l,llo"'.1.,,'n'ii':';';'J,',1'-ii'''f,:,i,'-ti,iv" "'v d '' .i: ^ll 75 loulh lrontrge road vall, colorudo 81657 (303) 47$2138 (3(xl) 479-2139 February 25, L990 Mr. Joey Tonahill Anerican Ski Exchange 225 waLl St Vail, CO 81557 otflce of communlty developmenl Dear Joey, I arn writing concerning your recent Exterior Alteration Request for the American Ski Exchange. As you know, the Planning and Environmental Commissions review has been rescheduled a number of tirnes because the ownerls approval has not been obtained. r spoke with Erich Hill on Feb 2oth concerning the project and we agreed that the project would be removed fron the Planning Commissions March 12 Agenda and would not be rescheduled until the ownership issue is resolved. In order to reschedule the appLication for PEC, we wi-11 need a written agreement between the appropriate owner(s) which witl legally allow you to expand your shop into the reguested area. If you should have any questions concerning the application, please feel free to contact me at 479-2L38. Sincerely, NA \] \\ a\f.)J"-t*\\^r \\\-s.\Lo shelly il"Lr" Q' cc: KPErich HilL ,{;'czl<d, | 'zro'lo Brondess-Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. 281 BRIDGE STREET . VAIL, COLORADO 81657 January 29, L989 Robert T. Lazier P.O. Box 527Vail, CO 8L658 Dear Bob: Concerning the enclosed public notice regarding expansionplans for the American Ski Exchange, I would like to refer-ence a relative section of the Condominium Declarationwhich Etates, "The general common elements shall be ownedin common by all owners of the apartment, office and storeunits and shall remain undivided, and no owner shall bringany action for partition or division of the general commonelements." (Section t0) However, inasmuch as cotnmon elements were sold to one ofthe owners (#302) several years agto, a similar arrangementcould be worked out in this instance. If you would reimbursethe Association the going rate for commercial space (basedon two appraisals obtained at your expense), the abovereferenced section of the Declaration could again be waived. Since Joeyts hearing is in two weeksr lou may want to movequickly on the appraisals. Sincerely, CMG Encl-osurecc: .roey/amerj.can Ski Exchange TOV PEC v/ REAL ESTATE (303) 476-1450 . nTcrar!1r ^ Tta\itc I onn.rao DENVER TOLL FREE 893-3101 \t/\fl . -Av la^a\ A1/\ ^1r|^ PUBLTC NOITCE NOTfCE fS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Cornmlssion of the Town of, Vail wiLl hold a public bearing accordance with Section 18.65.060 of the rnuniclpal code of Town of Vail on February L2, LggO at 3:00 p.rn. in the Tosrn Itunicipal Building. Consideration of: IN the of Vail 1. A request for a rninor subdivision and zone change for Lots 4 & 5, Block 2, Bigborn lst Additlon. Applicant! sable/Lupine Partners, Ltd. request for an exterior alteration for the Arnerican Ski on Block 5c, vailExchange in the Wall street Building vilLage First rifing. Applicant: Anerican Ski Exchangre A request for an exterior alteration for Condorniniurn Unit #3 in the Gore Creek Plaza Building at 193 East Gore Creek Drive, Btock 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Michael sanner/Piero Rivolta 4. A request to rezone a Speclal Development District for the carden of the Gods on Lot K, Block 5, ValI Village Fifth Filing at 365 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Garden of the Gods, Mrs. A.G. HilI Fanily 3. .VtA&w To Ap.l.,' wrr:uT*Y+s PUBLIC NOTTCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environrnental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of Vail on February L2, L99O at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: l-. A request for a minor subdivision and zone change for Lots 4 & 5, Block 2, Bighorn Lst Addition. Applicant: Sable/Lupine Partners, Ltd. 2. A request for an exterior aLteration for the Anerican Ski Exchange in the Wall Street Building on Block 5C, VaiI Village rirst Fili.ng. Applicant: American Ski Exchange 3. A request for an exterior alteration for Condominiun Unit #3 in the core Creek Plaza Building at 193 East Gore Creek Drive, Block 58, Vail village First Fili.ng. Applicant: Michaet Sanner/Piero Rivolta 4. A request to rezone a Special Developrnent District for the Garden of the Gods on Lot K, Btock 5, Vail Village Fifth Filing at 365 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Garden of the Gods, Mrs. A.G. Hill Family 5. An arnendment to Special Development District 4, Cascade Village, to amend Area D, Glen Lyon office Building at L000 South Frontage Road West, Lot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: clen l-,yon office B1dg. - A colorado Partnership 6. A reguest for a height variance for Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Potato Patchr Alpine Townhones IV. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach 7. A reguest for an exterior alteration for a portion of Lot 1-, Block 2, YaiI Lionshead Third filing; vailglo lodge. Applicant: Craig Holzfaster 8. A request for an amendnent to Special Development District 23 and a parking varj.ance to aLlow for an office expansion, for the Vail National Banlc Building at l-08 South Frontage Road west, a resubdivision of part of Lot D, Block 2, VaiI Village Second Filing. Applicant: Vail National Bank BuiLding corp. 9. A reguest for a side setback variance for Vail Village Sixth Filing, Lot 6, Block 2. Applicant: Clinton c. Ames, Jr. o APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE out. lnpp'l i cati on----! ec-r--!!.!96 9 Date of PEC Meeting .ran- 8, r ggo I. Planning.and Environmental Commissiori review is required for the a] terationof.an existing building which adds or removes any dnclosed floor a""i or 99!99qt_Ourio or the replacement of an existing building L0CATED IN THE CCIDISTRICT. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT-MUsT BE fEVIEWED BY THE ORB. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME 0F APPLICANT 4merican Angler and American Ski Exchange ADDRESS ?25 tlaLL St. Vaif , Co. B.NAME OF ADDRESS PHONE 476-t4?? AppLICANT,S REpRESENTATIVE Paradigm Design (drich Bifll P.O, 7JI Vail, Co. PHONE 476-6397 NAME OF OWNER( SIGNATURE(S) ADDRESS LOCATION OF ADDRESS E. FEE $ 100.00 THE FEE MUST BE PAID REVIEt^l YOUR PROJECT. PHON E D.PR0P05AL; _L.ESIL Ilazier Arcade Bldg. (blk. 5C,V. V. 1st !'rI]-ng/ 225 'NaLl- St. Vail, Co, p^rl-.b|/ry_cr LqllL _ey n*"-S/L t'"/.^n -d- BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I,|ILL II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE hIITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION |.lILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE AN APPOINT- I4ENT l'lITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION |.1ILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT EY-D.EEMASING THE NUMBE]I OF COIIDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED IiIITH BEFOREA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISS'MD'. THE FOI.LOWING IIUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Improvement survey of property showing property lines and location of building and any improvements on the land. B. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subjectproperty INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their mailing AddTeSSeS. THE APPLICANT |.IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. ),r./ / / {U /12,,'"2," sc Mr* /A-4 {rv-l) .br+ (-. \- Y sqNIr1) OVER -0w ,4/c4, ,A 4 //ap/ . 'l It t PAnADIcM DEsIcN Comnunity' .Develop ement fovrn of VaiI 75 South Frontage Roadvair co. 87557 Rer American Angler/Ameri"canWalI Street Building Dear Betsyr Dec. 18 1989 Ski Exchange Addition * *z T't V $ \ c\ s3 F$ This letter is in response to your letter regarding my submittalto the Planning Comurission for the American Angler,/American SkiExchange addition. It is organized to respond to your numberedquestions. 1. The 100.00 fee was paid on Dee. Z, t989, 2. The owners signature was submitted on Dec. 7, L989. 3. The site coverage increase is 8? s.f. I will use the condo map to show this and it witl be forth conj_ng. , .'-\.A.D) ht6{1- ?e-o?gqf ot/rr.be@3 | 4. iThe Lodge 1/4 Gore'Creek Dr.\-_/,/Plaza Lodge 291 Bridge St. \ , rn c- --.Viilio-auiraiirg Zai-Eridi" st. ) Yktv, Stto+l *--' Hong Kong Cafe 227 ilIall St. c\::l 5, This is a retail conmercial addition which is in conformance. \' with the CCI zoning. 6. -.Uy statement' is organized to respond to the Urban DesignConsiderations.a. The addition reenforees the pedestrain nature of yrlall St.b. lhere are,no vehicle penetrations.c. The streetscape frameworkl street enclosure and street edgeare nai.ntained by the coniinuation of the building tine aiddisplay windows that exist on WaJ-J. St.f. The building height is not changed.g. The views are not changed. Zoning Code Iterns -Density is increased by 8/ s.f. -No landscaped area is reduced. -A parking fee will be paid. -ArchitecturaUy the naterials of the addition complinent the Lazier Arcade Building and the style of the bay windows addsinterest to the ecclectic nature of u{aII St. 1960 NEWTON STREET , DENVDA, COLORADO 80204 (sos)lzz-oroz P.O. BOX 781 VAIL, CoLOBADO 81668 (sog)lze+ssz t rA '| !t ! PARADIGM DEsIcN ABCHITECTUBS PLANNINC INTENIONS 7. In regard to the question of comBatibility with the neighbothodd. Most of the shops on Wall St. have bay windows t3pe displaywindows. They are of various architectural styles. This ecclecticmirture of styles brings lnterest to the pedestrain street tbatfronts these shops. An awning will shelter tlre entrance door. There are many examples or this in the Village Core. If you have any questions of need any nore infornation'.Sleaseeantact nel Erich HilIArchitect 1960 NEWTON STREET , DENVEB, COLOBADO 80204 (soalazz+aoz Slncerely, P.O. BOX ?31 VAIL, CoLOBADO 81668 (gos)+zo-ossz .*-, 75 goulh fronlage road Yall, colorado 81657 (300) 47$2138 (300) 479-2139 ollico ol communlty developmenl December 4, 1989 Mr. Erich Hill Paradign Design P.O. Box 731Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: American Angler/Arnerican Ski Exchange WaI1 Street Building Dear Erich: We have reviewed your application for an exterior alteratj.on for the above property. we will need the following as soon as possible: L. 5100 fee. 2. The signabure of the owner of the building, or if thet/' applicairt owns his space, his signature plus sondo association approvat if one exists will be necessary. You can handle this with a letter that has the signature. 3. An irnprovernent survey of the property plus numbers indicating amount of site coverlge. (I€ is possible that a variance to site coverage will be needed. ) /4. The names and. mailing addresses of adjacent property owners. J5. A statement telLing how the proposal is in conformance wj-th the purpose section of CCI . J A. Statements telling how the proposal complies h/ith the VaiI village urban oesi-gn Guide Plan re: pedestrianization, et aI. A statement as to why this proposal is cornpatible with the I character of the neighborhood. There will b.e a parking fee for the arnount of additional retailspace, I have calculated the addition to be 87 square feet.fn Commercial Core I, the fee is $3,000 per space with one space needed per 300 square feet. 87 divided by .29 x $3,000 300 = .29 = g 870. This fee witl be due You nay also arrange The first installmentis issued. 50. before the building pernit will be issued.for five installnent paynents with interest. would then be due before the building permit This looks like a real irnprovenent to the visibitity for the shop.If you have any guestions or conments on all this stuff, Erich, you know where to reach ne! Sincerely, Planning Technician J?O''r \ IBetsy Rosolack 3^^,)- Enrltz / ,{/" *'t 7 tr-e- S. fr.tk1 n 1u*{.+_'/ t-t tF' -jiT- - Al'-+; cu-au/.- o.a c<.< .a4- {IL ..^- 5lr/ .4i *--- ! 2q 3 ,ro, s-o 7 !"i':ro fuJlr fl*-11 2.,4-4.-- ! YtV ^JZ--.<1 C ,c7'fJJ4 rtb o-9 --- Pu / 9"'u ^\ k' r \utl { '^r'' ^N (-A.'l 6l'hi8t \, out. olppl ication----.!ec. gil 9j!- Date of PEC Meeting .rar'- B, lggO TION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS FICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE 2?5 Natt St. Vail, Co. I. P1 anning and Environmental Commission review is required for the alterationof,an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or 9!!g9or patio or the replacement of an existing building LoCATED IN THE CCIDIsrRIcr. FoLLowING pEc AppRovAL, THE pRoJEcr-MUSr eE ftrvtrwED By rHE DRB. The application wiil not be accepted until all jnformation is submitted. A. NAME 0F APPLICANT I\rlerican Angler and American Ski rJxchange ADDRESS B.NAME OF ADDRESS pHorur 476-1477 AppLICANT'S REpRESENTATIVE Paradigm Design (Erich ltillJ P.0. 731 Vail, Co. pxsNp416-6391 c.NAME OF OI.JNER(S) SIGNATURE( S) (print or type) ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF ADDRESS PROP0SAL: LEGAL Lazier Arcade Bldg. (blk. 5C,V. V- 1st r'11rngi PHONE 22 WatI St. Vail, Co. PAID cK# BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I,JILL E. FEE $100.00 THE FEE MUST BE PAID REVIEt,l YOUR PROJECT. BY II. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l,1lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDTO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. _NO APPLICATION l'lILL-'BE ACCEPTED UNLESS^IT IS-COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEM5 REQUIRED BY THEzONING ADMINISTRAT0R). IT Is rHE ApptrcRr,rls nrspoN5isiltry'ro Mnrr Rn Appornr- MENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL sUBMITTAL REQUIREM-NiS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION l,lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESSFOR Y0uR PROJECr av-DE-f,R-eEtNG THE NUMBER or conorrior'iS or nppnovel-rHAi----THE PEc MAY STIPULATE. ALL coNDITIoNS 0F AppRovAL lluli sr coMpLrED wrTH BEFoREA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUE_D. THE FOLLOWING MUST gT iUBI,ITTTTO: A. Improvement.survey of property showing property lines and location ofbuilding and any improvements on the iahd.' B. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subjectproperty INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS STREETS, and their irailing AddTCSSCS. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDREiSES. OVER t I CCI III. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A. -The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scareor I" = 20' sH0l,ltNG EXISTING AND PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS T0 THE strE. Avariationr of the sheet size or scale may be approved by the communityDevelopment Department if justified. B. The date, lgllh-arrow, sca] e and name of the proposed development WITH ITS LEGAL DESCRIPTION sha'il be shown on the'site plan. ' c. The existing topographic character of the site including existingand proposed contours. This condition wi'l'l only be reqiired for-anexpansion area where there is a change of two fLet of jrade. D. The existjng and proposed landscaping, patios. E. The location of al1 existing and proposed buildings, structures, and improvements. F. ,A title report to verify ownership and easements. SUBMIT IN WRITTEN AND GRAPHIC FORM A PREPONDERANCE THE PLANNING ANQ ENVIR,,IT{MENTAL COMMISSION INDICATING IV.THE APPLICANT SHALL OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THAT: A. THE PROPOSAL IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PURPOSES OF THE CCI DISTRICT.AS SPECIFIED IN 18.24.0'IO. B. THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGNGUIDE PLAN REGARDING: ' l. Pedestrianization2. Vehicle Penetration3. Streetscape Framewofk4. SLrcel Errslusure5. Street Edgeq. Buildins Height' 7. Views8. Sun Shade Consideration MANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED BY GMPHIC MEANS, SUCH {I^ITFTC!qS, SIMULATIONS, MODELS (INCLUDING NEICHBORiNG AUiiDINGii, PHOTOS, ETC. IF THE APPLICANT IS PROPOSING A DESIGN GUIDE PLAN, THE PROCEDURE 18.24.220(B). C. THE PROPOSAL iS COMPATIBLE I,IITH V. THE TOWN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI ALSO DESCRIBES OTHER ZONING ISSUESTHAT THE APPLICANT MUST RESPOND TO IN I{RITTEN ON ENNFHiC TONN. VI. THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIE|..l OF THE APPLICATION. VII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR.MODIFICATIONS IN CCI INVOLVINGMORE THAN 100 SQUARE FEET 0F FL00R AREA nni-or'rii nivirweo sEMI-ANNUALLy. THEyNEED T0 BE SUBMITTED BEFoRE THE FoURTH MoNDAv oF MAy 0R NovEMBER. rHi priH0LDS A PRELIMINARY RtvIEW seiston wITHIN zt DAys 0F THE suBMrrrAL DATE. A PUBLIC HEARING SHALL BE HELD WITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRELIMINARY REVIEt,'l SESSION. APPLICATIONS FOR THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT ADDS OR NEITOVTS NNVENCL0SED FL00R AREA 0F NOT M0RE THAN 100 SQUARE FEET MAy BE suBMrTTEo ni-inr BEQUINTO TIME OF THE MONTH FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REVIEl.I. FOR MORE SPECIFICS ON THE REVIEl.l SCHEDULE, SEE SECTION 18.24.065 A5.' -'--' MAJOR CHANGE TO THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN FOR CHANGES ARE NOTED IN SECTION THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. -J Prolect Name: Project Applicatlon M/iUi TRT.DT8S SIORE FRSNT "rA/3/tro Date Proiect Description: Contact Person and CillJCii 5IRUV[ 41i3-9531 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Addr€ss and Phone: 25 vJa i Srree - Filing Design Review Board La/1i,/86Date Molion by: Seconded C J JI :by: APPFOVAL DISAPPROVAL f *. *,. i:, Summary: E statt Approval ' 196 Surnmit County Rd. 450 BRECKENRIDGE, COLORADO 80424 (303)453.9531 453-1855 nr'|,^ @7=, /{oe Cice.'- 'n /' f(*vrtttrUO Tae,,utc , *d MOUNTAIN TEES P. O. Box 1016 Jno D[Ierm],@ LETTER /o- /3-te subi".: ku/ gzD'' S/or<€H*,1 - ,Qg'*.ragz 7rre@ ,& a kt tru{} fuaae D6to,tl ruE ftlnt 7Z.fiA7ZS Srozrs-Zaaruf ,+S Sd66e7nsA ry laue fl No reply necessary FoRfl rao-2 Avalable iiom 6i;i-i_7h., G.mrh.0la7l To!*lt{Ilt ItL FffE 1+@26.6tsC) ilfP; i i- 75 south lronlage ro8d vall, coloredo 81657 Remode'l october z, lggU 476-7000 Mr. Chuck Struve Up iour Image, Inc. P.0. Box 1016 Breckenridge, Colorado 80424 Re: Maui Traders Storefront Dear Chuck: The Planning Staff of the Community Development Department has reviewed your Design Review Board submitta'l to remodel the store front of the old Gourmet Cheese Shop. This project is located in Cormercial Core I zone district and exterior alterations must comply with the design considerations outlined in the Vail Vil'l age Urban Design Guide Plan. The staff recommends that you study the Deslgn Considerations (enclosed) and reconsider your design as it relates to the objectives of this plan. hlhile you may proceed with your application to the Design Review Board, staff would recommend you consjder design modifications in nesponse to the Urban Design Guide Plan. As a part of their review, the Design Review Board will ask you for a response as to how your design complies with these design consi derati ons. If you keep the present design, p'lease bring material samples to the meeting on October 15 at 3:00 PM. Any changes to your design must be submitted to our offlce by Monday, October 13th. In all 'l ikelihood, the Board will want to see actual material samples at thejr meeting. Enclosed also is a form to comp'lete for work done in Commercial Core I. You may bring this completed forn to the meeting or mail it in time to reach us before the meeting. Please do not hesitate to ca1 I with any questions you may have. Si ncerel y, Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician olflce of communlly dcvclopment l.lrrr)l,i ( o, t) Gou t( ^'r(tfc t* t;t;t c- ISr+"p/ A4 nai fr o/ez.z-, T0:. Design Review Board Applicants for projects in CCI and CCII FR0M: Department of Community Development Development proposals in CCI and CCII are reviewed by the Design Review Boardwith respect to Design considerations as outlined in the urban Design Guide !1an. These Design Considerations address various architectural ani landscapefeatures. It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate whethertheir proposal is complyj ng with these considerations. The Design Considerationsfor the Village and Lionshead are available upon request. P'l eas6 feel free tocontact Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz with any questions you may have. Vail Village I'1. Roofs /t// + 6. Landscape rr*"n trU/^ 7. Service /f/ft Lionshead l. Hei ts and m 'I ng 3. Facad I s/structure 4. Facades - Tra 2. Facades #)9u.<-, /'A/filbdzls 3. .Ba'lconies MI4 4. Decks and Patios -/a 5. Accent Elements ft/aaD /G/4ss (over) parency MAUI TEADERS EtfTEN,toRT R€'\I.ObCL a-Aeqrf +13,tf{ + Stucco "SAlfDSTd\rE' $rsuucRer2ri06 cAli-$BA0 cANY0ri N $ nls $ I K q -J Fo ft 'J\ .A APPLICATION DATE:e _ zl _tt" DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION I5 SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-app1 ication meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica-tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditjons of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. DESCRI PTION:PROJ ECT*+A- B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 7Lt Nm,c * " UrutT4fou UftU-.g. BLb6- Legal Description Zoni ng Lot Bl ock Fi ling C. NAME OF APPLICANT; Address D. NAME OF Address E. NAME OF S i gnatu Address F. DRB FEE: VALUAT ION tD.%tbI b ICKeL|(e7./ KLD6C , APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : d.bau -\!-*'v The fee will be paid at telephone {5345,3/ si-R.u vr telephone {53-Z>tt I t/eptt* f. €tlYe,QT stake the site be removedvisits the the time a FEE ui I 00 00 00 00 00 00 bu ding permit 'is reOuestear) frurts teilpnone t63 -$3t tJtrr(i'-,t-$ 0-$ 10,000$10,00i-$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 .0 n .U n .0 $to $zs $so $1oo $2oo $3oo IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must to indicate property lines and buildjng corners. Trees that will should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB site. 2. The review process for NEI,J BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Rev'iew Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. Peopie who fail to appear before the Des'ign Rev'iew Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement wjll be required to be repubi i shed. OHNERS: .bx@tb 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. Windows, skyfights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condomin'i um associ ati on. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. I. NEt^l CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. L'icensed surveyor's stamp. 2, Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ) . 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year f1 ood plain and slopes 40% or more, 'i f applicabie. 6. Ties to existjng benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. 7. Locations of the fol low'i ng: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locatjons of all utilities to include exjsting sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: cable TV sewer gas Tel ephone water el ectri c c. Property lines showing d'istances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. Al I easements 8. Existing and fjnished grades. 9. Al 1 existing and proposed 'improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining wa11s (w'i th spot e1 evations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine he'ight of building. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availab'i 1ity. To be submitted wjth site plan. C. Preliminary title report to accompany alI submittals, to insure property ownership" and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or larger trees,,other'shrrLibs_anO^iiatiVe plants thaare on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape areas w'ith the varieties and approximate sizes of p'l ant materiajs to be planted. N 2. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost- N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site p1 an, so that the inter-relatjon of the various components is clear. The landscape p1 an should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. 'E. Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1' or larger) 2 copies . 1. Must include f1 oor plans and all elevations as they wi1'l appear on compietion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Comr1runity Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and,/or DRB may requ'ire the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project w'i 11 comply w'i th design guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS 1/ Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) ' of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they prov'ide alf important specifications for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. 0r'iginal floor plans w'i th al 1 spec'i fications shown B. Floor p'lan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and coior samples on materials list available at Department of Cornmunity Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each uti'l ity verify'ing location of service and availability. See attached utility location verifjcatjon form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the project'i s underway, the foliowing will be requ'i red before any build'ing receives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certifjed improvement survey showing; A. Building locations w'i th tjes to property cornersn j.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensjons to nearest tenth of foot. C. Al 1 utility service ljnes as-builts showing size of lines, tyPe of materia'l used' and exact locations. 2 copies D. Drainage as-bu'i Its. 2 copies E. Basis of beari ng to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. All easements H. Bu'i 1d'i ng fIoor elevations and roof ridge elevations. NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PRO ^-(""t/ The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven; A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof by the appf icant to the Design Review COLOR Si di ng 0ther tlall Materials Fas ci a Soffi ts |.li ndows tili ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enc] osures Greenhouses 0ther LIST OF MATERIALS B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Dnone: PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani'cal Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* for coni fers. (over) EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Ind'icate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate hejght . 9LANT-MTERIALS: Botanical Name common Name Quanit.v Size.. (con't) SHRUBS EXISTiNG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Type Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER:LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. UTILIfi LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS ltre location of utilities, whether they be nain trunk lines or proposedlines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the acconpanying site p1an. Authorized Siqnature Date Mountain Bel I I -634-3778 Nestern S'l ope Gas Harry Moyes Publjc Service Company Gary Hail * Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vai I Cab'l e T.V - Gary Johnson Upper Eagi e Vai i ey tlater and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek * For new consl please fill ou1 attached sheet, NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Departrnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenert j.n the Torrrn of Vai1, d buildj.ng permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut pernit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling j.nstallations. DATE: LEGAL DEMTPTMN'LOI B]OCK ADDRESS: ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Filing OI,INER Phone PhoneARCHITECT- ZONE DIST PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght TotaI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retai ni.ng Wal I Hei'ghts Park'i ng Credi ts: Garage Al I owed (30)(33) Prooosed 20' L5' 15', ( 30) ( 50) Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Environmental/Hazards: Avalanche (3oo)(600) (eoo)( 12oo) (so)(1oo) (2s)(50) (2oo) (4oo) Sl ope Actua'l Flood Plain Sl ope l,'letl ands Geologic Hazards Corments: Zoning: Approved/D'isapproved Date: Staff Signature 75 soulh frontage road Yall, colorado 81657 october 2, fg$476-7000 Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician otflca of cornmunlty develoPment Mr. Chuck Struve Up Your Image, Inc. P.0. Box 101.6 Breckenridge, Colorado 80424 Re: Maui Tnaders Storefront Remodel Dear Chuck: The Planning Staff of the Community Development Department-has reviewed your Oliign R"uiEw Board submittal to remodel the store front of the old Gourmet Ctt""i" Stop. ffris prJject is located in Cormercjal Core I zone district and eitenior aiterationi mist comply with the design considerations outlined in the V"ii Village Urban OeJign Guide-Plan. The staff recommends that you-study the Oesign Coniiderations (inc'l osed) and reconsider your design as it relates to the objectives of this Plan. trthile you may proceed with your application to the Design Review Board, staff woula -recommind you considei desibir modifications in response to the Urban ii..ign euiae pfai't. As a part of lheir review, the Design Review Board will ask yo, io. a response as to how your design comp'l ies with these design consi derati ons. If you keep the present design, please bring material samples to the meeting on OitiU"" 15'at 3:b0 PM. Rny itrinbes to your design must be submitted to our oiiii. by Monday, qctober igth. -tn all likelihood, the Board will want to see actual miteli al-i"tpi"i at their meeting. Enclosed also is a form to complete ion work done jn Coltmercia'l Core I. You may bring this completed form to the meeting or mail it in time to reach us before the meeting' Pl ease do not hesitate to call with any questions you may have' Sincerely, i*, rr. j .i i:ii :t i-j{..jii!.jii: i ti.. 1. .;i.. r; F{r tliFi i:;'-r-1,J f,'., ii,, Ii{-]'". i .ti;Jl; .1.:r1:; j.,.... ., L ill.. i.ii:{iil}i..1 t!.j. *:,:rii:! nfrF-f'l::.l'!i.:lrr i:i .;;i ';i ,, .1.:rii:'i1:l 1..!f, Y{..ll.iiiir f. ilnirii::_ ,, 1 i..i;.. ., I',, ij.. Fiil,-. .l.r..L,l $i;:i:L{..t},..r.l:i.i!:i ] it;:il: . i i.i" i"ii.i4:;: + {.i$. l'l'l l - i::. i'lL:. i,i .; i.-ll\lI l- :1. -:i , l"JtiLL- {.:{:L-i..!Fi:1;jl.i :i1-; i*-'l;.i.: 'jl.:{..i ::!i::i:nlI j::i::iI i..Ji.J l-t.l f:;;i:rt ;{-iiii:i-. :;: i ii'ij[. l- j:]t l fi-j.) L l'Ji-i " .i:i5 t{,F)l-.!.-. .-f J!.- *:r'i 1' f4i. i: J[:ir i.il;lf;rl,J ] f..l{.i 5i " I l i:.. t-._r:-tijiI:. i:::J- tr-..r.:. ::1 | lr!t:a: i ., 1' Fi.l_ i._ .. Review Action FL TOWN OF VAIL Date to- ll-1/ , Proiect Name: fl(lt .'lP ffiuildinsName: h>.r Project Descri Aorr. i,'^,1u /an?-, fqch$dVOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Projec{ Street Address: r Zone District (C f Board / Staff Action Vote:Motion by: Seconded by:_ W4, fl Disapproval d(5tutt Aoo,ot r freE ox", /L /?- 11 DRB Fee ,*.*^ i Jg f/ ft01{? s.- r ,o -.t $ ul R $ I t- lf--r ?' , Fte-sI.(^)oo 3 toucr UJooo e2Nqws CoNnrtuoos f'r,lrgthr,r\. Ef O,.'r. n4att9,$qAillt. gtllvl,ftAsorJL\ k;*u-, €aartrruorlg CAWAI^, Ft*rs{uq FATIrEOqeeA,t ID /t*V[ FVtsc.r A \t6gref aVcI,fitbsga LtN-gtL.z"lg" w& FrFar$. Z(httt@4e@' To Iv*V+ E.trtsttt\. 9oFFrT: Tiq krooo Crtor^'q. 5fAru6o ro nnAtzH Exrtftpq. f lrre,uuqe4 qtA.lz 4\-ArD t^r\NOAr, b 6.0r,'r€9 Bof + zif I rt-5t' 9t*rpeo q?€hr 6 rn+ratt FprT. M^goNFnu^U*. Pxlqf(.Corag.SoFftlr 1i.Q wooo grgr^rt . 9.ll$!e0 To nt't(ctt Fxeliuq.-+ I t" FYt>1. 5ErjTtou .ftt9! f5d,q LJ rr.rooq, 1t,rtt= 1l-o u g.zq.1+ "J3g?pf icB{$tr o I .,!c,.> 3 q 3 3 vto 2 Nlfrts J 4.P t$o z4)o- Ji: 9e<o ?P $s sss s \t! is 4 vr43Ho<? €i :e1J,^; 3 $,( ,,9-,' \,i\',vr,fff _tc{ JEt