HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT D E BRIDGE STREET BUILDING AKA CASINO 1980-1985 LEGALt * .t Proiect Name: Proieci Description: Contact Person and Phone C IProject Application owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: f\ Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL I lJown plan ner \1"t,?lr_f_+r___r*X ,** Approval '-ll.-5\rl lF.-rqr piarco. bolduin ond ossociotes, inc. orchitecture . plonning 26 Aprl1 1982 Dlck Ryaa, Town planner Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Road, WestVall, CO,81657 CASINO BTNLDINC REDVSLOP}fiNT BRICK PAVERS, ALLEY LIGHTING for coasideratlon. cc: BllL Andrerpe Don GalganIlorst Krebg Deelgn Revlew Board EncLoeure lJe have Learned froro Bili. Andrewe that the brlck paver utilizett at thePLaza at the south end of warl street Lsl rspJ.rt'paver No. 559" avarl-able fron }ltllen Brlck ln Derver, we undeistand fron our earrLer conver-satLons- qrl-th you that thrs is now the officlal Town of va!1 paver " con-sequently, we w111 be uelng thls paver ln conJunctl0n wrth our proJect. The ,Town of Vail Melnlenance Departoent adv{sedl our office that the only Py of deternLnlng the oake and aodel of the offlclal Town of vaiL streetramp Is to contact the company fron whlcb the lamps were purchased bythe Town--Foothllls Ltghtlng r.n Denver. I{e contacted r.{". Tony pettr.sof that -conpaoy and he advieeal uc that the town ordered custom manufac-tured f{xturea, but a firture very slallar to the Tonm of ValI streetlanp le thelr nodel" nunbere e102, G104, and G105. I,re r^rtll provlde threemodel GL02 fixtures in the alley nounted on the side of the casino Burld-lng and one model" cl02 mounted on the north er.evat ion of the bur.lding.For your convenlence we have incr-uded a photocopy of the fixture we pro-po6e to lnstall. Pl-ease edvlse thls offlce, ln.wrlting, prlor to May l, lf there Ls anyreason to not utir-lze the products mentioned. rf we have not reeeiveda r'trltter rebuttaL to the uee of these rtens by !{ay l, we wi1r proeeedwtth thelr lnstallatlon. 1000 south frontoge rood uest . voil, colorodo g1657 n3/476.4433 \ ( IvIEIUORANDUM TO: PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMJNIT} DEVELOPMENT/PETER PATTEN DATE: August 26, l98l RE: Request for exterior alteration and rnodification to the Casino Building to construct 3 condorniniun units, nerd retail space andoffice space located on lots D and E and a part of lots B, C and F, Block 5C, VaiI Village First Filing. Applicant: Carlos Agostoni and James J. Sprowls. A. BACKGROI'ND AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL The Casino Building has changed ownership and the new ouners wish to rbvise the uses for the property to residential and retaj.l shops. The proposal rePresents a major change in the use of the building, which has always been used as a nightclub--first as Casino Vail, and then as Gartonrs Saloon. The project involves redeveloping the street level spaces to four new retail shops, retai.ning the existing real estate office and naintaining the VaJ.ley Forge as is (with possibly some facade inprovements at a future date). New bay windows for the retail spaces are incorporated with a sidewalk in front. Encroachments of 2r to 3' arl proposed onto TOv right-of-way on the Gorc Creek Drive side to provide rootn ior the stairs and sidewaik near the stores and entrance to the condoniniurns. A previous proposal cane out about 5tfarther and has been scaled back due to negative iown council reactj.on. Landscaping is in the form of aspen trees on the perineter of the sidewalk and planter boxes in the same general areas. A najor segment of the proposal is to redevelop "the a1 ley,, on the southside of the building. Thc proposal entails a snral.L (about lg9 sq ft) officcaddition on the western end of the alley, a glass enclosure of the entranceto Pistachiors, brick paver walkway, and a redevelopment of area to the west of the al1ey toaccommodatc grade changes and nike an attractive, invitingentrance into the alley. :The existing corulerci.al. spaccs fronting tval I street will rcmain as is. ( On the second lcvel will bea new office space of 909 sqdeck renodelcd to a privcLc casino urf-z- B/26/sl the lower levels of the thrce condominiums, .ft. (including over the allcy) and the existin!.1dcck rvith a hot tub. The third level contains thc upper Ievels of two of the units, while a fourth1"y"1 j. being proposed to ac..,mmo.laiu-it'",rpp". levcl o{ rhc third unit.A height increasc of 8r on ttt" =ouii't"tn portion of the buil,lrng is ncccss:rryto accorunodate the upper revcl of this unit duc to the half-,eve] involvetlin the current building design The corrunercial core I District is intended to provide sitcs and to malntainthe unique character of the Vai I viliage commeicial Area, with i.ts mixtureof lodges and comrnercial cstabl ishment! ln-"'p""a"rinantly pedestrian environ-nent' The cornnercial core I District is intenaea to ensure adequate r.ight,air, open space and other aneni ties appropr;."ie to the pernitted types otbuidings- and uses. The District reguiations in accorclance with the vailvillage urban Design Guide Plan and Derign iontiaerations prescrj.be sitedeveloprnent standards that are intended io "r,.,rt" the rnainienance arrd preservationof the tightly clustcred arrang,cments of buildings fronting on peciestria^ways and public greenways anci lo ensure .oniinu"a*on of bui-lding scare an<larchitectural qual itics that tli.stinguish the Vi.Llage. ' The comrnunity Development lJepartmcnt considers that the proposed changes{ conform l: .lh:-o:*;;; ;; Ih" cu*r...iar core r District as outiined. above\ and in the Vail Viilage Urban Dcsign Guide plan. B, COMPLIANCE IIITI] PURPOSE SECTION c. I,AN AND DESIGN CONSIDEfu\TiONS t. a Concept 15 - Facade improvemcnts. Eyesores renovcd,increased facade transparency, entries sirnplifiedand oriented toward int"..".iion.--- 1fni, is addressingthe Gore Creek Drive "t""rii;;:;' tit.;,frtf::.t."rr are incruded _in the proposaJ. by creating retail shops Concept 138 - Mid.-.block conncction (covered) fromBridge Street to Village ptaza. - The proposal calls for the nid-rrl.ck conncction, b.tlonry covers . seve'tcenfoot stretch on the western cncl via the ,,of f ice-bridgc,,, The renainder ofthe walkway is to be heated, u u".f J*i.nrru" proposal .s welr as one wirha high potential for breakro*. -ii.,"'s';itr r".i. irrr.-*"."".tudy is needcda: lo th9 possibility of actually .ou.r:iwith a 8r";,;;;i:-'ill,,;;l.i-,,i,;;';i;il::l:".:il:t:;l:"n::';:1,.,f,.1:";ii;,it clear of snow in the wintcr. Irrobicms to address for. a glass roof wouldbe snow renoval and drainage. ( curinoOae .3- B/26/sl !:l:*. l6 - Key.intersection in Vilrage Core.tseature area paving treatmcnt. ltfris is theGore Creek Drive and Bridge iir"Ji"in."rsection.) Gage Davis and Associ-ates has drar^n some.very prer .minary sketches of thisintersection so that we can attempt to tie-in the casino design with thoseideas' The idea at this ti*; ;;l; "i"ia. a circurar area of special paversin the intersection. . To ,"rpona ;; ;i;; design, the proposal for the casinoBuilding has curved th" ';;;;-;;;;u';;; that corner io urena with the curvi_linear edge of the paving tre,rtnent] Z. Urban Design Con:iderations a, Pede st rian i zat i on Pedestrianization wilr. definitely be inproved in and through three differentareas surroundinc the buil<iing. A new,pedestrian "*p"ri"n"" will energewith the redevelipnent _9{ the"atley ind-the area to ih!*"Lr. o, the a1tey.This new Bridge sireet-villoge prara-r11r< wrr,r ;p;; 6-"-n"* patt"uy throughthe vi1 lage which can onry serve io-"nt"n.. the pedestrian experience. on the Bridge Street side, ths existing ,,dead-end,r walkway will be elininatedto allou/ sidewalk traffic 'u"ou"a--ti"-.o"rr"" to the core creek Drive side.Also irnproved wirl be the;;;;;;t;;; io *,u walkway in front of the plaza FllitTg :*::; un sraa" ch;;;;-;i1"; steps wilr separate this sidewark The Gore creek Drive side wi-I1 be vastly improved offering a new sidewalknear the entrance to.the rrr"pi "ra'iiJ condominiums. Thii wilr enhancethe pedestrian exoerien... by';c;; ;;;-"ing an additional atternative.Tuti"linrlir"iff ;1""" th" ;"d;;;r"iicruaes z, _s; -,i-ioi right_or_way.rhe traffic by-;";;;";ilu"iii"llli,':i:ff.'H:.:,lil:5"ii;:;:i;l;T;i"l*,;:i_. Arso included is a t andscap ing -p""p.rr r of sone aspen trees to increase;1"tffi::";iil,lt this sid;-;; ;;;';ii""t 1p.",un.iv .n"." is virtuary b, Vehicle penetration The tyles of shops that will rnost likery go in will not generate a rargearrcrmt of deliverv traffic. rt" a"iir""v-'reti.ier-r;ii i;"g"u"rned byexisting and future cor" """o-i;r;";;;;"*. The delivery rraffic wi.l1 i1-9l:!iii:J"llfff,:TLil::,:: 3;{:r *e,o,,he erinina,ion o*he and Bridge si"""i-inn. _rraffic ,;;i;;.:il"';J::;filL:.;;i,.1"."1::..r.r"0to occupant deliverv onty anJ-in"-t.""i"t,parking wilr be met via theii"li:f.':;":f;:";;"""1," ;:I; :iil ;i"if,*i";#:" ";,'; li ll""n. parked L ( d. tI.q"t Enclosure naJor or minor view planesthe proposal . by al lowing pedestrian additions along Gore streetscape franework as designated in the U.D.G.p. are affected The encl0sure ratio of street width ro building height is presenrly ata l:1' The inpact of raising irr"-rr"igrri on the south porti.on of thebuilding will Le neeligible;";;;.;";f,;"orrru Lodse is stilr tarrer thanthe Casino Build_ingl even with the addition. e. Street Edge T: !:"n"r11 provides a wel-[ defined street edge with the creation oftne new pedestrian walkways , f. Buildins Heisht The proposal meets the u.D.G.p. iimitations on height: 40eo of the footprintno higher than 40t and,60% of th;;;itiing tootpr'nt no hi.gher than J0,,measured to roof midpoints, even with the additionaL Bron the southend . Viewsg. No by ,h ,lrt.t .:l 't, 5. br a. Setbacks - Site Area - .l7g Zero setback al lowed acre or 7797 sq ft Proposed: East B I South 6 | West 6 'North j I c"rl Bidg -4- B/2(t/Bi c. Strcetscape Franework % The streetscape franework will be greatLy rmprovedflow in three new areas and "fiorlniting the tack_onCreek Drive. New retail ,top, "iii-e;E"try aid theas we1 1. L c. Heigh.t - see height above g. tr!:ru rs!:ef GRFA s ite area .I79 acre UNITS .179 acre x 25 casin,, frg, T:t?'il*flofr- -l h?rtt*rs Ondetzry GRFA Allowabte q.ratio __qBf4_ -o, /faz .--- ^ \"<9 /bd? a.b-- aa..80 =i..6237rsq ft (*.,.,, .-,' _,-:_:_,-_:.du =., c'l.t/ sq Fr /.tu-:i=l " qt) /o7G--]--- .-! 9qz-7 €Ffu units/acre = 4 units '--------- PROPOSED .r:---:--.-/ J Unlts \o f 6237 sq Fr plus 20eo of GRF'A alioweclfor conmon areas. e' P*-*t-t+-- as.mentioned earlier, an increase in landscaped areas:.s Delng propos ed. f' lglftrt - -The appticable parking. fee wirl be required for the retailspaces and the condorniniums. Flrst payrnent or it. pr.ting fee isdue at the tirne of t"rpnrary .".tifi""a. ot occupancy. ( 4. Architectura l _eld. _!e!4:q{s. g9[*4_9_Bgst: These will be addressed by the Design Review Board. at a r.ater date.It appears the buildinc ;rp"ou"*"nts follow the Design considerationsvery well. ,\n '\tt, 1 tFfxl}- Wh .dt ,ItdWf CP,hr'REcon'rENpArroN t/# t+U ' W.v elz The Departrnent of Conmunity Development recommends approval. of the redevelopnentof the casino Building' we find tiat theproposa.r includes many positiveasPects for the virrlel rr ir."""ritie p"adrt"i"n fi;;-;;;;"; the buildins,adding ner^r pedestrian expericnces on"tirree sides of the uuiraing and generarrvlnproving the aesthetici of trt" rt".,"lrt". The aLley proposal is a goodone, if the covered roof can U" ir"""p"aated antl if itrs workable, The conditions of approval are as fo_[ows: l' That the appricant agrees to participate in and not remonstrate againsta speciar inprovement districi if and when forned ror-vair Village. 2, That the appli,il,.r"ji";";;;:l:.":5"iiril,fiil':",:l:"f"1,;;{ :1",il:';1.:'.5:::ementsDrive and Bridge street Int""!""tiol: -1od rhe proposed irnprovernents tothe area to the southwest or ttre-buiiding. as it ionn..a, to the vi.rlagePlaza sreps. In additig", th" ;;tlicant rvill be responsibre to studyalternatives for the alley, in"filiing a permanent covcr; anci that thefinal design ancl materior',ir"il'u" subnittecl and approvcd by the Tovmof vail. construction nust bc compretcd no rater'in""-arr" tall of r9g2.L f rno Bldg -6- B/26/sl 3, That the applicant^participates financially in the constructlon ofa trash enclosure facility (cornpactor) in ihe orrey or-ine sriferBui.1 ding . 4' That-the applicant receive a revocabre right-of-way agreenent withthe Town for use of property belonglng to the Town. t = J' :.'- "t(l)- r-) : \oix 'D -\ro-l , ?, ),: 5 +,> !4^O-.cf O lc OO >:l ! O I -'t f O O O\ -I -f, EQE U O -. O - {-. .lf3 ^1 :tQto Oo o oto (,)i -q Q O -'O o c t -.O o!x = r r 3 o- J r xPi' fl3r30 13sa;' .-- q -r o, f o o .o 3 o,S;' -o8mi o' JF;;'o_^ LrNo -o T ! -.9l . \t-o:r o r tr c) =n \,f 0., 3 .+ i u^j rPfi -r o o o r n O@> \O O jto O O C rir\r_!!+-+OJ-O=a_ o {o\-.(n -f \oo -Qo -qO o { -.r -+-n\J - \O:13: (o \J O_O -I o ' O + o -o O+c -'r o d.'0(/- '1 1-1_ol o clo.5' --i- O N3 >O 1. -+ rln -.1E O. \O of,-o, 3(n 0l mOv) 0)da-' 39o 3:J oo oo o,-1 30 -lo.-+oocro o o.o o. -+{o o:l ! o.@oour c) -'l -r - L,.t O t, O mO Lrl OJ O Jf(o' ou -+ -i!ro6r oj * 6 6@\o -+ -t o odNJ -.O -r o3 {<_!Ul \,NJt{ ooo-1 o.LO I6 \r t\) JE \O -Jo!No\ 3t- 3 o-'I I lal-r co @ t- o.!q\Ol-.lnlo l'rlot-$ 5 iNi(.obq. co I 0)ulo lC)\ilrOjHH l0l.!lf IP\n'.nlal\ { ,l o 3Lnlcl(, lqt=a5 l',rq 'j lrn -+\nl:r I II lJ1lor' to\ ol-lo I f.,) A VI f..J H 5 bq P \n :!q, LN t- :. {') ,:) aI _- Q) TN (1] .: Cu = "#"# ?1 FPk-].'zd:?7 =-d-{'2 g*.'-'.4 F c-6-7 +Tqi 7ers. .4. N:\!q cle l, i,o N f\, Olco zz o\{ !c 5C) TA ,5 tc. 5\n.o\ o\ tlb{ JLn .\o \on @ tq -J r{ \O .* N8 tt\*c llft g IN'ls t_D Ri \jl 'cllslnb{c - t- ' lso\ l-= .+ .\o Oliit N) q .-t-.o.N.\\-> i-+ R rtr RW \-rlN sllT- l-l/- o' }1.lt ur/t -+lEc <J) -l= o)-.-+ a) )<t Ol r-r0 c -+ (D () a J () -! 1. o -+ ql t., IYO f.) o-1 ?. (n rrl "i,:| .':i ii l;li * ll * I lti!S '!r !ri it', I f c i.F: lr r ., .,- -',?!ii!i-":ili': -l.rii:tti;; r'li r:.r i;ill:i; i:i;;!!-:t i itlir-'!iiYtit:.-t- i i i:i:i il Irf: lil i I;illlg:ii :l!! i:!it E! -l:t:i*t- 3 !ri-l:!ili^r.it-ii!i!iii.-t't:!.-5tLlil!r;!iI I I.l f1 t! t I I ti:t Ir illr -l ilil ii .; iii rii til iii iil iti ::,i i iirt tiii iiti i;iirlt: !i; it:'- t i:i; lii! itri iIri t; ,tI lr it:lIti! :l.tt i-':t 5i ..;l!t: t:lirl itrl!:rI ,lt.tl I I I ! : i.at:: ,|l ttil ii.: tl:r :lt!.t I I I t Ii I I I i I l, l!irrlili :: r!l!bi:--ir!l' 3: ii ,,.1 t::- ;t i! !: i' iirti:rirl.ti !l iilr;.tt ii :jrl tr il:l l. ii t 1a ! I FI t ! i a 2 : Ii.It ! ;t, ; Ia '8 3 = E =3 ==I2 () HG6 lrl -F at !fll 'rlii,l{irt, a t,;.::lr!flrliltlt rllirllilsti|:lil II I ,l t E 1t i'8 5 I I 6 E ! I I o i it+ E"FE -lJ; ,.).,., ' . .ij.. t:.:li 1.5 ,lt t I I , IIIt ri I II I I,r:tl !It:r! I I T I aft 6 1 ' "i ,. 1 ilr !.iiii .l I . rltl r'!t I. ::l ti iii !i irr I!.:;l Ii iiil, ;i;1J.j 1,; ! €tlr' 3 Iil t;:rlt||ra;riI ta. iii:lIitr!'i:l'sl:Ir:ill 1!;ti:ili .,4 ,:. i i 'I :1 f," ti: Tit {ii l. l:, a; rl{".ii ;;i | '.'l!lCf lrfIEFG,. tD'l' ult,F 3!t rft-itii ttI -lls "li!ii:l 'ti; .a;,t rrt\ I I eI rL rE E I t i g q I I J,t1 I IiI II It ilt{ lioi: at i'J :4 I =3 ==8zo(J II' I ! _r l E ili--^ it ,ltii iI I t I I it tI ! I li:gt' ltH!1rf tl H l'lia!{rilltl t'l .'.^ t-Igi!!l :!\ : I,ri ..rt I r: !${!ra fl f- =Dz =I 6 hldEh P F I L-r L. i- -1 r"-l-rlr tiI! r:- A i tI ! a =32 =ooz,o() P Iqr il ---t ouro.(9TEFG @ -_l I iI -' lrl:EF t Il--r {it;? !!i It I I I : t I II r:r" -'-t ---.l =3z PE:oPZ E8firfr lrl EH f;HFIEo lr,:trFl !!lF.'ll __..3__r_,.11 tl,lr tl. ---jL--.lL___F.Tl .tl'lt ------{J: t-tiii.l, li llt,l llr\.J Iil;l '-n --'t iit c -L--r -:---r I t_" I L liia::i giii T I r., T- I =ez =o CIz,o() F lrJlrlGF(t, lrl(to E,o ldTt- P E T- .--..r---l I ri ;t tl-- 'r i f--'L----r-r----F L. L. L, tt\ $q I € I d {q a.k V ,.d$1{ts-JU.J=('-. ""S 't. d rJ ( ^\.,4-,\ntr't$ \\\n \\\\ \ F$ (v,00 .'tN il.' -{ q L +.\- r{ \ $ w\)\JN VNI' s t,, ]\{\{} \x\)- $ \) \l .$ { trlrt $,il '\ tr\,, )i\\Ji n'l { i' FOR TMSH COMPACTOR INFOMATION, PLTASE SEE ''VILLAGE TRASH COMPACTOR.,' STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE January 6, September AFFIDAVIT I, RON PHILLIPS, Town Manager for the Town ofVail, Eagle County, Colorado. do her6by certify that thedocuments described. below and attached hereto ir. true andcorrect copies of record.s from the Town of Vail, EagleCounty, Colorado:1. Application form for exterior alterationsctated t{.ay 26, 1981, by Agostoni and Sprowls (3 pages);2. planning and Environmental Commiision Agend.aof June 8, 1981 (one pige);3. Casino Building updated schedule, dated JuIy20, 1981 (2 pages) i4. Casino Building redevelopment materials (Spages) ;5. Town of VaiI letter of transmittal. datedAugust 14, 1981 (1 page) r from pierce Baldwin Architects;6. Town of Vail letter to Baldwin, A;a;',l August19, 1981 (2 pages); 7. Baldwin letter to Town of Vail, dated August21, 1981 (4 pages); 8. Memorand.urn to planning and EnvironmentalCommission, dated August 26, Iggj. (6 pages);9. Minutes of planning anh invironmentalCommission meeting of August 31, i9B1 (S piges;-numUerea Zthru 4);10. Casino Building p1an, Level Two (t page);11. Certificate of Sirbstantial Completibrrl a.teO1982 (1 page); date of issuance, 1Z/30j91;L2. Construction permit Number 00g05, dated8, 1981 (1 paqe):13. Constrirci,ion permit draft;14. Construction permit dated April 29, l9g2 (1 -15._ Copies of.photographs, dated June 2, I9g2 (3and July Lt L9g2 (f page).- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, f have hereunto setand affixed the seal of said,Town of-.Vail. Corrnrw4rru <rlrrxe(I Ene seal ot sai_d ,Town g|flliail, countvstate of colorado, rhis H+laay {t /uty,'6g5d) myof Page) t pages) hand Eagle, ,SEAL}Town Manaqer - ri. ,l 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 March 12, .l986 Mr. John Perkins Box 266 Vai 1 , Co lorado 8'l 658 Re: Casino Bui1ding: Addition of an exi sti ng residential unit Dear John: oflice of community development one unit and stair connect'i on between and an existing office space I have completed my calculations of the gross residential floor area for the Casino bui1ding. This property has an allowable GRFA of 6,237 sguare feet and a maximum of four residential units. After a walk-through of the building on March 11, .l986, it is evident that only three residential units exist on the property at this time- During the approval processes for this project, the proposal had originally included four units. tly calculations show that the GRFA for the existinq three units is: Unit A Unit B Unit C l,'l8l sq ft GRFA 1,504 sq ft GRFA 2,206 sq ft GRFA Given the existing GRFA on the site, you would be able to create one more unit having a total GRFA of 1,346 square feet. I have calculated that the existing Vail Associates office space located in retajl space 202 and 201 has a total square footage of 1,386 square feet. If this space were to be converted into a residential unit, the square footage would have to be decreased by 39 square feet to come under the allowable GRFA of 1,346 souare feet. In order to convert the Vail Associates'space in Units 202 and 201, the condominium association would be required to participate in the trash compactor project behind the S'l ifer Building. The staff would want to see a written agreement between the Casino Building owners and the representatives of the trash compactor project to ensure that Iegal agreement on the Casino buiIding's participation in this proposal is formalized. The condo association would also have to pay their share of the trash compactor costs as stipulated in the l98l PtC approval of the Casino remodel before a building permit would be released. The condo declarat'i ons should also be changed to indicate that spaces 202 and Z01 are now residential rather than office space. In respect to the proposed connection between Unit A and retai'l space 210 below the residential unit, the staff would require the condo declarations to reflect that retail space 210 is to be used only as retail space and cannot be converted into residential space. The stair connection between reiai1 space 210 and Unit A is not a problem as long as the stipulation is made in the condo declarations. If you decide to convert the Vail Associates' office space into a resldential unit, the staff will check the records for the Casino building on their parking fee payment plan. At this time, I am unable to calculate if there is an idditional parking charge for this space due to the change 'i n use. The Town Controlleli s presently out of town until next Monday. I will need his assistance jn order to go through hjs records concerning the parking fees that were charged original 1y for the casino Building remodel . rnis.i s a detail that should be addressed if you decide to convert the VA office space into residential . I hope thi s information will be helpful to you. Please contact me if you have any further questions. Si ncerely, .?t al|,/, I L/^.i.\ n\l5'ttn lilit Kri stan Pri tz Town Planner ,,(k1!+ull ll_ Brondess -Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. -Ih 281 BRTDGE sTREET o vArL, coLoRADo 81657 \ November 14, 1996 Town of VailBuilding Department 75 S. Frontage RoadVai1, CO 8L657Attn: Tom Braun Dear Tom: Please be advised that the Bridge Street CondominiumAssociation fully approves the combining of spacesNo. B and No. :1,4 of the Bridge Street Building aspresented on the architectural plans by John perkins. Should you have any questions please give me a call. Sincerely, BRIDGE STREE AbbUU. CMG b Craig REAL ESTATE (303) 476-1450. DENVER TOLL FREE 893-3101 RESERVATI ONS 1 -8OO-222-VAIL Project Application Proiect Name:Sd,v Project Descrip ilon, Exrea'oat' o€le;a,/ 'a>^..-.- ^ -contact Person and enone 6OBE47 4, Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: ftasr Legal D€scription: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: p r,ruApproval Project Name: Project Application l(t* g ,-,4 o"t J- /E - ilh nue Sr --{; Proiect Description:..-31(-lv' contact Person and p6on" ,4i '' BFe,, Owner, Address and phone: Architect, Address and phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: p statt Approval ll DATE RECEIVED RECEIFT - The Town ofVail IO- !Ne 38732 ADDRESS ,t : .' DOLLARS $ ". . . -^.-a€T:' Fee o Appl ication Number SIGN APPLICATION Location of project 8."Uf SZ Description of project E><f, oate€-L2 -8, Name of Name of Proj ect Person Submi tti ng by the appl'icant can be given. The,following information is required for submittalto the Design Review Board before a finat app"ouuiSign submittat fee js $20.00. A. Sign Material B. Description of Sign C. Size of sisn ,/4" y €6 o = 9r f Length of Comrnents n E. MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan ?. Drawi ngs sFo-wT@ exact I ocationi. pnotographs showing proposed locaTi6i--4. Actual siqn I. Colored siateTrawlng-6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittET- ffi '\. _\ E-r>\'\r b$s =-R.vtE*\ \ \i^\L *\\ tr+1_F *,;-. _l c-\ \.-b c:F\e\E\Ti*\.*\ -R b*'\ bE,{- *5 \' Brondess -Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. 281 BBIDGE STREET . VAIL. COLORADO 81657 February 5, 1986 Town of VailBuilding Dept. 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail , CO 81657 Attn: Tom Braun Dear Tom: Please be advised Lhat the Bri.dcre Street Condominium Associationfu1ly approves of the proposed 6hanges to the winclows and doorof Space #6 at the Bridge Street Building as shown on the encloseddiagrams. These changes are being proposed by the owners ofCurrents Jewelry, Robert and Barbara Deluca. Shou1d you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, BRIDGE STREET Craig REAL ESTATE (303) 476-1450. DENVER TOLL FREE 893-9101 RESERVATIONS 1 -8OO-222-VAI L ASSOC. CMG Enclosure \,D- APPI i cati sn itFter SIGiI APPL ICATIOiI Fee Paid Date -<gP( S [9{I8 Name of P"oj..t CflsrtSb B[urDr^\a .];i Name of Person Subrnitting 3,tgXU A. Aef$ols Phone q+g'4s,f, .' Location of Project Description of .project 6d- $trl! As +. PA infornation is recuired for Revierv Board before a final fee is 520.00. 3rtr6 * subnittal by the aPplicant approval can be given- qse The fol lorvingto the Des'ign Sign subnittal A. sisn t4ateriar {*irJ-|_ 4ru.er,dc_) B. Description of Sign C. Size of Sign 2\'cu,stc krl D. E. Len st h ofjs_des.e_l_Eil I'IATERIALS SUEIiITTED !,IITH APPLiCATION 1. Site Plan2. Dravings sEiilng exect locaiion -3. Photogr:phs shor'ring proposed locEiii--4. Aciuai sign 5. Colored scale oral'ttng - 6. Photcgraph of sign )rgn Aoi]ltntStralor Approved for DRB Subnittal Disapproved for ORE Subnj tt.r I - 'i:-.' ..,.r i.: AofilinlsLratoi' APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETII'IG: 3€?T 2I DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION t^lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application lggtinS with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested todetermine if any additional information is needed. No applicatioir wiii Ue acceptedunless it'is complete (must ilclyde all items reguired by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibiiity to make an appointm6nt with th6 stafi io find'out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica-tion will streamline the-approval process for your project by decreasing thb numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stilulatb. -Rtt cirnditions oi apfrovat mustbe resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRI PTION: ( B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal Descriptr'on Lot Zon'ing cafhfyteerir*_ Bl ock F'iling c. NAME 0F AppLTCANT: SU"+u\ p- SANnr^D Address Po €nx a:b> tlqru corn relephone ?Lq.t5ltc NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE; Address tel ephone u. E. NAME OF OWNERS: Si gnature F€_1-c. Address 2 1 uriroa*_ sltg . telephone 47/". 14s6 be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000$50,00i-$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the siteto indicate property lines and building corneis. fribs that witt ne removedsnould also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits theslte. 2. The review process for NEl,.l BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetingsof the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meet'i ngs for their approval . 3' People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduledmeeting and who have not asked for a post[onement will be required to be - republ i shed. DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUAT I ON $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $3oo. oo I YK. ^r | ,lFlsn I4s*4a-r C. Lu" -bJ Vok. &*"^.il*J, s'F/ I k-€- rL* cflA,-o[, cS b<-rsdj-o G,:,*ro - Ba'>te- 5f. \3d,-D u^-)c- bLJJ(^-4.lotJ1|:Cic-v-<-{- (;e,{*,.*'-a letr.^--:"--, L\4_ at-r.trc"rguroa*- A^LJ\L-\, fr>bd :Ascof r,4re.-r,^,e- GvibV i^e.r' Ltrt*.".Q^ Cr.ua P,^k-- Cu's1g-{ Sr.q^.. r ,/ | $e-ltaH14 V <r./-g j,1 1*' Proiect Name: Project Application Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: '-1 S){ Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot , Zone Com menls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: Vortt Approval *11 Project Application \/- Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments:t.tl r" {\ (-4.- Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVALAPPHOVAL Summary: fl/)i,/ '., L -'r c L ./ J ! J-> l/^ (' .\- Town planner t ,i,Darc' t\l>\lll l )/u",Approval I-,i-,Appl ication Nunber Fee Paid , t": fl. v^P.' fLLt^6' t - \l t'' , SIGN APPLICATION Date t/ -ev-{? Name of P"oj""t ll1Ay ftltX,tuetL Name of Person Subrnitting WrlrT (rLr+xtt/t,r\) Project :rf{o, |zioGe sT, iZ Pnone ??cq31f Location of Des cripti on E/4 The following inforrnation is required forto the Design Review Board before a finalSign submittal fee is $20.00. subm'i ttal by approva I can the applicant be given. A. Sign Material B. Description of Sign &c'r,vu rj, 1*e- %";a C. Size of Siqn D.Length of Comments MATERIALS SUBi.IITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Dralings sfi-r'r] ng exact location d3. Photographs sholing proposed locEtlon-lf-4. Actuai sign _5. Colored s-a1e orawing _-=91l,f6. Photograph of s'ign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB submittaT] Jrgn Admlnlstrator (D @ {3) (r^e*cr-rcNcepl ro*,, r.*,",'-) Get0 ouapuApl $ett$6ssgs$$sa$ W-' ,3Sauoea. SV'tRffiil 7 zpe lnflar,t MAX ALEXANDER TrtAX ALEXANDER IVIAX ATEXANDER ilIAX ATEXANDER Project Application oate #3 A,*vr, lf.$C^ projectName: tAas/r'ft> &l/'J-./::)6/-"/C*, )'1.'..r::i&-+i-^.',4 Project Description: Contact Person and Phone '*.t>,1 *l 1/?. 1fi4t2)a41 {-, Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Filing Com ments: Design Review Board -t lr: lv1Dale \,' I I ir a ,l DISAPPROVAL Town Plan ner""," l/,iftr+ E statt Approval lnwn 75 ioulh frontage roed vall, colorrdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce ol communlty developmcnl Februar-v 5, 1987 Review of Casino Buildinq Addition .the_Design Review Board gave preliminary approvalthe following recommendatjons I Mr. John Perkins P.0. Box 266 Vai1, C0 81658 RE: Prel im'inary DRB Dear John: 0n February 4, 1987,of the project with should be pu'l1ed bui 1 di ng i ns tead 1. The west edge of the stajrwell additionback to nntch the line of the existinqof the chimney. 2. The windows should be removed from the west elevation. 3. The frame structure for the addition shourd be desiqnedto match the ex.isting window framing as much as posiible. Wood would be preferable to metai fiaming. 4. The windows should match existing windows on the southelevation as much as possible. 5. If the curved roof is removed, the pitch of the addjtjonshould match the existing roof pitcir. Please let me know when you would like to go to the Design Rev.iewBoard for final approval. Sincerely.. ) | 71r\/ I t/.1 {ritfa"{vrf;Kristan PritI t" .1 / APPLICATION DATE: A ,/ ,A / 8A - DArE oF one MrrrINe . ?/= /9.'/ DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION t,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicat'ion meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to. determine if any additional jnformation is needed. No application will be accepted unless it'is complete (must jnclude all items required by the zon'ing administrator) .It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appo'intment with the staff to find out about addit'ional submittal requ'irements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica-tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTI0N. F)aa/t-/.)v e:F fr (:::AEZTL/ M-u_<:e 9ZLL:r'?<*- l/a;t-s;,.;,-tet zq;-/ /1r',/v=e*/p.. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 4b3Z*lt> St-tZr:-z>,...-24= r,t E*.tCH, -g72,&L- Legal Descript'ion Lot Bl ock Filing Zon'ing C. NAME OF Address D. NAME OF Addres s E. NAME OF r APPLICANT: S i gnature Address DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUATION ,,P-ar. &.A- TZLA Lb/L .a telephone q4?-4627 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : \-/D,4.4 P o . &rr-- -zl.a t /atl a , tel ephone ?22=_/z s ) 0l,lNERS: 8/12- tel ephone be paid at the tjme a building permit is requested. FEE $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.50,00i - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ 50.00 $1oo.oo $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the siteto indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be compieted before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetingsof the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approvai. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed, 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approva] : a. !'lindows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the exist'ing plane of the bujlding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had letters submjtted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium associ ati on. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceedinq. -i MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I. NEI^J CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1, Licensed surveyor's stamp. 2, Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc. )- Avalanche areas, 100 year f1 ood plain and siopes 40% or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, ejther USGS landmark or sewer invert. Locations of the fo1'l owing: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact I ocati ons of al I uti I i ti es to i ncl ude service iines from sources to the structure. 6. 1 existing sources and proposed Utilities to include: cable TV Tel ephone sewer watrer gas el ectri c c. Property ljnes showing distances and bearings and a basjs of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. Al I easements 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements includ'i ng structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, wa1ks, driveways, off-street parking, load'i ng areas, retaining walls (with spot e1 evations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevatjons of top of roof ridges (w'ith existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. B. A statement from each ut'i1ity verifying location of service and availability. To be submitted with site plan. C. Preliminary title report to accompany a1l submittals, to insure property ownership' .and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20, or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or,larger treds,:other rshri06s._aRA^riatiVe plants thaare on the site and the locatjon and dei'ign of pioposed landscape area:s with the varieties and approx'imate sizes of plant materials to be planted, N 2. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the sjte p1an, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape p'lan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetat'i onal characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. E. Archjtectural Plans (1/8" = 1' or larger) 2 copies l , 1. Must include floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on completion. Elevations must show both existing and fin'ished grades. 2. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Community Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., shouid be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may requ'ire the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project wi'l I comp'ly with design guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly ind'icate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in ljeu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they provide all important specifjcatjons for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with al'l specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. S'ite plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos ..D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Cornmunity Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each utjlity verify'ing location of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary titie report, verifying ownersh'ip of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a buj ld'i ng permit has been jssued, and when the project is underway, the following will be required before any building rece'i ves a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Bu'ilding locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Bu'ilding dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All utility service lines as-bu'i lts showing size of ljnes, type of materia'l used, and exact locations. 2 copies D. Dra'i nage as-builts. 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to tie to sectjon corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. Al I easements H. Building floor el evations and roof ridge el evations. . LIST OF MATERIALS NAME 0F PR0JECT: 14<*tt} Zztttz.Ll/*14 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Si di ng Other l^lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts l,|i ndows l,|indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F'lashings Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Quani ty Si ze* for conifers. (over) A/^ D /4,.,Dr'L/. i4./H,Z-< *Indicate caliper for decr:ducious trees.Indicate hejght "PLANT MATERIALS: Botanica'l Name Common Name ' Quanitv Size Icon'f,i SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Type Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retainjng wa11s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. " PLANT MATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Eotanical Name Type Common Name Si ze Square Footaqe s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER: LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s,fences, swjmming pools,PIease spec'ify.etc. ) UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME tOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location of utilj.ties, whether they be nain trunk lines or proposedlines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities foi the acconpanyi-ng site p1an. Authorized Signature Da te Mountain Bel I I -634-3778 }Jestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Ha11 * Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagie Vailey lllater and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek N0TE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- is not a street cut perrnit. A street cut permit rnust be obtained separately. This forn is to verify service availablity and location. Thi.s should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * For new consl please fill oul attached sheet, DATE: LEGAL DESERTPTTON.. Lot ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Bl ock Fi f ing ADDRESS: otlNER ARCHITECT Phone Phone ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED UST LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Reta ining 'daI I Parki ng Credits: Garage Hei ghts Al I owed (30)(33) 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) (3oo) (600) (eoo)(1200) (so) ( 1oo ) (2s) (50) (2oo) (4oo) Proposed Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Sl ope Actua'l Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope hletl ands Geologic Hazards Comments: Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: Staff Siqnature 75 soulh fronlage road veil, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 May 29, 1985 David Carrington Bank of America 555 South Flower Street Department 5196 Los Ange]es, California 90071 lding Redevelopment Project ear Mr. Carrington: oftlce ol communlly development I am writing !lis letter in regard to the casino Building redevelopmentproject in Vail, Colorado. I have been .informed by Mark Cadmus wnb isthe casino Building condominium Association represbntative that youare.tne developer's representative on this project. The spec'ific issuewith which I am concerned is the participat'ion in a trash compactorp_roject for the casino Buiiding which wa! a condition of the irpprovalfrcrn the Town of Vail in'l 981 (please see enclosed documents). Recently' the Condominium Association of the building voted to not participate themselves in the trash compactor project, but to alTow the developbrto financially contribute the capiial costs for the project which isnow due. The amount that the casino Building owes tb oite on the projectts 16% of the overall costs, and this amounti to $7,666.00. There'wijlbe some additional costs incurred soon for landscaping and paving. AlthoughI find it unfortunate the way the matter has been hanitea Uy the-ConaominiimAssociation in that their reilresentat'i ve indicated all alon-g that therewould not be a problem with their part.icipation, i have no ilterntiveat this point but to write to you regarding thii project. The conditionof approval on the redevelopment was-a condition hgreed to by the developerof the project, and in that regard I feel that the assessmenl for thecapital costs of the compactor should be paid by the developer. It isessential that you respond as soon as possible io this matter, as weare at a critical point of the project. David Carrinqton May 29, 1985- Page Two I am sure that you will probably.want to discuss this further w.ith meor wi th the Condom.i ni um Associ ai ion , s representati ve, Mark Cadmus (areacode 303 476-1450) and I nuue-eniroied"my card, so you can reach me. Ililo.{.il.lir your'cooperation in-ilrii-most importani p"ojf.t for the Very sincereiy.yours, A. Peter Patten, Jr. Di rector Commun.ity Development APP: bpr Encl osures cc: Larry Eskwith Ron Riley Bridge Street Condominjum Associationc/o Mark Cadmus ( PEc -z- B/s)r Peter Patten gave the Sackground and risted corrections to the meno. Theywere that the 1ot size should be twice as large, or 20,90g sq ft. DickBrewer introduced hirnself and his representatiu", Rry stor"y, Ray explair-redthe Brewersr position, stating that ihe devel oprnent was now prirnarily for employees,and were less expensive units--difficuLt to se1l now because of financing. He addedthat the porch was already aetin"a,-.na trrat it had q of the 6 surfaccs, and thatno more space would be added, that the entTance wourd be irnproved. Discussion as to whether or not this would be precedent setting fo110wed. Gerryreminded them that cost or inconveni"ence is noi considered a hardship. Jirn Morgannoved and Dan seconded to deny the varianc" * ra-r"r-;;;;"; in the rnemo datedAugust 24. rg9r. The vote was 4-1 to deny. r]uan e voted against denial. He feltthat the added GRFA was not.adding brrri., no" was it a significant increase, Healso felt that a greenhousers transparency made it sornewiat ress bulky inappearance. 5. Request fo" " r ent in Section l8.l2.UgOoft 6, vail rntermountain subdivision, tg:s-Be11f1ower. Applicants: craig and Jan webb. Peter Janar presented the neno and reminded the conrnissioners of the restrictionsof ordinance 22 of 1981, for rotr ""Jur-1s,000. o.,e restriction was that ha_lfof the parking nust be covered ao rr"""^" secondary unit. He added that one ofthe reasons for this crj-teria was aesthetic, but in looking at Bellflower Drive,he discovered that there were.""-gr""g". at arr. Therefore, the staff felt thatthe variance should be granted, especlalty 1n light of the fact that the addedunit- was already enclosed in the u"i"r"rt. The itrff also felt that another structureon the site would be more detrinental to tf,e site than i-raalton"t parking spaceswould be, and that another "rptoye"-rnii "., desirable. Duane noved and Roger seconded to approveas stated in the staff nemo a^tea e7'ti)U. the request for the parking varianceThe vote was 5-0 in favoi. ., add Appr a green icant: st for an exterior al teration and nodificati-on to the Hill buildins toing room addi-iiit and new bedroom ocated at I Bridge StCortlandt T. Hi1 1. Dick Ryan stated that the bedroorn addition was. being dropped, and so the requestwas for the dinins rggT ?nd op"n gt""nhouse onty. te expiained the neno a'dJack curtin showel additionai';iJ;:""rh" addition of the green house only neededDRB approval . Roger noved to approve Jh* ""q.,"ra subject to the conditions inthe meno, and as siated in the ;i;i;';";. d,ated B/24/8r. Duane seconded. Thevote was 5*0, unaninously in favor of th. ."olr"ra 6,uest,for- exterior alteration and nodificat ion to the Casino lJui I diir toconstruct 3 cbn ium unifs,--iEw-D and E and a part of tots s,-c ,na-F,-ui""i-ii,-v"iispace and o ice space LocatEd on cants: Carlos Agostoni and Janes J, Sprowls. ViIIage First Fiting.ots AppI i- Peter Patten explained.that the proposal was a comprcte redevelopment of the casinobuild'ng. He piesented the site pil"r-*a exptained the t-ioor pJ.ans. Gerry whiteread a letter fron the condominiurn "rro.i.tion stating ir,oi"an" allcy was connonHffillrTX'iltlt'i"l"ilf :1";: i;ilfoi"ott""'pp'ouil rrom thcn.'i'h";;;';;;"'"'^ when he went out to the site, ne ;;;-,'-;;Tijr.:fi'.il::.iilS.o,rf5iil ;iff$ i:".extended 8 feet on the southwest "o.n"". LrrdL LIre Dick Ryan stated that for the 2_I/Z years that he had beenoffices, there had been much talk of trying to inprove thisand much talk of making the alleyway " ui"Uf" waltway. H;was a trenendous inprovenent to the Villaee. Gordon Pierce' architect for the project, showed s1j-des and talked about schedulingthe construction. He stated that afier Labor Day., thu pi;; was to takc out the!"lttt,. equipment and Partitions that werenrt needed. He added that rhe conrractorfeit that he could rneet the planned schedule. Discusiion followed with concernexpressed that the project not look half- finished through "inaut, and nraybe usinga finish material on the exterior i-f work was stopped pi"t *ry through. The northwest corner of the buirding was discussed, some rnembers feeJ.ing thatthe building should not be extended out at that poir,t. John Donovan aiso objectedto the extension. others felt that a srnarl projectj.on might be better than aflat wal1 in that area. Gordon spoke of lowering the alrey 2 or s feet to make it lighter and airier,and possibly to have glass lookitrg irrto pistachio,s restaurant. The proposal discussed at this point d.id not inciude the alley or the extensionat the northwest corner of the 6ui1ding, and these two j.tens were to be continuedfor 2 weeks. Dan rnoved and Roger.seconded to-approve the exterior alteratron and modificatiorrto the casino Bullding as stated in the merno with two additi.onar. conditions:1' That the finished facade be conpleted before christmas or the applicant cloa treatnent sinilar to the unfinished conmercial space at the Gondola building.2' That the applicant agrees to participate financial 1y in street improvenents,e'g' street pavers, street tights, at the intersection tf Gor" creek Drive anciBridge str'eet if a rnin i - improvenent district is forrned. The applicants' sharewould be determined by strlet rrontage-of property ana other property owners wour-dalso have to agree to participate. -;- s/3r/8r in the Planning part of the Villagefelt that the project { The the vote was 5-0 in favor. The deck area office expansi-on was contlnued untilnext P.EC Egglin€. 8.uest .for an anendnent to the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide ptan fors, and an exterior alteratlon an ication to consiiuiT newcornnercial and office space J.ocated wouth ofLodge and Li.ons pride tuifding "na norifrl"raRobert T. Lazier. Vantage Point, north of Lift Houseof Vail 2l building. Appticant: L Dick Ryan presented the memo and stated that. this was a sign:.ficant proposarfor vail . He added that the u;";-;;;ign Guide plan discuises incruding norecomnon spaceand encourages a new entry ioncept into the mal I fron the east, andthis proposal fulfi1ls fome r;j;r-"';;i"iaiu", of the uocp ano was an inprovenentto the comnunity. Much discussion about parking folIowed, Gerry fert that parking was a najorissue in this proposar, and;h.t-;;;-i;ss of parking did ioi ;,rstrty the proposal .Dick felt that-this wai the p""p"r"-oi-it" ttoo space parking structure, thatit 'as planned knowing there "o"ta u"-rore denand later. Gerry pre<ticted thatthe parking structure was not going to be big enough, and sooner or .ater rnoreparking was going to be needed. Bill Ruoff showed plans and a nodel . Dickwas that Lionshead becone rnore successful .to be done there. C -o- B/3r/Bi added that the staff's biggest concern and that sonething slgnifi-cant needed { {\ Jay Peterson stated that every project inclu<led a conpromi.se. He added thatthey couldnrt rnake a good entrance aid sorve vaiirs prriing problem, Lionsheadhas difficulty in this area, needs Eofrrnercial space irere, Ina that the parkingproblem wouldntt be worsened, he felt. Gerry feit thai one problern r+ould besolved while creating another with the parking. Dick felt thai they aian;i ,r.ntto see parking used by people who cone to the commerciar area, that these peopreshould be parking in the pirking tttr.t..t" and that this woutd also reduce congestion.Dan stated that both parking stiuctures were designed for expansion iater. Dinah chapman, presi-dent of the Lionshead Association of Businesses stated. thatin June Bil 1 Ruoff had presenred his pian to about i0 nembers of the associatiorr, ,L19,^tli! -parking was rnentioned, and no cornplaints were received. She added thatwLth the presenr situation, the al1ey was usualry brocked and parring ;ii;;"it-used. The people at this neeting were ecstatic over the proposal. Gerry felt that the Lionshead parking structure would soon be too crowded topark there' Roger suggested tirat the other nenbers voice their opinions.Duane said that he was in favor of the proposal, Dan said that he was arso infavor, Jim felt that it was. a vast improvement to the situation there, and Rogerstated that he had been working in Lionshead for the puit e years, rrylng robreathe some life into the cornrnercial aspect, and thai this appears to addressthe, most- serious problen and recornrnended approvar. He added that when the parkingproblen becomes more serious' the planning conrnission would address it and sol"veit at that tine. Jin.noved and Roger seconded to reconunend approval of the amendment to the urbanDesign Guide Plan to the Town councir. The vote was 4.. 1 in favor (Gerry against), Duane rnoved and Jim seconded for approval of the exterior alteration and modi-fication of the proposar dated Augusi-ie, rsai with the 6 conditions listedin the meno. The vote was S-0 in favor. Roger moved to adjourn at S:15 p.rn. L t MEMORANDU}I TO: PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/PETER PATTEN DATE: August 26, 1981 RE: Request for exterior alteration and rnodification ro the CasinoBuilding to construct 3 condominiurn units, new retail space andoffice space located on lots D and E and a part of lots B, C andF, Block 5C, VaiI Virlage First Fi1ing. Applicant: Carlos Agostoni and James J. Sprowls. A. BACKGROI.JN'D AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL { The casino Building has changed ownership and the new owners wish to revisethe uses for the propexty to residential and retai.l shops. The proposalrepresents a rnaj or change in the use of the building, which has always beenused as a nightcl ub- - first as casino vail , and then as Gartonrs saloon. The project involves redeveloping the street Level spaces to four new retailshops, retaining the existi.ng-rear estate office and maintaining the valleyForge. as is (with possibly some facade improvements at a future date). Newbay windows for the retail spaces are incorporated with a sidewalk in front,Encroachments of 2t to 3r are proposed onto ToV right-of-way on the GoreCreek Drive side to provide roor lor the stairs and sidewaiic near the storesand entrance to the condorniniurns. A previous proposal cane out about s'farther and has been scaled back due io negative iown council reaction.Landscaping is in the form of aspen trees on the perimeter of the sidervalkand planter boxes in the same general areas. A nnaj or segrnent of the proposal is to redevelop "the al1ey', on the southside of the buitdi.ng. The proposal entails a inarl laboui JB9 sq ft) officeaddition on the western end of the atley, a glass enclosure of the entranceto Pistachio's, brick paver walkway, and a redevelopment of area to thewest of the al1ey toacconmodate grade changes and make an attractive, invitingentrance into the alley. The existing conmercial spaces fronting l{all street will renain as is. ( casino urO*O- B/26/Br 0n the second level will be the lower levers of the three condominiurns,a new office space of 909 sq ft (i.ncluding over the a11ey) and the existingdeck rernodeled to a private deck with a hot tub. The third level contains the upper revels of two of the units, while a fourth lty"l ..t being proposed to accommodate the upper revel of the third unit,A height increase of Bt on the southern portion of the building is necessaryto accomnodate the upper level 0f this unlt due to the half-level involvedin the current building design. B. COII,Iru141\I.u WITH PURPOSE SECTION proposed changes as outLined above The cornrnercial core r District is i.ntended to provide sites and to naintainthe-unique character of the Vail village conunerci.al Area, with its nixtureof lodges and conmercial establishmenti in a predoninantiy pedestrian environ-nent. The conmercial core I District is i.ntended to ensure adequate right,air, open space and other.anenities appropriate to the perr0i.tteci types ofbuidings and uses. The District reguiations in accordance with the vailvillage urban Design Guide plan and Design considerations prescribe sitede-vel oprnent standards that are intended to ensure the nainienance and preservationof the tightly clustered arrangenents of buildings f'onting on pedestrianways.and public greenways and to ensure continuation of buitding scale andarchitectural qualities that distinguish the \ril1ase. The _Conmunity Developnent l)epartment considers that theconforn to the purpoie of th! Comrnercial Core I District.Lnd rn the Vail Village Urban Design Guide p1an. c.C"OMPLiANCE J{ITH VAIL ViLL4GE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN AND DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS tr Concept I5 - Facade irnprovenents, Eyesores renoved,increased facade transparency, entries sinplifiedand oriented toward intersection. (This ii addressingthe Gore Creek Drive elevation, ) *t_:f^af:e items are inctuded in the proposal by creating retail shopsLn tnr.s area. Concept 138 - Mid-block connection (coverecl) fronBridge Street to Vi.llage plaza. The proposal ca11s for the mid-block connection, but only covers a seve'teenfoot stretch on the western cnd via the "offi.ce- 61i69",,. ' The remainder ofthe walkway is to be heated, a very expensive p.oporil 's wer-l as one witrra high potential for breakdor.,.n. Tire siaff r""iu it"i-*o.."it,roy j"s neecredas to the possibility. of actual ly covering the rernaining portion of the a1leywith a glass roof. This would aitow tighi i.to-ii,"-.p;:"';; welI as keepingit clear of snow in the winter. problems to address ior a grass roof wouldbe snow rernoval and drainage. casino erp-s- B/26/8r Concept 16 - Key intersection in Village Core.Feature area paving treatment. (This is theGore Creek Drive and Bridge Street intersection.) Gage Davis and Associ-ates has drawn sorne very prer irninary sketches of thisintersection so that l{? can attempt to tie=in the Casino- design wi.th thoseideas. The idea at this time is io create a circular area of special paversin the intersection- , To respond to th's design, the proposat for the casinoBuilding has curved the steps corning oir trt*t corner to blend with the curvi_linear edge of the paving treatnentl 2. Urban Design Considerations a, Pede strian i zat ion Pedestrianization wilI- defini.tely be irnproved in and through three differentareas suTrounding the buirdi"ng. A new pedestrian experience wirr emergewith the redevelopment of the al1ey and the area to ihe west of the a11ey.This new Bridge stTeet-vil1age praza link wi.rl open up a new pathway throughthe village which can only serve to enhance the pedestrian experrence. on the Bridge street side, the existing ,,d,ead-end,,warkway itil1 be eliminatedto a11ow sidewalk traffic around. the corner to the core creek Drive side.Also irnproved wirl be the connection to the walkway in front of the prazaBuilding shops. A grade change of two steps wi.ll separate this sidewalkfron the street grade, The Gore creek Drive side wilr be vastly inrproved offering a new sidewalknear the entrance to the shops and the cond.orniniums. This wirl enhancethe pedestrian experience by again ofiering an additional alternative.This is the area where the it"i"i*r-li.rr-,aes 2r-J,of rOv rlght-of-way.Thesidewalk all the way around to Bridge street allows free-frow of pedestiantraffic by continuing the steps aroind the entir" f""["t", of rhe sidewalk.Also included is a.landscaping proposal of sone ,ri"n-ir"", to increasethe green area of this side "F irr"'iir"et (presently there 1s virtuarlyno landscaping). t' b. Vehicle penetrat ion The types of shops that^wil1 rnost likely go in rvilr not generate a rargeanount of delivery traffic- The deli.very vehicles wirr te lovernea uyexisting and future core area tirne zoning. The delivery triffic witlprobabry be reduced from what it has been due to the elirnination of thehigh delivery traffic businesses "i-c"ri"",s, Kenrucky Fried chickenand Bridge Street Inn. - Traffic- ."r"i"g -ttru condominiuns rvilI be restrictedto occupant delivery only and the geneial parking will be net via theparking structure' At some t'mc Jf 're_ aay tr't.i" *"i iJ ,iu"t, parkedin front of the stores along Gore Creek urive. ! curinoOag -4- B/26/Bi c . St_re,et scape Framework The streetscape frarnework will be greatly inprovedflow in three new areas and eliminating the tack_onCreek llrive, New retail shops will greatly aid theas well. d. Street Enc losure major or ninor view . planes the proposal , f { The encl0sure rati-o of street hridth ro building height is presently ata I:1' The impact of.raising the height on th; so.rlh portion of thebuilding wil 1 be negligible 6".u"ru ifi" pTaza Lodge is stilt tatler thanthe Casino Building, even with the addition. e, Street Edge The proposal provides a well defined street edge wj.th the creation ofthe new pedestrian walkways. f . BuilSing Heieh.t The-proposal meets the u.D.G.p. Lirnitations on height: 40% of the footprintno higher than 40' and 60% of the building footprint no hi-gher than 30r,measured to roof midpoints, even with the additional gr on the southend. Views by allowing pedestri.an additions along Gore streetscape franework as designated in the U.D.G.P. are affected g. No by 3. a. Site Area - .L7g acre or br Setbacks - Zero setback Proposed: East g r South 6 ! West 6 | North Sl Heigh! - see height above 7797 sq a1 l owed ft casino eO -s - B/26/81 Allowable GRFA {t d. Density Cont rol GRFA site area . 179 acre UNITS .179 acre PROPOSED 3 units of 6237 sq 6237 sq ft x 25 units,/acre = 4 units ft plus 20% of GRFA allowedfor common areas. GRFA rati o .80 e. ian9::aping - as.mentioned earlj-er, an increase in landscaped areasts oer"ng propos ed, f. Parking - _Th-e applicable parkin-g fee will be required for the retailspaces and the condominiuns, First payrnent of ihe parki.ng fee is - due at the time of temporary certificate ot occupancy. I\ These will be addressed by the DesignIt appears the building irnprovenentivery wel 1 . Review Board at a later date, fo11ow the Design Considerations t. RECOMMENDATION The Department of conrnunity Development recommends approval of the redevelopnentof the casino Building. lve flnd tiat theproposa.r includes many positiveaspects for the vilrage by increasing pedestiran frow .;;;"; the building, l99iT.new pedestrian experiences on tirree sides of the build.ing and generarlyrmproving the aesthetics of the structure. rhe atref propo."r is a goodone, if the covered roof can be incorporated and if ii,; workable. The conditions of approval are as followsl 1, That the applicant agrees to partici.pate in and not remonstrate agai.nsta special improvement districi if and when formed for Vail vi1lage. 2' T"t.tl: applicant oqtggro provide and pay for the ai.rey improvements _(including pavers and lighting), a street light on the Gore creekDrive and Bridge street interieitiol: _1od thJ proposed ir'provements rothe area to the southwest of the buirding. "r ia l,onn"cts to the vilrage, Plaza steps. In addition, the applicant-wit1 b. ,;;;;;sible to studyalternatives for the a11ey, incfuiing a permanent cover; anci that thefinat design and naterial-must be suinitied ;; ;p;;;J"a uy the Tormof Vail, construction rnust be cornpretcd no later trrrn-tn" falr of 19g2.L c'S Bldg -6- s/26/8r construction of^....or cne bt lter agreement with 3.That the applicant partlcipates financially in thea trash enclosure facility (conpactor) in the alleyBuil di.ng. That the applicant receive a revocable right-of-waythe Town for use of property belonging to the Town. L ^L - Projecl Applbatlon Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DI$APPROVAL "t7 v(i ,r,,.r--, \.,J;t:'1>t'za,:.<,,,,{r.J;;;.- ;t;;l r;f ta'rf, ( I,,v W '11 .. .^lt, vl t'J sq'{ { "* v-.\ { N Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Project Application Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Zone\- I Com ments: ) Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: Summary: r'-:' -l ri'' ,_,. ,,:r',.r. .*.1 ,.. ).,.,.....{tl_- -"-...-,.- / Town- ptan ner -. j r.. ,; 9:. ,,'Date: .--.,. tt:'/ t:/ E statt Approval 'Brondess -Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. 281 BRIDGE STREET . VAIL. COLORADO 81657 April 19, L984 Ttovt{ oF \ATt la:nicipal Offices 75 S. Ftontage Roadvail, co 8L657 Please be advised that the Bridge Street in its April 12th reeting of thls 1ear, of an a,ming for the Silversnittr Strcp. Bridge Street Cmdo. Association l4anagirq Aqent REAL ESTATE (303) 476-1450 . pROpERTy MANAGEMENT (303) 476-2gss DENVER TOLL FREE 893-3101 Condcrninim Associat ion fu1ly apprcnred installation *,, =1, A*l"l,os'[33,[f;X03fi'h',i5ig'-13,il5Fry MAINTAIN OWNER OF PROPEfiTY NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS 'I ri nt Landscapi n!- Fence l.lall -0ther 4r,.rn ina -J ,n,r\\d1 LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N 0F pR0pERTy T0 BE sERVED: LOT BLOCK suBD.(If necessary, attach description-".-ilpi"it.'lh*t. i'"vr\- DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE OR ITEM(S) TruTO RIGHT-OF-lllAYAttachplansshowi19en91oachT9nirqilp;i;-T;'",'?o, meters, manholes, any other afteciel apurtenance jn the project area (to scale ordimensioned) and seciion(s) as ;;ii-u; erevations (.if applicabre). Does structure presently exist? 40 Proposed date for commencement of construction #ri?iilf"fi:::::l lli,Jiii'"'e or a revocabre permit ror the structure above indicated, l' That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclu-^ sively to the land above described-.z' li;it:![.,ffirmit js limited specificallv to the type of structure described in this3' That the aonti911i thall notil tt'g Town Manager, or his duly authorized agenr, twenty. ii!fi":lYfi ;|r.fl:T::..lrrffi.ti'; ;b;-;;.''.'iEil"it"or".onii"",.il;;;'i;-;"4" that pro-per+' Inat the applicant agrees to fndemnify and save harmless the Town of vail from andagainst all claims, -iuits' oamagei, cbsts, rosi"t-ano-.*p.nra, in any manner resultingfrom' arisinq out of, 0r .onn"ii"J with tlie erecfion-or maintenance of the aboveidentified siructure. 5' That the permit ryy be revoked whenever it is deterrnined that the encroachment, obstruc-tion, or other strircture coniiitJi.r u nuisance, a"si"ov, or impairs the use of theright-of-waY bv the public, consiiiutes a traffic hazaid, or the property upon whichthe encroachment,,onitruction, o" itructrr. u*iri, ii-requireo for use by tne public;or it mav be revoked.g! uny ii** ro. any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of vail.6' That the appiiiant wiii "eilove','-ui"r,ii i*p".i"l iii"'!i."ou.hment, obstruction, orstructure within ten davs after recei;ilg-ti;l;"-;;;;; revocation of sajd perm.it.7' That the applicant agrees to mainiirn any iandscaping associated with the encroachment^ 9l the right-of_way.8. That in the event iaid removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure isnot accompiistre!^w1!l!n ten Javs, ir'" io*n-i;;;;;;y-;;thorized to remove same andhave the right to make an ass"is*ent.against the property and collect the costs ofremoval in the same.manner u, gen".at taxes are collecteq.e' lf;|,::;r:"rmit so jssued li-ndt Iisisnabie,-.'a-is'iiir"a soreiy to the undersigned ]: Il'lnll".3|?l::l?:r:" read and understands al of the terms and conditions set forthll. Specia) conditions: Corner lot gnature o V Inside'lot skx-<_. Cq.r..O-Lq&r -.s oat&, nt owners Y'5 nre__s/dA_€.nq\r.' s*1s- own Managei SALES CONTRACTo coLoRADO CAI*VAS AWNTNG CO., tNC. 3990 South Windermere, Engtewood, Colorado 90.110phone: 303_789_0533 DateOffertu"a" Mar. 28, l984EstimatedDateof Detivery 4-6 weeks from receipt of contract and deposr:t The Gold )l Address P.0. Box 385 Vai I Zip Cod€ Delivery Address 234 t'lal l st.Vai 1 Phone OFFER Width:4'-2 Total rise; Z'-g 1l Letteri ng on both sjde fixed valances to Pl us tax PAYMENT TERMS: Merchandise described hereon is olfered tor sale in dccordance with the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement on the following payment terms. 5O% minimum d€posit with balance que on raceipt of invoice. Payment by cash, check, VISA or Mastercard. e1- GALLERY scr'l THE GOLD AND SILVERSMITH 0F VAIL (broa Xtb[ Fabric: Sunbrella 1106 Dubonet Tweed Frame: 16 ga. square stee'l tubing shop primed and inted to match color of fabric. Pricq includes letter.ing and installation. Price $ 1325. 00 Sales Tax $ --- Total Price $ AGREEMENT All terms' conditions and prices contained herein shsll expire within ten llo) days from date and at any time before that dare are zubject to changeo' withdrawal without notic€ unless Purchaser tras rirst silneu ind deiivered trris asrelmlnil; $ii;r. The undecigned Purchaser hereby accepts this ofter 8nd orders and agrees to purchase and pay for the above described merchandise and to bebound by arl terms and conditions stared, including TermJand conditions on .,eulrie sial.- - -' IMPORTANT INFOAMATION ON REVERSE SIOE - READ AEFOBE SIGNING.Purchaser hereby acknowledges receipt ol a comploted copy of lhis egrea;"; and acknowledges rhat purchaser has rcad and understandseverything contained herein. Purch6er Copy signed by Purchaser received by Seller this date: Purchaser TERMS AND CONDITIONS prices, Tares: In addition to prices show n above, Purchase r ag rees to pay all Colorado, cou nty and mu nicipal sales taxes imoosed on the sale and delivery of lhe merchandise ordered Delivery and lnstallation: The date specified for delivery is estimated only and actual time of delivery is subject to production shcidutes of Seller and of Seller's suppliers and of prior orders on file with Seller. Seller is excused and is not liable Jor delays caused by its own or other's labor troubles, allocations, scarcilaes. casualty, delays in usual sources otsupply or any similar or. dissimilar cause beyond Seller's reasonable conlrol. Deliverv shall be made to Purchaser's address indicated above and purchase price shall include cost ot installation, unless expressly noted hereon. Intended Use; Fitness: All canvas awnings, palio covers, and relaled hardware are solely lot use as e sunshade. Seller does nol warrant litness lor use ol any of such item3 for any purpose other than use as a sunshade and assumes no liability or responsF bility tor deslrucllon, damage, or injury lo p€rsons or properly caused by wind, hail or accumulation ol snow and ice- Warranty: Seller warants clear title and right to transfor to Purchaser all goods described hercundar and warrants marchandiso is of good quality and workmanahip. S€llor agreos to repair or replace any merchandise in which defects aro found for a period of one year from dats ol installation, Seller makes no other warranties. express or impliod. except as provided here' Limitation ol Selers Liability and Remedi€s tor Defects: lf merchandise or workmanship is delective and such defecl is attributable solely and exclusively to an error or omission of Seller, Seller at its option may require Purchaser to return the goods' or so much ot them as are deteitive, and repay the purchase price or a porlion thereof, or Seller may repair and replace such defective goods or parts. In no event shall seller be liable for incidental, special, or consequential damages. Liquldated Damages on Purchaer's Delautt: Purchaser agrees lhal orders for goods made to order and orders which require maierials not kept on hand by Seller as part of its inventory may nol be cancelled by Purchaser without the express peimission ol the Seller in writing. Purihaser turther agrees to pay the f ull purchase price described on the face hereoJ lor all goods l,"Ja io oro", upon which seller has commenced work or has placed rrrevocable orders for materials not stocked as part of seller's regular inventory required for the completaon of Purchaser's order' Credil; Delinquency Charges: lf in Seller's sole and absolute iudgment the tinancial cond ition of Purchaser at the time any goods are ready lor delivery Ooes riot lustily the terms for payment specilied elsewhere in this purchase order, Seller will have the right to set other crect tt lerms or require payment in cash bef ore delivery. lf Pu rchaser lalls lo make payment in accordance with any aiJricaofe lerms, Seler may, at iis opiion, require immediate payment in lull. lf the purchase price or any part thereof is not piSmptf y paiO by purchaser, Purchaser shall pay a delinquency charge ol 1 .50/o per month or the maximum interest rate allowed by i"* on "itrrornts due. purchaseragrees to pay all costs of collection incurred by Seller, including attorney's fees' and court costs' Securlty Interest - Merchandi3e Remains Personal Property: To secure the payment in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, purchaser hereby grants Seller a security interest tn the above described merchandise free from all encumbrances' Tie parties agree that all ot such merchandise shall remain personal property and shall not become real property after installation at purchaser,s residence. Atter delivery to Purchaser, the merchandise shall at all times be in possession of Purchaser at purchaser,s residence ano shall not be removed therefrom without the writlen consent ol seller and so to remain in possession ol purchaser untit payment of purchase price in full. Upon default, Seller may, at its option, enforce payment.in full or it may take possession of said property and may sell it at private sale or at public sale (at which it may become the buyer)' applying the proce€ds toward the expenses of sale, cost to take possession of said property, and the balance due lrom Purchaser under this Agreement, paying the surplus' if any, to Purchaser' No Repreaenta ons or Side Agreemenls: Seller does not make any represenlations or offerany inducement except those which ar€ expressly set torth in this Offer. Unless at least 500/o of Total Price is paid by Purchaser at the time Purchaser signs this Agreement, no petson nas been authorized by Seller to accept other terms of payment without the prior written approval ot seller' ,i6n"O OV an Executive OJficer oi Seller. Pu rchaser acknowledges notice thal no person has been authorized by Sellerto make any re"preseniations or to ofler any inducements except those dxpressly set forth in this Otfer. This Olfer sets lorth the entlre undertaking of seller and, if accepted. will constitute the entire Agreement between the parties- No representation, promise or condition ""tticn is not sel forth in wriling in this instrument shall be binding on either party Non-Waiver: Seller's waiver of any breach or failure to enlorce any of the terms or conditions of this contract al any time shall not in any way afiect, limil, or waive seller's righl lhereafter to enforce stricl compliance with every term and conditIon hereof' PAYMENT TERfiIS: Me.chandis€ d8scrib€d hereon is offered tor sale in dccordance with the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement on the following payment terms. 50% minimum deposit with balance due on rsceipt of invoice. Payment by cash. check, VISA or Mastercard. Date Offer [a.6g ilar. 28, 1934Estimated Date of Detivery 4*U Weeris .frclli To rr:rceipt cf cJntract anLt def.tjil "ihe t,oid al'i Silve ":nritirr cf Vajl. Irr.:. n.L. ilox .J,,_ Vail u3lAddress Detivery ooor"r, e34 'r'al I rt. !ai i pt,on" 4.ri-irlll .1 .ray Cott1.r, OFFER ll f It., ,1 .A', -.L -, .,-ri 'i r 5C L ,4-, :: Gn i"!-ti{Y ( sci. it' ,r ' ;'tE GfrL! 'r', :it-V[|{S: .. ir' .,,] VA.IL {L.ro r l^r;: , inllrl i:aLli;: l',tnu;"el l: -, l;-'ti l)v jr3i,r,]t 'r,.ieeo f i lt,r . .t!t:-'r'e ;tetl i:rbin,.: ,r':, i) nrjlili r1 dn0 ciiiii.}j i.: jlratcir cel.) ::- fai.;ric, i r; -rl in:lu,l,r'; lr,t:.t'rinc tnd insia'll:ticii, La,,.) I l r,r: ia:.Price $ Sales Tax $ Total Price $S.L3 AGREEMENT All termi, conditions and pric€s contained herein shall expi.e within ten (lol days from date and at any time before that date ars subiect to changeor withdrawal without notic€ unless Psrchascr has first signed and deiivered this Agreemint to S"tt"r. . . . The undecigned Purchaser hereby accepts thi6 olfer ard orders and agrE6s to purchase ffd pay for. the above described merchandi5e 8nd to b€bound by all terms and conditions stated, including Terms and conditions on revirse side.' IMPOFTANT II{FORMATION ON REVERSE SIDE - READ BEFORE SIGNING. Purchaser horsby acknowledges receipt of a completed copy of this Agreement and acknowtedged that Purchaser has read and everything contained herein. zip Code Copy signed by Purchaser received by Seller this date: understands o TERMS AND CONDITIONS Prices, Taxes: In addition to prices shown above, Pu rchase r ag rees to pay all Colorado, county and mu n icipal sales taxes imposed on the sale and delivery of the merchandise ordered. Oelivery and Installalion: The date specilied for delivery is estimated only and actual time of delivery is subject to production shcedules of Seller and of Seller's suppliers and of prior orders on f ile with Seller. Seller is excused and is not liable for delays caused by its own or olher's labor troubles, allocations, scarcities, casualty, delays in usual sources of supply or any similar or dissimilar cause beyond Seller's reasonable control. Deliverv shall be made to Purchaser's address indicated above and purchase price shall include cost ol installation. unless expressly noted hereon. lntended Use; Fitness: Allcanvas awnings, palio coyers, and related hardwareare 3ol€ly loruaeas a sunshade. Sellerdoes nol watrant titness tor use of .ny ol such items lor any purpose other than use as a sunshade and assumes no liability or responsi- bility tor desltuclion, damage, or iniury to persons or property caused by wlnd, hail of accumulation of snow and ice. Warranty: Soller warrants cl€ar title and right to transfer to Purchasei all goods doscribed hereunder and warrants nrerchandise is of good quality and workmanship. Seller agrees to repair or replace any merchandise in which defects are found for a period of one year from dat€ of installation. Seller makes no other warranties, express or implied, oxcept 8s provided here. Limltation of Seller's Llability and Remedies tor DElecb: lf merchandise or workmanship is defective and such detect is attributable solely and exclusively to an error or omission of Seller, Seller at its oplion may require Purchaser to return the goods, or so much of them as are ctetective, and repay the purchase price or a portion thereo{. or Seller may repair and replace such detective goods or parts. In no event shall Seller be liable for incidental, special, or consequentlal damages. Llquldaied Damages on Purchaer's Defaull: Purchaser agrees that orders for goods made to order and orders which require materials not kept on hand by Seller as part of its tnventory may not be cancelled by Purchaser lvithout the express permission of the Seller in writing. Purchaser further agrees to paythe iullpurchase price described on the lace hereof for all goods made to otder upon which Seller has commenced work or has placed irrevocable orderslor materials not stocked as part ol Seller's reg ular inventory required for the completton of Purchaser's order. Credlt; Delinquency Charg$: ll in Seller's sole and absolute iudgment the f inancial condition of Purchaser al the time any goods are ready for delivery does not lustity the terms for payment specified elsewhere in this purchase order. Seller will have lhe iight to set othercredit terms or require payment in cash before delivery. ll Purchaser fails to make payment in accordance with any applicable terms, Seller may, at its option, require immediate payment in full. lf the purchase price or any part thereof is not promp y paid by Purchaser, Purchaser shall pay a delinquency charge of 1.50/o per month or the maximum interest rate allowed by law on allamounts due. Purchaseragrees to pay all costs ol collection incurred by Seller, including atlorney's fees, and court costs. Security Interegt - Merchandi3e Remains PeEonal Property: To secure the paymenl in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, Purchaser hereby grants Seller a security interest in the above described merchandise free from all encumbrances. The parties agree that all of such merchandise shall remain personal property and shall not become real property alter installation at purchaser's residence. Afier delivery to Purchaser, the merchandise shall at all times be in possession ol Purchaser at purchaSer's residence and shall not be removed theretrom without the written consent of Seller and so to remain in possession of purchaser until payment of purchase price in full. Upon deiault. Seller may, at its option, enforce payment in full or it may take possession ol said property and may sell it al private sale or at public sale (at which it may b€come the buyer). applying the oroceeds toward the expenses of sale, cost to take possession oJ said property, and the balance due trom Purchaser under this Agreement, paying the surplus, if any, to Purchaser. No Repre*ntations or Side Agreem€nb: Seller does not make any representations or olferany inducement excepl those which are expressly set forth in this Olfer. Unless at least 5oo/o ol Total Price is paid by Purchaser at the time Purchaser signs this Agreement, nO pelson has been authorized by Seller to accept other terms ot payment withoul lhe prior written approval of seller, signed by an Executive Officer oi Seller. Pu rchaser acknowledges notice that no person has been authorized by Seller to make any represeniations or to olfer any inducements except those expressly set forth in this Offer. This Offer sets lorlh the entire undertaking Of Seller and, it accepted. will constitute the entire Agreement between the parties. No representation, promise or condition which is not set forth in writing in this instrument shall be binding on either party. Non-Waiyer: Seller's waiver ol any breach or failure to entorce any of the terms or conditions oi lhis contract at any time Shall not in any way affect, limit, orwaive Seller's right thereafterto enforce strict compliance with every term and condilion hereof . Y d \-qn1 t4\.\, \J -aXXl--4 )-'l>\\>\._, '-rJ - r.f;* - A s/a\SE X F 'itGE [' [1 i\(tT .a .< D{- rL.S - s.R-r+F=p(rr\r !Rs/Q\s \t/ c,g 'g* wDs{ F-.Swgq ffi@ : qNt6 HtE4&t EEffipep -Er ='F- I \'$ cds Nq I sl-ozt.Fva- lJ',s a z IJJ A- I r z1T 't-rJ o_ I,J -{ cr I.,J \h \l ..\.< FJ 6 2 Io);|lrE.Ff5r ET s$"l :t IN\ gc)9t'a*.TE $F,$ie Vf s.9"9e5-*SEX=i E E - H _\a ,-l =E ii=-!-i=bbEdtSfiEtPE,55 ss3s9999s &sE?ct s$qgg$ _-FEqf, 6ffiS e aE ffi; fi ga ffi#FEf, * *a3 = * H= ? . i*wd FEEEg- ie:i::: rft t3 sF € 8 9f 3 l\91 i@" '.*9q, icDt r\J ,G? D-L rd9/d e@ t6A -E GI5t ffiE WE I$ffiE Ee= 43f5 : ,-\ F\ro? i \ 5 HtrE q - = -$E€ F5 $Eap6s lD aD Eqss Bl u3<-#,rsz(, $g6ttr6IEr=,, !E El --- =kh,- Err4 3B$FEEE E6E'_.E-E s ts a E * @8 CFDf, fDq)fb f'{?p R s $ STEE c) .,."Gr *sER @s3€EP(9ss U= 4E EEPEFA E S:_> t- rF6 =55|edFo Ps333 g} Q€} p-u,=d $8fr HfE EEg8x i s r€l 8 SrF rrli\l\ ;9EPRNn-;-- -5s,O G/ =*D u5 3 E Fee Paid / Description of Project The fol lowing to the Design Si gn submi tta'l information is required for Review Board before a final fee is $20.00. by the applicant can be given. submi ttal approva 1 Material Descri pti on +\ c. size of sign rJ- D. Comrnents MATERIALS SUBMITTED I,,ITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings sfi-oling Exact location3. Photographs shorling proposed locEEJbi- 4 . Actua't Si qn5. Colorado icale drawlng- \ Sign Administrator 6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittaT- Sign Administrator I IWoste Systems" BROWNII{GFERRIS INDUSTRIES Vail Colorado /Arrowhead Diskict : CASINO BUTLDING FUR SHOP COOKIE SHOP PRTNT SHOP BRANDESS,/cADMuS JEWELRY SHOP GIFT SHOP B.C. REAIJ ESTATEB.C. REAL ESTATE BRANDESS/CADMUs VACANT OFFICE UNTT A UNIT B UNTT C MCBRIDE BUTLDTNG SKI RENTAL/REPAIR CLOCKTOWER RESTAURANT REST. STORAGEsKr RENTAr..,,/sronacu CLOCKTOhER RESTAUANT GORSUCH SKI SHOP GORSUCH SKT SHOP GORSUCH BUSINESS OFFICE TROUT REAL ESTATE TROUT REAL ESTATE TROUT REAL ESTATE SLTFER BUTLDTNG I.JOUSTON GALLERY SLTFER REAL ESTATE RETATL SPACE SLIFER OFFICE GALIJERY BUILDING BRTDGE STREET SHUFFLE ORE HOUSE REAL ESTATE CONDO SLIFER CONSOLIDATED COMPACTOR ACCOUNT BLDG.FLOOR NO.PER CENT USAGE 1 1 1 1 1t L z z J 3 1.02 1 .03 .49 2.7L a'7 .45 . +5 - z)- 11 a1 z - 23 .t. z3 L.4'7 .35 8.56 2.23 2.50 .83 .15 .15 .15 PER CENT USAGE BY BLDG. 9 -L4 22.87 4. 08 30. 28 B B B B 1 1 z. 2 3 4 5 B 1I 2,/ B I z 3 7.2r .62 1.41 .84 L3.48 14. 98 1.61 CONT I D po. Box 1579 . VAtL, COLORADO 81658. (303) 476_s737 t,tA&p_BUglDrNs FLOOR Bii)i!hrlrC;FiFFi;. Jx,''^-- RESTAURANT * DELI * RETAILI SHOPS OFFlCES CONDO .^_. PER CENT USAGE t9. 46 9.35 2.76 1.85 -'21 33.63 *:'-..* * -_ 100.00%100. 00% *-gNKNOWN AT THIS TTME ? / luwn TO: 75 south tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 MEMORANDUM Ron Riley and Mike Dave Gorsuch-McBrideMark Cadmu*Casino Bu ; Vince Domenico andStuart GreenrEF[, afrd-John Perki ns olflce of communlly developmenl Bo{ !l ifer-S1 ifer Buitdins,Bui'lding, John McBride_and I Staughton-Gal l ery Bui lding, ""/Buff Arnold-A&D Building, FR0M: Peter patten, Town of Vail DATE: September 25, l9B4 SUBJECT; Final Meeting on the Trash Compactor !e{1q;day'_0ctober..3,_I984, 8: i5 am, smalI Conference Room, Municipa1Build.ing, Town of Vail At lgng last it appears that there is agreement on the rocation and theparticipants for the trash compactor to"be rocated on ro*n ot vaii propertveast of the 0re House.. At.rhe'meeting-the p""pJi.a"i'ii""i,ri, ana uiriiir.n!"elevations wi,ll be reviewed, as weil is the'reirisea p""i"itig.s of each li::y::_ryfticipation. rt fs.anticipiied that the A't t-BuiTdins.*iii"parErclpate 'i n the compactorif .approval for remodel ing is granted; thiswill 'lessen costs for bach partiiibani. Also discussed will be final .arrangements and agreements between al1 partici-pants in the "trash association." -please ue pr6pareJ;i th; meeting with*{ li:fsigund work you're responsitie-ior so we can make finar decisions.Ine goal rs to qet this compactor in as soon as possible--one quite attain 3:,lli:^!"jnt ji,trye qeue iol.wiid quicliv. ir,irr,i-ioiliu.-pu"ticipation__we'll see you EEdnEsIalr. i---1' Project Application Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: ' : ' :- . .Design Review Board """ f ltr/rl DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL (1rt\,rn, ?,,\,, Town planner 1ll klrrlDate: 'l lD/$ E statt Approvat Itv ll- Brondess -Codmus Reol Estote, Inc.}|-..IET5 281 BBIDGE STREET . VAIL, COLORADO 81657 ZI;I E Il- - July 16, 1984 Town of VailBuilding Department 75 S. Frontage RoadVai1, CO 81657Attn: Tom Braun Dear Tom: Please be advised that the Brid.ge Street Condominium Associationfully approves of the air conditioning units to be installed onthe roof above Helgars as per the enclosed diagram. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, S REAL Enc. REAL ESTATE (303) 476-1450 . pROpERTy MANAGEMENT (303) 476_2BSs DENVER TOLL FREE 893-3101 BRANDESS Craig Grhn-Iundr Manager Bridge Street. Condo. Assoc. @oq rn -r'l c)n 6) rrl =IIfi rt|[|l!|l|lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ul . q m @ : I: ll f[_'.rr t_ l- 7fne\ --lcl: N n firfn v illl 7tr I cnt\r{ SF{)l R-rs fqa"N ,rr d $$' K-(\l.F I-J. 4&rrll. llr 0 F g c 9 E B 6r klRI \ I Tz 0 E teJ $-l Jrl f s a -n tr :-! T {r ^\)r 3 lt.o i[Jfl d tl t- e, ff N a t\- $ $ $ e'(trN-{ nt !-n/ l\l l> L + mz {v @r-* - .-! \"-.. (\\-.4(^+\ -a\(f J +sf\ t) o REVISED DRB PROCEDURTS AND INSTRUCTIONS January, 1984 Architects working in the Town of Vail Department of Community Development, Town of Vail The Design Review-Board meets the lst, 3rd, and Sth l,lednesdaysof each month at 2:00P. M.. Below are the dates of themeetings and:the deadline da,tes for submitting applications forthose meetings. Materials must be submitted no iirter than 4:00PM on the deadline date. Read the submjttal requirements with utmost care. N0 SUBMITTALS I,IILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THEY ARE COMPLETE.If Pri tzyou have any questions, please ca 0m braun orat 476-7000. MEETINGS DEADL INES DATE: TO; FROM: January 4, .|984 January 18, '1984 February l, l9B4 February 15,-l984 March 7,.l984March 28,l9B4 Apri 'l 4 ,.l 984 Apri I 18,.l984 May 2,1984May 16,1984May 30,.|984 June 6,1984June 20,.l984 July 5,.1984July 18, l984 August l,l9B4August 15,.| 984August 29,.l984 Sept. 5,.|984Sept. 19,,|984 0ct. 3,1984 9.t. 17,.l984 December i6th ,.l98,3January 2nd,1984 January 16th,.l984 January 31st,'l 984 February 20th,.l984March 13th ,.l984 March 19th,.l984 Apri 1 Znd,1984 Apri I 13th ,.|984 Apri 1 30th ,.l984May 14th,.l984 May 21st,.l984June 4th,1984 June 19th ,.l984July 2nd,.l984 July 16th,l9B4July 30th,.l984 August 13th,.|984 August 20th,.|984 Sept . 4th ,'l 984 Sept. 18th ,.l984 Oct . . 'l st,l 984 Nov. Nov. hon Dec. 7,1994 21,1984 5 ,.I 984 19,1984 Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. 23rd,.l984 6th ,I 984 19th ,I984 4th ,1984 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARDT by either the Design Review Board driveways nust be staked. b}-i.ldings will require a site visitstaff. Your building locations and 2. The review Proeess for NEW BUILDINGS will norrnally involve two separate meetings . of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval, 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled., meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be re-published. 4. The following iterns no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Adninistrator for approval: a- windows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter theexisting plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space;which have had letters submitted frorn adjoining property owners approving the addit j.on; and/or approval from the agent for, or nanager of a condorniniun association. AIl new or the MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED ;, NEW coNSTRucrroN A.(2 copies): Licensed surveyorr s stamp. contour intervals of not nore than 2r unless the parcel consists ofacres oT more, in which case, 5' contour intervali will be accepted. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" 1, 2, 5. 6, 7. 8. nore one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other signifi-cant natural features (1arge boulders,intermittent streans, etc. ) . Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes Ties to existing benchrnark, either USGS landmark 40% or more, if applicable, or sewer invert. Loqations of the followingl a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type ofculverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines frorn sources to the structure. Utilities to inc lude :cable TV telephone sewer water gas electric c., Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. All easements Existing and finished grades All existing and proposed improvenent s including structures, landscapeil areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking,loading areas, rretaining walls (with spot e'levatjons), and other site impiove-'' ments. Elevati.ons of top of roof ri.dges (with existi.ng grade shown underneath)to determine hei.ght of building, B. A statenent from each utility verifying loc?tioll of_sgrvice and availability. To be siibmitted with site p1an. C. Pjelininary title report to acconpany__4]_1 _:4!i!ref!, to insure property ownersn].p and aIl easenents on property. D. Landscap-e Plan (1', = 2_0-t, gr_larger) = 2 copies l. Show the location of 4 diameter trees, other shrubs and native plants that are on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape area with the varieties and approxirnate sizes of plant materials to be p l anted. 2. Cornplete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so thatthe inter-relation of the various conponents is clear, The landscape plan should be separ-ate. The exist j.ng t.opographic and vegetati.onal charactelci stics rnay be a separate nap. 10. F. II. 'E. 2 copies 1. Must include floor p1 ans and all elevat'ions as they w'i 11 appear on completion. Elevations must show both existjng and finished grades. 2. Exterior surfacing materia'l s and colors shall be specified and submittedfor review on the materjals list available from the Department of Corrmunity -Devel opment. .,J The Design Review Board may require the submission of additional plans, drawings,specifications, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will compiy w'i th design guidelines. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted jn lieu of the more formal requirements g'i ven above, as long as they provide a1'l important specifications for the proposed includ'ing colors and materials to be used. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with al1 specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 cop'ies D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Community Development. At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submi t: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utility locat'ion veri ficatjon form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyoq I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of' easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the project is underway, the following will be required before any building receives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. Al 1 utjl ity service lines as-builts showing sjze of lines, type of materjal used, and exact locatjons. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts - 2 copies E. Bas'i s of bearing to tie to sectjon corner. F. A1 i property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map.G. All easementsH. Building floor e'l evations and roof ridge elevations. III Lr5T oF ,111IgR'415 lili'ti: 'ot; t'r<il.;iC.t L..[elt d ?rr- rr*-r-- A;- C-ool,Q.',,. 1 .--- LII(i\1, ti!;:;Cl{ I l''f I0N :' l.O'l'UI,OCK t)l:tiut{ II'il 0i.t oir ptr0.Jticl' Thc fol lowing inforrnet jon is lloard bci'orc a final approval A, BUILDIN(; I,IA'I'ERTALS F.oof Siding 0ther 'l{a L 1 lvtat erial s Fas c ia Soffits Windorvs IVindow T'rirn Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails F lues Flashi.ngs Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhotrs es 0 ther I; .l t, I iic ,r-.o _Brrrl rcquircd for subrnittal by thc applicent to thc Dcsiliu Rcviclvcln be given: Type of Niatcrial tlo 1o r Common Name Quantj ty Si ze B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name SHRUBS o GROUND COVERS . o SQUARE Fl^A'fi/\FrUUIAIJE. a SQUARE FOOTAGEs0D SEED TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING . ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk r j.nes or proposedlines, rnust be approved and verified by the following utilities foi the acconpanying site p1an. Authorized Signature Mountain Bell 1- !44-F157 lrlestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes 1-468-2528 Public Service Company Gary Hal1 * Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V.*eff- H._u g l.rgs, :949 -5530 Upper Eagle Va11ey Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek Date * For new const please fill out attached sheet. NOTE: These verificati.ons do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vai1, Departrnent of Public Works and to obtain uti.lity locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Town of Vail . A. building permit is not a street cut permit. A st?eet cut pemit nust be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. lnun box I tX) vail. qdorado 81657 (go3i 47og€,t* z ao", department of community development Dear Design Review Board Applicant: Enclosed is your Design Review Board Project Application showingthe approval/disapproval of your project including comments from the Board. If you received approval from the Design Review Board, you must make any corrections stipulated by the Board and bring the revisedplans to the Town Pl-anner before applying for a Bullding Permit. .No site work may be commenced until the revisions are approved by the Town Planner and two sets of working drawings are submittedto the Buil-ding Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the Town Planner at .476-7000" ext tj?: DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPIVIENT t"'"- ,'/, .,, =,} 75 south trontage road vail, coloraclo 81657 (303) 476_7000 T0: All Interes,ued parties FR0l'1 : Cornmun j ty Devel opment Department RE: Gas Fireplaces DATE: May 15, 19g4 offlce of communlty devetopmenl In order to avoid Section 8.28-030 The iection reads confus i on. /h\ ^tb/ uas f tre as fol l ols : the department laces of the . wishes to further explainVail, Colorado Municiial Code. 9l: !i::llgSl+-.The, restrictions of th js chapter shalll9t uppl{ !9 a fireplace fueted by natural gui, p"ofin", 91 gny simitar t.iquid fuet so long as iaia iir"piuii-ii'designed and constructed so tnai iaio iireplace cannotbe used or modified to burn soiia-iueti. Gas fjreplacesshall be permitted in any unit. In order that the fireplace cannot be used or modif.ied to burn soridfuels, the fuer nox shiti ;oi-;;;;";-ri* to) inches in depth (seeSection 3707 (n) of the unfi;;";;;iair's t;d.j.- -" "' -.vur o Brohdess -Codmus ote, Inc. o Reol Est 281 BRIDGE STREET r VAIL, COLORADO 81657 BFTpGE STREET CONpOMTNTUM ASSOCTATTON M]NUTES OF THIRD QUARTERLY MEETING HELD JUI,Y 12, 1984 The Third Quarterly lleeting of the Bridge street CondominiumAssociation waa called to order by craig Granrund at 9:30 a.m.on Thurs+ay, July 12, 1984. The meeting was held in the manage-ment office of Brandess-cadmus Real Estite, rnc. at 2g1 Brid96 S t.rc eL. l)resent in person were: John Logan (space #l), Warren pulis(sl,ace #2), Linda Gay cotter (space #5). Kathleen Vavra (space *7) ,and llarbara Thomas (space #15). craig Granl-und representedllr,rndess-Cadmus Real Estate (spaces 4, 10, 11) o F:i,rst FranklinFinancial- (spaces 8, 12, l-4), and Bank of America (space #9) byproxy. Craig also represenLed the managing agent. ffter dispensing with the read.ing of the minutes from the April 12.l9B4 rneeting, the Board members' positions were confirmed.. Thelloard members. who were el-ected at the last meeting, will have thefollowing positions: Hil1is Akin-president, sric Affelat (rep-.csenting Helgats)-vice president, and Linda Gay cotter-sec.,/ireas. craig then asked opinions from the owners on the use of the plastic,;cr.rniums in t,he flower boxes. Some didn,t like them, othersdidn't care, but all agreed that it would be nicer to have liveplants in the boxes. craig agreed to exprore the possibility ofcuLting drainage holes in the boxes and attaching lhe boxes morefir:m1y to the wall to facilitate dirt and live piants. craig then reviewed the Associ-ati-on's building insurance. Afterbudgeting $2r500 for thi-s year's insurance, our renewal ratec;.rnie back from Cigna, jumping from last. yearrs $11900 to thisyear's $131225. our insurance agent did a considerable anountof shopping around and arrived at a low bid of g6,21-9 from GreatArnerican. The reasons for the high rates include: (a) frameconstruction, (b) commercj-al-residential mix, and (c) high buildingval-ue. The managing agent will try to stay within the budqetby saving in othir areas. REAL ESTATE (303)47&1450 . pROpERTy MANAGEMENT (303) 476-egss DENVER TOLL FREE 893-3.101 I T' a S w page 2, Bridge St. Condo. Assoc. elga Pulis stopped in shortly to ask the Associationrs permis-ion to install three srnall (approx. I'x2, ea.) air conditioningnits above her window on the west side of the building. xathl6enavra voted i,,n favor of the project, cay cotter second6d, and al_l_Ll.r.rs were in favor. craig Granlund did not vote on behalf ofirst Frankrin Financial or Bank of America. but a majority votetrs established nonetheless. here was some other discussion regarding the trash siLuation,sign for the north emergency door, a sign indicating ,rBridge treet condos" for the east door, and the phone security sysiem,hich shouLd be operable soon. There being no further business, warren pulis made a motion andKathleen vavra seconded that the meet.ing be adjourned at 10:45 a.m. Respec Crlig'Granlund l submit I Proiect Application Date Project Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL. -.:-":=-DISAPPROVAL E€iaii npproval August 31, 19B3 Building Department Town of VaiI75 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado BI65? Re3 Casino Buildingr Vail, Colorado Gentlemen: On January. Il, 1965, vail Associates, Ltd., a ColoradoLimited Partnership (the iparlnership") granted by deed, whichdeed is attached hereto as part of -Exhibit A and incorporatedherein by reference (the "D-eed"), to w.K. whiteford, ir. -u" easement on the rand described on the Deed (t,he "Easement,,) .The Deed provides that no structure or other impiovernents may beerected or permitted upon, under, or over the rand "ouur"6 bythe Easement eKcept the existing roof -verhang of theimprovements on Lots d, e and f, Block 5-c, vail Viltage FirstFiIing, and except. for walkways, surfacing, and fanOiJipi"S-;; .:::r_::ranership, i.rs "uc.u""Lr" and assigns may approve inw!re4r.Y. On October I, 1965, Vail Associates, Inc., (,,VAIu) wasincorporated and became the successor in int.erest of thePartnership. VAI has consented and approved to the placenenL of afl0werbox and stairwell- within'ihe Easement, pursuant, to thatcertain consent and Approval data January.2j, -itgg3, a copy ofwhich is artached herel6 as Exhibit e ina'i.#o'rp-orut6a r,urlin uvreference. rn the event that it is ever determined by a court of 1awthat the flowerbox or the stairwerr extending into the Easernentconstitute an unrawful encroachment into the Easement, they wi.l1be renoved by the Bridge "'street condominiurn HomeownersAssociation puriuant to a frind in the sum of $500.00 which theundersigned has deposited for this purpose, Purchases of condominium units 4 and 5, which havesecondary access over and across the stairwav, wi]r be not.ifiedin.writing prior to the.crti-ing or the sale of said units thar:3"h. .secondary ac-cess is subject to termination and removar-should a court of ]aw so order. Gata Mora, Ltd.a Colorado corporation By: Ti tle CONSENT AND APPROVAL ,;' , rhis coNSEN" tD AppRovAL1983, is fron VAII ASSOCIATES, ]'IIE BRIDGE STREET CONDOMTNIUM odated the ,ZH day ofINc., a Colorado corporaEGTTfrilEiTl toASSOCIATION (the "Association") . WHEREAS, on.January 11, L965, Vail Associates, Ltd., a ColoradoLrmrted Partnership (the "partnership") granted by aeed, which d.eed i.sattached hereto as Exhibit A and inc-rpoiatea rrerein uy'reteierr".-ttr,""ij':ed'r), to w.K. whiteford, Jr. an easement on the land described. on thelje cd (the "Easement"); and, WHEREAS, the Deed provj-des that no structure or other improvenentsmay be erected or permitted upon, under, or over the land covered bythe Easement except the existing roof overhang of the inprovements onLots d, e and f, Block 5-c, vaii vi11a9e 'irsi riri"g ";a-;;;;;r-io.walkways, surfacing, and.Iandscaping .i tne parlnersnip, its successors.rnd assigns may approve in writing; and WHEREAS, on october 1, 1965, vAr was i.ncorporated and became thesuccessor in interest of the partnership; and 'HEREAS' the Easement, is now managed by the Association as a partof the Bridge Street. Cond.ominium project; .,.ra WHEREAS, as of the date hereof, certain improvements in the form such lmprovemenrs. being ourlined. in red ";-;;hi;il ,, uaa.ched heretoand incorporated herern by reference (the ,, Improvements,,); NOW THEREFORE, VAr as grantor under the Deed. hereby consent,s roand approves the continued 6xistence of the rmprovenents. vAr retarnsany and aII other rights under thp Deeri inar.rtl^_rhl risht ro Jionioi.i .,.v-or;;,"fi'::;:-:l:i":i"31,3!l"H: *itiied to, the Easement. EXECUTED as of the date fi.rst above wri_tten. A'|TEST, uArL ASSOCTATES ' INC. ,a Colorado corporation S I'ATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ."rfl:..t:Iuggj"S inscrunenr was acknowledged before me rhis#iT.:"0=l;rS, -1e83 bv 6 o'J-1Stsqilr* !:i vnil- a="".i.1""1"?" I,,lj-tness my hand and offj.cial seal My commission expires, \uri r3,lltl TblA;9,"?.,, t,svCo. tr I n bb f: t , i C;I-r,rr.lo Corg)ration; and the Rri drro q+r.6a+ ann'la'"i - ; ' * ^ --^^i -+-.,i ^-| ?_rJ-U\-tCt LMl l ,1e83.) I dated the i.,5>uuJ-d.Les, l_n, Best copy Avaitabte [Ird luwn 75 south trontage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 July ll, '1983 Susan Lopez The Vail Cookie Company 520 E. Lionshead Circ]eVail, C0 81657 '1 y Sincerely Re: The Vail Cookie Company Sign The Casino Building Oear Susan: 0n July 6, 1983, the Design Review Board approved the Vail Cookie Company Sign as submitted with the stipulation thatthe bracket be hung as high as possibie on thb soffit. Peter Town PJlbb Jamar Pl anner w*' Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Loi Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL /*o I I Project Name: Project Description: rofect Application Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL -'-' '4 r/ /- / //}<,tr f y'f ,rla June 13, 1983 Mr. Michael Lauterbach Gaca Mora, LLd. P.0. Box 3451 Vail , Colorado 81658 Dear Mike, We are proceeding wlth Ehe final clean-up on che Caslno project, and one ltem came to nlnd that ue had dlscussed previousfy." tt,econdomlnlsm Assoclatlon should have hear tapes rnstalled rn thegutters and along the eaves Lo prevent ice bulld_ups Char coulddamage the roof' These should be inst.alled this falr before freezingtemperatures sEarE occurrlng. If you have any quesLions, please do not hesitate to contact ue. / ss e ouDoY-VrEt€ coNsrnucTrot, rNc. Very truly yoursD DUDDY_VIELE CONSTRUCTION, INC. r,.../,./' t-| , ,, .,, ,'/l ,t) .t.-r1 4, , W1ll1anr H. Duddy / / 'i-'! (- Secreta ry-Treasurer Gcneral Cont ractots Eng inoers 1000 sourh Frontaga Road wesr, suite 202 . Vair, cororado gr6sz . (303) 416.g0g2 C#>Ll.-ftP,r\) SIGN APPLICATION PROCEDURE At the time an applicant applies for a sign application procedure should apply: i. Applicant is to be given a sign app'licatjon to fill Z. }Jhen must be applicant submits his app'lication the following included before application can be accepted: (a) (b) (c) is (d) 4-1(r WZ the following out. i nformation a completely fi'l1ed out applicationsite plan shoving exact location a drawing or photograph showing location if signto be installed on a bu'ilding exact design of the s'ign1. scale drawing or rendering2. or the sign itself 3. or a photograph of the signall of these submittals rnust be colored as sign wilI show 3. Application of $20.00 is to be co'llected at the time of appl i ca ti on. 4. Upon receipt of complete applicat'i on a file is to be set upprior to submittal of application to sign administrator. A1l application material is to be put on the right side of the fotder.If photograph or drawing is submitted,they are to be put on theleft side of the fo]der. The DRB app'l'ication is to be xeroxed and included in the folder.If the sign is approved by DRB,the signed approval s'lip is to beput on the top of the appiication material in the file. This approvalis to include a statement that this application is approved per materials submitted on application number Appljcations will be numbered. If sign is disapproved, the DRE-Torm is to be very specific as to why application is being denied. 5. Filing - After application is completed, the fjle is to be fi1edin a "Signs" section of our filing system in the front office. Fee Paid SIGN APPLICATION Qr;cat;on Number nut.5-3r-8> C@EIL CD,n"^"Eh:45bE Location or project Vntt. CmLte en -CASfO ,&LttDttW Description of projecQ Name of P"oiec€Gav_ftR 9?.G€ _Sr. VA\L. Name of Person Submittin The following information js required forto the Design Revjew Board before a fjnal Sign submittal fee js $20.00. A. Sign Material submittal by the applicant approval can be given. c. sjzeof s;sn 4) l6nq,1" r,t,(7p ?" lrTtrylQ D. Conrnents..l_!,r,ldc-( nq Prcs<*-r.r+- -<1qy\i tr. ,'i,r ^,:r' i rl J.1.\ t{a(-.f lO(-c{+if,n MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Si te Pl an2. Drawi ngs sh-owTng exact 'l ocation3. Photographs showing proposed location -- 4 . Actual si gn5. Colored scalF-dFawing-a--_6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittaT-- ffi o f a- I 1".1\ ,^| At! DArE ",1".1 *', JoB NAME- - --'-r----r- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER ruES ,S"J b#:,,,b\4, INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL cr r,a,,A. fffl/PM BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION i STEEL N FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEB n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING N INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr fI (rrrunr-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: ! TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL I APPROVED I orsenenoveo REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: -]- |o,'te -7 /}s lv^', rNSpEcroR _ril 5 F t, ooo lnwn RE: Cas ino Bu'i I di ng Ft*!'' t'<tg'P 7/x'/ ts It'4 , 'The following items are not completed and the cost of finishing these items shal 'l be included in a compietion performance bond:I' s-foo l. awnings - entry and deck A'ttlt* 06/?- 6rttoe6 '€ 6'frel H)Jftob.Fet tT eearT eov&-. / o eo 2. aspen and landscaping as per approved piins 2'q^ra6oft'* l4tot:rr-ET{ - Asa 3. change co'lor of stripe - da' -\' Jp-rrlf.(s -1t+ s'FLEt4ft'Ht J-fA 4. restain faSCia f-- LadF-ll' \'zllg4'1*tJ (Yl s'tr6'q ' SO 5. spot pairit nails al-, trrc;rtt4{TL .gv€tjt Aeq, f1deuy, /tz,rr,./r Sr- _:;o 6. plant window boxes /NConfw /..fo 7. paint metal brackets on overhang ' -ro B, paint roof flashing otss 3 eo p 9. copper roof over Brandess entry. "-oh-. 3 S-a tO. retexture south wa] 1 - Dr, -o' ll, paint cover plates south wall -o - 12. stain window south wall -O ' 13. touch up paint gdtters r|.r -/ Sa 14, reroute gutter south exit stair arr< r 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 . (303) 476-7000 June 23, '1983 Mike Lauterbach Dear Mike: Lauterbach 6/23183 color coat under south stairs c)lf-. finish and paint overhang throughout Otf-, finish trim stripe on southwest elevation cala paint f'l ashing south elevation and above bays at Silversmith'sn paint dP- all metallic flashing paint handrail columns to match others on t,lal'l Street. ot/' c'fean concrete off of storm grates azk-" trim |{al I Street door to He1 ga 's 1at .o7v<'E7r^ ' tl+rz'au'4/2'E - A(j<Jr:/L ta-aft^ R_oeCdl paint ch'imney caps and f'l ashing rAr^:: r1,r4.lcri '" finjsh stucco panels over bays on l,lall Street A/^- fill in rafter cuts, fascia board, above He1 ga's 4h fill in stucco to foundation Wall Street jog dA tie all cable wires proper'ly attached ola paint flashing on scuppers olr finish and paint directory lActfum - yp6.o e-tv&2- 6t at'aFcp+vr insta'l'l notch box dlo instal'l padding on beam over top story cold patch street to gutter repaint fascia above Helga's .- grf ,ALu#FPA&E ^ eoAtgttltt4t srqt+ T\rteat,/!. 0..rT , paint "No Parking" bracket to match stucco ot-r paint out cast pipe next to Siamese fire connection crrl. Other items may need to be addressed prior to final certificate of occupancy. page zo-piits. /eo ta. 2€e 17, 2 sa 1t. so )g. -O - zo. /5a n. 5a zz. Qoo n. -o - 24. / .fe zs. 50 26. -o " zt. / oo 28. 5e 29. 50 30. /0 o 31. fa 32. -o' zs. -O - tq. 35. bay window ? ?* Iutryn 75 soulh tronlage rd. vail, colorado 81657 (303) rt76-7o00 department of community development I'lay 25, 1983 Mike Lauterbach Gata Mora Ltd. P.0. Box 345.l Vail, C0 81658 Re: Casino Building Redevelopment Dear Mike: 0n ltlay 18, 1983, the Des'ign Revievr Board approved the Casino Bujlding Stipe and Awning Color Change with the stipulation that the trim andfascia be stained a darker color to provide more contrast to the burgundy color. A sample of the stain color should be painted on thebuildjng by May 3.|, 1983. The Board will visjt the site on June l, 1983. Si ncere)y, /* d-7.- J im Sayre Town Pl anner JS/bb I Project Apptication a o^r" /3 iy'gr( /f.* Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Tr.{ilE Owner, Address and Phone: /a rbiX 34t / l/4t, rz: k t6S fr Architect, Address and Phone: ,/rt1t ':, rs?1(ff{#i:.- &) u-; //+/t ,?:j F/e,S- Legal Description:tot&&l JrE t-.---atocx 6L ,rrling Vi/ / Comments: '/;{#{, Design Review Boaid , zone c" t- l ti t- 7,' t,4 f t.[r D*" /8''YA/ '/963 orsnppCovnr-. ,qNa F:4.5LtA summary: C ot.{.()t r-t\rA T {rtT ';A./fi4 rz.' pA lqff{t E Statt Approval RNi l\i \Ni ,L. $ \ \ $ N --'t-'<t'--=->-__-\----- . u \-../ s\i \ $$t\{N '\. N $ _i \ $ N R Atlits) ',)J rE I )) F.t I )iH __-<^=_:__, \,'" ||.| &#Na oazaald r |A,tl: So{&elLA t')ocnA ttlc otlQaoNDYZ sopaeEufr /E rT,4//oas ae.B, fKfiPAhr,l4wM6f5w/Eadl rHrr ,D,DILlD r\i\rt, $|IllvlElQs,v'tlllthlS OF \AIIIL January 19, f9E3 Mr. Michael L,auterbach Owner t s RePresentative Gata Mora ' Ltd. ^ ^1. /aiJox J+)tvail, bo. U65e Dear Mr. Lauterbach, -Article 5,3 of the Condominium Declaration for the Bri<1 ge Street Condorniniunns , "u-quit"=-a-three -tourtns 3/b) majority gf ll9 i"i.i tttes'bef6re 'i3000'00 or more of struc-[ural aoot-iI""-o" capital improvements can be done to the common elements. Project aiplication forms for both the Design Review board ""J"ill" Pianning-commission contain a signature area -uo "i'ro* irt* authorization of the property owner' I must remind you that you have not-yet obtaine^d ,? )/4I IIIUb U .t Erlrlrr\-'i Jvq v"*" J 'uio"itv of owi-rer votes- lor. apll?:?1^?i-I?3l^1"?13"1; lll' ;;; "itXo";" ;;'""" -""u'or i'"iion " : i gl?:u::: -:"tF+*or the proper "owner aLltrrIor"l- LicuLw) t D,'6rra Design Review uo"fi- ";-ii;;i"e c?TTl":i":^::':i;-LI*- tion the southrvq ortion of Your Plans was .""P'"-fl.r '. r'..', l). <. i.--table fre-F-aPnroved at a Publlc mee {L.. .As an o\^rner in the south-rvest corner of the buildingt I am extremely oissatilri"i "'irtn-irre tiarri: p?l*:":^t:::"nlil" ;;;:#=ti ;;";;"e;iil; ;;; i'nt":!. :l ll,:^:"ll:.":l?"i: Xouf,5iE'in"""il ;;fi"'i""t"t=eo noise level that mav be a result of Re spe c liSSr I1)AN \;{il,1,, 0,DL0lQa\lD'D Sll'D0iZ It[.[ LltlfN S.irl$t C'Oll ]tlflQ lFlll. [:iO:]] ql Z'D' JillJ3ll .changes. Drljs t8,CX r"ot{44f_vr F. H. Review Period: Within l0 days of neeting subrnittat requirenents as herein listed, the plat shall be approved or disapproved by the Public l{orks Departnrent and the Conmunity Developnent Departnent. If disapproved, the plat shall be returned along with a written dc'scription of thc reasons for disapproval . The plat shall not be revier+ed again until corrcctions or nodifications are madc as they relate to the recsons for disapproval , Every tirne a plat is subnittecl or resubnitted, the. l0 day review pcriod wilt apply. The plat shall bc decmcd approyed by the Town of Vail if no action is taken within 10 days of a correct and valid submittal . &a.,*, A. APPTICATION FORM FOR A CONDOMINIIJM/TOWNHOUSE PIAT REVIEW Appri.^ft & 8,,,*" *."-t C 40. Bo, 34s/ Vt,'/Phoae f(|-azrl B.Applicant rs Respresentative /Vr'c / , o //, n.lo: J.-zL-- P.a. Bor 3 +s/ Vrt'/ C. Authorization of Property Owner Signature t ' Phor,."flt - arl D. Location of Proposal ockS-L Fil Nane of Address Nane of Address E. Fee gloo 614 ,.-f4 *toe1 Materials to be subnitted shall include: r. ong conplete set.of the prat including site map, froor area nap, elevationsand sections. This can 6e in mylar-oi print firrn upon sutmiiili.--D;;;i"-requirenents for a condominiun/townhouse plat can be tound in Sectionof the subdivision regulations, 2. one ntylar copy of the site rnap to be retained by the Town of Vail for records. 3. A copy of the declarations and covenants to show that landscaping provisionsare included. 4' Any other inforrnation requested by the zoning administrator or Town engineer, The plat shall incrude a signature brock for the Town of vair with a r.ine desig-nated for the senior planner/zoning administrator for his signature arong witha date line for said signature. G. P1,ons f4{-azt/ rt _lF_ rt- Project Applicationlt' Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Block Filing Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by:'ln X c)^l tI Seconded by:fl4aK,1,,Q-- APPROVAL ) .f r) 7'r-J f "{rl 142 " irrq t' Summary: 8tL-' E statt Approval Iuwn 75 soulh lronlage rd. vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 December 17, 1.982 Roger Booker Gordon Pierce and Assoc. 1000 S. Frontage Rd. l,lVaiI, Colorado 8i657 department of community devetopment RE: DRB Submittal of 1.2-17-8? Dear Roger: 0n December 15, 1982 the Design Review Board denied the appricationto remove the p'lanter from the west facade of the casino-Eli1ding.The application does not meet section ts.sq.oz0;-p;;;;;;ph g, of thecode. Si ncerely, -/,-fu'- fft=- -ffi, suy"" ;'/ Town Planner JS: df NI o0 N \ R N t Nt-d'tr-- "rtrl" !/\' t {( ! F*I tl .d $\ ',,o,i:*rL7frt/- rrl .Ltt Gtl I I L--$ '---t.-: Id)l I BllJ' :J$$*\il9 r) $$t- co $ 3 T aL $ltr, t-i ,\\rl \[ i)i f \);t st b$ r-*] t \---\ Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board f4al$rz- Seconded by:f lraru APPROVAL ouF 4lL-tJr'J.J(- , P,a8.#.,u;zr.:> l*SOt,tirc-4 '., uiJ F?AF t. t-ttY.T' fl}.f{ t.}.44" Su mmary: E statt Approval lutrn 75 soulh fronlage rd. vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 November 5, 1982 Mark Cadmus Brandms-Cadmus Real Estate 281 Bridge St. Vai1, Colorado department of community development RE: DRB Submittat of 11-3-82 Dear Mark: 0n November 3, 1982.the Design Review Board denied the apprication torem.ve the planter from the ioutheast corner of the casiirb Building.The application did not_meet cit6;i; Juttineo in ine-viii i,rrtug" DesignConsiderations. The. tralternate moaii.iiition,; tii.-rruii"" planter,was tabled so that this issue may be aiicussea at the neit ireeting. Si ncerely, ,ly''-# Jiin Sayre r Town Planner J5:df -rl ea i ,r;gJuuptN ,uvs3Rzz lttjol QK.b, ffitffrdlol z*6/ bZ 0t k>FJ i IX,a*O# I utLptNd l -<? -l I l-+-.-'r\L_-l,aq5A I E l"= lo' @elaffrbr.l ?:flOV b2- o0 /ml-l t*II \ Re|,'rova dJqla : Wffi,Po*"* I w,#ffi:: r-nxftdflffftryitu oqloa z €fr<=€-r fllf all L Cdi;?k*8//t eh 281 BRIDGE STREET . VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Augusb 9, 1982 Gata-Mora Bridge Street BIdg. VaiI. CO 8l'657 Gentlemen: Brandess-Cadmus Real Estater Inc. hereby requests the removal of Lhe concrete block plancer recently constructed i-n front of our ReaI Estate office (Space i4) ' It does hinder our traffic and at no time were plans shown to us revealing this planter box obstacle' Thank you for cornplyinq with'our request' ourg, MC/ck cc: Horst Krebs Mike Lauterbach {*e*u*/ J r* l/** - /fu!. / {, Trrbue REAL ESTATE {303) 476-1450 . PFIOPERTY MANAGEMENT (303) 476-2855 DENVER TOLL FREE 893"3101 Mark Brondess-Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. 281 BRIDGE STREET . VAIL. COLORADO 81657 October 29 | L982 Town of Vail ,/ (Planning Commission )( n I 75 S. Frontage Road t I V /V"/f Vai1, Colorado 8L657 A Attn: Dick Ryan 7&d Dear Dick: REAL ESTATE (303) 476-14s0 r pBOpERTy MANAGEMENT (303) 476-2855 DENVER TOLL FREE 89}3101 ,',, \ We are requesting an adjustment of the exig,ting planter box in front of the Brand.ess-Cadmus office on BridgeStreet. From the enclosed drawing by Pierce, Baldlvin and Associates,you can clearly see that the dist,ance from the planter boxto the building is much closer than on the other planter boxes at the Bridge Street Building. Furthermore, theother two planter boxes are smaller in size and are not located directly in front of an entry'way, as it is inour case. In view of the problems with egress and ingress, and maintenence, such as snow removal , we are asking forapproval of Lhe trimming down of the planter box,allowing us the same freedom of access as the otherstore owners in the buildinq. yours, MC/ck Enc. cc: Roger BookerPierce, Baldwin & Assoc., Inc. T Mark Cadmus J r*f1 {}a4Jq-bKAN \ \ \\\ /') oRlo6 g sfrq'=ET ,"':) P.0.8ox fn ln '".',1'.' t cjrrsrnucr r oil otRAT r ,,r NllMfJtl?: 8//L OBSTRVATION - TRANES ON TIIT ACTIVITITS - J00 " D{-ctst0N5 ACTION: 23,4 z8 tf S.x,tft al l.fr ./t a. tr Ch{ a-"/. /.r, flia&h- ,rt,--/.e cl 4- 4t 433 0n lti erc e 220r1 Associ<r{r,.s,a n,J Vail Arr: h i t ec t u relPTannl-ng / tn .) \ box lfl) vail, colorado 81657 {303} 47S5613 December 19 ' 1980 Mr. John Perkins, Architects P.0. Box 266 Vail, Colorado 81657 Senior Planner APP: df cc: Pam Tellene department of community dwelopment Alley Proiect on Bridge Street Dear John: The P'l anning and Environmental Cormission on December 8th had a ii:!ri;i;lrv"""ui." on' iii"-iiiiv-qioiect and determined that the nroposal was a pran imena*ent.- trrii requires a 90-day review period ind. meeti ngs wi th t#..i;;_c;un.i r ana ir,e. Fi annt ng a-nd Envi rorrrnental commission. n ioint-woiii"=tition *ith. ih; Town Coinci'l-and Planning and Environmental cJttm'iiii"" has been tenatively scheduled for JanlarY 13' 1981- Since your proposal wou'ld change-the Urban Design Guide Plan from "Mid-block connection ii"""i:.lii-r"* g"ii;e-iir6et to Vil'lage Plaza" to the structure v,*]"ui""piopoiing. vou-ilust shovr why the mid-b'lock connection should Ui "ltol.O'irorn-the ptan ana your proposal supported' Before you spend a great deal of time on the design and use aspects of the proposal tn.'piin iittaii"i tusi'u"'ipp"oYqg.9v Tovrn council and ptanning and Env{rffiil;i;;*i.iion. iir addjtion, the risht to.use the alley *;;i'il ;i;i" u"tore we.spend hours on. amend'ing the piun-ina iina oirt you can not use the space' If you have any questions, please contact me' / box lfi} vail. colorado 81657 F03) 47F56r3 December 18, 1980 Mr. John Perkins, Architect 1000 Lions Ridge Loop P.0. Box 226 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dick Ryan, Director Department of Conrnunity Development DF:df department of community development ,r-" '; Office Addition te Casin/ Bui ldiit' Dear John: The P'lanning and Environmental commission had a preliminary reviewof the^proposal for the office addition at the cisino nuililng anldetermined that there were significant impacts and would requirethe longer process of 90 days. There has'been a joint study sessionof the Town council and the Planning and Environmenta'l conmissiontentatively-schedu]ed for January 13, lgBI where your project willbe discussed. One of the major concerns of the office proposal was enclosing llallstreet and creating a tunnel effect. yol wiil need to show h6w thisratio works. In addition,,you need to. regpg( to the Sun/shade aspect regarding theeffect on tla'll street, the children's Fountain and Gbre cre6k uriie.I wou'ld recormend a graphic presentation on this issue. A model of the area would probably bring into focus nany of thequestions of the P'l anning_and Environmental cornnission ind cormunityDevelopment Department. The height of the proposed addition shou'ld-fall under the zoning ordinance ind Design bonsiderations. I would recommend that you check this out and present it to the Department. If you have any questions, please contact me. Si ncerely, Exterior Modification Review Jeff l,linston, Gage Davis Associates December 3, 1980 0ffice Addition to Casino Building 1. Excellent proposal on almost all counts. 2. Would like to see verificat'ion graphically or model of street enc'losure consideration. I suspect it may create abit of a canyon by v'irtue of its stepping out into l,lallStreet. A stepped-back third floor may be warranted to overcome the "canyon: effect. 3. Sun/shade should be verified graphica'|1y. If the deck is in shade now, mov'ing the wal 1 out may adversely impace l,tall Street? t 'I :' a 24trr Smcg,ubzuoZ> tJ-razttz,rt -|, flz-t lr/ .u,il'ui:ttD t/gc€ i //Bz-/.ALt z .eteVSZ*-46 'i -'.'-4t ,'. Y. m,/e*a W6 .'- y',l4n-t .',5-nl --s'/14D{ t li 1: - 4/5e-P fi4 /4&/4/6- / 7// ,ttaa) l' / 't /SOo@ Ma> / 'l '---a .4 |/e<_ t:anraalTs - :' /</--* fu, l l I I'-l II Q[,lWtAz fut^wlntftrtnll Wtr't z re, a . r'Tw (mg*) qft-t kn"d;,n;" V, C.tw1/,^rhy. l, 6v,tlrlt^t' pvaytrv,l- ru *l.u',"vtt aLl t"ot*t^t*,, av tt+r*A L. Wwl til,a, t" */- vul(th"',tti-n6 +lnil aat'tva*< au*'21*d/rw4 [ q*atca't ;l- y ry L W ei t/'- c*tA1tu l,r1 yy rl 4 o!/r uW utan *w4 4 'ef4-hr"t*-ttj {lrt ;rd ft^*u ,r*n" ' yWq tee Urur'ua'uAt-'4 d" nfuVattt^t- '"f'P'+' b. Z^lV^tl,* .rul,ltuJJ- loc' yr";fr* Wl ry t1^* at *, ;t rt /t^-tit- ww , lauw\ 'lt*'t^n'lt rr,t Wl w4r4.f unL44ilf 7 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER LIST FOR OFFICE ADDITION TO THE CASINO BUTLDING , 1. BRTDGE STREET CONDOMINTUMa--' Don Telleen Warren pulis Donald Huttner, M.D. Leo Brandess Mark Cadmus Ranald Macdonald ,/2. LAZTER ARCADE BUTLDTNG t3 c .( Bob Lazier 3. PLAZA BUTIJDING &4r*, "Faz'oi (. ,foanne Hill _f c, / /3i, ^d:r_, l. /- 4. PEPIIS LODGE & RESTAURANT Pepi Gramshammer _ 5. THE RUCKSACK BUILDING Chuck Rosenquist /a"/i,_ Dick Brown Jeff Selby ,., 6. THE DELI BUILDING (A & Vincent J. Domenico 2,r4 ,4, ASSOCIATION' n"/^/ o-f o /, oS'tt.- ,/Jy' t3-J/ D ENTERPR]SES) f 'T-'l- / / )t .FY[ktr" ,J?ptn(' \ f<t4fai a, oa. b +IN (M!"4 rtwW fe{ 4l Hztffi,€dFw l, I}^L n^;4 - lalifi,tL ctww hirrn ufWh a/T*LA tt* ?tut-l I/uAt, L;fu44t ryl h-cr.l^ ,!r! W*u-t-/ l,rlaro+<- ;^ t1^- W, ft Um^ , Lw,uemr, i,atluJztt ,n tt"t- Aihnzw \ "y;(* ef-'.f ttr lt^+ e4u',a,t*^^;A, LoblpYlr',t?4,*rdr^rnX -eL* ; naa* & ptt*wltc+S, .au ,-"*, We "fr*l'lz al**t+w;V W Uuta^e-Il"' tt*prt* I/At ( -'H'h, Ati&.fl^^ I q*,l/y^r4 %/dt*',t 114,ilf n^L 4 t/d., ffi qtv-t ttnt tlhsft'uzrzlr- 4 q/!t^AJ'b e,l/t*I, n*ilf ava+ra1 {*fuit1na* afln-tt*<a w fl* m-*te,.' (V7*w 7-ac)'Dw Un* +ra**a"h iru .t1tuu4 axo -# lq/r*r^^iV ^-ttn C,t;n,74 vw^,J,il^/ 4 fu1 afc+uLu .;- f* U/ ' ffuarA a,t/a. unl,t tt ilJjt.i . '11,v*t t',v+ wH-|yrrrlrr',+*,lt *U4, Ir;rt ^rr*r. d (t; 1"i.ar-twill lrlattL a- krra-l h{1*1 /t tun*riz;,^ *, h ltar't ,h^ynW ryt urV bi n^ tl* rt^,hryu. 7l,l- cJ+,"- h *t a futw;M uuld iu ttt<;tot r'iAb l,^rr1. C ffi f4lth" ,tb1 ry ;, rrrt ,4 fX- lt r^I , W .fl,Eofwn,ryuhn'f, tLilalryf q iP| tol c.Itlt 4 lrL Wt q! 4Wtuuna,, ,tuh tn .rf q rtt, *1"*, t tll l"* L"^ drvt t ..1" ) Io A rt.La*zt( izttn - ,h lLrr- h h^t ru t//.1 f { X thh k r+znll a4 a- fT^'wr,"{L *l Vrt ,r;r^., t] ?ln ctt: t446sn ,L u lt-tuoU ltOvy ffiLLi*tk 4Pt *? l^7 #fun e ra*>fAAuh.iu. If h-r+hrr*, f.1t"1-4fi*n tb hUl hala rtD,*1 twtl,+ atJ..? ca4lrf rb lr*rt*rrY. ' La n*rr,*' ;1" vrla4- e-a 4 f*r - +lr',,t'tt*yt^. lut* {*u {l ,Ml tv W mttwtt'v Ld*h Nfili*Lf tu*vlr rqr*A rt *L*lu( p&, +uhez ultu,u yt'.t^ h tr- e'ffiA,ttL*{,' Tl ;,rrye ,ry\ mulL*Ltp l0- tut,A,r./, T1^- e.Jata;ahtwi und-d. I taJ. Ar4]u- t- ,rrrh; €affiY h fil. uii-\c- Pt*7'- frr,r^A al I . 't '-.Tlrtqct4rt .A,*l hnut:,| \'Dond1 ^/,, hilfuLq (,rtttlt^*'lt'W ;t dun illU- m r'ut ? )d/4h &4'L W 2 . f S*t +t"^h t?ht +U 'M,t l 1",'t ltr 4 fl,+ ai?fit a,tu'n/- A^tuu,taun^ /nWa,,)t ta*r,- TJnl,ea-til{. 4.wR- Uu'Irnfi4r{L +/W-rttn Ui711/-4, lr}4- h tlrlatt ,T u h^, ulc*tttn tT lL Pb?a ry , ,i{oV*tl.tt ,)^'h ;t \ rnp+u,U+ a*4 q +?n. a r+ ' -:.F;-";-;.' .' 4g.l':;f, e" t, (l).$r ru =coz' t,t id Er zcEdu,xt F= !etL;rlJ<z -rlro t-:r (Jztr, tr,cDZ Fzlll =l^lJlr! 2o =,=oo Fz lr, =lr.'Jlr, zo2 =o otd b =.j j-r !. r-li.l::o.:6 q Siv.t :.:- ! .o .- & N h' t- Oo l 6 atqt (L st\h -l Iti t trrr^ I :v. I E8.,\ lrlF \i. 2 TJd2 I,|J ' l...e ...J t. \ | | '---? rfr !-..c\J Et \ .-t II.l I t', .t'0r . .r- _5 1i l' I I I I I I I I|lf,IItI I Ii- I i i I I t I I i i o $ .. i. - ' Jrnvrqr \ l#r-.1*'- ;r-f:.'ttfutnffi f$(ft, rrit&. i.t,rlrtr?of',,Jl. r!*rltrcrl Crrtno trlt.1 OG.qrf &llr ,-aA.lrt Oelorrdo ,l ttn ldlrrrtl.e - - - - -t.r rld oILAO (ll0.o0) : - - Hsth f.d t t4 ffllt rtrG) g{rcrrV(r) fr t. -t trlltll\EDr B. ricarri&rr f { ON\r I Cra$ta |l. bE eLt r:l 7-ogrdY b l}rFSf.5.a tln {tJ /E!5- '?'rsn"t{%tr/3r IlT' t bt l. rr't1 Eloor f-CJ trrr. ;;:-i1.. r::t H-tiirl.. !t r.c.-trrrAir.-Ll'dl"-tifltr-l'i*t."-.tirr l'-r' t'"'! ss"., lf -irr lp,oclal id f"toii o''r.rn of rirl ProPoritv 1r-?rll lliillf-I1::3--.itt,Dz-'- t! O lrcEctt fof 3aSrror rld .Gta3t botroll E8lC3a !trn.3 loo at "l'fi"of 0-€r- !r1l ltllrgr, llnt-ttltBtr onrrt lsliotr, rnd l;na tbo Jotlorfrf attrdflbd lradrr io-tltr ^-- - i-e.it oi.for f;-iioof !.r!, Y.ll ltttrp ;1l'tt Dltrg, _GooatT_'( itr3tar-ftrtr ol 6lirrdor Drbi ror. grrtlocbrlt drncrlood 11 loUottl ?ratsdaS .j ltr locttrrrt o,nra.r oi rrld lot F^Pj!:"? ryn*rrf |' '.Ilr,f.3 ISo f.rtrrlt ltar of trld !..'t t I dlrtrnco ot-tot76-trrtl tnrccrf ;; ai rugto to tbi rttit ot lololl'.10- I dhtrocr of l.ll.tt t?.t|. th.Dra ;;; la iiii. io tb. tort ol tOoCgrOOr r dlrts5c. ot lo.lo^fue!3 tbeoco ; ln r=Itr to tb. rrt!3 of e{eooroo' r dlztrDo' or 'll.@- to'tl- throco;- ;i -irr to ttr tcit or Joogo:gg' t dlrtracr d-rr!a-!nt!^tl?":" "" Ir roife to tt4 rlflt of #tlr95. I lllrttDo. ol 11l.7O l.ot to r Fo3zt cl-tlrr lrrtrtu-lt!. ol teld lat t5 ltecol oa lE iDEl. to 3L ;a$i "t loOoSO'OE! igt rfo* r sEFrl to-tl\" lfr r.nd rioag rrld f;to1.it ifnr cf-la3 5 gvfr- ! f!dl!. ot llO.O? lortl-t ccrtrrl.eotle !l tp*lio3.r rl .rt.o dt.trDF-ot lp.t0 frrt lo tDl trotlrgtsrly oor!.r oi lrfC ti..71 tLrnor Sostlrr,rrtr;ly rloaS tbo lont^harly llro ot rrld L"c-i-i flrtdo. oC at'g8 lortl roio c tccrr to tb trl. gorDt ot :r ,t bcSrqp,$5.' ''fijttrcotrre of Ottrr laprorcoontr rrt h oreotrd or glnJttc.d lfrl radcr.. rrt or€t tL lr Dd ooe-re,l b7 rocb rrr+son3 e:,-cfFt thc rrLrtlag ro/rt Grar Drlj of tto &rgrovora nta oe rrld trtt dr ar rad t; rr:crzcrgt tor rocb velhryrl rurfeolal;, rnd trot!;oepla3 tr thr Grrutor,:ta rr3oassotf tDd rrrtjnr rrt rgtrote lr lrttto5l. f.\lt e tFr.aa:ntrll br dotrod,lo bt a oo?Gr,rat taur.rlat rlrl 2ba lro{ 'nd olrll bob1:-'!i; r'.91 rd lrcrc to tb bc;.:J!t of tDr g3rtlcE Dor.'tir thetr o Fllt dl ilr .Pp{tit rt "r. .id r.rr.or;ri fh titl. tJ tl.'.i.r... rubr."t t- lllr i i..rr..fei aa $ proDr. ], !.IsD duc la l9ti5 end -rli rubxtqurfol ttrtr, .nd i.rilrr.' I to tbr DrotGGllvo ccvenrotr ol rocqrd, rnd $ubJcct t(,.thrt .'- '-------7coavrttDcr to Tho Plrrr Colprny rl tr.lo thc lrnd coverr.d by rh.. ." rbov. r-.3.rvt:ton to Grrntoi. - Dccd' art Crrny. nltnr.... lo rr.ri.nrr., r..rrulr..rt. :a 8ijrd tlir 6 . rlry ol tt Jrluert' =' .lt 5$. -.:-l.- . Blarr oPCr..r0BrD0, L. frlrt;.f " I *!i @snry;,?:pji..X \yp\ff:, ). . - /*.o...rrr- !..)'i iY,\ {d'.d'3-%:-=w-7ut4 .|1pil rdrlliciel xrl i ,/ ,.il;riIE.tl$rr. t'r ,rral lF. - tr*., LF l-t ra-. - aa.!'.. It r, Fr'. ..i.{ l. -r-.rar .. .t.|r.t ll- F-tr ..-. .a tE .a .t-or.t r|l-.r.r.4.,t .. rr .ur-r .. j-. rrt -r a- r-|l-a b,l .- J -.r.|l-., dtr-rt, - il, '--..1 -.[.r .ttr-r. J ...a -, tl}| al - F--a ln.-.a.*.at-.- trir- C---. ar.- tr-a h, A--. 3--a. !r IJatIitttt ilil li' ii h:\t: a \ts; >rr l:IT.is. ..rjt!ldi iirrI t rl \ .\ ! tl t:l it i rr.{' ! i k ,'1,f; ,iT 5 a tst t .l 'l I a'r .: .-a'l t . ' a_ :: l r.' i 'r i ..:'"i I ti October 8, 1980 Frank B. Hall & Co. ol Colorado 1777 South Harrison Street P.O. Box 17229 Denver. Cohrado 80217 Telephone (303) 758-7688 Pan Te Il een Box 279 Vail, CO 81657 Dear PaIo t Per your request to evaluate your proposed building plans adjacent to the Aridge Street Conilominium Association,please be advised that the proposed occupancy of mercantileand residential and the frame type construction will noteffect the fire rating of the Eridge St.reet property. Asindicatedf there could be a potential problem in exposureif the occupancy would be of some hazardous nature orinvol"ves an improperly protected cooking facility. Hope this gives you the information you desire. Sg-(i Vice Pres i WEP: kts CC; RonaId llacDona ld (v ,r fja t_.J 3cczrr rt,FIi t- lrJ 6FJ zGtr.l ; uJ z 2 0-xg ri c; = = f- i- El,Ja I is. z Elt -=g = 6u= = fr-) 6 oz ,-lr) _rEq29r) Ze.) l} ,rA.r O Oo I r-a' ?' I, L'Zt t'lI t i i I \e. \3' \\\r:9.\l\'\^w . 'eo\ oqe ,w,w-\.65' I \..(tt- =t{ b OO + ^ - .* -5'{t';+Ilii;: , ; '{i"$l - (5 = -= : a! = = a =G) = (E c a <-J (! l,', ^,' = o(-) trn o) c\: -: : t: ( J U) o co o : i1 cJ () c.i. <-za: (t) :' -> (= <) rti- -o '=Llr O) :c> r':. <-) ..) ; c -J 4 Q n) = = OJ (= -a(') :- a= c- r!(-)= =-= trt =(_) --r (..:l {! (/-) 5 -' o!: >- o o.,uJ oJ -= .,/) - c) WW ; 1- : : ;.: - '-... .- il =-=- = :<=t! ==-- - =- .= =rlc '-: a: C) -.'= ct (.J .t= = c) rl- (= rh:= s,,:.-(!)c=cD rnrr-= =ot|r)- €-()-=-.: ->- at 1')* - rJ (: oJo ,- .-: ao -+r+'a-oJ a/1 (, rt> o = r! -- c\l -Lrl:=-: c) cD (= -- - +) +J -O-/r cJ (= oJ r:l (, * d) t'; :a:= -€ |- (.) ! = O Ot- ;C]<J .(a '-rt E e=!d)<.1 =-- =Q - or*o) (.) e-t: r,/, os o.r^ at o) rJ P-(2.J G o)* \h = <'j aa u7cj"C ! o) = ar.J <D (.) - !- =- ()30 E-c (-){4a!(:A 4frl t 1:15 't ^ u l0 l.Jnu rr7 12,196'L-t r-l-.,flr*:-ffrLl- f;-.#e t-f .^5ar1p _ r.i*, r. a. tllTtt(l:ri Jl. rl* r{&rrt Cr|llo trll o Gelorrdo Oc.at d lr3lr .-at|r-rt ,bhrdrb.fr.( - 'I \ u f\t \1r r - -t11 1;{ o/lCO (lfO.OO) &Iaf b f.l ?.l{' f'arlO r[(r) rrt nrq(r) lr l. L trltrnEDr 8. tlqrr&rr aa 94ra F-.rhrd ffip,r llrbtrorLrrutsart{yhtb brr /F,t- -t- llt. a* or tr 9.lael |.Gr Srl.l rill,:'.- fr*!C 'l!.aa,, Dtcr"rvbc reta t-a- Crietcrl ltr irrolc.tl+rr r. j'r t jnr, rrd-i[Elcr+s rd frturr eL.rr of r.rl lIcoI,erIU tr ?rll U1.!.d1"r, lIftl- - - fr:,flrrr ar=3 I* trrzrrr rj eclre btrlr fr&r.lilrrr i-;- fr:r^qt=_r .rr3 I* irrzrer rif erre lrrrlr trdl-ltlrer r-i4t 9r_$aal }G1'. lrtf ,Ylilrgt, tl.rtt-tflfa3, orrlrl rcrorr, rnd rl}o! Itlr lollodr3 drcrrDod baai, tcfltr I. L f*t ol .Ll't P^ lla.rl r.;- lrll !t!lr-. Dt rrrt Drt{r., ^^h-.- -.? I_ _f ,.+1 ct t c ,i, tlool t..:, yrll VlltrF llr!'t lttlar3l Gool?y of !,F3hr atrt ot &rar.do, Drtri mrr grrtticbrlt cercrriSc-er-i6ricrl | . _tai|r+rt-rt^tt tolEtno.t or.ranr ot trtd Lt It tirrnco forthcrfy Ilru,o; ts._Lrtrrit llor of reld :a.t t r dlltrocr ot-lo.'tc tootr tarciof i?t, 5.!tI. !o tL. rlalt ot lolollrl6-.6t.traco ot U.s! teeil throcd lo1 !l !oq]. !o t!. loft of_t!9qg'Oor r {trrrgcr ot tO.tO torr3 ilrocr Ir: :! :oql. !o a!.' toft of 9OoCS'OOI r {trtrgcr ot lO.tO tr.tl t!.oc.l,o .! r4L. u c!. r.l!t ol tdooroo. I dtrtrqo. of .ld.g) toril tbrnce,cl ,l ea3lr to tir tott ol Jooootoor r dlrtroco ot l. l! tret; ihrocolor. ffi r!tl. .ro tto rl3ht of ??ptlros. I dlrt|.o.. of f-f .fC frit to rlf9Y! o: !!?^It!!!rlr ltr ql r.td tot tt tla$or o! ra .!Etr ro t!.i:t4t ot lo0eLtOtr t9,l rlon3 r snr'r. to the lrft rsd rica3 tet<tl4t9.Tlt lrD ct In3-r- -lrslr3. rrdtn ct l-10.O7 tart, I crat$l.ea6leitl lo:l'9f"^.. -rro dt.t.trc.-ct tO.tO tiit ro-rbr aioirriutrrly ooriarof^tri{ f2l, l', ileroo-Boutlil.rt ;'tt aloa3 t.be loslirr.rrl, lic. ot rrldrrrg t . airlc.o c( af.5t lrrt, ro- e looe, Bo tI. ciu gcrat olD.I:rEslrrf. i-: rt*lotuo or othr lngro,ti.rnatr ut b croqt d or fr.rttttod und3;t..if n:: P-I{_::fo-rrr uy ioct or*ront-ercfrt uro rr.,.rcrrgy| lvrr tmt- of, tto r.rgrovircril ii-irrC btr-d, er-ioi'i,';'i"'.'tctpt for rncl nllcre;ri rnrfrolari, roo iro,r"orpioi'..-tt. crrEtor,:ta r$G.rrrorr r.d rrrl3*r rrr eppiiri tr ''rttii. -rl::.-..r,.?:an. :1\r1l tr. draa'rd,to be r o.raoninq,-i.uulat tl+.! :,h.r lral ,r..J .rirll bcDl' 't,r: r ,or I, C lr:::c to tr:r Uo;:ff i-oi tto pritfio A.r.,i,. thctr \ ! ,, f.r erdtnt t! lh. rt'( rd. I t,lrt t trr,.r.r ,,t Togrrthr.r rl r.h Li\t., r I l:hl tu rrr,, Ifrr,lin:s. plrcrg, ':lrcl.:ji errrl r.r lkr.r1 .r.lCccfr to rlrd ff(rE thc pr,.rr:i\,.s, rntrhtiJ tnd run rrt| thc lrn<t i|nd l.hr i I outgarloDll tO th. prrty ur r/.rtr.r of th,. Ftt! rll ih lgnurt.aau c. rnd rtrrror.rf tbe y. vpa. !, lrteD dur.to t'b. protGcl tvccoavtytncG to Tho I Il f t I "J;i.-IJrr- U a_FoYa raaarvr : lonDe{,d nf Conv n tt'rrr. BTITI OF C( tnRrDo, Coolty cf "-.||, s .- al ('., .t ^ttl J I l|l 1r'r ,r itI jlj i :I i' :r' I rl t: N ?-r, 'f - .'-dl Il.titIt II ) R t- t-- \.: I L')\8 \:!lo: I a'l T t !t q I I Ilr TI I t ft ,I _t . I I .l\J' ^th f9.:rf;.;t EiFiII til ,li t!l iilli ;l lir !l iil il ht I ;i E cl AIktQ,t!LI<i & F _l '" I,'.1 Ei-"1 J '\ sESfcoPY ffiilnE t,rJ.t. , '!. \lr, a i .rr. -.r rt{l,t \f,.. I I Lrd crrl\:'r!,, -..r r.l' l r.t I Jf ln t9ti5 rnd trll.tr ll.. .rr... rub,,..t t., l9r) | .i, r'..f .1 i tli f ubsr.rlu.'nt t:lltb, and r,u:-, ! ccvenanta ol rcccrd, rnd sulrJt'ct to th.tPlrza Conpaoy rttr.tu thc lrnd covrr|d by 1b.to Grrntor. !tr af tenu.' t. ..,tr I r. Eipcd tbir 6*&y cl Jraurry .lr^l Fr. - ar+$.. l.n l*l rarr. o. r..:- g'r, F+..'rr.a tr Fr--.r !.--L ll- b-r r.d .l t.6 ., .r-.r.r .$-F.r r.-t..r .. .rr-. ...* r.r ' .-, --lFa l-,!l a- { -.a.lt- ar aalri-rl - t} trua.at iar.ta.r rtrk rr .t &.t -t ll}| rl - ---a 1l|. --*.al.r- ?rrr{ C-...r. tl..a t:-r li, at- d (;.... <4. .)I .. f Alrp.lication 24 Nov. B0 APPLICATION FOR}'I FOR NXTERIOI1 ALTtrRATTONS OR I'IODIFICATI'ONS fN COMI'II]RCIAL CO]1tr I (CCI) I. This pr:oceclur:e is required f or alterabion of an exj.stirrg builc]ing whichaddsorremovcsilnyencloseclfloorareaoroutdoorpai:ioor replacement of an exis;t-ing buil-cling shall bc subject to reviev" by LhL rtlanning ancl nnvi r.onmental Commi ss"l'on ' The ar;plication wj.l1 not. be accepted until all information is submitted' A.7 NAME OF ADDRBSS c.AUTIIORIZATTO SIGI'IATURE ADDRESS 1_030 Logan $r.,, penver, cQ- 80203 * PIlONil--5-3-4--3-4jl--' LOCAT]ON O!' PROPOSALn I A. NAIIE OF APPLfCANT- - David Garton ' ADDRESS 286 Bridge street. vai'l , co 8165? PlloNE 476-21-72 : APPLICANT ' S REPRESENTATIVE P PFIONE 47 6.3515 ilohn Perkins ADDRESS II. Four A LEGAL DESCRIPTIO}iI Filinq E. Ftrtr $to0"oo plus 154 for each proper:ty owner t-o be notified' F. IMPROVNMDNT SUITV]iY OIT PROPERTY SI]OWING PROPI]RTY LTNSS AND I'OCATION OF BUI].,D]NG AI'ID ANY IMPROVEIqEL]TS OTI TIIE LAND' See attached exPlanation G.ALISTollTHENAIqtro1roI\'NBRsoFALLPRoPjiR'TYADJACE}iTToTI1B SUBJ]]CT PROP]IRTY. See attached PropertY owner list (4) cop-ies of a site plan cont'aining the f ollowing inf ortnation: Thesiteplanshal].bec]rarunonasheel-sizeof24,,x36''atasca]c. of I,,- 20:; r.roriution of the streei-sizt:'or scale may be approved by Lhe Colnmrnl-Ly Development Dep:rrtrnent if justif ied; John M' Fekins/Architect. M/r'olrn neso*, 1000 Lions Ridgp Loop/*,zooluoit, coto. 816s7/gog-47&3s1s November 24, 1980 Mr. Dick RyanDirector of Community DevelopmentTown of VailP. O. Box 100vail, co 81657 RE: Offi_ce Addition to theCasino Building Dear Di_ck: This letter is to reguest formal review by you andyour staff of the attached proposal. f wilL workwith your staff any way t can in assisting ehe re_quested review of this proposal . Thank y6u. JMP/fb attachment John M. Fekins/Architect, AlA/voirt nesort, 1o0 Lions Ridge Loop/ p.A.zuNoit. Coto, g16s7lfig-47&3s1s November 24, 1980 Ivtr. Dick RyanDirector of Community Development Town of VailP. O. Box 100Vail, CO 81657 RE: Survey InformationOffice Addition to the Casino Buildinq Dear Dick: Due to the unfortunate backlog of work in the officesof all of Eagle County's surveyors, this applicationdoes not include any improvement certificate at thistime. Please be assured that the work has been ord.eredand will be available to you as soon as possible. Thearchitectural site plan was taken from a survey per-formed by Gerard H. Pesman in March 1964. I respect-full"y ask that you consider the appLication with thefact that you will have the survey before the applica-tion is presented to the planninq commission. ihankyou for your consideration l-. ohn M. Perkins, JMP/fb API'> t,ICAT I01.1 Folll't OR I,IOT)TIiTCNT].Oi\-IS IN a uot..!f A1-rplication-- --24 -!rlgy. 8-Q- |.Olt lix'll'lRl Cll h],'.flllll-r\i1l IONS coM}IllllcIAr, colilj -1. (crcI) I.,Ihi.s pr:ricc.,Jur:e i-s requ.irc:cl for i-rl-ter:afi.on of an existing building which acltls or t a,',tcr..,at r, ;rny cnclosed I'Locit: arc:a or ouLclocJr pa1:i'r or replacertrelt of .rn e:xj.:iLiirq htl-Ll,<l.ing sba'l-I be subjcct 1-o ::evicr"' by Lhe IrleLl'rn ing and ]tnv i-r c.r-rtrnental Conmi.:;s:i-on - The api>,1- i-<..;rt-iot'r wj l t not-.. be i.rcceptecl rrntil aIl. informilLion j-s subm-itted. A. NAI{E O]I API'L.LCNNT Pamela A. Telleen ADDRIi;SS P, o-.- Box 276. Vai1. CO-8I65-7-*PHo}JE--476=;432-- REP RJTSEN'TAT IVIi John M. Perkinsp ." NAIIIE OF ADDRI]SS APPLTCANI|'S P. O. Box Pr-ioNE 47 6-3515266, vail, CO 81657 AUTIlollIZAlllON Olr PROPERTY OI'\tiItR SIGTTA'|URI] (see aLtached notice from Mr. MacQona ADDRCSS 1030 !gSs+ Street ' Denver ' CO 80203---i?lloNil 534-3433 * PROPOSAI,D. LOCATION OI] ADDRESS ifr't r t" \ E.$:l 00.00 Jrlus 15f f or eaeh pi:opet:ty owner {:o be notif iet.l . 281 Bridoe street, Vail co 8l-657 LEGAI. DESCR]PT]]O]{See attached surve certificate and easement FL.]1 F. II,{PROVNMENT SUllV]Il' O]] PRO}IERTY S]}]OVIING PROI]]iRT\I LINUS AND I,OCATION OI" BUI],DING N]D ,/\h]Y IMP]iOV}JI{E]!IS OLI T1IE I/ANI]. See attached survey certifj-cate and easement G. A LIST OIr TIIE NAF1E OF OI^INIII?S OI'ALL lROPliR'rY A)lJACEliT TIO rnllll SUBJIICT PN.OP]IIITY " See attached ProPertY owner list f I. Four (4) cop-ies of ir site plan contrrining the f ollowing inf ortnat.iott: A. Thc site pJ :rn s;l-ral.l- be d::arrn on a shcr:L size of 24" x 36 " al- a Scal c' of :1. " = 2b' ; ;r vari;rtion of l*hc s;hr:<:t' si zc:'or scale may be approved by Lhr: Coirrrntrnit--v I)c'vcl-ol.'nrc1ll l)e lrl.r:lnrcnt- if jusl-i1 j.eC; John M. Pekins/Architect, AIA/voir tesort, 1000 Lions Ridge Loop/pdlryoit, coto, g16s7/vlg-476gs1s November 24 | L98O Mr. Dick RyanDirector of Community Development Town of VailP. O. Box 100Vail, CO 81657 RE: Access Easement Alley Project on Bridge Street Dear Dick: The applicant, upon legal ad.vice, has ordered an owners encumbrance study by Land Title Co. It is my understanding that this study will present a complete and up-to-date interpretation of pastactivity with respect to all previous owners. The applicants attorney will then render a deci-sion on the legality of the easement. Thisinformation wilL be forwarded to you as soon as wereceive it. Thank you. Sincerelv,t1 I#F ftrn i.,t. Perkins, IIJt JMP/fb Doyre engrneenng, Inc, 143 e meodcnv dr. suite n-10 crossroocls shopping center voil, colorodo 81657 303/476-2170 Novenber 21, 1980 John Perkins Arehitect P. 0. Box 256 Vail-, Colorado Bt65? Re: Addition to Garton'e Saloon Casino Building Yai1, Colorado John: Ihls letter is to eonfirm that f have walked throug,h the existing Casino Building and reviewed the original plans for the sane. Furthernore, I have discussed the proposed addition with Dave Garton and an aware of the concept that you are proposing; nanely the addition of two levels of office space over Garton's Saloon's existing deek. f an eonfident that it will be feas$.ble to add these additional loads to the foundation of the existine structure. Should you need any further input at this time for the town building departnent, please feel free to contact this office. Iinothy [1. rr* Bn sm*r m{DoMrNruM AssocrAT; 1030 logan Strcet Denr;er, Oolorado 80203 Iloverber 14, 1980 Tlo vihqn It I.{4f Ooncern: At a neeting of tlre Board of Dirrecbors ofAssociation on Ocbcber 10, 1980, at 6:45 p.M. it was uraninousty reso}rcd as follcrps: te Bridge Street Cordcnriniun on the Associatiqr prenises, RESOL\jD tlat paneLa A. Irelleecr strall be giraen t}te opporCr:rrity to present plans to ttte Association for ttte cr.eaLionr_si:bjeitto tbe alproval of all gorzerrurental bodies having autlority tbereover, of an airsgnce(to be kncern as BridEe Stl:eet Condcrniniun Irrj-t 6) to be located on Association land betlreen the Bridgre Street building and the adjacent Plaza builcling. ISon ttre securingof all neoessary go\Elrfiental appror,als, and approval of the plans by the Associatlon, ttte Association raitl sell ttre lard in thealley bet$Een the above bdo buildings to Parela A. lretleen at a prie to be negotiated. . r _certify $'at ttrc foregoing is a tnre copy of trre resolution @n-tained in the minutes of ttre aridge sLreet Ondcn[niun Asso<iiationdinestorrs neeLing on October 10,1990. Sec'y-llreasurer Veqf truly yours, I BRIDGE STREET Tb tihom ft },lay Concern: At a neet-ing of the Board of Directors of AssociaLion on Octcber 10, 1980, at 6:45 p.M. it was r:nani-nously resolved as follor,rs: RESOL\ED that Panela A. Tblleel sha1l be given the opportunity to present plans to the Association for the creaLion,.si:bjectto the approval of all governnental bodies having authoritlu thereover, of an airspace(to be kncx,m as Bridqe Street Condorninirmtlrit 6) to be located on Association fand between the Bridge Street buildj,ng and t}te adjacent Plaza building. IJpon the securingof all necessary gorrernnental approwals, and approwal of the plans by the Association, the Association r,,rill sell the land in the a11ey between the above troo buildi_ngs to Panela A. Telleen at a price to be negotiated. r eertifiT that the foregoi-ng is a true cogr of tl.e resorution clcn-tained in the rninutes of t}le Bridqe Street Oonacrninir:rn Associationdirector's nEeting on Ostober I0,19g0. OCNDOI'IINI TI}{ ASSOCIATIO}I, L030 logan Street Denver, @lorado 80203 Novenber 14, 1980 The Bridge Street @ndominirm on the Association prernises, Sec'y-Tbeasurer Very truly yours, John M. Pekins/Architect, AtAy'/oit Run I Resort,1Q0 Lions Ridge Loop/ p.O.B.26'Jit, Coto. g1657/909-4763515 November 24, 1980 Mr. Dick RyanDirector of Community Oevelopment Town of VailP. O. Box 100Vail, CO 81657 RE: The A11ey Project onBridge Street Dear Dick: This letter is to request formal review by youand your staff of the attached proposal: fhisproposal will constitute a major amendment tothe urban design guid.e p1an. I will work withyou, your staff, and the pubJ_ic, in any way re-quired so that this proposaL receives Lhe mostthorough review possible. Thank you, Sincerely, John-M. Perkins, ,t-. attachment r8l ' .rl? d o l.it. Gerry Uhite, Chairnan FIanni nq and Envi ronrnental Conmission Toun ol Vail?5 9outh Frsntace RoadVai1, CO 8165'7 De+S Gerry: * nJ-+^-t-^J -1----.a-r,cLrtsu prc.-r'= iind three additional survev sheetsbe adCpd -uo;he previousty collccted three i..:nes ofiures t'riiir rerard to.ny Al1ey Froject. Th:nk you. ainr-or.ol', -e-{%*.,- c i nr-rz- P=re 1a A. Tell-een Oo a . a) , /1 .J-r z/{ rta ti /, ta Utith^ lt Date ^t/ .: ,. l'HiisEriT usE d}\t oPrliroNs Col(LlltirlilN, ut cLosuRE J /i C*"-t ( zh 6;,,..t,-t- Nanre .A dd re s s /'\ t Uun d'oobo)'q4 Empl.oyed FrequeneY of ,{ lleY Use Fft>( eLttGe,t.lfitt t/ tt ^,) It // ! )' t/ ' r'y/fra *ttt /ft"{ -1o€z{4' , /, Vthat would You like .to sce? ,c-iiey. as is? ShoPs/comml? other ,\'\(/..{f\tht '€) A,"7,r,:y ",'rt ,'8, ,jpu-y'Yr.Yt, tuo(xr"rr,,/tJr.O.-- x.;/r"*l /// 9^"rrs 1' .^ .,rt--|.'",r',.,'j.j ..)l tr.,)i t-./t S&t:E$e /1 L'-,-.:/ran1/ K e"" L ia'1 t\d /1? "/ 67-4-vLa+1, Qcf.*cl I Lrn Mfui; I t. /1.-[pa-te E#{Er> o'aa7s'. ;. Ok[.Et A\L\sLbDl-tCP3 s,2ls JLrltl CW D'x-<;-R',2) ,;4bJ^ 1F$6. %3,- ,/'l,i^ :f ^ ^/< i rr'r Entl,uv, -tl* $-dtt .tqg3' t') !"":2 o t n.tc. iM'i,.'^/s SuJ2)5dttun / -t%**tfr.f".gW) ,. / .^ffi.'*r",///7/,y/ a,cns,-"/ fl,./;:/ :i::":h ,r. I/B lf.oy ltcuCl t},1*aS (2{6uth nr;,''! 6hcpsJ ,i,' ' I/o/.- l'ft/,r llcv itt (r, ,+ '1/*e S/r,/s ,i,'f.= ;hnut"'"t B.--"J- 3G 8G cr-'us\s r-\s'-'-c- S l"-+r- , '-Y'\,n, J .---rc.1-44A1/-/,;nL kt /flz (/;,t,*'',/ )i'trtcc' c{o,'/ --.n:'t/t/' ,.n n t/ /n!'/gtn--.- $, o zTaz- ilil/t, " tL^f ,'q!''ff7;, t\r-I Qrx.b$b Vntr- fu2rsrw- Li-o . l.orsr- Stirps f Cnlnv:'zc'n'- f!!Q:,fi"g ,,q1fi.(J Uo \t-l Vo,j 191.w^'! - 11 6N - Dl^'{)" WitNn*,: lt&! Utfn rr@ 1l trlfti!, ilA,, !r r hirr. -',ff:'JL ,,#J"t-*-t1!^-rp{-d',,:;;,',{"1^'f ; :.t't A::"i;r =3;r' r - - J Ji:! ".;;- J,rrl'-,,1",, ) L ^,4,-r 4t/4 i,t, t,, rzr,.., : 11,," h,\.7., ., 11:'-)*'o'Thi.Y,),:,1ili ,,*^llL,l. t- -J,!o Jflt//'/ i,lttrtzt,Jt,ri: h.t;t<t.- rt/*1t.1-/n,ra..! 25. ( ,t\ .,.1,,,.n * ,,fior ;, r,/k, ,/!,,, ,(,,f ,' I',,'i 1': Pli]tsEIiT USE TND oPINI9NS C0t{cEHIilr.,*G*v cLoSUlE .Address Employed +i{f6 -.-, ra ,1^ ztf 1r ,clt ,7 t/6 ,C /-1"*- s.? fn jrt v LR .nru 'Jo ,t:rt H::J- ,; l!,r*, s,py'd/uff/z;- lzzs'fli",4 { /-,r' ?f.n , ni 12,'.,:0,'1tu/i, q,,,,f t!.t*" r,-i,r-,^,L ?, e-ltaf Sifv*'tS't flr*tt*tx''.t.,t^,n' . ^, . ,. ..-,1,,\!. -\.ltvlv /' n - ' ' ' , o .'J- Ct ,,*-,,;^.':i, V"tl trJi'"" (6ae c'1€a{* I I -. I-)YI|3. ]froll|'"-" a-tn- sl fua-apl"^s''n fi'tryb tV4il !fut'rtn'Lu[b'7 [lu't' 9 ' dL- 'v What would you like to see? ,4 tley as is? Shops/Cornml? Othe 7r cuo4/ le 7r*7 72- /''//"///t // al 2.>< 4 5 l' 77/,t,tt .4 t /f /5 , "4 /i /1 <: "- t ,t ,"jfl ,/ ^tt .t onYrf,-t 0{ l"+ / t l.l1> hU- L|c","<_ a t^t t,tJrlh-^-t,7/r/rr GcUattc/<, tror/tapt_ ltR4 2.t7oO, a./ t€ oL t/4 /.- ._ sflt' f747tac,7/l) Frequency ofAlley Use 8n/1t? /F tvt t? hLV s- /c'//el {4.yt / C'' \ 5tlop"- 0rFKe- n./ ,J./f. "+;{/u*/' -y'- $-/r"1t' ,tL' '. a*",!:ln'l olo;o'l f> {r/*,9 '{/u fl,v' ' ll Ialle7 bPtn!' c ltirYc 10, |-rt. Vr - \r-(rt{"; lcttt 2.6-.-*c -Jrl-{ ^ y'rtu(,4-- ^ c'}"--('r i''< eQ-t'-''^'!: L:1X tt*.Q ..w..<-.t-l ,.r?L,J\ ; .. c,a,{17cw7t, qup 7t0t' /gi:;ait'Lt r'JL^iLri Y.(7 l\:;it',*-.-r,il ,,t-t: Tr-*; IL 4-- i\-bt )'' "- | - . vi,v.(vliacl \-L_o-,-J u-+-< $,r/ , G-.lu,rrnpi i"rf f o.tutr,t4 rn,:i,, t-:frp. ZU;p/"",,n*;ni{r445aryL-il-at DetiEt6'- r_.iiui*1;ifl, ,l , ,,if,:i+,-,Fl - i .tz,r T ir\nn at,lpr 7"n, {)t I)'- nta, r, AA-i,ann r n^. a f i')ie..D cteg, ,, , -y' ir1,-^ -fi ,lav 7-n- t'1't:ts'- - t i';it.;1Lt i#, ( i rr ltt FOU+ lt yle r Wl/ S, (l ll{,,t/_ Cit'",4+rt_Lal 73, r>- I tt - ] .pt - | 1/ tft' ry" -,p / d.+D,-it:'rt -tl /..-)1t-t, il,Qrirla C ^,ntl"r 1'". I t /, Ls, :f/zf* (Vnruciefu7fi rK/, tK Lre'L< rrK'r'= W, Jf te lg t .-9* ''1;'"--.^-..,- e#"^t;"- ,-e-)-\'),-) &l^-p- I *#+,. --'c-pa+.e-; 71 o .', t/ o ,tL.., 1tlIl \t/t*{)L .idnl Er'/,,',eer,I / | {t, \I ,\ .+'.:1Q'P- *1,if c p-(c1 .-r - t.''..t ,-t c;,\ ,?a-c.((..t- ''5, / ,'tt'lt uA--lt<- B. ;r - :-o \ t L^ .-. S;LS;L.ANffi'9, 1-zo-?t 1C,5 he,L* 17. 3,i, ii yr " P^^-"'*:^- /1tztt"<-""2-<.elaj Cr*-^*-a^-a-.-l /4 tl ts, 2/ar /t t /ea+r.- A'f,l U*-/ '^: ffi+ zflrlr Lo.z-zo - v /,v/t/ t7-* ?. Z^--, n" z),+({t UT-O;:: "} L2. 'r zo/f / 7l.h, tu6 ,( o*;*f . ;s.ztzofer ry|@,i,:u, !+,%oh, (al'o6- *'"J :'n,l -\/t]U {t-.run *U.mb' \t O - ?z,c:.g z?<=at*r,.*:c't41* c) f .l'.-.',,.*- 0t-l.4cth at*,-<t .(l /''-Ifu ^.., - ft:ruL( /*, a J44f /zDt.* f*V^"n*:o_..-y. ]{^ o,t"-^'to*- 1 r>+..- ?-C{. t a4^lr'r@ i<, ..: _ I 'rt , '' / ',: j ) I .r( BE$T MPY AWTSE 'w I Exterior Modification Review@ciates December 3, 1980 Alley Project on Bridge Street 1. The mid-block connection which would be closed has indeed largely been an unused eyesore in the past. It was, however, inc'l uded inthe Guide P'lan by specific request of the community workshops, Council and Planning Commission members. An.early DRB effort to characterize Vail (before the Improve Vail Guide P'lan & Guidelines) concluded that one of vail chai"acteristics was the "network of small alleys that allow a variety pedestrian experiences in the Vi'l 1age" (approximate quote). 0n close examination there are presently only a limited number of a1'l ey experiences and few of those are wel 1 developed. There are manymore.'potential'alleys however, and this project wi'l I require a broad policy determination as to how important alleys w.ill be jn the future. The issue is a turning point and could-be decided eithery?.I:- (Jhis a'lley is one of the beit, the Red Lion alley will bedifficult to bring aboutn the alley west of Lazier's building couldeasily be closed off and/or become a service connection, the-a1 ley west of the Schober building has been closed, etc.) A related issue is how to treat the alley if it is to be retainedas a throughway. The issues of snow removal, trash storage,fighting and drainage are key to finding a rea'listic so'luiion. It has_been proposed that the building facades facing on the alleycould be "windowed" to increase its value as a paisthrough. Sbme form of roof to keep out snow (due to djfficult snow rem6val ) ora-heated paving surface would seem to be essentjal . If roofed,lighting would also be required. The,pedestrian way would I feel make a richer linkage to the Vi'l lage Plaza from Bridge Street and would draw more traffic by Donovan's and Garton's (whether this is desirable or not?) 2, I feel strongly that the 'infill, quality of the architectural expression as presented is more ,'cowtown Victorian,' than TyroleanVail. A more compatible expression would be to treat it as anextension of the Plaza Building, integrated into it by materialsand roof type. 24 Nov. B0 OFFICE ADDITION to the CASINO BUIT-,DING The proposed addition to the Casino Building is planned. exactly over the area of the exterior building fronting on the west side of t.he street. The proposal is to add approximately 1,500 square feet of office space subd.ivided into 5 individual offices averaging approximately 3OO square feet each. The addition would be in two floors, with accompanying interior stair and bathroom facilities. The existing deck area is very much an underdeveloped area of Commercial Core f and is presently being used as a storage area for broken furniture, empty boxes and snow. A. PEDESTRTANTZATTON Pedestrial patterns of Wal1 Street will not be affected by this proposal . The new entry at the south of the proposed building wilt generate 15 people primarily during 8:00 to 5:00 workingr hours. The entry area outside will be upgraded in feature and in character to the plaza renovation. B. VEHTCLE PENETRATION Vehicular access is currently denied into Wall Street. this proposal will not alter any core vehicular policy. C. STREETSCAPE FRAMEWORK The southwest corner of the proposed addition will become a focal point for the eye as a person comes down the stairs from the plaza f,eaaing ffi&. The building corner is planned to be a curved form, re- D. calling some of the curved plan forms at the plaza. This curved wall will have a series of vertical casement. windows on both floors. Tt was felt that this corner needed to be soft because of the pro- minent location relative to the location of the stairs from the plaza. Streetscape features on grade will not be altered. as the existinq shops on Wall Street will remain. STREET ENCI,OSURE A feeling of enclosure will be increased somewhat bv the proposed addition. Watl Street is an enclosed space now. This feeling is very nice as it is a connecting element to the plaza and the childrenrs fountain. The proposed. addition will further enhance this enclosure. Wa1l Street is the short connectins linkage between larger spaces referred to in the design considerations. STREET EDGE The street edge this proposal . levels on1y. BUTTDING HEIGHT The height of the proposed addition t.he recommended heiqht formulas in tions. VIEWS Exist.ing views impacted will be from the Lazier Arcade Building and perhaps the plaza looking north. The pro- posed addition is approximately 4 feet higher than the existing roof line and wil1 extend west approximately 15 to 18 feet. ft is felt that neither of the above mentioned views wj_ll be altered significantly. G. of Wall Street will noL change under Proposed d.evelopment is on the upper will comply with the design considera- o I. t-l SERVICE AND DELIVERY The proposed addition will have no impact on service and de1 ivery for the Gartonrs Saloon operation. These functions will continue to happen from Bridge Street because of the grade problems on WalI Street. SUN/SHADE Sun and shade patterns are the reason Lhat this pro- posed addition has been commissioned. The exterior deck operation as conceived. now, or ever. simply will not work because of the lack of any afternoon sun. The mornj-ng sun could be slightly altered but only mini- ma11y. WaIl Street is predominatly in shade with the exception of the noon hour. ZONING The zoning work for this proposal will have to be of ajoint effort between the Town of Vail staff and the applicants consultants. As of only recently, drawings have been found of the existing building as originally designed. They do not reflect the Va1ley Forge addition or the conversion of some of the lower Bridqe Streec spaces to conmercial use. A rough square footage tbct indicates no probrem in allowing offices as a secondarv use. ,J. ALT,EY PROJECT on BRIDGE STREET The proposal is to close the a11ey between the plaza and Casino Buildings in Vail Village. proposed development would include 428 square feet of on-grade commercial (retail) space accessi_ble from Bridge Street and upper Wal1 Street. Above the commercial space the proposed addition would have a two bedroom condominium unit of 856 square feet on two floors accessible from upper Wal1 Street. The Alley in its present condition is functioning as a storage area for garbage, used grease, snow and ice, as well as a conduction point for unwanted and often illegal activities. The proposar would be a welcomed sorution to the slngle most detractive space in commercial core r and the very heart of Vail Vil1age. A. PEDESTRIANTZATION The proposal would end the ,'mid block connection', that has always been of litt1e benefit and of hazardous character. The Alley is just too narrow to serve as a meaningful exterior space. The drainage of the Casino Building roof is a dangerous problem. The pro- posed addition would utilize a roof cricket between the Casino Buildinq roof and the upper wall taking that valley into a roof scupper to an interior roof drain. This drainage otherwise will always seem as a dangerous problem for any pedestrianizatj_on of the Alley. Pedestrial use of the Alley in its present condition should be avoided at the risk of potential lawsuits to the property owners and possibly the Town of Vai1. The entry to pistachiors restaurant would be upgraded into an energy saving air lock. VEHICLE PENETRATION This proposal would not affect any existing Commercial Core f vehicular access policy. The retail shops will be so small that their specialty items will have to be small. Deliveries will be hand trucked. to both the Bridge Street and Wal1 Street entries. parking for people using the condominium unit would be in the parking structure. STREETSCAPE FRAMEWORK The streetscape would be improved by the vertical facades. Each facade (Bridge and Wa1l Streets) would feature a distinct transparency and. very neat and pre- cise detailing. It is believed that this proposed development is so small with only two exposed facades that there is no reason the fine detailing, i.e. w5_ndows, doors, facia, etc. shouldnrt and couldn!t be anvthi.nq less than excellent. STREET ENCT,OSURE Street enclosure would feel virtually the same for both Bridge and Wall Street. The building should have its own character and not become a part of either the Casino or Plaza Buildings. As the Al1ey works now, it is so narrow from Bridge Street that one does not rea1ly perceive the opening. The chimney massing on the north end of the plaza Building blocks most of the view through to the west. Garton,s deck blocks any eye 1eve1 view Lhrough from upper Wa1l Street, looking to the east. D. F STREET EDGE The street edge will be altered by the length of the east and west facades of the proposed build- ing. These facades will close the openings from the southeast corner of Brandess-Cadmus to the northeast corner of Pistachio's, and the southeast corner of Garton's deck to the north waII of Donovanrs Bar. The proposed facades are so limited in length that their impact on street edge will be minimal . BUILDING HEIGHT Building height, will be The building will have a roof. VIEWS There are no significant views through the Alley at this time. Gartonrs deck, the plaza Build.ing chimney mass, and the angles between the two buildings pro- hibit any view east or west. The proposed bedrooms on the west and east will have excellent views east and \^7eSt. F. 30'-0" from Bridge Street. flat built up tar & gravel any appreciable nnl- .a I # er rrrrr I. H. SUN/SHApE The narrowness of the Alley prohibit.s sunlight. The proposed building would sun,/shade patterns signif icant ly. ZONTNG Zoning work will be an ongoing effort with the Town of Vail staff. Of question. i-s the horizonLal zoning and the proposed condominium unit usinq the second and third levels. )U Project Proiecl Name: Prciiect Description: - Owner Address and Phone:7lr Architect Address and phone: J7" lf /qx /'14, ' ; / I /fE ' y, p ? Tr+ef ,erock 5 c ,ruine V,ail /,-11^ru l{Legal Description: Lot Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ( -T-- Motion by: )ht&llaoo', seconded ,r, ,4'/ r,"#ror. DISAPPHOVAL I a ,] l a .r. -CA/z*;o bW?. We, Dave Garton and Bob King, do hereby agree to repair the dmrs on the Gartons/KFC Trash Erclosure so that the doors close tightly, the missing boards are replaced, and the frameof the doors are repa,ired by Friday, Llarch 28th at 3 P.M. We firrthernpre understand that failure to repair the doors by this tire will put us in violation of Section 8.16.080, Bufirse Storage, of the Tcmn of Vail lvlrmicipal Code. We also agree to uork with the Tlcrrn to ar.rive at a nutually acceptable long term solution by April 21st, 1980 and that this solutior will be constructed prior to Jrure 1st, 1980. uave ua"r-Eotl [.[arch 25, 1980