HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT D E BRIDGE STREET BUILDING AKA CASINO 1986-1991 LEGALoz ts =E l,u EIBIta FI€lE)+p(' (n rrl FI zH&Av) H o uJul[l- F =Eul lbF4A tttbu I ot_.-J lrl.\J 'lrr! lo 3- s5 F4 !,-FJXEl; Azdo<!(Jl Lrl o IaI 11'|IFxl>trlotl4trloql JZl"r >tqol.6<l.nzlz =l = u.lI z t!Jlrjg) = = o IIFz IL LU(r f c '6; !q) (D+-If,- o; r(! oo F q) o)()c C, E o 0) o I'5 o E = f; s) '.q o, g) .Ec,o ,N att c 3oF q) o, ; o o J () (t -at,c f c ui '' I !.9 I =Ol/| I sbEI Fccl| 'Jp II E;:I E=;| 6PrI EY31.3.I sc I| =€F| €;-lc96I - O.c I E sE| _.:>,| 3 Eal=:E| *oo liEol€ee| !qi cI .Y- G I o(! o-I o-= -I (gxo I qr- O 6" _ -cuo o* iFE E 6.= F*E 9.9:v/(E!t t:.=siB '6>.9(!E-Y;tr9; e*xe .B.6e9Eo eE5 n .--t F- F =E oJ =d) YQ (J z J 9t IJJ oz6 2 -(J UJ = z tr UJE llJt oE =; LU z 6tu F6 UJo f z L!-) x uJo LIJt!u- = =E UJ J F F z J ID ) EF C) UJJul z; =f - I UJ NOrlvntvA F4lrdldlt4lalHI FllAI+61 I ") r'tl .s El- f.rl ;Xz =;z |!F- :J v<aZ*> o; ^ F< =E-EU.Q2 SFq> <FEFt! alt =>(5v. >t 3 u.r =(D z ;ir O- U'O<>L,, Cjl<JzLL< d9 z tr f, o- E o- f- .n ; !r.l a( Fia z Eoo : z E;il :l ;luJlzl al-l2ta >i x zl UJo IJJ u.lzaF E uJc J z Eoo lJ E OrF Z F J laz ll I =zlzOaEr!<c) >i'ij>dRr6o<z Fz -ts*-o3'lOI o uJo z E o. cf K).O uJ t- u,(D o-)z I lrJYo\ uJ ol @F{ oFL1 F 4Z lJ-LJ.t Ho-},4*Ft\JH *. zluol,71rHl Hur'^F(Jz.o H ts <l)z,no H -< E rLJ d>z iri d9 sc!NTtr J."i3 =E=dd= F (f tu 6 UJ z loo F o ccIL Jl-uJ :-h> IL LIJ>(l-(J LL )- \J\ul :> ;FJ tr UJg] o {t E o (l, (!, .E E Eo(, F =Elrl o-zo F(J EFazo(J lnl.vti I ,.o lFt\+I' I I luA.LIII Htrl F-r Qt < El ot><l a>l (J I iltrloI5H 1u{E 4 .A tsIA Fl z CA lr.l H Flr v Hzz Jtr t-tJ z I zl sl 1l <l>l LI ?| OIFl titlll=ll"ll "ll"\| |zl 8I s.ll tRl El lE uJl :l al>l rLlol zl 3tpl FI .irc{ I +o\ rltltll=lFil ll<l -r I9l ..t IHl -'{ |ztl<t .l Hl el =l olI llJlt{l CCIid -rl E] 3l-l oltzla:l IL] FI tltitlLttoll-ltolI uJltlllall>lI LLIloltzl =31 I I I I I dlzl (tl utl :l al>l blzt ,,; =t fol uJFIF o uJ I C) --r O<t- Lll <zE.t!F o F Fz. z T UJ J O tF LU -J rr X>Y =#fF)zrro g \JZ <- c:rJu> LU L! -JO NEfIFNUEPb<|J wlrll d:9 9 15o?:6.Y' tul sFE;E l= Ei:gTg EEiiE:$fr€e:fb r";Egg SE;9IFE;ei f E ='g!P66d6 :E.E H!, :g;iE(!0'-:- =: o (/r E g;i;: *5 Ei i EEg;I =>E -t{rt = .., a =to(\ x o =ZZtL.o ooF^attzg 5 =9F I o'f, .toEEt firr<Yie-H SF6 frr<\t(, .. >l uJ UJ UJz atF IIJ J 2 tr z Fo ct = =E IIJ.$sr '"- ;, lu tso @o-zo q UJY IJJ(n o t UJ l!o oo I IJJFoz nn! z rt !lz2tno =z:f :)iP == UJq. ll-o uJ F E u,o.ltoEE=zE<ol€uE9rrk '9=EF:J =uJgF8^3Ex.r}.cv?tEdtuio-irlE uJo o|- m\.#ils\z/J=.='- \\\ f\Nl KI N llJF o E =&lrl o-zIFofEF(nzo C)ifi =E=A;H I F cjz ci UJ J >1ttq z1 =19l|-| z gJ a ttoz =oF oz ogt E J ttq z =yr <oC)F 'v- (J NEEIdo ia. (J =FOzo ozota Fg s 2 d z \) PJ - !E 75 soulh tronlage road uail. colorsdo 81857 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2\39 olflce ot communlty developmcnl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail [ire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (Pyb]ic Wot"ks) rey'iew and approval , a plannjng'Oepariment review or Health Department rev.iew, and a review by the 6ui1b.ingDepartment, the estimated time for a total review may take as 16ngas tliree weeks. All commercial (large or smal'l) and all multi-family permits wi1'lhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnis. Residentialand,srnall projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period, Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as sqon as possible. I, the under5igned, understand the pl an check procedure and time frame. Agreed to byi. Project Name Date llork Sheet was turned into the Communj ty Development Department. '3 \ lnwn n |Jal 75 south frontage toad Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMLNTTY DEVELOPMENT IIfARCH 15, i.988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunnary,,ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlavrful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soi1, rock, sand, debrisor materiar, including trash dumpster-s, poriabre toileti andworkmen vehicles. upon any streetl sidewaik, alJ.ey or public PJ?:" or any portion theleof. the right-oi-".y 3n afl Town ofvaLr streets and.19ads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wilr be striliry enforc6d by the Town of Vair -lyPliS works Departnent. pers6ns found vi6tating this ordinancewrrr be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said nateriar.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with th;--notice within the 24 hour tiroe specified, tne-pui:_ic WorksDepartrnent wirr remove said mateliat at irr. "xp.trse of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance ,h;ii not beappLicable to construction, uaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the rl_ght-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tornrn ofYiil B"ilding Department to obtain a copy. thanl< you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Date H oz ==|lJ o- .$ U> UJtll lJ- tr =rlJ /b/ /./r t'€s tlq4la tqlol Irdl C)l4l<l;)l(4)l alHl I -l-l .r.l ^lHIel o UJF z o =:l (D c5 z z N tt | -rl' O\ltq +t Io\l\r otlr-r I Nt_ "\lI 'l<El .< Fro|<IO(), Pl"rlrl t,.l | ,.2ffl| 4'tv' E,or'] | E lE€;<e,f;Ei lO !l lYl(,rE z =ibilx4ror'.ArZFrloro lzlJ ,Z rto lii <1"\lFrFI C)IF.](nt E1t<lP{lF-11 | .<l .tE >I AIOot A tp4 F4l < l<Frl IPrl€lEd<l ltutat<.udtuOIB lulal rd lAztNlzot>t< cJl 14 lrltEl.l lZ(JIU)IB r4t< to F4l !d lF e,| .l.a(/rl () IDlOl .tl(/l lcJt0tz>l < | rrl ?t.tztotB -lzlFlEtolEt(JtF{t | .Al . l(/) lz&lH 14lQ a-' lH-j- o c lrl-lSErEP li ligEEiE i IE lsEeE:fr1^ lF Itr$5ig\lF !!EiF;Ng" ;ff:iT.lEl $Eia:i \T Ef t;gi ,;E{liE r.l t"I:E E#W: Fgii##i =U>.=E *I aI l FI+ EHg;3fi|J 1r)r.-rr Lrl Ne{ 1O F = UJ()- o!lq) Y(J tll I z J GF(J UJ IJJ z6 =lJ o- z Io = z tr IJJt LIJ cr 3 Ez 6t!o Fao o_ulo (L f 2 () X utol [! uJL! ==ui J t-oF z o =l @ E oru q.t z =f 2 I qJ = Fl H H NO|].Vn'tvA Ha t--lh Fz z F z E N c\] :< =ZZt!-I oo F^AZ:<->rr:l ^ =E-EaoEz>-oOaJU2<)z= lL< ;? g il-yii,>-\J=FO iNO E >0( -r =cD z tr LL cc (9 l l-l Lr) l_ lal< : :t Eoo **z tr<l Fi:l'l :l-lr!lzl F zl o tr.io UJ LJ.Iz F cc IJJ o_ J z Eoo 0- F. :) E (J) z rF z F 5 Q)z I i I =zlzOcr) f- '.l,lJ ;*>aro; 6o<z l i a1+ -.1 io-6 =trOI CE o tIr .t) 3 F ul x =l,l*1, OO c'\ Y t ? a Fl IJJ;l "@tno-) z F LrJ :< ut dl z zz(Do =z CL tL )."i6l,/ \./ = ==3dd= F F uJ o\ u-lo"l.- c.l Ia e{lo.lO Fil tol'I tt r.rJozzo F (r LUL LL F2c< E2 OIe[E ci-E i,_:uJ-F r-=o o-- Eo =*.-9lJ-E OO(l,F,,, r x>OHFo, -lo-!E LIJ In F /s"A \ ',.,i IISt)-lit-\</J= = ts =E,lrl o-zIF C) :)EFazo(J TTtr zH Fl ts &,F4 H z =tr YJ .D <<.>a?UJ LrJ F -) F H CN ts!.J uJ z colr.\l(")l 6C"]I NINt(| 0\ot IFql .o lTgl d F4l ^1vl ()l I (/ii a-.uIFoal <ot > {J EO z FlzH I lcoI INI lNti?I l\o 100 | + I r'- | d | (-t Il-llxltotl*ltl| (,l ..lel flEr4t cl <o4t o|>IOIt<l El i.tJ-l = (J tlt<l. tl I(, tolz tta IFrl*lti cnl .ltrt9lat.lJ I <Jl -+H | -'l -+ cq I Jl ollal I- I ilR* | ol o tzl =l ;l ull ct 9l Flr.i_t Ft Fl 1ltltlll|ltltollzllol lqltall>lI q-llolIZIdEI H "l=.1olt!l 1l <l>l rLlol zl 3jol F-l llitll l'ltol lHltrltallil d;i rl I I I I I "lzl ol rrjl 5l <l>l rlIolZt ..:3t iol urFI F w LI'z = O LUF -I- E. <F uJ<z.ELUF(rz <J/ <o(JF i< =zICJ E.('O =#!zrl-o ax !1 Fz()<r' < /\ FY,z>H =Oz TXIF--l9{$4u \ v)\ N'o \s '$ N\ N .s \ \ oz b =E uJr u,F u)ooazo Fc UJY UJo oF s \NN t-- =3H:J l! \-'i o'"- z(,9zeoo =z=r :) d8 tr: ul tto utoz loI Ftr = J uJF UJ Jo-:o F ooluJJu- ulo oF t- =E lrJo-zoFo3EFazoo NtrNF = UJ l!o Itl F-f,= Ilr I I N* N3s\ \ NI -.'.1 s I \l tt Julo = =ott oFo tr zoa o E uJz3o o E It, Il(toaa6 ' b.E{ 'h.ossg Y o tr q, 13 o o)c!. c 'o o oo(l)lt .tioEo() '6 .E -o (t E 6 F (D o o) b. o (tt o E (E o!6 or5i =.E.0d (!: -oo- \EG E€(!- 6- FE =o aeo* g.= d3o> 366eEo EEO(,t -:- ooid'=oo) g8E E;g E=E O YEc-o E:E -: Ep; >=c96 EsS_F> EEEbOO iEo e.E e !q! i.=- 6 o..0 o sEgo- aF*:Ei;i E E.Eo6= EE E- a,y -+ C6 0'-!; c) $f;;.EI; '6>o G= .Y:EHi8i'i e9Eo cEg = €Gl{-r zzogF^ttg5 =F 9 0' uro E9l!<9ga- C)-t -;tri .. >logr ululztt = Lrlo- J z E o 2.. gz EO3G (tz J lL ^lI)l vJ6 I I I II't Fo o-4.,c, -scD T N c() ii =z dlo-) I sx- fO -r{) N,} \r\I*. at) .Aulr, = N *\ l s:J \0 E Ks\s -..r.\i F 5-6 tFql s N $! tll 14 B r-1 o =lol url :l'<l>l l|.lol zl3l PI \\ N ) $\ \ IgJ F Ig z ul ltoz =oF =g EE t! oz (, u, J a z E ll tfl ,l ?l * g uJz =o o = E trJO<FocOlr, <z& ..r 2-o() JE<o()F F#Et.d6rto (5(z) EIzl =lt-i C: -j ]* $ <() Efr-l \, ,..i. J Oz ?o IJJ =Nt_J J zd :c.l55(q ul !N 75 soulh trontage road Yail, colo?ado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 olflce of communlty developmenl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI\IE If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail [ire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (Public wopks) reyiew and approval , a planning'Departrnent review or Health Department review, and a rev'iew by the duiibingDepartment, the estimated time for a total review may take as l6ngas three weeks. All commerc'ial (1arge or sma'll) and all mu1ti-family permits wjllhave tq follow the above mentioned maximum requiremEnis. Residentialand.smali projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, 'if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentionid departments.w'i th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week per.iod. Every attempt will be made by this department to exped.ite thispermit as sgon as possible. procedure and time a' zz -/r Date i'lork Sheet was turned into the Cormuni ty Development Department. under5igned, unders plan check t I \i I luwn o l|al 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olf lce of communlly developmenl AI,L CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCII 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordi.nance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for any Person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash durnpster-, portabre i,oilets and,workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, atley or public Pl?ge or any portion thereof, The right-oi-way on aff Town ofVai] streets and_roads is approximately 5 ft. 6ff pavenent.Thi-s ordinance will be strillty enforcld by the Town of VailPYPIiS works Department. persons found vi6tating this ordinancewrlr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the pulric worksDepartment will- remove said materiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisi.ons of this ordinance sniff not bLapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-i-wiy. To review Ordinance No. O in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain i copy. firank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by: Date OcT-3u-91 IJHD 14:48 f,uc Brondess-Cndmus Heol Estote, Inc, 281 BBIDGE STREET r VAIL, COTORADO 81657 october 30, 1991 rown of VaiI Dept. of, Corununity Develop:ment ?5 S. Erontage Rd. Vail. r CO 81657 Dear'Sirs: P1eaee be advised that the Bridqe Street Buildtng Condorainiu:n Association fully aPproves of the-exteriol changee to be nade on the west side oi tf,6 AriCtge Street Bulldlng as -Proposed by the Mainland Co., Inc. (Crazy Sliirts) and as shown on drawings PreFared by Rynereon/OtBrlen Arehitecture dated l'0-?9-91' If you have any questionBr pleaEe calL me at Braodess-cadnus. sincerely, CMG REAL ESTATE (303) 4?6-1450 . DENVER ToLL FREE 893'3101 NATIONWIDE TOLL FBEE (8OO) 222.VAIL |-z ot IL UJt o { -\l 'jh,'t', 'r-. f: i'. \r'.:: \. i"l' ,'':ir, -l.ri! i:;-l ".:.' -.,\ .j'o{ .\. \ ul MFo J $ a jr o u E- .tl l-- gt {s ! : 4lh fl EI o !i I s tlt:,ll tl) 'i ? ^.r^rfi. 'v'",Jf |r I Htt+*pg F,lAIt . ;';.- ',lsuJ' Rtt;sge I ftncllft N fa|^*JJ*- -_,1+''.-..'i-..'|.'-..tr---'-'l/4,11 s1l..9r'lr o \#,.ttt coLollApo hd.tw.otbra!xataat It{il'rb.Ifl *.tsr trtri ,rtkt/.tr, ,/ ,! y,r7 prrrr, ./,L./,DK (L( //,,( )_ | f> .-__._' alch.tlltrul Hrflbq'*l.firl'r.c fr \ /Ka f JOB NAIVE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE //&/ -(// READY FOR LOCATION: L-ALLTH WED THUR BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL , PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr UNDEBGROUND ! ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING rr BOOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING Soro*tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIFI o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED ,<./i,tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: D^rE //- 22- ?t INSPECTOR r ale{'i INSPECTION REQUEST ,,wI{ oF vArL UR FRI PERMIT OF PROJECTNUMBER I DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FoR TNSPECT|oN: {1";-i tr..vv E DTHall PMAM II I LOCATION: ,' /rtt la.( *''{,t2, / -E*fu{o BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, N ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING 11 ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCKi NAIL ! D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL aAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED oor, // * / f' Q/INSPECTOR .,;d'i,:r, -j.:r: :!-!.il!F PECTION TOWN OF t "'o REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oorrN\A JoB NAME 1i CALLER TUESREADY FOR IN LOCATION: MON THUR FRI AM PM, BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION i STEET tr ROUGH / D.W,V. N ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu p}*,wooo NATLING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING N EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPBOVED CORRECTIONS N REINSPECTION BEOUIRED INSPECTOR hilFssop l'l' rNffiroN TOWN OF ?.- *q REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oerc l^ 11'74 READY FOB LOCATION: WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL II ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - N POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING -tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr E FINAL E FINAL tsnppnoveo coRsEGTloNS: E DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nffisrop i-l *f r*srecrro*ts coMPLETEn I The ltems below aeed to be eonplete before glving a pernit a flnal C of 0. Please check off la the box provided. FINAL PIM{BING DATE:rl IMPROVEI.{ENT SURVEY RESID. NAI''E: DATE: EAST SIDEI WXST SIDE:FINAL BUILDING I Vi+- \\\_ \-\" M L TEMPOMRY C OF O DATE:L CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAI{CY DATE: LATIDSCAPING DUE tilr DATE: FILE NAMEI / r- ,/. ,t/ ,//o rAr{nfi y'r,?'ttt?s. Anf/a/Ak-f I I "*fr&\-,ytan/ana </qq ;1 ' 't / / - r/ti' #-'Ffuc.*!4,-**:*--=' ,?, htnf rfrua er/ /'/tt r ., ' ./ 2't4:p' 7/ 7 &sduss.a>, n&: cZ l /-71 /.d Crr< o / d. r:. t- .Vnc. r /r7u<- 7rd- &t -', -i ', n/.- Projept Applicatione|nrry alff ekY tammrreq-( &ffi,fpacu .&rd". #ntj rt/o 4af du,Ht,Project Name: Project Description: n&./)pfi 'r/n €///#. Legaf Descriptio n, rot D , ancx 56 , pllinn u(nut , Zone Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Com menls:,6 dar/dtt Design Review Board Motion by:4annte Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL t Su m mary: E statr Approval q DESIGN REI/IEW BOARD AGENDA ocroBER 15, 1991 3:00 P.M. SITE VISTTS 1:30 p.n. 1 Red Sandstone E1enentary - 551 N. Frontage Road W€st 2 Gateway Plaza awnings - 12 Vail Road 3 Crossroads, new vEnt - 141 East Meadow Drive 4 Shogun Restaurant - 292 East Meador Drive 5 Crazy Sbirts Retail, ttall Street Bldg - 250 Bridge St. 6 Red Lion - 304 Bridge Street7 Precourt - 328 Mill Creek Circle8 Eutcbinson - 20{9 Sunburst Drive9 Sipf - 3876 tuPine Drive10 Kaiser/Ealf - 1876 ,tuniper tane AGENDA 1 Red Lion - 304 Bri-dgeVillage 1st MOTION: TABI.ED TO NOVEMBER SECOND: 6TS I'IEETING Landscape plan SM street/Lots ErFrG & H, Block 5-A, vail SMz.Precourt - Revision to 328 MiIl Creek cirllot MOTION: TABI.,ED TO NO\TEMBER 6TH landscape plan 4, Block 1r Vail SECOND: MEETING VOTE: Village 1st VOTE: 3. Garden of the Gods - Revised landscape plan SM 365 Vai] valley Drive,/Lot K, Bl-ock 5-A, Vail villaqe 5th MOTION: Pat. Herrington SECoND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. Kaiser/HaI1 4 87 6 Juniper MOTION: - 250 Addition Lane,/Lot 3, Block 3, SECOND: 6TE I{EETING SM Bighorn 5th Addition VOTE: TABI,ED TO NO\TEMBER f5. Hutchinson - Landscaping and entry gate 2049 Sunburst Drive/roL 1, Vail Val1ey 4th Filing MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TAAI.ED TO NOVEMBER 6TE UEETING 6. Sipf Residence - Addition 3876 Lupine Drive/Lot 14-A, Block 1, Bighorn 2nd MOTION: Pat Herrington SECOND: Connie Knight VOTE: 4-0 Approved. 7. The Ledges - Utility Meter relocation 389 Bighorn Road,/Parcels BrC, & D, The Ledges MOTION; SECOND: VOTE: AK AK AK WITSDRAW}T 8. Crossroads - New vent on top of an existing elevator JK L4L East Meadow Drive/Lot. P, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Staff approved. 9. Crazy Shirts Retail Space - New entrance and facade JK on Wal1 St.reet. 250 Bridge street,/Lot D, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1st Filing, Bridge Street Building. MOTION: Connie Knj-ght SECOND: Pat Herrinqton VOTE: 4-0 Approved. 10. Red Sandstone Elementary - Addition of a modular AK telephone "ce11" site. 551 N. Frontage Road West/Lot 8, Vail Potato Patch MOTION: Pat Herringt.on SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. 1 lL. Vail Galeway Plaza - Awnings L2 Vail Road/Lot N, Vail Village 1st MOTION: Pat Herrington SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. 12. Manor Vail - Color Change AK 595 Vail Valley Drive/Vail ViIIage ?th Filing MOTION: Pat Herrinqton SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Consen! approved. 13. Spruce Creek, Phase III - Color selection for new AK single family residence. l-750 S. Frontaqe Road West/Spruce Creek Townhomes, Phase III MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: EABI.,ED TO NOVEMBER 6TB MEETING 14. vista Bahn Ski Rentals - Exterior Lrim paint 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Golden Peak House MOTION: Connie Kniqht SECOND: PaL HerrinqLon VOTE: 4-0 Approved. 15. Shogun Restaurant - New sign and menu board 292 East Meadow Drive/Mountain Haus MOTION: Pat Herrington SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Approved. MEMBERS PRESENT: @ry.: Pat Herrj-ngton George Lamb Sherry Dorward Ned Gwathmey Connie Knight (PEC) .@.: Stolzer Residence - Landscape plan modifications. Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Village 3rd BR 7Hymers Duplex - Exterior stone color change.Lot 6, GIen Lyon Subdivision Maclean Residence - Internal 250 & extension to existing deck.Lot 1, Block 3, Lionsridqe #3 Treetops Condo. - Modifications to existing "window wall" bridge between Phase I and Phase II. 451 East Lionshead Circle Sheppard Duplex - Remove stone on eastern walI of garage. Lot. 4, Block 1-, Vail Village 6th Schmidt Addition - Add stairway on main level, add bedrooms onlowest level. Lot 12, Block B, Vail Das Schone #1 Wlttemyer Residence - Wooden enclosure for upper gondola terminalcontrols. Lot 1-, Block 1", Vail Village 3rd Mclaughin Residence - Replace existing skylight with 3 flat veluxskylights. Lot D, Block L, Vail Village 2nd Village on Bighorn Creek - Deck expansion to Unit #3.Lot L, Block 7, Bighorn 3rd Vestl-andet - Exterior repaint.Lot L & 2, Vail Village West 1st Fried Garage - New exterior stairs.Lot ?, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision Vail Val-Iey Medical Center - Relocation & replacement ofincinerator. 181 East. Meadow Drive Lifthouse Lodge (Banner Sports Addition) - exLerior paint colorchange. 555 East Lionshead Circle Rotary Landscaping. Located east of the Vail Post Office, sout.h of Timber Ridge and north of I-70. Noble - Deck Expansion. Potato Patch Ctub Unit #25 Lionshead Center - Skylights and fan Unit #312. Gordon - Repaint.. Woodridge Townhomes #5r6, e 7. March 29, L994 Town of Vail Dept. of Community Developnent75 South Frontage Rd.VaiI, CO 81657 Dear Si rs: Al our last Homeowner's Meeting in January, it was suggested that management request frorn you notice of any expansion plans by theA & D Building, which is directly across Bridge Street from ourbuilding. Please include the address above on your contact fistshould the owner of that building propose any changes to hisproperty. Thank you. ASSOC. REAL ESTATE (303)476-1450 . DENVER TOLL FREE 893-3101 RESERVATTONS 1-800-222-VAtL . FAX (303) 476-3188 * r n''!'riLPl.-', ULI I' BRIDGE ST. BLDG. CONDOMI CMG \q N\\N A$\\t6 \) s\ N\N\^- NN". NN Qx r, Q! 6\N t\^ N\ \,\ q,h\l \tlN] I f t- \*t! u --a_a l fi m { tt $ 'uil $z-_ -{ 4-3- ffi$ x F IF lil tgt I|If--t il ,o''9)' o t --:t--=i--I = _e_LtTp[flro_Aje (LaarnJe N.=frt{) IN3tJg.tr 3 "Hrqt@ FaY+tp 4.ld,alll' vs:L!'9i-60-tE6le0d 810 NOSJ]N/.E reE6 8eb 5tb . 'N,,rr, \ir . .\t ,'lt'-, \\' \t q' Planning and Environmential Commission Gommunity Development Department n\ Septemuerfi tsst TJdzt for/d:rk. fiurazvort/: ;4to ;rr'7,47 -1 ' 'N"t -' /'/' tt")f i rr, ,.EtU,Jt_S,i,t.,, J r' - ady' fue ' o.ar';sD-. 1,. .'. {''"' .. f I !fun,,.bot;t*'ru@'' ' /.^ t,. , ( rt,,";/ , /L / r14 nt/t 'h/n ${,e!V\. i , a- ,.7n"t 6ffl'1tIIEMORANDUM TO: FHOM: DATE: SU&JECT:Request lor an exterior alteration to the Bddge Street Building in order to allow the construction of a new entrance to the Crazy Shids rstail space, Condominium Unit No. 2, Bridge Street Condominiums, Bridge Street Building, 250 Bridge Stre€ULot D, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: The Mainland Gompany, Inc.Planner: Jill Kammerer I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The Bridge Stseet Building faces onto Bridge Street, Gore Creek Drive and WallSteet. The existing entrance to the Grazy Shirts retail space is from Bridge Street. Under this redevelopment proposal, the applicant proposes to construct a Wall Street entrance to the retail space and to modily the businsss' Wall Street facade. Currently, lhere is emergency fire access from Wall Street to the retail space, but no pedestrian access. The applicant proposes to construct a bay window in he area where fte emergency fire access door exists and to construct a double door entrance-way to the retail space in the area where a bay window exists. Mditionally, the applicant proposes to infill a 20 square foot recessed area with a bay window. The facia band above the proposed bay window will be flush with he building facade. The addition will match existing exterior detailing. In order to construct the Wall Street entrance proposed, a 25 sq. ft. area of an existing planter will need to be removed. This planter is located in part on property owned by he Bridge Street Building, and in part on property owned by the Town of Vail (TOV). Of the 25 square feet of planler area to be removed, 18 sq. ft. is located on Bridge Street Condominium-owned property and 7 sq. ft. is located on TOV-owned property. Under fre redevelopment proposal, the applicant proposes to injill the area between two existing planters with a new planter. The new planter will provideJdsq. ft. ol additionalplanter area, resulting in*net loss of flr![" of planter area. Esq.tt.ol additionalplanter area, resulting in*net loss of G"L2 -,;q The request does not require a site coverage variance. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The lollowing summarizes the zonlng characteristics lor the exterior alteration request: 1. Zone Dlstrlct: 2. Lot Area: CommercialCore I 7,750 square feet 1 t3.Slte Conerage Allowed: Existing: 6,200 square feet (80e/d Proposed: 5,868 square leel (75.7"Y") y:lll.l'.1*".' 18,yxrilg"t-'...-_ 5,850 square feet (75.5%) ,.r'4,, , 5,868square leel(75.7Y"),i.",-ifl* 18- square Jget- ^,d n' lll,i.,glqrkn'" btlY 4.Commerclel Square Footage Inctease: 5. Parklng Pay ln Lleu Fee: $880 III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF COMMERCIAL CORE I Section 18.24.010 - Purpose of the Commercial Core I Zone District reads as follows: "The CommercialCore I District is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village Commercial Area, with its mixture of lodges and. commercial establishmenb in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The GommercialCore I District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and oher amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The District regula$ons in accordance with the VailVillage Urban Design Guide Plan and the Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensuie the maintenance of preservation of the tightly dustered anangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure continuing of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village.' The staff believes that the proposed redevelopment of he Bridge Street Condominium Building is in compliance with fie purpose section of the Commercial Core lZone District. IV. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THIS PROPOSAL All Commercial Core I exterior alterations are evaluated against three different documents. The first document is the vail village urban Design Guide Plan, the second is the vail Village Design Considerations, and the third is the Vail Village Master Plan. fun"ainl"I -' 3)2'tfi f/- W' "hi',p erchf Sd'uare rootageincrcase: 33 square leel / a Atthough there are no specific sub-area concepts directly related to this proposal, the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan does call out Wall Street as a separated pedestrian way. The -proposed development will add visual interest and activity to this pedestrian way. The foilowing design considerations identify the key physical characteristics ol the Vail Village and provide the toots to ensure that new development will be consistent with the sstablished character. The considerations include the following: V. A. Pedestrlanlzatlon The proposalwill not have any negative impact on the pedestrian nature of Vail Village. B. Vehlcular Penetratlon The redevelopment of the Bddge SUeet Condominium Building as proposed will not change the cunent vehicular penetration pattems in the Village. C. Strcetlcape Fremewod( Staff believes the proposal will be positive wlth regard to streebcape framewok. By infilling a commercial storeftont and creating a new sntrancs to the commercial space from Wall Street, the applicant will increase the visibility of th6 tirst lloor commerclal spaces from WallStreet, generate new commercialactivity and add street lile and visual interest to Wall tntr,. '*affi proposed new store frontlwill,.reeuire{he- net lossotl€qtHdco{ ot planting alea. , t b. riOL ,l+{.tr,D. Street Enclosure Unig* Street enclosure will be unaffected. E. Street Edge Street edge will be unaffected, except for the changes to the configuratlon of the planters. F. Bulldlng Helght Building height will be unatfected. G. Vlews and Focal Polnts The proposed expansion does not atfect any adopted view corridors or focal points. H. Servlce and Dellvery The proposed expansion will not affect cunent service and delivery pattems. l. Sun/Shade The proposal will not cast any shadows longer than does the existing strudure. 3 vil. J. Archltecture Conslderatlons The facia band cunen$y projects out from the face of he building 2-3 feet. In order to protect an existing large aspen, the facia band associated with he expansion of the commercial space will be flush with the face of the building. The infill bay window will also be flush with he building facade until the point where it retums to intersect with the plane of ths brrilding facade to he norfi. All matedal colors and architectural detailing wlll match the existing b.rildlng. Currently, the roof form of the commercial space to the south drains into the 20 sq. ft. recsssed ar€a. With the infllling of this space, the applicant must giva consideration to how drainage lrom his roof will be handled. lt may be necessary to tie frre roof drain lo area storm drains. The Town Engineer and Landscape Architect must review and approve finaldrainage plans. In keeping wifr the Vail Village Design considerations, the door frame wlll be wood, the door will be wood and glass, and the door will be recessed approximately 6 inches. Further, under this proposal, additional transparency will be added to he ground floor of pedestrian oriented Wall Street in tre fonn of an additional bay window and glass entrance doors. The entrance will be somewhat sheltered by the existing facia band above the entrance. K. lanctscape Conslderatlons ,^rftI Under this development proposal, the/applicant will be removing approximately 25 sq' ft. of planting area and constructing lhisq. ft. of planting area. The Town Landscape Architect is opposed to tre installation of additional trees adjacent to the Bridge Street Condominium buildingl. Currently, the planting beds in his area are filled with flowering annuals. The Town Landscape Architect is concerned that ths installation of these annuals at the base of any proposed tree will cause damage to the tree's root system and thereby compromise the tree's health. In response to the Town Landscape Architect's concems, staff recommends the applicant install one aspen with ground cover, perennials or low shrubs in the planter or the south side of the nsw stair entry. This approach should allow for vertical landscaping while minimizing' as much as possible, blockage of views into the new display window. We ask the applicant to also expand the existing planter which is located immediately south ol the Gqg and REI-ATED GOALS. OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OF THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PI.AN Oblectlve 24: Encourage the development ol a varlety ol new commerclal actlvlty wherc compatlble wlth exlstlng land uses. Policy 2.4.1: Commercial infill development consistent wih established horizontial zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide ac'tivity generators, accessible greenspaoes, public plazas' and strocbcap€ improvemenb to the pedesrian network throughout th€ village. Oblectlve 2.5: Encourage the conthued upgradlng, renoYatlon end malntenance of erlstlng lodglng and commerclalfacllltl€ to better serue the needE of our guesE. Goal3:To recognize as a top priotity the enhancement of the walking experience hroughout the Village. Oblectlve 3.1: Physlcally lmprove the exlstlng pedestrlan ways by landscaplng and other lmprovements. Policy 3.1.1: Private development projects shall incorporate streetrscape improvemenF (such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas), along adjacent pedestrian wa)rs. Policy 3.1.3: Flowers, trees, water features, and other landscaping shall be encouraged hroughout the To^tn in locations adiacent to, or visible from, public areas. We believe Sre proposal is positive when compared to this criteria, provided the recommended landscaping concepts are incorporated into the project. VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of the Grazy Shirts exterior alteration request, subject to lhe following conditions: 1. The Town Engineer and Landscape Architect approve the finaldrainage plan. 2. The Town receives a revised condominium approval letter stating he Association has reviewed most recent plans prior to Town issuance of any building permits. The Town Engineer and Town Landscape Architec-t approve the tinal foundation plans. Please nots the applicant has indicated all excavation will be done lrom within the structure so as not to disturb existing large aspen. the to th6 Crold and of Vail 3. and Town Arcfiitect. spacs +x ,\" O ls .'blt{t:u-'t a gWK 7.r/ t!:+:-twtt'k 'if/11*. - f\\ qpplicant install ons aspen tree and ground cover perennials, or low shrubs, in the pa\dqwnicn is located on he south side of he new entry. The Town Landscape Archlte\t shall review and approve the landscape plan. c lpec\momc\cr:yBhrt.92€ tTacz "faaw U!* - dr/l t.t)art: u/ fta,.rz, /-4. 4 @. .*, dt-autt2t*t ,^*.1*, , *l; and'erskn,.f' Tboutt /.-A. s Vostt'trt; 6n /,5. g,);t,r.fi,€a tt"* '" 'ir|':,F'iu^f,, ,.,,,u '&{/''tt/i';;i" ,6ql',.y''rfti:,'r,: -/ h/rnku /i :,'.$-uve* tryry!';iiitt':''' ru)crtti't' (4,:r,. ?b s;: 4 jrpr,,. r.t.t:.:,*;,;'a'C g /,b/'€'.- ,f!,d; t u s' 6-'" c' s' 4' z rh p/nizgt usf J6 //*f 7h,k -d)lr"- 4+a.K: . *"rilyr/ @/# /r? €/.#']-| i*trrtk* *44r,8; ,ro#cy'rx*-, &,no-- *tdn* fr&* hq*3, Nnt: fd abou-/ t re;,e*Ea-r..* J_dtt €tilr-y; yr,1 ttr// 6z _lttA.,t812.: 'J ( * *:3* ,s ,,l,a} fi, ,/n. , ls h Vri - ^@ ,ry'a*; fr{.ic"t ;41 r' n'i* ., trt , ,t, - /cc* g. -lo be. aspad fo t'.t*r /:t /€tl>?t t t {*tl t/ / €4,/ I &r, f ,. "4,r*,_ /(( . cr4d;C,,^lg 17 I )- lf '&1*,F:7(, - o(Jrcl rtt frp, ., hct "W fu?t lPra7z72te1raoy {', fu Zu'h //g# n p/tfrrLrut, et ""a fi #, gtfu //eY ::rph*:-!' ^5 t' s, anfri ' fury)c.re l4ffi'J'af ,oze** ,+ /t*n,,r&'*s'$rr at/ A*eq /s cessifu, pw:athM\o't/ d*pe*t /s or ehfi7suaa&t J , f,i*",:*r\ at/-erutp&;t- 4 Zttrryfy7*-H;;'-//;' )+ii'* Z;/L 'y'''r'' *k'ri' 14' tufr-* tur.*ifrJ' z€, 6 - ,, t. I lrq'-' -l''-ws 1p'll'il'-'l'4'4'- z 4/11'[t) 4:O f.r$*t; r*'"J x /D't'f -J" d/,1// ;,\ rod'\"\ 4 []ii'l ' aluck ' ( m M 4,5nry €Xlsn/yq ili- oF:o; I .9 ll I I I i t I {tri tl $i d [l? o \ d t\\ r$\\i\.b, :x\*lN &$d -$ EetL i$t H!-l o- '* ,l rll {. o!-o F- JI >-/ >/ llj Z r f;-e oL IIIoo <R90 k$ r s$ $ sI bxD ,l o H t tr1 w I_r tg/14/91 t9:51 g 58S 945 495?o 6 Uilson P.0l s*Suuut rb$$t 201 Coneotd td.Carllelt' $A Ol?11 Tsx graoenlg*icn frghi - -Glrest-J-{ti[*cn- PTEASD lllllEDIAfELy DFI',IVER tllD fOLLOlfIHG lo: rD6a . JIll f,,EEmrorats.rs. n*etpicrr I s Ia* :__*I0HZL!!I2... Da to t 10ll_4/91 - * .._ . te:-----!qL {FlltsgEsu Llssra8c :_,If_yop neFd fuf tlref _anii8gtEce !!Ga.*e Cs!! Ey €EajatBrt - .-!aul H.'Roiree aF,l9[-371{761 - Fnx 508 369-5940 total nurber of pagee (tnchd{rrg thts cover lctter) -z If you-do rtol t+cLGvG all prgcs, plaaae catl bach ae ioo$ aspornJ ble. Tra$6tn{tterrc phone duhbsr! 500-369-94l? Tr€'|stDllfer'a fax nunber: 108-369-t6lS lglL+/gL 19152 I 5ge 94J 4957 ocl ss ,Fl ilqly sHlRts/.prc i 6 Uli lson P,e P. b2 a I. $rvlftr rfirr+!l| r}PEIEiIltdt - !O oD Tf,tg. g*OmlO *'*'fifiTI'SI'ffiEIlHE! irttrrrt*i**r#fiffirr#jlimflh#l!ffiffi* I89{lEr-gHEaaI[tIlB! -"-"".'"' . ii$r.tf!$f , StSl'.iHi, p !-ns.ir Fiii"c!- rqqrrttaob ro tlrri-rpilffffiff on I rrlrDttl chees rio- L DBrcfitDuo*r 8r fiSt gF ruvfrn *.rfdd{tilen l$5g,gg1=illrfffucrtolrr (tios. 00t __s+hor tttcrrtion tm0. 0olC. .JrpRgtlst ru _c.pnccf,mtal frulct {f0lD' m"iff*"8ub'rltvtrtQs _ E. F. G. &'firntc! N$|E 0F 0rIE$Ft-HtTltHl$lt; llr I, f. If. condonlnlun tDprevrt lt erDllgtblo. I { s Htqildf" ^.- rFE f 18:331 :i ,iitffl i38;ff tift:tIi ; i,.ffliili iifln;odi--6$i;- - 5il;ddifiu$ flsf;.flfl' mrygrtH,f_f,ffif,ffitr$ gH*w&rffi,* *,r*v0}tFltcf,rlor nrl[ tB s.Sossrlls tf*flsu, OnXttrf gt{ilf,ggnl I ffi##f##iT:'tfiHifll*"*EJ. TOIilN OFVAIL 7J South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 )01 -47 9-2 1 t 8/ FAX t0t -47 9 -2 1 66 D e p artm e nt of P ab li c llor ks /Tr ansp or ta.tion Tfi. FROI}I: DATE: RE: }IEIIORANDTIIiT JiIl Karnmerer, Community Todd Oppenheimer, public October 7, 1991- Crazy Shirts Developmend) worxsu@N \ Attached is the latest proposal from steve Rynerson for the crazyshirtls addition/remodel . rt includes 8r' or excavation in thirecess and tree protection measures. My feeling is that this will be satisfactory. The lirnitedexcavation shouldntt damage any of the deeper ro-ot=. The shaltowroots will die back from lack of oxygen and water regardless of howthey are covered. The slab-on-g-r-ade should be ieinforced anddoweled into the foundation on both sides to eliminate the need forextensive compaction. The_ tree protection -neasures proposed should be folrowed croseryincruding the use of a qualified-tree surg:eon. r donrt want thecrown of the Aspen automatically pruned by 25?. r would prefer tosee how extensive the root cutting is b-efore deciding how nuchpruning to do. The ground around the trunk and roots should becovered with planking and plywood to prevent compaction d.uringconstruction. Any pruning cuts mad.e dur-ing warm weather should beinmediately treated with L fungiciae. Please pass this information on to steve Rynerson with any otherrequirements you have. Let me know if r can- answer any questi_ons. TOldsr Enclosure ocT @ ,91 14:56 o 41ffi1?:t4 -- ! Miller Company lrLqndsccrpe fuchitectg F.e ;fl*i v."LL/,'A- noL ss aa,./ #ffi-; sadJo' lvl ow l{r,trF rr$firtPfinnt Bot*r ffSrrnt' Wtlll & rl|l'l t!|ihlril&t&Fl Ivs* ?urr6toil gryap11L \pl.r^ooJ \ lr^ f,l'1 -110 ' ltgn'"r0 qffift l50B Franklin street son Francisco. co. g410g (4ls) 441-ms2 CoSlr:rnra L;.lsr. t.rti-i! Nflus,o { N0SJSNAH [386 8e]5[b I bb LboJ [00 Lb:9 [ 80-0 l-[ RY A N R TEC ERS CH o I Stephen Ryner+otr 518 38th $ffi, 0a*1ffi4 CA 946{B o T 'BRIE UR N E Patrir*.W. O'Brlen Archikct Tel 413.428.110[ Fax415.428.st21 TRANSMITTAL LITTER PROJECT Or,Pilt' ++NrS VilLr hnw ffitr',-il.o*--- ro: Tar$.ldFftu utr*nnor.r,J]ano Cfui+f*tt-.4ER Ntt1il.*.'w)4fi'2,1fl1 r rus.MArL t ton$R,-_ DrrE,-,[Q1flrfl- nElrNo.DDs(xlPrtoN to,b.1r .,.W ta.u7r n"w,n*trlrg- Wam1rlr-t*t"hffit= WeEreaendirrgp* 4 pagcrtohl.Flenre erll us at 115 / |l$il01 if llou do trot nschn all of theor. lgy Cdnnsrot E*4L [0d [00 NSrHs.o ]s NBSTTNAu tats eat sit fh:5[ 80-0 1-tEEt . ilEFJ La-|ttr{FLFrrlE F?R-jrrrf F.ffFs4.o itr.6 Fru5TTf $r tF \{Ft'*\F t[JEaB FLoGTF- Bf'kH,W dF 6t) DrsJt€,aFl6FFf,E e0d t00 re06 8?b Elf 5b:91 E0-01-tE6[N3IU8,O B NBSU3NAd ()rr @ ,91 14:48 415-9291734 Miller Company Londscope A"rchitects $J*- !'\**t-q; {tu ?FQ* 4 /ot',t Sr ffir" GI pW- \\n6eq{r+ 3.O3 'I, TREE PEQTECTIOT{ Pr€derue and pr"otrbt e*letlnE trsie snil Flantrr at tlic alte whleh rt€ deslgnctad to rcnainr and thoac a$aoent f,o thrllte, aa tollouar.1. .cohtult vlth Atchlt€ot, and r€nf,r\ra ngtrcd-orr rceta Bnd,branahrr rthtch interlare uiti constrtrotlon.2, EhpLoy gualfff€d trcc sutTf€on to reoove, and ta trcatcutr.3. kAatre sbown on dratrl4gE, or as l"equlred to provLde nso€aEBry proteotl.oni prnlidt to.qtor*ry b*rrlaro to a'h:lght of sL* fcct *raurd €ach, rrr sa€ih group of tnesg and Plantt.4. FsoitAot root lotria qf trrrrr and planttt wLfllLn the rocG ggneri. l}o not allow vchisnlar tr*ffle or parking.b. Do not atpte naterl-alr 6r produeti. ? c. Prcvent duuUllng of r€fuEh or chentealJ-y LnJuri<rusI unterLals or llquide.d, Prerrent puddltng of, continrrous nrnning watrr.F. caretully eupart/Lre excaveEl.ng, gr+dlng and fllling, and eubseguent con8tnrction operations, to prcvent, daf,age,6- heFlace, er sul.tably mpalr, trags and plantl dealgnated to rsain thlch nre dirnaged or d.stroycd due to eonrtnrcbl,on eperatioira. P.1 COJ I,OO NStUS,O € NOSd3NJ,8 1eE6 gat 5[]gf:5[ 80-0t-166t ?5 south frontage road vail, coloraclo 81 557 FAX PHONE TRANSMITTAT SHEET s COMPANY NAME: FAX PHONE NUMBER: FRoM: ( //LL DATE ! # OF PAGES IN DOCUMENTS RESPONSE REQUIRED? TOWN TOWN VAIL VAIL ' t'" EXT. #SENT BY : IJ f', FCX PHONE NUMBER: P/zaa^r-- r2oL 7oC/dG cornmenT$ o4 ,tlti/er & k TVre Pn*dn_,Tp/d/ dhee/- or' OF REGULAR PHONE NUMBER:{ 303 } 479-21.00 (!ts.\ +ze zu/ UDING COVER SHEET):az ,/ ',revlfsd 911l9L I. DRB APPLICATION . EO}IIII OT UATI,, DATE APPI,ICATION RECEII/ED : DATE OI' DRB MEETING: rr**t**** * EEIS NFDI,ICAIION TIIIJJ IIOI BE TCCSFTED uNEIIr AIJ& BEQUTRED $|rORMITION I8 8UE[rrlrED***t**t*** PRO JE gT. . T.NFORMAT I ON : A. DESCRIPTI0N: Storefront alLerati-ons for Craz 't I '\r .! _l' \'.l \:i'\ i$ ..;, i' . ,. i'.1\- \. Dl\ \i $ (t { -f f },t *",i ''\ f .\i ..',v 1'.f/ .. ,-1.!. {J' , '',lu i|\; . J B. TYPE OE' REVIET{: New ConstructLon _ K _Addttion ($50.00) ', lr I($200. 00) _UW\ Minor Alteration ($20.00) ($0)Conceptual Review C. ADDRESS: 250 Unit No. 2 D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot - D 8lock 5B Subdivislon . ff property is descrlbed bydescription, plea$e provideattach Lo this application. ZONING; Cornnercial Core I LOT AREA: If reguired, applicant mu'€J_p-rovide a current6falnped survey showing ]ot area. /,/50 Square Feet accurate valuation of the proposal, The,.,fown Af vallwill adJust the fee accorOinE to the tabie lefo*, to a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and Er Fl G. n- I. NAME OF AppLICN,lT. Rynerson . O'Brien Architecture Mailing Address ; 548 FiFurrElihth-Stree NAI4E OF OWNER$:The f4ainland ISIGNATURT (S) :Mailing Address ! Condominlum Approval if appticable. DRB PEE: DRB fees, as glown above, ar6 to be pald atthe time of submlttal of DRB application.Lrr$ 5,1111s oE suDmltlal or DRts appllcation. LJaterr.*henapplying f,or a building permitl-please identify ti:e NAT{E OF APFIJICA}IT,S REPRE$ENTA?IVE; JacK SnowMailing Address: 1-850 Alpine Drive - ')/ail:- CO 8i657 K. ensure the correct fee is paid. E'EH SCHDDULE: $ X":utttolo, ooo! 10r 001 - $ 50,000 f501001 -$ 1501000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1r ooo,000$ Over $1r 000,000 * DESIGI| RlnTEI{ EOARD APPRO\ruJ E)(PIRESAPPRO\IIT T'NI,ES$ A EUII;DINC PERMIT IE STANTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 9200.00 $400.00 $s00 .00 OIVE, XEAN TTTER TilAtl ISSUED AND CONSTBSCTIOil rg r*No APPtrcATroN l{rLt BE PRocEssED nrtEour otNNER's srcNAruRE I LIST OF MATERIhLS. NAME 0F PROJECT: Crazy Shirts LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: LOT_!_ BL,OCK :lL SUBDMSION STRIET ADDRESS: 250 Bridee S_treel, Coneominium Unit {o, 2_ DESCRIPTION OF PROiTECT:Slorefront alLerations fo , Condominium Unit No. 2, Bridge Street Building The foLlowing informat,lon ls Review Board before a final A. BUILDING I..IATERIATS: Roof $iding Other Wall MateriaLs Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chlmneys Trash Enclo6ures Greenhouses 0ther required for submlttal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OE' MATERIAJ..COLOR Stucco Match existirp SLucco. I^/ood .. Match existine Stucco. Wood Match existine Wood Inhtch existins Wood Match exisLine n/a n/a Copoer Natural n/a n/q n/q B.IJANDSCAP ING:Name of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Populus Acuminata PLANT !4ATERIALS: PROPQSED TREES Common Namg Asoen -ra_ Quantitt S.!zgr. . tll EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED None *rndicate caliper for declduou€ trees. Minimum caliper for trees,rndicate beight for conlferous PLN{T MATERIA| Botanical.,Eaftq Pornmon l|e Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS lrla-lPgrennials by Citv's landscape Architectl- EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED of proposed shrubs. Ivpe Minirnum size of shrubs is*Indicate size5 qal1on. $qu.are Fggtagg GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRXGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROL C. LANDSCAFE IJIGHTING: If exterior Ilghtlng is proposed, please show the nunber of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattager height above grade and type of J.Ight proposed. None n/a n/a n/a D.OTIIER LAI.IDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wallsr fencesr swimrningpools, etc-) Please specify. Indicate heights of retalnlnEwaLls, Maxinum height of, wa11s within the f,ront setback is3 feet. Maximum height of ralls elsewhere on the propertyie 6 feet. tdo,t ^o an DA/]C - 6a RY A ER C N R Prttl&W.OBrlen Archltect TBAN$MTTTAL LETTEN. N B ffiffi-sd.-_-- nlss, J.ffiEl t I u.s.MAIL I lofHER:--.- 5()N , H I.T E C EhphenRneruon 548 lSth Stseet Oatlild, CA gilffi BRIEUR Tel 415,428.11m Fax415.4n,W2l PRoFcr *,fd {l.tgfg r'* -TDn[t rVut-' .Lt Ar'rtunchl: J r*fie*,{E+#F"'. 1)4'r*x*.', 41?215? - wearraendingt"" 4 pagcsbtiL Plesse crll us et 115 I f2s-lfm lf you do not rerelve all sf them [0d b00 NflHs.tr € Nosa3NAd [u 86 8tsb Slb lE!5[ 08*60-166[ TO: FROM: DATE: SU&JECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 9, 1991 Request for a iortsession for an exterior atteration to the Bridge Street Building in order to allow the constuction of a new entrance to the Crazy Shirts retail space, Condominium Unit No.2, Bridge Street Condominiums, Bridge Street Building, 250 Bridge StreoUlot D, Block 58, VailVillage First Filing. Applicant The Mainland Company, Inc.Planner: JillKammerer I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The Bridge Steet Building faces onto Bridge Stseet, Gore Creek Drive and WallStseet. The existing entrance to the Crazy Shirts retail space is from Bridge Street. Under this redevelopment proposal, the applicant proposes to construct a Wall Street entranoe to the retiail space and to modify the businesses Wall Street facade. Cunently, here is an emergency fire access from Wall Street into the retail space, but no pedestrian access. The applicant proposes to construct a bay window in the area where the emergency fire access door cunently exisb and to construct a double door entrance-way into the retail space in thg area where a bay window cunently exisb. Additionally, there is a small 20 square loot recessed area which would be infilled with an additional bay window. In order to construct he Wall Street entrance proposed, a 55 sq. ft. area of an existing planter will need to be removed. This planter is located in part on property owned by the Bri@e Street Building, and in part on property owned by the Town of Vail (TOV). Of the 55 square feet of planter area to be removed, 25 sq. ft. is located on Bddge Street Condominium-owned property and 30 sq. ft. is located on TOV-owned property. Under ttre redevelopment poposal, lhe applicant proposes to infill the area between two existing planters with a new planter. The new planter will provide 39 sq. ft. of additional planter area, resulting in a net loss of 16 sq. ft. of planter area. The addition will match the existing exterior detailing. The request does not require a site coverage variance. II. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following summarizes the zoning characteristics for the exterior alteration request. 1. Zone Dlstrlct: 2. Lot Area: CommercialCore I 7,750 square feet 3. Slte Coverage Allowed: 6,2fl) square feet (80"/") Existing: 5,850 square feet (75.5%) Proposed: 5,858 square leet (75.7%l Net Increase: 18 square feet 4. @mmercld Square Footage Incrcase: 33 square feet 5. Parklng Pay In Lleu: $880 III. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Form of the proposed planter. The issue is whether fie PEC believes the form ol the new planter is acceptable, or whether it should be more organic andor larger. A straight wall connection of the Wall Street face ol he two existing planters flanking he existing stairs would result in 64 sq. ft. of additional planter area. Under this altemative design, the net increase in planter area would be I sq. ft. Staff would like to see a net increase in planter area.2. Amount of landscape area lo be removed vs. amount of landscaped area to be added.3. Need lor vertical landscape? Stiaff believes the applicant should make provisions for aspen trees within the planting arsa adjaoent to Crazy Shirts.4. Applicant must submit letter lrom Condominium Association supporling proposal as submitted.5. Statf believes.applicant should must take all necessary precautions to protect the existing aspen located adiacent to the building infill area. This includes setting new bay window facia back from the plane of the existing fascia.6. Staff views he exterior alteration improvemenb, as proposed on the structure, to be positive. Under $ls development proposal, here will be an upperJevel walkway which will @nnect &e Gold and Silversmith of Vail business and the Crazy Shirts retail space. The creation of an additional store front on the west side ol the building will adcl additional street lite and pedestrian interest to Wall Street. c$eoVnemos\azyshrt909 \ s f; a I;-r^-t-sII ' \,---'-'-".i :^ \^# t- \[ \I{I o $I s 0 t o \ rdt:rl dtl d : b I I I F ltJ IU MFo IrJ r0I {.o rl ri I I l-'.rl Io^ i$$90 <q(r{o-$ uAk &uouJ . orfurndtt (-/o- ry"JilL A(ezss - no".{ &rzzc<- Ml&arc &zzx- h * "pxp/adt I g ,r/o nzl ,/oss ftr ./ ::o otl/ s/to?/3 a1€'/ss - arzSrTsraldna'..&4 ufrlze ,fe.' -e-r3e=^^- ).ce,-o__ - {aZ ;y l<rsr,*a *ry"o14. 4r SW '4ny'/--aikr X't // 300* t//r/ eP'- 6al4z g7*r€tz*L . a)ozt-c/ n/+t^ 4? .aiorc, ;;HL"'/ Le<rtc/<-' /c 4 ,//ss / J c?ztza- wz"44ffin-"*- ; /t */"7fr- .t>&z-',2- tckl/- ""-yTeru - fuzorc -h eU - Trabl'm 1:*f Y%* +" a.a-'ta.*t+,-,r / e 'av'l;4 /sl ':v craTE JX 7ztohed '+ 'zot4' tzeed ,4 //arz, *-ffu ,lart a,fu z tuE d"rh/14 (a2? ca/>,?W1"atftr,/uS/,tazrlS-capnqL4/zv -.sd.I [/(.//rJ /Q.J/ /4.72:/ J Ccta-t{.,-/n _. J).A-* i"{F *n/zanca /4 "rZ-n/tJ"rya dfr'/"2 7t'*z'u-'*7 A-E ' 57.ta-.+/-t ,., , {oq tta'nZ}//rt-ry / rd/n/i",'/r "t/Vbn'b'.';gaar)Q) )i"'7t*a rya/ "::'3 ..^roftEi_ ry*r*:,!* -4,2/a.4. ! o z ,*ffi;rrf ;:ffi,oo*7 'e=t-v-<:- - ;-h"$p'**",ffr/' af7,l aue{rka /'<z! gft*q( 1-, i nl*u tr. anp */M5 dm tzLll ft ^'\) af," i1c.tL* *S/-'- ' -. ,, /^t/'- px& blo<'tc /l(u)JYtJff ; ctoi bi ,.,.a, h fu,a,.--ctzrct'_3prorf :;,, sfuoto at/p/ant@ ^WU *r4 */ al"Wry -' i,%' 4'!e' f'% r*6q:%';; h T) ,{g4 !:%"1,#,"'t ofr"*' t - tua- d'€Fz-**/y ctn: t'6 lerftczQ) h*,n FILE COPY Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whiuen PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION September 9, 1991 Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammercr Andy Knudtscn Shclly Mello Betsy Rosolack Amber Blcckcr The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan. Jill Kammerer rcviewed the proposal and explained the staff s arcas of concem. Jack Snow, representing the applicants, stated that he believed there were trvo issues in the proposal--the cxterior alteration and infill, and the alterations to the bay window and door. He said the owners had asked for this worksession to receive a prcliminary endorsement from the Commission for the changes. If they received that endorsement, the applicanu were willing to work together with the staff to determine an acccptable landscape plan. Diana Donovan asked for the consensus of the Commissioners on thc project. The cons€nsus was that there were no major problems with the proposed exterior alteration. Jack Snow discussed thc planters. He said the intention was to keep the atEa as open as possible in orrder to maintain circulation to thc storcs. Kathy Langenwalter asked if the existing stairway south of the Gold and Silversmith commercial space entrancc would be retained. Adjacent shop owner, Jim Coner, said that approximately 8O% of the raffic to his store used that stainray, and he did not want to see this stairway climinarcd and replaced with a planter. Diana exprcssed her prefercnce to have vertical landscaping, and was not ari conoerned with the actual squarc footage of landscaping provided. Jack said it made sense to kecp the area open, but did not want the trees to screen the display windows. Jim Cotter added that if shoppers had to look into the windows from a disunce of 5 feet, they would not be able to {, sce thc jcwelry. Diana asked if the sidcwalk was currently in front of the windows' Jim Cotter replicd it was. Connie Knight questioncd why there were three scts of sr.airs. Kathy Langenwalter said she was tnoubled wittr Oe design of the stain, in that they werc only about 6 feet apart' She thought a bctter desigrr *outU Ue to combine two of the stairways inlo onc, as proposed' Gcna Whinen asked if thc cntry to Crazy Shirts could bc Ilipped with the pmposd -bly . window. Jack said the only flow-through of traffic was to the north, but they would look at the potcntial of moving thi cntrance. However, he felt thcre would be a disadvantagc to that profosition, in that it would cr€ate a dcad-end spot within fu t]*: and the display window *ootd not bc cfrective. He belicved it would bc a fair trade-off to locate the landscaping clscwhere in fie vicinity and place some typc of transparent, vertical landscaping near the shops. Connie asked if the stain on the south side could be eliminated. Jim Cotter answercd that the winter traffic panern would be affected, as that stairway was commonly used' Jack proposed placing landscaping in front of the blank wall of Vendetta's building. Connie believed that would be a good altemative. Chuck Crist wondered if the planten' size was decreased, would they still be able to hold aspen. Jack said they would, but if those aspen were more than 3-4 fent tall' therE would be too much of a visuaibarrier. Jim Coner said that flowers were grcat for the area, but fe€s would visually block that side of the srtet. Chuck did not find the three staitcases objectionable, and agfeen that relocating the landscaping to Vendetta's wall was a good option. Jim Shearer suggested the applicant and staff get together and discuss the possibility of having one set;} larger steis-, or if thrce sets of stait* *ere decided upon, perhaps eliminating the ulper-levet sidewalk. He cncouraged the landscaping plan to gct as much out of the ptante.s as possible. He believed wall street had been improved because of the undulation of ihe sidewali area- He advocated more vertical landscaping, saying it should blend with the existing. He also suggested varying the hcight of the planters themselves' Jim Cotter said the plaiters *ere oftei used as t""ing by s[o,ppers, and he was in layor of kccping the height of tie planten as they were. Jim Cotter also ffeO ttte suggestion of locating additional landscaping along Vendetta's wall. Ka0ry asked what would happen to the alley. Jim Cotter said it would not be affected' and it would actually be a gooO ptace for vertical plantings. Kathy asked that the landscaping be f"pi ln *" *" of ttiee*pansion, and if thaexisting stairways were maintained' she suggcsted ,rrr-*ing the set which went to Ct""y Shirts. She was also not comfortablc with the bay window. Ludwig Kutz agreed with Kathy's comments regarding na$owing the stairs. He asked if the stain and sidewalk would bc concr€tc or paven. Jack replied that pavers would be used. Ludwig asked that the aspen at ttre nmttrcrn corner be savc4 and bclicved the landscaping along Vendena's wall was a good trade-off. Diana agrced wirh thc landscaping along Vcndetta's. She suongly recommendsd using pavers on the stairways. She also advocatcd vcrtical landscaping, and suggested Eylng to find aspen with high branches. She did not want any net loss of landscaping. Jill reminded the applicants that if there was a net loss of the landscaping, thcY would have to justify it to the Commission. 2. A follow-uo to the Auzust 12. 1991 PEC review of the staff aooroval of the minor arnendment for Gudcn of the Gocls. SDD No. 22. lot K. Block 5A. Vail ViUaee 5th Filine/365 Vail Vallev Drive. Apolicant: Marearct Hill Marital Trust Planner: Shellv Mello Jim Shearer moved, and Chuck Crist seconded, to table this item to the Septembcr 23, 1991 meeting. The motion passed unanimously, T-0. 3. A reouest for a front setback variance for the Krcdiet Residence. 224 Forest Roadl-ot l1-A. Block 7. Vail Viilaee First Filine. Apolicanl John Krediet Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer explained the rcquest, suting that staff recommended approval with conditions. Kathy Langenwalter represented the applicant. Diana Donovan asked Kathy where the large spruce trree would be relocated. Kathy explained the large spruce tree would be relocated to thc northwest corner of the site. Diana then asked Kathy to establish rhe maximum increase in GRFA which would result from this addition. Kathy explained the site plan to the Commissioners. She stated she could not give an exact GRFA figure at this time, but would like a variance to state the addition would be not morE than 400 sq. ft., which would still keep thc GRFA for the site undcr the ma:rimum allowable. Connie Knight asked if there was an issue of how the GRFA for thc site was allocated betwcen thc Primary and Secondary units. Kathy answered that was addressed through private covenants bctween the rwo owners. Diana rc4uested that the large aspcn to the west of the garage bc pmtected, and that all cxisting aspen which need to be rcmoved in o,rder to allow the construction of thc garage be relocared. Kathy asked what the C.ommission would prefer if ttre largc aspen could not be saved. She wanted an alternative, but stated the applicans would do everything they could to protect that uee. Gena Whitten prcferrcd tro state that saving that tree was a condition of approval. Connie Knight agrrcd with it being a condition of approval or, alternatively, that it bc rcplaced with thrce trees. She also rcquesed s guarantc€ period of 2 ycars. Gena also requcsted that the trces along the road be examinc{ as they appearcd to be diseascd. Chuck Gist suggested requiring that any dead trees be removcd Kathy asked that rEquest be changed to any dead fecs in thc area of constnrction bc rcmoved. Jim Shearcr wantcd thc smallcr aspcns in the area transplanted or replacd at a 1:l ratio, with all attcmpts made to save thc large aspen adjaccnt to the building arca He also requested a,Z-yar warranty period for thc transplanted and affccted rees. If the large aspen did not sunivc thc construction, he suggested replacing it with 2 spruce. Ludwig Kurz did not bclieve thc large aspen would sunivc construction, and pointed out it *"r rlirdy dyrng at the top. tte woutd ionsidcr the trce a "goner." He suggested replacing ir with 2 spnrce of at least 20 feet. Kathy prcferred to replace it v/ith trees of 14'16 fcct, as thosc wouid compliment the other large spruce to be relocated, rather than having it appear like soldiers in a line. Diana agreed with having the aspen replaced with 14-16 foot spruces, and also wanted the "pprouJ "onditioned ttrai ttre large spruce be transplanted, along with any aqpcn directly- aiiecten. Any dead trees in thc area of the construction would be removed. She asked for a 2-year guarantee on any landscaping. Kathy asked for consistency in the warranty Period' rcquesting the same conditions as what was given Spraddlc Creek. Diana remcmbercd Spraddle Creek Su$ivision was required to provide a waranty of 2 growing seasons to gnsure the evergreens. Diana clarifrcd the conditions of approval as follows: l. If the large aspen a jacent to the west of the construction site dies, it will be replaced with two 14-16 foot spruce. 2. The area to be infillcd under the carport shall not exceed 400 sq. ft. of GRFA. 3. The large spruce in the cener of the construction area shall be relocated. If that spruce, or any other sprucc planted as a part of this project, dies within 2 years, it stratt Ue replaced with a spnrce beween 14-20 fcct in heighr 4. All aspens which must be removed in order to allow the construction of this garage to occur, shall be relocated to another portion of thc lot. Chuck Crist moved that the rcquest fo'r a frront setback variance for the Krediet Rcsidcnce, 224 Forest RoadA-ot 1l-A, Block 7, Vail Village Fint Filing be approved with the conditions noted above. Jim Shearer secondcd the motion. It was approved GGl, with Kathy Langenwalter abstaining. /'il,:) dz:t'" 'ce7.f flFL fl ttrn 'd Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Jim Shearer Absent Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Gena Whinen PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION SePtember 23,1991 Staff Kristan Pritz Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Betsy Rosolack Amber Blecker The worksession was called to order at 2:10PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. 1. Upper Eaele Vallev Water and Sanitation District Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained the request. Staff supported the proposal with one condition. After staff;s presentation, the consultants explained the benefits from the plan. Diana Donovan asked if the work would be duplicating what had already been done on the golf course. The consultants answered that it was a continuation of the work. Diana was also concemed over the health of the beaver pond. The consultants rcplied that the water in the ox-bow could help the beaver pond. The consultants also stated that they were looking at moving rocks for drop structures in the winter with SnoCats to minimize the impacts to the riparian corridor; however, they did not yet have approval from Vail Associatcs to use their equipment. Jim Shearer questioned the verbiage of "new" wetlands. He thought this was more rcstorarion than creation. The consultants answered that it was rcstoration and not creation. After a discussion of interpretive markers, Diana said she was supportive' but did not want to make it a requirement as it apparently did not have funding. She liked the fact that the mitigation would be located wittrln ttre same riparian corridor where the impact would occur. Chuck Crist asked if the flow into the beaver pond was going to be restored. The consultants said some would be. Gore Creek. Aoplicant: Planner: After a discussion as to locations, Diana concluded the discussion by stating she preferred the natural drop stuctures to head gates for directing water into the ox-bow. 2. A reouest for a maior subdivision and a Special Develooment District for an unplatted 7.5 acre parcel eenerallv located east of Nugget Lane and South of Gorc Cr€ek Drive. Aonlicanc Timberfalls Association Planner: Mike Mollica Kristan Pritz explained the proposal. She stated that, since this was a request for downzoning, staff had reviewed the request and believed the lower density was appropriate for the site. Staff recommended approval of the request with the conditions as listed in the memo. Peter Jamar, representing the applicants, indicated he agreed with staff's memo, including the conditions. and reminded the Commissioners that this would not be the last time the proposal would be brought before them, as the final plat also would need to be voted upon. Diana Donovan asked for clarification of what was being voted on at this time. Kristan explained it was the recommendation to Town Council for the Spccial Development District, the preliminary plan for the major subdivision, and indicated that the SDD should be made conditional upon approval of the final plat. Diana questioned approving a concept for an SDD, rather than a plan. Peter agreed to make the SDD conditional upon final plat approval. Kristan read the subdivision regulations, which stated that the final plat must substantially conform to the preliminary plan. Chuck Crist asked for an explanation of the road for Lots l0 and 11. Peter said it would be a private drive, with the units on [,ots l0 and ll restricted to single family dwellings only, so the road could be 15 feet wide. Chuck also wondered what the process would be for the development. Ron Riley, one of the developers, said that next summer, after the subdivision agteement and final plat were completed, the utilities and roads would be installed. He mentioned that some of the property closings might be concurent with the installation of utilities. Chuck believed that more perrnutent residents could result from this development than from the previously approved condominiums. Ron Riley upheld that opinion, stating that 3O-401o of those interested in the development were perrnanent residents. Diana wondered how the requirernent that at least 1,000 sq. ft. of GRFA be placed in the basement on cerhin lots would be enforced. Kristan said it was part of the SDD documentation. Diana also asked if the bridge could be signed as a narrow bridge. Kristan 3. agrced to look into that possibility. Diana questioned if the entire suMivision was a private road, was entry signage required? Staff indicated that was an option for the developers to decide. Diana asked if there was enough snow storage on the site. Peter answered there was plenty. Jim Shearer moved to approve the request for a major subdivision, and rccommend approval to the Town C-ouncil of the request for a Special Development Disrict for an unplatted 7.5 acre parcel generally located east of Nugget Iane and South of Gore CYeek Drive, with a notation that Section III(BX3-5) are recommended in an effo'rt to provide employee housing as a goal for the Town. The recommendation and approval are based on the SDD criteria and major subdivision benefit to the Town as outlined in staff's memo. Chuck Crist seconded the motion. The unanimous, 4-0, vote approved the motion. None. Buildine C. Northwoods Condominiums/600 Vail Vallev Drive. Applicant; Pinos del None Condominium Association Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen presented the request. Staff recommended approval of the requested amendment, stating that the architect, Kirt Segerburg, had successfully incorporated the Streetscape and Trails Master Plan concepts into the proposal, and then hc listed the specific elements of the development plan. Saundra Spaeh, representing the applicant, was concorned that the pavement area was too wide. She preferred a minimum of 7 feet for the sidewalk, rather than 8. Andy stated that the Town Engineer recommended a l-foot increase of each drive lane, and that width be added to the overall amount of pavement in the area. Diana Donovan preferred a dccrease in the road width to a decrease to the sidewalk area. Kristan Pritz agreed to ask the Town Engineer about the possibility, but she could not guarantee he would appmve. Diana pointed out her belief that if the road was widened, it would only encourage drivers to go faster, and might even encourage illegal parking. Kristan replied that the curb would help discourage the potential for illegal parking. Diana suggested placing the extra trees, to be removed from the cunent Pinos site, ac-ross the road from Pinos det Norte. Kristan asked if an acceptable option would be to place those trees on the soccer field, as she was not sure the Town could water the trees sufficiently across from Pinos. Diana did not believe it was a good example for the Town to say they could not water trees. Kristan agreed that the trees would look nice across the road, but she could not commit Public Works to that condition. Diana believed it should be a condition of approval, and Council would always rcmove that portion if Public Works could not agree. Diana was also concemed with the street lighting in the area. She asked that a requirement be included to locate a light along this sidewalk, Connie Knight asked if the Town planned to match the pavers which the applicant was putting in. Kristan stated that all iaven, these as well as the ones the Town would use in the iuturel woutO be consistent with the Streetscape Master Plan' Diana believed that the sidewalk should be maintained by the applicants' Kristan stated that the Code required that. Chuck Ctist moved to recommend approval of the request for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 2, Pinos d"-l Nott", Building C, Northwoods Condominiums/600 vail valtey Drive, per staff memo, with the conditions revised as follows: 1. The sidewalk shall be constructed out of concrete unit pavers and shall be a minimum of seven feet wide in all locations, and shall maintain the undulation shown on the approved plan, and be handicap accessible' 2. The improvements south of the existing roadway shall include a 4-foot bike lane, a 2- footcurbandgutter,aone-foote*pansiontothedrivelane,andthesidewalk described above. 3. Trees shall be planted across the road from the project if the Town agrees to maintain them. If the Town cannot maintain the trees in thit location, the trees will be planted in the neighborhood. 4. The applicant shall provide lighting along the sidewalks which will be installed by the applicant. Connie Knight seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved' 4-0' Aoplicant The Marnlsnd uo.. mc. Planner: Jill-Kammerer Jill Kammerer displayed a rendering of the proposed facade and planter modifications' she corrected staff's memo to indicate i5 sq. ft.-of planter would be removed' However' the uppti"uno would be "ddi"t iS sq. ft., oi -nf alei Therefore, there was no net loss in planter area onO"r the exterior altJration propot"i. Stuff recommended approval of the request' subject to 4 of the 5 conditions liited in the memo. staff was no longer recommending the "ppii"unt carry out condition 4, as there was not net loss of landscaping' Jack Snow, representing the applicants, disagreed with planting aspen in the planter in fr91t of the commercial space as suggested by the staff. Jaci stated the Town Landscape Architect preferred not to have aspen ptiJeO in thl planters, as the area has historically been planted with flowering *no^tr.'lOOitionally, Jim Cotter, the adjacent shop owner to the south' had 4. asked that no tree be placed in the planter, as Jim believed any trees would visually block his store. Jack further stated he believed planting trees in this location would be counter- productive to the goal of encouraging shopping through opening up the area both visually and from an accessibility standpoint. Diana Donovan did not think that a tree would interfere with the view of shops, and thought the sreet was sterile in appearance, and needed trees. C.onnie Knight asked if evergrcens would be an acceptable option. Jack replied that low shmbs would be okay, but eventually an evergrcen would be more of a visual screen than would an aspen. Kristan Pritz suggested as an alternative that the applicant plant ground cover. Jim Shearer disagreed, stating plant material with winter interest was needed. Chuck Crist said that a deciduous trce which was branched high enough so that the foliage was abve the window could be planted. He did not want to see an evergrcen, as he agreed it would block visual accoss to the shops. Jack Snow agrced to work with the Town Engineer to work out the drainage in the area prior to the Town issuance of a building permit. Diana asked about requiring some vertical landscaping for the winter. Jim Shearer wanted to see 2 aspen in each of ttre 2 planters. Kristan believed trees were only necessary in fmnt of Crazy Shirts, and not in front of Mr. Cotter's store. Chuck Crist believed 2 aspen with lights in the winter would draw people up Wall Street. Jim Shearer moved to approve the rcquest for an exterior alteration to Crazy Shirts, Unit 2, Bridge Street Condos, Bridge Street Building, 250 Bridge Sneet/Lot D, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing per staff s memo, with the deletion of condition 4 and the addition of the condition that 2 vertical plants be placed in the planter. H both trees were not possible, the Town Landscape Architect would study the planters to determine better winter landscaping to include vertical landscaping. The drainage would be handled per staffs momo. Connie Knight seconded the motion. It was approved, 4-0. The following area the appnoved conditions of approval: 1. The Town Engineer and Landscape Architect approve the final drainage plan. 2. The Town receives a revised condominium approval letter stating the Association has reviewed most recent plans prior to Town issuance of any building permits. 3. The Town Engineer and Town landscape Architect approve the final foundation plans. Please note the applicant has indicated all excavation will be done from within the structure so as not to disturb existing large aspen. a 4. 2 vertical plants be placed in the planter. If both trees wer€ not possible, thc Town Landscape Architect would study the planters to determine better winter landscaping to include vertical landscaPing. After the vote, Chuck Cbist expressed his preference to have one large tree planted, rather than 2 "wimpy" trees. the definition. Applicanc Town of Vail Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer read and explained the requested change of definition as prcsented in the memo to the PEC. Diana Donovan asked if the proposed definition conflicted with other definitions. Jill replied it did not. Jim Shearer indicated he believed a covered walkway was site coverage. Kristan Pritz explained the rationale why it was not. The object of 41 counting decks and walkways covered by a deck as site coverage was to encourage articulated building facades. She said the Town Council had asked rnf to clarify the defrnition, as the result of an interpretation of the existing definition by a local architect which was not intended by the staff' Diana indicated tf," nr* definition did not change what was site coverage, only clarified it. Kristan reiterated it was not the intent of staff to change what was considered site coverage' Chuck Crist moved to recommend approval to Town Council the request to amend Section 18.04.365, Definition of Site Coverage in order to clarify the definition per staff s memo' Jim Shearer seconded the motion. It was approved, 4-0. 10. Aoproval of September 9. l99l meetins minutes. Jim Shearer moved to approve rhe September g' l99l meeting minutes as written' Connie Ifuight seconded the motion. The minutes were approved, 4-0' Filine/365 Vail Vallev Drive. Aoplicant: Margaret Hill Madtal Trust Planner: Shellv Mello 5. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION September 9, 1991 AGENDA 'l30PM Site Visits3:00PM Public Hearing Site Visits Publlc Hearlnq 1. 1. A request for a worksession for an exterior alteration of Crazy Shirb, Unit 2, Bridge SEeet Condos, Bridge Street Building, 250 Bridge Street/Lot D, Block 58, VailVillage First Filing. Applicanf The Mainland Co., Inc.Planner: Jill Kammerer 2. A follow-up to the August .|2, 1991 PEC review ol the staff approval of the minor amendment for Garden of he Gods, SDD No. 2., LolK, Block 5A, VailVillage Sfi Filingl365 VailValley Drive. Applicanl MargaretHillMaritalTrustPlanner: Shelly Mello TABLED TO SEPTEMBER UI,1991 2. 3. A request for a front setback variance for the Krediet Residence, 224 Forest Road/Lot 11-A, Block 7, Veif Village First Filing. Applicant: John KredietPlanner: Jill Kammerer 3. 4. A request for a worksession for a i;rajor subdivision and a Special Development District lor an unplatled 7.5 acre parcel generally located east of Nugget Lane and South of Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Timberfalls AssociationPlanner: Mike Mollica 5. A requesl for an exterior alteration for the May Palace, 223 East Gore Greek Drive/A part of Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: HenryWoo/CharlesRosenquistPlanner: Shelly Mello TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 23,1991 6. A request for a setback variance for the Vlaar Residence, 2963 Bellflower Drive/Lot 7, Block 6, Intermountain. Applicants: Hans and Mia VlaarPlanner: Shelly Mello TABLED TO SEPTEMBER Z},1991 7. A request for a major amendment to Special Development District No. 2, Pinos del Norte, Bui6ing C, Northwoods Conclominlums/600 Vail Valley Drlve. Applicanl Pinos del Norte Condominium Association Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO SEPTEIIBER ZI,1991 8. A worksession to consider rezoning Lots 3 through 9 and 12, Vail Meadows Filing No.2lrom furiarlturaland NaturalOpen Space to " ResidentialCluster. Applicant: VailCity Goryoration and David Elmore Planner: Andy Knudben TABLED TO OCTOBER 14,1991 9. Approval of minutes from the Juty 22, August 12 and August 26, 1991 PEG meetings. 10. Information about tre upcoming September 21, 1991 Vail Symposium. 11. Discussion ol Estes Park Conference. '12. Discussion of Boulder Conference in February regarding a sense of place. 13. Update on U.S. Forest Service Land Orvnership Adiustment Plan. FILE COPY Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whitten PLANMNG AND ETMRONMENTAL COMMISSION SePtember 9' 1991 Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudsen Shelly Mello Betsy Rosolack Amber Blecker The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan. 1. Village Ftust Filing. Applicant: The Mainland Co-. Inc. Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer reviewed the proposal and explained the staffs areas of concem. Jack Snow, representing the applicants, statsd that he believed there were two issues in the proposal--the exterior alteration and infill, and the alterations to the bay window and door. He said the owners had asked for this worksession to receive a preliminary endorsement from the Commission for the changes. If they received that endorsement, the applicants were willing to work together with the staff to determine an acceptable landscape plan. Diana Donovan asked for the consensus of the Commissioners on the project. The consensus was that there were no major problems with the proposed exterior alteration. Jack Snow discussed the planters. He said the intention was to keep the area as oPen as possible in order to maintain circiilirtion to the stores. Kathy Langenwalter asked if the existing stairway south of the Gold and Silversmith commercial space entrance would be retained. Adjacent shop owner, Jim Cotter, said that approximately SOVo of the traffic to his store used that stairway, and he did not want to see this stairway eliminated and replaced with a planter. Diana exprcssed her preference to have vertical landscaping, and was not as concerned with the actual square footage of landscaping provided. Jack said it made sense to keep the area open, but did not want the tre,es to screen the display windows. Jim Cotter added that if shoppers had to look into the windows from a distance of 5 feet, they would not be able to see the jewelry. Diana asked if the sidewalk was crurently in front of the windows. Jim Couer replied it was. Connie Knight questioned why there were three sets of stairs. Kathy Langenwalter said she was trroubled with the design of the stain, in that they were only about 6 feet apart. She thought a better design would be to combine two of the stairways into one, as proposed. Gena Whinen asked if the entry to Crazy Shirts could be fiipped with the proposed bay window. Jack said the only flow-through of raffic was to the north, but they would look at the potential of moving the entrance. However, he felt there would be a disadvantage to that proposirion, in that it would create a dead-end spot within the store, and the display window would not be effective. He believed it would be a fair trade-off to locate the landscaping elsewhere in the vicinity and place some type of transparent, vertical landscaping near the shops. Connie asked if the stain on the south side could be eliminated. Jim Cotter answered that the winter traffic pattem would be affected, as that stairway was commonly used. Jack proposed placing landscaping in front of the blank wall of Vendetta's building. Connie believed that would be a good altemative. Chuck Crist wondered if the planters' size was decreased, would they still be able to hold aspen. Jack said they would, but if those asp€n were more than 3-4 feet tall, there would be too much of a visual barrier. Jim Cotter said that flowers were great for the area, but tnees would visually block that side of the street. Chuck did not find the three staircases objectionable, and agfeed that relocating the landscaping to Vendetta's wall was a good option. Jim Shearer suggested the applicant and staff get together and discuss the possibility of having one set of larger steps, or if ttuee sets of stairs were decided upon, perhaps eliminating the upper-level sidewalk. He encouraged the landscaping plan to get as much out of the planters as possible. He believed Wall Sneet had been improved because of the undulation of the sidewalk area. He advocated rnore vertical landscaping, saying it should blend with the existing. He also suggested varying the height of the planters themselves. Jim Cotter said the planters were often used as seating by shoppers, and he was in favor of keeping the height of the planters as they were. Jim Cotter also liked the suggestion of locating additional landscaping along Vendetta's wall. Kathy asked what would happen to the alley. Jim Cotter said it would not be affected, and it would actually be a good place for vertical plantings. Kathy asked that the landscaping be kept in the area of the expansion, and if the existing stairways were maintained, she suggested narrowing the set which went to Crazy Shirts. She was also not comfortable with the bay window. Ludwig Kurz agreed with Kathy's comments regarding narrowing the stairs. He asked if the stain and sidewalk would be concrete or pavers. Jack replied that pavers would be used. Ludwig asked that the aspen at the northem comer be saved, and believed the landscaping along Vendetta's wall was a good trade-off. Diana agreed with the landscaping along Vendetta's. She stongly recommended using paven on the stairways. She also advocated vertical landscaping, and suggested trying to find aspen with high branches. She did not want any net loss of landscaping. Jill reminded the applicants that if there was a net loss of the landscaping, they would have to justify it to the Commission. 2. A follow-up to the Auzust 12. 1991 PEC review of the staff approval of the minor amendment for Garden of the Gods. SDD No. 22. lnt K. Block 5A. Vail Villaee 5th Filine/365 Vail Vallev Drivs. Applicant Marearet Hill Marital TrustPlanner: Shellv Mello Jim Shearer moved, and Chuck Crist seconded, to table this item to the September 23, 1991 meeting. The motion passed unanimously, T-0. Aoplicant John Krediet Planner: Jill Kammc,rer Jllr ;' :,ruicrer c' dained the request, stating that staff recommended approval with conditions. Kathy Langenwalter represented the applicant. Diana Donovan asked Kathy where the large spruce tree would be relocated. Kathy explained the large sprucc tree would be relocated to the northwest corner of the site. Diana then asked Kathy to establish the maximum increase in GRFA which would result from this sddition. Kathy explained the site plan to the Commissioners. She stated she could not give an exact GRFA figure at this time, but would like a variance to state the addition would be not more than 400 sq. ft., which would still keep the GRFA for the site under the max.imum allowable. Connie Knight asked if there was an issue of how the GRFA for the site was allocated between the Primary and Secondary units. Kathy answered that was addressed through private covenants between the two owners. Diana requested that the large aspen to the west of the garage be protected, and that all existing aspen which need to be removed in order to allow the construction of thc garage be relocated. Kathy asked what the Commission would prefer if the large aspen could not be saved. She wanted an alternative, but stated the applicants would do everything they could to protect that ree. Gena Whitten preferred to state that saving thet tree was a condition of approval. Connie Knight agreed with it being a condition of approval or, altematively, that it be replaced with three uees. She also requested a guarantee period of 2 years. Gena also requested that the rees along the road be examined, as they appearcd to be diseased. Chuck Crist suggested requiring that any dead tees be removed. Kathy asked that request be changed to any dead trees in the area of construction be removed. Jim Shearer wanted the smaller aspens in the area transplanted, or replaced, at a 1:l ratio, with all attempts made to save the large aspen adjacent to the building area. He also requested a Z-year warranty period for the transplanted and affected trces. If the large aspen did not survive the construction, he suggested replacing it with 2 spruce. Ludwig Kurz did not believe the large aspen would survive consEuction, and pointed out it was already dying at the top. He would consider the Eee a "goner." He suggested replacing it with 2 spruce of at least 20 feet. Kathy prefened to replace it with trees of 14-16 feet, as those would compliment the other large spruce to be relocated, rather than having it appear like soldiers in a line. Diana agreed with having the aspen replaced with 14-16 foot spruces, and also wanted the approval conditioned that the large spruce be ransplanted, along with any aspen directly affected. Any dead trees in the area of the construction would be removed. She asked for a 2-year guarante€ on any landscaping. Kathy asked for consistency in the waranty perid, requesting the same conditions as what was given Spraddle Creck. Diana remembered Spraddle Creek Subdivision was required to provide a waranty of 2 growing seasons to ensure the evergreens. Diana clarified the conditions of approval as follows: 1. If the large aspen adjacent to the west of the construction site dies, it will be replaced with two 14-16 foot spruce. 2. The area to be infilled under the caryort shall not exceed 400 sq. ft. of CRFA. 3. The large spruce in the center of the construction area shall be relocated. If that spruce, or any other spruce planted as a part of this project, dies within 2 years, it shall be replaced with a spruce between 14-20 feet in height. 4. All aspens which must be removed in order to allow the construction of this garage to occur, shall be relocated to another portion of the lot. Chuck Crist moved that the rcquest for a front setback variance for the Krediet Residence, 224 Forest Road&ot l1-A, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing be approved with the conditions noted above. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. It was approved 6-0-1, with Kathy Langenwalter abstainin g. t o/4atc dr&{ z,Y4/uty _ ,,Lf, c$" y Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whitten PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION September 9, 1991 Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Betsy Rosolack Amber Blecker The meeting was called to order by Chairpenon Diana Donovan. l A request for a worksession for an exterior alteration of Crazv Shirts. Unit 2. Bridee Street Condos. Bridge Sreet Buildine. 250 Bridse Sfieet/Lot D, Block 58. Vail Villase Ftust Filine. Applicant The Mainland Co.. Inc.Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer reviewed the proposal and explained the staffs areas of concem. Jack Snow, representing the applicants, stated that he believed there were two issues in the proposal--the exterior alteration and infill, and the alterations to the bay window and door. He said the owners had asked for this worksession to receive a preliminary endorsement from the Commission for the changes. ff they received that endorsement, the applicants were willing to work together with the staff to determine an acceptable landscape plan. Diana Donovan asked for the consensus of the Commissioners on the project. The consensus was that there were no major problems with the proposed exterior alteration. Jack Snow discussed the planters. He said the intention was to keep the area as open as possible in order to maintain circulation to the stores. Kathy Langenwalter asked if the existing stairway south of the Gold and Silversmith commercial space entrance would be retained. Adjacent shop owner, Jim Cotter, said that approximately 807o of the traffic to his storc used that stairway, and he did not want to see this stairway eliminated and replaced with a planter. Diana exprcssed her preference to have vertical landscaping, and was not as concerned with the actual square footage of landscaping provided. Jack said it made sense to keep the area open, but did not want the trees to screen the display windows. Jim Cotter added that if shoppers had to look into the windows from a distance of 5 feet, they would not be able to I' see the jewelry. Diana asked if the sidewalk was cur€ntly in front of the windows. Jim Cotter replied it was. Connie Knight questioned why there werc three sets of stairs. Kathy Langenwalter said she was troubled with the design of the stairs, in that they werc only about 6 feet apart. She thought a better design would be to combine two of the stairways into one, as proposed- Gena Whinen asked if the entry to Crazy Shirts could be ftipped with the proposed bay window. Jack said the only flow-through of traffic was to the north, but they would look at the potential of moving the entrance. However, he felt there would be a disadvantage to that proposition, in that it would create a dead-end spot within the store, and the display window would not be effective. He believed it would be a fair trade-off to locate the landscaping elsewhere in the vicinity and place some type of transparent, vertical landscaping near the shops. Connie asked if the stairs on the south side could be eliminated. Jim Cotter answered that the winter traffic pattem would be affected, as that stairway was commonly used. Jack proposed placing landscaping in front of the blank wall of Vendetta's building. Connie believed that would be a good alternative. Chuck Crist wondered if the planters' size was decreased, would they still be able to hold aspen. Jack said they would, but if those aspen were more than 3-4 feet tall, there would be too much of a visual barrier. Jim Cotter said that flowers were great for the arear but uees would visually block that side of the street. Chuck did not find the three staircases objectionable, and agreed that relocating the landscaping to Vendetta's wall was a good option. Jim Shearer suggested the applicant and staff get together and discuss the possibility of having one set of larger steps, or if three sets of stairs were decided upon, perhaps eliminating the upper-level sidewalk. He encouraged the landscaping plan to get as much out of the planters as possible. He believed Wall Street had been improved because of the undulation of the sidewalk area. He advocated more vertical landscaping, saying it should blend with the existing. He also suggested varying the height of the planters themselves. Jim Cotter said the planters were often used as seating by shoppers, and he was in favor of keeping the height of the planters as they were. Jim Cotter also liked the suggestion of locating additional landscaping along Vendetta's wall. Kathy asked what would happen to the alley. Jim Cotter said it would not be affected, and it would actually be a good place for vertical plantings. Kathy asked that the landscaping be kept ih the area of the expansion, and if the existing stairways were maintained, she suggested narrowing the set which went to Crazy Shirts. She was also not comfortable with the bay window. Ludwig Kurz agreed with Kathy's comments regarding nanowing the stairs. He asked if the stairs and sidewalk would be concrete or paveni. Jack replied that pavers would be used. Ludwig asked that the aspen at the northem corner be saved, and believed the landscaping along Vendetta's wall was a good trade-off. Diana agreed with the landscaping along Vendetta's. She srongly recommended using pavers on the stairways. She also advocated vertical landscaping, and suggested trying to find aspen with high branches. She did not want any net loss of landscaping. Jill reminded the applicants that if there was a net loss of the landscaping, they would have to justify it to the Commission. 2. A follow-up to the Ausust 12, 1991 PEC review of the staff aooroval of the minor amendment for Garden of the Gods. SDD No. 22. Int K. Block 5A. Vail Villase 5th Filine/365 Vail Va[ey Drive. Applicant Marearct Hill Marital TrustPlanner: Shellv Mello Jim Shearer moved, and Chuck Crist seconded, to table this item to the September 23, 1991 meeting. The mofion passed unanimously, 7-0. 3. A reouest for a front setback variance for the Krediet Residence.224 Forest Road/lnt 11-A. Block 7. Vail Vilaee First Filins. Applicanc John Krediet Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer explained the request, stating that stalf rocommended approval with conditions. Kathy Langenwalter represented the applicant. Diana Donovan asked Kathy where the large spruce free would be relocated. Kathy explained the large spruce tree would be relocated to the northwest corner of the site. Diana then asked Kathy to establish the maximum increase in GRFA which would result from this addition. Kathy explained the site plan to the Commissioners. She stated she could not give an exact GRFA figure at this time, but would like a variance to state the addition would be not more than 400 sq. ft., which would still keep the GRFA for the site under the maximum allowable. Connie Knight asked if there was an issue of how the GRFA for the site was allocated between the Primary and Secondary units. Kathy answered that was addressed through private covenants between the two owners. Diana requested that the large aspen to the west of the garage be protected, and that all existing aspen which need to be removed in order to allow the construction of the garage be relocated. Kathy asked what t}re Commission would prefer if the large aspen could not be saved- She wanted an alternative, but stated the applicants would do everything they could to protect that tree. Cena Whitten prcferred to state that saving that tree was a condition of Inc. September 6, L99l Town of Va1l Pgpt. of Community Development75 S. Frontaqe Ro.Vail, Co 81657 Dear Sirs: P]ease be advised..that the Bridge St. Bldq. Condominium Assoc.fqllv approves of the extlilor-c#;geJL"-BE=*"a1"'o-n the wesr sideof the -a-riage Street Suifding UV-tltt llainfana'-Co.,-'rnc., as shownon architec-tural arawins.--aLt-e'a -'d-ii:Ai';I"i'JrJa by Rynerson-OrBrien Architecture. If you have any gyegtions, please call me or llark Cadmus atBran?ess-cadmus hedr -eJtJi.'ra5-o:1.a50) . --' - S incere Iy , BRIDGE STREET BL Craig cplc ASSOC. REAL ESTATE (qg) 47q-1450 . DENVER TOLL FREE 893_3101NATIONWIDF Tot I FFltrtr /annr oco-r7arr oo EePn C,l??t s€ftr e,/??t PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSIQN August 26, 1991 AGENDA 2:30PM Site Visits3:00PM Public Hearing Site Visits Publlc Hearlno 1. An appeal of a staff decision concerning a density variance granted to Treetops Condominiums, Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Uonshead First Filing/452 East Lionshead Circle. Appellant TreetopsCondominiumAssociation Planner: Mike Mollica 2. A request for an exterior alteration of Crazy Shirts, Unit 2, Bridge Street Condos, Bridge Street Building, 250 Bridge StreeULot D, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: The Mainland Co., lnc.Planner: Jill Kammerer TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 9, 1991 3. A request lor a major amendment to Special Development District No. 2, Pinos del Norte, Building C, Northwoods Condominiums/600 Vail Valley Drive. Applicant: Pinos del Norte Condominium AssociationPlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 9, 1$I1 4. A request for an exterior alteration for the May Palace, 223 East Gore Creek Drive/A part of Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Henry Woo Planner: Shelly Mello TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 9, 1991 5. A reguest for a wall height variance tor the Chester Residence, Lot 19, Block 1, Vail Village 1st Filing895 Mill Creek Circle. Applicant: E.B, ChesterPlanner: Kristan Pritr TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 23, 1991 6. A request lor a side setback variance for the Bigelow Residence, Texas Townhouses, 4il Gore Creek Drive, Unit 4BAot 4, Vail Village Fourth Filing. ApplicanL Thayer BigetowPlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED INDEFINITELY 7. A request for a worksession to rezone property from primary/Secondary to low Density Multiple Famity, generaily located at 2299 Chamonix Lane/Parcels A and B, generally located north of pine Ridge Condominiums. Applicant Erich and Uty SchmetzkoPlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED INDEFINITELY 8. Appoint PEC member to serve as PEC representative to the Design Review Board. L Reminder of August 27, 1991 joint worksession with Town Council and Housing Authority to review Rosall, Remmen and Cares report regarding number of employees generated by commercial uses and presentation on Employee Housing Unit zoning code amendments. The information on number of employees generated is proposed to be incorporated into the Employee Housing Unit SDD. f-/r,.; //6rn/:ii;j llLBroncJess-Coclmus Reol Estote, Inc. .z-Ittt=\\\ //#\\W#l) 281 BRIDGESTREET . vAlL,coLoRADo8165T flfl 5:7 i ir i;..Ittf, August 16, 1991- Town of VailDept. of Communitv Development75 S. Frontaqe Roidvail, co 8r657 Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the Bridge St. Bldg. Condo. AssociationfUfly appro_ves of t.he exberior ehinges to be-made on the west sideof t:he Bridge Streeb Buildinq by TFe Mainland Co., Inc. as shownon archi tect-trraI drawings prdpaied by Rich and Krusen Design. If you have any questions, please calI me or Mark Cadmus atBrandess-Cadmus Real Estate (476-1450). Sincerely, o BRIDGE SI'REET bCraig CMG CONDO. ASSOC. REAL ESTATE (303) 476-1450 . DENVER TOLL FREE 893-3101 NATTONWTDE TOLL FREE (800) 222-VAtL Date Date oof of App'l i catl PEC Meeting A,r,; . 26{.f i ,1{u'I al' i(/\I ." 'r I. .l ;' ,, i '1yr-, nli/ llpllq4llqry FoR ExrERroR ALTEMTToNs Ft,,t, l' ' ", 0R MoDIFIcArtons-iH-coNr,iencinr ioni-I('L') VAIL VILLAGE Plann'ing and Envrronmental .conmrssron review is required for the alterailonof an existing buildins whi.h;iii'J'^ liron.s any encrosed froor area oroutdoor patio or the rEpracer"ni-or-in'i1!1!!ls. ruirding L0CATED IN ffE ccrDISTRICT. FOLLOWING PEb AFPROi;irI'rXI FN0JECT MUST BE FTVITWEO BY THE DRB. The appllcation wilr not be accepted untir all lnformation ls submltted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT e Mainland Co. ADDRESS HoN EIJ-14)_g-3-2 -.5.1 8 3 B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPhESENTATIVE Rich and Krusen Desi ADDRESS Box 3378 - ounfroT gammtrcte/ Taelc. NAME 0F Ol,{NER(s) (prinfi or type sTGNATURE( S) ADDRESS D.LOCATIOJT OF PKOPOSAL: ADDRESS' LEGAL (see ar.tached ., sheet) lII_IqE MUsr BE pArD BEFoRE rHE couMuNrTrREVIEW YOIIR PROJECT. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pRE-APPLICATI0N..C0NFERENCE l,lITH A^PLANIIN9^SI4I|_MEMBER IS STRoticLy SUGGESTEDT0 DETERMINE IF-ANY ADDiitoNAi'i;'ir6nr'rnrrorl is-n'ELbeii.""N0 AppLrcATr0N r,rrlLBE AccEpTrD UNLESs^rT ii loi,ii;iril'iruli_ilqiuo.E-nii"inMs REQUTRED By THEzoNINc ADMINrsrRATgn].-_1i-ii'iii ipFticei,ii;5-Urttbnii6rrrrv r0 MAKE AN ApporNT_MENr l'rrrH THE 'TAFF io ri*o'dui'isiiurrDriiironni-iuiiiliirnr_ nrqurREMENTS. [i F^iirffi ['iiii irSshEIS' ii:ii!:il[$d' bi iift sf T ilil s Ii'^iF [BgxiLTpR'c Es s I'5'liS'ilt'dl'lli.il'i, 4r'doniiilSfl'ffiltT5git'ig$i,?fr;BTo",o 'nITH BEF'RE A. Improvement,r:::..y._:l-roperty showlng property I ines and location ofbuilding and any improiembnti.on the land. B. A list of the names of owners otproperty INIiaai eiirs +ffi $;lt;rff ,r;fifu sliul;flirsii iiil,';il,ii{ift rrl*rii*s,,, E. FEE r 13*.gq. Ft$"i"|\:8, %t:;,F., pArD_ $500.00 qr.loru rnen-roo sti. ri.l ,,7lml'--T-iT ! i I I o 'l'lvld llIsNSHludw0S s''ltvA Hllll lJNvlldwol uoJ o:nrtnru tg t'tln wsodoud unor .rrli ' '9V 990'fz'8.1'.!!g.I.l?3! 33S '31n03HlS f'l3rA3U tHl N0 StrJrs3ds 3u0l,| uoj'll3IAlu lf0lssl!'l!'fo3-rvrNr|,'lr'rouinr,rl-oHil gNINNVtd uoJ HrNol..l lnl J0 j!,tIl ctuIn03u: 3Hl lv 0]llll'tBns.3.g.ly11-qlj Jrivnob"oor NvHt tuor^r tou J0 vruv u00TJ orso'rlN:ltNv ss^oNlu u0 s00v 1y11-g1Iotlne-eNiiirxl NV Jo Nolrvuulv rHr uol sNonvlr'rddv'N0lss3s !l3IA3u ^uvNIt'lIllud iHi lii-iiio 0e NIHllr,l otiH 3s t'rvns oNruvlH Jnsndv 'llv0 lvlllHsns 3Hl J0 slv0 le ruinrtn Hotssls r'uinru AuvNr.rnrud v s0.r0H33d 3Hrulsl'll^oN t9-!vt't'io iioiiour Hiuiiol-iHi i[oji; ojurlrsns rs 0r orjNtlHl 'Al1VnNW-I1'lls glnilnlu rrr'rii'itii. v:uv uooir roliij ruvnos 00r NVHI 3u0r,reNInl0nNI IJI NI sruolrvciliooil'uo sr'roiivufuii il'oiuux: uoJ sNoruvJr-.rddv .rrA ruvssr33n sI lvlusrvt'r rvnotitoov rorr rnrrrllittlil'$Xrifiti$rilAl^3ilti3i 3$i .r^ 'tfuoJ SlHdtrug_uo NStlIUil NI 0l 0ttods3u$nssr eNrNoz urxro srsiuliio oiiv"ir5'uor roor ISNI,| IWSIlddV 3HI IVHIgNINOZ ]IVA JO NIIOI 3HI 'A '000HU08H9I3rir 3t{r J0 USIJWVHS 3Hl HtIn 3-r8lrvdr^ro3 sI lvsodoud 3Hr .3 N0*33s Nr 0rr0N.ruv sreNvHr uor 3un*r'ud iHr .ro"'j8il3';g?;gl NVSU0 39U|1IA ]IVA 3Hl 0t tgNVHJ UOiW-V gNtsodoud sI tNVSIlddV 3H1 JI '(ssillcttng gNruogHgIlN pHlcnrru) 'HJns 'sNvlw tlHdvue rg o:ssiuodv' srsoor^t'sNo*v'rnwrr ;8*ilrii9*t!$ 38 o'lnoHs sr,utl 3,l08V 3Hl J0 lNvl^t uo[lEJeplsuo3 oppqs uns .g tq6ras u'ritill :t a6p3 1aau1g .g eJnso[3u] leeJls .t, lJonaupJJ aders1aa.l15 .e uollBJleued strlqa^ .Z uo!lpzluplJlsepad .1 Nersrc Nvsun rev'r'rr^ rrv rHr Hru4 s3ndwor ^.t-'otifiUiSHXStlri$l3r:tiill .g rrrursr. r3, rHr ro s3sodund r'r Hrrlr rrro$l3ril8rt,i,tl qild:3iiTl .v 'NIIVSI.NI N'ISSI*,r03 lvlNlr.rN'urANt .NV gNrNNVld 3Hl 3U0Jr8 trrroriiolt3lNvx30N0d3ud v l'fuol JIHdvue oHv rlruiun [f iillan5-rivili rrvutddv tHl .Ar sluauaspe pue dlquaui{o ,fJlJeA o1 llodal eptl V. .l sarnrrruls 's'ulprlnq pasodo.rd pue 6u11ssx" r,;=litil:iili3l ffi .r . .so11ed .6u1durspue1 pasodo"rd pue 6u11s1xa aq1 .0 'ape;6 Jo laal or,11 Jo aEueqr e sl eJeql eJaqrtt peJp uolsuedxa,t.j?*-p3j!l.q?j_?!..fruo ttrn uo11fpuoc str{l .sJnoiuoo pasoo6J;-;;;Dulls.rxa burpn[]u! el!s aqx Jo Ja?JpJpqr orqderbodol burlslxa aq1 .l .ue1d a11s.aqt uo ur.roqs aq ttEqs N3IIdIU3SJq tygll SII Hlllltueudolelep pasodo.rd eqt Jo eureti frie'a1d5i-;ioJJ"-qij6u'.alpp eqt .s .r1lunumro3 eqr ,rs q9a9.rdde aq reur ;?31*'H,.5'il 153il1':iitrS"iHliliiSl -.Y^^'jr-Is l!! 01 srN3l'llAoudhll-0]s0d0ud ONV gNllsrxJ gNIr,lOHs r0z = ,,1 Joelets p tB,,9t x utZ Jo azrs ladQi-e-uo uiie.r[';q-iipqi''iijiii"a11s aq1 .V :uoltpuuorul 6u1no11o1 aq1 6u1u1e1uoc ueld ells B 1o saldot (r) JnoJ .III IJJ t-' '#"W" /.6--,"fl ff*1..* prf"ft O PUBIIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail wilt hold. a public hearing inaccordance erith Section 18.56.050 of the Municipal Code of theTown of Vail on August 25, 1991 at 3:00 p.m. in the town of VailMunicipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a wall height variance for the ChesterResidence, Lot 19, Block 1, Vail Village 1st Filingr/395 M1II Creek Circle.Applicant: E.B, Chester 2. A reguest for a side setback variance for the Biqelow Resicience, Texas Townhouses, 43 Go:re Creek Drive, Unit B/Lot 4, VaiI village Fourth Filii:g. Ar'\n l i /..ztl- . fharror Ri era1g14. r IrgI E'! rJl:,g.!' 3. A reguest for an exterior aLteracion of Crazy Shirts, Unit2, Bridge Street Condos, Bridge St::eet Building, 250 BridgeStreet/Lot D, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing.Applicant: The Mainland. Co., Iltc. 4. A reguest for an exterior alteration for the May Palace | 223East Gore Creek Drive/A part of Block 58, Vail Village First k-] I l t',t ar Appliiant: Henry Woo 5. A reguest for a wal1 height variance for Lot 1, Block 1,. Intermountaj-n Subdivision/2684 Larlispur Court. " Applicant: Robin E. Hernreich,/?itwe11 Development 6. Any items tabled from the August lil , l-991 pEC neeting agenda. The applications and information about t.he proposals areavailable for public review in the Cornmurnity Development Department offj-ce. Town of Vail Community Developmenl Department Publlshed in the Vail Trail on August 9, 1991. O-tr Sq qr' 4.b Brandess-Cadmus Real Estate, lnc. I Hims ol Srcwmass 281 Bridge Street v 170 E. Gore Creek Drtue Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO Bt6S7 The Gold & Silversmith of Vail Ron Byme & Associates Barbara Thomas 5880 Momentum Place 1717 Main Slreet Dallas, TX 75201 -46'12 Carolyn & E. Raymond Kidwell, M.D. 150 Crown Colony Kingsporl, TN 37660 P.O. Box 385 Vail, CO 81658 Lazier Commercial Properties 225 Wall Street Vail, CO 81657 285 Bridge Sireet Vail, CO 81657 'flre Mainland Co. , lnc.29L1 Dow Avcnue'ltrst.in, CA 9268{)At-t-.nl Accts. Pavable or .J olr n [rr: t- r.irrrl}us: 714-832-5t]{}.1 cxL. 3!r7 OR +2 !lgt,:: cr':ntcr u;4{t.r I corp. 2r0 FCApF meretqNl FA)<: alq -hb6 -go?*3ll r.r ndess -Cadmrr s lleal Fl*rtat-r:, I nc281 llr i.(.lrte SLr.cr'l:vail, co- 81657Ilus: 303-476-l 450Mark & MarLa Cadmus #5 'Ihe CoI<1 & Si lversnri.th of VailP.O. Rox 385VaiI, CO Bl_658 IJLrs ! 303-476-3l.JlRes: 303-949-6645 J im Cot. t,e r llil I is of Snowmass 1,7 0 D . (jo rr.: C r-r:el< Dr- .Vail, (:() {1 1657Bus: 303-476-6967ftr:s: 103*++Sl{r49{} tfl t.-!li lli"s Al<in Ron lly rne ,! Assr>ciat-cs285 Bri.dqe Sl-r:eetVa.il, cO- S1657Bus: 303-476-1987 Brrs I 6L5-246-1 167Res: 615-2BB-7642 Va i.;303-476*1.91"? tt(o 6(e (*. -L;,e) #14 Carolyn & D. Raymond Kidwell, M.D.1.50 Ci'own Crrlorry K ingsporh-, 't,N 37660 p!!r=D_c_q _ ii 1!:f LEE!: 11 u r r,D r Nc CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION llWlLES-Lrl-s-l #1 Crazy Shirts283 Bridge SbreetVail, Co 81657Dawn Kinq - manaqertJr.rs: 3o3-476-BLiD L.to les T ult ai I 234 Creek Dr. 657 :6006 Vai *4 #{} #10 #r 1 *6 Currents Jewel ryP.O. Box L471Vai.I, CO 81658 Bus r 303-476-3322upstairs 476-3331Rohert & Barbara Del,uea #7 #9 ol\ Dr-.si.gner Furs, Lbd.285 Dri.dqe St-r:eetVai l, co- BL65?Bus: 303-476-5222 Res i 303-tffi-€?tlo-Kathleen Vavra Denson #1,2 Barbara Thomas+15 5BB0 Momentum Place1717 Main Streel-DaIlas, TX 752OL-46L2Busr: 2LA-7 48-8227Res: 2L4-35L-3L77#12: 303-476-5840#15: 3o3-476-3042 LAitCO aru..,Uttto"u ?no?cc+l'5 7L6 w6u- Varu ao 'e .tr. July' 22, 1991 Mr. Jack SnowP.O. Box 45 Edwards, CO 81632 Re: The Bridqe Street Condominiurn Dear Jack site coveraqe"The Bridge street condominiun". The calculations are based onrmprovement Location certificate done by us dated aa-27-Bz,#420.1- ll on an job jrot coverage = T7 50 Sq " Ft - PulJql"s coveragre = 5700 Sq.Ft . ,' /s-aBurliding coverage of totai slte area - 1Q lir = zu3 75."5"t assistance.Please call if I can be of any il ;r1{=tei-e I \'. l'actl + \rl,ev S.lr\.e\,ng, ltrc.-*'#St an Hoqfeldt . P . L. S.\ii.ce Pres i den t tuther ,11 i 99 Highway 6 & 24 Eagte Vail i,i:.qi Otl ce Box l2i-tO i .jwards CO Bt 632 ::i_'3 94_q 1406 AL:-=.toMMrrMENT D l-i:..liuu !r. A Application Nc - v16762-2 For infor':nation only UNT? 2 BRTDGE ST. CO}.rDOS - Charges -AITA Owner Pol_icy 51,041. OOAIia Lender Policy $60.00-TCTAL-- S1,10L.00 !0i'uh your renit:ance please refer to yL6762-2. -- !- iffec--j-ve Date: March 29, 1991 at 8:00 A.M. 2. Pclicias tc be i.ssuo_i, and proposed InsureC: rrAI-,TArt Or"fiers, s poJ-!-cyr For:3 B-L970 (.l.-aended L0-17-70) PropcseC Insu:ei: rtlTTrltl Tr."l:rr D^l i^r, (L970 R.evisicn) Propcsei, Insu:ei: VIIL\GA CENTER. CAPIT:':, CORP., A COLORADO CCRtORq.TION ? - the esiate c: incares-- in the land descrrbed or referrec to inchis ccnnit:nent and ccvered herein is: I Faa ( i ,tn] .r 1. T:-tle ',-o the estate c: interas-' covered, he:ein is at theeffeciive daie herecf west,ed in: vr-j..I-rAGji CENTSR CAPITA! coR9., A COLORADO CORFORATION.t 5. ?he land referred to in this Cornrnifinent is d.escri_bed. asfoLlows: CONDCUINIUM UNIT 2, TIiE BRIDGE STRIET CONDOMTNTUM, ACCORDING TOTHE CONDOMTNIL'I{ MAP T:iEREOF RECORDED OCTOBER 1S, 1983 rN BOOK370 AT PAGE 804 AND AS DEFINED AND DESCRItsED TN fiii CONDOMTNIUM I'i" I ffim A,Ui; I 019gl Exhibit A a -l L : -:- C C i,! M I T r\4 E )i : Ihe followlng are rl:e recui:anencs to be ccmplieC ri-.:t: 1. Fala,enc tc or icr t::e acccunt cf the g:ai.:.to=s cr uorcgagcrs ofthe fuLl ccnsiieraticr- for -uhe estate or interest tc bei n<:rr-ari Z. Proper instruiienc(s) c:eat; ng t.he esr-a:e cr interas; gc bei-nsureC uust be exec'-l--sd and durv fiLea for reccri, -,_o-lui -,_: 3 - --AsE oF DE:: cF T?;sr DATEf Augus: 29, iggi , FRcv v:ailcE cEN:gR cltrr-1.- CCRP. , A COLOP-1DO C3F*=OR\IION TO !:iE PUBLiC TRUSTST OT E.}GL! CCUNTY FOR IIi! . USE OF GA.4.}IT M. WIISCN fu\D AiI,,EN T. G:LiiLr..YD TO SECURT.TEi SL'M OF51,100,000.0C F,FCOR.D=i Sep-,-enber 01, !9A7 , iN BCCK 186 ;.T PAGE 933. S}TD DE:D OF T?.UST 'f;-< ASSIGI.ISD TC A:I..EN !. GiLii:-L\D, G:CR'.l J. GITIJII.}IDfu\D ROtsER! M- TCSF:::::.S TR,USTEES U}IDE=. !:=.\iT:N T. G::irI;$D RSVOC:3L! T-!.usT o!'AUGL-sr 4, '?a2, As A.lvIEliDEl IN.{ss:Gt{i{EN: R:ccF,!=f, Feb:uarv 07, iCCI ?\i ?,'ll'\L' :,- :- --i -vvr-. J- ' a._ _----\.: g + j ji , I{CDI!'IC.\T:O}I }.GAg::"!=}i: IN CCI.I}iECTICN I"':TH S.ITD DF=D OF :=UST WAS R,5CORDtr9janua:.,- 12, 1969, r_-ii =COK 498 AT p-{cE 49A. t. .e',':DE-\Cq SA:fSF.}-CTCF.: TC T::= C3M3-\]IZ T:\: =-:= T:_:j,lS, CC:.\ifITIOliS A-\DFF.OV:SiCIIS CF T::: TCi.v--.i OF V.i:L TFA\ISFER. T-r-:{ Lti/-E tsi=}i S_il:S;'::t_ t. C:!.T:?ICA:E Ci RiC::: C: FI;.ST RgfUSAi', IN COi,IpL:-I.iC? 9,l-iT:i T:iF TERIIS,CoNDilicNS A"\lD FF,cI/':S:cl'IS SET FORTH IN Li;-S: BETii:iN VI---cE C:NTER C;-DI:-l.-CORP. (LL\iDLCR.!) A,.'lD ;n::.i"i;j4 D. C3L'JAtt f T=]iArvT) , l4ll{OR:-\iDt-l,t OF Li-rSE RqcoRDED iitcus: 3, i35A .It{, BCCK 466 A? pAGi 402. i ::;Tl'\r\ r-= .-.-'!:' '/':':A/!IJI..'I\,; ;.,.:JSF.\CTCF-: TO TIi: CCMP.\\? TE{T .1 RTSU3DIViSIO}I OF SUts.J-ECT FF.OPFS.TY MS EF:'J L:=='1rrF;-.r ='/ TIix BoAji! c.F I4L\AGLRS, |. tuUENDMFNT TO T5: C3tfDCM:NI-u'14 I4AP AND DECL];-rTION ACCF.DT-13Ij fO T]i: COM-D.$IY TO BE RECCRDE] i}f E:=1.: CCUNTY. IN COMPLi.L\CE W:TH TIiE T=:,I4S SET FORT.ti I}I C3ITDOMI}I:;J':{ DIC:-:..T.T.T-:iI R:CCR.DED SEPTFXEE.:. 13, i9'i7 iN BCOK 259 rT PAGE6o9/ .\-i.T:CL-E j, SECT::]i 3.S. t-l WA!-tl-r\TY DEID.tr-e.c[4 tt:lilcE CE]ITEF. CAPITA! CoRP-, .\ COLCR-r-DO CoRPORATION To / T:if M-LTNILND COMPAtvj, ir\C. , A CAI,,f FORNIA COR-DORr-IION CONVIYING SUBJECT I FQ,'1DE?.iV - I -"-- t )Al:F 1 -.r.L:-:- coMMiT / F.zna^i i r.nc \s-e.-vl .l.c=l; cat:cn lfc . ti:.6762-2 lhe policy cr pal:cies -r-c be issueC wil.L ccnta:n exceFtions to the:a 1 I ^"{ -- "- 1 ^-^;cl;owl::g ujrless ::e sane are Cr sgcsec of tc t:a satr:-sfec-_icn of 'ha f rtnn=nr;. -. Stania:i. Exce=rions l- rlrcugh 5 pr:nceC on the ccver sheet. t. Taxes ani. assess;rerit,s noi ye.C Cue or payabte and sFeciarassess:nents nc*!. yet ce=tified tc the Traasuiei,s cf:ice. t i\-., ,.---.i I 5--{xy u::iFa:c. E,axes cr assessnents asains-,- said 1and. i, Liens f :r unFat3 'yra:== and. sever cta=;es, i j an:t RiG;:T OF h;AY FCR OITC:-S CR CANAIS CONSTRTJCTED tsY qjE :UTIICP.:!Y OF TIi:inI:?!D 5T-L:55 IS -R5S:3'/=D IN LIN::=D ST-\TES P.\TENT R:CoP-i:f jui_y i2 , LBgg,.LJ dLjsK + 8 AT P-n-c= .l 7 5 . .O- .R,:G::T CF P9,OFF.::TOF. C? A V=:N OR. iCDE TC i:{:?ACT A*\iD P.::,ICII! F.:S CR,5TH:i=:iCM SECTLD T!{= S}-.rYE EE FOUND Tc P9l'lE:F-ttE OR !-\iTr?S:CT T5: FR.II4:SESAS R:SE-=,!-ED Ili UNIT:I ST-iTES pATEti? F.EcCRgif Ju:y 1: , ', A99, Ilr EcoK 4a AT Y.a$c { r.1 . .i- pgST?':CTIr.z-E Cari:)l}.i,i:S tfh.lc:i Do IIOT cCtrTAIl.i ;. I'CRgE::UP: cR F€'i:S.TEF. cil.USE,Si;T OM:TT=NG P.i5T!.iC::CNS, ri AJY, BASED CI; ?],C5, CCLCF., R:LIG:ON, ORNAT:ClIi.i ORiG:)r, AS CaIITAI\ED III I]lSTRt-l{E}i: R:CIRDED }-'.lg:irsE 1C, J-952, i}i BOOK !7.t AT F-\ca l_79. .-z . J-:usc g-*l'ct/:-s-clts, c3l;::ifu\lTs A*\D ccNDrTrcNS , E.lsE:4:]i:s, i\iD R5-<!P.:cTrcNs,W]iICI: A.:,: A BUR.DE.\I T:'TIi; CC[IDCI4:}I:'JM UNIT DISCR.I3ED :--N SCIiIDUii A, AS ccAIT-L:]IED rll illsrtu:,i=:ia F.ECORDED secc-nbe: i3 , !977 , rit BooK 259 AT PAGE569 .4"\D AS Ai"!:tiDED ::i :NSTtItMElrT RgccRDED Cc-_ober j.3, 1961, fN BcoK l7o AT . EASE:{ENT AND R:ciir c-? t'iAY FoR rNGRiss tu\D :GRESS il.r?-Dosis As RSSERVED Byv+- L -{ssuq:-{::s L:D., -\ COLOR\DO L:y:TEf F-I_?T}IERSH:? IN DEID tCw.K. lrErrtrFoRc, .jR.. ;-::3s.DE! J;.Nu;-P.Y lL, i965 rN BcoK l-aa AT.E-tcE L5 AND RTSTR:C:ICMS PE:.!-\i-)i-:ic TO SAID EASel,ltNT tr.iD RIGi:T oF w)-'J. .4 ' EllCl'CAC:t{=}IT OF ST}-:-=.il-;.Y AND BAE WiNDow ONTC INGR:SS tuVD EGR,SSS EAS4,€.Y| AS SiiOWN CN THE TI{:I,D N{=}IDME}IT TO Tgi BRiDGE STRTST CONDOM:NIUM I&\P. M;\i- .,1 AGE t TLTA. COMMITMENT SCI{TDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Apg]_ication No. VL6762_2 .5. EASE!4E}TTS, RESLR,VA,TTONS A]'TD RXST9.ISTIONS ES SHOWN OR RESER\ED ON TEERECORDED CONDOI4INiIIM I4\P OF TEE BRTDGE SITEEI CONDOMINTUM. .5. EXXSTL\G IEASES tu\D tSiAltCIES. '7' TERI{S, colrDlTroNs A}iD PRovfsroNs oF ME}loR.+IIDult oF LEASE REcoRDED August 03,.: rN BooK 488 Ar PAGa 402. rGE 6 t- l ALTJ.OMMITMEN? < a'iFnrTT F ^ I Apgi!-cation No. VL6762-2 DEcraRAlroN RTCoRDED SEPTB,IBER 13 , LgTi r$ BooK 259 AT PAGE d69AlrD Ar1IENDMEIIT TrEREgo RECoRDED ocroBER le, 19s3 rN BooK 370 ATFAGa 805, coulrlz oF EAcr.E, STATE oF coLoFADO. I{OSE: SAID IJSGAT DESCRTPTTON WILT BE A}fg}rDED I'PON PROPER T** lrlsti rTEtrs sET FORSE rN scEEDsLE B-1 EERETN. 'GE2 Legal Description: Condominium Unit 2, The Bridge Street Condominium, according to the condominium map thereof recrcrded october 18, 19g3 in Book 320 at page g04 and as defined and described in the condominium declaration recorded september 13,1977 in Book 259 at Page 669 and amendment thereto recorded october 18, 1983 in Book 370 at Page 805, county of Eagle, state of cororado. I ,^," q/, rfrS prolecr Name: 4 tnol - fllfrr,rt /'crr ,6vu/t- project Descrip ,ton ,6 Bz /,+s fr{/zols rztrtz ' (.f,. F, €tsz, t/ . /- .? ^/. ,.,, .,'- ,? d conr"", person and p1',on" l/r4p/ &zz)ut Cft /l,rrn> 1a,'ars aF Berrnlron ^71/ {l- - /2ay //Zttf l,att (c f/1;7 yft, 6/2z Owner, Address and Phone:'a^"6'{ar 6u,/a* 172r,.</,5,uap.<//rrz: /fu, (,tr,: ca 6F{7 476 5763 Architect, Address and Phone: Project Applicalion .fl57tV7t B4/L/2/t, Legal Description: Lot B lock Filing , Zone --,>ET hzf , .{ zo.oa DlE la /rr- f, . Design Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVA L D ISA PPROVAL Review Su m mary: Town Plan ner /lDare: 1/ /'/ / 7 9 r- Staff Approval - revised,9/4/9L cotoRADoDRB AFPLICATTON - TOWN OI' \IAII.,, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: rsrs Appr.,rcArfili#r}]1io- BE eccEprEDnNrIL ALL REQUTRED INFOR!{ATTON rS SUBr{rrrED********** I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION:N STfl//4/7o.t/ I p l, t-( f U<9 sX r s rtal c- 37'-o Ae Pe,t-,* TtortJsr GA-A-ttfep co(oB.s oF €/U Qe<_ Sik_€-_s B.TYPE OF REVTEW: New Construction ($200.00) Addition (S50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: 73 GafZ€ <4t r f< PA-t UE .^l 'lq rftu'\ l\f*rnor Alteration Got I B l"BeE ($20.00) n BIockTEGAL DESCRIPT_ION: Lot,€nSubdivision ffit* CA9.,U o If property is described bydescription, please provid-attach to this application. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, applicant, must provide a currenE.st.amped survey showing lot area. NAME OF APPLICANT, Ufu'T-ED CCI(O t7 di eary ffou Bteo-. a rneets and bounds lega1 on a separate sheet and E rJ- )ss: K.a I.NAIUE OF OWNERS: APPLICANT' SNA},IE OFMailing REg'L_l TIVE: /-7 fr Ar < PoAYv 6REPo3SlJa q:>- *STGNATURE(S): Mailing Addres Condominlun Approvat if applicabte. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION,9 0 - $ 101000$ L'0,001 - $ so,ooo$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ over $1,000,000 * DESTGN REVIEW EOARD APPROVAI, EXPIRES APPRO\TAI, I'NLESS A BUIIJTNG PERMIT IS DRB FEE| DRB fees, as shown above, are Lo be paid atthe tlme of submittal of DRB application. Litei, whenapplying for a building permitl please iOentify-tneaccurate valuation of the proposal , The fown of Vailwilr ioju;t-i;;-;;."""iiiaii!"ii'in. i'"Tri"il3,:;,'il', 1.I ?*ensure the coruect fee is paid. _, -tO- ,/F,/'\ lafr .t. K. FBE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 ONE YAAR AFTER FINAL ISSIIED AND CONSTRUCTIONSIARTED. **NO APPITCATTON WII,I. BE PROCESSED WTTSOUT OWNER' S SIG}TATURE 1 rS ,#T-tet cY;-HHFTTT]T--UNo F nqE r C,E ', EFER TO EXHIBIT "A" TGOBE CFEEK DRIVE) 1/4'=1'-O" 4'cr.\) -*_)c._:i l. - ii,.iiiiliiilrlL-.-i- -j REFER TOEXHIBIT'A" -BEFER TO EXHIBIT "8" J ir.-rj wEsT ELFVAf,TON 1/c"=1'-9' (WALL STREET) sss '6 i'-A 'i "i Li 333 sss .: ^^^:== >== === 33= 6,i- ?99Ylv uJ t! !t ;;= ::= :>:3;3 388 o E !i!i* sCIE F^b: E g5 sss 'I d! 14 s ;l 4 g ; ql FF ul uJ 3! II ^-l == .o E e!<a0 YY sss .s99 6db' --Epp3;3 III =>: 3=' ccc (! : ;69 i.ot :l!t .9 .9 .e rrJ !, LLl ssI ppp3=3 E; E 6 )t z.. fr P >g FiiE€iEAfgE gE;€ iE 3€: EE rg€;tsP6:6 ::; FEE!59 66.9 t. E1 :t I T t € I .do .9 -g s .d I -i (., .'.i APP&ICAEIOH FOR colrDoltlHtuH/TomrEoosE pIJAr REvtrEw(Chapter l'7.22 VaiL Municipal Code) 8i['t; Aiifr ,; ij ii;Ji B. (PI,SASE pRrNT OR tyPE)A. Apptlcp{r__qLLrqE CE{TEB cApIrAL coRp_. I.1AILING nggpggg 2o43 yprk SLreerl'..penvefr,.gor.-o.q+Qo._99205--_. .._ PHONE (303) 329-9222 ApFLICANTTS REpRESENTATM ceorse M. Fqeaur_Eq. ., ,_ ADDRESS 2043 York StreeeE,, pe.nv,el, go, Bg2O5 PHONE (303) 329-9-222 PROPERtrY ViI onilERfS 8I PHONE (303)-329=922a MAII.ING ADbRESS D. ISCAT]:OI.I OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRSSS.-?g] LoT!l!i! lBLocK-EuBDrvrs r APPr-,ICAtION rEE $100.0O I'TATERIAI^B TO bE SUBMITTED: C. "\Nv*.-i-\: \.-\.! r.-*i!- E. F. (DATE) (f1 '''','' Two mylar coples and one Faper copy af the subdivlslonplat itrall be submitted to the Departnent of conmunlty Development. Tlre plat shdll lttclude a slte nap withthe following requirenents: a" Th€ flnal plat shall be drawn by a regietered aur:\reyor ln India ink, or other substantlal. solution, on a reproducibl-e merlium (preferabLy nytar) with dinenGlon of twenty-four by thlrty-six ltrcheE and shall be at e scale of one hundred feet to ohe lnch or larger with rnargins of one Qnd one- half to tvo lnches on the left and one-haLf lnch on all other Eides. b. Accurate dinenelonE to the neareet one-hundredthof a foot for alt ffnes, angles and cunea uEed to deecribe boundaries, fitreets, setbacks' alleys' easenents, struptures, areas to be reseryed or dedicated for /ubllc or comlnon uBeE and other lnportant ,feag{rres. AtI cun/es shall be clrcular arce and shalf be <lefjned by the radius, cenlral angle; arc sCored distancee and bearing. Att dimenslons, both llnear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate cclntrol survey in the field whiah lruet balance and cLoge withln a lltnitof one in ten thousand. North arrow and graphic scale' A systematie identlficatlon of all,existing-and proposed buildings, unl.te, Iote, blocke, and nanes for atrI streete. an ldentiflcation of the streets, alleys, parke, and other publ.ic sreas or facllities as shown on the plat, ind a dedication thereof to the public uge. An'identlficatlon of the easenentE as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use' AreaE rlsenred for-future publlc acqulsition ehal'I also be shown on the Plat. 1. G. dl. PArD-glJ"5l9t-.. cHEcK * lqrcf €. I|Pp&Icr\[IoH ron COHDOIIIXTUX,/TOWHNOtrS E PTJAU REVIEII(clraptet r-7.22 VaiI ltunicipal Code) \,1,./,_r"1 ' 'll\t:)> a c. EIGNATURE ADDR$S$ E. F. pAID_gLl$lgJ* (DATE) cHEcK * l8#r (PI,tASE PRINT OR TyFS)A. AppLrcANr__E!!!9E_9EIqry qqIrAL co&p_: HAILING ADDIIESS 2043 york Street,..penger,. gotofagq 99205. _plloNE (3o3) 329-9222 B.AFFLICA}I'I' I S REPRESENTATIVE Georqe M. StravJ, Esq. ADDRXSS 2043 York Streeet, Denr:ef.r gei* 80j05 !'IIONE (303) 329-9222 PROPERlrY ONNERI8 M.t\II.IING D. IOCATIOII Of PROPOSAL! STREET ADDRESS 291 Bridqe-.gtreeE,. UniL 2, Vail, Coloradq__ PIrOr.lE (303) 329-922a LoTuni r 2BLSSK_FU BDrvr s r o* Bridse street ..."lttftfe APPLICAfION FEE S100.00 !'IAtERIAI\B ro BE $USI'IITTED: 1.. two rnylar coples and alle paper copy of, the subdlvlslonprat ;h411 be eubmitted to the Departnent of cornnrtnLt! beveloprnent. Ttre plat, ehall Lnclude a slte loap with the following requlrefiretrts: f,r The ftnal- plat sha1l be drawn by a reglatered Eunreyor th lnaia ink, or other substantlal solutlgn' on a reproducible mediurn (preferably nylar) with airnen-ciotr of twenty-four by thlrty-six lnches and slrall he at a scale of one hundred feeh to one lnch or larger with rnargitrs of one altd one- half to tvo lnchee-on the left and one-half lnch on a1l other eides. b. Accurate dlmenelonE to the nearestt one-hundredthof a foob for all llneg, anglee and curvee used to describe boutrdaries, streets, setbacks, alleya, easementsr structures, areas to be re$erved or dedicated for public or connon uses altd other lnportant features. AII curves shall be clrcular arss attd shall l:e clefjned by the radius, central angler arc scored dlstancee and bearlng. AII dinenElone, both Llnear and angular' are to be deterrnined lry an accurate control eurvey ln the fiel,d which nuet balance and cloee withln a llmit of one in ten thoueand. o. North arroht anct graphic acal'e. d. A systenatic idenElficatlon of atl exlstlnE-and proposed buildings, unlts. Iots, blocke, and naneg for all Etreete. €r ln ldentifloation of the etreets, alleys, parke' and other public areas or faclllties ae Fhown on tnJ piut, init a decllcation tlrereof to the pubJ'ic use.An'iclentlficatlottoftlteeasehentga$6hown an the plat and a grant tlrereof to the public uee' Areae rbserved for-future publlc acqulsltion Bhall also be shown on the Plat. 4rN PRO.'ECT: DATE SUBI.{ITTED COT.TMENTS NEEDED BY! BRIET DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ESEUS-WBEs RevJ.ewed by: Comnents: Pya/t*Z/asgt ts 8/ta ffC,^,.ui!') tJrt'c hl# INTER-DEPARTMENTAL d,EVIEW '??l OF PUBI.,IC HEARTNG Dates Date: FIRE DEPART!'IENT Reviewed by: Conments! POLICE DEPARTI.TENT Reviewed by: Conments: RECREATION DEPARTI,TENT Reviewed by: coaments: revleed 3/LL/9L Date: Date! ,. 8 ECOITD I.I.IE}IDUENIT TO CONDOITIINIIIIi DECITARAT fON AIID FOURTII E}'ENDI.IENT TO IIIE IIAP FOR T.rE BRIDGE STRAE! CONDOUTilIU}T UNTT 2 This second Anendnent to the condoroiniurn Declarationand Fourth Anendment to the Map is for The Bridge Streetcondominium, unit 2 and is madl and executed this rgth day ofAugust, l-991 by village Center Capital Corp., a coloradocorporation (hereinafter referred to as tfre sulOeclarant). RECTTAI,S subDeclarant is the owner of unit 2, The Bridge streetcondoniniun, a condorninium unit located. within The Bridfe streetCondominiums as created and defined by the Cond.oroiniunDeclaration recorded septernber r-3, LgiT in Book zsg ut page 669of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County,Colorado; and This Amendrnent is pursuant to Article 3, section 3.8 ofsaid Condoniniun Declarationi and, The condominiurn Decraration was amended by a First ( fl:"3i:li.I""grp-"a ocrober 1s, 1e83 in Book 37o at Fase so5 of' Ene records of the clerk and Recorder of Eagle countyi colorado;and, Unit 2 was created via the First Amend.ment andsubsequent amendments to the Map; and, The SubDeclarant is desirous of subd.ividing Unit 2. NOW THERIFORE, the SubDeclarant, d.oes hereby publish anddeclare the following.subdivision of unit 2 and the covenants,conditions, and restiictions with respect to said. subdivision andpursuant to the requirements of articre 3, section 3.8 0f thecondoni-nium Declarltion and chapter L7.22 (condominiun andTownhouse Prats) of the ordinanles of the Town of Vair. 1. Attached hereto and incorporated herein byreference is the Fourth Amendment to thl Bridge sireetCondoninium plat.Map (prepared by Stan Hogfetdt, Colorado p.L.s.25598) recorded in Book - at Fage _-of the Records of theClerk and Recorder gf.nadlE-county, c6T6?ado. hereinafterdescribed and identified-as I'the tnit 2 subdivision ptat i,tan" which is in compliance with Article 2 of the Declaration and vailOrdinance L7.22.010 et seg. 2. The Unit 2 Subdivision plat Map sets forth thesubdivision of unit 2 into two separate and histinct units (asper Articre L.5 of the Declaration; oeing hereinafter referred toas (a) Unit 2A and (b) Unj.t 28. 3. The percentage undivided interest of Unit 2 in theGeneral comnon Elernents as per the First, Arrendment to theDeclaration is i,7.ZZ. a. The percentage undivided interest in theGeneral Conmon Elements of Unit 2A is 1"3.49. b. The percentage undivided interest in theceneral Conmon Elernents of Unit 28 is 3.89. 4. Unit 2 is encumbered to crant M. Wi1son and theAllen T. cillirand Revocable Trust via a first trust deedsecuring a note and which trust deed was record.ed septernber J_,L987 in Book 468 at page 933 of the records of the clerk andRecorder of Eagle county, colorado. The consent of both partiesto this subdi-vision of 0nit 2 is set forth belolr. 5. The Board of Managers of Bridge Street Condoniniumnust consent to the subdivision-of unit 2 aid such consent is setforth below. A11 Associ.ation dues, charges and assessnents asper the Decraration and Aroended Declaration are paid currentthrough Augrrst, 199i. and a1l subsequent assessmeirts shall beseparat_ely.charged to the.respective subdivided units being unit2A and unit 28 as per their respective percentage intere"t-in it"ceneral Coanon Elements. 6. The Subdeclarant shall advise the Eagle CountyAssessor of the subdivision of unit 2 and pay the rear estatetaxes on unit 2 to the date of subdivision- aira thereafter as theycome due. and payable upon unit 2A and unit 28 and as per cororadilaw-and the regulations of the Assessor with respect to such asubdivision. This subdivision of unit 2 sha1l be binding upon thehei.rs, adninistrators, personal representatives ana issigns ofthe Subdeclarant. SUBDECI,ARANT: Village By: SUBD Robert U. Bridge Street Board of By: STATE OF COLORADO Corp. aJ.11 and, frustee Note: Pursuant to Vail Ordinance L7.22.050 the ZoningAdninistrator for the Town of vail has signea tne-pra[ u.p. rman and Pres Acknowledgements r rrt r..tr ur LjULTUH4qUO ) couNTy oF EAGLE i "=' Subscribed and sworn to.and. acknowledged before ne by X*il "7ffr'lli""!"%$irryt;ii* ;. nii JJi;-pres ident on' witness rny hind and seal . My Comrnission Expires: lttay M. Wilson,President APPreVED BY Graflt itson, FerEotEIS Allen Gillitand Revocable Trust STATE OF COUNTV OF COLORADO tofQ- ) ) ) ss. \ ) ss. ss. I{itness rny hand and seal. My Couunission Extrlires: Subscribed and sworn to and acknowledged before ne bvgT?lt M. wilson, personally, on tnLs l4fR day oi Apaolt ' ,199L. Wj-tness my hand and seal . My Cornrnission Expires: STATE OF "CA],IFORNIA COUNTY OF subscribed and sworn to and acknowredged before me bvRobert M. Hosfeldt, Trustee on this lpaa,1 ot'd-lziT- ,'1991_.'T----r-' subscribed and sworn to and acknowledqed before me bvGloria J. cillil-and, Trustee on this fre day oi O-tt f, ts ',1_ee1. --7---' Witness rny hand and seal . My Cornnission Expires: STATE OF CALIFORNTA COUN"Y OF STATE OF. CALIFORNIA )) ss. coUNTY oF ) Bridge Street Condoniniurn, Board of Managers by Hilli.rAkin,Chainnan and president on tbis /CfT-aay 6f 0 r-. - , LggL. Subscribed and sworn to and acknowledged before me by I{itness my hand and seal. My Cornurission Extrlires: gmsw#2\vcand2 . 1"37 07 /Le/eL , ,t n l ? 0BrExtt v /A\(L"n EAGLE, STATE OF COr-,Onapo'DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF TRUST REGISTRATTON STATEMENT IN THE MATTER OF THE TRUST CREATED BY: ALIJEN T. GILIILAND, TRUSTOR 'Present Trustees: Glori.a J. Robert M. Gilliland, cfo Gill Properties 1735 Technology DriveSuite 400 San Jose, CA 95110 Hosfeldt, c/o Gill Properties 1735 Technology DriveSuite 400 San Jose, CA 95110 Ehe records of ttris lrust are kept at the principar place ofadministration which is GilI properties, Li3S telnnology Drive,Suite 400, San Jose, CA 95110. lhe Trust has not been regi.stered, elsew?rere This is an intervivos trust originally estabtished, by Allen f.Gilliland as Trustor with A1len-T. cilliland and. oonird G. Daiker,as Trustees. in a written instrument dated August 4, Lgg2. Sincethe execution of the original trust agreenent, the trust wasarnend,ed to provide that Allen T. cilliland. was the sole Trustee.fhe trust was last anended, in its entirety on November 30. Lggo, ina written instrument by Allen T. Gj.llilarri, as Trustor, andAllen ". ci.lliland, as Trustee. Gloria J. Gilliland, and Robert M. Tg:f:1at were appoinred co-Trustees on November 30, 1990. A11en t.Gilliland died on February 13, 1991, at which tine the trust becameirrevocable. Gloria- J. Gil1i1and and Robert M. Hosfeldt are nowthe co-Trustees of the trust and Gloria J. ci.lliland is the solefncone Beneficiary of the trust. As Trustees and sole rncone Beneficiary the undersigned acknowredgethe existence of this Trust, submit to the jurisdiction of this :ourl in any proceeding relating to this tr,lst that rnay beinstituted. by any inteiested peison whj.Ie this Trust renainsregistered providing notice ii given as provid,ed by law, and.certify thar within thirty days of filini. this staiement the _information requi.red by slction 15-16-3oi (Z) of the ColoradoProbate code will be furnished in writing to the currentbeneficiaries and other persons entitled thereto. fd.afal , 1991 IOOr ( date ) . 1991(date) Acknowledgnents )) ss. ) s?ArE * (rc/*r& Subscribed -and sworn to and acknowledqed,M. Eosfeldt, as Trustee, on this/1!fray q1 COUNTY Robert 1991. OF Witness ny hand and seal My Conmission Erpires: Witness ny hand and seal.. My conmissi.on Expires: subscribed and s'rorn to and acknewledced before n€ rbvGloria J. cillirand, as Trustee, on this H@ ot O-OqrArF-ieei. T before ne oo l ) ss. ) STATE OF cour{flIY oF Gloria *I.of Subscribed and sworn to andas Sole fncooe 1991. M1r Conrnission Expires : acknowledged before ne by Benef iciarfr oo ais l!ftiy I orr,3F'Jg'.?"n:!i,*r* I CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE - TORDERNO.: L6762 VENDOR NO.: BOOOt tssuED To: LAND TITLE OLrAFirrt,jTEI COHpANy BAr. 3L /vArL c6 8169S pARCEL NO.: OO I I 5I B ASSESSED TO: V'I. I.^CE. CENTER CAPITAL CORP. 7. G IL-L PROPERTIES 1735 TFCHNOLoOY DR St,|ITE 4OO Sr\N JOSL, CA 951lO AMOUNTS REFLECTED AHE VALID ONLY UNTIL - v/lJJ / 7J PBOPEFTY DESCRIPTION lii il',ei gTFES'l fi.t I't i, :oi.1l.1ffti IAi_ L,l,i: I -i,, ): i- i Ef.j SA j- E o*tr,r- I5 sUL -'EC T -t 0 :: l/.f.,i,lF DUt TD El,,it-,iii[.t',1Ef.iT gF TilI :I'RRENT ]AX BY CERT OF PURCHASE {OLDtrR, AFTER SEPT I, PERSONAL PRBP.t I,ltrBILE HOI"IE AI''OUNT IS SUEJECT TO :I I^.NGE. A,FTER OCT. 1 REAL PROP, TAXrii'fUNT Ig SUDJICT T0 CHA.|.ICE pLEAFI :3N]NCT THE TRF,i.SUFEFS OFFl'E FOR :ritiREcT 4g;r1iNT FF,tER T0 REt'i jr'1 IN(,. CURRENTTAX TAX DUE: INTEREST: ADVERTISING: PENALTIES: .,.1}.)|1.]<] TOTAL TAX DUE TAX LIEN SALES OR DELINOUENT TAX TOTAL AMOUNT TO BEDEEM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TOTAL SPEC. ASSMTS DUE STATUS: Pr.1,l tr i) (x, i) (l("' {r {_}f} i) {)it ir. 0O {i .it(, L'. ()(, o oi,NOTICE THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY CEFITIFY THAT THE ENTIBE AMOUNT)F T&\ES OUE UPON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PABCEIS OF REAL PBOP.:RTY AI.ID ^LL OUTSTANDTNG SATES FOR UNPAI9.TNXES AS SHOWNIY THE RECORDS IN MY OFFICE. FROII WHICH'fHE SAME MAY STILLIE REDEEMED WITH THE AMOUNT REOI,INEP FOR BEDEMPTION ARErS NOTED HERETN N WTN^E9S WHEREOF.. I. HAVE .I-EREUI.ITO SE: MY HANO AND SEAL'HtS ObAv Or ' l'r ,i. Y ep rs - --5' 1' - --- I}IIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT INCLUOE I-AND OF IMPROVEMENTS ASSES. SED UNOEB A SEPARATE SCHEDULE NUMBER. PERSONAL PROPEFTY TAXES THANSFEF TAX OB MISC, TAX COLIECTED ON BEHALF OF OTHER ENTITIES. SPECIAL OR TOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT A€SESSMENTS OF MOBILE HOMES. UNLESS SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED, TREASURER, EAGLE COUNTY SHERRY BRANDON FEE FOR ISSUING THIS CERTTFTCATE $ I (). (,O/4'q vt oa hwn 75 south lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (303) 47$2139 October l_9 | l_999 office of community development Mr. Ron Byrne 285 Bridge StreetVai1, Colorado t]l_659 RE: New Awning/Sign Dear Ron, r have reviewed your application for your sign and awning atyour business at the ,pridqe sgreet guildinq. - Al=o, I mustemphasize that any et'istingEr'gnFTtEE*bE i.r"""a before thisawni-ng is erected. A secoid fioor business is arrowed one 3 sq.foot sign. Please submit the forlowing information by october23rd by s:00 pn; L' A front elevation of the building showing the new awningand signage to scaLe. 2. A side view of the awning. rf the awning extends from thebuilding rnore then g inches the awning rirr be a proje"ii"grigl. .A projecting sign nay not be higher then 15 feet. Awall sign nay be 25 feet hiAh. 3- A scale d-rawing of the signage to deterrnine square footage.You are limited to a 3 sq. foot sign. 4- A conpreted sign application. pr.ease see the attachedapplication. 5. $20 dollars for the sign application. .a Page 2 Ron Byrne Awning/Sign 6. A sarnple of the awning material and color. rf this inforrnation is not submitted to our office by october23rd-at 5:Oo pm, the proposal will not be on the Design neviewBoard_agenda for the November J-st rneeting. rf you ha.ie any--questions about these iterns please feel iree to call me at 429-2318, Thank you for your atlention to this rnatter. Sincerely, K'tfn^ fl.tKristan pritz Senior planner i o IProject Application Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing r Zone ' Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: .,:P Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary:t.. Town - 1.. Planner :**1 {.,"u Approvar j rl .)1.;# /, tffi { 1tl ( -"--'-'' I I $ t9 * il l'. 1- 6 d rId 1tr\ tJ: i \,^u i".( \) 1...\ t r-a$ \n'fi S. {'.),!: lt\ rr.\\ n1 $ ,Y\5i?it rllt'l\ Ni \H- N-$ :N '; a!=r-t\ ^J r!-----.- \li\ Ili| > 'i,!t-r\ts -_ -. .._ - r\ ){I rui l l\. r" --- *\1rzl-T ti,,' \{|' v./-s{ i .. f t 'i / Itflf' t- 75 soulh frontage road yail, colorado 81G57 (303) 476-7000 April 17, l9B4 olllce ol communlly developmenl T0: SIGN APPLICANTS FROM: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz, planners RE: Sign Appljcation Requ'irements when applications for signs are submitted, the following informationis required: Site plan showing exact location where the sign is to be located, Photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign is to be located. Exact des'ign of sign (one or more of the following) (a) scale drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign wiil be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) photograph if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 application fee will be requ'ired at time of application. t. 2. J. (over ) '.'",.'.'. , 3 ,<F rr f-a'<it *\L-- O Ooo.|ication Number( SIGN APPLICATION Fee Pa Name of Project Name of Person Submitting Locati on of Project fi4 t ( ,,, f: /-:: : | ... 'f.' ,ra -'7rnone 4 - .- (. / The following information 'is required forto the Design Review Board before a final Si gn submi tta'l f ee i s $20.00. submittal by approva I can the applicant be given. n Si gn Material /t.,ar 1r ',-.,:'.:;<) 5&,;;,., 'tiX.l. B. Description of Sign C. Size of Sign Length of Comrnents = -trr. ' 'tl' ' t'4 {-'/( ..* ., !L!(_" 46,> 't;7L ; tL, ; l-. /" "..'.{"]cJ/r/ /=)u ', ., I !)/., . l... .. i . . ,q '{''?..;'.4 k)rts MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. SitePlan ./2. Drawings showin-g e/.act locatjon ,.3. Photographs showing proposed locaTl6n4. Actual sign5. Co'lored scale dFawTng ___r,,__6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB Submittil- s trator P*uu 75 $outh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 March 16, I9a7 Mr. craig GranlundBridge Street Condoninium Associationc/o of Brandess/Cadrnus Real Estate Tnc.281 Bridge StreetVail, colorado 8l-657 Re: Trash pickup for the Casino Building Dear Craig: The staff has reviewed your letter dated February LB, IggTconcerning trash pickup for the casino Buirding. rt is feltthat your.proposal wirl be an adequate sorutioi for handling thec-asino.Buildingts trash. the staff approves the trash pickripwhich is listed below: trThe three residentiar condominiums use the trash chutewhich enpties into a large trash compactor on the firstfloor. .shop owners are instructed to deposit their trasheither in the compact,or or into the trash barrels rocatedin a closet under the stairs. We have made arrangemenr.swith Honey Wagon to pick up our bag trash every Monday,wednesday, ulq Friday nornings.rr tetter z/r}/Bz from draigGranlund, Bridge Street, Condoninium Associ"ation The staff finds that this sol"ution is acceptabre. Thank you forg-oiltplylns.with the staff and planning conrnissionrs concern thatthe building address trash pickup thiough the condorniniumassociation in an organized-mann6r. offlce of communlty development Sincerel4z, fftrh Town Planner cc: Peter Patten, Larry Eskwith, John perkins Brondess -Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. 281 BRIDGE STREET r VAIL, COLORADo 81657 February 18 , 1987 Dear Kristan: I]t Voo-r January 30, 1987 letter to ,John perkins. you mentionthat the Dept. of community Deveropment would 1ik6 to meetwith. the Bridge street condominium Associ_ation to discuss asolution for handling this buildingrs trash ,"*"v"r. we feelwe now have an acceptable solution and would like ro meetwith you sometime soon. The three residential condominiums use a trash chute whichempties into a large trash compactor on the first ftoor.shopowners are instructed. to deposit their t.rash either in thecompactor or into the trash bariets rocated in a croset underthe stairs. We have made arrangements with Honeywagon topick.up our bagged trash every fronday, Weanesaay, ""a Fridaymornings. There isn't much rrash generated in_this building, but by usingthe system outli-ned above, we should. be abre to iiteviateany problems caused by shopowners throwi-ng their trash intoTov receptacles. prease carl me at your ionvenience to set. upan appointment. Kristan Pritz, Tov/n pl_anner Town of Vail75 S. Frontage Rd.Vai1, CO 81657 CMG Sincerely, rM'* [h. A A lr, - REAL ESTATE (3_0 ) 476-1450 . DENVER TOLL FREE 893_3101 R ESERVATI ONS 1 -8OO-222-VAIL '/ 75 south l.ontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 30, 1987 offlce of communlty development Mr. John M. Perkins P.0. Box 266 Vai1, Colorado 8]658 Re: PEC approval of the Casino Bu.i lding exterior alteration Oear John: 0n January,72, L987, the pranning and Environmentar commission revjewed theCasino Building exterior alteration and decided to table the item so that thestaff could further evaluate the trash compactor issue. The pEC also askedthat the applicant provide jnformation on irow the preient'ienants handle trash. After_reviewing the trash compactor sjtuation, the staff dec.ided that FirstFranklin Financial , Inc. shouid not be required to participate in the largecompactor, due to the lack of a signed legal agreement witfi the casinoBuilding's original developer. ThE siaff-is uiauie-tesiiiv to require FirstFranklin's participation in the trash iompactor through this particularPlanning Commjssion review. In respect to the trash removal for the existing tenants, you had submitted aletter which stated that 10 trips per week were required for present trashpickup- seven of those trips are for Crazy T-shirts which has their trashpicked up each morning_by a'trash.orpiny. It was arso stated in the lettertha! J' Cotter and Hilljs Furs have no trash removal proviiions and use Town ofvaiI trash receptacies located near their shops for their trash disposar. The staff had serious concerns regard.i ng_the adequacy of the casino Buiiding,scurrent trash removal svstem. It was f;lt thaa it; c";in; Build.ing haa nol'-addressed trash removar on a building-wide bas.is, which resutted in anunacceptable number of-tri ps into the village cor"-ior "i.r'"indivjdual ,s trashremoval ' The staff felt that the building'i condomjnium ilsociation should beresponsible for coordinating trash removal in a manner thii-will minimize thenumben of vehicle trips int6 the V.illige. The Planning Commission agreed wjth the staff that the trash situation shouldbe solved bv dealins with-the uuiiainf;s condomini* "rroiiition as a group.Diana Donovan made a motion to approvl ihe exter.i or arteration which wasseconded by Jim viere. The motion was to approve the exter.i or arterationrequest per the staff memo dated January l,zth with condiiions g, 4 and 5 and conditjon I of the memo dated January 26th with the added stipuiation that jf atrash solution for the entire building can not be agreed uponn the casinobuilding condomjnium association must participate ii ttre large trash compactorby having one maintenance man take the bu'i lding's trash deliveries over Lo thelarge compactor. The vote was 7-0 in favor of the motjon. Condjtjons of approval : I' The condomjnium assocjatjon shall work wjth the Department of CommunityDevelopment toward an acceptable solution to trash removal for thebuilding. An agreement must be reached before a building perm.i t isissued for the exterior alteration. 2- The owners of the casino Building will change the condominiumdeclarations to indicate that unit g is now residential space and ispart of the total square footage for Unjt 14 before a fjnal certificateof occupancy is issued for the exterior alteration work. 3. As was stipulated in the August 1981 exterior alteratjon, the owners ofthe casino Building shall agree to participate in and not remonstrateagainst a special improvement distri ct if and when formed for vail Vi I I age. 4. The 1981 exterior alteration also had as a cond'i tion of approval tocomplete a revocable right-of-way agreement with the Town ior the use ofproperty belonging to the Town for Casino Buildjng pavers. Therevocable right-of-way agreement shall be completed and signed by thecondominjum assocjation and submjtted to staff before a building'permitwill be released. The staff would like to emphasize that we are very wi11.i ng to work with theCasjno Building's condominjum assocjation to arrive at an effectjve solutjonfor handling the trash. ,Thank you for making the effort to get a meetingtogether to discuss the issue. I appreciate your cooperation. If I can be ofany help arranging the meeting, please feel free to call me. S i ncerel y, {t,*^?',bKristan Pritz Town Planner Planning and Environmental Commissjon January ?6, 1987 PRESENT D'ii'iil-Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pam Hopkins Peggy 0sterfoss Duane Piper Sid Schultz Jim Viele The meeting was called to order by the chairman, last meeting with the PEC. STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Kristan Pritz Betsy Rosolack Duane Piper.This was Duane's Approval of minutes of January 12. 1987 Diana Donovan moved presented. The vote and Bryan Hobbs seconded to approve the minutes as was 7-0 in favor. ?.uest for exteri or al terat'i on 'i lass encl osed qfr rwav connect to Un'i tcant: Fi nst Krjstan Pritz presented the request. She remjnded the board that they had heard the request at the meeting on January LZ when the board had asked to table the item so that the applicant could provjde informatjon on how the present tenants handle trash. Krjstan provided a letter to the board from John Perkins which described the handling of trash for the Casino Building. The letter indicated that the building required 10 car trips into the core each week for trash removal from the various residences and businesses. The staff felt that First Franklin Financial , Inc. should not be required to participate in the trash compactor, due to the lack of a signed legal agreement with the Casjno Build'i ng's original developer The staff had serious concerns regarding the adequacy of the Casino Euilding's current trash removal system. The staff felt that the Casino Building had not addressed trash removal on a building-wide basjs whjch resulted'i n an unacceptable number of trips into the Village core for each ind'ivjdual's trash removal . Furthermore, two of the businesses have no system at all and use the Town of VaiI trash receptacles. The staff felt that the bui1ding's associat'ion should be responsible for coordinatjng trash removal in a manner consistent with minimizing the number of vehicle trips into the core for trash pickup, and the staff was wjlling to work with the associatjon toward this end. John Perkins, representing the applicant, stated that 7 of the extra trips were from Crazy T-Shirts, and that only 3 tri ps were made by personal cars. He stated that the trash compactor inside of the Casino Building was small, only about 24" x 30". Dave Gorsuch discussed the outdoor trash compactor that he and several others had jnvested in, stated that he had been told by the Town that the participants had no choice but to participate in the cost of the trash compactor jf they wanted to be able to do any remodeling or expanding of their buildjngs. He to build a added that at the time, it was a financiar hardship, and the cost was about$50,000. He asked whai the To; fei;;as its responsibi.lity to the people whoabided by the Town's wishes. Larry.Peterson, representing the sr ifer Buirding agreed with Gorsuch, andstated.that they were red to berieve that they ilusi pu"ti.ipat" in thecompactor, and felt the Town should stand behind ahe;r refuirement. Duane-Piper expla'ined that some members of the planning commission felt that itwas difficult to enforce on the applicant the requi."r!ni-il,ut the wholebuilding.participate 'i n the trash'tompictor when the applicant was not party tothe original PEC approval requiring ti.re previour o"n"r' [o'participate ili 6lcompactor. He felt the Town could not )egal 1y force this ":tt no'previoui - guidelines and no legal document, and arso fert the pEC could not be anenforcing agent. Peter Patten stated that jn the urban Design Gujde plan, one consideratjon jsservjce and deliverv. He felt that the caijno suirai;g'hil g.os inadequaciesin their trash collection system, anJ"itrt tn"ir nonparticipation jn the trashcompactor has nearly cancelled the benefits to the town of lhe trash compactor.However, without a legal_document, the Town couiu no tonier require the casjnoBui1ding to participaie in the trash compactor, but courd require that thecasino.Building fjnd a trash solution as an assocjatjon to reduce rnn.."ri""vtrips into the core. Pam Hopkins suggested that perhaps the buiiding could be remodeled to includean adequate area for trash receplacles with oniy-on"-piir,up. perkins stated ll:l^tn",ll"_::M!tol ll.'tl,'. uu.itains coutd noi handie uoi", or^ anythinsrarge' lhe members gI.tt,9 board agreed that the situation shoula bl iotied bydealing with the building's associifion as a group. Diana added that trashleft on the doorstep overnite, as it itrartie'i T !nirt,oui.-rn".."ptabre. Ron Riley stated that the Town must thjnk through how to enforce conditionsthey put on proposall ryill'specific, hard and fast rules. He felt that theTown let the casjno trickie through'thJir fingers "nJ rr" felt victimizeci by thecompactor costs_ Peggy Osterfoss felt the freguency of trash pick-ups for the casino Buildingshould.not be any greater than thi number of'pick-ups ior-lt. vii.r agecompactor. Michael Fiaughton stated that.the village compactor required approx.imate.ly 1 to2^pick-ups in the winter, l pick-up in itre summer ana i euery 2 weeks in theoff-season Peter Patten stated that there were mistakes made on the staff's part regardingenforceabjlity, but since that tjme the Town attorney and d1 rector of CommunjtvDevelopment had changed and have better procedures for handlirs-pic-."r#il;;'of approval by requ.i ring written legai documenrs. PEC r/26/87 -2- ted January 12 w tion I of t co Di ana ovan mo ed and J m Viele econded rove th ues c e staff ated Ja ary 26 wit the un ersf,an must be h ed asaciation and ol ut on rorcannomustrE l c e ]n a one ma an ce rson e ter SCUS uest f r an exte or al tera ion in Commerc Core I in ord rtoan en ona I u ermit toexistinq din PEC 1126/87 _3_ e entire tras e e vote wa 2- Kristan Pritz presented-the proposal . she showed s.i te and floor plans andexplained the criterja for an exterjor alteratjon wjthin Commercjal core i,compliance with the urban Design Guide plan, and.orpiiini" w.i th the UrbanDesjgn consjderations for vail vi llage. sub-Area coircepi-#17, ,tr""t accessopened, specifically calls out that ihe public space beiwe"n it. edge of theclock Tower patio and the Gasthof crammshammet elriiairJ 6e-openea up which willallow for better pedestrian use and maintenance of th.ii area. The applicant isproposing to puil back the deck stair by L foot ana io-eipind the deck areanorth and south of the hair by about L-2.5';nto e;iJge-3[re"t. A new stonewall would be built along the front of the patio area. staff agreed thai itreupgrade of the walI was very positive, but felt that the new wall should extendonlv as far as the existing-witt, and that the siairwiv-.orra be puli"a-u".t- - about 3 feet to decrease the encroachment onto public i.ight-ot-way as much aspossi b1e. The staff felt that Bridge street is extremeiy narrow at the point of theproposed deck expansion. The Fire and public work. a"pirir.nts oppose theproposal because of the width of the road. Kristan also explained the criteria for a conditional use within Commercialcore I. The staff recommended denia'l of the patio wa)i-inJ "pproval of theentry way addjtion. Dave Gorsuch, the owner of the clock rower Build.i ng, stated that it was theintentjon to improve the appearance and function f6r tne Fire Department andfor the Public works Department. He siated that the stone work was decayingancl needed repair, and that the jogs in the watt were-oeing'removea. Duane Piper asked if the wall location was a function of the dining patio, andKurt Segerberg, the architect, stated that a dining layoui trao not been done,but that it was the intention'r"r"iy-to straighten-ttre'wiil as a designcons'iderat i on. Roger Riggert, owner of the crock Tower Restaurant, stated that the idea wasnot to increase seating.capacity, but to eriminate corners where trash::l]::!:1:- rhe bav window wouti'atso not in.r"ii; ;;";i;;. He stated rhat thermprovements would make the restaurant more workable. If the wall is pu1ledback, he would probably lose one tabre. He stated that if it became arequ'irement to pull thl wall back, he would r"iv" tne-w"ii ir it was and merelydo the patio. Dick Duran, Vail Fire Chief, stated that he must look at operating width in the core, and on Bridge Street access is very minimal . He added that to the north of the Clock Tower, the road width is workable. He pointed out that on Bridge Street one js also deal ing with many pedestrians. Duran stated that much street space has been lost in the core by a1 lowing people to build to the lot line and to have decks on TOV property. Kristan Pri tz emphasized that the staff was not asking to decrease the patio, but to pull only the hair and maintajn the existing line of the patio wall as opposed to increasing the encroachment-. Roger Riggert replied that if he could take out the tree, he could put a tablejn its p1ace. He felt he was taking street space for a patio that was otherwise worthless. Bill Andrews, Town Engineer, said that Bridge Street was at present a funnel , and that wjth the inevitable increase in skiers, more space would be needed. He suggested perhaps sacri ficing the tree. Dave Gorsuch explained the trash removal situation, stating that in the new leases with the restaurant and the beauty salon, the lessees were required to partjcipate in the trash compactor. He descrjbed trash in front of fjre exits at present, and barrels of trash behind the buildjng from the restaurant. Peggy 0sterfoss felt uncomfortable that the Fire Department was not in favor of the deck encroachment- Ri'l ey stated, that jn a'l I due respect to Dick Duran, jf that space is congested, the Fjre Department can still get through. Peggy repljed that if' in fact, that were the case, she would have to be in favor of the improvement. Bryan Hobbs said that he was in favor. Jim Viele felt that the project would be an overalf improvement with a curve instead of iogs. Diana Donovan had mixed feelings. She had reservations about the wall wjth regard to pedestrians. Sjd Schultz's concern was the same as Diana's. He did not like to see any amount of Bri dge Street space taken out. Sid asked about the amount of noney the Town charged for lease of space for an outdoor deck. Kri stan replied that it was $2.00 per square foot, and that the lease amount and agreement was up to the Council. Diana added that the amount was a farce. Sid stated that the PEC had approved several deck encroachments. He felt that at $2.0O/square foot, the Town would not 1ike1y have any streets left' Dave Gorsuch stated that they put heat under their patjo, and the Town gets the benefit. He went on to say that it was their jntent to make the Town a good place to live and to do business in. Pam Hopkins felt that it was a natural process to narrow the pedestrian path because by the time the pedestrians get to the Covered Bri dge, the access js extremely narrow. She felt that outdoor decks were very important in Town. Duane Piper agreed with Pam and was jn favor of the improvement to the deck. PEC r/26/87 _4_ Planning and Environmental Commission January 12, l9g6 PRESENT Di ana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pam Hopkins Peggy 0sterfoss Duane Pi per Sid Schultz Jim Viele STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Kristan Pritz Rick Pylman The meeting was called to order at 3:00 pM by the chairman, Duane piper. 1' Approval .9f minules of-December 22. Donovan moved and Viele seconded toapprove the minutes. ttreloTe was l_0. 2.A request for an exteri or al terati on in order s encl osedstai rway conneCt ng Unit 8 to Unit 14 n the Casino Bui ocaterts of Lots and c. Blocrst Frank Inc. Kristan Pritz presented the request for exterior alteration. The park.i ngrequirement was actually reduced resulting in z.z,pu."i ir"oit toward futureexpansion- There would be no monetary reimburs.ment. There was no impact bythe addition upon the urban Design guia" plan considerations. The staffrecommended approval with conditjons as follows: 1. Before a building permit or demo permit will be released for thisproject, the owners of the casino Building witt enter.into a 1egi1written agreement between the Casjno Auiliing o"n*r, and therepresentatives.of the trash compactor pro3eit to insure that the cas.i noBuilding's participation in the lrash compictor.i s formal .i zed. 2' Before a building-permit or demo permit is issued, the owners of thecasino Building wii'l pay their share of the trish'corpu.to," costs todate.as st'i pulated in t-he 19g1 pEC approvar of the casino Buildingremode I The-owners of the Casino Building will change the condominjumdeclarations to indicate that unit g is now residentiar space and.i spart of the total square footage for Unjt 14. l: tlt stipulated in the August 19g1 exte.i or alteration, the owners ofthe Casino Buildino agree to part.i cipate in and not remonstrate againsta special improvemint distri.l ii ina-"hen formed for vail vi11age.. The l9SL exterior alteration arso had as a condition of approval tocomplete a revocable right-of-*"y "gr""r"nt with the Town for the use ofproperty belonging to the Town for casino building puueri. -Th" revocable right-of-way agreement sharl be compret6a'ina iignea by theapplicant and submittLd [o staff before a bu.iiaing p.rrii iirr u"rel eased - 4. 5. John Perkins, representing the applicant, gave his presentation. Discussion of the first two conditions followed. Peter Patten gave the background 'i nformation on the compactor issue history. The PEC discussed the validity of placing these conditions upon this request, and the PEC's role in enforcement. Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney, gave the 1ega1 background on the'i ssue of the trash compactor. Peggy osterfoss questioned the impact on the Village core of the present nanOiing of the Casino Building trash. She felt the request appeared to be a sl ight improvement. Bryan Hobbs had no problem with the project, and no nro!]gm with requjring First Frankljn to pay their share of what the Casino Building owes to the c0mpacEor. Jim Viele had no problem with the request, and felt he was not wel 1 enough informed about the compactor issue. He was not comfortable in an enforcement rol e. Diana Donovan felt it compactor is too far should agree to carrY Sid Schultz agreed with Diana and felt he needed more information on the trash compactor, but had no problem with the project. Pam Hopkins felt Sid and Diana had good points. Duane Piper found it was difficult for the PEC to be in an enforcing role. He felt it was ludjcrous to hold up one party because of a requirement for the whole building. He could not agree with conditions l and 2 as written in the staff memo. John Perkins was asked to provide the Town of Vail with documentation on trash handling. He stated that lhe ground f'l oor commercial was the biggest trash generator. A 'r on was macl bv Jim Viele, seconded b am Hopkins to the item with e nitive nformat 0n.on trash s current vote was -U i n favor o tabl in was not a practical idea in the first place because the from most businesses for easy access- She felt this owner through the agreement, the Town should not enforce this' no 3.reouest to nd the Vail tl ed "Propert out a Zo I Code. addin Section .l8.0 060 es nati on.'i cant: Town ail Ri ck Brvan Plyman presented Hobbs seconded the information.After to recommend qPltq-Y I di scussi on, The vote was Jim Viele moved n Tavor. Peggy 0sterfoss volunteered to be a the Cemetery Committee' reminAeU the PEC of a ioint meeting with the Town CounciI on PM. on the Village Study. Peter Patten January 27 at l:00 pec l/t2/87 page 2 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT: I.THE PROPOSAL Planning and Environmental Conrmission Community Development Department January 26, 1987 Exterior alteration of the Casjno Buildingstairway connecting Unjt Lg and 14. Appl icant: First Frankl in Financjal . Inc_ in order to add a Car Trips Per ldeek removal provisions and simplytheir shops for thejr trash 9l 'l!uy, 12,-1987, the planning and Environmentar commission reviewed :1".u3:rno Bu'ilding exterior alteration and decjded to table the item sothat-the applicant could provide information on how the pr"r"nt tenantshandle trash. The pEC arso wanted the itaft to further luiiurt" tn"trash compactor issue. Perkins which descrjbes the handling ofAccording to the letter, the bu.i ldingtrash pickup. These trjps jnclude: - Enclosed is a letter from Johntrash for the Casino Build.i ng.requires ten trips per week ior Tenant 3 residential units plus 2 offices He1 ga' s Crazy T'Shirts J. Cotter's and Hillis Furs have no trashuse Town of Vail trash cans located neardisposal . The two questions related to the final approval for the casino Buildingare: l. should First Franklin Financial , Inc. be requ.i red to participatefinancial ]y in the trash conpacior as a condition of approval fortheir exterior alteration request? 2- Does the casino Build'i ng have an adequate trash removal system forits tenants? If the trash removal system is inadetuaie, shouldthe casino Building be required to piovide u ro.. eiiic.ient wavfor removing trash which would be a stipulat.i on ot-tt" exterioralteration approval? In respect to the first question, the staff has determined that it .is not feasi bl e to requi re Fi rst Frankl i n Fi nanci ar , inc. 'lo-parti ci pate i nthe trash compactor. Oue to the lack of a s.i gned tegat -igieement withthe Casjno Building,s orig.i na] developer to require partii.i pation jn the o II. project, the staff is lega] 1y unable to require First Franklin's participation in the trash compactor through this Planning Commission rev'iew. The staff has also determined that due to the fact that this specific request for exteri or alteration will not increase the amount of trash for the building, it'i s not fair to require First Franklin alone to improve the trash pickup process for the entire building' Regarding the second issuen the adequacy of the Casino Build'i ng's current trash removal system, we have seri ous concerns. Basically, the association has not addressed trash removal on a build'i ng-wide basis and this has caused an unacceptable number of trips'i nto the Village core for each individual's trash removal . Indeed, two of the businesses have no system and rely upon the Town of Vail Public Works Department to remove their trash. We find this situatjon entirely unacceptable and believe that under the service and delivery Design Consideration of the Urban Design Guide Plan, this must be addressed. H. Service and Delivery In all new and remodeled construction, delivery which avoids or reduces impacts on pedestr.i an ways should be explored, and adopted whenever practical , forimmediate or future usage. Rear access, basement, and below-ground del ivery corridors reduce congestion. weather protection increases del'ivery efficiency substantia1 1y. The building's association should be responsible for coordinating trash removal in i manner consistent with minimizing the number of vehicle trips into the core for trash pickup. Staff is willing to work with the association toward this end. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends appnoval of the exterjor alteration according to the memo dated January'12, .|987 with the stipulation that the conditions of approval numbered i and 2 be removed from the approval and replaced with the following: l. The condominium association shall work with the Department of Community Deve'l opment toward an acceptable solution to trash removal ior the buiiding- An agreement must be reached before a building permit for this project is issued. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: iI. Pl anni ng and Envi ronmental Commi ssi on Community Development Department January 12, .l987 Exterior alteration of the Casjno Building in order to addstairway connecting Un.i t 8 to Unit 14. First Franklin Financial . Inc. I.THE PROPOSAL The applicant is proposing to attach unit g (a commerc.i al unit) on thesecond floor to unit 14 (a residentiar unit) on the third froor. Theconnection will be made by a glass enclosed stairway located on the westside of the_building on an existing second froor exierior deck. Thestairway will add an additional 200 square feet of GRFA. unit s wilr bechanged from a commercial use to a residential use which wili increasethe GRFA by.677 square feet. The totar exte.i or arteration includingthe new_stairway and existing second floor space will add a total of g77square feet to Unit 14 (GRFA of 1,]81 square feet). After the addition,the new total GRFA for the unit wilr be 2,05g squire feet. If thisaddition is constructed, the project wir have 469.qr... feet of GRFAremaininq. Si te area Setbacks: Height: Dens ity: GRFA: = .-l79 acres or 7,797 square feet zero setback allowed, this proposal does not affect setbacksas it is on the second floor of the bujldinq. The proposal meets the Urban Design Gujde plan limitationson height. The addition is approximately 30 feet high. Theguidelines call out that up to 60% of the buildjng miy bebyil! !9 a height of 33 feet or less and no mo.e [irin"q0i" otthe^building may be higher than 33 feet, but not nrfrrer-itrin43 feet. Units: ..l79 acres x 25 units,/acre = 4 units allowed Site area, ..l79 ac x GRFA rat.i o .g0 = 6,237 sq ft of GRFA.Existing GRFA = 4,891 sq ft Remaining GRFA = 1,346 sq ft Proposed GRFA: Enclosed stairway Convert commercial space to resident.i al Total addition 3rd floor west unitplus addition GRFA remaining after addition = 200 sq ft = 677 sq ft = 877 sq ft =11R1 cn ft =-i,: -'l 'v =2058 sq ft = 469 sq ft Landscaping: Not affected Parking: The ex'i sting residential unit requires 2 spaces and the office space requires 2.7 spaces. Due to the conversion of the commercial space to residentia'l . there is actually a net reduction in parking according to the code requirements. The new unit has a parking requirement of 2.5 spaces. 677 sq ft existing office exist residential unit 1181 sq ft Total = 2.7 spaces = 2.0 spaces 4.7 spaces expanded residential unit 2058 sq ft =spaces spacesNet reduction = The Town does not reimburse an owner for a reduction in parking spaces due to a change of use. The 2.2 parking spaces will be credited to the proiect in the event that a future use requires additional parking. III. COMPLIANCE h|ITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF CCI DISTRiCT Purpose: The Commercial Core I zone district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area with jts mixture of lodges and commercial establ ishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The district is intended to ensure adequate l ight, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Gujde Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scaie and architectural qual ities that distinguish the Vi11age. This proposal is in compliance with the intent of the zoning for the CCI di stri ct. COMPLIANCE !IITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN The fol'l owing sub-area concepts of the Urban Qesign Guide Plan relate to the area around the casino 8uilding (please see the enclosed urban Design Gu'i de Plan): 138. Mid-block connection (covered) from Bri dge Street to Village Pl aza. 2.5 2.2 TI' 15. Facade improvements. Eyesores removed, increase facadetransparency, entry simplified and oriented to intersect.i on. 16. Key intersection in village core. Feature area paving treatment. In August .|981 the owners of the casino Buirding proposed an exterioralteration which addressed these three sub-ar."-.bn..pii. -ii,. alterat'i on was approved and built. The present proposal does notdirectly relate to any of these sub-conceprs. IV.IONS FOR VAIL ViLLAGT is not a factor, as the stairwell second Ievel deck while roof l.ines in above the same deck. The purpose of the compa'i son between the proposal and considerations.i sto show how the new design strengthens or detracts from the overalrintent.of the.Design considerations. The applicant has addressed thefoi.lowing Design considerations and received lt"ii ipprouii-to excludepedestrianization, street enclosure, vehjcular penetratlon, service anddelivery and street edge considerations as these cons.iderations are notapplicable to the project. Appl i cant's Response: $tregtscape Framework: The addition of the stairwell is at the secondrever or one rever above l,'|all Street, so the t.lall Streetscape will notbe altered. The circular form of the stairwell/sunroom wi.l I be vjsiblefrom the street. This form blends nicely with the round head w.i ndows atthe top floors and the chimney masses of the building and ii th. r.r"time contrasts the low pjtched roofs. Br,rilding.Height; Bujlding heightr.lses 0niy eighteen feet above thethe same area are at 26 to 2g feet vlqr: views from adjacent units wiil not be artered or impacted. Theaddition tucks into the building offset on the west s.i de. The add.i tion'i s surrounded on two sides (90 Jegrees) by existing "*i.rior wars ofUnit 12 at the upper 1evel and Unit g and mechanjcil/restroom exteriorwal I s on the I ower I evel . Sun{Shgde: .Sun/shade patterns wilr not be artered significantly. Thesta'i r location receives very ritile sun now due to th; hei;ht of thecasino and Lazier Arcade buiioings. A brief per.i od ii *ialutt.rnoonallol^ls sunlight through the ldall street corridor, however-'the southerno.i entation of the stairwell with the larger nuiioing,ir. immediatelybehind allows no change in shade or shadow patterns. Virtually noi mpact. Essential1y, the staff agrees with the applicant that the add.i tion wili l?I-:^ro negative impacts on sun/shade, streetscape, builaing n.ight, andvlews. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATiON Staff recommends approval of the exteri or alteration. When reviewed against the Design Considerations, the project does not have any significant impacts. The approval is contingent upon the applicant meeti ng the fol l owi ng condi ti ons: l. Before a building permit or demo permit will be released for this project, the owners of the Casino Building will enter into a legal written agreement between the Casino Building owners and the representatives of t,he trash compactor project to insure that the Casino Building's participation in the trash compactor is formal i zed. 2. Before a building permit or demo permit is issued, the owners of the Casino Building will pay their share of the trash compactor costs to date as stipulated in the l98l PEC approval of the Casino Building remodel . 3. The owners of the Casino Building will change the condominium declarations to indicate that Unit 8 is now residential space and 'i s part of the total square footage for Unit 14. 4. As was stipulated in the August 1981 exterior alteration, the owners of the Casino Building agree to participate in and not remonstrate against a special improvement district if and when formed for Vail Village. 5. The 1981 exterior alteration also had as a condition of approval to complete a revocab'l e right-of-way agreement with the Town for the use of property belonging to the Town for Casino Building pavers. The revocable right-of-way agreement shall be completed and signed by the applicant and submitted to staff before a building permit will be released. -:i;tr?. .';'-t':l:-:2i-!' -..- t,:t:i = f,.;.:f'::-i.. - . .-1-<- :!; |',r-. ,e. . .1:i. 'Jr ,! -:it.; :1.| I I John M, Pekins / Arcnitect?n / Post office Box266/ voir, cortoo 81658 I g03-949-4697 (#4 14 January 1987 Kristin Pritz, Planner Town of Vail North Frontage Road lYestVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Casino Building Trash Generatlon. and Removal Dear Kristinl The following information is from notes I have made from individuaLpersonal interviews with owners or shop managers of all of the bus- inesses located in the Casino Building with respect to trashgeneration and removal: Residential Units and Brandess Cadmus Real Estate en4_!Igp-gs!J. This category would eomprise the largest area of the building and the least amount of trash production. Category consists of three residential unlts and two offices. The residential units are not rented to the general public and are vacant the majority of time. The offiees are real estate sales at grade (Bridge Street ) and property management at the 2nd floor. This group of building occu-pants produces a minimal amount of trash/garbage. The offices generate normal waste basket paper trash and the residential units typical household and kitchen refuse. A11 of this material is introduced into the in-house trash chute and compaction system. The trash rrbale, is removed once every week to ten days by the building management (Brandess Cadmus) via a personally owned truck. Helga's of Vail Retail clothing outlet, largest commercial area and largest producer by volume. User takes daily deliveries in cardboard boxes. Boxesare broken down (flattened) and stored in the upstairs office. Re- moval is approximately twice a week by owners or employees j-n personally owned vehicles, This process works satisfactorily and '/ti (, liru the business manager feels that it would be more inconvenient to carry trash to the Lower Mi1l Creek Dumpster. J. Cotter Gallery Small jewelry business produces virtually no trash. Everyday waste paper basket goes into the public trash can on Wall Street. Boxes in which larger art pieces are delivered are unpacked and removedto the Minturn Studio on the same in and out trip into the village. The owner/manager is a long-t ime owner of space in the building and remembers no agreement by the owners to the Lower Mill Creek Com-paction Unit. Clearly opposed to required participation. Hl11is Furs Retail fur coat outlet, produces virtually no trash, Company owns "f actory'f space above Sweet Basil Restaurant. Furs are receivedinto the shop on hand carried hangers generating no trash. Everyday waste ba"sket goes into public trash cans on Bridge Street or Gore Creek Drive. Crazy Tee Shirts Small tee shirt/sweat shirt buSiness receives shipments by cardboard ease. Boxes are flattened and stored in the office (very small office). Individual shirts are packed in plastic bags. Flat boxes and plastie bags are left in front of the store in the evening and are picked up by BFI Services before 8:OOAM the following morningfor $48/month. System is working wel1. Currents Jewelry Store Sma11 jewelry store generates virtually no trash. Small boxes and paper goes into the 1n-house chuLe and compaction system. Kris, my research seems to indicate to me that the Casino Bulldingis a minimal trash generator. A11 trash seems to be being removed 1n a satisfactory manner. The owners have indicated clearly that they did not sign or verbally agree to participate in the LowerMill Creek Compaction Unit and are opposed to a foreed participation. One owner indicated that perhaps when Kentucky Fried Chicken and Gartonrs (kj-tchen) were located inthe building, this would have beena fair and understandable solution. The owners now very much opposethe Torvn making them responsible for a developer's (twice removed) agreement s j-x years ago. I will notify the owners of the date and time of the next Planning Commission meeting so that they can personally attend and make their feelings and comments known. If I may be of further assistanceor you require or desire any further data or information, please 1et me know. ere1y, Perklns ccz Mark Cadmus Planning and Environmental Comm.i ssion Community Development Department January 26, .l987 Exterior alteration of the Casino Building stairway connecting Unit 18 and 14.Applicant: First Franklin Financial , Inc. THE PROPOSAL 0n January t2, 1981 , the Plann'i ng and Envjronmental Ghq.W^ +o Jtrarrd Vral{L' ;ifP,rYw,1b*il, ,ir ffi+'ffirW"iuffijfi,^hq in order to TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT : I. in the Casino Bui'l ding exterior alteration and decthat the applicant could provide informatjon on howThe-iiE3en a lso wan s to further evaluate thetrash compactor Commission rev i ewed to tab'l e the item so Car Trips Per l,leek J. Cot r their shops for their trashdi spos.a,l . The two guestions related to the final approval for the casino Building are: t. Enclosed is a letter from John trash for the Casino Bui1d'i ng. requires ten trips per week for l. Tenant 3 residential units plus 2 offices Hel ga's Crazy T'Shjrts Perkins which describes the handling of According to the letter, the building trash pickup. These trips inc1 ude: i qned leqal agreement with I 2 1//p 2- Should First Franklin Financial , Inc. be required to participatefinancialiy in the trash compactor as a condjtion of approval fortheir exterior alteration reouest? fDoes the Casjno Building have an adequate trash removal systen for fits tenants? If the trash removal system is inadequate, should fthe Casino Building be required to provide a more efficient waylfor removing trash which would be a stipulat.i on of the exterioi'alteration approval? the Cas ino c-tor . er to re re project, the staff is I perriew. The staff has a]so speci fi c trash for request for exter i or the buildi Regarding the current trash sociation hathis has termined that due to alteration will not t Franklin's the fact that increase the n al one %'JF second issue, the adequacy of the Casino Building's removal system, we have serious concerns,jcally e oas'l s an unacceptable number of trips into ore no system and rel y ----*-q..upon the Town of Vai of the businesses-have r hle find this situation entirely unacceptab'l e service and delivery Design Consideration of Plan, this must be addressed. H. Service and De1 ivery believe that under the Urban Design Guide and the II. llsaqe. Kear access, basement, and below-groun very corridors reduce congestion- l,leather protection increases del ivery efficiency substantially- The buiIding's association should be responsible for coordinating trash removal in a manner consistent w'i th minimizing the number of vehicletrips into the core for trash pjckup, Staff is wil'l in association toward this end. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommends approval of the exterior alteration according to the meno dated January !?, .|987 wjth the stipulation that the conditionsof approval numbered I and 2 be removed from the approval and replaced with the following: I f The condominium association an acceotable solution before a shal l rtnent of immediate or to work with the TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPL I CANT: II. Planning and Environmental Commjssjon Communi ty Devel opment Department January 12, I987 Exterior alteration of the Casino Building in order to add astairway connecting Unit 8 to Unit 14. Fi rst Frankl i n F inanci al , Inc. THE PROPOSAL The applicant is proposing to attach Unjt 8 (a commercial unit) on the second floor to Unit i4 (a residential unit) on the third floor. Theconnection will be made by a glass enclosed stairway located on the westside of the building on an existjng second floor exterior deck. Thestairway will add an additiona'i 200 souare feet of GRFA. Un.i t 8 w.i ll be changed from a commercial use to a residential use which wiII increasethe GRFA by 677 square feet. The total exterior alteration includingthe new stairway and existing second floor space will add a total of 877 square feet to Unit 14 (GRFA of 1.181 square feet). After the addition,the new total GRFA for the unjt will be 2.058 square feet. If th.i saddition is constructed, the project will have 469 square feet of GRFA remai n ing. Si te area Setbacks: Height: Density: GRFA: = ..|79 acres or 7,797 square feet zero setback allowed, this proposal does not affect setbacks as it is on the second floor of the building. The proposal meets the Urban Design Guide Plan lim.i tations on height. The addition is approximately 30 feet high_ Theguidelines cal1 out that up to 60% of the building may bebujlt to a height of 33 feet or less and no more than 40"A ofthe building may be higher than 33 feet, but not higher than 43 feet. Units: ..l79 acres x 25 unitslacre = 4 units allowed Site area, .]79 ac x GRFA ratio .80 = 6,237 sq ft of GRFA. Existing GRFA = 4,891 sq ft Remaining GRFA = 1.346 sq ft Proposed GRFA: Enclosed stairway Convert commercial space to residential Total addition 3rd floor west unit pl us add i t ion GRFA remaining after additjon = 200 sq ft = 677 sq ft = R77 co ff =1l.8L sq ft =2058 sq ft = 469 sq ft Landscaning: Not affected Parking: The existing residential unit requjres 2 spaces and theoffice space requires 2.7 spaces. Due to the conversjon of the commercia1 space to residential . there js actual1y a net reduction in parking according to the code requirements. The new unit has a parking requirement of 2.5 spaces. 677 sq ft existing office - 2.7 spacesexist residential unit = 2.0 spacesllSl sq ft Total 4-7 spaces expanded resjdential unit 2058 sq ft = 2.1 spaces Net reduction = 2.2 spaces The Town does not reimburse an owner for a reduction in parking spaces due to a change of use. The 2.2 parking spaces will be credited to the project in the event that a future use requjres additional parking. I]]. COMPLIANCE hIITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF CCI DISTRICT Purpose: The Commercial Core I zone district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area with its mixture of lodges and commercial establ i shmentsin a predominantly pedestrian environment. The district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenitjes appropriateto the perm'i tted types of bui ldings and uses. The djstrjct regulationsin accordance with the Vajl Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe sjte development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestri anways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Vi11age. This proposal js in compljance with the intent of the zoning for the CCi di stri ct. iV. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN The following sub-area concepts of the Urban Design Guide Plan relate to the area around the Casino Building (please see the enclosed Urban Uesign Guide Plan): 138. Mid-block connection (covered) from Bridge Street to Vi llage P laza. IV. 15. Facade 'improvements, Eyesores removed, increase facade transparency, entry simpl ified and or.i ented to .i ntersection. 16. Key intersection in Vi i lage Core. Fealure area pav.i ng treatment. In August l98l the owners of the Casino Buiiding proposed an exterjoralteration which addressed these three sub-area conceots. Thealteratjon was approved and built. The present proposal does nordirectly relate to any of these sub-concepts. COMPL]ANCE I,IITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATJONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE The purpose of the comparison between the proposal and considerations isto show how the new design strengthens or detracts from the overallintent of the Design considerations. The applicant has addressed thefoilowing Design considerations and received staff approval to excludepedestrianization, street enclosure, vehicular penetration, service and del ivery and street edge considerations as these considerations are noEapplicable to the project. Appl i cant's Response: stteetscape Framework: The addition of the stairwell is at the secondlevel or one level above wall Street, so the hlall streetscape w'i ll not be altered. The circular form of the stairwell/sunroom will be visiblefrom the street. This form biends nicely r^rith the round head windows atthe top floors and the chimney masses of the buildjng and at the sametime contrasts the low pitched roofs. Buildin Height: Building heightiy eighteen feet above the tne same area are at 26 to 28 feet 'i s not a factor, as the stairwell second level deck while roof lines in above the same deck. views: views from adjacent units will not be altered or impacted. The add'i tion tucks into the building offset on the west side. The addition 'i s surrounded on two sides (90 degrees) by existing exterior walls ofUnit 12 at the upper level and Unit 8 and mechanjcal/restroom exterior wal I s on the 'l ower I evel . Sun/Shgde: .Sun/shade patterns wil"l not be altered significantly. Thestair location receives very 1ittle sun now due to the height of thecasino and Lazier Arcade buildings. A brief period at midlafternoonallours sunlight through the wall street corri dor, however the soutnernorientation of the stairwelI with the larger buiIdin9 mass immediately behind al lows no change in shade or shadow patlerns. V.i rtual 1y no i npact . Essentially, the staff agrees with the applicant that the addition willhave no negative impacts on sun/shade, streetscape, building height, and v iews. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the exteri or alteration. hlhen rev.i ewedagainst the Design Considerations, the project does not have anysignificant impacts. The approval is contingent upon the appliiantmeeting the fol'l owing conditions: l. Before a building permit or demo permit w'i ll be released for thisproject, the owners of the Casjno Build.i ng wi.l I enter into a legalwritten agreement between the Casjno Building owners and therepresentatives of the trash compactor project to insure that the Casino Buildjng's participat.i on.i n the trash compactor is formal ized. Before a building permit or demo permjt is issued, the owners ofthe Casino Building will pay their share of the trash compactorcosts to date as stipulated in the l98l pEC approval of the Casino Bu i1 d ing remodel . The owners of the Casino Building will change the condominjumdeclarations to indicate that Unjt 8 is now res.i dential space and 'i s part of the total square footage for Unit 14. As was stipulated in the August 1981 exterior alteration, the owners of the Casino Building agree to participate in and not remonstrate against a special improvement district if and when formed for Vail Vi11age. The 1981 exterior alteration also had as a condjt.i on of approvalto complete a revocable right-of-way agreement wjth the Town forthe use of property belonging to the Town for Casino Buildingpavers. The revocable right-of-way agreement shal 1 be completed and signed by the applicant and submitted to staff before abuilding permit wjll be released. l- 4. 5. Cc|PI ;( ,;l -.trfi-._ : r-= f i?ii;Xtllc g 7d .).J :lF!.:! g sg) ;.&,Ti .,.;'r',",; jff ,ttiitl'+iffi ,ii:i:.;i+i'#'; r;:'i5'iiir$riiirii,..rrrit,.uffil$l'.;::,::.i';-ii'i.I.i'.;i1-.':;4.:i.'i-.lll,'--1;l.-li..i.. ..rri-i.ir.-'{,i..!r:L+;,'.ij,,.,'t.,';-;"*;::,;-i;'i;i::,;:,1,;lti;'-;.:,r.,'r:",:,-,;:tt.i:.,;i-:,.:,.;,;t+{:r*E', "'itiiil*l*tiffit-*f'rffi ffi ]l ,il::\!t. j Y ,6\n f,ut{\+{ o &il/,\D r/;a1r1 - Ibh^ Nq nko h- atta-+ fd'.i1o1l-u0r\ h,iil eror..\, or,,$d.ft F\NTTOU {p\ -fiq$d.- 4\1tr-'.)^ {ttd?e ar {n/ oot) *l'Q- A{Q<lIsV I John M, Pekins I n cnit#, nlA / Post office Box26/ voir, ctdo B16sB I go.;949-46s7 5 January 1987 Kristin Printz, PJ-anner Town of Vail North Frontage Road WestVai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Casino Building Alterations Dear Kri-s; I am pleased to make the following comments regarding our proposalto attach Unlt 12 and Unit 8 with an exterior stairway: Sun and Shadet Sun/shade patterns will not be altered sig-;mE6ntfy.--ire stair tocition receives very 1ittle sun now due to the hei-ght of the Casino and Lazier Arcade build-ings. A brief period G mid-afternoon allows sunlight throughthe l4tall Street corridor, however the southern orientationof the stairwell with the larger building mass immediatelybehind al1ows no change in shade or shadow patterns. Vir-tually no impact. Streetscape: The addition of the stairwell is at the::secondlevel or one 1eve1 above Wa11 Street, so the V{a11 Streetscape will not be altered. The circular form of the stairwell/sunroom will be visible from the street. This form blendsnicely with the round head windows at the top floors and theehimney masses of the building and G the same time conrraststhe low pitched roofs. Building Ileight: Building height is not a factor, as thestairwell rises only eighteen feet above the second level deckwhile roof lines in the same area are G 26 ta 28 feet abovethe same deck. Views: Views from adjacent units will not be altered or im-pacted. The addition tucks into the building offset on thewest side. The addition j-s surrounded on two sides (g0" ) byexisting exterior wa11s of Unit 12 @ the upper tevel andUnit 8 and mechanical/restroom exterior walls on the lower1eve1. Footprint @ Exterior Deck: The addition will utilize an area 7t-6tt wide and 20'-O'r long (150 s.f.) of the existing deckspace. The remaining deck space G the same leve1 is 10r-0'l wide x 22t-6tt long, angling down to 20r-6't long or an areaof 2L5 s.f.+. Ample deck area remains after the stair additionis in place. Kris; if you have any further questions regarding this proposal ,please 1et me know, Sincerely, John ilI . Perkinscc: Mark Cadmus ,lnn ,, Perkins / nrcnitectilA / Post office bx266l voir, cotodo 81658 I 303-949-46g7 14 January 1987 Kristin Pritz, Planner Town of Vai.l North Frontage Road lYestVai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Caslno Building Trash Generation. and Bemoval Dear Kristin; The following information is from notes I have made from individual personal interviews with owners or shop managers of all of the bus* inesses located in the Casino Building with respect to trashgeneration and removal: Residential Units and Brandess Cadmus Re4l Estate and Property This category would comprise the largest area of the building and the least amount of trash production. Category consists of threeresidential units and two offices. The residential units are not rented to the general public and are vacant the majority of time. The offices are real estate sales at grade (Bridge Street) andproperty management at the 2nd f1oor. This group of building occu-pants produces a minimal amount of trash./garbage. The officesgenerate normal waste basket paper trash and the residential units typical household and kitchen refuse. AII of this material is introduced into the in-house trash chute and compaction system. The trash t'ba1e" is removed once every week to ten days by thebuilding management (Brandess Cadmus) via a personally owned truck. Ilelgars of Va.il RetaiI clothing outlet, largest commercial area and largest producer by volume. User takes daily deliveries j-n cardboard boxes. Boxesare broken down (flattened) and stored in the upstairs office. Re- moval is approximately twice a week by owners or employees inpersonally owned vehicles. This process works satisfactorily and the business manager feels that it would be more inconvenient to carry trash to the Lower Mi1l Creek Dumpster. J. Cotter Gallery Sna11 jewelry business produces virtually no trash. Everyday waste paper basket goes into the public trash can on trliall Street. Boxes in which larger art pieces are delivered are unpacked and removed to the Minturn Studio on the same in and out trip lnto the village. The owner/manager is a long-time owner of space in the building and remembers no agreement by the owners to the Lower Mi11 Creek Com-paction Unit. Clearly opposed to requlred participation. Hillis Furs Retail fur coat outlet, produces virtually no trash. Company owns "factory" space above Sweet Basil Restaurant. Furs are received into the shop on hand carried hangers generating no trash. Everyday waste basket goes into public trash cans on Bridge Street or Gore Creek Drive. Crazv Tee Shi rl.s Small tee shirt/sweat shirt buSiness recelves shlpments by cardboard case. Boxes are flattened and stored in the office (very sma11 office). Individual shirts are packed in plastic bags. Flat boxes and plastic bags are left in front of the store in the evening and are picked up by BFI Services before 8:00AM the following morningfor $48/month. System is working wel1. Currents Jewelry Store Smal1 jewelry store generates virtually no trash. Sma11 boxes and paper goes into the in-house chute and compaction system. Kris, my research seems to indicate to me that the Casino Buildingis a minimal trash generator. A11 trash seems to be being removedin a satisfactory manner. The owners have indicated clearly that they did not sign or verbally agree to particlpate in the LowerMill Creek Compaction Unit and are opposed to a forced participation. One owner indicated that perhaps when Kentucky Fried Chieken and Gartonrs (kitchen) \ryere located inthe building, this would have beena fair and understandable solution. The owners now very much opposethe Town making them responsible for a developer's (twice removed) agreement six years ago. I will notify the owners of the date and time of the next Pfanning Commission meeting so that they can personally attend and maketheir feelings and comments known. If I may be of further asslstanceor you require or desire any further data or information, please 1et me know. rely, n{ Perkins cc: Mark Cadmus nD rui TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPL I CANT : I.THE PROPOSAL Planning and Environmental Commjssion Community Devel opment Department January 12, 1987 Exterior alteration of the Casino Buildinq stairway connecting Unit 8 to Unit 14. First Frankl in Financial . Inc. Si te area Setbacks: Hei ght: Dens i ty : GRFA: = .]79 acres or 7,797 square feet zero setback ailowed, this proposal does not affect setbacksas it is on the second floor of the building. The proposal meets the Urban Design Guide Plan limitatjons on height. The addjtjon is approximately 30 feet high. Theguidelines call out that up to 60% of the bujlding may bebuilt to a height of 33 feet or less and no more than 40% ofthe build'i ng may be higher than 33 feet, but not higher than 43 feet. Units: ..l79 acres x 25 units/acre = 4 units allowed Site area, ..l79 ac x GRFA ratio .80 = 6,237 sq ft of GRFA. Existing GRFA = 4,891 sq ft Remaining GRFA = 1,346 sq ft 200 sq ft 677 sq ft = 877 sq ft =ttxt ct.t tt =2058 sq ft = 469 sq ft Proposed GRFA: Enclosed stairway Convert commercial space to residential Total addition 3rd floor west unit pl us addi ti on GRFA remaining after addition order t&r'loO {+? II zSNiNG STATISTICS F0R THE PR0JECT The applicant is J+oaos-ing to attach@ (a commercial unit) on the second t l0or t0 Qlit 19(a residentjal un'i t) on the rhird flnor Theconnection will bFnilif,e by a glass enclosed stairway located on the westside of the building on an existj2g second floor exterior deck. Thestairway will add an additional(200-)ouare feet of GRFA. unit g will be changed from a commercial use to-d-residential use which will increasethe GRFA bKgD square feet. The total exterior alteratjon 'i ncludinqthe new stairway and existing second floor space will add a total oflffi) square feet to unit 14 (GRFA of 1,181 sgya*g_feet). After the additlonr;/the new total GRFA for the unit will b(Z,OJpsft(e feet. If thisaddition is constructed, the project wilT-hav{grbquare feet of GRFAremaining. Parki ng: Landscaping: Not affected The existing residential unit requires 2 spaces and theoffice space requires 2.7 spaces. Due to the conversjon of the commercial space to residential . there is actually a net reduction in parking according to the code requirements. The new unit has a parking requirement of 2.5 spaces. 677 sq ft existing office =exist residential unit : 1181 sq ft Total expanded residential unit 2058 sq ft = 2.7 spaces 2.0 spaces 4.7 spaces 2.5 spaces IV. Net reduction =2-? sp III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF CCi DISTRICT Purpose: The Commercial Core I zone djstrict js intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area with its mixture of Iodges and commercial establ ishmentsin a predominantly pedestrian environment. The distri ct is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriateto the permitted types of buildings and uses. The distrjct regulatjonsin accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide P'l an and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure contjnuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village. This proposal is in compliance with the intent of the zoning for the CCi di stni ct. COMPLIANCE hJITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN The following sub-area concepts of the Urban Design Guide Plan relate to the area around the Casino Building (please see the enclosed Urban Des ign Gui de Pl an ) : 138. Mid-block connection (covered) from Eridge Street to Village Pl aza. credi ted arki ng. 13. 16. Key intersection in V.i 'i lage Core. Feature In August l98l the ov{ners of the Casjno Bu.i Idingalteration which addressed these three sub-areaalteratjon was approved and built. The presenrdirectiy relate to any of these sub-concepts. Facade improvements. Eyesores removed, increase facadetransparency, entry simpl ified and oriented to .i ntersection. area paving treatment. proposed an exteri or concepts. The proposal does not IV.COMPLIANCE l',ITH THE BAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL ViLLAGE The purpose of the comparison between the proposal and cons.i derations isto show how the new design strengthens or detracts from the overallintent of the Design considerations. The appl icant has addressed thefoi.lowing Design considerations and received staff approval to excludepegestrianilation. street enclosure, vehi€ular penetr.atinn, e;;m;;id s these consjderaiions are nof app I I cab Ie to the project. Appl icant's Response: Stregtscape Framework: The add'i tion of the stairwe.l I is at the secondlevel or one level above VJall Street, so the wall Streetscape will notbe al tered. The ci rcul ar form of the stai rwel I /sunroom wi I i be vi si bl efrom the street. This form biends nicely with the round head w.i ndows atthe top floors and the chimney masses of the building and at rne sametime contrasts the low pitched roofs. Bujlding Hejght: Bui lding heightrises oniy eighteen feet above thethe same area are at 26 to ZB feet viqryti views from adjacent units will not be altered or impacted. Theaddition tucks into the building offset on the west side. The addit.ionis surrounded on two sides (90 degrees) by existing exterior walls ofunit 12 at the upper level and unit 8 and mechan'i ci.l /restroom exterior wal I s on the I ower I evel . Sun/Sh?de: .Sun/shade patterns w.i ll not be altered signif.i cantiy. Thestair location receives very little sun now due to tir6 height oi ttrecasino and Lazier Arcade buildings. A brief period at midlafternoon allotnls sunlight through the l,lall street corridor, however the southernori entation of the stairwell with the larger building mass immediatelybehind allows no change in shade or shadow patterns. Virtually no i mpact. Essentially, the staff agrees with the applicant that the addition willhave no negative impacts on sun,/shade, streetscape, bu.i ldinq height, andviews. is not a factor, as the stairwel I second level deck whi le roof lines in above the same deck. VI STAFF RECOMMENDATION staff recommends approval of the exteri or alteration. when reviewedagainst the Design Considerations, the project does not have anysignificant impacts. The approval is contingent upon the appljcant meeting the following conditions: Before a bui'l ding permit or demo permit will be released for thjsproject, the owners of the Casino Building will enter into a legalwritten agreement between the Casino Build.i ng owners and the representatives of the trash compactor project to .i nsure that the Casino Building's participation in the trash compactor.i s formal i zed. Before a building permit or demo permit is issued, the owners ofthe Casino Building will pay their share of the trash compactor costs to date as stipuiated in the l98l PEC approval of the Casino Bui I dj ng remodel . The owners of the Casino Building wi11 change the condominjum declarations to indicate that Unit I is now residentjal space and 'i s part of the total square footage for Unit 14. \f;J 2- $ hil'Ptl'' 4.As was stipulated in owners of the Casino remonstrate aqa inst formed-foll-'tr5iTRm the August 198L Building agree alteration, thepate in and not exteri or to oartici.l owners of the Casino Building aqree to participate in and not - G|L. l.,il remonstrate aoainst e "r.'lt'lgr/'- Jormed-TdF_ETT-[iIIagc.Lv- ---- The 1981 exteri or al revo cab I e r i g ht-of -wry agrEEmEE-triFTIh--EhE-Town f o perty belonging to the Town for Casino Buildingpavers. The revocable right-of-way agreement shall be complete and signed by the applicant and submitted to staff before a . # $--,qC m mr[*-w-m\ #r'ffiS*\'w . $rlo* # q.^e tDcr +l"i, m.+ !,aur a,.r i,.'di,;d. dJln4r.nl^" uh^lt +' o#Ad. \'/ r'r ' ,h \.o+d0oJ'- ti$ue-aPhnry ' xi'ut' RYrJf'ft*f-6, ;,+r-'r*lur- q*r'snlonr k$bil ^{Hn}flbo.rJ+'{/6'@+a- "f" A had as a condition of ato complete a revoc P\ . -l:L,-,:'!:i.d: :t I .. -o n Brondess -Codmus Reol Estote, Inc.r-. -r[Rl 281 BRIDGE STREET r VAIL, COLORADO 81657 --\]t-4t - January 16, 1987 Kristin PriLz, planner Town of VailN. Frontage Road $7estVail, CO 81657 has reviewed the connection ofstairway connecting, Dear Kristin: The Bridge Street Condominium Associationdrawings submitted by John perkins for theunit 8 and unit 14 and the glass enclosedboth. The Association unanimously supports the approval of this ^v^^^^- 1 lrr \r}J\J -q. t . Bridge Street Condominium Assoc. REAL ESTATE (303) 476-14S0. DENVER TOLL FREE 899-310j R ESERVATIONS 1 -8OO-222-VAIL Brondess -Codmus lleol Estote, Inc. 281 BBIDGE STREET r VAIL. COLORADO 81657 January 16, l9B7 Kristin Pritz, planner Town of VailN. Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Dear Kristin: The Bridge Street Condominium Assocj.atj-ondrawings submitted by John perkins for theunit I and unit 14 and the glass enclosedboth. The Association unanimouslvproposal. of Managers the approvaL of this ondominium Assoc. has reviewed the connection ofstairway connecting supports Bridge REAL ESTATE (303) 476-1450. DENVER TOLL FREE 893_3101 RESEFVATIONS 1 -BOO-222-VAI L JU {on'r'btrzrh:*b,,r(r K\ &'-Lr ha-dlg Iled] D,*,.D3ln\ \i\p- '4 q f,ro*",t,iy nu} W,+ *I+ c({ r..1 WbatW+ au^Da+dt ffi:-*lt,frfffisT.uw ',ffi*+ fo\'r t)pn dr ^.\ot wul'.0tr , pqrAt*ry r,r\ +i.u*-50' f# \H: cnr,,\ls r,..,,f^. 1\uu^Y*1. I vYL I rf ( TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. THE P1 anning and Environmental Commjssion Community Development Department February 24, 1986 Exterior alteratjon of the plaza Lodge in , space and remodel ex.i sting dwelling unitsof F, Block 5C, Vail Village 1st Filing Appl icant: Plaza Lodge Associates, Ltd PROPOSAL order to expand retail on Lots G,H,I,J,K and part Plaza Lodge Associates,-Ltd. is requesting to expand the christy sportsstore as well as remodel dwelling units on the south end of the-building.chri sty sports will be expanded it tne basement and first floor levels Iocreate an additional 840 square feet of retail space. Three dwe11.i ngunits located above christy sports on the second and th.i rd levels of thebuilding are being remodeled into two larger dwelling uniis. The seconddwelling unit will also combine two accommodation units 1l3o and 139) .i ntothe existing dwelling unit. A new elevator is being proiosed to belocated on the southeast corner of the bui lding. irri.tllen exteriorbalconies will also be added to the plaza Lodge to exist.i ng units as wel1as one outdoor jacuzz't and sun deck for the use of Lodge guests. Pr9-tg the expansion of chrjsty sports on the southwest corner of thebuj 1ding, the popcorn wagon wiil need to be relocated to the landscapedisland in Founder's.Plaza. Mr. hriil ingham, owner of the praza Lodge, hasstated that he is willing to work with Ila Buckley, owner of the pipio"nwagon' to assist in hooking up whatever utilities-w.i 11 be required to keepthe popcorn.wagon in the piaza. However, it will be Ija Buckley,sresponsibility to cover all the costs reiating to the wagon's mive whichwill include utility relocation and landscapiig costs. 0riginaily, the popcorn wagon was to be located on the north end of thelandscaped island. 11a Buckley is proposing to locate the wagon on thesouth side of the island in order to have bitter exposure to fiedestrianswalking from the ticket office to Br.i dge Street and down l,lill'street- tnorder_to change this location, it will be necessary for I1a Buckley toredesign the landscaped'island so that the landscaiing functions wilt w:t|rthe popcorn lvagon. The piaza Lodge has also stated tfiat they wouldprovide I1a Buckley with a storage area for the supplies necessary Eo runthe popcorn wagon. The loading space on the southwest corner of the plaza Lodge.i s proposedt0 be permanently removed. The plaza tenants will now ao itt Ioading onthe Bri dge Street side of the build.i ng. Access to Founderi' plaza witt ueIimited to emergency vehicles. The trash room, presently located on the southeast corner of the building,has been removed. All the trash for the building w.i ll now be handled atvendetta's tnash dumpster. -In addition, the pro[osal calls for "aaing-igas fireplace to the lodge lobby and reiocat.i ng another existing tirefiticewi th i n the th i rd f 'l oor of the remode'l ed un i t. II. ZONING STATISTICS FOR THE PROJECT The zoning statistics jndicate that the Plaza Lodge is already 8.5 units over the allowable 7 dwelling units for the property. The remodel will decrease the number of units by 2 accommodation units or I dwel'l ing un'i t. This assumes that the Plaza Lodge w'i ll relocate the kitchen in the existing Christy Sports unit to another accommodation unit wjthjn oneyear. In respect to GRFA, sjte coverage and common area, the proposal meets all the zoning requirements. The owner has agreed to contribute to the Town of Vail parking fund for the additional spaces that wjll be needed due to the remodel . Zoning Analysis Site Area: .2882 acres or 12,554 sq ft Density: Allowed 7 dwelf ing units (25 units/acre) ( Exj sti ng 2nd Floor 9 D.U.I A.U. 3rd Floor 10.U. 10 A. U. Proposed Znd Floor I D.U.I A.U. 3rd Floor 1D.U. 8 A.U. or ,l4.5 D.U. (assumes existing kitchen is relocated to an accommodation unit within one year ) 10 D.U. &',|] A.U. 10 D.U. & 9 A.U. or 'l5.5 D.U. GRFA Allowed: 10,043 sq ft Existing: 9,735 sq ftAddition: 236 so ft Total GRFA with -9;971 sqTT addition Remainder GRFA after addition: 72 so ft SITE COVERAGE------TTTowed: 10,043 sq ft Existing: 7,760 sq ftAddition: 488 sq ft Total Coverage with addition: 8,248 sq ft Remaining after addition, 1,795 sq ft COMMON AREA:Rttoiea: 2,009 sq ft Exi sti ng: 'l ,935 sq ftAddition: 70 so ft Total w/add iti on 2,00-5 sq-E III. ( Purpose: The commercial core I zone distri ct is intended to provide sitesand to maintain the unique character of the vail village commercial areawith its mixture of lodges and commercial establ.i shmenis in apredominantly pedestri an environment. The district is intended to ensureadequate.light, air, open space, and othen amenities appropriate to thepermitted types of buildings and uses. The distri ct regulations inaccordance with the vail vi11age urban Design Guide plan and Designconsiderations prescri be site development siandards that are inteided toensure the maintenance and preservation of the tighily clusteredarrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architecturilqualities that distinguish the vi11age. This proposal is in compliance w'i th the intent of the zoning for the ccldi str i ct. IV. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE There are no Urban-Design Guide Plan concepts that directly relate to th.i sportion of the building. concepts l3A, l3B and 14 relate io the plaza Lodge building, however, they do not address the southwest corner of thebuilding where the addr'tion is proposed. 134' Raised sidewalk may become major pedestrian route durjng de1 iveryperiods. Slight widening warranted. Potential for opei arcade iorsnow protectjon over wooden walk. Landscape improvements include:new consolidated stajrs, tie retain'i ng wails replaced wjth masonry,upgraded planting. l38- Mid-block connection (covered) from Bridge Street to Village plaza. 14.vi1'l age Plaza. Feature area paving treatment, central focal pointvisible from Gore Creek Drjve. Major land form/planting innorthwest for quiet corner, with evergreen screen planting to def.inewest edge. Wall Street stairs, with mid-level jog landing, opensentry area to Lazier Arcade shoos. V.COMPLIANCE 1,lITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE The purpose of the compari son between the proposal and cons.i derations isto show how the new design strengthens or detracts from the overall intentof the Design Considerations. A. Pedestrian'ization: Applicant: Pedestrianization is encouraged by reinforcing the edgeof Founders' plaza and associated accesses wiitr display windows aidplanters. unused portions of the site are fiiled in with shopdi.splays and planters which add life and vitality to the streetedge. The exi sti ng parki ng space on Founders' pi aza i s el imi natedleav'i ng a pedestrian walkway unencumbered by vehicular traff.i c. ( Staff: It is a great improvement to space on the southwest corner of the space will elimjnate auto congestionof the building. Pedestrian.ization remove the existing parking bui1ding. The removal of the that now occurs on the corneris improved by this proposal . B.Vehicular Penetration |. Applicant: Vehicular Penetration is not increased and is.improvedby the elimination of the exist.i ng park.i ng space in the plaza anduse of ex'i sti ng 'l oadi ng zones. Staff: It is staff's understanding that the plaza Lodge wjll nolonger deliver supplies or guests on the Founders' praia side of thebuilding. Staff believes that the proposal actually reduces autopenetration into the Founders, plaza area. The proposal has apositive impact on vehicular penetratjon Streetscape Framework Applicant: Streetscape framework js reinforced by prov.id.ing landscaping and color with planters...on the proposed expani.ion.Activity is further reinforced with the addition of display windowsand an undulating facade to add v.i sual interest to the bu.i iding. Staff: Landscaping is proposed as wall mounted planters on thesouth and west elevations of the bui lding. staff also believes that'it is very important that a larger planter occur on the east side ofthe elevator to soften that elevation. At the Design Review goard 1eve1 , some type of decoratjve cover for the elevator door shouldalso be considered. Staff bel ieves that a plain eievator door qoes nothing to improve the streetscape framework for the pedestrian.Staff feels that in general this proposal compljes with thestreetscape framework consideration as long as the design concernsfor the elevator are addressed by DRB. Street Encl osure Applicantl Street Enclosure is maintained by providing a one or twostory face to the street, and stepping the building facades bothvertically and horizontally to keep the building in scale with thepedestri an_and adjacent buildings. The inclusion of display windows, planters and changes jn facade create high tension-andactivity at eye level . D. ( Staff: A canyon effect already exists to a certain degree jn thepedestrian area between the plaza Lodge and the Hill Building. Thestreet enclosure guidelines states that "An external enclosure js most comfortable where its walls are approximately one half as highas the width of the space enclosed." In this situation, the heightof the Hi'll Building is almost twice as high as the wjdih of theexisting pedestri an walkway. The existing plaza Lodge terraces backfrom approximately 24 feet to a height of 35 feet. ihe pedestrian walkway js 15 feet wjde so that the canyon is already in existence. The new proposal terraces the south s.i de of the plaza Building in a way that minimizes the canyon effect. The gu.ideljnes state that "When exceptions to the general height criter.ia occur, special des'i gn considerations should be given to creat.i ng a well definedground f1 oor pedestrian emphasis to overcome the canyon effect.,, The guidelines also state that,'Long canyon streets in an east/westdirectjon should general1y be discouraged.,' G.iven theseconsiderations, staff believes that .i t is very important that thesize of the elevator be decreased if at all possible. However, thestaff does understand that certain building code requirements mustbe met. Secondly, the staff is asking that the planter on the eastside of the elevator be increased in size to soften the impacts ofthe elevator on the pedestrian. The staff would also like to see some type of decorative mural or perhaps a wall sculpture used onthe sjde of the elevator to bring down the scale of the tower. These design elements will create a pedestr.ian focus and djvertattention from the upper build.i ng heights and canyon effect. This particular walkway warrants the canyon effect as the pedestrian sidewalk is only 15 feet wide. If the gujdeline was stricilyfollowed, that would mean that the heights of both the Hill Bu.i 'l dingand Plaza Lodge could not be greater than 7-1lz feet, It would be - an unreasonable restriction and does not apply to the existingsituation o1 tlre property. staff would like-to emphasize that theapplicant should include the additional landscaping and consider the 'i dea of using some type of mural or wall accent on the tower of theelevator in order to ful 1y meet the intent of this guideline. F Street Edqe Applicant: Street edge is reinforced by varying the facade to allowfor interest and activity along the streets ind-p1aza. staff: The design of the addition has added great'ly to the streetedge while at the same time allowing for emergency and snowplowaccess. This guideline strongly encourages irregular facade linesin order to add life to the street and visual .i nierest for tnepedestrian. The design accomplishes the goals of this consi derati on. F. tJ. Appl.icant: Building height js consistent with the existingconditions, providing a single story facade toward the plaia andstepping the building back as it increases from floor to floor- The new elements added to the design are extensjons to the ex.i st.i ngbuilding and accents which add to the vitality of the des.i gn. -Al1 portions of the design are well w.i thin height requirements of the Town. Staff: The new addition .is approximately 36 feet high with theelevator having a height of 37 feet. These heights ire well withinthe allowable under the height restrictions in commeri cial core I.Height restrictions state that "up to 60% of the building (building coverage area) may be bujlt to a height of 33 feet or leis. Morethan 40% of the building (building coverage area) may be highen than33.feet, but not higher than 43 feet. Towers, spirel, cupoi"",chimneys, flag poles and similar architecturai features not useableas GRFA may extend above the height limit a d.i stance of not morethan 25% of the height limjt nor more than 15 feet." The proposaldefinitely compl ies wjth this consideratjon V iews Applicant: views are not impacted by the building expansion because a1 1 expansions occur jnside existing bu.i lding envelopes and arecreating new facades jnsjde v.iew planes of the existing build.i ng.The higher element of the elevator enclosure frames th6 pedestrian view of the Gore Range as they wa1 k through the emergency accessjust south of the building and would have a rninor eniroalhment onthe views from across the p1aza, but is minimized due to'i ts steppedback location in relation to the western exDosure. staff: It is felt that the majority of the remodel does not haveany significant impacts on views. However, the staff does feel thatthe view west from seibert circle of the elevator is s.i gn.i ficantlyblocked by the elevator tower. Even though this is not-a designaiedview, the,guidel ines do state that ,,first priority should be givento an analysis of the impact of the project on views from pedestrian areas, whether designated or not" staff would prefer to see theproposal without the elevator. However, the view jmpacts are notsignificant enough to deny the project solely on the view impact ofthe elevator tower. The remainder of the builaing steps back insuch a way that views are not substantially decreased. For thjsreason, the staff feels that the proposal .i n most respects.i s incompliance with the view cons.i deration. H. Service and Delivery Applicant: Servjce and delivery is consistent with the Town plan by removing an existing park'i ng and loading space in Founders' plaza (prov'iding a vehicular free mall) and us.i ng established parking andloading zones on Bridge Street. Emergency access along the southproperty line is 'l eft open and useable for emergency veh.i c1es. Staff: The proposa'l greatly improves the serv.i ce and delivery forthis building. christy Sports has been contacted to make sure thatthey understand they will be required to cart their trash down toVendetta's dumpster. Staff would like to emphasize that theapplicant has "reconfirmed with Mr. John Brennan (Vendetta's owner)that the trash area presently used by vendetta's restaurant will beavail.able and used by a1 1 shops'i n the buildjng (with trash pickup :cbgdulqd on a daily basis). If this procedure is=tiT?Tly I. fo11owed, there should not be a problem with trash. It js felt thatthe proposal is in compi iance wjth thjs considerat.ion. Sun/Shade Appl icant: Sun and shade are taken into consjderation by expandingwithin the already created building envelope.... Staff: 0n the Bridge Street side of the building the elevator towercasts an additional 280 square feet of shade onto Bridge street andthe roof of the Red Lion. 0n the Founder's plaza side of thebuildjng an additional 125 sguare feet of shade js cast into theFounders' Plaza area. It is felt that the additional shade does notsubstantial 1y increase the spring and fa.l I shadow pattern from MarchZlst through September 23rd on adjacent propert.ies or the publicright-of-way. The rnassing of the building has been terraced back in such a way that the shadows that have been cast from the build.i ngare minimized. The building is also well within the heightallowances for the zone district. The elevator tower is the port.ionof the addition that is actually creating the additional shace onBridge Street. However, the elevator is even well withjn theallowed height limits. For these reasons, staff feels that theadditional shade js not sign'ificant enough to say that the proposal does not conform to the sun/shade consideration. (_ { VI STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the exterior alterat.ion. Each project should be revjewed against every consideration. The project does support wholeheartedly aimost all of the Urban Design Considerat.ion. The two areas of staff concern relate to the impacts of the ejevator tower on views and shade. It is felt that the view impacts and additional shadewhile not positive responses to these design considerations, are considered to be min'imal impacts. However, because the overal 1 project impacts are positive, staff recommends approval of the project. Approvalis granted contingent upon the applicant agreeing to the following" requi rements: l. The applicant shall not remonstrate against any special improvementdistrict if and when a district is formed for the Vi11age. 2. This approval will expire within three years of planning commissionapproval date. 3' 41 1 drainage from the building will be tied into the existing storm sewer system. 4. The owner and building tenants will take responsibitity for handlingthe trash on a da'i 1y basis. Trash will not be stored outside of anyof the shops on the street or p1aza. 5. The owner agrees to the conditjons of approval outlined in the condi t'ional use memorandum. (, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL 72/8/86 COMMISSION PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Diana Donovan Byran Hobbs Peggy 0sterfoss Duane Piper Sid Schultz Jim Viele ABSENT Pam Hopkins The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Duane p.i per. l Approval of minutes of November 24. 1986. A correction was made on item #3. Donovan moved and Viele seconded to approve the minutes with the correction. The vote was 6-0 in favor. 2.Consi derat'i on of est for a minor amendment to the Kon Cafe eve I oDmen a e location of the allev qate. e American Ski Exchanqe Tom Braun explained the request. Byran Hobbs moved and Viele seconded to grant the request as Iong as the Hong Kong restaurant agreed with the request. The vote was 6-0 in favor. Duane Piper moved to the audience and Jim viele chaired th'i s item. peter Patten explained that the sitzmark wanted to expand an exjsting office space which the staff believes is a nonconforming use becau:r the space is on thefirst or street level . He pointed out that there were many situations similarto the one at sitzmark, such as the Plaza Lodge shops, the east sjde of theBell.Tower-Building and the Fountain cafe in the creekside Building. Theapplicant is appea"l ing the interpretation of street level and feel the officeis on the second level . Duane Piper, representing the applicant, felt this was more a consideration ofdegree. He felt that many of the examples shown to be similar were less extreme than that of the Sitzmark, the greatest djfference in grade being 4,as opposed to the 8 feet at the Sitzmark- He added that if this was first i'loor,then there must be a basement. Piper stated that there needed to be a moredefinitive explanation in the zoning code, for the street was well below thestreet level . Peter Patten Tom Braun Betsy Rosolack 3' APp93l gf.a stiff 4ecision concernjng the interpretation of street levelat the Sitzmark Lodge. Appl icant: Bob Fritch sjd schultz said that it was difficult to look at the zoning code and try toapply floor levels as therein described. He felt that street levels could be a o at a number of different levels in different places, but that the intent of the code was to have retail shops near the pedestrians. with the design of the berm, the intent at the Sitzmark was to get people off of the street. If the berm were removed, and shops placed at berm ievel , he would see it as streetlevel . Diana^Donovan agreed with the staff memo. Byran Hobbs abstained. peggy Osterfoss stated that she would like to see the code clarified, thattechnically, if one has to walk up 8 steps, it would be znd 1eve1 , but she feltthat the intent of the code was to interpret this as first level . She repeatedthat she wou'l d like to see a rewording of the definition. Jim viele agreedthat the definition needed to be cleaned up, but in the meantime would go a'l ongwith the staff interpretation. Di ana ovan moved and Sid S hul econded to u hol d the staff nter tati on.hold t e sta tent 4. lrg] iTinary review of exterior alteration proposals for the following bu'i I di ngs: a. b. c. d. e. ? BUILDING Cl ock Tower Casino Building Plaza Lodge Bel I Tower Lionshead Center Sitzmark Lodge LENGTH OF STUDY PERIOD 60 60 90 90 90 90 days days days days days days PEC L2/8186 -2- PUBLIC NOTICE N0TiCE iS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a pub'l ic heari ng in accordance with Section 18.66.060of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on January 12, 1987 at 3:00 PM in the Town Council chambers in the VaiI Municipal Building. Consideration of: 'l . A request for an exterior alteratjon'i n order to build a glass enclosed stairway connecting Unit 8 to Unjt 14 jn the Casino Bujlding located on parts of Lots b and c, Block 5C, VaiI Village First Fi1ing. Appi icant: First Frankl in Financial . Inc. 2. A request to amend the Vail Municjpal Code, adding Section 18.08.060 titled "Property hlithout a Zone Designation." AppI i cant: Town of Va iI The application and information about the proposa'l is avajlable in the zoning admi n istrator ' s offi ce duri ng regu l ar offi ce hours for publ i c inspect.ion. TOWN OF VAiL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. ERAUN Zoning Administrator Publ ished in the Vail Trail on December 26. 1986. ..rohn 1r,4. irerxins i A.rcnitOAtrr 1 Fost Office r]:..:. ..,.-,:: j',loii, Grocjo 81658 i 303-t4g-4037 5 January 1987 Kristin Printz, Planner Town of Val1 North Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 8165? Re Casino Buildin Alterat ions Dear Kris; r am pleased to make the following cornments regardi-ng our proposalto attach Unit 12 and Unit 8 with an exterior stairwav: Sun and Shade: Sun/shade patterns will not be altered sig-ni.ficantly. The stair location receives verv litt1e sunnow due to the height of the Casino and Lazier Arcad.e build-ings. A brief period G mid-afternoon a11ows sunlight throughthe Wa1I Street corridor, however the southern orientationof the staj-rwe11 with the larger building mass immedj_atelybehind a11ows no change in shade or shadow patterns. Vir-tual1y no impact. qtreetscape: The additlon of the stairwell is at the:secondlevel or one level above lya1l Street, so the WalI Streetscape wirl not be altered. The circurar form of the stairwell/sunroom will be visible from the street. This form blendsnicely with the round head windows at the top fLoors and thechimney masses of the building and @ the same time contraststhe low pitched roofs. Building l{eight: Building height is not a factor, as thestairwell rises only eighteen feet above the second tevel deckwhile roof lines in the same area are G 26 ta 2g feet abovethe same deck. Views: Views from adjacent units will not bepacted. The addition tucks into the buildingwest side. The addition is surrounded on twoexistlng exterior wa1ls of Unit 12 ,r the upperUnit 8 and mechanical/restroom extcrior walls1eve1. altered or im-offset on thesides (90" ) 6y 1eve1 and on the lower q) t L o F<rotprint G Exterior Deck: The addition will utilize lr,n area 7t -6\' wide and 20'-0" long (15O s.f . ) of the existing rieckspa"ce. The remai-ning deck space @ the same level is lOt-O"wide x 22t-6" long, angling down to 20!-6'r long or an areaof 2LS 6.f.+. Ample deck area remains after the stair additionis in place. Kris; if you have any further questions regarding thi.s proposal,please let me know. Sincerely, John ll . Perkinscc: Mark Cadmus P1 anning and Environmental Commission January 12, .|987 2:30 PM Site Inspection 3:00 PM Pubic Hearing l. Approval of minutes of December ZZ, L9B6 2. A request for an exter.i or alteration jn order to builda glass enclosed sta.i rway connecting Un.i t g to Unjt 14in the Casino Building located on parts of Lots b andc, Block 5C, Vai l Village First Filing. Appl icant: First Frankl in Financial , Inc. 3. A request to amend the Vail Munic.i pal Code, adding Section -l8.08.060 tjtled "Property Without a Zone Des ignati on. ,, Applicant: Town of Vail Ia l " H.t -toue^ $-dtt 1 irrye^..tn.*,tQ lf'Tx lf H ull,f ?',lu 1l : XfY '- 4t7",7 : l{l"f-€L]+ il .,*f u,rqb drc lJL,f \17?.,'-,J00L3 ,/ -- ,t%(d*ytol.f@ M,^r*fiiF a **"A(ffq Nb tu{-A aw64 ftn {J\j 6eFn. 6]-l+ ltm.y V trult UAi* 4 (*{r,de ),dfr,u") I}FI B Qee{ rdo) )f* C JJO uhd,; (A.WMH +t#pt t'eap,w ffi#$* AilE$ {!}6;ta,,l,} fi{|. lrfa{aa 1utf : 4, rsga Qartor,a.t.4 v> . ,\>Fke $w.f,ilt&rfr, John M, Pekins / nrcnitecillA / Post office bx26l voir. C#odo 81658 / g0g-949-46g7 20 November 1986 Kristin Pritz Town of Vail Planner Town of Vail North Frontage Road l{est Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Casino Building Dear Kris; As you know, this application is for atta.ching Unit #8 (commer- cial) to Unit #14 above (residential). The physical connection rri-11 be by the use of a glass enclosed stairway located on the vrest side of the building on an existing exterior deck. The stairwell involves an additional 150 GRFA+. We have determined that the building does have the existing GRFA allowab1e to accomodate the addltional 150 GRFA and to also con-vert the 660+ square feet of Unit 8 (commercial) to residential GRFA. I believe that this constitutes a minor alteration to CCI and would request the 60 day review process. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ca1L. Perkins I Date of Application 20 Nov. rg6 APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI) J-.This procedure is required. for alteration ofwhich adds or removej any enclosed floor areareplacement of an exisLing building shal1 bethe Planning and Environm6ntal Commission. an existj.ng buildingor outdoor patio orsubject to review by B. The applicatj-on will not be accepted. until all information is submitted. ADDRESS 708 Congress Avenue Austin, TX ZgZ01 pHONE 512-480-8353 NAME OF APP],ICANTIS ADDRESS p.O.B. 266 REPRESBNTATIVE John [1 . Perkins, Architect Vail, CO 81658 pHONE 949-4637 c.NAME OF irst Frankli.n Financial, Inc. SI ent for First Franklin Financial, Inc. ADDRES 266 YaiI , CO 81658 PHONE 949-4637 D. ],OCATTON Or PROPOSAL A. NAME OF APPL]CANT Flrst Franklin Financlaf. Inc. ADDRESS 281 Bridge Street Vail,co 81657 LE.AL DEscRrprro* 33itf. ;f "t"tfiE rTrEffi E.$r00.00 F. IMPROVEMENT SURVEY OF PROPER,TY SHOWING PROPERTYOF BUILDING AND ANY IMPROVEMENTS ON THE LAND. G. A LTST OF THE NAME OF OWNERS OF AI-,L PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THESUBJECT pROpERTy and their mailing addresses. rr' Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A' The site plan shalr be drawn on a sheet size of 24,, x 36,, at a scareof 1" = 20'; a variation of the sheet si"e or scale may be approved,by the Community Development Department j_f justified; or ttrr. ccr pase 2 1 The clate, North arrow, scare and name of the proposed developmentshall be shovrn on the site plan i C.' The existing topographic character of the site including exist.ingand proposed contours. This condition will only be reqrire4 forexpansion arca where there is a change of tvro feet of g::ade; D. The location and size of all existing and proposed builclings, struc-tures and improvements; E. The existing and proposecl landscaping; F. The location of all elisting and proposed. buirdings, structures . and patios or decks. III. The applicant shall submit in written and graphic form, a preponderanceof evj-dence before the Planning and Enviroimental Commission thatthe proposal is in conformance with the purposes of the CCI Distrj-ctand that the proposal substantially compliei with the vaj-l viilage, Urban Design Guide plan. ,' A- rf.the applicant is proposi-ng a major change in the Vail villaoeurban Design Guide pran, the procedures foi change are notea inSection L8-24.220 (B) . IV. The applicant'must also submi.t written and graphic supporting materiarsthat the proposal substantially con:ptj-es vrif.h tf,. follolring u::banDesign Considerations section of.thL Vail Vlllage Design Co;:sirleration, A. Ped.estri.anization A. Vehicle penetration @ Streetscape FramcworkD. Street Enclosure }* Street Edge E{ Buildins Heighr(c) Vi ews 6 Sun Shade Consideration Many of the above j-tems .should'be ad,dressed in some graphic meansysing such tools as sketches, simulations, moclels (iicfuaing'neignboringbuildings), photos, etc The Town of Vail Zoning Code for CCI also describes other zoning issuesthat the applicant must. respond to in written or grapbic form. VI . Applications for extcrior alterati.ons or nroclificatio:rs in CCI can' are only reviewed semi-annually. They need to be submitted beforethe fourth Monday of May or November. For more specifics on thereview schedule, see Seltion 18.24.065 A_5. application fl Exterior Alteration .'i' 8. V. dr^",* e.os ""rt-*P@W+ qll;{F{ea n+?A Lobc#.. alo Faes ouube Po. Ao* * U6 Vlr|L !"o. &r6eb tAzw- t[JArl- €T-. apcaDe, Wco c/o mle nFr!<t+Alr\ tso* *. z&-6 VAu (a. Slesb yr-,., c.!"-'l t4'+/re b 4Aetofrg GEArtyrsEilMr*e F=P'l ePb|N\,At{hrE€, 2=t E- eoEE, cpEFla- Wl\E b 44 b nS".o6|16l,..1 Plc.H,hpb r}aEirALLI d* b $EFrillE€. t-Eh{e- Lloqb tJnsepe., $\.H. W' PEDSSILI n'7+1 A*scplF*1oU 6LLS6 CLocE- t6lq:E€. BJ1S1q4D 7-b3 te. Crt?2. ev*u_ W., VB4L to. Ht"6b fL.rr iZoro n5nul- t43 €4*d-ot'- R-rLsAPt- EJUoI\tCc couoo z6b ePlbep €t, \.rA{L co.