HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT F G H I J PLAZA LODGE P E C 1985 - 1986 LEGAL/ /art /t/nrn' f,h)q / ' Lab F,Cfl,I,T !1/onL'tr , //3o &4* Pfctr /M0 Itr#' e 't 'ill'11 /r ffi' {/' 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Novem5er 6, 1986 off ice of community developmenl Mr. C'l ark l.li l'l i ngham 1300 Sryan Tower Da11as, Texas 75?0L Re: Chrisiy Sports awning colors Dear Clark: The Design Revierr Board has requested that I ask you jf it would be poss'i ble to change the color of the building to a co'lor that will coordinate more closely with ihe existing color of the Chri sty Sports awning. The Board felt that the color of the builciing somewhat clashed with the existing co'l or of the awning. The Board understands that the color of the building is exactly the co1or that was approved at Design Review Board. Hor.lever, the Board is concerned about the color combination and felt that it would be important to voice their concerns to you. They realize that they have no porver to require you to make this change - Please let me knor.r r,lhat you think about these comments. You may reach me at (303) 476-7000 ext lll. Sincerely, r) | n I ttii, rn{r,,F7 Kristan Pritz - Town P'l anner KP: br cc: Crai g Snowdon Plaza Lodge Associates, Ltd. 291 Bridge Streei llt00 Brtan Tower \hil, Colorado 81657 303 476.4550 Dallas, Ihras 75201 214 969.7500 November 12, 1985 Dls. Kristen Pritz Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Kristen: Thanks for your letter of November 6th concerning thetrim and building color of the plaza Building. While weobviously can't repaint between now and the opening of skiseason, we will definitely consider changing colors next spr ing. As you know we are planning on phase II at the plaza this surnmer. A coordinated change in conjunction with thatwork seems logical. It might be -Iess expeisive, however, tochange the Christy Sport awning and trim instead of changingthe paint color on the entire building. I do share theview, though, that two colors of blue do not go togetherweII. IrlI be in VaiI Thanksgiving if you,d like to visitfurther on this. Yours very truly, Clark S. Willingham CSw/nncc: Craig Snowdon VENDETTA'S, PLAZA $6,000 Total fee BUILDING Addition of 250 space $6,000 In installments after date, of the Town of Vai I at the at Vai1, Colorado: The first installment of $1,200.00 the second installment of $1,5i4.26 the thjrd installment of 91.514.26 the fourth i nstal I ment of $1.514.26 sq ft - changing a storage room to dining Vai1, Colorado October 29 , 1.986 for value received, I promise to pay to the order Office of the Finance Director, Municipa1 BuiIding Six Thousand----------Do l I ars, with interest of ten percent per annun on the unpaid balance, payable in yearly instal lments as fol lows: due and due and due and due and payabl e payab 1 e payabl e payabl e on on on on due 0ctober 29 , 1986 0ctober 29. October 29 0ctober 29 and payabl e on 1987 i988 1989 with the entire unpaid balance of $ 1 514 _ 26 0ctober 29 , 199L IT IS AGREED that if this note is not paid when due or declared due hereunder,the principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw interest at the rate of18 percent per annum, and that failure to make any payment of princ.i pal or'i nterest when due or any default under any encumbiancL or agreement securingthis note shall cause the whole note to become due at once, or the interest tobe counted as pri ncipal , at the option of the holder of the note. The makers and endorsers hereof severally waive presentment for payment, protest, noticeon nonpayment and of protest, and agree to any extension of t'ime of payment andpartial payments before, at or after maturi ty, and if this note or interestthereon-is not paid when due, or suite js brought, agree to pay a1l reasonablecosts of collection, including reasonable attoiney's fees. '& - l/anJ PLAZA BUILDING STATE OF COLORADO COUNTI OF EAGI.E KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT PLAZA LODGE ASSoCIATES, LTD., a Colorado Limited Partnership (the "Declarant"), is the owner of all that certain tract of land platted and described as Lots: G, H, I, J, K and part of Lot F, Block 5-C, vail VilIage First Filing, Town of Vai1, (the "Town"), Eagle County, Colorado and the building located thereon (the "Building"). Declarant hereby declares that all of the property de- scribed above sha1l be held, sold and conveyed subject to the following restrictions, covenants and conditions, which are for the purpose of establishing a general scheme for the development of all of the property in the Town and for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the vaLue, attractive- ness and desirability qf said property and which sha1l run with the land and be binding on all parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in the property or any part thereof, and which shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof , ARTICLE I CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS AND USE OF BU]LDING Section 1.1 Residential Use, The current lodge rooms designatea uniffin the attached Exhibit A shall be used as short term rentals for the general public when the owners of the third floor dwelling unit (shown on Exhibit A) are not utilizing their main dwelling unit. Both unit 13O and f39 sha11 have.independent access to the lodge haIJ.way. In the event the'Building is ever condominimized this restriction on the use of units 130 and 139 sha11 run with the property and wilt not be affected by such change of ownership. Section I.2 Additional Dwellinq Unit. Declarant intends to convert a@g currently used by Christy Sports as an office space into the owners' main dwelling unit. Declarant has the option for a Period of one year from March 10, 1986 to relocate the kitchen from this remodeled office space to an existing accomodation unit elsewhere in the Buildinq. The conversion of this acc6mmodation unit into a dwelling unit by virtue of the addition of the kitchen shall not affect the use of such unit and the unit shall continue to be restricted in use as a short term renta I permenant ly. Thi s rest r iction shall continue to aPply to this unit even if the Buildinq is condominimized. The ri.ght to relocate the kitchen will be void if the kitchen is not relocated by March I0, 1987. s s s ..':, DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR l of 3 Pages c sw- o I RESTRICTIONS FOR - Page 99!'{-4/30/46 o Section. 2.1 ARTICLE II GENERAL PROVISIONi Special Improvement DistltlcE. Declarant shall not remon.strate against and will participate in any special improvement district when and if a special i.mprovement.district is formed for Vail Vi11age. Section 2.2 Drainaqe and Trash. Declarant wi. 11 see that all drainage from the Building is tied into the existing storm sewer system. Declarant wiII also construct a concealed trash area and see that all Building tenants handle trash on a daily basis and do not store any trash outside of any shop on Bridge Street or Founders' Plaza. Section 2 ,3 Parking and Deliveries . Declarant hereby relinquishes forever bhe right to the parking/pick-up - delivery space on the west side of the Building in the Founders ' Plaza area. Section 2.4 Signaqe. DeclaranE will be responsible for a1I tenants complying with all Town signage requirements and specifically will not permit a sign to be placed in the display window to be created on the east side of the new trash room. Section 2.5 Conditions in Perpetuitv. The preceeding four general provisions shal1 be continuing and shall run with the property and shall not be affected by any change in ownership. Section 2.6 Amendment. This agreement may not be modified without written approval from the Town. The '") DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR , 1986 PLAZA LODGE ASSOCIATES, LTD. DECLARANT ADDRESS: 13OO BRYAN TOWER DALLAS, TEXAS 75207 ExEcurED Eriis 6Lday of Pages csw-0 CLARK S. GENERAT - Page 2oE3 899M-4,'/3O/a6 o The undersigned, being a lienholder on the property affected by the foregoing covenants, conditions and restrictions, joins in the execution of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the PLAZA BUITDING for the .purpose of consenting to the covenants, conditions and restrictions therein contained. Plaza Lodge Inc. TITLE President srATE OF TEXAS S s couNTY oF DALLAS s of Covenants, Conditions and Restric- BUILDING was acknowledged before me , 1985, by CLARK S. !{IILINGHAII'1, of Plaza Lodge Associates, Ltd. , a on behalf of said limited partnership. (Print Name) This Declarationtions for the PLAZAt:nis tir/ day of STATE COUNTY OF TEXAS OF DATLAS s s s tiorhi by of.^:ndt Thi snsf S Dec la rat ionr the PLAZA day of of Covenants, BUITDING waS , the Conditions and Restric- achnowledged before me 1985, on behalf of :t ll ,t...",' '.' ' )"",', ',.'.r\ t,,.| \','\,,,''' I ,r iMy ComnlSsion Expires: rUl,lt .S{ OVAK. Notary Pubhc ---:rr-aqd.Tr-itr-e5ul-TTe-If , My comr)rission exprres March 9 1989 DECLARATION OF CONDITIONS AND FOR COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS Pages c s w- 0 Print -Page3of3 899M-4,/1O/8tr ,rrr lrra !rfa |lr rt -d -a xto In lF.l{trJY a rrtdox trur |E9totr8 o6lvHot@o "t0v^ DN0@lT[rxg aocl@T vzvldj d B o2o()l!v, oztro d olJ 'r ?a?'ri'fv Q L tl l" tlx!5 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR PLAZA BUILDING STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE KNOITI ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: s s s THAT PtAzA LODGE ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Colorado Limited Partnership (the "Declarant" ) , is the owner of all that certain tract of Iand platted and described as tots: G, H, I, J, K and part of Lot F, BLock 5-C, Vail Village First Filing, Town of VaiI, (the "Town"), EagIe County, Colorado and the building }ocated thereon (the "Building"). Declarant hereby decLares that aIl of the property de- scribed above sha11 be heLd, sold and conveyed subject to the following restrictions, covenants and conditions, which are for the purpose of establishing a general scheme for the development of all of the proPerty in the Town and for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value, attractive- ness and desirability of said property and which shal1 run with the land and be binding on all parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in the property or ant part thereof, and which shal1 inure to the benefit of each owner thereof. ARTICLE I CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS AND USE OF BUILq]Xq Section l.l Residential Use.The current lodge rooms designatea uniffin the attached Exhibit A shall be used as short term rentals for the general public when the owners of the third floor dwetling unit (shown on Exhibit A) are not utilizing their main dwelling unit. Both unit 130 and 139 shall have independent access to the lodge ha1lway. In the event the Building is ever condominimized this restriction on the use of units 130 and 139 shaIl run with the property and will not be affected by such change of ownership. Section 1,2 Additional Dwellin Dec 1a r ant intends to convert a spaaE--in tne euilding currently used by Christy Sports as an office space into the oetners' main dwetling unit. Declarant has the option for a period of one year from March 10, 1986 to relocate the kitchen from this iemodeled office space to an existing accomodation unit elsewhere in the Bui lding.The conversion of this accommodation unit into a dwelling unit by virtue of the addition of the kitchen shaIl not affect the use of such unit and the unit shall continue to be restricted in use as a short term rental permenantly. This restriction shaIl continue to apPly to this unit even if the Building is condominimized. The right to relocate the kitchen wiIl be void if the kitchen is not relocated by March 10, 1987. DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR I of 3 Pages c sw- 0 - Page 89qM-4/to/45 ARTICLE II GENERAL PROVISIONS Section. 2.1 The Declarant shaIl not remonstrate against and will participate i.n any special improvement district when and if a special improvement district is formed for vail VilIage. Section 2.2 Drainaqe and Trash. Declarant. will see that all drainage from the Building is tied into theexisting storm sewer system. Declarant wiII also construct a concealed trash area and see that all Building tenants handle trash on a daily basis and do not store any trash outside of any shop on Bridge Street or Founders' Plaza. Section 2.3 Parking and Deliveries. Declarant hereby relinquishes forever the right to the parking/pick-up - delivery space on the west side of the Building in the Founders' Plaza area. Section 2 .4 Signage. Declarant will be responsiblefor all tenants complying with all Town signage requirements and specificalty wiII not permit a sign to be placed in the display wi.ndow to be created on the east side of the new trash room. Section 2.5 Cond i t ions t-npreceeding four general provisions shal1 be continuing shall run with the property and sha1l not be affected by change in ownership. Section 2.5 gmendment. This agreement may not be modified without writte.n approva] from the Town. // t./ EXECUTED Unis L{-- day of ..r{fr4r,' , 1986._-_-_T- U PLAZA TODGE ASSOCIATES, tTD. DECTARANT ADDRESS: 13OO BRYAN TOWER DALLAS, TEXAS 7520L The and any DECLARATION OF CONDITIONS AND FOR covENANTS, RESTRICTIONS - Page 2 oE 3 Pages c sw- o 8 9 9 M - 4 / 3 0 / a 6 The undersigned, being a Iienholder on the proPerty affected by the foregoing covenants, conditions andrestrictions, joins in the execution of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the PLAZA BUILDING for the purpose of consenting to the covenant5, conditions and restri.ctions therein contained. BY: NA!18 TITLE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS This Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restric- tions for the PLAZA BUILDING vras acknowledged before me thi sis ,'21 day of rrZ,,, , 1986, by CLARK S. WTLLTNGHAM, : \ .rayrar.] nrrFnar /nf Dl rz= T nr{i.ra Aeczrai:f a< T-Fd .,thR{r general partner /of Plaza Lodge Associates, Ltd., a ,Ii'fiited 'partnership, on behalf of said limited partnership., fl'tri'ted.',Srartnership, on behalf of said limited partnership. l' ,,' | .,) ,,''," I '.'.' t ,S s S s s s S STATE COUNTY OF Thisfor OF TEXAS DALLAS Dec 1a r at ionthe PLAZAday of NOTAR of Covenants, BUTLDING was ATE OF Conditions and Restric- acknowledged before me 1985, tions thi s by of the , or behalf of said My Commission Expi.res : NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS ( Pri. nt Name) DECLARATION OF CONDITIONS AND FOR COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS Pages c sw- 0 .4 Commi s sion xp ]- res -Page3of3 899M-4/1n/86 Plaza Lodge Associates, Ltd. 291 Brldge Streei- tB00 Bnan tbwer lall, Colorado BltiS7 303 -176.'t550 Dallas. lbras 75201 2t.l 969.7500 May 7, 1985 Mr. c. Blair Ferguson, Senior Vice-PresidentInterFirst Bank Da1laa, N.A. P.O. Box 83?9tDallas, Texas 75283-O79L Dear Blair: Enclosed is a restrictive covenant that the Tovrn ofVaiL is requiring of us to remodel the penthouse and ChristySports. Since you are the mortgage holder I thought itwould be approprlate for you to execute this also eventhough the changes enhance your collateral not dininieh it. Please send the two originals direct to Vail in theenclosed envelope. A copy is enclosed for your files andIrll forward a fiJ-e starnped copy upon receipt. The remodeling work began on April 2L, 1985 and isprogressing without a snag so far. When you visit Vail nextyear to inspect your colJ.ateral I think you,ll be impressedby the changes. Thanks for your prompt help in this matter. Yours very truly, Clark S. Willinghan ,{,Y0" i{,1,(^ ^,, I L/' PLAZA LODGE FINAL ZONING ANALYSIS FOR BLDG PERMIT MAY 5. 1986 Site Area: Dens i ty: .2882 acres or 12,554 sq Al I owed 7 dwel 'l i ng un i ts Existing 9duI au lau L0 au ft (25 units/acre) Znd floor 3rd floor Znd fl oor 3rd floor Proposed 8du 1au ldu 8au 10 du & ll or .|5.5 du au 10du&9au or '14.5 du (assumes is relocated to an within one year) existing kitchen accommodatio unit RetaiI Addition: 1160 GRFA Al I owed: Addi ti on : Total GRFA with addit. Remainder GRFA after addition, GRFA remaining SITE COVERAGE: Al I owed: Ex i st'i ng : Addition: Total coverage w/addit: Remaining after addjt: COMMON AREA: Al I owed: Existing: Add iti on: Total with addition: Surpl us 47 sf counteo as sf to Christy Sports L0,043 sf.|40 sf 9,875 sf ]68 sf- 47 sf of excess common area.|21 sf 10,043 sf 7,760 sf 488 sf 8,248 sf 1 ,795 sf 2,009 sf I,935 sfl2l sf 2,056 sf GRFA t. PARKING: PLAZA LODGE MAY 1986 BUILDING PERMIT Retail Expansion: 1160 sf at I space/300 sf = 3.9 spaces 3.9 spaces x 3,000/space = .l.l,700 Residential Expansion: No additional parking as unit decreased from 3 units at 5 units at 4 spaces 2.number is being sPaces to 2 { 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlty developmenl To: From: Date: Re: Whom it l4ay Concern Department of Community Devei opmentJuly 10, 1985 Plaza Lodge Our office has been asked to prepare a list of development statisticsfor the ?]u1u_Lodge property in Vajt vj11age. ftre-toilorin! informationwas compiled last summer during an inventoiy of alI bu.i ldinds .in theVr'llage- it represents the moit cument jnlormation our otiice has concerningthis propertv." ,iE&> d rrr_,Site Area; .#Facres or llffi sq.. Zoning : Conrmercial Core I . Allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA)Existing GRFA . Al lovrabl e Dwel I ing Uni ts. Existing Drve11 ing Uni ts Allowabie Conmercial. Existing Corrnercial Units . Requ'i red 0n-Site parkino : While there is no limit to cormercialnnst likely have to take place within rA+S+-s"q. lo, 0q 3 9 ,181 sq. 7 Dwel 1 i ng Uni ts 13 Dwelling Units No I imit urithin existing bl dg approximately 11,426 sq. n0ne 0ther general information concerning the property: r The property is 6 units over the number of units ailowed by zoning square footage, any increase would the existing structure. The VajI village urban. Design Guideplan calls for no physical expansionto the building with the exception of an open arcade bvlr the eridgeStreet wal kway. t0, Dv3t'{.-(,# tt,,f. TEfiR(ta+ffi2*L o t\ U unl ^n s,r1,r*rl;*', o f\l,t /ll.anqn^ hil:Aty 1utu lu,no t: ?t[ ?] Iry l?- )at f{ x tt 1Ll 11 rt1 361l{ rll 361. af,; tY 3?>t rtl \t! 3Y)Dfi l*tf lr xS<1 Br 3f, (j-1 IloU lfr 9 11 ft 7O ^vJtu tr :r tt1 t{ X5*} 3o*'lf ll-yJ Ir/Y lt{ r}t \?r.,? aax t{ ? Y"> t4*-t1 !t{t 17 J)f uvt*, )- a(rxt\l l8o lrjLll Z)S )t rt )\ lStl t{ r\ +6 {35D rY \tr t?b l)? 380 /g JLI Jl * ?f )31f g xl?* It /J.trx Ll^t 'O'..--lfl l p,l6rdJd flw 2( v &.r ]c8 6fu /&T /D] ?zJ*"1 7 3,f {7 Ji,s J,Sxlt/:J- J.7 t rtuJ catqrrqTrtry,\: J,fr lL SL;r) /q-+5;ry. -)sz)'-J-A.s .-=. '' - - I -: "'-:::: sr.ral(lay-' q D-'-Lt, : J A,L, TI"l {lar lD A.U or t,c u- /{r 0tr /0 D,u. t Au. &DL( -t7;d Ft , qAu /0 I:IK- a' f 0' ? tunt,"'/ 0qt tutno/.l 1tLI AIL q. A,u./ 0u. lv. cu. oO rt -"' "ltyl a, i:,; L a Ll{tfu,r lDtV-; 3?rll J-tt -tIvf,.s- 1D.tJ*; Yul {1 ,t8'l Jlxg Yrtt tt yL irt lv 13 tJ'I ?utr Art #xt 7 ilv Il tlDu& V drJ ffi AD 1ill VD - /DY. t 1D ras',F at J9 l1o taII ?o tF UD@ i ?-3L' llv,. H (v € awnaL#-- JltI @ ,ry @ ar}@ I /doi @ ,//tr Jrt+ /g ,8, ::..:a't" }t ll +1 lrt It Je5fttJ- /O I . 'Kx df l v;r )t v tltl lDv3DtJ- J1 s/o /l {J tr xl Jrx. Jl /) r Y I BYr) t.r x 1.a, JIDF Jrt l3((l l,tDtlo J} E '- J.l x1'1- tt 3,1 xf = R J, t rr .f,?= tl J,?r tf, 1l$vb )t ,,1 u"5o l? 7.{v ; f? {os.} 6t &t S,Lu7,L Ao .1,1v {, ? n -4F iAy fl,'{ 'i@) /ryS? W*6d.<Aq Il'I{-u I tr '0l5 > r5a1 tt )fixl r'6- J,r J+l A?v) s6 Itl-o M^r^q tidlrlic\.'t J t J t1 Vt,i rl uq\gn\ tlo- Fptanr r{axrln: locrcti".-on\ omnprifri\ tl,.n 'db1o t,ld r^r,\t 'dailrrap I'l,,il V Dqrmo[ 0{g- a^^P&h }e}^ord- u{in+ r]u^io*h r fi \\,n uq rrln.CI,eAlc o @cqo^d [otri^l idndu oo 0",6 r\a^n-b ucl..t-iu, si'eplatru' \t$f JM D.\r..an rl^J Ftor.r bnem ut,il:,*;l l,<pt ; i 1D. tn, ^a'rLy{LiiTfiry "N u "dei'E/v{indr-t*J rl t AilQL. .U i .ll\tz (0J{.lix40: sNowDoN AND HODr(rNc- - nndnrrEcid""J 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.2201 TDtd N clF VAIL fup.d6\1$5 'ffir?-( frtffetna@ LETTER Dare AFFIL- 3a, bd subject TLxz^ LtwL @oWt.* a:4a7VaA9 Ta WTAQ D FE ffiQ Tu)o Eefr--@ fe.-o* ?f1a;(1tVa bffiapr+. &24' tq . Ler,,o4feo fua( -(e pac-ou(v1 9 atu)E<:1111A FAtauJ tAi N.?4r,3 t 0US -z) FpF:* ?Atee4- 4 Peev+-<'t-+> et-tefL Dr Naar.J Nirll ^?4 tat 6pa7^-tizl 6'nne '=rzz- ) _Adru M*fiaP g i) A<D:>W %EFSS oJlgpair9 fr\o Mk& 1gaP. uorg@iD +tu z-) ?eylpt*p at4hLt-. 4/, rr& |'v<ry? e,rq{L+aab G hA4e A Awq-<> .a,Jrg6 veae{zt P1$1N6 (aoq NrMac,I * z7 Ta 511)py' 4t4&\,& aP-rrV uir rVar'oS l^u*{ror) tu& 4-t yryry"-g G 5(aoY wwT tu{zrffiPn1 3 l ) rcD€+e lS?:te: tz) rNO? aJ 9 l+on? aglspqf ?@rI %*e ee^€a, ftkeo ft-'#rz- 7a r4(p?L-& lrV bFL4p4Jtu TrUEe ar++il,W5 /,{tnpe- til ci4AludF& hrl? Nd( Aft@rtMa out4-u{,( iffi42n1 *fft.*r++'JcE- b^t+lw +@h7rr6 M*< cap7- @qfifru%arz, I Please reply fl No repry necessary Forrtf 180'2 Ava srriii iro. [-rc]rnc. G.otof Mass 01450 ' Frojecl Applicatl PEjsct ft0am€: Project Description: Contaet Person and Phone ' Owner, Addr€ss and Phon€: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAT 6LrHrrrl o? Srro-Ll. tbt tow xt bB o &l ['".r" * tU bttr's 'ft\Q. Lfu -t,' Ql t.ura.h*,.* Cd*. *k \r- *ers {nc L\r*gr +,.sq6[i r:"r- o 6 =i;\l^) c.{ I I I I I I I + o o | ..V,7'Application Number SIGN APPLICATION Date April 21, 1956 Name of Project Name of Person Subrnitting Location of Project Description of project sicrn fnr. rew ro€arion tat Fee Paid Sally Cornwall Phone 475-Z+20 The following informat.ion is required forto the Design Review Board before a final Si gn submi tta I fee .i s $20.00. submittal by the appljcant approval can be given. A. Sign Material Four inch mahogany wood B. Description of Siqno.Lameter sisn fihir )'lqngn Whi The sign will be a three foot g1?I"j':f.,!h" "igl wiu_ have pi" "t"i w ],rv \r-l u r \Jl.l. D :,?Y?19 jl39t]g:__l!g 1,"*: or-ifi" ltore-ure lounger Generationwill C. Size of Sign !3 inches 1n d.iameter nU. F Length of Conrnents 1. Site Plan2. Drawings showing exact locatjon l. Photographs showing proposed IocETTifr-4. Actual sign5. Colored scale &wing-6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB submittET- - Sign AdministratoF- 51gn Aclministrator lnltn 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlty developmenl Apri l 16, J.986 Mi chael Sanner Snowdon and Hopkins Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vai 1 , Col orado 81657 RE: New remodel work for the Plaza Lodge jn order to condominiumjze the bui 1di ng. Dear Michael , After looking over the perliminary remodel drawings, I am asking that you submit some additional informat'i on that w.i ll make it eas.i er for me tounderstand how Clark l,tillingham would like to use each unit. I wou'l dappreciate it if you would submjt the following informat.i on for the approved PEC Floorplans Winter '86 and Proposed Remodel: 1. Unit numbers with corresponding square footages/unit, 2. Designate each unit as an accomodation unit or dwel l.i ng unit. 3. Specify Kitchens. 4. Summarjze total square footage and number of A.U.,s and D.U.'s. 5. A wri tten explanation for each unjt as to how the unit is changed in the proposed remodel . As I stated over the phone, if Mr. willingham maintains the same number of accommodation units and dwelling units as well as the same total squarefootage for each of these uses then it will not be nessesary for theproposal to go to Planning cormission. The owner also has ihe option todivide the square footage so that 49% of the total GRFA is allocated todwelling units and 51% of the total GRFA is allocated to accommodationunits. If the owner wishes to remodel in th'i s way, it will be nessesarythat the proposal be reviewed by the planning commission if any dwellingunits or accommodation units are decreased. The accommodation units anddwelling units may be rearranged however the number and total square footages would iieed to be the same in order to avoid planninq commission. It is also important to remember that a lock off unit must not have a square footage total that is greater then 30% of the total GRFA of the main unit. This point is important to remember when you are rearranging the units. If you have any questions on the information that I am requesting, please feel free to give me a call- S i ncere'ly ,r/ | O.l [mtan trrT+ Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP:jlt 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476,7000 February 27, 7986 Mr. Cl ark 1,}i 1 'l i ngham 1300 Bryan Tower Dal I as, Texas 75201 Re: Condomjn'i umization of the Pl aza Lodge Dear Cl ark: office ol communlty develoPmenl I have enclosed the regulatjons that apply to the process of converting a lodge into a condominiumized bui lding. Please note that accommodation units have a special restriction under the conversjon regulations. In Section 17.26.075..l it states: "An owner's oersonal use of his unit shall be restricted to 14 days during the seasonal period of December 15 through Aprill5 and 14 days duri ng June 15 through September L5." This restriction does not apply to dweliing units, i.e.units that have kitchens. The conversjon of a lodge project requires Planning Commission review. The Town Council maycall up the project after Planning Commission review if they so desire. I have enclosed the schedule of meetings and submittal deadlines for the Planning Commission for 1986. Any condominiumjzation will have to meet both the requirements laid out in Sectjon .|7.26 which addresses general condom'i nium conversions as well as Section 17.26.075 which relates to accommodation unit conversions'i n a'l odge. Sectjon .l7.16..|30 provides you wjth the informatjonthat is necessary to include on your condominium p1at. If you have any questions, pl ease feel free to give me a call. Si ncerely, ,/ ' ir "r'..-4; y.i /. ti l' Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner KP:br Enc I osures 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 3l , 1986 offlce ol community development Mr. Craig Snowdon Snowdon Hopkins Archjtects 20.l East Gore Creek Drive Vai1, Coiorado 8.|657 Re: Plaza Lodge Remodel Submittal for the February 24 pEC Meet.i ng Dear Craig: I am happy to see that you have been able to pu11 back the bujlding so that fjreand snowplow access will be much easier for the Town. I have revi6wed your mostrecent subm'i ttal for the Plaza Lodge remodel and have the fol lowing comments: 1. ?opgorn wagon: I would appreciate it if you would communicate to IlaBuckley the Plaza Lodge owner's position on-moving the popcorn wagon. Iwill call Ila and make sure that she understands itrat ttre Town is notwilling to re-landscape the area in which she prefers to locate herpopcorn wagon. The staff felt that thjs location might give her betterexposure. However, we are not able to cover the cost for the revised landscape plan and materials. 2. Trash: The staff is glad to see that the trash area has been removed Trorn ttre area adjaceni to th" eievator. It is our understanding that the ent'i re building will now be using Vendetta's trash area. The slaff wouldlike a response from you as to whether you really feel th.i s is arealistic solution. 3. Disp=lay window East. Elevation: The staff wou'l d l ike to see the expandeddisplay window on the southeast corner of christy Sports rema.in in thedesign as original 1y proposed. It is felt that the addit.i onal d.isplayspace would add transparency to that corner of the building. Staff wou'l dalso iike to see the planter located on the east side of the elevatoradded to the revised drawings. The planter will be helpful in softeningthe tallness of the elevator tower. 4. 6. 7. 8. o Fireplaces: According to my calculations, I show that you are adding one fireplace to the lobby as well as a fjreplaceto the remodeled dwelling unit on the th.i rd floor. East Elevation: Staff would like to see an east elevation ofthe elevator without the existing trees .in front of jt. Deck Additions: All the new decks that are being added should be shown on the respective elevations as well as the si te pl an. Elevator: It appears that the elevator has jncreased in height and width. Please let us know why thjs was necessary. Unit 139: Staff would like some clarification as to what the space is in front of unit 139. This space is located to thenorth of the stairway going downstairs. Urban Design Gujde Plan Considerations: a. Street Enclosure: Please show a diagram of the existing/proposed ratio between wall height and street wi dth - Building Height: Please give me the height of theexisting roofs in feet as well as the proposed hejghtof the addition and elevator so that the building heights may be compared to those required bV thii design consideration. Views: A view analysis js definitely required for Planning Commission even though you have stated thatthere are no impacts on any views. The Guidelinesspecifically state that, "When evaluatjng a proposal,first priority should be given to an analysis of the impact of the project on views from pedestrian areas. whether designated or not. The views designated to bepreserved originate from either major pedestrjan areasor pubi i c pl azas. Whether affecti ng the des i gnated view planes or not, the impact of all proposed bu.i Iding expansions on vjews from pedestrian ways must bedemonstrated, and mitigated where warranted.', Inrespect to the Plaza Lodge project, vi ews from Founders'P1 aza, Seibert Circle, t.lall Street and Br.i dgeStreet are important to analyze. Sun/Shade: I am asking that you expand on the sun/shade analysis that was submitted. The sun/shadeanalysis should show the ex.i stjng/proposed sun angles on an elevation as weil as the shade patterns on a sjtep1an. The staff is especial ly interested jn any effect b. d. on Brjdge Street. The Guidejines state that "All newor expanded buildings should not substantjally increase the spring and fall shadow pattern (March 2'l through September 23) on adjacent properties or the pub'l ic ri ght-of-way." The staff is interested in seeing the most extreme situations to determine impacts. I have enclosed appropriate sections of the Design Considerations for you to refer to when studying how to address the issues listed above. 10. Qonditional Uqe: A conditional use permit is necessary duetoTF Gss oT-one accommodation unil that will become alock-off for the remodeled dwelling unit. A dwelf ing unitwill also be deleted due to the remodel . (Please see the zon i ng statj sti c sheet . ) 11. Zoning Statjstjcs: I have enclosed on a separate page my zoning statistics for the property. The other Town departments will be reviewing these plans on Monday. As soon as possible, I will let you know any comments that they may have concerning the new submittal . If, after reading this letter, you feelthat you have questions, please feel free to call me. Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br Si ncere I y,^ Kirl^^ Ri\ Site Area .2882 Dens i ty : Znd floor 3rd floor GRFA Al I owed: Ex isti ng: Addi t ion : total-ERrn-iliTh addi ti on Remaining GRFA after addition SITE COVERAGE Al I owed: Exi st ing: Addi ti on PLAZA LODGE ZONING ANALYSIS acres or 12,554 sq ft Ex isti ng 9 D.U. 2nd floor 14.U. 10 A.U. 3rd floorI D.U. 10D.U.&ilA.U. 9DU or 10,043 sq ft 9,735 sq ft 236 sq ft 9,971 sq ft 72 sq ft 10,043 sq ft 7,760 sq ft 488 sq ft 8,248 sq ft 1,795 sq ft 2,009 sq ft I,935 sq ft 70 sq ft 2,005 sq ft Proposed 8 D.U.I A.U. 9 A.U.I D.U. & 10 A.U. or 15.5 0. U. 14 D. U. * The proposed remodel involves remodeling three exjsting D.U.s above Chri sty Sports into two D.U.'s. One of the remodeled D.U.swjll have one lock-off. The proposal results in a loss of I D.U. and I A.U. Total Site Cover- age with addition Remaining Site Coverage after add iti on COMMON AREA: - nTT6wed Existing Add i ti on Total coilil6i-IFea with addition 1-l { . T0: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT: I. Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 24, 1986 Request for a conditional use permit in order to eliminate two accommodation unit at the Plaza Lodge located on Lots G, H, I, J, K and part of F, 81ock 5C, VajI Vi1Iage First Fi1ing. App'licant: P'l aza Lodge Associates, Ltd. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE Plaza Lodge Associates, Ltd. is requesting to remodel three existing dwelling units on the second and third floor of the Plaza Lodge. The units are located on the south end of the building above Christy Sports. Presently, one dwelling unit on the second floor is used by Christy Sports as an office space. However, according to the zoning code, this unit is cons'i dered to be a dwelling unit, as it has a kitchen and is designed for residential use. The second dwelling unit on the secondfloor is used as a residential unit. The unit on the third floor is also used as an existing dwelling unit. The appl icant js proposing to redes'ign these three units into two dwelling units. One unit would be located on the second floor and the second dwelling unit will be located on the third f]oor. Two ex'i sting accommodation units, Unit .l39 (on the east sjde of the building) and Unit130 (located on the west side of the building) will be combined with the third floor dwelfing unit. Both Units 130 and 139 will be accessible from a public hallway and will also have a lockoff door that w'i ll connect it to the third floor dwelling unit. The applicant is propos'ing that Units .l30 and .|39 will be short term rentals when the owner is not using the main third floor unit- According to the zoning code (Section .|8.04.070), " a dwelling unit in a multi-family bui'lding may include one attached accommodation unit." The code (.|8.04.030) defjnes an accommodation unit as "any room or group of rooms without kitchen facilities designed for or adapted to occupancy ny guests-Ii'd accessible from common corridors, waiks or balconies without passing through another accommodation unit or dwelling unit." A conditional use review'i s necessary as the code allows a dwelling unit to have only one accommodation unit lock-off. Given this proposal , the owner is requesting to have two lock-offs connecting to the third floor dwelling unit. In respect to the loss of the iecond floor unit that presently isutilized by Chri sty Sports. The owner would ljke to relocate that kitchen into an existing accommodation unit. Oue to the relocation of the dwelling unit, an accommodation unit wiII be lost and a conditional use review is necessary. The owner has agreed to maintain the new dwelling unit as a short term rental premanently. t The Plaza lodge is already over the allowed number of dwelling units.l- - The situation is considered to be nonconformjng in respect to density. The Christy Sports kitchen may be relocated as long as it is replaced within one year. According to the zoning code (Section .l8.64.070), "Any non conforming use which is discontjnued for a peri od of 12 months, regardless of any intent to resume operation or use, shall not be resumed thereafter, and any future use of the s'i te or structures thereon shall conform with the provisions of this title." (Please see the zoning analysi s be1ow. ) ( Zoning Analysis Site Area: .2882 acres or 12,554 sq ft Density: Allowed 7 dwelling units (25 units/acre) Exi sti ng Proposed 2nd Floor 9 D.U. 2nd Floor I D.U.I A.U. 'l A.U. 3rd Floor 10.U. 3rd Floor 10.U. 10 A.U. I A.U. 10 D.U. & il A.U. 10 D.U. & 9 A.U. or .l5.5 0.U. or .l4.5 D.U. (assumes existing kitchen is relocated to an accommodation unit within one year ) (The proposed remodel involves remodeling three existing dwe11ing units above Christy Sports into two dwelling units. One accommodatjon unjt is decreased due to the additional lock-off for the third floor dweilingunit. The second accommodation unit will be lost if it is used for theChristy Sports dwel1ing unit's kitchen. This results jn a total decreasein density of two accommodation units or one dwelling unit.) II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 1.8.60, the Community Oevelopment Department recommends approval of the conditjonal use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors 1' Relationship and iqpact of the use on development objectives of the Town. The staff fee'l s that it is a positive impact to technically decrease the density on this site. The project already exceeds the allowed number of units by 8.5 dwe11ing units. t ( Due to the reorganization of the floor plans of the second andthird floors, technical 1y two accommodation units will be lost. However, the lock-off accommodatjon unit w.i ll be a short-termrental when the owner is not using the third floor dwelling unit. Moreover, the Christy Sports kitchen, although relocated in an accommodatjon unit, will be used in exactly the same way as theexisting accommodation unit, i.e. a short-term rental un.it. Staff believes that there is actual 1y a net ga.i n of residential space even though the zoning statistics indicate that the accommodation units are actual 1y decreased. According to the zoning code, the Christy Sports unjt must be considered to be adwelling unit due to the kitchen and resjdent.i a1 design of thespace. In reality this unjt is used as an off.i ce. Staff feelsthat the proposal results in a positive impact as the office use is be'ing replaced by a residential use. Instead of an office. the space now contains two bedrooms. In respect to the relocaieoChristy Sports kitchen, even though the accommodation uni t wjll become a dwel'l ing unit because of the new kitchen, the owner has agreed to maintajn the unit as a short-term rental . The extralock-off (un.i t 139) will be used as a short-term rental when notutilized by the owner. In addition, it should be noted that the two lost accommodationunits are only used at this time for guests during the winter.Unit 130 is used as storage for the Toy Shop and Unit .l39 serves asa painting studio during the summer- Accord.i ng to the owner, Clarklllillingham, the Plaza Lodge only functions as a lodge during thewinter season. In the sllmner, the Plaza,s rooms are used as'I ong-term rentals for the summer season. The owner has agreed to commit to managing the Plaza as a year-round lodge by the end of0ctober .l986. Staff beljeves that the proposal meets the spiri t of the Town,sefforts to encourage residential uses, particularly accommodat.i onunits in the Village area. Even though the zoning statisticsindicate that technical 1y two accommodation units are lost. jt .i sfelt that the overall square footage and use of space forresidential uses is increased. z.The effect of the use on and ai r distribution of opu I ati ontransnortati on acilities t ies s. parKs an recreat ionaciI ities. and o acil it No impact. ?Effect n traffic with arti cul ar reference to conqe s t itive and nedestri an safetv an c0nven I ence traffi c ow anocontraccess. maneuvera remova I o snow eSlfget and parking areas. The proposal wi'l I remove the parking and Ioading Founders Plaza side of Chri sty Sports. This is a problem on the positive'impact. { Staff has.reviewed the proposa'r against the urban DesignConsiderations found in the Exterior Alteration review. It is feltthat the proposal compares favorably against these criteria. Forthis reason there are no negative impa-ts with respect to thisconsi derati on. B. lggh ot-her factors ald criteria as the Commission deems appl.i cable to thepropos In Commercial Core I, it is required that the condjtjonal use review alsoaddress the fol'l owing development factors: 1. Effects of vehicular traffic on commercial core I District. 2. Reduction of vehicular traffic in commercial core I Distr.i ct. 3. Reduction of non-essential off-street parkjng. 4- Control of delivery, pick-up, and servjce vehicles. It is felt that this proposal will have positive impacts on theseconsiderations as the removal of the parking space on the west side ofthe Chri sty Sports will decrease traffic inio an essentially pedestrianalea.. Loading and deliveri es will also occur on the Bridge Street sideof tle project. This should decrease the number of trucki unload.ing onthe Founders Plaza area. 5. Development of public spaces for use by pedestrians. No impact Continuance of the various commercial .in Commercial Core I district so as to character of the area. The proposal reinforces_the existing uses in the plaza Lodge. Thecormerci al expansi on wj I I add more exc.i t.i ng retai I at thepedestrian level . The remodel ing of the lodge will create a morepositive expenience for the guest. In addition, the remodel .i ng ofthe.dwel I ing units actual 1y results in greater iquare feet forresidential purposes. For these reasons, staff believes t.hat theproposal promotes the continuance of the uses listed above. control _quality of construction, architectural design and landscapedesign in commercial core I district so as to maintiin the ex.i stingcharacter of the area. Through the exteri or alteration review, the staff has determ.inedthat the proposal upholds the character of the Village area. A.Effect u lfe character of th area in which the roDosed use ist.1 e DroDose use rnre latl0n ln surroundi nq u ses resj dentj al , and publ j c uses maintain the existing 6. 7. III. IV. None F INDI NGS V. The community Development Department recommends that the conditional usepermit be approved based on the followjng find.i ngs: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with the purposes ofthis ordinance and the purposes of the district in which the sjte js I ocated. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under whjch it would be operated or majnta'i ned would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or material 1y 'i njurious to properties or improvements jn the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The conditional use meets the three findings ljsted above, Staff recommends approval of the conditjonal use permit contjngent upon the owner agreeing to the following conditions: l. Both units ]39 and ]30 wili be used as short term rentals for thegeneral public when the owners of the third floor dwelling unit arenot utilizing their main dwelling unit. Unit 139 will nave an access door to the common ha1 1way. In the event that the projectis condominiumized, units .|39 and .l30 will still be used as short term rentals when the owners of the third floor dwelling unit arenot using their unit. 2. The new dwelling unit that will be created by the addition of the Chri sty Sports kitchen to an exjsting accommodation unjt will berestricted as a short term rental unit permanently. Thisrestriction will continue to apply to the unit even if the propertyis condominiumized. 3. The owner will give up the ri ght to the Chr.i sty Sports k.itchen ifthe kitchen is not relocated to an accommodation unit with.in oneyear of the date of PEC approval . 4. The owner wili agree to provide these cond.i tions of approval in alegal agreement for the Town before a building permit is issued forthe remodel . These conditions will run with the property and willnot be affected by a change in ownersh.i p. It is felt that even though the numbers reflect that there is an actual decrease in accommodation units, the guest and owner use of the propertywill be substantially increased due to the new management of the project as well as upgrading of the faciljties through this remodel . For these reasons staff recommends approvai of the condjtional use request. { L Plaza lodge Associates, Ltd. 291 Bridge Street 13OO Bryan lbwer Vail, Colorado 81657 303 476-4550 Dallas, Ibxas 75201 214 069-7500 lilay J-, 1985 Me. Kristen pritz 75 S. Frontage Road Town of VaiLVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Kristen: Enclosed is a draft of the restriction documentfor the Plaza Building. After the Town's review I willfinalize and send you executed copies for tiling inEagle. Yours very truly, Clark S. wiJ_J-ingham CSI{/nm enclosure cc: Blair FergusonInterFirst Bank DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR PLAZA BUILDING STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE KNOW ALt MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT PLAZA LODGE ASSOCIATES, tTD., a Colorado LimitedPartnership (the "Declarant"), is the owner of all thatcertain tract of land platted and described as Lots: G, H,I, J, K and part of Lot F, Block 5-C, VaiI Village FirstFiIing, Town of Vail, (the "Town"), Eagle County, Colorado and the building located thereon (the "Building"). Declarant hereby decLares that all of the property de-scribed above shall be held, sold and conveyed subject tothe fol"lowing restrictions, covenants and conditions, whichare for the purpose of establishing a general scheme for the development of all of the property in the Town and for thepurpose of enhancing and protecting the value, attractive- ness and desirability of said property and which shal1 runwith the land and be binding on aIl parties having oracguiring any right, title or interest in the property orany part thereof, and which sha11 inure to the benefit of each owner thereof. ARTICLE I CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS AND USE OF BUILDING Section 1. I Resi.dential Use. The current lodge rooms designated units 139 and 130 on the attached Exhibit A shall be used as short term rentals for the general public when the owners of the third floor dwelling unit (shown onExhibit A) are not utilizing their main dwelling unit. Bothuni.t 130 and 139 shall have independent access to the lodgehallway. In the event the Building is ever condominimizedthi.s restriction on the use of units 130 and 139 sha1l runwith the property and rsill not be affected by such change of ownership. Section I.2 Additional Dwellinq Unit.Declarantintends to convert a space in the Building currently used byChristy Sports as an office space into the owners' main dwelling unit. Declarant has the option for a period of oneyear from March I0, f986 to relocate the kitchen from this remodeled office space to an existing accomodation unit elsewhere in the BuiIding. The conversion of this accommodation unit into a dwelling unit by virtue of theaddition of the kitchen shaII not affect the use of suchunit and the unit shall continue to be restricted i.n use asa short term rental permenantly. This restriction shallcontinue to apply to this unit even if the Bui Iding .iscondominimized.. .*t_ y:ralj h .c\U*4e_ :t\o_ L'+(t^ai^. w,\t hL y6rdrf -tl"q h{c\^q^ rl r,0\ ,ttccafu.d d b\ Mq.r.f.. \0, ({g+ DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR - Page I of 3 Pages FRI l\l[, i f\ L d./!\ ..:-',i l Ll [T [Xa'uul ii][J s s s c sw- o 8 9 9 M - 4 / 3 0 / a 6 ARTICLE II GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 2.1 Special Improvement District. TheDeclarant. shaIl not remonstrate against and will participatein any speciat improvement di.strict when and if a specialimprovement district is formed for Vait Vil1age. Section 2.2 Drainaqe and Trash. Declarant wi. 11 seethat a l1 drainage from the Bui lding is tied into theexisting storm sewer system. Declarant will also constructa concealed trash area and see that all Building tenantshandle trash on a daily basis and do not store any trashoutside of any shop on Bri.dge Street or Founders' plaza. Section 2.3 Pa rkin and Dec 1a ranthereby relinquishes forever the right to the parking,/pick-up - delivery .space on the west side of the Building in the Founders ' PLaza area. Section 2 .4 Signaqe. Declarant wiII be responsiblefor all tenants complying with all Town signage requirementsand specifically will not permit a sign to be placed in thedisplay window to be created on the east side of the newtrash room. Section 2.5 Conditions in Perpetuity. Thepreceeding four gen nuing andshall run with the property and shall not be affected by any change in ownership. EXECUTED this day of ,1986 PLAZA LODGE ASSOCIATES, LTD. DECLARANT BY: CTARK S. GENERAL WILLINGHAM PARTNER DECLARATION OF CONDITIONS AND FOR COVENANTS, RESTRlCTIONS ADDRESS: 13OO BRYAN TOWER DAI.,,LAS, TEXAS 7524L - Page 2 of 3 Pages c s w- o 8 9 9 M - 4 / 3 0 / I6 The undersigned, being a lienholder on the property affected by the foregoing covenants, conditions andrestrictions, joins in the execution of this Declaration ofCovenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the PLAZA BUILDING for the purpose of consenting to the covenants,conditions and restrictions therei.n contained. BY: TITLE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS This Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restric-tions for the PLAZA BUILDING was acknowledged before methi s day of , 1986, by CLARK S. WILIJINGHAM, NAME s s S the general partnerlimited partnership,of Plaza Lodge Associates, Ltd., a on behalf of said Iimited partnership. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS (Pri.nt Name ) My Coruni.ssion Expires : STATE COUNTY OF TEXAS OF DALLAS s s s t ionsthis Thi sfor Dec larationthe PLAZA day of of Covenants, BUILDING waS Conditions and Restric- acknowledged before me 1986, by of the , oo behalf ofsaid NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS (Print Name) My Commission Expires: DECLARATION OF CONDITIONS AND FOR COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS - Page 3 of 3 Pages c sw- 0 899M-4/30/46 'tl, F I of 3 Pages c sw- o a PRE. t\i[ r li 1){y'll PLAZA BUILDING STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE KNOW ALI., MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT PLAZA LODGE ASSOCIATES, LTD., a ColOrAdO LiMitEd Partnership ( the "Declarant" ) , is the owner of aIl that certain tract of land platted and described as Lots: G, H, I, J, K and part of Lot F, Block 5-C, VaiI Village First Filing, Town of Vail, (the "Town"), Eagle County, Colorado and the building located thereon (the "Buitdinq"). Declarant hereby declares that all of the property de- scribed above shall be he1d, sold and conveyed subject to the following restrictions, covenants and conditions, which are for the purpose of establishing a general scheme for the development of all of the property in the Town and for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value, attractive- ness and desirability of said property and which shall run with the Iand and be bindinq on all parties having or acquiring any right, title or interest in the property or any part thereof, and which shall inure to the benefi.t of each owner thereof. ARTICLE I CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS AND USE OT BUILDING Section 1. I Residential Use. The current lodge rooms designated units 139 and 130 on the attached Exhibit A shal1 be used as short term rentals for the general public when the owners of the third floor dwelling unit (shown on Exhibit A) are not uti.f.izing their main dwelling unit, Both unit I30 and 139 sha11 have independent access to the lodge hallway. In the event the Building is ever condominimizedthis restricti-on on the use of units f30 and 139 sha1l run with the property and will not be affected by such change of ownershio. Section 1.2 Additional DwelIin Unit.Dec Ia r ant intends to convert a space in the Bui. lding currently used by Christy Sports as an office space into the owners' main dwelling unit. Declarant has the option for a period of oneyear from March 10, 1986 to relocate the kitchen from this remodeled office space to an existing accomodation unit elsewhere in the Building. The conversion of this accommodation uni.t into a dwelling unit by vi.rtue of theaddition of the kitchen shall not affect the use of suchunit and the unit sha1l continue to be restricted in use as a short term rental permenantly. This restriction shall continue to apply to this unit even if the Building .iscondominimized. -rs niohj -lo .e\u+k- ltc* 1.,{.[U" wi\t b2- r,rord'{ -il^q b+,lun ir v\D\ .etr&-d6 lp\ Mqil lD, (t8+. DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR s s s RESTRICTIONS FOR - Page a99H-4,/to/85 Declarant shall not remonstrate against and wilI participate in any special improvement district when and iE a special improvement district is formed for Vail Vi. llage. Section 2.2 Drainaqe and Trash.that aIl drainage from the Buildingexisting storm sewer system. Declaranta conceal.ed trash area and see thathandle trash on a daily basis and dooutside of any shop on Bri.dge Street or Section 2.1 DECLARATION OF CONDITIONS AND FOR COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS 13OO BRYAN TOWER DALLAS, TEXAS 7520L Pages c sw- 0 a 9 ARTICLE II GENERAL PROVISIONS Special fmprovement District. The Declarant will see is tied into thewill aLso constructall Building tenantsnot store any trash Founders' PIaza. Section 2.3 Parkin and Deliveries.Dec 1a rant hereby relinquishes forever the right to the parking./pick-up - delivery space on the west side of the Building in the Founders ' Plaza area. Section 2.4 Siqnage. Declarant will be responsiblefor all tenants complying with all Town signage requirementsand specificalLy will not perrnit a sign to be placed in thedisplay window to be created on the east side of the newtrash room. Section 2.5 Conditions in Perpetuity. Thepreceeding four gen nuing andshall run with the property and shall not be affected by any change in ownership. EXECUTED this day of ,1985 PLAZA LODGE ASSOCIATES, LTD. DECLARANT BY: CLARK S. GENERAL ADDRESS: WILLINGHAIT,I PARTNER -Page2of3 9tt-4/:to/a6 t The undersigned, being a lienholder on the ProPertYaffected by the foregoing covenants, conditions and restrictions, joins in the execution of thi.s Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the PLAZA BUILDING for the purpose of consenti.ng to the covenants, conditi.ons and restrictions therein contained. BY: NAME TITLE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS This Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restric-tions for the PLAZA BUILDING r^ras acknowledqed before methisday of , 1986, by CLARK S. bIILLINGHAM, s s s the genera 1 partner li.mited partnership,of Plaza todge Associates, Ltd., a on behalf of said limited partnershlp. My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS (Print Name) Conditions and Restric- acknowledged before me , 1986, STATE COUNTY TEXAS DALLAS This Declarationfor the PLAZAday of of Covenants, BUILDING waS OF OF s s s t ions thi s by of the , oo behalf of said My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF TEXAS (Print Name) DECLARATION OF CONDITIONS AND FOR COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS Pages c sw- 0 a -Page3of3 99M-4/3O/46 1. CONOITiOIIAL USE PERMIT CONDiTiONS Both units .l39 and 130 will be used as short term rentals for the general public when the owners of the third floop dwelling unit are not uti1.i zing thejr main dwelling unit. unit l39 will have an access door to the common hal 'lway. In ttre event that the project is condominiumized, units.l39 and 130 will stil] be used as short ierm renials when the ot'iners of the third floor dwelling unit are not using their unit- The new dwelling unit that will be created by the addition of the Chri sty Sports kitchen to an existing accommodation unit will be restricted as a short term rental unit permanently. This restriction wiiI continue to apply to the unit even if the property is condominiumized' The owner wi'l 1 give up the ri ght to the Christy Sports kitchen if the kitchen is not relocated to an accommodation unit w'i thin one year of the date of PEC approval . The owner wil1 agree to prov'i de these conditjons of approval in a legal agreement for the Town before a building permit is issued for the remodei. These conditions will run with the property and will not be affected by a change in ownership. EXTERIOR ALTERATiONS REQUEST CONDITIONS 1. The applicant shall not remonstrate against and will participate in any special improvement district when and if a special improvement district is formed for Vai 1 Vi 1 I age. 2- This approval will expire within three years of Planning commission approval date. 3. All drajnage from the bu'i lding will be tied into the existing storm sewer sysEem. 3. 4. I 4. The owner and bui ldi ng tenants wi I I trash on a daily,basis. Trash will shops on the street or p1aza. lake responsibility for handling the not be stored outside of any of the 5. The owner agrees to either amend in a written form the exi sting agreement or enter into the new written agreement to void the ri ght to a delivery/pick-up park.i ng space on the west side of the building in the Founders' Plaza area. This agreement must be completed before a bui lding' permit is issued for the project. 6. The owner and Christy Sports as well as any future tenants agree to not 'l ocate any signage within the display window on the east side of the trash room. 7. The owner agrees to the conditions of approval outlined in the condi ti onal use memorandum.a U) 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 29, 1986 ofllce of communlty development Mr. Cl ark hli 1 I i ngham 1300 Bryan Tower Dallas, Texas 75201 Re: Building permit for the Plaza Lodge Dear Clark: I an writing to remind you of the legai agreement that must be submitted before a building permit will be issued for the plaza Lodge. I have enclosedthe list of issues that must be included in the agreement. please begin work on this as soon as possible, as our Town attorney, Larry Eskwjth, will need toreview the document. This review time can take a while and I would not wantto hold up the building permit due to not having the agreement. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Kristan Pri tz Town Planner KP: br cc: Mi chael Sanner Si ncere ly, K*ont^h- CONDITIOTIAL USE PERMIT CONDITiONS l- Both units .l39 and .l30 will be used as short term rentals for the general public when the owners of the thjrd floor dwelling unit are not utilizing their main dwelling unit. Unit 139 will have an access door to the common ha11way. In the event that the project is condominiumized, unils,l39 and .l30 will still be used as short term renta'l s when the owners of the third floor dwelling unjt are not using their unit. 7. The new dwelling unit that will be created by the addition of the Christy Sports kitchen to an exjsting accommodation unit will be restricted as a shopt term rental unit permanently. This restriction will continue to apply to the unit even if the property is condominiumjzed. 3. The owner will give up the right to the Chri sty Sports kitchen if the kitchen is not relocated to an accommodation unit within one vear of the date of PEC approval- 4. The owner will agree to provide these conditions of approval in a 1ega1 agreement for the Town before a building permit is issued for the remodel . These conditions will run wjth the property and will not be affected by a change in ownership. EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS REQUEST CONDiTIONS 1. The applicant shall not remonstrate against and w'i I1 participate in any special improvement district when and if a special improvement districtis formed for Vai1 Village- ?. This approval will expire within three years of Plannjng Commission approval date. 3. A1 1 drainage fnom the building wil'l be t'i ed into the existing storm sewer syslem - 4. The owner and building tenants wjll take responsibility for handling lhe trash on a dailyrbasjs. Trash will not be stored outside of any of the shops on the street or plaza. 5. The owner agrees to either amend jn a written form the existing agneement or enter into the new written agreement to void the right to a delivery/pick-up parking space on the west side of the building in the Founders' Plaza area. This agreement must be completed before a building'permit is jssued for the project. 6. The owner and Christy Sports as well as any future tenants agree to not locate any signage within the display window on the east side of the trash room. 7- The owner agrees to the conditions of approval outlined jn the conditional use memo randum.s 75 south trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olfice ol communlly development April 16, 1986 MichaeI Sanner Snowdon and Hopkins Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vai 1 , Col orado 81657 RE: New remodel work for the plaza Lodge jn order to condominiumize thebui 1 di ng Dear Mi chael , After looking over the perliminary remodel drawings, I am ask.i ng that yousubmit some additional information that will make-ii eas.i er for me tounderstand how clark wi11ingham would like to use each unit. I wouldappreciate_it if you would submit the following information for theapproved PEC Floorplans htjnter ,g6 and proposei Remodel: 1. Unit numbers with corresponding square footages,/un.i t. ?. Designate each unit as an accomodation unit or dwel 1ing unit. .rr!... 3. Specify Kitchens. 4. Summarize total square footage and number of A.U.,s and D.U.,s. 5. A written explanation for each unjt as to how the unit ischanged in the proposed remodel . As I stated over the phone, if Mr. willingham maintains the same number ofaccommodation units and dwelling units as well as the same total squarefootage for each of these uses ihen it will not be n"ri..i.v for theproposal to go to Planning commission. The owner also has ihe option toliul9l the square footage so that 49% of the totat GRFA is iltocated todwelling units and 5r% of the total GRFA .i s allocated lo iccommoaationunits. If the owner wishes to remodel in this way, it wiii-ue nessesarythat the proposal be reviewed by the planning commission if any dwe'l lingunits or accommodation units are decreased. The accommodation units anddwelling units may be rearranged however the number and total squarefootages would heed to be the same in order to avoid plann.i ng commission. It is also important to remember that a lock off unit must not have a square footage total that is greater then 30% of the total GRFA of the main unit. This point is important to remember when you are rearrangjng the units. If you have any questions on the information that I am requesting, please fee'l free to give me a call. S i ncerel y, t/ l O.l{d<*"n', t'rtT+lrll, \t\.r \ .''l L Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP:j1t rii 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 27, 1986 Mr. Cl ark ll|i 1 1 i ngham 1300 Bryan Tower Da1 1as, Texas 7520.i Re: Condominiumization of the plaza Lodge Dear Cl ark: otfice of communlty developmenl i have enclosed the regulations that apply to the process of converting alodge into a condominiumized building. Piease note that accommodation unitshave a special restriction under the conversion regulations. In sectionl1 .26.075..l it states: "An owner's personal ,se oi h.i s unit shall berestricted to 14 days during the seasonal period of December 15 through Aprill5 and 14 days during June 15 through september 15." This restriction doesnot apply to dwelling units, i.e. unjts that have kitchens. The convers.i on ofa lodge project requires Planning commission review. The Town council maycall up the project after Planning commission review if they so desire. I have enclosed the schedule of meetings and submjttal deadljnes for thePlanning Commission for 1986. Any condorniniumization wiII have to meet boththe requirements laid out jn Section .|7.26 which addresses general condominiumconversions as we'l I as Section 17.26.075 which relates to aicommodat'i on unitconversions in a 1odge. section .|7.16.130 provides you with the jnformatjonthat is necessary to include on your condominjum plat- If you have any questions, please feel free to g.i ve me a call. { ; ,'...'^, Kristan Pritz Town P lanner KP: br Encl osures Sincerely :, more parking spaces. She also stated that historical 1y, whenever Vajl had a _"bad" year, the Town depended on the front range skierl'who drive cars, and that-the front range skiers were essential for vail to survive the "bad,'y.irr. Briner moved Hobbs seconded to recommend to Counci I acc tance of the rezone and the develo t plan as requested with the reason that the pro sa met the s as oul'neo 1n zonln Pam asked that if in 5 years the parking was not adequate, whether or not the Town could assess the property. Jay said this would make the property difficultto finance. He suggested assessing everyone a tax for parking to equilize theburden. He reminded the board that the Sonnenalp was allowed additional densitywith the requirement that they pay into the parking fund up front. pam suggested advising the council to perhaps look at some way of assessing a1 1future projects for a parking district. The vote was 5 in favor of recommending acceptance. 'l against (Donovan) and Iffi 3.for an exterior alteration of the Plaza Lod e in order to t iona use ates ts tf tS Kristan Pri tz pnesented the request and showed a model . s, s'lte plans ipl ans andelevations. She explained that the request would decrease the number of unitsby 2 accommodatjon units or I dwelling unit, that the dens'i ty would still be with'i n that al 1owed, as would the site coverage. Kristan thin reviewed the urban des'i gn considerations and stated that there would be a positive impact onpedestrianizat'ion, vehicular penetration, street enclosure, street edge, he.i ght and service and delivery- Staff stated that the elevator was the one elemeni ofthe plan tht had negative impacts in respect to the design consideratjons.Shesaid that the staff felt that there should be a large planter on the east sideof the elevator to soften that elevation as well as-a decorative cover for theelevator door. Peter Patten suggested one more condition in addition to the five ljsted in the nemo: .That the applicant agree to either amend the existing agreement or enterinto the new agreement to void the right to a delivery/pick:up parking space onthe west side of the building in the Founders' plaza irea. This must-be donebefore a building pernit js jssued for the project. craig Snowdon, architect for the project, explajned several changes, and addedthat the popcorn wagon would still be tying into the Plaza Lodge for util'i ties and would be ab1 e to use storage at the Pliza Lodge. Sid Schuitz was concernedwith the elevator tower and felt that it could be moved to the north. Hewondered if it was justified. snowdon replied that the owner wanted theelevator to serve his personal unit. Donovan also felt the elevator tower was anegative part of the proposal as did vie1e, Hobbs, and piper. gr.i ner suggesteda smaller elevator. Donovan was also concerned about the trash situation. Shequestioned jf Vendetta's dumpster was really adequate to handle trash for theentire.building. Members also wanted the location of the popcorn wagon spec if ied. retail soace and exi sti n nate two accommo Snowdon seconded asked to to table table the to March Donovan and Schul tz10. The ns abstain uest for a conditional use rmit in order to construct an addition ano remooe eVa cant: Va Metropol i tan Recreat ion Di stri ct Peter Patten explained the request, adding that although the VMRD recognized the need for 25 to 30 additional parking spaces to more comfortably accommodate some of their peak demand days, the proposal at this time vlas to leave the parking situation as is with the exception of the addition of 8 spaces required for the expansion. The applicants feel they can easily accommodate 8 additional spaces without a major redesign of the parking 1ot. The project wjll be phased with the cart storage done first. After discussion about the parking lot and building expansion. Viele moved and 5. A request to amend the Town of Vail Design Review Guidelines to include a section on Park Design Guidelines. Applicant: Town of Vail 'i tem unti I Kristan Pritz presented the request. made since the board last looked at March 10. ote was 6 in She pointed out the changes that had been the Park Design Guidel ines. After seconded to aoprove the request. The vote 4. discussion. Briner moved and Donovan was 7-0 in favor. 6.4 request to amend the development plan of Crossroads and for setback variances in order to enclose an existinq deck area and to add other outdoor dininq a cant: Snoweuest Rick Pylman said that he did receive some plans from the applicant, though not in time for this meeting, and asked that the proposal be tabled to March 10. Viele moved and Donovan seconded to table to March 10. The vote was 7-0 in The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm. r- Peterson said it was.because the Burger King was trying to increase itsvisibility. He added that much of the area was not useable on the deck becausegf-!tt" dripping roof' Schultz asked what would be done to eliminate ice from--falling.onto the glass roof, and was told gutters wouid be used. patten statedthat this was one of the mgst popular decki jn town and because of jts."po.ur.to.the sun and the protection afforded it by being sunken, r", very successfuland was used most of the year. Peterson teit ttral CCI criteria shiuld not beused for decks. viele stated that in ccl and II, the urban Design Guide plan must be used, andthat this was different. patten disagreed and showed the maffi the urbinDesign Guide Plan which included elements outside of the CCI district. Eskwithstated.that_1ega] iy, Peterson was correct. Patten stated that in CCI and CCIIthe Guide Plan was more strjctly used, but it was evident from the map that iheGuide Plan was specifically to be coni.i dered in other areas.i ncludj ngcrossroads where it showed potential for infill. ,iav iaia-tnat th.i s was forlajor projects, not 400 square foot additions. viele felt that it seemed alittle unfair to use the Urban Design Guide Plan for areas outside of CCI andCCII. Donovan felt the addition would haveattracted many people because jt was a negative impact, that the pat.i o sunny and out of the wind. iele moved d Sclru1tz seconded to a Velllq amendment. The vore was ?-?wi th tie vote is vote for denial. Eskwith pointedlut-at bot e var I ance e amen nt must be voted on at the same time.Viele mov and Schul seconded to rove both th ndment and thevam ance.vote was 2-2 wit absta'i n At e vote is a vo fordenial . Ar ues for exterior tio of the Plaza Lodge jn order to EXDANretaace an S n n units and a re uest f0rcondtt0emi nate accommodat on unitsant:tes Kristan Pritz rd that they had heard this proposal on February24 and that the board was concerned about"the ei"u"io" io*;;:"-i;;;ilor^lI;;-;:" :l:I":igr l]ffout,the,erevator. tower. She added that the board arso requested!l.l^!l: y?lifilt and, na.Bucktey.specify the rocaiton io; i;; ;;;;r;;';;;;;ip Founders' Plaza. She arso meniioned that Diana Donovun n"a*n!"[-;;;.;;;;;about relying on Vendetta's trash dumoster for Chri<fv Snnnicumpster for Christy Sports. K.i stan showed a site plan of the landscape island with the popcorn wagonlocat'i on des'ignated including landscaping and a bench. she stated that staffrecommended approval of both the exterioi alteration and cond.i tional userequests because staff's concern about the additional sun,/shade and viewimpacts of the elevator were mitigated by the removal of the elevator and thenew location of the popcorn wagon improves snow removal and fire access "s *"ttas creating an attractjve pedestrian area. cra'i g Snowdon, architegt lol_the applicant, discussed the changes as d.i d clarkWillingham, owner of the bujlding. t,Jjllingnam "Ju.a tfr"i tre lntenaea to usethe lodge as a lodge year round. Donovan was concerned about the location ofthe popcorn wagon, feeling that it would block the view oi-irre landscaping.Snowdon stated that direciion from the staff was to make the wagon visible from 't the ski slopes. Donovan felt orientation of the wagon to the mountain was a mistake. Ila Buckley answered that the popcorn wagon also served as an information center. Snowdon added that the popcorn wagon added vibrancy to the plaza by not placing it in a corner and Pritz pointed out that maintaining access onto the p1 aza had been a design constraint. Donovan was also concerned about remov'i ng the Alaskan Pea shrub. Staff said they would replant the bushif it is living. It was also stipulated that Units 139 and .l30 would each have doors accessing into the main common corridor so they would be considered to be I ock-offs. Hobbs moved and Viele'seconded to a r alt rati on and thertsta CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS l. Both units .l39 and .|30 wil'l b: r:r:d as short term rentals for the gener", public when the owners of the third floor dwel'l ing unit are not utilizingtheir mai n dwel'l ing unit. Unit 139 will have an access door to the common ha1 1way. In the event that the project is condominiumized, units ]39 and 130 will still be used as short term rentals when the owners of the thjrd floor dwe'l ling unit are not using their unit. 2. The new dwelfing unit that will be created by the addit'i on of the Christy Sports kitchen to an exjsting accommodation unit wjll be restricted as a short term rental unit permanently. Thjs restriction will continue to apply to the unit even if the property is condominiumized. 3. The owner will give up the right to the Christy Sports kitchen if thekitchen is not relocated to an accommodation unit within one year of the date of PEC approval . 4. The owner will agree to provide these conditjons of approval in a legal agreement for the Town before a building permit is issued for the remodel . These conditions will run wjth the property and will not be affected by a change in ownership. EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS REQUEST CONDITIONS 1. The applicant shall not remonstrate against and will participate in any special improvement distrjct when and if a specjal improvement distrjct 'i s formed for Va i I Vi I I aqe . 2. This approval will approval date. 3. A1 'l drai nage from system. expire within three years of Planning Commission the building 4. The owner and buj lding tenants trash on a daily basis. Trash shops on the street or olaza. will be tied into the existjng storm sewer will take responsibility for handling thewill not be stored outsjde of any of the { '5. The owner agr€es to ejther amend in a written form the existing agreementor enter jnto the new wri tten agreement to void the right to a de1 ivery/pick-up parking space on the west side of the bui'l ding in the Founders' Plaza area. This agreement must be completed before a buildingpermit is issued for the project. 6. The owner and Christy Sports as well as any future tenants agree to not locate any signage withjn the display window on the east side of thetrash room- 7. The owner agrees to the conditions of approval outli ned in the conditional use memorandum. 8- The owner will agree to provide these conditions of approval in a 1ega1agreement for the Town before a building permit is issued for theremodel . These conditions wirr run wittr ttre property and wilr not beaffected by a change jn ownership. The vote was 4 in favor and 1 (Donovan) against. Donovan opposed the relocatjon of the popcorn wagon to the area proposed. uest for densit I andsca and arki n sel ack vato construct an a ti on ate on Lots 6 and 7 ock 7. Biqhorn cant: B Lodqe Partnershi p. Peter Patten explained the request and added that there was a fourth variance being requested, that of lack of covered parking. He sajd that in 1978 thebuilding was converted from short term lodging to long term employee housing. The approval was for a density variance for the existing 1.6 accornmodation units whjch subsequently were remodeled to inciude kitchens for each rental apartmentwith a time restriction for employee housing of three years. A l980 letter from Jim Rubin to Joe Staufer indicated that the Town would be willing to djscuss possible density increases for the continued provision of employee housing on the site. The proposal was to add a second floor with 9 one-bedroom apartments, each contain'ing 589 square feet for a total additjonal square footage of 5,30'l square feet on the second level . The fjrst floor level contains l6 units witha total of 5,456 making the total proposed square footage rQ,757 which is under the allowable of 10,903 square feet of GRFA. A density variance, however, isrequired for the proposed 25 units. The MDMF zoning allows only 12 dwellingunits, but the 1978 variance approval allowed 16 units. Peter showed the site p1 an and elevations and explained the other needed varjances. 't Sid Schultz, architect for the pnoject, felt that this request was different from others in that Pitkin Creek Park was constructed by a developer to be sold and Valli Hi was deve'l oped to be rented for profjt. He added that since 1978 when it was converted from accommodat'ion unjts to dwelljng units for employees,it had not been operated for a profit. He stated that it would only be used for Sonnenalp and Gasthof Gramshammer guests when those two facilities were fuil. He felt that the Town of Vail would benefit from 9 additional employee units plus the upgrading of the ex'isting building. Schultz added that the applicant would agree to locate the utilities underground if this became possible. Schultz stated that the Fire Department insisted on the extra road cut onto Bighorn Road. Schultz was not in favor of building a bike path in front of the property because it would end in a dangerous p1ace. Pepi Gramshammer, one of the owners, felt that he should not have to be held to restrjctions requiring a long term commitment to employee housing. Donovan stated that she felt just the opposite. Piper asked about a master plan for the bike path and was tojd that this was real ly more of a sidewalk and a safety issue for pedestrians, especially at night. P'i per did not know how he felt about the sidewalk, but felt the increased density could create a microcosm of difficulties. He would have liked to have seen the curb cut removed on Bighorn Road and would have preferred to have seen greater restrictions than 7 years placed on the project. Viele agreed with Piper about the driveway, and felt that employee housing done this way was w'ithin reason. He did not feel it was fair to the appljcant to have to build the sidewalk, especial 1y without seeing a master plan. He wouid have liked to have seen the electric lines placed underground. He felt that the restriction should be imposed for a longer tjme than 7 years. Hobbs asked Pepi 'i f he agreed with the conditions listed in the memo, and Gramshammer replied that he would not agree to them and felt that he had "paid his dues." Pepi said that there could come a day when he and She'i ka would have to leave Vail and he would need to sell his property at that time, so the restrictions shouldn't be too long. He also sa'i d that he would need to short-term sone units in limited perjods and that there was a problem with the 30 day mininum. He pointed out that he was improving the project. Fassler, son of the other owner, stated that he felt the conditions were unfair, but that they wouid have no objection to a t'ime length of 10-12 years. Piper asked Eskwith if this would be precedent setting, and Eskwith rep'l ied that each decision would be precedent setting and what the PEC did for one person, would be expected by others given similar situations. A discussion followed concerning the restrictions on Valli Hi and on Pitkin Creek Park. Eskwith reminded the board that any restrjctions imposed on the project should be recorded so that the restrictions followed the land. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION J. 4. February 24, 1996 Site Visits Work Sessjon on Eagle County Airport Publ i c Hearing Approval of minutes of February l0 and January 27, l9g6. A request for an exterior alteration of the Hong Kong Cafe jnorder to construct a two story building, and a iondj[jonaluse permit in order to have an outdoor Aining pat.i o on grounafloor on Lot C, Block 5-C, Vajl Vjllage Firsl F:tin9.Applicant: Hong Kong Cafe partners A request to rezone !9! ?, Block l, Va.i1 Lionshead 2nd Filingfrom Hr'gh-Density Multiple Fam.i 1y io Spec.ia.l Oevetopmeni" " District in order to develop an idditional 92 toase-;o;ms, Scondominiums, and approximately 3,350 square feet ofmeeting/conference space as phise'II of the Doubletree Hotel .Applicant: Vail Hold.i ngs, a Limited partnershjp A request for exterior arteration of the p'r aza Lodge in orderto,expand retail space and remodel ex.ist.i ng dwelliig unii.--and a request for a condjtional use permit .in order-toel'iminate two accormodation ypi15 @.Appl icant: Plaza Lodge Associates A request for a conditional use permit in order to constructan addition and remodel the Vail'Golf Course Clubhouselocated at 1778 Vajl Valley Drive. eppi.icant: Va;t--Metropol itan Recreation D.iitrict. A request to amend the Town of Vajl Design Review Guidelinesto include a section on park Design euiail ines. eppii;;r;;-Town of Vai I A request to amend the deveropment plan of crossroads and forsetback variances in order to encrose an existing a"it-i"""-and to add other outdoor d.i ning at Burger King. - Appl i cant: Snowquest (To be Tabled) 6. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION February 24, .l986 PRESENT T66-E'F-i ner Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Pam Hopkins Duane Piper Sid Schul tz Jim Viele The meeting was the neetings of STAFF PRESENT Feter Fatten Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Rick Pylman Betsy Rosolack calied to order by the January 27 and March 10 chai rman, Duane were approved Piper. The minutes of with corrections. order t0 no rto 1.A request for an ex construct a ave an ou rt or al terati on of the Hon Konq Cafe inrv bui nq. ano a cond iti on se Dermi t ninq oat r0un 0n Lot C. Bloc nq Kon Partners Rick Pylman explained the request. He stated that the redevelopment proposal included a 3,000 square foot freestanding, two story building. He reviewed the Urban Design Considerations and said that the staff recornmended approval. Craig Snowdon, architect for the project, showed floor p1ans, s.i te plans andelevations. He said that the snow removal fron the patio would take place toward the west, not toward Founders plaza. Snowdon then told the commissioners that he had been meetinq with the owner ofunit 309 in the Lazier Arcade, Mr. Bleckner, and made some ilterations jn thedesign that had been presented to staff. Hjs firm found that they could lowerthe peak 30" in order to get the peak below Mr. B'l eckner's deck rliting and alsocould drop the perimeter'l 8,,. This would improve the sun/shade with the resultthat there would be no shade on Vendetta's deck and no shade on the stairs untilthe late afternoon. Snowdon stated that he found that the restaurant would not have the use of theal1ey north of the building nor would they have access to the trash dumpster ofthe Lazier building. This would eliminate the door that had been proposed to access the staircase. He proposed to solve the problem by'l ocating the door onthe southeast corner and putting trash containers in a covered area near theplanters on the east side of the building, with daily pick up. He proposed alsoto keep the access to the a1 leyway open for the Lazjer building and bujld a wallto match the Hong Kong exterior with a gate to cover the a1 1ey. James Fallin, representing Mr. Bleckner, sated that his client did haveobjections to the design as it was originally proposed, but that the changeswere amendable to Mr. Bleckner. He wished to make the changes a part or lne cond iti onal use request as fol I ows: 1' The top of the skylight would be no higher than 6" below the rai1.i ng ofthe deck of unit #309. (The rai1.i ng ii 25,'above Wail Street.) 2. The top of the major roof line no more than 6" above floor level of Unit?no 3. The top of the spokes in the skylight no more than l.g,,above floor levelof Unit 309. The exhaust hood fans will be located on the southwest conner and screened from view of unit 309. All skylights shalI be bronze tint and inoperable. No exit shall be located on the north side of the building on the 2nd fl oor. A'l I mechanical equipment placed on the roof shall be hidden from v'i ew from Unit 309. 8. Skylights on the north half of the building shall be shaded at night and shall be made of dark material- 9. No direct up light shall be used on the second floor. 10. The firep'l ace flue on the too sha'l I be no wider than ]8" Brian 0'Rei11y spoke for the applicant and listed some agreements the appiicant had with Robert Lazier. Bob Lazier stated that the applicant came to him and showed him the proposed buiIding. He had not known the trash plan before that time, and felt that the proposed solution of the Hong Kong using the Lazier Arcade Building's trash dumpster was unacceptable. He also did not want an access between the two buildjngs because he wanted this to be a buffer and for fl exibi1ity for future construction. Steve Simonett, manager of One VaiI Place, said that the Owners of One VaiI Place were concerned about the construction to be taking place at the Hong Kong and at the Plaza Building. Their intention was to redo the paver bricks on their property in the spri ng and did not want to allow access for construction trucks or vehicles in the area between One Va'i I Place ancl Vail Ski Rentals. Snowdon said that he did not foresee using this access, but would access from the alley or from Wall Street. Bryan Hobbs liked the bu'i 1ding, but was concerned about the alIeyway and what would be constructed in front of it. Snowdon replied that at present there was a blank wall. The alIey would be torn up during construction, and afterward a wall could be constructed to match the building material of the Hong Kong and that it would be at least 6 feet high and would tie into the Lazier Arcade- Hobbs asked wondered if the Town had any problem with a lease agreement with the Hong Kong and Snowdon replied that the CounciI had heard the request in early 4. 5. 6. 7- January. Patten added that requests in both v.i llages are common for th.i s typeof use, and that the Town would allow encroachment onto Town property for Aiiringdecks, but not for structures. It was usually done jn a lease. Tom Briner had no problem wjth the a11ey, but was concerned about the locationof the trash. He suggested using a comiactor or perhaps putting the trash onthe west side. Snowdon stated that he had the access problem and the need to work with theexisting patio wal 1. He felt that he could design something to entirely hidethe trash. viele liked the proposal and shared Briner,s concern about thelocation of the trash. He asked about the drainage of the building and Snowdonreplied that the building would be drained to the inside and so th6 snow problemon the roof would be self-contained. viele asked about a parking study, andPylman replied that he was-planning to wait until he had rlceivel workingdrawings before trying to figure out the amount of parking fee required. Donovan agreed with viele and also suggested that any agreements between twoadjacent property owners was outside oi ttre commissi6neis' jur.i sdiction. Shealso stressed that the wall must look permanent. snowdon replied that th.i scould be handled by the DRB. Donovan was also concerned about the locat.i on oftrash, and would have liked to have seen it placed on the west side. she alsowould have liked the length of approval shoriened to two years rather thanthree. Sid schultz's concerns were with the alleyway and the location of the trash.Duane P'i per agreed and stated that since ihe location of the trash was in effectan llth hour decision, he would like to see further study before making adec'i sion' Tom Briner asked if the drawings presented to the board reflected thechanges made in response to the neighbor,-and Snowdon repl.ied that thev didn0E. Bob Lazier stated that currently a1 I trash from the Hong Kong came out of theeast side without a compactor. He felt that the few aOiitioiai people who wouldbe served with the new building would not result.i n much more trash. Heexpressed the desire to have the project start as soon as poss.i ble. Dave Irjsh, one of the,owners, felt that the trash dilemma could be worked out,but if there were a de1ay, there would be a late start on construction. Hesuggested two a.l ternatives: 1, screen the trash on the east side, or z, put thetrash on the west siqe. Snowdon asked lri sh if he could agree to access from the west side jn order toput the trash on the west sjde. Irish replied he cou1d, but needed to hear fromLazier. more di scuss i on, meeting on March applicant requested to request unti Ito table the tabl e the seconded the March 10. The vlas 6 in favor with one abstenti on Hopki ns After next unti l the 10. ote requestDonovan moved and Viele ?..A reouest tn ezone L E2 sitv Mu E e Fami to deve I op an a d'i t ional 92 ea nd Filin from Hiqh ecial Deve oDment D strict, in o er f,o e rooms cono ums. an rox imateln o ol d inqs a Limited rtners Tom Braun showed site plans and elevations and explained the request. He said that the PEC action that day would be advisory only, and the final decision would be made by the Council on March 4. Braun descrjbed the zoning analysis of the Doubletree. The end result of the request would be a density of twice that allowed by the underlying zoning and a parking shortage of 50 spaces. He reminded the board that this was a request for a special development district and that SDD's had been proposed in Vail to allow for the development of sites that would be unable to do so under conventional zoning. Braun explained the criteria to be considered as stated in the memo whjch included design issues, pedestrian traffic, open space and landscaping. He also revjewed the zoning considerations using the underlying, HDMF zoning. Braun felt that it was unfortunate that the Doubletree Inn was not located within the Vail Village study area, and that a Town-wide land use plan was only in its early stages of development and not near completion. This would have provided the staff with a better understanding of the implications that this project may have on other development potentials in the Valley. He added that the concern of the staff was how this request related to Town-wide development issues. For example' what would a cumulat'ive impact have on the Frontage Road jf similar requests for addjtional density increases were to be allowed in this area? Braun showed the setback encroachments on a site plan, and djscussed height, site coverage, landscaping and parking. He explained the method used to determine the amount of parking necessary for the s'i te. Even with a 5% multi-use reduction and a 50% reduction for the required parking for the meeting room space, the result was a deficit of 50 parking spaces. The staff recommendation was for denial because of the shortage of parking and because of the amount of increased density requested. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, introduced several empioyees of the Doubletree Hotel . Jeff 0lson and Anthony Pellechia, architects on the proiect' showed site plans and answered questions. Peterson stated that both the staff and Jeff Winston had expressed no problem wjth the design of the proiect- He added that the basjc parking ratio had been retained with the addition. He also said that at present the Altitude Club was the place for locals to go and there was no control of parking. He felt that underground parking would not invite the casual user of the bar or restaurant to use it. Peterson stated that his studies showed that 75% of hotel patrons arrive by automobile and of those 75%, 75% keep their auto with them during their stay, resulting in 55% of hotel guests keeping the'i r autos. He felt that the existing project worked with its farking even though much of the parking 1aas uncovered. Peterson went on to quote ihe parking study that had been done in the Vi11age. He said that it stated that there was a 20-70% vacancy rate in private parking lots. He added that Doubletree guests could use the Lionshead parking structure if there were no parking spaces left on site. Peterson also said that the Marriott had 25% fewer parking spaces and no parking problem except in summer. Gary Sheluski of the Doub'l etree described similar Doubletree Hotels and thejrparking- Peter Jamar, consultant for the Doubletree, described the EIR. Hestated that there was little data to back up the Town's parking requirements andthat the data was arbitrary. He reminded the board that there was easypedestrian access from the bus route. He repeated Jay's comments about numbersof hotel guests who keep their cars. Jay then addressed the density question bystating that the Town wants additjonal hotel rooms. The Vail Village study didtarget certain areas for add'i tional hotel rooms. Peterson felt the site could accommodate additional hotel rooms and the Town would need additional hotel rooms with the Mountain Expansion P1an. Peterson pointed out that hotels market towns as well as their hotels. Mike Dougherty, sales manager of the Doubletree, spoke of thejr need for more rooms and the additional money these rooms would bring to Vail. Oran Palmateer, spoke for the condo association jn the hote'l and as a representative of owner 50to state that they were very happy with the current owners and felt that theformer ov',ners did a disservice to both the hotel and the Town. Pam Hopkins asked what could be done about parking at a later date if it provesthat the parking is inadequate. Jerry ? of the Doubletree stated that.i f theparking does prove to be inadequate it would hurt the bar and restauranteconomically. Peterson added that the overflow couid go to the LionsheadParking structure which is usually under util ized pam also asked aboutstrengthening the pedestrian link to the parking structure, and Mr. pellechia responded that they would work hard to improve the pedestrian pathway and heexplained that the hotel would had added fighting to attract pedestrians fromthe west side to the west entrance. Pam felt that lighting on the path shouldbe increased as well as better maintenance was needed in the form of snowpl owi ng Sid Schultz was concerned about the need for iarger hotel rooms, and felt thatthe rooms proposed might be too smal'l . Mr. Pellechia explained that thjs size was felt adequate for a conference focus. He felt that how the room wasfurnished and planned was more important than s'ize- Don6Gn asked toward whichgroup was the hotel marketing and was told corporate groups. Donovan felt thatthe Town of vail should get some trade-offs for graniing such addjtionaldensity, something broader than landscaping, something that would benefit the whole Town. she added that though the hotel stated they would have adequateparking, the ice arena did not have any, nor djd the library, and all were to bedependent upon the Ljonshead Parking Structure whjch would eventually not have any more room. She did not like the encroachment onto the stream tract. Donovanasked if the Doubletree had been asked to give access from their property to thehospital and was told that Doubletree was willing to dedicate an easemenr overtheir property to the hospital site. Tom Eraun pointed out that the parking survey was only for three days and was done on Presidents' weekend whjch was not as busy as had been anticipated. Hereminded the board that this was not an exhaustjve study. Braun also statedthat the Doubletree was advertising'i n Denver and wa! attracting the front rangeskjers nearly all of whom drive their autos. Braui'-Fointed out that when themountain expansion was finished, there would be a shortage of 600 parking spacesin the Village and 200 in Lionshead and felt that the Town could not aff6rd'totake the risk of allowing projects like the Doubletree to not provide the t parking spaces as required by the zoning code. Briner asked the representatives of the Doubletree to explain the amount of parking they had at other hotels they operated, and was told that Doubletree operates two downtown hotels with no on-site parking and several suburban hotels with acres of park'ing. Briner stated that he felt that some parking requirements have proven to not be necessary,'i .e. VaiI Spa and Simba Run. Brjner felt that one problem with the density issue was that it was difficu'l t to have a clear perception of the impact of the density. He felt the impact of the proposal was positive. Patten said the staff viewed the proposal as posjtive also, but wjthout the'land use poliicies being completed, did not know the impact of a dec'i sion to add aIot of density and providing inadequate parking. He stressed that the decisionto increase densitjes in any areas of Town required extensive study and public input before going forward on a property by property basis, similar to the VaiI Village Study. He also added that when the Town asked property owners if they had parking spaces they would ljke to lease, the Town heard only from the Ramshorn (who had only sold 2 units). Patten felt that the parking requjrementsof the Town were valid, and that yearly there was an increase in the number of cars coming jnto Town. He pointed out that reductions were already built'into the number of spaces the code required from the Doubletree (mu1ti-use credit and 50% assessment for meeting rooms). Pam Hopkins asked if it would be possible to ask the Doubletree to put money into a fund for parking and perhaps in five years time see if their lot and the Lionshead lot were fu11, at which time they would have to use this fund for more parking spaces. Anthony Pellechia stated that rather than burden a project, the Town of Vail should be flexible enough to deal with issues as they occur, rather than speculate in advance. He felt it was unrealistic to deal with problems that might occur five years from now wjthout know'i ng what the problem was going to be, Peterson stated that Vail had a 20 year history of not providing enough spaces, but that jn winter only 50% of the tourists drove, as opposed to a larger percentage in summer when the occupancy was also less. Pam responded that the Town did want to grow, but must look for a way to handle future parking needs. Patten added that unfortunately the Town did not have all of the tools in place today to plan inte'l ligently for that growth but that we soon would have policy guidelines for these requests. Bryan Hobbs also'l iked the project but had the same concerns regarding parking. He asked if the parking would be controlled and Jay responded that there would be control , probably with a gate. Pellechia stated that they hadn't decided on the amount of control . Braun said that with valet parking, control was needed. Peterson fe1 t that the lot would not be invit'i ng being underground. Hobbs asked if thefirst allotment would be to the hotei guests, then the bar/restaurant, and Jay sajd that was correct. Hobbs stated that since the zoning prior to the down zoning of 1977 was for 50 units/acre, he did not have a problem w'i th density. Donovan mentioned that there was talk of charging to use the local buses, and if that happened, 'i t wouid put the empioyees back into their autos, requiring sti11 .{ ri more..parking spaces. she also stated that historical ly, whenever vail had a"bad" year, the Town depended on the front range skiers'who drive cars, and thatthe front range skiers were essential for va.i I to survive the "bad,,v.ari. Pam asked that if in 5 years the parking was not adequate, whether or not theTown couid assess the property. Jay said this would make the property difficultto finance. He suggested. assessing everyone a tax for park.ing to equilize theburden. He reminded the board that the lonnena'l p was ailowed-additionat-aensitvwith the requirement that they pay into the parking fund uf front. pam suggested advising the council to perhaps look at iome way of assessing a1 1future projects for a parking district. Jhg_yglg wag..5 jn-favor of recommending acceptance. I aqajnst (Donovan) and Iabstention (Viele). Bri ner ved and Hob seconded to r commend to Co nci I acce tance of the rezoneand the devel o nt lan uested wl e reason that t roposal met theve lo nt noar san r.la n the zoninc0de. uest for exterior alteration of the plaza e in order toretaSceaexistinunts an a reouest for cond i t use rmi t order to el inina two ac tion un 0ne e Assoc ates J. Kri stan Pritz_presented the request and showed a model , site plans and- 6levations' She explained that the ."qu.ii *ori'a"'a"i.."r" the number of un.i tsby 2 accommodation units or I dwelling unit, that the density wouja stiit newithin that allowed, as would the sit! coverage. Kristan thln revjewed tneurban design considerations and stated that t[ere would be a positive impact onpedestfli anization,-vehicular penetration, street enclosure, street edge, heightand service and delivery. Staff stated that the elevator was the one-ejement ofthe plan tht had negat.ive jmpacts in respect to the des.ign considerationi.St"said that the staff felt that there shouid be a large plinter on the east s.i deof the elevator to soften that elevation as well as a decorative cover for theelevator door. Peter Patten suggested one more conditjon in additjon to the fjve listed jn thememo: .That the applicant agree to either amend the existing agreement or enterinto the new agreement to void the right to a delivery/picklup parking space onthe west side of the building in the Founders,plaza irea. Tiris must-be donebefore a building permit is issued for the project. craig Snowdon, architect for the project, explained several changes, and addedthat the.popcorn wagon would stili ue tving into the plazi todge-for utilitjesand would be able to use storage at the Pliza Lodge. sid sinuitz ""r.on.".n"dwith the elevator tower and feit that it could be moved to the north. Hewondered if it was justified. snoirydon replied that the owner wanted theelevator to serve his personal unit. Donovan also felt the elevator tower was anegative part of the proposar as did viere, nobbi, .nu-pip"r. Briner rrgg.=i.aa smaller elevator. Donovan was also concerned about the trash situatioil Shequestioned if vendetta's dumpster was really adequate to-nandle trash for theentire-building. Members also wanted the location of the top.orn *"gonspeci fi ed. , !. 1., Snowdon asked to table the item until March 1.0. Donovan moved and Schultz seEqnded to table to Mar e was 6 in favor, none HopKr ns aDsEal n'r ng. A request for a conditional use permit in order to construct an addition4. tropol itan Recreation Distri ct Peter Patten explained the request, adding that although the VMRD recognized the need for 25 to 30 additional parking spaces to more comfortably accommodate some of their peak demand days, the proposal at this time was to leave the parking situation as is with the exception of the addition of 8 spaces required for the expansion. The applicants feel they can easily accommodate 8 additional spaces without a major redesign of the parking lot. The project wl ll be phased with the cart storage done first. After discussion About the parking lot and building expansion, Viele moved and 5. A request to amend the Town of VaiI Design Review Guidelines to include a sectjon on Park Design Guidel ines. Applicant: Town of Vail Krjstan Pritz presented the request. She pointed out the changes that had been made since the board'l ast looked at the Park Design Guidelines. After discussion, Briner moved and Donovan seconded to approve the request. The vote was 7-0 in favor. uest to amend the develo nt olan of rossr0ads and for setback ances ln orqer to enc I ose an existinq de o add other a rqer Kln cant: Sn Rick Pylman said that he did receive some plans from the applicant, though not in time for this meeting, and asked that the proposal be tabled to March 10. Viele moved and Donovan seconded to table to March 10. The vote was 7-0 in tavor oT laD | 1ng. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm. 6. Sr,Wt-l Community Development Department ' Car4$Olfl U March 10, 1986 Exteri or alteration of the Plaza Lodge in order to expand retail space and remodel existing dwelling units and for a conditional usepermit in order to eljminate two accommodatjon un.i ts on Lots G, H, I, !, K and part of F, Block 5C, Vail Vjllage 1st Fi1ing.Applicant: Plaza Lodge Associates, Ltd. INTRODUCTION At the February 24th PEC meeting, the applicant requested to table the item l)n,,- until ,March 10th. Donovan moved'and Schultz seconded to table the proposal toWP that date. The Planning Commission directed the applicant to consider'removing h*lfrInlh" elevator tower, as jt was felt by most members that the elevator was very(Yf" lmp9:ing on the site. The Commission also requested that the appl icant and Ila \pty6'Buckley specify the location for the popcorn wagon in Founders, blaza. o.,rrlN'r APPLICANT'S RESPONSEv/;il1{\/ tr The applicant has removed the elevator from the proposal . A trash room js proposed to be located in the exact same location as the elevator. The trashroom wjll be one story high and will have a window for Christy Sportsi 'd.i splayof clothing. In respect to the location of the popcorn wagon, the applicant hasprovided a specific.site plan for the redesign oi tt'e landicaie island. Thisdesign has been revjewed by I1a Buckley ana ihe has no problems wjth theproposal . The design also allows for inowplow and fire access. please see theenclosed site p1an. Staff recommendg approval of both the exterior alteration and cond.itjona'l userequests. Staff's concern about the additional sun/shade and view impaits oithe elevator have been completely mitigated by the removal of the elevator. Thenew trash room will provide a back-up trash a1 ternatjve to the Vendetta,s trashdumpster. Two existing display windows are covered by the new trash room. Anew display window will be located on the east side oi th" trash room. Thiswindow will be used for the display of Chri sty Sports merchandise wh.i ch wjll addinterest at the pedestni an level of the building. Staff does not consider thedisplay w'i ndow to be a display box, as the dispiay window is located on anexteri or wall that'i s part of christy sports' jeaie space. In addjtion, ih.i ,display area wii1 only be used for the display of chriity Sports merchand.i se andwill not have any signage in the djsplay case. staff also feels that.the specific design for the popcorn wagon and landscapedi:t.?19 provides a positive improvement io the Founderti ptut" u..a. Theadditional bench and new landscaping will create "n "it.u.iive pedestrian area.snow removal and fire access has alio been improv"a uv..io.at.i ng the popcornwagon to jts new location. For these reasons, staff recommends ipproval of thetwo requests with the following conditjons: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: W, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS 1. Both units 139 and .l30 wjll be used as short term rentals for the general public when the owners of the third floor dwelfing un'i t are not utilizing their main dwelling unit. Unit ]39 will have an access door to the common hallway. In the event that the project is condominiumized, units.|39 and .l30 will still be used as short term rentals when the owners of the third floor dwel'l ing unit are not using their unjt. 2. The new dwelling unit that will be created by the addition of the Christy Sports kitchen to an exjsting accornmodation unit will be restricted as a short term rental unit permanently. This restriction will continue to apply to the unit even if the property is condominiumized. 3. The owner will give up the right to the Christy Sports kitchen if the kitchen is not relocated to an accommodation unit within one year of the date of PEC approval . 4- The owner will agree to prov'i de these conditions of approval in a legal agreement for the Town before a building permit is issued for the remodel. These condjt'i ons wiII run with the property and wiII not be affected by a change in ownership. EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS REQUEST CONDITIONS 1. The applicant shall not remonstrate against and wi11 participate in any special improvement distrjct when and if a special improvement district is formed for Vail Village. 2. This approval will expire wjthin three years of Planning Commission approval date. 3. Al1 dra'i nage from the building will be t'i ed into the existing storm sewer system. The owner and building tenants will take responsibility for handling the trash on a daily basis. Trash will not be stored outside of any of the shops on the street or plaza. The owner agrees to either amend in a written form the existing agreement or enteri nto the new wri tten agreement to void the right to a delivery/pick-up parking space on the west side of the building in the Founders' Plaza area. This agreement must be completed before a bui lding permit is issued for the project. he owner and Christy Sports as well as any future tenants agree to not on the east side of thelocate any signage within the display window trash room. The owner agrees to the conditions of approval outlined in the conditional use memorandum. 4- 7. n The owner agreenent remodel . affected will agree to provide these conditjons of approval in a 1egalfor the Town before a building permit js issued for the These conditions will run wjth the property and will not beby a change in ownership. \ { --'-- : ' --|--T l I I - --t lJev 2'tgl v/aa? bclQ+ la"t:7,"a. Dr+1a-f ee-+-o4-reo F4aE- -. Ae"/ (3) ?ateAlu^\ ) W*9a frltn'b #et Veh FeVo>^:<E2 4F.tk= X lY )r * I r Iv 2*a1t6 o**u | .*|Jb la,Lt4-tI t+e*,t'oeq )naee/re4ll2 - ? c-La'- r---e- ao?A +*sJ-ezP-z' e ee TLre.?4 14 L-', 4 l+ -5,t**o.r.)t_., e I ry?4,.-n="L PLAZA ISLAND LANDSCAPE 114' : 1'-O' \ \l Bridge Street I CHANGES TO DRAWINGS FoR pEC MEETTNG MARCH 10, 1986 PLAZA LODGE BEMODEL March 5, 1!86 1 ) Site Plan: , Rernove new elevatorl add trash enclosure . Plaza fsland Landscape plan 2) Bassnent, Plan: . Remove elevator.shaft and equignent room for elevator 3 ) First Floor Plan: . Hernove elevatorl add brash enclosure 4 ) Second Floor Plan; . Rernove elevator I . Relocate window 5 ) Third Floor Plan : . Rsnove elevator and . Md window to sttdy . Add door to bedroorn 6 ) East Elevation and South Elevation: . Remove elevator; add enclosed trash rocm . Add flower basket at wal1 next to trash roorn . New display window box at trash rocrn . Femove elevator and elevator vestibule . Shift March/Septenber sur/shade line back to show flat roof of trash encl_osure. at elevafor elevator vestibule 139 at stair 7) origiral roof eave TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 24, 1986 Request for a conditional use permit jn order to eljminate two accommodation unit at the Plaza Lodge located on Lots G, H, I, J, K and part of F, Block 5C, Vail Village First Fil.ing. Rpiliiant: Plaza Lodge Associates, Ltd. I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE ll"gl Lodge Associates, Ltd. is requesting to remodel three existingdwell'i ng units on the second and third floor of the plaza Lodge. Theunits are located on the south end of the building above chriity Sports.Presently, one dwelling unit on the second floor is used by ChristySports as an office space. However, according to the zoning code, thisunit is considered to be a dwelling unit, as it has a kitchin and isdesigned for residential use. The second dwelling unit on the secondfloor is used as a residential unit. The unit on the third floor is alsoused as an exist'i ng dwelling unit. The applicant js propos.i ng toredesign these three units into two dwel ling units. One. un.i t-would belocated on the second floor and the second dwelling unit will be locatedon the third floor. Two existing accommodation un'its, unit ]39 (on the east side of thebuilding) and unit 130 (located on the west side of the bujlding) will becombined with the third floor dwelling unit. Both units ]30 and'.l39 willbe accessible from a public hallway and will also have a lockoff doorthat will connect it to the third floor dwelling unit. The applicant isproposing that units .l30 and ]39 will be short ierm rentals when theowner_is not using the main third floor unit. According to the zoningcode (section ]8.04.070), " a dwelling unit in a multi-iamily buildini may include one attached accommodation unit." The code (1g.b+.0:o) -, defines an accommodation unit as "any room or group of rooms withoutkitchen facilities designed for or adapted to occupancy ly guEsts-andaccessible from common corri dors, walks or balconies witnoul passing through another accommodation unit or dwell.ing unit.', A conditionai usereview i.s necessary as the code allows a dweliing unit to have only oneaccommodation unit lock-off- Given this proposai, the owner isrequesting to have two lock-offs connecting to the third floor dwellingunit. In respect to the loss of the second floor unit thatutilized by Chri sty Sports. The owner would like tokjtchen into an existjng accommodation unjt. Due to presently is rel ocate that the relocation ofthe dwelling unit, an accommodatjon un.i t will [e lost ffi and acgnditional use revie4 is necessary.Tn_ow_qr ngJ 6q\ju_,1" h nil^*aiqOnditional use revie4 is necessar*-+ ql*l &x(W q ulf, e & thr .rL wttt qe tos[ EEiEF"Flttt aDq a evi ew, i s necessary. 714_lW{,pl a*tirtd k y,qtJ4,+a"-- 1 ,^tr( at ^ Ihck+- lgw *n1a-8 !trnXon+uasl!,,, The Plaza Lodge is already over the allowed number of dweiling units. The situation is considered to be nonconforming in respect to density. The christy sports kitchen may be relocated as long as it is replacedwithin one year. According to the zoning code (Section .|8.64.070), "Anynon conforming use which is discontinued for a per.i od of 12 months,regardiess of any intent to resume operation or use, shall not be resumedthereafter, and any future use of the site or struitures thereon shallconform with the provisions of this title.,, (please see the zoninganalysis be1ow. ) Site Area: Zonjng Analysis .2882 acres or 12,554 sq ft Allowed 7 dwelling units (25 unitslacre)0ensi tv: 2nd Fl oor 3rd Floor Exi sti ns 9 D.U. 1A.U. L D.u. 10 A. U. 10D.U.&ilA.U. or .l5.5 D.U. Znd Floor Proposed 8 0.u.I A.U. 3rd Floor 1 D.U. 8 A.U. 10D_U.&9A-U. or .|4.5 D-U. (assumes existing kitchen is relocated to an accommodation unit within one year ) (The proposed remodel involves remodel ing three existing dwel l ing unitsabove christy sports into two dwel ling units. One accoimodation unit isdecreased due to the additional lock-off for the third floor dwellingunit- The second accommodation unit will be lost if it is used for lhechristy Sports dwelIing unit's kitchen. This results in a total decrease'i n density of two accommodation un.i ts or one dwelling unit.) II.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Communjty Development Department recommendsapproval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors 1. Relat'ionshio and impact of the use on development objectives of thetr;n- -ff,e statt feels that jt is a pos.i tive impact to technicallydecrease the density on th'is site. The project already exleeds theallowed number of un.i ts by 8.5 dwelljng uniis. Due to_the reorganization of the floor plans of the second andthird floors, technically two accommodalion units witt ue tost.However, the lock-off accommodation unit will be a short-termrental when the owner is not using the third floor dwelling unit.Moreover, the Christy Sports kitchen, although relocated ii anaccommodation unit, will be used jn exactly ihe same way as the 2. xi.sti f S accomm.odgti ,'lAA.Pn, WWntt furt ext.sttytg accommodgtion unit, i.e. a short-term rental unjt.,t^A^ tt:WtJ JlAfrThe effUct of the Llse on lioht rnd air. dicfrih,rian nr nar exi sti to 0 cat rel at on to surround t of the on I iqht and di stri buti on of populationtransportation f recreati onties n No impact. 3.Effect upon traffic with arti cul ar reference to conqesautomot i ve no pedestr safetv an conven l ence rATT'I C ow andcontroccess, maneuvera EVA val o snow tromstreet and parking areas- The proposal will remove the park.i ng{ toaaing problem on theFounders Plaza side .6 christy sporis. Th.is is'" poritive-impact. FI 4_ffect upon th charActer of the area in ch the r0p0s OT ENE ropo s ed use r s use In Staff has reviewed the proposal against the Urban Designconsiderations found in the Exterior Alteration ,.ui"r. It is feltthat the proposal compares favorably against these cr.i teria. Forthis reason there are no negative impa-ts with respect to thiscons i derati on . theproposecl use. --'- In commercial core I, it is required that the conditional use review alsoaddress the following development factors: 1. Effects of vehicular traffic on commercial core I District. 2- Reduction of vehicular traffic in commercial core I District. 3. Reduction of non-essential off-street parking. 4. Control of del i very, pi ck-up, and servi ce vehj cl es. It is felt that this proposal wir have positive impacts on thesecgns'i derations as the_removal of the par'king rpu." in-it,e-west side ofQ ctrristv.sports wir decreai" iririi. inlo-in-e.s..iiiriv pedestrianalea.. Loading and del iveries will also occur on the BriJge"street sideof the project. This shourd decrease the number of trucki unroading onthe Founders plaza area. 6. Development of public spaces for use by pedestrians. No impact continuance of the various commercial , residential , and pub1.i c usesin commercial core I district so as to maintain ttre eiisiingcharacter of the area. The proposal reinforces-the existing uses in the plaza Lodge. Thecommercial expansion will add more ixc.i ting retail at thepedestrian level . The remodering of the 'r odge wir creaie a morepositive-expe.i ence for the guesi. In addition, the remoaering ofthe.dwelling units actuarry iesurts in greater square feet forresidential purposes. For these reasoni, staff berieves that theproposal promotes the continuance of the uses listed above. control -qua1 ity of construction, architecturar design and landscapedesign in commerciar core I district so as to mainti.in the existingcharacter of the area. Through the exterior arteration review, the staff has determ.i nedthat the proposal upholds the character of the Viffige-irea. 7. III. None IV. FINDINGS The community Devrelopment Department recommends that the conditional useperm'i t be aflrttRdbased on the fol'l ow.ing find.i ngs: That the proposed location of the use is jn accordthis ordinance and the purposes of the djstrict in I ocated. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under yrvou]d. be operated or majntained would not be detrimental io ilehealth, safety or welfare or materjally injuriou. io prop"rti",improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply wjth each of the applicab.l eof this ordinance. with the purposes which the site is of which it publ ic or provi si ons V.STAFF RECOMMENDATIONMt,Staff recommends approval the owner agreeing to the iJ-,r J 4," 1t,..l .irq.\ A!*{ of the conditional use permit contingent uponfol I owi ng condi ti ons: 2. Both units .l39 and .l30 will be used as short term rentals for thegenera'l public when the owners of the third floor dwelling un.i t arenot utilizing their main dwelling unit. Unit 139 will haie anaccess door to the common ha11way. In the event that the projectis condominiumized, units .l39 ani t:o will still be used as shortterm rentals when the owners of the third floor dwelling unit arenot usjng their unit. The.new dwelling unit that will be created by the addition of thechristy sports' kitchen to an existing accommodation unit will berestricted as a short term rental unit permanenily. Thisrestriction will continue to apply to the unit even if the properryis condominiumized. z'v'],'' ?.Ll The owner will agree to provide these conditions of approval in a1ega1 agreement for the Town before a building permit is iisued forthe remodel It is felt that even though the numbers reflect that there.i s an actualdecrease in accommodation units, the guest and owner use of the propertywill be substanti;r1 ly increased due to ttre new management of the projec!as well as upgrading of the facilities through this remodel . For thesereasons staff recommends approval of the conditional use reouesE. ' i :,.t W,,tI-t, ;t,' !.',P ,f'' ,.! "r!. i.;..:ii .t.',, ''rq- 4r;' .,,.,1;'n. al,,-i i:'If' aJ 1l y--:1 t:i i illl 4' u lA '/ 4r,, il .{,* j/. Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado Architects 303-476-2201 81657 February 12, 1986 Ms. Kristan Pritz Touin of Vaif Planning Departnent 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81 657 Re: P1aza Lodge Renodel Sihnittal for t,he February 24, 1986 Pff I',leeting Dear Kristan, Erclosed is bhe addifional information you requested in your January 31 ,1986 letter for the Plaza Lodge Rernode1. T hope it provides you with the data you need. trr response to your eleven (11) ccmnents made, thefollowing iterns have been ctarified: 1. We will work wlth fla Buckley to provide urhafever utillties will be required to keep the popcorn wagon in lhe p1aza, but undersLand, it will be Ilars responsibillty for alf cosNsrelating to the wagonts relocation. 2. The new owner of the property (Mr. Willingham) has reconfirrned wit,h |4r. Jolrn Brennen (Vendettars owner) that the trash areapresently used by t'Vendettar str restaurant witl be ava11ab1e and used by aII shops in the building (with trash pickup scheduled on a daily basis). 3. The display window originalty shown at the southeast corner inlhe initial proposal was rsnoved at the shop ownersr request to be used as it is presently used - a changing roorn. I feel theplanter area rdnoved at the southeast corner has been more than compensated by a wall sconce planter and roof band which helpsto reduce the height of the proposed elevator tower. 4. The fireplace located in the lobby will be a gas-operated r.rnit; while the fireplace in the apartmenL gameroom (3rd floor) has been relocated frcrn the southwest, corner where it was a freestanding elemenf t,o a bu11t-in firebox ab the northwest nn Fn 6F 5. The enclosed new elevaticn drawings shor"r bhe east elevaticn without, the existing trees which occur between the building and Bridge Street. 6. The enelosed new elevation and plan drawlngs indicate where all proposed decks (13) are to be located, 7. The increase in the elevator tower was due to getting more speciflic inforrnation frcm the manufacturer. If any reducticn in depth, width or height is possible, we will certainly take advantage of the circwnstances. B. The enelosed space west of lhit 139 is an ice machj.ne built over the staircase frorn the second floor (accesslble frotn the haLlway ). 9. The enclosed new drawings help to denonstrate graphicatly (a) street enclosure, (b) building height,, (c) views and (d) sur/shade. 10. Ehclosed is a slgned conditlonal use permit form for the incorporaticn of ttrit 130 (an acccrnmodatic'n u:rit) with the renodeled dwelling urit. 11 . The nunber of dwelliag r,u:lts would remain urchanged (a11 exist,ingkitchms would be retained and/or relocated ). f hope this informafion covers your concerrts, and if you need more informaticn or have any questions, please let me h:ow. Sircerely, ,W:#wfuPar,ner $toudm and Hopkins, Arehitects CNS/mp cc: 1.4r. Clark WillinEharn Ehclosure I.This procedure use permit. The appl ication Date of ApplicationJanuarv 27, 1986 Date of pEC Meeting February 24, t9g6 APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT is required for any project required.to obtain a conditional wi'll not be accepted untir alr information is submitted. E. FEE 9100 THE FEE MUST ACCEPT YOUR F. A list of tlg_lglgs of owners of ail property. INCLUDING PROP.ERTY BEHTND AN; icnoss brnrriiiTHE ApplrCANT iliLL er nEspoNsrb'Lr ron conniii II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE adjacent to the subject propertv and their mailing addresies. OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. A PRE-APPLICATION CONF-ERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IST0 DETERMINi iF-nr'ri-nooriior'rni-'ii'irb'nr'riiior,r rs NEEDED. N0 AppllSl+?bl ;Yffutt'oBE AccEprED UNLESS rr^i' c'i,iijiEiE'ii,iiici'TN'LUDE-ALr-irEi,,ii iiiqurRED By THE z'NrNGfi?T,l-fit-tllFl ,o't,fi; eilFii|bilrli;l,lsiilnii8iiii^t6;It5ii[,nii:ii,,r,r*""'"no PLEASE NOTE THAT A C9TISJE-APPLICATION '',ILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESSFoR YOUR PROJECT sv-tEeRTATII'ib iHE"liuMilE!,qF coruofiioi,ii oF-nppnovnr- THAT THEf$f1#filrtlJfl#ifrFs nLr ocoruoiiroi,ii iiF'iFi;noi,ni"i,iilii'li'rJnioi,ro STTH BEFSRE A A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS PH0NE_(Z:4I969=Eoo B. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Sond- "nd H..,pki"= _ A"oh ADDRESS PHONE r+ze_rzor c.NAME 0F 0l^tNER(S) (print or OWNER(S) I SIGNATURE(S) ADDRESS 1300 Bnyan Tower Dal1as. T PH0NE (214 ) 969_7500 D. LOCATION 0F PR0POSAL: LEGAL_ L0T_E_K__BL0CK_5_q_FILING_[!1sL AODRESS PArpl , cK #3fr56 ey t/hrr,ltt,a^-r_ BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT |,lILLPROPOSAL. Ltd. % Ctark g. l{illingham OVER If. Four (4) copies of the following information: , A' A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and: its operlting charact-eristic",-""a ,"1"L., proposed to rnake' 'the use comparibJ-e with other'piopertl"= i" irre-vic:_niiy. ' B' A site plan sho-ur1ng Proposed development of the site, ilrcluding ' useaDre open space' randscaped area, and utirities and, drainage- features- c' Frel-irninary bu.i.lding plans and elevations sufficient to indicateErre q,lmensLons, general .appearance, scale, and. interior plan of, , ,,, all buildings. . ,, :. D''Any-additional.rnaterial necessary for the review of the appJ.ication\.; as determined by the i""i"g-ad*inistrator. III- Ti:ne requirements T-he -plann1ng and Environmental Commission meetsMondays of each month. An application ,itf,-tfr"materi_a1 must be submitted gou, ,""t" pii", t"meeting. on the 2nd, and 4thnecessary accompanyingthe date of the - ,i Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado Architects 303-476-2201- 81657 January 71 , 1986 Ms. Kristen hltz Town of Vail Planning Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: Plaza Lodge Rsnodel Lots G,H,f,J,K and part of F, Block 5-C, Val1 Village First Filing Vail , Colorado Dear Krisfen: Erclosed are four (4 ) sets of jnformafion cn our proposed request for the Remodel and Additicn to the Plaza Lodge Building. The applicanl, praza Lodge Associates, Ltd,, is requesting exterior modifications andarterations which requlres submittat of the proposed requesb to the Tovnr ofvail Pranning Department for review by the pEC. Thls proposal entails four(4) major areas of ehange to the existing building: Addition of exterior balconies (13) to 13 existjng lodge rooms. Rernodel of existing dwe1llng urit with the incorporation of 2 ace ommodat ion ur its. Addition of an elevator to service the existlng dwelling ur:it. Srpansion and remodel to the Christy Sports retail shop. These requests fa1l withjn the guidelines of the vail village urban Design Guide Pran and ccrmrerlcal core 1 zcning, uErade portions oi t,he property which are presently urused, and is consistfft with t,he purpose (section 18.24.010) of CCl- The existing and proposed permitted, accessory and conditional uses(Sections 18.24.Ozo thror.rgh 18.24.060) for bhe basernent, first floor, second floor and above second floor revel are maintained. However, theapplicantts desi-re to cornbine 2 acccrnnodation rmits (130 and 139) to ttreexisting dwelting writ wil_1 require a conditional use permif as per Sections 18.60 and 18.24.040 A (elimjnation of aeconmodation rnil .|39) and woul-d be consistent with the definition of a tdwerlinE unitr' (to ccmbinernit 130). a. Ir The lot area and site dimensions (Section 18.24.090); setbacks (18.24.100), and hefuht (18.24.120) will be rnehanged; therefore, rernain consisbenb with exlsting conditions and requirements. The denslty control (Section 18.44.130) wi1l be affected, but will remain below exisling condi-tlons. Ihe nwnber of accornrnodation r:nits will be decreased frcrn 10 to B (with the inclusion of units 130 and 139 to the existjng dwelling uait ) and wit,h the inclusicn of second floor space(presently Christy Sports offices which will relocate to new basement space)into the existing dwelling unit reduees the nwnber of dwelling units from 8to 7. With lhese modificaticns, the existjng density (which presently exceeds zoning) would be reduced by 2 dwelling urits (2 a.u. and 1 d.u.), brlnging the property more in Line with present zoning. These rnits wouldstil1 remajn in the rental pool of The Lodge; therefore, providing much needed residential and lodging unit,s within the Vail Village. The GRFA would be int'e€@d by approximately 200 square feet, staying well below the allowable (l ,063 dquare feet.\rpt The coverager(Sctlon 18.24.150) of the property with building, grou:d levelpatios and decks will be changed, but not increased. Presmtly, a majorityof the site is covered with buildlnS (2504 square feet ) and plaza walkways (4250 square feet ) as per the Va1l Village Plan to encourage thepedestrianizalion of the area. !'le are replacing portions of the existing hard surfaces with new building. Parking and loadlng (secbj.on 18.24.180) will be improved by the eriminationof an approved parking space in Fowrders Plaza (rejnforcing the pedestrian aspeets of the Plaza) and use of t,he exi.sting loading zones cNt Bnidgesbreet. Access to Fouurders Plaza for emergency vehicles will be maintained by respectlng the B? access easement along the south property line and stepping the southwest corner of the building to the norbh to improve theexisting access (actualty cutting back the souLh wesL corner of thebuilding 4t-Of'). Additional parking spaces for the jncrease jn residential and retail spaceto christy sports would be as per Torur of vair standards and purchased bythe applicant. As per the Vail Village Design Consideraticns:1. Pedeslrianization is encouraged by reinforcing the edge of For:nders PrazE anffiE6-accesses wi-n oispray windowi and planters. thusedporticxrs of the site are filled in with shop displays and planters whieh addlife and viballty to the slreet edge. The existing parking space on Foi.rtders Plaza is eliminated leaving a pedestrian walkway unencumbered byvehicular traffic. 2. Vehicular Penetration is not increased and is lmproved by elimlnatlonof the exlsting pffiing space on the Plaza and use of existing loading zones. 3... Sblee.tscape Framework is reinforeed by providing landscapingwith planteFs on all faees and levels of the proposed expansion. and color Activity Lndulatingis further facade to rejnforced with the addition of display windows and an add visual interest to the buildinE. 4. Street Enclosure is maintained by provldlng a 1 or 2 story face to thestreEElEGEEffiIF! the building ralaaes both vertically and horizontally !g L9"p-the building in scale with the pedestrian and adjaeent buildings.The inclusicar of display windows, planters and changes in facade createshigh atfenticn and actlviby at eye level . 5- stJ"eet Erlge is reinforced by varying the facade fo allow for jnterest and activity along the streets and p1aza. 6: Puiloine leigE! is consistent wlth the existing conditions, providlng asingle sfory facade toward the plaza, and stepping the buirding back as itincreases frcrn floor to froor. The new erements aooeo to the design areextensions of the existing bullding and accents which add to the vitality ofthe design: All porticns of the d-sign are well within the hejghtrequironents of the Tovlr:t . 7 - \ilsrx.are not irnpaeted by the building expansion because all expansionsoccur inside existhg building edge enveropes and are creating new iacades:1side vlew pranes of the existing building. The higher etement of theelevator eneloslre frames the ped-strian view of thJGore Range as they walkthroqgh t,he energency access just south of the building and wourd have arni-nor encroachment on views frcm across the plaza, but is minimized due toifs stepped back location in relarion bo the western exposure. 8- service an4 Delivgry is consistent with the Tor^n plan by removing anexis@ing space in rou'roers I pLaza (providing a vehlcularfree marl) and using established park:-ng and loading zcnes on eniage sbreet.The ernergency access arong the south pr6perty line is reft open and usableby emergency vehicles. 9. qm!4d ,*rade are taken into consideraticn by expanding within thealre@GEE&Enverope; therefore, noi creatlng additional shadingpatterns on the PJ.aza, Bridge Sbreet or pedestrian walkways. Architectural and landscaping considerations will be addressed during the 9g"rgn revj-ew stages of approvals and sha1l not be expanded upor at thistirne- r hope the enclosed infonnaticm is adequate, and if you need moreinfovmation or have any questions cn the project, prease lel me hrow. Sircerely, fua/ftilftr4r,/ Crai/ w. Stowdon, partner Stovldcn and Hopkins - Architects CNS/np I Reviewed by: Comments: t) -ry|''.7-- "3, fru, \ PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC l^lORKS Reviewed by: K 6v4nq4d6 t INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI Tt.J 6^./ /Dr' PEnttee DArE 0F PUBLTc HEARTNG e/ry /coravz? lU.-=t s'oa ftia 31zA .e,'r & oa ?*r o /-\to 4qpeet S 4o lezzv. FIRE DEPARTMENT f %eo"^' L^t+<ort / L-oLs Ltl/-€ fi<-cess 4.a or/e:./.4*rC aL S4soao E€ oL t F (/ i /s Po7 €/p't,to aea€1 6E S7'u<7 t d U, Date Date Reviewed by: Comments:': . POL]EE D.PARTMENT_.__- __.:_ Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Date PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BYJ BRIEF DESCRIpTI0N 0F THE pR0p0SAL:. POL]CE DEPARTMENT INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI El.l DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date Date Reviewed by: Corrnents: Da te RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments; FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date Vehicle Inside Radius Outs ide Radi-us width Wheel- Base Road to Chas i-s Clearance Remarks: VAIL FIRE DEPART},INET Minjmum Design Requjrements for Vehicles 1BB' 23' 39' 441 240" 1Al 4B t-B' 14' 31'10"17'6"33'6" 33 | 7'l 26',6" 26'6" JUIJS .Qf€,eerro,J OER 7nlrta ptr o rl etck 43 / ) O//7,e ,64r A- q'/.' ,.r',?"/ .r- t2 o <./7P / 1,a':: 4 t //:,n.:ii-' ,.'.., .:. //a3{ //c7 /r/ 717;::'/ 1 :iq'3? A-/o 7-f : /f /7i-(..,.;' .,./., ^tlz, t.:.../,:. 7'D ,//a4tzo,,rr(/ t7/O /lrc/.t i" 7s ' ') , ,Ozt.-,:',,.2' //=/:'c,r/ g c,,fit t.: z;'.;.,i 7a;,4 4; t, ., &tt tt ; 4'' ,,Y 4g ' . /rso rTro!, l, @ qto RE^^ SrE P ----:oi f, - *-3,r'- 4lo ko*+ 6 ang rfr{r { Ea -* - --eduIa.r !-t I { I -t I I I I I Aryle Auele 66a b8o h+^ $a^ A*oB rs .9+oDtt f.l, Fr +) r{rf ir F 0i $ -.ri=.o , : Qu ,a !n iri -+,lr-r fi - cr tr. C) | I O ii "r_-4 - g f'-crrlo. $r{ o (j.Jc aI $irit o t-) ,1j p qlTJ !l I'-. c : )lc_,. +) L.h.r+tso() +J qt A'f,ii +:scF;..tli5;i:3$ 3-1 .? ij.,,"8t:5l-, c'. f (: o (::1 *..:tl l-.c n ftu .iL=Jr i !.: l:J-::: __{ Jl-,? Ntr .{-r:_c.- el :rtr._ aj l_., cr' ,a Fr I.p- l'e c*': 9.r L f O c] ti Otr'o ol > rlgFr-- '::;r)j c) oFOJ0. sF& '.e rri: o.cFr-.t€li.! 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H= Jrc cJ r-',-,.'^i ;'1. !r r-r C*r.r- : S (,4.-l c) O+j O d -q: Nr)., -f, ; O -:, S:d Cr.!i.cf--t rl s: lr.rr rii' {C -"? t: r'-:tCO-.c-c0):t r-r r- Ff -{c)._:.6 .|-)gcoi_rr.i c .l_. c c,r o_, +-r c,N .-.r >! r.t *-, ilr.Jr h O*rO:rar.ON ..i _C iiq.ar tlr$-. -.,!i ! .-.r rr -.. d g.!,o l-.' c"-; fi ,i +, fJ 31 :trd6asrr-{ lL f'\ p .(J t). !,1 -.-i O.o C, O +r rri'.--i r;/c]rt O O -{ri U g OF.:i 'i' al i' Fltl:ire?]--i p C Oo.Ctg. -r:rca. -*l c-tr .rt-r :r e).-r N-t Art -r O O C p. _-l ..: O O -;r h1, r,l 3._-rtr r-i !F, I c F ir"r (.i d.-rc p O, a,i i c.r - !.j o i -._.,.(!:.a) i 4 d.lrr F O.-r oi.- C i Fr ir .::.-r.: gooi-.o@oJ(!;: .rr :'.: i;J (: (J..-i l--ir A.O i'l -c fj t]]; +r O r: ._t !r. +r i,t C- O; i:...r p > 5l 'l) o' c).|: >rNC..tj!:5 r{O '"') :j >: -c x5.arCI .l-) (, g '.1 goF Cq qi O+-tr r:ct.n ot,CJ O5(' :r c) hr:O -'l l-' <:ti r!. cd (|, sa 54F D"r7 {* {. u: &.ffu (' c'. Fl F. Fr ,t- I Fl H ar z I Er O l, ::. r. r .. , r '..- .., 1: J_. I +it.i. a:.l c 9rr, (.F ,,: :: --t(, i.' I r: i',.f ''.):. t, I PUBLIC NOT]CE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Pl anning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vaii will hold a public heari ng in accordance with Section .|8.66.060 of the municipa'l code of the Town of vail on February 24, 1986 at 3:00 pm in the councir chambers in the Vair mun'i cipal building. Cons ideration of: l' Exterior alteration of the Plaza Lodge in order to expand retail spdcp,.r. and remodel existing dwelling units and request for a conditional use permit irr order to eliminate one accommodation unit and one dwe|l ing unit, on rots G,H,I,J,K & oart of F, Blk.5-C, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Plaza Lodge Associates, Ltd. 2. Request for an exterior alteratjon of the Hong Kong Cafe, a conditional use permit in order to have an outdoor dining pat'io on ground froor, and a site coverage variance in order to construct a two story building on Lot C, Block 5-C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Hong Kong Cafe partners 3' RequEst to rezone Lot Z, Block l, Vail Lionshead 2nd Filing from High Density'' Mu]tiple Family to Special Deve'lopment District in order to develop an additional 92.1odge rooms, 5 condominiums, and approximate)y 3,350 square feet of meeting/ conference space as phase II of the Doubietree Hotel . Appiicant: Vail Holdings, a limited partnersh.ip 4' Request for a conditional use permit in order to construct an addition and remodel the Vail Golf Course Clubhouse located at 1718 Vail Valley Drive. Applicant: yail Metropolitan Recreation Distrjct. 5. A request to amend the Town of Vail Design Review Guidelines to include a section on park Design Guidelines Applicant: Town of Vail The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public jnspection, TOI.JN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trait 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado Ol65z (303) 476-7000 January 3l , 1986 Mr. Craig Snowdon Snowdon Hopkins Architects 20.l East Gore Creek Drive Vai I , Col orado 8.|657 Re: Plaza Lodge Remodel Submittal for the oltlce ol community development February 24 PEC Meeting Dear Craig: I am happy to see that you have been able to pu11 back the bujld'i ng so that fireand snowpiow access will be much eas'i er for the Town. I have revjiwed your mostrecent submittal for the Plaza Lodge remodel and have the foliowing comilents: 1. &p,Ern_&S_ I would appreciate jt if you would communjcate to IlaBuckley the Plaza Lodge owner's position on-mov.i ng the popcorn wagon. Iwill cal] Ila and make sure that she understands ltrat tne Town is notwi11ing to re-landscape the area in which she prefers to locate herpopcorn wagon. The staff felt that this Iocation might give her betterexposure. However, lve are not able to cover the cost for the rev.isedlandscape plan and materials. z. Trash: The staff is glad to see that the trash area has been removedFrofrTtre area adjaceni to the eievator. It is our understanding thai theentire building will now be using Vendetta's trash area. The siaff wouldlike a response from you as to whether you real1y feel this is arealistic solution. 5.9jsp]av w!n4ow Eas!. elevation: The staff would like to see the expandeddisplay window on the southeast corner of chri sty sports remain in thedesign as_originally proposed. It 'is felt that the additional displayspace would add transparency to that corner of the building. Staff'wouldalso l'i ke to see the planter located on the east side of tie elevatoradded to the revised drawings. The planter will be helpful in softeningthe tallness of the elevator tower. 9. 8. 6. 7. 4. Urban Design Guide Plan Consjderations: Deck Additions: East El evati on: Staff woul d I i ke Fireplaces: According to are adding one fireplaceto the remodeled dwelling my calculations, I show that you to the lobby as wel l as a fireplaceunit on the third floor. to see an east elevation trees in front of it-the elevator wjthout the existing Street Enclosure: exi sti nglproposed wi dth. of should be Shownsite plan. Elevator: It appears that the elevator has increased inhejght and width. Please let us know why th.i s was necessary. Unit 139: Staff would like some clarification as to what thespace is in front of unit ]39. This space is located to thenorth of the stairway going downstairs. All the new decks that are being added on the respective elevatjons as well as the cl- h Please show a diagram of theratio between wall hejght and street Building Height: Pjease give me the height of theexisting roofs in feet as well as the proposed heightof the addition and elevator so that the buildinqheights may be compared to those required by thiidesign consideration. Views: A vjew analysis is defin.i tely required forPlanning Commission even though you have stated thatthere are no impacts on any vjews. The Guidelinesspecifically state that, "When evaluat.i ng a proposal ,first priority should be given to an analysis of the'impact of the project on views from pedesirian areai,whether designated or not. The views des.i gnated to bepreserved ori ginate from ejther major pedestrjan areasor publ i c pl azas. Whether affectj ng the desi gnatedview pianes or not, the impact of aii proposed bui.l dingexpansions on views from pedestrian ways must beclemonstrated, and mitigated where warranted." Inrespect to the Plaza Lodge project, views fromFounders' P1aza, Sejbert Circle, l,lall Street and BridgeStreet are important to analyze. Sun/Shade; I am asking that you expand on thesun,/shade analysis that was submjtted. The sun/shadeanalysis should show the existing/proposed sun angleson an elevatjon as well as the shade patterns on a sitep1an. The staff is espec.ially interested in any effect on Bridge Street. The Guidelines state that "All newor expanded buildings should not substantially increase the spring and fall shadow pattern (March 2l through September 23) on adjacent properties or the public right-of-way." The staff js jnterested in see.i ng the most extreme situations to determine impacts. I have enclosed appropriate sections of the Design Consideratjons for you to refer to when studying how to address the issues listed above. A conditional use permit is necessary duewill become a A dwel 1ing unit (Please see the to the ioss of one accommodation unit tharlock-off for the remodeled dwell ing un.i t.will also be deleted due to the remodel . zoni ng stati stj c sheet. ) 11. Zonjng Statistjcs: I have enclosed on a separate page myzoning statistics for the property. The other Town departments will be reviewing these plans on Monday. Assoon as-possible, I will let you know any comments that they may naveconcerning the new submittal . If, after reading this lettei, you fee'lthat you have questions, please feel free to cail me. 1n Kri stan Pritz Town Planner KP: br Si ncerel V,^ , Kirl^ V,\ Conditional Use: Site Area Dens ity: -2882 Znd fl oor 3rd floor PLAZA LODGE ZONING ANALYSIS acres or 12,554 sq ft Exi sti ng 9 D.U. 14.U. 10 A.U.I D,U. 10 D.U. & ll A.U. or 2nd floor 3rd floor Proposed 8 D.U.i A.U. t;9 A.U.I D.U. DU & TO A.U. or ,.d J. ,' t,,.{r.J D.U.s D.U.sI 0.u. t 'r., /r,,.,.i'I- " , ,f - : ..,. 15.5 D.u. r]a.,?:u;* The proposed remodel involves remodel ing three existing above Christy Sports into two D.U.'s. One of the remodeledwill have one lock-off. The proposal results in a loss of and I A.U. GRFA Al I owed: Exi sti ng: Addi ti on: I0,043 9,735 236 sq ft 9,971 sq ft sq sq ft ft Total GRFA with add iti on Remaining GRFA after addi ti on SITE COVERAGE 72 sq ft 10,043 7,760 488 sq ft 8,248 sq ft 1,795 sq ft Al I owed: Exi st i ng: Addi ti on Total SJTfT6ier- age with addition Remaining Site Coverage after addi ti on COMMON AREA:---l-t t owed Exi sti ng Addi ti on Total c6frt6i-TFea with addition 2,009 sq ft 1,935 sq ft 70 sq ft 2,005 sq ft sq sq ft ft 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 8, 1986 Craig Snowdon Snowdon Hopkins Architects 20] Gore Creek Drive Vai1, Colorado 8.l657 Re: Plaza Lodge Exterjor A'l teration Dear Craig: The staff discussed the question of site coverage for the plaza Lodge and determined that the brick pavers and existing landscaping would not be counted as site coverage. In the commercjal core I zone distrjct, g0% ofthe total sjte area may be covered by build'i ng and ground leve1 patio anddecks unless otherwise specified in the vail village urban Design plan andDesign considerations. In respect to the plaza Lodge, the stafi willcount as site coverage the footprint of the building. The br.i ck paver areas and landscaping that were recently added on the east side oi thebuild'i ng will not count as site coverage. The intent of the site coveragedefinition for this zone district is to maintain as much landscaping aspossible on this site. Therefore, jf you wish to add add.i tional'plinters,particulariy on the south side of the building, this should not be aproblem as long as adequate fire and snowplow-access is mainta.i ned. If you have any further questions about the site coverage, please feelfree to give me a call. Si ncerel y, t/ I nl"fvrffan {tt+ Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner KP: br II tll negative impact upon the park. She stated that the curve lvorked for the numberof vehicles in the summer seasonal use that was required for the amphjtheatre. She also felt that the drop-off from the road down to the ii"eek was very dangerous for drivers. she emphasized that the traffic from the parking 1ot would create congestion on the Frontage Road. She stated concern aboutpedestrians walking from Manor VaiI to the lot in the dark. She summed up her comments by stating that she felt that to approve the request wou.l d be a grant of special privi1ege. Sid Schultz: Sjd asked about the number of park'i ng spaces VA owned jn Lionshead. Macy stated thai i.here were 120 spaces in the North Day lot and thatthis proposal was mereiy making up for the loss of employee parking due to the Golden Peak conversion. Shultz stated that he felt that V,4 should be responsible for providing parking like other employers/busjnesses, and shouldlook at long term solutjons. He stated that the proposal was a short term bandaid solution. Pam Hopkins: Pam asked at what level the Town council had discussed thisproject. Staff responded that as land owners, the CounciI had given their approvai to allow the application to proceed through the conditional use processat Planning commjssion. she suggested that perhaps the $20,000 for the roadcould instead pay for a bus driver to handle the route from the golf clubhouselot to the mountajn. she asked Joe Macy why the golf clubhouse lot was notused. Joe stated that it was inconvenient for the employees. She was also concerned with the possibility of drivers sliding into Gore creek, mud duringnice winter weather, and other traffic concerns. She pointed out that if by chance this is not a big snoh/ year, the lot will become very muddy. Duane Piper: Duane asked Joe Macy when vA would iike to begin work on the lot. Macy stated that construction would take approximately 10 days and that they would like to begin as soon as possible. vA hoped, if the request was approved,that they could use the lot by christmas, i985. Duane asked if there waslightjng on the Manor vail bridge. staff responded that there was no lighting.It was stated that if the road was constructed, construct'i on may be possible iorthe amphitheatre throughout the winter. Thjs construction would involvebringing in fill for the amphitheatre. Duane asked jf the Manor Vai1 parking lease would continue if this proposal was approved. Joe responded that they did have a lease agreement with Manor Vail for 30 spaces and that the 30 spaces areallocated per department according to numbers in each department. Duane feltthat the parking task force recommendations and the Vai'l Associates' decjsjon to al1ow parking at Golden Peak were good decisions, but that to turn around andrequest to use public property to make up that need was questionable. Hequestioned the actual benefits to the Town. He felt that the loss of the curve 'i n,the road was a problem, however he felt that the revegetation plan was adefinite p1us. Duane suggested that perhaps the land for parking could be leased from the Town and the money would then be used to develop the lower benchaccording to the master p1an. He also felt that more control at the entry wouidhelp the proposal and that perhaps the lot should only be used for vA peopje to make it easier to distinguish employees from day skiers. Macy responded thatthe proposed lot really would be a benefit to the entire community and not justvail Associates, as it would help out with our short term parking needs. Duanestated that it is probabie that we were looking for short term soiutions throughout .l989 world championships. Joe again expressed vA's concern over long termparking solutions. Duane also agreed that parking was very important uui tnat we need to take great care in the solutjons that we come up with. f;I Alice Cartwright mentioned again from the clubhouse to Golden Peak 0iana mentioned again her concern the creek and traffic congest'i on. parking away fron the base of the that really all VA needed to do was get a bus and that would help out greatly with parking. about the steepness of the road's drop off to She felt that employees need to accept mounta i n . n moved an seconded to den the re uest based on the fact use e vote was 5 avor o den and ai nst - 6. Prelimjnary review of exterior alteratjons concerning: a. Treetops, Ljonsheadb. Hill Building, Villagec^ Hong Kong Cafe, Village /- AJ Plaza Lodge, Viilage\_/ Viele moved and Donovan seconded to make Tree s and the Hi1I BuiIdin 60 da stu e vote was 6- The meeting adjourned at 4:50 pm. es anq rne P taza 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 {303) 476-7000 January 2, i986 Craig Snowdon Snowdon Hopkins Architect 20.l Gore Cr"eek Dri ve Vai1, Colorado 8.l657 Re: Safety concerns for the Plaza Lodge Dear Craig: Recently, the Police Department has started reviewing plans to determine jf there are any safety problems with the proposed design p1ans. Brian Terrett made the following recommendations for the plaza Lodge additjon: 1. The elevator located on the southeast corner of the building has a highpotential for unauthorized entry if operated with a standard elevator key.I recommend that you place a key operated door on the outsjde of theelevator entry that has a push bar operat.i on on the jnsjde. 2. The remodeled entry to Christy's Sports has a high potential for break-insgiven the amount of g1ass. I recommend that you install recessed floodiighting into the overhang over the door. The light should be placed onphoto-electric control for automatic on and off function. Two to three 1 i ghts shoul d be i nstal I ed. Pl ease let me knowthis safety review building. Sincerely,,/ I nlt/'l l,/ l- iiti.'.'nq lfr if Kri stan Pri tz' Town Pl anner KP: br if you have any questions about the comments. |,le hope thatwill be helpful to the Town as well as to the owner of the oo COflJ CALNS fuL W-rrUfre. /W& (ffi66 Burc-n)*d fr 1- FUa/,Frtlp @e,/|-TGv oN a E (p{maL trftLtus t+t/EI. l4{5H fO(avAm, W, Oil Frttow4st arpl lF 0 ( bliLA"far) ai,A 6Lw,44,o/L lGt ( WL: f unce r€q ofaws:pg m OcevF1at 6^W,11 , nth DaOa o,',J 1uTfiPE lmspt h,A/L 0/ etrl*7r;U ON t rn5iCI€ . otu7 ofen'tr€p 4 a - NFTts ^TL1 & CnniszT rfre7s . kt,6ta /ore^tneu fue BE6*r - /tt ,tor|k 4tut6t an Of- kUS< t17 lunil tu p'f W: 71rs*:1644 @c%dD ft.ou kktrrtve ffi ruaf /ilzD aore,,c oluz 44€ NM. lue (1rtrs (n P//OT7 ft&Th{c CUnaoC Fare trzta7ruftf/a An/ orc 4tucria,u - J lo g t n S/a,4,e/' t 716 shoNld/ k- j.r 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 December 23, 1985 Crai g Snowdon Snowdon Hopkins 20] Gore Street Vai1, Colorado 8.|657 Re: Plaza Lodge Exter.ior Alteratjon Dear Craig: I wouid like to outline the corrnents that were made at our December 20 meet.i ngwith Mike McGee and Bill Andrews. The issues included: l- The southwest corner of the building should be pulled back. The FireDepartment was concerned about theii turning r"dirr. public works wasconcerned about_the ability to get in and out of the plaza area tor inowpiowing. Bill Andrews mentioned that the width of the plow wasapproximately 10-12 feet. The planning staff would l.i re to see thebuilding puiled back to ailow for better views intJ ttre plaza forpedestrians coming from Bridge Street. 2' Staff would like to see the trash room relocated eitheli nside the buildingor to a less visible location. tije would prefer to see the p1ini...*p"nl*o'instead of the trash area. The Fire Department did ment.ion that if thetrash room does stay in this location, adequate fire frotection would also0e n ecessary. 3. Staff would like ro see someelevator door. i.le discussed wooqen cover. type of a decorative screen cover on thethe possibi1jty of using either a metal or 4' It was agreed upon that the parking space and loading area at the southwestcorner of the plaza Lodge wouid be-removed. Further jnformation on the sun/shade analysis .i s needed.'i s difficult to determine if there are any shade impactsor adjacent buildings. 5 At this time it on pedestrian ways ! 6. A very simple view analysis should be subnritted. From the drawings, it appears that views of the ski mountain are not impacted. However, some documentation of the situatjon is necessary- 7. The impacts of the construction and excavation on the plaza will be minjmized as much as possible by the deveioper. Construction'is proposed tostart immediately after ski season with actual building occurring in June. 8. I wjll check jnto the preferred location for the popcorn v,,agon. I will alsotry to talk to the manager of the popcorn wagon and check into the lease and hookup arrangements. 9. I will address the question of site coverage, GRFA calculations and theissue of whether 9r" 1ot the planter on the south side of the buiiding can ceadded, given the 20 foot access requjrement of Mike McGee. 10. Please draw the property l.i nes on the site plan. 11. Public hlorks made the fol lowing comments: a. Please subnjt a title report.b. Do the balconies encroach on Town of Vail property?c. Public Works needs to take a closer look at snow iemoval in Founders'pl aza.d. Is 1ighting proposed for the south side of the buj'l djng? This area seems to be particularly dark and 1.i ghting may be appropr.iate.e. How will drainage off the roof and balconies be handled? I believethat you responded that the drainage would be taken care of throughthe storm setver system. 12. The Fire Department had the following concerns: a' Fire alarm systems will need to be appiied to the new construction.b. The elevator must have fire servjce recall and meet the requ.i rementsof ANSI 1985 phase II.c. A standpipe should be added that goes to a roof valve. Mike suggestedthat the pipe cou.l d be located behjnd the elevator.d. Mike also mentioned several problems with the existing buiId.i ng thatwill be up to the owner to decide if he w'i shes to addiess theslconcerns. I know the Fjre Department wouid appreciate it if the ownerwould take care of some of the exjsting probiems with the bujlding. I hope this summary will be helpful. If I have forgotten anyth.i ng, please iet me !l o*:.At th'is time, I wiil hope to see the submittil in time to schedule jt forthe February J.0 Planning commission meeting. Enjoy the holidays. S i ncerel y, t/ \ nl Inrfan filf Kristan Priti Town Planner { Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Greek Drive Vail, Colorado Decsnber 23, '1985 Architects 303-476-2201 81657 1,1r. Mlke l,lcGee Fire Marshall To-wr of Vail Flre Department 42 WesL Meadow Drive Vail , Colorado 81652 Re: Plaza Lodge RemodeL Mike: rn response to our meeting on December ao, l,g}5 with Krist,en pritz qr thePlaza Lodge lemodel , f an !"yrng to capsuiize your concerns on the proposed 9l uns"! to the Lodge. As r understood thsn, ntst of your concerns were forLhe sal-'crl.'r and wel-fare of the users and not requirements of bhe Tovm ofVail . l/e appreciate your Lime and input at thls point, and hope we callaccosrnodate your concerns as we proceed with the project. Orr areas of dlscussion were as f6llows:1- the exlsting roof structure seems to be rstressedr and you wereconcerned that any additional setflement that may occur due toadditlonal construction in the area shourd be clbsely watched. 2. the att,ic in general (with excess roofing tar accumuLatton, damaged duct work, etc.) was a potential. hazard, and anythingthat could be done bo help rnitigate the situation would beappreciated. 3. bathrocrn ducting which is rwrning through the attic spaces ls indisrepair, and could be a fire hazard 4- any wood panelilg in the corridors should be treated to reducepotential flame spread (Class B rating). 5- "vendettarstr restaurant installed a new fire sprlnkler systemwhen it was rsnodeled and tapped off of the existing 2" dcmesticwaber lire with bhe urderstanding t,hat a permanent I" line wouldbe installed prior to finat approval (this st,ill needs to beacco'nplished ). 6. 11. Sincerely, /, -,1,'l t,' lr,, t/ -'lt-. lti l'l' q ii"' ii I'ttt,Ylnt L !,t"'. rtttt"/l t/ Craif t'1. ,$or^rdon Partn er. CNS/mp cc: Kristin foitz Clark Willingham Andy Beck 7 e 9. 10. a magnetic door operator is required for the lobby door. the_fire alarm systan (recently installed) is in good shape andwouLd need fo be extended jnbo any newly rernodeled areas. the exisbing class 2 hose cabinet on the second r-evel is nor,close enor.rgh to the owner apartment to properly service thesespaces from the jnterior. the exlsLlng roof does not have a roof maniror-d avairable.Could an existing or new line extend up Lo the roof for firedepartment use? fhe new elevator would have t,o ccmply with 19g5 ANSIrequirements and shouid be key operated with phase II recall .AI1 ventjng should be reviewed in conjurction with existirrgvents arrd grilles. any_bassnent spaces more than 1500 square feet would requirefull fire sprinkler systems by February 1989 as ;";-n;;'---'regulaticns ccxning inbo effect durllg -February oi tggO. 12- the Tornn of vail will not be able to service the praza side ofthe Lodge with fire truck radder equipment due to rirniLed accessalong the existing south property li.ne eassnent. 13. ariy new trash roorn created shoul-d be sprjnkled to jnsureadditional safefy frcrn trash fjres. The new ouner of the plaza Lodge presently ornlrs ot,her properties (Bell TowerBuilding) in t,ire tor.m of vall Lo'has arways tried to;;;iy with the roumrsrequests. Your input is much appreciated and alr efforts wirl be made focneate a safe proJect lhe town can be proud of. rf you have any questions, or have additionat input, please feer free tocontacL me or my office. 2/A O PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commiss'ion of the Town of Vail will hold a pubfic hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on January 13, lgg5 at 3:00 pm in the councjl chambers in the Vail municipal bu.i lding. l' Request for a conditional use permit in order to permit temporary public p;rking us1ng a protective matting on an area 200' x 50' located adjacent to the west endof the existing parking area on the east end of the upper bench at Ford park, Applicant: Town of Vail 2' Request for a conditional use permit and for a condominium conversion permit in order to convert the Fall Line Apartments into time share condominiums. Applicant; Kaiser E. Morcus 3. Request for an exterior alteration in order to add 180 square feet to the Treetops plaza Bu.i 1ding, Lionshead. Appi i cant: pierre Lakes, Ltd. 4' Request for an exterior alteration in CCI in order to enclose a deck and add a third floor at the Hill Building,311 Brjdge street, Vail vi11age. Applicant: Blanche C. H.ill 5. Request for a density variance in order to convert storage into an employee housing unit of 900 square feet at 44 west Meadow Drive, Lot I, vail viilage 2nd Fiiing. Applicant: pol1y Brooks The applications for the proposals are available in the Community Development Department for inspection by the public during regular office hours. THOMAS A BRAUN TOWN OF VAIL COIvIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail Trail December Zl, 1ggl. PLAZA LODGE MEETING Oecenber 20. .l985 O 4 Parking space sonectarLo6rou /Popcgrn wagon lease and hogkup ; tf t- rylf, d* *,($'.0"^t? @tr wooden door cover on elevator @s Sun/shade analysis @t. s i tuati on Xn O8.Impacts o( tlle constrgction and excqvation on the plaza rarfluAcn, alrkr 5tr raatrtrr r'r'.cd . &s{mr'lict^ }ti JIJNE G)X o'ott,"Tll5'r.port , 1u/ 1 ,. ,,. Do bal conies encroach on TOV property? no-ar^tuary a'.ifiy^\ &^^odi'lrot' Need to take a closer look at snow removal in Fo"undeis' Plaza tU+otl'blod0-fdlM&-Lighting?-0^A,h4 . | , I ...,,.Q q6a^i nagi off roof ,& balconigs--where does i t go?- rp,lt +a'[sn ,^or,l 'n rbt'E#W- ' bdftrut u\tr0othho'd( - r, '6- 'tl V^+Lhl^t Fi re Concerns-H*'#rutffi-o$*ffi"#*,+d, bffi:'s;:yffigry nt$ tt*Jr tffid*fr ""foomr^l-t*> b.rorun* &r lsDPq P 6't a$,4',..^, 51rb.n: ** q]. ?ff,'jl)h:,ffi);ffi,,;:T*;!fr qit)t{ nts fl.*-! D'k 11"" *;{\ ' - tr.. rcJ.* ,. .l"ld<-nd pla .!,tl fn>F*l i;t#^ c\.''\'[J Tffi.iJi- st'a.,iJl'oe ][o* anes d mri ,ra.0,re * cau /d Ja- lo,a.*.4 bQ],/^cl '!udr Craig Snowdon Kristan Pritz Mi ke McGee Issues to Discuss: '| . Removal of trash noom PLAZA LODGE MEETING December 20, .l985 2. llooden door cover on elevator 3. Parking space gone 4. Popcorn wagon lease and hookup situat'i on 5. Sun/shade anaiysis 6. Pull back buildjng and allow for better fire rad'i us 7. Views 8. Impacts of the construction and excavatjon on the plaza 9. Public !'lorks Title report Do balconjes encroach on TOV property? Need to take a closer look at snow removal in Founders, plaza L'ighti ng? Drainage off roof & balconjes--where does it go? 10. Fire Concerns Craig Snowdon Kristan Pritz Mi ke McGee Issues to Discuss: l. Removal of trash room PLAZA LODGE MEETING December 20. .|985 2- Wooden door cover on elevator 3. Parking space gone 4. Popcorn wagon 'lease and hookup situatjon 5. Sun,/shade anal ysi s 6. Pull back buildjng and allow for better fire radjus 7. Views 8. impacts of the construction and excavation on the plaza 9- Publ ic WorksTitle report Do balconies encroach on TOV property? Need to take a closer look at snow removal .i n Founders'plaza Li ghti ns? Drainage off roof & balcon.ies--where does .i t go? 10. Fire Concerns PLAZA LODGE MEETING Decenber 20, .l985 Craig Snowdon Kristan Pni tz Mi ke McGee Issues to Discuss: l. Removal of trash room 2. Wooden door cover on elevator 3. Parking space gone 4. Popcorn wagon lease and hookup situatjon 5. Sun,/shade analysis 6. Pull back building and allow for better fire radius 7. Views 8. Impacts of the construction and excavatjon on the plaza 9. Public WorksTitie report Do balconjes encroach on TOV property? Need to take a closer look at snow removal in Founders'plaza Li ghti ng? Drainage off roof & balconjes--where does it go? 10. Fire Concerns PLAZA LODGE MEETING Oecember 20, 1985 Craig Snowdon Kristan Pritz Mi ke McGee Issues t,o Discuss: l. Removal of trash room ?. Wooden door cover on elevator 3. Parking space gone 4. Popcorn wagon lease and hookup sjtuation 5. Sun/shade analysis 6. Pull back building and allow for better fire radjus 7. Views 8. Impacts of the constructjon and excavatjon on the plaza 9. Public WorksTitle report Do balconies encroach on TOV property? Need to take a closer look at snow removal in Founders'plaza Li ghti ng? Drainage off roof & balcon.i es--where does it go? 10. Fire Concerns rlfl'rr'r;l'r'r I ' i' 1l l,i. il !t t! : .i 'i ' li I li.. .'tf INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI El,l PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Comments: O ct4ect< ta4€r\, 4ccectaalta Ceral 4r4v- 7o. v. fruanaen't P.+*r+ ur 4 S (ut ez PUBLIC HEARING / * t t./JazTsr, fft1t ^,//)//zs,fiz- 1Q,var€o areE €*, ooo rc 7r€ &6\Je<t'. @ @c FI RE 7/ /.c- KeAcr Po 64..o at/e= Qe ffio6- DEPARTMENT €NceoA<{ e^t ya to. t/. /psftz7 P, 7o 7AE€ 4 <Lass< LooE ef Z4€ rd€is7 t(0,0/7/ott iv <€€ $ut t? a)rto tffie=7 l,z'ttnt ReVOu,t. Q Date Revi e Comme @ @a by:ewed ents: Dut"----F,,< ocztt 2r++* , (4tc<- 7,?1i &/bl/l4t6' y4€ fi4lg*6 {/4.F frr< 1{*z-t €/? S ?ezs ? l/AHTtpG - 2y'cce? ..r42 i -f ,U. C<t*..',rle- ? O24tat4G€ a# Eoaf f llt|cco^,,/d5 ' QucE€ ec€s t7 4 o I POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: FUBLIC I^IORKS Reviewed by: Comments: FiRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: INTER-OIPARTMENTAL REVI tl,J DATE OF PUELiC HEARING Date Date*mm[U]9/ a{ ar^t' hru {r,w 9.f ,ltld{*|i - S't *^{tV lxo{io^.ffiP ffi'#';{Hro ,1\{ [rru^oansian'1, 4 b'a^^W r"FhA e1- ; if,l Jafi't it'fi odu" +arrr{icle^1 tdJ,..i_ ., ,,' uv JJ '+)'silusdtPOLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments; Date I Date of Application Nov. 25, l9B5 APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS oR MODTFICATTONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCr) r. This procedure is required for arteration of an existing buildingwhich adds or_removes any enclosed floor area or outd.oor patio orrepracement of an existing building shal1 be subject to review bythe Planning and Environm6ntal Commission. The application wilr not be accepted. until all informatj.on is submitted.. A. NAME OF APPLICANT B. ADDreSS PHONE(214 )969_7500 NAME OF ADDR-ESS APPI,ICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE c. NAME 0F OWNER (print or type) STGNATURE ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL - ADDRESS LEGAL DEscRIPrIgTi+q+==?"g addili.l r?=part of F; Brock 5-c, vair@uolorado F' TMPROVEMENT suRVEY oF PROPERTY sHowrNG pRopERfy LrNEs Ar{D LocATroNOF BUILDING AND ANY IMPROVEMENT' OU-rUN-iiXN. G. A LIST OF THE NAME OF OWNERS OF AIL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THESUBJECT pROpERTy and their mailing addresses. rr' Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the forlowing information: A' The site plan sharl be drawn on a sheet size of 24,, x 36,, at a scaleof l" = 20' t a variatio"-ot the sileet-"i"J or scare may be approvedby the Community O"""i"p","nt Department if justified; E. PHoNE(214 "&-rroo Applicatj-o or Exterior Alteration or Modifi. CCI page 2 'll The date, North arrow, scale and name of the proposed 'developmentshall be shovrn on the site plan; The existing topographic character of the site includj-ng exisbing and proposed contours. This condition will only be requred for an expansion area where there is a change of two feet of grade; o r|t The location and size of all existing and proposed builclings, struc- tures and improvements i The existing and proposecl landscaping; The location of all existing and proposed buildingsr structures and patios or decks. III. The applicant shall submit in written and graphic form, a preponderance of eviclence before the Planning and Environmental Commissj-on that the proposal is in conformance with the purposes of the CCI District and that the proposal subsLantiatly complies with the Vail Viilage Urban Design Guide Plan. If the applicant is proposinb a major change.in the Vail VJ-11age Urban Design.Guide Plan, tire procedures for change are noted i-n Section L8.24.220 (B) . IV. The applicant'must al so submit written and graphic supporting materials that the proposal substantialty colirplies wiLh the fol-lovinq urban Design Consiclerations section of.the Vail Village Design Consjderation. A. PedestrianizationB. Vehicle Penetration C. Streetscape Framework D. Street Enclosure E. StreeL EdgeF. Building Heightc. ViewsH. Sun Shade Consideration Many of the above items .should'be addressed in some graphic means using sucir tools as sketches, simulalions, models (inc3-uding neighboring buildings) , photos, etc .- ; B. D. E. A. tt The Town of Vail Zoning Code for CCI also describes other zoning issues that the applicant. must respond to in written or graphic form. VT. Applications for exterior alteratj.ons or nroclificatioas in CCI can' are only reviewcd semi-annually. They need to be submitted, beforethe fourth Monday of May or November. For more specifics on the review schedule, see Section 18.24.065 A-5 Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado Architects 303-476-2201 81657 November 25, 1985 Ms. Kristen kitz Tour of VaiI Plannlng Department 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Plaza Lodge Bemodel Lots G,H,I,J,K and part of F, Block 5-C, Vail Village First FilingVail, Colorado Dear Kristen: Ehcl-osed are four (4 ) sebs of information on our proposed request for theRsnodel and Mdition to the Praza Lodge Bui"rding. The appticant, praza Lodge AssociaEes, Ltd., is requesting exterior modifications andalterations which requi,res subnlttal of the proposed requesb to the Toi,m of l/?il P1?ryrnC Departmmb by Novenber 25, 1985, as per CCI zcning (Seetion18.29-065)- This proposar entails four (4) rnajor ireas of ctrange to theexisting building: Mditim of exterior balconies (13) to 1J existing 1odge rooms. Remodel of existing dwelling unit with the incorporation of 2 acccnmodat 1on units. Additlon of an elevator to serviee the existing dwelling urit. Dcpansion and rernodel to the Christy Sports retail shop. these requests fal1 wiLhjn the guidelines of the vail village urban Design Guide Plan and ccrnmerical core 1 zoning I upgrade portions oi the property which are.presently i".mused, and is consisient wit,h the pwpose (section - 18.24.010) of CC1- The existlng and proposed permltbed, accessory and conditional uses(sections 18-24.020 through 18.24.060) for the baselen!, firsL f1oor, second floor and above second floor level are maintained. However, theapplicanbts desire to combjne 2 accornrnodati.on umits (j30 and 139) to theexisting dwelling unit will require a conditional use permiL as per Sections 18.60 and 18.24.040 A (elimjnation of acconrnodation unil 139) andwould be consistent with the defjnition of a ildwelljxg unitrr (to combineUNIE IJU ,l. 1 a. JJ The lot area and sife dimensions (section 18.24.090); setbacks (18.24.100), and height (18.24.120) will be rarchangedl therefore, remain consistent withexisting conditions and requirements. rhe density control- (Section 18.24.130) will be affected. but w111 remain below existing conditions. The nwnber of acccxunodation units w111 be decreased frcrn 10 to B (with the incluslon of urits'130 and 139 to theexist,ing dwelling r.rnit ) and with the inclusion of second floor space(presently Christy Sports offices r,utrieh will relocate to new bassnent space)into the exlsting dwellllg unlb reduces the nwnber of dwelling urits from BLo 7. With bhese modificabions, the existjng denslty (which presently exceeds zoning) would be reduced by 2 dwelling urits (Z a.u. and 1 d.u,),bringing Lhe properfy more in ljne with present zcning. rhese r-rnit,s wouldstilr remajn jn fhe rental poor of rhe Lodge; therefore, providing much needed residential and lodging ur:its within bhe vail village. The GRFAwould be increased by approximately 250 square feet, staying well below theallowable 11063 square feet. the eoverage (section 18.24.150) of the properfy with building, grotmd levelpatios and decks wil-l be changed, but not increased. presently, a majorityof the site is covered with buildjnC (2504 square feet ) and plaza walkways-(4250 square feet ) as per the Vail Viffage pian to encourage bhepedestrianizatiqt of the area. l'Ie are replacjxg portions of the existinghard surfaces with new building and plantersl improving the apparenEquantity of soft landscaping (Section 1:Z4.1TO). Pqrking and loading (Section 18.24.180) will be improved by the el-jmjnationof an approved parking space in Fourders plaza (reinforcing the pedestrian aspects of the Plaza ) and use of bhe existing loading zcnes on BnidgeStreet. Access to Founders PLaza for emergency vehicies will be majntajnedby respecting the 8r access easement along the souLh property line andstepping the southwesb corner of the building Lo Lhe norbh to maintain theexisting access. Mdltional parking spaees for the ircrease jn residential and retair spaceto christy Sports would be as per Tovn of vail standards and purchased bythe applicant. As per the Vail Village Design Cmsiderations: i - Pedestrianization is encouraged by reinforcing the edge of FoundersPlazEidd-ffiIEffi-accesses wiitr orsptay wjndowi and planters. tlrusedportions of the site are filled jr with shop displays and planters which addrlfe and viLality to the street edge. The existlng parking space onFourders Plaza is eljmjnated leaving a pedestrian "armay r.rrencumbered byvehicular traffic. 2. Vehicular Penetration is not increased nnri i s imnr.orrert hy e1i-minationor tffi;;" ;;;;;i;;; il ;";f';;ili,e loading zones, 3. Sbreetscape Frarnework is reinforced by providlng landscaping and colorwith planteT areas-on-alf faces and levels of the proposed expansicn, fyingjn wlth existing planters along the eastern Bridge street facade. Activittis furlher reinforeed with the addition of display wjndows and an undulatingfacade to add visual interest to the buildinE. 4. Street Drcloswe is maintainedstreEtl-Efrd-8f,!@ rhe buildingto keep the building jn scale with The inclusion of display uiindows, high attention and acfivity aL eye by providirg a 1 or 2 story face to the facades both vertically and horizontally bhe pedestrian and adjacent bulldings. planters and changes jn facade creates q and low patterns on the Plaza, Bridge Sbreet or pedestrian Archltectural and land scaping considerat ions wil1design review stages of approvals and shall not beLlme. I hope the enclosed jnformation is adequateprocess. If you need more informat ion or have anvplease let me know. Sincerely, street Frlge is rejnforced by varying the facade to a1Iow for interestagtivity along the streets and plaza. This is cotntered by exLendingplanters and landscapi_ng out near the traffic edge. 6. Buildj4g Height is consisbent with the existing conditions, providing a and stepping the buildjng back as ibslngle story faCade torlard lhe plaza. fucreases frcrn floor to froor. The new elements added bo Lhe design areextensions of the existing buildjng and accents which add to the vitatitylhe design. All portions of the design are well within the heightrequiremenls of the Town. 7. views are not impacted by the building expansion because all expansionsoccuF-ffiide existing buildlng edge envelopes and are crealing new facadesiaside view planes of the existing buildlng. rhe hi,gher element of theelevator enclosure frames the pedestrlan view of t,he Gore Range as they walkthrough the emergency access just south of the building and wouLd have aminor encroaehment on views frcxn across Lhe plaza, but is mjnlmized due toits stepped back location in relation to the western exposure. 8. service and Delivery is consistent wlfh the Toun plan by rernoving anexis@ing space in Fourderst Praza (provioing a vehicularfree mal1 ) and using established parking and loading zones on *'ioge street.the energency access along the south property line is 1eft open and usableby emergency vehicles. 9. Sln and Srade are taken into consideraLion bv expandjng within the additional shading walkways. be addressed during fhe expanded upon at thlsto begin fhe planning questions on the project, alreadidy created envelopel therefore, not creating or Srowdon and Hopkins - Architeets PLMA LODGE Hill Building - Lot f, Block. l4rs. Blanche C. Hill 111 Brldge Streetv . VaiI, Colorado 81657 5C, VV 1st (311 Bnidge Sbreet) Casino 9yl}ding - Lols DEF, Block 5C, VV 1st (250 Brldge SL,reeL). -EFIGeFreet Condo associ.ation r t./'/" Brandess-Cadmus Real Estate 281 Bridge Street, VaiI , Colorado 81658 81658 Founders Plaza The Tor"in ofTdil VV lst (1 Vail Place)Village_pJ_azg prlitding _ Resub of Lot ^ . I var-L Hlace No q4\ ,<r '/o St,eve Sjmonette - 'o p. 0. Box 411, VaiI , Colorado P. 0. Box 100/ 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 at Vai] - Lot, e I-,o.lqe at.'vu 4 nlt nI f q EasL Liore qt/ {, B, B.lock 5C, VV lst (174 E. Gore Creek Dr. )ValI )Its^-a )r_Creek Drive ". Vail , Colorado 91652 Hong Kogg Cale - 1 E^"! of Lot C, Block 5C, W jsL (2ZT E. Watl St,. ), ,/ Hong Kong Cafe partnership l^/_ P. 0. bx ZZgAY . VaiI , Colorado Bt65B Red Lio!_ - l:r.-F, c, H, Bfock FJ) VV lsr (304 Bridge StreeL) F. Mr. charl_es- Rosenquist, F-.0. Wx 69h Vail , "Colorado Bj65T :-- . Mr. Frlwjn trrrriteh;;d;-;/j5 +;+€r nrive, C""6ni1iu, Conn. 06g30Y's7a RucksacE Blildjng -.Lots C, D, E, Block 54, W 1st (ZBB Bnidge St.)- Hucksack Condo Association. ft Guigui Hoffman. 2BB Bridge StreeL, Vail , Colorado Bl 657 A & D Building.- Lots A, B, Block 54, W 1st (286 Bridge Street) --. -TTSe-apltal Service; -- 've \-vv s'l '/ -- Yi: Richard Santulli and t4r. George prussin #'t U Heather Lane ,.\_ iyp_. Lloyd Harbor, New York 1174T or 11743'row:1 J9 Broadway, 21st Floor, New york, Ny 10006 Lazler -Fgedg Buildine _ Lot C, Blrck 5C, W jst (225 WaIt St. ). WaIt Street Condo Association-V 7"^Brandess-Cadmus Beal Estate. r . ?41 Bridge Sbreet r r- I' ' vail' coloraoo aioEe vn a;r"-/ z/ t /r t EFIFIT+E FIFTE PFTTf ]-EETTEhI Il\tc- HYDRAULIC CAL"CULATII}N$ FBR: , E;tsFtIFt}{t_E]t =iygiTEt-t tlA-rA S|-Jr4t{AFry hoIU EtA=;El-rEhl-r SrsRIt{}{L-El+ SYs-rEPl P... t G,', !ei'', hJArEft-,q{f'FLY C!]ARACTHRITJTTC$: i I tr**...,,. , st'Affac^.F.ftEsslJnr = 118 FSI r^' , \'f r,. REslftlifi% FilEssr"JRE = 90 Fsr { 6 .,. ,.. r\ rg),. r r \L_LrLrlJt lE:. - .t .L ct t- i , 'f r,. REslftlifi% FilEssr"JRE = 90 Fsr {,,t a RES I DUAL- Fl.llhl * .L f,t] {:} GFf4 ,fi ._ F:LEVATI|IN trF F]RIS$IJRE GAEE = r] FT,]f (- \ I , rLilE fiHl-tlllillEi"lh$.Jr$r l f, 'fitjTsIDE Hth FLnL.l RfnUIRHF1ENT {AT $UFF,i_y) = r,:}._} nF,Fl /,'. If'l$InE H05E FL.nh, RfnUITiEUENT (AT t_r-lf:ATIni.j 0 ) = i:) fipt4. ltr"rAl. SFRINt{:LrR sysrEfr Ft-otJ FEEUIRFD ilrArE nF riISE:it} = r:) 4 LI. SFFINI'iLER INFORI'IATIOf']:I ,. i HAXIHUFI $PACING oF SFRINHLER HEAF$ * t. ptAX I t'tuH SF AC I NG OF ETRANC|-I L. I NES = 6r" REBL,IRED l'llNlr,luf'l FLDhJ {F,ER SpRINtiLER) l. , RFO|JIREp I'tIFtIt-4uH FLOht DENSITy = ,19t. 4v, :{\.*- ,ETH$]R SFRTNI';LER SysTEFl DATA: i' "JgL_.#DEFAULT VALUE FOR I.-FAtrTDR * t?r] _.".'.''l'-lrCfr fltJf'IEER OF BOOSTER FUt"tFS = r_r u'o'' suFlr'rAny ilF *FRTN*LER *F,ERATI0N: SFBIN|{LER CONSTANT = 5.6 I..BCAIIfJN QF NFERATIN6 SFRIT{I{LERS:I 1(:) LOCATION trF NFEftATING SFRIT{F.LEFS;l? t3 LNIATION OF OFEHATING SPRINFiLERS: t4 LBCATItrN OF OFERATING SFRINI"ILERS: 15 LtrCATION OF OPEFATiNS SFRINI{LERS:t7 lE 19 LBCATION trF,.OFERATING SFRINHLERS: I.OCATION OF OPERATING SFRINI{LERS:?1 ?? ?3 ?4LOCATION OF OFERATINE $PRINI"LFRS:?5 ?5 77 HYDRAULIC trALCULATI0NS FUR I pLAZA LUDGE 15 FT. FT = 17 ,3 SF'f'l 6FH,/5A. FT" !-rl i I I I I1It, "/,ptl , Tir- EE. {1} _: _ -_--ETASEI-IEhIT PIFE DATA =}IJT-II-IAFTY NUI4FER 0f: FIPES = ?6 NU|IFER BF JUNCTIONS * ?Z NltJllBER OF LO0FS = tl FROr.l I 2 3 4 ;5 a a 11 II -!. + t6 .t (J l6 6 2t ?? 2T 6 ?5 .l cl TO '1 .l 4 5 6 B I rl- 13 1;1 .L ^t 15 lcl L/ 1B 1? I('):t ?t :3 ?5 77 DIAI'I.(IN. } 4. 1?(l ?.6i5 ?.635 ?,6f,5 ?.6f,5 1.610 1. O49 I . t14t7 1 . rl49 I . f-t49 1 , r:149 I .04? I . (14? I . {J4? 1 . 61r) I . f,8il I . {)49 1. 04? 1" 610 L f,g{) I . Lr49 1 . (:t49 1.049 1. O49 HW-C 140 12(:t 1?O I lr:l 1?(l l irl 1?r] 1?r:) I ?rl 130 I ?r1 l:o 1to LENGTH (FT. ) 5(:1. O 5.0 ?f,. {} 5. r] ?. (r J. , ;] 3, t' 3.0 6. ij {i . (:} 14. t:) 4. {) &": 15, tl qc; 15. r) 1?. rt I :r r'r EO. LN. {FT. ) 4?. t' 18, {) {1. tl ?4.0 8,0 0.0 (:i " r) t:r. + {J " t-'i O" {t C]" tl a,* :ril ,1 al r-I {:} , (:} (). rl $. {l iJ, t I "l r_r {). (J 0, r-) {i. o 4. t) EL. DIFF. TFT. )*2. 0 (J. o 0.0 (_t. () {J. (:} {1, (l lr. O 0. {J (). fJ u.L} o, r:t 0. (:l 0.o {J. {) O. r-) {1.0 ar a) {-!. o o.o {). o o.0 ' (2)HYDRATJLItr trALCULATIBNS FOR :PLAZA LODCE ETAS}EI-IEN-T HYf,}FTAIJLIE A1\IAI-VS}IS; IdI'rHInIEGIIJIFIEI> FL_E|^, AT FtEFtCtTE HEAD ****5UI"II'IAKY OF SFRINI,:LER SYSTEH nF.ERATJON**** TF{E FNL.LI]I{ING SF.RINF::LERS hRr. fiP.E.RRTTIIN LtrtrATION SPRINKLER K ELEVATION Ft-trt{ PFESSURE 1(l .ti 14 15 lrl :ij ':1 a''1 ?3 :4 T6 .t7 5. Lro -?.0(:, f,$. gA f,$,40 S. &(l -3 . (1il Srl . tel I? . 445.6t:! -l ,{l() 29.68 :8. lO 5. 6rl --: " OCr ?q. rl0 16. 835,60 -:"i10 :7. lF :tr,S1 5, 6r) *:it . u{) ??. I I ?7. O?5.60 --:.t.11{l t:l 8i 16,585.6U --'-'" rJrJ 18,4T 10.9(J t , 5. &rl *.',1" {j{} l Z, tl) ?. 4I -' 5. 6O -: " {:r$ :;i " ;14 1 7. f,{3 , ':5.6$ ,:" ')u :i6" ?? ::5.:?5.6(l -:i.*tr ?f,.;15 17.i8 3 " 6{) ".-?. 1ir-r 18. 94 1 1 . 44 5. 60 *;j. i_]O 17 . h? ?, q0 " 5. 6{l -.", o{:) i7. 7E} :4, 605.60 -:,{jrl ?3.47 17.565.6.1 -::"rl{J :1,7t lE.14 THE TOTAL SPRINI-,.LER FLnhJ I}[:.LIVEF|ED = 4I7.97 GFI,I THE SUTSIDE HOSESTREAI'1 FI...OI^I fiF 5f.}(] GFPI OFERATES AT 103.3 FSI THE I-IINIMUI-I DENSITY FRT]VIDED BY THIS SYSTET'' IS O. I91 EFT,I^/SE FT TJATER SUPFLY trHARACTERISIr{:S I-OCATINN AT FIFE NO I STATIf, Pf1ESSURE = 11S p5r F:ESIDUAL FRESSUKE = ?r) PsI AT l:it}c} GFI"4 fiFERATINE FRESSURE ,* 4?-7i pEiI AVAILABLE FRESSURE :e Ir.},J.5 PsI AT 917.84 6FI'I EXCESSIVE (trR REOUIRED) SUPpLy pRESSURE = SS.S FSI HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR : PLAZA LODEE .: I t3) EIAE}ET-IEI{T STJf{T-IA'+Y EF HYDFTAIJI_IGGAt_GL'|_ATI[tt{S NODES FLOW. FRtrI'I-Ttr TGFI'{) PIPE (FT. ' EtrV. FT H-I{ DIA.-c- rN. P5I/ ELEV. IOO-FT PSI. END DIFF.PSI. PSI, START PSI. tn 23f,4 45 qL 377g B9 B 1{:t I LI t I t-l 11 1:i 4 15 LI -Ltf15 L717 r8 1S i.?16 f0 6 ?1:1 i2?2 t3 ,5 :525 26 "6 27 417. Ei5 41r" 85 i?7" "5:r4. 1 7.) 1f;?. €39 1 L ci. 9() C] I..::.i' ;1r:r. n{5 ;irl , ;::'t urrj i it / t,1?. 67 fjl. A;1 5S" 4? :i5. &? 17. ::(l ;3":4 86. ,Js 36. t":6 17. b? 73. (l I :1.7A 5{}. {}t:} 5. OO ?f,. o0 5. {:tct ;5, O{} 6 " r-]jj 1 . titl 5, IJ{J 14. r:l(l 4, OL} 3?. OO 6" f,o 15. r)0 4.50 9. 50 1rl , 50 15. rl(-t 15. tx) I 3, {rcl 18. Ott 34 " 0r) {)" oo :14. iltl f'tr r-r r'r {}. {lr) (1 . t)C) {1 . (l(:} *" {lo r). OrJ rl , {Jo 6. {lr:} O. tltl 30.00 (1. rl() c,. ot:) (:1.(J0 (J. Qr) 0. O{l 1?, tl(, (1. rlcl {1 , rl{} (). (lr) o, {}o 4. OO 14$ 4.1? 130 3.64 1:tl 7. &4 l3{-1 ?. 64 1?O ?.64 130 1,5l 13() I. rl5 I4!_r .L . \.rLJ 1 -.)i1 I r'rEi 1":r) 1 " $5 I 11r-l I r-!E: 1?Ll L . 05 1?t) 1.05 t ?o 1. r)5 l?(:! 1.61 llrl 1.39 l?(l 1"r15 1:O 1 . {15 1?{l 1.05 t!fl l- 61 1?O 1. trB 13(l l. {)E 1?r] 1 . O5 l:o 1. f,8 1?O 1 . r)5 1?O I . (15 .1. :{r 40.73 'r1.7714. 78 6.e7 44.45 :8,94 iu" In 95. t4 ?6.95 :5. S? ??. 85 :5.99 r1.?o t4.91 37.94 LSt L7.?7 74.47 :6. (14 35.67 1{1.37 37.56 58. S7 *{-r.87 49. gO o. oo 47.7a (:'. o0 5s. f,I $" OQ ?8. lrl (:r, oo ?7.36 +. rlr) 3El " 33 o.{1il f,4.11 0.ilO 31.0? 0.0(:r f,1.0? {1 . rl(l :i4. I I o. $Q t8.40 il . oo ra. 40 O. (tO 28. 111 o.00 :8. 10 o, r)0 77.36 0. (lrt 18. 17 c,. cro 16.60 O. {:rO tO. ?1r).'10 18. 17 D. OO 35.58o.00 ?3.35 o. oo 17.39 r]. oo 11 . 44 0. r-)t) ?5.54 r-r. o0 74. b4 o. ocr t7.37 47.7tL ?. f-)P 3S, T3 ?.37 ?Et. 1+ lO.?337.36 t).74 ?5.5S r.7s f,4. 11 4,?:51.0? 3. r-r? f,o.44 0.5S ';C.47 1.55 36"85 1"5523.53 4.57?7.06 1. 04 18. 17 ?.?o15.6D 1.57 10.91 1 5.69 ?. 43 'i\ 1.4717..19 0,78:3.25 ?.3?17,3? 5. A6 1 1. 44 8.959.?O'1.54 !4" 64 0.9417.17 7.0615,14 ?.43 THE PIAXIf'IUFI (iELOtrITY NF 74.58 FTIS OCCURS FETII,EEN NUDES 2 AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FBR I FLAZA LODGE (4) Frr=r=ir Fr-o{:rr:t =?Ti.T,fi*t-'f.,f =;ri,.sTEl-r rlATA I,.,ATER SiUPFLY CI{ARACTERISTIf,S: STATIC FFESSURE = ItB F,$I RESIDLIAL F.ITESSURE = ?(J PSI RESIDUAL FLOhI = 13{)0 EF,t"l ELEVATION OF FRESSURE GAGE = O FT. FLOI^I REOUI RHI.IENTS: OUTSIDE HOSE FLOW RENUIREI4ENT (AT SUFFLY) =INE}IDE HOSE FLOIII REOUIRE|.IENT (AT LOCATION 0 TOTAL SF.RINI':LER SYSTEI{ FLON REAUIRED (FAsE NF SF.RINH:I-ER INFORI,IATION:, I,IAXII.',IUfI SF'ACING OF SF.RINI.::LER }.IEADS = j[{.t FT. I''IAXIHUN SPAf,ING OF FRANCH LINES - tl Fr. EECIUIRED I"I II,IIT.IUI'I FL0N (F.rft sF,RIN},::LER) = i2,8 REtlUIRED f4INIf,tutt FLOht DENSITy = " t9 GFf'1./Sg" OTHER SF,RII.{I.::LER 5YSTEI'] DATA:. DEFAUT_T t/ALUE FOR D-FAf,TOR = 150 Nt"_tt.tFEE oF FOOSTEF FUt"tps = rl 5UHI4AFY flF SF'RINF:LER BFERATION: SFRINI{LER CONSTANT = E.& LOCATION OF NFERATING SPRINHLERS:b78910 LOCATION OF OPERAIING SFRINF.LERS: 11 LOCATION OF OFERATING SFRINK.LERS: lJ 14 15 15 t7 LOtrATION OF SPERATING SFRINT{LERST 18 LOCATINN OF GF.ERATING SFRINI{LERS: 2rl LOCATION OF BPERATING sFHINHLER$: ?1 5ot, GF'1'l ) = 0 6Ff'l RISER) = g GFN . : ,.::.' :'' HYDRAULIC CALCULATIT]NS . FII+g-T FLBBFI PIPE NUI4BEF 0F PIPES * ?O NUIiFER 0F 'IUNCTIONS * 21 NUI,IBER trF L00PS = CI IIA-rA =ilJl-[-tAFtY FRtrM I ? s 4 7 I I J 1Tl; 14 15 16 13 1? 19 19 DIAl.l.(IN. } 4.1?0 4. ?60 ?. ?51 ?.4?3 1.60: 1.4O{) I . 4t)O l. ls? 1 . 1rl9 1.60? ?.4?3 1.6t)? 1 . 4r)O 1,40$ 1.10? 1. 109 1.60? 2. rloS 1, 109 1. 400 HtJ-C t4+ 1?(l 150 150 150 15(:r 150 15r) 150 150 150 150 t 5r) 150 t qr1 1scl 15(') LENETH (FT. } 50, o 108.0 5r). O 4.0 5.9 8,5 10. c) 8.? 5. r] 5.0 3.9 8,5 10.0 B.? 7.3 6.3 4.0 15,0 16. * Etr. LN. (FT. } 4t.6 laa.0 BO.1 o.o 12. 1 0.0 0.0 rl.0 ?1. ? 1?.1 o,o 1t.1 o. t) o.o o.s ?.1 1?. I o.o 73.7 :4. ? TO EL. DIFF. (FT. } o.0 13. A 0,o {r" D 0. (:l 0.o 0. t-) {]" t) l-,. {l rJ.0 r). o o.o .1. o t:). o O. r:l .o, o 0. rf o.0 cr. o !; ... , ?'3 4 6 7 €l I 1{r tl 12 t.J 14 15 16 t7ts 19 20 ?1 (6) FIFt=i-r Fl_(f{:ttirFTEGIIJIFIEE)HVE}FIAIJLTC A'{ALV€TS I^,ITHFLf,f Tr, AT ItEFIETE HEA[) +***SUMlvlARY OF SFRINHLER SYSTEI'| OFERATIBN**** THE FOLLOhIIN6 SFRINF.LER5 ARE OFERATING LOCATION SPRINKLER K 5 7 B ? lo 11 l? 14 tl; J.tf, ?1 5. &tl 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.6(:l 5,60 5. 6(t 5. 60 5.60 ti Lr\ 5.6(:t ci ar-l 5 . Cr (:! ELEVATION FLOtf FRESSURE 1? " {'tl 3?. 45 :7. 65 I ?. Clr-' 77 . 48 34. $9 1?, O(:l ?6. lE 11 . 76 1:. OO ?4,35 18.91 13. oo ??.9r1 L&,72 l?.oo :I3.09 3?.8;5 t:, oo "9.78 35.40 1?. rl0 3&. 84 77,97 J.?" (J(l 25.4? 3rl.7i1 13, tlo :.1. Ztr 1 7. 95 li. ${) ?? " Brl 1A " 58 1I. {lrl 31 . -.i4 ,:1 " l? '{.'-l, r:I:) ?8 " el 1 ?& " +7 1?. il0 :1{1,5fl ?F.3f, THE TOTAL SFRINF;LER FI.-I]I/J I]ELIVERED = ]E$,77 GFI"I THE OUTSIDE HOSESTREAI'I FLOhI OF 5flO GFI,I OPERATES AT THE I.IINII.IUT.I DENSITY PROVIDED BY THIS sYsTET.I IS O, 1?O 1(:r4 " .iB EF]{/Str FT F5I h,ATER SUFFLY f,HARACTERISTICS I-ONATION AT FIFE NO 1 STATIC FRESSURE = ltB pSI RESIDUAL FRESSURE = 90 FgI AT tI00 OFEFATINF FRESSURE = 69. 15 pSI AVAILABLE PRHSSURE = to4.IB FSI AT EXtrESSIVE (OR RESUIRED} SUPPLV PRESSURE GFI'I EIBS. 6f, = 35.25 PSI {7'HYDRAULIC FIFIgi'T FL{f CFt SLJI-II-TAT{IY CIF HYI}FIAIJI_IC CAL_GIJI_ATTEhI=i NT]DES FLOI{ FROI'I-TO (EiPtt) PIPE (FT. ' EGV. FT H_UI D IA. PSI / ELEV. -c- rN- 100-FT PSI. END D.TFF.FSI. PSI. START PSI. I : 3 4 q 7 ? td 13 15 16 t? 12 1? 1? ? f,Br).63f, 380. &34 38r).635 3SO.63 6 13{). 277 100.84 B 73.37s 47.7510 t?.90 I I 33. r]6 L? tlfl ,3013 1:7.6114 98. 8515 7?. tl: 16 46.53L7 ;:. AO18 31.3?19 59. =7:O ?8. EO21 3(t.57 50. 0() 1t")B " 0{:} 50. rl0 4, {-)l) 3. ?{:r B,50 10. (ltl g" 9(] 5. (10 3. ilt:) 1?. O(:t :I t)r-r B" 5U 8.90 7.31) 6.30 4. OO 15. LlL, 16. OO 4?,57 1Bg, O0 90.1? r). o(r II (19 {:}.00 (). 00 (:), OrJ 31. l6 (J. r){:} i il r) c) (J, r-t(J t-r, {:)r} {r. oo s.Q7 I3. t-r9 c'. oo ?5.70 34.1? 14{) 4, l ? 13(l 4. f 6 15r1 t" ?5 {i. iJr_, i: . -t.t_ 150 1.60 15u I.4t) 15{) I . 40 150 1.11 15rl 1.11 15rl l. &(l .L..Jr-' r, trI5r:) ]- 6{}15(l 1" 4{} J.50 1 . 4r-) 15rl 1.11l5{) 1. 1t150 1.60130 ?, O{}150 1. 11150 1 . 4rl {1. 0+ 6? . 14 5. ?(:) 6d" h3 o. oo 51.67 o. or'r 54, &El r_r. r_, L, .J.j, " .j|"i (:r, o(:r ?7.7tlt {1. OO 71 .7q + " orl 19. 9? {:} " {JO :ili, f,:l t)" 0(J f,;I,, f,: (]. i:f (:! ;l I " 86 rl. 00 :& , 45 r). 00 :f,. {l{l r:) ,, rJ{} 7* ,'7 4 o,0o 17.96 (:r, (10 31 . 86 {). 0(J 11 , a6 rl . rlo 31 . 7:j {). oc, 51 . 75 LL '.q, 34" 6Et .f:1.33 77,7t] ?4" 1: :1.79 18. "? 31. F6 3&, ^415 :3 " i:t11 ?o "7417. ?6 16, 58 31.40 36. 51 ?s.89 14.9r 7$ "q91aA 5"6? -d. . L1(f ?,, ?0 il, 4{l 1,4{r ? 1/^ t. 78 1. 58 t).4h {). 1l 1" S6 ?.6? f,,30 13.06 34.10 J5, 11 4?.15 :3, 37 ._r"l . I ._r 8.41 .t r:, llJ -1.1,8+4il. 6{l 31. ?S a Tci :.51 7.76 12. 87 4.6? THE I,IAXII,IUI"I VELT]CITY EF ?&.44 FTls OCtrURs BEThIEEN NODES 4 AND '& Flon /dLla,F l[D atL al+a aa0,t1rr)| Jl,,,(lll {7 u. Y i)-, J )tt; (w Ma^9 ?,J* )( l} ?'trr a,r /l x. lY 6rF df xtr,f NT 7V t+ylI v) lsl Lxf'I '> l+ 'lA rouvl' )..f x.6t t/S J.st,bl, lD I ?rd &,tr| 6, rt -A,rr?*)" -. ej( 2_ : ,T rB_ Je6 --ltf,t't zIt.ItI ,fiJ 5- trJ # @_ t t l.'p,/- |'t l&f i tfary I .. INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI Il,.J &^iPROJICT: DATE SUBMITTED: COI'IMENTS NEEDED BY: ERIEF DESCRiPTION OF THE FiRE DEPARTMENT {'*# i/1\. ^,/) c'y'rc* tTsra -za ,le ,GZcrcy'>-61= 2t r41rt8 *g*t 4u-s-r.(r.ey" , )pe- ./ €;,t,( o^. /? 4.. i,.t | -t ,/j \._,Lt< *icFf .//ea.u, Treo .,_-l irol_, fezlrR_ Reviewed by: Comments: Date POLICE OEPAR]IVIENT Rev'iewed by: Comments:' Date cR_Btu_ DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date PROP0SAL: . t/ D.-t^*4L{Jp. l\r.1 *e- a,ra- tur}r n go^rJhx!- rot$"uW PUBLIC I,JOR Reviewed by: RECRTATiON DEPARTI.IiNT Reviewed by: Connrents: Da te Project Application Project Name: Proiecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: J tl 'I Seconded by: 1.;-rr.* APPROVAL D'SAPPROVAL tt - jI-l i -Itl E Statt Approval Project Application Prolect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block ''"'Uillc# ''on'q Comments: Design Review Board ,",. llqltrL Motion by: Seconded by: Summary: Staff Approval '-iF Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Archilect, Address and Phone: Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Comments: " Design Review Board ?Ilt"rII{,Date rliilL'I Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: Town Planner Date: E statt Approval .-t" ' -:.u: ' Proiecl Name: Project Application Project Description: contact Person and phone f {.\ , Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block , .i ,^. t'ii ili-r-.,i, r I IFilinq Ll,l,tn? Zo.,a ' .. 1itComments: - Design Review Board o"," 1f lfi i ,l I Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPBOVALAPPROVAL Summary; Date: E statt Approval NAME OF PROJECT: LTGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The fol lowing Board before A. BUILDING information is a final apDroval LIST OF MATERIALS required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review can be fiven: OF MATERIAL Botani'cal Name Common Name MATERIALS: TYPE Roof Siding 0ther Wall Materials Fascia Soffi ts l^li ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Ch imneys Tras h Enc'l osures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED COLOR Desi gner: phone: *Ind'icat caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate heiqht for conjfers. NAI4E OF PROJECT: LEGAL 'DESCRiPTION: STREIT ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR Roof Si di ng 0ther l,lal'l > G.H.T.J,K LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani'cal Name LIST OF MATERIALS 5-C VtlLVill " First Common Name Quani ty Size* The fol'lo_wing information is required for subm'ittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a fina'l approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Materi a'l s Fasci a Soffi ts ili ndows l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai'ls Fl ues F rasn't ngs . Chimneys Trash Enciosures Greenhouses 0ther B. i'; ; :,;.,.,, EXISTING TREES TO h|. Transplanted *indicate cal iper Picea Fungens Glauca ColoradoBlue Spruce for deciducjous trees. Indicate height for coni fers . (over) r0' ',tJt3ads oseo[d ('cta's1ood EuFnurlns'sa3uoJ.'s[[pM 6u1u1e1a"r) S]unIVll 3dV3S0NVl ulHI0 'J 10urN03 NOIs0ul i0 00Hl3t^t u0 3dl1 NO IIV9IUU Ii0 3d^r 033S 00s ',{'s 9e a6e1ooj eJEnES sTenuuv ad-[ sutA03 0Nn0u0 " rffi! ti-F a lue r d s u e'2tr' eueberBC .., lB 0l- SBNUHS 9NIISIXS rZI qn.rqsEad UETiraqTS TToTfirbTTS r{qqn.rqg €socT1nf,J PTTT?ualod s0nuHS /a ^.\\t + | uv,r.l : SlVIUllVl,J JNV-ld .T€O 9 azls .--mluen6 .auPN uoululo]aueN lBc!uPl0B - a*F 1 , ---t t (__ ' o rhAt '' clJrEi= To Ee- @> to_+Iotrs-_uAm=: _4vza$yz_p+qz,E*tz9 __ . " z_fr p^e _/ w*_ferrt vuJe tATea.r6p * ,ta,, -....,::l [ . : -'-.)*:'. ' --;.r{"; .' .fk I. -I;r\. ;:,L ';.':r- -1 11:.;i-. _ ..*l_ i -. I t.: Berridge Associates, f nc. Planning . Landscape Archilecture March 27, 19g6 '\. Craig Sno&rdon Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 8f657 RE: Tree transplanting for the plaza Lod,ge tslandin Vail, Colorado. Dear Craig, At your request I have prepared this letter describingsome general transplanting procedures for the one 12lSpruce and the 12t deciduous shrub. It is _my recommendation and a preferred, horticulturalmethod to hand dig the tree anh shrub rather thanthe use_of- a tree spade. It is aLmost impossible totake all the roots of these trees but as I g"".i"frule the diameter of the root ball in feet ifroufa atIeast equal the diameter of the trunk in inches. etthe new site, the previously dug receiving hole shouldbe,pr.epared with a mixture 6f p5-t moss, soil and abalanced organic fertilizer, tiren mixed with water toform a.slurry. The slurry mixture is forced to fillany voids around the root bal-l, eliminating att -f the.air in_the pocket. The need for guyin6 ana "t.Li.rgof these plant materials will d,epena rlp6n fr"r,l iigntthe.balL stays during its move. -rolloiving its-m6ve ttredeciduous shrub shour-d be pruned. back to ""*p""""te forroot loss. A stand.ard watlring schedule should thenbe established, for the first tio years. 2-45-Vaff ejo St. . San Francisco, Catifornia 941 1 1 . (415) 433-23571000 So. Fronrage Rd. Wesr, Sujte t00 . Vait, CotoraibeiOii . 1sos1 aze_OASt These are simply general guidelines for transplanti-ng and should not Le-used as-specific planting specifications. Transplanting is a shock to a tree under the best of cir- cumstances and is a job to be undertaken only by exper- iensed nursery staff with adeguate equipment-.:.. I woul-d recommend Rocky Mountain Tree Experts of Denvert Colorado. They have hld great success with transplanting trees of all sizes in the Vail area. IfyouhaveanymorequeStionsorifIcanbeofany.furtherassistince,pteased.onothesitatetocontact me. Craig Snowdon March 27, 1986 Page Two Sincerely, BERRTDGE ASSOCIATES, INC. Dennis Anderson DAildb Ir t 1l tl tl It -?tl R rn$ zlt 5 uil ^ \ii ,kn (L UCII il N NFz:il : < -\\u \sil sK R: d<ll RJ \'\S ;Nlt Js_ strhqil fr f q\ FZil t - dz _\ {ll J$( s\ \_ -Ill \_> \I- tbs sl __ _ _\r, _ , s 1r] \I \\\x IiIII I Ft Ct\t \\\ \:= s = sl Nr \- s u\ $I t\\ $u ll \\ \^.v1(\v-., \A__ r') I , I r-- fs Fy ,\6\_Z iu ssqt\tl t (n SL t\\ \: i$ Ir \ \rI s\I$ s1 {- uI \L $ t-a N z f Ir\\ lu Ilsrt- El stZ $ N 5lJ E $ o $Ts s- 17 Itr ls zltl \t rl ul s d\ P k -\\lI \\r \\\ NI7 5 k uIz J s r$ \D IN riy klk { =7 Z II I q J =$ L Ihis receplocle wos d€sign€d os o componion to lhe bench. es. It will hold o stondord ZO gollon mslol con ond is suD.pli€d wilh lwo onchof brockels. Th€ optionol cover is secure. ly choined lo lhe receptocte. Dim€nsions: 27 X 27 X34- high. 2734 wilhoul coY€r 2734c wilh block poinfecl cov€l Benches B€nch€s or€ ovoiloble in nominol 6' ond 8' l6ngths, S,lO,' oncl 7'lO" r€sp€cllvely. A direct bury fyp€ inslollolion is stondorct. For b€nch€s speciliod to b€ surloce mounled or movoble. on oplionol pedeslol leg is suppli€d buf must be sp€citied wh€n ofdering. All slols ore 3Xil" oir.seosongd, clsor, oll heorl Redwood fin. ish€d fo 2t4" x3,4 vrilh o 3/8,,€os€ on oll €dges. slols o16 se. cured to th€ block poinied sleel from€s wilh block plot€d 3/8" slep bolts. Ih€ exposed h€ods on lh€se bolls ore much wider ond flotterfhon lh€ slondord corriog€ bolls often used. lAoo ffi on cove4 €v * oob # aq, 1+ 086 6'bench 088 8'bench 096 6'bench 098 8'bench 086p wilh p€destol leg 088p with pedesfol leg 095p wilh pedeslcl leg 098p with pedeslol leg#,ffi + ./-+o ;3: :: 3:l3i36BffiSd.* tr td8jF$t3:::*i i:3 sutu{"i lT SUPPLY CORP, .rc92 co. RD. 302 Dt RANGO, COi.o. 833$l (303) 247.13rt A,,'T, $00€l-. Berridge Associates, lnc. Planning . Landscape Architecture March 27, L986 Craig Snowdon Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Tree transplanting for the plaza I_,odge fslandin Vail, Colorado. Dear Craig, At your request f have prepared this letter describing some general transplanting procedures for the one 12'Spruce and the 12' deciduous shrub. It is my recommendation and a preferred horticulturalmethod to hand dig the tree and shrub rather thanthe use of a tree spade. ft is almost impossible totake all the roots of these trees but as a generalrule the diameter of the root ball in feet should aLleast equal the diameter of the trunk in inches, Atthe new site, the previously dug receiving hole shouldbe prepared with a mixture of peat moss, soil and abalanced organic fertilizer, then mixed with water toform a slurry. The slurry mixture is forced to fillany voids around the root ba11, eliminating all ofthe air in the pocket. The need for guying and stakingof these plant, materials will depend upon how tightthe.ball stays during its move. Following its move thedeciduous shrub should be pruned back to compensate forroot loss. A.standard watering schedule should thenbe established for the first two years. 245 Vallejo St. . San Francisco, Catifornia g4i I j . (415\ 433-2357'1000 So. Frontage Rd. West, Suite 100 . Vait, Cotorajo 8i657 . (303) 476-0851 Craig Snowdon March 27, L986 Page Two These are simply general guidelines for transplanting and should not be used as specific planting specifications. Transplanting is a shock to a tree under the best of cir- cumstances and is a job to be undertaken only by exper- ienced nursery staff with adequate equipment. f would recommend Rocky Mountain Tree ExPerts of Denver, Colorado. They have had great success with transplanLing trees of all sizes in the Vail area. If you have any more questions or if I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, BERRIDGE ASSOCIATES, INC. N/r?t/.ta @ Dennis Anderson DAldb {_-- >___A€D6__ " fhAtrolJi'a= fo Ee- &p fo_fu-gl_._UAft:=: _ 4\27s_DC*E+aa4yse -/ Ww*-ferr+ -EuJe- rrf,Te+r>e- e _:.-!|. ._r:t-- :l: ::? . j,. 1e-1 ;i :\ :.:-.'-+i I . i:..:tji,i .r- - --*A {. ,.=--..-.- "Xk-s' -E\ F_f, . -!L..ll-n\ L: -r.' :--t+? t :,i'r':\ .'.e . t -r, a t- Berridge Associates, Inc. Planning . Landscape Architecture March 27, L986 Craig Snowd.on Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Tree transplanting for the plaza in Vail, Colorado. Lodge fsland, Dear Craig, At your reguest I have prepared this letter describing some general transplanting procedures for the one 12lSpruce and the 12r deciduous shrub. It is my reconrmendation and a preferred horticultural method to hand dig the tree and shrub rather thanthe use of a tree spad.e. It is almost impossible totake all the roots of these trees but as a generalrule the diameter of the root ball in feet should atleast equal the diameter of the trunk in inches. Atthe new site, the previously dug receiving hole shouldbe pr.epared with a mixture of peat moss, soil and abalanced organic fertilizerr. then mixed with water toform a slurry. The slurry mixture is forced to fillany voids around the root ball, eliminating all ofthe air in the pocket. The need for guying and stakingof these plant materials will depend upon how tightthe ball stays during its move. Following its move thedeciduous shrub should be pruned back to compensate forroot, loss. A standard watering schedule should thenbe established for the first two vears. 245 Valleio St. . San Francisco, Catifornia 941 I 1 . (41 5) 433-2357 1000 So. Frontage Rd. West, Suite I 00 . Vait, Cotorabo ei OSZ . (303) 476-0851 Craig Snowdon llarch 27 , L986 These are simply general guidelines for transplanting and should not be used as specific planting specifications.Transplanting is a shock to a tree under the best of cir- cumstances and is a job to be undertaken only by exper-iencednur3erystaffwithadequateeguipment. I would recommend Rocky Mountdin Tree Experts of Denver,Colorado. They have had great success with transplantingtrees of all sizes in the Vail area If you have any more qJuestions or if I canfurther assistance, please do not hesitate me. Sincerely, BERRIDGE ASSOCTATES, INC. Dennis Anderson DAldb be of anyto contact . 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 March 24, 1986 Craig Snowdon Snowdon and Hopk.i n Architects 201 Gore Creek DriveVai1, Colorado 81657 RE: Plaza Lodge Remodel: Comments frommeeting on March 19, 1986. . ofllce of communlly development Dear Craig, 0n March 19,1986, the Design Review Board made the fol 1ow.i ng comments: The possibility of softening the hard corner of the trashroom should be studied. Details on the planter should be presented at the next meeti ng. the December Design Revjew Board corner of Christytri angu lar double sided sign /7) t,E 3t Signage should be studjed on the south westSports. It was suggested that perhaps theprojection should be removed and jnstead ashould be added for signage. 4) Details on landscaping for the building and the landscapeisland should be submitted. This wouli also include detailson rrie benc.i anq irash recep-".cie for the iandscape island. 5) The collector drains should be studied to make sure that thedrainage buildup dose not conflict with windows. 6) Ice and snow buildup from the roof shourd be studied as rohow it effects the hot tub areas. 4, ^r{ 8) The band that extends around the south east corner of theremodel on the second floor should be consistent with theexisting band on the west elevatjon. The design considerations for the commercjal core onedistrict should be submitted 9) A complete ser of drawings for Design Revjew Board should be submi tted. As-you know, I will be out of town on Apli I z. Either Tom Braun or Rick Pylman will be at the meeting in ny p1ace. please submit this material by March 28, 1986. I would appreciate getting the material in the morning sithat I can familiarize one of the other planners with the project. If you have any further questions please feel free to give me a call. Si ncerely, tfitkn ?"L Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner _, KP: j 1t 75 south lrontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce of communlly developmenl March 24, 1986 Craig Snowdon Snowdon and Hopk'in Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vai l, Colorado 81657 RE: _Plaza Lodge Remodel: comments from the December Design Review Boardmeeting on March 19, 1986. Dear Craig, 0n March 19, 1.986, the Design Review Board made the following comments: 1) The possibility of softening the hard corner of the trash room should be studied. Z) Detai'l s on the planter should be presented at the next . meeting. 3) Signage shou'l d be studjed on the south west corner of Chr.istySports. It was suggested that perhaps the tr.iangularproject'ion should be removed and instead a double sided signshould be added for signage. 4) Details on landscaping for the bujlding and the landscapeisland should be submitted. This would also include detailson the bench and trash receptacle for the landscape island. 5) The col] ector drains should be studied to make sure that thedrainage buildup dose not conf'l ict wjth windows. 6) Ice and snow buildup from the roof should be studied as to how it effects the hot tub areas. 7) The band that extends around the south east corner of the remodel on the second floor should be cons.istent with theexisting band on the west elevation. 8) The design consideratjons for the commercjal core onedistrict should be submitted .d 9) A complete set of drawings for Design Review Board shou'ld besubmitted. ; As_you klgry, I will be out of town on Apri'l 2. Either Tom Braun 6r Rick Pylman will be at,the meeting'in my place. p'lease submjt this materia'l byMarch 28, 1986. I would appreciate getting the material in the morninq s6that I can familiarize one of the other planners with the project. ,'J .'. -,. If you have any further questions ' . ,r t j !WC{i"r i.:, v'" ., r'iriii..'.r;i: i{. !r.}i:it Si ncerel y,t/.\ n1 Xnfio\ r{fi* Kristan Pritz Town Planner.. KP:jlt '- -r.i rjil t', - : .li i 1. 'i .t .r 'i !i r...i l._: ,.;a ,I :r i. please feel free to give me a call.."i_.. , ,. ,.. , \. ".,i + ' r{1{.:5.1 1r\' Drrl;r:r.qqi ' '' ,.i ts@GK AND ASSCCIATES, INC PO Bcx l4l3 \bit Cdorodo 8165B (3Os)827-5zl February 24, 1986 Snowdon & Hookins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Crai g Craig, Pursuant to our conversation I am providing A. Reconstruction ScheduleB. 0oerational Considerations &C. General Overview l{hile these items represent our preliminary the attached information: Goal s review of the project they They should give you a generalpth planning. AJB/Kh cc: Town of Vail - Planning Clark l.lillingham Bi I I Anderson staff r-- were prepared qi descri p! rew J. Beck res i dent Beck & Associates, C,errerol Controclors SCHEDULE 'A' PLAZA LODGE RECOT{STRUCTION SCHEDULE Exteri or Operation Start Date Conpletion Date* Completion Date**Item Lodge Decks Elevator Shaft 2i Apri 21 Apri 21 April 5 May 26 l4ay 24 t4ay 9 ,lune 25 ,lune i2 July 31 May 7 June 24 May 30 June 12 July 6 Sept 31 May 7 June Christy Sports Exterior 21 Aprj Lodge Penthouse Uti'l itie Improvements New Lodge Roof *The exterjor of the building will be 90% complete. It would accommodate safe pedestrian and vehicle traffic and minimize negative aesthetic impact. Minor detailing would remain to be compl eted. *The appropriate areas would be 100% complete on the exterior and fu11y operational. Minor interior detailing would remain to be compl eted. The standard disclainer should be applied to these dates: i.e. weather delays, material deliveries, acts of god etc. Start dates for some items are delayed to take advanage of the "normal" improvementin weather patterns the closer we get to summer. SCHEDULE '8" PLAZA LODGE OPERATIOI{AI COilSTDERATIOIIS & GOALS - The restrjctive site will require careful coordination and minimal jobsite material storage. To that end we will be utilizing an "instant inventory" procedure as well as off-site fabrication when appropriate. - l'le wjll be providing construction fencing and the like pursuant to the Town of Vail requirements as well as "common sense" to ensure the safetyof both the general public and the workmen. - !,le are anticipating close scrutiny from the town, the town staff, and the neighboring property owners so we are planning to provide full-timetraffic coordination and jobsite clean-up. |'le will be careful to minjmjze our impact on the existing areas and we will repair what damage we cause. - I'le will make a concerted effort to complete the majority of the street level construction prior to the first of July. - }Je are sensitive to the requirements for emergency and pedestrian access around the site. l'le will be utilizing the area between the Plaza Lodge and l'lrs. Hi I I ' s bui I d'i ng as our onl y job access. I i. SCHEDULE "C" PLAZA LODGE GENERAL OYERYIE}I The Plaza Lodge is centrally located and fronts not only Bridge Street and Seibert Circle but Founders Plaza as wel'l . The site leaves us little room to work. Any construction process requires a little "elbow room" and inherently causes some disruption in the normal flow of things. !{e intend to minimize the temporary negitive impact of the construction by: - Starting as soon as possible- !{orking as hard and efficiently as we can Keeping the jobsite organized and clean, scheduling our work force to complete the job on schedule 0rganize our subcontractors internally to reduce and/or mininizethe required vehjcle traffic l4aintain a courteous and positive attitude with the public, town and neighboring property owners . _, | ,.!. I KSws5 a ftlu: o!o.Jn,*0 'P\no- S q\o ; Uil\ Btda u 0 tn0rorJ. f.' 5rqa- fr |\C., *[ k- e{^o,v\d AMT 1,,' j-u ^l( Lt'"' 2:75 3:00 pm pm PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAT COMMISSION March 10. 1986 Site Visits Publ ic Hearing Approval of minutes of February ?4, 1986. A work session to review the Vail proposed employee parking systemwith the conditional approval of Va1 1ey Medical Center's as required in conjunction the Centerrs proposed Center setback the Bighorn 3rd Additi 2. expansion. Appl i cant: Vai I Val 1ey Medi cal 3. A request for an exterior alterat.i on of the Hong Kong Cafe jn order to construct a two story building, and a iondjiional 5. A request for exterjor alteratjon of the plaza Lodge jn orderto expand retajl space and to remodel ex.i sting dwelling .units and a request for a conditional use permit jn order toel iminate two accommodation un.i ts. Appl icant: Plaza Lodge Associates A request for density, landscaping and park.i ngvariances in order to construct an add.ition to Lodge located on Lots 6 and 7, Block 7, Bighorn Appl icant: Bighorn Lodge Partnership 7. Reguest for an amendment to the Town of Vail Subdivisjon Regulations Sectjon 17.32.300 Title Certjficate. Appl icant: Town of VaiI 8. consideration of zoning for the recently re-annexed portionsof West Vai l. Applicant: Town of Vail setback variances in order to enclose an existing deck area and to add other outdoor dining at Burger King. reguest to amend the development plan of Crossroads and foi Appl icant: Snowquest ,-B@GK AND ASSOCIATES, INC PO Bcx l4l3 Vril Cdorodo 81658 (3O3)827-57n February 24, 1986 Snowdon & Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive VaiI, Colorado 81657 Attn: Craig Crai g, Pursuant to our conversation I am providing A. Reconstruction ScheduleB. 0perational Considerations &C. General Overview t^lhile these items represent our preliminary were prepared I n-epth planning. descri p rew J. Beck resi dent Beck & Associates, Inc. AJB/Kh cc: Town of Vail - Planning Clark l,lillingham Bi 1l Anderson sftff r-' the attached information: Goal s review,of the project they They should give you a general Gznerol Cortrrclors SCHEDULE "A' PLAZA LODGE RECOI{STRUCTION SCHEDULE Item Lodge Decks Elevator Shaft Christy Sports Exterior Lodge PenthouseUtilitie Improvements New Lodge Roof Start Date Exteri or Completion Date* 24 May 9 June 25 June 12 July 31 May 7 June Operati on Completion Date** 24 May 30 June 12 July 6 Sept 3l May 7 June 21 April 21 Apri'l 21 Apri I 2i April 5 May 26 May *The exterior of the building will be 90% complete. It would accommodate safe pedestrian and vehicle traffic and minimize negative aesthetic impact. Minor detailing would remain to be compl eted. *The appropriate areas would be 100% complete on the exterior and fu11y operational. Minor interior detajling would remajn to be compl eted. The standard disclaimer should be applied to these dates: i.e. weather delays, material deliveries, dcts of god etc. Start dates for some items are delayed to take advanage of the "normal" improvementin weather patterns the closer we get to summer. SCHEDULE 'B' PLAZA LODGE OPERATIOI{AL CONSIDERATIOI{S & GOALS The restrictive site will require careful coordination and minimal jobsite material storage. To that end we will be utilizing an "instant inventory" procedure as well as off-site fabrication when appropriate. }Je will be providing construction fencjng and the like pursuant to the Town of Vail requirements as well as "common sense" to ensure the safetyof both the general public and the workmen. l,le are anticipat'ing close scrutiny from the town, the town staff, and the neighboring property owners so we are planning to provide full-timetraffic coordjnation and jobsite clean-up. [,|e will be careful to minjmize our impact on the existing areas and we will repa'ir what damage t.te cause. t.le will make a concerted effort to complete the majority of the street level construction prior to the first of July. l.le are sensitive to the requirements for emergency and pedestrian access around the site. l'le will be utilizinq the area between the Plaza Lodqe and Mrs. Hi l l 's bui tdi ng as our only job access. t SCHEDULE "C' PI.AZA LODGE GENERAL OYERVIE}T The Plaza Lodge is centrally located and fronts not and Seibert Circle but Founders Plaza as well. The room-to work. Any construction process requ.i res a and inherently causes some disruption in ilie normal }Je intend to minimize the temporary negitive impact by: Starting as soon as possible Working as hard and efficienily as we can Keeping the jobsite organized and clean,force to complete the job on schedule Organize our subcontractors internally tothe required vehicle traffic l4aintain a courteous and positive attitude with the public, town and neighboring property owners only Bridge Street site leaves us little I i ttl e "el bow room" flow of things. of the construction scheduling our work reduce and/or minimize It lnwn To: From: Date: Re: 75 south frontag€ road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 While there is no limit most likely have to take blhom jt l,lay Concern Department of Community DeveiopmentJuly 10, 1985 Plaza Lodge off lce ol communlly development 10,280 sq. 9,181 sq. 7 Dwel I ing Units 13 Dwelling Units No limit within existing bldg approximately 11,426 sq. none Our office has been asked to prepare a rist of development stat.isticsfor the ?]u1u-Lodse propertv in Vait viirase. ih;-i;Tril;n! informationwas-compiled last summer.during an inventoiy of al t ouirainis in thevillage' It represents the toit crr"uni iniormation our oiii." has concern.ingthis property. . Site Area: .295 acres or 12.g50 so.. Zoning ; Cornmercial Core I . Allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA). Existing GRFA . Allourable Durelling Units. Existing Drvelling Units Al lowable Conrnercial. Existing Corirnercial Units . Required 0n-Site parkina Other general information concerning the property: . The property is 6 units over the number of units allowed by zoning to_cormercial square footage, any increase wouldplace within the existing structure. The Vail !]llage Urban, Design Guideplan calls for no physicaJ expans.iont0 the bu-ilding with the exception of an open arcade over the griageStreet walkway, oo 75 south lronlage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ,lune 18, .|985 lt olflce of communlty development ,lack Curti n3ll Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 8]657 Re: Loading space on the west side of the Plaza Lodge building Dear Jack: I have enclosed an agreement dated 0ctober rB, l97g between theTown of vait and the-plaza Lodge, Inc. secti6n i(il-iiiirf tnut'...limited vehiclular access io-the west side of'the plaia Lodgefor the loading and unroading of the merchandise of prazits wesr :]d:^ignl!ts" is approved. It atso states that the space mayDe used as "...a holding station for one plaza Lodge vehicle onguest arrival and departure dates.,, P'lease call me if you have further questions concerning thisagreement. Si ncerely,v \ n,r l\Irslur\ KiTt Kri stan Pritz Town Planner KP: br Encl osure ri- -, - Zo fu/tninutnr-r/^ e*V.-Z d.a+//, t^.*; ffi ?AT rr=----"7 ltdtaqh r?,rntD /11J. d ,rnr*/ 7 / Re ffih ,,7!L'/r00 0 D I ; i il I i ii \,r$K a\$")-'' 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 March 22, .l985 office ol communlty developmenl Mr. Carl E. Andrews Trust Real Estate P.0. Box 83778 Dallas, Texas 75283 Dear Mr. Andrews: I am writing you concerning your March 12, .'|985 letter to Krjstan Pritz of our office. Thjs letter concerned the issue of loading zones in VaiI Vi11age. Specifically, your question was directed toward the loading area in front of the Plaza Lodge properties. As related to you in Kristan's letter, the department is lookingat the overal1 .i ssue of loading and delivery in the Vail Village area. I would like to clarify for you the scope of the study our staff is involved in with respect to loading zones. We have undertaken a comprehensive long range study of existing and potential developmentjn Vail Village. One component of this study is that of delivery/ service. In light of thi s, the staff has done a preliminary analysis of existing loading facilities in the Vi11age. This initial analysis has concluded that there are not immediate plans to eljminate any of the existjng loading zones in the core area. The focus of our analysis has now shifted to long term solutions to the problems created by )oading and delivery in the Vi11age. Nonetheless, I would not ant'icipate the loading zone adjacent to the Plaza Lodge to be removed in the near futu re. Si ncerely yours, ,.r\ r'O' \ L\_e!--<,.,.r \l\.N> Thomas A. Braun Town Pl anner TAB: bpr Sff mte rFrrst lnl€rFlrst Eank Dallas, N.A. Dallas, Texas 75283 (21 4\ 7 44-8000CARL E. ANDREWS Trust Real Estate P. 0. Box 83778(2r4) 977-4492 0quatlD-l March 12, 1985 I would appreciate it if you would reques t. Sincerely yours, let me know the status of this havi ng You a study Communi ty ar{cu Carl E. Andrews Vice President-Trust wym Attachment Q\H'r "/^ Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, C0 81658 Dear Ms. Pritz: Back in November we wrote you concerning a problem we were gn q loading zone in the Plaza Lodge (see attached letter).indicated 'in your reply that the Town of Vail was beginningof loading zones in the area and that during that stidy th6 Development Department would look into this-situatjon.- lnwn 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorsdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 November .l9, l9B4 offlce ol communlty devolopment Mr. Carl E. Andrews Vice Pres ident P.0. Box 82778 Dallas, Texas 75283 Re: Plaza Lodge Load.ing Zone Dear Mr. Andrews, In.response to your letter concerning the load'i ng zone next to the praza Lodge, I would like to lnform you thit the Town or vair is beginn.ing astudy of Ioading zones in the Village aiea. |.le feel that-given the numerousredevelopment proposa'ls that have b6en submitted "J."niiv,"it ls neceilirv--to re-evaluate the rocation and number of existing-i;;Ji;g zones. vairvillage is.already short of loading ton.t ro it ii uniikeiy-that the numberof zones will be decreased. Durin!.the study, tne communiiy oevetopmeni - Department will look at your situaiion. If you have questions about the study, please give me a call. S i ncere ly , d*tl-onf"t1 KRISTAN PRITZ KP: br N?]/ 22 It,t., tt, . )-+ DATE AP PL I cAT I U33'[FI'3fi 'h',iFlYI'*T3'i15F],'ryA I NTA I N Fence l,'|al I Landscap ing OI^INER NAME OF PROPERTY oF APPLTcAN, 9^=o t** y'*;r*,.r*, t *, ADDRESS L0T_BLOCK HSUSO. Vait Viilage tstsneel.l Part of Lot F and G,H,I, J, K planter on Wall St (please seeDESCRIPTI0N 0F STRUCTURE 0R ITEM(S) INT0 RIGHT-oF-wAv Ptuntur ol Br.idg", st (Ii surveyAttach pl ans showing encroachT"-ni: property line, sidewalTi curbs, intakes, hydrants,meters, manholes' any other affecteb ai:urtlnance-in the pioject area (to scit""o"dimensioned) and sect'ion(s) as weil ai'eteuaiion. iii ipbiiiuui"i. ---'- ", LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED:(If necessary, attach descript.ion on -eparate Corner 1ot_!_ Inside lot Does structure presentiy exist? Proposed date for commencement of construction n.a. In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indjcated,app'l i cant agrees as fol I ows : t. l0' That, the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forthin this appiication 11 . Spec ial conditions: Awz gnature o roperty nt owner gnatures 2. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclu-sively to the land above described.That-the.permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in thisappl ication. That the appiicant shall notify the Town Manager, or his duly author.ized agent, twentyfour hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction, in ord6r that properinspection may be made by the Town.That the gPplicant agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Vail from andagainst all ctaims, -suits, damages, ci,stl, i;r;u;-;;;-.*p.ni., in any manner resultingfrom,.arising out of, or connecied-with the erection or maintenance of the aboveidentified structure. That the permit mav be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruc-tion, or other stricture coniiiil#;';'nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of theright-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffjc rrazari, or the property upon whichthe encroac-hment' obstruction, o. ri"riture exists 'i s.required for use by the pubiic;or it may be revoked-9! any time for uny reason deemed sditic'ient by the Town of Vail,That the appiicant wil.l reirove,-at-irii ''expense, the encroachment, obstruction, orstructJre within ten days after receiving notiie of any revocation of said permit.That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroacnmenton the right-of-wav. That jn the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure jsnot:accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same andhave the.right to make an usiJiiriunl-agiinst the property and collect the costs ofremoval in the same manner as general iaxes are collected. ]i31.,:-!fir:trmit so issued is noi asiignini", una-is i;;il; so1e1y to the undersisned 5. 7. X 9. Plaza Lodqe - Vail Vjlla N 73028'19 " s 12040'37"E, I 65' E, 20. r0 20.52 ( CALC.' N 77" t9'23 " E, 20.0s L STREET Nr2"40'37"w, 3.OO N73028't9"E,2295' -t-"4 N 73c 28'19 E tCALC.) INOICAIES OVERHANG AEOVE R:216.06' a.23036'32 " L = 89.03 SercoE5r erxt, OUTLIH€ OF ROCK PLIzl 11 e ROCK WALL PATIO WOOD TIE WA LL /a \ S:ijlrl.;.] PLAZA LODGE . 0.2882 ACI 3 S.ToRY SUILDING ] I \ U6Ft -i c) r'- t! D? F F i 4 Droolc Co.coE H