HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT F G H I J K PLAZA LODGE BUILDING PERMITS 1987-2004 LEGAL/ / ,,t ,/'t .///// //ua/z /-;4i/ / ( B4*/ r=( /o/s iql,IJfuq",44- ,'1'-/ . /galle;.4 E"rr-b //t2-& / -eaaQ, roil\roFVArL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.]NIry DEVELOPMENT !^--ols C-tr t-r i< 3 (V. qc NorE: THIS pERMIT MUST BE posrED oN JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES U.^-^( U' L(,,,1' \o \J ADD/ALTCOMMBUTLDPERMT permit #: 804-0023 l\tlS^ f,tr Job Address: 291 BRIDGE ST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: 301 BRIDGE STREET Applied . . : 03109/2004 ParcelNo....: 210108262001 Issued...: 0311012004 ProjectNo. : Expires...: 0910612004 or/irNER pr,AzA LoDGE ASSOCIATES r_,TD O3/O9/2OO4 phone: ONE TURTLE CREEK VII,I,AGE 3878 OAK LAWN AVE STE #4OO DAIJIJAS TX 752L9-4469 License 3 CoNTRACTOR MASTER SEALERS 03/o9/2OO4 phoner P. O. BOX 4473 VAII-,, CO 8165I I-,icense z 577 -B APPLICAITT MASTER SEAT,ERS 03/09/2004 phone: 9'70-476-3975 P. O. BOX 4473 VAIL, CO 8155 8 License: Desciption: RE-ROCK SAME FOR SAME ROOF Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $87,750.00 Fireplace Information: Rcstricted: Investigation-> WiU Call---> # ofCas Appliances: 0 $0.00 RecreationFee--------> $3.00 Clean-upDeposit------> Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 4 of Wood Pellet: 0 90.00 Tolal Calculaled Fees--> $1, 504.09 $0.00 Total Permit Fee-----> S1,504-09 $0. 00 Payments-----------> $1, 504 . 09 Building---> $909 . ?5 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> 9591.34 DRB l'ee----------->50.00 AdditionalFees----->$o. oo $0. 00 * *.*,*)id. ** '** + * 'l + *:i + *:1.:f *,ir:* {. *:},t *:f,},r* *,r ir* * * i},s ** ** * Approvals:rtem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENI o3/o9/2OO4 DM Actionr AP ltem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMETII| Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI Item: 05500 PIIBIJIC WORKS TOTAI- FEES------> S1,504 - 0e BALANCE DUE----> See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fullthe information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informafion as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Building code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 **,r**'F+*** ** * * ****+ {. 'N. *** ********* ***:t *,t<:lr*+******+*++++,t ++{.,r+**+ * * *+++**++ ++**+******* * *** * * ***r********* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0023 as of 03-10-2004 Status: ISSUED **********,!*,t *r< ** **** * ****:t++ 'i * d. * * * *,F * * *:t * * * * * * * + *,t *,i * * * * * t * *,t *t< *,t,F*:i* jt<,F{.,t{<********** ************{.****** Permit Type: ADDiALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 03/0912004 Applicanl MASTER SEALERS Issued: 03/1012004 970-476-3975 To Exoire: 09/0612004 Job Address: 291 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: 301 BRIDGE STREET ParcelNo: 210108262001 Description: RE-ROCK SAME FOR SAME ROOF Conditions: Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQU]RED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLnRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. fltp0lon tl NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED MWNWVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION .ffzc-acr ;fi .zt.tc:.zany'Z 79a. €2a COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$ FZ Z.fa. € " For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or wsff *************t i*rffi******{*{ek*****FoR OFFICE USE ONLY*******I rt*********!l'.*ir*it***r*t'*** \\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERIVI. DOC 7/a,., z(f > 6'DPa <?,/ r.Job Name:'1-.e Z-.lt Za'e€, WOfk: 4*'. .eeF Jra.- at ,€ea t..*rrt .*t+ ,/ ---r{rt*'e.*o44a A..4+u{Jri WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Otherld Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( d,/Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (( ) other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Gas Gas ADeliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT 07 t26t2002 ll Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Depaftment of Community Development 7/c-a 2-4 { This checklist must be ampleted before a Buitdino permit aooliation is acceoted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) provide a copy of approval fonn condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public way Permit application included if applicable (refer to public works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster.parkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without wriften aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(5 sets of plans for MultFFamily and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e,loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans a tr D B a o tr D D B tr D D D f,l D Applicant's Date of submittal: ProjectAddress: 7a/ 1fi.a-.tzz3t/ rf Types and quantity offireplaces shown \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Received By: 04t02t2003 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:.t-774r',ai/l 57, Project Name:2z ?azz-a Date: r,/r./-r' F : everyone/forms/bldperm3 05-26-2004 Inspec{on Request Reportlng5-,3-Z-pm _ '_vAtLco-iroyyx_br _" l Requested InspecJlrX5; I[i*d"y, May ?7, 1004 SlteAddress: 2Sl BRIDGE ST VAIL 30' BRIDGE STREET ArPrD Inlbrmafron Adivlty: B0+ffi3 Tvoe: &COMMConsilTyp6: Occuooidcv: Orvri€r: PLAZA LODGE ASSOCIATES LTDApplhanl: MASTERSEALERS Requested lnsDecfi on{sl Item: 90 BLDG-Flrral Requestor: IUASTER SE,qLERS Asslgngcl To: CDAVIS Aclbn: 9lalus: ]SSUED In€p Ar€6: DM Requestred Tlme: 08:00 Ali' Phone: 97t"476-3975 Enl€redBy: LCAMPBELL K Tlm€ Exp: wp( Insp€cdon Historv ll€m: 10 BlDc'-Fmilnos/Sts€l fiem: 20 EtDGfouncEtbrvStesl Item: 30 BlDG+ramlno Item: 50 BLDCdnsuHEn Item: 60 BLDC'-Sha€lrock l,tatlIt€m: 70 BLDGMtsc. Item: 90 8{-Dcr.FlnElll€m: Itito ELDe.Temp. C/Ollem: 532 PW-TEMP.-CyO llem: 533 PLAN-TEMP.C/O Item: 537 PLAI*FIML C/Ollgn: 538 FIRE-FIML C/O frern: 539 PW-FIML C/O frem: Sdo BLD&Flnal Ci/Obm: 21 PLAI*ILC Fonnrhlhn phn n€m: 22 PLA'+ILC Slte Pbn *k; * Phone: 97&47S39?6 REPT131 Run Id: 1893 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L65? 97 0 -479 -2r38 lu /s DEPARTMENT OF COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT |-/.r l roa ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL Permit #: B9B-0078 SEatus...: ISSUED(PLAZA Applied. . : 04/29/LgglIssued...: os/Os/L998 Erryj_res. . : LL/0L/L998 T'0ViComm. Dev. L NOTE: THIS PERMIT MusT BE PosTED ADD/ALT CoMM BUILD PERIvn : TIMES Job Address: L,,ocation. . . :Parcel No..:Project No. r 291 BRIDGE ST 29]- BRIDGE STREET 2101- 082 -52 -001 APPLTCAI{| cTLLAN-ARMsrRoNc DESTGN BurLD phone: 970-468-2t05coRPoRATroN, 8471- IURNPTKE DR., sTE . 2oo, wEsrMrNrsrER, co 80030coNrRAcroR cTLLAN-ARMsrRoNc DEsrcN BUrr,D phone: 970-468-zLoscoRPoRATroN, S4TL tItRNPrKE DR., srE. 200, wEsTl4rNrsrER, co 80030OWNER PI,AZA LODGE ASSOCIATES LTDTURTTE CREEK VTLLAGE STE 605, 3B7B OAK I-.AWN AVE, DAr,r,AS TX 75219 r)fean-upr Deposit Refund;:!pproved ;: tllOUllt .l-.;...sq Ft'i *Of Gas Logs: FEE SIIMMARY ****tt*it'r'r'rBuilding--__-> 1,14o'oo Reeluarant plan Rcvie!.--> .o0 Toeal calculated Feea---> 2,584.ooPlan cb€ck---> 741.00 DRB Fee--------- 2oo.o0 Addilional Fees-_-_--___> .oornvesLigaEion> .oo RecreaEion F€e--_--__-__> .oo rotal pe!_.ni! F€e-_-----_> 2,5a4.00will carl'---> 3.oo clean-up Depo6l E - - - - - - - - > soo.oo palr€neB-_______ z,sa+.oo -""...._,:::l:.illl;;;;;:;;;;.;;.t".".....1:?li;::...._..::Tiil.?yi;;.;;;:;";;:;;......._...";::_.. IE€M: 051-OO^BU_I!PING DEPARTMENT D.gPE; BUILDING DiViSiON:g.t / os / 1998 ^ ClqELiE- -AEEi<jii, EpFn cHARr.,rE DAlr.r.srtem: 0s400 ._q!!$ryJxe -neFEiiful-ENi" -.:-*-- -' oepc : pr,ANNrNG Division:95 / os / tees ^cEABliE-'-A;Eib;;' EFFn w/artem: 0s600^E_Ing DrnARiMEiii --- ^',.4' DepE,: FIRI Division:0 s / 0s / +2s_C ^ CHASI-,IE-_ AsE _foii; AppR N/Arrem: 05500^pUE1_,19 wonkS---' Dept: pUB WORK Dj.vision:os/Os/L998 CraRLiE "addlon: AppR N,/A See Page 2 of this Document for anv conditions that mav apply t.o thls permit- DECLARATIONS I heleby acknor{ledge that r have read LhlB application, fi1led out in full the inforaaEion requlred, conpleted an accurace ploeplan' snd 6tat6 lhaL all the inEor-nation plovia"a a6 lequired i6 corlecL. r agree to comply vith lhe inforEration and FroE ptan,Eo co$Fly eith arl Toirn ordinance6 and 6t'ate 1aFe, and to build Lhia sErucEure according go che To{n'a zonj.ng and eubdlviBioncodeg, d.sign revier approved, Uniforn Building code a$d other ordinaoced of the T.oi{n applicabl,e chereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPESIIONS SHALI, BB MADS TI.IEMTY-FOUR HOURS IN A.DVANCE BY send cI.en-up Depoaic To: GrIrraN-ARMsTRoNs DEsIoN Descript.ion: RE-ROOF RE-DECK, INSUI..ATE T]NDERDECK Occupancy: 82 82Tlpe ConstrucLion: III l-_HRTytrle III 1_Hourlpe Occupancy: Valuat.ion:1,99 ,572 Fireplace Infolrnet ion; Rest.r:icted: Sof Add cae AFpllances:1 f \' \ ************************************************************:t******************* CONDITIONSPermit #: B9B-0078 as of Ts/os/g8 SLatus: TSSIIED******************************************************************************** PETMIT.TYPE: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMI APPliCd: O4/2g/Lgg8APPIiCANI: GILI,AN-ARMSTRONG DESIGN BUILD ISAUEd: O5/05/Lgg8970_468_2105 To E>(pire r LL/0L/1"998 Job Address r LOCAT,iON Z 29L BRIDGE STRXET (PI,AZA LODGE)Parcel Nor 2t_01__082_62_001_ Description: RE-ROOF RE-DECK, INSUTATE LJNDERDECK Conditions: 1- FrRE DEPARTMENT APPRoVAL rs REeuTRED BEFoRE ANy woRK cAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPEqIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. A THERMAL BARRIER WILL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE TO1991 UBC SEC 1?1-3 (d) TO PROTECT FOAM rNSUr,ATrON.ALL GUARD RAITS MUST COMPLY WrTlT 1-991- I]BC SEC ].71"2 tfork class: [ ]-New [ ]-ALteration [ ]-Addit,ionar ffi-nepaii-l *ouq * (?^ n 9r.: [-]-other:::7'' ce;tttff a+eA Number of Dwel-Ling Units:Number of Accomnodation Units: fnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * )t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3UIIJDING: $ ?LUMBING: $ O Er,EcrRrcAL: $ MECITANICAL: $--'-----OTHER: $ TorAL : +__f99r_fff=eg_ ' Tt'r,r trt I * * * * * * r' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't * * * * CONTRACTOR INFORMATION * * *,L * * * * * * * * rr * * rr r( * * * * * * * * * *lenerar contractoT:,@d-brp Tovrn of vair Reg. No. /-?/-4\ddress: teq Haiust, ezb,l lW, phor," Nunrler.: 4AL/2i7- llunbing contractor: _ l)-l0 --' Torl of Vail Reg. No.\ddressr -....- _ phone Number: 'techanical Contractor; Town of VaiL Rec. rr^ iOOfeSS: rrt-^*^ r'..*r^^--Phone Nunber: i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR OFI'ICE USE * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t( * * * * :1::::1:"1 contracror: _ tf,Grg fown of vail Res. No._\CtOfeSS: _ +.1(!h ^no Nrrnl-ror. i r orr"-"" ]UTLDING PERMIT FEE: ..i, BUILDING PI,AN cHEcK FEE:?LUMBING PERMI'I FEE: T . - 'PLWBING PI,AN cHEcK FEE:,IECHANICAL PERMIT nnn: ---- -_ I,IESHANISATT pLAN CHECK FEE:ILECTRICAT, FEE: .REcG;Ti;n ""., :rrt:,Llr(r-uA! r rrri : * .RECREATION FEE :)THER TYPE OF FEE: "- ' -;1 .--:-- .l- cr.FAN-TrD nFD^aT )RB FEE: i,i,,, i " '-' CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: , TYPE IGROUP I SQ.TION IBUILDING:_l l_l STGNATURE:t_t_t_t zoNrNG: -I-I--I- ISIGNATURE:lomments: ) CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFIIND TO: 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and acknowledged by: of llce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOTVN OF VAIL TowN oF vArL PUBLIC WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPIIENT FIARCH L5, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sununary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr.awful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit u;t-=;irl"=I.r., sand, debrisor materiar, including tri.n-Iu.psrers, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any street, sidewalk, altey or publicplace or anv r:ortion tneie"il--if" right-oi-"uy rn arr Town ofvail streetl ina.roads is approximately 5 ft. Lff pavement.this ordinance wirr re ;;rf:ii;^enforced by the Town of VaiIPubric works Denartnent. --p".=ln= rou.,d viorating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour r-ia[;;"r-rotice t"-."r;"":said materia].fn the event the person so notified.g?.= not comply with thenotice within the-24 n""i tim"-lpecified, the putric worksDepartment wir-1 rehove said mare;i;i-;a-inJ"I"pl"re or personnotified' The rrrovisions "t tni= ordrnance sharr not beapplicable to c6nstruction, *ii.L"nurce or repair projects ofany street or arrey or any "liiit;;;"i; ;;"';i;;i_._r"r. To revier+ ordinance No. 6 in furl, p)-ease stop by the Town of:3:i"::ii:i"3"";Hi:'m*"::"";;;i" a copv. rnani< you ror yo,,, 'r'lr'lrl contractor, owner) 75 south tronlsge road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-Zt3g of tlce of communlly devolopmerrt If'this permi.t requj,fe: a Toy/n of Vail [ire Departrnent Approval,Engineer''s (pubr i. H:Ilrl r"vi"* unl'ipi"ouur , a pranning'Departmentrev i ew or. Heat th Department. iev i ew, un['u-.iuiur tv"iiiu"iuii ai ng Sirt[l[:'*;.ll: ""i'uted time ror'a iotar ;;;i;,-,'.;"iu[e'i, rons BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCT TII,IE FMI,IE all multi-family permits wii ma x imum requ i remen tsfi-T?\iffi resftre[tTAT or snral ] er projects impact tt;l;iliu;departments r.rith regard' to"necesiaiy'review, tneiealso take the three week perioJ. - " Every.attempt vri'l r be made by this ,epartnrent to expedite thispet'mit.aS s.oon as possible. - I, th. undersigned, nnderstand Trame.. ver, if above mentioned projects may the plan check procedure and time All commercial have to follow (1arge or the above smal i ) and rnentioned Communi ty Development Departrnent. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDiJM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please 1) 2) e following questionnaire regarding the need ior a "public way permit'; YES NO ls this a new residence? Vr ls demolition work being performed that requires the use oithe right N of way, easements or public property? ls any'utility work needed? X Yls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to site y olher than exisling driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling the right ol way, easements, V e\ 4) s) 6) or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Flight Of Way permit' required? B) A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for slaging, Yparking or lencing? I have read and answered allthe above questions. za La v B. lf no lo BA, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community . Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way permit' rnust be obrained."Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at lhe public Work's oflice or at C.o.ryr.r1u1tity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Townof Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-21i8. DateJob Name Contracto s Signature 06/04/58 XoN 15:14 F X 303 128 L732 Gllla[6 IncotTorated ffi Co{tw.fro|n IIATENTAI. SAFf,TY TTATA SIIEf,"T h|| trt F'o-lofl rlq,D'|Jr3li! m,r:ttDra, rwftcvor!.lr{0f,.iEraat sEalt-€ar E |lt as tl!,tr: tsltl ?u. agrtlfr{rra Aoos HrzrnE|J|GtoHr!frrlfE FFqfqr ftsryfiSarAc-crnatrulb gIE F- ollll.rr-3 lil{r4 !1lBr3l 6t{rELicry.r|d IJ|f,!tr IOllIH rEsrt TLVilfqr-'0rq[Ph|rrrnqtItrili|f Err-rerrrF ilr r'rrc ffif,trE ottt6.l X'A rEsrre giAvll?.lr rO=tt llvrtilrlioxtar; m*FrrrsdrcR tl lroufr.lTt r rc.t hld.||r ffi!..*---- -firqt. niiltr fr.t: rrrrrfr aanr . SEGTIOX IV . FIRE AilD HAZARD DATA lffia A!|il.t lr drrrd u{l Olrfr ff nnttrq ns.|ffit tl nEAcTlv!:If_ DATAccrrdltErt[lo Xrrnr nc0r'rrE{,t}Yd|^rlr||| 3 rb -IE- lcr tlTarrxr-mis Fo|.t*tl? fn| ililtoc.|'. Gffitro*l0lH) f..|ftrilL x|a roq,ra rtt#lra|'€a, if rrnooahiir iu!lmtl 06/04/96 IoN 15:14 FAI 303 428 1-7!2 Glllans Incorporetetl @ ool ' "'f-:f- ?: &' ali E ilL'e'Iff,:ylL'Ii $prc, s lf,x:rr z*s - 2642 pF - 04 ffi COl;tEaTrlgr{ MATENIAI, SA]DTY TDATA SIItrf,T ' t {.tcz - l.* =F-q.D- -rurdr xorq ,;'\gn,fG. rcu JGftlEV ortft,rfltr:ru.m &lr$.srr mrrr llo r:rd. riras ier, riEi+a. sEcilor vt - HCArfr:ff=j=@ifrffiffi m'J:'*lrFt-ilrmil!'htal '{r ''!:*Er|lr' Ea'rat- r |l|rN 5 m|D - . .--.H.Tj1?.::tr qc6 r4 rn rrr *| rqj;r,*|r15'fgt-,',i.:-F,ilEffi*,# :rSHt11g'-"{; ;; r r*"r h ril Grk.. cl.rH-IHlEffiE;FffifiEffiH**ltffi#Hs3 trIffi#+ o tl,.dr,r ffi ffiE!fiffi ,ffi. F.lE : Goilltor tEASuREg Damage Repair Design Build AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT made this 16 day of April, 1998 by and between Pla"a Lodge Association in Vail, Colorado, hereinafter referred to as "Client"; and Gillan Armshong Corporation, 8471 Turnpike Drive, Suite 200, Westrninster, CO 80030, a design build contractor, hereinafter refened to as "Giilan Armskong." WITNESSETH: In consideration ofthe mutual covenants and promises herein set forth the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: A. The work of this contract shall be as follows: Foam Insulation: o Plastic offthe rest ofthe store and carpetingo Remove ceiling and partial grid to l0 foot perimetero Remove false walls at dressing rooms on the south endo Spray four inch foam and vapor sealant coatingo Replace the ceiling. Replace the walls and paint Decks above Christv Sports:r Demolition of wood deckingo Demolition of handrails and columns or re-build handrailso Demolition of flashingo Demolition of sidingo Pull three hot tubs with a craner Demolition of roolurg at least at the edgesr Install % inch recovery boardo Install new 60 Mil rubber and EPDM l8 inches up the walls loose laido Install Trex Board (plastic wood decking) with EPDM sliders at the supportsr Install hot tubs with a crane. Install rebuilt handrailso Install sidingo Re-build three areas at hot tubsr Paint and stain the new materials only. Special needs: Crane; Plumber; Electrician; Access GTLLAN ARMSTRONG CORIORATO Plaza Lodgc Deck Upper Hot Tub: (Crane costs included in removal of hot tubs above Christy Sport)r Pull offthe hand railsr Pull offthe hot tubr Pull off the surrounding deck and wallsr Re_build the roofing. Re-build the wallsr Re-build the handrailsr Re-build the Parapet cap slope towards the roofr Replace the sidingr Replace the deckingo Replace the hot tubsr Paint and stain new materials only For the compensation to be paid by client as hereinafter provided, the parties agree that: I . Gillan Armstrong shall provide all necessary certified drawings, labor, supervision, equipment, tools, materials and construction debris removal to the Client in accordance with the Preliminary Design referenced in Gillans Incorporated report dated March 17, 1998 with reference to Roof and Deck Observations. 2. Gillan Armstrong shall begin the work May 4, 1998. They shall complete the construction phase of the interior of Christy Sports by May 19 and the deck and hot tub by June 15,1998, assuming weather and accessibility are good. 3. Gillan Armstrong shall pay all required fees of govemmental bodies having jurisdiction over the project and all costs for permits and licenses necessary for the performance ofthe work. 4' Gillan Armstrong shall perform the work in a workmanlike manner, to the satisfaction of the Client and in conformity with the standards and regulations of governmental bodies having authority and the approved plans and specifications or other construction documents, developed by reference in paragraph l 5. Gillan Armstrong shall repair and correct to the Client's satisfaction, at Gillan Armstrong's expense, all defects in workmanship or material arising within two year after completion of the work. A ten- year manufactures warranty on both labor and material for the deck water proofrng will be obtained. Acceptance of the work by the client shall not impair these warranty obligations. 6. Gillan Armstrong shall procure and maintain in futl force and effect at all times during the performance of the work under this Agreement for not less than the following limits of liability, or required by law, whichever coverage is greater: a) Workers' Compensation: (i) State of Colorado: (ii) Applicable Federal; Statutory Statutory Page 2 ' GILLAN enMsrRoNc coRPoRA Plaza Lodge Decks (iii) Employe/s Liability: $100,000 each incident $500,000 disease, policy limit $100,000 disease, each employee b) Commercial General Liability (including Premise-Operations; Client's and Gillan Armstrong's Protective Liability; Conhactual; Personal and Advertising Injury; Products and Completed Operations; Broad Form Property Damage); (i) Bodily Injury & Property Damage Combined Single Limits General Aggregate S2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate $2,000,000 Personal and Adve*ising Injury $1,000,000 Fire Damage (any one fire) $50,000 Medical Expense (any one person) $5,000 (iD Products and Completed Operations Insurance shall be maintained for a minimum period of three years after final payment and Gillan Armstrong shall continue to provide evidence ofsuch coVerage to the Client on an annual basis during the aforementioned period. (iiD Property Damage Liability Insurance shall include coverage for the following hazards: tr X(Explosion) EI C (Collapse) tr U(Underground) c) Umbrella Excess Liability Combined Single Limits Bodily Injury and Property Damage $1,000,000Retention S10.000 d) Automobile Liability Bodily Injury and Property Damage $1,000,000 Owned, Non-Owned, Hired (e) Other Insurance: Coverage Amount Builders Risk Coverage will be provided by the Client on all contracts for the Contract Amount. The $ I ,000 deductible amount will be the responsibility of Gillan Armsbong. A certificate evidencing such insurance shall be submitted to Client prior to the commencement of the work. The Certificate shall name the Client as Additional Insured with respect to this project. The Certificate shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under the policies will not be canceled, non-renewed or modified until at least 30 days prior written notice has been given to the Client. 8. Gillan Armstrong shall save and hold harmless the Clienl its officers, employees and agents from and against all claims relating to or liability resulting from damage to property, injury, death or any person or persons arising out of or in any way connected with or resulting from the work to be Page J CILLAN ARMSTRONG COMORATI Plaza lodse Decks performed hereunder including, but not limited to, claims or liabiliry arising out of or in any way connected with or resulting from the acts, negligence or alleged negligence of Gillan Armshong or its subcontractors, agents, servants or employees. 9. Gillan Armstrong shall submit monthly applications for payment to the Client for the value of the work performed and materials furnished or stored on the job site, together with such supporting documentation as the Client may reques! including, but not limited to, evidence that all claims, bills, indebtedness, or costs incuned in connection therewith have been paid on a timely basis. Gillan Armstrong shall, in addition thereto, with each application for paymen! furnish releases or waivers or all liens for labor or materials from subcontractors, laborers, and suppliers in such form as the Client may require. Payment shall be made by the Client to Gillan Armshong (or its subcontractor or suppliers directly if the Client elects) within l5 days after the application for payment is approved. It is agreed that if payment in firll is not paid when due, Gillan Armstrong may, without waiving any claim or right against the client, and without liability whatsoever to the client, terminate the performance of service. Retainers shall be credited on the final invoice. Client may suspend or terminate Gillan Armstrong's services by written notice. In the event any deiay or suspension by Client exceeds three months, Gillan Armstrong may require adjustment of the compensation provided for herein. Gillan Armstrong may suspend or terminate services upon l0 days rwitten notice and file for collection without presentment for payment, protest, or notice of non-payment and of protest if Client fails to pay any Gillan Armstrong bill within 30 days after the date of invoicing. In the event this Agreement is terminated by either party prior to the completion of services, Client will pay Gillan Armstrong for all services and materials rendered and expenses incurred to the date of termination plus expenses attributable to termination. If it is necessary to retain an attorney to enforce collection, the Client will pay all reasonable attorney fees and court costs. Whether or not suit for collection is filed, the Client will pay a finance charge of 1.75 percent per month on the unpaid balance on accounts after 30 days, it being expressly understood that the amount ofthe finance charge will be added each month to the account balance. 10. Compensation for to produce Certified Drawings as needed and related Construction cost shall be: $203,66s.00 Terms of payment shall be $101,832.50 at the first day on the site, and $101,832.50 within 15 days after completion of the work. If the final payment is made within the required 15 days, a discount of $4,073.30 may be deducted from ttre final invoice. I l. Any deviations from the terms oftbis Agreement involving an extra change or credit must be agreed to before the change is made and evidenced by the Client's written Change Order. 12. Gillan Armstrong in performing the work hereunder is an independent contractor and reserves the right to control Gillan Amstrong's employees and representatives, and the Client reserves only the right of inspection to ascertain that the completed work conforms to the requirements of this Agreement. 13. Client agrees to the following further terms and conditions: a) Public Responsibility Page 4 , GILLAN ARMSTRONG CORPORATI Plaz: I-odge Decks - The Client recognizes that both the Client and Gillan Armstrong owe a duty of care to the public that requires them to conform to applicable codes, standards, regulations and ordinances, principally to protect public health and safety. Gillan Armstong will do its best to alert the Client to any matter that requires the Client's immediate action to protect public health and safety or conform to applicable codes, standards, regulations and ordinances. Should the Client decide to disregard Gillan Armstrong's recommendations in these respects, the Client agrees Gillan Armstrong has the right to employ its best judgrnent in deciding whether or not to notiry public officials or take appropriate action. The Client agrees Gillan Armstrong should not be held liable in any respect for reporting or failing to report said conditions. Accordingly, the Client agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemniff and hold Gitlan Armstrong harmless of any claim, liability or cost (including reasonable attorneys' fees and cost of defense) for injury or loss arising or allegedly arising from Gillan Armstrong's notifing or failure to notiff public officials. Ownership of Instruments of Service All reports, plans, specifications, field data, notes and other documents, including all documents in electronic media, prepared by Gillan Armstrong as instruments of service shall remain the property of Gillan Armstrong. The Client may make and retain copies for information and references in connection with use and occupancy. The Client shall not reuse or make any modifications to the reports, plans, specifications, field datq notes, electronic media or other documents prepared by Gillan Armshong as instruments of service, without the prior written authorization of Gillan Armstrong. The Client agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnif and hold Gillan Armstrong harmless for any claim, liability or cost (including reasonable attorneys' fees and defense costs) arising or allegedly arising out ofany instructions ofservice by the Client or any person or entity that acquires or obtains the instruments of service from or throush the Client without the written authorization of Gillan Armstrong. Verifi cation of Existing Conditions In as much as the remodeling and/or rehabilitation of an existing structure requires that certain assumptions be made regarding existing conditions, and because some ofthese assumptions may not be verifiable without expending additional sums of money or destroying otherwise adequate or serviceable portions ofthe structure, the Client agrees to bear all costs, Iosses and expenses, including the cost ofthe Gillan Armstrong's additional services, arising from the discovery ofconcealed or unknown conditions in the existing sFucture. Hazardous Materials It is acknowledged by both parties that Gillan Armshong's scope of services does not include any services related to asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials. In the event Gillan Armstrong or any other party encounters asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials on thejob site, or should it become known in any way that such materials may be preseot at the job site or adjacent areas that may affect the performance of Gillan Amstrong's services, Gillan Armstrong may, at its option and without liability for consequential or any other damages, suspend performance of services on the project until the Client retains appropriate specialists, consultant(s) or contractor(s) to identifu, abate and/or remove the asbestos or hazardous or toxic materials, and warant that the job site is in fulI compliance with applicable laws and regulations. b) c) a) Page 5 GILLAN ARMSTRONG CORPORAT. Plaza Lodge Decks V The Client agrees, not withstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold harmtess Gillan Armstrong, including officers, partners, employees, agents and consultants from and against any and all claims, suits, demands, liabilities, losses, or costs, including reasonable attomeys' fees and defense costs, resulting or accruing to any and all persons, firms, and other legal entity, caused by, arising out of, or in any way connected with the detection, presence, handling, removal, abatement, or disposal ofany asbestos or hazardous or toxic substances, products or materials that exist on, about or adjacent to the job site, whether liability arises under breach of contract or waranty' tort, including negligence, strict liability or statutory liability or any other cause ofaction. e) ADA Compliance The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides that it is a violation of the ADA to design and construct a facility for first occupancy later than January 26, l993,that does not meet the accessibility and usability requirements of the ADA except where an entity can demonstrate that it is structurally impractical to meet such requirements. ADA also requires the removal of architectural barriers in certain existing facilities where such removal is readily achievable. The Client acknowledges that the requirements of the ADA will be subject to various and possibly contradictory interpretations. Gillan Armstrong, therefore, will use reasonable professional efforts to interpret applicable ADA requirements and other federal, state, and local laws, rules, codes, ordinances and regulations as they apply to the project. Such interpretations will be based on what is known about ADA interpretations at the time the service is rendered. Gillan Armstrong, however, cannot and does not warrant or guarantee that the Client's project will comply with interpretations of ADA requirements and/or requirements ofother federal, state, and local laws, rules, codes, ordinances and' regulations as they applyto the project. D Assignments Neither party to this Agreement shall transfer, sublet or assign any rights under, or interest in this Agreement (including but not limited to moneys that are due or moneys that may be due) without the prior written consent of the other party. g) Time Bar to Legal Action All legal actions by either party against the other arising out of or in any way connected with the services to be performed hereunder shall be barred, and under no circumstances shall any such claim be initiated by either parry after six years have passed from the date Gillan Armstrong's services have been completed or terminated. 14. This Agreement in writing constitutes the sole agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter hereunder and all prior negotiations, representations, understandings or agreements concerning the subject matter hereunder are hereby canceled. 15. The laws of the state of Colorado will govern the validity of this Agreement, its interpretation and performance. Any litigation arising in any way from this Agreement shall be brought in the courts of that state. Page 6 . r GTLLANARI'rsrRoNccoRPoMnlt IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the date first above written. CONTRACTOR: GILLAN ARMSTRONG CORPORATION H:\cill|n Arnltong\Plrr. Lodgc\Dcsign Build ASrcGrnatllf April 16, 1998 rage / TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-21i8 FAX 970-479-2452 : a- I \-W r*o tr July I.1998 Mr. Parkcr Foy (Peak Properlies) Fax- (970\476-6747 RE: Plaza Lodge Guardrails Dcar Parker. Thank you fol taking thc time this morning to rcview the guardrails at the Plaza Lodge with rnc. Listcd below at'e issuss attd proposcd rerredies to makc thc balconies above grade morc in compliance with thc UBC. | ) All guardrails undcr constluction. A) Ptovidc morc suppol't fot'thc tcmporary guardrails now installcd, and install rnore snow fencing along the tcmporary r.ails. B) Install signs at all points ofacccss notifying propelly owners and gucsts that the balconies are undcr constrlction and only cmergency access is allowed. C) Restrict acccss anywherc that does not need to be uscd as emergcncy egrcss (lE. fiom bcdrooms). 2) All other guardlails. A) Inspcct and confitm anchoring of the guardrails. A minimurn of a 3/8" x 5" lag bolt should be uscd to adequatcly anchol mils to the wall. Also confirm what typc of rnaterial is used to install thc lag bolts into (lE. 2"x 6" lumbcrJ. If your inspection determines inadcquate anchoring, plcasc t'cstrict acccss to thosc particular balconics in question. Pleasc tbllow the rccomnrcndations above. 3) As for unit # 7. the tcmporary bracing appears to bc adcquate to secure the guardrail from falling frorn thc stlucturc but morc necds to be donc to allow occupancy on that balcony. Plcase kccp the occupants fiom using that balcony until molc is donc to sccul'c the rail. See abovc. This should be cnough to gct us through thc busy holiday weckend. Ifyou havc any questions or conccrns, fecl free to call me at (970) 4lg-2142. Senior Building tP **""'o'n'o TAWN OF VAIL D epartment of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vatl, Colorada 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 TO: Building Saf*y 6c Inspectiott Services Divisiott FAX NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: FROM: FAX COVER SHEET coMpANyxmnr: Pt Hr Bet0Nra n+r0 Assac tn+pS L/76 -67'i7 Charlie Davis, Senior Building Inspector/Plans Examiner Town of Vail Community Development Department Building Safety & Inspection Services Division 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Phone 97 0.47 9.21 42, direct line FAX910.479.2452 COMIVIENTS, NOTES: {p ^"n"""o '^'* \o REtrTl3l 1 U9 / ll /98 O7:49 REQUES]"S TOHN OF VAIL, COLORADo FOR INSFECTIUN IIORK SHEETS FUF: 9/IL/9S trAGE AREA: trD -Activity: r Address: Locat i on: Parce I : Descri pt i on: Appl icant: Owner: Eontract or: 89S-OO7g 9l Ll/98 Type: fl-Ct}ltlFl StatuE: ISSUED Oec: Constr: AtrOll Use: III 1-HR 891 BRIDGE ST E91 BRIDIIiE STREET (trLAZA LTIDGE) 2101-6ge-'6e-Ba1 RE-ROOF F]'E-DECK, INSULATE UNDERDEEK EILLAN-AFII{STRONG DESIGN BUILD trhone: trLAZH LOIIGE ASSUCIATES LTD Phone: EILLAN-ARIYISTRONE DESI6N SUILD Fhsne: 970-468-e1fis 979-468-el05 Inspeet ion Request Requestor: JEFF Req Tire: OB:OO Iters requested to BDOSE BLDG-Final Inf'ornation..... I{ARTINEZ Corrents: trHffRLIE SAID be Inspected... Aet i on Fhone: 97O-418-1O3€ TO CALL IN Cornent s Tile Exg Inspect i onIter: It er :It er:IterrIter: Itea I fter: Iter: Iter: It er: It er:Iter:Iter:Iter rIter: History..... 6A930 BLDG-Fraring OOO4A ,r * Nat Un File * * OOO50 BLDG-Insulation 00060 BLD6-Sheetroek Nai I OOOSO * t Not 1ln File * * $EgTg BLDE-FIisc.g9/LA/9A Inspector: CD 00690 BLDE-Final 96536 BLDG-Terp. Cltr SA53I FIRE-TEFIP. C/O oG53e trhf-TEFltr. Cltr sG533 trLAN-TEltp- C/O oO537 PLAN-FINAL CIO 86538 FIRE-FINAL C/O oos39 ptr-FINAL C/(} Og54g BLDG-Final C/O AtrtrR ALL GUflRD RAILS tl TOI\rl\T OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 Job Address: 291 BRIDGE ST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Applied..: 01,/02/2003 ParcelNo...: 210108262002 Issued. . : 01,/03/2003 Project No : Exples . .: 07 /02/2003 OWNER PITAZA LODGE ASSOCIATES LTD OL/O2/2OO3 PhONC: ONE TI]RTLE CREEK VTIJIJAGE 3878 OAK IJAI^IN A\rE STE #4OO DALLAS TX 752L9-4469 I-,icense: CoNTRACTOR WESTERN FIRE PROTECTION INC. 01/02l2003 phone: 3O3-46'7-a677 ]-3551 W. 43RD DRIVE. I]NIT P GOLDEN, CO 80403 License: 651_ - S Desciption: upgrade hood system in vendetta's kitchen to be ul 300 standard compliant Valuation: $900.00 FEE SUMMARY g0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees--> $28 . 00 go.0o Additional Fees------> gss.00Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Call---> BALANCE DUE_.--->$0.00 Ttem: 05100 BUILD]NG DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT oL/o2/2oj3 mvaughan Act.ion: Ap CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 i3."..".."_:.1.:..1_1T3*":::::::'*:5ff*:::::::*"_*::_:::_:::::*:::.:*.::TI:_13*:1; DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot platl and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninE and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWTNTY-FOUR IIOTIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. ' ,i,--..\ \.,, \-\., ra ; I {_) "\c"4--\-.\j'- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLERPERMT Per:nit #: F03-0001 , r I ,\{. <L L tr_-,c-a.r Mcchanical--> 920 - 00 Restuarant Plan Revlew-> ss.00 S0 - 00 TOTAL FEES------------> 928 . 00 Total Permit Fee------> $83 . 00 $3-00 Payments----------> $83 .00 Jan O2 O3 O2:26p 12111/zgaz 2L?44 DEc- tEl-o2 ra ' se t *M Vail Fire Dept, 3A34679183 Vai I CO t\FP INC 970 4?9 21?6 p.1 PAGE 05 PAGE A/A 75 $ Fontage-M. vell, @lorado 8aG57 t D . g?eA ?s2{ s2 DuaHitc Pcrnlt #;-.*-_:. Sprlnltlcr Psmft #: --.....=--. iii'ffi- zt Ume oc pe-rnit submitlal and Pernrft epplHton will not be aceped Englnee/scirntpof tl.Lc.ET' !-evel I[ (min) #thp.. equifmentqftsheetsof tnltnfht* . ! ,,, rr-\n[-i. tl'idraulicrnlqrFtions. ,&\*"". A-Sutpdcoloradoflan REf,illrtadmfulm. u r Plans mrrrt br nrbnriusa w r Re|Etered Fllt P;otEEdon contrrctor. lmindqGt||ri and Phone *j= u,nt b=-444- COTiPLETE VALUAIIOII3 FOR AIsRll PERI'|IT (hbcr & Mateft 15) Fire sprtnkler: *' |J E b"ffi,- *r.*im'af rtlr***i*r******itlthtt*.**+*t59f, oFqrcE usE oilLY"".***s*****r*r****$nr.trrt+tr.****.* # WaooaL JoDt{atne: vENDErrA 3 lobAddes: a\4r BRru6g SitReET- L6gal Dcscription Wn/e \aw*' 4/alry"g tJ/A g,OO*n, N/; Engtneen n /A *t ^/^ VfmetnA D€Giled L@uon of vrork ([.efnmr, unft *, bUg;+I- Fr85df_W& - KtT4,t8'r, ?all €RrlGs 519eff, UNff C-e Detaited descdpUon otvwrtc, WfitCelifuCnnad n6fa,tEi. -kp,+ce fufu UEwl CtJ Ll NE,E;B rrr rr x uu lrsrzu e Flrax'jg.o evu ttb€ R- !tr-!cEq: Nr..,( ) Add?6on( ) R€modd( ) Repsir( ) R€trefr( I Ort*1X) OPfiWE"z- TypedBldg-: Stnglehmityl ) ruo-enUy( ) Mulu{hmily( ) Omrnerdal pO Rertauoot( ) Ottrer( } No. of bdstiog Drrvelling Unlts in thB buildiB: 1,1/p No- d naomrnodatton Urnb d $is bYrry= nt/e Doesa Firenbrm ffi- -q t-E F @: tes( ) No$J f ns hR"akn<t u+frio0 '#L TOVIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPART'I,IENT OF COMMUNlTY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTR]CAI-, PERMIT ..Tob AddreSS: 29]- BRIDGE sT IJOCAI,ION. . .: 291. BRIDGE STREETParcef No. . : ZLOL-082-62-00LProject, No.; ' .).r.-^,\ L) , f\...q,, \ s-i- L..-,\t,r , t\ , \, rJ {- g\q >-L DEVETJOPMENT P\c--<.-. \ 't\ '{ - / / : ')4w>/ ,,'l/' ON .TOBSTTE AT ALL T]MES PermiE #: E9B-0189 t APPLICAI\ilT H & S ELESTRIC P. O- BOX 3926, DrrrLoN, co 80435 COMTRACTOR H & S ELECTRIC P. O. BOX 3926, DILLON, CO 80435OI/,]NER PI,AZA LODGE ASSOCIA,TES LTD TURTLE CREEK VILI,AGE STE 606, 3B7B Description: REWIRE HOT TUB STaTuS...: APPROVED Applied..: 0B/2a/]-999 Issued. . . : 08/2L/1,999 Elq)ires. . : 02/L7 /1,999 Phone: 970-468-2404 Phone: 970-468-2404 OAK I,AhIN AVE, DALI,AS TX 752L9 500.00Valuation: FEE SUI4MARY E;aecEtlcal --> InweaLigation> Tot.af Calcufated Fees --> AddiLional Fees-- -- --- -- > Total Permit. Fee Paymente----------- 50 .00 , oo .00 3,00 5? .00 53 .00 . oo 5l . oo .00 51 . o0 IlgFj,9Fq80_EIECTRICAL DEpARTMET{T Depr: BUTLDTNG Diwision:98/2L/4998 -JRI_{- Act.ion: AppR APPROVED JRtdrt.em: 0s600_qIRE DEeARTT,{ENT ____ -_-,_ -beipt: FrRE Division:0B/2L/L99e Jwt --AAiiorii AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS r hereby aeknoroledge bhat r have read this applicat.ion, filled outs in fuI1 th€ information required, comprered an accurate protp1an, and state that a1l the information provided ae requi.red is correct. r agree Lo comply with the information and plot plan,to coftply t"ith a1l rown ordinances and sLate laws, and Eo build Lhis Btruccure according to the Town,s zoning and Bubdivisioncodes, degi.gn reviett approwed, unifol_m Building cod€ and ocher ordinances of the Town appttcab-Le lhereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWEMTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEI,EPHONE AT 4?9-21]S OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM S:OO AM 5:OO PM SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR COIJTRACTOR FOR HIMSETF AND OWNER ^i::*itff3r'io3"i"v-Assessors orrice Datg ReCgiVgd F,i-'.;i";:fr:r':W:',Tsif ' '39H"?; XilLAlU;fi"S3ii* -irre eo irtC -i'Etrr /,__ J APPLrcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED il""*ffi oR rr MAy lror 6r!{:.!ro7t A*trr'rr************************** PERMTT TNFoRMATJoN * * !r * * * * * * * * * * * *,r * * * * * * * * x * * * )[ ]-Building I J-plurnbing 1\y'_rtectricat I j-Mechani-cal [ ]-otherJob Name: Lega3. Description: Lot Block Fi'r i n^ owners Name: Pf,ftZ&![ff Address:Iffiftffi, Architect:Address: ceneral Description: r da"puir t r*.n",Number of Dwel-ling' Units:. Nu&ber of Accommodation UnLts: #::::.::: :::: of Fireplaces: Gas AppLiances_ Gas Loss_ wood/per_l"..-A**** * * * * rt * *** * * x *** rr * * * * * * * * rt **,/$ - ^ ^ - x x x iB:t x rt * * * vALUATIoNs * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )r * * * * x * *BUILDf Nc: g F.r i:r- tt pr,rrMFrTN/: ELECTRf CAL: $ fOO- rrTFLTFD. sEi-trlrBrlic, $ ------- r.or"#ii;ffi; ;-:2:L--- orirER: $ V __ rrb\,r. T.TAL: $*.-*--- ry:;::ri.::;il::i:*'k********* coNrRAcroR rNFoRMArroN *******ir*********ll*******o Address: Town of Vail Reg. No. Electrical ConLracto *5 %Leffirc Phone Nurnber: Addresst (ba*312( A;llW rown of vail Res. no.2T3€phone Nur.rloer: tlLtr^zlo(- Plurnbing contractor: e"7oauro7 - Address: Town of vail Reg. No.Phone Nunrber:Hechanical Contractor.: Addresd:Town of Vail Req, NO.Phone Nunrber: FOR OFFICE USE *******?r************rr******:r**:,, PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMI? FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE; OTHER TYPE OF FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:P]-,I.IIIBING PI,AN CHFC'K FF'F. I'rEci{ANr cAL praN- -;;il"-x"ien, RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PER},TT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATUP.-d; ZONTNG; STGNATURX: ,fi. [0 t4qll4s 7* comnEsl-..- var-uetroE DFOSII RETUND To: t ,CIEAT UP TGWN Oi VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2t35 Electrical----> DRB Fee-----> lnv€stigation--> Will Call------> TOTAL FEES..> VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT Permit #: Job Address: 291 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location..... : ParcelNo...: 210108262001 hoject No : OWNER PIJAZA LODGE ASSOCIATES LTD ONE TUR?LE CREEK VILIJAGE 3878 OAK IJAfiIN AVE 4OO DAIJIJAS TX 752L9-4471. Ll_cense: CONTRACTOR SUPERfOR ALARM AND ELECTRONIO ,/OGI2OO1 phone: |7O-92G-B1BB P.O. BOX 2s58 EDWARDS, CO. 81632 License t 429-3 Desciption: instalUupgradealarmpanel .*.:.1i::.":________1l.1ll__11__,!,,,*,*'..*i,,r,.,!**r*******il,*,r+***..* FEE sL,\{r\.LARy Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . 04/06/?OOL Phone: $s0.00 s0.00 90 - oo s53 .00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee----> Pa)T nents---------------> BALANCE DUE--------> 953.00 s0.00 5s3.00 ss3.00 s0.00 Approvals:II,EM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 04/05/ZOOL rmraughan Action: AP :}*:}tili*|**..:}.:}t********t**:}j},}*******)t******'*'}'}*'******l**|*:l.,.,.|*|***,tt|tt|ttN|tttt.||'tN.'l}********* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ,*********:t********tr*rr*)*)tt)*,t,*,1:|,|,a*****x**********++rtj*,tltrt,t,t,t)**,t*******************************rrrr**,r)*r*rr)******rr***** DECLARATIONS I hereby aclflowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPDCTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-F0UR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOND AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. ' l.-,--^.\ \),.[\.u.,".- dl. /'\ { o.L, c., Li. l':t) \L rl5-L-i\*;.- L--.\1.-- A01-0019 .: ISSUED . : 04/06/2001 . : 05/29/2001.: ll/1412001 S]GNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND OWNE APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF IHCOMPLETE OR UI{SIGNED Project #: Building Permit #; Alarm Permit #: 97 O- 47lr- 2135 (I nspections ) rcvn0Fy/,n 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 81657 Commercial & COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR AI.ARM PERMIT Fire Alarm shop drawings are application submittal and must include infolmation listed on the Vail, _ ?"o p"-9-" of this form. Application witl not ue icii$o .itlouti-rris information. at time of (Labor & Materials) Fire Alarm: $ ItIOO - COI{TRAMORIMORMATION **i***tltt******it****n**r!**t|**tt**a******FoR oFFIcE usE ottlLY****i!*******it**:r**i*******,t,r**rr*****n Utax, ey?G@ zltleot rIY[1*1h/q/RAMt,s, Fnft"o. at 970-328-8&10 ar forParcel # lqrcel # (Required af n- rob Name: tOreCtW ftAlL ?L+ZA nl*aarex Q15 u . Uo$*l@ QKa-+ Lesal Description fl Lor ll enct: ll ririns:Subdivision: Owners Name: I eOOress Phone: Engineer: ll Addres$Phone: Detailed Location of work: (i.e, floor, unit *, OlOg. #)y\eLH Sootq Detailed o*ftYtfiil;tt htlQ {\LfrLm ?ftNeL WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodetffi Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) fther( ) No. of Accommodation Unils in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves ${ lrto 1 )Does a Fire Sprinkler System kist: .yesV) No ( ) Fire Alarm Contractor: />v?zno t NI a-rrw + Lt zvr.'"4%3**'"''Contact and Phone #' : Lo1-rt9L 12f' E1?'B Contractor Signature::-y ttx?,?A trdff " F:/evenpn4fu rms/alrmperm DEPARTME}TT OF COMMI]NTTY DEVELO NOTE: THfS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT ' ).:^-t O.Lf.u.n. \]] ,,,\ 1...,\: c* , tt tr.r't 'R,\tt :G JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Permit #: E98-01_73 TOITIN OF VArL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 970-479-21.38 APPLICAI{T CONTRACTOR OWNER .Iob Address: 291- BRIDGE STLocation. . .: 29L BRIDEG ST (PLAZA #5)ParceI No. . : 2101_-082_62_001Project No.: Status...: APPROVEDAppIied. . : OB/06/1,999 Issued. . . : 08/06/1,999Ex[:ires. . : 02/02/a999 \\/o"""rrn.ro' H & S ELEETRTCP. O. BOX 3926, DTLLON, CO 80435H & S ELECTRICP. O. BOX 3926, DILLON, CO 80435 PI,AZA LODGE ASSOCIATES LTD TURTLE CREEK VILLAGE STE 506, 3878 : HOOK UP FOR REPTACEMEMT HOT TuB Phone: 970-468-2404 Phone: 97e-468-2404 OAK I,AWN AVE, DALLAS Valuation: TX 75219 500.00 Efectrical- - > Inveshigation> l.lil-t Ca11----> Total Calculated Fees---> Addicional Fees- ---- Total Peflrit Fee-- --- -- -> Palnnente---------- BAI,ANCE DUE 50 .00 . oo .00 3.OO 53 .00 .00 53.00 . oo 53.00 Item: 06000 *EI.jECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept.: BUILDING Dj_vision:0B/06/L998JRM Acrion-,-[DFii-eppnovED JFr4-Irem: 05600_!'-r_RE DEPARTT4Eih beipr, FrRE Division:08/06/1998 JRM ---Ac-rioii, appn n/a l CONDTTION OF APPROVAL l-. FTEIJD rNsPEqrroNs ARE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMpLrANCE. DECLARATIONS r hereby acknosledqe that r have read chis applicaLi.on, firled out in fulL the information required, completed an accurate plorplan, and Btate that a1t the infor-|1latio., pro.rided ae required is corr:ect. r agree to comply irith the informatj.on and pl,]t plan,Eo comply l.,iLh arl Town ordinanceB and et'ate 1aws, and to buird LhiE slructurie according to the Town,E zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, uniform Buitding code and ocher ordinanceE of the Town appticabte Lhereto. REQUESTS FoR rNsPEcrroNs sHAr'l' BE MADE TWEI\rY - FoLIR HouRs rN AD\,eNcE By TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT ouR oFFrcE FRoM g:00 AM E:oo pM STGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OIdNER Job Narne: Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Architect: Job Address: Block_ Filing Address: Address: General Description: WorkC1ass:.1l(-wewE3-aJ.teratJoni3,.ouu,.,onffi Number of Dwe11in9 Units:___ Nunber of Accommodation Units: - ^ {3rnber and Type of Firep}aces: cas AppliancesY.... casl,ogs_wood/Pellet Ir*x*** ********rr * ****** * * *******,7t| - .x-x'rt**** VALUATToNS ********************************* Ph. BUTLDING: $Rilnd;il;; i--- 3gST5:911, r.5frOQ . orHER!MECHANICAL: $'Y-=-----.-...- TOTAL:_.--.--- TNFORMATToN *********** ************ ** **ffff::: ."""t,""t",' ttl/(, *.""T.]ii.::.;:ii_;:;lH:H#t Phone Nurnber: -:='!'z:-- Electricat contractor: 1+[< fU,.+: -Address' ff31-"f,'Yi:l.r"n'.-x 'rc€phone nwrraerz>i Zq-ffi.Plunbing contractor: t.,i Address; Town of vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber:MechanicaL Contractor_:Address Phone Number;* * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * **** * Ff-lt .itttrr.^BUILDING PERMIT FEE: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* PLUMBTNG panuir inni BUTLDTNG prAN cHEcK FEE:uEcHANrcAr, pnnr,rri PLUMBTNG praN cHEci Fil;ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OT FEE:DRB FEE: _______,....._._ CLEAN_UP DEposIT: sQ. FT. -r-r- r---- BUILDING: SIGNATURX: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CI.EAN UP IlEP.qsIT REFI'LD VALUATTON L" \-- rt , \trr \\cr 1\- t- H \.Tit t( -T3\\(':.-<- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRTCAL PERMIT -?\.-(-- \.*.r.\.1.:*.- JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES Permit #: E9B-0158 Job Address: 291_ BRIDGE STLocation...: plaza lodge 291 BridgeParcel No. .: 2L01,-082-62-001Project. No.: Status. . . StApplied.. Issued... Expires. . : ISSI]ED t o7/22/a998 I o? /22/1-998: 0L/LB /1.999 TX 75219 500.00 APPLICA]IIT H & S ELECTRICP. O. BOX 3926, DTLLON, CO 80435COMTRASIOR H & S ELECTRICP- O. BOX 3926, DTLLON, CO 80435OWNER PLAZA LODGE ASSOCIATES LTD TI]RTLE CREEK VILLAGE STE 606, 3878 Description: circuL for hot tub Phone: 970-468-2404 Phone: 970-468-2404 OAK I,Aii{N AVE, DALLAS Valuat,i-on: FEE SUMMARY 50.00 .oo .00 3-OO 53 .00 Electrical---> DRB Fee InveatigaCion> wi 11 call----> TOTAL FEES --> ToLal Calculated Fees AddiLional Fees-- -- -- --- > Tobal Pemit Fee------ > Paynents - EIAIIAN(;U UU!:.---- s3.00 . o0 53.00 53.00 .00 ITCM: O6OOO-E_LECTBICAL DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: 9.7 / 2z / tg gq ^ CEAB_Li_E aErlon i- AijFii - cnanLrE DAViS -IICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT -'NC[t: FIRE DiWiSiON:07 /22/1,998 CTIARLTE--AcEioii, AppR N./A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS r hereby acknor''1edge thaL r hav€ read this aPplication, filred out in full che infomation requi::ed, completed an accurate plotplan' and €tate that ar1 the infor-rnatj.on provided ae reguired ie cor-r.ecr. r agre€ to comply wiEh rhe information and pfot pran,to comply !'ith arl Tot,ln ordinances and state Lavs, and to build thi6 structufe according co the Tot'n,s zoning and eubdivioioncodeB, design review approved, unifo1.ln Building coale and other ol-dinances of the To!,rn applicable ther:eLo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALT BE MADE TWENIY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY fife a 'r( PER.\IIT I Lectrical- [ ]-Mechani'cal [ ]-Other-.-'14/ ,:.',, 1. \ --t-<7, OR},I APPLTCATION }flJST BE FILLED OUT COMPI.,ETELY OR IT HAY NOT BE ACCEPTED 4***************************** PERHIT INFORMATION * * * *:r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,( r * * * * SonCact Eagle CounEy Assessors Offlce l:"l1o;?zj,s_6|! j?) -p-".9* ! .^-. , rowN oF vArL coNsrRucrroN\RIEL il,-z, ( -_ ,. rr_(\ |-/[ ]-BuiLding [ ]-plumbing 6-n fob Name:Job Addressl Legal Description: Lot Erock-- FiJ.ing- SIIRDTVTereir{; fwners Nane:Dh \rchitect: leneral Description: ,Iork Cl-ass: [ ]-New-[ 1-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair 1 l-other lumber of Dwelling units: Nunrber of Accon:.odation Units: .- ,rmber and rype of Fireplaces: cas Appliances._ cas Logs . wood/peltet_ i * * il * * tl * * * * t< * * * * >rr * 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATToNs * * 'r :t * * * * * rt * * * * * * * ,t * * tr * * * )t * * * ,k * * * * a Address: Address: ]UILDING T $ ]LUMBING: $ !;:::i.:::gl!{{;y.\i tddress: ilectrical Contractor: iddress: ELECTRICAL: $ 5(s,OHECHANfCAL: $-.-'-----OTHER T TO?AL: )luhbing contractor: ',ddraqq' *****CONTRACAOR INFORMAT,ION't**.t*rr************>rr**rt***** Tolvn of VaiL R eg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of VaiL Phone Nurnber: Torqn of Vait Phone Nunber: Reg. No. BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLTiMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECTTANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FXE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Iechanical Contractor: tddress:Reg. No. : ***rtrt** *>t* ********* rtrt**** * *****FOR OFFICE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )r * * * * x * * * * *}UTLDING PER}IIT FEE:,LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAL PERHIT FEE: 'LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: GROUP lomments: VALUATION DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: ) CLEAX I]P !,tEMO TO: DATE: RE: FROM: BUILDING PERMIT # DECEMBER 9, 1993 EXPIRED PERMIT GARY MURRAIN, CHIET BUILDING OF'FICIAL THIS PERMIT HAS BEEN VOIDED PER SEC 304(d) OF THE 1991 U.B.C. EXPIRATION OF PLAN RSVIEW. |.r| il'ft G .J 0\l t -i l r'. U> UJ IIJrL == uJ otrlFo2 z = d) .d z z (I F E IJ'z o zz ILZ,<Fl l() F.l IEtsroa,,>z t- N H Julo =I (rol! Fz tr IJJz =oc !L tl,loz ,:,3cv <Fz^vz6< '=O(/,;(O g8E;$ c.9 q?** €tEe*eiE=3 ! qE,9 -r g i; sE I =Esee:.Y -F: €E FE E S5 E,:;;>53g E F: P :€B!E € qef b EieeEA<gaF!o.=-o'-'€:o#E .o=E ?!-c o -.! ''*E EE 0)u6 o 6 UgeEH? o6:'*:' EFEg=-aqE; I is e-E9F55 - 6 i;o:I In=p-E:S!E: T:F9gF ig;Egs is$eiE .i! an(n ao L] F = LIJ z 3 ID 6E 3!! z 6 UJ (n UJ UJu- F = UJ J F tltl tEl tfll t<lq lF{ |.n lql I.c lHlcu | .llE lH '^l'-l EEIOrrl I =FlZ uZlo oHl6z-l = s{lu ir F4 | ulbl.o irl I'J <;; l= zZlZ ur c) lr'l02td >E -I =(D z E <no =>a)zrL< ,.' fa* c)>(JFOj<ri o- (r z Eoo r5z tr E q.JF I z F Jtr IDz Fz fzoottr u.J<oo< >fi>E x,!6o<z l_ :lI91 =F-Ir1r O =trCI lllr1 I lo1 rHl ri (al \O I lF.I rr]l \at(jt ._ telI Fqlrl| -"r II orl| .'r Itltat.dI u-tI tYt F-{lolFrlol <l<l >t:t >t<=IEO Hz H ts H cq t!l 4 t F4 ts E{ z UJ z -) I rllic, IYt-t<Y.NJ<O F-l tEdtalxlF{ lF{ I I tz F-i JTL €F\ I |.l-1 N.i o- z F ;l cnl U\ LUI q CTn >| IHI<lzlolF{lHl<lzlel FIzl-l Fql =l olc)l =l trl r\ Irnc\ I "lrlr..tl o') |I zl SI 1l al>l rLlol zl 3l FI 1l z HH 4 rrltszH E Fl E tr ol =.1(rl rl al>l tl.l :l Bl 9l I II .l OI =.1(rl uJl 1t al>l u-tol zl 3l 9lFI I I I I dl-l #l -',lal>l rLlol zl BI f-l I I I I I .lol2l url 5t <l>lr!l 3l rol ulFI F F LUF (J G <F IIJ <zEt!F(1 Z a(J EF IJJJ >Y >d]FJz F Fz z r LIJ Eh =.! aY rJZ oz F = tJ.jIL 7,4.n=zE 5 =< E I L '--.,}4,--..4rXjUICJ .J."i5 =E=dd= F t! 6 |l, z foLo q E o- Jt-ui :-h> o- t!>(r-OL() r'r : tlJ6Cr;> J tr uj rD o ",/,U !'/$-reln/" -G'KrF)r-r F<J F<] LJ CD CO Lf)() C) tu =U)o -)zo Fu- UJY lLl ard)oi 6or F -Ln> c.l lr I H -(l) ll,F lJ-oH o-z Qa lH I LlJ F z ts =E trJ o-zo F C)fEFazoo z FJ \) o =E =E UJo- o |l)l TI 0 U -1_I #l I o o--l J3l .x\ Il o IJJ UJlrF =c u., o- ot!Foz 0 =oJl .D€g zz llJulo =I o G.oF ? IEFzo() Eo v H v,o 2 c.9 1? ciEo ;oins 6olro aE6-9 g-e .€6.otr;E arF EC ! o 0,ltoO ct E dl tr f oo o 6 'o o o <t !0 (,oo 6 =o 'F @ 3 o o .o!c () |J6 o f (t o aD o t g, 3(! o-5i -- -gGA IE: -ooi Ec?rc-o cCoii rtro'-a9o-E-cE=3!o>(6 -o,CC(g: R 6. EeEo OEDa ct. :oi ll, .() 1.9 io (D o6 oE oo o (o F o o ,6 o t! !, 1J 6; ot 9'o. @:o.l-; (6. (g o Olq)l E65Exotro 5: EEE'. .EF -ato6Sr-o =E,gEc9-o5Co.ootoc =:soiE €e .E: o6 SE at) -Eg EEo15 Ooierg -o.60 {)g IJ' F65:Eo (6' t6.!E >.E _-o g, s, o- OE!LO -() n $q ,:n -\.1\I \I N G \s \! \r'.ft ;;r l,\ tl tr =E LlJc('z x UJ z J o ()t!J UJ z : 2 t! :E UJgJ 2 tr UJ ulE z llt x F lll at, U' IJJ UJlJ- ts =g uJo.' J FoF oz J .D (J () uJ uJ oz I J oz ut-.-a ',' i-lF rf,DnTnrV^ i 0 1r 1 P I ( a,t x 3It zo.F ;.oah uJo u,z UJ ='i ,.cl ;-i'(_Eir) = ,,, E =r8 Gl- \<) zz == Ed=ur(5lr6Z*s HA>(JFOr .,.j t Jl lll I BI 1l fl,l zIF 5J tJ- rri llJ F t: t<( lo.tuJ l" l;l<lz IF lQ f-l-: z <l 0.1 UJIFIJI'l :l;tuJlzl -rl<t FI zl zl .. >lo UJolrjulz !, =E IJJ J z tr |ll J <t) <Dll,zx = lll F I tr J anz lltltttt Ez z9or- ll,too< =HXr!X.i<z lllltltltl oFz, 9z -F..i ?d63E o uJ 2x zFo /r T t I I'l uJ tr u) o zo Fo- uJ :< UJo tn z o9z_4(oo =z=r5de z-E -: t\ O IJJ I's:t f,:: E,.ut' o- lJ- |3l0-lololrl ,-t !, 2E L .r u.l !i ulE() =zE< 606u,E9=rL.e9Ei =>E JF EF=8 5EE XFE U69 lrsE 6S 6!:iF oi!i IIJ @oF I-- E =0altlo.zo F(JfEFozo C) 0c dAoe 4=?u OS Lu =,",i I I I I _l 6 I I IF z t l7 K K M, ox Hf;i ft-l>l I 3l<lzl6lql .-,1 ll'rtto Llh l+ {lv | $tlil* rdi lEqfl'l3 $fifl.,$JH'I EJ>I<<=l4EC)l o cq +l +l ?l 7) $t *l sl EI 3ldlrl t!t aqi,/{\ ts ,.^ ss io. 19 6 x <); lltt{. 6 dt I 9.1 t$ | ffltl s il ?l I fl Ht gH! I I I r1 olurl tEl JI <l>l bl zt FI I l q olul 5 g rltltttllol| =.1lol t5tst lI rrt ltot I dflill I I I g Elol el itr E uJz =o F(, uJF G -rO<tFE(JuJ<ZE, 6Zo(J JCE<o(.)F i<irG;F-zUJO5 gF gE d6() <^ ?() =< YZ =g =-(l \JZ J<c)Q (4.33 lnltn 75 south frontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 otflce of communlty deyolopm€nl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE il^lli:-f"fjt.19ou3,res a Town of Vait Fire Department Approval,rng'rneer"s (.public Works) review and approval ,'a plannin!'Departmentreview or Health Departmint review, anl'a review by the BuirdingDepartment, the estimated time tor-a iJtat "eui"n-ruy'iu[I'as tongas three weekg. f]] c9mm9r9ia1 (1arge or smail) and aIl mutti_family permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requireminti. Cesidentiarand.small projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, ifpesidential or sma'l 'l er projects 'impaci the various auove mentioneodepartments with reoard' to-necessai"y revie", il,.i. p"oj..Ii"ruy a'l so take the three-week period Every attempt wt.ll be made by thfs department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possible. - I' the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Communi ty Devel opment Department. .l 75 south frontage road Yail, colora0lo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: oftlce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CI]RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPT,IENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to ]itter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash bunpsteri, portable toilets andworkmen vehictes. upon-any streetl siaewaix, -;ii;y or pubJ.icp1?9. or any portion theieof. rhe rishr:;;;;t-;n at_l rown ofVail streets and.fg--d= is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wir.r be strilliy -entorcla ry tue-iown of vair.Publ-ic works Department. p""r-oni found violating this ordinancewilr- be given a 24 hour written ".iiJ"-tJ-;il;;""aid narerial.fn the event the person so notified does not compiy with thenotice within the 24 hour tine sfecitied, ttre-pu[iic worksDepartment wilr remove said nateiiar it trr" -""p""se or personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance "h;ii not beapplicable to cinstruction, o,uirri"rrunce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the ,'itti_"_ruy. To review ordinance No. 6 in fu}], please stop by the Town ofYlll B"llding Department to obtain a copy. rlant you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. <,et-tfertlrcAtositionTneIaEIonEffifos.Eron/Reratl.nship to project (i.e. contractor, ovrner) tla Iz+ lqz- TRANSMITTAT IETTER AIA DOCUMENT CBTO PROJECT: \/Ed{De-t-rA'9(name, address) t- FFHoPcL ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO:\7€o -q2-e TO: =fa\|.5|.,r oF VAtt-G.sa. fuN- -ee ?Qt4t{V*-;r-C)f Ca1nfnuF)\-fY ,",'Ei34W{u-+ -'l J DArE: X epT-t*+5e4- a9, l11z- lf enclosures are not as noted. please inform us immediately. lf checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosures.( ) Return enclosures to us. ATTN: L WE TRANSMI: tr.-/herewith ( ) under separate cover via( ) in accordance with your request TOR YOUR: ) approval ) rgriew & comment g,Yuse ( ) distribution to parties( ) record t, ( ) information rHE FOTLOvllNc: k7f Drawings ( ) Specifications ( ) Change Order ( ) Shop Drawing Prints ( ) Shop Drawing Reproducibles() Samples Product Literatu re () {) ACTION A. Action indicated on item transmiltedCODI 8. No action required C. tor signature and return to this office REMARKS D. For signature and forwarding as noted below under REMARKS [. See REMARKS below coPrES OATE REV. NO.DTSCRIPTION ACTION CODE LAfr'ala+ 117 'L glt^uJJj-se- 4eB (AoW e? CON+T?ZL^4T(aN ft.e-tqr-T-' bd+L(4-r,t..flap I coPrEs (with enclosures)-ks.s|Flrz=.* 1'<1F<ASI4L+- AIA OOCUMTNT CsrO . TRANSM ITTAt.I.TTTER . APRII. 1970 EDITION . AIAO . COPYRICHT O 1970THE 4rrrR,CAN rNSTrrUrE or ARCHlrEcrs, rzas AalssAiilUSirii avrruut, N.w., \,v^snrNcroN, D.C.20036 trn trI D ONE PACE PIan Revier Based onthe 1991 Uniform Codes NAME:VENDEITA' S ADDRESS:291 BRIDGE ST.VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY:A TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION :V-1HR DATE: L0-6-92 CONTRACTOR: COLOMBO ARCHITECT : COLOMBO ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER:DAN STANEK WORK CAN BE CoRRECTTONS REQUTRAD The itens listed below are not intended to be a complete listingof-all poseible code reguirenents in the adopted codeg. It is aguide to selected sections of the codes. Tha folroring is not tobe construed to be an -approvar of any vioration of any 6e tne pro-visions of tb.e adopted coaes or any 6rdinance of tbe Town of vai-l . 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED BEFORE ANY STARTED.2. ALL PENETRATIONS TN CEILINGS,WALLS AND FLOORS TO BE SEAIEDWITH A FIRE RATED MATERTAL.3. HANDRA]LS AND GUARDRAILS TO MEET SEC.33O6 & !'II2 OF THE 1991UBC.4. SIGNAGE W]LL BE REOUIRED AT FRONT ENTRY FOR DTSSABILTTYENTRY THROUGH DECK ON WEST SIDE OF BUILDING.5. BUILDING ACCESSIBTLITY WILL BE REOUIRED TO MEET CH.31OF THE 1991 UBC. QLu",t- kd9 o- t-{ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NoTE:THISPERMITMUSTsepoSTeooNJoBSITEATALLTII,IES eoo/ar,t MF BUTLD PERMTT Permit #: 896-0096 Add Sq Ft: Clean-up Deposit Refund approved T/c g"?,199lt"": 2e1 BRTDGE sr status" ': rssuED Locatron...: Apptied": 05/10/}996-rF'- - -- -fi- Location...: APpIred..: u5/.Lv/.Leeo- amount ldD,?' e--.er No. . : 2101-082-62-007 riiuec. . . : 05./.20/.L996 Jat* Vlr;>lbLproiu"t lr". t -- Expires..: tt'/L6/Lee6 APPLICANT BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC Phone: 3039491800 P O BOX 4030, VAIL CO 81658 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 TOV/Comm. Dev. coNTRAcToR BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC f\Phone: 13039491800 P O BOX 4030, VArr, CO 81658 ll\l .,r\ 1/owNER DTLLARD DAvrD B & ANNA KAREN . , WV x1t )uY f \J .t'uJl, +UJU, VIIIII L\J oJ.oJo I. \ I \ll\ y owNER DTLLARD DAvrD B & ANNA KAREN . ^ Wy ,t1Uuf 2e1 BRTDGE sr, vArr.,, co 81657 / rv^r Lr\l-- aDescription: { ,\j (_(0z -O:aoo roirR sKyLrcHTs AND oNE wrNDow /\r \2. t) A.7 \.fi;";ffit;*""te"*s AND oNE wrNDow {r \7. fz'nY. /\ n* .\[Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family \ ^ /Y >1,Type Construction: V l-HR Type v 1-Hour 1\ (J ' LType Occupancy: U! \- 16,500 #0f Gas Appti ances:#0f Gas Logs:#0f uood/Pa t tet: FEE SUm ARY *f**ffi**********J*rt*ffi Bui tdi ng:--> 215.00 Restuarant Ptan Reviev-> .00 Total Catcutated Fees--> 5Ol .75 Ptan check--> 139.75 DRB Fee--------InvestigatioD .00 Recreation Fce-------> .m Total Permit Fee---) 307.75 [ittcatt__>5.00c|'ean-tJpDepo3it-->100.00Payments----..__> TOTAL FEES-_---**ffi Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:05/10/1996 DAN Action: APPRiL6na'd5400-pr.,aHtcrns-DEFARft4tsNt-- Dept: PLANNTNG Division: 05110/1996 DAN ACTiON: APPR LAUREN APPROVED 5-10_96iiema'.05600-FrRE DEpARsr$ENr - -- - . - Dept: F]RE Division:05/10/1996 DAN Action: APPR N/A itena'.05500-FuBLrc woRKS' -. ------ - '.-- DepL: PUB woRK Division:05/10/1996 DAN Action: aeen N/l See Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that nay apply to this pernit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknwtcdge that t have read this apptication, fitted out in ful,t the information requi red, conpteted an accurate ptot plan, and state that alt the infopmation provided as required is cornect. I ag.ee to conpLy |{ith the informtion and ptot ptan, to conpty sith al,l, Tovn ordinances and state taHs/ and to buitd thls structufe according to the Tounrs zoning and suMivision codcs, design revier approved, Uniforr Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn appLicabte thereto. NEOUESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SI{ALL BE I.IADE ITENTY-FOUR HOURS III ADVAIICE Send Ctean-Up 0eposit To: BECK Valuation: Fireotacc Infornstion: Restricted: **************************************r.************************:l**************** CONDITIONSpermit #: 896-0096 as of 0Z/20/96 Status: ISSUED *********************************************************************'*********** Permit Type: ADD/AtT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicantr BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC 3039491800 Job Address: Location: Parcel No: 2101-082-62-007 Applied: os/L0/.7e96 Issued: 05/20/1996 To Expiret LL/L6/L996 Description: ADD FOUR SKYLIGHTS AND ONE WINDOW Conditions: 1. FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS'AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN Al,L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC,]-210 0F THE 1991 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAIJ IS REQUIRED BETORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. - |*Coritact Edgie County Assessors Offlce CF 't 970-328-8640 for parcel /1. TowN oF vArL coNsrRUcrroN npARcEL tt:'zlct egz t'z ooi -pinum AppLrcATroN FoRMtv DAIE: 5-/-?A PFPt\tTT Jl ^ t APPLTCATToN uusT BE FTLLED oUT CoMPL,ETELy oR rT tIAy NoT BE AccEpTED X*** *************** **** ******* PEIWIT fNFORI.IATfON ****************** ** * ** ******,l 6*sJaLq^L[ ]-Building [ ]-plurnbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-t{echani-cal t Job Address::JtltndresL r,egal Description: r,ot_6,( arock__gt ,t rnn Vhl Y$ffi€rrrdrlT. owners Name:M Address: z4/ 6ndqe S{. Architect: (-fffi Address: pn.4/(-o7ob P:n.A6-zzoL General Description:UT<T ,-lrdo r?'Work Class: [ ]-New fff-afJ"=.tion [ ]-AdctitionaL [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accommodati-on Units: ^ $rnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appriances-- cas Logs_ wood/pel1 e\A_-vIt***rl***************************** VALIIATIONS ***r;*:r*******************:t******r,c BUTLDTNG: Ub^5pO- er;EcTnrcel: $ oTHER: $PLWBfNG: F.- Ff11r'1{'h !!TTf.a".. f-.'-.- - .--=--^ r^r,u.rvr..ElNu: l HEfJEAIIICAL: f - r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i! .'. * j r' * r *. r--i,d,rTlrrqcroR TNFoRMATTo:I Eeneral Contract .,-, 4vn r/ l;'-;'L-<..-.!.,ContractcirsAJ'i;;;'-ffi -:+,b=p-ff*'ffi ;*r6iRJfr "Xi*,""dJ&wElectrical eontractor: Address:Town of Va-i.L Reg. NO. Phone Nuinber: Plunbing Contractor: Address: l,tlechanical Contractor: Address: ****************ri*************** BUILDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLUI{BING PERMIT FEE: I'fECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAI, FEE: OI}TER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Towrr of Vail. Phone Numher: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ** * ********* ******************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI'{BING PLAN CIIECK FEE! ITIECHANICAIJ PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION F8E: CI.,EAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: FOR tsUTLDTNG: STGNATTIRE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURET cZ- --J S CI.EAN IIP DEPOSIT REFUI{D r():I6e1 ,1>x* . 6a7 lovat /'.t OD ,ttatB 75 soulh frontage road uail, colorado 8.1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: olflce of comnunlly deyelopmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CIIRREMTLYL REGISTERED IfirlI TIIETOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMI4I,NITY DETfELoPMENT I,IARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I{ATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anypelson to ritrer, track or a-fosia ;;t-=;ii-"I"r, sand, debris;:"ffi*T:ii"i::t"dins trasr,-f,"rp=t"rl, poii"iiJ-.toir"a; ;;e--, p] ?s" ;" ;; ;;;.iii:.iil.ill""l;"'iffililli j:i.L.:, l;i:ij-",Vail streets lnd.roads is approximately 5 ft. Lff pavenent.This ordinance wiri ue ;riE[i;^lnforced bv the rown of vair.Public Works OeoarirnEnt. --p"i=ins round .rilfulir,q this ordinancewilr be siven a 24 hour *.iil;;';"ii""-t"-;;;;;;'="id. marerial.fn the event the person so notified,does not conply with thenotice within *:_30 trour tirne-Jiecitied, the pultic worksDepartment wirr remove said natei:."i ii-irr"'!"plire of personnotified' The oroviri""r-"r-tirl orainance striti not beappricable to c-onstruction, -riiil.rrunge gr repair projects ofany street or alley "" irry'rliiiir". in the right-a_way. To review ordinance No- 6 in full, please stop by the Toqrn of:::i":lii3i"g"":f,i*mll"::"";ili" a copv. rirani you ror your (i.e. contractor, owner) luttn o ||fll 75 louth lrontage .oEd rril, coloredo 91657(s03) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 offlca of communlty devclopment BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thi.s permrt reoui.res a Town of Vai.l Fire Departnent Approval ,Engineer ''s (.pubr ii wortsj ;;;i.;'rni'rpp"ouul , a prannin!' oepartmentrevrew or Hearth Departmint.review, .ni'. ".ui." Lv-tii."trTroing Siri[;35',1;"lf l "'rtrrted tirne ro"'.-tut"r "."i"*-fov,.L[!,as r one f]] cgrmngrgial (iarse^g1 small) and alt multi_famity permits willhave to follow the ibove menti6ned **irrm requirements. Residentia.land smalr projects shourd fik.-;-i";;ir'amount of time. However, ifresidentiar or smarlgr,projects trpici the various above mentioneddepartments with rega.rd' to-nu."rirli-""ui"*, these projects mayalso take the three-week period Every attempt wiil b:_llg: by this departrnent to expedite thispermi't aS SOOn aS pOSSfDle 'rsrrL LU e^Peulre Er i;.,131 undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Date noik-Sheet wa i JuFnEE'"Ti6-ThE Corrnuni ty Devel oomolt Department. ,l MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIE WAY PERMTT'IS REOUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 71,ft Please answer lhe fotlowing questionnaire regarding the need for a 'public Way perm1": YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls difierent access needed to site . olher than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done afiecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a'Flevocable Right CI Way permit' required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plar required by Community Development? !t-v?Y. "Ty"t?d yes to any ofthese questions, a "Public way permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit" applicationg miy be obtained at the'public works otfice or atc.o.ryir.tu1ity Devetopmeni' .ttyou rrave any questions please ca[ chartie Davis, the Townof Vail Construciion Inspectoi, at 4Zg-215B.' I have read and answered allthe above questions. 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7l 8) r.) 2) 3) 4) STRUCTTIRAL SPECIFISATIONS A1I l-unber sha1l be Doug-Fir #2 S4S or better. provide solidblocking at 8,-Ort on center in all diaphragms. A11 col_umns tobe continuous bearing to supportiung members.Microlams are as manufactured by TRUSS-JOIST CORPORATION, seeshop drawj-ngs and nanufacturers standard details. AII built-up Microlau beams must be glued with pI4O0 and nailed with 2rows of J-6d spikes € 9rt oc. A11 alternates to be reviewed byengr-neer. Sheath roofs with S/atr plywood with 4O/2O or better. NaiI plywood with and l-2rr oc at intermediate meubers.Live loads used. for design- -Roof-8O psf snow (slope gTreater than 3:L2) -Floor-A0 psf residential -Deck-1-00 psf . -Wind-2s psf. -Earthquake-Zone 1 UBC.5) A11 construction must comply with the l_991 Code as adopted by the Town of Vail Building Departmen therrGeneral Conditions of the Contract for Constructiontt (AIA Document A201).6) A11 beaus, joists and rafters are to bear upon walls or beamsO! be hung with SIli[psON Strong-Tie hangerF or approved equals.All connection hardware as manufactured by SIMPSON Strong-Tieor approved equals.7) All structural" mernbers are shown in their final_ positionsproperly braced and supported, during construction it rnay benecessary to shore portions of the structure while otherportions are being constructed. Contact the structuralengineer for consultation as required.8) contractor is responsibre for arl non-specified connections,contact structural engineer for details as required. Engineerto approve all structural substitutions.9) Contractor is to coordinate all diaphragm penetrations (ie,chinneys, plumbing sewers, etc.) thrbuqh fltors, roofs and.'foundation walls with appropriate sub-contractors. ceneralContractor is responsible for means, methods, techniques,sequences, procedures and job-site safety associated with thisproject. General Contractor to verify a1l dimensions andelevations with architectural. drawings. Notify engineer of allconflicts or omissions between various erements of tne workingdrawings and the existing conditions before conmencing withthat portion of the project,. Identity of al1 existing hiddenstructural elements based upon visual inspection.Lo) All naterials exposed to exterior and/or moisture conditionsshall be treated for these conditions (ie, chenical treatment,staining, painting, etc. ) as required by code. Nw) UvtNoRffi'4 &:'t tffiK DUAPD qeaYarve> Town of Vail lO /4nq /AOW€^t"M mr-nr-mum 6Pan 8d@6rroca ,&ne^w oFFlcE cjPY*q" g99fg opempc 'l!etzszglv ztzz xoq pd ?u!'.oc re1enur [w eqt almA. ?dbt t..vW 01 ewtawthw4#41 vz-,vabhbrtqq(vV@/Y7 gi+xtt?H tttnq er4p,1A"V wfrd 6rt{ An fz?fl , -(- a or-t, Jg.lt<a - --- I t-I CL (}(J LIJ(J IIlJ-l.f-O F o F t '\tl $ 1\- $r -$ s J s $ 3 t Sr \iJ u$ z0l IU \A $$ $$ $$I I} $ $$$ sss $$: Ntj s$o _\ r-- ,-\./rtlFi1t^f l I I I I I I I L REpT131 TOHN OF UAIL, COLORAD{IO9le6l96 O6:5O REEUESTS FOR INSFECTION hltlRK SHEETS FtlRr 9/?6/Sb PA6E AREAI EG eg ffr:tivity: Address: Loeat i on : Parcel I De seri pt i on : Appl icant r Ownerl Contraetor: E96-0119 i/e6/9& Type: B-ELEC 891 BRIDGE ST PLAZA LTII}GE a1s1-sae-6e-0r87 REtrESSED LITES }IHITE RIVER ELECTRIC DILLARD DAVID B & ANNA KftREN hIHITE RIVER ELEtrTRItr Status r ISSUED f,6n5|p3 fiflPf Occ: Use: Fhone: 3O394914O3 Phone r Phone: 39394914O8 Inspeetion Request Fequestor: JIIHN -Req Tirer OEl6&Iters requested to AO19S ELEE*Final Infornat i on. . . . . hIHITE Eorrents:Fhonel 949-14S3 be Inspeeted,.. Aetion Enrrentr Inspection History..... Iter: gglfS ELEtr-Terp. Fowerfter: 0gl20 ELEC-RoughUgllelg& Inspeetor: EEIter: Ogl3O ELEC-GonduitIter: @146 ELEC-Hisc.Iter: OOl90 ELEtr-FinatIterr O&ee4 FIRE-ALARIi| ROU6HIter: 00538 FIRE-FINAL C/O /-za"/6 Actionr AtrtrR APPROVED oz ts =t UJq c\\ U' UJ IJJt! E =ctlt o- aF/$b?lhtlrr t%ss #) cl\ !:r z H z Lt! lo ICJ lt!tt! rot(,tzro uJF aroF eFat- to a5z2 outFoz oz oJ .6 o 4z tt llt an acott ot-o Fzoo o tr UJz3od Bul6z .-_ t Ev]|r|FI<F2a'9Zai< € .\o(J (, Fl<r$<FrO €Xo.MFAFI Fro<cqtr.'4> tl F.r z Fl CJ EoE g .oo .9 c!o.(f c, 3ot-g o ooo (! E eo oE o E 6 o oogl F = lo E o =cl Eo o o.o,6 3o E j-|lrc E * E.s) BFE: EEHE = J_.: O € EE:g +$:.EEE!pc9dE.l oE or B 5 t.= E EE: 5E;E c";s.e SEre fE**g EEEE -o,y()co'-E5ag (2 ETE€ggl* P:-eE Fff; eEgg - o (Ug ln.if oiN .ir F- & E =Eurcoz 6J =to :(o uJ oz Jo- J o GFoq.l uj oz =J o = (J llJ- uJ uJl! =ot- ulEo uJE oa oo 3g UTGz(J a uJo F aA R UJ o- 2 ul o x ulol (f, UJlljl!t =E UJo- J FoF o2 6 E J ItF() |lJJIu ('z :t Jo, I--o UJ:: -l NO|lVn]VA F F F ; t!ozI D-o- E a uJ c UJzqJ =>E -Iril3tl* =loAl zz99F^V'5?=r9al661>E9l!<ogH6FIjtri zI F J l!c ci o- o&o UJo- F E-o- uJ J z9 Eoo xxg 2o F E l1,lF 3 UJ2 v) 2fzPs<oo< =Hxlr-6ct<2 a tr2,. Oz 'iF dtl}Eo- lul CI at) at UJzxo F IJJo- z tr J foz I z z J- f '!jxul o o3 --'i >< I 5: ..r I*l zl zl .. >lo UJ llJ |lJzot = IJJ z E l oz Fo J I t;,; -d c\l -+ OO z oPzQ trro =z dP =f;*aHg IJJF CI' @o? 2o Fo- UJY uto oF ts5o,E6uJ o\ Lr{bJiilo>lool 'vlrlgu, tAFz6 t =IE uJo-tt EE2ZE<ol€UB9ELbs 5i => =ut:-E !EE =EE 33I ltnE Xo-t x>t E-oi!E utcloF @ ts =E lrJGzo l-() G azoo ntD (,z J G l I I IJ o FoJ F F.{H p {c.vr B:(!,. €l.'dri #i ;qil =zoo-) uJ =2 \o X .l) ah uJ J : lo IJ1-:r <D c FJ n =g t! u uJtr = H 6 .,d \l F :e II I|.\ .iz cj uJ = ttoz3oF o( I }{FF u u F =c oz ctutE J Itoz3oF =E oz ci IIJE Ji lt 23 F =E l! oz dulE J oz BoF =Etr c;z (9 lu 5 a1 ttoz 3lpl uJ JulF. E UJz3o Fo u.lF T(JE E -rO<FEOrJ<ZEtr,|FttZoo J IEFoul)ul E ?) Y z ) z 0o = Jo- ?) zf:) i5YF =3g5 =g =+Eo2<oa, v,ri' UlJO mnn ( t1-t- =I I lo,o l< laz l= lg,-r9 l:lul l3{r to lr! l5 tbts IF LZlo lo o UJ23otr lt uJ :5(rvfuJt- 'r<l-z^zzn< Ii$-ie I EsE3$E:E^:sFt ei;F I! :€F;A H=eiEA I E;; s;' I :EFig I eE !f 5t(l.E*:q;' gii:; -c c)* c (E iE s:s iE: iE' -Ee63,- c f Cl EBE; s ss:5s E t;;tt.:.99 i$;e - 9Eo'--3 i5eEa Q' luu-s E t|.l </ FI rvl x =>G -I(r|lur3 7z:?oi^ a55 sEPO2vu3bl o- c,>(JFO ; a\i t{ E o al (Jl JI<l =t zl .. >lotu UJ UJz ! E UJ o. J z Eo>o l! s uJz o F 2o F J z ulo ul t!- oz I I I F. z; ol ||lIII II I I Fz zotr o : ooo II I I at,Fz o =J!I3o t: o F ol :l :zx al tr. v) 3 F lu tr(J + Dtn ! =Elr'-.o.-.tl-t! Oo< .E*zrn<.:zkV>+,E* oFXE#ft- ],+-'u/d-lH=l6=El&rl F3l Lj='l3- r. J t+.,- H& 5,1 hr-- coE.ct-o. o oal c E EoIJ o o, E € - t- 'e) 0)sfl \z Lo at z.rPzQoo =z o-- P IJ "d6z=zd;sJoi dd= tran i't o -r9 | Z Jrt *"1 3h! s sl €l5t F(Jrljtr (Jc EF ilE=fT il EE8 il dg 't :, ; l I { ,l .. LJ I iot |]. t.i .l ti _! INSPECTION TOWN OI1\/LAqq bc..t.\ REQUEST PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES /-:.WED ( THU? FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND - N FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWoOD NAILING -tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION .N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER E HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR _ tr FINAL ; tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: rFqrsnppnoveo f] REINSPECTION REOUIRED Ppiffisr*p PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ' ..!r.*fi .I INSPTCT|aN REQUEST', TOWN OF VAIL q.. [ 3do "^-, ?'-1.$\---\b JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUB AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr BOUGH / WATER -n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING -tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED oarc 3-ia-fa 'rNSpEcroR - 'jrr(i:-:# INSPECTION I REQUE$I 'VAIL ;. JOB NAME +)wN oF. i:\.)[}\\\DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE-D ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATERN FBAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooo NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB - tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR ffi4eenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, /8 -fu INSPECTOR o = tr =t IJJ o- c; o (n ut uJu- F =E UJ.L TI Pdt'i\'l^ (v)c{ + z, e. == (5 I I I *[4 Ldlcp4I I I luFoz z J ldl .5 4z ir, Itr t<<rool I I I z. l<: re =,ot lF ->--t*<o-,tr- l(/t=..-/ '=$-.=b: l=Od'?7loo tz = t= UJz Eo uJ'r F (r IL oF 2oo o l! 6 i 6.s, F EE:E €; cEI F.= E F 3 € 9E,g :e :eE En c 9 d F-P'- o€ ^-E:E E'i !Ee* c 5E;FIg";ge+ o=-o'J(5:o*E f E;96gA.c6E :EE H!, iEEi= 60'-:-s: o (/J tr ef;is€ 6 i'=o= E H:Ea H:F9g;g;E s€.tg€(0= :F$ci oq F\ t{ U F t = u.l z 6Ifo I tu z Jo- trFo IJJJ UJ z 6 J J z ul E uJ uJl!z E uJ (,ul ot t0 3g IJJ z 6(u tratoL uJo o-?z luJo x F IJJ U'l (n llJ IIJu- = =(r IJJ o- Fo (,z o :) J () EF C)tuJur (9z c0 = d a9z tu = NOri.vn'lvA l F y9 EF ,=Z. Z tLF Y :l v> Q g 3 6' lL *, " ar-66 &,rZ \- (J-82 frrt! <(6 0- J<t A $ea6 63HN(9 p).s : >E (r),1 -S., u .n =.oGl I "lIt-12. 1E1o-lo l=r.{ t-Itdi*l'J L.d dHJJ Jft 1n zotr q II cr d o-3 tuo- F o oo o E o- IJJ z Eoo r!) t/J E IJJ tr oz a =z,. 9z "iF u:" 63ft r) zfz tr o =oo I l$r., l'54,F l*F l"il,l- t$f.lztYl't9l ITITurl >lFl I Izloli-l 1l =l6l =I ffi T|t3t ll el;lpllr LU z o z tr at) J a0 c\I I z EE uJ FJ 3 UJz !-{ flJ -l- OJO(:) uJFo EIo-zo Fo-ItlY IJJ @ oF F E HN9 ^ tl:M C"ox1q'.iJ al | | i-+t guJbkzo Jdfio(J= =-r1'-: ir ! dd=><-_ESULI F tuo-ttoEE2zE<a.]€8B9?ir 'q5EE ir-E f;={ gF E d59 irrE F*t q-o-i!; UJ E-I z o9ze (DOzz CL tr- F =Elrl A.zoF(JfEFozo(J n!tr t \' at,d =tt- E. Ldz.(5 t/)ul ii =z dlo-) ILl4 T14UI a =cP4 "l Ia Jg 4 F\ tltlll, ll"|lI a/alult6l el 3= *l -lr{l*l I cil =.1olullEl ;l zl elFl tltlIItl lellol t5l>lI r.Llloltzl!31qolEFI IJJI 1l al>lttlol zl 3lolFI lttltlI cill=ltolI rJJl t*|loltzl HFI I I I "l=.1ol uJl 5t al>l ttlol el r E -.r O<FC() LlJ <zE lTJ F6Zo I FO uJJ TU >Y =#fFJZr!o F Fz =+(r t-o2 O (/> u,i UJu- = LLt tl. o l! E Fo Fzoo o (E UIz B <FZ^ 9.2@< P o m E f 3 0) ';Eoti .TL-o-oeBE"i rqa9 ';:!lX(6:vr--r.=(B-FfcX ; o;.9c-o> o(!c?c - I ':: -*:,-:.: n; >=: 3 EanEiEo iE5;.e;9e FE a''.=- |! -o-(s o-o:- o ondorsgsE LCrJ: or oI'"AiHE-c(o:f, --cl ;,E: =,o: =!,3 6 >.=.o(!=; *5F';! xP-q.:Gv o-o "; c o (/). E E e. z oJ f t/, UJ u.JII F = u.l J F = =: c) z o- N0rIvn'tvA IJJ zz h -o- I:a -.r J;= FYIJ <DOZ:. 5:r!< do>o <$l Y = zo J .. >lo uJ tuulz u) = UJ zo F 6o tr l U)z J z E o z tr E F =uJz z: l! \i\ is S) !\ a$ rjj z '-') tltlttllJllttltltltltlIJ.t uttuttdtg =I J sl g5 cjl =.1oluli CEI JI <l>l rLlol zl =lFI I =l(rlul :l <l>I l!lol zl a tltltltltlt.ltol| =.1tolI ujll:ltall>lI ttlloltzl =t x rr-l Fl I I I I I I dlzl z'ilt!l rEl JI<l>l trlolzt ..13t Iol urFI F UJ o2 O FO z o z t- UJ = (Jc)zr- ;# ]F!z|ro O <oQF l-<i, g.HF LU \-, <FE(Jur<zE (nZ J<(Janul 4J \\ J z ,n9 =<cnO>z dP T-l f-'tT-'1L_J t_t L l -J."i5>=2 ^:sdd= ::l IJ.Je.<i ,^lE vl E =ts =lH -l'0| i .l E Pf-E HI=E =*lgE =15E o15I , lr.u E ;t>F t- lFi ai t!J tn! o ii -o =.o a u'- c O6-- (5 O-.F .6 = .6v C(o Jq- (,-H .- (f) O-tl- v C X 'r G)ca= U- (4 LP(nE CJo<uJ qJ o- u =r C) (J=our_o=H L (J+J (5 L$- . Z, \- O a . orJ =Lulgl-o c, .p.- oJ {-r cJ B 3J+)(r1rOo (u !- $-L- J C\l -(f o luF ox oFt lrJ tl- o I uJ t-oz t!-^^F r{ (\J FtJ) I+J \n v $6 'O @FIF F{oo uJF U)oo-zo F(L utY lrJo oF F =EEH.+ 1! oto-1 O- rola ".1t-';l gur :^FY6 z- .nY OZe +tlnn (t' == e;F; Ef;Idd= .= ul(L ttoEE2ZE<of60ti e,a9ltL 'EI J> =ul:-E E=o o-- EE >(LE Ub 9 \utE X'Lt x>6=Fa'ioi!i 4llo F --- E =E,lrl o-z9l- C)f E,Fozo(J -ftt=t an UJ UJu- E =E uJ ot! Foz('z 6J l(lt od I IteN,o .:r3LrFa-t (., z Et= ;:;'ilE v,,z Isroqlxsl6 I i I cta (l'J {-)<{+6 ffE.o I!z3 lt- uJ F .9o; EQ) !6 9..E:6g9i -66.9'aa'= o. =(E ES o\ F.$oI' .CO E x/ooE)NP\ -oattFo .,P F+'=oor.o PF E€oo 8oocD o.S =oti'=idl!-aE,b Ef -Tt ^0)op o-!o.cd*; o.g 6g o 6 o 6 a,) (D 6 = dioF .; Eo o i = E d F6 E ; ' E o c Eoti o: EE c.9o_ EEE'i BUcr-'-o O(E.C.^_o =-Yg> -o o.9 o6 i= FY(! "t: -Y- O(E |'r(E-- -c.F C, = .r' C! E6OE ON 6Ccs -o.60 og ll, !E of;5o(! .Y=(s! >g.oo9a=-!cEr-O -o allJ I.JJu-t & uJo- FoF z ao =J vE =Zzu-o ootr ^ 6z P d ; Fx an a Elt5i 3o(Jzx- l!<35 3i9 E EEF o f c);niE,d =>E Ps s L! c o-l -Nl; ^>lIuo uJulza F tf UJ o- J zo E o z tr J foz aFz. 9= do3tr z tr UJFJ =UJz ctz ts =c UJo- (,z =tr dl ad an.p !oo- a,t) .{J tn L I uJ z (D -) F 01'l q.|1 ?E 4 +J(I) (uI+tv7 (U ! !m c', @ C\I <4lU& e1 sJ = sfsf(\l $lI(o F\ (t E L (U.c tn LL (u +JLoE TE tItI3qt!(c(qFgEt-trl I(v, <t.1 Iadql9l -HGa>Iq=Eo co .tJ (J L{J IA o(J otn = t!- I$tcf) Fl z dt! ) ILoz3 9lr-1 (v (f I F uiJ uJ =tr =. ur : t!oz 3 9lF] =E tr z li uJ J ll- z3 F =oI(5 oa (uoI =&tr xI .iz ti ul J a1 t!oz 3lpl (f F\ F..(r) I\o(\! 01 UJ 6F' ITJz = F uJ =To E --r O<FEOr!<zE[!FtnZoo I F() UJJ trJ Y ) Y a) (JOzl- =ffF rr- oo i5:IF7() =tYZ =g E Ei\ =o2 J<c)au)5H a 5 , !Ttr s \ v \\.I s \ o IJJ UJ Lr- F =Eul ilttl tll:*-- |,6<i It(N I i**lisrlrl l.l NI NgI f l\^lro l: I 't4 l+. tHIA,l'T IIt..I T?IklIdl tflti.l IE;H !g g"Hq*-l =?l@- s.l I 9?I2e- |ar €t- | II ulo = ol! UJz3 lto ul F z o o q) (s :QI rt)rcl (d o o c0 3 q, .9q a) ,i a) o .9a '(E iol LN io,}ro o o c)|o an ^i I (E ol l:€3 | fic:I .Y-- sI o-(5 o_I FEE lfE.'l:fi8 IE;EI -as'I er CI GO-. I s.e:.| ;'s =;I o;;,| ;5 \. I t$gl >\i ^ r !., o o)6F9{ "luJIzl3lol 5l 0 \ ut p vl a c 0 b,[ (\ 9 $ ( fl o a a \ p V { \ =qJ z ) o (J z J F llJ llJ z = z I c) uJ UJul z tr u.l 0t ulE o .D 3 u,l gJ Ez 6 IJJo UJ o- z luJ x F r.llol oulul l! ==u.l o- J FoF z oJ l EF()trl r! z.a J J z UJ: s\ts F(t NO[vnlv^ 'l I I uJ F x =t! zotro- J IJJz lll c.i N\= >G i::t!- Y'-< $t:\ps ===x<fEP69o6drJZ5f;rrii6FO -;Ai s2r ui r' z tr J s El Io-l EI'l I l uJlo-l>I*l o a\r" a at!z iF o. l;ll | |tsil | I lull et^il < l=ll a n l:ll A g IEII ; Hl<ll E ol^ll " z ;ll ll3ll ll<E I9J[ =?il ih^il:= ;ll dgyll " r ull 2I -.Jfaz .. >lo UJoul UJzo tr UJ z E o UJo z o. z FuJrL u->o J 3 F ul It N F E uJ6rE q =R5. 3 c3$€ a ;5s€ t =3\)b 0 dP{i'=(E-:}lDtrE + t-t5 h=l rbi g [l :Fff=E 5 c,l !5x EH E rl ;HEE€ I lll .lU @ F I I lr\ IN 'rfl \ $ r.r'l t, (5z J tr-J J td N lht\ IN t\ l\^h\l'\ Ir^t\ l$ v ii z -) -lR$$ }| Nl'i $il\ Nd$dnlE :j >lasEl--lslo! I Il. lo-I'tll! d.{ HO:j E(J ll.l IH[-$l l\_,1 $ -l url TI flol zl3l 9l lllttltlttl"lt4t.ltot| . u.,lIEIlill>ltbt I =l il 'rlE ol 'rll/-l Fl Fl tliltltttlI.ltoltilt(,tI tJJll5l lt<t Il>l Itbt IJil jl !u H Fl lltl lrltsl l$l -i\l ;l $l iltzl FI FI N 9l ^(| El ? "Al 3l "$l'{l slNltzl .l =l 3l u.ll =t vt ulrrr Ft Fl J<O<5 .J'tu uJ -iO F tr.lF.- <F l!<zE I.rJ F oo JE*9 =<ir G;F;6 ZH =<5gd5() Jlr<F =FzQS;< i,z -(J gE o2 ,4+ \ u/fl=v/J= I I / ^r 0)c u) v ,o ----J .-l : I CTION REOUEST. TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: MON . .'r, ',' ti CALLER TUES .t. THUR FRI tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND 'b noucx / D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ,-'' ROOF & SHEERlJ nr rrrirzrnn rrrrr tr GAS PIPINGn\J\Jr Or DnEEI't PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL itr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr HEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOF oz ts =Etuo- o \o oo ot-o o o cf) F It an UJt!u- tr = uJo- ,,rffb, {Jcr,rt +il l'- @ o\ Ft c{ E{0tE z )\,a H FDrl H 4l9r n- @ d\ Eooc\t tJU I LZ<D94 ii F{om zz60J El f IIJ F o e. F l--U)z: zz d 1Ul 6 H s DIH4c\t4 Bl€q FIH l'.od tsl AI Pl sl 1o I'l ;l Hq ct)I! t- z z o 5 d) 06 =zo uJz Eo uJI z ',.Jt i.l-r t.l. F EFzoo o ul tutrlF z(, o ;-., F A'D 4 H|lU '6;o;!o) c 3o.i, d) .n q &(.) .E 0) o o O o) ==f (D E o = l ,.t o '.o o) c .9 .9 .= o '- oN ^<tc 3oF c) o o) € o o o o a E =f U; 3 '.9oFio E8E =.2 *, EEH ;OY '- v,e:5:98 ; >=c9o'- oc 35=_F >, E EA ==Ecc' 3ceF! c,=- (6 o-o o,O:*o.E o (/)FO. E9o-(!C EP b a (o'! ise -!C P *-c !l; -3Eio=33d>,96a.Y=E9; e"xuhtB9Eq)qEE.LOU) -o.g c\ LO |.r) <r F-l F.l F{ Ln Lrl ol ooc!rO F. rO 01 rr.l (f C\ c\ F <A F =EqJ .L(,z .0 Yo uJ (Jz Jo- aF u./J uJ z ql J gz oItl UJlu z tr LU Lu =UJt UJ z 6 UJo c UJ z J X F llJ C'tr o LU I,JJII F =(l uJ(t- J F z fd J o F(J UJ.) IJJ z J 9z c)lu = c NO|lVnlVA I(a ,E4 r{ EtF{ Fl I l-.1s6Ht4cpltq "{EJH r{ FlIXFl lrl qtl HIHUz-looqAlz H8 -'E 3 z tro- or UJ u.iz UJ =>E =do\i zz Fo_ AxfF9 0 tnoRr5:|'r< ,., f rE8 .i ai z tr fJ LL c l u.lo- F c o .-. &ul x?$ J z Eoo .ix X z tr uJF =u.lz azlzOa ;ll'J<o6< >ii>E xrL6ci<z aFz, z=_iF LrJ O-trOI dl ztl I_l ztI -J>r I--l I I I 5l ;l o IJ,J u,.l llJz U)F (E l!t! J z Eoo ulfJ E z 9IF z F 5oz Fl F{ I I }'4IXI I Ilr ol3 oa IIJ F'(L L! <lo* /i J UJ rl'1 l= fil o (u .Fl t{o a)+ c)t{o D o B U Eoo i F uJ I "qFl ,l .f, /-/z ./A \J I 12 ./l:-/// '-/-ul tra @o-zo F(L IJJY LU dt oF F (r ul rLo 0-oo I l,uFoz IJJF o tr uJ lr : ^IJJE2E<tIlo9EB9tt;ie'EE E i*E h=O:J;E =tE 3boF,.,E ?o-*E X>T ii F o-:!tr- llJdl F rR \ v/ns.\dJ= -.. ct d a )./ .+d F-o 01 r.l !Oc\ E{ f"](n txt-r-'rrxrrlLJ z .n9ztd)o =z O- tr iff(Jo= =r,*A;E F+rF+' P$ ud h4J xl F =E LrJo-zo FofEFazo(J l,l14 (,lI b't -r ,91o '-ll {illFl -tll' '-lHCf>q l5 z.F-.i -J lL 'Jf'l oEtrlfr trlueo 'i4!{4}J ui =z ") I(| vlM s8 Io> \.1 | E a ,7af U5-loqc{ Ha.JHFtd Lul { =l i<t <42 o- X F-t a(t fdn ts ..1 J1 uro I B cr) Et tr f{ tlU () tro F-lo ) uJ IJn-t 3 do(\l c{ I (L FI ...1 d F (J a H( H a 4 q 14Otl E tr Ir- FI o IJJl 5l <rl>l 3l zl 3l FI F F F. I .-. N @ lt trF LF f ;tr H il L] q E tr I $ .iz (t rul 1l al>l ttlol zl 3l FI fn s r{ I Ol.n| or lliJ rU t4zH an E F] P.t F.lHz al E trl I Al JI|-l 1 olzlol crJJl ocl r"Jl sSl I .)l s zt 7. Ft i =tr z uJ J a>l ILo zl 3l 9l =E I I I I ol =l(Jl gl <l>l rLlol 3l s9l !,1 E I.IJz = otu =T E -:o<F(ts()uJ<ZE I.IJ F(rzo(J <o(JF itrXF -rOVO ZY =#fF:z ,J 9z - uJ r I z E H \rz (-) <Oan:l U' r.lJt! lJ- F = u.,, is i-\.< roil ll u- Jtuo = cr UJz3o uj'r F z ':t c; Oo) iito-o0)o5 :v = .r,)0)rclrc'(E :E .o to 'E $ o o)c =J(D o =cl o ''t q) ).> -E lo cio LN =-o)C)B :F 'o :. Or(J' (u o =a ttI o: oi€2 E( ,;a>'a!! -(l) DO )G ;8 .,' JF i; )(E i3i >., ,o 'ot-l a (E c .=i q)l -'i ;l >\': o+o- :( o)aDo:; 6.,:,: :oft 9X )- :\--'= :o - at) D(E d):n :> 'ElE :L : (D' r-C iG' ctl a' clGl-l (!i €a ;( o+(sr o>€7 6: HaEr E-ctsi o(l q) c) .9 ; = .-c f q) = co' tE- .Y- O",!o! 'Fr d' o)( o( -io( o9ori o:3iOcCex.: (.)'f('E >g o; oF-c6 -(l I \ N d Iv U' urF 2 oz 6J ca zzo <t> UJ UJrL L .J Fo l!ozotro-aoulgJo J Eluzluo. -Em = ,.. o zzoo F^IA <fEg 6 tt1 g<>E9rL<.o1 -td>(JFO ;ni ll. tr o o-3 G o- flJ oF Elrlo. z Eoo ,l Ict) |6l UJ0- rl:o (t) JJ 3 F uJf J (r l/) uJz 9I uJo zz trtt -) @ z tr GtuF =UJz b. \s |.,rJ F.< crt rq l,!Fodlo-zo F UJY ut @ o -F a lJf l-l$ 131 1] d 311 { {d IF...iY u-- u; z (D 1 l9Stl*|dN+jl 5€l ;g T1 H - dg l 1,qa YI HZ Fl giil .ll Hi gq_ 4el n Fl ffl q $flqE ;l u.lldl 0l dl/rl-r Ft Fll ldu. ldf,q 1fl$ts 3l "llH Pl -'l Iql ld(fl{l ;{1t{ -81 |:lg sl < bl6 *t : FI F I I I I fl sJltrlJl <l>l l!lol zl FI E I I I I I .lol =lHI -lJl ?t>l ttlolzt ..:3t fOl uJFI F=(r -J<OA) u)t! uJ -.1 O Lllz = F UJF T iT -rO<F ITJ <zEL!F<tz *9 FOE< figil 99 g3 -:--JF:z o <^ :IFz()-< Y,z>E o -|lJ*8.o2 L)X.xx><= z ,r9 =e =z a'P ..id =E==o*aHg rrr io<=<Eu,y1 [ \./ AEO EsgF-'- {tsx#;-dtIrr o -F E .=LJ; =FqilFf ] * == uI -E_ F S8=5 HE6: d E jp 5 F r..+ 5 u.tEr.,-5 $EsE'€q; = trl*oIp *F** E! -et IJJF o IJ.o oo I UJFoz F =Glrl o-zoF()fEFQzo(J tr!n \1><X RNT Town of YaiI 75 S. Frontage RoadVail , Colorado 81857 Plan analysis based onthe 1985 Uniform Bullding Code ProJect Id: PLAZA LODGE ADD.Address: VAII VITLAGE Occupancy: 82,A3,Rl Type of Const: V-IHR Date: November 18, 1987Contractor: BECK & ASSOC.Architect: SNOWDON & HOPKINSEngineer: TIM BOYLE Plans Examiner: GARY MIJRRAIN NOTE:The code items llsted ln this report are not intended to be a completelistlng of all possible code requirements ln the 1985 UBC. It is a guide toselected sections of the code. ---*--i=:==::====:=============::====::===:=========:=!::============TYPE Ot' CONSTRUCTION:V-1HR SEPARAT]ONDIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIR.E PROTECTIONNORTH Building 8.0 Feet 0.0 FeetEAST Public l{ay 31.0 Feet 18.b FeetSOUTH Buildlng 1?.0 Feet ?.0 FeetWEST Public Way 41.0 Feet 21.0 FeetArea j-ncreased 13.75 % for open area on 2 sides. FL NAME occ AREA ATLOWED A,/A OCC LOAD REQ'D EXITS EXIT WIDTH 3 Apartment/Condo R1 b446 11944 0.46 27 Z O.b4TOTAT 5446 11944 0.46 27( 27t 2 0.54( 0.54)2 Hotel/Mote1 Rm Rl b9B1 11944 0.S0 30 Z 0.602 Retail $ales fttr BA 316 1b92b 0.02 11 1 O.ZtTOTAr 6297 12095 0.52 40 ( 54) 2 0.81( 1.08)1 Retail Sales tur BA 4380 1b9ZS 0.ZA 146 Z Z-gz1 Dinlng Room AB 1514 11944 O.tS 101 Z Z.Ozl Stock Room B2 Z9B 1bg2b 0.02 1 1 0.021 Retail Sales nm BZ Z6ZL tbg25 0.16 87 Z t.7ETOTAL 8813 15062 0.59 335( 362) 2 6.71( 7.25)B Retail Sales Rrn BZ ZSAL 15925 0.18 tg Z 1.96B Dinins Room AB 4L7L 11944 0.3S Z7B 2 b. E6B Stock Roorn 82 1Z1S 1S9Zb 0.08 4 I 0.0gTOTAL 8325 13646 0.61 380( 558) 2 7.60( 11.16)BUIIDING TOTAL 20556 28326 o.78 403* NOTE: Indicates that this occupancy is not allowed on this floor-Table b-D _i_I9ll:_l:11::::" that this occupancy is an accessory area-sec. 3s02.(a) exc. N,EQUIRED OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONSB2-R1 t hr Shops and offices less thanseparated. -- Sec. 503. (a) ex *2CA3-R1 t hr 10% of floor area need not be AII glazing be of safety in hazardous locationsglazing material . --(see section 5406.(d)) 1s required toSec.5406. HANDICAP REQUIRTMENTS : Handicap access is required to this bullding. -- $ec. 3301.(e) and Table 33-AIf a ramp l-s used for handicap access, the max slope ls 1:LZ, -- $ec 3307.(c)If water fountains are provided, one must have a spout within 33 inches ofthe floor and up-front controls. -- Sec, Fll.(c)TOITET FACILITIES:1. All doorways leading to a toilet room for handicapped are requlred. toprovlde 32 inches clear width. -- Sec. b1f.(a)2. Provide 44 inches clear on each side of doorways. *- sec. s11.(a) 1.3. Provi.de a 60 inch diarneter crear area within the toilet room(s).-- Sec.511. (a)2.4. Provide a clear area 42 lnches wide and 48 lnches long in front of atleast one water closet. If 1n a compartment and door is on the sl-de,provide a clear access width of 34 inches. Door may not encroach intoclear area. -- Sec. b11.(a)3.5. A 48 inch access width is roquired to the handlcap compartment.-- Sec. 511. (a)8.6. Grab bars are required behind and on one side or on both sides ofhandicaP water closet. Slde bar ls requJ-red. to be 42 inches long (min) andextend 24 inches in front of water closet. Rear bar ls to be 24 lncheslong in a room or 36 lnches long in a compartment. Bars are to be 33inches to 36 Lnches above the floor. -- Sec. b11.(a)4.7. Provide a clear area under at least one lavatory. 30 inches wide X 2ginches hieh X 1? lnches deep minimum. -- See. b11.(b)1.8- The bottom of one mitror, oBenJ-ng of a towel fixture, ana disposal ftxtureis required to be within 40 lnches of the fIoor. -- sec. 511.(t)e.as.R-1 HANDICAP REQUINEMENTS: If,' there ig more than 20 units on the site, handicap units are required.21 through gg unlts on slte-one unit100 & over-one' plus one for each additional 100 units of fraction thereofArr doors in the unit are required to provide 32 inches clear width.Toilet facilltles in these units are required to comply with sec. b11.These requirements are Ber Sec. 1213.The 60 lnch clear area is not requlred withln units. -- see. b11.(a)1.Grab bars are not required within a dwell1ng unit. -- sec. b11.(a) 4.The slnk cLearance, mirror height, and flxture helght are not required wlthina handicap unit. -- Sec. b11.(b) EXTERIOR WALI F'IRE RATINGS NONTH EAST OCC BBG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNGWALI WALL PROT WALL WAIL PROTBZ thr* thrx NOP thr thr None A3 thr* thrx NOP R1 thr* thr* NOP AND OPENING PROTECTION SOUTH WEST BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON_BRG OPNGI{ALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROTthr* thr* Prot thr thr None The None Prot NOP x OTHER EtE}MNTInterior Bearing wallInterlor nonbrg walLStructural FrameExterior Struct FrameShaft EnclosureFloor/Ceiling Assenbly Roof /Ce11lng AssernblyStairs BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 17-A thr thr None thr* thrx Prot thr thr None thr thr None thr thr None thr thr None exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE materlal .-- No fire protection requirements for openings.-- Openings are to be protected with B,/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the wall maxlmum. Sec b04. (b)-- Openings are not permltted ln this wall.-- These walrs may be required to have a parapet wall B0 inehesabove the roofing. The parapet wall is requlred to have the samefire ratlng as the wall. $ee section 1709. for details and exceptLons. MATERIAT ANY FIRE RATINGt hr.t hr.t hr. t hr.t hr.I hr. NONE ANY ANY NOTES AND EXCEPTIONS Sec. 1705. (b)1. $ee footnote f1 ANY AT{Y ANY ANY FOOTNOTES: 1) Minimun on exterior side also basedProvlde a thr cell1ng ln the basernent. on exterior brg. wal1 requirements.-- Sec. 1703. Based on sectlon 3202. (b) The roofing on thts building is to be flre retard.ant.see sectLon 3203. (e) and lcBo research reports for requireuents. EXIT NOTES; Stairways connecting 3 or more floors are requlred to be in exit enclosuresThe walrs of the enclosure are requLred to be t hr flre assembries.The openings into the exit enclosure are required to be t hr assemblies.A connectLon to the exterior is required wtttr the same fire protectlon as theexit enclosure. -- Sec. 3309. (d)A_barier is required at grade level . -* Sec. S30g.(e)The space under the stalrs (enclosed or not) may not be used for any purpose.-- Sec. 3309. (f) See sectLon 3309. for additional infornation. The uraxirnum rise of a step is ? inches and the minimum run is 11iuches. -- See_ 3306. (c) The nlninum width of a stairway is 36 inches, 44 inches if theoccupant road is greater than b0. -- sec. 9906.(b) see sectlon3303. (b) when occupant load is greater than 1gB.Provide a guard rair where drop off is greater than 30 inches. 1?11. $l:"Ti:':T"l;1:i::1,"1 f il; - ri.i"ifiii;, - ;.iff ' f, 3 u;1"' noncombust'ible door betwean basEment and lst story. -- See. 1?03.Provlde a landlng within 1 lnch (t/2 tnch at doors with handicapaccess) of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304.(h) Sec sectl-on 3304.(t) forsiae requirements. The naximum travel distance in thiE bullding is 150 feet. -- gec. 3303. (d) ADD]TIONAI F,EQUIREMENTS BASED ON OCCUPANCY ['or 82 occupancyIn all areas customarily occupied by hunans, provide natural orartifical lieht and ventilatlon. -- Sec. Z0S.tr'loor-BSMT Occupancy-Retail Sales RnExit slgns are requlred fron all areas serving an occupant load of 50or more. -- Sec. 3314.(a)corridors serving an occupant load of 30 or moro are required tohave thr constructlon and rated openlngs -- Sec. 3g0S.tgiAthlExlts are required to be separated by l/2 of the dlagonil of thisar€a. *- Sec, 3303. (c) Doors are required to swing in the directLon of exit frorn this area.-- Sec. 3804. (b)Floor-1st Oceupancy-Retail $ales RnExit signs are requlred fron all areas Eerving anor more. -- Sec. 3314. (a) Corridors serving an occupant load of B0 or morehave thr construction and rated openings -- Sec.Exlts are required to be separated by l/Z of tnearea. -- Sec. 3303. (c) Doors are reguired to swing in the direction of exit from this area.-- Sec. 3304. (b)Floor-1st Occupancy-Retail Sales RmExlt slgns are required from all aroas serving an occupant load of 50or moxe. -- Sec. 3314. (a)corridors serving an occupant load of 30 or more are required tohave thr constructlon and rated openings -- Sec. 3305. te)AthlExits are required to be separated by t/2 of the diagonil ot thtsarea. -- Sec. 3303. (c) Doors are required to swing in the directlon of exit from this area.-- Sec. 3304. (b) For 43 occupancy An automatic flre-extinguishlng system is required ln the basement.-- Sec.3802. (c)2. An automatic sprinkler systen is reguired in enelosed usable spacebelow or over a stairway. -- $ec. 3802.(c)4.Floor-BSMT Occupancy-Dlnlng RoomExit signs are required from all areas serving an occupant load of b0or more. -- Sec. 3314. (a)corridors serving an occqpant load of 30 or more are requrred tohave thr constructlon and rated openings -- Sec. 3805.(e)&(h)Exits are required to be separated uy 172 of the diagonii or'trrrsarea. -- Sec. 3303. (c) Doors are required to swing in the direction of exlt from this area.-- Sec. 3304.(b)Exit doors are required to have panic hardware. see exception formain door. -- Sec. 38f8,(a) 278 occupants. occupant load of 50 are required to 3305. (s)&(h) diagonal of this The capaclty of this area is required to be posted at-- Sec. 3302. (c)Eloor-1st Occupancy-Dining RoomExit slgns are required from all areas servLng an oecupant load of S0or more. -- Sec. 3314. (a) corul-dors serving an occupant load of 30 or more are required tohave thr constructlon and rated openings -- $ec, 380b. (e)&(h)Exlts are required to be separated by 7/z of the dlagonii of-thisarea. -- Sec. 3303. (c) Doors are required to swing in the dlrection of exit from this area.-- Sec. 3304. (b) main door. -- Sec. 3318. (a) lPr!31"3i3|.?i,tnis (}a is required to be nostf at 101 occupants. For R1 occupancy Storage and laundry rooms used ln common by tenants to be separatedby a one hour occupancy separatlon. -- Sec. 1402. (b) A flre alam systen nay be reguired in this building. -- Sec. 1202. (b) Provlde a window or door to the exterior fron every roon used forsleeping. A window must provide a crear open area of 5.T sq.ft., a clear hetghtof 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 inches(ninfunum). -- sec, tzo[,All habitable roons require exterior glaaed openings equal to l0j[ ormore of the floor area. (mln 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 120b.(a)All habitablo rooms requlre an openable exterior openings equal to 5%or more of the floor area. (min b se.ft.) -- Sec. 120b.(a)The minl-mun celling in a habitable space is T feet 6 inches exceptkitchens, halls, and baths nay have a celling heieht of T feet. --Sec. -- 1207. (a)Floor-Znd Occupancy-Hotel,/Motel RmCorridors serving an occupant Load of 10 or morehave thr constructlon and rated openlngs -- Sec.Exite are required to be separated by t/2 of ttrearea. -- Sec. 3303. (c)Floor-3rd Occupancy-Apartnent/CondoCorridors servin6 an occuBant load of 10 or morehave thr construetion and rated openings -- Sec.Exite are required to be separated by L/Z of t]nearea. -- $ee. 3303. (c) are regulred to 3305. (s)&(h) diagonal of this are required to 3305. (e)a(h) dlagonal of thls EEST CCIPY -' . !.#* AVAL*FITE ); t Town of Val I75 B. Frontage RoadVellr Colarado B16EZ Flan corractl,on bered enthe 1985 Unifonm Bulldlng Code FroJect Id. FLAZA LODBE ADD.Addreeel VAIL VILLABE Dater Novanbar 1g, ,.qATContrastors Bfltrl(, & A8SOC.Occupencyl B?rA$rRl Architectr SNOWDON & HOPKINAType of Conetl V-IHR Engineerl TII'I EUyLE PIdrng Examinerl 6ARY I'IURRAIN CtrRRECTION REOUIRED 1 All sheetr to be etampad and rigned by an Archttect and Engineerregistered in this Etata. 2 The roofing on thte buildinE ie requ{rad to be {ire ratsrdant andclase (A) -- Eiec. BZOZ. (b). S Provide attic ventilqtion that complies with rection I?OF. (c) 4 Prnvide an attic atrcegs (zzx$o min) to each attte ar..ea.-- 6es.$2O8, (a) 5 AII elamentr of the gtructural frame are required to have l hn {ireprotectien. -- Table lZ-A and gac. L7OZ. 6 Ehow all deeign loadE uEed In the design o{ this butlding on theplans. (Enow, windn selemic, llve, etc.t 7 t'luet have a vent in each bathroorn to to the outsrde. I All doorE to corridor muEt h*ve cloger6. I Need shop drewing* trn aprlnkler and fira alarm systems. 10 AIl railing must comply with l?ES UBC. CONTRACTOR'S MATERIAL & TEST CERTIFICATE PARTS A & C - SPRINKLER & WATEfl SPRAY ABOVEGROUND PIPING {Fill Out Separate Certilicate For Each Riser} PFOCEDURE UPON COMPLETION OF WORK. INSPECTION AND TESTS SHALL BE MADE AY THE CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE ANO WITNESSED BVAN OWNER'S REPRESENTATTVE. ALL DEFECTS SHALL BE CORRECTEO AND SYSTEM LEFT tN SERVtCE BEFORE CONTRACTOR'5 MENFINALLV LEAVE THE JOA. A CERTIFICATE SHALL BE FILLED OUT AND SIGNEO 8Y BOTH REPR ESENTAT tV E5. COPIES SHALL BE PREPARED FOR APPROVINGAUTHORITIES, OWNERS AND CONTRACTOR. tT IS UNDERSTOOO THE OWNER's R EPR ESENTAT IV E'S SIGNATURE IN NO WAY PREJ. UOICES ANY CLAIM AGAINST CONTRACTOR FOR FAULTY MATERIAL. PC}OP WORKMANSHIP. OR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH AP- PROVING AUTHORITYIS REQUIREMENTS OR LOCAL ORDINANCES. PR.PERTY NAME fr-nzn /,nni:i fanrnnt fr,re, fr DATEc-2-W PRoPE RTY ADDRrss ,/ Ar/ .af//4/L C.OL-O PLANS ACCEPTED AY APPROVING AUTHORITY('S) NAMES ADD R E55 INSTALLATION CONFORMS TO ACCEPTEOEQUIPMENT USED IS APPROVEOIF NO, STATE DEVIATIONS PLANS:YES YES ff rsg INSTRUC. TIONS HAS PERSON IN CHARGE OF FIRE EQUIPMENT BEEN INSTRUCTEO AS TO LOCATION OF CONTROL VALVES AND CARE OF THIS NEW EQUIPMENT? IF YES, GIVE NAME. IF NO, EXPLAIN. vrs ff NO fl HAVE COPIES OF APPROPRIATE INSTRUCTIONS AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE CHARTS AND NFPA 13A BEEN LEFT ON PREMISES? IF YES, GIVE NAME. IF NO. EXPLAIN. ves p NO o TEST DESCR IP- T ION HYDRoSTATIC: Hydtottatlc te5t5 shall be made at not less than 2OO PSI (I3,8 bars) for two hours or 50 PSI (3,4 bars) abov€ stalic prossure in exc€ss ot 150 psl (10.3 bars). oitferentiat dry-pips valve ctappers shalt be teft open during tert toprevent clamage. Alt aboveground piping teakage sha be stopped- PNEUMATIC: Establish 40 PSI (2.8 bars) air pressur€ and measurq drop whlch ihall not exceed lV? PSI (0.1 bars) in 24hour'. Test presture tanks at normal waler level and alr paessur€ and measure air or€ssure drop whlch ghall not exceed lV2 PSI {0.1 bari) ln 24 hour5. TESTS R EOUIR E D HYDROSTATIC: ALL PlPlNG. PNEUMATIC: DRV PIPING EQUIPMENT OPERATION: ALL. ORAIN LOCATION SERVES BLDGS: 4 ///)/7<ktaoz SPRINKLERS OR SPRAY NOZZLES MAKE MODEL s tzE QUANT ITY TEMPERATURE RATING TeuAAtE Bpxs Eht,c /o"/4L 12,;o PIPE AND FITTINGS MATER IAL AND KIND ao*roW STANDAR' IF NON€. EXPLAIN ALARM VALVE OR FLOW IN DICATOR ALARM DEVICE MAXIMUM TIME TO OPERATE THROUGH TEST PIPE TYPE MAKE MOOEL I MIN. tt)F.fi,frsrrt<aF,b | -{5' FORM 85 AC, REVISED APRIL I9'9 PRINTED tN U.S,A. FOR NAS & FCA, tNC., p.O. AOX 719, MT. K|SCO, N,v. 10549 o ilkERY PIPE VALVES OPERATING I E5I HE5IJL I5: TIME WATER I ALARM REACHEO IOPERATED "JFLEt lenoeenrvMAKEMO DEL SER, NO, tiME To rRlP TH ROUGH TEST PIPE WATER PRESS. AIR PRESS. TIPPOINT AIR PRESS.WITHOUT Q. O. O. WITHo.o.D MtN, I SEC.M IN.sEc.P.S.r,P.S.r.P.S.r.MrN. I sEC.YES NO f--T--l l-t ll IF NO, EXPLAIN OPERATION PNEUMATIC N plptNc sUpERVtsED! YEs E No C E O^T' 'TrrE MANIIAI TRIP AND/OR n "":"' il h PREACTION VALVES ELECTRIC U Fl >ericrttue MEDIA SIJPERVlsEot YEs E No orruote co*rnoL STATIONS? v€s 0 NO tr rs rHERE AN AccEsstBLE FAclLlrY lN EACH clRculr FoR TEsrlNG? YEs C No o IF NO. EXPLAIN , i : : :::: ;. -.:; ;;;;;: I ;;::;;;-r;" T. MAKE MODEL Do.i Esch Cltcult OPcrtte suo"rvision Loss AlarmT uoel carjn vtr!urr vPerql! | Vatve Releasel I oPlrg1e f- "E' I _19_VES MI N. - Psl s6p' Z YES ti YEs tr {OURS{oE{oE TESTS ALL PIPING I-IYDROSTAT!CALLY TESTE DRV PI PING PNEUMATICALLV TESTED: EQUIPMENT OPERATES PROPERLV: IF NO, STATE REASON ORAIN TEST: READING OF GAGE LOC' NEAR WATER SUPPLY TEST PIPEI DAT _ {TEO -- REslouAL PREsSURE wlrH vALV€ TEST P|PE OPEN WIDE PSIPSI YES E]F CTOR THAT WELOING PROCEOURES COMPLV WITH THE €€QU ERFoRMED B'', wELoERs QuALtFrEo 'N coTPb'ANcE WJLH; IED OUT IN COMPLIANCE WIl H A OOCUMENTEO QUALITY CI i?ttr'.rii5Lii;RrE"f J"?"il'i:i,+x."'.:l[%fiT,=.tff + IN NUMBER USED LOCAaloNS TEST BLANKS INKLER CONTRA . A R-3? WELDING WAS F .9, LEVEL AR.3? )ING WAS CAR R E THAT ALL OI ELOING RESIDUI ED? IRE- 'HE I )N. TH' OF WE LDI NG WELOED PIPING OO YOU CERT IFY A MENTS OF AWS DI oo You c€RTIFY 1 REQUIREMENTS OF DO YOU CERTIFY'] TROL PROCEDURE THAT SLAG AND PIgtNG ARE NOT I S THE SPR 0,9, LEVET .HAT THE AWS Dlo :HAT WELI TO INSUR OTHER W 'ENETRAT oqie uerr rN sERvlcE wlrH ALL coNTRoL vALVES oPEN: NAME-oF SPRINKLER CONTRACToR / / ./')A) l-/ "/-ra / '-" , /1 ^., f--' /) '/ f.A ^ f | , REMARKS (UtHtE / h(t: oWNER (slcNEc @ t 4u/- \-/o ir) * SIGNATUFIES I Fon enoeenrv l_ 1.,-" -:::-. ."lK :---I+ Ronr:IJA T ,,-F1a,T#F,^#1-hffiiffi Snowdon and Hopkins o 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado Architects 303-476-2201 81657 March 9, 1988 Mr. Gary Murrain Town of Vail Building Depa!tment 75 So. Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Re: Plaza Lodge, Phase III Remodel, Unit No. z Gary: Thank you again for meeting with Beck and Associates,Frankie Tang and myself last week, and I appreciate youropen approach to the problem. As we had discussed, we needto provide the following remedies to lessen the problems ofthe Unit No. 2 storage area in the plaza Lodge Building: 1.) Provide an electronic alarm system (connected tolighting) to warn persons gaining access to thespace of the limited headroom at the top of thestai r . 2.) Designate the storage area as an uninhabitable space and note such as a deed restriction runninswith the ownership of the unit. 3.) Modify all drawings of the space to showdesignation as an uninhabited space. The owners (Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tang) have agreed to do theabove mentioned items. and appreciated your input to tbeproblem. I apologize for any confusion that may have beencreated by our drawings and/or eonversations and I am gladwe were able to come to a reasonable and amenable solution. If you have any questions or need additional information,please let me know. I will provide you with the updateddrawings for your file as soon as possible. S i.ncereJ-y Snowdoi: CSlnpm .; 7_lq q PERMITNUMBER OF PROJECT :: ltT a.t :," INSPECTION REQUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES TOWN OF INSPECTION: f =) tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ( lvhJil PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE O JOB NAME g)'.lii READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES I INSPECTION REQUEST { 11 L-,--t t""Yr\ oF vArL UrU t, ! THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING T1 INSULATION T] SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL E tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING RoucH f, *tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL VnppRoveo 'CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i,,tt'Rt I JOB NAME -l INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED rHUR e-r:)Q!4- ' PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK n_ NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL - ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICALI tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr S Ddlal tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ECTIONS: INSPECT \I INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL NAME 't-. -t CALLER TOWN OF \ READY FOR LOCATION: ".,*='.lINSPECTION: ..-"MON )TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEHGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL Z APPFOVED ]ORRECTION tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED //, DATE INSPECTOR r /t./ lI PERMIT NU R OF PROJECT DATE i'/ /j JOB NAME ''.., INSPECTION, TOWN OF ,fi'ttlL , THUR FRI ,/ I t REOUEST VAIL (tl /,t 'r READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: /t';, CALLER MON TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr,UNDERGROUND fl noucn / D.w.v. E+OUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING. tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -tr o pr(rnr-tr FINAL APPBOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR rl \i\\ | ;\ \ \ PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \ \. .*. d+. _iT| DATE \-t .) ir,'.-, JOB NAME t PE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL tNs INSPECTION:MON CR""\ 6[i]THUR FRI AM ('il'',READY FOR LOGATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr E] tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ,r \1 t\^\ ft rnnutttc lr \',\tl t t \ _^^_ - _ E tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING -tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FI}IAL tr FINAL :.1 ( ,' '.2 U UISAPPROVED NSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .z'4r*<( -1-+:- r2. ,r---A'f i - /-/-"t "-z .1'a rNsPECrOqa, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN VAIL L- r-!2 L-") € --..1 WED THUR oor= i i, '-f t I INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER 4ues;'-_.-. FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ptEnutruc tr BOUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PLvwooD NAILING tr tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING ry TNSULATTON tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ,/')rt PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED GORBECTIONS: INSPECTO t INSPECTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAM rNSpEcroN: /il6i) rues wED rHUB FRI PMAM | - rrt RMIT NUMBER OF PFOJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER tr CONDUIT - tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION TOWN OF VAIL REOUEST READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING -n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING - F TNSULATON \sHeernocx tr'\, POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FML tr FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE - 'i .o.z -.-,2;:1:i;-1- INSPECTOB :, peRMrr Nut'aaEn or pnotEci INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ., ,'.i |t ,ATL .''l -*r*''r^ h{ READY F R TNSPEC||ON: LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER ON TUES WED trun @ AM ,@ ! nennoveD ct+' '7 CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIBED tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB EETROCK NAI ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr SUPPLY AIR INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPROJECT\r,NAME I ,{JOB CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: -------@" PEBMIT NU E!J!'DJSJu--' tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr u tr Tl UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. BOUGH / WATER GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT trSU -h= PPLY AIR O FINAL IJ tr FINAL q tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTION REQUEST ruES (yil,, rHUR PERMIT N DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON UM 3 FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. N F|NI IGIJ / WATFFI tr FOUNDATION i STEELt.-*r N trRA]\'ING )<:_*_'- n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr n GAS POOL PIPING Drrnrsur-nrlor.r ffieraocrc tr' / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL - ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWEB tr HEATING, ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR grlfot tr FINAL/'i ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: I INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ruES wED rHUR @ --€) pM PERMtT NUMBER or pRo.leci BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGBOUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. - tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER "_r1;1Alg.eD NA;L;NG tr cAS ptptNc tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING - tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED GORRECTIONS: o.-.\\ \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT l. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I \ THUR FRI CALLER READY FOB LOCATION: TION:MON WED PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H, TUB F SHEETBOCK NA|L tr_ tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINALI tr FINAL t _,1,PAPPROVED ]ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT oere j'' t *\' 'ff ,toa NAME INSPECTION:MON o PE ! REQUEST VAIL .a INS CTION TOWN OF .ALLER - '..17 TUES ,WED, THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: fi'Aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING foRoucn tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT D^rE /t //[ ly NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON -!- -trNSPEg:rlON_ REQUEST T) t: OWN oF VAIL l y'*.(t -i-. t- <'-/L TUES @ THUR 7ljcy'- FRI PM :i '( TL'. r tl- BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB {sueernocr NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr E/frNrnL FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REOUIRED f?/n9 JECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST THUR @ AM@TUES WED ROFPR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n 1995^&^sLFFl -tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING N INSULATION D POOL / II. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo'r, 8-(2 -yD rNSpEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PHOJECT INSECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ruEs @ ."u* JOB NAME MON CALLER FBIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL E tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR L-l E FINAL APPROVED -4 EI DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oo'. 7- /*- F), rNSpE REQUEST VAII- NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:@ CALLER TUES @ rn t^o *t '.'t/ tr DISAPPRO \gT l-t*.. t ncrJ tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS: FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belov items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING DATT: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY C of O DATE: oz t =E IIJo- !{.ir F .ir crt * U> uJ IJJ TL E =Ir uJ o- r\\$s\I6' @lcO1 cOlcht ch'ir Fil ; . LIJ c'{l-u olEN< c'lr Olo Ht r"l' A{r Oil<r <l lr4 I 'trZt ,9 ir_, ?tF Erf . FrE EtE dr= alg ui3*ro Hl =-r= -, Z a, llJF z z J- od =z h F F {a.a .l( tr uJz 3 UJ'r F oz 3 d,.t ,$g 419t # dUi e(/ ,e 6 FI z Ff q) q) .c I a! =o- (s c 3 F oq) E$ .s 0) c(6 o) o) ; =gl E =l; o) =.q o 3gt$96F; =.eR€*rEeF=!ci -_.: o€ 6P:Ac-o> eT =E- 6.0;;E!pc96E E sE ='EEiRI!Eo* o O?iEo=':ePP Elseo-o o--sEieoiEorE q)-.9*E EpP6 (! 6E: s E or oE * E6ES_o.:o d o'-;E;'(JoEEi:3E =;gglE o (0;; Efi s; e6eE !u o- tD -eEg: c.l c{\o c\ o\ E =Eu,o- (9z 5 TD - UJT()z J 9 F IJJ uJ ('z co =Jo- J z I <) trJ = ujtll z Eul llJ(r =g uJ z 6 IJJo trq,oc uJo o- z uJ x llJo ob uJtut! ==E uJ o- FoF z f J EF uJ ul z = J () z () uJ = Fl H E{ NO|lVnlVA E F2 2F z F Fuz J =zzvI oo F^62 = R =;FYanaoi2>()oo9?'<)zX t! <f9q iH6-e.-R 2 H (\l (, N a\l =>E z az X H Fl Fl zs F J l! 4 UJo- \' cn E. o- llJ j z Eoo XE5zo e llJ =UJz (!) =zlz9. e. <Oo< =fi:(ER'6o<z =z. 9z no3tr luf)J cc L!z iF ut F z F 5oz \I --.1q 'i : 51 {JI'-sLl!l-l zt/ 'rl l I ;l o IJJ UJ uJz oF Eul zI =oo z tr J NlltlI t(Elol{tStdl''' l*-,Itog cr) I ,Y) r--sl cf) O 4,ri UJ '/.'>a'11 Ar,& ulF .t) (Do-)zo Fo- trtY uJdl oF tr trcoTRb1 CJ l,\ F{;<H\,, 04rqguJ :^F\Jz6 ts =E IJJ o-zoF(J :) E,F(nzoo a sl q $ (9 z. =LL I IJ 6 Fl E vl ts z i,i =z -) .-\ F{vltrl& Hv, -l u.{E z in FI H N an ule.oo Ja F ln I\o F1H E E tr \t). o N U>tu I E c{ I -c FJH = v HH F cnz z Hz€! =tr Fq I oz o IJJ o z E 9lr-1 U't (\ I r\.$ u E H F Flftl E-r =tr I o =u T |.l-o z3I I oo c1(n u I F zH E tsJ F.l Flj Fl 3 tr Io : J IJJ : a>l t!l ol zl 3ipl r-l F\|.\ l.- I .iI uiJ IJJF (-5zH E d FJFl F-lH E d I I z rultrl JI <l>l lLlol zl 3lolFI f\ f\ f\ I =ttr o (, UJI <l>l I FI lllJ UJ UIz =o O l,rJ =t() E, -rO<F(tsOuJ<zE I.IJ FrnZ ul ul Y .' , 9o1t- =#1) a-r!o O <^ :JF7<)-< iz =o-o tr Eirg Oz J<Oau>||r LU =o z oPzeoo =z d8 E!D "3{ZEft 35* =Hg-}<__IHI|4I IHX! = ut4 Lr-oEU E5€8B9!ir 'EI =>E dEE b=o o-- EE >.LE UB 9 \utE XO-t x>t q- q'-i!tr UJ F -F lIJ c)J'eco +r<.sL)qr< aqJFo-oo-x<(u L!(nFr Ctvc .3c .ttalr,/|E G' !c,E-l EtrI e .rl !g-l L(, OP.POJ .{JA4oJ C\t FI (\J I I olol 8lol r\|| Nl l" I oo $ l* I I "]ol.t olol I X l^ I I I J o \I N an uJ UJu- == UJ Ir IJ l" lfl{lrd('\4gd rl :l F F2 = ozz xX E;*5'=o(a;{o [EE-"9 c.oo9€ €PE5*s1EsI Ecb;d :frE55-t.= il-; >= Y'c9oEP'- o.E -=i xE E'; tEals--€ sEg eqseE3i: q ba.;: {a=-ov.!): o-!o!Ecoc = *e€Ix(/,'"oogP 5 3oo.-; t P EE Fg=- ats 9; e€is€ a) ?;EJ 3 s:Fatr-=-> E$E:i eE-: q s eSggx o L. \ 0"1 to t \(" ri a'\{\i Jt, d VT N I I $N F ulooz J l xo I(Jz J E llJ llJ oz =lJ 2 ()ttl = tu UJll-z tr IJJ UJ =a! UJ z qJ Fa ltl z u, () x tuo i (n UJ UJu- Frg urlo-l JIsl -lol*l o : =f, J o o(F() UJ tr z = J 2 (J uJ = J F F NOrlVnlvA B 9fr' 3o 6a Efi2 FEI ll IUT\ |::E l\lri El\l - ttl-- - Ol= - vl=a:I\J I Ilz z.to o l< f,EP Oga 89u-< v=g'g FO;ni lhlr fl: :r< I,9 TI 1rPlvl q z tr {l+tcl(rl .lllOIEI "l :l t $ N (L ll lo IEol 4 Xzlol EI rrJ IFIJIol ^il ;tl vtl 2 JIslFI zl zl >l ct UI ul UJzo F uJ J zo tr o z f z G} t I q *, $ N I L I I d z JF J ) c ? Pi -{ltl FI 7l $t EI<lzl tDl -)l I ) tfl2l >-lFIol (,) a *i io \9Iql J C[) F c)I o s sr +l $ ol ozl t/| Fl $ f,$zl B|HFIF oU t: { €l alg e c..l =l nt p J f Nfl IJJ UJF z3 F I I I I I af 5t q sl r;l fol(r 3l ,lol trHF I I Iql ,il 1 z.l ('l uJl :l <l>l ttl zl EI I I Il. ctl t/4zl a.lt{rEl - :t c" ils ;t Iol uJFt l-i I .l $l sl cgl,1 t^Jlal EI rpl =ltrItrl t.ljz3o FoIu =:E() -.l o<Fc(()uJ<zE (1 Zoo 6P;C)i< fr? f_,2tro() eoz,*;o =#!z C) *6 =F-7()<t i. z. =g e. irg4J<c)ou)TJJ UJ JO .- \--tX,XX><><"Sz .. lrlFJHcoE<EL)lrl r<o-J z ar9z? coo>z a.,P Nntr .^i5zYz;*S --..:uJco trj = 6aE<rE l.tq4r#b Es q F^<)ax I;-6i tJ O*=F-FE =- ai=: -E=H =od!{;;sg g I .o u-E-o o Ep< r lUlu-x o-E :>3Hq *g<= " r.r.l tr =l|'T5 *F*+ Ltoz.< JLl. 1l- ! otrlJ- V, orE IJoo z.a(J anFTE c5!z.\- =LooJ.P Oo]J- J t! F-r UJ tsU'dlo-)zo F uJY uJdl oF I.IJF ox F EGlll -.q-l!'o oo I UJFoz ltlH.iE l:Is f ;.\lll t- o-zo l-()f,EFazo(J /,G\(cDE\zrj= -E[}D f,o,U. boyle engneeflng. irc 143 e meocJo,'v cf surle n 10 crcssroods sf{)pprr€ cente{ r,/tcrl. colcrocio 81657 3O3/476_2170 4**4 xl*\br lrVz "L ae,4 Ex6rq/r,o b rb* 6/s / o*46**xr/s lfit-4 EY,rtr/dl''f ee*+,l tlL-(tf. ,lhv 4&>q{ Fr i;T t-ttLL U l-jprr1">.- E+1trtitr.-t ft.,i u$'MiFiu"rMAut4 t.-i 7\o' 14tX. 6fdFild q Elrsfi ri di CoLu I't fl _ ,.1 _--*--- -' -',tt ..-"-- 4 aeF' E-'LE'VAfraN /yr,"Qr 4" b,g ,J twtlstp 1\ ( 7oq".sf'Wr€ fei-_--",Req'u LXI}T? H.;Felil Heil 4 L- ;t*\rA T-l <-' t'{ &" #u?F llAvt- SgcTTol""l ft* fl-.e;tlAflc'ri /hi 3?:]' o INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER ro* (r@ WED THUR FRI JOB NAME LOCATION: TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL 4rRouGH i D.w.v. TFRAMtNG / or"r'..c o c 'pnoucrl/ wATEB L/ OK ; ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL D tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr 96o'tr FINAL )IOVED CTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 3 zl3 PERMIT NUMBE ./ DATE I JO NAME t,I/Vtr l INSPE IJ CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR ,E\_-/ AM@ F BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr o ROUGH / WATER ,r ROOF & SHEER" PLYwooD.NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL -FINAL ELEGTRICAL: '#+E+d.*trtltR MECHANICAL: tr HEATING p/noueH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR uoISsdsNl csHrnosu NO|ICSdSNI ofAo :sNorrcSuHoc oSAOHddV tr JnoNoc tr soooH rsnvHx3 tr -ilvN ycoHrs3Hsj( sn|H /'tood tr NorrvrnsNt tr 9Nrdrd sv9 tr 0NntvN oooM^td HflHs t looH HfIVM / HENOU tr 'A'M'O / Henou tr oNnoHgH3oNn tr :cNtgnn'td -l3fls / NO|IVONnOI tr "rf3ls / se Nuooj tr :cNtoltns tld :NOll-C3dSNl :NOttvco-l uor Acv3UlHlunHr otM sSnl- ul'rlvc:''))'''''''.:\...' IIVA JO NMOIrs3nosu Notrc 'NOhl--)\:=--r'- 3tlVN €Ol'\ \'\-\- -\ '... ''. NI I- srVO !tdso IC3fOUd JO U3S14nN I|l lu3d , r,,r tJ.I - I.a!r(.r -- /) PEBMIT NUMBER OF PRP !''( ll DArE s'/7ll{Y INSPECTION ". -"-.-'n' TOWN OF ,Lr (,{ ,' , REQUEST VAILJECT JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: r Jt).1| ) \'.', CALLER THUR FRI ,-12 4"J iAM,t pMruES {i, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS -tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED -/; ,/ --'INSPECTOR I SPEIN CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUESREADY FOF t LOCATION:l BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUTT . tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED A-.C*t\lt\l*T-' FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE : T FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0RARY C of 0 DATE: