HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT D CHRISTIANA AT VAIL 1972-1987 LEGALc//R/sr/4v/4 LO&E cH&l,rn4#4 /Od:fI to oo TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Developrnent Department DATE: May 11 , L9B7 su&TEcr: Reguest for density and setback variances in order toconstruct additions to the Christiania Lodge located at356 Hanson Ranch Road on Lot D, Block 2, Vail VillageFirst Filing.Applicant: Paul Johnston r. DESCRTPTION OF PROPOSED REMODEL Mr. Paul Johnston, owner of the Christiania Lodge, isreguesting to add a third froor of five accommodation units,. to rearrange the existing lodge units, and to add corunonarea. This request requires density and setback variances.Below is a list of the expansions and adjustrnents made toeach floor. A.Ground Floor (Garden Level_) Expand Unit l-05 and cornbine Units l_07 and L09 for anincrease of 95 square feet of GRFA. Convert l- dwelling unit to housekeeping office, 3OOsquare feet. New laundry space, 379 square feet. First Floor Expand Unit 205 and cornbine Units 207 and 209 for anincrease in GRFA of 83 square feet. L,obby and storage area: Lg6 square feet. Lobby office: 103 sguare feet. Sarahrs Bar: 366 square feet,. Second Floor Expand Unit 305 and combine Units 307 and 309 foradditional GRFA of 83 square feet. Add Unit 30LA = 4l_8 square feet. Common space: 402 square feet Third Floor B. c. D. Five new accommodation units : ZrOLS square feet GRFA. oo oo Loft expansion for existing dwelling unit of 284 squarefeet. Common space:. 344 square feet. Essentially, three accommodation units and one dwellingunit are being lost due to the re-arrangement of rooms.Six new accommodation units are created through theexpansion for a net increase of 1 accommodation units. E. Parking Lot paving and Landscaping The proposal also inctudes the upgrading of the existingChristiania parking lot located across the street fromthe 1odge. V.A. owns the entire lot and uses thewestern portion of the parking area. The Christiania'leases the eastern half of the lot from Vail Associates.t: The owner proposes to asphatt his portion of the lot as i ", welJ- as to add landscaping to the entire property.,. . , ,, Landscaping is proposed for the south and north sides of r',., .'i"'.' the lot.L,y"t'r' i F. Mill Creek path Landscaping, Trash Enclosure A foot path with a small seating area is proposed to bebuirt along the east side of Mirl creek. -rhe path wouldbe an informal stepping stone path with a seating benchadjacent to the creek. The path would be locatedbetween the christiania split rail fence and Mill creek.The owner is arso proposing to create a trash encrosurethat screens the todgers trash area from this path aswell as frorn pedestrians on Hanson Ranch Road. Alandscape buffer wour.d arso be added on the west side ofthe trash area. IT. DESCRIPTTON OF VARIANCES variance is leeded foi the additional acconrnodaEionts A. Densitv Variance The property is located in the public Accommod.ation zonedistrict which allow 9 dwelling units or l_8accommodation units. (please note that 2 accommodationunits or units without kitchens : one dwelling unit or aunit with a kitchen. ) Ihe existing lodge has 25accommodation units and two dwelling units which equals14.5 drrelling units. This creates a nonconforrning-situation in that the property is already S.S dweilingunits over the arrowabre 9 dwalring unit3. The propoialcall-s for a total of 28 accommodation units plus- onldwelling unit r.rhich equals l-5 dwelling units-. A unit (.5 dwellin -2- B. oo oo The request does not require a GRFA variance. The lodgemay have up to L3 t232 square feet of GRFA. The existiig GRFA. l: 2,397 square feet. proposed GRFA inctud.ing the-new third floor would be LO,O75 square feet. Theproperty would have 3,1-57 square feet of GRFA remainingafter the rernodel is built. 20? Common Area Variance Common area includes halIs, closets, lobbies, stairwaysand common enclosed recreation facilities. The allowedcommon area is 2,646square feet of cornmonl-r955 square feet ofaccessory office, andfor the 1,574 square feet. Presently, 2t255area exists. The proposal addsadditional hall space, lobby area, -storage. A variancg is necessaryfeetof cornnffiare feet. Setback Variances The Public Accommodation zone district requires 20 footsetbacks on all sides of the property. Tlie existingfront setback is L5 feet due to the encroachment of thenorthwest corner of the lodge. A zero setback exists onthe east side of the property as the Christiania Lodgeconnects directly with the Christiania Cond.ominiums tothe east. A L7 foot setback exists on the west side ofthe property as the southwest corner of the buildingencroaches three feet into the 20 foot setback area.The rear setback is 20 feet. The proposal maintains all of the existing setbacksexcept for the front and west side setbacks. Asecond €loor cantilevered office and acconnodaEion unitover the Christiania,s maioot encroa t into the 20 foot front setback. The 3foot encroachment requlies-E- vEilance. A proposed porte cochere off of the nain entrance wiIIhave a support column that wiII be located at theproperty line. A zero setback is needed for the supportcolurnn. the roof of overhang would not extend beyond thE-tIsEIng 3 foot The new third floor of accommodation units expands anadditional 3 feet into the west setback creating a fa planter encroachment. foot setback. A variance is necessa owable of encroachment. -3- for the 3 foot oo oo rTI. CHRTSTIANIA LODGE ZONTNG STATTSTICS Zone District: Public Accornmodation Site Arear .3797 acres or L6r540 sf Density: [25 dwelling units (d.u. )/acre] [2 a.u. = 1_ d.u. ] GRFA: Allowed: l-8 a.u. or 9 d.u. Existing: 25 a.u. + 2 d.u. or 14.5 d.u. Existing units over allowable: 5.5 d.u. Proposed: 28 a.u. + i. d.u. or L5 d.u. Difference: 1 a.u. or ,5 d.u. Total anount over allowed after rernodel: LZ a.u. or 6 d.u. ( .80) Allowed:Existing: Proposed: Remainingafter addit. 208 Common Area: Allowed: 2,646 sfExisting: 2,255 sfProposed: 4,22O st Amount overallowed: 11574 sf Note: 80 sf of common area condominiums L3,232 7 ,397 10, 075 3,157 (.20 of allowable GRFA: Hal1s, closets,lobbies, stairways, cornmon enclosedrecreational facilities) (30 I as opposed to 20?) is added to the Christiania GRFA) 10? Accesso Allowed: L323 sfExisting: 780 sf Proposed: 1146 sf e, Rest Bar, Recreational Retail: (L0? of -4- oo ot Setbacks:Required, 20r all sides Existing: Front: t5 r E. Side or W. Side L7 r Rear 2Ol Proposed: Front: Porte cochere, support columns and roof = OlRoof overhangs 3r on T.O.V. right-of-way Second floor office + a.u., 3r encroachment:l7r setbackExpanding third floor, 4 | encroachment, rnaintainsexisting encroachment = L5| setback East Side:game, 0 setback West Side: Expanding third floor, additional 3 | encroachment = 14 r setback Rear: Same, 20t setback Site Coveraqe: Allowed:Existing: Proposed: Remaining Landscaping: Reguired:Existing: Proposed: Height: Allowed:Existing: Proposed: Under by: (.55 of sj-te area) 9,O9'l sf 5r235 sf 6,090 sf 3,007 sf (.30 of site) 4,962 sf7f490 sf 61635 sf or 408 of site 48r sloping roof, 45r flat roof 36t 40r- 6|' 7t- 6n -5- oo oo PARKING Grd Flr lst Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Use I a.u. L d.u. I a.u. Sarahts 7]-4 9 a.u. 1 d.u. 0 # spaces 5.27 2.O 5.27 sf- 6.00 7L4 5.85 2 .00 Proposed Use 7 a.u. 7 a.u. sf + 32 seats 9 a.u.L du + loft 5 a.u. # Spaces 4 .97 4 .69 L0. 00 6.15 2.00 4 .02 Christiania Condos 5a.', .1i8i,, .: | ...-'.. ?ir:.P:: '"i' i::'?) )t or'36 spaces 26.39 9. 00-55 .se reguired 31. 83 9,00 40. B3 4L spaces reqd - 36 qrandfathered 5, spacesfor addition is handled on site. Andue to the restriping of 33 on sile \3 spac{lrandfathered\ T!?.1?r parking requirement of 5 spacesadditionat two spaces are also availablethe lot and the use of valet parking. IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Consideration of Factors: A.The relationship of the resuested varLance to other existinor potential uses and EtrucEuEE n the vic upon review of criteria and Findings, section i-8.6r.o60 ofthe municipal code-, the Department-oi cornrnunity Developmentrecommends denial based upon the following faclors: Density Variance: The remodel of existing rodge rooms and the new accommodationunit are very compatible wittr ttre existing "r"" u"astructures in the area. A view analysis irso inaicates thatthe third froor addition willr have iini*"i irl""l= o'views iT:I adjacent_p-roperties. The surrounding proierties areerrner zoned pubLic Accommodation or corunerliai core r. Bothzone districts promote lodge uses. -6- oo oo The 20? conmon area variance is directly related to thedensity variance. fn order to add new rooms and upgrade theIodge, it is necessary to add adeguate lobby, hal-lwiy, andaccessory office space. The additj.onal common area that isproposed will inprove the functioning of the lodge and is notin excess of what is a reasonable amount for these uses. Setback Variances: Front: The porte cochere support colurnn and roof overhangprovide an improvernent for the entry to the lodge. Theencroachment is an unenclosed structure which decreasesthe irnpact of the encroachrnent. Town of Vail public Works and Fire Departments have also reviewed the encroachment and have no problem with the location ofthe structure. There is also an existing planter inthis area that encroaches three feet beyond the propertyIine. The porte cochere would not extend theencroachment beyond this point. The second floor office and accornmodation unit expansiondoes decrease the 2O foot setback to L7 feet. However,the front setback is already 15 feet at its narrowestpoint. For this reason, staff believes that the secondfLoor expansion will have no negative impacts onadjacent properties. The expansion of the third floor merely rnaintains theexisting front setback of 15 feet. IVest Side Setback:il The expansion of the third./floor decreases the westsetback from 17 feet to-:Jfeet. However, an existingroof overhang and second floor balcony already create a14 foot setback. It is felt that the new third floorbay windows that create the three foot encroachment willhave minimal impact on adjacent properties. East Side Setback: With respect to the zero setback on the east side, thisencroachment maintains what is already existing on theproperty. In general, the staff believes that the setback variances donot impact the property or adjacent uses any more than thepre-existing setbacks do. For this reason, the setbackvariances are considered to have no major negative impacts onadjacent properties. -7- B. oo treatment amonq sobjectives of oo the vicinity or to attain thee without grant of special privil -8- Densit,v Variance: To approve the additional accommodation unit under theexisting review criteria for a variance would be considered agtlnt,of special privilege. However, staffrs opinion is thatthis is,the type of proposal which the Village -nlan isdesigned to encourage as long as zoning standards are met.Due to the fact that the village plan is not approved, thestaff must continue to work with the variance -ciiteria. Given this situation, the approval of the accommodation unitis considered to be a grant of special privirege as there isno hardship that warrants approvil of tle project. Setback Variances: The staff believes it would not be a grant of specialprivilege to approve the setback variinces, as th"encroachments due to the remod.el do not increase beyond thosethat already exist on the property except for the westsetback which has mininal inpacts, as the encroachrnent is dueto several third floor bay windows, The effect of th" r.grg:t.d y.ri.n.@opulation, transportation and trafflc "safetv. This proposal will have no inpacts on this criteria. D.Such other factors and criteria as the commission deemsapplicabletheroposed var Vail VilLage Master plan Even -though the Vili.age plan is not approved at this tine,staffrs opinion is that the plan,s prelirninary goals andobjectives generarry reflect the opinions "i in5-pranningcornmission and Town council as weli as community members whohave reviewed these statements at pubric neetinis. The planemphasizes the upgrading of lodgesl tne additioi ofaccommodation units, the irnprovement of the pedestrianexperience, as well as the Lnhancement of opLn space. The degree to which relief from the strict and literalinterpretation g.+a entoat"""=arty of oo oo This proposal supports the plants objectives by inprovingeyisting lodge units and adding new units while complyinqwith site development standard.s. The paved parking aiea andlandscaping improve the appearance of an existing eyesore ina very visible portion of the Village. The pedestrian path and seating area also enhance open space for pedestrians.Please see the attached list of Village plan coals andObjectives which relate to this project. Urban Desiqn Guide PIan Sub-Area Concept No. 8: MiIl Creek walking path, west sideMilI Creek. Path completes linkage from pirate ship andmountain path to core Creek Drive. The Urban Design Guide Plan calls out for the path connection between the bike path and Hanson Ranch Road. The ownerproposes to add a stone foot path which is a positive improvement to the pedestrian experience in the Villagearea. Even though the path was originally proposed for the westside of MiIl Creek, staff believes that the east sideprovides a nicer walking experience. The west side of thecreek has a trash room for Cyranors as well as severalutility boxes which make it an unpleasant area to walkthrough. Parking Improvernents The proposal includes upgrading the parking 1ot by addinglandscaping and paving. The owner leases this parking spacefron Vail Associates. It is true that under any expansion plan for the lodge, evenif it did not require Planning Commission review, the staffwould request that the parking area be landscaped and paved. However, the owner is also proposing to 1andscape therenainder of the parking lot which is owned by VailAssociates. It is felt that this landscaping will provide a much needed buffer between the parking 1ot and adjacent uses. The Pl?nning and Environrnental Cornmission shall make thefollowinq findings before qrantinq a vafiahce: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grantof special privilege inconsistent with the lirnitations onother properties classified in the same district. -9- oo oo That the granting of the variance witl not be detrirnental tothe public health, safety or welfare, or materiarry injuriousto properties or improvements in'the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or riteral interpretation or enforcement oftfe specified regulation would resul_t in practj_caldifficultly or.unnecessary physical hardsiripinconsistent with the objeclives of this titfe. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions appricable to the same site of the variance' that do not ippfy generally to other properties in thesame zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of othei-properties inthe same district. VT. STAFF RECOMMENDATION staff reconrnends approval of the setback variances and denialof the density reguest. The setback variances can besupported, as the encroachments are not increased frorn thoset|3! nresently exist on the site. Due to the fact that thevrl-rage Pran is not yet approved by the Town council , stafflp gniP+" to support the density reguest. our opinion isthat this is the_lvee of proposll that the villale planencourages' as alr_ zoning standards are basically rnet. staffwourd like to be able to support this type of prject once thevillage plan is approved. However, the-itaff i"6rs that wemust try to be consistent with our decision naking and. usethe existing criteria for variance requests. n"i thesereasons, we must recommend denial of the project. rf the Planning commission approves this request, staff wouldrecommend the approvar- include the forlowinf conditions: 1. The christiania parking lot be paved and randscaped. Theproposal would arso includ.e landsclping the western-portionof the lot owned by Vail Associates. 2. The owner would comprete the pedestrian path between theexisting bike path and Milr creei< court nuiiaing. This pathwoul-d also include a smal_I seating area. -10- lo ol 3. The existing trash room on the northwest corner of thesite would be enclosed and screened by landscaping. 4. One of the new accommodation units wiII be restricted asshort term rental units permanently and witl not be taken outof the short term rental program at any time. Therestriction wiII continue to apply even if the project iscondominj-umized or the ownership changes. This conditionshall- be written in a legal statement subnitted to staff bythe owner before a building permit will be issued. - 11- oo oo APPLTCABLE VAIL VILI3GE PI,AN GOALS AND OBJECTTVES Goal #1i Encourage high guality redevelopment whilepreserving the unigue architectural scale of the village inorder to sustain Vailrs sense of cornmunity and identitf. obiective #2: provide incentives for the upgrading andredevelopment of residential and cornmerciat-racitities. Policy: Allow increased levels of development asidentified by the Action plan orconsistent with the Vail Village MasterPlan. GoaI #2: Foster a.strong tourist industry and to promoteyear-around economic heaLth and viability for the irillage andfor the community as a whole. oF-iective #3: Increase the number of residential unitsthroughout the Village area available for short-termovernight acconmodations. Policy: The development of accommodation units arestrongly encouraged. Any residential units thatare developed above existing density levels shal1be designed or rnanaged in a manner Lhat makes themavailable for short-term rental . qbjeg!+ve_19! Encourage the continued upgrading andrenovation of existing rodging and commerciar ficilitiesto better serve the needs of our guests. 9Pjective. #F: rdentify and irnprenent improvementsthroughout the Village to embellish the pnysical designfeatures and ped.esstrian amenities of puLric "p-""".GoaI #3: Recognize as anaintaining and enhancingthe Village. top priority the importance ofthe walking experience throughout 9!iegl+e-4: Physically irnprove the existingpectestrl_anr/vays throughout the Village by landicaping andother improvements. Pglicy: Require streetscape improvements in andglo{r9 pedestrianways in conjunclioin with anyinf i.11 development- proj ectsl -12- oo oo Goal #4: Preserve existing open space areas and expandgreenbelt opportunities. Objective #1: Recognize and improve the open space found throughout the Village (landscaped buffers,plazas, parks, active recreation areas and open space) and to cognj-zant of the different role each p1ays. Goal #5: Improve the transportation system andinfrastructure by increasing both its capacity and efficiencythroughout the Village area. Objective #L: Meet the parking demand throughout theVillage by the utilization of both public and privateparking facilities. -13- o PRESENT J.J. Collins Diana Donovan Bryan Hobbs Peggy Osterfosssid schultz,fim Viele ABSENT Pam Hopkins The neeting r^rasJin Viele. Planning and Environmental Cornmission May LJ-, L987 STAFF PRESENTxrIEtan-EIEZ Betsy Rosolack caLled to order at 3:OO p.M.by the chairman, 1.A recruest for densit andconstructaddons to356 Hanson Ranc RoaFirst Fi1 s in order toe located a Va I Villa Kristan Pritz explained -the. reguest and showed. view analysi-sdrawings, elevations and site and froor prans. she exprainedthat the staff recommended deniat, but ii tne pEc approved therequest, the staff recomrnended 4 conditions of approval . ilohn Perkins, architect for the project, stated that theproject was not giving the chrisii.ii. a lot oi ieimruisernent,but was more back-of-house space t" inpr"v"-tr," lperations. PauI Johnston, the. applicant, stated that up to this time, theChristiania had not.LlA enough conmon area, that whoeverdesi-gned the christiania did not design u-iuig"-.nough entryand robby area. He mentioned that colnpetitioi has escar-atedamong lodges. Regarding the l_andscapiirg ot tfre-parking areanext to Hanson Ranch Roid, he felt tirat-the ranolcapi"{ *ightnot survive because_of snow p1ows. Kri-stan answerea that the 1?13=:lting may need more aeiiqn work but could re aesigneawlErt snow removal considerations. sid questioned how rnuch landscaping courd be put between theparkinq lot and street. ne feli tfrat sinc"-til"-pl"n basicallysugno5tgf the goa)-s of the village Master plan, ie rert i.t wasnot.right to penali-ze the appricint because the plan was notfinished. sia teft amenitil-s should be encoui;g;;. PauI added that the addition to Sarah,s was nainly forserving breakfast. He also mentioned. that he has had ongoingconversations with vA concerning naki"g ih"--purri"q rot intounderground parking, but that s5 far the conversation was rnoreof a monol_ogile. ck variancstiania o Peggy agreed with sid. J.J. wondered why the christiania didnot take advantage of the attic space and add even more roomsto rnaximize the iaaition. paul responded. that the basic roofline shourd be maintained and that the attic space had a veryrow ceil"ing. J.J- fert that the unit developrnint was not. anj-ssue ds;€RFAr.landscaping and site coverage standard.s wertc-- ..r._maintained. Jirn viele agreed. Diana felt the DRB should find "''-.:..out which trees would be removed and which saved. J.J. moved and Bryan Hobbs seconded to approve the reguest withfindings including trthere are exceptions -or extraordiriarycirumstances or conditions applicaLre to the same site of thevariance that do not apply generally to other properties in thesame zone. rr Also given as the reason was the tact that theproposar conformed to the virlage Master plan. The vote was 6-o hrith conditions I through a in the memo and landscaping mustbe addressed at DRB, especially trees that will be 1ost. 2.reguest for an amendment toastrict in o rtoc e a tennot at Vail Run Reso SDD5Applicant: Mr. Will an F1e her cial develos court to a Kristan 3ritz presented the rnemo and showed a site plan. shestated that the staff recommended approval of the rEquest. Bill Fleisher, the applicant, added inforrnation about thepresent parking situation. He proposed building a berm with awall of railroad ties with Br-l-or trees. rf tbere is no berm,he proposed that the trees be t5' high. He said he may alsoput trees in front of the bubble. Ann_surlivan, manager of sirnba Run to the west, distributed andread a letter of protest stating that noise, lighting,pollution, and reducti.on of varue of sirnba Run londolniniurnswere the reasons for the protest. A letter r,,ras alsodistributed and read from Nichoras Giancamilli protesting theparking 1ot. Bill Fleisher responded that he felt the parking lot would beL5 feet fron the property line and that there wis another 30feet to the simba Run building. He felt that the upper simbaunits would not be affected because people look out, not down.He stated that there were two courts in the t,ennis bubble. Healso stated that the parking rot would be used nainly for carswhich park alr day long, so the noise factor would b6 nininatand that Vail Run did not experience undesirables in theirparking lot. He felt that Simba was aware of the propety linewhen they built their units. Ann surlivan repried that the 12 units that she was referringto would look down at the parking lot. She did not feel thatL5 foot trees would buffer the parking lot from the higherunits. -2- o f,i-fa n PI.ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May 11 , L987 2:ls P.M. site Visits 3:00 P.M. Public Hearing - 1. A request for density and setback variances inorder to construct additions to the ChristianiaLodge located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road.Applicant: Mr. paul Johnston ' 2. A request for an amendment to a specialdevelopment dist,ict in order to change a tenniscourt to a parking lot at Vail Run Resort (SDDS)Applicant: Mr. William Fteisher 3. Work session on Blurs and Sweet Basil deckenclosures TO: FROM: DATE: SURTECT: Applicant: paul Johnston I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED REMODET_, Planning and Environme Community Development May 11, 1987 Request for density and setback variances in order toconstruct additions to the Christiania Lodge located. at356 Hanson Ranch Road on Lot D, Block 2, VaiI ViIIageFj-rst Filing. Mr. Paul Johnston, owner of the Christiania Lodgte, isrequesting to add a third floor of five acconmoaation units,to rearrange the existing rodge units. and to add cornmon lrga. .This request requires density and setback variances.Below is a list of the expansions ana adjustnents made toeach floor.Addbr(r. htl'q,L3 A.\f . 6pnrn o[ ]fDl.) tAaAr{5 gAp_ I $ U.- A. Ground Floor (Garden Level) Expand Unit 1o5 and conbine Units t_07 and LO9 for anincrease of 95 square feet of GRFA. Convert i- dwelling unit to housekeeping office, 3OOsquare feet. New laundry space, 3Zg square feet. B. First Floor Expand Unit 205 and combine Units 207 and 209 for anincrease in GRFA of g3 sqluare feet. Lobby and storage area: l_96 square feet. Lobby office: 1O3 sguare feet. Sarahrs Bar: 366 sguare feet. Second Floorc. Expand Unit 305 and conbine Units 307additional GRFA of 83 square feet. Add Unit 3ol_A = 4LB square feet. Common space: 402 square feet Third Floor and 309 for D. Five new accommodation units = 2ror-5 square feet GRFA. Loft expansion for existing dwelling unit of 284 squarefeet. Common space: 344 square feet. Essentially, three accommodation units and one dwellingunit are being lost due to the re-arrang:ement of rooms.Six new accommodation units are created throuqh theexpansion for a net increase of L accommodati6n units. Parkinq Lot Pavinq and Landscaping The.proposal also includes the upgrading of the existingChristiania parking lot tocated across ihe street frornthe lodge. V.A. owns the entire lot and uses thewestern portion of the parking area. The Christianialeases the eastern half of the lot from Vail Associates.The owner ses t his lon the lot as AS 1 e entlre soutn and no r.sides ofthe lot. f. Mil-1 Creek Path Landscaping, Trash Enclosure A foot path with a small s I The path wouldseating bench located and Mil} Creek. o stepping stone path wadjacent to between the the creek.Christiania The path would besplit rail fence PA rh also pro to createscreense J.odcte s th asas trom escr ans on Hanson Ranch Road.I pe ef I.7O d also bea 0 t side ofthetrasharea. VARIANCESIT. DESCRTPTTON OF A. Density Variance The property is rocated in the pubric Accommodation zonedistrict which allow 9 dwellin rr1l6LD(r JS A(t I au- €gnIBpdalia:urdts dwellinq units or 18 fficcommodation LIow 9 9lveltinq units or 18 --=.s;-.;rr.rxr. qIE. \5rscrl'e rtrJus LIlctL z crgL:(JfllmoqaE]_onunits or units without kitchens = one dwelling unit or aunit with a kitchen. )accommodation uni alseThistionthatproperttaIIdwEF.Id9 dwell units.The proposalcdttg- i-orr-i-IifrIts plusdwelling unit which equals L5 dwe]ling unitsi Avariance is needed for the additional-accorunodaD- one on -2- [o 6LfA The request does not reguire a GRFA variance. The lodgemay have up to L3,232 square feet of GRFA. The existincr 3,\5)r0,,^l0l*inltenia 11 z,isz =qoli. feer. proposed GRFA includ.ins rhe-, fJnew third floor would be LO,075 square feet. Thevproperty would have 3,1_52 square feet of GRFA remainingafter the remodel is built. B. 204 Conmon Area Vari.ance Pqd-d.0-- k? F?Dur \5'. l+'ffi D', o' lJISlr l)l i{'. paar AD' ;LD Comnon area includes halls, closets, lobbies, stairwaysand common enclosed recreation facilities. The allowed cornmon area is 2,646 square feet. presently, 2,25ssquare feet of conmon area exists. The proposal adds1r965 square feet of additional halL spa-e,-lobby area, The new third floor of accommodation units expands anadditional 3 feet into the west setback creatinq a J_4foot sel,bac encroachment. ltlrK;,frl^l. Oun'r Dsdb*Lj'hl€,t\o)€column. the roof of the poffi overhang would not extend beyond the ExIEEIng 3 foot accessory office, and storage.is necessafor the 1,574 e feet of e c.Setback Variances The Public Accommodation zone district resuires 20 footsetbacks on all sides of the property. tlie existingfront setback is l-5 feet due to the encroachrnent of thenorthwest corner of the lodge. A zero setback exists onthe east side of the property as the Christiania l_,odgeconnects directly with the Christiania Condominiums tothe east. A l-7 foot setback exists on the west side ofthe property as the southwest corner of the buildingencroaches three feet into the 20 foot setback area.The rear setback is 2O feet. The proposal maintains all of the existing setbacksexcept for the front and west side setbacks. Asecon{ floor cantilevered office and accommodalion unitover the Christianiars entrance creates a OAoot encroachment in 2O foot front se ck.Theencroachment re A proposed porte cochere off of the main entrance willhave a support column that will be located at theproperty line. A zero setback is needed for the suDDorc planter encroachment. -3- ITT. CHRTSTIANIA LODGE ZONING STATISTICS Zone District: public Accornmodation Site Area: .3797 acres or !6,540 sf Density: [25 dwe]-Ling units (d.u.) /acre) [2 a.u. = 1 d.u.] GRFA: Allowed: l-8 a.u. or 9 d.u. Existi-ng: 25 a,u. + 2 d.u. or 14.5 d.u. Existing units over allowable: 5.5 d.u. Proposed: 28 a.u. + l_ d.u. or L5 d.u. Difference: l- a.u. or .5 d.u. Total amount overallowed after remodel: 12 a.u. or 6 d.u. ( .80) Allowed: Existing: Proposed: Renainingafter addit. 20e Common Area! L3,232 7 ,397 1"0, 075 3 tL57 (.20 of allowable GRFA: Ha1Is, closets,lobbies, stairways, conmon enclosedrecreational facil ities) Allowed: 2,646 sfExisting: Z,2SS sfProposed: 4,220 sf (30 g as opposed to 20?)Amount overallowed: 1,574 sf Note: 80 sf of common area is added to the Christianiacondominiurns , Recreationa], netail: (10g ofGRFA) Allowed: l-323 sfExisting: 780 sfProposed: 1146 sf -4- Setbacks:Reguired, 2Or all sides Existing: Front: L5 | E. Side Ol W. Side L7'Rear 2Ol Proposed: Front: Po*e cochere, support columns and roof = O,Roof overhangs 3r on T.O.V. riqht-of-way Second floor office + a.u., 3r encroachrnent=i_7r setback Expanding third f1oor, 4 | encroachment, rnaintainsexisting encroachrnent = l-5t setback East Side: Sertre;-Tsetback West Side: Expanding third floor, additional 3 t encroachment = l_4 | setback Rear:Sete, 20r setback Site Coveraqe: Allowed:Existing: Proposed: Remaining I-,andscaping: Required:Existing: Proposed: Height: Allowed: Existing: Proposed: Under by: ( .55 of si-te area) 9,097 sf 5,235 sf 6,090 sf 3,007 sf (.30 of site) 4,962 sf '7 t49O sf 6,635 sf or 408 of site 48r sloping roof, 45r flat roof 36, 40t- 6rl 1.- 6r. -5- PARKING Grd FIr lst Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Use 8 a.u.1d.u. 8 a.u. Sarahrs 714 9 a.u.I d.u. o # Spaces 5.27 2.O 5.27 sf= 6.00 5. 85 2.00 USe 7 a.u. 7 a.u. 7L4 sf + 32 seats 9 a.u.I du + Ioft 5 a.u. # spaces 4.97 4 .69 t-0. oo 6. 15 2.00 4.02 Christiania Condos 26.39 9. O0 rs Jeor 36 spaces required 33 on site3 space grandfathered 3l-.83 9. 00 40. 83 4L spaces reqd - 36 grandfathered 5 spaces rooms and the new accommodationthe existing uses and '/-' ' t '\ for addition Irl:,new parkins requir. "$**#;n!#gi$\ianarea on sfte. An I l::r:1:"?r.ry." spaces are also available due to the restriping ofr Ene roE and tlre use of val_et parking. IV. CRTTERIA AND FTNDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section l_B.6t.060 ofthe municipal code-, the Department-oi corurnunity Developmentrecommends denial based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: CCX+ PA' $',ru uieu)*,id, Density Variance: The remodel of existing lodgeunit are very compatiUfe wiitrstructures in the area. Athe third floor romeither zon- zone districts promote lodge uses. lso indicates thatminimalon vJ_ewsThe surrounding propEitlEs-Erec Accomnodation or Commercial Core I. Both -6- Shd^- The 2O? conmon area variance is directly related to thedensity variance. fn order to add new rooms and upgrade theIodge, it is necessary to add adequate lobby, hallwiy, andaccessory office space. The additional conmon area that isproposed will irnprove the functioning of the lodge and is notin excess of what is a reasonable amount for these uses. Setback Variances: , il i;; i,1. olr.^ :::5":l*"Xi':"3"fl#:-::T':ifi-"*il"Till"ffi:"t13" ",- | ' | *[.the structure. There is also an existing planter in,-lf,rtiH0/^cf0a(t\1,^0(';i;r=-;;;;-$;i encroaches three feer beyond the properrynH rdJ*JLQ-!I"l' line. The porte cochere would not extend the encroachment beyond this point. The second floor office and accomnodation unit expansiondoes decrease the 20 foot setback to L7 feet. Hor,,/ever.the front setback is already 1_5 feet at its narrowestpoint. For this reason, staff believes that the secondfloor expansion will_ have no negative impacts onadjacent properties. The expansion of the ttrird floor merely maintains theexisting front setback of L5 feet. ss*/A [@ l)' a\<qd$ il ls'or' IJU)torruf \ West Side Setback: I rji\ j W"00 rI ShdfR. The expansion of the third floor decreases the west .erd$do-i' h{iq+\ ;::i":}":il:L':"5":1. daruorl'hrr tDi\dd0J ii:iaffi"r.. rt is felr rhat the nernr third f100r':'PJ r, 14- foot setback. It is felt that the aeu__tnirO_:fqqgrl-ta b-afffinilohrs -€n-at Create the three foot encroachment w El diU-k I trave rnini-nrat-irnq.1Q on_- a-trJIhg bok t' dq*f*_lu:" rni,ninal irpIc! -on -a-o.U East Side Setback:A\ .trcllt L Dr{.rfl Detf'acK: VtaU*-l"N*\\ with respect to the zero setback on the east side, this 0l$C0n,OS \ Ut$q encroachment maintains what is already existing on the ;\lto.dA. U Property' \r- ,/, \ U In general . the staff believes that the setback variances donot impact the property or adjacent uses any more than thepre-existing setbacks do. For this reason, the setbackvariances are considered to have no rnajor negative impacts onadjacent properties. . The porte cochere support column and roof overhang |.,,provide an improvement for the entry to the 1odge. theaf- lf - ---- --'--t\-Yl-,."V encroachment is an unenclosed structure which decreases, the inpact of the encroachment. Town of Vail public -7- The deqree !o which relief from the strict and. literalint".p."t.!i o., i={ta"""."ry to oftreatment amonqi Eites e vj-cinity or to atta \ objectives of ut Densitv Variance: To approve the additional accomrnodationexisting revielr criteria for a variance rivil unit under the would be considered ag-r?nt.of special privilege. Howeverthis is the type of prop6sat wrrffi-E Given this situation, the approval of the accommodation unitis considered to be a grant-6r speciar privireq"-as there isno hardship that warrants approvll of tlre proj6ct. n Such setback variances:dp ruf .irii{@lttbo.f I o<o+l ^_una{ si{a- The staff believes it would not be a grantthe setback variances of special tfiF_talready. e]:ist on the propertv secbaclc whj_ch has ninirnal irnpacts, The effect of th@ on light and air, utiliti"", a.rd prrblicsafety. This proposal will have no inpacts on this criteria. other factors and criteria as the comrnission d.eems vair. virrase Master pr.an (Sn r^yyllrlh- l/r'11"6 lh^-60"!< Even^though the Village plan is not approved at this tine,staffrs opinion is that the plan's prliirnirrury qo"ls andoDlectrves generally reflect the opinions of Lne planningcommission and Town council as well as community members whohave reviewed these statements at public ,o""Ci"ii=. The planemphasizes.the upgrading of lodgesl ttre additioi ofaccommodation units, the irnprovement of the pedestrianexperience, as werl as the -enhancement of opin space.r1qraip-lod*p hbb!,I'a\I, ,{*iisu,lt"r+*,"** iulll- : -B- l*przqfturd ,,r , l i^p,il{ t{d "9rp^u/^,1 fttt / lot-Up t"wrJ: b,ra.d{c"+-e\i o,r^honq- 40t\ I0trtL * r'udix rik t{lv. fro^da^d^ 'r\V apnl e to the roposed variance. is that e Village Plan is not approved,thestaff must continue to work with the variance -ciiteria. e o approve as EIte ond those except as the for the we to several third floor bay windows. encroachment is due This.proposal supports the ptanrs objectives by iruprovingexisting lodge units and adding nehr units while cornplyin!.with sj-te development standards. The paved parking area-andlandscaping inprove the appearance of ln existing eyesore in. y"ry visible portion of the Village. The pedeitrian pathand seating area aLso enhance open space for pedestrian3.Please see the attached lj-st of Village plan Goals andObjectives which rel-ate to this project. -tir,\c.Jo ti,dr5\g sub-Area ' !,1i11 cre i'do Concept No. 8:Mi-ll Creek wa path to core_-Cregk The Urban Design Guide plan ca1ls out for the path connectionbetween the bike path and Hanson Ranch Road. The ownerproposes to add a stone foot path which is a positive improvement to the pedestrian experience in tLe Villagearea. Even thouqh siae-6E-l,rir t$e, pq-th Wae origi.:ralf+r-propgsed for the west wal l-ence.Ihe room ror an unpleasant area to walkt+'sougb- Associates. ft nuch needed buffer between the The Planninq and E4]rironmental Commission sha1l make the That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grantof special privilege inconsistent with the lirnitations onother properties classified in the same district. n* o^O n\c!- , prov6des a nicer ut^tfiroilralt". ffi f0ltv\. ' Parking Improvernents The proposal includes upgrading the parking lot by addinglandscaping and paving. The orirner leases this p-rking ipacefrom VaiI Associates. ft is true that under any expansion plan for the lodge, evenif it did not require planning Cornrnilsion review, the staffwould reguest that the parking area be landscaped and paved.However, the ovrner is also proposing to landscape theIl(Jweve.r, rne owner rs also proposlngl to Iandscape tremainder of the parking lot which is owned by Vail -9- That the granting of the variance will- not be detrirnentar totf'e pubric hearth' safety or welfare, or materialry injuriousto properties or inprovelnents in'the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or rnore of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literat i-nterpretation or enforcement of!!r9 specified regulation wouta result in practicaldifficultly or unnecessary physicaf narashipinconsistent with the obj3cliies or this [i[r". There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicabl_e to the same site of the variance' that do not lppfy generally to other properties in thesame zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would. deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the ownErs of othei-properties inthe same district. VI . STAFF RECOMIiIENDATION eVillagePlan rnust rf the Ptanning cornmission approves this reguest, staff woutdrecornmend the approvar incrude the fo1l0winj "onditi.orr=,r-- The christiania parking 10t be paved and landscaped. Theproposal wourd arso i-ncrude landsclping the western-portionof the lot owned by Vail Associates. 2' The owner would comprete the ped.estrian path between theexisting bike path and Mill creei, court guiidfig. this path!,/ould also inctude a small seating area. e existing teria for variance decision rnaking and useor trreseof the project. -l,u- 3. The existing trash room on the northwest corner of thesite would be enclosed and screened by landscaping. 4. One of the new accommodation units will be restricted asshort term rental units perrnanently and wi}l not be taken outof the short term rental program at any tirne. Therestriction will- continue to apply even if the project is condoniniurnized or the ownership changes. This conditionshall be written in a 1egal staternent subnitted to staff bythe ovmer before a building permit will be issued. - 11- APPLICABLE VAIL VTLLAGE PI.AN GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goal #Ii Encourage high guality redevelopment whilepreserving the unique architectural scale of the vitlage inorder to sustain Vailrs sense of cornmunity and identitf. Obiective #z: provide incentives for the upgrading andredevelopment of residentiar and commercial-tacitities. Policy: Allow increased levels of development asidentified by the Action plan orconsistent with the Vail Village MasterPIan. Goal #2: Foster a.strong tourist indust,ry and to promoteyear-around economic health and viability for trre irittage andfor the cornmunity as a whole. objective #3: Increase thethroughout the Village areaovernight accommodations. Policy: The development of accornmodation units arestrongly encouraged. Any residential units thatare developed above existing density levels shallbe designed or managed in a manner that makes themavailable for short-term rental . ob-iectiye #5: Encourage the continued. upgrading andrenovation of existing lodging and coruneiiial ficilitiesto better serve the needs of our guests. oFiective #6: rdentify and inplement irnprovementsthroughout the village to ernbellish the ltrysica:. designfeatures and pedesstrian amenities ot puific spaces. Goal #3: Recognize as a number of residential unitsavailable for short-term top priority the importance ofthe walking experience throughoutmaintaining and enhancingthe Vi1lage. obiectiye #1: physically irnprove the existingpedestrianways throughout tfre Village by landicaping andother improvements. Pq].:igy: Require streetscape improvements in andalong pedestrianways in conjunclioin with anyinf ill development- proj ectsl -'12- GoaI #4: Preserve existing open space areas and expandgreenbelt opportunities. Objective #I: Recognize and improve the open spacefound throughout the Village (landscaped buffers,plazas, parks, active recreation areas and open space)and to cognizant of the different role each plays. 9oa1 #5: fmprove the transportation system andi-nfrastructure by increasing both its capacity and efficiencythroughout the Village area. O9jective #L: Meet the parking demand throughout theViIlage by the utilization of both public and privateparking facilities. -13- I s- *l $ { $ l $ I $ { * t ,rl n $ $ & $ \ t a I {I s il 1 \l $.-..lIt- t $ f t f T irii:"ti1 e,-i8i $,',{',r' tr,t it 4,i,l q 1{i $' rY *,! fr}il I.i\# ri',l rt t]. r$(tl i-thIt ^ rll{ $$ $t \i ii L rrrl o o ) I # ffi $ lil $I -l + $ 'o #' V t /fu r/&rean,il Pnncru€Lr I L, l{b 7o-p.t.t-a-<-d /r-t ,!rt " 5/"' ' r,/ /' t / €r:, -.*' {J-1,1dC^-",'-\ L -r ,. *',.,,-,oo..,r, f O.,U*; | 7 o*)*..,. -l o 1r*., aL*"., - / ,lth'.- 1a Zazz{' f/f *iil Z1 O , tt.-n] TT,- u /./r, 5/8fr o .-. - ,/'s/o 'H@4n'W,4'4 ,rcZr"H / IW"T??/V' W zl**rtzYe fl -'T, ry ry w t*+ v//) /1T ^['z* *zfL7-ffi 7f IFJ/=t'"7*'"TV f/22/ = T "'rq"n;vz.A Zo8. A/722 t aVZ/:nfZ/' py' / /Z * 'oFSt'7 = "''zo/n'f)/ * '"/ry /-gS12 h/ f'Y . yta/--,o ././)A d|rtrlrl s7 - ryrs "udry 5/ /'/7 'Wfl/."rre' "P fq q t/ /7,P4'Ynrns/ PresenttG viere Diana Donovansid schulta Peggy Osterfoss Chuck Crist Kathy warren Pam Hopkins Flanning and Environrnental Cornmission August 14 | 1989 Minutes Staff Present Peter Patten Rick Pylrnan Mike MollicaKristan Pritz The Planning and Environmental Comnission rneeting began atapproximately 3: 00 p.n. Item No. 1 A request for a heiqht variance in order to place asatell-ite dish on the roof of the Lodqe at Vail, 174East Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Lodqe at Vail The staff was represented by Rick pylman on this item. He explainedthat the Lodge at vail was requesting a height variance in order toplace a 29 inch diameter satellite dish on the roof of the building.The proposal also included enclosing the satellite dish with four wallsthat would rnatch the siding and color of the Lodge at Vail. Rickreviewed the criteria connected with the proposal as per the staff memo. chris Farrington, representing the applicant, said that it was feltthat locating the satellite dish on the roof would be less noticeableand offered more security from vandalism. sorneone from the audj-ence asked what side of the building the dishwould be placed on. chris said it would be on the side iacing theSitznark (on the north). Chuck Crist asked why a satellite dish was necessary versus the use ofa cable. chris said that there was no type of ns461s' music that heknew of. He added that the Lodge had been using taped music but haddecided that the satellite would allow for a rnore eificient svstem thatwoul-d require less ernployee operation. A motion was made by peggy osterfoss for approval per the stafffindings since the locaiion was thought to-be the ieast conspicuous,therefore the most favorable. Kathy warren seconded the motion. Vote: 7-O Item No. 2 A lequest for a setback vari,ance in order to build adeck on Lot 2, block 6, Intermounta n SubdApplicant: Stephen C. Beck Kristan Pritz presented this itern for the staff. she explained thatthe existing building involved in this proposal encroaches 9 feet intothe 50 foot stream setback on the north side and 7.5 feet into the eastside setback, thus making an addition of a deck irnpossible without avariance. Two variances would be necessaryi one for a stream setbackand one for a side setback. Kristan went on to describe the criteriainvolved wj-th the proposal . The staff recommendation was for approvalwith the condition that the tree in the area of the proposed deck wouldnot be cut down. Peggy said she was concerned with the side setback in relation to thepossibility of the pool being removed. A discussion took placeregarding the trees and the complaint of the adjacent property owner. Peggy made a motion for approvaL of the variance request with theconditions that (1) the tree !/ou1d not be removed, and (2) that therewill be excavation and tree weLls installed for the trees between theproject and stream bank for the trees that show evidence of backfi11.The motion was seconded bv Chuck. Vote! 7-O Item No. 3 A request for a conditional_ Use permit in order tooperate a business office in the PubLic Accommodation zone district, at the Christiana Lodqe at 356 Hanson Ranch Road. ffifTEa-iEJ- christiana nealtv Mike Molli-ca presented this itern. lle explained that the intent of theproposar was to allow the christiana Lodge to open a smart businessoffice in the l-ocation of the front desk area. The office would beused as a real estate brokerage and management office. Mike reviewedthe criteria for the proposal and gave the staff recornnendation forapproval. The applicant gave a brief description of the history of the businessand offices. Chuck asked if there would be any change in signage. The applicantanswered that there would be one window sign on the front entrancedoors and that currently a directional sign was being used. Peggy motioned for approval as presented in the sLaff memo. Chuck seconded the motion. Vote: 7-O TO: FROI'T: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Conmission Cornnunity Development Department August l-4, 1989 A request for a conditional use perrnit to operate a businessoffice at the Christiania Lodge, at 356 Hanson Ranch Road.Applicant: PauI Johnston I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE The Christiania Lodge is located in the Public Accommodation zonedistrict. Within this zone district, professional and businessoffices are required to have a Conditional Use permit. TheChristiania Lodge is proposing a small- (72 square foot) businessoffice in the location of the original front desk area. Theproposed business office would be used as a real estate brokerageand a management office for the following properties: Christianiaat Vail, chateau Christiania Condominiums, Vi1la Valhallacondominiums, the Golden peak House, artd the..Garden of the Gods. II. CRITERTA AND FTNDINGS Upon review of Section recommends approval offolloving factors: 18.60, the Conrnunity Development Departnentthe conditional use pernit based upon the rr The meet the intent of this in the Christiania Lodge willsection of the zoning code. A. Consideration of Factofs. t.Relationshi and ct e use on develobiectives of e Town. dens proposed business office Tbe pu-pose section of the Pub.lic Accommodation zonedist-ict (sectT6-n rl:zz.oLo of thffing Code) states that trThe public accommodation zonedistrict is intended t6 provide sites for l_qdges_andresiqenJial acconmodations for visitors, toqether w-i_Lh' susL _pubfis_elaf_semiE@Iic facilities and linited p ro f e s s i ona I o f f i c e s,--. . _--. a na iel at eE-iIilITo r --o r i e n t eduses as may appropriately be located in the samedistrict.rr It goes on to state that trAdditional nonresidential uses are permitted as conditional useswhich enhance the nature of Vail as a winter and summerrecreation and vacation community, and where permittedare intended to function cornpatiblv with the hi<rh- of the use on liohttranrtation facks and recreat tr distributionutilities 2. The ation ties needs. on fa ties es, and other of 3. The proposed business office vill have no significanteffect on any of the above considerations. The effect upon traffic with particular reference tocongestion, autornotive and pedestrian safetv and The staff can find no significant effect on any of the above considerations. There are no additional parking spaces required as a result of this proposed businessoffice; the breakdown is as follows: convenience, traffic flow and control . access maneuverabil and renoval of snow from the street andparKLng areas. Existing parking requirement Proposed parkins r"*tr;l;li 35.39 spaces0.288 spaces 35.678 spaces The Town of VaiI currently recognizes the Christiania Lodge as having 36 parking spaces, hence the reason fornot reguiring additional spaces for this proposed use. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which theproposed use is to be located includinq the scale andbulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The proposed use will involve no changes to the existingbuilding, either interior or exterior and it should haveno effect upon the character of the area. IIf. Such other factors and criteria as the cornrnission deems applicableto the proposed use. rV. FTNDINGS The Conmunity Developnent Department recomnends that theconditional use pennit be approved based on the followingfindings: That the proposed location of the use is in accord with thepurposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the districtin which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditionsunder which it would be operated or maintained would not bedetrinental to the public heal-th, safety, or welfare ormaterially injurious to properties or irnprovements in thevicinity. That the proposed use would conply with each of theapplicable provisions of this ordinance. .V. SEAFF RECOI'TIIENDATION The Cornmunity Development Department finds that this request meetsthe ConditLonal Use Pennit criteria, as stated above, and thestaff recommendat,ion is for approval . fla'!,to* (W - Aff--< ?n! * Cl,v,K I/a{. : 11- o Project Application Pro.ject Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone /,0" i f.oin,.,du* ",!'/{o - -tl.< l Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: zon. 7A Design Review Board Dale Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: /"L:./* l"lr{{: Date: Staff Approval 6t rt oe /*;( Fee Paid At-'' { SIGiI APPLICiTTO;I llame of Project Nane of Person Subrnitting Locetion of Project Description of Pro:ect The.fo'llorving infornai'icn is requirad for subnitta'l by the applic;nt to the Des'i gi Re'rierv EoarC befcre a final apprcval can be givel- S'i En subni tia l f ee i s 520 .00. A. Sisn l,tateri.r 6ob\ p\a-sil T\ I \ a C. Si:e of Sign J-O. : ' APP I i ce"'i on it'c5er Phone l'la<r:iniinn J.:rl -a -+ ';* .)i'7 :'Jl I D. E. Lengih'of x ,\t *r 'r }IATE,?. IALS SU 8ii !TTED I.JiTIi AP P L I CATI OiI 1. Siie P'lan,. Drar'rings slffiict locaifon ."/ z. urdllrng5 Silu'illllg t:^su r 'vu-:':" --,. 3. Photogr:phs sho:rir:3 Propcssc l0c3;lo:1 L/ 4. Aciual sign - 5. Colored scale ora"ltng - 6. PhotcgraPh of s'ign ).:n APPrcved for t)RB Subnittrl Disapp:'oved for ORB Subniii:I --.. \r - s I gn A(mr n r s -.rlro-i-T- t adt'(-l _--'.----_-_.<\-----.--- ristia :atty, lllLl I I DEFHRTMtrNT EFEEMMUNITV DtrVEL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcroN FoRM XXXXXXX ACcouNT # 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPLICAT'ION FEES 1 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 +2415 19BB UNIFORII BUILDING CODE 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORM PLUI,{BING CODE r 0000 +2415 T9B8 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 4241s 1988 UNIFORM FIRE CODE I 0000 42415 1987 NAT]ONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 PRTNTS (M\rLqRS) 01 0000 4?412 0x coPlES / sruores I 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTION 1 0000 41322 OFF HOURS INSPECIION FEE CONTRACTORS UCENSES FEES 1 0000 41330 01 0000 41413 ,SIGN APPLICATION ea PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN ttrat the Planning and Environmental Cornmission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section L8.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on August L4, L989 at 3:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: L. A request for a height variance in order to place a satellite dish on the roof of the Lodge at Vail. Applicant: Lodge at Vail 2. A reguest for a setback variance in order to construct a deck on Lot 2G, Intennountain Subdivision. Applicant: Stephen C. Beck 3. A request for a Conditional Use pernit in order to operate a business office in the Public Accomodation zone district, at the Christiana Lodge, at 356 Hanson Ranch Road. Applicant: Christiana Realty 4. Consideration of the Vail Villaqe Master Plan for adoption. This will be a recommendation to the Town Council . The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during office hours for public inspection. TOWN OA VAIL COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail Trail on July 28, 1989. t CA/..t4;"-r R'-i4 0fr.:"1 : ?z + (*f tr e,/ *\ E4,;t-. 3.. "'1, 4 Date of Date of Appl ication PEC l.leeti n I. Thi s use. The A. B. (itu, , fu S//g: pHoNE qT6:s6U. 77)r APPLTCANT'S REPRESENTATNE r*LU/. fr-. ir/fo'T?tu e-\ otlNER(S) I 'SIGNATURE(s ADDRESS 3.;6 HoNE_{/6.J:4g LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LEGAL- lOr_L ar0cL_z_FrLrNG ,T NAME OF ADDRESS D. f't APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERNIT procedure'is required for any project required to obtain a conditjonalpermi t. application wil'l not be accepted until all information is submitted. / /,7 NAI4E 0F Appucnw LllKlbTtNtH {EruIv,jiL ADDRESI 3# 44$ri RApatt ?,/ - ADDRESS E. iEE $]oo perc a,/a14 cK #atzL_ THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTI4ENT ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all property. INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS: THE APPLICANT I,IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECi II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITI0NAL INFORMATI0N rs ruiEoeo. N0 AppLIcATror,r wirr-: BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT Is C0MPLETE (MUsT ilrci[oe-All-irEr'rs nEQurnEo-gy iHE zoNrNeADMINISTRATOR)._^It-rs THEAPPLTCAN!:s nrieor,rireriii io unrE An nppoir.rrNEilr$IITH THE srAFF T0 FIND ouT ABour ADDrTronnl iusmirrni nEquinEMENTS:- ""-" PLEASE N0TE THAT A !94+IIq APPLICATI0N IiILL STREAT1LINE THE APPRoVAL pRocESS FOR Y0uR PR0JEcr sv-oEeREEstNG THE NUTIBER oF coruorrioNs 0F AppRovAL THAT THEPEc MY STIPULATE. ALL c0N0ITIoNS 0F nFFnovel MUsr-BE coMpliED wriH'siione eBUiLDING PERHIT IS ISSUED. adj.acent to the subject property and their mail ing addresses. OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. COMMUNITY DEVELOPM )ve r l/e,7tAu:1t'%, fJ:"/n ^'ffi ?n*:"a,,2 {7 ttr{la ba-t/ lrr/A (;r1, ;"L e,:z % .es6, M+,+*t, lau/." P.{, f,,4o , b tasl U4,/ ,lryouo/"e , no 6.x7l/a,, U. Flasry //tv t-r.t -L h'lif-Ie.o/.'tr iqi"l 2. $rzr7aalso7', ,&rr:*o. e6lza Q ru,to't' /i^ 1", /3qd 6.ksrl*rz frvrc-' ait* Eo,'-lr,i l, & f/as7 .-{-I L4 .- ff[, Sour-t4J copies of the following information: A. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics, and rneasures proposed to make the use conpatible with other properties in the vicinitY. B. A description of how your request complies with Vail's Comprehensive P1an. c. A site plan showing proposed development of the site, inctuding topographyl ruifaing locations, parking, -traffic iircufati.on, useable open space, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage features. D. Preliminary building plans and elevations sufficient to indicate the dimensions' general appearance' scale, and interior plan of all buildings. ll A.C/lK$rt ftpr4, Zt/c, ale ll//a t/a/ia/b t'/z f",an, /oncz{zl . 7r,,kn/ F--sb/* fuqsrrw)r+ tmtfua*f- w4""' HP*'rk BlL ///tltas ffo- 4tata-77.:- /Lrishatt,a nr' ha, /C+aTtuzt f/rrr-*t;,, /av"/a " , lJ" /'l ta- *,1 /4r/ d5 a M ' (p,/r,4,vto / /-* E,ru,zrar6 /LAI. /uattol - -1 D p/4 C)O oz E =t IJJ o- tLuIF ..\l F{l I I ol NIlJrdr F{ lJ(J,< l(J HIE tr loH,Zt5 I I Il!! rklo I I I I lo. IYtk IFtaz t= t2 I l,lj <F2.1g.= u)< lt Jlrlo =I E IL o o EFzoo =>E 3ut ztr^ trYu>o =>.6>. t! <(o* ;-(J>()FO =-z[('o oc?6 z'n5 oiloFo =CJ3d uJo{J ax uJ llzY zl .. >lo |lJ t! IuzoF (r llJ(L J z Eoo I I I I I$l.(rl ql .t rl !l =tr r-l t{ ]J .-{ 'rl.lJo.Fl tr (J u; =z lo _-t ,+ I rl o Eo :l EI*l trlol s?lclal ;lr.t Ilt4 Lr{4oqg = I "lolrJlutlcl 6l-l --r I $l "l ui =4 El JI al>l L!l zl3lolFl tltllltlttJI..J Ilol<) zl3dl;-.{ uJl ,l-',ld<l-{ >l loltzl =31qoltrt Fl uJl 1l al>l 6l zl EIolFI I I Iol =.1oluIl 1l <l>l tr.lol pl I oF z J EF tll J EgP =<2ft =F ^'6 t-"-(J z z r c) UJ =\,,/ z co co I @ I UJF (t, dlo-zo t-IL uJY ulo F F t! u-o o-oo I UJ t-oz u.lF o z zeslo>z aL r.L J."i6 =81 -'1 /\ ! =ulXdd= F tu TL -iEZE< 6U) EC'B9fir '=E =o-F-rr-=u:-E h=rr dilE >(L., (Ju_E ooE 5st x>GHFOYo-i!E ul(Il F I-E E =E, lrJo-zo FofEFazo(.! nt]f nEn LJq, tt, E o lotFlot< tFlzto lolctIurtz l= ,.E ..,3Eo <E 3oY2qr< I &i XX .9 ;ic} \r gr do, tt-o(u -.ld.uf&5('r f!r.a tli D l=.. Eor,! -*.?-:oi3-v() ' rg .,; 'o !91r: (a GT oo ol : trl o =-f oq) i ; ! ar(a:? a:e JcJq; r35,co :ai_ :o>ict>5 ,'o -ill '! n'.- :'r3.= t -2.5 io.N ( :FC -_.L-Y0.--. =- orO -T!dcrE =.Fc, = -E.oo : o al : .J C:I :== : =o ''.ho El=-.:tt !-\ q) o9 t^B oO35cro ':gr -r(() -:: ..qr(a: ^:!(Jr!? E3E c) Y{,t-5; .! trD - t5Y:f5;.n ;3.:. >: : O.N : v l: :l- 'C:r o -.t EEs ':.Jc i =: =.hO 3EJ.:B =->Eoo f,c(lJ'cDoO:,3 5:'c. o :o'= q, .9 -'_; F-: :crcs o.i = rot o.9 : :5; :9- 9:: ocJ a o'! 6 i.1 " Jv= r aJ- ,- = a'l)6:. !.=' 3 s:o >.' X O'r -^li:- ( ;:; (J (i-! 3 E q) c) lsllcrI c.,lElclo F!f E'qLlo Fc ItH 5rtt -1n qlb <:E.ll'-(H =.i -.:5 t;t =:I *c li; | -=I (l4I o-==o-(!l! ttt -- .rJ c)cJ cJC -4. =acl cr:i's: E3; 9: ("x(>-; / c)tre;oc -aJ(: anltFoz o J o 4 zz. l I I ''l I t9l< I tt) l= I r.r =t9 t_ t?to I l"l lnQ-\, rl \s -,,( I .)u,ttfLt- lLl an Ll-, lt, l- r,Ll' J F :l ; (, 3 E(J (J = () ul l) q. !l x UJ <h I4' =z z tr o _E (.)(J .D olz= -lF--gl(J3i zl .. >lcl- l,ruz I =>G =."-= rl .A e=Eg$ g sE o !3('8g.3furfo- (J>()FO -,i '\i u:)F IIJ J zo oC- tr>o tu,lc-l>-l-titlt.- |iz"ol qt tDl I 3 i ll^ tl -||= l|<llqtru, Ilc< il^[-l llJ,r<l OI lolro l'll t:il lo tl:ll r!FltJtl<tl X 3 Fg o' lrl 2t E J <lolrl<tJ 6l=Ylo 'lt- ,.. UJ Ol- .J -F HE).!JE( roqo EH=:."R I =< cJ -J U- r,H- 9,,--c1o. .'s lO c rllg-(^ LloH=lHosl l4J 'g Cr IuJ c -l.=orlLJ EI3=31- P..-l =F c.l I3 L taiO or +Jl_J "J cJld;-ltr-revl )- s ll, UJ&-l =E<(E |lf(,4 -o:< u,.:E 9 €'5 a i tJ O;_-F't- e:. .9 =:-:q:=> E= Ioaau =5+lrx =-(')c.-F 5:j -!Ji -u,-€ *F.r r,J FH c! \lf. \0 C^ UJ tr @ o-) zo Fa-u, utqt o.F ts ul -. o- lL'o o-oo II u,Foz F E lrt'q 2ot- C)f (nzo C) fr od1ll a E X z,"o =<1302z :J .o J:x YY= 6=5 c3ulE r1-n -r_-li-J - lt il fl li tlaql #llrri\r, ll ,"'llJil!rliFl IlIItl I I 6I 1 I I =jal I I I I J r.{ ct : ffi Hq1 q. I fI f, _/f - fl,\llJl >l!Ftl6[ J I I I I I I I IF : J i UJ = o z J t1- ri IJ HI ]>l .,.Iol zlil z o au :1 ?l>l r^lI;i3l -l * lr IIl -x- tl Xo- ll ==E ilr -(f l,i;aF ll FYz ll o =P tl\J ll =c)=< (J ot- C) F tJJ lr- ll cII CJ II JOIUJ Il <F! F ll Ec)li ; ll r.! <I o [ *=lE t 6=lll u -rtrt 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2L.38 or 479-2139 oltlce ot community developmenl TO: I'ROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TH8 TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL puBl,rc woRKs/coMMUNlTy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, l_988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sumrnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soi-l, rock, sand, debrisor material, incruding trash durnpster-s, poriabre toilets andworkmen vehicles |pon any street, sidewaik, alley or public e1?:" or any portion theieof" The righr-"i-*iy'in atl Town ofvar-r streets and.fgags is approxinateJ-y 5 f:t" off pavement,This ordinance wir-r be striilry enforcld by the Town of vailPyPli-c works DeparLment- pers6ns found vih.atirrq this ordinancewrrr be grven a 24 hour written notice to remove-sa.id material .rn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the il;ii" worksDepartment wilr remove said mat,eriat at ihe expense oe personnotified_. The provisions of this ord.inance sfrlff not beappricable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a_way" To review ordinance No. o in furl, prease stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: t INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL NAME READY FOR LOCATION: TUES WED THUR PERMIT NUM OF PROJECT =-\\-,N\ JOB CALLER INSPECTION:MON a;>-\qt/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H UB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr r-l tr FINAL D FINAL fLEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_tr fu^'tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR Iuwn 75 south ,ronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET to, '5- +\q-*rlrft FAX pHoNE 110., t{o.{-€? D - €5oB $A"-,/)lr61s1a.g (Ai1kFROM: DATE:V'. ao (n l,l0. 0F PAGES IN D0CUMENI (NOT iNCLUDING COVER SHEET): RESPONSE REQUIRE0?: NO .T lirl'1r 75 south trontage road vail. colorsdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce ot communlly developmenl August 29, 1988 Mr. Jin Hanna Culpepper, McAuJ-isse, and Meaders 400 Colony SquareSuite L717Atlanta, Georgia 30361- Reference: Christiania Parking Lot, View Corridor Dear Jim, Enclosed is the inforrnation relating to the view corridorfor your site. There are no specific dimensions other thanthe survey points and photo outlines for the corridor.I al-so enclosed the ordinance concerning this corridor, ff you have any further me at 303-476-7000 ext. Sincerely.It I n\ {risfu^^YrFKristan Pritz Senior Planner guestions, please feel free to call l_03 . POINT VIEW POINT iII VIEI'I POINT ['2 VIEI{ POI}iT VIEI{ POI){T TMVERSE POINT TRAVERSE POINT r0136. 53 roi02. 26 VAIL YILL:IGE vlE; POItiT COoRf INATFS NORTHING r0EB5. r0 L0129 .7 2 lol89.l1 10361.6r {i5 l!6 EASTI}:C 100i0. 70 100r8.99 I0r82.72 9669 . )? 10119.61 9319.01r t]l ,A oIJ tr IJ rl A !J!O.co60tt a .r{ IA.f 0,1r!rno ,h T ,{ b0 o 3r.l >1 {t ._l (n o'1 Gl O '{ O OkoOOOOCrF{tl1(1.1\t1a1NcO@oodco q,.{ bt) o r-l +)a-O -l (7't \t O\ d\N C') ln ClOO'noooooLr .tt \O O d) r?t -qoO'.<-{Ft:l e.l c.t c\t c{ N .lJ i{o trr 3 .r{ rn+ (u*uoutr.oC ..{ nl.rl oOOr !P{dri {UBd E(uo5riOlr>tt !, at,llc .Flutr l, t11 0, -c o t 'Fl r.ll-. O..cuJ ooo o ..{tr$ ol-{ Fq !t rn F{zH C) 3 li "%iru'oo AN ORDINANCE AIIENDING T1ID VAIL VILLACE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN - DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: VIE1V SI|CTION I';N VIUlY CORF'TI\''N \I..\P TO RIi!)I;CE TIIB liU:':iil:R Ci: :'l.iJOil Vl'"it C')l':liDOtls '{ND'i'r') ELIIIIII{ATEIIINoRvIEIvcoRRIDoRS;ANDSETTING FORTH DETAILS IN RELATION THERSTO ' WHEREAS, the revision to the view section of the Urban Design Guj.de Plan - Design Considerations and the Vierv Corridor l'{ap has been under study by staff, Pla.nning and Environinental Commission and Town Councll for a consid-erable time perioti; and WHEREAS, it is the opini.on of the Town Counci] that preservation of certain existing view corridors is essential to the character of Vail as a mountain resort; and - IYHEREAS, the preservation of such views lvi11 .protect the municipalities attraction to tourists and visitors and, therefore' enhance and protest its economic vitality ' WHEREAS, it is the opinion of Council that the several most importantvi.ewcorridorsbeentlrelypreservedastheyexist;and \TIIEREAS,thePlanningandEnvironmenta}Commissionhasrecoul-. mendedadoptionofthenineviewcorridors'onefocalpointand a-menciments to the language in the view section to the Council' NoIY,THEBET,oRE,BEIToRDAINEDBY.THETo\vNcoUNcILoF.THEToITN OT'VAIL: Section 1 Section G. Views of the Vail Village Design Considerations is herebY amended to read as follows: G. VIE\YS AND FOCAL POINTS vai t? s mountain/valrey sett ing . is a .ry9ll3il"1-lii:-?: 1:: i { ' llli.itil""vi;;!";i-;i'"-;;unii:'n=1 :Ii-:1?l"i:..??l}3:}: ::3t"i:"'*, " :t::" ;::' ."ilili."i"'ii"aii""itli: y:l:ii;^:?:l:"'"':::"i?*'.:{ :.';ii4:, ili;.ti; ii=:-uiiitv, o"i"niu;l:l i:l:':i::,,:::"tl;-"::;l?:l b":i:i:"t ' r','iPj],;it, i:l;t;:: H:';i:;'."dp;;i;;i-.r'u'".t.' reatures, orientation rerer- .,,'1fi,,ii,.! :, "r."r and visual f ocal points. ::jiit-';The most sisnificant and obvious view corridS,I:,h.iY?,1::n',1:::*Ri::3 . ".,ii..:.t,i;l1ffii-#{:: ifl"rilE-ir-J"U;;iil; y;; i",-"i"'utt qr the vail villase urban Design ..'.ittlE#:r1;.Framew.'r.-pr'"J-;;* tl:::;llfl:::ll{.u'"*:,::::i (l*:t3?":'"1}}?ull.'.f':#.H.:it ;lJ^i;.;k plan) ano pnotog".prti""rrv.documented (photos on f ile in ':':il;i:g=-S-i.i. t;i;*;;;"nity Deveropmeni"Dep"rtteni). However, the view corridor '.' .:.:-: :.? 'r1ki -.1'.!^+^,r an 1-ra6 ma,.ta en.t in ti.re ohotograDhs should not be consider..ii'.:ffi-tlr';;:*EH;"nity Deverobteni-oe-p""tt"nll . However, the view cotridors ir:::i{.'''.:li;l :. depicted on 1,he maps and in tire photographs should not be considere| , iliiliii-.l" "ir'!-*ip"'"'l- il -!t:-t!:::*::t1: ?::::i"::'',1:,":ol:idered proposal , first 't I 't trJ -2- The offi-cial photographs and field surveys of the vierv corridors and focal point contain the area'lo-uu protected.' No encroachment wlll be allowed above tbe top ot ifre-uflck and white line on the photographs or in the protecied *t"" u" depicted by the fierd surveys. The field surveys ut" "n-iiiE wiitr -the Department of Community Deveropment and will uJ u""o-to aid.staff and applicants in determining the specific Atmeisiliif-t"=trictions produced by r. the vlew corridors. Minor moairications to the roofs or structures (i.e. a new flue) located above i;;-ii;;.tul-!: permitted if appro; ' priate approvals from the Communily oev"ropment Departrnent are 1, . obt ained. To demonstrate the impact on other views, all submittals should include a visual impact anarys:-sl i;i;-analysis could be in the form of sketches, photographic overlays, photographlc touch-Yl?:- mocrels, or other'simulailon techniqt.L.' A means of demonstratlng in the field (on site) the impaci-Jt-"i"*s wiff also be required by the zoning administrator. As circumstances affecting views change, Such as rezonings, variances in helght or new buildings, the vi-ew |orridors will be revierved and' if necessary, revised. If a conflict exists betrveen the maximum ' treight allowed and the view corridors, -the more restrictlve regulation The following j-s a listing anO veiUai'description of the adopted will view corridors and foca.l point: apply $v.DESCRIPTION point in this vierv. 1 This view occurs from two flights of steps above the photographic point on the south side of tUE VaiL Tranlporta-tion Ceuter. The view is slgnifj.cant in that ii contains the clock To*er and the Rucksack to*J.-."--io"uf foints,-but also is one's first view of the ski slopes as one comes oui of the Transportation center. 2 This is a significant view beca.use it allows one to see the ski slopes trom ipper Bridge street as well as directing one to the tic-ket and lift facilities in the Vi1la'se SThisisaviewoftheGoreRange.fromHansonRanchRoadjusteast of tn.'iliri-c""!r.-e.ioge ina west of the Mj'll' Creek Court 81 6 This is probably the best known and most spectacular view in the villae"-;"*'u. It is looking east t-o.the Gore Range f rom Gore creek D;i;;'beiween The Lolge a.t vail_retail shops and the Gore Creek Pi.'azr- Building' ihe Clock Tower is a focal Section 2 Section 3 The Town Council herebY this ordinance is necessarY welfare of the Town of Vail I -3- finds, determines a.nd proper for the and the inhabitants and declares that health, safety and thereof a If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be inva.tid, such.decision shaLl not effect the validiiy of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Torvn Countit f,"t.UV declar6s-it would have passed this ord.inance, and each part, """tiot, subsection, sente,n:::^"11::" or phrase thereofl-regardiess of the fa.ct that any one or more pa.rrs' sectlons, subsections, sentences ' -clauses or phrases be declared inval i d. The repea-t or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municlpal Code al provided in thj.s ordlnance sha11 not affect any right whlch has accrued, any duty imposed, &trY violation ihat occuired-prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution connnenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed or reenacted. The rLpeal of any proiislon hereby shall not revive any provision or.any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. ) regular meeting of the The lrlunisipal Building Town Council of the Torvn. of th ATTEST: READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED th]..s 4/-a/day of , 1983. ATTEST: ')^Jillu,lJJ I .{i,Jrud-;,It)J,.f,"+ t t' PameLa A. Branqmeyer, 'rolvn UrerK Sect i.on 4 INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST BEADING, APPBOVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL,trris {t/A public hearlng , 1983, at thesha1l be held hereon on the A/re1 da-y of Vail, Colorado, in day or &r":/ , 1eB3' , Town i f or '{-+ s STN{ qs\ R$x$sd \ i${ H tsi*i N $$$$ * Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and &&/,lt il, enon" ".io / oi 'P-( tft .:t"- v Architecr, Address and phone: --\\ , i ,^ ' 4-'' d- . n Legal Description: Lot Comments: Filing Design Review Board APPROVAL ?ll DISAPPROVAL Town PlannerL-oo", 8/ 3rr/f )/ E Statt Approval APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETII{G: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l^tILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meetjng with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determjne if any additjonal information is needed. No application wjll be accepted unless it is complete (must jnclude al'l items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsi'bility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requ'irements. Please note that a COMPLETE appl ica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. pR0JECT DESCRIPTION:. ..1,,c r2.,r,_,r_76 fcr:., F=/-<:7.,t;:i.z:lE - B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address .l.t C /-.t,t,j/-tS/;*r' A//.).,/,/a,/t /2(.ttz t Legal Descript'i on Lot D Bl ock Filing l'>l Zon i ng C. NAME OF APPLICANT: /Ytt.',:, Address ,:i..it; 1,/A,r't'6+r Zttz*rl+ L|Z.t .t tel ephone ;47** 5e z1.i ' /; '*tt /Et_,.4. ' .,t' >D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address '/1c, - ltt'y' ).L 6 UA.lL *c telephone '/r'? -lsA\ E. NAME OF OWNERS: Si gna ture Address /, j L a*z,r+-A-,.rL C'dLt tel ephone j/?"/ ./-;2 T F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the time a building permit'is requested. VALUATION FEE $ 0-$ 10,000$10,00i-$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $1oo. oo $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the app'l icant must to indjcate property lines and building corners. Trees that will should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB si te. stake the site be removedvisits the 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetingsof the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. *^ -^ r^-^^- r.r.,n *zr ha nv.acon+ad +n fhc nccion Rpview Boafd,4. The following items no longer have to be presented-to.the Design^Review Boar' iii"V,-no*"u.i, ftiu" to be firesented to thb Zoning Administrator for approval: a. lljindows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the build'ing; and b. Building additions that are not vjewed frory qny other lot o" p!b]i9.-:13:.' which hive had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approvlng the addjtionJ-anOloi ippiovaf from the agent f6r', or manager of a condorninium associ at ion . 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I. NEl,l CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyof's stamp. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour jntervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, i ntermi ttent streams , etc . ) . 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year f1 ood p1a'i n and slopes 40% or more, if app'l icable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, ejther USGS landmark or sewer invert. 7. Locations of the following: a, Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of cul verts, swal es, etc. b. Exact locatjons of all utjlities to include existing sources and proposed serv'ice lines from sources to the structure. Utilit'i es to include: cabl e TV sewer gas Tei ephone water el ectri c c. Property lines showing d'i stances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. All easements 8. Existing and fjnished grades. 9. All existing and proposed improvements includ'i ng structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining wa11s (with spot e1 evations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine he'ight of building. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and avajlability. To be submitted with site p1an. C. Preliminary title report to accompany a1l submjttals, to insure property ownership and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (I" = 20' or 'larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or,larger'treeS, .other shraubs,-aRd-iiative plants thaare on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape areas with the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. i' 2. Complete landscape materials I ist. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the varjous components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The exjsting topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the sjte to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost during constructjon must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. aE. Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1' or larger) 2 copies . 1. Must include floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on completion. ' .. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades Z. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shali be specified and submjtted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Community Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and bther material (including a mq4e]) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with design guidelines' II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requ'irement: Sjvq! above, as 1on! as they piovide all important specifications for the proposed'i ncluding colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A, Original floor plans w'ith al1 specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 cop'ies C. Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 cop'ies topos D- Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for alI materjals and color samp'l es on materials list available at Department of Cornmunity Development At the request of the Des'ign Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G, Statement from each utility veri fy'i ng location of service and availabiiity' See attached utjljty location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a bu'i ]d'i ng permit has been issued, and when the project is underway, the following will be requirei before any building receives a framjng inspection from the Building Department: A certifjed 'improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building djmensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All utility service lines as-builts show'ing size of lines, type of material used, and exact locations. 2 copies D. Drainage as-bu'ilts. 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map' G. Ail easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge el evations. NAI4E OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following Board before A. BUILDING l, LIST OF MATERIALS a-tgtl- t hx;ft-l/ E.rl_>/- 'r<+ (:> I l1T BLOCK FILING information is requ'i red for submjttal by the applicant to the Design Review a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERiAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other Wall Materials Fasci a )oTr r rs Wi ndows l'lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT IIiIATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani'ca I Name EX]STING TREES TO BE REMOVED Common Name Quani ty Si ze* for con'i f ers . ( over ) *Indicate caliper for deciduc'ious trees.Indicate height "PLANT ITIATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Nq!1e Quanity Size (con't) SHRUBS EXISTiNG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Type Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimm'ing poo1s, etc.) Please specify. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVI SION JOB NAME t0T BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be nain trunk lines or proposedlines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site p1an. Authorized Signature Date Mountai n Bel I I -634-3778 l,lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hal l * Hoiy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Vaiiey Water and Sanitation D'i scrict Davi d Krenek NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fron the Town of Vai1, Departrnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before diggi.ng in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Torm of Vail. A building pernit is not a stTeet cut perrnit. A street cut pernit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility p1.an and scheduling installations. * For new const pl ease fj l l out attached sheet. TnNtr auEav FND, SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DESXRTMMN:TOL Bl ock F'if ing ADDRESS: Ot,,NER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Al I owed (30)(33) Phone Phone Proposed Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear llater Course Site Coverage Landscap'i ng Fence/Retaining'ilal 1 Heights Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmentai /Hazards : Aval anche 20' 15' L5' (30 ) (50 ) (3oo)(600) (soo)(1200) (50)(1oo) (2s)(so) ( 2oo ) (4oo ) Slope Actual Flood Plain Sl ope Wetl ands Geoloqic Hazards Comments: Zoni ng: Approved/D isapproved Date: Staff Siqnature $g n 0{ t* ft r$ "j I \q il :a FI F st sl, ff fisL\r {e- 1i ge sufiq ffiH d- 't*,f fp, v6fr '$C-F ,-i*[* ,ttFs FTL$rs I H II*: *fl -"l- "l'g i -*r,lE* il-?n ${.x Sllt l, -\ \T I .x\\\ ,l oz ts =E UJ4 r7) tr]c..l (r) U) UJ uJl! F = UJ @ @ Or tsA rrl z E 7 F.l prA llt z z og zz l€,oo It9 r t"l lgii rE<ro HI A.s)l I sr la i' Il-#:E;< |tt GZEfl I=('.D a4 t,"-* tz5- rX UAcEvfulFI<F oz -*.,\:- --j i5-.JA IAt.< + -.\ u, ro> 6t r F.{ I I Jul =T u- Fo z o u.l 4 F-l 'Bs EO) sc6oroE 6.9 o \&.'; oi'6o -oc;€ !I)i4r@)*Eo /a'E tN Eg 96 e=ooP! PF P€oo Eo(!0D or .S =1tx'=rd) figoo vf =d^o)99o- c(Et= qi o):;.!E c) 6 o G <too 6 = c 3oF 6/ 5.; > E (g oa lt 6 'F(! 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FROM: DATE: RE: rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that lt 1s unlawful for any person Eolltter, rrack or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or macerial, includingtrash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any srreer,sidewalk, a11ey or public prace or any porEion thereof. The righE-of-wayon all rown of Val1 sEreets and roads ii approxiroately 5 fE..off pave:nent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by che rovm Lr vail public worksDeparlmenc. Persons found violating thls ordinance will be given 24-hourr{ritten notice to remove said naterial. rn the event the person so nocifieddoes not comply with the notice within the 24_hour time specified, thePublic works Department vril1 remove sald material at che expense of personnotlfied. The provisions of this ordinance shal1 noE be applicable toconstructlon' Ear-ntenance or repair projects of any sEreet or alley or anyutilities in the rlghr-of-way. To review Ordinance No. 5 ln fu11, please stop by the Town of vail BuildingDeparEment to obtain a copy. Thank you for your- cooperation in this matcer. 'r'. | |'t rl VAIL1989 MEMORANDIIM ALL CONTMCTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOI.IN OF VAIL TOI,IN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT lrARcn 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 6 nead and !_c|lowlgleed - .t" e't o 1. Town of Vail Building Department project Requirements and Contractor Inforrnation Building pernit application: A.) FiII out work sheet,.B.) Subnit two complete sets of p1ans. * If fast-tracking project see fast-track apptication. * No permits, including Fast-Track, will be issued without.written approval from planning department for on siterequirements. rt All design review board, planning commission and towncouncil approvals and conditions, if applicable, betweenthe Town of Vail and the developer, shall be acquiredwith written agreenents concerning these matters beforebuilding pennits are issued. :t condorniniuro approval for gny work in a condorniniumized.building Architects & Engineers stamps reguired on alI plans: * Exception: R-3 single farnily & duplex.R-1 one story structures contractor registration gith Town of vail building department: A.) $1 nillion liability insurance. B. ) Workroen compensation insurance.C.) T.O.V. registration. rr AL1 insurances rnust be kept up to date if working in theTown of Vail , On site project requirements i A- ) Posting of permit in a crear weather protected cover,visibre from road or hallway if condoiriniurn or townhouse.B. ) Set of starnped approved plans must be on site forduration of project. No inspections can be done if pransare not on site. Fast-Track projects to have plans 6nsite as approved. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reguired insp.ections: A. ) Excavation and footing rebarFoundation rebarMasonry fireplace ( structural design-& chimney liners )Underground DwV, water, gas, & eleciric )Temporary electric serviceRough plumbing ( DWV, water, gas, & hot tubs)Rough electric ( see ordinance no. L2 )Rough nechanical t g?s ,Bn vents, duct work, combustion ){ air, f ireplace fl-u masonry & type 'rA" IRoughsprink1er(hangers,1o-ation,etestini) Rough fire alarrn Rough frarning ( property improvement survey when req. )fnsulationFireproofing ( if required for structural components )Sheetrock screw / nail offExterior lathFinal plunbingFinal mechanicalFinal electricalFinal DRB ( _Iandscapinq, exterior finishes, paving,Final f ire departrneirt i' it ,"q,rii"a-j------Final buildinq 6. Property inprovement survey: A. ) Reguired on all new construction. B. ) submitted and approved before rough framing inspection.c.) rmprovement-survey to include treigrrt of ridges,'base--sLab elevations, property 1ines, ind footprint'of newconstruction. Survey must. be stanped by a licensed.engineer. 7. Fire department inspections: A. ) Shop drawings on fire aLarrn system.B. ) Shop drawings on sprinkler systen. '* shop drawings to be subnitted. to building department and.must be approved before work is started. 8. Street cut permits: A.) fssued by the Town of vail public Works Department.No work may start without first obtaining i perrnit. * Dates: Street.cuts are permitted between April 15 toNovember 15 on1v. 't. 9. Townbuilding and L987 A.) of Vail amendments to the l_985 editions of uniformcode, uniform plumbing code, uniform mechanical codenati.onal electric code: ordinance no. 12 LggT I Amendments to the 1982 NationalElectric Code for the Town of Vail . 1.) A11 electrical wiring in groups A'B,E,I e Hoccupancies as defined in the Uniforrn BuildincrCode, shall be incased in conduits, racev/ays,or 1l approved armor. AII wiring in group R_lshall be encased. in conduits, riceways or inapproved armor to the circuit breaker box foreach unit No aluminum wire or copper_clad,aluminum wire smaller than size I witt fepernitted within the Town of Vail . 2.') Persons engaged in the installation of remotecontrol, low energy power and signal circuitsas defined in articl-e 7ZS and 26O of 1987 NEC,need not be licensed electricians; however, ai1such persons shall be registered wittr the stateelectrical board. proof of registration shal1be produced when asked by the Town of VaiIBuilding Official . 3.) Al1 such installations of remote control, lowenergy power and signal systems are subject tothe permiL and inspection! requj-rements ofsectlon L2-23-lL6 C.R.S.. Accordingly a1linst.allations of remote control, Iow energypolrer and signal systems must be performed.- inaccordance with the rninirnum standlrds set forthin the Nationat Electric Code. B. ) Underground gas piping: L.) public service co. requires al1 gas pipinginstalLed underground to be weld6A, the Town ofVail_acknowledges and supports thisregurrernent. 2.) U.p.C. reguires a 60 psi test for 30 minutes. C.) Firep.lace chirnney chases: f..) Afl fireplace /wood stove chases to besheetrocked with S/A" Type X gypsun board andfiretaped. Inspections are recruiiea. .t'o 1-0. Inspection requests: A. ) 111 inspection request shall be calledin advance by the -elqctrical contractorn. J A rel_nspection fee may be assessed forreinspection when such portion of workinspection is called is not cornplete orcalled for are not made. 1.) EJ.ectrical reinspection g44.oo2.) Building plurnbing & mechanicalreinspection 93O.00. c. ) Electrical inspections are on Monday, wednesday & friday9n1y, 8:o0 AM to 3:30 pM. No specifii al,r or pMinspections can be granted during pealc uuiiding season. 11. special construction request for vair- virlage & Lionshead: A. ) Approvals from the Town of Vail Cornmunity development,Po1ice, Fire and public Works departmenti is .".Iir:.r"a'before construetion is to becrin.B.) Any heavy equipment ie: cran6s, backhoes, concretepumps etc... used in the core areas must be pre approved.by the building departrnent. 12- Horiday crosures for vail Village & Lionshead core areas: A. ) No construction work will be conducted during thefollowing holidays. L. ) Menorial Day ( three day holiday weekend )2.) Fourth of JULY ?.1 Coors Bicycle Classic ( as scheduled )1.1 Labor lay ( three day holiday weekend )5.) Speeial Events ( proper notice will be given ) in at least 24 hr each inspection orfor which when corrections 13. construction working hours in for Vair village & Lionshead,core areas: A.) Monday tbru Friday Z:OO A.M. to 7:OO p.M..B.) off season and summer core closure l-1:00 A.M. to 2:00 p.Mdaily, no vehicres are arrowed into these core areasduring these hours. rn addition no loud noises such asjackhanmering and other noisy construction activitieswill be allowed during this time.c. ) Deliveries of construction rnaterials and trash removalshall be between the hours of 72oo A.M. to 1r.:00 A,M. and2:00 P.ItI. to 7:00 P.M. . o 14.Certificate of occupancy. A.) Certificate may be issued when it is.found that thebuilding or structure complies with the provisionsof the U.B.C., U.M.C., U.p.C., U.F.C., & N.E.C. asadopted by The Town of Vai1.B.) No building or structure of group A,E,f,H,B, or R-Loccupancy, shall be used or occupied, and no change inthe existing occupancy classification of a building orstructure or portion thereof shall be rnade untj_l the . buil-ding official has issued a certificate of occupancy.C.) ryo R-3 occupancy shall be used or occupied until a-finilinspection has been conducted and approved by thebuilding official. D. ) lemporary Certificate of Occupancy nay be issued providedno substantial hazard exist in the buitding or structure. September 16, 1988 Town of Vail Building Department Paul R. Johnston, President - Chrlstlania r Inc. Remodel/Denolition Permit TO: FROM: RE: As or.rner of the Christiania and managlng agent of the Chateau Christian I hereby authorize rrRusty Spike" to perform the demolition and [er^r construction as per approved plans of architeet, John Perkins. ChrisEi-ania, Inc. Christiminl atvait .ji6 L llrttunt littrtlt Kil \ "ti!. (.f itt|uth, '\l/.,5-'i :t)I l]-i);()'jl .$ $$ $t $f; $I $'t$,tln JII l, 0 utttiaTUS -(t.td .ll'rf3lr rl z-Jl :i:rfv lli )J'f, F' I.Y J. Itt lt r\t tl f tl- -lr I lT|' -^!r- -ltll.I t rF $l l-+ \\ N \ ..?',2 lall rI Iti :it b ijl j$g \-)\j---l o< -g*- $T.trl 5c.\ \\-""it)t \t '.> s oa o 4,.tr-' i:c-;.11.tlp \;o <;rf.A. ,r,l>L9 ItuLl ,+ral$c.{Eb-t t||l l-{jt'l, Libr5 ,t.1 az+,to. / treg*.l.pr tl I'w - -t Ir: I -J 2*'|}'+ (a- tb" aC-. 2 1'rllra CArJ.., blaaL t!rL{- 4*- W)p\) o #Vr tt Wbit'.,nt/t, -.F,.v'Frq f9wr44 bY::s rr;r?rE/ x'& V4t/a'* a-r*-frta. g lbr o'u,?"no A'/Y--=*ft4 toa-Jr. .rrr'tLa { ztO 3r'lr'J uel- ;t+ j.+'-*qlrtx t. Ffd'flr, ! ,L, Ftl,&lrJ,A '1 e-* lrb r't+brwA <r+t trur.la',eelf-pd-w*., Ff 4- ls tZ Lf;lerlrE* -'-- Qo ,-ttU-, tlItAM F{t,+.,|>lj.rrlt' lqt' 7a-rrut-* l+6 bLo&.i/]q4 L++rq. F ,'Lirf / t+a \rrd g l(2" a c. wi I4pa+talJ (,alts-?r. 4faLL o o t o t-rLtFJq C,tF r.--l +t>ublp i fotttJltHo 2ta'< I I 1.4'^ (aaU*rra,l fl"rrrr lr.rJ?,r'l ^\Wnr$ r4c2 ba:;bgc, La!,fa,-fj.U\ \l2+b )atql; t'-l-'t bto. al*ql€l.,. arS Zr (t , hrr-.t bl'Lqt l. " 1-1\ i iJt'r. .dg1gc, '-)t,&1. r1 =pt=,r l-e rl I =\l\ tll lu rtl !r €lrrell\ +:[ if 71rl0 J) Ijt it-+tlr $$r'tl00 ?T j )It l-a Ii It H ta ii ! tItt Fa $l 1 1 I tit 1 !l$ $ il +I -t- ' l( r$ $,$ L 1t I dIII ts t'ti aj JI Lt-+I1N Tt aas I ii rr' :' I i tti! 'ljl3,i,lti I ii if:l :'llr'it l :iiti.',::il:li o o o o o fJ_oN- $EouEsr DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: MON TUES WED FRI fxM,./ \*/'A'f ,--rl€r*TrAt PM j+- qft/.- SrrV i\ BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER fFoorrrvcs / srEEL ffor*ootoN / srEEL tr FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING . tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR F.F#AL _--.- tr tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR {i:",{s t I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\tr -\.i. -QfiIDATE \V \ \ \}T\ JOB READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: *orr i'l - colre*'N MoN Gg, wED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION E SHEETROCK NAIL \.rr''"rr h..: .r:r ::' '-::tr trtr FINAL - FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING - tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,/ -l 'r.-_*.tr RECTIONS: INSPECTO trorrr REeuEsr DATE BEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES .WED )THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE.E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION -tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr tr_ tr FINAL FINAL tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr APPROVED fforsorenoueo hr" [ff neruseecroN REeut RED CORRECTIONS: 31gt ,*rttroNTOWN OF DArE \o/';!q- JoB NAME duf:.i:r, at,i lg. '. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT REOU€ T VAIL - 6t8c- READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGI{ / D.W.V. F 'E E FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEB D tr- ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING I1 GAS PIPING INSULATION SI,IEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr NAIL tr tr trrrrvAt FTNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL /sArl.rlvvtrL 6nnpct'.,n N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CTIONS: INSPECTOR 4/3f ION REQIJEST OWN OF VAIL \ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ruES 6;) tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING - tr ROUGH -tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO ilroru REeuEsT TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: . JOB NAME MON WED THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr ROUGH HEATING EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL .E)AtrPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO -/J J -4) PERMIT l.tUtr4eEn OF PROJECT 0ror.r REetJEsr TOWN OF VAIL At JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEGTION:MON TUES wED @ r*' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING /ans PTPTNG - tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr_ tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH -tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr F)Y,L FINAL /){Kppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ION REOUEST VAILPEBMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT\\ - \,.*.ri-p4Tg \r- \ 'r* \t-'";gg READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: NAME \=- CALLER MON TUES WED THUR Q) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL CI ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr r-t tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D ROUGH O CONDUIT tr,Ff{AL FINAL fuRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,"$i"iho, TOWN OF A-/t\ l q, REQUEST \/Atl tr PERMIT NUMBE DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES -----@ PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER9wt-,(Pnnlrrrnc t-fl,"-t- " tf b<tr ler _ hOOf & SHEER ,,l.,eokl& SHEER ,/1.'eol4tr ijiv'virobi'"r'ii L r r.r o tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH - tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o E tr FINAL _tr FINAL /-TdPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 3 s-s <' PERMIT NUMB R OF FROJECT qlr 1 JoB NAMEDATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: *! + INSPECTION REQUEST TOW O, l-:L VAI CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS N FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND U ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|LING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER 4-MEcHArutcet' D HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL Tppaoveo I <- tflt DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below jtems need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. IT_T FINAL MECHAN I CAL DATE:\\ l/-\\ \-- (-\\N'\ S+ FINAL BUILD]NG CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 FINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL oz L =e. uJo- -.i (\ (t> UJ uJ tJ- F IJ.J esfift /u* #TD Io,o@r @O{ Or IP.ie . N,N I>r >r<r <E'E I zlt-1' z<r <&t-,,i-Zp4rSF EItrF4lu- >.,ioM d,zPrc,|6d lu E F l.-Iz =z inutFoz oz I l 06 oz z u-J IJJo i tl- o Fo Fz o aro .Eulz3od r!UJiz:= Evf|rl <F2^oz 6< I $wl! JC \ ) FiI ..9t\$! \a .l) \ tn \a) '.i z 14 F-l ^(l, (E (E ;ot- o ot o E c o O o) ==: E o =l o o 3 .q) 3ig$9UF;coaP ;E E 8 EiEs.9 XE'Ac-o>':2 -E :EFi; >= >.PoE.l of, o,r5;: EEAREIEo- Q otiEoSgcsF $iSeoo o- SE; s oi6-or E.9 p.!(!cvP6 (! 6oE: x- c.Y x *:E Ea(!!: --t=(6 o'- is= o s)e-E,- ef;; E ss1:O(d=X *5 F" ;*;:9E or -e5g: -$!n e.l c{ c.l .* E Eu,(L z J l d) Y(J uJ-oz) ct- !r,.1) uJ z 6 = oz Io .IJ = ul uJ TL2 tr UJ ll.lg. o ;g UJEz 6t!o F6 |lJ z uJ x F UJo U' uJ UJLrt = uJa J F F z o =f EF(Jlu.J UJ z =fJ J oz I(J UJ = Fl Er NO[Vn']VA Fl H f,r 9sZZu-- ^ ^ ^El:a = -r>F ^ q> z=. ? d 3Ea6 6 E,^,Z\-().i89 fr5LL<35 3Ei5 PHr(vclE =>E -I t+. F-] z t4B m El{z Fl F-] F zH z z tr { LL cc(, o- E(' |lJ E.o- I'JE z Eoo Xa Q9zotr E lrJ =uJz izlz F oo o O O I U) t-. zl =aul3o ul )(! uJElr oz F z FI uJI III tl IItEltoltqlItrl uJl J cc uJz cr uto F zIF J az I -,1 t4z z I -| --l2rl :I o -(t Jl<li z z o gJ LU IJJzoF (r UJ o-) z Eoo =Fa I lq; | ;.',l>oH I tlll -ls I6.4 | lEltitIEl'tolzi- --: Ju- H FT ztrl E H z Er z - ii =z co -') zl ol:lHI <l :l >l<l4 z, z COz CO <n uJ J = I(L +l Ff L(J g LIJ o6 = Io- F (x oz (, u,lc J ILoz 3l 9l tr o out t!oz 31 9l zH E F-lA F-t F-] (/) >1 rI]- =E I+ oz utE J a>l tl-l \JI zl =l91r-t F. It(\ L/,i.J IJJF v z IJJ .J a l! z =t- =t o =.) t! 1l <l>i I 3lpl UJ) l!F .Y uJz = F LUF T E. E. <F trJ <ZE TJJ F(nZ )t<oOF ES XF-,2 = ,-r IO ZY =#-) l-J7o-O J t\.<^Otrza) =#iiz =g E i, = \.z <Osil=l uJFo coo-zo F(L.ul Y , lrJlo oF F IYHosco |!oro- o_ o\o-o p.rr<r= HuJbkzo ."*3\./ \,, = =83dd=-t<__EUU F tr uJ(L lt ?!{FZc<ofo96 "-!B91l i! ci- EJF5 b=(J*i- o<*., v u-E ooE 5+t x>6t;Fct "ilD-itttr.H o -et z zQ c0o2Z dr F =Elrlo-zo F(J :)EFazo CJ t]ftn t =ca @ at,l!IJ lJ- == tU u- .A EIFoz = -Jldl .6 =z N F F t! Jt! o\ -\o!u .c !oq(a JOIY() ^c .Erb !c) )o'Etc:agio loio 'oD ii'5 E o tr o o 3.; q)c E .ola3 E.mu) qx cO o.: 3€ -ol - :'r3.: i >3t Q-N (i,rrl,;i isi l"il-rIOtc '.E o :Pjr:!. xli Xt' ;(EC 'f : o,t o'=b pJ ':D6O o9 tI qio3';(gE -o (J::oo C)m 2ul ^P th n36ocF >= r5 5 3. =o 1t .aEr ) a.,'- | 'o-lr- |r-'I os E.y 'Er >.'i F^o-o- (|)qt =3GJ: EE f: :o .9u t! t, E'-u= - attq)a! _c) :'; -o- '= :!-o )'--=ls !(s i(!i (!I '?! Ic.: (Ui *-c o)+ 65o> (E: Y() =.,trTOU ldTo, l'= .JadI t1, lclo leItslx t'-l(D .s f,o. !:g =, cl (!r a( I (E' -; GiC t! 0J :'!5 ;3 >.9oa) ro -o $\ \ \J lttu, UJ o uJ zo = o c< t =uJ z =UJ _|.|, o- uJ + l! 5 z ) NO|lvn']vA 1 .jt I t,')-<l'' iiF1,:] Jl I I'raIr/tft\ i-' oa Zt trvlql I -rl3al 3;lil'-ilzrll ur---..1 n: TA €\\)v{ - E Qr'\ (\I z2OO i\ O- =<f,=^=lL: 9oF5\)z*s .*3>()FO -ioi 1 f,o --rl<Itrl z1 .. >lotu t! UIz <t, =E uj J zo FlU F ru l J I F ahFz z !f('F IIJ<()o< > il:EE 61oo<z aD tr2.. z= -F rlj(53 r.r : ioltrl;lol<l E =lrt i r tr \ F \\\- \/l \{ v I I I I II IY J I lr I I I F q Ia 71) L.y s N :lvl I\JI $il ,llFtl otl f .l ol I I J 14 dcl JaE I I I I I I I I I\l \'l I:l trl I I &l f,-l 1 zl.l(rl url 1l <t'>l rLIol =lH I I I I I I.l =l t?l ql <l>l bl zl Bi YiFI \ E I I I I \l =l EI J EF tlJ <Fc()uJ< TIJ FOZo C)ulL.r C) :9 5t.\- ;JZ C) F_ Fz 2 I LU v t- uJ ,Et- l- o =Fea 4. \-/ LEO5$g z 5sfr :fr.i=i E?;:5 ifi!i;E tr[!F -.t- J t-l ='= uJ :-l5;b =l _r;35 Fl ."i$:+3 rl i#* EI; :I ;$I sq * EtDiu,-loIo+F+ ^c.. UJ OF --.t.-H CEI +JE< roEUclrJ >-. ,uCL.J-o- cr<5 o- )<Z< q) Ju- (/| |<H g)trv C ca.=Oc.6U-raL(,-EOro It-.:J .n Io onlt! E 0.J Ilrl E -lzoo-lLJ FI - a ><XX Nl N N\ m H 3=3o(/) <5 Lq-(D zF o9 E.-z 3Sto :{: <z)r E -5 c..., IIJ lrl:<=.ur --cvql oF ts Itl\- Hoo;coolor tv) HFo!Zc uJ x F E E,llto-zo Fc)fEF.azo() /. ('t'?'.-- J dt- J ) INSPECTION TOWN OF l,: r'\ .- I REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON CALLER TUES WED THURBEADY FOR LOCATION: D^rE s"/-2 (. {: r, tt ,i '' ' : lrl r\'Ii, J.t" l') \._.1 r) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND R6oucu / D.w.v. DrouGH / wArER{irY'}g rr'ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr trtrFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL /l tr FINAL /fttnoveo ]ORFFCTION tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ECTIONS: INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST VAILPERMIT DATE : READY FOR LOCATION: -'-i-i- JoB NAME TOWN OF INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED PMAM NUMBER OF.PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ,tr UNDEBGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEE-ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr tr HEATING _ tr EXHAUST HOODS -tr SUPPLY AIR VED co RECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR IN I SPE d4 CTION TOWN OF ,-fot REQUESTPERMITNUMBR OF PROJECT DATE w READY FOR LOCATION: AIL JOB NAME CALLER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEEH- PLYWOOD NAILING I] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION r] SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED co RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED : jop" rti Fertins/Architect, A.lAlvo,, |lo.ron 1000 Lions Ridge Loop/ ,.fr*roit, coto. s16ss/g03- 476-ss1s 7 July 1987 Krlstin P.r,itz, Town Planner Town of VailN. Frontage Road W.Vail, Colorado 81657 Chan in Sco f the e Remodel Dear Kris; The following changesof the Christiania:in scope :*?-ve been decided upon by the owners The elevator and top floor addltlon are eliminated. The elimination of the 0Z rooms (tO7, 2OT, BO7) has beendropped. These rooms wilf remain, The corridor improvements have been eliminated. The density variance granted by the plannlng Commissionis no longer needed. Phase II (office and l accomodation unit) and phase III (eliminationof 1_dwelting unit and 1-aundry and restaurant additions) will bappenas planned presented and approved by the planning commission. TL;off-site improvements (parking lot and Milr creef pedestrian path)will be reduced to just transplanting any mature trees need.ed to beremoved to the north side of the parking lot, please d.iscuss thisand advise me as soon as possible. YoU ' M. Perk cc: Paul Johnston Andy Beck and Associates st iania ':loo x-)5,5 -r'il.JIprV. Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and o a ,.o lg\,n,Mo"" a l'U,/u F Project Application Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: I '.,ILegal Description: Lot .17\ , Btock d^ , Fiting Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by:IVC\ APPROVAL tl \--l I I DISAPPROVAL Summary: El Statt Approval lnttn 75 south lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce ol communlty developmenl May 2L, LgA? Mr. John M. perkins P.O. Box 266Vail, Colorado BL658 Re: Design Review Board Approval of the Christiania LodgeRernode} , May 20, L9AT Dear John: 9t M1y 20,.L987,_the Design Review Board gave final approval tothe christiania Lodge rern5der with the roirowing conditions: 1. A revised landscape and parking plan for the l_ot to thenorth of the christiania Lodge wirr ue subrnitted. before a?:illil? permit wilt be reLeased. rhis new arawinf ino"iarndicate parking spaces, property lines, and proposeitlandscaping.. _ The ptan sfr-oulal also show trees that will berost due to the remoder and trees that wilr be removedfrom the Christiania site, but replanted in the parkinglot area. The board. also suggested that as much wid.th aspossible be maintained. for ttr6 tanascaped area arong theparking 1ot. 2. Vail Associates will need to provide a letter approvingthe-landscaping and-paving prin ror trre-f;;ki"g'iot. - -. Staff wiII aLso need to knoir exactly whal work will becompleted on-the west side of the 16t. This informationmust be subruitted before a build.ing p".ril-rirr u" ------ . released. 3 ' Drawings for the trash encrosure should be submitted assoon as possible. Staff may approve these drawings,loy9tg., the inforrnation sh6uld be subnitted before abuilding pernit may be released. 4' You wilr need to make a finar selection on which entrydesign you would rike to use, The Design aeview Board requested that the staff show the final entry design tothen infornally at a Design Review Board *""iirrg. Thisshould also be completed before a building permit rnay bereleased. 5. The Board requested that if the overrid.e for the erevatoris increasea, it must be reviewed t-ih; o""ig" ReviewBoard. Any increase would be considered to be anythinggreater than what was shown on the drawings at the May 20meeting. 6' There was a great dear of discussion on relocating thepedestrian path along Mirl creek on the west side of thecreek. The Board did state that the paLh nay go on theglst side, but they definitely preferied the'west side, asthey felt construction would Le^ easier. ih;y also feltthat it would.!" " good idea to try to landslape and cleanup the west side of the creek. Hoirever, the finaldecision on the location of the path, the design of thepath, and who wilL ^be responsibfa fo; ruifaing-the pathmust be decided before any Uuitaing permit wiff Uereleased on the project. I also t5ei trrat ii wi1l Ueimportant to review the path desitn riit-it"-Design Revi.ewBoard. The DRB also mentioned that they Liked the idea ofbuilding a small stone foot path d.own to a smal1 seatingarea on the east side of the creek. In general , tnoughi fbelieve that.the Design Review Board preierred to see themain pedestrian path on the west side of the creek. They 1+=g- suggested that perhaps the path could be built in asr-mrrar way to the concrete path that is on the west sideof the MilI Creek Court Builaing. If you decide. to work with Cyranors on this path, it doesappear that the__path was parl of two previoui approvalsfor Cyranors. However, I am not =rrr"'exactiy whatapproved proposals they actually constructedi Furtherresearch will be necessary on tlris issue. A1so, I wanted to rernind youthat:of the PEC reguirernent that stated Thefor rrone of the new accornmodation units will berestricted as a short term rentaf unii-peiianenttyand will not be taken out of the short i;il rentalprogram at any tirne. The restriction wili contj_nue !_o "ppry even if rhe projecr is "";;;*i;ii*ir"o o,the ownership changes. ihis condition straii newritten in a legal staternent submitted to -iatt Uythe owner before a building pernit wiff Ue issued.n restriction should be recorded at the county on the deedthe property. congratulations on a well-done project. I appreciate yourcontinued effort to get inforrnalion to me on Lime duriirg thereview process. r know that there were many l-oose ends to tryto keep track of. Thanks again, John. Sincerely,\/ I f\ rx. I t./'l lnttc\Yfrl+Kiistan plttz Town Planner KP:br I dur\o,r,to- l . LIST OF MATERIALS LODGE REMODEL O?" 12, L'BT NAME OF PROJECT: CHRISTINA DESCRIPTION OF P LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS; The following information is_required for submittal by the applicant to the Design ReviewBoard before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR \ Roof Si di ng Other },lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: phone: Dennis Anderson Assoc. Inc. PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED Picea Pungens Glauga Popufus Tremuloides TO TRANSPLANTED eTcea Fungens GIauca=-..---.-...-HJ_ nU S Contorta latifolia Colorado Br.ge_S!_g-S-se Quaking A q rran:::-tr:ji- Colorado Blue Spruce Fo-8fl6p-5TE- eine Quani ty 8 Botanical Name Common Name Sf ze* f 0' 3l 24" car 20, *Indicate caliper for deciducious tnees. Indicate hejght for conifers. (over) 20' PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS o; Botanical Name (rrri nrrr vulgaris Conmon Name Common Purple Lilac Quani ty q Si ze 3-4'high EXISTING SHRUBS TO 8E REMOVED GROUND COVERS TYPe River rock (2-4" ) Square Footage 200 s.f . s0D 950 s.f . SEED AutomaticTYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES Random (retaining wal l s, set Sandstone fences, swimming pools, Path, redwood bench, etc,) Please specify. and boulder reca.ln ng wal]s. o coM[roN/ACCESSORy SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATTONSfor the CIIRISTIANIA LODGE BEMODEL AND ADDITION 28 Apri_l 1982 Pro Space Corridors Stairwe 11s Lounge ft.crtlv'-Office Airlock . Mechanical Storage Sub-totals AIb'rrad Space Corridors Elevator core Laundry / Lounge i StoraEe s.f./floor to GRFA Sub-totals sed Additional Lod.e Common,/Accesso Use Areas Common 1102 .5 230 .0 72.O 36. O 180. c 1620 .5irs. Cornrnon 2S5.5 40 .0 52.O 377.5 -250.5 L27.o Accessory 769.25 447.25 r2L6.5 Accessory 378 .0 378.0 756;O Existing Christiania/Chateau/Vit1a Front Desk Common S Front desk, officesPublic restrooms,Corridors & stairs Sub-totals ,lleo. R]677.O 677.O Pro a Front Desk Common S Office, Lobby, Maintenance 2nd floor office,Corridor Sub-tot a1s 271.05 454.00 725.05 1e!_4-s Existing conmon Proposed common Total common ,^7 7 7?5) ./ fr! 3.149.5 s.f. Existing accessory Proposed accessory Total Accessor L r2L6.5 s. f . 756.O L.972 .5 $IWdr;- site coverage )i6( e Proposed site coverage 4 1882.1 777 .9 Total site coverase 660. O s. f.35 l-,d*rdscaped area w/o pool area 5,418.6 s. f . ( 33% ) 2 r297 .5 -e hLt -l LIST OF ADDITIONS Basement Floor 378 s.f. house laundry Conversion of Room 100 to housekeeping office Conversj.on of o1d laundry to ski storageConversion of Room 300 bath to public men's room/vending areaElimination of Room 107 - merges into Room 109Elimination of 76.5 s.f. of storage - merges into Room 105Elevator service First Floor . 378 s.f. to Sarah's Lounge. Ellmination of Room 207 - merges into 209. Elimina.tion of 76.5 s.f. of office - merges into 10b. Elevator service. 100 s.f. new office space. 25 s. f . mai_ntenance closet. 156 s.f. new lobby space Second Floor -lt{ ulddl", . Elinination of 302 - merges. Eliminat i-on of Z6 . 5 s. f . of. 3014 new A.U. 394 s.f.. Office and corridor 454 s.f.. Elevator service Third Floor . New floor. 5 new A.U.s/1962 GRFA. Storage 52 s.f.. Corridor 285.5 s.f.. Elevator Service. Dormer windows w/window into 309 storage - merges into 305 seats on the south elevation +t fgyjffi,.,/ t'euj'bftaJ qp46+ r]f {' hi* CHRISTIANIA LODGE REMODEL 1987 The Christiania Lodge currently has 27 public accomodation unj-ts,phase I of the 1987 remodel results in a net loss of four P.A. unitsand a new gain of one P,A. unit, resulting in a gross loss of threeP.A. units. Pha.se II results in a net ga.in of f ive P.A. units, therefore withthe completion of Phases I a.nd II, the Ghristiania Lodge would havea final totar of 29 P.A. units, a gross total addition of two uni-ts. -De"nSAty allowable indicates 9 dwelling units, or 18 accomodati,onunits are al1owed. This application would request a variance forthe existing uni-ts over allowed density and the two new units to beadded. A froqt s9!q.?_-'e.'l< ygqiancethe office iitiilti"on andarea. This would cover Parking units are as follows: 1D.U. 28 A.U. Exist ing GRFA (7 ,232.8 s. f , ) New GRFA (2 ,635.2 s. f. ) New lounge seating (32 seats)Chateau (by agreement ) Tot al is requested to al1ow a 3' cantilever ofP.A. unit above the entry/office/front deskthe entry sidewalk. * 1.5 spaces 11.2 spaces 7.2 2.6 4.O 9.0 35.5 spaces A re-configured parking layout will be submitted as soon as possible. The 1980 parking lot configuration shows a totar of 33 space. It isbelieved that the north lot can be re-configured to allow an addition-al two spaces, and the west lot can handle an additional one space ina valet parking system as is being used in that 1ot currentry. rt isbelieved that a parking variance is not requlred. Height considerations are as follows: The present ridge line is 36'above grade at the fowest point. The new ridge line is 40'-6" abovegrade at the lor,vest polnt. A height varlance 1s not required. Ere-vations will be shown on the site p1an. * A porte coehere bearing support will be founded inside the existlngplanter approximately 3 to 4 feet inside the north property 1ine.Additional site survey information is in process and will be submltted.A. S.A.P. t Pm,"": fuu/hN[\ a^I 0.x + tl4. 0lo,v. ur*}. ;gt * 4,"d rbn Boan. f?d^ + Nr U+r\t^" in \D?+ 1: \-r+ Iuoqd + Y''fLuJ lp"-cq,c l p;iL ba,-L !*b".!t' + fqsA1 L'* Irhr"d **1 . 6{o{ND ;i-tt ;l rKD\silnD\) ii6t** iiUN IT5 tttfha. ''0mrr\' .6LTA ilt/c;t I /aDO -' , lcDo E ?EO -t^"lry., Err4 lr4t, tT5 ilws- :- i'.i - iii, ', tl :l !i l?, :! !:I' 3rt ects+ 1n (.+ lr.i(- D ! li i! t fuaq1 f A,tL.c ei5l A, (.+ I D,U,lro Ia '( v-L. 2y t;lJ.t"- * I ,1.[.^ ,L-.- I oo hnst{,t5u^dl,yilf*$. uJln."ell Q A, (1, = | 0. r{) AIhreJ 'o q 'D. bL, cr [5, l,U , (u(tt.lU; .if il,tl*+ I ilL'er F.-f P,{1, Ptx?Dlo', g A,0, 1 1.0.e,,r lf OlI, DIFF , l, t,0- Ctr. ar" ] A , ldr, lJ 4,tlr. €}\1-I\NL t, bq )" pQip0ftD to,01I e€IYl. $lfTte [00: 315] a{ zY "l- eD% (omrc'un F+. F:X Ailour, 6wA) ffh.*SIS_A,tUf:',:-[\uf,r ], ad,{6ufiiM d, tlf r.f' t oDt{# l, m+I,f, ao @ Acass Io{bo.Ls, r"68Athuq (l"rlT fl{f,,'?,fP tE4'.ed, €R"utr$6, JD' a\\ s','dla ff.hffo'' P, n,y'.3*i , s,$ f[D].]T; 6*rtr, P€DP. tQ\AtNtttfr: €.5rD€: $. so,k- 5i€b.gr o At\o,lrej t8' tiirl ii ii i: ii i. ri oo d War u,q7 ),rJ ftur I I ir lt r2:-t-., f-'L .,1 / L J il , t''\'. . c;J*. r *,i(, . t, lt I D,it+ /#t 2 U .J ,nd c td, u ,( 0* ,1,1, J?I 3/. 83 ? '|c '13 r "3q -i t,fta r?& ') t{o \ t, 4, Ir q tl l I / ezo (\ i.,' i'..' r i'l \,'_-1 1., :: " i, I I ,. 1, , .!i ', ,l I lli ril ,; i i', I l/,{'' t t; I .:i r a ry trA,ft = ---.a;iai---;--! -: ot hotr,\d T\*r, <OnVna,rl )Toe, t ,e l8' rld-.[L 1'2t lJ4' tTDu 6' * lJ- Jlo1" tl.fv f, Iurrilf. t{.. B(2}.f lez )13nz tbo JoS l00L lLt ti@ 'l}- ,( ttt 'llf \D,t r- tl,S-r ltD l\r iq : 5.S-t 6.f 5,t tf .'t " je ,t\ JLI\. t:Y =@ l}-xA).t "@ 0" \CI ,r *f"t'l+--f $,.'as tu1: ,iloa, luq ,ha' PAo lot 1r8 agL lD5'- 3Dt 3Dt lD3 lbz tD.{ ru6 @n^rv\. lgr- lzf 3L tDr. trll{lzr-r.*})sl?,fu\l'5:-2Dl L rr t)- LY lr.l v 11 :g,5'4sf Sd/vl\o. ar l[It- ll rf},f, IDS= rt.t*r.tYr ltl \ -L.fr tl . .l|[/y,b\ tr St ?. f. . yt )\-t brifl, r:l.tr-l{'tr S.s r-lf.f tI (: oI 3oSuf lw l{o 282 *t f0,ftd f2. 3 | l-o.s ll I I li ll oo dnJY\oiu LX' "}o t ^(Yto} a&L L1,fu8) {.r* q)-'}6Dla \r" .lDr . t{D )o? tio JDq J}5 Jor luf )Dh 3u; 1i:t [ ]D5 IDL t}t ^trtao J,l r}.o{. tDt{ jqra(r\ .s I \ #lir'iie ,$ N,*ft 3,r3la,{l -JZ o -SDI{ ,D' .,'.*- oa el8 Y> lt. l;r lt-- l6q t t)r 3 /t,S ] yiS ll lo El'/.t nf rv lo- tory-]. :*q9 ^l I rr-Fff, dt Y.) Itto. I a GRFA AND SQUARE FOOTAGE CALCULATIONS AND BREAKDOIfNS foT the CHBISTIANIA LODGE REMODET AND ADDITIONS 27 April 1987 Floor by floor and room by room GRFA breakdo'rrlns: BASEIIENT FLOOR GRFA Exist ingRoom No. 101 103 10s -107 1C9 -100 p.lj. ro2 104 106 262 276 188 186 233 Proposed +76,5 (stor. ) e l iminat ed +'07.C (common room to become wa11) off ice-311 27 4e|-.) 308 ?.,:r.' 302 .:' ' Sub-totals: 7 A.U.s 2 ,030 ,I FIRST FLOOR GRFA +83.5 Proposed +76.5 (office) room to be eliminated+07.0 (common wall) Room No. 204 203 205 -207 209 202 204 206 Exist ing 262 ?,t, 270 2t? 190 r87 1'.'L 233 n'.'',". 2741''., 308 '"', . 3o2 ^:i"Sub-totals: 7 A.U. s 2,ozl 7'l1t' SECOND I'I,OOR GRFA Exist ing 0 262 >l'b 371 rr;u 19O r 186 j-i::, 233 )j', 4801 924 i,;.: 27 4a't': 308 '',''1 r93.5 Proposed +'394 (new room) .r 5O ( deck )+76.5 (stor) room to be eliminated+07.0 (common wa11) ''' tJ t Room No. + 301A 301 303 305 -307 309 300 (D.u. ) 302 304 306 308 .. )\ 302 ,'. Sub totals: 9 A.U.s/1 D.'tJ. 2,929 Dil\'> l' ) +527.5 Room No. 3OO (1oft) 4At 402 404 406 408 PROPOSED TIIIRD FLOOR GRFA Exist ing 250 o o n 0 0 Proposed 426 433 336 337 428 Sub-totals: 5 A.U.s Totals: Rooms 250 Existing GRFA +L,962 Proposed GRFA 2,656.528 A. U. s/1 D. U. 7 ,232(29 units) ab[{qlD(6'rt,"''l tI ,I rt l.irl": rn iToroSd-l' SU'JIi,ARIES l0 )" fu^r Lot area 151938.61 s.f. Maximum al1owab1e GRFA 12,750.88 Existing GRFA 7,232.80 Proposed additional GRFA 2,656.50 Proposed total CRFA 9,889.30 Itaximum allowab1e common space ( .2O'/,) 2 , bbO.1Z Existing cornmon space 3,280 s.f. \ Proposed additional common space 21567 \- Proposed total cornmon space _ Sr84Z s. f .)-)-.---.-\\ a,' (qoungg, trccerlrricaA, ski storage, laf,ndry, front desk, 1obby, staf foffti-es, maintenance, linen storage, stairwells, elevator shafts,public restrooms, and corridors.) Allowable site area covered by buildings ( .SSy">&anf! 6Total proposed (efisting and proposed) areacovered by building Required area to be landscaped (.302) Landscaped area (treed & sodded areas,pool and sun deck) 8,766.23 s.f . 5,660 s.f. 4,781.5 7,2L8.6 u.N. \o^dI I o Aprll )A I9B7 Ms. Krlstin Pritz Comnunity Development Department Town of Vail Vail , CO 8f657 RE: Condominlum Assoclation Approval on Chrlstianla Remodel Dear Kristln: As managing agent for the Chateau Chrlstlan Townhouse Assoclation' Inc. I have been authorized to advlse you of consent frorn the Assoclatlon Board of Dlrectors for the remodeling of the Christlanla Lodge and the conectlng llnkage wlth the Chat.eau Chrlstlan bul1ding. Do not hesitate to contact me 1f you gave any questions about this approval . The Associatlon Covenants and Declaratlons authorize the board approval under Sectlon 3:11, 7:1, and 9:7. Thank you for your cooperation. Utristiilnin: atvait i i I lart.sott llttrtcl.t ltrl. \'t.r.i!. (.ttlttratlrt ,\ l(')t7 ( )0.J ) i7b 5(t i I -j I .a U^d1 Iornuno; o n^I \ n /l ri ,. \Ifl4,4 - - n\rrz,/ rntil/ tlli+[, hi,il^/t-""\ \ tx{cf ^ v'v2+ vv\ Ir\ tvyYY\ll ( |vv i. 'vv --- -m"54 D^,,'Q- !aodh'r. n4'dps"!-.^fl=- : 1 - l^fl"-h"'Ll --- o iit$+ t\nltr{r PD.&, t J$\ ttd'fud lle- ebn ,C\^d@r tbemrvrk on\ t sp.,ot ftiu^ Okl {\r},,0v ll v 4S{Fwq B*\-d""t, I+\isb @qqr no\> +\'* {{o6 , , ;,trurdlcnpd I sD't ruur\ bl_ ta,'ndsra+d , ;;Gr,nrnor,-' €i , fuoq- , {M efia" Ntlo r"l, N\h}eJ, t.U, {l }slft ." Sr ,to.ltqpip Lhnr{ guu\ ru rilo* rh rr./t'\ tu l J-IApplication Date '-Apart_ tb, tqD') PEC MEETING DATE VIAY IIT Iq6T APPLICATION FOR A VARiANCE I. Th'is procedure is.required f91 any project requesting a variance. The applicatjonwjll not be accepted until all iniormation is'submitied. A. NAME OF APPLICANT PNL *Jo$HSlter.I ADDRESS Ec E?. ilnrqsExt par.Jc+{ ppl,o YAILI cbtpe@ r 6t6s1 pH0NE4Zr- Sc4,l 8. NAME OF APPL]CANT'S REPRESENTATIVE JAUT*1 V!^. PEPFIh.rS ADDRESS T?o. @* 26b VAla 6 8r6sb PH0NE q44 - 4e'' C. NAME OF OWNER(S e or prin 4 SA,l V rjatt|.t )'l ADDRESS 3 e.l-taxtsEt..t kAl.tcF+t?aAtrt PHoNE 41c'-@P| n LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS bSCa E.l{,\t*ls,tsl*l F*xfH l2aq6 F LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT b BLOCKi Ftllrue Ftesr ( uteL utUee) FEE $i 00 THE FEE MUST BE YOUR PROPOSAL. PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l,,lILL ACCEPT F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject propertyINCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND AcROsS brnLrrs, anl their mail.ing uiaresses.- ' THE APPLICANT |^JILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECi MAILING ADbRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE hIITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDTO )DETERMINE IF ANY'ADDiTIONAL iNFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION W]LL BEACcEPTED uNLtss IT-Is_COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE nrr iirni REQUTRED By THE zgNrNGI9IINItIR4Igts). Ir IS THE APPLicANIs RESpoNSrBrLriy T0 Mnre nn nppoiruir,rEnrt,/JTH THE STAFF TO F]ND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMiiiR|. NEqUINTMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION 14|ILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FORYOUR PROJECT BY-DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNINGAND ENVIR0NMENTAL C0MMISSI0N MAY sTIPULATE. nLi coruotrr0NS 0F AppRovAL MUsr BECOMPLITD l^JITH BEFORE A BUILDING PTNI,IIi_TS-iSSIJE6.--''-' IlI. F0UR (4) COPIES 0F THE F0LL0WING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMTNT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l' The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentialuses and structures in the'vicin.ity. ?, The^ degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement of a^specified regulation js.necessary to aitrieve compatilirityand uniformity o! treatment afrong sites in irre vitlnitv-o. to attajn theobiectives of this tiile without grant of speciat pi.ivitege. DEPARTMENT OVER O va.iance 3- The effect of the variance on light and ajr, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, uti lities' and public safety. B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at'l east lrr - 20r stamped by a Col orado I i censed surveyori nc1 udi ng I ocat'ions of a'l 'l exi sti ng improve- ments, 'i ncluding grades and elevatjons. Other elements whjch must be shown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress,'l andscBped areas andutility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least lu = 20' show'ing exj sting and proposed bui ldings. D. A11 preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and proposed on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownersh'ip and easements F. If the proposal is'l ocated in a multi-family development whjch has a homeowners' association, then written approval from the association in support of the proJebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said associatjon. G. Any additional material necessary for the revjew of the application as detennined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. Time Requi rments The Planning and Envjronmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying materia'l (as described above) must be submitted a mjnimum of 4 weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applicatjons (as determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the desig- nated submittal date. .jl j: i.r.' t:i i'f:i i o : " rtorur simncr , n r A r l'I f I 'rr.,n I O n, .nt, Jnd. ftbdr (aC,t0UQf-- +0( \ I-\tL {- yailW 0ffiic!-fL-I- f,..- \'i *p nU n ^- . 1^.^^l ' t^ -,^- W tbr,4L_ bc-[6t(,- N* n uarpbiad, Jpart. ,3r& Ao'r lJ\&[, *% *r^ilb -o! I ,-.*."... .- ..,- ! PUBLTC NOTICE NolrcE rs HEREBY GrvEN that the planning and Environmental comrnission of the Town of Vair wirl hord a public hearing in accordance with section 18,66.060 of the municipal cod.e of the Town of Vail on May 11, 1987 at 3:OO pM in the Town of Vail Municipat Building. Consideration of: l-. Request for density, setback and parking variances in order to construct additions to the christiania Lod.ge located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road on Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: paul Johnston 2- Request for an amendment to a special development district in order to change a tennis court to a parking 1ot at vair Run Resort (speciar Deveropment District No. 5) located at r-023 Lionsridge Loop. Applicant: Mr. William Fleischer 3. A request for a density variance in ord.er to enclose g balconies and 2 decks at the Treetops condominiurns rocated. at 450 East r,ionshead circle on Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Li-onshead First Filing. applicant: treetops Condominium Association 4- A request for a conditionar use permit in order to expand the outdoor dining deck at Brurs Beanery Restaurant l0cated at 193 East Gore creek Drive on Tract A, Block sB, vail village First Filing. Applicant: Blurs Restaurant The applisations and inforrnation about the proposars are avaitabre in the zoning administratorrs office d.uring reqular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Zoning Administrator Published in the vait Trail on April 24, L}BT ooADttrsr wwYlg-DNEP.S C}\hrf!"atJ cll2tsflANllA AS*-{.CrF,$1DHc/o fAV (D*, trEErs. IIOQ BPANboN EaAD Lr,)lLnnlN@rcnr t fu-. lqbo-) VAIU ASSOCjAffiS Eox r V/qlL, (D. Ela+6 VIL\A UAL t+rLA AEsscr*$leh..l o/a. Bn'.r'.PV cPAbocl<bt eA€bE+_t * tl1z- crt)s PoAb (:,oLoRsso snalNcrs ) c_,oL_oeADo &q7b St\, ,^ ilkL t'tryiff'flH {'+t;Pi^tihd'1dil'*o*'* 45a,VS' Yp. mlLL (eaeL (oOq c/o Agr|\ue' blaHcp 43oZ l+trN\eh-,r RANI:I-\ VA\L I Cb " &taso /--'' Cqt,l qtl 5 \" 1-/E-'L ''kthryb,hl L"tr- ayqt"; $1 {)'- li U0li -. ..., d,t ft"^ I< yb ! FqscqtrFf-toh-l @. Pc>Ar<> O VV 1r+ g\tr t , totj /r't'iJ ( n -,- ,' 1 BlL\,1.d I ,. 3-'n, .(:" / Y/ u/f l MEMORANDUI{ TO: PLANNING AND BNVIRONMENTAI, COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMIINITY DEVELOPI,IENT DATE: 8/2L/80 RE: Parking variance reguest for Paul Johnston to add a 21800 sq ft adclition to the Clrristiania Lodge located on part of Lot D, Block 2' Vail Village lst Filing, in a Public Accommodation (PA) zone district. DESCRI.PTTON Or VARTANgB REQUESTBp The Ch::istiania is re-arranging and adding floor space in their loclge. No additional units are being created, just larger units and some offj.ce space for internal operations of the lodge" Building heigltt is being raised in cerlain places, but not so.as to negatively affect view corridors or to violate zoning retrictions The parking situation for the Christiania has been the problem in the study of this proposal . Parking facilities for the Christiania existin two locations: A gravel lot across the street (Hanson Ranch Road), and a small area West of the Lodge. Complicat.ions arise when the parking requirements for the ChristianiaCondominiums, located East of the lodge' ;rre figured in, because they also use the lot across the street from the' Lodge, In the last few days, questions over the amount of parking spaces whichtlte condos have a riqrht to in the lot have arisen. If, as presented'by Mr. Johnston, the condos have a right to only one spot per unit, no parking variance \,rould be needed by the Christiania Lodge for theiraddition. The Lodge is 3 spaces short rohen the new addition i-s figured in along with the norrnal allotment given to the condos according to zoning (15 sp-qggs). There are 9 condos existing, so if they only have rights to 1.u6;ia-, the Lodge makes up 6 spaces and needs no variance. The Staff is reguiring written proof of the parkj-ng arrang'ement withthe condos before the waiving of the variance is granted. The memo is being written, and PEC is considering the matter undertlre assumption that, at the time of the hearing, no written agreementj-s produced. The 3 space variance would be subject to the $151000fee. Christiania-2-8/e0 CRTTBRIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, section 18.62.060 of the MunicipalCode, the DeparLment of Community Development recommends approval ofthe requested Variance based upon the following factors: - Consicleration of FactorF l. The relationship of the requested. variance to other existi-:rg orpotential uses and structur6s in the viciniLy: Vail Associatc;s has indicated their possible desire to consiructa 1od.ge on the existing gravel 1ot. As a potential use, parkingfor the christiania complex wourd. need to be taken care oi at that.tiute in a sufficient manner. The planni-ng staff is not aware ofany major existing parking problems in this vicinity. 2- _ The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretationand enforcernent of a specified regutation i.s necessary to achreve compal:-bility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or toattain the objectives of this title without grant of special privi.lege: we feel that quality lodge space is an important goal for the Town, and. that, in actuality, no ad.ditional generation of cars may resurtfrom this proposal . The number of units is not changing, ano thisis an important. factor in determining the potential ior increasedparking problems. Also, the architest has made a new proposat forarangi-ng .the parking spaces in a more space-efficient manner to accommodaLe more spaces in the existing rot, our opinion is thatno special .privilege woutd result in approvjng the request. 3' The effect of Lhe reguested variance on lighL and airn distributionof _population, transportation and tr:affic faciiities, public facj-litiesand utilities. and prrblic safety: As stated above, no effects upon distribution of population is foreseerbeca-use the n.'rmtrer of unit,s is notibeidg increased, No compoundingof parking problems in the virrage is foreseen lrith the grantingof this variance. Such other factors.and criteria as the Commissi-on deems applicable, _"the proposed variance: The proposal is not located in ccr, and thus is not subject to revievrby the PEC under the Village Desgin Guide P1an. The exlerior alteratio:tswill go to the Design Review Board. if the planninq and EnvironmentalCornmission approves the parking variance. 4. to . l I chEistiania - : - flao , FINDINGS: . The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the followinqfindings. before granting a variance: That the granting of the variance wilt not constitute a grarit ofspecial privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in ;the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to thepublic healtho safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to propert.ias'or i-mprovements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for the reason that the stricl: orliteral interpretation and enforcement of the specified regul-ationwould result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardshii>inconsistent with the objeclives of this title j\* MINUTES OF I{E}4BERS PRESENT Gerry White Ed Drager Dan Corcoran Gaynor Miller .Tohn Perkins ilim l"lorgan Roger Tilkemeier o PLANNING AND August 25, ENVIRONMENTAI CON.ISSION1980 3:00 P-M. COT]NCTL PRESENT' 'none S?AFF PRESSNT Peter Patten Jim Rubin Dick Ryan Bebsy Rosolack 'Dan Corcoran moved to approve the minutes, seconded, by Ed Drag;er,vpte was unanimous. 2.Exterior Modi-ficati.on to ttre r,ionsheaci Goiciota Bu-i-ld.in Jjm Rubrn presented. the project as explained in the memoranrluur andstated that the staff recommenced approvar. B. J. Britton, ornryrer ofA Place on Earth, -shor'necl drawings and clescribed the snow pir.d highin the vrj-nter in front of the Uuifaing. He menbioned that the tvio storefronts were conceptual , that there !/ere rro tenants as yet. Discussi-onfollowed concerning the fact that the barrier in front of the buil<iingseparated the building from the malr, and that it was so wide that itlacked people perspeciive. rt vras felt that this; modi-fication r.ras needed.for the r-,ionshead commercial exposure. Dan corcoran moved to approve,subject to the conditions noted. in the stafi i"g"it, Ed Drager seconded.the vote was unarrimous. t Set,back variance tq build a d.eclc on Irot v.villaqe 7th Jim Rubin presented the projec! and, after expl.anatio:-r, stated thaethe staff recomrnendea aeniai. because no hardshj-p existec.. Ei}een schillin,explained the dr-ar^rings further, and po.rnted out that a ne.ighbor (Davj_s)was given a variance to extend, a cleck and bui-l-cl a garage. Further,neither of her 'eigirbors objectec, and t.he oLtr*t. orrrlel of herdge,tex wrote a leLter rcqueitit g that Eireen be arrovred to build onthe I{est in orcler not to-intrucJ on his pririacv. shq poin.Eed out thatthe reason the deck lras not propos;ed for the blck was to save the treesthere, and because the site vras-steep, Discussion forlov,,ed about thefact that there is no- neighbor to the west bccause it is an avalanchearea' and will .never be occupied,, thererore won't impa-t ,rrr1,or.rr"- Roger Tilkemeier moved to approve this variancc,r, John pe::kins seconrle,{and all voted for approval except for J-tm l,Io::gan who abstained *rr,t'^ii"'Dn:.9er rrho voted agai-nst app::ovil because he iel.t no hardship existea. Q2e!i!:-tr @er' Peter Fatten pre.sentec tire reqr.resL explaining that it r^ras Dot in ccl.PaulJohnston meut'ioned that Ctrere was a past parking ugr*.*,,11t betweerntlic Cirristian.ia Conclos, the VA, an<l chateau Ctrlistianial nog.r Tilkemeier , .-l pdc uinures - 8/25O- page 2 said'that he wasnrt aware of an1' agreenrent with the Christiania Conclos,but.that the agreement was wiLh the christiania Lodge, VA and the Kendallresidence. PauI added that on11' one space has been deecled to one condo.He went 9n to explain that the units he wanted to convert were verysmall and also that 3 units had. only showers. The pran was to reduce9 units to 6 larger units, thus impioving the guest rooms, and change2 y"-ttf -on the- ground level to housekeeping quarters and storage. .Tohnasked, if a parking variance was needed.. others did not see the needfor a-parking variance., expecially in light of the fact that there maybe a letter verifying the |arking-agreement. peter and Dick felt thatit may be good to give a plrking variance so the applicant rvourd.n'thave to come back igain. -otheri felt that since paur- wasnrt und.er atime duress, he dj-dn?t need, a vote now.. Ed Drager moved that consj-dera-tion of the variance be postponed, and Roger T. seconded. The voteto postpone consideration r+ai unanimous. 5. Vail Associates Cond.itional Use. permit to place for theon Lhe Upper Golden peak Tennis Courts Peter Patten presented the study and mentioned that it was the samerequest as last year' and the stafr reeommended approval . Discussionfollowed about the.parking staIls cuL into the bank irlegally, and thefaet that the parking stails had been there 2 or 3 years. glri, Halnedsaid it was vA's intention to fix up the bank beyonh b.he parking. andthat_Lhe parking rvas supposed to be'for trr".ra!"-personner. Requestyas.fgr-one year at a time, until such time as VA will bu-ilc1 peimanentfacilities for smaLl worfd. Tom had a letter from pat Dodson inclicatingan agireement with the Recreation District. Dick Allis of Manor Vail spoke to say that they lvere noL ba.sically opposed !? !L"-:!ructure.' nor to smarr ir'orldl but was lo::cerned about the amounror:farr+g 3nd the spsed of sorne of the traffic in tha_t area. ire alsomentionqd-the inpact on his parking. He asr<ed for a speed b*mp. cerryWhite fel{: thai: the council would read these rninutes an<l- recei-ve thecomnents. Diek felt the need for some sort of trad.e-off since he retthe shi crub use 4 pari<ing spacesi. He felt, that it was tire--onrv-partof vail that has retained. ilrL character tha{: vair started out to be. Dan corcoran moved to approve the conclitionar use pernit srrJrject tothe conditions noted in-Ltre staff repor-u. Ed, Dra-ger seconcled. ald thevote was unanimous with Roger t. abslaining. 6.Setback Vari.ance t--o build an eidition onto an existin re si-clenceon Lot 3 Block .1 Va'i-I ltleadows Srib v1s.10ll F_;_1i.r: temporary structure1980-Bl ski season. Peter patten presentccl the staff fi.ndings an<l tl.re staff reconnrend.al:io1of denial . lilark Donald.son sho'ec1 plrotoi of various s;ides, sayinq thaelJtt ploj"cLcd aciclilion woulci impact Lhe site the reast. The discussionthat followed quesLioned the reiso:r fo:: putting tire gar.age in -,hat positio:or in Lhat place, and it rrras genererly rert tirit tne-gar;g"-.."ia'u*moved a little to keep it niLhin the ietlrack. Ed Drager moved for clenial, seconCc,J b1, Roger Tilkenreiet:, arrd, the votefor dcnial vras unanimous 75 south trontage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476_7000 April 8, L9A7 offlce of communlty dcyelopm€nl Mr. John perkins P.O. Box 266Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Christiania Lodge Dear John: In order for the Christiania Lodge to construct moreaccommodation units, a request for a variance of d.ensity rnust beapplied for. The PA zone allows for 25 units per acre, and theChristiania Lodge property contains .365 acres. .:eS x 25 _ 9units which are allowed on this property. Since the christianiaalready contains rnore than 9 unilsr- it is considered anonconforrning situatj_on. I am not sure if a parking variance would be needed, but wewould study the parking situation at the tirne a density varianceis requested. Sincerely, n,4.i"^/./ f ,r'' /^ //'J-h1 ,Lb["4a-I'Betsy dosdlackPlanning Technician oo 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476_7000 April 3, L9B7 Mr. John perkins P.O. Box 266VaiI. Colorado 81658 Re: Christiania Dear John: At the prelininary hearingDesign Review soaid had tfle oo offlce ol communlly development of the Christiania remodel , thefollowing concerns: l-. The stairway on the south must be addressed regardingraili.ngs and landscaping. 2. The gable on the south would be better plain. 3. A model would help visualize the addition. 4. A roof plan should be subnitted. I. will l.<1ow bV Monday whether or not the addition of anotherstory will have !" S9 through pEC. fn ord.er to schedule you forthe April 1-5 Design Review ioard rneeting, please subrnit al-1changes by April _i-0 to give us tine to ieview the changes. ff,on the other hand, you wi1l need to go through pEC, we willdiscuss another sched.ule. ff you have any questions, please feel free to cal1. Sincerely, / Jerr 1Betsy Ro6olackPlanning Technician of oo APPLICATION DATE: 2q mopc,|I IQb-] DATE 0F DRB MEETII'IG' t arpatL tlD-) DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION t,JILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatjon meeting with a plann'ing staff member is strongly suggested to determ'ine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's respons'i'bility to make an appointment with the staff to fjnd out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica-tion will streamline the approva'l process for your project by decreasing thb numberof condit'ions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resol ved before a bu'i 1di ng perm'i t i s i ssued A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: cil.pTSnANIA I.€E**e tt)IsHEs TD ,Ast2; ts?b s.F. l"lr,tr.toer (egs,u cnlne wrr*nw) **a s.r. eenreer parn /nea,e ulurmcrr) oltFtcb, d l-oBF+/) e sE A.lp F{-@ as oFFt€. r r-ap[Jc,|3 .t p.h.rrutr(3?!.5 GEEAr) B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal Description Lot 2 Block 2 Fil inq FtESI- Zoning !a.lax, aaa*rrroltrcU C. NAME OF APPLICANT: h;T- ooltxrsroFl Address D. NAME OF Address E. NAME OF Si gnature Address F. DRB FEE: VALUATION telephone 4rE-gAl APPL ICANT 'S REPRESENTATIVE : ..bTT+-I IV\. EEEIF}S tel ephone q44-4ca) The fee will be pa'id at the time a building permjt is requested. FEE telephone 4t--9.1. stake the site be removedvisits the $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ so.oo $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant mustto indicate property lines and build'ing corners. Trees that wjll should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRBsite. $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetingsof the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. ll LIST OF MATERIALS oo NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P llcrfEL t-ctDfae. The following information is required for submittal by the appficant to the Design Review Board before a final approvai can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther llall Materials _-w. slrAEEs t-.-EaEP,b 4{ Ecllat{' "(o" 'b"'to" es$lbcrt\ M.E. €trt C.-o cFF rrllrtts= M.Er - Fasci a Soffi ts f'J'i ndows llindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED of Designer: phone: Botanical Name l?'s. cEbFE, *rl-bEc^oEnfi\re, crtr rYl.E. *4( FLYrrJooc> M.e. E|trfl-lulo @Fr1 ylA.B W, b*s P.s. cepsp. eenv u.g u"urp srkklE 4 crr-*s *6 h .E- M.ts Fl /b. Lt /b. N/A h{ /b ttlo oE Wtulll- % pE L^crcF*Efo Quan i ty Si ze* EuEreCzeE€Ff {€EES cLt t{,Et treaEett{ Common Name t for conifers. (over) *Indicate caiiper for deciducious trees.Indicate height SIEGAL REMODEL ADJACENT PeqlERrI-oliIIERE Christiania Lodge Paul Johnston iia n. Hanson Ranch Road Vail , Colorado at657 Vi11a Va1ha11a Condo ' Assn ' Same as above ' Tivoli Lodge Bob Lazier Box #627 Vail , Colorado 81658 Mi11 Creek Court Assoc' Arthur G. BishoP & Co' 3O2 Hanson Ranch Road Vail , Colorado'81657 Town of Va11 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Lot D-1, Block 2 Vail Village 5th Vail Associates Box 7 v.ir, colorado 81658 Red Lion Inn - Commercial iii"rt."a N. Brown, Jeff SelbY' Charles Rosenqursr Box 1528vrif, Colorado 81658 Red Lion Inn Residential Edwin C. Whitehead 66 Vista Drive 6i""n*i"t, Connecticut 06830 ,\r.l : f' I I t-f.-dcr'-* L ftvr 5 II o'n'ru ,'".1u nil \,r.,[ \L,.^ [1',,, ",l.'ltr llo\11\\"'/ I V 'r zrtr'J'' S-"' -\tu ' 1 tt- 6^ l. '+t \L--' ') oz ts =t UJc oo oro(\l a IJJ UJu- F =E lrJ o- "'-;tfil,f'Ft (0 @ =f, d!!5 = (o(.' lr.JIF lo trt! z oJ uJ l6lyrIFxl> El='.n | =zl ) =lc0Ol.!<1."2lzzl7 i(J o) o() .9 E(t) o g) 6 q) o E uJz Eo ul-Foz J uJ U) = l! ulz Bo c; o 6o -c c(g o o f =o E o =cl E o) o ='t o) lo a; F o.c o olc o o) o U' .2 -c a fo o 4; 3(E o(! at, ($ o c '-o -(g(oO Eo pF l. .:(Ei -(!EF6tra.e ;o--cO# s.=?=o>,(!= (5X :o Eq:EEo0,o(It I a o) c () (E <,, Eoq) o (E =cx, (5 oo c, o Lr,sf oo Lr)sl = =E UJc z 6 = YoluIoz Jo- .J E LU tr oz co =f c J 2 I() rtJ = u,l lLl z tr UJ u.i o 3 uJ uJ z 6 |.lJ tru, o- UJ o- 2 LIJ) X r- utg) U' UJ tIJu- = =E uJo J FoF z J J IIJJ uJ z =J 9z c) IJJ: NOlrvnlvA J I J '1 ( + ( a T n YE =TLo z.o Fo- G 8 UJ - e. IIJz UJ =>E L =@N zz Fo- A;a =66Fr6Zl,r- <oo- E8 H(\ I I I1l.l ?l1llBl-{ elqotolt!l I,-l JSIqol Jclql .t''l:l .al rl€l 1..l z E LL tr o- o&o UJo- ao- UJ J z E z9t- t uJFJ =tuz I I l q a UJ 5q-t!(E tr oz I I I I (!)tz, 9z do3tr U)Fzlz tr 5 I lu.l ozg o z F m ti{(-)r-e{ C) Cf, (oo <tr{ lllFo cDoazo Fo- UJY IJJ dI oF F Etu o- tto o-o C) uJFoz uJF o z o=ze =z o-- I dt 2?1-- ?r.J- =HE !tr! = =ru t!o 59E<o-l60EoB9It irieEE =>=uJ-E h=(, +:.'i.':x>c! E 66 I \tnE XO_E X>t q* o-itttr llJ F z ! t! (-) t-(J Lr.lJ r.lJ z, FUI -o i,j =z .--') I I I l- l" I )v\rq 6i sj> Eo c {J aAc-co 5(d a- r{ =4 olzl ol UJI 1t al>l bl zl =lotFl I =l(ul =l.l I =.1ol uJl 5l <l>l LLIol zl 3lolFI I I I Iol-l olttll 1l <l>l u-lol fl tlIItltll"ll-lt(5lI UJIllltall>lI u-lloltzl EFI I I Iol =.1(9l uJl 1l ;l Pl r <F(r() IIJ <ZEt!F<42o() >Yg?zE:Fd6 z -t- TIJ = E. F Fz. = \JZ F =E lrJ o-zo F(J EF(nzo C) NET IEl.Jlu,Iv)IE+ (L o F at, ! E(u o l .i qJ rugJz g)!: uJ o- J zo FUJFo-L<>oruF_r Ittl )F tL cc u o-Ifl 9l6t :< o =o'z \'t'* E>E furS ^il- ta ILu I* lllt^ltll-l <l Ftl otl <lt ^tl l; ; P =l<i oo 3to l2o F- g) I leto I ,YJ I I I I J ri !-o -ao'= :x toJ rQ., E () +J q =L! ,ro i.* ,<, '= L .lJ Eo(). q- Or Ivtt v7a t C\J 'I =(JJ'- : .o. J la- (JI o!- t+(Fc Lr, u0 (u_J C\ oF tsE LIJ _cr.\ "*Nl E,\t\ P!u,\F25x f- LLI .J lt- O. r.lJo lJ-lt!z. t/, =tr =!.J.lJ+ O( LJ- - It-t-l> LlJ u_ (r,I(LIil ;; r/,:< E x r!l_t t-l:.1 =lLrJ I*l s*-l IFI =l- t',ll -r ll 14- ll Iurfat) ! J c, o J u at) F z z J .lt (9 z I I I I I Irca JF l.^z l=to tz I I I tJ) trJ UJrL UJ J F F x F tr.to CL!u z (J ct i ttr, z a UJ UJ z F rU CN UJIL F t! o \J \ll =F l! z zQ EZ d8 -t-f< z=zoF+ couJ> z I E z EllJ F-rC!NOtlYnlvA LJLJLJ \ z IL I I I I 5 lu UlF F Fz C)I z o IU Tt/ bl ZI xl z ct E -J <F uJ< oz lv vN\tJ g -lrUlt_- |'t] UJ z olzl .;l HI --rl <l ?lE' zl 3l 9lFlEo (J Fzoo z o UJ JI 5lttlol zl 3lol .il zl.l sJl J' <l>l (Ll ol zlilolFIE F() Fz c(n 16 7/. | 1.,./|| |ttt IL/IDAIE llllY/d'2 JOBNAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL !'r s..h ^ ,".irr.. CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,,tv' J /,_+ lt ;(neenoveD .,,:',tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING (nouen -tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: oor= //- /'7'-/"l rNSpEcroR ..\ EST ' lPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ' '/r.l TUES WED THUR JOB NAME ,{9i o3 'l a , INSPE_CTION_ RFOU r-.-. ,i TOWN OF VAIL a/\ /i I r 1J-t i, .\, CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING F ROUGH ..tr EXHAUST HOODS tr\UPPLY AIR - tr tr tr CONDUIT FINAL E. tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDDISAPFBOVED-t:'_ffeenoveo, CORRECTIONS: -/ /_'/ --.' i./ - ,f / l:r i '- -r ! t.' INSPECTOR }J cr)(v Oc) u.lFooo-zo F0-ulv lrJo 9.',-coFol =-Eu.l roqr{bt>€Eqo9rl HFroEzo z(,9z4 =z a-,P ,.*-5\., \J = =Fe= ;'i'i () A;E tr EIu IIo uloz oo t- E E JFUJ;h=:(tso- uJ =LOL9oiutX(Lx>Er-) J.tr uJ6 F co Eco o 6'at .E 3 E EI o ts =Elrlo.zoFofE 6zo(J ft]I o =t =E uJo- .7w_ 56/8//// IH l6 I I I I I I t_,, r<td IE I I tu,,Ft<ro I I I I lo. t? laz l=to lotz J at =ZZtLo oo F^AZI q ;onl6E l/,(.,dZt-O9onlJZXlr<t1 0-J:-rltxEi6 siq 6da\ta EIqlllqEl''1.9 If, (t) J =F uJ Etr<-oE J c)+.t L-c z j q- Fo EL C') Lr- G' C] +) ii =z .Do--) I ILl- I J EI q :a =o tltlll,ll"tl tdI rIJlI03tqtcrt< EI 3E lrtl l.llzlI cil Irltall>l t5l del Et tl=llol I'5t I(,I Iot I+rl Iot Il-t .lo-l Ollzl =l dl'- | "-l.=l ilcl >l(Ul |!lOI OIlzlEAtLLI FI F tltll.llol| =.1| (tltulI ccl lil l3l el el Ei uJ J uJF IIlltltltltlldll=lt(,lI uJl t5lt<ll>lI ll-lt9 Et :lrl-l Fl I I I Idl>l ntl CEJ JI alilol Zt ,.tBI :Ol rrrFI F =E lJ- (ts UJz = LlJF E <Ft<) I.JJ <zF I.IJ F6Zo 5P t<i.' t;:iF",2:oro rn R zt- E?zE d6 -) tY 6P?a) =$Y,z>U E Ei =IIYttr|!, z O <Oo14u] H-Jna! x>< >< xx>.. l_ l<lo I $- ll \ <nt! IL t-- UJ I I I I lE IPt< IFl9zl= t2 t=IY <4 UJF 2 oz J .6 z N J z (J lr,l = z : J F() u, Y 2 = UJ z (D ts lJ.l-'q+t bHlrJ<.o Zt-/'t<:z)a,ry oFX€.o.! iF #l H=tdEEI*-al 160li u:l d---l3-,- ' YJFD. o o cl @T' E co(, o q, i_ 'o)0) Cn \-/ (- o nrrn z oPz4 tDQ =z dP ,J,"i6 ;sFJ(Ji =uJxo|rJEr-J-UUIILJ lc lgl-ltr, | .o | ii I ;t *tsl;lslilr $/frtitfi \Jt= .\ll t! ' Jl1. \/l< l=l> rEl> - =uJ z E+E5F(rgo.i>xoYE5furfo-(J>c,r-O J UJz UJ(J I I I I I i + 6' I I I I I Il.,,t z u .il= :6fl ; \L e ol!E oz 3 ll *8 | EE f-'X JE0F ll sp | 3F 5F il F3 I iF ilg i HF fi i3 | $E [$ S ,'r:''.,t'- Q'r, ,, ",at'i' ,'it' ,y'! ' r i' LEGAL DESCRIPTION A part of Tracr E, Vail Vil1age, Fifth Filing, a subdivisionrecorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk andRecorder, being more particularly described as follows: - Beginning at the norfhr,,/est corner of Lot d. Block 2. Vail-Vi11age' First Filing, a subdivision recorded in the office of theEagle county, colorado, clerk and Recorder, thence along the southerlyright-of-way of Hanson Ranch Road S51o 35rW 17.lB fee!; thence s30'01 tE 37.49 feer; rhence N59"59'E 17.00 feet Eo the wesEerly lineof said Lot d; thence along said westerry line N30"01 't,I 40.00 feetto the point of beginning, containing 660 square feet or 0.02 acres,more or less, Dat e I . ''' ') ';') ,/ t) E, Stenmark Colorado L.S. 16844 'L. box lfi) yail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development June 7, 1982 John Perkins P.0. Box 266 Va'i I , Col orado 81658 RE: DRB Submittal of 6-2-82 Dear John: 0n June 2, 1982 the Design Review Board approved Sarah's Deck Addition and Beer Garden. The Board suggests that brick pavers be used jn the beer garden area; they also suggest that potted plants be provided to enhance the ambiance of the garden. Not wanting to discourage the fulfillment of a good idea, the DRB enunciated these items in terms of suggestions, not requirements. Si ncerely, -,/,ft /-?--'.-_ Jim Sayre Town Planner JS:df Project Application o"r" /-7 ffi?r /"?63, project Name: 1anri, 't Crrh, Adltibn i.i,-j &ee,r fu/,*-.t ziLaa*. -,lsrtrt ln ,Psb.t-,47e *W5Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: ''*/oo/las *7e, - Se&/ ?#.m' P*r,Ltng F.*. &r*, '&6 ,.r'p.,/, 6 - *lAS&> 47:,- bStS /'j Legal Description: Lot #etocx 4 rlins /{, Zone - commenrs: ,ry -z x z:.,t '6 s-e,# ,-/ e" y'a an .g-x.tq&t?? ,**4, Sr at:'a dgl . r</.ezt {ca.a- .aez*Aan- la Design Review Board Motion by:I a\1,,-\ Seconded by: HT\4{.DISAPPBOVAL Summary: ba$fi[:$ Aat;* ) gutJ J g4.)Gt-l -t tA t 4:r€/'- ;f4-AsJ{xV t r"."1 1Efi{:a-an\ R}'f !" S+t}ru{) 4E- f,.zpturnti E:, Ct,.\ fr. ft7 l f;x|t !:_ AO jAL-fttT- -tts E statt Approval -i/ I t. LIST OF MATENIALS- u.iLe ?.tilNF 1qS2 * NAIIE OF {ROJECT snnn's orcr nNo sEE LECAL DESCRIPTION D----LOT 2------BLOCKVAIL VlLLAGE 1ST------+'ILING DESCRIPTION OF PROJECl'ApprTroN oF A pEc E- FENCING oI AN EXISTING fARKING AREA The following information 1s required for submittal by the Applicantto the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given. A. ) BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other lYa11 Materials CoLor TO MATCH EXISTING EXISTING <r - 7t Fasci.a Soffits Wlndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck RaiLs Flues Flashings Cblmneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Type o{ llaterla]. N/A 1X4 V/OOD SLAT SIDING TO MATCH N/A 114 N/A N/A 2X6 REDWOOD CONSTRUCTION TO MATCH EX- @ N/A sc - 721 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A B.)PLANT MATERIALS N/A dscaping Materialsr) Conrnon l{ame (Vegecative, Lanand Ground Cove iricluding Trees, Shrubs, SlzeBotanical Narne t 1_ I q00 s.F. c.)OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retaining Walls, Fences, Swirmning Poo1s, etc.) (PIeasei Speclfy) ADDIT1ON OF OPEN SPLIT RAIL FENCING ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF EXIbTING PAR(ING LoT To MATCH EXISTING sPLIT RAIL FENCING. .. RE-USE dT EXIST|IruE VERT]CLE WOOD SLAT FENCING TO CLOSE r ! i i, OFF.i PARKING iAREAJFOR SUMMER USE ONLY.ii',J:l t Botanical Name Cormnon Name Qugnrltv S ize cp.outto covrp.; z/4'r wASHEn cRAVFt ovFR EXisTTNG AspHALT crlr NArr\/F qANTTSTONE FIRFpt acF/BARBFQUE plT SEE SAMPLE Macerlals Continued t3/ L //b o >\- ./) '<3Y.-91 c s< Iflr\\I c LaiRr i3:E=<ts 3 <: < i zt- :8il Ir-.5i_<C(, Y 3ZZtL h o- 4=x r =Yc 9 6F ooEZs-()OoglQzXrr- <o+ 2L!:?c!{ii-x i(\lo I.-+q,q "lrHq-1 vl3olgq..{Id+rl I<alldi?qcl l=l(,q 'q*6; oP :99 126E <F-oazOs =oq5P38Sn<68 z ;i.i<;c-<(, o- Pgilcotq$ itr9<oz 'JlZ= t4ot C:l I I I I I oz L =culo- oz Fo uJ-)o .L drlNr{rl ".1 LUF o Jz z .n9 =rmo =z dP ."i6 >Y*= ^FS dd= o o o o! !r-E=o;()i €lu-r.O oiE>EFF CL rDt o Fo =E,F(nzoO nnt] --3 z .J u- 6 I Ic IF (l) o (tJE (I, .ci .d vt ! ui z I I I I I I I I slurl jl <l>l .L FF;i al u.Jl ololjl =l lltltlilqlanl8l3l orl =l'Ft I.6t I.|-,l (4l11 s/.llf, d-lot tt =l xl-t <l =l Jltr|atrlEl t- = lrz t F Fz z I O LU = <FEO[!<zE o(J F EFz J EF t! J LU >Y =#:)FJZ('l-O O nEt]t X -t:Ci,J!- i_ :; ! !4: -i ^ .)::,r :<:z:itz;-:; ! <;: FFF3N -.:?--lil;i7<t < li.,<eo> *m<ar'j!,:;cr<rc<]..: U)ulut l1- F E L-I-J d- !_ & o- (1z : l ol (J I(-) c5 =crl :5:) a- Io: FO Iz :1:o e( ott t z a o ii 7 i::.{ '-l,l o: F o l'- (Jz :lol NOttvnlvA zz io-AXl;co u) a5Z5- <)z t!<oo-,', :f t() iC\i z F l c f, c LU o- F L{.7 ZIt:o zz S--A==V' IJ 'L-85-R = f ;qE E s + 96au,tr(JuruJ<OZ E Z ^12t.Hq: = trYf :HZiQ: < g + HHd,r+6tr{3coEo6oo(Jrz<J Fzf ; o (J z. tr J:az ; F FIo 3 Ll-t F z 'l ? G ll' z IIF z et- F rd f z :30Y() ,-t.Jqul Ll r-i I I I oz a l1lF (1z zc (] .J =zz t-- ul-l o- Jz z =<cnoEZ (L LL i=/n / \ Y =11-r --: trJ.6d= Er_rr.r Lrntr q) qtt f,r.F=E t\.o ii- OLL-o ts >-. (! oE HEg' Lrl ' fL.' z.o F(J :]EFazo(J lel * F\ tUF o I"nl 'I z t! :< J F J ni z mt 5 : t--nq -n'.: <-/ = .J- Y d2 -z ') .d ul -sl rat ul. fl,l EI <l I =l ;-s ..'rf Io- f<l)) I>-l O] n-1 -: g u.l +'f ,< 1 = tr -p N * a.: E o = l' ;t,1 2 tlJE t- 4 =tr oo aE l LL Eud U> a g UI o a = s caoo = g :c o- =C) (r Lt",z 3 )" Fo LUL'r (J .<F tlJ <ze. AZ <o -< *l Zr- 5# )z(l-o C) <^ =F7Q;< =3 E ir*)- (v FF-<(J(50 UJ LU JO Project Application ; Project Name: Project Description: _ Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Revlew Board l I Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Oate: - Chief Building Officiat HOWARD gTRAUS xgEFKtqoS 385 Gore Creek x)(4nlryiEsxiuf [xEJ€orx6llrr VAIL COLORAOO 81657 Dr. Flctg?3BlD hotatttol|a! ENotxrEn TEL. aoo -X.#d(lGXX 47 6-4827 october 28, 1980. Planning Cornmission Municipal Building Vai1, Colorado 81657 Gent lernen: I read in a recent edition of ',The Vail Trail" that the ohiners of the Christiana building have requested permission to build 2800 square feet of floor space on the top of their present building. The cornment in the newspaper was that no views of the mountain would be obstructed. Additional height ro the Christiana would in fact obstruct the view for the owners of the apartments in our building and the adjacent houses. Yours Eru1y, ," lt l' Project Application ,^," ?/7/go Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL f"r'rNUrBs or pLtlNG AND ENVTR'NME*'* .ot?,ro* MEI4BERS PRNSENT Gerry White Ed Drager Dan Corcoran Gaynor Miller John Perlcins Jim [torgan Roger Tilkemeier August 25, 1980 3:00 P-M. COUNCII, PRESENT none STAFT' PRESENT 1. Approval of minutes of Auqust 1I Peter Patten rlim Rubin Dick Ryan Bebsy. Rosolack 1980. 'Dan Corco::an moved to approve the minuLes, seconded by Ed Dragier. vpte was urranimous. 2" Exte::iqr Modificatio_*_lp ttfg Lfqnshgan Go lllg-,- Jim Rub'in presented thr: project. as expl;rined in the mefirorarr(l,un ernd stated thaL the sLaff r:ecommended appror;al. B. J. Brit.Lon, or'*'ner of A Pl.ace on Earth, sho\.,'ecl drawings and descrj.l:ed. the sno\'r pil-ed trigir in the v,lj..nt.er in front of the building. He mr:ni:j,oned tlrat the two stcire f ront,s hlcre concep{-uai, bhat there were }1o t-enernls as yet. Discussion fol-lowed concernirrg tire fact th.ai". the barrier in fr:onb of the buildinry separaterl the buil-d.j-ng f::om the ruall, and fhat it r^ras so vri.de thai: iL lacked people per:spectj-v=. It r,ras felt that thi".; moC,i"fi*at-i-on ivas needed for the Lionshead comnre::r: j-al exposure" Dan Corcorarr nol'r:d" to s.pFrove' ^:r1-,: -.^.!- 'l-^ J-L^ ,...) rr,J J c,\-.,, L.!., ,-rr.J -:r:dj.ticrt,s: note d .in t.irc staf f rep(trt, f,t1 Dr.rge:; l,ecol'Idedr tl)e vou;c was urrnniTaous. $etback varience to hui-lrl a clcch on I.oL I Hl-l{. g V,Vi]..Laqe 7th T.l * n,., 1--: -^"-r-r)rr'r l..ha nrfiin(-J- ^'^r -.rr, - -. " i i:r,r r;.f ..1,Fr,61 f |,21UJ.Ltl l\LI.'J.J.rr I,r-L L:i'Jljlt L!:L( Lrrt-. ir-!_!rJUL.e A!lt{p d.I l" tj! u,!r-',,.,rrat L.ILJ,L i) t-.1-\-r^ Lrru the staf.i! reconrinencied denial because no lrai:dsh-i",':i ex:i-st-ed" Eii-e:cn Schillini ex1>Iaineii the d:r:ar':ings frrrther, trn<l po-r-n-1-ed ci.tf i:ira.b a ne"ighbor (Davis) I'ra s givet: a varj-ance to e:itencl a ciecli anr-i buj-ld a garrillTe. Iru:!:';l'!el:, n()j thL.r <-:i her rtcigi.bor':; o).rjcct.lC, and I-i'c otlr,lr- o\\rii:i: tri. het: ci-uple;< r'/rotc a J.ei:L.er:r:c<tucs.h'ing l.haL lJ-il-eren be allowed to bu:L-r-d on the !'i'ei:t. irr r:rtlc.:'not to j"ntru'le on irj.s Frj-vacy. She poin'bed or-rt Lhai Lhe r:ea..;ct-r. 'Lhe Cr.:i--.li ',,.'a ri nnL lll <.r g.rp p;u,6 f or: t-h* l>ack wils L.o r,;ave the trees i-here, ancl because thc si-t-.e vnat sj stcrclj. i).i:;cutr,j-cn f ol.1ov,,ec1 ab*r-rt Lhe fact tirat therr:. is r:o nei,ghbor: l-o 1-he l,ieFj.t; becauso it. :Ls an a'.r';i-La.nche ar:ear a.ncl roil.I rici-g.,1' be crccupicii , {:her:ef ore \,lcn't impac L onloil.:: " Roge:: '.tl:i.l-i;i:i*c j.er mcrrecl t-o apprc;rre tir:is rr;rr-i.a.ncr*, Jchn Pe::Jci-ns secondedn arrd all vi> tccl f or app::r-rv a 1 exccrp i: f o:: J:i,rr l'lo-r:g;in i';ho ;'ibs{:;r:Lned iiiicl 8,1 Dralger ul:c vo Lec'i. ag;rinst-" app::ov;:.1- l:i:causc hr: f r:"t- i: no hi:--dl;hip c:x j-sled. i Chr:i r:ti.a.nia Locict e L'.:.r:hin \I:l:i ance Lo A.lkr';i a 2&00 .qQ ft /irtli"tiot-i I'(':.tel: Fai {-,<:n plo.,;r:nIed. the reqrrcr;t e;.;1>.1.;:.:r':ing t:}r;-i.. i f- v,'a.,s no.l, :i.n CCf . Par-r1 .,rohnstt-o:: i:r*irt-. j-oncd t.ilat .L-]i,::.'re $ras .: Jr;:Ls'i; pa::kincJ aqrccnteir-i: betweem tl:* ChrisLj.;.u-li-a Cr-:ndos. t:lte V1r. a;rd Ch:it'-r:i:..r Cir-r:'-i.sLiiinj.;r. Roger:1llj,l-liemeier ,' PEc Minutes - g/zs} page 2 said that he wasn't aware of any agreenrenl with the Christiania Condos, but that the agreement was with the Christiania Lodge, VA and the KendalL. residence. Paul added that only ens space has been deedecl to one condo. He went on to explain that the unit.s he wanted to convert were very small and also that 3 units had on1.y showers. The plan was to reduce 9 units to 6 larger units, thus improving the guest rooms, and change 2 units on the ground level to housekeeping quarters and storage. John asked if a parking variance was neecled. Others did not see the needfor a parking variance, expecially in lighL of the fact. thaL there may be a letter verifying the parking agreement. Peter: and Dick felt thatit may be good to grve a parking variance so the applj-cEuit rvouldn't have to come back again. Others felt that since Paul wasn't under atime dures$, he clj-dn't neeC a vote now.. Ed Drager moved that considera-tion of the Vari.ance be postponed, and Roger T. secorrde<l . The voteto postpone considcration vlas unanimous. 5. Vail Associates Con<litional Use. Permit to pl-ace tenlporary structureon the upper Golden Peak Teqn:l q Qogrtslqlliie 19q0:Br ski_se Peter Patten p::eseirted the study and mentioned that it was the samerequest as last ycar, and bhe staff recornniended approval . Discussionfollowed abcut the pa::kincf stalls ci.ri: it:i-o the ba:rk i)-ieg;rl 1y, and thefacL that the parking statls had been there 2 r,tr 3 year:s" Tom lla::rredsaicl ii was VA's j.ittenLj-on to fj-x up the bank be1'ond'Lb.e f irrl<iirg, andthat the par:iring r.J,rs supposed to Jre for the race pe:rs<;nnel" Requ.est rvas for one year 6.ti a Eime, until such tinre ers VA v,'i11 l:uitc1 pr:.,-:m.anentfacilities for Smal-l l{orld. Tom ha.d a l-etter from Pat }J<;cicon lncl,icatinqan aql:e{}ment with t,he Recreation ijistrict Dick Allis of l.lanc,r Vail spoke to s.ly Lhat they r.rere not basicall-y opposeclto t.he structu::er nor to Srnail irlorl.C, ktr.it \ra €i coficerned. abcilt the amoun l:of traffic ernd the spced of sor,e cf the trailf:i.c in thert at:c:)a.. I{e alsomentioned the i"nrpcct on his parl:in,;. iie askrlcl i"er a speer'l Jrrr.rnp. . Ge::ryI{hite fel.t that the Councit vouli{::ead those ni.nlr-te.s a.nci;:ecei.vr: tirr: coiTi:tionts" Dick felt. the need, for scir:re rior.t of trade-off si-rrce he let t.he Slri Clul: use 4 parltiirg space!'," Ile ferlt tl:;tt'.it wcrs i:l:r-: only part-of Va:-1 that has i:c:'"a:i-tred t.ir.: cirar::acte:: thai:. Vr:i.t- s{:ar:'uc <} aut -Lo be. Dan Corcor:an tnorzeci {-6 ;r.pp::6r,'e t}re concliti,ona]- u.sc perrir:i.L nii-b jec'l; +;c> the conCitions troterd in the sLaff :..L-pori. llcL Dt:r.!jer gec.:i:nrj.r,,:d, ancl. {:he vot-e was unanimou$ r.rith RE:ger T. abs;Lai.nincl. 6.[;a l:hacf. Var j at:,c': t o l>r.rir d an i:.cil j,ti.c!r o*{:o arr exisr+...ir:l ::e s:i-cicn.ceon Lol:,llr, Rl-t-:l:;l .l-i'tt: Lric,i,: s S i.'rl j,v;i-li.r:'I':- "L i.r-.. q .i.. Peter Patt.r'rtr prc serrr.l:cd th-e s'l.n.f f :f :i ndil-rgs; ail<l |lte staf f ::ec cnr:nen cla i: ic]nof ci.cn-ia1. Iia:r:h l)on.a.-Lds,rn sltoi'red 1:1.ro i..c,'s c:f r.r;,:r:.i e-;L1s :ii.11cg,. *ayilq th-;itthc p:ojcc{:cll ;rairlj.ij-c,tr r;ciul .i in.':rct L'r.rc :.:: tt: Lirr: Lt':l 9t " l.'h- d j-ruussion 1-hal- fol.lcwccl quesLjrrntrcl th,: rcaso:: i:o,': put"L;i.ng ther gil:i'.!;e :i n that- posiLi.<xor j.t: that pi.aceo ar:Ld- it \r.rsl qenL:l::11..v feti- tiut-.Lhe g,rnaEc ccr:1.r1 bcmorrr:d a f.it-t-i-e t-o Lc,cp it rvit.hin i:h*: srcr{:jrai:k, Ed Draqer niorrcil fc:l t1cni.a.1, seccldcd b:' F.ogt=r-' Ti--lliemci-*r, i;.i:cl thc I'oL.e f or r,r.crriaJ. lra E; utra,rr :i-:rioug rl.-,^ ,i,'_:.,,,, ,",,r, , ,,.,1 '. tO aO{,...',.'''. \'L ,' .,,'ToJ, ' PLANNING AND ENVIRoNMENTAL coMMISSIoN ,v, i .ri . TFROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT DATE; B/2L/80 iL ':' r.: ,\ REI Parking variance request for Paul Johnston to add a 21800 sq 'l ^ r* ft addition to the Christiania lodge located on parL of Lot D, Block 2, r I VaiI Village 1st Fj-ling, in a Public Acconunodation (PA) zone district.': I ..,. DESCRIPTTON OF VARIANCE REQUESTED \\ The Ch::istiania is re-arranging and adding floor spaee in their 1od.ge. No additional units are being created, just larger uniLs and some office space for internal operations of the lodge. Building height is being rd,ised in certain places, but nol so as to negatively affect view corridorsor to violate zoning retrict,ions The parking situation for the Chrj-stj-ania has been the problem in thestudy of this proposal. Parking facilities for the Christiania existin two locations: A gravel lot across ttre street (I{anson Ranch Road) ,. and a small area West of the Lodge. Complications arise when the parking requirements for the ChristianiaCondominiums, located East of the Lodge,are figured in, because they also use the lot across the street fromthe Lod.ge. In the last few days, questions over the arnount of parking spaces lchichthe condos have a right to in the lot have arisen. If, as presented by Mr. Johnstqn. the condos have a right to only one spot per unit,no parking variance would be needed by the Christiania Lodge for theiraddition. The Lodge is 3 spaces short when the new addition is figuredin along with the normal aflotment given to the condos accordinq tozoning (15 spaces), There are 9 condos existing, so if they only haverights to 1 unit, the Lodge makes up 6 spaces and needs no varlance.The Staff is requiring written proof of the parking arrangement withthe condos before the waiving of the variance is granted. The memo is being written, and PEC is considering the matter underthe assumption that, at the time r:f the heari-ng, no rrrritten agreementis produced. The 3 space variance would be subject to the gl5r000 fee. I .Christiania - 2 - 8/2J?oo CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060Code' the Department of Community Development recommendsthe requested Variance based upon the followilg factors: Consideration of Factors of the Munj-cipal approval of l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing orpotential uses and structures in the vicinity: Vail Associates has indicated their possible d,esire to constructa lodge on the existing gravel lot. As a potential use, parkingfor the christiania complex would need to be taken care of at thattime in a sufficient nanner. The planning staff is not aware ofany major existing parking problerns in this vicinity. 2. - The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretationand enforcement of a specifiecl regulation is necessary to achieve compati-bility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or toattain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege: ?'1e feel that quality lodge space is an important qoal for the Torrn,and that, in actuality, no additionar generaLj-on of cars may resultfrom this proposal . The nrrmber of units is not changing, and thisis an important factor in d.etermining the potential for increasedparking problems. Also, the archi-tect has made a new proposal forarranging the parking spaces in a more space-efficient manner to accommodate nore spaces in the existing lot. our opinion is thatno special privilege would result in approving the iequest.. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribut,ionof population, transportation and, traffic facilities, public facilitiesand utilities, and public safety: As stated above, no effects upon distribution of population is foreseenbecause the ntrmber of units is notibeing increased. No compound.ingof parking problems in the village is foreseen with the graitingof this variance. such other factors and c::iteria as the commissj-on deems applicablethe proposed variance: 4. to The proposal is not located in ccr, and thus is not subject to reviewby the PEc under the Village Desgin Guide plan. The exlerior alterationswill go to the Design Review Board if the Planning and. EnvironmentalCommission approves the parking variance. Christiania-3-8 'i FINDINGS: oo oo . The Planning and Environmental Commission sha1l make the followingfindings before granting a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant ofspecial privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to thepublic health, safetyr or welfare, er materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for the reason that the strict orliteral interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardshipinconsistent with the objectives of this title. PUBLIC NOTICE - NO?ICE IS HEREBY GMN that PauI Jotrnston f,.o4Se has requested a Parking Variance for both the ancl the covered parking requirement to a'Llow a 2'800 adilition on t}.e christiania lJodge. The christiania located on Part of Lot -D, Block 2' Vait Village 1st in a Public Accommodation (PA) Zone District' - A coPY of the ProPosal is on file Community Development between the hours of MondaY through FridaY TOVIN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMMiIT Jim Rubin Zoning Administrator of the Christie number of sPace square foot todge is Filing and is in the DePartment of I : 00 A.l{- and 5 : 00 P.l{' Sherman & Sterling APublicHearingwillbeheldinaecor.dancewithSection 18.66.060 of the Vair Municipal code on Aug. 25, 1980 at 3:00 P-M- beforetheTownofVailPlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. SaidHearingwillbeheldintheVailMrrnicipalBuilding. Mail-ed to: Mi1l Creek Court Assoc.c/o Arthur Bishop and Company 302 Hanson Ranch Road Chateau Christiania Condominiurn Assn.Rich Allen, Pres. 1512 Rolling Road, Salisbury, Md. 21801 l,eewar{ Corporation c,/o Strupp, David, 153 East 53rd St. lif.ew York, L0A22 Vail Associates Box 7 Vail I <c'i o PUBLIC NOTICE NoTIcEIsHEREBYGIVENthatPaulJohnstonoftheChristiana LoqgehasreguestedaFarkingVarianceforboththenumberofspaces andthecoveredparkingrequirementtoallowa2,800squarefoot addition on the christiania Lodge. The christiania Lodge is locatecl on Part of Lot D, Block 2' VaiI Village lst Filing and is in a Public Acconunodation (PA) Zone District' A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Vail l4unicipal Code on Aug' 1I' 1980 at 3:00 P'M' beforetheTownofVailPlarrningandEnvironmentalCommission. Said. Hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal- Building' - A copy of the proposal is on file in the Department of CommunityDevelopmentbetweenthehoursofS:00A.I't.and5:00P.}1. MondaY through FridaY. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP]'IB{T Jim Rubin Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail 'fuly 25' 1980' { I PUBLIC NOTICE NoTIcEIsHEREBIGIVENthatPaulJohnstonoftheCtrristiana LodgehasrequestedaParkingVarianceforboththenumberofspaces anilthecoveredparkingrequirementtoallowa2,300squarefoot adcrition on the christiania Lodge. The christiania T,odge is locatecl on part of Lot -D, Block 2' Vail Village lst Filing and is in a Public Accolrunodation (PA) Zone District' APublicHearingrn,illbeheldinaccordancewithSection 1g.66.060 of the vail Municipal code on July 28, 1980 at 3:00 P-u- beforettreTownofVailPlanningandEnvironmentalCommission. Said Hearing wilt be held in the Vail Municipal Building' ' A copy of the proposal is on file in the Department of CommunityDevelopmentbetweenthehoursofB:00A.I{.and5:00P.1,1. MondaY through Friday' TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMB'IT Jim Rubin Zoning Administrator Published in'tbe Vail- Trail llailed to: MiII Creek Court Assoc.c/o Arthur Bishop and Company 302 Hanson Ranch Road Chateau Christiania Condominium Assn. Rj-ch Allen, Pres. 1512 Rolling Road,Salisbury, Md. 21801 July 11, 1980- Leewar4 Corporationc/o Strupp, David, 153 East 53rd St. Niew York, L0022 Vail Associates Box 7Vail therman a Sterling Information on Christianiais 'in the Council Chambers Parking Lot, Lot P-3, Blk 5-A, Vail Village 5thplan cupboards under "C" t Project Application Project Name: Project Description: _ Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Zoning Administrator 7,ozz fto aI%o Ind.,lnc. Manufacturers lffn W€ct Evans Ave., Suite D Englewood, Colorado 80110 Phone: 30$93+2163 Douglas A. Schyck Execuiive Vic€ Presidenl .w" ffix nYAl,4rfe frs Fae laio, CEtl/7,fr"€O 44d Eeuor*O ft2 Lc'airl $h+ €-b'klLjut+^l e \ \ / lo'1'- ProjectApplication Proiect Name: Project Description: _ Owner Address and phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ing Administratoi (1Chief Building Officiat I w.nfi,mn*:c"p.lm$Ny August 29, L980 Mr. Paul JobnstonChristiania at VaiIP. O. Box 758Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Johnston: As President of the Chateau Christian TownhouseAssociation, Inc., I am responding to your request forinformation. As an original owtei and presid;nt of theassociation, it is my opinion that the und.erstanding inregard to parking spaces was that each condominium wasentitled to one parking space in the lot across HansonRanch Rd., the lot shared with the Christiania Lodge.If I can be of any further help, l_et me know. tA.A ./t!'/%Ul^---Allen -\- RMA: tkm Richard M. ?*^*"1 ,/8",9*r{*rhy Zrk* laad I I I -lq "1 I 1 oz F =Et!o- ti lhrIrlsl hr tr t$ I I l_ IEto I I I I I, IFt< IFl@ Ng NOIIVN]VA rQ l=\ utYm z tr- aalrOZr,L < dQ FOj$i :< =Z tt- 6zto E() uJ J E uJz LU olol F,tltlol ccl z 'I UJulBooFTz6<n<\Fgroul s i9 uJ<OGOZ I I Ij s 6f.4 +l z:tr J q-l I(u (c cd'r{-P a,rl 'H r-i() rri E zz d .Fl .tJ a.rl UJ z qirq({ 6{dfi|ll(F{ f..oNsol -qo- odl ol crol C rDl 3l <l j E()=tr ffi q J E io- = a1 'n€ p v) o .P d tr I f'.1 rn,l o XIolot ot" u>lua .1IJJI ;(xl 'r'1ol d?l > Jg5 E = o fr o,] <l >l o tr a frl 1l <l >l E at UJEo ==e.tr uJ oo J = I o- F Lu Eo F t.lJ =T E E <F cOE() t l-rJ < ;z.t 3rrr F- \: i.j_2- <oOF trsffi C) E 9P =f]Fd6 C) <x vt-?<) =<+e Y,z -o toE,h =J- (lFtro2 <o EK "..1q 'iltl 1 ciz Fo HotL Jq_*l qq -l-+ ,.{ UJF o Jz z.n9* =r- ^1a< x =zT=fitJO;O-rLH ifi(Je= ==3-: /\ J- dd= = = IIJ(L II uJ F q, E CLo o o .E =E EI o F =EIrl o-zo F C)fE 6zoo trnF -E nnn l* IE I I I I I [e lo lHStr rr= iF-<Pvrl <:9:i ::"F<(4ts?u: 7-: LrFqYlY(r 4 E:1 "ioYic ;{ozAAzz;:;c <;:: !aFF3:!U<C,<cr":zY >i;1;i0i::-: ; <ou9olO a> _? |,l!arj<.a<]J olz a LU LU F. LU tl- ciz F E, uJ 1l- Lll F -za o = I 4 (f = l-rl | (_)t-lu- lo tzr6 :f cn o l-- Lll-') oo u,F (] Jzoz .n9z\ >z =:)JO O- ]L --l < (J(J= ;;S - /\ r' co u.r =nnn trD q, o :t E Eoo .l| .Dro I c::t ." L ! 7 L() Goo a L t.|-j rl. L! o- F- g \Jl-.#. irH'( F;:o2 6p $E tr(Jc)zt- =<1M fF G: F<F uJ .t.ZK uJ r'(rz F() u-tLIo Q: J<()sil t x o- z ) J or Lu E = 2 I uu u F c F6 o- LU O l tu (J <nut tlJ TLt =(Y trl F- o:l :f Qc Fo lll tu ('z co II NOrlvn'rvA (rl (\l \l z 6 z z 9:, o- ;o Zs-oaJ<)zt!:< i6r-O; $,i z tr f z u o-o LU(l z F(,vt?z ='ut@Y _ lJl5 < [?F9 3 =d";:SH!EH H:>trIL;5u-OtuOO z 'r Itd3ao t- :fazu, o==Y<Fo'(atrtl_J uJ(!cco I I I I Fzlz tr o 5 (J ; u_lIL o- FtIo v) .g LUF ) a z O F 5a u,l a tLlF z (J o- cr a(L G J z Eo z t: K, LU =z O I I I I I I Ivt ul(]:l(-jq<I-{ <l a \,,(5z J ill 5l aJl<l rl I I I I I I I6lal ri.JI 6l.{l <l Hc{q<l -,|ala: p r4-g1,.. r''[rsr 11{ .r' ^.rr i'\ [q g {rt r , - oo DATE a /t"zl +=JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON -o''@)' rNsiletroN REeuEsr. WED THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNPATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr D s+{nr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT.tr SUPPLY AIH tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR TO !tEO!,t XT HAY COI{CBRNT Ed StrrrbleBullding Offlcial dtr BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado rate St"f Z? ry - 7aPerrnit ?7Orf,{ Pe rrnis s ion as &l 73, is hereby granted <eP, / Bczt*ra/ to,,- :@ E7, Ctrgafl/c sto ry on C He$ 7/4A)/4 -.4 ddre s s U&t-. In accordance with the Cornroittee, subject to Prote ctive C ovenant s , Type o{ C onst ruction pr ovis ions s et f o rth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 t Group A rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Viltage Uniforrn Building Code. Contractor tFVW ,A,pproved Vail Building Inspector INSPFCTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTICN .\ PPROV-A L COMMENTS DATE & SIGN/TURE FOUND-iTIONS bo F , FRAMINC FINA L ROUGHa) FIN,A L ROUGHalfl 0"FIN,^ L ROUGHl-d 0) o a FIN.A L l2 2/7d + -r J., a APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN OF VAIL cant fill in this section onl to F 6o BUILDING INFORMA New Addi Alteration eoair g Type cuPancy--.-- (pa rts of building) NUTT,OiNC DIMENSICNS- Total floor area (s No of stories E U l.{ odL F u No. of a No.ater closete No, bathe No. of Families ESTIMATED COST 4-Lot oF coNsTRUCTIoNiLBlock{Materiele & Labor) Subdivision (Cirele correct classificationl Type of constructlon I. II.III. M. Occupancy group A. B. C.D. E. F. G.H.I. J. Approval by planning and architcctural control committee to obtain building permit. Date Sigaature Receipt of PLans BUILpATG rlrsPEgTION Approval of Plans(2 sets reouired)Date Amount of Permit fee t fai - naid: Cash g Amount oI Clean up Fee $Paid: Caeh $Check $ nl h0 q, Fl Date Check $ Amount3:j:,0j-:T::i1l.u s-F rap ree p.aid-r.rDalrnspection_ I f Gonetruction Building addregs Date of Application 2,/:a Addre s s City _ L-/-.r^ Tel. No. Address Tel. No. Address Certificate of occupanct tr co;pifficd clean-up