HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT D UNIT 410 420 CHATEAU CHRISTIAN SIEGEL EXPANSION 2002 LEGALProject Name: Siegal DRB Number: DR8020129 Profect Descripuon: Interior conversion of attic space with new roof dormers Participants: owNER SIEGAT- GAIL S. 0510612002 1526 BAY BLVD ATI.ANTIC BEACH I{Y 11s09 APPUCANT Mofter Architects 0510612002 phone: 476-5105 Jim Buckner 2271 N Frontage Rd West Vail, CO 81657 PrcjectAddressl 356 HANSON RANCH RD VAIL Location: units 420 & 410 Legal Description: Lot: D Block: Subdivision: CHATEAU CHRISTIAN CONDO Parcel Numben 2101-082-4300-7 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTXOH Motion By: Pierce Adion: AppRoVED Second By: Acevedo vote: 3-0 Dateof Apprcvah 041L7J2002 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON000BB74 That this approval is contingent upon the Town Council's approval of the associaled amendment to Special Development District #28. Cond: CON0008875 That the building fascia/roof continue across the proposed dormer. Cond: CON0008875 That the roof extend up the rake to match the dormers on the opposite site ofthe building. Cond: CON0008877 That the building element located between the proposed dormers be recessed 18 inches. Cond: CON0008878 That the dormer material be a cement siding to match the color and pattern of the existing siding. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee paid: $300.00 I0t4nm Application for Design Review Depatment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.?139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is rec€ived by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences vyithin one year of the approval. Description ofthe Requesti A regrrest for t-he conwersi on of General vAALlEJfEflEe 1 st Filins PhysicalAddress: 356 Hanson Banch Rc1., rhitc c arul H Parcel No.: 21 01 08243008 ''-#.(contactEag|eCo'Assessorat970-328-8540forparce|no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Gai I c . Siesa} Mailing Address: : (5161 239-5998 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: 1526 Baryu B1vd. . Atlantic Beach, Ny 1 1509 Phone: Fax: boundary of Unit. E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review n New ConstructionE Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercia l) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $€50_ For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. CE9t2 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: 4-bA &) Check No.:Fee Paid: A€{ F Application Date: Planner: No.: C ! ^!f-((r-(ti1,l l4i I lnr-12-2001 13r50 Fr:rr-llEIil lR/rillii tiftU[ri[ft q pi,iKIf]S Fronr-lEAf; TRIVERS t(RuEdf ! ptElfll'{5 si04i6ill$T-038 P 006/006 F-106 T-il7 P 0u5l!05 F.84ilf04Ir?l li THE CHATIAU CHRISTIAN TOWNHOUSES "4,SSOCIATTON, TNC. 356 Eest HBDson Rarroh Road Town ofVail Re: sicgal Rnnodcl ofunirs g and I{ chareau L}'istior Townho'ses DearSir4Vadarn: _ . This le$er,se(vcr to notiS you of rho approval ofrhe Cbareau ClristianTownhouses Associadon. Inc, forilre,*roarf #UG G audll ar hc Chabau ChrisdarToutrtousar in accordence wiri 6e drawinga p*p"r; by Moner arrnireois dr; eprr3,2002 ts submirtsd to lhc Association. .-, .. Tit approvar is conringcnt upou (a) he resubdivision of rhe unin in sccoldancEwrrh rhc SccoqdA.qeddmcor tousDcclarid"" o"O irrin o A"r*d;ii;,h;-',Condomiaium Map ia rhe fonn as 6{}lniaei * frO-aircuco uyrbc A*sopjariou (er jnthe form as approved by *:.I:y: r{ ". .t roiffi, ana 6j no simi,fi.n."*.r"o"gttrd conveysnce of the balway epace fmm 'he nsloc#on to rhe owperofrie,,nirs- Thank you, TTIE_CITATEA,U CTruSTIA}.T ?OWNHOTJSIS AP..<-23-t4z v,5:t,4 FROM,LAND TITLE GUARANTEE ID" 197@47Ei4534 pAcE 2/? land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMEB DISTBIBUITOft Datet 0423-2W2 hoperty Adilress: 356 HANSON RA}.ICH ROAD, UNITS G AND H OurorderNrmrber: Vn5y37 CIIATEAU CURISIIAN TOIIINHOUSE9 GAILSIEGAL 356 HANSON RAliCfi ROAD 1526 BAy BLVD VAIL, CO 8t657 ATLAI.TTIC Ba{CH, Ny 11509 S€nt ViB US Pos&l Scr,rice Scor Via US posrsl Sqvicc LA}.ID TITI"E AI]ARANTEE CO}4PANY lOE S. ERONIAGE RD. W, #203 P"O. BOX 15? VAIL. CO 81657 Attn: Dsnicllc StolE Phone: 970-476^225I Fa,\: 97H7k534 M.E. HANLON :25WAIJ,SIREET SI}IIE 205 VAJI- CO tr657 Phole: 90.476.4066 Fex'. n047G8481 ScBf Vi8 CouriE**'. Fom DEUIIERY A},I<-.2.3-IOZ V,l':I44I F|<UI{:LANIJ TITLE GUARANTEE I D . I 3 7E {I 7E !T b 3.7 tsA(;E 3/ / Land Title Guarantee Gompany YOUB UOITACTS Dan: M-23-?N2 OrrffierNunber: Y775937 hop€rty Address: 356 HANSON RAI{CH ROAD. UNITS G AND H Buyer/Sorrower: GA]LS. SIEGAL Sdler/Orvnec TTIE CHATEAU CHRISflAN TOWNITOUSES ASSOCIATION. INC., A COLORADO NONPROFIT CORPORAfiON If you hav* any inquiries or reguire ftuther assistanoe, pleese coffed on€ of the nrrnbec bdow: For Closing Assistance Daoielle Sokz IOE S. FRONTAGE RD. W- J?03 P.O. BOX 357 vArL, co 81657 tuore:9V767)51 Fax:. 97Q-4764534 EMail: dstoftz@ltgc.com For fille Assistance: vail Titlc DWr. Karen Biggs IOE 5, FRONTAGE RD. W. f2O3 P"O. 80X 35? VAIL, co 8t657 Phore'.97Q416-&51 Fag: 9lQ-47M534 EMail: kbiggs@ltgc.com Need a ma_ p or directioas for your upcoming dming? Check out Land T"rtle's sd sitc at Tww.hgc,conofor drer1ions to anv of our 4lI offrce-locatiom- ESTIMATE OF TITIE FEES Alt Owrers Policy N-11 -92 s754 - A0 IOIAL s754.00 Eora CO.!EI4?THAhIK YOUFOR, YOIJR ORDR: Ar-t<-:jJ-IOz I'lJ.U4 FRO}I' LAND TIILE GUARANTEE ID= 197A4?64534 PAGE 4/7 Cticago Tide Insualce Ccmpaay ALTA COMMITMENT Sclpdule A kopertJ Address: 356 HA].ISON RAhICH ROAD, UNTTS c AND II OurOrderNo. VfiSW Cu$. Ref.: l- EffeciveDate:Aprit 15, 2002 at 5:00 P,M. 2- Policy to be Issd, and hoposed l.nsured: 'ALTA' Owner's Policy lon -n hoposetl Insured: GAIL S. SIEGAL $125.000.00 3.The estate or i*er€st iD the tand ikcribed or referred to in this C-ommihrnt and covercd herein is: A Fee Sinple Title to the estate or interest c.overod h€fein i9 at Ore df€cthe date hereof vested in: TIIE CHATEAU CHRISTIAN TowNHoUSEs ]c"ssocIATIoN, INc.. A coLoRADo NONPRoFIT CORPORAIION The land rcferred to in .hrs Comntunmt is ilescrr-bed ss fotlorrs: THOSE PORTIONS OF CONDOMINruM UNIT G AND I], CHATEAU CIIRISTIAN TOqN{IIOUSES, ACCORDING TO TI{E CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED DECEMBER 30, 1969 IN BOOK 2I5 AT PAGE702' AND AccoRDING To rHE FRsr AMEI.IDMENT To rHE coNDoMINTM MAp FoR cHATEAuCHRISTIAN TOWNHOUSES RECORDED - RECEPTION NO. __-, AS DEFINED ANDDESCRIBED IN THE coNDoMINTM DEaiE{EoN REcoRDED r}EcEMBER 30. 1969 rN BooK 216AT PACE 7OI, AND AMENDMENT RECORDED _ RECEPTION NO. , COiJN?f OFEACLE, STATE OF COLORADO, WHICH WERE}6M,TERLY DESIGNATED AS GENERAL COMNIONELEIIENTS. 5. v,J: gI5 I-|<iJTI: LANL, II IL! GUARAN.IEE I D , 13 7 oq 76<15 3<I PAGE 5/7 ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Scctionl Aeqrdredent$ Orr Order No. Vn59?7 The folo,*ing are tle reqdremcots to be conplied witb: Iteo (a) Payment to or for rhe accouw of the grantols or mortgagonr of thc fult considtr*ion for the csane or inreresr m be insnred. Itm (b) Propcr irutrurnends) creating the esrare or iarere$ rc be insred onx be execlred ad duly fiIed for record, ts-wir: Iterr {c) Pal.ment of ,u tarcs, charges or assessents levied and assessed against the srbjecr prenises qrhich are due and payable. Item (d) Mdfuional reqniremens, if any ilisclosed below: I. AMENDMENT TO TITE CONDOMINIUM MAP AND CONDOMINIIIM DECI.ARATION TO BE RECORDED IN EAGLECOUNTT. Z. GRANT OF EASEMENT TO BE RECORDED IN EACLE COIJNTY. 3. EVIDH.ICE SATISFA TORY TO TTIE COMPAI.IY THAT TI{P TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TIIE TOllN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. GOOD AND SUFFICIENT DEBD FROM T]IE C}IATEAU CIIRISfiAN TOWNHOUSES ASSOCIATION. INC., A COLORADO NOhTPROITT CORPOR.4.NON TO GAIL s- SIEGAL CoNVEYING SIJBIECT PROPERTY. NorE: SAID DoCLJMENT MUST BE ExEctIrED By TrrE PRESTDENT, VICE-PRESIDEI{T oR SECRETARY OF T1IE CORPORATION. IF AN ASSISTANT VICLPRESIDENT OR ASSISTANT SECRFTARY EXFCUTES SAID D@UMENT, A CORPORATE RFSOLUTION MUST BE PROWDED TO IAND TITLE GTVING SAID ASSISTANT AUTT{ORIZATION. .+I''<_ZJ-QZ UlJ=r'5 F-ROM.LAND TITLE GUARANTEE ID,I97A47E!IS34 PAGE E./'I ALTA COMMITMENT Sche&leB - Seaion2 @xcepions)Our OrderNo. Vn5%7 The policl or policies to be issued will contain exce$iols to the fotlor*ing udess the same are disposed of to the satisfacion of the Compeny: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not Srosm by ihc grrblic records_ 2- gas€oeots, or chims of easemeorls, not showr b,y the public records_ 3. Discrepamies, codicrs il boundary lines, shonagc in area, ercroac,hcats, ard atry Scts uAich a correcr survey and iagectioa of the premises coulat ilisclose and which are mr so'ra by rhe prblic reoords. 4- Any lien, or rijbt to a lieo, for scrvicts, labs or maerial tberetofore or hseafter frnished, imposert by law and nor shoqn by fte prblic records, 5- Ddects' Iieos, eocrubram, adnerse daims or orher satters, if any, creatod, fint appearirg in rhc pblic records or a$achitrg subsegrent ro the effectivc date hereof but prior ro the date rbe propose<l insured acgnires of record for value rhe egae or idere$ or rnongagg thereon oovered by this Conud&erf, 6. Taxes or qrcial assesments whicl arc aor shown es cxistiqg liens ty the putrlic recora. ? , Liens for uryaid water ad serrer chalges, if any. E- In addidon, the orvm's policy will be ubjecr ro rhe ooflgage, if any, mted in Secdoa I of Sclerlule B traeof- RIGI{T OF PROPRIETOR OF A \,'EIN OR LODE TO E)ffRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOTJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN I]NTIED STATES PATENT RECORDED 'ULY 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PA6:E 475_ RISIIT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANAIJ CONSTRUEIED BY THN AUTIIORITY OF TIIE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN TJMTED STATES PATENT RTCORDED ruLY T2. 1899. IN BOOK 4E AT PAGE 475. RESTRICTIIE coriENANTs wHIcH Do Nor CONTAIN A FORFEffiJRE OR REYERTER cLAUsE, BUT OMITTING A}IY COVENA}IT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, FSLIGION, SEX. HANDICAP, FAMIIIAL STATUS oR NATIoNAL oRIcIN UNTEss AND oNLY To THE EXTENT TIIAT SAID COIdENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECIION 3&7 OF THE UNTTED SIATES CODE OR (B) REL.{TFJ TO HAT.IDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 10, 1962, IN EOOr I74,A.T PAG:E 179. EASEMENTS, CONDIfiONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ONTI{E RECORDED PI.AT OFVAIL VIIJ.AGE I{RST FIllNG. 10. lI. 12. |.,:':raE r-R(rr1'LANLl -rrrl.E GUARANTEE rD.lszo4?64s3rt PAGE ?./7 ALTA COMMITMENT ScDeduleB-Sectioa2 (Exceptions)OurOrderNo. Vn59n The poticy or polici€s to be issued will contain exceptio$ to the followirg mless the sarne are diryo6d of to &e satMaction of tie Coapauy: 13. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITUR.E OR, R,EVERTER CLAUSE,BUT oMrfrlNc ANY cot'ENA\rr oRRFsrRlcnoN BASED oN RACE, col.oR, RtLIGtoN, SEX. HAI\DICAP, FAMILIAL STATIJS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO TTIE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENAI.IT (A) IS E)GMPT UNDER CHAPIER 42, SECTION 36O7 OFrI{E UMTED srATEs coDE oR (B) REL.{TFS To tiANDIcAp Btrr DoEs Nor DISCRIMINATE AGAINST ThNDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAI}TED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 30, 1969, IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 701 AND AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED AUGUST 22, 1995, IN BOOK 703 AT PAGE 530. T4. EASEMET.ITS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AI\iD NOTES ONTHE CONDOMINII.IM },lAP OF QIATEAU CIIRISTIAI{ TOWNIIOUSES RECORDED DECEMBER 30, 1969 IN BOOK 216 AT PACE ?O2. 15. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROYISIONS OF LEASE RECORDED DE(EMBER 30, 1969 IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 703. 16' TERMS' CONDITIONS A}ID PROYISIONS OF PARTY WALL AGREEMENT RECORDED JA}.IUARY T6, I97O IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE E39. F-agle Counlv http://www.eagle-county.oom/assessor,/disp...ecl-istPtr2&cfid:1030814&cftoken-99327810 Assessor Property Detail Account No: R007522 District: SC103 ParcelNb: 210108243008 Owner Name/Address Values SIEGAL, GAIL S. 1526 BAY BLVD ATLANTIC BEACH. NY. 11509 Situs Address Sheet No. 000356 Dir No# H Street Name HANSON RANCH Suffix RD Condo Name CHATEAU CHRISTIAN CONDO Condo Unit H << Menu >> lofl Land Actual 230,390 Land Assessed 21 ,080 lmprv Actual 1,704,420 lmprv Assessed 155,950 Sales Book 0410 Page 0952 Receotion#Doc Fee 64.00 Sales Date 04t05t85 Sale Price 640,000 Sibling Account Number WD Subdivision 5/1/02 3:37 PM http://wtw.eagle-county.com/assessor/drsp...ecListPtr:l&cfid:1030814&cftoken:99327810 Assessor Property Detail Account No: R007665 District: SC103 Parcel Nb: 210108243007 Owner Name/Address Values SIEGAL, GAIL S. 1526 BAY BLVD ATLANTIC BEACH. NY. 11509 Situs Address Street No. 000356 Dir No# \t Street Name HANSON RANCH Suffix RD Condo Name CHATEAU CHRISTIAN CONDO Condo Unit Menu >> lofl Land Actual 192,530 Land Assessed 17,620 lmprv Actual 1,415,260 lmprv Assessed 129,500 Sales Book Page Reception# R7s1439 Doc Fee 220.O0 Sales Date 03t01t01 Sale Price 2,200,000 Sibling Account Number WD S u bdivision 5il/02 3:37 PM F TJ LLIF It) Y. tr,lrlFE,oE c\|oo C! t-o. ce -z- z4z = =6?503;ei= ?Eg3=tHJFE T4H4HIXl-Ui' Jrl-rr*--r-\J ir JX 1t-F*-rrr-Jxt!t] --l- /:-trfLYr 'r l^cQtuf-N4F itrrR ?fi=X59IZofi uio>z; zfiuR eHu0.-fiHEx8P ;?4efi1il-po_ xp6gAio- -FziSE9 --\-,1 a_J r! --.r aT'rir oz o$oAZFE v - | r5=i H tu- fil ) lJozt Z-.r({Hb# etsd< =F5E =il=Egf,- Ez;-" ntu ifgr (/)(J lrJu o IIJ6 zo tr ooa @ =3 -z =oozooz Fa -tr-r E$ f ruF 'rIo tIJTF m =IJJ =lUE u.olr a./)t-: : Fui ii:i L-ai:( II9 ElrluiOr =i <lctG'a\ J d,e o 'l UIJ (J an = G ul ul -F-f(,z F2xul e ode({.rt cnE == =g Fu) E :E(J =ulF E(, o !tt =I ]]VH NOlril,1l0C 'a':" i '" i .,i i*;: r;iFi! v)F L.)lrlF Tp E Ho = z o-Eoo u- -Flit ctt!(t)oo-oEq- 6loea{j Eo- z, FIE I(J 3 UTF Ig) o TI @ UJJ (.)v, ]|I.JzlUe at,lrlg. (tuj tt F FO Eu.lFU' E .J 3l JJ - \l(e \l2\l f E,F =ul o G sr00H lvo3 FuranoJ(, lt|lut(9 EoF v\l- "- t Hi;::ii-.i.ii!:f -'-"I &lrlEio; =iA\_jz <\{oo(l Iea. o tl a UJJ () z o- g-oJ (9 =FIxul o .<f oo ct(\l =rct, ts == = IE -(J 3 ulFr(J i'.i :::iif;i-ii;! p Ulrlt,r H E Ho = = o- Fl'l-() clul9anilc,=rFo-8,a- 4l:\!iz 6lea(\l J do- z,g FI -(J = AJF To o tl ulJ .JU' 1rI(J =trlcl attll& C'g .t) =oo ou.l =urz, .a -. i i: t":a;aJr:ia;! a:o_ i- L'J u) ,/\FU Fr =p e Ho z F LU uJ u) Lll C9z Fa X LU _t z FU)E:tr = LU -(-) fr Hi.=:il--:,:,,::L-i;i;i !:r 9 EFr ErO:>i zOF LU --JLU F(f) LUotrl <J>Oo-Ox.o_ GL .J z t-U)t:r =t!t = LLr <J) '.4 . i :i i ;1,'; : {'l Hh :E9 E lrJ Eo Eo- a) Lr.i (J ct) LL|o @ -J o_ z F LU-JLLI F(n LU =oLUrr)z. :]](-)z. = -J z. Fat - =L!F -(J V\t^. , H;:,::t-.,aaa? =F;;.i:9 e, ld bzt_oi =i cto- c) z F ul -Ju-l :tr E z.(9z Fu) =ul -J z Fa E.I = LUF :tr l,/)l-, H: i'::l- i- ;aZ -.-i,';ii!IUE E,lrlF:,0aioi =i E a) ll LJ (, z. F TJ UJ:rFE. z.oUIU) o_ E.o_ o- u1|,i. ,', Fi l;i!Eii;;:!I u c lrJ E'oi =;zaOz. '-( >--l LU dffiI> =obd3aG3trz---f<- ()=z. = -Ja- z. U) E. -(-) =ul t--- - -._ r-Li (J <,/) ,tit-,s oIfr r,' $B! i $$ rt) \. -l s $s {u r$L r fifiPY Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road ltail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 Fltx 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us April 18,2002 Jim Buckner Morter Architects 2271 North Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 RE: Siegal Residence - Proposed Dormer Addition 356 Hanson Ranch Road, Units 410 & 420/LotD, Block 2, Vail Village i" Filing Dear Jim, As you me aware, t}re Desip Review Board approved the proposed dormer addition for the Siegal residence, located at the Christiania at Vail, at its April 17, 2002 public hearing with the following conditions: l. That this approval is contingent upon the Town Council's approval ofthe associated amendment to Speciai Development District #28. 2. That the building fascia./roof continue across the proposed dormer. 3. That the roof extend up the rake to match the dormers on the opposite site of the buiiding. 4. That the building element located between the proposed dormers be recessed 18 inches. 5. That the dormer material be a cement siding to match the color and pattern of the existing siding. Revised plans addressing these conditions must be submitted to the Community Development Department for review prior to the issuance of final design review approval and the application for building permits. If you have any questions or cornments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, ,1r . JZ_,1_ Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I Town of Vail {p *""'"*o 'o'o Iaw Orrrcrs or lU,rncmrr E. Ilemor$ P.C. 225 Weu, $rrwro S\rrrE 2e5 Veun Cororroott67 Trrrruonw 1Y7g't47ffi Trunrx (90),l7Gt{t4 April 30, 2002 Bill Gibson George Ruther Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Chateau Christiar/ Siegal Project; 356 Hanson Ranch Road Units G and H Dear Bill and George: Enclosed please find a completed application for Town of Vail Condominium Plat Review. The application includes three copies of the Amended Condominium Map (iwo paper and one vellum), two copies of the Amended Condominium Declaration, two copies of the title status report, and two copies of an Easement document between Units G and H to preserve access on the fourth floor ofChateau Christian. In addition, we are submitting an Application for Design Review, as it was my understanding that the Tou'n requires simultaneous submission to consider the Plat Review. As you ale aware, a comprehensive application on this project has already been submitted by MorterArchitects and its review is underway. All paties whose signatures are required on the Condominium Map have approved its contents (obviously excepting the Town of Vail), but to facilitate signing we will incorporate any changes required by the Town prior to circulation of the Mylar copy. Please call me to advise me of any map changes at your earliest convenience, and we'll begin obtaining signatures upon Tou'n approval. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this package. Sincerelv. LAW OFFICES OF MARGARET E. HANLON. P.C.t/ ,L/ll --:l I t .l'Vj 1t lL /,1;(rt"------ Marf{ret E. Hanlon MEH/sm Enclosure 6pr-1b-dulJt t4:4 | lpr-l?.t0!l l3r[0 Fron-$IEAR TRAVERS KRUEGTR & pERKINS s704?6n r8 Ftra.lEli TIAVEffi [RW6F t PEXXirTt llr{78?r l E l-il7 THE CI{A'IEAU CHRISTIAN rOWNI{OUSES ASSOCTAflON INC. T-038 P.006/006 F-106 t, Vl P,005/!05 F-s46 Town ofVail Rp: sicgal Rcruodcl of units o *rd E crrarcau cr'istian Torvnhor.rses DearSirrMadam: This leger serrrc* to noti$ you of rho approval oftbe cbueau christisn Townhouses Associadon, Iae. for rho remoda df u*rs G agd !t ar bc chatcau ciuisdanTowhouscs h acpordence wirh +e &awinge Fepued by Moner rrcbireots dercd Apir3,2002 as.Eubmirted fo ihc Arsocirrion . - Q;s appoval is conrir6cil rrpou (a) the reeubdivision ofrhe unfts in sccordancewi& hc Sesosd A,nrndmcdr to thsDcclrraricn snd thcFirgr esreolncof fs rfre - condomioium Map in fte form as srbrairtsd ro and approvcd by te a',Jsiarion (er in&e. fonn as approv-{ by rhe Towo and_ rhe .+ssssiadon), and oj ne sitn ,ttuniour "roringand corrvlymce oftbe ballway sprcc fmnr the Associaion to rhc oy/sgof,&e umts. Thalk you. 356 Esst Hqo$ot Rarrah Rsad Vail, Qolorado 81657 THE CHAT?AU CTIRISTIAhI TOWNHOIISES HAY-16-2002 THU 12:44 PH H0RTER ARCHITECTS FA){ N0, 9704780710 P.01 I I MonrunAncnIECTS A Prof e$$iond Corporallon 'rD: Bill Gibson Conrpany: TOWN OF VAIL l-ax; 479.2452 Fhrin+; ) 479-2138 ??71 N Frc,nli:ge Rood lq. Suih C Vail, Colo|Edo 61057 970i,176-5 105 . 9701476 0710 Fax Emall: m6@m0rtL.rarchitects.com Pages: 4 From: Jim Buckner, AIA GC: llale: 19 April 2002 " 16 May2002 {iulrjcct: UPDATE pER DRB Project SiegalResidence I l{f:tnirrk{i: U llrger{ B For Your Review o Please Comment O Please Reply ASAP UOtlrcr ui[, lrer your request today, please find the attadred updated elevations and floor plans per the DRB's cqnditions oni 16 April 2002. I have shovwr cement board (nntching lor,rer existing siding) on the new cast dotn:ers and recessed wall. Cnll with any qrnstions, 'l hirnks, t lf you rrrceivil al crror fut tran$mission, please call (970) 47eb105 01(F TO\it Fo:i.doc P, 0212:44 PH I1ORTER ARCHITECTS FA)( N0, 9?04760710nof':-'o* "u Fi,i*il E Er C{G'tl J EE ol -gt-g, ErIJ D ul E!(, - -l&&o CI -ll& E 5 F tl h lU 3IA trl(J -lrla ut]llg. J 3!tg!g, P. 03FA){ N0. 9704760710 Fi,i'r! E4lrl Ei h ll b I|l d(J at, - Jr Go C} l!EFt UIC' -urct u,r{e J c,|rI u, 't^ -'p:;;'-*'*;91;, , ..t"..1 '--"'t2 - ,.----.1-- r I l I{AY-I6-2002 THU 12:48 PI{ ].IORTER ARCHITECTS FAI( N0, 9704760710 P. 04 ItI fi g, Hi'! E fr Ei zo E lII -lutt-v> L|loUIU'oo-OE CL F.J d,e h tl F UJ da, -t =EIz Fu,& -C) =trj -() . A Prcfesslonal Coritoraf:cn R[c'D APR 29 200? MoruenAncn trECTg?271 []. Frofllage ltrcad Y,i. Srile L Vail. C0 81$atl 9?0t 47{i-510$ rAX 9t0/ ,476-0;1 0 l\{A@ Odf rafchilect5.ccfi 29 April 2002 Mr. Bill Gibson, AICP Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Siegal Residence - Proposed Dormer Addition 356 Hanson Ranch Road, Units 41 0 & 42OlLoI D, Block 2, Vail Village 1"' Filing Dear Bill, In response to the conditions for approval on the 17 April 2002 DRB Meeting, we present the attached information from our structural engineer. A brief summary of our findings is oresented herein. By making the roof / fascia continuous (as noted in condition #2), we found that the structural requirements will compromise the exterior appearance of the existing fascia, making it inconsistent with the existing adjacent fascia and eave. Since there is no existing fascia board, there is no way to hide a new required structural fascia without changing all the fascia (most of which is existing to remain for the project). These additional structural changes, which are also affected by conditions #3 thru #5, will increase the project's cost and schedule. In light of these concerns brought to us by the engineer, I would propose to use the original design submitted to the DRB, but using cement board siding on the new loft dormers as referred to in condition #5. I have attached a "Proposed (Updated) East Elevation", along with the elevation per the DRB meeting, and the existing West Elevation for the Board's information and consideration. Sincerely, /.h/ 02,fr/z/-*- Jim Buckner, AIA MorterArchitects cc:Jim Morter, FAIA 1l'l i.r:, i .-:,' i.i: , ,: ;i. iii : :!i i:; ! 5;raiiE ? UtltF Ip Elrl Eo d t urlJ- LLI zo F LU -tLU f--(/) tl.l (9zFaX LU -J z. FU)& =(-) = LUF :tr(-) '" a -lj: i:E ! i;;;;i Eo- rri =(-)a LNF HhIp clrl uo = dO crl =E. IJ)o_ -J<LU F-F=- u>rr' 42 trJ OO -LU'd8 68<) d_6O-to E. LLIo- J z F CJ) EE(-) - LUF :trO .E : i,;i: it! i i;;i,:i cd LU (-) 9 H =p c Hco z.o F LL'-JLLl F(t) LU 6" UJF o o_3 O LUU)Oo-OEo_ -J z. FU) E. - = LUF -(J \J1F:5(Ji : .:F::;ii =;;iiE:I u Elrluio; =i t =E@ tJJ Ltl.J a LUo U) -JOOg z.O = LIJ.J LU Fcf)uJ =o LU(9z. -C)z. = _J =. FU) E. -C) = LUF -C) the mj mueller co., inc. 25 April 2002 Mr. Jim Buckner MORTER ARCHITECTS 2271- North Frontage Road WestSuite CVail, Colorado AL657 Subject: EAST ROOF OPTIoN Chateau Christiani"iil-""r;;;a;-- Dear Jim: At your request, this office has completed the feasibility studyfor the above mentioned portion of the Siegal Residence. Thefollowing items are to be noted: a) EXISTING CoNDITIoNS The east roof that is being proposed, is a continuation of the .existing roof beneath two new dormers.. The proposed roof thatcurrently exists, however, must be conpletely removed, to'construct the.new dormers. The proposed roof will connect the'two portions of the existing roof that witl not be effected by the dormer addition. See the attached I'section 25tr, that shows the existing conditions. Note the notch in the 4xL2,sfor the r12xtr decking at the overhang, and the profile that has been cut into the existing 4x1-2rs. The roof was designed to accommodate 50 psf of snow.' b) PROPOSED CONDITIONS See the attached sketch, rrEast Roof Optionrr, that depicts thestructural framing required to support the proposed roof. Dueto the configuraLion of the upper 1evel rooms, four wallsexist, that will allow the incorporation of a cantileveredrafter within the walls. According to TOV code, the new roof must be designed to support B0 psf snow. .: c) AESTHETIC CHANGES REQUIRED BETWEEN EXISTING AND PROPOSED CONDITIONS The aesthetics of the proposed roof, are effected by thelocations of the cantiLevered rafters that will support the civil architectural andstructural engineering o p.o.box2747vail,coloradoBl658476262747(.iZ63ZIF/XI Page 2Mr. Jirn Buckner 26 April 2002 roof, and the j-ncreased loading conditions on the.roof asrequired by current code. The aesthetic changes between theexisting conditions and the proposed conditions, are: .. 1) RAFTER SPACING-The original 4x12rs are spaced at6r-0rt on center, the new spacing will vary, down to5,-0tr on center. The new spacing is effected by theIay-out of the loft walls, where the.nelr rafters canbe contained. 2) RAFTER SIZES-The rafters referenced as ,,reinforced joisttr on the trEast Roof Optionrl sketbh, must beDoug-Fir #L 4xL6 or 6xl-2. tf these larger sizes cannot be accomrnodated, a 4xL2 can be reinforced with.acontinuouSstee1|'f1itch-Platettrouttedintothe center of the beam, and thru-bolted. Due to the 3' t/Zn width of the AxL2t.the 5/8tr diameter machinebolts spaced at L6rr on center in the beam, must remain on the surface of the beam. The exposed bolt heads and washers can be painted to match the colorof the beams 3) ROOF DECKINc-n3xn roof decking is required to span6t-0rt on center rafters, and to support the: increased BO psf snow loads. ft i;-assumed thatthe tops of the different thickness decks, nust beflush. Note that naintaining the tops of the : : decking as flush, increases the notch cut into the'.top of the 4x12 rafters. 4) FASCIA BOARD-The original roof was supported bycantilevering ALL the rafters. The proposed roofis supported by cantilevering Er,/ERV OtgEn rafter.- The proposed roof requires a structural . fascia, totransfer the forces of the uncantileveredinterrnediate rafters, to the cantilevered rafters.The existing roof does not require a structuralfascia, as seen on rrsectj-on l5rr rn conclusion, two different aesthetics adjoining on the same roof,does ngt appear to be a desirable appearance. Maintainingaesthetic continuj-ty. between the existing roof and the proposedroof, reguires changing the aesthetic of the existing roof. Doesthe west side of the roof have to be changed to match the east sid.e.of the roof? Elirninating the proposed connecting portion of theroof, allows the existing roof to remain as'is. Page 3Mr. Jim Buckner 26 April 2002 If you have any guestions regarding this feasibility'study, or you have another solution to review, please contact this office at thephone nunber shown on the cover sheet. I look forward to I Mar ': ,l; {J I JI r'si ,.'$i .,tt:l :.. :i- ';::i,nl ': . tl: j' s* . .rl''t '.:ir:t( :"(( i -,.,: .r.:;:-.'i..".:.' ..f.,\,: .';: ,:.r.j!,.,r_ l*. i:-,,,, r i;,1,i:. ' ' .'a. i I '. I. I . t;.:'...' . 1.' ! r--: 1..j.' :\' :'''- -s{:j 1., ,:l;'it I.l:r-i' -.t: ":j , {_ i- { t. ' l: )i ,f I 'I Ii'I I :\' :'''- -&{il. ,:l :lri tl i- ,{ t. r l: :,)i I rl I'I Ii '.| .-l N$ t I I I$N$ *$i s* F*osi l$ tN TAWN OF VAIL D e p artme n t oJ Com mun i ty D eve I opme n t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us April 18,2002 Jim Buckner Morter Architects 2271 North Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Siegal Residence - Proposed Dormer Addition 356 Hanson Ranch Road, Units 410 &.420/LotD, Block 2, Vail Village l" Filing Dear Jim, As you are aware, the Design Review Board approved the proposed dormer addition for the Siegal residence, located at the Christiania at Vail, at its April 17, 2002 public hearing with the following conditions: l. That this approval is contingent upon the Town Council's approval ofthe associated amendment to Special Development District #28. 2. That the building fascia,/roof continue across the proposed dormer. 3. That the roofextend up the rake to match the dormers on the opposite site ofthe building. 4. That the building element located between the proposed dormers be recessed 18 inches. 5. That the dormer material be a cement siding to match the color and pattem of the existing siding. Revised plans addressing these conditions must be submitted to the Community Development Department for review prior to the issuance offinal design review approval and the application for building permits. If you have any questions or comments, please feel Aee to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4 ' -4^z-- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I Town of Vail {P *'""""o"* 1,.; ! i f: i !:i: 5;:;r- i ? Hh'r u c Huo .\lIa(\I =(9 z, FIE-(J =q.l F E(J o ll @ lI|J (Ja =JE u-ooe ul(J z,|rIct atittuE ctul at .eii. =E! i!€E Siis-E-: b tli U) vrF HF =u c Ho =o F LU -JLU F <t> LUa TY LIJ cxoo =Ll-lz. -l z. F(t) & -O = LUF :EO ai * : ;aj !;ri F:lra: p HFI Hc Ho = >- - LIJ.J LUo U) -tOog z.oF LL| -JLU FU) LU = l-Jl<l>i;l<l FI(t) |tlII()l <lLL|IFI<l -lC)l <J) -(9 =U) c! >< c!o LUq L E.L eoue*llmY oe{EL€Ft&!{F Ile*lgn tevie!fir Baard ACTEOFI FORI*I DeFErtment af Ccmrnunity Developrnent 75 Sosth Frontage Road, Vaif, ColorEdo Bl6Sz tel: S70.479.2139 fax: 970.479.trrt52 web; $ww.$ailgov"conr Project Name: Project Description: Pafticipants: PrcJect Address: Legal Description: Parcel l{umben Commentsi OWNER SIEGAL GAIL S. 1526 BAY BLVD ATLANTIC BEACH NY 11509 APPUCANT Morter Architects Jim Buckner 2271 N Frontage Rd West Vail, @ 81657 0312612002 0312612002 Phone: 476-5105 DRB Numben DRB020067 Interlor conversion of attic space with new roof dormers 356 HANSON MNCH RD VAIL Location: Units 420 & 410 Lot: D Blockr Subdivision: CHATEAU CHRISTLAN CONDO 2101-082-4300-7 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditionst Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOTa Design Review Board approval. Plannen Bill Gibson .llAR-22-2002 FRI 05rll Pl1 I0RIER ARCIIITEOTS FA}( M. 9i04760i10 P, 02 x0ttN Application for Design Review Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Itontage Road, Vail, Colofado 81657 tel: 970.+79.21 39 fary': 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Genetal I nfoarn ation: All pnlecfu requiring design rev'rev,, must rec€ive approval prior io submitthg a buiHing permit applkatior. please rcfqr lo fhe stlbntittal requirerir€nLs for the particular approval trat is requested, An application for De.sign Review ca not be accept€d until all required inbrmation is received by the Community Developrnent D€partment. Thepnlc{t rnay irlso trecd to be revle{r€d by tbe Tot,rn Council and/or the Planning and Envlronmenbl Commission- Deilgn ftvlew approval lap6e3 unless r blrilding permit ls brued and coFstrucfron commcncer Yuithln one year of the appfoYal, Descriptioo of Ionirgr EW NqL MaitinsAddrcist *lp& Orirner(r) Si$raturc(6) : Name of Applicahti -. 7 ' raarfins Addrenr - Z.?-JI-NffiI E-ftrall Addr$t: TyFtl of Revi€tr and Fee: t I grgns I Concephral Rcvie.w Il llew Constructiontl AdCitiYr [ ] Mhror Altrvation (|rultj-fan lylcornf nroal) [.'l Minor Alteraticn (single.frr'niV/duplex) IJ Oran$r:t to Af)provcd PlJns ll Sep3raHon Request $50_ gtu *t.00 per square foot of lotal 5i9n 31q3,@e) $550 For construdion ofa new buildirg or demo/rebui1d. $300 Fbr an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial bullding (includes 250 additions & interior convefsiot.ls).$250 Fcr minor chnnqes to bujldings and sit€ improve.nents. such as, reroon|}g. paintinq, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc'$20 For minor changes to bu$dngs aM dte improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, whdow addtlons, landscaplng, fences and r€taining wallsr etc.$20 For r$/isioos to plans atready approved by plannlng Staff or the Design Revic1|, floard. No Fe€ V/+/L o 8/657 'ffnfo> z'd 'aoo-Eez-sIs leEar5 .O pJer{c r U PEt: I I ZO tZ JeH aF/1 LLItI u tV -Irl Eo C\oo C\ o (I, =rON _z _zA'? - z- (-\ z. al'v *=rt* Exfrxf fiHIEr H;ETE#:XilQ lt-'-inril--i:td kssEEA frk8F 6H?*rt?LU K fiX>ilV9 b--a\4J Lr- _-'r zIaJ& =uJ---i= = =1u9H I = o?!u rv $s EE5 8 === H 7n 1,, + H 3et =fiHi i HEi e\1 fi = F=f; ==y(J z -=E- Efrtz o =Eo XEi8 E n$ L' @!-; o E- =H 3 IMI tr, 6flu@=too Ii,iilip dlrl EIoi =l oct(\I e, =elolrll! nit(\a ct lt I€ ItlJ (J at - =4 Jlu lrlJ -Ft ct -F 9,xul o rf 06oa\|\to ts - =-sF(n c, -(, 5 ulF -(J tJ\ -aiHi i,;i !- i;;4.:I9t: 4 FI u1.oi =;4tr\-.llz oloo(r'l e &rllulu. (\I - t-U' d,-CJ5 tllF E(J = o-EooJlJ- :EF-farr|(r,oq-oEL ct tl aat lrlJ (J,a ul C)z.lI|a al,l.lle, (tlu an EF to d,tltFu, = IL l ltl(, c,oFatt Itlal, ?FJ:t = t: (-\ r-llL-i I Hii*lEii;litIttv c, lrJ uaoi>l 2 B Flt-oJ (:, -F 92xul o t €oNrt aD tsz,I -st-c2 EE(, 9 trlF -tJ oloGIN e Delalu rlo(\a ct II qt lrl (,all -.i a : :Er i i;;iii A\.uz v1 U ITJF =p c Ho a\looN e. 3 oc€ull! rat(\l =g Fq, E-(J :t ulF -(J = q. FlfoJa|rIlnoo.c)eo. a tl e ulJ (rvt |rt CJz|ll a3(ttI|e (tlu (rt t I _l =oo olrl@ =UI- = 'u''olOa'OzCE fi=E tt)t-:i rl ? -iil i i:iit-;,i,:::!-:jitFlI u c,lrll-:u=,o: =i z.OF LU-J LU Fa trJ(9 =Fc/) >< LU tra =dao LlJ a -J z U)tr -(-) = LUF - LrlF:iU1 i ,1H, i;i; i*i:iir:r"-"'ttu E Fr ULo:>i z.O F LU-J LLI FU) LUo LUU)Oo-OEo- E =e.@ LIJ : z Fa G. - = LUF - it ii; a: ,- -;t"ir;;;ai ? HF Ip Elrl Eo = E =Edl LLI; L c)<t) t t!! lrto U) Og z.O F LU --JUJ FU) LU =ouJ(tz. -c)z. = .J z FU) t -(J = LUF - 'i ! izi ;e;i E;TFF': IY: @ LTJ; IJJ <J) V'F HbIv e Fr uo z.O F LU.J LU -FdOz.(9zFa =LU -t z. FU) K. -(J = LlJF -CJ {, si: !-i;i =u E Ir'lEio; =i 6l =Edtul-L uJ a z.OF UJ-J t-rJ -l-E.Oz.o LU CJ)Oo-OE. o_ -J z. Ft/) E -O = LUF. E i ; i;i i:; i E;rii: it =&.@l.L rl'i (J <t) VIF HF =u EEI E,o =aC)2. <illrl co -) (yur iI:tr= 3Fa6 UtrZ.-'<f5=z. = .J z. FU)x. -O = LUF -(J Ll a Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Siegal Residence DRB Number: DR8020037 Project Description: Interior Conversion Pafticipants: OWNER SIEGAL, GAIL S. 02125/2QQ2 Phone: 1526 BAY BLVD ATLANTIC BEACH NY 11509 License: APPUCANT Morter Architects 02125/2002 Phone: 476-5105 Jim Buckner 2271 N Frontage Rd W. Vail, CO Jbuckner@morterarchitects.com 81657 License: Project Address: 356 HANSON RANCH RD VAIL Locationr Units 410 & 420 Christiania Legal Description: Lot: D Blockt Subdivision: CHATEAU CHRISTIAN CONDO Parcel Number: 210108243007 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovah 03/1912002 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005215 This approval is contingent upon the approval of the associated request for a major amendment to SDD #28. Plannen Bill cibson DRB Fee paidt $3OO.OO TOIryNM Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs --tr-€€s€eetcat+eriew-- Application for Design Review $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee Depatment of C.ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review apploval laps€s unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, , l n\,..er -r a ,/r-r tl tal? tt4 | ,ltIKloK ffi)tffistgg: Location of the Proposal : Lot: f> slocu: Z subdivisiont fsr fta\b Physical Address: -e,-o (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonins: (n,^ t% Z Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): l) Name of Applicant: Mailing z7l rFafut RP w Phone: E-mail Address: $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. ffif) For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or\--'/- commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For Office Uge gnlU:, Fee Paid: 4t t'.Check No.: Application Date:_ Planner: No.: tr R+EIIVHft tr New Construction*+ts Addition Fii€Ff"ffiteff- {nuttUamilyftemmercia{l Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request fl lil[|2 t *** ** ** *,* * * ***** t +***** ** *** t ******!t** ** *** * *,** ******+* * *** **{.'N.* ***!t !t lt+********{.** ***,f * * **** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ,****'r********++*+**!*********'f*****************'*1.*******t*+++*t *****{.{.'r * *** * ****,1.*,i**r.'f *.***** sEatement Number: R000001993 Amount: $300.o0 02/25/200203:24 PM Pa)ment Metshod: Cash fnit: .IAR NotaEion: 4405-Gail Siegal Permit No: DR8020037 TIT)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 210108243 00 ? SitE AddresE : 3 56 HANSON RANCH RD VAII.,, Locationr Uni-ts 410 & 420 ChrisLiania Total Fees: 53 00.00 This Payment. I $300.00 Total ALL Pmta: $300-00 Balance: 50.00 *************lt*'t '$** * *** * *i!**** * ** ** * * +* {.1.1.* +** **** *****'t * ********* *{!****{. * ****** *+**+t*+*+{t+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR O{]iOOOO31I22OO DESIGN REVIEI,,J FEES 300.00 t *1" Laxl'lltle G.a€rt€e GruvctElglrHtrsrREmdir ' Deter 02-25"2002 Oor Ofder NBmberr Property Address; cG.{Doi\{INruM UNtt GAND [I, CITATEAU CITRLSTIAN mWNHOUSES MARGANAT B EANLO\, PC 225 WAII STREET SUIIE 2Ot VAIL m 8165? Aer MEC r NI'N PhorEr F'G476{}66 Fu: 9l!4?6t4t1 S€|lr Vt2 Courttrrd MORrER ANCHIIECTS ^ltt! JIM BU(fiNEI PboE: 970465105 F.r: 9G476.{y'rO Sanr Vi{ Frx s! !r 11. e-L. u{ ztrul,a "r"lo lad Trtle G.rate OnqE !t\{I.ncNrgs D&te! 02.25-2,002 Property Addreisl CONDOMINruM UNTT GAND }I, CIIATEAU CTIRISTIAIJ T0WNIIOUSES Buyer/B orrower: T()BE DETERMINED Seller/O,ryner! GAIL S. SIFCAL Our Order Number!v27S?,4L pleas€ contact one of the nruubers below; For Tltle Asstslance! Vsil Tlrk Depr Roger ,A.vila 1OE S. FRONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX 357 VAII. C$ 11657 Pl|ortr 970-476-215I Frx; 9/(}"476.4534 EMdh nvlle@l&c.com If you havc srry tnquiries or ltqulre further essist&nce. For Closlng Assishncel Nc€d s mep or directions for upcmDing-clering? Check odt hnd fioe,s r*eb.site et www.ltgc. com FNMAIECFNNEES THANE YOU FOI. YOT,'R OX.DE L cltcago Tl0e Ins|tfon!? Compony ALTA C O M MITMEN'I Schedule A Propertt Add.ess! COFIDOMINTT]M UNIT CAND 11 CITATEAU CHRIS'IIAN TOII4{ITOUSES Effectlee Drte!Februsry 11, 300:. rr 5:00 p.!d" Policy io b€ Issued, and prrpos.d lrcurcd: hfonr|sdon Birder Proposed lrlswedl TO BE DETERMINED Our Order No. V275241 CusL ReLl or refered to ln thls Commltmel|t snd covered he!.elh lsl5, The €stsle or interest In the l&nd descrlbcd A Fce Stndr Tltle to tht eshre or interest coyend her.sin ts rt the cffecfiye date htr'eof yest€d iR! GAIL S, SIDGAL The l8trd ret€ned !0 In thls Commlnuent is descdbed as tollows! 99llgyllry-y q{ff c AND rrj CTTATEAU cHNslIAN rswNHousEq AccoRDtrsG Tq THECoNDo{\{INIUM MAP RECoRDED DECEMBER 3(t, rsrc rN sooi iiiaT PAGD ?0!, As DEFTNEDAND DESCRIBED IN THE CONDOM'*ruM OACT;N,INON XECONDED DECEMBEi 30, 1969 IN BOOK216 AT pAcE 701, COUNTY oF EAGLq STATE OF COLORADO. - - Our Order No. V275?41 "l ALTA COMMITMENT SchDddeB-Sectionl (Rcaulrements) The foloving are the requir€ments bo be conrplird wtrht Item ({) hyrtrenl i0 or for |he occolDt ol it|e grfla}rs or rDr€tgorr ot the fdl corBlderrdor tor tbr est&le orintenst lo b insued. Ltm.(b) Proper iBfurn(s) cttslrE ote esrare or tllercsr !0 be tnsurd nue! Dc executed ad ttuly 11ad tor 1acor4lo-wi! If4m (c) PoyrDent ol ell lsxes' charg€s or sssssrnenls lcvied ard assesscd agdrst ttE suqiect ptrdsej which {re du€8rd FJstte. lfem (d) A(dtionrl ]tqrircImnts, it eny dlsdosed belo\y: THIS COMMITMENT rS EOR TNFOAMATTON ONLY, AND NO FOLICY l\tLL BE XSSUEDPURSUANT HMETO. o '*u ALTA COMMITMENT SdrddeB-Secdonl (Exccpdoru)Our Order No, V275241 l. The pollcy or potrcres ro be tuisued wflr conrain er-ceptrons to tlre to[owing unlcss the ss'e sre disposedof lo the gatisfuction of ahe Compsny: Righfs or cldrDs of Frdes ln pqssession ml shown by 6le public re.ods. E{setDents, or clalDs ol eseEents, Doa sho\rn by d} Ftbllc rrcorG. DtscEFmclcsl- conoicb in boutdrry lirE, short{gc in 8rerr erEroachEnls, rrd 'rry frcts rvhich i corrgct $[YeJ alrdLlspecdon of dp FrEises would discbse atrd wldch are mt shown b/ dE ptUic records, Any lier} or righf to e licr\ for seryicrs, talor or rpledal tlEptofo6 or hep"11€r n'ds6, imposed b, law srdDol shown by tlF Ftuic rtcords Dcfects, licns er*ntrbierre'' dye'"€ cr{inrs or otrr no''"rs, if r[y, crcacd, ffrst appeari4 in the prHic rteorrt orstlrhb* srfu€quent to tE €trecdve date lueof hr prror to tfie dlii ure propocea rrsrued acqrdns-of reord for "d|I ll|e €sbte or InterEst or rmrtgsge tl*rcon covered bJ tHs CnrllriurEnt Trx€s of specrsl r'ses''renb whi.h are mt slnwn re esstrr€ leo" by rh puHIc Ecotds.o nr T*suter,s otnce. t. Uens forxnFoid w'ler ald sewer charges, if rrry.. In adddoq fle ow]Er,s poflq wlll br sr{rccr fi} fte nrorgqe, tf ,ny, med h Sccdon I otsch€dxld B haltof, RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A V'EIN OR LODE 'r1O EXTMCT AND NE}I()VE TIIS ORETIIEREFROM SIIOT]LD TTIE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERIIECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECOII)ED JTILY 1r, 1i99, IN BOQK 48 ATPAGE 475. ruGHT OT WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANAIS CONSIT'UCTED BY lI{E AUTHOruTY OF TTMUNTTED STATES AS RESERIED IN UNNED STATES| PATENT RFI\}&)I,I} JT]LY 12 TS99,IN BOOK 4E AT PAGE 475. IESIIICTT'I COVENANTS WIIICH DO NOT CONTAtr{ A FO}I'EITURE OR NEItsFJIER CIA USE,BUT OMTTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACF; LUI,O& REIJGION,sE(' HANDICAP' trAMILlAL srATUs oR NATTONAL oRrcIN uNLESs AND oNLy ro'tHEEXTENT TIIAT S{ID COiIEiIANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CEAFIER;, SECNA\ 3607 OFTI'E IJNITED STATLS CI)DE OR G) REI.ATES TO T{ANDICAP BUT DOES NgTDISCRIMINATE AGAINST IIANDICAP PENSONE AS CONTAINED IN TNSI'RUMM.{T RECORDEDAUGUST 10, 1962, rN B@K lt4 AT PAGE 1?9. u' EASEMENTS, col''lDEroNs, covENANTs, REsrarcnoNs, lEsERvATIoNs AND NorEs oNTIIE RF,CONDED PT,AT OI' VAIL VII,trAG€, FINST FILING. 11, '*""J A LTA COMMITMENT ScHde B - Secdon 2 (&cepttons)Our Order No- V2?5241 The polrcy or po'cies to b€ rssued si' contain ex.apdoN ao lhe fo'ordrng unrels the sf,rle are drqrosedof to the srtisfection of lhe Comprny: l3. RESTRICTN/E COI'ENANTS WflICH DO NCTT @NTAIN A FORF'EITURE OR REVERTER CTAUSqBUT OMITTING A.IY CO!'ENANT OR NEJTRICilON BASED dI EACE, C'O* RE.IGIOITI,S",(' }IANDICAB FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIOI.IAL_;RIAN.I UNLESS AND ONLY TO TIIEMTENT THAI] SAID COVENANT (A) IS T]XEMPT IINDEI ffTA;ER 42, SECTION 36(}7 OFlHE UNmElr STATES CODE oR (B) RELATES T0 rrANDli;; uu, oons ncrrDISCRIMINATE AGAINST ITANDiCAP PERSONS, ,Ii COI'iIhOi N* II{STRUMENT trECORDF,DDF'EMBH 30' 1969' IN BOOK 216 Ar pecr zoi nr.ru edifie*r rmnnro nnconn'oAUGUST 22, 1996, IN BOOK ?03 AT pAGE 530. 14. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS. COVEI{ANTS] RESTRICNONq RESER.VATIONS AND NOTES ONTTIE ..ND.MINIUM MAP bF cHAlEAu irnrsnew rorlhio:is's RE.'RDD DEcur4BB.3,,1969 IN BOOK 2I.6 AT PAGE ?01 r5. TERIVG, COfrDITroNs AND pROVtStoNs oF LEASE RECORDED DECEMDEn 30, 1969 INBOOK 216 AT PAGE 703. 16' lE*r4s! co^{Do'oNs aND pRov*iroNs oF pARTy *ALL AcRmMEr{T RE.'RDED JANUARy16, 1970 IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 839. (TIIE ABOVE rIE}4S AFFECT CONDOMINIUM UN-IT G AND CONDOMINruM UNM H} DEED oF TRUsr DATED MARCB 0r, m01 FxoM GA'L s srEcal To rHE puBlrcTnusrEE oF EAGLE couNry FoR rnE u"r or crrrsi"in]ii.'i., "*u*r rrc ,u*oF 9r,lr0,000.00, AND ANy orHR AyorrNrs pAyABrf rjuririi rim rcru,rs rrrtRror,,xEcoRDED MARcrr 09, ll0r, tNDEr. REcEprroN No.*r+m, -- -" (TT'E ABOVE IIEI\T AFTECTS COi.{DOMINITIM UNIT G) DEED OF TRUST DAIT,D MAY 3I" 199t F*OM GAIL S. SIDGAL TO'IIIE PI,tsLIC TRUSTEEoF EAGLE couNTy F,.lR THE usE oF crrrBAN4 r.ss. To s*uRE .rrc suM oF$7E{r,000.00, AND ANy OIITER AruoU,rS:nv,rsrn UlrOan-ndfoar" .,IrEREO4 RE@RDED MAy a7, 199$, UNDER REcEprro${ no ol}iri. - "-'" '*' (THE ABOVE ITEM ATFECTS C]}NDOMINIUM UNIT $ L7. Nothirg herdn contstned l?tu be.lett!*.ro ob[gare-the conrFr[, b Fovtde any of IE coyerqesreferrsd to hercin rIdess ih€ rbove corlditiom arc hl|ly sefisfi'ed.IO@ DISCT'SRE LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursusrt lo CRS l0.f l-U2, lBticr is l|eftb!, given thstAJ rne sutrJect ted proFrty my bc locacd in o specld 18$18 dlsoic!u, 1ST.5T::JTj-",1T fP'o "*,*,e1iui"oo- i"y r" ou.rned rrom rts couryI rErrsurErs suIll)n-?ed agel[c) 'TIrc ldomitron ,'gard'E sFrtot drrtrrcts 8nd dE boundarres of flrch distrrcts r'y be ob{aincd nomthe Bosrd ol coung Comrd&siorrN, IE Cormty Clerli ond n".".a"i,'* t" C"_ry Asso..". Nole Effecdle se' ember 1, 1997' cRs 30-10-406 tcgurms drst 8[ docrnmn. Fcelved tor ,ocordirg or fltr*in lhe cled( and recordef s ontce sha' contdn , "p,-"gln of oG, "* ,*n _o " ,"a, right ard botf.nrDdrgin of at le6t o'* helf of atr i*rl Thr clerk_and reco"nrer t*y ,"to"10' ,"*- or rire rny docrmEDl ,raldo€s .T: confoq exctFt dnt, 0re Tyirtrrrjlr- for dE "p ,*"d "fr"l*, ,pla, ro docrrDenls urirg fonrcon which space is proyided tor rtcoding or nllng inronnaton it m rop-i*ftrn o, u* ao"r_** Noe; colorqdo Divisron of Insrnrtxr Reguradfis 35-r, psrqrsph c of Anrcre vtr ,.qd*s thst 'Everydde entity shal h rqsporBitte for oll tsrflen trhich sFear ot-rtcont prior to rE titu of rjecodtrgvlErEver the tide enriry cordrls ire ctqrir€ arrd is .i.*iU" f"i-l,Uifr or nlirg of legddoclluerrc EsuldDg from dr taracdon w}ich rrts closert,,, p_iaJi*'*rra nde GugrrlreeCorqory conduts ir closing oi d|e lr$ured-trrEacfon ad ts rcsFoJu. foa ,ooaorg O*legsl doctlmt|b ftrrr| t]F h.Ensrctior! axcedion fltrtrber S wiff *t'rpp"o on U* Or_af, tO,Pollcy snd tl|e L€ldels pollcy whfn issued- Note: Afhrrmtirr merhrnic'j lirn Drotection for dE Owher tBJ. br svsilsHr (aJTicelly bJ, deletionof Er.epdon no- 4 ol Schedrde B, ;a.don 2 of dE CorDrdn*ni f"i A* O*r*r,s I|ollcy ro b.t$!r*d) upon corndlrme with dr follorrilg coDdidons! A) The led des{r.ibed in Sclredule A ot ds comraitnrnt rnrt be s sirEle fsmity reridel*e rrhichirrcludes s cotrdordnluD or tDwrlbus€ l[:ll B) No labor or rEterids haye bem turdshed by rDecMcs or nnlerisl-rcn for pupos€s ottorl3rrl.ton on tlE leml described in S.hedule A of this CorrdarDeDf Jtt ru U* po"t e ,rrorrllo.C)TlF-Ootryaoylnusr ncriee .8l approFidc fidsytr ldellrdsi;t-Oil*ry e",*, rrnf*OrD{:cttsrdc's ard trlerlsl_ rEn's ltelE. 3J IT *:*"-t ltr*l .treive p{yrFnr o[ t le spproFirle premiurL r!,, u ulene nas beefl corrsuiucdorl lrxpmye|mnts or rlqlor ftpdrs rtdf rtrLcn on tlF Foperty to bc FIIrhGe dMttdn sNx rnonlrs prtor to lhr DoE of.t$e Co-Uor*nC ,i* r"qJ.***', "b{a|n coverqetor urc*ordcd lietE llill ir*lnde: dicclosurt oi on"n L*hr*'oon fJorrrr"norq Ergrrirl irtrorntationas !o the seller, dr hrllder {d or g €xe.ured hrernnity A*.*,** "*I"Tff#ilTffi : ff ffffi"ffi HH*rs r@y be necessrry rfter an rximirt.tion of dE ,to.o"ia inlo_otoi uy o* a.rrf*ry. Ii i]:T: g, * gtven uder ory ctrcrrnstarcff for tsbor or rEtadsl for whtch rhd trtslrtd]ns confrctrd for or agreed to pay. Not€t Pursuant to CtaS lo-f l- n, mdce ls tErrby glvenrA) Thrt al|erE is recor{ed evidence rlEr a mi!*rsl estate ls bten severe4 le&sed, or ottrrr,viseconveyed ftom thc suface estate ard t ur there ls a substrnUel |lkelrioa O*, olrt p"ayholds sorE or dl inler€st it| oil. Elg other rrineraLc, o, g**""rrr,l "r*rE;tn the p.$pcdy; srtln) That $ch mir*rrl esble iDsy inchde dE ngll o tnter ut use 0* pop"f *,U.,o l*Sur{rae O\i,ne/ S pefrEissloB :f:I. rtd]* T ownert polcy corut8l|rms co drtrE a lt{Eml seyerutcc rnsmr|E:trercapoon, or cxceptions, in Schdule B, Section !- .IOINT NOT]CE OF PRI VA CY POLICY trldellty Nsdon8t Flnandal Grgtp of Compades/Chlcago Tttte Insurrnc CompeDy aod Lrnd fitlg Gusrrntee ComFrnJ Juty t, 2001 l}? recogrdzf srd r€sEecl d|. Drivs.y-faFcqtions of bdny's corrsmrts and trle rqlldrctnents of oppllcsble ffderat andc..rt P'ivlrt lstYs we belieYd 0.l rD{kiiB yon- sw",r of tir* *"-fiti* *n-Fruic perropd infonrsrion ("persoml H:Hf..,l?,fffih1,ltr$Hnoscrosed"*lriorm-d;6"Li;;.giln"rxhg orm*r b+nreen ,,s ila 6",piriirc sore,reru rmm irui6 iii"-*^.ff#,ffififfFl$H"l$'#+i;)1: **"" di r'tshr;i64;iht; il-"&* rn the coutse of our buslness, tle rDsy collect Persons! lnronnsdott &bout you rrom the followlng sourcrrl : IIm ?pt_i$dons gr oll|cr fo [Ds- r?c rccetye fmrr Jou or your auliortzed ]epnsedadve;; ifiH;3rT,ffiT6orBsitl\ or rmm tlt sc'ic.r &irgffi;'r;;Ty, *, o'*.mri*"i, or orlrts;' i*3$"fl#Hm#mTl#RffH-*"bl enudes rhol we cld*r obtdn dncdv rmm r,se- r mrrt coDsrtrEr o r o tEr rrportirE agetKiei our PollcltJ Regarding the ProteciloD ot the contldenllslity end sessrtty or your personal lDforrnatlon y:"ffi F4p":l$""f,mfJg,Hft y";,*ffi tr#ff ,J"ffiTfr #,S"#;e*f*5:#Ti"corrEcdon ry,ft Fol'idirg pmducrs or seryi."* tolou o.loiirii"i:ffi#," ,o,*.. pl'poro. Our Policles ard prrcdces RagsrdlnB the Shsr{ng oI yonr persqnal IntorrDsdorl We rmy slurt your FeEonsl Into[€r{r;!demefi';er;ff"pi"*"fi-"il.'W.?St#*#j1ffiS$**",Sffi;ffff1fl* sseDis, ardor*rrcsr i to agents, hokers or l€rqsenrltlves to paqvide you rf,ith servic€s you havr le$.Psle4. Hrffi|ffi"tr""fi.'ff#r;"fiseruce pmhdcrs w-ho F;;,i;;;&; Frfonn rnrt crbt or o$er 'ffitn:iHHfweenterl'|tojoinrt|lnterirgsgFerDcrsforFodrxtsorscrvic€satErvebelieveyou Fi#L"t":;Yl'**Ji"#t*ffT"t"l montradon wl*n vou d,"cr or git'e us perlr,sioq w,*n we an ir{uir.rdrironmdon*hi*,.otrr**-i;fi #fi ffi tH,ff W*rT*lre#,*#Jlg;*_q."nffi*ffi "frr, edorc4 ou. rtghs ar{strg i,u ot ury +d6rrnq d""";iloi-;;ilifihp *u, you gtrl5"lHt:ffiffiTiTfiffill?.sHqf#"f,l*n* " r0 rcord doc."*nB in the Fr'ic RlShI to Access Your Personat Information ar|d AbilltJ, to Corrt(t Errors Or R€quest Clang€s Or Deledon Cafldn stafa$ dord you orc rlel to &rcass vonr F.h^ht thra-*d^^ ^_rffiqt$ffil,fjffi{ffi** ,H;: All-reqEsa subNrdoed [0 dE Ftdeltfishsll h in rririrlg, ,rro 0.0".*o r'o])f""uflnflffiHrP* or conFsnl€*/cttcago Title Insurerce comFr[' filvqc] Comdtsrre Ofnc.er xlsJ'g"lP-ffi$ffiis,* S'rnts Bartrr& CA 93U0 Muldple Products or SeMces Il we provlde Jou wjth nrolt Oran orE tillu|cisl prodEl or serv|ct, you rEay reretve rDorc [ran orE pdvaq/ rDdcalmm us. we rpologtz€ for q|y lrconve enqe trit6 m"tan-;t;' ,-".-, FoE! TRIV.FoL,cBI Feb-O5-OZ Q5: l3P P.02 O**offices of it. E, Hanton. p.c. O 225 Wall Suite Vail, CO Phone; (970) 476{066, Street 205 81657 Fax: (970) 476-848{ THIS FORM llA$ IMPoRTANT LEGAI, (.ONSEQUENCES AND t'ttE PARTIES liilot,LD (:ONSltr,'t' t.,EcAL AND ,t AX oR OTHER COUNSCI, NF.FORE SIGNING. CONTRACT TO BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE (coMMERCtAL) I)trlc: l. AGREEMI]NI'. ltuyer agrees to buy lnd thc nndcsigts! Seller rrgrccs to scll tlre lrrlrgrsrly rjr"f incd hclow rrrr thc tcmts nd condidoos sel lorth rn thiilifiiiiil......- 2. DEFINED'I.TRMS. r. !11p3.. Buyrrr, Gail li j.egrr I rvjll luke titlc tr: thc rcal prnpary descrilrgd lreluw 1s D Joint 'l'cnontr D Tcnrntr Ia Cornmon D Oth6b. Proprrtv. Thc }rnJnrry is the following legnlly dr.rcribcd rcal csrare: LhJi pO.l ic'rr of the cornmon clcmcnts of Chat.eau Christian T.)wnh(1u9es whj.ch forn.j t..he' snliss hal).te;ry r:F Lhe fourth f Ioor, exclusr.ve r:f .i t.:; sLairwells and elcvator (and subjcct- t.6 snylcgal roquir€nr-.nI for a lobby llith a firc doot ), whi.ch are3 !r.i-lI l)e mappect as .r pr)rt.i()n ot Condomrnium Units (; ,\h.l/or Ht and defined by EJgle valley Survcyrrrg irr conjunction !,rit.h M(lrterAkercole l\rch!tccL!i in ir 1>r-lrFr.rced dmendnent to t-hc (:ondominJ.un Mnll as t'urther desr:r ibed in Attachment l\ prror t.O r:1o.sirrr-; Faqle Januarv ?8. 2 oA2 ufa in thc (lo nly ul' No, Unil. G , ('olorrrlu, commonly kttr'lwrt os Jl6 l{,rri$crn Ranch Ro,ld, V;r i 'l / COand Unit H, Chatcau Christ.iirrr 'lowlhouses,81.65'7 Sueq Arldrcss City slate ZiF togerherwiththei|)teJests,etscmrn|l,rights,bcncli and '.rllcys adjaccnt thcreto, excelri aq herein exclurlctl.c. Dnlcs end Drldliner. Acccptnncc CES ,.9.99, Contr.ct to Buy rnd 86ll Rarl E t to (Coftrtlersi:t), Gl3/tt R.dFA!TO FormB Box a700. Fnrco, CO 00dd3, VErlion 6 08. OReaIFASTO, COmpFleo 0y ift.gorel Htn|on. Prcitde^t Lae/ O||icer ol M E. H*{r6., P c. Bryctltl . / /lLftI 200?: Reg# PCOCOLz?5r03 0l/?6,0? ?1;4? 13 Prgc 1 0r ? Scllc.(s) _ ll.m No. Rcfcrcncc f,vrnt Drlc or Dcndlirrr I S Ja Loan ADnlirtrtien l)crrdlinc n/:t ?6Jh l,oan (.'omrYli!Inent | )esdlinc n/ d _l d5s _$Urlrlqttjf1rtfoqqj t l)erctl irrl 1 {i -5c l)istroomval ol Br,ryrr's Crcdit l)eadlirre )0 5d Iixisting Lr:un Ductrnrcnts Dradline n/ a 6 6 5d Obiec$on [u Exlsting l,oan Dcadlinc 1 6 5d Annrtrvol ol Losn Tr nsl'tr Diildlinc E l6a Agprrisol Dcndlinc I {7a 'l il lc Dertdlinc t0 $ ?a liurvey l)grtdlior n/;t tl .$ 7q I)ocurncnt ltequest t )eadline n/a l2 { t{tr f itlc Obicction Dcrdlinc l3 tt flh ( )tl'- ltec(rl d M$l.1.rrs Dcurllinu n/a l4 $ tb Off'Rccrxd Matters ( )blection l)eodl irre rrla l5 t,Scller's Pr, rpcrll Dry.;l!.'suru f)curllinr n/a t6 0c lnspcction Objcelion D{adline nl a t7 {rh Itesnlurion Deodlirlc n/ a IN C;losin[ gal.l'a!q+1.: tlar:ch l, 2002 t9 6 Posscsiun Dtttc Tarqct r Mflr(:h l, 200? 20 rt 6 ')|l Ii at closinq 2l r 28 Febri ua rv 01, 200? 22 $2E Dcndlil|c'l'irnc 5 ; 00 p. rrr. Feb-O5-02 05: l3P P. 03 rl, Attlchmcnts. l'he liJhrwing cxiihits, attachnnus ,rrrrl udrlunti:r..rr(: a partrrllhis (txltrccr: Aitachncnr. A - Additional Provisiorr:; ..t.'AoD|iC[p.ilit}of'lirms.Achecllrrrinrikrnlrkina|rottnerrnslhir|strc|rlrrtrvisir.rrristq'p|icl|e.not applicablc T. U{(ILUSIONSANDT:X(:I,t'SIONS,r, fhc Pwchnsc Pricc includes dte h{towing itcms (lnclusions):(l) Firturcr, lf lnached ro the Propirty on thr d{tc of rhis ,x,ntnrrt, lighting. hen[ng, plunrbing, venrilriting. nnd air conditirrning(iXto|cs,jnsidete|efhth€wiringttnduo|ltlccti|18b|rrrrkVioi;ts.F|un|5,nrirI.s irry ()t.he;: clecorat j.vc il:nmr; a f f i xed to the Propc_rl-y i'n the d.tLc rrf (.lris Contr,rcl, {f) Ottar lql'fuqig!-s, ll on thc lkpo'ty wheti€r Mflchc{i (rr BUI on thc dale ot this (:on(mcr: st<rrnl wintluws, stoml door\, rvirldrw anrl porch :hndr::i, lwnings, blinds, Sgt'eens. win{uw t'r}vcrings, runail rods, drtptry ro{s. srgrege slre{5, [nd illl kuys. Chtek bux il'ineluricc!: El Snrokc/Flrc Drtrrton, D iccuriry syllcnsi oflil {3) Tr.dc l"ixtu}c$, Witlr letpg;t to tfudf lixlurss, Scller iurd lJuyef ngraB rrs lirlluws: rl,a . ',.b'l!iiIW!!-.lljq!&!j.Ihclrrclusiorlsareh|)ec1v|vt.yc{|olcl'J5int!1.rccandctet!'{l.t||itt|xc5.|irlnslrtt.Jutcln[rFovidcd in ti 12. (:ollvryanee shntl ttc by billtrl srlc ur olhcr applicablc lcgd ilstrulneDl.(s).c. Erclution!. 'l'hc following auached l'ixtur'rs ort giirlutlcri liunr this stlc: Ni)ne f lJR(:HAli ]; PRt(lF ANpIEEM!., l'hc Purchasc Prit:c scl til'th belnw sholl br, ptrlrrblc in l.t. S. l)o llars try Buyt:r * lirllows: Amo|rnl Amuunt L25,000 Sclhr ur Privnlc Finmcing rsh at Closinu I)2,500 TOTAL L25 ,125,000 Cqmplorsd by n. Earn('l Monct. lhc l..onrest Mo,tey sel l'.).rh in thij Sccliuo. irr lhc ltrrrrr ol'ocr:t(} irl ,,_;i-'g.l k , is pa noytnent Ol thc lrurchtsq price 0n(l sh{ll bc prtyitbl(: to rrnd hcld by Cbateau Ch!1sr-i.'rn 'fryrf!.]l2!g9-9_4EL.-.--.-...-., in its lrsi iiccounr, on helralf olh$h $eller oId_ lluycr, Tho.pfrtiss t\b\\lrlf\eldn\llir\br\\hnbbr\ln\lirtc\dh*ir\c\\i\r\J}'hNhtr\frtr!1ilNtu\'!'tdllu\rL\\\\\\\ttrttt\rrrrr\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ U ('onvbhlihitt\{\IOIb}\ hYt\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \\\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ ) \ \ \ \\ \\ \\\\ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \.L\\ \ \ \\ \ \\\ \rhisloah\\tlb[\Ac\l"UY'W\dII-\l_U\ll-$:\!\\]\\s.\nnU\&t]UkU\df\fu\t\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \TL\ftilil\rh\rb\lo\hil'W\[bii€\t\,\r$\trvb\\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\\\tk\Ntr\],\trAi\&),bsef\r\gAi\N\ry\dAA]\\\\\\J\,t[A!\ appoxir\r\rlls\a,L{\\\l\l\\\\\ w')N\'\1})[f\rdiha F'\l'r\N]t \.htt ]n\N!Il\rbhi\r\c\btd\r\x;\ \ \g \%\ !v\ !\i.'\\\ilt\{\tt\h\'Ii}ai\ b} Ituyerh lc\il&\lVh0n\h$\f\ic,sh\N\tyIlbtiNtu\&N'\\teuu\hIa\\.\dJ\\hilr.rN\\s\Jrtrjrilrhfab^N\iltrrkaifrbA).h|.\I\tic\iht,trs\Lridb$rsti irrtelesth\drr\|rddvhh*l'hiit$rtdqh}r\\hir-ir|tr\1\1\r|y\lch|eh\r[\k|r\\L\hrt\r\rt'rN}>\s\irrhhl\A{b\dJ\Jtu|i!il'b\I.\}i}fr\iI\ \inaY\dilhbht\fdrhlblN\h|.\$tilNSo\fl\dIdbhXA d(\\lb$ihAb\d\IldiAAdr\t{t&}t\dtrA\\\\t\\%\il\\hc\\hr\},,\hI\\btnllrr\ Nntwirtrkhvlil\gt'b\trdr\\hble\t\hb\ \ttrVIr\Nhlh\ \\\\ \\lrilr\\!kbdrh\\rblrr\$ lt}rll\h\frLtirlb!\dlA\ll\\l\\l\I\ \ \\ \\\ \\\\ \ \ \rndrhetA|h\r]e\\Ail!\\|hlNt!I|$rdbyL\&!.N\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \Bh$\MtNtlrhN!b\)\lrL)*tlrhh\hk\\MiltrrbhbNlihtrrl}n\l\.bhbMlh&\Uhv\\l'\ll\%\l.ttr\\dirr\*strrlu\t.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \lr\ \ X}fu\nddoh\ \hrlhAr$rt!\A ltththL \t\d hft\ir\dh-fRi\r[ \\ih\h \h\[!Mxtrlkt\[rbh\t\\\l\t\AI.l"]n]'[hA F}tfuhcl\*,t Io\ ltr\h \t|iI Scrtion,$$6110;1,Ly!l)lllA0.bv\l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\lrJr\lh\)hah\h\L\lklg\l}iMifrrLl)\rkhA*r\F!\&nry\Il\i.f,4"\\\\\\\\%\r\h\rh\h\hhd ulsrrincl\t\tu!\Jrtdrlr\d.\hr\futlbillfl!\r\\rttiNr\M\\[-!lt*\liklh\tr]r\\\\ilFUdrltrifr*hhb\l[]trr\r\b\b\r8\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n/a \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ \ \\ \\ \\\\\\\\N,\\\\\\\\\\\l\\\\\\\ \tr\!.!\ltuls\t\\r\!\\dr\\ls\r\t\\Ic\\bt\t\t\b&hg\hX\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{r\hNliln\\l\r\s\r\\lihh}rtrt\r}f\ihL}'Afi}rr\+\$}r\r}t\.l\o\ cxcccd i.L-ll\$\'ilt\*hhhJ.hhhillltl\L\\it'\,\hllhLjvfl)rlr\h$ltrrlJr\I&\UI\AAA\l\\\!\\\\lI'hi\drb'\l\$nlftt\tItrbh[\dnbrb\]r\lI any'|l'tItA}tdtrN\r}h}i}rhfr8.r\rkLb\[|lf\\k\ih!\th\rVtt){lrt\r$i\\[r\\|\a\r\Ibth\I&}rf[r\r\&||flt.\}r!hihI\\hL\,rt|t{|\\lk\t(\[!\ rro'\ llulAV\ [:Idnh\\lrbt ]\Iir*&nr\\h]r\\rt*ihwx]\\\lll\lll\\Uttiil W\nilr\.lM]]\Tht|iihlh\ttk\bhhlL\\l]bet$h\!b'\ \ccL\tn C33 2-9-t9, Contrrctto Ely rrd S.llRs.l €.r.t (Comme.cirlf, 6/ll0i ReaIFAET@ Forms. Bor(.1700. Frisco. CO 00443, Vor6ton S 00. oR€atFAtTS. 2002i Regf pCOCOL?25!03 P.ga 7 ot f S€llc(s) _ n/;t n/a n/J ^/ it n/ a Yr/ i o/a nla n/a 12, 500 Buy6(E) HBnlon, Pfslidanr. Law Ollicei ot M e Hanlon. F.C 01l28n2 21 n2:13 Fetr -05 -02 O5: I3P P-()4 Prgo t of 7 Sello(6) _ by n/a\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\I\\\\\\\{\\iirultht"r,rtr,lr,ruux\[Mty,\ni\\\-\rrrrrriliri\;iii\i\\iiiiiii(ifiiittiii \rr\SNtlhlttbtlAtu!!*ditA\A]ytiiUtt&\AtwrrtUyl,r,+r,151qtt.tr\i,]Fiffiiiir\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ " "o ) ) ) ) ) \ ) ) ) l H \-w.\ r r ir r r i r r r r r i t r uuu\r:r:::\\\\l\\\\llll\\\\\!\ \A']$f\.\.!!!ll)l'\l\t\cb!1il)ln*nra*roul[,])an:r-u-\-\:-irttrtirrrirrrl \bhllc\]u\r.\fn]r\b\rftr&rdrr = (uftrs\NbftIilttt\[hh)Nt\I$-s\'InIr\\\\\\nlD].ttttru"ilitlrr.uwrrr*..lrrrrirrrrr\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\tJo1ft}^!y\-\\\\\\NJc.!\fuub!!$trA\\l\\\\\\\\\\N\l]vn!\\[\h!\dilbl\\\r}r\btrc\r\itItrih} rhc Pf opL'\r$irrl\f\anri'r,,h !\ kiltu\rk\J\ \ \ \[f siltAvLtnvr;\ilur$rri lrjwl r s-n utr,rrrly\\N$il7,r),\i, \ 0 uir,l*'lru rrrr,lreiron srrrWDr?4,1-gur$\$!*U^iliI$l:ls\L\_\\\ltf\\Ul\\!\\\\\t\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-$l_\\\\intprrttr\shcttr\$sfui|t.NbA\\d.!t"tl,t't'E_tvuffiMNf,:Irhrt'\hi)ihAb\*trfi&tu\fuii\t\h| hoklt:roi' [r\\rh\h\o\] htb\\d^\l'\\\\\l\\\J Ils\Vnu\Arb\ \i!,r rolvur6.rrflln6fcrty\hNtrr\+\t\ih\i wus-tr*yr rrrt,i.g r,ur.uornIreirnrr,rf!\fvh\r)r\h\r\s\r\f,r\trJ\\\\\\\\\\W\tl,lrfif,tf,th\\l$,hhtth\t\,1lAt.SfUtrUfir&\\ilh\h\i\ht\iiht\l0tihdirrl\\,hir irtterestilt\hAtulc\N\itr{l\N\ }Lr\hrtrr\rh\\h!r\rb,tt\tt,rrrtU*t"f,t.**fr,Xlfffrr(tit,.!i))_\-\-\l_\\15b\U\U\,fniliUhA\&r\\hA n / a \ \,!a!\r\\)r,!r\s\r\d*Ulr!Ht'hui \ Af\ \Nti,il,.lid.\t ,\ t,tthfuU\rf';it t.1i,it t t"t l,f*,t .\tVf rUt ttrrr,Un tU lr,Vf U.g,y rullcr clA{ir[\ \ lrly\r\$r]s\ \ $\ su[ \ t] \ shll Nbt $ \r]c\r.\r\r\],fr] \A!\rt l$rln\h&],tuiilhl\tut115tourb\\\ hid, r rg rrr,lrrr rg1sl,iiitbcirrcrctr!B$\IfbYb\'hhILIi,h'\u\ftiiYb\h\iir|rr!l}h&\trhr\ilr\\'\}n*|nihh$'lm.irr.lmr".r.gv[Li.lr.i1r.1$5f16iwl,,rtp* wrthin t\lA\\\\\\NbrllulU$\![rlr\i\s\rtu!U!ir]tr]n\C,,!r\g\i\\-l&\\\\\\\St\r\'\s\bt1\r\r]ilrN]y,\]XUXfsUUttttciiUarrlt*ygurrlUttti rlistrtttseln\ht\\hlt-V\hAdrf'll\rl\r\lr\hlll.b'\hvh\\\\\\,xh!tl'\hN\ne$[ilt\ht\,lL[\t\r\trix\*\l4i1-U'e b\A\r\r\rh{\}t!LAr\l}}I$h}uillD0t blb&ilty\*ddp}\'\e\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-11r\rrrrrr\rrr\rrrrrrtiL\\\\\\\\i\\-\l\ll!\\ \rrtlet\LISLIi\\r,SttI:N\r\b!,\\&&\hblrh[tU\N[c\tn\LL\rLt\h!\)\,\r,,rrb]Ll'\LNA.htA\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ . )l) )$Sf$$FlFh\5)f itrhi'ilt$ ),il,\t\1.\8i;i* \,r trd$\'tr^ir'tn'rir,y1i(*r,urriirl*'-jg,r,i nr,pn \:!kl\\$b\ vh\NLi hN h,hu\tthichcttthit|}\'itU'\dllM-iMt|lu\1,}u}{tlu\}\\\|l\bA}n\h\lt\*5h\tltdt\t\ti['bk\..\,\!\.t"\r*iitil.rtn*iIs\r!trry\l'rurnrlrrei'Nlll*llullcsshirr'$e{TLNlK[r\8lthlb]J\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\{i\\\\\\\\\ by srillililJ\adbNn{,Nt\aril'\t it}t bI lrhh [rLNr\t r\\ \ \ Buycr'.r ic\ h\\Jrr\t\bhfi NIt\ l\ f\L\ rt:e i r c.ltly\S.llIA l$ t !. LI]i^hdr]ol ' rs.,*"iinsii'ninii*iirll$ill+ll,t iIil |13":)ll$\y,":*l$H::|l:|l,lly3y:,:l*ft*lil:tt*,nil,h:yth);!-[!Fi(-r,\],\)hi;ili,\;;r_\i,i,$iiffirjiliirnur,urrrura )|))fihb\\itblh\AFhbAby\uhr\r\rVigAIh!il\Nlrr\bItl\ir\trr\*ih).\|b|n\i\\r|n\dbd :'l:':::1),1lli$fFlrli,.ilf:)r|lfll{i,.\'|$t\!,)|}.}.1Ii1r,\\rrh!\\i,Frid{iibN hi L\rhhbHiirtu*ol,uiitr\rir-iiiillii,r,in\.r\Ncr,rd:-]:.:|!i}.}l|.'}ih.B):|*1ll|1,}|}|e[nh\\'l'}\'Ub'\}}i$l|\ntik\\*rkiN$Ftit{iibNhiL\|hh!}xbr\tI*\bAr}dtftt\\\f\\||bF\\sh|ltlit|tSe|}dt\hdI&iltAf\}t'\.t'\l+1\t},}Ft\|v|l\uH'!\Attyt:\r.itIlt\h\l}b\r}b[h\i\ti\h\Af\{'\|Mtt\\ft|$}f'|\|bdih'n\i|s\litl\\h ard docLrhbk\lAlrl,f{hl)l'!!f }l.lt+,}F}t'p)$l,)1,}r!lW!'!tft\!.\!T}{}1bv}ii\Fb\LNr,tnl,i\rrirrrnrr,i.urilil\Brr}cr\btu\,\kNh\i\ry\hAravrrrall||I$llr[t!!r!tto|ttt!*|l*trltrbI\rbtrr!h|r&|U\hAI\'h\'}\$!}n!i.itrr|\${It[t,ir!r\\tt,tuurtil,rr-.rryvt[iiytliif{ii u'hich vh!N${i!P!l !.!S.t}!t'!'!il\rrulc\trrrirfplti&k}tr\rulh\lklg\tr{n trt tiltrt r r i ti ri r\\ i i-((iii r\\( r\i\\\iiir r r rI r r r rlis cnnditrr\h\fsdlFffF!!F\ttJe)*'\r\*tt'niba[[di\aY,ii'ltt'rUtl[,ua-*GviLivu-l*ii[r,uii[turr'trlrurrf*r,ritirri.ri{i{r'f rrrrrrri\aL\ \ rilillihi LLhI lr\iiliv\ \n \i tllrtUiA \ha\r\ k\rld \h\)e\ r!\&\tr\ \r\ ['!trhl\,\ thttA.uvN N \rl,]r$i!.\ \-]r,\ir.\ !,f \rr\ r r.r \,]r.\ ru,]. , tc)tI|$!f{liltlf_lllt*\)lS!!I.!h$)h"}ilk\rirlr\h\h\r\\co\t\hh\r'tu\h*Is\ttr\\s\r\t{\thuiut\ttilil*{r,rrrr.rh,r,hu\.,\irhbilrr {rnulu.lrrtt1rtol0,\dG{ \I \krttr \rbU\r}r} \rlljit\t\\ibr\s\\tr WV!'\ h} !,\Iirh,h\b\l\OA\LL\}s\Dlddlib\ \ { !A)\ I hit\br\rl,ll, krr\rhUrirblN fr$A{|nu|u'lldt\|0l0'\dA{\I\hlttt\fU\th})'}l'|[.$}|l\}}s!!,}!'i$]{|tthttl,i.r\oA.!lLlk\DIddli!|}-[!A)\1hil\bt\t}ll.,\I6\{,bhu'lib|N\|}| Buycl..ric\}t\\}rr\t\bhfNI'\|\r\L\|\b\i\fh\hA{tJh[Libvbsh\.}itd\fdN'iil'utr*tl$,it.w'torirt.tt'.lt,*'r,hbt'l'irot.r'r*'tutiuu}[lh\l\ rur:ivcd\tly\St[Afil!-l ttr\-Mclot!!)ilIcrthb! blh \hrifrilr\ \$ !rI \tu]l,i,r"t4rii in r [rir,l r,r,u ri,t*n&**:i,li ui,l,iiJ,[ii iuuvu_r*,1 LA'l:Ltttl ll-SI[]']IlltP]r)t$$.lif'.r'f.thF)*'.\!'lf)f ]f!f,!ltillfn]il$\lf f.f.rir,r.yo66o*r* rouri,ur\atrigairvre u,rr,i,r 5 )Ff{+$lf ll$ps,r'!.r..}!I}fLpp!|'tdtrlpirr{s\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \h'\ \ t)i!\ th\iln\h[rhrt \i\ B^b)b\\lb]!!.h!_\l\]h']r*tupiivonui.t fr\rL\hy\It)r\i[hrg:\,le\AhLil t\ \ddNi!.U\r\ I\{b\ tr\AAo\rIAdr\\cun.trtro'\.N\hb-IEEfiIfIEur L\ilrtr\ \Aa\r\ch\lnibh&t(\'\Nid,h\r,ri*tr,rrl.i tt\liuti*\r"r-rcnur,r*e"lluih*,r Ln u,ll'n iil*l |it,rti,u.r,rlr,ru",f\ Ll Pll&\\&]Nlvb'\hihL*l i])\l\tx]cl\.,bhFtcllhh\rh]i Hb;b\ u\\ \\Nl*h\ \i,thtitLrr,rrt5l,ra 11,1r*u,iit[jt'i"{[tii6,r i**,i;r1,grcquirerrlehts\|b|.li|n\}o$\|dtU\tl\.I\tt}\'}irJirL}n\s\!t|\r\\!il\Ld\h-h\hb\hh\$5|||i.\lrL![\\\i\'h\kh}.\i'$[\Arix.i'rl|llti*lrnHr.l Derrt|lrr|\[!b}|u\tnblti1tt\^!i-'Y}.t!h\\\'\tbxx}LIdb\|ih\r!|{r\lblh\&i\rlrr\nfbt\f\ft&\b\uf'li.\\ltt|\iu*N&h\'il\tu{\lilc\liulllllll ru ltuvt lr\lr4A\vf.s\1t|lf$\ssNotytsll\8urbof,s ltuT f,tlts€\tfi\rttrtl\\lAt\hsEtnt,birxuuni i\ \ \ \ \\\\ \\ \\\ \ i \ \ \\ \ \ \ \\f ))!+$S++!f+4+!M!*!!l+lDly\hll\Ib\rt \[ h!\A,thh'\\FIiLd;] [rl.r,Li[ lyro.liuif htu\\h\til*\,\ \bna.\r\ri hlcv:tlng\&{r]\|\\tbtttt\|L\lttit\cr|tItV\NIih&\}'k\.hIft.\\{t'rlr\f\nr}Nr\1\ttr\t'\l\s\\tr}rr\$o\brllr,y**trl'r,ir&I]\lb\lit\,\'\lu\t whiclt lFfu-b\rx\Il!$!)ItuNt*\\ir\\rki\ArNhitAlhliclibr\\\\r\rbrr\r*r1r$vjr.ry$xl,x[u1,1rty(r,rsartiiuirir*it'6riiiiirum**r ?*,!!tl! MI'lt,!t gft!! !lt'!L\ kl{trhlt\th \h,} !r\r\rhr\\t'\\rhdc\r\i\A $\,}$\fih.\rryu,lrni'i,riulr'xu r,t*Lrurir-ri.vr,tj1i-u1u, tuvr,rrltltrtl'Sc|hiHrr}\di'1|B!}!\\\$hNi\lr[ti.ility\lkrU\c\ttli&&}rM\r\c\$\ih5tig.t'iwur'vrr6l\\rt.i\'hAtV\{i\}\r,l0rNihbili;.$'\i'tuul,llu drllt"tl|s}iuFh}!}!'*.\h||\.'o.|!-h|u\\,\\r|bti\f\hiill}r\'}.\tki\|\lr'\}tY&t"ur.'t,rfa,.rli.ru1'rr..'r1r,i,reutrsut.'yltnrir.ll.r* lj) trsf.|SI|:T^lR$*)*':t*'!h\tf f lgr!f{,!!!l+.\'!k!!t\A'\\LbAur\Dh}i}b\ilnoyIn yi*i *irriloiliir"l\niil,,"rrr rrr..tii.rtuil \\rhv\r such toa\\\Ide\ilht\ar\iokh\t\$,t|)l)!,\*r!\br\!rit\tuh\tr'btrtn\{ulyrrlfi"i.ttirrrto-grt{ti['iiiildd;\N\t[it-i;i,r,r,5uw,llr LcmrinarhbhhhNr\dc\A\xsUb\\din\}d\\b!\e\J\hi'\\huih|y\ki\JL'\Iith\.Ixri'igri,|iur'.riri,}*^.l',ilt-irv\r,fr''r.r.i.i-tir'r'xi.it'.,r\[r\1b\l\dar.rhr\ldrrb\rh\hr)\l\ar\t\ilihlrlx_\[\dtlbkt'\r;hh\\\\\i\\\\\\\\rrrrr\rr\rrr\i(rrri\ririii'ii\i\\iiiiiiiitrirrrrt6. \IPIDNSIL\nIOV|S!(}NS.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ )il)l!!sl{"8*F!S*vh\5\\hrubri&\rrNsbrnrEsrrflN\i\ \}r\rr\\ \\\ \\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\\\\\\\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \\\\ \ \\\\n[}'t\\l\'}||\tio\bUie\b[\b|i\AkAd'lhNh'b\t\lr.\trhVlt\r}}b\bhh|0\[J\hi\ti't,\lr't.bt\ih.\t*ct[d6\hrFNiFb$s\u\irl|r\l[\|b*h!tlb} ,*lpP{+lt!'$,F&}b\.FI+\$\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\t\A&}r\'\.\\str\tl\,!r'trr\tIr\Ah}Il!}i\,\c\\tAf,\[dr\r'\ttc\r\rb\to[bti\r\i\rh\Iihrl [dej0|b^i|.b(h\\\\!}lItip}.\i\idb\Vthh:,hh\|t[\|$h\},\'|Nt''^-bkhVbh}ihr\s\t\r\\t\}c\r}trrn,|t.lixli*t\\I\tb!wk}'l}'\ on ot lrldrliti8\r\fyrYl$itrDbr\tfb\\I\ltS[lt*\]'$1",\r\rtlci\A\rLl,r\rV!k\r\rlo\hlb],kir\rh\i!hr\bh\r\bLfr,,[\it$\A]dr\tl].S\ulih! (l 2c). RuldA*,irlt\\r\!\rlhhr\\Nttir\rh\Lrldd\tti\[t]b!L\tibh\\\\\\\\\\\\\i\\\\\iriiiirirrrrtr\\\\\\\\\\\iiif if if f f r\l\\!!lls=\$&!hl! rbkv'Yhi$\\r\diutLirr*$ln')ihtr'Irk\ Nt\h'L-\h\hr\\,\ilil'\\sNtrb[ti[bggdhl\\ \Ll Fb]&\ S)5l"[tA\1):)))$pg$sgri!v.\:l]$\\\\\i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\iii\iii(iii\i\riiiiiiirrrirrrrr\\\\\$\\Wb!.i*$drrV\|ck|r|[it|AD|Ad|hb\0)u&)\sdl1c\\[IlIt\J$\h\r!\|\&r\$trbx\r\$\ly,!\\hs|tt|trtu\tsh\|.\il CBS 2.t€9, Ccntrrct to Buy rnC 9.0 R.ot Esllr! (Commercl.l), 6/!/99 RcalFASTO folma 8or 4700, Frisco, CO 80443. V€rsron B 0g. @REelFAtT@ger"plrlcd !t. Mlgrr Htnton. PreErdEnr. I N Ofi,cer olM. E. Henton. F C4,4 Euyetls'1 /_!j I 20O2i R€gfl PCOCOL2251 03 o1t28t02 21 42 13 Feb-05-02 05; lzlP t\'\)b[ ivkh \!!.!t€LrWr, ilWVf , fr+pf.f .if, U, htsrlv\r\Mt\\Mh srbilN\IdnbLhA t'glLg\r\h\ \rh\fv\!b\rhttitit![i,]iLid,\-$'iiilh;\u;,iti#Ei;ilr\;agil;iili$;i,i.di'ilif,ijii(}!lf+))))))\\\\\\\i\\\\\\\\\\\'\\\\\\ii\\ir\(rrrrriirri\\\iii(i(iiiirrrrrrir\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \\ \ \ \1.\ \Cbbt\ ba\nI&bl'ilIA \ h\A \irrlirYA V.rrti bL.l"rll-LVI \1\,r \f,\.tr\.\ Lr{.uL\.r r.t..L!r 1 LA v,\^\h\il\'lli)Ya YlttAElAl|hL\I!\Is\Iyl rri.qrlF_}t-\&\bh$c\ \h,lNlLtn\$,\il\ru\,b\ \ h)\n,$py\,r\hi brbrs\|drrt\r\itti |r\\irr*hht\\A I'[\bA] \,irN I])\r \ \iINh\{uta\ilh i.,\hthIhtuxrr ii v&ur,tt'ia iXiu,,irrr,so rrn_r ,ldh|"\il,r:'\\rEsNlwtITGFtrLld\b\r\iLtr,t{ft\ir,'r&hi'!-'i-[iir';dl\,;\nd'$i;Niiitiilijlffii,ii'f;litililrlil,'ififliliilH ":.''",:.nr,.j:..P||U|lUJ0nt|i1ty|.l'ld.h|scon|fltlshl||bUvoidulr|ts5;rcolnPlclcdt,d.liad slgnuJ b! Scllcr anLl lhc rutltrtrrd rc0l cshte li!'etlsee(s). whictr nrrsr nccrJi l)ri{rr krthclturti,.:ssigning(hrs urntnrcl.lfi \ \ \ \ RnOPEq\nt l}t\Ft flt\l \AA \a\{A \ !tr\ DL l \{r/$ \ t t\,L.\r-\.L\.r !!.r}-\-\rr.\-\.!rn.rrr,\-rrL\-\ 6\ r.,^ i[thtilhi\l tl[tk&.r [\{\a]ii4,\t\h],!!!*f lr!!irlt'la1u1rix trrrltil*ttvl't rutt\ bI lhtltu?rc\r\]cht\r) thtu\h\h$ !t\\uN\.b\\.\\r\ith\tE\rW\ibtrs)\A.f\\liNi\|.l\\*ht\r\.t[.\d.uIs"U!|\t[xtll'*\titvr*istriltitvt,l,l.t,ir'.rjir-ui.['i"ti'rfk!itr\Niu\htr\Lhsbhltl|N\&NL*ubif|y\r\*ir\}tr\L\MLidclikb\lI\Dlrt\in\*rY!|.!!,}t!|.|!!|A\$}$1ir.irw4.rruur'*r'[rr*xri.i.tntrru,u*'t,l,r.lrN\rt\hrl\bi[b ,,lI1L)+)t}}|\.s\.hr\i\\&|.Ec\{s}\T.lf\tt*r\tk.t\h|iNdk'\['\hcc\&N\.i'\it'rj.t'1uu.t*lriiri.r'tr.rr,ir*.t'tIfc\\X\!N.tr&}r}r p\rltdr[ilt\[V]iISrV\fuhk\Nlt]rLr\\l\c\t\rfi\&L'\rtrr\IN\Tr\t[Yh\trr\rbtu\t\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\iriiirrir$ttf(fffi(fif\(i(ttfrffffFr\\\\\Tl\al\B.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\tl rt rrFr-r ttltrvtevu*\A,WiliFlNlli.ylc\']Uryti.hirh,ui \r\e\'[:\rb\]o\\r\rbt\\rtii,bA \rbN&\r]y\B,i,ti \i N^i&\hr]n\rth\tir\\f\i\lr bt ].rtia\}!Nr\hbr\s\ti|}!c\trrl\hE\]\hdi}!|ilI,)t{\y)t!!.Y.!$D,!i,htht"\h.\|r\hNt,ih'|ijdG'hirr.i'ur'.iri.riri1ly'ti,ii|d[$\.tiftiit*llllu PltltflP!,{ft!)$}}\lf $,!'},') N!i Isl\uir*,vlA \th}r\l\r\a\\ddiAb$ BWc$\N\arV\ l'trrt\r,i*r*rrEI,),u,\tu\:ir,Mr;\\Nru}n\\il.\duDrrcn(mD& unr\(\\Jtr.\o^\"rtlrftNlridr.i)\NN* ttrA\thlL\t\lIA\\dr\i)fiJF.$$,$i\$litt)t!lb!F!f!}1!\!,\tu\:\I[trrtr\\hrtn]\nAd|h\IN}'0\'t\s,}Hth\\h|!\lor\rirr\fiir\\r\,hl':|'i||!}..b|*|l}PJ}l")}i,.,!F!-t'.rrINle\lt.\'rdl&'}til,\ttr'urltit.(tir.vu'uli.Vdu*vllgs 'r)l\'[tih}\|t!}'\fi)\f\|r}cu\h\'}t\b5p1l1tp511.,lil.htk[t\\,I\iNh\s\diurl*ut,}ijGrrr,.r.trri[i-.r.l.v,ts.tot'iNl\b\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \br\ \l!litftic\n{hE}b}h}!!!1-lrr14nr,r,urts.rtr rMlt"litr' unr,i*iur' ti.'i'ii;i;iiii-diliJdt*r,r"ui*irirr$ ur,uLo*biltbI\h\&[E\- f,iNil[tq$F$!\$l;-Tffi11l,r,rigvrtrl.rnb].\.t_v\.\r\t\r\!n\trr\r,\a\dr]!]*.b\r\s6\r!r\*i\\\irhgbrbrhLANtlt\t|r}ttt}s\r\tt!tttt'lrllt}.trl\r\,httr}ie\\'\iI\i\\t\'[}.}\u|AJltto\llrt.lrtri*'l"t*tl.lt..ty!l$wtil"itrilrighti|,'\[\*ii{il$Iflif ,f if !p)r\lcr\f$ii'ir,tr;,,w11i;t.t:I$It,)tttllylntp'iilffi$idillrililil.H;:itillHll.txitlil}lillIiHHXlHiill(n$tLjpbh\4'\Mft\|o\rL\\dr\h}\r.hio!i|h|1hh^&'\dhi['hhiii!Nl$rc\\rr*trl,r.t,.i,tl...'r.{rr[yi'r'lr'u*nriir,h\htN}.hd\ikk\J\hi()'.\J|'\iehlbI &t\'\tiJ\Ci{Afb\bN&\r\rb\\bfrIAUrlrRttovlr\r\aridr\ \ t$radtb\\td;x!$ $r,rlrrr'xlx.,ir-t urfir-i}A'ii.i;i'\,l,irJr,l'i"raii u,vWuiil[drr\dftE\s\bFh\b\hdh\tiAt]Y{\f,n\''}\i\hi\dh$.Il$dt$}r,.'ilt\Bh)\.\\}l-il"t|.r.ilir*lrUdgel(iiirrttrttr\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -_.-- -._ !r .tp"cglgl 'l'rrhrq l)ir.rirri. SpE(jAl, IAXINC UlSt,Rt(jI\ mry ng StTBJECT TO GENERAL OBLIGATIONlNl)l'llll rDNl':ss lHAl ls PAlt) BY REvENtlf,s rnoDu(.'Elt l.noM ANNUAT. t'AX LEvlEs oN THE TAXAgLf, pRopERTywllHlN st,(:H ltls'rrt l(:'t'$i. pttofut{ty owNBlLs lN suf.'H Dts't,nr(:'t's MAv nF. rr,ncro AT RtsK FoR IN.R.E,ASED MILLLEvlEs AttD ExctsslvE'l'Ax B[IRDENS To suPPoRT THE str.vr(:rN(; or sut:iibeuT wltER.E ctRcuMsrANcEs ARtsENESTILTINC'; IN THE INABILITY OF SUCH A DTSTRIC:T TO DISCHAN(;T SIr(]H II{I}'.:B'r'F.DNESS WITHOI,II SII{]H AN TNCRIASElN MlLl, LnvtEs. BI,YER SHOTJLD INVESTIGATE THE DEBT TtNANCtNC trr,:()lIRllMt.]N.t's ot rilE AUTHORTZED CENERALOBLICATION INDIBTEDNFSS OF SUCH DISTRI(ITS, EXISTINC MIL!, I.I,J Ir:S Ot' SII(:II DISTRICT SERVICING SI.ICHIn-DEBTEDNESS, AND THE POTENTTAL FOR AN TNcREA$E tN StrCH MILL LEvtEs. 'lfthdeve.t|tePf)l|eltyis-|i)(ltedrr,ithinos1.recia|taxingdisu'btdl}llyelt|l:siruisrcccivcdhyScl|cronorlr.cforc(,f-.|{ec01dMnttcrsilh1cctiolrt]endlilIc($2c).thisd)|llIaDts||a||t|BntelTninillc,|j.Scl|r,:r(wsn(Jlf!|vt ?ly."l': l,_'t.y!t\ \ \ \ \ \iL\ \Rldft\ }I {:\i61|i5.i11"1t'\ bi\}5\r[N;15 61,1,15&uu,h\,rh] bhi\ru,\\,hi \Nr\hr\r\$1fi\tkriliii hfbMti,lliilvliil*i,\bh\trhhl0!)t+v\dAJ)l!w[n,F$b\i;uNx&\3{'!N!\A}'.dl,i,lirtni*vxttl.i..,i\.i;\\Ei'\\|i.il\Ii.,rm'yl,urnlwp,r*V\}r\\cV\\ltc\3thr\\tl.ih\\ qp}|+:|t|,i}}.!!|.!n!!!r}|$urr\lk}rr\r|rs\hhV}rr\\\'\d\r\AId\,V\1e)i]h{tt.!'tltr]is.ro"i.i[ii1r'1rrmxrut*i.h\\*r\$i.td{hhd,A1)erNM rltr$b$L'ltubr\lr\rtcb\Lbl0eu\'y\bNE'\rr\rJ\tef,tr'lt:td*'l$uhtvb\rhfbt\dnvsluoriii.r,rr\\iii'iirtirtrttt\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ c' Tldt,4tlvknrv- lhc lillc l)oertntcnts atlcci tlrc titlc, -owncr'shlp and uqe trl'rlrr pnr'cr(y rnri shuol4 tr rovicwcd .urclullyAdJitionally, othcr utalrcn boundon,.linc:rutxlc1.|ut10th|ll!nl'j|,rrtuul./i'l1tn8ltlnf!u|l'(J|t! :3-1i?:l 111 o nd-8nven!nr€nlal '-€qlllT,lt cor-rsnri,rj lorld rrse, t.levsluplllmg irnrJ cnvirunnrcnrir| rnad€F THE sttRFA(:E EsTATE MAyBIi ()TVNI;-]t SNPARAT]:t,V FROM T'IF, TIUONNI.VINC MINERAL ESTATE, AND 't I{AN!iI.'IiR OF TIIE STIRFACE ESTATE DOESN{)T NEcEstARll.Y INCLtTDE TRANsFf,R oF TtlE MINER,rL RtcHTS, THTRD lA rrr'r}:s MAv rroLD tNTEREsrs tN otL, GAs,{)flaliR MlNERAl.,S, GF,OTll ERMAT_ EN ERCyOR WATT,RONOR t'NDERTHE pROt,Elt I,y, wlt t(:t I rNTnREsTs MAycTyETHEMRl(iHl.s,t()liNTl!RANI}|lstlT||nrROPnRTY.suchma1te|s|nyl)ce\G|u(|(lit,'nrt|rttir]c|]]5tlIiulcc|]o|icy.|luy6, cl)|s!It|e8u|urtrnse|wi|hrcsp(cttUa||stl(.hmllttcrststhtrtitrcsrrtt:|nli Off - Rccord M$tcrr Oblccttor llcrrllinc [$ 2c]). l..'.LEAD.BAlt,u|'Al'N|.rllrr|r:s:crcnr1rt'ift|rcilnp.ovcmcntsn|)fet,rolx|1yinc|l1el)llcbt|ildinsPcrmttr,lilrisstlcdpriorttrJunttilry|.l.978.thiscontrtrttsh|| I P. 05 r\klitt\\,irh!irit\tt\iu..Ig|ct'|tiNA!*!}n!0Ad,.i\-}lh}\'\|A[nrbr\r\r\trtt'l\d\ltt\\h.Ui.*ARIiLA[Ait\Jti\hr\r\ht\|r'\\ cbhN1d,\h\\A\j\fhr\tt.lrA\t.l\r\lt\lrs\rt}n\h\bfhr\thib\hv\[ftti{I[\[1$i}\\Et'!iilil'.Ni{'ru.tt,,lt.t.tU"\hrtb\}rr\irt\\.V\h,\bL\l|HNb\ifuh$Nhi\.h\dt\rb\d\\,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\trtrrrtrir.{\iiti\ttftittrr\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ))i)Ill\\tr))\\\irA^i\.$i\gtLI\Iibr\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\rirrr,r\\r\rrr\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\)):l))))\to)))\\!h,br&ud\&,\&htrIt$\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\t$\\\\\\il'!il\r\\tr}'\l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\lflrrrrririiiiiitrtrirtrrr\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ )))))))))11))))!ft\11,.'f$,\,rc\r\r\dch\r\i\r1),iAr\s\\\\\\\i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\)))))))))$\)))Ihfll$hdt\Ut\L\\i\dili\r\Utit\irtlhi\r\\r\\.\Ur\[!\sd\i\\etbl't\,!\ttuIirrr\rrrrrrrr\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ )))))))))Ulti\\bhit\dta\\n'b*bkhhl'hllu\hiJlrnUr\hak\A{}rr,iLi'diiia"li,ir:tt\ih!\\\\\\\\\rriiriiiiiiir\\\\\\\\ ))::)\AiliAillltlh\lfr\hr\[r\\I1k\\c\ttr\tbMir\Ur\\]dditkt'rblrvL[r\tllrr,lrru.rditfn:i\\E[\li,\\.]\\N.ftlUXr*1,6,1 \! ki\L\LtLtrx\l!!\-\l!\l\\L\lN \.ltrAd,.\.h,\\['], \'hirA*,!hrtr\W.\trr\l,t\h\fcirtr\r\ts!,rtul rrr-,r-lrrlyr,u.riyi'6,eb,JitI;!iri\i*iuxr t*o.,tul i[:l"l*].1,]^Tffilil]i*I$]*]ltlHIli]S]$,fll\$tf!,|']itpslLrirrryvr*r'ru,*ruuru,iu,rlttub\r\h{d,\hrrhsrr\bi\,rd ,',, ' , ..llrv*^r'r'rls.r.\ T#t yff !!l,,rlMrt}.)f!i,^[&]b\r\tditf*\frddrfifir\\f !\lSbfidgrb\"{tr\ir.hN\]trr'ilh[ r,kh\\.]rkie\\Jr,!]n\r\tubf tJ$,\- ENFR,Vrr\A(W\\htpk\a\t N,,V{frlii,lt .iUuiUns"rri.f;{,\ili.[1'ii\i,ii[li\]uirgri I r r r r\ \ \ \ \ \4.\ \ rrkl,ia.h\ilthi\hrt+l\gg+{&!. . ."1I ltu}&\ Jfi\fi\Nrvuli l y:g1q 1.11r'0.!wt'l*.liu4i r'x rrr.\ f hy\}r\r \t\&hr\,h\ bx \,}r\ trr\}*A}, ht,.rrhdrb$ibrls\ \il6N'r Nilhfr llr-flilIfi]IIn i,,r,li,r"li{,{ivxul,i*1*,$br },$h}srbb\ rNhr\trt[s\:L\]]\r\]igAr\nN[&i\r uis\h\tinu)$ \tiau CSg 2-r.99, C6ntrrct to Buy rnd Sclt F€El Esrrte (Comtnerci.tt. 6l!t99 Re.lFA3To Forms. Eox 4200. FriEco CO !04i3, Version E oE. €ReeiFAST@.2002 R.g, PCOCOL225t03 Compr€l€C brTMlrgB.et Henro,, P.€srds'tt. L.wOfficscotM f rte,lto^. pC auyelil // ./J o1t2src2 21 ^2 t3 / PNgr a ot 7 9oll€f(6) _ .!s$|":f:fs,b!slu.F!_ir$p!fll,,!\fs\n\)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ))))))):)!{!))))}!t!}\r}!\N\,!,}rkb\h,}r\hi\\,\rrrtr\hir\}hil,b\&[br\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\rirrrrrrriii(\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\M)\\\\hhh\ir\s.,tlu!),){!r\r\^rri\ithttldt\rIibr\\'I)'h|)tt$o:iltE[r4itir\tb[ehruLto\rwniltg,,\,i,rt\tir*istinlr.rturtt{NbUbat$\Ad.\ft,\)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\f(fi\irrr\rrirrtff(t\(fiilii\iriifrrrrr\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \\ \ \tf\afrhb\rhhdAi\ \rht\h\ciia{\r}\\\'[r]Ailo\&$\r,\d ril]Drhrht$tF]tidilt tAdrtbt\N\t\r lh\w!\iulrwxur,t ri,r it*r pho]*i]\h,Irbbflli[ts\hHtblildrhL\J\tbbh\tukllh\dgtnvr,rytr r trt t t r tirrr r\ rt'{iiii\i\\(irr"riiriir\ii{(iiii\{ii\i\1i\\ \\\\ \\\ \ \ \\:l'.) \3!*+++SgH$inI\.!!)f:\*\i;Sllt!lir!dcrl,I!:'))!rliNrr\ir u"yu,r"i'urdurrH,r,rur,i igru,r,,r*iu,rg,r,vr*r,r*u,rthiI\bNh\hb\b\AIsA,IhlthAh[&$n!!!w.'K\\tri\\\t'L'r't..ilh,ttt.ttlitr'lt*'tttr*ur.[in'yitiiiiuiir6vurnx,tit}d'i0&ru\i\[\$!c}\/\lI lhli'l*l\i$r\rlrsiir\r\t,\\\'\rlAr\rc\!r$9,',1)'Lila$fih&\r\hnat*rrirrruN,\rkubL\,iAAr\r{iir(\rrtrt,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ . c. Ulmgg.q ll!!$ !.!++-Ei!)!.Buycr is rt:spuruiblt: lby,*trnu,o thr,rtt inspsstions, srir"vcys, utginccring rcpons or lbt,any ,)lrrcr rN.rhper|i.lrmei,|atBuyur,snuqucstandsha|lpay-tixanydnrtrqewhir,h.'"cur,tuth"l,lo1ta ftnhil clnimr ur li$s ottuy kind liryet's retlucrl. Buycr Sellef iu rrr trec r)n wilh n] c{rnlrlcl. I l. CI.OFINC- DClivcry e'l.dccrl(si liom St:ller to Buycr ihull hc nt (ilosing ((:ll.,Sntg). Clusing shall llc tr1 rhc darr spouiticd rts (hu CtosilgDrtc ({ 2c) or by Inull/o| 0gcelnslr rll an urr li$r (l te. Thchouriurti plai,r: rrl ()losirrgslrall be trs tlcsignrlcd b) the part ics m!l.rr;jl.ll._ - |'.'|'8AN5FERoFT|TL&.q|hiedt('lende'0rpuym(1r|tIr(Closingasn.t1rrircrlhcleinanr'1itllpli Pmvisions hereof, Seller slrnll execute ondrlelivern good anrt srrllicient warrantv rlcc(l ro B ycI, rr Ckrsi gi, convcyirrg rhePnrpcnyliccant|c|tnrr,ll.ir||lt|xcscXt(plthe8cf!Td|Ltxts|brtht:ye3rol'Cl0sin6F,xcL:pt"'l"i*i.l dI rl ll liErts. inclLr<ling l ille sholl bc i;onveyed subied !o: tl'|lD5cspociiio[:.ruep1itlrrsr1escri[redby|el.c'enc€t)fcq){|fjd({rrttttlt|st[c|]ucl0d Dc(I)dnncs wiut { Bo ( ljrte lteviewl.h. distrihuriorr utiliry easentell ls, c.tlnser5rcifical|ydcscribcdl'ig|rtiot.rJrkdl]anics|1ol:.,hr:wn|rythc1ru|rlicr.ecorc1so|'whit:h|)rlycrhirstItrtnrlkn werc acceprcd by lfuye| in a,cco|darrtt wirh {i Rb [Mrncrs Not Shor.vrr hy tjrc lrrbljc itecords]. oncld. irrclusio| ofthc I'ropctly wirllill nny spccial ta\ing distri(x, (nd c, ihc bcncljts and blrldcns ol nnv dcclaration and prtrrty wall 0t (ttncnL.i. ifany. andl. olhef ilnv ()L re(:r)fd . |J..PAY[4nNT0FENctl|!|BR^NCFJi'Artyertcurrl|tr'ancetequiredtt,lxrlrir|rhu|lbcplriduttx'hclitt.t:(]krsing|inrrr ttnnsnction or tionr arry othcr sorrtcc, Feb-O5-O2 O5:15P P-c)6 TSA . ,Briy\i\r\r[I\9..11\.l\\\\XY,h].\h I tn\U\\[,fs\ i]'Hr \ir]Lr\]s!y\5r5;gg1rU*Ut U, h,kbh\Buycr irnd Scllu,shallsigl lnd conrpletc rll rurtom:rry-l_rr reasonsblv raquirud (krqrmcdls ul ortclirn tNt\sirrg, Ir+rs lur rrrtl tjstrtx Clt,sing scrricr:s shtll brr FdrJ at Closing hy ! Onc-tillf by Buycr nnd OnoHatf biScllBr l.J Buver L-J SellQr Q5i Othrr Hrvp r ql,;r l I r,-r,, -r'r 'r ....-, - .. r ,. r ^,, i |CqUlrF((!c(|mgn|$ulut.ocl0rgLr|o8|l|g'|'lJt5|urrd|tjst8lxL:l('5|n8scr!.c(:sshll]btlFltidatClosinghyLJonc.l|l|fbyBuycrndOnoHa|fby .Scllcr LJ Buyer LJ Scller U5j Othrr ttr-jJ.clr. dr.)1 1 p,ly_,r'l L-(:.1-._r r. $ r)f (:losino tor Buvar and f c)r :i.rl le! . Thc lu$al lrmsli^r tasr'rl l.0 Toul'lhcPurchssc Priccshall be prirl nrCkrsirrglry E lbycr n S*ll.r. nnyrul":i [,t ur* r,.* ttu.,1r mry accnrc bucausu rrl this trdnsrtrt ion sh lll br"pridwh$ndurby E]Buye. D S.ll.r, t5,8WIS. 'lhc ,itlltrwinB strrrll be ph)rdkd trr Clusing Dltc (g ?u). r:xtrpt rs othcrrviru prrrvirJcd: e.Trrre's'Per'sona|;rtopenyt.rxos.it.nny.anrigetielo|r'eotestateti]x9sl(||tht.}HrotC]luling.dlll! hCdi||ttlv Prtcc(lino Clrrsino lX Tho Nl.r{r R.r.rrr Mil| | n-- -aJ M-.r o---^r fl ,r.'^-Yarr lfificdi$ttly Prccc(lirtg Ch)sing lX Thc wtoot RcccDr Mi tcvy*artMost R(!(cot ^rirrr|n.ni I Oth", l). Rcltr, l{eurs bascd on IXJ llcntr Actullly lleccivcd rhall assipg all learcs tn lluycr.nrrd ttuyo shall assurnc sLrch lcrrscs. ". orh"r Pru,t{i.o-q! w,lr. ;;;;;;t';,8;lril;;""rt ,.r;; ;;;^r,t,'s r,i,ni. }. . !, _ T!l.s! -fi+rlqttrnt. llllcss othcruisc agrccd in wlidng, thcsc prorariors shif f f," ti"rf . 16:- POSSESSION. Ptrssttsiol ul thc Propuny shall hi rkhvcrud to Buyrr on I'ossr$rior lhac and posscsrion Timr ({ 2c). sutrtcLt {g rhtjlbltowirg lcaso(.\) (tr tcnanc'(s): None, lf Scllcr, lrltcr Closing, lails (r: rlclivcr pus*srion us :pwilir:r1. Scllcr shlll br subicct t{} cvii{ior} anrl shall hc addirinrully liable tn lluyer lbr payntcnt ol $ 200.00---....---.-,perdlryliumth{PosscsrioDDrt{(g?e)rnrtilposussiulisticlivcLc4- t1.|9q1, ,..lSlCNAnl.q. I his conrlcr shall nrx h {risignrblc try Buycr rvitlrotrt scllcr"s pr.ior wr.itrerr cons!'r11. lirceprh.tl i-.,"-.^.L,. L--,Ji -. r'a\ so r?stfictrd, rhiscontractshal|illuIct0thch€nc|'itolrrndhcbinding'rrprrntht:ht:iis'P!.rsutlt|tr(:Pfr}r:lrtt|tlvs! Atcru.d, Stturig dep'rsits lrcld l)y lieller sholl lr crctlilcrl ltr Buycr. Ssllur It' cONDlTloN oF' aND -Dj'YAG E.TP PRp?ERTY,AlDl$gLtF!q&S. Erccpt usulhu'wist piov irJcd inihis rruntruer,0re Prtpcny.|nr.]rrsir-.ns'|hedoEt,ll.[hi!c(|||tr'r|l'('dir\tryw{:{f|lndl(t|rcx(:cP|(|(f. .crsuo|.Yi|f[rot[G'lttt|ncvcntthclt0Pcnyorlnc|ttsitlnsshrr|Ilrctlarrragod0lnolD)orcthiint(:nFrIcc|l(0|.tlrtiJllr|PLtt.chasr:Prc.Sc $e||er\,r,itrenrtoticeofrrrrrirration'Shorr|d C8S 2.l,tl, Conr.oct to Buy !n.t Selt Rert Ertrte (Cornmc.ciet), 6r3/0t RdarFA$tO FoznE. Box 4700 Frisco. CO 8044t. Ve.soo6o! o€estFAtTO, 2OO?; Regd PCOCO|-)2St03 CotnPlolod e)a Mrlga.gt Hanlon, Preldcnt Lrw Oricos ot M F Hrnto.| p.C gtvats: / /tl 0tr?0i0? 2142:11-7 I Pae6 5 dl7 Selro(r) _* he umount ol'any dciltttiblr pruvitlcd lLr jn Jtteh insurirnce F)liuy. such ucdit not to cxccffl rhc total hlehrbc Pracc, -..b.Ll4lrilqr'|g!iunx5{yi$1Slrrrr,|dony.|trc|usit)l|{s)(rr$e|vicg(5){int.lt|ilgsysltlls1t1unllling,eb.)i.ai|of|xdarnagcdhetwcctrdrcdltcofrltis.'.ouu.irc1otd{i|oslglll fot drc rpair tl' rcplaccrncnt lcss any irrsumrrcc pt rxccds rcccivcd b) Buycl (ovcring, sr,nh rcprir or lcplaccntcor. c.-XllLT!tg|8'hi.yld{ii!-Li.eL0l3agd{i-u4"Rrryer,ttIttnI''f$trnitb|t:notict:,s|ral|havcthct.ightwi|kII)ugll (.InslllE trl velrty Ullt 0le ph) srL'.31 corldilion ot the Plopcny drld Inclusiotls col]ll)liec \t,irh dlis r([rlrit(:ll9' BI]COMMENDA IION-QLLEGAL ANDIAl(-(iO!l.N$8L.', Ity sigrrng lhis tht:unrcnt, l rycr ond Scll* rckrrowt'dge frat rh€ Sctling (l un'pir n ylili[ s tl!-Trriii'E iiai a,l vi ial i trai snd conslrhation rvith legal and trx or othcr counscl bclbrc signinll this curlr:rcr 2b'.||MEot.'0ssEN(:q4|NDREMEDIEs.Titncilu|'tJrccssrrr,;r.lX'R:1tli||.1|flyn(Jt(ltl u1hrrp'}r;;;|!;;I;;i;?;;i-t-;ipiit,1roirii[.toi.rcndcrcdw|rctrduc,or.ilarryothei;rr|rlrgatirrnlt|:r(;nl|9r providrd, lh€fe shdl hc drc following rcmcdicr: a. lf Uuycl ir in Drfauft, |.J.(|)FI4cifcPc.formrnct.Sellcttlrayc|cctt(|b.c$rhiscotrrrirt:|a.scancc|cd'inwhich!.rsealtpayrrtenrrnrrr|0tingstl|v|uclrccivu| hereuttder5hr|||xforfcitcd!ndrc1ai|1cdo|1hr:hir|t.o|.Scl|cr.anr|Stl|urnray cottlr0+l 0s b€inA i'r full lolce and eflbct and Scllo shlll hrvc thu right b spucilic pullirn:rantr: or diulrgci, ol lnrh. f'(2)Lia[.i(t||qd.Dom$qcs.nl|P3tnlcntslrnt|thir.rgiolva|rtcruccivc<l 1r|'!ig||6r6t}d|rothpo,ticss|utl|tJtcLcu1lcr'bcrc|cascrllrUmtlllobligilti(1nslergufl(|eI. l.|Q|Jl|)A.lll)l)nMnciESatld(cIc(F|ir:pruvir'|ct| thc obligrtiuns 01 this cLrntnrcl. Scllcr c.\prdssl.y waives the renrcdics o f spcific pcrfbnrrrncc a|d add itinrrr I darrrages Feb-05-OZ c)5: I7P P.07 b' lf Scllqgjr.-iLldtull. lluyer ntay elcct to trurl Ilris contrlrct $s currcclcd. in which casc:rll paym(rnl$ and things hurcttni|crJh||beletU|'Edalld|luy€|n]3ytculv|jI.rttchr'ltmirgtsasnlrtyhu1rrtrrr.urBtycrnraycl{:(ltutIct|t(hiset.ln|rut'lls ol vrluc rcccivtrl bcing in lulltbne rlnd ellecl ord lluyer shall harc thc righL t0 spcrilic pcrlurmtncc trr rlumnges, rl' [$th c. (loelr en.l lixtrlns.r, hr thc tiv{nl ol rrny rlrbil.r0tir).t ,if lili8otioo €l:rtit,i8 k) this c(r)tnrgt, prgvai lhr g pany all rcason ablc cosls iuril cx pcn scs, inc lr,r,l irtg arl]rney lbe{. z|.Mli|}|A'|'1oN.|l.lrdirputclriscrc|tttilgt6tlri5rttrtrac1,;rt'iortrlorallt:rt! grodfaidrtosu|rtrritthcnrirtlerl0n1(ldiIli{'n,Maiiorirrrrisa1rtrlccssirrwhittrthc dirputcirlfbmrullyL|ndc0n|idcntii|||y.Mediat.rrscalx)!illlFlj[ binding. Tht Funics will.irrituly appirrt othcrwiic ngrsdd, sh0ll l€rnli[4r isscnttryorc otlyt0th€ o$cris|.'fhis Sucliun shullnotallertnytl0tei lhis gor)l.rncl., lrnless ol.tr9r'wise ngre*tl. 22'WNotwrthsttrnding0nylcrltlh}0liotlol'1hisc0ntrsct.l|uyeronrise||et.fl$eedraLintheevcntol.ally conlrvssy by|k.htrl|cro|.thl|iornestMoncyand$irrgsol.vl|rr),brirhurtr f!($eidirt8, r)r d brokcl"s or C:losing inao I couti of cotnpclclri i r[ isdictiun tntl sh ll rccrrver courl costs rnd rerqomble rtnucy fees. llre rrtr.lr{krt 0r' courl sholl orv0rd t.o tl|e 23.,l,tllMlNATloN,ln|hctvgnthiscr:lntractisrrntinatcd.al|1.laytrrcntsarrddringsrrl'vir|uct'cccivcd|rrendcrs|ral|rclumcdand||lc pulics shnllbc rclicvetl ol'all rrhligstions hereundcr, subiocl to g g l0c. 2l und 22. z4'AI}D|T|oNAl,PR(,vls|(,Ns,(Thcltrnguagctll.1lrrse{dr|i$(}rro|Frrrvisitrrrshttstrt'lttrtt0pp|!vc(|t)y||B(i)|$[r(|0Re0||1s(e (lomnrissioD.) !iac l\tlachnent A - Addit i.()rr l !Jl'r)v.isiot'tj: 25. ENTIRE AGREE MqTfj.!ttllSt:tf ttnlrT This conurur c(,nstitur6 rtru cntire r:trntrld bcr\vcrn tlxj Pan|$}$|t|t.|lglrrthcrrrbjcc{lte€{)t'.0tdany1rriilr4grcctrrcntspcrt:liningthe'ttu.!vh(jlf u(|ntf(ct. N(' rvriting ard sigred by s$t vlve l9 sarne. 26, F4-gStlllll,E. SignatLrrcs E ftny D May Not tX evirlelcxl by thcsinrile. llocurnerns ryirlrrrliginal signatur.cs shallhc provirlcd rl rl** othet p{yly 0t (lloritl8, or carlicr upul Riqlcst ol ny potty. 27, NAII!& Iixcept lit tJtc notice rc(pcbling md ialiurd*ccribedirr$2|.anyrnrticelrrlluyershall fre cffcrivc whcn rcccivrd byBulcrpr by Srlling (:dt'rrl}otty and atty troticc t{i Soijcl slrHll be ulll'itive wlBn rer.eived by Sellerorl,isring(iorrrpany. ?8. NO'll(;E Or A{)C OPT4I',J!E_CQ||.I$E RPA R Ts. lhis nrtposul shall r:xpirc unlr,:is it{rcslrlsd in w.iting. by tluycr rnd Sellr:, lsevidclrcrl@;;l$.*Rl-D-.*n,u*nt,ticiio|.acocpritnt.tJpttrsUnt&i{2io|1orhclbreicciptameDcrdlincDatc andAcceP|rnctDtad|inrTime($2c)'ll'aeeptcd.thisdmttmclrLslrulltrttomutt:tlttlfitc|b(llrfij(nStllt:t'ndBuyu.A |rg$x(ulEiJb},eAd|paIr.sc;lnratc|y.ltnr|rvlttttetch cor |rlctc coDlrdcl bul,\,rccn th{: prlrtics. CBS 2-t-8e, Conlrrct to Euy tnd Scll Resl Ett.r€ {Comm€rci.l), S/l/99 R..|FA|TO Forln6, Bor 4700. Frisc4. CO 60449, Vefgion 6 09. OR.rtFAtT@. 2002t Rogf PCOUOL22StOl ComFl€!€d by - trG.earol Hanlan. PreE den(, Lsw O(;ce. ot M. e Hlnron. p C, Prgc 6 ot 7 S6ll€4s) _O1t?81O2 21:nl13 Feb-05-OZ 05: l7P o (lli1 lji(rqirI l5?6 Bay Fou levar{1, Aljlaflt.l(: Bear:h, Ny INOIE; I thi* olfer i3 be Ing counbrd or reject€d, do not sQn th13 document Refsr to S 291 Chateau ChriEtian Townhr;rrrses Associat i orr, Trrc.:. 356 Harr.,rorr Rd (:ll H()i.rd, viril. (;O 8165'? t)A't t: Chaicau Christian Tov,nhouses A9 goc.i, a t. i rrr, In(:. 19, COUNTER: REJECTION. Ihis offer is Ll {lount.rrd LJ Rcicctcd. Inilialr only ofp rtt (B ycr or licllcr) who cor ltered or rrjcctcd o{To' FND OF CONTRACT Notrr ( lorhg Instructiont shoukl br slgn€d Dn or biforc'fitle Dcrrllinc. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ W1it|A[i$lsI$.'\NElr[liL}6}'iltVhb$}c\BNW{.}i|l\I\hdE\rhb\\||,5'[:}\J\F\lir$\di}ibt1kir$I\&t|.\Nhi|crhAAlxlrv\blhbbhtyL\tg,r\\Lle\Irlr\\N\hbltL\t\b\\\t\\hlb'tubtib'\uh\thdrtrthtrilcY)!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ P. 08 NATF,]]UYER i;H LLUI{ Ity t 1 I509 \ \ \ \ \,YAllilANl'fihltl*8M*bhildc i hrb\rfrtl\\Nhr$0i [lg] \\<l \r\\ i[h\r\r&\ hlv\ \[t'\ ln$r!\l lrirftr\s\rh]n\hrl \'ir\N\ n Bh]sf ^Vch\\lu\S$ht\trVlhtAilhdgtht\\l $'ltt\{ddl\Nrth*hl&b\'\biilhll\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\Jt!ti{A$!D!Ii_!!,}li"!}4..$t}|r\0&th$ \|fi\\\i\rh}g\tiA'\Nh}$r\l\\,t\l\r\hlAA tt}d hdc\\,\\sb\t\h\hi\\}n\rlufu\hr\!\ 0$brrcrAdeh\\\IDhlAAlh\\LlYlhr\:!ltii,[b]l$.1\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\$Aokttd\\ttlrtt\N5u\N0Nptgdtr0suRE\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Wroiiri[.i{ttr*ylt\'\\s\hIJEl\fi\thAAs'N\fiild\t}h\fih}\Bu\har\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\dvna\\\\\\\\\\\L\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\L\\\l\L\\\_\.\\\\!\l\l\-\llll,\\\\\\\l_\l\-L\_\\_\\\_\\.. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ htllln!\b\Idsh$:\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\b\I\\\\i\[\r\\tu\\i,.\L\.\\ts\r\bh\\\4.ts\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ tly: Sign$ture tlflt!I.l}l!itl|,)il{-L\-\}\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-\\\\\\.\.\\\\\\\\\\L\\I\\l\ll\\\p{ltrrr\nci}nftny)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'\r$\\\\.\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\!\\\-\-\\\\)\\\\\\\\\\\.\.\\\\\ $Ahk}Y'\I')&\$$j$J-\N\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Nlh\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\t-\ti\rl\1-Lrlp\hlIAUNr\\d!!!\\\\\\!5111-\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-\-\-\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\l\-\\\\\\- l)i!ti\rl\\r\\hl|illd]\flhht\.lu\\rYI\J-\1JJ\J-\!\\\\\\\\\\Llrtir\gCbhrh\t'y\\t\'\v[.r\d^Allt\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ CgS 2-9'99. Contracl to Euy rnd Sell tert Erbre (Comm.rEirt). gr3r99 Re0|FA$IO Fo.rn8, Bor 4700. Frisca, CO 80{43, Verlron 6 08, OReETFA$TO. 1002, Reot pCOCOL??srol Compiercd by - M€€.r'l li.nbn. Pra3'didl, L.rr Otfica8 al M E {t^lon P.C. 0112t!02 ?1:4?.r1 Psgt 7 ol7 fSD-U l-lUUl lJ r 54 F r ofi-$,iEAfi ' FEd-01-02 FRi 04:39 PIl ftfr;il:***1,***rotutut-tou P.002/000 F-534 P, 02 P.000/0lE F60l P 'O9 9104?6il r8 FAi,( NO. st84lt?ll Blm-!0-1002 l7:38 tron tEtl TRr|ttEm rluEGER { PEll(lis Jan-ZB-O2 fO: aoF not\aitt#itusuJsyrt{, ALl.rrtic Ecoch' xv rlbQll FIOTET ll ltdc t{for lr bing eoun!|?d or r{rcF' do nst rbn |'|i3 dosstm||l Rdrt io S fgt l-ld0 GhaiDEv Chlltl {r$ lS6 llan Tnfflltiusoti AgPaolntian' tr'c' r ABld- vltl' (:O .81651- s%]JJR-rry Aagg'9 | aLto:r, lllc ' slD oFcotlTR^gr D^* j',1" I Ri r,iitri$wi$iN'fii$stt.'rr,Hiffiiiiiiiii!iiilllllliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiii1i1ittrt\\\\\\\\\ $s;il6il$$$l$brl;$ii$slssillllll\lllllll . si .N$W cu! 1{{r. G3nlrl lo lry r l 8|u iBl €tro tco|rnt|tL|lr !r]04 - - -ilrr*ro'rJ, ii rioo-, frpeo. co iics, vilrt "'q' dtnrtFAtTq ?toe nos ncsco'12261e3 coill.n* I . m-rr I rr{cr. trqrdul. Ltr Oiiro ct$, L f"olott " "' nr,ro"r r,,a"ra R|!rdt Feb-OE-OZ 05: laP P. 09 ATTACHMENT A TO CONTRACTTO BI]V AND SNLL RIIAL f,STATE BETWEEN CAIL SIEG.AL .A,ND CHATEAU CHRISTIAN TOWNHOUSES ASSOC]IATTON, IN(], Tlris ATTACHMEN'I A (lhe "ATTAC:IIMENT') is attached to the (lontract to Buy and Scll Rcal Dstate (the "Contract") datcd __ _ ,20tJZ by and bctwccn Oail Sicgal, as "Buycr" antJ Chutetu Christian 'l owtrhouses Associatilrn, Inc., a Cololads ngrrpr1rfit cqrrporation, u$ "Seller." l'he parties heretrr desirc to agrcc to additional provisions ofthe Controct. T'o the extent that the ternts and provision.\ of'this Attachmcnt conflict with, rnodiS or supplement portions of the Conlrnct or Counterproposal. the terms and provisions conlaincci in this ntlachmcnt shall govcrn itnd control thc rtghts and obligalions uf'tlre parties. The ternrs rnd provisiun"- ol'this Aturchmenl shall survivc closing. Thc partics agree to the following additional provisions: l. Larnest Money, The considcrati()n cxchangeel under this conlrnct irs carnesl tnorty is compriscd of good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby ack nor,r,'ledged. 2. Condiriouoflrturelry. a. I3uyer is hereby expressly adviscd to pcrtbnn en indcpcndcnl inspectiou of the Property prior lo (Jlosing. Buyer acknowlcdgcs that Buycr is acquiring the Property and any Inclusiorr"' in "AS lS" arrd "WITH ALL FALJLTS" condition at thc tin'tc of ntutual execntion ol'tllis coutract. l. Aerccrne-q:Lgn_BgUlgls Ruyer hcrcby acknowlcdgcs that. if lJuycr dccides to rcrtrove existing tJnit U or arly reconfigufcd I.lnit G and/r.rr lhrit H lionr the rcnlal pool nratragctl by Christiania, Inc.. fluyer wili takc suclr step-- as alc occcssaty lo ass\trc Sellel and lhe owncrs of other units in the building that those parties will not bc adversely affected try Buycr's rcriloval of either of such units fronr the lental prxrl. liuch nteasures rhall inclutL Buycr's cntcring into an agrccmcnt wilh ()hristiania, Irrc. which is sutrstantially sinrilar to lhc ftgrccmcnt currcnlly in place between l3uyer as owncf of existing llnit H. and Christiania, Inc. lbr rnanagetnent services and Seller Feb-c,5-(}2 O5: I €|P P. 10 compensation lirr such serviccs. Buyer herelry rgrees to hold thc Associatiqn irnil the owncrs ot'olhcr unils in thc building hirrrnless from any darnages which thcy may incur as a rcsull of Buycr's rcnlovirl ol any r"urits owred hy Buyer fiont thc short tcrm rental pool mirnagecl by Christiania, Inc. 4 Map Anrendnrent. This contract and dre closing shall F,..^ contingent pn rhq contpletion of an accuratc amcndmcnt to rhu currelrt sr.)ndominiunr nup (,.Map nmcn(lftcnr") (to bc ordcrc-d by Buycr ancl ar Buyer's expense) rendering the proposetl boundarics of thr"' clcmcnls ol' thc lirurth and upper fleer5 of the buildilg, including all proposed and/or cxisling boundtries ollJnit G. I.lnit I I and any colnlllon clements on those lloors, The Map Anrendnrcnt may reflcct boundar.ies for the hallway, tJnit (i and tjnit H and atly cornmon clcmc'nts in any corrfigurutiqn which complics witlt applicable low so long as tlre Association and any orhcr owncrs in thc huilding are not adversely alfcctcd by such coullgrlriltion. lJp('n conrplction, llre Map Anrcndment shall be subrnitted to sellel a.d the Town of Vail for rcview and applrval. As bctwccn thc parrics, approval by rhc 'l'own of Vail shall bc conclusivc proof of conrpliance with thc Vail codc rcgulirtions. tlporr lpproval ol' the Map Amendtnent and the Decluraliorr Anrerrdnrunt (as defrrred helow) by the Assqciation, tlre Town of vail nnd nny other parries requiring approval, tlre closing shall occur (targeled lbr March l,20t)2), nt which tinre the Map Arncndmcnt and thc Dcclararion shall he recorded in thc rcal propcrry rccords of uaglc L:ounty' ('oloratlo. Thc Association also agrees to recorrl a quit claim t'lt:ctl corrvcying any inlerest it nrrry have in thc unit contniniug the hallway $pace (rn rhc Map Anrendnrent to Buyer. 5. Modification ol' Association Dcelararion. whilc the Map Amendnrenr is bcing prcparcd, lJuyer and seller hereby agree to nsgotiEte in good faitlr the fonn of an ametrdnrent to lhc Condontiniunr Dcclaration of (lhatcau Christian -l-ownhouscs ("Dcclaration Arrcrrdrnent"). The Dcclaration Amendrrreut shall rellect tlre lirllowing rtcms: a. I)ues. Euch llnit in thc AsstrciRtiern shall bu- rcsponsiblc lbr Association Ducs in proportion hr its "Bastr Sq uirrL. Foolrgc." which shall bc a mcasurtJmcnt of' thc flr'ea comprising thc l>wc.rl lcvel ol"cach urril irr its entirety, and which shall spccitically exclude calculation of square frrotage of a loft or any additioual interior living spirce irbuve the Lrwesr level. Said Base Squarc Footage shall be calculatctl by thc party prcparing lhc Map Amcndmcut for coch condonrirriunr unit within tlre building using crrnsistcut measuremenls l,or cach un.it. ljach ownel will bc requir.ed to pay assessrnents based on its proportionatc share of the total llase .(iqtlare l-ootage of all units in rhe building, and such percentage allocatinns shall he srared within thc f)eclaralion Amcndmcnt. Scllcr Feb-Os-OZ €}5: lgP o b' Owncr Clqmbination of Ljnits. Any nrernber ownirrg conti€luous ur)its within thc nssocialion shall havc the right to cornbirre said contiguous units in any way chtl.-en hy the N'lenrber, plovided that .such a project will not cornpromr$c the srructural integr.ity of the Chateau (lhristian, approvals from thc rclovunt governing autlrorities ure secured, and appropriatc arncndmcnts to the corrdonrirriunr map and f)eclaratiorr satisfactory to thc Associatron are prcpared and approved. The f)eclaration Amcndnrcnl will lurthcr provide rhat all costs of such a projcct (including, but nr)t lirrritetJ to, revision of tfie legal d(rculncnlfi goverrring lhc (rssociali'', applicatirln and revicw lry relcvalt govenunelltal authoritie$, loss ol'income to othel owners arising frorn lhc prtrject, wcar and lcfll to comtnon clcntcnts, irnd any irssociated delnage or expen.ses) arc paid by ihc owncr courbining his units. c' Other Relevatlt Terrrrs. The f)eclaraliorr Arrrendrrrent shall contlin such ultrer rcasonablc tcnns as Seller and Brryer nray agree, This Contract and the Closing irre contingent on tlre requirenrents heing satisfied for arnending thc Dcclaration, and the Declaration Arnendrncnl shall conlcmplatc any such necessary requirernents. 6,-tlgAdl$e_&re!151:S, Closing shall occur {targctc.rl ltrr March l, 2002) whcn rrll reqlriremcnts as sct fonh hereiu have lreen sarisfied. including the approval of the Map Aurendtttent and tlre l)eclaration Amcndrncnt, and the rlcposit of rill requirecl docunlcnts into esclow with l,and Title Cr.rlrantee Corrllany. Such requiren'rents shall be sntisficd in time for Closing t(! occur r.xr later than lt'lay l. 200?.. uniess such date i.,i otherwi.sc cxtcndcd by the panies rnutually. L__.1=l!95 jng Sctrlerneur. At Cllosiug, Ltuyer shall reinrburse Seller lirr its legnl expcnscs and relaled ctrsrs itrcurrsd in conncction with the sale and the revisions to the Declaration of tlrc Associalion. It. Rclttodcl A.ftlr Closing. Any constructirxr wlrich re.sults al any tinre in the lirture liont relxodeling any cl'thc units or space on the fourth or uppu floors shall cornply witlr Town of Vail construction rules ancl with any rulcs antl rcgulations of thc Association pert,irirrirrg kr conslntctiotr, At the timc of arry such construction, Buyer lgrces to comply with any rcquirernents for A.ssoci:rtion appr<rval set forth in the Declaration or other Association govcrning documeuts. Iluyel agrees to iudemnily and hold lrarnrless thc Association and the other uwrrer.,i ul'urrils wilhin thc building tiom any ctrsls irntl cxpcnscs itrcurred in cunncclion with rny such construction, including withotrL linril.ation, loss of rentat inconre, wear arnd lenr on tlre lirst l]oor hallwav. elevator, carpcting, ctc. and any darrage eh-ewhere or to olher unils, tr.11 Seller Feb-05-OZ 05: l9P P.tz 9. Oeneral Mattcrs. CioverninB Law. The parties hereto hereby cxprcssly agrec that the remrs and conditions hercof, and thc subscqucnt perlirrmauce hereunder, shall be conslrucri and controllcd by thc laws ol'lhe Srarc 01'(irkrrado. I IeadinBs. Article iurd Sccticrr headings r.rsed irr this (lontract arc for convenience of rel'crencc crrrly atd sholl not affcct thc construclion ot'any provisiol of this Contract. E:rtire Agreernent. The cntire agrccmerrt ol'dre parties is hercirr wriuerr and th$ partics are not bound by any agrcernents, understaodings, conditions, or induccmcnts which are not cxprcssly sct forth antl stipulatcd herciruder. No cbangc, alteration, amendrncut, nrodification or waiver of (ny ol'lhc tcrms or provisions hereofsholl bc vnlid unlcss thc sarnc bc in rvriting and signctl hy the parlies. Nonbusiness Da.v. Il'the date ol'closing is to oecul cu a holiday rtr olher nonbusiness day, or any period ()flinrs set ferth in this (jontract expires on rt holiday or other nonL,usiness dny, then such dale of closing or cxpit'ation datc shall bc the next business day. I'urther, ifthrough no fault ofeither party hcrcto. the rccguirctl docunrcnts concerning this tritnsactiol) rre not received by the (llnsing f)ate. ul the passage ofdocutnerrts by courier is not complctc by the Cllosing Dute, the applicablc datcs or dcadlincs tbr rhc Title Objection. Closing. irnd Posscssir'rn shull nutomatreally hc extelrded oncc for a period of two (2) busirress dayI'. Fax Transm-Lflal. I'his C]ontracr, plus any ntodifications, nray be trzursrnitted by telelax c.rlpier. All parties ngrcc tlrrrt thcir signaturcs which ruc copicd on the transnritted docunrerrts slrall lre binding as if they were original $ignaturus. lach party {lgrees to tirlty cxecute with original signatures on all origirrirl drlcumcnls lirllowing cxccution ol'lacsi$ilcs transmittod. FIRPTA. Seller rcprcscnts that no part of this propcrty is owncd by a frrreign interest, crthcr pcrsonal, corporatc or othcrwise. Scller ngrees to sigl a copy of'an alli<lavit as part of thc closing piipcrs lo verity these facts fol the hrterrral Revcnuc Scrvicc. S. Colorado Withjrolding Tax. Seller agrees to oomply with thc pnrvisions trl' the State ol'Colorado withholding lax statue (C.R.S. Section 39-22-604.5). Scllcr b. d. Feb-05-O2 C}5: l9P I rt P- l3 h. lJrokers. [ach pany reprcscnts to lhc other that no real estate hrokcr has any claim lbr cornpcnsation or cxpenses us A res$lt of this rtansaction and cach pirrty shall iniicrnnily the rrther aguinst any clairns for comnlissions (,r other compensation by arny olher hrnker or fin<lcr with whotn thc irrdemrrifying parly has dealt. I)ated on the datc first abovc writtcn. BUYER:SELLER: TI IE cIIATEAI.] CI IRISTIAN 'fowNt l0u sLn AssoclA'ltoN, lNcl. By: Hcywrxd II Davis, Secty/Treasurer _ FEb-0.-2004 t3r56 Fron-$/EAR TRAVES KRUEIER & pERil]tS ' !88.31:02 FRr 04r40 PH UttOAVrS, SANDS&COLLIN Jrn-!0-?001 l?r|! tru'tlEAl IRA'JEiS l(itEtER & ?tRl(lxs Jan-a€-Oz 7g,.22P il;'il]'r,utu,u"* Poo'/oos ;."; t-11! P.011/016 F d03 P. l4 $eeCE, Eoolr puty rple*ca$ to ths o$cr rbt ntr M cstate bmlsr his anv claiar for cott ***ll*p*t * a rcsult of this rnrrsaction and Hr.|?.;'i:Ji;ffi"ify rho odrcrugain$ any ctalms for somni6sisns or nilai"oip.notion hy any olhcr brokcr cr firrder wirh wlromthc IndciltlryitlS DsrtY hs dcalt' SEIJI,ER: TI{E CIIATUAU CHRIIIT1AN 'i'owt.t uouses AssoclATloN' INc' rl!17t71tl Datcd on the dotl fil8t abovc wittihr BUYER: CAIL STEON, qifiirt*ifi L,r-)t-t1 NFJof-Rr}Ucr: = -4/l-\l8dlt lrJ1r,FN i!/E' <ffH5 tr#;a H6 z== dg= r:g dd* figEfeE b}j H fiH- kft nF FtLoJ oz Pa$o^ gooY =z-lttr = , X-L,.l == tuJ= X AS o$fi ze z E9P E; 2 =OH E; =?trfr Rfr frEIJJn ltlg9>Z F- o OO ooo E,I E, UJFz J I l'Loz =oF IIJIF oF J FF =dl =)@ IJJ Oz IIJo Ia IJI tr, J o UJ -a o = oo (/)F:l f i,iiEl g c,lrJ EI 9i GICIC'6l =4oII ulG' b II io II|J (,c, -54Jul lrlJ - v c, -FLxEl o -t o6 ct C\.tg,F =3 -sFIE -(t =ulF -(, -Iat,c,lrl-oo =o,Y:Ea. I'I d =.4l"a!< EEct <IclJIIJHf 96f=c€t(5 a.t {t i,isgl F II€ |rI t at (./lF HF I u Elrl Eo = -eC'.EoeEIFx|rlo - -54eo(t Jlr -saulv,0aoEE ul(, -llltl .Alr!e J c,ul tt P,: Hr !';; !-r;Fei:I u E Fl Ei =iA!lz oloo E =E6t! 14) z,sFat, E-(J =rI|F -(t -4ct =Eo c,ulFxul ct =a2 Je EooJu- -F-fa|rIvloo.oEe EIC'2ulct enulE J (tul v, o II ao tI| .Jv, T + -F ao c,ttlF!, = llllrr(9 eoFg, 3l ln Hl,iril =rr!B'rlu c,lrt !<[oi =t oloct C|I e =e6lrl aaarl I II !!9 t!J (Jg, ,'' I '. '._,2 -5a FILC'J(, -FIxul e rt cao.\ltf anE - =-sFu,e -(t 3 ulF -(, E$5" EHEGct l: =ulEA-- 6Ea;t=<=gU PE E=rt> tt! s -i t,iiitr Nccl c DEEtrrErl|G' - =F6'a-t =tll E-(, t^ HF I u c, Ho -eC'.EIeulFxulo - - JE EC'J EIul cDC'4o4E r'-1 'r .-,2 h tl h r!J a,at, ul(J -II|EI u,trl4 J ctul AA Et { _ .r6[-tl ct t, 3PE E=e, I- fi-5 ! :g-::"3ic:F;!ie'! p HF =g cH Eg -eo =ceEIIFxII|o =z, o. FlrctJalr|vloLC'ee oo6l e 9eaqItl rl)({ -sFIE (, =|ll E(J o ll ct lrt (, aD ul(,2|rfct (r,ulE J c,ul AD Irr^l (0 =c,oEcllrlE =tll- = "ntF,o)oi. EE H3e IIAR-18-2002 HON 12:53 PTI I{ORTER ARCH]TECTS FA}( N0. 9?04760?10 r, ut ir ,i i'llli HhT H E -eg EIetuFxluo-I - -lr1FI elJlolutlvrlcltlr.lotEe.1 l I l I rul(Jl -lutlol rt, Illt IEl <l(tlsrl crt I I l' I tE _l_,_ . . r.-_ .- -*kt ... _- \ 1 -ror.'t 31 :_€ 4_". _,.... . ---.Xtl'ot -- C'bO=E1fi;q Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department oF C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L39 faxz 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Siegal PEC Number: PEC020012 Major Amendment to an SDD - Interior Conversion; Combine 2 units into 1 and convert loft into floor area OWNER SIEGAL, GAIL S, 1526 BAY BLVD ATLANTIC BEACH NY 11s09 APPUCANT Morter Architects Jim Buckner 2271 N Frontage Rd W. Vail, CO Jbuckner@morterarchitects.com 81657 356 HANSON MNCH RD VAIL rOl'{N Project Name: Prcject Descriptiont Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Commentst 0212s12002 0212512002 Phone; 476-5105 Locationr Units 410 & 420 LoE D BIock: Subdivision: CHATEAU CHRISTIAN CONDO 2101-082-4300-7 Town Council BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Moffet Second By! Jewitt Vote: 5-1 C.onditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalz 0612412002 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of rown of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Plannen PEC Fee Paid: 96,000,00 I0l,fNffi n u ! ! tr tr E X tr Conditional Use Permit tr FloodDlain Modificationtr Minor Exterior Alteration tr Major Exterior Alterationtr Development PlanE Amendment to a Develooment Plantr Zoning Code AmendmentE Variancetr Sign Variance $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: Rezoning 91300 Major Subdivision 91500 Minor Subdivision 9650 Exemption Plat 9650 Minor Amendment to an SDD 91000 New Special Development District 96000 Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD 91250 (n o exterior modifi ca tio n s ) LocationoftheProposal: Lot: D Bbck: Physical Address:KrtW RD. (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-32B-8640 for parcel no.) a1 t-- t^Zoning: J/)U ffir Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): I Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: MailinsAddre"= Z77l N1KIT{ FKVJM, P W. VNL T Ca E-mail Address: Page 1 of 7-01124102 P, 02FAX N0, 9704760?10I{AR_18_2002 HON 12:53 PH |'IORTER ARCH]TECTS .iI r -i I'iril rl\\IZ t\l CD a\a c, 5dogllr- t\I -<: FIEiEIJ =||lF -IJ FEr H E -Ect =EIEulFxulo- -{ r. FlrlolJlalurlutlc)o. G'&r <, tl tt = ltfJ IJg, ut(, =ultl v)lrlE c,ul C" .li-- -s^- .- \ I -rot'.tt: " -],xrrnr-"c, ?o EE fi5& i- -'$ -;$ ,zz71 N. Frontage Road W. Suite C\4 , Colorado 6t6s7 Thornas & Cydney l{arsico 1e90 E. Layton Englewood, C0 80110 @!f,tto .@gLLt\Ooc)(JXO. r..... t0 -GtO .r,>6->' \ei[ Cdorado 81657 ee71 H. Fontag€ Roed W Suite CVtl,(Moe1657 Chrlstiana Ltd 356 Hanson RanchVail, C0 81657 Rappaport Family Trust 16379 $kyline B'tvd. }Joodslde, CA 94062 Robert and Diane Lazier, P0 8ox 1325 Vail, C0 81658 I, ib nSf.o =.E3XLE iR iE 2g7l l'1. F ontagE Ftoad W. Suit6 C tAIl, Colorado 8'1657 .(\t() (Ylgro F.l6oL)OOC>OC.)cgQ o x.r3EOLg6 E (U o'EGO-lJI John BirkelandMill Creek Cou'rt Condominium Association c/o S'l ifer Management Company Inc. 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 350 Vail, C0 81657 og B o.9t :oo9 :o lu3 \eil, Cotorado 816s7 2271 N. Frontage Road W. Su 6 C\6il C4lgra66 61557 Vil la Valhal la Condominium AssociationAttn: John Everly 356 E. Hanson Ranih Road Vai'l , C0 81657 Vail Condominium Corp.c/o John Ever'lv 356 E. Hanson -Ranch RoadVail, C0 81657 Hill Development Corp. c/o Ad Valorem Tax Dept. 1601 Elm Street Suite 3400 Dallas, TX 752AL-4704 r-l Fl Fl .g =s|g =€ct.Fo d55 OoJL)OLL-a €gBE Ct..eaEtrxSoai<..r € E THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 25, 2002, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a Major Amendment to Special Development District # 28, to allow for the elimination of a dwelling unit, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road, Christiania Units 4'10 & 420lLot D, Block 2, Vail Village 1'r Filing. Applicant: Gail & Richard Siegal, represented by Morter ArchitectsPlanner: Bill GibsoniAllison Ochs A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a text amendment to Title 11, Section 1 1-5, Prohibited Signs, Sign Regulations, Vail Town Code, to allow for certain off-site advertising signs, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council, of a text amendment to Title 12, Section 2-2, to amend the definiiion of "Fraction Fee Club" and to amend Title 12, Section 16- 7A-8, to amend the Use Specific Criteria & Standard, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Rob LevinePlanner: George Ruther An appeal of a staff determination of the "first floor" or "street level" of the Vail 21 Building, located at 51'l East Lionshead Circle, Part of Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1.t Filing. Appellant: Vail Specialty Sports, Inc.Planner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 47 9-21 38 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published March 8, 200?in the Vait Dailv. cl r) .,/L.L \"") a ,,:- r[+'it ' ta nUL 01-082-39-001 Owner Name/Address C/O AD VALOREM TAX DEPT 1601 ELM ST STE 3400 DALLAS TX 752014704 AIL VALLEY 5,743,040 12,896,410 QueriesF*_ :VAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLK: wo 07-25-72 BK-0s20 Pcrso4 pRD 12-20-89 BK-0593 pc-078s 03-06-91 ! Situs f Pretsuc I Mobite Auth] -l personat (p) I vtoUile f Remarks I Vatue L ] Oit and Gas I Tract f Tax sate i-l state Aso f] Recording I condo I SpcAsmt[] Controt I tmaging X Block I Mines Tl Hisrory Sales fl Sibtins I ppcerrLtr I Skerch f, Misc( ffi nags j Exemption 'Kmt) &/{17 ftfrrt 6, fu, @ WI, rlt (/Kl lle IlKIL ,Vrf ,IILL /6 9l WL, Lb CKW CvlJffi hJPaWrl/U4 /Wre' 6uW ///&1w//e,r-/ /tJc- PnvU Wre fl'o 'Jffii) [-] [-j:-i Owner Name/Address PO BOX 1888 EDWARDS CO 81632 01.08242401 103 -lsi- lA F*"iT"-F-tN.-- 10002e8 I I :VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLK:2 LOT:C BK-0199 6,106,670 1,770,930 Situs __l pre/suc I Mobite Auth fl personal (p) Mobile ffi Remarks ffi Vatue ] oit and cas Tract f] Tax Sate |- State Asd ,l Recording Condo ! Spc Asmtl_ Control ! tmaging f, Block ll Mines L-l History ! Sales I siuring I ppcerrltr I Sketch ! Misc ( l- ftags I Exemption EorT -l r;:-l Aceount R039996 01.082-66-{t02 Owner Name/Address BOSQUES DE CHIHUAHUA 111 MEXTCO DF 11700 PG-0295 DEC 03-16-93 BK-0604 PG-0296 MAP 03-18-93 Situs ! Pre/suc ] l Mobite Auth ! personat (p) Mobile fr Remarks ! Vatue I Oit and cas Tract f] Tax Sate Ll State Asd ] Recording Condo l- ] Spc Asmt I Controt I tmaging Block ! Mines I History Sales ! Sibling l Recertttr ! SXetcn Misc( X Etags l Exemption ACCOUNT t.*f '[E Owner Name/Address ENGLEWOOD CO 80110 01-082-66-003 pF-lN"*-Fi*"iT"r" I lB lHANsoN RANCH PG-0295 DEC 03-16-93 BK-0604 PG-0296 MAP 03-18-93 lqnoSitus f Pre/Suc I Mobite Auth[ personal (p) l__l trrtooite ffi Remarks I vatue ! Oit and Gas I Tract ! Tax Sate ] state Asd ! Recording f Conclo ! Spc Asmt *] Controt ! tmaging I Block l] Mines -f Hisrory ffi Sates fl Sinting I eecerrttr fl Sketcn X Misc ( X nags l-l Exemption tr-<--.r _t l Owner Name/Address Accofii R039995 Fear lD-strict-I zooz lscroa 356 HANSON RANCH RD vAtL co 81657 01-082{6-001trr-RANCH Situs I Pre/Suc - Mobile Auth personal (p) Mobile f< Remarks f._ Vatue ] Oit and Gas 496,380 Tract ! Taxsate I State lso ] Recording f, Condo fl SpcAsmt- 6ea1pq1 a tmaging _-l Block ] Mines ltHistory I Sales I SiUting l.] ppcertltr I Stetcn Queries J Misc ( Flags Exemption CONDO: CHRISTIANIA AT VAIL CONDO UNIT:1 8K.0604 PG-0295 DEC 03-1 6-93 BK-0604 PG-0296 MAP 03.18-93 IMPS ,t,088,360 315,620 LEIE Owner Name/Address DIANE J. PO BOX 132s vAtL co 81657 (nuu wq Queries5 SUB:VAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BLK:2 LOT:E BK-0214 PG-0195 wD 11-12-68 .! Sltus I Pre/Suc I Mobite Auth ! personat (p) I Mobile f, Remarks ! ] Vatue I Oit and Gas ll tract f Tax Sate ! state Asd f Recor<ting l l Condo I Spc Asmt[ Controt I tmaging Block fl Mines f History sales I Sibting ! eecertt_tr f Sketch f, tvtisc ( [ Hags _l Exemption 611,100 01.()8242-005 [=- l f-- I Owner Name/Address RANCH rl l l _-] Situs f l Mobile f l Tract - Condo , - Block i Sales I Misc ( f- Pre/Suc Remarks a Tax Sale , Spc AsmtI Mines - Siblins l-l Elags _ l Mobile Auth - I Value --] State Asd ij Control t t- Personal (P) Oil and Gas Recording lmaging History PPCertLtr [l Sketch Exemplion SUB:VAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 BK-0625 PG-0653 BSD 11,22-93 lsi- lA w lvArLBACode lowner]d AC Queries 42a3L=l:t t;l Owner Name/Address .l Lr tl T arII Situs ! Mobile Tract ! Condo fl Block ! l sales L l Misc ( [ ] Pre/Suc ;- Remarks ! Tax Sale l_l Spc Asmt f l Mines I Sibling -l Flags *l Mobile Auth ! Value t_ stale Asd I Control i History PPCertLtr fl Exemption Personal (P) Oil and Gas Recording lmaging 7,88 8,75 QueriesaccouNr- I E FILING 1 BLK:z LOT:D DESC: PART OFUUtJ:VAIL VILLAgts FILINS 1 BLK:Z LO I :U DESC: PART OF BK-0219 PG-036s QCD 12-18-70 BK-0219 pc{366 QCD 't2-18-70 BK-0255 PG-0593 WD 06-16-76 BK-0462 pc-0803 QCD 05-1 1 €7 BK-0s81 PG-0167 PRD 05-06-92 101{82{2-003 Account Owner Name/Address CREEK [i] Situs _l pre/Suc ! tvtooite lurn I I personat (p) Mobile ] Remarks ! Vatue - r Oit and Gas Tract Tax Sale State Asd Recording Condo - Spc Asmt l-r Controt I lmaging Block I Mines I History Sales ['] sibting i _ eecertLtr I Sketch l! ruisc ( ! ftags i_ Exemption [.:{ IYear lDEfiici- I zooz lscrorfl*-F- 01-082-38-008 Fi?*in" P-F.*- 100038s lE 18 RESIDENTIAL 1,254,740 Queries1T_:l //|)J/LYW fissact4nnJ rA\'{.ql' ,4{f , {7-,=WiN / 'u'' L'"qvlttrt rEE]-(J5-r-]Z IJ5: IJP Y -t)z Law Officcs of M. 225 Wafl Suite Vait, CO Phone: (970) 4764066, E. Hanlon, P.C. Street 205 81657 Fax: (970) 476.8484 THIS FORIU HAS IMPORTANT LECAI, (ION$EQUENCES ANt},ftlE PARTIES SIIOIJLD C:oN.qI]I.T I.,EGAL ANt),I.AX oROTHER COUNSIII, ]TF,FORE SICNTNG. CONTRACT TO BUY AHD SELL (coMMERCtAL) REAL ESTATE DrrLc: Januarv 28, 200? l.,.AGReEM}:N'|.,'iuye|.a8J,eestdbrryuntJthctrndcnigrro1Se||err|gf(:tJ5t()vJ|Ithe|)rtrpunyrjul-incdhclowrrt||hclgmrsirndibrth in lhis coruacr. ?. DEFINED ]'E I{IVIS, r, Buver. Buycr, Gail l:'iegir ) rvill tukc titl'J t(r &c rcal prnperry dtscriherl treluw rrs U Joint 'l'errrrr l] Tcrrrnts In Common I Othg; rr/a ,b, Propcrfy. Thc l'rnJrrry is rhe followrng lcgrlly ttcscribtd rurl csratj r.hn!l porL icrt: of the conmon clcmcntc of Chat.e#u Christian Trrhrrl1l.)uees nhich f orm.'i t.lre entirehal).way r)F tlle fourth floor, exclusive t.: f .i t.ri rt-iiiruells and el evator (andl sulljact_ Lo anyIcqaI roquirr.{rer)t for a IObby r+-ith a f irc do.)r,), wlli.Ch area Hl}l ire mapped as .l p{)t.t.i()n otcondonrnlum Un)r.s (; i)rr{1,/r)r H, and detrned by Iaglc Vn] ley 5u!vcy!rrg irr conjunctlon r,rit.tr l'1()t lerAkBrCoIe archltcctsl in;r [:rQIrr.rsed Rnendnent to t.htt ondominrum M,ip as frlrther{les{:ribed in Attachment A pr!or l.() (:l()$inrl in lhe No, (it-rrtnly ul flacr.Le . (iulurrrrlu, 6onrrnpnly kn,rwrr os9nil, G iirld Unit H, Chatcau cbr.isl. iirfr 'lr.'wt|tlouses, 156 ll,)rrrrc"t Rancb Roari, V.ril, CO 816]i1 SEea Arklrsss Ciry logethcr with the intercsts, e0scm5nl5, rights, bcn(lits, inrpxrvcnrclr.s nnd anached ani!:rllcys rdjaccnr rlrcleto, excepr ac hereirr excludcd.c, Dilr3 rnd Dtldliner. Star€ Zrp lirtrrr: .rppr.rncn:rrlt lher'et1), !llinlr:rcst ol-Srllcr i11 vtcd€d stl.aets ll.m No. Rcfcrencc Evrnt Drtc or f)eedlirrr I t;*f--:-:-:.-I nrrr Arrnlir:rurrrn t)crrrjlinc I 'r,t,, a )D I oan { hrnrnirrnelt I)e,rdl;ne nt I .,}6 5c -F,rycr's Cr crtir I lJiinopruval ul Buvi:"s Crcdir l)eadiilp n/ a 5 ri 5d Ixistint Lr:tn Durunrcnts Dcudline 6 {5d Obiectitrn tu Exrstrnc l.etn Dcadline 7 0 lo Annruvnl ol'Lotrl Tnrnslg Deadlinc 8 { {ra Apptsisnl Dc_lrdhnc 9 {7a 'l itle Drrtllinc r0 Q /a liurvey l)crtr'llinc n/a II .$ z!l)oculrrcrr l(equcsr l)cad)i||e n/ a t2 $ ttt 'l itlc Ohicctir-rl. Dcrdlinc tt/ it $8b Ofl: llrcor (l M,!.1(rr DcJittini nla l{{ Eb Off'Rceold Matrels ()tieclion I)etdli e tr/a t5 ()Scller's Pri)p€rtI Q!:c!1urc lllitiiinc n,/,r lo ri 0H t Ep$']rg! c)U$!!!! ]r!qq n/n t1 (,b llesolution Der)dlir( (( losin[ lh l€'Ia!gel.: March I. 200? r9 \6 Prrs>osiun Dtlu Tarqct: Marq:h l, 7f)Ql 20 tt (,'Ii at cJos .Lng 7l ti2E A F..brlrerv f)l ? l)l\) 22 $ 2f A.(ceptilncc Dcadlirre 'l irnc 5: 00 p.nr- CES 1.9'99, Contrrct to Buy rnd 80ll R.rlE Ut. (Colnmorci.t), 6/3/ti ReelFAtTO FarmE. Box {700. Fnsco, CO 80a43, Vereion 6.08, ORealFAiTq}, Cqmpro\g4 9y4r196ret tirnbn. Pre3rde^t, taw Oafic4g ol M. E. t{ioron, p C autetll,) ' llt/ 2052: RegS PCOCOL2?sl03 a|/?alo?, ?1.42 17 Prg? I ol 7 Seller(st _ Feb-O5-02 O5: l3P P.rJ'J n,/ .l n/a n,/ a n/ il n/ a n,/ a 1/: n/ it{t/a F: a-:---d. Afttchmcrllr. lhe I'rrllrf wrng uxhihits, utechrrrc]tts ttr)(l ]rdrlrntllr ctL't furt(]l this crontr.acr: Attaehmenl. A - ArJ<li t.iona_L Frov!sro/t:i c'ADD.|itIb.ilitvof'ltrms.AL.'hcckDrsin.li|itrnrukitla|ttttltettns nol amlic?blc3. INCLUSIONS ANp tix(:t,trstoNs. ffillowing i tcms (lncl Lrsionsl: .(!)Firlures.|fattachedtothePr9pgty0n(hcdrrtcofthisurn(rtrcl,|itihti|18'hs0tifg'P|ul1lhillg,venti|tl|i'l8.itn(lliircollditili[glixtr.r'cs, jnside telinhonc wiring i'rry ()theJ: decoratlvc il.nm:; aff ixed to the Propcrt.v r.)n the dJtc r'rf tlris contr.rr:1. (2f Olhat In('lulion:, ll on thc l'l oPo ry whcdt€r tnflchcd (rr nol on th€ dde ol this (rontrflcr: rstoltD wintltrws. storrt doorr. \virldr'rw {rn(l Frrrch shxdr}, t}'vtlings, blinds, sgr'tEns. winrluw eovcrin$s, r:ur6in rods, dnt1xry ruds. srorage shrds. rind all krys. Check bur il rnclutlcrl: E] $lrokc/Flrc Drtrrtor:, f] Sccurirv Sysrcmsl nnil (3) 'l'rede l,'ixturc$, Widr r€spdl !D brrdc lix{urcs. Scllcr i d lJuyet ngtcc us lbllrrwst 41:d. b,-I-4itru!E$!--ol-I-tq9&!.1hc|nc|usionsare[obeci)t|vc.ye{|lI|c.|0sitr8tcclldt|.ll' p|ovidcd irr ti 12. (:o|lvryrrre choll be b] biil t'l suls ur orhcr applicablc lcgal irrsttutnetl(s). c. Exclu:ionr. 'l'hc following auoched fixtur.es or,* enelrrrlurl {!um this stlc None PliR(:HAlil: PBI(IF AN9-{!S!!S. .l'hc Purchrse Prit:c scl lirr th bclow sholl br payrLblc ir ll. S. lJollars hy l}uycr s lbllows: I l€rtl Amou$l AmouIlt 125,000 Sellur ui Privllc Finitncin C-'nrh at Clu:rng TOTAL \25 ,t25.000 i. g1ryq! I!t!!qL l hc Ldrrlest M\),rey se! l,lrth ir tl,is Sr.cti,;n. iD lhc iir|m ot' p!:!]1O!!rl_r:Jtff: k , is pat.r poyrncnr ol thr: Irurchqse P.ice nnrl shllll bc pry.rblc: to nnd hqld h], Chateru Chrisri.:rn 'l (lyr:lfAg:CZ ,\€A:__ , in ils lntsl tccoum, orr hehatf ol hotl) 5eller 0rtd IJrryer, Thc\b\\Nl*\lxhbr\\rrDbr\\trfibbr\ln\lir!-\r\ltr\itc\\\\l\[r\hh\rbbr!]r\q\N\rlldllu\f\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ U(:onrthtibrlir\!\.l,Ouht\hy!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\- .\.\.\\\\\\\\\\Thisloah\\lthL\Cr:!febYrW\ill$\\\_\_\_\_\-!\l\\\s\,\lou\\t\|\l\rUrdf\fu\t\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \Tlrr\trild \t!:\k\h\hN'vk\i\ bl*\{,\r\$\ bv\r\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ l\\llll_\ \ti{]\NI\a tr\hr\ilarl,bL\\r\f$[il\ry'$as\JJ)J\\IJ]gtla\\ anflroxirhlllll$\lAA\\\\\\\\\\\\Y*\hb'\th\'\N,\drhb\irriL\Ntt\hilh\r\\}rh[|rr\r\ctl\*\dI,\\\-lt\%\tsV\b!il\\\ilt!\\N\,\\r\ik{Nb} ||uyerh}e\rUAr\|sdo\h|}\ft}d$Il\N\N\1b|iilrt\*tir\hfUb\rh[a\\|dt\itrr|r"\tuIr\.'\:ir:\l\}rb|&"tr1\i\\r}hlVI\fL.ioh]t'\!}'!l"\ibl'\\s\I'&NML inrresrrh\Ar}$r|dlhi\t|bI}\h(h\!I4h\rh\\t,o\ritN}1\ty\lch|*h\rl\k|r\\r\.lrtl\irit.ir\lty\s\r\Nh.ht$nlIerrrhut.iLivr \Ma\\&\ctr\ht\f,)iht\IN\h|I jfi!Ns\\*ild LI lc\UAr\tu\\lbiihA bIn \NllNildr\\U\d1\dtr{\\\\\\\\%\ bli \[c\ \hr\}''\h]rr\ \htobirr\ NritwithllMir\$!'!\{0\fu\hble\i\hb\Uh\lk\NNXr\\\\\\\tu!i\\tkbl$'n\)hh\3\}ltnli\h\ik$d!}\1dd\-\\\_\lll\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ arrdtlretilu\de\\t\dr!\\th\NMh$rt\b!\l&LN\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \8h$\fdlNltlN!b\)\lihi*tkhh\hk\lrid'n\r!|rbfilrhiu\r'ln\ftLhilNb\tr&\U\XA\\\\\e\\r.},ltr\\ilrkr\ifrtulu\rL\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ir\ \,I.\.iuS$oh\ \lulbr\.h\rt\\d \AshrhIb\d irty\tor\dulni\r[Iilnr\h \h\lpbhlxhhk\\hrbhr\t\\\l\AAtilhlhtihA F]rhhe$s\,i h]r}\h \tiiI Sccrion,\ri*btuf1\lhlLllluhi\sbvb\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i&\)n\,httr\h\)(Iilrig\blihdifr,tl)\rk[r\Ar\}r,!\&nry\Il\i,lA\l\\\\\\%\r\h$|)\h\hhd rrlso irrchr\ihb \Jt\drtv k!\hr\ liilhNl0$r\ \r\iJrNr\c\lr \ \ N \tchl, !ihirk\trla\\\ \il Phr)ahlty\fn\r\tob!\ I'lAifub\ \:ht\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \n,/a \\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\\ \\ \\ \\\ \\\ \\\\\N\.\.\\\\\l\\\\\\\\\\\ \n\tr!!!tub5\r\\,\l\\&r\\i.r\r\f\)rIr\\ir[N\\L&!g\hXh\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{r\hr\\ihr\\)t\r\s\\gribh\Nt\r}L\ihbfANfu\S$h\rtlh\\ cxcccd hXr\\\\\\ilN&'\hn,!h\)i,1Nto\rtU\nr\\hl!$$rirtt\hillrrkh\\rt\i{$U A\N\\\\lll-\)ohih[ih\l\hrnnhi&t\rlbhlr\isbr\rg\ita|ry|'d\A|t&illlt}lnbhh|t6-'\tk\'b\,I\lf\\Is\h!\th\r\\\.\trs\t$h\ft\\|utr\0r|h\[&hf|rr\WN,'\f\IiAitA\!Mbl.Ni\\drk\rhht\l\r"\'\hr&}uLI fro0r ltulA!\lr'klsilt\hbbh\ldn\{f\$AhM\\ll*in\1[\-\X\\ll-\$lll\\\\he'\{\n'\N-tMil}\Tlu$ihlh\rlkuuhhId\\[l&[..4q]bN]Bc\\t TJ CBg ?-9.99, Cont€cl to Buy.nd SsllRssl Estata (Commercirll,6lt/90 ReelFA$T@ Fofdrs, Bo.( 4700. Frisco. CO 80443, Vorlron 0 08. ORssrFA$I@. 2002; Ret* PCOCOLz?s.!03 Co.nplered by P.gs 7 ol f Sell€(s) _ 12,500 Buy€r(E) |l.nlon Pr€cid€nr. Lsw Ofiices ot M e Hsnlan F C. 01l28lo! 21 42:13 Fetl-O5-OA 05: 13P b1 SclltAr\.1\Rr\,bIiil,r\ift hr\rliitb b[tu]drNi\k\],i]r\ \ \ P. 04 Psgo I o[ 7 Sells(E| _ .\sd1|ti\NshIfi\nsttNIN!|si|||}.dI.!!|Isin'lr,r.r'r,r.hfu\r\\ti!1\|ri$N\.\"\\xffi\t.l,,| j:"lTll|}l',YYS$ltS::P::l:':I!!:.:PPfl,I|$P)flf')'.q!"h,$\'tb\\N\,!&rcb"tprpr,[{n,r,-r*.r-,r-*,rr,iiiiiiirriyrr,,xr.uirua rr4ric|rct\hit|}\diUIdttt!\ii\\t\||.\'}ohktU\lr\\\il|ib|\kfNi\|!\|5t'\!f\{N(\|i\ibh\.NW'\.)"\\d'h}ikIbhdiIJ,\tvl\lb|,|hbN ooshi+r's\$\d&\(-lt-\,U\thdi),\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\(\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ hy n/a\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i\b\h[]o\hr\rtiL],\Scbei$\r\&\$\\\ll\\$\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\(\\\\\\\\\ \l\\SNtibiltl,tt\Ah\'!\h+:\r\lD,!ilUr&\\Attc\lrtUyt,v\\LjryXlrti,lpi,XVr,,rrtrirr\irirrrrr\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Dr++:):.\.\+:+{LW.\ $\\\\\\N\ir suu-r_r:_:r_r:r\u\\\\\\\\\r\\\\\\\r \A rll-hl\I"Y!ft)tj\r$frNjir\,hh\&il\orlrhgbu\\\\\rirrrrrirrrr \\,r\lic\dr\r-\fnlr\h\.rJhhr\\L\rrt--t ltrct\lrNblhlrhltt\hhh)\[NrH_s\,\fl'ht\\\\\\illndrhhfi\t"\il)\Nrb\s\t\Ir\[i\\\rrrrrrr\\\r,tt\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Uoth|A\Vu\\\.\\\!Nk!h'tUb!\\l^\\$\\\\\\\\N\[\3n\l\\h\\!bA$'|0|\\\r\r\bAr\rHt!lih[ tht l'rol!r\)r*tbb\d€\r1,l,h !\ ldii,"\,L\j\ \ \ \N, |iiilAY}lh\tr.Sllc\1tN\ tr-y\,r{,i \ SiffiXtb111ylintfrtrv,rlr rn xf "f.illrl rrnarrgUon Siale\Ttlrtrdrl.9bl \F\Nlt \\dAilt\\\\\:g).$_\lll\l\\lll\\\!llll\\\l\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \)_\_\_\\ \\ n|)$\ \sS$nlt\ \m sMtt Nbt\ \\&-\tE\!i$,ddr N.bA \n fl,,t l,tA v.tro"i,t;r,ltl,llrt,r, ilA hr[:trI rtfuhdihA \s\,rtril5,h 11,tuii\t\hlhokl('r uli [r\'\*&r\hIo\] htub\\d^ar_\_\l\\\t^\\\J \ [{gNI&b) \ibr bh v[\riA*rhII\l.hDc"4,\\NU\r\r\ih\h\ \ih\Nrte\I h,b\!(k] hbk\hhnrre..rnrtrrtiL\Nh\thdb.\s\s\t\AAXa\\\\\\\\\\Wyt,t*rl,I\i*X[h\\[!hht\h\li\M\\\lj]\\\i!a"\Hrh\h\ft,hf\,uh1b\lotrrne\gr\rrhd interrsr)r\haArBdr\Atr5\\\lNvt!\r\\rhr\rhr\\gr\r}tu\\\r\rt\\&tn\,he\\r\xI\\\\\\\\\\\_\\\\\\\\\\\\a\rlr!t\,\NGliultrtrlrtrru n / a \ \Ja$$\I'.\\s\bdAtl\ !H(r\U\ I t\riu\ \&ir\iirtid,\ht\hi{h}r.b \rl irli trr"\ fuN lhtt tr&Xr\ct\r\r\r!\N.$Llt bb Ur\r,\ \)rAgr} )lt hW\ \ \ \ \.!\fJ atlcr t:lAttr$\lrl1\r\e\r!s\\\[]r961119115h1tt]rlbtb[\rle\r-\*\r]rfr]\,\l\tblir\h&],Arhr\ht\to\MsfrU,tfbfif"f,f rESfl"f,f fU.Siiinrrlilbcirlc1|:14t65y'^|!bYbh}rh}rLIr!}t'!\[[Ri\(kty\h\iirtrr!lpldrilhtrtii\i\\r\}r\dihhhhh\[rIhh\hdliNi0Nk\\l.i'*ilrr.lllr.yt'r.xixr,r,rt"ttu within tMA\\\\\\N\r\nr\U\\hftbr\i\s\ctub\cbttillo\Ae\N\L\rl\Mr\\\\\\\t4\r\'\s\rbh\rlrlU;l;\,\),rhbi.\s\\x\lL\b,\A\itcplhbh\biltuh disiturseln\hr\\hlteV\hr\ile!\t\r\bh\r\hIj\h\b\\\\\\,Xh!\!'!h\t y)etifdNihtr,k\\rbIc\ttr!it\*UAl_Nv !\Ahr\r\rhiyh[.tAr\t]h\&h]u'itlruut hlbrlilt!\ltift -\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\L\.\\\\\\\i\\\\\l\l\\\Nh)E\.\LrtLltt\LlEhhttNutbld\\d&i\,\hilhv\Nsli[dh\r!\rLt\h]\^E\Rb]ry\\ad(h\r\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ u.\.\ l+s+f0: s*h.\ H\ h !hdl)'Nn !ai\r\rt\8r\Ii \r[ r\d$v]$hrh,uht\fikh\\y\tbril1tr \dil$ EL]&r\ \.\]$r,grb\h\ \r\o\Nhd k\ r,bp\u4ricltcdrh||}'\Ai['\dl}ifiMt\AI'\'}ohktU\ll\\\il|ib|\kltNi\|!\|5t'\!f$N(\|i\'ibh\.NW'\.Jo\tif\i}ib.Ibh(Lk\s\tvl\\h]$bLIu 5. \[!qtN!,lt{nfiohrf}tyrr}hr\iuNh\oht.rdlttoils\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ )l)) ll\t_!!b!i4$rI nuyr\\!rr[$Al\trfSb[hh\\'\di!\a r{Iiilr h} \,hr!rhwI hbil\tu\r\bh \t\cr\\\$rhr!\rrr.h\i\\rL,\\dbdrv|ursed\r\(k\ih}\6i|*.\Iic\1l.br!}.hl\'\r\ltlr\r\l[r\|}i,tIl\d*k\\l'rkLwlbh|t"\.iibNh\L\,thhbb'iut$"rnloirrrr\\\1c\'\lrh\sLI[,'l:,::.1'\,) lliIFLP It\}.\l $t! 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Box 4700, Fn6co. CO 8Oa43, VersDn B.oB, @RsslFAtTO 2002: R€g* PCOCOL22El0:l ca'Eplalcd EI , Mgrgarer H. on. prc. 6cdr I ew Ofi,c.r ot M E Hanton F C4A B'yetll / l.' / o1/28/oi 11 42 t3 I Feb-O5-OZ O5: l4P P. O5 In ilE everll $le Ptr) ei1y isr'cccivcdhy5c|lcronorlrfort(}f--Re(oId[|nttcrr0bjcC|io||l,tnd|iDc({2c)"rhisc0|lt|acls||iI||the|ltc|1ninu|c'|l.Sc||trt|r"rs ) ) ) )) )I) )FLtdt\|A \N slttI l+\ibi"!$,k)t[] btr\'!iAr]r\iN]t'\th] bI frL\u,\,rrt r,urlrirrrsif\tht,\\,iir[\t"'dtx,lillvrtfl'iin'hhpBhh]cl}j)i$}4dd[\il.|$Br\*\\\b\{\$NA,'\ttlhN!\AIAt.d1hhh!Y^)h\b\l0[[&\shN\lAiD\h'\l\Jr,\r\r\|y\t}rir\ihr\]\khd]\5\uI:N\t$ $||A]|t!,\!\,h\s\i\n)\i*}\iftAu|r!k}rr\ts}!|*\|'r\\r\r!dc\dr.]rr|r\.\\ir!i}[\1.\I.iig\bi5\u|n\t,ri(urtirtlr*in,,trt\it'l\\:)[\ilrb\[r\lc\\'Lth)eu\t\blt&.\AAtu\tJefd.'II:td^]rtg]V!ti,bb[F[r\ttuh\U&r\iL\r\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i\\\\\\\\\\\ e.Ti.|t,|(lvls0rY.|hclitlc'l)ocLtntcntsa|l'ctttjrctit|c,rlwlcr'shi1larrduserl1'dtc|,nrpcr(ytlnrishutrlt| bou ndnr,, various laws ord Bnvenrnrent.al t.eg!ll1!ons corice|rriog I'r),J rlse. tlevelupnrrnt .tnd irnvirorrnrcnl nrasen. THEStIRFA{tE ESTATE MAyItl': {)lvNlitl SF'PARAT}:l'\' FR0lll TrlE tINDf,RLYINC MINERT1L ESTATE, AND Il{ANstrtiR OF TttE SttRFACf ESTATE DOESNOT NE(:ES$ARll.Y lN(rLtrDE TRANSFER OF TllE N NER^L R|CHTS. THTRD l,A l{r't1.:s &tAy OLD INTSRESTS tN ()tL, cAs,{)r'l InR MINERAI.S, G F,{)Tl r F.RMAl. fiN ERCyOR wATER ONOR tTNDER THE pROtlElt.t,y. wlt t(:t r tNr FR 0sTs MAyctvETHEM|l|(iH'l.si,r()liNInRANf}|]sriT||}:fR0PnRTv.liuch|rralle|srttayltcerc|tliltr|litlntthtlril]citlsttt.rtce1lo|icy-ltuyoisotlvcu colr.s!lr lexrl r.r'un:cl with rcspq:()ft- fltcord l!!*rrcfr ObJe ctron Dqrrttioc [$ Zcl).9, Lt,ID-BASED I'AlN l', llnlcss t:rcr.llpi, if rltc itnprovcn)crrts brrikiing pcrmir wus issucd prir..rr lu Jrnuary l, t978. this contlrct shlll or) $e I'rol)er1y itclr,(le rtnc rlr mcrrs rcsidcntill tlwellipgiyy lbr which Iht void rrlllcss i{ cotnplclcd l,crd.tlas6l I'airll l)isclosufe (lialef) tir.rn tssignul by Sdkrr anLl the ruquirr:d rd0l cslltte licansee(s). which f{n \ \ \ \ RROPFftti rx s{\:I o,$rIRA \a\Nn ! N\FrtrrrrrN olDll occllr' l)ri()r' r llre 0r'r tics si gn iog (h is irrnlftrcl, $f,tlilif{ Sltr}\\hlbi,\rltNs\ttrLtr\trrcrfirrr\\\ !\r\ \hfrd U,!L{ [i\],rt\\\i\jil\r\yEL :V\birrVfy\\,hrbk\N.t\S)\k\ftt\fe\hNU\\br\S(th.tl5\Nln\h\iL:r*,\t,\,lr\l!dd"trritt\\\\\\t.\\hk ) B\]i$t!!)1,!!)ftl )i\dl'f\\\\riq\ f.\iMi)vr\t}b}\ \|\\ hhAk\t [[,\,ti${h\ bri \jL\ pN;i*A)\ \lh,rlh\l\Jibr\\ !tr r!fir\,!t\r\t\b[ \'\d*r\] bI lith]rkb\ tNirr\Itls\':]c\i*] \r\ Nh].\\\Nhih&r,-b Vrs\h\il)h,\nj]h] \th\[ C88 1.9-39, Conrrrcr to Buy rnd SGI Feat Eerote (Commerci.t], 6/3/99 ReelFAlTO Formr, Box d700, Frrrco CO 00443. Version 6 oa. eReplFA$T@,200? Reof PCOCOL225l03 gqmplgl9'C brrl,l9.te.er Hcnr@, P.e.ide^r, L-w OrfiL-3.t M E l^i.,rt6n. p.C ,// z, zuye'1s) -/ / tj o1t26tt2 21 47 13 I FBgo a of 7 Solle(o) -- Feb-O5-OZ Q5: l5P P - Utl riilh\\tiJ\+lllp\\rllri,bhjtlNL\D\*Nh!\t'g![)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ )))))))))tl))i)llf!\\b!!)r!)1\'!!,'$f,!r.\hi\\,\irkNhtu\shr\r\a\&ibr\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ t':)\ \ \ \ bhM,L\s{F|)!y')f \Ait|l \}trh}.i!t' !I }f'} !'l'*i}i\h\rbgfrtu\tutrh hhttLlo\\,rhith Yrr\,[rrh\bi\'ds\$nrr.f !] \.y1s\(\lb!bAto\4,\\dc!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i\\(\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i\\\i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \\ \ \ lf,Ikbh\rblidAi\ \rirr\\lviderl\\\\\'NbAdo\(v\Ikn'd I'\dpt&rdrtv]lri*lil+bfMt+)fi\-tl\\ tri\\dh!\ig,it\rbh1i\hh \n iU nU's*t yllLbl\libtb\h\llbbUdrhL\Arbtb\tukrrb\r\jinvrtly\1,,,\\\\\\\\i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\iitirtif\iiifr\iii(ii\iiiirrrrrrrr \ \ \ \ \ \h.\ \ nlJo\[t!]rMtriidtitr$ It\\Nh\t\]i\-\NhttrhVdcel*tr\f \\\,urA.\ritf\it \tuy\\a\ru\\t\l\il htv\\tur \A.brn \,\,\rsrp\ivv\$c\rrc\\crrlLhdr\bt\h\rrblh\d tffit-fiuliii[-!1ryy3e'rirr,'rvr'irr[.rirr,irrgx(,r*rvr'ril'r'r"r,ilr-,y,$ir.iliigi]-i;H"I,til$t"i;fi ti o"rrn *llh\ritr\0dtr\ArHih\r\'\\s\'\tbANbr\l&BtttN"\*tihdr\r!ht\d.il\tlVX.il\ANrrL\\bf\,kb&\\\(\\\\\\\\\\\ili[i\\\\\Tiitirirrrtti c.|!['!gsi_!r!riL!.rdg!-!r!1.Ruyurisrcspon:ib|t:|br1rayrnentl.ofl)l|in5['(lf|iuns,st'ttvcys,otginccrin8rcFJn5()I|bally.ll|lerwllrk ltcrli,rmcdi'rlBtrytr,srcqtrrllndshallpayt.orattydnnte (un tr cl, l|-cl-o5|!\.crDclirgt]u|r|cij(|(J)liumSt1|!rtrrBrrycrshli||bcat(.ilosirrg((l|rlsing).C|usirrgr|rlliltcolrtll.dau or(c(Q?c)ofhy|t1utinl0gtelng|lillitnu|rli(r(|3t{'Thuhutrrturr|P|3t:(lt)l'(:losi|1Aslta||berrsdcsignulcbytheparE1csmulll;l1lJ._- l2-"t.R^NSFER0FT|rLaStr|riqr.ttot€||der0rpDym(ntirtC|r:sing;rsl:t1ttitcdhcl'eitt.lrt|lcrt|lllincc provision5 he.eol Seller shnll execule ond rleliver.il gogd gnd yrllieient w<{r lantv ilesl tu Buycr, nt Closirrg, convcyrng ltc Pn)penYliccani|c|cnro1.a|)|rtxcscxcrptt|lL-tcncTt||Ii|Xc5luIlh(:ytarol,C1losin8' o f rtll licrts, li(le shall bc conveyerj subied t(r: 11, llDJe SpCCillO lr.r,.etttiu'tS tleSCrittgd lly re t'g enCe l') I Cqrr(ldj dctUlrrcnll iu rclljctcd ur tjrr: lirlc l)0curllr fs arcel)Led by lluyrr in Dcq)rrlnnce wil}r $ U0 [ Iille lteview]. h. disriirr.rriorr utlliry easemerr ts, c. thosc sJnci{ically dcrcrihcd rights ol'drird pa ic.\ nol shown by thc public recrlrrls ot'whic}r l}uycr h;rs were acceprcd hy ltuycr'in accor,darrrr wirh { ffb [Mxncr\ Nor Showl lry thc pull|ic t(ecords],or]dd. irtch.rsion of(hc I'ropcny within irny spcciill ta.\i[g distri(x, xndc, lhr: bcnclils irnd brudcns ol an_r dcclaratiun trnd prrly vrall irgt{trlttjftLr, ifalv. and iutt|{l kno}\ lc(lge itnd rvhrch AND S ..Brly\r\ rklJ\9\lu\$h\Xb!!Jih \ I-tbd \ \\&\ lltk \brlAr\rh't{tlb:\lrg&.}rk\!r\t\ilJ\ 4,"\lh\Buyrr ancl Scllcr, shdt sigrr and crrnrplclc irll ur:tum:rry or rcasonitot) re(]r|i[C\irk'c{|mgnlstrtrrrbc|irrcNt\sirrg'Iluu;|brrq||u5lt|kCItrsinsrurvictls Selltr LJ Buyer LJ Stllcr lAl othtr Hiry,r,+r'.-:Jlltr 1.1..gnJ. ,rl I -(;g,!n $ ()f !:lpsins tor Buvcr and f .)r s.r.l !rrr -Thglugaltrirnsl.cr|tt.rol.|.0u4ul'rhcPurr,|tascr,;'"'tu.ti;;;;.*'*-.h-i mxyaucnru bueausuol.this (rdnslctiun shlll br" p.rirJ rvhcnrlucby BBure. D S"ll.".15. !8SB4UONS, '1fi5 l'ullowilrg 5trpll bc pn)r{rted k) Closing Datc (g ?r.). ,:xu.pr ,rs othcnvisc prlvirlcd: x.TanglPel's0nalDlt.}pct1y|1xes.i|'n|ly.0n|.l89||e|olre0|es1flt|i'|XEs|i,|lh!yr:tr.u'Cl|uling.hl Ycrr lmmctlirttcly Prccc(lirlg Clo$ing lX Thc Mosl gsq311 tMill Lcvy rnrl Most Rtrcnt Asrrssrnenl D Othrr n /,f I''4c||tr'ItelrLsbascdon8t{cItrsAttuurryriu*;;;;.l'.'J'".ii;li;,,;;'i.; sltall assign all leases ro iiuycl ord Buycr shall asrunrc such k:irses. nlv _c. Q!!!LP.1g1!t!io-!r.W lcr. JC^r er Ch itrACSi Ard irtEr!9t irn q'n1.iUr irrg lr:,rn(s ). il litlkrwrng lcrsc(s) or tcnanc;(s): None. ll-StrllcL, nftr:r Chrsing, lails ttr dcliver pusscssion rts spcciliuti. Scllcr shrrll be sub.jcr:t kr cvit:(krn ard s|rlll hc rddirinnall), lbrpaymcntoi$200.00---...-----,pctr.lltylrumtht:PossrssionDht€($2c)rlrtilposscssiorristlclivc;cd. 11, NqI 455lq N.f nl E I lrrs corluac1 ah;\ll tlor hc rssignlblt by Buycr rriirhour Scllcr's prioL wrinerr consrt . li.\-crpr ascont6ctsha[linut.ct<r||rchcncl'ito|.ilndllcbinrJrngrrprlnihthcrrr'p.;rsutrltllrPI$(Iti|tivb,:rt(;tlt5sttIsl]dll$s liatlle t-r lluyer lrstf rcGd I tbls l8'. cON lllTloN OF, AND DA MAG E TO PROPI RTY -/\N D !-NSLt[!g&S- Exucpt rs ulhtr t+isc pitrv idt:d in th is clrrtr.rct, thc Prupenl.ln.llrtsiunrurbr''|hshrl|lbct@iIfiqk|,rffi;;ili..t'rnriiorrr)'*'t.urrtnr|lt.tlrcrccF|ct|. r.ertUs|.v;|n3u|s'l|ce,|trthccvcnttltc|,ropcrryor|ne|ttsiotrs ol n01 nlorc CgS 2.9'93. Cont.oct ro guy lod Selt Re.t Estate (Commerciat), 6,/3/08 R€dFASTO Form! gor {700, Frr$CC CO E044t. Vs/san 6 OB OReE|FA3T@, 2002t Reot PCOCOI!2S103 lfomPro(od bfa MsfS..gl Hqrlcfl, P,cridrnt, Lrw Ora=oe ot M E H,.rd. p C B,rya4s1 / /'1 s1t?ato? 2't 4z:1'J Prg6 S 6l I Se[or(Ji ___, .,fh-. -:nw i,f ' 6r,a.ll |J'PAYWnl)ye|icUin|}l'a|rdrcqttilet1ttrlxprrii|shttl|bcplrrdat<rt,|rc1ittcC|rrsirrgtiolttdle|)fl)Eeds()|.lhis ttansircticrt or liont lny othcr snur cr.r t4. drh&\ ('OSTS: d. Flrtsl Sllll.trrrnt. []nlcss othctwisc agrccd in wliirrg, thcsc prorarions slr,rll lre t'lrral.l6.' IOSSESSION. Possrisian r:1. thc Pf(tpcny :hall bt deliven"il to Buyer ol1 l,nssnssion t)nrc and posscssion Timr (g ?ci. subtcrl (o rh( FCTD_U5-(JZ fJbT T/P Ure amount ol anv dcLlrrctiblc pft-rvitlctl l'ur in iu(h insuritnlt pr.lliuy. sLrch trc(lit l)ol l(, cxcccd rhe robl l\lrclrt)sc PriLc,b. [r1q asti lqdpignLlg!$! Shrruld sny lnclusi t)lur[l)irtg, ea.) ]ail or be darrragcd lcrs any insurarrcc glocccds rcccived lly Buycr covcring sr.rclr rcplril or llrplaccnrcrtt.c.,Ell!,Thtegb i.YSri{isafi-ur_9ro nrli tion. Ru } c r, r, Fo n n; 5,.rn 1lb 1 1:t loslllS rt vel''ry mrt Ul€ flh)srfxl condilion nl tlte Propcny 3[d l0clusior]c cotrrplirs rlirlr tIi:' urrrlrdel,l9' RUCOMM EN DA f ION-QF Lf,GAL ANp- I^X.CiQ-LlNFpL.'. ny signing lhis <[,r,unrcnt. l]uycr and Scllcl acknowtr".dge urot rhc Settinj cnd consultalion rvirh legal and tax oi' othcr couflrcl bclbtc siglling tltir t,urrtr.tct 20..|lMEot'csSEN(|E-|{N.qBp'L1FDIEsjTirnei:,o|||,ccs:r'cgltrrt:trl'|lltn.vntrlctrt' lrrovidid, thete shrll hc drc follouing loucdicr: n. lf tsuyer is in Ddnllt. L.J'(tl5uqc'i|iqPeqlormrnce.Sc1lcr'rrrayclcctl()b.ca|Ihijieontrnctisca|1cclcd,inwhichcasea||payrr;attsnrlJtlritrgstr|vtl|elclltivtl| hefeu[del colllrn{l 0sb€inE,infull folceandeficctandSc}lu shull huvr: lhcright t(, sp,:cilic pcllirnlrrrlt or:diurlgci, or'lnrh. *1 . {Zt Lioui(h (g(l . pgm nqcl. All pryrucnrr, und thingi trl'Se|lerarrdllrthpa.ricssha|ldrcLculicLbcrc|elr:udlinu|lub|igllitl r,tQtJti)A .l) t)AMn ti[s th c obligat ions o | (his (onlnr( L. Scl lcr er pr essly waives tlrc faned ics of slxcific Jnlthnlau cc al d add itioni I dan)ages. b.lf&|Ie-1is--ia-Ddrtoh.|tuyertnayc|cct|()trctUri:ic()lr||'i|clitst.lllttccJtt|.irlu,ltichclrsc hr:rcunt|crrhal|ttt'etur.rtdald|}u)cI|,ll.ily|cu)vcI ilnd e ll'ecl !rd ltuyer shall lrar,c rhc right to sp:l ii it: pcrl0rmiinlE r|| dttrnflgcs, r.u [r.,tlr, a. (:ortr on(l l:rpe[scs. In tlic cvcnl prevailh)g pan) all Icaso[ hlc cosls rnd cxpr.n:cs, irrclrrdin& attrrnq tbes. lt.M|i|'|A.l'|oN.Il'iidi5FtllCil'iJ6fe|fti|lBt0$is!Yr|l!Iact'|}l.to|tl}oIatT(]:|0sln8' 8rodfaidrtosu|ltttitthcnrat1ur|0n1(!(]B|li('d.4d|olioll disputc inli:muJly binrjing. Thr trnirs wiil isxnthyoneporrytotheothe(s).'ftrisScetrunshalI not iillcr rltty (/ e i lhis ct)r)[mft. ur]less 0t.lrerwise nAreer'I. 22. SE!.SSf-!!A!!!.J!!U.[L Nt]twilhst$nd inE Rn] lernrirrl(ion of rhis conlflo, ltuyer' u li€llef [$ee ral irr rhe evenr oi' a]ry by thir hoklsr rii tte lionrest into I ccutt ofcotnpdcnt iurisdictiun ltrt(l shitll rtu-lvcr co\irr cosli arrd lcaconable atr:nrcy feer- ?3. 'l'EltMlNATlON. ln lhc cvcnt thls crtntrrc( is rernrilarcd. all paynrcrrLs nnrj rhillgs ol'valuc rcccivcd hcrcltrdcr.shall bc lcturncd rnd thc purllcs sh[llbe rclicvcd ol nllrrhligationshercrrDdcr',sublcLlto!i$l0c.2lonrJ22. 21, AODITIONAI. F8!IYI!{AS. (Thc Lurgrra6c ul tlrtse trdrlitionnl pruvisit,rrs }rns rr,.,l trcro ngtrr'vc,,l by ilc (irl('fn(l) Reol lrstali (:olrrr$is!ioD ) llcc Attachment A - AdCil( i()0irI 11r()v.i.qi.(it):; 21. ENTIRE ACREEMLIL lttttS*;tf tltitt t' This gulrncL cgnstitutq r5e cntirc L:untrit(lt h_.r\vc(ln lhc pinl$rc|t||iDttothcrtrhicc{lrertrrl''ondaltr';-illqrccnlcl rvriting ald sigrral by Son/lve lltc Slfne. 26. FAClll!l.ll.F.. Sip;ttaturcs E Uoy D May Not [r evirieocql by thcsirrrile i)ocurl€nr\ lvirh Lliginrl signaturcs shallbc provitlccl rit thcra/ U{het'p0rty E( (ll(r\ing, ol carli(r upol }rrlucsl ol ny potty. 27.I-qTJc&i|xcePtli)[dtcttitticcrcqucsting,nrei|iatiol1(lts$|il)edirr,|21'any|}oticel|)ttl]ye].s|r by Srliing (:0t!tlldrry 3nd rr)) not icc trt Scllct sh all Lrr ut ll'utive w lrer) r'eceived bv Seller. rrr | .isr ilg ( '(,n)l)aly. 2t, . Nt)'l'l{:E 01' ACCEPf AN (:Ei_q O !]_UIE8.[4 ! 1}i. lhis prrrposal shrill cxpirc unlcrr ilcccpt(rd irr wlirhrgi. by Huycr aniJ Scllu, us eyidcnccdlrythcirsignillurcsbclux,alrtlrerr|)'er.ing andAtcep|nnc.DradlineTimt(i2.)l|.xcc€ptcd.thisd(Xtllfu1t hri qxccuLc.J l)l €,,lch l)al'r. co[rFls{c coDtr.tct bct\acsn thtj p0rli€s. CBS 2.9-9t, Contrrcl to Buy rnd Sclt Rett E*titc {Commere'rll. O/j/99 ResIFAST{i Forms, Bar 4700 Fri6co. CO 60443 Vergion 6 08. ORaelFASTql ComPlolod by - Mo.ga.oi uenlen PEr;tent, Ldw Ot{icer or M E Hant6^. I C. 2002; Rogt P0OL;O1.225101 01tZBl!2 21:A?tt3 Frg. t ol I Siller(E) _lvye1s) -4! Feb-05-(12 (]5: l7P lJUYDR r .ljcr DATF, (:ai1 ,:j ! (,! q,i I l)20 BEy Ror-llevitr(i, A1; la l.ic Rri;.]l:lr, Ny INOTE; lf thia offer i? being countered or rejected, do r1509 not siJn this document Retrr to I 291 Chateau Christian Townhrtrrses Assec.:.at ilrr, Irrr- f56 Harr.sor Rlr(:lr Ro..r(i, Vr1l, (iO 01651 :iILLLR Hyt t)A'l f: Chatcnu Christian ToHnhouges Assoc.i.at ir-)n, .[nc . 19, COUNTER: REJECTION, lhis nffcr is ! tiourtlcred n Rejectea. Initialr only ofpflrl' (B0ycr or Scllcr) who counlcred ol rejectcd uffrr' END OF COI.ITRACT Nolc: ( lojiog llltnrrlion! $hould ht clgned on or brfon lirlt Dendline. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ )ROKr$A6"L"t+(llt\YNrd M.lVt l$.\tl|{\Nnh[I$\8Brdr,\Xsl il\hb&k\lbt\s\\.Vift\!\trc\ Ertn[\ $\,!l'lVi,F\r\N!\c\N[il kit$ !\h[]*hile W&\bbN[\|\b\\\rrr\hih\Ui\rl.ibr\[&'Wulbtthltdt.\}E\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \9.lll,rdA'\rlhlAilBirlk\l'Ii* ithhr\lh) Vbl \lN h'E\$[lth\] \b,I \t\ \ itrr\$\s\ turlb \\lbil bilgrld,\ ],itih}..'\t\]n\[r\ \'h\N\ [.J B\yc'' ^.q\h[\Wsti*,hrlrror'rnr'{xbr,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \ \ \A$finA-K!tn!!ii-!-!,)lieliAt$rYl$,\[t\ht\ \Nt\\\i\rk]g\tiA'\hil!\r\r\l\\\l\tlhidu{ ll!{c, hdc\\t\$&\l\h\hi\\}n\[rl\ihr\!\ N \;!tter Adehl\[IDhlt\AAdh\\trlYr*\\taii,[b],[A]\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\l||lok!\d$\ti,$.I'[}ll5k\l\lOt{SLSdAOStlRg\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ s\|ih,\\1"\\i h}\tJ"\ilh\i1'\,il xii\'l\drnf*i'ln\t\ \SBu+eY\ E\!h&\ W\N\li'td\ tbin\)br}\[f U\trdr\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \rvs\\\\\.\\\\\\!\L\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\L\\_l\L\\.\-\.\ll\\L\l\ll\\\\l\\l\-\\\\\U\-\\\-\\\.\\". (TA bA b&Ir!btut b! \.k\ihb [hr\rh\rV\ \ tttihA tbNF\rty\!\r]n]'\As\hr\r].t\r\r\rkr\r\i\s\t\r],i\\t\trt\irhd h] \lll Bt]*\ fllshf fri t[IOUt ,lt I f i rNaa\\\ \ \ \\ \\\\\\\\\\\ \\ \\\ \_\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ $\Hlnh\\il\frhf\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\i\JY!\\i\!.\r\\\A\,i'.\tt\.\\]u\r\rb\i\\\$.t\J\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Signnture r]i*lrr!Yrr\\nrh}:\dlAl_\-\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_\,\\,\\\\)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|NI'lrar\f,rlirin$rry)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\it\\\\\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\!\\\_\_\\)\)\\\\\\\\\\\\.\\\\\ $At!b\dhVb\\\\\\\\\JN.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\l'0ht\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ u\:hitrl\:\hlrirrhi'$AUNr\k\\1Aa\ll-\l\\\\ll_\,\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\-\-\-\\\\\,\\-\\-\-\lll\ll-\\\lll\ lli\i\r!\\fr\hl$ililtlfttrhb\lv\\r\)\!l\I\-\\l\\\\t\\\\\\LNlih$Cbhrb\d\yl\t\'\\b\l\A&1,\\l\\\\-\l\\l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ CBS 2.9.S9, Co. 'rcl lo guy rnd Sell neil EErrre {Commorridl}, E/3r99 RealFA$TO Fo.rn., Box .1700. Frisco, CO 80443, Versron 6.08 @RselFA$T@, 2002, Regt PCOCOL??510-1 Co.|lp|.ted by - MsrqErel H.nbo Pre3dc'1t. L.w Otlic€8 olM E. Hanlon pC. 0,2$tt2?1.42:13 Pogr ? ot 7 r!p-!{-tu!t lJ:14 I r ofl-ili6A( ldAvi,riS r,l{U[!hE ,li f[(titii] FEB-0i-02 FRI 04:30 Ptl DlCUS'IAVIS,SANDS&C0LLIN irn-t0-i!01 l?;?N tronr-llElR TlAilErS KRG{IR { P€lKll{S Jan-2€t-O2 10: AOF r-zu u f. uutluu9 r-9J4 FA)i N0, 8162218610 P, 02 ol0418?ll! l'td0 P 009/016 f-103 P.0c uiu4t0 l0 c'ril sleqal ALI ltic scoch, lly llb0! 1526 BIY geu! sviltEt (ilolE||llht.ot(orlrFlngcaunIrdold.c,fi.dongtEiEn|i|.decumcnfRotrltoS2sl ChA,l,aau CbfisL lan il56 llantq4 qrrritDuson AgPOO lirrlan t lnC' . a.oao- v,:11, l:O 11 65-L - ,DArE n/,1'',,, sr.r.lR{w 8FEFA42 \rx4@ la r'.''ottttz ?.crrlhogJofl Assoc | 'rllotl r ilio* "ff :ffi P(W#H*;S';'::.#*3'?hH''?J': "n $lD OF COI'ITFAfi d'ii Ji,iliii*riifii*:R*HtstRli\RHli*.' ffi ffi -"-.\\i\Sr$turwt[N$$$lili$$\iiil s$iHffiNi$ illliiiliiiililiiirlllllll\llll\\tlsl'.\Rtl\\l1,\JJllu+iiiiiiriir'r*rir'ru*r cl8 l-e{i. Gltl'rct lo lul sd Srll Srrlerl|o lgefimeLt|} !tl/-04 - ^ . - FxrFffts Fs!d, n6s rru. rr*co. coJoii Vltrrin C "+ dioUlfiaTq ?oit nrsFcocolzslee iiliiil'h . t"4.- r lrr*e'' lrrnlrnr, trw gldca et lr' a tonlq( 9 c' .rl?&n? tr jrir rt $iN N$WrffiiW fh0o ? 9l I Feb-05-02 05: l€|P ATTACHMENT A TO CONTRACT TO Bt]Y AND SNLL RIJAL ESTATE BETWEEN GAIL SISGAL AND CHATEAU CHRISTIAN TOWNHOUSES ASSOCTATION, IN(]. Tliis ATTACHMEN'l'A (lh€ "ATTA(:[IMENT") is atlached lcr the Clontract to Buy and Scll Rcal [state (tlie "Contlact") dated _...-. ,2002 by and bctwccn Cail Sicgal, as "lSuycr" and Chirteitu Christian -l owtrlrouses Association, Irrc., a Coltttado nortprofit cotporation, ils "Seller," 'l he parties heretrr desirc to ngrcc to addilional provisions of the (iontlact. T'o the extetlt that the rernts and provision.s o{'this Attachrncnt cont'lict witlr, rnodifo or suppletnent portiotrs of the Controct or Corrntelproposal, the terms and provisions cont:rincd in this nttffchmrrnt rihall govcrn flud cnutrol thc righls and obligations ol'tlrc p.rrliei-. The ternrs and prttvisiotrs (rl'lhis Attltchment shall survivc closrng. Thc partics agree to ,1,* lollewing additional provisiotis: l. ltarnest Mone_y. The e$nsiderati()t1 cxchangccl under thls contrltct its- rlzrDCSl rloney is comp(iscd of good and valuable consideraiion, the sufficiency of whiclr is hereby ucknowledgcd. 2. Condilion of Pruperry a. IJuyef is hereby expressly ndviscd to pcrtbnn an indcpcndcnt inspection of the Propefly prior 1o Clrsing. Buyer acktrowlcdgcs that Buycr is acquirinE the Property and any Inclusiorr.'- in "AS IS" antl "WITH ALL FA{.JLTS" condition at thc timc of nitrtual execution tt{'this conlract 3. Aerccrne-n'!_ pn REu!4Is. Buyer he rcby acknowlcdgr's that, it l3uycr dccides to rel)love existing tjnit (l oI any reconf,igufcd i.lnit O and/or ilnit H liom lhe rcntal pool ruranagcd by Christiania, lnc.. tluyer will take suclr step:'- ii:i erlc noces$aty ro assurc Sellel and lhe r)wncrs of other uni$ in the [ruilding that those parties will not be adversely alfected by Buycr's rcnloval ofeither ofsuci) units fionr the rental p<iol. Such nreasules lhall inclutlc Buycr's cntcring inlo an Rgrccm$llt wilh (lhristianja, Inc. which is substantially sirnilnr to thu agrcemcnl c[rrcntly irt place belweett Buyer as owncr of existing tlnit H, irn(l Chrisliania, lnc. lbr tnanagetnellt services and P. U9 Se lle r Feb-()5-02 05: l8P P. 10 compellsalron lbr such serviccs. Brryer hereby irgrees to hold tlrc Associatiorr and the owncrs ol' olhcr unils in thc builtling humless from any darnages which thcy m{ty lncur as & rcsult ot'Buycr'$ rcntovirl ol trny uuits uwned by Buyer front thc slurt tr-rm rcutal pool mirnrged by Christrarria, Inc. 4' Map Anrendnrcnt, This contract aud tlre closing slrcll bc contingenl qrn rhq cornplction of in accuratc arncndrncnt to rhc currerrl cr.rndorniniuni nrap ("Map Amcndnrcnr") (to bc ordcrc'd by Buycr irnr.l at Buyer's experrse) renderilg thc proposed boundarics ol thc c|,'ntcnts ot'thc lirurth and uppcr floors of the buildgrg, including all propose d and/or cxisling boundnrres of- I hrit G. I.lnit I I and any cotnluon elerrcnts on (ho$s lloors. The Map Anrendnrent may reflcct boundaliEs for the hallway, tJnit ti and lJnit H and any comnlon clcmcnts in any corrfigurarion which complics with applicable law so long as tlre Association aud any oth* owncrs in thc building are n()l advcrscly ntfcctcd by such corlfigurfltron. IJpon conrpletion. the Map Anrcndment shall be subrnitted to Sellel anrl thc Town of Vail for review and approval. As bctwccn thc partics, npproval by thc 'l'own of Vail shall bc conclusivc pLoof of corrpliance with thc Vail codc rr:gulations, l.lpon appnrval o{' thc Map Amendntent and the f)eclaraliorr Amerrdnrent (as delrned helow) by thc Associatiou, tlrt Town of Vail and any olher parties lequiring approval, the (llosing shall occur (targctetl lbr March l, 20{)2), 0t which tinre tlre Map Anrcndmcnt and rhc Dcclaration shall be recordcd in thc rcal propelty rccords of lJaglc Counly, Colorado. Thc Assoc,iatitrn also itgrees Lrl rccord a quit claim cl.rcci convJying any interest ir nriry have in thc unit containiug the hallway spac€ ot1 the Map Anrendurent {o Buyer, 5, Modification ol' Association Dcclaration. Whilc tlre Map Amendment is being prcparcd, lJuyer and Seller herehy agree to negetiatc in good faitlr the fonn of orr atnetrdnrenl to the Condontiniuut Dcclaration of Chntcnu Llhristian 'l'ownhouscs ("Declaration Amctrdment"). Thc f)cclarntitin Amendnrent shall rellect tlre lirllowing itcms: a. l)ues. E.ach lJnit in thc Asstrcilrtirrn shall be- rcsponsiblc lbr Association Ducs in ploportiorr to ils "Basrr Stluirrc Footiigc," which shrril bc a mcasrrrcmcnt of lhc ot'ea comprising lhc lowcst level ol'elclr Lurit in its entirety, and which shall spccitrcally exclude calculation of squate footage of a loft or any additioual iutericrr living spirce llruve the lowest level. Said Base Stluarc Footuge shall be calculatcd by thc party pfcparing lhc Map Amcndmurl for. each condonritriunr unit within the building using consislent measurcments li)r cach unit. Uach ownel will be requiled to piry nsscssnrcnts based on its proportiorratc share of the total llase liquare l.ootage of all units in thc huilding, and such percentage allocatiorrs slrlll hc .rtated within thc Declarution Amcndmcnt, Scllcr Feb-O5-(]2 O5: l9P P.11 b,, Owncr CQmbination of Llnits. Any ntcrrher ownir.rg contiguous units within thc n ssocialion shall havc thc right tr) crxnhine said contiguous units in any way cho--en by the Member, plovidcd that ruch a project will not compromisc the $truchtrirl integlity of lhc Clrateuu (]liristian, appfovals frorn thc rclevdnr governirrg authrlrities arc secured. and appropriatc arncndmcnts 10 the corrdomirrinnr rnap and l)eclaration satisfactory Io thc nssociatrttn irre prepared and approvcd. The l)eclaratiou Alncr)dnlcnt will liuthcr provirJe that all costs oi sitch a proiccl (including, bul nol linrired to, revisiorr of the legal documcrrts goverrring thc assoeiation, applicatiorr and leview lry rclcvanl govermiental authori lres. loss cr l- irrcoure to othel owtte rs arising frorn thc project, r.i/car and tcflr to corrunon clcnrcnts, irnd any irs:i(rciatcd darnage or expenses) arc paid by thc owncr cornbiling his units. c, C)ther Relevarrt Terurs. The l)eclarution Arnendrlent shall contain such other rcason0blc tcrms as Seller aDd Buyer nrcy agree, This Contract and the Closirrg [re contingent arnending thc Dcclaration, and the Declaration nece 5Sary requircnren ti^. on tlre r'equirertleuts heing satisfied for Arnendrncnt shall contcmplatc any such 6.,-lsgdlillg-fot_]C]oli!S. Closing rhiill occur (targctcd lil'March l,2002) when nll rerlr,riremcnls ns sct fonh herein have lrecn satisficd. including the approvnl of t.he Map Amendnrent and the f)eclaration Amcndrncrrt, and the dcptisit ol'rtll required tlocuntcnts into escrow with Land Title Cuararitee Company. Such requirenrcnts shall be satislrcd in time for Closing t(r ()ccul rxr laler than I\4ay 1 , 2002. unless such date is otlrerwisc cxtcndcd by tlre partier nrutually. f.__.1='!r;9jng Sctt.lcrnent. nt Closnrg, ltuyer shall reinrhr.u se Seller irrcurrcd in conncction with the sale and Association. lirr its legitl expcrlscs and related cirsts the revisions lo the Decloration of the 8. Rctttodcl A.Lel9losing. Any crrnstructitrn rvhiclr results al. any tinre in the lirture lionr renrodeling any ol'thc rnils or space or) the fourth or upper floors shall cornply witlr Town of Vail coustruclion rules an(l with any rulcs antl rcgulations of thc Associalion pertilinirru. lo constfuctiort. At the tirne of any such crrnstruction. Buyer ngrees to cornply with any rcquircments for Association apprtrvzrl sel forth in the lleclaration or other Association governing docnnrerlts. fluyel agree.- to indemnily antl hokl harnrless tl.rc Association aud tlre other owricrs ul'unit,'- within thc building tiom any eosts irntl cxpcnscs incurred irr crrnnectiun with any suelr construction, including witliotrl. linritation, loss of rental inc(rnre, wear ernd Leal on tlre llrst lloor hallway, eleyator. caryretirrg, ctc. aod at)y dartage elsewhere or tr: utlrer unils. Seller Feb-05-02 O5: l9P tr.lz 9. Oeneral Matters. b Cioverning Law. The parties hereto hcrcby cxprcssly ngrec lhrit the ternrs and conditions hcrcof, antl thc subsctlucnt pcrlirnnarrce lrcreunder. shall be constructl and controllcd by thc lnws ol'the Sllte ol'Colorado. lleadings. Art'icle arrd Section headings lrsed irr this Contract arc for collverlience of reltrcncc oulv and shall not affcct rhc coDslruction ol'anv provisiox of this Contract. Fntire Agreernent. Thc cntirc agrccment o1'tlre partie.s is herein written nnd lhc parties are nol hound hy any agreements, underslandine,s, cundilirrns, or induccmcnts wlrich are nDl cxprcssly sct forth antl stipulatcd hereunder. No cbarrgc, alteration, amendrreut, nrodification ot'waiver of irny ol'lhc tcrms or provisions hcreof shall b,: valid unlcss thc sarnc bc ir) rvriting and signud hl the pzrrties. Nonbusines:i Day. Il'the date ol'closing is [o occr.u' on a holiduy ur uther nonbusiness day, ol arry period crftirrre set forth in this (lontract expires on rr holiday or other norrbusiness day, tlren such dale ofclosing or expiLation datc shnll bc the next busiuess day. I'urtlrcr, ,il"tlirough no fault of either' party hercto. the rceluirctl rlocunrcnrs concc'rning this transactiorl are not received by the Cilosing f)atc. ol the passage ofdocurncuts by courier is not complclc by the t:losing Dnrc, the applicablc datcs or dcadlirrcs lbr thc Title Objection, Closing. iud P()sscs$ion shull nutornutically be cxterxled oncc for a period oftwo (2) business tlays, Fax Transrd.Sal. l'his (:ontract, phrs any nrodificarious, may be lrauslnitted by lelelax copier. All partics agree tlrirt thcir signaturcs which arc copicd on ilre transnritted docurrrerrts shall be binding as ifthey werc ruriginal signatur$s. lach party ngrees to tirlly execute with original signature s on all originll (locLrmcfits lirllowing cxcculion ol'lhcsrntilcs transmitled, FIRPTA Selier rcprcscnts lhlt no part of this propcrty is owncd by a fqrgigr inrerest, eithcr pcrsonal, corporatc or otlrcrwisc. Scllcr agrces to sign a copy ol'an allirlavit as part rrl thc closing pnpcrs to vcriiy these facts fol the hrtcrrral Rercnuc Servicc. Colorado Withlroldiug Tax. Sellel agrees to r:ornply with the plrvisions ol' lhe State ol'Colorado withholding tflx s[atue ((r.R.S. Section 39-22-{t04.5). d. s Scllcr Feb-05-QZ O5:1gtr P^13 h. ljrokcrs. Lach pany rcprcscnts to thc olher ihat no real estaie hrokcr has any claim lbr compcnsation ol sxpcnscs as u result of tlris tLansaction and each prrty shall indcmnily rhe orlrer ugainst any clairns for comnrissions or ctlrer corrpeur-ation by arry ulhel bt.oker or lind')r with whom lhc indernni lying party hus dealr. Dated on ihe datc first abovc writtctl. BUYER:SELLER: TIJE CIIATEAIJ (:I IRISTIAN,IOWNI iOUSLS ASSOC]IAI ION. INCI. By: Hcywrxxl I L Davis, Sccty/Treasrrrer _ ror, liJuri, rJ.!J rt\rill-xcAK t(A\r!,(J ANUL\:qt1 ! r!|(r\ll\) FEB:01-02 FRl 04;40 PH DICUS,DAVIS,SANDS&COLLIN Jrn-!0-?00? l?riu Froo'tElfl IRAIIERS fitUEtri & ffitKlll$ Jan*34-02 lct: u 2p urU4rbr Id t-lub p.UU/,/UUg t,*iJ4 FA){ N0. B1S22lB6i6 P, 07 BrolTtnt8 l-1{! P.01d/016 F l03 P. l4 $lokgn, Eo"tt puty rePre-$cllls ru the othcr that uo rr"al sgt$s bmle'r hls any clain for co*p*ruo,* ot lrrtcnscs os a rpsulr ol'this tnnsacfion anrl cfl*h party shau rnd€daorty rtrc otlicr qoiust-any clsims for conrmissions or iilar'*ooip.notion by any ottrcr brckrs cr firrder wirh whorn $c lndortnltYing PdY ho* dcalt' ua'turl os tlte datc fi$t obovc wrindn' BUER: CAIL SIEOAI. SEI,I,ER: TI{E (:T.I ATUAU CTIRJST1AN 'rc1i/l{llousti3 AssoclATloN' INC'lfu fiooa tt" Devir. $ecty/frc$surcr Daac! 0l:5-2002 Our Order Ntunber! kop€rty Addres: COI{D(NflNruM UNII GAND }1 CIIATEAU CIIRISTIAN TOWNHOUS'"S MANGARET E EANI,ON, PC Z'5 If,AII, STNET SUITI2OT vAtr- co t1657 Am: MFF IiAHI,N PhDet 9,1)'4764)66 Fs: 97O4?6E4E| SflsVh &uteF*' MORTER,{RCTIITECTS Afh! JIMBUCHNEN PhoE: 9?|}i*765105 [hri 970476.1yUO S€r !5a Fry ladTitleQnrafeeftTFny \u.ncEr.JrnClS Date; 02-25-2002 hopcfty Addrcss: Orr Ordrr Numhen L-ONDOMINIUM UNIT GAND II CHATF,AU CHBISTIAN TOI4I{fiOUSES Buyer/Borrowcri TO BE DE'TER.\TINED Sl€r/Ow[rr: GAIL S, SIEGAL tf you-hrye &rry inquiries or require furaher s"slstrncc, plessc sontrct one o! the numbers belowlFor closlng Assistance! For fl e Assrrasrce: Vait Tltte Depr noger Avlfa 108 S. I.RONTAGU RD. W. #20:r P.O. BOX 3s? vAtr co t165? nlorr, y7{-4i6_Z2ll Fax: 970_476_45y EMailr raeils@lEc.com Need I map or dir€ctiorE for up.onqng-closing? Check out Lond Ti e's web site at wvv.lec.com ESNMAIECFIII1EB THANS YOU FON, YOU8. OIDER! r a9< Cldrlgo Tlde Insuance (}|t|psny ALTA COM MIT MEN'T Schedule A Our Order No, C\6L Ref.r vn524l l. ,| Propcrty Addrcs: CONDOMINruM UNIT G AND H, CHATE"{U CTIRISTTAN IOWNHOUSIE.S Effectlve Dste:Fehusry u, 2002 d 5100 P.!4. Policy to b€ Issued, snd Pr{pos€d InsEretft Ifforuadon Birder Ptrposed Insured: TO BE DETERMIN'ET) Th€ esaste or Ina*'*'t in the l&nd. d€'crrbed or rerefred ao rn thrs comrnihrcna .nd covered hercrn rs3 A Fe€ Sir$e Tide to lbe estsre or inaercJa c{vercd herein i, al ahc effectty€ dcte hereof yest€d in! GAIL S. SIEGAL The lard rcierred to ln tNs Commthnen( ts described rs toltowsr 9q\9gMryluM UNIT G AND n, CTTATEAU Cr{Nsr!.{N TowNHOU$Ls, AccoRDrNc To luEcoNDoMINtuM MAp REcoRDED DEcENIBER 30, rseg D{ Boot iii ar pAcE ?02, As DEFINEDAND DESCruBED IN TIIE CONDOMINruM DECLIRAfiO{\ RFCORDED DECEMBER 30, 1969 IN Bfr}K216 AT PAGE 701, CouNTy oF EAGI4 STATE OF COI,oRADO. . due 5 v, o A LTA C OM MITMEN T Scll(bleB-Secdonl (Requirements) Oqr ordcrNo, Vt524l The followlnt or€ thc r.r4uirerDants ao be {oEFled wlth! Item (s) ItFErx lo or tof [r {f,cornt of ttc grorofs or rfir€agors of ole frIlt cor|3nbta|r0n tor ahe estats orinEltlt b b i|BuruL IEm (b) r'lapcr lBtrunen(s) cnadrE ttrc esalrf or heftst !0 be lrBned nlrst De exccued ord {i{y 4c.l for reco!4Lr-wih I&m (c) rt-yr* of 8t trxss' cruges or sssessltrrs refleat {d 8Ss€S'Cd rgat^t a,' suqrect prerdsas w'ch u8 dread pyetla It€rn (4 Add[oml nqdrtlunb, it ury dsclosed belowi TTIIS COMMIT ,IENT IS F(}R INFONMATIOTTI fiI,ILY, AND NO FOLICY WILL BE TSSUEI)PUNSUANT EMTT(I' .49c r u, o ALTA COMMITMEN T Sc*Fdrie B - Sttdon 2 (Exceptione)Our Order No. V275241 7. E. The Poncy or p{ricies t0 bc issued *'rt con.*in er.epirons to the fouowing untess the ssme &re disp^sedof to the satisfaction of the Conpany: l. Rghb or chlms otFsrdes ln po*sesstoD mt shovn by thD publc trcords. 2, FtEsnf,n6, orclsltE oteaseEflt8, not sllowr by th pl$llc records, 3. Dscrrporles, confitcb in bourdrrj, Hn€6, short€e in rlta, €rtroechEnls, ed alv fscts wldch a corned $[eey aldtnpecdor of th pte|ni$es wordd dlsclose and t?fu"n q rpi,lu"n ty [r prUtc ecorts. 4' Arry lieq or rigfu to I lie4 for sereices, rabor or raahri{t oErctororr or llereafter rindshr4 intposed by rEw sr{ma $horn by lhe pu ic recotds, 5. Defecb, lierE €mlrDhrelfts, dv:se :,laiTs or-ooEr rmtters, if any, (.Itataq nrst,rl?erirE in the FDlic rtco.d8 ort'*h* S'bequeDt !0 thf etrerd'€ dste he'ot hl prior to ore oat d," o"'posed t'nesit scqrdrcs of ,'cord forYslrE lhe €stane or lnterest or mttgagc ttrerton coverea by ms CormntUcU. 6. Tlxcs orspcciel sssrsstE nts whlch e$ notshown 6 erlrdrE ltens by lhe FtHlc r€tor*.o dE Ttssurr,s omce. licns [oru$oid va&r and sewer clnrBtsl, iI firji- - In flt'do4 the owrE/s policy vill be suqect !o d," norfgrge, lf sry, mtf,d ,n Socdon I of Sched e B hercof. RTGIIT OF PROPR]ETOIT OI' A !rEIN OR I,ODE TO E(TRAC,T AND REITOVE HLS ORETIIEREFITOII{ SHOT]LD TIIE SAME BE F]OUND TO PENETRATN Ot r": TNNSOA TEE PREMLSESAS RESERVED IN UNITM STATES PATfiNT RECORDE JU,; l;'iS,,, IN BOOK4S ATFAGE 475. RIGIIT OF WA Y FOR DITCHES OR CANAIS CONSIRUCTED BY l}IE A I].I}IORITY OF TTIELN TED S1ATES AS RESERVED III UNITED STATES PIrNI,r,iNrrJOr"BO ruLY rA rS99,IN BOOK 4T AT PAGE 475. SEsrRIcrIl'E covENANTs wHtc' Do rrior coNTAn\r A FoRFErruIrE oR RE E*T'R cl{usqtsur orllrrrrNc ANy covsrANT oR REsrnrcnow nasnn cm neii, coma xEI,rcroN,sE! HANrlrcAp, FAMILLAL srATUs on N.qrroner, orucnr uN-iass nm oNrr-y ro rtmg(jTlIlI s{E cor.ErANr (A) rs EXEMrT wom clr,cJGR az, secrror{ 36rn orTSE_UNTTED STATES C{}DE OR G) R.q-'{rss ro neunrclp aUT to^ *cnDISCXDTINA'E AGAINST IIANDICAP PERSON' AS CONTAINEI}Ni-I..rSrr.UWr.,' NNCONNEOAUGUST 10, 196a IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 179. EASEMNTS, CONDMONS, COVENANTS, AESITICTTIOi\S, RESERVA'IIONS AND NOTES ONTHE RECORDED PT.AT ff VAtr, VILLAGX, },IRST NLING. tl. ,;2. ,agc U v. (, A LTA COMMITMENl' SclF{rleB.Soctton2, (Exceptions)Our Order No- V2752fl The policy or Dorides to be lss!€d w t contarn exeeparons to the foro\f,hg unres the satne sre d_rsposedo[ !o the Batlsfaa]ion ot ahe Company: 13' REsrrucrl'E covE^-AN'rs wErcH Do Nor C0NTAIN A FoRFarruRE oR RE\/ERTER crAusqBUT OMIT.UNG ANY covENANT oR RESTRICTION L{sF,tT oN{ RAcxI colo& RELIGIoN,SE}i IIANDICAP, TAMILIAL STATTIS OR NATIS{AL ORICL\ UIUI'SS Ar*O O{YLY 'P TIIEUTENT TITAI SAID cOvBtrANT (A) tS EXEMPT uNDEn CITAPr,BR 42, SECTIOiTI 36{, tr,THE UNIIED STATEIi CODE On {8) REr_ATES TO ltANDtCAp nrtr oons FioTDIscRrMINAlt AGAlNsr nANDIcAp r'nsoNs, .rs coxr,o.nr'r rN TN'TRUMENT RE..RDEDDECm,IBER 30, 1969 rN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 701 AND ,lvrmloLtnvr rIrsRh_TO REoonDEDaucusT 22, 1994 IN BOOK ?03 AT PAGE s30. ld EASEMEI{TS, coNDmoNq covENANTS, nESTRrcrroNs, REsERvATroNrs AND NorEs oNTIIE CO\DOITINIUM MAP O' CIIAT&IU iTN,'NEN iOWNTTOUSTS NECORDED DECEMBER 30,1959 IN BMK 216 AT PAGE ?O2" 15. tERlr,|is, CONDmIONS AND PROVTSIONS OF LEASE RECOnDED DECEMBER j0, 1969 INB@K 216 AT PAGD ?03. 16. TERI/N, CONDITIONS ANI} PROVISIONS OE PARTY WAII AGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY16, 1970 IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 839. (nrE ABovE frEr'fs AFFECT coNDoMINruM UNIT c AND cotrDoMrNIUM uNIT ro DEED OF IRUST DAIED MARCH OI, 2OO1 FROM CAIL S SIEGAL TO THE PUBLICTRUSTEE oF EAGr_E couNTy FrlR TTIE usr or crrnen4 r.ir.-io "acurr rE *rrMoF $r,450,000.00, AND ANy orum. Alr.njn:rs ply*sl_E rjN-nm. trr, rrcRMs TI{EREOE,TECORDED ]\,tARcH {D, mor, UNDER RECEPTToN NO, 75lzr4o. (TI'E ABOVE IT&M AFT]ECTS CONDOMINIUM UNM G) DEED oF IRUST DATED MAY 31, 1998 I'ROM GAIL s, stEGAL To rttll puauc rRUsrEEoF EAcLE couNTy FoR Tm usc oE crrlBAna r.sn. iosu&rnnlus surr <x.$?E0,0{t0.00, AND ANy {yITIER AMoul*-rs paylSte ullnnn fge rrxol|-s .rIfiRES,, RECOnDED MAy 27, 199E, UNDER RECEPTION NO 65f1r3- ---- -- (TIIE ABOVE ITEM AFFEC'TS CONDOMINruM UNM H) tt, rdge / l-rr o Nofirg herein corutfircd wlu be derme-dro ohIgffp 6r compony t0 prevtde srry of ah€ coyengesEferrcd to lErein rndess the above rtonditions ari lirtty satisne+' Fatrn DlsqiEte LAND TTTLE GUA RAI[TEE COMPANY DTSCLOSURE STATEMENTS Nobl Pursumt to CRS l0-ll-[!2, mtice is herebl giyen thatA) The st|lleca lert pteperty rEy be locebd tn r ipectal tsdrE disdc!B) A Ceffncsie of Ta*es DlE lirul€ ea{h tdry ju.irO"Aon ioy U. obtdrc.t from atE CoulyTrEaoue/s s horlzed agentc) The-ldo''udon r*gardlg speclsl distkr$ sud d," bourdartes of such dshiea rDoy be ot tsbted from[E Bourl of County Crrfl!foslo]E]s, OE Cormry Ckd( ud.Rrcorder, or llr Cou{y Ass€ssor. Nole: Effecdve sepetuber r, 198t, cRs 30"10{06 ttqdrrs th$ slt docrn*nE ltcetve{ for r€cordrg or frurgIn lhe cledr ard r€cofdefs ofdce f,hel conariu a top rdrgh ol at lor, o*ir*r, _a " f*g figk and botior'@r*in of rt rest or* ltrrf of a'' i'*tl The cte*-and rEco-rder r*y rrririe to Fcoirr or nJe any docu*trt dddoes mt clnfolrn, excepa drat, the reqdrerEJrt for dp top urgtl strdt ; ryly to doc.rn€nb usirg fomDon wldch sFace is provlded for rccordi|g or lillr€ idotrE"Uor; the op rmfon of lr Aocurrnr I'itlte! colondo Dtvtsion or lrsuarre srg.hfloos 3-5-1, p*.qrryh c or Ardcrr vu rsqrdes atr&t ,Eyeryd e c iE str8l| be rrrloirsiHe tor all rEneas which apear of record pdor to the tt$ ot rtcordrEEhrrEver $E tid€ editJ' condrb af|e dosirg sd ie ,."p,,*iU" foa .Ldirg or fitirg of legal&cur|{s rtsut&€ ftolu 0E tsrtsacdon wNdr w&s closed,,, Bovided dlst t;d Ttle Crefl eeCorryflry condxts fte closirB ot EE lr|suttt Al|rrsec{on lr|d ts ftsponslble for reconlitg thelegd doonEnb from the tr.a|rsactioll exc€dion mtrder 5 N,ill not appear oD dr Owmr,s TidePolicy ard the I-enderE pollcy whcn issrcd Noh: AffinEliye rtEhatdr's lien Fo,aclion for dE Ov,4Er n 8J, be rtrrilsble (b[icafly bji detctionoI hcepdon no- 4 of Schedde B, Secdon 2 of dE Colmrdn*rti n"- O* Or"r*",s pottcy ao telssrrd) uFn comdtance w|lh the followlDq corldldort!! A) Tlre IIld described in Schedrlc A ot thi* ctrruriinrnt rm|sr b a sirEle frrni[. rrsidence *hichinchr{es { condotdldu|r or townlFuse wdL B) No lsbor or rmtsdals have befi fi||ljshed by ltrcchadcs or lEErlsl-Irrn for Fneoses ofconstrution on the laDd destrihd in lkhrdule A ot Otis CarEritEr wiahill the pst 6 rsndts-C) The-C{Ilpmy rslst recelve g| approFlsre ffiaavlt lndandfyl4G-Corycry gafrct rnnfeCttrecMc's ard duledal-rFn's llerr. ?l IT *:pr"-y ,nl"l rt(eive poynFl of ole sFroprisre Frlnil!'Ln, u u|ene tE beet| cot$brcdorl lnPloyerEnb or t4hr rrpd]s udellalten on dre FoFrty lo be pimh6€dvttlin slx Imn[|s prlor to OE Dslr of{E Co|[d[n![, Ore rEt.*.onr n ob(aln coyersgetor u*ecorded terE win irEtrd.. disclo.ur€ of certrin corsnrrl0n irtronmrhrt fi,orEiar fu{omdionrs lo 0Ie Eeller, |t|e bullder sld or ahe-contsltor; psj|rEnl of the sFF(opdate Fqulur ftjl,cxeeuied Indenuily AgttearEn8 sslist{chry to te con4*ry, anrl, my aruioomt reqdrc{Erbts r|ray be nece66r|Jr rfter {r ex'tdr|alion of thg atortseia irUort|raton by dr CorryrJ,. Nn coversge wil be grven uder arv ct.'.r*hr*s ror rabor or mstedat forwhtch the rrBurcdrda corlncted lor or sgr8ed to Fy. NotE! Rrsurnt tjo CRS t0-11-123, r|oflce ic hercby givelr A) Thst therc is Ecorded eyidene tqr a m*ral e*ire tn beetl scyerr4 le6eq or o0t.+iseconveyed from ttE sr.ufsce €stab ard thst theJ? ls r subsbnttal ||kellhood [r* a r nl polty .- Lnl& sort or oll ir ercst in olL gas, o0rcr ld|Erals, or gpoherf|sl erErg/ fn trc p.openy; rndB) Thal $rh mirFret esble rq/ inctL* rlf dglu o tt;r;; lre * pp"iy lmn rr tsulfse owrEt's penELssior. Tt{s mdce qfltes ao ownr's pofcy conudtrrn.b co drrrE a rd'eral scy."ance ,osmo*extPlaior! or excepaioE, in Sclfdlde & Scction 2- JOTNT NO'I,tCE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fldelify Nauond nnamlsl Grorp of CompoDieychlcago T,lale Insursnce Company lnd Land Title Gusrsntee ContpanJ Juty l, 2001 we Rcogrdze ltd rcsF'l the Driva.y ef,pecl ions o[ lodny's co6unFrs srxt thc rcqtrcnrnls ot soDti€able federal 8rdstale Fivsry less' wt berirvd fnl riD*ing Jo.u- e-wue of rion, we usi yiur rnnp,rmc persord inf6irrrrlion ('?eIso.dtso[Ilsdon')' ard to {holu lr 15 dscloetd-wlll ronl trr -Gi" iir-n-ritioio*trp or mlt betwee1t 11g rd 6E lsllcnnt Ee sene. Tld.s prtvecy stsrenrenl.po.vlaes mt @irn-ir['i#w" fr ,ii,rrr; cniEj-tf, frftfr, *snlerrn rmm dme to dlie coruirrntirl[I appicabtil,tv&cf-iil;: '*. In 'he course of our burrn€ss, ve mry co[ect perso'ql Informsdotr rbout you from the fonovhg soqrces:I Flom tlflicedons or ottEr fonre we recciye ftom Io! or yolr ru0mdued rcpresenisdyc;. ! rom tour b{rractiors sid\ or floro 0E """"i"o furg -d;*;;fr, rrr, orl. sstirbs, or othcl. llom ou.lnlenEt veb dtcs:. ftf#"H',t ffiSffiIto*tr"fgtr"*nhl ersdes orat we eltl*r obrdo rrrrcrry ftom d,se- r rom consunEr or oilEr rrporlirE qeniiej. o|Jr Pollcles Reg&dtng th€ Pmte€don of the confrdenrlarty snd s€cudry or your persoml InforrDatlon #Sffi#Sd*j"f,t?tr":fr #[**,#ffiffi tr,TTff diH#I##,*#;aft fi nlffi **'conrx.oon wtttt providrg producs or sentc* o louGior o-riieliifrfir!" h^fr*i, dd;i: Our Policies and prrcdcts R€srdltrg the Shffing oI your personal l4tormadon We nEy shur your petsornl Lrforr estsre sefier*n. ser.er"" p-"raer* W.oirTt#%tlH,f"t* *,Sffiff;;ffY*, sserft, 8nd orler nal " 14 ffi6, hokets or reqqsenlstives !o Foyide lou wlth seFice$ you tt8ve r€qrcste4' HrrHfffiH"",i.^fffi|1tTdlsewice Foildcrc u,\o F;;,il;;[*-; Frtorb rmi.ethE or otl*r. ffi5fi;iH*t vi er*r inlo ;oir* rnarketiq sgrterber{3 for p.adrls or 6ervi(.€ tld we betieve you In &ddldo|l wr wlll dtsclo.se yorr Felsorut lnfonE{on vhen you dlP.t orgtve us Fmdsdor\ wlFn we slr niql rdby l'fl, to do so, or .vhen c,eir*r*cr t aua'n,l o-r.crimimi-q:'uirui'. ii,."l"* ,".v a*dose your FersonolIrvonoarion when o{te'wrse enirioea ry_ apgtialta'il*],1#HdG 'or ex.u*le, wheir dscrqrure is nardpdt, ertrone ou- righb ntjtr4 ird of my agrr-6nrr. Eirrsmdd oi,Jft-o;hp wtrr you strtktrffiHtTlH*fn""fua'*"um'ffi,ffF*'* o to record doc.o,r'b iq uE Frbrc Rrght io AcccJs Your Fersond Infofm&ton sn{ Abilrry Io corrcct Errors ()r Requ€rt changes or Ddedon ceridn rtafts 8nod you tr dclrt kffi$ffiffi$"ft ,T;: $Sfgf; ".m***H,Rf[rydgl,HgffiUl-* or compsnies/cffcaso n'e rru.'.ryEe comFr$, Prlytg' Comdtmce Ofnr:er llfJ,g,T"ffi$ffi1s,* Sqt& Detor& CA g3tto MEldple Products or Scrvtcrs tr we prcvtde you with rmn alnn otr. flnerlrl. pmdf,l or serrlce, you nay recclvr nrott tl{r olE p.lv&y mdcerrom ts. we spologiz€ for sr5' Inconvedemr rtfu nay c;rse y,;rl' ,-- .*, Aodr PRsa.FqL.CgI l,fiF e.r !-ilol-o-e{J e.u(Er =d€dtt lrJro I{N irlEoE <ffftx <f3n H5 =A3 22e :IE F+i fiFdfEE i=E P sEK EH- uH FILoJ oz Pa X8e 2zlE 3 , X-lJ.- == UlJ= X AS o$Ii ze zp69 HS or=E i2 Z =OH EE =?frn R.r. frEiz H" 6 OO tr o(Jtro E. uJFz J I IJ.oz =oF IJJIF oF J FF =mf cn ru c)zulo Ia EIt J (9u Ia \n Ei,illlIp c,lrl EI si rl"r "..2 GIi.:DoG' e 3eEulE urG| -5e Jul ulJaFt (,t, =FIxlll o tt o! o(\It coF ==- =FI OE -(, =trlF -(J h II Eo rl|J C'{, i,!sgi ttrF H F-I u c,t! Eo r"-l-',,...2 IIeC' e =ea!Il rrl -s te-C'3 |rlF -(t -Eo !=e9EulFxlr| C' - -5r EooJILtFt crII|v, C'EC'eE I? tl € l!J .Jg, lll(, -|rle aDule J (,ul ul i. t : !*a! i.:i!ei A'\-l1z ? HF =v c Fr E s -AEo =eo4ulFxlllo =a - Je ocoo l! -F-t ctl!q,o4oe4 ul CJzula vl|rIc J (,ul v, oloeol c, IE6ul r') 6a z, Faa E-(J t !uF -(t o tl ao ur (J aa -F E oautFv) = t!rJ Eo ta trJ aD =:FJ == i/ (-r,. (./) Ei:,ii - Fr!talIp Et! EIoi>f slctG' E 3E.EItI rttG' II t€ IIlJ t1' ,'l ': \.- z -54F!TC'J (!, -Fg, =trl e t oOec\|rt anE - =- =F(n c, -(J = IUF -(, uJ||n-- c6a$'r EH -G6tt =aE= >uldE aJt=ra=gU eF Eit9> "l'\,''.2 r/lF.8i rl E ,l E!"!rEl =nr!rFt9 clrl lvlrr! =I h ll € ltlJ .Jot GIoCIoa E =EEul r''GI - tr2e-(t f |r| -(, -eo :=eo slulFxII|o - -5r FILoJaul(t, C'4 C'Ee ul(, -lr|e at,ulE J (9 EIU' - .',(ll'r,l -otiPE H=e !I &) t P=' H! :';i l-!:!^iF'!I v ct{ E,; Si 4)\_lz oe E =e aot!E ro - F.2 E-(J D tllF -0 -eo =eo E|rIFxlr|o =- G FlrctJaul aDC'rC'Eq. o ll GI l!J (J at, II|(, =II|a at,trlE J ct !g|t, (c =oodctulo =- "utJ-rl =C'LO-Et fl=E R $ N s (o R t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: \tao'tco MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development March 25,2002 A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council regarding a major amendment to special Development District No. 28, to allow for the elimination of a dwelling unit, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road (Christiania at Vail), Units 410 & 4z1lLot D, Block 2, Vail Viltage 1"r Fiting. Applicant: Gail and Richard Siegal, represented by Morter ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson il. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST AND BACKGROUND The applicants are requesting to consolidate two existing fourth-story residential dwelling units at the Christiania at Vail, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road. The proposed consolidation of units 410 and 420 at the Christiania at Vail will constitute the elimination of one dwelling unit within Special Development District No. 28. The elimination of a dwelling unit will bring the density of Special Development District No. 28 more into conformance with the density requirements of the underlying Public Accommodation District zoning. Pursuant to Section 12-gA-2, Vail Town Code, any request to change the number of dwelling or accommodation units within a special development district constitutes a "major amendment" request. In 1992, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 8, Series 1992, establishing special Development Dlstricts No. 28, christiania at Vail, and adopting a development plan for Special Development District No. 28 in accordance with the requirements of the Vail Town Code. Any major amendment to Speciat Development Diskict No. 28 requires Planning and Environmental Commission review and the approval of an ordinance by the Town Council. A draft version of Ordinance 8, Series ol 2002, which repeals and reenacts Ordinance 8, Series of 1992, with the proposed amendments has been attached for review. N0 exterior construction is being proposed as pa( of the consolidation of these two dwelling units, therefore, this proposal does not require Design Review approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the planning and Environmental commission forward a recommendation of approval to the Vail rown council regarding the proposed major amendment to special Development District No. 28, to allow for the elimination of a dwelling unit, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road (christiania at Vail), units 410 & 420. The staffs recommendation for approval is based upon the review of the applicable policies and regulations outlined in Section lV and V of this memorandum, the criteria outlined in section Vl of this memorandum. and the evidence presented. Should the Planning and Environmental commission choose to ilt. ' j,t' foruvard a recommendation of approval of this request to the Town Council, staff recommends that the following findings be made part of the Commission's motion: 1. That the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, complies with the design criteria outlined in Section 12-94-8, Vail Town Code. 2. That the applicant, as required, has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that any adverse effects of the requested deviations from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided or has demonstrated that one or more of the development standards is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to forward a recommendation of approval for the requested major amendment, staff would recommend that the approval carry with it the following condition: 1. That prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant submits a revised condominium map reflecting the approved major amendment; and that the approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 be contingent upon staff review and approval of said condominium map. ZONING / DEVELOPMENT STAT]STICS Lot size: 0.380 acres (16,553 sq.ft.) Underlvino PA Zoninq (1992) SDD No.28 (1992) Proposed TotalGRFA: Density: 13,242 sq.ft. 9 dwelling units 20ft. 20 ft./2oft. 20 ft. 48' sloping/45'flat 14,117 sq.ft.no change 3 du's & 21 au's = I du's + 21 au's = 13.5 du's 12.5 du's AU GRFA N/A DU GRFA NiA Common Area N/A Site coverage:55o/o Landscaping: 31o/o Setbacks: front: side: rear: Height: 7,335 sq.ft. 5,041 sq.ft. 1,741sq.ft. 39% J Z'jto 15 ft. 0 ft./10 ft. 8ft.6in. 44 ft. flat 41 spaces no change 5,202 sq.ft. 1,579 sq.ft. no change no change no change no change no change no change no cnangeParking/Loading; N/A IV. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS Title12, Chapter g, Vail Town Code, provides for the establishment of Special Development Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 12-94-1 , the purpose of a Special Development District is as follows: To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order to promote lls most appropiate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new development within the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streefs and utilities: to presenre the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to furlher the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approved development plan for a Specra/ Development District, in conjunction with the propefties underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements for guiding developmeni and uses of property included in the Special Development District. Staff believes that the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 conforms to the purpose of Special Development Districts. At the time of its establishment, Special Development District No. 28 allowed a density that exceeded what would have been allowed by the underlying zoning. The proposed elimination of one dwelling unit brings the density of Special Development District No. 28 more into conformance with the density requirements of the underlying Public Accommodation District. V. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN The goals for Vail Village are summarized in six major goal statements. Each major goal focuses on a particular aspect of the Village community. "Goal 1 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustarn a sense of community and identity." This proposal complies with this goal by upgrading and redeveloping an existing residential property in the Village without altering the existing architecture of the property. "Goat 2 To foster a tourist industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole." This proposal complies with this goal by upgrading and redeveloping an existing residential property in the Village. However, the cumulative effect of reducing the number dwelling units in the Village may have a negative affect on the economic health and viability of the Village. "Goal 3 To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience th roug hout the Village. " This proposal will have little or no affect on the walking experience throughout the Village. w forward a recommendation of approval of this request to the Town Council, staff recommends that the following findings be made part of the Commission's motion: '1 . That the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, complies with the design criteria outlined in Section '12-9A-8, Vail Town Code. 2. That the applicant, as required, has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that any adverse effects of the requested deviations from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided or has demonstrated that one or more of the development standards is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to forward a recommendation of approval for the requested major amendment, staff would recommend that the approval carry with it the following condition: 1. That prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant submits a revised condominium map reflecting the approved major amendment; and that the approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 be contingent upon staff review and approval of said condominium map. ZONING / DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS Lot size: 0.380 acres (16,553 sq.ft.) Underlvinq PA Zoninq (1992) SDD No.28 (1992) Proposed |il. TotalGRFA: Density: 13,242sq.ft. 9 dwelling units 20ft. 20ft.tz}ft. 20 ft. 48' sloping/4S'flat 14,117 sq.ft.no change 3 du's & 21 au's = I du's + 21 au's = 13.5 du's 12.5 du's AU GRFA N/A DU GRFA NIA Common Area N/A Site coverage:55o/o Landscaping: 30% Setbacks: front: side: rear: Height: 7,335 sq.ft. 5,041 sq.ft. 1,741 sq.ft. 39% 32To 15 ft. 0 ft./10 ft. 8ft.6in. 44 ft. flat 41 spaces no change 5,202 sq.fL 1,579 sq.ft" no cnange no change no change no change no change no change no changeParking/Loading: N/A IV. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS Title12, Chapter 9, Vail Town Code, provides for the establishment of Special Development Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 12-94-1, the purpose of a Special Development District is as follows: To encourage flexibility and ereativity in the development of land, in order to promote lts mosf appropriate use; lo improve the design character and quality of the new development within the Town: to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streefs and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to fufther the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approved development plan for a Specn/ Development District, in conjunction with the properties underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements for guiding development and uses of propefty included in the Special Development District. Staff believes that the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 conforms to the purpose of Special Development Districts. At the time of its establishment, Special Development District No. 28 allowed a density that exceeded what would have been allowed by the underlying zoning. The proposed elimination of one dwelling unit brings the density of Special Development District No.28 more into conformance with the density requirements of the underlying Public Accommodation District. V. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN The goals for Vail Village are summarized in six major goal statements. Each major goal focuses on a particular aspect of the Village community. "Goal 1 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preseruing the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustaln a sense of community and identity.' This proposal complies with this goal by upgrading and redeveloping an existing residential property in the Village without altering the existing architecture of the property. "Goal 2 To foster a tourist industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole." This proposal complies with this goal by upgrading and redeveloping an existing residential property in the Village. However, the cumulative effect of reducing the number dwelling units in the Village may have a negative affect on the economic health and viability of the Village. "Goal 3 To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking expeience throughout the Village." This proposal will have little or no affect on the walking experience throughout the Village. vl. "Goal 4 To preserve existing open space areas and expand green space oppoftunities." This proposal will have no affect on any open space areas or green space opportunities. "Goal 5 Increase and improve the capacity, efficiency and aesthetics of the transpaftation and circulation sysfem throughout the Village." This proposal complies with this goal by eliminating one dwelling unit at the existing Christiania at Vail, thus decreasing the number of daily vehicular trips to this site. "Goal 6 To ensure the continued improvement of the vital operational elements af the Village." This proposal will have little or no affect on the operational elements of the Village. MAJOR AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT REVIEW CRITERIA The Town Code provides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed Special Development District. lt shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, bufferzones, identigr, character, visual integrity and orientation. There are no site improvements or anv exterior construction associated with this proposal; therefore Staff does not beli'eve that this criterion is applicable to this proposal. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. There is no proposed change in use or activity associated with this proposal. Staff believes that the proposed reduction in density continues to provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The proposed elimination of one dwelling unit brings the density of Special Development District No. 28 more into conformance with the previous density requirements of the underlying Public Accommodation District. However, the cumulative effect of reducing the number dwelling units in the Village may have a negative affect on the economic health and viability of the Village. A. B. C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as ouflined in Tifle 12, Chapter 10, of the Town Code. This proposal complies with the parking and loading standards of the approved development plan and Staff believes that the reduction of one dwelling unit will have a positive impact on parking availability for the Christiania at Vail. D. Conformigr with the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plan. Vail Land Use Plan 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever oossible. 1.4 The original theme of the old Village Core should be carried into new development in the Village Core through continued implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan. 4.3 The ambiance of Vail Village is important to the identity of Vail and should be preserved. (scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling, environmental quality.) 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the marketplace demands for a full range of housing types. Staff finds the application to be in conformance with all applicable goals, policies and objectives outlined in the Vail Land Use plan. Vail Villaqe Urban Desiqn Guide Plan This property is not located within the area included in the Urban Design Guide Plan; therefore Staff does not believe that the provisions of the Urban Desion Guide Plan are applicable. E. ldentification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. According to the Town of Vail's Official Hazard Maps, there are no natural or geologic hazards present on the subject property. F.Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functienal development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal; therefore Staff does not believe that this *iterion is applicable to this proposal. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal that directly affect the existing vehicular or pedestrian traffic circulation. The elimination of one dwelling unit from the site should provide a net decrease in the number of daily vehicular trips toifrom the site, and Staff believes that this will have a positive impact on vehicular traffic circulation at the Christiania at Vail. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions. There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal; therefore Staff does not believe that this criterion is applicable to this proposar. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district. There is no phasing of this proposal; therefore Staff does not believe that this criteria is applicable to this proposal. FINDINGS The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before forwarding a recommendation of approval to the Town Council for a major amendment to a Special Development District: 1. That the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, complies with the nine design criteria outlined in Section 12-9A-8, Vail Town Code. 2. That the applicant, as required, has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that any adverse effects of the requested deviations from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided or has demonstrated that one or more of the development standards is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. G. H. vil. ORDINANCE NO.8 Series of 2OO2 ffiffi-4FT AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO. 8, SERIES OF 1992, PROVIDING FOR THE RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28, CHRISTIANIA AT VAIL, ADOPTING A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28, AND PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28, CHRISTIANIA AT VAIL, IN REGARD TO CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS, MODIFICATIONS IN COMMON AREA AND GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA SQUARE FOOTAGES, AND AMENDMENTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN ACCORDANGE WITH TITLE 12, CHAPTER 9, OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Title 12, Ghapter I of the Vail Municipal Code authorizes Special Development Districts within the Town in order 1o encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land in order to promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new development with the Town; to facililate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities; lo preserue the natural and scenic features of open spece areas; and to furlher the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS, in 1992, the Town Council adopted Ordinance No. I, Series of 19g2, establishing Special Developmenl Districl No. 28, Christiania al Vail (SDD 28); and WHEREAS, Section 12-94-10 of the Vail Municipal Code permits major amendments to previously approved Special Development Districts; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Gail and Richard Siegal represenled by.Morter Architecture, has submitted an application for a major arnendment to the existing special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail; and WHEREAS, the applicant has complied with thb requirements ouflined in Section j2-9A- 1 0 of lhe Vail Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the repeal, re-establishment, and amendment of Special Development District No. 2g, Christiania at Vail, in regard to changes in lhe number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in accordance with ritle 12, Chapler 9, of the Vail Munrcipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto; and f;-. P-j! 11 r1:r-i .rD ll-,'t*u':til{- H WHEREAS, the approval ollhe major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, and the development standards in regard thereto shall not establish precedenl or entillements elsewhere within the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in Title 12 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the major amendment application on March 25, 2002; and WHEREAS, all public notices as required by the Vail Municipal Code have been published and sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Environmental Commission has recommended approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28. Christiania at Vail and has submitted its recommendations to the Town Council: and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the best inlerest of the public health. safety, and welfere to approve the major amendment and adopt the revised Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Councilfinds that lhe major amendement for Special Development Dislrict No. 28, Christiania at Vail, wilt ensure unified and coordinated development within the Town of Vail in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated: and, WHEREAS, the Town Council Rnds that the underlying zoning designation of Public Accommodation District is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses, and is consistent with the Town's Land Use Plan and Zoning Regulations, and is eppropriate for lhe area: and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to repeal and reenact Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992, to provide for such changes in Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail; and i^*.r',''ti' I :. : j [!: .. jJ :;,j -.J rJ WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, is in the best interest of the town as it meets the Town's development objectives as identified in the Town of Vail Comprehensive plan: and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992 is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows: Section 1: Purpose ofthe Ordinance The purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the repeal, re-establishment, and amendmenl of Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, in regard to changes in lhe number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in aGcordance with Tiile 12, Chapter 9, of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto. Section 2: Amendment Procedures Fulfilled, planninq Commission Report The review procedures prescribed in Section 12-g-10 of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Town council has received the report of the planning and Environmental Commission recommending approval of the proposed major amendment Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail. Section 3: Special Development District No, 28, Christiania at Vail The Special Development District and the major amendment to the approved development plan are established to ensure comprehensive development and use of the area in a manner that would be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreation amenities, and promote the goals, objectives and policies of the Town of Vait Comprehensive plan. Special Development Distrid N;. 2g is regarded as being complementary to the Town of Vail by the Town council and the planning and Environmental commission, and has been established since there are significant aspects of the special Development District that cannot be satisfied through the impos;tion of the standard Public Accommodation District reouirements. i -' .':" 'l' ::,,r.;;:e, . :. .l j-rr hi,---. c Luj -id E Section 4i Approved Development Plans The Town Council finds that the amended approved development plan for Special Development District No. 28 meets each of the standards set forth in Section 12-9A-10 of the Vail Municipal Code. ln accordance with Section 12-9A-10 of the Vail Municipal Code, the amended development plan for Special Development District No. 28 is approved and Special Development District No.28 is hereby approved. The amended approved developmenl plan ts comprised of those plans submitted by the developer/applicant and consists of the following documenls: 1. SheetNo.Al, dated January 27,1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (site plan), 7. prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architests. Sheet Nos. A2-A5, dated January 27,1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (first, second, third and fourth floor plans), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. Sheet No. A6, dated January 27, 1992 (roof plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. Sheet Nos. A7-A9, dated January 27 , 1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (North, Soulh, East and West elevations), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Archilects. Sheet No. L1, dated January 27, 1992 and revised March 6 and Merch 16, 1992 (landscape plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. Parking Plan for Lot P-3, daled February 8, 1992 and revised February 18, 1992 and March 16, 1992, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. North elevalion of lobby, dated April 22, 1991, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. Proposed Dumpster Relocation, dated April 21, 1992, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. Siegaf Residence, Proposed 4th Floor Plan, dated February 25,2002, prepared by Morter Architects. Siegef Residence, Proposed Loft Plan, dated February 25, ?O0?., prepared by Morter Architects. 10. I-i ,r- e--- .' ,:- ai,.,F:.,_:JA Section 5: Approved Development Standards The Town Council finds that any deviation of the development standards from the underlying zone district provides benefits to the Town that outweigh the adverse effecls of such deviation. The development standards for Special Development District No. 2g are approved by the Town Council as a part ofthe approved development plan as follows: A. SETBACKS: Setbacks shall be as designated on the development plans set {orth in.section . 4 of this Ordinance. B. HEIGHT Building height, for a sloping roof, shall not exceed 48 feet from existing or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive; or for a flat or mansard roof, shall not exceed 45 feel from existing or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive. C. DENSITY: Development in Special Development District No. ZB shall be limited to a maximum of 2 dwelling units and 21 accommodation units, as designated on the floor plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance, and as follows: 1. The Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) shall be limited to a maximum of 14,117 sq. ft., of which 7,335 sq. it shall be dedicated to accommodation unils, 5,202 sq. ft. shall be dedicated to dwelling units and 1,579 sq. ft. shall be dedicated to excess common area. lt should also be noted that the provision for an additional 425 sq. ft. of GRFA, which is applicable to certain zone districts, does not apply to this Special Development District. The applicant or his successors in interest agree to permanenfly restrict one off-site dwelling unit, (the secondary unit in a primary/secondary residence located at 1 184 Cabin Circle/Lot Z. Block 2, Vail Valley First Filing, for use by employees of the Upper Eagle Valley (employee housing unit) in the following manner: a. The employee housing unit shall be provided with a full kitchen (refrigerator, stove, sink, oven/microwave) and shall '' r.! not be leased or rented for any period less than 30 consecutive days and shall be rented only to tenants who are full time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. b. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Eagle-Vail and Avon and iheir surrounding areas. c. A full-time employee is a person who works an average of thirty hours per week. d. The applicant or his successors in interest shall file a declaration of covenants and restriclions with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County in a form approved by the Town Attorney for ine benefit of the Town to insure the restrictions set forth herein shall run with the land. Said declaration shall not be amended or lerminated without the written approval of the Town of Vail. Subsequenl 10 the effective date of this ordinance, no building permit shall be issued for the redevelopment of this Special Development District No. 28 until said declaration of covenants and restrictions are execuled and filed with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. The applicant or his successors in lnterest agree to permanently restrict one on-site dwelling unrt, (the third floor dwelling unit in the Christiania Lodge) located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing, according to Title 13, Chapler 7 (Condominiums and Condominium Conversion), of the Vail Municipal Code. The applicant or his successors in interest shall file a declaration of covenants and restrictions with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County in a form approved by the Town Attomey for lhe benetit of the.Town to insure the restrictions set forth herein shall run with the land. Said declaration shall not be amended or ierminated without the written approval of the Town of Vail. Subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance, no building permit shall be issued for the redevelopment of this Special Development District No. 28 until said declaration of covenants and reslrictions are executed and filed with the Eaole County Clerk and Recorder. SITE COVERAGE: The maximum allowable site coverage for Lot D shall not exceed 39% of the buildable lot size and shall be as designated on the development ptans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. LANDSCAPING: At least thirty-two percent (32%) oiLot D shall be landscaped and shall be as designated on lhe development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. PARKING: Parking for Special Development District No. 2g shall be met as designated on the developmenl plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance, Section 6. The applicant or his successors in interest agrees to perform the following: l The appricant or his successors in interest shal obtain a revocabre right-of-way permit from the Town in order lo add the proposed landscaping at the entrance to the Lot p-3 parking area, as designaled on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinence. 2 The applicani or his successors in interest has agreed to financialy participate in the construction of a sidewark arong the west side of the Mi[ creek court Chute, from Hanson Ranch Road to West Gore Creek Drive, as designated in the Town's adopted Streetscape Master Plan. Such financial contribution shall not exceed one third of the total cosl of the sidewalk. 3. It and when the Town of Vail or other party develops a parking/loading delivery facilitv on Parcers p-3 and Lot J, Brock 5-A, Vair Vi age Sth Firing, the appricant or nrs successofs in interest shafl not remonstrate against the development of a parking/toading facility as long as the amount of parking that the applicant currently has on parcel p-3, Block 5-A, Vail Village Sth Filing, including either the right-of-way to the east or west, is incorporated into the parking/loading facility. The number of spaces shall not include valet parking. U. c. F. Section 7. Amendments lo the approved development plan which do nol change its substance may be approved by the Planning and Environmenlal Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-6 and 12-9A-10 of the Vail Municipal Code. Amendments lvhich do change the substance of the development plan shall be required to be approved by the Town Council after the above procedure has been followed. The Community Development Department shall determine whal constitutes a change in the substance of the development plan. Section 8. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity ofthe remaining portions of this ordinance; and the To\rvn Council hereby declares il would have passed this ordinance, and each part, seclion, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 9. The repeal or the repeal and reenactmenl of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior 10 the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under of by virtue ofthe provision repealed or repedled and reenacled. The repeel of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 10. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed 1o the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall nol be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or parl thereof, theretofore repealed. ti INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 2d day of April, 2002, and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set tor the 16'h day of April, 2002, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vait, Cotorado. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town CIerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 16h dev of April, 2002. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk L- | (ot'-) TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: .cJ /.d TMEMORANDUMT Town Council CommunityDevelopmentDepartment $ May 21,2002 il. An ordinance repealing and reenacting Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992, providing for the re-establishment of Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, adopting a development plan for Special Development District No. 28, and providing for amendments to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 9, of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto.regard thereto. Applicant: Gail and Richard Siegal, represented by Morter ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is the Christiania at Vail, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village'l't Filing. The property is zoned Special Development District No. 28 with an underlying zoning of Public Accommodation. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicants, Gail and Richard siegal represented by Morter Architecture, are proposing to consolidate Units 410 and 420 of the Chateau Christian Townhomes at the Christiania at Vail into a single dwelling unit. The proposed consolidation of these two units will constitute an elimination of one dwelling unit from the site. The property is zoned Special Development District No. 28, with an underlying zoning of public Accommodation. Based upon the provisions of Section 12-gA-2, Vail Town Code, any change in the number of dwelling units within a special development district (SDD) requires the approval of a "major amendment" to that sDD. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a major amendment to special Development District No. 28, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan. At its March 25,2002, public hearing the Planning and Environmental commission reviewed the proposal and voted 6-0 to forward a recommendation of approval to the Town council for the proposed major amendment to special Development District No. 28. The Planning and Environmental Commission's findings and recommended conditions of approval are identified in the March 25,2002, staff memorandum to the commission. ordinance No. 8, series of 2002, re-establishes Special Development District No. 28 and amends the permitted number of dwelling units and floor area allocations of Special Development District No. 28, to allow for the change in the number of dwelling unit at the Christiania at Vail. Since the March 25, 2002, Planning and Environmental Commission public hearing, it has been determined that the existing regulatlons of Special Development District No. 28 do not make specific mention of development standards for the Chateau Christian Townhouses building at the Christiania at Vall. Therefore, staff has since revised the proposed Ordinance No. 8, Series of 20O2, to include language specifically referencing the Chateau Christiap Tciwnhomes building. These revisions to the proposed Ordinance No. 8, Series 2002, are based upon the previously approved development plans for the Chateau Christian Townhouses building and make no changes to the those previously approved development standards other than to modify the number of allowed dwelling units to address this application to consolidate units 410 and 420. Also since the March 25,2002, Planning and Environmental Commission public hearing, the applicant submitted a Design Review application for the construction of dormers as part of the consolidation of units 410 & 420. The application for the proposed dormers was reviewed and conditionally approved by the Design Review Board at its April 17, 2002, public hearing. An additional amendment to this application was reviewed and denied by the Design Review Board at its May 1, 2002. public hearing. The applicant is currently proposing to proceed with their April 17, 2002 design review approval. Please note that this design review approval is contingent upon Town Council approval of this amendment to Special Development District No. 28; and if the Town Council chooses to deny this proposed amendment to Special Development District No. 28 the April 17, 2002, Design Review Board approval will be null and void. Additionally, the applicant has submitted a draft version of a revised condominium map for the Chateau Christian Townhouses to begin addressing the condition of approval recommended by the Planning and Environmental Commission. ilt.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that Town Council approve the proposed major amendment io Special Development District No. 28, to allow for a change in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages; and amending the development plan in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 9, of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road (Christiania at Vail), Units 410 & 420. The staffs recommendation for approval is based upon the review of the applicable policies and regulations outlined in Sections lV and V of the Staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25, 2002; the criteria outlined in Section Vl of the Staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25,2002; and the evidence presented. Should the Town Council choose to approve the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, staff recommends that the following findings be made part of the Council's motion: 1. That the proposed majoi amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, complies with the nine design criteria outlined in Section 12- 9A-8, Vail Town Code. 2. That the applicant, as required, has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that any adverse effects of the requested deviations from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed bythe public benefits provided or has demonstrated that one or more of the development standards is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved, , Should the Town Council choose to overturn the Planning and Environmental Commission's denial of this exterior alteration or modification, the Community Development Department recommends the following condition of approval: 1. That prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant submits a revised condominium map reflecting the approved major amendment; and that the approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 be contingent upon staff review and approval of said condominium map. IV. APPLICABLE POLICIES, REGULATONS. AND MASTER PLANS COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE STATEMENT OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION DISTRICT Staff believes this proposal is in compliance with the purpose statement of the Public Accommodation District as identified in Section lV of the Staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25, 2002. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL LAND USE PLAN Staff believes this proposal is in compliance with the Vail Land Use Plan as identified in Section Vl of the Staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25,2002. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN Staff believes this proposal is in compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan as identified in section V of the staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25.2A02. COMPLIANCE WITH THE STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal; therefore staff does not believe that the provisions of the streetscape Masterplan are applicable. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN AND DESIGNCONSI DERATIONS FOR VAIL VI LLAGE As identified in Section V of the Staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25,2002, this property is not located within the area included in the Urban Design Guide Plan; therefore Staff does not believe that the provisions of the Urban Design Guide Plan are applicable. ORDINANCE NO.8 Series of 2002 ri;T*.&F il AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO.8. sERrEs oF 1992, pRovlDtNG FoR THE RE-ESTABLrsHMrrur or speciauDEVELOPMENT DISTRTCT NO. 28, CHRISTIANIA AT VAIL, AOOPTING A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28, AND PROVIDING FORAMENDMENTS TO SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28, CHRISTIANIA AT VAIL, INREGARD TO CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS, MODIFICNTIOruS IilCOMMON AREA AND GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA SQUARE FOOTAGES. AND AMENDMENTS ro rHE DEVELopMENT pLAN lN AccoRDANce wrrH nrte iz,CHAPTER 9, OF THE VAIL TOWN CODE AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IH NCENRO THERETO. WHEREAS, Title 12, Chapter g of the Vail Town Code authorizes Special Development Districts within the Town in ofder to encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land in order to promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new development with the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of slreets.and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the vail comprehensive plan. WHEREAS, in 1992, the Town Council adopted Ordinance No. g, Series of 1992. establishing Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail (SDD 2g); and WHEREAS, Section 1 2-9A-10 of the Vail Town Code permits major amendments to previously approved Special Development Districts; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Gair and Richard siegal represented by Morter Architecture, has submitled an application for a major amenclment to the existing special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail: and WHEREAS, the applicant has complied with the requirements ouflined in section 12-9A- 10 of the Vail Town Code; and wHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the repear, re-establishment, and amendment of Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, in regard to changes in lhe number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in accordance with rifle 12. Chapter g, of the Vail Town Code and setttng iorth details in regard thereto; and " -tg P1 gd 28, Christiania at Vail, and the development standards in regard thereto shall not establish precedent or entitlements elsewhere within the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in Title 12 of the Vail Town Code, the Planning & Environmentai Commission held a public hearing on the major amendment application on March 25, 2002: and WHEREAS, all public notices as required by th'e Vail Town Code have been published and sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Environmental Commission has recommended approval of tne major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail and has submitted its recommendations to the Town Council: and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to approve the major amendment and adopt the revised Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council finds thal lhe major amendement for Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, will ensure unmed and coordinated developmenl within the Town of Vail in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situatedi and, WHEREAS, the Town Councilfinds that the underlying zoning designation of Public Accommodation District is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses, and is consistent with the Town's Land Use Plan and Zoning Regulations, and is appropriate for the area; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to repeal and reenact Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992, to provide for such changes in Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail; Ordinance No, 8, Series follows: l j. rr:," r,n , .. i i' t- ! i --" "i i,, . -i* IJ WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the major amendment to Special OdieTopmdirt District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, is in the best interest of the town as it meets the Town,s development objectives as identified in the Town of Vail Comprehensive plan; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLOMDO. THAT: 1992 is hereby repealed Section 1: Purpose of the Ordinance The purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the repeal, re-establishment, and amendment of Special Development District No. 28, Chiistiania at Vail, in regard to changes in the nuriber of dwelling units, modifications in common erea and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in accordance with Tifle 12, Chapter 9, of the Vail Town Code and setting forth details in regard thereto. Section 2: Amendment Procedures Fulfilled, Planninq Commission Report The review procedures prescribed in Section 12-9-10 of the Vail Town Code have been fulfilled, and the Town Council has received the report of the planning and Environmental Commission recommending approval of the proposed major amendment Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail. Section 3: Special Development District No. 28. Christiania at Vail The Special Development District and the major amendment to the approved development plan are established lo ensure comprehensive development and use of the area in a manner lhat would be harmonious with the general cheracter of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreation amenities, and promote the goals, ob.iectives and pollcies of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Developmenl District No. 28 is regarded as being complementary to the Town of Vail by the Town Council and the planning and Environmental commission, and has been established since there are significant aspects of the Special Development District lhat cannot be satisfied through the imposition of the standard Public Accommodation Diskict requirements. of and re-enacted to read as l" ,t_. *r )*ill .-..., 1i :"., , , , ., Section 4: Approved Development Plans The Town Council finds thal the amended approved development plan for Special Development District No. 28 meets each oi the standards set forth in Section 12-9A-10 of the Vail Town Code. In accordance with Section 12-9A-10 of the Vail Town Code, the amended development plan for Special Development District No. 28, legally described as Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village lstFiling, is approved and Special Development District No. 28 is hereby approved. The amended approved development plan is comprised of those plans submitted by the developer/applicant and consisls of the following documents: 1 . Sheet No. Al, dated January 27 , 1992 and revised March 1 6, 1 992 (site plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architecrs. 2. Sheet Nos. A2-A5, dated January 27,1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (firsl, second, third and fourth floor plans), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 3. Sheet No. A6, dated Januaty 27,1992 (roof plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 4. Sheet No. A7-A9, dated January 27,1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (North, South, East and West elevations), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 5. Sheet No. 11, dated January 27,1992 and revised March 6 and March 16, 1992 (landscape plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 6. Parking PIan for Lot P-3, dated February 8, 1992 and revised February 18, 1992 and March 16, 1992, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 7. North elevation of lobby, dated April 22, 1991, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 8. Proposed Dumpster Relocation, dated April 21,1992, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architecls. 9. Siegal Residence,4rn Floor Plan, dated April 19, 2002, prepared by Morter Architects. 10. Siegel Residence, Loft Plan, dated April 19,2002, prepared by Morter Architects. 11. Chateau Christian, East Elevation, dated April 19, 2002, prepared by Morter Architects. 12. Chateau christian, West Elevation, dated April 19,2002, prepared by Morter Architects. Chateau C hristian, Morter Architects. Chateau Christian, South Elevation, dated April 19, 2002, prepared by Morter Architects, First Amendment to the Condominium Map for Chateau Christian Townhouses, prepared by Eagle Valley Surveying, lnc. Section 5: Approved Development Standards The Town Council finds that any deviation of the development standards from the underlying zone district provides benefits to the Town that outweigh lhe adverse efiects of such deviation. The development standards for Special Development District No. 28 are approved by the Town Council as a part of the approved development plan as follows: A. SETBACKS: Setbacks shall be as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. B. HEIGHT Building height for the Christiania at Vail building, for a sloping roof, shall nol exceed 48 feet from existing or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive; or for a flat or mansard roof, shall not exceed 45 feet from existing or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive. The building height for the Chateau Ghristian Townhouses building shall be as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. c. pENSTIY: Development in Special Developmenl District No. 28 shall be limited lo a maximum of 3 dwelling units and 21 accommodation units at the Christiania at Vail building, as designated on the floor plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance, and as follows: 1. The Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) shall be limited to a maxlmum oI 14,117 sq. ft., of which 7,335 sq. ft shall be dedicated lo accommodation units, 5,04'1 sq. ft. sha be dedicated to dwelting units and '1,741 sq. ft. sha be dedicated to excess common area. lt should also be noted that the provision for an additional 425 sq. ft. of GRFA, which is applicable to 13. 14. 15. :.i tjJ certain zone districts, does not apply to this Special Development District. a. The applicant or his successors in interesl agree to permanently restricl one off-site dwelling unit, (the secondary unit in a primery/secondary residence located at 1 184 Cabin Circle/Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Valley First Filing, for use by employees in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 13, Vail Town Code. The applicant or his successors in interest agree to permanently restrict one on-site dwelling unit, (the lhird floor dwelling unit in the Christiania Lodge) located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing, 'according to Title 13, Chapter 7 (Condominiums and Condominium Conversion), of the Vail Town Code. The applicant or his successors in inlerest shall file a declaration of covenants and restrictions with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County in a form approved by the Town Attorney for lhe benefit of the Town lo insure the restrictions set forth herein shall run with the land. Said declaration shall not be amended or lerminated without the wrilten approval of the Town of Vail. Subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance, no building permit shall be issued for the redevelopment of this Special Development District No. 28 until said declaration of covenants and restrictions are executed and filed with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Development in Special Development District No. 28 shall be limited to a maximum of 7 dwelling units in the Chateau Christian Townhouses building and shall be as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 af this Ordinance. SITE COVERAGE: The maximum allowable site coverage for Lot D shall not exceed 39o/o of the buildable lot size and shall be as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. 2. U. E. LANDSCAPING: At least thirty-two percent (32%) of Lot D shall be landscaped and shall be as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. F. PARKING: Parking for Special Development District No. 28 shall be met as designated on the developmenl plans setforth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. Section 5. The applicant or his successors in interest agrees to p€rform the following: 1. The applicant or his successors in interest shall obtain a revocable right-of-way permit from the Town in order to add the proposed landscaping at the entrance to the Lot P-3 parking area, as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of lhis Ordinance. 2. The applicant or his successors in interest has agreed to financially participate in the construction of a sidewalk along the west side of the Mill Creek Court Chute, from Hanson Ranch Road to West Gore Creek Drive, as designated in the Town's adopted Streetscape Master Plan. Such financial conlribution shell nol exceed one third of the total cost of the sidewalk. 3. lf and when the Town of Vail or other party develops a parking/loading delivery facility on Parcels P-3 and Lot J, Block 5-A, Vail Viltage Sth Filing, the applicanl or his successors in interest shall not remonstrate against the development of a parking/loading facility as long as the amount of parking lhat the applicant currently has on parcel P-3, Block 5-A, Vail Village Sth Filing, including either the right-of-way to the east or west, is incorporated into the parking/loading facility. The number of spaces shall not include valet parking. Section 7. Amendments to the approved development. plan which do not change its substance may be approved by lhe Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance wlth the provisions of Section 12-3-6 and 12-9A-10 of the Vail Town code. Amendments which do change the substance ofthe development plan shall be required to be approved by the Town Council after the above procedure has been followed. The Community Development Department shall determine what constitutes a 6hange in the substance of the development olan. Section 8. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is foi any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinanc€; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase lhereof, regardless of the fact thal any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phreses be declared invalid. Section 9. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Town Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duly imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceedlng as commenced under of by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not r€vive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 10. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the.extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not.be construed lo revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCEO, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 21"tday of May,2002, and a public hearing for second reading of lhis Ordinance set for the 4h day of June, 2002, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Town Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk ATTEST: Ludwig Kurz, Mayor MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: March 25,2002 SUBJECT: A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council regarding a major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, to allow for the elimination of a dwelling unit, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road (Christiania at Vail), Units 4'10 & 420/Lot D, Block 2, VaitVillage 1" Filing. Applicant: Gail and Richard Siegal, represented by Morter ArchitectsPlanner; Bill Gibson I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST AND BACKGROUND The applicants are requesting to consolidate two existing fourth-story residential dwelling units at the Christiania at Vail, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road. The proposed consolidation of units 4'10 and 420 at the Christiania at Vail will constitute the elimination of one dwelling unit within Special Development District No. 28. The elimination of a dwelling unit will bring the density of Special Development District No. 28 more into conformance with the density requiremenis of the underlying Public Accommodation District zoning. Pursuant to Section 12-gA-2, Vail Town Code, any request to change the number of dwelling or accommodation units within a special development district constitutes a "major amendment" request. In 1992, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 8, Series 1992, establishing Special Development Districts No. 28, Christiania at Vail, and adopting a development plan for Special Development District No. 28 in accordance with the requirements of the Vail Town Code. Any major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 requires Planning and Environmental Commission review and the approval of an ordinance by the Town Council. A draft version of Ordinance 8, Series o'f 2002, which repeals and reenacts Ordinance 8, Series of 1992, with the proposed amendments has been attached for review. No exterior construction is being proposed as part of the consolidation of these two dwelling units, therefore, this proposal does not require Design Review approval. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission fonvard a recommendation of approval to the Vail Town Council regarding the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, to allow for the elimination of a dwelling unit, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road (Christiania at Vail), Units 410 & 420. The staff s recommendation for approval is based upon the review of the applicable policies and regulations outlined in Section lV and V of this memorandum, the criteria outlined in Section Vl of this memorandum, and the evidence presented. Should the Planning and Environmental Gommission choose to forward a recommendation of approval of this request to the Town Council, staff . recommends that the following findings be made part of the Commission's motion: 1. That the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, complies with the design criteria outlined in Section 12-94-8, Vail Town Code. 2. That the applicant, as required, has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that any adverse effects of the requested deviations from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided or has demonstrated that one or more of the development standards is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. Should the Planning and Environmental Cornmission choose to forward a recommendation of approval for the requested major amendment, staff would recommend that the approval carry with it the following condition: 1. That prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant submits a revised condominium map reflecting the approved major amendment; and that the approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 be contingent upon staff review and approval of said condominium map. III. ZONING / DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS Lot size: 0.380 acres (16,553 sq.ft.) Underlvinq PA Zoninq (1992) SDD No.28 (1992) Proposed Total GRFA: 13,242 sq.ft. 14,117 sq.ft. no change Density: 9 dwelling units 3 du's & 21 au's = / du's + 21 au's = 13.5 du's 12.5 du's AU GRFA N/A 7,335 sq.ft. no change DU GRFA N/A 5,041 sq.ft. 5,202 sq.ft. Common Area NiA' 1,741 sq.ft. 1,579 sq,ft. Site coverage: 55o/o 39o/o no change Landscaping: 30% 32% no change Setbacks:front: 20ft. 15 ft. no changeside: 20 tt.120ft. 0 ft./10 ft. no changerear: 20 ft. 8 ft. 6 in. no change Height 48'sloping/45'flat 44 ft. flat no change Parking/Loading: N/A 41 spaces no change IV. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS Title12, Chapter 9, Vail Town Code, provides for the establishment of Special Development Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 12-9A-1 , the purpose gf a Special Development District is as follows: To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of iand, in order to promote lfs most appropiate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new development within the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streefs and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated rn the Vail Comprehensive PIan. An approved development plan for a Special D:evelapment Distict, in conjunction with the propefties undelying zone district, shall establish the requirements far guiding development and uses of property included in the Special Development District. Staff believes that the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 conforms to the purpose of Special Development Districts. At the time of its establishment, Special Development District No. 28 allowed a density that exceeded what would have been allowed by the underlying zoning. The proposed elimination of one dwelling unit brings the density of Special Development District No. 28 more into conformance with the density requirements of the underlying Public Accommodation District. V. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN The goals for Vail Village are summarized in six major goal statements. Each major goal focuses on a particular aspect of the Village community. "Goal 1 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Village in oder to susfaln a sense of community and identity." This proposal complies with this goal by upgrading and redeveloping an existing residential property in the Village without altering the existing architecture of the property. "Goal 2 To foster a tourist industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole." This proposal complies with this goal by upgrading and redeveloping an existing residential property in the Village. However, the cumulative effect of reducing the number dwelling units in the Village may have a negative affect on the economic health and viability of the Village. "Goal 3 To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village." This proposal will have little or no affect on the walking experience throughout the Villaqe. "Goal 4 To preserve existing open space areas and expand green space opportunities." This proposal will have no affect on any open space areas or green space opportunities. "Goal 5 /ncrease and improve the capacity, efficiency and aesthetics of the transpoftation and circulation system throughout the Village." This proposal complies with this goal by eliminating one dwelling unit at the existing Christiania at Vail, thus decreasing the number of daily vehicular trips to this site. "Goal 6 To ensure the continued improvement of the vital operational elements of the Village." This proposal will have little or no affect on the operational elements of the Village. VI. MAJOR AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT REVIEW CRITERIA The Town Code provides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed Special Development District. lt shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submlttal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent wilh the public interest has been achieved. A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environmen! neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identitlr, character, visual integrity and orientation. There are no site improvements or anv exterior construction associated with this proposal; therefore Staff does not belibve that this criterion is applicable to this proposal. B. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. There is no proposed change in use or activity associated with this proposal. Staff believes that the proposed reduction in density continues to provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The proposed elimination of one dwelling unit brings the density of Special Development District No. 28 more into conformance with the previous density requirements of the underlying Public Accommodation District. However, the cumulative effect of reducing the number dwelling units in the Village may have a negative affect on the economic health and viability of the Village. C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Tifle 12, Chapter 10, ofthe Town Code. This proposal complies with the parking and loading standards of the approved development plan and Staff believes that the reduction of one dwelling unit will have a positive lmpact on parking availability for the Christiania at Vail. D. Conformitlr with the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plan. Vajl Land Use Plan 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.4 The original theme of the old Village Core should be carried into new development in the Village Core through continued implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan. 4.3 The ambiance of Vail Village is important to the identity of Vail and should be preserved. (scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling, environmental quality.) 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the marketplace demands for a full range of housing types. Staff finds the application to be in conformance with all applicable goals, policies and objectives outlined in the Vail Land Use Plan. Vail Villaqe Urban Desiqn Guide Plan This property is not located within the area included in the Urban Design Guide Plan; therefore Staff does not believe that the provisions of the Urban Desion Guide Plan are applicable. E. ldentification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. According to the Town of Vail's Official Hazard Maps, there are no natural or geologic hazards present on the subject property. F.Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to naturat features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal; therefore Staff does not believe that this criterion is applicable to this proposal. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal that directly affect the existing vehicular or pedestrian traffic circulation. The elimination of one dwelling unit from the site should provide a nei decrease in the number of daily vehicular trips to/from the site, and Staff believes that this will have a positive impact on vehicular traffic circulation at the Christiania at Vail. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions. There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal; therefore Staff does not believe that this criterion is applicable to this proposal. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district. There is no phasing of this proposal; therefore Staff does not believe that this criteria is applicable to this proposal. FINDINGS The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before fonvarding a recommendation of approval to the Town Council for a major amendment to a Special Development District: 1. That the proposed major amendment lo Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, complies with the nine design criteria outlined in Section 12-9,4-8, Vail Town Code. 2. That the applicant, as required, has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that any adverse effects of the requested deviations from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided or has demonstrated that one or more of the development standards is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. G. H. vil, ORDINANCE NO.8 ' Series of 2002 ffiffi-s-FT AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO.8, SERIES OF 1992, PROVIDING FOR THE RE.ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28, CHRISTIANIA AT VAIL, ADOPTING A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28. AND PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28, CHRISTIANIA AT VAIL, IN REGARD TO CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS, MODIFICATIONS IN COMMON AREA AND GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA SQUARE FOOTAGES, AND AMENDMENTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 12, CHAPTFR 9, OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE AND SETTING FORTH DETATLS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Title 12, Chapter 9 of the Vail Municipal Code authorizes Special Development Districts within the Town in order to encourage flexibiltty and creativity in the development of land in order to promote its most appropriate use; lo improve the design characler and quality of the new development with the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to funher the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS, in 1992, the Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992, establishing Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail (SDD 2B); and WHEREAS, Seclion 12-94-10 of the Vail Municipal Code permits major amendments to previously approved Special Development Districts; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Gail and Richard Siegal represented by Morter Archilecture, has submitted an application for a major amendment lo the existing Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail: and WHEREAS, the applicant has comptied with the requirements outlined in Section 12-9A- 10 of the Vail Municioal Code: and WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the repeal, re-€stablishment. and amendment of Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modiflcations in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in accordance with rille 12, Chapter 9, of the Vail Municipat Code and setting forth details in regard thereto; and f:'. -:1 l|. i::: r.- i& ii,;iu-ui.i[- H WHEREAS, the approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, and the development standards in regard thereto shall not establish precedent or entillements elsewhere within the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, in accordance Wth the provisions outlined in Title 12 of the Vail Municipel Code, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the major amendmenl application on March 25, 2002: and WHEREAS, all public notices as required by the Vail Municipal Code have been published and sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Environmenlal Commission has recommended approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail and has submitted ils recommendations to the Town Council: and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to approve the major amendment and adopt the revised Approved Developmenl Plan for Special Developmenl District No. 28, Christiania al Vail; and ' WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council finds that the major amendement for Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, will ensure unified and coordinated development within the Town oJ Vail in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated; and. WHEREAS, the Town Council finds lhat the underlying zoning designation of Public Accommodation District is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses, and is consislent with the Town's Land Use Plan and Zoning Regulations, and is appropriate for the area; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneticial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visilors to repeal and reenact Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992, lo provide for such changes in Special Development DistriGt No. 28, Christiania at Vail; and l: :- : : i jJ i!. r ...,. - l il WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, is in the best interest of the town as it meets the Town's development ob,iectives as identified in the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLOMDO, THAT: Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992 is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows: Section 1: Purpose ofthe Ordinance The purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the repeal, re-establishment, and amendmenl of Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residentiai floor area square footages, and amendments lo the development plan in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 9, of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto. Section 2: Amendment Procedures Fulfilled. planninq Commission Report The review procedures prescribed in Section 12-g-1 O of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Town council has received the report of the Planning and Environmental Commission recommending approval of the proposed major amendment Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vait. Section 3: Special Development District No.2g, Christiania at Vail The Special Development District and the major amendment to the approved development plan are established lo ensure comprehensive development and use of the area in a manner that would be harmonious with the general character of lhe Town, provide adequate open space and recreation amenities, and promote the goals, objectives and policies of the Town of Vail Comprehensive plan. Special Development District No. 2g is regarded as being complementary to the Town of Vail by the Town Council end the planning and Environmental commission, and has been established since there are significant aspects of the special Development Distric;t that cannot be satisfied through the imposition of the standard Public Accommodation District reouirements. f ;"' "*'' {' F:.ir:l:a... -- .i ..-iJ [,]r*- ,: u j.-,; ii il Section 4: Approved DeveloDment plans The Town Council finds that the amended approved development plan for. Special Development District No. 28 meets each of the standards set forth in section 12-9A-10 of the vail Municipal code. In accordance with section 12-gA-10 of the vail Municipat code, the amended development plan ior special Development District No. 28 is approved and speciar Development District No. 28 is heieby approved. The amended approved development plan is coinprised of those plans submitted by the developerlapplicant and consists of the following documents: 1. Sheet No. Al, dated January27,1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (site plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. Sheet Nos. A2-A5, dated January 27 , 1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (fi|st, second, third and iourth floor plans), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. Sheet No. F.6, dated January 27, 1992 (roof plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. Sheet Nos. A7-Ag, dated January 27, 1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (North, South, East and West elevations), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. Sheet No. L1, dated January 27,1992 and revised March 6 and March 16, 1992 (landscape plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. Parking Plan for Lot P-3, dated February 8, 1992 and revised February 18, 1992 and March 16, '1992, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. North elevation of lobby, dated April 22, 1991, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & SDaeh Architecls Proposed Dumpster Relocation, dated April ?1 , 1992, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architecls. Siegal Residence, Proposed 4th Floor Plan, dated February 25,2002, prepared by Morter Architects. Siegel Residence, Proposed Loft Plan, dated February 25,2002, prepared by Morter Architects. 4. 10. i .- _..... i. r-._:3 I ,...'i-$ Section 5: ApDroved Development Standards The Town Council finds that any deviation oflhe development standards from the underlying zone district provides benefits to the Town that outweigh the adverse effecls of such deviation. The development standards for special Development District No. 2g are approved by the Town Council as a part ofthe approved development plan as follows: A. SETBACKS: Setbacks shall be as designated on the development plans set forth in.section . 4 of this Ordinance. B. HEIGHT , Building height, for a sloping roof, shall nol exceed 48 feet from existing or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive; or for a flai or mansard roof, shall not exceed 45 feet from existing or finished grade, whichever is more restnctive. C. DENSITY: Development in Special Developmenl District No.28 shall be limited to a maximum of 2 dwelling units and 21 accommodation units, as designated on the floor plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance, and as follows: 1. The Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) shall be limited to a maximum of 14,117 sq. ft., of which 7,335 sq. ft shall be dedicated to accommodation units, 5,202 sq. ft. shall be dedicated to dwelling units and 1,579.sq. ft. shall be dedicated lo excess common ar€a. ll should also be noted that the provision for an additional 425 sq. fi. of GRFA, which is applicable to certain zone districts, does not apply to this Special Development Disrrict. 2. The applicant or his successors in interest agree to permanenttry reslricl one off-site dwelling unit, (the secondary unit in a primary/secondary residence located at 1184 Cabin Circle/Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Valley First Filing, for use by employees oi the Upper Eagle Valley (employee housing unit) in the following manner: a. The employee housing unil shall be provided with a full kitchen (refrigerator, stove, sink, oven/microwave) and shall t- .-i r,, ,,"'-', - . i,r not be leased or rented for any period less than 30 consecutive days and shall be rented only to lenants who are full lime employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. b. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Eagle-Vail and Avon and their surrounding areas. c. A full-time employee is a person who works en average of thirty hours per week. d. The applicant or his successors in interest shall iile a declaration of covenants and restriclions with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County in a form approved by the Town Attorney for ihe benefit of the Town to insure the restrictions set forth herein shall run with the land. Said declaration shall not be amended or termrnated without the written approval of the Town of Vail. Subsequenl to the effective date of this ordinance, no building permit shall be issued for the redevelopmenl of this Special Development District No. 28 until said declaration of covenants and reslrictions are executed and filed with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 3. The applicant or his successors in interest agree to permanentiy restricl one on-site dwelling unit, (the third floor dwelling unit in the Christiania Lodge) located al 356 Hanson Rinch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Vlllage First Filing, according to Title 13, Chapter 7 (Condominiums and Condominium Conversion), of the Vail Municipal Code. The applicant or his successors in interest shall file a declaration of covenants and restrictions with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County in a form approved by the Town Attomey for the benefit of the Town to insure the restrictions set forth herein shall run with the land. Said declaration shall not be amended or terminated without the written approval of the Town of Vail. Subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance, no building permit shall be issued for the redevelopment of this Special Development Dislrict No. 28 until said declaration of F. covenants and restrictions are executed and filed with the Eaole County Clerk and Recorder. SITE COVERAGE: The maximum allowable site coverage for Lot D shall not exceed 39% of the buildable lot size and shal be as designated on rhe deveropment prans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance LANDSCAPING: At least thirty-two percent (32%) of Lot D shall be landscaped and shall be as designated on the deveropment prans set forth in section 4 of this ordinance. PARKING: Parking for Special Development District No. 28 shall be met as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. Section 6. The applicant or his successors in interest agrees to perform the following: l The appricant or his successors in interest shat obtain a revocabre right-of-way permit from the Town in order to add the proposed landscaping at the entrance , lo the Lot p-3 parking area, as designated on the development plans set forth in Sectlon 4 ot this Ordinance. 2. The appricanr or his successors in interest has agreed to financia y participate in the construction of a sidewark arong the west side of the Mifl creek court Chute, from Hanson Ranch Road to West Gore Creek Drive, as designated in the Town's adopted streetscape Master pran. such financiar contribution sharl not exceed one lhird of the total cosl of the sidewatk. 3' lf and when the Town of vair or other party deverops a parking/roading derivery facil'y on Parcers p-3 and Lot J, Brock 5-A, Vair vitage Sth Firing, the appricant or his successors in inrerest sha|| not remonslrate against the deveropment of a parking/loading facility as long as the amount of parking that the applicant currenlly has on parcel p_3, Block 5-A, Vail Village 5th Filing, including either the right-of-way to the east or west, is incorporaled into lhe parking/loading tacility. The number of spaces shajl not include valet parking. D. " ,-, , section 7. : ) "l Amendments lo the approved developmenl plan which do not change its substance may be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Seclion 12-3{ and 12-9A-10 of the Vail Municipal Code. Amendments which do change the substance of the development plan shall be required to be approved by the Town Council after the above procedure has been followed. The Community Development Department shall determine what constitutes a change in the substance of the development plan. Section 8. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, senlence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the facl that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 9. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under of by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 10. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsislent herewith are repealed to the exlent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed lo revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. _\. 1.''n ' 't,,- .".; , INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDER.ED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READTNG rhis 2d day of Aprit, 2002, and a pubtic hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 16ih day of April, 2002, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Veit, Cotorado. Ludwig Kutz, Mayor . ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READTNG AND ORDERED PUBL|SHED rhis 16h day of April, 2002. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department June 4, 2002 An ordinance repealing and reenacting Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992, providing for the re-establishment of Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, adopting a development plan for Special Development District No. 28, and providing for amendments to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 9, of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto.regard thereto. Applicant: Gail and Richard Siegal, represented by Morter ArchitectsPlanner; Bill Gibson SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is the Christiania at Vail, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village 1"'Filing. The property is zoned Special Development District No. 28 with an underlying zoning of Public Accommodation. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicants, Gail and Richard Siegal represented by Morter Architecture, are proposing to consolidate Units 410 and 420 of the Chateau Christian Townhomes at the Christiania at Vail into a single dwelling unit. The proposed consolidation of these two units will constitute an elimination of one dwelling unit from the site. The property is zoned special Development District No. 28, with an underlying zoning of Public Accommodation. Based upon the provisions of Section 12-gA-2, Vail Town Code, any change in the number of dwelling units within a special development district (SDD) requires the approval of a "major amendment" to that sDD. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a major amendment to special Development District No. 28, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan. At its March 25,2002, public hearing the Planning and Environmental commission reviewed the proposal and voted 6-0 to forward a recommendation of approval to the Town council for the proposed major amendment to special Development District No. 28. The Planning and Environmental Commission's findings and recommended conditions of approval are identified in the March 25,2002, staff memorandum to the commission. ordinance No. 8, series of 2002, re-establishes special Development District No. 28 and amends the permitted number of dwelling units and floor area allocations of Special Development District No. 28, to allow for the change in the number of dwelling unit at the Christiania at Vail. ilt. Since the March 25, 2002, Planning and Environmental Commission public hearing, it has been determined that the existing regulations of Special Development District No. 28 do not make specific mention of development standards for the Chateau Christian Townhouses building at the Christiania at Vail. Therefore, staff has since revised the proposed Ordinance No. 8, Series of 2002, to include language specifically referencing the Chateau Christian Townhomes building. These revisions to the proposed Ordinance No. 8, Series 2002, are based upon the previously approved development plans for the Chateau Christian Townhouses building and make no changes to the those previously approved development standards other than to modify the number of allowed dwelling units to address this application to consolidate units 410 and 420. Also since the March 25,2002, Planning and Environmental Commission public hearing, the applicant submitted a Design Review application for the construction of dormers as part of the consolidation of units 410 & 420. The application for the proposed dormers was reviewed and conditionally approved by the Design Review Board at its April 17, 2002, public hearing. An additional amendment to this application was reviewed and denied by the Design Review Board at its May 1,2AO2, public hearing. The applicant is currently proposing to proceed with their Apnl 17,2002 design review approval. Please note that this design review approval is contingent upon Town Council approval of this amendment to Special Development District No. 28; and if the Town Council chooses to deny this proposed amendment to Special Development District No. 28 the April 17, 2002, Design Review Board approval will be null and void. Additionally, the applicant has submitted a draft version of a revised condominium map for the Chateau Christian Townhouses to begin addressing the condition of approval recommended by the Planning and Environmental Commission. At its May 21 ,2002, public hearing the Town Council voted 6-1 to approve Ordinance No. 8, Series of 2002, on first reading subject to the conditions of approval identified in the staff memorandum. The May 21,2002 staff memorandum has been attached for reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that Town Council approve the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, to allow for a change in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages; and amending the development plan in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 9, of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road (Christiania at Vail), Units 410 & 420. The staffs recommendation for approval is based upon the review of the applicable policies and regulations outlined in Sections lV and V of the Staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25, 2002; the criteria outlined in Section Vl of the Staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25,20O2i and the evidence presented. Should the Town Council choose to approve the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, staff recommends that the following findings be made part of the Council's motion: tv. 1. That the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, complies with the nine design criteria outlined in Section 12- 9A-8. VailTown Code. 2. That the applicant, as required, has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that any adverse effects of the requested deviations from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided or has demonstrated that one or more of the development standards is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. should the Town council choose approve ordinance No. 8, series 2002, the community Development Department recommends the following condition of approval: 1. That prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant submits a revised condominium map reflecting the approved major amendment; and that the approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 be contingent upon staff review and approval of said condominium map. APPLICABLE POLICIES. REGULATONS. AND MASTER PLANS COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE STATEMENT OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION DISTRICT Staff believes this proposal is in compliance with the purpose statement of the Public Accommodation District as identified in section lV of the staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25, 2002. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL LAND USE PLAN Staff believes this proposal is in compliance with the Vail Land Use Plan as identified in Section Vl of the Staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25,2002. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN staff believes this proposal is in compliance with the Vail Village Master plan as identified in Section V of the staff Memorandum to the planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25,2002. COMPLIANCE WITH THE STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal; therefore staff does not believe that the provisions of the streetscaoe Masterplan are applicable. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN AND DESIGNCONSI DERATIONS FOR VAIL VI LLAGE As identified in Section V of the Staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25,2002, this property is not located within the area included in the Urban Design Guide Plan; therefore Staff does not believe that the provisions of the Urban Design Guide Plan are applicable. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department May 21,2002 An ordinance repealing and reenacting Ordinance No.8, Series of 1992, providing for the re-establishment of Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, adopting a development plan for Special Development District No. 28, and providing for amendments to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in accordance with Title 12, Chapter g, of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto.regard thereto. Applicant: Gail and Richard Siegal, represented by Morter ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson SUBJECT PROPERry The subject property is the Christiania at Vail, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Block 2, Vail Village l"tFiling. The property is zoned Special Development 28 with an underlying zoning of Public Accommodation. Road/Lot D, District No. ll. The applicants, Gail and Richard siegal represented by Morter Architecture, are proposing to consolidate Units 410 and 420 of the Chateau Christian Townhomes at the Christiania at Vail into a single dwelling unit. The proposed consolidation of these two units will constitute an elimination of one dwelling unit from the site. The property is zoned special Development District No. 28, with an underlying zoning of public Accommodation. Based upon the provisions of section 12-gA-2, Vail rown code, any change in the number of dwelling units within a special development district (SDD) requires the approval of a "major amendment" to that sDD. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a major amendment to special Development District No. 28, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area ano gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan. At its March 25,2002, public hearing the Planning and Environmental commission reviewed the proposal and voted 6-0 to forward a recommendation of approval to the Town council for the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28. The Planning and Environmental commission's findings and recommended conditions of approval are identified in the March zs,2oo2, staff memorandum to the commission. ordinance No. 8, series ol 2002, re-establishes special Development District No. 28 and amends the permitted number of dwelling units and floor area allocations of Special Development District No. 28, to allow for the change in the number of dwelling unit at the Christiania at Vail. | 1t. Since the March 25, 2002, Planning and Environmental Commission public hearing, it has been determined that the existing regulations of Special Development District No. 28 do not make specific mention of development standards for the Chateau Christian Townhouses building at the Christiania at Vail. Therefore, staff has since revised the proposed Ordinance No. 8, Series of 20Q2, to include language specifically referencing the Chateau Christian Townhomes building. These revisions to the proposed Ordinance No. 8, Series 2002, are based upon the previously approved development plans for the Chateau Christian Townhouses building and make no changes to the those previously approved development standards other than to modify the number of allowed dwelling units to address this application to consolidate units 410 and 420. Also since the March 25,200?, Planning and Environmental Commission public hearing, the applicant submitted a Design Review application for the construction of dormers as part of the consolidation of units 41O & 420. The application for the proposed dormers was reviewed and conditionally approved by the Design Review Board at its April 17, 2002, public hearing. An additional amendment to this application was reviewed and denied by the Design Review Board at its May 1,2002, public hearing. The applicant is currently proposing to proceed with their April 17, 2002 design review approval. Please note that this design review approval is contingent upon Town Council approval of this amendment to Special Development District No. 28; and if the Town Council chooses to deny this proposed amendment to Special Development District No. 28 the April 17, 2002, Design Review Board approval will be null and void. Additionally, the applicant has submitted a draft version of a revised condominium map for the Chateau Christian Townhouses to begin addressing the condition of approval recommended by the Planning and Environmental Commission. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that Town Council approve the proposed majof amendment to Special Development District No. 28, to allow for a change in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages; and amending the development plan in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 9, of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road (Christiania at Vail), Units 410 & 420. The staffs recommendation for approval is based upon the review of the applicable policies and regulations outlined in Sections lV and V of the Staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25, 2002; the criteria outlined in Section Vl of the Staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25,2O02: and the evidence presented. Should the Town Council choose to approve the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, staff recommends that the following findings be made part of the Council's motion: tv. 1. That the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, complies with the nine design criteria outlined in Section 12- 9A-8, VailTown Code. 2. That the applicant, as required, has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that any adverse effects of the requested deviations from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided or has demonstrated that one or more of the development standards is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. should the Town council choose to approved ordinance 8, series 2002, the community Development Department recommends the following condition of approval: 1. That prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant submits a revised condominium map reflecting the approved major amendment; and that the approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 be contingent upon staff review and approval of said condominium map. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE STATEMENT OF PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION DISTRICT Staff believes this proposal is in compliance with the purpose statement of the Public Accommodation District as identified in Section lV of the Staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25, 2002. Staff believes this proposal is in compliance with the Vail Land Use Plan as identified in Section Vl of the Staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25,2002. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN Staff believes this proposal is in compliance with the Vail Village Master Plan as identified in section V of the staff Memorandum to the planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25.2002. COMPLIANCE WITH THE STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal; therefore Staff does not believe that the orovisions of the Streetscape Masterplan are applicable. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN AND DESIGNCONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE As identified in Section V of the Staff Memorandum to the Planning and Environmental Commission dated March 25,2002, this property is not located within the area included in ihe Urban Design Guide Plan; therefore Staff does not believe that the provisions of the Urban Design Guide Plan are applicable. ORDINANCE NO.8 Series of 2002 f = Tl ,tr tF:,,cPI . :,}i4$* ffi AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO.8. SERIES OF 1992, PROVIDING FOR THE RE-ESTABLTSHMENT OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28, CHRISTIANIA AT VAIL, ADOPTING A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28, AND PROVIDING FORAMENDMENTS ro sPEclAL DEVELoPMENT DlsrRlcr No. 28, cHRlsrlANlA AT vAtL, tN REGARD TO CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS, MODIFICNTIONS IIicoMMoN AREA AND GRoss RESIDENTIAL FLooR eRee seuARe FoorAGEs, AND AMENDMENTS ro rHE DEvELopMENT pLAN tN AccoRDANce wrrn lrle iz. CHAPTER 9, OF THE VAIL TOWN CODE AND SETTING FORTH DETATLS IN NTOANO THERETO. WHEREAS, Title 12, Chapter 9 of the Vail Town Code authorizes Special Developmenl Districts within the Town in orderlo encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land in order to promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and qualiiy of the new development wilh the Town; lo facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities: to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail comprehensive plan. WHEREAS, in 1992, the Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992, establishing Special Oevelopment District No. 28, Christiania at Vail (SDD 28); and WHEREAS, Section 12-9A-10 of the Vail Town Code permtts major amendments to previously approved Special Development Districls; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Gail and Richard Siegal represented by Morter Architecture, has submilted an application for a major amendment to the existing special Development District No. 28, Christiania al Vail: and WHEREAS, the applicant has complied with the requirements ouilined in section 12-9A- 10 of the Vail Town Code: and wHEREAS, lhe purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the repear, re-establishment, and amendment of special Development District No. 2g, christiania at vail, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in accordance with rifle 12, Chapter 9, ol the Vail Town Code and setting forth details in regard thereto; and .L4 i.l H 28, Christiania at Vail, and the development standards in regard thereto shall not establish ptecedent or entitlements elsewhere within the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in Title 12 of the Vail Town Code the Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the major amendment application on March 25,20O2: and WHEREAS, all public nolices as required by the Vail Town Code have been published and sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, lhe Planning & Environmental Commission has recommended approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania al Vail and has submilted its recommendations to the Town Council: and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to approve the major amendment and adopt the revised Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail: and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council finds that the major amendement for Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, will ensure unified and coordinated development within the Town of Vail in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated; and. WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the underlying zoning designation of Public Accommodation District is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses, and is consistent with the Town's Land Use Plan and Zoning Regulations, and is appropriate for the area; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to lhe Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to repeal and reenact Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992, to provide for such changes in Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail; and District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, is in lhe best interest of the town as it meets the Town,s development objectives as identified in lhe Town of Vail Comprehensive plan; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Ordinance No.8, Series of 1992 is hereby fepealed and re-enacted to read as follows: Section 1: Purpose of the Ordinance The purpose of this ordinance is lo provide for the repeal, re-establishment, and amendmenl of Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in accordance with Ti e 12, Chapter 9, of the Vail Town Code and setting forth details in regard thereto. Section 2: Amendment Procedures Fulfilled,, Planninq Commission Report The review procedures prescribed in Section 12-9-10 oithe Vail Town Code have been fuffilled, and the Town Council has received the report of the Planning and Environmental Commission recommending approval of the proposed major amendment Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vait. Section 3: Soecial Development District No. 28. Christiania at Vail The Special Developmenl District and the maior amendment to the approved development plan are established to ensure comprehensive developmenl and use of the area in a manner that would be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreation amenities, and promote the goals, objectives and policies of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development District No. 28 is regarded as being complementary to the Town of Vail by the Town Council and the planning and Environmental commission, and has been established since there are significant aspects of the Special Development District that cannot be satlsfied through the imposition of the standard Public Accommodalion District requirements. t *'" 'l1". ,':''' ,a -'' ii" i'i';, :' 'i '' . The Town Council finds that the amended approved development plan for Special Development District No. 28 meets each of the standards set forth in Section 12-9A-10 of the Vail Town Code. In accordance with Section 12-9A-10 of the Vail Town Code, the amended development plan for Special Development District No. 28, legally described as Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village l"tFiling, is approved and Special Development District No. 28 is hereby approved. The amended approved development plen is comprised of those plans submitted by the developer/applicant and consists of the following documents: 1. Sheet No. Al, dated January 27, 1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (site plan), prepared by Pierce, SegeiOerg & Spaeh Architects. 2. Sheet Nos. A2-A5, dated January 27 , 1952 and revised March 1 6, 1992 (first, second, third and fourth floor plans), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 3. Sheet No. A6, dated January 27, 1992 (roof plan), prepared by Pierce, ca^a.rterg & spaeh Archttects. 4. Sheet No. A7-A9, dated January 27,1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (North, South, East and West elevations), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architecls. 5. Sheet No. Ll, dated January 27,1992 end revised March 6 and March 16, 1992 (landscape plan), prepared by Pierie, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 6. Parking Plan ior Lot P-3, dated February 8, 1992 and revised February 18, 1992 and March 16, 1992, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 7 . North elevation of lobby, dated April 22, 1991 , prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. R pr.,n^sed Dumpster Relocation, dated April 21, 1992, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 9. Siegal Residence,4'h Floor Plan, dated April 19, 2002, prepared by Morter Architects. - , 10. Siegel Residence, Loft Plan, dated April 19, 2002, prepared by Morter Architects. 11. Chateau Christian, East Elevation, dated April 19, 2002, prepared by Morter Arch itects. 12. Chateau Christian, West Elevation, dated APril 19, 2002, prepared by . Morter Architects. Chateau Christian, North Elevation, dated April Morter Architects, &" :.,.-r:-€-:t r,,;..J d 19,2002, prepared by 14. Chateau Christian, South Elevation, dated April 19, 2002, prepared by Morter Architects. 15. First Amendment to the Condominium Map for Chateau Christian Townhouses, prepared by Eagle Valley Surveying, lnc. Section 5: Approved Develooment Standards The Town Council finds lhat any deviation of the development standards from the underlying zone district provides benefits to the Town that outweigh the adverse etfects of such devialion. The development standards for Special Development District No. 28 are approved by the Town Council as a part of the approved development plan as follows: A. SETBACKS: Setbacks shall be as designated on the development p,ans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. r1Et(lr| | ffin",nn, ror the christiania at vail building, for a stoping roof, shall not exceed 48 feet from existing or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive; or for a flat or mansard roof, shall not exceed 45 feet from existtng or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive. The building height for the Ghateau Christian Townhouses building shall be as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. DENSITY: Development in Special Development Districl No. 28 shall be limited to a maximum of 3 dwelling unils and 21 accommodation units at the Christiania at Vail building, as designated on lhe floor plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. and as follows: 1. The Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) shall be limited to a maximum of 14,117 sq. ft., of which 7,335 sq. ft shall be dedicated to accommodation units, 5,041 sq. ft. shali be dedicated to dwelling units and 1 ,741 sq. ft. shall be dedicated to excess common area. lt should also be noted that the provision lor an additional 425 sq. fl. of GRFA, which is applicable to B- D. ".: n ,.. : . . 'v ''* ,"NI d certain zone dislricls, does not apply to this Special Development District. a. The applicant or his successors in interest agree to permanently restrict one off-site dwelling unit, (the secondary unit in a primary/secondary residence located at 1184 cabin Circle/Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Valley First Filing, for use by employees 'n accordance with Title 12, Chapter 13, Vail Town Code. 2. The applicant or his successors in interest agree to permanenlly ' restrict one on-site dwelling unit, (the third floor dwelling unit in the Christiania Lodge) located ai 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing, aocording to Title 13, Chapter 7 (Condominiums and Condominium Conversion), ot the Vail Town Code. The applicant or his successors in intetest shall file a . declaration of covenants and restrictions with lhe Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County in a form approved by the Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to insure the restrictions set forth herein shall run with the land. Said declaration shall not be amended or terminated without lhe written approval of the Town of Vail. Subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance, no building permit shall be issued for the redevelopment of this Special Development District No. 28 until said declaration of covenants and restrictions are executed and filed with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Development in Specisl Development District No. 28 shall be limited to a maximum,of 7 dwelling units in the Chateau Christian Townhouses building and shall be as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. SITE COVERAGE: The maximum allowable site coverage for Lot D shall not exceed 39% of the buildable lot size and shall be as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. .{ ."r., a!_ +.rI.4n. ,.,.,,.,g * ii E. LANDSCAPING: At least thirty-two percent (32%) of Lot D shall be landscaped and shall be as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. F. PARKING: Parking for Special Development District No. 28 shall be met as designated on lhe development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. Section 6. The applicant or his successors in interest agrees to perfo.m the following: 1- The applicant or his successors in interest shall obtain a revocable right-of-way permit from the Town in order to add the proposed landscaping at the entrance to the Lot P-3 parking area, as designated on the development plans set forth in Seclion 4 of lhis Ordinance. 2. The applicant or his successors in interest has agreed to financially participate in the construction of a sidewalk along the wesl stde of the Mill Creek Court Chute, from Hanson Ranch Road to West Gore Creek Drive, as designated in the Town's adopted Streetscape Master Plan. Such financial contribution shall not exceed one third of the total cost of the sidewalk. 3. lf and when the Town of Vail or other party develops a parking/loading delivery facility on Parcels P-3 and Lot J, Block 5-A, Vail Village 5th Filing, the applicant or hts successors in interest shall not remonstrate against the development of a parking/loading facility as long as the amount of parking that the applicant currently has on parcel P-3, Block 5-A, Vail Village Sth Filing, including either the right-of-way to the east or west, is incorporated into the parking/loading facility. The number of spaces shall not include valet parking. Section 7. Amendments to the approved development plan which do not change ils substance may be approved by the Planning and Environmenlal Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-6 and 12-gA-10 ofthe Vail Town Code. Amendments which do change the subslance ofthe development plan shail be required to be approved by the Town Council after the above procedure has been followed. The Community Development Department shall determine what constitutes a change in the substance of the develoDment olan. Section 8. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalld, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and lhe Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase lhereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parls, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 9, The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of lhe Vail Town Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duly imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any proseculion commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under of by virlue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 10. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repea,ed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST REAOING this 21" day of May, 2002, and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 4m day of June, 2002, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Town Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk -' d ,;'''-$ r.. ,i ..! i:l_,r lj ,U READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READTNG AND ORDERED PUBL|SHED this 4h day of June,2002. ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk Ludwig Kutz, Mayor Tr\. FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development March 25, 2002 A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council regarding a major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, to allow for the elimination of a dwelling unit, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road (Christiania at Vail), Units 410 &420lLot D, Block 2, VailViilage 1't Filing. Applicant Gail and Richard Siegal, represented by Morter ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson il. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST AND BACKGROUND The applicants are requesting to consolidate two existing fourth-story residential dwelling units at the Christiania at Vail, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road. The proposed consolidation of units 410 and 420 at the Christiania at Vail will constitute the elimination of one dwelling unit within Special Development District No. 28. The elimination of a dwelling unit will bring the density of Special Development District No. 28 more into conformance with the density requirements of the underlying Public Accommodation District zoning. Pursuant to Section 1Z-gA-2, Vail Town Code, any request to change the number of dwelling or accommodation units within a special development district constitutes a "major amendment' request. In 1992, the Vail rown council passed ordinance No. 8, series 1992, establishing special Development Districts No. 28, christiania at Vail, and adopting a development plan for Special Development District No. 28 in accordance with the requirements of the Vail Town Code. Any major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 requires Planning and Environmental Commlssion review and the approval of an ordinance by the Town council. A draft version of ordinance 8, series of 2002, which repeals and reenacts Ordinance 8, Series of 1992, with the proposed amendments has been attached for review. No exterior construction is being proposed as part of tne consolidation of these two dwelling units, therefore, this proposal does not require Design Review approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the planning and Environmental commission forward a recommendation of approval to the Vail rown council regarding the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, to allow for the elimination of a dwelling unit, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road (Christiania at Vail), Units 410 & 420. The staffs recommendation for approval is based upon the review of the applicable policies and regulations outlined in Section lV and V of this memorandum, the criteria outlined in section Vl of this memorandum, and the evidence irresented. should the Planning and Environmental commission choose to ilt. fonnrard a recommendation of approval of this request to the Town Council, staff recommends that the following findings be made part of the Coinmission's motion: 1. That the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, complies with the design criteria outlined in Section 12-9A-8, Vail Town Code. 2. That the applicant, as required, has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that any adverse effects of the requested deviations from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided or has demonstrated that one or more of the development standards is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to forward a recommendation of approval for the requested major amendment, staff would recommend that the approval carry with it the following condition: 1. That prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant submits a revised condominium map reflecting the approved major amendment; and that the approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 be contingent upon staff review and approval of said condominium map. ZONING / DEVELOPMENT STATISTIGS Lot size: 0.380 acres (16,553 sq.ft.) Underlyinq PA Zoninq (1992) SDD No. 28 (1992) Proposed TotalGRFA: Density: Site coverage: Landscaping: Setbacks: front: side: rear: Height: AU GRFA N/A DU GRFA N/A Common Area NiA 13,242 sq.ft. 9 dwelling units 55% 30% 20 ft. 20ft.tz)ft. 20 ft. 48' sloping/4S'flat 14,117 sq.ft.no change 3 du's & 21 13.5 du's 7,335 sq.ft. 5,041 sq.ft. 1,74'l sq.ft. ?oo/^ 32o/o 15 ft. 0 ft./'10 ft. 8ft.6in. 44 ft. flat 4'l spaces aU'S = 2 du's + 21 aU'S = 12.5 du's no cnange 5,202 sq.ft. 1,579 sq.ft. no change no cnange no change no change no cnange no cnange no changeParking/Loading: N/A lv. Title'12, chapter g, Vail rown code, provides for the establishment of soecial Development Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 1z-gA-1, the purpose of a Special Development District is as follows: To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order to promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quatity of the new development within the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of sfreefs and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to fufther the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approved development plan for a Specia/ Development Distict, in conjunction with the properties underlying zone distict, shall establish the requirements for guiding development and uses of property included in the Special Development District. Staff believes that the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 conforms to the purpose of Special Development Districts. At the time of its establishment, Special Development District No. 28 allowed a density that exceeded what would have been allowed by the underlying zoning. The proposed eliminatlon of one dwelling unit brings the density of Special Development District No. 28 more into conformance with the density requirements of the underlying Public Accommodation District. V.COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN The goals for Vail Village are summarized in six major goal statements. Each major goal focuses on a particular aspect of the Village community. "Goal 1 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preseruing the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain a sense of community and identity." This proposal complies with this goal by upgrading and redeveloping an existing residential property in the Village without altering the existing architecture of the property. "Goal 2 To foster a tourist industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole." This proposal complies with this goal by upgrading and redeveloping an existing residential property in the Village. However, the cumulative effect of reducing th! number dwelling units in the Village may have a negative affect on the economic health and viability of the Viltage. "Goal3 To recognize as a top priorrty the enhancement of the walking expeience th roughout the Vill age. " This proposal will have little or no affect on the walking experience throughout the Village. "Goat 4 To preserve existing open space areas and expand green space opportunities." This proposal will have no affect on any open space areas or green space opportunities. "Goal 5 lncrease and improve the capacity, efficiency and aesthetics of the transporiation and circulation system throughout the Village." This proposal complies with this goal by eliminating one dwelling unit at the existing Christiania at Vail, thus decreasing the number of daily vehicular trips to this site. "Goal 6 To ensure the continued improvement of the vitat operationa! elements of the Village." This proposal will have little or no affect on the operational elements of the Village. VI. MAJOR AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT REVIEW CRITERIA The Town Code provides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the pdncipal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed Special Development District. lt shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, bufferzones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. ' There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal; therefore Staff does not believe that this criterion is applicable to this proposar. B, Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. There is no proposed change in use or activity associated with this proposal. Staff believes that the proposed reduction in density continues to provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The proposed elimination of one dwelling unit brings the density of Special Development District No. 28 more into conformance with the previous density requirements of the underlying Public Accommodation District. However, the cumulative effect of reducing the number dwelling units in the Village may have a negative affect on the economic health and viability of the Village. C- Compliance with parking and loading requirements as ouflined in Title 12, Chapter 10, of the Town Code. This proposal complies with the parking and loading standards of the approved development plan and Staff believes that the reduction of one dwelling unit will have a positive lmpact on parking availability for the Christiania at Vail. D' conformity with the applicable elements of the vail comprehensive plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plan. Vail Land Use Plan 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.4 The original theme of the old Village Core should be carried into new development in the Village Core through continued implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan. 4.3 The ambiance of Vail Village is important to the identity of Vail and should be preserved. (scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling, environmental quality.) 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the marketplace demands for a full range of housing types. Staff finds the application to be in conformance with all applicable goals, policies and objectives outlined in the Vail Land Use plan. Vail Villaqe Urban Desiqn Guide PIan This property is not localed within the area included in the Urban Design Guide Plan; therefore staff does not believe that the provisions of the Urban Design Guide Plan are applicable. E' ldentification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. According to the Town of Vail's Official HazardMaps, there are no natural or geologic hazards present on the subject property. F.Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal; therefore Staff does not believe that this criterion is applicable to this proposal. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal that directly affect the existing vehicular or pedestrian traffic circulation. The elimination of one dwelling unit from the site should provide a net decrease in the number of daily vehicular trips toifrom the site, and Staff believes that this will have a positive impact on vehicular traffic circulation at the Christiania at Vail. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions. There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal; therefore Staff does not believe that this criterion is applicable to this proposal. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district. There is no phasing of this proposal, therefore Staff does not believe that this criteria is applicable to this proposal. FINDINGS The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before fonrvarding a recommendation of approval to the Town Council for a major amendment to a Special Development District: 1. That the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, complies with the nine design criteria outlined in Section 12-94-8, Vail Town Code. 2. That the applicant, as required, has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that any adverse effects of the requested deviations from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided or has demonstrated that one or rnore of the development standards is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. G. H. vlt. ORDINANCE NO. 8 ffibq-siFT Series of 2002 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO. 8, SERIES OF 1992, PROVIDING FOR THE RE.ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28, CHRISTIANIA AT VAIL, ADOPTING A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28. AND PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28, CHRISTIANIA A.T VAIL, IN REGARD TO CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS, MODIFICATIONS IN COMMON AREA AND GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA SQUARE FOOTAGES, AND AMENDMENTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 12, CHAPTER 9, OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Title 12, Chapter I of the Vail Municipal Code authorizes Special Development Districts within the Town in order to encourage flexibility and crearivity in the development of land in order to promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new development with the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS, in 1992, the Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992, establishing Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail (SDD 28); and WHEREAS, Section 12-94-10 of the Vail Municipal Code permits major amendments to previously approved Special Development Districts: and WHEREAS, the applicant, Gail and Richard Siegal repres'ented by Morter Architecture, has submitted an application for a major amendment to the existing Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail; and WHEREAS, the applicant has complied with thb requirements outlined in Section 12-9A- 1 0 of the Vail Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the repeal, re-establishment, and amendment of Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in accordance with Title . 12, Chapter I, ofthe Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto; and [:'.. -:_\ lT i:x-:;.-]u il.";f*ilult;," H WHEREAS, the approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, christiania at vail, and the devetopment standards in regard thereto shall not establish precedent or entitlements elsewhere within the Town of Vail: and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions ou ined in Tifle 12 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the major amendmeni application on March 25,20Q2; and WHEREAS, all public notices as required by the Vail Municipal Code have been published and sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Environmenlal Commission has recommended approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail and has submitled its recommendations to the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to approve the major amendment and adopt the revised Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Councit finds that the major amendement for Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, will ensure unified and coordinated development within the Town of Vail in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated: and. WHEREAS, the Town Councit finds that the underlying zoning designation of public Accommodation District is compatible with and suilable to adjacent uses, and is consistent with the Town's Land Use Plan and Zoning Regulations, and is appropriate for the area; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors lo repeal and reenac{ Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992, to provide for such changes in Special Development Districl No. 28, Christiania at Vail; I and i.. -- r' ,- t'n j' . ,r''o' l; " H WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, is in the best interest of the town as it meets lhe Town's development objectives as identified in the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992 is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows: Section 1: Purpose ofthe Ordinance The purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the repeal, re-eslablishment, and amendment of Special Developmenl District No, 28, Christiania at Vail, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 9, ofthe Vail Municipal Code and setting forth detaits in regard thereto. Section 2: Amendment Procedures Fulfilled. Planninq Commission Report The review procedures prescribed in Section 12-9-10 of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Town Council has received the report of the Planning and Environmental Commission recommending approval of the proposed major amendment Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vait. Section 3: Special Development District No. 28. Christiania at Vail The Special Development District and the major amendment to the approved development plan are established to ensure comprehensive development and use of the area in a manner that would be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreation amenities, and promote the goals, objecfives and policies of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development District No. 28 is regarded as being complementary to the Town of Vail by the Town Council and the planning and Environmental Commission, and has been established since there are significant aspects of the Special Development District that cannot be satisfied through the imposition of the standard Public Accommodation Districl requirements. i.r\ .*.'\ '- s;:;J:E| --: , "( r;"jl Li;-,-. ir l,.i'-u d U Section 4: Approved Development Plans The Town Council finds thal the amended approved development plan for. Special Development District No. 28 meets each of the standards set forth in Section 12-94-10 of the Vail Municipal Code. In accordance with Section 12-9A-10 of the Vait Municipal Code, the amended development plan for Special Development District No. 28 is approved and Special Development District No. 28 is hereby approved. The amended approved clevelopment plan is comprised of those plans submilted by the developer/applicant and consists of the following documents: 1 . Sheet No. Al, dated January 27 , 1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (site plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architecls. Sheet Nos. A2-A5, dated January 27, 1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (tirst, second, third and fourth floor plans), prepered by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. Sheet No. A'6, dated January 27, 1992 (roof plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. Sheet Nos. A7-A9, dated January 27, 1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (North, South, East and West elevations), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architecls. Sheet No. L1, dated January 27,1992 and revised MarchGandMarch 16, 1992 (landscape plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architecls. Parking Plan for Lot P-3, dated February 8, 1992 and revised February 18, 1992 and March 16, 1992, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. North efevation of lobby, dated April 22, 1991, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Soaeh Architects. Proposed Dumpsler Relocation, dated April 21 , 1992, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. Siegaf Residence, Proposed 4h Floor Plan, dated February 25,2002, prepared by Morter Architects. Siegel Residence, Proposed Loft PIan, dated February 25,?00?, prepared by Morter Architects, 5. o. 7. !r^ .tn . _, .r: ._: - ,.a ..._ ti:.,,,...i- $ Section 5: Approved Development Standards The Town Council finds that any deviation of the development standards from the underlying zone district provides benefits to the Town that ouwveigh the adverse effects of such deviation. The developmenl standards for Special Development District No. 28 are . approved by the Town Council as a part of the approved development plan as follows: A. SETBACKS: Setbacks shall be as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. B. HEIGHT Building height, for a sloping roof, shall nol exceed 48 feet from existing or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive; or for a flat or mansard roof, shall not exceed 45 feet from existing or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive, C. DENSITY: Developmenl in Special Development District No. 28 shall be limited to a maximum of 2 dwelling units and 21 accommodalion units, as designated on the floor plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordlnance, and as follows: 1. The Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) shall be limited to a maximum ol 14,117 sq. ft., of which 7,335 sq. ft shall be dedicated to accommodation units, 5,202 sq. ft. shall be dedicated to dwelling units and 1,579 sq. ft. shall be dedicated to excess common area. lt should also be noted that the provision for an additional 425 sq. ft. of GRFA, which is applicable to . certain zone districts, does not apply to this Special Development District. 2. The applicant or his successors in interest agree to permanently restrict one off-sile dwelling unit, (the secondary unit in a pnmary/secondary residence located al 1 184 Cabin Circle/Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Valley First Filing, for use by employees of the Upper Eagle Valley (employee housing unit) in the following manner: a. The employee housing unit shall be provided with a full kitchen (refdgerator, stove, sink, oven/microwave) and shall ',' . : cj not be leased or rented for any period less than 30 consecutive days and shall be rented only lo tenants who are full time employees in the Upper Eegle Valley. b. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Clifi, Eagle-Vail and Avon and their surrounding areas. c. A full-time employee is a person who works an average of thirty hours per week. d. The applicanl or his successors in interesl shall file a declaration of covenants and restriclions with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County in a form approved by the Town Attomey for ihe benefit of the Town lo insure the restrictions set forth herein shall run with the land. Said declaralion shall not be amended or lerminated wilhout the written approval of the Town of Vail. Subseouent lo the effective date of this ordinance, no building permit shall be issued for the redevelopment of this Special Development District No. 28 until said declaratron of covenants and restrictions are executed and filed with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. The applicant or his successors in interest agree to permanently restrict one on-sile dwelling unit, (the third floor dwelling unit in the Christiania Lodge) located at 356 Hanson Ranch RoadiLot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing, according to Title 13, Chapter 7 (Condominiums and Condominium Conversion), of lhe Vail Municipal Code. The applicant or his successors in interest shall file e declaration of covenants and restdctions with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County in a form approved by the Town Attorney for the bene{it of the Town to insure the restrictions set forth herein shall run with the land. Said declaration shall not be amended or terminated without the written approval of the Town of Vail. Subsequent io the effectlve date of this ordinance, no building permit shall be issued for the redevelopment of ihis Special Develoomenl District No. 28 until said declaration of F. covenants and restrictions are executed and filed with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. SITE COVERAGE: The maximum allowable site coverage for Lot D shall not exceed 39% of the buildable lot size and shall be as designated on the development plans sel forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. LANDSCAPING: At least thirty-two percent (32olo) of Lot D shall be landscaped and sha be as designated on the deveropment prans set forth in section 4 of this ordinance. PARKING: Parking for Special Development District No. 2g shall be met as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. Section 6. The applicant or his successors in interest agrees to perform the following: 1. The applicant or his successors in interest shall obtain a revocable right_of_way permit from the Town in order to add the proposed randscaping at rhe entrance to the Lot P-3 parking area, as designaled on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. 2' The appricant or his successors in interest has agreed to financialy participate in lhe construction of a sidewark arong the west side of the MiI creek court Chute, from Hanson Ranch Road lo West Gore Creek Drive, as designated in the Town's adopted streetscape Master pran. Such financiar conlribution sharl not exceed one third of the total cost of the sidewarr. 3. lf and when the Town of Vail or olher party develops a parking/loading delivery facitity on parcels p-3 and Lot J, Block 5_A, Vail Village Sth Fiting, the applicant or his successors in interest shal not remonstrate against rhe deveropment of a parking/loading facility as long as the amount of parking that the applicant currently has on parcel p-3, Block 5_A, Vail Village 5th Filing, including either the right-of-way lo the east or west, is incorporated into the parking/loading facility. The number of spaces shall not include valet parking. D. Section 7. Amendments to the approved developmenl plan which do nol change its subslance may be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled public headng in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-6 and 12-9A-10 of the Vail Municipal Code. Amendments which do change the substance of the development plan shall be required to be approved by the Tawn Council after the above procedure has been followed. The Community Development Department sha'l determine what constitutes a change in the substance of the development plan. Section 8. lf any pan, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase ofthis ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall no1 effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parls, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 9. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affecl any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding es commenced under of by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 10. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed, .u INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED.ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READTNG this 2d day of Aprit, 2002, and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 16n day of April, 2002, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. . Ludwig Kuz, Mayor AltESt: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READTNG AND ORDERED pUBL|SHED this 16rh day of April, 2002. ATTEST: Ludwig Kurz, Mayor Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk ACTION FORM r0}{N Department of Community Development 75 South Fmntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail,co.us Proiect Name: Siegal Residence Prcject Description: Interior conversion of attic space with new roof dormers Participantsl OWNER SIEGAL, GAIL S. 1526 BAY BLVD ATI.ANTIC BEACH NY 11509 0s10212002 APPLICANT Margaret E, Hanlon OSIO2IZOOZ phone: 476-4066 225 Wall Street Vail, Co 81657 Project Address: 356 HANSON MNCH RD VAIL Location: Units 420 & 410 Legal Descrlption: Lot: D Block Subdivision: CHATEAU CHRISTIAN CONDO Parcel Number: 2101-0824300-7 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Planning and Environmental Commission PEC Number: PEC020020 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Schofield Bernhardt 6-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= O3l25l2OO2 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: CON0008718 That prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant submits a revised condominium map reflecting the approved major amendment; and that the approval of the major amendment to special Development District No. 2B be contingent upon staff review and approval of said condominium map, Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $100,00 tavib6J l C? t?,/92 late Received by the Community DevelopmentDepartment coN Do MrNr,fiHHfi,tli8il#Fro, F EVrEW(urun,tI3, : Vaif Municipal Code) (ptease print or type) APPLICANT Gail S. Siega] MAILING ADDRESS 1526 Bay Blvd., Atlantic Beach, NY 11509 Pt-loNF 516-313-3888 B.APPLICANT'S FEPRESENTATIVE Margaret E. Hanlon ADDRESS 225 WaLI st., #205 PHONE (97 0 ',' 47 6-4066 Vail, CO B1 657PBOPERTY.OWNER OWNER'S SIGNATUR PHONE (5161 239-5998 MAILING ADDRESS 15 , Atlantic Beach, NY 11509 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: il S. Siegal E. F. STREET ADDRESS ASZ LOT---u - BLOCK--_-2__ SUBDIVIS|ON_y.!1 iitlase FtLtNG . Flrsr APPLICATION FEE $1OO.OO PAID CHECK #- DATE MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: 1' Two mylar copies. and one paper copy of the subdivision prat shat be subrnittedto the Departrnent of community Deveropmedt. The prat stratiin"rroe a ,iru. map with the following requirements: a' The finar prat shail be drawn by a registered surveyor in rndia ink, orother substantiar sorution,_on a reproducibre mecrium (preferauy myrar)with dimens.ion of twenty-four by rhirty-six inches and irratt he al a scareof one hundred feet to one inch or rarger with rnargins of one and one-harf to two inches on the reft and one-harf inch on it other sioes. b' Accurate dimensions to the nearesi one-hundredth of a fool for all lines,angres and curves used ro describe boundaries, slreers, setbacks,aileys, easemerts, structures, areas ro be reserved or credicated forpublic or cornmon uses and other important features. All curves shall be' circurar arcs and shail be defined by the radius, centrar angre, arcscored distances. and bearing. Ail dimensions, boilr rinear and angurar,are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the fierd whichmusl balance and close within a limit of one in ten lhousano. c. Norllr arrow and graphic scale. d. A systematrc identification or ail exisiing and proposed buirdings, units,lots, blocks, and names for all streets. R EC EIVED 'r&1 fl i ?il{l?, ffi1:y#* An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas orfacilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to tn" pr[ "-use. An identificaiion of lhe easements as shown on the plat anJ igrant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future publicacquisition shall also be shown on the plat . A written survey. description of the area incruding the torar acreage to thenearesr appropriate significant tigure. The acreage of each rot o-r parcelshall be shown in lhis manner as well. A description o{ arr survey monuments, both found and set, which markthe boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of ail monumenrsused in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per cororalo"--statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as majorconlrol monuments, the materiars which shail be determined by ihe towneno ine er. A staternent by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base wasdetermined. A.certiflcate by the registered rand surveyor as outrined in chapter 17.32of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and prat, and that ihe srruuywas performed by him in accordance with colorado Flevised slatutes 1973, Title 38, Articte 51. A certificate by an attorney admitted to practice in the state of coloradoor corporate litle insurer, that the owne(s) of record dedicating to thepubllc the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon arethe owners thereof in fee simple, free and clear ol all liens andencumbrances except as noted. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County Clerk andBecorder. l. certificate of dedication and ownership. should the certificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of rand or improvemenls to the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign thecertificate of dedication and ownership in addition ro the reelimole owner lhereof. m. All current taxes must be paid prior to lhe Town's approval of plat. Thisincludes taxes which have been billed but are not yei due. Tnecertificate of taxes paid must be signed on the plai or a statement fromlhe Eagle county Assessor's office must be provided with the submittalinformation stating that ali taxes have been paid. n. Signature of owner. The condominium or townhouse prat shail arso incrude froor prans, erevations and cross:sections as nece-qsgry to accurately determine individual air spacesand/or other ownerships ano it tne proiect was buirt substantiaily the same astne approved plans. A copy of the condominium documents for staff review to assure that there aremaintenance provisions included for all commonly owned areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a complete submittal along with payment of theappropriale fee, the zoning administrator shall route one copy of the site map to thetown engineer for his review. The zoning administrator shalt tnen conduct this reviewconcurrently. The town engineer shall review the submittal and return comments and e. v. h. K. 2. H. notitications to the zoning adminislraror who shail rransmit lhe approvar, disapprovar orapproval with modifications of rhe prat within founeen days to the appricant. Thezoning adminislrator shall sign lhe plat if approved or require rooiri"L-_iion. on lrre ptatfor approval or deny approvir oue io inconsistencies with the originaily approved pranor failure to make olher required modifications of the plat. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning adminislrator shall be the final signature required on the prat so that theDepartrnent ol community Deveropment wilr "be responsibre for promptry recording theapproved plat with il:e Eagle county clerk and Frecorder. Fees for ,,!"oroing shail bepaid by the applicarrt. The Community Development Department will retain one mylarcopy of the plat for their records and wirr record the remaining myruicopy lf this application requires .a separate review by any rocar, state or Federar agencyother than the Town of Vair, the apprication ree snatt oe increaseJ ov geoo.oo.Examples of such review, may incrude, but are nol rimitecr to: cororado Department ofFlighway Access permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsibre for paying any pubrishing fees which are in excessoI 50% of the apprication. fee. .rf, at the ippiicant's request, any matter is postponed forhearing, causing the matter to be re-publisireci, ilren lhe entire fee for sucn re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications. deemed by the community Development Department to have signiricantdesign, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on t"community may require review by consurtants other than town staff. Shourd adetermination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to reviewany application, the community Deveropment Deparrmenr may hire an outsideconsultant, it shall estimate lhe arnount of money necessary to pay him or her and thisamount shall be fonvarded to the Town by the appricant al the time he files hisapplication with the community Deveropment Department. Upon compretion of thereview of the apprication by the.consultant, any of the funds forwardud oy tt.,u applicantfor payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consurtant shail bereturned to the applicant.. Expenses incurred bythe Town in excess of tne amountforwarded by the apprication shail be paid to the Town by the appricant within 30 daysof notification by the Town. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development March 25, 2002 A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council regardlng a major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, to allow for the elimination of a dwelling unit, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road (Christiania at Vail), Units 41O & 420lLot D, Block 2, Vail Village 1't Fiting. Applicant: Gail and Richard Siegal, represented by Morter ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson il. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST AND BACKGROUND The applicants are requesting to consolidate two existing fourth-story residential dwelling units at the Christiania at Vail, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road. The proposed consolidation of units 410 and 420 at the Christiania at Vail will constitute the elimination of one dwelling unit within Special Development District No. 28. The elimination of a dwelling unit will bring the density of Special Development District No. 28 more into conformance with the density requirements of the underlying Public Accommodation District zoning. Pursuant to Section 12-9A-2, Vail Town Code, any request to change the number of dwelling or accommodation units within a special development district constitutes a "major amendment" request. In 1992, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 8, Series 1 992, establishing Special Development Districts No. 28, Christiania at Vail, and adopting a development plan for Special Development District No. 28 in accordance with the requirements of the Vail Town Code. Any major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 requires Planning and Environmental Commission review and the approval of an ordinance by the Town Council. A draft version of Ordinance 8, Series of 20O2, which repeals and reenacts Ordinance 8, Series of 1992, with the proposed amendments has been attached for review. No exterior construction is being proposed as part of the consolidation of these two dwelling units, therefore, this proposal does not require Design Review approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental commission forward a recommendation of approval to the Vail rown council regarding the proposed major amendment to special Development District No. 28, to allow for the elimination of a dwelling unit, located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road (Christiania at Vail), Units 410 & 420. The staffs recommendation for approval is based upon the review of the applicable policies and regulations outlined in Section lV and V of this memorandum, the criteria outlined in Section Vl of this memorandum, and the evidence presented. should the Planning and Environmental commission choose lo Il. forurard a recommendation of approval of this request to the Town Council, staff recommends that the following findings be made part of the Commission's motion: 1. That the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, complies with the design criteria outlined in Section 12-94-8, Vail Town Code. 2. That the applicant, as required, has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that any adverse effects of the requested deviations from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided or has demonstrated that one or more of the development standards is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to forward a recommendation of approval for the requested major amendment, staff would recommend that the approval carry with it the following condition: 1. That prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant submits a revised condominium map reflecting the approved major amendment; and that the approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 be contingent upon staff review and approval of said condominium map. ZONING / DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS Lot size: 0.380 acres (16,553 sq.ft.) Underlyino PA Zoninq (1992) SDD No. 28 (1 992) Proposed TotalGRFA: Density: 13,242sq.ft. 9 dwelling units 20 ft. 20ft.tzjft. 20 ft. 48' sloping/4S' flat 14,117 sq.ft.no change 3 du's & 21 au's = | du's + 21 au's = 13.5 du's 12.5 du's AU GRFA N/A DU GRFA N/A Common Area N/A Site coverage:55% Landscaping: 30o/o Setbacks: front: side: rear: Height: 7,335 sq.ft. 5,041 sq.ft. 1,741sq.ft. 39o/o 32o/o 15 ft. 0 ft./10 ft. 8ft.6in. 44 ft. flat 41 spaces no change 5,202 sq.ft. 1,579 sq.fl no change no change no change no change no change no change no changeParking/Loading: N/A tv. v. Title12, Chapter 9, Vail Town Code, provides for the establishment of Special Development Districts in the Town of Vail. According to Section 12-9A-1 , the purpose of a Special Development District is as follows: To encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land, in order to promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new development within the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of sfreels and utilities; to preserue the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approved development plan for a Specra/ Development District, in conjunction with the properties undeilying zone district, shall establish the requirements for guiding development and uses of propefi included in the Special Development District. Staff believes that the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28 conforms to the purpose of Special Development Districts. At the time of its establishment, Special Development District No. 28 allowed a density that exceeded what would have been allowed by the underlying zoning. The proposed elimination of one dwelling unit brings the density of Special Development District No. 28 more into conformance with the density requirements of the underlying Public Accommodation District. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN The goals for Vail Village are summarized in six major goal statements. Each major goal focuses on a particular aspect of the Village community. "Goal 1 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preseruing the unique architectunl scale of the Village in order to sustain a sense of community and identity." This proposal complies with this goal by upgrading and redeveloping an existing residential property in the Village without altering the existing architecture of the property. "Goal 2 To foster a touist industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole." This proposal complies with this goal by upgrading and redeveloping an existing residential property in the Village. However, the cumulative effect of reducing the number dwelling units in the village may have a negative affect on the economic health and viability of the Village. "Goal 3 To recognize as a top prioity the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village." This proposal will have little or no affect on the walking experience throughout the Village. vt. "Goal 4 To preserve existing open space areas and expand green space oppoftunities." This proposal will have no affect on any open space areas or green space opportunities. "Goal5 lncrease and improve the capacity, efficiency and aesthetics of the transportation and circulation sysfem throughout the Village." This proposal complies with this goal by eliminating one dwelling unit at the existing Christiania at Vail, thus decreasing the number of daily vehicular trips to this site. "Goal 6 To ensure the continued improvement of the vital operational elements of the Village." This proposal will have little or no affect on the operational elements of the Village. MAJOR AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT REVIEW CRITERIA The Town Code provides nine design criteria, which shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed Special Development District. lt shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal; therefore Staff does not believe that this criterion is applicable to this proposal. B. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. There is no proposed change in use or activity associated with this proposal. Staff believes that the proposed reduction in density continues to provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The proposed elimination of one dwelling unit brings the density of Special Development District No. 28 more into conformance with the previous density requirements of the underlying Public Accommodation District. However, the cumulative effect of reducing the number dwelling units in the Village may have a negative affect on the economic health and viability of the Village. C. Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Tifle 12, Ghapter 10, of the Town Code. This proposal complies with the parking and loading standards of the approved development plan and Staff believes that the reduction of one dwelling unit will have a positive impact on parking availability for the Christiania at Vail. D. Conformity with the applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plan. Vail Land Use Plan 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.4 The original theme of the old Village Core should be carried into new development in the Village Core through continued implementation of the Urban Design Guide plan. 4.3 The ambiance of Vail Village is important to the identig of Vail and should be preserved. (scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling, environmental quality.) 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the marketplace demands for a full range of housing types. Staff finds the application to be in conformance with all applicable goals, policies and objectives outlined in the Vail Land Use plan. Vail Villaqe Urban Desiqn Guide plan This property is not located within the area included in the Urban Design Guide Plan; therefore Staff does not believe that the provisions of the Urban Design Guide Plan are applicable. E' ldentification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the propefi on which the special development district is proposed. According to the Town of Vail's official Hazard Maps, there are no natural or geologic hazards present on the subject property. F.Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal; therefore Staff does not believe that this criterion is applicable to this proposal. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal that directly affect the existing vehicular or pedestrian traffic circulation. The elimination of one dwelling unit from the site should provide a net decrease in the number of daily vehicular trips to/from the site, and Staff believes that this will have a positive impact on vehicular traffic circulation at the Christiania at Vail. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and functions. There are no site improvements or any exterior construction associated with this proposal; therefore Staff does not believe that this criterion is applicable to this proposal. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district. There is no phasing of this proposal; therefore Staff does not believe that this criteria is applicable to this proposal. FINDINGS The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before forwarding a recommendation of approval to the Town Council for a major amendment to a Special Development District: 1. That the proposed major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, complies with the nine design criteria outlined in Section 12-94-8, Vail Town Code. 2. That the applicant, as required, has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that any adverse effects of the requested deviations from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided or has demonstrated that one or more of the development standards is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved. G. H. vil. ORDINANCE NO.8 Series of 2002 ffi,ffiAF3 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO. 8, SERIES OF 1992, PROVIDING FOR THE RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28, CHRISTIANIA AT VAIL, ADOPTING A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO.28. AND PROVTDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO.28, CHRISTIANIA AT VAIL, IN REGARD TO CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS, MODIFICATIONS IN COMMON AREA AND GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA SQUARE FOOTAGES, AND AMENDMENTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 12, CI{APTER 9, OF THE VAIL MUNTCIPAL CODE AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Title 12, Chapter 9 of the Vail Municipal Code authorizes Special Development Districts within the Town in order to encourage flexibitity and creativity in the development of land in order to promote iis most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of ihe new development with the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of ooen space areas; end to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS, in 1992, the Town Council adopted Ordinance No. B, Series of .1992. establishing Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vait (SDD 28); and WHEREAS, Section 12-9A-10 of the Vail Municipal Code permits major amendments to previously approved Special Development Districts; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Gail and Richard Siegal represented by Morter Architecture, has submitted an application for a major amendment to the existing Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail: and WHEREAS, the applicant has complied with the requirements ouflined in Section 12-94- 10 of the Vail Municipal Code: and WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the repeal, re-establishment, and amendment of Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modifications In common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in accordance with ri e 12, Chapter 9, of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto; and a,-.: -l:: I l:1 .. : :r"'&ti' - ' "!jl:- ti da "*.:l H WHEREAS, the approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, and the development standards in regard thereto shall not establish precedent or entitlements elsewhere wilhin the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in Title 12 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the major amendment application on March 25,2OO2i and WHEREAS, all public notices as required by the Vail Municipal Code have been published and sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Environmental Commission has recommended approval of the major amendment lo Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail and has submitted its recommendations to the Town Council: and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to approve the major amendment and adopt the revised Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Councit finds that the major amendement for Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, will ensure unified and coordinated development within lhe Town of Vail in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated: and, WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the undertying zoning designaiion of public Accommodation District is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses, and is consistent with the Town's Land Use Plan and Zoning Regulations, and is appropriate for the area; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it is reasonable, eppropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to repeal and reenact Ordinance No. g, Series of 1992, to provide for such changes in special Development District No. 28, christiania at Vail; ano :-. -- r. - E | ,',,.., -," ! WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, is in the best interest of the town as it meels the Town's development obiectives as identified in the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Ordinance No.8, Series of 1992 is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows: Section 1: Purpose ofthe Ordinance The purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the repeal, re-establishment, and amendment of Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in accordance with Ti e 12, Chapter 9, of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard therelo. Section 2: Amendment Procedures Fulfilled. Plannino Commission Report The review procedures prescribed in Section 12-9-10 of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Town council has received the report ofthe planning and Environmental Gommission recommending approval of the proposed major amendment Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail. Section 3: Special Development District No. 28. Christiania at Vail The Special Development District and the major amendment to the approved development plan are established to ensure comprehensive development and use ofthe area tn a manner thal would be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreation amenities, and promoie the goals, objectives and policies of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development District No. 28 is regarded as being complementary to the Town of Vail by the Town Council and the ptanning and Environmental commission, and has been established since there are significant aspects of the special Development District that cannot be satisfied through the imposition of the standard Public Accommodation District reouirements. a .r r--- il. rr*:-.r.:: .3, -,'",' :ii' !' Section 4: Approved DeveloDment Plans The Town Council finds that the amended approved development plan for Special Development District No. 28 meets each of the standards set forth in Section 12-gA-10 of the Vail Municipal Code. In a@ordance with Section 12-9A-10 of the Vail Municipal Code, the amended development plan for Special Development Districi No. 28 is approved and Special Development Disirict No.28 is hereby approved. The amended approved development plan is comprised of those plans submitted by the developer/applicant and consists of the following documents: 1 . Sheet No. Al, dated January 27 , 1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (site plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 2. Sheet Nos. A2-A5, dated January 27,1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (first, second, third and fourth floor plans), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 3. Sheet No. A6, dated January 27 , 1992 (roof plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 4. Sheet Nos. A7-A9, dated January 27 , 1 992 and revised March 16, 1992 (North. South, East and West elevations), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 5. Sheet No. Ll, dated January 27,1992 and revised March 6 and March 16, 1992 (landscape plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 6. Parking Plan for Lot P-3, dated February 8, 1992 and revised February 18, 1992 and March 16, 1992, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 7. North elevation of lobby, dated April 22, 1gg1 , prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 8. Proposed Dumpster Relocation, dated April 21,1992, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 9. Siegal Residence, Proposed 4t Floor Plan, dated February 25, zoOZ, prepared by Morter Architects. 10. Siegel Residence, Proposed Loft Plan, dated February 25,2002, prepared by Morter ArchitecG. _n -.^l Section 5: Approved Development Standards The Town Council finds that any devialion of the development standards from the underlying zone district provides benefits to the Town that outweigh the adverse effects of such deviation. The developmenl standards for Special Development District No. 28 are approved by the Town Council as a part of the approved development plan as follou/s: A. SETBACKS: Setbacks shall be as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. B. HEIGHT Building height, for a sloping roof, shall not exceed 48 feel from existing or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive; or for a flat or mansard roof, shall not exceed 45 feet from existing or finished grade, whichever is more rest rictive . C. DENSITY: Development in Special Development District No. 28 shall be limited to a maximum of 2 dwelling units and 21 accommodation units, as designated on the floor plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance, and as follows: 1. The Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) shall be limited to a maximum of 14,117 sq. ft., of which 7,335 sq. ft shall be dedicated to accommodation unils, 5,202 sq. ft. shall be dedicated to dwelling units and 1,579 sq. ft. shall be dedicated to excess common area. lt should also be noted that the orovision for an additional 425 sq. ft. of cRFA, which is applicable to certain zone districts, does not apply to this Special Development District. 2. The applicant or his successors in interest agree to permanently restrict one off-site dwelling unit, (the secondary unit in a primary/secondary residence located at 1 184 Cabin Circle/Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Valley First Filing, for use by employees of the Upper Eagle Valley (employee housing unit) in the following manner: a. The employee housing unit shall be provided with a full kitchen (refrigerator, stove, sink, oven/microwave) and shall not be leased or .ented for any period less than 30 consecutive days and shall be rented only to tenants who are full time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. b. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Eagle-Vail and Avon and their surrounding areas. c. A full-lime employee is a person who works an average of thirty hours per week. d. The applicant or his successors in interest shall file a declaration of covenanls and restrictions with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County in a form approved by lhe Town Attorney for ihe benefit of the Town to insure the restrictions set forth herein shall run with the land. Said declaration shall not be amended or terminated without the written approval of the Town of Vail. Subseouent to the effective date of this ordinance, no building permit shall be issued for the redevelopment of this Special Development District No. 28 until said declaration of covenants and restrictions are executed and filed with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. The applicant or his successors in interest agree to permanently restrict one on-site dwelling unit, (the third floor dwelling unit in the Christiania Lodge) located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing, according to Title 13, Chapter 7 (Condominiums and Condominium Conversion), of the Vail Municipal Code. The applicant or his successors in interest shall file a declaration of covenants and restrictions with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County in a form approved by the Town Attomey for the benefit of the.Town to insure the restrictions set forth herein shall run with the land. Said declaration shall not be amended or terminated without the written approval of the Town of Vail. Subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance, no building permit shall be issued for the redevelopment of this Special Development District No. 28 until said declaration of i: f]]r ."::r rr r:I.":-ai ,;,.,,,..._r,.:,i. U covenanls and restriclions are executed and filed with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. SITE COVERAGE: The maximum allowable site coverage for Lot D shall not exceed 39% ofthe buildable lot size and shall be as designated on the devetopment plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. LANDSCAPING: At least thirty-two percent (32%) ofLot D shafi be randscaped and sha| be as designated on the development plans set forth in Seclion 4 of this Ordinance. PARKING: Parking for Special Development District No. 28 shall be met as designated on the development plans sel forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. Section 6. The applicant or his successors in interesl agrees to perform the following: 1. The applicant or his successors in interest shal obtain a revocabre right-of-way permit from the Town in order lo add the proposed landscaping at lhe entrance . to the Lot P-3 parking area, as designated on the developmenl plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. 2 The applicant or his successors in interest has agreed ro financiafiy participate in the construction of a sidewark arong the west side of the MiI creek court Chule, from Hanson Ranch Road to West Gore Creek Drive, as designated in the Town's adopted Streetscape Master Plan. Such financial contribution shall not exceed one lhird of the total cosl of the sidewalk. 3 lf and when the Town of vair or orher party deverops a parking/roading derivery facility on Parcets p-3 and Lot J, glock 5_A, Vail Village Sth Fiting, the applicant or his successors in interest shal not remonstrare against the deveropment of a parking/loading facility as long as the amount of pa*ing that the applicant currentty has on parcel p-3, Block 5-A, Vail Village 5th Filing, including either the righfof-way to the east or west, is incorporated into the parking/loading facility. The number of spaces shall not include valet parking. D. F. 'F) Section 7. ' '' Amendments to the approved development plan which do not chenge its substance may be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-&6 and 12-9A-10 of the Vail Municipai Code. Amendments which do change the substance of the development plan shall be required to be approved by the Town Council after the above procedure has been followed. The Community Development Department shall determine what constitules a change in the substance of the developmenl plan. Section 8- lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity ofthe remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, seclions, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 9. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in lhis ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred priorto the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any olher action or proceeding as commenced under of by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 10. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. --' l-..'' |NTRoDUcED,READoNF|RsTREAD|NG,APPRoVED,ANDoRDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 2n0 day of April, 2002, and a public hearing for second reading of thts Ordinance set for the 16s day of April, 2002, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor , AfiEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED lhis .16th dav of Apdl. 2002. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk o ir ORDINANGE NO.8 : Series of 2002 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO.8, SERIES OF 1992, PROVIDING FOR THE RE.ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28, CHRISTIANIA AT VAIL, ADOPTING A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO.28, AND PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENTS TO SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 28, CHRISTIANIA AT VAIL, IN REGARD TO CHANGES IN THE NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS, MODIFICATIONS IN COMMON AREA AND GROSS RESIDENTTAL FLOOR AREA SQUARE FOOTAGES, AND AMENDMENTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 12, CHAPTER 9, OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Title 12, Chapter g of the Vail Municipal Code authorizes Special Development Districts within the Town in order to encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land in order to promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of the new development with the Town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS, in 1992, the Town Council adopted Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992, establishing Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail (SDD 28); and WHEREAS, Section 1 2-9A-10 of the Vail Municipal Code permits major amendments to previously approved Special Development Districts; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Gail and Richard Siegal represented by Morter Architecture, has submitted an application for a major amendment to the existing Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail; and WHEREAS, the applicant has complied with the requirements outlined in Section 12-9A- 10 of the Vail Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the repeal, re-establishment, and amendment of Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in accordance with Tifle 12, Chapter g, of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto; and WHEREAS, the approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, and the development standards in regard thereto shall not establish precedent or entitlements elsewhere within the Town of Vail: and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions outlined in Title 12 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Planning & Environmental Commission held a public hearing on the major amendment application on March 25,2002: and WHEREAS, all public notices as required by the Vail Municipal Code have been published and sent to the appropriate parties; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Environmental Commission has recommended approval of the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail and has submitted its recommendations to the Town Council: and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to approve the major amendment and adopt the revised Approved Development Plan for special Development District No. 28, christiania at vail; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Councilfinds that the major amendement for Special Development District No. 28, christiania at Vail, will ensure unified and coordinated development within the Town of Vail in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated: and, WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the underlying zoning designation of Public Accommodation District is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses, and is consistent with the Town's Land Use Plan and Zoning Regulations, and is appropriate for the area; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to repeal and reenact Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992, to provide for such changes in Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the major amendment to Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, is in the best interest of the town as it meets the Town's development objectives as identified in the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1992 is hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows: Section 1: Purpose of the Ordinance The purpose of this ordinance is to provide for the repeal, re-establishment, and amendment of Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail, in regard to changes in the number of dwelling units, modifications in common area and gross residential floor area square footages, and amendments to the development plan in accordance with Title 12, Chapter 9, of the Vail Municipal Code and setting forth details in regard thereto. Section 2: Amendment Procedures Fulfilled. Planning Commission Report The review procedures prescribed in Section 12-9-10 of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Town Council has received the report of the Planning and Environmental Commission recommending approval of the proposed major amendment Special Development District No. 28, Christiania at Vail. Section 3: Special Development District No. 28. Christiania at Vail The Special Development District and the major amendment to the approved development plan are established to ensure comprehensive development and use of the area in a manner that would be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreation amenities, and promote the goals, objectives and policies of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development District No. 28 is regarded as being complementary to the Town of Vail by the Town Council and the Planning and Environmental Commission, and has been established since there are significant aspects of the Special Development District that cannot be satisfied through the imposition of the standard Public Accommodation District requirements. Section 4: Approved Development Plans The Town Council finds that the amended approved development plan for Special Development District No.28 meets each of the standards set forth in Section 12-94-10 of the Vail Municipal Code. In accordance with Section 12-94-10 of the Vail Municipal Code, the amended development plan for Special Development District No. 28 is approved and Special Development District No. 28 is hereby approved. The amended approved development plan is comprised of those plans submitted by the developer/applicant and consists of the following documents: 1. Sheet No. Al, dated January 27,1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (site plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 2. Sheet Nos. A2-A5, dated January 27,1992 and revised March 16, 1992 (first, second, third and fourth floor plans), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 3. Sheet No. 46, dated January 27, 1992 (roof plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 4. Sheet Nos. A7-A9, dated January 27, lgg7 and revised March 16, 1992 (North, South, East and West elevations), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 5. Sheet No. L1 , dated January 27,1992 and revised March 6 and March 16, 1992 (landscape plan), prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 6. Parking Plan for Lot P-3, dated February 8, 1gg2 and revised February 18, 1992 and March 16, 1992, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 7 . North elevation of lobby, dated April ZZ, 1991, prepared by Pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 8. Proposed Dumpster Relocation, dated April 21 , 1992, prepared by pierce, Segerberg & Spaeh Architects. 9. Siegal Residence, Proposed 4m Floor plan, dated February ZS, ZOO2, prepared by Morter Architects. 10. Siegel Residence, Proposed Loft plan, dated February 25,2002, prepared by Morter Architects. Section 5: Approved Development Standards The Town Council finds that any deviation of the development standards from the underlying zone district provides benefits to the Town that outweigh the adverse effects of such deviation. The development standards for Special Development District No. 28 are approved by the Town Council as a part of the approved development plan as follows: A. SETBACKS: Setbacks shall be as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. B. HEIGHT Building height, for a sloping roof, shall not exceed 48 feet from existing or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive; or for a flat or mansard roof, shall not exceed 45 feet from existing or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive. C. DENSITY: Development in Special Development District No. 28 shall be limited to a maximum of 2 dwelling units and 21 accommodation units, as designated on the floor plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance, and as follows: 1. The Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) shall be limited to a maximum of 14,117 sq. ft., of which 7,335 sq. ft shall be dedicated to accommodation units, 5,202 sq. ft. shall be dedicated to dwelling units and 1,579 sq. ft. shall be dedicated to excess common area. lt should also be noted that the provision for an additional 425 sq. ft. of GRFA, which is applicable to certain zone districts, does not apply to this Special Development District. 2. The applicant or his successors in interest agree to permanently restrict one off-site dwelling unit, (the secondary unit in a primary/secondary residence located at 1184 Cabin Circle/Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Valley First Filing, for use by employees of the Upper Eagle Valley (employee housing unit) in the following man ner: a. The employee housing unit shall be provided with a full kitchen (refrlgerator, stove, sink, oven/microwave) and shall not be leased or rented for any period less than 30 consecutive days and shall be rented only to tenants who are full time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Eagle-Vail and Avon and their surrounding areas. A full-time employee is a person who works an average of thirty hours per week. The applicant or his successors in interest shall file a declaration of covenants and restrictions with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County in a form approved by the Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to insure the restrictions set forth herein shall run with the land. Said declaration shall not be amended or terminated without the written approval of the Town of Vail. Subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance, no building permit shall be issued for the redevelopment of this Special Development District No. 28 until said declaration of covenants and restrictions are executed and filed with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. The applicant or his successors in interest agree to permanently restrict one on-site dwelling unit, (the third floor dwelling unit in the Christiania Lodge) located at 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, VailVillage First Filing, according to Title 13, Chapter 7 (Condominiums and Condominium Conversion), of the Vail Municipal Code. The applicant or his successors in interest shall file a declaration of covenants and restrictions with the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County in a form approved by the Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to insure the restrictions set forth herein shall run with the land. Said declaration shall not be amended or terminated without the written approval of the Town of Vail. Subsequent to the effective date of this ordinance, no building permit shall be issued for the redevelopment of this Special Development District No. 28 until said declaration of d. ? D. E. F. covenants and restrictions are executed and filed with the Eaole County Clerk and Recorder. SITE COVERAGE: The maximum allowable site coverage for Lot D shall not exceed 39% of the buildable lot size and shall be as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. LANDSCAPING: At least thirty-two percent (32o/o\ of Lot D shall be landscaped and shall be as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. PARKING: Parking for Special Development District No. 28 shall be met as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. The applicant or his successors in interest agrees to perform the following: t.The applicant or his successors in interest shall obtain a revocable right-of-way permit from the Town in order to add the proposed landscaping at the entrance to the Lot P-3 parking area, as designated on the development plans set forth in Section 4 of this Ordinance. The applicant or his successors in interest has agreed to financially participate in the construction of a sidewalk along the west side of the Mill Creek Court Chute, from Hanson Ranch Road to West Gore Creek Drive, as designated in the Town's adopted Streetscape Master Plan. Such financial contribution shall not exceed one third of the total cost of the sidewalk. lf and when the Town of Vail or other party develops a parking/loading delivery facility on Parcels P-3 and Lot J, Block 5-A, Vail Village Sth Filing, the applicant or his successors in interest shall not remonstrate against the development of a parking/loading facility as long as the amount of parking that the applicant currently has on parcel P-3, Block 5-A, Vail Village Sth Filing, including either the right-of-way to the east or west, is incorporated into the parking/loading facility. The number of spaces shall not include valet parking. Section 6. 2. J. Section 7. Amendments to the approved development plan which do not change its substance may be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 12-3-6 and 12-9A-1 0 of the Vail Municipal Code. Amendments which do change the substance of the development plan shall be required to be approved by the Town Council after the above procedure has been followed. The Community Development Department shall determine what constitutes a change in the substance of the development plan. Section 8. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 9. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under of by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 10. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING. APPROVED. AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 2nd day of Aprit, 2002, and a pubtic hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 16th day of April, 2002, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this 16th day of April,2002. Ludwig Kuz, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk Department of Community Developnent 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 7,2002 Mmgaret E. Hanlon, P.C. 225 Wall Street, Suite 205 Vail, CO 81657 RE:chateau christian Townhouses - 356 Hanson Ranch Road,{-ot D, Block 2, vail village I't Filing Dear Meg, The following is a summary of Town of Vail Staffls comments pertaining to the proposed amendment to the Condominium Map for the Chateau Christian Townhouses: I' Floor plans for all levels of the building must be included as part of this condominium plat.2. The title block must be revised to conform to the requirements of Section 13-11-1. Vail Town Code. 3. The floor plans for Units G and H must reflect Morter Architects' April 19,2002 Design Review Board approved plans.4. The vicinity map must be drawn to scale.5. The building location must be tiEd to property comers with distances and angles on thevicinity mapof theptat. t -'' 6. The building dimensions must be shown on the vicinity map of the plat (measured to the nearest one-tenth of a foot). 7. A copy of the condominium documents referenced in Note #10 must be submitted to the Community Development Department. Please revise the proposed Condominium Plat for the Chateau Christian Townhouses to address the above mentioned items. If you have any questions or comments, please feel Aee to contact m e at (970) 479-2173 or at bgibson@ci.vail.co. us. Sincerely, _ \ i RECrcLED PAPER Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I Town of Vail $ 'l' * 'i * '** * * * * * ** * + 'c it *{r 'i*'**+*++*********!************'r*{.*'i**++***+ti++++t+++tt+:F++{r+**+* * +*i+ *++++ ToWNoFVAIL, CoLoRADo Statement + +******it****+++++****,lr**i.*'*'t* **'f ******++*++f,***++**********+****!i*r*,f *i.****!r****r.********* Statement Nurnber: ROO0O022g4 AmounE: g100,OO OS/OZ/200204:00 pM Pa)rment Method: Check Tnit : iIAR Notation: 2o28-Margaret E. Hanlon Permit No: pEc02002o T)4)e ! pEc - condo/r.n, elac ne Pareel No: 2IOLOS243OO7gite AddresB: 356 HANsoN RANCH RD VAIL IJocat,ion: Units 420 & 410 Total Feea: $100,00Thia Paymenu: 9100.00 Total ALIr pmts, $too.00 Balance: 90.00**r'* *+ **++* ****'*,***'i 't ++* !t( * * + + t + *+ * **** * * * ** * *t * * !i******'t*+*f 't * * {. {. * * * * * * *+ + +**t * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current pmts PV OO1OOOO31I25OO PTC APPLICATION FEES 100.00 Dec-O3-OZ 09: OsP P-Ot LAw OFrtcEs oF MARGARDT E, ITANLON, P.C. 225 WALL STREET. SUITE 205 VArr4CoLoRADo 8t652 TELEPHONA OfiI476.4W6 TELETAX (970) 476silE4 f'ACSIMILE COVER SHEET TO: BillOibeon Community Dcvclopment Town of Vail FROM: Margaret Hanlon RE; Chateau Chri$tian Townhomes Fax Numbcr: () 47e-2452 DATE: Decembcr 3,2002 NUMBER OF PAcEs INCLUDING THIS COVER St{EET:f -/ - 'l'hc papcrs involved in this facsimile transmission corrtain confidcnlial infonnation which is lcgallyprivilcged and which bcltngs to thc scnder. Thc information is inrcndsd onty f", rirc i,r" of thc abovc_namadrecipicn(s). If you sre trot an- intendcd rccipient, you are hercby lotifi€d ihat -y alsclorur., distribution.copyjn& or taking ofany action in retirncc an the conlcnts ofthis telefaxcd inlbrmafion is strictty prohibited. Ifyou have rcccived this trancmi$sion in efirr, plensq immcdiatcly notily tlris n* rw tul.p[r"" to arongc for therefurn of thu original dccuments. MESSAGD: Plcase fomard to the named recipicnt immecliately. Via lhcsimilc only; no original has heen sent. DeC-OS-OZ OS':OEP P.OE FFOII i Eogle {)al leg surl,eg r ng nc. FA)4 NO. : 9?8 845 9584 Jun, 19 2882 B9:5311'l Ps ADMINI STRATOR CERTI FTC?\TE This plau lB hereby appraved by che Town of Vail Adrnini6eraLor rhisday of , A.D. 2002. ATTEsT: CERTTFICATE OF TAJ(Es FAID I, the undersigned, do hereby certify lhat the entire amount oftaxes due and payable as of . uFon all pareeleof rear esraLe deecribed onffiin iuII- Town Clerk Town pg Yo;1 DaEed this _ day of CIJERK AND RECORDER CERTIFICAT}] at Page _ Eagle caunEy, Colorado By: Deputy Adminietrator Town of 'Vail , A.D. 2002, Tiris p1at. wae f iled for record in t,he of Eice of gtre clerk andRecorder on bhis dav of -..-"-, A.D. ZOAZ, atorclock _.M. RecordEli-urrder RecepET-on No. i;ildk Dec-O3-OZ 09: O6P FR{JFI ; Easle Ual leg Srrr,,eging NOTES; r0) 11) 1C'FRX r{J, r 978 945 5EO4 P -O7 Jqn, 19 AOm Bg:s"tfli p6 1) 2',) 3l 4) s) 6) 7l E) Dabe of Survey: February, 2002SEreeU Addrees: 356 Han;on Rancb RoadBasis of .Bearirrg: is q ].ine conne"iirrg exigting monumenro onche. soucherly Line cf r,or d., Bl;k -e. viil---vi]-i;;" FirsrFiling boing Neoooo,001,8 (see d";_#s -;;; rT"-JJi"" anddescrilrtion af monunents) . MonumenLab ion ie as showrt hereon.Elevaeions shobrn are hereon are b4esd on Che Town of Vai] ViewCorridor points .The Condonrl'ium Decrarauion for chaLeau chrlstsian T.,wmhouseswas filed for recqrcr in the office of rhe crerx'ind-Recorderfor Easle, 99.1t"V. colorado on Decembcr 30. it;t. -ii n,rot Zreaf Page ?01 (noriginal Declarationir) , as arnencled Uy nirstAnendment to Condomi num Declararion for Chateau Cirr:.etianTownhouses, rec'rded August 22, ]996, as Receprion Nt. 59951.6in the Office of the Cl,erk and Resorder fo-r Eagle eounEy.CoLorado (,tFirot An€ndment,'), and as furLhe;."*ia*a by r:heseeond Amendrnent to condominiurn Declaratiorr ioi cnat""r,chriEEian Townhounes recordedReceFtion No. As ghown hereori:tlTlEl-i r:di cat cs cerleral Curnmon El:menca, asthe aame are reflect,ed on the condominium r.r"p ioi ctit*o,.,Chrlstian Townhousesr and Conunon ELelllents as deEcribed lrr the"Qriginal Declaration! .The. eole purtrrose of this |' Condominium Map for chaceauChriFtian Townhouges - Fir.sL Amen6rnerrE r ia to redef ifre certarnareaa formerly dceignaEed as Units G arrd H and areas'of c.c.E.on the fourth and fif [h f roors, as ehown o" JriJ Gna"miniumMap for Chateau Chriecian Towrrhougee recorded aa Receplron No.L:-zz4E in Book 216_ ar. page zo2 ln the offi"" "f-tirl EagleCortnEy, Colorado. clerk anh Reeorder, Eo the neh, configuracionfor UniEs G and II ae shown hereon, e*c"pf, as .Eedeflned trereonaII <.rther elenrenLs of said Condomiriium M"p f;;-ChaEeauChrlstian Townhouses are otherh,lse adopted,^ .iiirm"a andincorporat.ed herein by thie reteren.o _Unit G ie entitled to accees through UniE li in Lhe areaIabeled hereon as Uni t H Easement Area for ingrggg and egrerssand for inEtallatiol, maintenance, -repair and reconstructionof any and ar.r uuilities rrom -i[r.- Generar comrnon Er emenc'pursuanC. to f,trat GranE, of Eagefitent recorded2oo,-as Rerceptio' No- -, i. erre brti-EE'-?'=Ee-Teriand Recorder for Eagle tounr:Vl'-colorado.Any. area not conEained witLin Che boundary of a Unic isdeeignated as c-c-8, aa reflecced o" Ct* Coniomini um Map forchaEeau ch'iscian Tow_ntrouses, and canunon Elenrents ae descriDedin t.he trOriginal DeclararLion,,. !1!]:*:, Acc<.rr-ding tu Col.orad<r L.lw )ruu mu:rt contrnence any f cgalaeeLon baeed uporr any defecC in Chi's ""*eV wiCfrfn-CUree year5after you firat discover such defec!, rn nc event, may 4nyaccion based uDon arry def€qb ir, ljris aurvey be commenced moreLhan terr yo.ru from Lhe daLe of, the certificaciott ehowr.thereon. e) Oec-O3-OZ 09: OSP MEI l/sm Enclosure Sincerely, ' LAWOFFTqES OF MARGARET'h,, HANLON, P.C. "ltttrd[^fu.- Margsd d Hanlon P -()Z LrwOrncf,str MATGAnET B llrrrtotr, F.C. USWrIl$rrsri Surrt 2Cs VeurGororerctffiff Tllrflre|{E fJmltffi TE xrrx(t7ll){tr{ata Deccmbc 3, 2002 Bitl Gibson Community Deve lopmcnt Dcpartment Town of Vail ?5 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Chatcau Christirn/ Siegal Projectl 356 Hanson Rarrch Ruad Unitv G and H Dear Bill: Thank you for talking with me today, I am cnclosing thc notcs propo$ed by liagle Valley for the Chateau Christian map subnrission. I believe that they are in urnformity with your rcqucsts, but wantcd to be sure befiurc wc submit the map. As you indicated, I'll have them submit a pflper rathcr than a mylar map. Please let mc know if you'll require the nons to rcflect alternative tcxt, and I will ask Eagle Valley to make the appropriatc changes before lriday. I appreciatc your coopcrrtion in assisting us |ro mccl thc Decembcr I I deadliuc for recording approval. Please feel fre.e lo call mc with any questions or mncems,.and I'll lct Eaglc Vallcy know right away. Ihank you vcty much fbr your time and attenlion !o thi$ psckage. 1 i ,i Dec-O3-OZ 09: OEP FREII : Easlc Ualleg gurweU.ing' Executed this OWNER: FFo( ht0. i 97[J 845 9W P-03 Jtrn. 19 :iIJ.? t:H : 5l HI'l FJ CERIIFICAT.U OI' DEDICAII'ION AIqD OWNER5HIP KNOW AIJIr MEII BY THESE PRESENTS thaL Gail g- Siegal and The ChateauChristian Townhourres Ae soc:i.aLion, Inc. being sole o$nera in feeeimple of a1l that real properLy situated in Lhe Tawn of Vail,Eagle County, Cglgrado, <lescribed aE folloua: Uni[e G and H, and areas of, Genera] Connron Element.s orl Lhe fourthand fifbh floors. accordir:g Eo the Condominirrm Map tor ChateauClrrisrian Towrlhoulres as RecepEion Numbe!: LL2245, in Bools 216 at Page ?02 in che offiqe of the Eagle Counby, Clerk and Recorder,said Condominium Map for Chaf,eau Chrtstian Townhougeg contai ns0.0991 acres, more or less- Ir4we by these presenEs laid otrt, plaiLecl and subdiwided the sarneinEo 1oEs, blocks and sondominium units as shown olr c.hil;condominium plac unde r the name and scyle of " Condominium Map forCha[.eau Christi..rn Townhouges - Firtsf Amendmenr,". a subdivieion 1nbhe Town of VaiI, Eagle Counfy, Colorado; and do hereby accepu Eheresponeibility for the complef.ion of required improvemenbs; and dohereby dedicate and set apart. all of the public reads and otherpublj-c improvement g and placee as ehown on the accompanying plat toEhe use of the public forever, and do hereby dedicate thoseporcions of said real property which are indicaEed aa eagemenE orlEhe aecompanying plar, a6 easements for t:he purE}oEe ehown hereon,.and do hereby grants the right Uo insb ll and mainc,ain neccssaryBbructures bo Lhe enricy responsible for provldi ng Ehe servieeo foiwhich Ehe easenrencg are establi shed. day of , A.D. 2002. d;T1-s:- sidsi;i 1526 Bay Elvd.Atlant.ic Beach, NY r1509 CONDOI,TINTUM ASSOCIATION AIi OWNER. ; The Chateau Chri6Eian 'fownhouees AssoctaEion, Inc.356 Hatr8on Ranch Roadvail, CS 6165? By, (Prin! name ) {Trble) Elsc-O3-OZ 09: OsP P -o4 FR0'l : Eagle Ualle'J Surrrelrngr ,c. frll l-l0. : 971 845 9564 Jun. lg mBf Egl:sgfll'l P3 STATE OF COI,JNTY OF The foregoing Certif,icate of Dedicacion and Oh,nertrhip was, A_D. 2002 by ffiuary Fffillc Address: s'rATE 0t' COUNTY OF Ttle foregoing _Cet-tl.f icaEe of Dedisalion and ewnerehip wa6acknowledged before me t,his day ofot -ffi-TEEEeau chrietiah, A.D. 2002 by TownFouses Associat i oIl-TilEl My commission expires :lrlitncss rny hand and eeirT;- ffiAddrees: s8 acknowledged before ne thi6 day ofcail S. Siegal . My commieaion expires: t{1t.ne6g rtq. hand and seaF- ss Dec-O3-Oe 09: OEP FFlOfl : Engltr Ual leg Survegirrg FRX fn. : 970 845 9504 P -05 Jrm. 19 ZIEZ g9:521{'l P4 day of the ritle Eoi.a vest,ed in Agsociacion,of all I iens SURVEYOR I S CERTIFICATE r do hereby cert,ify that r am a regi.stered Land surveyor licenoedunder r-he Lar,rs of the star.e of cororado, rhat thie coni.ominium mifis true, correct and complete ae laicl out, platted, ded.j.cated andshown hereort, that such condominium rhap wits- mad.e f rom qn accuraEeFurvey _of aaid propexty by me and under my supervieion andcor-rectly ahows trorizonral and vertical 1ocatioi and'dimengions ofthe condominiune. parcels, eaeementa arrd streoEs of saidcondominium rnap .rEr Ehe same are staked uparr bhe ground l'compliance with applicable regurations governing the subdivieiorr ofLand- In wit.nese E,hereof I hawe set my hand and eeal Lhis, A.D. ?002 Plicheel, J, posE Colorado l,and Surveyor No. 3OlLE TITLE CERTIPICA.|KJ Land TiLle GuflranLee Company does hereby certify Lhatall lande Ahoqrn upo4 ttris piat have been examinid atrdGail S, Siegal aud The ChaEaau Christian tbwnhpuseeInc - and Ehac, LlLle Lo such lands is free and clearand encumbranceg r €xc€pb as followe: DaEed this day of Irand Title Guarant ee CompanyP.O. Box 35?vail, Co B16sg By, (PrinE, nart|e ) (Ticle) , A.D.2002 IAw Orflcrs or ll{mcmnr E.IIlmnv, P.C. Zl5 ItH,rSrnmr, Surrr 205 Veu,, Corompot1557 TElBruowr (Y''Or47ffi6{, Tnrrrx 1g707Al6d4gl May 11,2002 Bill Gibson and George Ruther Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Chateau Christian/ Siegal Project; 356 Hanson Ranch Road Units G and H Dear Bill and George: Thank you for your telephone message. As requested, we have contacted Eagle Valley Suwey to make sure that the certificate on the mylar copy conforms with the town ordinance and the sample certificate. Enclosed please find a copy of the original Plat recorded for Chateau Christian Townhouses, pursuant to your request. Finally, I understand that you requested that we change the line ofthe legal description in the Amended Plat to reflect the plans approved by Design Review Board on April 19. I have discussed this request with Dan Corcoran at Eagle Valley Surveying, who confirmed that the surveyor, by statute, cannot certi$ lines based on plans alone, but rather must do so after the planned item is built and can be measured. The lines on the Amended Plat as submitted reflect measurements mapped and certified by Eagle Valley and would serve to convey the existing property prior to completion of the improvements; obviously, additional mapping after the completion ofthe project could be required. Unfortunately, I will be out of town from Monday, May 20 to Thursday, May 23, but Dan indicated that he would be happy to speak with you about this project, and Jim Buckner is also available and familiar with the question. If you need to reach me before Monday, I would be more than happy to hear from you on my cell phone, which is (970)331-4752. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this package. Sincerelv. MEFVsm Enclosure LAW OFFICES OF MARGARET E. HANLON, P.C. 4tl ll ^M{,t d0.uilo..,\-.T Mardalet E. Hanlon Apr-05-1002 ll ;18 From-||{AR IRAVERS KRUEGER & PERI(iltS s104767r 18 T-835 P 002/005 F-tzl SECOND AMENDMENT TO COIIDOMINIUM DECLARA,TION FOR CHATEAU CIIRISTIAN TOWNHOUSES KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, rhe undersigned are rhe sole owners (the o,Owners,') of all of the units created under a Condominium Declaration for Chatgau Christian Towrrhouses fiIe<l lbr record in rhe Offrce of rhe Clerk and Recorder for Eagle Couuty, Colorado, on Dccember 30" 1969, in Book 216 ar Page 701 ("originai Declaration"), as amended by First Atnendmenr to Condominiurn Declaration .0cr Chateau Chrisrian, recorded Ruguir 22, 1996 as Reception No.599516 in tire office of the Clerk and Reeorder for Eiele County, Colorado ("First Amendment"): and WHER-EAS, owners desire ro amend said Declaration by rhis second Amendment {"second Anendment") (rhe original Deciararion, First Arnendrnenr and Second Amendrnent being referred to collecrively as the .'Declaration '). Now, THEREFORE, owners do hereby publish and declare $is second Amendment, amending said Declararion as follows: l. Section 1.5 of the Original DecJaration is hereby deleted in irs eirtirety, and fte following is subsritured in lieu thereof: 1.5 Condominium Man."Condominiurn Map" means the condominium Map for chateau chrisrian Townhouses recorded Decernber 30, 1969 in Book 216 at Page To2 in the office of cterk and Recorder of Eagle county, colorado, as amended by Firsr Ameadmenr to condorninium Map for Chareau Christian Townhouses recorded 2002 as Recepdon No.in rhe Office of rhe ClErk and Recorder of Eaele County, Colorado. 2- The following paragrapir is hereby added as Section l.l3: Ll3 Percentgge Allocation '?ercentage Allocation,' means rhe percentage ficr each condominium unir set forrh on Exhibit A atuched ro this second Amendmenr aacl incorporarcd herewirh. The percynrage Allocation ibr each Q6adsminium unit has been detennined baso-d on &e square footage of eachcondominium unit as re{lecred on the condominium Mup u, alainsr theaggregare squarc footage of all condominium unirs in the Building except asfoilows: The owner of Units G a'd H have proposed a remoder for both floors of such units (the "Reurodel")" and the owners of all condominium uuits Apr-05-200? tl:19 ironr-tlEAR TRAV€8S |(RUECIR & PERKtilS 0104?6ill8 T-835 P,003/005 F-721 have agreed for purposes of rhgia Dgslqlion$eeon44rn€nds€at that, in determining the aggregare square footage figures used for calculating the Percentage Allocariorrs, only the base or first floor of such Units plus the new square footage gained on such upper or second floors of Units G and H from ttre Rernodel slrall be included rn the aggregare square footage calculations. Thc new space counted irr such calculatioo on the upper or second floors of Units G and H is pi.crorially shorvo in Exhibit B, and ilre square footage calculations for such space is ser fonh on Exhibit C. 3. Secrion 3.1 of rhe Original Declaration is hereby deleted irr its endrety, and dre following is substitured in lierr thereof: 3.1 Estales of an Ow.ner. The Project is hereby divided into Condominium Units, each consisting of a fee simple inreresr in a Uuit and an undivided fee simple interesr in tbe Common Elemears equal ro rhe Percenrage Allocadon, which interest is hereby declared to be appunenant to such Unir. Subject to rhe limitations contained in ttris Declaration, acy owner shali have the nonexclusive right to use and enjoy the common Elements wirhin t}e Project"; provided, however, t!*U*rhe owner of each Unir ro rvhich a baicony or pario is anached shall hale exolusive use and conrol of those improvements uotwithsranding rhe designatiqn of such improvernenrs on rhe condominium Map as "G.C.E," 4. Section 8.3 of the Original Declararion is hereby deleted in its entirety, and the following is subsritured in lieu rhereof: 8.3 ApponionmenJ of Annual Asspssmenrs. Expenses aftributable to rire common Elemenrs and ro the Projecr as a whole shall be apportioned among each Condomrnrum Unit in accordance with srch Unit's Percentage -Allocarion of rhe total expensgs. 5. Section 8.5 of rhe Original Declarauiol is hereby amendcd ro reflect rhar spocial assessments shall be assessed based on each Owner's Percentaqe Allocarion of the rolal assessmenr and not equally to all Owners. 6. The following paragraph is hereby added to the Declararion as Section g,g: 9.8 &Laintenance of-tcsal Boundaries. No alterations, srnrcrural or otherwise, shall be made ro rhe legal boundaries of a unit by rhe orvner of ti:e Unit without tlre prior written censenr of rhe Association which shall irclude approval of an Amendmenr ro the condominium Map reflecring the new boundaries of the unir and an Amendme,rrr to the Declararion secing forth proposed new Percentage Allocarions of all Owners. a.. Alterarions to the legal boundaries of a Unir shall affect the Percenrage Allocadons of all Owners to rhe ext€ff the approved APr-05-3003 l1;19 From-t{EAR IRAVERS i(RUECER & pERK$lS s704767r 18 I-839 P.004/005 t-tll modificarion to rhe legal boundaries of a Unit change rhe aggregar€ square footage of s Unir!.i provided, however, lbel-tbe improvemeru of Units C and H as proposed by the Remodel shall not affect the Percentage Allocatrons or the voting rights of any Owner as ser fonh irt-lbe Declarafiouherei*, and lhe Remodel shall d:errefore not require further amendmenr ro the Declaration or rhe Condominium Map..Jn:ddl[Selg rhe exenislQsnelis-proposing andmgrdmcLLlo lhe Declaratisn_and-atr b- Any approval by rhe Associarion of the Remodel proposed for units o and H shall nor iimir or waive any other righrs of ttre Association wirh respect to rhe Declaration or rhe common Ele*enrs. c. Any Owner undertaking to modify Unit bonndaries shall be obligated ro obrain all required approvals from rhe Associarion and relevant goveming aurhoriries, 7. Section 11.5 of the Original Declararion is hereby aruended ro reflect thar,if the proceods of insurance are insufficient to pay the esrimared or acna^l cosr of a repair ol' reconshlrcdon in the event of casualty, and lhe Associarion ievies a special asscssmeffto provlde funds for suoh purpose, such assessment shall be allocated to each Condominium Unit in accordance r+'idr the ratio equal to such Unir's rotal square foorage existing prior ro the casualry as against the aggregite square foorage of all iondominiumunits exrstrng prior ro the casr.rarty In suJh insrance, the square footage of all floorswithio a condominium un1 as existing pnor ro the casualty, inctuaing tlre"upper floors ofcondoruinium unrr G and condominium unit H, shall be raken inro ic.ouni io, p*pose, of determining the speciai assessmenr. 8' Section 12'2 of the Originat Declararion is hereby arnended ro reflecr thatthe assessme s against owners levied to pay for rhe renewal and, reconsrruction of rheProjecr in the event of obsolescence shali be allocared to each Condominium Unit inaccordaurce with rhe rsrio equal to sucb unit's rotal square footage as against theaqgegEte square footage of all Condominium Units. In suctr insrance, itre sqoaru footageof all lloors within a condominiurn unir, including rhe upper floors of iondomiuium Apr-05-2002 ll:20 From-llEAR IRAVERS KRUEIiER & PERKTNS s70476rlls T-835 P 005/005 F-t21 Unir G and Condominium Unit H, shall be talcen socornt for purposes ot' ilerermining the assessmerrts for renewal and recolstruction. L section 13.5 of the Original Declarariou is hereby amended rc reflect that, if the Associarion musr reallocate the ownsrship" voting righrs, assessment ratio or other righrs based on any condemnation, then such reallocation shall be dqne based on dre pr-inciples cufrendy used in rhis Declaration and not the principles employed in rhe Onginal Declaradon aI its incepdon. 10. The following paragraplr is hereby added to rhe Declaration as Section 1?.10: 1?.10 Amendment of Provisions in Declararion-Regardine Vqtiug' The Building was originally and is currently divided into eight (8) Condominisll Units. Owners of contiguous Unirs shail have the right to combine said contiguous Units to a single D$welling Ugnit in accordance with rhe terms of this Aamended Declararion and as may be approved by rhe Association and any required govem[iental entity. Notwithstanding modilication of boundaries beween Condominium Unirs, Ovrners of such combined Units shall be treated for votrng purposes as if such Condominium Units werc still separarely subdivided Simi larly, whcre the Declararion requires the vote of a minimum number of Owners, such provision will be analyzod as rcquiring the vote of such minimum out ofa total ofeigbt (8) Owners or votes, as applicable' rfio Anr-23-2002 l0:35 Frsm-llllAR tRAVERS KRUE6ER & pERtilfiS STATE COTINTY O Th ay of unlt .b (310) STATE O COUNTY O 9r0476?t I8 T-083 P.00?/005 F-0?.1 executed this SecondIN WITNESS WHEREOF, rhe Owners have duly A.rnendm€nt, to be effecdve as of Uuira n LLINS 20Q2. --1 ,''.,.-. instrumenr was acknowledged bdfcri.- #e qii . ,: ',--_ F: "' ; wimess my hard anrt official tafttu*---+-@fu tMy commission r*Otr.., .,rr* ,o ro*t *r'l"i'iifl#l'L"r*'m28.203r ,@ The y'gregoi4g insuumet ) ltAdavof LXKI..X: LL7 me rhis AURAM COLLINS Apr-ZE-2004 14:40 From-tiEARTRAVER$ Friday, April l€, ?002 4:33 PM A!r.I1.20!I ol:gt fuoa.tlfllttrvEl€ |(RUEGER E PERI(Ills Wlllirm ll. McCoy 1 r.igScEt I ign[i s s70416r118 581-336.0547 glg{rII} rE 1-03S P.003/006 F-106 t-olr p.00tl00f For p,02 Unir ts {r?0} $TATEoF r co'NTy oF Jsg: ffi n lttz*r Hohffi'--- dry sf Ths lbregoiug irurrumenr, -wss rckoorvlcdgcct bcforc ms rhig$OO!, by lrrsr 5, C6x. Wirnalr ary bofrd qnd officirl rarl. My cornmircion *plrer; STATE OP r---_ CoTJNTYOF issl ffi ,_. _Fr lbrcaobg fustnrneru war rchowlcdgad bqfore me rhisalyor .. ,zooz,brddH:;Hil;:Lgrnt*rrgd WirrosF my hnart End cfiicicl seel. My corrttnjgsjdd cxpjrcr: ffi Apr-25-2002 l4:40 From-$lEAR IRAVERS KRUEGER & PER|(INS 0r0476?il8 I-038 P.004/005 F-106 Unit B (120) WILLIAM H. MCCOY EMILY B MCCOY ,/ STATE OF r-r,1.rr.,.,-,- )^^. ,r55. COLTNTY OF ,,"/x,,, lt.,.lL^ ) , Thc foregoi4g instrurnenr was acknowledged before me rhis)''i*". day of (t,,,,c"',(' ,2002,by Janet S. Cox. Wihess my hand and official seal. My commissioa expires: {.pr* STATEOF - } )ss:couNTYoF---**-) The foregoing lnsrrumenl was acknowledged before me rhis day of 2002, by William H. and Emily B. Cox. Witness my band and official seal. My commission expires: Norary Public Apr-23-2002 I0:36 Fron-$ltAR TRAVERS |(RUECER 0 PERKTNS 970476il rt T-003 P.003/005 F-024 me this UnitC (2i0) .,'\STATEOF /YP ) coLINrY oF -7iim) The -pregoing insffument was acknowleclged before day ot Lu? 8.4 , 2002, by Jeonifer Held Warfor{ Witness my hand and oflicial seal. My commission expires: Apf-43-e004 10:36 fron-llEAR TRAVERS lfiUEctR & PERtilSS STA.TE OF Yrk.a.a ar.<-+ z.') 9704t671 l8 KACIANA ASSOCIATESUrritD (220) day of A4/;/ , 2002, by Heyrvood H. Davis, as-.-- .f K"ciana /t*.sociates, a general partrrership. Wirness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: cotrNTY oF qa-? /ip, n o,l*st The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this T-00t P.004/005 F-0?4 omry Public Apr-23'2002 ll :36 trsm-$IEAR IRAVERS KRUECER & PERfitNS FROM ; day of 9704?6n l8 : 3?9 6s 54 2002, by of Urbanova S.A, IncorPorated' Witncss my h{nd and oflicial ceal' My cornrttissir:n expircs; PI{ONE NO. Unit F (320) URBANOVA S. A. INCORPORATEI) By:--l STATB OF )ss: couNTY olr_._* ) The forcgoing insbumcnt was *clsnowlcdgcd before T-001 P.004/004 F-0e6 fipr. 23 zEl€E 11: 1trRM Dre this of ag Notary Prrblic Apr'?3-1002 l0 :36 From-$/EAR IRAVIRS i(nUEcER & PERKTNS 9704757r l8 T-003 P.005/005 t-0?.4 instnrment was acktrowledeed before me this 2002, byGail S. Siegal. Wimess my hand and official seal. My commission e*pir"r, .3 The rnslrumenl was ackrrowledged behre mc rhig ZAO2,by Gail S. Siegal Witness my hand and offrcial seal. My comrrission expires: Urrit G (410) STATE OF COTINTY OF /5i/. aay of Unit H (420) STATE OIl COt'i{TY 0F day of IU EXHIBIT A SECOND AMENDMENT TO CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION CHATEAU CHRISTTAN TOWNHOUSES PERCENTAGE ALLOCATION Unit Number/ Location of Area Aggregate Square Footage Ownerts Percentage Allocation UnitA/FirstFloor 9r9 9.26 UnitB/FirstFloor 1111 11.21 UnitC/SecondFloor 1129 11.39 UnitD/SecondFloor 1146 1 1.56 UnitE/ThirdFloor I IJJ 11.43 UnitF/ThirdFloor i 138 1 1.48 Unit G /Fourth and Fifth Floors [Fourth Floor with F/PJ [Fifth Floor Remodel AreaJ r677 F2331 [441] r6.91 Unit H/Fourth and Fifth Floors [Fourth Floor with Hall AreaJ [Fifth Floor Remodel AreaJ r662 []4t 1J [2s 1] 16.76 Aggregate Square Footage Of All Condominiurns ln the Building g q15 100.00 Aggregate Square Footage of All Condominir.rms in the Building: 9,915 Calculations of Units A-F are per the original Condorninium Map. Calculations of Units G and H are per Field Measurements. EXHIBIT B SICOND,IIINDMENT't'OCONDOMINIUMDEC'_lRATION CHATEAU CHRISTIAN TOWNHOU SES REMODEL ASSESSMENT PLAN FOR LNITS G AND H o:E {m c c) -4 U,{ z, c2 dU, 5!9ct 9o 5 o ct, a,nm eoq, =m =-l! z, nIxU,{ =G' o -l{E = ;3ioizl FIv d."-,.Itiirt!-- i:;i irii' i:Q lt1 atc) ,-m @ ll <2 -tt 4.|- lr,oo|\l >.ros=:mftr :D ,,lir3-iLo*J -omz trt ;q NrO tsq -tt F m 30Irtz t: :ll d= c,rmag CA an tn o tl q =-l5Io EXHIBIT C SECOND AMENDMENT TO CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION CHATEAU CHRISTIAN TOWNHOU SES SQUARE FOOTAGE. ALLOCATION FIFTH FLOOR Remodel Square Feet Allocated to Unit G: 211.69 (A) 62.68 (B)e.00 (c)l#* Remodel Square Feet Allocated to Unit H: + 251.47 (.8\ 251.41 TOTAL New Square Feet Allocated For Percentage Allocation 443.32 (G)!ffio' Area Location From Exhibit B Remodel Plan Square Footage Unit Allocation A 211.69 U B 62.68 G C 9.00 G D 1s9.95 G E 251.47 H [and Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIEUTIOIU Datei 04-23-2002 Pmpertv .{ddress: 3J5 H.ANSON R.ANCH ROAD, UNITS C AND H OurOrdqNumber: V2'15y3'/ C}IATEAU CHRISTIAN TO\lNHoUsEs GAILSIEGAL 356 IITNSON RANCII ROAD 1j26 BAy BLVD 1'AIL, co &16J7 ATLANTIC B6{CH- Ny ll5o9 Scnl Vis US Posml Ssrvice Scnr Via US posrp! Scrvice LAND TIII^E AUAXA}ITEE COMPANY 108 S. FRONTAG€ RD_ W, #20: P.o. BOX '57vAlL- CO 81657 .Aun: Dsn;EIlc Stoliz Phone: 970.476-?iI Fsx: 970-476-{53{ M.E. HANI.,ON 225WAII STREET SUITE 205 VAJL, CO 8I6i7 Phone: Y704764O66 Fs-\: 970476Ea 84 Scat Vi! Coufia"ra* flTm OELIV€RY Land Title Guarantee Gompany YOUfi COIUTACTS Dare: 04-?3-2002 Our Order Number: vn 5937 hoperty Addrers: 356 HANSON RANCH ROAD. UN]TS G AND H BuyerlBorrower; GAIL S. SIEGAL Sefkr/$vner: TI{E CHATEAU CHRISTIAN TOWNHOUSES ASSOCIATION. iNC., A COLORADO NONPROFiT CORPORATION If you have any inquiries or reguire furth€r assistgnce, please co act one ol-lhe nuhbers betorv: For Closing Assistance: Danie[e S6ltz lOE S. FRQNTAGE RD. W- #203 P_O_ BoX 357 vArL, co 8165? Pllare:97O.47&2251 Fax:. 9'1Q.476453a EMaii: dstohz@hgc.coxo For Title Asistance: VaiITitlc D+r. IGreu Biggs IO8 S. FRONTAGE RD, W, f2O3 P-O. BOX 357 vArL, co Et657 Phom:90-47G2251 Fax- 9IQ-4764534 EMaii: kbU.g@Irgc,com Need a oap or diregions forToqf upcomurg closing? Cherk out Land Title's web sire at wrvw-ltgc.comfor direcfiiirrs to anv of our 4u ollrce rccatrolls- ESTIMATE OF TITI"E FEES Alta Owff$ Policy 10-17-9?s754 _ 00 TOTAL 5754.00 Eo:iE CCj?}C?TETANK YOUf-OX. YO{IR ORDMj Chic4ro Tide Irsrrnce Compaay ALT"T COIqMITMENT fthedule A Itopec-ty Addres: 356 HANSON RANCH ROAD, UNITS G AND H Our OrdsNo. Vn5%7 Cu*. Ref.: 1- Effective Date:April 15, 2002 et 5:00 P.Ivi. 2. Policy to be Issued, and hoposed hsured: "ALTA' Owrer's PoJiry 10-n-n koposed ksrired: GAIL S, SIEGAI $13s,000.00 j The estate or interst iu tlre tand described or referrd to in this Commitment and covened herein is: A Fee Simpie fitle to the es.tate or Int€rest coy€q'ed hercin is at the ellef,tiye date hereof vested in, TI{E CHATEAU CHRISTIAN TOWNHOUSES ASSOCIATION" INC., A COLORADO NONPROFITCORPORATION The land referred to in this Comrnitment is ates{rtbe-d as follows: THosE P0RTIONS oF coNDoMiNrurvr uNrr c AND H, CHATEAU cHRJsnAN TowNIIousEs.ACCORDI'TC TO T}iE CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED DECE}VIBER 30, 1959 IN BOOK 216 AT P,TGE702' AND ACCORDING To THE FIRs? AMENDMENT To rHE C0NDoMINIUM IuAp FoR CHATEAUCHRISTIAN TOWbIHOUSES RECORDED -- RECEPTION Nd _, O, DEFINED ANDDESCRIBED IN THF CONDOMINIUM DEc-i;F;noN RECoRDED rrEffieei 30. rgo9 rN BooK ?16AT P.AGE 7OI, AND AMENDIVIENT RECORDED _ RECEPTION NO. __-, COUNTY OFEAGrJ' srArE oF coLoRADo, wI{ICH wrne FMEn:-y nisrCxirep *s cnrERAL coMh{ol,lELETIENTS, L ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-SEctionl (Reguirements) The following are the reguirernents to be complied with: Our Order No. Vn 5%7 heo (a) Paymmt to or for rhe account of rhe granrors or mortgagoni of thc full considcrarion for the estae or iuerest co b+ instred. kern ft) hopcr insuumcnds) creatiug the esrate or interesr ro be insued musr be executed aod drrly fled for record- r+wir: Itern (c) Payrneat of all uxes, charges or assessmens levied and assessed against the nrbjecr preuuses which arc due an<l payable. Icm (d) Addirional requiremeus, if any disclosed below: AMENDME}TT TO ]..J]E CONDO}VII}iIUIVI MAP AND CONDOMINIUM DEcT-{RAfioN To BE RECoRDEDIN EAGLE COUNTI', GRANT OF EASEMENTTO BE RECORDED IN EAGLE COUNTY. EV}DEI.JCE SATISFASIORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THS TERMS, CONDiTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. GOOD AND SUFFICIENT DEED FROM THE CHATEAU CHRISTIAN]DSANHOUSES ASSOCIATION,INC,. A COLORADO NONPROFIT CORPONTNON TO G.ArL S- SIEGAL CONVEYING SUBJECTPROPERTY. NorE: sAID DOCUFIENT [{usr BE EXECI.ffiD By THE PRESTDEN]-, VICE-PRESTDENT oRSECRETARY OF THE CORPORATION" IF AN ASSISTANT VICE.PRESIDENT OR ASSISTANT SECRE-TARY EXECIJTES S^ID DOCUMEI.IT, A CORPOR4.TE RFJOLI.MON IIIUST tsE PROVIDEDTO LAND TITII3 GWING SAID ASSISTANT AUTHORIZ{TION- l. J J- ALTA COI\,IMITtUENT ScheduieB-Secdon2 {Exceptiors)Our OrderNo. V2759i7 The policy or policies to b€ issu€d wi|| contain excE tiom to the folloq'ing udels tle same are dispo-sed of to the satisfadion of the Comproy: r. Rigb6 or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public recorG_ 2- E:seneoc, or cleims of ersenelts, not showa by tle public recorG- ?. Discrepancies" codlicrs in bouadary lines, shonagc in area, tlcroacbmeats, and any facts whici a corecr survey and iaspecdoa of the preoises woi.rld disclose and which are nor slrown by rhe public :ecords. 4. Any li*n, or right to a lie4 for services, labcr'or marerial theretofore or hereafter funished, rmposed by law and trot showl by rhe public records. 5- Defccts, liens, enouobrances, adverse daims or ofier maters, if any, orearerl, first appeariry in de public recor<ls or anaching subsequerit to the efiktive date hereof but prior ro rhe date rhe proposed insured acquires of record for value rhe esare or imecesc or nron_rage thereon covenNl by this C0rfinifircrlt. 6. Taxes or qrecial asscsmsms which arc noc s,howu a) cilsdng liens by the putrlic rccorG" 7 . Ueus for rinpaid watgr aud sguer charges, iJ any, E- In addirion- the owner's Srolicy ':rill be subject ro rh6 mongage, if any. mred in Sectioa I of Sctit<lu]e B lrsreof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPR]ETOR OF A 1TIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND RFMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOUT-D THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INIERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN INTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 1?. 1899. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 4?5, IO. RICIIT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAIS CONSTRUCTED BY THI] AUTHORITY OF THEUNITED STATES AS RESERVED INi UNITED STATIJ PATENT RECORDED ruLY T2" T899. IN BOOK 4E AT PAGE 475. 11. RESTRICTI\,'E COVENANIS Wl{ici{ DO NOT CONTA]N A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, EUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR. RELIGION. SEX- i{ANDICAP, FAMiUAL STATUS OR NATIONAI ORIGIN UNT€SS AND ONLY TO THE EKTENT THAT SAID CO\,ENANT {A) IS Es.b{PT UNDER CHAPTER 42" SECTION 3&] OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RET"{TES TO HA}iDICAP BUT POES NOT DISCRMINATE AGAINST I{ANDICAP PERSONS" AS CONTAI},IED IN INS1RUMENT RECORDEb AUGUST 10, t9@, IN BOOK 174.A.T PAGE 179. 12, LASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ONTIIE RECORDED PLA.T OF VAIL VITIAGE FTRST FILING, ALT.C. COMMITMENT Sctredule B - Secdon 2 {Excepfions}Our OrderNo. V275977 The policy or policiG to be issu€d uill contain €xceptiotrs to the following unless the same are disposedof to the s isfadion of tl}e Compaay: 13. RESTRICTWE COVLNANTS \&T{ICH DONOT CONTAIN A FORFEITUR.E OR REVERTER CLAUSE,B{IT OMIITING ANY COVENANT OR RESTR{CTION BASED ON R{CF. COLOR, RELIGION,SIX. HANDICAP, FAMII-raT. STATUS oR NATTONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND oNLy TO THEEXTENT T1{AT SAID COVENANT (A) iS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 36g7 OFTHE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELAIES TO HANDICAP BUT DOdS NOTDISCRIMINATE AGAINST HAND1CAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDEDDECEN{BER 30, 1969, iN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 7OI AND AMENDMENT THERETO RECOR.DEDAUGUST 22, 1996, ]N BOOK 703 AT PAGE 530. 14. EASEMENTS, CONDMONS, COVENANTS" RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ONTHE coNDoMINTM MAP oF CHATEAU CHRIsTIAN TowNHousEs REcoRDED DEcEMBER 30,1969IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE ?02. 15. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISION$ OF LEASE RECORDED DE(]EMBER 30, 1969INBOOK ?16 AT PAGE 703. 16' TERMS' coNDITIoNS AND PRovIsIoNs oF pARTy wAtL AcREEMENT REcoRDED JANUARy16, iro IN BOOK2I6 AT FAGE 839. '' 5995ltt tl-?03 P-53U Oti/''2/rggti 03:5lP PG I o!' 13 REC sRr:r J, F!slrer t"*;t';;;;;;''-'i"rt a tleeorder ijti'rr0 rIRST AH8}IDMENT CONDOMXNTUI; ;ECI,ARATION FOR T}TE CIIAIEAU CIIRTS?IAN TOI{I.IEOUSES ASSOCIATIOV, INC ' K}IOW ALL I4EN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, the undersigned are Lhe sole owners (the ItOwnerg" ) of all of che uniEs orEanized under a condomini'rllii DeclaraLion for Chat.eau Christiar Townhouses filed for record in the office of Ehe clerk and Recorder for Eagle cc)unLy, Co]orado, on l-lecember 30, Lg6g, in Book 216 ag Page ?oli and WHEREAS, Owners dcsire to amend said DeclaraLion by Ehis document: NOW, THEREFoRE, O'rners do hereby publish and declare thiE Amendment, amending said Declaralion as follows: 1. Not.withs tanciing any Eerms in lhe second paragraph of Section 8.6 of Ehe original beclaration Eo che coEtrafy, Ehe --Associacion, ur:1ess oEherwise reguired by applicable 1aw, stralI noE be reguired Co prepare or file in Eagle county a noE-rce or- iien, wiriin lien cf-clri Associacion shall have been perfected by recordation of this Declaration. 2, section 8.8 of Ehe Declaration is hereby delefed in itg en€ireiy, and the following is subscituEed in iieu thereof: seciion I'g SCatemeng-gf-A! lunE The Associatsion shatl furnish Lo an owner or its deaignee, a Mortgagee or ics designee, a prospecLive lvlcrLgagee or-purchaser of a Condominium unit, upon wriEEen request, delrvered Personarty or by certified mai1, firsE-class Postage Prepaid, reeurn receipr requested, t6gecher with a reasollable fee, to the es=ociaci-ori's registe;ed agent, a wrieten itatemenc seEting forEh (a) the amounE oE thE current yearty assessmenE, (b) ' ct.aiu fcr ddvanced pa)tmenbs or prepaid iterns, incLuding, but noE }imited to, atr owner's share of prepaid insurance fremiums, anC (c) unpald assessments currently levied igainsc'such ownen's eondominium Unit. The stacemenE shaLr b6 furnlshed withln fourtseen (14) calendar days afcer receiPE of Che requesL and is binding.on the AssociaEion and ^ewery owner. If no statement is furnished Eo a. P9T"?" 1?. '5 descllbed above, delivered personally or by certit].ed mar.t' FifirsE-class postage prepaid, reEurn receip:- requested' tso tche inquiring parEy, cben the Assocj'aEion sharr. nave no . , aD*i^hr- F/r :qsFFF e lJ.en upon lhe Condominium 'Jnlt lor unpalor f :rr.e rv asJessments which were due as of bhe date of the requesE' The AssociaLion shall keep financial records sufficiently deLailed to enable the asiociatlon Eo cotnply-with lhis paragraph, and all f:nancial and other rccords sharr De miae i"."6""tfy available for examinaEion by ;rny owner and such Owner'a authorizeC agencs. 3. The words "and firs! l'lortgagees" are hereby deleted from the lasE senterrce of tbe firsu par:agraph in seccion 1l'2' The second paragraph in section 11.2 is hereb)' deleted' 4. The lasE fulL sentence of secEion 1:L'4 of the DecLaration is hereby deleEed iri its encireEy, and the fcllowing is subsEiEuted in Iieu thereof: such rePair and reconsErucEion shalL be !n accordance with Ehe original plans and speciflcations of che Project or nay be in aicordance r'rith .rny other plans anrl specifications that. Lhe .A-ssoclaEion nay approve l.t ' DOC 599516 ir-7()3 P-530 08/22/ r99$ 03:5lP Pc 2 ol'13 5. The ,ro;rds "and all hol,iers of f i-rst MorEgages on Condomir.iurn Lrrii:s" are hereby del.rted from Section 1L.7. 6. Seclion 12.i af Ehe Declaration is hereby delet.ed in i-ts ent.j,reLy, and the following !s subsElLut.ed in ]ieu thereof: 12.1 AclopLion of a Plan. ?he Owlrers represenEj.ng an aqgxegate ownership inL.:rest of 6 or more of the ltnits may agree ihae the Project is cbsoleEe and adcp! a \,rrit.!en plan fc'r renewa] and reconseruction. wrj-tEen noEice of adopt,ion of such a p)an shall be given to aII Owners. 7. Section L2.4 of. the DecLaraElon is hereby deleled in its ent.ireLy, tnd the following is substituted in lieu thereof: 12 .4 S3-Ic.-gl_-Qb.E-a_1_e!e__-UqL!€. The Owners represenEing an aggregate ownership interesc of 6 or more of t.he Units may agree t.hae Che Condominium Units are obsolei:e and thaE the Pr:oject shouLd be sold. In such insEance, the Association shall forthwith record a notice seLtr"ng forEh such fac! or f.fcEs, anJ upon Ehe recording of such notice by the Association, the PxojecL shall be sold by Ehe Association as aEEorney in fact for al-I of the owners free and clear of ghe n}"awi qionq ..nt'Ai ned in Ehis DeclaraEion, the Condominium Map and Ehe eylaws of the Asscciation. The sale proceeds sh:tll be apport.ionel among the Owners according to the then fair market value of the Condominium UniEs, exclusive of the amounts paid for personal propert.y, which values, in Ehe absence of unanirnous agreement by the owners, shall be determined by ehe owners in rhe same manner for other acEions Eaken by the Associauion. The apporLioned proceeds shall be paid int.o separaLe aecounts, each such account representing one Condominium Unit. Each such accounC shall renain in the name of Ehe AssociaEion and shall be furEher identified by rhe condominium Unit designation a!1cl lhe name of Ehe Owner, From each separaee account, Ehe AssociaEion, as atEorney in facE, shall use and disburse Ehe Lotal amounE of such accounts withouE concribuEion from one accc,unt lo the other, first. to payrnent of valid tax and special aasessment liens on the Condominium linit in favor of any gorrernmental assessing authority, nexL to paymenE of assess,lents made pursuanL io this Declaracion, nexE !o other lienors in Ehe order of prioricy of their liens and the balance remaining, if any, to each respective owner. B. The first paragraph of Section 13.3 of bhe Declaracion is hereby deleEed in it.s entirety, and the foli.owing is subatitu!ed in lieu thereof: SecEion 13.3 Sarnp-Ie!e--Tc-ki!.S. In Ehe event that the entire Project j.s laken or condemned, or sold or otherrrise nionaearl nf .in Iiou of or in avoidance lhereof, the condominium ownership pursuane Lhereto shal-1 Lerminate. The Condominium Award shall be apporEioned anrong Ehe Owners accordinq to the then fair market value of Ehe Condominium tthiFe avdlrlciira .,f Fha :m^rtrrFe n:id fnr nFrc.nAl nT^nprl-vF:lv!v!E,'JE'.''Iwhich values, in the absence of unani.mous agreement by the cwners, shail by dccermined by the ownexs in the same manner for other actions taken by Ehe Association,' provided that if a different startdard is ernployed Eo measure the condominiurl Arvard in the negcrtiation, judicial decree, or oEherw-i-se, Ehen in decermining such shares, the same standard sha]1 be employed to Ehe exEenE iE is reievant and applicable 599516 8-?0:l p-530 08/22/ 1996 03:5lp prj 3 r_r ! lJ 9, Article XIv of the Declaraeion is.hereby deleted in j'Es encirliy, una tn" fol}ovring is subt:tiEuced in lieu thereoi: X]V, RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAI'. 14.1 Exercise of Ri-qb!. In the event any Owner of a.- condominiun u"tc itTE-"se]l'ing owner") desires Eo selI such UniEandhasenLeredabonafideconEractv,i|.hap:jospect'ive ""i.tto"at, tt'.e SaIlilrg Owner shaLl defiver wr!tten notrce ;;;;;;;-.";;iher ".,cn a copv of the executed conuract for r"i" fcite "iale Con".racc") Ln ctre Bobrd of Direcrore in care oi-tnu n.giucered Agent set forth in the ArEicl'es of i"""ip"i"Eion of che essociation or such olher agent as the Board may a"":.g.tai;, whc shall promp-tly deliver a copy of "u"t', ao"i*""caEion c" all ownerl ' iiotice shall be deemed git"n co Ehe owners on Ehe daLe which is chree (3) business days after cn" noiice'-tiorn th: Board of Direccors is posted in.tlhe UnlEeC Staies mail, PosLage.prepaid and addressed Eo each onner ar cne-iddiess'cirried in the records of the Assocr.aEion. l.ty ot. or more owners- shall have che righE Eo p"i.ftt"" the Conbominium unic uPon Ehe sane Lerms and ;;;;i;i;"; ;"t forth in the sate contracE proviCed written noLice of ",r"r't "rui'iiin io-puttrlu"" is giv-en Eo Lhe Board of DirecLors "t itt aesig;ui"d'ug"nt by delivery of -a -maEching. conLract and do,un-pafrene ot depouil during Ehe-fifteen-115) a"V-p"ti"a imrnediai:eiy following. Lhe delivery of che noLrce of Lhe gal-e concrici.' If more Lhan.onu owneJ exerclses ihe iighE t" pr.tt.hase--as-described herein. and such ol'rners cannot determine among chens;ives how ownership of the condominlum UniE shalt U" e"ru"l'-If]u Board of-Directors shall draw bv loc in ordel: cc, aeLermln" which of the Owners shal1 purchaee the conalomintum u;i;: -ihe closing of-the condominium UnlL "ii"fi-".""t at che-iate and Eime let forth in che sale conEract 14,2 sale i.n violaEion bv olr'qr.. T" tl' et'enr- --!' nq'n-r shail aEternpE co IEIT irlt condorilini um.-uni L without compfeEe complia;rce wiru E;; ;i;hu of first refusal irerein provided' ;;;t-;i;-";;ii ;;-'h;irv nurt and void and sharl confer no tiEle or interesE whatsolver upon che inLended purchaser' *rtJ-"rtirr ue =unieci-io eviceibn and-remowal' forclble or -- 9tsher:1.rise. v'ith or withoul process ot taw' In no case ghall ;h;-;i;ha of firsi iei"=ar iranted, herein arrecE che rishh of ar'I owner ao ",.,bj""t his Lncerest . in the ProjacL Eo a irust deed, mortgage or other securiEy instsrumenE ' 14.3 No waivez.. The failure o! 9I refusa! by any or a1l owners Eo .*ot.t"i"lnt- iigftu of first refusal shall not consElEuEe orc be deemed c6 be a waiver of such righE wi'th respecE ao uny ut]bt"quenE bona f i'de contract with a Drospective put"nllJil-' e*t"pt " is-ocher(*'ise provideci in' !;;;";;;i;i"'""a -t"""pt upon a. Eransfer of titre to a publjc trustee or to a rqortgigeel each-anrl every conveyance by an o*n"t "f a conaomi niim- Unr't shall be' for aII purposes' deemed ro incluae anJ in"orporate in such inscrumenE of conveyance an agreement ihal the purchaser or grantee carry ' out the pto,rr-",-o,1= of uhe right oi firsc refusal as provrded in Ehis ArEicle. l-4.4 ExernDtion for first Mortqaqees' In the event of any default ou rne paEif any ownelr:rder any f irst- Morfgage wfric}t-encicr.l,t irtt noratt !hereof to foreclose the same' any sale under sucn iJrtiiosure, incLuding deliverv 9f.? 3:t9-:? a firgts l,rorrgageJ in Iieu oi snch foreclosure, shall be made free and cleor oi litt - pioti t iorts of this Artjcle' and the p.ti"i'tt".t (or qtaniea i.rnder such deed j-n lieu of foreclosu):e) "r ="in- c"tJ"rni n i um unic shal] be t--hereupon and 5995.t6 B-703 P-530 08/22/1996 03:51P PG 4 OF 13 Ehereaft.er subjec€ Eo tbe pr-visions cf Lhis -DeclaraEion,the p,rt.icles ()i Incorporatio:r, the Byl-aws anC ruleg and regulat icns o:E Lhe Assoc j.aEion. 14,5 ot.her EKempcions. The following cransfers are al-so exempt from the p:'ovisions of ihis ArEicle: A. The transfer by operation of law of a deceased joinE. t.enant'3 interest to lhe surviving joint tenanE (s); B. The transfer of a deceascd's intse:'est" to a devisee by will or hj.s heirs aE law under lnEestacy laws; c. The transrfer of all or any part of a parener's inlerest as a resul! of withdrawal. deach or otherwise, Eo bhe remaining parLne!:s carrying on Lhe parEnership business and/or t.o a Pet:son or per:sons becoming parLners,' D. A tranr; j:er of a1I or parc of a partner'rE or parenere' j.nteresLs beEween one or more parlners and,/or co perasor]c ber-omi:rg pa:"tners ; E. The cransfer bY g!ft; F. The transfer of .an Olrner's inEerest to a lrustee; G. The transfer or conveyance by operation of law or oEherwise of the interesL of any owner to any oEher co- owner, where such co-owners held Eitle to a condominium Unit as Eenantg in common or as joinE tenants; H. The transfer cf arr owner's inEerest by Ereaaurer'g deed pursuanL to a sale for delinquent taxes, or by sheri'ff 's deed pursuanE to a judgment execuEion sale,' I. The transfer of a corporaticn's ownership inEereBt to nersons owninq sEock in Ehe corporation as a resulE of a dis'soluEicn, distriburion of a Cividend, merger or consoLidaLion, or any tranJfer of a corporalion's ownershlp inEerest becween a parent corPora!ion and iLs majorif,y-owned subsidiaries; and J. The Eransfer frorn an Owner to any person who waa a controlling principal of the orj-ginal' Owner enEity or Lo an enEiEy fn whlch thE orJ'ginal Owner is a conErolling priLici-pa1 . FurLher conveyances by such persons, owners, granEees or qlonees acquiring an inEirese in a Condominium uniL shall be subjecb co alf of Ehe provisi-ons of Ehis ArEicle' f4.6 cercificat.e of Coripliance ' Upon written request of any prospecLive transferee, purchacer, or a prospecErve r"iri"q"i of a Condcminium u;iE and payment of a reasonable tee ioE to exceerl one Hundred Do]l-ars (9100.c0), che Asr:ociaEion by its secreEary sha]l issue a wriEEen acknowledged. ierrlficate in recordable form evidencj'ng thaE: A. with respecc Eo a proposed sale-/ thaL proper r,critice regarding the sale was gliven and tha! no owners elected c6 exer6ise Eheir option Lo purchase under this Art icle ; B. wiLh respect Lo any transfer which is exempt fr:om :he right of f:rsc refusal prcvi.sions of-chis ArEicle, purs,]tiL Lo the provisions of this Article, that the iransf er is exelltpL . 599516 B-./03 P_530 18/22/i 99rj 0lj:5rp pc ! r,)F !.3 lo. Sect.ion 15.1 of the Declaration is he::e):y deleteo i'n ir: encirety, and Ehe following i5 subsLilut:ed in lieu ther'eof : Secgion 15.L Amendrnent or RevocirtiQ!' This Declaral:ion shall no: be revoked nor shall any of t'he orovi.sions herain ]re amended unless ihe ovrners of 6 of che E""aontiniu. units, as reflected in rhe real estate records of Eagle counEy, col-orado, consenc and agree !o such -revocatio:1 or amendmenE by an insErumeni duly recorded' o::ovided, Lhac no amendnenE or revocation shall change Lhe 3.ffo.uti-on of undi.vlried inLerests in Llle common ELemencs appurcenanu to Lhe Unj-ts, or the allocaEion of votes Eo mLirbcrs of the Association or che apporLionment of assessments herein provided unless all of the Ovners consenE ;;;-;t;.; bo such airendment- or revocation by insErumenr duly reco:rded. 11. The foLJ"owi-ng secEj.ons are hereby added to Ariicle XVII: secLion L7.8 capj.tal Reserve. The-Association shall establ-ish an<l mainEaln a r*"ut.,r. accounE for unexpecced- -i"oitaf repairs of thc P:.ject. The Association may colleci ;;;;-;;. olnir of each conlominiu unit, for Ehe cred'ic eo s""h Unit, a non-refundable amcun! egual !o .S1'400 for Ehe ;;6.;;-;; u"c"bri=hinq such a fund, and each owner shal} Lotiecu Lhe same amount direcEly from any.purchaser of Lhe ;;r;-;; ihe closins of the condaminiun unit wiLh such parcy' Sect.ion 17.9 Arbicration' In che-event a dispute of anv titta or nature a?Get uttder this Decfaration' ehe oui'ti." shall negcEiate in good faiEh in an effort l'o ;;;;1"; the dispite. rf th; dispute is noL.resolvnl' i"ri"*i."g good kaiLh negotiationl, Lhe. parEies sha:l select i mutuaf iy'- agreeable arbitraEor and subnits the disir; te !o "".tt arUitr"[or for bindj-ng arbitr:aLion in Eagle County' Colorado lliL.hin 3O days under the appropriate ArbitraLion Rules of Ehe American Arbitration AssociaEion' In lhe event lftu-p"tii." are unabLe !o igree upon the arbicratcr, Ehe arbiiraEor shall be appoinr6d in lccor:dance with the rules and procedures of the American Arbitration Association' atriitiiio" of any ,Sispuce under this Declaration shal1 pi""""a even lbouglr thire may be relaLed disputes involving Ehird parcies whilh cannor be arbj.grated, such as mechanics' lien ciains, arisinrS ouL of transacEions involvJ ng Ehe DarLies. The arbltiation award may be enforced in any co:lrt 6i ccmpetentt junisd.:.cEion in Ehe state of Colo:'ado, in -ccord'ance vri[h the provisi.ons of the colorado uniform Arbilration Acc, eu.Lb 109 of the coLorado Rules of civil-pioieeure and/or any olher statute or rule permil-cing an arbi.traLion award to be enforced. fiF N 599516 B-?03 P-530 08/22i 1996 03: 5 rP PG 6 o! 13 IN WITNESS IJ}IEREOF, ArnendmenL, Lo bc cffccLivc ;I3 Uni- t A (1ro) srArE oF cT couNrY oF fc,rdpra l="'Sar'riorl n'-L inst rumcnE 9Ja s ac!:nowledged before me Maura M.rhis 'Ihc Iorcgo] n!\ in5trulncnc was 'r{i.\y ot _t\il).I-lin.ronlr .l CloL I i-lrs , 1996, by iii i,'*#r.lll,';5 4g*,f wit.ness m)' hancl 'rnd offi"cial UniL E (3:l-o) srArE oF q "J;;,'':. ffi-i'"'5vrr(.lt The f or:c{lo.i-nq \rs L rrlnl(rn t was a ckt'.owlcdged before me Maur:a M..nr" ?-f 'r': fi;":?tl"1d1llrl-'YI nl , 1996' bY "t-- CoIl ins . wicr:ess my lr;rrtcl and of Ij'cii|l scai" Nly comm-iss r o!1 cxPires + t hc '.nners of Llr,: 1s ave duly executed t his ay of March, i99',. My conrnission exPrr_p roP le/tbr *SIi"Bfi lt!#'^fl l"-'T:': ::ll'#':$";:'#-' r. DSFINITIOIIS ' r,,o., to."lil' Hii#" ;'""5:lH'::" H:lh:1"""" chrr'tlan' ;;',;;*L:Hffi . ;lirl,:"33i::rl'1'5::":lr:"" "t' ^'. ltnrcr?d .l' 3n"S.*l*o'l3i1tot"'" n'anr env bu'l'ttnr con- ."d,u r"l il,*lk#*if;*'"i*13l!*1" ll"'il'*lli"lliSiiil hryl-Cqffi ffi f i1#i1i*li:"' - l:1^ 9*Ftlit*?:' icornon Elc!'ntli nplig ell ol th. ?"ot act alc'PE r "*:: ;,i:i,:ffi ;1ggi**:'ull"nr"'"" rf i:*"*h:m,i' rii',*lif "i*Fi'":ilillil#'$ :li "' *:::::*-'n iill'l?oro'""'o'o"' 1 ' 10 ot"tGer' "'161s1erc" :'11"-?'?:n"1":ll[3;tlii'l ll,:t:';";;'::lt**l'[ :::ffi:: rt'bv H'11c EE$T -,1 COPY AVAILABLE . I BEST c0$!Y AVA}LABLE 1.11 l'iort(at"c. "rlortraqar' n"tns any D?rlon nancd a! the nort t8r.t;iia-6-" fl cl ery und.r iny tlortrtF" undrr Yhtchth" lnt.rest of anv Oxnot l8 encunba!?d. o!' lnv guccralot tothe lntar"st of ruch Derson under such llortRrqr, f-12 t!3ocltt1on. 'Assocl!'tr.onr ficant Th" chlt"ru chrtstlan To*ntro-fiiFs-Tffit rtlon, Inc. ' e coldFedo cotDoFttl-n not for Drol!.t, lt 3uccrrrols rnd islltrnrr ornanltad to bG .,hc Assoclatlon Pa f"F?cd to hGrcln. II. STATEIIEIIT OP I I{TE}ITION AND PUPPCSE. 2.1 D"clarrtlon. Drelarant htreby de:iares that th" ProJcct nnd iGii-6iF th;reof ls h.ld end rhall bt hcld' convav"di devls;dr lteBrd, Frnt"dr cncurbered, uscd, o,rcuDtrd and lnnrov"d and othctalrc effacted ln any milnn.r cubJcct to thc orovlslona of thr.s DcclrrRtlon, .ech and all ol rhlch orovlslons ar" h?reby dachrcd to be ln furthaFanc! of th. t.n?Fal nlln and schcttc ol condonlnlurn oYnelshln Faf.rrGd to hereln end Ar.r furgher dcclrr.Gd to be for th. b.neflt ol th! ProJrct and "vcry nart theleof rnd aor tha bantfl.t ol eachrvn"r. All ntoeislons hrreol shell b" deen.d to run Ylth thalind t! covcntnta runnlnP rlth thc llnd ot rt aqultablc rcrvl- tude! as th" case ltlay ba, ind sh''ll conrtttuta beneflt! 8nd burdeni to th? Dccltrrnt, It! sucectaora and allims, end iorl,l r,!rtlr! hrr."eltGr ornlnE ant lntcralt ln tha Pro.tact. rrl. NtflrFF AltD rtrcrDElns oF eoHmr|Iffltn 6'rNEnSHlP. 3.1 Estotat ol an oYncr. T?rc Pro.tcct lE h?rabJ dly{drd lnto cofitl-rin-G'Ifril-0-iT€iIi'ch conslltlnr of a 1." rlnDl.lntrrlst tn I Unlt ind en undlitdrd l/8 fec alEDl? lnt"Feltln thc conrnon ELencntr, rhlch tntcrGBt ls haFcbt dcelef?d to b! anDurtenant to such unl,t. subjlct to thc llFltrtlons contrlncd 1n thl3 Oecl.aratlonr any otncr shal1 have thr non"rcluslv"rlriht to use and cnJoy thc Connon El.n.ntt rlthln thc PFoJact. 1.2 Tltlc. Tttle to a condonr.nlun Unlt nay be held ot' oYncd by ATt-cntlty nnd ln ant nann.r ln rhlch tltl! to any othcF rarl propetty |nay be h"1d or orncd tn th. Statc bf colorado, lncludlnq, but rlthout llnltrtlon, Jolnt tln8ncy or tlnangy ln coi!:ron, 3'3 In3eDarablllty. lto nart of a Condonlnlulll u:'rlt nav l-. e scoarabait--lF6i--ii'-iEFcF pert thcr"of duFlnr th! n"rlod of condotnlntutr orneFlhLp pF"scrtbed hcreln' and cech Unlt rnd the undl.ylded lntarcrt ln ttrc Comnon El"Eent! tFpurtanlnl to such Unlt sha1l :rlxqv! ba.onveyld' dlvlsed' ancunber":c. and othentsc affrcted dnlv as a conDlete condonlnlun tlnlt. lverv r'1f t, devlsa, heqt,e3t, transfcr' encunhr&ncc' conv"ylnce or other dlsposlllon cf a Condohl nt utn t:nlt o:' any natt th"reof shal1 be 3i,iJErued to be a Elft. d.vl3", t€(luest' transl'er, enciiiFrirnce. or conve:y'iulc?. tcapccilvel:t, c!" tl'.e cntl:'e ^'ndo-ntnlu. Unlt. toFetlter wtth 811 arlnurtEnan' rlPhtg creBted :'/ Ia', cr 5.,' thl:! l'eclaratton. :.;r 91rtttlon '1ot paFF! ttF.l. -r_.| 1^ai _ :1'-ent. .iaIl : o .,r?tcd 1!'i-c-c--nct E -t:l-'-'.e 1--.ner.. .!' aondo-'n:':: n!tt' 1a4 no 'ri.ea F1" t'rlii anv actlon 'cr Flatltlon thereoa. 'j ..rI.r.i "-".x:r:l^r. a1.h 'i.n4o.lr:ui ":. i . -rr5---,,.1 .-r r:"i i-^ ln--lc-:- rTT-l-rie:. r:ie::.iir.nCi 1n(i - .ile. BEST -':'*^ coPV t. AVAILABLE -3- charEes ol thc Statr of Colorado or ol any pollttcal subdlvlslon or of any spaclal lFprovcltlcnt dlEtrtct or of any oih"r tarlnE on assesilnt authorlty' Por thc Durpoac of such t!s?ssngnt' thr vsluatlon of thc corunon Elen6nts shrll br &pportloned a,nonc thc Untts ln Dt'oportlon to thG aractlonal lnterests ln cor tron Eltt!€nt! appurlanrnE to sucil iiniL!. ?re i!soc1a'!ion shall aurnlEh to th€ !!!assor rll naecssar:, lnfor::ratlon n'ah rclp.ct to such epporildrrcnt. No forfrlture or salr o' any Condolllnlult Untt fot dallmucnt tlxca' &rrcasticnta o- rthlr qovlrnnantal, cherEaa shall allvalt or ln any rry al'j' uhe !ltle to 8ny olhcr Condonlnlun Unlt' 3. 5 Orn"F'! El8ttts !rl'h R"slec -to- rr-!!grl ors . Eac;r Grnrr sheti trevffifi- T;i;f?ii; tlle'tar, DlDcr or oth"trlla rallnlsh and drcorsi;e the ln'verlor surfacca of thc rtll!' cllllnEs, lloors, and doorg rortnlnq the boundrrl"s of hls Unlt and ell ralls' c"lllnls, lloors end doors Yllhln such boundrrllt. f.?. Elrcn nt lot' Acccts to condonlnllfq Unlt3. Each condonlnluln unlt r ttra Cdinon ElctncntE ol thc PFoJect. 3.8 Err"ncnts for EncFoach anta. fl 8nt nart of thc cdlllron Elenriffitaltcr cncroaeh upon r Unlt or Unttsr !n "rtettrn! for such tncrorehnlnt and for thc nrlntcnencc of thr !|rr" lhrll and do"r cr13t. If rny D|lt of tr onr.t tncrcicha! or shall herclftlr encrotch upon thc Co{ ion Ellnant!, oF uDon in adjolnlns unlt or unlts' !n Grsatent fof luch encrotchtant and lor thQ nalnt?nanceol thG lrtc thltl and .lor! rrlst. If any oart of the co$tlon Elciantr or rnt Dlrt o? r untt or UnLts encrolchat or shall harerltcF cncForch 6n F.al pFop.!.tt noi olnad bt Drclarlnt oullldc thc boundtr!.lt of tha Rctl ltropcttt r in c!!.mcnl fot 3uch ancrorchticni 3h!11 end doct ?rltt' Sueh rncroachntntslhrll not lrc conaLderad to b! ancunbFancas clth"r on tha conr on El"tlent! or thc Unlts. Encroachnants rafarr.d to hcraln lnclude' but are not ltnltad to, enctorchncnt! ceuscd by arrof ln the ortRll|l, conrtHctlon ol rnt But ldlnq to bc eotrstfuctrd on the Raal Prop.rtt, by eFFor ln thr Condottlnlulr !!aD, by settllnEl rlslna or lhlft1n8 of ?he rarth, or by chrnres ln posltlcn caulad by FcDrl! oF raconseructlon of thr Pro.tcct or any nart th.rrof. 3.9 Ea!e'ttents ol lccesa for FeDrt !'-!14!nt enance anq r-narElnclls 'dt u€ I-ocetcif-ifEElfi-thc unlts or nrt b" convenlantlv acc"sstb].? onlv throufih tha Unlt!. Thr Crn ts 01'othc! Unlt! shrll have thc lrr.vocablc r1sht, to br er"rctr.d by th! Assoclailon as th"tr rt"ntr to hlvc tccea! to cach Unlt and to all Connon El?aant3 fron ttne to tln" durlnq such rcasonsbl! hours as n1v bc nac"rslFy f.rr tha nrlntcnance, repatr or r?placenent of any.i '.he Cor1nnon Ela!!nt! locatad tharrln or accesstble th"r"froi! or for itakln* cnarqrnct repalrs thareln nacessar:t io Drcvent denrFc to thc cotmon Elencnt. or to another unic or Unlts. Th" A!soclrllon shall also h rve such rlRht Lnd.- Dendeng of any aErncy rcl,atlonshlp. Dana.e t. thc lnterlnr of anv na.t cf a Unlt o!. Unlts re6ultlnR fron L ' -11nten3nce' aeDalr. enerEancv reDair or a€l'laccFtnt c!' anv of Le "-non:ieJren'us cr g:3 t""3ult of cncr.enqv r?Dalrs 81thLn 3'c!i-er''i1t at r"he lnstance o!'thr lssoclatlon or of ^rti"fs 3h3:: :-e an ervenae of ail the 01.n!rsl orovlded, loiicverr r-' 1a:Jch danaEe 1.s tle result ol' nesllr'ence cl' :.:e -rL BEST ccpY AVAILEELE '- .,' : s i cn ;, .lt:. 1n.,, -e :s . 5ac h et : re :f 3h : nc 'e liro | | rlll Lr::::oI. t:1 t s I - CFr-tOn 1 i he 'in : cir ) nar: _ce '-r. c ^e 3 Un1t. tlr"n such ^xner shall l e l:nanclallY !"esDonslbie ion nL1 cl' :-.;ci a3:::3a3. :ucI 1:.:re :::1ll !e '6.\i!re'l j!nr ',he nrot"ertt/ shall be restor.ed iutrst,rnll:r.ll,',' :. t!re san. condltlon as erlsted nrlor to .l1rar?. /,nourlti ov'.:1F l . ^xnerr rurliuant hcr"to sha:1. le coilecte.i t.' rhe ,'.- 'ciatlonD'/ assessxent ruriuant to thl.s :ecl1a1tlo.'r. 1.10 ^",n?rrs 9!t:h'- '-o :!1rre33 2:l F .ri end :lliDot"'". t.ach ^rner stral t 5a-v?-t!.6-TTFETT6-T-na-FeT:, 1i:. ;-tr pr:=I.- r;-jtr6-n and across the connon 9l4l:an:a necessar'J a._ 1:cos3 to h!s :ln1t, 1nd shaIl, ha..fa tte :'liht '. :lrF hor'i ..t11 '!.', 1Tleral suDrort o!'h13 I'nlt, lnc :rucI :::::t:i .xai1 :e 1ioJ:.i4r,f,nt:o:rnd rass w1:h '"he:ltla io etah -.f",'lc:'::r:r: "n1'-- '1.1I Assoclatioi's '-:.ht r. ".? ^f ^.i::'in 51e.ent3. 'l!re ! ssocl at lon s hEIl-TIvTTT6-nffisucl ute of tie acarcn Ele:.ent,s :13 t-ta,':e.ecr.s5ar".r 1t'Drclrrlale tc rerforn :he Cut!.es lnd auncglor:r ..hlc)r :t !s ot1:,-aiec6r ierFlttrd to |.erfof": t.ursu,)n'- '. ttls:.cl3rntlon, !ncluClng the rliht to conrlFJct :rr:C :alitlli tn iht 'c.-:on :lelr.nt3 -alntenance an,l .tto:"ai': .acll:i!e:: f^F,t<. |..., tt-,e l:socla'-1On. 1nd to lsslrn rart:cll.}:' li.|rlr/, :?ci1'1 !:'!es f.,r 'J.e l^T th? ^Hnars of Fartlculaa '.'n I ts . i.12 Ease-ent:i '^F-.ad '.-a:e.!. 'il :1-lnv.'tances .'1" cardor..nIur "rl t. L;ae;-.f;;:-f i:-:i:;! L.- ".' . hr 'oc Iarant ^f otherir'l;c, iia:: ll" ?^n.tr!^d r. cl"1::' aF' 'a'.Fv^ -!lch reclnroCal easenents 1i ara r.!.ovlied 'ir !.fr.lnr ^yen lhcueh no soecltle refefenee +,o Sucr .a:.e.en::: lrr?1t': In 1n'/ iucr^, conve'ranc!. I'.'. :::CPIP:I^tl nF ,1 :'!:l':i1:iI;''' "!l::. ll .1 'retl"Od of :ase:'1rt !oF. :l'.r'; rc:1!:"1:: 'n:':he s a l a o 1" : c6-r.il-cifin f'.r: lliTI--IFl-;veFr . : l or l r s " t!:!r nt ".11"?c!1nf iltl. t.1 a ^onCo:.1! nLuir ':hlt -iv li':1cl1l:e ::1: ^.n13- .lnluF llrtlt bv t:-,e nuntcr ahown o. ttra -'r l'-rF1!t:' "3F h'l:h the ?oor.l)nr1at.f referenca to the -on.l^.1nlu- "'t''rnl:') '-hls Ileclaratlon. 'rs ?ach Annetrrs ^n ih! :ocar'la ^"!. '^'lntY aler, and Decorde: o!" n1rle 'ilrr,t'r. ^').^:"r'lq' in '14 ""1i"- 1nr' !nashLon: Condonln!u- Unlt ' ^lateAu -r''rtl1i -^ri- hnuses, lecord t np-E6--IT6 '6:t'i oi'l n t 'rj" "tr. 1FFF1.In'- tn the r?cords of tFe 'ctt!:ttr '1er'1 jrnC beacl'le!' c: Earlc C.unt,r, Col.,FEdo, 1t E.)ok ^t 'r'11: ''-na--e and as del'lred and a..c CFTF?4 ln ttat .c n.J oifil-u.r D.clarctlon for ^t1"t-a'r ^!'l-il1n -o1:n- rarries. aDoeaf!n,: :n rlrch recorls ii'^^" aare _-. ^,1.' lpscrlr.tlcn i.rl1l !"e ci.ns::ue.l *^ 1n..:ltF '!a '-1t, :'- :n:!aa :,jr fts .!^ .rFnur:tn4nt 'li4!vldFd 1::leidi l!i ',:.e _-'_cr. :1'.:an::, 1nd :. :!:ao:"aorate ai: 'le :'tf-i- '-'.. !'i' '^ ''n^:"- 'i1r.a;r "..4. -1r|ll:' :'.tt 1.1 'l I i ' - ' : i - : ' " ' ' ^ !- ' - i" ...inar-^,l. a-r jeiCl::E I :i .l::.- ..i 'ncf.1.1ca '.'.-. ' l1a^- 'oir."^ 1 _a - '''_-" - BFST cCIpv 't...r,.r, AVAILAELE **u**.$*ffi uffiffiffiffiffi vI. TrtE lSsocItTIoN' - _ -r-rl he "nt,tlted and Untt. ,*,, **,iii*X#**'gi'' :::i"'::":ll,,fi "::fi -' : "- $i'#fi; " rhc Provislons :l'lll""l"lllt' 1::l1*iil'l:1ffit+i':I:r+''i*":i'"li;lH'i:i"" ,.III. CERTAI}I IIOHTS] AIIO NNLl'IATlON; CF TgE [:.;qC:A'.: :. BEST '.'"..',IfrfrpY ' ;,i{fAILA&LE J -5- ?,r rh! comton Elctt!'nt!' Tl" ll:t"lltlon' lubJcct to th? rlRhts of th' ('r n"i;:ic:I-i-o rt h 1n Eh16 occrara:lon ' shatt bc rc!pon!lble rot iit" t itioi itt-t"n"4""ont -rnd conlrol of lhc cor non El! cnt3 "ni"ifi- i il-o"uincntr thercon (1nc1udln* rurnlshlnns lnd .qulpncnt "liteia'irttott o ) '.end--!hrll k'cp thr arnc ln toodr "ro-, "iii-tiiivt"i"a r r;limy-cond ltlon ' order ind reDrtF. rn' ."iiiiliiin nar bt 1:?":.o: bt other tlF"cn"nt ffent to otnttt-itti ctclurlv" -r!*ht.to^ule' con- ;ili=;i -'il;i anv -rac llLt lc! eontr 1n!d. r1!h11-t-1" coltrnon Ellrcnt!r anc rnv iiii-rllii-"; othcr arrGdn'nt thrrl br blndlnR upon "lch otntil-i"i inc tenr of lueh lerl' or ;;;;;:;; . rr:e rt aoe trt i'orir;:;iil;:";;::lf i?tlni"l'i13, "r, fi ll::Hl:',lli"Iioill'll'iin,' ii'' e;i'irnr el : lt "'*rs oft?n .! n.cclttrt' " ii'iliriiiiti"i o1 sr1r end '- -lkln*' th. nelnte ncc entl raprii ii-iiiiii";l:.T"ll''::l:" and Fcpllr of o!h?, coison EI "ncnG" ,' rii rrii;" 'ut ll ltt rllat..,.rd ilI oth'r r'oFovcrenls ot ""."t"^ 'li"lili-iiiut rt 9T l":9 :n conncctlon ii;;" ;;;-'ctr.1 rr.*ry 1 .,.{:,il*iiitli*.r "illlEl i["i1" l:lt'::::'*ll lS"iill'"i'l*oii iai-rrtn r! lpcc t ?o othcr eo!'ron El.lllntt, ar r's ;"il; i;-;;; iimt ocitcncc t'n thl! S"etlon. r'a $s"s}l'!Egii;3iTl'iii,:*.1"::':::l!l.i:: --::::ll i* lPt"[::,':: i;';;; ir'"r'ir' to th'.'r*nt rt d"''' .drt'rbt!, !r r.rr .. t,.iJi ;;ili;;;;;;'i"l-1' jl" a'locrrtroF- lhitl itcg'ltln' to ot ""lt "i tJi' oi-dcr lrel-lc ror ghG Pt'opcr oDsr.tlon of thc Prot'otl-iiliiti- ruott Drrtom'l-rr' fur,rrlshrd oi cnrlovctl dttcstlt ol 'ittt"itlt"irtiton or bt-lnt Dtrlon oF .niltl rlth llron ot tntti"it"it"itictc ' fha Arcoatrtton nrl obtrtn rnd ptv fo! rtcei""ii iccou"trn* ":T11":: tl'cottrrt Ii"il'Jriirri-i. "e-:.:i;l ;:il,ili,ili"*:'^::;l:'i;r:;;-.:L:::.'ll:i :EH!:i,:rir;""ti'#ilh.*i:*il.:'n':.:;" "' collcctlon, lctcF a'l?l( Unli, ?'3 P'-o#'"rln3r^lil"t"tt* H'::"t ffi 'lf ffi*Fl.l*1ffi*iil.ill-*1.*:l*'or th" lete by rrlf .-ol..rt h. drsiad to Dc ofn?q by tha tlrnlrt lr lfl i5l Bx$4i:i"ii.::i:i*liri:it':'*n:l:.lq':ni:::r' :iffl':t$:l:?:' l?"1 l*il;itn-i;ri' t trenrrer of r condo- *ht*fi$**$it*.*#*fi'*iffi;arsoclllad rllh tht ro1 ."*.'." ".,lil, nr;Hffiffi: #:;litilili.lli,il'..' """the unlti and of th' colr.':l o1:T'l:"i-]"ii'rr...!tthllshcd iFli'::'::liltilt:."3x";":"li:":i"l: illil 1'lui'iltii'"i i "^,-iai."a i1"1t "tl on ' as!lFrrnent :tgslmt'nt.or-rt .,f stors'e *"'"" * "n 'l'i"i:'i;;;;-;i '"'nt ! fc -rclu3lv' us? F'lf,-'+? c#pv A\iAg!-A$JLE bv oxner3 of nertlcular Condonlnlun Unlt3. Tha AsEocl&tlon nf,y surprnd eny otncrrE ttoilnE FlEhts ln tha ,l.s3oclet1on dui.tnf enf rrrrtod or nrtlods durlnq rhlch such Onnlr fal13 to conpl,i rlth such rulra end r?Euletlonr' or flth Eny other oultqaillnr of such OxneF undcr thlt Dcclarstlon' Thc lrroclatlor ar allo takG Judlelel actlon aEalnlt any olncr to cnforce conDllanc" rlth luch fullr. teEulatlon or othlr ohllt^tl6nr oF to obteln drnlt"r for noncotrpllancr ' tll to the crtcnt lt.rnltt.d bY lar. 7.5 ltttDllad Rlihtt' Th. Asloclltlon nay '' rclse rny othcr nr;ht 6i-iFITTTe;E-Flv.n to lt .xp!'" tllv 'hls De;trrrtlon oF bv 1!r, and evcry othcr t'lEht cr o"' "LcQer?rlonsbly to br lnrpllcd fron the erlst"nc" i l an l.ltht or' DrlvllcRr Etycn to it hcretn or F.eronably n.ccrdrry to rf- frcturtr any ruch rlaht or prlvllcFc. vrrl. AssEss Etlfs, 8'1 AErcGlEnt to Pay lr!r!8!!"!ll' Declarrntt for aech condonlnlun'ffir ProJGct' nnd lor rnd !s tha orna! of tha tlroJcct and cvrry nert tha?cof' hereby covcnant!, rnd oach ot tLF of ant Condotlnlun Unlt by the acccpg- inca of a daed thcFefor" ' rhlthar oi not lt bc so arnr's3'd ln thr al"ad, !hr[l b! dc:raai to cor?nant and lrt". rlth cach othcn i.nd rlth thc Altoclltlon to Dly to th! Alsoclatlon annual asa'!a- ncnts nrd" by tha Alsoolrtlon lor tht purposat provlded 1n thlr Declrrallon, Ind !p!clrl a!!c!ancnts for ceDltal lnprolcnentl rnd othrl nl'ftaPs rr Frotlded ln thls Declarotlon. Such a3!?sa- ncntr shr1l Itc fltld. astebllthad rnd collactcd frotr t'ne to tl!t. tn thc ?Lnn.! brovldcd tn thl! Artlcla. ",,,,u", """3 "l*ffi n"Tl"o3"lll.o upon edvencc crttnatJr ol calh raqulte cnts by th€ Assoclatlon to provldr fotr the Feyncnt of a!,1, egtltllt"d ernans'a Et.otrlnt out of or connsctcd rtth the nalnt"nance end opcratlon of the Connon Ela[cnt! or lutnlEhlrrA utltlty scrvlccs to th? Unl'ts' rhich .rtr.tisttt at lncluda,--enong othar thlnEsr etDens€a of nsnrr!etlant i tarea lnd specle.l as3t3r[antB untll the 'ondonlnlunUnltt are g"p8at"ly asscsgcC !E pfovldrd hrrelnl pre luns for ell, lnsurancc :'trt ctr thc Associatlon 1! reoulred on nenilEied to nalntaln purluant her€lol cotrron llFhtlnF fnd heatlnt: {ater charRca: lrrlh coll?cttoni s.rer rarrlcc charRr8: repalrs and naintanencci rr*c! for Astoclltlon anpl'oy€cs: 1ete1 ilnd accouni- lnE fe.s: any dcllclt r?nalninr lron a p..vlou! prrlodl thc cr"atlon of t rearoneb lc contlnElncy rcr?fve ' lurplus and/or rlnklng lundr and any 6thcr arpctrc3 and Llabllr'tl'! {hlch nly be lncurr?d by thc lsroclrtlon for tha bcncflt of the Ornars undcr or by reason of thls Dcclaratlon' a*rlburab i; 3t"ffi ."1'llnl"' whol. shr11 hc apportlon"d aqurllt anong r11 ofnrFE. rhereor. l;1""F**-3-* ,l;.i i-ff ilscaI vear bas1s. The Assocletton shp11 Plv" xrltten notlce to esch nt{n?f as to tha anaunt of tha ann':l ilssesstxent irllh i'esc')ct to l'lls Condonlntun Unlt on or brt'ore l'ra' I e3ch 'Jear for the flscal year conrnenclnq on such date' such .rssess'len! " ' ' :;'-'!sffi$T c#pY -8-AVA$LABLX 3hall he due and oavablc on July l cach yeirr; tttovtd.d, hor,ever, that the flrst annual assessment shell ba for the balanc" of the f1sce1 vean rrnalnlnE riLcr tha Catc fircd by the issoelatlon as tha d8,te of corr.i€nelircng of thc ProJ?ct. Each annual asgasrnent shall beer lnteErt at !h? rata of It ocr annun fron th" date 1t becories due and Dayrble lf not Dald by such datc. Ptllura of th. Assoclatlon to clvr tlnaly notlca of any a3rarlFantas Drovld"d heretn rholl not affcci tha llrblllty of tha Orn,' or' anv Condorninlun Unlt t'or such aJrraarnGn! r bul thc dalc r -,.npaynrnt shaLl becone duc ln ruch calr shall bc dafltred i -a datr lhlrty deys after such notlce shtl!. hrvG baen nl:anr but no sooner than Jul,y l. 8,5 _slcclel Assccsncn!! for eebl'-e1 f' - .tt"ficnE. In adctltlon to the annuat ar sa$in-'6i'E-EffiGld-F'-- ::if;-T?€iGle, thr Associnti,on Eay levy 1n any aslcaslrcnl, yet' a rpcclal a!!eta- nlnt, nayablr ovlr such a p"rlod as tha Assocratlon nr,y d.tarlnlnc' lon the DurDosc oa defraylnF!r 1n vholc oF t' p8Ft, th! coat of any contttructr.on or recon!tructlon, unerpcctcd rrDllr or reDlacem.ng of thr ProJect or Lny Drrt th"reol", or for anl oth.F erF.ns. lncurrrd or to bG lncurrcd es Dfovldad ,,n thlt DecLaratlon. ThLs Scetlon shell not bG consttuad as an !.ndopcndent sourcr of authorlty lor the Assoclatl,on to lncur clpGntctt but shal1 be conatrued to nrescrlba thc nanncr ol asaslllnt for crpen8es authollzed by other S"ctlons hcrcof. Any anounts asseased Dursuan! hcrcto sh&1l be rsrrrald rouellY to all (hncr3. llotlcc 1n rrltlnr of thc anount of such sp.ctel assaarnants and tha tlnc fo! nrtrEnt th!rcol shrll. ba [lvcn nronptly to th! oHner!, nnd no Dainant shrll ba due 1a!3 thrn thlrty dryr after such notlcr shall hrrc bccn ttvcn. A speclil e!!c!!tnent shall, bear lntcreat at thr tate ol 8i ocr annutn lron thG data It becon"s duc and Davrbla 1f not t)ald rlthln thlFtt dt!'! after such dat2. 8.6 Llen for Aas€ssnents. All guns las"ssed to any condontn lun-IlfifT-i6frii'FT6-EFl s Art1c1" ' toEe:her i:th lnterest th.r.on a! Drovtdrd har:aln, rhrll. b! srcur"d by a llcn on such Condonlniun Itntt ln levor ol thc Atsoclrtlon. Such llen lhal,l be suDcrLor to rll othar llens f,nd "ncunbranccson guch CondonlnLun Unlt. cxcepc only forr (a) valld tRr and soeclal assessnGnt llens on the ccndornlnlu"':l t,nlt ln favor of anv rovernilentf,l as!"sstnp euthorlty: and (b) a llen for all suris unnal'd on 3 f lrst :'fortEaee ' or on any llort'ete to Declarant 'dul,v recorded tn the Ear'l,e Coun&gt Colorado real esiata recot'ds, lnctudlnq aII unflald obllsttoatr advances to be i.l^de Dunaunnt to such rtor!fiaFc. and all ?nounts advanc"d Dursuant to such $ortr:a.e and sgcured bt tho Ll.n thereo' ln accordancc xlth the terns of Euch lnstrunent. Al1 other llenor6 scqulrln': llens cn an:, eondon!nlun Unlt after thls teclsration shall have heen recordcd Jn rald records 3ha11 be dcensd to conEent that such 11ens shelt 'Ja lnferlor to luture ltcns !'or i::se!a- .ants. as nPovlded hrreln, $heth€r or not such consent be sDeclflcallv sct foFth tn ihc lnstrunentg cPeatlnE such l'lens' To evl,dence a 11en for iut13 assessed Du:luant tc thls .lrt1cler r-hc laaoclatton tra:t nte.are A YPtttrr' notlce e1' llen ;ci!1nt: aarth thc ancunt c!" th! !t3ses-'Fent' thf !at" 'itlc- the nnount rcnalnlnE unDald. the nane ol' the ^?'ner ol' :5e r'cn(lcrtrtuF i;nit itnd r descnlptlon 11" th" :ond'n1n1u::i ''n1t, lllch r not!ct! shrll bc a1flned b'. !he t'3soclatlotr lnc -r'.' : c rccordel 1n tl-.e c1'1'!ce ea the ^.'lntv 'raFi lnrl 'rnc"rdeF'I t;rl.le Count", aolor'ldo. llo l:otlce of l!en .'.'11 he :'e- --r'lr,t rrtll if'ae !5 n l4ltnnuencv ln r,lvnen! of ''he 1i"c's- ) I EHST c&pY -9-AVATLABLH TSnt: Such ll.n nay be enforced by Judlclrl fonccloEur.c bytha lrEoctatlan ln tha l|J|la ntnnaF 1n ihlch oFtrrres on F..-lraDar:i nay ba foraololld ln ColaFado. fn eny luch fora-closur!, thc orncl ahrll br rlqulrcd io niv ill co"co "r,..rrDcnic! of luch proccadlng, th! oortr Ind crpanlar of r'll,ln(thc. notlc! of Il.n rnat rll-;.r!dletfc atiorrrliii- fccr . A1lluch cort! rnd crpcnlc! lhrll bc sccur;d by tii. I. . balnArorccloscd. T}|. ornar !hrl1 rlso ba rcqulird tr rJ to thollsoclitlon rnt rllrslDcntr aralnrt thc'Cordonl- ,,in Unlt xhlchrntrr Dccornc- dua duFlnR tha Darlod ol for,,clor..e. Th. A!eo_:+!!lon rh.l.l havr lh. rlBht and DorlF to btC at th" forc_y::::"r_!::c o! othrri lcrrl lrlc,,nd to ac.i lr.c, hol.d, conveyrrcrll! rant, tncunlcr, ulr and oghrnlr" deal xith tha ,rnart tha Orrnar H.cr.Gof - .- A ralcrrr of notlee of Ltcn rhall b, cr.cuted byth.-trroctntton {rnd F.cordad fn th. Ea;i;-countyl- Co forrao T?:1 ::!13".f?cordr, upon piymcnr or lll iun! aiiured by arlEn yntch ha! baan nrd. thc ,ubtact of I rlcorded nottc"ol 1lcn. An9 ancutrbrlncar holdln( r llan on a CondonlnlumUntt nat nrt, but rhrt!, not ba rcqulrad to pai, eny erount"r.cuFcd bt thc ltrn cfaat.d uy thir scct roni -ario-unon luchDiyrnent rueh anouEbFinotr rheil bc ruuronati<l to itt rtrrrf"ol.thc. Ar!octrtlolr :tth rrlpcct to sucrr iian, inoiualncn!.l.oFlty, Th.-ltrocltlton thtll rqDo!.t to ant "ncunbranc.For l- qonooolnllr Unlt ant unprtat tlscaanrntr re;raln,.nc unDaldroF ronrar -thin- ntt*tt dal/t ratar thc ranc lhrll havc becoircour: provlocd, horcrcti thai such €ncunbFanceF ftrrt ,hallh{v" fumlahed to th. ilroclrtfon rrfttcn noiicl-or "uctcncunbaenoo. - _8.7 Pcrlanil ObllEatlon of Orner. Thr anount ofant. i:r:.:u!l,. cr rffi condontntuh {rnttrnlrr-D?-ttla FaFlonll oblltetl.on of thr Ornc, thcFcof to thcAltocltlloh. Sult to Flcotet a nona, ,.tudqt "nt fof such perrona.j,obllqltton.h.lt bG nelnrrlnrblG ti -'if,i-i" "ii, iriion yrthout I?I.lto?itrr or-rltvlnn tho ltan rrcuFtnE th! line. Ho rhnernI:y9t.t or Lrtrtntrh ln, ocrron.l ot ir iation-ti-iarvcr or:!: "": ind- "rtrlotEnt of rnJ of tha Con non Elcnents oF by aban_dornant o? hls Condonlnlrn Untt. - 8,8 Strlemant ol Acaount. Ucon ney[ant of e r"esonablcf.e not--to crccelF !-frif-If,6fi-TFfftcn r"quirl of any .h.n€t: 9: lnl {?t t iii.., --Drorpcotlyr Eortqar.c oi oio"p.otr"t purchasenor ! condoatnlui Unlt, th. llrocterlon snafi iiiui r rrltt.n l:"::l.n:., :: t:ln; tort:r th. arcunr or rhe unpard rrsrrln.nta,rr_ent, llth rcip.ct to luch Condontnlun Unlis tha Fnount ofrna 4urrEhc. l'atrlt rssatslrilnt and thc drtc thrt rueh a!!arlrnentD.conet or blc nr duc: erad!.t lor adfanc.d Dayircnta or nfrDaldlt"ns. lncludlnp, but not llnlrcd a;;-;; Or;;i';;"Ji.,r* or nre'aldln8ur8nce -pr?nlua6 : and luch !tatclne;t gnaii-i-.-conctustveuDon tht lssoclatton tn fAvor. of oersons rtro rer; iher.aon inFood_falth. Unl.es! such Fcqurst :or. a statcFent o," ..!ccountsnall n? ^omnllcd wlth Hithln Lwentv davE, aLl unrnld assestncnt-r,v51ch bPean4 due cr!or. to thr date of .akinc rucl_r .,^.uel.lr -,r:r -ll-- :rut.ol.di|lare to the llen of a :!o:.tra,ree whleh 1c,Jutr, .:tlnterelt .trbseouent to reauegtlnE .uch gtatement. :1her.e ai:.ospectlve r-.urchaser naker such reouest, Lcth t):e j lcn a!.r3uch unna!d tsse!s:!:ents f,nd tl)e o e F r cr n ; i ' o ii i i n o : I o u .r t." Fi ts€sT c0pv AVAILAgLE i nurehaser shaLl be releasc.l eutonatlcally lf th! slrtanentli not lurnt:rh.d ntlthln the i?ent.v .loy J.rioo niovtocd herelnnnd thereafter an addltlonal lrrltten request is ,nsde by suchnurchaaer and ls not corirrlled xtfh lrtthin ien d&ya, and theDurchase! cubscqqently acqulres thG condorntnlurn ijnrt- 3.9 personal Llrbf l:'tL of purchasrn |,r As.,. ;ncnts..sut.recr to tne nffiiitF-,.,affi;_nrtnlun Unlt 5halt b" Jolntly and severally fialfJ v .,, rncserien. for all unptld assassnrnta aEalnst thc Lond,,;tlnlun UnltuD to the tlne of the Erant or conveyanq?, nftfroil; nreJudlceto.th. Furchas"r's rlEht to ,ecover i.on df,i se_^er the arnountnald by thc nurchaler for auch aasessncnta. I:(. usE oF 00ltD6l.lINIrDt ultlTs , .l .l l!!!l!q nt l1l. Each Condoi:tnlurn Unti shatl bcused for res lda nEl'if-ilFi6-s es on1.v, ."o no iraoJ-or bustncssof-any klnd |!tay bc caFt.d on thei{tn. i;r;;;; r.ntat ota condortnlun ltnlt tor 1od4tn( ,r-.lJioenifai iuroo"". "n"rrnot be consldc!."d to bc r vt,olatton oi tr,fi-coicnint, - 9,2 us. of Coqron Elrnrnts. Th"r! shrll be noohstructlon of flle Ton'r6-rf-TT.-rrenff;;" ;;;1i inv-inrnq bc kcptor-.stored on any Dart of tha Co no; Elcncnts rltirout thc Drlorrilirien conaent of th! A!soclatlonr arcapt as .Decll1crllynrovldcd heretn. flothtn' shrtl b€ alteriO on, conatructea1n,.or ranoved frorn! thc eonnon Elenents erct;C unon tne prfor.l.rrltten conscnt of th! ilsoclatlon. .. 9.3 Prohlbltlon ol DanaEr lnd Ccrtrtn Acttvltler.llo E hlnE shall bSlenents or anv Dart thlr.eof rhlch;ould resuli in th. canccllatlonol the ,{nsurance on thc FFoJcct or' any oart tharaol or Lr,cncaccof the rala of th! lnrurancr on lhc pro.t"ci or any part thereotoYer fhat the As:]oclitlon, but for ruch actlTltyr'rould Dny,rlthout thc orlon ynlttcn consent of ti,c Aasocliiton. ltofitinEsha1l br donc or kept ln any Unlt or ln lha Connnon Elananesor eny Dart thereof rhlch would be 1n ?1oltilon of any stetute,rule, ordlnance, r"Eulatlon, D.rrtlt or othar valldly inposadreoulrencnt of any t-ovapnncntel uodr. lld daner. eo, on ra3tcof, the Con.qon Ele:ncnts or any Dart th"rcof lhall b! cor ntttldby.ahv-orn.r or any lnvltle ol' any Orncr, and each (\rncr shalllndlllnlfv and hold thc A6ooelat!.on end the other .tt,ners harfilessnf,llnlt alL logs fesultlnr frotn tn, such damare oF ,arte causcdbi, h1m or hls !nvlt"ca: nrovlded, hor,lver, thrt any trlv1teeof the Declar:rnt 5ha1l not under any ctrcrinstancrs bc da"n"dto I'e an 1nvlte" ol. any oth"r. own.r. o norlous. de3tructlve.,r o!'fenslve actlvltv shai,l be carrtod on ln any L.nlt oa 1nthc tonhon Elen!rt-s or an:, napt theraof, nor shrL!. rnvthlnFl- F .lone tnere 1n Hhlch nav be oF tnav becorap al :tnnot,..!ncc cri uls,tnce tO i't n.,. ather n'dner ot" :O anv nefson ,t anv ?lnelT"rf1:li', rcslitln,- 1n the pro.tect. ''1 . j, 'ir1i3I!i. The issoctatlon -:t.,' t.'r r,Jles :rn.: i.e..Jla-::l.r:: r,a^hll t. ,. i-TinTt the ral.tnr., !.r4e.rtii, cr !:eei:ri ofrr:-11: 1a, "iti, nlt a.r cr :he.c-ion l_:..ltent..\:1ni., r.1:": ::er€nf . ':.rle3 1nd l,e;-ulat:cti.. '^ 'wne:. .::ali vla-1tr.."^ ...:^r ent :---, ,.. fl ii; -T;F1'-;-aF,, _:. .l:c _l:: 1nd .a -.e'-_--i :-1.-nrt: .a i loa:rl ^:.a- -:-n -- .l::r :.., ::.- .-="al,t:1:a. BEST ': r " alirl:'4 - ll-GOPY AVAILABLH ,f 1.t t*$i*ffi ::i:lli::*illii#'" ffitil *ii,iliqi""*':iliil: X. IHSURANCE ' ng{*ffi #,ffii ' s*r ( d ) o.r ""',t --'rtglon;;' "t!"ii''ill'l:t l:' i ^t' nurchase ' ln rucn 'r''"'"'' BEST COPY AVAILABI.E shall deen {rtDroptlttar collatrta acalnrt dllhonclty ^? .irhlovcc!, d"StF.retlon 6F dl.rnn.rFrnca of nonev or s"curttlas r and fotr,ery. (e) oth.t . nrr Arsoclatlon t'ev obclln lnlur- Ance arlalnlt such othar rlrkr, of a rhllar or d1t slhllar natura, ar lt lhfll dlclr lDpr:oorl-atc t.r'' resn?ct to 1-'hc ?ro.t"ct, lneludlnE any nr':sonrl ,.'oD- €r.tl/ of thc Aslocletlon Loeltcd tharlon, 10.2 Perronf,l ?IoDcrt! eesualty lnsl'rincr. I?)e ,lssoclatlon nay ln lr-s dtscrctlon .lact to o? tln lnsurlnce on the nersonal nrtDcrty and t'uFnlshln(s lniElally n18ccd ln the Unlts of ninrF! bv DccLarant unon conDlctlon of con- structlon of the ProJact tn such enounts as shall broYld" for the l'ul1 fcDlrccrEnt tharcof tn th! fvant of da|tlt. or de8tructlon froB casualty tfialns! xhlch such !nsurence 13 obtalncd. 10.3 FgI!. ce!ualty lnsurrnce shell. bc caff1.d tn A forrl or foF'nr nenlnE thr A3Eoclltlon tha lnsurcd. R! trlst!" for the Oinert and fot Dcclarrnt, rhaiher or not lt i5 an rvncr rr.hlch Dollcv or t'oltctrs shrll soaollt thr tngcrtst of each condonlnlun Untt orncr (.kn"rrs nari", Unlt nunbcf, thc lnDurtcnant undlvtd€d lntercst ln thr coinon Erenents), and lthteh r'oltcY oF r,ollcler :rha1l Drovtdc e. stendard, noncontrtiutory norttalac clnus" ln favor of cach f1r3t l4ortr?aFla trhlch fron tlna to f,lDa 3ha11 Elve notlce to the Associetlon ol such llrst !'ortnat?' Eaeh nollcv also shall nFovld. !h&t lt crnnol bc canceled by .lther thc lnsurcd or thc lnrul.ance colroanv untll ilftcr ten daysr nrlor vrlttrn nottc" l3 flFs! rlven to e8ch nwncn, to irecLarAng rnd to "ach ftrs! '{ortr:ttee. l'?re /l33ocletlon shali furnlsb r:o aach ^in"r n true coolt of sueh pollcy totrcthlr xlth a certlflcate ldentlfTlnf the lnterest of the ^rrner. Al'1 pollcl"s of lnsurance shall nrovlde :hat the tnsurance theneundcr shall :\e lnvr1tliatei or itusD.ndcd onl:/ tn resDect to tha !ntrr"st of ::ny nartlcular .qner Fu11tt/ of breach ol waffanty' act, onlssl,on. ner11[ence or nonconollance Htth any Frov1.lon oj' such no1!.ey, lncludlnt naynent of th" lnsu:ance lretniun aDtlllcabl' to that dwnarr! lntetest, ot th6 narrnlts or lallg iu Dr?vent the haDFenlnE of any e'rent, whcthct cccurllnr befor! or alter a loss, rhlch undar the nr6v131ons of auch nollcy rould otharrri's' lnvaltcate or susp"nd the rntlre nollcy. il1 Dollcles of ln3uranc? shal1 Frovld" !'rrFthcn thet thc lngurance under 3ny 3uch oo1lcy' 1:i to the lntercsD ol' all cthar lnsured nTners not Fulltv of xn.., such act cr on!5slon. shal! not t'e lnvalldat"d or susDrnded and shatl fenaln ln ful,l force and clfect. Pul'l1c ils.bllr-ty and nrnnerty daraE. lnsurance :rhall nane the tlssoclatlon the :nsured, as trutlcc I'ot the ^Nners an.l -;r l'cclarant. HhaihQr or not lt ls an nltner ' ",nd :rhall rroiect each ^Nn€r :rnd Ceclarant rraln:l! 11ab1l1t"' f.r 1c!s of tbe ,!Ssoclatlon tn connactlon wlt:l the c"nersi'r!F' '.r.,"r1tlon. r.alntenance or other usc of tt e Pr.,tect. i^.,1 ^1n'ne.rs ::c.oonstb1l:t:.'. lntiuran-' c'verlie -n --c : r rn: i i.'. nr:r-1-ni i-1-:r;f'-T-Fr-ac-Pd--JE t'ia llnl: l-'.' -' I1F'r' , ^vcoit .a :he 'xtent that tne issccl.rtlon nurau:!n! 'o -'c:1on : -.. ;,':".^f p'loct: ia 1r:':lncc 1'or :1au3;'-i' itl::rr"1:i'P' rr'i ' r^.-rr:lc:.: ^a t!:e ::oc1ttJ.nt. Fll.eiionr :ii):":r1:e l:' --11!::: :^a. -aai :t".el: e r.. .11 ncra^n'r1 r:r:.e::'.'. -': i BEST-r3- i$Rttto*tt ilf i-*''i:,l*ll*,'i*iill',*Iii1; jii:k*$"1"i'"F*ii'""'" d*gp ffiffi II . cASUlLft 'uit4loE oR DESIIBUCTIoII ' Htrfri*nfi*ffi' "ffiUlt$*tt",",1".r'+'li "lil'ii i'*i*." :lt: " ".. " ",, il;,5'*fii'iffilii]li''' :i:"il;t::::::L;13' l": - 1!- BEST COPY AVAILABI.E -.F^ ..,-inc:.s Fncaal- ^n'- ' r'r'- ; ^r -,'rp nf '''l- ': ...i l iaet I ;ri"l .'i - r;h1ch r rXr :1:'' "' if.3 E:tilals -of Cost3' A3 soon as practlcabla after ,n evcnt causlnE oanaxe r6-irTstructlon of '-any DaPt or tl.te p.o.lecl , the rssocrattln-"trli oucatn cor,rpleta end rellabI. i"irrlil"-.i ttre costs of-repalr or reconstructlon of thal "art .f ihc Di.c.1 ect d8-'6n.'ed of degtroyed. ll.ll ienalr or qecongtructlon. As soon as l"r:'ct1c- ar-.re arter iecer tin? tfie-s e-E;TfmaTe=-T6?' lssoc'!1on ' 'lr dl1lrentll- Dursue to "otpiuiiot the fepalr cr "eco':' 'lctlon ol the narE or the Prc't e c;'i li"ttd - ot desbrolied' -'j 13soc1ail6n :la:f tale :!11 necessar:t ""-ao,"op"fat" actlor' to-r ' i'ct reDalr or reconstructlon, as uatotn"v in fact for Ehe'rn"rs' and a" "aa"unt or other aetlon by any 'lner shall e-neeessary ln connectlon therexltn. -"suit ,epar" or reaonstructLon shal1 t" in'-""oo"annce Hlth !he ort6lnai plans.and sDeclflcatlons of che ProJect oo "av o"-tn iccoro"n"" t(1th ^ny athcr Dllnc Ina'.."." rii ""i rons tire lrs"oci"i!"" n&rt aDnr-ove ' ltrovlded that ln sueh latter event tn.-n"t[tt. of eublc fe't and, thc nunblr ;; ;;;;";-i;;; of anv unll nav not varv bv nore-than 5t rro'tt ;;"-:;;;." of cubtc ieet-ana ihe nunttcr of square f'et for such irlt a! orlElnarry "oitt"ttot"d ourcuant to Such or:'- qlnal nLans and sp ec r rr cii i;;;;-;;; thc locatlon-of th€ bul1d- i""-ir'tiii'r"-'iutsianctallv the !&nc as prlor to damaE' or destructlon' I1 .5 Eun3j-1.2P qeconstruct!on' Th" Droc"ed! of anv '. surenc. colrrctad imiini: avaiTi6]c to !!" A3soclation ilji a""-""r"""e or rcpalr or reconrtructlon. Il.th? Drccceos ni^ti"-rn=i ""n.. "r- i"turii"jini to nav ilre estlnat"d on actual co!t of tuch t"otii'oi-"Jeonstructlcn!-the Assoclatlon n8.y lev:t 1n advance t "oi"rii '"iiili"iint iurilclent to Drovtde lunds to r,ay sqch ""trt"ila o" actual cost3 of r"Drlr or recon- s?ructlon. su"n ot"u""tlii ]itii -i "-"i tocated -and ccll'ctad as nrovlded 1n lrtlcle viii'""iiiutit-ilvles mav,b! ntdc ln Ilketrennerlrtnoo,nounii-""ri""toaprov"lnsufllcl?ntto "o"of.t" the lrDelr or t?conatrucilon' 11.6 ntshursetlent of Funql f"T [??!i ' The lnsuranc. o rbEZ a rli-TE:::"ll:X"?ffi ;;:';;;;";;;."' p*"rl'a l9'-11-l:":::'-ll;3.ill"!iiill!'"'illo"?:";;:";5ilit"ii' illi :;-::;ll:-:"1":::"1;:;ff :::':11:i':":":lll.'"i."ii'ii'fi"I.li'.i-ii"i'.1i. l'::"ll':'. *li:"""'oir::;::t"i;I' "":; :i";;";i'"il-ii"i""i-::*'":l:l'"::"::l'll"l"lx:ll;;:: ::::.:i"'a'i?^;nli..' ii-ii-t ^r"i:. :l::'":?H::'ii"!'i"ilii?i'5r";;:;=;:;"i; i.-il"o"" inu" t 191;^i'il :::lll ;31,?i'ol'ill'li'li:l ;:";;: t'";;;;;-;;;':":131.:"":"lytbutronsshar! 0e (ltrErrour.Eu "" ";;;;:;-;;.lc"i.nts trvted by rhe each nYner nad? Dursuant Is3oclatton. ' L r r.,o r o " "l I ^ 1 .**l t*#"uitii#;' "l i "' i i' i l " l l ; ^ :"0 " :rot tn -et'd1ld. "" otou r oli^;;"; it ' the Pro'ect sharl hr r^l'i .r.d the nrocerds a r. ttrnuilo''in-;ii; ;;tt rinner hlfein Frovlded in'anl-n".na ol sale of obsolete Unlts' t(Ii .Dc^l_!,-al-rlrrF. . I i-.a-:..| 'r: ' 'r ri.i1.'1. .' " i'_i ''a -ri - Bf;ST CC}PY AVAILABI-E ll**fifln = *ii*$ht**-H''tH[[ti*' ffi #r i'i ] " **ff$tffi ntttiugili5uf;iffi1-,', tsEST c0pY Al/Ail_At3! H -16- ;H;tn'ilf *iirg*lriltlHfiii:'il;;l;:1ffi :: **"1*rul iru itil-tl*i**iffi ;i :*'*u. fitfit*fium*fit*u'ffi IIII. CONDETITIATIOiI' ****f ili'li l;:",:*.:ii:il:ffi::":lli':li::^iillit:liii!i:::*::ll" ildd**ffi*:ffim: BffiST cspv -lr-i AVA*LAfrt-E of th" condoiti.nLu|tr Unttrr "lclullve of the anount! r,a1d forDeraoncL propcrtlr, prcvr.dcd thf,t lf r ltrnderd dlllcrrnt ft.o,nrnr yilu? or thr proJrct !! | rholc tr enploycd to m.!!uFeEna ccndc;netlon Ayard tn uh! naFotlrElon, Judlclrl dac!:!.e,oF othcrr.ile, thcn ln d.t.ttf,lnlnt ruch chiia ini reae rrandar.shrll bG "irplot"d to thc crtcnt tt ts ralGvang rnd appllcabl,.. on th. br!l! of thc prlnclplc ,.t foFth tn th. -,est lT:!d1r: perrRlaph, thc l!roci.rtlon rhrll a"-io'," ar ,.. tctl_clEla dctcr.mln! lhe rhttr of th" CondeEnailon la r.ttd :_ >,nlch "aeh Otn"r ls rntltlcd. guch rhar"r shall be itld .t.oscDlrrt! recountE lnd dlsbur8sd aa loon es praLt1cr.,,la 1nthe rlrc 'tt!nn"r provldrd tn Srctlon fa. f-if- I iii-.rlclerr,t ton. ._ I3.l P?rt1rl TrklnE. fn th. .vent rhat tcsr thantha .ntlrc pro,; ec-ETle -Fiffi-6tF corrd.;cd,-oi-"oii or, othcrylsedllpolcd ol !.n llcu of or ln avoldancr tfiereoi. -in. condonlnlumoln.rrhlD heF.undcr Ehrll not ternlnr!.. Each'Orner shallb! antltlcC ro e shtre of thc Condirrraiion"arlJ-t o br detennlnedln the follorlnl mnncr: Ar roon rJ piicffiilu-r. rhc assocr.rtlonshr.ll,^ r"aronrbly and 1n f,ood raitr,, iiioiiil-li. cono.rnrttonArrrd b.tr"cn conoenlrrton, aenatar i o;-;;;;; iroccear, anashtlt apporrlon thr rnJunr; ro ir iodeilo-iioi*-i i. orne16,::..lgl::rj. (o) rhc rorrt .nb,lrr ati;;rif-ii iirrnr or onrn.r urv Eo EDe gqrron El,cnantt rhllt bc rppottloncd anong orncrt!n Dropoltton ro thllF F.lpccttr. unarvilla- inic;cltr ln th"connon Elcn"nlr, (b) th? totrl mdrnt tffoceiei-io lcvertnc"9!F.:"- lhrll ba ^hD6t't I oncd to thorc condanlnlun unler rhlchvclie not takcn oF conda[rad, (c) tha rGspaotlra lrountr ellocetedto th" taktnr of or tnJury €o e p*ttculir unii ina.zor trnprov.rint"tn orncr her nedc vtttrin irtc orn'unfl irreif -ir -eiport ron.ato tho par.tteuler un!.t rnrorv-, iiia - t al -Ii.-ioili ",*unl rl.roerted :l_g?n::o::n. tal danlrs ano rnj otrrar iattinqs-o" rnJu.r."::":i-":,:?p-:i! lon.d r!_rhG lrrocterlon dcr.r;rnrr t; b? .qulrebter,n ren! crrculltstancca. fl !n tllocrtlon of tha CondlnnationArrr.d. ir rrt"ady estebrlrh?d rn n"miiit ion, "iuai " rrr dccrer,or oDhcralle, th?n ln rlloclttne thc Condcnnaiia; Arrrd thcArlocletlon rhrll cnDlo, ruch ellocation -io"irr. -c rt,nt rt::-l:l::rl: and. appltcrbla. Dtstrlbutton ot apporttonfdDrocc.(lr EhaJ.I b. nrd. by chc€k! payablc Jolntii to th! r"_sp.ctlva orncrE end th.:.i. ralpaativ-e ffortiesial, 13.5 F.otEenirltton, In thc €ven! a oartlel taklnRI::!1!l - r"- !h. t ilfi?;r-e6 rctc rrnrt, iiii o.nir rh"rcorauEonallcalIy shlll caale to bc I ltcnbGF of thr ArEoahtl,on.Thcrreft.r tht Asloctrtlon rheu. rarllocrto th" orn:rlhr.p, "9i1nc rfentc, lnd rssrsBr€nt retlo rlctcrnrined ln accor.cenc"Irtlt.9hl! Daclarirlon rccordlri ro rh; ;;;-;;rlrprcs ",!ploy"dln thts Declaratlon at it! lnccDtlon and atrait rutult auchreellocrtlon !o th€ Orncfr of rcrf,tnl,ng Unltr l;r aiandnentof thls D"clamt lon. . 13.6 Recon!tructlon tnd RcFrtr. Any r"construqttonand reprtr nccerffiati-'6r- iov.rneo uythe nt"oe.alu:.e: specllled hercln ln ca!c! of fasualty DenaRe orDestructlon. xIv. PI0'tT ^r' ^PP9oVAL. lil .1 Pestt-letlon on SaLe o. Lease. :lo orner of acondonlnlun un 1r -6EF;F Th-t;-tEAi€:i;;T'tF;i-; e r i',_. r s condonlr r:.1-f,n1t or leate hls acndonlnlun Unlt for l tern of nore than l:l{iavs wlthout t::e n!-1or rrt tiFn ar,pra.,.it l. oi. ..he Aolrro ot l_,1recLc}.3 FFST -Ift-fr.tpY u"itiA[S$ll#,.::":l: f:-:!lltloni Fi.ovrd.d, that tf th!.-Fi:.:;i"I",.:.:-::-:"i! ";i.-;'.-i;;";: ;;;"":iliff,:#T;ill^::' ::-::-"::" :t: -: ; ;;;'";i..;;;;'&.;l:"";lili."il;.:",:arhe:. : arson or entrtv. ;- -' 'tnaEner {)rnaF wir.r nuFchar. .r- ,.^-,;-. !pl9r:9. ! J !!" Associar!on, 1rhoi:]1.":1"::- :I_l:lq;r;;iii-uIt i'" i,ll.ll';::l"i;1,"H: :::l:-:i"i::'-nnoposlJ-lv"ii; ;;i:.;;;T;.:"il :l: il?it"tcont?nDlited tlle or leas, - '- Lne rnlrlsr art.. l1F6.-.;r s{}L .!^ ._.r:.91 thr ol,,"rlnE olrn"r }rrv therc-:::::.:1"...r H!rh th; i"iirii ;;;.";;"i;ll,'Iff;.$r";l;aDDroval ^ I a rrreq L lucD Itt.? Proc.dure. In th" cv"nt &ny ovnlF of acondonlnlun Unl t-o-itr-iF-ttr an- thr D.clarant (the ,,offer!nl'ntnen") shatt rrsh to icll.ht! c""iJi i,iiJ,, uiii-, o, ",_ ,Il:h,::-ri::. hrs-condonrnlu, unrl ioo"i-ieln. ,f r. . ._r,"nr?u oavs (the "offcr"d Untt,,), and "f""fi n"", """. ,.o "l:l:_f1d:. ofrer theFcr.or rron.a froJpJiiruJ.r .,i..lr,.,"." onrqssee. the offertnq c,ynen.shall.;iri-"iiii.l,."l,"r". t.the S"cr.tarv of the A-rloc1!tton oi "uif,-oii.r,".ttc.NotlcelI_nlf9."t. rh" Horlc; or nfiei "i,"ii-;";;;;; ir,. nr..and addres! cf th" Dr.oDos!a pgncn"""r-oi-i;:::.,,ihe t errnsof-the Dropoaed tranBactlonr rlnanclal and charicten rercr-ences or the nroposed ourchiscn ;; i;;";:; ina-. li:cn otnenrnrornarton as rhr Boer{ or rrrecioii-ii-ir,l..l.ii"r"tronnay rea!onably reoutr.. -.rhc q !.vi"E- Jr-r r"ii-noi ii. !haLl con-Stl.tute a ,,.aFr{rnLy and rjl:_ll":r "r,.' itlJ'"llj;i:g':i:f,':il:l ;;,1":,f "ff*:'gl-o'rreve3 rhc offcr to be hona rra. r" -" f i'-""";;;;" , and suchnotrc.. shalr_ fuFthcr con!tlturc.an r;;;". ;;";;;-;rrerln*,vner to sell th. offFF.d unlr tn """o"i"ni.-riti tnrsArt lcle XIV. offertn, "J;.ln:.::::.:ar.y shall. Flvc Hrt.rten nottc. ro the;; ;;:";";;;;""I.niil,,inll'lnl rliLi"ii'Bl,::.::: llli.lllL,".rhe.nroDosed sale or I.a!a, of ff tr," io.i"iror-inrl].rall_t_o_clve.Hrlttan nottce to such offerlnq nynap xlthtn salqJu oey berlod ths! th! BoaFd or DlFcctors J;."-;; docr not apoFovelle-nroooceO_ sale or laace, thrnr the oflerfnl ,,,*no, ,uynrocred.to clos! thc rr:oooicd .;i. ;; i"rir-t l"il ""t ronaE any tln. xllhln th. hert 90 auy" - ir,ii"ritoii"ino rr rr"fall3_to-close the DFoposed salc o, lease tranrlcglon },lthln:119.99 days. he nu!t thereaftcr follor thc Frocedurrs lrre_scrlbed bv thls Artlcle XIV. Unon recelDt by- gh! Secreiary of a Notlce of offar,:l:^:::Ii.yr shalt Dron;t ly c8.tl , ,necrtns of rha roard ofurrFcror! for the DurDosc oi oetcrr.rtntnx-rii.iici"in" so".a:l 9ll::aorg. doc! -or does nor approve of the DroDored sat!o!' rEase. The offertnr otner sirl1i fr.i"iii i,l-Ii,ttrled bythe^SecFrtary of the daclslon of tnc- noal -ilf -it,ec to." , ana:l_!!: de:lllon of the Bo.rd of Dlrccrors ri't,-r,iru"" toalr,royg or rhe Dr.oposld !r.:,c 6r iiiiJ , -i n. -i.iiciery slattnronptLy notlfv :he rlnrlnlnR or""." Jf 'fi,o-o ii"i'arro rlrrrf:9:9"1 such oxn?F a coD, of tha llotlce or offan. Any ot, thel:T:rl1!f nwn.ns llley Flecr ro p"r"r,iii oi r.i"i'ir,. offered''l:t,urton the sarn" tefi"s :rs Contalned In thc Nottce of nr.ferbv.'.1v1n( notlc., o? thrt lrct to tr,. s."r.fi":, -o i-t n" Asrocl_at1on, a.conoanrcd by neyncnt oi ;;; ;;;;n;-;i ;;"" osJrnenr r^i"l:1t -one'\,! or 1n1t!ai rental , cs 1s :.ecr:eC ii tne liorlce.: '1i... l'he .trner flrst Etvln; nottce to:le iecretarv or ,_:re ?-rF:'c1se .a such rlcqt shaLl have e suner!or r.1ehi ^ver tnothcr.;i4r. :. ':n :ecretarv bas nOt recFlvod ,1 nntlca 1r..!:-:-:-.''.: a:.^- r r..nin1nE ^vner, ldvlslnr, ca hl:,!-c!.rn _o: r:r' -e :' .{-ns{ t.e olfered .onConlnl!i -tnlt, .rlthln -. jlr':^a :n:^'!.!' tr. tio 5"q|p1:rrv af the ,;,.g1qe al. -"""- : F^ '-'-:.': .1: .{t:.. !i rfF1r.,t1l ,11:ar-t,r!.t , :i au .L l 1 . 1 :t u : : , . : .,::-.:":-.,: ^a :1 .Cndoiln1!:l .-.t :a :!6 o:-.r,c-. ffiEST fl#f-1Y dl';;l\i1 srtq,F-' !f thc Sccletery ShalI have ctven.rrltten notlcc to trre offerinr-o"n*. rftifi tfre 30 day p erlod- prcrcrl bed rhat rire Board of ofre"totl'Aoti not approve the propoSed "lil il'r"iil-oi the olrcred unlt, lnd lf-thc sec,rltaFv 3hi1I hrvc Elven rt'ltt?n niifii to th" offarlnF-rlxner vlthln "'"ii-:ii-i"y' p. iioa tnat a -titetnrns rylter oI-l-tytv choeer bv the Borrd or Dlrcclors iai-"it"ftO to-purchtlc-or leas' the olfcred unlt, then "u"ii-iuiit"" or liese.by e F"na'lnlnE orncr or thlrd Dartv "ho";; 5t-;;- Boara of.Dlrector- 'htil ii"ii"Ila-ijil^ il,t i*c tirrni" as the nroposcd sar? ' lers" xtthln 60 dnvs follorlng iic-reeerpt by tha secrr . *9 or tha Notlce of offer' o" o""ir't-J"ii loi etos'nr "pcclfled theraln, rhlchever 1E lit?r ' Th. Boetd of DlrEctor6 ol thc Assoclat-1on shell have the sole ";;;t;iC And dtlcrttlon to approve or not approve ani p.o"pactrve Durch$'r o! lcaaee' Jn no case rhall th! rcstrlctLons on thc fltht of an orrner to ".b. o" leasc rrtl iondoartnturn Unlt ar-protldld ln thl.s Artlcle xIV affect tie-"irni-"i al qntl-l9 -:ub't ect his Condorlnlun Unl! to. oo'rr-fiai trust d!!d' nortqage or olher s.curlty l,n|trunlnt. The rlsht of a renalnlnt Orner to Pul!!9st or leage an olferea' ijirit ,'-irt r" lreu irrare"r for-the Astoelatlon to choole a thl !'!it patty to-pu"ir'icc or laaae th'-off'red Ltnlt rhrll ertend tnd run-f;;-t;e perlod-of the.l-lv"t of iiji l.i"ii. - cii"r"ana arrann-briri,' a"a the aurrylvor of thcri, plus 21. Yearl ' In the rY"nt env ornQr other thrn Declarant rhall ett.nDt to-".ii-r,ic conaoirnturn unlt or-to lef,r"^the !6tn€ ;;;';';.; "i"i.alnr 120-d;t'; rlthout flrEt-recclvlng the aDDrovalot'thcBoaFdororilito"s..uchrrleofl.r3"shallii"iliiirii ti-*'i-goaro ii-oiittit"' and 1r.so-volded' the lntcndod nutchller or- itlijl - rttali be suu';ect to evlctlon and r"noval.. forclbly ot-ointt-tst, rlth on rlthout nrocess of Iar. tranlrers ll;t"ffii ril: lllli*'i'"' o. In tha "v"nt ol any dcfault on.!h" Dert of Lnv orncr,rnc.r a,tv'ioiit*i inion entltles.the holder thereof to f or.cror a 'i^t'i-i-ito , antl sel" undcF such ;;;;;i;";;.,-incluain* deLlvei;."r a de::^l? thr nortraFf? ln 1lcu o?'-l"crt-iotti lo !ur! ' :h?11 be rrer and clcar or tne proviii""i-oi trtr" Artlcle; provlded' that the purchettr ili-ii"tt"t unde.r such-decd ln Lleu of forcclosur") ot l;; iondoiinr"t unl! shrll br there- qp66 end t tr:re art er''Jil;;;;-;;";;; riitttctron" orovldec lor hercln: b. The transfcr of a 'leceased Jolnt tenantrs lnterest to the survlvlnF Jolnt ter'lnti c. The transfEr of a deceased's lntel 't to a levlsce bv tfrt n"-io tris ttetr' at 1ar uncer I r'i!'1::1:./ 'I aws ' d. The tran5f€F of all or any nart. of a :':lr:t '' int.'r.:it ^. o ".""ii of rlthdr'lral ' 'leath 'r c:irPl"{1 :r ' t1 ',)ir rFnalnlnt naftnel.s 4arJ"'r1n' on the .jiF!:r" f:ir'i' lusliess ;1nd/ar to a l.crStn cl nersons 'l.c'ni5t r-1'!: :'_ Ff$? ,;:r- Glii1:;. ''j Alfui;Lar; { ll t\e l"uslness. I tranafer of alI or Fart of An ownFr,3or rlarr-nersr .lntercat hctwren nn, o" "o"" ;artnaps and,/oftn neFrons becofil nr nArtnengi ' e. -le transfer of all or anv Far.t of tn ^HneF,slnteresr ro a cornor.atton, nrn"tjaj, ;;;.;;r, rhat arlnlst c.r of the stock of such "o.ni""iinn-t" thereafterowned and retalned l.v tha! nxneF. l-t"^n"f." of itock::_ll:."1 Fore - s hrr.ho lder.s of a'""n";;;;i;n ovnrn, ,( ondr'Ftn!ui Unlt: nr.oelded, hovcven, f |,"i-it f.nr, \adt the :rtock c'. such coFnora.tton f "'tf.,""iai eF r ._,,r and:.eta!ned l.v that nxner. i transfF!. ",f-"torf r...' iie or'!ore shareloldear of a cori.oratlon n"nf""-, Ca, .ron1n!ua'Jnlt: nFovlCed, however., thht at trasl inZ o- the stock1s retalned b.v shareholders ir. i1r-,:ir."iir' ]n vno were.shar.eholders !rFedlate1.., nrtn. i.-"ult, i.,rn"rer, ^\e transiar bv r.1 ft- - All sucb nurchaJiers, ^.7naF:.i, .rantaes o!. {loncFs'rcoulrlnF 3n 1..1t.rest ln a ^onrionlnl,,-l ,,"r't""i"f i tlrere4ftorl'F suhlect td ail or the nr,ov-r:!1ons of. tbl:r tr:"t1clc. 1/r . lt ae:"t ! .! c ? x ec u t err r',a " c rn-ii.iiia#nf i.,ffi " I i iir I Ii il I i;, "",stat'n' t\at th. nrovlslons_or. thls A!.tlcte XrV h:ld heen .atls_t"'n4 t., .! aon.t^ntnt,rE unlt -Hner, "nl- if.,ii-ri" ,:oard ol i.l.rec!orio'the .lssne!atlon have it.r'roved cl the Fnorosed sale or leasel'-h3lL^!e ccncluslve o:: the ,1s:iOclatlon and the -cn.tor,.:lnlUrnlt ^.r1en1 ::i "1vor. or nrr r,orson"-"i"'.Jr""ilureon 1n r-ood1:r1t. . :'ct c.rtlflcate !.rf 1Il te !.rpnlslred to anv ,-11; npn", ,;l 11".1._i::t co.Ftted t{tth rhe nr.oyl::1ons ot thts ,lrttcle.. o:- :n :.p:iFFct to vlror the rrovlslons ni Suction 1tr.i a;;1v. I". :F!.^/,. r^'. ^o i'.!ilil..Ell? -. :F-.;,tirltT:..],, lr.I .'-endrert gr.:revoca:1o". -1.!r -^claretlo:1 ,.:.1j ngt.l^e revcl-eTF,oT snarl jl,rv ra t t-.e nrovlslon.i hereln::.::..1!J rnlers aIt oi" rhe ^.r{ner":r oi-7-c.' iri"i".to,.,,tn:ro'nlt5, as reil.ecEcC on the real estfto recoras of :ir:l,e Coiintv.;:t!":.3". 1nd all af the roldeI.s of anv ,.ortr-:rFe arnearlnc1n iuch :.cor'is anC coverln.. or rtteciinq-any'ni alr or:ne .onConlnlu:t Unlts eonsent and arrec to !,iuch revocatlon.r' ,riendtrent h! {nstru.ents a"ru re"ori"J, iio"ri"o, tr,at.. liend:-ent ^?. :"evocation shall chanee :ie "ii""ott"n nrilf]:v'ieo lnterotrrs !n rhc ^oflron frcncni;',.,iliii"nurlt to tr,".'r1ts. ^f. t\e ..liccatlon of Totes tn ",.it"". .i'il. n""o"f.tton,.r'_il:e rnr,.Ftlnnt-Ent o1. :tssessnentg hefeln nrovlded foI' unles3r:l n'. t\F ''rLne:-r :ln(l rll of the .:ortcireJs "."iu.a and a,.reeio .u.5 .-r'n.lrent oa revocltto.. l. r, lnstltr.reni Jrriu ""coa.roo,.,. I. Dr.:.r |, rL. ^^!t-.,^..rlrlr,r. ^,,{NEi)S}]I,'. 1.. , i ' -:"etton: -he conilo,.ltnlun r)!.n.rshln cr.4!eC' ' :.'..'.: ecrlr.tl on tn:j t\e -en(ion!n1ur ,.:r. sl^11I ccnt.lnrJe't::" 1 '\!r- '^.11r1t,!cn l:r .cvc2.lrl .r ter.trlt, ii" r:"."nn*aFF-','r l^1 '- ':'.,:le: loi.crn t-:rl,.n,- .rith ^!,aCle:3encr a^nilp_ni_. :^- . -- :,r..-^^ .r I ^F. __i -'-aa. 1.:r . - !1--..r:,.-- -. ,.-.-.^1::-:- ..-r1t r-r. i.r,.i- .. :;t::-.ji.r- ___;p-71;, BEST c#pv AVS.g[-AS[-E thcnroYl3ton!ofthlSD.clar'tlon'th:|Tt1:1::.?fTnco'ooratlon and the Fv-htrs o"nt ^"lili-"iiili] ^na thc declstons 'nd iii'iri::li li.'*,* ll;ii::;1.:'?:n'.1;::ii^i'lll "lll:t''"to cornnlv rrlth rnv ot tn'ol"firllll'"1"r'^j "i,Jii, -.-r"l1.r or ::.;:"::i:,llllnll"oi"tnl"i";il;;i"; on ichrr i or thc orn!?r' ii."i" "-o*oor cas"' by rn aqFrlcvFd oxn?r' 'i'' . Te-1ltT9:l"id *::'*lffi lfl*ri::;",:ti:""11;" :litl"ii:::':i lii"lll'ik.;;li-to t" serv"d-unon-Rnv owner shsll be 3?nt bv "lther.;;;i;;;""; or certlrled.milt;.liil3il. illiiri, uiJi.uico ln the nlnc of lhc ftdncr.ar,suc ,,,rlllnt addresr. lri no' r'il '-oi' di'nsnda tTl:i1:l to b! s"nved ubon th" Astoclat!on "n"ii-i"t livan rrv ttFl:t:l:1^"t c!rtlfted mall. oostas" pFcpEtd' "j'til liitt"" 9r.!h: Assoclttlon as dc!lFnatcd tn tn" 'v-'"ti ii'tit-iii""r"tl"l:- ll] norlcc! or d€nrnd! to ba !'r?cq Jn"ioii""""t" -g'lltolll her"to shsll be s"nt bv elth"F t. tr "tllta-oi^Il rt t rr ea t11'r'-::"8"o" DreDald' addrelrrd ln lh! nanc ot'iic rlirtca"e" at such-ad'lrrls as !F? xort(aFr! nay hlv! t"ilii"rt"i-d" th" AlEoctlilon ln rrltln:' Itnlcst tha tlorttr*'t ru"ii'Jili'lni- A !s oclrt lon-such addrest' th? !(ortEeR"e shalr Dc "tiiiii"o-li recclvc.none.ol thr notlccs brovldrd for ln thls o""iiiiii""' lrrv notlca-refrrrcd to tn lhis scction sholr ot'ill"ti'-tf ttn rhcn daDoaltcd ln thc unl!"d strl;a! nalr ln tn"'iiil-oi'itilcl' ior tn thls srcllon' " . r. *tggl:! f; Ht*i"4t*,1*lilP;, l:J.;:.|:""" - ?:"ffi ll'i::ilii'ilii"";iil'iit' rrthcr-scoernt;rv or rith one or nor? or "u"n-riiii"-or inttrt"t"' to anv p'rlon or cnt lty ' rr.r -n'nct.',sslbli8!91o!i SoEtllsei"rlll ::llXt:13'l" ?l lli"%$i"Hiiil"lfi"li :;;i;";; nqtrlth!!andl;' lhat hc nav hav! lcr8ed or *""; ;;ii-i;iittrt-a"' llgnlltd her"ln' lui trre fin.r of " "o"oofuii'i inii ar'arr h"I:-:o obll|rtlon ror "rD.n!e! or oghar t;il;;;it;; recrulnc aftcr he conv'Ys such condontnlutn Unlt ' r7.5 !:Sgganl o"ndar' l{h'ncvrr'used hcreln ' unl,"!s th. conEarE "n"liffit rtrovlde ' thc-rlnFular nunb?r shtrl !ncludG *'t r:utai,'iiil^iiii"i-int-tinsurar' and chc i"l -i r- lii-t.nocF rhalI lnctude all tendlrs' l?'6 :?tat!btltty' rr anv of the-oroutslon5 ol th13 Decr^retlon o. ,nv n"offik, o-ntence ' :ltt1!:-i!i"i! ?luarra:'-.a, ;;;;^;;-;"; aonlttrtton tnirior 1n Ent :1rcr:'nsE' such lnvatldltv shrrl ioi"tiiiit-lnt valtdltv ' the :'?!'\alnd,tr ot ..he ireclaraaron, ,r,i-inl'i"iiri.iro" of .any 3uch nrovlslon' .i!:':rr'12nr. santrnce. "i";'i:";;;it--o" t"ta ln anv '''her ctrcun- .lan""" "r',alf not br aflected thcrehy' 1'l "l statur-e' The '.rovlslonr cf tl ls I'^ ' 1'. '^n .h"-i1 l.'1n a':.l1t1on ^nti "unt'lr:"'"'ttii to t"'" 'ondn'1nlur --iner'l-'r1- i:c! c- ti:e -:taie of t.)il"'iil"i"'i-tn -itr n'"r'.r" rY'ovr:r'l'ns ^'llr' :-fl; Thlt nacl iret ton nhov" Yrl t tcn. -22- 1r .rccu!!d thc d^i ond Yart flrs' CHTTEAU CHFISTIAN ' ]NC' t Colorado cofnot' ltl or AfLesl:-- -:-' ' ^s"cretary STATE O!' COLORADN COUNTY NP EAOLE )) ra. ) The forc.|otnr lnltru'ent l'as ^acknoxltdt:O -otl?":nc thls EQ a* ot . 145?, bv t.r.'I R'IJ_-----o"q:I::yffi' f,sa Ciil-or-i-do ebrtrorat I on ' rv cot nlsslon Glgtres tll d! ( t c 1L -'HTTIIFSS tnv band nnd 3fftclal seal' ',/' . . L' l- Att-^.t fl6-tr?-+'iFirc -- ,4 EINIIIT A mt@fi'lIu{ Drcrlr TroK t{n csArll! cnusTl l l(IltEtllSls lta lrel Pro?'rtt rrfrttrd to tr th' Coniootal:" D.clr!.t16 lr rr folltnr: A rRAcr OF llxD L0cATED In uT d' !!S.lf VAIL-VILI-rGE FIRSr Ftllnc, c(tnfl oF EAGtl, 'h;i; oi cor'qeoo' oora !:-'rtlcultrlv dcrcrlbcd rr follorr: !.tlnnlnt .E tha toulhrrtl :orn!r--?l-rtld Lot dt :ff i"la"iii.iiiii:iiij:'.*i:i: ;:::": ;ii: l":f !" $:.:fr*::i*:!ll;i'i"t*p I f ,'i";il;i;','''d:'il;ili;-;h.-iin.i or'im cisr rad l:::rdcr-or Ergle lf,iii, cirJi.$, it'. rrur royl fr.'ffi1"$llol ilf;;"I,?d.fl.cila !n!Lc to lh. I 6?.!5 (rct rlong thc -.1;i; iLr of -rrra tr'tt convcvGd ln d..d !.cord.d r" r""t'iii'.i-pser 8S0i thcnc._cdrthulat rlonl drr ..rt.rlt rrnr oi-Lli Lict coivcyra.ln dcrd r'cqrdcd ru roor 212 ec pagr !!o li l-ctriliti- *rit to Ehc 8l8hi af 3?' 15' to* . dlrtrac. .i"zi'ii-ilti-to, t.ior"t of lac'ncctlott ytrh rh. Elthrll, rrnr lit.ii -i c, -u.rig.. polnt on r cut'tt'; ;;;;1-i it. l".tr.'ii it"i ic t1i9-!":-d-qcb r oa r cunrr to tho rlgb.t rt "roi"'ilirol "i-roo'rr-r"rEr I csrtrrL enrl of 07. 12, oz", -'.i.-i .ti. .g 20.13 fcrt rnd r*ror liiiii iiril".l-st;-oa' leillo it" lcrt rra-the.Prcvlout courrcr 20.116 fo.3 arrJnti-tttc"cc on r d'ftGctlon entle to th. l.fr of 83' 51' rF'tiL iiia-"rt"ta " dltte:rcr ot 12'77 f[t: tlrarcr oo . arnrcitoi';sil-;;;.rr$1-of tt' 44' 20" r dLrtac. of 31.03 r.tii-irt#-t" r-dcflccilon rn8'Lc to ch' trft ol 90' oo' oo" . arl.."J. "r-iz'oq fc?l -to-r polnt of ilt€rt.clton sldr Eh..oid*il-ir"i "q-:tll'.ht d; th'trc' ' ori r d.fl.ctlon .n81. to .ii-il?i'"i-io' 99'-90': rnd r1on8' rld r.ruthcrlt llnc of t.o. e 'l iiti-i"- "t it ' 00 rt"t to tb' TeuE POIXT Of lECI"l|tll.RG i ToGtTltER. lllTtl !n ..rr8cllt lot tbc PurPos. of ?ct'lrtlnS footln8,' ' e:var, belconler, rtnoos-roii"' *i oircrrar-d oP€trln8' vlndogr rnd &ote of tnc butldtig-";ti;ita on the. ibo'rr dorcrlbcd pro?Grty to o\t.rh.nt or lrtend lnto or ot'cr ths follortng i."!iiiia-"r.r, ena-arrtigr ior the purpo.. of contlructlnt' urtng, uralncalnr'e, .rti;iigl-itptiti"s' :?lt:ltc 9t t-'11:9--' trollers, furnaceo, rr. "o"oiir"tting tqulpto"rr c or other lrcchanlcaL ei.iirli"" rn.t,raing ali- app"rtmrice! ' clecGrtcal 'irlng' ;i;;t;; ;t othcr sErvtcc!'rektl'ng thcreto' ln and unq:r the follolrlnp aes.rruod-Iiel, -u"l iot above the elevatlon of 8I8E,0l teec (U. S.G.5. Dat1!!): Bcglnnlnn ilt the southcasE corncr o[ said Lot d' Btock 3' Vntt VtlInf,e Flrst' FilinP,i thcnqc wcs!crly alolrt' thc sottLh lina of said Loc d a d{stancc of 164.A1 fcc(;tlrclcc on a deflccrlon anglc to thc rlght oi-Soi-OO, Ora dlst:fncc of 72.eO feet co thc northl'est corner of t:.cboundary LIne of thoE rract of land ao".rftreO"iiov. ,thc.TRUE POINT OF BECINNINCi chence on . a"ii.i.irr,anglc to Ehc rtghc of 90. oo. Oo" . jr"i.rn..-._.1 lt.or{ect.atong- sald boundery lln. to c corn( r of .,1..d lo:".ialy Iln€; rhence on e dcflectlon ....rgle ;o the -lcf t of .52' 44, l0r, conttnulng atong rali iounOarvLinc I dtsrance of 5.65 f".t;"tt.""i ;;- _ ;";;;;ir"angLe co thc lefr oE L27. 15; 40,' " Oi"t"""I-Ji-i. rZ ^feet;-chcnce o. rt deflectlon angle .o it. iiehi "i9!" OO' 0ort 6 dlsrrnce of 3,07 i*ut;-tt"i""-8n r ieflec- -tlon_an8,tc to the lefc of 53. 20r O6'. "-Ji"t"i"! .f20.42^feet; rhenc. on e deflectlon "ngi. -., -Ii,l-r"tt of-90' 00r 00'r a dlrrancc ot 22.39 f";;; ;h";;;;; , 1:f1"::a9n enBle ro rhe tlfr or gO. OO i 'OOii-.-Jri.""". ur r.uz reoc ro rhe IRUE potm OF BEGIl|NIffc. tt2€4tl il*'ffiH-*'2Q_cat c, Y-_,. *tv r*crdrd "tte.l!}} F'i'a t - ae""v1J-9-v\'i7firn- GRJA}TT OF AASEMENT Cai l S {i a.r_ir ,,1\-^^ r^--t -rrra<< i c 1(?6 R,r\z p,^-, i a-.rrr-lr. JIEVoi, w'llrJc -LY!rctl d.(l\.lr rJ-u uG) JL,LrtqVcr!Ll, Atlantic Beach, NY 11509, as owner oI Condominium UniL H/ Chateau ChrisLian Townhouses {"Grantor"), for good and valuable r:rrsi rior:t i nn f ha rFaF i nr ,-rnd srrf f i r-i onr-rr nf r"rh i ch :ro horohrrgIIvlUuvfIJulUllvluv] confessed and acknowLedged, does hereby seII, conveyf and ^.'It-r -;* '*r ^ ^-r'l q Si crrel urhn<a Iorral addro<c ic 1E?6 R:rzLlLrr LUJclrrll ullLl_, \Jd_t_L rJ. \' tE;gor, wrt\rDc Boulevard. Atlantic Beach, NY 11509, as owner of Condominium Un-it G, Chateau Christian Townhouses, ("GranLee") and GranLee's heirs, slr-r-csqnrs. ,assi ons - :nrl nrsrsrrnil ronroqenf :l- i rrcq - .a nerncf rr: ItJl!Uvlrqflly!vJgrluqLfVLU,qyLlt.!Luu- easement (Lhe "Easement'r) of approximately One Hundred and Seventy-Frve (175) Square Feet, over and across the reaL property more particufarfy describecl as foffows i CONDOM]NIUM UNIT H, CHATEAU CHR]STIAN TOWNHOUSES, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED DECEMBER 30, 1969 IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 702, AS AMENDED BY FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR CHATEAU CHRISTIAN TOWNHOUSES RECORDED , 2002 AS RECEPTION NO.. AND AS DEFINED AND DESCRIBED IN THE CONDOMIN]UM DECLARATION RECORDED DECEMBER 1969, IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 701, AS AMENDED BY FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR CHATEAU CHRISTIAN TOWNHOUSES RECORDED AUGUST 22, 1996 AS RECEPTION NO. 599516. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. ("Grantor's Property") The focation of the Easement is more particul-arly described as "Unj-l H Hallway" as set out in the FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR CHATEAU CHRISTIAN TOWNHOUSES RECORDED 2002, AS RECEPTION NO,in the Office of the Cferk and Recorder of Eaqfe County, and is described in the dtLached Exhjbit A, consi sting of one page, attached hereto and by this relerence incorporaLed herein and made a part hereof. Grantee- :t Gr:nttrctq o:,nF!nqo. h.-r< s'rr!'a\,a.l :nd ch:l I have Lhe, rrqJ Ju!vuluu, rir.Ihf io nncr:l.a h-i-+.lh rs.l e561 ir fho,:wieti*^ a-r'r.----uv v[/Er oLc:, uJv, rdrrtLd_Lll, dtlLt _*1rg lld.LJ.wdy on the EasemenL for conLinuous access by pedestrian ingress and egress and for instaliation. maintenance, repair and reconstruction of any and all utillties from the ceneral Common Efements of Chateau Christian Townhouses to and from Grantee's aciinininrr ro:'l nrnner*rr. aq mn?a nrrf ir-ir :rlrr desr-ri heq aS, uu rrtv!! tJs!ufvs!q!ry sLUerrvL foll-ows: CONDOMINIUM UNIT G, CHATEAU CHRISTIAN TOI/iNHOUSES, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINTUM MAp RECORDED DECEMBER 30, 1969 IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 702, AS AMtrNDED BY F]RST AMENDMENT TO CONDOMINIUM MAP FOR CHATEAU CHRISTIAN TOWNHOUSES RtrCORDED , 2002 AS RECEPT]ON NO., AND AS DEF]NED AND DESCRIBED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION RECORDED DECEMBER 1969, IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE 701, AS AMENDED BY FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR CHATEAU CHRISTIAN TOWNHOUSES RECORDED AUGUST 22, 1995 AS RECEPTION NO. 599516 ("Grantee' s Property" ) If Grantee fail-s to maintain the Easement in good condition and repair, G-rantor shal L have the riqht, but not the obliqation, to D}..)Vi fJe fOr ner-cqqir\/ m: inf onrnr-a :nrl *^-- i" --n ^} - -^^ /_rar+^^ for afl costs and expenses associated therewith. The Easemenr shall be an easement appur Lenant Lo GranLee's P.roperty, and shal-l- inure t-o the benef it of Grantee's heirs, successors, assigns, and personal represenLaLives, subject Lo Lheconditions and fimitations set forth herein. Alf costs associated with the Easement, including surveying, ,,-^rrel- rlr..{- i /-1h ron>i - rh,-.1 hr:^r anrn^n -h- | I t-^ la^rha ht' r-rihf^d.Lr\,L_L\Jrtl rr=Pcrt! t ctlrLt !t|c1-Lt.lLgtl<ltltg/ .)rlcll-! rJg L/y \Jr orrucct and Grantee shall and does hereby agree to indemnify and save Grantor harmless from all- cla-ims for damages or I-Lens arising from the operation, use, surveyinq, construction, repair, and maintenance by Grantee on or over the Easemenl . Grantee shall have no right to fence or otherwise obstruct the Easement, or to FrFaf ,anr/ l-r:-riF,rq .r:raq ^r imnrnrrgl6gl-1 Ls Lhereon./ YULUU', vt Granteers use of the Easement shall not be excfusive, and Grantor and Grantor's heirs, successors/ assignsr personal -represenLaLives, guests, and invitees shafl have an equal right to the use of the Easement, but without interference with Crantee's use thereof, and subject ro the proviso that any increased costs of repair and naintenance caused by Grantor's use shalL be borne by Grantor. Grantee's use of this Easement shall be limited to the normal use associated with one single-tamiJ-y dwelling on G-ranLee's Property. Grantect.s riohls he rorrnflcy p:rr nnt i^,e c:'nenderl lo qtrr1/e mOfe than one sinqLe-family dwell j-ng. In Lhe event thaf Crantee's property is subdivided in the future or is util-ized for purposes other than one si nrr'l e-f;milrr rivral linr lho E,1cemcnl horcin .fanLed, LrrL !qJ! shal- I terminate. This Easement grant is wirhout warranty of tj"LIe and j-s subjecL to all nrinr enr-ttmirr',.rrr-oq orqarnanrq ro<fricfinnc ra<:arrrrri nr'r<, lLuLr , reau! and rjghts*of-way alfecLing Grantor's property as burdened by the Easement herein qranted. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, crantor and Gr:anLee have executed this Easement Deed and Aqreement this dav of 2002. GRANTOR: OWNtrR OF UNIT H, CHATEAU CHRISTIAN GA]L S. GP.ANTtrE: OWNER OF S I EGAL UNIT G, CHATEAU CHRISTIAN GAIL S. SIEGAL STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrumenL consi sting ot two pages/ of whichthis is the lasL substantive page/ was acknowl edged before merL: ^d:rz nf my hand and official seal. Mrr nnmmi cci nn a.*-_.. _xpfres: , 2002, by GAIL S. SIEGAL. ,20 Witness Nln1- :rrz D,rl-rl i n EXHTBTT A GRANT OF EASEMENT AREA DESCRIPTION Beginning at the most northwesterly corner of the fourthfloor of Unit H, Chateau Christian Townhouses accordlng toLhe Condominium Map thereof recorded in Book 2J,6, page 701,in the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk andRecorder, as shown hereon; thence along the entrancedoorway of i:he west stair G.C.E., being the Basis OfBearing, N00"00,00/E 4.g feet; thence N90"90,00,00/W 1.3feet; N00"00'00,E 4.3 feet; sg0"00,00,E g.2 feet; thences00'00,00,w 3.5 feet; sgoo00,00,E g.1 feet; N00"00,00,8 0.6feet; S90o00,00,E 7.4 feet; SOOoO0,00,W 6.2 feet;N90'00'00'oo 24-4 feet to the point of Beginning, containi-ng175 square feet, more or less. The above descrlption has vert,ical limits as follows: thel-ower vertical timit rs a flnished ffoor e.Levation ofB2r1 ' 8 feet for the fourth froor of said Chateau christian I:::n:":"", the upper vertical timrt is an elevat,ion ofazzo- 4 reet-