HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT 6 VAIL ROW HOUSES UNIT 6 A LEGALScc unrt gA QleS Vfd*r5- ooz* Design Review Board ACTION FORM Vru V;ltr4cftu'1 t lnrb TOI'IIN Proiect Name: PARKS RESIDENCE Project Descriptionl 250 ADDMON FOR UNIT 6A Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Numben DRB050080 | / ---.-,r , Vat(, Iou^'flawJu Participantsr owNER PARKS, MARGRETTA B. &CHRIST03/11/2005 303 GORE CREEK DR 6A VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHITE03/11/2005 Phone : 970-47 6-220t PO BOX 3340 VAIL co 81658 Project Addressr 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL VAIL TOWNHOUSE CONDOS, 5A Location: Legal Description: Lot: 6 Block: Subdivision: VAIL TOWNHOUSE Parcel Numbefi 2101-082-3001-1 Comments: DORWARD RECUSED BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DUNNING HANLON 3-0-1 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalt 0412L12005 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P[AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval oF this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee paid: $3OO.0O J€n z.r ui I I :.+ue VaI L Hguhouse t;a 97(] 4?5 7410 P.l t\ i I I0--m v P6to0l 8 @a $50 Plirs $1.00 per square foot of total srgn area- llo Fee $550 " Ftli construction ofi new buildiilg or demolt€btJild. $300 For an addttion where squate footage i5 added to ?ny resktential ot commercial'buildfng"fnctldes zsoitfttttofls * int€rior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buitdrngs and siiC imprwementg/ such as, reroofing, painting, window adlfitions. landscaping, eneg and retalning walls, dC. $?0' For fiinor changestutuildingran*site improvernents, such a5, rerooflng, painting, window additiong landscaping, fences and retai fig walls;'ete' $?0 For r€visions to plans atready approved by Planning sfaff or the No Fee Application for Design Review D€partment of Community Development Ttsouth FrontageRoar|r VaiL Colorado 81557 tef : 970;.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.rls G€neral Information: All projeds reguking design re.r'iew must receive approval prior to submitting a buttding pErmit applictio(L Please refer to the submittal requirements for $e particular approval that is requested. An appiication for Design Rwiew cacnot be acaepted untfi all required inftrmation R receiir€d by tlie Community Developmefit Departrfienf. The prolect may also need to be revipwed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Comfitission, Desagn revlelv apFroval lapres unless a building permit is issrcd and construction commences wit$n one year of th€ approyal. Ptysacal Address: Parcef t{o; Atpt ff - ,pOtl *(Contact Eagle Co- Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning; Xame{s) of Owner{s}: Mailing Addr€ss: Owner(s) signature( Name of Applicant: l'laifing Address: Tt?+ofbitr -aEdF4e\ U Signs D Conce0tual Review I New Constfuction S eou,tion E Minor Aiteratioo (multi-famllylcommercial) 0 ' l*linsr Alteration (s:ngiefamilylduplex) D Chang€s to Approved Plans ! Separation Request \ Lcral dcscriprion:tot i 6 | L_ Block { J;[ngAd drcss '1r)1 A-. - /) Grrcr fuPhoncArch itcct . Zonc district Phonc Proposcd usc 4d{s l-C I : BrLildablc area Er-istin s hoposcd Total GRFA Alfary_cd Islal = OVCa Rsnaiu_"c sAt ztb 58 zrt 4 z16 6f Z@ An ol ?,9 zrD c{ Zrd bA' bb sitc co*cragc Gqq) --3p2t- 4<oo + 16L -= 1,Lf,4 tLff, +_Ir^i^l,r ' rurErtr 4r/# ,, : i3€)(i+) / .r/ ,./ Sctbacks i i Fronr ,. 20, ,? :! Sidcs # zo 'j Rca. *- zu I e n rl cn,r ^i^ ^ !L<r'u:q:p,'sivlinlimrrfuUjLL_",_6rdf(!z\ Rctaining\\talf Hciglts | ,, , U, Prding :Rquircd pxsrifnu.xquucd Ca."agc Crcdit (300) (500) (eoo).(1200) */h Drivcrvay rr^*:u r -,Pcrnu'ncd Slooc e-:c? dt,.( o/" p,^^,_ -. _,,cscd Slopc Conrplics tvith TOV Ligtrting Orrjnancc ycs . No-..-._- Arc finishcd qradcs lcss than 2:l :5C%) ycs / Nn:- Enr.ironmcn tal4lazards 'I ) Pcrccnr Slopc (< >30%) ,, 2) Floodplain 3) Wolarrds 4) \\ratcr Course Sctback (30) (j0) 5) G cologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Roc[t'atl I c) Dcbris Florv I box lfi) Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 !h. Bud Parks #1 Cantitoe Lane Englewood, Colorado 80110 Dear Mr. Parks, This letter is to and Environrnental gTanted an 8 footl5r property line PETER JAMAR Town Planner PJ: bpr cc Jim Colonbo P.0. Box 1673 Vail, Co department of community development May 12, 1981 ,,/, f L [J-\LtJ I I I)J ts- /au/ 4*r- confirrn that the Town of Vail planning Couunissj"on at their lrlay 11, l98l neeting setback variance into the requi-red rear setback in order to construct an addition. COLOMDO JAMES P. COTOM,BO ARCHITECT Archileclurol Design Associoles .',.'3]-L 15 ]JISIGI{ RrVf:it? BCART AfpLICi;,j, tr.I !ri.- )t J)Jt a:Q TVll DT-T] - L.:-,j-ir-, t . . Aptos. Cotifornio 950O3 (40g) 688_250S P.O. Box 1673 Vc,tt. Cotorodo 81652 (303) 476-40e8 P.O. Box 1445 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2738 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: REROOF 3.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT , 6/00( 3O vni/ t/i//,rye /st ToaJ ifuusE-s DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT aoo/ar,r un MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES BUILD PERMIT PermiI f: 897-Q277 Job Address Location... Parcel No. . Project No. ACE ROOFING COMPANY P O BOX 276, GLENWOOD ACE ROOFING COMPANY P O BOX 276. GLENWOOD PARKS, GRETA 303 E GORE CREEK DR 303 E GORE CREEK DR 2101-082-30-010 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . I SSUED o8 /28 / reeT oe/02/Lee7 03 /0]-/7eeB SPRINGS SPRINGS Mrrll_ i-F.rrni Irr Type V Non-Rated Phone: 9709455366 Phone z 9709455366 CO co 816 01 816 01 Clean-up Dep Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: V N Type Occupancy: Vafuation:. 49 t i repta6e Informatian: Restricted: 318_ 50 DRB ,800 fof 6as AppI iances: Add .00 .00 250.00 fof Uood/Pa L Let: **i********ii*****************************i************i*** FEE SUMt4ARy ********************************************************** Bui Ldi ng-----> PLan check---> Investigation> l,l i L l, Cal. l.----> 490.00 Restuarant P lan Revi eu-->.00 TotaI Ca Icutated Fees---)1 ,061 .50 Ctean-Up Deposit--------> REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,IENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 1.79_?13E OR AT OUR OFFICE Send Cl,ean-up Deposit To: AcE RooFING CO Additional" Fees---------> .O0,00 Recreation Fee---------->TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- 1 ,061 .50 1,061 .50 TOV/Comm. Dev. approved amount sq Ft ' date fof Gas Logs: ***************************************l3lll*ll5i;;;;;;;;;;;iiii********1i?fl;i?-*--*llilH-lli;;;;;;;;iiii*i************ill*** IIemI 051OO-BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING Division:08/29 /L997 CHARLIE Act j_on: AFFR Ciranr,rrITbm:' O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DepT: PI.,ANNING Division:oB/2e/t997 cHARLTE Acrion: -AFFn u/eIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:9p/2e/\227 cIrABLrE Acaion; AppR N/A _--. - _ __- __ :.Itemi'05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: pUB WORK Division:0B/29/1997 CHARLIE actlon: AppR N/A ******l*************ff***********rt***************t*******************************Jrt*******r(************************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknou ledge that I have read this apptication, f il.l.ed out in futL the infofmation required, compLeted an accurate ptotptan, and state that at[ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty v,ii th the iniormation and pl,ot btan,to.comply with aLL Town ordinances and state [aws, and io buitd this structure according io the Town,s zoning and subdivisionGodes, design review approved, unifo|.m Euilding Code and other ordinances of the Town aipLicabl,e thereto. Refund FROII 8:00 AH 5:00 P ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit E: 897-0277 as of 09/02/97 Statusr ISSUED******************************************************************************** Pernit Type Applicant ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT ACE ROOFING COMPANY 97094ss366 Applied I oB/28/ree7 Issued : 09 /02/L997To Expire t 03/0L/1998 Job Address Locat.ion 303 E GORE CREEK DR 2 101-0 B 2 -3 0-010Parce] No: Descripti-on: REROOF Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST COMPIJY WITH 1991 UBC CHAP 32 Llorita.c t Eagle County A"".""orJffi." PERI"IIT 'I ^ APPL'ICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT I.[Ay NOT BE AccEpTED .|ggJl&..|-j.v5 x* *** * * *********** ** * ********* PERUIT rNFOR!{ATTON ************.*****************7l [ ]-Buildins I J-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical I J-Mechanibal t]J-Other €"*ro,C Job Narne:Job Address: tegal Oescription; Lot Block Olilners Name: 6-c-l* &,r Architect: ?,o,E6A ,q(p le,QA pn.sft$ Ph. Address: Address: General Description:'v-Work Class: [ ]-Nes [ ]-Atteration [ ]_Additional r\[ ]-Repair t)<l-other_fu--& Number -of Dvelling Units:Nunber of Accornrnodation Units; { ^ {pmber and Type of Firep}aces: Gas eppliances_ cas Logs_ Woad,/pelletv llt********************************* VALUATIONS * * ******* ** ************* ** * ****** I Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: l{echanical Contractor :Address: *******.****** *** * ** * ******* ***** BUILDING PSRM.II TNT: Pil'UBTNG PERMIT FEE: I'TECHANICAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE oF FEE3 DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vai.I Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE usE * * ******************* *** * * ***** BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PIUI{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:IifECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK TEE: RECREATION FEE: CIJAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERITIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAEIIRE: CLEAN IIP DEP,OSIT REFIII{D TO: 75 soulh lronlaEe road Yail, colorado 91657 (3031 479-2L.38 or 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: olllce ol communlly deuelopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED I{TTH THETOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMIIUNITY DE\tEr,opt{ENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur_ for anyperson to litter, track or deposit.any ,"if,-rJ"t, sand, debrisor naterial , t""t:l1ln_trastr iuu,pster=, portable toiLets andworkmen vehict_es.upon any streetl siaewaixl-;ii;y or pubricplace or anv portiln th;;";;.- ii." rrgnt-of-way on arr Town ofVail. streetl ina.roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr be ;t-i;ii;-enforced by the Town of vailPubLic works oeoartnrentl--F".Jlnl founa .rii,rulini this ord.inancewili be sriven a 24 hour r"i;;;;";"ii""-ti-;;;;;"=="id raateriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice within an:_:1 n""" tir"-riecified, the pu;tic WorksDeparrment wir.l remove said urateii"i-"i-irrJ'I"ifi"e of personnotified' The provisions-or-'[ni] "rainance snilr not beapplicable to cinstruction, ,iirrt"rr.rrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any uaiiiii;;"i; ;;"';i;ii_"_*uy. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of:::i"::iili"9"":f;?f*:*"::"";;;i" a copv- rirani you ror your Rea F d and acknowledged by: Date hwn n ual 75 soulh tronlege rord vail, colorado 81652(303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 otflce ol communlty dGyelopm€fit BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this penni.t requires a Town of vai'r Fire Department Approvar,EngineerLs (pubri" tt$l ""vi"* rnl'ipp"ouut,' a ptinnin!-blparrnentreview or Hea'r th Departm6nt. review, -uni-"-r!uiJ ;y-;i;;";rTi ai ng liri[;13'h";L: .'.iruted time ro"'u-lutur ""ri"n-ilrv"L[e'is rons All commercial (larqe or sma.ll) ana all multi_family permits willhave to follow ine ibove mentt6nea ma*irur requirements. Residentiarand small projects shourd tii" u-iesier"amount of time. However, ifresidentiar or smar'rer,projecis inrpiii the various above mentioneddepartments with reoa.rd to-neceriili-r.ur"", these projects mayalso take the three week period Every attempt wil'l be Tgge by this department to expedite thispermi't aS SOOn aS pOSSibl e. - " - --r-' s'.Ps' I LE LII l:.i!. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeT rame . x Communi ty Deve'l onment Departrnent. F'MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way permit.: 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different a@ess needed to site ofher than existing dnveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecling the right of way, easemenls, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public propefty to be used lor staging, pafting or fencing? - B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES {. { K j., A rc*n t l^z 1q7 ll-v9u- alswered yes to any of these questions, a "Public way permit, must be obtained.?ublic way Permit' applications may be obtained at the public work's ofiice or atc.o.r.n1u1ity Development- lf you hlve'any questions please call Cnarne Davis, the Townof Vaif Construc-tion lnspec,tor, at 47g-215g.' I have read and answered allthe above questjons. NO x t A I A Job Name r's Signature Date PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building permits: 1) Fillout our check tist provided with a buitdino permit aoolication.tf yes was answered to any or t@,public way,, isrequired. You can pick up an application at eiiher community Developmeni located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at t 3d9 Vait Valey Diive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must fietd verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies iequire upto a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction tratfic controlistaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheetof paper.An approved site plan may also be used. ' This plan will show locationsof all tratfic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area ofConstruction, Staging, etc..). This plan will expiie on Oct. 1Sth. and wiil'need tobe resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length,width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic iontrol ptan oi a iiteplan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required,locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation cre*. Thelocates take place in the morning but, may require up to 48 nours to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approveor disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the siatus ano any thai mayneeded. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being receiveO, Out pteaseallow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to communityDevelopment allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. please do not confusethe "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: ] ]tr9 gOgve-process is for work in a pubtic way onty.* Pubric way permits are varid onty uhtir ttovemoer rstn.* A new Public way permit is required each year if work is not comptete. ccuplv8y 75 South Fronrage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 1 3e FAX 303-479-2452 1. .) Department of Comntunity Developntent r[FoRuarro[ IEEDED r|r|Er| APPLYTIG FoR A ttEcHAfircar, PERt{rr 4. HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WTTH PHYSICAL DII{ENSIONS AND BTU RATTNGS OF ALL E0UIPMENT IN MECHANTCAL ROOM. sHow srzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPI'{ENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED INMECHANICAL ROOM. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS ITFORI{ATTOI{ WII,L DELAY TOUR PERUIT. 75 south trontaEe road Y.ll, colorado 81657 (3(xl) 4792138 (3O3) 479,2'139 office of communily deyelopment : NOTTCE TO CONTRJACTORS,/OVINER BUILDERS Effective June 20, rggrt the Town of vai] Building Department hasdeveloped the forrowi-ng procedures to ensure that new construction :i::: 1,""_" adequately esrabtished proper d.rainage from buildj,ngslEes along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads.or sEreers. Tlre Torm of vail public gtorks Department wirr be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of, vail roads orstreets and tb.e installation of tlnporary or permanent eulverts ataccess points from the road or street on to tle construction site.such approvaL must -be obtaineci prior to any reguest for inspectionby the Town of Vail Ruilding Department for tobtings or remporaryelectricaL or any . other inspection. pr-ease calr- 4'7 9-2160 torequest an inspection from.ltr-e pultic works Department. ALl"ow aminimum of 24 hour notice. A1so, the Town of Vail public works Department wirl be approvingall fina-L drainage and curvert instalrati-on with resurting roadpacchi'ng as necessary. such approvar must be obt ainecr nri.,r r.\Fj.nal- Certifj-cate of Occupancy i""r:ur,".. Project Apptication I Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and phone: Com ments: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL Summary: I 2:00 PLAI\INING AttD ENVIRoNMENTAL CoMMISSIoN Monday, Ir{ray 11 , 1981 Work session on Study Area #5 Lionshead 3:00 p.n. Regular Session 1. Approval of ninutes of rneeting of April 20, lggl . 2. Election of new chairnan, vice chairman, and DRB representative. 5. Request for a front setback variance to construct an addition atlot 6, Block 5, Vail Village lst Filing, 309 East Gore CreekDrive. Applicant: Bud parks. 4- A request foran arnendnenttothe Gore creek 100 year flood plainwith the intenr of building a duplex at Lot 6, block J, VailVillage 11sth Filing. Applicant: Carl W. Suruners, Jr. 5. A request for amendnents to an approved developnent plan gnder ordinance No. 13, series of r9B1 , to build two-additional rmitsat the vail rnternountain swin and rennis club condominiuns,and to redesign parking and landscaping of lots 7 and g, Block4, vail Intermountain subdivision. Appticant: vail rnternountainSwim and Tennis Club Condoniniuurs. Published in the Vail Trail l{ay g, 19g1 MEM0RAI'IDUl'l T0: Planning and Environmental Comrnission FROM: DATE: RE: Departrnent of Commmity lvlay 7, 1981 Request for rear setback lst Filing to construct Developnent variance for Bud Parks on an addition to an existing 6, bl-ock 5, Vail Village house unit . lot row DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant proposes to build an addition unit. -Ihe property line setback is 20 feet would encroach 8 feet into the setback. The or violated. Unit 6 is the only rowhouse in up'r building lines on the north facade, and to the adjacent buildings. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS on the Gore Creek side of the dwelling in the HDMF zond district. The proposal Gore Creek setback would not be affected this area which does not have "broken the applicant wishes to make rmit 6 sinj.lar review of Criteria and Findin Section 18.62.060 of the ltunici ent recofimen variance ased upon the fol lowing actors : Consideration of Factors The relationship of the requested variance !S othex existing or p and structures i-n the vicinity. The proposal would create uniformity in the treatnent of the building facades on the north elevation of the row houses. The proposal would not negativety affect any sur- rounding properties. The d to':-- 1e which relief fron the str ict or l iteral 1n at L tation and enforcenent ora lation is necessa toa eve c ility and ruriformity of tTeatrnent vlcinit ect ives out grant o special privilege. The row houses were constructed prior to existing zoning regulations and thus, as they exist, additions are extrenely difficult to accomplish without sone sort of setback variance. Another reason for this is that the row houses were divided off into indi- vj"dual 1ots, now of non-conforning size, and they have zero setback situations on the si.de setbacks. No special privilege would be represented in the granting of this variance . The effect of the re ested variance on light and air, distribution of es ul at ion transportation an c facilit.ies. public facilities and utilit an safety . No negative effects would be realized. Such othcr factors and criteria as the comission deens, ap proPosed varlance. BudParks-2-td"yO 1981 FINDINGS: E*g+19$d-Ely:fe!mental commiss i.on shal I make the fol! lw.ilng_gitggC:before grantind a variance: - That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilegeinconsistent with the limitations on other properties classi.fied in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety,or welfare, or rnaterially injurious to properties or improvenents in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interPretation and enforcenent of the specified regulation wouldresult in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsisient withthe objectives of this title. There are- exceptions or extraordinary circunstances or conditions applicable to thesite of the variance that do not rppiy generally to other properties in the sane zone. The strict or literal interPretation and enforcement of the specified regulation woulddeprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propJrties in thesane district. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS : The staff recorunends approval, as this iiinproves the building lna l,as no negativethe row housesr non-conforming lots nakesuch variances being approved. a ninor addition which architecturallveffects on surrounding properties. Aiso,it di.fficult to do irnprovements without Community Development Department ,t o.ok) t, fu>/v,tcf ,/J,'{"en ?ut\t \r*' \ Jn Application APRIL 20, r98; APPLICATION FORM FOR A VARIANCE for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until all information is subrnitted. t Date I.This procedure is required The appS-ication wi1l not be A.NAII{E OF ADDRESS APPLICAI{T MR. BUD PARKS #I CANTIToE LANE , ENGLEwooD, co.pHoNE 773-3079 B. c. NAME OF ADDRESS JAMES APPIICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE COLO}IBO P.O. BOX 1673 vArL, co. 81657 P. COLOMBO ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN ASS pgoNg 476-4098 AUTHORIZATI SIGNATURE ADDRESS \ LOCATION OF PROPOSAT., ADDRESS 303 EAST GORE CREEK DRIVE, VAIL, CO. \l\ PHOl.lE D. LEGAL DESCRTPTION 1ot block FiIing 4rh ,?i id\ E. F. FEE. $f00.00 plus 18f for each property owner.to be notified. A list of the namessubject property and of owners of all property adjacent to thetheir addresses. BARBARA FELLS JAY PRITZKER two First National plaza (312) 62L-4200 3602 S. Gilpin Englehrood, Co. 80110(303) 781-3308 Chicago. 1I1. 6 0670 ROBERT I.,LOYDS LL7 Lake Falls Chigago, I11. fr,\4) ww4 v 'LlSl' OF l"lA'I'lil{IALS 'E-> \NAME OT PROJECT LIICAI, DESCRIPTION:"or@lturor**fufrrlrNc -l .- . --.- .-. -DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The following information is Board before a final approval A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wal1 Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Tri-m Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Raits Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosurers Greenhous es Other PLANT I'ATERIALS {Vegetat irre, Landscaping Botanical Nane required for subrnittal by the can be given: Iype-_of M?tgial applicant to the Design Review Color Szre - .F:reO. 1 <urorNr Baer -* 3i "-rra - - - q\ik ;* on q!.h 3" . fte- uiwrfs +r' 6^c&h - rti- dg ..- .-.-c,tr.\.-.\e -t-- Mrqft# B. Materials including Corunon Name 1'rees, Shrubs, and aYe$ji.r Ground Cover) Size *n' / lE\ Btack. (r\ <.ovae. ,f"", ttoo," -Parl(, A,!'[,4rit Clrecked by ,4, ( Date NEW CONSTRUCTION DRB SUBMITI'AL C}IICK LIST t. Stanped topographic map (2 copies 2. Site plan showing utilitj-es (2copies) 3. Utility location verification 4. . Preliminary title report (1 copy) 5. Landscape Plan (2 copies) 6. Architectural plans (2 copies)(al1 floors and all elevations) 7, Materials list (I set) 8. Color Sanples (l set) 9. Subdivision agreenents (if applicable) MINOR ALTEITATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS 1. Photo or sketch showing alterations (2 copies) 2. Site plan (2 copies) 3. Material specifications (2 sets) 4. Color sanples (2 sets) 5. Letter of approval from condo assoc.(if applicabJc) ADDITIOI.IS - RESIDENTIAL Oi{ COMMERCIAL l. Stanped topographic survey 2, Original floor plan (2 copies) 3, New floor plan (2 copies) 4. Site plan (2 copies) 5. Elevations (2 copies) _L / .{ t -l**t<,,Le r'' lr l )zr'ti ) /6. Photos of existing structul.e (l set) A 7. Material specifications (1 set) B. Color samples (l set) { PUBTIC NOTICE NoTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environnantal Corunission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.06( of the Zoning code of the Toun of Vail on May 11, lggl at i:00 p,n at the Town of Vail Council Chanbers in the !,funicipal Building. Public Hearing and Consideration of: 1. A request for a setback vari.ance fron the required twenty foot setback to construct an addition at Lot 6, iOi East_Gore creek Drive, Block s, Vail Vj.llage tst Filing. Applicant, nuO@ 2. A request for an arnendnent to the Gore Creek 100 year flood plain with the intent of building a duplex at Lot 6, Block 3, vail village llth Filing. Applicant: Carl W. Sunrners, Jr. A request for amendments to an approved development plan under 0rdinance 13, Series of .|981, to build two additional units at the Vail Intermountain Swjm and rennis club condominiums, and to redes'ign parking and landscaping of lots 7 and 8, Block 4, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. Applicant: Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Club Condominjums A request for two variances for Lots A-r and A-2, Lionsridge subdivision,Filing No. 1. one request is to build on a srope in excess of 40%, theother is a setback vaiiance on the south side oi the p"op".ry on sandstoneRoad. Applicant: AAV Linited partnershrp, 3. 4. 5.A request for amendrnents to the density control sectionthe second unit shall not exceed 40% of the total grossallowed on the lot in the prirnary/Secondary residentiallots in the resi.dential district less than 15,000 squaresecond unit exceed 40e" of the total GRFA allowed on theApplicant: A. Peter patten, Jr. of the zoning code tharesidential floor areadistrict. In additionfeet shall not have aIot. Infornation relating to office in the lrfunicipal publ ic. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY A. PETER PATTEN, JR Zoning Administrator rne request is at the conmunity Building during regular business Developnent Departnent hours for review by the DEVELOPMEI,IT DLPARIIUENT Published in the Vail Trail April 24, L}BL /+: Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Zoning Approved: Legal Description: Lot Design Bsard Motion by: DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Official .. ij.lil*r 5 dl fii \- .-\r-.r i ;.' ,i,ri r;.':,' \ lrl - 'il. I ,I La'lt, 1. N)RTH ELEVAT\cN o -_r, h: ,(rl5.r.l ' . 'i' T pct', tlt;?Tlf.,ir syii-$.:i \rrltL t'.l . A 'll .t'"i;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;q ', - ,--. . 1t11,:Er .'i! '*tr-r, a-- i I lit t'.': EVATION I 2Oth 0ctober 1981 Mr Pe ter Jarnar , Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter: r have been requested by Mrs John welles to urite to you regarding her proposed changes in her c ondorninimum /16S in the Vail Townhouses. It is my understanding that her contracter, Mr Michael Wineman has submitted a drawing of the proposed changes, uhich include a change in the roof line on lhe North side of the building, as well as Ehe addi'Eion of a window 9.n all Ehree leve1s, also on the Norch side, tJest of the balconies My letter to you consriEutes an approvar of our Vair House condominimun AssociaEion for these propsed changes.ffiSincerely yours, Bud parls PresidenL Vail Tolinhouse Condo. Assoc. BP/ep ) lrl? t //d-/) /) L^ - 'ra L oo OP/Overatt product, ln ptace 'Dr I trtlrl I4Tr -- 'o!l'AhF' "Hffi H H#ffffi Hffi Hc6 totEi Lrohtcolorqdaru"""F JAt\ro r turnishsd by And6rs"n. O"r, "'o*h €as a.. 'ecommoncr.d o"u" ,o "o l ]Ii PERTI,IA.SHIELI. CASEIIttENT wtNDOWS WHITE OR TERBATOI{E ,+# ffi{f;,+ El{ LqHF-i r-,.r H*[.H Wm *"",Hgffiffiqwffi E, #H"rH*m 4Dmffi ffii .# Hffi Wffiilffif CP unlts tumish€d 3t! onrry only fi1";i;1r *Crir" speciat instructions ,a cbaring. See Owners : yif"l"J'ff LTJ,:ltxxff Bf,|f *n,n r n"r'"' ro, openlng "psctricafl;ni'oi c, cR & cx unirs sae page 48. Jambs Trtgto etazin MENslol wroTH /-n,,tOrrZ*c*la\_ _i 5 -./___\{ odn- B$g-p- - - ,t3_ _ _ ---_J ;OR E CBEEK DRIV E PARKS RESIDSA|CE BLDG 5 3O3 E GORE CREEI :+a*r+ i--l '-. efil'/\ - *rt Ik lr' : ' 'YTt'atl-Altt-:GSJ '' {sFta$ EE.ST ?$KIo**u* ;'.-s ; i i- --:. 'i ,1 .€j =L:-r''i:, li= lt;r,:3.1,.i :-1::-', - .."ti- o -# z,'i iii.!e J f- rlJ!!= I : .' I L'{1 i+.*"i,y boyle engineering, inc 143 e meodow dr suite n-10 crossroods shopprng cenier voil, colorodo 81657 3O3/476-2170 September 9, 1981 Mr. Steve Patterson Building Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject: ?arks Residence' l, '\'1.; i'' 303 Gore Creek Drive, Vajl, Co] orado Dear Mr. Patterson: As per the request of Mr. Randy Kiel of wynman constructjOn, we have reviewed the desjgn of the floor system for the addition to the above- mentjoned structure. Here are our findings: The add'i tion is a triangu'lar floor p1 an with a span from the existing wall line to the new northernmost vertex of about seven feet. tle find 2 x 6 ioists at 16 jnches on center to be adequate for this span. The 6uilder should connect these ioists to the-headers which support them using Simpson U26 hangers, two Simpson L30 angles' or approved alternate. The header a'long the exterior of the existing wall 'l ine will support part of the flo6r load from these ioistsr .lJe find that a built-up beam of four,Z x 6 Douglas fjr No. 2 wi'll be adequate for-this mem- ber. The cohnectjon to the east header shou'ld be made using a S'impson U66R hanger with a skew as specified by the builder. Should you have any further quest'ions regarding this matter, please cal I us. Andrew G. Staff Structura'l Engineer Reviewed by: Timothy M. Boy'le, P.E. AGN:TMB:cdb boyle engineering, inc 143 e meodow dr suite n-10 crossroods shopping center voil, colorodo 81657 3O3/476-2170 September 9, 1981 l{r. Steve Patterson Bui 1d'ing Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai'l , Co]orado 81657 Subject: Parks Residence, Dear Mr. Patterson: 303 Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Co'lorado As per the request of Mr. Randy Kiel of Wynman Construction, we have reviewed the des'ign of the floor system for the addition to the above- mentioned structure. Here are our findings: The addition is a triangular floor plan with a span from the existing wal] 'l ine to the new northernmost vertex of about seven feet. }Je fjnd 2 x 6 joists at 16 inches on center to be adequate for this span. The builder should connect these joists to the headers which support them using S'impson U26 hangers, two Simpson L30 angleso or approved alternate. The header along the exterjor of the ex'isting wa'll line wi'll support part of the f'loor load from these joists. l,le find that a built-up beam of four,2 x 6 Douglas fir No. 2 wil1 be adequate for this nem-ber. The connection to the east header should be made using a Simpson U66R hanger with a skew as specified by the builder. Shou'l d you have any further questjons regarding this matter, p'lease call us. Andrew Staff Reviewed by: Timothy M. Boyle, P.E. AGN:TMB: cdb ffil :- 14965 !ae A.' G. Niels Structura'l Engineer ,#":';'L:ffe:':ff Ilz'cotc Pt-l atooc /o SzrM(K \=_ _ __ fft_-- lEat6MF lrlfr,-l fr\fu. knt ._.----- Llrte4 aW.ryt J--...-.-..--- L6 L feoffi-(. urtfr /\ \ \ -J.\ - -,-<-_-] \ ei?rtab.hna.daa I I q ; I I of 't t i I i I ;tl I rt i I /a -rl *rTn^ |_________ _* ?.R selt+acY.- F L E z i)i F z ?.a.>L>i ri2)u- i,r !4'0t tl ^9:z<e< azzz^3<; <Ooez3E'*x9 9o'i Fqr < o>-<oia4!tr<t cx.\- t$ st (t ,t \: \l\>rr si U' uJt!tl- = = uJ UJF o Iz = s N I ts = J FoF 16.-€IY =6N v =zz!- tr ^ 6z3 i =PEE!4(J81>.(J9onQZXr!<si *96 EFq ftt-.N(J o(,zzEE EB6 fiEaPf }EESEFatt , \.,uJ<OZE@Z= 9- .=iruf3=do* FHE = qtrE OUJOOo-z<) a = IJJ co Iqlsl(Yl I I q z E 4lF =uJz Ict ,,',q r-t q,q I I I oz tr = UJ oz F t!-| o- Jcql c\trrlr\l I I uJ F o F -Jz z !!,, i-ze =z dP it =E== t!;dd= E IJ.J lr uJo- |- trnl 9; s$.. E At\N€ gNE (JE rSBEUt i lls= E\l1J= E =i $l aJl9t.slrFl =l =lao z I]L6J (Uato (uE o (1, U'.:.L .lJo- ui =zo I I I Il*l- I I I,ltdLlt ol =|><=Eo .l- n lltltltlIItltt.ttHI.t\ | ol I'11 .gl I oI ailEI IJJ =l Flt<>l Jl&l <ltrt =l z 6 = J Fot! =ro t <F uJ<z&UJFtqZ ,t trtr! F E F vFaz o zz I I I I I I I I I t-, ,<l6 rtrItL t(J,zl-ro r- ;\\-$' N r._1t-) l-; ' t rr!- < F 1l-"\ =L..+.'-!O .\\=IF \- !r i r,1 - x^! , '!z - tE t^ z2> ?< , IFF . a;; G ;=1 <3 a tIJ Ll-l Lr- E E LIJ o- i =(! z o f ID z F Lr.lE lrlE o co =lr,lt Ll,lEz 6 o F6 o- !r.Jo o- ?z () z o 5 z co f NOrrvntvA tl*tl"-.; h ItYc-t E IE;"t Fb *rEY 'l-FE6 6FEb q 9€P E g 6ryFju, o c:- r: =.- 6 ffi* X F €.h H d #Ptx zlj6'rc:l c o- e z Eoo c zo e uJF ; Luz (Jz E o-o ul o zl UJ! ; z I I I o- t oz z ;!ud=(/r OF3utza>s) Y<F U] LIJ(I)(!cD F iiH3<E ii=9u1 o Lll z z tr =E i h*frJ I Ez f z =Jtu Bo F z () LIJ CL z tr az lJ.lz 9 X=o JFX Ll..l $. tf I! AElT z = E LU z F()ul--)o o3 () GJ I uJ o Jz z za(Do>z O- LL J ."*5 =81coil> F LIJ LL LU F tltlt-lrt.plrltC,l '.'G I--lro: Irlrl fE'P'lt."tvtz F-: Ju- : '$ {,r) rii, t/t lL'ri UJ z co r LrJ z fr 1l =l >l (J tr u.fE E I o- F (J # It1c |q fi 3 Etr fr J al =l LL Eoo = g LUEooi a Eoo 2 To LL =v a L]J(o I .a utz = F LIJF I c <F uJ<zEtIJ F(1 Zo <o(JF -< =zruOtrc E, zt- >d -JZ <E :iFz()*.i< I -r- ;-Y,z>Y /x Etu,F f: rE*r+ tF-"^. !_\JZ J<OaoLr..l L! JO T : : a" -7 ) ; : ?. ..,. J i.j ; '/ \ ; .': l. a .': i t 5 }::::- : j ,,.,ia {4 J. ^t' -: "in aI i I I i I i:" iii I I I I I t, lai li: rB,z ,a) r.i tii:) i) \ u 1) ,, r-I !l ;l t \i Lr.- L::; rl.tiI QT t r.tl.' i,i' o !].: (]: LU o Fl9l o ?_ o E F Fy) :o clz zi]NOIIVO IVA z z.,.ozzmozz JOo- r.L rtnr-] J "3{Z=/'- r\F; -'r -: LUmuiS d, q, o, r! r- ;> OLL (u= tr>- q (u I 5 t 'J ai :l 0: r,) (J i: aa (] al ai :f c,) (: :I: ,2 <( (iz dr :f o- z () (J i-{ at- & (l ; U6 L') F.froo, () o- :J ia tr) L!J L|.J LL: -:-*: L! rl". -.J F l-- 'Il-ao :) d- z F l o-:) tx I lHtzl--rIE IR IE t: l9 IHtt l./j IE I ts z HH rl -ioEtqp4 E t z ;: E(J o z .F) :c '.s\ u' i;i z ;^ f:OO oa z o-l \A\J zI F: at: zo uJ F z (l o- t, tr :>yo.()o.r llct4 6tlrl oz6Z ?Fd;u-t t! ooz<) z d; F _1:Zu)<\ :) -J <F uJ<gc0 ;:> 1^rli { [ 7h.\Et E= ::_a:54OL! d I ct Ltl @ j ijz)z F a)() toO()Lrl o- P F x E :-: ; o lrJE zsl: c z tr c F :a ;n IUFoz (J z F :(Az ul ; F (J I I I oz J lr F: Zr_ Etrl t4 A EH trl E4 aJ) td ;3 tu I tr-\NN i = Ff zi'l = IIrl4l*l [4 1OIErlHIFI 3l sl Uf,vll Lr.| olq<lJ :ll l,-:rc\l +a\l * \Olrll IXIolFalt- NH;1 <d>aI<l --.1 >;I F>l <-: ,.''1 #lt-l FIEIHiHI p4 l<l olcalEI9lol()l I -l ;l I I I I I(nl n!o.l cl ',1 =i I i .^l rj,Jl olol :l <l>i \o I\oD- UI& o = zoH ETt) = H t/f,z z F E I I I I I I I ")lr4 cl(]l <l :I<l>l o a v iItt F tU: J: cv..{ t! <F rJ< t.lJ r- o <o(J F- :'"< urO zl- '_: .(2E:) F, 1oYFz<)a< ;,2>Y J<Oa\ a!u ru ...,r O enLl L. l- L! JdlllrliNlirl I UJ ?o h tr L&l n-z Ot-(J trFazo L) ,,(---\ t " ,li=\i i/fE=-\-L, c=5: Winemo n Construction Compo ny lJff:,1i3'.,.,, bss ?e*s Rr-srsr*v-c, S*\^ep$r€ (303) 949.5222 47644OO Unrr 388 7l zalat ?l z'llq,r lalgt Slrta Bkolg B\Hler 8\zrtg, Slze\er tlrsler €cc.e.retoe- Vhc,-,r Op ql <.uf* €+lu SF G',rr-ro,66ltAttE Fac{G,o w^u^s Asu <,r-cg ft$es-b cr:*+prert egqghb6 r aF 90\}T\t Brs6 .F <'rraa.ioc- 6r €6\lttt B-R€r*€jr e-xcgilAtr'r.r o= *'' c'!{sr€re p*rq rrqr-r.r, ;:::: Nap5l.* ou-irro,rl ;;}:I"*il:uo= coar.-.'*;u \*\ArrE-,*."=".: so.Tr{ Br'o<'' ca*-t$l*.re..Aaas t €:creeioag "-;:rE5 - PERMIT T\Ti,,MBER OF PRoJEcI DATEq!/ff,t JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL RE,ADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER MON TUES WED AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERN FRAMING r.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Vnppcoveo CORRECTIONS: tr .DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PEBMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECTj,L-'" INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED THUR FRI TOWN OF BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " pLYWooD NAtLtNG D GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS -tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Yorrrou=o CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t t PE CTION REQUEST PERMIT MJMBER OF PHOJECT .1.,F(F, - DATE* tNs TOWN OF VAIL i:. READY FOR LOCATION: MON WED CALLER TUES THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE, tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR CTION TOWN OF REQUES.F. VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 7as o 6Gi FRI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: ua) z. wED @ FRI S" BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr ROUGH D HEATING tr CONDUIT N EXHAUST HOODS D tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL .,4 tr tr tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ;ful PROVED EnerruspecroN REeUtRED oarc /2 '- /7-,'f/ rNspEcroR DATE a '* r'o TOWN (.*'/*: ( t--- REOUEST VAIL AM PM N OF NAME ,) l.t,'!( Jl,) -l READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES 6*) '"* FRI 3 o 7 4 ,-<. (.'--.-. ,.- .h- '- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr oFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D, tr tr tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: t DATE t JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: -11 MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR DATE i JOB NAME REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTION: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ..: DATE n CTION REQUEST VAILTOWN OF JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER BU!LDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE-O ROUGH / D.W.V. B ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING \TNSULAT|ON tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL D POOL / H. TUB n FINAL n Fl FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS N CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: VED J4TEINSPECTION REQUIREDtr DATE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE I READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTI ES q@) THUR FRI Jo BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL \rnnvrrr.re tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr D POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL FINAL GAS PIPING ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT fl SUPPLY AIR tr n FINAL fr f*ppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED ETTSPECTtON REQUtRED CORRECTIONS:'F,t/4L- ' F.4f:t -'r,' ' ',, r,, , ( , II OF o I .;rf'n '.. ' -' REQUEST VAIL DATE a READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME r'1F.t)u CALLER TUESMON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH i WATER Et rrusulnrronr tr SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n_ FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr CONDU tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr E FINAL %waoveo 3ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE oq '-INSPECT'? -lP .,4 , DAJE rNSFcroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR a,ffit tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED D RETNSPECION REQUTRFD CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOB ,: ,4 a.REQUEST VAIL -. DATE'a JOB NAME CALLER ,t ,f-\READY FOR INSPECTION: , MOj:d r,TUeS.z -l I n r\ -rf .\rr. r-rl r i ./, 1 i i't,: WED .,'4 THUR FRI AM] PM Z.laQ BUILDING: {roo.,*o, / srEEL PLUMBING: { tr UNDERGROUND -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION -tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o E _____ tr,F61 tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DArE F-zf-r7 rNSpEcr /A REQUEST VAIL q.' READY FOR INSPE proN: PPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .}. Augus t 25, lgg1 Mike !{ineman Construction Box l-482 Vai1, Coloreat g165g Re: Parks Residence condominium remodelinq303 East Gore Creek DriveUnit 6 Dear Sir: As requested, a soils inspection rarasthesubject proj ect.made on August 25, 1981, at rf tte can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to carr-. S incerely, Field Engineer Reviewed & Approved By: Based on this visual inspection, the sandy and cobbled soils exposedin the excavation shouLd be cipable of supporting 2000 psf. The foundation steel placement and foundation forming was alsoinspected' rt was found that three No- 5 reinforcing bars were set and.the forms were built for a 10" by 1g" footing. This exceeds the require-ments on the plans furnished at the job site, which required three No. 4bars and a B" by l-6,' footinq cTA: cjn BOX C-100 AVON, CO 81620 949-5072; DENvER g9O-i531 1420 VANCE STREET LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 232_0158 iJ-.,': G. qfhomas Allen s$l't'-{-rt"%, 4^ffi;"ffi DA"TE JOB NAME READY FOR LOOATION: tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTION: 04 {.AM@ BEINSPECTION REQUIRED ,!I INSPECTOR ':?'+ ''',,o -^ th€Frhiert/vait DATE o tcotoMbo JAMES P. COLOMBO ARCHI]ECI Architeclurol Design Associoles 20 APRrL 1"981 TOWN OF VArL PLANNTNG. CO}4MTSSION RE: APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE OF REGULATION 18.20.060 _ Regulation.18'20.0G0, carls for a 20' setback requirementfrom property lines of build.ing edge, along the Gore Creek, ll_i::!lls properties in btock !, tr.rct B. The specific Loirnvorved, Iot 6, belongs ,to Bud & Greta parks, aid is" incorporated in the Rori Hous-s-project. The other existingunits wh$ch make up the Row Houies'p.oject, 1;a; 3, 4 & 5have an existing setbct< average of 10' . This conditionexists because of ttre aqe of iir" a"r-uo,r""" pr"i""t, whichwas fully constructed and in use prior to th; ;eoption of theabove regulation. .-,.._,-L-o-! 6.proposes to build an addition aLong this frontagevthich would project Ar from the existing fuifaing li.ne aidwguL$.propose an averag'e 12' setback. rf,e aesign and proportionsof this addition would be a conformity to it.-r"iraing iinlsoccuring in the other lots of the pro-ject,, l_ots 3,4 i S. rt should be noted that 10t_6-1ras the onty rot of the projectwhich did not possess the ivpic.t tir,"" al-ong this frontage, forsome unforseen reason.At this time 10t 6 proposes to fo110lr these estabrished &typical lines of the proiecl, to create continui-ty arong theproject frontage. . Therefore, a variance of the requlation in guesti-on wourd. bein order for the following r:..rorr" i ) - to allow for the continuity of the building facade.- because of the tlpical condition exising in Ure-project. - because of the pre-regulation age of the project.- becauee of the lack of infringernent of "rry v1** - corridor, or privacy stature. JPC : kj P.O. Box 1673 Voit, Colorodo S1657 (303) 476_4098 P.O. Box 1445 Aptos, Cotifornio 95003 (408) 688-7508 I COLOMDO JAMES P. COTOMBO ARCHITECT Architecturol Design Associsles 20 APRIL 1981 TOWN OF VAIL PI,ANNING COMMTSSION RE: APPLfCATION FOR VARTANCE OF REG'JLATTON 18.20.060 - Regulation 18.20.0G0, calls for a 20' setback requirementf19m ploferty lines of building edge, al_ong the eore Creek, ?-f_f::!ils properties in block 6, tracr e. The specific lotr-ltvorvedf 1ot,6, belongs to Bud & Greta parks, aird isr'ncorporated in the Row Houses project. The other existS_ngunits wh$ch make up the Row Houies-project, tois-S | 4 & 5hy". an_ existing s-tbck average of lO' . This conditionexlsts because of the age of the Row Houses project, whichw-as fully constructea ana in use prior to thl aioption of theabove regulation. --,^._'L:-!-6-proposes to build an addition along this frontagevrhigl would project 3r from the existinq ruitai-nq r.ine aidwguLf-propose an average r2'! setback. rhe d;;i;n-ana proportionsof this addition would be a conformity to the uuitaing iirrlsoccuring in the other lots of the project, roii-S,4 e 5. rt should be noted that lot 6-was the onry rot of the projectrsbich did not possess the typicit tir,"" "i""g-itis frontage, forsome unforseen reason.At this time lot 6 proposes to follow these established rtypical lines of the pro-ieci. to create continuity along theproject frontage. . lhergfore, a variance of the regulation in question would bein order for the fo1J-owing ,*."orr" ; ) - to allow for the continuity of the building facade.- because of the tlpical condition exj_sing i" tt"project. - because of the pre-regulation age of the project.- becauee of the Lack oi infringement of .rr! lrl..vr-corridor, or privacy st,ature. JPC : kj P.O. Box 1673 Voit. Cotorodo S1657 (303) 476-4A98 P.O, Box 1445 Apios. Cotifornio 95003 (4OS) 6A8-7508 COLOMDO JAMES P. COLOM-BO . ARCHITECT Archilecturol Design Associofes 20 APRrL 198I TOWN OF VAIL PLANNING COMMISSION RE: APPTICA?IoN roR VARIANCE oF REGULATToN 18.20.060 JPC : kj Regulation 18.20.050r calls for a 20' setback reguirementf:9* pT"nerty lines of building edge, along the Gore Creek,affecting properties in block 5, tr.i.ct B. The specific lotinvolved, 1ot.6, belongs to Bud & Greta pu.k=, ila ii--.---rncorporated in the Row Houses project. iir.-"tter existingunits wh$ch make up the Row Houles project, lots 3, 4 & 5.have an existinq setUct average of 10, . this cond.itionexists because of tfre "g; ;i-ihe Row Houses project, whichwas fully constructed ana in use prior i"-tr.E-.dJption of theabove regul.ation. Lot 6 proposes to build an addition along this frontaqeyli:l would-project E' -Fr"*-tfrl .*i"tinq buitding li.ne andwourd propose an average LZt setback. Th" d;;i;n and proportionsof this addition rvould be a conformity to tire nuiioing rinesoecurins in rhe other lots of ttre piojJr,---i";;ll,a r s. rt shour-d be noted that 10t 6.was the only 10t of Lhe projectwhich did not possess tire ivpicut tirr*" arong this frontage, forsome unforseen reason.At this time. lot 6 proposes to follow these estabrished ctypical lines of the pro]*.L, to create continuity along theproje.ct frontage. . Therefore, a variance of the regulation in guestion wourd bein order for the foJ-J-owint ,.""""- ; ) - to a1low for the continuity of the building facade.- because of the tlpical con&ition exising in tire-proj ect.- because of the pre-regulation age of the project.- because of the lack oi infrinqement of .rr| ,ri.*'corridor, or privacy staturel P.O. Box 1673 Von. Cotorodo g1657 (303) 476-40e8 P.O. Box'1445 Apros. Colifornio 95003 (40S) 688_7508 COLOMDO JAMES P. COLOMBO ARCHITECT Archifecturol Design Associoles 20 APRIL 1981 TOWN OF VAIL PLANI{ING. COMMISSION RE: APPLICATToN FoR VARIANCE Or REGULATION I8.20.060 Requlation-18'20-060, calrs for a 20r setback requirementf:9* pToperty lines of building edge, along Lhe Gore Creek,affectinq properties in brock 5, tiact e. The specific rotinvolved, iot'G, belongs .to e"d'c Greta parksr and is' incorporated. in the no# H""".r-p.oject. Th; other exidtingrunits wh$ch make up the Rov, ttouses project, lots 3, 4 & 5have an existing-sltnck ur".ug" of 10, This conditionexists because of ttre age of irre now Houses project, whichwas fully constructed aia in use prior to tr,!-idoption of theabove regulation. , . . Lot 6 proposes to build an addition along this frontagePigl wourd projecr Br from rhe existint-n"irJi"q 1i.ne andwould propose an average 12r setback. trre aesign and proportionsof this addition wour-d be a conforrnifv t"--tt.-u,]irai"g rinesoccuring in the other lots of the project,--iots 3,a i S. rt should be noted. that 10t_6-lrras the only }ot of the projectwhich did not possess the typic.t 1i.,." "i""q-itis frontage, forsome unforseen reason.At this time.lot 6 proposes to follow these established &tlpical lines of the ptoi"cl, io create continuity along theproject frontage. . Sherefore, a variance of the regulation in guesti-on wourd bein order for the following i.r"orrry r - to allow for the continuity of the building facade.- because of the typical conlition exisinj f; ih;-proj ect.- because of the pre-regulation age of the project.- becauee of the lack oi infringement of "n! v1*r'corridor, or privacy stat,urel .IPC : kj P.O 8ox 1673 Vort. Cotorodo 81652 (303) 476-4098 P,O. Box 1445 Aptos, Cotifornio 95003 (408) 688_7508 i r, €t,1{r t 5. The following engineering inforrnation will besubmitted to staff by June 15, Lgg7. a. The revised master drainage p1an.b. The preliminary plan will be revised to show thenew turn-around dimension on the west end of theproperty .c. The road plan will have an engineerrs stamp.The. preliminary plan will be iajusted. for '=quare footage totars due to. he rernovll of the forirguest parking spaces on the west end of theprol ect.d. A letter from Nick Lampiris will be subnitted toaddress the rock fa1l design requirements. Agraphic shalL be subrnitted]e. Gas line and fire hydrants will be indicated onthe utility plan in the appropriate areas. * For information purposes, the staff would like tonote that the major subdivision regulations ."g.rir"the cornpletion of general improver""i= for thesubdivisioT ?s conpletion of general improvernents forthe subdivision as outlined ii section :-7.1,6. 1-50 tobe installed within for years of the dat.e of pECapproval. or the plat sha1l become instantry invalid.AII_ right- to irnprove or develop ttre pioperty on thepart of the owner or subdividei shali tirere6y berelinquished. This requirements i"-"t"t"a in section1,7.L6.330 of the Vail Subdivision neguiations It shall also be noted. that in respect to SDDapprovals, _t!" applicant' must beqi;r construction ofthe speciar developrnent district "itni" r_8 monthsfrorn the tirne_of the project,s finii ipprovafaccording to section 1e.40.l_oo of the ttwn of vailZoning Code. sid seconded the motion and the vote was 3-r- with .].J. corlinsvoting against. sid rnoved and pam-seconded to recommend.approvar of the specialDevelopment District to the Town.councii'i;;-t;"*staff memodated June 8 with the five 5 ""rrJ.rr_o's as amended in themotion for approval of tfre majoi subdivision. The vote was 3-1 with J.J. voting against the motion. 7. A r est for a side setb en IT on Unit 68 ofan Ap cants: Bud and.Gretta parks in order to enl Betsy Rosolack exprained the reguest and explained that thestaff was reconnending approval of the requlst. -J.,r. colrinsmoved and Pam Hopkins selonded to approve the request. Thevote was +-o in iavor. 8. A recrrteqt fr'r a a,^;Ai+i ^q^'t Betsy Rosolack gave the staff presentation and torcl the pECthat the retaiL shop woul_d U" l-j"r"Iry store. The staffrecommendation was for approval .- petel emphasizea tn"t therewould be rittle dema.nd -oir- l0ad.ing and delivery. Betsy pointedout_that this space had previousiy been used for retail. J.J.Coll-ins moved a6 :np5g"e lhe request per the staff memo, butwas concerned that this site be -rookeh at per i;t;r" demands onloading and delivery. pam seconded the motion and the vote was4-0 in favor. Peter led a discussion about landscaping at the ord Town shopsand asked that land'sc_aping re p-stpo-ned -becau"" ii wourd be in:1" ti?lt-of-way of . thl new rriiirway exit ramp. This r,,ras agreedto' Peter also stated that th6re would. be a joint rneeting withthe Town council 0n June 30 to discuss the vail Village MasterPIan and density variances n order to have areca].l- shop in the MountaApplicant: DEnIET-arrara t( -'!rd ?"' SUBJECT: A request for a side setback variance to enlarge anentry on Unit dB, Vail Townhouses, on i"t e ei6":.-6,VaiI Village Ist FilinqAppJ_icants: Bud and er6ta parks r. The applicants_ wish to change the south entry to theirtownhome for the purpose of-handicapped """"'".. This changeinvolves redesign-ing the "ttri.= to'[oin-tnJ-parxs unit onthe first fLoor and the unit above the paris. The changewill not increase the total GRFA of either unit. The Vail Townhomes are zoned Hiqh.Density Multi-Farnily andrequire 20 foot setbacks o' uii'"id;;:--i";;;;;,'!u"nTownhome is 25 feet wid.e, with zero lot lines, making thennonconforning with-regard. to side setbacks. il"rr"", th"changed entry requirei a side setback variance. Planning and Environmental Commission Connunity Developnent Department June 8, L9B7 II. ZONTNG STATISTTCS Zone: HDMF Lot Size: 2,953.27 Setbacks:20 feet TO: FROM: DATE: Requested: Existing: rI, APPLICANT'S STATEMENT sguare feet on all sides setback on east side 0 setbacks on sides, 3O ft front, 25 ft rear &ts tutt= /-v' , ,. S''fl'tt''" :T::.$?rt y""1+ rike ro reconfisure their entry for thepurpose of handicapped access on the south side'of theirhome. This invorves 1 6,_sr prq_jectio;-;;d;-;f the:Il:tiirS structure,. alglr9 tire'.ei"t property line. NoGRFA will be added to th6 paifsi or WeIIesf units.Due to the existing zero lot line condition ;i-;;"condorniniurns and the fact that ihe property is only 26,_Ort wide in the east/west airection,-it-wouid.-f"-"irnpossible to have any structure on the property that isnot within the 20,-0n requirea-siJ. ,"tu5;;5:"t rrThis is a pre-existing condition, and the granting of the variance would have no effect on existing utiliti.es, traffic, public safety, transportation, or light and air, but it would provide a covered access to the Parksl and Wellesr units. Your consideration of this issue is appreciated. tt IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, the municipal code, the Department of recommends approva] of the reguested based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors: Section LB.6l-.060 of Conmunity Developrnentside setback variance The rglaf*or-rship of lhe. reqpegted.vaFiance !o.g.ther existinq or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Zero side setbacks already exist on all 13 tolrnhomes of the Vail Townhomes. The east side setback of zero clearance will be continued for 6.5 feet. This addition is on the lot line adjacent to unit 7. This neighbor was notified of the addition and has not objected to this construction. The degree to which relief from the striqt.and literal t of a =Pecified reqolation is treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the Staff feels that it would not be a grant of special privilege to allow the setback variance €.illce zero setbacks exist on all of the other townhomes in this complex and we have @cks variances in this cornplex previously' The effect of the ted variance on li alr Lr on of rta on and traff acil c fac util and publ satety. Staff feels that there are no significant irnpacts with respect to these concerns. Such other factors and criteria as the cornmission deems applicable to the proposed variance. I'FINDTNGS STAFF RECOMMENDATION 3*:5: r::o$en$, t of the.side setback variance, as That the granting of the variance wilr. not constitute a grantof- special privilege inconsistent with the fimltaiions onother properties classified in the same district. fhat the.granting of the variance wiLl not be detrinental tothe public health, safety or welfare, or naterially injuriousto properties or irnproveients in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literar interpretation or enforcement oftlre specified regulation woirld result in practicaldifficultly or.unnecessary physic"i-ri"id=ilip-rnconsrstent with the objectives of this ti-tfe. There are exceptions or extraord.inary circurnstances orconditions applicabre to the same site ot the variancethat do not apply generally to other prop"rii.s in thesame zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would deprive ttr" -ippiiJant orprivileges enjoyed by the ordners of othei'properties inthe same district. vr. ri-are ons of extraordinary circumstances on the ::::^::?^ !". I "i_ ]iy"ut- wr'ic;-;;-;;- ;.;;;;; "lii;il ;;otherl::!:*i"s^in. this same zone. rd ir-"r."-i"it-if,;t ;;"r r- r-tl,<:g::l:i"g_?f-lh" variance woutd nor be derrimental to theLlt, Lttg:*l::_l::1!l,.,gafety or. wetfare-or rnateriarry-injurious to!ff *:":-r:' - ::_:It1"y!19nts. in irre - vi;i; r l;: - - i " -i;#' #$, "=,llf f_n:: _ :pg1:y:d s ide setbacr<- varia;;;;' i"r-;r;;;rii:: J l*i:li?_.lis devel op'"',t . -F;; -A;;; -;;;;", ;' "i; ;i=;:ii:,r."that it would not be a rf this variance is granted, staff would call attention toIl: ?::ig"^I::i:'soird witrr respecr ro t.yins-io relocate The Planninq and Enlzironmentar cornrnissiqn shalr rnake the@s oefore qr.rrti.rqffi the rarge evergreen tree whicr, "iii-n"-airii"I"jl ,Qr.*.Architcct.A.lCordonR Parks I Residence RemodelLot 6 Block 5 Vail Villaqe First Filinq We are requesting your consideration for the following var- iance to the Town of Vail Zoning Reoulation 19.20.060, (High Density Multiple Family Lot Setbacks). The Parks would like to reconfigure their entry for the pur- pose of handicapped access on the south side of their home. This envolves a 6'-5" projection, south of the existing structure, along the east property line. No GR{{.wj.ll b"g added to the Parks I or Welles r units. Due to the existing zero-lot-line condition of the condominiums and the fact the property is only 26'-0,' wide in the east/west direction, it would be impossible to have any structure on the prop- erty that is not within the 20r-0" required. side setbacks. This is a pre-exj-sting condition and the granting of the variance woul-d have no effect on existinq utilities, traf- fic, public safety, transportat.ion, or hei_ght and air, but it would provide a covered access to the parks I and Welles' unit$. Your consideration of this issue is appreciated t r'/y' 1000 South Frontagc Iload wcsr . vail. colorado lJ 1657 . l0 j 476-4413 /d,/c' Il^'.,,t1,, on*& Ft /---\n ? - t | .Jr'o p 3j' trs,-U "t lt '^tJ t;;/e'{t6';'r d*ix slt r) D 4/ 3; ai"""to'{ 3 { t' 'p -'fitr h')^ 1- -t -., , ,lil-! *td;,1, fJ,, u*o''-- 4;'3),s*:aT1:uq. :1,L.ffi if*.rf t t ffi*-* ;;f-1 i -e;., (r"r^'7Tf Jil # 6r)Z-<s-t"-<- 4 Alf P l-' t/'/ ,lt4 N'* <9 s'-:f f f 6 {c r -7't1oryTfr r rlrr ?frr 7t -t'-, /-", k ;/"-* u'*' -- t- - - z', -7a-{{-/ S Jo"h 4 coJ' ,-1r^J -/*J^t r 6rrq **';hAIJ h{,(, ,Ju t^,;? *_l "u ".o7^^/. rrau'>''- wr lorT'/ (tt €9 1"u',!,2a -:'Y,f3L "^;!'' o// "-u/ !tt rf t; f{t tn,r'-'" Uv nlt -;4 (vn") o'r'u**HJ ' | /"' n-l:{ A u-^-A ' s ./.- ""-/'h*/' J*r 41 ^ t '4// ;-}D s '-J-,-- s, ^-4- htr'a - . , ,t I ffi ilisL'\'e^q 4* ( (, 1r-c)* lvn * n'rd) )tft' d." r1/-" II- -./ / t-: ! ,1 .- '}' l,,t I I I t \ t r,/l I nL- **[-, ]: r4'/ r\ n-ol 7 I. "ouate l{ay 7 , L9B7Appl i cati on PEC MEETING APPLICATION FOR A VARiANCE for any project requesting a vaniance.is submitted. The appl i cation DATE This will A..l-arKs procedure is requireqnot be accepted unt-.i1 I l- information NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS One Cantitoe Lane Englewood, CO 80110 PHONE 773-3079 APPL ICANT' 5 REPRESENTATIVE Gordon R. Pierce, Architect 1000 South Frontaqe Road I{est Vai1, CO 81657 NAME OF ADDRESS PH0NE 47 6-4433 q.- ' NAME OF Ot^lNE [:tOrJ, q+ ADDRESS Enqlewood r 0r1 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 306 East Gore Creek Drive, Unit 6A B, D. PHoNE 773-3079 Vai1, CO 81657 e or print LEGAL DISCRIPTION LOT 6 BLOCK 5 FILING Vail villaqe F E' :u! @ pnro-lboojcr +AllllAFR'Fr-I THE FEE\MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ;r.97 YOUR PROPOSAL. @n list of the-names of owners il^111 property adjacent to the subject propertyINcLUDING PRoPERTY BEHIND Aruo ncnoss irnEiii", inl'tn.ir ma.iting addresses.THE APPLICANT I^/]LL EE RESPONSTBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICAT.IgT...9gTIERENCE l,JiTH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 TDETERMINE IF ANY aoorrrolrnL"irliomnrlor'r ii NilbhD'.'-il0 npplrcnrroN wrLL BEAccEPTED UNLESS Ir-Is coMPfrie 'lr'rusr rr'rCturjr nii-iiir,r! REQUTRED By THE z6NrNGADMINISTRATOR)'-^IT-IS ilrt-npFLiCnr'rls nEiFon'siariiiV"io MKE AN AppoiNTMENTl,JITH THE STAFF TO FINO OUi NEOili-AOUTTIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. ihifilisiiiiilil}trffifi:iJi|li:i,:Jbh,:I?6f,!'Ji'^rlFoiii-?xri if;8'5il_[?fi,ANO ENvIP'0NMErlrAl-^c0MMiiiiorl r'rni-!'iipurnre. -nii'iorroiiioNs 0F AppRovAL MUsr BECOMPLIED I^JITH BEFORE N gUiLDTNC'PENUTT IS ISSNED. Itr. F'uR (4) C'ptES 0F THE F'LL''rNG MUST BE SUBMTTTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STAiiMEITT uuii-ni!o.iioniss. l' The relationship of the requested varjance to other exjsting or potentialuses and structures jn the vicin.ity. rJr'rt'v vr pu{ 2' The degree to which relief from-the strict or riteral interpretation andenforcement or a ipeciii.a regutation-ii-n.l..rury.to achieve.o*pitioirityand uniformity of treatment atong ritui-in-ihi'vicinjty or to attbin theobjectives or this titre wittro;;"s;;;;-of"rp.iiur privi.rege. OVER Mev 25. 1987 Towru or VR r u:: TUE cnRruGes AND ALTERATtoNs FoR THE REMoDELINc oF THE rowNHousE #6, es DRAwN sy SRlroRR SNrrH or Gonoou PreRcs ARcHtrEcrs, HAs BEEN suBMtrrED To rHE Vntl Towrusouse Cor.roow rN I uM Assoc I Ar loN (locarro nr 606 Gonr CnrEr Dn rvr) . As pnEstDENT oF rur AssoctArtoN. I HAVE SEEN AND AppRovED THE NECESSARY CHANGES. )HOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO coNrAcr Snnonn Surru m 476-4433. Ynr rpc rprr v 7-*z€ZJ NRtrrcv P,q,RrEn Pnts tog,rur Vnr I CoruooMlN rurY AssocrAr roN cc: MRs. Penrs Application out"e--[7 ' Le87 PEC MEETING DATE 6 I Y APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I.This will ^ procedure is required for not be accepted until all any project requesting a variance. The appljcation information is submitted. and Greta ParksNAME OF APPLICANT Bud -";;.-o"=-"ADDRESS nHantitoe T-,ane Englewood, CO 801I0 PH0NE 17 ?_'- 307 9 B.Gordon R. Pierce, Architect APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVEffi Road l{est NAME OF ADDRESS Vail, CO 81657 PHONE 47 6-4433 c.NAME OF ADDRESS 0l.lNER(S) (type or print)Dud and Greta Parks s One Cantitoe Lane Enqlewood, CO 80110 PHONE 773-3079 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 306 East core Creek Drive, Ilnit 64 r7ai1, cO iL(,1t7 LEGAL DESCRIPTiON LOT 6 BLOCK 5 FILING Vail Villase First 4i) rm $roo\,\J THE FEE MUS PAID CK#FROM MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. @ e list of the names of owners 9f tff property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACR0SS bfnbtfs, anl their mailing aid"esres.THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR cOnngcf r'tniilr're ADDRESSiS. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE t^IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDTO }DETERMINE ]F ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. ruO NPPIICNTION t.lILL BEACCEPTED UNLESS IT-IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED 8Y THE ZONINGl9IiNIIiR4IqB). IT IS THE APPLicANT's RESpoNSrBririV-ro MKE AN AppoTNTMENTWITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMiiiNI NTQUTNEMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION hIiLL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCE5S FORY0uR PROJEcr sv-DrcfEAsING THE NUMBER 0F coNDrrloNs 0F AppR0vAL THAT THE pLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BECOMPLIED I^/ITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT TS_iSSUED. -- '-' III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOI^IING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l' The relatjonship of the requested variance to other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The- degree to which reljef from the strict or litera'l interpretation andenforcement of a^specified regulation is.nec.ssa"y io i.hi.uu io*puliriiitvand uniformit-y of treatment among sites in the villnity-or to atta.in theobjectives of this tiile without grant or speiiat-p.iuir*g". ( / OVER Vari ance 1|-z-I 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribut'ion of population, I transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. B. A topographic and,/or improvement survey at a scale of at least l" - 20' stamped by a Colorado Iicensed surveyor including locations of all existing improve-ments, inc'luding grades and elevations. 0ther elements which must-be bhown are parking and load'ing areas, ingress and egress, Iandscpped areas andutifity and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed bui 1d'ings. D. 41'l pre'liminary bu'ilding elevations and floor p'lans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. t\ f. A prelim'inary title report to verify ownersh'i p and easementsa F. If the proposal is located in a multj-family development which has a homeowners' association, then wrjtten approval from the association in support of theprojebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any add'itional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator., * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be wajved by the zoning administrator, IV.Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Commission meets of each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. 1,;fur-* \ rvLr on the Znd and 4th Mondaysall accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of the (as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- .,'. I r r.f Cu ".*.,-,., { , f , ',:. l encT ::" F" itra''rc.I-++1. -"'Af''" - "*/ ../l{- ,". h'c; L', i' cr r'' ; ' d t i )-\ t;-')' -,.') { *tr'-""l ..d ,l:.' i" r d,' . t'. /'' i ;..,.. _, r \ List of adjacent property owners to Parks Residence, 306 East Gore Creek Drive, Unit 6A, Vail, Colorado: ) 1. Hyatt Corporation 200 West Madison - 4l"st Floor Chicago, IL 60606 /^c. r. Jay Prr czKer' c/o Simon Zunamon Two First National Plaza Chicago, IL 60603 l, 3. Barbara C. Welles ,^ t/p' I...rt5 :'t(""'r 3602 South Gilpin Street i' Engl-ewood, CO 80110 1| 4. Marion M. Ltoyd 1r. ? /. ?_ t / tl <' Route 1-, Box 32St. Mary's RoadLibertyville, IL 60048 5. Mi11 Creek Court Associationc/o Arthur G. Bishop Company 302 Hanson Ranch Roadvail, co 81657 Po rl(n n Cordon R.Pierce . Architect . A.l.A. Parks' Residence Remodel Lot 6 Block 5 Vail Village First Filing We are requesting your consideration for the following var- iance to the Town of Vail Zoning Reoulation 18.20.060, (High Densj-ty Multiple Family Lot Setbacks). The Parks would like to reconfiqure their entry for the pur- pose of handicapped access on the south side of their home. This envofves a 6'-5" project.ion, south of the existing strucLure, along the east property 1ine. No GRFA will be added to the Parks' or trlelles ' units. Due to the existing zero-1ot-line cond.ition of the condominiums and the facl the property j-s only 26'-0" rvide 1n the east/west direction, it would be impossible to have any structure on the prop- erty that is not within the 20'-0" required side setbacks. This is a pre-existing condition and the granting of the variance would have no effect on existinq utilities, traf- F:^ ^,.1-1i ^ ^^€^L!r.-, pL.lJrr,.. ,:o..r-=u!, transrrortation, or heiqht and air, but it would provide a covered access Lo the Parksr and Welles' unit. Your consideration of this issue is appreciated 1000 South Frontagc Road West. Vail. Colorado 81657.303i416-4433 Cordon l{. Picrcc. Architcct. A.l.A. Parksr Residence Remodel Lot 6 Block 5 Vail Village First Filing We are requesting your consideration for the following var- iance to the Town of Vait Zoning Regulation 18.20.060. (High Density Multiple ramily l.,ot Setbacks) . The Parks would like to reconfigure their entry for the pur- pose of handicapped access on the south side of their home. This envolves a 6t-5" projection, south of the existing structure, along the east property line. No GRFA will be added to the Parkst or Welles' units. Due to the existing zero-lot-Line condition of the condominiums and the fact the property is only 26'-0" rvide in the east,/west direction, it would be impossible to have any structure on the prop- ' erty that is not within the 20'-0" reguired side setbacks. This is a pre-existing condition and the cranting of the variance woul-d have no effect on existinq utilities, traf- fic, public safety, transportation, or height and air' but it would provide a covered access to the Parks I and Welles' unit. Your consideration of this issue is appreciated 1000 South l-rontase lload Wcst . Vail. Colorado tll657 . 103l476-4413 'vGordon I{. l'icrce . Architcct. A.l.n. Parks I Residence Remodel Lot 6 Block 5 Vail Villaqe First Filing we are requesting your consideration for the following var- iance to the Town of Vail Zoning Regulation 18.20.060, (High Density Multiple Family Lot Setbacks). The Parks would like to reconfigure their entry for the pur- pose of handicapped access on the south side of their home. This envolves a 5t-5u projection, south of the existing structure, along the east property line. No GRFA wilf be added to the Parkst or Wellest units. Due to the existing zero-lot-line condition of the condominiums and the fact the property is only 26t-0" rvide in the east,/west direction' it would be impossible to have any structure on the prop- ' erty that is not within the 2Or-0" required side setbacks. This is a pre-existing condition and the granting of the variance would have no effect on existing utililies, traf- fic, public safety, transportation, or height and air, but it would provide a covered access to the Parksr and WeIIes I unit. Your consideration of this issue is appreciated 100() South lrr()ntaqc ltoacl Wcst . Vail. ('olorado t{1657 . 30J,476-4a33 APPLICATION DATE: OATE OF DR8 IIEETING: DRB APPLICATION *T**TTHIS APPLICATION IIILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATIOT{ IS SUBI,IITTEO***** I. PRE-APPLICATION I'IEETING: A pre-application meeting with a p'lanning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional infonnation is needed. No app'lication will be accepted unless it is coirplete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional subrnittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project.by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. pRgJtCT DESCRIpTISN. Addition of barz vrindor^r and re-arrangement of Parks I and l{el1es' enti:ies and f ence. !ta\z lq87 B. LOCATIOI{ OF PROPOSAL: AddfeSS 303 Gore Creek Dr:ive Vail Row Houses Legal Des*iption Lot Bl ock Zoning C. Nl'l,lE 0F APPLICANT:Bud and Greta Parks Address 0. t{At'tE 0F Address E. MI.IE OF 0tlNERS:Bud and Greta Parks Fi I 'ing HDMFD co 8 0110 AppLICANT'S REpRESENTATIVE: Gordon R. Pierce, Architect 1000 South Frontaqe Road West tel ephone 7 7 3- 307'9 tel ephone 47 6- 4 433 Englewood, Vail, CO 81557 \)'" -'/'j ,/'| (') ,' '!'' F. I Canitoe l-,ane Addiess - n"qrewo"a, -dij- eorro . telephone DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE - $ 10,000- $ 5o,ooo- $ 150,000- $ ,5oo,ooo- $1,ooo,ooo $l,000,000 REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS to meeting submlttal requirements, the applicant must stake the site property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the 7 7 3-307 9 $0 $ 10,001f 50,001 $150,001 $500,001$ 0ver $ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 TO THE DRB:IIiIPORTANT NOTICE I . In add'lti on to indicate should also si te. 2. The review process for NElll BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Des{gn Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. t.l 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. tlindows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had 'letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. l I. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED CONSTRUCTION Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveYor's stamP. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' un'less the parcel ,consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals wi] I be accepted' 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders' intermittent streams' etc. ). Avalanche areas, 100 year flood p'lain and slopes 40% or more, if app'licab1e. Ties to existing benchmark, either us6s landmark or sewer invert. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and tYPe of culverts, swalesr etc. b. Exact locat'ions of all utilities to include existing-sources and proposed NEII A. 5. 6. 7. sewer gas water e'lectri c c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d.Proposeddrivewayswithpercentslopeandspotelevat.ions e. All easements 8. Ex'isting and finished grades. 9. A1 I existing and proposed 'imprOvements including structures, landscaped.areas' service o..url"it6rig.-i.eus,;uik;,-driveways,-off-street parking, load'ing iieas, retainini-wiiii (wittt'spot eievations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. B. A statement from each utjlity verifying location of service and availability' To be submitted with site Plan. c. Preliminary title report to accompany all submitta'ls, to insure property ownership F'..and all easements on property. cable TV Tel ephone D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or larger tre-es':other aie on the site and the location and delign of proposed the var'leties and approximate sizes of plant materials 2. Complete landscape materjals ljst. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be 1ost' shiubs and^native plants tha landscape areas with to be Planted. I' N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan' so that the inter-relation of the various-iomponents is-clear. The landscape plan should be i.parit.. rfre-eiisiing iopog.uphic ahd vegetational.characteristics may be a separate map. rne appiiiint muit stale ttre-siie to-show ]ot lines and building corners' Trees that will be lost during construcii;n must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. i. Architectural Plans (1/8" a or larger) 2 copies t' 1.' Must include floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on completion. Elevations must show both existing and fjnished grades. ' 2, Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Cormunity Develop-ment. Color,chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a proiect will comply with design guidelines. I. I'IINOR ALTTRATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or slqetches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan)of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more iormal requirements given above, as long as_they provide all important specifications for the proposed iniluOing colors andmaterials to be used. I. ADOITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. 0riginal floor p'lans with al'l specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies O Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Cormunity Development At the reguest of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each uti'lity verifying location of service and avajlability. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by reglstered professional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of easements. ,V. FII{AL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the project is undervay, the followingwill be requ'ired before any bu'ilding receives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building'locations with ties to property corners, i.€. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. t. All util'ity service lines as-builts showing size of lines, type of material used, and exact locatlons. 2 copies : D. Drainage as-bul'lts. 2 copies E. Basis of bearlng to tie to section corner. F. All property plns are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. All easemnts H. Eullding floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. NANE OF PROJTCT: Parklemodet LIST OF I'IATERIALS 5 Drive ay window and re-arranqemen v 1 by the applicant to the Design Revim COLOR Match existing LEGAI- OESCNIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF Roof Si di n9 Other }lal I ilateri al s Fasci a Soffits I'lindows llindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings,. Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LANDSCAPING: Narc PLANT }IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREE5 6 Gore Creek and-We-llesr entry and fence. The following information is required for submitta'l Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING IIIATERIALS: TYPE OF MTERIAL B.U.R. with Ballast Stucco Match existing Wood Match existing Wood painted Match existing Existing Match existing B.of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Picea Spp. Cormon Name C rr r-r l a-a Picea Spp.Spruce Poplus Spp.Aspen EXISTI}IG TREES BE REIIOVEI) T0 Picea Spp.Spruce Si ze* l0' 6' Bl Gordon R. Pierce, Architect *Indicate callper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. 20'. ' { 'plRHt URTERIALS: Botanical Name Cormon Name Quanity Size(con't) -. -,lltnt.l r l.)ar^ SHRUBS EXISTII{G SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Type GR0UI'|D CoVERS wood deck Communis Junniper 7 6 ga1 . cans Square Footaqe Native grass 100 s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I-IETHOD OF EROSIOlI CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swirming poo]s, etc.) please spec.ify. Wood fences and screen walls to match existinq. List of Adjacent Property Owners of the parks Residence,306 East Gore Creek Drive, Unit 6A, Vail, Colorado: 1. Hyatt Corporation 200 West Madison - 4l_st FloorChicago, IL 60606 2. Jay pritzker c/o Pete EdringtonVail Associates, Inc.P.O. Box 7Vai1, CO 81658 3. Barbara C. Weltes 3602 South Gilpin Street Englewood, CO 801_10 4. Marion M. Lloyd Route L, Box 32St. Mary's RoadLibertyville, IL 60049 5. Mill Creek Court BuitdinqArthur G. Bishop & Co.302 Hanson Ranch RoadVai1, CO 81657 ,,.7--* -L,/ shi/ f ) o 4- A request for a side setback variance and a density variance i-n order to enlarge an entry on Lot 6, Block 5, Vail village 3.st Filing. Applicant: Bud and Greta parks 5. A reguest for a cond.itionar use permit in order to have a retail shop in the Mountain Haus rocated on part of rract B, Block 5, Vail Village rirst Filing. Applicant: Daniel Allard The applications and information about the proposars are available in the zoning adrninistratorrs office during regular office hours for public inspection, TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT THOMAS A. BRAUN Zoning Adrninistrator Published in the Vail Trail on May 22, L9B7 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Cornmission of the Town of Vail wiII hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.65.060 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on June 8 , 1987 at 3 3 00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. epplication for a special developrnent district and for a rnajor subdivision reviev.r for Lionsridge Filing 2, The Val1ey, Phase III, to be knorm as Elk Meadows Subdivision. - Applicant: t-,anay/iapital Corporation 2. Request to extend an approval for SDD No. J-4, Doubletree Hotel , for an additional l-8 months. Applicant: Vail Holdings 3. A request for a density control variance in order to enclose a balcony on the second floor of Unit 2r Capstone Townhouses on Lot 2L, a Resubdivision of Buffer Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Mr. Lee C. Rirnel J l. i>:_- i5'4 .-.- \Q's / \-\-.,, ^ ./\ o r5 e c---.) I t- rsn.l Lt ,h.-r.\ ffiq$ oo t: \ \ $ $ $ E d $iri ).-'\ - .,.\ l.\ I \-) o q-, a -l ll3 :l- t- 0 It { a $ s\l $; r$o if;$ L.r) t &tl ,^, flst 11 1/e, , r ( uoJ'r,*i,,,.,jv ' L' ' '*ulC t -L Lr / t-/-t.D.Y. l,-.'tL( \ It o,3t z/ f 3f z6 eL'f !-32-06,) t.r3,e x ",_ rJ:_r_ s--,1_,-?_, s _. L 4(, q! / 35-L t-Q!-? =-L- -j - - Zs tf x €.9-t r f o :: ( l7Fft ..- r-l I I i4* d- t^ L:a t4-:>-w- c+ ** -,tt --*&-==E-Lt-i --At- 0,* rt <-j---, r>'fl- n7 /^, ^_-tr_1 r,_r t . Lt--: - f{-r !..1,r"}- H. t*...:-Y..-= _?_z t 1* t_f !11'z_ ln '--.. Qf.&- GIY-\t \- f.a,u A / fv-+--.fl*" e41:" t4,,=-=51q _s- iJ urc- V---7-f l.t- ? t'.+o .t(- c-l-( n--- , y'*- e.r,+-.- / ?-d eal [?-' QI B t? .L C r( r",rvo4 4 ft /'-/tti' t 1Tr t | -C-Lta FQ-*tt- unJ. . tJJ--") r lfr" - rlo4 €pr-* :l qt) : I 36, f 'x ttf ' L fu.*' x L *- l+l B //.1-x Y,'7 -- loo 6, fJ _F_,:1 . ?s-6,f }*rt I u l f*J^ z-f 1 0 v ?, D ffi 64 $ 5aq '.PD ?-.?-|?,r' l1 tL tl" 1S L-l <' tt /i. U ) rrr I l, / I +rI tlt 4pr1124,1987 Town of Vail Design Reviev Board Dear Sirs: As co-president of the Vail Tovnhouse Association, I would like to ackrolrledge our a{/areness of the plans of the Parks fanity for their unit. It is our understanding that the Parks vill be making entraf,cE and iaterior modificatioas to their u$il to accomodate their sof 's wheelchair- The most closely affected o$/ners have seen the plans submitted by Gordon Pierce. Thank you for your attentiofi to this plan. Nancy Parker Co-President Vail Tovnhouse Association 44 So- Birch Denver. Co.80222 32A-662A ?P'''tu - Phrct BrlrEl & tltsbugh Scotl Inc. Arch itecture Ftanning P. O. Box2299 Vall, Colorado 81657 l,' October 25, 1976 Di ana Tough'i 1 I Town of Vail Zoning Administrator Box .l00 Vail, Colorado 8.l657 Dear Diana: Mr. and Mrs. Parks, who lfve in the Vail Row Houses, asked our firm to look into the possibility of adding a three story bay window to their two bedncoms plus the neighbor's bedroom. I've enclosed a very rcugh draft of their proposal for your revi ew. I'll be in touch with you very soon regarding this project. Very truly yours, rdon R. Pierce GRP/Jm EncI osure 3CE 47F3038 t r. T0l^lN 0F VAIL BOARD OF ZONING, APPEALS AND EXAM]NERS MINUTES FOR MEETING OF AUGUST }20 1971 l"leeting Cal-leC to Order A. The rneeting was cal1ed ro onde:r at g:20 invart uri l-ce . T::e folLowing members welre present: Messrs. Clark, Viele,Knox, Young and Struble (ex-officio) u. J.ne rortowlng guests were present I Messns anci. Keller. D. The minutes of the meeting of July B, 197I Past tsusiness contnactons license fon Percy saddo:ris d,/b/a valley plurnbingAfter considering all possibilities, rhe Board decided they:had no other choice than to issue a license and if there.are further complaints, Mr. Saddonis \,rill_ not be issued al-icense next year. M:r. Knox made a motion that we,gnanra license to Mr. Saddoris which was seconded by Mn.-Viele.Mr. Young abstained from voting as he felt M:r. Sad.donisshould not be granted a license due to cer:tain problemsthat the Bank of Vail had expenienced. Business .{-L^ rn^,,- ^€Llre I(,wtl t -L Goi:such, Craig . were approved. II A 0 I-r-I. I\gW A. case Z-B-71 - David Gorsuch - Request fon setback variance.Mn. Gorsuch reguested that he be allowed to erect a twocar garage within 5t ( in lieu of 10r) of proDentv line.Mn. Clar"k stated that Mr. pulis had ver"baifv-oUjected tothe var"iance when M::. Ctar.k ip"r..*i.";il*;;'SJnaay, August B;howeven, Mr. Pul-is did not appean at the meeting nor lod.gea fo::mal comptaint in writing. Mr. Clark informed theBoand that the notice requirement of the Ordinance hadbeen met and that in addition, he had personalry informedlr'rr. Pulis of the time and pl_ace of the neeting. Ir waspointed out by both Mn. clirk and Mr. Gorsuch that the lotnext to the p::oposed setback vaniance is not useable as abuilding site as it dnops off at suqh an angle that a housecould not be built on this lot. Mn. Go'sucd also showedthat the garage would be aesethetically nore pleasing withthe garage l-ocated so that the vaniance is ne ee s su.:.y-thanj-f the gar.age were placed on the 1ot in such a fashion tomake the var:iance unnecessary. Mr. Knox made a motion .thatwe gnant the variance if Mn. Gorsuch would agree to planttrees along the propenty line toward the pulis house. Themotion was seconded by Mn. young and passed by the Boand withMr. Clank voting negatively. Board of Zoning, app"-O*r,aMinutes of i{eeting of August r o.Be z. IV. Examinersl2: IgTl p B. Case B-9-7L - Elton Parks, Jn. by Kellen Const::uction -Request for buitding variance to erecr stedt spiral stainin place of existing wood stairs. The Board asked fonM::. Struble's opinion and he stated rhat he feLt that thesteel spiral stain will- be much safer than the existine H;'.:531" ;";:.1:il';51 ;:03";; il:: T::1"'i: Hlll:"Tn3;il*;",'""and seconded by M:r. Knox and approved unanimousl_y by the Board c. case ts-10-71 - Vail- Associates - Request for building va:rianceto al-low use of 36rt guandrail- in lieu of 42il guandnail inaccorciance with the uniforn Builciine code fon the Gold. peakAddition. It was pointed out that fhe new guandrail is acontinuation of existing guandnail which is 36" in height.The appearance of a 42rt guandr"ail connected to the exiitine36rr guardrail_ would not be pleasing. There is also aproblem or space if the 36rr guardrail is replaced entinelywith new materiar. Mn. Knox made a motion that a variancl .be granted. The motion was se.ronde,l trv Mr- Y^!'n^ ih.r Fr^-^r ,.---..*^.._... -.'-..:-':'"; ::l: r\]s\-r uJ rr't ' r-\JLrrr6 o'rru l'/cr'-Dc!'r!, r€lr r -L,.lrv (rD-r-y by the Boand. Mr. struble stated that he hasno objection to this Other Business A. The following apprications fo:: contractorsr licenses were:approved subject to r"eceipt of insurance certificates: 1. Athey Beaman Company, Inc2. Dover^ Elevator Companv3. Eagle Valley Roofing4. Fowler t Son5. Gul-f Automatic Spninkl_en Company6. Howand Elect::ic7. Steve Jones8. Ludwig Ku::z and Karl Hochtl_9. Quality Plastering10. C. A. Stanley Plumbing and Heatingli. fsiodoro QuintanaL2. R. A. Waffensmith 6 Company13. Garfield Roofing Company1r+. Ace Roofing Company, Inc15. Terr"ence p. Cowhey B. rt was also discussed what procedure shoul-d be followedwhen contractors have failed to get insur"ance informationinto the Town of Vail office, afier a reasonable periodfrom the date a temporary l_icense is issued. It was de-ci-ded that the er"rant contl-actons should be written lettersto be sent by certified mair stating that their l-icenseswould be nevoked within 7 days from the date of the letteri-f insurance information is not received within that time. aJ, 6'f -71 o APPLICAT IO N BOARD OF BOARD OF r, van 0f SO Jll {/n- r m the nequJ-rethe Vail Zoning 0rdinance onder to TO APPEAR BEFORE THE ZO }.trNG ADJUSTMENT BUILDING APPEALS it t respectfully nequest Bui Code or,oeri.g o rn rnaking a determination on zoning the Boand considens only, 1. un_9if l1f9:t iq, 2..need fon the-fnop6sea_.ruoi",l"., 3. compatibility oftne ppoposed vaniance with the'sui.no""ai"!--"""] ,*. effect on futunedeveJ.opment of the a:rea and, 5. health, safety, ;; ti"-""fiil-;;the inhabitants of the fown. rn.building code vaniances the Boand may eonsider on1y, 1. suit-ability of altennate mateniats and meth6ds of construction and,2' neasonable intenpnetatiotrs oi th" til;i"i;""-"i t},. code. The Adninistnative lffigi$ rnay challenge any variance gnanted whichgoes beyond the gcope of the p6,oaos of the Board.'o"-= 5r'curLeq wlr .rt is understood that a fee of $28.00-is payabJ.e in advance and thata ten (10) day posting peniod-'is-r.equir.ea'pi,io"-to a public hea:ringOn the aboVe nequests. ev .. t' t'rr'r'rs rrEclrlrl i I ! j Signed: o \